HED Alphabetcal (A-Y) 20230111

GPS 汉拼 英译与词句 gps# Nos. Images
30 8 ā (brief utterance to urge draft animals on) giddyap.⁶
<又> dã. (See 咑 dã.)
a1 1
30 11 ā mute, dumb; speechless, silent; (of a bomb) unexploded, dud; hoarse, husky.⁶
哑巴[啞巴] ā-bä yǎba a dumb person, mute.⁵
哑口无言[啞口無言] ā-hēo-mũ-ngũn
yǎkǒuwúyán to be rendered speechless; to be dumbfounded.³⁹
哑咤嘈杂[啞吒嘈雜] ā-jä-tão-dàp
yǎzhàcáozá the noisy sound of a crowd.³⁹
哑剧[啞劇] ā-kēk
yǎjù pantomime.¹¹
哑铃[啞鈴] ā-lẽin
or ā-lêng yǎlíng (gymnastics) dumbbell.⁵
哑谜[啞謎] ā-mãi
yǎmí puzzling remark; enigma.⁶
哑然[啞然] ā-ngẽin
yǎrán soundless, silent; sound of laughing.⁶
哑语[啞語] ā-nguî
yāyǔ dactylology; sign/finger language.⁶
哑炮[啞炮] ā-päo
yǎpào dud.⁶
聋哑[聾啞] lũng-ā
lóngyǎ deaf-mute; deaf and dumb.⁹
嘶哑[嘶啞] xü-ā
sīyǎ hoarse; croaking; rusty.⁶
喑哑[喑啞] yïm-ā
yīnyǎ mute; dumb.⁵ mute and dumb; (of voice) hoarse, husky.⁶ dumb.¹⁴
(See 啞 [ā, ].)
a1 2
30 11 ā (=呀 [à, ]) expressing surprise.
哑哑[啞啞] ā-ā
yāyā (of a baby) to babble; (of a crow) to caw.⁶ descriptive of bird cry, creaking or crackling sound; <wr.> a chuckling sound.¹¹
哑哑学语[啞啞學語] ā-ā-hòk-nguî
yāyāxuéyǔ (of a baby) to babble out his first speech sounds; to learn to speak.⁶
(See 啞 [ā, ].)
a1 3
30 12 ā ō an exclamation.⁷
喔, 原来是(系)你[喔, 原來是(係)你] ā, ngũn-lõi-sì(hài)-nî ō, yuánláishìnǐ. Oh, so it's you! (Note: Use 是 when you are reading. Use 系 when you are speaking.)
<又> ūk.
(See 喔 ūk.)
a1 4
64 5 ā to strike, to whip, to hit, to do, to play, to beat, to fight.
打倒 ā-āo dǎdǎo to overthrow; to knock down.
打扮 ā-bàn
dǎban to make up; to dress up.
打喳喳 ā-chä-chä
dǎchācha to talk in a whisper.¹¹
打桨[打槳] ā-dēng
dǎjiǎng pull an oar.¹ to row a boat.¹⁴
打电话[打電話] ā-èin-và
dǎdiànhuà make a telephone call.
打呼噜[打呼嚕] ā-fü-lû
dǎhūlu to snore.⁹
打嗝 ā-gäk
dǎgé to hiccup; to belch.²²
打击[打擊] ā-gēik
dǎjī strike, attack.
打听[打聽] ā-hëng
dǎting to inquire/ask about.
打仗 ā-jëng
dǎzhàng to wage war; to fight a battle.
打针[打針] ā-jïm
dǎzhēn to give or have an injection.⁶
打球 ā-kiũ
dǎqiú to play a ball game using arms/hands.
打蜡[打蠟] ā-làp
dǎlà  to wax (a car, floor).¹⁰
打量 ā-lẽng
dǎliang size up.⁹ conjecture.¹¹
打猎[打獵] ā-lèp
dǎliè to go hunting.⁵
打破 ā-pö
dǎpò break; smash.⁵
打胜仗[打勝仗] ā-sëin-jëng
dǎ shèngzhàng win a war.⁹
打闪[打閃] ā-sēm
dǎshǎn flash of lightning.¹⁰
打伞[打傘] ā-xän
dǎsǎn to use an umbrella.
打算 ā-xön
dǎsuàn plan; intend.⁹
打扰[打擾] ā-ngêl
dǎrǎo to disturb; to trouble.
<台> 打交 ā-gâo/ to fight.
<又> dā.
(See 打 dā.)
a1 5
64 11 ā to shake, to wave; to scull, to row; to agitate.² brandish, wave; scoop.¹⁹ to shake.¹⁰²
(comp. t: ⿰扌亞; U+6397). (comp. s: ⿰扌亚; U+631C).
挜㩡[掗㩡] ā-lō
yǎluǒ to agitate.²⁴ to shake, to rattle.¹⁰²
Gō-ngẽin-nã-vö-lī-hï-hãng-hãng-ēik, jī-lēl-bön-vö-gön-fàn. Diù-bā-bôt-yĩ-vông-lī-yīt-ā, mōn-mōn-ēik-ā-lēl-yīt-bôt-yĩ.
Guǒrán nà guō lǐ qì téngténg de, zhǔle bàn guō gānfàn. Jiù bǎ bōyú wǎng lǐ yī yǎ, mǎn mǎn de yǎle yī bōyú.
Sure enough, that pot was steaming, and half filled with cooked rice, so he thrust his begging bowl into it and filled it to the brim. Excerpt from 《西游记·第五十回》.
<又> ä.
(See 掗 ä).
a1 6
76 12 ā (=哑[啞] ā mute, dumb; speechless, silent; (of a bomb) unexploded, dud; hoarse, husky.⁶ shortwindedness, hiccough, asthmatic breathing; to exhaust; extreme.⁸).²
(composition: ⿰亞欠; U+3C33).
<又> ä.
(See 㰳[ä, yà]; 㰳[ä, yā]).
a1 7
104 13 ā mute, incapable of speech; (=哑[啞] ā q.v.).⁹ dumb; dull, as certain sounds.¹⁴
痖吧[瘂吧] ā-bä
yǎbā a dumb person.¹⁴
痖吧吃黄连[瘂吧吃黃連] ā-bä-hëk-võng-lẽin
yǎbā chīhuánglián like a dumb man eating bitter root – he cannot speak of his bitterness.¹⁴ (Note: 黄连[黃連] võng-lẽin huánglián <TCM> Coptis chinensis; bitter life.)¹⁵ʼ²⁰
痖板[瘂板] ā-bān
yǎbǎn a (dollar) with a dull ring when struck.¹⁴
痖子[瘂子] ā-dū
yǎzi a dumb person.¹⁴
痖口[瘂口] ā-hēo
yǎkǒu unable to speak.²⁴
痖口不言[瘂口不言] ā-hēo-būt-ngũn
yǎkǒubùyán sulky; unwilling to speak.¹⁴
痖喉[瘂喉] ā-hẽo
yǎhóu to lose the voice.¹⁴
痖地[ 瘂地] ā-ì
yǎde voicelessly.¹⁰
痖门[瘂門] ā-mõn
yǎmén the hollow in the back part of the head near the neck.²⁴
痖嗓子[瘂嗓子] ā-xông-dū
yǎsǎngzi a hoarse voice.¹⁴
吃痖吧亏[吃瘂吧虧] hëk-ā-bä-kï
chīyǎbākuī to suffer in silence like a dumb man.¹⁴
瘖痖[瘖瘂] yïm-ā
yīnyǎ dumb.²⁴
一点痖[一點瘂] yīt-ēm-ā
yīdiǎnyǎ a little hoarse.¹⁴
(See 啞 ā).
a1 8
157 15 𨁶
ā improper behavior.² to walk awry.²⁵
(composition: ⿰⻊亞; U+28076).
<又> ä. (See 𨁶❄{⿰⻊亞} ä).
a1 9
2 3 ä girl.
丫头[丫頭] ä-hẽo yātou girl; maidservant.
or 丫环[丫環] ä-vãn yāhuan <old> servant girl, maid; maidservant.⁶
<又> â.
(See 丫 â.)
a2 10
7 7 ä a former variant form of 亚[亞] ä inferior, second.⁸ʼ³⁶ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿱⿻丌口一 or ⿻工中; U+4E9C).
(See 亞 ä).
a2 11
7 8 ä inferior, second.
(former simplified and variant form: 亜 ä ).
t: ⿳一⿰⿳丨一𠃑❄{U+200D1}⿳𠃑❄{U+200D1}一丨一; U+4E9E). (comp. s: ⿱一业; U+4E9A).
亚军[亞軍] ä-gün
yàjūn  runner-up (in sports).
亚洲[亞洲] Ä-jiü
Yàzhōu Asia.¹¹
亚洲胡狼[亞洲胡狼] Ä-jiü-vũ-lõng
Yàzhōuhúláng or 金豺 gïm-chãi jīnchái golden jackal Canis aureus.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
亚硫酐[亞硫酐] ä-liũ-gön
yàliúgān sulfurous anhydride.³⁹
亚麻[亞麻] ä-mã
yàmá flax.
亚热带[亞熱帶] ä-ngèik-âi
yàrèdài semitropics, subtropics, subtropical zone.
不亚于人[不亞於人] būt-ä-yï-ngĩn
bùyàyúrén not inferior to anyone, second to none.
圣地亚哥[聖地亞哥] Sëin-ì-ä-gō
Shèngdìyàgē San Diego.
(See 亜 ä).
a2 12
30 6 ä ā used in translation.⁸ phonetic a, similar to 呵; -azine.¹⁰
吖啶 ä-èin ādìng <chem.> acridine.⁶ acridine (antiseptic and disinfectant).¹⁰
吖啶橙 ä-èin-chãng
ādìngchéng <chem.> acridine orange.⁶
吖啶染料 ä-èin-ngëm-lèl ādìngrǎnliào acridine dye.⁶
吖啶黄[吖啶黃] ä-èin-võng
ādìnghuáng <med.> acriflavine; euflavine.⁶
吖嗪 ä-tũn
āqín -azine; heterocyclic compound containing nitrogen in their ring such as pyridine 吡啶 bī-èin bǐdìng C₅H₅N, pyrazine 哒嗪[噠嗪] àt-tũn dāqín C₄H₄N₂ or pyrimidine 嘧啶 mìt-èin mìdìng C₄H₄N₂.¹⁰ <chem.> azine.⁶
吖嗪染料 ä-tũn-ngëm-lèl
āqínrǎnliào  <chem.> azine dye.⁶
<台> 吖 ä used as a final particle, whereas 呵 ä is used as an initial particle.
<台> 重鹌吖[重鵪吖] chüng-ëim-ä  very heavy (weight).
<台> 轻坪吖[輕坪吖] hëng-pēng-ä  very light (weight).
<台> 平葜吖 pẽng-hät-ä  very cheap (inexpensive).
a2 13
30 10 ä á interjection expressing doubt or asking for an answer or repetition of something just said.
啊,你说什么?[啊,你說什麼?] Ä/, nî-sōt-sìm-mō  Á, nǐshuōshénme?  Eh, what did you say?
啊,你再说![啊,你再說!] Ä/, nî-döi-sōt!
Á, nǐzàishuō! Eh, say it again!
(See 啊 [ä, ā], [ä, ǎ], à.)
a2 14
30 10 ä ǎ
interjection expressing doubt.
啊,这是怎么回事?[啊,這是怎麼回事?] Ä, jëh-sì-dīm-mō-või-xù? Ǎ, zhèshìzěnmehuíshì? Well, what's the matter? Well, how did it all come about?
(See 啊 [ä, ā], [ä/, á], à.)
a2 15
30 10 ä ā
interjection expressing admiration or surprise.
啊,这花儿多好哇[啊,這花兒多好哇] Ä, jëh-fä-ngĩ-ü-hāo-vä! Ā, zhèhuārduōhǎowa! Oh, what a beautiful flower!
(See 啊 [ä/, á], [ä, ǎ], à.)
a2 16
30 13 ä/ á (=啊 ä/ á) interjection expressing doubt or asking for an answer or repetition of something just said.
嗄,你说什么?[嗄,你說什麼?] Ä/, nî-sōt-sìm-mō 
Á, nǐshuōshénme?  Eh, what did you say?
嗄! 你又迟到了?[嗄! 你又遲到了?] Ä/, nî-yiù-chĩ-äo-lēl
Á! Nǐyòuchídàole? What! Are you late again?²²
<又> hà.
(See 嗄 hà.)
a2 17
32 11 ä (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 垭[埡] ä with same meaning: the narrow space between two mountains (often used in geographic names).⁹)
<又> vü.³
(See 埡 [ä. ], vü.)
a2 18
32 11 ä The narrow space between two mountains (often used in geographic names).⁹
轿子垭[轎子埡] Gèl-dū-ä  Jiàoziyā place in 湖南 Vũ-nãm Húnán Hunan Province.⁸
马头垭[馬頭埡] Mâ-hẽo-ä
Mǎtóuyā place in 湖北 Vũ-bāk Húběi Hubei Province.⁹
黄桷垭[黃桷埡] Võng-gôk-ä 
Huángjuéyā place in 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan Province.⁸
垭口[埡口] ä-hēo
yākǒu narrow mountain pass.⁸
<又> vü.³
(See 埡 [ä. ], vü.)
a2 19
38 11 ä a mutual address between one's sons-in-law.⁷
姻娅[姻婭] yïn-ä yīnyà relatives by marriage, in-law.⁵
a2 20
64 11 ä take; hold; give forcefully.⁸ <wr.> to force someone to accept something they don't want.⁹ to attach; to brandish; to hold.¹⁰ to hold, to grasp fast, to hold and shake.¹¹ forcibly give or sell things to people.¹⁹ take; hold; give forcibly.³⁶ to shake; to take.²⁴ to take up; to urge one to take.¹⁰²
(comp. t: ⿰扌亞; U+6397). (comp. s: ⿰扌亚; U+631C).
挜把[掗把] ä-bā
yàba <wr.> to have in one's grasp or firm control.¹¹
掗靶 ä-bā
yàbǎ =把持+摆布[擺布]: 把持 bā-chĩ bǎchí to control, to dominate; to monopolize; 摆布[擺布] bāi-bü bǎibù to manipulate, to order about, to arrange, to decorate, to dispose.¹⁹
挜擺[掗擺] ä-bāi
yàbǎi (See 掗靶 ä-bā).
挜贾[掗賈] ä-gū
yàgǔ forcibly sell.¹⁹
挜托[掗托] ä-hōk 
yàtuō forcing people to buy and forcing people to sell.¹⁹
挜卖[掗賣] ä-mài
yàmài to press one to sell.¹⁰²
挜目[掗目] ä-mùk
yàmù to pluck out the eyes.¹⁰²
挜相知[掗相知] ä-xëng-jï
yàxiāngzhī forcibly make a relationship.¹⁹
<又> ā.
(See 掗 ā).
a2 21
75 12 ä (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 桠[椏] â with same meaning: fork (of a tree).⁵)
<又> â.
(See 椏 â.)
a2 22
76 12 ä asses braying.⁸
(composition: ⿰亞欠; U+3C33).
欭㰳 yïn-ä yīnyà the braying of an ass; to belch.²
<又> ā.
(See 㰳 ā; 㰳[ä, ]).
a2 23
76 12 ä reverse flow of air (out instead of in).⁰
(composition: ⿰亞欠; U+3C33).
<又> ā. (See 㰳[ä, yà]; 㰳 ā).
a2 24
84 12 ä argon (Ar).⁶
氩激光器[氬激光器] ä-gēik-göng-hï yàjīguāngqì argon laser.⁶
氩气灯[氬氣燈] ä-hï-äng
yàqìdēng argon lamp.⁶
a2 25
94 12 ä a mythological man-eating beast.⁹
猰㺄 ä-yĩ or jāt-yĩ yàyú An ancient legend of a savage man-eating beast, like a tiger with a tiger's claws and runs very fast.⁸
<又> jāt.
(See 猰 jāt.)
a2 26
112 13 ä   uneven or rugged terrains.⁵⁴
碨䃁 vì-ä wěiyā rugged.²⁵
a2 27
112 15 ä uneven road paved with stones.⁸
(composition: ⿰石害; U+78CD).
磍𥓑❄{⿰石刹} ä-chēk yàchuò rugged, uneven ground.²ʼ²⁵
<又> hàt; gït.
(See 磍 hàt; 磍 gït).
a2 28
115 13 ä a kind of rice plant; shaking and waving of the rice plant.⁸ a variety if rice.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰禾亞; U+7A0F).
䆉稏 bä-ä bàyà or 罷稏 bà-ä bàyà or 罷亞 bà-ä bàyà a variety of rice, but one authority defines this as the ear of grain.¹⁰²
a2 29
153 16 ä a fierce man-eating animal in legend.⁸ an animal with tiger's claws, that runs very fast and eats people.²⁵
䝟貐 ä-yĩ yàyǔ an animal like a tiger, that devours people.²⁵ an ogre predator with a dragon's head and tiger's paws.⁵⁴
a2 30
157 15 𨁶
ä a fork in a road.² a diverging road.²⁵
(composition: ⿰⻊亞; U+28076).
<又> ā. (See 𨁶❄{⿰⻊亞} ā).
a2 31
162 11 ä (interchangeable 亚[亞] ä ) the next in order; secondary; second (in excellence), inferior; lower.⁸
(composition: ⿺辶亞; U+489D).
(See 亞 ä).
a2 32
167 15 20509-gt.gif
ä ā actinium (Ac).⁶
锕系元素[錒系元素] ä-hài-ngũn-xü āxìyuánsù <chem.> actinides.⁶
锕射气[錒射氣] ä-sèh-hï
āshèqì <med.> actinium emanation.⁶
锕铀[錒鈾] ä-yiũ
āyóu <chem.> actinouranium (AcU).⁶
锕铅[錒鉛] ä-yõn
āqiān <chem.> actinium lead (AcD).⁶
a2 33
170 7 ä à 阿嘛 ä-mã à-ma (Manchu) papa.¹¹
(See 阿 [ä, ā], ö.)
a2 34
170 7 ä ā Prefix before single syllable names.
阿爸 ä-bā ābà dad, daddy, father.
阿爹 ä-ëh
ādiē daddy (familiar address and self-reference).¹¹
阿拉伯 Ä-lā-bâk
Ālābó Arab, Arabic, Arabian.
阿里巴巴 Ä-lî-bā-bä
Ālǐbābā Alibaba, an e-commerce company.
阿里巴巴 Ä-lî-bā-bä
Ā lǐ Bā bā Ali Baba, character from The Arabian Nights.
阿妈[阿媽] ä-mā
āmā mom, mommy, mother; woman servant, amah.
阿米巴 ä-māi-bä
āmǐbā <loan> amoeba.⁵
阿尔茨海默病[阿爾茨海默病] ä-ngì-xũ-hōi-màk-bèng
ā'ěrcíhǎimòbìng <loan> Alzheimer's disease.
阿Q精神 Ä-Q-dëin-sĩn
Ā Q jīngshen Ah Q-ism; attitude that treats defeats as personal moral victories.
<台> 阿白 ä-bàk great-grandmother.
<台> 阿人 ä-ngĩn paternal grandmother.
<又> ö.
(See 阿 [ä, à], ö.)
a2 35
196 15 ä crow.⁵ (variant: 鵶 ä ).
鸦胆子[鴉膽子] ä-ām-dū
yādǎnzǐ Java brucea (Brucea javanica); Java brucea fruit.⁸
鸦鬓[鴉鬢] ä-bïn
yābìn a lady's black coiffure.¹¹ raven black hair of a woman.³⁹
鸦巢生凤[鴉巢生鳳] ä-chão-säng-fùng
yācháoshēngfèng ugly mother gives birth to a pretty daughter.¹¹
鸦雀[鴉雀] ä-dēk
yāquè <zoo.> crow tit.⁵
鸦雀无声[鴉雀無聲] ä-dēk-mũ-sëin
yāquèwúshēng not even a crow or sparrow can be heard – silence reigns.⁵
鸦嘴帽[鴉嘴帽] ä-duī-mào
yāzuǐmào a cap.¹¹
鸦髻[鴉髻] ä-gâi
yājì a lady's black coiffure.¹¹
鸦头[鴉頭] ä-hẽo
yātou girl.⁸
鸦头袜[鴉頭襪] ä-hẽo-màt
yātouwà <trad.> tabi socks.⁵⁴
鸦片[鴉片] ä-pëin
yāpiàn opium.⁵
鸦片战争[鴉片戰爭] ä-pëin-jën-jäng
Yāpiàn Zhànzhēng Opium War 1840-1842); (1856).⁹
鸦青[鴉青] ä-tëin
yāqīng dark purple.¹¹
寒鸦[寒鴉] hõn-ä
hányā jackdaw, western jackdaw, a passerine bird in the crow family (Coloeus monedula).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
信笔涂鸦[信筆塗鴉] xïn-bīt-hũ-ä
xìnbǐtúyā clumsy in penmanship; write carelessly; write rough and ready.⁵⁴
(See 鵶 ä).
a2 36
196 19 ä (=鴉  ä ) crow.⁵
(See 鴉 ä).
a2 37
30 7 à ya particle equivalent to 啊 ä ā after a vowel, expressing surprise or doubt.¹⁰
嗨呀 hāi-à
hāiya used to express surprise, or pain.⁹
好呀 hāo-à
hǎoya good.¹⁰
天呀 hëin-à
tiānya Heavens!; My goodness!¹⁰
对呀[對呀] uï-à
duìya right.¹⁰
<又> yã.
(See 呀 [à, ], yã.)
a4 38
30 7 à particle used to express surprise or mild emphasis.
啊呀 ä-(y)à āyā interjection of surprise; Oh my!¹⁰
哎呀 āi-
(y)à  āiyā interjection of wonder, admiration or shock.¹⁰
嗳呀[噯呀] ài-
(y)à àiyā Damn; Ah.¹⁰
<又> yã.
(See 呀 [à, ya], yã.)
a4 39
30 10 à à
interjection expressing agreement.
啊,好吧! À, hāo-bà! À, hǎoba! Er, OK!
啊,原来是你呀[啊,原來是你呀] À, ngũn-lõi-sì-nî-à! 
À, yuánláishìnǐya!  Ah, so it’s you!
(See 啊 [ä, ā], [ä/, á], [ä, ǎ].)
a4 40
30 12 à ya an auxiliary (usually at the end of a sentence).⁸ particle in some texts of Yuan drama, used as a variant of 呀 à ya.
(composition: ⿰口叚; U+35C7).
<又> hã; hä.
(See 㗇 hã; 㗇 hä).
a4 41
75 8 à the felloe of a wheel.⁷
<又> ngã. (See 枒 ngã.)
a4 42
86 13 à (=火气[火氣] fō-hï huǒqì anger; temper; <TCM> internal heat (as cause of disease.⁵⁴).²
(Note: Distinguish 煅 òn duàn ⿰火段; U+7145).
(composition: ⿰火叚; U+7146).
<又> hä.
(See 煆 hä).
a4 43
2 3 â forked.
丫杈 â-châ yāchà fork (of a tree); tool made of forked wood.¹⁰
树丫[樹丫] sì-â
shùyā fork of a tree.
横丫[橫丫] vãng-â
héngyā side branches.
<台> 三丫路 xäm-â-lù forked road.
<又> ä.
(See 丫 ä.)
a5 44
75 12 â fork (of a tree).⁵
桠叉[椏叉] â-chä or ä-chä yāchā branch out.⁵⁴
or 丫杈[丫杈] â-châ or ä-châ yāchà fork (of a tree); crotch; crotched; forked.⁵
桠枫[椏楓] â-füng
or ä-füng yāfēng trident maple.⁸
or 丫枝 â-jï or ä-jï yāzhī a forking branch.⁷
or 枝丫 jï-â or jï-ä zhīyā branch; twig.¹⁰
<又> ä.
(See 椏 ä.)
a5 45
30 8 āi āi oh; hey.⁹ hey!; (interjection used to attract attention or to express surprise or disapprobation).¹⁰ why; hey; look out; ouch.³⁹
哎呀 āi-(y)à  āiyā (interjection of wonder, admiration or shock) oh, my!
哎哟[哎喲] āi-yō
āiyō hey; ow; ouch; interjection of pain or surprise.¹⁰
哎唷 āi-yō
āiyō (=哎哟[哎喲] āi-yö āiyō) hey; ow; ouch; interjection of pain or surprise.¹⁰
ai1 46
30 16 āi āi hey; ah (to attract attention or express surprise). (=哎 āi āi, q.v.) now interchangeable with 哎.
<又> ōi, ài.
(See 噯 ōi, ài.)
ai1 47
32 8 āi hillside.
坂坻 bān-āi bǎndǐ a sloping bank.
宝坻[寶坻] Bāo-āi
Bǎodǐ (place in 天津 Hëin-jün Tiānjīn Tianjin).
<又> chĩ.
(See 坻 chĩ.)
ai1 48
53 广 8 āi de ( = 的 ēik de) of; ~'s (possessive particle).
<又> dāi.
(See 底 [āi, ], dāi.)
ai1 49
53 广 8 āi bottom; background; base; the end of a period of time; towards the end of (last month).
底特律 āi-àk-lùt dǐtèlǜ Detroit, Michigan.¹⁰
底子 āi-dū
dǐzi bottom; base; foundation; rough draft or sketch; copy kept as a record; remnant; ground; background; foundation; shoe sole.
底下 āi-hà
dǐxia under; below; next; later; beneath.³⁹
底层[底層] āi-tãng
dǐcéng  first floor; ground floor; substratum; bottom layer; the lowest rung.
底蕴[底蘊] āi-vūn
dǐyùn inside information; concrete details.¹⁰
到底 äo-āi
dàodǐ finally; in the end; when all is said and done; after all; to the end; to the last.
彻底[徹底] chēik-āi
chèdǐ (said of a stream) to be able to see the bottom; to get to the bottom of, thorough, exhaustive.⁷
年底 nẽin-āi
niándǐ end of a year.
月底 ngùt-āi
yuèdǐ end of the month.
<台> 底裤[底褲] āi-fû/ underpants.
<台> 底衫 āi-sâm/ upper body underwear, waistcoat, lingerie.
<又> dāi.
(See 底 [āi, de], dāi.)
ai1 50
57 8 āi bow.⁸ carved bow.¹⁰ the name of Shun's bow, a red bow.²⁴
(composition: ⿰弓氐; U+5F24).
ai1 51
64 8 āi support, sustain, prop; resist, withstand; compensate for, make good; mortgage; balance, set off; be equal to; <wr.> reach, arrive at.⁵ (variants: 牴 āi dǐ; 觝 āi ).
抵得上 āi-āk-sëng
dǐdeshàng be equal to; be a match for.⁵⁴
抵押 āi-ät
dǐyā to mortgage; to collateralize.⁷
抵达[抵達] āi-àt
dǐdá to arrive at or reach (a place).⁷
抵补[抵補] āi-bū
dǐbǔ make up for; compensate for.⁶
抵触[抵觸] āi-chūk
dǐchù conflict; contradict.⁵
抵埠 āi-fèo
dǐbù to reach port; to arrive in port.⁷
抵制 āi-jäi
dǐzhì resist; boycott.⁵
抵住 āi-jì
dǐzhù to resist; to press against; to brace.¹⁰
抵抗 āi-köng
dǐkàng resist; stand up to.⁵
抵赖[抵賴] āi-lài
dǐlài deny something one has done; disavow; renege on (one's promise).⁶
or 牴牾 āi-m̂ dǐwǔ conflict with.¹¹
抵御[抵禦] āi-nguì
dǐyù to resist; to withstand.⁷
抵挡[抵擋] āi-ōng
dǐdǎng keep out; ward off; withstand.⁵
抵当[抵當] āi-öng
dǐdàng offer as collateral; give as an equivalent.⁶
抵数[抵數] āi-sū
dǐshù make up the number; serve as a stopgap.⁶
抵消 āi-xël
dǐxiāo offset; cancel out; counteract.⁵
抵死 āi-xī
dǐsǐ stubbornly “until death,” to the end.¹¹
(See 牴 āi; 觝 āi).
ai1 52
75 9 āi <wr.> (main) root of a tree.⁶ root, base; bottom of object.⁸ foundation; root.¹⁰ the root of a tree.²⁴
归根结柢[歸根結柢] or 归根结底[歸根結底] gï-gïn-gēik-āi guīgēn jié dǐ in the final analysis; ultimately.¹⁰
根柢 gïn-āi
gēndǐ (=根底 gïn-āi gēndǐ) foundation, root, grounding; cause, root, background.⁶
根深柢固 gïn-sïm-āi-gü
gēnshēndǐgù (=根深蒂固 gïn-sïm-î-gü gēnshēndìgù) Only when the fibrous root is deeply fixed, can the taproot be stable. Used as a metaphor to express that the foundation is firm and unshakable.⁹
ai1 53
76 11 āi ǎi 欸乃 āi-nâi ǎinǎi the creak of an oar.⁸
(See 誒, 欸 [ē, ēi], [ë/, éi], [ë, ěi], [è, èi].)
ai1 54
78 4 āi dǎi Kangxi radical 78;  bad, vicious, depraved, wicked.⁸ bad; evil; vicious.⁶ (variant: 歺 āi dǎi).
(composition: ⿱一夕; U+6B79).
歹徒 āi-hũ
dǎitú scoundrel; ruffian; evildoer.⁵
歹念 āi-nèm
dǎiniàn evil thoughts.⁷
歹人 āi-ngĩn
dǎirén villain; gangster; robber.⁶
歹毒 āi-ùk
dǎidú malicious; vicious; malignant.⁶
歹心 āi-xïm
dǎixīn malice; malicious intent; bad intention.⁶
歹意 āi-yï
dǎiyì malice; malicious intent; bad intention.⁶
不知好歹 būt-jï-hāo-āi
bùzhīhǎodǎi not know good from bad; can't tell chalk from cheese; not know kindness from malice.⁶
为非作歹[為非作歹] vĩ-fï-dōk-āi
wéifēizuòdǎi do evil.⁵
(See 歺 āi).
ai1 55
78 5 āi dǎi (=歹 āi dǎi) bad; evil, vicious.⁵
(See 歹 āi; 歺[餐] tän).
ai1 56
83 5 āi <wr.> foundation; base; on the whole.
氐惆 āi-chiũ dǐchóu <topo.> annoyed; vexed; upset.
维周之氐[維周之氐] vĩ-Jiü-jï-āi
wéi Zhōu zhī dǐ the foundation of the House of Zhou – said of a worthy minister.
(See 氐 [āi, ].)
ai1 57
83 5 āi ancient constellation; one of five ancient Mongol tribes.
氐羌 Āi Gëng Dī Qiāng ancient nomadic tribe to the west.
(See 氐 [āi, ].)
ai1 58
93 9 āi (=抵 āi ) support, sustain, prop; resist, withstand; compensate for, make good; mortgage; balance, set off; be equal to; <wr.> reach, arrive at.⁵
(composition: ⿰牜氐; U+7274).
or 抵牾 āi-m̂ dǐwǔ conflict with.¹¹
or 抵排 or 觝排 āi-pãi dǐpái reject; get rid of.⁵⁴
(See 抵 āi.)
ai1 59
111 13 āi ǎi short (in stature); low (in height); low (in rank or grade).⁶ (variant: 躷 āi). (See 躷 āi).
矮矮实实[矮矮實實] āi-āi-sìt-sìt
ǎiǎi-shíshí stout.⁸
矮凳 āi-âng
ǎidèng low stool.¹⁰
矮半截 āi-bôn-dèik
ǎi bànjié to be inferior to; to be of a lower grade than.⁵⁴
矮子 āi-dū
ǎizi a short person; dwarf.⁸
矮化 āi-fä
ǎihuà stunt; dwarf.⁶
矮林 āi-lĩm
ǎilín brushwood; bushes and low trees.⁸
矮人 āi-ngĩn
ǎirén short person, dwarf; pygmy.⁶
矮墙浅屋[矮牆淺屋] āi-tẽng-tēin-ūk
ǎiqiángqiǎnwū a low and crowded house; home of a poor family.⁵⁴
矮矬子 āi-tö-dū 
ǎicuózi elf.⁸
矮矬矬 āi-tö-tö
ǎicuócuó descriptive of shortness (of person).¹¹
矮屋 āi-ūk
ǎiwū a low house; a house with a low ceiling.⁵⁴
矮墩墩 āi-ūn-ūn
ǎidūndūn dumpy; stout; stumpy; pudgy.⁸
矮星宿菜 āi-xëin-xūk-töi
ǎixīngxiùcài, Lysimachia pumila.
矮小 āi-xēl
ǎixiǎo dwarf, midget, pigmy, short and small; low and small.⁸
高矮 gäo-āi
gāo'ǎi height.⁹
<台> 矮仔 āi-dōi short person, dwarf.
<台> 矮细[矮細] āi-xäi small person, short and small.
ai1 60
112 10 āi a whetstone, a grindstone; to discipline, to polish.⁷
砥柱 āi-chuî dǐzhù name of a mountain through which the Yellow River was supposedly channeled; an indomitable person.⁷
砥柱中流 āi-chuî-jüng-liũ
dǐzhùzhōngliú or 中流砥柱 jüng-liũ-āi-chuî zhōngliúdǐzhù firm rock in midstream; tower of strength; mainstay.⁶
砥节[砥節] āi-dēik
dǐjié temper one's will/spirit.⁵⁴
砥节砺行[砥節礪行] āi-dēik-lài-hãng
dǐjiélìxíng temper one's spirit and correct one's behavior.⁵⁴
砥砺[砥礪] āi-lài
dǐlì lit. sharpen any instrument with a cutting edge; fig. harden oneself by self-discipline.¹¹
砥石 āi-sêk
dǐshí a fine grindstone; a whetstone.⁷
ai1 61
123 11 āi <wr.> ram; billy-goat.⁶ a ram; a he-goat.⁷
(composition: ⿰⺶氐; U+7F9D).
羝羊 āi-yẽng dīyáng a ram; a he-goat.⁷
羝羊触藩[羝羊觸藩] āi-yẽng-chūk-fãn
dīyángchùfān like a ram butting a hedge and getting its horns caught in it – on the horns of a dilemma; between the devil and the deep (blue) sea.⁶ to be in a dilemma.⁷ in a dilemma.⁸ lit. billy goat's horns caught in the fence (idiom from Book of Changes 易经); impossible to advance or to retreat; without any way out of a dilemma; trapped; in an impossible situation.¹⁰
ai1 62
148 12 āi (=抵 āi ) support, sustain, prop; resist, withstand; compensate for, make good; mortgage; balance, set off; be equal to; <wr.> reach, arrive at.⁵
(composition: ⿰角氐; U+89DD).
or 抵触[抵觸] āi-chūk dǐchù conflict; contradict.⁵
or 抵排 or 牴排 āi-pãi dǐpái reject; get rid of.⁵⁴
角觝 gôk-āi 
juédǐ wrestling.¹¹
(See 抵 āi.)
ai1 63
149 12 āi <wr.> slander; defame; insult.⁶
诋訾[詆訾] āi-dū dǐzǐ to slander; to defame.⁷
诋毁[詆毀] āi-fī
dǐhuǐ slander; defame; calumniate; smear; throw/fling/sling mud at.⁶
诋谰[詆讕] āi-lãn
dǐlán to cover up with lies.⁷
诋诃[詆訶] āi-ö
or āi-ü dǐhē slander; defame; disparage.⁷
嗤诋[嗤詆] chï-āi
chīdǐ to deride and abuse.⁸
丑诋[醜詆] chiū-āi
chǒudǐ <wr.> insult; abuse; swear; curse; revile.⁶
ai1 64
158 15 āi ǎi (<old>=矮 āi ǎi)⁸ short (in stature); low (in height); low (in rank or grade).⁶ of short stature, low in height.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰身委; U+8EB7).
(See 矮 āi).
ai1 65
159 12 āi the railing at the back of the cart.¹⁹ back of the cart.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰車氐; U+8EE7).
<又> kĩ. (See 軧 kĩ).
ai1 66
163 7 āi residence of high official.
邸第 āi-ài dǐdì residences of lords and nobility; private residence.
邸宅 āi-jàk
dǐzhái official residence.
邸舍 āi-sëh
dǐshè official residence; inn; shop; store.
府邸 fū-āi
fǔdǐ mansion; mansion house.⁵
官邸 gön-āi
guāndǐ official residence/mansion.⁶
宅邸 jàk-āi
zháidǐ <wr.> mansion.⁵⁵
ai1 67
181 14 𩑾
āi to hang down the head.²⁵
(composition: ⿰氐頁; U+2947E).
ai1 68
188 14 āi coccyx.⁸ the back, the backside, the buttocks.²⁵
(composition: ⿰骨氐; U+9AB6).
骶骨 āi-gūt dǐgǔ sacrum.⁶
骶椎 āi-juï
dǐzhuī sacrum; sacral vertebra.⁶
骶丛[骶叢] āi-tũng
dǐcóng sacral plexus.⁶
髀骶 bī-āi
bìdǐ the tough, colored skin of a monkey's buttocks.¹⁴
腰骶部 yël-āi-bù
yāodǐbù lumbosacral portion.³⁹
ai1 69
9 7 äi low.
低等 äi-āng dīděng lower; humble.
低沉 äi-chĩm
dīchén overcast; low and deep (of voice); low-spirited; downcast.
低头[低頭] äi-hẽo
dītóu to bend one's head (in thought, submission, in silence).
低头寻思[低頭尋思] äi-hẽo-tĩm-xü
dītóuxúnsi bow the head in deep thought.⁵⁴
低级[低級] äi-kīp
dījí rudimentary, elementary, vulgar, low, inferior.
低人一等 äi-ngĩn-yīt-āng
dīrényīděng lower-ranking.
低声悄语[低聲悄語] äi-sëin-tēl-nguî
dīshēngqiǎoyǔ speak in a low voice.⁶
低洼[低窪] äi-vä
dīwā low-lying.¹⁰
or 低回 äi-või dīhuí <wr.> to pace up and down; to linger, to be reluctant/unwilling to leave/part; to undulate.⁶
低三下四 äi-xäm-hà-xï
dīsānxiàsì low, menial person or job.
高低 gäo-äi
gāodī height.
降低 göng-äi
jiàngdī to reduce; to drop; to lower.
ai2 70
30 10 äi āi (interj.) Gosh! (mild sigh or exclamation)
唉,我知道了. Äi, ngô-jï-ào-lēl. Āi, wǒzhīdào le. Gosh, I know now.
<又> ài.
(See 唉 ài.)
ai2 71
30 13 äi ài <wr.> to choke.
嗌嗌 äi-äi àiài laughing sound.⁸
嗌喉 äi-hẽo
àihóu to choke to death by hanging.⁸
<又> yēik.
(See 嗌 yēik.)
ai2 72
32 10 äi āi dust; angstrom (Å).
埃博拉病毒 Äi-bōk-lā-bèng-ùk Āibólābìngdú Ebola virus. (=伊波拉病毒 Yï-bö-lā-bèng-ùk Yībōlābìngdú.)
埃及 Äi-gèp
Āijí Egypt.
埃克森美孚 äi-hāk-sẽim mî-fũ 
āikèsēn měifú Exxon Mobil.¹⁰
埃蕾 äi-luî
āilěi <TCM> centaury herb with flowers; Herba Centaurii altaici cum flore.¹⁰ Centaurium pulchellum (Swartz) Druce var. altaicum Moench.¹⁹
埃米尔[埃米爾] äi-māi-ngì
āimǐěr emir.⁵
埃米什 äi-māi-sìp
āimǐshí Amish.
埃灭[埃滅] äi-mèik
āimiè <wr.> reduce to powder;  annihilate.⁵⁴
尘埃[塵埃] chĩn-äi
chén'āi dust in the air.
尘埃落定[塵埃落定] chĩn-äi-lòk-èin
chén'āiluòdìng Everything is settled.
化为尘埃[化為塵埃] fä-vĩ-chĩn-äi
huàwéichén'āi to crumble to/into dust.
涓埃 gün-äi
juān'āi <wr.> insignificant; negligible.⁵
黄埃[黃埃] võng-äi
huáng'āi yellow earth; yellow soil.
细若尘埃[細若塵埃] xäi-ngèk-chĩn-äi
xìruòchén'āi <wr.> as fine as dust.
ai2 73
38 10 äi āi a base woman; a slave girl.²⁴ despise; woman, wench.⁵⁴
娭毑 äi-jêh āijiě <topo.> grandma, grandmother; granny (a term of address for an elderly woman).⁶
娭姐 äi-dēh
āijiě father's mother; granny (dialect); respectful form of address for older lady.¹⁰
<又> hï.
(See 娭 hï.)
ai2 74
50 9 äi emperor.
(composition ⿱⿳亠丷冖巾; U+5E1D).
帝国[帝國] äi-gōk dìguó empire.¹¹
帝王 äi-võng
dìwáng emperor; monarch.
帝王将相[帝王將相] äi-võng-dëng-xëng
dìwángjiàngxiàng emperor, generals, and ministers.
帝王鲑[帝王鮭] äi-võng-gï
dìwángguī Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), largest species in the Pacific salmon genus Oncorhynchus; aka 大鱗麻哈魚.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
火帝 fō-äi
huǒdì aka 神农[神農] Sĩn-nũng Shénnóng, q.v.
玉帝 Ngùk-äi
Yùdì <Dao.> Jade Emperor.
玉皇大帝 Ngùk-võng-ài-äi
Yùhuángdàdì Jade Emperor (Supreme Deity of Daoism).
上帝 Sèng-äi
Shàngdì God.
黄帝[黃帝] Võng-äi
Huángdì Yellow Emperor.
皇帝 võng-äi
huángdì emperor.⁸
ai2 75
50 11 äi dài to wear; to carry; to take along; to bear (i.e. to have); to lead; to bring; to look after; to raise; area, zone, region.¹⁰
带枷[帶枷] äi-gä  dàijiā  (of prisoners) confine in a cangue.¹¹
or 戴孝 äi-häo dàixiào be in mourning.⁵
带头[帶頭] äi-hẽo
dàitóu to lead in action.¹¹
带状疱疹[帶狀皰疹] âi-jòng-päo-chīn
dàizhuàng pàozhěn shingles; herpes zoster (medicine).¹⁰
带领[帶領] äi-lêin
dàilǐng to guide; to lead.¹⁰
带来[帶來] äi-lõi
dàilái to bring; to bring about; to produce.¹⁰
带路[帶路] äi-lù
dàilù to lead the way; to guide; to show the way; fig. to instruct.¹⁰
带动[帶動] äi-ùng
dàidòng to spur; to provide impetus; to drive.¹⁰
温带[溫帶] vün-äi
wēndài temperate zone.¹⁰
一带[一帶] yīt-äi
yīdài region; district.¹⁰
<台> 带子[帶子] äi-dū (fresh) scallops.
(cf. 帶子 âi-dū).
<台> 带路[帶路] äi-lù guide; to guide.
<又> âi.
(See 帶 âi.)
ai2 76
62 17 äi dài put on, wear; respect, honor; Dai surname.⁵
戴罪立功 äi-duì-lìp-güng dàizuìlìgōng atone for one's crimes by doing good deeds.⁵
戴高帽子 äi-gäo-mào-dū
dàigāomàozi flatter; lay it on thick.⁶
or 带孝[帶孝] äi-häo dàixiào be in mourning.⁵
戴绿帽[戴綠帽] äi-lùk-mào
dàilǜmào to be a cuckold.⁷
戴帽子 äi-mào-dū
dàimàozi put on/wear a cap/hat; brand/label as.⁶
戴帽小学[戴帽小學] äi-mào-xēl-hòk
dàimàoxiǎoxué a primary school with first year middle schoool classes attached.⁵
戴眼镜[戴眼鏡] äi-ngān-gëng
dàiyǎnjìng wear eyeglasses.⁵
戴月披星 äi-ngùt-pï-xëin
dàiyuèpīxīng (=披星戴月 pï-xëin-äi-ngùt pīxīngdàiyuè) go to work before dawn and come home when the moon is up – work from before dawn till after dark; travel/work outdoors by night.⁶
戴胜[戴勝] äi-sëin dàishèng (bird species of China) Eurasian hoopoe (Upupa epops).⁵⁴
戴星 äi-xëin
dàixīng to leave home at dawn and return in the evening.⁷
ai2 77
64 10 äi āi in order; in sequence; close to; adjacent to.
挨挨蹭蹭 äi-äi-dàng-dàng āi'āicèngcèng to crowd together.¹¹
挨宰 äi-dōi
áizǎi to get ripped off.¹⁰
挨户[挨戶] äi-fù
āihù from door to door.
挨家[挨家] äi-gä
āijiā <topo.> from house to house.
挨家挨户[挨家挨戶] äi-gä-äi-fù
āijiā'āihù to go from door to door.
挨肩擦膀 äi-gän-chät-bōng
āijiāncābǎng rub shoulders – be crowded together; be jostling.⁶
挨近 äi-gìn
āijìn get close to, be near to.
挨个儿[挨個兒] äi-göi-ngĩ
āigèr <topo.> one by one; in turn.
挨次 äi-xü
āicì in sequence; in the proper order; one by one; in turn.
<又> ngãi.
(See 挨 ngãi.)
ai2 78
64 12 äi to do away with.⁸ to take; to play; to point at.²⁵
(composition: ⿰扌帝; U+63E5).
挑揥 hël-äi tiǎodì (=挑剔¹⁹ hël-tēik tiāoti nitpick; be hypercritical; be fastidious.⁵).
<又> häi.
(See 揥 häi).
ai2 79
72 16 äi stormy; cloudy, misty; dim; (Cant.) sultry.⁸ the sun hidden by clouds; obscure.¹⁴ dark and stormy; the sun obscured by clouds.²⁴ (variant: 㙪 yï ).
(composition: ⿰日壹; U+66C0).
曀日光 äi-ngìt-göng
yìrìguāng the sun is obscured.¹⁴
阴曀[陰曀] yïm-äi
yīnyì dark and gloomy.¹⁴
(See 㙪 yï).
ai2 80
85 12 äi to slowly submerge in water; semen.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵帝; U+6E27).
<又> ëik; ëk; hãi. (See 渧 ëik; 渧 ëk; 渧 hãi).
ai2 81
109 16 äi (=翳 äi ) <wr.> screen, conceal; <med.> slight corneal opacity, nebula; something used as a screen.⁶ a feather screen, a shade, to screen, to shade; a film over the eye; dead trees that have fallen.¹⁴
<又> yï.
(See 翳 äi; 翳 yï; 瞖 yï.)
ai2 82
112 14 äi <chem.> tellurium (Te).⁶
碲化铋[碲化鉍] äi-fä-bēik dìhuàbì bismuth telluride.⁶
碲化氢[碲化氫] äi-fä-hëin
dìhuàqīng hydrogen telluride.⁶
碲化锌[碲化鋅] äi-fä-xïn
dìhuàxīn zinc telluride.⁶
碲酸 äi-xön
dìsuān telluric acid.⁶
碲酸盐[碲酸鹽] äi-xön-yẽm
dìsuānyán tellurate.⁶
ai2 83
113 13 äi a grand ceremony for ancestors by ancient emperors or feudal lords in the ancestral hall; one of the four seasonal ceremonies (specifically, the summer ceremony for Xia and Shang dynasties) in ancient ancestral halls; (=谛[諦] äi to examine, q.v.).⁸ʼ⁰ The great, royal, or imperial sacrifice: when a king sacrifices to the ancestor from whom he sprang, and associates his immediate progenitor therewith.²⁵
(composition: ⿰衤帝; U+7998).
禘郊 äi-gäo
dìjiāo imperial sacrifice held in the countryside.³⁹
禘尝[禘嘗] äi-sẽng
dìcháng the various ancestral ceremonies.¹⁴ʼ⁰
或问禘之说。子曰:“不知也。知其说者之于天下也,其如示诸斯乎!” 指其掌。
Vàk-mùn-äi-jï-sōt. Dū yòt: "Būt-jï-yâ. Jï-kĩ-sōt-jēh-jï-yï-hëin-hà-yâ, kĩ-nguĩ-sì-jï-xü-fũ! " Jī-kĩ-jēng.
Huò wèn dì zhī shuō. Zǐ yuē: “Bùzhī yě. Zhī qí shuō zhě zhī yú tiānxià yě, qí rú shì zhū sī hū!” Zhǐ qí zhǎng.
Some one asked the meaning of the great sacrifice. The Master said, "I do not know. He who knew its meaning would find it as easy to govern the kingdom as to look on this" - pointing to his palm.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《論語·八佾·11》, translated by James Legge).
ai2 84
120 15 äi form (a friendship); conclude (a treaty).⁵
缔造[締造] äi-dào dìzào found; create; establisjh.⁶
缔交[締交] äi-gäo
dìjiāo form a friendship; establish diplomatic relations.⁶
缔结[締結] äi-gēik
dìjié conclude; establish; forge.⁶
缔盟[締盟] äi-mãng
dìméng form/forge an alliance.⁶
缔约[締約] äi-yēk
dìyuē conclude/sign a treaty.⁶
缔约国[締約國] äi-yēk-gōk
dìyuēguó signatory states; countries that are party to a treaty.¹⁰
缔姻[締姻] äi-yïn
dìyīn form a marriage alliance/marital ties; be united in wedlock.⁶
ai2 85
120 16 äi <wr.> hang.⁵ <wr.> suspend or be suspended by the neck until death; hang.⁶ to strangle; to hang.⁷
缢颈[縊頸] äi-gēng yìjǐng to hang oneself.⁷
缢女[縊女] äi-nuī
yìnǚ a small insect with black body and red head; it suspends itself when making its cocoon.¹⁴
缢杀[縊殺] äi-sät
yìshā strangle to death.⁶
缢死[縊死] äi-xī
yìsǐ to hang oneself.⁷
自缢[自縊] dù-äi zìyì hang oneself.⁵
ai2 86
124 17 äi <wr.> screen, conceal; <med.> slight corneal opacity, nebula; something used as a screen.⁶ a feather screen, a shade, to screen, to shade; a film over the eye; dead trees that have fallen.¹⁴ (variant: 瞖 äi, yï).
翳翳 äi-äi
or yï-yï yìyì dark; veiled.⁸ <wr.> darkly.¹¹ obscurely.¹⁴
翳障 äi-jëng
or yï-jëng yìzhàng cataract in eye, any obstruction to vision or understanding.¹¹ to screen off.¹⁴
翳毛 äi-mão
or yï-mão yìmáo eyelashes.¹⁴
翳灭[翳滅] äi-mèik
or yï-mèik yìmiè disappear.³⁹
翳瘼 äi-mōk
or yï-mōk yìmò white film on the eye.¹⁴
翳眼之幻 äi-ngān-jï-vân
or yï-ngān-jï-vân yìyǎnzhīhuàn optical illusion.¹⁴
翳形 äi-yẽin
or yï-yẽin yìxíng to vanish.¹⁴
白翳 bàk-äi
or bàk-yï báiyì  <TCM> slight corneal opacity; nebula.⁶
云翳[雲翳] vũn-äi
or vũn-yï yúnyì dark clouds; lowering clouds; <TCM> corneal opacity.⁶
析翳 xēik-äi
xīyì the rainbow.¹⁴
荫翳[蔭翳] yîm-äi
or yîm-yï yìnyì be shaded by foliage; flourishing.⁸
<又> yï.
(See 翳 yï; 瞖 äi; 瞖 yï.)
ai2 87
130 13 äi (composition: ⿰月帝; U+8163).
腣胿 äi-gï dìguī (=大腹 ài-fūk dàfù) big belly.¹⁹ a large belly; pot-bellied.²⁵
ai2 88
137 11 𦨢
äi (composition: ⿰舟氐; U+26A22).
𦨢艡 äi-öng dìdāng a ship of war.²⁵
ai2 89
140 14 äi dài roots of grass; a base or foundation.¹⁴ the roots of plants.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹帶; U+8515).
蔕芥 äi-gäi dàijiè or 芥蔕 gäi-äi jièdài trifling; a grudge, enmity.¹⁴ cf 蒂芥 î-gäi.
<又> î.
(See 蔕 î).
ai2 90
142 14 äi a secondary rainbow; interchangeable with 䗖[螮] äi the rainbow.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰虫叕; U+8743).
❄{⿰虫东}[蝃蝀] or 螮𬟽❄{⿰虫东}[螮蝀] äi-üng dìdōng <lit.> rainbow; lit., fig. bridge.³⁶
<又> jōt.
(See 蝃 jōt).
ai2 91
142 17 äi dài an insect; some say a snake.²⁵ Also pronounced in Mandarin with a different meaning: rainbow.⁸
t ⿰虫帶; U+87AE).
s ⿰虫带; U+45D6).
(See 螮 [äi, ]).
ai2 92
142 17 äi rainbow.⁸  the rainbow.¹⁴ Also pronounced dài in Mandarin with a different meaning: an insect; some say a snake.²⁵
t ⿰虫帶; U+87AE).
s ⿰虫带; U+45D6).
❄{⿰虫东}[螮蝀] or 蝃𬟽❄{⿰虫东}[蝃蝀] äi-üng dìdōng <lit.> rainbow; lit., fig. bridge.³⁶
(See 螮 [äi, dài]).
ai2 93
145 22 äi dài 褦襶 nòi-äi nàidài a light-weight hat of palm leaves or bamboo for shading the sun or rain; ignorant, naïve, unsophisticated.⁷ (See 褦襶 làk-dāk lēde).
褦襶子 nòi-äi-dū
nàidàizi a stupid fellow.²⁵
<又> dāk.
(See 襶 dāk.)
ai2 94
149 16 äi to examine; <Budd.> truth.
谛听[諦聽] äi-hëng dìtīng to listen attentively.
谛视[諦視] äi-sì
dìshì to examine closely; to scrutinize.
真谛[真諦] jïn-äi
zhēndì <Budd.> true meaning of teaching or doctrine.
审谛[審諦] sīm-äi
shěndì to look at something carefully; to examine.¹⁰
四谛[四諦] xï-äi
sìdì <Budd.> the four “truths” of life: 苦 misery and pain, 集 acquisition, 滅 extinction, and 道 salvation by the right path.¹¹
ai2 95
167 11 äi sharp point or cutting edge of a sword.² a point.²⁵
(composition: ⿰金是; U+9349).
<又> hãi; sĩ; ēik. (See 鍉 hãi; 鍉 sĩ; 鍉 ēik).
ai2 96
170 6 äi ài (=隘 äi ài narrow; pass); narrow.⁸
(composition: ⿰阝厄; U+9628).
or 阸狭[阸狹] äi-hèp ài'xiá a defile; a mountain pass.¹⁴ a defile, a gorge.¹⁰²
or 阸塞 äi-xāk àisè passes and barriers.²⁵
or 据阸[據阸] guï-äi jù'ài to guard the passes.¹⁰²
<又> āk.
(See 阨 āk; 隘 äi; 阸 äi).
ai2 97
170 7 äi ài (=隘 äi ài narrow; pass).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰阝戹; U+9638).
or 阨狭[阨狹] äi-hèp ài'xiá a defile; a mountain pass.¹⁴ a defile, a gorge.¹⁰²
or 阨塞 äi-xāk àisè passes and barriers.²⁵
or 据阨[據阨] guï-äi jù'ài to guard the passes.¹⁰²
<又> āk.
(See 阸 āk; 隘 äi; 阸 äi).
ai2 98
170 12 äi ài narrow; pass.
隘口 äi-hēo àikǒu narrow mountain pass.
隘口险要[隘口險要] äi-hēo-hēm-yël 
àikǒuxiǎnyào a strategic pass.
隘害 äi-hòi
àihài a strategic point.
隘巷 äi-hòng
àixiàng narrow alley.
隘窘 äi-kün
àijiǒng poor.³⁹
把关守隘[把關守隘] bā-gän-siū-äi
bǎguānshǒu'ài to guard the passes.
狭隘[狹隘] hèp-äi
xiá'ài narrow; narrow and limited; parochial.⁵
山隘 sän-äi
shān'ài mountain pass.
要隘 yël-äi
yào'ài strategic pass.
ai2 99
184 17 äi ài spoiled, sour, moldly.⁸  <wr.> spoiled, putrid, tainted (food).¹¹ cooked food which has turned sour; moldy.¹⁴  stinking rice.²⁵
食饐而餲 dù-yï-ngĩ-äi sìyìérài rice which has been injured by heat or damp and turned sour.¹⁴
饐餲 yï-äi
yìài food turned sour; a kind of cake.²⁵
ai2 100
9 9 ài visage, face; trace, shadow; memory.⁸ (=弟 ài younger brother); used in people's names.⁸ vestige, trace.³⁶ (same as 面影 mèin-yēin miànyǐng face (in one's memory); mental image of somebody.³⁶)
(composition: ⿰亻弟; U+4FE4).
ai4 101
30 10 ài ài (interj.) oh! (of sympathy or disappointment).
唉,病成这样.[唉,病成這樣.] Ài, bèng-sẽin-jëh-yèng. Āi, bìngchéng zhèyàng. Oh! So sad he/she is so sick.
<又> äi.
(See 唉 äi.)
ai4 102
30 16 ài ài (interjection of regret).
嗳, 早知如此, 我就不去了. [噯,早知如此, 我就不去了] Ài, dāo-jï-nguĩ-xū, ngô-diù-būt-huï-lēl. Ài, zǎozhīrúcǐ, wǒjiùbùqùle. Ah, if I had known this, I would not have gone.
<又> ōi, āi.
(See 噯 ōi, āi.)
ai4 103
37 3 ài Kangxi radical 37; big, great, vast, high.⁸ (See 大 [ài, dài].)
大抵 ài-āi
dàdǐ generally.⁹ mostly.¹¹
大道 ài-ào
dàdào main street; avenue.¹⁰
大白菜 ài-bàk-töi
dàbáicài bok choy, Chinese cabbage, Brassica pekinensis.⁴³
大夫 ài-fü
dàfū senior official in feudal China.⁸
大家 ài-gä and 大家 ài-gä/  (See 大家 under 家 gä jiā.)
大汉[大漢] ài-hön
dàhàn hefty or towering man.⁶
大海 ài-hōi
dàhǎi open sea.⁸
大学[大學] ài-hòk
dàxué university; the “Great Learning.”¹⁰
大荔人 Ài-lài-ngĩn
Dàlìrén <archeo.> Dali Man.¹⁵
大量 ài-lèng
dàliàng in great quantities, in volume.¹¹
大陆[大陸] ài-lùk
dàlù continent; Mainland China.¹¹
大五码[大五碼] ài-m̄-mâ/
dàwǔmǎ Big-5 or Big5 encoding method for Traditional Chinese characters.
大麻 ài-mã
dàmá hemp; marijuana, Cannabis sativa.¹¹
大门[大門] ài-mõn
dàmén entrance or front door; gate.⁵
大声[大聲] ài-sëin
or ài-sëng dàshēng loud voice.¹¹
or 大材小用 ài-tõi-xēl-yùng dàcáixiǎoyòng to assign talented people for trivial tasks.⁸ waste of talent.⁹
大小 ài-xēl
dàxiǎo size.¹¹
大有作为[大有作為] ài-yiü-dōk-vĩ
dàyǒuzuòwéi the prospects are very good; something well worth doing.¹⁰

ai4 104
37 3 ài dài 大夫 ài-fü dàifu doctor; physician.¹⁰
大王 ài-võng dàiwang robber baron (in opera, old stories); magnate.¹⁰
(See 大[ài, ].)
ai4 105
46 14 𫶇 ài (comp. t: ⿰山帶; U+5D7D). (comp. s: ⿰山带; U+2BD87).
tiáodì lofty.⁸ <lit.> high; lofty.³⁶
<又> èik.
(See 嵽 èik).
ai4 106
57 7 ài younger brother; junior male; I (modest word in letter).
弟弟 ài-ài/ dìdi younger brother.
弟子 ài-dū
dìzǐ disciple, follower.
弟妇[弟婦] ài-fû
dìfù younger brother's wife.
称兄道弟[稱兄道弟] chëin-hëin-ào-ài
chēngxiōngdàodì to call each other brothers; to be on intimate terms.
兄弟 hëin-ài
xiōngdì brothers.
徒弟 hũ-ài
túdi apprentice; disciple.⁵
<又> hâi.
(See 弟 hâi.)
ai4 107
61 10 ài <wr.> love and respect for one's elder brother.⁵
悌睦 ài-mùk tìmù to live at peace as brothers.⁷
悌友 ài-yiû
tìyǒu to be kind to friends; to show brotherly love for friends.⁷
孝悌 häo-ài
xiàotì filial piety and fraternal duty.⁵
恺悌[愷悌] hōi-ài
kǎitì <wr.> amiable; genial.⁶
ai4 108
61 15 ài high; extreme; exhausted.²⁴
(composition: ⿱帶心; U+6178).
ai4 109
75 7 ài (of trees) stand alone.
(composition: ⿰木大; U+6755).
<又> hõ. (See 杕 hõ).
ai4 110
75 12 ài Japanese kerria; <wr.> younger brother.⁸ Di surname.⁷
棣棣 ài-ài dìdì <wr.> poised, dignified.¹¹
棣棠 ài-hõng
dìtáng kerria.⁸ <bot.> Kerria japonica.¹¹
棣棠花 ài-hõng-fä
dìtánghuā Japanese Kerria, Kerria, Japanese Rose Kerria japonica (L.) DC.⁶⁶
or 棣鄂 ài-ngōk dì'è love of brothers, from allusion to ancient poem 唐棣之华[唐棣之華] hõng-ài-jï-vã tángdìzhīhuá celebrating brothers’ reunion.¹¹
棣华[棣華] ài-vã
dìhuá brothers.⁷
白棣 bàk-ài
báidì a fruit, like the plum, but smaller; like the cherry; a piece of wood under a carriage.²⁴
棠棣 hõng-ài
tángdì Chinese bush cherry; a kind of white poplar mentioned in ancient books; <wr.> brother.⁶ Prunus japonica.¹⁴ (another name for 郁李[鬱李] vūt-lī yùlǐ) Cerasus japonica (Thunb.) Lois.⁸ʼ²³  (See 郁李[鬱李] vūt-lī).
唐棣 hõng-ài
tángdì a kind of white poplar mentioned in ancient books.⁶ <wr.> sparrow plum, or aspen plum, Amelanchier asiatica.¹¹ Chinese serviceberry, Chinese bush cherry; Amelanchier sinica.²³
ai4 111
118 11 ài sequence, order; grade, degree; mansion; Di surname.⁸
第令 ài-lèin dìlìng even though.⁸
第二 ài-ngì
dìèr second.⁹
第二国际[第二國際] Ài-ngì Gōk-däi
Dì-èr Guójì the Second International of 1989-1916.⁸ʼ¹⁵
第二幕第三场[第二幕第三場] ài-ngì-mōk ài-xäm-chẽng
dìèrmùdìsānchǎng Act II, Scene iii.¹⁹
第二代 ài-ngì-òi
dìèrdài second generation.⁹
第二次世界大战[第二次世界大戰] ài-ngì xü säi-gäi ài-jën
Dìèr Cì Shìjiè Dàzhàn World War II.⁹
第三国际[第三國際] Ài-xäm Gōk-däi
Dì-sān Guójì the Third International of 1919-1943.⁸
第三世界 ài-xäm säi-gäi
dì-sān shìjiè the third world.⁹
第一 ài-yīt
dìyī first; primary.⁷
第一把手 ài-yīt-bā-siū
dìyībǎshǒu number one man; the first in command.⁸
第一夫人 ài-yīt-fü-ngĩn
dì-yī fūrén the Firat lady.⁸
第一次 ài-yīt-xü
dìyī cì the first time; first; number one.¹⁰
<台> 第尾 ài-mī the last one; later.
<台> 第二个[第二個] ài-ngì-göi somebody else.
<台> 第二日 ài-ngì-ngït some other time.
<台> 第二样[第二樣] ài-ngì-yèng/ something else.
ai4 112
137 13 ài a boat; a ship; a vessel.⁸  a boat or vessel.²⁵
(composition: ⿰舟弟; U+446F).
ai4 113
140 8 ài <old>=第 ài sequence, number; grade, degree.⁸ Used for 第 ài sequence, number; grade, degree. Used for 弟 ài younger brother; junior male; I (modest word in letter).
(composition: ⿰艹𢎨; U+82D0).
不苐 būt-ài
bùdì Budi a compound surname.²⁵
<又> hãi.
(See 苐 hãi).
ai4 114
162 10 ài (=递[遞] ài hand over, pass, give; successively, in the proper order.⁵)
(composition: ⿺辶乕; U+9013).
(See 遞 ài).
ai4 115
162 11 ài dài <wr.> reach.⁵
逮捕 ài-bù dàibǔ arrest; take into custody.⁵
逮捕法办[逮捕法辦] ài-bù-fāt-bàn
dàibǔfǎbàn arrest and deal with according to the law; bring to justice.⁵
逮捕证[逮捕證] ài-bù-jëin
dàibǔzhèng arrest warrant.⁵
逮捕权[逮捕權] ài-bù-kũn
dàibǔquán right of arrest.⁹
力有未逮 lèik-yiû-mì-ài
lìyǒuwèidài beyond one's reach (or power).⁵
(See 逮[ài, dǎi].)
ai4 116
162 11 ài dǎi capture; catch.⁵
猫逮老鼠[貓逮老鼠] miū-ài-lāo-sī māodǎilǎoshǔ cats catch mice.⁵
(See 逮[ài, dài].)
ai4 117
162 13 ài hand over, pass, give; successively, in the proper order.⁵ (variant: 逓 ài ). (See 逓 ài).
递补[遞補] ài-bū
dìbǔ fill vacancies in proper order.⁵
递增[遞增] ài-däng
dìzēng increase progressively.⁵
递加[遞加] ài-gä
dìjiā progressively (or successively) increase; increase by degrees.⁵
递解[遞解] ài-gäi
dìjiè escort (a prisoner) from one place to another.⁶
递解出境[遞解出境] ài-gäi-chūt-gēin
dìjièchūjìng deport; expel.⁶
递减[遞減] ài-gām
dìjiǎn decrease progressively.⁵
递交[遞交] ài-gäo
dìjiāo hand over; present; submit.⁵
递眼色[遞眼色] ài-ngān-sēik
dìyǎnsè tip somebody the wink; wink at somebody.⁵
递升[遞升] ài-sëin
dìshēng promote to the next rank.⁵
递嬗[遞嬗] ài-sèn
dìshàn to change progressively.¹⁰ to change in succession.¹¹
递推[遞推] ài-tuï
dìtuī recursion; recursive (calculation); recurrence.¹⁰
递和气[遞和氣] ài-võ-hï
dìhéqì show a friendly face.¹¹
递送[遞送] ài-xüng
dìsòng send to, deliver by messenger.¹¹
递送信件[遞送信件] ài-xüng-xïn-gèin
dìsòngxìnjiàn deliver letters.⁵

ai4 118
50 11 âi dài band; belt; girdle; ribbon; tire.¹⁰
带子[帶子] âi-dū dàizi belt; band; ribbon; strap; girdle; (coll.) audio or video tape.¹⁰
皮带[皮帶] pĩ-âi/
pídài leather belt.¹¹
鞋带[鞋帶] hãi-âi/
xiédài shoelace, shoestring.⁸
轮带[輪帶] lũn-âi/
lúndài (=轮胎[輪胎] lũn-höi lúntāi) tire.⁹
磁带[磁帶] xũ-âi/
cídài magnetic tape.¹⁰
一衣带水[一衣帶水] yīt-yï-âi-suī
yīyīdàishuǐ separated only by a narrow strip of water.⁶
<台> 帶 âi/  long piece of cloth for carrying a baby on a woman's back.
<又> äi.
(See 帶 äi.)
ai5 119
27 4 āk è harrowing, miserable; disaster, calamity, catastrophe; adversity, difficulty, distress; to be stranded; strategic point.³⁶
(variant: 戹 āk è).
(composition: ⿸厂㔾; U+5384).
厄缶 Ākfèo
Èfǒu Loránd Eötvös, Austro-Hungarian physicist (1848 – 1919).¹⁵ʼ²⁹
厄缶单位[厄缶單位] āk-fèo-än-vì
èfǒu dānwèi Eotvos (unit): the eotvos is a unit of acceleration divided by distance that was used in conjunction with the older centimeter-gram-second system of units (cgs). The eotvos is defined as 1/1,000,000,000 galileos per centimetre. The symbol of the eotvos unit is E.¹⁵ʼ²⁹
厄境 āk-gēin
èjìng a difficult situation; adversity.
厄难[厄難] āk-nàn
ènàn adversity; disaster.
厄运[厄運] āk-vùn
èyùn bad luck; misfortune.
(See 戹 āk).
ak1 120
30 7 āk è (exclamation); to hiccup.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰口厄; U+5443).
打呃 ā-āk dǎ'è to hiccup.¹⁰
呃逆 āk-ngèik
ènì to hiccup; to belch.¹⁰
<台> hiccup in Hoisanva is 塞噎 xāk-īt, q.v.
(See 呃 ngāk.)
ak1 121
30 16 𠿟 āk the sound of boasting, the bragging tone.²⁴ to boast.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱⿶⿱𦥑冖爻口; U+20FDF).
<又> gūk. (See 𠿟❄{⿱⿶⿱𦥑冖爻口} gūk).
ak1 122
41 8 āk ➀ (<old>=得 āk de, dé, děi to get; to obtain; to gain, to acquire; to contract; to become ill with; etc.³⁶
(composition: ⿱旦寸; U+3775).
<又> ngòi.
(See 㝵 ngòi; 得 āk).
ak1 123
41 10 āk (ancient form of 得 āk) to get, complacent.⁸
(composition: ⿳罒儿寸; U+3776).
(See 得 [āk, ]).
ak1 124
50 12 āk a tent, a curtained place.
帏幄[幃幄] or 帷幄 vĩ-āk wéiwò tent.¹¹
运筹帷幄[運籌帷幄] vùn-chiũ-vĩ-āk
yùnchóuwéiwò to map out or devise strategy in the command tent.⁷
ak1 125
60 11 āk de (an adverbial expletive).⁷
不得 būt-āk bùde must not; may not.¹
走得快 dēo-āk-fäi
zǒudekuài to walk fast; to go fast.⁷
挣得多,花得快[掙得多,花得快] jäng-āk-ü, fä-āk-fäi
zhèng de duō, huā de kuài The more money one earns, the more one spends.¹
说得好[說得好] sōt-āk-hāo
shuōdehǎo be well said; speak well (of language).¹
<又> äk, däk.
(See 得 [āk, ], [āk, děi], äk, däk.)
ak1 126
60 11 āk get, obtain, gain.⁵ (variants: 㝶䙷淂𧴫 āk sense 2).
得到 āk-äo
dédào get; obtain; gain; receive.⁵
得逞 āk-chẽin
déchěng to prevail; to have one's way; to get away with it.¹⁰
得奖[得獎] āk-dēng
déjiǎng win (or awarded) a prize.⁵
得罪 āk-duì
dézui offend.⁸
得陇望蜀[得隴望蜀] āk-Lûng-mòng-Sùk
délǒngwàngshǔ  covet the land of Shu after capturing the region of Long –  be greedy for gain; the more one gets, the more one wants; give him an inch, and he will take a mile.⁶
得当[得當] āk-öng
dédàng apt; appropriate; proper; suitable.⁵
得手 āk-siū
déshǒu go smoothly; come off; do fine; succeed.⁵
得寸进尺[得寸進尺] āk-tün-dïn-chëk
décùnjìnchǐ lit. gaining a cùn and ask for a chǐ, fig. "extremely greedy".¹⁵
得意 āk-yï
déyì to be complacent; to be very satisfied; (said of a person in business or politics) very successful.⁷
不得 būt-āk
bùdé must not; may not; not be allowed.⁵
<又> äk, däk.
(See 㝶 āk; 䙷 āk; 𧴫 āk; 得 [āk, de], [āk, děi], äk, däk; 淂 āk sense 2).
ak1 127
60 11 āk děi must, should, ought to; to need, to take.⁷
得负责任[得負責任] āk-fù-jāk-ngìm děi fù zérèn should be responsible for; must shoulder the responsibility.⁷
得亏[得虧] āk-kï
děikuī <topo.> luckily; thanks to.⁶
得用功 āk-yùng-güng
děiyònggōng must be more studious; should put in more time studying.⁷
必得 bēik-āk
bìděi must; have to.¹
我得去 ngô-āk-huï
wǒ děiqù I must leave.
<又> äk, däk.
(See 得 [āk, de], [āk, ], äk, däk.)
ak1 128
60 14 āk (<old>=德 āk virtue, morals, moral character; heart, mind; kindness, favor.⁵); virtue; ethics.⁸
(composition: ⿰彳⿳十罒心; U+5FB3).
(See 德 āk).
ak1 129
60 15 āk virtue, morals, moral character; heart, mind; kindness, favor.⁵
(variants: 徳悳𢛳❄{⿳⿱十罒一心} āk. (See 徳悳𢛳❄{⿳⿱十罒一心} āk).
(composition: ⿰彳⿳⿱十罒一心; U+5FB7).
德高望重 āk-gäo-mòng-jùng
dégāowàngzhòng be of noble character and high prestige; enjoy high prestige and command universal respect.⁵
德国[德國] Āk-gōk
Déguó Germany.⁵
德行 āk-hàng
déxíng moral integrity; moral.⁵
德行 āk-hàng
déxing <topo.> disgusting; shameful.⁵
德昂族  Āk-ngõng-dùk
Dé'ángzú De'ang ethnic group (inhabiting China's Yunnan Province).⁶
德语[德語] Āk-nguî
Déyǔ German language.⁵
德才兼备[德才兼備] āk-tõi-gëm-bì
décáijiānbèi have both ability and political integrity.⁵
德育 āk-yùk
déyù moral education.⁵
道德 ào-āk
dàodé morals; morality; ethics.⁵
同心同德  hũng-xïm-hũng-āk
tóngxīntóngdé be of one heart and mind.⁵
美德 mî-āk
měidé virtue; moral excellence.⁵
以德报怨[以德報怨] yî-āk-bäo-yön
yǐdébàoyuàn to repay injury with kindness; to return good for evil.⁷
以怨报德[以怨報德] yî-yön-bäo-āk
yǐyuànbàodé return evil for good; requite kindness with ingratitude.⁶
ak1 130
61 12 𢛳 āk (=德 āk virtue, morals, moral character; heart, mind; kindness, favor.⁵).⁸
(composition: ⿳⿱十罒一心; U+226F3).
(See 德 āk).
ak1 131
61 12
āk (=德 āk virtue, morals, moral character; heart, mind; kindness, favor.⁵); ethics, morality, virtue.⁸
(composition: ⿱⿺𠃊⿱十目心; U+60B3).
(See 德 āk).
ak1 132
63 5 āk è (=厄 āk è harrowing, miserable; disaster, calamity, catastrophe; adversity, difficulty, distress; to be stranded; strategic point.³⁶).⁸ straight; narrow; a small door; difficulties; straights; distressed.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰⿸户乙(GH) or ⿸戶乙(TJK); U+6239).
(See 厄 āk).
ak1 133
64 7 āk è to repress, to restrain, to control; to clutch, to grasp, to grip; to hold and defend (a city).⁷
扼虎 äk-fū èhǔ lit. to choke a tiger to death; fig. very powerful; with enormous strength.⁷
扼据[扼據] āk-guï
èjù to occupy and hold (key positions).⁷
扼险[扼險] āk-hēm
èxiǎn to hold the most strategic position (in military operations).⁷
扼喉抚背[扼喉撫背] āk-hẽo-fū-böi
èhóufǔbèi hold the best strategic positions, which will render the enemy helpless.⁷
扼吭 āk-hõng
èháng to choke; to throttle.⁷
扼制 āk-jäi
èzhì to repress; to keep under control by force.⁷
扼制交通 āk-jäi gäo-hüng
èzhìjiāotōng control of communications.¹⁴
扼阻要塞 āk-jū-yël-xāk
èzǔyàosāi <mil.> a stronghold which will jeopardize military operaions of the enemy.⁷
扼流圈 āk-liũ-hūn
èliúquān <elec.> choke.
扼杀[扼殺] äk-sät
èshā to strangle; to smother; to throttle.⁷
扼守 āk-siū
èshǒu hold and defend (a strategic position).⁷
扼腕 āk-vōn
èwàn lit. to seize one's wrists; fig. regret, disappointment; anger; excitement.⁷
扼死 āk-xī
èsǐ to strangle; to throttle.⁷
扼要 äk-yël
èyào to hold a strategic position; main points of a statement or article; in summary.⁷
<又> äk.
(See 扼 äk.)

ak1 134
64 12 āk (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 握 äk with same meaning: to hold fast, to grasp.)
<又> äk.
(See 握 äk.)
ak1 135
64 13 āk è (=扼 āk è seize.⁸)  to cluth; to grasp.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰扌益; U+6424).
(See 扼 āk).
ak1 136
75 8 āk ě a knot in wood.²⁴ knot (on a tree or board).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰木厄; U+6799).
科枙 fö-āk kē'ě =(<old>=科厄 fö-āk kē'è knot (on a tree or board).⁵⁴).⁸
<又> âk.
(See 枙 âk).
ak1 137
85 11 āk the name of a river; (<old>=得 āk get, obtain, gain.⁵).⁸ water; like water.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵㝵; U+6DC2).
(See 得 āk).
ak1 138
85 12 āk <wr.> wet; moisten.⁵ to dye; great (kindness).⁷ to enrich; to moisten.¹⁰
渥丹 āk-än wòdān to dye red; deep red, vermilion.⁷
渥惠 āk-fì
wòhuì great kindness; profound benefaction.⁷
渥太华[渥太華] Āk-häi-vã
Wòtàihuá Ottawa, capital of Canada.¹⁰
渥泽[渥澤] āk-jàk
wòzé great kindness; profound benefaction.⁷
渥赭 āk-jēh
wòzhě deep brown.¹¹
渥味 āk-mì
wòwèi strong flavor.⁷
渥恩 āk-yïn
wò'ēn profound benefaction; great kindness.⁷
优渥[優渥] yiü-āk
yōuwò liberal (compensation).¹¹
ak1 139
140 7 āk è <chem.> acenaphthene.
ak1 140
142 10 āk è moth butterfly larvae, like silkworm, as big as finger.⁸ʼ⁰ a black caterpiller, as big as one's finger.²⁵ moth larvae.³⁶
(composition: ⿰虫厄; U+8685).
ak1 141
147 10 āk (ancient form of 得 āk ) to obtain; to acquire; to gain, to effect; to attain, can; may; able to be done.⁸
(composition: ⿱見寸; U+4677).
(See 得 [āk, ]).
ak1 142
154 10 𧴫
āk (=得 āk get, obtain, gain.⁵).⁸
(composition: ⿰貝寸; U+27D2B).
(See 得 [āk, ]).
ak1 143
167 16 āk technetium (Tc).⁶
ak1 144
170 6 āk è (=厄 āk è harrowing, miserable; disaster, calamity, catastrophe; adversity, difficulty, distress; to be stranded; strategic point.³⁶); in distress; adverse; strategic; <Cant.> to swindle.⁸ a dangerous obstructioin; a defile or pass; a limit, a hindrance; to distress, to impede; hazardous, urgent.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰阝厄; U+9628).
or 阸穷[阸窮]āk-kũng è'qióng in great distress; very poor.¹⁴
or 艰阸[艱阸] gän-āk jiān'è in serious difficulties.¹⁴ calamity, utter want.¹⁰²
or 凶阸 hüng-āk xiōng'è straits; difficulties.²⁵ in great straits.¹⁰²
or 穷阸[窮阸] kũng-āk qióng'è brought to great distress; at extremity.¹⁰²
<又> äi.
(See 阨 äi; 厄 āk; 阸 āk).
ak1 145
170 7 āk è ➀ blocked up, be isolated ➁ difficulty and danger; disaster ➂ to force, to compel; hard-pressed ➃ limit; obstacle.⁸ ➄ distress; difficulty.⁸ʼ¹⁰ ➅ to stop up, a limit, an impediment; also hazardous, imminent, urgent.²⁵  ➆ a dangerous obstructioin; a defile or pass; a limit, a hindrance; to distress, to impede; hazardous, urgent.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰阝戹; U+9638).
阸穷[阸窮] or 阨穷[阨窮] āk-kũng è'qióng in great distress; very poor.¹⁴
or 艰阨[艱阨] gän-āk jiān'è in serious difficulties.¹⁴ calamity, utter want.¹⁰²
or 凶阨 hüng-āk xiōng'è straits; difficulties.²⁵ in great straits.¹⁰²
or 穷阨[窮阨] kũng-āk qióng'è brought to great distress; at extremity.¹⁰²
<又> äi.
(See 阸 äi; 阨 āk).
ak1 146
196 24 āk the same as 山鹊[山鵲] sän-xēk shānquè (name of a bird, whose ancient name was 鸴[鷽] āk ; it resembles a magpie; dark blue color and variegated; the beak and feet are red, the head has a white crown; and the tail is white and long; and it cannot fly far.⁸).² a kind of wild jay, or magpie; it is variegated, with a long tail and beak, and red feet. It is said to know future events; it can imitate the cry of the falcon and hawk, but its disposition is fierce, and when it meets with its companions it seizes upon them.²⁵ a small bird of the jay family, resembling the magpie in its contour; it has red legs and bill, a long tail and variegated plumage; it is reared for fighting, and can imitate the cry of hawks; if its song is heard early, the weather will be fair; if at eventide, rain will come; it may be the Pica vagabunda, but is more probably a sort of Garrulax or thrush.¹⁰²
t: ⿱𦥯鳥 or ⿱⿶⿱𦥑冖爻鳥; U+9DFD).
s: ⿳⿲丶丶丿冖鸟; U+9E34)
<又> hòk.
(See 鷽 hòk).
ak1 147
60 11 äk <台> 得闲[得閑] äk-hãn (contracted to äkãn) to have free time or leisure.
<台> 好尼唔得好尼 hāo-nāi-m̃-äk-hāo-nāi (contracted to hāo-nāi-mäk-hāo-nāi) They don't know they have it so good; want more and more.
<台> 唔得 m̃-äk (contracted to mäk) can't.
<台> 唔得闲[唔得閑] m̃-äk-hãn (contracted to mäkãn) busy; have no free time.
<台> 唔得了 m̃-äk-lēl (contracted to mäk-lēl) Oh my God, be in a bad way, disastrous.
<又> āk, däk. (See 得 [āk, de], [āk, ], [āk, děi], däk.)
ak2 148
64 7 äk è to grasp.
<台> 扼住 äk-jì to hold on to.
<又> āk. (See 扼 āk.)
ak2 149
64 12 äk to hold fast, to grasp.
握拳 äk-kũn or āk-kũn wòquán to make a fist
握手 äk-siū
or āk-siū wòshǒu to shake hands; handshake.
握手言欢[握手言歡] äk-siū-ngũn-fön
or āk-siū-ngũn-fön wòshǒuyánhuān to shake hands and chat amicably (after a quarrel).
握槊 äk-sōk
or āk-sōk wòshuò to play checkers or chess, also defined as playing dice.¹⁴
把握 bā-äk
or bā-āk bǎwò to grasp firmly; assurance, certainty.
掌握 jēng-äk
or jēng-āk zhǎngwò to possess, to master, to know well; to have in hand; to grasp.⁸
<又> āk.
(See 握 āk.)
ak2 150
64 12 àk xiē <台> 揳 àk to stab (with a dagger); to drive (a nail into a piece of wood).
<台> 揳铁钉[揳鐵釘] àk-hëik-dêng to drive/hammer iron nails (into something).
<又> xëp. (See 揳 xëp; 楔 xēik, xëp, xêp.)
ak4 151
93 10 àk special, exceptional; for a special purpose, specialty; secret agent, spy; very, especially; <wr.> but, only.⁵
特大 àk-ài tèdà especially big; the most.⁵
特等 àk-āng
tèděng special grade or class; top grade.⁵
特别[特別] àk-bèik
tèbié special.¹¹
特产[特產] àk-chān
tèchǎn special local product.⁵
特长[特長] àk-chẽng
tècháng specialty, special aptitude.¹¹
特出 àk-chūt
tèchū outstanding; extraordinary.⁵
特定 àk-èin
tèdìng specially designated; specific, given.⁵
特点[特點] àk-ēm
tèdiǎn characteristic, peculiarity, trait.⁵
特价[特價] àk-gä
tèjià special price.¹¹
特稿 àk-gāo
tègǎo special write-up.¹¹
特工 àk-güng
tègōng secret service.⁵
特征[特徵] àk-jëin
tèzhēng characteristic; feature; trait.⁵
特指 àk-jī
tèzhǐ refer in particular to.⁵
特种[特種] àk-jūng
tèzhǒng special type; particular kind.⁵
特权[特權] àk-kũn
tèquán spcieal rights and privileges.¹¹
特立独行[特立獨行] àk-lìp-ùk-hãng
tèlìdúxíng noteworthy conduct and independent character.¹¹
特朗普 àk-lông-pū
tèlǎngpǔ Trump (surname).
特派 àk-päi
or àk-pāi tèpài specially appointed.⁵
特色 àk-sēik
tèsè unique/special features; characteristics.⁷
特殊 àk-sĩ
tèshū special; particular; peculiar; unusal.⁶
ak4 152
93 12 àk (<old>=特 àk special).⁸ alone, separately; one; one by one.⁵⁴ one, a single one; special, single.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰牜直; U+7286).
不犆弔 būt-àk-ël
bùtèdiào not alone to condole; i.e. one who is a near friend does not make a formality of the condolence.¹⁰²
不犆吊 būt-àk-ël
bùtèdiào should not express condolences alone (at the wrong time).⁵⁴
犆言 àk-ngũn
tèyán speak one by one.⁵⁴
犆言同时也[犆言同時也] àk-ngũn-hũng-sĩ-yâ
tèyán tóngshí yě specially spoke of it at the same time.¹⁰²
犆牲 àk-säng
tèshēng one sacrificial animal, one sacrifice.⁵⁴
<又> jèik.
(See 犆 jèik).⁸
ak4 153
142 16 àk (=蟘 àk )⁵⁴ an injurious insect destroying rice seedlings or young sprouts.⁸ a small insect destroying rice seedlings or young sprouts.¹¹ a destructive insect which attacks rice plants.¹⁴
去其螟螣 huï-kĩ-mẽin-àk
qùqímíngtè remove the insects that eat the heart, and those that attack the leaf.¹⁴
螟螣 mẽin-àk
míngtè locusts that devour the blade of corn.²⁵
<又> hãng.
(See 螣 hãng; 蟘 àk.)
ak4 154
142 16 𧎬
àk the insects that devour the corn.²⁵ (=蟘 àk an injurious insect destroying rice seedlings or young sprouts.⁸ an insect that devours the blade of corn.²⁵).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱特虫; U+273AC).
(See 蟘 àk).
ak4 155
142 16 𧎢
àk (=蟘 àk an injurious insect destroying rice seedlings or young sprouts.⁸ an insect that devours the blade of corn.²⁵).⁸
(composition: ⿰虫貣; U+273A2).
(See 蟘 àk).
ak4 156
142 18 àk an injurious insect destroying rice seedlings or young sprouts.⁸ an insect that devours the blade of corn.²⁵
(variants: 螣,𧎢,𧎬❄{⿱特虫} àk ).
(See 螣 àk; 𧎢 àk; 𧎬❄{⿱特虫} àk).
ak4 157
75 8 âk è (<old>=轭[軛] âk è a yoke, a collar; to restrain.¹⁴); control; drive.⁸
(composition: ⿰木厄; U+6799).
<又> āk.
(See 枙āk; 軛 âk).
ak5 158
159 11 âk è a yoke, a collar; to restrain.¹⁴ (<old> variant: 軶 âk è).
轭制[軛制] âk-jäi
èzhì to restrain; to curb.¹⁴
共轭[共軛] gùng-äk gòng'è <math.> conjugate.⁵
牛轭[牛軛] ngẽo-âk
niú'è oxbow; yoke.⁶
(See 軶 âk.)
ak5 159
159 12 âk è (=轭[軛] âk è) a yoke, a collar; to restrain.¹⁴
(See 軛 âk.)
ak5 160
167 12 âk è <Cant.> bracelet; bangle.⁸ Same as 镯[鐲] âk zhuó bracelet).³⁶
(composition: ⿰釒厄; U+922A).
手鈪 siū-âk/
shǒuzhuó bracelet; bangle.⁶ (See 手鐲] siū-âk).
<台> 鈪 âk/ bracelet.
(See 鐲 âk).
ak5 161
167 21 âk zhuó bracelet. <文读> jùk; <白读> âk.
镯子[鐲子] âk-dū zhuózi bracelet.⁶
金镯[金鐲] gïm-âk/
jīnzhuó gold bracelet.⁶
银镯[銀鐲] ngãn-âk/
yínzhuó silver bracelet.⁶
玉镯[玉鐲] ngùk-âk/
yùzhuó jade bracelet.⁶
手镯[手鐲] siū-âk/
shǒuzhuó bracelet; bangle.⁶
<台> 镯[鐲] âk/ bracelet.
(See 鈪 âk).
<又> jùk.
(See 鐲 jùk.)
ak5 162
3 5 ām dǎn bowl of food.⁸ donburi (lit. "bowl", also abbreviated as "don" is a Japanese "rice bowl dish" consisting of fish, meat, vegetables or other ingredients simmered together and served over rice.¹⁵
丼物 ām-mùt dǎnwù Donburi, Japanese "rice bowl dish".¹⁵
天丼 hëinām
tiāndǎn Tendon (a Japanese dish consisting of tempura on a bowl of rice. The name "tendon" is an abbreviation of tempura and donburi).¹⁵
豚丼 hũn-ām
túndǎn Butadon is a dish made with pork instead of beef in a mildly sweet sauce.¹⁵
鳗丼[鰻丼] mãn-ām
mándǎn Unadon (an abbreviation for unagi + donburi, "eel bowl") is a dish originating in Japan. It consists of a donburi type large bowl filled with steamed white rice, and topped with fillets of eel (unagi) grilled in a style known as kabayaki, similar to teriyaki.¹⁵
牛丼 ngẽo-ām
niúdǎn Gyūdon, literally beef bowl, is a Japanese dish consisting of a bowl of rice topped with beef and onion simmered in a mildly sweet sauce flavored with dashi, soy sauce and mirin (sweet rice wine).¹⁵
亲子丼[親子丼] tïn-dū-ām
qìngzǐdǎn Oyakodon (simmered chicken, egg, and sliced scallion served on top of a large bowl of rice).¹⁵
<又> dēng.
(See 丼 dēng).

am1 163
64 12 ām ǎn to apply medicinal powder to a wound; to cover with the hand.
揞脉[揞脈] ām-mäk ǎnmài to feel the pulse.¹⁴
揞灭[揞滅] ām-mèik
ǎnmiè to extinguish.¹⁴
揞上云南白药[揞上雲南白藥] ām-sëng Vũn-nãm Bàk-yèk
ǎnshàng Yúnnán Báiyào to apply Yunnan Baiyao (to a wound).
am1 164
72 12 ām àn (=暗 ām àn dim, dark, obscure; stupid, ignorant; secret, clandestine, stealthy; hidden (meaning, drainage systems, rocks).⁷).
(composition: ⿰日奄; U+667B).
(See 暗 ām).
am1 165
72 13 ām àn dim, dark, obscure; stupid, ignorant; secret, clandestine, stealthy; hidden (meaning, drainage systems, rocks).⁷ (variant: 闇 ām àn).
暗暗 ām-ām
àn'àn obscure; secret.⁷
or 暗淡 ām-àm àndàn (of color) faded, dull and not fresh; (of business and future prospects) dim, dismal.⁷
暗娼 ām-chëng
ànchāng unlicensed prostitute.⁵
暗箭 ām-dëin
ànjiàn an arrow shot from hiding; attack by a hidden enemy; a stab in the back.⁵
暗探 ām-häm
àntàn secret agent; detective.⁵
暗中 ām-jüng
ànzhōng in the dark; surreptitiously.⁵
暗诵[暗誦] ām-dùng
ànsòng <wr.> commit to memory; recite in silence.⁵⁴
暗含 ām-hẽim
ànhán to imply.
暗沟[暗溝] ām-këo
àngōu underground drain.⁹
暗无天日[暗無天日] ām-mũ-hëin-ngìt
ànwútiānrì complete darkness; total absence of justice.⁵
暗懦 ām-nù
ànnuò stupid and weak in character, ignorant and timid.⁵⁴
暗杀[暗殺] ām-sät
ànshā assassinate.⁵
暗示 ām-sì
ànshì drop a hint, hint, suggest; suggestion.⁵
暗室 ām-sīt
ànshì darkroom.⁵
天昏地暗 hëin-fün-ì-ām tiānhūndì'àn a murky sky over a dark earth; dark all around.⁵
<又> äm.
(See 暗 äm; 闇 ām).
am1 166
130 13 ām ān an ancient cooking method in which salt, black soy, green onions, etc. were boiled with meat or fish.⁸
(composition: ⿰⺼音; U+8164).
腤白肉 ām-bàk-ngùk ānbáiròu or 腤腩 ām-nâm ānnǎn an ancient method of cooking fatty pork.⁸
腤鸡[腤雞] ām-gäi
ānjī an ancient method of cooking chicken.⁸
腤猪[腤豬] ām-jï
ānzhū an ancient method of cooking pork.⁸
腤鱼[腤魚] ām-nguĩ
ānyú an ancient method of cooking fish.⁸
am1 167
130 17 ām dǎn gallbladder; courage, guts, bravery; a bladder-like inner container.⁵
大胆[大膽] ài-ām dàdǎn bold; daring; audacious.⁵
胆大[膽大] ām-ài
dǎndà bold; audacious.⁵
胆大妄为[膽大妄為] ām-ài-mông-vĩ
dǎndàwàngwéi reckless.⁵
胆大心细[膽大心細] ām-ài-xïm-xäi
dǎndàxīnxì bold but cautious.⁸ brave but not reckless.¹¹
胆固醇[膽固醇] ām-gü-sũn
dǎngùchún cholesterol.¹⁰
胆怯[膽怯] ām-hèp
or ām-hēp dǎnqiè timid; cowardly.⁵
胆量[膽量] ām-lèng
dǎnliàng courage.¹¹
胆囊[膽囊] ām-nõng
dǎnnáng gallbladder.⁸
胆识[膽識] ām-sēik
dǎnshí courage and insight.⁵
胆石[膽石] ām-sêk
dǎnshí <med.> cholelith; gallstone.⁵
胆小怕事[膽小怕事] ām-xēl-pä-xù
dǎnxiǎopàshì timid and overcautious.³⁹
<台> 胆生毛[膽生毛] ām-säng-mão lit. gall bladder grows hair – reckless.
<台> 长胆[長膽] jēng-ām to embolden.
<台> 冇胆[冇膽] mäo-ām gutless.
<台> 冇胆匪类 mäo-ām-fī-luì/ a gutless villain.
<台> 细胆[細膽] xäi-ām timid.
<台> 有胆[有膽] yiü-ām brave; courageous.
am1 168
149 16 ām ān to be well versed in; to learn by heart; <wr.> to know well.
谙诵[諳誦] ām-dùng ānsòng repeat fluently.¹¹ recite from memory.⁵⁴
谙练[諳練] ām-lèin
ānliàn <wr.> conversant; skilled; proficient.
諳熟 ām-sùk
ānshú (=熟谙[熟諳] sùk-ām shú'ān) quite familiar (in recitation, recital, certain operation).¹¹
不諳 būt-ām bù'ān not familiar; not well learned.
不谙世故[不諳世故] būt-ām-säi-gü
bù'ānshìgù to know little of interpersonal skills; to be naive.
不谙世事[不諳世事] būt-ām-säi-xù
bù'ānshìshì ignorant of worldly affairs.
不谙水性[不諳水性] būt-ām-suī-xëin
bù'ānshuǐxìng don't know how to swim.
熟谙[熟諳] sùk-ām
shú'ān (=谙熟[諳熟] ām-sùk ānshú) well-learned, expert.¹¹
素谙水性[素諳水性] xü-ām-suī-xëin
sùānshuǐxìng to be a skillful swimmer.⁵⁴
am1 169
169 17 ām àn (=暗 ām àn dim, dark, obscure; stupid, ignorant; secret, clandestine, stealthy; hidden (meaning, drainage systems, rocks).⁷); close, shut; dark, dismal.⁸ to shut the door; also dark, secret, undiscernible.²⁵ dull, not bright; refers to night time; ignorance, stupor; deep; deep black; don't understand; in secret, in private; to obliterate, to bury; to cover up.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿵門音; U+95C7).
闇昏时[闇昏時] ām-fün-sĩ/
ànhūnshí the evening.²⁵
闇弱 or 暗弱 ām-ngèk
ànruò (of light) dim; ignorant and weak.³⁶
闇夜 ām-yèh
ànyè a dark night.²⁵
Xià hòu shì jì qí àn
The sovereigns of Xia presented it in the dark.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·祭義·17》, translated by James Legge).
黮闇 häm-ām
tàn'àn not clear.²⁵
孝子不服闇 häo-dū-būt-fùk-ām
xiàozǐbùfú'àn a filial child does nothing in the dark.²⁵
(See 暗 ām).
am1 170
182 18 ām àn hurricane; gale; cyclone.⁸
(composition: ⿺風音; U+4B13).
䬓䬔 ām-yĩ ànyú a tempest, a typhoon.²⁵
am1 171
203 21 ām àn dim; gloomy.⁵ dark, dim; gloomy, dismal, low-spirited.⁶
黯黯 ām-ām àn'àn gloomy; somber; sad.⁷
or 黯澹 or 暗淡 or 暗澹 ām-àm àndàn (of color) faded, dull and not fresh; (of business and future prospects) dim, dismal.⁷
黯淡下来[黯淡下來] ām-àm-hä-lõi
àndàn xiàlái become dim/faint/gloomy.⁵⁴
黯黑 ām-hāk
ànhēi pitch-black, jet-black; dark, dusky.⁶
黯然 ām-ngẽin
ànrán <wr.> dim, faint; dejected, low-spirited, downcast.⁷
黯然泪下[黯然淚下] ām-ngẽin-luì-hà
ànránlèixià find oneself in agony with tears dropping from one’s eyes.⁵⁴
黯然无光[黯然無光] ām-ngẽin-mũ-göng
ànránwúguāng pale into insignificance; be eclipsed; be overshadowed.⁵⁴
黯然神伤[黯然神傷] ām-ngẽin-sĩn-sëng
ànránshénshāng feel dejected.⁷
黯然失色 ām-ngẽin-sīt-sēik
ànránshīsè be overshadowed.⁷
黯然销魂[黯然銷魂] ām-ngẽin-xël-vũn
ànránxiāohún be extremely sad and depressed.⁶
or 暗蔼[暗藹] ām-ōi àn'ǎi <wr.> luxuriant, prosperous; dim, gloomy.⁵⁴
黯惨[黯慘] ām-tām
àncǎn gloomy; dismal.⁷
紫黯 dū-ām
zǐ'àn dark purple; purple black.⁵⁴
am1 172
203 25 ām dǎn to tattoo the face.⁷ black; tattoo; make dirty.⁸ very dirty; filthy.²⁵
黵面 ām-mèin dǎnmiàn an ancient punishment of tattooing a criminal's face.⁷ to mark the face with indelible ink.²⁵
am1 173
9 10 äm ǎn (a northern dialect equivalent of I, me, we, or us).
俺们[俺們] äm-mõn ǎnmen we.
<又> yēm.
(See 俺 yēm.)
am2 174
9 15 äm
dàn 50 kilograms.
家无儋石[家無儋石] or 家无担石[家無擔石] gä-mũ-äm-sêk jiāwúdànshí to live from hand to mouth.
(See 儋 [Äm, Dān].)
am2 175
9 15 äm
dān 儋州 Äm-jiü Dānzhōu Danzhou city in 海南 Hōi-nãm Hǎinán Hainan Province.
儋县[儋縣] Äm-yòn
Dānxiàn Dan county in 海南 Hōi-nãm Hǎinán Hainan Province.
(See 儋 [äm, dàn].)
am2 176
30 11 äm ǎn to put (powdery or particulate substance in one's hand) into the mouth;⁶  word used in Buddhist incantations.⁶
唵了两口雪[唵了兩口雪] äm-lēl-lēng-hēo-xūt ǎnliǎoliǎngkǒuxuě take two mouthfuls of snow.⁶
唵嘛呢叭咪吽 äm-mã-nãi-bā-māi-hüng
ǎnmaníbāmīhōng Oṃ Maṇi Padme Hūṃ (Sanskrit: ओं मणिपद्मे हूं ), or Om Mani Peme Hung (Tibetan: ཨོཾ་མ་ཎི་པདྨེ་ཧཱུྃ) is the six-syllabled Sanskrit mantra particularly associated with the four-armed Shadakshari form of Avalokiteshvara (觀音 Gön-yïm Guānyīn Guanyin), the bodhisattva of compassion. Mani means "jewel" or "bead" and Padme means "the lotus flower", the Buddhist sacred flower.¹⁵
am2 177
32 9 äm ǎn (=埯 äm ǎn) a hole to dibble seeds; to dibble into the dug holes.²²
<又> yēm.
(See 垵 yēm; 埯 äm, yēm.)
am2 178
32 11 äm ǎn a hole to dibble seeds; to dibble into the dug holes.²²
埯豆 äm-èo or yēm-èo ǎndòu to dibble in the beans.²²
埯瓜 äm-gä
or yēm-gä ǎnguā to dibble in the melon seeds.²²
一埯兒花生 yīt-yēm-ngĩ fä-säng
or  yīt-äm-ngĩ fä-säng  yī ǎnr huāshēng a cluster of peanut seedlings.²²
<又> yēm.
(See 垵 yēm; 埯 äm, yēm.)
am2 179
38 12 äm ān undecided.¹⁰
媕呓[媕囈] äm-ngài ānyì somniloquy.⁸
or 媕婀 äm-ö ān'ē <wr.> indecisive; hesitant.⁶
am2 180
53 广 3 广 äm ān Kangxi radical 53.⁸ (=庵 äm ān) hut (usually used in the name of a person).⁹
(See 廣 gōng.)
am2 181
53 广 11 äm ān <wr.> hut; nunnery; Buddhist convent.⁵ (old variant: 菴 äm ān.)
or 菴堂 äm-hõng āntáng a convent; a Buddhist shrine.¹⁴
or 菴庐[菴廬] äm-lũ ānlú a small hut.¹¹
尼姑菴 or 尼姑庵 nãi-gǔ-äm
nígū'ān a nunnery.¹¹
(See 菴 äm.)
am2 182
64 16 äm dàn two buckets full; 50 kg.
担担面[擔擔麵] äm-äm-mèin dàndànmiàn Sichuan noodles with a spicy and numbing sauce.
担子[擔子] äm-dū
dànzi carrying pole plus load; charge; responsibility.
公担[公擔] güng-äm
or 公石 güng-sèk gōngdàn quintal.⁵
重担[重擔] jùng-äm
zhòngdàn heavy burden; difficult task.
市担[市擔] sî-äm
shìdàn <m.> (of weight) equal to 50 kg.
一担水[一擔水] yit-äm-suī
yīdànshuǐ two buckets of water; difficult burden.
勇挑重担[勇挑重擔] yûng-hël-jùng-äm
yǒngtiāozhòngdàn bravely take on heavy responsibilities.
(See 擔 [äm, dān].)
am2 183
64 16 äm dān to carry two units on ends of pole on shoulder; to take on; to undertake; to take responsibility; <台> to move; <台> to hold in mouth.
担簦[擔簦] äm-äng dāndēng lit. to carry an unbrella; fig. a poor and humble life/existence.⁸
担保[擔保] äm-bāo
dānbǎo assure; guarantee; vouch for.⁵
担负[擔負] äm-fù
dānfù to carry (burden, responsibility).¹¹
担任[擔任] äm-ngìm
dānrèn to assume office of; to take charge of; to take responsibility.
担水[擔水] äm-suī
dānshuǐ to carry two buckets of water, one at each end of a pole on shoulder.
or 耽心 äm-xïm dānxīn to be worried.⁷
or 耽忧[耽憂] äm-yiü dānyōu worry; be anxious/concerned about; concern.⁶
分担[分擔] fün-äm
fēndān to share responsibility for.
承担[承擔] sẽin-äm
chéngdān assume; undertake; endure; hold.⁸
<台> 担竿[擔竿] äm-gôn a carrying pole.
<台> 担张凳仔[擔張凳仔] äm-jëng-âng-dōi to move or to bring the stool.
<台> 猫担减几条鱼[貓擔減幾條魚] miū-äm-gām-gī-hẽl-nguî/ the cat is holding several fish in its mouth.
(See 擔 [äm, dàn].)
am2 184
72 13 äm àn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 暗 ām àn with same meaning: dim, dark, obscure; stupid, ignorant; secret, clandestine, stealthy; hidden (meaning, drainage systems, rocks).⁷)
<台> 房间好暗[房間好暗] fông-gän-hāo-äm The room is very dark.
<又> ām.
(See 暗 ām.)
am2 185
108 16 äm ān lid of a caldron; Buddhist cloister.⁸ a hut, a small Buddhist temple; <wr.> cover of vessel for food.¹¹ (variant: 盫 äm ān).
(See 盫 äm).
am2 186
108 18 äm ān (=盦 äm ān) lid of a caldron; Buddhist cloister.⁸ a hut, a small Buddhist temple; <wr.> cover of vessel for food.¹¹
am2 187
109 9 äm dān gloat, stare at; to delay, to loiter, to hinder.⁸
眈眈 äm-äm dāndān glare fiercely.eyeing gloatingly; looking at greedily; staring.⁷
虎视眈眈[虎視眈眈] fū-sì-äm-äm
hǔshìdāndān glare like a tiger eyeing its prey; eye covetously.⁵
am2 188
128 10 äm dān delay; <wr.> abandon oneself to, indulge in.⁵ (variant: 躭 äm dān).
耽习[耽習] äm-dìp
dānxí to be absorbed in study.⁷
耽搁[耽擱] äm-gōk
dānge to stay, to stop over; to delay.⁷
耽乐[耽樂] äm-lòk
dānlè indulge in pleasure.⁵
耽误[耽誤] äm-m̀
dānwù to delay; to hold up.⁷
耽湎 äm-mēin
dānmiǎn addicted to.⁷
耽美主义[耽美主義] äm-mî-jī-ngì
dānměizhǔyì estheticism.⁷
耽溺 äm-nèik
dānnì to indulge in (evil ways); unable to free oneself from (bad habits).⁷
耽读[耽讀] äm-ùk
dāndú addicted to reading.⁷
耽惑 äm-vàk
dānhuò be infatuated with (wine, women).¹¹
or 担心[擔心] äm-xïm dānxīn to be worried.⁷
耽思 äm-xü
dānsī to think deeply; to ponder.⁷
or 担忧[擔憂] äm-yiü dānyōu worry; be anxious/concerned about; concern.⁶
(See 躭 äm).
am2 189
128 10 äm dān (=聃 äm dān) ears without rims; (a personal name).⁸ 
(See 聃 äm).
am2 190
128 11 äm dān ears without rims; (a personal name).⁸  (variant: 耼 äm dān).
老聃 Lāo-äm
Lǎo Dān Laozi.
(See 耼 äm).
am2 191
140 11 äm ān (=庵 äm ān) a hut; a small Buddhist temple, nunnery, or monastery.¹⁴
or 庵堂 äm-hõng āntáng a convent; a Buddhist shrine.¹⁴
or 庵庐[庵廬] äm-lũ ānlú a small hut.¹¹
or 尼姑庵 nãi-gǔ-äm nígū'ān a nunnery.¹¹
<又> yēm.
(See 菴 yēm.)
am2 192
158 11 äm dān (=耽 äm dān) delay; <wr.> abandon oneself to, indulge in.⁵
(See 耽 äm).
am2 193
164 11 äm dān addicted to alcoholic drinks.⁷ addicted to.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰酉冘; U+9156).
酖酖 äm-äm dāndān enjoying comfort.⁷
酖酒色 äm-diū-sēik
dānjiǔsè lust for woman and wine.¹⁴
酖嗜 äm-sï
dānshì greedy.¹⁴
<又> jìm.
(See 酖 jìm).
am2 194
181 14 äm dān the muscles of the cheeks relaxing.²ʼ²⁵
(Cant.) read daam1 to raise the head.⁸ (Note: This is the exact opposite meaning when 頕 is read ëm diàn, q.v.)
(composition: ⿰占頁; U+9815).
<粵> 頕天望地
or 眈天望地 äm-hëin-mòng-ì  daam1 tin1 mong6 dei6  to have nothing to do, be inattentive.⁷⁵
<又> ëm.
(See 頕 ëm).
am2 195
30 11 àm dàn <wr.> to eat or to let someone eat.⁴ to dine, to eat; to feed; to lure with huge profits.⁶ Dan surname.⁸
(variants: 噉, 㗖, 啿 àm dàn).
啖饭[啖飯] àm-fàn
dànfàn to eat, to have a meal.⁶
啖肉 àm-ngùk
dànròu to eat meat.¹⁹
啖以重利 àm-yî-jùng-lì
dànyǐzhònglì to entice with great profits.¹⁹
啖以利乎 àm-yî-lì-fũ
dànyǐlìhū can he entice him by gain?¹¹
龁啖 hāt-àm
or ngàt-àm hédàn to bite and eat.⁸
Jī jiǎo zhī bǔ guǒ ér dàn zhī.
like a child biting a fruit and gobbling it down.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《揚子法言·五百卷第八·24》, translated by Jeffrey S. Bullock).
以枣啖之[以棗啖之] yî-dāo-àm-jï
yǐzǎodànzhī to feed (somebody) with dates.⁶
以私利啖之 yî-xü-lì-àm-jï
yǐsīlìdànzhī lure with personal gains.⁶
<台> 一啖饭[一啖飯] yīt-àm-fàn a mouthful of rice.
<台> 啖吗[啖嗎] àm-mà (to a baby) come on, eat.
(See 噉 àm; 㗖 àm; 啿 àm).
am4 196
30 12 àm dàn (<old>=啖 àm dàn <wr.> to eat or to let someone eat.⁴ to dine, to eat; to feed; to lure with huge profits.⁶).⁸ exuberant; prolific.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口甚; U+557F).
啿啿 àm-àm
dàndàn rich and generous look.⁸ generous appearance.³⁶
(See 啖 àm).
am4 197
30 13 àm dàn (=啖 àm dàn <wr.> to eat or to let someone eat.⁴ to dine, to eat; to feed; to lure with huge profits.⁶).⁸ to bite and chew; to enjoy quietly and slowly, as in chewing.¹¹
(composition: ⿰口舀; U+35D6).
(See 啖 àm).
am4 198
30 14 àm dàn (=啖 àm dàn <wr.> to eat or to let someone eat.⁴ to dine, to eat; to feed; to lure with huge profits.⁶).⁸ to bite and chew; to enjoy quietly and slowly, as in chewing.¹¹
(composition: ⿰口敢; U+5649).
噉蔗 àm-jêh
dànzhè to chew sugarcane.¹¹
噉名 àm-mẽin
dànmíng a good name.¹⁹
噉噬 àm-sâi
dànshì (food) edible.¹⁹
噉噆 àm-täm
dànzǎn to bite; to sting.¹⁹
噉咽 àm-yën
dànyān to swallow; to devour.¹⁹
虓噉 häo-àm
xiāodàn tiger howl; to describe the roar of the brave and strong.¹⁹
(See 啖 àm).
am4 199
61 11 àm dàn indifference; hate.⁸ (=憺 àm dàn content and stable; to fear.⁷ peace.⁸ tranquil; easy; satisfied.¹⁴ at rest; contented; moved, affected; to stir, to move.²⁴).¹³
(composition: ⿰忄炎; U+60D4).
惔怕 àm-pä
dànpà or 淡泊 or 澹泊 àm-bòk dànbó living tranquilly without seeking fame and wealth; calm; indifferent, disinterested, detached.¹⁹
Huï-mũ-hêm-àm, nâi-hàp-hëin-āk.
Xūwú tián dàn, nǎi hé tiān dé.
Vacant and without self-assertion, placid and indifferent, he agrees with the virtue of Heaven.' ⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《莊子·外篇·刻意·2》, translated by James Legge).
<又> hãm; yèm.
(See 惔 hãm; 惔 yèm).
am4 200
61 16 àm dàn content and stable; to fear.⁷ peace.⁸ tranquil; easy; satisfied.¹⁴ at rest; contented; moved, affected; to stir, to move.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄詹; U+61BA).
憺乎邻国[憺乎鄰國] àm-fũ-lĩn-gōk dànhūlínguó stirred up the neighboring States.¹⁴
憺然 àm-ngẽin
dànrán content; satisfied.⁷
憺然勿欲 àm-ngẽin-mòt-yùk
dànránwùyù satisfied, having few desires.¹⁴
憺畏 àm-vï
dànwèi fearful; afraid.¹⁴
謇而无憺[謇而無憺] gēin-ngĩ-mũ-àm
jiǎn ér wú dàn importunate.¹⁴
am4 201
84 12 àm dàn nitrogen (N).⁶
氮化 àm-fä dànhuà nitride; nitrogenize.⁶
氮肥 àm-fĩ
dànféi nitrogenous fertilizer.⁶
氮气[氮氣] àm-hï
dànqì nitrogen (gas).⁶
am4 202
85 11 àm dàn thin, light; tasteless, weak; light, pale; indifferent; slack, dull; <topo.> meaningless, trivial.⁵
淡薄 àm-bòk dànbó (of fog) light, thin; (of taste) weak, tasteless; (of feelings, interest) indifferrent, flagging, slender; (of impression, memory) dim, faint, hazy.⁶
or 澹泊 àm-bòk dànbó <wr.> seeking no fame or wealth; indifferent to fame and fortune.⁶
or 澹泊明志 àm-bòk-mẽin-jï dànbómíngzhì to live a simple life to show one's will and moral fortitude.⁷
淡茶 àm-chã
dànchá weak tea.⁵
淡酒 àm-diū
dànjiǔ light wine.⁵
淡紫 àm-dū
dànzǐ pale purple; lilac.⁵
淡化 àm-fä
dànhuà desalination (of sea water); weaken.⁸
淡季 àm-gï
dànjì slack season.¹¹
淡蓝[淡藍] àm-lãm
dànlán light blue.⁵⁴ (=浅蓝[淺藍] tēin-lãm qiǎnlán light blue.⁵)
淡忘 àm-mõng
dànwàng fade from one's memory.⁵
淡然置之 àm-ngẽin-jï-jï
dànránzhìzhī unruffled.⁵⁴
淡而无味[淡而無味] àm-ngĩ-mũ-mì
dàn'érwúwèi tasteless; insipid.⁵
淡水 àm-suī
or häm-suī dànshuǐ fresh water.⁵
淡黄[淡黃] àm-võng
dànhuáng light yellow.⁵
<又> häm.
(See 淡 häm.)
am4 203
85 16 àm dàn quiet and tranquil.⁷
暗澹 or 暗淡 or 黯淡 or 黯澹 ām-àm àndàn (of color) faded, dull and not fresh; (of business and future prospects) dim, dismal.⁷
澹澹 àm-àm
dàndàn (of wave) undulating.⁸ dancing gently (of ripples).⁵⁴
or 淡泊 àm-bòk dànbó <wr.> seeking no fame or wealth; indifferent to fame and fortune.⁶
or 淡泊明志 àm-bòk-mẽin-jï dànbómíngzhì to live a simple life to show one's will and moral fortitude.⁷
or 淡泊名利 àm-bòk-mẽin-lì dànbómínglì to be indifferent toward fame and wealth.⁷
澹澉 àm-gām
dàngǎn to wash.⁷
澹漠 àm-mōk
dànmò indifference; indifferent; placid and dispassionate.⁷
or 淡然 àm-ngẽin dànrán tranquil and calm.⁷
澹漾 àm-yèng
dànyàng the waves rippling/undulating.⁰
or 恬淡 hèm-àm tiándàn quiet and contented; indifferent to fame or gain.¹⁰
<又> hãm.
(See 澹 hãm.)
am4 204
113 16 àm dàn a ceremony in which a mourner sheds his mourning apparel 25 months to 36 months (mostly 27 months) after the death of a parent.²⁵ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰礻覃; U+79AB).
禫服 àm-fùk dànfú or tǎnfú to lay aside mourning apparel.¹⁴
(See 禫[àm, tǎn]).
am4 205
113 16 àm tǎn (alternate Mandarin pronunciation for 禫 àm dàn with the same meaning: a ceremony in which a mourner sheds his mourning apparel 25 months to 36 months (mostly 27 months) after the death of a parent.²⁵ʼ⁰).
(composition: ⿰礻覃; U+79AB).
(See 禫[àm, dàn]).
am4 206
164 15 àm dàn dregs.² not a strong wine.¹⁹
(composition: ⿰酉炎; U+9188).
<又> hãm. (See 醈 hãm).
am4 207
184 16 àm dàn (=啖 àm dàn <wr.> to eat or to let someone eat.⁴ to dine, to eat; to feed; to lure with huge profits.⁶).²
to incite; a biscuit; (<old>=啖 àm
dàn <wr.> to eat or to let someone eat.⁴ to dine, to eat; to feed; to lure with huge profits.⁶).⁸ (Note: 餤 àm dàn is now read as hãm tán with the meaning of 'to eat; to dine; a biscuit, etc.').
(composition: ⿰飠炎; U+9924).
<又> hãm.
(See 餤 hãm).
am4 208
203 21 àm dǎn black, dark; unclear; private.⁸ black, dark; <topo.> secret, hidden.⁵⁴ (Note: 黮 àm dǎn may be read dàn in Mandarin).
(composition: ⿰黑甚; U+9EEE).
黮暗 àm-ām
dǎn'àn  (=黑暗 hāk-àm hēi'àn dark; corrupt).⁵⁴
黮浊[黮濁] àm-dùk
dǎnzhuó (=混浊[混濁] or 浑浊[渾濁] vùn-dùk húnzhuó turbid; not clean or pure.⁷).⁵⁴
黮昏 àm-fün
dǎnhūn dim light at dusk.⁵⁴
黮袍 àm-pão
dǎnpáo (=黑袍 hāk-pão hēipáo black robe).⁵⁴
黮漶 àm-vàn
dǎnhuàn mysterious and indecipherable.⁵⁴
<又> àm; häm.
(See 黮 àm; 黮 häm).
am4 209
72 5 ān dàn <台> to cause pain through pressure exerted by bulging object.
<台> 旦脚[旦腳] ān-gëk to cause pain by something hard (such as a pebble) pressing on the sole of a foot.
<又> än. (See 旦 än.)
an1 210
3 4 än dān cinnabar, red, pellet. (old variant: 㣋 än dān).
丹凤[丹鳳] än-fùng
dānfèng phoenix.
丹凤朝阳[丹鳳朝陽] än-fùng-chẽl-yẽng
dānfèngcháoyáng the phoenix looks toward the sun.
丹矸 än-gön
dāngàn (=朱砂 jï-sâ zhūshā) cinnabar.⁵
丹田 än-hẽin
dāntián lower part of the abdomen.
丹麦[丹麥] Än-màk
Dānmài Denmark.
丹痧 än-sä
dānshā scarlet fever.⁵⁴
丹忱 än-sẽim
dānchén pure loyalty of heart.¹¹ pure and sincere.¹⁴
丹书[丹書] än-sï
dānshū imperial edict written in red.
丹青 än-tëin
dānqīng <wr.> red and green; painting; history; annals.
丹毒 än-ùk
dāndú erysipelas, a streptococcus disease of the skin.¹¹
丹心 än-xïm
dānxīn loyal heart; patriotic; loyalty.
(See 㣋 än).
an2 211
30 12 än dān alone, single; sheet. (variant: 嘼 än dān).
单薄[單薄] än-bòk
dānbó thin; frail; to be thin and weak; flimsy; insubstantial; feeble.⁸
单幅[單幅] än-fūk
dānfú single width.⁶
单峰驼[單峰駝] än-füng-hũ
or än-füng-hõ dānfēngtuó one-humped camel; dromedary.⁶
单峰骆驼[單峰駱駝] än-füng-lōk-hũ
or än-füng-lōk-hõ dānfēng luòtuo one-humped camel; dromedary; Arabian camel.⁶
单轨[單軌] än-gī
dānguǐ single track.⁵
单杠[單杠] än-göng
dāngàng horizontal bar; horizontal bar gymnastics.⁸  a single line placed at the side of a row of characters to indicate names of places.¹⁴
单据[單據] än-guï
dānjù receipts; bill; invoices.
单项[單項] än-hòng
dānxiàng <sport> individual event.
单元房[單元房] än-ngũn-fông
dānyuánfáng apartment.²⁰
单纯[單純] än-sũn
dānchún simple, pure, unsophisticated; alone, purely, merely.⁶
单独[單獨] än-ùk
dāndú alone; by oneself; on one's own; single-handed; independent.⁵
单位[單位] än-vì
dānwèi unit (in measurement or organization); element; -eme; unity.
单词[單詞] än-xũ
dāncí word.⁸
<又> Sèin, Sẽm; än.
(See 單 Sèin, sẽm; 嘼 än).
an2 212
30 15 än dān (=单[單] än dān alone, single).⁸
(composition: ⿳㽞一口; U+563C).
<又> chūk; chiü.
(See 單 än; 嘼 [chūk, chù]; 嘼 [chūk, ]; 嘼 chiü).
an2 213
59 8 än dān (ancient form of 丹 än dān) cinnabar; red, scarlet; a pill; a sophisticated decoction.⁸
(composition: ⿰丼彡; U+38CB).
(See 丹 än).
an2 214
72 5 än dàn daybreak, dawn; day, morning; <opera> a female role.⁷
旦旦 än-än dàndàn every day; daily; sincerely.⁷
旦不保夕 än-būt-bāo-dèik
dànbùbǎoxī not knowng how the day will end; in imminent danger.⁷
旦夕 än-dèik
dànxī <wr.> this morning or evening – in a short while.⁵
旦夕之间[旦夕之間] än-dèik-jï-gän
dànxīzhījiān <wr.> in a day's time; overnight.⁵
旦夕祸福[旦夕禍福] än-dèik-vò-fūk
dànxīhuòfú sudden changes of fortune.¹¹
旦角 än-gôk
or 旦脚[旦腳] än-gêk dànjué <opera> a female role.⁷
旦暮 än-mù
dànmù morning and evening; brief span of time.⁶
旦日 än-ngìt
dànrì tomorrow; dawn.⁷
花旦 fä-än
huādàn <opera> vivacious young female role.¹⁰
老旦 lāo-än
lǎodàn <opera> old female role.⁶
<又> ān.
(See 旦 ān.)
an2 215
72 10 än yàn <wr.> late.⁶ late.¹⁴
晏朝 än-chẽl yàncháo the evening session of the imperial court.⁷
晏起 än-hī yànqǐ get up late.⁶
晏食 än-sèik
yànshí the tme of the evening meal.¹⁴
晏寝[晏寢] än-tīm
yànqǐn to sit up late.⁷
早晏 dāo-än
zǎoyàn early and late.⁷
何晏也 hõ-än-yâ
héyànyě why so late?
<台> 晏昼[晏晝] än-jiü afternoon.
<台> 早眠晏起 dāo-mẽin-än-hī
zǎomiányànqǐ go to bed early and get up late.
<又> yën.
(See 晏 yën.)
an2 216
78 16 än dān to use up; to exhaust.⁷
殚精竭虑[殫精竭慮] än-dëin-gèik-luì dānjīngjiélǜ to devote one's entire energy and thought; to think with all one's energies or powers.⁷
殚洽[殫洽] än-dèp
dānqià very erudite.⁷
殚尽[殫盡] än-dìn
dānjìn exhaust; use up.⁶
殚竭[殫竭] än-gèik
dānjié <wr.> exhaust; use up.⁶
殚竭其力[殫竭其力] än-gèik-kĩ-lèik
dānjiéqílì to give all one's strength.⁷
殚力[殫力] än-lèik
dānlì to strive; to endeavor.⁷
殚闷[殫悶] än-mòn
dānmèn to swoon; to lose consciousness; to faint.⁷
殚残[殫殘] än-tãn
dāncán to destroy.⁷
殚心[殫心] än-xïm
dānxīn to devote one's entire mind.⁷
殚思极虑[殫思極慮] än-xü-gèik-luì
dānsījílǜ to devote one's entire thought; to rack one's brains.⁷
an2 217
94 8 än dàn (<old>=旦 än dàn as in 旦角 än-gôk dànjué <opera> a female role.⁷); play the role of women in opera; a minority nationality in ancient China.⁸ to grasp; to seek after, and steal.²⁴
(composition: ⿰犭旦; U+72DA).
狚族 än-dùk
dànzú The Danzu minority nationality in ancient China.¹³
or 旦末 än-mòt dànmò name used by theatrical groups for a theatrical company.
猲狚 gût-än
gédàn a huge wolf.⁸ an animal like a wolf.²⁴ (cf 獦狚 gût-än).
猎狚[獵狚] lèp-än
lièdàn an animal similar to a wolf.²
猵狚 pëin-än
piàndàn or 猵狙 pëin-duï piànjū or 獦牂 gût-dòng gézāng an ape-like beast with a head like a dog in ancient books .² mythical beast similar to an ape with dog's head.⁸
an2 218
104 17 än dàn <wr.> illness from overwork; abhor, detest, loathe, hate.⁶
(variant: 𤺺❄{⿸疒亶} än dàn).
下民卒瘅[下民卒癉] hà-mĩn-dūt-än
xiàmínzúdàn the masses are put to distress.¹⁴
彰善瘅恶[彰善癉惡] jëng-sèn-än-ōk
zhāngshàndàn'è commend the good and denounce the evil;  uphold virtue and condemn vice.⁶
(See 癉 [än, dān]; 𤺺❄{⿸疒亶} [än, dàn]).
an2 219
104 17 än dān (disease).¹⁰ (variant: 𤺺❄{⿸疒亶} än dān).
瘅疟[癉瘧] än-ngēk
dānnüè malaria.⁸
火瘅[火癉] fō-än
huǒdān erysipelas (also called 丹毒 än-ùk dāndú).¹¹ a disease of chidlren, described as feverishness with red spots and patches.¹⁴ scarlet fever.¹⁹
(See 癉 [än, dàn]; 𤺺❄{⿸疒亶} [än dān]).
an2 220
104 18 𤺺
än dàn (=瘅[癉] än dàn <wr.> illness from overwork; abhor, detest, loathe, hate.⁶).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿸疒亶; U+24EBA).
(See 癉 [än, dàn]; 𤺺❄{⿸疒亶}[än, dān]).
an2 221
104 18 𤺺
än dān (=瘅[癉] än dān (disease).¹⁰).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿸疒亶; U+24EBA).
(See 癉 [än, dān]; 𤺺❄{⿸疒亶}[än, dàn]).
an2 222
118 18 än dān <wr.> a bamboo utensil for holding cooked rice.⁵ a small basket for holding cooked rice; a hat-box.¹⁴
箪食[簞食] än-dù dānsì cooked rice in basket; receive soldiers with baskets of rice and vessels of congee.⁸
箪食瓢饮[箪食瓢飲] än-dù-pël-ngīm
dānsìpiáoyǐn to lead a simple life.⁷ poor; live simply on a bamboo dish of rice and a gourd of drink.⁸
箪食壶浆[簞食壺漿] än-dù-vũ-dëng
dānsì-hújiāng welcome (an army) with food and drink.⁵ welcome troops with food in bamboo containers and soup in pots; welcome troops with food and drinks.⁶
箪瓢屡空[簞瓢屢空] än-pël-luî-hüng
dānpiáolǚkōng the baskets and gourds were repeatedly empty – in famine.¹⁴
箪笥[簞笥] än-xü
dānsì a bamboo box; vessels for holding food.⁷
蚕箪[蠶簞] tâm-än
cándān silkworm basket.¹⁹
an2 223
145 17 än dān unlined garment.⁸ a garment without a lining; single.¹⁴ a single garment, without lining.²⁴
(composition: ⿰衤單; U+894C).
襌袍 än-pão dānpáo unlined robe.⁵⁴
襌衣 än-yï
dānyī inner garment constituting part of the court dress.²⁴
襌襦 än-yĩ
dānrú an inner garment for absorbing the perspiration.²⁴
偏襌 pëin-än
piāndān an ancient short-sleeved shirt.¹⁹
an2 224
149 10 𫍙
än dàn (<old>=诞[誕] än dàn absurd, fantastic.⁶); deceive, cheat.⁸
t: ⿰言也; U+8A11). (comp. s: ⿰讠也; U+2B359).
❄{⿰讠也}[慢訑] màn-än màndàn easy compliance; to allow.²⁵
<又> yĩ.
(See 訑 yĩ).
an2 225
149 13 än dàn be born, come into being/existence; absurd, fantastic.⁶ birth; preposterous, absurd; an initial particle.⁷ to be born; birth, birthday; to bear children, to give birth to; absurd, ludicrous.³⁶ (variant: 𧩙❄{⿰訁⿺廴旦} än dàn).
诞子[誕子] än-dū
dànzǐ to give birth to son.
诞日[誕日] än-ngìt
dànrì birthday.⁷
诞生[誕生] än-säng
dànshēng be born; come into being/existence; emerge.⁶ birth.⁷
诞生地[誕生地] än-säng-ì
dànshēngdì birthplace.⁷
诞生日[誕生日] än-säng-ngìt
dànshēngrì birthday.⁷
诞辰[誕辰] än-sĩn
dànchén birthday (of a respected person or senior).⁶ birthday.⁷
诞育[誕育] än-yùk
dànyù to bear and raise (offspring).
荒诞[荒誕] föng-än
huāngdàn fantastic.⁵
怪诞[怪誕] gäi-än
guàidàn weird; strange.
圣诞[聖誕] Sëin-än
Shèngdàn Christmas; birthday of sages (Buddha, Confucius).
圣诞节[聖誕節] Sëin-än-dëik
Shèngdànjié Christmas.
圣诞老人[聖誕老人] Sëin-än lāo-ngĩn
Shèngdàn Lǎorén Santa Claus.
寿诞[壽誕] siù-än
shòudàn birthday anniversary.¹¹
华诞[華誕] vã-än
huádàn glorious birthday; superficial.
(See 𧩙❄{⿰訁⿺廴旦} än).
an2 226
149 14 𧩙 än dàn (=诞[誕] än dàn be born, come into being/existence; absurd, fantastic.⁶ birth; preposterous, absurd; an initial particle.⁷ to be born; birth, birthday; to bear children, to give birth to; absurd, ludicrous.³⁶).³⁶
(composition: ⿰訁⿺廴旦; U+27A59).
(See 誕 än).
an2 227
163 10 än dān (used in place names).
邯郸[邯鄲] Hõn-Än Hándān Handan is a prefecture-level city in 河北省 Hõ-bāk sāng  Héběi shěng Hebei Province.
郸城县[鄲城縣] Än-sẽin-yòn
Dānchéngxiàn is a county under the administrative control of 周口 Jiü-hēo Zhōukǒu Zhoukou city in 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng Henan Province.
an2 228
167 13 än tǎn tantalum (Ta).⁶
钽铁矿[鉭鐵礦] än-hëik-köng tǎntiěkuàng tantalite.⁶
钽酸盐[鉭酸鹽] än-xön-yẽm
tǎnsuānyán tantalate.⁶
钽丝灯[鉭絲燈] än-xü-äng
tǎnsīdēng tantalum lamp.⁶
<又> hān.
(See 鉭 hān.)
an2 229
196 16 än dàn a kind of nightingale.¹⁴
鹖鴠[鶡鴠] or 鹖旦[鶡旦] hòt-än hédàn a sort of nightingale which is said to sing for the dawn; also the name for a large bat (寒号虫[寒號蟲] hõn-hão-chũng hánháochóng) with a wingspread of two feet.¹⁴
an2 230
196 17 än yàn (=鷃 än yàn) a species of quail.⁷ a small brown speckled bird like the quail.¹⁴
鴳雀 än-dēk
yànquè a species of quail.⁷
(See 鷃 än).
an2 231
196 21 än yàn a quail.⁷ a small brown speckled bird like the quail.¹⁴ (variant: 鴳 än yàn).
(composition: ⿰晏鳥; U+9DC3).
or 鴳雀 än-dēk yànquè a kind of quail mentoned in ancient books.⁶ quails and sparrows; small birds.⁷
鵬鷃 pãng-än
péngyàn the giant bird and the tiny bird in the bush – contrast of size.¹¹
(See 鴳 än).
an2 232
8 13 àn dàn (=但 àn dàn) only; but, however, yet, still.⁸
<又> hān.
(See 亶 hān; 但 àn.)
an4 233
9 7 àn dàn only; but, however, yet, still.⁸
但凡 àn-fãn dànfán in every case; so long as; whoever; whenever; whatever; all.
但愿[但願] àn-ngùn
dànyuàn if only (something were possible); I wish (that).
但愿如此[但願如此] àn-ngùn-nguĩ-xū
dànyuànrúcǐ Let's hope it's so.
但是 àn-sì
dànshì but; however; yet.
但说无妨[但說無妨] àn-sōt-mũ-fõng
dànshuōwúfáng Just speak out what is on your mind.
不但 būt-àn
bùdàn not only.
非但 fï-àn
fēidàn not only.
an4 234
9 14 àn dàn sincere, sincerely; hastily; to move; grand; exhausted, used up, spare no effort.⁸ great; severe.¹⁰ real, sincere, heavy, intense; also to move about.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻單; U+50E4).
僤怒 àn-nù dànnù heavy wrath.²⁴ fierce anger.⁵⁴
无僤[無僤] mũ-àn
wúdàn be healthy (unharmed).⁵⁴
Ngô-säng-būt-sĩn, fũng-hëin-àn-nù.
Wǒ shēng bù chén, féng tiān dàn nù.
I was born at an unhappy time,
To meet with the severe anger of Heaven.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·蕩之什·桑柔》, translated by James Legge).
an4 235
57 15 àn dàn ball, pellet; bullet, bomb.⁵
弹道[彈道] àn-ào dàndào trajectory.⁵
弹道学[彈道學] àn-ào-hòk
dàndàoxué ballistics.⁵
弹尽粮绝[彈盡糧絕] àn-dìn-lẽng-dùt
dànjìnliángjué run out of ammunition and food supplies.⁵
弹子[彈子] àn-dū
dànzi billiards; marbles.⁷
弹夹[彈夾] àn-gâp/
dànjiā (cartridge) clip; charger.⁵
弹痕[彈痕] àn-hân
dànhén bullet or shell hole; shot mark.⁵
弹坑[彈坑] àn-häng
dànkēng (shell) crater.⁵
弹匣[彈匣] àn-hâp
dànxiá magazine; cartridge box.⁶
弹头[彈頭] àn-hẽo
dàntóu bullet; projectile nose; warhead.⁵
弹壳[彈殼] àn-hôk
dànké an empty cartridge case.⁷
弹膛[彈膛] àn-hõng
dàntáng chamber.⁵
弹幕[彈幕] àn-mōk
dànmù barrage.⁵
弹片[彈片] àn-pëin
dànpiàn shell fragment; shrapnel.⁵
弹盘[彈盤] àn-põn/
dànpán cartridge drum; magazine.⁵
弹药[彈藥] àn-yêk
dànyào ammunition.⁵
弹雨[彈雨] àn-yî
dànyǔ a hail of bullets.⁷
弹丸[彈丸] àn-yõn
dànwán a pellet.⁷
弹丸之地[彈丸之地] àn-yõn-jï-ì
dànwánzhīdì a very small piece of land.⁷
<又> dàn, hãn.
(See 彈 dàn, hãn.)
an4 236
61 15 àn dàn <wr.> fear, dread.⁵ to fear; to shirk; to dread.⁷ to dread difficulties, to dislike trouble.²⁴ (variant: 𢠸❄{⿱單心} àn dàn).
t: ⿰忄單; U+619A). (comp. s: ⿰忄单; U+60EE).
惮惮[憚憚] àn-àn
dàndàn to worry and fear.⁷
惮烦[憚煩] àn-fãn
dànfán afraid of trouble; to dislike taking trouble.⁷
惮服[憚服] àn-fùk
dànfú to submit from awe.⁷
惮改[憚改] àn-gōi
dàngǎi reluctant to correct for fear of difficulty or trouble; afraid to reform.⁷
惮劳[憚勞] àn-lão
dànláo to avoid trouble; to shrink from toils.⁷
不惮改 [不憚改] būt-àn-gōi
bùdàngǎi do not be afraid to reform.²⁴
忌惮[忌憚] gì-àn
jìdàn to be afraid of the consequences; restraining fear.¹⁰
(See 𢠸❄{⿱單心} àn).
an4 237
61 16 𢠸
àn dàn (=惮[憚] àn dàn <wr.> fear, dread.⁵ to fear; to shirk; to dread.⁷ to dread difficulties, to dislike trouble.²⁴).²
(composition: ⿱單心; U+22838).
𢠸狐 àn-vũ
dànhú Danhu, an ancient place name.²
(See 憚] àn).
an4 238
64 15 àn dǎn to dust; duster. (variant: 撢 häm dǎn).
t: ⿰扌單; U+64A3). (comp. s: ⿰扌单; U+63B8).
掸灰[撣灰] àn-föi
dǎnhuī to wipe off dust.
鸡毛掸子[雞毛撣子] gäi-mão-àn-dū
jīmáo dǎnzi chicken feather duster.
<又> häm; sên.
(See 撣 häm; 撣 sên; 撢 häm).
an4 239
85 15 àn dàn (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 潬 hān tān beach, sands; shoal.⁵ a rapid; a sand-bank; a foreshore.¹⁴).⁸
(composition: ⿰氵單; U+6F6C).
<又> hān; sèn.
(See 潬 hān; 潬 sèn).
an4 240
85 16 àn dàn sluggish.¹⁴ slow; to give way to.²⁴
澶漫 àn-màn dànmàn uninhibited, dissolute; immeasurable, far.⁸ vast – as an expanse of water.¹⁴ indolent and self-indulgent.²⁴
澶漫为乐[澶漫為樂] àn-màn-vĩ-ngòk
dànmànwéiyuè have swing and rhythm in music.¹¹
<又> chẽin.
(See 澶 chẽin.)
an4 241
103 10 àn dàn 疍家 or 蜑家 or 蛋家 àn-gä dànjiā Tanka, boat-dwelling people of Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Hainan, and Zhejiang provinces.¹⁰
or 蜑民 or 蛋民 àn-mĩn dànmín boat-dwelling people of Guangdong, Guangxi and Fujian provinces.¹⁰
(See 蜑 àn; 蛋 àn.)
an4 242
142 11 àn dàn (of birds, turtles, snakes) egg; <topo.> testis; testicle.⁶
蛋白 àn-bàk dànbái egg white; albumen.⁶
蛋白质[蛋白質] àn-bàk-jīt
dànbáizhì protein.⁸
蛋白胨[蛋白腖] àn-bàk-üng
dànbáidòng peptone.⁸
蛋包 àn-bäo
dànbāo omelet.¹⁰
蛋子 àn-dū
dànzi egg-shaped thing.⁶
蛋花汤[蛋花湯] àn-fä-höng
dànhuātāng egg-drop soup.⁶
蛋粉 àn-fūn
dànfěn powdered eggs; egg powder.⁶
蛋鸡[蛋雞] àn-gäi
dànjī laying hen; layer.⁶
蛋羹 àn-gäng
dàngēng egg custard.⁶
蛋糕 àn-gäo
dàngāo cake.⁶ sponge cakes.¹¹
蛋塔 àn-hāp
dàntǎ (=蛋挞[蛋撻] àn-tāt dàntà) egg custard.¹⁰
蛋壳[蛋殼] àn-hôk
dànké eggshell.⁶
蛋卷 àn-kūn
dànjuàn egg roll.⁶
蛋挞[蛋撻] àn-tāt
dàntà egg tart.⁹ (Note: 挞[撻] is a transliteration of the English word tart.)
蛋黄[蛋黃] àn-võng
dànhuáng yolk; yellow; vitellus.⁶
<台> 蛋 àn/ egg.
<台> 蛋白 àn-pât-
a (cooked) egg white.
<台> 一打蛋 yīt-dā-àn/ a dozen eggs.
(See 疍 àn; 蜑 àn.)
an4 243
142 12 àn dàn the boat people in the coastal areas of Fujian and Guangdong.⁷
蜑戶 or 蛋戶 àn-fù dànhù the boat people in the coastal areas of Fujian and Guangdong.⁷
or 蛋家 or 疍家 àn-gä dànjiā Tanka, boat-dwelling people of Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Hainan, and Zhejiang provinces.¹⁰
or 蛋民 or 疍民 àn-mĩn dànmín boat-dwelling people of Guangdong, Guangxi and Fujian provinces.¹⁰
or 蛋人 àn-ngĩn dànrén the boat people in the coastal areas of Fujian and Guangdong.⁷
(See 疍 àn; 蛋 àn.)
an4 244
62 13 āng děng weigh with a small steelyard.⁵
戥称[戥稱] āng-chêin děngchēng apothecary scale.¹⁹
戥秤 āng-chêin
děngchèng a small steelyard for weighing gold, jewels.⁷
or 等子 āng-dū děngzi a small steelyard for weighing precious metals, medicine.⁵
戥盒 āng-hâp
děnghé the small case in which a small steelyard is carried.¹⁴
戥盘[戥盤] āng-põn
děngpán the plate on which the thing to be weighed is placed.¹⁴
戥星 āng-xêng
děngxīng the dots on the beam of the  steelyard.¹⁴
ang1 245
75 4 āng děng (=等 āng děng rank, grade; wait; equal; 'etc.' ⁸ <old> to arrange bamboo slips neatly; rank; kind, type; one of the "divisions" of a rime table; to equate; etc.; to wait; Deng surname.³⁶).³⁶
(composition: ⿻一小 ; U+6729).
<又> pìn.
(See 朩 pìn).
ang1 246
118 12 āng děng rank, grade; wait; equal; 'etc.' ⁸ <old> to arrange bamboo slips neatly; rank; kind, type; one of the "divisions" of a rime table; to equate; etc.; to wait; Deng surname.³⁶
(variant: 䓁 āng děng). (See 䓁 āng).
等第 āng-ài
děngdì rank; grade.⁷
等等 āng-āng
děngděng and so on; wait a minute.⁸
等到 āng-äo
děngdào by the time; when.⁷
等比 āng-bī
děngbǐ geometric ratio; the ratio of equality.⁷
等车[等車] āng-chëh
děngchē to wait for a bus/vehicle.¹⁰
等价[等價] āng-gä
děngjià equal in value or prices.⁷
等候 āng-hèo
děnghòu wait; await.⁸
等同 āng-hũng
děngtóng to equate; to be equal.⁷
等级[等級] āng-kīp
děngjí grade; rank.⁸
等列 āng-lèik
děngliè grade, rank; to rank with.⁷
等人 āng-ngĩn
děngrén people of the same rank or grade; to wait for someone; and others.⁷
等待 āng-òi
děngdài to wait; to wait for.¹⁰
等身 āng-sïn
děngshēn equal to one's height.⁷
等船 āng-sõn
děngchuán wait for the boat.⁹
等衰 āng-tuï
děngcuī <wr.> rank; grade.⁶
等次 āng-xü
děngcì rank, grade; sequence, order.⁷
<台> 等圩[等墟] āng-huî to go to market (go shopping).
<台> 等我来啦[等我來啦] āng-ngöi-lõi-lā Let me do it.
ang1 247
140 9 āng děng (=等 āng děng rank, grade; wait; equal; 'etc.' ⁸).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱艹寺; U+44C1).
(See 等 āng).
ang1 248
30 15 äng dēng <ono.> thud; thump.¹⁰
噔噔 äng-äng dēngdēng <ono.> thump; thud.¹⁰
咯噔 gōk-äng
gēdēng <ono.> click; clip-clop.⁶
ang2 249
46 15 äng dèng <wr.> path leading up a mountain.⁸ a hill path.¹¹
(composition: ⿰山登; U+5D9D).
嶝道 äng-ào dèngdào road over a mountain.¹⁴
ang2 250
78 16 𣩟
äng dèng (composition: ⿰歹登; U+23A5F).
㱥𣩟❄{⿰歹登} lẽin-äng língdèng exhausted through sickness; sick and exhausted.²⁴
ang2 251
86 16 äng dēng light, lamp, lantern; burner.⁶
灯火[燈火] äng-fō dēnghuǒ lights.⁵
灯火辉煌[燈火輝煌] äng-fō-fï-võng
dēnghuǒhuīhuáng glimmering.¹⁰ brilliantly illuminated; ablaze with lights.³⁹
灯火荧煌[燈火熒煌] äng-fō-yẽin-võng
dēnghuǒyínghuáng (In the hall) were many lanterns which gave a very brilliant light.³⁹
灯塔[燈塔] äng-hāp
dēngtǎ lighthouse; beacon.⁵
灯罩[燈罩] äng-jâo
dēngzhào lampshade.¹¹
灯檠[燈檠] äng-kẽin
dēngqíng lampstand; a plate with leg supports.¹¹
灯蕊[燈蕊] äng-luî
dēngruǐ lamp wick.¹⁰
灯笼[燈籠] äng-lũng
dēnglóng lantern.⁵
灯泡[燈泡] äng-päo
dēngpào light bulb.¹⁰
灯芯[燈芯] äng-xïm
or 灯心[燈心] äng-xîm or äng-xïm dēngxīn lamp wick; wick.⁶
灯心绒[燈心絨] äng-xïm-ngũng
dēngxīnróng corduroy.⁵
灯芯草[燈芯草] or 灯心草[燈心草] äng-xïm-tāo
dēngxīncǎo <bot.> rush, Juncus effusus L.²³
灯影幢幢[燈影幢幢] äng-yēng-chõng-chõng
dēngyǐng chuángchuáng dancing or flickering shadows of a lamp.⁶
ang2 252
105 12 äng dēng ascend, climb; record, register; employ; board; tread.⁷
(old variant: 𤼷 äng dēng). (See 𤼷 äng).
登报[登報] äng-bäo
dēngbào publish in the newspaper.⁵
登程 äng-chẽin
dēngchéng start on a journey; set out.⁵
登场[登場] äng-chẽng
dēngcháng to be gathered and taken to the threshing ground.⁷
登场[登場] äng-chẽng
dēngchǎng come on stage.⁵
登峰造极[登峰造極] äng-füng-dào-gèik
dēngfēngzàojí  reach the peak of perfection; reach the limit.⁵
登高 äng-gäo
dēnggāo ascend heights, climb mountains.⁷
登机[登機] äng-gï
dēngjī to board a plane.⁷
登记[登記] äng-gï
dēngjì register/enter one's name.⁵
登基 äng-gï
dēngjī ascend the throne.⁵
or 登徦 äng-hã dēngxiá the death of an emperor.⁷
登堂入室 äng-hõng-yìp-sīt
dēngtángrùshì ascend to the hall and reach the inner room – master learning or skill.⁷
登门[登門] äng-mõn
dēngmén to pay a special visit.⁷
登山 äng-sän
dēngshān to climb a mountain.⁷
登庸 äng-yũng
dēngyōng to select and promote talents for proper posts.⁷
<台> 登 äng and
<台> 登数[登数] äng-sü  to keep accounts; book-keeping.
<台> 你登我去 Nï-äng-ngöi-huï. You and I are going.
ang2 253
105 15 𤼷
äng dēng (<old>=登 äng dēng ascend, climb; record, register; employ; board; tread.⁷).²
(composition: ⿱登廾; U+24F37).
(See 登 äng).
ang2 254
109 17 äng dèng open one's eyes wide; stare at, glare at, give somebody a cross look.⁶
瞪羚 äng-lẽin dènglíng <zoo.> gazelle.⁶
瞪目 äng-mùk
dèngmù gazing at fixedly; staring in anger.¹⁴
瞪眼 äng-ngān
dèngyǎn open one's eyes wide, stare at, glare at; get angry with somebody, glower/scowl at somebody.⁶
瞪视[瞪視] äng-sì
dèngshì outface; stare.⁸
瞪神 äng-sĩn
dèngshén a vacent stare.¹⁴
瞪圆眼睛[瞪圓眼睛] äng-yõn-ngān-dëin
dèngyuányǎnjing open one's eyes wide.⁶
干瞪眼[乾瞪眼] gön-äng-ngān
gāndèngyǎn <topo.> stand by anxiously; unable to help; look on in despair.⁵
ang2 255
112 17 äng dèng a ledge on a precipice; stone steps; a cliff; a stone plinth.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰石登; U+78F4).
磴道 äng-ào dèngdào road over a mountain.¹⁴
石磴 sêk-äng
shídèng stone steps.¹⁴
ang2 256
118 18 äng dēng large umbrella with a long handle, used for street stalls; a large broad-rimmed bamboo or straw hat with a handle; a kind of vessel.⁸
担簦[擔簦] äm-äng dāndēng lit. to carry an unbrella; fig. a poor and humble life/existence.⁸
蹑屩担簦[躡屩擔簦] nēp-gëk-äm-äng
nièjuēdāndēng lit. to get into straw sandals and take an umbrella on your shoulder; fig. to embark on a long journey.⁵⁴
蹑跷担簦[躡蹺擔簦] nēp-kël-äm-äng
nièqiāodāndēng on tiptoe.¹⁹
ang2 257
121 20 äng yīng poppy.⁶
(comp. t: ⿱賏缶; U+7F4C). (comp. s: ⿱⿰贝贝缶; U+7F42).
罂子桐[罌子桐] äng-dū-hũng
yīngzitóng (=油桐 yiũ-hũng yóutóng) tung tree, tung oil tree.⁶ Chinese wood-oil tree (Vernicia fordii).¹⁰
罂子粟[罌子粟] äng-dū-xūk
yīngzǐsù an opium poppy.⁷
罂粟[罌粟] äng-xūk
yīngsù poppy.⁶ an opium poppy.⁷
罂粟籽[罌粟籽] äng-xūk-dū
yīngsùzǐ poppy seed.⁶
罂粟花[罌粟花] äng-xūk-fä
yīngsùhuā poppy flowers.⁷
罂粟碱[罌粟鹼] äng-xūk-gān
yīngsùjiǎn <chem.> papaverine.⁶
罂粟壳[罌粟殼] äng-xūk-hôk
yīngsùké poppy shell.⁶
罂粟油[罌粟油] äng-xūk-yiũ
yīngsùyóu poppy oil; poppy seed oil.⁶
可制鸦片的罂粟[可制鴉片的罌粟] hō-jäi-ä-pëin-ēik-äng-xūk
kězhì yāpiànde yīngsù opium poppy.⁶
<又> âng, läng, yëin.
(See 罌 âng, läng, yëin.)
ang2 258
140 15 äng dēng name of a variety of grass.⁸ a plant.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱艹登; U+4532).
金䔲 gïm-äng jīndēng the name of a plant.²⁵ allied to a Hypericum or tutsan, alluding to the shape of the flowers.¹⁰²
<又> chãng.
(See 䔲 chãng).
ang2 259
151 13 äng dēng ceremonial vessel.⁸ a jug with a lid (made of clay, later - bronze, for ceremonial food or drink).⁵⁴ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿱?豆; U+8C4B).
设三豋[設三豋] sēt-xäm-äng shèsāndēng lay out three dishes for ceremonies.¹⁰²ʼ⁰
于豆于豋 yï-èo-yï-äng
yúdòuyúdēng the wooden and earthen stands used in ceremonial offerings.¹⁰²ʼ⁰
ang2 260
167 20 äng dèng stirrup.⁶
(comp. t: ⿰金登; U+9419). (comp. s: ⿰钅登; U+956B).
镫子[鐙子] äng-dū
dèngzi <vern.> stirrup.⁶
镫筋[鐙筋] äng-gïn
dèngjīn stirrup.⁶
镫骨[鐙骨] äng-gūt
dènggǔ stapes; stirrup bones.⁶
镫索[鐙索] äng-xôk
dèngsuǒ stirrup.⁶
马镫[馬鐙] mâ-äng
or 马蹬[馬蹬]  mâ-àng mǎdèng stirrup.¹⁰
愿随鞭镫[願隨鞭鐙] ngùn-tuĩ-bëin-äng
yuàn suí biān dèng lit. I am willing to hold your whip and stirrup; fig. I am willing to be your servant.¹⁰²ʼ⁰ (excerpt from 《封神演義·黃花山收鄧辛張陶·2》).
鞍镫[鞍鐙] ön-äng
āndèng a stirrup.¹⁰²
<又> nàng.
(See 鐙 nàng; 蹬 àng.)
ang2 261
196 21 äng yīng oriole or various birds of the Sylvidae family including warblers.¹⁰
莺莺燕燕[鶯鶯燕燕] äng-äng-yên-yên yīngyīngyànyàn orioles and swallows – a bevy of young girls.¹¹
莺歌燕舞[鶯歌燕舞] äng-gô-yên-mū
yīnggēyànwǔ orioles sing and swallows dart – the joy of spring; a scene of prosperity.⁹ the warbler sings and the swallow dances; prosperity abounds (idiom).¹⁰
草长莺飞[草長鶯飛] tāo-jēng-äng-fï
cǎozhǎngyīngfēi lit. grasses are growing and the orioles are flying in the air; fig. springtime has arrived.
黄莺[黃鶯] võng-äng
huángyīng the golden oriole.¹¹
夜莺[夜鶯] yêh-äng
yèyīng the nightingale, bulbul.
ang2 262
196 23 äng yīng (<old>=莺[鶯] äng yīng oriole or various birds of the Sylvidae family including warblers.¹⁰).⁸ oriole; greenfinch.³⁶
(composition: ⿳䀠冖鳥; U+9DEA).
(See 鶯 äng).
ang2 263
207 25 äng tēng roll of drums; rub-a-dub.⁹
ang2 264
66 16 𢿤
àng dèng to strike.²⁴ to strike, to hit; to combat, to fight.⁰
(composition: ⿰登攴; U+22FE4).
ang4 265
157 19 àng dèng deprived of power or influence.⁷
(composition: ⿰𧾷登; U+8E6C).
蹬踹 àng-chāi dèngchuǎi kicking.¹⁹
蹭蹬 dàng-àng
cèngdèng <wr.> meet with setbacks; be down on one's luck; be frustrated in one's career.⁶
蹭蹬不前 dàng-àng-būt-tẽin
cèngdèngbùqián not to get on; to fail in one's aim.¹⁴
马蹬[馬蹬] mâ-àng
or 马镫[馬鐙]  mâ-äng mǎdèng stirrup.¹⁰
<台> 蹬 àng to kick.
<台> 蹬被 àng-pî to kick off blankets.
<又> yäng.
(See 蹬 [àng, dēng], yäng.)
ang4 266
157 19 àng dēng press down or push down with the foot, pedal, treadle; step on, tread; put on, wear; dump, give somebody the brush-off.⁶ to tread on, to step on.⁷
(composition: ⿰𧾷登; U+8E6C).
蹬技 àng-gì dēngjì juggling with the feet.⁵
蹬腿 àng-huī
dēngtuǐ kick one's legs; <vern.> kick off, kick the bucket, turn up one's toes – die.⁶
蹬三轮车[蹬三輪車] àng-xäm-lũn-chëh
dēngsānlúnchē pedal a tricycle/pedicab.⁶ (See 蹬三轮车[蹬三輪車] yäng-xäm-lũn-chëh).
乱蹬[亂蹬] lòn-àng
luàndēng kick blindly.¹⁹
<又> yäng.
(See 蹬 [àng, dèng], yäng.)
ang4 267
157 21 àng dèng insomnia; to exhaust, highest, farthest.⁸ to miss sleep, or to err by sleeping too much; to go to extremes.²⁵
(composition: ⿰⻊鄧; U+482C).
ang4 268
163 14 àng dèng Deng surname.
白鄧鄧 bàk-àng-àng báidèngdèng white with anger¹¹.
邓颖超[鄧穎超] Àng Vêin-chël
Dèng Yǐngchāo (1904-1992) wife of Zhou Enlai; chair of the Political Consultative Congress after the Cultural Revolution.¹
邓小平[鄧小平] Àng Xēl-pẽin
Dèng Xiǎopíng Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997), Chinese communist leader, de facto leader of PRC 1978-1990.
ang4 269
187 22 àng dèng unstable walking; to fall; disease of the horse (equine disease).⁸ʼ³⁶
(composition: ⿰馬登; U+4BB4).
䮚䮴 làng-àng lèngdèng a disease of horses, arising from eating too much corn/grain.²⁵
ang4 270
16 14 âng dèng a stool, a bench, a form.¹⁴ (variant: 櫈 âng dèng).
(composition: ⿱登几; U+51F3).
凳子 âng-dū
dèngzi stool; bench.
板凳 bān-âng
bǎndèng wooden bench or stool.¹⁰
捶台拍凳[捶檯拍凳] chuĩ-hôi/-päk-âng
chuítáipāidèng to be in great rage.
高脚凳[高腳凳 gäo-gëk-âng
gāojiǎodèng high stool.
脚凳[腳凳] gëk-âng
jiǎodèng footstool.¹⁰
<台>凳仔 âng-dōi a small bench.
(See 櫈 âng).
ang5 271
75 18 âng dèng (=凳 âng dèng a stool, a bench, a form.¹⁴).⁸
(composition: ⿰木凳; U+6AC8).
櫈子 âng-dū
dèngzi or 板櫈 bān-âng bǎndèng a stool, a bench, a form.¹⁴
方櫈 föng-âng
fāngdèng or 斗櫈 ēo-âng dǒudèng a square stool.¹⁴
脚櫈[腳櫈] gëk-âng
jiǎodèng a footstool.¹⁴
or 梯凳 häi-âng tīdèng a step ladder.¹⁴ a step (of a ladder).⁰
(See 凳 âng).
ang5 272
121 20 âng yīng <old> small-mouthed (earthenware) jar.⁶ a jar with a small mouth.⁷
(comp. t: ⿱賏缶; U+7F4C). (comp. s: ⿱⿰贝贝缶; U+7F42).
酒罂[酒罌] diū-âng
jiǔyīng wine bottle.¹⁹
瓦罂[瓦罌] ngā-âng
wǎyīng small-mouth pot-belly earthenware jar, used as a wine bottle.¹⁹
<台> 钱罂[錢罌] tẽin-âng piggy bank.
<又> äng, läng, yëin.
(See 罌 äng, läng, yëin.)
ang5 273
9 7 āo  ǎo ➀ (=拗 āo ǎo) to pull  ➁ to drag, to break off, to pluck (as a flower).³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻幼; U+3443).
ao1 274
9 10 āo dào to pour; to reverse.
倒背如流 āo-böi-nguĩ-liũ dàobèirúliú able to recite something backwards fluently; to know something by heart.
倒茶 āo-chã
dàochá to pour tea.
倒车[倒車] āo-chëh
dàochē to back up a car.
倒立 āo-lìp
dàolì to stand upside down.
倒退 āo-huï
dàotuì go backwards.⁵⁵
倒薮[倒藪] āo-xēo
dàosǒu bandits' den.¹⁰
<又> dāo. (See 倒 [āo, dǎo]; 倒 dāo).
ao1 275
9 10 āo dǎo to fall down; to lie down; to go bankrupt; deranged.
打倒 ā-āo dǎdǎo to overthrow; to knock down.
倒打一耙 āo-ā-yīt-pã
dàodǎyīpá recriminate; make false countercharges; put the blame on the victim.⁸
倒把 āo-bā
dǎobǎ to play the market; to speculate (on financial markets); to profiteer.
倒毙[倒斃] āo-bài
dǎobì drop/fall dead (from hunger and cold, usually outdoors).⁶
倒闭[倒閉] āo-bäi
dǎobì to go bankrupt, to close down.¹⁰
倒茬 āo-chã
dǎochá <agr.> rotation of crops.
倒塌 āo-hāp
dǎotā to collapse; to tumble down; to topple over; to cave in; to go bankrupt.
倒头[倒頭] āo-hẽo
dǎotóu to go to bed; to lie down; to die.
倒台[倒臺] āo-hõi
dǎotái to fall from power; to go bankrupt.
倒买倒卖[倒買倒賣] āo-mäi-āo-mài
dǎomǎidǎomài to resell at a profit.
倒楣 āo-mĩ
dǎoméi unlucky, run into bad luck.¹¹ (obsolete variant of 倒霉 āo-mõi dǎoméi unlucky).⁹
倒霉 āo-mõi
dǎoméi have bad luck; be out of luck.⁵
<台> 倒粉 āo-fūn to pound rice into flour.
<又> dāo.
(See 倒 [āo, dào]; 倒 dāo).
ao1 276
18 8 āo dào <台> 讨唔到[討唔到] hū-m̃-āo cannot get it.
<又> äo. (See 到 äo.)
ao1 277
46 10 āo dǎo island.⁸
岛屿[島嶼] āo-duì or āo-yĩ dǎoyǔ islands; islands and islets.⁶
岛国[島國] āo-gōk
dǎoguó island nation.¹⁰
岛弧[島弧] āo-vũ
dǎohú island arc (geology); forearc.¹⁰
冰岛[冰島] Bëin Āo
Bīng Dǎo Iceland.¹⁰
半岛[半島] bön-āo
bàndǎo peninsula.¹¹
海岛[海島] hōi-āo
hǎidǎo an island.¹¹
群岛[群島] kũn-āo
qúndǎo archipelago.¹¹
列岛[列島] lèik-āo
lièdǎo archipelago.¹¹
安全岛[安全島] ön-tũn-āo
ānquándǎo refuge; safety island; pedestrian island.⁸
青岛[青島] Tëin-Āo
Qīngdǎo Qingdao, subprovincial city in Shandong.¹⁰
ao1 278
46 14 āo dǎo (<old>=島 āo dǎo) island; isle.⁸
ao1 279
64 7 āo ǎo (=拗 āo äo) <topo.> to bend so as to break.
(See 拗 āo.)
ao1 280
64 8 āo  ǎo <topo.> bend so as to break.⁵ cause to bend or break.⁶ to bend or twist so as to break.⁷ (variant: 抝 āo ǎo).
(composition: ⿰扌幼; U+62D7).
拗弓颈[拗弓頸] āo-güng-gēng
ǎogōngjǐng <med.> stiff neck.⁵⁴
拗折 āo-jēt
ǎozhé to break by twisting.⁷
拗捩 āo-lèik
ǎoliè or 拗戾 āo-luì ǎolì twisting.⁵⁴
拗怒 āo-nù
ǎonù suppressed anger.¹⁴
拗断[拗斷] āo-òn
ǎoduàn to break by twisting.⁷
拗碎 āo-xuï 
ǎosuì to snap into shivers.¹⁴
<台> 拗断[拗斷] āo-hön to break by bending.
<台> 拗嗮爪 āo-xäi-jāo can't do anything.
<又> äo.
(See 拗 [äo, ào], [äo, niù]; 抝 āo)
ao1 281
64 11 āo dáo to pull rope one hand at a time; to find out; to trace back.
捯气[捯氣] āo-hï dáoqì to talk garrulously; to feel short of breath; to pant; to gasp.
捯饬[捯飭] āo-chēik
dáochi <topo.> to dress up; to apply make-up; to doll up
捯线[捯線] āo-xëin
dáoxiàn to reel in thread in flying kite.
ao1 282
64 13 āo dǎo pound with a pestle; beat; smash; harass; disturb.⁵ hull; thresh; beat, attack.⁸ (variants: 擣,㨶 āo). (See 擣,㨶 āo).
t: ⿰扌島; U+6417). (comp. s: ⿰扌岛; U+6363).
暗中捣乱[暗中搗亂] ām-jüng-āo-lòn
ànzhōngdǎoluàn make trouble behind somebody's back; make trouble secretly.⁶
捣蛋[搗蛋] āo-àn/
dǎodàn cause trouble; stir up trouble.¹⁰
捣蛋鬼[搗蛋鬼] āo-àn-gī
dǎodànguǐ troublemaker.¹⁰
捣毁[搗毀] āo-fī
dǎohuǐ smash up; demolish; destroy.⁵
捣鬼[搗鬼] āo-gī
dǎoguǐ play tricks; do mischief.⁵
捣固[搗固] āo-gü
dǎogù make firm by ramming/tamping.⁵
捣乱[搗亂] āo-lòn
dǎoluàn make trouble, sabotage, create a disturbance; disturb.⁶
捣米[搗米] āo-māi
dǎomǐ to hull/husk rice with a large pestle and mortar.⁵ʼ⁰
捣实[搗實] āo-sìt
dǎoshí to ram (earth); to compact earth by ramming.¹⁰
捣碎[搗碎] āo-xuï
dǎosuì pound to pieces.⁵
捣药[搗藥] āo-yêk
dǎoyào pound medicine in a mortar.⁵
捣衣 āo-yï
dǎoyī beat clothes (in washing).⁵
在暗中捣鬼[在暗中搗鬼] dòi-ām-jüng-āo-gī
zài ànzhōng dǎoguǐ jiggery-pokery.¹¹¹
ao1 283
64 14 āo dǎo (=搗 āo dǎo or 擣 āo dǎo to thresh; to hull or unhusk, to beat; to pound; to attack.).⁸
(composition: ⿰扌鳥; U+3A36).
(See 搗 āo; 擣 āo).
ao1 284
64 17 āo dǎo (=搗 āo dǎo pound with a pestle; beat; smash; harass; disturb.⁵ hull; thresh; beat, attack.⁸).¹¹ʼ¹³ to beat, to pound, to pummel; to build, to construct; to comply with.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌壽; U+64E3).
擣虚[擣虛] āo-huï
dǎoxū attack enemy at his weakest..¹¹
擣烂[擣爛] āo-làn
dǎolàn to beat to pieces.²⁴
擣米 āo-māi
dǎomǐ hull rice in mortar.¹¹
擣衣 āo-yï
dǎoyī washing clothing by beating it on stone slab.¹¹ to beat clothes in order to cleanse them.²⁴
or 惄焉如搗 nèik-yẽn-nguĩ-āo nìyānrúdǎo <lit.> my heart is greatly disturbed (lit., 'pounding').¹¹
(See 搗 āo).
ao1 285
18 2 äo dāo Kangxi radical 18; knife, sword; knife-shaped thing; a hundred sheets (of paper).⁶ a sword or scimitar; a knife; a punt, a canoe, for which 舠 äo dāo is preferable; a quire of paper, containing from 20 to 100 sheets; a knife-shaped coin, first made by Wang Mang (王莽 Võng Mông Wáng Mǎng) of the Xin Dynasty (新朝 9–23 AD).¹⁰²
大刀 ài-äo
dàdāo broadsword.⁶
刀疤 äo-bä
dāobā scar from a knife wound.¹⁰
刀瘢 äo-bän
dāobān scar of a knife-cut.⁶
刀柄 äo-bêng
dāobǐng the handle of a knife.⁵⁴
刀子 äo-dū
dāozi small knife; dagger; pocketknife.
刀光剑影[刀光劍影] äo-göng-gëm-yēin
dāoguāngjiànyǐng glint and flash of knives and swords – fierce fighting with bared swords glinting murderously.⁶
刀口舔血 äo-hēo-lēm-hüt
dāokǒutiǎnxuè to live a dangerous life; to live a violent life.⁵⁴
刀山火海 äo-sän-fō-hōi
dāoshānhuǒhǎi mountains of swords and seas of flames – (idiom) extremely dangerous place; most severe trials.
刀刃 äo-yìn
dāorèn knife edge; the most vital thing.⁹
水果刀 suī-gō-äo
shuǐguǒdāo fruit knife.⁶
小刀 xēl-äo
xiǎodāo pocket knife; small sword/knife.⁶
<台> 刀仔 äo-dōi pocketknife; penknife; small knife.
ao2 286
18 8 äo dào to (a place); until (a time); to arrive; Dao surname.
(composition: ⿰至刂; U+5230).
到达[到達] äo-àt dàodá arrive; get to; reach.⁵
到处[到處] äo-chuî
dàochù everywhere.¹⁰
达到[達到] àt-äo
dádào achieve; attain; reach.⁵
白头到老[白頭到老] bàk-hẽo-äo-lāo
báitóudàolǎo to live together for an entire lifetime (of husband and wife).
周到[週到] jiü-äo
zhōudào (often said of service, etc.) thoughtful; considerate.⁷
<台> 到该[到該] äo-köi here.
<台> 冷到口唇黑 lâng-äo-hēo-sũn-hāk It's so cold my lips turned blue (lit. black).
<又> āo.
(See 到 āo.)
ao2 287
30 5 äo dāo garrulous.¹⁰
叨叨 äo-äo dāodao to chatter; to hog the conversation.¹⁰
叨唠[叨嘮] äo-lão
dāolao to be chattersome; to talk on and on without stopping; to nag.¹⁰
念叨 nèm-äo
niàndao to talk about often; to discuss; to reminisce about.¹⁰
絮叨 xuî-äo
xùdao long-winded; garrulous; wordy.⁵
<又> hāo, dào.
(See 叨 hāo, dào.)
ao2 288
32 6 äo ào (=墺 äo ào habitable place; four walls.⁸ ecumene; intermountain flatland.⁹ building-plot.¹⁰ bay land, bay strip.¹¹ a square piece of ground for a residence; ground on the bank of a stream; a bay.²⁴ <lit.> place for residence; (dialectal) flat land between mountains; <old> bay land, bay strip.³⁶).³⁶
(composition: ⿰土乇; U+572B).
<又> hōk; jün; yūk.
(See 圫 hōk; 圫 jün; 圫 yūk).
ao2 289
32 13 äo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 坞[塢] vü with same meaning: entrenchment, bank, low wall.⁸)
<又> vü.
(See 塢 vü.)
ao2 290
32 15 äo ào habitable place; four walls.⁸ ecumene; intermountain flatland.⁹ building-plot.¹⁰ bay land, bay strip.¹¹ a square piece of ground for a residence; ground on the bank of a stream; a bay.²⁴ <lit.> place for residence; (dialectal) flat land between mountains; <old> bay land, bay strip.³⁶
(composition: ⿰土奥 or ⿰土奧; U+58BA).
深山野墺 sïm-sän-yêh-äo shēnshānyě'ào deep in desolate and remote mountains.¹⁹ cf 深山野岙[深山野嶴] sïm-sän-yêh-äo.
野墺 yêh-äo
yě'ào remote mountain region.¹⁹
<又> yūk.
(See 墺 yūk).
ao2 291
37 13 äo ào mysterious, obscure, profound.⁸
奥秘[奧秘] äo-bï àomì secret, mystery.¹⁰
奥丁[奧丁] äo-ëin
àodīng Odin (god in Norse mythology).¹⁰
奥国[奧国] äo-gōk
àoguó Austria.¹⁰
奥妙[奧妙] äo-mèl
àomiào subtle.¹⁰
奥林匹克[奧林匹克] Äo-lĩm-pīt-hāk
Àolínpǐkè <loan> Olympics.¹⁹
奥运[奧運] Äo-vùn
Àoyùn short for 奥林匹克运动会  [奧林匹克運動會] äo-lĩm-pīt-hāk-vùn-ùng-vòi àolínpǐkèyùndònghuì Olympic Games; the Olympics.¹⁰
深奥[深奧] sïm-äo
shēn'ào abstruse; profound; recondite.⁵
ao2 292
38 13 äo ǎo an old woman; (in old China) a general term for older woman; the goddess of earth.⁷ <wr.> a lower-class woman; an old woman servant; mother.¹¹
媪娘[媼娘] äo-nẽng or ëo-nẽng ǎoniáng an old maid.⁷
媪婆[媼婆] äo-põ
or ëo-põ or äo-pũ or ëo-pũ ǎopó female examiner of corpses.⁷
媪神[媼神] äo-sĩn
or ëo-sĩn ǎoshén the goddess of earth.⁸
媪妪[媼嫗] äo-yī
or ëo-yī or äo-ëo or ëo-ëo ǎoyù <wr.> old woman.⁶
老媪[老媼] lāo-äo
or lāo-ëo lǎo'ǎo an old woman, especially servant.¹¹
媒媪[媒媼] mõi-äo
or mõi-ëo méi'ǎo marriage broker.⁵⁴
乳媪[乳媼] nguî-äo
or nguî-ëo rǔ'ǎo wet nurse.¹¹
翁媪[翁媼] yüng-äo
or yüng-ëo wēng'ǎo old man and woman.⁶
<又> ëo.
(See 媼 ëo.)
ao2 293
38 15 äo ào jealous; to envy; jealously.⁸ to be envious.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女奥(G) or ⿰女奧(JVT, Kangxi); U+3729).
ao2 294
40 16 𡪿
äo ào (demotic character for 奥[奧] äo ào mysterious, obscure, profound.⁸).²
(composition: ⿱宀奧; U+21ABF).
(See 奧 äo).
ao2 295
46 16 äo ào flat/level land in a mountian.⁶
深山野岙[深山野嶴] sïm-sän-yêh-äo shēnshānyě'ào deep in the mountains and fields (idiom).¹⁰
ao2 296
61 5 äo dāo grieved, distressed.⁷
忉忉 äo-äo dāodāo distressed; worried.⁷
忉怛 äo-hān
dāodá grieved; distressed; sad; worried.⁷
忉利天 Äo-lì-hëin
Dāolìtiān <Budd.> The Trāyastriṃśa heaven is the second of the heavens of the Kāmadhātu, and the highest of the heavens that maintains a physical connection with the rest of the world.¹⁵
ao2 297
61 15 äo ào regretful, remorseful; annoyed, vexed.⁵
懊悔 äo-fōi àohuǐ feel remorse; repent; regret.⁵
懊恨 äo-hàn
àohèn regret; repent.⁶
懊恼[懊惱] äo-nâo
àonǎo annoyed; vexed; upset.⁵
懊丧[懊喪] äo-xöng
àosàng dejected; despondent; depressed.⁵
ao2 298
64 5 äo dāo to turn upside down; to exert a great deal; to pull and drag, to implicate or involve; <Jilu Mandarin 冀鲁官话[冀魯官話] and Central Plains Mandarin 中原官话[中原官話]> to use chopsticks.⁸
(composition: ⿰扌刀; U+39C5).
㧅蹬 or 叨蹬 äo-àng dāodēng tossing; turn from side to side; do again and again.⁸ʼ⁰ take out; to disturb the established order, to make a mess.⁵⁴
<又> mùk.
(See 㧅 mùk).
ao2 299
64 8 äo ào defy; disobey.⁶ hard to pronounce; awkward-sounding.⁷
拗体诗[拗體詩] äo-hāi-sï àotǐshī poems that do not conform to the rule of conventional versification.⁷
拗陷 äo-hàm
àoxiàn <geol.> depression.⁵
拗口 äo-hēo
àokǒu hard to pronounce; awkward-sounding.⁵
拗口令 äo-hēo-lèin
àokǒulìng or niùkǒulìng tongue twister.⁵
<又> āo. (See 拗 āo, [äo, niù].)
ao2 300
64 8 äo niù obstinate; pig-headed; stubborn; headstrong; mulish.⁶
(composition: ⿰扌幼; U+62D7).
拗别[拗別] äo-bèik niùbiè recalcitrant; stubbornly defiant; obstinate.⁷
拗不过[拗不過] äo-būt-gö
niùbùguò unable to dissuade; fail to talk somebody out of doing something.⁵
拗劲[拗勁] äo-gèin
niùjìn obstinacy; stubbornness.⁶
拗强[拗強] äo-kèng
niùjiàng obstinate and pigheaded; recalcitrant.⁷
拗性 äo-xëin
niùxing obstinacy; stubbornness; recalcitrant.⁷
执拗[執拗] jīp-äo
zhíniù stubborn; pigheaded; wilful.⁵
<台> 拗颈[拗頸] äo-gēng to argue; to quarrel.
<台> 拗颈精[拗頸精] äo-gēng-dëin argumentative person disputant.
<又> āo.
(See 拗 āo, [äo, ǎo].)
ao2 301
75 9 äo ào a knee of timber.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木幼; U+67EA).
<又> âo. (See 柪 âo).
ao2 302
84 6 äo dāo deuterium (D).⁶
氘灯[氘燈] äo-äng
dāodēng deterium lamp.⁶
氘化物 äo-fä-mùt
or äo-fä-mòt dāohuàwù deuteride.⁶
氘核 äo-hàt
dāohé deuteron.⁵
ao2 303
85 15 äo ào (usually used in a place name) inlet of the sea, bay; short for Macao; short for Australia.⁶
澳大利亚[澳大利亞] Äo-ài-lì-ä Àodàlìyà Australia. (the country).⁶
澳洲 Äo-jiü
Àozhōu Australia (the continent).⁶
澳抗 äo-köng
àokàng <med.> australia antigen; hepatitis-associated antigen (HAA), the surface antigen of the Hepatitis-B-Virus.⁹
澳门 [澳門] Äo-mõn
Àomén Macao.⁶
港澳 Kōng-Äo
Gǎng-Ào Hongkong and Macau. (香港 Hëng-Kōng Xiānggǎng and 澳门[澳門] Äo-mõn Àomén).⁶
ao2 304
137 8 äo dāo small boat; a type of big wine glass mentioned in ancient books; long narrow knife-shaped boat, kayak.⁸ a small skiff or canoe, shaped like a knife; used for 𦩍❄{⿰舟周} äo dāo or 𦩍❄{⿰舟周} ël diāo; also written 刀 äo dāo, a vessel capable of carrying 20 tons.²⁵ a long narrow canoe or barge; a load of 300 bushels (斛 hùk ) or 1500 pecks (斗 ēo dǒu), probably because this sort of boat would carry so much.¹⁰² (variant: 䑢 äo dāo).
(composition: ⿰舟刀; U+8220).
Bàk-bö-ngèk-kūn-xūt, jāk-dūk-būt-yũng-äo.
Bái bō ruò juǎn xuě, cè zú bùróng dāo.
The waves rolled up (by the Lingyang Stream) are like white snow, and the boulders standing sideways in the water prevent the boat from passing through.⁰ (Excerpt from 《下涇縣陵陽溪至澀灘·1.》 by 李白.
征舠 jëin-äo
zhēngdāo a passage boat (ferry).¹⁰²
(See 𦩍❄{⿰舟周} äo; 𦩍❄{⿰舟周} ël; 刀 äo; 䑢 äo).
ao2 305
137 9 äo dāo (non-classical form) (same as 舠 äo dāo) a knife-shaped small boat.⁸ some say 𦨉❄{⿰舟刂} (ngūt unsmooth sailing) is a variant.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰舟兀; U+4462).
(See 舠 äo; 𦨉❄{⿰舟刂} ngūt).
ao2 306
137 14 𦩍
äo dāo alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciations for 𦩍❄{⿰舟周} ël diāo with the same meaning: a small boat; an 𦩍 ël diāo is equal to 300 斛 hùk , where a 斛 hùk was a dry measure originally equal to 10 dou (斗 ēo dǒu), but later was 5 dou (斗 ēo dǒu).²  a barge capable of holding 15 or 30 tons; it is short and of a wide build.²⁵ a boat.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰舟周; U+26A4D).
<又> ël.
(See 𦩍❄{⿰舟周} ël).
ao2 307
145 13 äo dāo short sleeves; short undergarment.¹⁴ the sleeve of a coat.²⁵
(composition: ⿰衤周; U+88EF).
衹裯 jī-äo zhǐdāo a garment for absorbing perspiration.²⁵
<又> chiũ; chuĩ.
(See 裯 chiũ; 裯 chuĩ).
ao2 308
145 17 äo ǎo lined Chinese style coat/jacket.⁶
大袄[大襖] ài-äo dà'ǎo long cotton-padded coat.¹⁹
袄子[襖子] äo-dū
ǎozi coat; jacket; short and lined coat or robe.¹⁰
袄裤[襖褲] äo-fù
ǎokù quilted trousers.¹⁹
袄头子[襖頭子] äo-hẽo-dū
ǎotóuzi upper garments.¹⁹
袄儿[襖兒] äo-ngĩ
ǎor short Chinese-style coat/jacket.⁵⁴
or 袷袄[袷襖] gäp-äo jiá'ǎo lined jacket; double layered jacket.¹⁰
棉袄[棉襖] mẽin-äo
mián'ǎo cotton-padded jacket.⁶
衲袄[衲襖] nàp-äo
nà'ǎo robe; Buddhist robe.⁵⁴
短袄[短襖] ōn-äo
duǎn'ǎo jacket.¹¹
皮袄[皮襖] pĩ-äo
pí'ǎo a fur coat.⁵
羊皮袄[羊皮襖] yẽng-pĩ-äo
yángpí'ǎo sheepskin jacket.¹⁹
<又> âo.
(See 襖 âo.)
ao2 309
149 12 äo ào (=拗 äo ào¹⁰¹ defy; disobey.⁶ hard to pronounce; awkward-sounding.⁷)  contradictory words.²⁵ (Cantonese, Teochew) to argue; to contend; to dispute; to debate.³⁶
(composition: ⿰訁幼; U+8A4F).
<又> yèl.
(See 詏 yèl; 拗 äo).
ao2 310
163 10 äo ǎo old prefecture name.⁸
(composition: ⿰肴阝; U+90E9).
<又> ngão. (See 郩 ngão).
ao2 311
195 13 äo dāo 鱽鱼[魛魚] äo-nguĩ dāoyú another name for 白带鱼 [白帶魚] bàk-äi-nguĩ báidàiyú largehead hairtail, beltfish (Trichiurus lepturus), a member of the cutlassfish family, Trichiuridae; also known as Atlantic cutlassfish, Pacific cutlassfish and Japanese cutlassfish; it is called 高鰭帶魚 in mainland China; aka 刀鱼, 白魚, 裙帶, 肥帶, 油帶, 天竺帶魚, 日本带鱼, 黃稜油帶.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
ao2 312
196 15 äo ǎo (=𪁾❄{⿰芺鳥} äo ǎo a bird.²).²
(composition: ⿰夭鳥; U+9D01).
<又> yēl
. (See 鴁 yēl; 𪁾❄{⿰芺鳥} äo).
ao2 313
196 18 𪁾
äo ǎo a bird.² (variant: 鴁 äo ǎo).
(composition: ⿰芺鳥; U+2A07E).
(See 鴁 äo).
ao2 314
18 2 äo


Component form of ⼑: Kangxi Radical #18, 刀 (“knife”); 刀字头[刀字頭] äo-dù-hẽo dāozìtóu is used at the top of a character, e.g. 色 (color), 魚 (fish), 象 (elephant), 欠 ( to owe), 負 (to bear, failure, negative), 危 (danger) and 急 (hurry).³⁶ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰; U+2E88).
41 15 ào dǎo to direct, to guide, to lead, to conduct.⁸
(variant: 𡭑❄{⿱⿲彳⿳巛一自亍寸} ào).
t: ⿱道寸; U+5C0E). (comp. s: ⿱巳寸; U+5BFC).
导向[導向] ào-hëng
dǎoxiàng to be oriented towards; orientation.¹⁰
导致[導致] ào-jï
dǎozhì to lead to; to create; to cause; to bring about.¹⁰
导师[導師] ào-xü
dǎoshī tutor.¹¹
导演[導演] ào-yēn
dǎoyǎn direct (a film, play); director.⁵
报导[報導] bäo-ào
bàodǎo to cover (report) news; news reporting; story; article.¹⁰
半导体[半導體] bön-ào-hāi
bàndǎotǐ semiconductor.¹⁰
辅导[輔導] fù-ào
fǔdǎo give guidance in study or training; coach.⁵
教导[教導] gäo-ào
jiàodǎo  instruct, teach; guidance.⁵
指导[指導] jī-ào
zhǐdǎo to guide; to give directions; to direct; to coach; guidance; tuition.¹⁰
领导[領導] lêin-ào
lǐngdǎo to lead, leadership; a guide.⁷
引导[引導] yîn-ào
yǐndǎo guide; lead (around).⁵
(See 𡭑❄{⿱⿲彳⿳巛一自亍寸} ào).
ao4 316
41 19 𡭑
ào dǎo 石鼓文 stone-drum inscription for 導 ào dǎo.² to direct, to guide, to lead, to conduct.⁸
(composition: ⿱衟寸; U+21B51).
(See 導 ào).

ao4 317
50 17 ào dào <wr.> to cover.⁶  the canopy of heaven; the sky.¹⁴
覆帱[覆幬] fūk-ào fùdào a canopy – heaven.¹⁴
无不覆帱[無不覆幬] mũ-būt-fūk-ào
wúbùfùdào there is nothing which it does not cover.¹⁴
<又> chiũ.
(See 幬 chiũ; 燾 ào.)
ao4 318
61 11 ào dào mourn; grieve.⁵
悼亡 ào-mõng dàowáng <wr.> mourn for one's deceased wife; lose one's wife.⁶
悼念 ào-nèm
dàoniàn mourn, grieve over.⁵
悼唁 ào-ngèin
dàoyàn express one's condolences.⁶
or 悼辞[悼辭] ào-xũ dàocí memorial speech.⁵
悲悼 bï-ào
bēidào grieve over the death of.⁸
追悼 juï-ào
zhuīdào to mourn; to pay last respects; mourning; memorial (service).¹⁰
哀悼 öi-ào
āidào to grieve over somebody's death; to lament somebody's death; mourning.¹⁰
ao4 319
66 18 𣀓
ào dǎo (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 𣀓❄{⿰壽攴} chiũ chóu with the same meaning: to discard, abandon, throw away; to demand, to beg for, to get.²ʼ¹⁰¹ to reject.²⁴
(composition: ⿰壽攴; U+23013).
<又> chiũ; ào.
(See 𣀓❄{⿰壽攴} chiũ; 𣀓❄{⿰壽攴} ào).
ao4 320
86 18 ào dào <wr.> to cast light over; (=幬 ào dào) <wr.> to cover like a canopy.¹¹
无不覆焘[無不覆燾] mũ-būt-fūk-ào
wúbùfùdào (=无不覆帱[無不覆幬] mũ-būt-fūk-ào wúbùfùdào) (from 中庸 jüng-yũng zhōngyōng Doctrine of the Mean) all fall under the canopy (of moral laws).¹¹
<又> hão.
(See 燾 hão; 幬 ào.)
ao4 321
108 12 ào dào rob, steal; thief, bandit.⁸
盗版[盜版] ào-bān dàobǎn to pirate; a pirate copy.⁹
盗伐[盜伐] ào-fàt
dàofá to fell trees unlawfully.⁷
盗匪[盜匪] ào-fī
dàofěi bandits; robbers.⁵
盗魁[盜魁] ào-föi
dàokuí bandit chief.¹¹
盗汗[盜汗] ào-hòn
dàohàn <Ch. med.> night sweat.⁵
盗骊[盜驪] Ào-lĩ
Dàolí name of one of the eight legendary horses of 周穆王 Jiü Mùk Võng Zhōu Mù Wáng King Mu of Zhou.²³
盗卖[盜賣] ào-mài
dàomài steal and sell (public property).⁵
盗墓[盜墓] ào-mù
dàomù to rob a tomb/grave.⁵
盗墓人[盜墓人] ào-mù-ngĩn
dàomùrén grave robber.⁵
盗贼[盜賊] ào-tàk
dàozéi thieves and brigands.¹¹
盗窃[盜竊] ào-tëik
dàoqiè steal.⁸
盗窃罪[盜竊罪] ào-tëik-duì
dàoqièzuì larceny.⁵
盗取[盜取] ào-tuī
dàoqǔ steal; embezzle.⁵
盗竽[盜竽] ào-yï
dàoyú (=盗魁[盜魁] ào-föi dàokuí) bandit chief.¹¹ʼ⁵⁴
盗印[盜印] ào-yïn
dàoyìn to pirate; piracy.⁷
盗用[盜用] ào-yùng
dàoyòng embezzle; usurp.⁵
强盗[強盜] kẽng-ào
qiángdào a robber; a bandit.⁷
<台> 盗虫[盜蟲] ào-chũng to poison pests/bugs.
ao4 322
115 15 ào dào rice; paddy.⁵
稻苞虫[稻苞蟲] ào-bäo-chũng dàobāochóng rice plant skipper.⁵
稻作 ào-dōk
dàozuò rice cultivation.¹⁰
稻子 ào-dū
dàozi <vern.> rice; paddy.⁵
稻纵卷叶螟[稻縱卷葉螟] ào-düng-kūn-yêp-mẽin
dàozòngjuǎnyèmíng rice-leaf roller.⁵
稻谷[稻穀] ào-gūk
dàogǔ paddy (rice as a growing crop).⁵
稻田 ào-hẽin
dàotián a paddy field; a rice paddy.⁷
稻壳[稻殼] ào-hôk
dàoké rice husk.⁵
稻烂秧[稻爛秧] ào-làn-yëng
dàolànyāng seedling blight of rice.⁵
稻米 ào-māi
dàomǐ rice or paddy.⁷
稻螟虫[稻螟蟲] ào-mẽin-chũng
dàomíngchóng rice borer.⁵
稻草 ào-tāo dàocǎo rice straw.⁷
稻草在水上氽 ào-tāo-dòi-suī-sèng-hün
dàocǎo zài shuǐshang tǔn the straw drifted on the water.⁶
稻草人 ào-tāo-ngĩn
dàocǎorén scarecrow.⁵
稻瘟病 ào-vün-bèng
dàowēnbìng rice blast.⁵
稻秧 ào-yëng
dàoyāng rice seedlings; rice shoots.⁵
早稻 dāo-ào
zǎodào early season rice.⁹
水稻 suī-ào
shuǐdào rice; paddy.¹⁰
ao4 323
120 24 ào dào <trad.> big army banner.⁶  a banner; a streamer.⁷ big square army banner.¹¹ a banner or streamer carrying a feather, used to show the way at a funeral; a large triangular standard, carried before the general-in-chief to mark his presence; it was adorned with red silk tassels, or a tail or feathers.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱毒縣; U+7E9B).
纛旗 ào-kĩ dàoqí or ùk-kĩ dúqí banner (standard) of the commander of the army.⁵⁴
祭纛 däi-ào
jìdào or däi-ùk jìdú to pay honor to the flag.⁰
皂纛[皁纛] dào-ào
zàodào or dào-ùk zàodú <trad.> army flag.¹¹
高压大纛[高壓大纛] gäo-āt-ài-ào
gāoyādàdào or gäo-āt-ài-ùk gāoyādàdú <Ch. hist.> flags and emblems of a high official.⁵⁴
<又> ùk.
(See 纛 ùk.)
ao4 324
124 20 翿 ào dào streamer adorned with feathers.⁸  feather banner or fan.¹⁰ to cover with feathers; a covering of feathers; a fan; a banner adorned with feathers.²⁵ (historical) streamer or banner adorned with feathers used in dances or funeral ceremonies in ancient China.³⁶ streamer or banner adorned with feathers.¹¹²
(composition: ⿰壽羽; U+7FFF).
翿旌[翿旌] ào-dëin dàojīng a flag/streamer made from a mixture of red and white feathers in ancient times.¹⁹
翿纛 ào-ùk
dàodú a standard/banner.²⁵
金翿 gïm-ào
jīndào a big golden flag.¹⁹
执翿[執翿] jīp-ào
zhídào to hold a feather fan.²⁵
鹭翿[鷺翿] lù-ào
lùdào dance equipment made of egret feathers; shaped like a pheasant fan, or like an umbrella.¹⁹
羽翿 yî-ào
yǔdào a pennant covered with feathers, held by ancient dancers; it is also used in leading a funeral procession.¹⁹
ao4 325
144 15 ào dào (<old>=道 ào dào) way, path.⁸
(composition: ⿲彳首亍; U+885C).
(See 道 ào).
ao4 326
144 16 ào dào (<old>=道 ào dào).²
(composition: ⿲彳⿳巛一自亍; U+885F).
(See 道 ào).
ao4 327
157 17 ào dǎo <wr.> tread, step; skip, trip; follow, abide by, obey.⁶
蹈袭[蹈襲] ào-dàp dǎoxí to copy or imitate (style, practice) slavishly.⁷
蹈袭覆辙[蹈襲覆轍] ào-dàp-fūk-chēt
dǎoxífùzhé follow the same old road to ruin; copy bad precedents.⁶
蹈袭前人[蹈襲前人 ào-dàp-tẽin-ngĩn
dǎoxíqiánrén slavishly follow one's predecessors.⁵
蹈火赴汤[蹈火赴湯] ào-fō-fü-höng
dǎohuǒfùtāng to go through fire and water; to brave all possible difficulties.⁷
蹈虎尾 ào-fū-mī
dǎohǔwěi lit. to tread on a tiger's tail – to run a great risk.⁷
蹈覆辙[蹈覆轍] ào-fūk-chēt
dǎofùzhé to repeat a mistake someone had previously made.⁷
蹈海 ào-hōi
dǎohǎi <wr.> drown oneself in the sea.⁶
蹈海自尽[蹈海自盡] ào-hōi-dù-dìn
dǎohǎizìjìn commit suicide by throwing oneself into the sea.⁶
蹈义[蹈義] ào-ngì
dǎoyì to die for a cause; to be a martyr to a cause.⁷
蹈常袭故[蹈常襲故] ào-sẽng-dàp-gü
dǎochángxígù go on in the same old way; get into a rut.⁵
ao4 328
162 12 ào dào road; course; way; morals; teachings; Taoist; skill; superstitious sect; line; speak; express in words; (used in early vernacular) say; think; <m.> for long and narrow objects, doors, walls, orders, questions, courses in a meal.⁶ (variants: 衜, 衟 ào dào).
(composition: ⿺辶首; U+9053).
道德 ào-āk
dàodé morals; morality; ethics.⁵
道白 ào-bàk
dàobái spoken parts in an opera.⁵
道班 ào-bän
dàobān railway or highway maintenance squad.⁵
道家 Ào-gä
Dàojiā Daoist school; Daoist religion.⁷
道教 Ào-gäo
Dàojiào (religion) Daoism.⁷
道行 ào-hàng
dàohéng religious attainments of a monk or Taosit priest – technical skill, capability.⁶
道行深 ào-hàng-sïm
dàohéngshēn be of high religious attatinments – be highly skilled; have consummate skills.⁶
道听途说[道聽途說] ào-hëin-hũ-sōt
dàotīngtúshuō hearsay; rumor; gossip.⁵
道歉 ào-hēp
dàoqiàn to apologize.⁷
道理 ào-lî
dàoli reason; rationality; the right way.⁷
道路 ào-lù
dàolù a road.⁷
道义[道義] ào-ngì
dàoyì morality and justice.⁵
道士 Ào-xù
Dàoshi Daoist priest.⁵
(See 道 [ào, dǎo], [ào, dāo]; 衜, 衟 ào).
ao4 329
162 12 ào dǎo to govern; to lead.⁷ (=导[導] ào dǎo) to guide.¹¹
道之以德 ào-jï-yî-āk
dǎozhīyǐdé <wr.> guide them with morals.
See 道 [ào, dào], [ào, dāo].)
ao4 330
162 12 ào dāo 神神道道 sĩn-sĩn-ào-ào shénshendāodāo odd; bizarre.⁶
(See 道 [ào, dào], [ào, dǎo].)
ao4 331
17 5 âo āo anything indented, or concave; a mortise.³⁶
脚凹[腳凹] gëk-âo jiǎo'āo the hollow of the foot.¹⁴
山凹 sän-âo
shān'āo a hollow among the hills.¹⁴ mountain cave, hole, recess.⁸
<又> nïp, nîp, vä.
(See 凹 nïp, nîp, vä.)
ao5 332
32 8 âo ào (<old>= 坳 âo ào) a depression in a mountain range; col.
(See 坳 âo.)
ao5 333
32 8 âo ào a depression in a mountain range; col.⁵ level land in a mountain; col.⁶ a hollow in the ground, a cavity.⁷ (archaic variant: 垇 âo.)
坳陷 âo-hàm àoxiàn depression; low-lying area.¹⁰
坳口 âo-hēo
àokǒu gap (in the mountains).⁵⁴
坳塘 âo-hõng
àotáng a small pond.¹¹
坳堂 âo-hõng
àotáng a hollow in the ground.⁷
堂坳 hõng-âo
táng'ào damp, low grounds.¹¹
山坳 sän-âo
shān'ào mountain col.⁶
(See 垇 âo.)
ao5 334
75 9 âo āo a crooked piece of wood.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木幼; U+67EA).
<又> äo. (See 柪 äo).
ao5 335
145 17 âo ǎo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 袄[襖] äo ǎo with same meaning: lined Chinese style coat/jacket.⁶)
<又> äo.
(See 襖 äo.)
ao5 336
18 11 āp hook; sickle.⁸ a sickle, a reap hook.²⁴ hook.³⁶
(composition: ⿰荅刂; U+5273).
<又> jāt. (See 剳 jāt).
ap1 337
30 12 āp <ono.> clatter of horses' hoofs or rattling of a machine gun.²²
嗒嗒 āp-āp dādā <ono> click, tick.¹
嗒嗒的马蹄声[嗒嗒的馬蹄聲] āp-āp-ēik-mâ-hãi-sëin
dādādemǎtíshēng clatter of horses' hoofs.⁵
吧嗒 bä-āp
bādā <ono.> patter, splatter, click; to smack one's lips; to pull (on a pipe).¹⁰
<又> hāp.
(See 嗒 hāp.)
ap1 338
82 13 āp (composition: ⿰曷毛; U+6BFC).
氀毼 ëo-āp dōudá feebled-minded.²⁴ (cf 氀毼 lẽo-hò).
<又> hòt; höt.
(See 毼 hòt; 毼 höt).
ap1 339
104 14 āp 瘩背 āp-böi dábèi tumor around shoulder blades; accomplice in swindle or gambling.¹¹ <TCM> a warty back.¹
<又> äp.
(See 瘩[äp, da]; 瘩[äp, ].)
ap1 340
118 12 āp to answer, to reply; to reciprocate, to return.⁷
答拜 āp-bäi dábài to return a courtesy call/salutation.⁷
答辩[答辯] āp-bèin
dábiàn to reply (to a verbal attack); to speak in self-defense; to defend oneself.⁷
答不上来[答不上來] āp-būt-sëng-lõi
dábùshànglai unable to answer; at a loss to answer.⁷
答谢[答謝] āp-dèh
dáxiè to acknowledge; to convey one's thanks (for a favor).⁷
答非所问[答非所問] āp-fï-sō-mùn
dáfēisuǒwèn to give an irrelevant answer.⁷
or 答复[答復] āp-fūk dáfù to reply to or answer (an inquiry); an answer; a reply.⁷
答礼[答禮] āp-lâi
dálǐ to reciprocate another's courtesy; to return a salute.⁷
答录机[答錄機] āp-lùk-gï
dālùjī an answering machine.⁷
答问[答問] āp-mùn
dáwèn questions and answers; catechism.⁷
答疑 āp-ngĩ
dáyí to answer (students') questions.⁶
答案 āp-ön
dá'àn answer; solution; key.⁵
答数[答數] āp-sū
dáshù answer (to arithmetic problem).⁷
答对[答對] āp-uï
dáduì to answer a question; to reply.⁷
答话[答話] āp-và/
dáhuà an oral reply or answer.⁷
答词[答詞] āp-xũ
dácí a thank-you speech.⁷
(See 答 [āp, ].)
ap1 341
118 12 āp a variant reading of 答 āp in Mandarin (used only in some phrases).⁷
答答 āp-āp
dādā a crackling sound; shy; bashful.⁷
答腔 āp-höng
or 搭腔 äp-höng dāqiāng a reply; words uttered in reply; to reply; to answer.⁷
答理 āp-lî
or 搭理 äp-lî dāli to answer a person; to respond.⁷
答应[答應] āp-yëin
dāying to assent or agree to (a request), to promise (to do something); an answer.⁷
(See 答 [āp, ].)
ap1 342
128 9 āp ears hanging down.⁸
耷拉 āp-lā dāla hanging down like big ear lobe.¹¹
ap1 343
140 9 āp ➀ often used for 答 āp to answer ➁ a species of pulse
➂ small grain ➃ to sustain ➄ to take upon one.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱艹合; U+8345).
布渠荅 bü-kuï-āp
bùqúdá to lay iron spikes to serve as chevaux de frise (defensive obstacles).¹⁰²
奉荅天命 fùng-āp-hëin-mèin
fèng dā tiān mìng to receive heaven's decree.²⁵ to appreciate and carry out heaven's orders.¹⁰²
鲊荅[鮓荅] jä-āp
zhǎdá a concretion like the cow bezoar.¹⁰²  a species of concretion found in the livers of cows and horses, wrapped up in a fleshy bag of white color, and the size of a hen's egg; it is neither bone nor stone, but when broken appears to be in layers.²⁵
渠荅 kuï-āp
qúdá <military> caltrop; barbed wire barricades.²ʼ⁰ tribulus equestris.²⁵
拉荅 lā-āp
lādá a sound expressive of declining compliment.²⁵
ap1 344
145 14 āp girdle; loincloth; pouch, bag.⁸ cummerbund.⁹
褡包 āp-bäo dābao long, broad girdle.⁶
褡膊 āp-bōk
or 搭膊 äp-bōk dābó shoulder bag.¹⁰
褡裢[褡褳] āp-lẽin
dālian (long, rectangular bag with an opening in the middle so that both ends serve as bags, usually hung over the shoulder or from one's girdle for keeping money or other articles; multi-layer cloth jacket (worn by wrestlers).⁶ a pouch worn at the girdle.⁷
背褡 böi-āp
bèidā <topo.> waistcoat.⁸
挂褡[掛褡] kä-āp
guàdā (of a monk) to take residence at a temple.¹⁰
马褡子[馬褡子] mâ-āp-dū
mǎdāzi large rectangular bag hung on a horse.⁸
<又> äp.
(See 褡 äp.)
ap1 345
178 13 āp (dialect) to hang down the head and sleepy.⁸
(composition: ⿰韋內; U+4A8F).
<又> nàp. (See 䪏 nàp).
ap1 346
32 15 äp da 圪垯[圪墶] kēik-äp gēda (=疙瘩 kēik-äp gēda, q.v.); mound, hilllock, knoll.⁶
<又> hât.
(See 墶 hât, [äp, ].)
ap2 347
32 15 äp 打滑垯[打滑墶] ā-vàt-äp dǎhuádà downhill skating.⁹
<又> hât.
(See 墶 hât, [äp, da].)
ap2 348
46 12 äp da 屹㟷 kēik-äp gēda (=疙瘩 kēik-äp gēda, q.v.); mound; knoll.⁶ ap2 349
64 12 äp to put up, to construct; to hang over; to join together; to travel by or take (a conveyance).
搭膊 äp-bōk or 褡膊 āp-bōk dābó shoulder bag.¹⁰
搭车[搭車] äp-chëh
dāchē to get/give a lift; to hitchhike; to take a car/bus/ train; to do something at the same time; to raise the price of some unlisted goods by taking advantage of the government's price readjustment.
or 搭夥 äp-fō dāhuǒ <topo.> to eat regularly (in a mess); to form a partnership; to live together without marrying; to have meals in a canteen or in another person's family.
搭救 äp-giü
dājiù to rescue; to go to the rescue of.
搭桥[搭橋] äp-kẽl
dāqiáo build a bridge; join by means of a bridge; bridge; by-pass.⁸
搭姘头[搭姘頭] äp-pëin-hẽo
dāpīntou man and woman live together without marriage.¹¹
搭配 äp-pöi
dāpèi arrange in pairs or groups; collocation.⁵
搭讪[搭訕] äp-sän
dāshàn to strike up a conversation with somebody; to give an evasive response.
白搭 bàk-äp
báidā <topo.> useless, no good.
勾搭 ngëo-äp
gōuda gang up with; seduce.⁵
<台> 搭顺风车[搭順風車] äp-sùn-füng-chëh to hitchhike.
ap2 350
64 13 äp to strike; to take in the hand.
搕扁 äp-bēin kèbiǎn to flatten.¹¹
搕碎 äp-xuï
kèsuì to smash to pieces.¹¹
ap2 351
64 15 äp (<old>=搭 äp to put up, to construct; to hang over; to join together; to travel by or take (a conveyance); <Cant.> to strike, pound.⁸
(composition: ⿰扌答; U+6498).
扯弓撘箭. Chēh-güng-äp-dëin.
Chě gōng dā jiàn.
...reached for his bow, and shot an arrow.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《三國演義·袁紹磐河戰公孫,孫堅跨江擊劉表·21··》, translated by "not shown").
袖撘 diù-äp
xiùdā section in cloth to be cut into sleeves.¹¹
张弓撘箭[張弓撘箭] jëng-güng-äp-dëin
zhānggōngdājiàn stretch bow and fix arrow.¹¹
ap2 352
86 9 äp xiá fire-like.² (Cant.) saap6 to cook in boiling water.⁸
(composition: ⿰火甲; U+70A0).
ap2 353
94 8 äp xiá <wr.> be improperly familiar/close with (usually a woman); be frivolously/flirtatious intimate.⁶
狎妓 äp-gì or hâp-gì xiájì dally/flirt with prostitutes; visit prostitutes; visit a brothel; go whoring.⁶
狎客 äp-hāk
or äp-häk or hâp-hāk or hâp-häk xiákè frequenter of brothels; prostitute's customer; whoremonger.⁶
狎昵 äp-nèik
or hâp-nèik xiánì be intimate in a frivolous way; be improperly familiar/close with.⁶
狎翫 äp-ngòn
or hâp-ngòn xiáwán to regard familiarly and cheaply (also written 狎玩 äp-ngòn xiáwán).¹¹
狎亵[狎褻] äp-xēik
or hâp-xēik xiáxiè slight; be improperly familiar with; act indecently towards.⁶
玩狎 ngòn-äp
or ngòn-hâp wánxiá to dally with; to treat without respect.⁸
<又> hâp
(See 狎 hâp.)
ap2 354
104 14 äp da pimples.¹⁰
宝贝疙瘩[寶貝疙瘩] bāo-böi-kēik-äp bǎobèigēda (parents') darling; apple of somebody's eye.⁶
土疙瘩 hū-kēik-äp
tǔgēda lump of earth.⁸
疙瘩 kēik-äp
gēda swelling on the skin, pimple, lump, boil; knot, lump; knot (in one's mind), misunderstanding (among people), hang-up; <topo.> (classifier); <topo.> trouble, difficulty.⁶
疙瘩汤[疙瘩湯] kēik-äp-höng
gēdatāng dough drop soup.⁶
思想疙瘩 xü-xēng-kēik-äp
sīxiǎng gēda knots in one's mind.⁶
<又> āp.
(See 瘩 āp; 瘩[äp, ].)
ap2 355
104 14 äp 疙疙瘩瘩 kēik-kēik-äp-äp gēgedādā bumpy; thorny; uneven and rough.⁶
<又> āp.
(See 瘩 āp; 瘩[äp, da].)
ap2 356
145 14 äp (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 褡 āp with same meaning: girdle; loincloth; pouch, bag.⁸ cummerbund.⁹ )
<又> āp.
(See 褡 āp.)
ap2 357
196 16 äp a duck.⁷
鸭蛋[鴨蛋] äp-àn/ yādàn duck's egg; <slang> zero.⁷
鸭蛋脸[鴨蛋臉] äp-àn-lêm
yādànliǎn an oval face.⁷
鸭翅席[鴨翅席] äp-chï-dèik
yāchìxí a banquet featuring ducks and fish fins.⁷
鸭胗[鴨胗] äp-chīn
yāzhēn duck gizzard.¹⁹
鸭子[鴨子] äp-dū
yāzi duck; male prostitute (slang).¹⁰
鸭子儿[鴨子兒] äp-dū-ngĩ
yāzǐr a duck's egg.⁷
鸭嘴兽[鴨嘴獸] äp-duī-chiü
yāzuǐshòu a duckbill; a platypus.⁷
鸭脚[鴨腳] äp-gëk
yājiǎo duck feet.³⁹
鸭脚稗[鴨腳稗] äp-gëk-pâi
yājiǎbài ragi.¹⁰
鸭叫[鴨叫] äp-gël
yājiào quack of a duck.⁷
鸭掌[鴨掌] äp-jēng
yāzhǎng duck's feet – a delicacy.¹¹
鸭梨[鴨梨] äp-lĩ
yālí juicy pears grown in Hebei Province.⁸
鸭炉[鴨爐] äp-lũ
yālú a censer or thurible.⁷
鸭绿江[鴨綠江] Äp-lùk Göng
Yālù Jiāng the Yalu River.¹⁹
鸭尾艄[鴨尾艄] äp-mī-säo
yāwěishāo fantail (of a boat).⁵⁴
鸭绒[鴨絨] äp-ngũng
yāróng eiderdown.⁵
鸭舌帽[鴨舌帽] äp-sêt-mào
yāshémào a cap with a visor.⁷
鸭黄[鴨黃] äp-võng
yāhuáng a duckling..⁷
<台> 鸭胗[鴨胗]
or 鸭肫[鴨肫] äp-kîn duck gizzard.
<台> 鸭乸蹄[鸭乸蹄] äp-mä-hãi/ flatfoot; flat-footed.
<台> 卖咸鸭蛋[賣鹹鴨蛋] mài-hãm-äp-àn/ to have died.
ap2 358
23 8 àp (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 匼 fö with same meaning: scarf; kerchief.⁸ a kind of scarf in ancient times.²⁹)
<又> fö.
(See 匼 fö.)
ap4 359
32 11 𡌩
àp to pile up earth or dirt.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰土沓; U+21329).
<又> hāp.
(See 𡌩❄{⿰土沓} hāp).
ap4 360
64 11 àp a finger wrapper; a covering (used to protect the fingers from getting hurt).⁸ a thimble for sewing; also a cap, a covering; to feel, to avail one's-self of.²⁴ a thimble used in sewing; a skin cover for the fingers when playing a guitar.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰扌沓; U+39FA).
㧺碑揭帖 àp-bï-këik-hēp tàbēijiētiè to take a rubbing from a stone tablet.¹⁰²
指㧺 jī-àp
zhǐtà a thimble.¹⁰²
ap4 361
75 12 àp a rectangle shaped peg or short post between the beams and the roof timbers; the square peck-shaped box half-way up a Chinese flagstaff.⁸ the chapiter of a pillar.²⁴ the chapiter of a pillar, the capital of a column.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰木沓; U+3B7C).
ap4 362
85 8 àp (<m.> for piles of paper).
一沓信纸[一沓信紙] yīt-àp-xïn-jī yìdáxìnzhǐ a pile of letter-writing paper.⁴
<台> 一沓楼[一沓樓] yīt-àp-lẽo a building.
(See 沓 [àp, tà]; 遝 àp.)
ap4 363
85 8 àp <wr.> crowded; repeated.⁵ Ta surname.¹⁰ (variant: 遝 àp tà.)
沓沓 àp-àp
tàtà lax; chattering and talkative; running quickly.⁷
沓杯 àp-böi
tàbēi set of cups, one inside another.⁸
沓杂[沓雜] àp-dàp
tàzá crowded and mixed; confused.⁷
沓合 àp-hàp
tàhé to pile one upon another; superimpose.⁷
沓至 àp-jï
tàzhì to come one after another without stop.⁷
重沓 chũng-àp
chóngtà redundant; to pile up.¹⁰
or 杂遝[雜遝] dàp-àp zátà numerous and disorderly.⁶
纷至沓来[紛至沓來] fün-jï-àp-lõi
fēnzhìtàlái come thick and fast; keep pouring in.⁵
拖沓 hü-àp
tuōtà dilatory; procrastinating; obstructive.¹⁰
泄沓 yài-àp
yìtà garrulous and disorderly; easygoing, lax in moral attitude.⁷
(See 沓 [àp, ]; 遝 àp.)
ap4 364
140 16 𦾽
àp (composition: ⿱艹遝; U+26FBD; ).
菈𦾽❄{⿱艹遝}子 lā-àp-dū lātàzi a local term for turnip.²⁵
ap4 365
149 15 àp talk a  lot; wild talk, ranting; talk nonsense.²
(composition: ⿰訁沓; U+8ABB).
誻誻 àp-àp tàtà loquacious.²⁴
譐誻 dün-àp
zǔntà disputes and altercations.²⁵
ap4 366
149 21 àp to talk fast.⁸ʼ¹⁰ to speak rapidly.²⁵
㒊譶 sēip-àp sètà to speak without stopping; a multitude of voices mixed together.²⁵
ap4 367
157 15 àp step on, tread, stamp;  go to the spot (to make an investigation or survey).⁵ (variants: 蹹 àp ; 蹋➀ hāp ).
踏板 àp-bān
tàbǎn treadle, footboard, footrest; footstool (usu. placed beside a bed); <mus.> pedal (of a piano).⁵
踏钹[踏鈸] àp-bòt
tàbó foot cymbal.¹⁹
踏步 àp-bù
tàbù mark time.⁵
踏勘 àp-häm
tàkān make an on-the-spot survey (of a railway line, construction site); <trad.> (of an official) make a personal investigation on the spot.⁵
踏看 àp-hön
tàkàn go to the spot to make an investigation.⁵
踏月 àp-ngùt
tàyuè to walk in the moonlight.⁷
踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫[踏破鐵鞋無覓處,得來全不費工夫] àp-pö-hëik-hãi-mũ-mìt-chuī, āk-lõi-tũn-būt-fï-güng-fü
tàpò tiěxié wú mìchù, delái quán bù fèi gōngfu to find something or somebody by chance after a painstaking search.⁷
踏青 àp-tëin
tàqīng go for a walk in the country in spring (when the grass has just turned green).⁵
踏碓 àp-uî
tàduì pestle for husking rice worked by foot.¹¹
踏雪寻梅[踏雪尋梅] àp-xūt-tĩm-mõi
tàxuěxúnméi lit. look for plum flowers on a snowy day – the behavior of a poet.⁷
<又> èip, tät.
(See 踏 [àp, ]; 踏 èip; 蹹 àp; 蹋 hāp; 踏 tät.)
ap4 368
157 15 àp 踏实[踏實] àp-sìt tāshi or 塌实[塌實] hāp-sìt tāshi steady and sure, dependable; free from anxiety, having peace of mind.⁵
<台> 踏正 àp-jëng (time) sharp, exact.
<台> 五点踏正[五點踏正] m̄-ēm-àp-jëng five o'clock sharp.
<又> èip, tät.
(See 踏 [àp, ]; 踏 èip; 踏 tät.)
ap4 369
157 19 àp (<old>=踏 àp ) step on, tread, stamp;  go to the spot (to make an investigation or survey).⁵
(See 踏 [àp, ]).
ap4 370
162 13 àp (=沓 àp ) mixed, abundant, assorted.⁸
or 杂沓[雜沓] dàp-àp zátà numerous and disorderly.⁶
(See 沓 àp.)
ap4 371
177 15 àp (<old>=䶀 àp sound of drums).⁸ used for 䶀 àp , the sound of a drum.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰革合; U+9788).
ap4 372
177 18 àp the sound of bells and drims.⁷
鞺鞳 hõng-àp tāngtà the sound of bells and drums.⁷
ap4 373
207 19 àp the sound of drums.²
(composition: ⿱鼓合; U+4D80).
鼓声䶀䶀[鼓聲䶀䶀] gū-sëin-àp-àp gǔshēngtàtà the drums go "ta, ta".⁸
ap4 374
169 14 âp small side door; (variant: 阁[閣] gōk ).⁶ Ge surname.⁸
閤中 âp-jüng
gézhōng <court.> your wife.⁷
<又> hàp.
(See 閤 hàp; 閣 gōk.)
ap5 375
178 15 âp knee-pad made of red-dyed leather.⁸
(composition: ⿰韋合; U+97D0).
韐带[韐帶] âp-âi gédài or gäp-âi jiádài an ancient knee pad, aka 韎韐 môi-âp mèigé, q.v.¹⁹
韎韐 môi-âp
mèigé or môi-gäp mèijiá dyed red-yellow leather, used as a knee pad.⁸ the name of a plant, used in dyeing, producing a color between red and yellow; and used in dyeing coverings for the knees; a kind of music, played by eastern foreigners.²⁵
<又> gäp.
(See 韐 gäp).
ap5 376
196 17 鴿 âp pigeon, dove; Columba species (various).⁸
鸽雏儿[鴿雛兒] âp-chö-ngĩ gēchúr a young pigeon.⁷
鸽子[鴿子] âp-dū
gēzi a pigeon.⁷
鸽子传书[鴿子傳書] âp-dū-chũn-sï
gēzi chuánshū transmission of messages by homing pigeons.⁷
鸽房[鴿房] âp-fông
gēfáng dovecote; enclosure for carrier pigeons.¹⁰
鸽笼[鴿籠] âp-lûng
gēlóng (portable) pigeon cage.⁶
鸽派[鴿派] âp-pāi
gēpài the doves (people who support a peaceful policy).⁷
鸽棚[鴿棚] âp-pãng
gēpéng a pigeon house.⁷
鸽舍[鴿舍] âp-sëh
gēshè dovecot.¹⁰
鸽翼[鴿翼] âp-yêik
gēyì pigeonwing.⁹ pigeon wing.⁵⁴
白鸽[白鴿] bàk-âp
báigē pigeon.¹¹
欧鸽[歐鴿] ëo-âp
ōugē (bird species of China) stockdove or stock dove (Columba Oenas).³⁵
信鸽[信鴿] xïn-âp
xìngē carrier pigeon.¹¹
ap5 377
32 7 āt jiá accumulated dirt, aged dirt; piles of dirt (garbage); dirt.²ʼ⁵⁴ filth.⁸ collected filth, dirt or filth.²⁴ offal or rubbish heaped up.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰土介; U+573F).
埃圿 äi-āt āijiá a high pile of dust and refuse.¹⁰²
at1 378
32 17 āt in the first place; to crush.
压根儿[壓根兒] āt-gïn-ngĩ yàgēnr <topo.> altogether; never, in the first place, to start with.
压抑[壓抑] āt-yēik
yāyì to constrain; to inhibit.
(See 壓 [āt, ].)
at1 379
32 17 āt to press; to push down; to keep under (control); pressure.
压迫[壓迫] āt-bēik yāpò to oppress; to repress; to constrict; oppression; stress (physics).¹⁰
压榨[壓榨] āt-jä
yāzhà squeeze, press; oppress and exploit; bleed white.⁸
压寨夫人[壓寨夫人] āt-jài-fü-ngĩn
yāzhàifūrén bandit chief's wife.¹¹
压轴子[壓軸子] āt-jùk-dū
yāzhòuzi present the last but one item on a theatrical program; last but one item on a theatrical program.⁶
压轴戏[壓軸戲] āt-jùk-hï
yāzhòuxì grand finale (last and best item on a theatrical program).⁶
压力[壓力] āt-lèik
yālì pressure.¹⁰
压韵[壓韻] āt-vùn
or 押韵[押韻] ät-vùn yāyùn rhyme.⁵
电压[電壓] èin-āt
diànyā voltage.
高血压[高血壓] gäo-hūt-ā
gāoxuèyā hypertension; high blood pressure.
气压表[氣壓表] hï-āt-bēl
qìyābiǎo barometer.
血压[血壓] hūt-āt
xuèyā blood pressure.⁵
(See 壓 [āt, ].)
at1 380
61 10 āt jiá <wr.> indifferent; unconcerned.⁶
恝置 āt-jï jiázhì to disregard; to neglect; to ignore.⁷
恝然 āt-ngẽin
jiárán indifferent; unconcerned; apathetic.⁶
恝然置之 āt-ngẽin-jï-jï
jiáránzhìzhī be indifferent and ignore something.⁶
at1 381
62 11 āt jiá <wr.> knock gently, tap; <ono.> chirp.⁶ a lance; natural principles; to tap, to stirke.⁷ (variant: 戞 āt jiá)
戛戛 āt-āt
jiájiá <wr.> difficult, hard going; original.⁵
戛戛乎其难哉[戛戛乎其難哉] āt-āt-fũ-kĩ-nãn-döi
jiájiáhū qínánzāi How unmanageably difficult it is! How formidable (or impossible) the task is!⁷
戛戛独造[戛戛獨造] āt-āt-ùk-dào
jiájiádúzào have great originality; be creative, be original.⁶
戛击[戛擊] āt-gēik
jiájī knock gently; tap.⁵⁴
戛然 āt-ngẽin
jiárán <wr.> loud cry of a bird; (of a sound) stop suddenly/abruptly.⁶
戛然长鸣[戛然長鳴] āt-ngẽin-chẽng-mẽin
jiárán cháng míng cry loud for a long time; cry long and loud.⁶
戛然而止 āt-ngẽin-ngĩ-jī
jiárán'érzhǐ (of a sound) stop abruptly/suddenly; come to an abrupt stop.⁶
敲金戛石 këo-gïm-āt-sêk
or hāo-gïm-āt-sêk qiāojīnjiáshí make metallic sounds, (of sonorous composition that) rings in the ears.¹¹
(See 戞 āt.)
at1 382
62 12 āt jiá (=戛 āt jiá) <wr.> knock gently, tap; <ono.> chirp.⁶ a lance; natural principles; to tap, to stirke.⁷
(See 戛 āt.)
at1 383
64 12 āt to pull up; to eradicate.
揠苗 āt-mẽl yàmiáo to pull the shoots up.
揠苗助长[揠苗助長] āt-mẽl-jò-jēng
yàmiáozhùzhǎng to spoil things by excessive enthusiasm.
at1 384
78   5 𣦵
āt è (=歹 āi dǎi Kangxi radical 78;  bad, vicious, depraved, wicked.⁸ bad; evil; vicious.⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿱⺊⿵冂一; U+239B5).
<又> jëin.
(See 𣦵❄{⿱⺊⿵冂一} jëin; 歹 ā).
at1 385
162 12 āt è check, hold back.⁵
遏病 āt-bèng èbìng to check disease.¹⁴
遏绝[遏絕] āt-dùt
èjué to suppress entirely; exterminate.⁷
遏禁 āt-gïm
èjìn to stop; to restrain.⁷
遏制 āt-jäi
èzhì keep within limits; contain.⁵
遏制政策 āt-jäi-jëin-chāk
èzhìzhèngcè policy of containment.⁵
遏止 āt-jī
èzhǐ check; hold back.⁵
遏讼[遏訟] āt-dùng
èsòng to repress litigation.¹⁴
遏阻 āt-jū
èzǔ to curb; to arrest; to stop.⁷
遏其萌芽 āt-kĩ-mãng-ngã
èqíméngyá nip in the bud.¹⁴
遏密 āt-mìt
èmì <trad.> stopped music during imperial funeral.¹¹
遏捺 āt-nät
ènà to suppress (one's anger); to restrain.⁷
遏恶扬善[遏惡揚善] āt-ōk-yẽng-sèn
è'èyángshàn overlook other people's weaknesses and extol their virtues.¹¹
遏抑 āt-yēik
èyì restrain; suppress.⁵
at1 386
169 16 āt è to block up, to stop up; anything used to block up a flow.⁷ to shut, to stop; to obstruct; to conceal; an impediment.¹⁴ block, obstruct, stop up, conceal.⁵⁴
阏塞[閼塞] āt-xāk èsāi to block up, to stop up.⁷
天阏[天閼] hëin-āt
tiān'è a natural obstacle.¹⁴
遮阏[遮閼] jëh-āt
zhē'è to conceal.¹⁴
雍阏[雍閼] yüng-āt
yōng'è block; stop up; obstruct.⁵⁴
<又> yën.
(See 閼 yën.)
at1 387
181 15 āt è (nose) bridge.⁸ the brow; junction of the nose and forehead.¹⁴ (variant: 齃 āt è)
蹙頞 tūk-āt
cù'è with knitted brow (in worry).¹¹ to knit the brow – with pain.¹⁴
(See 齃 āt).
at1 388
209 23 āt è (=頞 āt è) (nose) bridge.⁸ the brow; junction of the nose and forehead.¹⁴
(See 頞 āt).
at1 389
64 8 ät to mortgage, to pawn, to pledge; to detain, to take into custody; to escort, send under escort; to shelve.
抵押 āi-ät dǐyā to mortgage.
押车[押車] ät-chëh
yāchē to accompany and guard goods in cart.
押租 ät-dü
yāzū rent deposit.
押解 ät-gäi
yājiè take away under escort; escort something in transport.⁶
押金 ät-gïm
yājīn deposit, security money.
押注 ät-jî
yāzhù to bet; to wager.¹⁰
押韵[押韻] ät-vùn
or 压韵[壓韻] āt-vùn yāyùn rhyme.⁵
押送 ät-xüng
yāsòng to send under escort.
关押[關押] gän-ät
guānyā imprison.⁹
拘押 guï-ät
or kuï-ät jūyā to take into custody; to put under arrest.⁷
扣押 këo-ät
kòuyā detain, hold in custody; distrain, seize.⁶
签字画押[簽字畫押] tïm-dù-vàk-ät
qiānzìhuàyā to sign or make one's cross.
at2 390
64 15 ät <台> 挞[撻] ät to smash (down); (such as noodles - pull and smash down, then repeat many times).
<台> 挞牌[撻牌] ät-pãi to show off one's card.
<又> hāt, tāt. (See 撻 hāt; 撻 tāt.)
at2 391
85 8 ät marshy, swampy; damp, moist.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵甲; U+3CCC).
㳌㴙 ät-jä yāzhá low and damp (terrain).²⁴
㳌渫 ät-xēik
yāxiè the appearance of water waves surging and undulating.¹⁰¹
at2 392
85 15 ät slippery, smooth; damp.⁸
澾瀸 ät-dëm tàjiān to soak.⁵⁴
at2 393
104 10 ät ➀ (Jiangsu and Anhui dialects) sickness; disease ➁ favus.²
at2 394
118 11 ät a coarse mat of rushes or bamboo; a blow.¹⁴
鞭笪一百 bëin-ät-yīt-bäk biāndáyībǎi or bëin-hān-yīt-bäk biāndànyībǎi gave him a hundred blows.¹⁴
竹笪 jūk-ät
zhúdá or jūk-hān zhúdàn heavy mats of bamboo used for sheds.¹⁴
輭笪 ngün-ät
ruǎndá or ngün-hān ruǎndàn flexible mats.¹⁴
<台> 笪 ät patch, plot, place.
<台> 笪山 ät-sän grave, tomb.
<台> 该笪[[該笪] kôi-ät lit. this place – here.
<又> hān.
(See 笪 hān.)
at2 395
157 19 ät to slip when walking.¹⁴ to stumble; to slip; to fall down.³⁶
跶倒[躂倒] ät-dāo tàdǎo to slip down.¹⁴ (cf. 迖倒 ät-dāo or 蹋倒 hāp-dāo tàdǎo slip and fall.⁵⁴)
跶足[躂足] ät-dūk
tàzú to slip; to slide.¹⁴
<又> àt.
(See 躂 [àt, ]; 躂 [àt, da]).
at2 396
162 7 ät (<old>=达[達] àt ) arrive at, reach; intelligent; smooth, slippery.⁸
迖倒 ät-dāo
or 蹋倒 hāp-dāo tàdǎo slip and fall.⁵⁴
<台> 迖赤脚[迖赤腳] ät-chä-gêk
or ät-chät-gêk barefooted.
(See 達 àt).
at2 397
30 15 àt 哒嗪[噠嗪] àt-tũn dāqín phonetic representation of English diazine: The diazine derivative artificially produced for pharmaceutical use.⁹  pyrazine C₄H₄N₂; diazine.¹⁰
(See 噠 ât, dät.)
at4 398
120 18 àt da a knot (of a rope).⁷
(composition: ⿰糹達; U+7E68).
纥繨[紇繨] kēik-àt gēda (especially of wool, thread) knots, lump, bur.⁶ a lump of thread, a knot.¹¹ a knot.¹⁴
毛线纥繨[毛線紇繨] mão-xëin-kēik-àt
máoxiàngēda wool knot.⁶
线纥繨[線紇繨] xëin-kēik-àt
xiàngēda thread knot.⁶
at4 399
140 15 àt plantago major.¹⁴ (=車前草 chëh-tẽin-tāo, q.v. under 葥 tẽin). a kind of plantage.
t: ⿱艹達; U+8598). (comp. s: ⿱艹达; U+8359).
蕉荙[蕉薘] dêl-àt
jiāodá the plantain.²⁵
莙荙菜[莙薘菜] gün-àt-töi
jūndácài chard or Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris subsp. cicla) aka silver beet, perpetual spinach, beet spinach, seakale beet, or leaf beet; 牛皮菜, 厚皮菜, 猪乸菜,勺菜(客家語).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
at4 400
157 19 àt da 蹦跶[蹦躂] or 蹦达[蹦達] bäng-àt bèngda bounce/jump about – struggle/battle desperately.⁶
蹓跶[蹓躂] liū-àt
liūda (=溜达[溜達] liū-àt liūda) <topo.> stroll; saunter; go for a walk.⁶
踢跶[踢躂] pëk-àt
tīda kick at random; spend freely or extravagantly; squander.⁶ (See 踢跶[踢躂] pëk-àt tīdā).
<又> ät.
(See 躂 [àt, ]; 躂 ät).
at4 401
157 19 àt (onomatopoeia) footstep sound.³⁶
踢跶[踢躂] pëk-àt tīdā (sound of footsteps) tap; patter.⁶
踢跶舞[踢躂舞] pëk-àt-mū
tīdāwǔ (=踢踏舞 pëk-àp-mū tītàwǔ) tap dance.³⁹
<又> ät.
(See 躂 [àt, da]; 躂 ät).
at4 402
162 11 àt (=达[達] àt dá) arrive at, reach; intelligent; smooth, slippery.⁸
(See 達 àt).
at4 403
162 12 àt arrive at, reach; intelligent; smooth, slippery; Da surname.⁸ (variant: 逹 ät). (old variant: 迖 ät ).
达到[達到] àt-äo
dádào achieve; attain; reach.⁵
达标[達標] àt-bël
dábiāo reach a set standard.⁶
达观[達觀] àt-gön
dáguān take things philosophically.⁵
达官显宦[達官顯宦] àt-gön-hēin-vàn
dáguānxiǎnhuàn ranking/high official.⁶
达赖喇嘛[達賴喇嘛] Àt-lài Lā-mã
Dálài Lǎma Dalai Lama.⁶
达摩[達摩] Àt-mö
Dámó Bodhidharma, who introduced the Chan (Zen) sect to China, in 6th century.¹¹
达姆弹[達姆彈] àt-mû-àn
dámǔdàn <mil.> dumdum (bullet).⁵
达人[達人] àt-ngĩn
dárén expert; person who takes things philosophically.¹⁰
达成[達成] àt-sẽin
dáchéng reach (agreement).⁵
达乌里寒鸦[達烏里寒鴉] àt-vü-lî-hõn-ä
dáwūlǐhányā Daurian jackdaw (Coloeus dauuricus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
达士[達士] àt-xù
dáshì great scholar.¹¹
通達[通達] hüng-àt
tōngdá well versed, experienced and understanding.¹¹
(See 逹 ät; 迖 ät).
at4 404
212 32 àt appearance of a dragon in flight; two dragons.¹ a vista of a dragon in flight.¹⁰ a flying dragon; to frighten, to alarm.²⁵
at4 405
212 48 àt appearance of a dragon in flight.¹ a dragon in motion.²⁵ flight of a dragon.³⁶
at4 406
30 15 ât <台> 该哒[該噠] köi-ât or köi-ät this place.
<台> 恁哒[恁噠] nêin-ât
or nêin-ät that place.
<又> dät.
(See 噠 dät, àt.)
at5 407
30 5 trumpet.⁸ a cracking sound or a sound of impact.⁹
低音喇叭 äi-yïm-lä-bā dīyīnlǎba woofer.¹⁰
吹喇叭 chuï lä-bā
chuīlǎba (lit.) blowing the trumpet; (fig.) to praise somebody; (slang) to give a blowjob.¹⁰
高音喇叭 gäo-yïm-lä-bā
gāoyīnlǎba tweeter.¹⁰
喇叭 lä-bā
lǎba horn (automobile); loudspeaker; brass wind instrument; trumpet; suona (锁呐[鎖吶] xū-nàp suǒnà).¹⁰
喇叭花 lä-bā-fä
lǎbahuā (=牽牛花 hëin-ngẽo-fä qiānniúhuā) picotee morning glory, ivy morning glory,  Japanese morning glory Ipomoea nil.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
伸缩喇叭[伸縮喇叭] sïn-sük-lä-bā
shēnsuōlǎba trombone.¹⁰
ba1 408
46 9 (used in transliteration).¹⁰
or 峇峇孃惹 bā-bā-nẽng-ngêh bābāniángrě (=娘惹 or 孃惹 nẽng-ngêh niángrě) Peranakan Chinese (Baba-Nyonya), an ethnic group of Chinese residing in the Malay peninsula (also known as Straits Chinese).¹⁰
峇里 bā-lî
bālǐ Bali <Taiwan> (island province of Indonesia).¹⁰
峇厘[峇釐] bā-lĩ
bālí an archaic Chinese translation for Bali.⁹ (now written 巴厘岛[巴釐島] bä-lĩ-āo bālídǎo Bali.⁹)
<又> hàp.
(See 峇 hàp.)
ba1 409
49 4 巴士 bā-xù bāshì bus (loanword); motor coach.¹⁰
<台> 巴市 bā-sî <loan> bus.
<又> bä.
(See 巴 [bä, ], [bä, ba].)
ba1 410
64 7 handle.¹⁰ (variant: 欛 bā ).
把子 bā-dū
bàzi handle.¹⁰
把儿[把兒] bā-ngĩ
bàr a handle.¹⁰
刀把 äo-bā
dāobà handle of a knife, hilt of a knife; handle, things that may be used against somebody; military power.⁸ hilt.¹⁰
刀把儿[刀把兒]  äo-bā-ngĩ
dāobà'r the handle of a knife.⁸
(See 把 [bā, ]; 欛 bā).
ba1 411
64 7 to hold; to grasp; handle; particle marking the following noun as a direct object; <m.> for objects with handle; <m.> for handful; <m.> for certain concepts.
把握 bā-äk bǎwò to grasp; to seize; certainty.
把柄 bā-bêng
bǎbǐng handle; (fig.) information that can be used against somebody.¹⁰
把臂 bā-bî
bǎbì to hold arms (when friends meet).
把持 bā-chĩ
bǎchí to control, to dominate; to monopolize.
把关[把關] bā-gän
bǎguān to guard a pass; to make a final check on somebody or something.
把头一扭[把頭一扭] bā-hẽo-yīt-niū
bǎtóuyīniǔ to toss one's head.
把戏[把戲] bā-hï
bǎxì acrobatics, jugglery; cheap trick, game.⁷
把抓 bā-jāo
bǎzhuā to scratch/grab with hand(s).
把捉 bā-jök
bǎzhuō to grasp (something abstract).
把门[把門] bā-mõn
bǎmén <topo.> to guard a gate/door; to be a goalkeeper.
刹把[剎把] sät-bā
shābǎ brake lever; crank handle for stopping or turning off machinery.
一把刀 yīt-bā-äo/
yībǎdāo a knife.
一把米 yīt-bā-māi
yībǎmǐ a handful of rice.
(See 把 [bā, bà].)
ba1 412
75 8 handle or shaft (of an axe etc); hoe; to harrow.⁸ a kind of rake without teeth, used to smooth seed plots.¹⁴ handle (a part of an object which is held in the hand).³⁶
(composition: ⿰木巴; U+6777).
<又> pã. (See 杷 pã).
ba1 413
75 25 (=把 bā a handle).⁸ the handle of a knife.²⁴ the handle of a knife or hilt of a sword made of horn or wood; authority.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰木霸; U+6B1B).
欛柄 bā-bêng
bàbǐng a handle.²⁴ a handle, either actually or figuratively.¹⁰²
无欛权[無欛權] mũ-bā-kũn
wúbàquán I have no authority; no power to act.¹⁰²
(See 把 bā).
ba1 414
88 8 pa; dad; father.⁵
爸爸 bã-bā bàba papa; dad; father.⁵
<台> 爸爸 bã-bā daddy.
<又> bã.
(See 爸 bã.)
ba1 415
88 11 𤕕
(erroneous character for 爸 bā dad; pa; father.⁵).²
(same as 爸 bā
dad; pa; father.⁵).⁹⁸ʼ¹⁰¹
composition: ⿱父邑; U+24555).
(See 爸 bā).
ba1 416
111 20 short.⁸ undersized, short and small, low and small.¹³ short; diminutive.²⁴
(composition: ⿰矢罷; U+77F2).
矲矮 bā-āi bà'ǎi or bäi-āi bǎi'ǎi short in stature.¹⁹
矲雉 bā-jï
bàzhì or bäi-jï bǎizhì short in stature.¹⁹
<又> bà; bäi.
(See 矲 bà; 矲 bäi).
ba1 417
157 11 (composition: ⿰⻊巴; U+8DC1).
跁𨁶❄{⿰⻊亞} bā-ā bàyǎ short of stature.²⁵
跁踦 bā-kĩ
bàqī a dwarf.²ʼ¹⁹
<又> bà; pã.
(See 跁 bà; 跁 pã).
ba1 418
211 19 irregular and prominent teeth.⁸
(composition: ⿰齒巴; U+4D95).
ba1 419
30 7 <loan> bar (serving drinks, or providing Internet access); to puff (on a pipe); <ono.> bang; abbreviation for 贴吧.¹⁰
吧嗒 bä-āp bāda <ono.> patter, splatter, click; to smack one's lips; to pull (on a pipe).¹⁰
吧唧 bä-dēik
bājī <ono.> squishing sound.¹⁰
吧台[吧臺] bä-hõi
bātái bar counter.⁸
吧托 bä-hōk
bātuō scam girl; woman who lures men to an exorbitantly priced bar.¹⁰
贴吧[貼吧] hëp-bä
tiēbā electronic message board; web forum.¹⁰
网吧[網吧] mōng-bä
wǎngbā internet café.¹⁰
<又> bà.
(See 吧 bà).
ba2 420
32 24 dam; dike; embankment.
大坝[大壩] ài-bä dàbà dam.
坝基[壩基] bä-gï
bàjī base of a dam.
坝埽[壩埽] bä-xäo
bàsào dam built out of bundles of tree branches (on the Yellow River).
葛洲坝[葛洲壩] Göt-jiü-bä
Gézhōubà Gezhouba Dam on the 长江[長江] Chẽng-göng Cháng Jiāng Changjiang (Yangtze) river in 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan Province.
堤坝[堤壩] hãi-bä
dībà dikes and dams.
土坝[土壩] hū-bä
tǔbà earth dam.
拦河坝[攔河壩] lãn-hõ-bä
lánhébà dam across a river.
水坝[水壩] suī-bä
shuǐbà dam.
ba2 421
46 7 rock mountain.⁸ stony hill.⁹ stone mountain.³⁹
岜关岭[岜關嶺] Bä-gän Lêng Bāguān Lǐng (place in Guangsi).³⁹
ba2 422
49 4 ba (auxiliary particle).⁵
哑巴[啞巴] ā-bä yǎba a dumb person, mute.⁵
打嘴巴 ā-duī-bä
dǎzuǐba <vernacular> slap somebody in the face; box somebody's ears.⁵
巴巴结结[巴巴結結] bä-bä-gēik-gēik
bābajiejie <topo.> managing to succeed in doing something, succeed only after making great effort; sedulous, with difficulty; stammeringly, stutteringly, haltingly.⁵
嘴巴 duī-bä
zuǐba <topo.> mouth; <vern.> face.⁵
结巴[結巴] gēik-bä
jiēba stammer, stutter; stammerer; stutterer.⁵ (咑栗诶[咑慄誒] ā-lùt-ë in Hoisanva).⁰
下巴 hà-bä
xiàba the lower jaw; the chin.⁵
咱们走巴[咱們走巴] jā-mõn-dēo-bä
zánmenzǒuba Let's go.⁵
尾巴 mī-bä
wěiba tail; tail-like part; servile adherent, appendage; a person shadowing somebody.⁵
尾巴 mī-bä
yǐba <topo.> tail (of an animal).¹⁰
<又> bā.
(See 巴 bā, [bä, ].)
ba2 423
49 4 hope earnestly, wait anxiously; cling to, to stick to; be close to; be next to; bar; Ba surname.⁵
巴戟天 bä-gēik-hëin bājǐtiān <TCM> Indian Mulberry Morinda officinalis.¹⁵
巴掌 bä-jēng
bāzhang palm; hand.⁵
巴黎 Bä-lãi
Bālí Paris (capital of France).⁶
巴勒斯坦 Bä-làk-xü-hān
Bālèsītǎn Palestine.⁶
巴厘[巴釐] bä-lĩ
bālí Bali.⁶
巴厘岛[巴釐島] bä-lĩ-āo
bālídǎo Bali Island.⁶
巴望 bä-mòng
bāwàng hope anxiously (for), have high hope (for), look forward to, cling to the hope that; good/promising prospect.⁶
巴彦淖尔[巴彥淖爾] bä-ngèin-nào-ngì
bāyàn nào ěr Bayan Nur prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia.¹⁰
巴山夜雨 bä-sän-yèh-yî
bāshānyèyǔ hope of reunion among friends.¹⁹
巴蛇吞象 bä-sẽh-hün-dèng
bāshétūnxiàng extremely greedy.⁵⁴
巴西 Bä-xäi
Bāxī Brazil.⁵
<又> bā.
(See 巴 bā, [bä, ba].)
ba2 424
64 5 to hold on to; to rake; to peel; to strip off.
扒苞米 bä-bäo-māi bābāomi <topo.> husk corn.
扒饭[扒飯] bä-fàn
bāfàn to eat rice with chopsticks.
扒开[扒開] bä-höi
bākāi flick off; push aside.⁸ to pry open or apart.¹⁰ (See 扒开[扒開] pã-höi.)
扒脱[扒脫] bä-höt
bātuō to strip/take/tear off.
扒住 bä-jì
bāzhù to hold on to; to cling to.
扒人 bä-ngĩn
bārén to speak ill of somebody.
扒皮 bä-pĩ bāpí to peel off the skin.
四肢扒开[四肢扒開] xï-jï-bä-höi
sìzhībākāi spread-eagled.
<又> pã.
(See 扒 pã.)
ba2 425
85 24 name of a river in Shaanxi.⁷
灞桥[灞橋] bä-kẽl bàqiáo name of a brdige over the Ba River, where ancient people in Changan (长安[長安] Chẽng-ön Cháng'ān), the old capital, often bade their friends good bye..⁷
灞桥折柳[灞橋折柳] bä-kẽl-jēt-liû
bàqiáozhéliǔ to part from friends; to bid farewell.⁷
灞水 Bä-suī
Bàshuǐ Bashui, name of a river near Changan (长安[長安] Chẽng-ön Cháng'ān), Shaanxi (陕西[陝西] Sēm-xäi Shǎnxī) Province.⁷
ba2 426
104 9 a scar; a birthmark.⁷
刀疤 äo-bä dāobā scar from a knife wound.¹⁰
疤疤瘌瘌 bä-bä-làt-làt
bābalālā rugged; uneven.⁵⁴
疤点[疤點] bä-ēm
bādiǎn cicatricle.⁹
疤痕 bä-hân
bāhén scar.⁶
疤拉 bä-lā
bāla scar.⁶
疤瘌 bä-làt
bāla scar.⁶
疤瘌鬓[疤瘌鬢] bä-làt-bïn
bālabìn a birthmark at the temple (considered undesirable for a woman).⁷
疤瘌餅 bä-làt-bēng
bālabǐng cake with pitted surface.¹¹
疤瘌脸[疤瘌臉] bä-làt-lêm
bālaliǎn scarred face. ¹¹
疤瘌流星的 bä-làt-liũ-xëin-ēik
bālaliúxīngde with pitted surface.¹¹
疤瘌眼 bä-làt-ngān
bālayǎn eye with a scar on the eyelid; person who has such an eye.⁶
疤脸[疤臉] bä-lêm
bāliǎn a scarred face.⁷
疤眼儿[疤眼兒] bä-ngān-ngĩ
bāyǎnr a car from a sore on the eyelid.¹⁴
疤皮 bä-pĩ
bāpí spilliness; shell.⁵⁴
疮疤[瘡疤] chông-bä
chuāngbā the scar of an ulcer; wound scars.⁷
伤疤[傷疤] sëng-bä
shāngbā scar; past mistake or humiliation; unmentionable past.⁶
ba2 427
115 9 𥝧
(=䆉 bä the swing of rice plant, a kind of paddy.⁸).²
(composition: ⿰禾巴; U+25767).
❄{⿰禾巴}or 䆉稏 bä-ä bàyà or 罷稏 bà-ä bàyà or 罷亞 bà-ä bàyà a variety of rice, but one authority defines this as the ear of grain.¹⁰²
❄{⿰禾巴}膪 bä-chāi bàchuài fat in appearance.⁶⁰ from 《廣韻》.
(See 䆉 bä).
ba2 428
115 20 the swing of rice plant, a kind of paddy.⁸
(variant: 𥝧❄{⿰禾巴} bä ).
(composition: ⿰禾罷; U+4189).
䆉稏 bä-ä
bàyà or 罷稏 bà-ä bàyà or 罷亞 bà-ä bàyà a variety of rice, but one authority defines this as the ear of grain.¹⁰²
(See 𥝧❄{⿰禾巴} bä).
ba2 429
118 10 basketry.⁵ a bamboo fence.⁷
笆斗 bä-ēo bādǒu round-bottomed basket.⁵
笆篓[笆簍] bä-lêo
bālǒu basket (carried on the back).⁶
笆篱[笆籬] bä-lĩ
bālí <topo.> bamboo/twig fence.⁶
笆篱子[笆籬子] bä-lĩ-dū
bālízi <topo.> prison; jail.⁶
篱笆[籬笆] lĩ-bä
líbā bamboo or twig fence.⁵
篱笆墙[籬笆牆] lĩ-bä-tẽng
líbaqiáng wattled wall.⁵
ba2 430
119 10 <topo.> cake.⁵
粑粑 bä-bä bābā <topo.>cake.⁶
粑粑头[粑粑頭] bä-bä-hẽo
bābātóu or 粑粑髻 bä-bä-gâi bābājì bun.⁸
糌粑 dän-bä
zānba a kind of fried flour blended with tea and butter – staple food of Tibetans.¹¹
糖粑 hõng-bä
tángbā sweet cake.⁶
玉米粑粑 ngùk-māi-bä-bä
yùmǐbābā corn cake.⁶
糍粑 tĩ-bä
cíbā cooked glutinous rice pounded into paste; glutinous rice cake.⁶ (See <台> 糍 tĩ).
云南竹筒粑粑[雲南竹筒粑粑] Vũn-nãm jūk-hûng bä-bä
Yúnnán zhútǒng bābā Yunnan bamboo pipe cake.⁰
ba2 431
123 10 dried meat.⁸ a kind of dried flesh.²⁵ salted dried meat.²⁹ dried meat; dried food in general; a rare goat from legends.³⁶ corned beef; cured (dried) meat.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰羊巴; U+7F93).
帝羓 äi-bä dìbā literally 'dried emperor meat' mockingly refers to Liao Taizong Yelu Deguang's (遼太宗耶律德光) corpse mummified according to old Khitan (契丹 Xēik-än Qìdān) custom.¹⁹ʼ⁰
or 羊尾豝 yẽng-mī-bä yángwěibā dried or cured sheep's tails.¹⁰²
See 豝 bä in the sense of 'preserved meat').
ba2 432
140 7 banana.
芭蕉 bä-dêl bājiāo Japanese banana (Musa basjoo).¹⁰
芭蕉布 bä-dêl-bü
bājiāobù "banana cloth", cloth made from fibers of Japanese banana.¹⁵
芭蕉扇 bä-dël-sën
bājiāoshàn palm-leaf fan.¹¹
芭蕉树[芭蕉樹] bä-dêl-sì
bājiāoshù banana tree.¹⁹ Musa basjoo.²³
芭蕉叶[芭蕉葉] bä-dêl-yêp
bājiāoyè leaf of Japanese banana.¹⁹ Folium Musae.²³
芭乐[芭樂] or 巴乐[巴樂] bä-lòk
bālè <bot.> guava.
芭蕾 bä-luî
bālěi <loan> ballet.
芭蕾舞 bä-luî-mū
bālěiwǔ <loan> ballet.
芭蕾舞裙 bä-luî-mū-kũn
bālěiwǔqún a tutu.
芭芒 bä-mõng
bāmáng <bot.> Miscanthus sinensis, used in hedges.
雨打芭蕉 yî-ā-bä-dël
yǔdǎbājiāo Raindrops drummed against the banana leaves.
ba2 433
140 8 (<old>=葩 bä <wr.> flower.⁶).²
(composition: ⿱艹白; U+82E9).
<又> bàk.
(See 苩 bàk).
ba2 434
140 12 <wr.> flower.⁶
葩卉 bä-fī pāhuì (=花卉 fä-fī huāhuì) flowers and grass, plants in general; flora (in painting).¹¹
葩经[葩經] bä-gëin
pājīng the Book of Odes.¹⁴
葩胯舟蛾 bä-kä-jiü-ngõ
pākuàzhōu'é a species of moth of the Notodontidae family¹⁵ (Syntypistis parcevirens).⁹
百卉千葩 bāk-fī-tëin-bä
bǎihuìqiānpā myriad plants and flowers (idiom); rich and colorful.¹⁰
奇葩 kĩ-bä
qípā exotic flowers; extraordinarily beautiful flower.⁶
奇葩异草[奇葩異草] kĩ-bä-yì-tāo
qípāyìcǎo exotic flowers and grass.⁶
艺坛奇葩[藝壇奇葩] ngài-hãn-kĩ-bä 
yìtánqípā exquisite works of art.⁶
艺术新葩[藝術新葩] ngài-sùt-xïn-bä
yìshùxīnpā new work/genre of art.⁶
ba2 435
146 19 (=霸 bä overlord; tyrant, despot, bully; hegemony; dominate.⁶); rule by might rather than right.⁸
(composition: ⿱覀䩗(GJK) or ⿱襾䩗(HT); U+8987).
<粤> 㗇覇
or 㗇霸 hä-bä haa6 baa3 to insult, to browbeat.¹⁰²ʼ⁰
(See 霸 bä).
ba2 436
152 11 sow; breed of dog.¹ a female pig; a sow.⁷ can be used for 羓 bä meaning 'preserved meat'.²
(composition: ⿰豕巴; U+8C5D).
or 帝羓 äi-bä dìbā(See 帝羓 äi-bä).
獬豝狗 hài-bä-gēo
xièbāgǒu Pekingese dog.⁵⁴
or 羊尾羓 yẽng-mī-bä yángwěibā dried or cured sheep's tails.¹⁰²
壹发五豝.[壹發五豝.] Yīt-fāt-m̄-bä.
Yī fā wǔ bā.
He discharges [but] one arrow at five wild boars.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·召南·騶虞·騶虞》, translated by James Legge). (Note: 豝 bä is not a boar, but a sow).
(See 羓 bä).
ba2 437
167 12 palladium (Pd).
<又> pã. (See 鈀 pã.)
ba2 438
173 21 overlord; tyrant, despot, bully; hegemony; dominate.⁶
(composition: ⿱⻗䩗; U+9738). (variants: 覇,䩗 bä ).
霸道 bä-ào
bàdào rule by force; domineering, overbearing, unreasonable, bullying, high-handed.⁶
霸道 bä-ào
bàdao (of liquor/medicine) potent.⁶
霸据[霸據] bä-guï
bàjù to occupy by force.⁷
霸气[霸氣] bä-hï
bàqì domineering; tyrannical.⁶
霸土剑[霸土劍] bä-hū-gëm
bàtǔjiàn <bot.> Triarrherca sacchariflora or Miscanthus sacchariflorus.²³ (See 荻 èik.)
霸者 bä-jēh
bàzhě an oppressor; a tyrant.⁷
霸占 bä-jëm
bàzhàn forcibly occupied; unlawfully sieze.⁶
霸主 bä-jī
bàzhǔ powerful chief of feudal lords; princes of the Spring and Autumn Period; overlord, hegemon.⁶
霸权[霸權] bä-kũn
bàquán hegemony; supremacy.⁶
霸业[霸業] bä-ngèp
bàyè hegemonist accomplishments.⁶
霸术[霸術] bä-sùt
bàshù Machiavellianism.⁷
霸王 bä-võng
bàwáng the Conqueror – title assumed by Xiang Yu  (项羽, 232-202 BCE); overlord; despot; tyrant.⁶
霸王鞭 bä-võng-bëin
bàwángbiān rattle stick dance, rattle stick used in such dancing.⁶ <bot.> Euphorbia royleana.²⁰
横行霸道[橫行霸道] vãng-hãng-bä-ào
héngxíngbàdào ride roughshod over; lord it over; tyrannize; domineer.⁶
(See 覇 bä, 䩗 bä).
ba2 439
177 13 (=霸 bä overlord; tyrant, despot, bully; hegemony; dominate.⁶); to rule by might rather than right; a feudal lord.⁸
(composition: ⿰革月; U+4A57).
(See 霸 bä).
ba2 440
177 13 a target; the splash board of a chariot.¹⁴
打靶 ā-bä dǎbǎ target practice.¹⁴ (See <台> 打靶 ā-bä).
靶标[靶標] bä-bël
bǎbiāo target.⁶
靶场[靶場] bä-chẽng
bǎchǎng shooting range; range.⁵
靶子 bä-dū
bǎzi a target.¹⁴
靶子场[靶子場] bä-dū-chẽng
bǎzichǎng rifle range.¹⁴
靶机[靶機] bä-gï
bǎjī target drone.⁵
靶壕 bä-hõ
or bä-hão bǎháo (marking) pit.⁶
靶台[靶臺] bä-hõi
bǎtái shooting platform.⁶
靶纸[靶紙] bä-jī
bǎzhǐ target sheet.⁵
靶距 bä-kuî
bäjù shoooting/target range.⁶
靶理论[靶理論] bä-lî-lùn
bǎlǐlùn <bio.> target theory.⁶
靶船 bä-sõn
bǎchuán target ship.⁵
靶垛 bä-ū
bǎduò butt; target mound.⁶
靶位 bä-vì
bǎwèi target (shooting) position.⁹
靶心 bä-xïm
bǎxīn bull's-eye.⁵
胸靶 hüng-bä
xiōngbǎ chest silhouette.⁶
中靶 jüng-bä
zhòngbǎ hit the target.⁶
跑靶 pāo-bä
pǎobǎ miss the target.⁶
环靶[環靶] vãn-bä
huánbǎ <sports> round target.⁵
<台> 打靶 ā-bä to excute by shooting.
ba2 441
88 8 pa; dad; father.⁵
<台> 爸爸 bã-bā daddy.
<又> bā. (See 爸 bā.)
ba3 442
30 7 ba emphatic final particle.⁸  (modal particle indicating suggestion or surmise); ...right?; ...OK?; ...I presume.¹⁰
不是吧 būt-sì-bà bùshìba can it possibly be.¹⁰
不错吧[不錯吧] būt-tö-bà
bùcuòba not bad.¹⁰
好吧 hāo-bà
hǎoba alright.¹⁰
这样吧[這樣吧] jëh-yèng-bà
zhèyàngba Let's do it like this.¹⁰
对吧[對吧] uï-bà
duìba is that right.¹⁰
算了吧 xön-lēl-bà
suànleba forget it.¹⁰
<又> bä.
(See 吧 bä).
ba4 443
111 20 (=罢[罷] bà stop, cease; dismiss; finish.⁵).²
(composition: ⿰矢罷; U+77F2).
or 短罢[短罷] ōn-bà duǎnbà short; low.¹⁹
<又> bā; bäi.
(See 矲 bā; 矲 bäi).
ba4 444
122 15 stop, cease; dismiss; finish.⁵
罢课[罷課] bà-fö bàkè students' strike.⁵
罢教[罷教] bà-gäo
bàjiào teachers' strike.⁵
罢官[罷官] bà-gön
bàguān dismiss from office.⁵
罢工[罷工] bà-güng
bàgōng strike; go on strike.⁵
罢休[罷休] bà-hiü
bàxiū give up; let a matter drop.⁵
罢职[罷職] bà-jēik
bàzhí remove from office; dismiss.⁶
罢战[罷戰] bà-jën
bàzhàn end a war.⁶
罢黜[罷黜] bà-jōt
bàchù <wr.> dismiss from office; remove from office; ban, reject.⁶
罢了[罷了] bà-lēl
bàle (used at end of a declarative sentence) that's all; nothing more; just.⁶
罢了[罷了] bà-lēl
bàliǎo let it pass; be done with it.⁶
罢论[罷論] bà-lùn
bàlùn abandoned idea.⁵
罢免[罷免] bà-mêin
bàmiǎn dismiss from office; oust; remove.⁶
罢市[罷市] bà-sî
bàshì shopkeepers' strike.⁵
罢手[罷手] bà-siū
bàshǒu give up.⁵
作罢[作罷] dōk-bà
zuòbà drop; relinquish; give up.⁵
<台> 罢就[罷就] bà-jèl Drop it! Forget it! Never mind!
ba4 445
157 11 (composition: ⿰⻊巴; U+8DC1).
跁眨 bà-säp bàzha  ➀ splashing sound of walking in shallow water  ➁ walk on a floor with muddy feet.⁵⁴
<又> bā; pã.
(See 跁 bā; 跁 pã).
ba4 446
64 9 bāi bái <台> 拜拜 bāi-bäi <loan>  bye-bye.
<又> bäi. (See 拜 bäi.)
bai1 447
64 11 bāi bǎi <wr.> to separate, to set apart; to open; to spread out.
纵横捭阖[縱橫捭闔] düng-vãng-bāi-hàp zònghéngbǎihé maneuver among various political groupings.⁵
bai1 448
64 11 bāi bǎi to mix; to blend, to display in neat rows; to place in order.⁸
(Southwestern Mandarin) to arrange and exhibit.¹⁹
(composition: ⿱扮手; U+39F3).
<又> jôk. (See 㧳 jôk).
bai1 449
64 18 bāi bǎi to place, to put, to arrange; to state clearly; to assume, to  put on; to sway, to swing, to wave; pendulum; bottom part (of Chinese gown).
摆出[擺出] bāi-chūt bǎichū to take out for display; to assume, to put on.
摆阔[擺闊] bāi-föt
bǎikuò parade one's wealth; be ostentatious and extravagant.⁵
摆好[擺好] bāi-hāo
bǎihǎo to place properly.
摆开[擺開] bāi-höi
bǎikāi to arrange; to place for display.⁷
摆锤[擺錘] bāi-juì
bǎichuí pendulum bob.⁶
摆弄[擺弄] bāi-lùng
bǎinòng to have somebody on a string; to move back and forth; to sway; to show off.⁸
摆明[擺明] bāi-mẽin
bǎimíng to lay bare; to state clearly.
摆平[擺平] bāi-pẽin
bǎipíng <topo.> to treat fairly; to knock flat, to send sprawling; to punish.
摆动[擺動] bāi-ùng
bǎidòng to swing; to sway.
<台> 摆酒[擺酒] bāi-diū to host a banquet.
<台> 摆档[擺檔] bāi-döng to set up a stall.
bai1 450
157 12 bāi to lean; to be partial.⁷
跛向不明 bāi-hëng-būt-mẽin bìxiàngbùmíng an unreasoning partiality.¹⁴
跛踬[跛躓] bāi-jï
bìzhì to stumble and fall.⁷
跛蹶 bāi-kūt
bìjué to stumble and fall.⁷
跛倚 bāi-yī
bìyǐ partial, biased, prejudiced.⁷
跛依 bāi-yï
bìyī <wr.> slanting, unbalanced.¹¹
<又> pēt.
(See 跛 [bāi, ]; 跛 pēt.)
bai1 451
157 12 bāi lame; crippled.⁷
跛躄 bāi-bēik bǒbì lame of both feet.²⁵
or 跛鳖千里[跛鱉千里] bāi-bèik-tëin-lî bǒbiēqiānlǐ lit. Even a lame turtle can travel a thousand li – Persistence insures success.⁷
跛子 bāi-dū
bǒzi or 瘸子 kêh-dū quézi a lame person.¹⁴
跛足 bāi-dūk
bǒzú (=跛脚[跛腳] bāi-gëk bǒjiǎo) lame/limping foot; to be lame (in the foot); to limp.⁶
跛脚[跛腳] bāi-gëk
bǒjiǎo lame/limping foot; to be lame (in the foot); to limp.⁶ (See <台> 跛脚 pēt-gëk.)
跛脚鸭[跛腳鴨] bāi-gëk-äp
bǒjiǎoyā lame duck – be helpless; be useless.⁶
跛行 bāi-hãng
bǒxíng walk with a limp; have a limp.⁶
跛腿 bāi-huī
bǒtuǐ lame/limping leg; to be lame (in the leg); limp.⁶
跛了一只脚[跛了一隻腳] bāi-lēl-yīt-jëk-gëk
bǒleyīzhījiǎo lame in one leg.⁵
跛能履 bāi-nãng-lî
bǒnénglǚ the lame can walk.¹⁴
跛蹩 bāi-pëik
bǒbié lame.¹⁴
一颠一跛[一顛一跛] yīt-ëin-yīt-bāi
yīdiānyībǒ walk with a limp; limp along.⁵
<又> pēt.
(See 跛 [bāi, ]; 跛 pēt.)
bai1 452
64 9 bäi bài to honor; to worship.
拜倒足下 bäi-āo-dūk-hà bàidǎozúxià throw oneself at somebody's feet.
拜茶 bäi-chã
bàichá <court.> to ask a guest to come in and have tea.
拜爵 bäi-dēk
bàijué to be knighted.⁸
拜访[拜訪] bäi-fōng
bàifǎng to pay a visit; to call on.
拜嘉 bäi-gä
bàijiā <court.> to receive with pleasure your favor or gifts or advice.
拜跪 bäi-gì
bàiguì worship on knees.¹¹
拜讬[拜託] bäi-hōk
bàituō to request -as a favor.¹⁴
拜庙[拜廟] bäi-mèl
bàimiào worship at a temple.¹
拜年 bäi-nẽin
bàinián to pay New Year calls.
拜人为师[拜人為師]  bäi-ngĩn-vĩ-xü
bàirénwéishī to acknowledge somebody as one's teacher.
拜忏[拜懺] bäi-tëm
bàichàn (of Buddhist monks or Taoist priests) recite scriptures on a (dead) person's behalf as an expression of repentance and for redemption of his sins.⁶
拜师学艺[拜師學藝] bäi-xü-hòk-ngài
bàishīxuéyì acknowledge somebody as one's master to learn from.⁵⁴
甘拜下风[甘拜下風] gäm-bäi-hà-füng
gānbàixiàfēng candidly admit defeat.
<又> bāi.
(See 拜 bāi.)
bai2 453
85 12 bäi pài sound of waves; turbulent.⁸
湃湃 bäi-bäi pàipài spatter.⁸
汹涌澎湃[洶湧澎湃] hüng-yūng-pãng-bäi
xiōngyǒng péngpài surging; turbulent; tempestuous.⁵
澎湃 pãng-bäi
péngpài the roaring of billows; to surge.⁷ the roaring of breakers.¹⁴
滂湃 põng-bäi
pāngpài (of water) roaring and rushing.⁵
心潮澎湃 xïm-chẽl-pãng-bäi
xīncháopéngpài feel an upsurge of emotion.⁵
bai2 454
94 10 bäi a kind of tapir; a fierce beast depicted on the door of prisons.⁸
狴犴 bäi-hòn bì'àn <wr.> legendary tiger-like beast whose image used to be painted on prison doors; prison.⁶
狴牢 bäi-lão
bìláo prison.⁶
狴狱[狴獄] bäi-ngùk
bìyù prison.⁶
bai2 455
111 20 bäi bǎi (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 矲 bā bà with the same meaning: short.⁸ undersized, short and small, low and small.¹³ short; diminutive.²⁴).
(composition: ⿰矢罷; U+77F2).
矲矮 bäi-āi bǎi'ǎi or bā-āi bà'ǎi short in stature.¹⁹
矲雉 bäi-jï
bǎizhì or bā-jï bàzhì short in stature.¹⁹
<又> bā; bà.
(See 矲 bā; 矲 bà).
bai2 456
140 14 bäi cover, hide, shelter, block; cover, sum up, generalize.⁶ cover, cover up; hide, conceal, shelter; screen, separate.⁷
蔽芾 bäi-fï bìfèi <wr.> (of trees) young and small.⁶ petite, tiny; to be umbrageous.⁷ luxuriant; lush; young (plants).¹⁰
蔽风雨[蔽風雨] bäi-füng-yî
bìfēngyǔ to shelter from the wind and rain.⁷
蔽体[蔽體] bäi-hāi
bìtǐ to cover the body.⁷
蔽障 bäi-jëng
bìzhàng block; obstacle.⁶
蔽面 bäi-mèin
bìmiàn lee side.¹ to cover one's face.⁵⁴
蔽目 bäi-mùk
bìmù tobcover the eyes; to blindfold.⁷
蔽匿 bäi-nèik
bìnì wr.> hide, conceal.⁶
蔽日 bäi-ngìt
bìrì to cover the sun; to dull the sunlight.⁷
蔽护[蔽護] bäi-vù
bìhù to shelter, to take cover, to protect.⁷
or 闭塞[閉塞] bäi-xāk bìsè stop/close up, block; hard to get to, out of the way, inaccessible; <elec.> blocking.⁶ stop up, close up; block; hard to get to, out-of-the-way; unenlightened.⁸
蔽贤[蔽賢] bäi-yẽn
bìxián to keep the capable or virtuous from attaining fame or eminence.⁷
蔽雨 bäi-yî
bìyǔ shelter from the rain.⁶
一言以蔽之 yīt-ngũn-yî-bäi-jï 
yīyányǐbìzhī to sum up in a word; in brief/short; to put it in a nutshell.⁶
bai2 457
169 11 bäi shut, close; stop up, obstruct.⁵
倒闭[倒閉] āo-bäi dǎobì to go bankrupt, to close down.¹⁰
闭籴[閉糴] bäi-èk
bìdí ban buying of rice (stop hoarding).¹¹
闭关自守[閉關自守] bäi-gän-dù-siū
bìguānzìshǒu close the country to international intercourse.⁵
闭口不谈[閉口不談] bäi-hēo-būt-hãm
bìkǒubùtán refuse to say anything about; avoid mentioning.⁵
闭口无言[閉口無言] bäi-hēo-mũ-ngũn
bìkǒuwúyán remain silent; be tongue-tied; be left speechless.⁵
闭起[閉起] bäi-hī
bìqǐ to shut.¹⁰
闭蛰[閉蟄] bäi-jèik
bìzhé to hibernate.¹¹
闭幕[閉幕] bäi-mōk
bìmù the curtain falls; lower the curtain; to come to an end (of a meeting).¹⁰
闭幕式[閉幕式] bäi-mōk-sēik
bìmùshì closing ceremony.¹¹
闭门[閉門] bäi-mõn
bìmén close the door.⁶
闭门羹[閉門羹] bäi-mõn-gäng
bìmén gēng denial of entrance.⁶
or 蔽塞 bäi-xāk bìsè stop/close up, block; hard to get to, out of the way, inaccessible; <elec.> blocking.⁶ stop up, close up; block; hard to get to, out-of-the-way; unenlightened.⁸
吃闭门羹[吃閉門羹] hëk-bäi-mõn-gäng
chī bìmén gēng be denied/refused entrance at the door.⁶
bai2 458
18 16 𠟻
bài bài (<old>=䢙 bài bài to ruin, to destroy, to spoil; defeat, to be defeated; bad, as meat.⁸).²
(composition: ⿰⿱貝貝刂; U+207FB).
<又> dāk.
(See 則 dāk; 𠟻❄{⿰⿱貝貝刂} dāk).
bai4 459
30 10 bài bài to chant.
梵呗[梵唄] fãn-bài fànbài <Budd.> chanting of prayers.¹⁰
(See 唄 [bài, bei].)
bai4 460
30 10 bài bei (similar to 吧 bà ba); modal particle indicating lack of enthusiasm; modal particle indicating that things should only or can only be done a certain way.¹⁰
(See 唄 [bài, bài].)
bai4 461
37 14 𡚁 bài (=弊 bài ) bad, undesirable; dishonest, fraud; exhuasted, tired, worn-out; disadvantages, harm.⁷ fraud, harm, malpractice, deceit; drawback, defect; (Cantonese) used to indicate a realization that something is wrong: oh no; oh crap.³⁶ used-up, malpractices; (Cant.) bad, vile, corrupt.⁸
(composition: ⿱敝大; U+21681).
(See 弊 bài).
bai4 462
50 7 bài tattered garments; vulgar, inferior.²⁴  ragged clothing; ragged, old and worn out.³⁶ (<old>=敝 bài <wr.> worn-out, ragged, tattered; declining, langishing, waning; <humb.> my, our, this.⁶).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿻丷⿻巾八(GHTV) or ⿻八⿻巾八(JK); U+3840).
(See 敝 bài).
bai4 463
50 14 bài currency, coins, legal tender; silks; refers to gifts such as carts, horses, leather, silk, jade, etc.; property, belongings.⁸ money, currency, coin; silk; treasure, wealth; values; gifts, offerings.⁵⁴
(comp. t: ⿱敝巾; U+5E63). (comp. s: ⿱丿巾; U+5E01).
币帛[幣帛] bài-bàk
bìbó <wr.> gifts of tribute in money and silks.¹¹
币值[幣值] bài-jèik
bìzhí value of a currency.¹⁰
币种[幣種] bài-jūng
bìzhǒng types of currency.⁸
货币[貨幣] fö-bài
huòbì money; currency.⁵
纁币[纁幣] fün-bài
xūnbì light crimson silk.¹⁹
纸币[紙幣] jī-bài
zhǐbì paper money.⁵⁵
珠玉为上币[珠玉為上幣] jî-ngùk-vĩ-sèng-bài
zhū yù wéi shàng bì pearls and gems are first order values.⁵⁴
港币[港幣] Kōng-bài
Gǎngbì Hong Kong currency.⁷
硬币[硬幣] ngàng-bài
yìngbì coin, specie.⁵
人民币[人民幣] ngĩn-mĩn-bài
rénmínbì RMB.⁸
外币 ngòi-bài
wàibì foreign currency.⁵⁴
玉币[玉幣] ngùk-bài
yùbì gems and silk (for offering to the gods).⁵⁴
使介反币[使介反幣] sōi-gäi-fān-bài
shǐjièfǎnbì order your assistant to return gifts.⁵⁴ (Note: 介 is used for 价 gäi jiè).
(See also 币 yïn).
bai4 464
55 14 bài bad, undesirable; dishonest, fraud; exhuasted, tired, worn-out; disadvantages, harm.⁷ malpractice, deceit; drawback, defect; (Cant.) used to indicate a realization that something is wrong: oh no; oh crap.³⁶ (variant: 𡚁❄{⿱敝大} bài ).
弊病 bài-bèng
bìbìng corrupt practices; drawbacks.⁷
弊车羸马[弊車羸馬] bài-chëh-luĩ-mâ
bìchēléimǎ <wr.> lit. a decrepit cart drawn by a lean horse; fig. an incorruptible official.⁷
弊绝风清[弊絕風清] bài-dùt-füng-tëin
bìjuéfēngqīng (of a clean government) absolutely free from corruption.⁷
弊窦[弊竇] bài-èo
bìdòu corrupt practices; drawbacks.⁷
弊害 bài-hòi
bìhài malady; harm.⁷
弊帚自珍 bài-jāo-dù-jïn
bìzhǒuzìzhēn or 弊帚千金 bài-jāo-tëin-gïm bìzhǒuqiānjīn one loves something of little value simply because it is one's own.⁷
弊政 bài-jëin
bìzhèng misrule; maladministration.⁷
弊端 bài-ön
bìduān corrupt practices; drawbacks.⁷
弊坏[弊壞] bài-vài
bìhuài worn and damaged.⁷
作弊 dōk-bài
zuòbì practice fraud; cheat.⁵
利弊 lì-bài
lìbì advantages and disadvantages; pros & cons.⁵
流弊 liũ-bài
liúbì corrupt practices; abuses.⁵
时弊[時弊] sĩ-bài
shíbì ills of the times.⁶
(See 𡚁❄{⿱敝大} bài).
bai4 465
61 16 bài bèi exhausted; fatigued.⁵
(comp. t: ⿱備心; U+618A). (comp. s: ⿱备心; U+60EB).
惫乏[憊乏] bài-fàt
bèifá <wr.> tired; weary; exhausted; worn-out and weak.⁶
惫倦[憊倦] bài-gùn
bèijuàn <wr.> tired out and sleepy.⁶
惫懒[憊懶] bài-län
bèilǎn tired and indolent.⁶
惫累[憊累] bài-luì
bèilèi tired out; exhausted; weary; fatigued; drained out.⁶
惫色[憊色] bài-sēik
bèisè tired look.⁶
羸惫[羸憊] luĩ-bài
léibèi physically exhausted.¹¹
疲惫[疲憊] pĩ-bài
píbèi tired out; exhausted.⁵
<又> bì.
(See 憊 bì).
bai4 466
66 11 bài <wr.> worn-out, ragged, tattered; declining, langishing, waning; <humb.> my, our, this.⁶ (old variant: 㡀 bài ).
敝处[敝處] bài-chuî
bìchù <humb.> my place.⁷
敝旧[敝舊] bài-giù
bìjiù shabby; ragged; worn-out.⁶
敝国[敝國] bài-gōk
bìguó <humb.> my or our country.⁷
敝校 bài-hào
bìxiào <humb.> my or our school.⁷
敝乡[敝鄉] bài-hëng
bìxiāng <humb.> my or our hometown or village.⁷
敝帚自珍 bài-jāo-dù-jïn
bìzhǒuzìzhēn lit. My worn-out broom is a treasure to me. – Everyone values things of his own.⁷
敝帚千金 bài-jāo-tëin-gïm
bìzhǒuqiānjīn (=敝帚自珍 bài-jāo-dù-jïn bìzhǒuzìzhēn).⁶ lit. my worn-out broom is worth a thousand crowns. – Everyone values things of his own.⁷
敝人 bài-ngĩn
bìrén <humb.> I; me.⁶
敝舍 bài-sëh
bìshè <humb.> my house.⁷
敝屣 bài-xāi
bìxǐ worn-out shoes – worthless thing.⁶
敝姓 bài-xëin
bìxìn <humb.> my family name.⁷
敝衣恶食[敝衣惡食] bài-yï-ōk-sèik
bìyī'èshí meanly clothed and poorly fed – having a very low standard of living.⁷
敝邑 bài-yīp
bìyì <humb.> my kingdom.⁷
敝友 bài-yiû
bìyǒu <humb.> my friend.⁷
(See 㡀 bài).
bai4 467
66 17 bài die, get killed; kill/execute by shooting, shoot (dead); <wr.> fall down, collapse, perish.⁶
毙敌[斃敵] bài-èik bìdí to kill enemy troops.⁷
毙掉[斃掉] bài-èl
bìdiào shoot; kill/execute by shooting.⁵⁴
毙命[斃命] bài-mèin
bìmìng meet a violent death.⁹
毙儿故[斃兒故] bài-ngĩ-gü
bìrgù die; pass away.⁵⁴
毙伤[斃傷] bài-sëng
bìshāng kill and wound; inflict casualties.⁶
bai4 468
75 12 bài bèi the name of a tree; a thwart piece at the stern of a boat.²⁴
<又> pãi, pöi. (See 棑 pãi, pöi.)
bai4 469
94 14 bài a mythical winged fox which sounds like a wild goose.³⁶
(composition: ⿰犭敝; U+7359).
獙獙 bài-bài bìbì mythological beast resembling a fox with wings.¹⁰
bai4 470
94 15 bài   (<old>=毙[斃] bài to die; to collapse.)
  (<old>=弊 bài
fatigued; exhausted).
  (<old>=弊 bài
old; shabby).
  (<old>=弊 bài
harm; malpractice).
  (<old>=币[幣] bài
silk fabrics).
➅ (<old>=獙 bài
a kind of beast).³⁶
(composition: ⿱敝犬; U+7358).
(See 斃 bài; 弊 bài; 幣 bài; 獙 bài).
bai4 471
154 11 bài bài be defeated, lose; defeat, beat; fail; spoil; counteract; decay, wither.⁵ (variant: 䢙 bài bài). (See 䢙 bài).
败德[敗德] bài-āk
bàidé atrocious behavior, licentious character.¹¹
败北[敗北] bài-bāk
bàiběi lose (in) a battle; suffer defeat.⁶
败笔[敗筆] bài-bīt
bàibǐ a faulty stroke in calligraphy or painting; a faulty expression in writing.⁵
败子[敗子] bài-dū
bàizǐ prodigal son.¹¹
败火[敗火] bài-fō
bàihuǒ <Ch. med.> relieve inflammation or internal heat.⁵
败家[敗家] bài-gä
bàijiā squander the family fortune.⁶
败局[敗局] bài-gùk
bàijú lost game; losing battle.⁵
败军[敗軍] bài-gün
bàijūn defeated troops/army.⁶
败仗[敗仗] bài-jëng
bàizhàng lost battle; defeat.⁵
败阵[敗陣] bài-jìn
bàizhèn be defeated on the battlefield.⁶
败落[敗落] bài-lòk
bàiluò decline (in wealth and position).⁵
败露[敗露] bài-lù
bàilù leak out; be uncovered.⁶
败类[敗類] bài-luì
bàilèi scum; dross; degenerate.⁶
败衄[敗衄] bài-nùk
bàinǜ <wr.> be defeated in war.¹¹
败坏[敗壞] bài-vài
bàihuài ruin; corrupt; undermine.⁵
败坏门楣[敗壞門楣] bài-vài-mõn-mĩ
bàihuàiménméi to shame the name of the house.¹¹
败诉[敗訴] bài-xü
bàisù lose (in) a lawsuit/appeal.⁶
bai4 472
154 18 bài bài (<old>=败[敗] bài bài be defeated, lose; defeat, beat; fail; spoil; counteract; decay, wither.⁵)
(composition: ⿰⿱貝貝攵; U+8D01).
(See 敗 bài).
bai4 473
162 10 bài bài (same as 敗 bài bài) to ruin, to destroy, to spoil; defeat, to be defeated; bad, as meat.⁸
(old variant: 𠟻
❄{⿰⿱貝貝刂} bài bài).
(composition: ⿺辶貝; U+4899).
(See 敗 bài; 𠟻❄{⿰⿱貝貝刂} bài).
bai4 474
170 9 bài a flight of steps leading to the throne.
陛见[陛見] bài-gëin bìjiàn <wr.> to have an audience with the emperor.
陛下 bài-hà
bìxià Your Majesty.
陛辞[陛辭] bài-xũ
bìcí <wr.> to leave the capital after bidding farewell to the emperor in audience.
bai4 475
9 7 bāk father's elder brother; senior; respectful form of address; Count, third of five orders of nobility 五等爵位: 公 Güng Gōng Duke, 侯 Hẽo Hóu Marquis, 伯 Bāk Count, 子 Dū Viscount, 男 Nãm Nán Baron.
伯爵 bāk-dēk
bójué earl; count; earldom.⁹
伯父 bāk-fù
bófù father's older brother; uncle.
伯壎仲篪 bāk-fün-jùng-chĩ
bóxūnzhòngchí exquisite duet melody where the elder brother plays the 壎 and the younger brother plays the 篪.⁸
伯仲叔季 bāk-jùng-sūk-gï
bó-zhòng-shū-jì order of seniority among brothers.
伯劳[伯勞] bāk-lão
bóláo <zoo.> shrike.⁸
伯母 bāk-mû
bómǔ wife of 伯父 bāk-fù; aunt.
<又> bâk.
(See 伯 [bâk, bǎi], bâk,].)
bak1 476
21 5 bāk běi north; <wr.> to be defeated.
北边[北邊] bāk-bëin běibiān north side; northern part.
北梓木 bāk-dū-mûk
běizǐmù or 西美梓 xäi-mî-dū xäiměizǐ  northern catalpa Catalpa speciosa; The fruit is a long, thin legume-like pod, 20–40 cm long.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
北斗星 bāk-ēo-xëin
běidǒuxīng the Big Dipper.
北方 bāk-föng
běifāng north; northern part of a country.
北极[北極] Bāk-gèik
Běijí North Pole.
北极熊[北極熊] bāk-gèik-hũng
běijíxióng polar bear.⁸
北极星[北極星] Bāk-gèik-xëin
Běijíxīng Polaris; North Star; polestar.
北京 Bāk-gëin
Běijīng Beijing.
北枳椇 bāk-jī-guī
běizhǐjǔ <bot.> Hovenia dulcis.²³
北芪 bāk-kĩ
běiqí or 黄芪[黃芪] võng-kĩ huángqí Mongolian milkvetch (Astragalus propinquus).¹⁵ <TCM> Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bunge syn. Astragalus propinquus.²³
北美洲 Bāk-mî-jiü
Běiměizhōu North America.¹¹
北门锁钥[北門鎖鑰] bāk-mõn-xū-yèk
běiménsuǒyuè strategic key to the north.¹¹
北嶽 or 北岳 Bāk Ngòk
Běi Yuè Northern Sacred Mountain (referring to 恒山[恆山] Hãng Sän Héng Shān Mount Heng in Shanxi Province,  one of the five well-known sacred mountains in China).
bak1 477
106 6 bāk bǎi numerous, all kinds of.
百花萎谢[百花萎謝] bāk-fä-vī-dèh bǎiwěixiè flowers fade.¹⁹
百发百中[百發百中] bāk-fāt-bāk-jüng
bǎifābǎizhòng every shot hits the target without failure – excellent shooting.⁹
百卉千葩 bāk-fī-tëin-bä
bǎihuìqiānpā myriad plants and flowers (idiom); rich and colorful.¹⁰
百货[百貨] bāk-fö
bǎihuò general merchandise.¹⁰
百科全书[百科全書] bāk-fö-tũn-sï
bǎikēquánshū encyclopedia.⁸
百家 bāk-gä
bǎijiā various families; various schools of thinking.⁵⁴
百家争鸣[百家爭鳴] bāk-gä-jäng-mẽin
bǎijiāzhēngmíng a hundred schools of thought contend (idiom); refers to the philosophic schools of the Warring States period.¹⁰
百合花 bāk-hàp-fä
bǎihéhuā lily.⁸
百强[百強] bāk-kẽng
bǎiqiáng top 100 (anything).¹⁰
百万[百萬] bäk-màn
bǎiwàn million.⁸
百鸟朝凤[百鳥朝鳳] bāk-nêl-chẽl-fùng
bǎiniǎocháofèng all birds pay homage to the phoenix – peace and harmony under a wise ruler.⁶
百日咳 bāk-ngìt-kāt
bǎirìké whooping cough; pertussis.¹⁰
百姓 bāk-xëin
bǎixìng common people.⁸
<又> bäk, bàk.
(See 百 bäk; [bàk, bǎi]; [bàk, ]).
bak1 478
9 8 bäk bǎi (=百 bäk bǎi) hundred (used on checks for security reasons.)
壹佰圓 yīt-bäk-yõn
yībǎiyuán one hundred dollars.
bak2 479
106 6 bäk bǎi hundred.
百分之百 bäk-fün-jï-bäk bǎifēnzhībǎi a hundred percent; out and out; absolutely.
百分之一 bäk-fün-jï-yīt
bǎifēnzhīyī one percent, 1%.
一百 yīt-bäk
yībǎi one hundred,100.
<又> bāk, bàk.
(See 百 bāk; [bàk, bǎi]; [bàk, ]).
bak2 480
9 14 bàk (an aboriginal tribe in Southwest China).⁴⁰ A minority ethnic group that used to inhabit South West China.⁹ ancient aboriginal tribe.⁸
bak4 481
20 11 bàk to crawl; to creep; to lie prostrate.
匍匐 or 匍伏 pũ-bàk or pũ-fùk púfú to crawl; to creep.
<又> fùk.
(See 匐 fùk; 匍 pũ.)
bak4 482
25 2 bàk bo 白萝卜[白蘿卜 or 白蘿蔔] bàk-lõ-bàk or bàk-liũ-bàk báiluóbo white radish; daikon; Raphanus sativus var. longipinnatus.¹⁰
or 蘿蔔] lõ-bàk or liũ-bàk luóbo radish; garden radish; turnip.⁸ radish (Raphanus sativus), especially white radish (白蘿蔔 bàk-lõ-bàk).¹⁰
<台> 红萝卜[紅蘿卜] hũng-liũ-bàk  (=胡萝卜[胡蘿卜] vũ-liũ-bàk
húluóbo) carrot.
<又> būk, mūk, mük.
(See 卜 būk, mūk, mük; 蔔 bàk.)
bak4 483
50 8 bàk silk.⁶
帛金 bàk-gïm
bójīn traditional money gift at a funeral.¹⁰
帛书[帛書] bàk-sï
bóshū book copied on silk.⁶
帛画[帛畫] bàk-và
bóhuà <old> painting on silk.⁶
布帛 bü-bàk
bùbó cottons and silks; clothing.⁶
化干戈为玉帛[化干戈為玉帛] fä-gön-fö-vĩ-ngùk-bàk
huàgāngēwéiyùbó lit. to exchange weapons of war for gifts of jade and silk (idiom); fig. to turn hostility into friendship.¹⁰ "beat swords into ploughshares" – put an end to war and have peace.¹¹
竹帛 jūk-bàk
zhúbó bamboo and silk writing materials.¹⁰
玉帛 ngùk-bàk
yùbó <wr.> jade objects and silk fabrics (presented as state gifts in ancient China); wealth.⁶
bak4 484
106 5 bàk bái Kangxi radical 106; white; pure, unblemished; bright.⁸ (See 白 [bàk, bó]).
白白 bàk-bàk
báibái in vain; to no purpose.⁸
白发[白髮] bàk-fāt
báifà white or gray hair.¹⁰
白金 bàk-gïm
báijīn platinum; silver.⁸
白果 bàk-gō
báiguǒ ginkgo.⁹
白塔 bàk-hāp
báitǎ the White Dagoba.¹⁹
白天 bàk-hëin
báitiān daytime, day.⁹
白鹤[白鶴] bàk-hôk
báihè <zoo.> white crane.⁶
白昼[白晝] bàk-jiü
báizhòu day; daytime.⁸
白莲[白蓮] bàk-lẽin
báilián white lotus.¹⁹
白米 bàk-māi
báimǐ white polished rice.⁸
白蚁[白蟻] bàk-ngāi
báiyǐ termite.⁸
白葡萄酒 bàk-pũ-hão-diū
báipútaojiǔ white wine.⁹
白色 bàk-sēik
báisè white; counterrevolutionary.⁹
白水 bàk-suī
báishuǐ plain boiled water; <wr.> clear water.⁶
白狐 bàk-vũ
báihú arctic/white fox.⁶
白芋 bàk-vû
báiyù small, white taro.¹¹
白云[白雲] bàk-vũn
báiyún white cloud.¹⁹
白苏[白蘇] bàk-xü
báisū <bot.> common perilla.¹⁰
白事 bàk-xù
báishì funeral.⁸ (See 白事 bàk-xù bóshì).
<台> 白公 bàk-güng great-grandfather.
bak4 485
106 5 bàk 白事 bàk-xù bóshì explain things.⁵⁴
(See 白 [bàk, bái]).
bak4 486
106 6 bàk bái <台> 百足 bàk-xūk centipede.
<又> bāk, bäk. (See 百 bāk; bäk; [bàk, ]).
bak4 487
106 6 bàk 抄百总[抄百總] chäo-bàk-dūng chāobòzǒng <topo.> express/cover everything.⁵⁴
<又> bāk, bàk.
(See 百 bāk; bäk; [bàk, bǎi]).
bak4 488
140 8 bàk Bo surname.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹白; U+82E9).
<又> bä. (See 苩 bä).
bak4 489
140 14 bàk bo (=卜 as in  萝卜[蘿卜 or 蘿蔔] lõ-bàk luóbo) radish, turnip.
(See 卜 bàk.)
bak4 490
195 16 bàk Spanish mackerel.⁶ white fish.⁸
鲌鱎[鮊鱎] bàk-gël bójiāo the name of a sea fish.²⁵
欧鲌[歐鮊] ëo-bàk
ōubó (=歐白鱼[歐白魚] ëo-bàk-nguî/ ōubáiyú common bleak (Alburnus alburnus syn. Alburnus lucidus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰ʼ⁵⁴
bak4 491
9 7 bâk bǎi 大伯子 ài-bâk-dū dàbǎizi eldest brother of one's husband.
<又> bāk.
(See 伯 bāk, [bâk, ].)
bak5 492
9 7 bâk 大伯 ài-bâk dàbó father's elder brother; husband's elder brother
伯伯 bâk-bâk
bóbo father's elder brother; uncle.
伯父 bâk-fù
bófù one's father's older brother; uncle.⁵
<台> 阿伯 ä-bâk father's elder brother, uncle.
<又> bāk.
(See 伯 bāk, [bâk, bǎi].)
bak5 493
32 7 bān bǎn (Japanese or nonstandard variant of 阪 bān bǎn²¹) a slope; a hillside.⁷  a bank, a ridge.²⁴
大坂 Ài-bān
Dàbǎn old name for Ōsaka 大阪 Ài-bān Dàbǎn (city in Japan).
坡坂 bö-bān
pōbǎn an embankment.²⁴
[如丸走] nguĩ-yõn-dēo-bān rúwánzǒubǎn quickly and easily.¹ (Note: we treat 坂 as the "simple form" and 阪 as the "full form", only because 坂 is in the GB standard and 阪 is in the Big5 standard.)¹
(See 阪 bān.)
ban1 494
46 7 bān bǎn (Japanese or nonstandard variant of 阪 bān bǎn).
(See 阪 bān.)
ban1 495
64 7 bān bān 扳手 bān-siū bānshou wrench; spanner; lever (on machine); trigger of a gun.
扳手 bān-siū
bānshǒu <topo.> to hold back somebody's hands; in need of money; hard up for cash.
<又> bän, pän.
(See 扳 bän, pän.)
ban1 496
75 8 bān bǎn board; plank; plate; shutter; table tennis bat; clappers (music); accented beat in Chinese music; hard; stiff; to stop smiling or look serious.¹⁰
踏脚板[踏腳板] àp-gëk-bān tàjiǎobǎn a footboard; a footrest; a foothold.⁷
板凳 bān-âng
bǎndèng wooden bench or stool.¹⁰
板壁 bān-bēik
bǎnbì wooden partition.¹⁰
板刷 bān-chât
bǎnshuā scrubbing brush.¹⁰
板子 bān-dū
bǎnzi board; plank; bamboo or birch for corporal punishment.¹⁰
板块[板塊] bān-fäi
bǎnkuài block; slab; tectonic plate; continental plate.¹⁰
板滞[板滯] bān-jài
bǎnzhì stiff; dull; (of execution of art) not flexible or fluid.⁶
板球 bān-kiũ
bǎnqiú cricket (ball game).¹⁰
板屋 bān-ūk
bǎnwū house constructed of wooden boards.¹¹
快板儿[快板兒] fäi-bān-ngĩ
kuàibǎnr fast boards; rhythmic comic talk to the accompaniment of bamboo clappers.⁹
地板 ì-bān
dìbǎn floor board; <topo.> farmland; cropland.⁸
有板有眼 yiû-bān-yiû-ngān
yǒubǎnyǒuyǎn methodical; orderly; rhythmical; measured.⁸
ban1 497
91 8 bān bǎn printing plate; edition; page (of a newspaper).⁵
出版 chūt-bān chūbǎn come off the press; publish.⁵
版本 bān-bōn
bǎnběn edition.⁵
版籍 bān-dèik
bǎnjí <wr.> register (of household and land); domain, territory; books.⁶
版刻 bān-hāk
bǎnkè carving; engraving.⁵
版图[版圖] bān-hũ
bǎntú domain; territory.⁵
版主 bān-jī
bǎnzhǔ forum moderator; website manager.⁵⁴
版筑[版築] bān-jūk
bǎnzhù board frames and ram (used in making mud walls); civil engineering project.⁶
版权[版權] bān-kũn
bǎnquán copyright.⁵
版面 bān-mèin
bǎnmiàn space of a whole page; layout or makeup of a printed sheet.⁵
版式 bān-sēik
bǎnshì format.⁵
版税[版稅] bān-suï
bǎnshuì royalty (on books).⁵
版画[版畫] bān-và
bǎnhuà a picture printed from an engraved or etched plate; print.⁵
版位 bān-vì
bǎnwèi place of spirit tablet or ancestral tablet in temple.¹¹
版次 bān-xü
bǎncì edition order; edition.⁶
ban1 498
98 8 bān bǎn to be defeated.² broken tiles; slightly concave tiles;  "female" tiles (concave) as opposed to "male" (convex) tiles.⁸ corrupted, spoiled; the hollow part of a tile; a tile placed underneath, and called the female tile.²⁴
(composition: ⿺瓦反; U+74EA).
瓪瓦 or 板瓦 bān-ngā bǎnwǎ slightly concave tile.⁸
ban1 499
137 10 bān bǎn 舢舨 or 舢板 sän-bān shānbǎn sampan.⁵
ban1 500
167 12 bān bǎn metal plate.⁶
钣金工[鈑金工] bān-gïm-güng bǎnjīngōng sheet-metal worker; metaler; tinbender.⁵⁴
钢钣[鋼鈑] gông-bān
gāngbǎn steel plate.⁶
铝鈑[鋁鈑] luî-bān
lǚbǎn aluminum plate.⁶
ban1 501
169 17 bān bǎn the boss; the owner.⁷
老板[老闆] lāo-bān lǎobǎn boss; business proprietor.¹⁰
老板娘[老闆娘] lāo-bān-nẽng
lǎobǎnniáng female proprietor; lady boss; boss's wife.¹⁰
(Note: The simplified form of 闆 is 板 which is also the traditional form meaning board or hard, q.v.)
ban1 502
170 6 bān bǎn the slope of a hill; a hillside; a hillside farm field.⁷  A bank, the brink of a stream, the side of a hill; precipitous. uneven.²⁵  Used for 反 as in 阪爲先聖²⁵ (see below). 
大阪 Ài-bān Dàbǎn Osaka. (Note: 大坂 Ài-bān Dàbǎn old name for Ōsaka 大阪 (city in Japan), changed in the beginning of the Meiji 明治 Era, 1868-1912, because 坂 could, if the radicals were read separately, be interpreted as "(will) return to soil".)¹⁰
阪田 bān-hẽin
bǎntián a hillside farm field; a rugged and stony field. ⁷  <wr.> rugged area.¹¹  an uneven country.²⁵
阪险[阪險] bān-hēm
bǎnxiǎn banks and precipices.²⁵
阪上走丸 bān-sèng/-dēo-yõn
bǎnshàngzǒuwán (lit.) to roll a ball down the slope; (fig.) to become irresistible because of natural advantages.⁷
阪泉 bān-tũn
bǎnquán the name of a place.²⁵
阪为先圣[阪爲先聖] bān-vĩ-xëin-sëin
bǎnwéixiānshèng to repeat what the former sages had done.²⁵
阪伊 bān-yï
bǎnyī the name of a place.²⁵
陂阪 bö-bān
pōbān a dike.²⁵
(See 坂 bān.)
ban1 503
64 7 bän bān to pull; to turn.
扳倒 bän-āo bāndǎo to pull down; to topple.
扳道岔 bän-ào-châ
bāndàochà to pull railway switches.
扳道工 bän-ào-güng
bāndàogōng pointsman; switchman.
扳本 bän-bōn
bānběn <topo.> to win back money lost in gambling; recouped gambling loss.
扳不倒儿[扳不倒兒] bän-būt-āo-ngĩ
bānbudǎor roly-poly; tumbler; official who always makes a comeback.⁶
扳子 bän-dū
bānzi spanner; wrench; spanner wrench.
扳价[扳價] bän-gä
bānjià to demand a high price.
扳机[扳機] bän-gï
bānjī trigger.
扳开[扳開] bän-höi
bānkāi to pull out; to pull to open.
扳闸[扳閘] bän-jàp
bānzhá <topo.> operate a switch; switch on or off.⁵
扳着指头算[扳著指頭算] bän-jēk-jī-hẽo-xön
bānzhe zhǐ tóusuàn to count on one's fingers.
扳转[扳轉] bän-jōn
bānzhuǎn to turn.
扳平 bän-pẽin
bānpíng to make level.
扳成平局 bän-sẽin-pẽin-gùk
bānchéngpíngjú to equallize the score.
扳枪栓[扳槍栓] bän-tëng-sân
bānqiāngshuān to pull back the bolt of a rifle.
扳动[扳動] bän-ùng
bāndòng to pull (a trigger).
<又> bān, pän.
(See 扳 bān, pän.)
ban2 504
66 8 bän bān (=頒 bän bān) promulgate; issue.⁵ <wr.> issue; distribute.⁶
(composition: ⿰分攵; U+653D).
<又> bïn.
(See 頒 bän; 攽 bïn.)
ban2 505
67 12 bän bān speckles, spots, mottles; mottled, variegated, motley.⁷
(old variant: 斒 bän bān). (See 螌 bän; 斒 bän).
or 班白 bän-bàk bānbái gray-headed; graying.⁷
斑斑 bän-bän
bānbān mottled; spotted.⁷
斑鬓[斑鬢] bän-bïn
bānbìn graying temples.⁷
斑驳[斑駁] bän-bök
bānbó motley (in color).⁷
斑疹 bän-chīn
bānzhěn maculae.⁷
斑疹伤寒[斑疹傷寒] bän-chīn-sëng-hõn
bānzhěn shānghán typhus.⁷
斑点[斑點] bän-ēm
bāndiǎn specks; spots; mottles.⁷
斑鸠[斑鳩] bän-gëo
bānjiū turtledove.⁶
斑竹 bän-jūk
bānzhú <bot.> mottled bamboo.⁷
斑斓[斑斕] bän-lãn
bānlán gorgeous; resplendent.⁷ of variegated colors; rich in hues.¹¹
斑马[斑馬] bän-mâ
bānmǎ a zebra.⁷
斑马线[斑馬線] bän-mâ-xëin
bānmǎxiàn a pedestrian crossing.⁷
斑尾林鸽[斑尾林鴿] bän-mī-lĩm-âp
bānwěilíngē common wood pigeon (Columba palumbus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
斑纹[斑紋] bän-mũn
bānwén stripe; streak.⁶
斑衣 bän-yï
bānyī colorful dress (esp. children's wear).⁷
红斑[紅斑] hũng-bän
hóngbān <med.> erythema; <bio.> red-spotted grouper.⁷

ban2 506
67 13 bän bān (<old>=斑 bän bān speckles, spots, mottles; mottled, variegated, motley.⁷); variegated; striped; marbled.⁸
(composition: ⿰文扁; U+6592).
斒斑 bän-bän
bānbān there are many spots; the elegance of the writing style is distinctive.¹⁹
or 斑斓[斑斕] bän-lãn bānlán gorgeous; resplendent.⁷ of variegated colors; rich in hues.¹¹
❄{⿰女阑}[斒孄] bän-län bānlǎn (=斒斓[斒斕] or 斑斓[斑斕] bän-lãn bānlán gorgeous; resplendent.⁷ of variegated colors; rich in hues.¹¹)
璸斒 bïn-bän
bīnbān diversified with various colors.²⁴
瑸斒 bïn-bän
bīnbān streaks or veins in jade.¹⁹ʼ⁰
斓斒[斕斒] lãn-bän
lánbān colors are mixed and vivid.¹⁹
(See 斑 bän).
ban2 507
96 10 bän bān team; class; squad; work shift; ranking; measure word for groups; Ban surname.¹⁰
班白 or 斑白 bän-bàk bānbái gray-headed; graying.⁷
班班 bän-bän
bānbān clear and apparent; the noise of moving wagons.⁷
班驳[班駁] bän-bök
bānbó or 班驳陆离[班駁陸離] bän-bök-lùk-lĩ bānbólùlí variegated; of different colors.⁷
班车[班車] bän-chëh
bānchē regular bus (service).⁵
班子 bän-dū
bānzi theatrical troupe; organized group.⁵
班机[班機] bän-gï
bānjī airliner; regular air service.⁵
班长[班長] bän-jēng
bānzhǎng class monitor; <mil.> squad leader; (work) team leader.⁵
班主任 bän-jī-ngìm
bānzhǔrèn a teacher in charge of a class.⁵
班级[班級] bän-kīp
bānjí classes and grades in school.⁵
班门弄斧[班門弄斧] bän-mõn-lùng-fū
bānménnòngfǔ display one's slight skill before an expert.⁵
班禅[班禪] Bän Sẽm
Bānchán the Panchen Lama of Tibet.⁷
班次 bän-xü
bāncì order of classes or grades at school; number of runs or flights.⁵
班师[班師] bän-xü
bānshī <wr.> withdraw troops from the front; return after victory.⁵
一班人 yīt-bän-ngĩn
yībānrén a group of people.¹⁹
ban2 508
96 13 bän biàn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 㻞 bïn biàn with same meaning: (interchangeable with 彬 bïn bīn) flourishing and radiant of the colorful jades, ornamental, refined, lines or stripes on the jade.¹⁰.)
<又> bïn.
(See 㻞 bïn.)
ban2 509
104 15 bän bān a scar; a freckle.⁷ scar, mole.⁸
刀瘢 äo-bän dāobān scar of a knife-cut.⁶
瘢迹[瘢跡] bän-dēik
bānjì scab; scar.⁸
瘢点[瘢點] bän-ēm
bāndiǎn a black spot on the skin; a scar.⁷
瘢风[瘢風] bän-füng
bānfēng a kind of skin disease.¹¹
瘢痕 bän-hân
bānhén a scar.⁷ cicatrix; scar.⁸
瘢痣 bän-jï
bānzhì scars on skin.¹¹
瘢痆 bän-nãi
bānnì <wr.> a sore, abscess, skin ulcer.¹¹
or 痘斑 èo-bän dòubān pockmark.¹¹
or 汗斑 hòn-bän hànbān sweat stain; <med.> a skin disease, Tinea versicolor.⁶ʼ¹¹
洗垢求瘢 xāi-gēo-kiũ-bän
xǐgòuqiúbān find fault with.³⁹
ban2 510
104 17 bän bān abnormal pigmentary deposits on the skin; flecks.⁵ rash on the skin; flecks.⁶ unhealthy marks on the skin; a blotch.⁷
癍疮[癍瘡] bän-chông bānchuāng <TCM> the development of a mild case of corneal opacity.¹⁹
ban2 511
141 17 bän bān stripes on the skin of a tiger.²ʼ¹⁹ (Note: cf 斑纹[斑紋] bän-mũn bānwén stripe; streak.⁶ 虨 bän is used for tigers only whereas 斑紋 bän-mũn is used for tigers as well as other animals.)
(composition: ⿰⿸虍林彡; U+8668).
<又> bïn.
(See 虨 bïn).
ban2 512
142 16 bän bān a striped, poisonous fly.¹⁴ a poisonous insect.²⁵
螌蟊 or 螌蝥 bän-mẽo or bän-mão bānmáo (=斑蟊 or 斑蝥 bän-mẽo or bän-mão bānmáo) the Chinese cantharides.¹⁴ cantharides or blistering fly.²⁵
(See 斑蟊 bän-mẽo listed under 蟊 mẽo.)
ban2 513
181 13 bän bān promulgate; issue.⁵ (variant: 攽 bän bān).
t: ⿰分頁; U+9812). (comp. s: ⿰分页; U+9881).
or 斑白 or 班白 bän-bàk or pän-bàk bānbái gray-headed; graying.⁷
颁布[頒布] bän-bü
or pän-bü bānbù promulgate; issue; publish.⁵
颁赠[頒贈] bän-dàng
or pän-dàng bānzèng to confer (honors or degrees) on someone.⁷
颁奖[頒獎] bän-dēng
or pän-dēng bānjiǎng award/bestow a prize.⁶
颁发[頒發] bän-fāt
or pän-fāt bānfā issue, promulgate; award.⁵
颁行[頒行] bän-hãng
or pän-hãng bānxíng issue for enforcement.⁵
颁犒酒肉[頒犒酒肉] bän-häo-diū-ngùk
or pän-käo-diū-ngùk bānkàojiǔròu give a feast for victorious soldiers.⁵⁴
颁示[頒示] bän-sì
or pän-sì bānshì <wr.> make known; reveal to the public.⁶
颁授[頒授] bän-siù
or pän-siù bānshòu to confer; to award.⁹
颁赐[頒賜] bän-xü
or pän-xü bāncì award; bestow; give as an official/imperial favor.⁶
<又> pän.
(See 頒 pän; 攽 bän.)
ban2 514
190 20 bän bān variegated, grey (of hair).⁸ the hair half white and half black; gray.²⁵
(composition: ⿱髟般; U+4C09).
童发未䰉[童髮未䰉] hũng-fāt-mì-bän tóngfāwèibān a young man's hair is not gray.²⁵
<又> põn.
(See 䰉 põn).
ban2 515
196 15 bän bān the wild pigeon.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰分鳥; U+9CFB).
鳻鳩 bän-gëo bānjiū (<old>=斑鸠[斑鳩] bän-gëo bānjiū turtledove.⁶).¹³ʼ¹⁹ the wild pigeon.¹⁴
<又> fün.
(See 鳻 fün).
ban2 516
64 7 bàn bàn to be dressed up as; to play the part of; to disguise oneself as; to put on (an expression).
打扮 ā-bàn dǎban to make up; to dress up.
扮鬼脸[扮鬼臉] bàn-gī-lêm
bàn guǐliǎn to grimace; to make faces.
扮戏[扮戲] bàn-hï
bànxì <thea.> to make up; to play the part of;  <trad.>to  put on a play.
扮装[扮裝] bàn-jöng
bànzhuāng to make up; to put on makeup.
扮相 bàn-xëng
bànxiàng actor's appearance after putting on costume and makeup.
扮演 bàn-yēn
bànyǎn to play the role of; to act.
扮演者 bàn-yēn-jēh
bànyǎnzhě performer; impersonator.
假扮 gā-bàn
jiǎbàn to masquerade as.
装扮[裝扮] jöng-bàn
zhuāngbàn to dress up; to disguise oneself.
乔装打扮[喬裝打扮] kẽl-jöng-ā-bàn
qiáozhuāngdǎban to disguise oneself; to dress up; to change one's clothes or conceal one's clothes to conceal one's true identity.
ban4 517
85 11 bàn bàn mud, slush, mire.⁹
湴溪村 Bàn-käi-tûn Bànxīcūn, a village in 开平[開平] Höi-Pẽin Kāipíng Kaiping, 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Guangdong Province.⁴
<台> 湴 bàn mud, slush, mire.
ban4 518
90 4 bàn pán Kangxi radical 90; half of tree trunk.⁸ (<m.> (used for land, equal to 片 pëin piàn); <m.> (used for shops, factories, equal to 家 gä jiā).⁶
一爿厂[一爿廠]  yīt-bàn-chōng
yīpánchǎng a plant.⁶
一爿店 yīt-bàn-ëm
yīpándiàn a shop.⁶
一爿地 yīt-bàn-ì
yīpándì a plot.⁶
一爿水果店 yīt-bàn-suī-gō-ëm
yīpán shuǐguǒ diàn a fruit store.⁴
<又> tẽng.
(See 爿 tẽng.)
ban4 519
97 19 bàn bàn petal; clove, segment, section; fragment, piece; valve,  lamella; piece, slice, section.⁶
瓣足 bàn-dūk or fân-dūk bànzú lobed foot.⁶
瓣香 bàn-hëng
or fân-hëng bànxiāng petallike incense used in worship of Buddha; the worship or admiration of someone.⁷
瓣膜 bàn-môk
or fân-môk bànmó <anatomy> a valve.⁷
瓣儿[瓣兒] bàn-ngĩ
or fân-ngĩ bànr petals (of flowers); sections (as of oranges).⁷
瓣片 bàn-pëin
or fân-pëin bànpiàn <bot.> limb.⁶
豆瓣 èo-bàn
or èo-fân dòubàn valve; halves of a bean.⁸
花瓣 fä-bàn
or fä-fân huābàn petal.¹⁰
老鸦瓣[老鴉瓣] lāo-ä-bàn
lǎoyābàn <bot.> Amana edulis (formerly Tulipa edulis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
三尖瓣 xäm-dëm-bàn
or xäm-dëm-fân sānjiānbàn tricuspid valve.⁹
心瓣 xïm-bàn
or xïm-fân xīnbàn heart valve.¹⁰
<又> fân.
(See 瓣 fân.)
ban4 520
160 16 bàn bàn to do; to handle; to manage; to set up; to run; to buy a fair amount of; to get something ready; to punish (by law).
办得好[辦得好] bàn-āk-hāo bàndehǎo to be well-managed.
办酒席[辦酒席] bàn-diū-dèik
bànjiǔxí to prepare a banquet.
办罪[辦罪] bàn-duì
bànzuì to punish.
办法[辦法] bàn-fāt
bànfǎ way, means, measure.⁵
办公[辦公] bàn-güng
bàngōng to handle official business; to work (usually in an office).
办公室[辦公室] bàn-güng-sīt
bàngōngshì office; business premises; bureau.¹⁰
办年货[辦年貨] bàn-nẽin-fö
bàn niánhuò to do New Year shopping.
办案[辦案] bàn-ön
bàn'àn handle a case.⁵
办事[辦事] bàn-xù
bànshì to handle affairs; to work.
办事处[辦事處] bàn-xù-chuî/
bànshìchù agency; office.⁸
怎么办[怎麼辦] dīm-mō-bàn
zěnmebàn What to do now? What should I do? What's to be done?
法办[法辦] fāt-bàn
fǎbàn to deal with according to law.
公事公办[公事公辦] güng-xù-güng-bàn
gōngshìgōngbàn not let personal considerations interfere with one's execution of public duty.
ban4 521
46 11 bāng bēng (composition: ⿱山朋; U+5D29).
<台> 崩牙 bāng-ngã chipped tooth.
<又> bäng, büng. (See 崩 bäng; 崩 büng.)
bang1 522
9 12 bäng bēng coming and going; restless.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰亻旁; U+508D).
王事傍傍 võng-xù-bäng-bäng wángshìbēngbēng the king's affairs do not permit any rest.¹⁴
<又> bòng, põng.
(See 傍 bòng, 傍 põng.)
bang2 523
46 11 bäng bēng to collapse; to fall into ruins; death of king or emperor; demise.¹⁰ (composition: ⿱山朋; U+5D29).
崩溃[崩潰] bäng-gì bēngkuì collapse (of houses, army).¹¹
崩塌 bäng-hāp
bēngtā to crumble, collapse, fall down.⁶
崩裂 bäng-lëik
bēngliè to burst apart; crack, burst into pieces, tear apart.⁶
崩殂 bäng-tũ
bēngcú to die (old, of King or Emperor).¹⁰
崩坏[崩壞] bäng-vài
bēnghuài collapsed in ruins.¹⁴
天崩地裂 hëin-bäng-ì-lëik
tiānbēngdìliè natural disasters like giant earthquakes and landslides.¹¹
尔羊来思... 不骞不崩.[爾羊來思... 不騫不崩.]
Ngì-yẽng-lõi-xü... būt-hëin-būt-bäng.
Ěr yáng lái sī... Bù qiān bù bēng. Your sheep come...None injured, no infection in the herd. (From 《詩經·小雅·祈父之什·無羊·3》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ Your flocks come, none injured, none diseased.¹⁰²
山崩 sän-bäng
shānbēng landslide.¹¹
山冢崒崩 Sän-chüng-dūt-bäng.
Shān zhǒng zú bēng.
The crags on the hill-tops fall down.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·祈父之什·十月之交·3》, translated by James Legge).
雪崩 xūt-bäng
xuěbēng avalanche; snowslide; snowslip.⁶
<台> 赤崩 chēik-bäng (an expletive used by women).
<又> bāng, büng.
(See 崩 bāng; 崩 büng.)
bang2 524
52 7 𢆸
bäng bēng (composition: ⿺𠃊⿰幺幺; U+221B8).
Same as 絣 bäng bēng in the sense of chalk line, chalk box, snap line, ink line (振繩墨也, 繩以直物).⁸ (Note: chalk line vs. ink line - 盪 òngˢᵉˢᵉ ; 盪子 òng-dū; 粉線 fūn-xëin are used by tailors whereas 𢆸❄{⿺𠃊⿰幺幺} bäng; 墨壶[墨壺] màk-vũ mòhú 'sumitsubo, Japonese ink pot';  墨斗 màk-ēo mòdǒu ink pot; 線墨[線墨] xëin-màk xiànmò ink line and 絣 bäng are used by carpenters; 線墨 xëin-màk may also be used by cosmeticians).
(See 絣 bäng, sense of chalk line).
bang2 525
57 9 𢏳
bäng bēng pulled taut.⁸ to draw a bow to the full.¹⁴ to pull the string of a bow; to play on a stringed instrument.²⁴ to pull a crossbow to its full stretch.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰弓并; U+223F3).
𢏳❄{⿰弓并}断了[𢏳❄{⿰弓并}斷了] bäng-òn-lēl bēngduànle pulled it till the string snapped.¹⁰²
<又> pẽin.
(See 𢏳❄{⿰弓并} pẽin; 絣 bäng).
bang2 526
75 14 bäng bèng (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 榜 bòng bàng with same meaning: a list of names posted up; announcement, notice.⁵)
(composition: ⿰木旁; U+699C).
<又> bōng, bòng.
(See 榜 bōng, 榜 bòng.)
bang2 527
78 12 𣨥
bäng bēng (=㱶 bäng bēng to die in full flesh.²⁴).²
(composition: ⿰歹朋; U+23A25).
(See 㱶 bäng).
bang2 528
78 16 bäng bēng to die in full flesh.²⁴
(composition: ⿰歹彭; U+3C76).
㱶𣨉❄{⿰歹亨} bäng-häng bēnghēng fat.²⁴ʼ¹⁰¹ to dry up and die; to swell.¹⁰¹
<又> pãng.
(See 㱶 pãng).
bang2 529
96 12 bäng běng ornament.⁸ <lit.> decoration on a knife carried on a girdle.³⁶ decoration on the upper part of the sheath of a sword; gem ornament of scabbard.⁵⁴ (variants: 䩬, 鞛 bäng běng).
(composition: ⿰𤣩奉; U+742B).
琫珌 top ring and sheath tip.⁵⁴
(See 䩬 bäng; 鞛 bäng).
bang2 530
104 13 bäng bēng menorrhagia.⁸ (Chinese medicine) profuse bleeding (gynecological).¹¹ menorrhagia, for which 崩 bäng bēng is also used.¹⁴ an increased discharge of blood from the female.²⁴ an issue of blood; dysmenorrhea.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿸疒朋; U+75ED).
产血痭[產血痭] chān-hüt-bäng
chǎnxuèbēng a miscarriage.¹⁰²
<又> pãng.
(See 痭 pãng).
bang2 531
113 8 bäng bēng river in Shandong (山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng); space inside.⁸ an archaic Buddhist ceremony performed inside the gate of a clan temple to help guide the dead to heaven.⁹ side altar inside ancestral temple.¹⁰
bang2 532
120 12 bäng bēng a rope; to continue; to weave; to bind; to stretch; cloth woven from variegated threads by ancient clans people.⁸ to baste for sewing; to connect; interchangeable with 𢏳❄{⿰弓并} bäng bēng.¹⁴ silk not embroidered; sarcenet; to twitch; the marking line of carpenters (chalk line, ink line, see 𢆸❄{⿺𠃊⿰幺幺} bäng); slowly, leisurely; a mourning cap; to draw the string of a bow.²⁵ (Note: Medhurst's and the latter part of Matthews' definition (interchangeable with 𢏳❄{⿰弓并} bäng bēng) are in conflict with zdic's definition of 絣 päng pēng in terms of pronunciation). (composition: ⿰糹并 or ⿰糹幷; U+7D63).
絣把 bäng-bā
bēngbǎ strip the clothes and tie them up.¹⁹
絣扒 bäng-bä
bēngbā strip the clothes and tie them up.¹⁹
絣扒吊拷 bäng-bä-ël-hāo
bēngbādiàokǎo to be stripped, bound, tortured, hanged and beaten.¹⁹
絣续[絣續] bäng-dùk
bēngxù to connect.²⁵
将絣万嗣[將絣萬嗣] dëng-bäng-màn-dù
jiāng bēng wàn sì continue into countless future offspring .⁵⁴
脚絣[腳絣] gëk-bäng
jiǎobēng leggings: a strip of cloth wrapped around the leg.¹⁹
妻自组甲絣[妻自組甲絣] häi-dù-dū-gāp-bäng
qī zì zǔ jiǎ bēng the wife herself tied/wove the straps of the armor.⁵⁴
<又> bëin; päng; mäng.
(See 絣 bëin; 絣 päng; 絣 mäng; 𢏳❄{⿰弓并} bäng).
bang2 533
120 14 bäng bēng (=繃 bäng bēng běng bèng)
(See 繃 [bäng, bēng], [bäng, běng], [bäng, bèng].)
bang2 534
120 17 bäng bèng split open, crack; <topo.> very.⁵ (variant: 綳 bäng).
绷直[繃直] bäng-jèik bèngzhí very straight.⁶
绷亮[繃亮] bäng-lèng
bèngliàng shining bright.⁶
绷硬[繃硬] bäng-ngàng
bèngyìng hard as a rock; stiff as a board.⁵
绷断[繃斷] bäng-òn
bèngduàn a snap from tension.⁷
绷脆[繃脆] bäng-tuï
bèngcuì very crisp.⁷
绷瓷[繃瓷] bäng-xũ
bèngcí crackled glaze; crackleware.⁶
(See 繃 [bäng, bēng], [bäng, běng]; 綳 bäng.)
bang2 535
120 17 bäng běng <topo.> look displeased; strain onself.⁵ taut, tense; to endure or bear.⁷ (variant: 綳 bäng).
绷不住[繃不住] bäng-būt-jì běngbuzhù unable to endure or bear.⁷
绷劲[繃勁] bäng-gèin
běngjìn strain oneself; strian one's muscles.⁶
绷着脸[繃著臉] bäng-jèk-lêm
běngzheliǎn to have a taut face; to assume a serious or displeased look; to pull a long face.⁷
绷脸[繃臉] bäng-lêm
běngliǎn pull a long face; be sullen.⁶
咬住牙绷住劲[咬住牙繃住勁] ngāo-jì-ngã-bäng-jì-gèin 
ǎozhùyáběngzhùjìn clench one's teeth and strain one's muscles.⁵
(See 繃 [bäng, bēng], [bäng, bèng]; 綳 bäng.)
bang2 536
120 17 bäng bēng stretch or draw tight; spring, bounce; baste, tack, pin.⁵ a cloth to carry an infant on the back.¹⁴ (variant: 綳 bäng).
绷带[繃帶] bäng-âi bēngdài bandage.⁵
绷绷场面[繃繃場面] bäng-bäng-chẽng-mèin
bēngbēng chǎngmiàn manage somehow to keep up appearances.⁷
绷场面[繃場面] bäng-chẽng-mèin
bēngchǎngmiàn <topo.> keep up appearances.⁶
绷床[繃床] bäng-chõng
bēngchuáng trampoline.¹⁹
绷出去[繃出去] bäng-chūt-huï
bēngchūqu <topo.> politely show the door to somebody.⁵⁴
绷子[繃子] bäng-dū
bēngzi an embroidery frame.⁷
绷紧[繃緊] bäng-gīn
bēngjǐn to brace; taut.¹⁰
绷鼓[繃鼓] bäng-gū
bēnggǔ taut.¹⁴
绷弓子[繃弓子] bäng-güng-dū
bēnggōngzi return spring (device for closing the door); <topo.> catapult, slingshot.⁶
绷孩子[繃孩子] bäng-hãi-dū
bēngháihái to wrap a baby in swaddling cloth.¹⁴
绷圈[繃圈] bäng-hūn
bēngquān tambour.⁶
绷针[繃針] bäng-jïm
bēngzhēn a pin.⁷
] bäng-võng bēnghuáng <topo.> spring.⁵
绷线[繃線] bäng-xëin
bēngxiàn bastings.⁷
<台> 绷绷藤[繃繃藤] bäng-bäng-hãng very tight or taut.
(See 繃 [bäng, běng], [bäng, bèng]; 綳 bäng.)
bang2 537
120 18 𦅈
bäng bēng to tie.²⁵
(composition: ⿰糹彭; U+26148).
bang2 538
137 12 bäng bēng tools for boat, name of a boat.⁸
(composition: ⿰舟并; U+446B).
艣䑫 lû-bäng lǔbēng the tackle of a ship.²⁵
bang2 539
149 13 bäng běng demotic character for 𧩱❄{⿰言屏 or ⿰言屛} bäng bèng to speak; to speak in support of somebody or something.⁰ to give verbal support to a person (usually one of higher position); to follow another in singing.⁷ 
(composition: ⿰言并; U+8A81).
(See 𧩱 bäng).
bang2 540
149 16 𧩱
bäng běng to give verbal support to a person (usually one of higher position); to follow another in singing.⁷ demotic character is 誁 bäng běng.⁸
(composition: ⿰言屏
or ⿰言屛; U+27A71).
(See 誁 bäng).
bang2 541
157 18 bäng bèng jump, leap, hop, skip, spring; pop up, appear suddenly.⁶
蹦跶[蹦躂] or 蹦达[蹦達] bäng-àt bèngda bounce/jump about – struggle/battle desperately.⁶ active; still bouncy (esp. of old person).¹⁰
蹦蹦床 bäng-bäng-chõng
bèngbèngchuáng (=蹦床 bäng-chõng bèngchuáng) trampoline.⁶
蹦蹦跳跳 bäng-bäng-hẽl-hẽl
bèngbengtiàotiào caper; bounce about; hop up and down; prance around.⁶
蹦蹦儿戏[蹦蹦兒戲] bäng-bäng-ngĩ-hï
bèngbengrxì <trad.> predecessor of 评剧[評劇] pẽin-kēk píngjù a local opera of northern China.⁶
蹦床 bäng-chõng
bèngchuáng trampoline.⁶
蹦出来[蹦出來] bäng-chūt-lõi
bèng chūlai to crop up; to pop up; to emerge abruptly.¹⁰
蹦迪 bäng-èik
bèngdí disco dancing.⁶
蹦豆儿[蹦豆兒] bäng-èo-ngĩ
bèngdòur roasted broad bean; little kid.⁶
蹦高儿[蹦高兒] bäng-gäo-ngĩ
bènggāor caper; leap; jump.⁶
蹦极[蹦極] bäng-gèik
bèngjí bungee (jumping).⁶
蹦跳 bäng-hẽl
bèngtiào skip; jump.⁶
蹦儿[蹦兒] bäng-ngĩ
bèngr jump; ability; <topo.> a parting, a breaking away, a breaking free; split, tear apart; extraordinary, magnificent, wonderful.⁵⁴
bang2 542
167 19 bäng bèng small coin.⁸
镚子[鏰子] bäng-dū bèngzi late Qing dynasty small copper coin; small coin.⁶
镚子儿[鏰子兒] bäng-dū-ngĩ
bèngzǐr <topo.> penny (the smallest coin, hence a small amount of money).⁶
镚儿[鏰兒] bäng-ngĩ
bèngr late Qing dynasty small copper coin; small coin.⁶
钢镚[鋼鏰] gông-bäng
gāngbèng small coin; dime.¹⁰
bang2 543
177 17 bäng běng an ornamental item on a scabbard, leather shoes (interchangeable 鞛 bäng běng).⁸ the ornaments on a sheath of a sword.²⁵ <lit.> Alternative form of 琫 (bäng běng, “decoration on a knife carried on a girdle”); <old> leather shoes.³⁶
(composition: ⿰革奉; U+4A6C).
(See 琫 bäng; 鞛 bäng).
bang2 544
177 17 bäng běng (<old>=䩬 bäng běng; <old>=琫 bäng běng) <lit.> decoration on a knife carried on a girdle.³⁶
(composition: ⿰革咅; U+979B).
(See 䩬 bäng; 琫 bäng).
bang2 545
61 16 bàng píng <台> 凭[憑] bàng to lean on.
<台> 凭企[憑企] bàng-kî/ a ladder.
<台> 凭篱[憑籬] bàng-lĩ rose of Sharon.
<又> pãng. (See 憑 pãng.)
bang4 546
9 9 bâng běng insincere and cunning person; a pretentious person.⁸ a hypocrite; a pretender.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻兵; U+345F).
bang5 547
30 14 bâng bēng (of human heart) thump, bang; (of explosion) thud, bang.⁶
嘣嘣 bâng-bâng bēngbēng <ono.> sound of heart-beat.¹
气球嘣的一声破了[氣球嘣的一聲破了] hï-kiũ-bâng-ēik-yīt-sëin-pö-lēl
qìqiúbēngdeyīshēngpòle The balloon burst with a bang.⁶
我心里嘣嘣直跳[我心裡嘣嘣直跳] ngô-xïm-lī-bâng-bâng-jèik-hẽl
wǒxīnlibēngbēngzhítiào My heart is thumping.⁵
bang5 548
145 11 𧚭 bâng běng in a hurry.⁰  hasty; precipitate.²⁵
(composition: ⿰衤并; U+276AD).
bang5 549
9 8 𠈃
bāo bǎo (=保 bāo bǎo defend, protect; keep, maintain, preserve;  ensure, guarantee; stand guarantor; guarantor.⁵).²
(composition: ⿰亻⿱龴木; U+20203).
(See 保 bāo).
bao1 550
9 9 bāo bǎo protect; keep; ensure; stand guarantor; guarantor.⁹
(variant: 𠈃❄{⿰亻⿱龴木} bāo). (See 𠈃❄{⿰亻⿱龴木} bāo).
保持 bāo-chĩ
bǎochí to keep; to maintain; to preserve.
保济丸[保濟丸] bāo-däi-yõn
bǎojìwán Po Chai pills.
保荐[保薦] bāo-dëin
bǎojiàn to recommend (by somebody in responsible position).
保国安民[保國安民] bāo-gōk-ön-mĩn
bǎoguó'ānmín to guard the country so that the people can live in peace.
保管 bāo-gōn
bǎoguǎn to take care of; certainly; surely; warehouseman.
保险柜[保險櫃] bāo-hēm-gì
bǎoxiǎnguì safe; strongbox.⁶
保证[保證] bāo-jëin
bǎozhèng to guarantee; a guarantee.¹¹
保重 bāo-jùng
bǎozhòng to take care of oneself.
保留 bāo-liũ
bǎoliú continue to have, retain; hold back.⁵
or 保母 or 褓姆 or 褓母 bāo-mû bǎomǔ (children's) nurse; housekeeper.⁵
保安 bāo-ön
bǎo'ān to ensure public security; to ensure safety (for workers).
保守 bāo-siū
bǎoshǒu guard, keep; conservative.⁵
保存 bāo-tũn
bǎocún preserve; conserve; keep.⁵
保兑[保兌] bāo-uï
bǎoduì to confirm.⁶
保卫[保衛] bāo-vì
bǎowèi to defend, to safeguard; guard.
保护[保護] bāo-vù
bǎohù protect.
bao1 551
32 12 bāo bǎo fort; fortress.⁶ a fort, a small citadel, a battery.²⁴
暗堡 ām-bāo ànbǎo <mil.> bunker.¹⁰
堡坝[堡壩] bāo-bä
bǎobà beach barrier.⁹
堡礁 bāo-dël
bǎojiāo barrier reef.⁶
堡寨 bāo-jài
bǎozhài walled village.⁶ fort; fortress.¹⁰
堡障 bāo-jëng
bǎozhàng a militart post.²⁴
堡垒[堡壘] bāo-luî
bǎolěi fortress; bastion; stronghold.⁷
堡眼 bāo-ngān
bǎoyǎn crenel.⁹
碉堡 ël-bāo
diāobǎo blockhouse; pillbox; fortification.⁸ military watch tower for outpost.¹¹
地堡 ì-bāo
dìbǎo bunker; blockhouse; an underground shelter.⁹
桥头堡[橋頭堡] kẽl-hẽo-bāo
qiáotóubǎo <mil.> bridgehead; <archi.> bridge tower.⁵
城堡 sẽin-bāo
chéngbǎo castle.⁹
坞堡[塢堡] vü-bāo
wùbǎo or 坞壁[塢壁] vü-bēik wùbì a kind of civilian defensive structure.²⁰
(See 堡 [bāo, ], [bāo, ].)
bao1 552
32 12 bāo bǎo (=堡 bāo bǎo fort; fortress.⁶ a fort, a small citadel, a battery.²⁴).²
(composition: ⿰土保; U+5822).
(See 堡 bāo).
bao1 553
32 12 bāo town with city walls.
堡子 bāo-dū bǔzi <topo.> town/village surrounded by an earthen wall; village.⁵⁴
(See 堡 [bāo, bǎo], [bāo, ].)
bao1 554
32 12 bāo (used in names of places); alternate Mandarin reading for 堡 bāo bǎo).
堡坞[堡塢] bāo-vü
pùwù bunker, castle, earthen fort.¹⁹
柴沟堡[柴溝堡] Châi-këo-bāo
Cháigōupù in 河北省 Hõ-bāk sāng  Héběi shěng Hebei Province.⁸
吴堡县[吳堡縣] M̃-bāo-yòn
Wúpùxiàn in 陕西省[陝西省] Sēm-xäi sāng Shǎnxī shěng Shaanxi Province.⁸
十里堡 Sìp-lî-bāo
Shílǐpù in Beijing.⁹
(See 堡 [bāo, bǎo], [bāo, ].)
bao1 555
40 10 bāo bǎo ➀ (=宝[寶] bāo bǎo jewel; gem; treasure; precious.¹⁰).¹⁰²
➁ (=賲 bāo bǎo to have, to possess.³⁵ to have; grain storehouse.²⁵).¹⁰²
(composition: 宀呆; U+5BB2).
<又> sìt.
(See 宲 sìt).
bao1 556
40 13 bāo bǎo (<old>=宝[寶] bāo bǎo jewel; gem; treasure; precious.¹⁰); precious; rare; valuable; treasure; bullion; a jewel.⁸
(composition: ⿳宀王缶; U+5BDA).
(See 寶 bāo).
bao1 557
40 19 bāo bǎo (=宝[寶] bāo bǎo jewel; gem; treasure; precious.¹⁰)
(See 寶 bāo.)
bao1 558
40 20 bāo bǎo jewel; gem; treasure; precious.¹⁰
(variants: 寳 bāo, 宲 bāoˢᵉˢᵉ⁽¹⁾; old variant: 寚 bāo).
宝宝[寶寶] bāo-bāo
bǎobǎo darling; baby.⁵
宝贝[寶貝] bāo-böi
bǎobèi treasure; baby; darling; odd fish; love dearly.⁵⁵
宝贝疙瘩[寶貝疙瘩] bāo-böi-kēik-äp
bǎobèigēda (parents') darling; apple of somebody's eye.⁶
宝座[寶座] bāo-dò
bǎozuò throne.⁵
宝藏[寶藏] bāo-dòng
bǎozàng precious (mineral) deposits; <Budd.> the treasure of Buddha's law.¹⁰
宝库[寶庫] bāo-fü
bǎokù treasure-house; treasury; treasure-trove (often fig., book of treasured wisdom).¹⁰
宝剑[寶劍] bāo-gëm
bǎojiàn (precious) double-edged straight sword.⁶
宝贵[寶貴] bāo-gï
bǎoguì valuable; precious.⁵
宝塔[寶塔] bāo-hāp
bǎotǎ pagoda.⁵
宝蓝[寶藍] bāo-lãm
bǎolán sapphire blue.⁵
宝物[寶物] bāo-mùt
or bāo-mòt bǎowù treasure.⁵
宝玺[寶璽] bāo-xāi
bǎoxǐ imperial seal.⁵⁴
宝石[寶石] bāo-sêk
bǎoshí precious stone; gem.⁵
宝书[寶書] bāo-sï
bǎoshū treasured book.⁵
红宝石[紅寶石] hũng-bāo-sêk
hóngbǎoshí ruby.⁵
(See 寳 bāo, 宲 bāoˢᵉˢᵉ⁽¹⁾; old variant: 寚 bāo).
bao1 559
96 10 bāo bǎo (<old>=宝[寶] bāo bǎo jewel; gem; treasure; precious.¹⁰); treasure, jewel; precious, rare.⁸
(composition: ⿰⺩缶; U+73E4).
(See 寶 bāo).
bao1 560
120 15 bāo bǎo (=褓 bāo bǎo) swaddling.⁸
(composition: ⿰糹保; U+7DE5).
(See 褓 bāo.)
bao1 561
140 12 bāo bǎo <wr.> to reserve, to preserve; to conceal.⁸ dense foliage; to cover.¹⁰ <Taoist> the true, original, unspoiled character of man.¹¹  to keep, to preserve.¹¹ luxuriant foliage.¹⁴
葆葆 bāo-bāo bǎobǎo luxuriant growth.¹⁴
葆光 bāo-göng
bǎoguāng <wr.> to preserve light of original nature.¹¹  to contian light within oneself.¹⁴
葆真 bāo-jïn
bǎozhēn <wr.> to keep the original character.¹¹  to preserve light of original nature.¹¹
葆塞 bāo-söi
bǎosài frontier military station.¹⁴
翟葆 èik-bāo
díbǎo made of pheasant feather.¹¹
头如蓬葆[頭如蓬葆] hẽo-nguĩ-pũng-bāo
tóurúpéngbǎo head like a bramble bush.¹⁴
永葆青春 vêin-bāo-tëin-chün
yǒngbǎoqīngchūn forever retain one's youth; always retain one's youthful vitality/vigour; stay young forever.⁶
bao1 562
145 14 bāo bǎo swaddling cloth; infancy.⁸ swaddling.³⁶ (variant: 緥 bāo).
(composition: ⿰衤保; U+8913).
褓姆 or 褓母 or 保姆 or 保母 bāo-mû bǎomǔ (children's) nurse; housekeeper.⁵
襁褓 kẽng-bāo
qiǎngbǎo swaddling clothes or carrying band for an infant; infancy.⁷
襁褓中 kêng-bāo-jüng
qiǎngbǎozhōng be in one's infancy.⁵
(See 緥 bāo).
bao1 563
154 16 https://img.zdic.net/kai/cn/20018.svg
bāo bǎo to have/possess; grain storage; buyer/seller of merchandise.² to have; grain storehouse.²⁵ to have, to possess.³⁵
(composition: ⿱保貝; U+8CF2).
bao1 564
167 32 𨰻 bāo bǎo Used in personal names in Taiwan.³⁶ Pronounced 宝[寶] bāo bǎo or 玉 ngùk yù.² Possible meanings include 宝[寶] bāo bǎo treasure or 玉 ngùk jade.³⁶
<又> ngùk.
(See 𨰻 ngùk.)
bao1 565
184 13 bāo bǎo full, replete; satisfy; embezzle; fully, to the full; full, plump.⁶
大饱眼福[大飽眼福] ài-bāo-ngān-fūk dàbǎoyǎnfú have a feast for the eye; feast one's eyes on.⁶
饱嗝[飽嗝] bāo-gäk
bǎogé to burp.⁹
饱经风霜[飽經風霜] bāo-gëin-füng-söng 
bǎo jīng fēng shuāng  weather-beaten; having experienced the hardships of life.⁵
饱绽[飽綻] bāo-jàn
bǎozhàn to swell to bursting (after having eaten too much).¹⁰
饱食终日,无所用心.[飽食終日,無所用心.] bāo-sèik-jüng-ngìt, mũ-sō-yùng-xïm.
bǎoshízhōngrì, wúsuǒyòngxīn. to eat all day without exerting one's mind; to eat three square meals a day and do no work – live like a parasite; be well-fed and carefree.⁹
饱餐 bāo-tän
bǎocān eat one's fill, eat to one's heart's content, be replete/stuffed/gorged with food.⁶
饱餐秀色[飽餐秀色] bāo-tän-xiü-sēik
bǎocānxiùsè fully enjoy the beauty.⁵⁴
半饱[半飽] bön-bāo
bànbǎo be half full.⁶
吃饱喝足[吃飽喝足] hëk-bāo-höt-dūk
chībǎohēzú eat and drink one's full.⁵
吃饱了[吃飽了] hëk-bāo-lẽl
chībǎole to have had enough food; to be stuffed with food.⁷
bao1 566
187 14 bāo bǎo a horse of a dark gray color; an iron gray; some say a wall-eyed horse.²⁵ <old> horse with hairs that are black and white at the tips but red at the base.³⁶ horse with white spots.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰⿱匕十馬; U+99C2).
bao1 567
190 17 𩭍
bāo bǎo (=䯽 bāo, 䯽 fū, 䯽 pão) fine hair; beautiful hair, short hair, a coiffure with a topknot.⁸ hairy; beautiful hair; short hair.²⁵
(composition: ⿱髟否; U+29B4D).
<又> fū, pão. (See 䯽 bāo; 𩭍❄{⿱髟否} fū; 䯽 fū; 𩭍❄{⿱髟否} pão; 䯽 pão).
bao1 568
190 18 bāo bǎo fine hair; beautiful hair, short hair, a coiffure with a topknot.⁸ hairy; beautiful hair; short hair.²⁵
(composition: ⿱髟咅; U+4BFD).
<又> fū, pão. (See 𩭍❄{⿱髟否} bāo; 𩭍❄{⿱髟否} fū; 䯽 fū; 𩭍❄{⿱髟否} pão; 䯽 pão).
bao1 569
196 15 bāo bǎo bustard; <trad.> ageing prostitute; <trad.> procuress.⁶
鸨母[鴇母] bāo-mû bǎomǔ bawd; a woman running a brothel; procuress; madam.⁹
鸨鸟[鴇鳥] bāo-nêl
bǎoniǎo bustard.¹⁹
鸨儿[鴇兒] bāo-ngĩ
bǎo'ér prostitute; procuress.¹¹
老鸨[老鴇] lāo-bāo
lǎobǎo madam; procuress.⁸ a woman running a brothel; procuress.⁹
老鸨子[老鴇子] lāo-bāo-dū
lǎobǎozi a woman running a brothel; procuress.⁹
小鸨[小鴇] xēl-bāo
xiǎobǎo  (bird species of China) little bustard Tetrax tetrax.¹⁰ Otis tetrax.²⁰
小鸨新疆亚种[小鴇新疆亞種] xēl-bāo-xïn-gëng-ä-jūng
xiǎobǎo xīnjiāng yà zhǒng (Otis tetrax orientalis).²⁰
bao1 570
20 2 bäo bāo Kangxi radical 20; (<old>=包 bäo bāo wrap.⁸ It is commonly called 包字头[包字頭] bäo-dù-hẽo bāozìtóu
bao2 571
20 5 bäo bāo to wrap; package; bag; bundle; packet; Bao surname.
包庇 bäo-bï bāobì shield; harbor; cover up.⁵
包子 bäo-dū
bāozi steamed stuffed bun.¹⁰
包袱 bäo-fùk
bāofu bundle wrapped in cloth.⁷
包饺子[包餃子] bäo-gāo-dū
bāojiǎozi  wrap meat dumplings; <topo.> surround and annihilate.¹
包括 bäo-gāt
bāokuò to include; to incorporate.
包脚[包腳] bäo-gëk
bāojiǎo bind foot; footbinding.⁵⁴
包含 bäo-hẽim
bāohán to contain; to include.
包罗[包羅] bäo-lõ
bāoluó include; cover; embrace.⁵
包罗万象[包羅萬象] bäo-lõ-màn-dèng
bāoluówànxiàng all-inclusive.
or 苞米 bäo-māi bāomǐ <topo.> maize; corn.⁶
包围[包圍] bäo-vĩ
bāowéi to beseige, encircle, encompass, surround; to outflank.⁶
包围圈[包圍圈] bäo-vĩ-hūn
bāowéiquān ring of encirclement.⁶
包换[包換] bäo-vòn
bāohuàn to guarantee replacement of unsatisfactory goods.
包孕 bäo-yìn
bāoyùn (=包蕴[包蘊] bäo-vūn bāoyùn) contain; embody; include.⁶
<台> bäo/ steamed stuffed bun.
(See 包 bâo.)
bao2 572
32 12 bäo bào to repay; to recompense; to respond; reward; retribution; to report; to announce; a report; a newspaper.
报导[報導] bäo-ào bàodǎo to cover (report) news; news reporting; story; article.¹⁰
报酬[報酬] bäo-chiũ
bàochou reward; remuneration; pay.⁵
报出[報出] bäo-chūt
bàochū to report; to announce; to declare; to reply; to respond.
报复[報復] bäo-fùk
bàofu to avenge; to revenge; to retaliate; to report back (after investigation).⁷
报告[報告] bäo-gäo
bàogào to report; speech.
报警[報警] bäo-gēin
bàojǐng to report (an incident) to the police; to give alarm; to report emergency crisis.
报纸[報紙] bäo-jī
bàozhǐ newspaper; newsprint.⁵
报名[報名] bäo-mẽng
bàomíng to sign up; to enter one's name; to apply; to register; to enroll; to enlist.
报璞[報璞] bäo-pök
bàopú possess unrecognized talent.⁵⁴
报社[報社] bäo-sêh
bàoshè newspaper office.
报偿[報償] bäo-sẽng
bàocháng to repay; to recompense.
报仇[報仇] bäo-siũ
bàochóu revenge; avenge.⁵
报仇雪恨[報仇雪恨] bäo-siũ-xūt-hàn
bàochóuxuěhèn avenge oneself; take revenge; pay off old scores.⁶
报应[報應] bäo-yëin
bàoyìng <rel.> retribution; judgment.
bao2 573
39 8 bäo bāo 孢子 or 胞子 bäo-dū bāozǐ <bot.> spore.⁵
孢子花粉分析 bäo-dū-fä-fūn-fün-xēik
bāozǐhuāfěnfēnxi spore pollen analysis.¹⁹
孢子体[孢子體] bäo-dū-hāi
bāozitǐ sporophyte.⁵
孢粉 bäo-fūn
bāofěn spore and pollen.⁶
孢粉学[孢粉學] bäo-fūn-hòk
bāofěnxué palynology.⁶
孢原 bäo-ngũn
bāoyuán archespore.¹⁰
孢囊 bäo-nõng
bāonáng sporangiocyst; spore sac; theca; sporocyst.¹⁹
孢丝[孢絲] bäo-xü
bāosī capillitium.¹⁰
芽孢 ngã-bäo
yábāo gemma of a fungus; sorus.⁸
内孢子[內孢子] nuì-bäo-dū
nèibāozǐ endospore.¹⁰
bao2 574
86 9 bäo bāo quick-fry, sauté; dry by heat.⁵ to roast or bake; to dry by heat.⁷
(composition: ⿰火包; U+70AE).
炮干[炮乾] bäo-gön bāogān to dry by heat.⁰
炮牛肉 bäo-ngẽo-ngùk
bāoniúròu quick-dried beef.⁶
炮肉 bäo-ngùk
bāoròu roasted meat; to roast or barbecue meat.⁷
炮羊肉 bäo-yẽng-ngùk
bāoyángròu quick-fried mutton.⁵
湿衣服搁在热坑上,一会儿就炮干了.[濕衣服擱在熱坑上,一會兒就炮乾了.] sīp-yï-fùk-gök-dòi-ngèik-häng-sèng, yīt-vòi-ngĩ-diù-bäo-gön-lēl
shīyīfu gēzàirèkēngshàng, yíhuìr jiù bāogān le Put the damp clothes on a hot kang and they'll soon dry.⁵
<又> päo; pão.
(See 炮 päo; 炮 pão).
bao2 575
86 9 bäo bāo  (=炮 bäo bāo) quick-fry, sauté; dry by heat.⁵ to roast or bake; to dry by heat.⁷
(composition: ⿱包灬; U+70B0).
<又> pão; fèo.
(See 炰 pão; 炰 fèo).
bao2 576
86 13 bäo bāo (deep) cooking pot; cooker; to cook in such a pot on slow fire; stew.⁶
电饭煲[電飯煲] èin-fàn-bäo diànfànbāo electric rice cooker.⁶
铜煲[銅煲] hũng-bäo
tóngbāo copper pot.⁶
瓦煲 ngā-bäo wǎbāo earthenware pot.⁶
<台> 煲 bäo to boil (in a kettle).
<台> 煲 bäo/ a kettle.
<台> 煲茶 bäo-chã decoct Chinese medicine.
<台> 煲仔饭[煲仔飯] bäo-dōi-fàn clay pot rice.
<台> 煲粥 bäo-jūk to cook congee.
<台> 煲水 bäo-suī to boil water (in a kettle).
<台> 咸鱼鸡粒茄子煲[鹹魚雞粒茄子煲] hãm-nguî-gäi-līp-kêh-dū-bäo salted fish and chicken with eggplant casserole.
bao2 577
86 19 bäo bào explode, burst; quick-fry, quick-boil.⁵
爆出 bäo-chūt bàochū break/burst out; explode.⁵⁴
爆发[爆發] bäo-fāt
bàofā erupt; burst out; break out.⁵
爆管 bäo-gōn
bàoguǎn cartridge igniter.⁵
爆谷[爆穀] bäo-gūk
bàogǔ (also called 爆米花 bäo-māi-fä bàomǐhuā²³) puffed rice; popcorn.⁶
爆炸 bäo-jä
bàozhà to blow up, explode, burst, detonate.⁶
爆仗 bäo-jèng
bàozhàng firecrackers.⁷
爆冷门[爆冷門] bäo-lâng-mõn
bàolěngmén produce a dark horse/long-shot/surprise/unexpected winner.⁶
爆裂 bäo-lëik
bàoliè burst; crack.⁵
爆米花 bäo-māi-fä
bàomǐhuā puffed rice; (=爆玉米花 bäo-ngùk-māi-fä bàoyùmǐhuā) popcorn.⁶
爆满[爆滿] bäo-mōn
bàomǎn have a full house; be packed up; be filled to capacity.⁶
爆乳 bäo-nguî
bàorǔ large breasts (slang).¹⁰
爆破 bäo-pö
bàopò blow up; demolish; dynamite; blast.⁵
爆肚 bäo-ū
bàodǔ quick-scalded tripe; quick-fried tripe.⁸
爆性 bäo-xëin
bàoxìng quick-tempered; hot-tempered.⁷
爆笑 bäo-xël
bàoxiào to burst out laughing; hilarious; burst of laughter.¹⁰
爆音 bäo-yïm
bàoyīn sonic boom; shock-wave noise.⁵
<又> päo.
(See 爆 päo.)
bao2 578
94 8 bäo páo (=麅 bäo páo) species of deer found in north China.⁸
狍子 bäo-dū páozi a roe deer.⁸ roe deer; Capreolus pygargus.⁹ siberian roe deer; Capreolus pygargus.¹⁰
东方狍[東方狍] üng-föng-bäo
dōngfāngpáo siberian roe deer; Capreolus pygargus.¹⁰
西方狍 xäi-föng-bäo
xīfāngpáo roe deer; Capreolus capreolus.¹⁰
(See 麅 bäo.)
bao2 579
118 11 bäo bāo (=苞 bäo bāo bulrush; root or stem of plants).³⁶ a kind of bamboo mentioned in ancient books.⁸ʼ¹⁹ a species of bamboo, the shoots of which come forth in the winter.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗包; U+7B23).
陀笣竹 hõ-bäo-jūk
tuóbāozhú name of a type of bamboo.¹³
(See 苞 bäo).
bao2 580
130 9 bäo bāo the placenta; children of the same parents.⁷
胞弟 bäo-ài bāodì younger brother of the same mother.¹¹
or 孢子 bäo-dū bāozǐ <bot.> spore.⁵
胞宫[胞宮] bäo-güng
bāogōng <Ch. med.> uterus.⁵⁴
胞兄 bäo-hëin
bāoxiōng elder brother of the same mother.¹¹
胞兄弟 bäo-hëin-ài
bāoxiōngdì brothers by same parents.⁷
胞妹 bäo-môi
bāomèi younger sister by blood; full younger sister.⁶
胞藻 bäo-täo
bāozǎo algae.¹⁰
胞衣 bäo-yï
bāoyī the placenta.⁷
同胞 hũng-bäo
tóngbāo fellow countryman, common term for compatriots.¹¹
bao2 581
140 8 bäo bāo a kind of rush, used for mats; bud; flower calyx; <wr.> luxuriant; profuse; thick (growth). (variant: 笣 bäo bāo).
(composition: ⿱艹包; U+82DE).
扒苞米 bä-bäo-māi
bābāomi <topo.> husk corn.
苞稹 bäo-chīn
bāozhěn growing in a bush; thickly planted.²⁵
苞虫[苞蟲] bäo-chũng
bāochóng insect parasite harmful to rice plants.
苞苴 bäo-duï
bāojū bribes (wrapped up in a bundle).¹¹
or 包穀 bäo-gūk bāogǔ <topo.> corn; maize.³⁶
苞稂 bäo-lõng
bāoláng <wr.> wild bush, undergrowth.¹¹
or 包米 bäo-māi bāomǐ <topo.> maize; corn.⁶
苞片 bäo-pëin
bāopiàn <bot.> bract.³⁶
苞桑 bäo-xông
bāosāng <old> deep-rooted; ingrained; inveterate; <old> the roots of a mulberry tree.³⁶
苞桑戒 bäo-xông-gäi
bāosāngjiè <old> an admonition that is firmly rooted in one's psyche .³⁶
苞叶[苞葉] bäo-yêp
bāoyè <bot.> bract.³⁶
花苞 fä-bäo
huābāo bud; calyx.
含苞 hẽim-bäo
hánbāo <wr.> to be in bud.
含苞待放 hẽim-bäo
-òi-föng hánbāodàifàng to be in bud.
竹苞松茂 jūk-bäo-tũng-mào
zhúbāosōngmào <wr.> symbolizing prosperity of family.¹¹
(See 笣 bäo).
bao2 582
142 11 bäo bào (<old>=鲍[鮑] bäo bào) abalone; <wr.> salted fish.⁷
(See 鮑 bäo).
bao2 583
145 12 bäo póu to collect, to gather, to scrape together; to reduce, to deduct.⁷
裒聚 bäo-duì or pão-duì póujù to gather together.¹⁴
裒敛[裒斂] bäo-lêm
or pão-lêm póuliǎn <wr.> amass wealth by extortion; exploit the people.⁶ to exploit (the people); to amass (a fortune).⁷
裒辑[裒輯] bäo-tīp
or pão-tīp póují <wr.> collect and edit.¹¹
裒多益寡 bäo-ü-yēik-gā
or pão-ü-yēik-gā póuduōyìguǎ to collect from the rich and benefit the poor.⁷ to take from the surplus to supply the deficit.¹⁴
<又> pão.
(See 裒 pão.)
bao2 584
145 15 bäo bāo to praise; to commend; to honor; large and loose (of clothes).¹⁰ (variant: 襃 bäo bāo).
褒贬[褒貶] bäo-bēin
bāobiǎn pass judgement on; appraise.⁵
褒贬[褒貶] bäo-bēin
bāobian speak ill of; cry down.⁵ (confer 襃貶] bäo-bēin).
褒呔 bäo-dāi
bāotāi <loan> <Cant.> bow tie.
褒奖[褒獎] bäo-dēng
bāojiǎng to praise and award.
褒赉[褒賚] bäo-lòi
or bäo-lõi bāolài <wr.> commend and reward.⁵⁴
褒义[褒義] bäo-ngì
bāoyì commendatory; positive connotation.
褒姒 Bäo Xû
Bāosì Baosi, concubine of 周幽王 [Jiü Yiü Võng Zhōu Yōu Wáng King You of Zhou (795-771 BC), last king of 西周 Xäi Jiü Xīzhōu Western Zhou (1027-771 BC)] and one of the famous Chinese beauties.¹⁰
褒扬[褒揚] bäo-yẽng
bāoyáng to praise.
褒衣博带[褒衣博帶] bäo-yï-bōk-äi
bāoyībódài <wr.> dress of an ancient scholar.
落褒贬[[落褒貶] lòk-bäo-bēin
luòbāobian to receive criticism.¹¹
(See 襃 bäo).
bao2 585
145 17 bäo bāo (=褒 bäo bāo to praise; to commend; to honor;  (of clothes) large and loose.¹⁰); commend, honor, cite.⁸ to set off the beauties of anything, to admire; Bao surname.²⁵ long robes, such as the sovereign gives; to set off the beauties of, to admire; commendable, illustrious, serene.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿳亠⿰𠀉呆𧘇 or ⿳亠⿰⿷⿱丿丄一呆𧘇; U+8943).
襃大其君 bäo-ài-kĩ-gün
bāodàqíjūn to magnify and extol one's prince.²⁵
襃拜 bäo-bäi
bāobài to make obeisane by falling down at a perosn's knee.²⁵ to salute again, to show double respect.¹⁰²
襃贬[襃貶] bäo-bēin
bāobiǎn to praise and blame.²⁵ (confer 褒貶] bäo-bēin).
襃奖[襃獎] bäo-dēng bāojiǎng to extol, to magnify.¹⁰²
襃中 bäo-jüng
bāozhōng the name of a district.²⁵
襃明 bäo-mẽin
bāomíng a long robe.²⁵
襃美 bäo-mî
bāoměi to extol, to magnify.¹⁰²
襃斜 bäo-tẽh
bāoxié the name of a valley.²⁵
襃衣 bäo-yï bāoyī a coat with a long tail.²⁵
一字之襃荣于华衮[一字之襃榮於華袞] yīt-dù-jï-bäo-vẽin-yï-vã-gūn
yīzìzhībāo róngyúhuágǔn one word of (Confucius') commendation was more honorable than an embroidered robe.¹⁰²
(See 褒 bäo).
bao2 586
153 10 bäo bào leopard (Panthera pardus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰ Bao surname.⁷
豹子 bäo-dū
bàozi a leopard; a panther; a kind of wildcat.⁷
豹略 bäo-lèk
bàolüè a military commander; generalship; military strategy and tactics.⁷
豹猫[豹貓] bäo-miū
bàomāo leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
豹死留皮 bäo-xī-liũ-pĩ
bàosǐliúpí lit. A leopard leaves its skin when it dies – A man has a reputation to leave to posterity when he dies.⁷
豹隐[豹隱] bäo-yîn
bàoyǐn to live in retirement; to lead the life of a hermit.⁷
金钱豹[金錢豹] gïm-tẽin-bäo
jīnqiánbào leopard.⁶
黑豹 hāk-bäo
hēibào black panther: in Asia and Africa are leopards (Panthera pardus); in the Americas are black jaguars (Panthera onca).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
海豹 hōi-bäo
hǎibào earless seals, phocids or true seals; sometimes crawling seals of the family Phocidae.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
美洲豹 mî-jiü-bäo
měizhōubào or 美洲虎 mî-jiü-fū měizhōuhǔ jaguar (Panthera onca).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
云豹[雲豹] vũn-bäo
yúnbào clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
雪豹 xūt-bäo
xuěbào snow leopard or ounce (Panthera uncia).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
bao2 587
157 10 bäo bào to jump, (of water) to spring up in large quantity.⁹ to spring forth (associated with names of famous springs).¹¹ strike, the sound of the foot striking against something; the feet even; a trace, a footstep; to jump and leap.²⁵
趵突泉 bäo-ùt-tũn bàotūquán Spouting Spring; Baotu Spring, a famous spring in Jinan (济南[濟南] Däi-nãm Jǐnán), Shandong (山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng), China.¹⁰
bao2 588
195 16 bäo bào abalone; <wr.> salted fish; Bao surname.⁷ (variant: 蚫 bäo).
(comp. t: ⿰魚包; U+9B91). (comp. s: ⿰鱼包; U+9C8D).
鲍文玉[鮑文玉] bäo-mũn-ngùk
bàowényù bowenite.⁶
鲍鱼[鮑魚] bäo-nguĩ
bàoyú abalone; <wr.> salted fish.⁵ haliotis, common names: abalone, ormer, formerly called 鳆, 鰒魚, 海耳, aka 鏡面魚, 九孔螺, 明目魚.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鲍鱼之肆[鮑魚之肆] bäo-nguĩ-jï-xü
bàoyúzhīsì shop of salted fish; market of fish; evil; objectionable environment to which one becomes accustomed after long exposure.⁶
管鲍[管鮑] Gōn-Bäo
Guǎn-Bào Guan Zhong (管仲 Gōn Jùng Guǎn Zhòng) and Bao Shuya (鲍叔牙[鮑叔牙] Bäo Sūk-ngã Bào Shūyá) of the Warring States era.⁷
管鲍分金[管鮑分金] gōn-bäo-fün-gïm
guǎnbàofēnjīn a friendship so close as to make no distinction between each other's wealth.⁷
如入鲍鱼之肆,久而不闻其臭[如入鮑魚之肆,久而不聞其臭] nguĩ-yìp-bäo-nguĩ-jï-xü, giū-būt-mũn-kĩ-chiü
rúrùbàoyúzhīsì, jiǔérbùwénqíchòu It's like staying in a fish market and getting used to the stink – long exposure to a bad environment accustoms one to evil ways.⁵
(See 蚫 bäo).
bao2 589
198 鹿 15 bäo páo ➀ (=狍 bäo páo or 麅 bäo páo a small spotted deer found in north China.⁸); small spotted deer; roe.⁸  ➁ beard/awn of an ear of grain.⁸ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿸鹿灬; U+9E83).
豺狼逐野麃 chãi-lõng-jùk-yêh-bäo
cháiláng zhú yěpáo jackals and wolves chasing wild spotted deer.¹⁹
<又> bël.
(See 麃 bël).
bao2 590
198 鹿 16 bäo páo (=狍 bäo páo) a small spotted deer found in north China.⁸
麅鹿 bäo-lùk
páolù the roebuck.¹⁴
(See 狍 bäo.)
bao2 591
39 14 bào (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 孵 bù to hatch, to incubate.)
<又> bù, fũ.
(See 孵  bù, fũ..)
bao4 592
72 15 bào bào violent, brutal, tyrannical; Bao surname.⁸ (variant: 虣 bào.)
暴病 bào-bèng bàobìng sudden attack of a serious illness.⁵
暴殄天物 bào-chīn-hëin-mùt
or  bào-hēin-hëin-mòt bàotiǎntiānwù a reckless waste of grain, etc.⁵
暴卒 bào-dūt
bàozú die all of a sudden.¹¹
暴发[暴發] bào-fät
bàofā break out; suddenly become rich or important.⁵
暴风[暴風] bào-füng
bàofēng a storm; a tempest.⁷
暴君 bào-gün
bàojūn tyrant; despot.⁸
暴投 bào-hẽo
bàotóu <baseball> a wild pitch.⁷
暴徒 bào-hũ
bàotú ruffian; thug.⁵
暴政 bào-jëin
bàozhèng tyranny; despotic rule.⁵
暴力 bào-lèik
bàolì violence; force.⁵
暴利 bào-lì
bàolì sudden huge profits.⁵
暴乱[暴亂] bào-lòn
bàoluàn riot; rebellion; revolt.⁵
暴雷 bào-luĩ
bàoléi violent thunderclaps.⁵
暴饮暴食[暴飲暴食] bào-ngīm-bào-sèik
bàoyǐnbàoshí eat and drink too much at one meal.⁵
暴脾气[暴脾氣] bào-pĩ-hï
bàopíqi a hot temper.⁷
暴躁 bào-täo
bàozào irascible; irritable.⁵
暴动[暴動] bào-ùng
bàodòng insurrection, rebellion.⁵
暴雨 bào-yî
bàoyǔ torrential rain; rainstorm.⁵
<台>生暴 säng-bào
strange; unfamiliar.
<又> bùk.
(See 暴 bùk, 曝 bào, 曝 bùk; 虣 bào.)
bao4 593
72 19 bào bào 曝光 bào-göng bàoguāng make public, expose, lay bare; (photography) expose.⁶ (See 曝光 bùk-göng.)
曝光表 bào-göng-bēl
bàoguāngbiǎo (photography) exposure meter.⁶
曝光计[曝光計] bào-göng-gäi
bàoguāngjì photometer.⁹
曝光指数[曝光指數] bào-göng-jī-sü
bàoguāngzhǐshù (photography) exposure index.⁶
<又> bùk.
(See 暴 bào, 暴 bùk, 曝 bùk.)
bao4 594
85 18 bào bào a pouring rain which comes all of a sudden; a sudden shower.⁷
瀑河 Bào-hõ Bàohé (river in 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng Henan Province).⁴
瀑雨 bào-yî
bàoyǔ torrentail rain.¹¹
<又> bùk.
(See 瀑 bùk.)
bao4 595
141 16 bào bào cruel, passionate; a scorching heat; sudden, abrupt.¹⁴
(See 暴 bào.)
bao4 596
157 22 𨇅
bào bào walking about.²⁴ in a hurry.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰⻊暴; U+281C5).
bao4 597
211 20 bào bāo projecting teeth.¹⁴
龅牙[齙牙] bào-ngã bāoyá bucktooth.⁶
bao4 598
20 5 bâo bāo <台> 一包 yīt-bâo one bag, one packet.
<台> 打包 ā-bâo/ doggie bag.
(See 包 bäo.)
bao5 599
9 4 bāt Ba surname.²ʼ⁸
(composition: ⿰亻八; U+4EC8).
bat1 600
12 2 bāt Kangxi radical 12; eight.
八字 bāt-dù bāzì the character for eight; birthdate characters used in fortune-telling.
八字脚[八字腳] bāt-dù-gëk/
bāzìjiǎo splayfoot.
八字帖 bāt-dù-hēp
bāzìtiě <trad.> eight-character paper exchanged at betrothal ceremony in arranged marriages (stating birth information of the betrothed boy or girl expressed in eight Chinese characters).⁶
八极拳[八極拳] bāt-gèik-kũn
bājíquán Bajiquan "Eight Extremes Fist" –  Martial Art.¹⁰
八九不离十[八九不離十] bāt-giū-būt-lĩ-sìp
bājiǔbùlíshí about right; be not far out; be pretty close; be very near.⁸
八角 bāt-gôk
bājiǎo anise; star anise.
八角鼓 bāt-gôk-gū
bājiǎogǔ a small octagonal drum; <thea.> a form of folk entertainment.
八仙 Bāt-xëin
or Bät-xëin Bāxiān <Dao> Eight Immortals.⁶
八仙过海[八仙過海] Bāt-xëin-gö-hōi
or Bät-xëin-gö-hōi Bāxiān guòhǎi The Eight Immortals crossing the sea.⁶
八夤 bāt-yĩn
bāyín the regions beyond the 九州 Giū-Jiü Jiǔzhōu Jiuzhou, or bounds of ancient China.¹⁴
<台> 八仙台[八仙檯]
or 八仙枱[八仙檯] Bāt-xëin-hôi/ octagonal table.

bat1 601
75 9 bāt a wooden stick.⁸
(composition: ⿰木犮; U+67ED).
<又> bèik; bòk; fūt; pòi. (See 柭 bèik; 柭 bòk; 柭 fūt; 柭 pòi).

bat1 602
3 2 bät component variant of 八 bät eight.
(composition: ⿰丶丿; U+4E37).
(See 八 bä).
bat2 603
12 2 bät eight.⁵ (See 捌 bät).
八宝[八寶] bät-bāo
bābǎo eight treasures (ingredients of certain dishes).
八宝粥[八寶粥] bät-bāo-jūk
bābǎozhōu mixed congee.²³
八八六十四 bät-bät-lùk-sìp-xï
bābāliùshísì 8 times 8 equals 64.
八骏[八駿] bät-dün
bājùn eight legendary horses of King Mu of Zhou (周穆王 Jiü Mùk Võng Zhōu Mù Wáng).¹¹
八卦 Bät-gä
Bāguà Eight Trigrams (see 八卦 bät-gä under 卦 gä); to gossip.
八戒 bät-gäi
bājiè <Buddhisim> the first eight of the Ten Prohibitions.
八九不离十[八九不離十] bät-giū-būt-lĩ-sìp
bājiǔbùlíshí  <topo.> quite close; about right.
八抬大轿[八抬大轎] bāt-hõi-ài-gèl
bātáidàjiào large sedan chair carried by eight people.¹⁴
八爪鱼[八爪魚] bät-jāo-nguĩ
bāzhuǎyú octopus.¹¹
八旗 Bät-kĩ
Bāqí "Eight Banners" (military administrative system of the Man nationality).⁶
八棱 bät-lẽin
bāléng an octagon; something of irregular shape.⁵⁴
八面玲珑[八面玲瓏] bāt-mèin-lẽin-lũng
bāmiànlínglóng be smooth and slick (in establishing social relations).⁵

bat2 604
64 10 bät eight (used for 八 bät on checks, financial records).
yīt ngì xäm xï m̄ lùk tīt bät giū sìp
yī'èrsānsìwǔlùqībājiǔshí numbers 1 to 10 (used on checks for security purposes) same as 一二三四五六七八九十.
bat2 605
29 5 bàt (=犮 bàt to prick a dog to make him go).⁸ (=犮 bàt the appearance or shape of a dog running).³⁶
(composition: ⿱丿友; U+53D0).
(See 犮 bàt).
bat4 606
64 8 bàt ➀ pull out, uproot ➁ promote ➂ outstanding ➃ attack and take a city, capture ➄ elevation; above sea level.⁷
(old variant: 𣐪❄{⿰木⿱丿友} bàt ). (See 𣐪❄{⿰木⿱丿友} bàt; 揘 vẽin).
拔刀相向 bàt-äo-xëng-hëng
bádāoxiāngxiàng to pull a knife on somebody.
拔帜[拔幟] bàt-chï
bázhì to pull up the enemy's flag.¹⁴
拔出 bàt-chūt
báchū to extract; to pull/draw out.
拔掉 bàt-èl
bádiào to pluck, to pull out, to unplug.
拔起 bàt-hī
báqǐ to pull out or up; to remove.
拔擢 bàt-jòk
bázhuó <wr.> to select and promote the best.¹¹
拔茅连茹[拔茅連茹] bàt-mão-lẽin-nguĩ
bámáoliánrú promoting persons who bring along their associates.¹  lit. to pull up a plant and the roots follow (idiom); fig. also involving others; inextricably tangled together; Invite one and he'll tell all his friends.¹⁰
拔牙 bàt-ngã
báyá to extract teeth.
拔城 bàt-sẽin
báchéng to capture a city.
拔草 bàt-tāo
bácǎo pull up weeds.
拔萃 bàt-xuì
bácuì <wr.> to stand out from one's fellows; outstanding among the select best.⁹  <trad.> high level examination for official candidacy.⁹
出类拔萃[出類拔萃] chūt-luì-bàt-xuì
chūlèibácuì be head and shoulders above others; stand out among others.¹¹

bat4 607
75 9 𣐪
bàt (=拔 bàt ➀ pull out, uproot ➁ promote ➂ outstanding ➃ attack and take a city, capture ➄ elevation; above sea level.⁷).⁸
(composition: ⿰木⿱丿友; U+2342A).
(See 拔 bàt).
bat4 608
94 5 bàt the appearance or shape of a dog running; alternative form of 跋 bàt (“to step on”); alternative form of 拔 bàt (“to pull off”).³⁶ (Note: Distinguish this character 犮 bàt from 发, the simplified form of 發 fāt or fät and 髮 fāt ).
(composition: ⿺友丶(G) or ⿻犬丿(HTJK); U+72AE).
(See 𡗜❄{⿻大丷} bòt; 跋 bàt; 拔 bàt).
bat4 609
140 8 bàt <wr.> grass root; dwelling.
茇舍 bàt-sëh báshè huts whose roof is covered with grass roots.
荜茇[蓽茇] bīt-bàt
bìbō another name for 荜拨[蓽撥] bīt-bòt bìbō <TCM> long pepper.¹⁹
bat4 610
140 11 bàt smilax china.¹⁰
菝葜 bàt-hät báqiā bullbrier; smilax china; chinaroot greenbrier.⁹
洋菝葜 yẽng-bàt-hät
yángbáqiā sarsaparilla; sarsa; Smilax lanceaefolia; Smilax medica.¹⁹
bat4 611
157 12 bàt walk/trek in the mountains; postscript (to a book).⁶
跋扈 bàt-fù báhù to be rampant in defiance of authority.⁷ (of local rulers, commanders) recalcitrant.¹¹ <lit.> bossy; domineering; overbearing.³⁶
跋踬[跋躓] bàt-jï
bázhì <wr.> setback; dilemma; obstacle.⁶
跋文 bàt-mũn
báwén a postscript to a book.⁷
跋山涉水 bàt-sän-sèp-suī
báshānshèshuǐ scale mountains and wade streams – travel afar over difficult terrain.⁶
跋涉 bàt-sêp
báshè to travel over land and water; to trudge; to trek; to wade.⁷
跋涉劳苦[跋涉勞苦] bàt-sêp-lão-fū
báshèláokǔ hardships of travel.¹⁴
跋涉山川 bàt-sêp-sän-chün
báshèshānchuān to travel by climbing up hills and wading across rivers.⁷
跋前踬后[跋前躓後] bàt-tẽin-jï-hèo
báqiánzhìhòu (of an aged wolf) to either step on the pouchy flesh under the chin (while going forward) or to trip over the tail (while dropping back): broadly: to be in a dilemma.⁹
跋前疐后[跋前疐後] bàt-tẽin-jï-hèo
báqiánzhìhòu be in a dilemma; encounter obstacles both ahead and behind; be caught between difficulties; be between two fires.⁶
序跋 duì-bàt
xù-bá preface and postscript.⁵
bat4 612
159 12 bàt sacrifice.⁸ a sacrifice offered when about to go aboard.²⁵ sacrifice to the spirit of the roads (performed before a difficult journey).⁵⁴ a sacrifice offered to the gods of the road at starting on a journey, where the roads cross.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰車犮; U+8EF7).
軷壤 bàt-ngẽng bárǎng sacrifice altar to the road spirit.²⁵
取羝以軷 tuī-āi-yî-bàt
qǔ dī yǐ bá to take a sheep and sacrifice to the god of the road; to travel over the hills.²⁵ to take a ram and perform the sacrifice to the road guardians.¹⁰² We sacrifice a ram to the Spirit of the path.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·生民之什·生民·7》, translated by James Legge).
bat4 613
194 14 bàt the drought demon.¹⁴
旱魃 hön-bàt or hôn-bàt hànbá demon of drought (monster in Chinese legend, which causes drought); drought.⁶
旱魃为虐[旱魃爲虐] hön-bàt-vĩ-ngèk
or hôn-bàt-vĩ-ngèk hànbáwèinüè the drought demon is very cruel.¹⁴
bat4 614
195 16 bàt Spanish mackerel.⁶ the bonito.¹⁴
鲅鱼[鮁魚] bàt-nguĩ bàyú another name for 马鲛属 [馬鮫屬] mâ-gäo-sùk mǎjiāoshǔ Spanish mackerel.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
bat4 615
208 18 bàt a fat rat; the skin is good for making clothes; it is very warm and impervious to wet.²⁵
鼧鼥 hõ-bàt tuóbá an ancient name for marmot.⁵ the marmot found in Manchuria and Mongolia; aka 土拨鼠 [土撥鼠] hū-bòt-sī tǔbōshǔ.¹⁴ (=旱獭[旱獺] hön-chât/ or hôn-chât/ hàntǎ) marmot; aka 土拨鼠.²³ an animal of the mouse kind, found in the west; perhaps the beaver, it burrows in the ground, and in form, resembles the otter; the Tartars call it 答剌不花 āp-lā-būt-fä dálàbùhuā.²⁵
bat4 616
30 11 bēh beer.¹⁰
啤酒 bēh-diū píjiǔ <loan> beer.¹⁰
啤酒厂[啤酒廠] bēh-diū-chōng
píjiǔchǎng brewery.¹⁰
扎啤 jät-bēh
zhāpí draught beer.¹⁰
生啤 säng-bēh
shēngpí draft beer; unpasteurized beer.¹⁰
beh1 617
39 10 bêh miē <台> 孭 bêh traditionally to carry something or somebody on one's back.
<台> 孭带[孭帶] bêh-âi a carrier, traditionally made of cloth especially for carrying babies on one's back.
<台> 孭仔 bêh-dōi to carry one's son on one's back traditionally.
<又> mêh. (See 孭 mêh.)
beh5 618
130 9 bêh bēi 背带[背帶] bêh-âi/ bēidài braces, suspenders; sling (for a rifle), straps (for a knapsack).⁵
<台> 背带[背帶] bêh-âi/ long piece of cloth for carrying a baby on a woman's back.
(See <台> 孭带[孭帶] bêh-âi).
<又> böi.
(See 背 [böi, bèi], [böi, bēi].)
beh5 619
9 11 bēik (=逼 bēik ) to compel; to pressure.¹⁰
(See 逼 bēik.)
beik1 620
32 12 bēik a lump of earth.⁸ʼ²⁴
(composition: ⿰土畐; U+581B).
beik1 621
32 16 bēik wall; cliff; rampart; breastwork; Bi Surname.⁵⁴
壁灯[壁燈] bēik-äng bìdēng wall lamp.⁸
壁报[壁報] bēik-bäo
bìbào wall newspaper.⁸
壁橱[壁櫥] bēik-chuĩ
bìchú a built-in wardrobe or cupboard; closet.¹⁰
壁毯 bēik-dëin
bìtǎn tapestry (used as a wall hanging).⁵
壁虎 bēik-fū
bìhǔ gecko; house lizard.⁸
壁架 bēik-gä
bìjià ledge; wall-projected shelf.⁵⁴
壁柜[壁櫃] bēik-gì
bìguì closet.⁸
壁挂[壁掛] bēik-kä
bìguà wall hanging.¹⁰
壁立千仞 bēik-lìp-tëin-yìn
bìlìqiānrèn <wr.> (of mountain cliffs) towering sky-high.¹¹
壁炉[壁爐] bēik-lũ
bìlú a fireplace.⁷
壁垒分明[壁壘分明] bēik-luî-fün-mẽin
bìlěifēnmíng with sides clearly drawn, issues clearly stated.¹¹
壁垒森严[壁壘森嚴] bēik-luî-sẽim-ngẽm
bìlěisēnyán an unassailable stronghold, closely guarded; with a clear-cut line of demarcation, sharply divided.⁷
壁癌 bēik-ngãm
bì'ái persistent mold on the wall; efflorescence.¹⁰
壁虱 bēik-sēt
bìshī tick; <topo.> bedbug.⁸
壁画[壁畫] bēik-và
bìhuà mural; fresco.⁸
一壁 yīt-bēik
yībì one side; at the same time.¹⁰
beik1 622
54 7 bēik (=迫 bēik ) compel, force, press; urgent, pressing; approach, go towards.⁵
(See 迫 [bēik, ].)
beik1 623
61 5 bēik certainly, surely; must, have to.
(composition: ⿻心丿; U+5FC5).
必得 bēik-āk bìděi must; have to.¹
必将[必將] bēik-dëng
bìjiāng inevitably.¹⁰
必定 bēik-èin
bìdìng certainly, surely.
必恭必敬 bēik-güng-bēik-gëin
bìgōngbìjìng extremely deferential.
必需 bēik-xuï
bìxū essential; indispensible.⁵
必须 bēik-xuï
bìxū must, have to.⁵
必要 bēik-yël
bìyào necessary; indispensable; need.
不必 būt-bēik
bùbì need not; not have to.
何必 hõ-bēik
hébì why should? there is no need.
未必 mì-bēik
wèibì may not; not necessarily.
beik1 624
61 12 bēik perverse; self-willed; obstinate; stubborn.⁷
愎谏[愎諫] bēik-gän bìjiàn <wr.> deaf to remonstrances.⁷
刚愎[剛愎] göng-bēik
gāngbì stubborn; perverse; unbending; wilful; intractable.⁶
刚愎自用[剛愎自用] göng-bēik-dù-yùng
gāngbìzìyòng self-willed; headstrong; opinionated; opinionative.⁶
beik1 625
61 12 bēik sincere, honest; melancholy, depressed.⁷ a sincere intention.²⁴
愊抑 bēik-yēik bìyì depressed.¹¹
or 腷臆 bēik-yēik bìyì <wr.> gloomy; depressed.⁶
悃愊 gūn-bēik
or kūn-bēik kǔnbì <wr.> utterly or completely sincere.⁶ in earnest, aroused to action; also vexed.²⁴
悃愊无华[悃愊無華] gūn-bēik-mũ-vã
or kūn-bēik-mũ-vã kǔnbìwúhuá <wr.> in good/real earnest; sincere and honest; honest and simple.⁶ <wr.> sincere and honest.¹⁹
beik1 626
64 8 bēik to give a playful blow; to strike against; to wring, to wrench.¹⁰ to strike, to beat; to strike in play; to brush away.²⁴ to struke or knock down, as in play; to brush away.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰扌必; U+39D9).
<又> pëik; bīt. (See 㧙 pëik; 㧙 bīt).
beik1 627
75 13 bēik a crossbar tied to the horns of an ox to prevent it from goring people; the utensils for holding arrows; the horizontal lining behind the wooden door to connect the door panels.⁸ a quiver for arrows.²⁴ arrows rack.³⁶ a frame for supporting darts.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰木畐; U+6945).
楅衡 bēik-hãng bīhéng or fūk-hãng fúhéng a piece of wood fixed across the horns of a cow, to prevent its goring people.²⁴ a piece of wood fastened across the horns of oxen to prevent them goring.¹⁰²
楅室 bēik-sīt
bīshì or fūk-sīt fúshì a place underground for curing fish.²⁴ a place for drying fish.¹⁰²
Tiü-ngĩ-döi-sẽng, hà-ngĩ-bēik-hãng.
Qiū ér zài cháng, xià ér bī héng.
In autumn comes the sacrifices of the season,
But in summer the bulls for it have had their horns capped.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·頌·魯頌·閟宮·4》, translated by James Legge).
<又> fūk.
(See 楅 fūk).
beik1 628
85 12 bēik (=滭 bēik ) bubbling of fountain; copious of spring.⁸
(=淢 vèik
) swift currents.⁸
(=洫 kēik
) a ditch; a moat, to overflow.⁸
(See 滭 bēik; 淢 vèik; 洫 kēik.)
beik1 629
85 12 bēik bathroom; neat; orderly.⁸ a public bathhouse.¹⁴ <lit.> bathroom, bathhouse; <old> neat; tidy; orderly.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵畐; U+6E62).
湢㳁 bēik-jāk bìzè water agitated.²⁴
湢然 bēik-ngẽin
bìrán stern, rigid.²⁴
湢浴 bēik-yùk
bìyù a bathing house.²⁴
beik1 630
85 14 bēik (=㳼 bēik ) bubbling of fountain; copious of spring.⁸
or 觱沸 bēik-fï bìfèi <wr.> spring water bubbling.⁵⁴
(See 㳼 bēik.)
beik1 631
86 13 bēik dry by fire; iron.⁸ to dry by the fire.¹⁴ʼ²⁴
(composition: ⿰火畐; U+714F).
beik1 632
86 15 bēik crackling sound.⁸
(composition: ⿰火畢; U+719A).
熚熚剥剥[熚熚剝剝] bēik-bēik-mōk-mōk bìbìbōbō <ono.> sound of bamboo or wood burning.¹⁹
熚熚烞烞 bēik-bēik-pōk-pōk
bìbìpòpò <ono.> sound of bamboo or wood burning.¹⁹
烞熚 pōk-bēik
pòbì <ono.> the crackling or popping sound of bamboo or wood burning.¹⁹ the noise of bamboo burning.²⁴
beik1 633
96 9   bēik decorations of sheath.⁸ a gem or ornament on a scabbard.¹⁴ ornament; decorations on sheath; gem on scabbard; a decoration at the bottom of a sheath.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰𤣩必; U+73CC).
Gün-dū-jï-jī, bèin-bäng-yiû-bēik.
Jūnzǐ zhì zhǐ, bǐng běng yǒu bì.
Thither has our lord come,
The gems at his scabbard's mouth all-gleaming.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·北山之什·瞻彼洛矣·2》, translated by James Legge).
beik1 634
96 18 bēik a round flat piece of jade with a hole in its center (used for ceremonial purposes).⁵
白璧无瑕[白璧無瑕] bàk-bēik-mũ-hã báibìwúxiá flawless white jade – impeccable moral integrity.⁵ flawless jade, of man’s flawless character or girl's virginity.¹¹
璧谢[璧謝] bēik-dèh
bìxiè <court.> decline (a gift) with thanks.⁵
璧合 bēik-hàp
bìhé a perfect match.⁷
璧田 bēik-hẽin
bìtián good farmland.⁷
璧赵[璧趙] bēik-Jèl
bì Zhào <wr.> to return something valuable to its original owner.⁷
璧琉璃 bēik-liũ-lī
bìliúli lapis lazuli.¹⁹
璧人 bēik-ngĩn
bìrén a person as beautiful or handsome as jade; a fine-looking person.⁷
璧玉 bēik-ngùk
bìyù <trad.> a round and flat piece of jade with a circular hole in it.⁷
璧月 bēik-ngùt
bìyuè a full moon.⁷
璧珰[璧璫] bēik-öng
bìdāng a cornice.⁷ ornaments for the head.²⁴
璧翣 bēik-säp
bìshà frame for hanging bells and musical stones.¹¹
璧还[璧還] bēik-vãn
bìhuán return (a borrowed object) with thanks; decline (a gift) with thanks.⁵
beik1 635
102 9 bēik (=逼 bēik to force; compel; coerce).⁸ to oppress, to force.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿳一口田; U+7550).
<又> fūk.
(See 畐 fūk; 逼 bēik).
beik1 636
106 12 bēik two-hundred (rarely used); 200.¹⁰
皕宋楼[皕宋樓] bēik-xüng-lẽo bìsònglóu name of a library, built by 陆心源[陆心源] Lùk Xïm-ngũn Liù Xīnyuán, located in 湖州 Vũ-jiü Húzhōu, Zhejiang Province, near the end of the Qing Dynasty with 100,000 volume, later increase to 150,000 volumes; but sold almost all the volumes to the Japanese by his son. Now it is under the protection of the Zhejiang Provincial Government.⁰ʼ¹⁹ The 皕宋樓 library contained about 200 categories of texts from the Song Dynasty, thus the name.⁵⁴
beik1 637
112 14 bēik <wr.> green jade; bluish green, blue.⁵
碧波 bēik-bö bìbō bluish/green waves.⁶
碧江 bēik-göng
bìjiāng a river with jade-like clear water.⁵⁴
碧潭 bēik-hãm
bìtán blue lake.¹¹
碧海 bēik-hōi
bìhǎi the blue sea.⁵
碧海青天 bēik-hōi-tëin-hëin
bìhǎiqīngtiān <wr.> the emerald sea under the blue sky.⁷
碧空 bēik-hüng
bìkōng a clear blue sky; an azure sky.⁵
碧血 bēik-hüt
bìxuè blood shed in a just cause.⁵
碧蓝[碧藍] bēik-lãm
bìlán dark blue.⁸
碧绿[碧綠] bēik-lùk
bìlǜ viridity; dark green.⁸
碧瓦 bēik-ngā
bìwǎ emerald green glazed tile.⁷
碧瓦朱甍 bēik-ngā-jï-mãng
bìwǎzhūméng <wr.> (with) green tiles and crimson roofs.³⁹
碧眼 bēik-ngān
bìyǎn blue-eyed; Westerners.⁷
碧玉 bēik-ngùk
bìyù jasper; emerald.⁷
碧山 bēik-sän
bìshān green mountain.⁵⁴
碧色 bēik-sēik
bìsè blue/green color.⁵⁴
碧水 bēik-suī
bìshuǐ clear blue water.⁵⁴
碧草 bēik-tāo
bìcǎo verdant grass; green grass.⁷
碧草如茵 bēik-tāo-nguĩ-yïn
bìcǎorúyīn a carpet of green grass.⁵
碧油油 bēik-yiũ-yiũ
bìyōuyōu bright green.⁵⁵
beik1 638
130 13 bēik 腷腷膊膊 bēik-bēik-bōk-bōk bìbìbóbó flip-flap.⁸ flip-flap sound (of wings).¹¹
腷膊 bēik-bōk
bìbó <ono.> flapping (of wings); clapping.⁵⁴
or 愊忆[愊憶] bēik-yēik bìyì <wr.> gloomy; depressed.⁶
beik1 639
140 8 bēik <wr.> fragrant, aromatic.⁶
苾苾 bēik-bēik bìbì <wr.> fragrant, nice-smelling.
or 馝馞 bēik-bòt bìbó <wr.> strong scent; aroma.⁶ bursting with fragrance.¹¹
苾蒭 bēik-chö
bìchú nun, transliteration of Sanskrit bhiksuni, (usually written 比丘尼 bī-hiü-nãi bǐqiūní); also a fragrant plant, emblem of monastic life.
苾刍[苾芻] bēik-chö
bìchú Buddhist monk.
苾刍尼[苾芻尼] bēik-chö-nãi
bìchúní <Budd.> biksuni (nun).
苾芬 bēik-fün
bìfēn fragrant.
beik1 640
142 17 𧒀
bēik (composition: ⿰虫敝; U+27480).
𧒀❄{⿰虫敝}蛦 bēik-yĩ bìyí a wild fowl.⁸ʼ¹⁹ʼ²⁵ʼ¹⁰¹
beik1 641
145 19 bēik <wr.> folds/creases in garment; <phys.> folds (of the stomach, intestines).⁶
襞襀 bēik-dēik bìjī pleats (in a skirt).⁷
襞褶 bēik-jêp
bìzhě lines or pleats on clothes as a result of folding.⁷
皱襞[皺襞] jëo-bēik
zhòubì <anatomy> plica; <wr.> fold, crease, wrinkles.⁶
褶襞 jêp-bēik
zhěbì furbelow.³⁹
胃襞 vì-bēik
wèibì stomach fold.⁶
beik1 642
148 16 bēik tartar horn; chilly wind.⁸
觱发[觱發] bēik-fāt bìfā <wr.> chilly wind.⁵⁴
or 滭沸 bēik-fï bìfèi <wr.> spring water bubbling.⁵⁴
觱篥 bēik-lùt
bìlì or 筚篥[篳篥] bīt-lùt bìlì <trad.> ancient bamboo pipe with a reed mouth piece.⁶ a whistle blown to frighten the enemy's horses.⁷ a whistle used by the Tartars.¹⁴
beik1 643
154 21 bēik able to support a great weight.¹⁴ strong; anger; preference.³⁶
赑负[贔負] bēik-fù bìfù strong; robust.²⁵
赑屭[贔屭] bēik-hï
bìxì a river-god, figured as a tortoise of gigantic size and used as a base for heavy stone tablets.¹⁴ Bixi, one of the nine sons of a dragon with the form of a tortoise, also known as 龟趺[龜趺] gï-fü guīfū.⁸ (Chinese mythology) bixi (a mythological turtlelike animal); (literary) strenuous; with a lot of strength.³⁶
beik1 644
157 20 bēik <wr.> fall; lame in the leg.⁶ having both legs disabled; crippled in both legs.⁷ lame.¹⁴ unable to walk.²⁵
(variant: 躃 bēik ).
跛躄 bāi-bēik
bǒbì lame of both feet.²⁵
躄出 bēik-chūt
bìchū extending the body by walking gingerly or stealthily.⁵⁴
躄疾 bēik-dìp
bìjí lame in both legs.⁸
躄踊 bēik-yūng
bìyǒng to stamp with grief – as at the death of a parent.¹⁴
挛躄[攣躄] lün-bēik
luánbì contracture; cannot move about because of crooked arms and legs.¹⁹
痿躄 vī-bēik
wěibì atrophy and flaccidity.⁵⁴
(See 躃 bēik).
beik1 645
157 20 bēik (=躄 bēik ) <wr.> fall; lame in the leg.⁶ having both legs disabled; crippled in both legs.⁷ lame.¹⁴ unable to walk.²⁵
(See 躄 bēik).
beik1 646
160 13 bēik <wr.> monarch; sovereign; (of a monarch) to summon and appoint (to an official post).⁶
辟邪 bēik³-tẽh bìxié or 避邪 bì-tẽh bìxié to ward off evil spirits or influences; talisman; charm; amulet.⁵⁴
辟王 bēik-võng
bìwáng sovereign, monarch.⁵⁴
复辟[復辟] fūk-bēik³
or fūk-pēik fùbì to recover one's power or authority; restoration (of a past regime).¹⁰
<又> pēik.
(See 辟 [pēik, ], [pēik, ]; 闢 pēik.)
beik1 647
162 8 bēik pǎi 迫击炮[迫擊炮] bēik-gēik-päo pǎijīpào mortar.⁵
迫击炮弹[迫擊炮彈] bēik-gēik-päo-àn
pǎijīpàodàn mortar projectile; mortar shell.⁵
(See 迫 [bēik, ]).
beik1 648
162 8 bēik compel, force, press; urgent, pressing; approach, go towards.⁵ (variant: 廹 bēik ).
压迫[壓迫] āt-bēik
yāpò to oppress; to repress; to constrict; oppression; stress (physics).¹⁰
迫不得已 bēik-būt-āk-yî
pòbùdéyǐ be forced to.⁵
迫不及待 bēik-būt-gèp-òi
pòbùjídài impatient (idiom); in a hurry; itching to get on with it.¹⁰
迫在眉睫 bēik-dòi-mĩ-dèp
pòzàiméijié extremely urgent; imminent.⁵
迫近 bēik-gìn
pòjìn approach; get close to; draw near.⁵
迫降 bēik-göng
pòjiàng forced landing.⁵
迫害 bēik-hòi
pòhài persecute.⁵
迫切 bēik-tēik
pòqiè urgent; pressing; imperative.⁵
迫使 bēik-xū
pòshǐ force; compel.⁵
急迫 gīp-bēik
jípò urgent; pressing; imperative.¹⁰
强迫[強迫] kêng-bēik
qiǎngpò force; compel; coerce.⁵
从容不迫[從容不迫] tũng-yũng-būt-bēik
cóngróngbùpò calm; unruffled.¹⁰
(See 迫 [bēik, pǎi]; 廹 bēik.)
beik1 649
162 12 bēik force, compel, drive; press for, extort; press on towards,  press up to, close in on.⁵ (variant: 偪 bēik ).
逼迫 bēik-bēik
bīpò force; compel; coerce.⁵
逼近 bēik-gìn
bījìn press on towards; close in on; approach; draw near.⁵
逼宫[逼宮] bēik-güng
bīgōng (of ministers) force the king or emperor to abdicate.⁵
逼供 bēik-güng
bīgòng extort a confession.⁵
逼拶 bēik-jät
bīzā force; compel.⁶
逼仄 bēik-jēik
bīzè <wr.> narrow; cramped.⁵
逼真 bēik-jïn
bīzhēn lifelike, true to life; distinctly; clearly.⁵
逼勒 bēik-làk
bīlè force; coerce; press; blackmail.⁶
逼良为娼[逼良為娼] bēik-lẽng-vĩ-chëng
bīliángwéichāng force a girl of good family into prostitution.⁶
逼人 bēik-ngĩn
bīrén pressing; threatening.⁵
逼人太甚 bēik-ngĩn-häi-sìm
bīréntàishèn push somebody too hard; put too much pressure (on somebody).⁶
逼上梁山 bēik-sëng-lẽng-sän
bīshàngliángshān be driven to revolt.⁸
逼肖 bēik-xël
bīxiào <wr.> bear a close resemblance to; be the very image of.⁵
(See 偪 bēik.)
beik1 650
163 7 bēik ancient place name; Bi surname.¹⁰ a place in the ancient Zheng State (郑国[鄭國] jèng-gōk zhèngguó).²⁵ A battle site north of Xingyang, Zhengzhou, Henan, China.
Bi surname.³⁶ a place name during the Spring and Autumn Period, located in 郑国[鄭國] jèng-gōk
zhèngguó Zheng State, in modern day northeast of 荥阳县[滎陽縣] Yẽin-yẽng-yòn Xíngyángxiàn in 河南省 Henan Province.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰必阝; U+90B2).
<又> bì.
(See 邲 bì).
beik1 651
167 13 bēik bismuth (Bi).⁶
碲化铋[碲化鉍] äi-fä-bēik dìhuàbì bismuth telluride.⁶
铋合金[鉍合金] bēik-hàp-gïm
bìhéjīn bismuth alloy.⁶
铋中毒[鉍中毒] bēik-jüng-ùk
bìzhōngdú <med.> bismuthosis; bismuthism.⁶
beik1 652
177 14 bēik leather belt used to bind or restrain a cart, (same as 辔[轡] bï pèi) reins and bit; a bridle.⁸
(composition: ⿰革必; U+4A5B).
<又> bï.
(See 䩛[bï ]; 䩛[bï pèi]).
beik1 653
177 20 bēik (=䩛 bēik ) leather belt used to bind or restrain a cart, (same as 辔[轡] bï pèi) reins and bit; a bridle.⁸
(composition: ⿰革畢; U+97B8).
<又> bèin, bīt.
(See 鞸 bèin; 鞸 bīt; 鞞 bèin; 䩛 bēik).
beik1 654
184 13 bēik odor; the aroma of food.⁸ fragrance of food.¹⁰ flavor of food.¹¹ fragrant, spicy, appetizing (about the smell of food).⁵⁴ the fragrance of food just cooked, which the spirits will smell and accept.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰飠必; U+98F6).
有飶其香 yiû-bēik-kĩ-hëng yǒu bì qí xiāng has a fragrant aroma; their (food) flavor is appetizing!⁵⁴ the savory odor of the cooked rice.¹⁰²
Yiû-bēik-kĩ-hëng, böng-gä-jï-göng.
Yǒu bì qí xiāng, bāng jiā zhī guāng.
Fragrant is their aroma,
Enhancing the glory of the State.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·頌·周頌·閔予小子之什·載芟·1》, translated by James Legge).
beik1 655
186 14 bēik 馝馞 or 苾勃 bēik-bòt bìbó <wr.> strong scent; aroma.⁶ bursting with fragrance.¹¹
beik1 656
187 15 bēik strong horse; (horse) stout and strong.⁸ a strong, robust horse; a horse fed to the full.²⁵
(composition: ⿰馬必; U+99DC).
駜駽 bēik-xün  bìxuān a strong gray steed.¹⁹
beik1 657
196 20 bēik name of a bird, similar to a pheasant.² a kind of wild fowl.²⁵
(composition: ⿰畐鳥; U+9D9D).
鶝𪂉 bēik-vèik bìyù another name for 戴胜[戴勝] äi-sëin dàishèng Eurasian hoopoe (Upupa epops).¹⁹ (Note: When 鶝 is read fūk and used in 𪃃❄{⿰复鳥}鶝 fùk-fūk fúfú it also refers to 戴胜[戴勝] äi-sëin dàishèng Eurasian hoopoe).
<又> fūk.
(See 鶝 fūk).

beik1 658
196 24 鷿 bēik grebe.⁰ (variant: 䴙[鸊] bēik ).
or 䴙䴘[鷿鷉] bēik-hãi pìtī grebe (Podicipediformes).¹⁰
䴙鹈[鷿鵜] bēik-hãi
pìtí a small waterfowl.¹¹
䴙䴘科[鷿鷈科] bēik-hãi-fö
pìtīkē The grebe family.¹⁹
小䴙䴘[小鷿鷈] xēl-bēik-hãi
xiǎopìtí little grebe, dabchick (Tachybaptus ruficollis), a member of the grebe family of water birds.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(See 鸊 bēik).
beik1 659
196 24 bēik (=䴙[鷿] bēik pi) grebe.⁰ (Note: 䴙 is the simplified form for 鸊 and 鷿.)
䴙䴘[鸊鷈] bēik-hãi pìtī grebe (Podicipediformes).
t: ⿰辟鳥; U+9E0A). (comp. s: ⿰辟鸟; U+4D19).
(See 鷿 bēik).
beik1 660
205 26 bēik a kind of turtle.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱辟黽; U+9F0A).
蠵鼊 hï-bēik xībì (=蠵龟[蠵龜] hï-gï xīguī loggerhead turtle.⁸ʼ¹⁴ loggerhead sea turtle.⁹).¹⁹
䵶鼊 kuĩ-bēik
qúbì a species of tortoise, with a spotted shell, and no claws on its toes; an aquatic animal, like a tortoise, with stripes on its back.¹⁹
beik1 661
104 19 bëik biě shrivelled, sunken, deflated; <topo.> embarrass.⁶
(variant: 㿜 bëik biě).
瘪子[癟子] bëik-dū
biězi <topo.> dilemma, setback; empty grain, blighted grain.⁶
瘪嘴子[癟嘴子] bëik-duī-dū
biězuǐzi a person who has lost all teeth.⁷
瘪花生[癟花生] bëik-fä-säng
biěhuāshēng blighted peanuts.⁵
瘪陷[癟陷] bëik-hàm
biěxiàn shrivelled; sunken.⁶
瘪壳[癟殼] bëik-hôk
biěké helpless, with no way out.¹¹ shriveled shell/casing.⁵⁴
瘪着肚子[癟著肚子] bëik-jèk-ū-dū
biězhe dùzi have an empty stomach.⁷
瘪螺痧[癟螺痧] bèik-lũ-sä
biěluóshā <TCM> cholera (referring to sunken finger pads due to dehydration).⁶
车胎瘪了[車胎癟了] chëh-höi-bëik-lēl
chētāibiěle the tire is flat.⁵
干瘪[乾癟] gön-bëik
gānbiě shrivelled; wizened.⁵
<又> bèik.
(See 癟 bèik; 㿜 bëik.)
beik2 662
104 28 bëik biě (=癟 bëik biě) shrivelled, sunken, deflated; <topo.> embarrass.⁶
(See 癟 bëik; 癟 bèik).
beik2 663
18 7 bèik bié to part; to distinguish; to differentiate; other; another; different; do not.
特别[特別] àk-bèik tèbié special.¹¹
别处[別處] bèik-chuî
biéchù elsewhere.¹⁰
别出机杼[別出機杼] bèik-chūt-gï-chuî
biéchūjīzhù distinctive; to find some other way; to be original in conception.
别出心裁[別出心裁] bèik-chūt-xïm-tõi
biéchūxīncái adopt an original approach; try to be different.⁵
别字[別字] bèik-dù
biézì mispronounced or wrongly written character.
别人[別人] bèik-ngĩn
biéren others; other people.
别说[別說] bèik-sōt
biéshuō needn't mention; not to say.
别墅 bèik-xuî
biéshù villa.⁵⁴
分别[分別] fün-bèik
fēnbié to leave each other; to differentiate; difference; separately; respectively.
分门别类[分門別類] fün-mõn-bèik-luì
fēnménbiélèi put into different categories; classify; assort.⁶
告别[告別] gäo-bèik
gàobié to leave; to bid farewell to; to say good-bye to.¹⁰
惜别[惜別] xēik-bèik
xībié reluctant to part.¹⁰
(See 別 [bèik, biè].)
beik4 664
18 7 bèik biè awkward.⁷ (variant: 彆 bèik bié).
拗别[拗別] äo-bèik
niùbiè recalcitrant; stubbornly defiant; obstinate.⁷
别摆噱头[別擺噱頭] bèik-bāi-kêk-hẽo
bièbǎixuétóu Don't try any tricks!⁶
别不过[別不過] bèik-būt-gö
bièbuguo be unable to dissuade; fail to talk around.⁶
别嘴[別嘴] bèik-duī
bièzuǐ <topo.> not smooth to read; awkward.⁶
or 彆气[彆氣] bèik-hï bièqì silently resentful.⁷
or 彆扭 bèik-niū bièniu awkward, difficult, not to one's liking; exasperated, vexed, frustrated; hard to please, difficult to deal with, perverse, quarrelsome; can't see eye to eye.¹ awkward, uncomfortable, difficult, refractory; an awkward situation.⁷
(See 別 [bèik, bié]; 彆 bèik)
beik4 665
57 14 bèik biè (=别[別] bèik biè) persuade somebody to change their opinion.¹ ends of bow; to make somebody change their opinion, to dissuade; to hold back.³⁶
(composition: ⿱敝弓; U+5F46).

or 别气[別氣] bèik-hï bièqì silently resentful.⁷
or 别扭[別扭] bèik-niū bièniu awkward, difficult, not to one's liking; exasperated, vexed, frustrated; hard to please, difficult to deal with, perverse, quarrelsome; can't see eye to eye.¹ awkward, uncomfortable, difficult, refractory; an awkward situation.⁷
(See 別 [bèik, biè]).
beik4 666
61 15 bèik biē to choke; to stifle; to restrain; to hold back; to hold in (urine); to hold (one's breath).¹⁰
憋不住了 bèik-būt-jì-lēl biēbuzhùle can't hold (going to the bathroom) any longer.¹⁰
憋气[憋氣] bèik-hï
biēqì feel suffocated or oppressed;  choke with resentment; feel injured and resentful.⁵
憋住气[憋住氣] bèik-jì-hï
biēzhùqì hold one's breath.⁵
憋闷[憋悶] bèik-mòn
biēmen feel oppressed; be depressed; be dejected.⁵
憋死 bèik-xī
biēsi to choke to death.¹⁰
憋一口气[憋一口氣] bèik-yīt-hēo-hï
biē yī kǒu qì <topo.>  hold the breath.⁵⁴
beik4 667
75 9 bèik biē (firmiana (Firmiana platanifolia); a support, a prop; to support, to prop up.⁷).⁸
(composition: ⿰木犮; U+67ED).
<又> bāt; bòk; fūt; pòi.
(See 柭 bāt; 柭 bòk; 柭 fūt; 柭 pòi).
beik4 668
104 19 bèik biē 瘪三[癟三]  bèik-xäm biēsān <topo.> a wretched-looking tramp who lives by begging or stealing.⁵ <Wu or Shanghai topolect> a bum; a tramp.⁷
<又> bëik.
(See 癟 bëik; 㿜 bëik.)
beik4 669
140 27 bèik biē In Jiangxi, 蕨菜 kūt-töi juécài, is called 虌 bèik biē,² grown in the mountains; young leaves are edicle.⁸ (Note: English names for 蕨菜 kūt-töi juécài: brake tender leaves, bracken, fiddlehead, edible fern fronds).⁵⁴ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿱蔽黽(GHTK) or ⿱艹鼈(GHTK); U+864C).
beik4 670
142 17 bèik biē (<old>=鳖[鱉] or 鼈 bèik biē soft-shelled turtle.⁶ Trionyx sinensis (a synonym for Pelodiscus sinensis), a kind of fresh water turtle; aka 甲鱼[甲魚] gâp-nguĩ jiǎyú.⁷).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱敝虫; U+87DE).
赪蟞[赬蟞] jëin-bèik
chēngbiē a kind of legendary red turtle.¹⁹
珠蟞 jî-bèik
zhūbiē a marine animal with different joints to its body and six feet, supposed to vomit pearls.²⁵  name of a fish.¹⁰¹
<又> pëik.
(See 蟞 pëik; 蟞 [bèik, piē]).
beik4 671
142 17 bèik piē (composition: ⿱敝虫; U+87DE).
蟞蚨 bèik-fũ piēfú a general term for butterflies.¹³ the name of a butterfly.²⁵
<又> pëik.
(See 蟞 [bèik, biē]; 蟞 pëik).
beik4 672
195 22 bèik biē (=鼈 bèik biē) soft-shelled turtle.⁶ Trionyx sinensis (a synonym for Pelodiscus sinensis), a kind of fresh water turtle; aka 甲鱼[甲魚] gâp-nguĩ jiǎyú.
(See 鼈 bèik).
beik4 673
196 22 bèik pheasant.⁸ golden pheasant.³⁶
(composition: ⿱敝鳥; U+9DE9).
鷩雉 bèik-jï bìzhì or 锦鸡[錦雞] gīm-gäi jǐnjī or 金鸡[金雞] gïm-gäi jīnjī or 红腹锦鸡[紅腹錦雞] hũng-fūk-gīm-gäi hóngfù jǐnjī or 彆雉 bèik-jï bièzhì a red pheasant, golden pheasant. Chinese pheasant, or rainbow pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus or Phasianus pictus Linnaeus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰ʼ²⁵ a red pheasant; it is described as resembling the wild fowl, with a small crest, the feathers on the back yellow, and those under the belly red, with the neck of a lively green; this bird is said to be fond of surveying the reflection of itself in the water when it gambols about, becomes dizzy, and frequently falls in; thus its beauty is its ruin.²⁵
鷩冕 bèik-mêin
bìmiǎn a robe and crown with golden pheasants drawn on them, these birds are said to be hasty and passionate, and will rather die than submit, therefore they are pictured on apparel, in order to teach men to adhere to principle.²⁵
鷩鸟[鷩鳥] bèik-nêl
bìniǎo the golden pheasant.¹⁹
(See 鷩 [bèik, biē]).
beik4 674
196 22 bèik biē (alternate Mandarin pronunciation for 鷩 bèik with same meaning: pheasant.⁸ golden pheasant.³⁶)
(composition: ⿱敝鳥; U+9DE9).
(See 鷩 [bèik, ]).
beik4 675
205 24 bèik biē Trionyx sinensis (a synonym for Pelodiscus sinensis), a kind of fresh water turtle; aka 甲鱼[甲魚] gāp-nguî/ jiǎyú.⁷ (variant: 鳖[鱉] bèik biē).
or 鳖蛋[鱉蛋] bèik-àn/ biēdàn  turtle's egg; <slang> bastard.
or 鳖甲[鱉甲] bèik-gâp biējiǎ turtle shell.⁷
or 鳖裙[鱉裙] bèik-kũn biēqún soft edible outer rim of the shell of a turtle.⁶ calipash (choice turtle meat used in soups).
or 鳖鱼[鱉魚] bèik-nguĩ biēyú soft-shelled turtle.
or 鳖缩头[鱉縮頭] bèik-sük-hẽo biēsuōtóu to hide oneself from danger (as a turtle withdraws its head under its shell); to behave cowardly.⁷
or 瓮中捉鳖[瓮中捉鱉] ûng-jüng-jök-bèik wèngzhōngzhuōbiē catch a turtle in a jar – go after an easy prey.⁵
(See 鱉 bèik).
beik4 676
213 27 bèik biē (=鼈 bèik biē Trionyx sinensis (a synonym for Pelodiscus sinensis), a kind of fresh water turtle; aka 甲鱼[甲魚] gâp-nguî/ jiǎyú.⁷).²  (<old>=鳖[鱉] bèik biē soft-shelled turtle.⁶ Trionyx sinensis (a synonym for Pelodiscus sinensis), a kind of fresh water turtle; aka 甲鱼[甲魚] gâp-nguĩ jiǎyú.⁷).¹⁹
(composition: ⿱敝龜; U+9F9E).
(See 鱉 bèik).
beik4 677
85 9 bēim bèng <loan> pump.⁵ (In Hoisanva 泵 may be pronounced as pēim, bēim, dēim, būng, and dām.)
<台> 泵水 bēim-suī to pump water.
<又> pēim, dēim, būng, dām.
(See 泵 pēim, dēim, būng, dām.)
beim1 678
1 5 bēin bǐng Third of the Ten Heavenly Stems.
丙等 bēin-āng bǐngděng third rank, grade C.
丙酮 bēin-hũng
bǐngtóng <chem.> acetone (CH₃)₂CO.⁵
丙酮树脂[丙酮樹脂] bēin-hũng-sì-jï
bǐngtóngshùzhī acetone resin.⁵
丙级[丙級] bēin-kīp
bǐngjí of the third level; inferior in quality.
丙舍 bēin-sëh
bǐngshè building to hold coffins for shipment for hometown burial.
丙烷 bēin-yõn
bǐngwán propane.¹⁰
丙烷气[丙烷氣] bēin-yõn-hï
bǐngwánqì propane gas.⁹
bein1 679
23 11 bēin biǎn ➀ horizontal inscribed board ➁ silk banner embroiered with words of praise ➂ big, round shallow basket made from bamboo strips (for raising silkworm or holding grain).⁶
匾联[匾聯] bēin-lũn
biǎnlián horizontal and upright tablets.¹⁴
匾文 bēin-mũn
biǎnwén inscription on a horizontal board.⁶
匾额[匾額] bēin-ngäk
biǎn'é a votive tablet with a horizontal inscription.¹⁴
金匾 gïm-bēin
jīnbiǎn ornamental/memorial board inscribed with golden characters.⁵⁴
贺匾[賀匾] hào-bēin
or hò-bēin hèbiǎn congratulatory plaque.⁶
门匾[門匾] mõn-bēin
ménbiǎn plaque on the gate of a house.⁵⁴
牌匾 pãi-bēin
páibiǎn signboard over shop, hall or door.¹¹
牌匾儿[牌匾兒] pãi-bēin-ngĩ
páibiǎnr one's prestige.¹¹
横匾[橫匾] vãng-bēin
héngbiǎn horizontal inscribed board.⁵⁴
绣金匾[繡金匾] xiü-gïm-bēin
xiùjīnbiǎn embroidering a silk banner with words of gold.⁵
bein1 680
44 9 bēin bīng 屏营[屏營] bēin-yẽin bīngyíng <wr.> in fear and trepidation.⁶
屏营待命[屏營待命] bēin-yẽin-òi-mèin
bīngyíngdàimìng await an order with fear and trepidation.⁵⁴
<又> bèin, bëng, pẽin.
(See 屏 bèin, bëng, pẽin.)
bein1 681
61 12 bēin biǎn <lit.> narrow-minded.⁸ hasty.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄扁; U+60FC).
惼懆 bēin-tāo biǎncǎo (=急躁 gīp-täo jízào iirritable, testy, irascible, hot-tempered; impetuous, rash, impatient.⁶).¹⁹
惼心 bēin-xïm
biǎnxīn narrow-minded and impatient.¹⁹
贪惼[貪惼] häm-bēin
tānbiǎn greedy and narrow mindedness.¹⁹
愝惼 yēn-bēin
yǎnbiǎn narrow-minded; uncomfortable ²⁴
bein1 682
63 9 bēin biǎn flat.⁵ <又> pëin. (See 扁 pëin.)
扁担[扁擔] bēin-äm
biǎndan carrying pole; shoulder pole.⁵
扁虫[扁蟲] bēin-chũng
biǎnchóng flatworm.⁵
扁豆 (稨豆,萹豆,藊豆) bēin-èo
biǎndòu (Lablab purpureus) hyacinth bean, lablab bean, 鹊豆, 肉豆, 白豆, 眉豆.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
扁桃 bēin-hô
biǎntáo almond tree; almond; <topo.> flat peach.⁵
扁鲛[扁鮫] bēin-gäo
biǎnjiāo monkfish, angelfish.⁵⁴
扁桃体[扁桃體] bēin-hô-hāi
biǎntáotǐ tonsil.⁶
扁桃腺 bēin-hô-xëin
biǎntáoxiàn tonsil.⁶
扁鱼[扁魚) bēin-nguî/
biǎnyú flatfish of the order Pleuronectiformes (includes flounders, soles, turbot, plaice, and halibut).¹⁵ʼ²⁰ (See 比目魚 bī-mùk-nguĩ; 魼 kuï; 鱋 kuï; 鰈形目 èp-yẽin-mùk).
扁柏 bēin-pāk
biǎnbǎi false cypress.⁶ Japanese cypress.⁷
扁平 bēin-pẽin
biǎnpíng flat.⁶
扁虱 bēin-sēt
biǎnshī tick (zoology); lice.⁵⁴
扁圆[扁圓] bēin-yõn
biǎnyuán oblate.⁵
小扁豆 xēl-bēin-èo
xiǎobiǎndòu lentil.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
<台> 扁桃腺 bēin-hẽo-xëin/ tonsils (桃 is read hẽo here). 
<台> 扁至拆 bēin-jï-chäk the thinnest object (used by women; men use 扁 bēin
or 好扁 hāo-bēin).
<台> 扁遢亚[扁遢亞] bēin-tät-ä very flat.

bein1 683
64 8 bēin bǐng handle; shaft.¹⁰ <old>=秉 bēin bǐng a handful of crops; to grasp, to hold; to preside over; to persist in, to persevere; (Cantonese) to beat.³⁶
(composition: ⿰扌丙; U+62A6).
(See 秉 bēin).
bein1 684
64 12 bēin biǎn (<old>=扁 bēin biǎn flat.⁵ caress, soothe, foster; combat, fight, struggle.).⁸ to strike; to beat.²⁴ (Note: in Mandarin, this character may also be read as biān and biàn).
(composition: ⿰扌扁; U+63D9).
揙刀 bēin-äo
biǎndāo a kind of military knife used in conjunction with (滚牌[滾牌] gūn-pãi gǔnpái) shields .¹⁹ʼ⁰
揙玭 bēin-pĩn
biǎnpín flat and shrivelled (bead/pearl).¹⁹ʼ⁰
(See 扁 bēin).
bein1 685
72 9 bēin bǐng <old>=炳 bēin bǐng) bright, luminous; glorious.⁸ bright; clear.²⁴
(composition: ⿰日丙; U+661E).
bein1 686
86 9 bēin bǐng bright, luminous; glorious.⁸
(composition: ⿰火丙; U+70B3).
炳炳凿凿[炳炳鑿鑿] bēin-bēin-dòk-dòk bǐngbǐngzáozáo testified.⁸
炳炳麟麟 bēin-bēin-lĩn-lĩn
bǐngbǐnglínlín brilliant.⁸
炳焕[炳煥] bēin-fòn
bǐnghuàn bright and brilliant.¹⁰
炳著 bēin-jï
bǐngzhù eminent; renowned.¹⁰
炳烛[炳燭] or 秉烛[秉燭] bēin-jūk
bǐngzhú by bright candlelight.¹⁰
炳灵寺石窟[炳靈寺石窟] Bēin-lẽin-dù-sêk-fūt
Bǐnglíng Sì Shíkū Bingling Si Grottoes (in 临夏市[臨夏市] Lĩm-hà-shì Línxià Shì Linxia City, 甘肃[甘肅] Gäm-xūk Gānsù Gansu Province).⁵⁴
or 炳朗 or 炳琅 or 炳烺 bēin-lông bǐnglǎng in shining glory.⁰
炳文 bēin-mũn
bǐngwén luminous style.¹⁰
炳然 bēin-ngẽin
bǐngrán shining, manifest, clear for everybody to see.¹¹
炳蔚 bēin-vï
bǐngwèi splendid (of writing style).¹⁰
炳耀 bēin-yèl
bǐngyào bright and luminous.¹⁰
bein1 687
109 10 bēin bǐng clear eyes; to look at, to see. ²
(composition: ⿰目丙; U+772A).
<又> fōng. (See 眪 fōng).
bein1 688
112 9 bēin biān stone probe; pierce; counsel.⁸
砭灸 bēin-giü biānjiǔ <Ch. med.> ancient method of acupuncture, puncture.¹¹
砭骨 bēin-gūt
biāngǔ very cold, stinging (of cutting wind); very severe (of criticism).¹¹
砭针[砭針] bēin-jïm
biānzhēn remonstrance; admonition.¹⁰
砭石 bēin-sêk
biānshí stone needle used in acupuncture.¹⁰
针砭 jïm-bēin
zhēnbiān acupuncture; fig. give painful but much needed advice.¹¹
bein1 689
112 14 bēin biǎn rock sticking out obliquely at the side of a river; stone steps along dangerous parts of a cliff.⁶ a small piece of rocky land alongside steep cliffs and rapid streams.⁹
bein1 690
115 8 bēin bǐng a handful of crops; to grasp, to hold; to preside over; to persist in, to persevere.³⁶ (variant: 抦 bēin bǐng).
秉报上级[秉報上級] bēin-bäo-sèng-kīp
bǐngbàoshàngjí to report to a superior.
秉笔[秉筆] bēin-bīt
bǐngbǐ <wr.> to write.
秉钧[秉鈞] bēin-gün
bǐngjūn to hold position of power.¹¹
秉公办理[秉公辦理] bēin-güng-bàn-lî
bǐnggōngbànlǐ to handle a matter according to law.
秉烛夜游[秉燭夜游] bēin-jūk-yèh-yiũ
bǐngzhúyèyóu to live life to the fullest.
秉承 bēin-sẽin
bǐngchéng <wr.> to take orders; to receive commands; to continue a heritage.
秉性 bēin-xëin
bǐngxìng innate character, natural disposition, attitude, temperament; nature.
秉钺[秉鉞] bēin-yòt
bǐngyuè <wr.> hold axe, i.e., symbol of military power.¹¹
权秉[權秉] kũn-bēin
quánbǐng or 权棅[權棅] or 权柄[權柄] kũn-bêng quánbǐng power; authority.⁵ʼ¹⁹
(See 抦 bēin).
bein1 691
115 14 bēin biǎn (=扁 bēin biǎn) as in 扁豆 bēin-èo biǎndòu.
or 扁豆 or 萹豆 or 藊豆 bēin-èo biǎndòu hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus).²⁰
bein1 692
116 9 bēin biǎn <wr.> bury; inter.⁶ to put a coffin into it's chamber in a tomb.⁹ to put a coffin in a grave.¹⁴
窆器 bēin-hï biǎnqì funeral requisites.¹⁴
窆石 bēin-sêk
biǎnshí <trad.> stones used in gliding a coffin down a tunnel.⁵⁴
窆所 bēin-sō
biǎnsuǒ place of burial.¹⁴
告窆 gäo-bēin
gàobiǎn an obituary notice.¹¹
bein1 693
140 8 bēin bǐng <old>=炳 bēin bǐng bright; shining, splendid; a kind of grass mentioned in old texts.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹丙; U+82EA).
bein1 694
140 12 bēin biǎn (=扁 bēin biǎn) as in 扁豆 bēin-èo biǎndòu.
or 稨豆 or 扁豆 or 藊豆 bēin-èo biǎndòu hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus).²⁰
bein1 695
140 17 bēin biǎn (=扁 bēin biǎn) as in 扁豆 bēin-èo biǎndòu.
or 稨豆 or 扁豆 or 萹豆 bēin-èo biǎndòu hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus).²⁰
bein1 696
142 11 bēin bǐng campodeid.⁸ a bookworm, or moth, very destructive to books or clothes.²⁵ silverfish (the insect).³⁶
(composition: ⿰虫丙; U+86C3).
蛃魚[蛃魚] bēin-nguĩ bǐngyú  or 衣鱼[衣魚] yï-nguĩ/ yīyú or 蠹鱼[蠹魚] ù-nguĩ/ dùyú or 蠹蟫 ù-yĩm dùyín) silverfish (the insect, not the fish).³⁶
bein1 697
142 15 bēin biān bat.⁸ the bat, used as an emblem of happiness.¹⁴
蝙袖 bēin-diù biānxiù bat sleeves.¹⁹
蝙蝠 bēin-fūk
biānfú bat.⁸
蝙蝠侠[蝙蝠俠] bēin-fūk-hèp
biānfúxiá Batman.¹²
蝙蝠衫 bēin-fūk-sâm
biānfúshān bat-like shirt.⁸ a blouse or jacket with batwing sleeves (with narrow cuffs and sleeves widened towards the armpit).¹⁴
蝙鱼[蝙魚] bēin-nguĩ
biānyú bream.¹⁰ (See 鯿魚 bēin-nguĩ).
燕蝙蝠 yên-bēin-fūk yànbiānfu <topo.> the bat.¹¹
bein1 698
145 14 bēin biǎn narrow; cramped.⁶
褊隘 bēin-äi biǎn'ài narrow-minded and impatient.⁷
褊急 bēin-gīp
biǎnjí <wr.> narrow-minded and short-tempered or impetuous; petty minded and rash.⁶
褊狭 bēin-hèp
biǎnxiá <wr.> narrow; cramped.⁶
褊窄 bēin-jäk
biǎnzhǎi narrow, cramped; narrow-minded, petty minded, small-minded.⁶
褊陋 bēin-lèo
biǎnlòu cramped and crude; narrow-minded and ignorant.⁷
褊能 bēin-nãng
biǎnnéng of little ability (sometimes used as a polite and self-depreciative expression).⁷
褊浅[褊淺] bēin-tēin
biǎnqiǎn narrow-minded and shallow.⁷
褊小 bēin-xēl
biǎnxiǎo petty; small; narrow.⁷
褊心 bēin-xïm
biǎnxīn narrow-minded and impatient.⁷
bein1 699
154 11 bēin biǎn demote, relegate; reduce, devalue; censure, depreciate.⁵
贬低[貶低] bēin-äi biǎndī belittle; depreciate; play down.⁵
贬斥[貶斥] bēin-chēik
biǎnchì <wr.> demote; denounce.⁵
贬谪[貶謫] bēin-jàk
biǎnzhé banish from the court; relegate.⁵
贬值[貶值] bēin-jèik
biǎnzhí <econ.> devalue, devaluate; depreciate.⁵
贬义[貶義] bēin-ngì
biǎnyì derogatory sense.⁵
贬词[貶詞] bēin-xũ
biǎncí derogatory term; expression of censure.⁶
贬抑[貶抑] bēin-yēik
biǎnyì belittle; depreciate.⁵
bein1 700
163 7 bēin bǐng name of a city in the ancient state of Song, in what is now 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong; pleased⁸; Bing surname.
bein1 701
195 16 𩶁

bēin bǐng (=蚌² pông bàng) freshwater mussel; clam.
(composition: ⿰魚丙; U+29D81).
❄{⿰魚丙}鲒[𩶁❄{⿰魚丙}鮚] bēin-gēik bǐngjié a large mussel or clam.²⁵
bein1 702
195 20 鯿 bēin biān a freshwater bream.⁷ white Amur bream (Parabramis pekinensis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰ (variant: 鯾 bēin biān).
鳊鱼[鯿魚] bēin-nguĩ
biānyú bream.⁵
欧鳊[歐鯿] ëo-bēin
ōubiān common bream, freshwater bream, bream, bronze bream or carp bream (Abramis brama).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
思不出鲋鳊[思不出鮒鯿] xü-būt-chūt-fù-bēin
sī bù chū fù biān he has no more idea of things than a perch or a bream.²⁵
(See 鯾 bēin).
bein1 703
195 20 bēin biān (<old>=鳊[鯿] bēin biān a freshwater bream.⁷ white Amur bream (Parabramis pekinensis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰).⁸ (<old>=鲂鱼[魴魚] fõng-nguĩ fángyú aka 海鲂[海魴] hōi-fõng hǎifáng or 日本海鲂[日本海魴] Ngìt-bōn hōi-fõng Rìběn hǎifáng John Dory, St Pierre or Peter's Fish (Zeus faber).¹⁵ʼ²⁰).⁸ the bream.²⁵
(composition: ⿰魚便; U+9BFE).
鯾子 bēin-dū
biānzǐ fresh water bream.¹⁹
(See 鯿 bēin).
bein1 704
9 4 bëin bīng (=仌 bëin bīng ice).³⁶
(composition: ⿱𠆢⺀; U+4ED2).
(See 仌 bëin; 冰 bëin).
bein2 705
9 4 bëin bīng (<old>=冰 bëin bīng ➀ ice ➁ ice-cold ➂ to freeze; to ice ➃ (slang, drug) methamphetamine ➄ A surname​.³⁶).³⁶
(composition: ⿱𠆢𠆢; U+4ECC).
(See 冰 bëin; 仒 bëin).
bein2 706
12 7 bëin bīng soldiers; an army; weapons; military; warlike.
兵不血刃 bëin-būt-hüt-yìn bīngbùxuèrèn to win without firing a shot.
兵碛[兵磧] bëin-dēik
bīngqì <geol.> moraine.⁵⁴
兵卒 bëin-dūt
bīngzú soldiers.¹⁴
兵法 bëin-fāt
bīngfǎ art of war; military strategy and tactics.⁵
兵荒马乱[兵荒馬亂] bëin-föng-mâ-lòn
bīnghuāngmǎluàn turmoil and chaos of war.⁵
兵符 bëin-fũ
bīngfú commander's seal or tally.¹¹
兵饷[兵餉] bëin-hēng
bīngxiǎng (=军饷[軍餉] gün-hēng jūnxiǎng) <trad.> soldier's pay and provisions.⁶
兵器 bëin-hï
bīngqì arms, weapons, weaponry.⁶
兵力 bëin-lèik
bīnglì military strength; troops.
兵役 bëin-vèik
or bëin-yèik bīngyì military service.¹¹
兵戎 bëin-yũng
bīngróng arms; weapons.⁵
民兵 mĩn-bëin
mínbīng people's militia; militia.
哨兵 säo-bëin
shàobīng a sentinel or sentry.⁷
收兵 siü-bëin
shōubīng withdraw troops; call off a battle.⁵
卫兵[衛兵] vì-bëin
wèibīng guard; bodyguard.
援兵 yõn-bëin
yuánbīng reinforcements.
bein2 707
15 2 bëin bīng Kangxi radical 15, ice; (<old>=冰 bëin bīng) ice; ice-cold; it is commonly called 两点水[兩點水] lēng-ēm-suī liǎngdiǎnshuǐ 'two dot water'.⁸
bein2 708
15 6 bëin bīng ➀ ice ➁ ice-cold ➂ to freeze; to ice ➃ (slang, drug) methamphetamine ➄ A surname​.³⁶. (variant: 氷 bëin, q.v.).
冰岛[冰島] Bëin Āo
Bīng Dǎo Iceland.¹⁰
冰雹 bëin-bòk
bīngbáo hail; hailstone.⁵
冰川 bëin-chün
bīngchuān glacier.
冰柜[冰櫃] bëin-gì
bīngguì refrigerator.⁵⁵
冰炭 bëin-hän
bīngtàn inimical.⁸ ice and fire: a pair of things that never agree.⁹
冰炭不相容 bëin-hän-būt-xëng-yũng
bīngtànbùxiāngróng  inimical, hostile to each other, like ice and hot charcoal.¹¹
冰塔 bëin-hāp
bīngtǎ <geol.> serac; sharp ice ridge.
冰天雪地 bëin-hëin-xūt-ì
bīngtiānxuědì ice and snow as far as the eye can see.
冰糖 bëin-hõng
bīngtáng crystal sugar; rock candy.⁵
冰淇淋 bëin-kĩ-lĩm
bīngqílín <loan> ice cream.⁸
冰球 bëin-kiũ
bīngqiú ice hockey; puck.⁵
冰冷 bëin-lâng
bīnglěng ice-cold; very cold; cold or frosty (of expressions).
冰凌 bëin-lẽin
bīnglíng icicle.
冰凉[冰涼] bëin-lẽng
bīngliáng ice-cold (to a lesser extent than 冰冷 bëin-lâng bīnglěng.)
冰镩[冰鑹] bëin-tön
bīngcuān pick for breaking ice.⁸
冰箱 bëin-xêng
bīngxiāng refrigerator; fridge; icebox.⁶¹
冰雪 bëin-xūt
bīngxuě ice and snow.

bein2 709
51 8 bëin bīng (comp. t: ⿰⿱丿干⿱丿干; U+5E77).
(comp. s: ⿱丷开; U+5E76).
并州[幷州] Bëin-jiü Bīngzhōu Bingzhou, one of the ancient Chinese administrative divisions, consisting of parts of today's Hebei, Shanxi, etc.⁷
并州快剪[幷州快剪] Bëin-jiü-fäi-dēin
Bīngzhōukuàijiǎn scissors made in Bingzhou – famous for sharp blades, fig. a person with a quick and witty tongue or crisp writing.⁷
<又> bèin.
(See 幷 bèin).
bein2 710
64 11 bëin bīng a case for arrows, a quiver; to cover an arrow with a hand.²⁴ quiver (for arrows).³⁶
(composition: ⿰扌朋; U+63A4).
bein2 711
64 12 bëin bìng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 摒 pẽin bìng to get rid of, to expel, to remove, to dismiss, to brush aside; to arrange in order.⁷)
<又> pẽin.
(See 摒 pẽin.)
bein2 712
75 10 bëin bīng hemp palm.⁸ palm.⁹
拼棕 bëin-düng bīngzōng (=棕榈[棕櫚] düng-luĩ zōnglǘ) Chinese windmill palm (Trachycarpus fortunei).²⁰
栟柑 bëin-gâm
bīnggān a kind of bush.⁸
栟榈[栟櫚] bëin-luĩ
bīnglǘ (another name for 棕榈[棕櫚] düng-luĩ zōnglǘ)⁸ Chinese windmill palm (Trachycarpus fortunei).²⁰
<又> bïn. (See 栟 bïn.)
bein2 713
75 13 bëin biān alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 楄 pëin piān with the same meaning: ➀ short square rafters ➁ a horizontal inscribed board ➂ the bottom plate of wooden clogs ➃ a kind of tree mentioned in ancient books.⁸
(composition: ⿰木扁; U+6944).
<又> pëin; pẽin.
(See 楄 pëin; 楄 pẽin).
bein2 714
85 5 bëin bīng (=冰 bëin bīng) ➀ ice ➁ ice-cold ➂ to freeze; to ice ➃ (slang, drug) methamphetamine.³⁶ Note: Listed in Kangxi as 俗冰字 demotic writing for 冰.
(composition: ⿻水丶; U+6C37).
(See 冰 bëin).
bein2 715
86 13 bëin biān stir-fry before stewing; sauté.⁶
煸炒 bëin-chāo biānchǎo to stir-fry in a small quantity of oil.¹⁰
煸豆角 bëin-èo-gök/
biāndòujiǎo sauté/stir-fry beans.⁶
干煸[乾煸] gön-bëin
gānbiān to stir-fry with oil only (no addition of water).¹⁰
干煸四季豆[乾煸四季豆] gön-bëin-xï-gï-èo
gānbiānsìjìdòu fried beans, Sichuan style.¹⁰
bein2 716
94 12 bëin biān kind of otter.⁸
(composition: ⿰犭扁; U+7335).
猵獭[猵獺] bëin-chât biāntǎ (=水獭[水獺] suī-chât/ shuǐtǎ (common) otter.⁵).⁸
<又> pëin.
(See 猵 pëin).
bein2 717
98 13 bëin biān a small ceramic bowl.⁸ a small bowl, large above and small below.²⁴ small basin.²⁹
(composition: ⿰扁瓦; U+7502).
甂瓯[甂甌] bëin-ëo biānōu a basin.²⁴
甂瓴 bëin-lẽin
biānlíng general term for rough pottery, such as small basins and small urns.¹⁹ʼ⁰
狗彘不择甂瓯而食[狗彘不擇甂甌而食] Gēo-jï-būt-jàk-bëin-ëo-ngĩ-sèik
Gǒu zhì bù zé biān ōu ér shí Curs and swine do not choose which dish to eat from.⁸ʼ⁰
瓦甂 ngā-bëin
wǎbiān ancient flat-shaped pottery.¹⁹ʼ⁰
<台> 打甂炉[打甂爐] ā-bëin-lũ hot pot.⁰ to instant-boil thin slices of meat and vegetables in a chafing dish at a dining table.⁸ (Note: =吃火锅[吃火鍋] hëk-fō-vö
chīhuǒguō in Mandarin).
<台> 今晚好冷, 打甂炉好吗?[今晚好冷, 打甂爐好嗎?] gïm-mân-hāo-läng/, ā-bëin-lũ-hāo-mä Today is very cold, shall we have hot pot?
bein2 718
118 21 bëin biān a utensil such as a dustpan with a handle.⁸
(composition: ⿱⺮潘; U+7C53).
<又> fän; pön. (See 籓 fän; 籓 pön).
bein2 719
118 24 bëin biān a bamboo container for food, also used to hold fruit or dried meat, etc. in sacrifices.⁷
笾豆[籩豆] bëin-èo biāndòu two ancient food containers used at sacrifices.⁷
笾豆之事[籩豆之事] bëin-èo-jï-xù
biāndòuzhīshì <wr.> things connected with offering sacrifices.¹¹
bein2 720
120 12 bëin bīng mixed; jumbled; heterogeneous.⁸ unembroidered silk (See also 絣 bäng).²⁵
(composition: ⿰糹并 or ⿰糹幷; U+7D63).
<又> bäng; päng; mäng. (See 絣 bäng; 絣 päng; 絣 mäng).
bein2 721
120 15 bëin biàn a narrow strip of woven material (such as the hem of a straw hat).⁷ braid, plait.⁸ (=辮 bîn biàn) a plait, braid.¹¹
缏子[緶子] bëin-dū
biànzi (=草帽缏[草帽緶] tāo-mào-bëin cǎomàobiàn)⁸ plaited straw (for making hats, baskets).⁵
草帽缏[草帽緶] tāo-mào-bëin
or 草帽辫[草帽辮] tāo-mào-bîn cǎomàobiàn plaited straw (for making hats, baskets).⁵
<又> pëin.
(See 緶 pëin.)
bein2 722
149 23 bëin biàn change; become different; change into, become; change, alter, transform; an unexpected turn of events.⁵
变化[變化] bëin-fä biànhuà change; vary.⁵
变化莫测[變化莫測] bëin-fä-mòk-chāk
biànhuàmòcè  unpredictable; changeable.¹⁰
变化多端[變化多端] bëin-fä-ü-ön
biànhuàduōduān be most changeful.⁸
变法[變法] bëin-fāt
biànfǎ political reform; to reform.¹¹
变卦[變卦] bëin-gä
biànguà go back on one's word; break one's promise; change one's ground/heart/mind.⁶
变革[變革] bëin-gāk
biàngé transform; change.⁵
变更[變更] bëin-gäng
biàngēng change; alter; modify.⁵
变质[變質] bëin-jīt
biànzhì change in character, spoil, deteriorate (of medicine, contents, ideals).¹¹
变生肘腋[變生肘腋] bëin-säng-jāo-yìt
biànshēngzhǒuyè  trouble is brewing close at hand.⁶
变成[變成] bëin-sẽng
biànchéng change into; become.⁵
变迁[變遷] bëin-tëin
biànqiān vicissitude; changes.⁸
变动[變動] bëin-ùng
biàndòng change; alteration.⁵
变幻[變幻] bëin-vân
biànhuàn change irregularly.⁵
变幻莫测[變幻莫測] bëin-vân-mòk-chāk
biànhuànmòcè  changeable; unpredictable.⁵
变换[變換] bëin-vòn
biànhuàn vary; alternate.⁵
bein2 723
162 18 bëin biān side; margin, edge, rim, rim; border, frontier, boundary; limit, bound;bu the side of, close to; Bian surname.
边…边…[邊…邊…] bëin...bëin biān...biān... a speech pattern indicating two actions taking place simultaneously.⁷
边防[邊防] bëin-fõng
biānfáng frontier (or border) defense.⁵
边界[邊界] bëin-gäi
biānjiè boundary; border.⁵
边境[邊境] bëin-gēin
biānjìng border; frontier.⁵
边干边学[邊幹邊學] bëin-gön-bëin-hòk
biāngàn-biānxué learning by doing; in doing we learn.³⁹
边陲[邊陲] bëin-suĩ
biānchuí <wr.> border area; frontier.⁵
边埵[邊埵] bëin-ū
biānduǒ border area; frontier.⁸
边燧[邊燧] bëin-xuì
biānsuì <hist.> fire/smoke signals made by frontier guards to warn of invaders.⁵⁴
边缘[邊緣] bëin-yõn
biānyuán edge, fringe, verge, brink, periphery; marginal, borderline.⁵
岸边[岸邊] ngòn-bëin
ànbiān shore.¹⁰
旁边[旁邊] põng-bëin
pángbiān side.⁵
身边[身邊] sïn-bëin
shēnbiān at or by one's side; (have something) on one; with one.⁵
多边形[多邊形] ü-bëin-yẽin
duōbiānxíng polygon.¹⁰
bein2 724
177 18 bëin biān a whip, a lash; to whip or lash; to flagellate; to flog; an ancient weapon shaped like a whip; a string of firecrackers.⁷
鞭打 bëin-ā
biāndǎ whip; lash; flog; thrash.⁵
鞭背 bëin-böi
biānbèi to whip the back as punishment.⁷
鞭策 bëin-chāk
biāncè spur on; urge on.⁵
鞭长莫及[鞭長莫及] bëin-chẽng-mòk-gèp
biānchángmòjí beyond the reach of one's power or authority.⁵
鞭笞 bëin-chï
biānchī <wr.> lash; flog.⁵
or 鞭捶 bëin-chuĩ biānchuí to flog with a whip.⁷
鞭箠 bëin-chuĩ
or bëin-juì biānchuí to flog with a whip.¹⁴
鞭虫[鞭蟲] bëin-chũng
biānchóng whipworm.⁵
鞭子 bëin-dū
biānzi whip.⁵
鞭痕 bëin-hân
biānhén welt; whip scar; lash mark.⁵
鞭挞[鞭撻] bëin-hāt
biāntà <wr.> castigate; lash.⁶
鞭责[鞭責] bëin-jāk
biānzé (=棰笞 chuĩ-chï chuíchī) lash and call somebody to account.⁸
鞭毛 bëin-mão
biānmáo flagellum.⁵
or 鞭砲 bëin-päo biānpào firecrackers; a string of small firecrackers.⁵
鞭扑[鞭撲] bëin-pōk
biānpū to whip; to lash; to chastise.⁷
鞭梢 bëin-säo
biānshāo whiplash.⁵ tip of a whip.¹¹
鞭鞘 bëin-säo
biānshāo whiplash.⁶ a whip.²⁵
鞭刑 bëin-yẽin
biānxíng flogging.⁷
bein2 725
1 7 𠀤
bèin bìng (=竝 bèin bìng) to combine, annex; also, what is more.²⁶
(composition: ⿱夶一; U+20024).
(See 竝 bèin.)
bein4 726
1 8 bèin bìng ➀ and; also; at the same time  ➁ on the same level with; even; equal  ➂ entirely; completely.⁷
(comp. t: ⿱丷亚; U+4E26). (comp. s: ⿱丷开; U+5E76).
并不[並不] bèin-būt
bìngbù really not.⁷
并且[並且] bèin-chēh
bìngqiě moreover; and; to boot.⁷
并进[並進] bèin-dïn
bìngjìn to advance together.⁷
并非[並非] bèin-fï
bìngfēi <lit.> by no means.⁷
并驾齐驱[並駕齊驅] bèin-gä-tãi-kuï
bìngjiàqíqū run neck and neck; keep pace with one another.⁵
并肩[並肩] bèin-gän
bìngjiān be shoulder to shoulder; be side by side; be abreast.⁶
并举[並舉] bèin-guī
bìngjǔ to develop simultaneously.⁷
并行不悖[並行不悖] bèin-hãng-būt-böi
bìngxíngbùbèi not mutually exclusive; compatible; run parallel.⁵ʼ⁶ʼ⁷
并蒂[並蒂] bèin-î
bìngdì  two blossoms on one stalk; united in love.⁷
并重[並重] bèin-jùng
bìngzhòng to lay equal stress on.⁷
并列[並列] bèin-lèik
bìngliè to stand side by side.⁷
并立[並立] bèin-lìp
bìnglì coexist; exist simultaneously.⁶
并排[並排] bèin-pãi
bìngpái side by side; abreast.⁶
并存[並存] bèin-tũn
bìngcún exist side by side; coexist.⁶
(See 併 bèin, 幷 bèin, 倂 bèin, 竝 bèin; 并 bèin).
bein4 727
9 8 bèin bìng (=并[倂] bèin bìng ➀ on a level with; even; equal; to go side by side  ➁ all; entire  ➂ together  ➃ to combine; to annex.⁷)
(composition: ⿰亻并; U+4F75).
(See 並 bèin, 倂 bèin, 幷 bèin, 竝 bèin; 并 bèin).
bein4 728
9 9 便 bèin biàn convenient; handy; in that case; even if; then; excrement and urine; to relieve oneself; informal; at ease; plain.
大便 ài-bèin dàbiàn to defecate; feces.
便秘 bèin-bï
biànmì irregularity; constipation.⁸
便步 bèin-bù
biànbù <mil.> to walk at ease.
便池 bèin-chĩ
biànchí urinal.¹⁰
便服 bèin-fùk
biànfú everyday clothes; informal dress.
便条[便條] bèin-hẽl
biàntiáo a brief informal note.⁵
便携式[便攜式] bèin-kĩ-sēik
biànxiéshì portable.⁹
便可 bèin-hō
biànkě Then it's OK. In that case it's possible.
便酌 bèin-jēk
biànzhuó informal dinner.⁵
便利 bèin-lì
biànlì convenient; profitable; serviceable.
便帽 bèin-mào
biànmào cap.¹⁰
便宜 bèin-ngĩ
biànyí convenient.¹⁰ (See 便宜 pẽin-ngĩ piányi cheap.)
便嬖 bèin-pĩ
biánbì <wr.> favorite mistress.¹¹
便是 bèin-sì
biànshì (exactly) is; That's it; even if.
便壶[便壺] bèin-vũ
biànhú (bed) urinal; chamber pot.
便衣 bèin-yï
biànyī civilian or plain clothes; plainclothesman.
便有 bèin-yiû
biànyǒu and then there is or there are.
小便 xēl-bèin
xiǎobiàn to urinate; urine.
<又> pẽin.
(See 便 pẽin.)
bein4 729
9 10 bèin bìng ➀ on a level with; even; equal; to go side by side  ➁ all; entire  ➂ together  ➃ to combine; to annex.⁷
(composition: ⿰亻幷; U+5002).
并发[倂發] bèin-fāt bìngfā to begin, explode, erupt, attack, occur, etc. at the same time.⁷
并发症[倂發癥] bèin-fāt-jëin
bìngfāzhèng <med.> a complication; an epiphenomenon; a syndrome.⁷
并肩[倂肩] bèin-gän
bìngjiān shoulder to shoulder.⁷
并合[倂合] bèin-hàp
bìnghé to unite; to integrate.⁷
并吞[倂吞] bèin-hün
bìngtūn to swallow up entirely; to annex and absorb (a neighboring country).⁷
并拢[倂攏] bèin-lūng
bìnglǒng to draw close to each other.⁷
并案[倂案] bèin-ön
bìng'àn ➀ an arrangement to group similar cases under a single heading for quicker or better processing, treatment, etc.  ➁ a package deal.⁷
(See 併 bèin; 並 bèin, 幷 bèin, 竝 bèin; 并 bèin).
bein4 730
9 11 bèin bìng <old> a secluded place.⁷ out of the way, retired, secluded.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻屏 or ⿰亻屛; U+504B).
(See 偋[bèin, bǐng]).
bein4 731
9 11 bèin bǐng <old>=屏 bèin bǐng to get rid of; to abandon.⁸
(composition: ⿰亻屏
or ⿰亻屛; U+504B).
(See 偋[bèin, bìng]).
bein4 732
25 4 bèin biàn irritable; rash, impetuous, impatient; Bian surname.
(composition: ⿰; U+).
卞急 bèin-gīp biànjí testy; irascible.
卞和 bèin-vö
biànhé (卞姓, 和氏) Bian He, who lived sometime between 楚厲王 (r. 763–758 BCE) and 楚文王 (r. 689–677 BCE) was a Chu 楚 person; he presented the most valuable, but untreated gem to two princes/kings in turn, who took the gem for a simple stone, and for an imaginary deception, one prince ordered Bian He to have one foot chopped off and the other, the other foot - thus come the term 和氏璧 vö-sì-bēik héshìbì, a precious gem mistakenly thought worthless).
bein4 733
32 11 bèin bèng  <wr.> to bury a coffin.⁹  <wr.> to bury in grave.¹¹
<又> pãng. (See 堋 pãng.)
bein4 734
44 9 bèin bǐng hold (one's breath); reject, get rid of; abandon.⁵
屏斥 bèin-chēik bǐngchì to reproach; to rebuke; to accuse.⁷
屏除 bèin-chuĩ
bǐngchú get rid of; dismiss; brush aside.⁵
屏迹[屏跡] bèin-dēik
bǐngjì to stay away from; to avoid.⁷
屏绝[屏絕] bèin-dùt
bǐngjué brush aside; adandon; dismiss.⁶
屏居 bèin-guï
bǐngjū to live in retirement; to be out of public life.⁷
屏弃[屏棄] bèin-hï
bǐngqì discard; reject; throw away;  abandon.⁵
屏气[屏氣] bèin-hï
bǐngqì hold one's breath.⁵
屏去 bèin-huï
bǐngqù get rid of, remove; order (servants) to retire, dismiss.⁶
屏退 bèin-huï
bǐngtuì order somebody to retire, dismiss;  <wr.> (of officials) retire from public life.⁶
屏黜 bèin-jōt
bǐngchù to dismiss; to banish.⁷
屏声[屏聲] bèin-sëin
bǐngshēng hold one's breath and keep quiet.⁶
屏息 bèin-xēik
bǐngxī hold one's breath.⁶
<又> bēin, bëng, pẽin.
(See 屏 bēin, bëng, pẽin.)
bein4 735
51 6 bèin bìng In ancient text 并 bèin bìng may be the same as 併 bèin bìng ( ➀ on a level with; even; equal; to go side by side  ➁ all; entire  ➂ together  ➃ to combine; to annex.⁷ ), but not 並 bèin bìng.³⁶
(composition: ⿱丷开 ; U+5E76).
Lí yǒu péng hāo bìng xīng.
Orach, fescue, darnel, and southernwood would grow up together.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·月令》, translated by James Legge).
(See 併 bèin; 並 bèin; 幷 bëin; 幷 bèin; 倂 bèin).
bein4 736
51 8 bèin bìng ➀ on a level with; even; equal  ➁ and; also; or; at the same time; together with.⁷
(comp. t: ⿰⿱丿干⿱丿干; U+5E77).
s: ⿱丷开; U+5E76).
并日而食[幷日而食] bèin-ngìt-ngĩ-sèik
bìngrì'érshí to eat on alternate days – to live a poor life.⁷
<又> bëin.
(See 幷 bëin; 倂 bèin, 並 bèin, 竝 bèin; 并 bèin).
bein4 737
55 5 bèin biàn <trad.> man's cap; low-ranking military officer.
弁绖[弁絰] bèin-èik biàndié a cap with a mourning badge.²⁵
弁髦 bèin-mão
biànmáo <wr.> worthless stuff; regard as worthless.¹¹
弁髦荣华[弁髦榮華] bèin-mão-vẽin-vã
biànmáorónghuá spurn worldly honors and comfort.¹¹
弁冕 bèin-mêin
biànmiǎn <wr.> formal cap; (fig.) the top (of scholars).
弁目 bèin-mùk
biànmù <hist.> patrol leader, sergeant.
弁言 bèin-ngũn
biànyán <wr.> foreword; preface.
将弁[將弁] dëng-bèin
jiàngbiàn military officers in general.
马弁[馬弁] mâ-bèin
mǎbiàn <trad.> officer's bodyguard.
武弁 mû-bèin
wǔbiàn petty officer; military cap.
皮弁 pĩ-bèin
píbiàn an ancient cap made of a deer's hide.⁷
bein4 738
61 7 bèin biàn <wr.> glad, happy.⁵ overjoyed; pleased; delighted.⁷
忭欢[忭歡] bèin-fön biànhuān pleased and delighted.⁷
忭贺[忭賀] bèin-hào
or bèin-hò biànhè to congratulate with joy; to celebrate.⁷
bèin-dùng biànsòng to be pleased to offer best wishes.⁷
忭跃[忭躍] bèin-yèk
biànyuè great joy; tremendous pleasure; to leap with joy.⁷
or 不胜忻忭[不勝忻忭] būt-sëin-hïm-bèin bùshèngxīnbiàn be overjoyed.⁵
or 忻忭 hïm-bèin xīnbiàn <wr.> happy; joyous.⁶
bein4 739
64 7 bèin biàn to clap hands; to cheer.⁷ (variant: 拚 bèin biàn).
抃掌 bèin-jēng
biànzhǎng to clap hands; to applaud.⁷
抃舞 bèin-mū
biànwǔ to cheer and dance; to make merry; to dance for joy.⁷
抃手 bèin-siū
biànshǒu to clap hands; to applaud.⁷
抃悦[抃悅] bèin-yòt
biànyuè to clap hands for joy; to cheer.⁷
抃踊[抃踴] bèin-yūng
biànyǒng to cheer and dance.⁷
舞抃 mū-bèin
wǔbiàn to dance for joy.⁵⁴
鳌抃[鰲抃] ngão-bèin
áobiàn clapping and dancing with delight.¹⁴
(See 拚 bèin).
bein4 740
64 8 bèin biàn (=抃 bèin biàn to clap hands; to cheer.⁷); to tapl to lay the hand on.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰扌弁; U+62DA).
歌拚 gô-bèin
gēbiàn singing and clapping the hands.¹⁴
<又> pëin, pön, fän, fûn.
(See 拚 pëin, 拚 pön, 拚 fän, 拚 fûn; 抃 bèin).
bein4 741
85 7 bèin biàn another name for 开封[開封] Höi-füng Kāifēng Kaifeng, Henan.⁴
bein4 742
85 7 bèin biàn ancient river name, aka 汴水 bèin-suī biànshuǐ, located in present-day 河南 Hõ-nãm Hénán Henan Province.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵反; U+6C73).
bein4 743
112 19 𥖬
bèin bìng (composition: ⿰石凴; U+255AC).
𥖬❄{⿰石凴}𥕽❄{⿱彭石} bèin-pãng bìngpèng the noise of stones.²
bein4 744
117 10 bèin bìng (=並 bèin bìng) and, also, or, at the same time; together with; united; together.¹⁴ (variant: 𠀤❄{⿱夶一} bèin bìng)
(composition: ⿰立立; U+7ADD).
(See 並 bèin, 併 bèin, 倂 bèin, 幷 bèin; 𠀤❄{⿱夶一} bèin.)
bein4 745
140 7 bèin biàn 苄基 bèin-gï biànjī <chem.> benzyl.
(composition: ⿱艹卞; U+82C4).
bein4 746
140 8 bèin biàn name of a variety of grass.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹弁; U+44AA).
雀䒪 dēk-bèin quèbiàn the name of a plant.²ʼ²⁵
bein4 747
142 14 bèin bìng a kind of clam, long and narrow.³⁶ a kind of cockle.²⁵
(composition: ⿰虫亭; U+45D2).
䗒蝏 bèin-hẽin bìngtíng the solen ensis.²⁵ (Ensis ensis).¹⁵
蝏䗒 hẽin-bèin
tíngbìng a long, narrow clam.²
bein4 748
149 16 bèin piǎn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 谝[諞] pëin piǎn with same meaning: to brag; to boast; to quibble; <topo.> to show off..)
<又> pëin.
(See 諞 pëin.)
bein4 749
157 13 bèin bèng to disperse and run.²⁵
跰跰 bèin-bèin bèngbèng rushing around.¹³
<又> pëin, pẽin.
(See 跰 pëin; 跰 pẽin).
bein4 750
160 16 bèin biàn differentiate, distinguish, discriminate.⁵ (variant: 釆 bèin biàn). (See 釆 bèin).
辨白 bèin-bàk
biànbái (=辨明 bèin-mẽin biànmíng) to distinguish clearly, to identify clearly; to account for.⁷
辨别[辨別] bèin-bèik
biànbié differentiate, distinguish.⁵
辨核 bèin-hàt
biànhé to distinguish and evaluate.⁷
辨证施治[辨證施治] bèin-jëin-sï-jì
biànzhèngshīzhì <TCM> diagnosis and treatment based on overall analysis of the illness and the patient's condition.⁵
辨明 bèin-mẽin
biànmíng make a clear distinction; clarify; distinguish; identify.⁶
辨明是非 bèin-mẽin-sì-fï
biànmíng shì-fēi to distinguish right from wrong; to distinguish right and wrong.⁷
辨认[辨認] bèin-ngìn
biànrèn identify; recognize.⁵
辨色 bèin-sēik
biànsè to read another's facial expressions; to distinguish colors; twilight.⁷
辨惑 bèin-vàk
biànhuò to straighten out confusing points.⁷
辨析 bèin-xēik
biànxī differentiate and analyze; discriminate.⁵
分辨 fün-bèin
fēnbiàn distinguish, differentiate; <phy.> resolution..⁵
难辨是非[難辨是非] nãn-bèin-sì-fï
nánbiànshìfēi be hard to discriminate between right and wrong.⁶

bein4 751
160 21 bèin biàn argue, debate, dispute.⁶
辩白[辯白] bèin-bàk biànbái to defend oneself verbally.⁷
辩驳[辯駁] bèin-bök
biànbó defend and refute; to debate.⁷
辩解[辯解] bèin-gāi
biànjiě to provide an explanation, to try to defend oneself.⁷
辩口[辯口] bèin-hēo
biànkǒu skilled debater; eloquence.⁷
辩证[辯證] bèin-jëin
biànzhèng to analyze and and verify a point; dialectical.⁷
辩论[辯論] bèin-lùn
biànlùn to debate; a debate.⁷
辩难[辯難] bèin-nàn
biànnàn to defend and question; to debate.⁷
辩才[辯才] bèin-tõi
biàncái ability as a debater; eloquence.⁷
辩才无碍[辯才無礙] bèin-tõi-mũ-ngòi
biàncáiwú'ài very eloquent.⁷
辩护[辯護] bèin-vù
biànhù to speak in defense of, to defend verbally; <law> to plead; to defend; defense.⁷
辩护人[辯護人] bèin-vù-ngĩn
biànhùrén defense counsel; an advocate.⁷
辩护士[辯護士] bèin-vù-xù
biànhùshì a lawyer, a barrister.⁷
争辩[爭辯] jäng-bèin
zhēngbiàn argue; debate; contend (with somebody about something).⁶
bein4 752
162 9 bèin bèng to burst forth; to spurt; to crack; split.¹⁰
迸出来[迸出來] bèin-chūt-lõi bèngchūlai burst out (of tears).¹¹
迸溅[迸濺] bèin-dèin
bèngjiàn splash.⁸
迸发[迸發] bèin-fāt
bèngfā to burst forth.¹⁰
迸发出[迸發出] bèin-fāt-chūt
bèngfāchū to burst forth; to burst out.¹⁰
迸跳 bèin-hël
bèngtiào to jump about.⁷
迸开[迸開] bèin-höi
bèngkāi to split open.⁷
迸裂 bèin-lëik
bèngliè to burst open; to split.¹⁰
迸流 bèin-liũ
bèngliú gush forth (of spirings).¹¹
迸泪[迸淚] bèin-luì
bènglèi tears gush forth.¹¹
迸脆 bèin-tuï
bèngcuì crisp.¹¹
火花迸溅[火花迸濺] fō-fä-bèin-dèin
huǒhuābèngjiàn sparks fly in all directions.⁰
火星迸溅[火星迸濺] fō-xëin-bèin-dèin
huǒxīngbèngjiàn Sparks flew in all directions.⁵⁴
嘎迸脆 gā-bèin-tuï
gābèngcuì crisp (cake).¹¹
乱迸[亂迸] lòn-bèin
luànbèng dash blindly (against something).¹¹
bein4 753
165 7 bèin biàn Kangxi radical 165; distinguish.⁸ (<old>=辨 bèin biàn) differentiate, distinguish, discriminate.⁵ (Note: 釆 has 7 strokes. It is not the same as 采 tōi cǎi, which has 8 strokes with 爫 on top of 木).
(See 辨 bèin).
bein4 754
173 39 bèin bìng The sound of thunder.²⁵ thunder.³⁵ bein4 755
177 17 bèin bǐng sheath.⁸ sheath of a knife.⁹ scabbard.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰革卑; U+979E).
<又> pĩ, bï, bīt. (See 鞞 pĩ, 鞞 bīt, 鞞 bï).
bein4 756
177 20 bèin bǐng (<old>=鞞 bèin bǐng) sheath.⁸ sheath of a knife.⁹ scabbard.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰革畢; U+97B8).
<又> bēik, bīt.
(See 鞸 bēik; 鞸 bīt; 鞞 bèin).
bein4 757
162 18 bêin bian suffix of a noun of locality.¹⁰
左边[左邊] dū-bêin zuǒbian left; left side; to the left of.¹⁰
下边[下边] hà-bêin
xiàbian under; the underside; below.¹⁰
后边[後邊] hèo-bëin
hòubian back; rear; behind.¹⁰
这边[這邊] jëh-bêin
zhèbian this side; here.¹⁰
那边[那邊] nã-bêin
nàbian over there; yonder.¹⁰
外边[外邊] ngòi-bêin
wàibian outside; outer surface; abroad; place other than one's home.¹⁰
内边[內邊] nuì-bêin
nèibian the inside.¹⁰
上边[上邊] sèng-bêin
shàngbian above; servants’ or subordinates’ reference to master(s).¹¹
前边[前邊] tẽin-bêin
qiánbian the front; in front.¹¹
右边[右邊] yiù-bêin
yòubian right side; right, to the right.¹⁰
<台> 边[邊] bêin/ left and right character components.
<台> 才手边[才手邊] tõi-siū-bêin/ the left component of characters of Kangxi radical 64, 手 siū
shǒu (扌 ).
<台> 企人边[企人邊] kï-ngĩn-bêin/ the left component of characters of Kangxi radical 9, 人 ngĩn
rén (亻).
bein5 758
9 10 bēl biào <topo.> distribute; hand out.⁶
俵分 bēl-fün biàofēn <topo.> distribute according to the number of portions or of people.⁶ to divide.¹¹
俵散 bēl-xān
biàosàn to distribute.¹¹
bel1 759
38 11 bēl biǎo a prostitute.⁷
婊子 bēl-dū biǎozi <derog.> prostitute; whore.⁵
婊子的儿子[婊子的兒子] bēl-dū-ēik-ngī-dū
biǎozideérzi  You s.o.b.! (or bastard).⁷
婊子养的[婊子養的] bēl-dū-yëng-ēik
biǎoziyǎngde  You s.o.b.! (or bastard).⁷
婊孙子[婊孫子] bēl-xün-dū
biǎosūnzi You s.o.b.! (or bastard).⁷
bel1 760
145 8 bēl biǎo surface; exterior; to show; a model; a table (listing information); a form; family relationship via females.
表达[表達] bēl-àt biǎodá express; convey; voice.⁵
表姊妹 bēl-dī-môi
biǎozǐmèi daughters of one's mother's siblings, or of one's father's sisters.⁵⁴
表格 bēl-gâk
biǎogé form; list; table.⁶
表哥 bēl-gū
biǎogē older male cousin on mother's side.
表决[表決] bēl-kūt
biǎojué to decide by vote.
表里[表裏] bēl-lī
biǎo-lǐ one's outward show and inner thoughts.⁸
表里不一[表裡不一] bēl-lī-būt-yīt
biǎolǐbùyī think in one way and behave in another.⁵
表面 bēl-mèin
biǎomiàn surface; outside; appearance.⁸
表妹 bēl-môi
biǎomèi a daughter of father's sister or of mother's brother or sister, who is younger than oneself.⁸
表嫂 bēl-xāo
biǎosǎo older maternal cousin's wife.
表演 bēl-yēn
biǎoyǎn perform, act, play; performance, exhibition; demonstrate.⁵
表现[表現] bēl-yèn
biǎoxiàn display; show off; behavior.⁵⁵
表扬[表揚] bēl-yẽng
biǎoyáng praise; commend; cite.⁶
地表 ì-bēl
dìbiǎo the earth's surface.⁵
外表 ngòi-bēl
wàibiǎo outward appearance; exterior.⁵
(See 錶 bël.)
bel1 761
145 13 bēl biǎo mount (a picture); paste paper on, paper.⁶ to mount (paintings, calligraphy); a scarf.⁷
裱版 bēl-bān biǎobǎn adhesive backing.³⁹
裱褙 bēl-böi
biǎobèi to mount (paintings).⁷ pasteboard.¹⁴
裱店 bēl-ëm
biǎodiàn a shop specialized in mounting paintings and calligraphy.⁷
裱工 bēl-güng
biǎogōng the work of mounting; expenses for mounting; who who mounts paintings or calligraphic works.⁷
裱画[裱畫] bēl-vǎ
biǎohuà mount a picture.⁸
裱糊 bēl-vũ
biǎohú to paste; to paper (a wall, ceiling).⁷
裱糊匠 bēl-vũ-dèng
biǎohújiàng a mounting craftsman; paper hanger.⁷
bel1 762
9 17 bël biāo milling, moving crowd.⁸ walking to and fro.¹⁰ in motion; a group, or company walking along.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻麃; U+5126).
儦儦 bël-bël biāobiāo <lit.> many, numerous, crowded;
<lit.> rushing about, running in small steps.³⁶
Bël-bël dù-dù, vàk-kũn-vàk-yiû.
Biāobiāo sìsì, huò qún huò yǒu.
Now rushing about, now waiting together,
Here in threes, there in twos.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·彤弓之什·吉日》, translated by James Legge).
Mûn-suī häo-häo, hãng-ngĩn bël-bël.
Wènshuǐ tāotāo, xíngrén biāobiāo.
The waters of the Wen sweep on;
The travellers are in crowds.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·齊風·載驅》, translated by James Legge).
<台> 儦 or 猋 bël running around.
<台> 乱儦[亂儦] or 乱猋[亂猋] lòn-bël disorderly running and fooling around.
bel2 763
59 11 bël biāo <wr.> stripes on a tiger; <wr.> brilliant; young tiger – sturdy giant; <m.> group, team.⁶ Biao surname.⁷
(composition: ⿺虎彡; U+5F6A).
彪炳 bël-bēin biāobǐng <wr.> to shine, to be splendid.⁶
shining, glorious (achievement).¹¹
彪炳千古 bël-bēin-tëin-gū
biāobǐngqiāngǔ to shine through the ages.⁶
彪悍 bël-hòn
biāohàn ferociously intrepid; valiant; valorous.⁶
彪壮[彪壯] bël-jöng
biāozhuàng tall and strong; robust; sturdy; burly; brawny; heavy set; husky.⁶
彪蒙 bël-mũng
biāoméng <old> to develop the mind.¹¹
彪形 bël-yẽin
biāoxíng tall and big.⁷
彪形大汉[彪形大漢] bël-yẽin-ài-hön
biāoxíng dàhàn robust giant; burly chap; husky fellow.⁶
Yî-kĩ-pãng-jüng ngĩ-bël-ngòi-yâ.
Yǐ qí péng zhōng ér biāo wài yě.
It is because internally he is like a fully drawn bow and externally he is elegantly patterned like a tiger.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《揚子法言·君子卷第十二》, translated by Jeffrey S. Bullock).
bel2 764
75 7 bël biāo name of a constellation – the handle of the Dipper.⁷ the handle of Big Dipper; single-plank bridge.⁸
斗杓 ēo-bël dǒubiāo the handle of Big Dipper.⁸
魁杓 föi-bël
kuíbiāo the second star of the Dipper.¹⁴
<又> sēk.
(See 杓 sēk.)
bel2 765
75 15 bël biāo mark, sign; put a mark, tag or label on; prize, award; outward sign, symptom; tender, bid.⁵
标榜[標榜] bël-bōng biāobǎng flaunt; advertise; parade; boast; excessively praise.⁵
标点[標點] bël-ēm
biāodiǎn punctuation; punctuate.⁵
标致[標緻] bël-jï
biāozhì handsome (of person, dress).¹¹
标准[標準] bël-jūn
biāozhǔn standard; criterion.⁵
标准美国英语[標準美國英語] Bël-jūn Mî-gōk Yëin-nguî
Biāozhǔn Měiguó Yīngyǔ Standard American English.¹⁹
标准英国英语[標準英國英語] Bël-jūn Yëin-gōk Yëin-nguî
Biāozhǔn Yīngguó Yīngyǔ Standard British English.¹⁹
标语[標語] bël-nguî
biāoyǔ slogan; poster.⁵
标售[標售] bël-siù
biāoshòu sell at marked price.⁸
or 標籤] bël-têm biāoqiān label; tag.⁶
标新立异[標新立異] bël-xïn-lìp-yì
biāoxīnlìyì start something new in order to be different; do something unconventional or unorthodox; create something new and original.⁵
岸标[岸標] ngòn-bël
ànbiāo shore beacon.⁶
bel2 766
85 14 bël biāo flow; (Cant.) to ooze; to spurt.⁸ (of water) flowing; (Cantonese, Southwestern Mandarin, Xiang) to ooze, spurt.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵彪; U+6EEE).
滮滮 bël-bël biāobiāo the way water flows.⁸ʼ⁰
滮池 bël-chĩ
biāochí aka 冰池 bëin-chĩ bīngchí "Holy Woman Fountain"; also, name of an ancient river, in the northwest of Xi'an (西安 Xäi-ön Xī'ān), Shaanxi Province (陕西省 Sēm-xäi sāng Shǎnxī shěng).⁸ʼ⁰
Bël-chĩ-bāk-liũ, dïm-bī-ào-hẽin.
Biāo chí běi liú, jìn bǐ dào tián.
How the water from the pools flows away to north,
Flooding the rice fields!⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·都人士之什·白華》, translated by James Legge). Alternate translation: Biaochi flows to the north, flooding the rice fields.⁰
<台> 尼水滮出来[尼水滮出來] nāi-suī-bël-chūt-lõi some water spurted out (of a water hose).
bel2 767
85 18 bël biāo plenty.⁸ copious (of rain or snow).¹⁰ much wind and rain.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵麃; U+700C).
瀌瀌 bël-bël biāobiāo heavy rain or heavy snow.⁸
Yî-xūt-bël-bël, gëin-yèn-yòt-xël.
Yǔ xuě biāo biāo, jiàn xiàn yuē xiāo.
The snow may have fallen abundantly,
But when it feels the sun's heat, it dissolves.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·桑扈之什·角弓》, translated by James Legge).
bel2 768
86 19 bël biāo (=轻脃[輕脃] or 轻脆[輕脆] hëin-tuï qīngcuì sharp and clear; crisp; melodious; ringing; tinkling; silvery (of sound); fragile; frail; also written 清脆 tëin-tuï qīngcuì, q.v.¹⁰ brittle (biscuit).¹¹).² brittle; fragile.¹⁰
(composition: ⿳⿴𦥑同冖火; U+7202).
轻爂[輕爂] hëin-bël
qīngbiāo crisp; brittle.⁰
bel2 769
94 12 bël biāo ➀ (=飙[飆] bël biāo) a storm, gale or hurrcane ➁ (said of dog) running fast ➂ swift, quick, rapid.⁷ wind; storm; gale; dog moving; (Cant.) running quickly.⁸ storm; dashing, speeding fast.¹¹ a whirlwind.¹⁴ dogs running along; a fierce wind rushing upwards.²⁴
猋风[猋風] bël-füng
biāofēng a whirlwind.²⁴ (See 飙风[飆風] bël-füng).
Bël-füng-bào yî-dūng-jï.
Biāo fēng bào yǔ zǒng zhì.
Boisterous winds would work their violence; rain would descend in torrents.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·月令》, translated by James Legge).

<台> 猋 or 儦 bël running around.
<台> 乱猋[亂猋] or 乱儦[亂儦] lòn-bël disorderly running and fooling around.
(See 飆 bël).
bel2 770
104 16 bël biāo whitlow.⁸
瘭疮[瘭瘡] bël-chông biāochuāng (=瘭疽 bël-duï or bël-duī biāojū) felon, whitlow.¹⁹
瘭疽 bël-duï
or bël-duī biāojū pyogenic infection of the pad of a finger or toe; whitlow; felon.⁶ whitlow, panaritium.⁹
bel2 771
115 20 bël biāo weed fields; <topo.> applying manure to a seedling field.⁸ʼ¹⁹ to weed.¹⁰ to till the field.¹¹ to weed a field.²⁵ <lit.> to weed; to till.³⁶ (old variant: 麃 bël biāo).
(composition: ⿰禾麃; U+7A6E).
or 藨蓘 bël-gūn biāogǔn lit. to weed fields and use soil to grow seedling roots; fig. hard work/labor.¹⁹ʼ⁰
<又> päo.
(See 穮 päo; 麃 bël).
bel2 772
118 17 bël biāo the way bamboo grows.⁸ a species of bamboo; a bamboo door; small bamboos, solid within, and good for arrows for cross-bows.²⁵ This species of bamboo comes from 九眞 Giū-jïn Jiǔzhēn,² a commandery within 交州 Gäo-jiü Jiāozhōu, located in present-day Thanh Hóa Province (清化), Vietnam (越南).¹⁵ (Note: Some dictionaries have two pronunciations for 篻 pêl piǎo and bël biāo while some have only one, such as Ministry of Education (MoE) have only one: pêl piǎo. Those with two pronunciations, by themselves, have distinct meanings; but, when compared with other dictionaries, their meanings are intertwined. MoE has all meanings in pêl piǎo. The Kangxi Dictionary notes that the one read pêl piǎo comes from 韶州 Sẽl-jiü Sháozhōu whereas the one read bël biāo comes from 九眞 Giū-jïn Jiǔzhēn).
(composition: ⿱𥫗票; U+7BFB).
<又> pêl.
(See 篻 pêl).
bel2 773
130 12 bël biāo ➀ (<old>=膘 or 臕 bël biāo (usually of livestock) fat.⁶).²ʼ⁸
➁ a place name.²
(composition: ⿰⺼表; U+813F).
禄脿街道[祿脿街道] Lùk-bël Gâi-ào
Lùbiăo Jiēdào Lubiao Subdistrict, formerly a town situated in western Anning City, Yunnan province, southwestern China. Its status changed to a subdistrict of Anning in 2011. The name Lubiao means "a place with many white stones" in Yi language.¹⁵
买脿羯羊[買脿羯羊] mäi-bël-gèik-yẽng
mǎibiāojiéyáng to buy a fat wether.
bel2 774
130 15 bël biāo (usually of livestock) fat.⁶ (variant: 臕 bël biāo).
膘肥体壮[膘肥體壯] bël-fĩ-hāi-jöng
biāoféitǐzhuàng brawny and sturdy.⁶
膘实[膘實] bël-sìt
biāoshí (of domestic animals) sturdy.⁶
膘情 bël-tẽin
biāoqíng condition of fattening.⁶
蹲膘 dün-bël
dūnbiāo (of cattle) fatten in the shed.⁵
上膘 sèng-bël
shàngbiāo (of animals) fatten; get fat.⁶
(See 臕 bël).
bel2 775
130 19 bël biāo (=膘 bël biāo) (usually of livestock) fat.⁶
(See 臕 bël).
bel2 776
140 18 bël biāo another name 鹿藿 lùk-kök lùhuò (a bean plant, Rhynchosia volubilis.¹¹), twining rhynchosia.⁸ a kind of raspberry.¹⁰ flower spikes of reed; <old>=穮 weed; weeding.¹⁹ a kind of mint; also a sort of couch grass, used for making mats, or shoes.²⁵ bulrush.³⁶
(composition: ⿱艹麃; U+85E8).
or 穮蓘 bël-gūn biāogǔn lit. to weed fields and use soil to grow seedling roots; fig. hard work/labor.¹⁹ʼ⁰
藨草 bël-tāo
biāocǎo Scirpus, the stem can be used to weave mats or weave straw shoes.¹⁹ Schoenoplectus triqueter.¹⁰ʼ³⁶
茶藨子科 chã-bël-dū-fö
chábiāolùzǐkē the family Grossulariaceae with a single genus Ribes containing about 200 species which are known as currants or gooseberries.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
<又> päo; pêl.
(See 藨 päo; 藨 pêl).
bel2 777
167 16 bël biǎo watch; wristwatch.
表壳[錶殼] bël-hôk biǎoké watch case.⁶
电子表[電子錶] èin-dū-bël
diànzǐbiǎo electronic or digital watch.
钟表[鐘錶] jüng-bël
zhōngbiǎo clock.
秒表[秒錶] mêl-bël
miǎobiǎo chronograph; stopwatch.⁸
手表[手錶] siū-bël
shǒubiǎo wristwatch.
怀表[懷錶] vãi-bël
huáibiǎo pocket watch.⁵
<台> 吃表[吃錶] hëk-bël to avoid work.
(See 表 bēl.)
bel2 778
167 19 bël biāo dart-like weapon (thrown by hand and used formerly); property/effects convoyed (or escorted) for others.⁶ throwing weapon; dart; goods sent under the protection of an armed escort.¹⁰
保镖[保鏢] or 保镳[保鑣] bāo-bël bǎobiāo bodyguard, armed escort.¹¹
or 镳局[鑣局] bël-gùk biāojú <trad.> professional establishment providing armed escort for treasures sent over long distances.⁶
镖客[鏢客] bël-hāk
biāokè armed escort.⁶
or 镖枪[鏢槍] bël-tëng biāoqiāng javelin, spear.¹¹
镖师[鏢師] bël-xü
biāoshī armed escort.⁶
飞镖[飛鏢] fï-bël
fēibiāo darts (game); dart (weapon shaped like a spearhead).¹⁰
bel2 779
167 23 bël biāo <wr.> bit (of a bridle); (=镖[鏢] bël biāo).⁶
t: ⿰釒麃; U+9463). (comp. s: ⿰钅麃; U+9573).
or 保镖[保鏢] bāo-bël bǎobiāo bodyguard, armed escort.¹¹
or 镖局[鏢局] bël-gùk biāojú <trad.> professional establishment providing armed escort for treasures sent over long distances.⁶
分道扬镳[分道揚鑣] fün-ào-yẽng-bël
fēndàoyángbiāo lit. to take different roads and urge the horses on (idiom)
fig. to part ways.¹⁰
Hëin-nâi-mèin Höng yï Bël-güng.
Tiān nǎi mìng Tāng yú Biāogōng.
Heaven then commissioned Tang in the Biao Palace.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《墨子·卷五·非攻下》, translated by W. P. Mei).
连镳并軫[連鑣並轸] lẽin-bël-bèin-chīn
liánbiāobìngzhěn lit. reins together and carriages level (idiom); keeping exactly abreast of one another; running neck and neck.¹⁰
扬镳[揚鑣] yẽng-bël
yángbiāo part from a friend.³⁹
(See 鏢 bël).
bel2 780
182 21 bël biāo <wr.> violent wind; whirlwind.⁶ (variants: 飇, 飚[飈], 飊 bël biāo).
飙车[飆車] bël-chëh
biāochē <topo.> drive at high speed; step on the gas.⁶
飙风[飆風] bël-füng
biāofēng <wr.> violent wind; whirlwind.⁶
飙忽[飆忽] bël-fūt
biāohū a gale.⁷
飙升[飆升] bël-sëin
biāoshēng skyrocket.⁶
发飙[發飆] fāt-bël
fābiāo to flip out; to act out violently.¹⁰
狂飙[狂飆] kõng-bël
kuángbiāo hurricane; vigorous or violent trend or force.⁶
狂飙期[狂飆期] kõng-bël-kĩ
kuángbiāoqī storm-and-stress period.¹⁹
商飙徐起[商飆徐起] sëng-bël-tuĩ-hī
shāngbiāoxúqǐ the autumn breeze comes gently (idiom); a chilly wind began to blow.⁵⁴
<台> 飙屎[飆屎] bël-sī diarrhea.
<台> 飙嗮汗[飆嗮汗] bël-xäi-hôn sweat a lot.
(See 飇, 飚[飈], 飊 bël; 猋 bël.)
bel2 781
182 21 bël biāo (=飆 bël biāo) violent wind; whirlwind.⁶
(See 飆 bël.)
bel2 782
182 21 bël biāo (=飆 bël biāo) violent wind; whirlwind.⁶
飚车[飈車] bël-chëh
biāochē  to race around on motorbikes or cars.¹⁰
飚风暴雨[飈風暴雨] bël-füng-bào-yî
biāofēngbàoyǔ a violent storm of wind and rain.¹⁴
飚影星驰[飈影星馳] bël-yēin-xëin-chĩ
biāoyǐngxīngchí as rapid as a whirlwind or a star.¹⁴
(See 飆 bël.)
bel2 783
182 21 bël biāo (=飆 bël biāo) violent wind; whirlwind.⁶
(See 飆 bël.)
bel2 784
187 21 bël biāo 骠实[驃實] bël-sìt biāoshí (=膘实[膘實] bël-sìt biāoshí) (of domestic animals) sturdy.⁶
黄骠马[黃驃馬] võng-bël-mâ
huángbiāomǎ white-spotted yellow horse.⁶
<又> pël.
(See 驃 pël.)
bel2 785
187 22 bël biāo (same as 骉[驫] bël biāo galloping horses.¹ horses; running; herd of horses.⁸ herd of running horses.⁹ running along; a multitude of horses.²⁵ <lit.> gallop of horses.³⁶); flock of horses stampeding.⁸ a number of horses together.²⁵
(composition: ⿰馬集; U+4BB6).
(See 驫 bël).
bel2 786
187 30 bël biāo galloping horses.¹ horses; running; herd of horses.⁸ herd of running horses.⁹ running along; a multitude of horses.²⁵ <lit.> gallop of horses.³⁶ (variant: 䮶 bël biāo).
t: ⿱馬⿰馬馬; U+9A6B).
s: ⿱马⿰马马; U+9A89).
(See 䮶 bël).
bel2 787
190 10 bël biāo KangXi radical 190; hair.⁸ hair; shaggy.¹⁰ long hair.²⁵ (of hair) drooping.³⁹
(composition: ⿰镸彡; U+9ADF or U+2FBD).
白黑发杂而髟[白黑髮雜而髟] bàk-hāk-fāt-dàp-ngĩ-bël báihēifàzá'érbiāo the white and black hairs mixed and growing long.²⁵
斑鬓髟[斑鬢髟] bän-bïn-bël
bānbìnbiāo to arrange the hair of the head and face.²⁵
髟鼬 bël-yiû
biāoyòu hair or feathers flying up (and about).²⁵
bel2 788
198 鹿 15 bël biāo (<old>=穮 bël biāo) to weed; strawberry; Biao surname.¹⁹ till, plow.³⁶
(composition: ⿸鹿灬; U+9E83).
麃麃 bël-bël
biāobiāo <lit.> valiant, courageous (in battle); <lit.> magnificent, grand, splendid.³⁶
<又> bäo.
(See 麃 bäo; 穮 bël).
bel2 789
167 14 bēng bǐng <old> gold disc; a kind of pot; long-necked jug for liquor.³⁶
(composition: ⿰釒并 or ⿰釒幷; U+927C).
or 掷铁饼[擲鐵餅] jàk-hëik-bēng zhìtiěbǐng to throw the discus.¹¹
<又> pëin, pẽin.
(See 鉼 pëin, 鉼 pẽin).
beng1 790
184 14 bēng bǐng cakes, biscuits, pastry; anything round and flat, as a disc.⁷
饼铛[餅鐺] bēng-chäng bǐngchēng baking pan.¹⁰
饼子[餅子] bēng-dū
bǐngzi  pastry, esp. a kind of hard cake, made of flour and corn; <topo.> a stubborn person.¹¹
饼干[餅乾] bēng-gôn
bǐnggān biscuit; cracker.⁵
饼图[餅圖] bēng-hũ
bǐngtú pie chart.¹⁹
饼饵[餅餌] bēng-nì
bǐng'ěr cakes; pastry.¹⁰
比萨饼[比薩餅] bī-xät-bēng
bìsàbǐng pizza.³⁶
薄饼[薄餅] bòk-bēng
báobǐng thin pancake.³⁹
豆饼[豆餅] èo-bēng
dòubǐng soybean cake.⁵
格子饼[格子餅] gâk-dū-bēng
gézibǐng waffle.¹⁹
铁饼[鐵餅] hëik-bēng
tiěbǐng <sport> discus.⁵
烙饼[烙餅] lōk-bēng
làobǐng a kind of thick hard pancake; the baking of such a cake.⁷
月饼[月餅] ngût-bēng
yuèbǐng moon cake.¹⁹ (Note the change in tone for 月 ngùt to ngût.)
华夫饼[華夫餅] vã-fü-bēng
huáfūbǐng <loan> waffle.¹⁹
画饼[畫餅] vàk-bēng
huàbǐng pie in the sky; illusion.⁷
画饼充饥[畫餅充饑] vàk-bēng-chüng-gï
huàbǐngchōngjī lit. to try to satisfy hunger by drawing cakes – to value empty names; empty solace.⁷
<台> 饼仔[餅仔] bēng-dōi a cookie; a cracker.
beng1 791
44 9 bëng bǐng <台> 屏 bëng to hide something.
<台> 屏玫 or 屏枚 or 窉玫 bëng-mõi hidden; to hide something.
<又> bèin, bēin, pẽin.
(See 屏 bèin, bēin, pẽin.)
beng2 792
116 10 bëng bǐng (Cant.) to hide things, to conceal.⁸ the third month (of the lunisolar calendar); a cavern; to become sick with fright; sickness.²⁵
<台> 窉玫 or 屏玫 or 屏枚 bëng-mõi hidden; to hide something.
beng2 793
104 10 bèng bìng illness, sickness, disease.⁸
病床 bèng-chõng
bìngchuáng hospital bed; sickbed.¹⁰
病卒 bèng-dūt
bìngzú died of disease.¹⁴
病房 bèng-fông
bìngfáng sickroom.¹¹
病骨磷磷 bèng-gūt-lẽin-lẽin
bìnggǔlínglíng he is reduced to a bag of bones by illness.¹⁴
病症 bèng-jëin
bìngzhèng to be ill; sickness; disease.¹⁴
病菌 bèng-kûn
bìngjūn pathogenic bacteria; germ.⁸
病魔 bèng-mō
bìngmó demon of disease – serious illness.⁶
or 病没[病沒] bèng-mòt bìngmò die of illness.⁵
病人 bèng-ngĩn
bìngrén sick person; patient; invalid.¹⁰
病势很凶[病勢很凶] bèng-säi-hān-hüng
bìngshìhěnxiōng terribly ill.¹⁹
病逝 bèng-sài
bìngshì die of illness.⁵
病情 bèng-tẽin
bìngqíng patient's condition.¹⁰
病患 bèng-vàn
bìnghuàn illness, disease; patient.⁹
病恹恹[病懨懨] bèng-yëm-yëm
bìngyānyān looking or feeling sickly; weak and dispirited through illness.¹⁰
病入膏肓 bèng-yìp-gäo-föng
bìngrùgāohuāng the disease has attacked the vitals – beyond cure.⁵
beng4 794
75 9 bêng bǐng handle; stem (of a flower, leaf or fruit); <wr.> power; authority.⁵
刀柄 äo-bêng dāobǐng the handle of a knife.⁵⁴
把柄 bā-bêng
bǎbǐng handle; (fig.) information that can be used against somebody.¹⁰
柄国[柄國] bêng-gōk
bǐngguó to hold state power; to rule.¹⁰
柄政 bêng-jëin
bǐngzhèng to rule; to be in power.¹⁰
柄权[柄權] bêng-kũn
bǐngquán to hold power.¹⁰
柄臣 bêng-sĩn
bǐngchén  powerful official; big shot.¹⁰
传为笑柄[傳為笑柄] chũn-vĩ-xël-bêng
chuánwéi xiàobǐng  be subject of ridicule through the ages.⁵⁴
斗柄 ēo-bêng
dǒubǐng handle of the Big Dipper.¹⁰
花柄 fä-bêng
huābǐng a flower stalk.⁹
话柄[話柄] và-bêng
huàbǐng a pretext for gossip; a matter for derision.¹⁰
笑柄 xël-bêng
xiàobǐng butt or target of laughter.¹¹
beng5 795
75 12 bêng bǐng (<old>=柄 bêng bǐng) handle, lever, knob; authority.⁸
(composition: ⿰木秉; U+68C5).
or 权柄[權柄] kũn-bêng quánbǐng or 权秉[權秉] kũn-bēin quánbǐng power; authority.⁵ʼ¹⁹
beng5 796
157 14 bëo móu <台> 踎 bëo to squat.
<台> 踎低 bëo-äi to squat down.
beo2 797
9 10 <wr.> in order to; so that; to cause; to enable.
俾昼作夜[俾畫作夜] bī-jiü-dōk-yèh bǐzhòuzuòyè <wr.> to turn day into night; to sleep during the day; to make the day serve as night.
俾众周知[俾眾周知] bī-jüng-jiü-jï
bǐzhòngzhōuzhī <wr.> for everyone's information.
俾能 bī-nãng
bǐnéng <wr.> in order to be able to do something.
俾倪 bī-ngãi
bǐní <wr.> to glance sideways.
俾我祇也 bī-ngô-kĩ-yâ
bǐwǒqíyě it would give me rest.¹⁴
俾使 bī-xū
bǐshǐ <wr.> in order to do something; so as to do something.
bi1 798
30 7 <chem.> -idine¹⁰
吡啶 bī-èin bǐdìng pyridine C₅H₅N.¹⁰
吡咯 bī-lōk
bǐluò <chem.> pyrrole (C₄H₅N).¹⁰
bi1 799
37 6 (<old>=比 bī ) to compare; to contrast; to liken; to draw an analogy to, etc.).³⁶
(composition: ⿰大大; U+5936).
bi1 800
38 7 <wr.> deceased mother.⁵
妣考 bī-hāo bǐkǎo late mother and late father.⁵⁴
祖妣 dū-bī
zǔbǐ <wr.> one's deceased paternal grandmother.⁵⁴
考妣 hāo-bī
kǎobǐ deceased parents.⁹
显妣[顯妣] hēin-bī
xiǎnbǐ my late mother.⁶
烝畀祖妣 jëin-ī-dū-bī
zhēngbìzǔbǐ present to ancestors, male and female.⁵⁴
如丧考妣[如喪考妣] nguĩ-xöng-hāo-bī
rúsàngkǎobǐ look as if one had lost one's parents – look utterly wretched.⁵
皇妣 võng-bī
huángbǐ my late illustrious mother.¹¹
皇祖妣 võng-dū-bī
huángzǔbǐ <trad.> one's deceased grandmother.⁵⁴
先妣 xëin-bī
xiānbǐ <wr.> my late/deceased mother.⁶
bi1 801
38 13 equal to; be well-matched; match (for); compare with.⁶
(composition: ⿰女⿱囟比; U+5AB2).
媲美 bī-mî or bï-mî pìměi compare favorably with; rival.⁵
<又> bï.
(See 媲 bï.)
bi1 802
53 广 5 <wr.> possess; administer, manage.⁶ to prepare, to provide, to arrange.⁷ to prepare, to regulate, to hand up.¹⁴
庀赋[庀賦] bī-fü pǐfù to provide levies.¹⁴
庀工 bī-güng
pǐgōng begin to work.⁴
鸠工庀材[鳩工庀材] gëo-güng-bī-tõi
jiūgōngpǐcái gather together workmen and construction materials.¹¹
官庀其司 gön-bī-kĩ-xü
guānpǐqísī officials fulfill their duties.¹⁴
bi1 803
60 8 that; those; (one) another.¹⁰
彼得潘 Bī-āk Pön Bǐdé Pān Peter Pan, the novel character.¹⁰
彼等 bī-āng
bǐděng they.⁸
彼岸 bī-ngòn
bǐ’àn other side/bank (of a river, lake), opposite bank/shore; <Budd.> Paramita, life beyond; dreamland, paradise.⁶
彼时[彼時] bī-sĩ
bǐshí at that time.¹¹
彼苍[彼蒼] bī-töng
bǐcāng blue sky; Heaven.⁸
彼此 bī-xū
bǐcǐ each other; both parties; one another; you and I.⁸
彼此彼此 bī-xū-bī-xū
bǐcǐ bǐcǐ in similar position; be no better/worse than; One good turn deserves another; The feeling is mutual.; We are alike.; Same here.; Likewise; So must you!⁹
彼一时此一时[彼一時此一時] bī-yīt-sĩ xū-yīt-sĩ
bǐyīshí cǐyīshí things are different now; circumstances alter cases; times have changed; the situation has changed; different times, different actions.⁶
不分彼此 būt-fün-bī-xū
bùfēn bǐcǐ to make no distinction between what's one's own and what's another's (idiom); to share everything; to be on very intimate terms.¹⁰
bi1 804
81 4 Kangxi radical 81; to compare, liken; comparison; than.⁸ close, near, neighboring; to stand side by side.⁷
比比 bī-bī bìbì all, incessantly; each one, always.⁵⁴
比比皆是 bī-bī-gäi-sì
bìbìjiēshì to be found or seen everywhere – very common.⁷ ubiquitous.⁹
比肩 bī-gän
bìjiān side by side; shoulder to shoulder.⁷
比肩作战[比肩作戰] bī-gän-dōk-jën
bìjiānzuòzhàn to fight shoulder to shoulder.⁷
比肩继踵[比肩繼踵] bī-gän-gäi-jūng
bìjiānjìzhǒng cheek-to-jaw; be crowded closely together; crowd against one another; walk shoulder to shoulder and follow in the footsteps of one another.⁸
比及 bī-gèp
bìjí up to the time when; by the time when.⁷
比周 bī-jiü
bìzhōu to be cordial to mean persons.⁷
比邻[比鄰] bī-lĩn
bìlín close neighbors.⁷
比来[比來] bī-lõi
bìlái recently; lately.⁷
比联[比聯] bī-lũn
bìlián to adjoin each other (as land).⁷
比闻[比聞] bī-mũn
bìwén to hear recently.⁷
比年 bī-nẽin
bìnián recent years; every year.⁷
比舍 bī-sëh
bìshè the next-door house; the neighboring house; the adjacent house.⁷
比亲[比親] bī-tïn
bìqīn intimate; close.⁷
比屋 bī-ūk
bìwū houses adjoining each other.⁷
(See 比 [bī, ], [bī, ].)
bi1 805
81 4 to compare with; to liken; to compete; than; to.⁷
比并[比並] bī-bèin bǐbìng compare to.¹¹
比比 bī-bī
bǐbǐ frequently; everywhere.⁸
比方 bī-föng
bǐfang to liken; to compare to.⁷
比附 bī-fù
bǐfù <wr.> make a farfetched comparison.⁶
比分 bī-fün
bǐfēn <sport> score.⁷
比价[比價] bī-gä
bǐjià compare bids/prices; exchange rate.⁶
比较[比較] bī-gäo
bǐjiào relatively; to compare.⁷
比较值[比較值] bī-gäo-jèik
bǐjiàozhí comparative value.⁷
比号[比號] bī-hào
bǐhào the sign of ratio (:).⁷
比例 bī-lài
bǐlì ratio; proportion.⁷
比目鱼[比目魚] bī-mùk-nguĩ
bǐmùyú flatfish of the order Pleuronectiformes (flounders, soles, turbot, plaice, and halibut).¹⁵ʼ²⁰ Specially, 比目鱼[比目魚] is another name for Olive flounder – Paralichthys olivaceus (left-eyed).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
比拟[比擬] bī-ngì
bǐnǐ compare to; such comparison.¹¹
比如 bī-nguĩ
bǐrú for example, suppose.⁶
比湿[比濕] bī-sīp
bǐshī specific humidity.⁶
比赛[比賽] bī-söi
bǐsài match; competition.⁵
比对[比對] bī-uï
bǐduì to compare and check; to collate.⁷
or 比划[比劃] bī-vàk bǐhua gesticulate; fight,.⁶
比喻 bī-yì
bǐyù metaphor, simile; compare to; liken to.⁷
(See 比 [bī, ], [bī, ].)
bi1 806
81 4   皋比 gäo-bī gāopí a tiger's skin; a teacher's seat; a teacher's position.⁷
(See 比 [bī, ], [bī, ].)
bi1 807
85 7 name of a river.⁸
沘江 Bī-göng Bǐjiāng, a river in 云南[雲南] Vũn-nãm Yúnnán Yunnan Province.⁸
沘源 Bī-ngũn
Bǐyuán, a place in 河南 Hõ-nãm Hénán Henan Province.⁸
bi1 808
115 9 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 秕 bï with same meaning: (of grain) not plump, blighted, shrivelled, empty; blighted grain.⁶ husks, grains not fully grown, blasted grains; means, no good, not qualified or competent.⁷ grain not fully grown; chaff; husks.¹⁴ (variant: 粃 bï bǐ).)
<又> bï, pât.
(See 秕 bï; 秕 pât.)
bi1 809
130 8 (<old>=髀 bī ) thigh.⁸
<又> bï, pĩ.
(See 髀 bī; 肶 bï; 肶 pĩ).
bi1 810
137 10 bilge.⁹
bi1 811
188 17 thigh, thighbone.⁶
(variants: 肶 bī ; 𡱂❄{⿸尸⿱兀几 hũn}; 𩪡❄{⿱殿骨} hũn).
(composition: ⿰骨卑; U+9AC0).
髀骶 bī-āi
bìdǐ the tough, colored skin of a monkey's buttocks.¹⁴
髀骨 bī-gūt
bìgǔ the thighbone; the innominate bone.⁷
髀枢[髀樞] bī-kuï
bìshū or 髀臼 bī-giü bìjiù the socket of the thigh bone.¹⁴
髀肉复生[髀肉復生] bī-ngùk-fūk-säng
bìròufùshēng (of a general) get flabby in one's thighs as one now rarely rides a horse into combat – remain idle in comfort and ease while yearning for active service.⁶
or 抚髀[撫髀] fū-bī fǔbì to slap one's own buttocks in excitement or despair.¹⁰ to slap the thigh.¹⁴
抚髀长叹[撫髀長嘆] fū-bī-chẽng-hän
fǔbìchángtàn rest hands on thighs and utter a deep sigh.⁶
<台> 大髀 ài-bī thigh.
<台> 髀仔 bī-dōi lower leg.
<台> 鸡髀[雞髀] gäi-bī chicken thigh.
<台> 咸鱼蒸猪肉, 皇帝髀仔肉.[鹹魚蒸豬肉, 皇帝髀仔肉.] hãm-nguî-jëin-jï-ngùk, võng-äi-bī-dōi-ngûk. Steamed pork with salted fish, (as precious as) the flesh on the lower leg of the emperor.¹²
(See 肶 bī; 𡱂❄{⿸尸⿱兀几} hũn; 𩪡❄{⿱殿骨} hũn).
bi1 812
9 6 to part company.
仳离[仳離] bï-lĩ pǐlí <wr.> separated (of lovers, husband and wife, relatives); to divorce.
bi2 813
21 2 Kangxi radical 21; dagger; ladle; ancient type of spoon.
(variant: 𠤎 bï ). (See 𠤎 bï).
匕鬯不惊[匕鬯不驚] bï-chēng-būt-gëin
bǐchàngbùjīng strict military discipline.¹  sacrificial offerings to ancestors at the ancestral shrines must not be disturbed.⁶
匕首 bï-siū
bǐshǒu dagger.
or 图穷匕现[圖窮匕現] hũ-kũng-bï-yèn túqióngbǐxiàn the plot is revealed in the end.⁵⁴
bi2 814
21 2 𠤎 (=匕 bï Kangxi radical 21; dagger; ladle; ancient type of spoon.).³⁶
(composition: ⿻乚丿; U+2090E).
(Note: rendered properly in iOS as of 2/4/2022).
<又> fä; ëin.
(See 𠤎 fä; 𠤎 ëin; 匕 bï).
bi2 815
24 8 bēi low; inferior; <wr.> modest; humble.⁵
卑卑不足道 bï-bï-būt-dūk-ào bēibēibùzúdào not worth mentioning.
卑贱[卑賤] bï-dèin
bēijiàn lowly; mean and low.⁵
卑躬屈膝 bï-güng-vūt-xīp
or bï-güng-kūt-xīp bēigōngqūxī to bend and kneel; to be submissive and flatteringly yielding.⁹
卑下 bï-hâ
bēixià base; low.⁵
卑陋 bï-lèo
bēilòu humble, lowly; degrading, mean.⁶
卑陋龌龊[卑陋齷齪] bï-lèo-ūk-tūk
bēilòuwòchuò sordid and contemptible (idiom); vile and repulsive (esp. character or action).¹⁰
卑劣 bï-lūt
bēiliè base; mean; despicable.⁵
卑末 bï-mòt
bēimò <humb.> your servant.
卑鄙 bï-pī
bēibǐ base; mean; contemptible; despicable.⁵
卑鄙龌龊[卑鄙齷齪] bï-pī-ūk-tūk
bēibǐwòchuò sordid; foul; mean.⁶ sordid and contemptible (idiom); vile and repulsive (esp. character or action).¹⁰
卑污 bï-vü
bēiwū despicable and filthy; foul.⁵
自卑 dù-bï
zìbēi feeling inferior; self-abased.
bi2 816
32 11 to add, to increase, to attach.
埤益 bï-yēik píyì to increase.
(See 埤 [bï, ].)
bi2 817
32 11 low wall.
埤堄 bï-ngài pìnì parapet; battlements.
(See 埤 [bï, ].)
bi2 818
38 13 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 媲 bī with same meaning: equal to; be well-matched; match (for); compare with.⁶)
(composition: ⿰女⿱囟比; U+5AB2).

<又> bī. (See 媲 bī.)
bi2 819
53 广 7 shelter; protect; shield.⁵
包庇 bäo-bï bāobì shield; harbor; cover up.⁵
庇庥 bï-hiü
bìxiū protection; shelter.¹⁴
庇护[庇護] bï-vù
bìhù shelter; shield; put under one's protection; take under one's wing.⁵
庇护权[庇護權] bï-vù-kũn
bìhùquán right of asylum.⁵
庇护所[庇護所] bï-vù-sō
bìhùsuǒ sanctuary; asylum.⁵
庇荫[庇蔭] bï-yîm
bìyìn (of a tree) give shade; shield.⁵
or 庇佑 bï-yiù bìyòu to bless; to protect; protection (esp. divine).¹⁰
bi2 820
53 广 11 <wr.> (of houses) low; low lying.⁶  <wr.> low (building, grounds); short (person).¹¹ a low-built house.¹⁴
宫室卑庳[宮室卑庳] güng-sīt-bï-bï gōngshìbēibì <wr.> The houses are low.⁷ "his own palace was low and small."¹⁴
庳湿[庳濕] bï-sīp
bìshī low and damp.⁶
bi2 821
61 12 bēi sorrow, grief; sorry, sad.⁸
悲悼 bï-ào bēidào grieve over the death of.⁸
悲苦 bï-fū
bēikǔ sad and painful.⁸
悲愤[悲憤] bï-fûn
bēifèn grief and indignation.⁵
悲哽 bï-gāng
bēigěng to choke with grief.¹⁰
悲歌 bï-gô
bēigē somber song; elegy.¹¹
悲观[悲觀] bï-gön
bēiguān pessimistic.⁹
悲啼 bï-hãi
bēití to wail with grief; plaintive cry.¹⁰
悲叹[悲嘆] bï-hän
bēitàn sigh mournfully.⁸
悲泣 bï-hīp
bēiqì weep with grief.⁸
悲痛 bï-hüng
bēitòng deep sorrow; grief.⁵
悲壮[悲壯] bï-jöng
bēizhuàng solemn and stirring.⁹
悲剧[悲劇] bï-kēk
bēijù tragedy.¹¹
悲凉[悲涼] bï-lẽng
bēiliáng desolate.¹¹
悲鸣[悲鳴] bï-mẽin
bēimíng sad cry of animals.¹¹
悲悯[悲憫] bï-mûn
or bï-mêin bēimǐn sad and pityful.⁸
悲哀 bï-öi
bēi'āi grieved; sad; sorrowful.⁸
悲伤[悲傷] bï-sëng
bēishāng grieved; sad; sorrowful.⁶
悲凄 bï-täi
bēiqī pitiable; sorrowful.¹⁰
悲惨[悲慘] bï-tām
bēicǎn miserable; tragic.⁵
悲戚 bï-tēik
bēiqī doleful; mournful; sad.⁶
悲怆[悲愴] bï-töng
bēichuàng <wr.> sad; sorrowful.⁶
悲恸[悲慟] bï-ùng
bēitòng weep loudly from sorrow.⁵⁴
bi2 822
75 12 bēi a plant whose fruit turns greenish black when ripe and can be crushed and squeezed to make a paint called 柿漆 sî-tīt shìqī for dyeing fish nets or coating umbrellas and boating utilities; also called 漆柿 tīt-sî qīshì.⁹ <wr.> a round wine vessel; <wr.> oval.¹¹
椑柹 bï-sî
bēishì a small variety of persimmon.¹¹
(See 椑 [bï, ].)
bi2 823
75 12 elliptical drinking vessel; ellipse.⁸
(See 椑 [bï, bēi].)
bi2 824
81 9 cautious, caution, to guard against, judicious; (said of springs) flowing, gushing.⁷ to guard against, to take care, caution; laborious, to be distressed.¹⁴
毖后患[毖後患] bï-hèo-vàn bìhòuhuàn to guard against future disaster.¹⁴
惩前毖后[懲前毖後] chẽin-tẽin-bï-hèo
chéngqiánbìhòu learn from past errors to avoid future ones.⁶
无毖于恤[無毖于恤] mũ-bï-yï-xūt
wúbìyúxù do not be distressed with sorrow.¹⁴
而毖后患[而毖後患] ngĩ-bï-hèo-vàn
érbìhòuhuàn provide against future troubles.¹¹
bi2 825
81 9 <wr.> be adjacent to, border on; aid, assist.⁶ (variant: 毘 bï ).
毗辅[毗輔] bï-fù
pífǔ <wr.> aid, assist.⁶
毗佛略 bï-fùt-lèk
pífólüè one of the twelve divisions of the Buhhist Canon.¹⁴
毗连[毗連] bï-lẽin
pílián be adjacent to, border on, be contiguous with, be next door to; <math.> juxaposition.⁶
毗邻[毗鄰] bï-lĩn
pílín be contiguous to; be adjacent to; border on.⁶
毗沙门[毗沙門] bï-sä-mõn
píshāmén a Hindu god, worshipped by Buddhists as the god of wealth.¹⁴
毗舍阇[毗舍闍] bï-sëh-sẽh
píshèshé vampire-like demons, <Budd.> from the Sanskrit, pisatcha.¹⁴
毗倚 bï-yī
píyǐ to lean on.¹⁴
茶毗 chã-bï chápí <Budd.> cremation, from Sanskrit jhapita.¹¹ cremation of Buddhist priests, from djapita, burnt.¹⁴
荼毗 hũ-bï
túpí <loan> cremate a body, from Old Pali Jhpeti.⁵⁴
(See 毘 bï).
bi2 826
81 9 (=毗 bï ) <wr.> be adjacent to, border on; aid, assist.⁶
(See 毗 bï).
bi2 827
85 8 泌阳[泌陽] Bï-yẽng Bìyáng a place in 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng Henan Province.⁴
(See 泌 [bï, ].)
bi2 828
85 8 to secrete; to excrete.¹⁰
泌尿 bï-nèl mìniào to urinate; urination.¹⁰
泌尿管 bï-nèl-gōn
mìniàoguǎn <med.> urinary canal.⁵⁴
泌尿系统[泌尿系統] bï-nèl-hài-hūng
mìniàoxìtǒng urinary system.¹⁰
泌尿器 bï-nèl-hï
mìniàoqì urinary tract; urinary organs.¹⁰
泌尿量 bï-nèl-lèng
mìniàoliàng  amount of urine secreted.⁵⁴
泌乳 bï-nguî
mìrǔ lactation.¹⁰
分泌 fün-bï
fēnmì to secrete; secretion.¹⁰
外分泌 ngòi-fün-bï
wàifēnmì exocrine; external secretion.⁵
内分泌[內分泌] nuì-fün-bï
nèifēnmì endocrine (internal secretion, e.g. hormone).¹⁰
(See 泌 [bï, ].)
bi2 829
85 11 name of a stream, tributary to the 淮 Vãi Huái.²⁴
淠河 Bï-hõ
Pìhé (name of a river in 安徽 Ön-fï Ānhuī Anhui Province).⁴
<又> pöi.
(See 淠 pöi.)
bi2 830
104 9 (<old>=痹 bï ) numbness or ache mainly in the limbs (usually caused by cold, dampness, wind); rheumatism.⁶
(composition: ⿸疒比; U+75AA).
(See 痹 bï).
bi2 831
104 13
numbness or ache mainly in the limbs (usually caused by cold, dampness, wind); rheumatism.⁶ (variants: 痺 bï bì; 疪 bï ).
痹症 bï-jëin
bìzhèng <TCM> rheumatism; arthralgia syndrome.⁶
痹证[痹證] bï-jëin
bìzhèng <TCM> localized pain disorder; arthralgia syndrome.¹⁰
风痹[風痹] füng-bï
fēngbì <TCM> wandering arthritis.⁶
寒痹 hõn-bï
hánbì <TCM> arthritis (aggravated by cold).⁵
or 痲痹 mã-bï mábì paralysis; paralyzation; palsy.⁶
麻痹大意 mã-bï-ài-yï
mábìdàyì drop one's guard; lower one's guard and become careless; slacken/relax one's vigilance; be off (one's) guard; be neglectful.⁶
痿痹 vī-bï
wěibì suffer paralysis.⁶
<台> 痹 bï numb; to feel numb.
<台> 够痹[夠痹] gëo-bï bedbug.
(See 痺 bï; 疪 bï).
bi2 832
104 13 (=痹 bï ) numbness or ache mainly in the limbs (usually caused by cold, dampness, wind); rheumatism.⁶
(See 痹 bï).
bi2 833
107 9 to split tangled hemp.⁸ to strip off the skin of flax or yams.²⁴ splitting the head of the hemp ramie.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱比皮; U+3FEB).
㿫皱[㿫皺] bï-jëo bìzhòu wrinkled.²⁴ wrinkled and does not stretch.¹⁰¹
bi2 834
112 13 bēi a monument; an upright stone tablet; stele.¹⁰
碑座 bï-dò bēizuò pedestal for stone tablet.¹⁰
碑记[碑記] bï-gï
bēijì inscriptions on a tablet, recording an event.¹¹
碑刻 bï-hāk
bēikè inscription on stone tablet.¹⁰
碑拓 bï-hāp
bēità rubbings from tablets.⁶
碑亭 bï-hẽin
bēitíng a pavilion housing a tablet.¹¹
碑帖 bï-hēp
bēitiè rubbings from ancient tablets, used as models of calligraphy.¹¹
碑志[碑誌] bï-jï
bēizhì inscriptions on a tablet, recording an event.¹¹
碑碣 bï-kēik
bēijié stone inscription.¹¹
碑林 bï-lĩm
bēilín collection of stone inscriptions.¹¹
碑铭[碑銘] bï-mẽin
bēimíng inscriptions on tablet.¹¹
碑文 bï-mũn
bēiwén inscription on a tablet.¹⁰
碑额[碑額] bï-ngäk
bēi'é inscription at top of tablet.¹¹
碑阴[碑陰] bï-yïm
bēiyīn the back face of a tablet.¹¹
口碑载道[口碑載道] hēo-bï-döi-ào
kǒubēizàidào lit. praise fills the roads; praise everywhere; universal approbation.¹⁰
石碑 sêk-bï
shíbēi stone tablet.⁸
有口皆碑 yiû-hēo-gäi-bï
yǒukǒujiēbēi every voice gives praise (idiom); with an extensive public reputation.¹⁰
bi2 835
113 9 (=秘 bï ) secret; confidential; hidden; unknown; mysterious.⁷
(composition: ⿰礻必; U+7955).
(See 秘 bï.)
bi2 836
115 9 (of grain) not plump, blighted, shrivelled, empty; blighted grain.⁶ husks, grains not fully grown, blasted grains; means, no good, not qualified or competent.⁷ grain not fully grown; chaff; husks.¹⁴ (variant: 粃 bï ).
秕滓 bï-dōi
bǐzǐ husks, chaff or refuse.⁷
秕子 bï-dū
bǐzi blighted grain.⁶
秕糠 bï-höng
bǐkāng chaff; worthless stuff.⁵
秕谷[秕穀] bï-gūk
bǐgǔ rice grains not fully grown.⁷
秕政 bï-jëin
bǐzhèng bad administration or government.⁷
秕粒 bï-līp
bǐlì blighted grain.⁶
秕谬[秕謬] bï-mào
bǐmiù to go against good reasoning or sense; mistaken; erroneous.⁷
糠秕 höng-bï
kāngbǐ chaff; worthless stuff.⁵
<又> bī, pât.
(See 秕 bī; 秕 pât; 粃 bï.)
bi2 837
115 10 秘鲁[秘魯] Bï-lû Bìlǔ Peru.⁶
(See 秘 [bï, ]; 祕 bï.)
bi2 838
115 10 secret; confidential; hidden; unknown; mysterious.⁷ secret, mysterious, abstruse; Mi surname.⁸ (variant: 祕 bï mì.)
秘奥[秘奧] bï-äo
mì'ào profound mystery.⁶
秘宝[秘寶] bï-bāo
mìbǎo rare treasure.⁶
秘本 bï-bōn
mìběn treasured private copy of a rare book.⁸
秘传[秘傳] bï-chũn
mìchuán be secretly handed down.⁸
秘籍 bï-dèik
mìjí rare book.⁶
秘方 bï-föng
mìfāng  secret recipe.⁸
秘府 bï-fū
mìfǔ secret repository (in the imperial court).⁶
秘结[秘結] bï-gēik
mìjié constipation.¹⁰
秘诀[秘訣] bï-gût
mìjué secret of success.⁸
秘制[秘製] bï-jäi
mìzhì prepare from a secret recipe.¹¹
秘密 bï-mìt
mìmì secret; clandestine; in secret; classified.⁸
秘而不宣 bï-ngĩ-būt-xün
mì'érbùxuān keep something secret; hold something back; keep one's own council.⁸
秘书[秘書] bï-sï
mìshū secretary; secret book.⁸
秘书长[秘書長] bï-sï-jēng
mìshūzhǎng secretary-general.
秘室 bï-sīt
mìshì back room.⁸
秘藏 bï-tõng
mìcáng treasure.⁸
秘史 bï-xū
mìshǐ secret history; inside story.⁸
秘药[秘藥] bï-yêk
mìyào nostrum.⁸
神秘 sĩn-bï
shénmì mysterious; mystery.¹⁰
(See 秘 [bï, ]; 祕 bï.)
bi2 839
118 14 a bamboo grid for steaming food.⁷ bamboo steamer.⁹ split-bamboo grill at bottom of double boiler.¹¹
箅子 bï-dū bìzi grate; grating; grid.⁵
迦箅香 gä-bï-hëng
jiābìxiāng (=藿香 kök-hëng huòxiāng)  wrinkled giant hyssop; <bot.> Agastache rugosa.¹⁰  betony, mint herb.¹¹
铁箅子[鐵箅子] hëik-bï-dū
tiěbìzi grate; grill, gridiron.⁶
竹箅子 jūk-bï-dū
zhúbìzi bamboo grid (to be put in a pot for steaming food).⁵
炉箅子[爐箅子] lũ-bï-dū
lúbìzi fire grate.⁵
bi2 840
119 10 (=秕 bï ) (of grain) not plump, blighted, shrivelled, empty; blighted grain.⁶ husks, grains not fully grown, blasted grains; means, no good, not qualified or competent.⁷ grain not fully grown; chaff; husks.¹⁴
(See 秕 bï.)
bi2 841
122 19 brown bear.¹⁰
罴虎[羆虎] bï-fū píhǔ fierce animals.¹⁰
熊罴[熊羆] hũng-bï
xióngpí <wr.> different kinds of bear, a phrase denoting great fighters.¹¹
熊罴入梦[熊羆入夢] hũng-bï-yìp-mùng
xióngpírùmèng May you have a son! (a congratulatory greeting to a friend when he begets a child).⁵⁴
梦兆熊罴[夢兆熊羆] mùng-sêl-hũng-bï
mèngzhàoxióngpí a sign of giving birth to a baby boy.³⁹
bi2 842
130 8 sacrifing a pig to "life spirits".⁸ to sacrifice.²⁵
<又> bī, pĩ. (See 肶 bī; 肶 pĩ).
bi2 843
140 11 (=蓖 bï )⁸ castor-oil plant, Ricinus commumis.
萆薢 bï-gāi
bìxiè yam (dioscorea).⁶
(See 蓖 bï.)
bi2 844
140 13 (=萆 bï )⁸ castor-oil plant, Ricinus commumis.
蓖麻 bï-mã
bìmá castor oil plant Ricinus communis.¹¹
蓖麻子 bï-mã-dū
bìmázǐ castor bean.⁶
蓖麻蚕[蓖麻蠶] bï-mã-tâm
bìmácán castor silkworm.⁶
蓖麻油 bï-mã-yiũ
bìmáyóu castor oil, ricinus oil.⁶
(See 萆 bï.)
bi2 845
142 14 féi <台> 够蜰[夠蜰] gëo-bï bedbug.
又 fĩ. (See 蜰 fĩ).
bi2 846
145 13 make up, remedy; benefit; advantage.⁶ to benefit; to aid; advantageous.¹⁴
裨补[裨補] bï-bū bìbǔ <wr.> make up, remedy; benefit; advantage.⁶
裨益 bï-yēik
bìyì <wr.> benefit; advantage; profit.⁶
裨襦 bï-yĩ
bìrú a long garment.¹⁴
无裨于事[無裨於事] mũ-bï-yï-xù 
wúbìyúshì be of no avail/use/help; not help matters.⁶
<又> pĩ.
(See 裨 pĩ.)
bi2 847
154 12 <wr.> beautifully adorned.⁵ to adorn, ornamental; bright, luminous.⁷
(comp. t: ⿱卉貝; U+8CC1). (comp. s: ⿱卉贝; U+8D32)
贲临[賁臨] bï-lĩm
bìlín <wr.> (of distinguished guests)  honor my house, firm, etc. with your presence.⁵
贲然[賁然] bï-ngẽin
bìrán bright and brilliant.⁷
贲如[賁如] bï-nguĩ
bìrú richly adorned; brightly ornamental.⁷
<又> bïn, fũn.
(See 賁 bïn; 賁 fũn.)
bi2 848
154 12 to transfer, to give; to add to, to increase.²⁵
(composition: ⿰貝皮; U+8CB1).
貤貱 ngĩ-bï yíbì to increase in order.²⁵
赔貱[赔貱] põi-bï
péibì compensation.¹⁹
bi2 849
159 22 pèi bridle of horse, reins.⁸
辔头[轡頭] bï-hẽo pèitóu bridle.⁹
鞍辔[鞍轡] ön-bï
ānpèi saddle and rein.⁶
按辔[按轡] ön-bï
ànpèi to draw up a horse.¹¹
bi2 850
163 14 the name of a city in the 鲁[魯] Lû state during the Spring and Autumn period, which is in present day 费县[費縣] fï-yòn fèixiàn Fei County in 山東省 Shandong Province; also written 费[費] fï fèi.²⁵ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰費阝; U+912A).
bi2 851
167 21 bèi grind; sharpen.⁶ to rub (the blade of a knife) on cloth, leather or stone in order to sharpen.⁹
鐾刀 bï-äo or bì-äo bèidāo sharpen/whet a knife.⁶
鐾刀布 bï-äo-bü
or bì-äo-bü bèidāobù sharpening strap; barber's strap.⁶
<又> bì.
(See 鐾 bì.)
bi2 852
169 13 to close the door; to shut, to repress; deep, obscure, solemn.⁷ hide, keep secret; hideaway.⁸ hidden; hide.¹⁰ <wr.> to hide; secret.¹¹ to hide; hidden; close; secret.¹⁴
(composition: ⿵門必; U+959F).
閟隔 bï-gäk bìgé obstruction barrier for imprisonment.¹⁹
閟宫[閟宮] bï-güng
bìgōng temple (nonspecific); a temple of the gods.⁰
閟匿 bï-nèik
bìnì to abscond; to keep out of the way.¹⁴ to hide; to conceal.¹⁹
閟愼无洩[閟愼無洩] bï-sìn-mũ-xēik
bìshènwúxiè be very careful not to let the matter leak out.¹⁴
閟惜 bï-xēik
bìxī retire and cherish.¹⁹
閟祠 bï-xũ
bìcí shrine.¹⁹
癃閟 lũng-bï
lóngbì <wr.> difficulty in urination.¹¹
bi2 853
170 7 bēi a reservoir, a water pond; a hillside.⁷ a dam, an embankment, a shore, a bank.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰阝皮; U+9642).
陂池 bï-chĩ bēichí a pond; a small lake; a reservoir.⁷ artificial pond.¹⁴
陂塘 bï-hõng
bēitáng a pond; a small lake.⁷ a dam; a pond.¹⁴
彼泽之陂[彼澤之陂] bī-jàk-jï-bï
bǐzézhībēi by the shores of the marsh.¹⁴
山陂 sän-bï
shānbēi (=山坡 sän-bö shānpō mountainside; hillside.⁸ slope of a hill.¹⁴).¹⁹
<又> bö, pĩ.
(See 陂 bö, pĩ.)
bi2 854
177 14 leather belt used to bind or restrain a cart.²
(composition: ⿰革必; U+4A5B).
<又> bēik. (See 䩛 bēik; 䩛[bï pèi]).
bi2 855
177 14 pèi (=辔[轡] bï pèi)² bridle of horse, reins.⁸
(composition: ⿰革必; U+4A5B).
<又> bēik.
(See 䩛 bēik; 䩛[bï ]).
bi2 856
177 17 bēi 牛鞞 ngẽo-bï niúbēi Niubei an old district name.⁸
(composition: ⿰革卑; U+979E).
<又> bèin, pĩ, bīt.
(See 鞞 bèin, 鞞 pĩ, 鞞 bīt).
bi2 857
178 14 something made of bamboo put in the bow case to protect from damage.⁸ a bow protector, made of bamboo and wood.¹⁹ a frame on which to stretch or adjust a bow.²⁵
<old> frame-case for the bow (protects the bow with the removed bowstring from deformation).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰韋必; U+4A90).
bi2 858
196 19 bēi bulbul; Pycnonotidae family that normally have brownish or dark feathers, short, thin, soft legs and a musical voice.⁹
白颊鹎[白頰鵯] bàk-gäp-bï báijiábēi Himalayan bulbul (Pycnonotus leucogenys).¹⁰
白头鹎[白頭鵯] bàk-hẽo-bï
báitóubēi light-vented bulbul (Pycnonotus sinensis).¹⁰
鹎鵊[鵯鵊] bï-gäp
bēijiá a kind of crow.²⁵
鹎鶋[鵯鶋] bï-guï
bēijū (=寒鸦[寒鴉] hõn-ä hányā) jackdaw, western jackdaw, Eurasian jackdaw, European jackdaw, a passerine bird in the crow family (Coloeus monedula).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
台湾鹎[台灣鵯] hõi-vän-bï
táiwānbēi Taiwan bulbul (Pycnonotus taivanus).¹⁰
红耳鹎[紅耳鵯] hũng-ngī-bï
hóngěrbēi red-whiskered bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus).¹⁰
纹喉鹎[紋喉鵯] mũn-hẽo-bï
wénhóubēi stripe-throated bulbul (Pycnonotus finlaysoni).¹⁰
bi2 859
9 11 bèi (=备[備] bì bèi to prepare; to provide; to put in order; to complete; perfection; completeness; ready.¹⁴)
(composition: ⿲亻丨备; U+5079).
(See 備 bì).
bi4 860
9 12 bèi to prepare; to provide; to put in order; to complete; perfection; completeness; ready.¹⁴ (variants: 偹 僃 bì).
备抵[備抵] bì-āi bèidǐ an allowance; to allow for (a drop in value) (accountancy).¹⁰
备份[備份] bì-fùn
bèifèn <comp.> to back-up; spare; extra; supernumerary.
备受[備受] bì-siù
bèishòu to fully experience (good or bad).
防备[防備] fõng-bì
fángbèi to guard against.
具备[具備] guì-bì
jùbèi to possess; to have; to be provided with.
责备[責備] jāk-bì
zébèi reproach; blame; reprove; take smebody to task.⁵
装备[裝備] jöng-bì
zhuāngbèi to equip; to outfit; equipment; outfit.
准备[準備] jūn-bì
zhǔnbèi preparation; to prepare.
设备[設備] sēt-bì
shèbèi equipment; facilities; defense works; to provide (facilities); to get prepared militarily.
预备[預備] yì-bì
yùbèi prepare; get ready.⁵
以备万一[以備萬一] yî-bì-màn-yīt
yǐbèiwànyī to provide against any accidental happenings.⁷
(See 偹 bì; 僃 bì).
bi4 861
9 13 bèi (=备[備] bì bèi to prepare; to provide; to put in order; to complete; perfection; completeness; ready.¹⁴)
(composition: ⿰亻⿱艹⿹勹用 (GJ) or ⿰亻𤰈 (TK); U+50C3).
(See 備 bì).
bi4 862
37 18   to grow in strength, vigorous, powerful; resentful, be furious; to force, to compel; anger.⁸ great and robust; angry without inebriation.²⁴ <lit.> angry; big and tall; pressing.³⁶ (composition: ⿳罒⿰罒罒大; U+5970).
奰发[奰發] bì-fāt bìfā or bèifā thrive, prosper; break out.¹⁹
or 奰屭 bì-hï bìxì or bèixì vigorous strength, vigorous power.¹⁹
奰逆 bì-ngèik
bìnì or bèinì to indulge in atrocities; reckless and oppressive.¹⁹
奰怒 bì-nù
bìnù or bèinù indignant; angry.¹⁹
or 屭奰 hï-bì xìbì or xìbèi or 屭赑[屭贔] hï-bēik xìbì strong and powerful; another name for the loggerhead sea turtle (蠵龟[蠵龜] hï-gï xīguī).¹⁹
Nuì bì yï jüng-gōk, hãm gèp gī föng.
Nèi bì yú zhōngguó, tán jí guǐ fāng.
Indignation is rife against you here in the Middle kingdom,
And extends to the demon regions. (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·蕩·6》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ (the people are) angry at you in the Middle Kingdom, — and it reaches even to the demons' regions.¹⁰²
须奰[須奰] xuï-bì
xūbì or xūbèi harboring anger.¹⁹
怨奰 yön-bì
yuànbì or yuànbèi still resentful.¹⁹
(See 奰[bì, bèi]).
bi4 863
37 18 bèi (alternate Mandarin pronunciation for 奰 bì with same meaning: to grow in strength, vigorous, powerful; resentful, be furious; to force, to compel; anger.⁸ be angry.⁹ great and robust; angry without inebriation.²⁴ <lit.> angry; big and tall; pressing.³⁶)
(composition: ⿳罒⿰罒罒大; U+5970).
(See 奰[bì, ]).
bi4 864
61 16 bèi (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 惫[憊] bài bèi with the same meaning: exhausted; fatigued.⁵)
t: ⿱備心; U+618A). (comp. s: ⿱备心; U+60EB).
<又> bài.
(See 憊 bài).
bi4 865
85 17 漾濞 Yèng-bì Yàngbì Yangbi county in 云南[雲南] Vũn-nãm Yúnnán Yunnan Province.¹⁰
(See 濞 [bì, ].)
bi4 866
85 17 <wr.> sound of rushing water.¹¹
澎濞 (<old>=澎湃 pãng-bäi péngpài) pãng-bì péngpì the roaring of billows; to surge.⁷
滂濞 põng-bì
pāngpì describing voluminous, rushing water.¹¹
(See 濞 [bì, ].)
bi4 867
118 10 (=篦 bì ) double-edged fine-toothed comb; to comb with such a comb.⁶ to comb; a fine-toothed comb.¹⁴
笓簃 bì-yĩ
bìyí a shrimp trap.¹¹
(See 篦 bì).
bi4 868
118 14 (=篦 bì double-edged fine-toothed comb; to comb with such a comb.⁶ to comb; a fine-toothed comb.¹⁴).²  fine-toothed comb; comb hair.⁸ a rake for catching crabs.²⁵
(composition: ⿰; U+7B86).
(See 篦 bì).
bi4 869
118 16 double-edged fine-toothed comb; to comb with such a comb.⁶ to comb; a fine-toothed comb.¹⁴ (variants: 笓,箆 bì ).
篦子 bì-dū
bìzi double-edged fine-toothed comb.⁶
篦发[篦髮] bì-fāt
bìfà to comb the hair.¹⁴
篦头[篦頭] bì-hẽo
bìtóu to comb one's hair.¹⁰
篦鹭[篦鷺] bì-lù
bìlù spoonbill.¹⁰
铁篦子[鐵篦子] hëik-bì-dū
tiěbìzi a gridiron.¹⁴
竹篦 jūk-bì
zhúbì  bamboo comb.¹⁰
银篦[銀篦] ngãn-bì
yínbì silver comb.¹⁹
梳篦 sü-bì
or sö-bì shūbì thick-toothed and fine-toothed comb.⁶ to dress up one's hair.⁷
<台> 梳篦 sü-bì/
or sö-bì/ fine-toothed comb.
(See 笓 bì; 箆 bì).
bi4 870
120 12 to harness a horse; a board in front of a carriage for the driver to lean on.¹⁴ a strap in front of a carriage on which people lean.²⁵
<又> fùk. (See 絥 fùk.)
bi4 871
142 16 a tick, mite.⁸
<又> pĩ. (See 螕 pĩ; 蚍 pĩ).
bi4 872
145 10 bèi sign of the passive; to suffer, to be the object of.¹⁴ also (=及 gèp ) to reach to.²⁵ʼ⁶²
被迫 bì-bēik
bèipò to be compelled; to be forced.¹⁰
被迫降落 bì-bēik-göng-lòk
bèipò jiàngluò forced landing (as of planes).¹⁴
被车轧伤[被車軋傷] bì-chëh-jät-sëng
bèichēyàshāng get run over and injured by a car.⁵
被俘 bì-fũ
bèifú to be captured; to be taken prisoner.⁹
被告 bì-gäo
bèigào the accused; defendant.¹¹
被告席 bì-gäo-dèik
bèigàoxí defendant's seat.⁶
被害人 bì-hòi-ngĩn
bèihàirén the injured party; victim.⁹
被人欺负[被人欺負] bì-ngĩn-hï-fù
bèirénqīfu cheated or humiliated by others.¹⁴
被请[被請] bì-tēin
bèiqǐng to be invited.¹⁴
被动[被動] bì-ùng
bèidòng passive.⁸ passivity.¹⁴
光被四方 göng-bì-xü-föng
guāngbèisìfāng his glory extended everywhere.²⁵
<又> pï, pî.
(See 被 pï; 被 pî.)
bi4 873
149 12 argue; biased; one-sided.⁸ unfair; to flatter.¹⁰ to flatter; half the truth, one-sided.¹⁴ to dispute; to flatter.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿰言皮; U+8A56). (comp. s: ⿰讠皮; U+8BD0).
诐辩[詖辯] bì-bèin
bìbiàn <lit.> to argue.¹¹
诐行[詖行] bì-hãng
bìxíng behavior is treacherous and crafty.¹³ʼ⁰
诐论[詖論] bì-lùn
bìlùn evil remarks.¹⁹
诐术[詖術] bì-sùt
bìshù the art of flattery.¹⁹
诐辞[詖辭] bì-xũ
bìcí argumentative talk, special pleading.¹¹ to argue for the wrong; toady.¹⁴
诐辞知其所蔽[詖辭知其所蔽] bì-xũ-jï-kĩ-sō-bäi
bì cí zhī qí suǒ bì when his words are partial, I know this ideas are clouded.¹⁴
诐辞乃蔽[詖辭乃蔽] bì-xũ-nâi-bäi
bìcínǎibì flattering words conceal the truth.²⁵
诐淫[詖淫] bì-yĩm
bìyín a glib-tongued person saying licentious and lewd words about someone else.⁰
调诐[調詖] èl-bì
diàobì to dupe, to cheat, to deceive.⁰
险诐[險詖] hēm-bì
xiǎnbì <lit.> crooked (conduct).¹¹ to accuse people falsely; incorrect.²⁵
曲学诐行[曲學詖行] kūk-hòk-bì-hãng
qūxuébìxíng he does not learn the proper way and his behavior is crafty and treacherous.¹⁹ʼ⁰
bi4 874
162 16 avoid, evade, shun; prevent, keep away, repel.⁶
避弹掩壕[避彈掩壕] or 避弹掩濠[避彈掩濠] bì-àn-yēm-hõ or bì-àn-yēm-hão bìdàn yǎnháo bomb shelter.³⁹
避开[避開] bì-höi
bìkāi avoid; evade; keep away from.¹⁰
避凶趋吉[避凶趨吉] bì-hüng-tuï-gīt
bìxiōngqūjí to avoid impending trouble and seek good luck.
避之若浼 bì-jï-ngèk-môi
bìzhīruòměi avoid a person like a plague.¹¹
避免 bì-mêin
bìmiǎn avoid; refrain from; avert.⁶
避蚊剂[避蚊劑] bì-mûn-jäi
bìwénjì mosquito repellent.⁶
避难[避難] bì-nàn
bìnàn take refuge; seek asylum.⁶
避而不谈[避而不談] bì-ngĩ-būt-hãm
bì'érbùtán to avoid discussion of.¹⁰
避妊 bì-ngìm
or bì-ngĩm bìrèn contraception.¹⁹
避暑 bì-sī
bìshǔ be away for the summer holidays, spend a holiday at a summer resort; prevent sunstroke.⁶
bì-suï-chẽng-sō bìshuìchángsuǒ tax havens.³⁹
避嫌 bì-yẽm
bìxián avoid arousing suspicion.⁹
避雨 bì-yî
bìyǔ to find shelter against rain.⁷
避孕 bì-yìn
bìyùn contraception.⁵
回避[迴避] või-bì
huíbì to shun; to avoid (somebody); to skirt; to evade (an issue); to step back; to withdraw; to recuse (a judge).¹⁰
bi4 875
163 7 bèi good.²
(composition: ⿰必阝; U+90B2).
<又> bēik. (See 邲 bēik).
bi4 876
167 21 bèi (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 鐾 bï bèi grind; sharpen.⁶ to rub (the blade of a knife) on cloth, leather or stone in order to sharpen.⁹)
<又> bï.
(See 鐾 bï.)
bi4 877
177 14 bèi  (=鞴 bì bèi)⁸ to saddle and bridle.⁶ any item of harness; a variant of 鞴 bì bèi.⁹
鞁鞍 bì-ön
bèi'ān a general term for a harness, such as a saddle or bridle.¹⁹
根鞁 gïn-bì
gēnbèi the roots of plants.¹⁹
马鞁[馬鞁] mâ-bì
mǎbèi harness for a horse.¹⁹
一马不鞁两鞍[一馬不鞁兩鞍] yīt-mâ-būt-bì-lēng-ön
yī mǎ bù bèi liǎng ān lit. a horse cannot be harnessed with two sets of saddle and bridle – a woman does not marry two husbands.¹⁹
(See 鞴 bì).
bi4 878
177 19 bèi to saddle and bridle.⁶ saddle up a horse; to drive a horse; ornaments on a chariot; harness.⁸ (variant: 鞁 bì bèi).
鞴勒 bì-làk
bèilè to prepare a horse, add a saddle and bit.¹⁹
鞴马[鞴馬] bì-mâ
bèimǎ saddle and bridle a horse..⁶ to ride a horse.⁷
鞴鞍 bì-ön
bèi'ān saddle and the ornaments on the horse.¹⁹
鞴液 bì-yèik
bèiyè liquefied.¹⁹
or 韝鞴 këo-bì gōubèi piston.⁶
(See 鞁 bì)
bi4 879
177 21 𩍘
to harness a horse; a board in front of a carriage for the driver to lean on.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰革葡; U+29358).
bi4 880
178 19 bài bellows.⁸ a leather bag, used in blowing up the fire; a case for bows and arrows.²⁵
韛拐子 bì-gāi-dū bàiguǎizi bellows' handle.⁸
bi4 881
190 15 a wig.⁸ to pluck out the hair of mean persons or criminals, in order to supply those who are deficient; a peruke or a cap of false hair.²⁵ <lit.> wig.³⁶ (variant: 髢 hâi ).
(composition: ⿱髟皮; U+9AF2).
<又> pō.
(See 髲 pō; 髢 hâi).
bi4 882
209 14 Kangxi radical 209; nose; first.⁸ nose; initial, originating.⁶
鼻尖 bì-dëm bíjiān tip of the nose.⁶
鼻子 bì-dū
bízi nose.⁶
鼻祖 bì-dū
bízǔ the earliest ancestor; originator (of a tradition, school of thought).⁵
鼻笛 bì-èk
bídí nose flute.⁶
鼻窦[鼻竇] bì-èo
bídòu paranasal sinus.⁸
鼻窦炎[鼻竇炎] bì-èo-yèm
bídòuyán nasosinusitis.⁸
鼻垢 bì-gēo
bígòu dried nasal mucus; booger.¹⁰
鼻涕 bì-häi
bíti nasal mucus, snivel.¹⁰
鼻头[鼻頭] bì-hẽo
bítou <topo.> nose.⁶
鼻中隔 bì-jüng-gäk
bízhōnggé nasal septum.⁶
鼻孔 bì-kūng
bíkǒng nostril.⁵
鼻衄 bì-nùk
bínǜ rhinorrhagia; nosebleed.⁶
鼻青脸肿[鼻青臉腫] bì-tëin-lêm-jūng
bíqīngliǎnzhǒng with a bloody nose and a swollen face; badly battered.⁶
鼻塞 bì-xāk
bísè nasal congestion.⁶
鼻酸 bì-xön
bísuān having a sting/twinge in the nose.⁶
鼻炎 bì-yèm
bíyán <med.> rhinitis.⁶
鼻咽 bì-yën
bíyān nose and throat.¹⁰
鼻咽癌 bì-yën-ngãm
bíyān'ái nasopharyngeal carcinoma.⁶
鼻音 bì-yïm
bíyīn rhinophonia; nasal (sound).⁶
<台> 鼻屎[鼻屎] bì-sī dried nasal mucus; booger.
bi4 883
46 11 (composition: ⿰山卑; U+5D25).
峡崥[峽崥] hèp-bî xiábǐ at the foot of the mountain; between two rocks.⁸ʼ¹⁰¹ the foot of a hill.²⁴
<又> pĩ.
(See 崥 pĩ).
bi5 884
130 17 bei 胳臂 gāk-bî gēbei arm (of a person).⁶
(See 臂 [bî, ].)
bi5 885
130 17 arm; upper arm.⁵
臂膊 bî-bōk bìbó <topo.> arm.⁶
臂膀 bî-bōng
bìbǎng the arm (usually indicating the upper arm and part of the shoulder).⁷
臂钏[臂釧] bî-chün
bìchuàn armlet.¹⁰
臂节[臂節] bî-dêik
bìjié the elbow (of a piece of machinery).⁷
臂搁[臂擱] bî-gök
bìgē <art> arm support in writing.⁵⁴
臂肘 bî-jāo
bìzhǒu the elbow.¹¹
臂章 bî-jëng
bìzhāng armband; armlet; <mil.> shoulder emblem.⁵
臂助 bî-jò
bìzhù <wr.> help; assistant.⁵
臂力 bî-lèik
bìlì strength of one's arm.⁶
臂纱[臂紗] bî-sä
bìshā (black) armband.⁵
臂环[臂環] bî-vân/
bìhuán bracelets.⁷
臂腕 bî-vōn
bìwàn wrist; lower arm and wrist.⁶
手臂 siū-bî
shǒubì arm; reliable helper/assistant.⁶
三头六臂[三頭六臂] xäm-hẽo-lùk-bî
sāntóuliùbì  three-headed and six-armed monster, person with exhaustless resources.¹¹
(See 臂 [bî, bei].)
bi5 886
4 丿 6 bīn pīng ping; rattling sound; <ono.> crack (of rifle).
乒乒乓乓 bīn-bīn-bōng-bōng pīngpingpāngpāng <ono.>  clatter.
乒乓 bīn-bōng
pīngpāng ping-pong; table tennis; <ono.>  rattle.
乒乓球 bīn-bōng-kiũ
pīngpāngqiú table tennis; ping-pong; ping-pong ball; table tennis ball.
bin1 887
30 9 bīn pǐn article; commodity; product; goods; kind; grade; rank; character; disposition; nature; temperament; variety; to taste something; to sample; to criticize; to comment; to judge; to size up¹⁰
品德 bīn-āk pǐndé moral character.⁵
品格 bīn-gâk
pǐngé one's character; fret (on fingerboard of lute or guitar).¹⁰
品行 bīn-hàng
pǐnxíng conduct.⁸
品质[品質] bīn-jīt
pǐnzhì quality (of product. material), character (of person).¹¹
品种[品種] bīn-jūng
pǐnzhǒng breed; variety.¹⁰
品貌 bīn-mào
pǐnmào appearance; character and looks.⁶
品茗 bīn-mẽin
pǐnmíng to sample or critically enjoy tea.¹¹
品尝[品嘗] bīn-sẽng
pǐncháng to taste (flavor) critically.¹¹
产品[產品] chān-bīn
chǎnpǐn product.⁹
作品 dōk-bīn
zuòpǐn work (of art); opus.¹⁰
纪念品[紀念品] gī-nèm-bīn
jìniànpǐn souvenir.¹¹
商品 sëng-bīn
shāngpǐn good; commodity; merchandise.¹⁰
bin1 888
75 13 bīn pǐn (<m.> for 房架 fông-gâ fángjià roof beams and trusses.)⁹
一榀 yīt-bīn
yīpǐn a roof truss.⁶
bin1 889
104 18 bīn bǐn sick.²⁴ʼ³⁶
(composition: ⿸疒禀; U+765D).
<又> lîm. (See 癝 lîm; 癛 bīn).
bin1 890
104 18 bīn bǐng sick.⁸ (Note: Some say 癛 is read bǐn in Mandarin),
(composition: ⿸疒稟; U+765B).
<又> lîm.
(See 癛 lîm; 癝 bīn).
bin1 891
112 10 bīn pēng the sound of crashing stones; Bang! a loud sound; deafening.⁷
心砰砰跳 xïm-bīn-bīn-hẽl or 心怦怦跳 xïm-pẽin-pẽin-hẽl xīnpēngpēngtiào The heart thumps wildly (idiom).¹⁰
<又> pâng, pẽin.
(See 砰 pâng, pẽin.)
bin1 892
115 13 bīn bǐng to make a report (to a superior); to receive; petition.
禀报[稟報] bīn-bäo bǐngbào to report (to superior).
禀告[稟告] bīn-gäo
bǐnggào to report (to superior).
禀帖[稟帖] bīn-hēp
bǐngtiě <wr.> petition or report given to the authorities.
禀性[稟性] bīn-xëin
bǐngxìng natural disposition.
bin1 893
140 16 𦼹
bīn bǐng a kind of rattan.²⁵ a vine plant.¹⁰¹
(Note: Some say 𦼹❄{⿱艹稟} is read bǐn in Mandarin).
(composition: ⿱艹稟; U+26F39).
bin1 894
9 10 bïn bèn 倴城 Bïn-sẽin Bènchéng Bencheng a place in 河北省 Hõ-bāk sāng  Héběi shěng Hebei Province.
bin2 895
9 16 bïn bīn best man or bridesmaid; to entertain.
傧相[儐相] bïn-xëng bīnxiàng attendant of the bride or bridegroom at a wedding.
男傧相[男儐相] nãm-bïn-xëng
nánbīnxiāng best man at wedding.¹¹
女傧相[女儐相] nuī-bïn-xëng
nǚbīnxiàng bridesmaid.
bin2 896
37 8 bïn bèn to go to; to head for; towards.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱大卉; U+5954).
奔饭[奔飯] bïn-fàn bènfàn to work in order to stave off hunger.⁶
奔头[奔頭] bïn-hẽo
bèntou something to strive for; prospect.¹⁰
奔头儿[奔頭兒] bïn-hẽo-ngĩ
bèntour something to strive for; prospect.⁶
奔命 bïn-mèin
bènmìng to be in a desperate hurry; to toil hard for survival.⁶ (See 奔命 bïn-mèin bēnmìng).
奔月 bïn-ngùt
bènyuè to fly to the moon.¹⁰
逃奔 hão-bïn
táobèn to run away to; to flee.¹⁰
投奔 hẽo-bïn
tóubèn to seek shelter; to seek asylum.¹⁰
直奔 jèik-bïn
zhíbèn go straight to; make a beeline for.¹⁰
直奔工厂 jèik-bïn-güng-chōng
zhíbèngōngchǎng straight to the factory.³⁹
(See 奔 [bïn, bēn].)
bin2 897
37 8 bïn bēn run quickly; hurry, hasten, rush; flee.⁵ to hurry; to rush; to run quickly; to elope.¹⁰ (variants: 犇; 逩; 漰; 渀; 𩣺❄{⿰馬奔}.)
(composition: ⿱大卉; U+5954).
奔波 bïn-bö
bēnbō to rush about; to be constantly on the move.¹⁰
奔驰[奔馳] bïn-chĩ
bēnchí to run quickly; to speed; to gallop; Benz (name); Mercedes-Benz, German car maker.¹⁰
奔走 bïn-dēo
bēnzǒu run; bustley rush/dash about.⁶
奔走相告 bïn-dēo-xëng-gäo
bēnzǒuxiānggào go around telling the news.⁶
奔赴 bïn-fü
bēnfù to rush to; to hurry to.¹⁰
奔腾[奔騰] bïn-hãng
bēnténg (of waves) to surge forward; to roll on in waves; to gallop.¹⁰
奔淌 bïn-hōng
bēntǎng flow at great speed; pour.⁹
奔命 bïn-mèin
bēnmìng rush about on errands; be kept on the run.⁶ (See 奔命 bïn-mèin bènmìng).
奔跑 bïn-pāo
bēnpǎo to run.¹⁰
东奔西走[東奔西走] üng-bïn-xäi-dēo
dōngbēnxīzǒu to run this way and that (idiom); to rush about busily; to bustle about; to hopscotch.¹⁰
私奔 xü-bïn
sībēn to elope.¹⁰
(See 奔 [bïn, bèn]; 犇 bïn; 逩 bïn; 漰 bïn; 渀 bïn; 𩣺❄{⿰馬奔} bïn).
bin2 898
38 17 bïn pín <wr.> a concubine of an emperor; a woman attendant at court.⁵
嫔妃[嬪妃] bïn-fï pínfēi concubine of an emperor.⁶
嫔妇[嬪婦] bïn-fû
pínfù a wife.¹⁴
嫔然成行[嬪然成行]  bïn-ngẽin-sẽin-hõng 
pínrán chéngháng numerous people lined up in a row.⁷
嫔御[嬪御] bïn-nguì
pínyù the female retinue at court.⁷; imperial concubine.¹⁴
嫔嫱[嬪嬙] bïn-tẽng
pínqiáng woman court official in ancient China.⁶
嫔从[嬪從] bïn-tũng
píncóng ladies-in-waiting.⁷
bin2 899
46 11 bïn bīn name of a small principality in what is now Shaanxi, the home of the founder of the Zhou dynasty.¹⁴
(synonyms: 邠, 豳, 㟗, 𡺳{U+21EB3} bïn bīn).
(variants: 彬, 斌 bïn bīn).
(composition: ⿻分分山; U+37D7).
(See 邠 bïn, 豳 bïn, 𡺳{U+21EB3} bïn, 彬 bïn; 斌 bïn)
bin2 900
46 13 𡺳
bïn bīn name of a small principality in what is now Shaanxi, the home of the founder of the Zhou dynasty.¹⁴
(synonyms: 邠, 豳, 㟗, 𡺳{U+21EB3} bïn bīn).
(variants: 彬, 斌 bïn bīn).
(composition: See Image; U+21EB3).
(See 邠 bïn, 豳 bïn, 㟗 bïn, 彬 bïn; 斌 bïn).
bin2 901 21EB3.jpg
59 11 bïn bīn intelligent, refined and gentle; Bin surname.⁷ (variants: 斌 bïn bīn; 豳 bïn bīn; 邠 bïn bīn.)
彬彬 bïn-bïn
bīnbīn refined, graceful.⁶
彬彬君子 bïn-bïn-gün-dū
bīnbīn jūnzǐ a refined gentleman.⁷
彬彬有礼[彬彬有禮] bïn-bïn-yiü-lâi
bīnbīnyǒulǐ refined and courteous; urbane; well-mannered.⁶
彬蔚 bïn-vï
bīnwèi <wr.> extremely erudite and refined.⁷
对客人彬彬[對客人彬彬] uï-hāk-ngĩn-bïn-bïn
or uï-häk-ngĩn-bïn-bïn duì kèren bīnbīn behave courteously to guests.⁶
对长辈和高级彬彬[對長輩和高級彬彬] uï-jēng-böi-võ-gäo-kīp-bïn-bïn
duì zhǎngbèi hé gāojí bīnbīn be polite to one's elders and superiors.⁶
文质彬彬[文質彬彬] mũn-jīt-bïn-bïn
wénzhìbīnbīn gentle; suave.⁵
(See 斌 bïn; 豳 bïn; 邠 bïn.)
bin2 902
64 17 bïn bìn <wr.> abandon, discard, expel, reject.⁶
(comp. t: ⿰扌賓; U+64EF). (comp. s: ⿰扌宾; U+6448).
摈斥[擯斥] bïn-chēik
bìnchì reject; dismiss; exclude.⁶
摈除[擯除] bïn-chuĩ
bìnchú  discard; get rid of; dispense with.⁶
摈弃[擯棄] bïn-hï
bìnqì abandon; discard; cast away.⁶
摈黜[擯黜] bïn-jōt
bìnchù <wr.> dismiss and banish; expel; exile.⁶
摈落[擯落] bïn-lòk
bìnluò to suffer rejection and downfall.⁷
摈相[擯相] bïn-xëng
bìnxiàng master of ceremonies; the best man or bridesmaid.⁷
排摈[排擯] pãi-bïn
páibìn <wr.> push aside and discard.⁶
bin2 903
66 8 bïn bīn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 攽 bän bān promulgate; issue.⁵ <wr.> issue; distribute.⁶)
(composition: ⿰分攵; U+653D).
<又> bän.
(See 攽 bän.)
bin2 904
66 10 𢼶
bïn bīn an impure or a mixed color.² an improper color.²⁴
(composition: ⿰并攵; U+22F36).
<又> päng. (See 𢼶❄{⿰并攵} päng).
bin2 905
67 12 bïn bīn (=彬 bïn bīn; 豳 bïn bīn; 邠 bïn bīn.) intelligent, refined and gentle; Bin surname.⁷
(See 彬 bïn; 豳 bïn; 邠 bïn.)
bin2 906
75 10 bïn bēn palm.⁹
栟茶 Bïn-chã Bēnchá, a place in 江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū Jiangsu Province.⁸
<又> bëin.
(See 栟 bëin.)
bin2 907
75 11 bïn bīng (=槟[檳] bïn bīng) the areca; the betel; the areca nut; the betel nut.⁷
(composition: ⿰木兵; U+68B9).
bin2 908
75 18 bïn bīn the areca; the betel; the areca nut; the betel nut.⁷ (used in transcriptions)
槟子[檳子] bïn-dū bīnzi a species of apple which is slightly sour and astringent.⁵ (a kind of apple tree); fruit of such trees.⁶
槟椥[檳椥] Bïn-jï
Bīnzhī Ben Tre, province and city in Vietnam.¹⁰
香槟酒[香檳酒] hëng-bïn-diū
xiāngbīnjiǔ champagne.⁶
(See 檳 [bïn, bīng].)
bin2 909
75 18 bïn bīng the areca; the betel; the areca nut; the betel nut.⁷
槟榔[檳榔] bïn-lõng bīnglang <bot.> areca, betel palm; areca nut, betelnut.⁶
槟榔子[檳榔子] bïn-lõng-dū
bīnglangzi <TCM> betel (or areca) nut.⁵
槟榔屿[檳榔嶼] bïn-lõng-duì
bīnglangyǔ Penang, Malaysia.⁷
槟榔糕[檳榔糕] bïn-lõng-gäo
bīnglanggāo sweets made of betel nut and sugar.⁵⁴
槟榔树[檳榔樹] bïn-lõng-sì
bīnglangshù areca/betel palm; areca; pinang.⁶
(See 檳 [bïn, bīn].)
bin2 910
75 18 bïn bīng (=槟[檳] bïn bīng the areca; the betel; the areca nut; the betel nut.⁷).²
(composition: ⿰木賔; U+3BFD).
(See 檳 bïn).
bin2 911
76 8 𣢏
bïn bīn (=气分[氣分] hï-fün qìfēn TCM section.² a divided current of air.²⁴
(composition: ⿰分欠; U+2388F).
bin2 912
78 18 bïn bìn lay a coffin in a memorial hall; carry the body to the burial place or crematorium.⁶
殡车[殯車] bïn-chëh bìnchē hearse.⁶
殡葬[殯葬] bïn-döng
bìnzàng bury; burial ceremony, funeral and interment.⁶
殡殓[殯殮] bïn-lêm
bìnliàn encoffin a corpse and bring it to the burial place.⁶
殡仪馆[殯儀館] bïn-ngĩ-gōn
bìnyíguǎn funeral parlor; funeral home; mortuary house; the undertaker's.⁶
殡仪员[殯儀員] bïn-ngĩ-yõn
bìnyíyuán (funeral) undertaker; funeral director; mortician.⁶
出殡[出殯] chūt-bïn
chūbìn carry a coffin to the cemetery; hold a funeral procession.⁶
送殡[送殯] xüng-bïn
sòngbìn to attend a funeral; to take part in a funeral procession.⁹
bin2 913
85 11 bïn bēn   (=奔 bïn bēn run quickly; hurry, hasten, rush; flee.⁵).²
(composition: ⿰氵奔; U+6E00).
<又> bùn.
(See 渀 bùn; 奔 bïn).
bin2 914
85 14 bïn bēn (<old>=奔 bïn bēn run quickly; hurry, hasten, rush; flee.⁵).¹⁹
(composition: ⿰氵崩; U+6F30).
<又> päng.
(See 漰 päng; 奔 bïn).
bin2 915
85 17 bïn bīn bank, brink, shore; be close to (the sea, a river), border on.⁵
滨近[濱近] bïn-gìn bīnjìn close to; near to.⁷
(variant: 𨽗
❄{⿰阝頻} bïn). (old variant: 濵 bïn).
滨江[濱江] bïn-göng
bīnjiāng riverside; river front.¹⁰
滨江公园[濱江公園] bïn-göng-güng-yõn
bīnjiāng gōngyuán riverside park.⁵
滨海[濱海] bïn-hōi
bīnhǎi border on the sea.⁵
滨海地区[濱海地區] bïn-hōi-ì-kuï
bīnhǎi dìqū coastal region.⁵
滨临大海[濱臨大海] bïn-lĩm-ài-hōi
bīnlíndàhǎi on the brink of the sea.⁷
滨危[濱危] bïn-nguĩ
bīnwēi to have a close encounter with great danger; dying; close to death.⁷
海滨[海濱] hōi-bïn
hǎibīn seashore.⁵
海滨别墅[海濱別墅] hōi-bïn-bèik-xuî
hǎibīn biéshù beach house.⁵⁴
湖滨[湖濱] vũ-bïn
húbīn lakeside.⁵
See 𨽗❄{⿰阝頻} bïn; 濵 bïn).
bin2 916
85 17 bïn bīn (<old>=滨[濱] bïn bīn bank, brink, shore; be close to (the sea, a river), border on.⁵); a bank, a brink. a shore, a beach.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵賔; U+6FF5).
(See 濱 bïn).

bin2 917
85 19 bïn bīn be close to (the sea, a river), border on; be on the brink of, be on the point of.⁵
濒河[瀕河] bïn-hõ or pĩn-hõ bīnhé bordering a river; riparian.¹⁰
濒海[瀕海] bïn-hōi
or pĩn-hōi bīnhǎi coastal; bordering the sea.¹⁰
濒临[瀕臨] bïn-lĩm
or pĩn-lĩm bīnlín be close to; border on; be on the verge of.⁵
濒危[瀕危] bïn-nguĩ
or pĩn-nguĩ bīnwēi be in imminent danger; be critically ill.⁵
濒危种[瀕危種] bïn-nguĩ-jūng
or pĩn-nguĩ-jūng bīnwēizhǒng endangered species.⁹
濒死[瀕死] bïn-xī
or pĩn-xī bīnsǐ on the brink (or verge) of death; dying.⁵
濒于[瀕於] bïn-yï
or pĩn-yï bīnyú be on brink of.⁵
濒于绝境[瀕於絕境] bïn-yï-dùt-gēin
or pĩn-yï-dùt-gēin bīnyújuéjìng face an impasse.⁵
<又> pĩn.
(See 瀕 pĩn.)
bin2 918
93 12 bïn bēn (=奔 bïn bēn) to run away; to be in a hurry; urgent.¹⁴
(See 奔 [bïn, bēn].)
bin2 919
96 8 bïn bīn <wr.> a kind of jade.⁶ the sparkling brilliancy of a gem; the veins of a gem.²⁴ (variant: 璸 bïn bīn).
(composition: ⿰𤣩分; U+73A2).
玢豳 bïn-bïn
bīnbīn veins and streaks.²⁴
<又> fün.
(See 玢 fün; 璸 bïn).
bin2 920
96 13 bïn biàn (interchangeable with 彬 bïn bīn) flourishing and radiant of the colorful jades, ornamental, refined, lines or stripes on the jade.¹⁰
璘㻞 lĩn-bïn
or lĩn-bän línbiàn variegated, party-colored; variegated and ornamented.²⁴
<又> bän.
(See 㻞 bän.)
bin2 921
96 14 bïn bīn (=璸 bïn bīn jade's streaks.⁸ the name of a pearl; a variegated gem.²⁴ interchangeable with 玢 bïn bīn the veins of a gem.¹⁰¹).
(composition: ⿰𤣩宾; U+7478).
瑸斒 bïn-bän
bīnbān streaks or veins in jade.¹⁹ʼ⁰
(See 璸 bïn).
bin2 922
96 18 bïn bīn jade's streaks.⁸ the name of a pearl; a variegated gem.²⁴ interchangeable with 玢 bïn bīn the veins of a gem.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰𤣩賓; U+74B8).
璸斒 bïn-bän
bīnbān diversified with various colors.²⁴
璸晖[璸暉] bïn-fï
bīnhuī the brilliance of the jade.¹⁹
<又> pëin.
(See 璸 pëin; 玢 bïn).
bin2 923
115 19 bïn bīn aroma.² (also read pëin pīn).⁸
(composition: ⿰禾賓; U+7A66).
bin2 924
120 20 bïn bīn abundant, plentiful, thriving; disorderly, confused.⁷
缤缤[繽繽] bïn-bïn bīnbīn numerous; a great many.⁷
or 缤繙[繽繙] bïn-fän bīnfān (said of flags) fluttering.⁷
缤纷[繽紛] bïn-fün
bīnfēn <wr.> in a glory of pleasing colors and shapes; in riotous profusion.⁶
缤纷天地[繽紛天地] bïn-fün-hëin-ì
bīnfēntiāndì colorful world.⁶
缤乱[繽亂] bïn-lòn
bīnluàn chaotic; disorderly; confused.⁷
落英缤纷[落英繽紛] lòk-yëin-bïn-fün
luòyīngbīnfēn petals falling in riotous profusion; new-bloomed flowers.⁶
五彩缤纷[五彩繽紛] m̄-tōi-bïn-fün
wǔcǎibīnfēn colorful; blazing with color; be beautifully decorated.⁶
bin2 925
130 18 bïn bìn (=髕 bïn bìn) kneecap, patella; <trad.> chop off the kneecaps (as a punishment).⁶
or 钻髌[鑽髕] dön-bïn zuānbìn to cut off the knee-cap as a punishment.¹⁴
(See 髕 bïn).
bin2 926
141 17 bïn bīn stripes on the skin of a tiger.²ʼ¹⁹
(composition: ⿰⿸虍林彡; U+8668).
<又> bän. (See 虨 bän).
bin2 927
142 18 bïn bēn (=牡蛎[牡蠣] mêo-lài mǔlì oyster.⁵).⁸ a kind of clam or cockle.²⁵
(composition: ⿰虫賁; U+87E6).
<又> fĩ.
(See 蟦 fĩ).
bin2 928
142 20 bïn bīn oyster; mussel; freshwater mussel; freshwater clam.⁸ pearl-oyster.¹⁰ʼ¹⁴ <lit.> mother-of-pearl (commonly called 蚌 pông bàng.¹¹ <old> a kind of oyster.³⁶
(composition: ⿰虫賓; U+8819).
蠙珠 bïn-jî
bīnzhū or pĩn-jî pínzhū a pearl.²⁵
珠蠙 jî-bïn
zhūbīn or jî-pĩn zhūpín a pearl; a metaphor for beautiful language in writing style.¹⁹ʼ⁰
蛙蠙之衣 vä-bïn-jï-yï 
wābīnzhīyī or vä-pĩn-jï-yï  wāpínzhīyī a situation on the brink of water.²⁵
or 鼃蠙衣 vä-bïn-yï wābīnyī or vä-pĩn-yï wāpínyī moss.¹⁹
<又> pĩn.
(See 蠙 pĩn).
bin2 929
152 17 bïn bīn name of a small principality in what is now Shaanxi, the home of the founder of the Zhou dynasty.¹⁴
a Zhou Dynasty state.⁸
Archaic name of a place, which is in today's southwest region of Binxian County and Xunyi County in Shaanxi Province (陕西[陝西] Sēm-xäi  Shǎnxī 彬县[彬縣] Bïn-yòn Bīnxiàn 旬邑县[旬邑縣] Tũn-yīp-yòn Xúnyìxiàn).²³
(synonyms: 邠, 豳, 㟗, 𡺳
{U+21EB3} bïn bīn).
(variants: 彬, 斌 bïn bīn).
(composition: ⿻豩山; U+8C73).
玢豳 bïn-bïn
bīnbīn veins and streaks.²⁴
(See 邠 bïn, 㟗 bïn, 𡺳{U+21EB3} bïn, 彬 bïn; 斌 bïn).
bin2 930
154 12 bïn bēn <wr.> run.⁶ to forge ahead; energetic, strenuous; Ben surname.⁸
(comp. t: ⿱卉貝; U+8CC1). (comp. s: ⿱卉贝; U+8D32).
賁賁 bïn-bïn
bēnbēn <wr.> making chattering noise (of birds).¹¹
贲门[賁門] bïn-mõn
bēnmén <phys.> cardia.⁵
虎贲[虎賁] fū-bïn
hǔbēn <wr.> a brave warrior.¹¹
虎贲之士[虎賁之士] fū-bïn-jï-xù
hǔbēnzhīshì <wr.> warrior.¹⁹
狼贲[狼賁] lõng-bïn
lángbēn run like a wolf.⁶
<又> bï, fũn.
(See 賁 bï; 賁 fũn.)
bin2 931
154 14 bïn bīn visitor; guest; object (in grammar).¹⁰ (variant: 賔 bïn bīn).
宾白[賓白] bïn-bàk
bīnbái spoken parts (in a Chinese opera).⁶
宾馆[賓館] bïn-gōn
bīnguǎn guesthouse.⁵
宾客[賓客] bïn-hāk
or bïn-häk bīnkè guests; visitors.⁵
宾客阗门[賓客闐門] bïn-hāk-hẽin-mõn
or bïn-häk-hẽin-mõn bīnkètiánmén The house is full of guests.⁶
宾主[賓主] bïn-jī
bīnzhǔ host and guest.⁶
宾至如归[賓至如歸] bïn-jï-nguĩ-gï
bīnzhìrúguī (of a hotel) where guests feel at home – home away from home.⁶
贵宾[貴賓] gï-bïn
guìbīn honored/distinguished guest.⁵
来宾[來賓] lõi-bïn
láibīn guest; visitor.⁵
外宾[外賓] ngòi-bïn
wàibīn foreign guest (or visitor).⁵
笃宾犬[篤賓犬] ūk-bïn-hūn
dǔbīnquǎn a Doberman pinscher.⁷
蕤宾[蕤賓] xuï-bïn
ruíbīn the seventh note (approximately equivalent to F#) of a 12 note chromatic scale on ancient instruments.²³
(See 賔 bïn).
bin2 932
154 14 bïn bīn (=賓 bïn bīn) visitor; guest; object (in grammar).¹⁰
(See 賓 bïn).
bin2 933
162 11 bïn bēn to run quickly; (=奔 bïn bēn).¹⁴
逩命 bïn-mèin
bēnmìng to flee for one's life.¹⁴
(See 奔 [bïn, bēn].)
bin2 934
163 6 bïn bīn name of a small principality in what is now Shaanxi, the home of the founder of the Zhou dynasty.¹⁴
name of an ancient state in today's Shaanxi Province.⁷
old name of a place in 旬邑县[旬邑縣] Tũn-yīp-yòn Xúnyìxiàn Xunyi County in 陕西[陝西] Sēm-xäi  Shǎnxī Shaanxi Province; Bin surname.⁸
(synonyms: 邠, 豳, 㟗, 𡺳
{U+21EB3} bïn bīn).
(variants: 彬, 斌 bïn
(composition: ⿰分阝; U+90A0).
邠如 bïn-nguĩ
bīnrú flourishing or booming culturally.⁷
邠县[邠縣] Bïn-yòn
Bīnxiàn Binxian County is the same as modern day 彬县[彬縣] Bïn-yòn Bīnxiàn Binxian County in Sēm-xäi Shǎnxī (陕西[陝西]) Shaanxi Province.⁸
(See 豳 bïn, 㟗 bïn, 𡺳{U+21EB3} bïn, 彬 bïn; 斌 bïn).
bin2 935
167 16 bïn bēn adze; cut with an adze; <verm.> (of blades; of knives) dented; dulled; broken.⁶
刀刃锛了[刀刃錛了] äo-yìn-bïn-lēl dāorènbēnle the blade of the knife was dented.
锛子[錛子] bïn-dū
bēnzi adze.⁶
锛架[錛架] bïn-gä
bēnjià adze block.⁶
锛木头[錛木頭] bïn-mûk-hẽo
bēnmùtou cut wood with an adze.⁶
bin2 936
167 22 bïn bīn high quality iron.⁸
镔铁[鑌鐵] bïn-hëik bīntiě wrought iron.⁶
镔铁刀[鑌鐵刀] bïn-hëik-äo
bīntiědāo wrought-iron sword.⁹
bin2 937
170 18 𨽗
bïn bīn (=濱 bïn bīn bank, brink, shore; be close to (the sea, a river), border on.⁵).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰阝頻; U+28F57).
(See 濱 bïn).
bin2 938
173 19 bïn bīn (composition: ⿱雨彬; U+9726).
璘霦 or 璘彬 lĩn-bïn línbīn a gem of a bright color; the luster of a gem.²⁴ <old> color or luster of jade.³⁶
bin2 939
187 18 𩣺 bïn bēn (=奔 bïn bēn run quickly; hurry, hasten, rush; flee.⁵).¹⁰¹ to gallop.³⁶
(composition: ⿰馬奔; U+298FA).
(See 奔 bïn).
bin2 940
188 23 bïn bìn kneecap, patella; <trad.> chop off the kneecaps (as a punishment).⁶ the kneecapl the kneepan.⁷ (variant: 臏 bïn bìn).
or 膑骨[臏骨] bïn-gūt bìngǔ kneecap, patella.⁵
or 膑脚[臏腳] bïn-gëk bìnjiǎo an ancient punishment of cutting off the kneecap.⁷ to go down on one's knees.²⁵
or 钻膑[鑽臏] dön-bïn zuānbìn to cut off the knee-cap as a punishment.¹⁴
or 举鼎绝膑[舉鼎絕臏] guī-ēin-dùt-bïn jǔdǐngjuébìn lit. to hurt the kneecap in trying to carry a caldron – to shoulder a heavy responsibility with limited strength.⁷
(See 臏 bïn).
bin2 941
190 24 bïn bìn temples; hair on the temples.⁶
(comp. t: ⿱髟賓; U+9B22). (comp. s: ⿱髟宾; U+9B13).
鬓斑[鬢斑] bïn-bän
bìnbān hair turning gray at the temples.⁷
鬓边[鬢邊] bïn-bëin
bìnbiān temples (behind the forehead).⁷
鬓发[鬢髮] bïn
-fāt bìnfà hair on the temples.⁷
鬓发灰白[鬢髮灰白] bïn-fāt-föi-bàk
bìnfàhuībái graying at the temples.⁵
鬓脚[鬢腳] bïn-gëk
bìnjiǎo temples; sideboards, sideburns.⁶ temples (beside the ears).⁷
鬓角[鬢角] bïn-gôk
bìnjiǎo (=鬓脚[鬢腳] bïn-gëk) temples; sideboards, sideburns.⁶ temples (beside the ears).⁷
鬓乱钗横[鬢亂釵橫] bïn-lòn-chäi-vãng
bìnluànchāihéng hair in disorder and hairpins out of place (said of women upon getting out of bed).⁷
鬓毛[鬢毛] bïn-mão
bìnmáo hair on the temples.⁷
鬓霜[鬢霜] bïn-söng
bìnshuāng temples covered with white hair.⁷
两鬓斑白[兩鬢斑白] lēng-bïn-bän-bàk
liǎngbìnbānbái be going gray at the temples.⁶
耳鬓[耳鬢] ngī-bïn
ěrbìn <phys.> temples.⁵⁴
耳鬓厮磨[耳鬢廝磨] ngī-bïn
--or ngī-bïn-xü-mõ ěrbìnsīmó ear to ear and temple to temple – (of a boy and a girl) have close childhood friendship; have close associaton during childhood; be intimate with.⁶
bin2 942
160 20 bîn biàn a braid of hair; a pigtail, a queue.⁷
辫子[辮子] bîn-dū biànzi plait; braid; pigtail; a mistake or shortcoming that may be exploited by an opponent; handle.¹⁰
辫发[辮髮] bîn-fāt
biànfà plaited hair.⁷
辫绳[辮繩] bîn-sẽin
biànshéng a braid for a queue; a long braid.⁷
发辫[髮辮] fāt-bîn
fàbiàn braid.¹⁰
草帽辫[草帽辮] tāo-mào-bîn
or 草帽缏[草帽緶] tāo-mào-bëin cǎomàobiàn plaited straw (for making hats, baskets).⁵
bin5 943
30 14 bīt serge.⁹ (used for transliterating).¹⁴
哔叽[嗶嘰] bīt-gï bìjī serge (fabric).¹⁰ transliteration of English “beige,” soft wool fabric.¹¹
扈哔[扈嗶] fù-bīt
hùbì emperor's retinue.¹¹
呫哔[呫嗶] jëmbīt
zhānbì read text without truly understanding meaning.¹¹ (See 呫哔[呫嗶] hēp-bīt tièbì).
bit1 944
64 8 bīt (=𢴩 bīt to stab; to pierce; to puncture.
(composition: ⿰扌必; U+39D9).
<又> bēik; pëik.
(See 㧙 bēik; 㧙 pëik; 𢴩❄{⿰扌筆} bīt).
bit1 945
64 15 𢴩
bīt to stab; to pierce; to puncture.
(variant: 㧙 bīt ).
(composition: ⿰扌筆; U+22D29).
(See 㧙 bīt).
bit1 946
85 15 bīt decant; strain; drain.⁵
滗干了[潷乾了] bīt-gön-lēl bìgānle to drain dry – by pouring off the liquid.¹⁴
滗汤药[潷湯藥] bīt-höng-yêk
bìtāngyào strain the concoction.⁶
滗析[潷析] bīt-xēik
bìxī <chem.> decant.⁶
滗析器[潷析器] bīt-xēik-hï
bìxīqì <chem.> decanter.⁶
bit1 947
102 11 bīt to finish; to complete; Bi surname.
毕竟[畢竟] bīt-gèin bìjìng after all.
毕恭毕敬[畢恭畢敬] bīt-güng-bīt-gëin
bìgōngbìjìng reverent and respectful.
毕业[畢業] bīt-ngèp
bìyè to graduate.
毕生[畢生] bīt-säng
bìshēng all one's life; lifetime.
毕肖[畢肖] bīt-xël
bìxiào look very much alike; resemble closely.⁸
完毕[完畢] yõn-bīt
wánbì finish; complete; end.⁵
bit1 948
118 12 bīt writing brush; write; stroke.⁸
笔触[筆觸] bīt-chūk bǐchù a brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy; a style of painting or writing.⁷
笔迹[筆跡] bīt-dēik
bǐjì one's handwriting.⁷
笔耕[筆耕] bīt-gäng
bǐgēng to plow with the brush, to make one's living by teaching.²⁵
笔记[筆記] bīt-gï
bǐjì take notes.¹¹
笔记本[筆記本] bīt-gï-bōn
bǐjìběn notebook (stationery); notebook (computing).¹⁰
笔者[筆者] bīt-jēh
bǐzhě (present) writer; I, the author.⁷
笔直[筆直] bīt-jèik
bǐzhí perfectly straight.⁷
笔战[筆戰] bīt-jën
bǐzhàn a paper battle, paper warfare; to write polemics against someone.⁷
笔录[筆錄] bīt-lùk
bǐlù put down in writing; notes.¹¹
笔墨[筆墨] bīt-màk
bǐmò pen and ink; words; writing.¹⁰
笔名[筆名] bīt-mẽin
bǐmíng pen name.¹¹
笔试[筆試] bīt-sï
bǐshì written examination.¹⁰
笔顺[筆順] bīt-sùn
bǐshùn stroke order for characters.⁷
笔算[筆算] bīt-xön
bǐsuàn arithmetic worked out on paper; written calculation.⁷
笔意[筆意] bīt-yï
bǐyì a calligraphic style; the meaning of a passage or sentence.⁷
笔友[筆友] bīt-yiû
bǐyǒu pen pal.⁸

bit1 949
118 17 bīt bamboo or wicker fence; wickerwork.¹⁴
筚路[篳路] bīt-lù bìlù a cart for faggots.¹⁴
or 荜路蓝缕[蓽路藍縷] bīt-lù-lãm-luî bìlùlánlǚ be a trail blazer or pioneer in opening up virgin lands; the pioneering spirit.¹¹ riding on a firewood cart in ragged clothes – beginning life in a humble way.¹⁴
筚篥[篳篥] bīt-lùt
bìlì or 觱篥 bēik-lùt bìlì <trad.> ancient bamboo pipe with a reed mouth piece.⁶ a whistle blown to frighten the enemy's horses.⁷ a whistle used by the Tartars.¹⁴
筚门[篳門] bīt-mõn
bìmén a wicker gate.¹⁴
or 荜门圭窦[蓽門圭竇] bīt-mõn-gï-èo bìménguīdòu wicker door, hole window (idiom); fig. wretched hovel; living in poverty.¹⁰
or 荜门蓬户[蓽門蓬戶]  bīt-mõn-pũng-fù bìménpénghù a grass hut.¹¹ a humble house.¹⁹
or 蓬门荜户[蓬門蓽戶] pũng-mõn-bīt-fù péngménbìhù  overgrown gate, wicker windows (idiom); poor person's house; humble home.¹⁰
(See 蓽 bīt.)
bit1 950
140 14 bīt a variety of pulse, beans; (<old>=篳 bīt ) bamboo or wicker fence; wickerwork.¹⁴
荜茇[蓽茇] bīt-bàt
bìbō another name for 荜拨[蓽撥] bīt-bòt bìbō) <TCM> long pepper.¹⁹
荜拨[蓽撥] bīt-bòt
bìbō long pepper (Piper longum).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
荜澄茄[蓽澄茄] bīt-chẽin-gä
bìchéngqié cubeb, tailed pepper, Java pepper (Piper cubeba).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
荜澄茄烯[蓽澄茄烯] bīt-chẽin-gä-hï
bìchéngqiéxī (=杜松烯 ù-tũng-hï dùsōngxī) cadinene.¹⁰
or 筚路褴褛[篳路襤褸] bīt-lù-lãm-luî bìlùlánlǚ be a trail blazer or pioneer in opening up virgin lands; the pioneering spirit.¹¹ riding on a firewood cart in ragged clothes – beginning life in a humble way.¹⁴
or 筚门圭窦[篳門圭竇] bīt-mõn-gï-èo bìménguīdòu wicker door, hole window (idiom); fig. wretched hovel; living in poverty.¹⁰
or 筚门蓬户[篳門蓬戶] bīt-mõn-pũng-fù bìménpénghù a grass hut.¹¹ a humble house.¹⁹
蓬荜[蓬蓽] pũng-bīt
péngbì house of the poor.⁸
or 蓬门筚户[蓬門篳戶] pũng-mõn-bīt-fù péngménbìhù  overgrown gate, wicker windows (idiom); poor person's house; humble home.¹⁰
(See 篳 bīt.)
bit1 951
157 18 bīt <wr.> clear the road for the emperor.⁶ to clear (the emperor's route) of traffic; an imperial carriage.⁷ used in transliterating Buddhist books.⁸ to stop the business of the state, or of the palace; a prohibition put on the ingress and egress of the harem, during the absence of the monarch; to stand leaning on one foot.²⁵ (variant: 驆 bīt ).
跸临[蹕臨] bīt-lĩm
bìlín (said of an emperor) to visit.⁷
跸路[蹕路] bīt-lù
bìlù clear the emperor's route of traffic.⁷
扈跸[扈蹕] fù-bīt
hùbì escort the emperor in travel.³⁹
警跸[警蹕] gēin-bīt
jǐngbì a temporary curfew imposed on roads where the emperor passed.¹¹
驻跸[駐蹕] jî-bīt
zhùbì <wr.> (of a monarch on a tour) stay temporarily; stop over.⁶
立不跸[立不蹕] lìp-būt-bīt
lìbùbì to stand without leaning.²⁵
清跸[清蹕] tëin-bīt
qīngbì to clear the way for imperial carriage.¹¹
<台> 跸诶掂[蹕誒掂] bīt-ë-èm very straight; perfectly straight.
<又> blīt.
(See 驆 bīt; 蹕 blīt).
bit1 952
177 17 bīt <old>=韠 bīt knee-pad.⁸ knee cover (an ancient shield in front of leather clothing).³⁶
(composition: ⿰革卑; U+979E).
<又> bèin, pĩ, bï.
(See 鞞 bèin, 鞞 pĩ, 鞞 bï; 韠 bīt).
bit1 953
177 20 bīt (<old>=韠 bīt knee-pad.⁸ knee cover (an ancient shield in front of leather clothing).³⁶ leather arm guard.⁸ʼ¹⁰
(composition: ⿰革畢; U+97B8).
<又> bēik, bèin.
(See 鞸 bēik; 鞸 bèin; 韠 bīt).
bit1 954
178 20 bīt knee-pad.⁸ a covering for the knee made of leather; a sort of apron covering the front and hanging down, two feet broad below and one above, with a bandage 5 inches wide.²⁵ knee cover (an ancient shield in front of leather clothing).³⁶
(composition: ⿰韋畢; U+97E0).
韨韠[韍韠] fūt-bīt fúbì coverings for the knees; those of the prince were red, and those of the great officers white.²⁵
缊韠[縕韠] vün-bīt
yùnbì a warm apron.²⁵
bit1 955
187 21 bīt (<old>=跸[蹕] bīt ) <wr.> clear the road for the emperor.⁶ to clear (the emperor's route) of traffic; an imperial carriage.⁷ used in transliterating Buddhist books.⁸ to stop the business of the state, or of the palace; a prohibition put on the ingress and egress of the harem, during the absence of the monarch; to stand leaning on one foot.²⁵
(See 蹕 bīt).
bit1 956
9 7 bìt full.⁸ dignified (according to Shuowen); undignified (according to later commentators); <lit.> to spread out; to fill.³⁶ dignified, grave; to treat others rudely when flustered with drink; full, filled with.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰亻必; U+4F56).
佖佖 or 怭怭 bìt-bìt bìbì frivolous, not serious or solemn.⁵⁴
or 旣醉止威仪怭怭[旣醉止威儀怭怭]
jì zuì zhǐ wēi yí bì bì
when they are drunk, their dignity and courtesy are all gone.¹⁰²
bit4 957
57 12 bìt aid, assist, help; correct; tool for rectifying crossbow.⁸
(variant: 𢐀❄{⿲弓弓㐁} bìt ).
弼傅 bìt-fù
bìfù imperial tutor.¹⁴
弼教 bìt-gäo
bìjiào to assist in education.⁷
or 拂士 bìt-xù bìshì <trad.> wise counselor; straightforward adviser.⁵⁴
左辅右弼[左輔右弼] dū-fù-yiù-bìt
zuǒfǔyòubì the emperor's top ministers.⁷
辅弼[輔弼] fù-bìt
fǔbì <wr.> assist (a ruler with his state affairs).⁶
良弼 lẽng-bìt
liángbì excellent assistant; wise aide. ⁶
宥弼 yiù-bìt
yòubì <wr.> to assist (ruler).¹¹
(See 𢐀❄{⿲弓弓㐁} bìt).
bit4 958
57 12 𢐀
bìt (=弼 bìt aid, assist, help; correct; tool for rectifying crossbow.⁸).
(composition: ⿲弓弓㐁; U+22400).
(See 弼 bìt).
bit4 959
61 8 bìt rude.⁸ frivolous; rude.¹⁰ to treat with disrespect, to act disorderly under the unfluence of wine.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄必; U+602D).
怭怭 or 佖佖 bìt-bìt bìbì frivolous, not serious or solemn.⁵⁴
or 旣醉止威仪佖佖[旣醉止威儀佖佖]
jì zuì zhǐ wēi yí bì bì
when they are drunk, their dignity and courtesy are all gone.¹⁰²
bit4 960
64 8 bìt (<old>=弼 bìt ) to assist.⁸
or 弼士 bìt-xù bìshì <trad.> wise counselor; straightforward adviser.⁵⁴
<又> fūt.
(See 拂 fūt.)
bit4 961
106 7 bìt a kernel.⁸ one grain.¹⁰ the fragrance of grain.²⁴ (Note: In Mandarin 皀 may also be read as ).¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱白匕; U+7680).
<又> gīp; hëng.
(See 皀 gīp; 皀 hëng).
bit4 962
130 8 bìt (used in place names and people's names).
(See 肸 [bìt, ].)
bit4 963
130 8 bìt sounds of bells, buzzing, soughing of wind.¹⁴ giggle, scatter; spread out, smilling or laughing.⁵⁴
肸响[肸響] bìt-hēng xīxiǎng to spread.⁸
(See 肸 [bìt, ].)
bit4 964
130 8 bìt (<old>=肸 bìt sounds of bells, buzzing, soughing of wind.¹⁴ giggle, scatter; spread out, smilling or laughing.⁵⁴).
(composition: ⿰月兮; U+80B9).
(See 肸 bìt).
bit4 965
130 9 bìt big, large.⁸
(composition: ⿰⺼必; U+43DF).
<又> pēik; fï. (See 䏟 pēik; 䏟 fï).
bit4 966
130 9 bìt (composition: ⿰⺼弗; U+80C7).
胇肸 bìt-bìt bìxì big.⁸
<又> fï.
(See 胇 fï).
bit4 967
157 18 blīt <台> 掂跸[掂蹕] èm-blīt very straight.
<又> bīt. (See 蹕 bīt).
blit1 968
96 9 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 玻 bū glass.⁷)
玻色子 bō-sēik-dū
bōsèzǐ <phy.> boson.⁶
<又> bö, bū.
(See 玻 bö, bū.)
bo1 969
30 11 bo obsolete, or dialect: used interjectionally to express an imperative or a request, almost equivalent to 吧 bà ba.
嘚啵 dāk-bö
dēbo <topo.> chatter, jabber.⁶ to keep talking in an annoying way.⁹ garrulous (colloquial).¹⁰ to bicker, to jabber.¹¹
bo2 970
32 8 slope; sloping, slanting.⁵
(composition: ⿰土皮; U+5761).
坡道 bö-ào pōdào sloping path or road.⁶
坡积物[坡積物] bö-dēik-mùt
pōjīwù <geol.> slope deposit.⁶
坡跟鞋 bö-gïn-hãi
pōgēnxié wedge heels.⁶
坡降 bö-göng
pōjiàng slope; gradient.⁶
坡田 bö-hẽin
pōtián hillsidefields; sloping fields.⁵
坡地 bö-ì
pōdì hillside/sloping fields; land on the slopes.⁵
坡面 bö-mèin
pōmiàn grade surface; dome.⁶
坡岸 bö-ngòn
pō'àn sloping bank.⁶
坡度 bö-ù
pōdù slope, gradient.⁵ the degree of a slope; grade.⁷
高坡 gäo-bö
gāopō a steep and high slope.⁹
下坡 hä-bö
xiàpō go down the slope.⁶ a slope; downhill.¹⁴
平坡 pẽin-bö
píngpō a slight/gentle/gradual slope.⁵
山坡 sän-bö
shānpō mountainside; hillside.⁸ slope of a hill.¹⁴
上坡 sëng-bö
shàngpō to go up a slope.⁶
斜坡 tẽh-bö
xiépō slope; inclination.⁶ a slope (land).¹¹
东坡肉[東坡肉] üng-bö-ngùk
dōngpōròu a Hangzhou dish named after 苏東坡[蘇東坡] Xü-üng-bö Sūdōngpō Su Dongpo (1037 – 1101 CE), which is pork belly, first stir-fried and then slowly stewed.¹⁵ʼ⁰
bo2 971
46 8 (<old>=坡 bö slope; sloping, slanting.⁵)
(composition: ⿰; U+5CA5).
岥岮 bö-hõ
pōtuó oblique appearance; sloping and uneven; with ups and downs; step.⁸ uneven.¹³ slanting; sloping.²⁴
(See 坡 bö).
bo2 972
46 15 嶓冢山 Bö-Chüng-Sän Bōzhǒngshān Bozhong Mountain, also known as Hanwang Mountian (汉王山[漢王山] Hön-Võng-Sän Hànwángshān) is located in 宁强县[寧強縣] Nẽin-Kẽng-Yòn Níngqiángxiàn Ningqian District, in the City of Hanzhong (汉中市[漢中市] Hön-Jüng-Sî Hànzhōngshì), in the Province of Shaanxi (陕西省[陝西省] Sēm-xäi sāng Shǎnxī shěng).
bo2 973
64 15 to sow, to seed; to broadcast.
播报[播報] bö-bäo bōbào to broadcast.
播出 bö-chūt
bōchū to broadcast; to disseminate.
播放 bö-föng
bōfàng to broadcast; to transmit.
播种[播種] bö-jūng
bōzhǒng to sow seeds; sowing; seed.¹⁰
播弄 bö-lùng
bōnong to order people about; to stir up; to sow discord.¹⁰
播送 bö-xüng
bōsòng to broadcast; to beam.
播音 bö-yïm
bōyīn to transmit; to broadcast.
传播[傳播] chũn-bö
chuánbō to disseminate; to propagate; to spread.
广播[廣播] gōng-bö
guǎngbō broadcast; be on the air.⁵
直播 jèik-bö
zhíbō <agr.> direct seeding; live broadcast (on TV).
主播 jī-bö
zhǔbō anchor (TV).
bo2 974
85 8 waves, breakers; undulations.⁸
波长[波長] bö-chẽng bōcháng wavelength.⁶
波涛[波濤] bö-hão
bōtāo great waves; billows.⁶
波涛汹涌[波濤洶湧] bö-hão-hüng-yūng
bōtāoxiōngyǒng  waves surging forth; roaring sea.¹⁰
波涛拍岸[波濤拍岸] bö-hão-päk-ngòn
bōtāopāi'àn waves beating on the bank.⁵⁴
波澜波[瀾] bö-lãn
bōlán great/huge waves, billows.⁶
波澜壮阔[波瀾壯闊] bö-lãn-jöng-föt
bōlánzhuàngkuò surging forward in sweeping waves; surging forward with great momentum, unfolding on a magnificent scale; mighty.⁶
波浪 bö-lòng
bōlàng wave.⁶
波浪滔天 bö-lòng-häo-hëin
bōlàngtāotiān waves running high.⁵
波荡[波蕩] bö-òng
bōdàng heave; surge; rise and fall.⁶
波动[波動] bö-ùng
bōdòng to wave/shake; to sway/rock.³⁶
波茨坦公告 Bö-xũ-hān Güng-gäo
Bōcítǎn Gōnggào Potsdam Proclamation (1945).⁵⁴
一波三折 yīt-bö-xäm-jēt
yībōsānzhé be full of twists and turns; be full of ups and downs; strike one snag after another.⁶
<台> 打波 ā-bö/ to play ball.
<台> 波鞋 bö-hãi sneakers.
bo2 975
85 17 𤀪
the appearance of water.²
(composition: ⿰氵頗; U+2402A).
bo2 976
96 9 <台> 玻珠 bö-jî/ marbles (small glass balls).
<台> 弹玻珠[彈玻珠] dàn-bö-jî/  playing marbles (small glass balls).
<又> bō, bū. (See 玻 bō, bū.)
bo2 977
106 17 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 皤 põ with same meaning: <wr.> white; (of the belly) big.⁶ white; grey.¹⁴)
<又> põ, pũ.
(See 皤 põ, pũ.)
bo2 978
106 20 皪荦[皪犖] bö-lōk bōluò a mixed color.²⁴
<又> lèik, lōk.
(See 皪 lèik, 皪 lōk).
bo2 979
118 19 winnower.⁸ dust pan; toss (as waves).
(composition: ⿱⺮𤿺; U+7C38).
簸箕 bö-gî or bü-gî bòji (bǒqi in Beijing topolect.¹¹) winnowing basket/pan; dustpan; (of a fingerprint) a loop.⁶ a device for raising chaff and removing dust, made of bamboo strips, wicker or sheet metal, with edges on three sides and one side open; dustpan-shaped fingerprints.⁸ a basket for dust or grain; sieve for shifting grain.¹¹ a close sieve for throwing up the grain and letting the chaff fly off.²⁵
簸箕甲 bö-gî-gâp
or bü-gî-gâp bòjijiǎ (Hokkien 福佬話): pòa-ki-kah; (Teochew, 潮州話): bua3 gi1 gah4 many-banded krait (Bungarus multicinctus, 银环蛇[銀環] ngãn-vãn-sẽh yínhuánshé).¹⁵ʼ²⁰ʼ³⁶
簸箩[簸籮] bö-lõ
or bö-lũ or bü-lõ or bü-lũ bòluó wicker basket.¹⁰.
<又> bô, bü, bû.
(See 簸 [bö,]; bü; [bô,]; [bû,]).
bo2 980
118 19 to winnow; to fan.⁶ (composition: ⿱⺮𤿺; U+7C38).
簸谷[簸穀] bö-gūk bǒgǔ to winnow grain.¹⁰
簸弄 bö-lùng
bǒnòng fiddle (with hands); stir up.⁶ to spread rumors and cause trouble.¹¹
or 簸荡[簸盪] bö-òng bǒdàng bump and sway; roll; rock.⁶ (of boats) to rock.¹¹
簸钱[簸錢] bö-tẽin
bǒqián <wr.> a game of throwing coins; to play such game.¹¹
簸頓 bö-ùn
bǒdùn <wr.> to dally with (statutes).¹¹
簸动[簸動] bö-ùng
bǒdòng winnow; jolt; bump; shake.⁶
簸动金锣[簸動金鑼] bö-ùng-gïm-lũ
or bö-ùng-gïm-lõ bǒdòngjīnluó to strike gongs.¹¹
or 簸飏[簸颺] bö-yẽng bǒyáng winnow grain and spread husk in the wind.¹¹
簸扬机[簸揚機] bö-yẽng-gï
bǒyángjī winnower; fanning mill.⁶
颠簸[顛簸] ëin-bö
diānbǒ to shake, jolt, bump, toss.⁷ to rock, roll sideways.¹¹
或舂或揄,或簸或蹂. Vàk-jüng-vàk-yĩ, vàk-bö-vàk-niū.
Huò chōng huò yú, huò bǒ huò róu.
Some hull [the grain]; some take it from the mortar; Some sift it; some tread it.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·生民之什·生民》, translated by James Legge).
<又> bô, bü, bû.
(See 簸 [bö,]; bü; [bô,]; [bû,]).
bo2 981
140 11 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 菠 bü with same meaning: spinach.⁹)
<又> bü.
(See 菠 bü.)
bo2 982
163 14 (used in place names).
鄱阳湖[鄱陽湖] Bö-yẽng-vũ Póyáng Hú Poyang Lake (in 江西 Göng-xäi Jiāngxī Jiangxi Province.)
bo2 983
170 7 steep and craggy.⁷ a slope.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰阝皮; U+9642).
陂陀 bö-hõ pōtuó not smooth; uneven.⁶ (said of dikes, hill lines) craggy; steep; winding; with ups and downs.⁷ slanted and uneven.⁸ a declivity.¹⁴ uneven; sloping (of land); craggy; steep; winding (of hill lines).⁵⁴
陂陀不平 bö-hõ-būt-pẽin
pōtuóbùpíng be slanting and uneven.⁶
世运平陂[世運平陂] säi-vùn-pẽin-bö
shìyùnpíngpō the ups and downs of fortune.¹⁴
<又> bï, pĩ.
(See 陂 bï, pĩ.)
bo2 984
118 19 (composition: ⿱⺮𤿺; U+7C38).
<台> 大簸箕 ài-bô-gî or ài-bû-gî a very big winnowing basket/pan.
<又> bö, bü, bû.
(See 簸 [bö, ]; [bö, ]; bü; [bû, ]).
bo5 985
64 13 bōi wèn <台> 揾[搵] bōi to search; to look for.
(See 搵 vūn).
boi1 986
39 7 böi bèi a comet.⁷ comet; the splendor of a comet, formerly considered an omen for bad luck.⁹
孛孛 böi-böi bèibèi radiant.⁷
孛孛丁 böi-böi-ëin
bèibèidīng (=蒲公英 pũ-güng-yëin púgōngyīng) dandelion (Taraxacum); a.k.a. 黄花地丁 [黃花地丁] võng-fä-ì-ëin huánghuādìdīng; 婆婆丁 põ-põ-ëin pópódīng.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ʼ⁸⁴
孛星 böi-xëin
bèixīng a comet.¹¹
月孛 ngùt-böi
yuèbèi lunar apogee (point in the moon's orbit furthest from earth); imaginary heavenly body occupying the second focus of the moon's elliptic orbit; dark moon; Lilith.¹⁰
媻姗孛窣[媻姍孛窣] põn-sän-böi-xūt
pánshānbèisū to crawl slowly forward on hands and knees.¹⁴
<又> bòt.
(See 孛 bòt.)
boi2 987
61 10 böi bèi <wr.> be contrary to, go against; perverse, erroneous.⁵ (variant: 誖 böi bèi).
悖叛 böi-bòn
bèipàn to revolt; to rebel.⁷
悖礼[悖禮] böi-lâi
bèilǐ uncivil; impolite; contrary to etiquette.⁷
悖理 böi-lî
bèilǐ contrary to reason.⁵
悖乱[悖亂] böi-lòn
bèiluàn revolt; rebellion; sedition.⁷
悖论[悖論] böi-lùn
bèilùn paradox (logic).¹⁰
悖谬[悖謬] böi-mào
bèimiù <wr.> absurd; preposterous.⁵
悖逆 böi-ngèik
bèinì disloyal; rebellious.⁶ be contrary to, revolt; contrary; perverse.⁵⁴
悖入悖出 böi-yìp-böi-chūt
bèirùbèichū Things ill-gotten are ill-spent. Evil begets evil. What is gotton illegally will be lost in the same manner.⁷
并行不悖[並行不悖] bèin-hãng-būt-böi
bìngxíngbùbèi parallel and not contrary to each other; not mutually exclusive.⁵
<又> bòt.
(See 悖 bòt; 誖 böi.)
boi2 988
64 12 böi bēi (variant of 背 böi bēi) to carry things on one's back.⁸
(See 背 [böi, bēi].)
boi2 989
75 8 böi bēi cup; (prize) cup; trophy.⁵ (variants: 桮, 棓, 盃, 㮎 böi bēi.)
沓杯 àp-böi
tàbēi set of cups, one inside another.⁸
杯子 böi-dū
bēizi cup; glass.⁵
杯弓蛇影 böi-güng-sẽh-yēin
bēigōngshéyǐng mistaking the reflection of a bow in the cup for a snake – extremely suspicious.⁵
杯盘狼藉[杯盤狼藉] böi-põn-lõng-dèik
bēipánlángjí wine cups and dishes scattered in disorder (after a dinner).⁶ cups and dishes in complete disorder (idiom); after a riotous drinking party.⁴³
杯水车薪[杯水車薪] böi-suī-chëh-xïn
bēishuǐchēxīn trying to put out a burning cartload of fagots with a cup of water – an utterly inadequate measure.⁵
茶杯 chã-böi
chábēi teacup.⁵
酒杯 diū-böi
jiǔbēi wine cup; wine glass.⁹
干杯[乾杯] gön-böi
gānbēi  Bottoms up!¹¹
银杯[銀杯] ngãn-böi
yínbēi silver cup.⁸
(See 桮 böi; 棓 böi; 盃 böi; 㮎 böi).
boi2 990
75 11 böi bēi (=杯 böi bēi) cup; (prize) cup; trophy.⁵).
桮棬 böi-hūn
bēiquān cups and bowls.²⁴
(See 杯 böi.)
boi2 991
75 12 böi bēi (<old>=杯 böi bēi cup; (prize) cup; trophy.⁵); ancient soup and wine container.⁸
(composition: ⿰木咅; U+68D3).
<又> pâng; pāo; pôi; põi.
(See 棓 pâng; 棓 pāo; 棓 pôi; 杯 böi; 棓 põi).
boi2 992
75 13 böi bēi (=杯 böi bēi) cup; (prize) cup; trophy.⁵).
(composition: ⿰木盃; U+3B8E).
(See 杯 böi.)
boi2 993
94 10 böi bèi a legendary animal with short forelegs which rode a wolf.⁸
狼狈[狼狽] lõng-böi lángbèi in a difficult position, in a tight corner.⁵
狼狈不堪[狼狽不堪] lõng-böi-būt-häm
lángbèibùkān in an extremely awkward position; in a sorry plight.⁵
狼狈逃窜[狼狽逃竄] lõng-böi-hão-chōn
lángbèitáocuàn flee in panic; flee helter-skelter.⁵
狼狈为奸[狼狽為奸] lõng-böi-vĩ-gän
lángbèiwéijiān act in  collusion with each other.⁵
boi2 994
108 9 böi bēi (=杯 böi bēi) cup; (prize) cup; trophy.⁵).
(composition: ⿱不皿; U+76C3).
(See 杯 böi).
boi2 995
130 9 böi bèi back; back side; behind; betray.⁸
背道而驰[背道而馳] böi-ào-ngĩ-chĩ bèidào'érchí go(run) in the opposite direction; run counter to.⁸
背包 böi-bâo
bèibāo knapsack; backpack.⁹
背部 böi-bù
bèibù back of the body; dorsum.⁶
背剪 böi-dēin
bèijiǎn to have both arms (tied) behind one's back.⁹ hands tied on back.¹¹
背静[背靜] böi-dèin
bèijing quiet and secluded.⁸
背脊 böi-dêk
bèijǐ the back of the human body.⁵
背脊肉 böi-dêk-ngùk
bèijǐròu (=牛柳 ngẽo-liû niúliǔ) beef tenderloin.⁹ sirloin.¹⁰
背诵[背誦] böi-dùng
bèisòng recite; recite from memory.⁶
背后[背後] böi-hèo
bèihòu behind, at the back, in the rear; behind somebody's back.⁵
背面 böi-mèin
bèimiàn the back; the reverse side.⁵
背書 böi-sï
bèishū recite a lesson from memory, to repeat a lesson; endorsement (on a check).⁵
背时[背時] böi-sĩ
bèishí outmoded; unlucky.⁹
背运[背運] böi-vùn
bèiyùn bad luck; be unlucky.⁹
背心 böi-xïm
bèixīn a sleeveless garment.⁵
人心向背 ngĩn-xïm-hëng-böi
rénxīnxiàngbèi will of the people; lose or win popular support.⁶
<又> bêh.
(See 背 [böi, bēi], bêh.)
boi2 996
130 9 böi bēi carry on the back; bear, shoulder.⁵
背带[背帶] böi-âi/ bēidài braces, suspenders; sling (for a rifle), straps (for a knapsack).⁵
背包 böi-bäo
bēibāo knapsack, rucksack, infantry pack, field pack; <mil.> blanket roll.⁵
背包袱 böi-bäo-fùk
bēi bāofu have a weigh on one's mind; take on a mental burden.⁵
背榜 böi-bōng
bēibǎng be the last name on list of candidates; stand last in the examination.⁸
背负[背負] böi-fù
bēifù bear; carry on the back; have on one's shoulder.⁵
背黑锅[背黑鍋] böi-hāk-vö
bēi hēiguō <vern.> be made a scapegoat; be unjustly blamed.⁵
背债[背債] böi-jäi
bēizhài to be in debt; get or run into debts; be saddled with debts; contract or incur debts.³⁹
背篓[背簍] böi-lêo
bēilǒu a basket carried on the back.⁵
背逆 böi-ngèik
bēinì to violate; to go against.¹⁰
<又> bêh.
(See 背 [böi, bèi], bêh.)
boi2 997
145 14 böi bèi paper or cloth pasted together.⁸
裱褙 bēl-böi biǎobèi to mount (paintings).⁷ pasteboard.¹⁴
褙子 böi-dū
bèizi pieces of used cloth or rags pasted layer upon layer (to make uppers or soles of cloth shoes).⁶
隔褙 gäk-böi
gébei pieces of cloth pasted together into a kind of pasteboard, used to form the base of shoe soles.¹⁴
袼褙 gōk-böi
gēbei pieces of old cloth or rags pasted together to make cloth shoes.⁸
boi2 998
149 14 böi bèi (=悖 böi bèi) be contrary to, go against.
(See 悖 böi.)
boi2 999
154 7 böi bèi Kangxi radical 154; sea shell; money, currency.⁸ shellfish; cowrie; Bei surname.⁵
贝子[貝子] böi-dū bèizi a rank of Manchu nobility below that of 贝勒[貝勒] böi-làk bèilè.⁷
贝雕[貝雕] böi-ël
bèidiāo shell carving.⁵
贝加尔湖[貝加爾湖] böi-gä-ngì-vũ
Bèijiā'ěrhú Lake Baikal (in eastern Siberia).⁶
贝塔[貝塔] böi-hāp
bèitǎ beta (β).⁶
贝丘[貝丘] böi-hiü
bèiqiū <archeo.> shell mound.⁵
贝壳[貝殼] böi-hôk
bèiké shell; conch.⁶
贝壳币[貝殼幣] böi-hôk-bài
bèikébì wampum; cowrie.⁶
贝壳学[貝殼學] böi-hôk-hòk
bèikéxué conchology.⁵
贝勒[貝勒] böi-làk
bèilè a rank of the Manchu nobility below that of the Prince; shell decorations on a bridle.⁷
贝类[貝類] böi-luì
bèilèi shellfish; mollusks.⁵
贝雷帽[貝雷帽] böi-luĩ-mào
bèiléimào beret.⁶
贝母[貝母] böi-mû
bèimǔ <Ch. med.> the bulb of fritillary Fritillaria thunbergii.⁵ Same as 莔 mông méng, q.v.
贝母属[貝母屬] böi-mû-sùk
bèimǔshǔ genus Fritillaria.²⁰
贝宁[貝寧] Böi-nẽin
Bèiníng Benin.⁵
贝多芬[貝多芬] Böi-ü-fün
Bèiduōfēn Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827). German composer.⁷
贝叶[貝葉] böi-yêp
bèiyè palm leaves from the Borassus flabelliformis; Buddhist sutras written on such leaves.⁷
boi2 1000
159 12 böi bèi (<old>=辈[輩] böi bèi people of a certian kind, the like; generation; lifetime.⁵)
(composition: ⿱北車; U+8EF0).
(See 輩 böi).
boi2 1001
159 15 böi bèi people of a certian kind, the like; generation; lifetime.⁵
(variant: 軰 böi bèi). (See 軰 böi).
等闲之辈[等閑之輩] āng-hãn-jï-böi
děngxiánzhībèi unimportant people; nobody; ordinary folk.⁶
辈出[輩出] böi-chūt
bèichū come forth in large numbers.⁵
辈子[輩子] böi-dū
bèizi all one's life; lifetime.⁵
or 辈份[輩份] böi-fùn bèifen seniority in family or clan; position in the family hierarchy.⁶
辈行[輩行] böi-hõng
bèiháng (=辈分[輩分] böi-fùn bèifen) seniority in family or clan; position in the family hierarchy.⁶
辈流[輩流] böi-liũ
bèiliú people of one's generation.⁷
辈数儿[輩數兒] böi-sü-ngĩ
bèishùr (=辈分[輩分] böi-fùn bèifen) seniority in family or clan; position in the family hierarchy.⁶
老一辈[老一輩] lāo-yīt-böi
lǎoyībèi older generation.⁵
无能之辈[無能之輩] mũ-nãng-jï-böi
wúnéngzhībèi people without ability.⁵
人才辈出[人才輩出] ngĩn-tõi-böi-chūt
réncáibèichū people of talent coming forth/emerging in large numbers.⁶
我辈[我輩] ngô-böi
wǒbèi <wr.> we; us.⁶
前辈[前輩] tẽin-böi
qiánbèi senior; elder; predecessor.⁶
先辈[先輩] xëin-böi
xiānbèi member of an older generation, ancestor, senior; late role model.⁶
boi2 1002
163 7 böi bèi (name of an ancient vassal state during the Zhou Dynasty in modern 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng Henan Province).
boi2 1003
167 15 böi bèi barium (Ba).⁶
钡长石[鋇長石] böi-chẽng-sêk bèichángshí baryta feldspar; celsian.⁶
钡合金[鋇合金] böi-hàp-gïm
bèihéjīn barium alloy.⁶
钡餐[鋇餐] böi-tän
bèicān <med.> barium meal.⁶
钡餐检查[鋇餐檢查] böi-tän-gēm-chã
bèicānjiǎnchá barium meal examination.⁶
钡餐透视[鋇餐透視] böi-tän-hëo-sì
bèicāntòushì <med.> barium meal X-ray examination.⁶
boi2 1004
86 12 bòi bèi (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 焙 pöi bèi with same meaning: bake over a slow fire.⁶ dry or heat near a fire; toast; bake.⁷)
<又> pöi.
(See 焙 pöi.)
boi4 1005
140 13 bòi bèi (flower) bud.¹⁰ a bud.¹⁴
蓓蕾 bòi-luî or pôi-luî bèilěi flower bud; young flower still tightly rolled up.¹⁰ flower buds.¹⁴ flowers just opening.²⁵
蓓藟 bòi-luî
or pôi-luî bèilěi (<old> =蓓蕾 bòi-luî or pôi-luî bèilěi flower bud; young flower still tightly rolled up.¹⁰ flower buds.¹⁴ flowers just opening.²⁵).³⁶
金蓓 gïm-bòi
or gïm-pôi jīnbèi yellow flower bud.¹⁹
黄蓓[黃蓓] võng-bòi
or võng-pôi huángbèi name of a plant.²⁵
<又> pôi.
(See 蓓 pôi.)
boi4 1006
24 12 bōk extensive; ample; rich; obtain; aim; to win; to get; plentiful; to gamble.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰十尃; U+535A).
博大精深 bōk-ài-dëin-sïm bódàjīngshēn wide-ranging and profound; broad and deep.¹⁰
博得 bōk-āk
bódé to win; to gain.¹⁰
博古通今 bōk-gū-hüng-gïm
bógǔtōngjīn conversant with things past and present – erudite and informed.⁵
博览[博覽] bōk-lâm
bólǎn read extensively.⁵
博览会[博覽會] bōk-lâm-vòi
bólǎnhuì international fair.⁸
博物 bōk-mùt
or bōk-mòt bówù natural science.¹⁰
博物院 bōk-mùt-yòn
bówùyuàn museum.⁹
博爱[博愛] bōk-öi
bó'ài love for all; universal love.¹¹
博识洽闻[博識洽聞] bōk-sēik-dèp-mũn
bóshíqiàwén knowledgeable; erudite (idiom).¹⁰
博采[博採] bōk-tōi
bócǎi to collect widely.³⁹
博采众长[博採眾長] bōk-tōi-jüng-chẽng
bócǎizhòngcháng to learn widely from others' strong points.³⁹
博茨瓦纳[博茨瓦納] Bōk-xũ-ngā-nàp
Bócíwǎnà Botswana.⁵
博士 bōk-xù
bóshì  doctor; court academician (in feudal China); Ph.D.¹⁰
广博[廣博] gōng-bōk
guǎngbó erudite; extensive (reading, experience).¹¹
bok1 1007
32 16 bōk <topo.> raised ridge separating fields.⁸ <Cant.> ridge; mound; curb; dyke.³⁶ mounded row of soil (in which crops are planted).⁵⁴
(comp. t: ⿱𦥯土; U+58C6). (comp. s: ⿱龸土; U+5763).
(Note: 坣 is nonstandard simplified form of 壆).³⁶
(See 坣[hõng, táng]; 坣[hõng, tāng]).
<又> gōk; hòk.
(See 壆 gōk; 壆 hòk).
bok1 1008
64 13 bōk fight, wrestle. combat, struggle; beat, throb.⁶ to search out and lay hold of; extreme; to play on a musical instrument; to strike with the fist; to take, to catch.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌尃; U+640F).
搏髀 bōk-bī bóbì to beat time by slapping one's thighs.¹⁰
搏斗[搏鬥] bōk-ëo
bódòu wrestle, fight, struggle, grapple.⁶
搏虎 bōk-fū
bóhǔ to beat a tiger.²⁴ fight a tiger with one's bare hands.⁵⁴
or 膊风[膊風] bōk-füng bófēng cornice work under eaves.¹¹
搏击[搏擊] bōk-gēik
bójī struggle with; fight against.⁶ to fight.²⁴
搏战[搏戰] bōk-jën
bózhàn struggle; wrestle; contest.⁶
搏噬 bōk-sâi
bóshì (of animals) fall/pounce on and bite.⁶
搏杀[搏殺] bōk-sät
bóshā fight with a weapon, combat; (in chess/go games) be locked in a fierce contest.⁶
搏动[搏動] bōk-ùng
bódòng beat, throb, pulsate.⁶
or 脉膊[脈膊] mäk-bōk màibó pulse.⁵
肉搏 ngùk-bōk
ròubó fight hand-to-hand.⁶
手搏 siū-bōk
shǒubó to strike in handfight.¹¹ to fight bare-handed.¹⁹
bok1 1009
118 18 bōk an old type of gambling game using chess pieces.² a game, consisting of 6 sticks, and 12 places to fix them in; a kind of chess.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗博; U+7C19).
六簙 or 六博 lùk-bōk liùbó an ancient game of throwing and picking up chess pieces.¹⁹
bok1 1010
130 14 bōk bo upper arm.⁶
胳膊 gāk-bōk gēbo arm (of a person).⁶
胳膊肘 gāk-bōk-jāo
gēbozhǒu elbow (of a person).⁶
胳膊肘儿[胳膊肘兒] gāk-bök-jāo-ngĩ
gēbozhǒur elbow.⁵
胳膊腕子 gāk-bōk-vōn-dū
gēbo wànzi wrist (of a person).⁶
捋胳膊 lòt-gāk-bōk
luō gēbo roll/push up one's sleeves and show the arm – be ready to act.⁶
bok1 1011
130 14 bōk upper arm.⁶
褡膊 āp-bōk or 搭膊 äp-bōk dābó shoulder bag.¹⁰
腷腷膊膊 bēik-bēik-bōk-bōk
bìbìbóbó flip-flap.⁸ flip-flap sound (of wings).¹¹
腷膊 bēik-bōk
bìbó <ono.> flapping (of wings); clapping.⁵⁴
膊膊 bōk-bōk
bóbó <wr.> sound of crowing cocks.¹¹
or 搏风[搏風] bōk-füng bófēng cornice work under eaves.¹¹
膊甲 bōk-gâp
bójiǎ shoulder blade.¹¹
赤膊 chēik-bōk
chìbó bare to the waist.⁵
赤膊上阵[赤膊上陣] chēik-bōk-sëng-jìn
chìbóshàngzhèn go into battle stripped to the waist; throw away all disguise, come out into the open.⁵
袒膊 hān-bōk
tǎnbó bared to the waist.⁷
褪膊 huï-bōk
tùnbó remove the sleeves, exposing shoulders and arms.⁵⁴
or 脉搏[脈搏] mäk-bōk màibó pulse.⁵
bok1 1012
145 20 bōk collar; appearance; to expose.⁸ʼ⁹ an embroidered collar; to expose.¹⁰ʼ¹⁴ the collar of a coat.²⁵ embroidered collar; exterior, outward appearance; to expose, to reveal.³⁶ an embroidered collar or cape, anciently worn over the dress at court or state sacrifice; it was of red or differently made to indicate rank.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰衤暴; U+896E).
襃襮 or 褒襮 bäo-bōk bāobó or 褒表 bäo-bēl bāobiǎo praise, encourage; glorify and give thanks.¹⁹ʼ⁰
表襮 bēl-bōk
biǎobó expose; show off, reveal, lay bare.¹⁹ to show outside, to indicate by some symbol.¹⁰²
襮表 bōk-bēl
bóbiǎo the outside of anything; outside display.²⁵
襮白 bōk-bàk
bóbái to vindicate/exolain oneself.¹⁹
自表襮 dù-bēl-bōk
zìbiǎobó to praise oneself, to self-promote.⁵⁴
朱襮 jï-bōk
zhūbó red embroidered collar.¹⁹ a red collar.²⁵
领襮[領襮] lêng-bōk
lǐngbó an outside cape.¹⁰²
Xü-yï-jï-bōk, tũng-dū-yï-yūk.
Sù yī zhū bó, zòng zǐ yú wò.
Bringing a robe of white silk, with a vermillion collar,
We will follow you to Wo.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·唐風·揚之水·1》, translated by James Legge).
bok1 1013
167 18 bōk large bell; hoe, spade.⁸ a weeder that was used in ancient times; a percussion instrument made of bronze that resembles a bell, but has more flattened opening.⁹ ancient musical intrument shaped as a bell; hoe; spade.¹⁰ a large bell suspended from a frame; a hoe.¹⁴ small bell (percussion instrument); <old> hoe (for weeding); <old> crossbar for hanging bells.⁵⁴ a kind of animal, the representation of which appears in (bell) stands; also a large bell; others say, a small bell; also an agricultural instrument..¹⁰²
(comp. t: ⿰扌尃; U+939B). (comp. s: ⿰钅尃; U+9548).
镈磬[鎛磬] bōk-hëin
bóqìng small bell and stone gong.⁵⁴
镈鳞[鎛鱗] bōk-lĩn
bólín crossbar carving and inlay.⁵⁴ the metallic ornaments on the cross piece of wood on which a bell is hung; the ornaments of a bell stand.¹⁰²
镈鎒[鎛鎒] bōk-nào
bónòu a hoe for weeding.¹⁰²
镈鲜[鎛鮮] bōk-xëin
bóxiān honorable and good.¹⁰²
镈师[鎛師] bōk-xü
bóshī the principal ringer.¹⁰²
庤乃钱镈[庤乃錢鎛] sì-nâi-dēin-bōk
zhìnǎi jiǎnbó get or take out your shovels and small hoes for weeding.⁵⁴ʼ⁰
钱镈[錢鎛] tẽin-bōk
qiánbó small hoes for weeding.¹⁴
有钟无镈[有鐘無鎛] yiû-jüng-mũ-bōk
yǒu zhōng wú bó there were large bells, but no small bells.⁵⁴

bok1 1014
184 12 bōk (=馎[餺] bōk ) rice cake.⁸
(See 餺 bōk).
bok1 1015
184 18 bōk rice cake.⁸ (variant: 䬪 bōk ).
馎饦[餺飥] bōk-hök
bótuō <old> a kind of cooked wheaten food.⁶
(See 䬪 bōk).
bok1 1016
187 14 bök refute, contradict., gainsay; barge, lighter; transport by lighter; <wr.> of different colors.⁵
驳倒[駁倒] bök-āo bódǎo demolish somebody's argument; refute; outargue.⁵
驳斥[駁斥] bök-chēik
bóchì refute; denounce.⁵
驳杂[駁雜] bök-dàp
bózá heterogeneous.⁵
驳载[駁載] bök-döi
bózài barge transport.⁵⁴
驳诘[駁詰] bök-gēik
bójié to question persistently.⁷
駁勘 bök-häm
bókān annul, reject (decision) by higher court.¹¹
驳壳枪[駁殼槍] bök-hôk-tëng
bókéqiāng Mauser pistol.⁵
驳荦[駁犖] bök-lōk
bóluò motley colored, such as a cow.¹¹
驳岸[駁岸] bök-ngòn
bó'àn a low stone wall built along the water's edge to protect an embankment; revetment.⁵
驳色[駁色] bök-sēik
bósè variegated.¹⁴
驳船[駁船] bök-sõn
bóchuán barge; lighter.⁵
驳回[駁回] bök-või
bóhuí reject; turn down; overrule.⁵
驳运[駁運] bök-vùn
bóyùn transport by lighter; lighter.⁵
驳卸[駁卸] bök-xëh
bóxiè unload by lighter.⁵
駁辞[駁辭] bök-xũ
bócí <wr.> quibble, long-winded but confused argument.¹¹
<台> 驳口[駁口] bök-hēo to talk back.
bok2 1017
8 10 bòk first capital of the Shang dynasty.
亳州 Bòk-jiü Bózhōu Bozhou prefecture level city in 安徽 Ön-fï Ānhuī Anhui Province.
bok4 1018
46 16 bòk xué big rocky mountain.⁸
荦峃[犖嶨] lōk-bòk luòxué (=荦确[犖確] lōk-kōk luòquè) jagged rocks of grotesque shapes; hard, solid.⁸
bok4 1019
75 9 bòk tip of an arrow.⁸ a bundle of arrows.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木犮; U+67ED).
<又> bāt; bèik; fūt; pòi. (See 柭 bāt; 柭 bèik; 柭 fūt; 柭 pòi).
bok4 1020
75 20 bòk rafter.¹⁰ a pillar in a wall, a buttress; also the short piece of wood at the top of a pillar.²⁴
欂栌[欂櫨] bòk-lũ bólú <archi.> bracket set (See explanation under 斗拱 ēo-gūng dǒugǒng).
bok4 1021
85 8 bòk be/lie at anchor, anchor, moor; berth; stay for a time; park; indifferent to fame or gain, tranquil and without ambition.⁶
(composition: ⿰氵白; U+6CCA).
淡泊 or 澹泊 àm-bòk dànbó <wr.> seeking no fame or wealth; indifferent to fame and fortune.⁶
泊车[泊車] bòk-chëh
bóchē <loan> to park (a vehicle); parking; parked car.¹⁰
泊岸 bòk-ngòn
bó'àn anchor alongside the shore.⁵
泊船 bòk-sõn
bóchuán to anchor a vessel.¹⁰²
泊位 bòk-vì
bówèi berth.¹⁰
停泊 hẽin-bòk
tíngbó lie at anchor.⁵ anchor, moor; berth.⁶
or 飘泊[飄泊] pël-bòk piāobó float, drift; lead a wandering life, drift aimlessly, roam, ramble, go aimlessly.⁶ unsettled, roving, as a gypsy; a vagabond.¹⁰²
湾泊[灣泊] vän-bòk
wānbó to anchor a vessel.¹⁰²
(See 泊 [bòk, ].)

bok4 1022
85 8 bòk lake.⁵
(composition: ⿰氵白; U+6CCA).
血泊 hüt-bòk xuèpō pool of blood.⁵
水泊 suī-bòk
shuǐpō marshes.⁸
湖泊 vũ-bòk
húpō lakes.⁵
(See 泊 [bòk, ].)
bok4 1023
85 18 bòk (=泊 bòk ) lake.⁹
湖泺[湖濼] vũ-bòk
húpō (=湖泊 vũ-bòk húpō lakes.⁵) lake.
<又> lòk.
(See 濼 lòk.)
bok4 1024
97 10 bòk a samll gourd.¹³
(composition: ⿺瓜包; U+74DF).
<又> pão. (See 瓟 pão).
bok4 1025
112 18 bòk fill, extend.⁸
旁礡 or 旁薄 põng-bòk pángbó (=旁魄 põng-pāk pángpò expansive, expanding, free (of air, manner), bold (art style).¹¹ (See also 磅礴 põng-bòk pángbó).
bok4 1026
112 21 bòk filling all space; extensive.⁷
磐礴 põn-bòk pánbó extensive; vast; imposing; great.⁷
磅礴 põng-bòk
pángbó boundless, majestic; extensive; fill, permeate.⁵
bok4 1027
118 14 bòk woven screen/matting (of reeds); bamboo tray (for rearing silkworm); foil, tinsel; papper tinsel (burnt as offerings to the dead).⁶ foil, gilt; a curtain; a frame for raising silkworms; paper tinsel burnt as offerings to the dead.⁷
(variant: 萡 bòk ).
(composition: ⿱⺮泊; U+7B94).
箔片 bòk-pëin
bópiàn foil; chaff.⁶ paillon foil; tinsel.⁸
箔材 bòk-tõi
bócái foil.⁶ general term for super thin metal sheets of aluminum or tin, usually used in electrical engineering or for wrapping.⁹
锤金箔[錘金箔] chuĩ-gïm-bòk
chuíjīnbó hammer gold into foil.⁵
金箔 gïm-bòk
jīnbó gold foil, gold leaf.¹¹
蚕箔[蠶箔] tâm-bòk
cánbó bamboo tray for raising silkworms; reed mat for silkworm culture.⁶
苇箔[葦箔] vī-bòk
wěibó screen/matting of reeds.⁶
锡箔[錫箔] xëk-bòk
xībó tinfoil paper (formerly used as funeral offerings).⁶
(See 萡 bòk).
bok4 1028
120 16 bòk tie up; bind fast.⁵ʼ⁶ to bind; to tie.⁷ʼ¹⁴
(Note: Cpmpare 縳 xùn zhuàn, 縳 kūn juàn).
t: ⿰糹尃; U+7E1B). (comp. s: ⿰纟尃; U+7F1A).
缚带[縛帶] bòk-âi
or fòk-âi fùdài to tighten a girdle.¹⁴
缚束[縛束] bòk-chūk
fùshù or 缚绑[縛綁] bòk-bōng fùbǎng or 捆缚[捆縛] kūn-bòk kǔnfù to bind.¹⁴
缚在车下[縛在車下] bòk-dòi-chëh-hâ
fùzàichēxià tie it under the cart.¹⁴
缚鸡之力[縛雞之力] bòk-gäi-jï-lèik
or fòk-gäi-jï-lèik fùjīzhīlì the strength for binding a chicken – very limited strength.⁷
缚紧[縛緊] bòk-gīn
or fòk-gīn fùjǐn to tie or bind tightly.⁷
缚住[縛住] bòk-jì
or fòk-jì fùzhù to tie up; to bind up.⁷
缚上一道箍[縛上一道箍] bòk-sëng-yīt-ào-kû
or fòk-sëng-yīt-ào-kû fùshàngyīdàogū bind it with a hoop.¹⁴
缚手缚脚[縛手縛腳] bòk-siū-bòk-gëk
fùshǒufùjiǎo with too many constraints; unable to act freely.⁷
他手被缚着无法还击[他手被縛著無法還擊] hä-siū-bì-bòk-jèk-mũ-fāt-vãn-gēik
tāshǒubèifùzhe wúfǎhuánjī He couldn't fight back with his hands tied up.⁶
手无缚鸡之力[手無縛雞之力] siū-mũ-bòk-gäi-jï-lèik
or siū-mũ-fòk-gäi-jï-lèik shǒuwúfùjīzhīlì lack the strength to truss a chicken – physically very weak.⁵
<又> fòk.
(See 縛 fòk.)
bok4 1029
137 11 bòk ship, especially a large one.³⁶ (variant: 艊 bòk ).
舶来[舶來] bòk-lõi
bólái to be imported from abroad.³⁶
舶来品[舶來品] bòk-lõi-bīn
bóláipǐn imported goods; foreign goods.³⁶
市舶司 sî-bòk-xü
shìbósī <trad.> maritime trade bureau; maritime trade supervisor.³⁶
船舶 sõn-bòk
chuánbó boats and ships; shipping.³⁶
(See 艊 bòk).
bok4 1030
137 14 bòk (=舶 bòk ) ship, especially a large one.³⁶
(See 舶 bòk).
bok4 1031
140 11 bòk (<old>=箔 bòk woven screen/matting (of reeds); bamboo tray (for rearing silkworm); foil, tinsel; papper tinsel (burnt as offerings to the dead).⁶ foil, gilt; a curtain; a frame for raising silkworms; paper tinsel burnt as offerings to the dead.⁷).⁸
(composition: ⿱艹泊; U+8421).
(See 箔 bòk).
bok4 1032
140 14 bòk (composition: ⿱艹婆; U+8522).
蔢𦽅❄{⿱艹閜} bòk-hõ bòhè  peppermint.²⁵ (another name for 薄荷 bòk-hõ bòhe mint; peppermint.⁸).¹⁰¹
<又> põ.
(See 蔢 põ).
bok4 1033
140 16 bòk báo thin; indifferent; light or weak (in taste); infertile.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱艹溥; U+8584)
薄板 bòk-bān báobǎn metal sheet; lamina.¹⁰
薄饼[薄餅] bòk-bēng
báobǐng thin pancake.³⁹
薄酒 bòk-diū
báojiǔ mild wine.⁶
薄田 bòk-hẽin
báotián poor soil.⁸ barren land (usually paddy fields).⁹ low-yielding farming land.⁵⁴
薄厚 bòk-hêo
báohòu thickness.⁶
薄待 bòk-òi
báodài treat someone stingily/ungenerously.⁵⁴
薄片 bòk-pëin
báopiàn thin slice; thin section; flake..⁵⁴
薄脆 bòk-tuï
báocuì thin and crisp; crisp fritter.⁶
薄脆饼[薄脆餅] bòk-tuï-bēng
báocuìbǐng wafer; snap; waffle.⁶
酒味很薄 diū-mì-hān-bòk
jiǔwèi hěn báo the wine is very mild.⁰
(See 薄 [bòk, ], [bòk, ].)
bok4 1034
140 16 bòk ➀ same as 薄 bòk báo thin;  ➁ slight, less  ➂ not solemn; not kind or sincere  ➃ contempt  ➄ not full, not strong  ➅ approaching  ➆ Bo  surname.⁸ ➇ initial particle such as 'ah, so' 
(composition: ⿱艹溥; U+8584).
薄产[薄產] bòk-chān
bóchǎn small property.⁵⁴
薄酬 bòk-chiũ
bóchóu small reward/remuneration.⁵⁴
薄夫 bòk-fū
bófū cold/unfeeling person.⁵⁴
薄遽 bòk-guì
bójù <wr.> suddenly.¹¹
薄幸 bòk-hàng
bóxìng <wr.> fickle (esp. of men).⁵⁴
薄寒 bòk-hõn
bóhán poverty stricken; destitute.⁵⁴
薄礼[薄禮] bòk-lâi
bólǐ my meager gift (humble).⁸
薄利 bòk-lì
bólì small profits.⁸
薄膜 bòk-môk
bómó film; membrane.⁶
薄暮 bòk-mù
bómù <wr.> at dusk.⁸
薄弱 bòk-ngèk
bóruò weak, sickly, ailing.¹⁴
薄人 bòk-ngĩn bórén a prostitute.¹⁴
薄言 bòk-ngũn
bóyán hurriedly, in a hurry; (self-deprecatory expression) shallow, superficial, meager.⁸ initial particle, such as 'ah, so'.¹⁴
薄言采之薄言有之 bòk-ngũn-tōi-jï bòk-ngũn-yiû-jï
bó yán cǎi zhī bó yán yǒu zhī thus we selected them and now we have got them.¹⁴
薄情 bòk-tẽin
bóqíng inconstant in love; fickle.⁵⁴
(See 薄 [bòk, báo], [bòk, ].)
bok4 1035
140 16 bòk (composition: ⿱艹溥; U+8584).
薄荷 bòk-hõ bòhe mint; peppermint.⁸
薄荷糖 bòk-hõ-hõng/
bòhetáng peppermint candy.⁹
薄荷醇 bòk-hõ-sũn
bòhechún <chem.> menthol; peppermint camphor.⁹ hexahydrothymol.¹⁰
薄宦 bòk-vàn
bóhuàn a low-ranking official position.⁷
(See 薄 [bòk, báo], [bòk, ].)
bok4 1036
152 17 bòk báo (alternate Mandarin pronunciation for 豰 bòk with the same meaning: <old> a piglet.¹⁰¹ a young pig, a farrow.²⁵.
(composition: ⿰⿳士冖⿱一豕殳; U+8C70).
<又> hūk; hùk; këo; hēl.
(See 豰 hūk; 豰 [bòk, ]; 豰 hùk; 豰 këo; 豰 hēl).
bok4 1037
152 17 bòk <old> a piglet.¹⁰¹ a young pig, a farrow.²⁵
(composition: ⿰⿳士冖⿱一豕殳; U+8C70).
<又> hūk; hùk; këo; hēl. (See 豰 hūk; 豰 [bòk, báo]; 豰 hùk; 豰 këo; 豰 hēl).
bok4 1038
157 15 bòk <wr.> fall (down); tumble.⁶ to stumble and fall; dead, stiff.⁷ to stumble and fall prone; stiff in death.¹⁴
踣尸 bòk-sï bóshī a rigid corpse.¹⁴
颠踣[顛踣] ëin-bòk
diānbó to fall down; to fall forward.¹⁰
腹饥欲踣[腹飢欲踣] fūk-gï-yùk-bòk
fùjīyùbó be staggering with hunger.⁶
屡踣屡起[屢踣屢起] luî-bòk-luî-hī
lǚbólǚqǐ repeatedly rise (after falling).³⁹
bok4 1039
167 13 bòk platinum (Pt).⁶
铂铱[鉑銥] bòk-yï bóyī platiniridium.⁹
铂铱合金[鉑銥合金] bòk-yï-hàp-gïm
bóyīhéjīn platinum iridium alloy.⁶
bok4 1040
173 13 bòk báo hail.⁵
冰雹 bëin-bòk bīngbáo hail; hailstone.⁵
雹暴 bòk-bào
báobào hailstorm.⁵
雹灾[雹災] bòk-döi
báozāi disaster caused by hail.⁵
雹子 bòk-dū
báozi hail; hailstone.⁵
雹块[雹塊] bòk-fäi
báokuài hailstone.¹⁰
雹霰 bòk-xëin
báoxiàn hail and sleet.⁵⁴
下雹子 hä-bòk-dū
xià báozi to hail.¹⁴
霰雹 xëin-bòk
xiànbáo hail and sleet.²⁵
<又> dôk, tôk.
(See 雹 dôk, tôk.)
bok4 1041
173 20 𩅟
bòk báo (<old>=雹 bòk báo hail.).²
(composition: ⿱雨晶; U+2915F).
<又> dôk, tôk.
(See 雹 bòk, dôk, tôk; 𩅟❄{⿱雨晶}  dôk, tôk).
bok4 1042
173 22 𩆗
bòk báo (<old>=雹 bòk báo hail.).²
(composition: ⿳雨⿰田田日; U+29197).
<又> dôk, tôk.
(See 雹 bòk, dôk, tôk; 𩆗❄{⿳雨⿰田田日} dôk, tôk).
bok4 1043
173 29 𩇌
bòk báo (<old>=雹 bòk báo hail.).²
(composition: ⿳雨⿰雨雨包; U+291CC).
<又> dôk, tôk.
(See 雹 bòk, dôk, tôk; 𩇌❄{⿳雨⿰雨雨包} dôk, tôk).
bok4 1044
194 14 bòk 落魄 lòk-bòk luòbó or 落泊 lòk-bòk luòbó <wr.> frustrated, dejected, down and out, down on one's luck); unconventional, unrestrained by convention.⁶
<又> hōk; pāk. (See 魄 hōk; 魄 pāk.)
bok4 1045
75 5 bōn běn ➀ the root of a plant ➁ the root, the origin, the source, the basis, the foundation ➂ original ➃ a book, a copy ➄ capital (in business) ➅ our; this; the present ➆ according to, based on ➇ the beginning, the starting point.⁷ (variant: 楍 bōn běn). (See 楍 bōn).
本班 bōn-bän
běnbān this/our class/squad/team/section.⁷
本部 bōn-bù
běnbù headquarters.⁶
本科 bōn-fö
běnkē regular college/undergraduate course.⁶
本分 bōn-fün
běnfèn one's duty; content with one's lot.⁶
本家 bōn-gä
běnjiā a member of the same clan.⁶
本届[本屆] bōn-gäi
běnjiè current; this year's.⁶
本金 bōn-gïm
běnjīn principal as distinct from interest.⁷
本国[本國] bōn-gōk
běnguó one's home/mother country.⁷
本行 bōn-hõng
běnháng one's profession/present job.⁶
本土 bōn-hū
běntǔ native country/land.⁶
本地 bōn-ì
běndì the local area.⁷
本质[本質] bōn-jīt
běnzhì essence; nature; innate character.⁵
本领[本領] bōn-lêin
běnlǐng skill; ability; talent.⁷
本来[本來] bōn-lõi
běnlái originally; of course.⁷
本能 bōn-nãng
běnnéng instinct.⁷
本案 bōn-ön
běn'àn present case; case under consideration.⁷
本色 bōn-sēik
běnsè inherent/true qualities.⁶
本草 bōn-tāo
běncǎo Compendium of Materia Medica.⁶
本事 bōn-xù
běnshi skill; ability; talent.⁷
本事 bōn-xù
běnshì a story (or a plot) of a play, movie.⁷

bon1 1046
75 13 bōn běn (<old>=本 bōn běn ➀ the root of a plant ➁ the root, the origin, the source, the basis, the foundation ➂ original ➃ a book, a copy ➄ capital (in business) ➅ our; this; the present ➆ according to, based on ➇ the beginning, the starting point.⁷).⁸
(composition: ⿱木⿲口口口; U+694D).
(See 本 bōn).
bon1 1047
102 10 bōn běn <topo.> scoop up with a dustpan.⁵ scoop up with a scoop.⁶ a basket or hod for earth.⁷
畚插 bōn-chäp běnchā bin for soil.¹¹
畚斗 bōn-ēo
běndǒu a dustbin.⁷ dustpan.¹⁰
畚箕 bōn-gî
běnjī a <topo.> a bamboo or wicker scoop; dustpan.⁵ a hod for collecting household garbage or dust; a dust basket.⁷ flat basket for grain.¹¹
畚土 bōn-hū
běntǔ scoop earth with a dustppan.⁶
bon1 1048
119 10 bōn bǎn rice cake; cake made of glutinous rice.⁸ cakes made of broken rice.²⁵ flat cake made of rice chaff.⁵⁴ (variant: 䉽 bōn bǎn).
敉平粄乱[敉平粄亂] mài-pẽin-bōn-lòn
mǐpíng bǎnluàn put down a rebellion.⁶
(See 䉽 bōn.)
bon1 1049
119 11 bōn bǎn (=粄 bōn bǎn) rice cake; cake made of glutinous rice.⁸
(See 粄 bōn.)
bon1 1050
140 8 bōn běn benzene C₆H₆; benzol.
苯酚 bōn-fün běnfēn phenol; carbolic acid.⁶
苯甲基 bōn-gāp-gï
běnjiǎjī benzyl.
苯基 bōn-gï
běnjī phenyl group.
苯环[苯環] bōn-vãn
běnhuán benzene ring.
甲苯 gāp-bōn
jiǎběn toluene C₆H₅CH₃; methylbenzene.
bon1 1051
24 5 bön bàn half.
半岛[半島] bön-āo bàndǎo peninsula.¹¹
半导体[半導體] bön-ào-hāi
bàndǎotǐ semiconductor.¹⁰
半饱[半飽] bön-bāo
bànbǎo be half full.⁶
半间不界[半間不界] bön-gän-būt-gäi
bàngānbùgà neither this nor that; not thorough or profound; inexplicit,  equivocal; mediocre.¹ shallow; not thorough; superficial.¹⁰
not thorough going; neither one thing nor the other;  nondescript.³⁹
半径[半徑] bön-gèin
bànjìng radius.¹⁰
半斤八两[半斤八兩] bön-gïn-bät-lēng
bànjīnbāliǎng six of one, half a dozen of the other; not much to choose between the two.⁶
半裸 bön-gō
bànluǒ half naked.¹⁰
半酣 bön-hõn
bànhān half drunk; slightly drunk; tipsy.⁶
半日 bön-ngìt
bànrì half a day.
半身不遂 bön-sïn-būt-xuì
bànshēnbùsuí paralysis of one side of the body; hemiplegia.¹⁰
半宿 bön-xūk
bànxiǔ half a night.⁶
半夜 bön-yèh
bànyè midnight; (in) the middle of the night; half a night.
半圆规[半圓規] bön-yõn-kï
bànyuánguī protractor.¹¹
<又> bôn.
(See 半 bôn.)
bon2 1052
64 13 bön bān take away, move, remove; move (house); copy mechanicaly, apply indiscriminately.⁵ to move, to transport; to present.⁷
(composition: ⿰扌般; U+642C).
搬兵 bön-bëin bānbīng call for reinforcements; ask for help.⁶
搬不倒儿[搬不倒兒] bön-būt-āo-ngĩ
bānbudǎor roly-poly; tumbler; official who always makes a comeback.⁶
(See 扳不倒兒 bän-būt-āo-ngĩ; 不倒翁 būt-āo-yüng).
搬出 bön-chūt
bānchū to move out.⁵⁴
搬走 bön-dēo
bānzǒu to move away.⁵⁴
搬家 bön-gä
bānjiā move (house),⁵
搬救兵 bön-giü-bëin
bān jiùbīng to call in reinforcements.⁷
搬弄 bön-lùng
bānnòng move something about, fiddle with; show off, display.⁵
搬弄是非 bön-lùng-sì-fï
bānnòngshìfēi or 搬舌头[搬舌頭] bön-sêt-hẽo bān shétou sow discord; tell tales; make mischief.⁵
搬迁[搬遷] bön-tëin
bānqiān move; relocate; removal.¹⁰
搬东西[搬東西] bön-üng-xäi
bān dōngxi to move things.⁷
搬动[搬動] bön-ùng
bāndòng to move; to shift.⁷
搬运[搬運] bön-vùn
bānyùn move; transport; carry.⁷
搬用 bön-yùng
bānyòng apply/copy mechanically; adopt indiscriminately.⁶
bon2 1053
64 14 bön bān (<old>=搬 bön bān to take away; to remove; to move (house); to apply indiscriminately.).⁸
(composition: ⿱般手; U+642B).
搫运[搫運] bön-vùn
bānyùn (=搬运[搬運] bön-vùn bānyùn move; transport; carry.⁷); to transport.²⁴
<又> põn; põ.
(See 搫 põn; 搫 põ; 搬 bön).
bon2 1054
137 10 bön bān kind, sort, class; (=搬 bön bān) to carry; to move; (=班 bän bān) to return; to call back.⁷
百般 bāk-bön
bǎibān using all sorts of ways; all manners of; infinitely (considerate).¹¹
般般 bön-bön
bānbān colorful, gorgeous; all kinds; every sort.⁷
般配 bön-pöi
bānpèi to be well matched; to suit.¹⁰
般赐[般賜] bön-xü
bāncì to bestow.¹⁴
般师[般師] bön-xü
bānshī to call back troops; to withdraw troops after a victorious campaign.⁷
这般[這般] jëh-bön
zhèbān such; so; like this.⁵
万般[萬般] màn-bön
wànbān all, all kinds, all classes; extremely, to the last degree.¹¹
如此这般[如此這般] nguĩ-xū-jëh-bön
rúcǐ zhèbān in this way; thus.⁶ such and such.⁸
千般 tëin-bön
qiānbān all sorts of; various.⁵⁴
全般 tũn-bön
quánbān all, the entire amount.¹¹
多般 ü-bön
duōbān many kinds.¹⁴
(See 般 [bön, pán], [bön, ].)
bon2 1055
137 10 bön <Budd.> intelligence.⁷
般若 bön-ngèk bōrě <Budd.> prajna, wisdom.⁷
般若汤[般若湯] bön-ngèk-höng
bōrětāng a Buddhist euphemism for wine.¹⁴
(See 般 [bön, bān], [bön, pán].)
bon2 1056
137 10 bön pán <wr.> joy; delight.⁶ to linger; comfort; a leather bag.⁷
般乐[般樂] bön-lòk pánlè to have fun without being conscious of time.⁷
般乐怠敖[般樂怠敖] bön-lòk-òi-ngão
pánlèdài'áo to give oneself up to pleasure and indolence.¹⁴
般还[般還] bön-vãn
pánhuán to go round and round; to go bakc and forth.¹⁴
般游 bön-yiũ
pányóu to play without being conscious of time.⁷
(See 般 [bön, bān], [bön, ].)
bon2 1057
9 7 bòn bàn companion; partner; to accompany.
伴唱 bòn-chëng bànchàng to accompany (a singer); vocal accompaniment.
伴奏 bòn-dëo
bànzòu to accompany (with musical instruments).
伴君如伴虎 bòn-gün-nguĩ-bòn-fū
bànjūn rú bànhǔ Being in the king's company is like living with a tiger.
伴郎 bòn-lõng
bànláng best man (at a wedding).
伴侣[伴侶] bòn-luî
bànlǚ companion; mate; partner.
伴娘 bòn-nẽng
bànniáng bridesmaid.¹¹
伴随[伴隨] bòn-tuĩ
bànsuí to follow; to accompany.
伙伴 fō-bòn
huǒbàn companion, partner.
结伴同行[結伴同行] gēik-bòn-hũng-hãng
jiébàntóngxíng to travel in company with somebody.
同伴 hũng-bòn
tóngbàn companion.
<又> pôn.
(See 伴 pôn.)
bon4 1058
29 9 bòn pàn to betray; to rebel; to revolt.
背叛 böi-bòn bèipàn betray; defect; forsake; rebel against.⁶
叛徒 bòn-hũ
pàntú traitor; rebel; insurgent.
叛乱[叛亂] bòn-lòn
pànluàn armed rebellion.
反叛 fān-bòn
fǎnpàn rebel; traitor; turncoat.
众叛亲离[眾叛親離] jüng-bòn-tïn-lĩ
zhòngpànqīnlí to be utterly isolated.
bon4 1059
61 8 bòn bàn unfavorable, adverse, things not going smoothly.³⁶
(composition: ⿰忄半; U+6011).
怑愌 bòn-vòn or bòn-fòn bànhuàn disobedient.²⁴ things not going smoothly.¹⁰¹
bon4 1060
64 8 bòn bàn mix and stir, mix; bicker, quarrel, squabble.⁶
搅拌[攪拌] gāo-bòn jiǎobàn to stir; to agitate.¹⁰
拌不过[拌不過] bòn-būt-gö
bànbuguò can't win in a debate/quarrel.¹
拌浆机[拌漿機] bòn-dëng-gï
bànjiāngjī grout mixer.⁶
拌嘴 bòn-duī
bànzuǐ to bicker; to squabble; to quarrel.⁵
拌豆腐 bòn-èo-fù
bàn dòufu to make a bean curd dish by adding seasonings, green onion, etc.¹
拌饭[拌飯] bòn-fàn
bànfàn bibimbap (Korean cuisine).¹⁰
拌种[拌種] bòn-jūng
bànzhǒng <agr.> to dress seeds; to mix seeds with fertilizer, pesticide, etc.⁶
拌种机[拌種機] bòn-jūng-gï
bànzhǒngjī seed dresser.⁶
拌面[拌麵] bòn-mèin
bànmiàn noodles served with soy sauce, sesame butter, etc.⁵
拌和 bòn-vö
bànhuó to mix and stir; to blend.⁵
拌蒜 bòn-xôn
bànsuàn to stagger; to stumble.⁶
拌匀[拌勻] bòn-yũn
bànyún to mix evenly or properly.⁷
bon4 1061
85 7 bòn pàn (=畔 bòn pàn) side, bank; border of a field.⁶
(See 畔 bòn).
bon4 1062
102 10 bòn pàn side, bank; border of a field.⁶  (variant: 沜 bòn pàn).
倍畔 böi-bòn
bèipàn (=背叛 böi-bòn bèipàn) betray; defect; forsake; rebel against.⁶
畔奂[畔奐] bòn-fòn
pànhuàn (=闲适[閑適] hãn-sēik xiánshì) leisurely and comfortable.⁶
畔岸 bòn-ngòn
pàn'àn limits, boundary; self-indulgent.⁷
畔约[畔約] bòn-yēk
pànyuē <law> break agreement.¹¹
畔援 bòn-yõn
pànyuán <wr.> recalcitrant.¹¹
田畔 hẽin-bòn
tiánpàn border of a field.⁶
河畔 hõ-bòn
hépàn river bank/side.⁶
枕畔 jīm-bòn
zhěnpàn beside the pillow.⁶
让畔[讓畔] ngèng-bòn
ràngpàn be conciliatory in fixing the boundary of one's field.⁵⁴
湖畔 vũ-bòn
húpàn shore of a lake.⁶
(See 沜 bòn).
bon4 1063
120 11 bòn bàn to trip; to stumble; to hinder.¹⁰
绊倒[絆倒] bòn-āo bàndǎo to trip; to stumble.¹⁰
绊绊磕磕[絆絆磕磕] bòn-bòn-hēip-hēip
bànbankēkē (=磕磕绊绊[磕磕絆絆] hēip-hēip-bòn-bòn kēkebànbàn) (of a road) bumpy, rough; (of a person) limping, jerky; (of reading or speaking) not fluent.⁶
绊创膏[絆創膏] bòn-chōng-gäo
bànchuānggāo an adhesive tape.⁷
绊子[絆子] bòn-dū
bànzi tripping up; tripwire.⁵⁵
绊跤[絆跤] bòn-gäo
bànjiāo  to trip; to stumble.¹⁰
绊脚[絆腳] bòn-gëk
bànjiǎo to stumble over something.¹⁰
绊脚石[絆腳石] bòn-gëk-sêk
bànjiǎoshí stumbling block; obstacle.⁵
绊住[絆住] bòn-jì
bànzhu to entangle; to hinder; to impede movement.¹⁰
绊马索[絆馬索] bòn-mâ-xôk
bànmǎsuǒ stumbling rope, trip-wire; hobble.⁶
绊儿[絆兒] bòn-ngĩ bànr (=绊子[絆子] bòn-dū
bànzi) tripping up; tripwire.⁵⁵
绊手绊脚[絆手絆腳] bòn-siū-bòn-gëk
bànshǒubànjiǎo be in the way.⁵
羁绊[羈絆] kï-bòn
jībàn <wr.> fetter; shackle, trammel; bind up.⁶
bon4 1064
130 8 𦙀 bòn pàn flesh.²⁵
(composition: ⿰月反; U+26640).
bon4 1065
130 8 bòn pàng (=胖 bòn pàng fat; stout; plump.⁵); to swell; fat, swollen.⁸
(composition: ⿰月丰; U+80A8). (Mandarin pronunciations:
fēng, pán, pàn, pāng, páng, pàng). (cf 胮 põng páng).
肨袄[肨襖] bòn-äo
or bòn-âo pàng'ǎo long cotton-padded coat.¹⁹
肨肛 bòn-göng
pànggāng stout.¹⁹
肨胀[肨脹] bòn-jëng
pàngzhàng swollen; putrid.²⁵
肥肨 fĩ-bòn
féipàng fat; lusty.²⁵
<又> füng.
(See 肨 füng).
bon4 1066
130 9 bòn pàng fat; stout; plump.⁵
胖大海 bòn-ài-hōi pàngdàhǎi <Ch. med.> the seed of boat-fruited sterculia (Sterculia scaphigera).⁵
胖子 bòn-dū
pàngzi fat person; fatty.⁵
胖乎乎 bòn-fũ-fũ
pànghūhū plump; chubby; pudgy.⁵
胖裥[胖襇] bòn-gān
pàngjiǎn pleat.¹⁹
胖鼓鼓 bòn-gū-gū
pànggūgū fat; plump.⁶
胖头鱼[胖頭魚] bòn-hẽo-nguĩ/
pàngtóuyú bighead; variegated carp.⁵
胖墩墩 bòn-ūn-ūn
pàngdūndūn <vern.> short and stout; podgy; pudgy.⁶
胖娃娃 bòn-vā-vā
pàngwáwa a chubby child.⁵
发胖[發胖] fät-bòn
fāpàng to put on weight; to get fat.¹⁰
<又> nūt, põn.
(See 胖 nūt, põn.)
bon4 1067
162 8 𨒃
bòn pàn to go away.²⁵
(composition: ⿺辶半; U+28483).
bon4 1068
177 14 bòn bàn (=絆 bòn bàn); fetters, yoke; implement for harnessing oxen, in the rump it is called 絆.² <wr.> croup strap.⁶ ropes for entangling horses' feet; tackle for harnassing oxen to a cart, which keep them from doing as they...²⁵
bon4 1069
24 5 bôn bàn half.
大半 ài-bôn dàbàn more than half.
半信半疑 bôn-xïn-bôn-ngĩ
bànxìnbànyí be half-believing,  half-doubting; be not quite convinced.⁶
小半 xēl-bôn
xiǎobàn less than half; lesser part.
一半 yīt-bôn
yībàn one half.
<又> bön.
(See 半 bön.)
bon5 1070
4 丿 6 bōng pāng <ono.> Bang!
乒乓 bīn-bōng pīngpāng ping-pong; table tennis; <ono.>  rattle.
bong1 1071
75 10 bōng bāng watchman's rattle; watchman's clapper.⁸ <ono.> rat-tat; rat-a-tat.³⁹
梆子 bōng-dū bāngzi watchman's clapper; slit drum; bangzi operas.⁸
梆子腔 bōng-dū-höng
bāngziqiāng a genre of theatrical music, receiving its name from the use of a wooden percussion instrument called 梆子 bōng-dū bāngzi; collective name for all operas drawing on such a genre e.g. 秦腔 tũn-höng qínqiāng (Shaanxi), 晋剧[晉劇] dün-kēk jìnjù (Shanxi), 豫剧[豫劇] yì-kēk yùjù (Henan), 河北梆子 Hõ-bāk-bōng-dū Héběi bāngzi (Hebei).⁹
梆笛 bōng-èk
bāngdí a flute that makes a crisp sound, receiving its name as it is a common instrument in the bangzi opera band.⁹
梆硬 bōng-ngàng
bāngyìng hard.⁸ very tough.⁹
梆儿头[梆兒頭] bōng-ngĩ-hẽo
bāngrtou an insect with protruding head; person with protruding forehead.¹¹
<又> bông.
(See 梆 bông.)
bong1 1072
75 12 bōng bǎng (non-classical form of 榜 bōng bǎng) publicly posted roll of successful examinees.⁸ the piece of wood that adjusts a bow; a chip of wood; to push forward a boat.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木㫄 or ⿰木⿱亠⿹勹方; U+3B84).
登㮄 äng-bōng
dēngbǎng to attain a literary degree.²⁴
标㮄[標㮄] bël-bōng
biāobǎng a proclamation.²⁴
㮄笞 bōng-chï
bǎngchī to beat with a club.²⁴
㮄人 bōng-ngĩn
bǎngrén boatmen.²⁴
官㮄 gön-bōng
guānbǎng the rule according to which officers are chosen.²⁴
一㮄船 yīt-bōng-sõn
yībǎngchuán a fleet of boats.²⁴
(See 榜 bōng).
bong1 1073
75 14 bōng bǎng a list of names posted up; announcement, notice.⁵
(composition: ⿰木旁; U+699C).
榜帖 bōng-hēp bǎngtiě a list of successful examinees; a bulletin; a public notice.⁷
榜文 bōng-mũn
bǎngwén the writing in a public notice.⁷
榜额[榜額] bōng-ngäk
bǎng'é a horizontal tablet.⁷
榜眼 bōng-ngān
bǎngyǎn the second best of the successful examinees in the imperial examination.⁷
榜牌 bōng-pãi
bǎngpái a bulletin board.⁷
榜上无名[榜上無名] bōng-sèng-mũ-mẽin
bǎngshàng wúmíng to fail in an examination.⁷
榜示 bōng-sì
bǎngshì to post for public attention.⁷
榜首 bōng-siū
bǎngshǒu the top candidate of an examination.⁷
榜样[榜樣] bōng-yèng
bǎngyàng example; model.⁵
金榜 gïm-bōng
jīnbǎng billboard announcing the names of successful candidates in imperial ecxaminations.⁶
光荣榜[光榮榜] göng-vẽin-bōng
guāngróngbǎng honor roll.¹⁰
张榜[張榜] jëng-bōng
zhāngbǎng post a notice.⁸
名列榜首 mẽin-lèik-bōng-siū
mínglièbǎngshǒu rank first; be the first in the list of successful candidates.⁵⁴
<又> bòng, bäng.
(See 榜 bòng, 榜 bäng.)
bong1 1074
82 12 𣮧
bōng bǎng (composition: ⿰並毛; U+23BA7).
(variant: 𣯊❄{⿺毛旁} bōng bǎng).
❄{⿰並毛}毼 bōng-hòt bǎnghé felt.²ʼ²⁴
(See 𣯊❄{⿺毛旁} bōng).
bong1 1075
82 14 𣯊
bōng bǎng (=𣮧❄{⿰並毛} bōng bǎng).
(composition: ⿺毛旁; U+23BCA).
(See 𣮧❄{⿰並毛} bōng).
bong1 1076
120 12 bōng bǎng bind, tie; bind somebody's hands behind him, truss up.⁵
(comp. t: ⿰糹邦; U+7D81). (comp. s: ⿰纟邦; U+7ED1).
绑带[綁帶] bōng-âi/
bǎngdài bandage; puttee.⁶
绑匪[綁匪] bōng-fī
bǎngfěi kidnapper.⁵
绑缚[綁縛] bōng-fòk
bǎngfù to tie up; to bind; to tether; bondage (BDSM).¹⁰
绑赴市曹[綁赴市曹] bōng-fü-sî-tão
bǎngfùshìcáo to tie the hands of a prisoner behind the back and parade him down the streets to the execution ground.⁷
绑架[綁架] bōng-gâ
bǎngjià kidnap; <agr.> staking.⁵
绑架子[綁架子] bōng-gâ-dū
bǎngjiàzi <agr.> to stake.⁷
绑紧[綁緊] bōng-gīn
bǎngjǐn to bind or fasten tight.⁷
绑鞋带[綁鞋帶] bōng-hãi-äi
bǎngxiédài to tie shoelaces.⁰
绑起来[綁起來] bōng-hī-lõi
bǎngqǐlai to tie up.⁷
绑腿[綁腿] bōng-huī
bǎngtuǐ leg wrappings; puttee.⁵
绑扎[綁扎] bōng-jät
bǎngzā tie/bundle up, pack; wrap/bind up, dress.⁶
绑住[綁住] bōng-jì
bǎngzhù to fasten; to bind.¹⁰
绑票[綁票] bōng-pêl
bǎngpiào kidnap (for ransom).⁵
捆绑[捆綁] kūn-bōng
kǔnbǎng truss up; bind; tie up.⁵
五花大绑[五花大綁] m̄-fä-ài-bōng
wǔhuādàbǎng truss up tightly; bind the criminal hand and foot with ropes.⁸
bong1 1077
120 16 bōng bàng an inferior kind of cotton.⁸ a coarse kind of silk.²⁵
(composition: ⿰糹旁; U+7E0D).
<又> böng. (See 縍 böng).
bong1 1078
130 14 bōng bǎng the upper arms.⁷ (variant: 髈 bōng bǎng).
(composition: ⿰⺼旁; U+8180).
挨肩擦膀 äi-gän-chät-bōng
āijiāncābǎng rub shoulders – be crowded together; be jostling.⁶
膀大腰圆[膀大腰圓] bōng-ài-yël-yõn
bǎngdàyāoyuán beefy; hefty; husky; stout.⁶
膀臂 bōng-bî
bǎngbì <topo.> upper arm, arm; capable assistant, reliable help(er), right-hand person/man.⁶
膀子 bōng-dū
bǎngzi the shoulder; the upper arm.⁷
膀阔腰圆[膀闊腰圓] bōng-föt-yël-yõn
bǎngkuòyāoyuán beefy; hefty; husky; stout.⁶
吊膀子 ël-bōng-dū
diào bǎngzi flirtation between a man and a woman (in a derogatory sense).⁹
肩膀 gän-põng
jiānbǎng shoulder.⁵
(See 膀 [põng, bǎng], [põng, páng]; 髈 bōng.)
bong1 1079
140 13 bōng bàng (composition: ⿱艹旁; U+84A1).
牛蒡 ngẽo-bōng niúbàng great burdock.⁸ Arctium lappa, commonly called greater burdock, gobō (牛蒡/ゴボウ), edible burdock, lappa, beggar's buttons, thorny burr, or happy major.¹⁵
<又> põng.
(See 蒡 põng).
bong1 1080
149 17 bōng bàng <wr.> slander; defame; vilify.⁵ slander; libel; condemn.⁷
(comp. t: ⿰訁旁; U+8B17). (comp. s: ⿰讠旁; U+8C24).
谤刁[謗刁] bōng-ël
bàngdiāo to backbite; to slander.¹⁴
谤毁[謗毀] bōng-fī
or pōng-fī bànghuǐ or 毁谤[毀謗] fī-bōng or fī-pōng huǐbàng defame; slander; malign; calumniate.⁶
谤佛[謗佛] bōng-fùt
bàngfó to vilify Buddha.¹⁴
谤木[謗木] bōng-mùk
bàngmù a board set up on roadside for the people to record the errors in the public administration.⁷
谤闻[謗聞] bōng-mũn
bàngwén <wr.> malicious gossip.¹¹
谤议[謗議] bōng-ngì
bàngyì <wr.> calumniate; libel; slander; slur.⁶ slander; criticize; libel.⁷ to criticize or to give negative opinions about (usually government policy).⁹
谤言[謗言] bōng-ngũn
bàngyán a libel; a slander; defamatory remarks.⁷
谤书[謗書] bōng-sï
bàngshū defamatory writing.⁷
谤是非[謗是非] bōng-sì-fï
bàngshìfēi to talk of the faults of others; to defame.¹⁴
谤讟[謗讟] bōng-ùk
bàngdú to defame; to slander.¹⁴
诽谤[誹謗] fī-bōng
fěibàng to slander; to libel.¹⁰
<又> pōng.
(See 謗 pōng.)
bong1 1081
188 19 bōng bǎng (=膀 bōng bǎng) the upper arms.⁷
(See 膀 bōng.)
bong1 1082
50 12 böng bāng (=帮[幫] böng bāng side, upper; to aid, assist, help; to be hired (as a laborer); gang, band, clique.⁶)
(composition: ⿱封巾 U+5E47).
(See 幫 böng).
bong2 1083
50 17 böng bāng side, upper; to aid, assist, help; to be hired (as a laborer); gang, band, clique; <m.> group, band; outer leaf.⁶
(variant: 幇 böng). (See böng).
帮厨[幫廚] böng-chuĩ
bāngchú to help in the kitchen; cook's helper.
帮虎吃食[幫虎吃食] böng-fū-hëk-sèik
bānghǔchīshí to act as an accomplice; be a hatchetman.¹
帮工[幫工] böng-güng
bānggōng to help with farm or other work; hand, help, helper.⁶
or 帮凶[幫兇] böng-hüng bāngxiōng to help in a crime, abet; abetter, accomplice, accessory, confederate.⁶
帮助[幫助] böng-jò
bāngzhù to help, aid, assisst, give or lend a hand.⁶
帮忙[幫忙] böng-mõng
bāngmáng to help, assist, to do a favor or service, to give or lend a hand.⁶
帮派[幫派] böng-pāi
bāngpài faction, clique.⁶
帮手[幫手] böng-siū
bāngshou assistant, aide, to give or lend a hand.⁶
帮凑[幫湊] böng-tëo
bāngcòu to contribute money.⁸
帮会[幫會] böng-vòi
bānghuì secret society, underground gang, ring.⁶
黑帮[黑幫] hāk-böng
hēibāng reactionary/sinister gang.⁵
bong2 1084
64 13 böng bāng to defend; on a level with, even, equal; to help, to assist.⁸ to guard, to defend.¹⁹ to oppose; to guard; to withstand.²⁴
composition: ⿱封手; U+3A0D).
bong2 1085
85 10 böng bāng <topo.> a creek that empties into a bigger river, often used in the names of places.⁹ stream; creek.¹⁰
河浜 hõ-böng hébāng creek; streamlet.⁵⁴
沙家浜 Sâ-gä-böng
shājiābāng "Sha Family's Creek", a Beijing opera classified as model theater 样板戏[樣板戲] yèng-bān-hï yàngbǎn xì.¹⁰
洋泾浜[洋涇浜] yẽng-gëin-böng
yángjīngbāng pidgin (English).⁹
bong2 1086
102 11 𤱵
böng bāng (needs English definition); a component in 𤳔❄{⿰舟⿱龹田} sëin shèng and in 𣎒❄{⿰月⿱龹田} sẽin chéng.
(composition: ⿱龹田; U+24C75).
bong2 1087
120 16 böng bāng to bind the edge of a shoe.²⁵
(composition: ⿰糹旁; U+7E0D).
縍履 böng-lî bānglǚ to bind shoes.²⁵
<又> bōng.
(See 縍 bōng; 鞤 böng).
bong2 1088
163 6 böng bāng country; nation; state.
(composition: ⿰丰阝; U+90A6).
邦交 böng-gäo bāngjiāo diplomatic relations.
邦畿 böng-gï
bāngjī an imperial domain.²⁴
邻邦[鄰邦] lĩn-böng
línbāng neighboring country.⁶
刘邦[劉邦] Liũ Böng
Liú Bāng Liu Bang (256-195 BC), bandit leader who became first 汉[漢] Hön Hàn Han emperor 汉高祖[漢高祖] Hön Gäo-dū Hàn Gāozǔ Han Gaozu (reigned 202-195 BC).¹⁰
联邦[聯邦] lũn-böng
liánbāng federation; union; commonwealth.⁸
城邦 sẽin-böng
chéngbāng city-state; polis.
乌托邦[烏托邦] vü-hōk-böng
wūtuōbāng utopia.
友邦 yiû-böng
yǒubāng friendly nation.
bong2 1089
177 18 böng bāng stiff side of boots.¹¹ (variant: 䩷 böng bāng). (=縍 böng bāng).¹³ (<old>=帮[幫] böng bāng side, upper; to aid, assist, help; to be hired (as a laborer); gang, band, clique; <m.> group, band; outer leaf.⁶); upper (part) of a shoe.¹⁹ the leathern thong of a shoe; used for 幇 böng bāng to help²⁵
(composition: ⿱封革; U+97A4).
(See 䩷 böng; 縍 böng; 幫 böng).
bong2 1090
177 19 böng bāng (same as 幫 böng bāng side, upper; to aid, assist, help; to be hired (as a laborer); gang, band, clique.⁶ ), the sides of a shoe.⁸ (=鞤 böng bāng) stiff side of boots.¹¹
(composition: ⿰革旁; U+4A77).
(See 幫 böng; 鞤 böng).
bong2 1091
9 12 bòng bàng near to.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰亻旁; U+508D).
傍午 bòng-m̂ bàngwǔ near noontime; shortly before noon.⁷
傍晚 bòng-mân
bàngwǎn toward evening; at nightfall; at dusk.⁵ near evening.¹⁴
傍明 bòng-mẽin
bàngmíng near dawn.¹⁴
傍人篱壁[傍人籬壁] bòng-ngĩn-lĩ-bēik
bàngrénlíbì to depend on others.¹⁰
傍人门户[傍人門戶] bòng-ngĩn-mõn-fù
bàngrénménhù to depend on another or others; to follow in the steps of someone, as a disciple.⁷
傍依 bòng-yï
bàngyī to be close to.⁶
依傍 yï-bòng
yībàng rely/depend on; (in art, and academic study) imitate, copy, model oneself on.⁶
依山傍水 yï-sän-bòng-suī
yīshānbàngshuǐ lie at the foot of a mountain and beside a river; be near the mountains and rivers.⁶
<又> bäng, põng.
(See 傍 bäng, 傍 põng.)
bong4 1092
64 9 bòng bàng (=搒 bòng bàng <wr.> to paddle; to row.⁶ oar; berth.⁸ to row; oar.¹⁰ to cover, to screen; to push along a boat.²⁴).¹⁹ to propel a boat.⁸
(composition: ⿰扌邦; U+6337).
<又> pãng.
(See 挷 pãng; 搒 bòng).
bong4 1093
64 13 bòng bàng <wr.> to paddle; to row.⁶ oar; berth.⁸ to row; oar.¹⁰ to cover, to screen; to push along a boat.²⁴ (variant: 挷 bòng).
(composition: ⿰扌旁; U+6412).
搒歌 bòng-gô bànggē or 榜歌 bòng-gô or bäng-gô bànggē or bènggē a boatman's song.⁷
搒人 bòng-ngĩn
bàngrén a boatman.²⁴
搒船 bòng-sõn
bàngchuán to row a boat.⁶
<又> pãng.
(See 搒 pãng; 挷 bòng)
bong4 1094
75 14 bòng bàng to oar; a whip, a rod.⁷
(composition: ⿰木旁; U+699C).
榜笞 bòng-chï or bäng-chï bàngchī or bèngchī to beat; to flog; to whip.⁷
榜楚 bòng-chō
or bäng-chō bàngchǔ or bèngchǔ to beat; to flog; to whip.⁷
榜棰 bòng-chuĩ
or bäng-chuĩ bàngchuí or bèngchuí a cane for torturing criminals.⁷
榜歌 bòng-gô
or bäng-gô bànggē or bènggē or 搒歌 bòng-gô bànggē a boatman's song.⁷
榜掠 bòng-lèk
or bäng-lèk bànglüè or bènglüè to whip; to flog.⁷
榜女 bòng-nuī
or bäng-nuī bàngnǚ or bèngnǚ a boatwoman.⁷
榜人 bòng-ngĩn
or bäng-ngĩn bàngrén or bèngrén a boatman; a ferryman.⁷
<又> bōng, bäng.
(See 榜 bōng, 榜 bäng.)
bong4 1095
112 15 bòng bàng pound; scales; weigh; <printing> point (type).⁵
(composition: ⿰石旁; U+78C5).
磅刷 bòng-chät bàngshuā pound brush.⁸
磅秤 bòng-chêin
bàngchèng scales giving the weight in avoirdupois.⁷ platform scale (balance); weighing machine.⁸
过磅[過磅] gö-bòng
guòbàng to weigh (on a scale).¹⁰
五磅字 m̄-bòng-dù
wǔbàngzì 5-point type.⁶
<又> põng.
(See 磅 [bòng, bāng]; 磅 põng.)
bong4 1096
112 15 bòng bāng (composition: ⿰石旁; U+78C5).
砰磅 pâng-bòng pēngbāng Bing-bang! – the sound of falling stones; the roars of raging water.⁷
<又> põng.
(See 磅 [bòng, bàng]; 磅 põng.)
bong4 1097
167 18 bòng bàng pound (a measure of money).⁶
(comp. t: ⿰釒旁; U+938A). (comp. s: ⿰钅旁; U+9551).
镑张[鎊張] bòng-jëng
bàngzhāng lavish praise on oneself or others; boast.⁸
金镑[金鎊] gïm-bòng
jīnbàng the pound sterling.¹¹
英镑[英鎊] Yëin-bòng
Yīngbàng pound sterling.¹⁰
bong4 1098
75 10 bông bāng <台> 梆 bông/ a hoe.
<台> 梆仔 bông-dōi a hoe.
<台> 人偌梆梆起,自己梆那髀. Ngĩn-nēk-bông-bông-hī, dù-gī-bông-nä-bī. While everyone else is advancing, I am not.
<又> bōng. (See 梆 bōng.)
bong5 1099
167 14 𨧜 bông bǎng a broad hoe, a mattock.⁸
(comp. t: ⿰金邦; U+289DC). (comp. s: ⿰钅邦; U+4981).
<台> 䦁仔[𨧜仔] bông-dōi a hoe.
<台> 瓦䦁[瓦𨧜] ngā-bông (=瓦片 ngā-pëin
wǎpiàn) broken pieces of tiles.⁶
<台> 有屋唔住, 住黄泥塘. 有被唔冚, 冚瓦䦁.[有屋唔住, 住黄泥塘. 有被唔冚, 冚瓦𨧜.]  yiü-ūk-m̃-jì, jì-võng-nãi-hõng. yiü-pî-m̃-kēim, kēim-ngā-bông. lit. Even though you have a house, you live in a muddy swamp; even though you have a comforter to cover you, you cover yourself with broken tiles. fig. a person who lives the life of a bum but does not have to; dissident; recusant; nonconformist; unconventional.
bong5 1100
85 15 bōt splash, shrewish.⁹ to splash; to spill; rough and coarse; brutish.¹⁰
泼掉[潑掉] bōt-èl pōdiào spill.¹⁰
泼妇[潑婦] bōt-fû
pōfù shrew; vixen.¹⁰
泼冷水[潑冷水] bōt-lâng-suī
pōlěngshuǐ lit. to pour cold water on; fig. to dampen one's enthusiasm.¹⁰
泼辣[潑辣] bōt-làt
pōlà bad-tempered, violent (of persons), also aggressive.¹¹
泼水[潑水] bōt-suī
pōshuǐ to sprinkle; to spill water.¹⁰
瓢泼[瓢潑] pël-bōt
piáopō (of rain) pour down; rain cats and dogs.⁶
活泼[活潑] vòt-bōt
huópo lively, active, energetic.¹⁰
撒泼[撒潑] xät-bōt
sāpō be unreasonable and make a scene⁵. vile-tempered (woman), given to scolding others.¹¹
<又> pöt.
(See 潑 pöt.)
bot1 1101
19 9 bòt <wr.> exuberant; flourishing; thriving; vigorous; prosperous.⁶ suddenly, sudden, quick.⁸
苾勃 or 馝馞 bēik-bòt bìbó <wr.> strong scent; aroma.⁶ bursting with fragrance.¹¹
勃勃 bòt-bòt
bóbó thriving; vigorous; exuberant.⁵
勃发[勃發] bòt-fāt
bófā thrive, prosper; break out.⁵
勃兴[勃興] bòt-hëin
bóxīng rise suddenly; grow vigorously.⁵
or 勃豀 bòt-käi bóxī <wr.> family quarrel; tiff; squabble.⁵
勃然 bòt-ngẽin
bórán vigorous, prosperous, thriving; agitated, excited.⁶
勃然大怒 bòt-ngẽin-ài-nù
bórándànù fly into a rage, flare up.⁵
勃然变色[勃然變色] bòt-ngẽin-bëin-sēik
bóránbiànsè agitatedly change color; be visually stung.⁵
蓬勃 pũng-bòt
péngbó  vigorous; flourishing; full of vitality.⁵
生气勃勃[生氣勃勃] säng-hï-bòt-bòt
shēngqì bóbó dynamic; vigorous; full of vitality.⁵
bot4 1102
37 5 𡗜
bòt (=犮[] the appearance or shape of a dog running).³⁶
(Note: 𡗜❄{⿻大丷} bòt has the same meaning as 犮 bàt bá, but pronounced differently).
(composition: ⿻大丷 or ⿻一火; U+215DC).
(See 犮 bàt).
bot4 1103
39 7 bòt (=勃 bòt ) <wr.> exuberant; flourishing; thriving; vigorous; prosperous.⁶ suddenly, sudden, quick.⁸
<又> böi.
(See 孛 böi; 勃 bòt.)
bot4 1104
61 10 bòt bèi (old Hoisanva pronunciation for 悖 böi bèi with same meaning.)
<又> böi.
(See 悖 böi.)
bot4 1105
64 10 bòt to pull out; to uproot.² to pluck up; to take out.²⁴ to take out of, to pluck up; to turn.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰扌孛; U+632C).
bot4 1106
64 15 bòt move with hand, foot, stick; turn, stir, poke; set aside, assign, allocate;  (<m.> for group, batch).⁵
拨出[撥出] bòt-chūt bōchū pull out; allocate (funds); dial.¹⁰
拨火棍[撥火棍] bòt-fō-gûn
bōhuǒgùn poker.⁵
拨款[撥款] bòt-fōn
bōkuǎn allocate funds; appropriation.⁵
拨付[撥付] bòt-fù
bōfù appropriate (a sum of money).⁵
拨号盘[撥號盤] bòt-hào-põn
bōhàopán (telephone) dial.⁵
拨开[撥開] bòt-höi
bōkāi push aside.⁶
拨正[撥正] bòt-jëin
bōzhèng set right; correct.⁵
拨剌[撥剌] bòt-lā
bōlà <ono.> splash (of a fish).⁵
拨乱反正[撥亂反正] bòt-lòn-fān-jëin
bōluànfǎnzhèng bring order out of chaos.⁵
拨浪鼓[撥浪鼓] bòt-lòng-gū
bōlanggǔ a drum-shaped rattle (used by peddlers or as a toy); rattle-drum.⁵
拨弄[撥弄] bòt-lùng
bōnong move to and fro (with hand, foot, stick); fiddle with.⁵
拨云见日[撥雲見日] bòt-vũn-gëin-ngìt
bōyúnjiànrì dispel the clouds and see the sun – restore justice.⁵
拨弦乐器[撥弦樂器] bòt-yẽn-ngòk-hï
bōxiányuèqì plucked string (or stringed) instrument; plucked instrument.⁵
拨冗[撥冗] bòt-yūng
bōrǒng <court.> find time in the midst of pressing affairs.⁵
<又> fāk.
(See 撥 fāk.)
bot4 1107
75 11 bòt po a flail; a club.²⁴
榅桲[榲桲] vün-bòt wēnpo quince (Cydonia oblonga).⁵
bot4 1108
85 10 bòt <wr.> cheer up; display vigor.⁶
滂浡 or 滂渤 põng-bòt pāngbó <wr.> convulsed, agitated (of air under pressure).¹¹  turbulent (of moving water).⁵⁴
bot4 1109
85 12 bòt (said of water) swelling or rising.⁷ same as 渤海, Bohai Sea between Liaoning (辽宁[遼寧] Lẽl-nẽin Liáoníng) and Shandong (山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng).¹⁰
渤澥 Bòt-hāi
Bóxiè ancient name for the Bohai Sea.⁶
渤澥桑田 Bòt-hāi-xöng-hẽin
Bóxièsāngtián lit. blue seas where once was mulberry fields (idiom, from 史记, Record of the Grand Historian); time brings great changes; life's vicissitudes.¹⁰
渤海 Bòt-hōi
Bóhǎi Bohai Sea.⁶
渤海湾[渤海灣] Bòt-hōi-vän
Bóhǎiwān Bohai Bay.⁶
or 滂浡 põng-bòt pāngbó <wr.> convulsed, agitated (of air under pressure).¹¹ turbulent (of moving water).⁵⁴
滃渤 yüng-bòt
wěngbó rising mist.⁵⁴
bot4 1110
86 11 㶿 bòt the smoke went up; giving forth smoke; smoking; misty.⁸
(composition: ⿰火孛; U+3DBF).
熢㶿 pãng-bòt péngbó the appearance of dense smoke.⁰
❄{⿰⿸尸⿱二火又}㶿 vï-bòt wèibó (of food) to warm up by steaming.⁰
bot4 1111
93 11 bòt cow (adult female cattle); female of an animal.³⁶
(composition: ⿰牜孛; U+3E40).
bot4 1112
130 11 bòt neck.⁵
脖子 bòt-dū bózi neck.⁵ (commonly called 颈[頸] gēng in Hoisanva).
脖拐 bòt-gāi
bóguǎi <topo.> hand-chop to the neck.⁵⁴
脖颈子[脖頸子] bòt-gēng-dū
or 脖梗子 bòt-gāng-dū bógěngzi nape; back of the neck.⁵⁴
脖颈儿[脖頸兒] bòt-gēng-ngĩ
bójǐngr back of the neck; nape.⁵
脖链儿[脖鏈兒] bòt-lèin-ngĩ
bóliànr necklace.¹¹
脖领儿[脖領兒] bòt-lêng-ngĩ
bólǐngr collar.¹¹
bot4 1113
139 11 bòt <wr.> looking angry.⁶
艴然 bòt-ngẽin fúrán to look angry; an angry look.⁷
艴然不悦[艴然不悅] bòt-ngẽin-būt-yòt
fúránbùyuè <wr.> angrily, showing angry countenance.¹¹
艴然而返 bòt-ngẽin-ngĩ-fän
fúránérfǎn return angrily.⁶
bot4 1114
140 10 bòt 荸荠[荸薺] bòt-tî bíqí water chestnut (medicinal name); Eleocharis dulcis or E. congesta.¹⁰ (See 凫茨[鳧茨] fũ-xũ fúcí, older name for water chestnut, and 马蹄[馬蹄] mâ-hãi mǎtí, common name for water chestnut.) Water chestnut in spoken Hoisanva is mä-tî/ 马蹄[馬蹄] or 马荠[馬薺].
荸荠瓶[荸薺瓶] bòt-tî-pêng
bíqipíng <pottery> vase in the shape of a water chestnut.
bot4 1115
140 12 bòt   stamen or pistil; luxuriant, flourishing; water chestnet.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱艹勃; U+8467).
葧荠[葧薺] bòt-tî bóqí water chestnut.²⁵ (See 荸荠[荸薺] bòt-tî bíqí).
马葧[馬葧] mâ-bòt
mǎbó wolf's bane.²⁵
蒡葧 põng-bòt
pángbó <old>=茼蒿 hũng-häo or tũng-häo tónghāo crown daisy; garland chrysanthemum (Glebionis coronaria, formerly called Chrysanthemum coronarium).¹⁵ʼ¹⁹ʼ²⁰ the stamen of a flower.²⁵
or 蓊勃 yüng-bòt wěngbó ➀ lush vegetation  ➁ (of fragrance of flowers) meaning is extended to rich. exuberant).¹⁹
bot4 1116
145 17 bòt raincoat.⁸
(comp. t: ⿰衤發; U+894F). (comp. s: ⿰衤发; U+88AF).
袯襫[襏襫] bòt-sēik
bóshì (=蓑衣 xäo-yï suōyī straw rain cape coat.⁸).⁸ woven rush raincoat.¹⁰ farmer's raincoat; workman's jacket.¹¹ a rain coat.¹⁴ a rain cloak.²⁵ straw raincoat worn by peasants in ancient times.³⁶ straw raincoat, raincoat.⁵⁴
bot4 1117
157 19 bòt to push something aside using one's feet.⁸ to kick anything with the foot.²⁵
(composition: ⿰⻊發; U+8E73).
bot4 1118
167 13 bòt cymbals.¹¹
踏钹[踏鈸] àp-bòt tàbó foot cymbal.¹⁹
铜钹[銅鈸] hũng-bòt
tóngbó brass cymbals.¹¹
门钹[門鈸] mõn-bòt
ménbó door cymbals.⁸
铙钹[鐃鈸] nào-bòt
náobó big cymbals.⁶
bot4 1119
184 15 bòt 饽饽 bòt-bòt bōbo <topo.> pastry; (steamed) bun, cake.⁵
bot4 1120
186 16 bòt 馝馞 or 苾勃 bēik-bòt bìbó <wr.> strong scent; aroma.⁶ bursting with fragrance.¹¹
bot4 1121
196 18 bòt a kind of pigeon.⁷
鹁鸽[鵓鴿] bòt-âp bógē pigeon.⁶
鹁鸠[鵓鳩] bòt-gëo
bójiū turtledove (Streptopelia turtur).²³
or 鹁姑[鵓姑] bòt-gü bógū wood-pigeon.⁶ (=水鸪鸪[水鴣鴣] suī-gü-gü shuǐgūgū, =斑鸠[斑鳩] bän-gëo bānjiū).²³
bot4 1122
105 5 bôt Kangxi radical 105; legs.⁸ back to back.¹⁴ the feet stretched apart, straddling; two men standing back to back; to walk.²⁴ 登字头[登字頭] äng-dù-hẽo dēngzìtóu is a name for this character, i.e., the top part of the 登 character.
卡癶裆[卡癶襠] kā-bôt-nòng
kǎbodāng place between the thighs.¹¹
bot5 1123
112 10 bôt (=钵[缽] or 钵[鉢] bôt an earthenware basin; a Buddhist priest's alms bowl; <Cant.> but3 port (Eng. loan-word).⁸
(composition: ⿰石本; U+7835).
砵酒 bôt-diū
but3 zau2 bōjiǔ port wine.³⁶
铜砵[銅砵] hũng bôt
tóngbō Tongbo, place name in Fujian.⁸
bot5 1124
121 11 bôt an earthenware basin; a Buddhist priest's alms bowl.¹⁴ (variant: 鉢 bôt ). (Note: 钵 is the simplified form of both 鉢 and 缽).
t: ⿰缶本; U+7F3D). (comp. s: ⿰钅本; U+94B5).
or 钵子[鉢子] bôt-dū bōzi an earthenware bowl.¹⁴
or 钵头[鉢頭] bôt-hẽo bōtóu an earthenware bowl.¹⁴
or 钵盂[鉢盂] bôt-yĩ bōyú a priest's dish, shaped like a flattened globe.¹⁴
or 衣钵[衣鉢] yï-bôt yībō legacy; Buddhist monk’s mantle and alms bowl which he hands down to his favorite disciple.⁸
or 衣钵真传[衣鉢真傳] yï-bôt-jïn-chũn yībōzhēnchuán true teachings handed down from the Master.¹¹
(See 鉢 bôt.)
bot5 1125
167 13 bôt (=缽 bôt ) an earthenware basin; a Buddhist priest's alms bowl.¹⁴ (Note: 钵 is the simplified form of both 鉢 and 缽).
t: ⿰釒本; U+9262). (comp. s: ⿰钅本; U+94B5).
or 钵釪[缽釪] bôt-yï bōyú a priest's dish, shaped like a flattened globe.¹³ʼ¹⁴ a rice dish in use among the Buddhist priests.²⁵
(See 缽 bôt.)
bot5 1126
69 8 <台> 斧头[斧頭] bū-hẽo ax, hatchet.
<又> fū. (See 斧 fū.)
bu1 1127
96 9 glass.⁷
玻璃 bū-lī or bō-lī bōli glass; plastic.⁶
玻璃刀 bū-lī-äo
or bō-lī-äo bōlidāo glass cutter; glazier's diamond.⁵
玻璃板 bū-lī-bān
or bō-lī-bān bōlibǎn glass pane/plate; plate glass; glass top (as of a desk).⁶
玻璃杯 bū-lī-böi
or bō-lī-böi bōlibēi glass cup; glass.⁶
玻璃厂[玻璃廠] bū-lī-chōng
or bō-lī-chōng bōlichǎng glassworks; glasshouse.⁶
玻璃钢[玻璃鋼] bū-lī-gông
or bō-lī-gông bōligāng glass fiber reinforced plastic.⁵
玻璃工 bū-lī-güng
or bō-lī-güng bōligōng glazier.⁶
玻璃纸[玻璃紙] bū-lī-jī
or bō-lī-jī bōlizhǐ cellophane; glassine.⁶
玻璃砖[玻璃磚] bū-lī-jön
or bō-lī-jön bōlizhuān plate glass; glass block/brick.⁶
玻璃片 bū-lī-pëin
or bō-lī-pëin bōlipiàn sheet glass.³⁹
玻璃瓶 bū-lī-pêng
or bō-lī-pêng bōlipíng glass bottle.⁶
玻璃窗 bū-lī-töng
or bō-lī-töng bōlichuāng glass window.¹¹
彩色玻璃 tōi-sēik-bū-lī
or tōi-sēik-bō-lī cǎisèbōlí stained glass.¹⁰
碎玻璃 xuï-bū-lī
or xuï-bō-lī suìbōlí cullet.¹⁰
<又> bō, bö.
(See 玻 bō, bö.)
bu1 1128
145 12 mend, patch, repair; fill, supply, make up for; nourish; <wr.> benefit, use, help.⁵
补白[補白] bū-bàk bǔbái to fill a vacant space with a short piece of writing; a filler.⁷
补充[補充] bū-chüng
bǔchōng replenish, supplement, add, complement; additional. complementary, supplementary.⁵
补苴[補苴] bū-duï
bǔjū to make up for a deficiency or defect.⁷
补救[補救] bū-giü
bǔjiù to save the situation; to rectify shortcomings; to repair; to reduce abuses; redress.⁷
补贴[補貼] bū-hëp
bǔtiē subsidy; allowance.⁵
补裰[補裰] bū-jōt
bǔduō to mend clothes; sew and mend.⁸
补缀[補綴] bū-juì
bǔzhuì mend; patch.⁵
补给[補給] bū-kīp
bǔjǐ <mil.> provisions, supplies; to supply.⁷
补偿[補償] bū-sẽng
bǔcháng to compensate; to make up; compensation.⁷
补葺[補葺] bū-tīp
bǔqì to repair.⁸
裁长补短[裁長補短] tõi-chẽng-bū-ōn
cáichángbǔduǎn cut off the long and compensate the short.³⁹
<台> 补碌 bū-lūk pomelo (=柚子 yiû-dū
yòuzi) <bot.> Citrus maxima.
bu1 1129
9 7 to extend; to diffuse; to inform; 佈 is used for 布 bü bù.¹⁴
布道[佈道] bü-ào
bùdào spread (of) gospel.¹¹
布防[佈防] bü-fõng
bùfáng to place troops on garrison duty; to organize a defense.³⁹
布告[佈告] bü-gäo
bùgào posting on a bulletin board; notice; bulletin; to announce.¹⁰
布告栏[佈告欄] bü-gäo-lãn
bùgàolán bulletin board.¹⁰
布景[佈景] bü-gēin
bùjǐng set, backdrop for scenes in plays; background of landscape, paintings.¹¹
布置[佈置] bü-jï
bùzhì fix up, arrange, decorate; assign, make arrangements for, give instructions about.⁵
布施[佈施] bü-sï
bùshī (monks) beg for alms, also give to poor, temple.¹¹
公布[公佈] güng-bü
gōngbù (of laws or decrees) officially promulgated, publicly announced.¹¹
(See 布 bü.)
bu2 1130
32 10 port; wharf; pier.
大埔 Ài-bü Dàbù county in 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Guangdong Province.
外埔 ngòi-bü
wàibù town or city other than where one is.
bu2 1131
32 10 port; flat land next to a river or ocean.
柬埔寨 Gān-bü-jài Jiǎnpǔzhài Cambodia.⁷
后埔[後埔] hèo-bü
hòupǔ downtown.
海埔 hōi-bü
hǎipǔ seaside.
海埔地 hōi-bü-ì
hǎipǔdì tidal flat.
黄埔[黃埔] Võng-bü
Huángpǔ harbor in 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Guangdong, seat of the Huangpu Military Academy from 1924 to 1927.
盐埔[鹽埔] yẽm-bü
yánpǔ place known for its production of salt.
bu2 1132
50 5 cotton cloth, textiles, linen; to notify, to publish, to spread out, to display; (used in transliterating).¹⁴
(variant: 𢁙❄{⿱夂巾}). (See 佈 bü; 𢁙❄{⿱夂巾} bü).
布帛 bü-bàk
bùbó cottons and silks; clothing.⁶
布丁 bü-ëin
bùdīng <loan> pudding.¹⁴
布斐 bü-fī
bǔfěi <loan> buffet.¹⁰
布告栏[佈告欄] bü-gäo-lãn
bùgàolán bulletin board.¹⁰
布谷鸟[布穀鳥] bü-gūk-nêl
bùgǔniǎo cuckoo (Cercococcyx spp.); same as 杜鹃鸟[杜鵑鳥] ù-gün-nêl dùjuānniǎo.¹⁰
布局 bü-gùk
bùjú arrangement; composition; layout; opening (chess jargon).¹⁰
布鞋 bü-hãi
bùxié cloth shoes.¹¹
布料 bü-lèl
bùliào cloth; material.¹⁰
布朗市 Bü-lông-sî
or 布朗士 Bü-lông-xù Bùlǎngshì Bronx.
布碌崙 Bü-lūk-lũn
Bùlùlún or 布鲁克林[布魯克林] Bü-lû-hāk-lĩm Bùlǔkèlín Brooklyn, a borough of New York City.
or 布疋 bü-pīt bùpǐ cloth; piece goods.⁸
布什 bü-sìp
bùshí George H.W. Bush, US president (1988-1992); George W. Bush, US President (2000-2008).¹⁰
布幔 bü-màn
bùmàn cotton curtain.⁶
布衣 bü-yï
bùyī clothes made of cloth; cloth gown worn by scholars not in government.⁸
<台> 布舖 bü-pü/ fabric store.

bu2 1133
50 6 𢁙
(=布 bü cotton cloth, textiles).²
(composition: ⿱夂巾; U+22059).
<又> hï.
(See 𢁙 hï; 布 bü).
bu2 1134
61 8 fear, be afraid of.⁵ terrified, frightened; to frighten, to threaten.⁷
怖惧[怖懼] bü-guì bùjù a scare; fear; dread.⁵
怖骇[怖駭] bü-hôi
bùhài frightened; scared; alarmed.⁵
怖栗 bü-lùt
bùlì trembling with fear.⁵
怖慑[怖懾] bü-nēp
bùshè scared and faint-hearted.⁵
怖畏 bü-vï
bùwèi to dread; to be scared; to be afraid.⁵
怖祸[怖禍] bü-vò
bùhuò a terrifying danger or calamity.⁵
可怖 hō-bü
kěbù <wr.> terrible, horrifying.¹¹
恐怖 hūng-bü
kǒngbù terror; horror.⁵
恐怖时代[恐怖時代] hūng-bü-sĩ-òi
kǒngbù shídài reign of terror.¹¹
吾惊怖其言.[吾驚怖其言.] M̃-gëin-bü-kĩ-ngũn.
Wú jīng bù qí yán. I was frightened by them.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《莊子·內篇·逍遙遊·5》, translated by James Legge).
bu2 1135
64 8 to hold; to strike.⁸ to hold; to hit.³⁶ to open out; to disperse, to scatter.¹⁰²
(General note about 抪: sources 8, 24, and 102 do not agree on the reading or meaning; this confusion may have arisen because the Kangxi reading of pü pū, 'to hold; some say to relax; scattered; covered with dust; to strike or to hit' quoting from 【唐韻】 【集韻】 【說文】 【前漢·中山靖王傳】 and【王莽傳】 has another reading of bü on the next line, quoting from 【唐韻】 【集韻】 【韻會】 【正韻】 and states that it has the same meaning).
(composition: ⿰扌布; U+62AA).
抪散 bü-xān
bùsǎn scattered about, as dust.¹⁰²
摆抪[擺抪] bāi-bü
bǎibü to direct, to give orders.¹⁰²
<又> pü.
(See 抪 pü).
bu2 1136
72 11 <wr.> three to five in the afternoon; late afternoon.⁶ (interchangeable with 䊇 bü ) time for supper; sunset.⁸
(composition: ⿰日甫; U+6661).
半晡 bön-bü
bànbū midway between noon and evening.²⁴
晡时 bü-sĩ
būshí late afternoon (about 4 p.m.)⁷
昳晡 dèik-bü
diébū nightfall.¹⁹
下晡 hà-bü
xiàbū afternoon.¹⁴
日晡 ngìt-bü
rìbū afternoon.¹⁴ dusk; sundown; sunset.⁵⁴
上晡 sèng-bü
shàngbū forenoon.²⁴
(See 䊇 bü).
bu2 1137
118 19 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 簸 bö with same meaning: winnower.⁸ dust pan; toss (as waves).)
(composition: ⿱⺮𤿺; U+7C38).
<又> bö, bô, bû.
(See 簸 [bö,]; [bö,]; [bô,]; [bû,]).
bu2 1138
119 13 original character for 餔 bü to feed, to eat; some say 𥹴❄{⿰米步} .² (=餔 bü ) to feed, to eat; (interchangeable 晡 bü) time for supper; sunset.⁸
(composition: ⿰米甫; U+4287).
餹䊇 hõng-bü
tángbù dumplings.²⁵
(See 餔 bü; 𥹴❄{⿰米步} bü; 晡 bü).
bu2 1139
119 13 𥹴
(=䊇 bü )² to feed, to eat.⁸
(composition: ⿰米步; U+25E74).
(See 䊇 bü).
bu2 1140
140 11 spinach.⁹
菠稜 or 菠薐 bü-lẽin or bö-lẽin bōléng spinach.¹¹
or 菠薐菜 bü-lẽin-töi or bö-lẽin-töi bōléngcài spinach.¹¹
菠萝[菠蘿] bü-lõ
or bö-lũ bōluó pineapple.⁸
菠萝蜜[菠蘿蜜] bü-lõ-mìt
or bü-lõ-mìt bōluómì jackfruit.⁸
菠菜 bü-töi
or bö-töi  bōcài spinach, Spinacia oleracea.
<又> bö.
(See 菠 bö.)
bu2 1141
167 13 metal plate; (variant: 鈈 būt ) plutonium.¹⁰
(See 鈈 būt).
bu2 1142
184 15 𫗦
to eat; evening meal (3 to 5 pm); (<old>=晡 bü or 申时[申時] sïn-sĩ/ shēnshí 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.); eat; dinner time; sunset.⁸ the time of the evening meal.¹⁴ the afternoon meal, dinner; also to eat.²⁵ <lit.> to eat; <lit.> alternative form of 晡 (bü bū, “3–5 pm, late afternoon, early evening”); <lit.> dinner, supper; <lit.> preserved fruit.³⁶
t: ⿰飠甫; U+9914). (comp. s: ⿰饣甫; U+2B5E6).
❄{⿰饣甫}糟[餔糟] bü-däo būzāo drink alcohol; eat lees.¹⁹
❄{⿰饣甫}糟啜醨[餔糟啜醨] bü-däo-jōt-lĩ būzāochuòlí to eat grains and drink wort.²⁵
❄{⿰饣甫}餟[餔餟] or 𫗦❄{⿰饣甫}啜[餔啜] bü-jōt būchuò <lit.> eat and drink.¹¹ʼ³⁶
❄{⿰饣甫}时[餔時] bü-sĩ/ būshí <lit.> late afternoon, supper time.¹¹ the time of the evening meal.¹⁴
子之从于子敖来, 徒𫗦
❄{⿰饣甫}啜也.[子之從於子敖來, 徒餔啜也.] Dū-jï-tũng-yï Dū-ngão lõi, hũ-bü-jōt-yâ. Zǐ zhī cóng yú Zi Áo lái, tú bù chuò yě. Your coming here in the train of Zi Ao was only because of the food and the drink.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《孟子·離婁上·25》, translated by James Legge).
豆𫗦[豆餔] èo-bü
dòubū bean cakes; food of pulse.¹⁰²
❄{⿰饣甫}时[日餔時] ngìt-bü-sĩ/ rìbūshí evening.¹⁴
<又> bù.
(See 餔 bù; 䊇 bü (a variant)).
bu2 1143
30 10 to chew (before swallowing); to feed (a baby).⁷
哺乳 bù-nguî bǔrǔ breast feeding; to suckle; to nurse.¹⁰
哺乳类[哺乳類] bù-nguî-luì
bǔrǔlèi mammals; Mammalia.⁷
哺乳动物[哺乳動物] bù-nguî-ùng-mòt
bǔrǔdòngwù  mammals; Mammalia.⁷
哺养[哺養] bù-yëng
bǔyǎng to feed; to rear.⁷
哺育 bù-yùk
bǔyù to feed; to nurture; to foster.¹⁰
反哺 fān-bù
fǎnbǔ to support one's parents in their old age; to show filial piety; to repay; to return a favor.¹⁰
待哺 òi-bù
dàibǔ to wait for feeding (as babies).⁷
乌哺[烏哺] vü-bù
wūbǔ the young crow reputed to feed its mother – filial piety.¹¹
bu4 1144
39 14 <台> 孵窦[孵竇] bù-êo to hatch; to sit on eggs; hatching.
<台> 鸡乸孵蛋[雞乸孵蛋] gäi-nā-bù-àn/ hen incubating the egg.
<又> fũ, bào. (See 孵 fũ, bào.)
bu4 1145
46 10 峬峭 bù-xël or 庯峭 bù-xël or 逋峭 bù-xël or pũ-xël būqiào <wr.> (of one's demeanor, writing) beautiful and graceful, elegant and stylish.⁶
bu4 1146
53 广 10 (=峬 bù ).
庯峭 bù-xël
or 峬峭 bù-xël or 逋峭 bù-xël or pũ-xël būqiào <wr.> (of one's demeanor, writing) beautiful and graceful, elegant and stylish.⁶
bu4 1147
64 10 (composition: ⿰扌步; U+6357).
捗摅[捗攄] bù-sï bùshū to restrain oneself.¹³ʼ¹⁹ʼ⁵⁴
<又> pũ; jēik.
(See 捗 pũ; 捗 jēik).
bu4 1148
64 10 to catch, to seize, to arrest.
逮捕 ài-bù dàibǔ arrest; take into custody.⁵
大肆拘捕 ài-xü-guï-bù
dàsìjūbǔ arrest wantonly.⁵⁴
被捕 bì-bù
bèibǔ to be arrested.
捕俘 bù-fũ
bǔfú <mil.> to capture enemy personnel.
捕风捉影[捕風捉影] bù-füng-jök-yēng
bǔfēngzhuōyǐng to make groundless accusations.
捕捉 bù-jök
bǔzhuō to catch; to seize.
捕捞[捕撈] bù-lẽo
bǔlāo to fish for (aquatic animals and plants); to catch.
捕拿 bù-nã
bǔná to arrest; to capture.
捕手 bù-siū
bǔshǒu (baseball) catcher.
捕获[捕獲] bù-vòk
bǔhuò to succeed in catching (thieves, booty).¹¹
拘捕 guï-bù
or kuï-bù jūbǔ arrest.⁵
bu4 1149
77 7 step; stage; condition, state; walk; <wr.> tread; 5尺 chëk.⁵
(variant: 歨, 歩 bù ). (See 歨 bù; 歩 bù).
步兵 bù-bëin
bùbīng infantry; infantryman; foot soldier.⁵
步步 bù-bù
bùbù step by step; at every step.⁵
步步为营[步步為營] bù-bù-vĩ-yẽin
bùbùwéiyíng consolidate at every step.⁵
步测[步測] bù-chāk
bùcè measure by paces; pace off/out.⁶
步调[步調] bù-èl
bùdiào pace; step.⁵
步伐 bù-fàt
bùfá step; pace.⁵
步法 bù-fāt
bùfǎ footwork.⁵
步行 bù-hãng
bùxíng go on foot.⁵
步骤[步驟] bù-jào
bùzhòu step, move, measure.⁵
步犁 bù-lãi
bùlí walking plow.⁵
步辇[步輦] bù-lèin
bùniǎn formerly, royal carriage pulled by attendants.¹¹ a sedan chair.²⁴
步履紊乱[步履紊亂] bù-lî-mùn-lòn
bùlǚwěnluàn walk out of step – in great confusion; in disorder.⁵⁴
步履维艰[步履維艱] bù-lî-vĩ-gän
bùlǚwéijiān have difficulty (in) walking; walk with difficulties.⁶
步人后尘[步人後塵] bù-ngĩn-hèo-chĩn
bùrénhòuchén follow in other people's footsteps; trail along behind others.⁵
步哨 bù-säo
bùshào sentry; sentinel.⁵
步枪[步槍] bù-tëng
bùqiāng rifle.¹⁹

bu4 1150
77 8 (=步 bù ) to walk; to stroll; to measure distance by steps.³⁶
(composition: ⿱止龰; U+6B68).
(See 步 bù).
bu4 1151
77 8 (<old>=步 bù step).⁸
(composition: ⿱止少; U+6B69).
(See 步 bù).
bu4 1152
104 12 (=𤸵 bù sickness or disease.⁸ʼ⁰).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿸疒甫; U+75E1).
<又> pü; fù.
(See 痡 pü; 痡 fù; 𤸵 bù).
bu4 1153
104 15 𤸵
sickness or disease.⁸ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿸疒尃; U+24E35).
𤸵❄{⿸疒尃}𤻱❄{⿸疒慮} bù-lù bùlù constipation condition.²
bu4 1154
118 19 簿 books; to record, to register.⁷
(composition: ⿱𥫗溥; U+7C3F).
笔记簿[筆記簿] bīt-gï-bù bǐjìbù notebook.¹¹
簿册[簿冊] bù-chāk
bùcè books (for record, registration) and files; lists or registers.⁷
簿籍 bù-dèik
bùjí a domiciliary register; account books.⁷
簿子 bù-dū
bùzi a blank book for writing; an exercise book; a notebook.⁷
簿记[簿記] bù-gï
bùjì bookkeeping.⁷
簿记学[簿記學] bù-gï-hòk
bùjìxué bookkeeping (as a course of study).⁷
簿记学校[簿記學校] bù-gï-hòk-hào
bùjì xuéxiào a bookkeeping school.⁷
簿记员[簿記員] bù-gï-yõn
bùjìyuán a bookkeeper; a ledger clerk.⁷
簿历[簿歷] bù-lèik
bùlì a person's records, qualifications.⁷
簿录[簿錄] bù-lùk
bùlù to confiscate property; a catalogue of books.⁷
簿书[簿書] bù-sï
bùshū official documents; account records.⁷
电话簿[電話簿] èin-và-bù
diànhuàbù telephone directory.¹¹
bu4 1155
140 10 fodder for horses and cows, mixed up with straw.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹步; U+8379).
荹攎 bù-lũ bùlú or pũ-lũ púlú to collect various mixed grass.¹⁹ to arrange disordered grass.²⁵
<又> pũ.
(See 荹 pũ).
bu4 1156
140 13 a mat used in constructing an awning; a cycle of 76 years, divided into 4 'chapters' of 19 years each; screen.⁸ <lit.> straw mat; <lit.> to shade, to cover, to screen; (Chinese astronomy) the cycle of 76 years (approximate common multiple for the synodic month and tropical year, similar to the Callippic cycle).³⁶
(composition: ⿱艹部; U+8500).
蔀家 bù-gä bùjiā refers to a rich and powerful family.¹⁹
蔀落衣 bù-lòk-yï
bùluòyī refers to coarse clothes.¹⁹
蔀屋 bù-ūk
bùwū or 蔀室 bù-sīt bùshì a house with a straw mat; it generally refers to the dark and humble house of a poor family.¹⁹
丰其蔀.[豐其蔀] Füng-kĩ-bù
Fēng qí bù.
He is surrounded by a screen large and thick.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《易經·䷶豐·5》, translated by James Legge).
草蔀 tāo-bù
cǎobù covered straw container.¹⁹
bu4 1157
154 14 to thank with money or gifts.⁸ wealth rendered back again.²⁵ to give thanks for a gift; to give douceurs to people for services.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰貝甫; U+4775).
䝵偿其劳[䝵償其勞] bù-sẽng-kĩ-lão bùchángqíláo give him something for his trouble.¹⁰²
bu4 1158
162 10 <wr.> flee; fall into arrears.⁵⁵
逋客 bù-hāk or pũ-hāk būkè <wr.> fugitive; recluse.⁵⁵
逋逃 bù-hão
or pũ-hão būtáo flee; fugitive.⁵⁵
逋逃薮[逋逃藪] bù-hão-xēo
or pũ-hão-xēo būtáosǒu <wr.> refuge for fugitives.⁵ asylum for refugees.¹¹
逋欠 bù-hïm
or pũ-hïm būqiàn <wr.> be in arrears.⁵⁵
逋欠贷款[逋欠貸款] bù-hïm-häi-fōn
or pũ-hïm-häi-fōn būqiàndàikuǎn default on a loan.⁵⁵
逋留 bù-liũ
or pũ-liũ būliú <wr.> stay; stop; be delayed from coming back.⁶
逋峭 bù-xël
or pũ-xël or 峬峭 bù-xël or 庯峭 bù-xël būqiào <wr.> (of one's demeanor, writing) beautiful and graceful, elegant and stylish.⁶
宿逋 xūk-bù
or xūk-pũ sùbū <wr.> long-standing debt.⁶
<又> pũ.
(See 逋 pũ.)
bu4 1159
163 10 part; section; unit; ministry; department; board; headquarters; troops; forces; command.
部队[部隊] bù-duì bùduì army; troops.
部分 bù-fùn
bùfen part; section.
部长[部長] bù-jēng
bùzhǎng minister; head of a section.
部娄[部婁] bù-lẽo
bùlóu (=培塿 põi-lẽo péilǒu) <wr.> a small hillock.¹¹
部门[部門] bù-mõn
bùmén department; branch.⁵
部署 bù-sì
or bù-sï or 布署 bü-sì or bü-sï bùshǔ dispose; deploy.⁵
部首 bù-siū
bùshǒu radicals by which characters are arranged in dictionaries.
国防部[國防部] Gōk-fõng-bù
Guófángbù Ministry of Defense.
干部[幹部] gön-bù
gànbù cadre.
南部 nãm-bù
nánbù southern part.
所部 sō-bù
suǒbù troops under one's command.
全部 tũn-bù
quánbù entire; complete; total; all.
西部 xäi-bù
xībù western part.
bu4 1160
184 15 𫗦
(used for 哺 bù to chew (before swallowing); to feed (a baby).⁷); to feed infants.²⁵ <lit.> alternative form of 哺 bù to give food; to feed.³⁶
t: ⿰飠甫; U+9914). (comp. s: ⿰饣甫; U+2B5E6).
❄{⿰饣甫}子[餔子] bù-dū bùzi baby food.¹⁰
<又> bü.
(See 餔 bü).
bu4 1161
118 19 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 簸 bô with same meaning: <台> 大簸箕 ài-bô-gî or ài-bû-gî a very big winnowing basket/pan.)
(composition: ⿱⺮𤿺; U+7C38).
<又> bö, bô, bü, bû.
(See 簸 [bö,]; [bö,]; bü; [bô,]).
bu5 1162
25 2 būk Kangxi radical 25; to divine; to choose; Bu surname.
卜卦 būk-gä bǔguà to tell someone's fortune; to divine (usually using the eight divinatory trigrams of the Book of Changes).³⁶
卜宅 būk-jàk
bǔzhái to choose a home or tomb site.
卜占 būk-jëm
bǔzhān to practice divination ➀ augury; divination; scrying; fortune-telling, particularly using trigrams
➁ fortune or prophecy so told
卜问[卜問] būk-mùn
bǔwèn to tell someone's fortune; to divine (usually using the eight divinatory trigrams of the Book of Changes).³⁶
卜筮 būk-sâi
bǔshì to divine by tortoise shell or straw, now used as general term for fortunetelling.¹¹
占卜 jëm-būk
zhānbǔ to divine; to cast lots.¹⁴ to divine; to practice divination.³⁶
未卜先知 mì-būk-xëin-jï
wèibǔxiānzhī to foresee; somebody endowed with foresight; something easily foreseeable.
存亡未卜 tũn-mõng-mì-būk
cúnwángwèibǔ to live or to die cannot be predicted.
<又> bàk, mūk, mük.
(See 卜 bàk, mūk, mük; ⺊ būk).
buk1 1163
25 2 būk seal script equivalent of 卜 būk Kangxi radical 25; to divine; to choose.¹⁰⁰ʼ⁰ Also an associated indexing component for 卜 būk ).¹⁰⁸ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰丨一; U+2E8A).
(See 卜 būk).
buk1 1164
25 5 būk used for phonetic translation as in 卟吩 and 卟啉 (both organic compounds found widely in natural conditions, major components of chlorophyll and hemoglobin).⁹
卟吩 būk-fün bǔfēn porphin C₂₀H₁₄N₄.¹⁰
卟啉 būk-lĩm
bǔlín porphyrin (organic chemical essential to hemoglobin and chlorophyll).¹⁰
buk1 1165
172 10 𨾇
(=鳪 būk or ).
(composition: ⿰卜隹; U+28F87).
(See 鳪 būk).
buk1 1166
196 13 būk
(composition: ⿰卜鳥; U+9CEA). (variant: 𨾇❄{⿰卜隹} būk)
鳪雉 būk-jï
búzhì or bǔzhì golden pheasant.⁸ (Classical Chinese) golden pheasant.³⁶
鳪鴙 būk-jï
búzhì or bǔzhì a yellow colored (ringed-necked) pheasant.¹³ a kind of partridge; it is of a yellow color, and its cry resembles the sound of the character, 鳪.²⁵
鳪衣 būk-yï
búyī or bǔyī the yellow dress worn by queens of the Northern Zhou Dynasty and Sui Dynasty when they picked mulberries.¹⁹
(See 𨾇❄{⿰卜隹} būk).
buk1 1167
9 14 bùk slave, servant, <wr.> (old term) your humble servant, I.
(comp. t: ⿰亻菐; U+50D5). (comp. s: ⿰亻卜; U+4EC6).
仆人 bùk-ngĩn
púrén servant; (humble) I.
男仆[男僕] nãm-bùk
nánpú a manservant.¹¹
奴仆[奴僕] nũ-bùk
núpú servant; lackey.
女仆[女僕] nuī-bùk
nǚpú maidservant.
臣仆[臣僕] sĩn-bùk
chénpú officials (who serve the king or nation) and servants (who serve the household).
(See 仆 fü, pūk, pük, pûk.)
buk4 1168
72 15 bùk to expose.⁷ to dry in the sun; to exhibit; (=曝 bùk ).¹⁴
暴光 bùk-göng
pùguāng (photography) exposure.⁷
暴骨 bùk-gūt
pùgǔ to expose one's bones to the elements; to die in the wilds.⁷
暴章 bùk-jëng
pùzhāng to show.⁷
暴著 bùk-jï
pùzhù conspicuous; striking.⁷ to manifest.¹⁴
暴之于民[暴之於民] bùk-jï-yï-mĩn
pùzhīyúmín to show it to the people.¹⁴
暴露 bùk-lù
pùlù to expose or be exposed; exposure.⁷
暴露狂 bùk-lù-kõng
pùlùkuáng (psychiatry) exhibitionism; an exhibitionist.⁷
暴面 bùk-mèin
pùmiàn to make an appearance; to appear.⁷ to expose the face.¹⁴
暴晒[暴曬] bùk-säi
pùshài to dry in the sun.¹⁴
暴腮龙门[暴腮龍門] bùk-xöi-lũng-mõn
pùsāilóngmén to flunk the civil service examination.⁷
暴师[暴師] bùk-xü
pùshī to station troops in the wilds.⁷
暴扬[暴揚] bùk-yẽng
pùyáng to show forth; to exhibit.¹⁴
or 一曝十寒 yīt-bùk-sìp-hõn yīpùshíhán sun for one day and chill for ten days – work hard for one day and do nothing for ten; work by fits and starts/snatches.⁶
<又> bào.
(See 暴 bào; 曝 bào, bùk; 虣 bào.)
buk4 1169
72 19 bùk to expose to sunlight; to sun.⁷
曝背 bùk-böi pùbèi to turn the back to the sun and enjoy its warmth.⁷
曝光 bùk-göng
pùguāng (photography) exposure.⁷ (See also 曝光 bào-göng.)
曝气[曝氣] bùk-hï
pùqì aeration.⁶
曝气池[曝氣池] bùk-hï-chĩ
pùqìchí aeration tank.⁶
曝气处理[曝氣處理] bùk-hï chuī-lî
pùqì chǔlǐ aeration treatment.⁶
曝献[曝獻] bùk-hün
pùxiàn to offer a humble but sincere gift or service.⁷
曝露 bùk-lù
pùlù <wr.> be exposed to the open air.⁶ to expose oneself to the weather.⁷
曝晒[曝曬] bùk-säi
pùshài to expose to sunlight; to sun.⁷
曝书[曝書] bùk-sï
pùshū to sun books.⁷
曝衣 bùk-yï
pùyī to air clothes.¹⁴
or 一暴十寒 yīt-bùk-sìp-hõn yīpùshíhán sun for one day and chill for ten days – work hard for one day and do nothing for ten; work by fits and starts/snatches.⁶
<又> bào.
(See 暴 bào, bùk; 曝 bào.)
buk4 1170
85 17 bùk name of an ancient river in today's Henan Province; name of an ancient barbarian tribe; Pu surname.⁷
濮上 bùk-sèng púshàng a place where debauchery is prevalent.⁷
濮上之音 bùk-sèng-jï-yïm
púshàngzhīyīn lewd and debauching music.⁷
濮水 Bùk-suī
Púshuǐ Pushui River in Shandong.⁵⁴
濮阳[濮陽] Bùk-yẽng
Púyáng (name of a county in 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng Henan Province).⁴
濮县[濮縣] Bùk-yòn
Púxiàn, a county in Shandong.⁵⁴
桑间濮上[桑間濮上] xông-gän-bùk-sèng
sāngjiānpúshàng mulberry orchard on the River Pu – (allusion) place of illicit love-making.¹¹
buk4 1171
85 18 bùk waterfall.⁵ a waterfall, a cascade, a cataract.⁷
瀑布 bùk-bü pùbù waterfall; falls; cataract.⁵
瀑布飞泉[瀑布飛泉] bùk-bü-fï-tũn
pùbùfēiquán waterfalls and flying streams.⁷
瀑流 bùk-liũ
pùliú a cascade; a waterfall; a cataract.⁷
飞瀑[飛瀑] fï-bùk
fēipù (flying) waterfalls.¹¹
小瀑布 xēl-bùk-bü
xiǎopùbù cascade.⁶
悬瀑[懸瀑] yõn-bùk
xuánpù a cataract, waterfalls.¹¹
<又> bào.
(See 瀑 bào.)
buk4 1172
159 19 bùk (same meaning as 輹 fūk or 车伏兔[車伏兔] chëh-fùk-hü chēfútù two pieces of wood which hold the axle firm on both sides, underneath a cart.¹⁴ the fastening underneath a carriage; the binding by which the axle is fastened to the carriage.²⁵ the cord or band which is tied around the projecting sticks that clasp the body of a cart on the axle to prevent its slipping.¹⁰²).⁸ the part of a carriage where it is fastened to the axle-tree; it is described as in shape like a crouching rabbit.²⁵
(composition: ⿰車菐; U+8F50).
輹轐 fūk-bùk
fùbú latches and sockets (for the axle; at the bottom of the wagon body).⁵⁴
(See 輹 fūk).
buk4 1173
167 20 bùk protactinium (Pa).⁶ wrought iron.¹¹
镤年代测定法[鏷年代測定法] bùk-nẽin-òi-chāk-èin-fāt púniándàicèdìngfǎ protactinium dating.⁹
buk4 1174
32 7 bùn bèn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 坌 fùn bèn with same meaning: <wr.> dust; to gather, together, to splash.)
<又> fùn.³
(See 坌 fùn.³)
bun4 1175
37 5 bùn bèn (=笨 bùn bèn) stupid, dull, dumb, foolish; clumsy, awkward; cumbersome, awkward, bulky.⁶
夯货[夯貨] bùn-fö
bènhuò a husky but stupid person.¹¹
or 心拙口笨 xïm-jōt-hēo-bùn xīnzhuōkǒubèn dull-witted and tongue-tied.¹⁰
<又> hāng.
(See 夯 hāng; 笨 bùn.)
bun4 1176
85 11 bùn bèn   to enter the water.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵奔; U+6E00).
<又> bïn. (See 渀 bïn).
bun4 1177
86 8 bùn bèn <old> burning brightly.³⁶ sparkle.⁵⁴ (Note: 炃 bùn bèn may also be read as fùn bèn). (variant: 燌 bùn bèn).
(composition: ⿱分火; U+7083).
<又> fũn.
(See 焚 fũn; 炃 fũn; 燌 bùn).
bun4 1178
86 16 bùn bèn (=炃 bùn bèn <old> burning brightly.³⁶ sparkle.⁵⁴).¹⁹ (Note: 燌 bùn bèn may also be read as fùn bèn).
(composition: ⿰火賁; U+71CC).
烧燌[燒燌] sël-bùn
or sël-fùn shāobèn (=烧毁[燒毀] sël-fī shāohuǐ burn down.⁸).¹⁹
<又> fũn.
(See 炃 bùn; 燌 fũn).
bun4 1179
94 15 bùn bèn a guard dog.² a watch dog.²⁴
(composition: ⿰犭賁; U+7356).
㹥獖 jî-bùn zhùbèn a kind of dog.²⁴
<又> fũn; fûn.
(See 獖 fũn; 獖 fûn).
bun4 1180
118 11 bùn bèn stupid, dull, dumb, foolish; clumsy, awkward; cumbersome, awkward, bulky.⁶ (variant: 夯 bùn bèn).
笨蛋 bùn-àn/ bèndàn blockhead; dunce; fool; idiot.⁶
笨伯 bùn-bâk
bènbó a fool; a simpleton.⁷
笨车[笨車] bùn-chëh
bènchē a heavy wagon; a heavy cart.⁷
笨重 bùn-chüng
bènzhòng cumbersome, heavy; clumsy.⁷
笨货[笨貨] bùn-fö
bènhuò idiot.⁷
笨瓜 bùn-gä
bènguā fool; blockhead.¹⁰
or 笨傢伙 bùn-gä-fō bènjiāhuo a fool; a simpleton; a clumsy fellow.⁷
笨工 bùn-güng
bèngōng an unskilled workman.⁷
笨口拙舌 bùn-hēo-jōt-sêt
bènkǒuzhuōshé clumsy in speech.⁷
笨头笨脑[笨頭笨腦] bùn-hẽo-bùn-nāo
bèntóubènnǎo stupid; muddleheaded; dull; blockheaded.⁷
笨汉[笨漢] bùn-hön
bènhàn a clumsy fellow.⁷
笨拙 bùn-jōt
bènzhuō clumsy; awkward; ungainly.⁶
笨牛 bùn-ngẽo
bènniú (of a person) a stupid ox; a fool.⁷
笨人 bùn-ngĩn
bènrén fool; stupid person.¹⁰
笨手笨脚[笨手笨腳] bùn-siū-bùn-gëk
bènshǒubènjiǎo acting clumsily; all thumbs.⁷
笨贼[笨賊] bùn-tàk
bènzéi a fool, dullard; stupid burglar.⁷
(See 夯 bùn).
bun4 1181
149 11 bùn bèn ignorant.²⁴
(composition: ⿰訁分; U+8A1C).
<又> fün. (See 訜 fün; cf 笨 bùn).
bun4 1182
64 11 būng pěng to hold, to carry in both hands.
捧起 būng-hī pěngqǐ to hold or carry in both hands.
捧着花生米[捧著花生米] būng-jèk fä-säng-māi
pěngzhe huāshēngmǐ holding two hands full of shelled peanuts.
<台> 捧紧个狗仔[捧緊個狗仔] būng-gīn-göi-gēo-dōi  carrying a little dog with both hands.
<又> pūng.
(See 捧 pūng.)
bung1 1183
85 9 būng bèng <loan> pump.⁵ (In Hoisanva 泵 may be pronounced as pēim, bēim, dēim, būng, and dām.)
<台> 泵水 būng-suī to pump water.
<又> pēim, bēim, dēim, dām.
(See 泵 pēim, bēim, dēim, dām.)
bung1 1184
101 9 būng béng <topo.> don't; needn't.⁶ unnecessary; do not have to.⁷ need not; (contraction of 不 and 用).¹⁰ (variant: 甮 fùng fèng).
甭瞧了 būng-chẽl-lēl
béngqiáole not worth seeing – let's go away.¹¹
甭再说了[甭再說了] būng-döi-sōt-lēl
béngzàishuōle Don't say anymore.⁷
甭管 būng-gōn
béngguǎn <topo.> needn't mind; pay no heed.⁵⁴
甭提 būng-hãi
béngtí <topo.> don't mention; say nothing more; needless to say.⁵⁴
甭提了 būng-hãi-lēl
béngtíle forget it.⁹ <topo.> don't mention it; don't raise the topic.⁵⁴
你甭客氣 nï-būng-hāk-hï
nǐbéngkèqi don't stand on ceremony.¹¹
你甭想 nï-būng-xēng
nǐbéngxiǎng don't think that.¹¹
(See 甮 fùng).
bung1 1185
46 11 büng bēng (composition: ⿱山朋; U+5D29).
<台> 臭崩崩 chiü-büng-büng smelly.
<台> 臭崩欸 chiü-büng-ë stinks, smelly.
<又> bāng, bäng. (See 崩 bāng; 崩 bäng.)
bung2 1186
140 13 büng méng <台> 蒙 büng to cover (with powder).
<台> 讨药粉蒙蒙伤口[討藥粉蒙蒙傷口] hū-yêk-fūn-büng-büng-sëng-hēo put some medicinal powder on the wound.
<又> mũng. (See 矇[mũng, méng], 矇[mũng, mēng]; 蒙[mũng, méng], 蒙[mũng, měng]).
bung2 1187
1 4 būt (negative prefix); not; no.¹⁰
不打自招 būt-ā-dù-jël bùdǎzìzhāo confess without being pressed; make a confession without duress.⁵
不但 būt-àn
bùdàn not only (... but also...).¹⁰
不敢苟同 būt-gām-gēo-hũng
bùgǎngǒutóng to beg to differ.¹⁰
不甘 būt-gäm
bùgān unreconciled to; unwilling.¹⁰
不苟 būt-gēo
bùgǒu not lax; not casual; careful.¹⁰
不苟言笑 būt-gēo-ngũn-xël
bùgǒuyánxiào discreet in speech and manner.¹¹
不久 būt-giū
bùjiǔ soon, before long; not long after.⁵
不客气[不客氣] būt-hāk-hï
bùkèqi you're welcome.¹⁰
不堪 būt-häm
bùkān cannot bear; utterly; extremely.¹⁰
不同 būt-hũng
bùtóng different; distinct; not alike.¹⁰
不论[不論] būt-lùn
bùlùn whatever; no matter what (who, how); regardless of; not to discuss.¹⁰
不若 būt-ngèk
bùruò not as good as; inferior.¹⁰
不是 būt-sì
bùshì no; is not; not.¹⁰
不错[不錯] būt-tö
bùcuò correct; right; not bad.¹⁰
不三不四 būt-xäm-būt-xï
bùsānbùsì dubious; shady; neither one thing nor the other; neither fish nor fowl.¹⁰
不要 būt-yël
bùyào don't!; must not.¹⁰
不用 būt-yùng
búyòng need not.¹⁰
but1 1188
30 7 būt 唝吥[嗊吥] Güng-būt Gòngbù old name for 贡布[貢布] Güng-bü Gòngbù Kampot (a place name in 柬埔寨 Gān-bü-jài Jiǎnpǔzhài Cambodia).⁸
but1 1189
167 12 būt plutonium (Pu).⁶
钚弹[鈈彈] būt-àn bùdàn plutonium bomb.⁹
(See 鈽 bü).
but1 1190
29 3 chā chā <台> 魔猓叉 mō-lō-chā Indian doorman (in old Hong Kong).
<又> chä, châ.
(See 叉 [chä, chà], [chä, chǎ], [chä, chá], [chä, chā], [châ, chà], [châ, chā].)
cha1 1191
9 5 chä chà alternative form of 姹[奼] jä or chä chà  (“young girl”); haughty, extravagant.³⁶ lead a carefree life, live for pleasure; <old>=姹[奼] jä or chä chà (young girl).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰亻乇; U+4EDB).
<又> dòk; hōk.
(See 仛 dòk; 仛 hōk).
cha2 1192
9 8 chä chà (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 侘 jä chà with same meaning.)
<又> jä.
(See 侘 jä.)
cha2 1193
18 11 𠞊
chä chā thorn.⁸ a javelin.²⁴
(composition: ⿰差刂; U+2078A).
㔆𠞊❄{⿰差刂} xām-chä zànchā or chãm-chä chánchā to shrivel up.²⁴
<又> chäi; chã.
(See 𠞊❄{⿰差刂} chäi; 𠞊❄{⿰差刂} chã).
cha2 1194
29 3 chä chá to block; to obstruct; to jam up.
叉住 (=挡住[擋住] ōng-jì dǎngzhù) chä-jì chájì <topo.> to block.
车叉住路口[車叉住路口] chëh-chä-jì-lù-hēo
chēchájìlùkǒu the car is blocking the road.
<又> chā, châ.
(See 叉 [chā, chā], [chä, chà], [chä, chǎ], [chä, chā], [châ, chà], [châ, chā].)
cha2 1195
29 3 chä chà fork; to diverge.
劈叉 pëk-chä pǐchà to do the splits (in acrobatics  or gymnastics or on a slippery road).
<又> chā, châ.
(See 叉 [chā, chā], [chä, chǎ], [chä, chá], [chä, chā], [châ, chà], [châ, chā].)
cha2 1196
29 3 chä chǎ in the shape of a fork; <topo.> the distance between the thumb and the middle finger on an outstretched hand.
叉着腿[叉著腿] chä-jèk-huī chàzhe tuǐ astraddle; stand or sit with one's legs apart.
<又> chā, châ.
(See 叉 [chā, chā], [chä, chà], [chä, chá], [chä, chā], [châ, chà], [châ, chā].)
cha2 1197
29 3 chä chā fork; intersection; cross; X.
叉车[叉車] chä-chëh chāchē fork lift.
叉烧[叉燒] chä-sěl
chāshāo roast pork.⁵⁴
两手叉腰[兩手叉腰] lēng-siū-chä-yël
liǎngshǒuchāyāo akimbo.
杩叉[榪叉] mâ-chä
màchā or 杩杈[榪杈] mâ-châ mǎchà or 杩槎[榪槎] mâ-chã màchá three-legged wooden stand (used in constructing a small dam).²³
<又> chā, châ.
(See 叉 [chā, chā], [chä, chà], [chä, chǎ], [chä, chá], [châ, chà], [châ, chā].)
cha2 1198
30 12 chä chā whispering.⁸
打喳喳 ā-chä-chä dǎchācha to talk in a whisper.¹¹
喳喳 chä-chä
chācha whisper; to whisper.¹⁰
<又> jā.
(See 喳 jā.)
cha2 1199
30 12 chä chā a euphonic particle, used in songs.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口茶; U+55CF).
cha2 1200
32 9 chä chá (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 垞 jä chá with same meaning: small mound; place name; hillock.⁸ ancient place name, Cha, in present-day 江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū Jiangsu Province.⁸  mound; small hill; (used in place names).¹⁰).
(composition: ⿰土宅; U+579E).
<又> jä.
(See 垞 jä.)
cha2 1201
38 6 chä chà (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 姹[奼] jä chà with same meaning: <wr.> beautiful.⁵).
<又> jä.
(See 奼 jä.)
cha2 1202
48 9 chä chà differ from, fall short of; wrong; wanting, short of.⁵
(variant: 𢀩❄{⿱𠂹⿸厂工 or ⿱⿻亻𠈌⿸厂工; U+22029} chä).
差得远[差得遠] chä-āk-yōn
chàdeyuǎn far inferior.¹¹
差不点儿[差不點兒] chä-būt-ēm-ngĩ
chàbudiǎnr  almost; nearly; practically; on the verge of.⁶
差不离[差不離] chä-būt-lĩ
chàbulí just about right, enough, not far off, not bad.⁶
差不多 chä-būt-ü
chàbuduō similar, about the same; a great majority of; just about right, enough, not far off, not bad; almost, nearly, just about.⁶
差不多的 chä-būt-ü-ēik
chàbuduōde average/ordinary person.⁶
差点儿[差點兒] chä-ēm-ngĩ
chàdiǎnr a bit inferior, not good enough; almost, nearly, practically, on the verge of.⁶
差劲[差勁] chä-gèin
chàjìn (of quality, ability) no good, poor, disappointing.⁶
差生 chä-säng
chàshēng slow/poor student.⁶
差事 chä-xù
chàshì <topo.> not up to the standard; poor.⁶ (See 差事 chäi-xù chāishi.)
<又> chäi, chï.
(See 差 [chä, chā], chäi, chï; 𢀩❄{⿱𠂹⿸厂工 or ⿱⿻亻𠈌⿸厂工; U+22029} chä).
cha2 1203
48 9 chä chā
difference, disparity; <math.> difference.⁵ (var: 𢀩❄U+22029 chä).
差别[差別] chä-bèik chābié difference; disparity.⁵
差池 chä-chĩ
chāchí <topo.> error, mistake, miscalculation; accident, mishap.⁶
差舛 chä-chūn
chāchuǎn <wr.> error; mistake.⁶
差贷[差貸] chä-häi
chādài diverge, do not coincide;  retreat (e.g., from old samples); deviation, difference.⁵⁴
差分 chä-fün
chāfēn <math.> difference.⁶
差价[差價] chä-gä
chājià price difference; disparity.⁶
差之毫厘谬以千里[差之毫釐謬以千里] chä-jï-hõ-lĩ mào-yî-tëin-lî
chāzhīháolí-miùyǐqiānlǐ an error the breadth of a single hair can lead you a thousand li astray.⁵
差强人意[差強人意] chä-kẽng-ngĩn-yï
chāqiángrényì just passable.⁵
差距 chä-kuî
chājù gap; discrepancy; disparity; difference.⁶
差额[差額] chä-ngäk
chā'é difference; balance; margin.⁶
差忒 chä-tēik
chātè <wr.> to make a mistake.¹¹
差错[差錯] chä-tö
chācuò mistake, error; accident, mishap.⁶
差度 chä-ù
chādù margin.⁶
差动[差動] chä-ùng
chādòng <mach.> <elec.> differential action/motion.⁶
差异[差異] chä-yì
chāyì difference; divergence; discrepancy; diversity.⁵
<又> chäi, chï.
(See 差 [chä, chà], chäi, chï; 𢀩❄U+22029 chä).
cha2 1204
48 15 𢀩

chä chā
(<old>=差 chä chā).
 (composition: ⿱𠂹⿸丆工 or ⿱⿻亻𠈌⿸丆工; U+22029).
(For definitions, see 差 [chä, chā]; 差 [chä, chà]; 差 chäi; 差 chï).
cha2 1205 cha.jpg
85 6 chä chà branch of a river; tributary.⁶
汊子 chä-dū chàzi (=汊) a branch of a river; tributary.⁶
汊口 chä-hēo
chàkǒu mouth of a tributary.⁵⁴
汊河 chä-hõ
chàhé distributary; distributary channel.⁵⁴
汊港 chä-kōng
chàgǎng branch of a river; tributary.⁶
汊流 chä-liũ
chàliú (=岔流 châ-liũ chàliú) branch of a river, tributary.⁶
汈汊 Ël-chä
Diāochà Diaocha Lake, a lake in 湖北 Vũ-bāk Húběi Hubei Province.⁸
河汊 hõ-chä
héchà a branch of a river; river fork, river branch.⁵⁴
港汊 kōng-chä
gǎngchà branching stream.⁶
cha2 1206
149 13 chä chà (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 诧[詫] jä chà with same meaning.)
<又> jä.
(See 詫 jä.)
cha2 1207
155 7 chä chì <台> 迖赤脚[迖赤腳] ät-chä-gêk barefooted.
<又> chēik, chëk, tëk. (See 赤 chēik, 赤 chëk, 赤 tëk).
cha2 1208
18 11 𠞊
chã chá (=槎 chã chá a raft made of bamboo or wood; to fell trees; to hew.¹⁰ a raft (on river, sea).¹¹); oblique cut.⁸
(composition: ⿰差刂; U+2078A).
<又> chä; chäi.
(See 𠞊❄{⿰差刂} chä; 𠞊❄{⿰差刂} chäi).
cha3 1209
32 13 chã chá to smear.¹⁴
涂药[塗藥] chã-yêk cháyào to smear an ointment.¹⁴
<又> hũ.
(See 塗 [hũ,]; 搽 chã).
cha3 1210
46 12 chã chá name of a mountain; (Cant.) to obstruct.⁸
(composition: ⿰山查; U+5D56).
嵖岈 Chã-ngã Cháyá (a mountain in 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng Henan Province).⁸
cha3 1211
64 12 chã chá put (powder, ointment) on the skin; to apply.⁵ to rub on ointment; to smear; to anoint; to paint.⁷ to rub on; to smear.¹⁴ (=涂[塗] chã chá) to smear.¹⁴
搽疮[搽瘡] chã-chông
cháchuāng to anoint sores.¹⁴
搽粉 chã-fūn
cháfěn to powder (the face).⁷ to paint the face.¹⁴
搽脂抹粉 chã-jï-möt-fūn
cházhīmǒfěn to powder and paint.¹⁴ paint and powder one's face.¹⁹
搽药[搽藥] chã-yêk
cháyào apply ointment or lotion.⁵to spread a plaster.¹⁴
(See 塗 chã).
cha3 1212
75 9 chã chá check, examine; look into, investigate; look up, consult.⁵
查处[查處] chã-chuī cháchǔ to investigate and handle (a criminal case).¹⁰
查字典 chã-dù-ēin
cházìdiǎn look up in a dictionary.⁵⁴
查觉[查覺] chã-gōk
or 察觉[察覺] chāt-gōk chájué be conscious of; become aware of; perceive.⁵
查勘 chã-häm
or 察勘 chāt-häm chákān survey; prospect.⁶
查考 chã-hāo
chákǎo look up for reference, data.¹¹
查核 chã-hàt
cháhé to examine (accounts).¹¹
查血 chã-hüt
cháxuè have a blood test.⁵
查找 chã-jāo
cházhǎo to search for; to look up.¹⁰
查证[查證] chã-jëin
cházhèng investigate and verify; check.⁵
查讫[查訖] chã-kēik
or chã-ngàt cháqì to be checked.⁶
查明 chã-mẽin
chámíng find out; ascertain.⁵
查无实据[查無實據] chã-mũ-sìt-guï
cháwúshíjù investigation reveals no evidence (against the suspect).⁵
查缉[查緝] chã-tīp
chájī check; search for; hunt down and arrest (criminals); track down.⁶ to investigate and seize.¹⁰
查获[查獲] chã-vòk
cháhuò ferret out; track down.⁵
查询[查詢] chã-xün
cháxún inquire about.⁵
查阅[查閱] chã-yòt
cháyuè consult; look up.⁵
<又> jä.
(See 查 jä.)
cha3 1213
75 11 chã chá a thorn tree.⁸ a thorn.²⁴ thorny plant.³⁶ tea.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰木余; U+688C).
梌荈 chã-chūn cháchuǎn (in some places) old tea leaves.¹⁰² (cf 茶荈 chã-chūn).
<又> hũ.
(See 梌 hũ).
cha3 1214
75 13 chã chá a raft made of bamboo or wood; to fell trees; to hew.¹⁰ a raft (on river, sea).¹¹
浮槎 fẽo-chã fúchá floating raft¹⁹
or 刊槎 hōn-chã or hān-chã kānchá to hew wood.²⁴
杩槎[榪槎] mâ-chã
màchá or 杩杈[榪杈] mâ-châ mǎchà or 杩叉[榪叉] mâ-chä màchā three-legged wooden stand (used in constructing a small dam).²³
乘槎 sẽin-chã
chéngchá (legend) to ride on a raft and reach the Milky Way.¹¹
or 棒子茬 pâng-dū-chã bàngzichá cornstalk.⁵⁴
cha3 1215
75 13 chã chá (of hair) stubble; (=茬 chã chá) stubble; crop, batch.⁶ wood raft; stubble.⁸
楂子 chã-dū
cházi <topo.> coarsely ground maize/corn.⁵⁴
楂住 chã-jì
cházhù block; obstruct.⁵⁴
(See 楂 jä.)
cha3 1216
75 14 𣘻
chã chá (=茶荈 chã-chūn cháchuǎn 'tea').²
(composition: ⿰木荼; U+2363B).
<又> hũ.
(See 𣘻❄{⿰木荼} hũ).
cha3 1217
94 12 chã chá badger-like wild animal.⁶ (likes to eat melons).⁴
cha3 1218
140 9 chã chá tea. (composition: ⿳艹𠆢朩(GV) or ⿳艹𠆢木(HTJK); U+8336).
(cf 𦯬❄{⿱艹佘} sẽh).
茶杯 chã-böi chábēi teacup.⁵
茶坊 chã-fōng
cháfáng teahouse.
茶房 chã-fông
cháfang <old-fashioned> waiter; steward (who serves tea and does odd jobs in a hotel, teahouse, theatre, or on a ship or train).⁹
茶几 chã-gì
chájī tea table; a side table.
茶馆[茶館] chã-gōn
cháguǎn teahouse.¹⁰
茶具 chã-guì
chájù tea set; tea service.
茶寮 chã-lẽl
cháliáo <topo.> teahouse; tea room.⁶
茶寮酒肆 chã-lẽl-diū-xü
cháliáojiǔsì or 茶楼酒肆[茶樓酒肆] chã-lẽo-diū-xü chálóujiǔsì teahouses and wineshops.⁵
茶匙 chã-sĩ
cháchí teaspoon.⁶
茶树[茶樹] chã-sì
cháshù tea plant, tea shrub, tea tree (Camellia sinensis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
茶话会[茶話會] chã-và-vòi
cháhuàhuì tea party with discussion or talks; forum.
茶会[茶會] chã-vòi
cháhuì tea party.
茶壶[茶壺] chã-vũ
cháhú teapot.
茶肆 chã-xü
chásì <wr.> teahouse.⁶
茶叶[茶葉] chã-yêp
cháyè tea; tea-leaves.¹⁰
茶余饭后[茶餘飯後] chã-yĩ-fàn-hèo
cháyúfànhòu over a cup of tea or after a few glasses of wine – at one's leisure.⁵

cha3 1219
140 9 chã chá (of crops) stubble; crop, batch; (used for people of the same or similar age) generation, batch; short stiff hairs, stubble.⁶
倒茬 āo-chã dǎochá (=轮作[輪作] lũn-dōk lúnzuò) rotate crops.⁶
白茬 bàk-chã
báichá farmland not yet tilled after harvest.¹⁹
茬子 chã-dū
cházi stubble.⁶
茬子地 chã-dū-ì
cházidì stubble field.⁶
茬口 chã-hēo
chákǒu crops for rotation; soil on which a crop has been planted and harvested.⁵
茬地 chã-ì
chádì stubble field.⁶
找茬儿[找茬兒] jāo-chã-ngĩ
zhǎochár find fault with; pick flaws in; start a quarrel; nag at.⁶
麦茬[麥茬] màk-chã
màichá wheat stubble.⁶
二茬韭菜 ngì-chã-giū-tôi
èrchájiǔcài the second crop of Chinese chives.⁵
or 棒子槎 pâng-dū-chã bàngzichá cornstalk.⁵⁴
换茬[換茬] vòn-chã
huànchá change crops.⁵
cha3 1220
140 12 𦳘
chã chá plants floating on the top of water; duck weed.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹查; U+26CD8).
cha3 1221
145 14 chã chá clothes stripped up.²⁵ partially or fully expose one's chest.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰衤差; U+8928).
<又> xū. (See 褨 xū).
cha3 1222
157 16 chã chǎ trudge (in mud, snow).⁵ step on, tramp, trudge.⁶
蹅坭 chã-nãi chǎní to tramp through mud.¹⁴
蹅雨 chã-yî
chǎyǔ to walk through rain.¹⁴
cha3 1223
184 17 chã chā <topo.> cook (into porridge); cook and stir.⁶
馇粥[餷粥] chã-jūk chāzhōu cook porridge/gruel.⁶
馇猪食[餷豬食] chã-jï-sèik
chāzhūshí cook and stir feed for pigs.⁵
<又> jä.
(See 餷 jä.)
cha3 1224
29 3 châ chà 叉路 châ-lù chàlù carrefour; crossroad.
分叉 fün-châ
fēnchà to fork; to branch; to diverge; to bifurcate.
<台> 刀仔叉 äo-dōi-châ knife and fork.
<台> 叉 châ/ a fork (eating utensil).
<台> 弹弓叉[彈弓叉] dàn-güng-châ/ slingshot.
<台> 树叉[樹叉] sì-châ fork (a division into branches).
<又> chā, chä.
(See 叉 [chā, chā], [chä, chà], [chä, chǎ], [chä, chá], [chä, chā], [châ, chā].)
cha5 1225
29 3 châ chā 刀叉 äo-châ dāochā knife and fork.
叉子 châ-dū
chāzi fork.
交叉 gäo-châ/
jiāochā to cross each other; to intersect.⁷
草叉 tāo-châ/
cǎochā pitchfork.
<又> chā, chä.
(See 叉 [chā, chā], [chä, chà], [chä, chǎ], [chä, chá], [chä, chā], [châ, chà].)
cha5 1226
46 7 châ chà fork, branch, branch/forked/side road; to turn off, to diverge; to interupt or change the topic (of conversation); to stagger, to space out; accident, trouble, mistake; <topo.> (of voice) to sound unnatural, become hoarse.⁶
打岔 ā-châ dǎchà to butt/chip/cut in (on somebody), to interrupt.⁶
道岔 ào-châ
dàochà <railroad> switch; points.⁵
岔子 châ-dū
chàzi branch/side/forked/diverging road, byroad; mistake, trouble, accident.⁶
岔口 châ-hēo
chàkǒu fork (in a road).⁶
岔开[岔開] châ-höi
chàkāi to branch off, diverge; to diverge to (another topic), change (the subject of conversation).⁵
岔流 châ-liũ
chàliú branch of a river, tributary.⁶
岔路 châ-lù
chàlù branch/side/forked/diverging road, byroad.⁶
分岔 fün-châ
fēnchà fork, branch.⁶ bifurcation.¹⁰
三岔路口 xäm-châ-lù-hēo
sānchà lùkǒu fork (in the road); junction of three roads.⁶
cha5 1227
64 6 châ chā to pick up with fork or pincers.
(composition: ⿰扌叉; U+6260).
扠出去 châ-chūt-huï chāchūqù to turn him out.¹⁴
扠上去 châ-sëng-huï
chāshàngqù to hang it up (on a nail).¹⁴
扠腰 châ-yël
chāyāo arms akimbo.¹⁴
cha5 1228
75 7 châ chà branch (of a tree).⁵
(composition: ⿰木叉; U+6748).
打杈 ā-châ dǎchà prune; pruning.⁸
丫杈 â-châ
yāchà fork (of a tree); tool made of forked wood.¹⁰
杈丫 châ-â
chàyā forked branch.⁵⁴
杈子 châ-dū
chàzi branch of a tree.⁶ a cheval de frise (pl. chevaux de frise).⁷
杈枒 châ-ngã
chàyā a forked branch.⁷
枝杈 jï-châ
zhīchà branch; twig; spray.⁶
杩杈[榪杈] mâ-châ
mǎchà or 杩槎[榪槎] mâ-chã màchá or 杩叉[榪叉] mâ-chä màchā three-legged wooden stand (used in constructing a small dam).²³
枒杈 ngã-châ
yāchà crotches; disorderly growth of twigs.⁷
树杈[樹杈] sì-châ
shùchà crotch (of a tree).⁶
(See 杈 [châ, chā].)
cha5 1229
75 7 châ chā wooden fork; hayfork; pitchfork.⁵
(composition: ⿰木叉; U+6748).
(See 杈 [châ, chà].)
cha5 1230
112 14 châ chá fault; glass fragment; quarrel.¹⁰
答碴儿[答碴兒] āp-châ-ngĩ dáchár make answer to question; strike up conversation.¹¹
冰碴 bëin-châ
bīngchá  ice shards.¹⁰
不对碴儿[不對碴兒] būt-uï-châ-ngĩ
bùduìchár <topo.> not proper; inappropriate; unsuitable.⁵⁴
碴口 châ-hēo
chákǒu cut; broken end.⁶
碴儿[碴兒] châ-ngĩ
chár small broken piece; sharp edge of broken glass/china; the cause of a quarrel; something just said or mentioned; impetus, tendency.⁸
胡子碴儿[鬍子碴兒] vũ-dū-châ-ngĩ
or 胡子楂儿[鬍子楂兒] vũ-dū-jä-ngĩ húzichár bits of beard which show after shaving.¹¹
(See 碴 [châ, chā]).
cha5 1231
112 14 châ chā 胡子拉碴 (鬍子拉碴) vũ-dū-lā-châ húzilāchā wear a stubbly beard; with a bristly unshaven chin.⁹ face covered with beard and whiskers.¹¹
(See 碴 [châ, chá]).
cha5 1232
120 9 châ chà crotch (of trousers).² (<old>=衩 châ chà vent or slit in the sides of a garment.⁵); crotch (of trousers).⁸
(composition: ⿰糹叉; U+7D01)
(See 紁 [châ, chǎ]).
cha5 1233
120 9 châ chǎ (<old>=衩 châ chǎ open seam of a garment; shorts; panties.¹⁰).⁸
(composition: ⿰糹叉; U+7D01)
(See 紁 [châ, chà]).
cha5 1234
145 8 châ chà vent or slit in the sides of a garment.⁵
衩裤[衩褲] châ-fù chàkù underpants.¹⁹ long leggings; open-seat pants for children.⁵⁴
衩袜[衩襪] châ-màt
chàwà stockings without bands.⁷
衩衣 chà-yï
chàyī a woman's gown with slits on the sides.⁷
开衩[開衩] höi-châ
kāichà slit (in clothing).¹⁰
(See 衩 [châ, chǎ].)
cha5 1235
145 8 châ chǎ open seam of a garment; shorts; panties.¹⁰
裤衩[褲衩] fù-châ kùchǎ underpants; undershorts.⁵
三角裤衩[三角褲衩] xäm-gôk-fù-châ
sānjiǎokùchǎ briefs; panties.¹⁰
(See 衩 [châ, chà].)
cha5 1236
167 22 châ chǎ small cymbals, a kind of percussion instrument.²²
打镲[打鑔] ā-châ/ dǎchǎ <topo.> to joke; to make fun of (somebody).¹⁰
鬼吹灯猫打镲[鬼吹燈貓打鑔] gī-chuï-äng miū-ā-châ/
guǐchuīdēng māodǎchǎ <topo.> big talk with little substance.¹⁹
猫打镲[貓打鑔] miū-ā-châ/
māodǎchǎ <topo.> piddling; trivial.⁵⁴
cha5 1237
77 9 chāi wāi <台> 歪斜 chāi-tẽh crooked; askew; slanting.
<台> 歪心肝 chāi-xïm-gön bias, partiality.
<又> vāi. (See 歪 vāi.)
chai1 1238
130 16 chāi chuài (composition: ⿰⺼啻; U+81AA).
𥝧❄{⿰禾巴}膪 bä-chāi bàchuài fat in appearance.⁶⁰ from 《廣韻》.
囊膪 nõng-chāi
nāngchuài flabby meat from a pig's belly and breast.⁶
chai1 1239
157 13 chāi cǎi (=踩 chāi cǎi) to tread upon; to trample; to step upon.⁷
(See 踩 chāi).
chai1 1240
157 13 chāi cǎi (=踩 chāi cǎi) to tread upon; to trample; to step upon.⁷
跴扁 chāi-bēin
cǎibiǎn to trample (an object) flat.⁷
跴访[跴訪] chāi-fōng
cǎifǎng to search and arrest (a criminal).⁷
跴着[跴著] chāi-jèk
cǎizhe treading on; trampling.⁷
跴住 chāi-jì
cǎizhù to keep the feet upon.⁷
跴坏[跴壞] chāi-vài
cǎihuài to break or damage by trampling; to trample and break.⁷
跴三轮车[跴三輪車] chāi-xäm-lũn-chëh
cǎisānlúnchē to pedal a pedicab; to work as a pedicab driver.⁷
(See 踩 chāi).
chai1 1241
157 15 chāi cǎi to tread upon; to trample; to step upon.⁷ (variants: 跴 chāi cǎi; 跐 chāi cǎi).
踩道 chāi-ào
cǎidào (of robbers. burglars) tread out the path – examine circumstances in advance before committing a robbery or burglary.⁶
踩踏 chāi-àp
cǎità step/tread on, trample underfoot; make an on-the-spot investigation.⁶
踩高跷[踩高蹺] chāi-gäo-kël
cǎigāoqiāo to walk on stilts.⁷
or 踩蹻 chāi-kël cǎiqiāo (of a vivacious lady role in Peking opera) to walk on small, artificial wooden feet tied to the ankles so that the actress sways while walking.⁷
踩案 chāi-ön
cǎi'àn <trad.> investigate a case.⁶
踩水 chāi-suī
cǎishuǐ tread water.⁵
踩缉[踩緝] chāi-tīp
cǎijī pursue and capture; track/hunt down.⁶
踩三轮儿[踩三輪兒] chāi-xäm-lũn-ngĩ 
cǎi sānlúnr to pedal a pedicab.⁷
踩线[踩線] chāi-xëin
cǎixiàn step on a line; foot fault.⁵
脚踩两只船[腳踩兩隻船] gëk-chāi-lēng-jëk-sõn
jiǎocǎi-liǎngzhīchuán straddle two boats – have/keep a foot in both camps.⁶
(See 跴 chāi; 跐 chāi).
chai1 1242
157 16 chāi chuài kick; tread, stamp.⁵
踹倒 chāi-āo chuàidǎo kick something down to the ground.¹⁹
踹踏 chāi-àp
chuàità or 踩踏 chāi-àp cǎità step/tread on, trample underfoot; make an on-the-spot investigation.⁶
踹足而怒 chāi-dūk-ngĩ-nù
chuàizúérnù he stamped his feet in anger.¹⁴
踹田 chāi-hẽin
chuàitián tread the field.¹⁹
踹开[踹開] chāi-höi
chuàikāi kick open.¹⁹
踹腿儿[踹腿兒] chāi-huī-ngĩ
chuàituǐr <topo.> kick the bucket.⁸
踹空 chāi-hüng
chuàikōng to tread on nothing – disappointed.¹⁴
踹了 chāi-lēl
chuàile  <topo.> died; failed, came to nothing.⁵⁴
踹輭索 chāi-ngün-xôk
chuàiruǎnsuǒ to walk the slack rope.¹⁴
踹实[踹實] chāi-sìt
chuàishí to step firmly; a firm footing.¹⁴
踹西瓜皮 chāi-xäi-gä-pĩ
chuàixīguāpí lit. to tread on a watermelon skin – to be deceived.¹⁴
踹死 chāi-xī
chuàisǐ trampled to death.¹⁴
踹一脚泥[踹一腳泥] chāi-yīt-gëk-nãi
chuàiyījiǎoní step up to the ankles in mud.¹⁴
chai1 1243
9 11 chäi cāi talented.⁸ one who is very competent and proficient.⁹ versatile.²⁹ <old> able; talented.³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻思; U+5072).
美偲 mî-chäi měicāi beautiful and versatile.¹⁹
<又> xü.
(See 偲 xü).
chai2 1244
18 11 𠞊
chäi chāi small spear.⁸
(composition: ⿰差刂; U+2078A).
<又> chä; chã. (See 𠞊❄{⿰差刂} chä; 𠞊❄{⿰差刂} chã).
chai2 1245
30 15 chäi chuài <wr.> to bite.¹  <wr.> to gnaw; to eat ravenously.¹⁰ <wr.> to gobble up.¹¹
嘬食 chäi-sèik chuàishí to gobble up.
<又> döt, dōt.
(See 嘬 döt, dōt.)
chai2 1246
48 9 chäi chāi send on an errand, dispatch; errand, job.⁵
(variant: 𢀩❄{⿱𠂹⿸厂工 or ⿱⿻亻𠈌⿸厂工; U+22029} chä).
差拨[差撥] chäi-bòt
chāibō send, dispatch, assign; yamen runner.⁶
差遣 chäi-hēin
chāiqiǎn to dispatch or send (a person on an errand).⁷
差缺 chäi-kūt
or chäi-hūt chāiquē <trad.> vacant position; vacancy.⁶
差旅费[差旅費] chäi-luî-fï
chāilǚfèi travel allowance or expense.⁶
差役 chäi-vèik
or chäi-yèik chāiyì <trad.> corvée; runner or bailiff in a feudal yamen.⁵
差委 chäi-vī
chāiwěi dispatch; appoint⁶
差使 chäi-xū
chāishǐ send; dispatch; assign.⁶
差使 chäi-xū
chāishi <trad.> official post; commission.⁶
差事 chäi-xù chāishi errand, job, assignment; official post, commissiion.⁵
邮差[郵差] yiũ-chäi
yóuchāi <trad.> postman.⁵
<又> chä, chï.
(See 差 [chä, chā], [chä, chà], chï; 𢀩❄{⿱𠂹⿸厂工 or ⿱⿻亻𠈌⿸厂工; U+22029} chä).
chai2 1247
64 13 chäi chuāi rub, knead; collect, carry under one's coat.
搋面[搋麵] chäi-mèin chuāimiàn to knead dough.
搋在怀里[搋在懷裡] chäi-dòi-vãi-lī
or 揣在怀里[揣在懷裡] chūn-dòi-vãi-lī  chuāi zài huáili <topo.> to tuck into the bosom.
<台> 搋粉 chäi-fūn to knead dough.
chai2 1248
76 15 𣤌
chäi chuài to bite.² to gnaw.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰⿱叕口欠; U+2390C).
<又> chī; .jōt. (See 𣤌❄{⿰⿱叕口欠} chī; .𣤌❄{⿰⿱叕口欠} jōt).
chai2 1249
94 11 chäi cāi guess, conjecture, speculate; suspect.⁵
猜测[猜測] chäi-chāk cāicè guess; conjecture; surmise.⁵
猜忌 chäi-gì
cāijì be suspicious and jealous of.⁵
猜中 chäi-jüng
cāizhòng to guess correctly; to figure out the right answer.¹⁰
猜谜儿[猜謎兒] chäi-mãi-ngĩ
cāimèir guess a riddle; guess.⁵
猜枚 chäi-mõi
cāiméi a game of guessing numbers; to guess how many coins, etc. in an enclosed fist.¹¹
猜疑 chäi-ngĩ
cāiyí harbor suspicions; be suspicious; have misgivings.⁵
猜度 chäi-òk
cāiduó surmise; conjecture.⁵
猜想 chäi-xēng
cāixiǎng suppose; guess; suspect.⁵
两小无猜[兩小無猜] lēng-xēl-mũ-chäi
liǎngxiǎowúcāi (of a boy and a girl) be innocent playmates.⁵
chai2 1250
104 15 chäi chì symptom of clonic convulsion.⁹
瘛疭[瘛瘲] chäi-dùng chìzòng <TCM> clonic convulsion.⁶
chai2 1251
142 18 chäi chài ancient name for a kind of scorpion.⁵ insect of scorpion kind.⁶ <wr.> a kind of scorpion.¹¹
虿尾[蠆尾] chäi-mī chàiwěi tail sting of scorpion.¹¹
蜂虿[蜂蠆] füng-chäi
fēngchài wasps and scorpions – fig. deadly, poisonous things.¹¹
蜂虿有毒[蜂蠆有毒] füng-chäi-yiû-ùk
fēngchàiyǒudú beware of the harm done by small things (e.g., insects).⁵⁴
水虿[水蠆] suī-chäi
shuǐchài <zoo.> nymph/larva of the dragonfly.⁵⁴
chai2 1252
151 15 chäi chǎi ground beans or maize.⁶ small particles produced by the grinding of beans or corn.⁹  husking (smashed) beans for cake, congee or gruel.¹⁰
豆䜺儿[豆䜺兒] èo-chäi-ngĩ dòuchǎir ground beans.⁶
chai2 1253
167 11 chäi chāi hairpin (formerly worn by women for adornment).⁶
钗钏[釵釧] chäi-chün chāichuàn hairpins and bangles – ornaments.¹⁴
钗簪[釵簪] chäi-däm
chāizān women's hair ornaments.¹⁴
钗荆裙布[釵荊裙布] chäi-gëin-kũn-bü
chāijīngqúnbù a thorn for a hairpin and plain cloth for a skirt; (of a girl) very plainly dressed.⁵⁴
钗光鬓影[釵光鬢影] chäi-göng-bïn-yēin
chāiguāngbìnyǐng gathering of richly dressed women.⁷
钗裙[釵裙] chäi-kũn
chāiqún hairpins and skirts – women.¹⁴
钗环[釵環] chäi-vãn
chāihuán hairpins and earrings – ornaments.¹⁴
钗横鬓乱[釵橫鬢亂] chäi-vãng-bïn-lòn
chāihéngbìnluàn pins awry and hair in disorder.⁷
发钗[髮釵] fāt-chäi
fàchāi  hair clip.¹⁰
金钗[金釵] gïm-chäi
jīnchāi gold hairpin.⁶
裙钗[裙釵] kũn-chäi
qúnchāi petticoats and hairpins; female attire/clothing/dress – women.⁶
玉钗[玉釵] ngùk-chäi
yùchāi jade hairpin.⁶
chai2 1254
153 10 chãi chái Cuon alpinus, dhole, (other English names include Asiatic wild dog, Indian wild dog, whistling dog, red dog, and mountain wolfl other Chinese names include 豺狗, 红狼, or 亞洲豺犬.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
豺虎 chãi-fū
cháihǔ cruel bandits; jackals and tigers.⁷
豺狗 chãi-gēo
cháigǒu (=豺 chãi chái, q.v.).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
豺狼 chãi-lõng
cháiláng jackals and wolves – cruel and evil people.⁶ ravenous and cruel beasts – mean and wicked persons.⁷
豺狼虎豹 chãi-lõng-fū-bäo
cháilánghǔbào jackals, wolves, tigers and leopards – cruel and wicked people.⁶
豺狼当道[豺狼當道] chãi-lõng-öng-ào
cháilángdāngdào jackals and wolves hold sway – the cruel and the wicked are in power.⁶ jackals and wolves on the road – wicked persons in power. ⁷
豺狼成性 chãi-lõng-sẽin-xëin
cháilángchéngxìng be rapacious and ruthless; be wolfish by nature; be as ferocious as wolves and jackals.⁶
黑背豺 hāk-böi-chãi
hēibèichái or 黑背胡狼 hāk-böi-vũ-lõng hēibèihúláng black-backed Jackal Canis mesomelas.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
chai3 1255
30 13 châi chái (composition: ⿰口柴; U+558D).
啀喍 ngãi-châi áichái dogs fighting.⁸ (啀喍 ngãi-châi áichái can also be written as 喍啀 châi-ngãi chái'ái, 崖柴 ngãi-châi yáchái and 嘊喍 ngãi-châi áichái).
chai5 1256
75 10 châi chái firewood; lean (of meat); thin (of a person); Chai surname.¹⁰
柴扉 châi-fï
cháifēi humble cottage door.¹¹ a door of brushwood – poor family.⁵⁴
柴火 châi-fō
cháihuo firewood.⁹
柴火妞儿[柴火妞兒] châi-fō-niū-ngĩ
cháihuoniūr <slang> a girl from the countryside.¹⁹
柴荆[柴荊] châi-gëin
cháijīng to live in the country; to rusticate.⁵⁴
柴米油盐[柴米油鹽] châi-māi-yiũ-yẽm
cháimǐyóuyán firewood, rice, oil and salt – chief daily necessities.⁹
柴门[柴門] châi-mõn
cháimén  lit. woodcutter's family; humble background; poor family background.¹⁰
柴鱼[柴魚] châi-nguĩ
cháiyú dried cod.¹ katsuobushi.⁸
柴鱼片[柴魚片] châi-nguĩ-pëin
cháiyúpiàn katsuobushi.⁸
柴爿 châi-tẽng
cháipán kindling; firewood.⁶
柴禾妞 châi-võ-niū
cháihéniū skinny and unsophisticated girl.¹⁰
柴禾妞儿[柴禾妞兒] châi-võ-niū-ngĩ
cháiheniūr <derog.> country girl.⁵⁴
柴油 châi-yiũ
cháiyóu diesel oil.⁸
火柴 fō-châi/
huǒchái match.⁵
木柴 mùk-châi
mùchái firewood.⁸
<台> 柴 châi firewood.
<台> 火柴偈 fō-châi-gài/ a lighter.
chai5 1257
104 14 châi chài <wr.> recover/recuperate (from Illness); get over (an illness).⁶ cured; healed; recovered.⁷
瘥愈 châi-yì chàiyù recover from illness.¹¹ convalescent.¹⁴
告瘥 gäo-châi
gàochài recover from illness.¹¹
久病初瘥 giū-bèng-chö-châi
jiǔbìngchūchài have just recovered from a lingering illness.⁶
<又> tö.
(See 瘥 tö.)
chai5 1258
113 11 châi chái burning wood as an offering to heaven.⁸
(composition: ⿱此示; U+7961).
Xuï ngì-ngùt, üng-tũn-siü, jï-yï òi-düng, .
Suì èr yuè, dōng xún shòu, zhìyú dài zōng, chái.
In the second month of every year he went eastward on a tour of inspection, and on reaching Daizong he presented a burnt-offering.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《史記·本紀·五帝本紀》, translated by James Legge).
chai5 1259
140 13 châi chái a kind of herb medicine; Bupleurum.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹柴; U+44F1).
䓱葫 or 柴胡 châi-vũ cháihú a kind of herb medicine.⁸
chai5 1260
13 5 chāk book, volume. (variant: 𠕁❄{⿵冂卄} chāk cè).
册子[冊子] chāk-dū
cèzi book; volume.
纪念册[紀念冊] gī-nèm-chāk
jìniàncè autograph book or album.
注册[註冊] jî-chāk
zhùcè to register (with authorities concerned); registration.⁷
人手一册[人手一冊] ngĩn-siū-yīt-chāk
rénshǒuyīcè nobody is without a copy (of a popular book).
手册[手冊] siū-chāk
shǒucè manual, handbook.
史册[史冊] xū-chāk
shǐcè history; annals.
(See 𠕁❄{⿵冂卄} chāk).
chak1 1261
13 5 𠕁
chāk (=册[冊] chāk book; volume).²ʼ⁸
(Note: This character appears as the bottom component of characters such as 侖 and 龠 (Radical 214) and is not to be used or confused with 册[冊] chāk
book; volume, even though the Kangxi Dictionary and Handian 汉典 Dictionary listed them as equivalent).
(composition: ⿵冂卄; U+20541).
<又> düng.
(See 𠕁 düng; 冊 chāk).
𠕁❄{⿵冂卄} chāk cè
chak1 1262
61 12 chāk <wr.> sad, sorrowful, grieved; sincere, genuine, earnest.⁶
恻恻[惻惻] chāk-chāk cècè <wr.> sad, sorrowful, grieved; earnest, sincere.⁶
恻怛[惻怛] chāk-hān
cèdá <wr.> sad; grieved; heartbroken.⁶
恻然[惻然] chāk-ngẽin
cèrán sad, sorrowful, grieved.⁶
恻怆[惻愴] chāk-töng
cèchuàng <wr.> sad; grieved; heartbroken.⁶
恻惐[惻惐] chāk-vàk
cèyù (=恻淢[惻淢] chāk-vèik cèyù) mourn; pain.²³ wounded.²⁴
恻淢[惻淢] chāk-vèik
cèyù (=恻惐[惻惐] chāk-vàk cèyù) mourn; pain.²³ grieved; sorrowful.²⁴
恻隐[惻隱] chāk-yîn
cèyǐn <wr.> feel sympathy or compassion for somebody.⁶
恻隐之心[惻隱之心] chāk-yîn-jï-xïm
cèyǐnzhīxīn compassion; sympathy; sentiment of pity.⁶
悱恻[悱惻] fī-chāk
fěicè <wr.> laden with sorrow; grief-stricken; woeful.⁶
凄恻[凄惻] täi-chāk
qīcè <wr.> sad; sorrowful; mournful; grieved.⁶
怆恻[愴惻] töng-chāk
chuàngcè <wr.> grieved, sad, sorrowful.⁶
chak1 1263
64 9 chāk (<old>=策 chāk plan, scheme, strategy.⁵); a horse whip (made of bamboo); to give aid to, to support.¹⁹
(composition: ⿰扌朿; U+62FA).
<又> sēik, tūk.
(See 拺 sēik, 拺 tūk; 策 chāk).
chak1 1264
64 15 chāk to back up, to support; to take, to receive, to fetch, to obtain, to take hold of.⁸ to aid, to assist, to uphold.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌策; U+3A4D).
chak1 1265
64 17 chāk to strike  (a match),
<台> 擦 chāk to light (a match).
<台> 擦火柴 chāk-fō-châ striking a match.
<又> chät, tüt. (See 擦 chät, tüt.)
chak1 1266
66 10 chāk Imperial command or edict.¹⁰ (<old>=策 chāk a whip - for goading horses; expository writings on government affairs; orders of appointment; a plan, a scheme, a stratagem; to whip, to spur, to urge, to impel; Ce surname.⁷).¹⁹ to whip a horse.²⁴
敇封绥靖伯仲真陈老官之神位[敇封綏靖伯仲真陳老官之神位]Chāk-füng Xuï-dèin-bâk Jùng-Jïn Chĩn Lāo-gön jï sĩn-vì.
Cè fēng Suí Jìng Bó Zhòngzhēn Chén Lǎoguān zhī shénwèi. By imperial edict, Chen Zhongzhen (陳仲真 是 陳謨 第四子 的 第四子) aka Chen Laoguan (陳老官) was postumously awarded the title of the Duke of Appeasement (in the year 1844 by the Daoguang Emperor).
chak1 1267
75 9 chāk zhà railings; paling; bars.⁵ (Note: also read as <台> sän)⁴
栅道[柵道] chāk-ào zhàdào turnpike.³⁹
栅柱[柵柱] chāk-chuî
zhàzhù stake.³⁹
栅子[柵子] chāk-dū
zhàzi bamboo or reed fence.⁶
栅条[柵條] chāk-hẽl
zhàtiáo paling; fence rail.¹⁰
栅口[柵口] chāk-hēo
zhàkǒu gate opening.³⁹ fence gate.⁵⁴
栅塘[柵塘] chāk-hõng
zhàtáng fenced-off pond.⁵⁴
栅状烤架[柵狀烤架] chāk-jòng-häo-gâ
zhàzhuàng kǎojià grill.¹⁹ grill (for cooking).⁵⁴
栅栏[柵欄] chāk-lãn
zhàlan railings; paling; bars; <mil.> boom.⁵
栅栏门儿[柵欄門兒] chāk-lãn-mõn-ngī
zhàlanménr gate in a yard fence.¹⁹
栅栏网[柵欄網] chāk-lãn-mōng
zhàlanwǎng <mil.> boom nets.⁵
栅篱[柵籬] chāk-lĩ
zhàlí hedge; fence.¹⁰
栅垒[柵壘] chāk-luî
zhàlěi stockade.⁵⁴
栅门[柵門] chāk-mõn-
zhàmén gate; door with grating; turnstile; logical gate (electronics).¹⁰
木栅[木柵] mùk-chāk
mùzhà palings; palisade.⁶
<又> sän.
(See 柵 sän.)
chak1 1268
85 12 chāk side; to lean; to survey; to measure; conjecture.¹⁰
变化莫测[變化莫測] bëin-fä-mòk-chāk biànhuàmòcè  unpredictable; changeable.¹⁰
测量[測量] chāk-lẽng
cèliáng survey; to measure; to gauge; to determine.¹⁰
测验[測驗] chāk-ngèm
cèyàn test; to test.¹⁰
测试[測試] chāk-sï
cèshì to test (machinery); to test (students); test; quiz; exam; beta (software).¹⁰
测算[測算] chāk-xön
cèsuàn to take measurements and calculate.¹⁰
观测[觀測] gön-chāk
guāncè to observe; to survey; observation (scientific).¹⁰
探测[探測] häm-chāk
tàncè probe into, probings; conjecture.¹¹
预测[預測] yì-chāk
yùcè calculate; forecast.⁵
chak1 1269
102 10 chāk plow.⁸ sharp.¹⁰ to attend strictly to agriculture; to scrutinize severely into plowing and sowing.²⁴ <old> used in 畟畟 (cècè, “ploughing deeply; sharp”); <old> clear; distinct; in good order; <old> dice.³⁶
(composition: ⿳田八夂(G) or ⿳田儿夊(HT) or ⿳田儿夂(JK); U+755F).
畟畟 chāk-chāk
cècè The state of ploughing deep into the ground (in other words, the state of advancing quickly).⁸ʼ⁰
Chāk-chāk-lẽng-dù, chūk-döi-nãm-mêo.
Cè cè liáng sì, chù zài nán mǔ.
Very sharp are the excellent shares,
With which they set to work on the south-lying acres.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·頌·周頌·閔予小子之什·良耜》, translated by James Legge).
畟然 chāk-ngẽin
cè'rán state of being distinct; clear (of sound, of view); explicit. (See 清晰 tëin-xēik).
<又> dēik.
(See 畟 dēik).
chak1 1270
118 11 chāk to entwine around; check (a current) with a weir.⁸
(composition: ⿱𥫗册; U+7B27).
chak1 1271
118 12 chāk plan, scheme, strategy; whip; bamboo or wooden slips used for writing on in ancient China; a type of essay in ancient China.⁵ Ce surname.⁷ (variants: 䇿, 筴, 筞 chāk ).
策反 chāk-fān
cèfǎn to instigate defection in the enemy camp.⁷
策杖 chāk-jèng
cèzhàng to use a walking stick.⁷
策励[策勵] chāk-lài
cèlì to urge; to impel; to spur.⁷
策令 chāk-lèin
cèlìng presidential appointment to an office (in the early years of the Republic of China).⁷
策略 chāk-lèk
cèlüè a stratagem; a scheme tactics.⁷
策论[策論] chāk-lùn
cèlùn questions and themes (given in former civil service examinations).⁷
策马[策馬] chāk-mâ
cèmǎ to whip/spur a horse.⁷
策命 chāk-mèin
cèmìng orders of appointment to or removal from an office.⁷
策动[策動] chāk-ùng
cèdòng to machinate; to maneuver; to instigate.⁷
or 策画[策畫] chāk-vàk cèhuà plan; plot; scheme; machinate; mastermind; engineer.⁶
策士 chāk-xù
cèshì a scheming person; a schemer; a member of a brain trust.⁷
策应[策應] chāk-yëin
cèyìng to act in concert with each other.⁷
(See 筴 chāk; 䇿 chāk; 筞 chāk).
chak1 1272
118 13 chāk (=策 chāk ) plan, scheme, strategy; whip; bamboo or wooden slips used for writing on in ancient China; a type of essay in ancient China.⁵ winnowing basket.⁸ divining straws; to divine by means of grassstalks.¹⁴
不用其䇲[不用其筴] būt-yùng-kĩ-chāk
bùyòngqícè did not make use of his plans.¹⁴
筮䇲[筮筴] sâi-chāk
shìjiā to divine by means of straws.¹⁴
神䇲[神筴] sĩn-chāk
shéncè an excellent plan – from Heaven.¹⁴
<又> gäp.
(See 筴 gäp; 策 chāk.)
chak1 1273
118 13 chāk (=策 chāk plan, scheme, strategy; whip; bamboo or wooden slips used for writing on in ancient China; a type of essay in ancient China.⁵).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿱𥫗束; U+41FF).
or 襢策 jīn-chāk zhàncè a mat for funerals.²⁵
(See 策 chāk).
chak1 1274
118 13 chāk (=策 chāk plan, scheme, strategy; whip; bamboo or wooden slips used for writing on in ancient China; a type of essay in ancient China.⁵).²ʼ⁸
(composition: ⿱𥫗宋; U+7B5E).
(See 策 chāk).
chak1 1275
118 16 𥰡 chāk to beat; to strike.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗敇; U+25C21).
chak1 1276
140 13 chāk a mixture of grain and grass used for feeding horses.⁸ to feed horses with corn, mixed up with chopped grass.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹敇; U+84DB).
  (Note: Distinguish
    ➀ 蔌 (U+850C) tūk
    ➁ 蓛 (U+84DB) chāk
cè; 蓛 tēik qī;
    ➂ 䔩 (U+4529) tūk
sù; 䔩 chāk cè; 䔩 tēik qī.)
<又> tēik.
(See 蓛 tēik).
chak1 1277
140 14 chāk (=蓛 chāk a mixture of grain and grass used for feeding horses.⁸ to feed horses with corn, mixed up with chopped grass.²⁵).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱艹敕; U+4529).
(Note: Distinguish
    ➀ 蔌 (U+850C) tūk
    ➁ 蓛 (U+84DB) chāk
cè; 蓛 tēik qī;
    ➂ 䔩 (U+4529) tūk
sù; 䔩 chāk cè; 䔩 tēik qī.)
<又> tūk; tēik.
(See 蓛 chāk; 䔩 tūk; 䔩 tēik).
chak1 1278
181 14 𩑠
chāk correct.² square; correct.²⁵
(Note: 𩑠 chāk and 頙 chäk chè have similar meaning and look almost alike but have slightly different sounds).
(composition: ⿰𤴔頁; U+29460).
(cf 頙 chäk).
chak1 1279
32 8 chäk chè burst, crack; to tear; to destroy.
龟坼[龜坼] gün-chäk jūnchè cracks in the fields caused by drought;  <wr.> divination by observing crackings on tortoiseshell over fire.
天崩地坼 hëin-bäng-ì-chäk
tiānbēngdìchè natural disasters, political/social upheavals.
chak2 1280
64 8 chäk <topo.> to excrete.
拆烂污[拆爛污] chäk-làn-vü cā lànwū <topo.> to act carelessly; to act casually; to botch up; to do sloppy work; to fail to keep a promise; to fail to keep an appointment.
(See 拆 [chäk, chāi].)
chak2 1281
64 8 chäk chāi to take apart; to dismantle; to open.
拆除 chäk-chuĩ chāichú to tear down; to demolish; to dismantle; to remove.
拆毁[拆毀] chäk-fī
chāihuǐ to demolish; to pull down.
拆开[拆開] chäk-höi
chāikāi to dismantle; to disassemble; to open up (something sealed).
拆墙[拆牆] chäk-tẽng
chāiqiáng to demolish walls.
拆洗 chäk-xāi
chāixǐ to remove and wash padding.
拆信 chäk-xïn
chāixìn to open a letter.
过河拆桥[過河拆橋] gö-hõ-chäk-kẽl
guòhéchāiqiáo remove the bridge after crossing the river – ungrateful.⁸
(See 拆 [chäk, ].)
chak2 1282
181 14 chäk chè correct; used for a man's name in ancient times.⁸  correct.³⁶ʼ¹⁰¹
(Note: 頙 chäk chè and 𩑠 chāk have similar meaning and look almost alike but have slightly different sounds).
(composition: ⿰正頁; U+9819).
<又> yĩ.
(See 頙 yĩ). (cf 𩑠 chāk).
chak2 1283
72 7 chām chǎn sunlght shining; used mostly in people's names.⁸ the sun illumintaing the hills.²⁴ daylight; sunlight (used in personal names).³⁶
(composition: ⿱日山; U+65F5).
cham1 1284
118 17 chām cǎn <topo.> a kind of dustpan.⁶
<台> 篸 chām a pan; any fingerprint which is not a whorl, i.e. an arch or loop.
<台> 垃圾篸 lèip-xēip-chām dustpan.
(See 篸 [chām, cēn], [chām, zān].)
cham1 1285
118 17 chām cēn (<old>=参差[參差] chëim-chï cēncī) uneven, not uniform, irregular, jagged; <wr.> about, almost; <wr.> go wrong.⁶
(See 篸 [chām, zān], [chām, cǎn].)
cham1 1286
118 17 chām zān a sewing needle; (archaically interchangeable with 簪 däm zān) a hairpin; to sew, to stitch; to stick in.⁸
篸管 chām-gōn
zānguǎn (=洞箫[洞簫] ùng-xël dòngxiāo a vertical bamboo flute.⁸)
玉篸 ngùk-chām
or 玉簪 ngùk-däm yùzān jade hairpin.⁸
(See 篸 [chām, cēn], [chām, cǎn].)
cham1 1287
9 19 chãm chán obstinate; stupid.²⁴ <lit.> disorderly, mixed, messy; <old> ugly; <old> alternate form of 搀[攙] täm chān to assist by the arm.³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻毚; U+5133).
儳头马[儳頭馬] chãm-hẽo-mâ
chántóumǎ a jibbing horse; a poor nag.¹⁴
cham3 1288
18 14 chãm chán (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 㔆 xām zàn with the same meaning: to cut, to hack, to reap, to trim or clip; to stab, to pierce; to brand.⁸ to stab or thrust through.²⁴).²
(composition: ⿰朁刂; U+3506).
<又> xām.
(See 㔆 xām; 𠟆❄{⿰替刂} chãm).
cham3 1289
18 14 𠟆
chãm chán (=㔆 chãm chán (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 𠟆❄{⿰替刂} xām zàn with the same meaning: to cut, to hack, to reap, to trim or clip; to stab, to pierce; to brand.⁸ to stab or thrust through.²⁴).).²
(composition: ⿰替刂; U+207C6).
<又> xām.
(See 𠟆❄{⿰替刂} xām; 㔆 chãm).
cham3 1290
46 14 chãm chán (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 崭[嶄] jām zhǎn <wr.> towering (over); very, especially; <topo.> fine, swell.⁶). (=巉 chãm chán (of mountains) precipitous, abrupt, dangerously steep.⁶).
(old variant: 嶃 chãm
嶄巖 chãm-ngãm
chányán (of peaks) steep, (rocks) overhanging.¹¹
嶄然见头角[嶄然見頭角] chãm-ngẽin-gëin-hẽo-gök
chánránjiàntóujiǎo  (of youth) very promising.¹¹
<又> jām.
(See 嶄 jām; 巉 chãm; 嶃 chãm).
cham3 1291
46 14 chãm chán (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 嶃 jām zhǎn and <old>=崭[嶄] chãm chán <wr.> towering (over); very, especially.⁶); a cliff, a peak.⁸
(composition: ⿰山斬; U+5D83).
<又> jām.
(See 嶃 jām; 嶄 chãm).
cham3 1292
46 20 chãm chán (of mountains) precipitous, abrupt, dangerously steep.⁶
(variant: 崭[嶄] chãm chán).
(composition: ⿰山毚; U+5DC9).
嵌巉 hàm-chãm
qiànchán <wr.> (of mountains) rocky, rugged.¹¹
巉峻 chãm-dün
chánjùn <wr.> sheer, precipitous, dangerously steep.⁶
巉崖 chãm-ngãi
chányá crag; jagged rocks.⁵⁴
or 巉巖 chãm-ngãm chányán <wr.> precipitous rock.⁶ precipitous slopes.¹⁴ high; lofty.²⁴
巉巉 chãm-tãm
chánchán dangerously high and steep mountains; pointed and sharp.⁸
巉峭 chãm-xël
chánqiào steep; precipitous.⁸
(See 嶄 chãm).
cham3 1293
81 17 chãm chán cunning; greedy; crafty.⁸ a cunning hare; cunning, artful.¹⁴ a rabbit or hare.²⁴ <lit.> cunning, crafty; <lit.> greed, insatiable desire; <lit.> slight, light, minute.³⁶
(composition: ⿱㲋兔; U+6BDA).
毚鼎 chãm-ēin chándǐng name of a cauldron, that is, the "Slander Ding" cast by the State of Lu (魯國) in the Spring and Autumn Period (春秋時).¹⁹
毚檀 chãm-hãn
chántán a kind of sandalwood; some say white sandalwood.¹⁹
毚毫 chãm-hõ
chánháo rabbit hair writing brush.¹⁹
毚兔 chãm-hü
chántù a crafty hare or rabbit.¹⁴ a crafty rabbit, which has several holes to its burrow.¹⁰²
毚微 chãm-mĩ
chánwēi light; slight; trifling; trivial.¹⁹
毚欲 chãm-yùk
chányù ardent longings.¹⁴
何毚欲之有? Hõ-chãm-yùk-jï-yiû?
Hé chán yù zhī yǒu?
What greedy desires could he have had?⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《揚子法言·問明卷第六·19》, translated by Jeffrey S. Bullock).
跃跃毚兔, 遇犬获之.[躍躍毚兔. 遇犬獲之.]
Yèk-yèk-chãm-hü, nguì-hūn-vòk-jï.
Yuè yuè chán tù, yù quǎn huò zhī.
Swiftly runs the crafty hare,
But it is caught by the hound.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·小旻之什·巧言·4》, translated by James Legge).
cham3 1294
85 20 chãm chán lapping, sound of running water.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵毚; U+703A).
瀺灂 chãm-dūk chánzhuó  the noise of water; fishes bobbing up and down; water descending; the perspiration of the hands and feetl stones in a stream occasioning a ripple.²⁴ <ono.> sound of rain falling or water flowing; <ono.> sound of waves raging, surging, crashing.³⁶ the sound of seeping water, murmur of water; hide and expose, appear and disappear.⁵⁴ the rippling sound of water; sportive leaping of fish; perspiration of the hands and feet; water gurgling through a hole.¹⁰²
游鳞瀺灂[遊鱗瀺灂] yiũ-lĩn-chãm-dūk
yóulínchánzhuó the darting fish show their (bright) scales.¹⁰²
cham3 1295
112 16 chãm chán (<old>=巉 chãm chán (of mountains) precipitous, abrupt, dangerously steep.⁶); cliff.⁸ (variant: 𥕌❄{⿰石斬} chãm chán).
(composition: ⿱斬石; U+78DB).
(See 巉 chãm; 𥕌❄{⿰石斬} chãm).
cham3 1296
112 16 𥕌
chãm chán (=磛 chãm chán which in turn (<old>=巉 chãm chán (of mountains) precipitous, abrupt, dangerously steep.⁶); cliff.⁸ ).²
(composition: ⿰石斬; U+2554C).
(See 磛 chãm; 巉 chãm).
cham3 1297
149 24 chãm chán false words; to flatter; to slander; to backbite.
蔽于谗[蔽於讒] bäi-yï-chãm bìyúchán (of king) deceived by sycophant attendants.
谗谤[讒謗] chãm-bōng
chánbàng to slander; to smear (a person); to calumniate; to defame.
谗谄面谀[讒諂面諛] chãm-chïm-mèin-yĩ
chánchǎnmiànyú to slander those absent and flatter those present; to flatter to the face.
谗间[讒間] chãm-gän
chánjiàn to slander; to backbite.
谗口嚣嚣[讒口囂囂] Chãm-hēo-hël-hël
Chán kǒu xiāo xiāo Slanderous mouths are loud against me.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·祈父之什·十月之交·7》, translated by James Legge).
谗害[讒害] chãm-hòi
chánhài to calumniate or slander somebody in order to have him persecuted; to frame somebody.
谗人罔机[讒人罔機] Chãm-ngĩn-mông-gï
Chán rén wǎng jī
The slanderers observe no limits.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·桑扈之什·青蠅·2》, translated by James Legge).
谗言[讒言] chãm-ngũn
chányán slanderous talk; calumny; false charge.
听信谗言[聽信讒言] hëng-xïn-chãm-ngũn
tīngxìnchányán to lend a ready ear to slander.
<又> tãm.
(See 讒 tãm.)
cham3 1298
167 25 chãm chán spade, trowel.⁸ sharp instrument for digging.¹⁰ a trowel, small shovel.¹¹ a chisel; to engrave.¹⁴ a sharp  instrument; a stone needle; a probe; a coulter; also to pierce, to stab.²⁵ plowshare; sharp, pointed; needle, awl, gimlet; <lit.> to pierce, to prick, to puncture; (historical) a sharp spade-like tool used for digging.³⁶ sharp tool (awl, needle); spicy; ploughshare (plow), coulter, cutter; hoe, pick; engrave, carve.⁵⁴ a chisel; a bore for cutting or piercing; to cut out, to engrave deeply.¹⁰²
(comp. t: ⿰釒毚; U+9471). (comp. s: ⿰钅毚; U+9575).
镵字为记[鑱字爲記] chãm-dù-vĩ-gï
chánzìwéijì characters carved as a memento.¹⁰²ʼ⁰
鑱斧 chãm-fū
chánfǔ hoe for weeding.¹¹
鑱头[鑱頭] chãm-hẽo
chántou or 犁头[犁頭] lãi-hẽo lítou a coulter for ploughing.¹¹ʼ¹⁴
镌镵[鐫鑱] dün-chãm
juānchán to engrave.⁵⁴
犁镵[犁鑱] lãi-chãm
líchán coulter of a plow.¹⁰²
药镵[藥鑱] yêk-chãm
yàochán a vessel for preparing drugs.²⁵ a boiler for seething and decocting medicine.¹⁰²
cham3 1299
177 26 chãm zhàn cushion for saddle; (same as 縿 sâm shān) the weeping decorations of banners and flags, the ends of banners and flags, the weeping decorations of saddles.⁸ a saddle cloth.²⁵
(composition: ⿰革毚; U+4A8C).
<又> sâm.
(See 䪌 sâm).

cham3 1300
2 8 chān chǎn a spit for roasting.²⁴ spit, grill; a skewer.⁸ <old> skewer (pin used to secure food during cooking); <old> to skewer and roast.³⁶ intended to represent a spit or gridiron for roasting flesh, and the meat on it.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿻串丿 or ⿻吕⿰丿丨; U+4E33).
贯丳[貫丳] gön-chān guànchǎn grill the meat on the iron skewer.¹⁹
铁丳[鐵丳] hëik-chān
tiěchǎn iron grill.²
如以肉贯丳[如以肉貫丳] nguĩ-yî-ngùk-gön-chān
rú yǐ ròu guàn chǎn like a joint of meat skewered on a spit.¹⁰²
chan1 1301
18 10 chān chàn 一刬[一剗] yīt-chān yīchàn always; means "the whole" in some areas/places.⁹ <topo.> without exception; one and all.⁵⁴
(See 剗[chān, chǎn]).
chan1 1302
18 10 chān chǎn to level off; to trim; to pare down; to cut; to root up.¹⁴
(synonym: 剷 chān chǎn).
or 剷刀 chān-äo chǎndāo to shave the edge of a tool to sharpen it.¹⁴
or 剷除鸦片[剷除鴉片] chān-chuĩ-ä-pëin chǎnchúyāpiàn to root out opium.¹⁴
or 剷子 chān-dū chǎnzǐ a large kitchen knife.¹⁴
or 剷去阶级[剷去階級] chān-huï-gäi-kīp chǎnqùjiējí to obliterate class distinction.¹⁴
or 剷地 chān-ì chǎndì to level a plot of land.¹⁴
or 剷伤[剷傷] chān-sëng chǎnshāng to wound.¹⁴
or 剷草破根 chān-tāo-pö-gïn chǎncǎopògēn to extirpate root and branch.¹⁴
or 剷削 chān-xēk chǎnxuē to plane; to smooth off.¹⁴
(See 剗[chān, chàn]; 剷 chān).
chan1 1303
18 13 chān chǎn (=刬[剗] chān chǎn to level off; to trim; to pare down.¹⁴). (=铲[鏟] chān chǎn shovel, spade, scoop; to shovel.⁶); to level off, cut off, pare down, raze.⁸
(composition: ⿰産刂(GV) or ⿰產刂(HTJK); U+5277).
or 刬刀[剗刀] chān-äo chǎndāo to shave the edge of a tool to sharpen it.¹⁴
or 刬除鸦片[剗除鴉片] chān-chuĩ-ä-pëin chǎnchúyāpiàn to root out opium.¹⁴
or 刬子[剗子] chān-dū chǎnzǐ a large kitchen knife.¹⁴
or 刬去阶级[剗去階級] chān-huï-gäi-kīp chǎnqùjiējí to obliterate class distinction.¹⁴
or 刬地[剗地] chān-ì chǎndì to level a plot of land.¹⁴
or 刬伤[剗傷] chān-sëng chǎnshāng to wound.¹⁴
or 刬草破根[剗草破根] chān-tāo-pö-gïn chǎncǎopògēn to extirpate root and branch.¹⁴
or 刬削[剗削] chān-xēk chǎnxuē to plane; to smooth off.¹⁴
(See 剗 chān; 鏟 chān).
chan1 1304
64 14 chān chǎn to move anything with the hand; dextrous.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌產 or ⿰扌産; U+644C).
摌马[摌馬] chān-mâ chǎnmǎ a bareback horse without a bridle or saddle and reins.¹⁹
摌削 chān-xēk 
chǎnxuē to injure; to harm.¹⁹
捍摌 hòn-chān
hànchǎn to pick out anything carefully with the hand.²⁴
<又> sün.
(See 摌 sün).
chan1 1305
75 15 chān chǎn a tree, a mattress.⁸ a name of a tree and of a fruit like the peach or plum; the mattress of a bed.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木產 or ⿰木産; U+3BC6).
chan1 1306
85 14 chān chǎn 浐河[滻河] Chān-hõ Chǎnhé Chanhe, a river in 陕西[陝西] Sēm-xäi Shǎnxī  Shaanxi Province.)
chan1 1307
93 15 chān chǎn cattle; domestic animals.⁸ to breed cattle; domestic animals.²⁴
(composition: ⿰牜產 or ⿰牜産; U+3E4C).
<又> sëin. (See 㹌 sëin).
chan1 1308
100 11 chān chǎn to bear (offspring), to lay egss; to produce, to bring about.⁷
(variant: 産 chān chǎn). (See 産 chān).
产品[產品] chān-bīn
chǎnpǐn product.⁹
产科[產科] chān-fö
chǎnkē maternity department.⁹
产房[產房] chān-fông
chǎnfáng maternity ward.¹¹
产妇[產婦] chān-fû
chǎnfù a lying-in mother (the mother during maternity).¹¹
产假[產假] chān-gā
chǎnjià maternity leave.¹¹
产地[產地] chān-ì
chǎndì producing area.⁹
产值[產值] chān-jèik
chǎnzhí output value.⁹
产权[產權] chān-kũn
chǎnquán property rights.¹¹
产量[產量] chān-lèng
chǎnliàng output; yield.⁵
产娩[產娩] chān-mêin
chǎnmiǎn parturition.¹¹
产门[產門] chān-mõn
chǎnmén (rare) woman's genitals.¹¹
产物[產物] chān-mùt
or chān-mòt chǎnwù product.⁹
产额[產額] chān-ngäk
chǎn'é amount of production; output.⁷
产业[產業] chān-ngèp
chǎnyè estate, property; industry.⁵
产婆[產婆] chān-põ
or chān-pũ chǎnpó midwife.¹¹
产生[產生] chān-säng
chǎnshēng produce.⁹
or 产褥[產褥] chān-yùk chǎnrù child delivery.¹¹
or 产褥热[產褥熱] chān-ngùk-ngèik or chān-yùk-ngèik chǎnrù'è puerperal fever.¹¹
土产[土產] hū-chān
tǔchǎn local (native) product.⁸
chan1 1309
100 11 chān chǎn (=产[產] chān chǎn to bear (offspring), to lay egss; to produce, to bring about.⁷).
(composition: ⿸产生; U+7523).
(See 產 chān).
chan1 1310
123 21 chān chàn mix something (up); adulterate; mingle.⁶
(composition: ⿸尸羴; U+7FBC).
羼杂[羼雜] chān-dàp chànzá mix something (up); mingle or blend (with something).⁶  adulterated (text); mixed, disorderly (crowd, gathering).¹¹
羼假 chān-gā
chànjiǎ <wr.> adulterate.⁵⁴
羼水 chān-suī
chànshuǐ to adulterate alcohol; to dilute alcohol with water.⁹
羼入 chān-yìp
chànrù adulterate (text) by insertions.¹¹
chan1 1311
130 15 chān chǎn skin.⁸ a rising of the skin; a plane for smoothing wood; a sheath, or case; to scrape off.²⁵
(composition: ⿰月產; U+442E).
皮䐮 pĩ-chān píchǎn a blister.²⁵
chan1 1312
167 18 𨪑
chān chǎn (=铲[鏟] chān chǎn shovel, spade, scoop; to shovel.⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿰錢刂; U+28A91).
(See 鏟 chān).
chan1 1313
167 19 chān chǎn shovel, spade, scoop; to shovel.⁶
(variant: 剷 chān; 𨪑❄{⿰錢刂} chān chǎn).
铲除[鏟除] chān-chuĩ
chǎnchú eradicate.⁹
铲子[鏟子] chān-dū
chǎnzi shovel, spade, trowel.⁹
铲蹚[鏟蹚] chān-höng
chǎntāng weed; scarify up the soil between rows of plants.⁶
铲平[鏟平] chān-pẽin
chǎnpíng level (raze) to the ground.⁸
铲菜[鏟菜] chān-töi
chǎncài digging vegetables.⁵⁴
铲运车[鏟運車] chān-vùn-chëh
chǎnyùnchē forklift.⁶
铁铲[鐵鏟] hëik-chān
tiěchǎn iron shovel.⁵⁴
锅铲子[鍋鏟子] vö-chān-dū
guōchǎnzi a spade-shaped instrument used a a slice in Chinese kitchens.¹⁴
<台> 铲捏欸多[鏟捏欸多] chān-nīt-ë-ü/  to share a little bit.
<台> 锅铲[鍋鏟] vôk-chān the same as <台> 锅脷[鍋脷] vôk-lì/ spatula.
(See 剷 chān; 𨪑❄{⿰錢刂} chān).
chan1 1314
64 15 chäng chēng prop up, support; push or move with a pole; maintain, keep up; open, unfurl; fill to the point of bursting.⁵
撑持[撐持] chäng-chĩ chēngchí to prop up; sustain.
or 撑竿[撐竿] chäng-gön chēnggān vaulting pole.⁶
撑拒[撐拒] chäng-kuî
chēngjù to resist; to struggle.
撑船[撐船] chäng-sõn
chēngchuán punt a boat; move a boat with a pole.⁸
撑伞[撐傘] chäng-xän
chēngsǎn to prop open an umbrella.
撑死[撐死] chäng-xī
chēngsǐ <topo.> to die from overeating; to take to the maximum. (See also <台> 撑死[撐死] jàng-xī.)
撑腰[撐腰] chäng-yël chēngyāo back up in behavior; encourage; support.⁸ to back and support someone.¹¹
支撑[支撐] jï-chäng
zhīchēng to prop up; to sustain; to support.
<台> 撑[撐] chäng deficient; lack of; missing.
<台> 还撑一个[還撐一個] vãn-chäng-yīt-göi still missing one (of something or somebody).
<又> jàng.
(See 撐 jàng.)
chang2 1315
75 14 chäng chēng 欃枪星[欃槍星] tãm-chäng-xëin chánchēngxīng a comet; a rebel leader.¹⁴
<又> tëng.
(See 槍 tëng.
chang2 1316
92 12 chäng chèng tilted pillar used as a prop; rung (between legs of a chair, table, etc.⁶ slanting pillar; cross bar; horizontal timber across the legs of a chair or table.⁸
椅牚 yǐchèng the crossbar of a chair.
yǐchèngr the crossbar of a chair.
chang2 1317
92 12 chäng chēng <wr.> =撑[撐] chäng chēng prop up, support; push or move with a pole; maintain, keep up; open, unfurl; fill to the point of bursting.⁵
chang2 1318
109 13 chäng zhēng open (the eyes).⁶
睁不开[睜不開] chäng-būt-höi zhēngbukāi can't open one's eyes (due to sleepiness).
睁开[睜開] chäng-höi
zhēngkāi to open (the eyes).
睁开眼睛[睜開眼睛] chäng-höi-ngān-dëin
zhēngkāi yǎnjīng to open the eyes.
睁眼[睜眼] chäng-ngān
zhēngyǎn to open the eyes.
睁眼瞎子[睜眼瞎子] chäng-ngān-hàt-dū
zhēngyǎnxiāzǐ blind person with eyes wide open – illiterate person.⁶
睁眼而睡[睜眼而睡] chäng-ngān-ngĩ-suì
zhēngyǎn'érshuì to sleep with one's eyes open.
杏眼圆睁[杏眼圓睜] hàng-ngān-yõn-chäng
xìngyǎn yuánzhēng angry look of a woman; almond-shaped eyes glaring with rage.
棱睁[棱睜] lẽin-chäng
léngzhēng rash, rude; very cold.⁷
眼睁睁[眼睜睜] ngān-chäng-chäng
yǎnzhēngzhēng to stare blankly; to look on helplessly; to look on unfeelingly.
<台> 睁开眼[睜開眼] chäng-höi-ngān to open the eyes.
<又> jāng.
(See 掹 jāng.)
chang2 1319
109 14 chäng chēng (same as 瞠 chäng chēng) to look straight at; to stare at.²ʼ³⁶
(composition: ⿰目亭; U+404E).
<又> chãng, hẽin.
(See 䁎 chãng, 䁎 hẽin).
chang2 1320
109 16 chäng chēng to stare; to look stunned.
瞠乎后矣[瞠乎後矣] chäng-fũ-hèo-yì chēnghūhòuyǐ <wr.> to fall far behind.
瞠乎其后[瞠乎其後] chäng-fũ-kĩ-hèo
chēnghūqíhòu to be left (“staring”) far behind; despair of catching up.
瞠目 chäng-mùk
chēngmù to stare (in alarm or confusion).
瞠目结舌[瞠目結舌] chäng-mùk-gēik-sêt
chēngmùjiéshé be wide-eyed and tongue-tied, astounished.
瞠然 chäng-ngẽin
chēngrán staring blankly.
<台> 瞠开只眼[瞠開隻眼] chäng-höi-jëk-ngān eyes wide- open.
chang2 1321
121 18 chäng chēng  <台> 罉 chäng/ a flat bottom cooking utensil; a pot.⁸
<台> 瓦罉 ngā-chäng/ earthenware pot.
<台> 架罂罉 gä-läng-chäng tools; utensils; equipment.
<台> 镬镬罉罉[鑊鑊罉罉] vôk-vôk-chäng-chäng lit. woks and pots; fig. pots and pans.
chang2 1322
157 9 chäng chēng to walk slowly.²⁵
(composition: ⿰⻊丁; U+47D3).
跉䟓 läng-chäng lēngchēng to walk.² walking along; to go on without stopping; the feet rather long.²⁵
<又> ëin.
(See 䟓 ëin.)
chang2 1323
157 19 chäng cèng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 蹭 dàng cèng with same meaning.)
<又> dàng.
(See 蹭 dàng.)
chang2 1324
167 15 chäng zèng <vern.> (of utensils) polished; burnished.⁶ (Note: There are four pronunciations: chäng²; chãng¹²; chẽin³; and dàng⁴.)
锃光瓦亮[鋥光瓦亮] chäng-göng-ngā-lèng zèngguāngwǎliàng <topo.> shiny; polished.⁶
锃亮[鋥亮] chäng-lèng
zèngliàng <topo.> shiny; polished.⁶
亮锃锃[亮鋥鋥] lèng-chäng-chäng
liàng zèng zèng  polished to a shine; shiny; glistening.¹⁰
<又> chãng; chẽin; dàng.
(See 鋥 chãng; chẽin; dàng).
chang2 1325
167 20 chäng chēng a flat bottom cooking utensil.
饼鐣[餅鐣] bēng-chäng/ bǐngchēng a flat bottom cooking vessel such as a frying pan.
chang2 1326
167 21 chäng chēng a kind of wine heater; a cauldron-like vessel with legs; a pan for frying, a shallow pot.⁷
饼铛[餅鐺] bēng-chäng bǐngchēng baking pan.¹⁰
<又> öng.
(See 鐺 öng.)
chang2 1327
64 11 chãng chéng to run against, to offend, to strike against.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌長; U+6381).
(See image of Kangxi form to the right).
政纲大掁[政綱大掁] jëin-göng-ài-chãng zhènggāngdàchéng the government begins to function properly, esp. regarding law and order, promotion and punishment.¹¹
chang3 1328
75 12 chãng chéng <wr.> move somebody; stir up somebody's feelings.⁶ door stop, door jam; touch; <Cant.> to use the body to move someone.⁸
枨触[棖觸] chãng-dūk chéngchù to be sentimentally touched or moved; touch with one's hand.⁷
枨拨[棖撥] chãng-bòt
chéngbō to push aside.⁷ to spread out (ashes, as with a stick).¹¹
chang3 1329
75 16 chãng chéng orange; orange color.⁵
橙子 chãng-dū chéngzi orange (fruit).⁶
橙汁 chãng-jīp
chéngzhī orange juice.¹⁰
橙皮 chãng-pĩ
chéngpí orange peel.⁶
橙皮果酱[橙皮果醬] chãng-pĩ-gō-dëng
chéngpíguǒjiàng (orange) marmalade.¹⁰
橙色 chãng-sēik
chéngsè orange (color).⁶
橙树[橙樹] chãng-sì
chéngshù orange tree.⁶
橙黄[橙黃] chãng-võng
chénghuáng orange (color).⁵
橙黄橘绿[橙黃橘綠] chãng-võng-gūt-lùk
chénghuángjúlǜ autumn scenery.³⁹ autumn season.⁵⁴
橙黄色[橙黃色] chãng-võng-sēik
chénghuángsè orange.¹⁹
红橙[紅橙] hũng-chãng
hóngchéng blood orange.¹⁰
脐橙[臍橙] tî-chãng
qíchéng navel orange.⁶
酸橙 xön-chãng
suānchéng sour/bitter orange; lime.⁶
<台> 橙汁 chãng-jīp orange juice.
chang3 1330
109 14 chãng chéng to make a close inspection.²ʼ³⁶
(composition: ⿰目亭; U+404E).
<又> chäng, hẽin. (See 䁎 chäng, 䁎 hẽin).
chang3 1331
116 17 chãng chéng an echo; a high and deep, large, big, spacious house.⁸
(composition: ⿱穴曾; U+41B5).
䆵宖 chãng-fãng chénghóng an echo (which an be produced in a spacious house).²ʼ⁰ (cf 𡪠宏 tãng-fãng).
chang3 1332
140 15 chãng chéng although this definition is not in Kangxi, some say "(same as 橙 chãng chéng) the orange",⁸ʼ³⁶ʼ⁰ or the "genus Citrus".¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱艹登; U+4532).
<又> äng.
(See 䔲 äng).
chang3 1333
167 15 chãng zèng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation¹² for 锃[鋥] chäng zèng with same meaning.)
<台> 锃眼[鋥眼] chãng-ngān dazzling, blinding.
<又> chäng, chẽin; dàng.
(See 鋥 chäng, chẽin; dàng).
chang3 1334
30 7 chāo chǎo noisy, tumultuous, uproarious, clamorous; to make a noise; to quarrel/bicker/squabble/row/brawl (with somebody about/over something, to have words (with somebody about something).⁶
吵吵闹闹[吵吵鬧鬧] chāo-chāo-nào-nào chǎochǎonàonào to make a noise; to make to raise a racket; to kick up a row/din.⁶
吵吵嚷嚷 chāo-chāo-ngèng-ngèng
chǎochǎorǎngrǎng to make an (unnecessary) racket (idiom).¹⁰
吵嘴 chāo-duī
chǎozuǐ to quarrel.¹⁰
吵架 chāo-gä
chǎojià to quarrel; to have a row; quarrel.¹⁰ (quarrel in spoken Hoisanva is 闹交[鬧交] nào-gâo/.)
吵闹[吵鬧] chāo-nào
chǎonào noisy.¹⁰
吵嚷 chāo-ngèng
chǎorǎng to make a racket; clamour; uproar.¹⁰
争吵[爭吵] jäng-chāo
zhēngchǎo dispute, strife.¹⁰
<台> 吵耳唠叨[吵耳嘮叨] chāo-ngī-lão-dào very noisy.
(See 吵 [chāo, chāo].)
chao1 1335
30 7 chāo chāo 吵吵 chāo-chāo chāochao <topo.> to kick up a racket; to make a row or din; to make noises.⁶
(See 吵 [chāo, chǎo].)
chao1 1336
75 15 chāo chǎo (=炒 chāo chǎo stir-fry, fry, sauté.⁵).⁸
(composition: ⿰木⿱酉灬; U+69F1).
<又> yiû.
(See 槱 yiû; 炒 chāo).
chao1 1337
86 8 chāo chǎo stir-fry, fry, sauté.⁵
爆炒 bäo-chāo bàochǎo to stir-fry rapidly using a high flame; to conduct a media blitz; to manipulate a stock.market through large-scale buying and selling.¹⁰
炒蛋 chāo-àn/
chǎodàn scrambled eggs.⁹
炒什锦[炒什錦] chāo-dàp-gīm
chǎoshíjǐn fried mixed vegetables with or without meat.⁵⁴
炒作 chāo-dōk
chǎozuò to hype; promote (in the media).¹⁰
炒饭[炒飯] chāo-fàn
chǎofàn fried rice.¹¹
炒货[炒貨] chāo-fö
chǎohuò roasted seeds and nuts.⁸
炒股票 chāo-gū-pêl/
chǎogǔpiào speculate in stocks.⁸
炒地皮 chāo-ì-pĩ
chǎodìpí speculate in building land.⁸
炒冷饭[炒冷飯] chāo-lâng-fàn
chǎo lěngfàn heat leftover rice – say or do the same old thing; rehash.⁵
炒米 chāo-māi
chǎomǐ parched rice; millet stir-fried in butter (staple food of the Mongol nationality).⁸
炒面[炒麵] chāo-mèin
chǎomiàn chow mein.⁵
炒菜 chāo-töi
chǎocài dish cooked to order, stir-fry; fried dish.⁸
炒锅[炒鍋] chāo-vö
chǎoguō frying pan.⁸
炒鱿鱼[炒魷魚] chāo-yiũ-nguĩ/
chǎoyóuyú stir-fried squid; fire someone from one's job.¹⁰
小鱼炒[小魚炒] xēl-nguî-chāo
xiǎoyúchǎo fried little dried fish.⁹
<台> 炒米饯[炒米餞] chāo-māi-dēin
fried raw rice ovoidal nuggets (sweets for weddings and Chinese New Year).
chao1 1338
86 14 chāo chǎo <old>=炒 chāo chǎo stir fry; saute.⁸ to boil; to roast.²⁴
(composition: ⿰火芻; U+717C).
(See 炒 chāo).
chao1 1339
86 14 𤌉
chāo chǎo (=煼, 炒 chāo chǎo stir fry; saute.⁸ to boil; to roast.²⁴
(composition: ⿱芻灬; U+24309).
(See 煼, 炒 chāo).
chao1 1340
149 11 chāo chǎo clamor, uproar, annoyance (=吵 chāo chǎo).¹⁴
訬扰[訬擾] chāo-ngêl
chǎorǎo to annoy.¹⁴
訬轻[訬輕] chāo-hëin
chǎoqīng annoying.¹⁴
<又> mêl.
(See 吵 chāo; 訬 mêl.)
chao1 1341
9 6 chäo chào a child.⁸ horrifying appearance.²
(composition: ⿰亻少; U+4EEF).
<又> mêl. (See 仯 mêl).
chao2 1342
18 13 chäo chāo to plagiarize.
(composition: ⿰巢刂; U+527F).
剿袭[剿襲] chäo-dàp chāoxí (=抄袭[抄襲] chäo-dàp chāoxí) to plagiarize; to copy; to attack the flank or rear of an enemy.¹⁰
剿说[剿說] chäo-sōt
chāoshuō to plagiarize.¹⁰
Mũ-chäo-sōt, mũ-luĩ-hũng.
Wú chāo shuō, wú léitóng.
Let him not appropriate (to himself) the words (of others), nor (repeat them) as (the echo does the) thunder.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·曲禮上》, translated by James Legge).
<又> dēl.
(See 剿 dēl.)
chao2 1343
19 13 chäo chāo to plagiarize; vigorous, agile.⁸ (=抄 chäo chāo to copy, to transcribe; to plagiarize).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰巢力; U+52E6).
勦袭[勦襲] chäo-dàp
chāoxí to plagiarize.¹³
勦说[勦説] chäo-sōt
chāoshuō interrupt other (speakers).¹⁹
<又> dēl.
(See 勦 dēl; 抄 chäo ).
chao2 1344
64 7 chäo chāo to copy, to transcribe; to plagiarize; to walk off with; to search and confiscate; to take a shortcut; to fold (one's arms; to grab, to take up; to take for one's own use, to filch.
包抄 bäo-chäo bāochāo to outflank; to envelop.
抄道 chäo-ào
chāodào to take a shortcut.
抄查 chäo-chã
chāochá to search and confiscate.
抄袭[抄襲] chäo-dàp
chāoxí to plagiarize; to copy; to attack the flank or rear of an enemy.¹⁰
抄家 chäo-gä
chāojiā to search a house and confiscate possessions.
抄件 chäo-gèin
chāojiàn a copy; a duplicate.
抄后路[抄後路] chäo-hèo-lù
chāo hòulù to turn the enemy's rear.
or 钞录[鈔錄] chäo-lùk chāolù copy down.⁵
抄手 chäo-siū
chāoshǒu to fold one's arms; copyist; <topo.> dumpling soup; wonton.
or 钞写[鈔寫] chäo-xēh chāoxiě to copy or transcribe by hand.⁷

chao2 1345
75 15 chäo chāo a small net used for fishing.⁸
(composition: ⿰木巢; U+6A14).
<又> chão; dēl. (See 樔 chão; 樔 dēl).
chao2 1346
122 16 chäo chāo a small net for fishing.¹⁰¹ a small net.¹³
(cf 樔 chäo chāo a small net used for fishing.⁸)
(composition: ⿱罒巢; U+7F7A).
chao2 1347
167 12 chäo chāo bank note, paper money, bill; (=抄 chäo chāo) to copy.⁶
钞逻[鈔邏] chäo-lõ
chāoluó <topo.> seize booty.⁵⁴
or 抄录[抄錄] chäo-lùk chāolù copy down.⁵
钞票[鈔票] chäo-pêl
chāopiào bank note; paper money;  bill.⁵
or 抄写[抄寫] chäo-xēh chāoxiě to copy or transcribe by hand.⁷
假钞[假鈔] gā-chäo
jiǎchāo counterfeit money.⁶
交钞[交鈔] gäo-chäo
jiāochāo banknote.¹⁵
美钞[美鈔] Mî-chäo
Měichāo US dollar.⁶
破钞[破鈔] pö-chäo
pòchāo spend money.⁸
现钞[現鈔] yèn-chäo
xiànchāo cash.⁶
chao2 1348
46 14 𡻝
chão cháo (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 𡻝 tẽl qiáo with the same meaning).²
(composition: ⿱山巢; U+21EDD).
❄{⿱山巢} lẽl-chão liáocháo or lẽl-tẽl liáoqiáo high.² high, lofty; a high mountain.²⁴
<又> tẽl.
(See 𡻝❄{⿱山巢} lẽl).
chao3 1349
47 11 chão cháo nest; Chao surname.³⁹ (variant: 窼 chão cháo).
巢毁卵破[巢毀卵破] chão-fī-lôn-pö
cháohuǐluǎnpò the nest is destroyed and the eggs smashed.⁶
巢父 Chão-fū
Cháofǔ a legenday hermit-scholar during the time of Emperor Yao (2356 B.C.), who lived high up in a tree and declined the throne offered by the emperor.⁷
巢窟 chão-fūt
cháokū or 巢穴 chão-yòt cháoxué a den; a lair;  a haunt.⁷
巢居 chão-guï
cháojū live or dwell in trees; live in seclusion; be a hermit.⁶
巢蛾 chão-ngõ
or chão-ngũ cháo'é ermine moth.⁵
巢鼠 chão-sī
cháoshǔ harvest mouse.⁵
巢菜 chão-töi
cháocài common vetch.⁵
匪巢 fī-chão
fěicháo bandits' lair.⁵
鸠占鹊巢[鳩佔鵲巢] gëo-jëm-xēk-chão
or 鹊巢鸠占[鵲巢鳩佔] xēk-chão-gëo-jëm quècháojiūzhàn the turtledove occupies the magpie's nest – one person seizes another person's place, land.⁵
卵巢 lôn-chão
luǎncháo ovary.⁵
鸟巢[鳥巢] nêl-chão
niǎocháo bird's nest.⁶
蚁巢[蟻巢] ngāi-chão
yǐcháo ant nest.⁵
贼巢[賊巢] tàk-chão
zéicháo thieves’ (robbers’) den.¹¹
(See 窼 chão).
chao3 1350
75 15 chão cháo ➀ the thatched tower in 泽中[澤中] jàk-jüng zézhōng Zezhong ➁ the nest of birds; also refers to people's dwelling place before there were houses.⁸ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰木巢; U+6A14).
<又> chäo; dēl. (See 樔 chäo; 樔 dēl).
chao3 1351
85 14 chão cháo name of a lake in Anhui province.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵巢; U+6F05).
chao3 1352
107 15 chão zhòu <台> 皱[皺] chão wrinkled.
<台> 皱皮[皺皮] chão-pĩ wrinkled.
<又> jēo, jëo. (See 皺 jēo, jëo.)
chao3 1353
112 16 𥕘
chão cháo a stone room.⁸ fastnesses made by the people of dependent states by piling up stones.²⁵
(composition: ⿰石巢; U+25558).
<又> xū. (See 𥕘❄{⿰石巢} xū).
chao3 1354
116 16 chão cháo (<old>=巢 chão cháo) nest.³⁹
(See 巢 chão; 窼 vö).
chao3 1355
9 11 chäp chā mean.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻臿; U+505B).
偛㑙 chäp-èp chādié a worthless person.²⁴
chap2 1356
17 9 𠚏
chäp chā the original character for 臿 chäp chā <wr.> spade; shovel.⁶ spade, shovel; marking pin.⁸ a shovel; (tailoring) a large pin for pinning border lines.¹¹ a spade; an iron bar for making holes.¹⁴
(composition: ⿶凵⿻千人人; U+2068F).
(See 臿 [chäp, chā]).
chap2 1357 2068F.jpg
53 广 12 chäp chā hide, conceal; a house not so high.⁸ to store up; a storeroom.²⁴
(composition: ⿰广臿; U+388E).
<又> jīp. (See 㢎 jīp).
chap2 1358
64 6 chäp chā to insert.⁷ (=插 chäp chā) insert, stick into; plant.⁸ to introduce.¹⁴
or 扱袵 chäp-ngìm chārèn to tuck the skirts of a garment into the girdle.⁷ to tuck the skirts into the girdle.¹⁴
扱引高贤[扱引高賢] chäp-yîn-gäo-yẽn
chāyǐngāoxián introduce the wise and virtuous.¹⁴ (See 扱引高賢 kīp-yîn-gäo-yẽn xīyǐn gāoxián).
<又> hï; kīp; kēip.
(See 扱 hï; 扱 kīp; 扱 kēip.)
chap2 1359
64 10 chäp chā (<old>=插 chäp chā); insert; stick into, plant.⁸
(composition: ⿰扌⿻干曰; U+633F).
(See 插 chäp).
chap2 1360
64 12 chäp chā to insert, to stick in. (variant: 挿 chäp chā). (See 挿 chäp).
(composition: ⿰扌臿; U+63D2).
插翅难飞[插翅難飛] chäp-chï-nãn-fï
chāchìnánfēi cannot escape even with wings – be impossible to escape.⁶
插嘴 chäp-duī
chāzuǐ to interrupt; to break in; to chip in.
插花 chäp-fä
chāhuā to decorate with flowers; to insert or arrange flowers; (art of) flower arranging; ikebana.
插头[插頭] chäp-hẽo
chātóu <elec.> a plug.
插图[插圖] chäp-hũ
chātú book illustration.
插曲 chäp-kūk
chāqǔ theatrical interlude; songs in films or plays; episode.
插手干预[插手干預] chäp-siū-gön-yì
chāshǒugānyù to meddle, to intervene, to interfere in.
插草卖身[插草賣身]  chäp-tāo-mài-sïn
chācǎomàishēn stick up a wisp of straw and make known that one is for sale.⁵⁴
插秧 chäp-yëng
chāyāng transplant rice seedlings.¹⁰
外插 ngòi-chäp
wàichā <math.> to extrapolate; extrapolation; <comp.> to plug in (a peripheral device).¹⁰
内插[內插] nuì-chäp
nèichā to install (hardware) internally (rather than plugging it in as a peripheral); <math.> to interpolate; interpolation.¹⁰
安插 ön-chäp
ānchā to place (friend) in organization, find job for (somebody).¹¹
chap2 1361
76 11 chäp shà (same as 歃 chäp shà drink; smear one's mouth with blood of a victim when taking an oath.⁸); to smear the mouth with the blood of a victim when taking an oath; to taste, to try.⁸
(composition: ⿰𢆍欠; U+3C31).
(See 歃 chä).
chap2 1362
76 13 chäp shà drink; smear one's mouth with blood of a victim when taking an oath.⁸ (variant: 㰱 chäp shà).
歃血 chäp-hüt
or sāp-hüt  or 唼血 säp-hüt shàxuè to smear the blood of a sacrifice on the mouth (an ancient form of swearing an oath).⁶
歃血为盟[歃血為盟] chäp-hüt-vĩ-mãng
or sāp-hüt-vĩ-mãng shàxuèwéiméng to swear an oath of alliance by smearing the mouth with the blood of a sacrifice.⁶
<又> sāp.
(See 歃 sāp; 㰱 chäp).
chap2 1363
130 13 𦝥 chäp chā boiled meat.²⁵
(composition: ⿰⺼臿; U+26765).
chap2 1364
134 9 chäp chá to separate the grain from the husk.¹⁴
(composition: ⿻千臼(GK) or ⿻干臼(HTJ); U+81FF).
(See 臿 [chäp, chā].)
chap2 1365
134 9 chäp chā (=鍤 chäp chā) <wr.> spade; shovel.⁶ spade, shovel; marking pin.⁸ a shovel; (tailoring) a large pin for pinning border lines.¹¹ a spade; an iron bar for making holes.¹⁴
(old variant: 𠚏
❄{⿶凵⿻千人人} chäp chā).
(composition: ⿻千臼(GK) or ⿻干臼(HTJ); U+81FF).
(See 鍤 chäp; 臿 [chäp, chá]; 𠚏❄{⿶凵⿻千人人} chäp).
chap2 1366
167 17 chäp chā <wr.> spade; shovel.⁶ spade, shovel; marking pin.⁸ a shovel; (tailoring) a large pin for pinning border lines.¹¹ a spade; an iron bar for making holes.¹⁴ (variant: 臿 chäp chā).
t: ⿰金臿; U+9364). (comp. s: ⿰钅臿; U+9538).
Yiũ-hà-ì-däng-gä-kūt-chäp, gäng-sũng-yï-gäo-ì-yâ.
Yóu xiàdì zēngjiā jué chā, gèng chóng yú gāodì yě.
Just as low ground, filled up with hoes and spades, rises higher than the originally elevated ground.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《論衡·率性·5》, translated by Albert Forke).
(See 臿[chäp, chā]).
chap2 1367
40 14 chāt chá examine; look into; scrutinize.⁵
察觉[察覺] chāt-gōk or 查觉[查覺] chã-gōk chájué be conscious of; become aware of; perceive.⁵
察勘 chāt-häm
or 查勘 chã-häm chákān survey; prospect.⁶
察看 chāt-hön
chákàn watch; look carefully at; observe.⁵
察其言观其行[察其言觀其行] chāt-kĩ-ngũn-gön-kĩ-hãng
cháqíyánguānqíxíng examine his words and watch his deeds; check what he says against what he does.⁵
察言观色[察言觀色] chāt-ngũn-gön-sēik
cháyánguānsè carefully weigh up a person's words and closely watch his expression; watch a person's every mood.⁵
警察 gēin-chāt
jǐngchá police; policeman.⁵
观察[觀察] gön-chāt
guānchá observe; watch; survey.⁵
勘察 häm-chāt
or 勘查 häm-chã  kānchá reconnoiter (an area for engineering or other purposes); prospecting.⁶
明察 mẽin-chāt
míngchá to perceive; to note clearly; to be sharp and perspicacious.⁵⁴
明察暗访[明察暗訪] mẽin-chāt-ām-fōng
míngchá'ànfǎng observe publicly and investigate privately; conduct a thorough investigation.⁵
明察秋毫 mẽin-chāt-tiü-hõ
míngcháqiūháo have eyes sharp enough to perceive an animal's autumn hair – be perceptive of the minutest detail.⁵
chat1 1368
75 18 chāt chá sassafras.⁵ Chinese sassafras; Sassafras tzumu.¹⁰
檫木 chāt-mûk
chámù common sassafras.⁸ <bot.> Sassafras tzumu.
檫树[檫樹] chāt-sì
cháshù sassafras.⁵⁴
chat1 1369
149 13 chāt chá (=察 chāt chá examine; look into; scrutinize.⁵); to examine into judicially to find out.⁸ʼ³⁶
(composition: ⿱言; U+8A67).
<又> tēik.
(See 詧 tēik).
chat1 1370
18 8 chät shuà 刷白 chät-bàk shuàbái white; pale (face).
(See also 刷白 chät-bàk
刷选[刷選] chät-xūn
shuàxuǎn to choose; to pick; to select.
<又> chât.
(See 刷 [chät, shuā], chât.)
chat2 1371
18 8 chät shuā brush, to brush; to scrub; to paint; <ono.> swish, rustle.
刷白 chät-bàk shuābái to brush over something; pale; pallid; wan. (See also 刷白 chät-bàk shuàbái.)
刷子 chät-dū
shuāzi a brush.
刷拉拉 chät-lā-lā
shuālālā <ono.> swishing sound.
刷牙 chät-ngã
shuāyá to brush one's teeth.
刷色 chät-sēik
shuāsè to paint (walls).
刷漆 chät-tīt
shuāqī mopping; painting; lacquering; paint.⁵⁴
刷洗 chät-xāi
shuāxǐ to scrub and wash.
刷新 chät-xïn
shuāxīn to renovate, to refurbish; to break (a record).
毛刷 mão-chät
máoshuā hairbrush.
四色印刷法 xï-sēik-yïn-chät-fāt
sìsèyìnshuāfǎ four-color printing.
印刷 yïn-chät
yìnshuā to print; a print.
<又> chât.
(See 刷 [chät, shuà], chât.)
chat2 1372
30 11 chät shuā <ono.> denoting the rubbing noise of something passing  over; rustle.²²
小雨唰唰地下起来了[小雨唰唰地下起來了] xēl-yî-chät-chät-ì-hä-hī-lõi-lēl xiǎoyǔshuāshuādexiàqǐláile The swishing rain began.²²
chat2 1373
30 17 chät screech, scrape, swish, scratch.⁶
嚓嚓 chät-chät cācā <ono.> screech.¹⁰
(See 嚓 [chät, chā].)
chat2 1374
30 17 chät chā 喀嚓 hāk-chät kāchā (cracking or snapping sound) crack; snap.⁶
啪嚓 päk-chät
pāchā <ono.> crash; clash.⁹
(See 嚓 [chät, ].)
chat2 1375
64 17 chät ➀ rub; scrape; graze  ➁ brush past/by; shave; touch lightly ➂ wipe; scrub; polish; clean.⁶
擦肩而过[擦肩而過] chät-gän-ngĩ-gö cājiān'érguò to brush against a person.¹ to pass somebody at shoulder-rubbing distance; to be very close but not quite there.⁹
擦干净[擦乾凈] chät-gön-dèng
cā gānjìng to wipe clean.
擦鞋 chät-hãi
cāxié shoeshine.
擦亮 chät-lèng
cāliàng to polish.
擦拭 chät-sēik
cāshì to wipe away; to wipe clean.
擦澡 chät-täo
cāzǎo to rub oneself down with a wet towel; to take a sponge bath.⁵
擦洗 chät-xāi
cāxǐ to wipe and wash.
摩擦 mö-chät
mócā to rub; to chafe; to scour; friction; clash (between two parties).
摩擦力 mö-chät-lèik
mócālì <phy.> frictional force; friction.
摩拳擦掌 mö-kũn-chät-jēng
móquáncāzhǎng to rub one’s fists and wipe one’s palms – to be eager for a fight; to prepare for action.
<台> 擦 chät to scrub.
<又> chāk, tüt.
(See 擦 chāk, tüt.)
chat2 1376
64 17 chät (=擦 chät ).¹⁴ ➀ rub; scrape; graze  ➁ brush past/by; shave; touch lightly ➂ wipe; scrub; polish; clean.⁶ the noise of feet striking against the grass; also to feel, to rub.²⁴ (composition ⿰扌蔡; U+6503).
攃冰 chät-bëin
cābīng (=礤冰 chät-bëin cǎbīng Min Nan (POJ): chhoah-peng) (Taiwanese Hokkien) baobing (shaved ice dessert); Syn. 刨冰 pão-bëin bàobīng.³⁶
捽攃 dūt-chät
zuócā the noise of walking through grass.²⁴
<又> xät.
(See 攃 xät; 擦 chät).
chat2 1377
112 19 chät scrape into shreds; rough stone.⁶ (variant: 礸 chät ).
礤床 chät-chõng
cǎchuáng vegetable shredder; grater.¹⁰
礤床儿[礤床兒] chät-chõng-ngĩ
cǎchuángr vegetable shredder.⁶
(See 礸 chät).
chat2 1378
112 19 chät brick or stone steps.⁸
礓䃰儿[礓䃰兒] gëng-chät-ngĩ jiāngcār flight of steps; stairs.⁶
chat2 1379
112 24 chät (=礤 chät ) scrape into shreds; rough stone.⁶
(See 礤 chät).
chat2 1380
18 8 chât shuā brush.
牙刷 ngã-chât yáshuā toothbrush.
<又> chät.
(See 刷 [chät, shuā], [chät, shuà].)
chat5 1381
94 19 chât otter.⁵
獭祭[獺祭] chât-däi tǎjì <wr.> compose by taking bits from other works.¹ an otter spreads about the fish it has caught along the river – writer's empty parade of allusions and phrases passing for literary composition.⁵
藏旱獭[藏旱獺] dòng-hön-chât/
zànghàntǎ Himalayan marmot.⁶
海獭[海獺] hōi-chât/
hǎitǎ sea otter.⁵
旱獭[旱獺] hön-chât/
or hôn-chât/ hàntǎ marmot.⁵
美洲旱獭[美洲旱獺] Mî-jiü hön-chât/
or Mî-jiü hôn-chât/  Měizhōu hàntǎ groundhog (Marmota monax); in Chinese  aka 北美土拨鼠[北美土撥鼠] Bāk-mî hū-bòt-sī Běiměi tǔbōshǔ;  in English aka woodchuck, chuck, wood-shock, groundpig, whistlepig, whistler, thickwood badger, Canada marmot, monax, moonack, weenusk, red monk, siffleux.⁵ʼ²⁰
水獭[水獺] suī-chât/
shuǐtǎ (common) otter.⁵
水獭属[水獺屬] suī-chât-sùk
shuǐtǎshǔ the genus Lutra.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
chat5 1382
1 5 chēh qiè for the time being.
并且[並且] bèin-chēh bìngqiě and; besides; moreover.
且战且走[且戰且走] chēh-jën-chēh-dēo
qiězhànqiězǒu to fight while falling back.
且慢 chēh-màn
qiěmàn Wait a moment!; Hold it!
况且[況且] fōng-chēh
kuàngqiě moreover; besides.
而且 ngĩ-chēh
érqiě (not only ...) but also.
<又> juï.
(See 且 juï.)
cheh1 1383
44 4 chēh chě one of the characters used to represent a musical note in gongche notation, 工尺谱[工尺譜] güng-chēh-pū gōngchěpǔ.¹⁰
工尺 güng-chēh
gōngchě gongche traditional Chinese musical notation.
工尺谱[工尺譜] güng-chēh-pū
gōngchěpǔ gongchepu traditional Chinese musical notation.
合四一上尺工凡六五乙 hàp-xï-yīt sëng-chēh-güng-fãn-lùk-m̄-yōt
hésìyī shàngchěgōngfánliùwǔyǐ characters in gongche notation used to represent notes corresponding to sol, la, (between ti♭ and ti), do, re, mi, (between fa and fa♯), sol, la, and (between ti♭ and ti) or to 简谱[簡譜] gān-pū jiǎnpǔ jianpu numbered notation 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.
<又> chēik, chëk, chêk.
(See 尺 chēik, chëk, chêk.)
cheh1 1384
64 7 chēh chě to pull; to tear; to chat; to gossip; to buy (cloth).
扯淡 chēh-àm chědàn <topo.> talk nonsense.
扯到 chēh-äo
chědào to chat/gossip about.
扯点儿布[扯點兒布] chēh-ēm-ngĩ-bü
chědiǎnérbù to buy some cloth.
扯住 chēh-jì
chězhù to grasp firmly.
扯平 chēh-pẽin
chěpíng to make even; to balance; (fig.) to be even; to call it quits.
扯皮 chēh-pĩ
chěpí to dispute over trifles; to wrangle.
扯破 chēh-pö
chěpò to tear apart.
牵扯[牽扯] hëin-chēh
qiānchě to drag in (others, details) into topic of conversation; to involve (person) in allegations at count.¹¹
拉扯 läi-chēh
lāche <topo.>to drag, to pull; to take great pains to bring up (a child); to implicate, to drag in; to chat.
唠扯[嘮扯] lão-chēh
làochě <topo.> to chat, to chit-chat, to have a chat.⁶
东拉西扯[東拉西扯] üng-läi-xäi-chēh
dōnglā-xīchě to ramble (of speech).
胡扯 vũ-chēh
húchě to talk nonsense; to chat.
<台> 扯秧 chēh-yëng to pull out rice seedling.
cheh1 1385
64 14 chēh chě (=扯 chēh chě) to pull; to tear; to chat.
cheh1 1386
104 12 chēh chè (corrupted form) to leak out, to ejaculate; to scatter, to disperse, to vent.⁸ to purge; a dysentery.²⁴
(composition: ⿸疒車; U+3F9D).
cheh1 1387
156 12 chēh qiè slanting; inclined.⁵ (variant: 跙 chēh qiè).
趄坡 chēh-bö
qièpō slope.⁵
趄着身子[趄著身子] chēh-jèk-sïn-dū
qièzhe shēnzi (of a person) leaning sideways.⁵
趔趄 lèik-chēh
lièqie falling behind, not progressing; awkward, unskillful; to stagger, to reel, to stumble.⁷
<又> duī, duï.
(See 趄 duī; 趄 duï; 跙 chēh.)
cheh1 1388
157 12 chēh qiè (=趄 chēh qiè) slanting; inclined.⁵
<又> duī, duï.
(See 趄 chēh; 跙 duī; 跙 duï.)
cheh1 1389
159 7 chēh chē (comp. t: ⿻亘丨; U+8ECA). (comp. s: ⿻⿻一𠃋十; U+8F66).
车大奅[車大奅] chēh-ài-päo
chēdàpào to brag.
<台> 车大炮[車大炮] chēh-ài-päo to brag, to boast, to tell a lie; nonsense talk.
<又> chëh; guï.
(See 車 chëh; 車 guï).
cheh1 1390
30 10 chëh chē 唓嗻 chëh-jëh chēzhē <wr.> severe; fierce; formidable (often used in the early vernacular).⁶
嗻唓 jëh-chëh
zhēchē terrible; cruel.⁸
cheh2 1391
37 11 chëh shē extravagant.⁹
(Note: 賖 sëh shē may be used for this character).
奢大奅 chëh-ài-päo
shēdàpào (=<台> 车大炮[車大炮] chēh-ài-päo) to brag.⁸
奢侈 chëh-chï
shēchǐ luxurious; extravagant; wasteful.⁵
奢侈品 chëh-chï-bīn
shēchǐpǐn articles of luxury.¹⁴
奢侈税[奢侈稅] chëh-chï-suï
shēchǐpǐnshuì luxury tax.¹⁴
奢求 chëh-kiũ
shēqiú unreasonable demand.⁸
奢丽[奢麗] chëh-lài
shēlì luxurious.⁸
奢望 chëh-mòng
shēwàng extravagant hopes.⁸
奢华[奢華] chëh-vã
shēhuá opulent.⁸ showy.¹⁴
奢想 chëh-xēng
shēxiǎng the illusory dream.⁹ to think wishfully.¹¹
夸奢自大[ kä-chëh-dù-ài
kuāshēzìdà to boast oneself.¹⁴
(See 賖 sëh).
cheh2 1392
112 12 chëh chē giant clam, Tridacna gigas.⁸
<又> guï.
(See 硨 guï.)
cheh2 1393
140 10 chëh chē (composition: ⿰艹車; U+8397).
莗草 chëh-tāo chēcǎo same as 车前草[車前草] chëh-tẽin-tāo chēqiáncǎo) the plantain,¹¹ Asia Plantain, Plantago asiatica Linn.²³
cheh2 1394
159 7 chëh chē Kangxi radical 159; vehicle; wheeled machine; carry in a cart; lathe, turn; lift water by a water wheel; Che surname.⁷
(comp. t: ⿻亘丨; U+8ECA). (comp. s: ⿻⿻一𠃋十; U+8F66).
车床[車床] chëh-chõng
chēchuáng a lathe.⁷
车子[車子] chëh-dū
chēzi a vehicle.⁷
车库[車庫] chëh-fü
chēkù garage.¹⁰
车间[車間] chëh-gän
chējiān workshop.¹⁰
车站[車站] chëh-jàm
chēzhàn railway station; bus stop.⁹
车闸[車閘] chëh-jàp
chēzhá brake (of car, bicycle).¹⁹
车辆[車輛] chëh-lẽng
chēliàng vehicles.¹⁰
车轮[車輪] chëh-lũn
chēlún wheel (of a vehicle).
车马喧阗[車馬喧闐] chëh-mâ-xün-hẽin
chēmǎxuāntián hustle and bustle of a city.⁵⁴
车幔[車幔] chëh-màn
chēmàn the curtain of a carriage.¹¹
车水马龙[車水馬龍] chëh-suī-mâ-lũng
chēshuǐmǎlóng lit. carts flow like a stream and horses move like a dragon – traffic is heavy.⁷
车前[車前] chëh-tẽin
chēqián Chinese plantain, obako Plantago asiatica; aka 車輪菜子; 車前草; 五更草.²⁰
车帷[車帷] chëh-vĩ
chēwéi the curtain of a carriage.¹¹
<台> 车衣[車衣] chëh-yï/ seamstress, dressmaker.
<又> chēh; guï.
(See 車 chēh; 車 guï).
cheh2 1395
9 4 chēik <台> <loan> from English: check. (=支票 jï-pêl zhīpiào check.)
(composition: ⿸厂人; U+4EC4).
<又> jēik.
(See 仄 jēik.)
cheik1 1396
19 9 chēik chì (=敕 chēik chì) an imperial order or decree.⁸
(See 敕 chēik; 勑 chēik.)
cheik1 1397
19 10 𠡠
chēik chì (=敕 chēik chì) an imperial order or decree.⁸ reward.³⁶
t: ⿰來力; U+52D1). (comp. s: ⿰来力; U+20860).
(See 敕 chēik; 勅 chēik.)
cheik1 1398
27 8 𠩋
chēik chì (=斥 chēik chì upbraid, scold, denounce, reprimand; repel, exclude, oust; <wr.> open up, expand; <wr.> reconnoiter, scout.⁵).²
(composition: ⿸厂屰; U+20A4B).
(See 斥 chēik).
cheik1 1399
30 5 chēik chì to scold; to shout at; to hoot at.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰口𠤎; U+53F1).
叱叱 chēik-chēik chìchì to make shouting noise, like “Tut! tut!”.¹¹
叱呵 chēik-hö
chìhē to shout angrily; to yell.¹⁰
叱喝 chēik-höt
chìhè to shout at; to berate.¹⁰
叱咤[叱吒] chēik-jä
chìzhà to rebuke angrily.¹⁰
叱咤风云[叱咤風雲] chēik-jä-füng-vũn
chìzhàfēngyún lit. to rebuke Heaven and Earth (idiom); fig. shaking the whole world; all-powerful.¹⁰
叱咄 chēik-jōt
chìduō to reprimand; to berate.¹⁰
叱令 chēik-lèin
chìlìng shouted an order.¹¹
叱骂[叱罵] chēik-mà
chìmà to curse; to berate angrily.¹⁰
呼叱 fü-chēik
hūchì to shout at (people).¹¹
呵叱 hö-chēik
hēchì to shout (at servants).¹¹
cheik1 1400
30 10 chēik chī the sound of a burst of laughter; the sound of tearing (paper or cloth).⁹
哧哧地笑 chēik-chēik-ì-xël chīchīdexiào titter.⁵
哧溜 chēik-liũ
chīliū (sound of slithering or slipping).⁶ whish.⁸
吭哧 häng-chēik
kēngchi to puff and blow; to hem and haw.⁸
cheik1 1401
44 4 chēik chǐ 尺𥳑❄{⿱𥫗閒} chēik-gān chǐjiǎn letter, short note.¹¹
尺牍[尺牘] chēik-jùk
chǐdú model of epistolary art; correspondence (of an eminent writer); letters.⁶
<又> chēh, chëk, chêk.
(See 尺 chēh, chëk, chêk.)
cheik1 1402
45 3 chēik chè Kangxi radical 45; sprout.⁸ plants sprouting.¹⁰ new birth of plant; left hand.³⁶
(composition: ⿻凵丨; U+5C6E).
<又> tāo. (See 屮 tāo).
cheik1 1403
45 3 屮 chēik chè (=屮 chēik chè sprout.⁸ plants sprouting.¹⁰ new birth of plant; left hand.³⁶)
(composition: ⿻凵丿; U+2F878).
(See 屮 chēik).

cheik1 1404 2F878.jpg
53 广 9 chēik chì (=斥 chēik chì) upbraid, scold, denounce, reprimand; repel, exclude, oust; <wr.> open up, expand; <wr.> reconnoiter, scout.⁵
(See 斥 chēik).
cheik1 1405
60 3 chēik chì Kangxi radical 60; step with left foot.⁸ <wr.> the left step. Compare 亍 chūk chù the right step; combining 彳and 亍 to form 行 hãng xíng to walk. 彳 chēik chì is also known as  双企人边[雙企人邊] söng-kï-ngĩn-bein5/.
彳亍 chēik-chūk
chìchù <wr.> to walk slowly.
cheik1 1406
60 15 chēik
chè penetrating, discerning; remove; a tax in tithe; manage, cultivate (farms); destroy; deprive, take away.⁷
(old variants: 𢕹❄{⿲彳⿳亠厶田攵} chēik; 𢖉❄{⿲彳鬲攵} chēik).
彻底[徹底] chēik-āi
chèdǐ (said of a stream) to be able to see the bottom; to get to the bottom of, thorough, exhaustive.⁷
彻底澄清[徹底澄清] chēik-āi-chẽin-tëin
chèdǐchéngqīng to clarify a matter thoroughly; to make a thorough investigation of (a case).⁷
彻骨[徹骨] chēik-gūt
chègǔ penetrating the bone; to the bone.⁷
彻头彻尾[徹頭徹尾] chēik-hẽo-chēik-mī
chètóuchèwěi thoroughly; thorough; (to understand something) from beginning to end; through and through.⁷
彻悟[徹悟] chēik-m̀
chèwù to understand thoroughly.⁷
彻上彻下[徹上徹下] chēik-sèng-chēik-hà
chèshàngchèxià from top to bottom; thoroughly; up and down everywhere.⁷
彻夜[徹夜] chēik-yèh
chèyè all through the night; from dusk to dawn; all night.⁷
贯彻[貫徹] gön-chēik
guànchè to implement; to put into practice; to carry out.¹⁰
(See 𢕹❄{⿲彳⿳亠厶田攵} , 𢖉❄{⿲彳鬲攵} chēik). (cf with 澈 chēik.)
cheik1 1407
60 16 𢕹
chè (<old>=彻[徹] chēik chè penetrating, discerning; remove; a tax in tithe; manage, cultivate (farms); destroy; deprive, take away.⁷).²
(composition: ⿲彳⿳亠厶田攵; U+22579).
(See 徹 chēik).
cheik1 1408
60 17 𢖉
chè (<old>=彻[徹] chēik chè penetrating, discerning; remove; a tax in tithe; manage, cultivate (farms); destroy; deprive, take away.⁷).²
(composition: ⿲彳鬲攵; U+22589).
(See 徹 chēik).
cheik1 1409
64 11 𢮓
chēik chè (=掣 chēik chè to pull; to draw; to pull back; to withdraw; to flash past.¹⁰)
(composition: ⿰扌制; U+22B93).
<又> jäi.
(See 𢮓 jäi; 掣 chēik).
cheik1 1410
64 12 chēik chè to pull; to draw; to pull back; to withdraw; to flash past.¹⁰ (variant: 𢮓 chēik chè).
(composition: ⿱制手; U+63A3).
掣子 chēik-dū
chèzi pallet.⁸ ratchet pawl.⁹ detent.¹⁰
掣电[掣電] chēik-èin
chèdiàn in the twinkle of an eye; as fast as lightning.¹ to flash; a flash (literary).¹⁰
掣肘 chēik-jāo
chèzhǒu to impede; to handicap; to hold somebody by the elbow; to make things difficult for somebody.⁸
掣签[掣簽] chēik-tïm
chèqiān to draw lots.⁹
电掣[電掣] èin-chēik
diànchè with great speed; like lightning.¹
风驰电掣[風馳電掣] füng-chĩ-èin-chēik
fēngchídiànchè to pass or strike swiftly like the wind or lightning; lightning fast.¹¹
<又> jäi.
(See 掣 jäi; 𢮓 chēik)
cheik1 1411
64 14 chēik to rub the teeth.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌戚; U+6475).
<台>摵脚[摵腳] chēik-gêk/ hopscotch.
<又> mãi, sēik, sūk. (See 摵 mãi, 摵 sēik, 摵 sūk).
cheik1 1412
64 15 chēik
chè to remove; to withdraw.
(composition: ⿲扌育攵; U+64A4).
撤出 chēik-chūt chèchū to withdraw or pull out (of troops).
撤席 chēik-dèik
chèxí to clear off the dinner table.
撤职[撤職] chēik-jēik
chèzhí to dismiss somebody from his post.
撤职查办[撤職查辦] chēik-jēik-chã-bàn
chèzhíchábàn to dismiss somebody from his post and prosecute him.
撤离[撤離] chēik-lĩ
chèlí to withdraw from; evacuate.
撤退 chēik-huï
chètuì retreat.⁵⁵
撤回 chēik-või
chèhuí to recall; to revoke, to retract
撤换[撤換] chēik-vòn
chèhuàn to replace (with new articles, troops, positions).
or 撤销[撤銷] chēik-xël chèxiāo to cancel; to rescind; to revoke.
后撤[後撤] hèo-chēik
hòuchè to retreat.
cheik1 1413
64 15 chēik chè (<old>=掣 chēik chè to pull).⁸ to seize with the hand; to grasp; to advance; to breakdown.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱埶手; U+6470).
摰倒 chēik-āo
chìdǎo to pull down.¹⁴
摰献[摰獻 chēik-hün
chìxiàn to offer; to present.¹⁴
<又> ngēik.
(See 摰 ngēik).
cheik1 1414
66 11 chēik chì <wr.> admonish, warn; imperial decree/edict/order.⁶ (variants: 勅 chēik chì; chēik chì).
敕赠[敕贈] chēik-dàng
chìzèng the imperial appointment or bestowal of titles of nobility.⁷
敕葬 chēik-döng
chìzàng to bury with a funeral organized by an imperial order.⁷
敕牒 chēik-ěp
chìdié an imperial order.⁷
敕封 chēik-füng
chìfēng confer a title or territory (on somebody) by imperial decree.⁶
敕建 chēik-gèin
chìjiàn construct/build by imperial order.⁶
敕旨 chēik-jī
chìzhǐ imperial order or decree.⁵⁴
敕勒 chēik-làk
chìlè one of the ethnic tribes in the west.⁷
敕令 chēik-lèin
chìlìng (of an emperor) give/issue an order; imperial order/edict; decree from the throne.⁶
敕命 chēik-mèin
chìmìng  imperial order/edict; decree from the throne.⁶
敕书[敕書] chēik-sï
chìshū imperial edict/decree.⁶
敕身 chēik-sïn
chìshēn to discipline oneself; to be prudent in conduct.⁷
敕授 chēik-siù
chìshòu the imperial appointment or bestowal of titles of nobility.⁷
(See 勅 chēik; 勑 chēik.)
cheik1 1415
69 5 chēik chì upbraid, scold, denounce, reprimand; repel, exclude, oust; <wr.> open up, expand; <wr.> reconnoiter, scout.⁵ (variants: 㡿, 𠩋❄{⿸厂屰} chēik chì).
斥罢[斥罷] chēik-bà
chìbà to dismiss (from office).⁷
斥斥 chēik-chēik
chìchì extensive; vast.¹⁴
or 斥堠 chēik-hèo chìhòu to reconnoiter; to patrol; patrols.⁷
斥退 chēik-huï
chìtuì shout at somebody to go away; <old> dismiss somebody from his post; <old> expel from a school.⁵
斥地 chēik-ì
chìdì <wr.> expand territory.⁶
斥责[斥責] chēik-jāk
chìzé reprimand; rebuke; denounce.⁵
斥力 chēik-lèik
chìlì repulsion.⁵
斥骂[斥罵] chēik-mà
chìmà reproach, upbraid, scold.⁵
(See 㡿 chēik; 𠩋❄{⿸厂屰} chēik).
cheik1 1416
72 16 chēik chè light, bright; clear.⁸ bright, clear.²⁴
(composition: ⿲日育攵; U+3B1A).
cheik1 1417
76 22 chēik chè to take; to select; to get angry, to lose the temper.⁸
(composition: ⿰聶欠; U+3C4C).
㱌㱌 chēik-chēik chèchè the breath agitated.²⁴
<又> yẽh.
(See 㱌 yẽh).
cheik1 1418
85 7 chēik qiè (of waves) pounding; lashing.⁴ the noise of water; water flowing rapidly; to rub.²⁴
激势相沏[激勢相沏] gēik-säi-xëng-chēik jīshìxiāngqiè powerful forces pounding against each other.⁰
cheik1 1419
85 15 chēik chè thoroughly, completely; clear water; to understand.⁷
大澈大悟 ài-chēik-ài-m̀ dàchèdàwù (usually said of oneself) a profound and complete realization or understanding; (theology) the great revelation.⁷
澄澈 chẽin-chēik
chéngchè crystal clear.⁷
澈底 chēik-āi
chèdǐ thoroughly; completely; thoroughgoing.⁷
澈查 chēik-chã
chèchá to investigate thoroughly.⁷
澈头澈尾[澈頭徹尾] chēik-hẽo-chēik-mī
chètóuchèwěi out and out; thoroughly.⁷
澈悟 chēik-m̀
chèwù to realize or understand completely.⁷
明澈 mẽin-chēik míngchè bright and limpid; transparent.⁷
明澈如镜[明澈如鏡] mẽin-chēik-nguĩ-gëng
míngchèrújìng to be like a mirror.⁷
清澈 tëin-chēik
qīngchè crystal-clear; limpid (water).⁷
(Compare with 徹 chēik.)
cheik1 1420
109 9 𥄎
chēik xuè (Cant.) cik1 to pull, lift up.⁸ to raise the eyes and order anyone about.²⁴
(composition: ⿱目攴; U+2510E).
<又> màt.
(See 𥄎❄{⿱目攴} màt).
cheik1 1421
112 12 chēik chè to pick up, or gather stones; to throw stones.²⁵ to pick; to smash up.³⁶ to drive off an ill-omened bird, which is building its nest nearby.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱折石; U+7869).
硩鸟巢[硩鳥巢] chēik-nêl-chão chèniǎocháo to destory the nest of a nearby ill-omened bird with a pole, or by stoning.¹⁰²
cheik1 1422
112 14 chēik zhǎ (=砟 jä zhǎ) tiny fragments of stone, coal.⁶ (used in place names).⁸ a geographic name in Gansu (甘肃[甘肅] Gäm-xūk Gānsù) Province.⁹
❄{⿰石尒} chēik-nā zhǎnǎ stones falling down.²⁵
(See 砟 jä).
cheik1 1423
155 7 chēik chì Kangxi radical 155; red; communist, 'red'; bare.⁸ red; loyal, sincere, single-hearted; bare.⁵
赤胆忠心[赤膽忠心] chēik-ām-jüng-xïm chìdǎnzhōngxīn utter devotion; wholeheartedness; loyalty.⁵
赤道 chēik-ào
chìdào the equator; the celestial equator.⁵
赤壁之战[赤壁之戰] Chēik-bēik-jï-jën
Chìbì zhī Zhàn Battle of Red Cliff (208 A.D.), in which 刘备[劉備] Liũ Bì Liú Bèi Liu Bei and 孙权[孫權] Xün Kũn Sūn Quán Sun Quan joined in crushing 曹操 Tão Täo Cáo Cāo Cao Cao.⁰
赤脚[赤腳] chēik-gëk
chìjiǎo barefooted.¹¹
赤裸 chēik-gō
chìluǒ bare, naked; undisguised.⁹
赤裸裸 chēik-gō-gō
chìluǒluǒ stark naked; undisguised.⁹
赤崁 Chēik-häm
Chìkàn, a place in Tainan, Taiwan.⁸
赤红[赤紅] chēik-hũng
chìhóng crimson.⁵
赤色 chēik-sēik
chìsè Red; Communist; Bolshevist.⁷
赤手空拳 chēik-siū-hüng-kũn
chìshǒukōngquán bare-handed; unarmed.⁵
赤小豆 chēik-xēl-èo
chìxiǎodòu (=小豆 xēl-èo xiǎodòu) red beans.⁶
赤素馨花 chēik-xü-hëin-fä
chìsùxīnhuā frangipani.¹⁹
赤县神州[赤縣神州] Chēik-yòn-sĩn-jiü
Chìxiàn-Shénzhōu Red Territory and Divine Land – China.⁶
<台> 赤崩 chēik-bäng (an expletive).
<又> chä, chëk, tëk.
(See 赤 chä, 赤 chëk, 赤 tëk).
cheik1 1424
162 14 chēik chì speed.⁸ alert; nimble; quick.¹⁰ to open, to spread.¹³
to spread, to open out.²⁵ to step quickly into one's place on seeing a superior; attentive, alert; to hurry.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿺辶敕; U+906B).
纛遫 ào-chēik dàochì the hair is dense and fluffy.¹⁹
疾遫 dìp-chēik
jíchì nimble.¹⁰²
仆遫 fü-chēik
pūchì miscellaneous dwarf trees.¹⁹
轻利僄遫[輕利僄遫] Hëin-lì-pël-chēik
Qīng lì piāo chì ⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《荀子·議兵·23》), light and active in all his movements.¹⁰²
甯遫 nẽin-chēik
níngchì aka 甯戚 or 宁戚[寧戚] nẽin-tēik níngqī, a native of Wei State (衛國) in the Spring and Autumn Period (春秋時期) of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (東周), was a minister of agriculture (大司田) in the State of Qi (齊國). He was one of the main assistants of Duke Huan of Qi (齊桓公) (r. 685 BCE - 643 BCE).¹⁹ʼ²³
齐遫[齊遫] tãi-chēik
qíchì extremely fast.¹⁹
cheik1 1425
184 12 chēik chì <wr.> put in order, readjust; orderly, well-behaved; order.⁵
饬办[飭辦] chēik-bàn or sēik-bàn chìbàn to instruct a subordinate to do something.⁷
饬查[飭查] chēik-chã
or sēik-chã chìchá to order an investigation.⁷
饬交[飭交] chēik-gäo
or sēik-gäo chìjiāo to order someone to dispatch forward; to deliver.⁷
饬知[飭知] chēik-jï
or sēik-jï chìzhī to inform or notify a subordinate or a lower agency.⁷
饬令[飭令] chēik-lèin
or sēik-lèin chìlìng order; give/issue an order.⁶
饬拿[飭拿] chēik-nã
or sēik-nã chìná to give orders for the arrest of.⁷
饬派[飭派] chēik-pāi
or sēik-pāi or chēik-päi or sēik-päi chìpài dispatch under orders.⁶
饬属[飭屬] chēik-sùk
or sēik-sùk chìshǔ to order subordinates to do something.⁷
谨饬[謹飭] gīn-chēik
or gīn-sēik jǐnchì sober and well-behaved.⁵
<又> sēik.
(See 飭 sēik.)
cheik1 1426
28 11 chëim cēn uneven; irregular.¹⁴
参差[參差] chëim-chï cēncī uneven, not uniform, irregular, jagged; <wr.> about, almost; <wr.> go wrong.⁶
参差不齐[參差不齊] chëim-chï-būt-tãi
cēncībùqí uneven; not uniform.⁵
参错[參錯] chëim-tö
cēncuò <wr.> interlock irregularly; errors and omissions.⁶
<又> tām, täm.
(See 參 tām; [täm, cān]; [täm, shēn]; 叅 täm.)
cheim2 1427
46 14 chëim cēn uneven; rolling; rough; rugged, name of a mountain (Wudangshan 武当山).⁸
(comp. t: ⿱山參; U+5D7E). (comp. s: ⿱山参; U+37E5).
㟥岭[嵾嶺] chëim-lêin
cēnlǐng same as 武当山[武當山] mû-öng-sän wǔdāngshān Wudang Mountains.⁸
or 㟥嵳[嵾嵳] chëim-tö cēncuó uneven length or height.⁸ rugged; uneven.²⁴ irregular; uneven.³⁶
石㟥㟥以翳日[石嵾嵾以翳日] sêk-chëim-chëim-yî-äi-ngìt
shícēncēnyǐyìrì jagged rocks block the sun.⁸
cheim2 1428
64 14 chëim shàn to cut herbs or grass.²⁴ to cut up plants; to raze.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰扌斬; U+6472).
摲葛 chëim-gût shàngé to cut and gather dolichos stalks.¹⁰²
有摲而播之 yiû-chëim-ngĩ-bö-jï
yǒushàn'érbōzhī he mowed the grass and scattered it about.¹⁰²
<又> tëm; tãm.
(See 摲 tëm; 摲 tãm).
cheim2 1429
64 15 chëim shǎn gradually; little by little; by degrees.⁸
(composition: ⿱斬手; U+3A3B).
<又> tëm; tãm. (See 㨻 tëm; 㨻 tãm).
cheim2 1430
75 7 chëim shā the various species of fir and pine; a China fir.⁷ <re. pr.> chëim shān; <sp. pr.> chëim shā.
杉篙 chëim-gâo shāgāo fir pole.⁶
杉杆子 chëim-gön-dū
shāgānzi straight and slender fir timber (for building scaffolds and makeshift shelters).⁶
杉木 chëim-mùk
shāmù fir wood.⁶ pine boards.¹⁴
(See 杉 [chëim, shān].)
cheim2 1431
75 7 chëim shān a name given to various species of fir and pine. Also read shā.¹⁴ <re. pr.> chëim shān; <sp. pr.> chëim shā.
杉树[杉樹] chëim-sì shānshù China fir.⁶ Cunninghamia sinensis; also the Cryptomeria.¹⁴
红杉[紅杉] hũng-chëim
hóngshān Chinese larch.⁵
冷杉 lâng-chëim
lěngshān fir.⁶
烧杉[燒杉] sël-chëim
shāoshān yakisugi (a traditional Japanese method of wood preservation by charring and brushing, making it waterproof and insect proof).⁰
烧杉板[燒杉板] sël-chëim-bān
shāoshānbǎn burnt timber cladding or shou-sugi-ban, mis-reading from Japanese yakisugi-ita.⁰
云杉[雲杉] vũn-chëim
yúnshān (dragon) spruce.⁶
(See 杉 [chëim, shā].)
cheim2 1432
167 11 chëim shàn big sickle with a long handle, scythe; cut with a sickle or scythe.⁶ (variant: 䦅[鐥] sên shàn).
钐刀[釤刀] chëim-äo
or 䦅刀[鐥刀] sên-äo shàndāo big sickle with a long handle, scythe.⁶
钐镰[釤鐮] chëim-lẽm
or 䦅镰[鐥鐮] sên-lẽm shànlián big sickle with a long handle, scythe.⁶
钐麦子[釤麥子] chëim-màk-dū
or 䦅麦子[鐥麥子] sên-màk-dū shànmàizi cut wheat with a big sickle.⁶
钐草[釤草] chëim-tāo
or 䦅草[鐥草] sên-tāo shàncǎo cut grass with a scythe.⁶
(See 釤 [chëim, shān]; 鐥 sên).
cheim2 1433
167 11 chëim shān samarium (Sm); Shan surname.⁸
(See 釤 [chëim, shàn].)
cheim2 1434
167 20 𫔌
chëim <old> for samarium; now 钐[釤] chëim shān is used for samarium (Sm).¹⁰¹
(comp. t: ⿰釒散; U+93FE). (comp. s: ⿰钅散; U+2B50C)
<又> xān; xëin.
(See 鏾 xān; 鏾 xëin; 釤[chëim, shān]).
cheim2 1435
64 9 chēin zhěng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 拯 jēin zhěng with same meaning.)
<又> jēin.
(See 拯 jēin.)
chein1 1436
145 12 chēin chěng <wr.> jacket of traditional Chinese style with butons down the front.⁶
<又> chẽin. (See 裎 chẽin.)
chein1 1437
187 17 chēin
chěng <wr.> gallop; give free rein to.⁵ (of a horse) gallop; hasten, hurry; give free rein to, free from constraints.³⁶ (variant: 𩧢❄{⿲馬馬馬} chēin or pëin chěng).
骋[騁] <文读> chēin
chěng; <白读> pëin chěng.
(composition: ⿰馬甹; U+9A01).
骋目[騁目] chēin-mùk
chěngmù <wr.> look into the distance.⁵
骋目远眺[騁目遠眺] chēin-mùk-yōn-hël
chěngmùyuǎntiào scan distant horizons.⁵
骋怀[騁懷] chēin-vãi
chěnghuái <wr.> give free rein to one's thoughts and feelings.⁵
骋词[騁詞] chēin-xũ
chěngcí to scatter phrases about as one wishes.¹¹
驰骋[馳騁] chĩ-chēin
chíchěng gallop about; dash about.⁵
<又> pëin.
(See 騁 pëin; 𩧢❄{⿲馬馬馬} chēin; 𩧢❄{⿲馬馬馬} pëin).
chein1 1438
187 30 𩧢
chēin chěng (<old>=騁 chēin or pëin chěng) <wr.> gallop; give free rein to.⁵ (of a horse) gallop; hasten, hurry; give free rein to, free from constraints.³⁶
❄{⿲馬馬馬} <文读> chēin chěng; <白读> pëin chěng.
(composition: ⿲馬馬馬; U+299E2).
Distinguish from 骉[驫] bël
biāo <lit.> gallop of horses.
<又> pëin.
(See 𩧢❄{⿲馬馬馬} pëin; 騁 chēin; 騁 pëin).
chein1 1439
9 11 chëin chēng (=称[稱] chëin chēng to praise; to style, to declare, to call; to weigh, to estimate; to feign; to raise, to take up, to proceed to, to go the length of.¹⁴)  ➀ alternative form of 称[稱] (chëin chēng, “to raise”).  ➁ alternative form of 称[稱] (chëin chēng,  “to state; to praise”).³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻爯; U+5041).
(See 稱 chëin)
chein2 1440
115 14 chëin chèn fit; match; suit.⁵ to fit; balanced; suitable.¹⁰
称体裁衣[稱體裁衣] chëin-hāi-tõi-yï chèntǐ-cáiyī cut the garment according to the figure.⁸
称职[稱職] chëin-jēik
chènzhí be competent; fill the post with credit.⁸
称愿[稱願] chëin-ngùn
chènyuàn go as one desires; have as one wishes.⁸
称身[稱身] chëin-sïn
chènshēn (the dress) fits well.⁸
称钱[稱錢] chëin-tẽin
or 趁钱[趁錢] chïn-tẽin chènqián <topo.> have pots of money; have a great deal of money; be rich/wealthy.⁶
称心[稱心] chëin-xïm
or 趁心 chïn-xïm chènxīn satisfactory; be in contentment; be gratified.⁸
称心如意[稱心如意] chëin-xïm-nguĩ-yï
chènxīn rúyì be highly satisfactory and pleasing; be happy and content.⁸
称意[稱意] chëin-yï
chènyì to be satisfactory.¹⁰
对称[對稱] uï-chëin
duìchèn symmetry; symmetrical.⁸
<又> chêin.
(See 稱 [chëin, chēng], chêin.)
chein2 1441
115 14 chëin chēng to praise; to style, to declare, to call; to weigh, to estimate; to feign; to raise, to take up, to proceed to, to go the length of.¹⁴ (variants: 穪,  偁 chëin chēng).
称道[稱道] chëin-ào
chēngdào to declare; to praise.¹¹
称霸[稱霸] chëin-bä
chēngbà be acknowledged the master or overlord among states.¹¹
称便[稱便] chëin-bèin
chēngbiàn is considered good and convenient.¹¹
称病[稱病] chëin-bèng
chēngbìng plead illness.⁶
称赞[稱贊] chëin-dän
chēngzàn praise; acclaim.⁵
称作[稱作] chëin-dōk
or 称做[稱做] chëin-dü chēngzuò to call; give something a name.⁹
称娖[稱娖] chëin-dùk
chēngchuò a watchful attention.²⁴
称呼[稱呼] chëin-fü
chēnghu to call; to address as.¹⁰
称号[稱號] chëin-hào
chēnghào term of address; title.¹⁰
称许[稱許] chëin-huī
chēngxǔ to praise, to approve, especially by superior.¹¹
称觞[稱觴] chëin-sëng
chēngshāng to propose a toast.¹¹
称述[稱述] chëin-sùt
chēngshù to recount with admiration something past.¹¹
称谓[稱謂] chëin-vì
chēngwèi way of addressing person.¹¹
称扬[稱揚] chëin-yẽng
chēngyáng to praise; compliment.¹⁰
<又> chêin.
(See 稱 [chëin, chèn], chêin; 穪 chëin; 偁 chëin).
chein2 1442
115 19 chëin chēng commonly used for 稱 chëin chēng.² (=称[稱] chëin chēng to praise.¹⁴) (composition: ⿰禾爾; U+7A6A).
(See 稱 chëin)
chein2 1443
9 9 chẽin chěng corvée; runner; office boy.⁸ to serve; a road, a way.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻呈; U+4FB1).
chein3 1444
30 7 chẽin chéng to present to a superior; memorial; petition; to present (a certain appearance); to assume (a shape); to be (a certain color).¹⁰
呈递[呈遞] chẽin-ài chéngdì to present; to submit.¹⁰
呈报[呈報] chẽin-bäo
chéngbào to (submit a) report.¹⁰
呈献[呈獻] chẽin-hün
chéngxiàn to present respectfully.¹⁰
呈给[呈給] chẽin-kīp
chénggěi to give; to hand.¹⁰
呈文 chẽin-mũn
chéngwén petition (submitted to a superior).¹⁰
呈请[呈請] chẽin-tēin
chéngqǐng to request officially.¹¹
呈现[呈現] chẽin-yèn
chéngxiàn to appear; to emerge; to present (a certain appearance); to demonstrate.¹⁰
呈阅[呈閱] chẽin-yòt
chéngyuè to present for perusal.¹¹
赍呈[齎呈] dāi-chẽin
jīchéng to present something to a superior.¹¹
chein3 1445
32 10 chẽin chéng A wine jar.⁹  a large, pear-shaped earthenware jar.⁸  A mussel farm found in the coastal areas of Fujian and Guangdong Provinces.⁹
酒埕 diū-chẽin jiǔchéng a wine jar.
蛏埕[蟶埕] sëin-chẽin
chēngchéng fields on the seashore where razor clams are cultivated.⁷
chein3 1446
60 10 chẽin chěng indulge oneself; brag, show off.³⁶ to walk in a footpath; a path wet after the rain.²⁴
(composition: ⿰彳呈; U+5F8E).
chein3 1447
61 19 chẽin chéng punish; penalize.⁵
惩办[懲辦] chẽin-bàn chéngbàn punish.⁵
惩处[懲處] chẽin-chuī
chéngchǔ penalize; punish.⁵
惩罚[懲罰] chẽin-fàt
chéngfá punish, penalize.⁵
惩忿窒欲[懲忿窒欲] chẽin-fûn-jìt-yùk
chéngfènzhìyù to curb one's temper and desire.⁷
惩戒[懲戒] chẽin-gäi
chéngjiè punish somebody to teach him a lesson; discipline somebody as a warning; take disciplinary action against.⁵
惩戒处分[懲戒處分] chẽin-gäi-chuī-fùn
chéngjièchǔfèn disciplinary action (against government officials) ranging from reprimand to dismissal.⁷
惩治[懲治] chẽin-jì
chéngzhì punish; give punishment to.⁹
惩恶劝善[懲惡勸善] chẽin-ōk-hün-sèn
chéng'èquànshàn to punish wickedness and encourage virtue.⁷
惩前毖后[懲前毖後] chẽin-tẽin-bï-hèo
chéngqiánbìhòu learn from past errors to avoid future ones.⁶
惩役[懲役] chẽin-vèik
chéngyì hard labor as a form of punishment.⁷
惩一警百[懲一警百] chẽin-yīt-gēin-bäk
chéngyījǐngbǎi punish one to warn a hundred; make an example of somebody.⁵
chein3 1448
85 10 chẽin chěng a muddy road.¹³ to flow.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵呈; U+6D67).
<又> yēin. (See 浧 yēin.)
chein3 1449
85 15 chẽin chéng clear; limpid; to clarify; to purify; a surname.¹⁰ ➀  clear;  limpid ➁ to make (something) become clear; to make (solid impurities) precipitate; to settle ➂ to clarify; to purify​.³⁶ (ancient variant: 澂 chẽin chéng clear and still water).
澄澈 chẽin-chēik
chéngchè crystal clear.⁷
澄空 chẽin-hüng
chéngkōng a clear sky.⁷
澄湛 chẽin-jäm
chéngzhàn <wr.> clear; transparent; limpid.⁶
澄其思虑[澄其思慮] chẽin-kĩ-xü-luì
chéngqísīlǜ to purify one's thoughts.⁷
澄明 chẽin-mẽin
chéngmíng clear and bright.⁷
澄清 chẽin-tëin
chéngqīng clear (of liquid); limpid; to clarify; to make something clear; to be clear (about the facts).¹⁰ (cf. 澄清 chẽin-tëin dèngqīng.)
澄清天下 chẽin-tëin-hëin-hà
chéngqīngtiānxià to rid the world of all troubles and disturbances.⁷
澄清吏治 chẽin-tëin-lì-jì
chéngqīnglìzhì to cleanse out political corruption.⁷
澄清事实[澄清事實] chẽin-tëin-xù-sìt
chéngqīngshìshí to clarify some facts.⁷
澄心 chẽin-xïm
chéngxīn to calm one's mind.⁷
澄渊[澄淵] chẽin-yön
chéngyuān clear, deep water.⁷
<又> chẽng.
(See 澄 [chẽin, dēng], [chẽin, dèng], chẽng; 澂 chẽin.)
chein3 1450
85 15 chẽin chéng (<old>=澄 chẽin chéng) clear and still water.⁸ clear, limpid; to clarify, to purify.³⁶
(composition: ⿲氵⿳山一王攵; U+6F82).
渟澂 hẽin-chẽin
tíngchéng calm and clear water.⁸
chein3 1451
85 15 chẽin dèng (of liquid) to settle; to become clear.¹⁰
➀ (colloquial) to settle (a liquid); to make (the impurities in a liquid) precipitate; to precipitate out;
➁ (colloquial) to strain (a liquid); to pour liquid out and leave the solid content behind.³⁶
澄浆泥[澄漿泥] chẽin-dëng-nãi dèngjiāngní fine clay (especially for making pottery).⁵⁴
澄沙 chẽin-sä
dèngshā sweet bean paste.⁸
澄清 chẽin-tëin
dèngqīng to settle (of liquid); to become clear (by precipitation of impurities); precipitate (chemistry); to put in order; to quell disturbances.¹⁰ (cf. 澄清 chẽin-tëin chéngqīng.)
<又> chẽng.
(See 澄 [chẽin, chéng], [chẽin, dēng], chẽng.)
chein3 1452
85 15 chẽin dēng 黄澄澄 võng-chẽin-chẽin huángdēngdēng golden; glistening yellow.³⁹
<又> chẽng.
(See 澄 [chẽin, chéng], [chẽin, dèng], chẽng.)
chein3 1453
85 16 chẽin chán still water.¹⁴
澶渊[澶淵] Chẽin-yön Chányuān an old place name located in today's Henan (河南 Hõ-nãm Hénán) Province.⁸
澶渊之盟[澶淵之盟] Chẽin-yön jï Mãng
Chányuān zhī Méng Chanyuan Treaty, peace treaty signed between Song (宋) and Liao (辽[遼]) at Chanyuan (澶渊 Chẽin-yön Chányuān),  Henan (河南 Hõ-nãm Hénán) Province in 1005.⁵⁴
<又> àn.
(See 澶 àn.)
chein3 1454
96 11 chẽin chéng fine jade; jade ornament.¹⁰ a handsome gem, which is said to emit a radiance though buried six inches deep; a gem worn at the girdle.²⁴
(composition: ⿰𤣩呈; U+73F5).
chein3 1455
115 12 chẽin chéng rule; order; regulations; formula; journey; procedure; sequence; Cheng surname.¹⁰
程子 chẽin-dū chéngzi a short time.⁹
程序 chẽin-duì
chéngxù procedure, program.⁹
程限 chẽin-hàn
chéngxiàn formula and limit; limit of place, time; planned speed.⁸
程途 chẽin-hũ
chéngtú journey; road, way.⁵⁴
程控 chẽin-hüng
chéngkòng program control.⁸ automate.⁹
程仪[程儀] chẽin-ngĩ
chéngyí gift for journey, voyage.¹¹
程式 chẽin-sēik
chéngshì modality; form, pattern; program.⁸
程度 chẽin-ù
chéngdu level, degree; extent, degree.⁵
程度很浅[程度很淺] chẽin-ù-hān-tēin
chéngduhěnqiǎn very elementary (grade).¹¹
起程 hī-chẽin
qǐchéng to start on a journey.¹¹
日程表 ngìt-chẽin-bēl
rìchéngbiǎo schedule; calendar; day planner.⁹
日夜兼程 ngìt-yèh-gëm-chẽin
rìyè jiānchéng to travel day and night.¹⁰
chein3 1456
145 12 chẽin chéng <wr.> be naked/nude/uncovered/bare.⁶ to strip naked, or remove one's clothes; a string to fasten a jade ornament.⁹ to take off the clothes and expose the body; to carry in the girdle.¹⁴
裎衣 chẽin-yï chéngyī undergarments.¹⁴
裸裎 gō-chẽin
luǒchéng be naked; unclothed.⁶
袒裼裸裎 hān-tēik-gō-chẽin
tǎnxīluǒchéng be stark naked; not have a stitch on one's body – be vulgar/unrefined.⁶
<又> chēin.
(See 裎 chēin.)
chein3 1457
157 22 chẽin chán footprints of beasts, trace; (of celestial bodies) move in orbit.⁶ the orbit of a celestial body; to follow a precedent.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰𧾷廛; U+8E94).
躔迹[躔跡] chẽin-dēik chánjì to follow a precedent; to tread in the old paths.¹⁴
躔践[躔踐] chẽin-dèin
chánjiàn to follow a precedent; to tread in the old paths.¹⁴
躔舍 chẽin-sëh
chánshè the orbit of the planets.¹⁴
躔度 chẽin-ù
chándù the course of the stars; the zodiac.¹⁴
躔次 chẽin-xü
cháncì the orbit of the planets.¹⁴
廿八躔 ngìp-bāt-chẽin
niànbāchán the twenty-eight constellations; also written 二十八宿  Ngì-sìp-bät Xiü Èrshíbā Xiù.¹⁰
chein3 1458
162 10 chẽin chěng to show off; to flaunt; to carry out or succeed in a scheme; to indulge; to give free rein to.¹⁰
逞凶 chẽin-hüng chěngxiōng to act like a brute.¹⁰
逞志 chẽin-jï
chěngzhì to satisfy oneself; to indulge oneself.⁷
逞强[逞強] chẽin-kẽng
chěngqiáng flaunt one's superiority.⁵
逞其口舌 chẽin-kĩ-hēo-sêt
chěngqíkǒushé to boast of one's quarrels to others (idiom).¹⁰
逞能 chẽin-nãng
chěngnéng show off one's skill or ability; parade one's ability.⁵
逞恶[逞惡] chẽin-ōk
chěng'è to presume on powerful connections or one's strength in doing evil.⁷
逞才 chẽin-tõi
chěngcái to act in excessive confidence of one's own ability.⁷
逞威风[逞威風] chẽin-vï-füng
chěngwēifēng show off one's strength or power; swagger about; throw one's wight about or around.⁶
逞性 chẽin-xëin
chěngxìng act recklessly.¹¹
逞意 chẽin-yï
chěngyì to act as one pleases.⁷
逞勇 chẽin-yûng
chěngyǒng to display one's bravery.⁷
以求一逞 yî-kiũ-yīt-chẽin
yǐqiúyīchěng in the hope of realizing one's ambition; in a bid for success.⁵
chein3 1459
163 6 𨙼
chẽin chěng (=郢 chẽin yǐng capital of ancient kingdom of 楚 Chō Chǔ Chu in modern Hubei (湖北 Vũ-bāk Húběi) Province.
(composition: ⿰𡈼阝; U+2867C).
(See 郢 chẽin).
chein3 1460
163 9 chẽin yǐng capital of ancient kingdom of 楚 Chō Chǔ Chu in modern Hubei (湖北 Vũ-bāk Húběi) Province. (variant: 𨙼 chẽin
郢书燕说[郢書燕說] chẽin-sï-yên-sōt
yǐngshūyānshuō lit. Ying writes a letter and Yan reads it; fig. to misinterpret the original meaning; to pile up errors; refers to the letter from capital 郢 Chẽin Yǐng Ying of 楚 Chō Chǔ Chu in which the inadvertent words "hold up the candle" are mistaken by the minister of 燕 Yën Yān Yan as "promote the wise".¹⁰
<又> yēin.
(See 郢 yēin; 𨙼❄{⿰𡈼阝} chẽin.)
chein3 1461
164 14 chẽin chéng hangover.⁵ <wr.> drunk; fuddled; intoxicated; having a hangover (after heavy drinking).⁶
解酲 gāi-chẽin jiěchéng <wr.> neutralize the effect of alcoholic drinks.⁶
chein3 1462
167 15 chẽin zèng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation³ for 锃[鋥] chäng zèng with same meaning.)
<又> chäng, chãng; dàng.
(See 鋥 chäng, chãng; dàng).
chein3 1463
184 16 𩛿
chẽin xíng (=饧[餳] chẽin xíng <lit.> treacle made from malt, molasses; soften, get sticky, get soft; drowsy-eyed, sleepy.⁶).⁸ dressed food; cakes, confections.²⁵
(composition: ⿰飠易; U+296FF).
❄{⿰飠易}[飴𩛿❄{⿰飠易}] yĩ-chẽin yíxíng rice dumplings.²⁵
chein3 1464
184 17 chẽin xíng <lit.> treacle made from malt, molasses; soften, get sticky, get soft; drowsy-eyed, sleepy.⁶
这块面得饧一饧[這塊麵得餳一餳] jëh-fäi-mèin-āk-chẽin-yīt-chẽin zhèkuàimiànděixíngyīxíng the dough needs softening a bit.⁶
糖饧了[糖餳了] hõng-chẽin-lēl
tángxíngle the sweets have gotten soft and sticky.⁶
粥饧[粥餳] jūk-chẽin
zhōuxíng sweetened congee.¹¹
两眼发饧[兩眼發餳] lēng-ngān-fāt-chẽin
liǎngyǎnfāxíng be drowsy-eyed.⁶
<又> hõng.
(See 餳 hõng.)
chein3 1465
115 10 chêin chèng balance; scale; steelyard.⁶ (variant: 称[稱] chêin chèng.)
秤不离锤,锤不离秤[秤不離錘,錘不離秤] chêin-būt-lĩ-juì, juì-būt-lĩ-chêin
chèngbùlíchuí, chuíbùlíchèng the steelyard never goes without the weight – be inseparable from each other; be useless when one of the two is absent.⁶
秤钩[秤鉤] chêin-gêo
or chêin-ngêo chènggōu steelyard hook.⁶
秤杆[秤桿] chêin-gön
chènggǎn arm of a steelyard.⁶
秤毫 chêin-hõ
chèngháo lifting cord of a steelyard.⁶
秤锤[秤錘] chêin-juì
chèngchuí sliding weight of a steelyard; weight.⁶
秤纽[秤紐] chêin-niū
chèngniǔ the lifting cord of a steelyard.⁸
秤盘[秤盤] chêin-põn
chèngpán pan (of a steelyard).⁶
秤砣 chêin-pũ
or chêin-hõ chèngtuó (=秤锤[秤錘] chêin-juì chèngchuí) sliding weight of a steelyard; weight.⁶
秤铊[秤鉈] chêin-pũ
or chêin-hõ chèngtuó (=秤锤[秤錘] chêin-juì chèngchuí) sliding weight of a steelyard.⁵⁴
秤星 chêin-xëin
chèngxīng or 秤花 chêin-fä chènhuā gradations marked on the beam of a steelyard.⁶
(See 稱 chêin).
chein5 1466
115 14 chêin chèng (=秤 chêin chèng) balance; scale; steelyard.⁶
<又> chëin.
(See 稱 [chëin, chēng], [chëin, chèn]; 秤 chêin.)
chein5 1467
127 11 𦓬
chêin chēng the handle of a plow.²⁵
(composition: ⿰耒平; U+264EC).
chein5 1468
9 10 chēk zhuō tall and big, notable, striking; pretty and charming.⁸ <wr.> awe-inspring.¹¹ manifest; clear.¹⁴ Great; lofty; bright.²⁴
明倬 mẽin-chēk míngzhuō luminous.¹⁴
chek1 1469
24 8 chēk zhuó tall and erect; outstanding, lofty, profound, brilliant; <old> original form of 桌 jēk zhuō table; Zhuo surname​.³⁶
(variant: 𠦝{U+2099D} chēk zhuó). (See 𠦝{U+2099D} chēk).
博学卓识[博學卓識] bōk-hòk-chēk-sēik
bóxuézhuóshí to have extensive knowledge and experience.
卓绝[卓絕] chēk-dùt
zhuójué unsurpassed; extreme; of the highest degree.⁶
卓著 chēk-jï
zhuózhù outstanding; eminent; brilliant.
卓立 chēk-lìp
zhuólì to stand erect; to be independent.
or 卓跞[卓躒] chēk-lōk zhuóluò <wr.> unique; superb; extraordinary.⁶ unsurpassed, eminent.¹¹
卓荦不羁[卓犖不羈] chēk-lōk-būt-kï
zhuóluòbùjī extraordinary and unrestrained.¹⁹
卓荦不羣[卓犖不羣] chēk-lōk-būt-kũn
zhuóluòbùqún eminent; above the average.¹⁴
卓有成效 chēk-yiü-sẽin-hào
zhuóyǒuchéngxiào highly effective.
卓越 chēk-yòt
zhuóyuè outstanding; distinguished.
chek1 1470
24 8 𠦝 chēk zhuó a variant of 卓 chēk zhuó tall and erect; outstanding, lofty, profound, brilliant; <old> original form of 桌 jēk zhuō table; Zhuo surname​.³⁶
(composition: ⿱十早; U+2099D).
(See 卓 chēk, 龺{U+9FBA} chēk).
chek1 1471
24 8 chēk zhuó radical form of 𠦝{U+2099D} chēk zhuó, aka 朝字旁 chẽl-dù-põng cháozìpáng left component in 朝.
(composition: ⿱十早; U+9FBA).
(See 𠦝{U+2099D} chēk).
chek1 1472
86 12 chēk chāo scald (as a way of cooking).⁶
焯菠菜 chēk-bü-töi chāobōcài scald the spinach.⁹
焯芹菜 chēk-kĩn-töi
chāoqíncài scald the celery.⁶
(See 焯 [chēk, zhuō].)
chek1 1473
86 12 chēk zhuō <wr.> apparent; obvious; clear; evident.⁶ (=灼 sēk zhuó) to burn; bright and brilliant.⁷
焯见[焯見] chēk-gëin
zhuōjiàn or 灼见[灼見] sēk-gëin zhuójiàn profound view; penetrating view.⁵
焯烁[焯爍] chēk-sēk
zhuōshuò glittering.²⁴
(See 焯 [chēk, chāo].)
chek1 1474
112 13 𥓑
chēk chuò  stone, rock.⁸
(composition: ⿰石刹; U+254D1).⁸ (Note: original character has a composition of ⿰石殺).²⁵
磍𥓑❄{⿰石刹} ä-chēk yàchuò rugged, uneven ground.²ʼ²⁵
chek1 1475
120 14 chēk chāo grab, take up, seize; (=焯 chēk chāo) scald (cooking).⁶
绰起大棒[綽起大棒] chēk-hī-ài-pâng
chāoqǐdàbàng take up or grab a club.⁶
(See 綽 [chēk, chuò].)
chek1 1476
120 14 chēk chuò ample, abundant, spacious, roomy; <wr.> (of one's posture or carriage) graceful, delicate.⁶
绰绰有余[綽綽有餘] chēk-chēk-yiü-yĩ chuòchuòyǒuyú  enough and to spare; more than enough; ample.⁶
绰号[綽號] chēk-hào
chuòhào nickname; sobriquet.⁶
绰名[綽名] chēk-mẽin
chuòmíng nickname; sobriquet.⁶
绰楔[綽楔] chēk-xēik
chuòxiē <trad.> wooden posts set by a door to honor inhabitant's loyalty and filial piety; commemorative arch.⁵⁴
绰约[綽約] chēk-yēk
chuòyuē <wr.> (of a women) graceful.⁵
绰约多姿[綽約多姿] chēk-yēk-ü-dü
chuòyuēduōzī (of a girl) graceful and attractive; be charmingly delicate.⁶
绰裕[綽裕] chēk-yì
chuòyù plentiful; ample.⁷
绰有余裕[綽有餘裕] chēk-yiü-yĩ-yì
chuòyǒuyúyù enough and to spare.⁵
宽绰[寬綽] fön-chēk
kuānchuo spacious, commodious; relax, relieve; comfortably off, well-off.⁵
(See 綽 [chēk, chāo].)
chek1 1477
157 15 chēk chuō to go across; to go beyond.⁷
踔绝[踔絕] chēk-dùt chuōjué lofty.¹¹ unsurpassed, extreme; superb, excellent.¹⁹
踔厉[踔厲] chēk-lài
chuōlì energetic.⁸ high-spirited.⁹
踔厉风发[踔厲風發] chēk-lài-füng-fāt
chuōlìfēngfā to talk eloquently and knowledgeably.⁷ to be an incisive and interesting talker.¹¹
趻踔 chīm-chēk
chěnchuō <wr.> jump; leap.⁶
踸踔 chīm-chēk
chěnchuō jump.¹⁹
发扬踔厉[發揚踔厲] fāt-yẽng-chēk-lài
fāyángchuōlì to be full of vigor (idiom).¹⁰
腾踔[騰踔] hãng-chēk
téngchuō jump; leap; hop (for joy).⁸
趫踔 kẽl-chēk
qiáochuō active walker; nimble person.¹⁴
<又> ël.
(See 踔 ël.)
chek1 1478
162 11 chēk chuò  far, distant; transcend, surpass.⁶ argue, quarrel, squabble; far.⁸
逴荦[逴犖] chēk-lōk chuòluò superb.⁸ (See 卓跞[卓躒] or 卓荦[卓犖] chēk-lōk zhuóluò).
逴跞[逴跞] chēk-lōk
chuòluò superb.⁸ (See 卓跞[卓躒] or 卓荦[卓犖] chēk-lōk zhuóluò).
chek1 1479
196 19 chēk zhuó a silver pheasant.¹⁹
chek1 1480
30 7 chëk chǐ foot (unit of length equal to 0.3048 m); old form of modern 英尺 yëin-chëk  yīngchǐ.¹⁰
chek2 1481
44 4 chëk chǐ 1/3 of a meter. Chinese measure (since 1984) equal to 1.094 ft (13.12 in.) or 333.3 mm.¹⁵ equals 14.625 in. in Hong Kong.¹⁵ equals 11.93 in. in Taiwan.¹⁵
尺码[尺碼] chëk-mâ chǐmǎ size.⁸
公尺 güng-chëk
gōngchǐ meter.
十尺布 sìp-chëk-bü
shíchǐbù ten "feet" of cloth.
<又> chēh, chēik, chêk.
(See 尺 chēh, chēik, chêk.)
chek2 1482
155 7 chëk chì 开平赤坎[開平赤坎] Höi-pẽin Chëk-häm Kāipíng Chìkǎn Chikan, Kaiping, 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Guangdong Province.⁰
<台> 赤虾[赤蝦] chëk-hâ/ baby.
<又> chä, chēik, tëk.
(See 赤 chä, 赤 chēik, 赤 tëk).
chek2 1483
196 22 chëk zhè a partridge.⁷
(Note: demotic Hoisanva reading of 鹧[鷓] jëh is chëk).
(comp. t: ⿰庶鳥; U+9DD3). (comp. s: ⿰庶鸟; U+9E67).
<台> 鹧鸪[鷓鴣] chëk-gü/ a partridge.
<又> jëh.
(See 鷓 jëh).
chek2 1484
37 12 chèk chuò a kind of animal (like a rabbit, it is bluish-green-colored and larger); used in personal names.⁸
王君㚟 Võng Gün-chèk Wáng Jūnchuò a general during the Kaiyuan (开元[開元] Höi-ngũn Kāiyuán) era (713–741) of the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang (唐玄宗 Hõng Yõn-düng  Táng Xuánzōng).
chek4 1485
162 3 chèk  chùo  (composition: ⿺; U+8FB6).
Simplified component form of ⾡ chèk chùo walk, which is Kangxi radical #162, demoticly referred to as 船仔 sõn-dōi little boat in Hoisanva and as 走之旁 dēo-jï-põng zǒuzhīpáng or 走之底 dēo-jï-āi zǒuzhīdǐ or 走之儿 dēo-jï-ngĩ zǒuzhīr in Mandarin.
辶 (U+8FB6) is used throughout in this dictionary instead of the two look-alikes 辶 (U+FA66) or ⻌ (U+2ECC).
(See 辶 {U+FA66} chèk; 辶 {U+8FB6} chèk; ⻌ {U+2ECC} chèk; ⻍ {U+2ECD} chèk; ⻎ {U+2ECE} chèk; 辵 {U+8FB5} chèk).
chek4 1486
162 3 chèk  chùo  (composition: ⿺; U+2ECC).
Simplified component form of ⾡ chèk chùo walk, which is Kangxi radical #162, lovingly referred to as 船仔 sõn-dōi little boat in Hoisanva and as 走之旁 dēo-jï-põng zǒuzhīpáng in Mandarin.
Unicode created this character, ⻌ (U+2ECC) that looks exactly the same as another character, 辶 (U+8FB6) with a different codepoint. For this Hoisanva English Dictionary, 辶 (U+8FB6) is used as the simplified component throughout instead of the two look-alikes 辶 (U+FA66) and ⻌ (U+2ECC).
(See 辶 {U+FA66} chèk; 辶 {U+8FB6} chèk; ⻌ {U+2ECC} chèk; ⻍ {U+2ECD} chèk; ⻎ {U+2ECE} chèk; 辵 {U+8FB5} chèk).
chek4 1487
162 3 chèk  chùo  (composition: ⿺; U+FA66).
Simplified component form of ⾡ chèk chùo walk, which is Kangxi radical #162, lovingly referred to as 船仔 sõn-dōi little boat in Hoisanva and as 走之旁 dēo-jï-põng zǒuzhīpáng in Mandarin.
This character, 辶 (U+FA66), is equivalent to 辶 (U+8FB6)  even though they may look slightly different; but it is not equivalent to ⻌ (U+2ECC), even though 辶 (U+8FB6) looks exactly the same as ⻌ (U+2ECC).  辶 (U+8FB6) is used in this dictionary instead of the other two look-alikes.
(See 辶 {U+FA66} chèk; 辶 {U+8FB6} chèk; ⻌ {U+2ECC} chèk; ⻍ {U+2ECD} chèk; ⻎ {U+2ECE} chèk; 辵 {U+8FB5} chèk).
chek4 1488
162 4 chèk  chùo  (composition: ⿺; U+2ECD).
Simplified component form of ⾡ chèk chùo walk, which is Kangxi radical #162 with four strokes.
(See 辶 {U+FA66} chèk; 辶 {U+8FB6} chèk; ⻌ {U+2ECC} chèk; ⻍ {U+2ECD} chèk; ⻎ {U+2ECE} chèk; 辵 {U+8FB5} chèk).
chek4 1489
162 4 chèk  chùo  (composition: ⿺; U+2ECE).
Simplified component form of ⾡ chèk chùo walk, which is Kangxi radical #162 with four strokes.
(See 辶 {U+FA66} chèk; 辶 {U+8FB6} chèk; ⻌ {U+2ECC} chèk; ⻍ {U+2ECD} chèk; ⻎ {U+2ECE} chèk; 辵 {U+8FB5} chèk).
chek4 1490
162 7 chèk  chùo  (composition:  ⿱彡龰; U+8FB5).
Kangxi radical 162; walk; walking.⁸ Now commonly written as 辶 {U+8FB6} chèk chùo.
(See 辶 {U+FA66} chèk; 辶 {U+8FB6} chèk; ⻌ {U+2ECC} chèk; ⻍ {U+2ECD} chèk; ⻎ {U+2ECE} chèk; 辵 {U+8FB5} chèk).
chek4 1491
44 4 chêk chǐ ruler.
尺子 chêk-dū chǐzi rule; ruler
尺寸 chêk-tün
chǐcun measurement; dimensions; size.⁵
尺蠖 chêk-vòk
chǐhuò looper; inchworm; geometer; larva of moth in family Geometridae.  looper caterpillar; symbolic of yielding before advance.¹¹
<台> 一把尺 yīt-bā-chêk a ruler.
<又> chēh, chēik, chëk.
(See 尺 chēh, chēik, chëk.)
chek5 1492
57 8 chël chāo bow; (bowstring) slack.⁸ bow; longbow.⁹ unbent bow.¹⁰ the flying back of a bow, to spring back, a bow unbent.²⁴ <lit.> slack (of bow string); <lit.> bow.³⁶
(composition: ⿰弓召; U+5F28).
大弨 ài-chël dàchāo a large bow.²⁴
Hũng-güng-chël-hãi, siù-ngũn-tõng-jï.
Tóng gōng chāo xī, shòu yán cáng zhī.
The red bows unbent,
Were received and deposited.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·彤弓之什·彤弓》, translated by James Legge).
chel2 1493
61 8 chël chāo <wr.> sad and disappointed.⁶ sad; sorrowful or disappointed.⁵⁴
怊怊 chël-chël chāochāo 怅惘貌.⁸ listlessly and in low spirits.⁰
怊怅[怊悵] chël-chēng
chāochàng sadly and disappiontedly.⁸
chel2 1494
75 13 chël chǎo name of a red wood.²
(composition: ⿰木酋; U+6962).
<又> yiũ; yiû; tiü. (See 楢 yiũ; 楢 yiû; 楢 tiü).
chel2 1495
120 19 chël qiāo hem with invisible stitches.⁵
缲边儿[繰邊兒] chël-bëin-ngĩ qiāobiānr hem with invisible stitches.¹⁹
给手绢儿缲边[給手絹兒繰邊] kīp-siū-gün-ngĩ-chël-bëin
gěishǒujuànrqiāobiān hem a handkerchief.⁵
<又> xäo.
(See 繰 xäo.)
chel2 1496
156 12 chël chāo exceed, surpass, overtake; ultra-, super-, extra-; transcend, go beyond.⁵
超产[超產] chël-chān chāochǎn overfulfill a production target.⁵
超出 chël-chūt
chāochū overstep; go beyond; exceed.⁵
超凡 chël-fãn
chāofán transcend the worldly; out of the ordinary, extraordinary, uncommon.⁶
超过[超過] chël-gö
chāoguò outstrip, surpass, exceed.⁵
超脱[超脫] chël-höt
chāotuō unconventional, original; be detached, stand aloof.⁵
超擢 chël-jòk
chāozhuó <wr.> promote somebody more than one grade at a time; promote somebody ahead of time or his peers.⁶
超级[超級] chël-kīp
chāojí super.⁵
超级市场[超級市場] chël-kīp-sî-chẽng
chāojí shìchǎng supermarket.⁶
超群 chël-kũn
chāoqún head and shoulders above all others; preeminent.⁵
超额[超額] chël-ngäk
chāo'é above quota.⁵
超编[超編] chël-pëin
chāobiān be overstaffed.⁶
or 超轶[超軼] chël-yìt chāoyì free, disentangled.¹¹
超越 chël-yòt
chāoyuè transcend/surpass/exceed/outstrip (somebody in something); overstep; outdo; outshine.⁶
chel2 1497
199 15 chël chǎo fried rice or wheat flour.⁸ wheat roasted or boiled and beaten small, to be kept as dried provisions for a journey.²⁵
(composition: ⿰麥少; U+9EA8).
麨米 chël-māi chǎomǐ fried rice.⁵⁴
麨面[麨麵] chël-mèin
chǎomiàn food made from fried wheat flour and other flours.¹⁹
麨蜜 chël-mìt
chāomì broken wheat and honey.²⁵
干麨[乾麨] gön-chël
gānchǎo wheat flour.¹⁹
蟾酥麨 sẽm-xü-chël
chánsūchǎo after scraping the dried toad venom, use flour to form a block to promote healing.¹⁹
chel2 1498
9 11 chẽl chǒu to pay attention to.⁸  to stare at.¹⁰ʼ¹⁴ (=瞅 chẽl chǒu to look at; to see; to gaze.⁷).³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻秋; U+5062).
不偢不倸 būt-chẽl-būt-tōi
bùchǒubùcǎi refers to not paying attention to anything.¹⁹
偢问[偢問] chẽl-mùn
chǒuwèn to send regards.¹⁹
or 偢倸 or 偢睬 chẽl-tōi chǒucǎi same as 理睬 lî-tōi lǐcǎi to pay attention.⁹
黑不溜偢 hāk-būt-liū-chẽl
hēibùliūchǒu very black in appearance.¹¹
佯偢不睬 yẽng-chẽl-būt-tōi
yángchǒubùcǎi to pretend not to notice anyone.¹⁴
<又> tël.
(See 偢 tël).
chel3 1499
72 10 chẽl cháo (<old>=朝 chẽl cháo court, government; dynasty; an emperor's reign; have an audience with a king or emperor; facing, towards.⁵); Chao surname.¹⁰¹ (old variant: 鼂 chẽl cháo).¹¹
(composition: ⿰日兆; U+6641).
<又> jël.
(See 晁 jël; 朝 chẽl; 鼂 chẽl.)
chel3 1500
74 12 chẽl cháo court, government; dynasty; an emperor's reign; have an audience with a king or emperor; facing, towards.⁵
(comp. t: ⿰龺月; U+671D). (variants. 晁,𣎍❄{⿰𠦝⿱𠂉 月} chẽl).
朝顶[朝頂] chẽl-ēin
cháodǐng (of Buddhists) make a pilgrimage to a temple on a mountain top.⁶
朝觐[朝覲] chẽl-gìn
cháojìn <wr.> have an audience with a king or emperor); go on a pilgrimage (to a sacred place).⁵
朝纲[朝綱] chẽl-göng
cháogāng rules of an imperial court.⁶
朝贡[朝貢] chẽl-güng
cháogòng pay tribute (to an imperial court); present tribute.⁵
朝廷 chẽl-hẽin
cháotíng royal or imperial court; royal or imperial government.⁵
朝向 chẽl-hëng
cháoxiàng turn towards; orientation.⁵
朝政 chẽl-jëin
cháozhèng <wr.> state affairs; political power of an imperial government.⁶
朝代 chẽl-òi
cháodài dynasty.⁵
朝圣[朝聖] chẽl-sëin
cháoshèng <rel.> pilgrimage; hajj.⁵
朝鲜[朝鮮] Chẽl-xēin
Cháoxiǎn Korea.⁵
朝鲜蓟[朝鮮薊] Chẽl-xēin-gäi
Cháoxiǎnjì artichoke.¹⁰
朝野 chẽl-yêh
cháoyě the government and the people.⁷
朝衣朝冠 chẽl-yï-chẽl-gön
cháoyīcháoguān dressed up for audience with the emperor.⁷
<又> jël.
(See 朝 jël; 晁 chẽl; 𣎍❄{⿰𠦝⿱𠂉 月} chẽl).
chel3 1501
74 14 𣎍
chẽl cháo (=朝 chẽl cháo court, government; dynasty; an emperor's reign; have an audience with a king or emperor; facing, towards.⁵).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰𠦝⿱𠂉 月; U+2338D).
<又> jël.
(See 朝 jël).
chel3 1502
85 15 chẽl cháo tide; (social) upsurge, current, tide; damp, moist.⁵
测潮计[測潮計] chāk-chẽl-gäi cècháojì tide gauge.³⁹
潮汐 chẽl-dèik
cháoxī morning and evening tides.¹¹
潮州 Chẽl-jiü
Cháozhōu city in Guangdong Province.⁶
潮州粉粿 Chẽl-jiü fūn-gō
Cháozhōu fěnguǒ fun guo.⁹ Chaozhou flour dumplings.⁰
潮流 chẽl-liũ
cháoliú tide; current; trend.¹⁰
潮湿[潮濕] chẽl-sīp
cháoshī moist; damp.⁵
潮水 chẽl-suī
cháoshuǐ tidewater; tidal water.⁵
潮水的涨落[潮水的漲落] chẽl-suī-ēik-jëng-lòk
cháoshuǐdezhǎngluò ebb and flow of the tide.⁵
潮位 chẽl-vì
cháowèi level of the tidal current at its flow or ebb; tidemark.⁶
高潮 gäo-chẽl
gāocháo high tide; upsurge, climax.⁵⁶
江潮 göng-chẽl
jiāngcháo tidal bore;  tide at a river mouth.⁶
涨潮[漲潮] jëng-chẽl
zhǎngcháo rising tide; flood tide.⁵
浪潮 lòng-chẽl
làngcháo tide; wave.⁵
怒潮 nù-chẽl
nùcháo angry tide.⁸
心潮澎湃 xïm-chẽl-pãng-bäi
xīncháopéngpài fell an upsurge of emotion.⁵
心血来潮[心血來潮] xïm-hūt-lõi-chẽl
xīnxuèláicháo a sudden inspiration.¹¹
chel3 1503
109 14 chẽl chǒu to look at; to see; to gaze.⁷
瞅不得 chẽl-būt-āk chǒubudé should not be seen; not worth seeing.⁷
瞅不见[瞅不見] chẽl-būt-gëin
chǒubujiàn unable to see; to look but unable to see.⁷
瞅见[瞅見] chẽl-gëin
chǒujiàn to see.⁷
瞅空 chẽl-hüng
chǒukòng <topo.> watch/wait for an opportunity; find time/leisure.⁶
瞅了一眼 chẽl-lēl-yīt-ngān
chǒule yī yǎn to take a look at.⁷
瞅睬 chẽl-tōi
chǒucǎi to pay attention to.¹⁰
瞅一眼 chẽl-yīt-ngān
chǒuyīyǎn take a brief look at; catch a glimpse of; take a glance at; glance; glimpse.⁶
让我瞅瞅[讓我瞅瞅] ngèng-ngô-chẽl-chẽl
ràngwǒ chǒuchǒu Let me have a look.⁵
(See 瞅 [chẽl, qiu].)
chel3 1504
109 14 chẽl qiu 溜瞅 liũ-chẽl liūqiu <topo.> stare, gawk;  on the sly, stealthily, sneakingly.⁵⁴
(See 瞅 [chẽl, chǒu].)
chel3 1505
109 17 chẽl qiáo look, see; (of a patient) see a doctor, (of a doctor) see a patient; visit, call on somebody.⁶
瞧不起 chẽl-būt-hī qiáobuqǐ <topo.> look down upon/on; despise; turn up one's nose at; hold in contempt.⁶
瞧瞧 chẽl-chẽl
qiáoqiáo take a look.¹¹
瞧出 chẽl-chūt
qiáochū notice; catch; find out.⁵⁴
瞧见[瞧見] chẽl-gëin
qiáojiàn <topo.> see; catch sight of.⁶
瞧着办[瞧著辦] chẽl-jèk-bàn
qiáozhebàn act on your discretion.¹¹
瞧热闹[瞧熱鬧] chẽl-ngèik-nào
qiáorènao watch the fun; enjoy the exciting sight; be a looker-on.⁶
瞧一瞧 chẽl-yīt-chẽl
qiáoyīqiáo take a look.¹¹
走着瞧[走著瞧] dēo-jèk-chẽl
zǒuzheqiáo wait and see.⁶
小瞧 xēl-chẽl
xiǎoqiáo look down upon; belittle.⁶
<台> 瞧 chẽl to steal a glance at.
<又> dẽl; tẽl.
(See 瞧 dẽl; 瞧 tẽl.)
chel3 1506
205 18 chẽl cháo (=晁 chẽl cháo, which is the old form of 朝 chẽl cháo); a kind of sea turtle; Chao surname.⁸  sea turtle; Chao surname.¹⁰ a marine animal, said to sing by night and to go into the sea by day.¹⁴
t: ⿱旦黽; U+9F02). (comp. s: ⿱旦黾; U+9F0C).
鼌采[鼂采] chẽl-tōi
cháocǎi beautiful jade.¹⁹
or 会朝[會朝] vòi-chẽl huìcháo appear at a general reception; imperial reception (to princes).¹⁹ (See also 会鼂[會鼂] vòi-jël).
匽鼌[匽鼂] yēn-chẽl
yǎncháo the name of an insect.²⁵
<又> jël.
(See 鼂 jël; 晁 chẽl; 朝 chẽl).
chel3 1507
149 15 chēm chǎn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 谄[諂] chïm chǎn with same meaning.)
<又> chïm.
(See 諂 chïm.)
chem1 1508
27 14 𠪨
chẽn chán (=廛 chẽn chán ancient name for ground allotted to a household; a market place.⁵ house of a commoner's family (in ancient times); <wr.> store, shop.⁶).
(composition: ⿸厂⿳里八土; U+20AA8).
(See 廛 chẽn).
chen3 1509
27 17 chẽn chán (=廛 chẽn chán ancient name for ground allotted to a household; a market place.⁵ house of a commoner's family (in ancient times); <wr.> store, shop.⁶).
(composition: ⿸厂墨; U+3553).
(See 廛 chẽn).
chen3 1510
30 15 chẽn chān (comp. t: ⿰口單; U+563D).  (comp. s: ⿰口单; U+5574).
啴咺[嘽咺] chẽn-xün
chānxuān fear; roundabout, sluggish.⁸
<又> hön; chên; hõ; ön. (See 嘽 hön; 嘽 chên; 嘽 hõ; 嘽 ön).
chen3 1511
32 16 chẽn chàn to conceal, to hide; to shade, to darken.⁸ to screen, to cover, a covering.²⁴
(composition: ⿰土詹; U+3674).
<又> jëm. (See 㙴 jëm).
chen3 1512
32 18 chẽn chán (=廛 chẽn chán ancient name for ground allotted to a household; a market place.⁵ house of a commoner's family (in ancient times); <wr.> store, shop.⁶).
(composition: ⿰土廛; U+367B).
(See 廛 chẽn).
chen3 1513
32 20 chẽn chán (=廛 chẽn chán ancient name for ground allotted to a household; a market place.⁵ house of a commoner's family (in ancient times); <wr.> store, shop.⁶).
(composition: ⿰土㕓; U+58E5).
(See 廛 chẽn).
chen3 1514
50 16 chẽn chān a curtain around a carriage.⁸
(composition: ⿰巾詹; U+5E68).
chen3 1515
53 广 15 chẽn chán ancient name for ground allotted to a household; a market place.⁵ house of a commoner's family (in ancient times); <wr.> store, shop.⁶ (variants: 𠪨, 㕓, 㙻, 壥 chẽn chán).
(composition: ⿸广⿳里八土; U+5EDB).
市廛 sî-chẽn
shìchán <topo.> business district; store in a market area.¹ marketplace.⁶
肆廛 xü-chẽn
sìchán shops; stores.⁷
(See 𠪨 chẽn, 㕓 chẽn, 㙻 chẽn, 壥 chẽn).
chen3 1516
75 10 chẽn chān long.⁸ length (of a tree or beam); long.¹⁰ a long piece of wood; a pestle.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木延; U+68B4).
梴梴 chẽn-chẽn chānchān a long piece of wood; also, continuous or prolonged.¹⁹
<又> yẽn.
(See 梴 yẽn).
chen3 1517
85 18 chẽn chán name of a river in 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng Henan Province.⁷
(composition: ⿰氵廛; U+700D).
chen3 1518
120 21 chẽn chán <文读> (re. pr.) to wind/twine round, bind, wrap, tangle; to bother persistently; to pester, to worry; to deal with.⁷
缠绑[纏綁] chẽn-bōng chánbǎng tie up.⁵⁵
缠缚[纏縛] chẽn-bòk
or chẽn-fòk chánfù bind; tie up.⁶
缠束[纏束] chẽn-chūk
chánshù to restrict by rules, to hamper; to tie up (girdle); girdle.¹¹
缠足[纏足] chẽn-dūk
chánzú foot binding.⁵
缠脚[纏腳] chẽn-gëk
chánjiǎo to bind the feet.⁷
缠裹[纏裹] chẽn-gō
chánguǒ wrap up; cover tightly.⁷
缠住[纏住] chẽn-jì
chánzhù entangled; to wrap tightly.⁷
缠绵[纏綿] chẽn-mẽin
chánmián (of an illness) lingering; (of music) melodious and moving; touching.⁶
缠绵病榻[纏綿病榻] chẽn-mẽin-bèng-hāp
chánmián bìngtà to be bedridden with a lingering illness.⁷
缠绵悱恻[纏綿悱惻] chẽn-mẽin-fī-chāk
chánmiánfěicè  exceedingly sentimental.⁵⁵
缠磨[纏磨] chẽn-mõ
chánmo <topo.> pester.⁵⁵
缠惹[纏惹] chẽn-ngêh
chánrě to annoy.¹¹
缠扰[纏擾] chẽn-ngêl
chánrǎo to bother persistently.⁷
缠绕[纏繞] chẽn-ngêl
chánrào wind; pester.⁵⁵
缠绕茎[纏繞莖] chẽn-ngêl-gèin
chánràojīng twining stem.⁷
缠身[纏身] chẽn-sïn
chánshēn be bogged down with.⁵⁵
缠手[纏手] chẽn-siū
chánshǒu difficult; hard to deal with.⁷
<又> jèn (<白读> sp. pr.).
(See 纏 jèn).
chen3 1519
120 22 chẽn chán (=缠[纏] chẽn chán to wind/twine round, to bind, to wrap, to tangle; to bother persistently; to pester, to worry; to deal with.⁷).
(composition: ⿰糹⿸厂⿱黒土; U+7E92).
(See 纏 chẽn).
chen3 1520
145 13 chẽn chān ➀ <old>=幨 chẽn chān a curtain around a carriage.⁸
➁ <old>=襜 chẽn
chān an apron.⁸
➂ the skirt of the ancient decorative hearse.⁸
(composition: ⿰衤炎; U+88E7).
其輤有裧 Kĩ-sèn-yiû-chẽn
Qí qiàn yǒu chān
(For the carriage with the bier) there was a pall, and attached to it a fringe made of black cloth.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·雜記上·1》, translated by James Legge).
chen3 1521
145 18 chẽn chān apron.⁸ʼ¹⁹
(composition: ⿰衤詹; U+895C).
襜褕 chẽn-yĩ chānyú short plain clothes in ancient times.⁸
Jüng-jël-tōi-lãm, būt-ngẽin-yīt-chẽn.
Zhōng zhāo cǎi lán, bù yíng yī chān.
All the morning I gather the indigo plant,
And do not collect enough to fill my apron.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·都人士之什·采綠·2》, translated by James Legge).
Yï-tẽin-hëo, chẽn-nguĩ-yâ.
Yī qián hòu, chān rú yě.
Keeping the skirts of his robe before and behind evenly adjusted.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《論語·鄉黨·3》, translated by James Legge).
chen3 1522
30 15 chên chǎn content; free from worry.⁸ relaxed.²⁹
(comp. t: ⿰口單; U+563D).  (comp. s: ⿰口单; U+5574).
啴啴[嘽嘽] chên-chên
chǎnchǎn relaxed and leisurely.²⁹
啴缓[嘽緩] chên-fòn
chǎnhuǎn relaxed; unhurried.²⁹
Kĩ-lòk-xïm-gām-jēh, kĩ-sëin-chên-yî-fòn.
Qí lè xīn gǎn zhě, qí shēng chǎn yǐ huǎn.
When it (the mind) is moved to pleasure, the sound is slow and gentle.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·樂記》, translated by James Legge).
<又> hön; chẽn; hõ; ön. (See 嘽 hön; 嘽 chẽn; 嘽 hõ; 嘽 ön).
chen5 1523
142 18 chên chán a cicada; continuous, uninterrupted.⁷
蝉鬓[蟬鬢] chên-bïn chánbìn the attractive hair on the temples (of a woman).⁷
蝉不知雪[蟬不知雪] chên/-būt-jï-xūt
chánbùzhīxuě ignorant or inexperienced (like a cicada ignorant of snow).⁷
蝉冠[蟬冠] chên-gön
chánguān or 蝉冕[蟬冕] chên-mêin chánmiǎn <trad.> beautifully adorned cap worn by nobles.⁷
蝉蜕[蟬蛻] chên-huï
chántuì exuviae of the cicada; to commit suicide in order to escape this dirty world.⁷
蝉纹[蟬紋] chên-mũn
chánwén engraved cicada patterns.⁷
蝉吟[蟬吟] chên-ngĩm
chányín shrill sound of the cicada.⁷
蝉纱[蟬紗] chên-sä
chánshā a kind of very thin silk.⁷
蝉噪[蟬噪] chên-täo
chánzào chirping of cicadas.⁶
蝉嘶[蟬嘶] chên-xü
chánsī the shrill sound of a cicada.⁷
蝉翼[蟬翼] chên-yêik
chányì wings of a cicada – very light things; a kind of very thin silk.⁷
蝉嫣[蟬嫣] chên-yën
chányān <wr.> continuous; tied together.⁵⁴
寒蝉[寒蟬] hõn-chên
hánchán cicada in cold weather.⁶
熊蝉属[熊蟬屬] hũng-chên-sùk
xióngchánshǔ (Cryptotympana).²⁰
<又> sẽm.
(See 蟬 sẽm.)
chen5 1524
61 11 chēng chàng disappointed; sorry; frustrated; miserable; sorrowful.⁶
怅怅[悵悵] chēng-chēng chàngchàng <wr.> disappointed and unhappy; frustrated and dissatified.⁶
怅怅不乐[悵悵不樂] chēng-chēng-būt-lòk
chàngchàngbùlè be depressed.⁶
怅恨[悵恨] chēng-hàn
chànghèn feel bitter at frustration; be disappointed and resentful.⁶
怅惘[悵惘] chēng-mông
chàngwǎng distracted; listless.⁵ anxious and in low spirits.⁶
怅然[悵然] chēng-ngẽin
chàngrán disappointed; upset.⁵
怅然而返[悵然而返] chēng-ngẽin-ngĩ-fän
chàngrán'érfǎn come away disappointed.⁵
怅惋[悵惋] chēng-vōn
chàngwǎn sigh with regret; regret sorrowfullly.⁶
惆怅[惆悵] chiũ-chēng
chóuchàng rueful, regretful, to be saddened.⁵ sad; disconsolate; melancholy.⁶
cheng1 1525
72 14 chēng chàng free; smooth; at ease; free from worry; fluent. (old variant: 昶 chōng chǎng).
畅叙[暢敘] chēng-duì
chàngxù to chat cheerfully.
畅快[暢快] chēng-fäi
chàngkuài carefree; entirely free from inhibitions.⁶
畅通[暢通] chēng-hüng
chàngtōng unimpeded; unblocked.
畅所欲言[暢所欲言] chēng-sō-yùk-ngũn
chàngsuǒyùyán to speak out freely.
流畅[流暢] liũ-chēng
liúchàng  flowing (of speech, writing); fluent; smooth and easy.
舒畅[舒暢] sï-chēng
shūchàng happy; entirely free from worry.
顺畅[順暢] sùn-chēng
shùnchàng smooth; unhindered.⁷
和畅[和暢] võ-chēng
héchàng gentle, relaxing (air, climate).¹¹
(See 昶 chōng.)
cheng1 1526
96 13 chēng chàng jade article used on ceremonial occasions.
玚圭[瑒圭] chēng-gï chàngguī an elongated pointed tablet of jade used in sacrificial rites.
<又> yẽng.
(See 瑒 yẽng.)
cheng1 1527
177 17 chēng chàng (=韔chēng chàng) a wrapper or case for bow, to pull an arrow.⁸
(composition: ⿰革長; U+4A68).
(See 韔chēng).
cheng1 1528
178 17 chēng chàng a wrapper or case for bow; to put bow into case.⁸ bow bag.¹⁰ a bow case; to put a bow in its case.²⁵
(variant: 䩨 chēng chàng). (See 䩨 chēng).
(composition: ⿰韋長; U+97D4).
韔弓 chēng-güng
chànggōng to relax the bowstring and put the bow into the bow bag).⁸
Fū-chēng-lèo-yëin, gäo-chēng-ngì-güng.
Hǔ chàng lòu yīng, jiāo chàng èr gōng.
With the tiger-skin bow-case, and the carved metal ornaments on its front,
The two bows are placed in the case.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·秦風·小戎》, translated by James Legge).
虎文韔 fū-mũn-chēng
hǔwénchàng a bow bag designed with tiger stripes.¹⁹
櫜鞬 gäo-chēng
gāochàng armor bag and bow bag.¹⁹
弓韔 güng-chēng
gōngchàng a bow bag.¹⁹
之子于狩,言韔其弓. Jï-dū-yï-siü, ngũn-chēng-kĩ-güng.
Zhī zǐ yú shòu, yán chàng qí gōng.
When he went a hunting,
I put the bow in its case for him.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·都人士之什·采綠》
, translated by James Legge).
cheng1 1529
192 10 chēng chàng Kangxi radical 192; sacrificial wine; unhindered.⁸ wine used at ancient sacrificial ceremonies;⁶ <wr.> (=畅[暢] chēng chàng)⁶  smooth; free.
匕鬯不惊[匕鬯不驚] bï-chēng-būt-gëin
bǐchàngbùjīng strict military discipline.¹  sacrificial offerings to ancestors at the ancestral shrines must not be disturbed.⁶
衅鬯[釁鬯] hïm-chēng
xìnchàng fragrant wine for anointing a dead body.⁷
cheng1 1530
9 10 chëng chàng to initiate; to introduce; to lead; to advocate.
倡导[倡導] chëng-ào chàngdǎo to initiate; to propose; to be a proponent of (an idea or school of thought).
倡始 chëng-chī
chàngshǐ to initiate.
倡议[倡議] chëng-ngì
chàngyì to suggest; to initiate; proposal; initiative.
反腐倡廉 fān-fù-chëng-lẽm
fǎnfǔchànglián to oppose corruption and advocate honesty.
提倡 hãi-chëng
tíchàng advocate; promote; encourage.⁵
(See 倡 [chëng, chāng].)
cheng2 1531
9 10 chëng chāng prostitute; wild and unrestrained.
倡狂 or 猖狂 chëng-kõng chāngkuáng savage; furious.⁵
倡优[倡優] chëng-yiü
chāngyōu <wr.> prostitute; actress (倡) and actor (优[優] yiü yōu); musician; entertainer.
(See 倡 [chëng, chàng].)
cheng2 1532
9 10 倀 chëng chāng bewildered; rash, wildly.⁸ ghost of somebody devoured by a tiger who helps the tiger devour others.¹⁰
伥伥[倀倀] chëng-chëng chāngchāng bewildered; aimlessly wandering.⁵⁴
伥鬼[倀鬼] chëng-gī
chāngguǐ ghost of somebody devoured by a tiger who helps the tiger devour others.¹⁰
虎伥[虎倀] fū-chëng
hǔchāng ghost of somebody eaten by a tiger who helps a tiger eat others; a cruel person.⁵⁴
为虎作伥[為虎作倀] vì-fū-dōk-chëng
wèihǔzuòchāng to act as accomplice to the tiger; to help a villain do evil (idiom).¹⁰
<又> jāng.
(See 倀 jāng.)
cheng2 1533
30 11 chëng chàng to sing, to chant, to call; ditty, song.¹⁰
大合唱 ài-hàp-chëng dàhéchàng cantata; chorus.³⁹
唱高调[唱高調] chëng-gäo-èl
chànggāodiào to use high-flown words; to use high-sounding words; to talk big; to mouth high-sounding words.³⁹
唱歌 chëng-gô
chànggē to sing songs.¹¹
唱片 chëng-pëin
chàngpiàn phonograph record; disc.⁵
千古绝唱[千古絕唱] tëin-gū-dùt-chëng
qiāngǔjuéchàng (of poems) to rank as a masterpiece throughout the ages; a poetic masterpiece through the ages.³⁹
咏唱[詠唱] vèin-chëng
yǒngchàng to chant.⁸
<台> 唱碟 chëng-èp vinyl record.
cheng2 1534
38 11 chëng chāng prostitute.⁵
暗娼 ām-chëng ànchāng unlicensed prostitute.⁵
逼良为娼[逼良為娼] bēik-lẽng-vĩ-chëng
bīliángwéichāng force a girl of good family into prostitution.⁶
娼家 chëng-gä
chāngjiā brothel keeper.¹¹
娼妓 chëng-gì
chāngjì prostitute.¹¹
娼妇[娼婦] chëng-fû
chāngfù prostitute; (term of abuse) harlot, strumpet, slut.¹¹
娼寮 chëng-lẽl
chāngliáo brothel; whorehouse.⁶
娼门[娼門] chëng-mõn
chāngmén brothel; whorehouse.⁶
cheng2 1535
72 8 chëng chāng prosperous, flourishing, thriving; <wr.> propser, good.⁶ Chang surname.⁸
(composition: ⿱日曰; U+660C).
昌大 chëng-ài chāngdà to increase in greatness; to make prosperous.⁷
昌隆 chëng-lũng
chānglóng prosperous and flourishing.⁶
昌明 chëng-mẽin
chāngmíng (for culture, science, policy) flourishing, thriving, well-developed, advanced; make flourish/prosper.⁶
昌言 chëng-ngũn
chāngyán <wr.> proper words/remarks, valuable comments; offer advice, speak frankly/openly.⁶
or 猖披 chëng-pï chāngpī dishevelled; wild; unrestrained.¹⁰
昌盛 chëng-sèin
chāngshèng prosperous, flourishing, thriving.⁶
昌时[昌時] chëng-sĩ
chāngshí (=昌期 chëng-kĩ chāngqī) an era of peace and justice.⁷
昌辞[昌辭] chëng-xũ
chāngcí beautiful expressions (in writing).⁷
顺之者昌,逆之者亡[順之者昌,逆之者亡] sùn-jï-jēh-chëng, ngèik-jï-jēh-mõng
shùnzhīzhěchāng, nìzhīzhěwáng those who obey (a ruler) survive and those who do not perish; those who comply with (a trend) prosper and those who do not are doomed to fail.⁶
cheng2 1536
72 12 chëng
chāng (used in people's names).
(composition: ⿰日昌; U+667F).
cheng2 1537
85 11 chëng chàng <old> large waves.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵尚; U+6DCC).
<又> hōng; chōng. (See 淌 hōng; 淌 chōng).
cheng2 1538
94 11 chëng chāng <wr.> rampant; mad; unruly; reckless.⁶
猖狂 or 倡狂 chëng-kõng chāngkuáng savage; furious.⁵
猖獗 chëng-kūt
chāngjué be rampant; run wild.⁵
猖獗一时[猖獗一時] chëng-kūt-yīt-sĩ
chāngjuéyīshí run wild for a time; be rampant for a time; go on the rampage for a time.⁶
or 昌披 chëng-pï chāngpī dishevelled; wild; unrestrained.¹⁰
cheng2 1539
96 12 chëng chāng jade ornaments hanging on the ears.⁸
(composition: ⿰𤣩昌; U+7429).
琩珫 chëng-chüng chāngchōng an ear ornament of an ancient minority group.¹⁹
琩玩 chëng-ngòn
chāngwán earrings worn by foreigners.²⁴
cheng2 1540
140 11 chëng chāng iris, sweet flag, calamus.⁸
白菖蒲 bàk-chëng-pũ báichāngpú (=菖蒲 chëng-pũ chāngpú) calamus; flag; flagleaf; Acorus calamus L.²³
菖兰[菖蘭] chëng-lãn
chānglán (=唐菖蒲 hõng-chëng-pũ tángchāngpú) gladiolus Gladiolus gandavensis Vaniot Houtt.²³
菖蒲 chëng-pũ
chāngpú sweet flag, sway or muskrat root.¹⁵ calamus; flag; flagleaf; Acorus calamus L.²³
菖蒲酒 chëng-pũ-diū
chāngpújiǔ calamus wine.¹¹
唐菖蒲 hõng-chëng-pũ
tángchāngpú gladiolus.⁶ (Gladiolus gandavensis).²⁰
石菖蒲 sêk-chëng-pũ
shíchāngpú grass-leaf sweet flag, dwarf sedge, Japanese rush, Japanese sweet flag;
Acorus gramineus.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ rhizome of the Japanese rush or Japanese sweet flag (an herb in Traditional Chinese medicine to treat coma and stroke symptoms.)³⁶
cheng2 1541
169 16 chëng chāng the gate of heaven; the front gate of a palace.⁷
阊风[閶風] chëng-füng chāngfēng autumn winds.⁷
阊阖[閶闔] chëng-hàp
chānghé <wr.> gate of Heaven (in fairy tales and legend); gate of a palace.⁶
阊门[閶門] chëng-mõn
chāngmén famous Suzhou (苏州[蘇州] Xü-Jiü Sūzhōu)  city gate.⁵⁴
cheng2 1542
187 18 chëng chāng name of a horse.²⁵
(composition: ⿰; U+4B96).
cheng2 1543
195 19 chëng chāng the pomfret.¹⁴ (variant: 䱽 chëng chāng).
鲳鱼[鯧魚] chëng-nguĩ
chāngyú silvery pomfret; butterfish.⁵ common name for 乌鲂科[烏魴科] vü-fõng-fö wūfángkē family Bramidae which contain about 20 species.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
银鲳[銀鯧] ngãn-chëng 
yínchāng silvery pomfret; dollarfish; harvestfish.¹⁰
乌鲳[烏鯧] vü-chëng
wūchāng black pomfret.⁵
(See 䱽 chëng).
cheng2 1544
195 21 chëng chāng (=鲳[鯧] chëng chāng) the pomfret.¹⁴
(See 鯧 chëng).
cheng2 1545
196 19 𪂇 chëng chāng (composition: ⿰昌鳥; U+2A087).
𪂇❄{⿰昌鳥}𪂉❄{⿰或鳥} chëng-vèik chāngyù a created kind of bird, perhaps the Jacana.²⁵
❄{⿰昌鳥}[廣𪂇❄{⿰昌鳥}] or 𪇵❄{⿰廣鳥}𪂇❄{⿰昌鳥} gōng-chëng guǎngchāng phoenix genus.² a species of phoenix.²⁵
cheng2 1546
214 25 𪛋
chëng chàng (<old>=唱 chëng chàng to sing, to chant, to call; ditty, song.¹⁰).²
(composition: ⿰龠昌; U+2A6CB).
cheng2 1547
10 5 𠑷
chẽng cháng <old> long.²
(composition: ⿱上儿 or ⿱⺊兀; U+20477).
<又> jēng. (See 𠑷❄{⿱上儿} jēng).
cheng3 1548
12 7 𠔊
chẽng cháng <old> long.²
(composition: ⿱丘八; U+2050A).
<又> jēng. (See 𠔊❄{⿱丘八} jēng).
cheng3 1549
32 12 chẽng cháng threshing floor; measure word for events and happenings: spell, episode, bout.¹⁰
打场[打場] ā-chẽng dǎcháng thresh grain (on the thrashing ground).⁵
大干一场[大幹一場] ài-gön-yīt-chẽng
dàgànyīchǎng go in for something in a big way; go all out.⁵
场滚[場滾] chẽng-gūn
chánggǔn threshing roller (made of stone).⁶
场圃[場圃] chẽng-pū
chángpǔ nursery for flowers, vegetable farm.¹¹
场屋[場屋] chẽng-ūk
chángwū shed on threshiing ground (small room built in a threshing ground for people to rest or for keepng farm tools).⁶ (See 場屋 chẽng-ūk chǎngwū).
场院[場院] chẽng-yòn
chángyuàn threshing ground.⁵
定场白[定場白] èin-chẽng-bàk
dìngchángbái first soliloquy (introducing opera character).¹⁰
恍如一场大梦[恍如一場大夢] fōng-nguĩ-yīt-chẽng-ài-mùng
huǎngrú yī cháng dà mèng just like a dream.³⁹
谷场[穀場] gūk-chẽng
gǔcháng a yard for sunning or drying grain, corn.⁷
一场大雨[一場大雨] yīt-chẽng-ài-yî
yīchángdàyǔ a downpour.⁵
(See 塲[chẽng, chǎng] 場 [chẽng, chǎng].)
cheng3 1550
32 12 chẽng chǎng large place used for a specific purpose; stage; scene (of a play); measure word for sporting or recreational activities; measure word for number of exams.¹⁰
场子[場子] chẽng-dū chǎngzi a place where people gather for various purposes (e.g. theater, hall, sports ground).⁵
场界灯[場界燈] chẽng-gäi-äng
chǎngjièdēng <aviation> boundary lights.⁵
场记[場記] chẽng-gï
chǎngjì log; log keeper.⁵
场合[場合] chẽng-hàp
chǎnghé occasion; situation.⁵
场地[場地] chẽng-ì
chǎngdì space; place; site.⁵
场论[場論] chẽng-lùn
chǎnglùn <phy.> field theory.⁵
场面[場面] chẽng-mèin
chǎngmiàn scene (in drama, fiction), spectacle; occasion; appearance, front, facade.⁵
场所[場所] chẽng-sō
chǎngsuǒ place; arena.⁵
场屋[場屋] chẽng-ūk
chǎngwū <trad.> place for imperial examinations.⁶ (See 场屋[場屋] chẽng-ūk chángwū).
场次[場次] chẽng-xü
chǎngcì the number of showings of a film, play.⁵
场磁铁[場磁鐵] chẽng-xũ-hëik
chǎngcítiě <elec.> field magnet.⁵
出场[出場] chūt-chẽng
chūchǎng come on the stage,  appear on the scene; enter an arena.⁵
(See 塲[chẽng, chǎng] 場 [chẽng, cháng].)
cheng3 1551
32 14 chẽng chǎng (=場 chẽng chǎng) large place used for a specific purpose; stage; scene (of a play); measure word for sporting or recreational activities; measure word for number of exams.¹⁰
(See 場 [chẽng, cháng], [chẽng, chǎng].)
cheng3 1552
35 8 𡕣
chẽng cháng <old> long.²
(composition: ⿱⿺丄三⿱一夂; U+21563).
<又> jēng. (See 𡕣❄{⿱⿺丄三⿱一夂} jēng).
cheng3 1553
85 15 chẽng chéng <台> 冲澄[沖澄] Chüng-chẽng Chōngchéng a place name in 广东开平长沙[廣東開平長沙] Gōng-üng Höi-Pẽin Chẽng-Sä Guǎngdōng Kāipíng Chángshā.
<又> chẽin.
(See 澄 [chẽin, chéng], [chẽin, dēng], [chẽin, dèng].)
cheng3 1554
130 13 chẽng cháng intestines.⁵
大肠[大腸] ài-chẽng dàcháng large intestine.⁵
肠子[腸子] chẽng-dū
chángzi intestines.⁵
肠梗阻[腸梗阻] chẽng-gāng-jū
chánggěngzǔ <med.> intestinal obstruction.⁵
肠结核[腸結核] chẽng-gēik-hàt
chángjiéhé <med.> tuberculosis of the intestines.⁵
肠儿[腸兒] chẽng-ngĩ chángr sausage.⁵
肠胃[腸胃] chẽng-vì
chángwèi intestines and stomach; stomach; belly.⁵
肠胃病[腸胃病] chẽng-vì-bèng
chángwèibìng stomach trouble; digestive ailment.⁶
肠胃炎[腸胃炎] chẽng-vì-yèm
chángwèiyán <med.> enterogastritis.⁵
肠炎[腸炎] chẽng-yèm
chángyán <med.> enteritis.⁵
肠衣[腸衣] chẽng-yï
chángyī casing (for sausages).⁵
肠痈[腸癰] chẽng-yüng
chángyōng appendicitis.⁵
铁石心肠[鐵石心腸] hëik-sêk-xïm-chẽng
tiěshí xīncháng be be hard-hearted; be heartless; have a heart of stone.⁶
香肠[香腸] hëng-chẽng
xiāngcháng sausage.⁵
小肠[小腸] xēl-chẽng
xiǎocháng small intestine.⁵
心肠[心腸] xïm-chẽng
xīncháng heart; intention; state of mind, mood.⁵
cheng3 1555
140 11 chẽng cháng averrhora carambola; Chang surname.⁸
苌楚[萇楚] chẽng-chō
chángchǔ ➀ aka 羊桃  yẽng-hõ/ or yẽng-hão yángtáo carambola or star fruit (Averrhoa carambola) ➁ an old name for 中华猕猴桃 [中華獼猴桃] jüng-vã-mĩ-hẽo-hõ zhōnghuámíhóutáo  golden kiwifruit, Actinidia chinensis Planch.³² (both definitions from 漢典).
cheng3 1556
168 7 chẽng cháng (<old>=长[長] chẽng cháng long); component part for 长[長] chẽng cháng 'long', such as 髟,髮,隂.²
(composition: ⿱⿰丨三𠫔 or ⿱⿺丄三厶; U+9578).
(See 長 chẽng).
cheng3 1557
168 8 𨱗
chẽng cháng <old> long.²
(composition: ⿳⿰丨𠆣一⿰𠄌⿺㇏丿; U+28C57).
<又> jēng. (See 𨱗❄{⿳⿰丨𠆣一⿰𠄌⿺㇏丿} jēng).
cheng3 1558
168 9 chẽng cháng Kangxi radical 168; long; length.⁸ <又> jēng. (See 長 jēng.) (variants: 镸,𠑷❄{⿱上儿},𠔊❄{⿱丘八},𡕣❄{⿱⿺丄三⿱一夂},𨱗❄{⿳⿰丨𠆣一⿰𠄌⿺㇏丿}).²
长达[長達] chẽng-àt
chángdá to lengthen out to.¹⁰
长岛[長島] Chẽng-āo
Chángdǎo Long Island, an island in New York State.
长铗[長鋏] chẽng-gâp
chángjiá long sword.⁶
长江[長江] Chẽng Göng
Cháng Jiāng the Yangtze River.¹¹
长途[長途] chẽng-hũ
chángtú long journey/distance.¹⁴
长期[長期] chẽng-kĩ
chángqī over a long period of time; long-term; age-long; age-old.⁸
长眠[長眠] chẽng-mẽin
chángmián long sleep; death.⁸
长短[長短] chẽng-ōn
chángduǎn length; duration; accident; right and wrong; good and bad; long and short.¹⁰
长袍[長袍] chẽng-pão
chángpáo robe.
长衫[長衫] chẽng-sâm
chángshān long gown.⁸
<台> 长[長] chẽng youngest in rank.
<台> 长气[長氣] chẽng-hï to talk a lot; garrulous.
<台> 长黹马褂[長⿋馬褂] chẽng-jī-mâ-kä former men's formal long gown with a short jacket.
<台> 长时[長時] chẽng-sĩ all the time; often.
<台> 长婶[長嬸] chẽng-sīm wife of father's youngest brother; aunt.
<台> 长叔[長叔] chẽng-sūk father's youngest brother.
cheng3 1559
1 3 chêng zhàng <台> 姊丈 dī-chêng husband of one's elder sister.
<台> 姑丈 gü-chêng husband of one's father's sister.
<又> jèng. (See 丈 jèng.)
cheng5 1560
75 12 chēo zhǒu something to beat at night to sound the alarm.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木取; U+68F7).
<又> jëo; xēo. (See 棷 jëo; 棷 xēo).
cheo1 1561
38 8 chëo chōu grieve with loud sobbing.¹³ to move about, not still, the mind agitated.²⁴ to move; to be agitated; to not be tranquil.³⁶ grieve, mourn, disturb.⁵⁴ the mind not at ease; disquieted.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰女由; U+59AF).
Gū-jüng-fàt-gäo, vãi-yiû-xäm-jiü. Yiü-xïm-chēh-chëo.
Gǔ zhōng fá gāo, huái yǒu sān zhōu. Yōuxīn qiě zhóu.

His bells ring out, his large drums resound,
There are the three islands in the Huai;
Sad is my heart and moved.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·北山之什·鼓鍾·鼓鍾》, translated by James Legge).
<又> jùk.
(See 妯 jùk).
cheo2 1562
64 8 chëo chōu to take out (from in between); to take (a part from the whole); to put forth (of certain plants); to obtain by drawing; to shrink; to lash, to whip, to thrash.
抽打 chëo-ā chōudǎ to lash, to whip.
抽查 chëo-chã
chōuchá to spot check; selective examination.
抽抽 chëo-chëo
chōuchou to shrink; wrinkled.
抽象 chëo-dèng
chōuxiàng to abstract; abstraction.
抽茎[抽莖] chëo-gèin
chōujīng to put forth (from the stem of certain plants).
抽筋 chëo-gïn
chōujīn cramp; an ancient form of torture in which the tendons are pulled; to get a cramp.³⁶
抽泣 chëo-hīp
chōuqì to sob spasmodically.¹⁰
抽去 chëo-huï
chōuqù to take out.
抽空 chëo-hüng
chōukòng exhaust; manage to find time.⁸
抽成 chëo-sẽin
chōuchéng to take a percentage.
抽水 chëo-suī
chōushuǐ to draw or pump water.
抽水泵 chëo-suī-pēim
chōushuǐbèng water pump.¹⁰
or 抽籤] chëo-tëm or chëo-têm chōuqiān to draw lots.¹⁴
抽薪止沸 chëo-xïn-jī-fï
chōuxīnzhǐfèi stop the boiling by taking out the fire; fig. take drastic measures to stop something.⁸
抽烟[抽煙] chëo-yën
chōuyān to smoke (a cigarette or pipe). (See <台> 吃烟[吃煙] hëk-yën/.)
cheo2 1563
64 13 chëo chōu <lit.> to play (a stringed musical instrument); <topo.> to left up by applying force from under.⁶ pluck (stringed instrument).¹⁰ <wr.> to pluck a stringed instrument.¹¹ to seize; to take hold off with all the fingers; to trample with the hand; another name for a fan.²⁴
(comp. t: ⿰扌芻; U+640A). (comp. s: ⿰扌刍; U+2BF1D).
搊弹词[搊彈詞] chëo-hãn-xũ
chōutáncí <wr.> a song sung to a plucked instrument.
搊扇 chëo-sën
chōushàn to fold a fan.
搊搜 chëo-xēo
chōusōu <wr.> ugly in looks or temper.
<台> 佢
❄{⿰扌刍}起包米[佢搊起包米] kuï chëo-hī-bâo-māi He lifted that bag of rice.
cheo2 1564
104 16 chëo chōu to recover from illness, to heal.⁹ to be healed, to reform; injury.¹⁴
(composition: ⿸疒翏; U+7633).
瘳愈 chëo-yì chōuyù cured; healed.¹⁴
Gï-gëin-gün-dū, vũn-vũ-būt-chëo.
Jì jiàn jūnzǐ, yún hú bù chōu.
But I have seen my husband,
And could my ailment but be cured?⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·鄭風·風雨·2》, translated by James Legge).
厥疾不瘳 kūt-dìp-būt-chëo
juéjíbùchōu his disease is incurable.¹¹
厥疾弗瘳 kūt-dìp-fūt-chëo
juéjífúchōu that disease is incurable.¹⁴
夷瘳 yĩ-chëo
yíchōu cured or recovered completely.¹⁹
于己何瘳[於己何瘳] yï-gī-hõ-chëo
yújǐhéchōu What harm can it do?¹⁴
cheo2 1565
118 16 chëo chōu a strainer for wine, made of wicker-work.²⁵ a utensil used to filter wine; a filter.³⁶
(composition ⿱𥫗芻). (U+7BD8).
酒篘 diū-chëo jiǔchōu a wine strainer.⁰
cheo2 1566
120 11 chëo chōu to draw out; to collect and edit.⁷
䌷绩[紬績] chëo-dēik chōujì to spin and weave (cloth).¹¹
䌷次[紬次] chëo-xü
chōucì to collect and arrange in order.⁷
or 抽绎[抽繹] chëo-yèik chōuyì expound; set forth.⁶ clarify meaning or line of thought.⁸
<又> chiũ.
(See 紬 chiũ.)
cheo2 1567
157 14 chëo chōu foot disease.⁸ a sore foot.²⁵
(composition: ⿱攸足; U+8DFE).
<又> sūk. (See 跾 sūk).
cheo2 1568
159 19 chēt zhé the track of a wheel, rut; rhyme (of a song, poetic drama); <topo.> way, idea.⁵
(comp. t: ⿲車育攵; U+8F4D). (comp. s: ⿲车育攵; U+8F99).
车辙[車轍] chëh-chēt
chēzhé rut; track; groove; furrow.⁶
辙叉[轍叉] chēt-chä
zhéchā <railway> frog.⁵
辙迹[轍跡] chēt-dēik
zhéjì rut.⁶
辙口[轍口] chēt-hēo
zhékǒu rhyme (of a song, poetic drama).⁶
辙乱旗靡[轍亂旗靡] chēt-lòn-kĩ-mî
zhéluànqímǐ lit. chariots in disorder and banners drooping – (said of an army) completely routed.⁷
辙环天下[轍環天下] chēt-vãn-hëin-hà
zhéhuántiānxià to leave one's footprint all over the country (or the world).⁷
覆辙[覆轍] fūk-chēt
fùzhé track of an overturned cart.⁶
合辙[合轍] hàp-chēt
hézhé in rhyme.⁵
没辙[沒轍] mòt-chēt
méizhé <topo.> can find no way out; be at the end of one's rope.⁵
如出一辙[如出一轍] nguĩ-chūt-yīt-chēt
rúchūyīzhé be no different from each other; be identical (to/with).⁶
chet1 1569
5 6 chī shǐ (<old>=始 chī shǐ) the beginning; to start, to begin, to be the first.⁸ (Note: In Taiwan, this character 乨 chī shǐ is also considered to be a variant form of 亂 lòn luàn confusion, state of chaos, revolt).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰台乚; U+4E68).
(See 始 chī).
chi1 1570
38 8 chī shǐ to begin; to start; then; only then.¹⁰
始创[始創] chī-chōng shǐchuàng initiate; originate; found.⁶
始祖 chī-dū
shǐzǔ primogenitor; founder of a school or trade.¹⁰
始祖鸟[始祖鳥] chī-dū-nêl
shǐzǔniǎo archaeopteryx.⁵
始终[始終] chī-jüng
shǐzhōng from beginning to end; from start to finish; all along; throughout.⁷
始终不渝[始終不渝] chī-jüng-būt-yĩ
shǐzhōngbùyú unswerving; unflinching.¹⁰
始终如一[始終如一] chī-jüng-nguĩ-yīt
shǐzhōngrúyī constant; consistent; persistent.⁵
始料未及 chī-lèl-mì-gèp
shǐliàowèijí unexpected.⁷
始末 chī-mòt
shǐmò beginning and end – whole story.⁵
始业[始業] chī-ngèp
shǐyè to establish a business; the beginning of a school year or semester.⁷
自始至终[自始至終] dù-chī-jï-jüng
zìshǐzhìzhōng from start to finish; from beginning to end.⁵
开始[開始] höi-chī
kāishǐ begin, start; initial stage, outset.⁵
or 元始 ngũn-chī yuánshǐ original, firsthand; primeval, primitive.⁶
有始有终[有始有終] yiû-chī-yiû-jüng
yǒushǐyǒuzhōng carry something through to the end.⁵
chi1 1571
61 10 chī chǐ shame; disgrace; humiliation.⁵
不耻下问[不恥下問] būt-chī-hà-mùn bùchǐxiàwèn not feel ashamed to ask and learn from one's subordinates.¹⁰
耻哉[恥哉] chī-döi
chǐzāi <wr.> Shame on you!⁵⁴
耻骨[恥骨] chī-gūt
chǐgǔ pubic bones; pubis.⁵
耻笑[恥笑] chī-xël
chǐxiào to laught at; to ridicule.¹⁴
耻心[恥心] chī-xïm
chǐxīn a sense of shame.¹⁴
耻与为伍[恥與為伍] chī-yî-vĩ-m̄
chǐyǔwéiwǔ to feel ashamed to be in (their, his) company.⁷
耻辱[恥辱] chī-yùk
chǐrǔ shame; disgrace; humiliation.⁵
国耻[國恥] gōk-chī
guóchǐ national humiliation.⁸
可耻[可恥] hō-chī
kěchǐ shameful; disgraceful.⁸
知耻[知恥] jï-chī
zhīchǐ have a sense of shame.⁵
无耻[無恥] mũ-chī
wúchǐ shameless; brazen; impudent.⁵
chi1 1572
76 15 𣤌
chī chǐ to gnaw, to bite, to nibble; to drink.²
(composition: ⿰⿱叕口欠; U+2390C).
<又> chäi; .jōt. (See 𣤌❄{⿰⿱叕口欠} chäi; 𣤌❄{⿰⿱叕口欠} jōt).
chi1 1573
77 12 chī chǐ (<old>=齿[齒] chī chǐ) tooth; a tooth-like part of anything; <wr.> age; <wr.> mention.⁵
(See 齒 chī).
chi1 1574
167 14 chī chǐ
rice steamer; a small knife.¹³ʼ¹⁹ a sort of boiler, or still, of a crooked shape; a small knife.²⁵
(composition: ⿰釒多; U+9279).
<又> yĩ. (See 鉹 yĩ).
chi1 1575
211 15 齿 chī chǐ Kangxi radical 211; teeth; gears, cogs; age.⁸ tooth; a tooth-like part of anything; <wr.> age; <wr.> mention.⁵ (variant: 歯 chī chǐ). (See 歯 chī).
不足挂齿[不足掛齒] būt-dūk-kä-chī
bùzúguàchǐ not worth mentioning.⁵
齿德俱尊[齒德俱尊] chī-āk-kuï-dün
chǐdéjùzūn honorable both in age and virtue.⁷
齿发[齒髮] chī-fāt
chǐfà one's tooth and hair – one's age.⁷
齿科[齒科] chī-fö
chǐkē dentistry.⁷
齿及[齒及] chī-gèp
chǐjí to mention (something not worth mentioning).⁷
齿根[齒根] chī-gïn
chǐgēn the root of a tooth.⁷
齿条[齒條] chī-hẽl
chǐtiáo <mach.> rack.⁵
齿寒[齒寒] chī-hõn
chǐhán (of two interdependent beings) to suffer due to failure of the other.⁷
齿痛[齒痛] chī-hüng
chǐtòng toothache.⁷
齿质[齒質] chī-jīt
chǐzhì dentine.⁷
齿决[齒決] chī-kūt
chǐjué to bite off with the teeth.⁷
齿冷[齒冷] chī-lâng
chǐlěng <wr.> laugh/sneer at; scorn.⁶
齿轮[齒輪] chī-lũn
chǐlún gear wheel; gear.⁵
齿舞[齒舞] Chī-mū
Chǐwǔ Habomai (Islands).⁵
齿让[齒讓] chī-ngèng
chǐràng to yield to seniors.⁷
齿次[齒次] chī-xü
chǐcì order according to seniority.¹¹
齿音[齒音] chī-yïm
chǐyīn <lg> dental sounds; dentals.⁷

chi1 1576
9 8 chï chǐ wasteful; luxurious, lavish, extravagant; to exaggerate; bragging; evildoing; excessive.⁷
奢侈 chëh-chï shēchǐ luxurious; extravagant; wasteful.⁵
侈忕无度[侈忕無度] chï-häi-mũ-ù
chǐtàiwúdù be wasteful beyond measure.⁵⁴
侈谈[侈談] chï-hãm
chǐtán palaver, prattle about; talk glibly about.⁸
侈论[侈論] chï-lùn
chǐlùn exaggerated talk; to speak boastingly; to talk glibly about; to prate about.⁷
侈靡 chï-mĩ
chǐmí extravagance and excesses; extravagant; wasteful.⁷
侈言 chï-ngũn
chǐyán exaggerated talk; to exaggerate, to swagger.⁷
chi2 1577
30 9 chï to rebuke; to give a talking to; <topo.> to break with.⁸ <topo.> to scold; to rebuke.¹⁰
挨呲 äi-chï āicī <topo.> to be rebuked.⁸ to be chided.¹¹
挨了一顿呲儿[挨了一頓呲兒] äi-lēl-yīt-ùn-chï-ngĩ
āileyīdùncīr to get a good talking to.³⁹
呲打 chï-ā
cīda dress down; <topo.> revile, curse.⁵⁴
呲必 chï-bēik
cībì to speak ill of someone, to scold someone.¹⁹
呲呲 chï-chï
cīcī <ono.> the sound "cīcī", no specific meaning.⁰
呲人 chï-ngĩn
cīrén reprimand/rebuke others.¹⁹
<又> dü.
(See 呲 dü).
chi2 1578
30 12 chï chì <wr.> only; merely.⁶
不啻 būt-chï bùchì <wr.> to be not less than; to be the same as; to be like; to be as good as.⁶
何啻 hõ-chï
héchì <wr.> (used in rhetorical questions or statements for emphasis) can it be any less than; far more than.⁶
吸烟何啻自杀[吸煙何啻自殺] kīp-yën-hõ-chï-dù-sät
xīyānhéchìzìshā Smoking is no different from committing suicide.⁶
chi2 1579
30 13 chï chī to laugh at, to ridicule, to sneer; to snort.⁸
嗤诋[嗤詆] chï-āi chīdǐ to deride and abuse.⁸
嗤之以鼻 chï-jï-yî-bì
chīzhīyǐbí to snort disdainfully; to scoff at; to turn up one's nose.¹⁰
嗤鄙 chï-pī
chībǐ to sneer at with contempt.¹¹
嗤笑 chï-xël
chīxiào to sneer at.⁹
扑嗤[撲嗤] pōk-chï
pūchī descriptive of burst of laughter, or guffaw.¹¹
chi2 1580
38 13 chï chī <wr.> ugly; unsightly; hideous.⁵
媸妍莫辨 chï-ngẽin-mòk-bèiy chīyánmòbiàn cannot distinguish between the ugly and the beautiful.⁶
媸奴 chï-nũ
chīnú an old crone.¹⁴
or 妍蚩 ngẽin-chï yánchī beautiful and ugly.⁶
chi2 1581
48 9 chï (variant: 𢀩❄{⿱𠂹⿸厂工 or ⿱⿻亻𠈌⿸厂工; U+22029} chä).
参差[參差] chëim-chï
cēncī uneven, not uniform, irregular, jagged; <wr.> about, almost; <wr.> go wrong.⁶
参差不齐[參差不齊] chëim-chï-būt-tãi
cēncībùqí uneven; not uniform.⁵
<又> chä, chäi.
(See 差 [chä, chā], [chä, chà], chäi;  𢀩❄{⿱𠂹⿸厂工 or ⿱⿻亻𠈌⿸厂工; U+22029} chä).
chi2 1582
50 15 chï zhì flag. banner; sign, mark.⁶
拔帜[拔幟] bàt-chï bázhì to pull up the enemy's flag.¹⁴
旗帜[旗幟] kĩ-chï
qízhì flag, insignia, rallying point.¹¹
旗帜鲜明[旗幟鮮明] kĩ-chï-xëin-mẽin
qízhìxiānmíng to have a clear and distinct stand.⁹
独树一帜[獨樹一幟] ùk-sì-yīt-chï
dúshùyīzhì lit. to fly one's banner on a solitary tree (idiom); fig. to act as a loner; to stand out; to develop one's own school; to have attitude of one's own.¹⁰
chi2 1583
61 18 chï chì unharmonious; discordant.²⁴ dissonance, discord, disharmony; defeated; anxious, agitated.³⁶
(composition: ⿱滯心; U+61D8).
怗懘 jëm-chï zhānchì tonal dissonance.⁸ <old> sluggish, blocked.¹¹ unfriendly, inharmonious, discordant (about sounds).⁵⁴
M̄-jēh-būt-lòn, dāk-mũ-jëm-chï-jï-yïm-yì.
Wǔ zhě bù luàn, zé wú tiē chì zhī yīn yǐ.
If there be no disorder or irregularity in these five notes, there will be no want of harmony in the state.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·樂記·4》, translated by James Legge).
M̄-jēh-būt-lòn, dāk-mũ-jëm-chï-jï-yïm-yì.
Wǔ zhě bù luàn, zé wú tiē chì zhī yīn yǐ.
If the five (notes) are not chaotic, there will be no sound of confusion. (Excerpt from 《史記·書·樂書·9》, translated by "Google Translate").
chi2 1584
64 13 chï chī unfold; narrate in detail.⁸ to spread (fame); wield (pen).¹⁰ to open out, to diffuse, to display.²⁴ to spread (name, news); to be known.³⁶ (variant: 攡 chï chī).
(composition: ⿰扌离; U+645B).
摛翰 chï-hòn
chīhàn <lit.> to brandish a pen, to write.¹¹ write a composition; brandish a pen.⁵⁴
摛锦[摛錦] chï-gīm
chījǐn to spread the splendor/glory.¹⁹
摛翰振藻 chï-hòn-jīn-täo
chīhànzhènzǎo the display of literary talents and to spread the rhetoric.¹³
摛章 chï-jëng
chīzhāng still writing with a flourish.¹⁹
摛藻 chï-täo
chīzǎo <lit.> writing with a flourish.¹¹ write in a flowery style; use poetic diction.⁵⁴
摛词[摛詞] chï-xũ
chīcí <lit.> to weave an ornate passage.¹¹ write in a flowery style; use poetic diction.⁵⁴
摛艳[摛豔] chï-yèm
chīyàn spread out the exciting and beautiful words.¹³
镂彩摛文[鏤彩摛文] lèo-tōi-chï-mũn
lòucǎichīwén the description and narration are vivid and lifelike, and meticulous.¹³
<又> lĩ.
(See 摛 lĩ; 攡 chï).
chi2 1585
64 21 chï chī (=摛 chï chī unfold; narrate in detail.⁸ to spread (fame); wield (pen).¹⁰ to open out, to diffuse, to display.²⁴ to spread (name, news); to be known.³⁶).²
(composition: ⿰扌離; U+6521).
(See 摛 chï).
chi2 1586
70 16 chï zhì (=帜[幟] chï zhì) flag, banner; sign, mark.⁶
(See 幟 chï.)
chi2 1587
85 13 chï zhì 滍水 Chï-suī Zhìshuǐ Zhishui River, old name of a river in present-day 河南 Hõ-nãm Hénán Henan Province.⁸
滍阳[滍陽] Chï-yẽng
Zhìyáng Zhiyang city in 河南 Hõ-nãm Hénán Henan Province.⁸
chi2 1588
86 16 chï chì (of a fire) flaming, blazing; vigorous, ardent, fervent.⁶ blaze of fire; to burn; splendid, illustrious; numerous.¹⁴
炽昌[熾昌] chï-chëng chìchāng illustrious.¹⁴
炽炭[熾炭] chï-hän
chìtàn to burn charcoal.¹⁴
炽起[熾起] chï-hī
chìqǐ to blaze up; lustful.¹⁴
炽殖[熾殖] chï-jèik
chìzhí increasing in numbers.¹⁴
炽烈[熾烈] chï-lèik
chìliè burning fiercely; flaming; blazing.⁵
炽茂[熾茂] chï-mào
chìmào luxuriant; teeming; lush.⁷ properous.¹⁴
炽热[熾熱] chï-ngèik
chìrè red-hot, blazing; passionate.⁵
炽盛[熾盛] chï-sèin
chìshèng flaming, ablaze; flourishing.⁵ numerous.¹⁴
炽灼[熾灼] chï-sēk
chìzhuó (of a fire) blazing; flaming; raging.⁶
炽燥[熾燥] chï-täo
chìzào hot and dry; parching/baking hot.⁶
炽情[熾情] chï-tẽin
chìqíng very strong emotions; passion; fervor; zeal.⁶
炽肆[熾肆] chï-xü
chìsì to give rein to passion.¹⁴
孔炽[孔熾] kūng-chï
kǒngchì ablaze with rebellion.¹⁴
chi2 1589
104 19 chï chī idiotic, silly, foolish, stupid, senseless, crazy, insane; besot.⁷
白痴[白癡] bàk-chï báichī idiocy; idiot; moron.⁹
痴肥[癡肥] chï-fĩ
chīféi very fat and looking stupid; obese.⁷
痴福[癡福] chï-fūk
chīfú the bliss of imbecility.⁷
痴汉[癡漢] chï-hön
chīhàn a fool; a simpleton; an idiot.⁷
痴狂[癡狂] chï-kõng
chīkuáng nonsensical; idiotic.⁷
痴迷[癡迷] chï-mãi
chīmí infatuated; besotted.⁷
痴男[癡男] chï-nãm
chīnán a man blinded by love.⁷
痴念[癡念] chï-nèm
chīniàn idiotic thoughts.⁷
痴人說夢[癡人說夢] chï-ngĩn-sōt-mùng
chīrénshuōmèng an idiotic's gibberish; nonsense.⁷
❄{⿰马矣}[癡騃] chï-ngõi chī'ái or 痴呆[癡呆] chï-ngõi chīdāi stupid, foolish, imbecile, idiotic, dull, silly.⁷
痴呆[癡呆] chï-ngõi
chīdāi dull-witted, stupid; dementia.⁷
痴呆症[癡呆症] chï-ngõi-jëin
chīdāizhèng dementia.⁹
痴情[癡情] chï-tẽin
chīqíng blind love; infatuation.⁷
痴钝[癡鈍] chï-ùn
chīdùn dull; imbecile; stupid.⁷
痴笑[癡笑] chï-xël
chīxiào to giggle; to titter.⁷
痴心[癡心] chï-xïm
chīxīn blind love, blind passion, to dote, infatuation; a silly wish.⁷
老年痴呆症[老年癡呆癥] lāo-nẽin-chï-ngõi-jëin
lǎonián chīdāizhèng senile dementia; Alzheimer's disease.¹⁰
书痴[書癡] sï-chï
shūchī pedant; bookworm.⁸
chi2 1590
109 10 chï chì <wr.> look with fixed gaze, fix one's eyes on; look surprisedly.⁶
眙逗 chï-èo chìdòu to look steadily at anything.²⁴
伫眙[佇眙] chuî-chï
zhùchì peek in anticipation; to overlook all eyes.⁵⁴ gaze fixedly for a long time.⁰
鹗眙[鶚眙] ngōk-chï
èchì <wr.> frightened; scared.⁷
愕眙 ngōk-chï
èchì to look alarmed.²⁴
<又> yĩ.
(See 眙 yĩ.)
chi2 1591
109 11 chï chī gum (in the eyes); eye secretions.⁶ eyes sore at the corners; dim-sighted; the matter from the eyes drying up.²⁴
眵昏 chï-fün chīhūn the eyes stopped up with matter.²⁴
眵迷糊儿[眵迷糊兒] chï-mãi-vũ-ngĩ
chīmihūr eye wax or gum.⁵⁴
眵目糊 chï-mùk-vũ
chīmuhū <topo.> gum (in one's eyes).¹⁰
眼眵 ngān-chï
yǎnchī (=眼屎 ngān-sī yǎnshǐ) gum in the eyes.⁸ sleep.¹⁵
chi2 1592
118 11 chï chī a bamboo whip; to whip, to flog.⁷
榜笞 bòng-chï or bäng-chï bàngchī or bèngchī to beat; to flog; to whip.⁷
笞背 chï-böi
chībèi to flog/whip the back.⁷
笞棰 chï-chuĩ
chīchuí to beat with a bamboo whip.⁷
笞箠 chï-chuĩ
or chï-juì chīchuí to flog a criminal.¹⁴
笞挞[笞撻] chï-hāt
chītà to flog; to whip.¹⁰
笞臀 chï-hũn
chītún to whip/flog the buttocks.⁷
笞骂[笞罵] chï-mà
chīmà to whip and revile.⁷
笞刑 chï-yẽin
chīxíng cane punishment; whipping or  flogging.⁷
笞辱 chï-yùk
chīrǔ to whip and insult.⁷
chi2 1593
120 13 chï chī the fine fibers of hemp; grass cloth or linen.¹⁴ fine hemp cloth.
(compostioon: ⿰糹希; U+7D7A).
絺纻[絺紵] chï-chuî chīzhù fine and coarse hemp.¹⁴
絺巾[絺巾] chï-gïn
chījīn a napkin made of grass cloth.²⁵
絺葛布[絺葛布] chï-gût-bü
chīgébù fine linen.¹⁴
絺绤[絺綌] chï-kēik
chīxì fine and coarse linen.¹⁴
绉絺[縐絺] jëo-chï
zhòuchī fine silk crepe.¹¹
chi2 1594
120 15 chï (composition: ⿰糹差; U+7E12).
参縒[參縒] chëim-chï cēncī (<old>=参差[參差] chëim-chï cēncī uneven, irregular); chaotic.⁸ ravelled silk.²⁵
<又> tö; xū.
(See 縒 tö; 縒 xū).
chi2 1595
124 10 chï chì wing; shark's fin.⁵ (variants: 翄, 翤, 翨➁ chï chì).
翅瓣 chï-bàn
chìbàn alula.⁶
翅席 chï-dèik
chìxí banquet with shark's fin as the main dish.⁶
翅子 chï-dū
chìzi shark's fin; <topo.> wing.⁶
翅幅 chï-fūk
chìfú wingspread.⁶
翅果 chï-gō
chìguǒ <bot.> samara.⁵
翅汤[翅湯] chï-höng
chìtāng shark's fin soup.¹⁰
翅展 chï-jīn
chìzhǎn wingspan.¹⁰
翅脉[翅脈] chï-mäk
chìmài <zoo.> vein (of insect wings).⁵
翅排 chï-pãi
chìpái in a row.¹⁴
翅膀 chï-põng
chìbǎng wing; ability; wing-like thing.⁶
翅膀刷刷 chï-põng-chätchät
chìbǎngshuāshuā flapping wings.¹⁴
翅鞘 chï-xël
chìqiào <insect> elytron; elytrum.⁶
翅翼 chï-yêik
chìyì wing.⁶
翅榆 chï-yĩ
chìyú winged elm.⁶
振翅 jīn-chï
zhènchì to flap the wings.¹⁴
鱼翅[魚翅] nguĩ-chï
yúchì shark's-fin, a delicacy.¹⁴
鞘翅 xël-chï
qiàochì <insect> elytron; elytrum.⁶
(See 翄 chï chì; 翤 chï chì; 翨➁ chï chì).
chi2 1596
124 10 chï chì (=翅 chï chì) wing; shark's fin.⁵
(See 翅 chï).
chi2 1597
124 14 chï chì (<old>=翅 chï chì) wing; shark's fin.⁵
(See 翅 chï).
chi2 1598
124 15 chï chì ➀ bird of prey ➁ <old>=翅 chï chì wing; shark's fin.⁵
(See 翅 chï).
chi2 1599
130 10 chï chī (Cant.) the gizzard and liver of domestic fowl; bird’s stomach; (of birds and animals) the five internal organs (heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys).⁸
芙胵 fũ-chï fúchī the gizzard and liver of domestic fowl.⁸
肶胵 pĩ-chï
pĩchī the gizzard.²⁵
膍胵 pĩ-chï
píchī the stomach of ruminants or gizzard of birds.⁸
chi2 1600
140 8 chï chí 茌平 Chï-pẽin Chípíng (name of a place in  山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province).
chi2 1601
142 10 chï chī a worm; ignorant; rude, rustic; to despise.¹⁴
蚩蚩 chï-chï chīchī ignorant; simple-looking.⁷
蚩昏蒙眛 chï-fün-mũng-mòi
chīhūnméngmèi stupid, follish, doltish.¹⁴
蚩拙 chï-jōt
chīzhuō stupid; ignorant.⁷
蚩民 chï-mĩn
chīmín the masses; the "common people".¹⁴
蚩尤 Chï-Yiũ
Chīyóu, name of a legendary rebel overcome by 黄帝[黃帝] Võng-äi Huángdì Yellow Emperor.⁷
蚩尤旗 chï-yiũ-kĩ
chīyóuqí the banner of Chiyou – a comet.¹⁴
蚩眩 chï-yõn
chīxuàn stupid; muddled; confused.¹⁴
or 妍媸 ngẽin-chï yánchī beautiful and ugly.⁶
chi2 1602
142 11 chï chī (composition: ⿰虫氐; U+86B3).
蠪蚳 lũng-chï lóngchī or 蠪蛭 lũng-jìt lóngzhì a man-eating animal. It is said that it is a fox with nine tails, has tiger paws and cries like a little baby.¹⁰¹ the name of an animal, like a pig with horns.²⁵
<又> chĩ.
(See 蚳 chĩ).
chi2 1603
142 16 chï chī ➀ a dragon whose horns have not grown; cruel ➁ obsolete variant: 魑 chï chī.
螭陛 chï-bài
chībì steps of the imperial palace.⁵⁴
螭头[螭頭] chï-hẽo
chītóu gargoyle-like ornament on temple or palace roofs.¹¹
螭吻 chï-mêin
or chï-mûn chīwěn (=鸱尾[鴟尾] chï-mī chīwěi or 鸱吻[鴟吻] chï-mêin or chï-mûn chīwěn) ornament on roof ridge, in the shape of a legendary animal.²⁹
螭纽[螭紐] chï-niū
chīniǔ carved lizard handle of a cup.¹¹
螭首 chï-siū
chīshǒu hornless dragon head (used as ornamentation, esp. gargoyles).¹⁰
蟠螭纹[蟠螭紋] põn-chï-mũn
pánchīwén (of pillars) with carved curving dragons or lizards.¹¹
(see 魑 chï).
chi2 1604
145 11 chï chǐ extra wide or roomy clothes; a placename of the Song State during the Spring and Autumn Period; it is located in present-day Suzhou City (宿州市), Anhui Province (安徽省).⁸
(variant: 𧛧❄{⿰口袲} chï chǐ).
(composition: ⿰衤多; U+88B3).
<又> kāi; ū.
(See 袳 kāi; 袳 ū; 𧛧❄{⿰口袲} chï).
chi2 1605
145 12 chï chǐ (<old>=袳 chï chǐ extra wide or roomy clothes.⁸).⁸ long handsome robes.²⁵
(composition: ⿳亠多𧘇 or ⿳亠多⿰⿱丿𠄌⿺㇏丿; U+88B2).
<又> nõ; yĩ.
(See 袲 nõ; 袲 yĩ; 袳 chï).
chi2 1606
145 15 chï chǐ <lit.> strip; deprive.⁵ to strip off, to deprive of; to undress forcibly.⁷
褫革 chï-gāk chǐgé to strip one of one's uniform, insignia – to strip one of one's office; to dismiss.⁷
褫职[褫職] chï-jēik
chǐzhí deprive somebody of his post; remove somebody from office.⁵ to dismiss one from office; a dishonorable discharge.⁷
褫魄 chï-pāk
chǐpò to be scared out of one's wits.⁷
褫夺[褫奪] chï-ùt
chǐduó to deprive of; to strip off.⁷
褫夺公权[褫奪公權] chï-ùt-güng-kũn
chǐduó gōngquán to strip or deprive one of one's civil rights.⁷
chi2 1607
145 15 𧛧
chï chǐ (=袳 chï chǐ extra wide or roomy clothes); clothes opened.⁸
clothes opened.²⁵ loose clothes.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰口袲; U+276E7).
(See 袳 chï).
chi2 1608
170 5 chï  chǐ a small avalanche; to break away, to let fall down, to be precipitated; also a brink, a shore.²⁵ a hillside, a bank; the earth breaking away.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰阝也; U+9624).
阤崩 chï-bäng chǐbēng to fall down, as a hill.²⁵
登阤 äng-chï
dēngchǐ  to ascend a bank.²⁵
<又> sī; hõ; hũ; yĩ.
(See 阤 sī; 阤 hõ; 阤 hũ; 阤 yĩ).
chi2 1609
184 20 chï chì wine and food eaten with wine.⁸ food; to cook.¹⁰ wine and food; to boil millet or dressed millet.²⁵
(composition: ⿰飠喜; U+994E).
饎餴 chï-fün chìfēn or hï-fün xīfēn  refers to food and drink.¹⁹
饎饌[饎馔] chï-jàn
chìzhuàn or hï-jàn xīzhuàn meat and drink.²⁵
饎人 chï-ngĩn
chìrén or hï-ngĩn xīrén the chef.¹⁹
饎爨 chï-tōn
chìcuàn or hï-tōn xīcuàn cooking.¹⁹
Gīt-gün-vĩ-chï, sì-yùng-häo-hēng
Gīt-gün-vĩ-hï, sì-yùng-häo-hēng.
Jí juān wèi chì, shì yòng xiào xiǎng or
Jí juān wèi xī, shì yòng xiào xiǎng.

With happy auspices and purifications, thou bringest the offerings, / And dost filially present them.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·鹿鳴之什·天保》, translated by James Legge.
<又> hï.
(See 饎 hï).
chi2 1610
194 19 chï chī a mountain demon resembling a tiger.⁷
魑魅 chï-mì chīmèi <wr.> legendary man-eating monster in mountains and forests; evil spirit.⁶
魑魅魍魉[魑魅魍魎] chï-mì-mōng-lēng
chīmèi-wǎngliǎng <wr.> all sorts of evil spirits, demons and devils; ghosts and spirits – all sorts of evil persons.⁶
(See 螭 chï).
chi2 1611
196 15 𫛛
chï chì (<old>=翅 chï chì wing).
t: ⿰支鳥; U+9CF7). (comp. s: ⿰支鸟; U+2B6DB).
❄{⿰支鸟}[金鳷] gïm-chï jīnchì gold-winged bird; refers to the ornate cornices of a pavilion.¹⁹
❄{⿰支鸟}擘海[金鳷擘海] gïm-chï-mäk-hōi jīnchìbòhǎi metaphorical poetry is powerful, profound and thorough.¹⁹
<又> jï.
(See 鳷 jï).
chi2 1612
196 15 chï chī kite, owl, wine cups.⁸  a kite or hawk; (=鸱[鴟] chï chī a kite; an owl; wine cups.⁷ <old> sparrow hawk.⁶).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰氏鳥; U+4CAD).
䲭鵳 chï-gän
chījiān (=鶗鵳 hãi-gän tíjiān (=鷂 yẽl yào) a hawk; a sparrow hawk.⁷).²  a wild dove.²⁵
(See 鴟 chï ).
chi2 1613
196 16 chï chī a kite; an owl; wine cups.⁷ <old> sparrow hawk.⁶ (Note: modern 鹞鹰[鷂鷹] yêl-yëin yàoyīng sparrow hawk).
鸱蹲[鴟蹲] chï-dün
chīdūn to squat like an owl.⁷
鸱顾[鴟顧] chï-gü
chīgù to look back without moving the body like an owl.⁷
鸱枭[鴟梟] chï-hël
chīxiāo an owl.⁷
鸱鸮[鴟鴞] chï-hël
chīxiāo owl; canto in The Book of Odes.⁷
鸱鸺[鴟鵂] chï-hiü
chīxiū or 猫头鹰[貓頭鷹] miū-hẽo-yëin māotóuyīng owl.⁶
鸱张[鴟張] chï-jëng
chīzhāng stretched wings of an owl – brutal oppressors.⁷
鸱甍[鴟甍] chï-mãng
chīméng <wr.> roof tile with owl head.¹¹
鸱尾[鴟尾] chï-mī
chīwěi or 鸱吻[鴟吻] chï-mêin or chï-mûn chīwěn owl-like pottery figure at either end of a roof ridge as an ornament.⁶ ornament on roof ridge, in the shape of a legendary animal.²⁹
鸱目虎吻[鴟目虎吻] chï-mùk-fū-mêin
chīmùhǔwěn lit. an owl's eyes and a tiger's lips – a very fierce-looking face.⁷
鸱视[鴟視] chï-sì
chīshì to watch with greed or avarice.⁷
鸱峙[鴟峙] chï-sì
chīzhì to form an abominable or brutal opposition.⁷
鸱夷[鴟夷] chï-yĩ
chīyí a leather bag.⁷

chi2 1614
202 22 chï chī wood glue; sticky; bird-lime.¹⁰ to stick; to adhere.²⁵
黐胶[黐膠] chï-gäo chījiāo bird-lime.²⁵
胶黐[膠黐] gäo-chï
jiāochī bird-lime; wood glue.¹⁰
<台> 黐黐黏黏 chï-chï-nāk-nāk very sticky.
<台> 黐线[黐線] chï-xëin crazy; insane.
chi2 1615
9 10 俿 chĩ chí wheel (of a vehicle).⁸
<又> fū. (See 俿 fū).
chi3 1616
9 10 chĩ chí to walk; to travel.²⁴
chi3 1617
32 8 chĩ chí an islet; island in a river.
水中坻 suī-jüng-chĩ shuǐzhōngchí island in a river.
<又> āi.
(See 坻 āi.)
chi3 1618
32 15 chĩ chí <wr.> The level surface at the upper end of a staircase.⁹  The general term for staircase.⁹  flight of steps.¹  steps leading up to temple or palace.¹¹
丹墀 än-chĩ dānchí vermilion steps leading up to a palace hall.¹  terrace area in imperial palace.¹¹
赤墀 chēik-chĩ
chìchí the yard between main hall and steps (in a Chinese palace-style building).¹
阶墀[階墀] gäi-chĩ
jiēchí flight of steps leading to the throne.¹
chi3 1619
57 6 chĩ chí <wr.> loosen the string of a bow;  loosen up, slacken, relax; abolish, remove.⁶
弛废[弛廢] chĩ-fī chífèi <wr.> (of a law, discipline) become lax and abandoned.⁶
弛缓[弛緩] chĩ-fòn
chíhuǎn calm/slow down, relax; lax.⁶
弛禁 chĩ-gîm
chíjìn <wr.> recind a prohibition; lift a ban.⁵
弛张[弛張] chĩ-jëng
chízhāng relaxation and tension; tightness and looseness.⁶
弛张热[弛張熱] chĩ-jëng-ngèik
chízhāngrè <med.> remittent fever.⁵
废弛[廢弛] fī-chĩ
fèichí (of a law, custom, discipline) cease to be binding; run hollow; become lax.⁶
懈弛 hâi-chĩ
xièchí to relax.⁷
张弛[張弛] jëng-chĩ
zhāngchí tension and relaxation; tightness and looseness.⁶
松弛[鬆弛] xüng-chĩ
sōngchí limp, flabby, slack, drooping; lax.⁶
一张一弛[一張一弛] yīt-jëng-yīt-chĩ
yīzhāngyīchí tension alternating with relaxation.⁵
chi3 1620
64 9 chĩ chí to hold; to grasp.
保持 bāo-chĩ bǎochí to keep; to maintain.
持续[持續] chĩ-dùk
chíxù to continue; to persist.
持久 chĩ-giū
chíjiǔ lasting; protracted.
持之以恒[持之以恆] chĩ-jï-yî-hãng
chízhīyǐhéng persevere in (doing something).⁵
持螯 chĩ-ngão
or chĩ-ngào chí'áo eating crabs.⁵⁴
持平 chĩ-pẽin
chípíng to stay level (of exchange rate, market share); fair; unbiased.
夹持[夾持] gäp-chĩ
jiāchí to clamp; to grip; to grasp; to seize somebody on both sides by the arms; to hold somebody under duress; to kidnap.
坚持[堅持] gëin-chĩ
jiānchí to persist in; to insist on.
主持 jī-chĩ
zhǔchí to take charge/care of; to manage; to direct; to uphold; to stand for; to preside over; to chair.
支持 jï-chĩ
zhīchí to sustain; to hold out; to bear; to support; to back; to stand by.
勤俭持家[勤儉持家] kĩn-gèm-chĩ-gä
qínjiǎn chíjiā to run a household diligently and thriftily.
维持[維持] vĩ-chĩ
wéichí keep; maintain; preserve.⁵
<台> 能持 nãng-chĩ capable.
chi3 1621
85 6 chĩ chí pond; reservoir; moat; Chi surname.¹⁰
便池 bèin-chĩ biànchí urinal.¹⁰
池榭 chĩ-dèh
chíxiè pond and terrace in a rich mansion.¹¹
池子 chĩ-dū
chízi pond; bathhouse pool; dance floor of a ballroom; (old) stalls (front rows in a theater).¹⁰
池塘 chĩ-hõng
chítáng pool, pond.¹⁰
池沼 chĩ-jēl
chízhǎo pools, ponds in general.¹¹
池鱼之殃[池魚之殃] chĩ-nguĩ-jï-yëng
chíyúzhīyāng be involved in a disaster not of one’s own making.⁹
电池[電池] èin-chĩ
diànchí battery.¹¹
游泳池 yiũ-vèin-chĩ
yóuyǒngchí a swimming pool.⁷
chi3 1622
104 10 chĩ zhī (=胝 chĩ zhī) callouses on hands or feet.⁷
<又> jï.
(See 胝 chĩ; 疷 jï.)
chi3 1623
118 9 chĩ chí (=篪 chĩ chí) bamboo flute (an ancient musical instrument).⁶
(See 篪 chĩ).
chi3 1624
118 12 chĩ chí (=篪 chĩ chí) bamboo flute (an ancient musical instrument).⁶
(See 篪 chĩ).
chi3 1625
118 14 chĩ chí (=篪 chĩ chí) bamboo flute (an ancient musical instrument).⁶
(See 篪 chĩ).
chi3 1626
118 16 chĩ chí bamboo flute (an ancient musical instrument).⁶ bamboo traverse close-ended flute used in Chinese court music.³⁶ (variants: 箎, 筂, 竾, 䶵 chĩ chí).
or 篪埙[篪塤] chĩ-fün chíxūn a flute and a musical instrument, made of earthenware, which were played together; hence, they denote brotherly harmony.²⁵
吹篪 chuï-chĩ
chuīchí to blow the flute.²⁵
or 埙箎[塤箎] or 埙筂[塤筂] or 埙竾[塤竾] or 壎篪 or 壎箎 fün-chĩ xūnchí two musical instruments played together harmoniously; the love between brothers.⁵⁴
or 如壎如箎 nguĩ-fün-nguĩ-chĩ rúxūnrúchí fraternal love.¹¹ʼ³⁹
伯壎仲篪 bāk-fün-jùng-chĩ
bóxūnzhòngchí exquisite duet melody where the elder brother plays the 壎 and the younger brother plays the 篪.⁸
(See 箎 chĩ; 筂 chĩ; 竾 chĩ; 䶵 chĩ).
chi3 1627
130 9 chĩ zhī callouses on hands or feet.⁷ (variant: 疷 chĩ zhī).
(composition: ⿰月氐; U+80DD).
胝趼 chĩ-gān or jï-gān or chĩ-gēin or jï-gēin jiǎnzhī corns; callouses on hands or feet.¹⁴
胼胝 pëin-chĩ
or pẽin-jï piánzhī callosity; callus; tylosis.⁶ calluses on the hands and feet – to toil or work hard.⁷
胼胝体[胼胝體] pëin-chĩ-hāi
or pẽin-jï-hāi piánzhītǐ corpus callosum.⁵
胼手胝足 pëin-siū-chĩ-dūk
or pëin-siū-jï-dūk piánshǒuzhīzú calloused hands and feet – a life of toil.⁶
<又> jï.
(See 胝 jï; 疷 chĩ.)
chi3 1628
140 9 chĩ chí (composition: ⿱艹至; U+834E).
荎藸 chĩ-chuĩ chíchú a medicinal herb; also called 五味子 m̄-mì-dū wǔwèizǐ.¹³ another name for 五味子 m̄-mì-dū wǔwèizǐ  of which there are two kinds: 北五味子 Schizandra chinensis, and 南五味子 Kadsura japonica.¹¹ Other names in English for Schizandra chinensis are magnolia-vine, Chinese magnolia-vine, schisandra, whose fruit is called magnolia berry or five-flavor-fruit. Other Chinese names for Schizandra chinensis are 五味, 北五味子, 山五味, 山花椒. Kadsura japonica is also called 日本南五味子.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ a plant. the seeds of which are said to possess all the five tastes.²⁵
櫙荎 ëo-chĩ
ōuchí (=刺榆 xü-yĩ cìyú²⁴ Hemiptelea davidii (Hance) Planch.³² Hemiptelea davidii is a thorny, deciduous shrub or a tree in the Elm family.⁰)
牛荎 ngẽo-chĩ
niúchí or 牛膝 ngẽo-xīp niúxī a medicine, marjoram.²⁵
chi3 1629
142 11 chĩ chí ant eggs;  a surname during the Warring States Period in the Qi State.⁸ eggs or larvae of ants.¹⁴ ant's eggs; the young of the ant.²⁵
(composition: ⿰虫氐; U+86B3).
蚳醢 chĩ-hōi chíhǎi larvae in pickle.¹⁴
<又> chï.
(See 蚳 chï).
chi3 1630
142 15 chĩ chí (composition: ⿰虫是; U+876D).
蝭母 chĩ-mû chímǔ rhizome of Anemarrhena asphodeloides, (Anemarrhenae Rhizoma).²⁰ affodille (Africaans for daffodil), or celandine.²⁵
蝭蛙 chĩ-vä
chíwā the name of a bird.²⁵
<又> hãi.
(See 蝭 hãi).
chi3 1631
156 13 chĩ chí (composition: ⿰走多; U+8D8D).
趍赵[趍趙] chĩ-jèl chízhào "久 (giū jiǔ) 也" a long time.²
趍赵[趍趙] chĩ-jèl
chízhào "夂 (jī zhǐ) 也" to walk slowly.¹⁰⁰ (Note: 《說文解字》 lists 趨趙 as "久(giū jiǔ) 也" a long time).¹⁰⁰
<又> tuï.
(See 趍 tuï).
chi3 1632
157 15 chĩ chí to hesitate.⁷ undecided; embarrassed.¹⁴
踟蹰[踟躕] or 踟躇 chĩ-chuĩ chíchú to hesitate; linked together; a comb; to be in perplexity.⁷
踟蹰不进[踟躕不進] chĩ-chuĩ-būt-dïn
chíchúbùjìn tarry and not go forward.¹¹
踟蹰不前[踟躕不前] chĩ-chuĩ-būt-tẽin
chíchúbùqián hesitate to move forward.⁵
or 踟躇街头[踟躇街頭] chĩ-chuĩ-gâi-hẽo chíchújiētóu linger in the street.⁶
搔首踟蹰[搔首踟躕] xäo-siū-chĩ-chuĩ
sāoshǒuchíchú scratch one's head in great perplexity – to be in a dilemma; hesitate; scratch one's head in hesitation.⁵⁴
chi3 1633
162 12 chĩ chí (=迟[遲] chĩ chí slow, tardy; late.⁵); late, tardy; slow; delay.⁸
(composition: ⿺辶⿸尸羊; U+9045).
or 栖迟[棲遲] or 栖遟[棲遟] täi-chĩ qīchí or 栖犀[棲犀] täi-xäi qīxī rest at leisure; play and relax.⁵⁴ʼ⁶⁰
<又> jï.
(See 遟 jï; 遲 chĩ).
chi3 1634
162 13 chĩ chí (=迟[遲] chĩ chí slow, tardy; late.⁵); late, tardy; slow; delay.⁸
(composition: ⿺辶屖; U+905F).
or 栖迟[棲遲] or 栖遅[棲遅] täi-chĩ qīchí or 栖犀[棲犀] täi-xäi qīxī rest at leisure; play and relax.⁵⁴ʼ⁶⁰
回遟 või-chĩ
huíchí hesitate, dilly-dally; pace back and forth, waver.⁰
or 屖遲 xäi-chĩ xīchí be detained; be held up; remain at a standstill.¹³ play, rest and relax.¹⁹ sojourn; travel and rest.¹⁰¹
<又> jï.
(See 遟 jï; 遲 chĩ).
chi3 1635
162 15 chĩ chí slow, tardy; late; Chi surname.⁵ (variant: 遟 chĩ chí).
t: ⿺辶犀; U+9072). (comp. s: ⿺辶尺; U+8FDF).
迟到[遲到] chĩ-äo
chídào be late; come late; arrrive late.⁵
迟迟不进[遲遲不進] chĩ-chĩ-būt-dïn
chíchíbùjìn to hesitate; to be reluctant to advance; to hesitate to push forward.⁷
迟早[遲早] chĩ-dāo
chízǎo sooner or later.⁷
迟缓[遲緩] chĩ-fòn
chíhuǎn slow; tardy; tardiness.⁷
迟滞[遲滯] chĩ-jài
chízhì slow, dilatory, sluggish; late, behindhand.⁷
迟留[遲留] chĩ-liũ
chíliú to linger on; to stay.⁷
迟误[遲誤] chĩ-m̀
chíwù to spoil a matter because of procrastination.⁷
迟慢[遲慢] chĩ-màn
chímàn slow; tardy; tardiness.⁷
迟暮[遲暮] chĩ-mù
chímù to be advanced in years; slowly and unhurriedly.⁷
迟疑[遲疑] chĩ-ngĩ
chíyí to hesitate.⁵
迟钝[遲鈍] chĩ-ùn
chídùn slow (in thought or action); obtuse.⁵
迟延[遲延] chĩ-yẽn
chíyán delay; retard.⁵
<台> 早来早着迟来不及[早來早著遲來不及] dāo-lõi-dāo-jèk, chĩ-lõi-būt-gèp  The early bird catches the worm.
<台> 能迟[能遲] nãng-chĩ capable.
<又> jï.
(See 遲 jï; 遟 chĩ).
chi3 1636
187 13 chĩ chí speed, gallop; spread; <wr.> turn eagerly towards.⁵
驰辩[馳辯] chĩ-bèin chíbiàn to exert the gift of speech; to exercise one's eloquence.⁷
驰骋[馳騁] chĩ-chēin
chíchěng gallop about; dash about.⁵
驰骋疆场[馳騁疆場] chĩ-chēin-gëng-chẽng
chíchěng jiāngchǎng dash about on the battlefield.⁶
驰骋文坛[馳騁文壇] chĩ-chēin-mũn-hãn
chíchěngwéntán play an eminent role in literary circles.⁶
驰檄[馳檄] chĩ-hàt
chíxí to speed mobilization order.⁷
驰驱[馳驅] chĩ-kuï
chíqū gallop; <wr.> try to be of service.⁶
驰马[馳馬] chĩ-mâ
chímǎ gallop (on a horse).⁶
驰名[馳名] chĩ-mẽin
chímíng well-known.⁵
驰名中外[馳名中外] chĩ-mẽin-jüng-ngòi
chímíngzhōngwài renowned at home and abroad.⁷
驰骛[馳騖] chĩ-mù
chíwù <wr.> speed; go swiftly.⁶ to run after (empty fame, power, money).¹¹
驰年[馳年] chĩ-nẽin
chínián the fleeting years.⁷
驰念[馳念] chĩ-nèm
chíniàn <wr.> think longingly of somebody far away.⁶
驰驿[馳驛] chĩ-yèik
chíyì (said of government officials on official tour in ancient times) to travel speedily from post to post along a designated route.⁷
驰援[馳援] chĩ-yõn
chíyuán rush to the rescue.⁵

chi3 1637
214 27 chĩ chí (=箎 or 篪 chĩ chí) bamboo flute (an ancient musical instrument).⁶ bamboo traverse close-ended flute used in Chinese court music.³⁶
(See 篪 chĩ; 箎 chĩ).
chi3 1638
30 14 chì (=嚏 chì ) to sneeze; a running at the nose.⁸
(composition: ⿰口帶; U+35E3).
(See 嚏 chì)
chi4 1639
30 17 chì to sneeze.³⁶ (variant: 㗣 chì ).
(composition: ⿰口疐; U+568F).
阿嚏 ä-chì
ātì achoo, atchoo, atishoo (the sound of a sneeze).³⁶
打嚏喷[打嚏噴] ā-chî-pün
dǎtìpēn <topo.> to sneeze.³⁶
打喷嚏[打噴嚏] ā-pün-chî
dǎpēntì to sneeze.⁶
嚏喷[嚏噴] chî-pün
tìpēn to sneeze.²² <topo.> a sneeze.³⁶
喷嚏[噴嚏] pün-chî
pēntì a sneeze.³⁶
鼽嚏 kiũ-chì
qiútì to have a stuffy nose and sneeze due to a cold.³⁶
<台> 乞嚏 hāt-chì to sneeze.
(See 㗣 chì).
chi4 1640
75 7 chì chī the handle of a distaff.²⁴
嚜杘 màk-chì mechī (=狡猾 gāo-vàt jiǎohuá crafty; cunning; sly.¹⁰)
chi4 1641
157 13 chì chì hasty walking.⁸
跮踱 chì-òk chìduó to walk to and fro; to pass in and out.¹⁴ to advance and retire suddenly or hastily, as in paying compliments; some say, enraged.²⁵
chi4 1642
46 9 chî zhì (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 峙 sì zhì with same meaning: <wr.> to stand erect, to tower.⁶ to stand erect like a mountain.⁷ to stand erect, to stand up; to pile up.⁸)
<又> sì.
(See 峙 [sì, zhì]; [sì, shì].)
chi5 1643
112 16 chīm chen ugly, unsightly; <vern.> (of food) gritty.⁶
寒碜[寒磣] hõn-chīm hánchen homely, unsightly, shabby; disgraceful, disreputable; ridicule, put to shame.⁶
牙碜[牙磣] ngã-chīm
yáchen (of food) gritty; (of language) coarse; vulgar.⁶
砢碜[砢磣] ü-chīm
kēchen disgraceful; crack something between the teeth.⁸ disgraceful, ridicule.⁹
<又> chïn.
(See 磣 [chīm,  chěn], chïn.)
chim1 1644
112 16 chīm chěn ugly, unsightly; <vern.> (of food) gritty.⁶
碜磕磕[磣磕磕] chīm-hēip-hēip or 碜可可[磣可可] chīm-hō-hō chěnkēkē horrible; awful, scary.⁵⁴
碜死[磣死] chīm-xī
chěnsǐ be too shameful.⁵⁴
嗑碜[嗑磣] hēip-chīm
kèchěn embarrassed.¹⁰
口碜[口磣] hēo-chīm
kǒuchěn <wr.> vulgar of speech.¹¹
<又> chïn.
(See 磣 [chīm,  chen], chïn.)
chim1 1645
157 11 chīm chěn 趻踔 chīm-chēk chěnchuō <wr.> jump; leap.⁶
chim1 1646
157 16 chīm chěn 踸踔 chīm-chēk chěnchuō (=趻踔 chīm-chēk chěnchuō) <wr.> jump; leap.⁶ jump.¹⁹
chim1 1647
167 17 chīm chěn an axe for chopping wood.²⁵
(composition: ⿰釒甚; U+9356).
鍖銋 chīm-nîm chěnnǐn making no progress; impeded; embarrassed.²⁵  soothing sound.⁸ʼ⁵⁴
<又> îm.
(See 鍖 îm).
chim1 1648
149 15 chïm chǎn flatter; adulate; fawn (on somebody); toady (to somebody); curry favor (with somebody);play up to; suck up to.⁶
谄媚[諂媚] chïm-mĩ or chēm-mĩ chǎnmèi flatter; adulate; fawn (on somebody); toady (to somebody); curry favor (with somebody);play up to; suck up to.⁶
谄佞[諂佞] chïm-nèin
or chēm-nèin chǎnnìng to flatter; to toady.⁷ flattering.²⁵
谄上欺下[諂上欺下] chïm-sèng-hï-hà
or chēm-sèng-hï-hà chǎnshàngqīxià be servile to one's superiors and tyrannical to one's subordinates; fawn on those above and bully those below.⁶
谄笑[諂笑] chïm-xël
or chēm-xël chǎnxiào laugh in a flattering way; give a sycophantic/fawning/ingratiating smile; smile obsequiously.⁶
谄谀[諂諛] chïm-yĩ
or chēm-yĩ chǎnyú flatter servilely; fawn (on somebody); toady (to somebody); curry favor (with somebody).⁶
<又> chēm.
(See 諂 chēm.)

chim2 1649
85 7 chĩm chén (=沈 chĩm chén) sink; keep down, to lower; deep, profound; heavy.⁵ (See 沈 chĩm.)
沉沉 chĩm-chĩm
chénchén heavy; deep.⁵
沉沉入睡 chĩm-chĩm-yìp-suì
chénchénrùshuì sink into a deep sleep.⁵
沉寂 chĩm-dèik
chénjì quiet, still; no news.⁵
沉寂无闻[沉寂無聞] chĩm-dèik-mũ-mũn
chénjìwúwén (person) unknown; (character, style) contemplative.¹¹
沉静[沉靜] chĩm-dèin
chénjìng quiet, calm; serene, placid.⁵
沉滓泛起 chĩm-dōi-fàn-hī
chénzǐfànqǐ the dregs of society gain the upper hand.⁵⁴
沉醉 chĩm-duï
chénzuì get drunk; become intoxicated.⁵
沉淀[沉澱] chĩm-èin
chéndiàn sediment; precipitate.⁵
沉香 chĩm-hëng
chénxiāng agalloch eaglewood.⁶ Aquilaria sinensis (Lour.) Gilg.²³
沉着[沉著] chĩm-jëk
chénzhuó cool-headed; composed; steady; calm.⁵
沉重 chĩm-jùng
chénzhòng heavy; serious; critical.⁵
沉沦[沉淪] chĩm-lũn
chénlún sink into (bad connotation).¹⁰
沉迷 chĩm-mãi
chénmí to indulge in; to wallow.³⁶
沉默 chĩm-màk
chénmò reticent, taciturn; silent.⁵
沉没[沉沒] chĩm-mòt
chénmò sink, founder; remain obscure and insignificant.⁵⁴
沉思 chĩm-xü
chénsī ponder; meditate; be lost in thought.⁵

chim3 1650
85 7 chĩm chén (=沉 chĩm chén) sink; keep down, to lower; deep, profound; heavy.⁵ (Now 沉 chĩm chén is used more often as the written form.)
or 沉痼 chĩm-gü chéngù a chronic disease or ailment, a serious illness; a bad habit from which one cannot withdraw.⁷
or 墨沉沉 màk-chĩm-chĩm mòchénchén obscure; indistinctly observable in the distance.⁵⁴
<又> sīm.
(See 沉 chĩm; 沈 sīm; 沈[瀋] sīm; 渖[瀋] sīm.)
chim3 1651
147 14 𧠿
chĩm chìn to put the head out privily and peep.²⁵
(composition: ⿲月彡見 or ⿰肜見; U+2783F).
(Hoisanva sound is from Kangxi 丑林切. Pinyin is from source 25.)
(See 䚀 chîm.)
chim3 1652
147 13 chîm jìn to see, to put the head out and peep.²⁵ (=𧠿❄{⿲月彡見} chĩm chìn to put the head out privliy and peep.²⁵).
(composition: ⿰舟見; U+4680).
(Hoisanva sound is from Kangxi 丑䕃切. Pinyin is from source 25.) (Not to be confused with 舰[艦] lâm
jiàn warship.)
(See 𧠿 chĩm.)
chim5 1653
9 5 chīn zhěn (<old>=鬒 chīn zhěn) <wr.> thick black hair.⁶ having dark, glossy hair.⁷ bushy black hair.¹⁴ thick hair; black hair.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𠆢彡; U+3431).
(See 鬒 chīn).
chin1 1654
30 8 𠱉 chīn zhěn to look at.⁹⁸
(composition: ⿰口㐱; U+20C49).
chin1 1655
30 9 chīn shěn <wr.> to smile; to sneer.¹⁰
哂纳[哂納] chīn-nàp shěnnà <court.> please accept (my gift, opinion) with a smile.¹¹
哂然 chīn-ngẽin
shěnrán with a smiling face/expression.⁸
哂收 chīn-siü
shěnshōu (=哂纳[哂納] chīn-nàp shěnnà) <court.> please accept (my gift, opinion) with a smile.¹¹
哂笑 chīn-xël
shěnxiào to laugh at (with contempt).¹¹
chin1 1656
78 9 chīn tiǎn extirpate; exterminate; destroy utterly.⁶
暴殄天物 bào-chīn-hëin-mùt or  bào-hēin-hëin-mòt bàotiǎntiānwù a reckless waste of grain, etc.⁵
殄绝[殄絕] chīn-dùt
or hēin-dùt tiǎnjué to bring to an end.⁷
殄戮 chīn-lùk
or hēin-lùk tiǎnlù to destroy; to slaughter.¹⁴
殄灭[殄滅] chīn-mèik
or hēin-mèik tiǎnmiè <wr.> wipe out; annihilate.⁶
殄难[殄難] chīn-nàn
or hēin-nàn tiǎnnàn to eliminate dangers and hardships.⁷
殄歼[殄殲] chīn-tëm
or hēin-tëm tiǎnjiān to extirpate; to cut off.¹⁴
殄瘁 chīn-xuì
or hēin-xuì tiǎncuì misfortune and poverty; ruin.⁷
武殄暴通 mû-chīn-bào-hüng
or mû-hēin-bào-hüng wǔtiǎnbàotōng get rid of the rebels by force.⁶
<又> hēin.
(See 殄 hēin.)
chin1 1657
102 10 chīn zhěn raised paths between fields.⁶ border, boundary; raised path.⁸
不分畛域 būt-fün-chīn-vāk bùfēnzhěnyù draws no line between.¹¹ make no distinctions; regardless of national or regional difference.⁵⁴
畛域 chīn-vāk
zhěnyù boundary.⁸
化除畛域 fä-chuĩ-chīn-vāk
huàchú zhěnyù eliminate regionalism.¹⁹
畦畛 kĩ-chīn
qízhěn scope, range; prejudice.⁷ <wr.> field boundary; difference of opinion, dispute.¹¹
chin1 1658
104 10 chīn zhěn rashes.⁷ measles; rash; fever.⁸
疹病 chīn-bèng zhěnbìng exanthesis; exanthema.⁶
疹疾 chīn-dìp
zhěnjí (=疾病 dìp-bèng jíbìng) disease; sickness; illness; ailment.⁶
疹子 chīn-dū
zhěnzi measles; carbuncles.⁷
风疹[風疹] füng-chīn
fēngzhěn rubella; urticaria.¹⁰
丘疹 hiü-chīn
qiūzhěn pimple.¹⁰
or 麻疹 mã-chīn mázhěn measles.¹⁰
疱疹[皰疹] päo-chīn
pàozhěn bleb; herpes.⁶
chin1 1659
111 9 chīn shěn <wr.> besides; moreover; in addition.⁶ How much more?²⁴ (variant: 訠 chīn shěn).
矧如是乎 chīn-nguĩ-sì-fũ
shěnrúshìhū how much more then?¹⁴
矧是枢机[矧是樞機] chīn-sì-sï-gï
or chīn-sì-kuï-gï shěnshìshūjī this is the controlling force.¹⁴
(See 訠 chīn).
chin1 1660
112 10 chīn zhěn rocks clustered pile up together.⁸ Stones deep, close, and accumulated plentifully together.²⁵
(composition: ⿰石尔; U+40A7).
chin1 1661
115 15 chīn zhěn circumspect.⁷ luxuriant; fine and dense.⁸ busby; anything collected together.²⁵ (variant: 缜[縝] chīn zhěn.)
苞稹 bäo-chīn
or bäo-jïn bāozhěn growing in a bush; thickly planted.²⁵
稹之栗栗 chīn-jï-lùt-lùt
or jïn-jï-lùt-lùt zhěnzhīlìliè set (the sheaves) up solidly.¹⁴
or 缜密[縝密] chīn-mìt or jïn-mìt zhěnmì careful; meticulous; deliberate.⁵ closely woven, carefully thought-out (plan).¹¹
稹木 chīn-mûk
or jïn-mûk zhěnmù close-grained wood.²⁵
<又> jïn.
(See 稹 jïn; 縝 chīn, sìn.)
chin1 1662
120 11 chīn zhěn twist; transformation; change; twisting; tangled; turn the rope; single clothes; a switch.⁸ crooked; obstinate; twist a cord.¹⁰ to twist.¹¹ to twist a cord round; crooked; obstinate.¹⁴ to turn, to revolve; a single garment.²⁵
(composition: ⿰糹㐱; U+7D3E).
紾臂 chīn-bî zhěnbì twist arms.⁵⁴
紾兄之臂 chīn-hëin-jï-bî
zhěnxiōngzhībì do arm-twisting to elder brother.¹¹ to twist the arm.¹⁴ twist a brother's arm.²⁵
紾兄之臂而夺之食[紾兄之臂而奪之食] chīn-hëin-jï-bî ngĩ-ùt-jï-sèik
zhěnxiōngzhībì érduózhīshí to twist a brother's arm and snatch his food.¹⁴
紾戾 chīn-luì
zhěnlì crabbed; mulish.¹⁴
千万紾[千萬紾] tëin-màn-chīn
qiānwànzhěn thousands and myriads of revolutions; crooked, perverse.²⁵
<又> hēin.
(See 紾 hēin).
chin1 1663
120 16 chīn zhěn careful; deliberate.⁶ detailed, fine; closely woven.⁸ firm; durable.¹¹
缜纷[縝紛] chīn-fün zhěnfēn numerous.⁷
缜匝[縝匝] chīn-jät
zhěnzā dense; fine (texture).¹⁰
缜致[縝緻] chīn-jï
zhěnzhì fine and delicate.⁷
or 稹密 chīn-mìt zhěnmì careful; meticulous; deliberate.⁵ closely woven, carefully thought-out (plan).¹¹
缜密的分析[縝密的分析] chīn-mìt-ēik-fün-xēik
zhěnmìde fēnxi careful or minute analysis.⁶
缜密的计划[縝密的計劃] chīn-mìt-ēik-gäi-vàk
zhěnmìde jìhuà carefully (or carefully thought-out) plan.⁵
缜密的研究[縝密的研究] chīn-mìt-ēik-ngẽin-giü
zhěnmìde yánjiū meticulous study.⁶
缜密以栗[縝密以栗] chīn-mìt-yî-lùt
zhěnmìyǐlì it has a fine and close texture.¹¹
缜润[縝潤] chīn-ngùn
zhěnrùn  fine and smooth.¹⁰
文思缜密[文思縝密] mũn-xü-chīn-mìt
wénsīzhěnmì the ideas of the article are elaborately organized; (in writing) be careful in the organization of one's ideas.⁶
<又> sìn.
(See 縝 sìn; 稹 chīn, jïn.)
chin1 1664
130 9 chīn zhēn (<re. pr.> chīn) gizzard.⁹
鸭胗[鴨胗] äp-chīn yāzhēn duck gizzard.¹⁹
胗肝儿[胗肝兒] chīn-gön-ngĩ
zhēngānr gizzard and liver.¹¹
鸡胗肝[雞胗肝] gäi-chīn-gön
jīzhēngān chicken giblets.¹⁹
<又> kîn.
(See 胗 kîn.)
chin1 1665
140 15 chīn chǎn to finish, to complete; to solve.⁸
蒇事[蕆事] chīn-xù chǎnshì to finish, to be completed.¹¹
chin1 1666
145 10 chīn zhěn unlined garments; hem of garment.⁸ a thin coat.⁹  unlined garment.¹⁰ unlined jacket.¹¹ plain dark clothes; unlined garment; hem of a garment.¹⁴ plain black clothes; a border, or salvage; a single garment, worn in summer.²⁵ clothing (unlined).⁵⁴ single layer of garment without inner lining; wear a single garment; painted and embroidered clothes.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰衤㐱; U+8897).
袗絺綌 chīn-chï-kēik
zhěnchīxì unlined garment of linen or grass-cloth.¹⁴ clothing without lining (was) made of simple matter - thin or coarse.⁵⁴
袗袖 chīn-diù
zhěnxiù ordinary (unlined) sleeve (clothes).⁵⁴
袗衣 chīn-yï
zhěnyī embroidered garments/clothes.¹⁴ʼ²⁵
袗玄 chīn-yõn
zhěnxuán upper and lower garments of the same dark or black color.¹⁹ʼ⁰
春袗轻筇[春袗輕筇] chün-chīn-hëin-kũng
chūn zhěn qīng qióng lit. light spring clothing with a light cane; fig. he walks briskly, agilely and light-heartedly.¹⁹ʼ⁰
Öng-sī, chīn-chï-kēik... 
Dāng shǔ, zhěn chī xì...
In warm weather, he had a single garment either of coarse or fine texture...⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《論語·鄉黨》, translated by James Legge).
<又> jīn; jïn.
(See 袗 jīn; 袗 jïn).
chin1 1667
149 11 chīn shěn (=矧 chīn shěn) <wr.> besides; moreover; in addition.⁶ How much more?²⁴
(See 矧 chīn).
chin1 1668
149 12 chīn zhěn to examine or treat medically.
诊察[診察] chīn-chāt zhěnchá to examine (a patient).
诊疗[診療] chīn-lẽl
zhěnliáo see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.¹¹
诊断[診斷] chīn-òn
zhěnduàn to diagnose (a disease).
诊所[診所] chīn-sō
zhěnsuǒ clinic; dispensary.⁶
初诊[初診] chö-chīn
chūzhěn first visit (to a doctor or hospital).⁵
出诊[出診] chūt-chīn
chūzhěn to make house calls (of doctors).
听诊器[聽診器] hëng-chīn-hï
tīngzhěnqì stethoscope.
门诊[門診] mõn-chīn
ménzhěn outpatient service.⁵
巡诊[巡診] tũn-chīn xúnzhěn (of doctors) make a round of visits.⁸
chin1 1669
159 12 chīn zhěn <wr.> the cross board at the rear of an ancient carriage; carriage; sorrowful, distressed.⁵ square.⁸ Zhen surname.⁷
车轸[車軫] chëh-chīn chēzhěn carriage in general.¹¹
轸悼[軫悼] chīn-ào
zhěndào to mourn deeply.⁷
轸方[軫方] chīn-föng
zhěnfāng square; four-square.¹⁰
轸慕[軫慕] chīn-mù zhěnmù to remember with deep emotion.⁷
轸念[軫念] chīn-nèm
zhěnniàn <wr.> sorrowfully cherish the memory of somebody; think anxiously about.⁵
轸念时艰[軫念時艱] chīn-nèm-sĩ-gän
zhěnniàn shíjiān to bear in mind the critical national situation.⁷
轸石[軫石] chīn-sêk
zhěnshí <wr.> square rocks.¹¹
轸怀[軫懷] chīn-vãi
zhěnhuái sorrowfully cherish the memory of somebody.⁶
轸惜[軫惜] chīn-xēik
zhěnxī to mourn with deep regret; to have pity on.⁷
轸恤[軫恤] chīn-xūt
zhěnxù to pity deeply.⁷
轸忧[軫憂] chīn-yiü
zhěnyōu worried and grieved.⁷
殊深轸念[殊深軫念] sĩ-sïm-chīn-nèm
shūshēnzhěnniàn express deep solicitude for; feel deeply concerned about.⁶
chin1 1670
169 20 chīn chǎn explain, clarify, elucidate.⁸
阐发[闡發] chīn-fāt chǎnfā to elucidate; to expound; to study and explain.¹⁰
阐明[闡明] chīn-mẽin
chǎnmíng to elucidate; to explain clearly; to expound.¹⁰
阐释[闡釋] chīn-sēik
chǎnshì explain; expound; interpret.⁶
阐述[闡述] chīn-sùt
chǎnshù to expound (a position); to elaborate (on a topic); to treat (a subject).¹⁰
阐扬[闡揚] chīn-yẽng
chǎnyáng to expound; to propagate.¹⁰
闿阐[闓闡] hōi-chīn
kǎichǎn to explain.¹⁹
推阐[推闡] tuï-chīn
tuīchǎn study and explain.⁸
chin1 1671
181 15 chīn shěn to view others with raised eyes.⁸ to lift up the eyes and look on one.²⁵
(Note: Distinguish 颐[頤] yĩ , q.v. and 頣 chīn shěn).
(composition: ⿰臣頁; U+9823).
chin1 1672
190 20 chīn zhěn <wr.> thick black hair.⁶ having dark, glossy hair.⁷ bushy black hair.¹⁴ thick hair; black hair.²⁵ (variant: 㐱 chīn zhěn).
鬒发[鬒髮] chīn-fāt
zhěnfà luxuriant black hair.¹⁰
鬒发如云不屑髢[鬒髮如雲不屑髢] chīn-fāt-nguĩ-vũn-būt-xēik-hâi
zhěnfàrúyúnbùxièdì black hair like massed clouds and no false hair among it.¹⁴
女鬒黑而美 nuī-chīn-hāk-ngĩ-mî
nǚzhěnhēiérměi the young lady had black hair, and was beautiful.²⁵
(See 㐱 chīn).
chin1 1673
9 18 chïn chèn to assist; to give alms.
chin2 1674
30 13 chïn chēn angry, annoyed, displeased; to be annoyed, to blame.⁶
嗔斥 chïn-chēik chēnchì to rebuke, to angrily reproach, to scold.⁶
嗔怪 chïn-gäi
chēnguài to blame or rebuke.⁶
嗔喝 chïn-höt
chēnhè to yell at, rail at.¹¹
嗔睨 chïn-ngài
or chïn-ngãi chēnnì to look askance at somebody in anger.¹⁰
嗔怒 chïn-nù
chēnnù to get angry; to be enraged.⁶
嗔色 chïn-sēik
chēnsè angry or sullen look.⁶
转嗔为喜[轉嗔為喜] jōn-chïn-vĩ-hī
zhuǎnchēnwéixǐ one's anger turns into pleasure.⁶
chin2 1675
75 20 chïn chèn <wr.> coffin.⁶
扶榇[扶櫬] fũ-chïn fúchèn (=扶灵[扶靈] fũ-lẽin fúlíng) act as a pallbearer.¹¹
灵榇[靈櫬] lẽin-chïn
língchèn <wr.> coffin with the dead in it; bier.⁶
面缚舆榇[面縛輿櫬] mèin-bòk-yĩ-chïn
or mèin-fòk-yĩ-chïn miànfùyúchèn tie one's hands at the back and take a coffin with him – give up resistance and ask for punishment⁵⁴
舆榇[輿櫬] yĩ-chïn
yúchèn to go with one's coffin in cart to voice protest and show willingness to die for an opinion (like hunger strike).¹¹
chin2 1676
104 9 chïn chèn aching of limbs, muscular pains.⁸ a fever; generally illness.⁹ a fever characterized by sores.¹⁴ a fever, a febrile disease.²⁵ a fever which breaks out in sores; a febrile feeling; a fastidious appetite; longing for delicacies.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿸疒火; U+75A2).
疢痗 chïn-mòi chènmèi sickness arising from vexation.²⁴
疢如疾首 chïn-nguĩ-dìp-siū
chèn rú jí shǒu makes me feverish with something like a headache.¹⁴ a fever is as a throbbing head.¹⁰²
恒存乎疢疾[恆存乎疢疾] hãng-tũn-fũ-chïn-dìp
héng cún hū chèn jí will be found to have been in sickness or trouble.¹⁴
chin2 1677
109 15 chïn chēn angry, anger (=嗔 chïn chēn angry); to open the eyes.⁷
瞋目 chïn-mùk
chēnmù to glare, an angry look; to open one's eyes wide.⁷
瞋目盻之 chïn-mùk-hài-jï
or chïn-mùk-hãi-jï chēnmùxìzhī glare at somebody.⁶ flashed on him with rage.²⁴
瞋怒 chïn-nù
chēnnù to be beside oneself with anger.⁷
瞋视[瞋視] chïn-sì
chēnshì to look with angry eyes; to look angrily at.⁷
chin2 1678
112 16 chïn chěn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 碜[磣] chïn chěn with same meaning.)
<又> chīm.
(See 磣 [chīm,  chěn], [chīm,  chen].)
chin2 1679
140 19 chïn chèn (read as 櫬 chïn chèn coffin; meaning is 槿 gīn jǐn a hibiscus, whose wood may be used for coffins.).² (<old>=櫬 chïn chèn coffin); 木槿 mûk-gīn mùjǐn rose of Sharon.⁸  the lime or linden tree.²⁵ Also read qìn.⁸ʼ¹⁹ (Note: Tilia (椴树属[椴樹屬] òn-sì-sùk duànshùshǔ) is a genus of about 30 species of trees or bushes; European species are called linden; North American species are called basswood; British and Irish ones are called lime trees or lime bushes).
(composition: ⿰艹親; U+85FD).
chin2 1680
145 21 chïn chèn underwear; inner garments.⁸
衬布[襯布] chïn-bü chènbù lining cloth.⁷
衬垫[襯墊] chïn-dëin
chèndiàn pad.¹⁰
衬字[襯字] chïn-dù
chènzì words added to a poem 词[詞] or 曲, over and above the minimum number required.⁷
衬裤[襯褲] chïn-fû
chènkù underpants; pants.⁷ panties.¹¹
衬托[襯托] chïn-hōk
chèntuō to bring into relief; to set off; to supplement; to embellish; to provide a contrast; a foil.⁷
衬纸[襯紙] chïn-jī
chènzhǐ a slip sheet; interleaving paper; inserted paper (between pages); paper lining in clothing.⁷
衬裙[襯裙] chïn-kũn
chènqún a petticoat; an underskirt.⁷
衬里[襯裡] chïn-lī
chènlǐ a lining.⁷
衬绵[襯綿] chïn-mẽin
chènmián quilting; cotton padding.⁷
衬衫[襯衫] chïn-sâm
chènshān a shirt.⁷
衬钱[襯錢] chïn-tẽin
chènqián <Budd.> gifts to the temple.¹¹
衬线[襯線] chïn-xëin
chènxiàn serif (typography).¹⁰
衬衣[襯衣] chïn-yï
chènyī undergarments.⁷
<台> 帮衬[帮襯] böng-chïn to buy from; to patronize.
chin2 1681
156 12 chïn chèn take advantage of, avail oneself of; while; <topo.> be possessed of, be rich in.⁵ (old variant: 趂 chïn chèn).
趁便 chïn-bèin
chènbiàn when it is convenient; at one's convenience.⁵
趁早 chïn-dāo
chènzǎo as early as possible; before it is too late; at the first opportunity.⁵
趁火打劫 chïn-fō-ā-gēp
chènhuǒdǎjié loot a burning house; take advantage of somebody's misfortune to do him harm.⁵
趁机[趁機] chïn-gï
chènjī avail oneself of an opportunity; take advantage of an opportunity; seize/exploit/catch the opportunity (to do something); seize/take the chance.⁶
趁机会[趁機會] chïn-gï-vòi
chènjīhuì to take advantage of an opportunity.⁷
趁圩[趁墟] chïn-huî
chènxū <topo.> go to market on market day; go to a village fair.⁶
趁空 chïn-hüng
chènkòng use one's spare time; avail oneself of leisure time.⁵
趁热打铁[趁熱打鐵] chïn-ngèik-ā-hëik
chènrèdǎtiě strike while the iron is hot; hoist the sail while the wind is fair.⁶
趁势[趁勢] chïn-säi
chènshì take advantage of a favorable situation.⁵
(See 趂 chïn).
chin2 1682
156 12 chïn chèn (<old>=趁 chïn chèn take advantage of, avail oneself of; while; <topo.> be possessed of, be rich in.⁵); to take advantage of; to avail oneself of; to follow; to go.⁸
(composition: ⿺走尔; U+8D82).
(See 趁 chïn).
chin2 1683
211 16 chïn chèn (<old>=龀[齔] chïn chèn to have milk teeth replaced by permanent teeth; children.⁷).³⁶
(composition: ⿰齒乚; U+9F53).
(See 齔 chïn).
chin2 1684
211 17 chïn chèn to have milk teeth replaced by permanent teeth; children.⁷
(old variant: 齓 chïn chèn).
龀齿[齔齒] chïn-chī
chènchǐ to shed milk teeth for the new teeth.⁷
龀童[齔童] chïn-hũng
chèntóng child.⁶
龀年[齔年] chïn-nẽin
chènnián childhood.⁶
龆龀[齠齔] hẽl-chïn
tiáochèn the age of shedding the milk teeth – childhood.⁷
髫龀[髫齔] hẽl-chïn
tiáochèn childhood; youth.⁷
童齔 hũng-chïn
tóngchèn young childhood.¹¹
(See 齓 chïn).
chin2 1685
32 14 chĩn chén dust; dirt; earth.
尘埃[塵埃] chĩn-äi chén'āi dust.
尘暴[塵暴] chĩn-bào
chénbào <met.> dust storm.
尘嚣[塵囂] chĩn-hël
chénxiāo hubbub; hustle and bustle (of the mundane world).³⁶ hubbub, uproar; filthy and noisy place.⁵⁴
尘土[塵土] chĩn-hū
chéntǔ dust.
尘土呛人[塵土嗆人] chĩn-hū-tëng-ngĩn
chéntǔqiàngrén dust chokes.¹¹ the dust irritates the throat.¹⁴
尘世[塵世] chĩn-säi
chénshì <rel.> this mortal life; the mundane world.
尘寰[塵寰] chĩn-vãn
chénhuán <rel.> this mortal life; this world; this secular/mundane/mortal world.⁶
前尘[前塵] tẽin-chĩn
qiánchén <wr.>  the past; <Budd.> impurity contracted previously (in the sentient world).
烟尘[煙塵] yën-chĩn
yānchén smoke; smoke and dust; soot; air pollution.⁹
chin3 1686
66 14 chĩn chén (<old>=陳 chĩn chén) to exhibit; to display.⁸
(composition: ⿰陳攵; U+6576).
(See 陳 chĩn).
chin3 1687
75 14 chĩn chén 樄椽 chĩn-yõn chénchuán {=陈椽[陳椽] chĩn-yõn chénchuán (=modern 夤缘[夤緣] yĩn-yõn yínyuán <wr.> attach oneself to somebody powerful; climb socially through somebody powerful.⁶ to climb up on the basis of certain connections.¹¹) <wr.> to go about with a group}.¹¹
chin3 1688
159 11 chĩn chén (<old>=陳 chĩn chén) to arrange; to display wheel; Chen surname.⁸
(See 陳 chĩn).
chin3 1689
162 8 chĩn chén (<old>=陳 chĩn chén) arrange; display a column of troops; Chen surname.⁸
(See 陳 chĩn).
chin3 1690
170 10 chĩn chén to lay out; to exhibit; to display; to explain; old; stale; Chen Dynasty (557-589 A.D.); Chen surname.
(variants: 敶, 軙, 迧, 𨻰❄{⿰阝⿻𦥑木} chĩn chén).
(See 敶 chĩn; 軙 chĩn; 迧 chĩn; 𨻰:❄{⿰阝⿻𦥑木} chĩn).
陈兵[陳兵] chĩn-bëin
chénbīng to deploy troops.
陈迹[陳跡] chĩn-dēik
chénjì relics; a thing of the past.⁸
陈腐[陳腐] chĩn-fù
chénfǔ old and decayed; stale; trite.
陈旧[陳舊] chĩn-giù
chénjiù outmoded; obsolete.
陈国[陳國] Chĩn-gōk
Chén Guó vassal state (1045-478 B.C.) of the Zhou Dynasty.²³
陈列[陳列] chĩn-lèik
chénliè to display; to exhibit.
陈明[陳明] chĩn-mẽin
chénmíng to state; to explain.
陈案[陳案] chĩn-ön
chén'àn <law> pending case.
陈皮[陳皮] chĩn-pĩ
chénpí <TCM> dried tangerine or orange peel (=橘红[橘紅] gūt-hũng júhóng).
陈皮梅[陳皮梅] chĩn-pĩ-mõi
chénpíméi preserved dry plums.¹¹
陈设[陳設] chĩn-sēt
chénshè to display; to set out; furnishings.
陈述[陳述] chĩn-sùt
chénshù to state; assertion.
陈醋[陳醋] chĩn-tü
chéncù mature vinegar.⁶
陈椽[陳椽] chĩn-yõn
chénchuán ➀ (=modern 夤缘[夤緣] yĩn-yõn yínyuán, q.v.) ➁ <wr.> to go about with a group.¹¹
推陈出新[推陳出新] tuï-chĩn-chūt-xïn
tuīchénchūxīn weed through the old to bring forth the new.⁶
chin3 1691
170 13 𨻰
chĩn chén original character for 陈[陳] chĩn chén
(composition: ⿰阝⿻𦥑木; U+28EF0).
(See 陳 chĩn).

chin3 1692 28EF0.gif
1 4 chiū chǒu 2nd of the 12 Earthly Branches; clown; 1 a.m. to 3 a.m.; Chou surname.
丑角 chiū-gôk chǒujiǎo or chǒujué clown; buffoon.
丑虏[醜虜] chiū-lû
chǒulǔ a term of abuse for enemy.¹¹
丑时[丑時] chiū-sĩ/
chǒushí 1 a.m. to 3 a.m.
子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥 dū chiū yĩn mâo sĩn dù m̂ mì sïn yiû xūt hòi
zǐ chǒu yín mǎo chén sì wǔ wèi shēn yǒu xū hài the twelve Earthly Branches.⁸
(See 醜 chiū.)
chiu1 1693
66 18 𣀓
chiū chǒu (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 𣀓❄{⿰壽攴} chiũ chóu with the same meaning: to discard, abandon, throw away; to demand, to beg for, to get.²ʼ¹⁰¹ to reject.²⁴
(composition: ⿰壽攴; U+23013).
<又> chiũ; ào.
(See 𣀓❄{⿰壽攴} chiũ; 𣀓❄{⿰壽攴} ào).
chiu1 1694
75 8 chiū chǒu ancient torture devices such as handcuffs; ancient instruments of torture.⁸.
(composition: ⿰木丑; U+677B).
杻械 chiū-hài chǒuxiè shackles and handcuffs, refers to instruments of torture.²ʼ⁵⁴
<又> niū.
(See 杻 niū).
chiu1 1695
164 16 chiū chǒu ➀ ugly, homely, bad-looking ➁ abominable, vile, bad ➂ shameful, disgraceful, infamous ➃ to compare.⁷
丑诋[醜詆] chiū-āi chǒudǐ <wr.> insult; abuse; swear; curse; revile.⁶
丑态[醜態] chiū-häi
chǒutài shameful performance; disgraceful situation.
丑陋[醜陋] chiū-lèo
chǒulòu ugly.
丑闻[醜聞] chiū-mũn/
chǒuwén scandal.
丑恶[醜惡] chiū-ōk
chǒu'è  ugly; hideous; repulsive; vile.⁶
丑声四溢[醜聲四溢] chiū-sëin-xü-yìt
chǒushēngsìyì notorious.¹¹
跳梁小丑[跳梁小醜] hẽi-lẽng-xēl-chiū
tiàoliángxiǎochǒu petty scoundrel; petty thief; mischief maker; buffoon; little rascal; scamp.
献丑[獻醜] hün-chiū
xiànchǒu <humb.> show oneself up; show one's incompetence or inadequacy.⁵
小丑[小醜] xēl-chiū
xiǎochǒu clown; knave.
<台> 丑颈[醜頸] chiū-gēng  bad-tempered.
<台> 丑鬼[醜鬼] chiū-gī a mean, vile, despicable person.
(See 丑 chiū.)
chiu1 1696
194 23 chiū chǒu to discard, abandon, throw away; evil, wicked.² (=丑[醜] chiū chǒu ˢᵉˢᵉ ² abominable, vile, bad)
(composition: ⿰壽鬼; U+9B57).
Mũ-ngô-chiū-hãi, būt-dän-häo-yâ.
Wú wǒ chǒu xī, bù zǎn hào yě.
Do not think me vile; -
Old friendship should not hastily be broken off.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·鄭風·遵大路》, translated by James Legge).
<又> siũ.
(See 魗 siũ; 醜 chiūˢᵉˢᵉ ²).
chiu1 1697
30 13 chiü xiù smell, scent, sniff; olfactive.⁸ *old variant: 齅 chiü xiù).
(composition: ⿰口臭; U+55C5).
嗅出 chiü-chūt xiùchū to smell.⁵⁴
嗅觉[嗅覺] chiü-gōk
xiùjué sense of smell.¹⁰
嗅探犬 chiü-häm-hūn
xiùtànquǎn detection dog; sniffer dog.³⁶
嗅脑[嗅腦] chiü-nāo
xiùnǎo <neuroanatomy> rhinencephalon.³⁶
嗅神经[嗅神經] chiü-sĩn-gëin
xiùshénjīng olfactory nerve.⁶
嗅细胞[嗅細胞] chiü-xäi-bäo
xiùxìbāo olfactory cell.⁵⁴
Dū-lù gùng-jï, xäm-chiü-ngĩ-dōk.
Zilù gòng zhī, sān xiù ér zuò.
Zi Lu made a motion to it. Thrice it smelled him and then rose.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《論語·鄉黨·18》, translated by James Legge).

色斯舉矣,翔而後集。曰:「山梁雌雉,時哉!時哉!」子路共之,三嗅而作。 ⁶⁰ translated into modern Chinese by ctext.org 孔子郊游,看見野雞飛翔一陣後停在樹上,孔子神情一變,說:「山脊上的野雞啊,時運好啊!時運好!」子路向它們拱拱手,野雞長叫幾聲飛走了。
Google translation of modern Chinese: On an outing, Confucius saw the pheasant flying for a while and then stopped on a tree. Confucius' expression changed and said, "Pheasant on the ridge, good fortune! Good fortune!" Zilu arched his hands at them, and the pheasant flew away with a few long cries.
(See 齅 chiü).
chiu2 1698
30 15 chiü shòu (=兽[獸] chiü shòu beast).⁸
(composition: ⿳㽞一口; U+563C).
<又> chūk; än.
(See 獸 chiü; 嘼 [chūk, chù]; 嘼 [chūk, ]; 嘼 än).
chiu2 1699
78 14 chiü chòu (=臭 chiü chòu smelly, foul, stinking; disgusting, disgraceful.⁵).⁸ stinking, rotten, putrid.²⁴
(composition: ⿰歹臭; U+6BA0).
殠恶[殠惡] chiü-ōk
chòu'è vile, corrupt, stinking.²⁴
(See 殠[chiü, xiù]).
chiu2 1700
78 14 chiü xiù (alternate Mandarin pronunciation for 臭 chiü chòu with the same meaning: smelly, foul, stinking; disgusting, disgraceful.⁵ stinking, rotten, putrid.²⁴).
(composition: ⿰歹臭; U+6BA0).
(See 殠[chiü, chòu]).
chiu2 1701
85 13 chiü xiù bromine (Br).
溴化物 chiü-fä-mòt or chiü-fä-mùt xiùhuàwù <chem.> bromide.
溴酸 chiü-xön
xiùsuān <chem.> bromic acid.
汞溴红[汞溴紅] hüng-chiü-hũng
gǒngxiùhóng <med.> mercurochrome. Note: It is no longer sold in France (2006), Germany (2003), or the United States (1998).¹⁵
chiu2 1702
94 19 chiü shòu beast. (variant: 嘼 chiü shòu).
百兽[百獸] bāk-chiü
bǎishòu all kinds of animals.
百兽之王[百獸之王] bāk-chiü-jï-võng
bǎishòuzhīwáng the king of all animals; lion.
兽群[獸群] chiü-kũn
shòuqún herd.
兽医医生[獸醫醫生] chiü-yï-yï-säng
shòuyī yīshēng veterinarian.
飞禽走兽[飛禽走獸] fï-kĩm-dēo-chiü
fēiqínzǒushòu birds and beasts.
龟甲兽骨文字[龜甲獸骨文字] gï-gâp-chiü-gūt-mũn-dù
guījiǎ shòugǔ wénzì oracle-bone characters.
洪水猛兽[洪水猛獸] hũng-suī-mâng-chiü
hóngshuǐ měngshòu fierce floods and savage beasts – great scourges.⁵
禽兽[禽獸] kĩm-chiü
qínshòu birds and beasts.
鸟兽[鳥獸] nêl-chiü
niǎoshòu birds and beasts.⁸
鸟飞兽散[鳥飛獸散] nêl-fï-chiü-xān
niǎofēishòusàn <wr.> to scatter like birds and animals.
草食兽[草食獸] tāo-sèik-chiü
cǎoshíshòu herbivore.
独角兽[獨角獸] ùk-gök-chiü
dújiǎoshòu unicorn.
野兽[野獸] yêh-chiü
yěshòu wild beast; wild animal.⁵
(See 嘼 chiü).
chiu2 1703
119 16 chiü qiǔ <old> solid food (prepared for a journey); <topo.> (of noodles or porridge) become mush; cake together.⁶ parched grain, rice; dry food, dry rations.⁷ parched wheat or rice; broken grain; cooked dry food for a journey; Qiu surname.⁸
(composition: ⿰米臭; U+7CD7).
糗大 chiü-ài  qiǔdà hoax.¹⁰
糗粮 chiü-lẽng 
qiǔliáng <old> solid food (prepared for a journey).⁶ dry food (grain).⁸ cured dry grain.¹⁴
糗事 chiü-xù
qiǔshì awkward incident.¹⁰
出糗 chūt-chiü
chūqiǔ to ge embarrassed.⁵⁴
Sün-jï-fàn-chiü-nguĩ-tāo-yâ, ngèk-dëng jüng-sïn yën.
Shùn zhī fàn qiǔ rú cǎo yě, ruò jiāng zhōngshēn yān.
Shun's manner of eating his parched grain and herbs was as if he were to be doing so all his life.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《孟子·盡心下·52》, translated by James Legge).
chiu2 1704
132 10 chiü chòu smelly, foul, stinking; disgusting, disgraceful.⁵
(variants: 殠[chiü, chòu]; 殠[chiü, xiù]; 臰 chiü)
臭虫[臭蟲] chiü-chũng
chòuchóng bedbug.⁵ (See <台> 够痹[夠痹] gëo-bï bedbug.)
臭豆腐 chiü-èo-fù
chòudòufu strong-smelling preserved bean curd.⁸
臭气[臭氣] chiü-hï
chòuqì bad smell; stink.⁵
臭烘烘 chiü-hüng-hüng
chòuhōnghōng stinking; foul smelling.⁵
臭铜[臭銅] chiü-hũng
chòutóng "stinking copper," denotes a hardfisted miser, and an officer who bought his post.¹⁰²
臭骂[臭罵] chiü-mà
chòumà scold angrily and abusively.⁵
臭名昭著 chiü-mẽin-jël-jï
chòumíngzhāozhù of ill repute; notorious.⁵
臭名远扬[臭名遠揚] chiü-mẽin-yōn-yẽng
chòumíng yuǎnyáng notorious.⁵
臭味 chiü-mì
chòuwèi foul smell; stink; stench.⁶
臭味相投 chiü-mì-xëng-hẽo
chòuwèixiāngtóu <derog.> be birds of a feather; be two of a kind; be of the same ilk.⁶ (See 臭味相投 chiü-mì-xëng-hẽo xiùwèixiāngtóu).
臭草 chiü-tāo
chòucǎo rue, common rue or herb-of-grace (Ruta graveolens L.)²³
臭氧 chiü-yêng
chòuyǎng ozone.⁶
臭氧层[臭氧層] chiü-yêng-tãng
chòuyǎngcéng ozone layer.⁶
<台> 臭烟[臭煙] chiü-yën (of food in cooking) scorched.
(See 臭 [chiü, xiù]; 殠[chiü, chòu]; 殠[chiü, xiù]; 臰 chiü)
chiu2 1705
132 10 chiü xiù smell, scent, odor; <wr.> to smell.⁶
臭出香水味 chiü-chūt-hëng-suī-mì xiùchūxiāngshuǐwèi smell the fragrance of perfume.⁶
臭味相投 chiü-mì-xëng-hẽo
xiùwèixiāngtóu share the same rotten tastes, habits; be two of a kind.⁵ (See 臭味相投 chiü-mì-xëng-hẽo chòuwèixiāngtóu).
臭腺 chiü-xëin
xiùxiàn scent gland.⁵
无声无臭[無聲無臭] mũ-sëin-mũ-chiü
wúshēngwúxiù have neither sound nor smell – unknown; obscure.⁶
(See 臭 [chiü, chòu].)
chiu2 1706
132 12 chiü chòu (demotic for 臭 chiü chòu smelly, foul, stinking; disgusting, disgraceful.⁵ stinking, rotten, putrid.²⁴).²
(composition: ⿱自死; U+81F0).
(See 臭 chiü).
chiu2 1707
142 16 chiü xiù 赳螑 gēl-chiü jiūxiù a dragon flying with wave-like motion.⁰
or 虬螑 kiũ-chiü qiúxiù a dragon extending its head up and down.⁰
chiu2 1708
209 24 chiü xiù (<old>=嗅 chiü xiù smell, scent, sniff; olfactive.⁸); smell; to smell.⁸ to put the nose near anything in order to smell it; to snuff up the nose.²⁵
(composition: ⿰鼻臭; U+9F45).
(See 嗅 chiü).
chiu2 1709
9 16 chiũ chóu companion; class.
俦类[儔類] or 畴类[疇類] chiũ-luì chóulèi <wr.> people of the same generation or class; peers.⁶
俦侣[儔侶] chiũ-luî
chóulǚ <wr.> companion.
俦匹[儔匹] chiũ-pīt chóupǐ friends.³⁹ companion.⁵⁴
朋俦[朋儔] pãng-chiũ
péngchóu <wr.> friends and associates.¹¹
燕侣莺俦[燕侶鶯儔] yën-luî-äng-chiũ
yànlǚyīngchóu happily married couple.
chiu3 1710
50 17 chiũ chóu <wr.> bed curtain; carriage curtain.⁶ a curtain; a canopy.¹⁴
素帱[素幬] xü-chiũ sùchóu a plain curtain for a carriage.¹⁴
<又> ào.
(See 幬 ào.)
chiu3 1711
61 11 chiũ chóu regretful, rueful, disconsolate, melancholy; disappointed; frustrated.⁵
惆怅[惆悵] chiũ-chēng chóuchàng rueful, regretful, to be saddened.⁵ sad; disconsolate; melancholy.⁶
惆然 chiũ-ngẽin
chóurán regretful; wistful; disappointed; downcast; heavyhearted.⁵
惆惋 chiũ-vōn
chóuwǎn regretful; wistful.⁵
chiu3 1712
66 18 𣀓
chiũ chóu to discard, abandon, throw away; to demand, to beg for, to get.²ʼ¹⁰¹ to reject.²⁴
(composition: ⿰壽攴; U+23013).
<又> chiū; ào. (See 𣀓❄{⿰壽攴} chiū; 𣀓❄{⿰壽攴} ào).
chiu3 1713
102 19 chiũ chóu <wr.> farmland; kind, division.⁵ field; type, category, classification.⁶ agricultural land, fields; who; formerly, previously; a class, a category, a rank.⁷
畴辈[疇輩] chiũ-böi chóubèi <wr.> people of the same generation; peers.⁶
畴离祉。[疇離祉。] Chiũ-lĩ-jī.
Chóu lí zhǐ. His companions will come and share in his happiness.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《周易·易经·䷋否·5》, translated by James Legge).
or 俦类[儔類] chiũ-luì chóulèi <wr.> people of the same generation or class; peers.⁶
畴人[疇人] chiũ-ngĩn
chóurén an astrologist.⁷
畴日[疇日] chiũ-ngìt
chóurì <wr.> past; former times; old days; bygone days.⁶
畴曩[疇曩] chiũ-nõng
or chiũ-nông chóunǎng (in) former days; (in) by-gone days.⁷
畴昔[疇昔] chiũ-xēik
chóuxī <wr.> past; former times; old or bygone days.⁶
范畴[範疇] fàn-chiũ
fànchóu category.⁵
田畴[田疇] hẽin-chiũ
tiánchóu <wr.> farmland; cultivated land; fields.⁵ <wr.> farmland.¹¹
平畴[平疇] pẽin-chiũ
píngchóu <wr.> level farmland.⁶
平畴千里[平疇千里] pẽin-chiũ-tëin-lî
píngchóuqiānlǐ a vast expanse of cultivated land.⁵
chiu3 1714
115 13 chiũ chóu dense; thick.⁶ dense, closely crowded together; (of liquids) thick; viscous; Chou surname.⁷
稠浊[稠濁] chiũ-dùk chóuzhuó wordy and confused.⁷
稠叠[稠疊] chiũ-èp
chóudié overlapping.⁷
稠粥 chiũ-jūk
chóuzhōu thick porridge.¹⁹
稠密 chiũ-mìt
chóumì dense.⁵ close-woven (texture).¹¹
稠密性 chiũ-mìt-xëin
chóumìxìng density.⁵
稠人广众[稠人廣眾] chiũ-ngĩn-gōng-jüng
chóurén guǎngzhòng large crowd; big gathering.⁸
稠糊 chiũ-vũ
chóuhu <topo.> thick and sticky; gooey.⁶
稠糊糊 chiũ-vũ-vũ
chóuhūhū thick; viscous.⁵⁴
稠云[稠雲] chiũ-vũn
chóuyún dense clouds.⁷
地窄人稠 ì-jäk-ngĩn-chiũ
dìzhǎirénchóu small in area but dense in population.⁶
粥很稠 jūk-hān-chiũ
zhōuhěnchóu porridge is very thick.⁵
粘稠性 nëm-chiũ-xëin
niánchóuxìng viscidity.⁹
人烟稠密[人煙稠密] ngĩn-yën-chiũ-mìt
rényānchóumì densely populated; populous.⁵
<又> não.
(See 稠 não.)
chiu3 1715
118 20 chiũ chóu ➀ chips, tallies for calcualting purposes ➁ to plan; to prepare ➂ to raise (money) ➃ to assess or estimate.⁷
筹办[籌辦] chiũ-bàn chóubàn to plan and sponsor (a show), sports event, school, etc.)⁷ (old variant: 檮 chiû).
筹备[籌備] chiũ-bì
chóubèi prepare and plan; arrange.⁷
筹集[籌集] chiũ-dàp
chóují raise (money).⁵
筹组[籌組] chiũ-dū
chóuzǔ prepare and form.⁶
筹款[籌款] chiũ-fōn
chóukuǎn to raise funds.⁷
筹建[籌建] chiũ-gèin
chóujiàn prepare to construct or establish something.⁵
筹饷[籌餉] chiũ-hēng
chóuxiǎng to raise money or funds for military payroll.⁷
筹码[籌碼] chiũ-mâ/
chóumǎ a chip (in gambling); a counter.⁷
筹谋[籌謀] chiũ-mẽo
chóumóu to devise means.⁷
筹募[籌募] chiũ-mù
chóumù to raise; to collect (funds).⁷
筹商[籌商] chiũ-sëng
chóushāng discuss; consult.⁵
筹措[籌措] chiũ-tü
chóucuò raise (money).⁵
or 筹画[籌畫] chiũ-vàk chóuhuà plan and prepare.⁵ to deliberate and plan; a layout.⁷
筹算[籌算] chiũ-xön
chóusuàn ➀ calculate with chips ➁ calculate; reckon; scheme.⁶
<又> chiû.
(See 籌 chiû; 檮 chiû).
chiu3 1716
120 11 chiũ chóu (=绸[綢] chiũ chóu) a kind of silk fabric.⁷
or 绢绸[絹綢] gün-chiũ juànchóu a kind of fairly stiff silk, much used for painting or calligraphy.¹¹
or 绵䌷[綿紬] or 绵绸[綿綢] mẽin-chiũ miánchóu silk fabric from waste silk.⁵ silk made from coarser threads of cocoons.¹¹
<又> chëo.
(See 紬 chëo; 綢 chiũ.)
chiu3 1717
120 14 chiũ chóu silk (fabric).⁶ (=䌷[紬] chiũ chóu  but different from 䌷[紬] chëo chōu). (See 紬 chiũ.)
绸带[綢帶] chiũ-äi
chóudài ribbon.⁶
绸子[綢子] chiũ-dū
chóuzi silk fabric.⁵
绸绢[綢絹] chiũ-gün
chóujuàn woven silks; silk cloth.⁵⁴
绸直[綢直] chiũ-jèik
chóuzhí (said of dispositions) careful, considerate and honest.⁷
绸裙[綢裙] chiũ-kũn
chóuqún silk skirt.⁵
绸料[綢料] chiũ-lèl
chóuliào silk fabric; silk.⁶
绸缪[綢繆] chiũ-mẽo
chóumóu <wr.> sentimentally attached, affectionate; repair.⁶
绸缪缱绻[綢繆繾綣] chiũ-mẽo-hēin-kūn
chóumóu qiǎnquǎn to bind closely and attach to.⁷
绸儿缎儿[綢兒緞兒] chiũ-ngĩ-òn-ngĩ
chóur duànr <topo.> expensive clothing.⁷
绸缎[綢緞] chiũ-òn
chóuduàn silks and satins.⁵
绸缎庄[綢緞莊] chiũ-òn-jöng
chóuduànzhuāng a mercery; a store selling textiles.⁷
绸伞[綢傘] chiũ-xän
chóusǎn silk parasol.⁵
情意绸缪[情意綢繆] tẽin-yï-chiũ-mẽo
qíngyìchóumóu be head over heels in love.⁵
chiu3 1718
140 11 chiũ chóu a medicinal plant with a bitterish root.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱艹抽; U+83D7).
菗蒣 chiũ-chuĩ chóuchú or chóushú a small medicinal plant with a bitterish root, also called 地榆 ì-yĩ dìyú ground elm; it bears white flowers with a yellow center; it is a species of Hedysarum, perhaps Hedysarum chinense (B.Fedtsch.) Hand.-Mazz.¹⁰²ʼ⁰
chiu3 1719
145 13 chiũ chóu coverlet; bedspread.⁸ a coverlet; a bed-curtain.¹⁴ to cover; a single covering; a curtain for a bed.²⁵ light blanket, bedspread; canopy.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰衤周; U+88EF).
裯张[裯張] chiũ-jëng chóuzhāng a bed-curtain; a curtain.¹⁴
裯衽 chiũ-ngìm
chóurèn single coverlet and a sleeping-mat.¹⁴
衾裯 gîm-chiũ
qīnchóu coverlets and sheets.⁵⁴
<又> äo; chuĩ.
(See 裯 äo; 裯 chuĩ).
chiu3 1720
157 21 chiũ chóu hesitant; complacent, confident.⁷ embarrassed.¹⁴
踌躇[躊躇] chiũ-chuĩ chóuchú hesitant, shilly-shally, faltering, wavering, vacillant, undecided, irresolute; <wr.> smug, complacent.⁶
踌躇不决[躊躇不決] chiũ-chuĩ-būt-kūt
chóuchúbùjué hesitate to make a decision; waver in one's determination; be irresolute.⁶
踌躇不前[躊躇不前] chiũ-chuĩ-būt-tẽin
chóuchúbùqián hesitate to move forward; hang back; pussyfoot about.⁶
踌躇地[躊躇地] chiũ-chuĩ-ì
chóuchúde haltingly.¹⁰
踌躇满志[躊躇滿志] chiũ-chuĩ-mōn-jï
chóuchúmǎnzhì be puffed up with pride; be self-satified/complacent; be enormously proud of one's achievements; be elated with one's success.⁶
踌躇彷徨[躊躇彷徨] chiũ-chuĩ-põng-võng
chóuchú pánghuáng dawdle and hesitate.³⁹
踌伫[躊佇] chiũ-chuî
chóuzhù <wr.> hesitate; be irresolute.⁶
chiu3 1721
164 13 chiũ chóu (=酬 chiũ chóu). <wr.> propose a toast, toast; reward, payment; friendly exchange; fulfill, realize.⁵
(composition: ⿰酉守; U+9167).
(See 酬 chiũ).
chiu3 1722
164 13 chiũ chóu <wr.> propose a toast, toast; reward, payment; friendly exchange; fulfill, realize.⁵ (variants: 酧, 醻 chiũ chóu).
(composition: ⿰酉州; U+916C).
酬答 chiũ-āp
chóudá thank somebody with a gift; respond with a poem or speech.⁵
酬报[酬報] chiũ-bäo
chóubào requite; reward; repay.⁵
酬宾[酬賓] chiũ-bïn
chóubīn sell at a discount.⁶
酬唱 chiũ-chëng
chóuchàng respond (to a poem) with a poem; converse in poetry.⁶
酬谢[酬謝] chiũ-dèh
chóuxiè thank somebody with a gift.⁶
酬载[酬載] chiũ-döi
chóuzài payload.⁵
酬酢 chiũ-dòk
chóuzuò <wr.> exchange of toasts; friendly intercourse.⁵
酬酢极忙[酬酢極忙] chiũ-dòk-gèik-mõng
chóuzuòjímáng busily engaged in entertainment.³⁹
酬金 chiũ-gïm
chóujīn monetary reward; remuneration.⁵
酬志 chiũ-jï
chóuzhì to fulfil one's ambition.⁷
酬劳[酬勞] chiũ-lão
chóuláo recompense; reward.⁵
酬神 chiũ-sĩn
chóushén to thank the gods with sacrifices.⁷
酬对[酬對] chiũ-uï
chóuduì reply; respond; answer.⁶
酬和 chiũ-vò
chóuhè respond (to a poem) with a poem.⁵
酬应[酬應] chiũ-yëin
chóuyìng social intercourse.⁵
(See 酧 chiũ; 醻 chiũ).
chiu3 1723
164 21 chiũ chóu (=酬 chiũ chóu). <wr.> propose a toast, toast; reward, payment; friendly exchange; fulfill, realize.⁵
(composition: ⿰酉壽; U+91BB).
Yī zhāo chóu zhī.
And all the morning will I pledge him.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·彤弓之什·彤弓·3》, translated by James Legge).
(See 酬 chiũ).
chiu3 1724
190 18 chiũ chóu (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 䯾 hẽl tiáo with the same meaning: hairy; with lots of hair.).²
(composition: ⿱髟周; U+4BFE).
<又> hẽl; jiü; ël.
(See 䯾 hẽl; 䯾 jiü; 䯾 ël).
chiu3 1725
118 20 chiû chóu 竹筹[竹籌] jūk-chiû zhúchóu bamboo chip.¹¹
<又> chiũ.
(See 籌 chiũ.)
chiu5 1726
9 15 chō chù rough and rugged.¹⁴ rough, not smooth.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻楚; U+510A).
cho1 1727
61 16 chō chù fear; dread; feel intimidated; shrink from.⁶
憷场[憷場] chō-chẽng or 怵场[怵場] chūk-chẽng or jōt-chẽng chùchǎng <topo.> feel nervous before a large audience; have/suffer stage fright.⁶
憷头[憷頭] chō-hẽo
or 怵头[怵頭] chūk-hẽo or jōt-hẽo  chùtóu <topo.> timid; shrinking from difficulties.⁶
发憷[發憷] fāt-chō
or 发怵[發怵] fāt-chūk or fāt-jōt fāchù <topo.> feel timid; feel diffident, feel uneasy, be scared, be keyed up, dread, grow apprehensive (about).⁶
考试憷场[考試憷場] hāo-sï-chō-chẽng
kǎoshìchùchǎng freeze/seize up during exams.⁶
cho1 1728
75 13 chō chu clear.⁸
表白清楚 bēl-bàk-tëin-chō biǎobáiqīngchu make one's motives clear.⁵⁴
不清楚 būt-tëin-chō
buqīngchu unclear; not understood; currently unknown.¹⁰
分不清楚 fün-būt-tëin-chō
fēnbuqīngchu indistinguishable.¹⁹
搞清楚 gāo-tëin-chō
gǎoqīngchǔ make clear.¹⁹
讲清楚[講清楚] gōng-tëin-chō
jiǎngqīngchu speak clearly.³⁹
口齿清楚[口齒清楚] hēo-chī-tëin-chō
kǒuchǐqīngchǔ clear diction; clear articulation.¹⁰
头脑清楚[頭腦清楚] hẽo-nāo-tëin-chō
tóunǎoqīngchu lucid; clear-headed; sensible.¹⁰
清楚 tëin-chō
qīngchu clear, distinct; be clear about.⁵
吐字清楚 hü-dù-tëin-chō
tǔzìqīngchu enunciate clearly.⁵⁴
<台> 楚 chō <slang> to eat. (Note: Another slang word meaning to eat is yào, but there is no character for this.)
<台> 猪仔猛楚[豬仔猛楚] jï-dōi-mäng-chō The piglets are devouring their food.
(See 楚 [chō, chǔ].)
cho1 1729
75 13 chō chǔ name of a powerful feudal state which existed 740-223 BCE; clear, neat; distress, suffering; Chu surname.⁷
(old variant: 檚 chō chǔ).
楚霸王 Chō Bä-võng
Chǔ Bàwáng title adopted by Xiang Yu 项羽[項羽] Hòng Yî Xiàng Yǔ (232-202 BCE).⁷
楚楚 chō-chō
chǔchǔ touching, pathetic; bright and clear; tidy, neat.⁷
楚楚动人[楚楚動人] chō-chō-ùng-ngĩn
chǔchǔdòngrén (of a young woman) lovingly pathetic; delicate and attractive.⁷
楚歌 Chō-gô
Chǔgē the songs of the people of Chu.⁷
楚国[楚國] Chō-gōk
Chǔguó a powerful state that existed 740-223 BCE.⁵⁴
楚河汉界[楚河漢界] Chō-hõ-Hön-gäi
Chǔhé-Hànjiè the border of two opposing powers.⁷
楚囚 chō-tiũ
Chǔqiú a prisoner; a man in great straits.⁷
楚材晋用[楚材晉用] Chō-tõi-Dün-yùng
chǔcáijìnyòng lit. Chu's talents are employed by Jin – fig. Talents of one country are employed by other countries.⁷
楚辞[楚辭] Chō-xũ
Chǔcí Songs of Chu (a collection of poems mainly by 屈原 Vūt Ngũn Qū Yuán.⁶
楚腰 Chō-yël
chǔyāo lit. waist of Chu – slim waist of a woman.⁷
(See 楚 [chō, chu]; 檚 chō).
cho1 1730
75 17 chō chǔ (<old>=楚 chō chǔ name of a powerful feudal state which existed 740-223 BCE; clear, neat; distress, suffering.⁷).⁸ an instrument for corporal punishment in ancient schools; flogging, corporal punishment.⁸
(composition: ⿰木楚; U+6A9A).
or 槚楚[檟楚] or 榎檚 or 夏楚 gā-chō jiǎchǔ an instrument of torture, made with wattle sticks, used for flogging or whipping offenders/students with the view of 'teaching'.⁸ʼ¹³ʼ⁰
(See 楚 chō).
cho1 1731
104 18 𤻇
chō chǔ demotic character for 痛 hüng tòng pain.⁸ painful; distressing.²⁴
(composition: ⿸疒楚; U+24EC7).
(See 痛 hüng).
cho1 1732
112 18 chō chǔ foundation stone, plinth.⁸
打下基礎 ā-hà-gï-chō dǎxiàjīchǔ lay the foundation.¹¹
巢础[巢礎] chão-chō
cháochǔ septum; comb foundation, foundation.⁵⁴
础润知雨[礎潤知雨] chō-ngùn-jï-yî
chǔrùnzhīyǔ Certain stones show changes of weather by their wet color.¹¹
础石[礎石] chō-sêk
chǔshí the stone base of a column; plinth.⁵
基礎 gï-chō
jīchǔ lit. and fig. foundation (of strength, wisdom).¹¹
月晕而风,础润而雨[月暈而風,礎潤而雨] ngùt-vũn-ngĩ-füng, chō-ngùn-ngĩ-yî
yuèyùnérfēng, chǔrùn'éryǔ The lunar halo presages wind; a moist plinth indicates rain.⁶
cho1 1733
18 7 chö chū beginning, initial, primary.⁸ (variant: 𥝢❄{⿰禾⿹丿勹} chö, q.v.)
大年初一 ài-nẽin-chö-yīt
dànián chūyī <vern.> first day of the lunar year.¹⁹
初等 chö-āng
chūděng elementary; primary.⁸
初版 chö-bān
chūbǎn first edition.⁸
初步 chö-bù
chūbù initial; preliminary; tentative.¹⁰
初春 chö-chün
chūchūn the first month of spring.⁸
初衷 chö-chüng
chūzhōng original intention.⁸
初交 chö-gäo
chūjiāo new acquaintance.⁸
初夏 chö-hà
chūxià the first month of summer.⁸
初学[初學] chö-hòk
chūxué begin to learn.⁵
初学者[初學者] chö-hòk-jēh
chūxuézhě beginners.⁹
初中 chö-jüng
chūzhōng junior high school.⁹
初期 chö-kĩ
chūqī initial stage; early days.⁸
初级[初級] chö-kīp
chūjí junior; primary.¹⁰
初恋[初戀] chö-lūn
chūliàn first love.⁵
初生 chö-säng
chūshēng just born; first-born.¹¹
初时[初時] chö-sĩ
chūshí at the beginning.¹⁰
初秋 chö-tiü
chūqiū the first month of autumn.⁸
初度 chö-ù
chūdù first time; birthday.⁹
初冬 chö-üng
chūdōng the first month of winter.⁸
初选[初選] chö-xūn
chūxuǎn primary election.⁵
cho2 1734
115 8 𥝢
chö chū (=初 chö chū initial; inceptive; original; first; primary.)³⁶
(composition: ⿰禾⿹丿勹; U+25762).
<又> lì.
(See 𥝢❄{⿰禾⿹丿勹} lì).

cho2 1735 25762.gif
140 10 chö chú <wr.> hay; fodder; to cut grass; <humb.> my; I; me.
苾刍[苾芻] bēik-chö bìchú Buddhist monk.
苾刍尼[苾芻尼] bēik-chö-nãi
bìchúní <Budd.> biksuni (nun).
刍狗[芻狗] chö-gēo
chúgǒu a sacrificial straw dog, discarded after use.
刍秣[芻秣] chö-mòt
chúmò <wr.> hay; fodder; forage.⁶
刍荛[芻蕘] chö-ngẽl
chúráo <wr.> to cut grass and firewood; woodcutter; <humb.> I; me.
刍议[芻議] chö-ngì
chúyì <humb.> my humble opinion.
刍言[芻言] chö-ngũn
chúyán <humb.> my views; my opinions
反刍[反芻] fān-chö
fǎnchú to ruminate; to chew the cud.
cho2 1736
140 13 chö chú (<old> =刍[芻] chö chú) to cut grass; hay; fodder.
苾蒭 bēik-chö
bìchú nun, transliteration of Sanskrit bhiksuni, (usually written 比丘尼 bī-hiü-nãi bǐqiūní); also a fragrant plant, emblem of monastic life.
(See 芻 chö.)
cho2 1737
172 18 chö chú young (bird); nestling, fledgling.⁵ (variant: 鶵 chö chú).
雏得狠[雛得狠] chö-āk-hān
chúdehěn very callow; unfledged.¹⁴
雏莺[雛鶯] chö-äng
chúyīng <zoo.> young warbler.⁵⁴
雏鸭[雛鴨] chö-äp
chúyā duckling.⁶
雏鸽[雛鴿] chö-âp
chúgē squab.¹¹
雏凤[雛鳳] chö-fùng
chúfèng young phoenix – talented young man; promising young student.⁶
雏鸡[雛雞] chö-gäi
chújī chick; chicken.⁶
雏妓[雛妓] chö-gì
chújì child prostitute.⁶
雏菊[雛菊] chö-gūk
chújú daisy; marguerite.⁶
雏鸟[雛鳥] chö-něl
chúniǎo nestling, fledgling.⁵
雏儿[雛兒] chö-ngĩ
chúr young/baby bird, nestling, fledgling; young and inexperienced person, fledgling, sapling, cub.⁶
雏女[雛女] chö-nuī
chúnǚ a slave girl; a young girl.¹⁴
雏笋[雛筍] chö-xūn
chúsǔn young bamboo shoot.⁶
雏形[雛形] chö-yẽin
chúxíng embryonic form; embryo.⁵
雏型[雛型] chö-yẽin
chúxíng a miniature.⁹
雏燕[雛燕] chö-yên
chúyàn young swallow.⁵
(See 鶵 chö).
cho2 1738
196 21 chö chú (<old>=雏[雛] chö chú) young (bird); nestling, fledgling.⁵
(See 雛 chö).
cho2 1739
111 12 chõ cuó (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 矬 tö cuó with same meaning: short (in height); to lower one's body.⁶)
<又> tö.
(See 矬 tö.)
cho3 1740
127 13 chõ chú (=鋤 chũ chú or chõ chú) hoe; work with a hoe, to hoe; uproot, eradicate, wipe out.⁶
<又> chũ.
(See 鉏 chũ; 鉏 chõ; 耡 chũ; 鋤 chũ; 鋤 chõ.)
cho3 1741
167 15 chõ chú (=鋤 chũ chú or chõ chú) hoe; work with a hoe, to hoe; uproot, eradicate, wipe out.⁶
<又> chũ.
(See 鉏 chũ; 耡 chũ; 耡 chõ; 鋤 chũ; 鋤 chõ.)
cho3 1742
167 15 chõ chú (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 锄[鋤] chũ chú with same meaning: hoe; work with a hoe, to hoe; uproot, eradicate, wipe out.⁶)
<又> chũ.
(See 鉏 chũ; 鉏 chõ; 耡 chũ; 耡 chõ; 鋤 chũ.)
cho3 1743
187 15 chõ chú a man's name.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿰馬且; U+99D4). (comp. s: ⿰马且; U+9A75).
<又> jòng; dū; tü.
(See 駔 jòng; 駔 dū; 駔 tü).
cho3 1744
93 12 𤚀
chōi cǎi (composition: ⿰牜采; U+24680).
<台> 𤚀❄{⿰牜采} chōi or 𤚀❄{⿰牜采}蕉 chōi-dêl to bump into a protruding object, such as a door knob, accidentally.
choi1 1745
18 10 chök cuò <wr.> carve and polish; cut, chop.⁶ behead; carve and polish; <Cant.> to jerk.⁸
<台> 剒 chök to shake quickly, to jolt.
<台> 剒甩 chök-lāt to shake off.
<台> 剒口 chök-hēo or 𠺘口 nōng-hēo to rinse one's mouth.
<又> chôk.
(See 剒 chôk.)
chok2 1746
62 18 chök chuō jab, poke, to stab; <topo.> sprain, blunt; <topo.> stand something on end; <vern.> stamp, seal.⁵
戳壁脚[戳壁腳] chök-bēik-gëk chuōbìjiǎo <topo.> backbite; speak ill of others behind their backs.⁶
戳不住 chök-būt-jì
chuōbuzhù to fail to hold public confidence.⁷
戳穿 chök-chün
chuōchuān puncture; lay bare, expose.⁵
戳脊梁骨 chök-dëk-lẽng-gūt
chuōjílianggǔ to criticize behind somebody's back; back-biting.¹⁰
戳子 chök-dū
chuōzi <vern.> stamp; seal.⁵
戳记[戳記] chök-gï
chuōjì stamp; seal.⁵
戳印 chök-yïn
chuōyìn to stamp; a stamp.⁷
一戳就破 yīt-chök-diù-pö
yīchuōjiùpò break at the slightest touch.⁵
<又> chôk.
(See 戳 chôk.)
chok2 1747
18 10 chôk cuò <wr.> carve and polish; cut, chop.⁶ behead; carve and polish; <Cant.> to jerk.⁸
<台> 手剒 siū-chôk or <台> 手踭[手:⿰𧾷爭] siū-jâng elbow.
<又> chök.
(See 剒 chök.)
chok5 1748
62 18 chôk chuō a seal, a stamp.
<台> 打戳 ā-chôk to stamp with a seal.
<又> chök. (See 戳 chök.)
chok5 1749
78 16 chōn cuàn (composition: ➀ ⿰歹粲  ➁⿰歹⿱⿰歹又米 (the upper left component on the right side may be rendered as 歹 or 歺; U+6BA9). This character renders differently depending on the font used on the PC:  殩 (comp) with Segoe UI font (16 total strokes as in the Kangxi Dictionary) and (comp➀) with Yu Gothic font (17 total strokes; iOS renders it as comp➀ with default font).
殩孝 chōn-häo
cuànxiào presents of food made to a family in mourning (this term was used by the people of 秦 tũn qín Qin).²ʼ⁸ʼ²⁴
chon1 1750
116 18 chōn cuàn to escape, to run away, to flee; to change or alter (the wording); to banish, to execute.⁷
窜定[竄定] chōn-èin or tōn-èin cuàndìng do the final editing before publication.¹⁹
窜犯[竄犯] chōn-fàn
or tōn-fàn cuànfàn to raid; an intrusion (of the enemy, or bandit groups).¹⁰
窜伏[竄伏] chōn-fùk
or tōn-fùk cuànfú to lie low; to skulk.⁷
窜改[竄改] chōn-gōi
cuàngǎi to alter, adulterate text.¹¹
窜改账目[竄改賬目] chōn-gōi-jëng-mùk
cuàngǎi zhàngmù to fake accounts; to falsify accounts.⁷
窜逃[竄逃] chōn-hão
cuàntáo to flee in disorder.⁷
窜匿[竄匿] chōn-nèik
cuànnì to flee and hide.⁷
窜扰[竄擾] chōn-ngêl
cuànrǎo (said of bandits) to harass the people; (said of the enemy) to intrude.⁷
窜入[竄入] chōn-yìp
cuànrù to interpolate; to flee to.⁷
窜逸[竄逸] chōn-yìt
cuànyì to escape; take to one's heels.⁷
逃窜[逃竄] hão-chōn
táocuàn flee in disorder.⁸
流窜[流竄] liũ-chōn
liúcuàn flee hither and thither.⁸
东奔西窜[東奔西竄] üng-bïn-xäi-chōn
or üng-bïn-xäi-tōn dōngbēnxīcuàn flee in all directions.¹⁹
<又> tōn.
(See 竄 tōn.)
chon1 1751
9 13 chõn chuán (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 传[傳] chũn chuán with same meaning.)
<又> chũn, jòn.
(See 傳 chũn, jòn.)
chon3 1752
1 2 chōng chǎng (=厂 chōng chǎng Kangxi radical 27; factory; workshop.⁸ 厂 is also the simplified form, of 廠 chōng chǎng factory; mill; plant.⁰); kwukyel (old Korean for 口訣).⁸
(composition: ⿱一丿 or ⿱一㇒; U+4E06).
(See 厂 chōng).
chong1 1753
9 14 chōng chǎng   (<old>=敞 chōng chǎng roomy, spacious, open, broad.⁸).¹⁹ broad, liberal.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻敞; U+50D8).
chong1 1754
18 4 chōng chuāng <old>=创[創] chōng chuāng "injury"); <old> double-edged sword.³⁶
(composition: ⿰刃丶; U+5205).
(See 創 chōng).
chong1 1755
18 10 chōng chuāng (=创[創] chōng chuāng wound.⁶)
(composition: ⿰并刅; U+5259).
(See 創 chōng).
chong1 1756
18 12 chōng chuàng ➀ start/begin (doing something); achieve (something for the first time); establish; create  ➁ original; unprecedented; novel    to make profits.⁶
(comp. t: ⿰倉刂; U+5275). (comp. s: ⿰仓刂; U+521B).
创办[創辦] chōng-bàn
chuàngbàn to establish; to set up.⁶
创造[創造] chōng-dào
chuàngzào to create; to bring about; to produce; to set (a record).¹⁰
创作[創作] chōng-dōk
chuàngzuò to create; to produce; to write; creative work; creation.
创业[創業] chōng-ngèp
chuàngyè to start an undertaking; to do pioneering work.
创业垂统[創業垂統] chōng-ngèp-suĩ-hūng
chuàngyèchuítǒng  <wr.>  to found a business or profession and pass it down to descendants.
创新[創新] chōng-xïn
chuàngxīn bring forth new ideas; blaze new trails; innovate; make innovations.⁶
创意[創意] chōng-yï
chuàngyì to create new meanings; creative; creativity.
(See 創 [chōng, chuāng].)
chong1 1757
18 12 chōng chuāng wound; inflict losses/casulties (on), maul.⁶
(comp. t: ⿰倉刂; U+5275). (comp. s: ⿰仓刂; U+521B).
创巨痛深[創巨痛深] chōng-guì-hüng-sïm
chuāngjùtòngshēn untold pain and suffering (idiom); deeply scarred for life.¹⁰
创痕[創痕] chōng-hân
chuānghén scar.⁵
创口[創口] chōng-hēo
chuāngkǒu wound; cut.⁵
创痛[創痛] chōng-hüng
chuāngtòng pain from a wound.¹⁰
创伤[創傷] chōng-sëng
chuāngshāng wound; trauma.⁵
(See 創 [chōng, chuàng].)
chong1 1758
27 2 chōng chǎng Kangxi radical 27; factory; workshop.⁸ 厂 is also the simplified form, of 廠 chōng chǎng factory; mill; plant.⁰
(composition: ⿱一丿; U+2F1A "Kangxi Radical Cliff"
or U+5382 "CJK Unified ideograph", two codepoints for same glyph).
(Note: Distinguish the glyph "厂" (U+2F1A
or U+5382) from "𠂆" (U+20086).  "厂" has the sounds chōng chǎng and hōn hǎn whereas "𠂆" has the sounds hōn hǎn and yäi yì, making hōn hǎn common sounds for "厂" and "𠂆"; for further details, see each of the four entries: 厂 chōng chǎng; 厂 hōn hǎn; 𠂆 hōn hǎn; 𠂆 yäi yì.)
<又> hōn.
(See 厂 hōn; 廠 chōng).
chong1 1759
53 广 15 chōng chǎng factory; mill; plant; works; yard; depot.
(comp. t: ⿸广敞; U+5EE0). (comp. s: ⿱一丿; U+5382).
兵工厂[兵工廠] bëin-güng-chōng
bīnggōngchǎng arsenal.
厂房[廠房] chōng-fông
chǎngfáng factory building.
厂家[廠家] chōng-gä
chǎngjiā factory; mill; factory owner.
厂长[廠長] chōng-jēng
chǎngzhǎng factory manager.
厂规[廠規] chōng-kï
chǎngguī factory regulations.
花厂[花廠] fä-chōng
huāchǎng flower nursery.
工厂[工廠] güng-chōng
gōngchǎng factory; mill; plant.
<又> hōn.
(See 厂 hōn.)
chong1 1760
61 11 chōng chǎng dispirited; disheartened; discouraged.⁷
惝怳 chōng-fōng chǎnghuǎng or hōng-fōng tǎnghuǎng <wr.> disappointed, frustrated, disheartened; muddled, vague, hazy.⁶
惝恍迷离[惝恍迷離] chōng-fōng-mãi-lĩ
chǎnghuǎngmílí or hōng-fōng-mãi-lĩ tǎnghuǎngmílí confused; feeling lost.³⁹
惝恍无定[惝恍無定] chōng-fōng-mũ-èin ch
ǎnghuǎng wúdìng or hōng-fōng-mũ-èin tǎnghuǎng wúdìng be dispirited and distracted; be disheartened and unable to concentrate.⁶
惝然 chōng-ngẽin
chǎngrán or hōng-ngẽin tǎngrán crestfallen; dispirited; discouraged; disheartened; dejected.⁷
<又> hōng.
(See 惝 hōng.)
chong1 1761
66 12 chōng chǎng (of a house, courtyard) spacious, roomy, sizeable; be open/clear/uncrowded.⁶ roomy, spacious, open, broad.⁸
(composition: ⿰尚攵; U+655E).
敞车[敞車] chōng-chëh chǎngchē an open carriage; an open wagon; an open freight car.⁷
敞快 chōng-fäi
chǎngkuài frank, candid, straightforward.⁶
敞厅[敞廳] chōng-hëng
chǎngtīng large hall.¹¹
敞口 chōng-hēo
chǎngkǒu open-mouthed (jar); (of speech) freely; exposure (finance).¹⁰
敞开[敞開] chōng-höi
chǎngkāi open wide; without limit, without restriction, freely, liberally.⁶
敞胸露怀[敞胸露懷] chōng-hüng-lù-vãi
chǎngxiōnglùhuái leave one's coat/shirt unbuttoned, showing the bare chest; bare one's chest.⁶
敞地儿[敞地兒] chōng-ì-ngĩ
chǎngdìr open ground; unsheltered ground.⁷
敞着[敞著] chōng-jèk
chǎngzhe open.⁷
敞亮 chōng-lèng
chǎngliàng bright and spacious; light and roomy.⁶
敞露 chōng-lù
chǎnglù bare.⁶
敞篷车[敞篷車] chōng-pũng-chëh 
chǎngpéngchē convertible (car); open car; soft top.⁶
chong1 1762
72 9 chōng chǎng <wr.> (of the day) long; <wr.> relaxed, unimpeded.⁶ a long day; comfortable and easy.⁷  (of the day) long; old variant of 畅[暢] chēng chàng free; smooth; at ease; free from worry; fluent.; Chang surname..¹⁰
(See 暢 chēng.)
chong1 1763
82 16 chōng chǎng cloak, cape, mantle, overcoat.⁶ a garment woven of down.⁷ down or feathers from the crane or a similar bird, used for trimmings.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱敞毛; U+6C05).
大氅 ài-chōng dàchǎng overcoat, cloak, cape.⁶
白氅 bàk-chōng
báichǎng <trad.> guards' uniform.³⁹
氅衣 chōng-yï
chǎngyī an outer garment, a coat; the costume of the Daoist priest.⁷
鹤氅[鶴氅] hôk-chōng
hèchǎng swan's down; a cloak trimmed with crane's down worn by 诸葛亮[諸葛亮] Jï-gōt Lèng Zhūgě Liàng Zhuge Liang (181–234).¹⁴
chong1 1764
85 11 chōng chǎng (composition: ⿰氵尚; U+6DCC).
淌游 chōng-yiũ chǎngyóu the appearance of ripples in flowing water.⁸ <old> Only used in 淌游 chōng-yiũ chǎngyóu (of water) wavy.³⁶
<又> hōng; chëng.
(See 淌 hōng; 淌 chëng).
chong1 1765
169 18 chōng chuǎng rush, dash, charge; temper oneself (by battling through difficulties and dangers).⁵
闯将[闖將] chōng-dëng chuǎngjiàng daring general; pathbreaker.⁶
闯南走北[闖南走北] (=走南闯北[走南闖北]) chōng-nãm-dēo-bāk
chuǎngnán zǒuběi journey north and south; travel extensively.⁶
闯祸[闖禍] chōng-vò
chuǎnghuò get into trouble; bring disaster.⁶
闯入[闖入] chōng-yìp
chuǎngrù intrude; charge in; gate-crash.¹⁰
走南闯北[走南闖北] dēo-nãm-chōng-bāk
zǒunán chuǎngběi journey north and south; travel extensively.⁶
chong1 1766
30 15 chõng chuáng <topo.> to eat and drink extravagantly; to gluttonize.⁶ to eat and drink extravagantly; to cook up.⁸ to eat voraciously.⁹ to eat (archaic).¹⁰
chong3 1767
50 15 chõng  chuáng pennant or streamer used in ancient China; stone pillar inscribed with Buddha's name or Buddhist scriptures.⁶
灯影幢幢[燈影幢幢] äng-yēng-chõng-chõng dēngyǐng chuángchuáng dancing or flickering shadows of a lamp.⁶
幢幢 chõng-chõng
chuángchuáng <wr.> (of shadows) flickering; dancing; moving to and fro.⁶  (of flags, pennants) floating, flapping in the wind.¹¹
幢幡 chõng-fän
chuángfān pennant, pendant streamer.¹¹
人影幢幢[人影幢幢] ngĩn-yēng-chõng-chõng
rényǐng chuángchuáng shadows of people moving about.⁶
经幢[經幢] gëin-chõng
jīngchuáng Buddhist stone pillar.¹⁰
寿幢[壽幢] siù-chõng
shòuchuáng embroidered flag (at a senior's birthday celebration).¹
<又> jòng, ùng.
(See 幢 jòng, ùng.)
chong3 1768
53 广 7 chõng chuáng bed; couch; <m.> (for beds).¹⁰ (variant: 牀 chõng chuáng).
(composition: ⿸广木; U+5E8A).
床单[床單] chõng-än
chuángdān bed sheet.¹⁰
床板 chõng-bān
chuángbǎn bed board; pallet bed.⁸ bedplate.¹⁰
床毯 chõng-dëin
chuángtǎn blanket.⁵⁴
床笫 chõng-dū
chuángzǐ <wr.> bed and bed mat; place of conjugal intimacies.⁶ privacy of the bed.⁷
床笫之间[床笫之間] chõng-dū-jï-gän
chuángzǐzhījiān on the conjugal bed.⁷
床笫之言 chõng-dū-jï-ngũn
chuángzǐzhīyán private talk as between husband and wife when in bed; pillow talk.⁶
床笫之私 chõng-dū-jï-xü
chuángzǐzhīsī (=床笫之言 chõng-dū-jï-ngũn chuángzǐzhīyán) private talk as between husband and wife when in bed; pillow talk.⁶
床铺[床鋪] chõng-pü
chuángpù bed.¹⁰
床位 chõng-vì
chuángwèi bed (in hospital, hotel, train); berth; bunk.¹⁰
同床异梦[同床異夢] hũng-chõng-yì-mùng
tóngchuáng yìmèng lit. to share the same bed with different dreams (idiom); ostensible partners with different agendas; strange bedfellows; marital dissension.¹⁰
龙床[龍床] lũng-chõng
lóngchuáng emperor's bed.⁵⁴
(See 牀 chõng.)
chong3 1769
75 16 chõng chuáng a flag staff.¹⁴ <old> flagpole; mast (of a boat).¹⁹ a pillar.³⁶ pole; mast; shaft.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰木童; U+6A66).
寻橦[尋橦] tĩm-chõng xúnchuáng to climb a pole.¹⁴
<又> hũng, chüng, jüng.
(See 橦 hũng, 橦 chüng, 橦 jüng).
chong3 1770
90 8 chõng chuáng (=床 chõng chuáng) bed; couch; <m.> (for beds).¹⁰
(composition: ⿰爿木; U+7240).
(See 床 chõng.)
chong3 1771
159 19 chõng chuáng (=幢 chõng chuáng pennant or streamer used in ancient times); a curtain for a carriage.⁸
(composition: ⿰車童; U+4874).
<又> chüng.
(See 䡴 chüng).
chong3 1772
104 15 chông chuāng an ulcer, a sore, a boil; a wound.⁷
(comp. t: ⿸疒倉; U+7621). (comp. s: ⿸疒仓; U+75AE).
百孔千疮[百孔千瘡] bāk-kūng-tëin-chông
bǎikǒng qiānchuāng be afficted with all ills; be full of sores and ulcers; be heavily damaged; riddled with gaping wounds.⁸
疮疤[瘡疤] chông-bä
chuāngbā the scar of an ulcer; wound scars.⁷
疮疖[瘡癤] chông-dēik
chuāngjiē a boil.¹⁴
疮痂[瘡痂] chông-gâ
chuāngjiā a scab.⁷
疮口[瘡口] chông-hēo
chuāngkǒu an opening of an ulcer or a sore.⁷
疮痨[瘡癆] chông-lão
chuāngláo a chronic ulcer.⁷
疮痏[瘡痏] chông-vī
chuāngwěi an ulcer; a sore.⁷
疮痍[瘡痍] chông-yĩ
chuāngyí suffering; hardship; privation.⁷ wound; skin ulcer; (fig.) the desolation of trauma; desolation in the aftermath of a disaster.¹⁰
疮痍满目[瘡痍滿目] chông-yĩ-mōn-mùk
chuāngyímǎnmù one sees suffering everywhere.⁷
生疮[生瘡] säng-chông
shēngchuāng to grow a boil.³⁹
<台> 疮仔[瘡仔] chông-dōi sore, wound, skin ulcer.
<台> 生大个疮[生大個瘡] säng-ài-göi-chông <derog.> you're a pain in the ass.
chong5 1773
38 13 chũ chú pregnant woman (archaic).¹⁰ variant: 㑳 jëo zhòu (1st sense only: pregnant).
(composition: ⿰女芻; U+5AB0).
媰妇[媰婦] chũ-fû
chúfù pregnant woman.¹⁹
媰孀 chũ-söng
chúshuāng pertaining to pregnant women and widows.¹⁹
(See 㑳 jëo).
chu3 1774
127 13 chũ chú (=鋤 chũ chú or chõ chú) hoe; work with a hoe, to hoe; uproot, eradicate, wipe out.⁶
耡耰 chũ-yiü
or chõ-yiü chúyōu to hoe the ground in order to cover the seed.²⁵
<又> chõ.
(See 鉏 chũ; 鉏 chõ; 耡 chõ; 鋤 chũ; 鋤 chõ.)
chu3 1775
167 15 chũ chú hoe; work with a hoe, to hoe; uproot, eradicate, wipe out.⁶ (variants: 鉏 chõ chú; chũ chú; 耡 chõ chú; chũ chú).
锄奸[鋤奸] chũ-gän
or chõ-gän chújiān ferret out and get rid of spies or traitors.⁶
锄头[鋤頭] chũ-hẽo
or chõ-hẽo chútou hoe.⁹
锄头雨[鋤頭雨] chũ-hẽo-yî
or chõ-hẽo-yî chútouyǔ <topo.> timely rain that falls just before the fields are due for hoeing; timely pre-hoeing rain.⁶
锄地[鋤地] chũ-ì
or chõ-ì chúdì hoe the field; do hoeing.⁶
锄强扶弱[鋤強扶弱] chũ-kẽng-fũ-ngèk
or chõ-kẽng-fũ-ngèk chúqiángfúruò curb the violent and assist the weak; eliminate the bullies and help the down-trodden.⁶
锄犁[鋤犁] chũ-lãi
or chõ-lãi chúlí plow.¹⁰
锄耨[鋤耨] chũ-nào
or chõ-nào or chũ-nèo or chõ-nèo chúnòu to clear away weeds.²⁵
诛锄[誅鋤] jï-chũ
or jï-chõ zhūchú <wr.> root up, extirpate (weeds); wipe out, get rid of, exterminate.⁶
<台> 锄[鋤] chũ
or chõ to hoe; (of birds) to peck.
<又> chõ.
(See 鉏 chũ; 鉏 chõ; 耡 chũ; 耡 chõ; 鋤 chõ.)
chu3 1776
167 15 chũ chú (=鋤 chũ chú or chõ chú) hoe; work with a hoe, to hoe; uproot, eradicate, wipe out.⁶
<又> chõ.
(See 鉏 chõ; 耡 chũ; 耡 chõ; 鋤 chũ; 鋤 chõ.)
chu3 1777
16 5 chuī chǔ old form of 处[處] chuī chǔ get along (with somebody); be situated in; manage, handle, deal with; punish, sentence; <wr.> dwell, live.⁵
chui1 1778
141 11 chuī chǔ get along (with somebody); be situated in; manage, handle, deal with; punish, sentence; <wr.> dwell, live.⁵ (variant: 処 chuī chǔ).
处罚[處罰] chuī-fàt
chǔfá punish; penalize.⁵
处分[處分] chuī-fün
chǔfèn take disciplinary action against; punish.⁵
处置[處置] chuī-jï
chǔzhì handle, deal with, manage, dispose of; punish.⁵
处决[處決] chuī-kūt
chǔjué put to death; execute.⁵
处理[處理] chuī-lî
chǔlǐ handle, deal with; dispose of; treat by a special process; sell at reduced prices.⁵
处女[處女] chuī-nuī
chǔnǚ virgin; maiden.⁵
处女膜[處女膜] chuī-nuī-môk
chǔnǚmó hymen.⁵
处暑[處暑] chuī-sī
chǔshǔ Limit of Heat (14th solar term, Aug 22, 23, or 24).⁶
处事[處事] chuī-xù
chǔshì handle affairs; manage matters.⁵
设身处地[設身處地] sēt-sïn-chuī-ì
shèshēnchǔdì put oneself in somebody else's position; be considerate.⁵
容易相处[容易相處] yũng-yì-xëng-chuī
róngyìxiāngchǔ easy to get along with.³⁹
<又> chuî.
(See 處 chuî; 処 chuī)
chui1 1779
30 7 chuï chuī to blow; to play a wind instrument; to blast; to puff; to boast; to brag; to end in failure; to fall through.¹⁰
(old variants: 龡, 䶴 chuï). (See 龡 chuï, 䶴 chuï).
吹风[吹風] chuï-füng
chuīfēng to be in a draught; to catch a chill; to dry one's hair; to dry hair with a blower.³⁹
吹口哨 chuï-hēo-säo
chuīkǒushào to blow whistle with bare mouth.¹¹
吹嘘[吹噓] chuï-huï
chuīxū to blow with the breath.²⁴
吹了 chuï-lēl
chuīle failed; busted; to have not succeeded; to have died; to have parted company; to have chilled (of a relationship).¹⁰
吹毛求疵 chuï-mão-kiũ-xû
chuīmáoqiúcī lit. to blow apart the hairs upon a fur to discover any defect (idiom); fig. to be fastidious; nitpick.¹⁰
吹牛 chuï-ngẽo
chuīniú to talk big; to shoot off one's mouth; to chat (dialect).¹⁰
吹牛拍马[吹牛拍馬] chuï-ngẽo-päk-mâ
chuīniúpāimǎ to boast and flatter.¹¹
吹捧 chuï-pūng
chuīpěng to flatter; to laud somebody's accomplishments; adulation.¹⁰
吹哨 chuï-säo
chuīshào to blow a whistle; to whistle.¹⁰
风吹草动[風吹草動] füng-chuï-tāo-ùng
fēngchuīcǎodòng wind sways grass; a sign of disturbance or trouble; at the mere rustle of leaves in the wind; grass bends as wind blows.³⁹

chui2 1780
86 8 chuï chuī cook a meal.⁵
炊饼[炊餅] chuï-bēng chuībǐng steamed cake.⁶
炊具 chuï-guì
chuījù cooking utensils.⁵
炊器 chuï-hï
chuīqì <archeo.> cooking vessels.⁵⁴
炊帚 chuï-jāo
chuīzhou pot-scouring brush; brush for cleaning pots and pans.⁶
炊沙作饭[炊沙作飯] chuï-sâ-dōk-fàn
chuīshāzuòfàn cook sand for meal – work fruitlessly; make futile efforts.⁶
炊爨 chuï-tōn
chuīcuàn make a fire and cook.⁶
炊事 chuï-xù
chuīshì cooking; kitchen work.⁵
炊事员[炊事員] chuï-xù-yõn
chuīshìyuán cook; kitchen staff.⁶
炊烟[炊煙] chuï-yën
chuīyān smoke from kitchen chimneys.⁵
炊烟缭绕[炊煙繚繞] chuï-yën-lẽl-ngêl
chuīyānliáorào smoke curling up from kitchen chimneys.⁵
炊烟袅袅[炊煙裊裊] chuï-yën-nêl-nêl
chuīyānniǎoniǎo smoke spiraling from kitchens.⁷
无米之炊[無米之炊] mũ-māi-jï-chuï
wúmǐzhīchuī cook a meal without rice; make bricks without straw.⁵
chui2 1781
214 21 chuï chuī (<old>=吹 chuï chuī to blow; to play a wind instrument; to blast; to puff; to boast; to brag; to end in failure; to fall through.¹⁰); to blow, exhale.⁸
(composition: ⿰龠欠; U+9FA1).
龡豳 chuï-bïn
chuībīn a ritual in ancient times to pray for good weather and good agricultural harvests.¹⁹
(See 吹 chuï).
chui2 1782
214 25 chuï chuī (<old>=吹 chuï chuī to blow; to play a wind instrument; to blast; to puff; to boast; to brag; to end in failure; to fall through.¹⁰).⁸ to blow into a pipe or reed.²⁵ to blow.³⁶
(composition: ⿱炊龠; U+4DB4).
(See 吹 chuï).
chui2 1783
27 14 chuĩ chú (=厨[廚] chuĩ chú kitchen).
(composition: ⿸厂尌; U+3551).
(See 廚 chuĩ).
chui3 1784
50 15 chuĩ chú (=幮 chuĩ chú a bed screen or mosquito net that looks like a small cabinet.⁷ a screen to make a temporary kitchen.⁸ʼ¹⁴).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰巾厨; U+3861).
(See 幮 chuĩ).
chui3 1785
50 17 𢅥
chuĩ chú (=幮 chuĩ chú a bed screen or mosquito net that looks like a small cabinet.⁷ a screen to make a temporary kitchen.⁸ʼ¹⁴).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰巾㕑; U+22165).
(See 㡡 chuĩ).
chui3 1786
50 18 chuĩ chú a bed screen or mosquito net that looks like a small cabinet.⁷ a screen to make a temporary kitchen.⁸ʼ¹⁴
(variants: 㡡, 𢅥❄{⿰巾㕑} chuĩ chú).
(composition: ⿰巾廚; U+5E6E).
纱幮[紗幮] sä-chuĩ
shāchú curtained cabinet; ancient style bed with posts, cabinets and curtains.¹¹
(See 㡡 chuĩ; 𢅥❄{⿰巾㕑} chuĩ).
chui3 1787
53 广 15 chuĩ chú kitchen. (variant: 㕑 chuĩ chú).
帮厨[幫廚] böng-chuĩ
bāngchú to help in the kitchen; cook's helper.
厨子[廚子] chuĩ-dū
chúzi cook.
厨房[廚房] chuĩ-föng/
chúfáng kitchen.¹⁰
厨具[廚具] chuĩ-guì
chújù cooking utensils.
厨师[廚師] chuĩ-xü
chúshī a head cook, chef.¹¹
Gün-dū yōn pão-chuĩ, fãn yiû hüt hï jï luì, fūt sïn dèin yâ.
Jūnzǐ yuǎn páochú, fán yǒu xuè qì zhī lèi, fú shēn jiàn yě.
A superior man had his shambles and kitchen at a distance (from the) house; he did not tread wherever there was such a thing as blood or (tainted) air.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·玉藻·3》, translated by James Legge).
下厨[下廚] hà-chuĩ
xiàchú to prepare food.
(See 㕑 chuĩ).
chui3 1788
64 11 chuĩ chuí beat (with a stick or fist); bang; thump; pound.⁶ to whip; to flog with the bamboo.²⁵
(variant: 搥 chuĩ chuí). (See 搥 chuĩ).
捶打 chuĩ-ā
chuídǎ beat (with a stick or fist); pound; thump.⁶
捶扁 chuĩ-bēin
chuíbiǎn to beat something flat.⁶
捶背 chuĩ-böi
chuíbèi poind somebody's back (as in massage).⁶
捶布 chuĩ-bü
chuíbù beetling (pounding of linen or cotton fabric to give a flat, lustrous effect).⁶ʼ¹⁵
捶笞 chuĩ-chï
chuíchī to cudgel.²⁵
捶鼓 chuĩ-gū
chuígǔ to beat.thump a drum.⁶
捶胸 chuĩ-hüng
chuíxiōng to beat one's breast.⁶
捶胸大哭 chuĩ-hüng-ài-hük
chuíxiōngdàkū to beat one's breast and weep.⁶
捶胸顿足[捶胸頓足] chuĩ-hüng-ùn-dūk
chuíxiōngdùnzú to beat one's breast and stamp one's feet.⁶
捶门[捶門] chuĩ-mõn
chuímén hammer at/against/on the door; pound/bang on/at the door.⁶
捶钩[捶鈎] chuĩ-ngêo
chuígōu the bit of a bridle.¹⁴
捶扑[捶撲] chuĩ-pōk
chuípū to beat a criminal.¹⁴
捶腰 chuĩ-yël
chuíyāo to massage the waist by light pounding.⁵⁴
捶衣裳 chuĩ-yï-sẽng
chuíyīshang beat clothes when washing them.⁶
chui3 1789
64 12 chuĩ chuí (=捶 chuĩ chuí beat (with a stick or fist); bang; thump; pound.⁶); beat, pound, strike, throw; shampoo.⁸ to beat with a stick or fist; to give a series of rapid gentle taps in massage.¹¹
(composition: ⿰扌追; U+6425).
搥打 chuĩ-ā
chuídǎ to buffer or pommel (person), lay on blows.¹¹
搥背 chuĩ-böi
chuíbèi massage or tap the back.¹¹
搥肩 chuĩ-gän
chuíjiān massage or tap the shoulder.¹¹
搥鼓 chuĩ-gū
chuígǔ to beat drum.¹¹
搥他一顿[搥他一頓] chuĩ-hä-yīt-ùn
chuítāyīdùn give him a beating.¹¹
搥胸 chuĩ-hüng
chuíxiōng beat upon the breast.¹¹
搥腰 chuĩ-yël
chuíyāo massage or tap the waist.¹¹
擂搥 luĩ-chuĩ
léichuí pestle for pounding.¹¹
(See 捶 chuĩ).
chui3 1790
75 12 chuĩ chuí (=槌 chuî chuí) mallet; (=捶 chuĩ chuí) to beat, to pound.
椎子 chuĩ-dū
chuízi a hammer; a mallet.⁷
椎髻 chuĩ-gâi
chuíjì (in hairdressing) a tiny bun shaped like a mallet.⁷
椎击[椎擊] chuĩ-gēik
or 锤击[錘擊] chuĩ-gēik or 槌击[槌擊] chuî-gēik chuíjī to strike with a mallet or hammer.⁷
椎鲁[椎魯] chuĩ-lû
chuílǔ dull and stupid.⁷
椎轮[椎輪] chuĩ-lũn
chuílún a wheel without the hub – something at its initial state and leaving much to be desired or done.⁷
椎埋 chuĩ-mãi
chuímái to kill someone and bury his body; to dig graves.⁷
椎牛 chuĩ-ngẽo
chuíniú to kill an ox.⁷
椎剽 chuĩ-pël
chuípiāo to kill a person and rob him.⁷
椎杀[椎殺] chuĩ-sät
chuíshā to kill with a mallet, hammer.⁷
椎心泣血 chuĩ-xïm-hīp-hūt
chuíxīnqìxuè beat one's breast and shed tears of blood – be heart-broken; be in deep sorrow.⁶
椎心痛哭 chuĩ-xïm-hüng-hūk
chuíxīntòngkū beat one's breast and cry; cry one's heart out.⁶
<又> juï.
(See 椎 juï; 槌 chuî; 捶 chu.)
chui3 1791
75 12 chuĩ chuí <wr.> short stick or rod; cudgel; beat with a stick or cudgel; strike; (=箠 chuĩ chuí) whip; (=槌 chuî chuí) mallet.⁶
笞棰 chï-chuĩ
chīchuí to beat with a bamboo whip.⁷
棰笞 chuĩ-chï
chuíchī (=鞭责[鞭責] bëin-jāk biānzé) lash and call somebody to account.⁸
棰楚 chuĩ-chō
chuíchǔ to cudgel, and torture.²⁴
棰殴[棰毆] chuĩ-ëo
chuíōu (=鞭打 bëin-ā biāndǎ) to whip, flog.¹¹
棰拊 chuĩ-fū
chuífǔ (=鞭策 bëin-chāk biāncè) to lash and urge forward.¹¹
走棰 dēo-chuĩ
zǒuchuí walking stick.³⁹
棒棰 pâng-chuĩ
or 棒槌 pâng-chuî bàngchui battledore; wooden club used to beat clothes in washing.⁸
(See 箠 chuĩ; 槌 chuî.)
chui3 1792
75 19 chuĩ chú cabinet, wardrobe, cupboard.⁸
壁橱[壁櫥] bēik-chuĩ bìchú a built-in wardrobe or cupboard; closet.¹⁰
橱子[櫥子] chuĩ-dū
chúzi wardrobe; closet; cabinet.¹⁰
橱柜[櫥櫃] chuĩ-gì
chúguì cupboard; cupboard that can also be used as a table; sideboard.¹⁰
橱窗[櫥窗] chuĩ-tóng
chúchuāng display window.¹⁰
两脚书橱[兩腳書櫥] lēng-gëk-sï-chuĩ
liǎngjiǎoshūchú bookworm.³⁹
书橱[書櫥] sï-chuĩ
shūchú bookcase.¹⁰
碗橱[碗櫥] vōn-chuĩ
wǎnchú kitchen cupboard; dish cabinet.⁶
衣橱[衣櫥] yï-chuĩ
yīchú wardrobe.¹⁰
有脚书橱[有腳書櫥] yiû-gëk-sï-chuĩ
yǒujiǎoshūchú a walking encyclopedia.⁵⁴
chui3 1793
85 12 chuĩ chú name of a county in 安徽 Ön-fï Ānhuī Anhui Province.¹⁰
滁河 Chuĩ-hõ
Chúhé the Chuhe River in 安徽 Ön-fï Ānhuī Anhui Province.⁵⁴
滁州 Chuĩ-jiü
Chúzhōu Chuzhou prefecture level city in Anhui (安徽 Ön-fï Ānhuī) Province.¹⁰
chui3 1794
112 13 chuĩ chuí pounding; beating.¹⁹ to beat; to pound.²⁵
(composition: ⿰石垂; U+787E).
硾之以石 chuĩ-jï-yî-sêk chuízhīyǐshí to press anything down with stones.²⁵
<又> juì; ō.
(See 硾 juì; 硾 ō).
chui3 1795
115 12 chuĩ chú <topo.> sweet potato (山芋 sän-vû shānyù); Chinese yam (山药[山藥] sän-yêk shānyao or 淮山 vãi-sän huáishān).⁸ (Note: Some say 稌 chuĩ chú is read shú in Mandarin).
(composition: ⿰禾余; U+7A0C).
稌蒣 chuĩ-chuĩ
chúchú or shúshú a medicinal plant.²⁵
<又> hũ.
(See 稌 hũ).
chui3 1796
118 14 chuĩ chuí a whip (for goading horses); whipping or flogging (as a punishment).⁷ (variant: 棰 chuĩ chuí).
鞭箠 bëin-chuĩ
or bëin-juì biānchuí to flog with a whip.¹⁴
笞箠 chï-chuĩ
or chï-juì chīchuí to flog a criminal.¹⁴
箠策 chuĩ-chāk
or juì-chāk chuícè a horsewhip.⁷
箠楚 chuĩ-chō
or juì-chō chuíchǔ whipping or flogging as a punishment.⁷
箠杖 chuĩ-jèng or juì-jèng chuízhàng club, cudgel, stick, staff; to flog, to beat, to torture (a prisoner).¹⁹
箠骂[箠罵] chuĩ-mà
or juì-mà chuímà to flog and curse.⁷
<又> juì.
(See 箠 juì; 棰 chuĩ).
chui3 1797
118 15 chuĩ chú coarse bamboo mat; ugly.⁸
籧篨 kuĩ-chuĩ qúchú a coarse bamboo mat; <wr.> a hunchback.¹¹ a coarse bamboo mat; an ugly sickness; deformity; hunchbacked.²⁵
chui3 1798
140 13 chuĩ chú (<old>=稌 chuĩ chú sweet potato; Chinese yam, Dioscorea polystachya).
(Note: Some say 蒣 chuĩ
chú is read shú in Mandarin).
(composition: ⿱艹徐; U+84A3).
稌蒣 chuĩ-chuĩ
chúchú or shúshú a medicinal plant.²⁵
菗蒣 chiũ-chuĩ
chóuchú or chóushú a small medicinal plant with a bitterish root, also called 地榆 ì-yĩ dìyú ground elm; it bears white flowers with a yellow center; it is a species of Hedysarum, perhaps Hedysarum chinense (B.Fedtsch.) Hand.-Mazz.¹⁰²ʼ⁰
<又> tuĩ.
(See 蒣 tuĩ).
chui3 1799
140 18 chuĩ chú (composition: ⿱艹豬; U+85F8).
荎藸 chĩ-chuĩ chíchú a medicinal herb; also called 五味子 m̄-mì-dū wǔwèizǐ.¹³ another name for 五味子 m̄-mì-dū wǔwèizǐ  of which there are two kinds: 北五味子 Schizandra chinensis, and 南五味子 Kadsura japonica.¹¹ Other names in English for Schizandra chinensis are magnolia-vine, Chinese magnolia-vine, schisandra, whose fruit is called magnolia berry or five-flavor-fruit. Other Chinese names for Schizandra chinensis are 五味, 北五味子, 山五味, 山花椒. Kadsura japonica is also called 日本南五味子.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ a plant. the seeds of which are said to possess all the five tastes.²⁵
<又> jï.
(See 藸 jï).
chui3 1800
142 13 chuĩ chú (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 蜍 kuĩ chú with same meaning.)
<又> kuĩ.
(See 蜍 kuĩ.)
chui3 1801
142 21 chuĩ chú (=蜍 chuĩ chú) toad.⁸
<又> kuĩ.
(See 蠩 kuĩ; 蜍 kuĩ.)
chui3 1802
145 13 chuĩ chú an inner garment constituting part of the court dress; same as 㡡 chiũ chú a bed screen or mosquito net that looks like a small cabinet; a screen to make a temporary kitchen.²
(composition: ⿰衤周; U+88EF).
<又> chiũ; äo.
(See 裯 chiũ; 裯 äo; 㡡 chiũ).
chui3 1803
157 18 chuĩ chú to hesitate.⁷ undecided; irresolute.¹⁴
踌躇[躊躇] chiũ-chuĩ chóuchú hesitant, shilly-shally, faltering, wavering, vacillant, undecided, irresolute; <wr.> smug, complacent.⁶
踌躇不决[躊躇不決] chiũ-chuĩ-būt-kūt
chóuchúbùjué hesitate to make a decision; waver in one's determination; be irresolute.⁶
踌躇不前[躊躇不前] chiũ-chuĩ-būt-tẽin
chóuchúbùqián hesitate to move forward; hang back; pussyfoot about.⁶
踌躇地[躊躇地] chiũ-chuĩ-ì
chóuchúde haltingly.¹⁰
踌躇满志[躊躇滿志] chiũ-chuĩ-mōn-jï
chóuchúmǎnzhì be puffed up with pride; be self-satified/complacent; be enormously proud of one's achievements; be elated with one's success.⁶
踌躇彷徨[躊躇彷徨] chiũ-chuĩ-põng-võng
chóuchú pánghuáng dawdle and hesitate.³⁹
chui3 1804
157 18 chuĩ chú hard to go forward, stop; to delay.⁸
(composition: ⿰⻊屠; U+4827).
峙䠧 sì-chuĩ zhìchú unable to advance.²
跱䠧 sì-chuĩ
zhìchú unable to advance; embarrassed.²⁵
chui3 1805
157 22 chuĩ chú to hesitate.⁷ undecided; embarrassed.¹⁴
踟蹰[踟躕] or 踟躇 chĩ-chuĩ chíchú hesitate; falter; waver.⁶ to hesitate; linked together; a comb; to be in perplexity.⁷
踟蹰不进[踟躕不進] chĩ-chuĩ-būt-dïn
chíchúbùjìn tarry and not go forward.¹¹
踟蹰不前[踟躕不前] chĩ-chuĩ-būt-tẽin
chíchúbùqián hesitate to move forward.⁵
踟蹰街头[踟蹰街頭] or 踟躇街头[踟躇街頭] chĩ-chuĩ-gâi-hẽo chíchújiētóu linger in the street.⁶
搔首踟蹰[搔首踟躕] xäo-siū-chĩ-chuĩ
sāoshǒuchíchú scratch one's head in great perplexity – to be in a dilemma; hesitate; scratch one's head in hesitation.⁵⁴
chui3 1806
167 16 chuĩ chuí hammer; mace; hammer into shape; weight.⁵ (variant: 鎚 chuĩ chuí.)
大锤[大錘] ài-chuĩ
dàchuí sledgehammer.⁵
锤子[錘子] chuĩ-dū
or 槌子 chuî-dū chuízi hammer.⁸
锤击[錘擊] chuĩ-gēik
or 椎击[椎擊] chuĩ-gēik or 槌击[槌擊] chuî-gēik chuíjī to strike with a mallet or hammer.⁷
锤金箔[錘金箔] chuĩ-gïm-bòk
chuíjīnbó hammer gold into foil.⁵
锤光[錘光] chuĩ-göng
chuíguāng planish.⁵
锤头[錘頭] chuĩ-hẽo
chuítóu hammerhead.¹⁰
锤炼[錘煉] chuĩ-lèin
chuíliàn hammer into shape; temper; polish.⁵
锤炼词句[錘煉詞句] chuĩ-lèin-xũ-guî/
chuíliàn cí-jù to polish a piece of writing.⁷
铁锤[鐵錘] hëik-chuĩ
tiěchuí iron hammer.⁵
千锤百炼[千錘百煉] tëin-chuĩ-bāk-lèin
qiānchuíbǎiliàn thoroughly tempered or steeled; (of literary works) be polished again and again; be revised and rewritten many times; be highly finished.⁵
一锤定音[一錘定音] yīt-chuĩ-èin-yïm
yīchuídìngyīn set the tune with one beat of the gong – give the final word.⁵
<又> juì.
(See 錘 juì; 鎚 chuĩ.)
chui3 1807
167 17 chuĩ chuí (=錘 chuĩ chuí) hammer, mallet; club.⁸
鎚骨 chuĩ-gūt
or 槌骨 chuî-gūt or 锤骨[錘骨] chuĩ-gūt chuígǔ malleus or hammer bone of middle ear.¹⁰
(See 錘 juì.)
chui3 1808
170 9 chuĩ chú to get rid of; to divide.
屏除 bèin-chuĩ bǐngchú get rid of; dismiss; brush aside.⁵
除尘[除塵] chuĩ-chĩn
chúchén to eliminate dust.¹⁰
除夕 Chuĩ-dèik
Chúxī New Year's Eve.⁵
除掉 chuĩ-èl
chúdiào <topo.> to eliminate; except.
除法 chuĩ-fāt
chúfǎ <math.> division.
除非 chuĩ-fï
chúfēi only if; only when; unless.
除了 chuĩ-lēl
chúle besides; apart from (... also...); in addition to; except (for).¹⁰
除眚 chuĩ-sāng
chúshěng eliminate errors, malpractices.¹¹
废除[廢除] fī-chuĩ
fèichú abolish, abrogate, annul, repeal.⁵
开除[開除] höi-chuĩ
kāichú to expel; to discharge.
斩草除根[斬草除根] jām-tāo-chuĩ-gïn
zhǎncǎochúgēn cut the weeds and dig up the roots – destroy root and branch; stamp out the source of trouble.⁵
消除 xël-chuĩ
xiāochú eliminate.⁵⁵
chui3 1809
194 17 chuĩ chuí the hair tied up into a knot, like a hammer.²⁵
(composition: ⿺鬼隹; U+9B4B).
魋髻 chuĩ-gâi chuíjì a small bun shaped like a mallet.¹⁹
魋结[魋結] chuĩ-gēik
chuíjié (=椎髻 chuĩ-gâi chuíjì (in hairdressing) a tiny bun shaped like a mallet.⁷).¹⁹ mallet-shaped bun.³⁶
<又> huĩ.
(See 魋 huĩ).
chui3 1810
9 7 chuî zhù to wait; to look towards; to turn one's back on.
踌伫[躊佇] chiũ-chuî chóuzhù <wr.> hesitate; be irresolute.⁶
伫立[佇立] chuî-lìp 
zhùlì <wr.> to stand still for long while.
伫望[佇望] chuî-mòng
zhùwàng <wr.> to look forward to.
停辛伫苦[停辛佇苦] hẽin-xïn-chuî-fū
tíngxīnzhùkǔ to have experienced all hardships.
chui5 1811
9 18 chuî chǔ to save; to store; savings; deputy; Chu surname.
储备[儲備] chuî-bì chǔbèi ➀ store for future use; stock; lay in/up; stockpile  ➁ stockpile; reserve.⁶
储蓄[儲蓄] chuî-chūk
chǔxù to deposit money; to save; savings.¹⁰
储藏[儲藏] chuî-dòng
chǔcáng to store up; deposit.
or 储峙[儲峙] (chuî-jï chǔzhì ➀ store for future use; stock; lay in/up; stockpile  ➁ stockpile; reserve.⁶).¹⁹
储量[儲量] chuî-lẽng
chǔliàng <min.> reserves.
储粮备荒[儲糧備荒] chuî-lẽng-bì-föng
chǔliángbèihuāng to store up grain against famine.
储贰[儲貳] chuî-ngì
chǔ'èr crown prince.
储跱[儲跱] chuî-sì
chǔzhì prepared.²⁵
储存[儲存] chuî-tũn
chǔcún to store; to stockpile.
存储[存儲] tũn-chuî
cúnchǔ to store up; to stockpile; (computer) to save; to store; memory; storage.¹⁰
皇储[皇儲] võng-chuî
huángchǔ crown prince.⁸
chui5 1812
33 9 chuî zhù (archaic) drum; (Chinese surname).¹⁰  drum; a surname​; pictogram: a drum 口 with two ends, a base and feathers 土 on top.³⁶
(composition: ⿱十豆); U+58F4).
chui5 1813
40 4 chuî zhù (=宁 chuî zhù ➀ to store, to save, to stockpile; to stand.⁷
➁ space between the throne and the retiring room behind it; to store up, to save up; peaceful; used as a term of comparison.⁸
➂ to store; to stand; space between the door and the entrance screen.¹⁰
➃ (a)  (historical) space between the door and the entrance screen, or between the two side houses in the main entrance
➃ (b)  Original form of 贮[貯] chuî zhù to store; to accumulate; to gather.
➃ (c)   Original form of 伫[佇] chuî zhù to stand for a long time.³⁶).
[Note: This character, 㝉 (chuî
zhù) is used to distinguish between 宁 (chuî zhù) that existed prior to simplification and 宁 (nẽin níng), the simplified form of 寧 (nẽin níng)].
(composition: ⿱宀一; U+3749).
(See 宁 chuî; 寧 [nẽin, níng]).
chui5 1814
40 5 chuî zhù ➀ to store, to save, to stockpile; to stand.⁷
➁ space between the throne and the retiring room behind it; to store up, to save up; peaceful; used as a term of comparison.⁸
➂ to store; to stand; space between the door and the entrance screen.¹⁰
➃ (a)  (historical) space between the door and the entrance screen, or between the two side houses in the main entrance
➃ (b)  Original form of 贮[貯] chuî
zhù to store; to accumulate; to gather.
➃ (c)   Original form of 伫[佇] chuî
zhù to stand for a long time.³⁶
[Note 1: For 宁 as the simplified form of 寧 nẽin
níng see 寧 nẽin.]
(composition: ⿱宀丁; U+5B81).
[Note 2: This character 宁 chuî
zhù, existed before simplification of 寧 into 宁 nẽin níng. The character 宁 chuî zhù has the same codepoint as the character 宁 nẽin níng].
(Also see 㝉 chuî).
chui5 1815
75 8 chuî chǔ pestle; a stick used to pound clothes in washing; poke.⁵
杵臼 chuî-giü chǔjiù mortar and pestle.⁵
杵臼关节[杵臼關節] chuî-giü-gän-dêik
chǔjiùguānjié enarthrosis.¹⁰
杵臼之交 chuî-giü-jï-gäo
chǔjiùzhījiāo true friendship which disregards discrepancy in wealth, influence, fame.⁷
杵歌 chuî-gô
chǔgē a tune sung by the Taiwan aborigines while they are pounding grain in a mortar with a pestle.⁷
杵状指[杵狀指] chuî-jòng-jī chǔzhuàngzhǐ clubbed finger.⁵
铁杵[鐵杵] hëik-chuî
tiěchǔ iron staff (a weapon).¹¹
铁杵磨成针[鐵杵磨成針] hëik-chuî-mũ-sẽin-jïm
or hëik-chuî-mõ-sẽin-jïm tiěchǔmóchéngzhēn an iron pestle can be ground down to a needle – perseverance will prevail; little strokes fell great oaks.⁵
棒杵 pâng-chuî
bàngchǔ a club used to pound clothes.⁷
chui5 1816
75 8 chuî zhù (spining and weaving) reed; <wr.> shuttle.⁶ shuttle of loom; narrow; long-headed; a scrub oak; thin.⁸
(composition: ⿰木予; U+677C).
自出机杼[自出機杼] dù-chūt-gï-chuî zìchūjīzhù (of literary compositions) be original in conception.⁶
杼柚 chuî-dùk
zhùzhú looms.⁷
杼轴[杼軸] chuî-jùk
zhùzhóu <wr.> plot of a literary work.⁵⁴
杼轴其空[杼軸其空] chuî-jùk-kĩ-hüng
zhùzhóuqíkōng the looms are empty – indicating extreme want.¹⁴
机杼[機杼] gï-chuî
jīzhù <wr.> loom; conception (of a piece of writing).⁵
投杼 hẽo-chuî
tóuzhù “leave the loom”, (allu.) mother of good Confucianist unbelieving when first told of her son being a murderer, but believing it on third time – influence of rumor and gossip.¹¹
chui5 1817
75 9 chuî zhù post; pillar; column; something shaped like a column.⁹
柱子 chuî-dū zhùzi pillar.¹⁰
柱头[柱頭] chuî-hẽo
zhùtóu (architecture) capital; column head; (botany) stigma.¹⁰
柱梁 chuî-lẽng
zhùliáng pillar.¹⁰
柱廊 chuî-lõng
zhùláng <archi.> colonnade.⁵
柱石 chuî-sêk
zhùshí stone pillar; (fig.) pillar of strength.¹¹
柱身 chuî-sïn
zhùshēn column shaft (architecture).¹⁰
柱塞 chuî-xāk
zhùsāi piston.¹⁰
柱形图[柱形圖] chuî-yẽin-hũ
zhùxíngtú bar chart.⁹
毫米汞柱 hõ-māi-hüng-chuî
háomǐgǒngzhù  millimeter of mercury; mmHg (unit of pressure).⁶
擎天柱 kẽin-hëin-chuî
qíngtiānzhù pillar of state or society; one who shoulders heavy responsibility; Optimus Prime, a character in Transformers.⁹
蕊柱 luî-chuî
ruǐzhù <bot.> a style (part of the pistil).¹¹
<台> 江珧柱 göng-yiũ-chuî/ dried scallop.
chui5 1818
75 12 chuî chǔ <bot.> paper mulberry; <wr.> paper.⁵ the paper mulberry, from the bark of which paper is made.¹⁴
楮币[楮幣] chuî-bài chǔbì <trad.> a bank note.⁷
楮券 chuî-hûn
chǔquàn <trad.> a bank note.⁷
楮知白 chuî-jï-bàk
chǔzhībái <wr.> paper.⁷
楮镪[楮鏹] chuî-kêng
chǔqiǎng imitation paper money burned for the dead.⁷
楮墨 chuî-màk
chǔmò <wr.> paper and ink; poetry, prose, calligraphy and painting.⁶
楮仪[楮儀] chuî-ngĩ
chǔyí money given by friends towards funeral expenses.¹⁴
楮片 chuî-pëin
chǔpiàn a slip of paper.¹⁴
楮树[楮樹] chuî-sì
chǔshù (=构树[構樹] këo-sì gòushù) paper mulberry Broussonetia papyrifera.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
楮实[楮實] chuî-sìt
chǔshí <TCM> paper mulberry fruit.⁵
楮钱[楮錢] chuî-tẽin
chǔqián imitation paper money burned for the dead.⁷
楮先生 Chuî-xëin-säng
Chǔ xiānsheng <wr.> paper.¹⁴
chui5 1819
75 13 chuî chuí mallet; beetle; pestle; gavel.⁶
(composition: ⿰木追; U+69CC).
槌子 chuî-dū or 锤子[錘子] chuĩ-dū chuízi hammer.⁸
槌击[槌擊] chuî-gēik
or 椎击[椎擊] chuĩ-gēik or 锤击[錘擊] chuĩ-gēik chuíjī to strike with a mallet or hammer.⁷
槌骨 chuî-gūt
or 鎚骨 chuĩ-gūt or 锤骨[錘骨] chuĩ-gūt chuígǔ malleus or hammer bone of middle ear.¹⁰
鼓槌 gū-chuî
gǔchuí drumstick.¹⁰
碾槌 jīn-chuî
niǎnchuí pestle.¹⁰
棒槌 pâng-chuî
or 棒棰 pâng-chuĩ bàngchui battledore; wooden club used to beat clothes in washing.⁸
皮槌 pĩ-chuî
píchuí rawhide mallet.⁶
手槌 siū-chuî
shǒuchuí hand mallet.⁶
chui5 1820
85 12 chuî chuí the sound of driving a pile into deep water.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰氵春; U+6E77).
<又> jöng; vùn. (See 湷 jöng; 湷 vùn).
chui5 1821
112 10 chuî zhù (used in geographic names).⁹ ancestral tablet.¹⁰
石砫 Sêk-chuî Shízhù (now called 石柱 Sêk-chuî Shízhù) stela, upright stone, obelisk; Shizhu Tujia autonomous county, Chongqing.¹⁰
砥砫 āi-chuî
dǐzhù (=砥柱 āi-chuî dǐzhù) name of a mountain through which the Yellow River was supposedly channeled; an indomitable person.⁷
chui5 1822
120 11 chuî zhù boehmeria; ramie; linen; sackcloth.⁷ ramie; sack cloth.⁸ cloth made from ramie fibers.⁹ ramie (Boehmeria nivea).¹⁰
白纻[白紵] bàk-chuî
báizhù fine linen.¹¹
絺纻[絺紵] chï-chuî
chīzhù fine and coarse hemp.¹⁴
纻衣[紵衣] chuî-yï
zhùyì flaxen garments.²⁵
chui5 1823
123 11 chuî zhù lamb.⁸ a lamb five months old.²⁵
(composition: ⿰羊宁; U+7F9C).
肥羜 fĩ-chuî féizhù a fat lamb.²⁵
Gï-yiü-fĩ-chuî, yî-tūk-jï-fù.
Jì yǒu féi zhù, yǐ sù zhū fù.
And the fatted lambs are provided,
To which to invite my paternal uncles.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·鹿鳴之什·伐木》, translated by James Legge).
chui5 1824
140 8 chuî zhù ramie, an Asiatic hemp-producing plant.¹¹ a hemp-producing plant like the nettle; Bœhmeria nivea.¹⁴
(composition traditional: ⿱艹宁; U+82E7).
(See also 苧[薴] nẽin níng limonene).
(composition simplified: ⿱艹㝉; U+82CE).
苎店[苧店] chuî-ëm
zhùdiàn linen shop.¹⁴
苎根[苧根] chuî-gïn
zhùgēn hemp roots – ground with rice and used as food.¹⁴
苎麻[苧麻] or 苎蔴[苧蔴] chuî-mã
zhùmá <bot.> Boehmeria nivea; ramie.⁹ the fibers from which grass-cloth or linen is made, commercially known as China Grass or Ramie fiber.¹⁴
or 苎蔴布[苧蔴布] chuî-mã-bü zhùmábù ramie cloth.⁶
or 苎蔴裙[苧蔴裙] chuî-mã-kũn zhùmáqún linen skirt.¹¹
or 苎蔴裙衫[苧蔴裙衫] chuî-mã-kũn-sâm zhùmáqúnshān linen garments.¹⁴
荠苎[薺苧] tî-chuî
qízhù Mosla grosseserrata Maximowicz.³²
chui5 1825
141 11 chuî chù ➀ place  ➁ part or aspect of something being considered  ➂ department, section, division, office  ➃ <m.> (for sites or occurrences or activities in different places).⁶
到处[到處] äo-chuî dàochù everywhere.¹⁰
办事处[辦事處] bàn-xù-chuî/
bànshìchù agency; office.⁸
别处[別處] bèik-chuî
biéchù elsewhere.¹⁰
长处[長處] chẽng-chuî/
chángchu good qualities; strong or good points.⁵
处处[處處] chuî-chuî
chùchù every place; everywhere.⁶
处处设防[處處設防] chuî-chuî-sēt-fõng
chùchùshèfáng set up defenses everywhere.³⁹
处方[處方] chuî-föng
chùfāng prescription; to prescribe.¹¹
处长[處長] chuî-jēng
chùzhǎng department chief.¹¹
处所[處所] chuî-sō
chùsuǒ place; location.⁶
钓鱼处[釣魚處] ël-nguî-chuî/
diàoyúchù angling place.⁶
教务处[教務處] gäo-mù-chuî/
jiàowùchù education office.¹⁰
两处农舍[兩處農舍] lēng-chuî-nũng-sëh
liǎngchùnóngshè two farmhouses.⁶
四处[四處] xü-chuî
sìchù all around; in all directions; everywhere.⁵
<又> chuī.
(See 處 chuī.)
chui5 1826
145 13 chuî Chǔ Chu surname.
(See 褚 [chuî, zhǔ].)
chui5 1827
145 13 chuî zhǔ silk floss; pad with silk floss, fill out a lined coat with silk floss.⁶
褚衣 chuî-yï zhǔyī padded clothes.³⁹
褚幕 chuî-mōk
zhǔmù pall, shroud.¹¹ a piece of red cloth for covering the coffin.³⁹
刻棘刻褚 hāk-gēik-hāk-chuî
kèjíkèzhǔ remarkable skill in crafting characters (in writing).⁵⁴
(See 褚 [chuî, Chǔ].)
chui5 1828
154 12 chuî zhù store; save; lay aside.⁵
贮备[貯備] chuî-bì zhùbèi store up; lay aside.⁵
贮蓄[貯蓄] chuî-chūk
zhùxù store up; lay in; conserve.⁶
贮积[貯積] chuî-dēik
zhùjī store up; lay in; stockpile.⁶
贮木场[貯木場] chuî-mûk-chẽng
zhùmùchǎng lumber yard; timber depot; timber yard.⁵
贮热[貯熱] chuî-ngèik
zhùrè to conserve heat.¹⁰
贮槽[貯槽] chuî-tão
zhùcáo storage tank.⁹
贮藏[貯藏] chuî-tõng
zhùcáng store up; lay in.⁵
贮存[貯存] chuî-tũn
zhùcún store; keep in storage.⁵
贮运[貯運] chuî-vùn
zhùyùn store and ship.⁶
chui5 1829
7 3 chūk chù <wr.> the right step. (Compare 彳 chēik chì the left step; combining 彳and 亍 to form 行 hãng xíng to walk.)
彳亍 chēik-chūk
chìchù <wr.> to walk slowly.
chuk1 1830
9 10 chūk chù start, begin; beginning; arrange.⁸ to begin; a beginning. (also read chūk shù).¹⁴ to begin, to do, to act; good, excellent.²⁴ <lit.> first, in the beginning; <lit.> to arrange, to put in order; to build, to move; thick.³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻叔; U+4FF6).
Chāk-chāk-lẽng-dù, chūk-döi-nãm-mêo.
Cè cè liáng sì, chù zài nán mǔ.
Very sharp are the excellent shares,
With which they set to work on the south-lying acres.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·頌·周頌·閔予小子之什·良耜·1》, translated by James Legge).
俶载[俶載] chūk-döi
chùzài or shùzài to commence – as agricultural operations.¹⁴
俶装[俶裝] chūk-jöng
chùzhuāng or shùzhuāng to girdle up for journey.¹¹ to arrange the baggage.¹⁴
俶望终虚[俶望終虛] chūk-mòng-jüng-huï
chù wàng zhōng xū my great hopes are after all quite frustrated.¹⁰²
俶扰[俶擾] chūk-ngêl
chùrǎo begin to disturb.⁸
俶尔[俶爾] chūk-ngì chù'ěr <lit.> suddenly.³⁶
<又> tēik.
(See 俶 [chūk, shù]; 俶 tēik).
chuk1 1831
9 10 chūk shù (used for 束 chūk shù to bind, to bind up bundles of firewood; to restrain).¹¹ (alternate Mandarin pronunciation of 俶 chūk chù with the same meaning: start, begin; beginning; arrange.⁸ to begin, to do, to act; good, excellent.²⁴).¹⁴ good.³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻叔; U+4FF6).
<又> tēik.
(See 俶 [chūk, chù]; 俶 tēik; 束 chūk).
chuk1 1832
30 15 chūk chù Same as 畜 chūk chù for both senses below:
➀ livestock, domesticated animal, farm animal 
Example: 家畜 gä-chūk
jiāchù domesticated animal;
➁ creature; beast
Example: 畜生 chūk-säng
chùshēng beast, brute.³⁶
(composition: ⿳㽞一口; U+563C).
<又> chiü; än.
(See 畜 [chūk, chù]; 嘼 [chūk, ]; 嘼 chiü; 嘼 än).
chuk1 1833
30 15 chūk (=畜 chūk to raise (domestic animals).⁵).⁸
(composition: ⿳㽞一口; U+563C).
<又> chiü; än.
(See 畜 [chūk, ]; 嘼 [chūk, chù]; 嘼 chiü; 嘼 än).
chuk1 1834
61 8 chūk chù fear, dread, shrink from; <wr.> be alert, be vigilant, be on the alert.⁶
怵迫 chūk-bēik or jōt-bēik chùpò to threaten and induce.¹¹
怵迫之徒 chūk-bēik-jï-hũ
or jōt-bēik-jï-hũ chùpòzhītú a person who is tempted or urged on.¹⁴
怵场[怵場] chūk-chẽng
or jōt-chẽng or 憷场[憷場] chō-chẽng chùchǎng <topo.> feel nervous before a large audience; have/suffer stage fright.⁶
怵怵忐忐 chūk-chūk-hām-hām
or jōt-jōt-hām-hām or chūk-chūk-hān-hān or jōt-jōt-hān-hān chùchutǎntǎn be anxious and restless.¹⁹
怵惧[怵懼] chūk-guì
or jōt-guì chùjù fear.⁸
怵头[怵頭] chūk-hẽo
or jōt-hẽo or 憷头[憷頭] chō-hẽo chùtóu <topo.> timid; shrinking from difficulties.⁶
怵目惊心[怵目驚心] chūk-mùk-gëin-xïm
or jōt-mùk-gëin-xïm or 触目惊心[觸目驚心] chūk-mùk-gëin-xïm chùmùjīngxīn lit. shocks the eye, astonishes the heart (idiom); shocking; horrible to see; a ghastly sight.¹⁰
怵惕 chūk-tēik
or jōt-tēik chùtì <wr.> feel apprehensive and alert.⁶
<又> jōt.
(See 怵 jōt.)
chuk1 1835
61 13 chūk chù to bring up; to raise.⁸ to foster; to bear.¹⁰ referred pain; to hate.¹⁹ raise up, nourish, foster.²⁴ to nourish; to foster; to hate; to excite.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰忄畜; U+6149).
不我能慉 Būt-ngô-nãng-chūk Bù wǒ néng chù 
You cannot cherish me. (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·邶風·谷風·5》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ He cannot (or does not) like me.¹⁰²
慉骄[慉驕] chūk-gël
chùjiāo to encourage or develop pride.¹⁰²
慉怒 chūk-nù
chùnù to stir up wrath; angry, wrathful.¹⁰²
(See 慉[chūk, ]).
chuk1 1836
61 13 chūk get up, support; (<old>=蓄 chūk to store, to save, to hoard, to gather.⁸).¹⁹
(composition: ⿰忄畜; U+6149).
慉结[慉結] chūk-gēik
xùjié melancholy, depressed.¹⁹
情慉 tẽin-chūk
qíngxù rame/state of mind; mood.¹⁹
藴慉 vūn-chūk
yùnxù gather; accumulate; build up.¹⁹
(See 慉[chūk, chù]).
chuk1 1837
64 13 chūk chù cramp, spasm, convulsion; twitch.
抽搐 chëo-chūk chōuchù to have muscular spasms.
搐缩[搐縮] chūk-sük
chùsuō to shrink; to contract.
chuk1 1838
66 15 chūk fine, close (mesh).¹¹ close.¹⁰²
(comp. t: ⿰婁攵; U+6578). (comp. s: ⿰娄攵; U+6570).
数罟[數罟] chūk-gü
or chūk-kü cùgǔ a fine net.¹⁰²
数罟不入洿池[數罟不入污池] chūk-gü-būt-yìp-vü-chĩ
or chūk-kü-būt-yìp-vü-chĩ cùgǔ bù rù wūchí a closemeshed net is not let into the ponds (prevent taking small fish).¹¹
数罟不入洿池, 鱼鼈不可胜食也.
[數罟不入洿池, 魚鼈不可勝食也.]
Chūk-gü-būt-yìp-vü-chĩ, nguî-bèik-būt-hō-sëin-sèik-yâ.
or Chūk-kü-būt-yìp-vü-chĩ, nguî-bèik-būt-hō-sëin-sèik-yâ.
Cùgǔ bù rù wūchí, yú biē bùkě shèng shí yě.
If close nets are not allowed to enter the pools and ponds, the fishes and turtles will be more than can be consumed.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《孟子·梁惠王上·3》, translated by James Legge).
<又> sōk; sū; sü.
(See 數 sōk; 數 sū; 數 sü).
chuk1 1839
75 7 chūk shù bind; beam; <m.> bunch; to control.⁶ Shu surname.⁸ to bind, to bind up bundles of firewood; to restrain; five pieces of cloth, bound up together; a bundle of 50 arrows; ten pieces of dried meat.²⁴ (comp. : ⿻木口; U+675F).
束缚[束縛] chūk-bòk or chūk-fòk shùfù tie; bind up.⁵
束胸 chūk-hüng
shùxiōng woman's girdle for flattening the breasts.⁶
束之高阁[束之高閣] chūk-jï-gäo-gōk
shùzhīgāogé to shelve a matter (put it away unheeded).¹¹
束装[束裝] chūk-jöng
shùzhuāng <wr.> pack up (for a journey).⁶
束射 chūk-sèh
shùshè beam.⁶
束身 chūk-sïn
shùshēn restrain/control/bind oneself.⁶
束手 chūk-siū
shùshǒu have one's hands tied/bound.⁶
束手束脚[束手束腳] chūk-siū-chūk-gëk
shùshǒushùjiǎo (=缩手缩脚[縮手縮腳] sük-siū-sük-gëk suōshǒusuōjiǎo) shrink from cold; be overly cautions.⁶
束手无策[束手無策] chūk-siū-mũ-chāk
shùshǒuwúcè be at one's wit's end; wring one's hands in dismay.⁶
束手待毙[束手待斃] chūk-siū-òi-bài
shùshǒudàibì wait for one's doom with tied hands – helplessly wait for death.⁶
束腰 chūk-yël
shùyāo girdle the waist; girdle.⁶
一束鲜花[一束鮮花] yīt-chūk xëin-fä
yīshù xiānhuā a bouquet/bunch of (fresh) flowers.⁹ʼ¹⁹
chuk1 1840
75 9 chūk chù (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 柷 jūk zhù with the same meaning: instrument of wood used in ancient times to start the orchestra.¹⁴ a large wooden box-shaped trough, played with a pestle as a percussion instrument in Chinese ritual music.³⁶).
(composition: ⿰木兄; U+67F7).
柷敔 chūk-nguî
chùyǔ or jūk-nguî zhùyǔ two wooden percussion instruments in ancient times, the former to start the orchestra and the latter to stop the orchestra; it is said that the two can be used for harmony at the same time, regardless of the end and the beginning.⁸
<又> jūk.
(See 柷 jūk).
chuk1 1841
102 10 chūk chù domestic animal; livestock.⁵ (variant: 嘼 chūk chù).
畜肥 chūk-fĩ
chùféi animal manure.⁵
畜力 chūk-lèik
chùlì animal power.⁵
畜类[畜類] chūk-luì
chùlèi domestic animals.⁵
or 畜生 chūk-säng chùsheng livestock, or specifically the six farm animals cow, horse, sheep, cock, dog, pig; an insult, You animal!¹⁰ the  beasts; (severe abuse of person) dog, beast, vermin, contemptible cur.¹¹
畜疫 chūk-yèik
chùyì epidemic disease of domestic animals⁵
家畜 gä-chūk
jiāchù domestic animal; livestock.⁵
耕畜 gäng-chūk
gēngchù farm animal.⁵
(See 畜 [chūk, ]; 嘼 [chūk, chù]).
chuk1 1842
102 10 chūk raise (domestic animals).⁵ (variant: 嘼 chūk ).
畜产[畜產] chūk-chān
xùchǎn livestock/animal products.⁵
畜牧 chūk-mùk
xùmù raise livestock or poultry.⁵
畜牧业[畜牧業] chūk-mùk-ngèp
xùmùyè animal/livestock husbandry.⁵
畜养[畜養] chūk-yëng
xùyǎng raise (domestic animals).⁵
(See 畜 [chūk, chù]; 嘼 [chūk, ]).
chuk1 1843
108 12 𥁯
chūk chù a jar.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱足皿; U+2506F)
<又> tūk. (See 𥁯❄{⿱足皿} tūk).
chuk1 1844
109 24 chūk chù straight, upright, erect, lofty.⁸ lofty, upright, straight; luxuriant, growth.¹⁴
矗立 chūk-lìp chùlì stand majestically.⁹ to tower; standing tall and upright (of large building).¹⁰
矗立云表[矗立雲表] chūk-lìp-vũn-bēl
chùlìyúnbiǎo sticking up into the clouds.¹⁴
矗然不诬[矗然不誣] chūk-ngẽin-būt-mõ
or chūk-ngẽin-būt-mũ chùránbùwū upright, without deceit.¹⁴
高矗 gäo-chūk
gāochù towering.¹⁰
chuk1 1845
140 13 chūk to store, to save, to hoard, to gather.⁸
储蓄[儲蓄] chuî-chūk chǔxù to deposit money; to save; savings.¹⁰
蓄电池[蓄電池] chūk-èin-chĩ
xùdiànchí storage battery/cell; accumulator.⁶
蓄发[蓄髮] chūk-fāt
xùfà to wear hair long.⁶
蓄意 chūk-yï
xùyì to premeditate.⁹ to do (something evil) intentionally or by design.⁶
积蓄[積蓄] dēik-chūk
jīxù to save; to put aside; savings.¹⁰
兼收并蓄[兼收併蓄] gëm-siü-bèin-chūk
jiānshōubìngxù to incorporate things of diverse nature; to take in everything; to absorb/swallow anything and everything.⁶
chuk1 1846
148 11 𧢻
chūk chù (<old>=触[觸] chūk chù touch, contact; move, stir up somebody's feelings.⁶)
(composition: ⿱角牛; U+278BB).
(See 觸 chūk).
chuk1 1847
148 20 chūk chù touch, contact; move, stir up somebody's feelings.⁶
(old variant: 𧢻❄{⿱角牛} chūk). (See 𧢻❄{⿱角牛} chūk).
触礁[觸礁] chūk-dël
chùjiāo to strike a submerged reef, to run aground; to hit a snag, to meet unexpected difficulty.⁷
触犯[觸犯] chūk-fàn
chùfàn offend; violate; go against.⁶
触景生情[觸景生情] chūk-gēin-säng-tẽin
chùjǐng shēngqíng the sight strikes a chord in one's heart.⁶
触及[觸及] chūk-gèp
chùjí touch.⁶
触觉[觸覺] chūk-gōk
chùjué the sense of touch.⁷
触角[觸角] chūk-gôk
chùjiǎo antenna. tentacle, feeler.⁶
触类旁通[觸類旁通] chūk-luì-põng-hüng
chùlèipángtōng comprehend by analogy; draw parallels from inference.⁶
触目惊心[觸目驚心] chūk-mùk-gëin-xïm
chùmùjīngxīn frightening; bloodcurdling; shocking; emotionally disturbed (by a sight).⁷
触动[觸動] chūk-ùng
chùdòng touch something and move it slightly; affect, offend, violate; move, touch, stir up one's feelings.⁶
触须[觸鬚] chūk-xü
chùxū cirrus; vibrissa.⁶ a palpus; feelers; antennae; tentacles.⁷
感触[感觸] gām-chūk
gǎnchù thoughts and feelings; move, touch.⁶
一触即发[一觸即發] yīt-chūk-dēik-fāt
yīchùjífā may be triggered off at any moment.⁶
chuk1 1848
152 8 chūk chù a shackled pig.¹⁴ a pig trying to walk with its forelegs tied.²⁵
豖豖 chūk-chūk chùchù the appearance of a pig walking as if it is tripping.⁸
chuk1 1849
30 12 chūn chuǎn to gasp; to pant; asthma.¹⁰
喘气[喘氣] chūn-hï chuǎnqì to breathe deeply; to pant.¹⁰
喘吁吁 or 喘嘘嘘[喘噓噓] chūn-huï-huï
chuǎnxūxū to puff and blow.¹⁰  to pant for breath.¹¹
喘息 chūn-xēik
chuǎnxī to gasp for breath; to take a breather.¹⁰
哮喘 häo-chūn
xiāochuǎn <med.> asthmas.⁵ asthma; to wheese.⁷ asthma.¹⁴ (See 哮喘 häo-chūn xiàochuǎn.)
哮喘 häo-chūn
xiàochuǎn to whoop, to wheeze; asthma.⁶ (See 哮喘 häo-chūn xiāochuǎn.)
气喘[氣喘] hï-chūn
qìchuǎn asthma; short of breath.⁶
气喘咻咻[氣喘咻咻] hï-chūn-hiü-hiü
qìchuǎnxiūxiū to be out of breath.³⁹
气喘吁吁[氣喘吁吁] hï-chūn-huï-huï
qìchuǎnxūxū pant; puff hard/heavily; be out/short of breath; be breathless.⁶
残喘[殘喘] tãn-chūn
cánchuǎn one's last breath.⁸
chun1 1850
31 12 chūn chuán (=篅 chūn chuán <topo.> grain bin.⁶ (dialectal) a kind of round container for grain made of bamboo or grass.³⁶); a place for grain, made of split bamboo.²⁴
(composition: ⿴囗耑; U+570C).
<又> suĩ.
(See 圌 suĩ).
chun1 1851
61 6 chūn cǔn to surmise; to consider; to presume; to suppose.⁷ to guess, to surmise; to consider, to reflect on.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰忄寸; U+5FD6).
忖量 chūn-lẽng cǔnliàng to consider, to reflect; to suppose, to gauge what's on another's mind; to conjecture.⁷
忖度 or 忖𢜬
❄{⿰忄度} chūn-òk cǔnduó (or 忖摸 chūn-mū or chūn-mō or chūn-mōk cǔnmō) to suppose; to consider; to gauge what's on another's mind; to presume; to surmise.⁷ to calculate; to consider.²⁴
忖思 chūn-xü
cǔnsī (or 忖想 chūn-xēng cǔnxiǎng) to imagine.⁷ to ponder on.¹⁰²
自忖无能[自忖無能] dù-chūn-mũ-nãng
zìcǔnwúnéng I think that I have not the ability or power.¹⁰²
他人有心、予忖度之。Hä-ngĩn-yiû-xïm, yĩ-chūn-òk-jï.
Tā rén yǒu xīn, yú cǔn duó zhī.
What other men have in their minds,
I can measure by reflection. (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·小旻之什·巧言·4》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ What others have in their minds, I can measure by reflection.¹⁰²
思忖 xü-chūn
sīcǔn to ponder; consider; contemplate.⁹
chun1 1852
61 13 chūn chǔn (=蠢 chūn chǔn to wriggle, to squirm; stupid, foolish, dull, silly.⁷).¹¹ confused, perturbed; commonly used for 蠢 chūn chǔn, stupid.²⁴
(composition: ⿱春心; U+60F7).
or 蠢才 chūn-tõi chǔncái a simpleton; fool, idiot.⁷
or 蠢动[蠢動] chūn-ùng chǔndòng wriggle; carry on disruptive activities.⁸
(See 蠢 chūn).
chun1 1853
66 13 𢾎
chūn chǔn confused; agitated.²⁴ (variant: 𢾜{❄⿰春攵} chūn chǔn).
(composition: ⿰春攴; U+22F8E).
(See 𢾜{❄⿰春攵} chūn).
chun1 1854
66 13 𢾜
chūn chǔn (=𢾎{❄⿰春攴} chūn chǔn confused; agitated.²⁴)
(composition: ⿰春攵; U+22F9C).
(See 𢾎{❄⿰春攴} chūn).
chun1 1855
76 13 chūn chuán Chuan surname.⁸
(composition: ⿰耑欠; U+6B42).
(See 歂[chūn, chuǎn]).
chun1 1856
76 13 chūn chuǎn (<old>=喘 chūn chuǎn to gasp; to pant; asthma.¹⁰); breathing quickly.⁸ to draw the breath, to breathe, to breathe hard.²⁴
(composition: ⿰耑欠; U+6B42).
(See 歂[chūn, chuán]).
chun1 1857
85 12 chūn tuān <wr.> (of a current) rapid, torrential; rapids, rushing waters.⁵
湍急 chūn-gīp tuānjí (of a current) rapid, torrential.
湍濑[湍瀨] chūn-lài
tuānlài shallow rapids.³⁹
湍流 chūn-liũ
tuānliú <wr.> swift current, rushing waters, torrent, rapids; <phy.> turbulent flow; turbulence.⁵
急湍 gīp-chūn
jítuān a rushing current.⁵
水流湍急 suī-liũ-chūn-gīp
shuǐliútuānjí The current is swift.⁵
chun1 1858
86 13 chūn tuān the flame of fire; red and blazing.²⁴ vigorously burning fire.³⁶
(composition: ⿰火耑; U+7153).
chun1 1859
94 12 chūn tuān (<old>=貒 chūn tuān) badger.⁸
(See 獾 fön; 貒 chūn.)
chun1 1860
118 15 chūn chuán <topo.> grain bin.⁶ (dialectal) a kind of round container for grain made of bamboo or grass.³⁶
(composition: ⿱𥫗耑; U+7BC5).
筳篅 hẽin-chūn tíngchuán a method of divination used by the ancient people of 楚 chō chǔ Chu.¹⁹
chun1 1861
130 10 𦚧
chūn chǔn (composition: ⿰月旬; U+266A7).
𦚧❄{⿰月旬}䏰 chūn-ngîn chǔnrěn or chūn-ngùn chǔnrùn name of a county.² the name of a village; a kind of insect; also a place where such insects abound.²⁵ earthworm; Han dynasty county name, which received this name because its grounds were very wet and has many earthworms.¹⁰¹

chun1 1862
136 6 chūn chuǎn Kangxi radical 136; oppose, deviate, be contrary to.⁸ <wr.> error, mishap; run counter.⁵ (variant: 踳 chūn chuǎn).
舛驳[舛駁] chūn-bôk
chuǎnbó incongruous; contradictory.⁷
舛杂[舛雜] chūn-dàp
chuǎnzá all mixed up; chaotic.⁷
舛误[舛誤] chūn-m̀
chuǎnwù <wr.> error; mishap.⁵
舛逆 chūn-ngèik
chuǎnnì contrary to reason; absurd.⁷
舛错[舛錯] chūn-tö
chuǎncuò erroneous,inexact; untidy, disorderly, unsystematic.⁷
舛互 chūn-vù
chuǎnhù to interlace; to intermingle; to interlock.⁷
命途多舛 mèin-hũ-ü-chūn
mìngtúduōchuǎn suffer many a setback during one's life.⁵
讹舛[訛舛] ngõ-chūn
échuǎn <wr.> erroneous, absurd.¹¹
(See 踳 chūn).
chun1 1863
140 9 chūn chuǎn tea leaves that are older (lower in the tea plant), that is, coarse tea leaves; late picked tea leaves.⁸ tea picked late in the season.²⁵ tea that is collected late.²⁹ old leaves of tea, coarse tea; tea in general.³⁶
(composition: ⿱艹舛; U+8348).
茶荈 chã-chūn cháchuǎn or 茶茗 chã-mẽin chámíng now known as 'tea'.¹⁹
酒荈 diū-chūn
jiǔchuǎn wine and tea.¹⁹
岕荈 gäi-chūn
jièchuǎn or 岕茶 gäi-chã jièchá a top grade tea produced in Luojie Mountain (罗岕山[羅岕山] lõ-gäi-sän luó jiè shān) in Changxing County (长兴县[長興縣] chẽng-hëin-yòn cháng xīng xiàn), Zhejiang Province (浙江省 jēt-göng-sāng zhèjiāng shěng).¹⁹
茗荈 mẽin-chūn
míngchuǎn pertaining to tea.¹⁹ tea picked late in the season.²⁵
Huò mì cì chá chuǎn yǐ dāng jiǔ
Or secretly give tea as wine.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《三國志·吳書二十·韋曜傳·9》).
瀹荈 yèk-chūn yuèchuǎn to make (boil) tea.¹⁹
chun1 1864
142 21 chūn chǔn to wriggle, to squirm; stupid, foolish, dull, silly.⁷
蠢笨 chūn-bùn chǔnbèn stupid; awkward, clumsy.⁸
蠢蠢 chūn-chūn chǔnchǔn stirringly; turbulence and intranquility.⁸
蠢蠢欲动[蠢蠢欲動] chūn-chūn-yùk-ùng
chǔnchǔnyùdòng (of enemy troops) moving busily to prepare for action.⁷
蠢俗 chūn-dùk
chǔnsú be stupid and vulgar.⁸
蠢货[蠢貨] chūn-fö
chǔnhuò blockhead; dunce.⁸
蠢头蠢脑[蠢頭蠢腦] chūn-hẽo-chūn-nāo
chǔntóu-chǔnnǎo stupid-looking.⁶ blockhead.⁸
蠢汉[蠢漢] chūn-hön
chǔnhàn fool; ignoramus; dullard.¹⁰
蠢猪[蠢豬] chūn-jï
chǔnzhū idiot; stupid swine; ass.⁷
蠢陋 chūn-lèo
chǔnlòu stupid and uncultured.⁷
蠢驴[蠢驢] chūn-luĩ
chǔnlǘ an idiot; a donkey; an ass.⁷
蠢若木鸡[蠢若木雞] chūn-ngèk-mùk-gäi
chǔnruòmùjī be benumbed as a wooden chicken; as serene as a graven image; stand as a log.⁸
蠢人 chūn-ngĩn
chǔnrén a fool; a blockhead.⁷
or 蠢才 chūn-tõi chǔncái a simpleton; fool, idiot.⁷
蠢动[蠢動] chūn-ùng
chǔndòng wriggle; carry on disruptive activities.⁸
蠢话[蠢話] chūn-và
chǔnhuà foolish word; stupid remark.⁶
蠢事 chūn-xù
chǔnshì folly.⁸

chun1 1865
152 16 chūn tuān a pig; a hog, a kind of fat animal that looks like a pig.⁸
(=猪獾[豬獾] jï-fön zhūhuān hog badger (Arctonyx collaris) or =野猪[野豬] yêh-jï yězhū wild boar (Sus scrofa).¹⁹ʼ¹⁰ a pig; a round fat pig; a wild hog.²⁵ (=貒 chūn tuān which in turn is equal to 獾 fön huān badger.⁸).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰豕耑; U+474E).
(See 貒 chūn).
chun1 1866
153 16 chūn tuān (=獾 fön huān) badger.⁸ (variant: 䝎 chūn tuān).
(composition: ⿰豸耑; U+8C92).
(See 獾 fön; 䝎 chūn).
chun1 1867
157 16 chūn chuǎn (<wr.>=舛 chūn chuǎn).⁶  incongruous; disorderly.⁷
踳驳[踳駁] chūn-bök
chuǎnbó incongruous; disorderly.⁷
踳踳 chūn-chūn
chuǎnchuǎn frustrated.¹⁹
(See 舛 chūn).
chun1 1868
162 12 chūn chuán <wr.> swiftly, quickly, to hurry; coming and going frequently and swiftly, to and fro.⁷
遄返 chūn-fän chuánfǎn return quickly.⁵
遄归[遄歸] chūn-gï
chuánguī return speedily.⁶
遄行 chūn-hãng
chuánxíng go quickly.⁵⁴
遄征 chūn-jëin
chuánzhēng to hurry forward on an expedition; to drive fast.¹⁰
遄臻于卫[遄臻于衛] Chūn-jün-yï-vì
Chuán zhēn yú wèi Quickly shall we arrive in Wei.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·邶風·泉水》, translated by James Legge).
遄流 chūn-liũ
chuánliú torrential flow.⁷
遄往 chūn-vông
chuánwǎng go over there quickly.
遄死 chūn-xī
chuánsǐ to die very quickly.⁷
chun1 1869
169 15 chūn chuài to struggle; struggle; to strive, firm; stable; secure.⁸
䦶䦷[䦛䦟] jäng-chūn zhèngchuài struggle; strive hard; contend.²⁹
chun1 1870
64 12 chūn chuài 挣揣[掙揣] jäng-chūn zhèngchuài <wr.> to struggle; to strive hard.
囊揣 nõng-chūn
nāngchuài <trad.> cowardly; weak; feeble; (=囊膪 nõng-chāi nāngchuài flabby meat from a pig's belly and breast).⁶
(See 揣 [chūn, chuǎi], [chūn, chuāi].)
chun1  1871
64 12 chūn chuǎi to estimate; to guess; to figure; to surmise.
不揣 būt-chūn bùchuǎi <humb.> not aware of one's limited ability.
不揣冒昧 būt-chūn-mào-mòi
bùchuǎimàomèi <court.> to venture to; to presume to.
揣测[揣測] chūn-chāk
chuǎicè to guess; to conjecture.
揣测之词[揣測之詞] chūn-chāk-jï-xũ
chuǎicèzhīcí mere speculation; mere conjecture.
揣骨 chūn-gūt
chuǎigǔ a fortunetelling by feeling the bones of a person.
揣摩 chūn-mö
chuǎimó to try to figure out; to ponder, to speculate; to rack one's brain.
揣度 chūn-òk
chuǎiduó to speculate; to conjecture; to appraise; to make an intelligent guess.⁷
揣想 chūn-xēng
chuāixiǎng to conjecture.
(See 揣 [chūn, chuāi], [chūn, chuài].)
chun1  1872
64 12 chūn chuāi to hide or carry in one's clothes; to put into.
揣在怀里[揣在懷裡] chūn-dòi-vãi-lī chuāi zài huáili <topo.> to tuck into one's bosom.
揣手 chūn-siū
chuāishǒu <topo.>  to tuck hands in one's pockets or sleeves.
(See 揣 [chūn, chuǎi], [chūn, chuài].)
chun1  1873
2 7 chün chuàn string together, bunch, cluster.
把珍珠串起来[把珍珠串起來] bā-jïn-jî-chün-hī-lõi bǎzhēnzhūchuànqǐlái to string pearls together.
串疽 chün-duï
chuànjū <med.> herpes, Herpes zoster, shingles.¹¹
串屉儿[串屜兒] chün-hãi-ngī
chuàntìr to warm up (rolls, buns) by putting in oven for short time.¹¹
串联[串聯] chün-lũn
chuànlián to establish ties; to contact; series connection (in electricity).
串烧[串燒] chün-sël
chuànshāo barbecued food on a skewer; shish kebab.
串亲[串親] chün-tïn
chuànqīn <topo.> to visit relatives.
一连串[一連串] yīt-lẽin-chün
yīliánchuàn a chain of (events, problems, successes, jobs); a succession of (disasters); a row (of stores).
<又> chûn.
(See 串 chûn.)
chun2 1874
47 3 chün chuān river, stream, creek; plain (level country); short for 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan Province.
(composition: ⿲丿丨丨; U+5DDD).
百川 bāk-chün
bǎichuān waterways.
冰川 bëin-chün
bīngchuān glacier.
川白苞芹 chün-bàk-bäo-kĩn
chuān bái bāo qín (Nothosmyrnium japonicum var. sutchuensis).²³
川贝[川貝] chün-böi
chuānbèi <TCM>  tendrileaf fritilary bulb.
川续断[川續斷] chün-dùk-òn
chuānxùduàn (Dipsacus asperoides).²⁰
川芎 chün-güng
chuānxiōng an aromatic plant, (=芎䓖[芎藭] güng-kũng xiōngqióng,) the hemlock parsley, Conioselinum univitatum.¹¹
川泽𬣙𬣙[川澤訏訏] chün-jàk-huï-huï
chuānzéxūxū a very large marsh.¹³
川剧[川劇] Chün-kēk
Chuānjù Sichuan opera.
川流不息 chün-liũ-būt-xēik
chuānliúbùxī the stream flows without stopping; unending flow.
川菜 chün-töi
Chuāncài Sichuan cuisine.
河川 hõ-chün
héchuān rivers.
chun2 1875
47 3 chün chuān Kangxi radical 47; (<old>=川 chün chuān) river .⁸
(composition: ⿲𡿨𡿨𡿨; U+5DDB).
chun2 1876
64 22 chün cuán to collect together, to assemble.
攒聚[攢聚] chün-duì cuánjù to gather closely together.
攒盒[攢盒] chün-hâp
cuánhé multi-layer/multi-segmented container for holding various foods.
攒眉[攢眉] chün-mĩ
cuánméi to knit one's brows; frown.
攒簇[攢簇] chün-tūk
cuáncù to crowd together.¹¹
攒动[攢動] chün-ùng
cuándòng to crowd together and move back and forth.
攒三聚五[攢三聚五] chün-xäm-duì-m̄
cuánsānjùwǔ (of people) to gather in threes and fours; to gather in little clumps or knots.
拼攒[拼攢] pëin-chün
pīncuán to assemble (spare parts).
<又> dān.
(See 攢 dān.)
chun2 1877
72 8 chün chūn (=春 chün chūn) spring; love, lust; life, vitality.⁵
(See 春 chün).
chun2 1878
72 9 chün chūn spring; love, lust; life, vitality; Chun surname.⁵ (variant: 旾)
春节[春節] Chün-dēik Chūnjié the Spring Festival.⁵
春晖[春暉] chün-fï
chūnhuī lit. spring sunshine; fig. parental (often maternal) love.¹⁰
春风化雨[春風化雨] chün-füng-fä-yî
chūnfēnghuàyǔ life-giving spring breeze and rain – salutary influence of education.⁵ the kindly influence of a good teacher.¹⁶
春季 chün-gï
chūnjì spring; springtime.⁵
春菇 chün-gü
chūngū spring mushroom.¹⁰
春夏秋冬 chün-hà-tiü-üng
chūnxiàqiūdōng the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.¹⁰
春天 chün-hëin
chūntiān spring; springtime.⁵
春帖 chün-hēp
chūntiě Spring Festival scroll.⁸
春卷[春捲] chün-kūn
chūnjuǎn egg roll; spring roll.¹⁰
春兰秋菊[春蘭秋菊] chün-lãn-tiü-gūk
chūnlánqiūjú orchids in spring and chrysanthemums in autumn – each has its oiwn beauty.⁶
春暖花开[春暖花開] chün-nön-fä-höi
chūnnuǎnhuākāi spring has come and flowers are in bloom.⁶
春试[春試] chün-sï
chūnshì spring imperial examinations.⁵⁴
春意 chün-yï
chūnyì spring in the air; the beginning (or awakening) of spring; thoughts of love.⁵
(See 旾 chün).
chun2 1879
72 13 𣈤
chün chūn (<old>=春 chün chūn) spring.²
(composition: ⿱芔日; U+23224).
(See 春 chün).
chun2 1880
75 13 椿 chün chūn Chinese toon; tree of heaven.⁶ father; Cedrela sinensis.
臭椿 chiü-chün
chòuchūn tree of heaven; ailanthus; Ailanthus altissima.¹⁵
椿象 chün-dèng
chūnxiàng  a stinkbug; Aenaria lewisi, a kind of beetle sucking the juice from rice and wheat stalks.⁷
椿庭 chün-hẽin
chūntíng one's father.⁷
椿堂 chün-hõng
chūntáng your father.¹⁴
椿龄[椿齡] chün-lẽin
chūnlíng or 椿年 chün-nẽin chūnnián or 椿寿[椿壽] chün-siù  chūnshòu venerable age; great age; long life.⁷
椿树[椿樹] chün-sì
chūnshù <bot.> Chinese toon; tree of heaven.⁵⁴
椿萱 chün-xün
chūnxuān one's parents.⁷
椿萱并茂[椿萱並茂] chün-xün-bèin-mào
chūnxuān bìngmào both father and mother are in good health.¹¹ wishing your Toona sinensis (father) and daylily (mother) are strong and happy.¹⁵
香椿 hëng-chün
xiāngchūn Chinese mahogany, Chinese toon, or red toon Toona sinensis (Cedrela sinensis A.Juss.)¹⁵
松椿 tũng-chün
sōngchūn pine tree and tree of heaven, signifying long life.
chun2 1881
84 7 chün chuān tritium.⁶
氚化 chün-fä chuānhuà tritiate.⁶
氚核 chün-hàt
chuānhé triton.⁶
chun2 1882
85 6 chün chuàn (an ancient river name.)⁸
<又> jùn, jûn. (See 汌 jùn, jûn.)
chun2 1883
85 22 chün cuán (appearance) collection or accumulation of water.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵贊; U+7052).
<又> dän. (See 灒 dän).
chun2 1884
116 9 穿 chün chuān penetrate, pierce, drill; wear.⁸
穿戴 chün-äi chuāndài to wear (clothes. ornaments).⁷
穿扮 chün-bàn
chuānbàn turn out.⁸
穿插 chün-chäp
chuānchā to serve as a go-between; the insertion of an episode or interlude.⁷
穿凿[穿鑿] chün-dòk
chuānzáo bore a hole; give a farfetched interpretation.⁸
穿凿附会[穿鑿附會] chün-dòk-fù-vòi
chuānzáofùhuì to offer far-fetched or dubious explanations.⁷
穿透 chün-hëo
chuāntòu penetrate.⁹
穿着[穿著] chün-jëk
chuānzhuó attire; clothes; dress.¹⁰
穿针引线[穿針引線] chün-jïm-yîn-xëin
chuānzhēnyǐnxiàn to serve as a go-between.⁷
穿连裆裤[穿連襠褲] chün-lẽin-nòng-fû
chuānliándāngkù  band together; collude; gang up.⁵⁴
穿耳 chün-ngī
chuān ěr pierce the ear lobe.⁸
穿上 chün-sèng
chuānshang endue.⁹ to put on (clothes).¹⁰
穿梭 chün-sö
chuānsuō shuttle back and forth.⁸
穿刺 chün-xü
chuāncì puncture.⁸
穿窬 chün-yĩ
chuānyú <wr.> cut through a wall or climb over it (in order to rob the house).⁵
穿越 chün-yòt
chuānyuè pass through.¹⁰
<台> 穿孔 chün-kūng (clothes) to have holes.
chun2 1885
140 7 chün chūn foolish.⁸ ignorant.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹屯; U+829A).
愚芚 nguĩ-chün yúchūn stupid.²⁵
<又> hũn.
(See 芚 hũn).
chun2 1886
142 15 chün chūn (=椿象 chün-dèng chūnxiàng) stinkbug; shieldbug.⁸
长蝽[長蝽] chẽng-chün
chángchūn chinch bug.³⁹
长蝽茧蜂[长蝽繭蜂] chẽng-chün-gān-füng
or chẽng-chün-gēin-füng chángchūnjiǎnfēng (Aridelus longius).⁹
chun2 1887
159 16 chün chūn hearse; a means of transportation on muddy roads in ancient times; sled.⁸ a cart used to carry coffins.⁹ a hearse.¹⁰ʼ²⁵
(composition: ⿰車盾; U+8F34).
輴车[輴車] chün-chëh chūnchē hearse.¹⁹
輴輴 chün-chün
chūnchūn the gait of a cow.¹⁹
輴轩[輴軒] chün-hëin
chūnxuān a carriage driving on a dirt road.¹⁹
輴欙 chün-lõ
chūnléi in ancient times, equipment used for transportation on muddy roads and mountain climbing.¹⁹
轩輴[軒輴] hëin-chün
xuānchūn railings of the promenade.¹⁹
灵輴[靈輴] lẽin-chün
língchūn the car/cart/carriage carrying the coffin.¹⁹
龙輴[龍輴] lũng-chün
lóngchūn a hearse adorned with dragons; a sort of bog shoes, like snow shoes, broad and flat like a sieve.²⁵
or 轜輴 ngĩ-chün érchūn hearse.¹⁹
chun2 1888
167 11 chün chuàn bracelet, armlet; Chuan surname.⁸
臂钏[臂釧] bî-chün bìchuàn armlet.¹⁰
钏子[釧子] chün-dū
chuànzi bracelet.⁸
金钏[金釧] gïm-chün
jīnchuàn gold bracelet.⁶
玉钏[玉釧] ngùk-chün
yùchuàn jade bracelet.⁶
腕钏[腕釧] vōn-chün
wànchuàn <wr.> bracelet.¹¹
chun2 1889
195 20 chün chūn chorinemus.⁶ a kind of fish; long and flat; silver-gray with dark color dots and cross-grained strips.⁸ a mackerel.⁹
䲠鱼[鰆魚] chün-nguĩ chūnyú another name for 马鲛属 [馬鮫屬] mâ-gäo-sùk mǎjiāoshǔ Spanish mackerel.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ a vernacular name for 蓝点马鲛[藍點馬鮫] lãm-ēm-mâ-gäo lándiǎnmǎjiāo Japanese Spanish mackerel, Japanese seerfish (Scomberomorus niphonius) aka 日本馬加鰆, 俗名鰆魚, 春魚, 正馬鮫魚, 正馬交魚, 正馬加魚, 真馬加魚.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
中华马加䲠[中華馬加鰆] jüng-vã-mâ-gä-chün
zhōnghuámǎjiāchūn another name for 中华马鲛 [中華馬鮫] jüng-vã-mâ-gäo zhōnghuámǎjiāo Chinese mackerel (Scomberomorus sinensis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
chun2 1890
196 20 chün chūn (composition: ⿰盾鳥; U+9D9E).
鳻鶞 fün-chün fēnchūn a type of migratory bird.¹³ (=春扈 chün-fù chūnhù) spring quail.⁵⁴ a large kind of sparrow, of a green color.²⁵
chun2 1891
9 13 chũn chuán to pass on to; to spread; to summon; to preach.
传递[傳遞] chũn-ài chuándì transmit; deliver; transfer.⁵
传单[傳單] chũn-än
chuándān leaflet; handbill.⁵
传达[傳達] chũn-àt
chuándá to pass on; to convey; to relay; to transmit; transmission.¹⁰
传播[傳播] chũn-bö
chuánbō to disseminate; to propagate; to spread.
传诵[傳誦] chũn-dùng
or 传颂[傳頌] chũn-dùng chuánsòng be on everyone's lips; be widely read.⁶
传唤[傳喚] chũn-fòn
chuánhuàn to summon to court.¹¹
传呼[傳呼] chũn-fü
chuánhū to notify somebody of a call; to call somebody to the phone.¹⁰
传开[傳開] chũn-höi
chuánkāi (of news) to spread; to get around.¹⁰
传统[傳統] chũn-hūng
chuántǒng tradition.⁵
传真[傳真] chũn-jïn
chuánzhēn portraiture; facsimile; fax.
传奇[傳奇] chũn-kĩ
chuánqí legendary; fantasy saga; romance; short stories of the Tang and Song Dynasty.¹¹
传胪[傳臚] chũn-luĩ
chuánlú the fourth in rank of the Hanlin.¹⁰²
传媒[傳媒] chũn-mõi
chuánméi disseminator.⁸ media.¹⁹
传染[傳染] chũn-ngêm
chuánrǎn infect; be contagious.⁸
传授[傳授] chũn-siù
chuánshòu to pass on; to teach.
<又> chõn, jòn.
(See 傳 chõn, jòn.)
chun3 1892
2 7 chûn chuàn <台> 一串 yīt-chûn a strand of.
<又> chün. (See 串 chün.)
chun5 1893
130 17 chûn cūn (Cant.) eggs of birds or reptiles; testicles.⁸
多膥鱼[多膥魚] ü-chûn-nguî/ duōcūnyú (commonly written as 多春鱼[多春魚] ü-chün-nguî/ duōchūnyú), a small fish with many eggs (roe, caviar) in the smelt (Osmeridae 胡瓜魚科) family, which includes Shishamo 柳葉魚 (Spirinchus lanceolatus), Capelin 毛鱗魚 (Mallotus villosus) and Longfin smelt  油胡瓜魚 (Spirinchus thaleichthys).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
<台> 膥牯 chûn-gū testicle.
chun5 1894
10 6 chüng chōng to fill; full; sufficient; to pretend; Chong surname.
充斥 chüng-chēik
chōngchì flood, congest; be full of.⁵
充足 chüng-dūk
chōngzú adequate; sufficient.
充仿 chüng-fōng
chōngfǎng to pretend to be (somebody or something else); to pass somebody or something off as.
充分 chüng-fùn
chōngfèn full; ample; abundant.
充血 chüng-hüt
chōngxuè to become bloodshot; hyperaemia; congestion; excess; overabundance.
充满[充滿] chüng-mōn
chōngmǎn full of; brimming with; very full; permeated.¹⁰
充耳 chüng-ngī
chōngěr <trad.> ear stuffer; ear-plugs inserted in a corpse.¹ usually in 充耳不聞 ignore what is said (“stuff one's ears”); <old> hat tassels that reach down to the ears.¹¹ refuse to listen.¹⁹
充耳不闻[充耳不聞] chüng-ngī-būt-mũn
chōng'ěrbùwén ignore what is said (“stuff one's ears”).¹¹
充当[充當] chüng-öng
chōngdāng to act as.
充沛 chüng-pöi
chōngpèi abundant; plentiful; vigorous.¹⁰
充实[充實] chüng-sìt
chōngshí to substantiate; to enrich; to strengthen; to improve; knowledge; facilities.
充数[充數] chüng-sü
chōngshù to make up the number (to fill places up to a given number); to serve as stopgap.¹⁰
充裕 chüng-yì
chōngyù abundant; ample; plentiful.⁵
chung2 1895
14 10 chüng zhǒng tomb; grave; burial mound; mausoleum.
冢妇[冢婦] chüng-fû zhǒngfù <wr.> eldest daughter-in-law.
贝冢[貝冢] böi-chüng
bèizhǒng <wr.> kitchen midden.
荒冢 föng-chüng
huāngzhǒng abandoned grave.
古冢 gū-chüng
gǔzhǒng ancient graves or mounds.
公冢 güng-chüng
gōngzhǒng <wr.> public cemetery.
丛冢[叢冢] tũng-chüng
cóngzhǒng mass grave.
衣冠冢 yï-gön-chüng
yīguānzhǒng cenotaph; tomb containing personal effects of the deceased but not his remains.
chung2 1896
40 19 chüng chǒng dote on; bestow favor on.⁵
宠贶[寵貺] chüng-fōng chǒngkuàng your great gift.¹¹
宠幸[寵幸] chüng-hàng
chǒngxìng to show special favor to a lady or minister.⁷
宠姬[寵姬] chüng-kï
chǒngjī the emperor's favorite concubine.⁷
宠物[寵物] chüng-mùt
or chüng-mòt chǒngwù pet.⁵⁵
宠儿[寵兒] chüng-ngĩ
chǒng'ér pet; favorite; darling.¹⁰
宠遇[寵遇] chüng-nguì
chǒngyù to treat as a favorite.⁷
宠爱[寵愛] chüng-öi
chǒng'ài to dote on somebody.¹⁰
宠嬖[寵嬖] chüng-pĩ
chǒngbì a court favorite (either sex).¹¹
宠召[寵召] chüng-jël
chǒngzhào your gracious summons; – a phrase in a note of thanks.¹⁰²
宠坏[寵壞] chüng-vài
chǒnghuài  to spoil (a child).¹⁰
宠锡[寵錫] chüng-xēik
chǒngxī your great (gift).¹¹
宠信[寵信] chüng-xïn
chǒngxìn particularly favor and trust.⁵⁵
宠绥[寵綏] chüng-xuï
chǒngsuí love something and find peace in it.³⁹
宠辱[寵辱] chüng-yùk
chǒng-rǔ in favor or out of favor.⁷
宠辱不惊[寵辱不驚] chüng-yùk-būt-gëin
chǒngrǔbùjīng  not moved by official honor or disgrace.¹¹
受宠[受寵] siù-chüng
shòuchǒng receive favor from superior.¹¹
chung2 1897
46 13 𡺪
chüng  zhǒng the name of a hill; a hill like a Chinese grave.²⁴
(composition: ⿰山冡; U+21EAA).
chung2 1898
61 7 chüng chōng <wr.> worried; care-laden.⁶ uneasy; sad.¹⁴
忡忡 chüng-chüng chōngchōng laden with anxiety; careworn; care-laden; worried and sad.⁶
忡怔 chüng-jëin
chōngzhēng <wr.> uneasy, distressed.¹¹
怔忡 jëin-chüng
zhēngchōng <wr.> <TCM> severe palpitation.⁶
忧心忡忡[憂心忡忡] yiü-xïm-chüng-chüng 
yōuxīn chōngchōng heavyhearted; deeply worried.⁵
chung2 1899
61 9 chüng chōng palpitation or fluttering of the heart, to become interested in something (usually as a result of persuasion).⁸ the mind affected; emotion.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄充; U+391D).
chung2 1900
61 15 chüng chōng indecisive, irresolute; to yearn, to aspire.⁷
憧憧 chüng-chüng chōngchōng flickering; moving.⁵ indecisive, irresolute.⁷
憧憬 chüng-gēin
chōngjǐng long for; look forward to; yearn for.⁶
chung2 1901
61 15 chüng chōng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 憃 jüng chōng foolish, stupid, dull, silly.⁸ simple; stupid.¹⁴ stupid.²⁴)
(composition: ⿱舂心; U+6183).
憃笨 chüng-bùn
or jüng-bùn chōngbèn dull; stupid.¹⁴ doltish.²⁴
or jüng-bùn chōngyú an idiot.¹⁴ foolish.²⁴
<又> jüng.
(See 憃 jüng).
chung2 1902
64 12 chüng chòng to push into; to poke out; a punch.¹⁴ to push and strike.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌重; U+63F0).
揰不通 chüng-būt-hüng chòngbùtōng unable to pole a way through.¹⁴
揰床 chüng-chõng
chòngchuáng or 铁揰子[鐵揰子] hëik-chüng-dū tiěchòngzǐ a punch.¹⁴
揰蜂 chüng-füng
chòngfēng to stir a hornet's nest – to interfere in dangerous things.¹⁴
揰个眼[揰個眼] chüng-göi-ngān
chònggeyǎn punch a hole in it.¹⁴
揰通水沟[揰通水溝] chüng-hüng-suī-këo
chòngtōngshuǐgōu to clear out a drain with a pole.¹⁴
揰挏 chüng-ùng
chòngdòng push forward and attack.⁰
中揰 jüng-chüng
zhōngchòng a center-punch.¹⁴
<又> ūng.
(See 揰 ūng).
chung2 1903
75 16 chüng chōng to pierce.³⁶ assault chariot.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰木童; U+6A66).
橦橦 chüng-chüng chōngchōng <ono.> sound of drums.⁵⁴
<又> hũng, chõng, jüng.
(See 橦 hũng, 橦 chõng, 橦 jüng).
chung2 1904
85 7 chüng chōng (of water) to dash against; to mix with water; to infuse; to rinse; to flush; to develop (a film); to rise in the air; to clash; to collide with.
冲淡[沖淡] chüng-häm chōngdàn to dilute; to water/play down; to weaken; to make few demands on life.
冲凉[沖涼] chüng-lẽng
chōngliáng <topo.> take a cold shower.⁶
冲水[沖水] chüng-suī
chōngshuǐ to add hot water to tea; to flush a toilet.
冲菜[沖菜] chüng-töi
chōngcài a kind of pickled turnip (common in 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Guangdong Province).
冲洗[沖洗] chüng-xāi
chōngxǐ rinse, wash, scour, sluice, flush; to develop (film).⁶
一飞冲天[一飛沖天] yīt-fï-chüng-hëin
yīfēichōngtiān to soar into the sky with one start; to amaze the world with the first achievements.⁶
(See 衝 [chüng, chōng], [chüng, chòng].)
chung2 1905
85 9 chüng chōng a fountain or spring flows downwards; sound of the flowing water.⁸ a spring at the foot of a hill.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵充; U+3CD8).
㳘淙 chüng-düng chōngcóng the sound of water.²⁴
chung2 1906
85 10 chüng chōng deep and far; profound and abstruse (of the sea).¹⁰ water deep and wide; water level and distant.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵忡; U+6D7A).
浺瀜 or 冲瀜[沖瀜] chüng-yũng chōngróng water deep and wide.²
chung2 1907
96 10 chüng chōng (=瑱 hëin tiàn <old> a jade ornament on an official hat that falls to the ears and could be used to plug the ears.⁹  jade ear-plug.³⁵)⁸
(composition: ⿰𤣩充; U+73EB).
琩珫 chëng-chüng
chāngchōng an ear ornament of an ancient minority group.¹⁹
珫耳 chüng-ngī
chōngěr (=充耳 chüng-ngī chōngěr q.v.)⁸ jade ornaments on both sides of an official hat that reaches the ears.¹⁹ the name of a gem, dangling at the ears.²⁴
] chüng-võng chōnghuáng a gem used as an ornament or pendant.¹⁹
(See 瑱 hëin).
chung2 1908
109 11 𥅻
chüng chòng <topo.> doze off; take a nap.⁶
(composition: ⿰目充; U+2517B).
𥅻❄{⿰目充}𥅻❄{⿰目充}盹儿[𥅻❄{⿰目充}𥅻❄{⿰目充}盹兒] chüng-chüng-ûn-ngĩ chòngchòngdǔnr <topo.> doze/nod off.⁶
❄{⿰目充} hēip-chüng kēchong doze; drowse.⁶
chung2 1909
116 9 chüng chōng to pierce through; to penetrate or bore through; to thread, to cross; (Cant.) hole, hollow, cavity.⁸
(composition: ⿱穴中; U+4194).
chung2 1910
116 17 chüng chōng empty, hollow; dark, obscure.⁸ empty; to make; hasty, precipitate.²⁵
(composition: ⿱穴童; U+41B9).
<又> . (See 䆹 ).
chung2 1911
122 17 罿 chüng chōng (alternate pronunciatiion for 罿 hũng tóng a net for catching birds.⁸)
(composition: ⿱罒童; U+7F7F).
罿罬 chüng-dēk
chōngzhuó a trap for birds, turning on a pivot.²⁵
鸿罿[鴻罿] hũng-chüng
hóngchōng a huge net.¹⁹
羉罿 lũn-chüng
luánchōng or lũn-hũng luántóng a net or trap.¹⁹
<又> hũng.
(See 罿 hũng).
chung2 1912
124 10 chüng chōng <wr.> (of birds) soar skyward.⁶ to fly right up; to fly up to heaven.²⁵
chung2 1913
137 18 chüng chōng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 艟 hũng chōng a long, swift boat.¹⁴)
(composition: ⿰舟童; U+825F).
<又> hũng.
(See 艟 hũng.)
chung2 1914
140 9 chüng chōng 茺蔚 chüng-vï chōngwèi (=益母草 yēik-mû-tāo yìmǔcǎo <bot.> a grass, Leonurus sibiricus, said to help in maternity cases).¹¹ motherwort.⁸
chung2 1915
144 15 chüng chòng powerful; vigorous; pungent; towards; in view of.
冲压[衝壓] chüng-ät chòngyā <mach.> impact extrusion; ram pressure; stamping; punching.
冲床[衝床] chüng-chõng
chòngchuáng <mach.>  punch; punching machine.
冲劲[衝勁] chüng-gèin
chòngjìn drive; dash; aggressiveness; pioneering spirit.
冲向[衝嚮] chüng-hëng
chōngxiàng to charge into.¹⁰
冲孔[衝孔] chüng-kūng
chòngkǒng <mach.> punched hole; to punch a hole.
冲模[衝模] chüng-mũ
or chüng-mõ chòngmú <mach.> die.⁵
气味冲鼻[氣味衝鼻] hï-mì-chüng-bì
qìwèichòngbí A strong smell of ... assails the nostrils.
(See 衝 [chüng, chōng]; 沖 chüng.)
chung2 1916
144 15 chüng chōng thoroughfare; to go straight ahead; to rush; to clash.
冲子[衝子] or 铳子[銃子] chüng-dū chòngzi punching pin.⁵
冲锋[衝鋒] chüng-füng
chōngfēng to charge, to assault.¹⁰
冲击[衝擊] chüng-gēik
chōngjī an attack; under attack; a shock.
冲破[衝破] chüng-pö
chōngpò breakthrough; to overcome an obstacle quickly; to breach.
冲盹儿[衝盹兒] chüng-ûn-ngĩ
chōngdǔnr fall asleep.¹¹
冲动[衝動] chüng-ùng
chōngdòng to have an urge; to be impetuous; impulse; urge.
冲突[衝突] chüng-ùt
chōngtū conflict; to conflict; clash of opposing forces; collision (of interests); contention.
首当其冲[首當其衝] siū-öng-kĩ-chüng
shǒudāngqíchōng to bear the brunt.
(See 衝 [chüng, chòng]; 沖 chüng.)
chung2 1917
145 10 chüng zhōng inner feelings.
初衷 chö-chüng chūzhōng original intention.⁸
衷心 chüng-xïm
zhōngxīn heartfelt; cordial.
折衷 jēt-chüng (or 折中 jēt-jüng)
zhézhōng to compromise; to take a middle road.
无动于衷[無動於衷] mũ-ùng-yï-chüng
wúdòngyúzhōng indifferent; unmoved; apathetic; unconcerned.
言不由衷 ngũn-būt-yiũ-chüng
yánbùyóuzhōng to speak insincerely.
chung2 1918
145 11 chüng chōng clothes without hem; ragged garments; a garment without a lining, single.⁸
(composition: ⿰衤充; U+462A).
䘪䘿 chüng-gùt chōngjué the front lappet of a garment; the lap.²⁵
chung2 1919
149 18 chüng còng to speak hurriedly.
(composition: ⿰訁悤; U+8B25).
謥詷 chüng-hũng còngtóng to speak hastily; precipatate words.²⁵
chung2 1920
159 19 chüng chōng carriage used in ancient times to take enemy position.⁸ a war chariot for breaking the enemy's ranks; rushing on from one side, and disturbing the order of battle.²⁵ a war chariot that rushes on the ranks of the enemy; it is used with the 衝 (chüng chōng), because it attacks the flanks.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰車童; U+4874).
䡴輣 chüng-pãng
chōngpéng to rush against the tower with a battering ram.²⁵
<又> chõng.
(See 䡴 chõng).
chung2 1921
166 9 chüng zhòng heavy; considerable in amount or value.
重价[重價] chüng-gä or jùng-gä zhòngjià high price.⁵
重利 chüng-lì
or jùng-lì zhònglì high/exorbitant interest; hugh profit; <wr.> value material gains.⁶
器重 hï-chüng
qìzhòng to think highly of, to have a high opinion of, to regard highly.⁶
<台> 重鹌吖[重鵪吖] chüng-ëim-ä  very heavy (weight).
<台> 好重 hāo-chüng very heavy.
<又> chũng, jùng.
(See 重 chũng, jùng.)
chung2 1922
167 14 chüng chòng blunderbuss.⁶ firearms; a joint of the metal head to the handle of an ax.⁷ a sort of hatchet; also used for a gun or cannon.²⁵
铳子[銃子] or 冲子[衝子] chüng-dū chòngzi punching pin.⁵
铳䨻[銃䨻] chüng-pãng
chòngbèng the noise of thunder (a local term).²⁵
鸟铳[鳥銃] nêl-chüng
niǎochòng old kind of fowling piece.⁶
炮铳[炮銃] päo-chüng
pàochong <topo.> firecracker.⁸
chung2 1923
86 22 chũng chóng to heat with steam; hot, hot and dry.²⁴ sultry, hot, scorching; arid; heat.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰火蟲; U+721E).
爞爞 chũng-chũng chóngchóng sultry, scorching, stuffy as in a steam bath.⁵⁴ʼ⁰
<又> hũng.
(See 爞 hũng).
chung3 1924
115 9 chũng chóng tender; delicate.¹⁴ naïve; naivete; Chong surname.⁷
幼种 yiü-chũng yòuchóng young and delicate.¹⁴
(See 種 jūng, jüng.)
chung3 1925
142 6 chũng chóng Kangxi radical 142; insects, worms.⁸
(See 蟲 chũng).
chung3 1926
142 18 chũng chóng insects; worms.⁷ <又> chûng. (See 蟲 chûng.)
虫虫[蟲蟲] chũng-chũng
chóngchóng irritation caused by hot damp climates.¹⁴ sultry, tormenting.⁵⁴
虫虫蚁蚁[蟲蟲蟻蟻] chũng-chũng-ngāi-ngāi
chóngchóng yǐyǐ infested with insects and worms.⁷
虫子[蟲子] chûng-dū
chóngzǐ eggs of insects.⁷
虫子[蟲子] chûng-dū
chóngzi worms; insects.⁷
虫聚[蟲聚] chũng-duì
chóngjù to swarm.⁷
虫害[蟲害] chũng-hòi
chónghài damage to farm crops caused by pests; insect pest.⁷
虫吟鸟啼[蟲吟鳥啼] chũng-ngĩm-nêl-hãi chóngyínniǎotí the hum of insects and chirp of birds.⁷
虫鱼[蟲魚] chũng-nguî
chóng-yú insects and fishes, often mentioned as a field of Chinese painting.⁷
虫鱼之学[蟲魚之學] chũng-nguî-jï-hòk
chóngyúzhīxué textual research of little value.⁷
虫蚀[蟲蝕] chũng-sèik
chóngshí worm-eaten.⁷
虫书[蟲書] chũng-sï
chóngshū wriggly form of characters (found usually on ancient bronzes); marks on worm-eaten objects (which look like the seal type characters).⁷
虫霜水旱[蟲霜水旱] chũng-söng-suī-hön
chóngshuāng shuǐhàn insects, frost, floods, and droughts – the four major terrors of farmers.⁷
chung3 1927
166 9 chũng chóng again, once more; repeat, duplicate; layer.
重蹈覆辙[重蹈覆轍] chũng-ào-fūk-chēt chóngdǎofùzhé take the road/track where carts have overturned – follow the same old road to ruin; fall into the same rut.⁶
重沓 chũng-àp
chóngtà redundant; to pile up.¹⁰
重聚家园[重聚家園] chũng-duì-gä-yõn
chóngjùjiāyuán be reunited with one's family.³⁹
重叠[重疊] chũng-èp
chóngdié  overlapping, superposing, piling on top of another; repeat in pronunciation.⁶
重复[重複] chũng-fūk
chóngfù to repeat, to duplicate.
重逢 chũng-fũng
chóngféng meet again; have a reunion.⁵
or 重茧[重繭] chũng-gān or chũng-gēin chóngjiǎn callosity; callus.⁶
重瞳 chũng-hũng
chóngtóng diplocoria.⁹ double pupils (alleged of great personalities, as 舜,項羽).¹¹ dicoria.³⁹
重振 chũng-jīn
chóngzhèn revitalize; invigorate; rejuvenate.⁶
重峦叠嶂[重巒疊嶂] chũng-lũn-èp-jëng
chóngluán diézhàng range upon range of mountains (idiom).¹⁰
重言式 chũng-ngũn-sēik
chóngyánshì tautology.⁹
重新 chũng-xïn
chóngxīn again; anew; afresh.⁶
困难重重[困難重重] kün-nãn-chũng-chũng
kùnnanchóngchóng to be beset with difficulties.
<又> chüng, jùng.
(See 重 chüng, jùng.)
chung3 1928
85 10 chûng chōng <topo.> branch of a river; (used in place names).⁸
河涌 hõ-chûng héchōng <topo.> (=河汊 hõ-chä héchà) a branch of a river.⁸
<又> yūng for simplified form of 湧.
(See 湧 yūng.)
chung5 1929
142 18 chûng chóng <台> 鸡吃放光虫[雞吃放光蟲] gäi-hëk-föng-göng-chûng to know; to know tacitly; to be well aware.
<又> chũng. (See 蟲 chũng.)
chung5 1930
17 5 chūt chū go or come out; exceed; issue; produce; happen; rise well (in cooking); put forth, vent; expend.⁵
出奔 chūt-bïn chūbēn to flee; to escape into exile.¹⁰
出租 chūt-dü
chūzū rent out.⁵⁵
出租车[出租車] chūt-dü-chëh
chūzūchē taxi.⁵⁵
出发[出發] chūt-fāt
chūfā set out; proceed from.⁵
出嫁 chūt-gä
chūjià to get married (of woman).¹⁰
出口 chūt-hēo
chūkǒu speak, utter; exit; export.⁵
出去 chūt-huï
chūqù go out; get out.⁵
出来[出來] chūt-lõi
chūlai come out; emerge.⁵
出卖[出賣] chūt-mài
chūmài offer for sale; betray.⁵
出人头地[出人頭地] chūt-ngĩn-hẽo-ì
chūréntóudì rise head and shoulders above others.⁵
出外 chūt-ngòi
or chūt-ngài chūwài go away from home.⁶
出世 chūt-säi
chūshì leave the secular world.¹¹
出世 chūt-sâi
chūshì to be born.⁹
出生 chūt-säng
chūshēng be born.⁵
出生入死 chūt-säng-yìp-xī
chūshēngrùsǐ brave untold dangers; to go through fire and water.
出售 chūt-siù
chūshòu offer for sale; sell.⁵
出现[出現] chūt-yèn
chūxiàn appear; arise; emerge.⁵
出入 chūt-yìp
chū-rù come in and go out; discrepancy.⁵
<台> 出旗 chūt-kĩ to show off.
<台> 出水 chūt-suī parboil.
(See 齣 chūt.)
chut1 1931
203 19 chūt black; dark.⁵
黑黢黢 hāk-chūt-chūt hēiqūqū pitch-black; pitch-dark.⁵
黢黑 chūt-hāk
qūhēi pitch-black; pitch-dark.⁵
chut1 1932
211 20 chūt chū <m.> (for plays or chapters of classical novels).¹⁰
一出戏[一齣戲] yīt-chūt-hï yīchūxì an opera; a play.⁵
(See 出 chūt.)
chut1 1933
64 5 <loan>  dozen.
<台> 两打蛋[兩打蛋] lēng-dā-àn/ two dozen eggs.
<又> ā. (See 打 ā.)
da1 1934
30 8 <台> 啲咑 dīt-dã a trumpet.
<又> ā. (See 咑 ā.)
da3 1935
30 7 dāi dāi (usually used in the early vernacular to draw attention);
hey!⁶ shout suddenly and make somebody pay attention (used in early vernacular novels).⁵⁴
<又> tāi. (See 呔 tāi.)
dai1 1936
53 广 8 dāi <台> 外底 ngài-dāi outside.
<又> āi. (See 底 [āi, de], [āi, ].)
dai1 1937
61 17 dāi (composition: ⿰忄齊; U+61E0).
懠疑 dāi-ngĩ  jīyí have suspicions, be suspicious; have misgivings.
<又> tãi; däi.
(See 懠 tãi; 懠 däi).
dai1 1938
85 7 dāi ➀ filter.⁸ ➁  ancient place names, in present-day 浚县[浚縣] xün yòn xùn xiàn Xun County in 河南 Hõ-nãm Hénán Henan Province.⁸ ➂ <old>=济[濟] dāi as in 济水[濟水] dāi-suī jǐshuǐ Ji River, an ancient river name.⁸ ➃ kind of white wine; rivers in Hebei and Shandong.⁸  ➄ clear wine; name of a river.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰氵𠂔; U+6CF2).
(See 濟 dāi).
dai1 1939
85 17 dāi 济济[濟濟] dāi-dāi jǐjǐ numerous, a multitude of.¹¹
济济一堂[濟濟一堂] dāi-dāi-yīt-hõng
jǐjǐyītáng to congregate in one hall (idiom); to gather under one roof.¹⁰
人才济济[人才濟濟] ngĩn-tõi-dāi-dāi
réncáijǐjǐ a galaxy of talent (idiom); a great number of competent people.¹⁰
<又> däi, dài.
(See 濟 [däi, ], [däi,], dài.)
dai1 1940
154 15 dāi (=赍[齎] dāi <wr.> harbor, nurse, cherish; give.⁶ take in both hands and offer to.¹⁰)
(composition: ⿰; U+8CEB).
(See 齎 dāi).
dai1 1941
157 21 dāi (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 跻[躋] däi with same meaning.)
<又> däi.
(See 躋 däi.)
dai1 1942
210 21 dāi <wr.> harbor, nurse, cherish; give.⁶ take in both hands and offer to.¹⁰ to take in both hands and offer to; to send, as a present or a letter.¹⁴  (variant: 賫 dāi ).
(composition: ⿵齊貝; U+9F4E).
赍呈[齎呈] dāi-chẽin
jīchéng to present (something) to a superior; to send.¹⁴
赍出[齎出] dāi-chūt
jīchū to pay.¹⁴
赍发[齎發] dāi-fät
jīfā <wr.> aid somebody; give somebody money.⁶
赍装[齎裝] dāi-jöng
jīzhuāng to pack the luggage..¹⁴
赍恨[齎恨] dāi-hàn
jīhèn <wr.> have a gnawing regret.⁶ to cherish hatred and malice.¹⁴
赍恨而亡[齎恨而亡] dāi-hàn-ngĩ-mõng
jīhènérwáng <wr.> die with regret.⁶
赍志[齎志] dāi-jï
jīzhì to harbor/nurse ambitions.⁶ to cheish unfulfilled ambitions.¹⁴
赍志而殁[齎志而歿] dāi-jï-ngĩ-mòt 
jīzhì'érmò die with one's ambitions unfulfilled.⁶
赍赏[齎賞] dāi-sēng
jīshǎng grant a reward.⁶
赍送[齎送] dāi-xüng
jīsòng to forward (something) to an equal or superior.¹⁴
亲赍[親齎] tïn-dāi
qīnjī hand to in person.¹⁴
(See 賫 dāi).
dai1 1943
9 16 däi chái <wr.> people of the same generation; associates; fellows; peers.⁶ a class, company; an adjunct to show plurality; to match (as man and wife).⁷
(comp. t: ⿰亻齊; U+5115). (comp. s: ⿰亻齐; U+4FAA).
侪辈[儕輩] däi-böi
cháibèi <wr.> people of the same generation; peers.⁶ persons (especially friends and companions) of the same generation.⁷
侪居[儕居] däi-guï
cháijū <wr.> reside together.⁶
侪类[儕類] däi-luì
cháilèi <wr.> people of the same generation; peers.⁶
侪伦好掩雀, 捕蝉, 戏钱, 林熙[儕倫好掩雀, 捕蟬, 戲錢, 林熙]
Däi-lũn-häo-yēm-dēk/, bù-chên/, hï-tẽin, lĩm-hï.
Chái lún hào yǎn què, bǔ chán, xì qián, lín xī.
His (王充 Wang Chong) comrades (companions) would entrap birds, catch cicadas, play for money, and gambol on stilts.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《論衡·自紀·2》, translated by Albert Forke).
同侪[同儕] hũng-däi
tóngchái <wr.> fellows; associates.⁶
吾侪[吾儕] m̃-däi
wúchái <wr.> we; us; people like us.⁶
我侪[我儕] ngô-däi
wǒchái <wr.> we; us.⁶
朋侪[朋儕] pãng-däi
péngchái <wr.> friends; companions.⁶
dai2 1944
30 17 däi <wr.> to taste.⁶
(composition t: ⿰口齊; U+568C).
s: ⿰口齐; U+54DC).
哜咨[嚌咨] däi-dü
jìzī to sigh.¹⁹
哜饮[嚌飲] däi-ngīm
jìyǐn to drink a little.²⁴
哜哜嘈嘈[嚌嚌嘈嘈] däi-däi-tão-tão
jìjicáocáo <ono.> to talk noisily and confusingly; clatter.⁶ noisy.⁸
<又> gäi; jäi.
(See 嚌 gäi; 嚌 jäi).
dai2 1945
61 17 däi worry; illness.
(composition: ⿰忄齊; U+61E0).
<又> tãi; dāi. (See 懠 tãi; 懠 dāi).
dai2 1946
85 17 däi to cross a river; to aid or relieve; to be of help.¹⁰
不济事[不濟事] būt-däi-xù bùjìshì no good; of no use; not of any help; of no avail.⁹
济世[濟世] däi-säi
jìshì be a benefactor to society.¹¹
接济[接濟] dëp-däi
jiējì give relief to, offer financial or material assistance to.¹¹
经济[經濟] gëin-däi
jīngjì economic; economy.¹¹
救济[救濟] giü-däi
jiùjì provide relief to; relieve; succor.⁶ emergency relief; to help the needy with cash or goods.¹⁰
同舟共济[同舟共濟] hũng-jiü-gùng-däi
tóngzhōugòngjì people in the same boat (should) help each other.¹¹
周济[周濟] jiü-däi
zhōujì give emergency help to others.⁸
无济于事[無濟於事] mũ-däi-yï-xù
wújìyúshì to no avail; of no use.¹⁰
<又> dāi, dài.
(See 濟 [däi, ], dāi, dài.)
dai2 1947
85 17 däi 济南[濟南] Däi-nãm Jǐnán Ji'nan, subprovincial city and capital of 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province in northeast China.¹⁰
济南府[濟南府] Däi-nãm-fū
Jǐnánfǔ the Prefecture of Jinan.⁵
济宁[濟寧] Däi-nẽin
Jǐnìng Jining prefecture level city in Shandong (山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng) Province).¹⁰
<又> dāi, dài.
(See 濟 [däi,], dāi, dài.)
dai2 1948
86 18 däi (=齌 däi suddenly become angry.¹ great wrath, violent anger; cook rice over high fire.⁸ to make a pot boil fiercely.²⁵ great anger, violent anger.³⁶); a raging fire.¹
(composition: ⿰火齊; U+3E04).
(See 齌 däi).
dai2 1949
96 18 däi a flaw in a gem.¹³ʼ²⁴
(composition: ⿰𤣩齊; U+74BE).
<又> dü. (See 璾 dü).
dai2 1950
104 16 däi zhài <wr.> illness; disease.⁶ tuberculosis; distress.⁷ a wasting disease.¹⁴
(composition: ⿸疒祭; U+7635).
瘵愈 däi-yì zhàiyù convalescent.¹⁴
痨瘵[癆瘵] lão-däi
láozhài (=肺痨[肺癆] fï-lão fèiláo)  <med.> tuberculosis.¹¹
羸瘵 luĩ-däi
léizhài weak and consumptive.¹¹
无自瘵焉[無自瘵焉] mũ-dù-däi-yẽn
wúzìzhàiyān do not bring difficulties upon yourself.¹⁴
dai2 1951
113 11 däi pay offerings to; hold a memorial serivice for.⁰
祭悼 däi-ào jìdào hold a memorial ceremony for.¹⁹
祭拜 däi-bäi
jìbài to respect/venerate by performing rites.⁰
祭品 däi-bīn
jìpǐn offerings.¹⁰
祭祖 däi-dū
jìzǔ to respect/venerate/honor your elders.⁰
祭祀 däi-dù
jìsì to honor by a service or rite.⁷
祭典 däi-ēin
jìdiǎn services or ceremonies of offerings.⁰
祭奠 däi-èin
jìdiàn hold a memorial service for.⁶
祭告 däi-gäo
jìgào to inform (the gods of important national events) through a rite or service.⁷
祭坛[祭壇] däi-hãn
jìtán an altar.⁰
祭天 däi-hëin
jìtiān annual services ot offerings to Heaven.⁷
祭器 däi-hï
jìqì ritual dishes.¹⁰
祭地 däi-ì
jìdì annual services of offerings to the earth.⁷
祭礼[祭禮] däi-lâi
jìlǐ offerings to the gods or deceased.⁰
祭文 däi-mũn
jìwén funeral oration; elegiac address.⁶
祭日 däi-ngìt
jìrì the day of a memorial ceremony.⁵⁴
祭神 däi-sĩn
jìshén perform offerings to the gods.⁰
祭扫[祭掃] däi-xäo
jìsǎo to clean and pay respects at the ancestral tomb.⁰
祭司 däi-xü
jìsī priest; master of ceremonies.⁸
dai2 1952
115 16 däi same as 稷 dēik – panicled millet.⁷
穄子 däi-dū
jìzi broomcorn millet; grains of broomcorn millet.⁶
dai2 1953
157 21 däi <wr.> ascend; mount.⁶ to go up, to increase; steep, ruin.¹⁴
道阻且跻[道阻且躋] ào-jū-chēh-däi or ào-jū-chēh-dāi dàozŭqiĕjī the way is difficult and steep.⁹
跻跻跄跄[躋躋蹌蹌] däi-däi-töng-töng
or dāi-dāi-töng-töng jījīqiāngqiāng walking in a rhythmic manner.⁸
跻进[躋進] däi-dïn
or dāi-dïn jījìn to enter.¹¹
跻堂称觥[躋堂稱觥] däi-hõng-chëin-gäng
or dāi-hõng-chëin-gäng jītángchēnggōng go up the hall (of the prince) and raise the horn cup.¹⁴
跻列[躋列] däi-lèik
or däi-lèik jīliè be ranked among, take one’s position among one's equals.¹¹
跻攀[躋攀] däi-pän
or dāi-pän jīpān <wr.> climb; clamber; scale.⁶ to clamber up.¹¹
跻升[躋升] däi-sëin
or dāi-sëin jīshēng to be promoted.¹⁴
跻身[躋身] däi-sïn
or dāi-sïn jīshēn join the ranks of; enter into the ranks of; rank among.⁶ to rise (in society).¹⁰
跻入[躋入] däi-yìp
or dāi-yìp jīrù to enter.¹¹
顚跻[顚躋] ëin-däi
or ëin-dāi diānjī ruined.¹⁴
气跻[氣躋] hï-däi
or hï-dāi qìjī the mist is rising.¹⁴
日跻[日躋] ngìt-däi
or ngìt-dāi rìjī daily increase or advance.¹⁴
攀跻[攀躋] pän-däi
or pän-dāi pānjī to climb up.²⁴
<又> dāi.
(See 躋 dāi.)
dai2 1954
170 13 däi border; boundary; interval; between; inter-; to meet; time; occasion.
边际[邊際] bëin-däi biānjì limit; boundary; margin; the substance of one's speech or writing; <Budd.> the extremity of things.
际遇[際遇] däi-nguì
jìyù <wr.> spells of good or bad fortune; opportunity; chance; what one has experienced in one's life.
际会[際會] däi-vòi
jìhuì to meet, to encounter; happenstance.⁷
交际[交際] gäo-däi
jiāojì social intercourse.⁷
国际[國際] gōk-däi
guójì international.¹⁰
天际[天際] hëin-däi
tiānjì <wr.> horizon.
之际[之際] jï-däi
zhījì <wr.> the time of...; when...
人际[人際] ngĩn-däi
rénjì human relations; interpersonal.
实际[實際] sìt-däi shíjì reality, practice; practical; realistic.⁵
一望无际[一望無際] yīt-mòng-mũ-däi
yīwàngwújì stretch as far as the eye can see; stretch to the horizon.⁵
dai2 1955
170 16 däi to rise up, to ascend; a rainbow; to fall, to topple.⁷
朝隮[朝隮] jël-däi zhāojī morning rainbow.¹⁹
朝隮于西[朝隮於西] jël-däi-yï-xäi
zhāojīyúxī <wr.> there was a rainbow in the west in the morning.¹¹
我乃颠隮[我乃顛隮] ngô-nâi-ëin-däi
wǒnǎidiānjī <wr.> thus I faltered.¹¹
攀隮 pän-däi
pānjī (=攀跻[攀躋] pän-däi or pän-dāi pānjī.¹⁹) to climb up.²⁴
or 上躋 sëng-däi shàngjī to ascend.¹⁹
由宾阶隮[由賓階隮] yiũ-bïn-gäi-däi
yóubīnjiējī to go up by the stairs reserved for guests.¹¹
dai2 1956
195 19 däi (=鰶 däi gizzard shad.⁶)
(composition: ⿱制魚; U+4C65).
<又> jäi.
(See 䱥 jäi).

dai2 1957
195 22 däi gizzard shad.⁶
条鰶[條鰶] hẽl-däi tiáojì sharpbelly or wild carp, Korean sharpbelly, or common sawbelly (Hemiculter leucisculus), belonging to the Cultrinae subfamily of the family Cyprinidae; aka 䱗; common names: 䱗子, 青鳞子, 白条, 白鱎, 克氏鱎, 奇拉, 奇力魚, 苦槽仔, 海鰱仔, 奇力仔.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
dai2 1958
195 25 däi (long-tailed) anchovy.⁶
(composition t: ⿰魚齊; U+9C6D).
s: ⿰鱼齐; U+9C9A).
鲚鱼[鱭魚] däi-nguî/
jìyú; commonly known as 凤尾鱼 [鳳尾魚] fùng-mī-nguî/ fèngwěiyú (long-tailed) anchovy.⁶
dai2 1959
210 18 däi (rare:) suddenly become angry (忽然動怒).¹ great wrath, violent anger; cook rice over high fire.⁸ to make a pot boil fiercely.²⁵ great anger, violent anger.³⁶
(composition: ⿵齊火; U+9F4C).
齌戒沐浴 däi-gäi-mûk-yùk jìjièmùyù to fast and take a bath before a religious observance.¹¹
齌怒 däi-nù
jìnù great wrath, violent anger.⁸  to suddenly become extremely angry.¹⁰ to boil with rage.²⁵
清齌 tëin-däi
qīngjì or qīngzhāi¹¹  ➀ (Budd.) vegetarian fast, abstinence from meat  ➁ a clean studio.¹¹
dai2 1960
210 23 däi (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 齑[齏] jäi with same meaning.)
<又> jäi.
(See 齏 jäi.)
dai2 1961
85 17 dài <台> 得济[得濟] äk-dài very; extremely.
<台> 冷得济[冷得濟] läng-äk-dài It's very cold.
<台> 累得济[累得濟] näi-äk-dài extremely tired.
<台> 热得济[熱得濟] ngèik-äk-dài It's very hot.
<台> 肚饥得济[肚飢得濟] ū-gï-äk-dài extremely hungry.
<又> däi, dāi. (See 濟 [däi, ], [däi, ], dāi.)
dai4 1962
122 19 dâi to strain out; to filter wine; to squeeze juice out of; to draw; to press milk.⁸ to squeese out wine from the dregs with the hand.²⁵
(composition: ⿱罒齊; U+4364).
dai5 1963
18 9 dāk rule, law, regulation; grades.⁸ (conjunction used to express contrast with a previous clause) but; then; standard; norm; principle; to imitate; to follow; measure word for written items.¹⁰
(variants: 𠟻❄{⿰⿱貝貝刂} dāk ; 𠟭❄{⿰鼎刂} dāk ; 𠞋❄{⿰⿱目⿵冂卄刂} dāk ; 𠟔❄{⿰⿱貝⿵冂卄刂} dāk ).
t: ⿰貝刂; U+5247). (comp. s: ⿰贝刂; U+5219).
不进则退[不進則退] būt-dïn-dāk-huï
bùjìnzétuì Move forward, or you'll fall behind.³⁹
不平则鸣[不平則鳴] būt-pẽin-dāk-mẽin
bùpíngzémíng where there is injustice, there will be an outcry; man will cry out against injustice.¹⁰
则度[則度] dāk-ù
zédù regulations, rules.¹¹
总则[總則] dūng-dāk
zǒngzé general rule; general principles; general provision.⁸
否则[否則] fēo-dāk
fǒuzé otherwise; or else.⁸
原则[原則] ngũn-dāk
yuánzé principle; doctrine.¹⁰
细则[細則] xäi-dāk
xìzé detailed rules and regulations; bylaws.¹⁰
<台> 则纽[則紐] dāk-niū snap fastener.
<又> däk.
(See 則 däk; 𠟻❄{⿰⿱貝貝刂} dāk; 𠟭❄{⿰鼎刂} dāk; 𠞋❄{⿰⿱目⿵冂卄刂} dāk; 𠟔❄{⿰⿱貝⿵冂卄刂} dāk).
dak1 1964
18 12 𠞋
dāk (<old>=则[則] dāk rule, law, regulation; grades.⁸ (conjunction used to express contrast with a previous clause) but; then; standard; norm; principle; to imitate; to follow; measure word for written items.¹⁰).²
(composition: ⿰⿱目⿵冂卄刂; U+2078B).
(See 則 dāk).
dak1 1965
18 14 𠟔
dāk (<old>=则[則] dāk rule, law, regulation; grades.⁸ (conjunction used to express contrast with a previous clause) but; then; standard; norm; principle; to imitate; to follow; measure word for written items.¹⁰).²
(composition: ⿰⿱貝⿵冂卄刂; U+207D4).
(See 則 dāk).
dak1 1966
18 14 𠟭
dāk (<old>=则[則] dāk rule, law, regulation; grades.⁸ (conjunction used to express contrast with a previous clause) but; then; standard; norm; principle; to imitate; to follow; measure word for written items.¹⁰).²
(composition: ⿰鼎刂; U+207ED).
(See 則 dāk).
dak1 1967
18 16 𠟻
dāk (<old>=则[則] dāk rule, law, regulation; grades.⁸ (conjunction used to express contrast with a previous clause) but; then; standard; norm; principle; to imitate; to follow; measure word for written items.¹⁰).²
(composition: ⿰⿱貝貝刂; U+207FB).
<又> bài.
(See 則 dāk; 𠟻❄{⿰⿱貝貝刂} bài).
dak1 1968
30 14 dāk (of a horse's hoofs) clatter; chatter, jabber.⁶
嘚啵 dāk-bö dēbo <topo.> chatter, jabber.⁶ to keep talking in an annoying way.⁹ garrulous (colloquial).¹⁰ to bicker, to jabber.¹¹
嘚嘚 dāk-dāk
dēde <topo.> chatter, jabber.⁶
嘚儿[嘚兒] dāk-ngĩ
dēr (sound made to urge a draft animal on) gee, gee-up, giddy-up, giddap.⁶
dak1 1969
145 22 dāk de 褦襶 làk-dāk lēde untidily dressed.⁷ (See 褦襶 nòi-äi nàidài).
褦襶兵 làk-dāk-bëin
lēdebīng a person in untidy or ill-fitting dress or overburdened with accessories.⁷
<又> äi.
(See 襶 äi.)
dak1 1970
195 18 dāk crucian carp.⁵ a gold carp.⁷ the bastard carp.¹⁴
鲫瓜[鯽瓜] dāk-gä or dēik-gä  jìguā <vern.> crucian (carp).⁶
鲫鱼[鯽魚] dāk-nguî
or dēik-nguî jìyú crucian (carp).⁶ a gold carp.⁷ a bream.¹⁴ goldfish (Carassius auratus), in Chinese aka 鲫, 鲫瓜子, 月鲫仔, 土鲫, 细头, 鲋鱼, 寒鲋.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
金鲫[金鯽] gïm-dāk
or gïm-dēik jīnjì the goldfish.¹⁴
过江之鲫[過江之鯽] gö-göng-jï-dāk
or gö-göng-jï-dēik guòjiāngzhījì as numerous as a large school of fish migrating in a river.⁷
黑鲫[黑鯽] hāk-dāk
or hāk-dēik hēijì crucian carp (Carassius carassius).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
海鲫[海鯽] hōi-dāk
or hōi-dēik hǎijì Japanese seaperch.⁵
莫三比克口孵非鲫[莫三比克口孵非鯽] mòk-xäm-bī-hāk hēo-fũ-fï-dāk
mòsānbìkè kǒufūfēijì Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
银鲫[銀鯽] ngãn-dāk or ngãn-dēik yínjì (Carassius auratus gibelio).²⁰
破唇海鲫[破唇海鯽] pö-sũn-hōi-dāk
or pö-sũn-hōi-dēik pòchúnhǎijì <zoo.> forktail perch.⁵⁴
一条鲫鱼[一條鯽魚] yīt-hẽl-dāk-nguĩ
or yīt-hẽl-dēik-nguĩ  yītiáo jìyú a crucian carp.⁶
<又> dēik.
(See 鯽 dēik.)
dak1 1971
18 9 däk <台> to guess (or consider) the weight of something using your hands.
<台> 你则一则有几重[你則一則有幾重] nï-däk-yīt-däk yiû-gī-chüng/ Guess how much this weighs.
<又> dāk. (See 則 dāk.)
dak2 1972
60 11 däk <台> 得唔得 däk-m̃-däk Will that do?
<又> āk, äk. (See 得 [āk, de], [āk, ], [āk, děi], äk.)
dak2 1973
132 6 dàk <台> 自己 dàk-gī or dù-gī self.
<又> dù, dū.
(See 自 dù, dū.)
dak4 1974
85 8 dâk tuō <ono.> (water) dripping.⁰
(composition: ⿰氵石; U+6CB0).
<台> 滴沰 dîk-dâk <ono.> drip, drip, drip. (See 滴沰 ēik-hōk).
<台> 晚黑落水滴沰滴沰丂响,整我冇法子瞓。
Mân-hāk-lòk-suī-dîk-dâk-dîk-dâk-kāo-hēng, jēin-ngöi-mäo-fāt-dū-fün. The dik-dak, dik-dak sound of the rain at night made it difficult for me to fall asleep.
<又> hōk; hāt; jàk.
(See 沰 hōk; 沰 hāt; 沰 jàk).
dak5 1975
85 9 dām bèng <loan> pump.⁵ (In Hoisanva 泵 may be pronounced as pēim, bēim, dēim, būng, and dām.)
<台> 泵水 dām-suī to pump water.
<又> pēim, bēim, dēim, būng.
(See 泵 pēim, bēim, dēim, būng.)
dam1 1976
118 18 däm zān hairpin; wear in one's hair.⁶
扁簪 bēin-däm biǎnzān a flat hair clasp.⁵⁴
簪笔[簪筆] däm-bīt
zānbǐ (said of ancient courtiers) to stick the writing brush in one's hair or behind the ear.⁷
簪子 däm-dū
zānzi a woman’s hairpin.⁷
簪花 däm-fä
zānhuā to wear a flower; to stick a flower on one's cap or hat.⁷
簪花妙笔[簪花妙筆] däm-fä-mèl-bīt
zānhuāmiàobǐ a graceful style of handwriting.⁷
簪绂[簪紱] däm-fūt
zānfú lit. a cap clasp and hat tassels for an official seal – high position and wealth.⁷
簪笏 däm-fūt
zānhù lit. the cap clasp and the jade tablet (used during an audience with the emperor) – high officials.⁷
簪裾 däm-guï
zānjū <wr.> hair claps and flowing robe, as a badge of nobility.¹¹
簪珥 däm-ngī
zāněr hairpins and earrings.²⁴
簪环首饰[簪環首飾] däm-vãn-siū-sēik
zānhuánshǒushi women's hairpins, rings, jewels, etc.⁷
簪缨[簪纓] däm-yëin
zānyīng <wr.> high-ranking official.⁶
簪缨世胄[簪纓世胄] däm-yëin-säi-jào
zānyīngshìzhòu a family producing public officials for successive generations.⁷
dam2 1977
130 16 däm zān to cook, to boil, to decoct.⁸ cooking; filthy and despicable.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰⺼朁; U+4436).
腤䐶 ām-däm ānzān ➀ cooking; culinary art ➁ filthy and despicable.¹⁰¹
<又> dïm.
(See 䐶[dïm, jǐn]; 䐶[dïm, jìn]).
dam2 1978
140 22 dàm zhàn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 蘸 lëim zhàn with same meaning: to dip in (liquid, powder, sauce).⁶)
<又> lëim; ēm.
(See 蘸 lëim; 蘸 ēm).
dam4 1979
72 9 dâm zuó <台> 昨晚 dâm-mân/ yesterday.
<又> dôk. (See 昨 dôk.)
dam5 1980
64 22 dān zǎn to accumulate; to hoard.
攒底[攢底] dān-āi zǎndǐ closing; final segment
攒钱[攢錢] dān-tẽin
zǎnqián to save money.
攒钱罐[攢錢罐] dān-tẽin-gôn
zǎnqiánguàn money box.
集攒[集攢] dàp-dān
jízǎn to accumulate; to save.
积攒[積攢] dēik-dān
jīzǎn to save bit by bit.⁹
<又> chün.
(See 攢 chün.)
dan1 1981
96 19 dān zàn (=瓒[瓚] dān zàn ceremonial libation cup; impure jade; ceremonial ladle made of jade.⁸ an archaic term for a kind of jade spoon used to ladle wine during sacrificial rites.⁹ a stone scepter held by a marquis, have three parts the value of a gem, and two of a pebble; it was slanting and pointed towards the top, and provided with a spoon, to be used in making libations; others, a sort of bottle, holding five pints, with a stone scepter fixed into the handle; a man's name; mixed; confused.²⁴
(composition: ⿰𤣩賛); U+74C9).
(See 瓚 dān).
dan1 1982
96 23 dān zàn ceremonial libation cup; impure jade; ceremonial ladle made of jade.⁸ an archaic term for a kind of jade spoon used to ladle wine during sacrificial rites.⁹ a stone scepter held by a marquis, have three parts the value of a gem, and two of a pebble; it was slanting and pointed towards the top, and provided with a spoon, to be used in making libations; others, a sort of bottle, holding five pints, with a stone scepter fixed into the handle; a man's name; mixed; confused.²⁴
<又> dän. (See 瓚 dän.)
dan1 1983
120 21 dān zuǎn (=缵[纘] dān zuǎn <wr.> inherit.⁶ to continue, to carry on, to keep up.⁷).⁸
(composition: ⿰糹賛; U+7E89).
(See 纘 dān).
dan1 1984
120 25 dān zuǎn <wr.> inherit.⁶ to continue, to carry on, to keep up.⁷
缵继[纘繼] dān-gäi zuǎnjì to carry on; to go on; to continue.⁷ to continue the heredity succession.¹⁴
缵述[纘述] dān-sùt
zuǎnshù relate what has been handed down.⁶
缵绪[纘緒] dān-xuî
zuǎnxù to continue (especially great enterprises).⁷
dan1 1985
156 22 dān zǎn (=趱[趲] dān zǎn ➀ <old> (usually used in the early vernacular) hurry or rush through ➁ urge, press.⁶
(composition: ⿺走賛; U+47CE).
(See 趲] dān).
dan1 1986
156 26 dān zǎn ➀ <old> (usually used in the early vernacular) hurry or rush through ➁ urge, press.⁶
趱步[趲步] dān-bù zǎnbù to quicken one's pace.¹⁴
趱程[趲程] dān-chẽin
zǎnchéng to hurry in a journey; to journey hurriedly.⁷
趱迟[趲遲] dān-chĩ
zǎnchí to go slowly.¹⁴
趱造[趲造] dān-dào
zǎnzào speed up construction (of a house, road, boat).¹¹
趱他走[趲他走] dān-hä-dēo
zǎntāzǒu make him go faster.¹⁴
趱行[趲行] dān-hãng
zǎnxíng hurry on with one's journey.⁶
趱路[趲路] dān-lù
zǎnlù to hurry in a journey; to journey hurriedly.⁷
趱马向前[趲馬向前] dān-mâ-hëng-tẽin
zǎnmǎxiàngqián urge on a horse.⁵
dan1 1987
9 11 dän
zán (=昝 dän zǎn) a dual pronoun, I, you and me, we two.⁸
(=咱 jā
zán) as in 咱们[咱們] jā-mõn zánmen we or us.¹⁰)
dan2 1988
30 12 dän
zán (=昝 dän zǎn) a dual pronoun, I, you and me, we two.⁸ dan2 1989
30 22 dän zàn (<old>讚 dän zàn to commend; to eulogize; to praise; to applaud; to laud.⁷); ridicule; jeer; satirize; praise.⁸  to ridicule; to swallow; unnecessary talk.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口贊; U+56CB).
<又> dàp; tän.
(See 囋 dàp; 囋 tän; 讚 dän).
dan2 1990
40 11 dän
zǎn <old> quick, fast.⁸ʼ¹¹
(composition: ⿱宀疌; U+5BC1).
Mũ-ngô-ōk-hãi, būt-dän-gü-yâ.
Wú wǒ è xī, bù zǎn gù yě.
Do not hate me; -
Old intercourse should not be suddenly broken off.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·鄭風·遵大路》, translated by James Legge).
<又> dèp.
(See 寁 dèp).
dan2 1991
72 9 dän
zǎn a dual pronoun, I, you and me, we two; Zan surname.⁸
(variants: 偺 dän zán; 喒 dän zán.)¹⁴
昝们[昝們] dän-mõn
zǎnmen or zánmen we, i.e., you and I or you and we.¹⁴ (See 咱们[咱們] jā-mõn zánmen).
多昝 ü-dän
duōzǎn or duōzán when?¹⁴
(See 偺 dän; 喒 dän.)
dan2 1992
85 22 dän zàn to spatter; to splash; to scatter.¹⁴ to stir up the mud; a man in the water; shallow.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵贊; U+7052).
灒出火星 dän-chūt-fō-xëin zànchūhuǒxīng to scatter sparks.¹⁴
灒了一点泥[灒了一點泥] dän-lēl-yīt-ēm-nãi
zànleyīdiǎnní he splashed me with a little mud.¹⁴
灒湿了[灒濕了] dän-sīp-lēl
zànshīle to splash and get wet.¹⁴
<台> 灒 dän (cooking) to pour cold water into a hot pot or pan; (blacksmithing) to dip hot steel into cold water or other liquids (oil, salt water) to harden the steel.
<台> 灒㶶粥[灒燶粥] dän-nûng-jūk rice congee made by pouring cold water into the slightly scorched cooked rice.
<又> chün.
(See 灒 chün).
dan2 1993
96 23 dän zàn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 瓒[瓚] dān zàn with same meaning.)
<又> dān.
(See 瓚 dān.)
dan2 1994
119 15 dän zān 糌粑 dän-bä zānba zanba, roasted qingke barley (青稞 tëin-fö qīngkē) flour, a staple food of the Zang nationality. a kind of fried flour blended with tea and butter – staple food of Tibetans.¹¹
糌粑团[糌粑團] dän-bä-hõn
zānbātuán zamba (the staple of the Tibetan diet).⁵⁴
dan2 1995
149 22 dän zàn (=赞[讚] dän zàn to commend; to eulogize; to praise; to applaud; to laud.⁷).
(composition: ⿰言賛; U+8B83).
(See 讚 dän).
dan2 1996
149 26 dän zàn to commend; to eulogize; to praise; to applaud; to laud.⁷
(variant: 囋 dän zàn).
or 赞不绝口[贊不絕口] dän-būt-dùt-hēo zànbùjuékǒu be profuse in praise; be full of praise.⁵
or 赞颂[贊頌] dän-dùng zànsòng to eulogize; to extol; to praise.⁷
or 赞叹[贊嘆] dän-hän zàntàn to sing the praise of; to gasp with admiration.⁷
or 赞美[贊美] dän-mî zànměi to praise, to eulogize, to glorify, to extol, to laud; praise, eulogy, laud.⁷
or 赞美诗[贊美詩] dän-mî-sï zànměishī a hymn.⁷
or 赞佩[贊佩] dän-pöi zànpèi to think highly of; to esteem; to admire.⁷
or 赞赏[贊賞] dän-sēng zànshǎng to praise; to commend; to extol; to laud; to appreciate.⁷
or 赞辞[讚辭] dän-xũ zàncí words of praise; an encomium; phrases of eulogy.⁷
or 赞扬[贊揚] dän-yẽng zànyáng to glorify, to exalt, to uphold; commendation, glorification.⁷
(See 贊 dän; 囋 dän).
dan2 1997
154 15 dän zàn (=贊 dän zàn) support, favor, assist; praise, commend; eulogy.⁵
(See 贊 dän.)
dan2 1998
154 19 dän zàn to assist, aid, help, support, back; praise, to commend, exalt, florify, extol, eulogize.⁷ (variant: 賛 dän zàn).
赞不绝口[贊不絕口] dän-būt-dùt-hēo
zànbùjuékǒu be profuse in praise; be full of praise.⁵
赞歌[贊歌] dän-gô
zàngē a song of praise; a paean.⁷
赞叹[贊嘆] dän-hän
zàntàn to exclaim in praise; to gasp with admiration.⁷
赞许[贊許] dän-huī
zànxǔ endorse, approve.¹¹
赞同[贊同] dän-hũng
zàntóng be in agreement with, approve of (action, proposal).¹¹
赞助[贊助] dän-jò
zànzhù support; assistance.⁵
赞礼[贊禮] dän-lâi
zànlǐ serve as a program announcer.¹¹
赞理[贊理] dän-lî
zànlǐ to help manage.⁷
赞美[贊美] dän-mî
zànměi praise; eulogize.⁵
赞成[贊成] dän-sẽin
zànchéng approve of; favor; endorse.⁵
赞赏[贊賞] dän-sēng
zànshǎng to commend; to extol.⁷
赞襄[贊襄] dän-xëng
zànxiāng to assist; to aid.⁷
赞翼[贊翼] dän-yêik
zànyì serve as an assistant.¹¹
赞扬[贊揚] dän-yẽng
zànyáng praise; commend; acclaim.⁶
<台> 卖花赞花香[賣花贊花香] mài-fä-dän-fä-hëng lit. seller of flowers says her flowers are fragrant; fig. to brag; to boast; to tout one's own horn.
(See 賛 dän; 讚 dän.)
dan2 1999
184 27 dän zàn to mix rice with soup; to fry rice with fat.²⁵ to put thick soup or broth on top of rice.³⁶
(composition: ⿰飠贊; U+9961).
饡饭[饡飯] dän-fàn zànfàn rice with soup.¹⁹
浇饡[澆饡] hël-dän
jiāozàn mix rice with soup - metaphor for muddy chaos.¹⁹ muddy, thick, as having many ingredients.²⁵
dan2 2000
57 15 dàn dàn 弹弓[彈弓] dàn-güng dàngōng catapult; slingshot.⁵
弹性模量[彈性模量] dàn-xëin-mũ-lèng
or dàn-xëin-mõ-lèng dànxìngmóliàng modulus of elasticity.⁵
<台> 弹玻珠[彈玻珠] dàn-bö-jî/  playing marbles (small glass balls).
<台> 弹弓叉[彈弓叉] dàn-güng-châ/ slingshot.
<又> àn, hãn.
(See 彈 àn, hãn.)
dan4 2001
30 15 däng cēng (of the sound of swift movement, rubbing) whiz, swish; <topo.> to scold, rebuke, tell somebody off, shout at, upbraid.⁶
挨噌 äi-däng āicēng to get a talking to/scolding; to get told off.⁶ to receive a scolding.¹¹
噌的一下他划着了火柴[噌的一下他劃著了火柴] däng-ēik-yīt-hâ-hä-vàk-jèk-lẽl-fō-châi
cēngdeyīxià tāhuázhele huǒchái Scratching, he lit a match.⁶
(See 噌 [däng, chēng].)
dang2 2002
30 15 däng chēng 噌吰 däng-fãng chēnghóng <wr.> (of bells and drums) boom.⁶
(See 噌 [däng, cēng].)
dang2 2003
32 15 däng zēng to increase; to expand; to add. (variant: 𢴣❄{⿰扌曾} däng).
递增[遞增] ài-däng
dìzēng increase progressively.⁵
增产[增產] däng-chān
zēngchǎn to increase production.
增进[增進] däng-dïn
zēngjìn to enhance; promote; further.
增加 däng-gä
zēngjiā to raise; to increase.¹⁰
增添 däng-hëm
zēngtiān to add; to increase.¹⁰
增长[增長] däng-jēng
zēngzhǎng to increase; to grow.
增强[增強] däng-kẽng
zēngqiáng to strengthen; enhance.
增援 däng-yõn
zēngyuán <mil.> to reinforce.
倍增 pôi-däng
bèizēng to redouble (courage).
有增无减[有增無減] yiû-däng-mũ-gām
yǒuzēngwújiǎn to increase without letup; to get worse and worse (idiom).
(See 𢴣❄{⿰扌曾} däng).
dang2 2004
46 15 däng céng towering, lofty, steep.⁸
嶒嵘[嶒嶸] däng-vẽin céngróng (mountains) high, towering.¹¹
崚嶒 lẽin-däng
léngcéng high and steep; outstanding; staunch and upright; very thin.⁸
dang2 2005
61 15 däng zēng to hate; to loathe; to abhor; to abominate; to detest.⁷
憎称[憎稱] däng-chëin zēngchēng derogatory name for somebody one hates or loathes.⁵
憎恨 däng-hàn
zēnghèn to hate; to hold a grudge against.⁷
憎恶[憎惡] däng-ōk
zēng'è to hate evil.⁷ (See 憎恶[憎惡] däng-vü zēngwù.)
憎妒 däng-ù
zēngdù to bear a jealous hatred for.⁷
憎恶[憎惡] däng-vü
zēngwù to hate; to loathe; to abhor; to abominate; to detest.⁷ (See 憎恶[憎惡] däng-ōk zēng'è.)
憎嫌 däng-yẽm
zēngxián to hate; to dislike.⁷
憎怨 däng-yön
zēngyuàn to bear a grudge against; to feel bitterness toward.⁷
可憎 hō-däng
kězēng abominable, hateful, detestable.¹¹
<台> 憎鸡连笼[憎雞連籠] däng-gäi-lẽin-lûng lit. hate the chicken and the coop the chicken is in; extreme hatred.
<台> 乞人憎 hāt-ngĩn-däng hated; despicable.
dang2 2006
62 16 𢨉
däng zēng demotic character for 矰 däng zēng an arrow or dart attached to a silk cord or string for shooting birds.⁷).²
(composition: ⿰曾戈; U+22A09).
(See 矰 däng).
dang2 2007
64 15 𢴣
däng zēng (=增 däng zēng to increase; to expand; to add.).²
(composition: ⿰扌曾; U+22D23).
(See 增 däng).
dang2 2008
73 12 däng zēng great-grandfather; great-grandchild; Zeng surname.
曾祖父 däng-dū-fù zēngzǔfù paternal great-grandfather.
曾孙[曾孫] däng-xün
zēngsūn or 重孙[重孫] chũng-xün chóngsūn patrilineal great-grandson.⁰ 3rd generaton descendant.¹⁴
曾孙女[曾孫女] däng-xün-nuī
zēngsūnnǚ patrilineal great-granddaughter.⁰
曾玄 däng-yõn
zēngxuán collective term for one's great-grandson and great-great-grandson.
<又> tãng.
(See 曾 tãng.)
dang2 2009
96 16 däng zēng jade-like.² gemmeous.²⁵
(composition: ⿰𤣩曾; U+7494).
dang2 2010
111 17 däng zēng an arrow or dart attached to a silk cord or string for shooting birds.⁷ (variant: 𢨉❄{⿰曾戈} däng zēng).
矰缴[矰繳] däng-sēk
zēngzhuó a bird-shooting device.⁷ an arrow with a silk streamer attached to it.¹¹
(See 𢨉❄{⿰曾戈} däng).
dang2 2011
120 18 däng zēng <wr.> silk fabrics.⁶ Zeng surname.⁸
缯单衣[繒單衣] däng-än-yï zēngdānyī unlined silk clothing.⁵⁴
缯幡[繒幡] däng-fän
zēngfān silken banners.⁷
缯绫[繒綾] däng-lẽin
zēnglíng rugged; not smooth.⁵⁴
缯缴[繒繳] däng-sēk
zēngzhuó a string made of raw silk fastened to an arrow.⁷
<又> dèng.
(See 繒 dèng.)
dang2 2012
122 17 däng zēng square-shaped fishing net with wooden or bamboo poles as supports.⁸
巴巴罾兒[巴巴罾兒] bä-bä-däng-ngĩ bābāzēngr knotty or pitted (face, surface).¹¹
扳罾 bän-däng
bānzēng to lift the fish net.¹⁰
投罾 hẽo-däng
tóuzēng to lower the net into the water.¹⁴
拉罾 läi-däng
lāzēng to lift the net.¹⁴
<台> 放罾 föng-däng to lower the net into the water.
<台> 扯罾 chēh-däng to lift the net.
dang2 2013
154 19 dàng zèng give as a present; present as a gift.⁵
赠答[贈答] dàng-āp zèngdá present each other with gifts.⁵
赠别[贈別] dàng-bèik
zèngbié give a parting gift/poem.⁵⁴
赠品[贈品] dàng-bīn
zèngpǐn (complimentary) gift.⁵
赠奖[贈獎] dàng-dēng
zèngjiǎng offer prizes.¹¹
赠赙[贈賻] dàng-fù
zèngfù send money gift to a family in mourning.¹¹
赠券[贈券] dàng-hûn
zèngquàn complimentary ticket.⁶
赠给[贈給] dàng-kīp
zènggěi give a present to (friend).¹¹
赠礼[贈禮] dàng-lâi
zènglǐ present somebody with a gift; gift, present.⁶
赠言[贈言] dàng-ngũn
zèngyán words of advice or encouragement given to a friend at parting.⁵
赠芍[贈芍] dàng-sēk
zèngsháo to give peonies; fig. exchange of gifts between lovers.¹⁰
赠书[贈書] dàng-sï
zèngshū present somebody with a book.⁵
赠遗[贈遺] dàng-vĩ
zèngyí to give; donate; bequeath.⁶
赠送[贈送] dàng-xüng
zèngsòng give as a present.⁵
or 赠予[贈予] dàng-yî zèngyǔ present or donate to.⁶
赠阅[贈閱] dàng-yòt
zèngyuè (of a book, periodical) given free by the publisher.⁵
dang4 2014
157 19 dàng cèng rub, scrape, scratch; rub against something and get stained; <vern.> cadge, mooch. scrunge; move slowly, dragging one's feet, trail along, shuffle; delay, dawdle.⁶ to rub against; to walk slowly; to freeload (colloquial).¹⁰
挨挨蹭蹭 äi-äi-dàng-dàng āi'āicèngcèng to crowd together.¹¹
蹭蹬 dàng-àng
cèngdèng <wr.> meet with setbacks; be down on one's luck; be frustrated in one's career.⁶
蹭蹬不前 dàng-àng-būt-tẽin
cèngdèngbùqián not to get on; to fail in one's aim.¹⁴
蹭吃 dàng-hëk
cèngchī <topo.> free-load for food.¹⁰
蹭吃蹭喝 dàng-hëk-dàng-höt
cèngchīcènghē to cadge a meal.¹⁰
蹭稜子 dàng-lẽin-dū
cèngléngzi to dillydally.¹¹
蹭棱子 dàng-lẽin-dū
cèngléngzi <topo.> dilly-dally, mope, dawdle; waste time, deliberately delay (work).⁵⁴
蹭动[蹭動] dàng-ùng
cèngdòng to scrape along the side of, as in passing a boat or ship.¹⁴
磨蹭 mũ-dàng
or mõ-dàng móceng dawdle, idle at work.¹¹
挪蹭 nõ-dàng
nuócèng draggle; drag one's feet.⁵⁴
<又> chäng.
(See 蹭 chäng.)
dang4 2015
167 15 dàng zèng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation⁴ for 锃[鋥] chäng zèng with same meaning.)
<又> chäng, chãng; chẽin.
(See 鋥 chäng, chãng; chẽin).
dang4 2016
98 16 dâng zèng ancient earthen utensil for steaming food; rice steamer; distiller.⁶ earthenware for cooking.⁷
(variants: 䰝, 𩱭❄{⿱⿲弓曾弓鬲} , 鬵 dâng zèng).
甑尘釜鱼[甑塵釜魚] dâng-chĩn-fū-nguî/
zèngchénfǔyú lit. Dust has covered kitchen utensils and fish has spawned in cooking vessels because of long disuse – a state of stark poverty.⁷
甑子 dâng-dū
zèngzi rice steamer.⁵
甑中生尘[甑中生塵] dâng-jüng-säng-chĩn
zèngzhōng shēngchén <wr.> so poor that dust has collected in one's cooking pot.¹¹
甑儿糕[甑兒糕] dâng-ngĩ-gäo
zèngrgāo a kind of steamed rice cake with stuffing.⁷ steamed pastry.¹¹
酒甑 diū-dâng
jiǔzèng a wine boiler.²⁴
饭甑[飯甑] fàn-dâng
fànzèng a rice pot.¹¹
曲颈甑[曲頸甑] kūk-gēng-dâng
qūjǐngzèng <chem.> retort; U-necked distiller.⁶
堕甑不顾[墮甑不顧] ò-dâng-būt-gü
duòzèngbùgù Don't cry over spilt milk.⁵⁴
<台> 饭甑[飯甑] fàn-dâng a person with a love for rice.
(See 䰝 dâng; 𩱭❄{⿱⿲弓曾弓鬲} dâng; 鬵 dâng).
dang5 2017
193 18 dâng zèng (<old>=甑 dâng zèng ancient earthen utensil for steaming food; rice steamer; distiller.⁶ earthenware for cooking.⁷); big iron pot, caldron.⁸
(composition: ⿱⿰旡旡鬲; U+9B35).
<又> tĩm.
(See 鬵 tĩm; 甑 dâng).
dang5 2018
193 22 dâng zèng (=甑 dâng zèng ancient earthen utensil for steaming food; rice steamer; distiller.⁶ earthenware for cooking.⁷).² a large earthen pot for cooking, a large iron cauldron used to cook in old times.⁸ a kind of boiler.²⁵
(composition: ⿰鬲曾; U+4C1D).
(See 甑 dâng).
dang5 2019
193 28 𩱭
dâng zèng (=甑 dâng zèng ancient earthen utensil for steaming food; rice steamer; distiller.⁶ earthenware for cooking.⁷).²
(composition: ⿱⿲弓曾弓鬲; U+29C6D).
(See 甑 dâng).
dang5 2020
9 10 dāo dǎo 跶倒[躂倒] ät-dāo tàdǎo to slip down.¹⁴
<又> āo. (See 倒 [āo, dǎo]; 倒 [āo, dào].
dao1 2021
72 6 dāo zǎo (early) morning; long ago; early, in advance, beforehand.⁵
早班 dāo-bän zǎobān morning shift.⁵
早产[早產] dāo-chān
zǎochǎn premature delivery.⁵
早出晚归[早出晚歸] dāo-chūt-mân-gï
zǎochūwǎnguī to leave early and return late (idiom).¹⁰
早早儿[早早兒] dāo-dāo-ngĩ
zǎozǎor as early as possible; well in advance.⁵
早造 dāo-dào
zǎozào <topo.> early crops.⁵
早饭[早飯] dāo-fàn
zǎofàn breakfast.⁵
早期 dāo-kĩ
zǎoqī early stage; early phase.⁵
早晚 dāo-mân
zǎowǎn morning and evening; sooner or later; time; <topo.> some time in the future, some day.⁵
早日 dāo-ngìt
zǎorì at an early date; early; soon.⁵
早安 dāo-ön
zǎo'ān Good morning!⁵
早上 dāo-sèng
zǎoshang (early) morning.⁵
早上好 dāo-sèng-hāo
zǎoshanghǎo Good morning!⁵
早晨 dāo-sĩn
zǎochen (early) morning.⁵
早霜 dāo-söng
zǎoshuāng early frost.⁵
早餐 dāo-tän
zǎocān breakfast.⁵
早操 dāo-täo
zǎocāo morning exercises.⁵
早先 dāo-xëin
zǎoxiān previously; in the past.⁵
早已 dāo-yî
zǎoyǐ long ago; for a long time.⁵
<台> 早晨 dāo-sĩn Good morning!
dao1 2022
75 12 dāo zǎo jujube, red date, Chinese date (Ziziphus jujuba).¹⁵ʼ²⁰ jujube (Ziziphus vulgaris), commonly called date; Zao surname.⁷
枣子[棗子] dāo-dū
zǎozi <topo.> Chinese date; jujube.⁶ dates (identical in sound with 早子, thus given to a bride.¹⁴
枣脯[棗脯] dāo-fū
zǎofǔ dried dates preserved in honey.⁷
枣糕[棗糕] dāo-gäo
zǎogāo date-dumplings; steamed cake with dates.⁷
枣糖色[棗糖色] dāo-hõng-sēik
zǎotángsè reddish-brown¹⁴
枣红[棗紅] dāo-hũng
zǎohóng jujube red; purplish red.⁶
枣木[棗木] dāo-mûk
zǎomù jujube (tree).⁷
枣泥[棗泥] dāo-nãi
zǎoní jujube paste, used as stuffing for pastry or dumplings.⁷
枣仁[棗仁] dāo-ngĩn
zǎorén kernels of the date.¹⁴
枣树[棗樹] dāo-sì
zǎoshù jujube tree.⁶
枣核儿[棗核兒] dāo-vût-ngĩ
zǎohúr date stones.¹⁴
枣椰[棗椰] dāo-yẽh
zǎoyē date palm.⁶
枣椰树[棗椰樹] dāo-yẽh-sì
zǎoyēshù date palm.⁶
黑枣[黑棗] hāk-dāo
hēizǎo date-plum; <topo.> bullet; shot.⁶ date-plum, lilac persimmon; Caucasian persimmon aka 豆柿 èo-sî dòushì (Diospyros lotus) .¹⁵ʼ²⁰
海枣[海棗] hōi-dāo
hǎizǎo imported dates (the true date).¹⁴
红枣[紅棗] hũng-dāo
hóngzǎo jujube, red date.¹⁹
酸枣[酸棗] xön-dāo
suānzǎo wild jujube.⁶
dao1 2023
142 9 dāo zǎo flea, louse; (<old>=早 dāo zǎo early); (<old>=爪 jāo zhǎo claw).⁸ a flea; to scratch; the mortices in the hub for the spokes of the wheel.¹⁴ (variants: 䖣, 𧎮❄{⿱㕚䖵} dāo zǎo).
蚤病 dāo-bèng
zǎobìng pulicosis (flea bites).¹⁰
or 早起 dāo-hī zǎoqǐ get up early in the morning.¹¹
蚤咬 dāo-ngāo
zǎoyǎo flea bite.¹⁰
蚤草 dāo-tāo
zǎocǎo false fleabane Pulicaria prostrata.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
欧洲沙蚤[歐洲沙蚤] Ëo-jiü sâ-dāo
Ōuzhōu shāzǎo sand hopper (Talitrus saltator).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
虼蚤 gīt-dāo
gèzao <vern.> flea.⁵
跳蚤 hẽl-dāo
tiàozǎo flea.⁸
跳蚤市场[跳蚤市場] hẽl-dāo-sî-chẽng
tiàozao shìchǎng flea market.¹⁰
沙蚤 sâ-dāo
shāzǎo sand hopper; beach flea.⁵⁴
水蚤 suī-dāo
shuǐzǎo water flea (Daphnia).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(See 䖣 dāo; 𧎮
❄{⿱㕚䖵} dāo).
dao1 2024
142 10 dāo zǎo (=蚤 dāo zǎo) flea, louse; (<old>=早 dāo zǎo early); (<old>=爪 jāo zhǎo claw).⁸ a flea; to scratch; the mortices in the hub for the spokes of the wheel.¹⁴
(See 蚤 dāo).
dao1 2025
142 16 𧎮
dāo zǎo (=蚤 dāo zǎo) flea, louse; (<old>=早 dāo zǎo early); (<old>=爪 jāo zhǎo claw).⁸ a flea; to scratch; the mortices in the hub for the spokes of the wheel.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱㕚䖵; U+273AE).
(See 蚤 dāo).
dao1 2026
119 17 däo zāo distillers' grains, grains; be pickled with grains or in wine; rotten, poor; in a wretched or terrible state, in a mess.⁵ (variant: 醩 däo zāo).
糟踏 däo-àp
or 糟蹋 däo-hāp zāota waste, ruin, spoil; insult, trample on, ravage; violate (a woman).⁵
糟践[糟踐] däo-dèin
zāojian waste, ruin, spoil; insult, trample on, ravage; violate (a woman).⁵
糟糕 däo-gäo
zāogāo terrible; too bad; damnable.⁶
糟害 däo-hòi
zāohai <topo.> (of birds or beasts) damage; make havoc of.⁵
糟糠 däo-höng
zāokāng distillers' grains, husks, chaff; foodstuffs for the poor.⁵
糟糠之妻 däo-höng-jï-häi
zāokāngzhīqī wife who has shared her husband's hard lot.⁵
糟行 däo-hõng
zāoháng distiller.⁵
糟粕 däo-pōk
or däo-päk zāopò waste matter; dross; dregs; draff.⁶
糟粕电影[糟粕電影] däo-pōk-èin-yēin
or däo-päk-èin-yēin zāopò diànyǐng trash movie.⁶
糟心 däo-xïm
zāoxīn vexed; annoyed; dejected.⁵
酒糟 diū-däo
jiǔzāo distiller's grains; distillers’ solubles.⁸
酒糟鼻 diū-däo-bì
jiǔzāobí acne rosacea; brandy nose.⁹
(See 醩 däo).
dao2 2027
162 14 däo zāo meet with (disaster, misfortune), suffer; <m.> round; <m.> time, turn.⁵
遭到 däo-äo zāodào suffer; meet with; encounter.⁵
遭灾[遭災] däo-döi zāozāi be hit by a natural calamity.⁵
遭逢 däo-fũng
zāoféng meet with; come across, encounter.⁵
遭逢不幸 däo-fũng-būt-hàng
zāoféngbùxìng suffer misfortune.⁵
遭逢盛世 däo-fũng-sèin-säi
zāoféngshèngshì live in prosperous times.⁶
遭罹 däo-lĩ
zāolí <lit.> to suffer.⁵⁴
遭难[遭難] däo-nàn
zāonàn meet with misfortune; suffer disaster.⁵
遭遇 däo-nguì
zāoyù meet with, encounter, run up against; (bitter) experience, (hard) lot.⁹
遭遇战[遭遇戰] däo-nguì-jën
zāoyùzhàn an unexpected battle.⁹
遭受 däo-siù
zāoshòu suffer; be subjected to; sustain.⁵
遭殃 däo-yëng
zāoyāng meet with or suffer disaster.⁵
头一遭[頭一遭] hẽo-yīt-däo
tóuyīzāo <topo.> first time/round.⁵⁴
一遭生,两遭熟[一遭生,兩遭熟] yīt-däo-säng, lēng-däo-sùk
yīzāoshēng, liǎngzāoshú Strangers at first meeting become familiar at the next.⁵
dao2 2028
164 18 däo zāo (=糟 däo zāo) distillers' grains, grains; be pickled with grains or in wine; rotten, poor; in a wretched or terrible state, in a mess.⁵
(See 糟 däo).
dao2 2029
30 5 dào dāo garrulous.¹⁰
<台> 唠叨[嘮叨] lão-dào to prattle, to chatter, talkative.
<又> äo, hāo. (See 叨 äo, hāo.)
dao4 2030
30 10 dào zào chatter.⁸
罗唣[羅唣] or 啰唣[囉唣] <文读> lõ-dào;  <白读> lão-dào  luózào to make trouble; created disturbance; to cause trouble; to harass; to nag; to worry; to talk at length.⁸ to create a disturbance; to make trouble; to harass.¹⁰
dao4 2031
61 13 dào zào sincere; earnest.¹²
慥慥 dào-dào zàozào <wr.> honest and sincere.⁵
dao4 2032
106 7 dào zào black; menial labor; a menial, a lictor; soap.⁷
皂纛[皁纛] dào-ào zàodào or dào-ùk zàodú <trad.> army flag.¹¹
皂白[皁白] dào-bàk
zàobái black and white – right and wrong.⁷
皂白不分[皁白不分] dào-bàk-būt-fün
zàobáibùfēn to fail to distinguish between right and wrong.⁷
皂荚[皁莢] dào-gâp
zàojiá or 皂角[皂角] dào-gôk/ zàojiǎo Chinese honey locust; soap pod; Gleditsia sinensis.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
皂鞋[皁鞋] dào-hãi
zàoxié traditional black cloth shoes of older women.¹⁹
皂靴[皁靴] dào-hëh
zàoxuē formerly, black riding boots, as part of formal dress.⁷
皂隶[皁隸] dào-lài
zàolì a government employed laborer or messenger in ancient times.⁷
皂枥[皁櫪] dào-lēik
zàolì a stable.⁷
皂衣[皁衣] dào-yï
zàoyī black garments.²⁴
青红皂白[青紅皁白] tëin-hũng-dào-bàk qīnghóngzàobái black and white; right and wrong; good and bad.⁶
(See 皂 dào).
dao4 2033
106 7 dào zào soap.⁷
皂化 dào-fä zàohuà <chem.> saponification.⁷
皂化剂[皂化劑] dào-fä-jäi
zàohuàjì <chem.> saponifier.⁷
皂石 dào-sêk
zàoshí saponite; soapstone; soaprock.⁶
(See 皁 dào).
dao4 2034
118 16 dào zào  <wr.> secondary; subsidiary.⁵ <wr.> subordinate; affiliated.⁶
簉弄 dào-lùng zàonòng a ditty; a little tune.⁵⁴
簉室 dào-sīt
zàoshì <wr.> <old> concubine.⁶
dao4 2035
162 10 dào zào make, build, create; invent, cook up, concoct; train, educate; <wr.> go to, arrive at; one of the two parties in a legal agreement or lawsuit; <topo.> crop.⁵
(composition: ⿺辶告; U+9020).
造就 dào-diù zàojiù bring up, train; achievements; attainments (usually of young people).⁵
造反 dào-fān
zàofǎn rise in rebellion; rebel; revolt.⁵
造访[造訪] dào-fōng
zàofǎng <wr.> pay a visit; call on.⁵
造房子 dào-fông-dū
zàofángzi build a house.⁵
造福 dào-fūk
zàofú bring benefit to; benefit.⁵
造句 dào-guî/
zàojù sentence-making.⁵
造诣[造詣] dào-ngài
zàoyì (academic or artistic) attainments.⁵
造孽 dào-ngēik
zàoniè <Budd.> do evil; commit a sin.⁵
造成 dào-sẽin
zàochéng to bring about; create; cause.¹⁰
造船 dào-sõn
zàochuán shipbuilding.⁵
造谣惑众[造謠惑眾] dào-yẽl-vàk-jüng
zàoyáohuòzhòng fabricate rumors to mislead people.⁵
天造地设[天造地設] hëin-dào-ì-sēt
tiānzàodìshè lit. made by Heaven and arranged by Earth (idiom); ideal; perfect; (of a match) made in heaven.¹⁰
一年三造 yīt-nẽin-xäm-dào
yīniánsānzào <topo.> three crops a year.⁵
dao4 2036
86 7 dâo zào kitchen stove, cooking stove.⁸ (variant: 竈 dâo).
(composition: ⿰火土; U+7076).
灶火 dâo-fō zàohuo kitchen; oven.⁸
灶间[灶間] dâo-gän
zàojiān kitchen; cookroom.⁹
灶具 dâo-guì
zàojù <topo.> cooking utensils.⁸
灶君 dâo-gün
zàojūn the kitchen god.⁹
灶头[灶頭] dâo-hẽo
zàotou cooking stove; kitchen place.⁹
灶台[灶臺] dâo-hõi
zàotái top of a kitchen range.⁹
灶披间[灶披間] dâo-pï-gän
zàopījiān <topo.> kitchen.⁸
灶房 dâo-põng
zàofáng <topo.> kitchen.⁸
灶神 dâo-sĩn
zàoshén kitchen god.⁸
灶王爷[灶王爺] Dâo-Võng-Yẽh
Zàowángyé Kitchen God.⁸
(See 竈 dâo.)
dao5 2037
116 19 𥨫
dâo zào (=竈 dâo zào kitchen stove, cooking stove.⁸).²  a fire place; a furnace.²⁵
(composition: ⿳穴丿黽; U+25A2B).
(See dâo).
dao5 2038
116 21 dâo zào (=灶 dâo zào) kitchen stove, cooking stove.⁸
(variant: 𥨫
❄{⿳穴丿黽} dâo zào).
(composition: ⿳穴土 黽; U+7AC8).
祠竈 xũ-dâo
cízào to sacrifice to the kitchen god; to practice alchemy.¹⁴
(Note: The simplified form for this character was approved to be 灶 dâo
zào in mainland China in 1965; In traditional Chinese in Taiwan, this character is consider to be a variant of 灶).
(See 灶 dâo; 𥨫❄{⿳穴丿黽} dâo).
dao5 2039
9 3 dàp (<old>=集 dàp triple; tri-).²ʼ⁸ to assemble. to gather together.⁸
(composition: ⿱人一; U+4EBC).
(See 集 dàp).
dap4 2040
9 4 dàp shí assorted; miscellaneous.
炒什锦[炒什錦] chāo-dàp-gīm chǎoshíjǐn fried mixed vegetables with or without meat.⁵⁴
什锦[什錦] dàp-gīm
shíjǐn or 十锦[十錦] dàp-gīm shíjǐn (food) assorted; mixed; assortment.¹⁰
什锦烩饭[什錦燴飯] dàp-gīm-köi-fàn
shíjǐnhuìfàn rice mixed with fancy ingredients.
什菜 dàp-töi
shícài mixed vegetables.
鸡什[雞什] gäi-dàp
jīshí giblet.
肉丝什锦菜[肉絲什錦菜] ngùk-xü-dàp-gīm-töi
ròusīshíjǐncài slivers of pork with mixed vegetables.
<又> sìm, sìp.
(See 什 sìm, sìp.)
dap4 2041
30 22 dàp long-winded; wordy; talkative.⁸ sound.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口贊; U+56CB).
嘈囋 tão-dàp cáozá (<old> for 嘈杂[嘈雜] tão-dàp cáozá noisy, rackety, clamorous.⁶) noise; the sound of a drum.²⁴
<又> dän; tän.
(See 囋 dän; 囋 tän).
dap4 2042
112 8 dàp duō (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 矺 jàk zhà.) the noise of dashing anything on the ground.²⁵
<又> jàk, jä, jēt, hōk.
(See 矺 jàk, jä, jēt, hōk.)
dap4 2043
145 17 dàp (=雜 dàp miscellaneous, sundry, mixed; mix, mingle.⁵).¹⁴
(composition: ⿰衤集; U+894D).
(See 雜 dàp).
dap4 2044
145 22 dàp make a surprise attack (on); raid.⁶
抄袭[抄襲] chäo-dàp chāoxí to plagiarize; to copy; to attack the flank or rear of an enemy.¹⁰
袭爵[襲爵] dàp-dēk
xíjué receive hereditary rank.¹¹
袭击[襲擊] dàp-gēik
xíjī make a surprise attack (on); assault/attack by surprise; make a foray.⁶
袭占[襲占] dàp-jëm
xízhàn attack and capture.⁸
袭扰[襲擾] dàp-ngêl
xírǎo harass; attack repeatedly.⁶
袭取[襲取] dàp-tuī
xíqǔ take by surprise; capture by a surprise attack.⁶
袭夺[襲奪] dàp-ùt
xíduó attack and take an unprepared city.⁸
袭用[襲用] dàp-yùng
xíyòng take over.⁸
偷袭[偷襲] hëo-dàp
tōuxí make a surprise/sneak attack.⁶
空袭[空襲] hüng-dàp
kōngxí air strike/raid/attack.⁶
世袭[世襲] säi-dàp
shìxí be hereditary.⁶
因袭[因襲] yïn-dàp
yīnxí to follow old patterns; to imitate existing models; to continue along the same lines.¹⁰
dap4 2045
172 12 dàp gather, collect, assemble; collection, anthology; part, volume, serial; marketplace, market, country fair.⁶
悲喜交集 bï-hī-gäo-dàp bēixǐjiāojí have mingled/mixed feelings of grief and joy.⁶
集资[集資] dàp-dü
jízī to raise money; to accumulate funds.¹⁰
集聚资金[集聚資金] dàp-duì-dü-gïm
jíjù zījīn to accumulate funds.⁵⁴
集体[集體] dàp-hāi
jítǐ collective; social; team.¹⁰
集合 dàp-hàp
jíhé gather, assemble; collect, compile.⁶
集团[集團] dàp-hõn
jítuán group; clique; bloc; circle, ring.⁶
集中 dàp-jüng
jízhōng concentrate; centralize; put together.⁶
集市 dàp-sî
jíshì county/rural fair; market; marketplace.⁶
集韵[集韻] Dàp-vùn
Jíyùn Jiyun, lit. Collected Rimes, a book of rimes (1037 CE)  containing 53,525 entries.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
集思广益[集思廣益] dàp-xü-gōng-yēik
jísīguǎngyì pool the wisdom of the masses and absorb all useful ideas.⁶
集萃 dàp-xuì
jícuì fine collection.⁶
集腋成裘 dàp-yìt-sẽin-kiũ
jíyèchéngqiú the finest fragments of fox fur sewn together will make a robe – many a little makes a mickle.⁵
文集 mũn-dàp
wénjí collected works.⁸
收集 siü-dàp
shōují collect; gather.⁶
dap4 2046
172 18 dàp miscellaneous, sundry, mixed; mix, mingle.⁵
(variants: 雥, 襍 dàp). (See 雥, 襍 dàp).
or 杂沓[雜沓] dàp-àp zátà numerous and disorderly.⁶
杂货[雜貨] dàp-fö
záhuò sundry goods; groceries.⁵
杂交[雜交] dàp-gäo
zájiāo <bio.> hybridize; cross.⁵
杂技[雜技] dàp-gì
zájì acrobatics.⁵
杂志[雜志] dàp-jï
zázhì magazine; records; notes.⁵
杂质[雜質] dàp-jīt
zázhì impurity; <chem.> foreign matter or substance.⁵
杂剧[雜劇] dàp-kēk
zájù poetic drama set to music, flourishing in the Yuan-dynasty (1271-1368).⁵
杂粮[雜糧] dàp-lẽng
záliáng food grains other than wheat and rice.⁵
杂乱[雜亂] dàp-lòn
záluàn jumbled up.⁹
杂文[雜文] dàp-mũn
záwén essay.⁵
杂念[雜念] dàp-nèm
zániàn distracting thoughts.⁵
杂糅[雜糅] dàp-ngẽl
záróu mix; mingle; blend.⁶
杂草[雜草] dàp-tāo
zácǎo weeds; rank grass.⁵
杂凑[雜湊] dàp-tëo
zácòu put dissimilar things together.¹¹
杂烩[雜燴] dàp-vòi
or dàp-köi záhuì a stew; fig. a disparate collection.¹⁰
<台> 杂碎[雜碎] dàp-xuï chop suey.
dap4 2047
172 24 dàp (=杂[雜] dàp ) miscellaneous; mixed.³⁶ a flock of birds.²⁵
雥集 dàp-dàp zájí to flock together.²⁵
dap4 2048
30 15 dät (phonetic); command to a horse; clatter (of horses' hoofs).¹⁰
哒哒[噠噠] dät-dät dādā <ono.> click; tick.
咔哒[咔噠] kā-dät
kādā <ono.> click.
啪哒[啪噠] päk-dät
pādā <ono.> sound of object falling into water; plop.¹⁰
<台> jump, beat: 心哒[心噠] xïm-dät heartbeat.
<又> ât.
(See 噠 ât, àt.)
dat2 2049
38 8 dēh jiě elder sister, sister; elder female relative of the same generation in the clan; general term for young woman.⁶
大姐 ài-dēh dàjiě eldest sister; elder sister (a polite form of address for a woman about one's own age).⁶
姐姐 dēh-dēh
jiějie elder sister; sister.⁶
姐夫 dēh-fü
jiěfu or 姐丈 dēh-jèng jiězhàng brother-in-law (elder sister's husband).⁶
姐妹 dēh-môi
jiěmèi sisters; brothers and sisters, siblings.⁶
姐妹学校[姐妹學校] dēh-môi-hòk-hào
jiěmèixuéxiào sister school/university.⁶
姐妹城市 dēh-môi-sẽin-sî
jiěmèichéngshì sister city; twin city.⁶
姐妹船 dēh-môi-sõn
jiěmèichuán sister ship.⁶
姐儿[姐兒] dēh-ngĩ
jiěr <topo.> sisters (including the person spoken to or about); brothers and sisters; siblings.⁶
姐儿仨[姐兒仨] dēh-ngĩ-xäm
jiěrsā <topo.> three sisters.⁵⁴
小姐 xēl-dēh
xiǎojie young lady; miss; (slang) prostitute.¹⁰
deh1 2050
38 11 dēh jiě (<old>=姐 dēh jiě elder sister, sister; elder female relative of the same generation in the clan; general term for young woman.⁶);  <Sichuan 四川 Qiang 羌 nationality dialect> mother.⁸
(composition: ⿰女者; U+5A8E).
deh1 2051
9 10 dëh jiè to lend; to borrow.
借花献佛[借花獻佛] dëh-fä-hün-fùt jièhuāxiànfó to offer presents provided by someone else.
借鉴[借鑒] dëh-gäm
jièjiàn or 借镜[借鏡] dëh-gëng jièjìng use for reference; draw lessons from; draw on the experience of.⁵
借光 dëh-göng
jièguāng Excuse me; reflected glory; to profit from somebody else's prestige.
借贷[借貸] dëh-häi
jièdài borrow or lend money; debit and credit sides.⁵
借箸 dëh-jì
jièzhù lit. to borrow chopsticks – to make plans for somebody else.¹⁰
借书证[借書證] dëh-sï-jëin
jièshūzhèng library card.
借尸还魂[借屍還魂] dëh-sï-vãn-vũn
jièshīhuánhún (of a dead person's soul) find reincarnation in anoher corpse – (of something evil) revive in a new guise.⁵
借宿 dëh-xūk
jièsù ask for a night's lodging.⁵
借喻 dëh-yì
jièyù to use something as a metaphor.¹⁰
借用 dëh-yùng
jièyòng to borrow; to use something for another purpose; borrowing.
<又> dèik.
(See 借 dèik.)
deh2 2052
30 12 dëh  jiē (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 嗟 dèh jiē <wr.> to sigh, to lament.⁶.)
<又> dèh.
(See 嗟 dèh.)
deh2 2053
30 12 dèh jiē <wr.> to sigh, to lament.⁶
嗟悔 dèh-fōi or dëh-fōi jiēhuǐ <wr.> to regret, to lament.⁶
嗟悔无及[嗟悔無及] dèh-fōi-mũ-gèp
or dëh-fōi-mũ-gèp jiēhuǐwújí too late to sigh or regret; too late for regrets and lamentations.⁶
嗟叹[嗟嘆] dèh-hän
or dëh-hän jiētàn <wr.> to sigh with grief or regret; to lament.⁶
嗟叹不已[嗟嘆不已] dèh-hän-būt-yî
or dëh-hän-būt-yî jiētànbùyǐ to sigh without ceasing.³⁹
嗟欤[嗟歟] dèh-yĩ
or dëh-yĩ jiēyú Alas!¹⁴
<又> dëh.
(See 嗟 dëh.)
deh4 2054
75 14 dèh xiè a pavilion or house on a terrace.⁵
池榭 chĩ-dèh chíxiè pond and terrace in a rich mansion.¹¹
歌台舞榭[歌臺舞榭] gô-hõi-mū-dèh
gētáiwǔxiè entertainment setup; place for dancing and singing.⁶
台榭[臺榭] hõi-dèh
táixiè terraces and open halls.¹¹
楼榭[樓榭] lẽo-dèh
lóuxiè towers and terrace halls¹¹
水榭 suī-dèh
shuǐxiè waterside pavilion.⁵
deh4 2055
145 10 dèh jiē (composition: ⿰衤且; U+8893).
袓厉[袓厲] dèh-lài jiēlì Jieli, an old district name.⁸
<又> duī.
(See 袓 duī).
deh4 2056
149 13 𧧬
dèh xiè (=谢[謝] dèh xiè to thank).⁸ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿹𢦏言; U+279EC).
(See 謝 dèh).
deh4 2057
149 17 dèh xiè to thank; to apologize; to wither (of flowers, leaves); to decline; Xie surname. (variants: 𧬄❄{⿲言身矢}, 𧧬❄{⿹𢦏言} dèh).
不谢[不謝] būt-dèh
bùxiè <court.> don't mention it; not at all; You're welcome.
谢谢[謝謝] dèh-dèh
xièxie thank you.
谢过[謝過] dèh-gö
xièguò <wr.> to apologize for wrongdoing.
谢悃[謝悃] dèh-gūn
or dèh-kūn xièkǔn (my) sincere gratitude.¹¹
谢天谢地[謝天謝地] dèh-hëin-dèh-ì
xiètiānxièdì thank goodness; thank heaven.
谢帖[謝帖] dèh-hēp
xiètiě <trad.> note of thanks, thank-you note.⁶
谢启[謝啟] dèh-kāi
xièqǐ a note of thanks.⁵
谢忱[謝忱] dèh-sẽim
xièchén gratitude.¹¹
花谢[花謝] fä-dèh
huāxiè flower wilts.
花开花谢[花開花謝] fä-höi-fä-dèh
huākāihuāxiè Flowers bloom and fade.
感谢[感謝] gām-dèh
gǎnxiè thank; be grateful.⁵
代谢[代謝] òi-dèh
dàixiè to supersede; to metabolize; to express thanks to somebody on behalf of others.
多谢[多謝] ü-dèh
duōxiè many thanks; thanks a lot.
(See 𧬄❄{⿲言身矢}, 𧧬❄{⿹𢦏言} dèh).
deh4 2058
149 19 𧬄
dèh xiè original character for 谢[謝] dèh xiè to thank; to apologize; to wither (of flowers, leaves); to decline).²
(composition: ⿲言身矢; U+27B04).
(See 謝 dèh).
deh4 2059
19 13 dēik (=绩[績] dēik )  achievements, conduct deserving. merit; accomplishment.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰責力; U+52E3).
(See 績 dēik).
deik1 2060
26 7 dēik approach, reach, be near; assume, undertake; prompted by the occasion; now, present moment, immediate future; promptly, at once, immediately; exactly, precisely; namely; even, even if.⁶  (variant: 卽 dēik ). (See 卽 dēik).
即将[即將] dēik-dëng
jíjiāng about (to do something); on the point of (doing something); soon; in no time.⁶
即景 dēik-gēin
jíjǐng <wr.> be inspired by what one sees.⁶
即景生情 dēik-gēin-säng-tẽin
jíjǐngshēngqíng the scene before one's eyes strikes a chord in one's heart.⁶
即景诗[即景詩] dēik-gēin-sï
jíjǐngshī extempore verse.⁶
即刻 dēik-hāk
jíkè immediately; instantly.¹⁰ at once.¹¹
即行 dēik-hãng
jíxíng put into practice immediately; carry out right away; implement at once.⁶
即兴[即興] dēik-hëin
jíxìng extemporize; improvise.⁶
即期 dēik-kĩ
jíqī <econ.> immediate; spot.⁶
即期付款 dēik-kĩ fù-fōn
jíqī fùkuǎn payment on demand.⁶
即令 dēik-lèin
jílìng even; even if/though.⁶
即若 dēik-ngèk
jíruò <wr.> even; even if/though.⁶
即食 dēik-sèik
jíshí (of food) instant.⁶
即食面[即食麵] dēik-sèik-mèin
jíshímiàn instant noodles.⁶
即使 dēik-xū
jíshǐ even; even if; even though.⁶
即事 dēik-xù
jíshì write out of inspiration.⁶
即事诗[即事詩] dēik-xù-sï
jíshìshī extempore poem.⁶

deik1 2061
26 9 dēik (=即 dēik ) approach, reach, be near; assume, undertake; prompted by the occasion; now, present moment, immediate future; promptly, at once, immediately; exactly, precisely; namely; even, even if.⁶ immediately, now; then, accordingly; indicates supposition or sequence; even 9f, 9f, even; to go to, to approach.¹⁴
卽便 dēik-bèin
jíbiàn (or 卽輕, 卽時) at this time; forthwith.¹⁴
卽席 dēik-dèik
jíxí on the spot; at once; at the same time.¹⁴
卽将满期[卽將滿期] dēik-dëng-mōn-kĩ
jíjiāngmǎnqī about to expire, as a term, etc.¹⁴
卽吉 dēik-gīt
jíjí to leave/take off mourning garments.¹⁴
卽刻 dēik-hāk
jíkè (or 卽今, 立卽) at once.¹⁴
卽可 dēik-hō
jíkě may then.¹⁴ that will do.⁵⁴
or 卽照 dēik-jël jízhào the light of fireflies.¹⁴
卽日 dēik-ngìt
jírì on the same day.¹⁴
卽如 dēik-nguĩ
jírú or 卽使 dēik-xū jíshǐ for example; supposing; if; should it be so.¹⁴
卽世 dēik-säi
jíshì to depart this life.¹⁴
卽速 dēik-tūk
jísù quickly; in haste.¹⁴
卽或 dēik-vàk
jíhuò or else; suppose that.¹⁴
卽位 dēik-vì
jíwèi to ascend the throne.¹⁴
卽此 dēik-xū
jícǐ just this; thus.¹⁴
(See 即 dēik).
deik1 2062
30 6 dēik (=唧 dēik <ono.> to pump (water), chirp sound.¹⁰).¹⁹
(composition: ⿰口子; U+5407).
<又> dū.
(See 吇 dū; 唧 dēik).
deik1 2063
30 10 dēik spurt; squirt.⁵ chirping of insects; to pump.⁵⁴
(variants: 喞, 𠷌❄{⿰口則} dēik ).
(composition: ⿰口即; U+5527).
吧唧 bä-dēik
bājī <ono.> squishing sound.¹⁰
唧唧 dēik-dēik
jījī chirp.⁵ <ono.> chirping of insects, sighing noise.¹⁰
唧唧喳喳 dēik-dēik-jā-jā
jījizhāzhā twittering; jabbering.²²
唧咕 dēik-gū
jīgū whisper.⁸
唧筒 dēik-hûng
jītǒng a pump.¹¹
唧哝[唧噥] dēik-nũng
jīnóng talk in a low voice; whisper.⁵
唧啾 dēik-tiü
jījiū babble.⁸ <ono.> babble; twittering of birds.¹⁰
咕唧 gū-dēik
gūjī to squelch.⁵ to whisper; to mutter.¹⁰
哼唧 häng-dēik
hēngji to whisper.¹⁰
啾唧 tiü-dēik
jiūjī chirps, noisy.⁸ chatter.⁹
(See 喞 dēik; 𠷌❄{⿰口則} dēik).
deik1 2064
30 12 dēik (=唧 dēik spurt; squirt.⁵ chirping of insects; to pump.⁵⁴); chirping of insects; pump.⁸
(composition: ⿰口卽; U+559E).
(See 唧 dēik).
deik1 2065
30 12 𠷌
dēik (=唧 dēik spurt; squirt.⁵ chirping of insects; to pump.⁵⁴); chirping of insects; pump.⁸
(composition: ⿰口則; U+20DCC).
(See 唧 dēik).
deik1 2066
32 10 dēik to hate.¹⁰ the snuff of a candle; to snuff at, to dislike.²⁴ to fire earth into brick; to hate.³⁶
(composition: ⿱即土; U+5832).
<又> sĩ. (See 堲 sĩ).
deik1 2067
42 4 dēik a female cicada which has decorative patterns.⁸
(composition: ⿰小乀; U+5C10).
<又> nīt. (See 尐 nīt).
deik1 2068
46 7 dēik jié mountain peak.¹⁰ the peaks in a ridge.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱巴山; U+5C8A).
夤缘山嶽之岊[夤緣山嶽之岊] yĩn-yõn sän-ngòk jï dēik yínyuán shānyuè zhī jié to ascend a high peak at night, — is like going to a high grandee for a favor; i.e. a useless effort.¹⁰²
deik1 2069
53 广 11 dēik The name of the ancient county in present-day Qionglai County (邛崃县[邛崍縣] kũng-lõi-yòn qiónglái xiàn), Sichuan Province (四川省 xü-chün-sāng sìchuān shěng).⁸ name of a district.²⁴ place name in the southeast of present-day Qinghe County (清河县[清河縣] tëin-hõ-yòn qīnghé xiàn], Hebei Province (河北省 hõ-bāk sāng héběi shěng).¹⁰¹ (Note: Same say 庴 is read in Mandarin).
(composition: ⿸广昔; U+5EB4).
<又> tü.
(See 庴 tü).
deik1 2070
75 17 dēik zhì comb; comb out; weed out, elimininate.⁸
栉比[櫛比] dēik-bī zhìbǐ placed closely side by side (like the teeth of a comb).⁸
栉比鳞次[櫛比鱗次] dēik-bī-lĩn-xü
zhìbǐlíncì placed or arranged closely together like the teeth of a comb or scales of a fish; arranged row upon row.⁶
栉比而居[櫛比而居] dēik-bī-ngĩ-guï
zhìbǐ'érjū dwelling closely together like the teeth of a comb.¹⁴
栉栉[櫛櫛] dēik-dēik
zhìzhì placed very closely together as teeth of a comb (often said of masts of boats in a fishing harbor).⁷
栉风沐雨[櫛風沐雨] dēik-füng-mûk-yî
zhìfēngmùyǔ be combed by the wind and washed by the rain; travel/work despite wind and rain; work very hard.⁶
栉工[櫛工] dēik-güng
zhìgōng a barber; a hairdresser.⁷
栉沐[櫛沐] dēik-mûk
zhìmù wash and dress.⁸
巾栉[巾櫛] gïn-dēik
jīnzhì towel and comb – concubine.¹⁴
鳞次栉比[鱗次櫛比] lĩn-xü-dēik-bī
líncìzhìbǐ (of houses) row upon row of.⁵
deik1 2071
85 9 dēik (<old>=渍[漬] dēik soak, steep, ret.⁵).¹⁹ to soak, to macerate.²⁴
(Note: Distinguish 涑 (⿰氵束; U+6D91) tūk a river in Shanxi Province that enters the Yellow River.⁹)
(composition: ⿰氵朿; U+6D13)
<又> sēik; tēik.
(See 洓 sēik; 洓 tēik).

deik1 2072
85 14 dēik steep, soak, ret; floodwater on low-lying land; be soiled (with grease); <topo.> stain, sludge.⁵
渍痕[漬痕] dēik-hân zìhén stain; spot; smear.⁵⁴
渍涝[漬澇] dēik-lâo
zìlào waterlogging.⁸
渍麻[漬麻] dēik-mã
zìmá ret flax, jute. etc.⁵⁵
渍染[漬染] dēik-ngëm
zìrǎn dye, stain, contaminate, soil.⁶
渍水[漬水] dēik-suī
zìshuǐ accumulated floodwater.⁶
浸渍[浸漬] dïm-dēik
jìnzì soak; ret; macerate.⁵
汗渍[汗漬] hòn-dēik
hànzì sweat stains.⁸
血渍[血漬] hüt-dēik
xuèzì bloodstain.⁸
墨渍[墨漬] màk-dēik
mòzì ink stain.¹¹
水渍[水漬] suī-dēik
shuǐzì water stain.¹¹
污渍[污漬] vü-dēik
wūzì blot; greasy filth.⁸ stains.⁹
油渍[油漬] yiũ-dēik
yóuzì oil/grease stain.⁶
<台> 老渍[老漬] lāo-dēik precocious.
deik1 2073
102 10 dēik (<old>=稷 dēik ), general term for 'grains'.⁸ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿳田八夂(G) or ⿳田儿夊(HT) or ⿳田儿夂(JK); U+755F).
<又> chāk.
(See 畟 chāk; 稷 dēik).
deik1 2074
104 18 dēik jiē furuncle; boil.⁶ a small sore; a pimple.¹⁴
大疖子[大癤子] ài-dēik-dū dàjiēzi heat rash.¹⁴
疖病[癤病] dēik-bèng jiébìng furunculosis.⁹
疖子[癤子] dēik-dū
jiēzi furuncle; boil.⁶ a boil; a rash.¹⁴
木疖[木癤] mùk-dēik
mùjiē abnormal swelling on tree stem.¹¹
deik1 2075
106 8 dēik taxi.⁹
打的 ā-dēik dǎdī take a taxi.⁹
的姐 dēik-dēh
dījiě female taxi driver.¹⁰
的哥 dēik-gū
or dēik-gō dīgē male cab driver; cabbie (slang).¹⁰
的士 dēik-xù
dīshì taxi.⁸
面包的士[麵包的士] mèin-bäo-dēik-xù
miànbāodīshì taxi van.⁵⁴
面的[麵的] mèin-dēik
miàndī (abbreviation for 面包车的士 [麵包車的士] mèin-bäo-chëh-dēik-xù miànbāochē dīshì) minivan taxi.¹⁰
<台> 的骰 dēik-sēik small and exquisite, delicate, fine, nifty; meticulous.
<台> 的市 dēik-sî/ taxi.
<台> 面包的市[麵包的市] mèin-bäo-dēik-sî/ taxi van.
<台> 面包车的市 [麵包車的市] mèin-bäo-chëh-dēik-sî/ minivan taxi.
(See 的 [ēik, de], [ēik, ], [ēik, ].)
deik1 2076
112 16 dēik gravel and sand in shallow waters; a desert.⁷
兵碛[兵磧] bëin-dēik bīngqì <geol.> moraine.⁵⁴
碛压[磧壓] dēik-āt
qìyā sediments of gravel.¹¹
碛砾[磧礫] dēik-lèik
qìlì piles of gravel.¹¹
碛卤[磧鹵] dēik-lū
qìlǔ sandy and saline land; barren land.⁷
沙碛[沙磧] sâ-dēik
shāqì <wr.> desert dunes.¹¹
deik1 2077
113 14 dēik (<old>=稷 dēik god of grains worshipped by ancient emperors; <old> millet.⁶ panicled millet; quick; declining.¹⁴).⁸
(composition: ⿰礻畟; U+799D).
(See 稷 dēik).
deik1 2078
115 15 dēik god of grains worshipped by ancient emperors; <old> millet.⁶ panicled millet; quick; declining.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰禾畟; U+7A37).
稷子 dēik-dū jìzi variety of millet.¹⁴
稷黍 dēik-sī
jìshǔ variety of millet.¹⁴
执干戈卫社稷[執干戈衛社稷] jīp-gön-fö-vì-sêh-dēik
zhí gāngē wèi shèjì take up arms to defend the state.⁹
日下稷 ngìt-hä-dēik
rìxiàjì as the sun declined.¹⁴
社稷 sêh-dēik
shèjì the god of the land and the god of grain – the state; the country.⁵
社稷之臣 sêh-dēik-jï-sĩn
shèjìzhīchén bulwark/pillar of the state.⁶
社稷所赖[社稷所賴] sêh-dēik-sō-lài
shèjìsuǒlài the mainstay of the country and the people; pillars of society; the salt of the earth.⁵⁴
湖南稷子 Vũ-nãm dēik-dū
Húnán jìzi or 湖南稗子 Vũ-nãm pâi-dū Húnán bàizi Indian barnyard millet, sawa millet, billion dollar grass (Echinochloa frumentacea), a species of Echinochloa, aka 参子[參子].¹⁵ʼ²⁰
deik1 2079
115 16 dēik amass, store up, accumulate; long-standing, long-pending, age-old; <TCM> indigestion; product.⁵
积德[積德] dēik-āk jīdé be given to kindness and charity; (sarcastic) behave oneself.¹¹
积压[積壓] dēik-āt
jīyā overstock; keep long in stock.⁶
积冰[積冰] dēik-bëin
jībīng ice accretion.¹⁰
积贮[積貯] dēik-chuî
jīzhù to stockpile.¹⁰
积蓄[積蓄] dēik-chūk
jīxù to save; to put aside; savings.¹⁰
积习[積習] dēik-dìp
jīxí old habits.¹¹
积极[積極] dēik-gèik
jījí (of a person's attitude or outlook) positive, energetic, affirmative, optimistic, resolute.¹¹
积累[積累] dēik-luì
jīlěi accumulate.⁹
积木[積木] dēik-mùk
jīmù children's toy wooden blocks.¹¹
积沙成塔[積沙成塔] dēik-sâ-sẽin-hāp
jīshāchéngtǎ great things rise from small beginnings.⁷
积少成多[積少成多] dēik-sēl-sẽin-ü
jīshǎochéngduō amass little by little; many a little make a mickle.⁶
积云[積雲] dēik-vũn
jīyún cumulus.⁷
积雪[積雪] dēik-xūt
jīxuě accumulated snow.⁶
积雨[積雨] dēik-yî
jīyǔ to rain for a long time.⁷
<台> 积彩[積彩] dēik-tōi Detroit (in Michigan).
<台> 老积[老積] lāo-dēik precocious.
deik1 2080
116 17 dēik (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciations for 䆶 tiü jiū with the same meaning: noise of a mouse in the cave.⁸ the noise of a rat in a hole.²⁵).⁸
(composition: ⿱穴焦; U+41B6).
<又> tiü.
(See 䆶 tiü).
deik1 2081
118 13 dēik jié festival; section; segment; part; to economize; to save; to abridge; moral integrity.
春节[春節] Chün-dēik Chūnjié the Spring Festival.⁵
节奏[節奏] dēik-dëo
jiézòu rhythm; beat.
节庆[節慶] dēik-hëin
jiéqìng festival.¹⁰
节气[節氣] dēik-hï
jiéqi solar terms, solar periods; the day marking the beginning of a solar term.
节旄[節旄] dēik-mão
jiémáo tassels on a tally.⁷ a tasselled staff sent with an imperial courier.¹⁴
节目[節目] dēik-mùk
jiémù program; item (on a program); number.⁵
节日[節日] dēik-ngìt
jiérì festival; holiday.
dêik-ngòi-säng-jï jiéwàishēngzhī a new branch grows out of a knot (idiom); fig. side issues keep arising.¹⁰
节省[節省] dēik-sāng
jiéshěng saving; to save; to use sparingly; to cut down on.¹⁰
节约[節約] dēik-yēk
jiéyuē to economize; to save; to conclude a treaty.
节钺[節鉞] dēik-yòt
jiéyuè a battle-axe; formerly, symbol of authority of military commander.¹¹
气节[氣節] hï-dēik
qìjié moral or political integrity.⁵⁶
细节[細節] xäi-dēik
xìjié details.⁵⁶
<又> dëik, dêik.
(See 節 [dēik, jiē], dëik, dêik.)
deik1 2082
118 13 dēik jiē 节骨眼[節骨眼] dēik-gūt-ngān jiēguyǎn <topo.> juncture, point, crux; critical moment.
发而皆中节[發而皆中節] fät-ngĩ-gäi-jüng-dēik
fā ér jiē zhòngjié <wr.> Emotions are expressed justly.¹ (emotions) are expressed justly (not repressed)¹¹. (the feelings) manifested aright.¹⁴
<又> dëik, dêik.
(See 節 [dēik, jié], dëik, dêik.)
deik1 2083
120 17 dēik achievement; accomplishment; merit.⁵ to join; to piece.²⁵ (variant: 勣 dēik) Note: 績 dēik (Taiwan); 绩 dēik (PRC).
t: ⿰糹責; U+7E3E). (comp. s: ⿰纟责; U+7EE9).
绩纺[績紡] dēik-fōng
jìfǎng to spin.⁷
绩继[績繼] dēik-gäi
jìjì to connect, in succession.²⁵
绩功[績功] dēik-güng
jìgōng merit.²⁵
绩效[績效] dēik-hào
jìxiào achievement; effect; result.⁹
绩学[績學] dēik-hòk
jìxué to pursue knowledge.⁷
绩学之士[績學之士] dēik-hòk-jï-xù
jìxuézhīshì an erudite scholar.⁷
绩麻[績麻] dēik-mã
jìmá to spin hemp.⁷
绩业[績業] dēik-ngèp
jìyè a patrimony.²⁵
绩女[績女] dēik-nuī
jìnǚ a spinster (who spins).⁷
绩成[績成] dēik-sẽin
jìchéng achievements.⁷ to complete.²⁵
绩事[績事] dēik-xù
jìshì an affair.²⁵
绩用[績用] dēik-yùng
jìyòng utility; use.⁷
纺绩[紡績] fōng-dēik
fǎngjì to spin thread.²⁵
功绩[功績] güng-dēik
gōngjì merits and achievements; contribution.⁵
业绩[業績] ngèp-dēik
yèjì outstanding achievement.⁵
成绩[成績] sẽin-dēik
chéngjì scholastic records; result; military accomplishments.¹¹
<又> dëk.
(See 績 dëk; 勣 dēik.)
deik1 2084
140 10 dēik jié (=节[節] dēik jié festival; section; segment; part; to economize; to save; to abridge; moral integrity).
(composition: ⿱艹即; U+83AD).
<又> dëik; dêik.
(See 莭 [dēik, jiē]; 莭 dëik; 莭 dêik; 節 [dēik, jié]).
deik1 2085
140 10 dēik jiē (=节[節] dēik jiē critical juncture.
(composition: ⿱艹即; U+83AD).
<又> dëik; dêik.
(See 莭 [dēik, jié]; 莭 dëik; 莭 dêik; 節 [dēik, jiē]).
deik1 2086
142 17 𧐐
dēik a small tortoise shell.²⁵ (=鰿 dēik <old> small cowrie shell).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰虫責; U+27410).
(See 鰿 dēik).
deik1 2087
145 16 dēik a pleat, fold, tuck, crease.⁸
襞襀 bēik-dēik bìjī pleats (in a skirt).⁷
deik1 2088
157 17 dēik to walk daintily; to walk with small steps.⁷
跼蹐 gùk-dēik jújí not stretched; confined.⁷
跼天蹐地 gùk-hëin-dēik-ì
jútiānjídì not stretched; confined; restricted.⁷
蹙蹐 tūk-dēik
cùjí to hesitate to advance.⁷
deik1 2089
157 18 dēik (=迹[跡] dēik ) footprint; outward sign, indication; exploits, deed; remains, ruins, vestige; mark, trace.⁶
(See 跡 dēik; 跡 dêk.)
deik1 2090
162 9 𨒪
dēik ("large seal" calligraphy equivalent of 迹[跡] dēik footprint; outward sign, indication; exploits, deed; remains, ruins, vestige; mark, trace.⁶).²
(Note: Distinguish 速 (U+901F) tūk fast, rapid, quick, speedy; speed, velocity; <wr.> invite.⁵).
(composition: ⿺辶朿; U+284AA).
deik1 2091
162 13 dēik footprint; outward sign, indication; exploits, deed; remains, ruins, vestige; mark, trace.⁶ (The pronunciation of 迹[跡] was changed from jī to jì in 1985). (variant: 蹟 dēik).
陈迹[陳跡] chĩn-dēik chénjì relics; a thing of the past.⁸
迹盗[跡盜] dēik-ào
jìdào ferret out robbers.¹¹
迹捕[跡捕] dēik-bù
jìbǔ to shadow and arrest.¹¹
迹象[跡象] dēik-dèng
jìxiàng sign; indication.⁵
迹地[跡地] dēik-ì
jìdì <forest.> slash.⁵
迹印[跡印] dēik-yïn
jìyìn imprints.¹¹
足迹[足跡] dūk-dēik
zújì footmark; footprints; track.⁵
古迹[古跡] gū-dēik
gǔjì historical sites.¹⁰
痕迹[痕跡] hân-dēik
hénjì mark, trace, vestige.⁵
行迹[行跡] hãng-dēik
xíngjì movements; tracks; traces.⁶
血迹[血跡] hūt-dēik
xuèjì bloodstain.⁵
奇迹[奇跡] kĩ-dēik
qíjì miracle; wonder; marvel.⁵
史迹[史跡] xū-dēik
shǐjì historical site; historical relics.⁶
事迹[事跡] xù-dēik
shìjì deed; achievement.⁵
形迹[形跡] yẽin-dēik
xíngjì a person's movements and expression; formality.⁵
形迹可疑[形跡可疑] yẽin-dēik-hō-ngĩ
xíngjìkěyí suspicious appearance; suspicious-looking.⁵
<又> dêk.
(See 跡 dêk; 蹟 dēik.)
deik1 2092
195 18 dēik (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 鲫[鯽] dāk with same meaning: crucian carp.⁵ a gold carp.⁷ the bastard carp.¹⁴)
<又> dāk.
(See 鯽 dāk.)
deik1 2093
195 22 鰿 dēik a small shell fish or cowry.²⁵ <old> small cowrie shell; (=鲫[鯽] dāk or dēik crucian carp.⁵ a gold carp.⁷ the bastard carp.¹⁴).³⁶ (variant: 𧐐❄{⿰虫責} dēik ).
(composition: ⿰魚責; U+9C3F).
鰿鲋[鰿鮒] dēik-fù
jìfù a small kind of perch.²⁵
(See 鯽 dāk; 𧐐❄{⿰虫責} dēik).
deik1 2094
195 24 dēik jié a kind of fish; grown in fresh water; with flat body; orange-colored or blue-colored pattern.⁸ the bream.²⁵
金䲙 gïm-dēik jīnjié a yellowish carp.²⁵
deik1 2095
196 18 dēik wagtail.⁸ (=鹡[鶺] dëk as in 鹡鸰 dëk-lẽin jílíng wagtail.)
(composition: ⿰即鳥; U+4CED).
穗䳭 xuì-dēik
suìjí northern wheatear or wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
deik1 2096
118 13 dëik jié festival; red-letter day; holiday.⁵⁶
火鸡节快乐[火雞節快樂] fō-gäi-dëik-fäi-lòk huǒjījié kuàilè Happy Thanksgiving!
过节[過節] gö-dëik
guòjié celebrate a festival.⁵ celebrate (or observe) a festival.⁵⁶
逢年过节[逢年過節] fũng-nẽin-gö-dëik
féngniánguòjié on New Year's Day or other festivals.⁵
or 圣诞快乐![聖誕快樂!] Jūk sëin-än-dëik-fäi-lòk! or Sëin-än-fäi-lòk! Zhù shèngdànjié kuàilè! or Shèng dàn kuàilè! Merry Christmas!
<又> dēik,  dêik.
(See 節 [dēik, jié], [dēik, jiē],  dêik.)
deik2 2097
140 10 dëik jié (=节[節] dëik jié festival; red-letter day; holiday.
(composition: ⿱艹即; U+83AD).
<又> dēik; dêik.
(See 莭 [dēik, jié]; 莭 [dēik, jiē]; 莭 dêik; 節 dëik).
deik2 2098
9 10 dèik jiè to make use of; to take advantage of (an opportunity); to make a pretext of.⁶
借机[借機] dèik-gï jièjī to seize an opportunity.¹⁰
or 藉故 dèik-gü jiègù to find an excuse.⁶
or 藉口 dèik-hēo jièkǒu to use as an excuse or a pretext.⁶
or 藉端 dèik-ön jièduān to use as a pretext.⁶
or 藉词[藉詞] dèik-xũ jiècí to give as an excuse; on the pretext that.¹¹ loanword; pretext.¹⁰
or 凭藉[憑藉] pãng-dèik píngjiè to rely on; to depend on; by means of; thanks to; something that one relies on.¹⁰
<又> dëh.
(See 借 dëh.)
deik4 2099
32 13 dèik poor land; the ridge of a hill.²⁴
(composition: ⿰土脊; U+5849).
塉埆 dèik-kōk jíquè barren land.¹³
deik4 2100
36 3 dèik Kangxi radical 36. sunset; evening, night.⁵ dusk, sunset, evening; night; slant, oblique; to meet in the evening; Xi surname.⁷
旦夕 än-dèik dànxī <wr.> this morning or evening – a short time.⁵
除夕 Chuĩ-dèik
Chúxī New Year's Eve.⁵
夕晖[夕暉] dèik-fï
xīhuī slanting rays of the setting sun; brilliance of the sunset.⁷
夕照 dèik-jël
xīzhào evening sunshine; glow of the setting sun; evening glow.⁶
夕岚[夕嵐] dèik-lãm
xīlán evening mist.¹¹
夕烟[夕煙] dèik-yën
xīyān evening mist.⁵ evening smoke and haze.⁶
夕阳[夕陽] dèik-yẽng
xīyáng evening sun; setting sun; declining sun.⁶
朝不保夕 jël-būt-bāo-dèik
zhāobùbǎoxī not know at dawn what may happen at dusk – to be in a precarious state.⁶
朝发夕至[朝發夕至] jël-fāt-dèik-jï
zhāofāxīzhì start at dawn and arrive at dusk – it's a day's journey; it's a short journey.⁶
晨夕 sĩn-dèik
chénxī morning and evening.⁶
前夕 tẽin-dèik
qiánxī eve.⁶
deik4 2101
40 9 𡧯
dèik (=寂 dèik quiet, still, silent; lonely, lonesome, solitary.⁵).²
(composition: ⿱宀尗; U+219EF).
(See 寂 dèik).
deik4 2102
40 11 dèik quiet, still, silent; lonely, lonesome, solitary.⁵
不甘寂寞 būt-gäm-dèik-mōk bùgānjìmò unwilling to be left out, overlooked.¹⁰
沉寂 chĩm-dèik
chénjì quiet, still; no news.⁵
沉寂无闻[沉寂無聞] chĩm-dèik-mũ-mũn
chénjìwúwén (person) unknown; (character, style) contemplative.¹¹
寂寂 dèik-dèik
jìjì quiet, still, silent.⁶
寂静[寂靜] dèik-dèin
jìjìng quiet, still, silent.⁵
寂寥 dèik-lẽl
jìliáo or 寥寂 lẽl-dèik liáojì <wr.> solitary; lonesome.⁶
寂默 dèik-màk
jìmò quiet, still, silent.⁶
寂寞 dèik-mōk
jìmò lonely; lonesome.⁵
寂然 dèik-ngẽin
jìrán <wr.> silent; still.⁵ still, silent; tranquil, composed.¹¹
静寂[靜寂] dèin-dèik
jìngjì calm; quiet; tranquility.⁷
枯寂 kü-dèik
kūjì bored and lonely.⁵
万籁俱寂[萬籟俱寂] màn-lài-guì-dèik
wànlàijùjì all is quiet and still; silence reigns supreme.⁶
deik4 2103
50 10 dèik seat; <m.> seat (in a legislative assembly); feast, banquet; <m.> (for banquets, talks).⁶  Xi surname.⁸
席地 dèik-ì xídì to have a mat on the ground; to sit or lie on the ground.⁶
席位 dèik-vì
xíwèi seat (at a conference, in a legislative assembly).⁶
酒席 diū-dèik
jiǔxí feast, banquet.⁶
主席 jī-dèik
zhǔxí (of a meeting) chairperson, chairman, chairwoman, chair; chairman/president (of an organization or a state).⁶
筵席 yẽn-dèik
yánxí seats arranged at a banquet; feast, banquet.⁵ a mat for sittting on; a feast, a banquet.⁷ a feast; a banquet.¹⁴
一席酒 yīt-dèik-diū
yīxíjiǔ a banquet.⁶
<又> dèk.
(See 席 dèk.)
deik4 2104
62 14 dèik jié cut, sever; stop, check; <m.> section, chunk, length; end/close by (a particular time).⁶ (variant: 擮 dèik jié).
截长补短[截長補短] dèik-chẽng-bū-ōn
jiéchángbǔduǎn take from the long to add to the short; draw on the strength of each to offset the weakness of the other.⁵
截稿 dèik-gāo
jiégǎo the deadline for the editor of a newspaper to send the last news copy to the composition room.⁷
截击[截擊] dèik-gēik
jiéjī intercept.⁵
截瘫[截癱] dèik-hān
jiétān paraplegia.⁵
截止 dèik-jī
jiézhǐ end, close; <elec.> cut-off.⁵
截肢 dèik-jï
jiézhī amputation.⁵
截至 dèik-jï
jiézhì by (a specified time); up to.⁵
截流井 dèik-liũ-dēng
jiéliújǐng catch basin.⁵
截面 dèik-mèin
jiémiàn section.⁵
截煤机[截煤機] dèik-mõi-gï
jiéméijī coal cutter; cutter.⁵
截门[截門] dèik-mõn
jiémén pipe valve.⁶
截然 dèik-ngẽin
jiérán sharply; completely.⁵
截断[截斷] dèik-òn
jiéduàn cut off, block; cut short, interrupt.⁵
截取 dèik-tuī
jiéqǔ to cut off a section of something.¹⁰
截获[截獲] dèik-vòk
jiéhuò intercept and capture.⁵
(See 擮 dèik).
deik4 2105
64 17 dèik jié (<old>=截 dèik jié cut, sever; stop, check; <m.> section, chunk, length; end/close by (a particular time).⁶).⁸ to take, to pluck; used for 截 dèik jié to cut off.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌截; U+64EE).
(See 截 dèik).
deik4 2106
72 9 dèik dié <wr.> (of the sun) move towards the west.⁶ the setting sun.⁷ the declining sun in the west.¹⁴ the sun declining towards the west; the afternoon.²⁴
昳晡 dèik-bü diébū nightfall.¹⁹
日昳 ngìt-dèik
rìdié the sun is moving towards the west.⁶ twilight, dusk, nightfall.¹¹ sunset.¹⁴
<又> yèik.
(See 昳 yèik.)
deik4 2107
85 6 dèik night tides; evening ebbtide.¹⁰
潮汐 chẽl-dèik cháoxī morning and evening tides.¹¹
deik4 2108
112 8 dèik silicon.⁸
矽晶片 dèik-dëin-pëin xījīngpiàn or 硅晶片 gï-dëin-pëin guījīngpiàn silicon chip.¹⁰
矽肺 dèik-fï
xīfèi silicosis (occupational disease of miners); grinder's disease.¹⁰
矽钢[矽鋼] dèik-gông
xīgāng silicon steel.¹⁹
矽谷 Dèik-gūk
Xīgǔ or 硅谷 Gï-gūk Guīgǔ Silicon Valley.⁸
矽质[矽質] dèik-jīt
xīzhì silicon (quality).⁵⁴
矽岩 dèik-ngãm
xīyán <min.> quartz.¹¹
矽片 dèik-pëin
xīpiàn or 硅片 gï-pëin guīpiàn <phy.> silicon chip.¹⁰
矽砂 dèik-sâ
xīshā silicon sand.⁵⁴
矽石 dèik-sêk
xīshí <min.> silica or silex.¹¹
矽藻 dèik-täo
xīzǎo or 硅藻 gï-täo guīzǎo diatom.¹⁰ <bot.> a tiny water plant, Diatomaceae.¹¹
deik4 2109
116 8 dèik a tomb or grave; the dead of night.⁷
穸穸 dèik-dèik xīxī vexed, troubled, upset; <wr.> lonely.⁶
穸惶 dèik-võng
xīhuáng <wr.> vexed, troubled, anxious; <vern.> impoverished.⁶
窀穸 jün-dèik
zhūnxī <wr.> bury, entomb; grave, tomb.⁶
窀穸之敬 jün-dèik-jï-gëin
zhūnxīzhījìng contribution towards funeral expenses.¹⁴
窀穸未安 jün-dèik-mì-ön
zhūnxīwèi'ān The corpse is not yet interred.⁵⁴
deik4 2110
118 20 dèik books, volumes, reading materials; a record or register of population; one's hometown or native place; Ji surname.⁷
秘籍 bï-dèik mìjí rare book.⁶
籍籍 dèik-dèik
jíjí confusing, disorderly; noisy, vociferous.⁷
籍贯[籍貫] dèik-gön
jíguàn one's native place or hometown.⁷
籍隶[籍隸] dèik-lài
jílì to be a native of; to hail from.⁷
籍敛[籍斂] dèik-lêm
jíliǎn to demand or collect illegal taxes.⁷
籍没[籍沒] dèik-mòt
jímò <wr.> register and confiscate (somebody's property).⁶
籍甚 dèik-sìm
jíshèn (said of reputation) widespread.⁷
国籍[國籍] gōk-dèik
guójí nationality.¹¹
古籍 gū-dèik
gǔjí ancient books.⁵
狼籍 or 狼藉 lõng-dèik
lángjí <wr.> in disorder; scattered about in a mess.⁵
书籍[書籍] sï-dèik
shūjí books; works; literature.⁵
入籍 yìp-dèik
rùjí to be naturalized.¹¹
deik4 2111
140 10 dèik to eat grass or vegetables.²⁵
<又> dôk. (See 莋 dôk.)
deik4 2112
140 17 dèik <wr.> to insult, to tread on; mixed and confused, disorderly, in a muddle/jumble.⁶ Ji surname.
杯盘狼藉[杯盤狼藉] böi-põn-lõng-dèik bēipánlángjí wine cups and dishes scattered in disorder (after a dinner).⁶ cups and dishes in complete disorder (idiom); after a riotous drinking party.⁴³
藉藉 dèik-dèik
jíjí confused, disorderly.⁶
or 狼籍 lõng-dèik lángjí <wr.> in disorder; scattered about in a mess.⁵
声名狼藉[聲名狼藉] sëin-mẽin-lõng-dèik
shēngmínglángjí to fall into discredit/disrepute; to be in bad odour; to be infamous.⁶ with a bad, tattered reputation.¹¹
(See 藉 [dèik, jiè].)
deik4 2113
140 17 dèik jiè <wr.> mat; mattress.⁶ to place something underneath.⁶ (=借 dèik jiè) to make use of.⁶
or 借故 dèik-gü jiègù to find an excuse.⁶
or 借口 dèik-hēo jièkǒu to use as an excuse or a pretext.⁶
or 借端 dèik-ön jièduān to use as a pretext.⁶
or 借词[借詞] dèik-xũ jiècí to give as an excuse; on the pretext that.¹¹ loanword; pretext.¹⁰
骀藉[駘藉] hõi-dèik
táijiè <wr.> overlapping, fouled up; to trample, crush under the feet.¹¹
枕藉 jīm-dèik
zhěnjiè lying on top of each other (of corpses in battlefield); lying in disorder; piled up (plates after dinner, dead and wounded after battle).¹¹
or 凭藉[憑藉] pãng-dèik píngjiè to rely on; to depend on; by means of; thanks to; something that one relies on.¹⁰
(See 藉 [dèik,].)
deik4 2114
145 15 dèik jiè children's garments.¹⁴
褯子 dèik-dū jièzi <topo.> diaper.⁶
deik4 2115
26 2 dêik jié Kangxi radical 26; component: 'seal'; 单耳朵[單耳朵] än-ngī-ū dān ěrduo.¹ seal; KangXi radical 26; (<old>=节[節] dêik jié) a knot, a joint.⁸ʼ²⁴ a joint; a seal; radical 26; ancient form of 節.¹⁴ credentials in the form of a document or jade tablet to certify the identity, status, power and authority of a person carrying such.⁵⁴ʼ⁰

符卩 fũ-dêik
fújié a check.²⁴
deik5 2116
26 2 dêik jié Related character: 卩  dêik jié (Original form of 㔾 which is an ancient form of 节[節] dêik jié joint.⁵.)
(composition: ⿺乚𠃌; U+353E).
(Note- 乚: U+4E5A; 𠃌: U+200CC).
(See 節 dêik; 卩 dêik).
deik5 2117
118 13 dêik jié joint.⁵ joint, node, knot.⁵⁶
关节[關節] gän-dêik guānjié joints in the human body; to bribe, a bribe; illegal transactions between the examiner and the examinee; key links, critical links.⁷
骨节[骨節] gūt-dêik
gǔjié (of bones) joint.⁵
竹节[竹節] jūk-dêik
zhújié bamboo joints.⁷
<又> dēik, dëik.
(See 節 [dēik, jié], [dēik, jiē], dëik.)
deik5 2118
140 10 dêik jié (=节[節] dêik jié joint.⁵ joint, node, knot.⁵⁶
(composition: ⿱艹即; U+83AD).
<又> dēik; dëik.
(See 莭 [dēik, jié]; 莭 [dēik, jiē]; 莭 dëik; 節 dêik).
deik5 2119
85 9 dēim bèng <loan> pump.⁵ (In Hoisanva 泵 may be pronounced as pēim, bēim, dēim, būng, and dām.)
<台> 泵水 dēim-suī to pump water.
<又> pēim, bēim, būng, dām.
(See 泵 pēim, bēim, būng, dām.)
deim1 2120
7 4 dēin jǐng 井井有条[井井有條] dēin-dēin yiû-hẽl jǐngjǐngyǒutiáo shipshape, methodical, in an orderly manner.
<又> dēng.
(See 井 dēng.)
dein1 2121
18 11 dēin jiǎn scissors; cut, divide, separate.⁸ (variants: 劗, 翦➀, 鬋➁  dēin jiǎn).
剪刀 dēin-äo
jiǎndāo scissors; shears.
剪除 dēin-chuĩ
jiǎnchú to wipe out; to annihilate.
剪子 dēin-dū
jiǎnzi scissors; shears; clippers.
剪开[剪開] dēin-höi
jiǎnkai to cut open.
剪绺[剪綹] dēin-liû
jiǎnliǔ a pickpocket.¹¹
剪草 dēin-tāo
jiǎncǎo to mow a lawn.
剪草除根 dēin-tāo-chuĩ-gïn
jiǎncǎochúgēn to exterminate completely.
剪草机[剪草機] dēin-tāo-gï
jiǎncǎojī lawn mower.
剪断[剪斷] dēin-òn
jiǎnduàn to shear off; to cut off.
剪票铗[剪票鋏] dēin-pêl-gâp
jiǎnpiàojiá conductor's punch; perforator.⁵⁴
剪裁 dēin-tõi
jiǎncái cut out (a garment), tailor; cut out unwanted material (from a piece of writing), prune.⁵
<台> 剪脚甲[剪腳甲] dēin-gëk-gâp to clip toe nails.
<台> 剪头[剪頭] dēin-hẽo haircut; to have a haircut.
<台> 剪手甲 dēin-siū-gâp to clip finger nails.
(See 劗 dēin; 翦➀ dēin; 鬋➁  dēin).
dein1 2122
18 21 dēin jiǎn (=剪 dēin jiǎn) scissors; cut, divide, separate.⁸
(See 剪 dēin).
dein1 2123
62 14 dēin jiǎn <wr.> wipe out, annihilate; bliss, blessing.⁶ to carry to the utmost; exceedlingly; to cut; to clip; to exterminate.²⁴
戬谷[戩穀] dēin-gūk jiǎngǔ <wr.> perfect happiness.¹¹
dein1 2124
64 12 dēin jiǎn shear; (Cant.) to skin an animal.⁸ to pull up with the hand; to clip, or shear, to divide in two; to choose; the noise of striking; to beckon; to strike, to take hold of with both hands.²⁴
揃搣 dēin-mëik jiǎnmiè to pluck out the hair and eyebrows, in order to remove irregularities.²⁴
dein1 2125
64 14 dēin jiǎn (demotic character for 揃 dēin jiǎn) to cut away; to cut off; to cut down; to eliminate; to remove; to exterminate.⁸
(composition: ⿰扌剪; U+3A35).
(See 揃 dēin).
dein1 2126
118 22 dēin jiǎn name of a bamboo; Jiǎn surname.⁸ a species of bamboo.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿱𥫗錢; U+7C5B). (comp. s: ⿱𥫗钱; U+7BEF).
<又> dëin.
(See 籛 dëin).
dein1 2127
124 15 dēin jiǎn ➀ (=剪 dēin jiǎn) scissors; cut, clip; annhilate.⁸ ➁ Jian surname.⁸
翦翦 dēin-dēin
jiǎnjiǎn narrow and small; wind blowing; neat and tidy.⁸ eloquent; clever at disputation.¹⁴ narrow-minded and superficial; piled up.¹⁹ glacial; piercing (of cold).⁵⁴
or 剪落 dēin-lòk jiǎnluò cut out; become a monk.⁵⁴
or 双瞳剪水[雙瞳剪水] söng-hũng-dēin-suī shuāngtóngjiǎnshuǐ clear and bright eyes of a pretty girl.⁶ clear, beautiful eyes of a pretty girl.⁷ clear, bright eyes (idiom).¹⁰
(See 剪 dēin).
dein1 2128
130 8 dēin jǐng hydrazine.⁵
酰肼 xëin-dēin xiānjǐng <chem.> hydrazide.⁹
异烟肼[異煙肼] yì-yën-dēin
yìyānjǐng <med.> Isoniazid, with a brand name of Rimifon (雷米封 luĩ-māi-füng léimǐfēng).²⁰
dein1 2129
149 18 dēin jiǎn (=谫[謭] dēin jiǎn shallow; stupid; superficial.)
(composition: ⿰言剪; U+8B2D).
(See 謭 dēin).
dein1 2130
149 22 dēin jiǎn shallow; stupid; superficial.
谫陋[譾陋] dēin-lèo jiǎnlòu shallow and ignorant.
dein1 2131
163 6 𨙷
dēin jǐng name of a place.²⁵
(composition: ⿰井阝; U+28677).
dein1 2132
167 16 dēin jiǎn <old> a kind of farm tool.³⁶
(comp. t: ⿰釒戔; U+9322). (comp. s: ⿰钅戋; U+94B1).
Mèin-ngô-jüng-ngĩn, sì-nâi-dēin-bōk, yēm-gön-jìt-ngài.
Mìng wǒ zhòngrén, zhì nǎi jiǎn bó, yǎn guān zhì ài.
Order all our men,
To be provided with their spuds and hoes:
Anon we shall see the sickles at work.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·頌·周頌·臣工之什·臣工·1》, translated by James Legge).
<又> tẽin.
(See 錢 tẽin).
dein1 2133
184 16 dēin jiàn <台> 炒米饯[炒米餞] chāo-māi-dēin fried raw rice ovoidal nuggets (sweets for weddings and Chinese New Year).
<又> dèin. (See 餞 dèin.)
dein1 2134
190 19 dēin jiǎn ➀ woman's beautiful hair on the temples.⁰  ➁ (=剪 dēin jiǎn) scissors; cut, divide, separate.⁸
(See 剪 dēin).
dein1 2135
30 5 dëin dīng (informal) to microwave (heat in a microwave oven).³⁶
(composition: ⿰口丁; U+53EE).
叮饭[叮飯] dëin-fàn dīngfàn to microwave rice.³⁶
<台> 叮蕉佢 dëin-dêl-kuï to warm up something in a microwave.
<又> ëin.
(See 叮 ëin).
dein2 2136
32 14 dëin diàn to put something under something else; to fill up; to advance money.
拜垫[拜墊] bäi-dëin bàidiàn cushion for the kneeling rite.
玻璃垫[玻璃墊] bū-lī-dëin
or bō-lī-dëin bōlidiàn glass tops of desks.
车垫[車墊] chëh-dëin
chēdiàn car cushion.
床垫[床墊] chõng-dëin
chuángdiàn bed mattress.
垫子[墊子] dëin-dū
diànzi cushion; pad; mat.
垫点[墊點] dëin-ēm
diàndiǎn to have a snack.
垫款[墊款] dëin-fōn
diànkuǎn to advance money to be paid back later; money thus advanced.
垫坑[墊坑] dëin-häng
diànkēng to fill a pit.
垫圈[墊圈] dëin-hūn
diànquān <mach.> backing ring, packing ring, filler ring; washer; grommet.⁶ (cf. 垫圈[墊圈] dëin-hûn diànjuàn).
垫圈[墊圈] dëin-hûn
diànjuàn to bed down the livestock; to spread earth in a pigsty or cowshed.⁶ (cf. 垫圈[墊圈] dëin-hūn diànquān).
垫钱[墊錢] dëin-tẽin
diànqián to advance money to be paid back later.
气垫[氣墊] hï-dëin
qìdiàn air cushion.
草垫子[草墊子] tāo-dëin-dū
cǎodiànzi straw mattress or pallet.
dein2 2137
62 8 dëin jiān small; little; tiny.⁷
戋戋[戔戔] dëin-dëin jiānjiān <wr.> small; tiny.⁶
戋戋之数[戔戔之數] dëin-dëin-jï-sü 
jiānjiānzhīshù  insignificant amount; very small amount; a little bit.⁶ an insignificant amount (of money).¹¹
dein2 2138
70 11 dëin jīng a kind of flag, banner, standard ornamented with feathers; to cite (one's merits, virtues); to make manisfest.⁷
旌别[旌別] dëin-bèik jīngbié to discriminate.²⁴
旌表 dëin-bēl
jīngbiǎo imperial honor conferred on the virtuous and meritorious; confer such honor.⁵⁴
旌节[旌節] dëin-dēik
jīngjié formerly, insignia heralding the approach of a high official; formerly, an envoy's credentials.¹¹ a kind of ancient waymark.¹⁴
旌旗 dëin-kĩ
jīngqí lit. banner, flag; fig. <lit.> soldiers.³⁶
旌铭[旌銘] dëin-mẽin
jīngmíng (during the burial ceremony) a flag indicating the death of a person, usually one known for his distinguished service.⁷
旌门[旌門] dëin-mõn
jīngmén a family cited by the government for community service or exemplary virtue, whose door is made distinct from others by a plaque bearing the citation.⁷
旌恤 dëin-xūt
jīngxù posthumous rewards for distinguished service.⁷
文旌 mũn-dëin
wénjīng <court.> (to scholars) your traveling schedule.¹¹ <court.> traveling scholars.⁵⁴
<又> xëin.
(See 旌 xëin.)
dein2 2139
72 12 dëin jīng brilliant, glittering; quartz, (rock) crystal; any crystalline substance.⁵ (variant: 𦜳❄{⿱月朋} dëin). (See 𦜳❄{⿱月朋} dëin).
(composition: ⿱日昍; U+6676).
晶晶 dëin-dëin
jīngjīng <wr.> bright; shiny; glittering.⁶
晶格 dëin-gâk
jīnggé <phy.> (crystal) lattice.⁵
晶光 dëin-göng
jīngguāng glittering light.¹⁰
晶体[晶體] dëin-hāi
jīngtǐ crystal.⁵
晶体管[晶體管] dëin-hāi-gōn
jīngtǐguǎn transistor.⁵
晶核 dëin-hàt
jīnghé <phy.> crystal nucleus.⁶
晶状体[晶狀體] dëin-jòng-hāi
jīngzhuàngtǐ <phys.> crystalline lens.⁵
晶亮 dëin-lèng
jīngliàng bright; glittering.⁶
晶粒 dëin-līp
jīnglì <phy.> crystalline grain.⁶
晶片 dëin-pëin
jīngpiàn <electronics> chip; wafer..⁶
晶石 dëin-sêk
jīngshí spar.⁵
晶莹[晶瑩] dëin-yẽin
jīngyíng radiant, resplendent.¹¹
晶莹剔透[晶瑩剔透] dëin-yẽin-tēik-hëo
jīngyíngtītòu glittering and translucent.⁶
结晶[結晶] gēik-dëin
jiéjīng crystallize; crystal; crystallization.⁸
亮晶晶 lèng-dëin-dëin
liàngjīngjīng shining; glittering.⁵
水晶 suī-dëin
shuǐjīng crystal; rock crystal.⁵
dein2 2140
74 12 𦜳
dëin jīng (=晶 dëin jīng) 精光 dëin-göng jīngguāng bright and shiny; radiant.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱月朋; U+26733).
(See 晶 dëin).

dein2 2141
82 12 dëin tǎn blanket; rug; carpet.⁵
壁毯 bēik-dëin bìtǎn tapestry (used as a wall hanging).⁵
床毯 chõng-dëin
chuángtǎn blanket.⁵⁴
毯子 dëin-dū
tǎnzi blanket.⁵
毯鲨[毯鯊] dëin-sä
tǎnshā carpet shark.¹⁹
飞毯[飛毯] fï-dëin
fēitǎn flying carpet.⁶
地毯 ì-dëin
dìtǎn rug; carpet.⁵
挂毯[掛毯] kä-dëin
guàtǎn tapestry.⁵
毛毯 mão-dëin
máotǎn woollen blanket.⁵
魔毯 mō-dëin
mótǎn magic carpet.⁶
绒毯[絨毯] ngũng-dëin
róngtǎn flannelette blanket.⁵
线毯[線毯] xëin-dëin
xiàntǎn cotton blanket.⁶
<又> häm, hâm, hān.
(See 毯 häm, hâm, hān.)
dein2 2142
85 9 dëin jiàn flowing water.⁸ʼ¹⁴ flowing water; successive.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰氵存; U+6D0A).
洊饥[洊饑] dëin-gï jiànjī successive famines.¹⁴
洊沥[洊瀝] dëin-lèik
jiànlì continuous dripping.¹⁴
dein2 2143
85 11 dëin jiān sound of moving water.¹⁰
浅浅[淺淺] dëin-dëin jiānjiān <ono.> sound of running water.⁴
<又> tēin.
(See 淺 tēin.)
dein2 2144
85 12 dëin jiān to wash; to redress (a wrong); name of a river.¹⁰ cleanse, purge, purify.¹¹
湔涤[湔滌] dëin-èik jiāndí wash.¹⁰
湔祓 dëin-fūt
jiānfú  purge of impurities, moral blemishes, evil deeds.¹¹
湔濯 dëin-jòk
jiānzhuó to wash.⁷
湔洗 dëin-xāi
jiānxǐ to wash.⁷
湔雪 dëin-xūt
jiānxuě to wipe away (a humiliation); to redress (a wrong).¹⁰
dein2 2145
85 14 𣻓
dëin jīng (=𣻒❄{⿰氵旍} dëin jīng) name of a river in 南郡 Nãm-gùn Nánjùn.² the name of a river.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵旌; U+23ED3).
(See 𣻒❄{⿰氵旍} dëin).
dein2 2146
85 14 𣻒
dëin jīng name of a river in 南郡 Nãm-gùn Nánjùn.² the name of a river.²⁴ (variant: 𣻓❄{⿰氵旌} dëin jīng).
(composition: ⿰氵旍; U+23ED2).
(See 𣻓❄{⿰氵旌} dëin).
dein2 2147
85 18 dëin jiān 溅溅[濺濺] dëin-dëin jiànjiàn chuckle; gurgle.⁸
<又> dèin.
(See 濺 dèin.)
dein2 2148
85 19 dëin jiàn (of water) to arrive; name of a river.⁸ water approaching.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵薦; U+7033).
<又> dün. (See 瀳 dün).
dein2 2149
86 13 dëin jiān fry; simmer in water, decoct; <m.> decoction (of herbal medicine).⁶
煎蛋 dëin-àn/ jiāndàn fried egg.¹⁰
煎蛋卷 dëin-àn-kūn
jiāndànjuàn omelet.⁶
煎迫 dëin-bēik
jiānpò drive.⁸ torment and persecution.⁵⁴
煎饼[煎餅] dëin-bēng
jiānbing thin pancake made of millet flour, etc.⁶
煎炒 dëin-chāo
jiānchǎo to lightly fry.¹⁰
煎熬 dëin-ngão
jiān'áo suffer, torture, torment.⁶
煎鱼[煎魚] dëin-nguî/
jiānyú to fry fish, fried fish.¹¹
煎心 dëin-xïm
jiānxīn worried; extremely anxious.⁸
煎药[煎藥] dëin-yêk
jiānyào make concoction of medicine.¹¹
生煎包 säng-dëin-bäo
shēngjiānbāo shengjian mantou.²⁰
dein2 2150
91 12 dëin jiān (=笺[箋] dëin jiān) <wr.> writing paper; letter; annotation, commentary.⁵ a memorandum tablet; slip of paper; fancy notepaper; a note, a document; comments.¹⁴
(See 箋 dëin).
dein2 2151
93 9 dëin jiàn support at an oblique angle; keep water off with earth and rocks.⁶ prop up obliquely; keep off water with mud and stone.⁸ to prop up a leaning house, to push it up straight; to stop floods with rocks and earth.⁹ a prop to keep up a falling house; a water dam made of earth and stones.²⁴
打牮拨正[打牮撥正] ā-dëin-bòt-jëin dǎjiànbōzhèng support and right something.⁶
牮墙[牮牆] dëin-tẽng
jiànqiáng to prop up a wall.⁴
dein2 2152
109 13 dëin jing 眼睛 ngān-dëin yǎnjing eye.⁸
(See 睛 [dëin, jīng].)
dein2 2153
109 13 dëin jīng eyeball.⁵
睛珠 dëin-jî jīngzhū the eyeball.¹¹
睛球 dëin-kiũ
jīngqiú the eyeball.¹¹
定睛 èin-dëin
dìngjīng fix one's eyes upon.⁶
火眼金睛 fō-ngān-gïm-dëin
huǒyǎnjīnjīng piercing eye; penetrating insight.⁶
目不转睛[目不轉睛] mùk-būt-jōn-dëin
mùbùzhuǎnjīng gaze steadily; look attentively.⁶
画龙点睛[畫龍點睛] vàk-lũng-ēm-dëin
huàlóngdiǎnjīng bring the painted dragon to life by putting in the pupils of its eyes – add the touch that brings a work of art to life.⁶
(See 睛 [dëin, jing].)
dein2 2154
118 14 dëin jiān <wr.> writing paper; letter; annotation, commentary.⁵ a memorandum tablet; slip of paper; fancy notepaper; a note, a document; comments.¹⁴ (variant: 牋 dëin jiān).
便笺[便箋] bèin-dëin
biànjiān (informal) note; notepaper, scratch paper.⁶
笺牍[箋牘] dëin-dùk
jiāndú letters; correspondence.⁷
笺幅[箋幅] dëin-fūk
jiānfú ornamental scrolls.⁷
笺札[箋札] dëin-jāt
jiānzhá letters; correspondence.⁷
笺纸[箋紙] dëin-jī
jiānzhǐ stationery; letter paper.⁷
笺注[箋注] dëin-jî
jiānzhù notes and commentaries.⁷
笺扇[箋扇] dëin-sën
jiānshàn ornamental fan.¹⁴
笺疏[箋疏] dëin-sü
jiānshū comments; notes of explanation; running commentary.¹⁴
蜡笺[蠟箋] làp-dëin
làjiān glazed note paper; waxed paper.¹⁴
鸾笺[鸞箋] lũn-dëin
luánjiān tinted letter paper.⁵⁴
信笺[信箋] xïn-dëin
xìnjiān letter paper.⁵
(See 牋 dëin).
dein2 2155
118 14 dëin jīng 笭箐 lẽin-dëin língjīng (=笭箵 lẽin-xëin língxīng <wr.> bamboo fish hamper.⁶) a small basket.¹¹ʼ¹⁹
<又> tëin.
(See 箐 tëin.)
dein2 2156
118 15 dëin jiàn arrow.⁵
箭搭上弓 dëin-äp-sëng-güng jiàndāshànggōng lit. The arrow is fitted to the string – ready to go; imminent.⁷
箭靶 dëin-bä
jiànbǎ a target for archery.⁷
箭靶子 dëin-bä-dū
jiànbǎzi target for archery.⁵
箭步 dëin-bù
jiànbù a sudden big stride forward.⁵
箭在弦上 dëin-dòi-yẽn-sèng 
jiànzàixiánshàng like an arrow on the bowstring – there can be no turning back.⁵
箭镞[箭鏃] dëin-dùk
jiànzú metal arrowhead.⁶
箭风[箭風] dëin-füng
jiànfēng a destructive wind.⁷
箭杆[箭桿] dëin-gön
jiàngǎn arrow shaft.⁵
箭头[箭頭] dëin-hẽo
jiàntóu arrowhead; arrow (as a sign).⁵
箭筒 dëin-hûng/
jiàntǒng quiver.⁵
箭猪[箭豬] dëin-jï
jiànzhū porcupine.⁵
箭楼[箭樓] dëin-lẽo
jiànlóu embrasured watchtower over a city gate.⁵
箭袋 dëin-òi
jiàndài a quiver.⁷
箭石 dëin-sêk
jiànshí <paleontology> belemnite.⁵
箭矢 dëin-sī
jiànshǐ arrow.³⁹
箭壶[箭壺] dëin-vũ
jiànhú quiver.⁵⁴ belt quiver.³⁹
一箭双雕[一箭雙雕] yīt-dëin-söng-ël
yījiànshuāngdiāo shoot two hawks with one arrow; kill two birds with one stone.⁶
dein2 2157
118 22 dëin jiān harness; Jiān surname.⁸
(comp. t: ⿱𥫗錢; U+7C5B). (comp. s: ⿱𥫗钱; U+7BEF).
篯铿[籛鏗] Dëin Häng
Jiān Kēng great-great-grandson 玄孫 of Emperor 顓頊 Jön Gūk Zhuānxū.¹⁹ an old man of antiquity who lived six or seven hundred years.²⁵ (Note: better known as 彭祖 Pãng Dū Péng Zǔ, q.v. His age varies from 114 year in the Chinese Wikipedia²⁰ to 834 years in the English Wikipedia¹⁵. Some accounts say he was the great-great-great-grandson 來孫²⁰, in the Chinese Wikipedia, of Emperor 顓頊 Jön Gūk Zhuānxū and others say he was the grandson 孫⁸ of Emperor 顓頊 Jön Gūk Zhuānxū.)
篯芽[籛芽] dëin-ngã
jiānyá name of a tea.²⁵
<又> dēin.
(See 籛 dēin).
dein2 2158
119 14 in jīng polished rice; essence; spirits; semen; exquisite.⁵
精湛 dëin-jäm jīngzhàn exquisite; superb; consummate.⁶
精致[精緻] dëin-jï
jīngzhì of fine workmanship, exquisite (art work).¹¹
精力充沛 dëin-lèik-chüng-pöi
jīnglìchōngpèi full of vigor.⁸
精馏塔[精餾塔] dëin-liũ-hāp
jīngliútǎ rectifying column; rectifying tower; fractionating tower.³⁹
精微 dëin-mĩ
jīngwēi deep and profound; mystery.⁶
精神 dëin-sĩn
jīngshen lively; vigorous.⁷
精神 dëin-sĩn
jīngshén one's spirit; mental.⁷
精神恍惚 dëin-sĩn-fōng-fūt
jīngshénhuǎnghū be in a trance; look absent-minded.⁶
精神枷锁[精神枷鎖] dëin-sĩn-gä-xū
jīngshén jiāsuǒ spiritual or mental shackles.⁶
精神桎梏 dëin-sĩn-jìt-gūk
jīngshénzhìgù mental shackles.⁶
精醇 dëin-sũn
jīngchún unadulterated; pure.¹⁴
精华[精華] dëin-vã
or 菁华[菁華] dëin-vã or tëin-vã jīnghuá cream; essence; quintessence.⁵
精萃 dëin-xuì
jīngcuì cream; pick; quintessence.¹⁹
精邃 dëin-xuì
jīngsuì deep, profound (scholarship).¹¹
精选[精選] dëin-xūn
jīngxuǎn <min.> concentration; carefully chosen, choice.⁵
精液 dëin-yèik
or dëin-yìt jīngyè seminal fluid; semen.⁵

dein2 2159
130 12 dëin jīng an organic compound.⁸
腈纶[腈綸] dëin-lũn jīnglún acrylic fibers.⁸
dein2 2160
140 11 dëin jīng lush, luxuriant; essence, cream.⁵
菁华[菁華] dëin-vã or tëin-vã or 精华[精華] dëin-vã jīnghuá cream; essence; quintessence.⁵
菁英 dëin-yëin
or tëin-yëin jīngyīng essence; elite.
田菁 hẽin-dëin
or hẽin-tëin tiánjīng sesbania.⁶
芜菁[蕪菁] mũ-dëin
or mũ-tëin wújīng turnip.
<又> tëin.
(See 菁 tëin.)
dein2 2161
140 16 dëin jiàn to recommend; <wr.> grass; a straw mattress.
登门自荐[登門自薦] äng-mõn-dù-dëin dēngménzìjiàn to present oneself at the door.⁵⁴
保荐[保薦] bāo-dëin
bǎojiàn to recommend (by somebody in responsible position).
荐举[薦舉] dëin-guī
jiànjǔ to propose somebody for office; to recommend.
荐头[薦頭] dëin-hẽo
jiàntou employment agent.
荐椎[薦椎] dëin-juï
jiànzhuī (=骶骨 āi-gūt dǐgǔ) sacrum.⁶
荐臻[薦臻] dëin-jün
jiànzhēn <lit.> to come one after another; to occur in succession.³⁶
自荐[自薦] dù-dëin
zìjiàn to recommend oneself (for a job); to introduce oneself.
毛遂自荐[毛遂自薦] mão-xuì-dù-dëin
máosuìzìjiàn to volunteer one's services.⁵
草荐[草薦] tāo-dëin
cǎojiàn pallet; straw mattress.
推荐[推薦] tuï-dëin
tuījiàn to recommend.⁸ recommend for employment.¹¹
dein2 2162
177 22 dëin jiān (=鞯[韉] dëin jiān) saddle cloth.⁷
(See 韉 dëin).
dein2 2163
177 25 dëin jiān saddle cloth.⁷ (variant: 韀 dëin jiān).
鞍鞯[鞍韉] ön-dëin
ānjiān saddle and saddle blanket.⁶
(See 韀 dëin).
dein2 2164
181 17 𩓨
dëin jīng (composition: ⿰青頁; U+294E8).
䫢𩓨❄{⿰青頁} xü-dëin sījīng the head awry; a wry head; good-looking.²⁵
dein2 2165
196 19 dëin jīng Nycticorax prasinosceles, a kind of water bird.⁷
䴔䴖[鵁鶄] gäo-dëin
jiāojīng <trad.> a kind of water bird (Nycticorax prasinosceles).⁵⁴
dein2 2166
208 21 dëin jīng 鼩鼱 kuĩ-dëin qújīng shrew.⁵
鼩鼱科 kuĩ-dëin-fö
qújīngkē aka 尖鼠科 dëm-sī-fö jiānshǔkē shrew (family Soricidae), a small mole-like mammal classified in the order Eulipotyphla.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鼩鼱目 kuĩ-dëin-mùk
qújīngmù or 鼩形目 kuĩ-yẽin-mùk qúxíngmù Soricomorpha ("shrew-form"), a taxon within the class of mammals.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
水鼩鼱 suī-kuĩ-dëin
shuǐqújīng Eurasian water shrew (Neomys fodiens); known in the United Kingdom as the water shrew.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
dein2 2167
9 10 dèin jiàn short; shallow; thin plate.¹⁰ shallow, thin; no armor, only a single layer of clothes.¹⁹ shallow, thin.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻戔; U+4FF4).
俴俴 dèin-dèin jiànjiàn shallow, superficial; meager.
俴收 dèin-siü
jiànshōu the cross wood at the bottom of the box of an ancient military vehicle.¹⁹
俴驷[俴駟] dèin-xü
jiànsì four horses not wearing chain mail.⁵⁴
dein4 2168
15 10 dèin jìng (=净[淨] dèin jìng; =凈 dèng jìng.) clean; only.
t: ⿰冫爭; U+51C8). (comp. s: ⿰冫争; U+51C0).
<又> dèng.
(See  凈 dèng; 淨 dèin, dèng.)
dein4 2169
15 10 dèin jìng cold, cool, chilly.⁷ to cool; fresh; cool.¹⁴ to cool; fresh.⁶²
凊凉[凊涼] dèin-lẽng jìngliáng or hëin-lẽng qìngliáng cool; refreshing.¹⁴
凊暑 dèin-sī
jìngshǔ or hëin-sī qìngshǔ to allay the heat.¹⁴
冬温夏凊[冬溫夏凊] üng-vün-hà-dèin
dōngwēnxiàjìng In the wintertime keep you parents warm with comforters; in the summertime keep your parents cool by fanning them.⁰
<又> hëin.
(See 凊 hëin.)
dein4 2170
38 11 dèin jìng (of a woman) talented; (of a woman) slim; slender; willowy.⁶ slender; chaste and undefiled; beauty; a word used in women’s name.⁸ modest; supple.¹⁴
婧婧 dèin-dèin jìngjìng supple; lithe.¹⁴
訬婧 mêl-dèin
miǎojìng slender-waisted; graceful.¹⁴
妙婧 mèl-dèin
miàojìng beautiful slender waist.²³
dein4 2171
85 8 dèin jǐng (=阱 dèin jǐng) trap; pitfall; pit.⁵ to fall into; a pitfall, for catching the smaller kind of wild beasts: the hole is made deep, so that they cannot come out.²⁵ hole; pitfall, trap.³⁶
(composition ⿱井水; U+6C6C).
(See 阱 dèin).
dein4 2172
85 9 dèin jìng (=净[淨] dèin jìng) pure, clean, unspoiled.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵争; U+6D44).
<又> dèng.
(See 浄 dèng; 淨 dèin).
dein4 2173
85 11 dèin jìng pure, clean, unspoilt; to clean, to cleanse; only; all; a role in traditional opera; <Canto,> Short for 净系[淨係] (“only, merely”).³⁶
(comp. t: ⿰氵爭; U+6DE8). (comp. s: ⿰冫争; U+51C0).
净化[淨化] dèin-fä
jìnghuà to purify.⁸
净系[淨係] dèin-hài
jìngxì <Canto.> only, merely.³⁶ (Note: synonomous with 净是[淨是] dèin-sì jìngshì (colloquial) to all be; to be entirely).³⁶
净值[淨值] dèin-jèik
jìngzhí net value, net worth.⁸
净剩[淨剩] dèin-jèin
jìngshèng only.⁵⁴
净重[淨重] dèin-jùng
jìngzhòng net weight.³⁶
窗明几净[窗明几淨] töng-mẽin-gì-dèin
chuāngmíngjījìng with bright windows and clean tables; bright and clean.⁶
<又> dèng.
(See 淨 dèng; 凈 dèin; 凈 dèng).
dein4 2174
85 18 dèin jiàn splash; splatter.⁵
溅落[濺落] dèin-lòk jiànluò (of a space vehicle) splash down.⁵
溅一身泥[濺一身泥] dèin-yīt-sïn-nãi
jiànyīshēnní be splattered with mud.⁵
火花四溅[火花四濺] fō-fä-xü-dèin
huǒhuāsìjiàn sparks flying off in all directions.⁵
钢花四溅[鋼花四濺] gông-fä-xï-dèin
gānghuāsìjiàn sparks of molten steel flying in all directions.⁵
<又> dëin.
(See 濺 dëin.)
dein4 2175
116 9 dèin jǐng (=阱 dèin jǐng) trap; pitfall; pit.⁵ to fall into; a pitfall, for catching the smaller kind of wild beasts: the hole is made deep, so that they cannot come out.²⁵ hole; pitfall, trap.³⁶
(composition ⿱穴井; U+7A7D).
(See 阱 dèin).
dein4 2176
117 13
dèin jìng (=静[靜] dèin jìng) still, calm; serene, composed; silent, quiet; to calm down.⁶
(composition ⿰立争(G) or ⿰立爭(HTJK); U+24BD5).
(See 靜 dèin).
dein4 2177
149 15 𬣡
dèin jiàn flattering.⁸ good words; to ridicule; flattery; ingenious slander; sly insinuations; artful words; shallow and worthless expressions.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿰言戔; U+8AD3). (comp. s: ⿰讠戋; U+2C8E1).
❄{⿰讠戋}言[諓言] dèin-ngũn jiànyán words of little worth.²⁵
dein4 2178
154 15 dèin jiàn low-priced, inexpensive, cheap; lowly, humble; low-down, base, despicable; <humb.> my.⁵
贱称[賤稱] dèin-chëin jiànchēng  contemptuous term.¹⁰
贱子[賤子] dèin-dū
jiànzǐ <humb.> myself
贱货[賤貨] dèin-fö
jiànhuò bitch; slut.¹⁰
贱价[賤價] dèin-gä
jiànjià a low price.⁷
贱骨头[賤骨頭] dèin-gūt-hêo
jiàngǔtou <derog.> miserable (or contemptible) wretch.⁵
贱卖[賤賣] dèin-mài
jiànmài sell cheap.⁵
贱民[賤民] dèin-mĩn
jiànmín <trad.> person of the lowest social status; Paraiyar (the lowest caste in India); untouchable.⁶
贱人[賤人] dèin-ngĩn
jiànrén slut; cheap person.¹⁰
贱内[賤內] dèin-nuì
jiànnèi <humb.> my wife.¹⁰
贱恙[賤恙] dèin-yèng
jiànyàng <court.> my illness.¹¹
下贱[下賤] hà-dèin
xiàjiàn low-down; base.⁵
轻贱[輕賤] hëin-dèin
qīngjiàn mean and worthless.⁵
<台> 贱格[賤格] dèin-gāk to bring shame or dishonor to oneself.
dein4 2179
157 15 dèin jiàn trample, tread; act on, carry out.⁵
踏践[踏踐] àp-dèin tàjiàn to trample upon; to tread on.⁷
践踏[踐踏] dèin-àp
jiàntà tread on; trample; underfoot.⁵
践冰[踐冰] dèin-bëin
jiànbīng lit. to tread on ice – to run a risk.⁷
践迹[踐跡] dèin-dēik
jiànjì precedent; to tread in the steps of others.¹⁴
or 践阼[踐阼] dèin-dò jiànzuò to ascend the throne.¹⁴
践行[踐行] dèin-hãng
jiànxíng to put into practice.¹⁰
践履[踐履] dèin-lî
jiànlǚ to trample; to fulfill (pledge).⁷
践言[踐言] dèin-ngũn
jiànyán to fulfill a promise.⁷
践诺[踐諾] dèin-nòk
jiànnuò <wr.> keep one's promise.⁵
践石[踐石] dèin-sêk
jiànshí a stepping-stone for mounting on horses.¹¹
践残[踐殘] dèin-tãn
jiàncán spoil; smash by trampling.¹⁴
践位[踐位] dèin-vì
jiànwèi to ascend the throne.⁷
践约[踐約] dèin-yēk
jiànyuē to honor an agreement; to fulfill a promise.⁷
dein4 2180
170 6 dèin jǐng trap; pitfall; pit.⁵ (variants: 穽 dèin, 汬 dèin).
陷阱 hàm-dèin or hàm-dēng xiànjǐng pit, trap.
坎阱 hêim-dèin
or hêim-dēng kǎnjǐng snare; trap.
气阱[氣阱] hï-dèin
or hï-dēng qìjǐng air pocket.
鱼陷阱[魚陷阱] nguĩ-hàm-dèin
or nguĩ-hàm-dēng yúxiànjǐng fish snare.⁹ fish trap.³⁹
<又> dēng, jèin.
(See 阱 dēng, jèin; 穽 dèin; 汬 dèin.)
dein4 2181
174 13 dèin jìng peaceful, tranquil, quiet; to pacify, to quell (an uprising), to tranquilize; to order; to praise in public; Jing surname.⁷
靖边[靖邊] dèin-bêin jìngbiān to pacify or safegurard the border; Jingbian County in 榆林 Yĩ-lĩm Yú lín, Shaanxi.⁷
靖国[靖國] dèin-gōk
jìngguó to pacify the nation; to restore order in the country.⁷
靖乱[靖亂] dèin-lòn
jìngluàn to quell uprisings; to put down a rebellion.⁷
靖难[靖難] dèin-nàn
jìngnàn to stabilize a dangerous situation, to pacify; a historical epidode during the reign of Jianwen Emperor 建文帝 Gèinmũn Äi Jiànwén Dì of the Ming Dynasty when the capital was taken by the emperor's uncle who later on usurped the throne.⁷
靖逆 dèin-ngèik
jìngnì quell a rebellion.¹¹
靖言 dèin-ngũn
jìngyán insincere words; sweet talk; flattery.⁷
靖戎媾和 dèin-yũng-këo-võ
jìngrónggòuhé cease hostilities and negotiate for peace.¹⁹
安靖 ön-dèin
ānjìng quiet and peaceful.¹¹
dein4 2182
174 14 dèin jìng <old> alternative form of 靓[靚] dèin jìng, “gorgeously dressed up; beautiful; pretty”; <old> (of bamboo grove) deep.
(composition: ⿰青色; U+9758).
<又> hëin, tëin.
(See 靘 hëin, 靘 tëin).
dein4 2183
174 15 dèin jìng <wr.> (of a woman) talented; (of a woman) slim; slender; willowy.⁶ to ornament, to doll up; still, quiet, tranquil.⁷
靓服[靚服] dèin-fùk jìngfú beautiful dress.⁶
靓妆[靚妝] dèin-jöng
jìngzhuāng <wr.> beautiful adornments.⁶ (said of a woman) fully dressed and ornamented.⁷
靓深[靚深] dèin-sïm
jìngshēn deep and still.²⁵
靓衣[靚衣] dèin-yï
jìngyī beautiful dresses, jewels.⁷
诈靓[詐靚] jä-dèin
zhàjìng meretricious.¹⁴
<又> lëng.
(See 靚 lëng.)
dein4 2184
174 16 dèin jìng still, calm; serene, composed; silent, quiet; to calm down.⁶
(variant: 竫❄{⿰立争} dèin jìng). (See 竫❄{⿰立争} dèin).
静鞭[靜鞭] dèin-bëin
jìngbiān whip cracked at intervals during the imperil worship to ensure silence.¹⁴
静寂[靜寂] dèin-dèik
jìngjì calm; quiet; tranquility.⁷
静静[靜靜] dèin-dèin
jìngjìng quiet; silent.⁷
静坐[靜坐] dèin-dò
jìngzuò sit quietly; sit still (as therapy).⁵
静电[靜電] dèin-èin
jìngdiàn static electricity.⁶
静观[靜觀] dèin-gön
jìngguān to observe quietly.⁷
静态[靜態] dèin-häi
jìngtài <phy.> static state; static.⁶
静听[靜聽] dèin-hëng
jìngtīng listen attentively/quietly.⁶
静候[靜候] dèin-hèo
jìnghòu to await quietly.⁷
静荷载[靜荷載] dèin-hõ-döi
jìnghèzài <archi.> dead load.⁵
静止[靜止] dèin-jī
jìngzhǐ be static/motionless.⁶
静力学[靜力學] dèin-lèik-hòk
jìnglìxué <phy.> statics.⁶
静立[靜立] dèin-lìp
jìnglì stand still.⁶
静脉[靜脈] dèin-mäk
jìngmài vein.⁶
静默[靜默] dèin-màk
jìngmò become silent; mourn in silence, observe silence.⁵
静谧[靜謐] dèin-mìt
jìngmì <wr.> quiet; still; tranquil.⁵
静穆[靜穆] dèin-mùk
jīngmù solemn and quiet.⁸
静物[靜物] dèin-mùt
or dèin-mòt jìngwù still life.⁶
静女[靜女] dèin-nuī
jìngnǚ chaste girl; a retiring girl.⁷
静悄悄[靜悄悄] dèin-tēl-tēl
jìngqiāoqiāo very quiet.⁶
dein4 2185
181 17 𩓞
dèin jìng good-looking; dancing girls and posture-makers.²⁵
(composition ⿰爭頁; U+294DE).
䫤𩓞❄{⿰爭頁} mẽin-dèin míngjìng handsome.²⁵
dein4 2186
184 16 dèin jiàn give a farewell dinner.⁶ candy/preserved (fruits).⁶
饯别[餞別] dèin-bèik jiànbié give a farewell dinner.⁶
饯行[餞行] dèin-hãng
jiànxíng give a farewell dinner.⁶
餽饯[餽餞] gì-dèin
kuìjiàn food presented to one starting on a journey.¹⁴
蜜饯[蜜餞] mìt-dèin
mìjiàn candy fruit; preserved fruit.⁵
蜜饯海棠[蜜餞海棠] mìt-dèin-hōi-hõng
mìjiànhǎitáng sweetened crab apple.⁶
<又> dēin.
(See 餞 dēin.)
dein4 2187
29 8 dēk zhuó (old form of 缀[綴] juì zhuì or jōt chuò sew, stitch; put words together correctly, compose;  embellish, decorate.⁵); to join together; to lack; narrow and shallow.¹⁰ to connect; to join together.²⁴  to connect; (Internet slang, emphatic) again and again; repeatedly.³⁶
(composition: ⿰㕛㕛 or ⿱双双; U+53D5).

<又> juì.
(See 叕 juì).
dek1 2188
30 11 dēk zhuó to peck.⁸
剥啄[剝啄] mōk-dēk or mōk-ēk bōzhuó to tap (on a door or window).¹⁰
啄食 dēk-sèik
or ēk-sèik zhuóshí to peck at food.¹¹
啄木鸟[啄木鳥] dēk-mùk-nêl
or ēk-mùk-nêl zhuómùniǎo woodpecker.¹⁰
<又> ēk.
(See 啄 ēk.)
dek1 2189
30 11 dēk zhuó (<old>=啄 dēk zhuó to peck.⁸); chirping.⁸  many mouths; a multitude of voices.²⁴ make noise, tweet (of birds); peck.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰口卓; U+5545).
啅吠 dēk-fì
zhuófèi describes the hustle and bustle.¹⁹
啅然 dēk-ngẽin
zhuórán appearance of a riot.¹⁹
啅噪 dēk-täo
zhuózào (of multitudes) <topo.> noise, clamor; the noise of birds.¹⁹
啯啅[嘓啅] gōk-dēk
guōzhuó <ono.> the sound of biting things.¹⁹
燕雀相啅 yën-dēk-xëng-dēk
yànquèxiāngzhuó swallows and sparrows chirp, echoing.⁵⁴
<又> jâo; sōk.
(See 啅 jâo; 啅 sōk; 啄 dēk).
dek1 2190
30 14 𠻘
dēk jiáo (=嚼 dēk jiáo to chew); <Cant.> <ono.> sound of eating.⁸
(composition: ⿰口雀; U+20ED8).
(See 嚼 [dēk, jiáo]).
dek1 2191
30 20 dēk jiáo to chew. (variant: 𠻘❄{⿰口雀} dēk jiáo).
细嚼慢咽[細嚼慢嚥] xäi-dēk-màn-yēik
xìjiáomànyàn to take one's time in eating.¹¹
咬文嚼字 ngāo-mũn-dēk-dù
yǎowénjiáozì to bite words and chew characters (idiom); punctilious about minutiae of wording.¹⁰
嚼舌 dēk-sêt
jiáoshé to gossip; to argue unnecessarily.¹⁰
<又> dël.
(See 嚼 [dēk, jué], dël; 𠻘❄{⿰口雀} dēk).
dek1 2192
30 20 dēk jué to chew.
咀嚼 duī-dēk jǔjué to chew; to think over.¹⁰
<又> dël.
(See 嚼 [dēk, jiáo], dël.)
dek1 2193
49 11 𢁁
dēk zhuó a dragon's tail; a constellation in the east.²⁴
(composition: ⿰豖巳; U+22041).

dek1 2194
69 9 dēk zhuó <wr.> cut; chop; hack (with an ax or a sword).⁶ to chop or cut (wood).⁷
(composition: ⿰石斤; U+65AB).
<又> ēk. (See 斫 ēk)
dek1 2195
72 21 dēk jué used for person's name.
(composition: ⿰日爵; U+3B2D).
谢㬭[謝㬭] dèh-dēk xiè jué Xie Jue lived during the Song Dynasty (960–1279 CE).
<又> dël.
(See 㬭 dël).
dek1 2196
75 11 dēk zhuó (corrupted form of 椓 dēk zhuó) to beat, to tap, to thrash; castration as a punishment in ancient times; a castrated man; to accuse or charge.⁸
(composition: ⿰木豕; U+3B6C).
(See 椓 dēk).
dek1 2197
75 12 dēk zhuó castration (a kind of ancient Chinese torture).⁶ to strike, to hammer; (an ancient punishment) to castrate; castration; to slander, to injure.⁷ to beat, to rap.¹⁴
椓之橐橐 dēk-jï-hōk-hōk zhuózhītuótuó "t'o t'o" went on the pounding – of building earthen walls.¹⁴
椓门[椓門] dēk-mõn
zhuómén to knock at a gate or a door.¹⁴
dek1 2198
75 18 dēk zhuó a big hoe.
(composition: ⿰木箸; U+6AE1).
<又> jì. (See 櫡 jì).
dek1 2199
85 11 涿 dēk zhuō drip, dribble, trickle.⁸
涿州 Dēk Jiü Zhuōzhōu Zhuozhou county level city in Baoding (保定 Bāo-èin Bǎodìng), 河北 Hõ-bāk Héběi Hebei Province.¹⁰
涿鹿 Dēk Lùk
Zhuōlù Zhuolu county in Zhangjiakou, Hebei (张家口[張家口] Jëng Gä Hēo Zhāngjiākǒu, 河北 Hõ-bāk Héběi) Province.¹⁰ capital of China under Huangdi, the Yellow Emperor.¹⁴
涿湿了衣服 dēk-sīp-lēl yï-fùk
zhuōshīle yīfu soaked through the clothing.¹⁴
dek1 2200
86 16 dēk jué (=爝 dēk jué a torch.⁷ a small torch.⁹).⁸
(composition: ⿰火焦; U+71CB).
<又> dël; tẽl; sēk.
(See 燋 dël; 燋 tẽl; 燋 sēk; 爝 dēk).
dek1 2201
86 21 dēk jué a torch.⁷ a small torch.⁹ (variant: 燋 dēk jué).
爝火 dēk-fō
juéhuǒ <wr.> torch; small fire.⁶ torch fire.⁷
爝火不息 dēk-fō-būt-xēik
juéhuǒbùxī the torch are still burning.²⁴
(See 燋 dēk).
dek1 2202
87 17 dēk jué feudal title or rank.⁸ peerage.⁹ ancient bronze wine holder with 3 legs and loop handle; nobility.¹⁰
拜爵 bäi-dēk bàijué to be knighted.⁸
伯爵 bāk-dēk
bójué earl; count; earldom.⁹
爵禄[爵祿] dēk-lùk
juélù <wr.> rank of nobility and the emolument that goes with it.⁵
爵位 dēk-vì
juéwèi rank (or title) of nobility.⁸
爵士 dēk-xù
juéshì knight; Sir; <loan> jazz.¹⁰
爵士音乐[爵士音樂] dēk-xù-yïm-ngòk
juéshìyīnyuè <loan> jazz.¹⁰
封爵 füng-dēk
fēngjué to confer a degree of nobility on someone.⁷
加官晋爵[加官晉爵] gä-gön-dün-dēk
jiāguānjìnjué to advance in rank and position; promotion.⁷
公爵 güng-dēk
gōngjué duke.⁸
五等爵位 m̄-āng-dēk-vì
wǔděngjuéwèi the five titles of nobility: 公 Güng Gōng Duke, 侯 Hẽo Hóu Marquis, 伯 Bāk Count, 子 Dū Viscount, 男 Nãm Nán Baron.
赐爵[賜爵] xü-dēk
cìjué to confer titles of nobility upon the meritorious.⁷
dek1 2203
94 10 dēk zhuó <old> alternative form of 𧱓 dēk zhuó (name of star).³⁶
(composition: ⿰犭尨; U+72F5).
or 日月会于龙𧱓[日月會於龍𧱓] ngìt-ngùt-vòi-yï-lũng-dēk rìyuèhuìyúlóngzhuó a conjunction of the sun and moon in the dragon's tail, which occurs in the tenth month.⁸ʼ²⁵
<又> mõng.
(See 狵 mõng).
dek1 2204
96 12 dēk zhuó to cut, chisel or polish jade gems; to improve (literary works), to polish, to refine.⁷
(composition: ⿰𤣩豖 or ⿰𤣩豕; U+7422).
琢句 dēk-guî
zhuójù sentence formation; to write and polish phrases and sentences.⁷
琢工 dēk-güng
zhuógōng a lapidary.¹⁴
琢磨 dēk-mõ
zhuómó carve and polish (jade); improve (literary work); polish; refine.⁵
琢玉 dēk-ngùk
zhuóyù grind jade.¹¹
琢石 dēk-sêk
zhuóshí scotching.¹⁰
雕琢 ël-dēk
diāozhuó to cut and polish (gems); to polish a piece of writing; to write in an ornate style.⁷
雕肝琢肾[雕肝琢腎] ël-gön-dēk-sûn
diāogānzhuóshèn to exhaust physical and mental energy.⁷
玉不琢,不成器 ngùk-būt-dēk, būt-sẽin-hï
yùbùzhuó, bùchéngqì jade requires chiselling – as man needs training and discipline.¹¹
<又> ëk.
(See 琢 [dēk, zuó], ëk.)
dek1 2205
96 12 dēk zuó to ponder over; to consider.⁷
(composition: ⿰𤣩豖 or ⿰𤣩豕; U+7422).
琢磨 dēk-mõ
zuómo turn something over in one's mind;  ponder.⁵
<又> ëk.
(See 琢 [dēk, zhuó], ëk.)
dek1 2206
122 12 dēk zhuó a trap for catching birds, which turns on a pivot, and covers them over.²⁵
(composition: ⿱罒叕; U+7F6C).
罿罬 chüng-dēk chōngzhuó a trap for birds, turning on a pivot; trapfall.²⁵
罦罬 fũ-dēk
fúzhuó a net or trap.¹⁹
dek1 2207
149 15 dēk zhuó slander; gossip; rumors.
谣诼[謠諑] yẽl-dēk yáozhuó <wr.> rumors; slander; calumny; smearing campaign.
dek1 2208
152 14 𧱓
dēk zhuó the name of the star in the dragon's tail. (also read ëo dòu; chēk zhuó with same meaning.)
(composition: ⿰豕尨; U+27C53).
❄{⿰豕尨}[日月會於龍𧱓❄{⿰豕尨}] or 日月会于龙狵[日月會於龍狵] ngìt-ngùt-vòi-yï-lũng-dēk rìyuèhuìyúlóngzhuó a conjunction of the sun and moon in the dragon's tail, which occurs in the tenth month.⁸ʼ²⁵
dek1 2209
172 11 dēk qiǎo (=雀 dēk què) this pronunciation, qiǎo, is used colloquially. The meaning is the same as in the pronunciation què.⁸
<又> dêk.
(See 雀 [dēk, què], [dēk, qiāo], dêk.)
dek1 2210
172 11 dēk qiāo 雀子 dēk-dū qiāozi (=雀斑 dēk-bän quèbān) a freckle; lentigo.¹⁰
<又> dêk.
(See 雀 [dēk, què], [dēk, qiǎo], dêk.)
dek1 2211
172 11 dēk què small bird, such as sparrows, chickadees; freckled.⁷
雀斑 dēk-bän quèbān freckle.⁶
雀巢鸠占[雀巢鳩佔] dēk-chão-gëo-jëm
quècháojiūzhān lit. The sparrow's nest is occupied by a turtledove. – to usurp other's position, property.⁷
雀鲷[雀鯛] dēk-ël
quèdiāo damselfish.⁶
雀战[雀戰] dēk-jën
quèzhàn to play a game of mahjong.⁷
雀隼 dēk-jūn
quèsǔn sparrow hawk.¹⁹
雀立 dēk-lìp
quèlì to hop around.⁷
雀罗[雀羅] dēk-lõ
quèluó a net for catching birds.⁷
雀麦[雀麥] dēk-màk
quèmài bromegrass.⁶
雀盲 dēk-mãng
quèmáng night blindness.¹⁰
雀屏中目 dēk-pẽin-jüng-mùk
quèpíngzhòngmù or 雀屏中选[雀屏中選] dēk-pẽin-jüng-xūn quèpíng zhòngxuǎn to be selected as somepne's son-in-law.⁷
雀舌 dēk-sêt
quèshé name of a kind of tender tea leaves.⁷
雀鼠之争[雀鼠之爭] dēk-sī-jï-jäng
quèshǔzhīzhēng a lawsuit, a dispute.⁷
雀噪 dēk-täo
quèzào noisy and vociferous.⁷
雀跃[雀躍] dēk-yèk
quèyuè jump for joy.⁷
雀鹰[雀鷹] dēk-yëin
quèyīng sparrow hawk.⁶
<又> dêk.
(See 雀 [dēk, qiāo], [dēk, qiǎo], dêk.)
dek1 2212
196 15 dēk què (=雀 dēk què a general name for small birds, such as sparrows, chickadees).⁸
(composition: ⿱少鳥; U+4CB5).
(See 雀 [dēk, què]).
dek1 2213
46 13 dëk <wr.> mountain ridge.⁶
齿嵴[齒嵴] chī-dëk chǐjí alveolar ridge.¹⁰
髂嵴 kä-dëk
qiàjí iliac crest, crista iliaca.⁹
dek2 2214
104 15 dëk <wr.> (of a person) thin and weak, emaciated; (of land) barren, infertile, unproductive, sterile.⁶ (variant: 膌 dëk ).
瘠薄 dëk-bòk
jíbó barren, unproductive.⁵
瘠田 dëk-hẽin
jítián infertile fields/land; barren land.⁶
瘠土 dëk-hū
jítǔ sterile soil; infertile soil.⁷
瘠地 dëk-ì
jídì sterile or unproductive land.⁷
瘠弱 dëk-ngèk
jíruò sickly.¹¹
瘠人肥己 dëk-ngĩn-fĩ-gī
jírénféijǐ exhaust others to enrich oneself.⁸
瘠瘦 dëk-sëo
jíshòu emaciated; leand and weak.⁷
枯瘠 kü-dëk
kūjí emaciated; skinny.⁶
地瘠民贫 ì-dëk-mĩn-pĩn
dìjímínpín The soil is sterile and the people are poor.³⁹
贫瘠[貧瘠] pĩn-dëk
pínjí barren; infertile; wanting; poor.⁶
(See 膌 dëk).
dek2 2215
120 17 dëk twist hempen thread.⁵
(comp. t: ⿰糹責; U+7E3E). (comp. s: ⿰纟责; U+7EE9).
绩麻[績麻] dëk-mã
jīmá twist threads; spin hemp.⁵⁴
<又> dēik.
(See 績 dēik).
dek2 2216
130 10 dëk spine, backbone; ridge.⁵
脊背 dëk-böi jǐbèi back (of a human being or any other vertebrate).⁵
脊柱 dëk-chuî
jǐzhù spinal column; vertebral column; backbone; spine.⁵
脊椎 dëk-juï
jǐzhuī vertebra.⁵
脊鳍[脊鰭] dëk-kĩ
jǐqí dorsal fin.⁵
脊梁 dëk-lẽng
jǐliáng <topo.> back (of a human being).⁶
脊梁骨 dëk-lẽng-gūt
jǐlianggǔ spine; backbone.⁶
脊檩[脊檁] dëk-lîm
jǐlǐn ridgepole; ridgepiece.⁶
脊神经[脊神經] dëk-sĩn-gëin
jǐshénjīng spinal nerve.⁵
脊髓 dëk-xōi
jǐsuǐ spinal cord.⁵
脊索 dëk-xôk
jǐsuǒ <zoo.> notochord.⁵
里脊肉[裏脊肉] lī-dëk-ngùk
lǐjiròu tenderloin; lean pork taken from under the spinal column of a hog.¹⁴
山脊 sän-dëk
shānjǐ mountain ridge; ridge.⁹
<又> dêk.
(See 脊 dêk.)
dek2 2217
130 11 dëk (old variant of 瘠 dëk <wr.> (of a person) thin and weak, emaciated; (of land) barren, infertile, unproductive, sterile.⁶).¹⁰ (=膌 dëk or 瘠 dëk .).⁸ thin.²⁵
(composition: ⿰⺼束; U+8128).
<又> tūk.
(See 脨 tūk; 瘠 dëk; 膌 dëk).
dek2 2218
130 14 dëk (=瘠 dëk <wr.> (of a person) thin and weak, emaciated; (of land) barren, infertile, unproductive, sterile.⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿰月脊; U+818C).
(See 瘠 dëk).
dek2 2219
196 21 dëk (comp. t: ⿰脊鳥; U+9DBA). (comp. s: ⿰脊鸟; U+9E61).
鹡鸰 dëk-lẽin
jílíng wagtail.
黄鹡鸰[黃鶺鴒] võng-dëk-lẽin
huángjílíng yellow wagtail.
dek2 2220
50 10 dèk mat.⁶
席子 dèk-dū xízi <topo.> mat, matting.⁶
地席 ì-dèk
dìxí floor mat.¹⁹
竹席 jūk-dèk
zhúxí bamboo mat.⁶
凉席[涼席] lẽng-dèk
liángxí summer sleeping mat.⁶
芦席[蘆席] lũ-dèk
lúxí reed mat.⁶
草席 tāo-dèk
cǎoxí straw mat.⁶
<又> dèik.
(See 席 dèik.)
dek4 2221
140 13 dèk (=席 dèk ) straw mat, mat.⁸
织蓆[織蓆] jēik-dèk
zhīxí to make mats.¹⁴
竹蓆 jūk-dèk
zhúxí a mat of split bamboo.¹¹
草蓆 tāo-dèk
cǎoxí a straw mat.¹¹
(See 席 dèk.)
dek4 2222
130 10 dêk 背脊 böi-dêk bèijǐ the back of the human body.⁵
背脊肉 böi-dêk-ngùk
bèijǐròu (=牛柳 ngẽo-liû niúliǔ) beef tenderloin.⁹ sirloin.¹⁰
<又> dëk.
(See 脊 dëk.)
dek5 2223
162 13 dêk traces, impressions, footprints.⁸
<台> 脚迹[腳跡] gëk-dêk footprint.
<台> 舐枚个迹[舐枚個跡] sâi-mõi-göi-dêk wipe away all evidence.
<又> dēik. (See 跡 dēik.)
dek5 2224
172 11 dêk què <台> 雀仔 dêk-dōi little bird.
<又> dēk. (See 雀 [dēk, què], [dēk, qiāo], [dēk, qiǎo].)
dek5 2225
18 13 dēl jiǎo destroy, exterminate, annihilate.⁸
(composition: ⿰巢刂; U+527F).
剿匪 dēl-fī jiǎofěi to launch attacks against the bandits.
剿灭[剿滅] dēl-mèik
jiǎomiè exterminate; wipe out.⁵
兜剿 ëo-dēl
dōujiǎo to encircle and suppress.
围剿[圍剿] vĩ-dēl
wéijiǎo to encircle and suppress.⁶
<又> chäo.
(See 剿 chäo.)
del1 2226
19 13 dēl jiǎo tired, overworked; bothered, feel disturbed; to send a punitive expedition to exterminate; (=剿 dēl jiǎo to destroy, to annihilate, to exterminate).⁸ to trouble; to annoy; nimble.¹⁴ to labor, to fatigue, to vex.²⁴
composition: ⿰巢力; U+52E6).
勦勦其民 dēl-dēl-kĩ-mĩn
jiǎojiǎoqímín to oppress the masses.¹⁴
勦匪 dēl-fī
jiǎofěi to wage a war of extermination against rebels.¹¹
勦抚兼施[勦撫兼施] dēl-fū-gëm-sï
jiǎofǔjiānshī quash revolts both by force and pacification measures.¹¹
勦共 dēl-gùng
jiǎogòng <hist.> suppression of the Communists.³⁶
勦劳[勦勞] dēl-lão
jiǎoláo to weary.¹⁴ʼ²⁴
勦灭[勦滅] dēl-mèik
jiǎomiè to exterminate.¹³ (=剿灭[剿滅] dēl-mèik jiǎomiè exterminate; wipe out.⁵).³⁶
勦取 dēl-tuī
jiǎoqǔ to take by force.¹⁹
天用勦绝其命.[天用勦絕其命.] Hëin-yùng-dēl-dùt-kĩ-mèin.
Tiān yòng jiǎo jué qí mìng. Heaven will on this account oppose him and cut off the span of his life.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《史記·本紀·夏本紀·30》, translated by James Legge).
清勦 tëin-dēl
qīngjiǎo annihilate (roving bands of bandits, rebels).¹¹
围勦[圍勦] vĩ-dēl
wéijiǎo encircle and annihilate.¹³
<又> chäo.
(See 勦 chäo; 剿 dēl).
del1 2227
75 15 dēl jiǎo (=剿 dēl jiǎo) to exterminate.⁸ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰木巢; U+6A14).
<又> chão; chäo.
(See 樔 chão; 樔 chäo).
del1 2228
85 12 dēl jiǎo <wr.> low-lying.⁵ damp and narrow.⁷ mournful and sad.¹⁴
(old variant: 湬 dēl jiǎo).
湫隘 dēl-äi
jiǎo'ài <wr.> narrow and low-lying.⁶ a damp and narow place.⁷
湫风[湫風] dēl-füng
jiǎofēng a mournful wind.¹⁴
湫狹[湫狭] dēl-hèp
jiǎoxiá narrow and confined.¹⁴
湫鄙 dēl-pī
jiǎobǐ bare and poor.¹⁴
<又> tiü.
(See 湫 tiü; 湬 dēl).
del1 2229
85 13 dēl jiǎo (<old>=湫 dēl jiǎo <wr.> low-lying.⁵ damp and narrow.⁷ mournful and sad.¹⁴).⁸
(composition: ⿱秋水; U+6E6C).
<又> tiü.
(See 湬 tiü; 湫 dēl).
del1 2230
85 15 dēl jiǎo (=𤃭❄{⿰氵⿱罒焦} dēl jiǎo to pour wine).³⁶ to pour wine.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰氵焦; U+6F50).
<又> dël; tẽl.
(See 潐 dël; 潐 tẽl; 𤃭❄{⿰氵⿱罒焦} dēl ).
del1 2231
85 20 𤃭
dēl jiǎo to pour wine.² to pour out wine; to gush forth; to exhaust.²⁴ (variant: 潐 dēl jiǎo).
(composition: ⿰氵⿱罒焦; U+240ED).
(See 潐 dēl).
del1 2232
9 14 dël jiāo 僬僥 Dël Ngẽl Jiāo Yáo legendary dwarf.
del2 2233
18 14 dël qiāo to geld; to castrate; to neuter livestock.
劁猪[劁豬] dël-jï qiāozhū to castrate a pig.
del2 2234
30 15 dël jiào to chew, to munch, to masticate.⁶
倒噍 (obsolete variant of 倒嚼 āo-dël dǎojiào) āo-dël dǎojiào to ruminate.⁹ chewing the cud.³⁹
噍类[噍類] dël-luì
jiàolèi <wr.> living beings; human beings.⁶
啁噍 jiü-dël
zhōujiào (=鹪鹩[鷦鷯] dël-lẽl jiāoliáo) wren.⁸ Eurasian wren (Troglodytes troglodytes).¹⁰
<又> dèl.
(See 噍 dèl.)
del2 2235
30 20 dël jiào to chew.
倒嚼 āo-dël dǎojiào to ruminate.⁹ to chew the cud.¹¹
<又> dēk.
(See 嚼 [dēk, jiáo], 嚼 [dēk, jué].)
del2 2236
46 15 dël jiāo (<old=礁 dël jiāo reef; jetty; submerged rocks.⁸); name of a mountain; mountain peak, summit.⁸
(composition: ⿰山焦; U+5D95).
嶕峣[嶕嶢] dël-ngẽl
jiāoyáo mountainous; lofty.²⁴
(See 礁 dël).
del2 2237
72 21 dël jiào (same as, non-classical form of 皭 dël jiào) pure white; clean; bright, usually used for person's name in ancient times.⁸
(composition: ⿰日爵; U+3B2D).
虞㬭 nguĩ-dël
yú jiào Yu Jiao lived during the Liang 梁 Dynasty (502-557 CE).
<又> dēk.
(See 㬭 dēk; 皭 dël).
del2 2238
75 12 dël jiāo pepper; various spices.¹⁴
椒饼[椒餅] dël-bēng jiāobǐng pepper cake.⁷
椒酒 dël-diū
jiāojiǔ wine spiced with peppers.¹¹
椒房 dël-fông/
jiāofáng or 椒屋 dël-ūk jiāowū or 椒殿 dël-èin jiāodiàn the palace of the queen; private apartments of the empress.⁷
椒粉 dël-fūn
jiāofěn ground pepper.¹¹
椒兰[椒蘭] dël-lãn
jiāolán persons of low moral standing; unprincipled persons; relatives of nobility.⁷
椒聊 dël-lẽl
jiāoliáo to be prosperous.⁷
椒面[椒麵] dël-mèin
jiāomiàn ground pepper.¹⁴
椒目 dël-mùk
jiāomù the dark seeds of pepper fruit.⁷
椒月 dël-ngùt
jiāoyuè the twelfth month.¹⁴
椒瓶 dël-pêng
jiāopíng a pepper caster or pepper pot.⁷
椒盐[椒鹽] dël-yẽm 
jiāoyán spiced salt.⁸
花椒 fä-dël
huājiāo wild pepper grown in West China.¹¹ also known as 秦椒 tũn-dël, 蓁椒 jün-dël, 川椒 chün-dël,蜀椒 sùk-dël Sichuan pepper, Chinese prickly ash.¹⁰⁶
辣椒 làt-dël
làjiāo hot pepper; chili.⁵
胡椒 vũ-dël
hújiāo black pepper.¹¹
del2 2239
85 15 dël jiào exhausted; generous wine; to take out.²⁴ <old> (of water) to exhaust; to finish.³⁶ exhaust.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰氵焦; U+6F50).
潐潐 dël-dël jiàojiào (=明察 mẽin-chāt míngchá to be sharp and perspicacious; to perceive; to note clearly.⁵⁴).¹⁹ (<old>=皭皭 dël-dël jiàojiào spotlessly white, pure white.¹⁹ spotlessly white, pure white; clean, pure, unsullied.²⁹).²⁹
<又> dēl; tẽl.
(See 潐 dēl; 潐 tẽl).
del2 2240
85 20 dël jiào the pole of a carriage varnished.²⁴ (historical) paint applied to a cart's shaft.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵爵; U+7042).
<又> dūk. (See 灂 dūk).
del2 2241
86 12 dël jiāo burnt, scorched; coke; worried, anxious; Jiao surname.⁵
焦比 dël-bī jiāobǐ <metal.> coke ratio.⁵
焦点[焦點] dël-ēm
jiāodiǎn focus; focal/burning point.⁷
焦化 dël-fä
jiāohuà <chem.> coking.⁵
焦急 dël-gīp
jiāojí anxious, worried.⁵
焦黑 dël-hāk
jiāohēi burned black.⁵
焦炭 dël-hän
jiāotàn coke.⁵
焦头烂额[焦頭爛額] dël-hẽo-làn-ngäk
jiāotóulàn'é lit. suffer burns on head and forehead  – in great diffficulty.⁷
焦糖 dël-hõng
jiāotáng caramel.⁷
焦渴 dël-höt
jiāokě terribly thirsty; parched.⁵
焦土 dël-hū
jiāotǔ scorched earth – ravages of war.⁵
焦枯 dël-kü
jiāokū shriveled; dried up; withered.⁵
焦距 dël-kuî
jiāojù focal distance; focal length.⁵
焦虑[焦慮] dël-luì
jiāolǜ deeply worried and anxious.⁷
焦煤 dël-mõi
jiāoméi coking coal.⁵
焦热[焦熱] dël-ngèik jiāorè burning heat; scorching hot.⁷
焦耳 dël-ngī
jiāo'ěr <phy.> joule.⁵
焦灼 dël-sēk
jiāozhuó burnt by fire; anxious, worried.⁷
焦躁 dël-täo
jiāozào restless with anxiety; impatient.⁵
焦黄[焦黃] dël-võng
jiāohuáng sallow; brown.⁵
焦心 dël-xïm
jiāoxīn <topo.> feel terrribly worried.⁵
焦油 dël-yiũ
jiāoyóu <chem.> tar.⁵
del2 2242
86 16 dël jiāo Ⓐ  firewood  same as 焦 dël jiāo burnt, scorched; coke; worried, anxious ( the object becomes yellowish or charred after being fired or baked at high heat the smell of burnt objects yellowish-black color)  worry; anxious.⁸  Ⓑ to burn, to scorch; <old> a torch.¹¹ Ⓒ to burn moxa; to cauterize; to char or scorch.¹⁴  Ⓓ a torch, a flambeau; a burn, a scald; a fierce fire burning the grass, and scorching the ground.²⁴  Ⓔ to burn the moxa; to char wood, to scorch; to sear; to scorch a terrapin's shell for divination; to burn dry grass.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰火焦; U+71CB).
燋头[燋頭] dël-hẽo
jiāotóu a scalded head.²⁴
燋烂[燋爛] dël-làn
jiāolàn cook to rags; well-done.¹⁴
燋木 dël-mûk
jiāomù to char wood.¹⁴ to char wood to bend it.¹⁰²
燋铄[燋鑠] dël-sēk
jiāoshuò furnace heat to smelt metals.¹⁴
燋萎夭折 dël-vī-yēl-jēt
jiāowěiyāozhé like burnt and withered grass, it is soon cut off.¹⁴
燋心 dël-xïm
jiāoxīn distress of heart.¹⁴ the heartburn.²⁴ʼ¹⁰²
燋夭 dël-yēl
jiāoyāo to die young.¹⁴
炙三燋 jēik-xäm-dël
zhìsānjiāo to apply moxa thrice.¹⁰²
<又> tẽl; dēk; sēk.
(See 燋 tẽl; 燋 dēk; 燋 sēk; 焦 dël).
del2 2243
104 17 dël jiào sick, ill; to shrink.⁸ (=𥡤❄{⿱⿰禾酉灬} dël jiào to shrink.⁸).³⁶ thin, shriveled, lean; peaked and cadaverous.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿸疒焦; U+7644).
癄瘁 dël-xuì
jiàocuì² or tẽl-xuì qiáocuì¹⁹ emaciated; all dried and shrunken.¹⁰²
<又> tẽl.
(See 癄 tẽl; 𥡤❄{⿱⿰禾酉灬} dël).
del2 2244
106 22 dël jiào white; bright; clear; clean; pure.⁸ pure white, clean.¹¹ʼ¹⁴
(composition: ⿰白爵; U+76AD).
皭白 dël-bàk jiàobái pure; clean; unsullied; innocent; stainless.⁵⁴
皭皭 dël-dël jiàojiào spotlessly white, pure white.¹⁹ spotlessly white, pure white; clean, pure, unsullied.²⁹
皭然 dël-ngẽin
jiàorán <lit.> immaculate, unblemished.¹¹
皭然不滓 dël-ngẽin-būt-dōi
jiàoránbùzǐ pure; with no blemish.¹⁴
del2 2245
112 17 dël jiāo reef; jetty; submerged rocks.⁸ (variant: 嶕 dël jiāo).
大陆礁层[大陸礁層] ài-lùk-dël-tãng
dàlùjiāocéng continental shelf.¹¹
暗礁 ām-dël
ànjiāo submerged reef (rock).¹⁰
堡礁 bāo-dël
bǎojiāo barrier reef.⁹
触礁[觸礁] chūk-dël
chùjiāo to strike a submerged reef, to run aground; to hit a snag, to meet unexpected difficulty.⁷
礁岛[礁島] dël-āo
jiāodǎo reef island.¹⁰
礁岩 dël-ngãm
jiāoyán hermatolith.¹⁰
礁岩屑堆 dël-ngãm-xēik-uï
jiāoyánxièduī reef talus and scree.⁵⁴
礁石 dël-sêk
jiāoshí reef.⁹
礁湖 dël-vũ
jiāohú lagoon.¹⁰
明礁 mẽin-dël
míngjiāo rocks rising above water.¹¹
珊瑚礁 sän-vũ-dël
shānhújiāo coral reef.⁵
环礁[環礁] vãn-dël
huánjiāo atoll.¹⁰
(See 嶕 dël).
del2 2246
115 16 𥡤
dël jiào to shrink.⁸ (variant: 癄 dël jiào).
(composition: ⿱⿰禾酉灬; U+25864).
(See 癄 dël).
del2 2247
130 16 dël jiāo <TCM.> the three divisions of the viscera.⁸
(composition: ⿰月焦; U+81B2).
三膲 or 三焦 xäm-dël sānjiāo (TCM) the three truncal cavities (thoracic, abdominal and pelvic).¹⁰ three imaginary parts of the human body, between the navel and the back; the medical books say, that the upper one is underneath the heart, which it separates from the upper orifice of the stomack; the second is in the stomach, neither above nor below, where it superintends the digestion of food; the lower one is over the orifice of the bladder, and regulates its emissions; the three 膲 together constittute the passage of the meal and drink, where the animal spirits begin and end.²⁵
del2 2248
142 18 dël jiāo (=蟧 lẽl liáo) a kind of big cicada.⁸
蟭蟟 dël-lẽl
jiāoliáo cicada (old).¹⁰
(See 蟧 lẽl.)
del2 2249
164 19 dël jiào libation at an ancient wedding ceremony; (of a woman) remarry; Taoist or Buddhist sacrificial ceremony.⁶
(composition: ⿰酉焦; U+91AE).
打醮 ā-dël dǎjiào perform a Daoist ritual.⁶
醮席 dël-dèik
jiàoxí a wedding feast.¹⁴
醮金 dël-gïm
jiàojīn fees for idolatrous sacrifices.¹⁴
醮坛[醮壇] dël-hãn
jiàotán an altar for service of offering sacrifices to gods or the deceased.⁷
醮于客位.[醮於客位.] Dël-yï-hāk-vì.
Jiào yú kè wèi.
The father handed him a cup in the guests' place (without receiving one in return).⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·郊特牲》, translated by James Legge).
再醮 döi-dël
zàijiào (of a widow) remarry.⁶
Fù-tïn-dël-dū, ngĩ-mèin-jï-ngẽin.
Fùqīn jiào zi, ér mìng zhī yíng.
The father gave himself the special cup to his son, and ordered him to go and meet the bride.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·昏義》, translated by James Legge).
斋醮[齋醮] jäi-dël
zhāijiào (Buddhist and Daoist priests) set up an alter for prayer rites.⁶
del2 2250
164 24 dël jiào drain; propose a toast.⁸ to drain a goblet.¹⁰ʼ¹⁴ <old> empty a cup of wine at one gulp.¹¹ to drink up all the wine, to finish the glass.²⁵
(composition: ⿰酉爵; U+91C2).
盗釂[盜釂] ào-dël dàojiào excessive drinking.¹⁹
釂酬 dël-chiũ
jiàochóu after the host drinks his wine, he pours wine for his guests.¹⁹
釂釂 dël-dël
jiàojiào after the host drinks his wine, he then drinks more to toast the guests.⁵⁴
釂鼓 dël-gū
jiàogǔ the drum sound at the end of the ancient military meeting.¹⁹
釂客 dël-hāk
jiàokè the host urges his guests to drink up.⁵⁴
长者举未釂, 少者不敢饮.[長者舉未釂, 少者不敢飲.]
Jēng-jēh-guī-mì-dël, sël-jēh-būt-gām-ngīm.
Zhǎng zhě jǔ wèi jiào, shào zhě bù gǎn yìn.
The elder (meantime) lifts (his cup); but until he has emptied it, the other does not presume to drink his.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《禮記·曲禮上·49》, translated by James Legge).
消釂 xël-dël
xiāojiào completely eliminate, wipe out.¹⁹
使其釂非则灌之[使其釂非則灌之] xū-kĩ-dël-fï-dāk-gön-jï
shǐ qí jiào zé guàn zhī he ordered him to finish the glass, and when he refused, took and poured it down his throat.²⁵
del2 2251
196 23 dël jiāo a wren.⁷
暗冕鹪莺[暗冕鹪莺] ām-mêin-dël-äng ànmiǎnjiāoyīng rufescent prinia (Prinia rufescens).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鹪莺[鷦鶯] dël-äng
jiāoyīng wren warbler.⁶
鹪莺属[鷦鶯屬] dël-äng-sùk
jiāoyīngshǔ Prinia (genus).²⁰
鹪鹩[鷦鷯] dël-lẽl
jiāoliáo wren.⁸ Eurasian wren (Troglodytes troglodytes).¹⁰
鹪鹩一枝[鷦鷯一枝] dël-lẽl-yīt-jï
jiāoliáoyīzhī lit. just one twig for the wren to perch on – any humble position.⁷
岩鹪鹩[岩鷦鷯] ngãm-dël-lẽl
yánjiāoliáo rock wren (Salpinctes obsoletus).²³
一群鹪鹩[一群鷦鷯] yīt-kũn-dël-lẽl
yīqúnjiāoliáo a flock of wrens.⁶
del2 2252
109 17 dẽl qiáo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 瞧 chẽl qiáo with the same meaning: look, see; (of a patient) see a doctor, (of a doctor) see a patient; visit, call on somebody.⁶)
<又> chẽl; tẽl.
(See 瞧 chẽl; 瞧 tẽl.)
del3 2253
30 15 dèl jiào <台> 噍肕 dèl-ngîn chewing on tendon.
<又> dël. (See 噍 dël.)
del4 2254
140 15 dêl jiāo banana; plantain.⁸
芭蕉 bä-dêl bājiāo Japanese banana (Musa basjoo).¹⁰
芭蕉布 bä-dêl-bü
bājiāobù "banana cloth", cloth made from fibers of Japanese banana.¹⁵
芭蕉扇 bä-dël-sën
bājiāoshàn palm-leaf fan.¹¹
芭蕉树[芭蕉樹] bä-dêl-sì
bājiāoshù banana tree.¹⁹ Musa basjoo.²³
芭蕉叶[芭蕉葉] bä-dêl-yêp
bājiāoyè leaf of Japanese banana.¹⁹ Folium Musae.²³
蕉布 dêl-bü
jiāobù cloth made from fibers of abaca.⁸
蕉农[蕉農] dêl-nũng
jiāonóng banana farmer.³⁹
凤尾蕉[鳳尾蕉] fùng-mī-dêl
fèngwěijiāo <bot.> a graceful palm, Cycas revoluta.¹¹
甘蕉 gäm-dêl
gānjiāo <bot.> the banana, Sapientum.¹¹
香蕉 hëng-děl
xiāngjiāo banana.¹⁰
美人蕉 mî-ngĩn-dêl
měirénjiāo <bot.> canna or Indian shot (genus Canna).¹⁰
剥蕉抽茧[剝蕉抽繭] mōk-dêl-chëo-gān
or mōk-dêl-chëo-gēin bōjiāochōujiǎn like peeling banana plant or unwinding cocoon, i.e., press inquiry step by step, investigate deeper and deeper.¹¹
<台> 咬蕉 ngāo-dêl bitten.
del5 2255
30 20 𡄑
dëm jiān avaricious.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口韱; U+21111).
𡄑❄{⿰口韱}㖩 dëm-juï jiānzū extortion; covetous.²⁴
dem2 2256
42 6 dëm jiān sharp, pointed, acute, keen.⁸ (Note: the archaic way of writing 尖 dêm jiān is 㦰 dêm jiān).
(composition: ⿱⿻丨八大
or ⿱小大; U+5C16).
尖刀 dëm-äo
jiāndāo dagger.¹⁰
尖子 dëm-dū
jiānzi best of its kind; cream of the crop.¹⁰
尖嘴薄舌 dëm-duī-bòk-sêt
jiānzuǐbóshé have a caustic and flippant tongue.⁵⁴
尖嘴猴腮 dëm-duī-hẽo-xöi
jiānzuǐhóusāi pointed mouth and monkey's cheek – thin angular face; ugly appearance.⁶
尖塔 dëm-hāp
jiāntǎ spire; minaret.¹⁰
尖吻鲈[尖吻鱸] dëm-mêin-lũ
or dëm-mûn-lú jiānwěnlú (=盲鰽 mãng-tão mángqiú barramundi, Asian sea bass (Lates calcarifer).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
尖端 dëm-ön
jiānduān sharp pointed end; the tip; the cusp; tip-top; most advanced and sophisticated; highest peak; the best.¹⁰
尖脐[尖臍] dëm-tî
jiānqí male crab.¹¹
尖锐[尖銳] dëm-yuì
jiānruì sharp; intense; penetrating; pointed; acute (illness).¹⁰
出尖 chūt-dëm
chūjiān out of the ordinary; outstanding; egregious.¹⁰
顶尖[頂尖] ēin-dëm
dǐngjiān world best; number one.¹⁰
<又> dêm.
(See 尖 dêm; 㦰 dêm).
dem2 2257
50 20 dëm jiān to wipe; to rub.² to wipe, to scrub, to dust, to clean.⁸
(variant: 攕 dëm jiān).
(composition: ⿰巾韱; U+3868).
<又> têm.
(See 㡨 têm; 攕 dëm).
dem2 2258
62 8 dëm jiān to break off (relations); to sever, to exterminate; to annihilate; to wipe out, to pierce; to stab; to irritate; to hurt, to hold weapons, agricultural implements; far tools, sharp will; eager intention; determination.⁸ to cut off, to exterminate; to prick, pointed; an implement of agriculture.²⁴ an alternative way of writing 尖 dëm jiān 'sharp' --Karlgren.
(abbreviated variant: 䇝 dëm
(composition: ⿱从戈; U+39B0).
(See 䇝 dëm; 尖 dëm).
dem2 2259
64 20 dëm jiān same as 㡨 dëm jiān to wipe; to rub.² to wipe, to scrub, to dust, to clean.⁸ to reduce, to pare (away), to cut (down); a wedge.¹⁹
(composition: ⿰扌韱; U+6515).
<又> xãm; tïm.
(See 攕 xãm; 攕 tïm; 㡨 dëm).
dem2 2260
75 21 dëm jiān <wr.> a wooden wedge; a wood slip; brackets between crossbeams and columns (see explanation at 斗拱 ēo-gūng under the character 斗 ēo).
<又> dêm. (See 櫼 dêm.)
dem2 2261
85 14 dëm jiān <wr.> soak, be saturated with; flow into.⁵
渐渍[漸漬] dëm-dēik jiānzì to soak; to imbue.⁷ (See 渐渍 [漸漬] dèm-dēik jiànzì exert or undergo a gradual influence.)
渐民以仁[漸民以仁] <wr.> dëm-mĩn-yî-ngĩn
jiānmínyǐrén inspire the people with love.¹¹
渐染[漸染] dëm-ngêm
jiānrǎn <wr.> be imperceptibly influenced.⁶
渐润[漸潤] dëm-ngùn
jiānrùn be saturated with water.⁶
东渐于海[東漸於海] <wr.> üng-dëm-yï-hōi
dōngjiān yúhǎiit flow east and empty into the sea.⁶
<又> dèm.
(See 漸 dèm.)
dem2 2262
85 20 dëm jiān a fountain sometimes with and sometimes without water; soak; moisten, dampen; congenial, harmonious; contagious disease.⁸
澾瀸 ät-dëm tàjiān to soak.⁵⁴
瀸于民心[瀸於民心] dëm-yï-mĩn-xïm
jiānyúmínxīn match the mood of the people.⁵⁴
蜜瀸 mìt-dëm
mìjiān impregnated with honey (about candied fruit).⁵⁴
dem2 2263
118 10 dëm jiān (abbreviated form) (same as 㦰 dëm jiān) to break off (relations); to sever, to exterminate; to annihilate; to wipe out, to pierce; to stable; to irritate; to hurt, to hold weapons, agricultural implements; far tools, sharp will; eager intention; determination.⁸ to cut off, to exterminate; to prick, pointed; an implement of agriculture.²⁴
(composition: ⿱𥫗戈; U+41DD).
(See 㦰 dëm).
dem2 2264
164 21 dëm jiān insipid, little taste; some say food in the form of paste.² dregs of wine; tasteless, insipid.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱漸酉; U+4914).
䤔䣸 dëm-ngëm jiānrǎn or dèm-ngëm zǎnrǎn insipid, little taste, almost tasteless.² a poor weak flavor.²⁵
<又> dèm.
(See 䤔 dèm).
dem2 2265
167 15 dëm jiān sharp-pointed.⁸ alternative form of 尖 (dëm jiān, “pointed; sharp”).³⁶
(comp. t: ⿰釒⿳彐冖又; U+92DF).
(comp. s: ⿰钅⿳彐冖又; U+9513).
<又> tïm.
(See 鋟 tïm).
dem2 2266
167 25 dëm jiān an iron tool; (<old>=尖 dëm jiān sharp, pointed, acute, keen.⁸); an awl.⁸ awl; sharp iron point.¹⁰ʼ³⁶ an iron tool; an awl, or bore; pointed, conical coming to a peak.²⁵ an iron tool; to engrave; to cut and polish.¹⁰¹ an iron instrument, sharpened like an awl; to cut or sharpen.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰釒韱; U+946F).
鑯崚 dëm-lẽin
jiānléng a slender high peak, an aiguille.¹⁰²
dem2 2267
9 14 dèm jiàn to overstep one's authority. (variant: 僣 dèm jiàn).
(composition: ⿰亻朁; U+50ED).
不僭不贼[不僭不賊] būt-dèm-būt-tàk
bù jiàn bù zéi Committing no excess, doing nothing injurious.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·蕩之什·抑·8》, translated by James Legge).
僭号[僭號] dèm-hào
jiànhào <trad.> usurp the title of king; to adopt an illegal title.
僭越 dèm-yòt
jiànyuè to overstep one's authority.
Lòn-jï-chö-säng, dèm-chī-gï-hãm.
Luàn zhī chū shēng, jiàn shǐ jì hán.
Disorder then comes to the birth,
When the first untruth is received.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·小旻之什·巧言·2》, translated by James Legge).
是谓僭君[是謂僭君] sì-vì-dèm-gün
shì wèi jiàn jūn these things constitute 'a usurping ruler'.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·禮運·10》, translated by James Legge).
(See 僣 dèm).
dem4 2268
9 14 dèm jiàn (<old>=僭 dèm jiàn to overstep one's authority); assume, usurp.⁸
(composition: ⿰亻替; U+50E3).
Jié mò chà yú jiàn.
In the rules of ceremony there is no fault greater than usurpation.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《揚子法言·重黎卷第十·8》, translated by Jeffrey S. Bullock).
<又> hëik.
(See 僣 hëik; 僭 dèm).
dem4 2269
72 15 dèm zàn of short duration; temporary, for the time being, for the moment.⁵ (variant: 蹔 dèm zàn).
暂别[暫別] dèm-bèik
zànbié temporary separation.⁵
暂且[暫且] dèm-chēh
zànqiě for the time being.⁷
暂借[暫借] dèm-dëh
zànjiè borrow for a short period.¹¹
暂定[暫定] dèm-èin
zàndìng tentative; provisional.⁵
暂缓[暫緩] dèm-fòn
zànhuǎn postpone; put off; defer.⁵
暂记帐[暫記帳] dèm-gï-jëng
zànjìzhàng suspense account.⁵
暂行[暫行] dèm-hãng
zànxíng provisional; temporary.⁵
暂停[暫停] dèm-hẽin
zàntíng suspend; <sport> time-out.⁵
暂住[暫住] dèm-jì
zànzhù stop at place for a while.¹¹
暂缺[暫缺] dèm-kūt
zànquē (for a post) be left temporarily vacant; (of a commodity) be out of stock for the moment.⁵
暂面[暫面] dèm-mèin
zànmiàn to meet suddenly.¹⁴
暂时[暫時] dèm-sĩ
zànshí temporary, transient.⁵
暂息[暫息] dèm-xēik
zànxī a lull (in the storm); brief break (in rain).¹⁰
暂用[暫用] dèm-yùng
zànyòng use for a short period.⁵
短暂[短暫] ōn-dèm
duǎnzàn of short duration, brief.⁵
<又> jàm.
(See 暫 jàm; 蹔 dèm.)
dem4 2270
73 12 dèm jiàn (<old>=僭 dèm jiàn to overstep one's authority.); false, phony, pretense.⁸
(composition: ⿱兓曰; U+6701).
<又> tām; tẽm.
(See 朁 tām; 朁 tẽm).
dem4 2271
85 14 dèm jiàn gradually; little by little; by degree.⁷
渐变[漸變] dèm-bëin jiànbiàn gradual change.⁵
渐渍[漸漬] dèm-dēik
jiànzì exert/undergo a gradual influence.¹ (See 渐渍[漸漬] dëm-dēik jiānzì to soak; to imbue.⁷)
渐渐[漸漸] dèm-dèm
jiànjiàn gradually; little by little.⁷
渐进[漸進] dèm-dïn
jiànjìn to advance little by little; to make gradual progress.⁷
渐次[漸次] dèm-xü
jiàncì <wr.> gradually; one after another.⁵
防微杜渐[防微杜漸] fõng-mĩ-ù-dèm
fángwēidùjiàn nip an evil in the bud; check erroneous ideas at the outset.⁵
逐渐[逐漸] jùk-dèm
zhújiàn gradually; by degree.⁵
循序渐进[循序漸進] tũn-duì-dèm-dïn
xúnxù jiànjìn follow in order and advance step by step; proceed in an orderly way and step by step.⁵
<又> dëm.
(See 漸 dëm.)
dem4 2272
157 18 dèm zàn (=暂[暫] dèm zàn) of short duration; temporary, for the time being, for the moment.⁵
(See 暫 dèm; 暫 jàm.)
dem4 2273
164 21 dèm zǎn same meaning as 䤔 dëm jiān: insipid, little taste; some say food in the form of paste.² dregs of wine; tasteless, insipid.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱漸酉; U+4914).
䤔䣸 dèm-ngëm
zǎnrǎn or dëm-ngëm jiānrǎn insipid, little taste, almost tasteless.² a poor weak flavor.²⁵
<又> dëm.
(See 䤔 dëm).
dem4 2274
184 20 dèm jiàn tasteless, without enough salt, insipid, dull, not interesting; to taste food before royalty partook.⁸
(composition: ⿱斬食; U+4B55).
䭕䣸 dèm-ngëm jiànrǎn a briny taste.²⁵
(See 䭕 [dèm, zǎn]).
dem4 2275
184 20 dèm zǎn (alternative Mandarin reading for 䭕 dèm jiàn with the same meaning: tasteless, without enough salt, insipid, dull, not interesting; to taste food before royalty partook.⁸).
(composition: ⿱斬食; U+4B55).
澉䭕 gām-dèm
gǎnzǎn tasteless.²⁵
(See 䭕 [dèm, jiàn]).
dem4 2276
42 6 dêm jiān <台> 打尖 ā-dêm to hustle or squeeze into a line.
<又> dëm. (See 尖 dëm.)
dem5 2277
75 21 dêm jiān <台> a shim.
<又> dëm. (See 櫼 dëm.)
dem5 2278
3 5 dēng jǐng (<old>=井 dēng jǐng) a well.⁸
<又> ām.
(See 丼 ām; 井 dēng).
deng1 2279
7 4 dēng jǐng a well; neat; orderly; Jing surname. (variant: 丼 dēng jǐng).
井底之蛙 dēng-āi-jï-vä
jǐngdǐzhīwā the frog at the bottom of the well (idiom); fig. a person of limited outlook and experience.¹⁰
井榦 dēng-gön
jǐnggàn the railing round the mouth of a well.¹⁴
井墈 dēng-häm
jǐngkàn the edge round a well.¹⁴
井然 dēng-ngẽin
jǐngrán tidy, neat.
井然有序 dēng-ngẽin-yiû-duì
jǐngrányǒuxù in perfect order.⁵
井水 dēng-suī
jǐngshuǐ well-water.
天井 hëin-dēng
tiānjǐng skylight, courtyard.
水井 suī-dēng
shuǐjǐng well.⁵
油井 yiũ-dēng
yóujǐng oil well.
<又> dēin.
(See 井 dēin; 丼 dēng.)
deng1 2280
75 15 dēng jiǎng oar.⁵ (variant: 䒂 dēng jiǎng).¹⁴
打桨[打槳] ā-dēng
dǎjiǎng pull an oar.¹ to row a boat.¹⁴
螺桨[螺槳] lũ-dēng
luójiǎng propeller.²⁹
or 盪桨[盪槳] òng-dēng dàngjiǎng pull on the oars; row a boat.¹
划桨[划槳] pã-dēng
huájiǎng paddle.⁶
船桨[船槳] sõn-dēng
chuánjiǎng oar; paddles; quant; three way hull-propeller-rudder interactions.⁵³
摇桨[搖槳] yẽl-dēng yáojiǎng to row a boat.¹⁴
(See 䒂 [dēng jiǎng].)
deng1 2281
85 7 dēng jǐng (<archaic=阱 dēng jǐng or dèin jǐng) trap, pitfall, pit;⁵ the appearance of a small, meandering stream.⁵⁴
汫洲 Dēng-jiü
or Dèin-jiü Jǐngzhōu, a place in 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Guangdong (Province).⁸
汫濙 dēng-yëin
or dèin-yëin jǐngyíng meandering.¹⁰
deng1 2282
94 15 dēng jiǎng prize, reward; give award to.⁸
(alternative form: 蒋[蔣] dēng jiǎng).
得奖[得獎] āk-dēng
déjiǎng win (or awarded) a prize.⁵
奖品[獎品] dēng-bīn
jiǎngpǐn award; prize.¹⁰
奖金[獎金] dēng-gïm
jiǎngjīn premium; award money; bonus.¹⁰
奖学金[獎學金] dēng-hòk-gïm
jiǎngxuéjīn scholarship.¹⁰
奖章[獎章] dēng-jëng
jiǎngzhāng medal.¹⁰
奖状[獎狀] dēng-jòng
jiǎngzhuàng certificate (of prize, degree, diploma).¹⁰
奖励[獎勵] dēng-lài
jiǎnglì to reward; reward (as encouragement).¹⁰
奖赏[獎賞] dēng-sēng
jiǎngshǎng reward; prize; award.¹⁰
奖掖[獎掖] dēng-yìt
jiǎngyè <wr.> reward and promote.⁶
金质奖[金質獎] gïm-jīt-dēng
jīnzhìjiǎng gold medal award.⁶
夸奖[誇獎] kä-dēng
kuājiǎng to praise; to applaud; to compliment.¹⁰
(See 蔣 dēng).
deng1 2283
137 17 dēng jiǎng (=桨[槳] dēng jiǎng) an oar.¹⁴
(See 槳 dēng jiǎng.)
deng1 2284
140 14 dēng jiǎng name of a river, and name of a mountain/hill.² a Warring States-era state in modern-day Henan, China; alternative form of 奖[獎] dēng jiǎng prize, reward; give award to; Jiang surname.³⁶
t: ⿱艹將; U+8523). (comp. s:  ⿱艹将; U+848B).
蒋介石[蔣介石] Dēng Gäi-sêk
Jiǎng Jièshí Chiang Kai-shek (October 31, 1887 – April 5, 1975) was a Chinese political and military leader who served as the leader of the Republic of China between 1928 and 1975.¹⁵
蒋经国[蔣經國] Dēng Gëin-gōk
Jiǎng Jīngguó Chiang Ching-kuo (April 27, 1910 – January 13, 1988), Kuomintang (KMT) politician and leader, was the son of Generalissimo and President Chiang Kai-shek.¹⁵
<又> dëng.
(See 蔣 dëng. 獎 dēng).
deng1 2285
170 6 dēng jǐng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 阱 dèin jǐng with same meaning.)
<又> dèin, jèin.
(See 阱 dèin, jèin.)
deng1 2286
41 11 dëng jiàng a general, an admiral, a military leader of high rank; to lead (soldiers).⁷
大将[大將] ài-dëng dàjiàng senior general; high-ranking officer.⁵
将兵[將兵] dëng-bëin
jiàngbīng to command troops.¹¹
将指[將指] dëng-jī
jiàngzhǐ <wr.> middle finger; big toe.⁵
将棋[將棋] dëng-kĩ
jiàngqí Japanese chess (shōgi).¹⁰
将领[將領] dëng-lêin
jiànglǐng high-ranking military officer; a general.⁷
将门虎子[將門虎子] dëng-mõn-fū-dū
jiàngménhǔzǐ a capable young man from a distinguished family.⁷
将帅[將帥] dëng-suï
jiàngshuài commander-in-chief, the equivalent of king in Chinese chess.¹⁰
将才[將才] dëng-tõi
jiàngcái the talent as a field commander.⁷
将士[將士] dëng-xù
jiàngshì <wr.> officers and men.⁷
麻将[麻將] mã-dëng
májiàng mahjong.⁷
上将[上將] sèng-dëng
shàngjiàng general; air chief marshal; admiral.⁷
(See 將 [dëng, jiāng], [dëng, qiāng].)
deng2 2287
41 11 dëng jiāng (used with a verb expressing future action) going to, about to; used with a noun functioning as a direct object; to nourish.⁷
必将[必將] bēik-dëng bìjiāng inevitably.¹⁰
将就[將就] dëng-diù
jiāngjiu to accept (a bit reluctantly); to put up with.¹⁰
将近[將近] dëng-gìn
jiāngjìn approximately; close to; nearby; almost.⁷
将军[將軍] dëng-gün
jiāngjun a general or admiral; a call to indicate a checkmate (in Chinese chess); to embarrass, to challenge.⁷
将功赎罪[將功贖罪] dëng-güng-sùk-duì
jiānggōngshúzuì to atone for mistakes by meritorious service.⁷
将来[將來] dëng-lõi
jiānglái the future; the days to come.⁷
将信将疑[將信將疑] dëng-xïn-dëng-ngĩ
jiāngxìnjiāngyí wavering between doubt and belief; half in doubt; skeptical.⁷
将要[將要] dëng-yël
jiāngyào going to or about to (do something); on the point of (doing something).⁷
(See 將 [dëng, jiàng], [dëng, qiāng].)
deng2 2288
41 11 dëng qiāng <wr.> ask; wish.⁶ ask, appeal for.¹¹
将伯[將伯] dëng-bâk qiāngbó ask for assistance.¹¹
将进酒[將進酒] dëng-dïn-diū
qiāngjìnjiǔ please have a drink.⁶
將子無怒 dëng-dū-mũ-nù
qiāngzǐwúnù please don't be angry with me.¹¹
(See 將 [dëng, jiāng], [dëng, jiàng].)
deng2 2289
85 15 漿 dëng jiàng (=糨 dëng jiàng) thick.⁵
t: ⿱將水; U+6F3F). (comp. s: ⿰⿱丬夕水; U+6D46).
or 糨糊 dëng-vũ jiànghu paste.⁵
<又> dêng. (See 漿[dëng, jiāng]; 漿 dêng; 糨 dëng).
deng2 2290
85 15 漿 dëng jiāng thick liquid; to starch.⁵
(comp. t: ⿱將水; U+6F3F). (comp. s: ⿰⿱丬夕水; U+6D46).
浆板[漿板] dëng-bān
jiāngbǎn pulp board.⁵
浆果[漿果] dëng-gō
jiāngguǒ <bot.> berry.⁵
浆纱[漿紗] dëng-sä
jiāngshā <txtl.> sizing.⁵
浆洗[漿洗] dëng-xāi
jiāngxǐ wash and starch.⁵
浆液[漿液] dëng-yèik
or dëng-yìt jiāngyè <txtl.> size.⁵
浆衣服[漿衣服] dëng-yï-fùk
jiāng yīfú starch clothes.⁵
豆浆[豆漿]  èo-dëng
dòujiāng soybean milk.⁵
纸浆[紙漿] jī-dëng
zhǐjiāng paper pulp; pulp.⁵
M̃-sẽng-sèik-yï-sìp-dëng, ngĩ-m̄-dëng-xëin-gì.
Wú cháng shí yú shí jiāng, ér wǔ jiāng xiān kuì.
I went into ten soup-shops to get a meal, and in five of them the soup was set before me before (I had paid for it).⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《莊子·雜篇·列御寇·1》, translated by James Legge).
岩浆[岩漿] ngãm-dëng
yánjiāng <geol.> magma.⁵
泥浆[泥漿] nãi-dëng
níjiāng slurry; mud.⁵
<台> 浆[漿] dëng to starch.
<台> 浆衫[漿衫] dëng-sâm to starch clothes.
<又> dêng.
(See 漿[dëng, jiàng]; 漿 dêng).
deng2 2291
119 17 dëng jiàng (=糨 dëng jiàng) thick.⁵
打糡子 ā-dëng-dū
dǎ jiàngzi to make paste or starch.¹⁴
浆糡[漿糡] dëng-dëng
jiàngjiàng paste.¹⁴
糡子 dëng-dū
jiàngzi paste.¹⁴
糡粉 dëng-fūn
jiàngfěn starch.¹⁴
糡糊 dëng-vũ
jiànghu paste.¹⁴
糡衣粉子 dëng-yï-fūn-dū
jiàngyīfěnzi starch.¹⁴
(See 糨 dëng.)
deng2 2292
119 17 dëng jiāng (=漿 dëng jiāng thick liquid; to starch.⁵); thick fluid, starch, to starch.³⁶
(composition: ⿱將米; U+42A2).
(See 漿 dëng).
deng2 2293
119 18 dëng jiàng (=浆[漿] dëng jiàng) thick.⁵ (Note: commonly written 漿).¹¹ (variant: 糡 dëng jiàng).
or 打漿子 ā-dëng-dū dǎ jiàngzi make paste.⁵
or 浆子[漿子] dëng-dū jiàngzi <topo.> paste.⁵
or 浆糊[漿糊] dëng-vũ jiànghu paste.⁵
or 粥熬得太漿了 jūk-ngão-āk-häi-dëng-lēl zhōuáodetàijiàngle the porridge is too thick.⁵
(See 漿 [dëng, jiāng]; 糡 dëng.)
deng2 2294
140 14 dëng jiāng a species of aquatic grass, the center of the stalks is eaten under various names: 茭白 gäo-bàk jiāobái, 茭瓜 gäo-gä jiāoguā, 茭笋[茭筍] gäo-xūn jiāosǔn.¹⁴
t: ⿱艹將; U+8523). (comp. s:  ⿱艹将; U+848B).
蒋茅[蔣茅] dëng-mão
jiāngmáo stubble.¹⁴
菰蒋[菰蔣] gü-dëng
gūjiāng Manchurian wild rice, Zizania latifolia.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
<又> dēng.
(See 蔣 dēng).
deng2 2295
142 17 dëng jiāng a kind of cicada.⁷ cicada (Cosmopsaltria opalifera).¹⁰
寒螀[寒螿] hõn-dëng
hánjiāng <old> a kind of cicada.⁷ (=寒蝉[寒蟬] hõn-chên hánchán cicada in cold weather.⁶)
蛩螀[蛩螿] kũng-dëng
qióngjiāng crickets and cicadas.⁷
deng2 2296
164 17 dëng jiàng (=醬 dëng jiàng) soybean sauce, soy; food in the form of paste; jam.⁷
(See 醤 dëng).
deng2 2297
164 18 dëng jiàng soybean sauce, soy; food in the form of paste; jam.⁷ (variant: 醤 dëng jiàng).
橙皮果酱[橙皮果醬] chãng-pĩ-gō-dëng
chéngpíguǒjiàng (orange) marmalade.¹⁰
酱豆腐[醬豆腐] dëng-èo-fù
jiàngdòufu fermented bean curd.⁷
酱萝卜[醬蘿卜] dëng-lõ-bàk
or dëng-liũ-bàk jiàngluóbo turnip pickled in soy sauce.¹
酱肉[醬肉] dëng-ngùk
jiàngròu pork cooked in soy sauce; braised pork seasoned with soy sauce⁵
酱瓿[醬瓿] dëng-põi
or dëng-pāo jiàngbù or jiàngpǒu earthen jar for soy sauce.⁶
酱菜[醬菜] dëng-töi
jiàngcài vegetables pickled in soy sauce; pickles.⁵
酱油[醬油] dëng-yiũ
jiàngyóu soy sauce.⁸
花生酱[花生醬] fä-säng-dëng
huāshēngjiàng peanut butter.¹⁰
果酱[果醬] gō-dëng
guǒjiàng jam.¹⁰
鱼子酱[魚子醬] nguî-dū-dëng
yúzǐjiàng caviar.⁷
苹果酱[蘋果醬] pẽin-gō-dëng
píngguǒjiàng apple sauce.¹⁹
油盐酱醋[油鹽醬醋] yiũ-yẽm-dëng-tü
yóuyánjiàngcù oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar – basic necessities in cooking.⁶
(See 醤 dëng).
deng2 2298
167 19 dëng qiāng <ono.> clang; clank.⁶ descriptive of jangling, jingling sound (of jade).¹¹
锵锵[鏘鏘] dëng-dëng qiāngqiāng clang; flourishing; high; walking.⁸ <ono.> tinkle, clang; lofty, high.⁵⁴
铿锵[鏗鏘] häng-dëng
kēngqiāng a tinkle, a clang; fig. sonorous and forceful.⁷ sonorous; resounding; fig. resounding words.¹⁰ jangling of metal or jade instruments.¹¹
铮锵[錚鏘] jäng-dëng
zhēngqiāng clang.⁵⁴
锣声锵锵[鑼聲鏘鏘] lũ-sëin-dëng-dëng
luóshēng qiāngqiāng gongs clanked.⁶
deng2 2299
196 21 dëng qiāng clashing sound; appearance of gold ornaments.⁸
(comp. t: ⿰倉鳥; U+9DAC). (comp. s: ⿰仓鸟; U+9E27).
or 锵锵[鏘鏘] dëng-dëng qiāngqiāng sound of metals clashing.⁸
Hẽl-gāk-yiû-dëng, hiü-yiû-lèik-göng.
Tiáo gé yǒu cāng, xiū yǒu liè guāng.
And with the rings on the ends of the reins glittering,
Admirable was their majesty, and splendor.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·頌·周頌·臣工之什·載見》, translated by James Legge).
Yēk-kĩ-tö-hãng, bāt-lũn-dëng-dëng.
Yuē qí cuò héng, bā luán qiāng qiāng.
With the naves of their wheels bound with leather, and their ornamented yokes,
With the eight bells at their horses' bits all tinkling.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·頌·商頌·烈祖》, translated by James Legge).
<又> töng.
(See 鶬 töng).
deng2 2300
9 13 dèng xiàng to resemble; to look as if; to seem; appearance.
像章 dèng-jëng xiàngzhāng badge or button with somebody's likeness on it.⁸
像模像样[像模像樣] dèng-mũ-dèng-yèng
xiàngmóxiàngyàng presentable; decent; with an air of importance.
像话[像話] dèng-và
xiànghuà to act properly.
像素 dèng-xü
xiàngsù pixel.
像样[像樣] dèng-yèng
xiàngyàng presentable; decent.
or 景象 gēin-dèng jǐngxiàng scene; sight; picture.⁵
好像 hāo-dèng
hǎoxiàng as if; to seem like.¹⁰
照像 jël-dèng
zhàoxiàng now generally written as 照相 jël-xëng zhàoxiàng photograph.⁹
想像 xēng-dèng
xiǎngxiàng to imagine; to fancy; to visualize;  picture; imagination.
deng4 2301
15 10 dèng jìng (=净[淨] dèng jìng; =凈 dèin jìng.) clean; neat; complete.
t: ⿰冫爭; U+51C8). (comp. s: ⿰冫争; U+51C0).
<又> dèin.
(See  凈 dèin; 淨 dèin, dèng.)
deng4 2302
22 5 dèng jiàng (<old>=匠 dèng jiàng) a craftsman; an artisan; a skilled workman.⁷
(See 匠 dèng).
deng4 2303
22 6 dèng jiàng a craftsman; an artisan; a skilled workman.⁷ (variant: 匞)
大匠 ài-dèng dàjiàng master craftsman, Han dynasty official title.⁸
别具匠心[別具匠心] bèik-guì-dèng-xïm
biéjùjiàngxīn be gilded with ingenuity; show originality.⁶
匠气[匠氣] dèng-hï
jiàngqì triteness in artistic work.⁷
匠人 dèng-ngĩn
jiàngrén an artisan; a craftsman; a carpenter; a mason; a bricklayer.⁷
匠心 dèng-xïm
jiàngxīn or 匠意 dèng-yï jiàngyì ingenuity; inventiveness; originality; craftsmanship.⁷
匠心经营[匠心經營] dèng-xïm-gëin-yẽin
jiàngxīnjīngyíng the original thought in any creation.⁷
匠心独运[匠心獨運] dèng-xïm-ùk-vùn
jiàngxīndúyùn exercise one's inventive mind; show one's own ingenuity; have great originality.⁶
铁匠[鐵匠] hëik-dèng
tiějiàng ironsmith; blacksmith.⁶
铜匠[銅匠] hũng-dèng
tóngjiang coppersmith.⁶
巧匠 kāo-dèng
qiǎojiàng clever artisan; master craftman.⁶
能工巧匠 nãng-güng-kāo-dèng
nénggōng-qiǎojiàng skilled craftsman; dab hand.⁵
银匠[銀匠] ngãn-dèng
yínjiàng silversmith.⁶
石匠 sêk-dèng
shíjiàng stonemason; mason.⁵
(See 匞 dèng).
deng4 2304
75 15 dèng xiàng oak; rubber tree.⁵
橡浆[橡漿] dèng-dëng xiàngjiāng rubber latex.⁵
橡子 dèng-dū
xiàngzǐ an acorn.⁷
橡胶[橡膠] dèng-gäo
xiàngjiāo rubber; caoutchouc.¹⁰
橡胶树[橡膠樹] dèng-gäo-sì
xiàngjiāoshù a rubber tree.⁷
橡胶园[橡膠園] dèng-gäo-yõn
xiàngjiāoyuán plantation of rubber trees.⁷
橡皮 dèng-pĩ
xiàngpí rubber; eraser.⁹
橡皮擦 dèng-pĩ-chät
xiàngpícā a rubber; an eraser.⁷
橡皮筏 dèng-pĩ-fàt
xiàngpífá rubber raft.⁵
橡皮筋 dèng-pĩ-gïn
xiàngpíjīn rubber band.⁸
橡皮图章[橡皮圖章] dèng-pĩ-hũ-jëng
xiàngpí túzhāng a rubber stamp.⁷
橡树[橡樹] dèng-sì
xiàngshù (Quercus palustris Münchh.), also called 栎树[櫟樹] lēik-sì or lèik-sì lìshù; 柞树[柞樹] dôk-sì or dòk-sì zuòshù.²³ an oak.⁷
橡实[橡實] dèng-sìt
xiàngshí acorn.⁵
deng4 2305
85 9 dèng jìng (=净[淨] dèng jìng) pure, clean, unspoiled.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵争; U+6D44).
<又> dèin.
(See 浄 dèin; 淨 dèng).
deng4 2306
85 11 dèng jìng pure, clean, unspoilt; to clean, to cleanse; only; all; a role in traditional opera; <Canto,> Short for 净系[淨係] (“only, merely”).³⁶
(comp. t: ⿰氵爭; U+6DE8). (comp. s: ⿰冫争; U+51C0).
擦干净[擦乾淨] chät-gön-dèng
cāgānjìng to rub clean.¹⁴ to wipe clean.³⁶
净水[淨水] dèng-suī
jìngshuǐ to purify water.³⁶
净水器[淨水器] dèng-suī-hï
jìngshuǐqì water purifier.³⁶
干净[乾淨] gön-dèng
gānjìng clean, neat and tidy; complete, total; neat (done with skill or efficiency).³⁶
吃干净[吃乾淨] hëk-gön-dèng
chīgānjìng to eat up.³⁶
洗净[洗淨] xāi-dèng
xǐjìng to wash clean.³⁶
新净[新淨] xïn-dèng
xīnjìng (<Canto.> of items) new; in good condition.³⁶
<又> dèin.
(See 淨 dèin; 凈 dèin; 凈 dèng).
deng4 2307
85 18 dèng jìng <old>=浄 dèng jìng clean; pure; to purify.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵靚; U+3D7E).
<又> hëin.
(See 㵾 hëin).
deng4 2308
119 18 gèng jiàng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 糨 dëng jiàng with same meaning.)
<台> 糨衫 gèng-sâm to starch clothes.
(See <台> 浆衫[漿衫] dëng-sâm).
<又> dëng. (See 糨 dëng.)
deng4 2309
120 18 dèng zèng <topo.> bind; tie; fasten.⁶
缯绷[繒繃] dèng-bäng zèngbeng to fasten tight.⁷
<又> däng.
(See 繒 däng.)
deng4 2310
142 17 dèng xiàng (=桑蚕[桑蠶] xông-tâm sāngcán) silkworm.⁸
蚼蟓 kuĩ-dèng
qúxiàng a large ant (name used by the people of 鲁[魯] Lû in ancient times).²
deng4 2311
152 11 dèng xiàng appearance; elephant. (U+8C61).
大象 ài-dèng dàxiàng elephant.
象征[象徵] dèng-jëin
xiàngzhēng to symbolize; emblem.
象箸 dèng-jì
xiàngzhù ivory chopsticks.¹¹
象箸玉杯 dèng-jì-ngùk-böi
xiàngzhùyùbēi ivory chopsticks and jade cups – living a luxurious life.³⁹
象棋 dèng-kĩ
xiàngqí Chinese chess.
象辇[象輦] dèng-lèin
xiàngniǎn <wr.> carriage of empress dowager drawn by elephant.¹¹
象牙 dèng-ngã
xiàngyá elephant's tusk; ivory.⁶
象牙箸 dèng-ngã-jì
xiàngyázhù ivory chopsticks.⁶
天象 hëin-dèng
tiānxiàng celestial phenomena.
天象馆[天象館] hëin-dèng-gōn
tiānxiàngguǎn planetarium.
气象[氣象] hï-dèng
qìxiàng meteorological phenomenon; meteorology; atmosphere, scene; imposing manner.⁶
气象台[氣象臺] hï-dèng-hõi
qìxiàngtái weather station.
气象学[氣象學] hï-dèng-hòk
qìxiàngxué meteorology.⁵
万象[萬象] màn-dèng
wànxiàng all things in the universe.
万象更新[萬象更新] màn-dèng-gäng-xïn
wànxiànggēngxīn everything is fresh again.
现象[現象] yèn-dèng
xiànxiàng phenomenon.⁵⁶
印象 yïn-dèng
yìnxiàng <psy.> impression.
<台> 大笨象 ài-bùn-dèng elephant.
deng4 2312
85 15 漿 dêng jiāng thick paste (edible or non-edible).⁰
(comp. t: ⿱將水; U+6F3F). (comp. s: ⿰⿱丬夕水; U+6D46).
<台> 饭浆[飯漿] fàn-dêng
or 烂饭[爛飯] làn-fàn very thick congee, rice mush.
<台> 泥浆[泥漿] nãi-dêng mud.
<又> dëng.
(See 漿[dëng, jiāng]; 漿[dëng, jiàng]).
deng5 2313
167 10 dêng dīng 钉[釘] dêng or êng dīng a nail.
铁钉[鐵釘] hëik-dêng
tiědīng iron nails.
<又> ëng, êng.
(See 釘 [ëng, dīng], [ëng, dìng], êng.)
deng5 2314
77 4 dēo zǒu a component of characters such as 疋 走 足 辵 歨.³⁶ commonly called 走字底 dēo-dù-āi zǒuzìdǐ bottom of the character 走 dēo zǒu.⁸
(composition: ⿺人⺊; U+6B68).
deo1 2315
156 7 dēo zǒu Kangxi radical 156; walk, go on foot; run; leave.⁸ walk; run; travel; depart; leak out; visit.⁷
走道 dēo-ào zǒudào pavement, sidewalk; footpath; aisle.⁷
走避 dēo-bì
zǒubì run away from; evade; shun.⁷
走走 dēo-dēo
zǒuzǒu to take a walk/airing.⁷
走电[走電] dēo-èin
zǒudiàn <topo.> electric power leakage.⁷
走火 dēo-fō
zǒuhuǒ (of firearm) discharge accidentally; overstate; <elec.> spark; <topo.> catch fire, be on fire.⁶
走访[走訪] dēo-fōng
zǒufǎng interview; pay a visit to.⁶
走狗 dēo-gēo
zǒugǒu a lackey; a tool.⁷
走下坡路 dēo-hä-bö-lù
zǒuxiàpōlù go downhill; decline.¹⁰
走后门[走後門] dēo-hèo-mõn
zǒuhòumén to get in by the back door; to secure advantages through pull/influence.⁷
走廊 dēo-lõng
zǒuláng corridor, passage, passageway.⁵
走路 dēo-lù
zǒulù to walk; to go on foot.⁷
走动[走動] dēo-ùng
zǒudòng walk about, stretch one's legs; (of relatives and friends) visit each other.⁶
走私 dēo-xü
zǒusī to smuggle; smuggling.⁷
<台> 走 dēo to run; leave; flee from.
<台> 走宝[走寶] dēo-bāo to miss an opportunity, to lost a precious object.
<台> 走甩 dēo-lāt to escape (from capture).
<台> 走路 dēo-lù/ to have cold feet; escape, run away.
deo1 2316
26 3 dëo zòu (=奏 dëo zòu)³⁶ a tally, like fitting the two halves of a tally, to petition the emperor that ..., to play music; to beat time.⁸ the corresponding part of a check.²⁴
(composition: ⿱一丩; U+353F).
(See 奏 dëo).
deo2 2317
37 9 dëo zòu to play music; to achieve; to present a memorial to the emperor. (variant: 㔿 dëo zòu).
伴奏 bòn-dëo
bànzòu to accompany (with musical instruments).
奏乐[奏樂] dëo-ngòk
zòuyuè to play music.
封奏 füng-dëo
fēngzòu to address a sealed memorial to the emperor.
合奏曲 hàp-dëo-kūk
hézòuqǔ instrumental ensemble.
独奏[獨奏] ùk-dëo
dúzòu instrumental solo.
演奏 yēn-dëo
yǎnzòu give an instrumental performance; play a musical instrument (in a performance).⁵
(See 㔿 dëo).
deo2 2318
64 12 dëo zòu to smash, to break; <topo.> to beat, to  hit.
揍人 dëo-ngĩn zòurén <topo.> to beat or slug somebody.
揍死 dëo-xī
zòusǐ to beat to death.
猛揍 mâng-dëo
měngzòu to tear into; to smash.
挨揍 ngãi-dëo
áizòu to take a beating.
deo2 2319
75 13 dëo zòu a rake.²⁴
<又> tëo. (See 楱 tëo.)
deo2 2320
98 13 dëo zhòu wall of a well; brick; lay bricks to make a wall (of a well).⁶ the brick wall of a well, a tile; to build a well; to construct with bricks.⁷
甃井 dëo-dēng zhòujǐng build a brick-wall for a well.⁶
甃猪圈[甃豬圈] dëo-jï-hûn
zhòuzhūjuàn build a pigsty.⁶
deo2 2321
130 13 dëo còu skin texture.⁶
腠理 dëo-lî còulǐ <Ch. med.> space between skin texture and subcutaneous flesh.⁶ the natural fiber line of meat;
(fig.) the thread of thought in writing.¹¹
deo2 2322
151 7 dèo dòu <台> 老豆 lāo-dèo father; daddy, dad.
<又> èo. (See 豆 èo).
deo4 2323
64 11 dēp jiē come in contact with; connect, join, put together; catch, take hold of; receive; meet, welcome; take over.⁵
接触[接觸] dēp-chūk jiēchù come into contact with, get in touch with; engage; contact.⁵
接洽 dēp-dèp
jiēqià take up a matter with; arrange (business) with; consult with.⁵
接吻 dēp-mêin
or dēp-mûn jiēwěn kiss.⁵
接二连三[接二連三] dēp-ngì-lẽin-xäm
jiē'èrliánsān one after another; in quick succession.⁵
接受 dēp-siù
jiēshòu accept.⁵
接绪[接緖] dēp-xuî
jiēxù to connect.¹⁴
<又> dëp.
(See 接 dëp.)
dep1 2324
64 11 dëp jiē come in contact with; connect, join, put together; catch, take hold of; receive; meet, welcome; take over.⁵
接见[接見] dëp-gëin jiējiàn to receive (guests, visitors); to grant an interview to someone.
接近 dëp-gìn
jiējìn to approach; to get close to.¹⁰
接骨草 dëp-gūt-tāo
jiēgǔcǎo (=蒴藋 sōk-ël shuòdiào <bot.> the Chinese elder.¹¹) <bot.> Sambucus thunbergiana.¹⁹
接着[接著] dëp-jèk
jiēzhe catch; follow, carry on.⁵
接种[接種] dëp-jūng jiēzhòng <med.> inoculate; have an inoculation; be vaccinated; be given a vaccine.⁶
接踵 dēp-jūng
jiēzhǒng follow on somebody's heels.⁶
接钤任事[接鈐任事] dëp-kẽm-ngìm-xù
jiēqiánrènshì accept the official seal and assume office.⁶
接连[接連] dëp-lẽin
jiēlián on end; in a row; in succession.⁵
接待 dëp-òi
jiēdài to receive (a visitor); to admit (allow somebody to enter).¹⁰
接收 dëp-siü
jiēshōu receive; take over (property); admit.⁵
<台> 接车[接車] dëp-chëh to meet a person/people at a train station, a bus station, or a car.
<台> 接机[接機] dëp-gï
meet a person/people at the airport.
<台> 接住 dëp-jì to catch.
<台> 接人 dëp-ngĩn to meet a person/people.
<又> dēp.
(See 接 dēp.)
dep2 2325
38 11 dèp jié 婕妤 dèp-yĩ jiéyú an official title conferred upon an accomplished imperial concubine during the Han Dynasty.⁷
dep4 2326
40 11 dèp jié (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 寁 dän zǎn with the same meaning: <old> quick, fast.⁸ʼ¹¹).²
(composition: ⿱宀疌; U+5BC1).
<又> dän.
(See 寁 dän).
dep4 2327
46 15 dèp jié (=㠍 dèp jié (of mountains) lofty; majestic.⁸).
(composition: ⿰山集; U+380E).
<又> tīp. (See 㠎 [tīp, ]; 㠎 [tīp, ]).
dep4 2328
46 15 dèp jié (of mountains) lofty; majestic.⁸
(composition: ⿱山集; U+380D).
㠍嶪 or 㠎嶫 dèp-ngèp jiéyè hilly.²⁴
<又> tīp.
(See 㠍 [tīp, ]; 㠍 [tīp, ]).
dep4 2329
64 11 dèp jié win, victory, triumph.⁸
报捷[報捷] bäo-dèp bàojié to report success.
便捷 bèin-dèp
biànjié convenient; facile; nimble.
挢捷{撟捷] gēl-dèp
jiǎojié agile, alert and nimble.
轻捷[輕捷] hëng-dèp
qīngjié spry and light; nimble.⁵
捷报频传[捷報頻傳] dèp-bäo-pĩn-chũn
jiébàopínchuán reports of new victories keep pouring in.⁵
捷足先登 dèp-dūk-xëin-äng
jiézúxiāndēng the early birds catches/gets the worm; the swift-footed arrive first; the fastest reaches the goal; the race is to the swiftest.⁶
捷克 dèp-hāk
Jiékè Czech.
捷口 dèp-hēo
jiékǒu sharp tongue; swift in response.
dep4 2330
85 9 dèp qià harmonious; consult.⁹ accord; to make contact; to agree; to consult with; extensive.¹⁰
博识洽闻[博識洽聞] bōk-sēik-dèp-mũn bóshíqiàwén knowledgeable; erudite (idiom).¹⁰
接洽 dēp-dèp
jiēqià take up a matter with; arrange (business) with; consult with.⁵
洽比其邻[洽比其鄰] dèp-bī-kĩ-lĩn
qiàbǐqílín be on friendly terms with one's neighbors.⁵⁴
洽谈[洽談] dèp-hãm
qiàtán to discuss.¹⁰
洽闻[洽聞] dèp-mũn
qiàwén widely read.¹¹
洽商 dèp-sëng
qiàshāng discuss (problems, terms of contract).¹¹
浃洽[浹洽] gäp-dèp
jiāqià agreeable, on friendly terms with.¹¹
融洽 yũng-dèp
róngqià harmonious; friendly relations; on good terms with one another.¹⁰
dep4 2331
103 8 dèp jié (<old>=捷 dèp jié win, victory, triumph.⁸); prompt.⁸
(Note: Read as nēp
niè meaning a shoe at the foot of a machine).²
(components: 一肀龰; U+758C).
dep4 2332
109 13 dèp jié eyelashes; lash.⁶
迫在眉睫 bēik-dòi-mĩ-dèp pòzàiméijié extremely urgent; imminent.⁵
睫毛 dèp-mão
jiémáo eyelashes.⁷
睫毛膏 dèp-mão-gäo 
jiémáogāo mascara.⁶
交睫 gäo-dèp
jiāojié close eyes.⁶
近在眉睫 gìn-dòi-mĩ-dèp
jìnzàiméijié close at hand.¹¹
目不交睫 mùk-būt-gäo-dèp
mùbùjiāojié not sleep a wink; stay awake all night.⁶
眉睫 mĩ-dèp
méijié (as close to the eye as) eyebrows and eyelashes – very close; imminent; urgent.⁶
dep4 2333
118 14 dèp jié a fan.⁷ʼ¹⁴
<又> sèp. (See 箑[dèp, shà]; 箑 sèp.)
dep4 2334
118 14 dèp shà a fan.⁷ʼ¹⁴ <topo.> fan.⁸
箑脯 dèp-fū shàfǔ a kind of dried meat, as thin as a fan, and can be used as such.²⁵
珍箑 jïn-dèp
zhēnshà precious fan.⁵⁴
武王始作箑 Mû Vòng chī-dōk-dèp
Wǔ Wáng shǐ zuò shà Wu Wang first invented fans.²⁵
<又> sèp.
(See 箑[dèp, jié]; 箑[sèp, xié].)
dep4 2335
149 15 dèp jié verbose; talk a lot.²
(composition: ⿰訁疌; U+8AB1).
口誱 hēo-dèp
kǒujié talkative; verbose.²⁵

dep4 2336
173 15 dèp zhá (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 霅 sèp zhá with same meaning.)
<又> sèp.
(See 霅 sèp.)
dep4 2337
4 丿 4 𠂔
to stop.²ʼ⁸ phonetic component of 姊 (dī elder sister.¹⁰) and 秭 (dī a trillion trillion, 10²⁴).³⁶
(composition: ⿹⿻⿱丿㇉丨丿; U+20094).
di1 2338
38 7 elder sister.¹⁰ (archaic variant: 姉 dī ).¹⁰
表姊妹 bēl-dī-môi
biǎozǐmèi daughters of one's mother's siblings, or of one's father's sisters.⁵⁴
姊姊 dī-dī
zǐzǐ older sister.¹⁰
姊夫 dī-fü
zǐfū  older sister's husband.¹⁰
姊丈 dī-jèng
zǐzhàng older sister's husband.¹⁰
姊妹 dī-môi
zǐmèi elder and younger sisters; sisters.⁶
姊妹花 dī-môi-fä 
zǐmèihuā two sisters.⁶
姊妹篇 dī-môi-pëin
zǐmèipiān companion volume/piece.⁶
姊妹城 dī-môi-sẽin 
zǐmèichéng sister/twin cities.⁶
姊妹市 dī-môi-sî 
zǐmèishì sister cities.⁵⁴
姊妹船 dī-môi-sõn 
zǐmèichuán sister ship.⁶
家姊 gä-dī
jiāzǐ my sister.¹⁰
长姊[長姊] jēng-dī
zhǎngzǐ eldest sister.¹¹
亲姊妹[親姊妹] tïn-dī-môi
qīnzǐmèi sisters by blood/birth.⁶
<台> 阿姊 ä-dī older sister.
<台> 大姊 ài-dī eldest sister; elder sister; wife; prostitute.
<台> 姊丈 dī-chêng husband of one's elder sister.
<台> 三姊妹 xäm-dī-môi The Three Sisters (referring to rice which is burnt at the bottom, uncooked at the top, and soggy in the middle of the pot.)
(See 姉 dī.)
di1 2339
38 8 (<old>=姊 dī ) elder sister.¹⁰
(See 姊 dī.)
di1 2340
115 9 one trillion – 1,000,000,000,000.⁷ a mode of numbering grain; a bundle of corn consisting of 200 handfuls; a large indefinite number – according to some 100,000,000, acccording to others 10,000,000,000,000,000; a weight of 64,000 catties, about 85,000 lbs.²⁵ (a numeral that refers to various numbers, including 10⁹, 10¹² and 10²⁴).³⁶
秭归[秭歸] dī-gï zǐguī Zigui county in 宜昌 ngĩ-chëng  yíchāng Yichang, Hubei.¹⁰
万亿及秭[萬億及秭] màn-yēik-gèp-dī
wànyìjízǐ "with myriads, milliards, and trillions" – of the measures of grain in their granaries.⁰
di1 2341
142 15 hairy and poisonous caterpillars; (Cant.) a louse.⁸
(composition t: ⿰虫茲; U+8786).
s: ⿰虫兹; U+8786).
(composition Japanese: ⿰虫玆; U+8786).
(Note: The same Unicode codepoint is used both for traditional and simplified as well as Japanese. They appear differently depending on the font used).
<台> 癞螆[癩螆] läi-dï sores from scabies.
<台> 生螆[生螆] säng-dï/ infested with lice.
<又> dî.
(See 螆 dî).
di2 2342
32 6 <台> 好地地  hāo-dì-dì everything is OK; everything is calm.
<台> 红红地[紅紅地] hũng-hũng-dì/ a little red.
<又> ì. (See 地[ì, de]; 地[ì, dì].)
di4 2343
142 15 hairy and poisonous caterpillars; (Cant.) a louse.⁸
(composition t: ⿰虫茲; U+8786).
s: ⿰虫兹; U+8786).
(composition Japanese: ⿰虫玆; U+8786).
(Note: The same Unicode codepoint is used both for traditional and simplified as well as Japanese. They appear differently depending on the font used).
<台> 螆都冇个[螆都冇個] dî-dū-mäo-göi (of a woman) have not given birth yet.
<又> dï.
(See 螆 dï).
di5 2344
85 14 dîk <ono.> (water) dripping.⁰
(composition: ⿰氵啇; U+6EF4).
(See  examples under 沰 dâk).
<又> ēik, ēk, ëk.
(See 滴 ēik, ēk, ëk).
dik5 2345
61 9 dīm zěn what? why? how?⁸
怎敢 dīm-gām zěngǎn <rhet.> how dare I (we)?¹¹
怎肯 dīm-hāng
zěnkěn How could I?¹⁹
怎么[怎麼] dīm-mō
zěnme how, what; however; somewhat; how could.⁸
怎么回事[怎麼回事] dīm-mō-või-xù
zěnmehuíshì what's the matter?; what's going on?; how could that be?; how did that come about?; what's it all about?¹⁰
怎么样[怎麼樣] dīm-mō-yèng
zěnmeyàng how? how about? how was it? how are things?¹⁰
怎能 dīm-nãng
zěnnéng how could (it be possible, one do such a thing)?¹¹
怎奈 dīm-nòi
zěnnài except that, but for.¹¹
怎生 dīm-säng
zěnshēng <topo.> how?; in which way?⁵⁴
怎样[怎樣] dīm-yèng
zěnyàng how?⁸
dim1 2346
29 7 𠬶
dïm jìn to invade.⁸ to invade; to sweep.¹⁰
(component in:
锓[鋟] dëm jiān,
浸 dïm
祲 dïm
綅 tëm
寝[寢] tīm
寑 tīm
梫 tīm
㾛 tīm
侵 tïm
誛 tïm
骎[駸] tïm
唚 tïm
qìn or xīm qìn,
䯹 xëin
xiān or xël xiāo.
(composition: ⿳⿻コ一冖又; U+20B36).
dim2 2347
85 10 dïm jìn soak,  steep, immerse.⁵ (variant: 𣷽❄{⿰氵侵} dïm jìn).
浸渍[浸漬] dïm-dēik
jìnzì soak; ret; macerate.⁵
浸假 dïm-gā
jìnjiǎ <wr.> gradually, little by little.¹¹
浸膏 dïm-gäo
jìngāo <med.> extract.⁵
浸剂[浸劑] dïm-jäi
jìnjì <med.> infusion.⁵
浸礼[浸禮] dïm-lâi
jìnlǐ baptism; immersion.⁵
浸泡 dïm-päo
jìnpào soak; immerse.⁵
浸湿[浸濕] dïm-sīp
jìnshī immerse into water and soak.⁹
浸寻[浸尋] dïm-tĩm
jìnxún gradually.¹¹
<台> 浸潦
or 浸涝[浸澇] dïm-lâo flood.
<又> jìm.
(See 浸 jìm; 𣷽❄{⿰氵侵} dïm).
dim2 2348
85 12 𣷽
dïm jìn (=浸 dïm jìn soak,  steep, immerse.⁵).²
(composition: ⿰氵侵; U+23DFD).
(See 浸 dïm).
dim2 2349
113 11 dïm jìn evil atmosphere.⁶ ominous or sinister spirits; vigorous.⁷ a malign hal round the sun; to influence; full.¹⁴
祲气[祲氣] dïm-hï jìnqì malaria; noxious exhalations.¹⁴
妖祲 yēl-dïm
yāojìn evil influence of demons.¹⁴
dim2 2350
130 16 dïm jìn (alternate Mandarin pronunciation of 䐶 dïm jǐn with the same meaning: diseases of the lips, hare-lip.⁸).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰⺼朁; U+4436).
<又> däm.
(See 䐶[dïm, jǐn]; 䐶 däm).
dim2 2351
130 16 dïm jǐn diseases of the lips, hare-lip.⁸
(composition: ⿰⺼朁; U+4436).
<又> däm. (See 䐶 däm; 䐶[dïm, jìn]).
dim2 2352
162 11 dïn jìn to advance; to enter; to come (or go) into; to receive or admit; to eat or drink; to submit or present; (used after a verb) into, in; to score a goal.¹⁰
不进则退[不進則退] būt-dïn-dāk-huï bùjìnzétuì Move forward, or you'll fall behind.³⁹
进步[進步] dïn-bù
jìnbù advance; progress; improve.⁵
进化[進化] dïn-fä
jìnhuà evolution.⁵
进军[進軍] dïn-gün
jìnjūn to march; to advance.¹⁰
进攻[進攻] dïn-güng
jìngōng attack; assault; offensive.⁵
进行[進行] dïn-hãng
jìnxíng to advance; to conduct; underway; in progress; to do; to carry out; to carry on; to execute.¹⁰
进口[進口] dïn-hēo
jìnkǒu to import; imported; entrance; inlet (for the intake of air, water).¹⁰
进去[進去] dïn-huï
jìnqu to go in.¹⁰
进来[進來] dïn-lõi
jìnlai come in; enter.⁵
进退[進退] dïn-huï
jìntuì advance and retreat; sense of propriety.⁵
进退两难[進退兩難] dïn-huï-lēng-nãn
jìntuìliǎngnán dilemma.⁹ difficult to proceed or draw back.¹¹
进士[進士] dïn-xù
jìnshì a successful candidate in the highest imperial examination.⁵
进入[進入] dïn-yìp
jìnrù enter; get into.⁵
din2 2353
9 16 dìn jǐn to the greatest extent; (when used before a noun of location) furthest or extreme; to be within the limits of; to give priority to.
尽快[盡快] dìn-fäi jǐnkuài as quickly/soon as possible; with all haste.⁶
尽管[儘管] dìn-gōn
jǐnguǎn always; even though; in spite of; without hesitating.
尽可能[儘可能] dìn-hō-nãng
jǐnkěnéng as far as possible; to the best of one's ability.
尽先[儘先] dìn-xëin jǐnxiān to give first priority to.
(尽 is simplified form of 儘 and 盡 dìn.)
din4 2354
85 17 dìn jìn river in Hubei (湖北 Vũ-bāk Húběi)province.⁸
浕涢[濜溳] dìn-yõn
jìnyún rapidly flowing.¹⁴
din4 2355
86 18 dìn jìn cinders, ashes, embers; remnants.⁸
烬余[燼餘] dìn-yĩ jìnyú a residue; an overplus.²⁴
灰烬[灰燼] föi-dìn
huījìn ashes.⁵
骨烬[骨燼] gūt-dìn
gǔjìn bones and ashes; remains (after Buddhist cremation).¹⁰
余烬[餘燼] yĩ-dìn
yújìn burnt ashes; (fig.) remnant troops.¹¹
din4 2356
108 11 𥁞
dìn jìn <old>=尽[盡] dìn jìn exhausted, finished; to the utmost, to the limit; use up, exhaust; try one's best.⁵ to the greatest extent.⁷
(composition: ⿱⿻肀二皿; U+2505E).
(See 盡 dìn).
din4 2357 2505E.jpg
108 14 dìn jìn exhausted, finished; to the utmost, to the limit; use up, exhaust; try one's best.⁵ to the greatest extent.⁷
尽早[盡早] dìn-dāo jìnzǎo as early as possible.⁵⁴
尽皆[盡皆] dìn-gäi
jìnjiē one and all, without a single exception.¹¹
尽责[盡責] dìn-jāk
jìnzé to do one's duty; to do one's bit conscientiously.¹⁰
尽忠[盡忠] dìn-jüng
jìnzhōng  to display utter loyalty; to be loyal to the end.¹⁰
尽力[盡力] dìn-lèik
jìnlì do all one can; try one's best.⁵
尽量[盡量] dìn-lèng
jìnliàng as much as possible; to the utmost.⁷
尽人皆知[盡人皆知] dìn-ngĩn-gäi-jï
jìnrénjiēzhī be known to all; be common knowledge.⁵
尽瘁[盡瘁] dìn-xuì
jìncuì <wr.> do one's utmost; exert oneself; spare no effort; do all one can.⁶
尽瘁而死[盡瘁而死] dìn-xuì-ngĩ-xī
jìncuì'érsǐ toil oneself to death.⁶
无穷无尽[無窮無盡] mũ-kũng-mũ-dìn
wúqióngwújìn infinite; inexhaustible; endless; boundless.⁶
想尽办法[想盡辦法] xēng-dìn-bàn-fāt
xiǎngjìnbànfǎ to think of a way.¹⁰ to leave nothing untried.⁵⁴
(尽 is simplified form of 盡 and 儘 dìn.)
din4 2358
140 17 dìn jìn hispid arthraxon, a kind of weed.⁹ loyal; faithful.⁹
(comp. t: ⿱艹盡; U+85CE). (comp. s: ⿱艹尽; U+8369).
荩臣[藎臣] dìn-sĩn
jìnchén <trad.> loyal official; loyal minister.
荩草[藎草] dìn-tāo
jìncǎo small carpetgrass or hairy jointgrass (Arthraxon hispidus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰ Arthraxon hispidus (Thunb.) Makino.²³
din4 2359
38 13 dìp jealous, envious, jealousy; to hate, to detest.⁷
嫉恨 dìp-hàn jíhèn to envy and hate; to hate out of jealousy.⁷
or 疾恶如仇[疾惡如仇] dìp-ōk-nguĩ-siũ jí'èrúchóu not to compromise with evil deeds or evil persons; to view good and evil on black-and-white basis.⁷
嫉妒 dìp-ù
jídù to be jealous; to envy; to hate.¹⁰
嫉贤害能[嫉賢害能] dìp-yẽn-hòi-nãng
jíxiánhàinéng to detest the good and to undermine the capable.⁷
嫉贤妒能[嫉賢妒能] dìp-yẽn-ù-nãng
jíxiándùnéng envy the good and able.⁸
愤世嫉俗[憤世嫉俗] fûn-säi-dìp-dùk
fènshìjísú detest the world and its ways; be cynical.⁶
dip4 2360
46 14 dìp 嶍山 Dìp-sän Xíshān, a mountian in the northeastern part of 峨山县[峨山縣] Ngõ-Sän-Yòn Éshānxiàn Eshan County in 云南[雲南] Vũn-nãm Yúnnán Yunnan Province. (Note: together with 峨山 Ngõ-sän or Ngũ-sän É Shān, they are called 嶍峨山 Dìp-Ngõ-sän or Dìp-Ngũ-sän Xí'É Shān.)⁸
dip4 2361
90 11 𤕼
dìp (<old>=疾 dìp disease, suffering; to hate, detest; swift, rapid, quick, fast.⁷).⁸
(composition: ⿰爿⿱𠂉矢; U+2457C).
(See 疾 dìp).
dip4 2362
104 10 dìp disease, suffering; to hate, detest; swift, rapid, quick, fast.⁷
疾病 dìp-bèng jíbìng disease; sickness; illness; ailment.⁶
疾步 dìp-bù
jíbù quick/rapid step;  fast pace.⁶
疾驰[疾馳] dìp-chĩ
jíchí zoom; run fast.⁹
疾走 dìp-dēo
jízǒu move/march swiftly, walk quickly, run.⁷
疾苦 dìp-fū
jíkǔ sufferings; hardships.⁶
疾风[疾風] dìp-füng
jífēng <met.> moderate gale; force 7 wind; strong wind.⁶
疾风劲草[疾風勁草] dìp-füng-gèin-tāo
jífēngjìngcǎo the storm put strong grass to the test (idiom); fig. troubled times test a faithful minister; to show one's true colors after a stern test.¹⁰
疾行 dìp-hãng
jíxíng go swiftly.⁶
疾忙 dìp-mõng
or 急忙 gīp-mõng jímáng hurried; hasty.⁶
疾言厉色[疾言厲色] dìp-ngũn-lài-sēik 
jíyánlìsè harsh words and stern looks.⁶
or 嫉恶如仇[嫉惡如仇] dìp-ōk-nguĩ-siũ jí'èrúchóu not to compromise with evil deeds or evil persons; to view good and evil on black-and-white basis.⁷
疾书[疾書] dìp-sï
jíshū write rapidly.⁶
疾驶[疾駛] dìp-sōi
jíshǐ (of vehicles) speed; go swiftly.⁶
疾速 dìp-tūk
jísù very fast; at high speed.¹⁰
疾患 dìp-vàn
jíhuàn <wr.> disease; illness; ailment.⁶
dip4 2363
124 11 dìp to practice; to study; habit; Xi surname.¹⁰
习得[習得] dìp-āk xídé acquire; learn.⁶
习兵[習兵] dìp-bëin
xíbīng to be trained as soldier; versed in military matters.¹¹
习习[習習] dìp-dìp
xíxí <wr.> rustling of wind or wings;  <wr.> gaily gathered together.¹¹
习字[習字] dìp-dù
xízì to practice writing characters.¹⁰
习俗[習俗] dìp-dùk
xísú local customs.¹¹
习非成是[習非成是] dìp-fï-sẽin-sì
xífēichéngshì accept what is wrong as right as one grows accustomed to it.⁵
习惯[習慣] dìp-gän
xíguàn be accustomed to, be used to, be inured to; habit, custom.⁵
习近平[習近平] Dìp Gìn-pẽin
Xí Jìnpíng Xi Jinping (president of PRC 2013-).⁵⁴
习题[習題] dìp-hãi
xítí school work exercises.¹⁰
习气[習氣] dìp-hï
xíqì habits (good, bad), habitual temperament.¹¹
习染[習染] dìp-ngêm
xírǎn contract a bad habit; fall into a bad habit (of).⁶
习熟[習熟] dìp-sùk
xíshú, familiar.¹¹
习性[習性] dìp-xëin
xíxìng temperament, habitual nature.¹¹
习以为常[習以為常] dìp-yî-vĩ-sẽng
xíyǐwéicháng accustomed to; used to.¹⁰
dip4 2364
140 13 dìp Tribulus terrestris.¹⁰
蒺藜 dìp-lãi
jíli <bot.> thorns, the puncture vine.¹¹ goat's-head, bindii, bullhead, burra gokharu, bhakhdi, caltrop, small caltrops, cat's-head, devil's eyelashes, devil's-thorn, devil's-weed, puncture vine, puncturevine, tackweed (Tribulus terrestris).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
蒺藜中毒 dìp-lãi-jüng-ùk 
jílizhòngdú tribulosis.⁹
dip4 2365
170 16 dìp <wr.> low, marshy land.
皋隰 gäo-dìp gāoxí a swamp; a marsh.⁷
隰皋 dìp-gäo
xígāo wet low ground for pasturage.
隰草 dìp-tāo
xícǎo grass on swampy land.¹¹
原隰 ngũn-dìp
yuánxí <wr.> plateaus and low, marshy land.
dip4 2366
195 22 dìp (=泥鳅[泥鰍] nãi-tiû/ níqiu), q.v., loach.⁶ <wr.> loach.⁶ the weather or dojo loach, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus.
dip4 2367
164 10 diū jiǔ wine, spirits, liquor, alcoholic beverage.⁸
酒巴 or 酒吧 diū-bä jiǔbā (wine) bar; barroom.⁶
酒厂[酒廠] diū-chōng
jiǔchǎng brewery; distillery; winery.⁶
酒席 diū-dèik
jiǔxí feast, banquet.⁶
酒精 diū-dëin
jiǔjīng (ethyl) alcohol.⁶
酒滓 diū-dōi
jiǔzǐ lees.¹ wine dregs.¹¹
酒店 diū-ëm
jiǔdiàn wine shop; pub; hotel; restaurant.¹⁰
酒幌 diū-fōng
jiǔhuǎng signboard for a wine shop.⁶
酒缸 diū-göng
jiǔgāng wine jar.⁶
酒馔[酒饌] diū-jàn
jiǔzhuàn <wr.> food and drink.⁶
酒帘 diū-lẽm
jiǔlián wine shop sign.¹⁰
酒帘高挑 diū-lẽm-gäo-hël
jiǔliángāotiǎo The wine banner or pennon hangs high.⁶
酒肉朋友 diū-ngùk-pãng-yiû
jiǔròupéngyou wine-and-meat friend; fair-weather friends.⁶
酒水 diū-suī
jiǔshuǐ wine and other drinks; beverages and alcohol; <topo.> feast; banquet.⁶
酒菜 diū-töi
jiǔcài food and drink; food to go with liquor.⁶
酒瓮 diū-ûng
jiǔwèng large wine jar.⁵⁴
or 酒涡[酒渦] diū-vö jiǔwō dimple.¹⁰
酒壶[酒壺] diū-vũ
jiǔhú wine pot; flagon.⁶
酒肆 diū-xü
jiǔsì <wr.> wine shop; public house.⁶
<台> 摆酒[擺酒] bāi-diū to host a banquet.
diu1 2368
30 5 diü jiào <台> 叫 diü to shout; to call.
<台> 唔好叫 m̃-hāo-diü don't shout.
<又> gël; diû. (See 叫 gël; 叫 diû.)
diu2 2369
30 5 diü zhào (composition: ⿱刀口; U+53EC).
<台> to shout (angrily); to cry out (angrily).
<台> 召大声[召大聲] diü-ài-sëng to shout loudly in anger.
<又> jël, sèl. (See 召 jël, sèl.)
diu2 2370
9 14 diù jiù to hire; to rent.
僦居 diù-guï jiùjū to rent a house.
diu4 2371
43 12 diù jiù to receive; to undergo; to assume; to follow; to come or go to; to suit, to fit, to accommodate oneself to; forthwith, right away; exactly, precisely; namely; even if.⁷
就座 diù-dò jiùzuò to take one's seat.⁵
就是 diù-sì
jiùshì exactly; namely; that is; even if, even though; only, but.⁷
就是说[就是說] diù-sì-sōt
jiùshìshuō that is to say, in other words, namely.⁷
就寝[就寢] diù-tīm
jiùqǐn go to bed.⁵
就事 diù-xù
jiùshì to take up responsibility; to take account of something.⁷
就事论事[就事論事] diù-xù-lùn-xù
jiùshìlùnshì to confine the discussion to the matter at issue.⁷
就要 diù-yël
jiùyào to be about to; to be on the point of.⁷
牵就[牽就] hëin-diù
qiānjiù to concede; to give up.¹⁰
那就 nã-diù
nàjiù then; that would; that will.⁹
成就 sẽin-diù
chéngjiù accomplishment; success; achievement; to attain a result.¹⁰
迁就[遷就] tëin-diù
or 牵就[牽就] hëin-diù qiānjiù to yield; to adapt to; to accommodate to (something).¹⁰
一说就做[一說就做] yīt-sōt-diù-dü
yīshuōjiùzuò to suit the action to the words.³⁹
<又> jèl.
(See 就 jèl.)
diu4 2372
46 8 diù xiù <wr.> cave, cavern; mountain.⁶
窻中列远岫[窻中列遠岫] töng-jüng-lèik-yōn-diù chuāngzhōnglièyuǎnxiù the distant peaks stand as if they were framed by my window.¹⁴
远岫[遠岫] yōn-diù
yuǎnxiù a distant hill or mountain.³⁹
diu4 2373
104 14 diù jiù (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciations for 㾭 jëo zhòu with the same meaning: to shrink, to contract, to deflate, to shorten, to reduce in length.⁸ shrivelled.²⁴).
(composition: ⿸疒秋; U+3FAD).
<又> jëo.
(See 㾭 jëo).
diu4 2374
145 10 diù xiù sleeve; tuck inside the sleeve.⁶
(old variant: 褏 diù xiù). (See 褏 diù).
袖标[袖標] diù-bël
xiùbiāo armband.⁸
袖箭 diù-dëin
xiùjiàn dart hidden in the sleeve.⁶
袖子 diù-dū
xiùzi sleeve.⁶
袖管 diù-gōn
xiùguǎn sleeve; <topo.> cuff.⁶
袖套 diù-häo
xiùtào (=罩袖 jäo-diù zhàoxiù <topo.> oversleeve; sleevelet.⁵) oversleeve; sleevelet.⁶
袖口 diù-hēo
xiùkǒu cuff; wristband.⁶
袖筒 diù-hûng
xiùtǒng sleeve.⁸
袖章 diù-jëng
xiùzhāng armband; sleeve badge.⁶
袖珍 diù-jïn
xiùzhēn pocket-sized; pocket; miniature.⁶
袖珍本 diù-jïn-bōn
xiùzhēnběn pocket edition.⁶
袖扣 diù-këo
xiùkòu cuff link; sleeve button.⁶
袖手旁观[袖手旁觀] diù-siū-põng-gön
xiùshǒupángguān stand by with folded arms; look on unconcerned.⁶
袖刺 diù-xü
xiùcì to put one's visiting cards in the sleeve.⁷
袖刃 diù-yìn
xiùrèn to hide a dagger/knife in a sleeve.⁷
领袖[領袖] lêin-diù
lǐngxiù leader.⁵
diu4 2375
145 15 diù xiù (<old>=袖 diù xiù sleeve; tuck inside the sleeve.⁶); sleeve, ample flowing robes.⁸
(composition: ⿳亠⿰⿷⿱丿丄一禾𧘇; U+890E).
Gäo-kiũ-bäo-diù, dù-ngô-ngĩn-giü-giü.
Gāo qiú bào xiù, zìwǒ rén jiū jiū.
Lamb's fur and leopard's cuffs,
You use us with cruel unkindness.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·唐風·羔裘》, translated by James Legge).
<又> yiũ.
(See 褎 yiũ).
diu4 2376
145 15 diù xiù (<old>=袖 diù xiù sleeve; tuck inside the sleeve.⁶).² a sleeve.²⁵
(composition: ⿳亠⿰⿷⿱丿丄一由𧘇; U+890F).
or 断袖[斷袖] òn-diù duànxiù lit. Cut off the sleeves – refers to homosexuality between men.¹⁹
(Note: This term, 斷褏 or 斷袖, comes from the story in which Emperor Ai of Han (汉哀帝[漢哀帝] b. 27 BCE r. 7 BCE d.1 BCE) cut his sleeve where his lover Dong Xian (董贤[董賢) was sleeping instead of waking him up).
<又> yiũ.
(See 袖 diù; 褏 yiũ).
diu4 2377
196 23 diù jiù vulture.⁸ a condor or vulture; cruel, rapacious.¹⁴
鹫科[鷲科] diù-fö jiùkē Aegyptiidae (the vulture family).¹⁰
鹫悍[鷲悍] diù-hòn
jiùhàn rapacious; grasping.¹⁴
鹫鸟[鷲鳥] diù-nêl
jiùniǎo vulture.¹⁰
鹫山[鷲山] diù-sän
jiùshān or 鹫岭[鷲嶺] diù-lêin jiùlǐng a mountain in India said to be like the head of a vulture; or that vultures were numerous on account of the corpses exposed. A resort of Buddha.¹⁴
羌鹫[羌鷲] gëng-diù
qiāngjiù sea eagle.¹⁰
狗鹫[狗鷲] gēo-diù
gǒujiù royal eagle.¹⁰
秃鹫[禿鷲] tūk-diù tūjiù cinereous vulture.⁶
胡兀鹫[鬍兀鷲] vũ-ngūt-diù
húwùjiù or 髯鹫[髯鷲] ngẽm-diù ránjiù or 髭兀鹫[髭兀鷲] jï-ngūt-diù zīwùjiù bearded vulture, lammergeier, ossifrage (Gypaetus barbatus), a bird of prey and the only member of the genus Gypaetus.⁶ʼ¹⁵ʼ²⁰ʼ²³
西域兀鹫[西域兀鹫] xäi-vèik-ngūt-diù
or xäi-vāk-ngūt-diù xīyùwùjiù or 兀鹫[兀鷲] ngūt-diù wùjiù griffon vulture, Eurasian griffon (Gyps fulvus), a large Old World vulture in the bird of prey family Accipitridae.¹⁰ʼ¹⁵ʼ²⁰ʼ²³
diu4 2378
30 5 diû jiào <台> 叫 diû to shout; to call.
<台> 呱吟呱叫 gēh-lãng-gēh-diû (loud) screaming (as from pain).
<又> gël; diü. (See 叫  gël; 叫 diü.)
diu5 2379
32 7 zuò (of a building) to have its back towards; to bear fruit; (of rifle, gun) to recoil, kick back; variant of 座; Zuo surname.
坐等 dò-āng zuòděng sit back and wait.⁸
坐北朝南 dò-bāk-chẽl-nãm
zuòběicháonán face south with the back to the north.
坐果 dò-gō
zuòguǒ to bear fruit.
坐吃山空 dò-hëk-sän-hüng
zuòchīshānkōng to fritter away a fortune.
坐牢 dò-lão
zuòláo to be in prison.⁵
坐落 dò-lòk
zuòluò (of a building) to be located/situated.
坐忘 dò-mõng
zuòwàng oblivious of one's surroundings, free from worldly concerns.¹¹
坐而论道[坐而論道] dò-ngĩ-lùn-ào
zuò'érlùndào to sit and pontificate; to find answers through theory and not through practice (idiom).¹⁰
坐卧不宁[坐臥不寧] dò-ngò-būt-nẽin
zuòwòbùníng be unable to sit down or sleep at ease; feel restless; be on tenterhooks.⁵
坐蓐 dò-yùk
zuòrù confinement in childbirch; lying-in.⁸ (of a woman) to be in labor.¹¹
后坐[後坐] hèo-dò
hòuzuò backlash; (of gun) to recoil.
<又> tü, tö.
(See 坐 tü, tö; 座 dò).
do4 2380
53 广 10 zuò seat, place; stand, pedestal, base; constellation; (<m.> for mountains, pagodas, bridges, statues).⁵
大熊座 Ài-hũng-dò Dàxióngzuò <astr.> the Great Bear.⁵
就座 diù-dò
jiùzuò to take one's seat.⁵
座子 dò-dū
zuòzi stand, pedestal, base; saddle (of a bicycle).⁵
座机[座機] dò-gï
zuòjī somebody's private plane.⁶
座谈[座談] dò-hãm
zuòtán have an informal discussion.⁶
座号[座號] dò-hào
zuòhào seat number.⁶
座无虚席[座無虛席] dò-mũ-huï-dèik
zuòwúxūxí have a full house; be packed to capacity; every seat is taken.⁶
座上客 dò-sèng-hāk
or dò-sèng-häk zuòshàngkè a guest of honor.⁵
座位 dò-vì
zuòwèi seat; place.⁵
座右铭[座右銘] dò-yiù-mẽin
zuòyòumíng motto; maxim.⁶
满座[滿座] mōn-dò
mǎnzuò capacity audience; capacity house; full house.⁵
两座塔 lēng-dò-hāp
liǎngzuòtǎ two pagodas.⁴
一座桥[一座橋] yīt-dò-kẽl
yīzuòqiáo a bridge.⁵
一座山 yīt-dò-sän
yīzuòshān a mountain.⁵
do4 2381
61 8 zuò (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 怍 dòk zuò with same meaning: shame; to change color, to blush.⁷)
<又> dòk.
(See 怍 dòk.)
do4 2382
61 11 zuò (alternate Housanva pronunciation of 㤰 dòk zuò with the same meaning: to be ashamed; mortified; chagrined; to change color, to blush.⁸
(composition: ⿱作心; U+3930).
<又> dòk.
(See 㤰 dòk).
do4 2383
113 9 zuò a blessing; the throne; the year.⁷
帝祚 äi-dò dìzuò emperor's throne.⁶
薄祚 bòk-dò
bózuò bad fortune.⁵⁴
or 践阼[踐阼] dèin-dò jiànzuò to ascend the throne.¹⁴
祚命 dò-mèin
zuòmìng a heavenly blessing.⁷
祚胤 dò-yìn
zuòyìn to grant happiness and dignity to one's posterity.⁷
祚永 dò-vêin
zuòyǒng long happiness.¹⁴
国祚[國祚] gōk-dò
guózuò the duration of a reigning dynasty.¹¹ fate and happiness of a nation.⁵⁴
天祚明德 hëin-dò-mẽin-āk
tiānzuòmíngdé God bless illustrious virtue.¹⁴
do4 2384
130 9 zuò flesh, meat offered in sacrifices; blessings from Heaven; (now rarely) to report.⁷ to grant or bestow; sacrificial flesh offered to the gods (old); blessing; title of a sovereign (old).¹⁰ <wr.> sacrificial meat.¹¹
胙之土 dò-jï-hū zuòzhītǔ <wr.> grant him a fief.¹¹
胙肉 dò-ngùk
zuòròu sacrificial meat.⁷
胙腮 dò-xöi
zuòsāi (=腮腺 xöi-xëin sāixiàn) parotid gland.⁵
天地所胙 hëin-ì-sō-dò
tiāndìsuǒzuò <wr.> blessed by the gods.¹¹
do4 2385
170 7 zuò <wr.> a flight of steps on the eastern side of the hall where the host stood to welcome the guests; the throne on which the emperor sat at his coronation.
践阼[踐阼] or 践祚[踐祚] dèin-dò jiànzuò to ascend the throne.¹⁴
阼阶[阼階] dò-gäi
zuòjiē <trad.> eastern steps where the host stood to welcome his guests.
do4 2386
9 5 dōi zǎi young animal; <台> diminutive suffix such as 肚仔 ū-dōi belly; 屋仔 ūk-dōi a little house; 台仔[檯仔] hôi-dōi a little table; 村仔 tûn-dōi a hamlet; 柜仔[櫃仔] gì-dōi a cabinet.
猫仔[貓仔] miū-dōi māozǎi kitten.
<台> 仔 dōi son.
<台> 仔女 dōi-nuī sons and daughters.
<台> 碟仔 èp-dōi small dish.
<台> 脚仔[腳仔] gēk-dōi toe.
<台> 古仔 gū-dōi a story.
<台> 公仔[公仔] gûng-dōi a doll; a drawn figure of a human being.
<台> 公仔书[公仔書] gûng-dōi-sï/ comic book.
<台> 共三民仔 gùng-xäm-mīn-dōi to babysit.
<台> 男仔 nãm-dōi boy.
<台> 女仔 nuī-dōi girl.
<台> 女仔屎 nuī-dōi-sī little girl (an affectionate remonstration).
<台> 手仔 siū-dōi finger.
<台> 三民仔 xäm-mīn-dōi a child.
<又> dū.
(See 仔 [dū, ],  [dū, ].)
doi1 2387
31 6 dōi jiǎn <topo.> son; child.⁶ son; children.⁸
洋囝囝 yẽng-dōi-dōi yángjiǎnjiǎn doll.⁸
<又> nãm.
(See 囝 nãm.)
doi1 2388
40 10 dōi zǎi to slaughter livestock; to govern or rule; to cheat customers; imperial official in dynastic China.¹⁰
(old variant: 𡨧 dōi zǎi).
挨宰 äi-dōi
áizǎi to get ripped off.¹⁰
宰割 dōi-göt
zǎigē invade, oppress and exploit.⁵
宰客 dōi-hāk
zǎikè to cheat customers; to overcharge.¹⁰
宰制 dōi-jäi
zǎizhì rule; dominate.⁵
宰猪[宰豬] dōi-jï
zǎizhū butcher pigs.⁵
宰人 dōi-ngĩn
zǎirén to overcharge; to rip somebody off.¹⁰
宰杀[宰殺] dōi-sät
zǎishā slaughter, butcher.⁵
宰相 dōi-xëng
zǎixiàng prime minister (in feudal China); chancellor.⁵
宰相肚里能撑船[宰相肚裡能撐船] dōi-xëng-ū-lī-nãng-chäng-sõn
zǎixiàng dùli néng chēngchuán A prime minister's heart is big enough to pole a boat in – a great person should be large-hearted or magnanimous.⁵
屠宰 hũ-dōi
túzǎi butcher; slaughter.⁵
主宰 jī-dōi
zhǔzǎi to dominate; to rule; to dictate; master.¹⁰
(See 𡨧 dōi).

doi1 2389
40 11 𡨧
dōi zǎi (<old>=宰 dōi zǎi to slaughter livestock; to govern or rule; to cheat customers; imperial official in dynastic China.¹⁰).⁸ Zai surname.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱宀卒; U+21A27).
(See 宰 dōi).
doi1 2390
46 12 dōi zǎi a child, a servant; a diminutive.⁸ child; young animal.⁹
崽子 dōi-dū zǎizi a child; a pederast, also used as term of abuse.¹¹
狗崽子 gēo-dōi-dū
gǒuzǎizi <topo.> puppy; <derog.> son of a bitch.¹⁰
下崽 hä-dōi
xiàzǎi (of animals) to give birth; to foal, to whelp.¹⁰
兔崽子 hü-dōi-dū
tùzǎizi brat; bastard.¹⁰
猪崽[豬崽] jï-dōi
zhūzǎi piglet.³⁹
doi1 2391
85 13 dōi sediment, lees, dregs.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵⿱宀卒; U+6ED3).
沉滓泛起 chĩm-dōi-fàn-hī chénzǐfànqǐ the dregs of society gain the upper hand.⁵⁴
皭然不滓 dël-ngẽin-būt-dōi
jiàoránbùzǐ pure; with no blemish.¹⁴
酒滓 diū-dōi
jiǔzǐ lees.¹ wine dregs.¹¹
滓秽[滓穢] dōi-vï
or dōi-vöi zǐhuì dirt, filth, impurity; make dirty, to soil, defile.¹¹
渣滓 jâ-dōi
zhāzǐ residue; dregs; disreputable people.¹⁰
社会渣滓[社會渣滓] sêh-vòi-jâ-dōi
shèhuì zhāzi scum of society.⁵⁴
doi1 2392
118 25 dōi zǎi a species of bamboo.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗麗; U+7C6D).
<又> säi. (See 籭 säi.)
doi1 2393
159 13 dōi zǎi year.¹⁰
千载难逢[千載難逢] tëin-dōi-nãn-fũng qiānzǎinánféng  once in a lifetime, golden chance.¹¹
一年半载[一年半載] yīt-nẽin-bön-dōi
yīnián bànzǎi a year or so; six months or a year.¹¹
<又> döi.
(See 載 [döi, zài], [döi, zǎi].)
doi1 2394
13 6 döi zài again.
再接再厉[再接再厲] döi-dëp-döi-lài zàijiēzàilì make persistent efforts; continue to exert oneself.⁸
再见[再見] döi-gëin
zàijiàn goodbye; see you again later.¹⁰
再说[再說] döi-sōt
zàishuō to repeat; to say again; please repeat (what you said); later.
再说[再說] döi-sōt
zàishuō what's more; furthermore; besides.
再三 döi-xäm
zàisān over and over again.
再次 döi-xü
zàicì once more; second time.
一再 yīt-döi
yīzài again and again.
doi2 2395
17 6 𠙾
döi zāi (<古文> =菑 döi zāi misfortune; disaster; calamity.⁷ or =灾[災] döi zāi) calamity, disaster.⁸)
(composition: ⿶凵丰; U+2067E).
(See 菑 döi; 災 döi).
doi2 2396
30 9 döi zāi auxiliary word in ancient Chinese texts 1. asking a question or making a retort; 2. used in exclamations.²²
岂有他哉[豈有他哉] hī-yiû-hä-döi qǐyǒutāzāi What else? How could there be another way?²²
哀哉 öi-döi
āizāi <wr.> Alas!¹¹
诚哉斯言[誠哉斯言] sẽin-döi-xü-ngũn
chéngzāisīyán What sincere remarks you've made!²²
善哉 sèn-döi
shànzāi fine.⁸ excellent; kind.⁹ good, good!¹¹
呜呼哀哉[嗚呼哀哉] vü-fü-öi-döi
wūhū'āizāi (formerly used in funeral orations) Alas!²²
异哉[異哉] yì-döi
yìzāi <wr.> How strange it is!³⁹
有何难哉[有何難哉] yiû-hõ-nãn-döi
yǒuhénánzāi What's so difficult about it?²²
doi2 2397
47 4 𡿧
döi zāi (=灾[災] döi zāi calamity, disaster; personal misfortune, adversity.⁵).³⁶
(composition: ⿻巛一{Note: the second component goes through the middle of the first component, creating the character that looks like "three arrows"}; U+21FE7).
(See 災 döi).
doi2 2398
62 6 𢦏 döi zāi ('cut'; now only a component) 栽字头[栽字頭] döi-dù-hẽo zāizìtóu.¹ to cut, wound, hurt.⁸ hurt; wound.³⁶ pain, wound.⁵⁴ (Note: 𢦏 döi zāi renders properly in iOS 14.8 as of October 28, 2021).
(composition:  ⿱十戈; U+2298F).
doi2 2399
75 10 döi zāi plant, grow; stick in, insert, plant; force something on somebody, impose; tumble, fall.⁵
栽倒 döi-āo zāidǎo fall down.⁵
栽赃[栽贓] döi-döng
zāizāng plant stolen or banned goods on somebody; frame somebody.⁵
栽子 döi-dū
zāizi young plant; seedling.⁵
栽花 döi-fä
zāihuā grow flowers.⁵
栽跟头[栽跟頭] döi-gïn-hẽo
zāigēntou to stumble (both literally and figuratively); to be greatly embarrassed.⁷
栽植 döi-jèik
zāizhí plant; transplant.⁵
栽种[栽種] döi-jüng
zāizhòng plant; grow.⁵
栽培 döi-põi
zāipéi cultivate; grow; foster; train; educate; <trad.> help advance somebody's career; patronage.⁵
栽培植物 döi-põi-jèik-mùt
or döi-põi-jjèik-mòt zāipéizhíwù cultivated plant.⁵
栽上 döi-sëng
zāishàng put in ground to grow.¹¹
栽上罪名 döi-sëng-duì-mẽin
zāishàng zuìmíng frame somebody.⁵
栽树[栽樹] döi-sì
zāishù plant trees.⁵
栽秧 döi-yëng
zāiyāng transplant seedlings.⁵
doi2 2400
86 7 döi zāi calamity, disaster; personal misfortune, adversity.⁵
(variants: 烖, 𡿧❄{⿻巛一} döi; 𠙾❄{⿶凵丰} döi).
(See 烖 döi; 𡿧❄{⿻巛一} döi; 𠙾❄{⿶凵丰} döi).
虫灾[蟲災] chũng-döi
chóngzāi plague of insects.⁵
灾荒[災荒] döi-föng
zāihuāng  famine due to crop failures.⁵
灾害[災害] döi-hòi
zāihài calamity; disaster.⁵
灾区[災區] döi-kuï
zāiqū disaster area.⁵
灾民[災民] döi-mĩn
zāimín victims of a natural calamity.⁵
灾难[災難] döi-nãn
zāinàn suffering; calamity; disaster; catastrophe.⁵
灾情[災情] döi-tẽin
zāiqíng the condition of a disaster.⁵
灾患[災患] döi-vàn
zāihuàn <wr.> calamity; disaster.⁵
灾祸[災禍] döi-vò
zāihuò disaster; calamity; catastrophe.⁵
灾殃[災殃] döi-yëng
zāiyāng suffering; calamity; disaster.⁶
火灾[火災] fō-döi
huǒzāi a fire disaster.⁷
旱灾[旱災] hön-döi
or hôn-döi hànzāi drought.⁵
牢狱之灾[牢獄之災] lão-ngùk-jï-döi
láoyùzhīzāi imprisonment.¹⁰
灭顶之灾[滅頂之災] mèik-ēin-jï-döi
mièdǐngzhīzāi crowning calamity; be swamped in the vast ocean.⁸
没病没灾[沒病沒災] mòt-bèng-mòt-döi
méibìngméizāi good health and good luck.⁵
水灾[水災] suī-döi
shuǐzāi flood.⁵
doi2 2401
86 10 döi zāi (=災 döi zāi calamity, disaster; personal misfortune, adversity.⁵).
(composition: ⿹𢦏火; U+70D6).
(See 災 döi).
doi2 2402
102 8 döi zāi <biochemistry> steroid.⁶ evil, calamity.⁸ (<old>=灾[災] döi zāi) calamity, disaster.⁸
甾醇 döi-sũn
zāichún <biochemistry> sterol.⁶
<又> dü.)
(See 甾 dü.)
doi2 2403
140 11 döi zāi misfortune; disaster; calamity.⁷ (<old>=灾[災] döi zāi) calamity, disaster.⁸
无菑无害[無菑無害] mũ-döi-mũ-hòi
wúzāiwúhài free from any visitations of nature or calamity.¹¹
<又> dü.
(See 菑 dü; 𠙾❄{⿶凵丰} döi).
doi2 2404
159 13 döi zài to carry; to convey; to load; to hold; to fill up; and; also; as well as; simultaneously.¹⁰
载道[載道] döi-ào zàidào fill the streets (with complaints), be heard all over (of voices); convey moral teaching.⁵⁴
载波[載波] döi-bö
zàibō carrier wave.¹⁰
载歌载舞[載歌載舞] döi-gǒ-döi-mū
zàigēzàiwǔ  singing and dancing (idiom); festive celebrations.¹⁰
载体[載體] döi-hāi
zàitǐ carrier (chemistry); vector (epidemiology); vehicle or medium.¹⁰
载客[載客] döi-hāk
zàikè  to take passengers on board.¹⁰
载重[載重] döi-jùng
zàizhòng load; carrying capacity.¹⁰
载人[載人] döi-ngĩn
zàirén (of spaceships) manned.¹⁰
载戢干戈[載戢干戈] döi-tīp-gön-fö
zàijígāngē then fighting will cease.¹¹
载运[載運] döi-vùn
zàiyùn transport by vehicle.¹¹
载漪[載漪] Döi Yī
or Döi Yï Zàiyī Zai Yi (1856-1922), Manchu imperial prince and politician, disgraced after supporting the Boxers.¹⁰
天覆地载[天覆地載] hëin-fūk-ì-döi
tiānfùdìzài covered by Heaven and supported by Earth.¹⁴
装载[裝載] jöng-döi
zhuāngzài to load (goods).¹¹
<又> dōi.
(See 載 dōi, [döi, zǎi].)
doi2 2405
159 13 döi zǎi to record in writing; to carry (publish in a newspaper).¹⁰
登载[登載] äng-döi dēngzǎi publish in newspaper (magazine).¹¹
载入史册[載入史冊] döi-yìp-xū-chāk
zǎirù shǐcè be written into the annals of history; go down in history.⁵⁴
记载[記載] gï-döi
jìzǎi put down in writing; written records.¹¹
刊载[刊載] hōn-döi
or hān-döi kānzǎi be duly recorded; publish, esp. in newspaper, magazine.¹¹
转载[轉載] jōn-döi
zhuǎnzǎi reprint something that has been published elsewhere; reprint.⁸
<又> dōi.
(See 載 [döi, zài], dōi.)
doi2 2406
32 6 dòi zài (located) at; (to be) in; to exist; in the middle of doing something.
在乎 dòi-fũ zàihu to care about; to mind; to lie in, to rest with.
在职[在職] dòi-jēik
zàizhí to be on the job.
在编[在編] dòi-pëin
zàibiān be on the regular payroll.⁶
在所不惜 dòi-sō-būt-xēik
zàisuǒbùxī will not grudge; will be regardless of the cost or sacrifice; not to hesitate; unceasingly willing; will never balk at.
在阳台上瞭着点[在陽臺上瞭著點] dòi-yẽng-hõi-sèng-lẽl-jèk-ēm
zài yángtáishang liàozhediǎn Keep watch from the balcony.⁵⁵
在意 dòi-yï
zàiyì to pay attention to; to mind.
实在[實在] sìt-dòi
shízài true, real, honest, dependable; indeed, really, honestly; in fact, as a matter of fact.⁵
存在 tũn-dòi
cúnzài exist; be.⁵
事在人为[事在人為]  xù-dòi-ngĩn-vĩ
shìzàirénwéi people make things happen.
现在[現在] yèn-dòi
xiànzài now; at present; today.⁵
现在下结论为时尚早[現在下結論為時尚早] yèn-dòi-hà-gēik-lùn-vĩ-sĩ-sèng-dāo
xiànzàixiàjiélùnwèishíshàngzǎo It's still too early to draw a conclusion at the moment.⁷
<台> 好在 hāo-dòi lucky me! Oh, how lucky.
(See 扗 dòi.)
doi4 2407
64 6 dòi zài (old variant of 在 dòi zài) (located) at; (to be) in.
(See 在 dòi.)
doi4 2408
9 7 dōk zuò to do; to grow; to write or compose; to pretend; to regard as; to feel; writings or works. (variant: 𢓓❄{⿰彳乍} dōk zuò).
作品 dōk-bīn
zuòpǐn work (of art); opus.¹⁰
作废[作廢] dōk-fī
zuòfèi become invalid.⁵
作家 dōk-gä/
zuòjiā author.¹⁰
作奸犯科 dōk-gän-fàn-fö
zuòjiānfànkē to do evil; to break the law; to act criminally.⁷
作茧[作繭] dōk-gān
or dōk-gēin zuòjiǎn to make a cocoon.
作茧自缚[作繭自縛] dōk-gān-dù-bòk
or dōk-gēin-dù-fòk zuòjiǎnzìfù spin a cocoon around oneself –  get enmeshed in a web of one's own spinning.⁵
作孽 dōk-ngēik
zuòniè to sin.¹⁰
作业[作業] dōk-ngèp
zuòyè school assignment; homework;
work; task; operation; to operate.¹⁰
作噩 dōk-ngōk
zuò'è a term for the five years in the cycle with 酉 yiû yǒu in them.¹⁰²
作色 dōk-sēik
zuòsè show signs of anger; get worked up.⁶
作缳[作繯] dōk-vãn
zuòhuán to make rope.²⁵
作祟 dōk-xuì
zuòsuì (some evil spirit) cause trouble, make mischief; (of devil) possessing (a person).¹¹
作用 dōk-yùng
zuòyòng affect; effect; action.⁹
<台> 你作乜耶? nï-dōk-mōt-yëh?
What do you mean by that?
<又> dök.
(See 作 [dōk, zuō], dök; 𢓓❄{⿰彳乍} dōk).
dok1 2409
9 7 dōk zuō 作坊 dōk-fōng zuōfang workshop (of artisan).
石作 sêk-dōk
shízuò masonry.
洗衣作 xāi-yï-dōk
xǐyīzuō <wr.> laundry shop.
小器作 xēl-hï-dōk
xiǎoqìzuō workshop producing or repairing hardwood or exquisite furniture.
<又> dök.
(See 作 [dōk, zuò], dök.)
dok1 2410
60 8 𢓓
dōk zuò (<old>=作 dōk zuò to do; to grow; to write or compose; to pretend; to regard as; to feel; writings or works.).²
(composition: ⿰彳乍; U+224D3).
(See 作 dōk).
dok1 2411
64 15 dōk zuó cracking sound.² sound of ripping or tearing.⁸
(composition: ⿰扌畫; U+3A47).
<又> vàk. (See 㩇 vàk).
dok1 2412
9 7 dök zuò <台> 作棋 dök-kĩ to play chess.
<台> 该做作[該做作] kâo-dü-dök do it this way.
<又> dōk.
(See 作 [dōk, zuò], [dōk, zuō].)
dok2 2413
9 5 dòk duó third person pronoun: he, she, it.² other.³⁶ different.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰亻乇; U+4EDB).
<又> chä; hōk. (See 仛 chä; 仛 hōk).
dok4 2414
61 8 dòk zuò shame; to change color, to blush.⁷
怍色 dòk-sēik or dò-sēik zuòsè ashamed; to blush; to color.⁷
怍意 dòk-yï
or dò-yï zuòyì to feel ashamed; to be ashamed.⁷
愧怍 kï-dòk
or kï-dò kuìzuò to feel shame; ashamed.⁷
惭怍[慚怍] tãm-dòk
or tãm-dò cánzuò to feel ashamed; to feel shame.⁷
<又> dò.
(See 怍 dò.)
dok4 2415
61 11 dòk zuò (same as 怍 dòk zuò) to be ashamed; mortified; chagrined; to change color, to blush.⁸
(composition: ⿱作心; U+3930).
<又> dò.
(See 㤰 dò; 怍 dòk).
dok4 2416
75 9 dòk zuò (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 柞 dôk zuò with same meaning.)
<又> dôk, jä, jäk.
(See 柞 dôk, jä, jäk.)
dok4 2417
112 10 dòk zuò 砟硌 dòk-lōk zuòluò <wr.> (of mountain rocks) uneven; jagged; craggy; rugged.⁶
<又> jä.
(See 砟 jä.)
dok4 2418
118 11 dòk zuó (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 笮 dôk zuó with same meaning: rope woven with bamboo strips.⁶)
<又> dôk, jāk, jäk, jä.
(See 笮 dôk, 笮 jāk, 笮 jäk, 笮 jä.)
dok4 2419
164 12 dòk zuò <wr.> (of a guest) propose a toast the host.⁶
酬酢 chiũ-dòk chóuzuò <wr.> exchange of toasts; friendly intercourse.⁵
酬酢极忙[酬酢極忙] chiũ-dòk-gèik-mõng
chóuzuòjímáng busily engaged in entertainment.³⁹
酢败[酢敗] dòk-bài
zuòbài soured; turned to vinegar.⁵⁴
酌言酢之 jēk-ngũn-dòk-jï
zhuóyánzuòzhī (his guests) fill the cup and present it to him.¹⁴
万寿攸酢[萬壽攸酢] màn-siù-yiũ-dòk
wànshòuyōuzuò  "myriads of years as the fitting reward".¹⁴
或献或酢[或獻或酢] vàk-hün-vàk-dòk
huòxiànhuòzuò (the guests) are pledged, and they pledge (the host) in return.¹⁴
<又> tü.
(See 酢 tü).
dok4 2420
167 21 dòk duó large bell usually with deep, dull sound (used in ancient China when issuing proclamations or in times of war).⁶ bell; Duo surname.⁸
风铎[風鐸] füng-dòk fēngduó wind chimes.⁶
振铎[振鐸] jīn-dòk
zhènduó strike a bell.⁶
铃铎[鈴鐸] lẽin-dòk
or lêng-dòk língduó bell that hangs under the eaves of palace, tower or attic.⁹
木铎[木鐸] mûk-dòk
mùduó bell with wooden clapper, said of Confucius that he was like a clarion call to his times; hence 木鐸 refers to teacher's profession.¹¹
司铎[司鐸] xü-dòk
sīduó (=神甫 sĩn-fū shénfu or 神父 sĩn-fù shénfù) father (a title of respect for a Roman Catholic or Orthodox Eastern Church priest).⁶
<又> òk.
(See 鐸 òk.)
dok4 2421
167 28 dòk záo chisel; to bore a hole; to chisel or dig; certain; authentic; irrefutable.¹⁰
(comp. t: ⿱⿰⿻丵臼殳金; U+947F).
s: ⿱业⿶凵𢆉; U+51FF).
凿井[鑿井] dòk-dēng
záojǐng dig/sink/bore a well.⁶
凿凿[鑿鑿] dòk-dòk
záozáo <wr.> true; certain; verified.⁶
凿开[鑿開] dòk-höi
záokāi bore through; cut open; chiseling.⁵⁴
凿空[鑿空] dòk-hüng
záokōng <wr.> give a strained/far-fetched interpretation.⁶
凿密[鑿密] dòk-mìt
záomì <mach.> caulking.⁶
凿岩[鑿岩] dòk-ngãm
záoyán (rock) drilling.⁶
凿枘[鑿枘] dòk-yuì
záoruì to fit like mortise and tenon.¹⁰
<台> 凿咳[鑿咳] dòk-kät wasteful.
<又> tôk.
(See 鑿 [dòk, zuò], tôk.)
dok4 2422
167 28 dòk zuò (old variant Mandarin pronunciation for 凿[鑿] dòk záo chisel; to bore a hole; to chisel or dig; certain; authentic; irrefutable.)
t: ⿱⿰⿻丵臼殳金; U+947F).
s: ⿱业⿶凵𢆉; U+51FF).
<又> tôk.
(See 鑿 [dòk, záo], tôk.)
dok4 2423
196 20 𪃒
dòk duó a species of water bird.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰度鳥; U+2A0D2).
鹱𪃒[鸌𪃒] vù-dòk hùduó name of a bird.⁸ʼ²⁵ a water bird which resembles the rail; it is mostly found in the southern provinces.¹⁰²
dok4 2424
72 9 dôk zuó yesterday; the past.⁶
昨非 dôk-fï zuófēi <wr.> past mistakes.¹¹
昨天 dôk-hëin
zuótiān yesterday; the past.⁶
昨朝 dôk-jël
zuózhāo yesterday morning.⁷
昨儿[昨兒] dôk-ngĩ
zuór <vern.> yesterday.⁵
昨儿个[昨兒個] dôk-ngĩ-göi
zuórge <vern.> yesterday.⁵
昨日 dôk-ngït
zuórì yesterday.⁶
昨承过访[昨承過訪] dôk-sẽin-gö-fōng 
zuóchéngguòfǎng thank you for your visit yesterday.¹¹
昨死今生 dôk-xī-gïm-säng
zuósǐjīnshēng reform lit. to be dead yesterday and alive today – to be reborn; to lead a new life from now on.⁷
昨夜 dôk-yèh
zuóyè yesterday evening; last night.⁵
<又> dâm.
(See 昨 dâm.)
dok5 2425
75 9 dôk zuò <vern.> oak.⁶ Xylosma congesta, an evergreen thorny tree with small leaves, fine and sturdy wood; an oak.⁷
柞绸[柞綢] dôk-chiũ
or dòk-chiũ zuòchóu a tussah silk fabric.⁷
柞栎[柞櫟] dôk-lēik
or dòk-lèik zuòlì toothed oak.⁶ <bot.> Quercus dentata Daimyo Oak or sweet oak.²⁰ Mongolian oak (Quercus dentata).³⁵
柞木 dôk-mûk
or dòk-mûk zuòmù oak.⁹ Xylosma racemosa.²⁰
柞树[柞樹] dôk-sì
or dòk-sì zuòshù oak.⁶
柞蚕[柞蠶] dôk-tâm
or dòk-tâm zuòcán tussah.⁶
柞蚕丝[柞蠶絲] dôk-tâm-xû
or dòk-tâm-xû zuòcánsī tussah silk.⁶
柞丝绸[柞絲綢] dôk-xû-chiũ 
or dòk-xû-chiũ zuòsīchóu tussah silk; pongee.⁶
<又> dòk, jä, jäk.
(See 柞 dòk, jä, jäk.)
dok5 2426
118 11 dôk zuó rope woven with bamboo strips.⁶ (variant: 筰 dôk zuó).
笮桥[笮橋] dôk-kẽl
or dòk-kẽl zuóqiáo suspension bridge supported by bamboo ropes; bamboo bridge.⁶ a hanging bridge made of bamboo cables.⁹
<又> dòk, jāk, jäk, jä.
(See 笮 dòk, 笮 jāk, 笮 jäk, 笮 jä; 筰 dôk).
dok5 2427
118 13 dôk zuó (=笮 dôk zuó rope woven with bamboo strips.⁶); a rope made from bamboo skin; bamboo rope; cable.⁸ rope made from bamboo splints.¹⁴ a bamboo rope, for assisting in crossing a river, or for tracking a boat; the name of a country.²⁵ (bamboo) rope (with which ships are pulled, e.g. when crossing a river).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿱𥫗作; U+7B70).
筰马[筰馬] dôk-mâ
zuómǎ horses raised by the ancient Zuodu (筰都 dôk-ü zuódū) tribe.¹⁹
筰桥[筰橋] dôk-kẽl
zuóqiáo Zuo Qiao name of a bridge, aka 夷里桥[夷里橋] yĩ-lî-kẽl yílǐqiáo Yili Qiao, located in present-day southwest of 成都市 sẽin-ü-sî/ chéngdū shì Chengdu City in 四川省 xü-chün-sāng sìchuān shěng Sichuan Province; the bridge was made of bamboo cables, hence the name.¹⁹
邛筰 kũng-dôk
qióngzuó Qiongdu and Zuodu tribal associations.⁵⁴
青丝为君筰[青絲為君筰] tëin-xû-vì-gün-dôk
qīngsīwèijūnzuó black silk rope made for the needs of the sovereign.⁵⁴
<又> jäk.
(See 笮 dôk; 筰 jäk).
dok5 2428
140 10 dôk zuó the name of a place, of a hill and bridge.²⁵
莋都 dôk-ü Zuódū old name of a district in present 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan Province.¹⁹
<又> dèik.
(See 莋 dèik.)
dok5 2429
140 12 dôk zuó a kind of edible vegetable.²
(composition: ⿱艹昨; U+8443).
葃菇 dôk-gü/ zuógū (=<台> 茨菰 sĩ-gü/) or 燕尾草 yên-mī-tāo yànwěicǎo or 白地栗 bàk-ì-lùt báidìlì arrowhead (Sagittaria sagittifolia).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
葃茹 dôk-nguĩ
zuórú a black taro; a kind of vegetable.² a black kind of taro or yam.²⁵
(See <台> 茨菰 sĩ-gü/)
dok5 2430
173 13 dôk báo hail.⁵
<台> 落雹 lòk-dôk/ or lòk-tôk/ hailing.
<又> bòk, tôk.
(See 雹 bòk, tôk.)
dok5 2431
173 20 𩅟
dôk báo hail.
(composition: ⿱雨晶; U+2915F).
<台> 落𩅟❄{⿱雨晶} or 落雹 lòk-dôk/ or lòk-tôk/ hailing.
<又> bòk, tôk.
(See 雹 bòk, dôk, tôk; 𩅟❄{⿱雨晶} bòk, tôk).
dok5 2432
173 22 𩆗
dôk báo hail.
(composition: ⿳雨⿰田田日; U+29197).
<台> 落𩆗❄{⿳雨⿰田田日} or 落𩅟❄{⿱雨晶} or 落雹 lòk-dôk/ or lòk-tôk/ hailing.
<又> bòk, tôk.
(See 雹 bòk, dôk, tôk; 𩆗❄{⿳雨⿰田田日} bòk, tôk).
dok5 2433
173 29 𩇌
dôk báo hail.
(composition: ⿳雨⿰雨雨包; U+291CC).
<台> 落𩇌❄{⿳雨⿰雨雨包} or 落𩆗❄{⿳雨⿰田田日} or 落𩅟❄{⿱雨晶} or 落雹 lòk-dôk/ or lòk-tôk/ hailing.
<又> bòk, tôk.
(See 雹 bòk, dôk, tôk; 𩇌❄{⿳雨⿰雨雨包} bòk, tôk).
dok5 2434
64 23 dōn zuàn to hold, to grip, to grasp.
攥拳头[攥拳頭] dōn-kũn-hẽo zuànquántou to clench one's fist.
紧攥[緊攥] gīn-dōn
jǐnzuàn hold tightly in the hand.⁵⁴
两手攥空拳[兩手攥空拳] lēng-siū-dōn-hüng-kũn
liǎng shǒu zuàn kōngquán <topo.> empty-handed; penniless, poor.
手拿把攥 siū-nã-bā-dōn
shǒunábǎzuàn in the bag; a sure thing.
don1 2435
118 16 dōn zuàn   (=纂 dōn zuǎn) <wr.> compile, edit; <topo.> a woman's hair worn in a knot at the nape; bun.⁵
<又> jàn, xūn.
(See 篹 jàn, xūn; 纂 dōn).
don1 2436
120 20 dōn zuǎn <wr.> compile, edit; <topo.> a woman's hair worn in a knot at the nape; bun.⁵ (variant: 篹 dōn zuàn).
纂出 dōn-chūt
zuǎnchū or 自纂 dù-dōn zìzuǎn to originate; to invent.¹⁴
纂订[纂訂] dōn-ëin
zuǎndìng to revise and prepare for publication.¹⁴
纂辑[纂輯] dōn-tīp
zuǎnjí sort out and edit.⁶ to compile.⁷
纂辑史料[纂輯史料] dōn-tīp-xū-lèl
zuǎnjíshǐliào to collect and edit historical material for publication. ⁷
纂修 dōn-xiü
zuǎnxiū compile; edit.⁶
纂绣[纂繡] dōn-xiü
zuǎnxiù knitting and embroidery.⁷
编纂[編纂] pëin-dōn
biānzuǎn compile.⁶
编纂字典[編纂字典] pëin-dōn-dù-ēin
biānzuǎnzìdiǎn compile a dictionary.⁵
(See 篹 dōn).
don1 2437
167 27 dōn zuān <台> 钻帽[鑽帽] dōn-mào knitted hat.
<又> dön. (See 鑽 [dön, zuān], [dön, zuàn]; 鑚 dön.)
don1 2438
157 26 dön zuān jump up, dash forward; wander about.⁶
躜行[躦行] dön-hãng zuānxíng to hurry on one's way.¹⁹
躜路[躦路] dön-lù
zuānlù to hurry on one's way.¹⁹
躜上躜下[躦上躦下] dön-sëng-dön-hä
zuānshàng zuānxià wander up and down a slope.⁶
跳跳躜躜[跳跳躦躦] hẽl-hẽl-dön-dön
tiàotiào zuānzuān gamboling, jumping and skipping about.¹¹
上下躜动[上下躦動] sèng-hà-dön-ùng
shàngxiàzuāndòng shoot upward and downward now and then.⁶
燕子躜天儿[燕子躦天兒] yên-dū-dön-hëin-ngĩ
yànzi zuān tiānr The swallow dashed/shot through the air.⁵
don2 2439
167 23 dön zuàn (=鑽 dön zuàn) a drill; diamond, jewel; to drill, to bore.⁶
<又> dōn.
(See 鑽 [dön, zuān], dōn; 鑚 dön.)
don2 2440
167 27 dön zuàn a drill; diamond, jewel; to drill, to bore.⁶ (variant: 鑚 dön zuàn).
电钻[電鑽] èin-dön
diànzuàn electric drill.⁶
钻床[鑽床] dön-chõng
zuànchuáng drilling machine.⁶
钻井[鑽井] dön-dēng
zuànjǐng drill a well.⁶
钻戒[鑽戒] dön-gäi
zuànjiè diamond ring.⁶
钻头[鑽頭] dön-hẽo
zuàntóu bit (of a drill).⁶
钻仰[鑽仰] dön-ngêng
zuànyǎng <wr.> to search for the truth and hold fast to it.¹¹
钻石[鑽石] dön-sèk/
zuànshí diamond; jewel (used in a watch).⁵
风钻[風鑽] füng-dön
fēngzuàn pneumatic/air drill.⁶
<又> dōn.
(See 鑽 [dön, zuān], dōn; 鑚 dön.)
don2 2441
167 27 dön zuān drill, bore; study intensely; get into, make one's way into; worm one's way into something; exploit somebody.⁶
钻冰求酥[鑽冰求酥] dön-bëin-kiũ-xü zuānbīngqiúsū an impossibility.⁵⁴
or 钻膑[鑽臏] dön-bïn zuānbìn to cut off the knee-cap as a punishment.¹⁴
钻孔[鑽孔] dön-kūng
zuānkǒng drill (bore) a hole.¹¹
钻木取火[鑽木取火] dön-mùk-tuī-fō
zuānmùqǔhuǒ to drill wood to make fire.¹⁰
钻研[鑽研] dön-ngẽin
zuānyán study intensively; dig into.⁶
钻牛犄角[鑽牛犄角] dön-ngẽo-yï-gôk
or dön-ngẽo-gï-gôk zuān niújījiǎo get oneself into a dead end.¹¹
钻心虫[鑽心蟲] dön-xïm-chũng
zuānxīnchóng (=蛀心虫 [蛀心蟲] jï-xïm-chũng zhùxīnchóng borer (insect).⁶
钻刺[鑽刺] dön-xü
zuāncì <wr.> ridicule, satirize; curry favor with somebody in authority for personal gain; secure personal gain.⁶
钻燧取火[鑽燧取火] dön-xuì-tuī-fō
zuānsuìqǔhuǒ to strike a flint to produce sparks.¹¹
钻营[鑽營] dön-yẽin
zuānyíng curry favor with somebody in authority for personal gain; secure personal gain.⁶
钻入[鑽入] dön-yìp
zuānrù enter; go into (a small hole).⁵⁴
<又> dōn.
(See 鑽 [dön, zuàn], dōn; 鑚 dön.)
don2 2442
64 16 dōng  dǎng gear (of car).¹⁰
挡锒[擋鋃] öng-lõng dāngláng <slang> to ask for money; to lend money.¹⁰
排挡[排擋] pãi-dōng
páidǎng gear (of a car).⁹
换挡[換擋] vòn-dōng
huàndǎng to change gear; to shift gears.⁹
<又> ōng.
(See 擋 [ōng, dǎng], [ōng, dàng].)
dong1 2443
22 9 döng zāng (=臧 döng zāng good, right, generous; a slave, a servant; stolen goods or loot (=赃[贓] döng zāng); Zang surname.⁷)
(composition: ⿷匚壯; U+5328).
(Note: Distinguish 臧 döng
zāng from 藏 dòng zàng.)
<又> tõng.
(See 匨 tõng; 臧 döng).
dong2 2444
32 12 döng zàng (=葬 döng zàng to bury (the dead); to inter.¹⁰)
(composition: ⿳艹死土; U+585F).
(See 葬 döng).
dong2 2445
75 17 döng dàng 大排档[大排檔] ài-pãi-döng dàpáidàng sidewalk food stall.
档口[檔口] döng-hēo
dàngkǒu stall; booth.
<台> 摆档[擺檔] bāi-döng to set up a stall.
<台> 拍档[拍檔] päk-döng partner.
<又> öng.
(See 檔 öng.)
dong2 2446
131 14 döng zāng good, right, generous; a slave, a servant; stolen goods or loot (=赃[贓] döng zāng); Zang surname.⁷
(composition: ⿵戕臣; U+81E7).
臧否 döng-pī
zāngpǐ <wr.>pass judgment on; make comments on; appraise; review; comment on.⁶ good or bad; yes or no; criticize, speak well or ill of.¹¹
臧否人物 döng-pī-ngĩn-mùt
or döng-pī-ngĩn-mòt zāngpǐrénwù <wr.>pass judgment on a person; make comments on the merits and demerits of a person.⁶ criticize people.¹¹
臧匿 döng-nèik
zāngnì (=藏匿 tõng-nèik cángnì) to conceal something.⁷
臧获[臧穫] döng-vòk
zānghuò slaves.⁷
何用不臧 hõ-yùng-būt-döng
héyòngbúzāng <wr.> what does it not avail? how can it possibly go wrong?¹¹
未知臧否 mì-jï-döng-pī
wèizhīzāngpǐ don't know whether it's good or bad.¹¹
人謀不臧 ngĩn-mẽo-būt-döng
rénmóubúzāng <wr.> ill-advised.¹¹
一臧一否 yīt-döng-yīt-pī
yīzāngyīpǐ one good and the other bad.¹¹
dong2 2447
140 12 döng zàng to bury (the dead); to inter.¹⁰
(composition: ⿳艹死廾; U+846C).
殡葬[殯葬] bïn-döng bìnzàng bury; burial ceremony, funeral and interment.⁶
葬地 döng-ì
zàngdì burial ground; grave.⁶
葬礼[葬禮] döng-lâi
zànglǐ funeral rites; funeral; burial.¹⁰
葬埋 döng-mãi
zàngmái or 埋葬 mãi-döng máizàng to inter; to bury.¹⁴
葬身 döng-sïn
zàngshēn to be buried.¹⁰
葬身鱼腹[葬身魚腹] döng-sïn-nguĩ-fūk
zàngshēnyúfù buried in the maws of the fishes – drowned.¹⁴
葬送 döng-xüng
zàngsòng to ruin (one's future, hopes).¹¹
火葬 fō-döng
huǒzàng to cremate.¹⁴
安葬 ön-döng
ānzàng to bury in grave.¹¹
迁葬[遷葬] tëin-döng
qiānzàng to remove a body from one grave to another – in order to secure better geomantic conditions.¹⁴
dong2 2448
154 21 döng zāng stolen goods, booty, spoils; bribes.⁵ (variant: 贜 döng zāng).
赃品[贓品] döng-bīn
zāngpǐn stolen goods; plunder; loot; booty.⁷
赃款[贓款] döng-fōn
zāngkuǎn money stolen, embezzled or received in bribes; illicit money.⁵
赃官[贓官] döng-gön
zāngguān corrupt official.⁵
赃证[贓證] döng-jëin
zāngzhèng plunder as evidence of theft or graft.⁷
赃埋[贓埋] döng-mãi
zāngmái <wr.> malign, slander, accuse falsely.¹¹
赃诬[贓誣] döng-mũ
or döng-mõ zāngwū <wr.> malign, slander, accuse falsely.¹¹
赃物[贓物] döng-mùt
or döng-mòt zāngwù stolen goods, booty, spoils; bribes.⁵
分赃[分贓] fün-döng
fēnzāng share the booty; divide the spoils.⁵
退赃[退贓] huï-döng
tuìzāng give up (or surrender, disgorge) ill-gotten gains.⁵
追赃[追贓] juï-döng
zhuīzāng order the return of stolen money or goods; recover stolen money or goods; make somebody disgorge the spoils.⁵
贼赃[賊贓] tàk-döng
zéizāng booty, spoils, plunder.¹¹
(See 贜 döng).
dong2 2449
154 24 döng zāng (=赃[贓] döng zāng stolen goods, booty, spoils; bribes.⁵)
(composition: ⿰貝藏; U+8D1C).
(See 贓 döng).
dong2 2450
188 21 döng zāng unclean; dirty; filthy; soiled; grimy.⁶ (脏 is simplified form for both 髒 döng zāng and 臟 dòng zàng, q.v.)
脏字[髒字] döng-dù
zāngzì obscene/dirty word.⁶
脏乱[髒亂] döng-lòn
zāngluàn dirty and messy/untidy.⁶
脏水[髒水] döng-suī
zāngshuǐ filthy water; slops; sewage.⁶
脏东西[髒東西] döng-üng-xäi
zāng dōngxi dirty things.¹⁹
脏话[髒話] döng-và
zānghuà dirty word; obscenity.⁶
脏心[髒心] döng-xïm
zāngxīn evil-minded.¹¹
肮脏[骯髒] köng-dòng
kǎngzāng <wr.> fat; upright.¹¹
肮脏[骯髒] öng-dòng
āngzāng dirty, filthy, squalid; vile, mean, foul, dirty.⁶ dirty, filthy.¹¹
dong2 2451
90 10 dòng zāng <wr.> ewe.⁶
(composition: ⿰爿羊; U+7242).
牂牂 dòng-dòng zāngzāng <wr.> (of plants) lush; exuberant; luxuriant.⁶
牂牁 Dòng-gō
Zāngkē Zangke ancient name of 贵州[贵州] Gï-jiü Guìzhōu Guizhou and its vicinity today; stakes to which boats are moored.⁷
牂云[牂雲] dòng-vũn
zāngyún dog-shaped clouds.⁷
dong4 2452
130 21 dòng zàng <Ch. med.> five internal organs including the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys; internal organs of the body, viscera.⁶ (脏 is simplified form for both 臟 dòng zàng and 髒 döng zāng, q.v.)
t: ⿰月藏; U+81DF). (comp. s: ⿰月庄; U+810F).
脏象[臟象] dòng-dèng
zàngxiàng <Ch. med.> state of internal organs.⁶
脏腑[臟腑] dòng-fū
zàngfǔ <Ch. med.> viscera (internal organs including the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, stomach, gall, intestines and bladder).⁶
脏器[臟器] dòng-hï
zàngqì internal organs of the body; viscera.⁶
脏躁症[臟躁症] dòng-täo-jëin
zàngzàozhèng (=癔病 yēik-bèng yìbìng) hysteria.⁶
脏毒[臟毒] dòng-ùk
zàngdú dysentery.⁵⁴
五脏六腑[五臟六腑] m̄-dòng-lùk-fū
wǔzàngliùfǔ five viscera and six bowels (TCM).¹⁰
心脏移植[心臟移植] xïm-döng-yĩ-jèik
xīnzàng yízhí heart transplant.⁶
dong4 2453
140 17 dòng zàng storage, storage place, storehouae, depository; Buddhist or Taoist scriptures; Tibet; Tibetan people.⁶
大藏经[大藏經] Ài Dòng Gëin Dàzàngjīng Tripitaka Koreana, Buddhist scriptures carved on 81,340 wooden tablets and housed in Haeinsa 海印寺 Hōi-yïn-dù Hǎiyìnsì in South Gyeongsang Province of South Korea.¹⁰
宝藏[寶藏] bāo-dòng
bǎozàng precious (mineral) deposits; <Budd.> the treasure of Buddha's law.¹⁰
藏报春[藏报春] dòng-bäo-chün
zàngbàochūn the Chinese primrose Primula sinensis Sabine ex Lindl. (Aliases: 年景花 nẽin-gēin-fä niánjǐnghuā; 大种樱草[大種樱草] ài-jūng-yëin-tāo dàzhǒngyīngcǎo, 中华报春[中華报春] Jüng-vã-bäo-chün Zhōnghuábàochūn).¹⁵ʼ²³
藏族 Dòng-dùk
Zàngzú Tibetan ethnic group.¹⁰
藏旱獭[藏旱獺] dòng-hön-chât/
or dòng-hôn-chât/ zànghàntǎ Himalayan marmot.⁶
藏獒 dòng-ngão
zàng'áo (also called 西藏獒犬 Xäi-dòng-ngão-hūn Xīzàng áoquǎn) Tibetan mastiff.¹⁰
藏青果 dòng-tëin-gō
zàngqīngguǒ Tibetan olives.¹¹ Terminalia chebula Retz.¹⁹
藏医[藏醫] Dòng-yï
Zàngyī Tibetan medicine.¹⁹
西藏 Xäi-dòng
Xīzàng Xizang; Tibet.⁸
<又> tõng.
(See 藏 tõng.)
dong4 2454
30 15 dōt zuō <台> 嘬丝嘬[嘬絲嘬] döt-xû-dōt sucking on a persimmon.
<台> 丝嘬[絲嘬] xû-dōt persimmon.
<又> chäi, döt. (See 嘬 chäi, döt.)
dot1 2455
30 15 döt zuō to suck.
嘬嘴 döt-duī zuōzuǐ to pucker the lips, to purse the lips.
嘬血 döt-hūt
zuōxuè to suck blood.
嘬奶 döt-nâi
zuōnǎi to suck the breast.
嘬牙花子 döt-ngã-fä-dū
zuōyáhuāzi <topo.> to be at a loss what to do; to feel quite helpless.
嘬柿子 döt-sî-dū
zuōshìzi sucking on a persimmon.
<又> chäi, dōt.
(See 嘬 chäi, dōt.)
dot2 2456
9 5 careful.
仔密 dū-mìt zǐmì closely knitted or woven.
or 子细[子細] dū-xäi zǐxì careful; be careful.⁶
<又> dōi.
(See 仔 dōi, [dū, ].)
du1 2457
9 5 仔肩 dū-gän zījiān <wr.> official burdens or responsibilities; to bear the burden.
<又> dōi.
(See 仔 dōi, [dū, ].)
du1 2458
30 6 the cry of birds.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口子; U+5407).
吇吇 dū-dū zǐzǐ <ono.> sound of a bird.²
啾吇 tiü-dū
jiūzǐ chirps; a lot of noise.¹⁰¹
<又> dēik.
(See 吇 dēik).
du1 2459
30 9 (<old>=訾 dū ) <lit.> slander; calumniate.⁵
(composition: ⿱此口; U+5470).
<又> dü.
(See 呰 dü; 訾 dū).
du1 2460
39 3 zi (noun suffix).⁵⁶
矮子 āi-dū ǎizi a short person; dwarf.⁸
包子 bäo-dū
bāozi steamed stuffed bun.¹⁰
车子[車子] chëh-dū
chēzi vehicle.⁵⁶
筷子 fäi-dū
kuàizi chopsticks.⁷
房子 fông-dū
fángzi house; building (single- or two-story); apartment; room.¹⁰
饺子[餃子] gāo-dū
jiǎozi dumplings.⁹
镜子[鏡子] gëng-dū
jìngzi mirror; <vern.> glasses.⁶
句子 guî-dū
jùzi a sentence.⁷
孩子 hãi-dū
háizi child.⁶
桌子 jēk-dū
zhuōzi table; desk.⁹
帽子 mào-dū
màozi hat; cap; (fig.) label; bad name.¹⁰
儿子[兒子] ngī-dū
érzi son.¹⁰
骗子[騙子] pëin-dū
piànzi swindler.⁵⁶
屋子 ūk-dū
wūzi house; room.¹⁰
样子[樣子] yèng-dū
yàngzi appearance, shape; manner, air; sample, model, pattern; <topo.> tendency, likelihood.⁵⁶
一下子 yīt-hâ-dū
yīxiàzi (=一下 yīt-hâ yīxià) (used after a verb as its complement, indicating an act or an attempt) one time, once; in a short while, all at once, all of a sudden.⁶
(See 子 [dū, ].)
du1 2461
39 3 Kangxi radical 39; son, child; ancient title of respect for a learned man; seed; egg; young, tender, small; something small and hard; copper coin, copper; viscount; the first of the twelve Earthly Branches; <m.> (long and thin objects).⁵
子弟 dū-ài/ zǐdì sons, younger brothers; later generation.⁶
子弹[子彈] dū-àn
zǐdàn bullet.⁵⁶
子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥 dū chiū yĩn mâo sĩn dù m̂ mì sïn yiû xūt hòi 12 Earthly Branches.⁸
(See 子丑... under 丑).
子嗣 dū-dù zǐsì son; heir.¹⁰
子鸡[子雞] dū-gäi
zǐjī chick.⁵⁶
子姜[子薑] dū-gëng
zǐjiāng tender ginger.⁵⁶ (See <台> 子薑 dū-gêng)
子宫[子宮] dū-güng zǐgōng uterus, womb.⁵
子公司 dū-güng-xü
zǐgōngsī subsidiary company.⁵⁶
子规[子規] dū-kï zǐguī cuckoo.⁸
or 籽粒 dū-līp zǐlì seed; grain; kernel; bean.⁶
子午线[子午線] dū-m̂-xëin
zǐwǔxiàn meridian.⁵⁶
子女 dū-nuī
zǐnǚ sons and daughters; children; offspring.⁵⁶
子时[子時] dū-sĩ/
zǐshí period from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m.¹¹
or 仔细[仔細] dū-xäi zǐxì careful; be careful.⁶
子孙[子孫] dū-xün
zǐsūn offspring; posterity.¹⁰
子夜 dū-yèh zǐyè midnight.⁵⁶
(See 子 [dū, zi].)
du1 2462
39 6 ancient form of 子 dū ) child, seed, first terrestrial branch.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱巛子; U+373D).
(See 子 dū).
du1 2463
48 5 zuǒ left; left-leaning; the left; progressive; queer; unorthodox; heretical; contrary; opposite; Zuo surname.
左道旁门[左道旁門] dū-ào-põng-mõn zuǒdàopángmén heretical sect; heterodox school.
左边[左邊] dū-bêin
zuǒbian left; left side; to the left of.¹⁰
左辅右弼[左輔右弼] dū-fù-yiù-bìt
zuǒfǔyòubì the emperor's top ministers.⁷
左顾右盼[左顧右盼] dū-gü-yiù-pän
zuǒgùyòupàn glance right and left; look around.⁵
左传[左傳] dū-jòn
zuǒ zhuàn Zuo Zhuan, 左丘明 Zuo Qiuming's commentary on 春秋, early history c. 400 BCE.
左倾[左傾] dū-kēin
zuǒqīng left-leaning; progressive.
左肋 dū-làk
zuǒlèi left costa; left side of the chest.⁶
左衽 dū-ngìm
zuǒrèn <wr.> following the barbarian custom of fastening garment on the left side.¹¹
左手 dū-siū
zuǒshǒu left hand; left-hand side.
左史 dū-xū
zuǒshǐ <wr.> official historian.
左舷 dū-yẽn
zuǒxián port.⁶
左右 dū-yiù
zuǒyòu left and right; approximately; attendant; to control; to influence.
<台> 左口鱼[左口魚] dū-hēo-nguî/ olive flounder –
Paralichthys olivaceus (left-eyed).
du1 2464
75 11 Chinese catalpa (Catalpa ovata); cut blocks for printing.⁵
梓匠轮舆[梓匠輪輿] dū-dèng-lũn-yĩ
zǐjiànglúnyú carpenters and wheelwrights.⁷
梓宫[梓宮] dū-güng
zǐgōng coffin for an emperor.⁷
梓器 dū-hï
zǐqì a coffin.⁷
梓童 dū-hũng
zǐtóng appellation of the empress by the emperor (used in old novels and plays).⁵⁴
梓里 dū-lî
zǐlǐ <wr.> native place; home town.⁵
梓木 dū-mûk
zǐmù <bot.> Catalpa.²⁰
梓人 dū-ngĩn
zǐrén a carpenter; a wood engraver; a builder; an architect.⁷
梓树[梓樹] dū-sì
zǐshù Chinese catalpa Catalpa ovata.⁵⁴
付梓 fù-dū
fùzǐ send to the printers.⁵
杞梓 gī-dū
qǐzǐ fine wood – good for carving; good timber.⁷
or 桥梓[橋梓] kẽl-dū qiáozǐ <wr.> father and son (橋 being a tall tree and 梓 a short one).¹¹
木梓树[木梓树] mûk-dū-sì
mùzǐshù (=乌桕[烏桕] wü-kiû wūjiù) Chinese tallow tree.⁶ Sapium sebiferum (L.) Roxb.¹⁹
西美梓 xäi-mî-dū
xäiměizǐ or 北梓木 bāk-dū-mûk běizǐmù northern catalpa Catalpa speciosa; The fruit is a long, thin legume-like pod, 20–40 cm long.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
桑梓 xông-dū
sāngzǐ one's native place; homeland.⁹
du1 2465
85 9 <old> name of a river near 長沙 Changsha.²
(composition: ⿰氵此; U+6CDA).
<又> xū. (See 泚 xū).
du1 2466
96 9 the protuberance on the top of a stone scepter; fair, beautiful, excellent; the veins on a gem.²⁴ a floral ornament resembling clouds on the cong (琮 düng cóng) jade; a kind of beautiful jade; beautiful.³⁶ carvings on a cong (琮 düng cóng) jade.¹⁰⁰
(composition: ⿰𤣩且; U+73C7).
珪珇 gï-dū
guīzǔ a metaphor for an official.¹⁹
<又> duī.
(See 珇 duī).
du1 2467
113 9 grandfather; ancestor; founder (of a craft, religious sect), originator; Zu surname.⁵
祖妣 dū-bī zǔbǐ <wr.> one's deceased paternal grandmother.⁵⁴
祖辈[祖輩] dū-böi
zǔbèi ancestors; forefathers; ancestry.⁵
祖传[祖傳] dū-chũn
zǔchuán handed down from one's ancestors.⁵
祖籍 dū-dèik
zǔjí original family home; ancestral home.⁵
祖宗 dū-düng
zǔzōng ancestor; forebear.¹⁰
祖逖 Dū Èik
Zǔ Tì Zu Ti (266–321), celebrated Eastern Jin general.¹⁵
祖父 dū-fù
zǔfù father's father; paternal grandfather.¹⁰
祖坟[祖墳] dū-fũn
zǔfén ancestral grave.⁸
祖国[祖國] dū-gōk
zǔguó one's fatherland.¹¹
祖母 dū-mǔ
zǔmǔ (paternal) grandmother.⁵
祖业[祖業] dū-ngèp
zǔyè ancestral estate; great achievements of one's ancestors.¹¹
祖先 dū-xëin
zǔxiān ancestors, forbears, forefathers.¹¹
祖师[祖師] dū-xü
zǔshī founder of a school of learning or craft; founder of a sect of Buddhism or Daoism.⁵
祖茔[祖塋] dū-yẽin
zǔyíng ancestral grave.⁵⁴
(Male ancestors: 1-父; 2-祖父; 3-曾祖父; 4-高祖父).
du1 2468
115 8 (=耔 dū to hoe up earth around a plant.⁷)
(composition: ⿰禾子; U+79C4).
(See 耔 dū).
du1 2469
118 10 <wr.> mat woven of fine bamboo strips.⁶ a bed.⁷
床笫 chõng-dū chuángzǐ <wr.> bed and bed mat; place of conjugal intimacies.⁶ privacy of the bed.⁷
床笫之间[床笫之間] chõng-dū-jï-gän
chuángzǐzhījiān on the conjugal bed.⁷
床笫之言 chõng-dū-jï-ngũn
chuángzǐzhīyán private talk as between husband and wife when in bed; pillow talk.⁶
床笫之私 chõng-dū-jï-xü
chuángzǐzhīsī (=床笫之言 chõng-dū-jï-ngũn chuángzǐzhīyán) private talk as between husband and wife when in bed; pillow talk.⁶
du1 2470
119 9 seeds of plants.⁷
籽骨 dū-gūt zǐgǔ sesamoid bone.⁸
or 子粒 dū-līp zǐlì seed; grain; kernel; bean.⁶
or 子棉 dū-mẽin zǐmián unginned cotton.⁵
or 子实[子實] dū-sìt zǐshí seed; grain; kernel; bean.⁶
or 花子 fä-dū huāzǐ flower seed; <topo.> cotton seed.⁶
or 花子油 fä-dū-yiũ huāzǐyóu cotton seed oil.⁶
or 种子[種子] jūng-dū zhǒngzi seed.⁵ʼ¹¹
棉籽 mêin-dū
miánzǐ cottonseed.⁵
or 菜子 töi-dū càizǐ vegetable seeds; rapeseed.⁶
or 菜子油 töi-dū-yiũ càizǐyóu rapeseed/rape oil.⁶
du1 2471
120 11 <old> to weave; <old> thin and wide silk band; to organize, to form; group, team; <m> sets, series, groups of people, batteries; Zu surname.³⁶
组训[組訓] dū-fün zǔxùn organize and train (militia units).⁷
组稿[組稿] dū-gāo
zǔgǎo (for editors) commission authors to write on given topics; solicit contributions.⁵
组件[組件] dū-gèin
zǔjiàn <elec.> package; module.⁵
组歌[組歌] dū-gô
zǔgē <mus.> suite of songs.⁵
组阁[組閣] dū-gōk
zǔgé form or set up a cabinet.⁵
组态[組態] dū-häi
zǔtài <phy.> configuration.⁵
组縢[組縢] dū-hãng
zǔténg belt with tassels.⁵⁴
组合[組合] dū-hàp
zǔhé to assemble; combination.¹⁰
组合音响[組合音響] dū-hàp-yïm-hēng
zǔhéyīnxiǎng hi-fi stereo component system, hi-fi system.⁶
组织[組織] dū-jēik
zǔzhī to organize; organization; organized system; nerve; tissue.¹⁰
组长[組長] dū-jēng
zǔzhǎng group leader.¹⁰
组装[組裝] dū-jöng
zǔzhuāng to assemble and install.¹⁰
组曲[組曲] dū-kūk
zǔqǔ <mus.> suite.⁵
组胺[組胺] dū-ön
zǔ'àn <chem.> histamine.⁵
组成[組成] dū-sẽin
zǔchéng to form; to make up.¹⁰
组绶[組綬] dū-siù
zǔshòu tassel on a cap.¹⁴
组词[組詞] dū-xũ
zǔcí to combine words.¹⁰
du1 2472
120 12 purple; violet; amethyst; Lithospermum erythrorhizon (flowering plant whose root provides red purple dye).¹⁰
紫斑 dū-bän
zǐbān bruise.¹⁰
紫晶 dū-dëin
zǐjīng amethyst.¹⁹
紫丁香 dū-ëin-hëng
zǐdīngxiāng early lilac.⁸ African lilac.⁹
紫癜 dū-èin
zǐdiàn purpura.⁶
紫绀[紫紺] dū-gäm
zǐgàn <med.> cyanosis.⁵⁴
紫荆[紫荊] dū-gëin
zǐjīng Chinese redbud (Cercis chinensis).¹⁰
紫禁城 Dū-kïm-sẽin
Zǐjìnchéng Forbidden City in Beijing.¹¹
紫檀 dū-hãn
zǐtán red sandalwood; narra; padauk; Pterocarpus santalinus [indicus]; rosewood.³⁹
紫藤 dū-hãng
zǐténg <bot.> the wistaria.¹¹
紫红[紫紅] dū-hũng
zǐhóng crimson.¹¹
紫薇 dū-mĩ
zǐwēi <bot.> crape myrtle.¹⁰
紫外 dū-ngòi
zǐwài ultraviolet (ray).¹⁰
紫外线[紫外線] dū-ngòi-xëin
zǐwàixiàn ultraviolet ray.¹⁰
紫色 dū-sēik
zǐsè purple; violet (color).¹⁰
紫石瑛 dū-sêk-yëin
zǐshíyīng rose quartz.¹⁴
紫塞 dū-söi
zǐsài poetic name for the Great Wall.
紫菜 dū-töi
zǐcài <bot.> laver, edible purple seaweed.¹¹
紫葳类[紫葳類] dū-vī-luì
zǐwēilèi Bignoniad class.¹⁹
紫苏[紫蘇] dū-xü
zǐsū beefsteak plant; Perilla frutescens.¹⁰
紫瑛 dū-yëin
zǐyīng rose quartz.²⁴

du1 2473
127 9 to hoe up earth around a plant.⁷
(variant: 秄 dū).
(composition: ⿰耒子; U+8014).
(See 秄 dū).
du1 2474
132 6 <台> 自由自由 or 自繇自繇 dū-yiũ-dū-yiũ/ leisurely, carefree, composedly.
<又> dàk, dù.
(See 自 dàk, dù.)
du1 2475
140 6 (<old>=秄 dū to hoe up earth around a plant.⁷).⁸
(composition: ⿱艹子; U+8293).
<又> dù.
(See 芓 dù; 秄 dū).
du1 2476
140 9 a plant yielding a red dye.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹此; U+8308).
茈草 (=紫草 dū-tāo zǐcǎo) <bot.> Asian puccoon; Chinese gromwell.¹ Common Gromwell or European stoneseed (Lithospermum officinale).¹⁰ the purple gromwell, red-root gromwell Lithospermum erythrorhizon.¹⁵
<又> xũ.
(See 茈 xũ.)
du1 2477
142 9 armyworm.⁹
虸蚄 dū-föng zǐfāng <topo.> armyworm.⁹
du1 2478
149 13 <lit.> slander; calumniate.⁵ (variants: 訿 dū zǐ, 呰 dū ).
(composition: ⿱此言; U+8A3E).
诋訾[詆訾] āi-dū
dǐzǐ to slander or defame.⁷
訾病 dū-bèng
zǐbìng shame; mortification.¹⁴ (See 訾病 dü-bèng zībìng).
訾毁[訾毀] dū-fī
zǐhuǐ vilify; slander; calumniate; defame.⁶ to backbite; to revile.¹⁴
訾戈 dū-fö
zǐgē to angrily berate the hunter.⁸
訾咎 dū-giü
zǐjiù accusation of blame.⁸
訾议[訾議] dū-ngì
zǐyì <lit.> discuss the failings of others; criticize; impeach.⁵ to give unfavorable criticism.¹⁴
訾短 dū-ōn
zǐduǎn to discuss the failings of others.¹⁴
訾食 dū-sèik
zǐshí fastidious as to food.¹⁴
訾屈 dū-vūt
or dū-kūt zǐqū to scold; to rebuke.⁸
礼之訾也[禮之訾也] lâi-jï-dū-yâ lǐzhīzǐyě a blemish in the ritual.¹⁴
无可訾议[無可訾議] mũ-hō-dū-ngì
wúkězǐyì be above criticism; be unimpeachable.⁶
<又> dü.
(See 訾 dü; 訿 dü; 呰 dü.)
du1 2479
149 13 訿 (<old>=訾 dū ) <lit.> slander; calumniate.⁵)
(composition: ⿰言此; U+8A3F).
诋訿[詆訿] āi-dū
dǐzǐ to slander.¹³
臯臯訿訿 gäo-gäo-dū-dū
gāogāozǐzǐ Insolent and slanderous.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·蕩之什·召旻·3》, translated by James Legge).
<又> dü.
(See 訿 dü; 訾 dū).
du1 2480
163 10 dōu <台> 我都去 ngöi-dū-huï I go too.
<又> ü. (See 都 [ü, dōu], [ü, ].)
du1 2481
167 11 strong; indomitable.⁰
du1 2482
187 15   a cord attached to a badge.¹⁴ a peculiar insignia of office, made of stone, and held before the face.¹⁰²
(Note: Some say 駔 may also be read as in Mandarin and have the meaning of 'a fine horse, a noble steed').
t: ⿰馬且; U+99D4). (comp. s: ⿰马且; U+9A75).
驵琮[駔琮] dū-düng
zǔcóng or zùcóng a badge of rank worn under the Zhou Dynasty.¹⁴
驵圭[駔圭] dū-gï
zǔguī or zùguī a kind of gem for adorning the brow.²⁵ a peculiar insignia of office, made of stone, and held before the face.¹⁰²
<又> jòng; tü; chõ.
(See 駔 jòng; 駔 tü; 駔 chõ).
du1 2483
9 7 zuǒ to assist; to aid; assistant.
将佐[將佐] dëng-dü jiàngzuǒ <wr.> high-ranking officer.
佐证[佐證] dü-jëin
zuǒzhèng evidence that serves to substantiate a statement or a charge; proof.
佐理 dü-lî
zuǒlǐ to help somebody with a task; to assist.
佐命 dü-mèin
zuǒmìng <wr.> to help a prince to gain the throne and establish a new dynasty.
佐膳 dü-sên
zuǒshàn <wr.> side dishes.
佐餐 dü-tän
zuǒcān to be eaten together with rice.
辅佐[輔佐] fù-dü
fǔzuǒ assist a ruler in governing a country.⁵
官佐 gön-dü
guānzuǒ <trad.> military official.⁶
du2 2484
9 10 to stick in, to stab; to erect.⁸ to stick; to stab.²⁴ set up, establish, found; stab, stick in the ground.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰亻事; U+5033).
倳耜 dü-dù zìsì insert the plow into the ground (refers to plowing land).¹⁹
倳戟 dü-gēik
zìjǐ still holding a halberd, referring to a noncommissioned officer; armed forces; (by extension) refers to the establishment of the armed forces.¹⁹
倳刃 dü-yìn
zìrèn stabbed with a knife.¹⁹
du2 2485
9 11 zuò to make; to write; to do; to hold; to be; to be used as; to become.
做大会主席[做大會主席] dü-ài-vòi-jī-dèik zuòdàhuìzhǔxí to chair a meeting.
做法 dü-fāt
zuòfǎ way of doing or making a thing.⁶
做个布娃娃[做個布娃娃] dü-göi-bü-vā-vā
zuògèbùwáwá to make a cloth doll.
做工 dü-güng
zuògōng do manual work; work.⁶
做戏[做戲] dü-hï zuòxì to act in a play; to put on a show.⁵
做媒 dü-mõi
zuòméi act as a matchmaker.⁵
做文章 dü-mũn-jëng
zuòwénzhāng write a composition.⁶
做梦[做夢] dü-mùng
zuòmèng to have a dream, to dream; to day-dream; to have a pipe dream.⁸
做人 dü-ngĩn
zuòrén conduct oneself; behave.⁶
做朋友 dü-pãng-yiû
zuòpéngyou to become friends.
做生意 dü-säng-yï
zuòshēngyì do business; carry on trade.⁶
做手势[做手勢] dü-siū-säi
zuòshǒushì to make a gesture; to make a sign.⁹
做寿[做壽] dü-siù
zuòshòu to celebrate a birthday (of an elderly person).¹⁰
做贼心虚[做賊心虛] dü-tàk-xïm-huï
zuòzéixīnxū have a guilty conscience like a thief.⁶
做菜 dü-töi
zuòcài to cook; cooking.
du2 2486
17 5 𠙹
(<古文>=葘 dü land under cultivation for one year; to weed grass… (See 葘 dü).
(composition: ⿶凵𠀆 or ⿶凵⿻丿十; U+20679).
du2 2487
17 6 𠙾
(<古文> =葘 dü   which is an old character for 菑 dü newly cultivated land; weed.⁶ land under cultivation for one year; to weed grass.⁷)
(composition: ⿶凵丰; U+2067E).
(See 葘 dü; 菑 dü).
du2 2488
19 7 𠡃
 zuǒ to help; to assist.²⁴
(composition: ⿰力左; U+20843).
du2 2489
30 9 (=龇[齜] dü ) <vern.> bare/show (one's teeth).⁶ to open the mouth and show the teeth; uneven teeth.⁷ projecting teeth.¹⁴
<又> chï.
(See 呲 chï; 齜 dü).
du2 2490
30 9 to consult, to take counsel.⁶
咨访[咨訪] dü-fōng zīfǎng to seek the opinion of, to talk over (with official).¹¹
or 谘诹[諮諏] dü-jëo zīzōu to consult (especially on affairs of state).¹
咨文 dü-mũn
zīwén <trad.> official communication (between offices of equal rank); report delivered by the head of a government on affairs of state; message.⁶
or 咨议[咨議] dü-ngì zīyì to counsel, to advise; a counsellor, an adviser to the government.¹¹
or 谘询[諮詢] dü-xün zīxún to seek advice from; to hold counsel with; to consult.⁶
技术咨询[技術咨詢] gì-sùt-dü-xün
jìshùzīxún technical advisory work; technical consultation.³⁹
国情咨文[國情咨文] Gōk-tẽin-dü-mũn
Guóqíngzīwén State of the Union address.³⁹
怨咨 yön-dü
yuànzī <wr.> to repine, curse.¹¹
du2 2491
30 9 (<old>=訾 dü <lit.> count; calculate.⁶ faults, blemishes; to measure; to consider; to estimate; poor (food), meager.⁷ to restrain; to consider; to estimate.¹⁴)
(composition: ⿱此口; U+5470).
<又> dū.
(See 呰 dū; 訾 dü).
du2 2492
30 12 sound of water spray or rapid vaporization of water in heat; a variant of 吱[jī,], to squeak; to chirp.⁹  to consult about, to plan; to report in writing to an equal; a despatch.¹⁰
嗞嗞 dü-dü
zīzī squeak, chirp, peep (sound of small animal).
du2 2493
38 9 姿 looks, appearance; gesture, carriage, posture.⁵
姿态[姿態] dü-häi zītài  posture, carriage; attitude, pose.⁵
姿势[姿勢] dü-säi
zīshì posture; gesture.⁵
姿色 dü-sēik
zīsè (of a women) good looks.⁵
姿容 dü-yũng
zīróng looks; appearance.⁵
姿容秀美 dü-yũng-xiü-mî
zīróngxiùměi good-looking; pretty.⁵
or 丰姿[豐姿] füng-dü fēngzī graceful bearing; charm.⁵
雄姿 hũng-dü
xióngzī a dashing look; a manly form; a brave appearance; the look of audacity and prowess.⁷
舞姿 mū-dü
wǔzī dancer's posture and movements.⁵
千姿百态[千姿百態] tëin-dü-bāk-häi
qiānzībǎitài of all kinds of shapes and postures; in thousands of postures; in different poses and with different expressions.⁶
du2 2494
39 7 never weary; unwearied and diligent.⁷
孜孜 or 孳孳 or 孶孶 dü-dü zīzī diligent; industrious; hardworking.⁵
孜孜不倦 dü-dü-būt-gùn
zīzībùjuàn diligently; assiduously; indefatigably.⁵
孜孜以求 dü-dü-yî-kiũ
zīzīyǐqiú diligently strive after; assiduously seek.⁵
or 喜滋滋 hī-dü-dü xǐzīzī joyful, looking pleased.⁷
惟日孜孜 vĩ-ngìt-dü-dü
wéirìzīzī working hard day in and day out.¹¹
du2 2495
39 12 to breed in large numbers; to propagate.
孳孳 or 孶孶 or 孜孜 dü-dü zīzī diligent; industrious; hardworking.⁵
or 孶生 dü-säng zīshēng to multiply; to breed; to propagate.
or 孶乳 dü-nguî zīrǔ <wr.> to grow; to multiply.
(See 孶 dü).
du2 2496
39 13 (variant of 孳 dü ) to breed in large numbers; to propagate.
(See 孳 dü).
du2 2497
46 12 崦嵫 Yēm-dü Yānzī Yanzi (name of a mountain in Gansu Province (甘肃[甘肅] Gäm-xūk Gānsù); the western region where the sun sets.¹¹
日薄崦嵫 ngìt-bòk Yēm-dü
rìbó Yānzī lit. the sun sets in Yanzi (idiom); fig. the last days (of a person, a dynasty).¹⁰
du2 2498
75 12 an upright dead tree that has not fallen down.¹³ withered tree; deadwood.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰木甾; U+6914).
椔翦 dü-dēin zījiǎn as if wiped out/annihilated.¹⁹
椔翳 dü-yï
zīyì dead vegetation.¹⁹
du2 2499
85 11 black; name of a river in Shandong Province.⁷
淄博 Dü-bōk Zībó Zibo, prefecture level city in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province.¹⁰
淄水 Dü-suī
Zīshuǐ river in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province.⁷
淄蠹 dü-ù
zīdù to be worn out.¹⁰
du2 2500
85 12 grow, multiply; more; <topo.> spout; spurt.⁵
滋补[滋補] dü-bū zībǔ nourishing; nutritious.⁵
滋长[滋長] dü-jēng
zīzhǎng grow, develop.⁵
滋蔓 dü-màn
zīmàn grow and spread; grow vigorously.⁵
滋味 dü-mì
zīwèi taste; flavor.⁵
滋芽 dü-ngã
zīyá <topo.> sprout; germinate.⁵
滋扰[滋擾] dü-ngêl
zīrǎo make trouble.⁸
滋润[滋潤] dü-ngùn
zīrùn moist; moisten.⁵
滋生 dü-säng
zīshēng multiply, breed, propagate; cause, create, provoke.⁵
滋事 dü-xù
zīshì create or stir up trouble.⁵
滋养[滋養] dü-yëng
zīyǎng nourish; nutriment, nourishment.⁵
滋腴 dü-yĩ
zīyú greasy food.³⁹
滋阴[滋陰] dü-yïm
zīyīn <TCM> method of treating "yin" deficiency by reinforcing body fluid and mourishing the blood.⁵
繁滋 fãn-dü
fánzī multiply profusely.⁵
du2 2501
85 16 to rain continuously.¹⁰ continuous rain forming ponds; another name for 資水 dü-suī zīshuǐ, a river in Hunan.¹³ lengthy, soaking rain; Zi River in Hunan province.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵資; U+6FAC).
涔澬 sẽim-dü
cénzī a long-continued rain.²⁴
<又> xũ.
(See 澬 xũ).
du2 2502
96 18 ➀ (=齍 dü ) the millet to be offered in sacrifice; grain and millet put in a vessel for sacrifice  ➁ a jade-like stone.¹³ʼ²⁴
(composition: ⿰𤣩齊; U+74BE).
<又> däi.
(See 璾 däi; 齍 dü).
du2 2503
102 8 (<old>=淄 dü ) name of a river.⁴ a name of a river, later changed to 淄 Dü in present-day 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province (Zi River).⁸
<又> döi.
(See 甾 döi.)
du2 2504
115 10 to rent, hire, charter; rent out, let out, lease; rent; land tax.⁵
租出 dü-chūt
zūchū to let.⁷
租借 dü-dëh
zūjiè rent, hire; rent out, lease; lend-lease.⁸
租子 dü-dū
zūzi <vern.> land rent.⁸
租佃 dü-èin
zūdiàn rent out land to tenants.⁸
租费[租費] dü-fï
zūfèi royalties.⁷
租房 dü-fông
zūfáng tenement.⁸
租户 dü-fù
zūhù tenant; the lessee; hirer.⁸
租价[租價] dü-gä
zūjià rent.⁸
租界 dü-gäi
zūjiè concession; foreign settlement.⁸
租金 dü-gïm
zūjīn rent; rent payable by lessee to lessor.⁸
租地 dü-ì
zūdì leased farm land.⁸
租债[租債] dü-jäi
zūzhài rent and debt.⁸
租契 dü-käi
zūqì a lease contract.¹¹
租让[租讓] dü-ngèng
zūràng go on a lease.⁸
租赁[租賃] dü-ngìm
zūlìn rent; lease; hire.⁸
租售 dü-siù
zūshòu for rent or sale.⁷
租船 dü-sõn
zūchuán ship chartering.⁸
租税[租稅] dü-suï
zūshuì <old> land tax and other levies.⁵
租钱[租錢] dü-tẽin
zūqián <vern.> rent.⁸
租约[租約] dü-yēk
zūyuē lease.⁵
租用 dü-yùng
zūyòng to rent (car, office space) for use.¹¹
du2 2505
115 11 (=粢 dü ) grain used as a sacrifice in ancient times.⁶ the millet to be offered in sacrifice; the grain.⁷
(See 粢 dü).
du2 2506
115 18 to accumulate or to store up rice; to purchase grain with public funds and store it against famine.⁸ accumulated grain; heaps of corn; to accumulate.²⁵
(composition: ⿰禾資; U+4185).
du2 2507
119 12 grain used as a sacrifice in ancient times.⁶ the millet to be offered in sacrifice; the grain.⁷
(variant: 秶 dü ). (old variant: 齍 dü ).
粢醍 dü-hāi
zītǐ a rich, reddish spirit distilled from millet.¹⁴
or 齐盛[齊盛] dü-sẽin zīchéng the millet placed in a sacrificial vessel.⁷ sacrificial offerings of millet.¹¹
<又> tĩ.
(See 粢 tĩ; 秶 dü; 齍 dü).
du2 2508
120 14 Buddhists; black silk; dark.¹⁰
缁带[緇帶] dü-âi/ zīdài a black belt.⁷
缁尘[緇塵] dü-chĩn
zīchén <wr.> a dress soiled from too much exposure to the elements.¹¹ dust and dirt; confusion of the world.⁵⁴
缁流[緇流] dü-liũ
zīliú Buddhist monks.⁷
缁帷[緇帷] dü-vĩ
zīwéi a dense forest; a forest overgrown with trees.⁷
缁黄[緇黃] dü-võng
zīhuáng black and yellow – Buddhist monks and Daoist priests.⁶
缁素[緇素] dü-xü
zīsù black and white – monks and laymen.⁶
缁衣[緇衣] dü-yï
zīyī <trad.> black garments (or robes) worn by courtiers on formal occasions; black garments worn by monks.⁷
du2 2509
130 12 to cut meat into pieces, minced meat; a cutlet.¹⁴ meat cut into pieces.³⁶
(composition: ⿹𢦏肉; U+80FE).
du2 2510
140 9 <wr.> this, now, year, time.
自兹[自茲] dù-dü zìzī  from this point on.
兹订于 年 月 日 时...[茲訂於 年 月 日 時...] dü-èng-yï- nẽin ngùt ngìt sĩ...
zīdìngyú- nián yuè rì shí... It is agreed upon that... on such a day and time.
今兹[今茲] gïm-dü
jīnzī  this year, now, at present;
来兹[來茲] lõi-dü
láizī  next year, in the future.
<又> xũ.
(See 茲 xũ.)
du2 2511
140 11 <old> newly cultivated land; weed.⁶ land under cultivation for one year; to weed grass.⁷ Zi surname.⁸
菑畬 dü-yï zīyú farming; husbandry.⁷
<又> döi.
(See 菑 döi; 𠙾❄{⿶凵丰} dü).
du2 2512
140 12 (<old>=菑 dü newly cultivated land; weed.⁶ land under cultivation for one year; to weed grass.⁷) or (<old>=菑 döi zāi misfortune; disaster; calamity.⁷ (<old>=灾[災] döi zāi) calamity, disaster.⁸)
(composition: ⿳艹⿻巛一田
or ⿳艹𡿧❄{⿻巛一}田; U+8458).
(See 菑 dü; 菑 döi; 𠙾❄{⿶凵丰} dü; 𠙹❄{⿶凵𠀆 or ⿶凵⿻丿十} dü).
du2 2513
140 16 (composition: ⿱艹資; U+858B).
𦬖❄{⿱艹仇}薋 kiũ-dü qiúzī is the same as 白芷 bàk-jī báizhǐ TCM root of Dahurian angelica (Angelica dahurica).⁵⁴
<又> xũ.
(See 薋 xũ).
du2 2514
148 13 number 21 of the 28 constellations.¹⁰  Turtle Beak, one of the twenty-eight lunar mansions of Chinese astronomy; the horn-shaped feathers on the head of an owl.³⁶
觜宿 dü-xiü zīxiù number 21 of the 28 constellations (二十八宿 Ngì-sìp-bät Xiü Èrshíbā Xiù, approximately Orion 猎户座[獵戶座] Lèp-fù-dò Lièhù Zuò).¹⁰
驴唇马觜[驢脣馬觜] luĩ-sũn-mâ-duī
lǘchúnmǎzī lit. camel's lip, horse's mouth (idiom); fig. to chatter; nonsense; blather.¹⁰
<又> duī.
(See 觜 duī.)
du2 2515
149 13 <lit.> count; calculate.⁶ faults, blemishes; to measure; to consider; to estimate; poor (food), meager.⁷ to restrain; to consider; to estimate.¹⁴ (variants: 訿 dü ; 呰 dü ).
(composition: ⿱此言; U+8A3E).
不訾而得 būt-dü-ngĩ-āk
bùzīérdé to obtain without planning for it.¹⁴
訾病 dü-bèng
zībìng to find fault with.⁷ (See 訾病 dū-bèng zǐbìng).
訾程 dü-chẽin
zīchéng to act according to prescribed rules; a limit.¹⁴
訾陬 dü-jëo
zīzōu Zizou compound surname.⁸
訾厉[訾厲] dü-lài
zīlì illness; disease.⁷
訾黄[訾黃] dü-võng zīhuáng name of a magical horse.¹⁰¹
<又> dū.
(See 訾 dū; 訿 dü; 呰 dü).
du2 2516
149 13 訿 (<old>=訾 dü <lit.> count; calculate.⁶ faults, blemishes; to measure; to consider; to estimate; poor (food), meager.⁷ to restrain; to consider; to estimate.¹⁴)
(composition: ⿰言此; U+8A3F).
<又> dū.
(See 訿 dū; 訾 dü).
du2 2517
149 16 (=咨 dü ) to consult.
or 咨诹[咨諏] dü-jëo zīzōu to consult (especially on affairs of state).¹
or 咨议[咨議] dü-ngì zīyì to counsel, to advise; a counsellor, an adviser to the government.¹¹
or 咨询[咨詢] dü-xün zīxún to seek advice from; to hold counsel with; to consult.⁶
(See 咨 dü.)
du2 2518
154 13 money, expenses; subsidize, support; provide, supply; endowment, natural ability; qualifications, record of service.⁵ (See 貲 dü.)
资本[資本] dü-bōn zīběn capital; what is capitalized on, something used to one's own advantage.⁵
资本家[資本家] dü-bōn-gä
zīběnjiā capitalist.⁵
资本主义[資本主義] dü-bōn-jī-ngì
zīběnzhǔyì capitalism.⁵
资产[資產] dü-chān
zīchǎn property; capital fund, capital; <econ.> assets.⁵ (See 赀产[貲產] dü-chān zīchǎn.)
资格[資格] dü-gāk
zīgé qualifications; seniority.⁵
资金[資金] dü-gïm
zījīn fund.⁵
资政[資政] dü-jëin
zīzhèng <wr.> help to administer a country; senior advisor; senior minister (in Singapore).⁶
or 姿质[姿質] dü-jīt zīzhì natural endowments; intelligence.⁵
资助[資助] dü-jò
zīzhù aid financially; subsidize.⁵
资料[資料] dü-lèl
zīliào means; data, material.⁵
资源[資源] dü-ngũn
zīyuán natural resource (water or minerals); resource (manpower or tourism).¹⁰
资深[資深] dü-sïm
zīshēn senior.⁶
or 赀财[貲財] dü-tõi zīcái assets; capital and materials.¹⁰
资讯[資訊] dü-xïn
zīxùn information.³⁹

du2 2519
154 13 estimate; (=资[資] dü ) money, expenses.⁵ count, calculate; money, expenses.⁶ property, wealth, riches, money; to count, to measure, to estimate; a fine.⁷ a fine paid to escape punishment; riches; property.¹⁴
赀簿[貲簿] dü-bù
zībù account books.¹⁴
赀产[貲產] dü-chān
zīchǎn property.¹⁴ (See 资产[資產] dü-chān.)
赀郎[貲郎] dü-lõng
zīláng one who purchases a public post.⁷
赀赎[貲贖] dü-sùk
zīshú to ransom, to redeem by a money payment.¹⁴
or 资财[資財] dü-tõi zīcái assets; capital and materials.¹⁰
家赀[家貲] gä-dü
jiāzī family property.¹⁴
or 工资[工資] güng-dü gōngzī wages.¹¹ʼ¹⁴
所费不赀[所費不貲] sō-fï-būt-dü
suǒfèibùzī incur a considerable or great expense.⁵
(See 資 dü.)
du2 2520
156 13 to falter; can’t move.⁹ (variant: 趦 dü).
趑车转[趑車轉] dü-chëh-jōn  zīchēzhuǎn to spin around; to run round in circles; to go back and forth.¹⁰
趑趄 <白读> dü-duī
zījū <wr.> walk with difficulty, plough one's way; hesitate to advance, falter.⁶
趑趄 <文读> dü-duï
zījū <wr.> walk with difficulty, plough one's way; hesitate to advance, falter.⁶
趑趄不前 <文读> dü-duï-būt-tẽin
zījūbùqián hesitate to advance; halt in hesitation.⁶
趑趄嗫嚅[趑趄囁嚅] dü-duï-nēp-yĩ
zījū nièrú faltering steps, mumbling speech (idiom); hesitant; cringing; to cower.¹⁰
(See 趦 dü).
du2 2521
156 16 can't move; to falter.⁸ (=趑 dü to falter; can’t move.⁹).³⁵
(composition: ⿺走咨; U+8DA6).
趦趄 dü-duī
zījū alternative form of 趑趄 (<白读> dü-duī zījū <wr.> walk with difficulty, plough one's way; hesitate to advance, falter.⁶); to hesitate to move forward.¹⁰¹
du2 2522
159 15 an ancient covered wagon.⁵ a curtained carriage; a wagon for supplies.⁷
辎车[輜車] dü-chëh zīchē a covered wagon; a baggage cart.⁷
辎重[輜重] dü-jùng
zīzhòng impedimenta; supplies and gear of the army.⁶ luggage; military supplies.⁷
辎重兵[輜重兵] dü-jùng-bëin
zīzhòngbīng transportation corps (as a branch of the army).⁷
辎重队[輜重隊] dü-jùng-duì
zīzhòngduì transport troops; transport units; convoys of military supplies.⁷
❄{⿰车并}[輜軿] dü-pẽin zīpíng <wr.> a covered wagon.¹¹
du2 2523
167 16 (an ancient unit of weight, equal to 1/4 liang 两[兩]).⁶
锱铢[錙銖] dü-jï zīzhū small amount of money; trifle.⁶
锱铢必较[錙銖必較] dü-jï-bēik-gäo
zīzhūbìjiào haggle/quibble over every penny; dispute over every detail.⁶
锱铢较量[錙銖較量] dü-jï-gäo-lèng
zīzhūjiàoliàng haggle/quibble over every penny; dispute over every detail.⁶
du2 2524
167 17 hoe; mattock.⁸
镃基[鎡基] dü-gï zījī <wr.> big hoe.⁶
镃錤[鎡錤] dü-gï
zījī <wr.> big hoe.⁶
or 茲其 dü-kĩ zīqí big hoe.⁸
du2 2525
172 14 female.⁵ (old variant: 䳄 dü cí, q.v.)
雌花 dü-fä
cíhuā <bot.> female/pistillate flower.⁵
雌虎 dü-fū
cíhǔ tigress.⁶
雌风[雌風] dü-füng
cífēng evil practice/custom; tantrum of a virago/shrew.⁷
雌虹 dü-hũng
cíhóng secondary rainbow.⁸
雌雄 dü-hũng
cíxióng female and male; victor and loser.⁷
雌雄同体[雌雄同體] dü-hũng-hũng-hāi
cíxióng tóngtǐ <zoo.> hermaphroditism; monoecism.⁵
雌雄同株 dü-hũng-hũng-jï
cíxióng tóngzhū <bot.> monoecism.⁵
雌雄异株[雌雄異株] dü-hũng-yì-jï
cíxióng yìzhū <bot.> heterothallism; dioecism; dioecy.⁶
雌隼 dü-jūn
císǔn falcon-gentle.⁶
雌老虎 dü-läo-fū
cílǎohǔ tigress; shrew, virago.⁶
雌蕊 dü-luî
círuǐ <bot.> pistil.⁵
雌鸟[雌鳥] dü-nêl
cíniǎo jenny.
雌蚁[雌蟻] dü-ngāi
cíyǐ female ant; gyne.⁶
雌蜺 dü-ngãi
cíní secondary rainbow.⁸
雌懦 dü-nù
cínuò weak-minded; cowardly.⁷
雌黄[雌黃] dü-võng
cíhuáng ➀ orpiment (As₂S₂) ➁ make changes in writing ➂ criticise without grounds; malign.⁷
雌性 dü-xëin
cíxìng female sex.⁶
du2 2526
195 17 another name for 刀鱼[刀魚] äo-nguĩ dāoyú ungeo, Japanese grenadier anchovy (Coilia nasus syn. Coilia ectenes), aka 凤尾鱼, 长颌鲚, 刀鲚, 江鲚, 毛鲚, 鮆.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
du2 2527
195 19 mullet.⁵ gray mullet (Mugil cephalus).¹⁰
赤眼鲻[赤眼鯔] chēik-ngān-dü
chìyǎnzī alternate name for 鮻 sö suō so-iuy mullet (Liza haematocheilus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鲻科[鯔科] dü-fö
zīkē mullets or grey mullets, a family (Mugilidae) of ray-finned fish.⁸ʼ¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鲻鱼[鯔魚] dü-nguĩ
zīyú flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus), aka 烏魚; also commonly known as 青頭仔(幼魚), 奇目仔(成魚), 信魚, 正烏, 九棍, 烏頭.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
梭鲻[梭鯔] sö-dü
suōzī (Mugil soiuy Basilewsky, unaccepted name, changed to Mugil soiuy (Species), but now it is so-iuy mullet (Liza haematocheilus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰ʼ²³ʼ⁸⁹
泥鲻[泥鯔] nãi-dü
nízī another name for 鮻 sö suō so-iuy mullet (Liza haematocheilus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
黄鲻[黃鯔] võng-dü
huángzī another name for 鮻 sö suō so-iuy mullet (Liza haematocheilus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
du2 2528
195 20 kind of black fish (archaic); bad person (Cantonese slang).¹⁰
(composition: ⿰魚兹 (G) or ⿰魚茲 (TH, grass radical 4 strokes) or ⿰魚茲 (J, grass radical 3 strokes; This character appears differently depending on the font used: 鰦 (Segoe UI), (Yu Gothic); U+9C26).
鱼鰦[魚鰦] nguĩ-dü
yúzī another name for 丝瓜[絲瓜] xü-gä sīguā towel gourd; dishcloth gourd; loofah.
du2 2529
196 17 (<old> 雌 dü ) female; woman-like.⁸ʼ¹⁹
(composition: ⿰此鳥; U+4CC4).
(See 䳄[dü, ]; 雌 dü).
du2 2530
196 17 (=鴜 dü ) a kind of water bird, with black color.⁸
(composition: ⿰此鳥; U+4CC4).
(See 䳄[dü, ]).
du2 2531
196 17 a kind of water bird with black color.¹⁰¹ (variant: 䳄 dü ).
(composition: ⿱此鳥; U+9D1C). Some read as
鴜鹭[鴜鷺] dü-lù
zīlù (=鹭鸶[鷺鷥] lù-xü or lù-xũ lùsī an egret.⁷).¹⁹
(See 䳄 [dü, ]).
du2 2532
206 15 <wr.> small tripod.⁶ a tripod with a small opening on the top.⁷ an ancient small cooking vessel with two loop handles and three or four legs.⁸ a ring fitting over a tripod and covering it; a covering for a cauldron with a small orifice; a small tripod.²⁵
du2 2533
210 14 the lower edge of a mourning garment.¹⁴ (=粢 dü ) grain used as a sacrifice in ancient times.⁶ sacrificial grain.⁷
(composition: ⿳亠⿲刀丫⿸⿱丿𠄌乀⿲丿二丨; U+9F4A).
or 粢盛 dü-sẽn zīchéng the millet placed in a sacrificial vessel.⁷ sacrificial offerings of millet.¹¹
齐衰[齊衰] dü-tuï
zīcuī mourning with cut and hemmed hempen cloth, worn for grandparents for one year.¹¹
<又> jäi, jài, tãi.
(See 齊 jäi, jài, tãi.)
du2 2534
210 19 (<old>=粢 dü grain used as a sacrifice in ancient times.⁶ the millet to be offered in sacrifice; the grain.⁷ vessels for grain and millet used in sacrifice.²⁵
(variant: 璾 dü
(composition: ⿱齊皿; U+9F4D).
or 粢盛 dü-sẽin zīchéng the millet placed in a sacrificial vessel.⁷ sacrificial offerings of millet.¹¹
(See 璾 dü; 粢 dü).
du2 2535
211 21 <vern.> bare/show (one's teeth).⁶ to open the mouth and show the teeth; uneven teeth.⁷ projecting teeth.¹⁴
(variant: 呲 dü ). (alternative form of 傞 sö suō).
or 呲着牙[呲著牙] dü-jèk-ngã zīzheyá <topo.> bare one's teeth.⁶
or 呲牙 dü-ngã  zīyá to open the mouth and show the teeth.⁷ to snarl.¹¹
or 呲牙子 dü-ngã-dū zīyázi a person with projecting teeth.¹⁴
龇牙瞪眼[齜牙瞪眼] dü-ngã-jēng-ngān
zīyádèngyǎn to gnash the teeth and stare in anger; writhe, contort one's face with pain.¹¹
or 呲牙咧嘴 dü-ngã-lëik-duī zīyáliězuǐ show one's teeth, look fierce; contort one's face (in agony), grimace (with pain).⁶ squirm and cry in pain.¹¹
(See 呲 dü; 傞 sö).
du2 2536
9 7 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 伺 xù with same meaning: to serve.⁷ to wait upon.¹⁴)
(composition: ⿰亻司; U+4F3A).
<又> xù.
(See 伺 [dù, ], [xù, ], [xù, ]).
du4 2537
9 7 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 伺 xù with same meaning: watch; await.⁵ spy (on/upon/into), keep watch; wait (for), await, expect, watch.⁶ to spy; to reconnoiter; to watch.⁷)
(composition: ⿰亻司; U+4F3A).
<又> xù.
(See 伺 [dù, ], [xù, ], [xù, ]).
du4 2538
9 9 <wr.> wait.⁵ (variant: 竢 dù ).
俟便 dù-bèin
sìbiàn <wr.> when it is convenient.
俟驾[俟駕] dù-gä
sìjià <wr.> wait for the emperor's arrival; <court.> await your arrival.⁵⁴
俟机[俟機] dù-gï
sìjī to wait for an opportunity; to watch for one's chance. (俟 = 伺 dù, q.v.)
俟候 dù-hèo
sìhòu <wr.> to wait for.
俟命 dù-mèng
sìmìng <wr.> to leave everything to fate.
俟死 dù-xī
sìsǐ <wr.> to await death.
河清难俟[河清難俟] hõ-tëin-nãn-dù
héqīngnánsì It takes too long to wait, and life is short.
<又> kĩ.
(See 俟 kĩ; 竢 dù.)
du4 2539
30 13 ➀ to inherit; to succeed to  ➁ a descendant  ➂ to continue; to follow.⁷ (variant: 孠 dù). (See 孠 dù).
(composition: ⿰⿱口⿵冂卄司; U+55E3).
子嗣 dū-dù
zǐsì son; heir.¹⁰
嗣产[嗣產] dù-chān
sìchǎn to inherit a fortune.⁷
嗣子 dù-dū
sìzǐ son of a wife (as compared with the son of a concubine).⁶ heir, natural or adopted.¹¹
嗣继[嗣繼] dù-gäi
sìjì to inherit; to succeed to.⁷
嗣后[嗣後] dù-hèo
sìhòu <lit.> hereafter; later on.⁵ hereafter; thereafter; afterwards; subsequently.⁶
嗣立 dù-lìp
sìlì to appoint or to be appointed as heir.⁷
嗣业[嗣業] dù-ngèp
sìyè to inherit a business or fortune; to inherit the family estate.⁷
嗣承 dù-sẽin
sìchéng to inherit; to succeed to.⁷
嗣位 dù-vì
sìwèi to succeed to the throne.⁶
嗣岁[嗣歲] dù-xuï
sìsuì the coming year.⁷
绝嗣[絕嗣] dùt-dù
juésì <lit.> to have no offspring; to be childless.³⁶
继嗣[繼嗣] gäi-dù
jìsì <lit.> adopt a son; adopted son.⁶
后嗣[後嗣] hèo-dù
hòusì heir; descendant; posterity.¹⁰
哲嗣 jēt-dù
zhésì <court.> your son.¹¹
无嗣[無嗣] mũ-dù
wúsì heirless; without heir.⁶
胤嗣 yìn-dù
yìnsì descendants.³⁹

du4 2540
39 6 character, word; form of a written or printed character; calligraphy; name.⁵⁶ (See 名字 mẽin-dù; 文字 mũn-dù.)
字迹[字跡] dù-dēik zìjì handwriting; writing.⁵
字典 dù-ēin
zìdiǎn dictionary; character dictionary.¹⁰
字据[字據] dù-guï
zìjù written pledge (e.g. IOU, contract).⁵
字句 dù-guî
zìjù words and expressions; writing.⁵
字体[字體] dù-hāi
zìtǐ form of a written or printed character, script, typeface; style of calligraphy.⁵
字条[字條] dù-hẽl
zìtiáo brief note.⁵
字帖 dù-hēp
zìtiě brief note.⁶
字帖 dù-hēp
zìtiè copybook (for calligraphy).⁶
字纸[字紙] dù-jī
zìzhǐ wastepaper with characters written or printed on it.⁵
字纸篓[字紙簍] dù-jī-lêo
zìzhǐlǒu wastepaper basket.⁵
字里行间[字裡行間] dù-lī-hõng-gän
zìlǐhángjiān between the lines.⁵
字面 dù-mèin
zìmiàn literal/surface meaning (of a word).⁶
字幕 dù-mōk
zìmù captions (of motion pictures); subtitle.⁵
字母 dù-mû
zìmǔ letters (of an alphabet); letter.⁵
字眼 dù-ngān
zìyǎn wording, diction.⁵
字画[字畫] dù-và
zìhuà calligraphy and painting.⁵
<台> 一个字[一個字] yī-göi-dù one character; (a unit of time) five minutes.
du4 2541
39 8 (<old>=嗣 dù ➀ to inherit; to succeed to  ➁ a descendant  ➂ to continue; to follow.⁷).⁸
(composition: ⿱司子; U+5B60).
孠息 dù-xēik
sìxī to continue offspring/progeny.¹⁹
(See 嗣 dù).
du4 2542
41 6 Buddhist temple; mosque; government office (old).
大理寺 Ài-lî-dù Dàlǐsì <hist.> Supreme Court.
庵寺 äm-dù
ān-sì nunnery; temple.
白马寺[白馬寺] bàk-mâ-dù
Báimǎ Sì <hist.> China's oldest Buddhist temple, built in first century A.D.
碧云寺[碧雲寺] Bēik-vũn-dù
Bìyún Sì Buddhist temple in the Western Hills near Beijing.⁵⁴
寺庙[寺廟] dù-mèl
sìmiào temple; monastery; shrine.¹⁰
寺院 dù-yòn
sìyuàn temple; monastery.
貂寺 ël-dù
diāosì eunuch.
佛寺 Fùt-dù
Fósì Buddhist temple.
少林寺 Sël-lĩm-dù
Shàolín Sì Shaolin Temple, Buddhist monastery famous for its kung fu monks.¹⁰
禅寺[禪寺] sẽm-dù
chánsì Buddhist temple/monastery.⁶
清真寺 Tëin-jïn-dù
Qīngzhēnsì mosque.
du4 2543
49 3 the sixth of the twelve Earthly Branches.⁵
巳时[巳時] dù-sĩ/ sìshí the period of the day from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.⁵
du4 2544
75 9 a farming instrument; a spade; a shovel.⁸ (=耜 dù plow; plowshare.¹⁰).¹⁰¹ to stick into; a plowshare.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木㠯; U+3B52).
<又> yĩ.
(See 㭒 yĩ; 耜 dù).
du4 2545
75 11   (<old>=耜 dù ancient form of shovel, later refers to a plow); a hod, a basket in which to carry earth.⁸
(composition: ⿰木里; U+68A9).
<又> lĩ; gī.
(See 梩 lĩ; 梩 gī).
du4 2546
85 6 stream which returns after branching.¹⁰
A river in Henan Province (河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng)  that enters the Yellow River.
du4 2547
85 10 river bank; water's edge.⁸ river bank; riverside.⁹ the banks of a river.¹⁴ the banks of a stream.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵矣; U+6D98).
江涘 göng-dù jiāngsì riverside; along the river.¹⁹
河涘 hõ-dù
hésì the banks of the Yellow River.¹⁴ʼ²⁴
海涘 hōi-dù
hǎisì seaside.¹⁹
津涘 jün-dù
jīnsì riverbank, seabeach; the metaphorical approach.¹⁹
洛涘 lōk-dù
luòsì the edge of the Luoshui (洛水) River.¹⁹
涯涘 ngãi-dù
yásì riverside, shore; boundary; extended to the end; limited, exhausted.¹⁹
崖涘 ngãi-dù
yásì the shore; boundary, scope.¹⁹
浔涘[潯涘] tĩm-dù
xúnsì waterside.¹⁹
du4 2548
93 10 <topo.> female livestock.⁶ female animals; a cow.⁷ the female of certain animals; to bring forth young – of animals.¹⁴ a cow.²⁴
畜牸牛 chūk-dù-ngẽo xùzìniú to keep cows.²⁴
牸马[牸馬] dù-mâ
zìmǎ a mare.¹⁴
牸牛 dù-ngẽo
zìniú a cow.¹⁴
牸犀 dù-xäi
zìxī a rhinoceros cow.²⁹
du4 2549
113 7 <wr.> offer sacrifices to the gods or the spirits of the dead.⁵ (variant: 禩 dù ).
祀灶 dù-dâo sìzào to worship the kitchen god (done on the 23rd of the 12th moon).⁷
祀祖 dù-dū
sìzǔ offer sacrifices to one's ancestors.⁶
祀典 dù-ēin
sìdiǎn sacrificial rites.¹⁴
祀奉 dù-fùng
sìfèng to worship.⁷
祀天 dù-hëin
sìtiān to worship, or offer sacrifices to Heaven.⁷
祀孔 dù-kūng
sìkǒng to worship Confucius in ceremonies held on his birth anniversary on September 28.⁷
祀神 dù-sĩn
sìshén to worship gods.⁷
祀事 dù-xù
sìshì religious rites or services.⁷
(See 禩 dù).
du4 2550
113 15 (=祀 dù ) <wr.> offer sacrifices to the gods or the spirits of the dead.⁵
(See 祀 dù).
du4 2551
117 12 (=俟 dù ) <wr.> wait.⁵
(composition: ⿰立矣; U+7AE2).
(See 俟 dù, kĩ.)
du4 2552
127 10 same as 耜 dù spade-shaped farm tool used in ancient China.⁶ spade-shaped tool; plow.⁸ The under part of a farming implement that was used to break up soil and similar to a plow (archaic).⁹ plow; plowshare.¹⁰ to stick into, as the plow is driven into the ground; the upright piece of wood in a plow; a plowshare; it is five inches broad; some say, the coulter.²⁵
(composition: ⿰耒以; U+43A3).
(See 耜 dù).
du4 2553
127 11 spade-shaped farm tool used in ancient China.⁶ spade-shaped tool; plow.⁸ The under part of a farming implement that was used to break up soil and similar to a plow (archaic).⁹ plow; plowshare.¹⁰ to stick into, as the plow is driven into the ground; the upright piece of wood in a plow; a plowshare; it is five inches broad; some say, the coulter.²⁵
(composition: ⿰耒㠯; U+801C).
春耜 chün-dù chūnsì spring plowing.¹⁹
倳耜 dü-dù
zìsì insert the plow into the ground (refers to plowing land).¹⁹
耒耜 lòi-dù
lěisì plow-like farm implement; farm implement in general.⁶ a plow.²⁵
耒耜之勤 lòi-dù-jï-kĩn
lěisìzhīqín agricultural activities.¹⁹
农耜[農耜] nũng-dù
nóngsì a farmer's plow.¹⁹
黛耜 òi-dù
dàisì cyan-black plow; in ancient times, 青色 cyan symbolized the east and spring, so all agricultural implments were cyan.¹⁹
石耜 sêk-dù
shísì a stone spade-shaped farm tool used by people in primitive societies.¹⁹
剡耜 yèm-dù
yǎnsì to sharpen a plow.¹⁹
县耜[縣耜] yòn-dù
xiànsì or 悬耜[懸耜] yõn-dù xuánsì a suspended plow, which is not being used.¹⁹
du4 2554
132 6 Kangxi radical 132; self, private, personal; from.⁸ self, oneself, one's own; certainly, of course; from, since.⁵
自作自受 dù-dōk-dù-siù zìzuòzìshòu to suffer as a result of one’s own actions.⁹
自己 dù-gī
zìjǐ oneself; closely related, own.⁵
自觉[自覺] dù-gōk
zìjué conscious; aware.⁵
自行车[自行車] dù-hãng-chëh
zìxíngchē bicycle, bike.⁶
自治 dù-jì zìzhì autonomy; self-government.⁵
自给自足[自給自足] dù-kīp-dù-dūk
zìjǐzìzú be self-supporting and self-sufficient; autarky.⁶
自来水[自來水] dù-lõi-suī zìláishuǐ running or tap water.⁵
自然 dù-ngẽin zìrán nature; naturally; of course; at ease.⁵
自言自语[自言自語] dù-ngũn-dù-nguî
zìyánzìyǔ talk to one's self, think aloud, soliloquize.⁵
自杀[自殺] dù-sät
zìshā commit suicide.⁵
自从[自從] dù-tũng
zìcóng since.⁵
自动[自動] dù-ùng
zìdòng voluntarily; automatic.⁵
自信 dù-xïn
zìxìn self-confident.⁵
自私 dù-xü
zìsī selfish; self-centered.⁵
自以为是[自以為是] dù-yî-vĩ-sì
zìyǐwéishì be opinionated.⁵
自由 dù-yiũ zìyóu freedom, liberty; free; unrestrained.⁵
自由自在 dù-yiũ-dù-dòi
zìyóuzìzài leisurely and carefree.⁵
<台> 自己 dàk-gī or dù-gī self.
<又> dàk, dū.
(See 自 dàk, dū.)
du4 2555
140 6 ➀ <old>=茡 dù female plant of common hemp (See 苴麻 duï-mã). ➁ dike; levee; embankment.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹子; U+8293).
<又> dū.
(See 芓 dū; 茡 dù).
du4 2556
140 9 female plant of common hemp. (See 苴麻 duï-mã).
(variant: 茡 dù
(composition: ⿱艹字; U+8321).
(See 茡 dù).
du4 2557
184 9 <wr.> feed; offer food to (a person).⁶
箪食[簞食] än-dù dānsì cooked rice in basket; receive soldiers with baskets of rice and vessels of congee.⁸
食不厌精[食不厭精] dù-būt-yëm-dëin
sìbùyànjīng he did not object to have his rice finely cleansed.¹⁴
食志乎食功乎 dù-jï-fũ-dù-güng-fũ
sìzhìhū sìgōnghū do you remunerate a man's intention , or do you remunerate his service?
食母 dù-mû
sìmǔ wet nurse.¹⁹
食饐而餲 dù-yï-ngĩ-äi
sìyìérài rice which has been injured by heat or damp and turned sour.¹⁴
一箪食[一簞食] yīt-än-dù
yīdānsì a single bamboo dish of rice.
<又> sèik.
(See 食 sèik). (See 箪食瓢飲 än-dù-pël-ngīm; 簞食壺漿 än-dù-vũ-dëng).
du4 2558
184 10 (variant of 饲[飼] dù raise; rear.⁵ to feed; to raise (domesticed animals).⁷); to feed; provisions.⁸ food; provisions; to give people food; used for 饴[飴] (yĩ maltose.⁵ sweet cakes; sweetmeats; sugar; to feed.¹⁴).²⁵
(composition: ⿰飠人; U+98E4).
(See 飼 dù; 飴 yĩ).
du4 2559
184 13 raise; rear.⁵ to feed; to raise (domesticed animals).⁷
饲料[飼料] dù-lèl or xũ-lèl sìliào forage; fodder; feed.⁵ animal feed; fodder; forage.⁷
饲料作物[飼料作物] dù-lèl-dōk-mùt
or xũ-lèl-dōk-mòt sìliào zuòwù forage or fodder or feed crop.⁵
饲料粉碎机[飼料粉碎機] dù-lèl-fūn-xuï-gï
or xũ-lèl-fūn-xuï-gï sìliào fěnsuìjī feed or fodder grinder.⁵
饲草[飼草] dù-tāo
or xũ-tāo sìcǎo forage grass.⁵
饲槽[飼槽] dù-tão
or xũ-tão sìcáo feeding trough.⁵
饲养[飼養] dù-yêng
or xũ-yêng sìyǎng raise; rear.⁵ to raise; to breed.⁷
饲养场[飼養場] dù-yêng-chẽng
or xũ-yêng-chẽng sìyǎngchǎng feed lot; dry lot; farm.⁵
饲养家禽[飼養家禽] dù-yêng-gä-kĩm
or xũ-yêng-gä-kĩm sìyǎng jiāqín raise poultry.⁵
饲养员[飼養員] dù-yêng-yõn
or xũ-yêng-yõn  sìyǎngyuán stockman; poultry raiser; animal keeper (in a zoo).⁵
<又> xũ.
(See 飼 xũ.)
du4 2560
30 8 duī to suck; to chew, to masticate.⁸
咀嚼 duī-dēk jǔjué to chew; to think over.¹⁰
含英咀华[含英咀華] hẽim-yëin-duī-vã
hányīngjǔhuá (of writing) containing the cream of the literary tradition.¹¹
(See 咀[duī, zuǐ].)
dui1 2561
30 8 duī zuǐ (=嘴 duī zuǐ) mouth.⁸
(See 咀[duī,].)
dui1 2562
30 16 duī zuǐ mouth; beak; nozzle; spout (of teapot).¹⁰
茶壶嘴[茶壺嘴] chã-vũ-duī cháhúzuǐ spout of a teapot.⁹
吵嘴 chāo-duī
chǎozuǐ to quarrel.¹⁰
嘴巴 duī-bä
zuǐba <topo.> mouth; <vern.> face.⁵
嘴啃地 duī-hāng-ì
zuǐkěndì to fall prostrate (“bite the dust”).¹¹
嘴脸[嘴臉] duī-lêm
zuǐliǎn look; features; countenance.⁵
嘴唇 duī-sũn
zuǐchún lip.⁸
嘴馋[嘴饞] duī-tãm
zuǐchán greedy; fond of good food.⁵
嘴犄角儿[嘴犄角兒] duī-yï-gôk-ngĩ
or duī-gï-gôk-ngĩ zuǐjijiǎor corners of the mouth.⁵⁴
人多嘴杂[人多嘴雜] ngĩn-ü-duī-dàp
rénduōzuǐzá Agreement is difficult if there are too many people; secrecy is difficult if too many people share it.⁷
多嘴 ü-duī
duōzuǐ talkative; to speak out of turn; to blab; to shoot one's mouth off; rumors fly.¹⁰ talkative, gossipy.¹¹
dui1 2563
46 8 duī (<old>=砠 duī rocky mountain covered with soil.¹); a rock covered with earth.²⁴ rocky hill.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰山且; U+5CA8).
<又> jū.
(See 岨 jū; 砠 duī).
dui1 2564
46 14 duī zuǐ (composition: ⿱山推; U+5D8A).
嶊崣 duī-vī zuǐwěi a high hill; abrupt.²⁴
嶊嶉 duī-duī
zuǐzuǐ hilly.²⁴
dui1 2565
46 14 duī zuǐ (composition: ⿱山唯; U+5D89).
嶊嶉 duī-duī zuǐzuǐ hilly.²⁴
嵔嶉 vï-duī
wēizuī windings among hills.²⁴
dui1 2566
85 8 duī <wr.> stop, prevent; turn gloomy, turn glum.⁵
沮遏 duī-āt jǔ'è <wr.> prevent; stop; hold back.⁶
沮格 duī-gāk
jǔgé prevent.¹¹
沮骇[沮駭] duī-hôi
jǔhài obstruct.¹¹ intimidate.⁵⁴
沮其成行 duī-kĩ-sẽin-hãng
jǔqíchéngxíng stop somebody from going.⁵
沮丧[沮喪] duī-xöng
jǔsàng dejected; depressed; dispirited; disheartened.⁵
惨沮[慘沮] tām-duī
cǎnjǔ <wr.> miserable in heart.¹¹
<又> duï.
(See 沮 duï.)
dui1 2567
94 8 duī (alternate Hoisanva vernacular pronunciation for 狙 duï with same meaning: macaque, rhesus monkey; to watch for, to spy.⁶ a monkey, an ape; to lie in ambush.⁷)
<又> duï.
(See 狙 duï.)
dui1 2568
96 9 duī the veins on a piece of jade.² (Note: Some people include this definition in 珇 dū zǔ, but Kangxi distinguishes them).
(composition: ⿰𤣩且; U+73C7).
<又> dū.
(See 珇 dū).
dui1 2569
104 10 duī (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 疽 duï with same meaning: subcutaneous or deep-rooted ulcer.⁶ gangrene.¹⁰)
<又> duï.
(See 疽 duï.)
dui1 2570
112 10 duī rocky mountain covered with soil.¹ rocky, hilly, uneven.⁸ ground full of rocks and stones, over which it is dificult to travel.²⁵ (old variant: 岨 duī ).
(composition: ⿰石且; U+7820).
砠田 duī-hẽin
jūtián rocky farmland with low yield.¹⁹ʼ⁰
Zhì bǐ jū yǐ.
I was ascending that flat-topped height.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·周南·卷耳》, translated by James Legge).
山砠水厓 sän-duī-suī-ngãi
shānjūshuǐyá stone mountain and waterfront (generally referring to remote places).¹⁹ʼ⁰
<又> m̃.
(See 砠 m̃; 岨 duī).
dui1 2571
145 10 duī be fond of, be keen on; the beauty of the color white.¹³ a good business.²⁵ comeliness of the color white.³⁶
(composition: ⿰衤且; U+8893).
<又> dèh. (See 袓 dèh).
dui1 2572
148 13 duī zuǐ (<old> = 嘴 duī zuǐ) mouth; beak; nozzle; spout (of teapot).¹⁰
or 麟角凤嘴[麟角鳳嘴] lĩn-gök-fùng-duī línjiǎofèngzuǐ lit. qilin’s horn, phoenix’s mouth (idiom); fig. rara avis; rarity.⁵⁴
<又> dü.
(See 觜 dü.)
dui1 2573
156 12 duī to hesitate; to mark time.¹⁰ (variant: 跙 duī ).
趑趄 <白读> dü-duī
zījū <wr.> walk with difficulty, plough one's way; hesitate to advance, falter.⁶
<又> chēh, duï.
(See 趄 chēh; 趄 duï; 跙 duī.)
dui1 2574
156 12 duī (=趄 duī ) to hesitate; to mark time.¹⁰
<又> chēh, duï.
(See 趄 duī; 跙 chēh; 跙 duï.)
dui1 2575
211 20 duī (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 龃[齟] duï with same meaning: irregular teeth.⁷)
t: ⿰齒且; U+9F5F). (comp. s: ⿰齿且; U+9F83).
<又> duï.
(See 齟 duï.)
dui1 2576
72 12 duï zuì (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 晬 xuï zuì with same meaning.)
<又> xuï.
(See 晬 xuï.)
dui2 2577
73 12 duï zuì (used before adjectives or verbs to show the superlative degree) most, superlatively; (used before a noun of orientation or of a place) farthest to/nearest; number one, best, top.⁶ (variant: 朂 duï zuì). (See 朂 duï).
最低 duï-äi
zuìdī lowest; minimum.⁵
最大 duï-ài
zuìdà maximum; greatest.⁶
最初 duï-chö
zuìchū initial; first.⁵
最佳 duï-gäi
zuìjiā <wr.> optimum.⁵
最高 duï-gäo
zuìgāo highest; supreme; tallest.⁵
最近 duï-gìn
zuìjìn recently, lately, of late; latest; in the near future, soon.⁵
最好 duï-hāo
zuìhǎo best; first-rate.⁵
最后[最後] duï-hèo
zuìhòu final; last; ultimate.⁵
最后通牒[最後通牒] duï-hèo-hüng-èp
zuìhòu tōngdié ultimatum.⁵
最喜欢[最喜歡] duï-hī-fön
zuì xǐhuān to like best.¹⁰
最终[最終] duï-jüng
zuìzhōng <wr.> final; ultimate..⁵
最便宜 duï-pẽin-ngĩ
zuìpiányi cheapest.¹¹
最少 duï-sēl
zuìshǎo least; at (the) least; minimum.⁶
最多 duï-ü
zuìduō most; at (the) most; maximum.⁶
最小 duï-xēl
zuìxiǎo smallest.⁶
<台> 最平 duï-pẽng cheapest.
dui2 2578
73 12 duï zuì (=最 duï zuì (used before adjectives or verbs to show the superlative degree) most, superlatively; (used before a noun of orientation or of a place) farthest to/nearest; number one, best, top.⁶).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱曰⿸耳力; U+6702).
<又> nūk; yūk. (See 朂 nūk; 朂 yūk).
dui2 2579
75 14 duï zuì a kind of plum.⁹ (variant: 檇 duï zuì).
or 檇李 duï-lī zuìlǐ a kind of plum whose scarlet red fruit is juicy and sweet; fruit of the plant.⁶ plum with bright red skin; ancient place in modern day Zhejiang Province.¹⁰
(See 檇 duï.)
dui2 2580
75 16 duï zuì (=槜 duï zuì) a kind of plum.⁹ a wooden pestle or rammer.¹⁴
(See 槜 duï.)
dui2 2581
85 8 duï moist.⁸ low humidity land.⁹
沮泽[沮澤] duï-jàk jùzé a swamp, marsh.¹¹
沮洳 duï-nguĩ
jùrù damp, low-lying land; bog; mire.⁶
<又> duī.
(See 沮 duī.)
dui2 2582
94 8 duï macaque, rhesus monkey; to watch for, to spy.⁶ a monkey, an ape; to lie in ambush.⁷
狙伺 duï-dù jūsì to spy; to reconnoiter in secret.⁷
狙伏 duï-fùk
jūfú to lie in ambush.⁷
狙击[狙擊] duï-gēik
jūjī snipe; ambush.⁶
狙击战[狙擊戰] duï-gēik-jën
jūjīzhàn sniping action.⁵
狙击手[狙擊手] duï-gēik-siū
jūjīshǒu sniper.⁵
狙诈[狙詐] duï-jä
jūzhà a trick; a ruse; a wile.⁷
狙猿 duï-yõn
jūyuán monkey.¹⁴
(See 狙 duī.)
dui2 2583
104 10 duï subcutaneous or deep-rooted ulcer.⁶ gangrene.¹⁰
鼻疽 bì-duï bíjū glanders.¹⁰
串疽 chün-duï
chuànjū <med.> herpes, Herpes zoster, shingles.¹¹
疽囊 duï-nõng
jūnáng ulcer.³⁹
疔疽 ëin-duï
dīngjū a carbuncle of the cheeks or below the nose.⁷
钉疽[釘疽] êng-duï
dīngjū boil.¹¹
炭疽 hän-duï
tànjū <med.> anthrax.⁶
坏疽[壞疽] vài-duï
huàijū mortification; gangrene.⁵⁴
痈疽[癰疽] yüng-duï
yōngjū an ulcer, carbuncle.¹¹
<又> duī.
(See 疽 duī.)
dui2 2584
140 8 duï sackcloth; female hemp plant.⁸  pad in shoe; seed of hemp; gunny; coarse.⁹  (hemp); sack cloth; Ju surname.¹⁰
苞苴 bäo-duï bāojū bribes (wrapped up in a bundle).¹¹
补苴[補苴] bū-duï
bǔjū to make up for a deficiency or defect.⁷
苴布 duï-bü
jūbù coarse cloth.¹¹ sackcloth.¹
苴绖[苴絰] duï-èik
jūdié hemp for the deepest mourning (for a parent).⁵⁴
苴秸 duï-gäi
jūjiē straw mat.³⁹
苴麻 duï-mã
jūmá distinctively female hemp plant (Cannabis sativa).¹⁰  the female plant of the hemp.¹¹
佉苴 kêk-duï
qūjū belt.
dui2 2585
140 11 duï salted or pickled vegetables.⁸ <wr.> a pickle.⁹  to mince (vegetables or meat).⁹  marshland; swamp; salted or pickled vegetables; to mince; to shred; to mince human flesh and bones.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱艹沮; U+83F9).
菹醢 duï-hōi or juï-hōi zūhǎi to execute somebody and mince his flesh and bones (archaic form of retribution).¹⁰
菹草 duï-tāo
or juï-tāo zūcǎo curly pondweed (Potamogeton crispus).⁹
或曰麋鹿鱼为菹. [或曰麋鹿魚為菹.]
Huò yuē mí lù yú wèi jū.
Some say that the flesh of elks, deer, and fish was pickled.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·內則·44》, translated by James Legge).
<又> juï.
(See 菹 juï.)
dui2 2586
140 15 duï zuì little, small, tiny; petty.⁸ to assemble.¹⁴
蕞陋 duï-lèo zuìlòu insignificant.²⁵
蕞尔[蕞爾] duï-ngì
zuì'ěr <wr.> (of an area) very small.⁶
蕞尔小国[蕞爾小國] duï-ngì-xēl-gōk
zuì'ěr xiǎoguó very small state.⁶
蕞芮 duï-yuì
zuìruì to collect; to assemble.¹⁴ to collect together.²⁵
dui2 2587
140 15 duï zuì (=蕞 duï zuì little, small, tiny; petty.⁸ to assemble.¹⁴).² little, small, tiny; petty.⁸ small.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱艹絶; U+855D).
<又> dùt.
(See 蕝 dùt; 蕞 duï).
dui2 2588
145 13 duï zuì clothes that have no lining (usually for summer wear).¹⁰
覆䘹 fūk-duï fùzuì a single garment, without lining.²⁵
dui2 2589
156 12 duï to hesitate; to mark time.¹⁰ (variant: 跙 duï ).
趑趄 <文读> dü-duï
zījū <wr.> walk with difficulty, plough one's way; hesitate to advance, falter.⁶
趑趄不前 <文读> dü-duï-būt-tẽin
zījūbùqián hesitate to advance; halt in hesitation.⁶
趄避 duï-bì
jūbì evade meeting face to face.¹¹
<又> chēh, duī.
(See 趄 chēh; 趄 duī; 跙 duï.)
dui2 2590
156 12 duï (=趄 duï ) to hesitate; to mark time.¹⁰
<又> chēh, duī.
(See 趄 duï; 跙 chēh; 跙 duī.)
dui2 2591
164 15 duï zuì drunk, intoxicated, tipsy; infatuated, charmed.⁷
醉酒 duï-diū zuìjiǔ be drunk.⁶
醉薰薰 duï-fün-fün
zuìxūnxūn inebriated; sottish; drunk.⁷
醉醺醺 duï-fün-fün
zuìxūnxūn inebriated; sottish; drunk.⁷
醉鬼 duï-gī
zuìguǐ drunkard; sot; inebriate.⁵
醉蟹 duï-hāi
zuìxiè liquor-saturated crab.⁵
醉态[醉態] duï-häi
zuìtài the state of being drunk.⁷
醉汉[醉漢] duï-hön
zuìhàn drunkard; drunken person.⁷
醉酡 duï-hũ
zuìtuó flushed with liquor.¹⁴
醉眼 duï-ngān
zuìyǎn eyes showing the effects of drink.⁵
醉眼朦胧[醉眼朦朧] duï-ngān-mũng-lũng
zuìyǎn ménglóng drunken and bleary-eyed.⁶
醉生梦死[醉生夢死] duï-säng-mùng-xī
zuìshēngmèngsǐ live as if intoxicated or dreaming; live a befuddled life.⁵
醉圣[醉聖] duï-sëin
zuìshèng a great drinker, a prodigious drinker; "Sage with a Bottle" – a nickname of Li Bai (李白).⁷
醉心 duï-xïm
zuìxīn infatuated with (a pursuit).⁷
醉意 duï-yï
zuìyì signs or feeling of getting drunk.⁵
醉翁 duï-yüng
zuìwēng an old drunkard.⁷
醉翁之意不在酒 duï-yüng-jï-yï-būt-dòi-diū
zuìwēng zhī yì bù zài jiǔ the drinker's heart is not in the cup – have ulterior motive.⁵
<台> 醉猫[醉貓] duï-māo a drunkard.
dui2 2592
211 20 duï irregular teeth.⁷
(comp. t: ⿰齒且; U+9F5F). (comp. s: ⿰齿且; U+9F83).
龃龉[齟齬] duï-nguî
or duī-nguî jǔyǔ <wr.> the upper and lower teeth not meeting properly – disagreement; discord.⁵ be in disagreement.⁶ irregular teeth; to have discord, to disagree.⁷ irregular; uneven; friction; like teeth that do not meet properly; locked tightly – a difference of opinion.¹⁴
<又> duī.
(See 齟 duī.)
dui2 2593
32 10 duì an earthen platform where wine glasses were placed at the banquet of the emperor and princes in ancient times; also called 反坫 fān-ëm fǎndiàn.⁸ east and west walls of an ancient house.⁹ earthern goblet stand also known as 反坫 (old); old variant of 序 duì .¹⁰ to invert cups on an earthen stand.²⁴
(composition: ⿰土序; U+57BF).
(See 序 duì).
dui4 2594
46 16 屿 duì small island; islet.⁶
(comp. t: ⿰山與; U+5DBC). (comp. s: ⿰山与; U+5C7F).
岛屿[島嶼] āo-duì
dǎoyǔ islands; islands and islets.⁶ʼ¹³
<又> yĩ.
(See 嶼 yĩ.)
dui4 2595
53 广 7 duì order, sequence; arrange in order; introductory, initial; preface; a type of local school in ancient times.⁵
(old variant: 垿 duì ).
程序 chẽin-duì
chéngxù procedure, program.⁹
井然有序 dēng-ngẽin-yiû-duì
jǐngrányǒuxù in perfect order.⁵
序跋 duì-bàt
xù-bá preface and postscript.⁵
序齿[序齒] duì-chī
xùchǐ <wr.> arrange (seats) in order of age.⁵
序号[序號] duì-hào
xùhào serial number.¹⁹
序战[序戰] duì-jën
xùzhàn <mil.> initial battle.⁵
序曲 duì-kūk
xùqǔ <mus.> overture.⁵
序幕 duì-mōk
xùmù prologue; prelude.⁵
or 叙文[敘文] duì-mũn xùwén preface; foreword.⁵
序言 duì-ngũn
xùyán preface, forward.⁵
序数[序數] duì-sü
xùshù ordinal number; ordinal.⁵
秩序 èik-duì
zhìxu order; sequence.⁵
顺序[順序] sùn-duì
shùnxù sequence.⁵
庠序 tẽng-duì
xiángxù <wr.> school.⁶ country school.⁸
庠序之教 tẽng-duì-jï-gäo
xiángxùzhījiào public education.⁶
次序 xü-duì
cìxù sequence; order.¹⁰
(See 垿 duì).
dui4 2596
66 11 duì to talk; to chat; to narrate; to recount; to relate; to assess; to appraise; to arrange in order; preface. (variant: 敍 duì).
(comp. t: ⿰余攵; U+6558). (comp. s: ⿰余又; U+53D9).
倒叙[倒敘] āo-duì
dàoxù flashback.
畅叙[暢敘] chēng-duì
chàngxù to chat cheerfully.
畅叙衷肠[暢敘衷腸] chēng-duì-chüng-chẽng
chàngxùzhōngcháng to pour out one's heart.
叙旧[敘舊] duì-giù
xùjiù to reminisce.
叙谈[敘談] duì-hãm
xùtán to chat.
or 序文 duì-mũn xùwén preface; foreword.⁵
叙说[敘說] duì-sōt
xùshuō to tell; to narrate.
叙述[敘述] duì-sùt
xùshù narrate; recount; relate.⁵
叙事[敘事] duì-xù
xùshì to narrate; to recount.
对酒畅叙[對酒暢敘] uî-diū-chēng-duì
duìjiǔchàngxù to talk merrily over liquor.
(See 敍 duì).
dui4 2597
66 11 duì (=叙[敘] duì to talk; to chat; to narrate; to recount; to relate; to assess; to appraise; to arrange in order; preface.)
(composition: ⿰余攴; U+654D).
(See 敘 duì).
dui4 2598
85 14 duì Xu River; edge of a river.⁸
溆浦县[漵浦縣] Duì-pū-yòn Xùpǔxiàn Xupu County in Huaihua (怀化[懷化] Vãi-fä Huáihuà), Hunan (湖南 Vũ-nãm Húnán) Province.¹⁰
dui4 2599
122 13 duì zuì crime, sin, vice; evil; hardship.⁸ (variant: 辠 duì zuì).
得罪 āk-duì
dézui offend.⁸
出罪 chūt-duì
chūzuì release from punishment, pardon.⁵⁴
罪犯 duì-fàn
zuìfàn criminal, offender, culprit.⁵
罪魁祸首[罪魁禍首] duì-föi-vò-siū
zuìkuíhuòshǒu ring leader; archcriminal.⁶
罪过[罪過] duì-gö
zuìguo a guilty conscience.¹¹
罪行 duì-hàng
zuìxíng crime; guilt; offense.⁸
罪愆 duì-hëin
zuìqiān <wr.> sin; offense; fault.⁶
罪证[罪證] duì-jëin
zuìzhèng evidence of a crime.⁹
罪状[罪狀] duì-jòng
zuìzhuàng facts about a crime; charge in a indictment.⁸
罪戾 duì-luì
zuìlì <wr.> crime; evil; sin.³⁹
罪名 duì-mẽin
zuìmíng crime; acusation; charge.⁸
罪孽 duì-ngēik
zuìniè sin; crime; wrongdoing.¹⁰
罪人 duì-ngĩn
zuìrén sinner.¹⁰
罪恶[罪惡] duì-ōk
zuì'è crime; evil.⁶
罪恶昭彰[罪惡昭彰] duì-ōk-jël-jëng
zuì'èzhāozhāng have committed flagrant crimes.⁵
罪案 duì-ön
zuì'àn details of a criminal case.⁸
犯罪 fàn-duì
fànzuì commit a crime or an offence.⁵
治罪 jì-duì
zhìzuì punish somebody for a crime.⁶
(See 辠 duì).
dui4 2600
128 14 duì assemble, meet together, collect.⁸
重聚家园[重聚家園] chũng-duì-gä-yõn chóngjùjiāyuán be reunited with one's family.³⁹
聚集 duì-dàp
jùjí gather; assemble; collect.⁸
聚精会神[聚精會神] duì-dëin-vòi-sĩn
jùjīnghuìshén concentrate one's attention and energy on a given task.¹¹
聚讼纷纭[聚訟紛紜] duì-dùng-fün-vũn
jùsòngfēnyún (of a body of people) to offer all kinds of different opinions (idiom); to argue endlessly.¹⁰ in a great controversy.¹¹
聚光灯[聚光燈] duì-göng-äng
jùguāngdēng a spotlight.⁷
聚合 duì-hàp
jùhé to gather, to assemble; polymerization.⁷
聚而歼之[聚而殲之] duì-ngĩ-tëm-jï
jù'érjiānzhī encircle and annihilate.⁵⁴
聚沙成塔 duì-sâ-sẽin-hāp
jùshāchéngtǎ sand grains accumulate to make a tower (idiom); by gathering small amounts one gets a huge quantity; many a mickle makes a muckle.¹⁰
聚首 duì-siū
jùshǒu to get together; to meet.⁷
聚餐 duì-tän
jùcān to get together for lunch or dinner.⁷
聚歼[聚殲] duì-tëm
jùjiān round up and annihilate.⁸
聚会[聚會] duì-vòi
jùhuì party; gathering; to meet; to get together.¹⁰
相聚 xëng-duì
xiāngjù to meet together; to assemble.¹⁰
dui4 2601
140 16 duì sweet and refreshing (wine); fine.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹與; U+85C7).
Fàt-mûk-huī-huī, säi-diū-yiü-duì.
Fámù xǔ xǔ, shāi jiǔ yǒu xù.
Xu-xu they go, as they fell the trees.
I have strained off my spirits, till they are fine.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·鹿鳴之什·伐木》, translated by James Legge).
<又> yĩ; yì; yî; xuï.
(See 藇 yĩ; 藇 yì; 藇 yî; 藇 xuï).
dui4 2602
140 17 duì duì (composition: ⿱艹對; U+85B1).
薱薱 duì-duì duìduì (of plants) luxuriant.²
薆薱 öi-duì
àiduì herbs and plants growing luxuriantly.²⁵
dui4 2603
157 7 duì overly modest or humble.⁷ excessive.¹⁴
足恭 duì-güng jùgōng overly modest; too humble; obsequious.⁷ excessive respect.¹⁴
<又> dūk, dük, xūk.
(See 足 dūk; 足 dük; 足 xūk.)
dui4 2604
160 13 duì zuì (=罪 duì zuì) crime, sin, vice; evil; hardship.⁸
(composition: ⿱自辛; U+8FA0).
(See 罪 duì).
dui4 2605
164 20 𨣦
duì fine wine.² clear; strained.⁸ excellent (speaking of wine).²⁵
(composition: ⿰酉與; U+288E6).
dui4 2606
170 11 duì duì squadron; team; group. (Distinguish 䧘 xùn zhuàn).
部队[部隊] bù-duì
bùduì army.
队长[隊長] duì-jēng
duìzhǎng captain; team leader.¹⁰
队伍[隊伍] duì-m̂
duìwǔ troops, rank and file.
队员[隊員] duì-yõn
duìyuán team member.
军队[軍隊] gün-duì
jūnduì armed forces; army; troops.
球队[球隊] kiũ-duì
qiúduì (ball game) team.⁵
排队[排隊] pãi-duì or pãi-juì
páiduì to stand in line.
少先队[少先隊] Sēl-xëin-duì
Shào-Xiān-duì abbreviation for 少年先锋队[少年先鋒隊] Sēl-nẽin-xëin-füng-duì Shàonián Xiānfēngduì Young Pioneers.
音乐队[音樂隊] yïm-ngòk-duì 
yīnyuèduì band; orchestra.¹⁴
<又> juì.
(See 隊 juì.)
dui4 2607
195 24 𫚈
duì (=鲢鱼[鰱魚] lẽin-nguĩ liányú) silver carp.⁶ the tench.¹⁴
t: ⿰魚與; U+9C6E). (comp. t: ⿰鱼与; U+2B688).
❄{⿰鱼与}[魴鱮] fõng-duì fángxù bream and tench.¹⁴
dui4 2608
2 10 dūk zhuó Shuowen Jiezi radical №60.³⁶ thick (grass).⁸
(composition: ⿳业丷干(GT); U+4E35).
(derived characters: 凿[鑿]; 叢.³⁶).
<obs.> grass that grow in clusters; thickly growing grass.³⁶
duk1 2609
85 10 dūk zhuó <topo.> drench.⁵⁵
浞湿[浞濕] dūk-sëk or jōk-sëk zhuóshī wet; drench.¹
让雨浞透了[讓雨浞透了] ngèng-yî-dūk-hëo-lēl
or ngèng-yî-jōk-hëo-lēlràngyǔzhuótòule  <topo.> be soaked/drenched to the skin with rain.⁶
<又> jōk.
(See 浞 jōk.)
duk1 2610
85 20 dūk zhuó the gentle murmuring of a stream.²⁴ the rippling rush of water caused by stones; the noise of waves.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰氵爵; U+7042).
瀺灂 chãm-dūk chánzhuó the noise of water; fishes bobbing up and down; water descending; the perspiration of the hands and feetl stones in a stream occasioning a ripple.²⁴ <ono.> sound of rain falling or water flowing; <ono.> sound of waves raging, surging, crashing.³⁶ the sound of seeping water, murmur of water; hide and expose, appear and disappear.⁵⁴ the rippling sound of water; sportive leaping of fish; perspiration of the hands and feet; water gurgling through a hole.¹⁰²
泶灂[澩灂] hòk-dūk
xuézhuó the sound of waves dashing against each other.²⁴
游鳞瀺灂[遊鱗瀺灂] yiũ-lĩn-chãm-dūk
yóulínchánzhuó the darting fish show their (bright) scales.¹⁰²
<又> dël.
(See 灂 dël).
duk1 2611
157 7 dūk Kangxi radical 157; foot; attain, satisfy, enough.⁸ foot, leg; sufficient, enough, ample; full, as much as.⁵
足本 dūk-bōn zúběn unabridged version (of a novel).⁶
足赤 dūk-chēik
zúchì pure gold.⁵
足迹[足跡] dūk-dēik
zújì footmark; footprints; track.⁵
足茧[足繭] dūk-gān
or dūk-gēin zújiǎn callus on feet.¹¹
足见[足見] dūk-gëin
zújiàn it serves to show.⁷
足够[足夠] dūk-gëo
zúgòu enough; ample; sufficient.⁵
足金 dūk-gïm zújīn pure gold; solid gold.⁵
足下 dūk-hà
zúxià polite form of address (used in letters).⁶
足智多谋[足智多謀] dūk-jï-ü-mẽo
zúzhìduōmóu wise and full of strategems; wise and resourceful.⁶
足球 dūk-kiũ
zúqiú soccer; football.⁵
足月 dūk-ngût
zúyuè (of a fetus) born after the normal period of gestation; mature.⁵
足色 dūk-sēik
zúsè (of gold or silver) of standard purity.⁶
足岁[足歲] dūk-xuï
zúsuì actual age.⁶
足以 dūk-yî
zúyǐ enough; sufficient.⁵
足音 dūk-yïm
zúyīn (sound of) footsteps; footfall.⁶
足音跫然 dūk-yïm-kũng-ngẽin
zúyīnqióngrán lit. excited to hear footsteps – longing to have visitors.⁷
情同手足 tẽin-hũng-siū-dūk
qíngtóngshǒuzú like brothers; with brotherly love for each other.⁵
<又> duì, dük, xūk.
(See 足 duì; 足 dük; 足 xūk.)
duk1 2612
157 7 𧾷 dūk-dù-bëin

combining form of 足 dūk zú, referred to as 足字旁 dūk-dù-põng zúzìpáng and in Hoisanva as 足字边[足字邊 dūk-dù-bëin/ zúzìbiān].
(composition: ⿱口止; U+2ECA
or U+27FB7).
157 7 dūk-

combining form of 足, referred to as 足字边[足字边] dūk-dù-bêin/ in Hoisanva or 足字旁 zúzìpáng in Mandarin.
(composition: ⿱口止; U+2ECA).
157 7 dük <台> 足诶脚[足誒腳] dük-ë-gëk sprained my ankle.
<又> duì, dūk, xūk. (See 足 duì; 足 dūk; 足 xūk.)
duk2 2615
9 9 dùk common; rustic; vulgar; custom; demotic; vernacular.⁰  social customs; vulgar, common, everyday; secular (opp. religious), worldly, (what is) common and only human.¹¹
what the common people desire or delight in; inelegant, uneducated; common; vulgar; the low and groveling business of life; the laity; the world.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰亻谷; U+4FD7).
习俗[習俗] dìp-dùk xísú local customs.¹¹
俗气[俗氣] dùk-hï
súqì vulgar, common; tiresome.¹¹
俗语[俗語] dùk-nguî
súyǔ proverb, popular saying.¹¹
俗话[俗話] dùk-và
súhuà colloquial speech, also popular saying.¹¹ common talk, brogue, argot, a conventional dialect different from the book language.¹⁰²
俗话说[俗話說] dùk-và-sōt
súhuàshuō as the saying says.³⁶
风俗[風俗] füng-dùk
fēngsú social customs (good or bad).¹¹
duk4 2616
22 17 dùk (=椟[櫝] dùk ) <wr.> casket; case; box.⁶ a case or drawer; a sheath; a coffin; a charger or bowl; a receptable for books.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿷匚賣; U+5335).
or 剑椟[劍櫝] gëm-dùk jiàndú a scabbard.¹⁰²
or 启椟[啟櫝] kāi-dùk qǐdú open the casket.¹⁰²
韫匵而藏[韞匵而藏] vün-dùk-ngĩ-tõng
or vūn-dùk-ngĩ-tõng yùndúércáng to enclose in a case.¹⁴ to lay by carefully, as jewels.¹⁰²
Yiû-mî-ngùk-yï-xü, vün-dùk-ngĩ-tõng-jï? Kiũ-sèn-gū-ngĩ-gü-jï?
Yǒu měiyù yú sī, yùn dú ér cáng zhū? Qiú shàn gǔ ér gū zhū?
There is a beautiful gem here. Should I lay it up in a case and keep it? or should I seek for a good price and sell it?⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《論語·子罕·13》, translated by James Legge). (Note: 诸[諸] jï
zhū as used here is a contraction of 之 jï zhī, a pronoun, and 乎 fũ hū, an auxillary particle indicating a question).
(See 櫝 dùk.)
duk4 2617
32 6 dùk <old>=俗 dùk common; rustic; vulgar; custom; demotic; vernacular.
(composition: ⿰千土; U+5731).
<又> tëin.
(See 圱 tëin).
duk4 2618
38 10 dùk chuò prudent, cautious, careful; tidy, neat; put in order, get or bring the ranks into orderly alignment.⁶ prudent; neat; argue; put in order; tease.⁸ to be cautious; attentive.²⁴ attentive, cautious, respectful; discreet; regular, doing the duties of.¹⁰² (old variant: 娕 dùk chuò).
(composition: ⿰女足; U+5A16).
称娖[稱娖] chëin-dùk
chēngchuò a watchful attention.²⁴
娖娖廉谨[娖娖廉謹] dùk-dùk-lẽm-gīn
chuòchuòliánjǐn  economical and diligent at their posts.¹⁰²
守娖 siū-dùk
shǒuchuò to keep guard.²⁴ watchful, as in doing duty.¹⁰²
(See 娕 dùk).
duk4 2619
38 10 dùk chuò (original character for 娖 dùk chuò prudent, cautious, careful; tidy, neat; put in order, get or bring the ranks into orderly alignment.⁶ prudent; neat; argue; put in order; tease.⁸ to be cautious; attentive.²⁴ attentive, cautious, respectful; discreet; regular, doing the duties of.¹⁰²).²
(composition: ⿰女束; U+5A15).
<又> lài.
(See 娕 lài; 娖 dùk).
duk4 2620
70 11 dùk clan; a death penalty in ancient China, imposed on an offender and his whole family, or even the families of his mother and wife;  race, nationality; a class or group of things with common features.⁵
(composition: ⿰方⿱𠂉矢; U+65CF).
族长[族長] dùk-jēng zúzhǎng clan elder; the head of the clan.⁵
族诛[族誅] dùk-jï
zúzhū to execute all of somebody's relatives (as punishment) (old).¹⁰ execution of the whole clan of relatives of a criminal.¹¹
族权[族權] dùk-kũn
zúquán clan authority; clan power.⁵
族群 dùk-kũn
zúqún ethnic group; community.¹⁰
族类[族類] dùk-luì
zúlèi clan; race.¹⁰
族类迥异[族類迥異] dùk-luì-gēin-yì
zúlèijiǒngyì races are different.³⁹
族灭[族滅] dùk-mèik
zúmiè to execute all of somebody's relatives (as punishment) (old).¹⁰
族人 dùk-ngĩn
zúrén clansman.⁵
族谱[族譜] dùk-pū
zúpǔ genealogical record; family history; lineage.¹⁰
duk4 2621
75 9 dùk zhú the cylinder which carries the threads of the warp.¹⁴
杼柚 chuî-dùk zhùzhú looms.⁷
<又> yiũ, yiû.
(See 柚 yiũ, yiû.)
duk4 2622
75 19 dùk <wr.> casket; case; box.⁶ a closet, a wardrobe, a cabinet, a sideboard or cupboard; a coffin; a scabbard; to hide, to conceal.⁷ (variant: 匵 dùk dú.)
t: ⿰木賣; U+6ADD). (comp. s: ⿰木卖; U+691F).
or 启匵[啟匵] kāi-dùk qǐdú to open a casket.²⁴
买椟还珠[買櫝還珠] mäi-dùk-vãn-jî/
mǎidúhuánzhū keep the glittering casket and give back the pearls to the seller – show lack of judgment.⁵
扪椟估珠[捫櫝估珠] mõn-dùk-gū-jî/
méndúgūzhū buy a pig in a poke.¹⁹
韫椟[韞櫝] vün-dùk
or vūn-dùk yùndú (said of a talented person) to live like a recluse; to prefer to be a commoner.⁷ a secret drawer; to store up.²⁵
韫椟藏诸[韞櫝藏諸] vün-dùk-tõng-jï
or vūn-dùk-tõng-jï yùndúcángzhū be enclosed in a case; waste a talent in retirement.⁵⁴
(See 匵 dùk.)
duk4 2623
78 19 dùk (interchangeable with 贕 ùk fetus of an animal that died before it is born.² fetus or embryo of a bird or animal that died before it is born.¹³).² an abortion; stillborn.⁸ʼ¹⁴  die in embryo, be stillborn.¹¹ an abortion; to die in the womb.²⁴ (literary, of a baby) to be stillborn.³⁶
(composition: ⿰歹賣; U+6BB0).
不殰 būt-dùk
bùdú not stillborn, i.e., liveborn.¹⁹
殰殈 dùk-kēik
dúxù viviparous and oviparous animals die without being born.¹⁹
Höi-säng-jēh-būt-dùk, ngĩ-lôn-säng-jēh-būt-kēik,...
Tāishēng zhě bù dú, ér luǎnshēng zhě bù xù,…
The mammalia will have no abortions, and no eggs will be broken or addled,...⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·樂記·40》, translated by James Legge).
(See 贕 ùk).
duk4 2624
85 14 dùk the appearance of water.²ʼ²⁴ water flow, water current.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵族; U+3D40).
duk4 2625
85 16 dùk zhuó turbid; muddy; impure.¹⁰
浊酒[濁酒] dùk-diū zhuójiǔ unfiltered rice wine.¹⁰
浊流[濁流] dùk-liũ
zhuóliú turbid flow; muddy waters; fig. a contemptible person; fig. corrupt or disgraceful social trends.¹⁰
浊世[濁世] dùk-säi
zhuóshì the world in chaos; troubled times; the mortal world (Buddhism).¹⁰
浊度[濁度] dùk-ù
zhuódù turbidity.¹⁰
浊音[濁音] dùk-yïm
zhuóyīn voiced consonant (English z or v, as opposed to unvoiced s or f).¹⁰
清浊[清濁] tëin-dùk
qīngzhuó the pure and the impure; the morally clean and the corrupt; 清 voiceless and 濁 voiced consonants.¹¹
污浊[污濁] vü-dùk
wūzhuó dirty; muddy; foul (sewer).¹⁰
污泥浊水[污泥濁水] vü-nãi-dùk-suī
wūnízhuóshuǐ filth and mire.⁵⁴
浑浊[渾濁] vùn-dùk
húnzhuó muddy; turbid.⁶
duk4 2626
85 18 dùk <wr.> show disrespect or contempt; ditch, drain.⁵ a ditch; a river; to desecrate, to profane, to blaspheme, to be rude and disrespectful; to annoy.⁷
(composition t: ⿰氵賣; U+7006).
s: ⿰氵卖; U+6E0E).
渎犯[瀆犯] dùk-fàn
dúfàn offend; affront.⁶
渎职[瀆職] dùk-jēik
dúzhí malfeasance; dereliction of duty.⁵
渎职罪[瀆職罪] dùk-jēik-duì
dúzhízuì crime of malfeasance or misconduct in office; offense of dereliction of duty.⁶
渎神[瀆神] dùk-sĩn
dúshén to desecrate the god; to disturb (your) peace of mind (an expression often used in asking someone for a favor).⁷
沟渎[溝瀆] këo-dùk
gōudú <wr.> aqueduct; irrigation canal/ditch.⁶
亵渎[褻瀆] xēik-dùk
xièdú blaspheme; profane.⁵
<又> èo.
(See 瀆 èo).
duk4 2627
91 19 dùk wooden tablets or slips for writing (in ancient times); documents, archives, correspondence.⁵
(comp. t: ⿰片賣; U+7258). (comp. s: ⿰片卖; U+724D).
长篇累牍[長篇累牘] chẽng-pëin luì-dùk
or chẽng-pëin luì-jùk chángpiānlěidú (of text) very lengthy (idiom).¹⁰
牍笺[牘箋] dùk-dëin
or jùk-dëin dújiān letters.⁷
牍尾[牘尾] dùk-mī
or jùk-mī dúwěi the closing part of a letter.⁷
公牍[公牘] güng-dùk
or güng-jùk gōngdú official documents.¹⁴
连篇累牍[連篇累牘] lẽin-pëin-luì-dùk
or lẽin-pëin-luì-jùk liánpiānlěidú (of a piece of writing) long and tedious (idiom); verbose.¹⁰
文牍[文牘] mũn-dùk
or mũn-jùk wéndú official documents or correspondence; (old) scribe, copyist.⁶
案牍[案牘] ön-dùk
or ön-jùk àndú <wr.> official documents or correspondence.⁶
书牍[書牘] sï-dùk
or sï-jùk shūdú letter; wooden writing strips (arch.); general term for letters and documents.¹⁰
<又> jùk.
(See 牘 jùk.)
duk4 2628
93 19 dùk calf.⁶
初生之犊[初生之犢] chö-säng-jï-dùk chūshēngzhīdú newborn calf.⁶
初生之犊不畏虎[初生之犢不畏虎] chö-säng-jï-dùk-būt-vï-fū
chūshēngzhīdú bùwèihǔ a new-born calf is not afraid of tigers – young people are fearless.⁶
初生牛犊不怕虎[初生牛犢不怕虎] chö-säng-ngẽo-dùk-būt-pä-fū
chūshēng niúdú bù pà hǔ a new-born calf is not afraid of tigers – young people are fearless.⁶
犊鼻[犢鼻] dùk-bì
dúbí (Chinese herb medicine) a point susceptible to acupuncture under the kneecap.⁷
犊鼻裈[犢鼻褌] dùk-bì-gün
dúbíkūn breeches, knee-length pants, embroidered knee apron.¹¹
犊不畏虎[犢不畏虎] dùk-būt-vï-fū
dúbùwèihǔ the calf does not fear the tiger – ignorant and foolish.¹⁴
犊子[犢子] dùk-dū
dúzi a calf; a little child.⁷
犊肉[犢肉] dùk-ngùk
dúròu veal.⁵⁴
犊皮纸[犢皮紙] dùk-pĩ-jī
dúpízhǐ vellum paper; vellum.⁵⁴
牛犊 ngẽo-dùk
niúdú calf.⁶
舐犊[舐犢] sâi-dùk
shìdú (mother cow) licks the calf.¹¹ to lick her calf – parental love.¹⁴
舐犊情深[舐犢情深] sâi-dùk-tẽin-sïm
shìdúqíngshēn deep mother love.¹¹
duk4 2629
120 21 dùk to continue, to extend, to renew; to add, to supply more.⁷
续版[續版] dùk-bān xùbǎn a reprint (of a book).⁷
续集[續集] dùk-dàp
xùjí continuation (of a book); sequel.⁵
续借[續借] dùk-dëh
xùjiè renew (a library book).⁵
续貂[續貂] dùk-ël
xùdiāo <wr.> join a dog's tail to a sable – add a poor sequel to a fine work.⁶
续订[續訂] dùk-èng
xùdìng renew one's subscription (to a magazine or newspaper).⁵
续假[續假] dùk-gā
xùjià extend one's leave of absence.⁵
续断[續斷] dùk-gäi
xùduàn <TCM> teasel root.⁵
续航力[續航力] dùk-hõng-lèik
xùhánglì flying range (of  airplanes); cruising radius (of ships); endurance of flight.⁶
续命汤[續命湯] dùk-mèin-höng
xùmìngtāng a decoction to stimulate a dying person; lifesaver.⁵
续编[續編] dùk-pëin
xùbiān continuation (of a book); sequel.⁵
续会[續會] dùk-vòi
xùhuì extended session; follow-up meeting.⁶
续弦[續弦] dùk-yẽn
xùxián <trad.> remarry after the death of one's wife.⁵
继续[繼續] gäi-dùk
jìxù continue; go on.⁵
狗尾续貂[狗尾續貂] gēo-mī-dùk-ël
gǒuwěixùdiāo a wretched sequel to a fine work.⁵

duk4 2630
140 18 dùk a Chinese herbal medicine, namely "Alismatis"; water plant.⁸ Alisma plantago.¹⁰ water plantage called also cow's lip.²⁵ a marsh plant, whose leaves resemble purslane; one synonym is 泽泻[澤瀉] jàk-xëh zéxiè oriental water plantain, and the drawing resembles an Angelica in its inflorescence and habit; another name is 牛脣 ngẽo-sũn niúchún or ox-lips.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱艹賣; U+85DA).
Bī-fũn-yīt-kūk, ngũn-tōi-kĩ-dùk.
Bǐ fén yī qū, yán cǎi qí xù.
There along the bend of the Fen,
They gather the ox-lips. (Excerpt from 《國風·魏風·汾沮洳·3》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ Along those bends of the River Fen they gather ox-lips.¹⁰²
or 续断[續斷] dùk-òn xùduàn dead-nettle.²⁵ a medicinal plant which resembles a cardoon (Cynara).¹⁰²
(See 泽泻[澤瀉] jàk-xëh under 澤 jàk).
duk4 2631
157 20 dùk zhú footprint, footmark.⁵ to falter; to hesitate.⁷ to walk slowly and cautiously; to limp.¹⁴ (variant: 䠱 dùk zhú).
躅足 dùk-dūk
zhúzú (=跺脚[跺腳] ū-gëk duòjiǎo) stamp one's feet (as in anger, regret).¹¹ʼ¹⁹
躅躅 dùk-dùk
zhúzhú the appearance of walking.¹⁹
芳躅 föng-dùk
föngzhú (court.) your whereabouts.¹¹
跼躅 gùk-dùk
júzhú halting; faltering.⁷ to hobble.¹⁴ to go limping along; an awkward uneasy gait.²⁵
蹢躅 jàk-dùk
zhízhú faltering, hesitant; <bot.> an azalea.⁷ pace up and down.⁸ disquieted, uneasy; impeded, embarrassed, not knowing what to do.²⁵
踯躅[躑躅] jàk-dùk
zhízhú <wr.> pace up and down; walk to and fro; loiter around.⁶ loiter; linger around.¹¹ to halt.¹⁴ to stamp on the ground; to strike the earth with the foot.²⁵
踯躅街头[躑躅街頭] jàk-dùk-gâi-hẽo
zhízhújiētóu wander about the streets; tramp the streets.⁶
踯躅而行[躑躅而行] jàk-dùk-ngĩ-hãng
zhízhú'érxíng shuffle along; stagger; walk with a mincing step.⁶
鸾躅[鸞躅] lũn-dùk
luánzhú itinerary of the emperor on tour.¹⁹
沙躅 sâ-dùk
shāzhú lugworm.¹⁰
(See 䠱 dùk).
duk4 2632
157 28 dùk zhú (=躅 dùk zhú) footprint, footmark.⁵ to falter; to hesitate.⁷ to walk slowly and cautiously; to limp.¹⁴
(See 躅 dùk).
duk4 2633
167 19 dùk arrowhead.⁶ <lit.> arrowhead, barb; <lit.> sharp; <lit.> swift; quick.³⁶ the head or barb of an arrow or a javelin; the point of a dart.¹⁰²
(comp. t: ⿰釒族; U+93C3). (comp. s: ⿰钅族; U+955E).
箭镞[箭鏃] dëin-dùk
jiànzú metal arrowhead.⁶
去其镞[去其鏃] huï-kĩ-dùk
qùqízú he knocked off the point of the arrow.²⁵ knock off the barbs.¹⁰²
or 中石没簇[中石沒簇] jüng-sêk-mòt-dùk zhòngshímòzú to strike a stone and bury the head of an arrow in it.¹⁴
利镞[利鏃] lì-dùk
lìzú sharp barbs.¹⁰²
矢镞[矢鏃] sī-dùk
shǐzú metal arrowhead.³⁹ sharp; the point of an arrow.²⁵
遗镞[遺鏃] vĩ-dùk
yízú a lost arrow.²⁵
duk4 2634
196 22 dùk (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 鷟 jòk zhuó with the same meaning: a kind of water bird.⁷ phoenix.⁸ phoenix; river gull.¹⁰ a bird likened to a mallard, with fine plumage and red eyes; it is regarded as felicitous bird.¹⁰²).²
(Note: The dùk
reading comes from 康熙字典 - source 2, whereas the jòk zhuó reading comes from 台山方言字典 - source 4.
(composition: ⿱族鳥; U+9DDF).
<又> jòk.
(See 鷟 jòk).
duk4 2635
203 27 dùk to tarnish; to be rash about; to corrupt.⁷ to blacken, to dirty, to insult; black, soiled.¹⁴ <又> ùk. (See 黷 ùk).
t: ⿰黑賣); U+9EF7). (comp. s: ⿰黑卖; U+9EE9).
黩浊[黷濁] dùk-dùk
or ùk-dùk dúzhuó defiled.⁷
黩货[黷貨] dùk-fö
or ùk-fö dúhuò be greedy for money.⁸
黩黑[黷黑] dùk-hāk
or ùk-hāk dúhēi black and dirty.¹¹
黩冒[黷冒] dùk-mào
or ùk-mào dúmào (=渎犯[瀆犯] dùk-fàn dúfàn) offend; affront.⁶ to show disrespect/contempt.⁵⁴
黩武[黷武] dùk-mû
or ùk-mû dúwǔ militaristic; warlike; bellicose.⁵ to use military might rashly.⁷ soldiers disposed for war; excessive use of soldiers to prolong warfare.¹⁴
黩武主义[黷武主義] dùk-mû-jī-ngì
or ùk-mû-jī-ngì dúwǔzhǔyì militarism.⁵
黩誓[黷誓] dùk-sài
or ùk-sài dúshì violate an oath; break a pledge.⁸
穷兵黩武[窮兵黷武] kũng-bëin-dùk-mû
or kũng-bëin-ùk-mû qióngbīngdúwǔ to wage war frequently; to follow a policy of expanism by military means; to be a warmonger.⁷
or 亵渎[褻瀆] xēik-dùk xièdú blaspheme; profane; pollute.⁵ʼ¹⁰
or 怨讟 yön-ùk yuàndú have a grudge against somebody, hate; resentment, grudge, enmity.¹³

duk4 2636
9 9 dün jùn handsome, pretty; a person of outstanding talent.⁵ handsome, pretty; unusually talented.⁶
俊拔 dün-bàt jùnbá uncommon.⁷ outstandingly talented.¹⁰
俊杰[俊傑] dün-gèik
jùnjié a person of outstanding talent; hero.⁵
俊丽[俊麗] dün-lài
jùnlì beautiful and elegant.⁶
俊美 dün-mî
jùnměi pretty.⁵
俊男倩女 dün-nãm-sèn-nuī
jùnnánqiànnǚ handsome boys and pretty girls.⁶
俊雅 dün-ngâ
jùnyǎ <wr.> pretty and tasteful.⁶ handsome, elegant and refined.⁷
俊乂在官 dün-ngài-dòi-gön
jùnyìzàiguān men of eminence will hold office.¹⁴
俊彦[俊彥] dün-ngèin
jùnyàn preeminently talented person.⁸ elegant; refined.¹⁴
俊俏 dün-tël
jùnqiào <vern.> pretty and charming.⁶
俊才 dün-tõi
jùncái a talented person.⁷
俊伟[俊偉] dün-vī
jùnwěi superior and great.⁷
俊秀 dün-xiü
jùnxiù pretty; of delicate beauty.⁵
才俊 tõi-dün
cáijùn <wr.> person of superb talent; superb talent.⁶
(See 雋 [dün, jùn].)
dun2 2637
9 14 dün jùn (<old>=俊 dün jùn handsome, pretty; a person of outstanding talent.⁵); outstanding, fine; superior; talented, capable; handsome.⁸
(composition: ⿰亻雋; U+5101).
(See 俊 dün).
dun2 2638
9 14 dün zǔn to gather, to converge; a crowd; humility.⁸ to congregate; to crowd.¹⁰ numerous; to collect together; to respect.²⁴ gather, assemble; humble, modest, unpretentious; modesty.³⁶ to gather, to assemble, to collect; respectful and humble.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰亻尊; U+50D4).
僔沓 dün-àp zǔntà face-to-face discussion.¹⁹
僔僔 dün-dün
zǔnzǔn gathering together.¹⁹
dun2 2639
30 15 dün zǔn to talk together; conversation.¹⁴ a multitude of voices.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口尊; U+5642).
噂沓 dün-àp zǔntà or zǔndá a multitude of words.¹⁴ to flatter before one's face, and secretly to hate.²⁴
Dün-àp-böi-däng, jēik-gèin-yiũ-ngĩn.
Zǔn tà (or dá) bèi zēng, zhí jìng yóu rén.
A multitide of [fair] words, and hatred behind the back, -
The earnest, strong pursuit of this is from men.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·祈父之什·十月之交》, translated by James Legge).
噂议[噂議] dün-ngì
zǔnyì a babble of discussion.¹⁴
dun2 2640
32 10 dün jùn high, steep, towering; stern; the name of an ancient pavilion in present-day Dali County (大荔县), Shaanxi Province (陕西省).⁸ (old variant: 陖 dün jùn).
(composition: ⿰土夋; U+57C8).
(See 陖 dün).
dun2 2641
32 15 dün dūn (<old>=蹲 dün dūn squat, crouch; stay, remain idle in one place.⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿰土尊; U+58AB).
<又> dûn, tũn.
(See 墫 dûn, 墫 tũn, 蹲 dün).
dun2 2642
35 7 dün jùn Emperor Yao's father (Emperor Ku, 帝喾[帝嚳] Äi Gūk Dì Kù Di Ku whose 名 was 夋).⁸ (=俊 dün jùn handsome, pretty; a person of outstanding talent.⁵).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿳厶八夂(G)
or ⿳厶⿰丿㇄夊(T) or ⿱允夂(J) or ⿱允夊(K); U+590B).
(See 夋[dün, qūn]).
dun2 2643
35 7 dün qūn to dawdle; (=逡 dün qūn retreat, withdraw, fall back.⁸ to shrink back (from something).¹⁰); <lit.> haughty, arrogant.⁸ to walk slowly; to walk in an easy manner.²⁴
(composition: ⿳厶八夂(G)
or ⿳厶⿰丿㇄夊(T) or ⿱允夂(J) or ⿱允夊(K); U+590B).
(See 夋[dün, jūn]).
dun2 2644
41 12 dün zūn of senior generation, senior, noble; respect, esteem, venerate; your honorable.⁶
自尊 dù-dün zìzūn having self-respect; having self-esteem; having proper pride.⁶
尊甫 dün-fū
zūnfǔ your eminent father.¹¹
尊敬 dün-gëin
zūnjìng venerate; esteem; honor; respect.⁶
尊重 dün-jùng
zūnzhòng think highlt of; serious; proper.⁶
尊老爱幼[尊老愛幼] dün-lāo-öi-yiü
zūnlǎo'àiyòu respect the aged and love the young.⁶
尊严[尊嚴] dün-ngẽm
zūnyán dignity.⁶
尊姓 dün-xëin
zūnxìng  <court.> your surname.⁵⁴
尊姓大名 dün-xëin-ài-mẽin
zūnxìngdàmíng <wr.> <court.> What is your honorable name?⁵⁴
尊师[尊師] dün-xü
zūnshī respect teachers.⁶
尊师重道[尊師重道] dün-xü-jùng-ào
zūnshīzhòngdào  respect the teacher and revere his teachings.⁶
尊师重教[尊師重教] dün-xü-jùng-gäo
zūnshīzhòngjiào  respect teachers and promote education.⁶
尊师爱生[尊師愛生] dün-xü-öi-säng
zūnshī'àishēng (students) respect the teachers and (teachers) love the students.⁵⁴
敬师尊长[敬師尊長] gëin-xü-dün-jēng
jìngshīzūnzhǎng to respect one's teachers and elders.⁵⁴
dun2 2645
46 10 dün jùn (of mountains) high, towering; harsh, severe, stern.⁶
鬓峻[鬢峻] bïn-dün bìnjùn to dwell in a high and honorable situation.²⁵
峻岭[峻嶺] dün-lêng
jùnlǐng lofty mountain range.⁶
峻峭 dün-xël
jùnqiào high and steep.⁶
陡峻 ēo-dün
dǒujùn precipitous; high and steep.¹⁰
高峻 gäo-dün
gāojùn (of mountain) high and steep.¹¹
严峻[嚴峻] ngẽm-dün
yánjùn grim; severe; rigorous.¹⁰
崇山峻岭[崇山峻嶺] sũng-sän-dün-lêng
chóngshānjùnlǐng towering mountains and precipitous ridges (idiom).¹⁰
dun2 2646
61 10 dün quān <wr.> repent; make amends.⁵
怙恶不悛[怙惡不悛] gü-ōk-būt-dün or fù-ōk-būt-dün or gü-ōk-būt-xũn or fù-ōk-būt-xũn hù'èbùquān be steeped in evil and refuse to repent.⁵
忍悛不禁 ngîn-dün-būt-gïm
or ngîn-xũn-būt-gïm rěnquānbùjìn cannot help laughing.⁵
为恶不悛[為惡不悛] vĩ-ōk-būt-dün
or vĩ-ōk-būt-xũn wéi'èbùquān insist on doing evil without repentance; stop at nothing in doing evil.⁶
<又> xũn.
(See 悛 xũn.)
dun2 2647
64 13 dün jìn <wr.> stick into, insert; shake.⁶
(composition: ⿰扌晋; U+6422).
搢插 dün-chäp jìnchā to stick into.¹⁴
搢笏 dün-fūt
jìnhù to stick the official tablet into the girdle.⁷
搢笏于绅[搢笏於紳] dün-fūt-yï-sïn
jìnhùyúshēn to stick the official tablet into the girdle.¹⁴
or 缙绅[縉紳] dün-sïn jìnshēn <trad.>  government official; retired official.⁶
or 缙绅录[縉紳錄] dün-sïn-lùk jìnshēnlù an official (social) register.¹¹
dun2 2648
64 15 dün zǔn to save; to economize.
撙节[撙節] dün-dēik zǔnjié to economize.
撙节开支[撙節開支] dün-dēik-höi-jï
zǔnjié kāizhī to economize expenses; to retrench.
撙省 dün-sāng
zǔnshěng to economize.
dun2 2649
72 10 dün jìn enter, advance; promote; the Jin Dynasty (265-420); another name for Shansi Province.⁵
晋朝[晉朝] Dün Chẽl Jìn Cháo Jin dynasty (265-420 CE)⁷
晋爵[晉爵] dün-dēk
jìnjué rise in (feudal or noble) rank.⁷
晋接[晉接] dün-dëp
jìnjiē to receive (visitors); to welcome.⁷
晋封[晉封] dün-füng
jìnfēng confer further honors on ancestor or wife.¹¹
晋见[晉見] dün-gëin
jìnjiàn have an audience with.⁵
晋京[晉京] dün-gëin
jìnjīng <wr.> go to the capital.¹¹
晋国[晉國] Dün-gōk
Jìnguó the state of Jin during the Epoch of Spring and Autumn.⁷
晋剧[晉劇] Dün-kēk
Jìnjù Shanxi opera.⁶
晋级[晉級] dün-kīp
jìnjí rise in rank; be promoted.⁵
晋武帝[晉武帝] Dün Mû-äi
Jìn Wǔdì Emperor Wu of Jin (236-290), founder (reign: 266-290) of the Jin dynasty.¹⁵
晋文公[晉文公] Dün Mũn-güng
Jìn Wéngōng  Duke Wen of Jin (697-628 BCE, reigned 636-628 BCE).¹⁰
晋升[晉升] dün-sëin
jìnshēng promote to a higher office.⁵
晋书[晉書] Dün-sï
Jìnshū The History of the Jin Dynasty.⁷
晋授[晉授] dün-siù
jìnshòu (Qing Dynasty) to confer further honors on.⁷
晋谒[晉謁] dün-yēik
jìnyè <wr.> have an audience with.⁵
dun2 2650
72 11 dün jùn early; bright; respect; used as a given name.⁸ clear, early in the morning.²⁴
(composition: ⿰日夋; U+6659).
王晙 Võng Dün Wáng Jùn Wang Jun, name of a person during the Tang Dynasty.⁸
dun2 2651
74 11 dün juān <wr.> reduce, cut down; exploit.⁶ contracted; shrivelled; to draw in.²⁴
(composition: ⿰月夋; U+6718).
朘民脂膏 dün-mĩn-jï-gäo juānmínzhīgāo exploit the fruits of labor of the people.⁶
朘削 dün-xēk
juānxuē <wr.> exploit.⁸
朘损用度[朘損用度] dün-xūn-yùng-ù
juānsǔnyòngdù cut (down on) spending.⁶
(Note: Distinguish 朘 dün with 月 radical from 脧 dün or 脧 juï with 肉 radical).
(See 脧 juï; 脧 dün.)
dun2 2652
85 10 dün jùn dredge.⁵ (variant: 濬 dün jùn).¹⁰
浚渠 dün-kuĩ
jùnqú dredge a canal.⁵
浚泥机[浚泥機] dün-nãi-gï
jùnníjī a dredger.¹¹
浚泥船 dün-nãi-sõn
jùnníchuán dredger.⁵
疏浚 sü-dün
shūjùn dredge.⁵
<又> xün.
(See 浚 xün; 濬 dün.)
dun2 2653
85 17 dün jùn (=浚 dün jùn) dredge a river; deep.¹¹
(composition: ⿰氵睿; U+6FEC).
<又> xün.
(See 浚 dün, xün.)
dun2 2654
85 19 dün zùn water issuing forth.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵薦; U+7033).
<又> dëin. (See 瀳 dëin).
dun2 2655
86 11 dün jùn <wr.> light a fire; burn.⁶ to set fire to; to ignite.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰火夋; U+710C).
焌灯[焌燈] dün-äng jùndēng an unlit lantern.¹⁹
焌黑 dün-hāk
jùnhēi pitch black.¹⁰
焌律 dün-lùt
jùnlǜ still twinkling/glimmering/flashing.¹⁹
<又> tuï.
(See 焌 tuï.)
dun2 2656
102 12 dün jùn rustic; crude; refers to the official in charge of slave farming during the Western Zhou Dynasty.⁸ an ancient agricultural officer; poor, rugged grassland.¹¹ a bailiff or landlord.¹⁴ a husbandman; an officer for taking record of the fields.²⁴ field work supervisor; peasant, farmer; mythological patron spirit of Agriculture; backwoods, wilderness, village; rustic.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰田夋; U+756F).
畯儒 dün-yĩ jùnrú rural scientist, educated villager.⁵⁴
田畯 hẽin-dün
tiánjùn a bailiff.¹⁴ a great officer who has charge of the fields; some say, the god of husbandry.²⁴ overseer in the field.⁵⁴
寒畯 hõn-dün
hánjùn a poor scholar.¹¹ a clown.²⁴
Hũng-ngô-fû-dū, yêp-bī-nãm-mêo, hẽin-dün-jï-hī.
Tóng wǒ fù zi, yè bǐ nán mǔ, tián jùn zhì xǐ.
Along with my wife and children,
I carry food to them in those south-lying acres.
The surveyor of the fields comes, and is glad.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·豳風·七月》, translated by James Legge).
农畯[農畯] nũng-dün
nóngjùn plowman, grain grower.⁵⁴
dun2 2657
107 12 dün cūn (of skin) be chapped/cracked (from the cold); <topo.> dirt gathered on the skin, grime; interior brush texturing.⁶
皴法 dün-fāt cūnfǎ technique of brush texturing.⁶
皴裂 dün-lëik
cūnliè (of skin) be chapped from the cold.⁶
一脖子皴 yīt-bòt-dū-dün
yībózicūn sooty lines on neck.¹¹
dun2 2658
115 13 dün zhùn a bundle of straw.²⁵ dun2 2659
117 12 dün jùn accomplished; completed.⁷
竣工 dün-güng jùngōng (said of a construction project) to be completed.⁷
竣事 dün-xù
jùnshì (of a plan) having been completed.⁷
告竣 gäo-dün
gàojùn (of an important project) be announced/declared to be completed/accomplished.⁶
终竣[終竣] jüng-dün
zhōngjùn be completed.¹⁹
完竣 yõn-dün
wánjùn (of project or construction) to complete, to finish.⁹
dun2 2660
120 16 dün jìn <wr.> red silk; stick into, insert.⁶
(comp. t: ⿰糹晋 or ⿰糹晉; U+7E09).
s: ⿰纟晋; U+7F19).
or 搢绅[搢紳] dün-sïn jìnshēn <trad.>  government official; retired official.⁶
or 搢绅录[搢紳錄] dün-sïn-lùk jìnshēnlù an official (social) register.¹¹
dun2 2661
130 11 https://img.zdic.net/kai/cn/20018.svg,https://img.zdic.net/kai/cn/20018.svg
dün juān (=朘 with 月 moon radical instead of 肉 radical) reduce, contract; exploit; reproductive organ of infant.⁸
(composition ⿰⺼夋; U+8127).
脧减[脧減] dün-gām juānjiǎn to diminish.²⁵
脧缩[脧縮] dün-sūk
juānsuō dried meat shrunk up.²⁵
(Note: Distinguish 朘 dün with 月 radical from 脧 dün or 脧 juï with 肉 radical).
<又> juï.
(See 脧 juï; 朘 dün.)
dun2 2662
140 12 dün jùn large.²⁵ <old> large.³⁶
(composition: ⿱艹俊; U+8470).
葰茂 or 葰楙 dün-mào jùnmào luxuriant; flourishing; exuberant.¹⁹
<又> xuï; xū.
(See 葰 xuï; 葰 xū).
dun2 2663
149 19 dün zǔn (composition: ⿰訁尊; U+8B50).
譐誻 dün-àp zǔntà disputes and altercations.²⁵
dun2 2664
157 14 dün dūn (<old>=蹲 dün dūn squat, crouch; stay, remain idle in one place.⁶ to squat down; to sit on one's heels.²⁵).³⁶
(composition: ⿰⻊夋; U+8E06).
<又> tûn, tũn.
(See 踆 tûn, 踆 tũn, 踆 [dün, qūn]).
dun2 2665
157 14 dün qūn to retreat; to withdraw.³⁶
(composition: ⿰⻊夋; U+8E06).
踆踆 dün-dün qūnqūn hopping like a bird.¹⁴ hopping and stopping, like a sparrow.²⁵
已事而踆 yî-xù-ngĩ-dün
yǐshìérqūn to retire after completing an affair.²⁵
<又> tûn, tũn.
(See 踆 tûn, 踆 tũn, 踆 [dün, dūn]).
dun2 2666
157 19 dün dūn squat, crouch; stay, remain idle in one place.⁶ to squat down; to sit on one's heels.²⁵
蹲班 dün-bän dūnbān (of pupils) stay in the same grade for one more year because of poor performance.⁶
蹲膘 dün-bël
dūnbiāo (of cattle) fatten in the shed.⁵
蹲不下去 dün-būt-hä-huï
dūnbuxiàqù unable to squat or crouch.⁷
蹲点[蹲點] dün-ēm
dūndiǎn work and investigate in a grass roots unit for a period of time.⁶
蹲伏 dün-fùk
dūnfú to squat; to crouch.⁷
蹲举[蹲舉] dün-guī
dūnjǔ <sport> leg exercises.⁶
蹲踞 dün-guï
dūnjù squat; crouch.⁶
蹲下 dün-hä
dūnxià or 蹲下去 dūn-hä-huï dūnxiàqù to squat.⁶
蹲坑 dün-häng
dūnkēng <topo.> squat over a pit to relieve oneself; <slang> stake out (by police); latrine pit.⁵⁴
蹲着[蹲著] dün-jèk
dūnzhe squatting; crouching.⁷
蹲茅坑 dün-mão-häng
dūnmáokēng squat over a latrine pit to relieve oneself.⁶
蹲苗 dün-mẽl
dūnmiáo restrain the growth of seedlings for root development.⁶
蹲守 dün-siū
dūnshǒu (of policeman) undercover; lie in wait to apprehend a criminal suspect.⁶
<又> tũn.
(See 蹲 tũn; <台> 踎 bëo).
dun2 2667
162 10 dün qūn retreat, withdraw, fall back.⁸ to shrink back (from something).¹⁰
逡行 dün-hãng qūnxíng hesitate to move forward; hang back.⁵⁴
逡退 dün-huï
qūntuì retire from office when nothing could be accomplished.⁵⁴
逡巡 dün-tũn
qūnxún to draw back; to move back and forth; to hesitate; in an instant.¹⁰
逡巡不前 dün-tũn-būt-tẽin
qūnxúnbùqián to hesitate to move forward; to balk; to jib.¹⁰
逡次 dün-xü
qūncì follow in order.⁵⁴
迁逡[遷逡] tëin-dün
qiānqūn hesitate; waver.⁵⁴
dun2 2668
162 15 dün zūn abide by; obey; observe; follow.⁶
遵办[遵辦] dün-bàn zūnbàn do as instructed.¹¹
遵行 dün-hãng
zūnxíng to follow; to obey; compliance.¹⁰
遵照 dün-jël
zūnzhào obey; conform to; comply with; act in accordance with.⁵
遵旨 dün-jī
zūnzhǐ to follow imperial orders or decrees.⁷
遵令 dün-lèin
zūnlìng to obey orders.¹⁰
遵命 dün-mèin
zūnmìng follow instructions, act according to orders received.¹¹
遵义[遵義] dün-ngì
zūnyì to guard or stand up for righteousness/justice.⁷
遵守 dün-siū
zūnshǒu observe; abide by; comply with.⁵
遵循 dün-tũn
zūnxún to follow, to accord with, to obey, to go by; to hesitate.⁷
遵从[遵從] dün-tũng
zūncóng to comply with; to follow (directives); to defer (to the judgment of superiors).¹⁰
遵养时晦[遵養時晦] dün-yëng-sĩ-fōi
zūnyǎngshíhuì (=遵时养晦[遵時養晦] dün-sĩ-yëng-fōi zūnshíyǎnghuì) to live in retirement and wait for the right time for a comeback in public life.⁷
遵依 dün-yï
zūnyī to follow; to comply with.⁷
遵医嘱[遵醫囑] dün-yï-jūk
zūnyīzhǔ follow the doctor's advice.⁶
dun2 2669
167 20 dün juān engraving tool; carve, engrave.⁸ to engrave (on wood or stone); to inscribe.¹⁰
镌版术[鐫版術] dün-bān-sùt juānbǎnshù engraving.⁹
镌罚[鐫罰] dün-fàt
juānfá dismiss an official.⁵⁴
镌刻[鐫刻] dün-hāk
juānkè engrave a printing block.¹¹
镌黜[鐫黜] dün-jōt
juānchù to dismiss an official.¹⁰
镌级[鐫級] dün-kīp
juānjí (of official) be demoted.¹¹
镌镂[鐫鏤] dün-lèo
juānlòu <wr.> carve; engrave.⁶
镌心铭骨[鐫心銘骨] dün-xïm-mẽin-gūt
juānxīnmínggǔ etched in one's bones and heart (idiom); ever-present memory (esp. resentment).¹⁰
雕镌[雕鐫] ël-dün
diāojuān to engrave (wood or stone); to carve.¹⁰
dun2 2670
170 9 dün jùn (<old>=埈 dün jùn high, steep, towering; stern; the name of an ancient pavilion in present-day Dali County (大荔县), Shaanxi Province (陕西省).⁸).¹⁰ imminent, dangerous; the name of a pavilion.²⁵
(composition: ⿰阝夋; U+9656).
陖险[陖險] dün-hēm
jùnxiǎn (=险峻[險峻] hēm-dün xiǎnjùn abrupt, steep; dangerous, unapproachable; precipitous; of highly strategic significance.⁵⁴).¹⁹
陖翟 dün-jàk
jùnzhái Junchai, name of an ancient state/country whose surname was 隗 kĩ kuí Kui.¹⁹
陖陗 dün-xël
jùnqiào precipitous, high and steep; severe, stern and harsh; rapid, rushing.¹⁹
径陖赴险[徑陖赴險] gèin-dün-fü-hēm
jìngjùnfùxiǎn to pass by the precipitous and to approach the dangerous.²⁵
(See 埈 dün).
dun2 2671
172 12 dün juàn fat meat; meaningful; Juan surname.⁷
隽拔[雋拔] dün-bàt juànbá handsome (of people); graceful (of calligraphy).¹⁰ (See 隽拔[雋拔] dün-bàt jùnbá).
隽品[雋品] dün-bīn
juànpǐn outstanding work.¹⁰
隽楚[雋楚] dün-chō
juànchǔ outstanding; extraordinary; preeminent.¹⁰
隽茂[雋茂] dün-mào
juànmào of outstanding talent.¹⁰
隽敏[雋敏] dün-mêin
juànmǐn refined and smart.¹⁰
隽妙[雋妙] dün-mèl
juànmiào extremely elegant.¹⁰
隽语[雋語] dün-nguî/
juànyǔ pithy remark.⁶ a meaningful speech with great significance.⁹
隽材[雋材] dün-tõi
juàncái talent.¹⁰
隽永[雋永] dün-vêin
juànyǒng (of remarks or writings) very interesting or intriguing; meaningful.⁷
隽永箴言[雋永箴言] dün-vêin-jïm-ngũn
juànyǒngzhēnyán meaningful maxim.⁶
肥隽[肥雋] fĩ-dün
féijuàn fat.¹⁴
含味隽永[含味雋永] hẽim-mì-dün-vêin
hánwèijuànyǒng fine, lasting flavor (of literature).¹⁰
神妙隽美[神妙雋美] sĩn-mèl-dün-mî
shénmiàojuànměi  outstanding and elegant; remarkable and refined.¹⁰
(See 雋 [dün, jùn].)
dun2 2672
172 12 dün jùn good-looking; talented, outstanding, extraordinary.⁷  (=俊 dün jùn) handsome, pretty; a person of outstanding talent.⁵
隽拔[雋拔] dün-bàt
jùnbá outstandingly talented.⁷ (of mountain peak) towering; (personality) distinguished, outstanding.¹¹ (See 隽拔[雋拔] dün-bàt juànbá).
隽誉[雋譽] dün-yì
jùnyù high fame or good reputation.⁷ good reputation.¹⁴
(See 雋 [dün, juàn]; 俊 dün.)
dun2 2673
184 15 dün jùn salt leftovers.⁶ leftovers.⁸ leftovers in food.¹¹ the remains of a sacrifice or a meal; to eat up the remnants.¹⁴
餕旣尽也[餕旣盡也] dün-gï-dìn-yâ jùnjìjìnyě everything has been eaten.¹⁴
馂馅[餕餡] dün-hàm
jùnxiàn stuffing; force-meat; filling.¹⁰
餕余[餕餘] dün-yĩ 
jùnyú scraps, leavings.¹⁴
餕余不祭[餕餘不祭] dün-yĩ-būt-däi 
jùnyúbùjì leavings cannot be used for offerings.¹⁴
dun2 2674
187 17 駿 dün jùn a fine horse, a swift horse; great, large; swift, speedy; rigorous, stringent; outstanding.⁷
八骏[八駿] bät-dün bājùn eight legendary horses of King Mu of Zhou (周穆王 Jiü Mùk Võng Zhōu Mù Wáng).¹¹
骏奔[駿奔] dün-bïn
jùnbēn to speed; to rush.⁷
骏足[駿足] dün-dūk
jùnzú a fine horse; a talented person.⁷
骏发[駿發] dün-fät
jùnfā quickly make a name for oneself or become rich and prosperous.¹¹
骏惠[駿惠] dün-fì
jùnhuì great kindness, unbounded generosity.¹¹
骏骥[駿驥] dün-kï
jùnjì a fine horse.⁷
骏马[駿馬] dün-mâ
jùnmǎ a fine horse, a noble steed.¹¹
骏命[駿命] dün-mèin
jùnmìng the divine mandate.¹¹
骏业[駿業] dün-ngèp
jùnyè a great enterprise, a flourishing business.¹¹
骏逸[駿逸] dün-yìt
jùnyì distinguished, outstanding, surpassing.⁷ <wr.> gallop at full speed; free and easy.⁵⁴
dun2 2675
195 23 dün zūn trout.⁵ trout; brown trout; European trout.⁶
鳟鱼[鱒魚] dün-nguĩ zūnyú trout.⁶
金鳟[金鱒] gïm-dün
jīnzūn golden trout or 加州金鳟 [加州金鱒] Gä-jiü gïm-dün Jiāzhōu jīnzūn California golden trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss aguabonita), a subspecies of the rainbow trout native to California.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
褐鳟[褐鱒] hòt-dün
hèzūn brown trout (Salmo trutta).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
土耳其鳟[土耳其鱒] Hū-ngī-kĩ dün
Tǔ'ěrqí zūn Abant trout (Salmo abanticus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
虹鳟[虹鱒] hũng-dün
hóngzūn rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss); aka 虹鮭, 麥奇鉤吻鮭.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
猛鳟[猛鱒] mâng-dün
měngzūn Ferox trout (Salmo ferox) a variety of trout found in oligotrophic lakes/lochs of Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鲑鳟鱼[鮭鱒魚] gï-dün-nguĩ
guīzūnyú trout.⁶
dun2 2676
196 18 dün jùn pheasant; golden pheasant. (variant: 鵕 dün jùn).
(composition: ⿰鳥夋; U+9D54).
or 鵕鸃 dün-ngĩ jùnyí or xùn-ngĩ xùnyí the gold pheasant, with yellow spots, red legs, and a straight bill; it is spoken of also as a fabulous bird, like the phoenix, which illumines the heavens in its flight.²⁵
鵔鸃冠 dün-ngĩ-gön
jùnyíguān or xùn-ngĩ-gön xùnyíguān, the name of a cap.²⁵
<又> xùn.
(See 鵕 dün; 鵔 xùn).
dun2 2677
196 18 dün jùn (=鵔 dün jùn pheasant; golden pheasant.)
(composition: ⿰夋鳥; U+9D55).
<又> xùn.
(See 鵔 dün; 鵕 xùn).
dun2 2678
196 23 dün zūn the pheasant.²⁵
(composition: ⿰尊鳥; U+9DF7).
鷷雉 dün-jï zūnzhì a type of pheasant found in the "West".¹⁹
dun2 2679
64 7 dùn dèn to yank; <topo.> to pull tightly.
扽掣 dùn-chēik or ùn-chēik dènchè to shake.¹⁴
<又> ùn.
(See 扽 ùn.)
dun4 2680
32 15 dûn zūn a kind of wine vessel used in ancient times; a wine goblet.⁵⁴ a cup.⁸ goblet; bottle; wine-jar.¹⁰ʼ¹⁴ a wine vessel, a bottle.²⁴ (variants: 樽 dûn zūn; 罇 dûn zūn).
(composition: ⿰土尊; U+58AB).
酒墫 diū-dûn
jiǔzūn a wine bottle.²⁴
<又> dün, tũn.
(See 墫 dün, 墫 tũn, 樽 dûn, 罇 dûn).
dun5 2681
75 16 dûn zūn a kind of wine vessel used in ancient times; a wine goblet.⁵⁴ (variants: 罇, 墫, 𤮐❄{⿰尊瓦} dûn zūn).
(composition: ⿰木尊; U+6A3D).
樽酒 dûn-diū
zūnjiǔ a bowl of wine.⁵⁴
樽俎 dûn-jū
or 尊俎 dün-jū zūnzǔ wine and meat containers used in ancient ceremonies; a diplomatic gathering or dinner; diplomatic activities.³⁹
樽罍 dûn-luĩ
zūnléi earthen liquor jar.¹⁰
盈樽 ngẽin-diū
yínjiǔ fill the (wine) vessel.⁵⁴
移樽 yĩ-dûn
yízūn to take the cup and drink to person on another table.¹¹
移樽就教 yĩ-dûn-diù-gäo
yízūnjiùjiào to call personally on person.¹¹
入樽 yìp-dûn
rùzūn slam dunk.¹⁰
<台> 酒樽 diū-dûn/ wine or liquor bottle.
<台> 花樽 fä-dûn/ vase (for holding flowers).
(See 罇 dûn; 墫 dûn; 𤮐❄{⿰尊瓦} dûn).
dun5 2682
98 16 𤮐
dûn zūn a vessel for containing wine.²⁴ (=樽 dûn zūn a kind of wine vessel used in ancient times; a wine goblet.⁵⁴).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰尊瓦; U+24B90).
(See 樽 dûn).
dun5 2683
121 18 dûn zūn a kind of wine vessel used in ancient times; a wine goblet.⁵⁴ (variants: 墫 dûn zūn; 樽 dûn zūn).
(See 樽 dûn; 墫 dûn).
dun5 2684
167 20 𨱔
dûn zūn the conical metal sleeve (cap) at the lower end of the dagger-axe handle; <old>=樽 dûn zūn, an ancient wine goblet; a farm implment mentioned in ancient books; Zun surname.⁸ the cone-shaped bronze butt-end of a spear.¹¹ the butt end of a spear; the ferrule at the end of a sword-handle.¹⁴ the brass ferrule at the bottom of a spear; the blunt end of a weapon.²⁵
t: ⿰金尊; U+940F). (comp. s: ⿰钅尊; U+28C54).
进戈者前其鐏[進戈者前其鐏] dïn-fö-jēh-tẽin-kĩ-dûn
jìngēzhě qiánqízūn in presenting a daggar-axe always put forward the blunt end.²⁵
鐏臼 dûn-giü
zūnjiù a ball and socket bearing.¹⁹
鐏俎 dûn-jū
zūnzǔ used as a metaphor for banquet.¹⁹
鐏轴[鐏軸] dûn-jùk
zūnzhóu a ball and socket bearing.¹⁹
鐏罍 dûn-luĩ
zūnléi wine vessels or specifically, wine goblet and wine jar.¹⁹
牺鐏[犧鐏] hï-dûn
xīzūn or 牺尊[犧尊] hï-dün xīzūn ancient wine vessel (often made of bronze in the shape of an ox).⁶
(See 樽 dûn).
dun5 2685
9 13 dūng zǒng busy; hurried.
偬偬[傯傯] dūng-dūng zǒngzǒng in a hurry.
倥偬[倥傯] hüng-dūng
kǒngzǒng <wr.> pressing; urgent; poverty-stricken; destitute; impoverished.
戎马倥偬[戎馬倥傯] yũng-mâ-hüng-dūng
róngmǎ kǒngzǒng to lead a hectic life with war horses; to have a hectic military career (usually said of ranking commanders).⁷
dung1 2686
61 12 dūng zǒng absent-minded, confused.⁸ (variant: 憁 dūng zǒng).
(composition: ⿰忄怱; U+6121).
or 悾憁  kūng-dūng kǒngzǒng downcast, depressed.¹⁴
or 惺憁 xëin-dūng xīngzǒng clever; sober.¹⁹
(See 憁 dūng).
dung1 2687
61 14 dūng zǒng (=愡 dūng zǒng) absent-minded, confused.⁸
(composition: ⿰忄悤; U+6181).
or 悾愡  kūng-dūng kǒngzǒng downcast, depressed.¹⁴
or 惺愡 xëin-dūng xīngzǒng clever; sober.¹⁹
(See 愡 dūng).
dung1 2688
61 15 dūng dǒng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 懂 ūng dǒng with same meaning.)
懂不懂 dūng-būt-dūng
dǒngbùdǒng Do you understand? Do you follow me?⁷
懵懵懂懂 mūng-mūng-dūng-dūng
měngměngdǒngdǒng muddled.⁹ confused; ignorant.¹⁰
<又> ūng.
(See 懂 ūng.)
dung1 2689
64 12 dūng zǒng (<old>=總 dūng zǒng) all, general; to summarize; the chief; to manage.⁸
(composition: ⿰扌总; U+6403).
(See 總 dūng).
dung1 2690
64 14 dūng zǒng (=总[總] dūng zǒng) general.⁸
(composition: ⿰扌悤; U+6460).
(See 總 dūng).
dung1 2691
109 14 dūng zǒng to look at; to see, to peep; to look something stealthily.⁸
(composition: ⿰目㚇; U+4053).
𥉕❄{⿰目冡}䁓 mũng-dūng méngzǒng looking.²⁴
<又> gäi.
(See 䁓 gäi).
dung1 2692
120 14 𦁕
dūng zǒng (=总[總] dūng zǒng)¹⁰¹ assemble, sum up; general, overall; chief, general; always, invariably; anyway, after all, inevitably, sooner or later.⁵
(composition: ⿰糹忽; U+26055).
<又> fūt. (See 𦁕❄{⿰糹忽} fūt; 總 dūng).
dung1 2693
120 17 dūng zǒng assemble, sum up; general, overall; chief, general; always, invariably; anyway, after all, inevitably, sooner or later.⁵ (variants: 搃, 摠, 𦁕❄{⿰糹忽} dūng). (See 搃 dūng, 摠 dūng, 𦁕❄{⿰糹忽} dūng).
总得[總得] dūng-āk
zǒngděi have to; must.⁵⁶
总计[總計] dūng-gäi
zǒngjì add up to; amount to; total.⁵⁶
总结[總結] dūng-gēik
zǒngjié summarize; summary.⁵
总归[總歸] dūng-gï
zǒngguī eventually; after all.⁵⁶
总管[總管] dūng-gōn
zǒngguǎn person in overall charge.⁵⁶
总共[總共] dūng-gùng
zǒnggòng in all; altogether.⁵
总体[總體] dūng-hāi
zǒngtǐ totality.⁵⁶
总统[總統] dūng-hūng
zǒngtǒng president (of a republic).⁵
总之[總之] dūng-jï
zǒngzhī in a word; in short; in brief.¹⁰
总指挥[總指揮] dūng-jī-fï
zǒngzhǐhuī commander-in-chief.⁵
总领事[總領事] dūng-lêin-xù
zǒnglǐngshì consul general.⁵⁶
总理[總理] dūng-lî/
zǒnglǐ premier; prime minister.⁵
总额[總額] dūng-ngäk
zǒng'é total (amount).⁵⁶
总而言之[總而言之] dūng-ngĩ-ngũn-jï
zǒng'éryánzhī in short; in a word; in brief; to make a long story short.⁵
总是[總是] dūng-sì
zǒngshì always.¹⁰
总数[總數] dūng-sü
zǒngshù total; sum total.⁵⁶
总督[總督] dūng-ūk
zǒngdū governor-general; governor.⁵⁶
总和[總和] dūng-võ
zǒnghé sum; total; sum total.⁵⁶
dung1 2694
159 16 𨍈
dūng zǒng a local term for a wheel; used for 𨍉❄{⿰車怱} dūng zǒng the spokes of a wheel surrounding the nave.²⁵
(composition: ⿰車㚇; U+28348).
(See 𨍉❄{⿰車怱} dūng).
dung1 2695
159 16 𨍉
dūng zǒng (=𨍈❄{⿰車㚇} dūng zǒng)² a local term for a wheel.²⁵
(composition: ⿰車怱; U+28349).
(See 𨍈❄{⿰車㚇} dūng).
dung1 2696
13 5 𠕁
düng cóng <old> a hole.⁸
(composition: ⿵冂卄; U+20541).
<又> chāk. (See 𠕁 chāk).
dung2 2697
13 6 𠕌
düng zōng outside the forest.⁹⁸
(composition: ⿵冂日; U+2054C).
dung2 2698
35 9 düng zōng ➀ draw the feet up ➁ to refuse to advance ➂ to summarize ➃ to gather, to collect ➄ name of an old country ➅ (same as 鍐 düng zōng) a headstall ➆ ornament on a bridle ➇  (Cant.) to jump up.⁸
(composition: ⿱⿱凶八夂; U+3687).
dung2 2699
40 8 düng zōng ancestor; clan; school; purpose.⁹ Zong surname.⁸
祖宗 dū-düng zǔzōng ancestor; forebear.¹⁰
宗匠 düng-dèng
zōngjiàng <trad.> great master (in academic or artistic work).⁵
宗族 düng-dùk
zōngzú patriarchal clan; clansman.⁵
宗教 düng-gäo
zōngjiào religion.⁵
宗祧 düng-hël
zōngtiāo <trad.> ancestral temple; family tree.⁶
宗旨 düng-jī
zōngzhǐ objective; aim; goal.¹⁰
宗庙[宗廟] düng-mèl
zōngmiào royal ancestral temple.⁵⁴
宗派 düng-päi
or düng-pāi zōngpài faction, sect; <wr.> branch of a clan.⁶
开宗明义[開宗明義] höi-düng-mẽin-ngì
kāizōngmíngyì to make clear the purpose and main theme from the very beginning; to state the purpose from the very beginning.⁹
六宗 lùk-düng
liùzōng ➀ the six deities worshipped in ancient times (3 interpretations follow: ⓐ heaven, earth, spring, summer, fall, winter  ⓑ water, fire, thunder, wind, mountain, marsh  ⓒ four seasons, cold and heat, sun, moon, star, water and drought.⁸) ➁ six Han dynasty emperors: 文帝,武帝,宣帝,元帝,明帝,章帝 Wen, Wu, Xuan, Yuan, Ming, and Zhang  ➂ the six teachings of Buddhism: 三论,法相,华严,律,成实,俱舍.¹⁹
女宗 nuī-düng
nǚzōng model woman, worthy of honors.⁵⁴
禅宗[禪宗] sẽm-düng
chánzōng Zen sect (of Buddhism).¹¹
dung2 2700
46 14 düng zōng (composition: ⿰山從; U+5D77).
巃嵷 or 巄嵷 or 巃嵸 lũng-düng lóngzōng high, lofty, mountainous.²⁴ (literary, ideophonic) high and steep.³⁶
<又> xūng.
(See 嵷 xūng).
dung2 2701
46 14 düng zōng (composition: ⿱山從; U+5D78).
巃嵸 or 巄嵷 or 巃嵷 lũng-düng lóngzōng high, lofty, mountainous.²⁴ (literary, ideophonic) high and steep.³⁶
dung2 2702
75 12 düng zōng palm; palm fiber, coir.⁶ (variant: 椶 düng zōng.)
棕绷[棕繃] düng-bäng
zōngbēng coir bed.⁵⁴
棕毯 düng-dëin
zōngtǎn coir-woven blanket.⁶
棕黑 düng-hāk
zōnghēi dark or chestnut brown.⁶
棕红[棕紅] düng-hũng
zōnghóng reddish brown.⁶
棕熊 düng-hũng
zōngxióng brown bear.⁶
棕榈[棕櫚] düng-luĩ
zōnglǘ Chinese windmill palm, windmill palm or Chusan palm (Trachycarpus fortunei (Hook.) H. Wendl. Also called 拼棕 bëin-düng, 唐棕 hõng-düng, 中国扇棕[中國扇棕] Jüng-gōk-sën-düng, 棕树[棕樹] düng-sì, 山棕 sän-düng.²⁰
棕榈油[棕櫚油] düng-luĩ-yiũ
zōnglǘyóu palm oil/butter.⁶
棕毛 düng-mão
zōngmáo palm fiber; coir.⁶
棕壤 düng-ngẽng
zōngrǎng <agr.> brown earth.⁶
棕编[棕編] düng-pëin
zōngbiān coir-woven articles.⁶
棕色 düng-sēik
zōngsè brown.⁸
棕绳[棕繩] düng-sẽin
zōngshéng coir rope.⁶
棕树[棕樹] düng-sì
zōngshù (=棕榈[棕櫚] düng-luĩ zōnglǘ) Chinese windmill palm (Trachycarpus fortunei).²⁰
棕黄[棕黃] düng-võng
zōnghuáng light/pale brown.⁶
棕箱 düng-xêng
zōngxiāng a wooden box with a coir-woven slip cover.⁶
(See 椶 düng.)
dung2 2703
75 13 düng zōng (=棕 düng zōng) palm; palm fiber, coir.⁶
椶榈[椶櫚] düng-luĩ
zōnglǘ a coir palm.¹⁴ (=棕榈[棕櫚] düng-luĩ zōnglǘ) Chinese windmill palm (Trachycarpus fortunei).²⁰
(See 棕 düng.)
dung2 2704
75 15 düng cōng (composition t: ⿰木從; U+6A05).
s: ⿰木从; U+679E).
枞阳[樅陽] Düng-yẽng
Zōngyáng Zongyang county in Anqing (安庆[安慶] Ön-hëin Ānqìng), Anhui (安徽 Ön-fï Ānhuī).⁵⁴
<又> tüng, xüng.
(See 樅 tüng, xüng.)
dung2 2705
82 15 𣯨
düng zōng (composition: ⿱從毛; U+23BE8).
𣯨❄{⿱從毛}氍 düng-kuĩ zōngqú felt; rug.⁶
❄{⿱從毛}𣰽❄{⿺毛瞿} düng-kuĩ zōngqú felt.²⁴
dung2 2706
85 11 düng cóng gurgling sound of water.⁸
淙静[淙靜] düng-dèin cóngjìng the tinkling sound of gems.⁵⁴
淙淙 düng-düng
cóngcóng gurgling.⁵
淙淙泉水 düng-düng-tũn-suī
cóngcóngquánshuǐ murmuring spring.⁶
] düng-jäng cóngchēng tinkling of gems.¹⁴
雨淙淙 yî-düng-düng
yǔcóngcóng pattering of falling rain.¹⁴
dung2 2707
85 14 düng zōng (=潨 düng zōng) <old> cliff, waterside highlands.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵眾; U+6F40).
<又> tũng.
(See 潀 tũng; 潨 düng).
dung2 2708
85 15 düng zōng the bank of a stream.²⁴ <old> cliff shore; waterside heights.³⁶ (variant: 潀 düng).
(composition: ⿰氵衆; U+6F68).
<又> tũng. (See 潨 tũng; 潀 düng).
dung2 2709
94 11 düng zòng a bitch that has one at a litter.²⁴ (variant: 𤡆❄{⿰犭從} düng).
(composition: ⿰犭宗; U+7314).
狜猔 fū-düng
kǔzòng an ancient tribe in 吐蕃 hü-fän tǔfān Tubo or Tufan (ancient Tibet) which was distributed in areas near Yunnan, later entirey moved to Yunnan.¹⁹
(See 𤡆❄{⿰犭從} düng).
dung2 2710
94 14 𤡆
düng zòng (=猔 düng zòng) a bitch that has one at a litter.²⁴
(composition: ⿰犭從; U+24846).
(See 猔 düng).
dung2 2711
96 12 düng cóng an octagonal jade piece with a round hole in the center.⁷ a hollow square or round pillar made of jade used as a ritual instrument.⁹ a signet, or badge of office, 8 inches in diameter, shaped like the nave of a wheel, octagon without and circular within.²⁴ a long hollow piece of jade with rectangular sides; Cong surname.²⁹
琮琤[琮] düng-jäng cóngchēng gurgling.⁸
黄琮[黃琮] võng-düng
huángcóng a kind of yellow jade, used in sacrificial vessels.¹¹
dung2 2712
120 14 düng zèng heddle; heald.⁵
综框[綜框] düng-köng zèngkuàng heald frame.⁵
(See 綜 [düng, zōng].)
dung2 2713
120 14 düng zōng put together; sum up.⁵
综计[綜計] düng-gäi zōngjì sum up; add up.⁵
综括[綜括] düng-gāt
zōngkuò sum up.⁵
综括起来[綜括起來] düng-gāt-hī-lõi
zōngkuòqǐlai to sum up; to state succinctly.⁵
综观[綜觀] düng-gön
zōngguān make a comprehensive survey.⁵
综合[綜合] düng-hàp
zōnghé synthesize; synthetical, comprehensive, multiple, composite.⁵
综合报导[綜合報導] düng-hàp-bäo-ào
zōnghébàodǎo composite dispatch; news roundup.⁵
综合报告[綜合報告] düng-hàp-bäo-gäo
zōnghébàogào comprehensive report; summing-up report.⁵
综合病征[綜合病徵] düng-hàp-bèng-jëin
zōnghé bìngzhēng syndrome.⁵
综览[綜覽] düng-lâm
zōnglǎn a general or comprehensive survey; to view generally.⁷
综理[綜理] düng-lî
zōnglǐ to arrange or manage everything; to be in overall charge.⁷
综艺[綜藝] düng-ngài
zōngyì variety show.⁶
综述[綜述] düng-sùt
zōngshù summerize; sum up.⁵
综析[綜析] düng-xēik
zōngxī to synthesize and analyze.⁷
(See 綜 [düng, zèng].)
dung2 2714
120 15 düng zōng net.⁸ a thread.²⁵
(composition: ⿰糹㚇; U+7DF5).
緵布 düng-bü zōngbù cloth with 80 threads.²⁵
緵罟 düng-gü
zōnggǔ a fishing net.²⁵ a closely woven fishing net.¹⁰¹
dung2 2715
120 17 düng zòng warp (the vertical threads in weaving); vertical; longitudinal; north-south (lines of longitude); lengthwise; to release; to indulge; even if.¹⁰
纵队[縱隊] düng-duì zòngduì column; file.⁵
纵火[縱火] düng-fō
zònghuǒ set on fire; commit arson.⁵
纵虎归山[縱虎歸山] düng-fū-gï-sän
zònghǔguīshān let the tiger return to the mountain – cause calamity for the future.⁵
纵贯[縱貫] düng-gön
zòngguàn pass through from north to south or from south to north.⁶
纵然[縱然] düng-ngẽin
zòngrán even if; even though.⁵
纵深[縱深] düng-sïm
zòngshēn <mil.> depth.⁵
纵情[縱情] düng-tẽin
zòngqíng  to one's heart's content; as much as one likes.⁵
纵横[縱橫] düng-vãng
zònghéng lit. warp and weft in weaving; vertically and horizontally; length and breadth; criss-crossed; able to move unhindered.¹⁰
纵横捭阖[縱橫捭闔] düng-vãng-bāi-hàp
zònghéngbǎihé maneuver among various political groupings.⁵
纵使[縱使] düng-xū
zòngshǐ even if; even though.⁵
纵容[縱容] düng-yũng
zòngróng connive; wink at.⁵
dung2 2716
124 15 düng zōng flutter; fly high and low.⁸  uneven flight of a bird.¹⁰ to fly up and down.²⁵
(composition: ⿰羽㚇; U+7FEA).
dung2 2717
130 12 düng zōng <chem.> hydrazone.⁶
dung2 2718
152 15 düng zòng a boar; a young pig, six months old; a farrow.²⁵
<台>  一䝋 yīt-düng a herd.
dung2 2719
152 18 düng zōng a piglet six months old or others say one year old.² young pig.⁸
(composition: ⿰豕從; U+8C75).
豕生三豵 sī-säng-xäm-düng shǐshēngsānzōng a pig had three at a litter.²⁵
dung2 2720
157 18 düng zōng footprint; track; trace.⁵
踪迹[蹤跡] düng-dēik zōngjì trace; track.⁵
踪迹化石[蹤跡化石] düng-dēik-fä-sêk
zōngjìhuàshí  (=遗迹化石[遺蹤化石] vĩ-dēik-fä-sêk yíjìhuàshí) ichnofossil (trace fossil).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
踪影[蹤影] düng-yēin
zōngyǐng trace; sign.⁵
踪影全无[蹤影全無] düng-yēin-tũn-mũ
zōngyǐngquánwú disappear without a trace.¹⁹
踪由[蹤由] düng-yiũ
zōngyóu origin and development.⁷
芳踪[芳蹤] föng-düng
fāngzōng <court.> your whereabouts.¹¹
跟踪[跟蹤] gïn-düng
gēnzōng to follow other's tracks or footsteps; to pursue; to keep track of; to shadow; to tail.⁷
行踪[行蹤] hãng-düng
xíngzōng whereabouts, track.⁵
追踪[追蹤] juï-düng
zhuīzōng follow the trail of; track somebody down; trace; pursue.⁶
无影无踪[無影無蹤] mũ-yēin-mũ-düng
wúyǐngwúzōng leave no trace; disappear completely; vanish into thin air.⁶
蹑踪[躡蹤] nēp-düng
nièzōng <wr.> to follow the track or trail of; track; trail.⁶
失踪[失蹤] sīt-düng
shīzōng disappear; become missing.⁶
遗踪[遺蹤] vĩ-düng
yízōng traces; old address.⁸
dung2 2721
167 17 düng zōng a headstall, ornament on a bridle.¹⁴ a cap put over a horse's head and mane.²⁵
(composition: ⿰金㚇; U+9350).
金鍐 gïm-düng jīnzōng an ornament/decoration on a horse's head.¹⁹
dung2 2722
187 18 düng zōng (=鬃 düng zōng) mane; neck bristle.
马骔[馬騌] mâ-düng
mǎzōng horse's mane.⁵
(See 鬃 düng; 騣 düng; 鬉 düng; 𩭤❄{⿳髟公心} düng.)
dung2 2723
187 19 düng zōng (=鬃 düng zōng) mane; neck bristle.
马騣[馬騣] mâ-düng
mǎzōng horse's mane.⁵
(See 鬃 düng; 鬉 düng; 騌 düng; 𩭤❄{⿳髟公心} düng.)
dung2 2724
190 18 düng zōng hair on the neck of a pig, horse; mane, bristle.⁶ topknot of a lady's headdress; mane; bristle.⁷ (variants: 騣, 鬉, 騌, 𩭤❄{⿳髟公心} düng zōng.)
鬃刷 düng-chât
zōngshuā bristle brush.⁶
鬃岗地形[鬃崗地形] düng-gông-ì-yẽin
zōnggǎng dìxíng hogback topography.⁵⁴
鬃鸮[鬃鴞] düng-hël
zōngxiāo maned owl, Jubula lettii.
鬃丘 düng-hiü
zōngqiū <geol.> hogback.⁵⁴
鬃狼 düng-lõng
zōngláng maned wolf, Chrysocyon brachyurus.
鬃毛 düng-mão
zōngmáo mane; bristle.⁸
鬃鼠 düng-sī
zōngshǔ maned rat; crested rat.⁶ Neacomys spinosus.
红鬃马[紅鬃馬] hũng-düng-mâ
hóngzōngmǎ reddish-brown horse.⁵⁴
猪鬃草[豬鬃草] jï-düng-tāo
zhūzōngcǎo TCM another name for 铁线蕨[鐵線蕨] hëik-xëin-kūt tiěxiànjué maidenhair fern, venus hair fern (Adiantum capillus-veneris); aka 鐵絲草, 少女的髮絲, 鐵線草, 水豬毛土.¹⁵ʼ¹⁹ʼ²⁰ʼ⁹¹
马鬃[馬鬃] mâ-düng
mǎzōng horse's mane.⁵
(See 騣 düng; 鬉 düng; 騌 düng; 𩭤❄{⿳髟公心} düng.)
dung2 2725
190 18 𩭤
düng zōng (=鬉,鬃,騣,騌 düng zōng)¹⁰¹ mane; neck bristle.
(composition: ⿳髟公心; U+29B64).
❄{⿳髟公心}[馬𩭤❄{⿳髟公心}] mâ-düng mǎzōng horse's mane.⁵
(See 鬉 düng; 鬃 düng; 騣 düng; 騌 düng.)
dung2 2726
190 19 düng zōng (=鬃 düng zōng) mane; neck bristle.
马鬉[馬鬉] mâ-düng
mǎzōng horse's mane.⁵
(See 騣 düng; 鬃 düng; 騌 düng; 𩭤❄{⿳髟公心} düng.)
dung2 2727
193 19 düng zōng pot, a kind of ancient cauldron; to assemble; a surname.⁸ a sort of boiler; also a number, used in reckoning bundles of hemp; used for 总[總] dūng zǒng altogether; name of a plant; name of a country; a surname.²⁵
(composition: ⿰鬲㚇; U+9B37).
鬷迈[鬷邁] düng-mài
zōngmài meet together (to go).¹⁹
鬷夷 düng-yĩ
zōngyí Zongyi (a compound surname).¹⁹
dung2 2728
195 19 düng zōng the scioena, the eating of which is considered wholesome.²⁵ a kind of fish with a pointed head and a mouth like a duckbill.³⁶
(composition: ⿰魚宗; U+9BEE).
dung2 2729
195 20 düng zōng another name for 石首鱼科 or 硬头鱼 the family Sciaenidae, commonly called drums or croakers.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
dung2 2730
30 6 dùng sòng (<old>=讼[訟] dùng sòng) accuse; argue, dispute; litigate.⁸
(composition: ⿰口口; U+5405).
<又> xün.
(See 吅 xün.)
dung4 2731
104 16 dùng zòng spasms or convulsions in young children, caused by indigestion.⁸
瘛疭[瘛瘲] chäi-dùng chìzòng <TCM> clonic convulsion.⁶
dung4 2732
149 11 dùng sòng to bring to court; to go to court; <wr.> to debate; to argue.
争讼[爭訟] jäng-dùng zhēngsòng to contest a lawsuit.
讼牒[訟牒] dùng-èp
sòngdié lawsuit, judicial complaint.¹¹ plaintiff's written complaint.⁵⁴
讼棍[訟棍] dùng-gûn
sònggùn <old> legal pettifogger; shyster.
讼案[訟案] dùng-ön
sòng'àn lawsuit; law case.
讼师[訟師] dùng-xü
sòngshī <old> legal counsel.
讼词[訟詞] dùng-xũ
sòngcí legal case.
讼事[訟事] dùng-xù
sòngshì lawsuit; litigation.
诉讼[訴訟] xü-dùng
sùsòng lawsuit; litigation.⁵
dung4 2733
149 14 dùng sòng read aloud, chant; state, recount, narrate; to recite.⁶
谙诵[諳誦] ām-dùng ānsòng repeat fluently.¹¹ recite from memory.⁵⁴
暗诵[暗誦] ām-dùng
ànsòng <wr.> commit to memory; recite in silence.⁵⁴
背诵[背誦] böi-dùng
bèisòng recite; recite from memory.⁶
传诵[傳誦] chũn-dùng
or 传颂[傳頌] chũn-dùng chuánsòng be on everyone's lips; be widely read.⁶
诵读[誦讀] dùng-ùk
sòngdú read aloud; chant.⁶
过目成诵[過目成誦] gö-mùk-sẽin-dùng
guòmùchéngsòng be able to recite something after going over it once – have a photographic tenacious memory.⁶
成诵[成誦] sẽin-dùng
chéngsòng <wr.> be able to recite; be able to repeat from memory.⁶
dung4 2734
181 13 dùng sòng praise, extol, eulogize, laud; song, ode, paean, eulogy; a section in the Book of Songs (诗经[詩經] Sï-gëin Shījīng) consisting of sacrificial songs.⁵
颂德[頌德] dùng-āk
sòngdé eulogize somebody's virtues.⁵⁴
颂德碑[頌德碑] dùng-āk-bï
sòngdébēi a stone tablet with inscriptions in praise of the achievements in the administration of an official.⁷
颂赞[頌贊] dùng-dän
sòngzàn sing or chant praises; eulogize; laud; extol; glorify.⁶
颂歌[頌歌] dùng-gô
sònggē song; ode.⁵
颂美[頌美] dùng-mî
sòngměi to praise the achievements of others; to acclaim.⁷
颂声载道[頌聲載道] dùng-sëin-döi-ào
sòngshēngzàidào praises all along the way – popular support.⁷
颂词[頌詞] dùng-xũ
sòngcí complimentary address, panegyric, eulogy; a speech delivered by an ambassador on presentation of his credentials.⁵
颂扬[頌揚] dùng-yẽng
sòngyáng praise; acclaim, eulogize.⁷
歌颂[歌頌] gô-dùng
gēsòng laud; eulogize; extol.⁶
顺颂近祺[順頌近祺] sùn-dùng-gìn-kĩ
shùnsòngjìnqí (used at the end of a letter) wishng you the best of luck.⁶
顺颂日祉[順頌日祉] sùn-dùng-ngìt-jī
shùnsòngrìzhǐ May happiness be your daily portion (closing in letters).¹⁴
dung4 2735
119 14 dûng zòng sticky rice dumpling. (variants: 糉, 糭 dûng zòng).
粽子 dûng-dū
zòngzi tetrahedron-shaped (southern) dumpling made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves (usually eaten during the Dragon Boat Festival).⁶
豆沙粽子 èo-sä-dûng-dū
dòushāzòngzi sticky rice dumpling with (red) bean paste filling.⁶
花生粽 fä-säng-dûng/
huāshēngzòng sticky rice dumpling with peanut and other filling.
绿豆粽[綠豆粽] lùk-èo-dûng/
lǜdòuzòng sticky rice dumpling with mung bean and other filling.
肉粽子 ngùk-dûng-dū
ròuzòngzi sticky rice dumpling with meat filling.⁶
<台> 粽 dûng/ dûng sticky rice dumpling with minced meat filling.
<台> 白粽 bàk-dûng/ sticky rice dumpling with minced meat filling.
<台> 枧水粽[梘水粽] gān-suī-dûng/ sticky rice dumpling premixed with lye water.
<台> 裹粽 gō-dûng/ to make sticky rice dumplings.
(See 糉 dûng; 糭 dûng).
dung5 2736
119 15 dûng zòng (=粽 dûng zòng) sticky rice dumpling.
(See 粽 dûng; 糭 dûng).
dung5 2737
119 19 dûng zòng (<old>=粽 dûng zòng) sticky rice dumpling.
(See 粽 dûng; 糉 dûng).
dung5 2738
140 21 𧄓
dûng dǒng sound of a drum.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰壴董; U+27113).
𧄓❄{⿰壴董}𧄓❄{⿰壴董} dûng-dûng dǒngdǒng the sound of drums.²
dung5 2739
9 10 dūt (=卒 dūt a servant; an underling; a pawn in chess; to die; to finish; finally; completely.¹⁴); a company of one hundred soldiers.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰亻卒; U+5005).
<又> tuï.
(See 倅 tuï).
dut1 2740
24 4 dūt (=卒 dūt a servant; an underling; a pawn in chess; to die; to finish; finally; completely.¹⁴); soldier; servant; at last, finally.⁸
(composition: ⿱九十; U+5346).
<又> tōt.
(See 卆 tōt).
dut1 2741
24 8 dūt a servant; an underling; a pawn in chess; to die; to finish; finally; completely.¹⁴ (variant: 䘚 dūt).
(composition: ⿳亠从十; U+5352).
不费一兵一卒[不費一兵一卒] būt-fï-yīt-bëin-yīt-dūt bùfèiyībīngyīzú to win without striking a blow.⁵⁴
走卒 dēo-dūt
zǒuzú errand boy; foot soldier.¹¹
卒子 dūt-dū
zúzi soldier.⁸
卒伍 dūt-m̄
zúwǔ rank and file.¹¹ soldiers; troops.¹⁴
卒业[卒業] dūt-ngèp
zúyè to finish a course of study.¹⁴
卒业文凭[卒業文憑] dūt-ngèp-mũn-pãng
zúyèwénpíng a diploma of graduation.¹⁴
卒时[卒時] dūt-sĩ
zúshí to finish the alloted time.²⁴
卒事 dūt-xù
zúshì to finish.¹⁴
卒于任内[卒於任內] dūt-yï-ngìm-nuì
zúyúrènnèi he died at his post.¹⁴
身先士卒 sïn-xëin-xù-dūt
shēnxiānshìzú (of an officer) fight at the head of his men; lead the charge.⁵⁴
小卒 xēl-dūt
xiǎozú soldiers.¹¹ a private.¹⁴
士卒 xù-dūt
shìzú officers and men.¹⁴
<台> 肥卒卒 fĩ-dūt-dūt chubby.
(See 卒 tōt; 䘚 dūt.)
dut1 2742
30 13 dūt <台> 肥嘟嘟 fĩ-dūt-dūt chubby.
<又> ü. (See 嘟 ü.)
dut1 2743
46 11 dūt rocky peaks; lofty and dangerous.¹⁴ (syn. 崒 dūt ).
(composition: ⿰山卒; U+5D2A).
(See 崒 dūt).
dut1 2744
46 11 dūt rocky peaks; lofty and dangerous; towering and steep mountains; mountain top; suddenly, abruptly, superb and outstanding.⁸ high and steep (mountain).⁹ rocky peaks; lofty and dangerous.¹⁴ high, hazardous, imminent.²⁴
(composition: ⿱山卒; U+5D12).
崒崩 dūt-bäng zúbēng the rushing down of a mountain.²⁴
山冢崒崩 sän-chüng-dūt-bäng
shānzhǒngzúbēng a landslide from the peak.¹¹
嵂崒 lùt-dūt
lǜzú (of mountains) steep and jagged.¹¹ very lofty and mountainous.²⁴
<又> xuì.
(See 崒 xuì).
dut1 2745
64 11 dūt zuó <topo.> seize; grasp.⁶ ➀ to hold with hands; to seize; to grasp ➁ to pull up ➂ to go against; to contradict; to be in conflict with.⁷
捽攃 dūt-chät zuócā the noise of walking through grass.²⁴
捽发[捽髮] dūt-fāt
zuófa to grasp by the hair.⁷
捽颈[捽頸] dūt-gēng
zuójǐng to seize by the throat.⁷
捽掷[捽擲] dūt-jàk
zuózhì to throw down; to dash to the ground.¹⁴
捽住头发[捽住頭髮] dūt-jì-hẽo-fāt
zuózhù tóufa to grasp by the hair.⁷
捽兀 dūt-ngūt
zuówū haughty; supercilious.⁸
捽草 dūt-tāo
zuócǎo to pull up grass or weeds.¹⁴
捽胡 dūt-vũ
zuóhú to seize by the throat.¹⁴ to take hold of the nape of the neck.²⁴
戎夏交捽 yũng-hà-gäo-dūt
róngxiàjiāozuó the barbarian tribes and China often came into open conflict.¹¹
<又> jüt.
(See 捽 jüt.)
dut1 2746
76 12 dūt to suck; to drink.²ʼ²⁴ʼ¹⁰¹ to suck; to drink; to swallow.⁸
(composition: ⿰卒欠; U+3C35).
dut1 2747
145 8 dūt (=卒 dūt a servant; an underling; a pawn in chess; to die; to finish; finally; completely.¹⁴)
(composition: ⿱衣十; U+461A).
(See 卒 dūt).
dut1 2748
18 14 dùt jué to break (something).² (=绝[絕] dùt jué to cut short, to break off.²ʼ⁸ to cut off, to cut asunder.²⁴
(Note: 㔃 dùt jué is synonymous with 㔢 dùt jué and 㔃 xūt xuē is synonymous with 㔢 xūt xuē).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱絕刀; U+3503).
<又> xūt.
(See 㔃 xūt).
dut4 2749
19 14 dùt jué to break something.⁸ to break off anything.²⁴ to break a thing asunder.¹⁰²
(Note: 㔃 dùt jué is synonymous with 㔢 dùt jué and 㔃 xūt xuē is synonymous with 㔢 xūt xuē).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱絕力; U+3522).
一㔢两节[一㔢兩節] yīt-dùt-lēng-dēik
yījuéliǎngjié at one snap it broke in two.¹⁰²
<又> xūt.
(See 㔢 xūt).
dut4 2750
64 15 𪮖
dùt jué (<old>=绝[絕] dùt jué to cut off); to break something long and thin; to scratch.⁸ to break off; to snap.¹⁰ (=𢴭❄{⿱絕手} dùt jué to cut off.²⁴ (archaic variant of 绝[絕], 絶 dùt jué to cut off) to cut, sever, break off, terminate; to scratch; clutch, seize, grab.³⁶
(variant: 𢴭
❄{⿱絕手} dùt jué).
t: ⿰扌絶; U+64A7). (comp. s: ⿰扌绝; U+2AB96).
❄{⿰扌绝}耳挠腮[撧耳撓腮] dùt-ngī-nẽo-xöi juē'ěrnáosāi scratching one's ears and lower part of the face.⁸ʼ⁰
(See 絕 dùt; 絶 dùt; 𢴭❄{⿱絕手} dùt).
dut4 2751
64 16 𢴭
dùt jué (<old>=绝[絕] dùt jué to cut off); =㔃 dùt jué to break something.² (=𪮖❄{⿰扌绝}[撧] dùt juē to break something long and thin; to scracth.⁸
(composition: ⿱絕手; U+22D2D).
(See 絕 dùt; 㔃 dùt; 撧 dùt).
dut4 2752
120 12 dùt jué cut off, used up; desperate; unique, superb; extremely; absolutely; leaving no leeway; a poem of four lines.⁵
(comp. t: ⿰; U+). (comp. s: ⿰; U+).
绝版[絕版] dùt-bān
juébǎn out of print.⁵
绝壁[絕壁] dùt-bēik
juébì precipice.⁵
绝迹[絕跡] dùt-dēik
juéjì vanish, be stamped out.⁵
绝交[絕交] dùt-gäo
juéjiāo break off relations.⁵
绝技[絕技] dùt-gì
juéjì unique skill; consummate skill.⁵
绝句[絕句] dùt-guî
juéjù a poem of four lines, each containing five or seven characters.⁵
绝地[絕地] dùt-ì
juédì danger spot; Jedi (in Star Wars).¹⁰
绝路[絕路] dùt-lù
juélù road to ruin; blind alley; impasse.⁵
绝妙[絕妙] dùt-mèl
juémiào exquisite, most wonderful.¹¹
绝密[絕密] dùt-mìt
juémì top secret.¹⁰
绝望[絕望] dùt-mòng
juéwàng give up all hope; despair.⁵
绝无仅有[絕無僅有] dùt-mũ-gīn-yiû
juéwújǐnyǒu the only one of its kind; unique.⁵
绝热[絕熱] dùt-ngèik
juérè <phy.> heat insulation.⁵
绝代之姝[絕代之姝] dùt-òi-jï-jï
juédàizhīshū lady of unparalleled beauty.⁶
绝断[絕斷] dùt-òn
juéduàn sever, cut off.⁵⁴
绝对[絕對] dùt-uï 
juéduì absolute; unconditional.¹⁰
绝缘[絕緣] dùt-yõn
juéyuán <elec.> insulation; be cut off from; be isolated from.⁵

dut4 2753
120 12 dùt jué (=绝[絕] dùt jué to break off; to cut off; to sever; to terminate; to discontinue).³⁶
(composition: ⿰糹色 or ⿰糸色; U+7D76).
(See 絕] dùt).
dut4 2754
140 15 dùt jué coarse grass used to show rank.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱艹絶; U+855D).
茅蕝 mão-dùt máojué a bundle of coarse grass placed upright, and used for sprinkling wine.²⁵ a bundle or sheaf of coarse grass, used to strain spirits through, which retains the coarse dregs.¹⁰²
<又> duï.
(See 蕝 duï).
dut4 2755
76 11 ē ēi (interjection) calling attention.
欸,你快来![欸,你快來!] Ē, nï-fäi-lõi! Ēi, nïkuàilái! Hey, come over here quickly!
(See 誒, 欸 [ë/, éi], [ë, ěi], [è, èi]; 欸 āi.)
e1 2756
149 14 ē ēi (=欸 ē ēi (interjection) calling attention.)
诶,你快来![誒,你快來!] Ē, nï-fäi-lõi!
Ēi, nïkuàilái! Hey, come over here quickly!
<又> ë, ë/, è.
(See 誒, 欸 [ë/, éi], [ë, ěi], [è, èi].)
e1 2757
76 11 ë/ éi (interjection) to show one's astonishment.
欸,怎么回事[欸,怎麼回事] Ë/ dīm-mō-või-xù! Éi zěnmehuíshì! Why, what's the matter with you!
(See 誒, 欸 [ē, ēi], [ë, ěi], [è, èi]; 欸 āi.)
e2 2758
76 11 ë ěi (interjection) showing disapproval.
欸,你这话可不对呀[欸,你這話可不對呀] Ë, nï-jëh-và-hāk-būt-uï-à! Ěi, nïzhèhuàkèbùduìya! Now, you are wrong to say that!
<台> 臭鹌欸[臭鵪欸] chiü-ëim-ë stinks, smelly.
<台> 欸 ë (indicates past tense
or an ending particle).
<台> 咑慄欸 ā-lùt-ë stammer, stutter.
<台> 吃欸飯 hëk-ë-fàn I've eaten.
<台> 唔好理三七二十一, 吃欸先算.m̃-hāo-lî xäm-tīt-ngì-sìp-yīt, hëk-ë-xëin-xön don't worry so much, just eat/do it.
(See 誒, 欸 [ē, ēi], [ë/, éi], [è, èi]; 欸 āi.)
e2 2759
149 14 ë/ éi (=欸 ë/ éi (interjection) to show one's astonishment.)
诶,怎么回事[誒,怎麼回事] Ë/ dīm-mō-või-xù!
Éi zěnmehuíshì! Why, what's the matter with you!
<又> ē, ë, è.
(See 誒, 欸 [ē, ēi], [ë, ěi], [è, èi].)
e2 2760
149 14 ë ěi (=欸 ë ěi (interjection) showing disapproval.)
诶,你这话可不对呀[誒,你這話可不對呀] Ë, nï-jëh-và-hāk-būt-uï-à!
Ěi, nïzhèhuàkèbùduìya! Now, you are wrong to say that!
<台> 诶[誒] ë (indicates past tense or an ending particle).
<台> 咑栗诶[咑慄誒] ā-lùt-ë stammer, stutter.
<台> 吃诶饭[吃誒飯] hëk-ë-fàn I've eaten.
<台> 唔好理三七二十一, 吃诶先算.[唔好理三七二十一, 吃誒先算.] m̃-hāo-lî xäm-tīt-ngì-sìp-yīt, hëk-ë-xëin-xön don't worry so much, just eat/do it.
<又> ē, ë/, è.
(See 誒, 欸 [ē, ēi], [ë/, éi], [è, èi].)
e2 2761
76 11 è èi (interjection) answering a call or showing agreement.
欸,我这就来[欸,我這就來] È, ngô-jëh-diù-lõi! Èi, wǒzhèjiùlái! Yes, I'm coming!
欸,就这么办[欸,就這麼辦] È, diù-jëh-mō-bàn!
Èi, jiùzhèmebàn! All right. Let's do it this way!
(See 誒, 欸 [ē, ēi], [ë/, éi], [ë, ěi]; 欸 āi.)
e4 2762
149 14 è èi (=欸 è èi (interjection) answering a call or showing agreement.)
诶,我这就来[誒,我這就來] È, ngô-jëh-diù-lõi!
Èi, wǒzhèjiùlái! Yes, I'm coming!
诶,就这么办[誒,就這麼辦] È, diù-jëh-mō-bàn!
Èi, jiùzhèmebàn! All right. Let's do it this way!
<又> ē, ë, è.
(See 誒, 欸 [ē, ēi], [ë/, éi], [ë, ěi].)
e4 2763
30 13 ēh diǎ <topo.> coquettish, coy, flirtatious; good, nice.⁶
嗲声嗲气[嗲聲嗲氣] ēh-sëin-ēh-hï diǎshēngdiǎqì <topo.> coquettish.⁶ to speak in a coquettish voice.²²
发嗲[發嗲] fāt-ēh
fādiǎ <topo.> to speak or to act coquettishly; to act like a spoiled child.⁵⁴ (=撒娇[撒嬌] xät-gël sājiāo).
味道嗲 mì-ào-ēh
wèidaodiǎ taste good.⁶
<台> 嗲仔 ēh-dōi spoiled brat.
eh1 2764
88 10 ëh diē <vern.> father; dad; daddy; pa.⁵
阿爹 ä-ëh ādiē daddy (familiar address and self-reference).¹¹
爹爹 ëh-ëh
diēdie <topo.> father; dad; daddy; pa.⁵
爹妈[爹媽] ëh-mā
diē-mā <topo.> father and mother.¹¹
爹娘 ëh-nẽng
diēniáng father and mother; ma and pa.⁵
干爹[乾爹] gön-ëh
gāndiē godfather.¹⁰
老爹 lāo-ëh
lǎodiē one's father; <topo.> sire, (courteous address) venerable elderly person.⁸
亲爹[親爹] tïn-ëh
qīndiē one's own father, as distinguished from stepfather.¹¹ biological father.⁵⁴
亲爹[親爹] tïn-ëh
qìngdiē a term of address by the junior members of one of the two families related by marriage for a senior male member of the other family.⁷
<台> 阿爹 ä-ëh dad; pa; father.
<台> 大爹 ài-ëh (=老爹 lāo-ëh lǎodiē) venerable elderly person.
<又> yēh.
(See 爹 yēh.)
eh2 2765
18 5 𠚭

ēik broken.²
(composition: ⿰勺刂; U+206AD). (Note: There are three variations of this character (U+206AD). The only different is the stroke inside 勹 bäo bāo. In the Kangxi (Kx) version it is a horizontal stroke. In the Mainland China version (G) it is a dot or an elongated dot. In the Taiwan or traditional (T) version it is a slanted stroke from lower left to upper right.. All three versions are displayed on the right as images (pictures). At the present time it is not rendered properly on iOS 14.8 (October 23, 2021).

eik1 2766


30 11 ēik to stalk; the stem; the foot; the base.⁸ stem; root.³⁶
(composition: ⿱⿱亠丷⿵冂古; U+5547).
eik1 2767
30 14 ēik 嘀咕 ēik-gū dígu to talk in whispers; whisper; mumble; to have doubts or misgivings about something.⁶
(See 嘀 [ēik,
eik1 2768
30 14 ēik 嘀嗒 ēik-āp dīdā (=滴答 ēik-āp dīdā) ticks; ticktack, ticktock.⁶
嘀嗒 ēik-āp
dīda (=滴答 ēik-āp dīda) to drip.⁶ sound of dripping water.¹
嘀里嘟噜[嘀里嘟嚕] ēik-lî-ü-lû
dīlidūlū to jabber.⁶
(See 嘀 [ēik, ].)
eik1 2769
38 14 ēik the legal wife as opposed to a concubine; the sons born of the legal wife.⁷
嫡传[嫡傳] ēik-chũn díchuán (said of a learning, skill) handed down directly from the master or his official heir.⁷
嫡出 ēik-chūt
díchū children of the legal wife.⁷
嫡子 ēik-dū
dízǐ son by the legal wife of a man; legitimate son and heir.⁷
嫡嗣 ēik-dù
dísì the eldest son born of the official wife of a man.⁷
嫡妻 ēik-häi
díqī legal wife.¹¹
嫡系 ēik-hài
díxì the legal or official branch of the family tree – the children begotten by the legal wife of a man.⁷
嫡母 ēik-mû
dímǔ term used by the children of a concubine to address the legal wife of their father.⁷
嫡派 ēik-päi
or ēik-pāi dípài the legal or official branch of a family tree – the children born of the legal wife of a man.⁷
嫡亲[嫡親] ēik-tïn
díqīn blood relative; direct descendant.¹¹
eik1 2770
57 4 ēik (same as 至 jï zhì in meaning: to reach, to arrive; very, extremely.⁸).²
(composition: ⿻弓丨; U+5F14).
神之弔矣, 诒尔多福.[神之弔矣, 詒爾多福.]
Sĩn-jï-ēik-yì, yĩ-ngì-ü-fūk.
Shén zhī dì yǐ, yí ěr duō fú.
The spirits come,
And confer on thee many blessings.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·鹿鳴之什·天保》, translated by James Legge).
<又> ël.
(See 弔 ël).
eik1 2771
72 7 ēik (=的 ēik aim; clear.¹⁰).¹⁰ clear and obvious; a woman's facial ornament.¹³ clear, bright.²⁴
(composition: ⿰日勺; U+65F3).
旳旳 ēik-ēik
dìdì obvious; obviously.¹⁹
or 的皪 or 的历[的歷] ēik-lèik dìlì fresh and bright (as flowers).¹⁴ a white form, bright and shining; a bright pearl.²⁴
玄旳 yõn-ēik
xuándì a woman's facial ornament.¹⁹
(See 的 [ēik, ]).
eik1 2772
85 14 ēik water drops; to drip.⁷ (variant: 𤁷❄{⿰氵適} ēik ).
(composition: ⿰氵啇; U+6EF4).
打点滴[打點滴] ā-ēm-ēik
dǎ diǎndī to administer intravenous drip.⁷
滴答 ēik-āp
dīdā (=嘀嗒 ēik-āp dīdā) ticks; ticktack, ticktock.⁶
滴答 ēik-āp
dīda (=嘀嗒 ēik-āp dīda) to drip.⁶ sound of dripping water.¹
滴虫[滴蟲] ēik-chũng
dīchóng trichomonad.⁵
滴定 ēik-èin
dīdìng titration.¹⁰
滴管 ēik-gōn
dīguǎn a medicine dropper; a pipette.⁷
滴下 ēik-hä
dīxià drip.¹⁰
滴剂[滴劑] ēik-jäi
dījì to drip (e.g. medical drip feed).¹⁰
滴水穿石 ēik-suī-chün-sêk
dīshuǐchuānshí persistence overcomes all difficulties.¹ water constantly dripping wears holes in stone; little strokes fell great oaks.⁵
滴水成冰 ēik-suī-sẽin-bëin
dīshuǐchéngbīng (so cold that) dripping water freezes; freezing cold.⁵
点滴[點滴] ēm-ēik
diǎndī a bit; <med.> intravenous drip.⁵
水滴石穿 suī-ēik-sêk-chün
shuǐdīshíchuān dripping water can wear through a stone – constant effort brings success; little strokes fell great oaks.⁹
<又> ēk, ëk; dîk.
(See 滴 ēk, ëk, dîk; 𤁷❄{⿰氵適} ēik).
eik1 2773
85 17 𤁷
ēik (=滴 ēik water drops; to drip.⁷).² water settling in one place.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵適; U+24077).
(See 滴 ēik).
eik1 2774
98 15 ēik a jar without ear.¹⁰ʼ¹⁴
(composition: ⿰啇瓦; U+750B).
瓴甋 lẽin-ēik língdì a brick; earthenware container, like a bottle.⁸ a rectangular brick.¹⁹ a large brick, or flat tile.²⁴
eik1 2775
106 8 ēik de of; ~'s (possessive particle); (used after an attribute); (used to form a nominal expression); (used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis).¹⁰
把门的[把門的] bā-mõn-ēik bǎménde doorkeeper.⁵⁴
的时候[的時候] ēik-sĩ-hèo
deshíhòu when; during; at the time of.¹⁰
的话[的話] ēik-và
dehuà  if (coming after a conditional clause)¹⁰
真的 jïn-ēik
zhēnde really, truly.¹⁰
我的 ngô-ēik
wǒde my; mine.¹⁰
是的 sì-ēik
shìde yes; right; that's it.⁵
(See 的 [ēik, ], [ēik, ], [dēik, ].)
eik1 2776
106 8 ēik really and truly.¹⁰
的确[的確] ēik-kōk díquè really; indeed.¹⁰
的确良[的確良] ēik-kōk-lẽng
díquè liáng <loan>  dacron.¹⁰
的当[的當] ēik-öng
dídàng very appropriate.¹¹
(See 的 [ēik, de], [ēik, ], [dēik, ].)
eik1 2777
106 8 ēik aim; clear.¹⁰ (variant: 旳 ēik ).
or 的皪 or 旳皪 ēik-lèik dìlì fresh and bright (as flowers).¹⁴ a white form, bright and shining; a bright pearl.²⁴
鹄的[鵠的] gūk-ēik
gǔdì bull's eye, target; aim; purpose.⁶
中的 jüng-ēik
zhòngdì to hit the target; to hit the nail on the head.¹⁰
众矢之的[眾矢之的] jüng-sī-jï-ēik
zhòngshǐzhīdì  lit. target of a multitude of arrows (idiom); the butt of public criticism; attacked on all sides.¹⁰
无的放矢[無的放矢] mũ-ēik-föng-sī
wúdìfàngshǐ to shoot without aim (idiom); fig. to speak without thinking; firing blindly; to shoot in the air; a shot in the dark.¹⁰
目的 mùk-ēik
mùdì purpose; aim; goal; objective; end.⁵
一语中的[一語中的] yīt-nguî-jüng-ēik
yīyǔzhòngdì to hit the mark with a comment (idiom); to say something spot on.¹⁰
(See 的 [ēik, de], [ēik, ], [dēik, ]; 旳 ēik).
eik1 2778
140 11 ēik (archaic=莲子[蓮子 lẽin-dū liánzǐ]  lotus seed.⁸
eik1 2779
157 18 ēik a hoof.⁷ the foot of a beast.²⁵
有豕白蹢 yiû-sī-bàk-ēik yǒushǐbáidí a pig with a white hoof.²⁵
有豕白蹢, 烝涉波矣. yiû-sī-bàk-ēik, jëin-sèp-bö-yì.
yǒushǐbáidí, zhēngshèbōyǐ.
There are swine, with their legs white,
All wading through streams.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·都人士之什·漸漸之石》, translated by James Legge).
<又> jàk.
(See 蹢 jàk.)
eik1 2780
167 11 ēik a spitoon.² a spitting.²⁵ (=镝[鏑] ēik the butt end (nock) of an arrow.²⁵)
(composition: ⿰金是; U+9349).
<又> äi; hãi; sĩ.
(See 鍉 äi; 鍉 hãi; 鍉 sĩ).
eik1 2781
167 19 ēik <wr.> arrowhead; arrow.⁶
锋镝[鋒鏑] füng-ēik fēngdí (spearhead and arrowhead) weapons.¹¹
锋镝交加[鋒鏑交加] füng-ēik-gäo-gä
fēngdíjiāojiā in close combat.¹¹
鸣镝[鳴鏑] mẽin-ēik
míngdí singing arrow as war signal.¹¹
(See 鏑 [ēik, ].)
eik1 2782
167 19 ēik dysprosium (Dy).⁶
(See 鏑 [ēik, ].)
eik1 2783
177 12 ēik <lit.> reins; a bridle.¹⁴ʼ³⁶ a horse's bridle, also a yoke or collar.²⁵
(composition: ⿰革勺; U+976E).
执覊靮[執覊靮] or 执羁靮[執羈靮] jīp-kï-ēik zhíjīdí to hold the reins.²⁵
羁靮[羈靮] kï-ēik
jīdí bridle and reins.⁵⁴
Ngẽo-dāk-jīp-yîn, mâ-dāk-jīp-ēik.
Niú zé zhí zhèn, mǎ zé zhí dí.
An ox was held by the tether, and a horse by the bridle.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·少儀》, translated by James Legge).
eik1 2784
85 12 ëik to drop, as liquids.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰氵帝; U+6E27).
渧下水来[渧下水來] ëik-hä-suī-lõi dìxiàshuǐlái the water is dripping.¹⁴
<又> äi; ëk; hãi.
(See 渧 äi; 渧 ëk; 渧 hãi).
eik2 2785
157 12 ëik diē fall, tumble; drop, fall.⁵
暴跌 bào-ëik bàodiē steep fall (in price); slump.⁵
跌打损伤[跌打損傷] ëik-ā-xūn-sëng
diēdǎsǔnshāng injuries from falls, fractures, contusions and strains.⁵
跌得倒爬得起 ëik-āk-āo-pã-āk-hī
diēdedǎo pádeqǐ able to rise after a fall – capable of adapting oneself to circumstances.⁷
跌倒 ëik-āo
diēdǎo fall; tumble.⁵
跌足 ëik-dūk
diēzú <wr.> stamp one's foot (in bitter remorse, sorrow or despair).⁵
跌跌撞撞 ëik-ëik-jòng-jòng
diēdiezhuàngzhuàng dodder along; stagger along.⁵
跌价[跌價] ëik-gä
diējià go down in price.⁵
or 跌跤 ëik-gäo diējiāo trip/stumble and fall, have a fall; make a mistake, suffer a setback.⁶
跌落 ëik-lòk
diēluò fall; drop.⁵
跌宕 ëik-òng
diēdàng <wr.> (of disposition) free and easy; bold and unrestrained.⁶
跌水 ëik-suī
diēshuǐ (hydraulic) drop; waterfall, cascade.⁶
下跌 hà-ëik
xiàdiē (of water level, prices) drop; decline.⁶
<台> 跌 ëik to lose; to drop; to put down, to place; to fall.
<台> 跌早 ëik-dāo
or 跌反 ëik-fān to fall down.
<台> 跌烂[跌爛] ëik-làn (something drops) and breaks.
eik2 2786
9 7 èik dié (<old>=迭 èik dié) alternating; successively.¹⁴
佚荡[佚蕩] èik-òng
diédàng exceedingly profligate.¹⁴ (See 佚荡[佚蕩] or 轶荡[軼蕩] èik-òng or yìt-òng).
<又> yīt.
(See 佚[èik, yì]; 佚 yìt.)
eik4 2787
9 7 èik (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 佚 yìt with same meaning: live in seclusion; be lost.⁶ lost; missing; forsaken; dissolute; (of a woman) beautiful; fault; offense; hermit; Yi surname. (variant: 逸 yìt yì).¹⁰)
<又> yìt.
(See 佚[èik, dié]; 佚 yìt.)
eik4 2788
30 9 èik dié to bite.⁸ʼ¹¹ to gnaw, to bite.¹⁰ʼ¹⁴ to gnaw.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口至; U+54A5).
咥噬 èik-sâi diéshì to bite; to swallow.¹⁹
<又> hï.
(See  咥[hï, ]; 咥[hï,]).
eik4 2789
32 9 èik dié anthill; mound.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰土至; U+57A4).
蚁垤[蟻垤] ngāi-èik yǐdié an anthill; a formicary.⁷
eik4 2790
46 9 èik dié (=𫶇[嵽] èik dié high mountain; high; lofty.¹⁰¹).⁸
(composition: ⿰山至; U+5CCC).
𫶇峌[嵽峌] èik-èik
diédié a high hill.²⁴
峌𡸣 èik-ngēik
diéniè a solitary pavilion on a hill.²⁴
峌嵲 èik-ngēik
diéniè high and steep.¹⁰¹
(See 嵽 èik).
eik4 2791
46 14 𫶇 èik dié high mountain; high; lofty.¹⁰¹ (variant: 峌 èik).
(comp. t: ⿰山帶; U+5D7D). (comp. s: ⿰山带; U+2BD87).
𫶇峌[嵽峌] èik-èik
diédié a high hill.²⁴
𫶇𡸣[嵽𡸣] èik-ngēik
diéniè a high hill.²⁴
𫶇嵲[嵽嵲] èik-ngēik
diéniè <lit.> high; towering.¹ mountainous; an abrupt projection.²⁴ (<lit.>, of a mountain) high; lofty.³⁶
<又> ài.
(See 嵽 ài; 峌 èik).
eik4 2792
50 8 èik zhì cloth slip-case (for a book or a scroll of painting); <m.> (for books or paintings with a cloth slip-case).⁶
(variants: 袠 èik zhì; 𧙍❄{⿱失衣} èik zhì).
(composition: ⿰巾失; U+5E19).
公文一帙 güng-mũn-yīt-èik
gōngwényīzhì a folder file of documents.¹¹
卷帙 kūn-èik
juànzhì <wr.> books, volume.⁶ a book; books.⁷
卷帙浩繁 kūn-èik-hâo-fãn
juànzhìhàofán numerous books; to be voluminous.⁶
缥帙[縹帙] pël-èik
piǎozhì books.⁷
书帙[書帙] sï-èik
shūzhì casing of books.¹¹
一帙古书[一帙古書] yīt-èik-gū-sï
yīzhìgǔshū slip-case of ancient books.⁶ a collection of ancient books.³⁹
(See 袠 èik; 𧙍❄{⿱失衣} èik).
eik4 2793
54 7 èik (=迪 èik <wr.> enlighten; guide.⁵ to open one's mind, enlighten; to progress.¹¹ to follow the right path; to bring forward; to direct; the right path.¹⁴); enlighten, advance; progress.⁸
(composition: ⿺廴由; U+5EF8).
(See 迪 èik).
eik4 2794
66 15 èik enemy, foe; oppose, fight, resist; match, equal.⁵
敌方[敵方] èik-föng dífāng enemy; hostile party.⁶
敌军[敵軍] èik-gün
díjūn enemy troops; hostile forces.¹⁰
敌侨[敵僑] èik-kẽl
díqiáo compatriots living in a hostile country.⁵⁴
敌寇[敵寇] èik-këo
díkòu the (invading) enemy.⁵
敌忾[敵愾] èik-köi
díkài hatred towards the enemy.⁵
敌忾同仇[敵愾同仇] èik-köi-hũng-siũ
díkàitóngchóu to share a bitter hatred of an enemy.⁹
敌伪[敵偽] èik-ngài
díwěi the enemy and the puppet regime (during the War of Resistance Against Japan).⁵
敌人[敵人] èik-ngĩn
dírén enemy; foe.⁵
敌视[敵視] èik-sì
díshì be hostile to.⁵
敌手[敵手] èik-siū
díshǒu match, opponent, adversary; enemy hands.⁵
敌对[敵對] èik-uï
díduì hostile; antagonistic.⁵
敌意[敵意] èik-yï
díyì hostility; enmity; animosity.⁵
敌酋[敵酋] èik-yiũ
díqiú enemy chieftain.⁵
天下无敌[天下無敵] hëin-hà-mũ-èik
tiānxiàwúdí all-conquering; invincible.⁵
同仇敌忾[同仇敵愾] hũng-siũ-èik-köi
tóngchóudíkài share a bitter hatred of the enemy.⁵
eik4 2795
85 10 èik rapid, anxious to get forward.²⁴ (old variant: 滺 èik ).
(composition: ⿰氵攸; U+6D5F).
浟浟 èik-èik
dídí greedy appearance.³⁶
<又> yiũ.
(See 浟 yiũ; 滺 èik).
eik4 2796
85 13 èik <wr.> wash; cleanse.⁵
涤除[滌除] èik-chuĩ díchú wash away; do away with; eliminate.⁵
涤除旧习[滌除舊習] èik-chuĩ-giù-dìp
díchújiùxí to do away with old customs.⁵
涤罪所[滌罪所] èik-duì-sō
dízuìsuǒ purgatory.⁶
涤瑕荡垢[滌瑕蕩垢] èik-hã-òng-gēo
díxiádànggòu remove the stains and wash away the dirt – get rid of all bad practices; eradicate evil habits and scour off corrupt practices.⁶
涤汰[滌汰] èik-häi
dítài to wash away; to eradicate.¹⁰
涤溉[滌溉] èik-köi
dígài to scour.¹⁴
涤纶[滌綸] èik-lũn
dílún polyester fiber.⁵
涤荡[滌蕩] èik-òng
dídàng wash off, cleanse.⁵
荡涤[蕩滌] òng-èik
dàngdí to clean up.¹⁰
洗涤[洗滌] xāi-èik
xǐdí wash; cleanse; purify.⁶
eik4 2797
85 14 èik <old>=浟 èik rapid, anxious to get forward.²⁴.
(composition: ⿰氵悠; U+6EFA).
<又> yiũ.
(See 滺 yiũ; 浟 èik).
eik4 2798
94 7 èik low ranking public official (old); generic name for northern ethnic minorities during the Qin and Han Dynasties (221 BC-220 AD); Di surname.¹⁰
夷狄 yĩ-èik yídí non-Han tribes in the east and north of ancient China; barbarians.¹⁰
eik4 2799
97 10 èik dié <wr.> small gourd.⁶ young melons just forming.¹⁴
瓜瓞 gä-èik guādié a kind of small melon; descendants.⁵⁴
瓜瓞绵绵[瓜瓞綿綿] gä-èik-mẽin-mẽin
guādiémiánmián  <wr.> have prosperous descendants (felicitation on a marriage certificate).⁵⁴
绵绵瓜瓞[綿綿瓜瓞] mẽin-mẽin-gä-èik
miánmiánguādié <wr.> be blessed with lots of offspring.⁶
緜緜瓜瓞 mẽin-mẽin-gä-èik
miánmiánguādié May your family grow and prosper like spreading melon-vines!¹¹
eik4 2800
115 10 èik zhì order; <wr.> decade.⁵
八秩大寿[八秩大壽] bāt-èik-ài-siù bāzhìdàshòu celebration of eightieth birthday.¹⁰
秩序 èik-duì
zhìxu order; sequence.⁵
秩序大乱[秩序大亂] èik-duì-ài-lòn
zhìxudàluàn (meeting) broke out in great disorder.¹¹
秩序井然 èik-duì-dēng-ngẽin
zhìxùjǐngrán be in good order.⁶
秩禄[秩祿] èik-lùk
zhìlù official salary.¹¹
秩然不紊 èik-ngẽin-būt-mùn
zhìránbùwěn orderly; shipdhape.⁵ to be in complete order (idiom).¹⁰
禄秩[祿秩] lùk-èik
lùzhì official rank and pay.⁶ rank.¹¹
七秩寿辰[七秩壽辰] tīt-èik-siù-sĩn qīzhìshòuchén seventieth birthday.⁵
eik4 2801
118 20 èik (alternate Mandarin pronunciation of 籊 èik with the same meaning: <old> long and slender (fishing rod).¹¹ long bamboos used for fishing rods.¹⁴ a long tapering bamboo.²⁵ long; long and thin.³⁶).
(composition: ⿱𥫗翟; U+7C4A).
(See 籊[èik, ]).
eik4 2802
118 20 èik <old> long and slender (fishing rod).¹¹ long bamboos used for fishing rods.¹⁴ a long tapering bamboo.²⁵ long; long and thin.³⁶
(composition: ⿱𥫗翟; U+7C4A).
籊籊 èik-èik tìtì a bamboo fishing rod.²⁵
籊籊竹竿, 以钓于淇.[籊籊竹竿, 以釣于淇.]
Èik-èik-jūk-gûn, yî-ël-yï-kĩ.
Tì tì zhúgān, yǐ diào yú qí.
With your long and tapering bamboo rods,
You angle in the Qi.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·衛風·竹竿》, translated by James Legge).
(See 籊[èik, ]).
eik4 2803
120 11 èik zhì to sew.⁸
eik4 2804
120 12 èik dié <trad.> flaxen/hemp rope on a mourning apparel.⁶ a hemp hat worn in mourning for one's parents.⁷ white hempen cloth worn by mourners.⁸ hempen band worn on the head or waist by a mourner.¹⁰
弁绖[弁絰] bèin-èik biàndié a cap with a mourning badge.²⁵
苴绖[苴絰] duï-èik
jūdié hemp for the deepest mourning (for a parent).⁵⁴
绖皇[絰皇] èik-võng
diéhuáng the door in front of a cemetery.²⁵
墨绖[墨絰] màk-èik
mòdié <wr.> black linen mourning cloth.¹¹
墨绖从戎[墨絰從戎] màk-èik-tũng-yũng
mòdiécóngróng go to the battlefront while still in mourning.⁵⁴
衰绖[衰絰] tuï-èik
cuīdié hemp cloth of mourning.¹¹
丧绖[喪絰] xöng-èik
sāngdié mourning garments.¹⁴
eik4 2805
124 14 èik <old> long-tailed pheasant; pheasant feather (used as a prop in dancing).⁶
翟葆 èik-bāo díbǎo made of pheasant feather.¹¹
翟茀 èik-fūt
dífú <wr.> screens of a lady's carriage, made of pheasants' feathers.⁵⁴
翟茀以朝 èik-fūt-yî-chẽl
dífúyǐcháo with feather screens to her carriage she went to court.¹⁴
翟羽 èik-yî
díyǔ pheasant feathers.⁷
墨翟 Màk Èik
Mòdí or 墨子 Màk Dū Mòzǐ Mozi (c. 468 BCE - c. 391 BCE) a Chinese philosopher).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
<又> jàk.
(See 翟 jàk.)
eik4 2806
125 10 èik dié (<old>=耋 èik dié seventy or eighty years of age; aged; infirm.).⁸
(composition: ⿱耂至; U+800A).
(See 耋 èik).
eik4 2807
125 12 èik dié seventy or eighty years of age; aged; infirm.
(variant: 耊 èik dié).
(composition: ⿱老至; U+800B).
耋年犹勤[耋年猶勤] èik-nẽin-yiũ-kĩn
diéniányóuqín aged yet industrious.
耋弱 èik-ngèk
diéruò aged and feeble.⁷
耄耋 mào-èik
màodié extremely aged; gray and venerable.¹⁰ <wr.> very advanced in age.¹¹
耄耋之年 mào-èik-jï-nẽin
màodiézhīnián  old age (in one's 80s, 90s, or more).¹⁰
(See 耊 èik).
eik4 2808
140 10 èik reed, Amur silver-grass, Miscanthus sacchariflorus.  Triarrherca sacchariflora or Miscanthus sacchariflorus. also called 荻草, 荻子, and 霸土剑[霸土劍].²³ Anaphalis yedoensis (pearly everlasting reed), used in Japanese names with phonetic value Ogi.⁴³
荻笔[荻筆] èik-bīt
díbǐ reed stem used as pen to write on ashes.¹¹
荻子 èik-dū
dízi <bot.> Triarrherca sacchariflora or Miscanthus sacchariflorus.²³
荻草 èik-tāo
dícǎo <bot.> Triarrherca sacchariflora or Miscanthus sacchariflorus.²³
画荻[畫荻] vàk-èik
huàdí phrase: mother’s instruction (from the mother of Ouyang Xiu, 欧阳修 or 歐陽脩 Ëoyẽng Xiü, who taught him to write by using a rush stalk on the ground).¹¹
eik4 2809
140 13 èik a bamboo woven basket that farmers used to carry seeds; a bamboo basket.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹條; U+84E7).
<又> ël; hël.
(See 蓧 ël; 蓧 hël.
eik4 2810
142 17 èik dié 螲蟷 èik-öng diédāng trap-door spider.⁸ a species of spider living in underground caves.⁹ the burrowing spider, that constructs a covering for its hole.²⁵
<又> jìt.
(See 螲 jìt.)
eik4 2811
145 10 èik zhì a sheath for holding a sword; (<old>=帙 èik zhì cloth slip-case (for a book or a scroll of painting); <m.> for books or paintings with a cloth slip-case.⁶); book cover; satchel or bag.⁸ book cover; Zhi surname.¹⁰ the sheath of a sword; a mold; (used for 秩 èik zhì order; <wr.> decade.⁵).²⁵
(composition: ⿰衤失; U+889F).
(See 帙 èik; 秩 èik).
eik4 2812
145 11 èik zhì (=帙 èik zhì) book cover; satchel or bag.⁸
(variant: 𧙍
❄{⿱失衣} èik zhì).
(composition: ⿳亠失𧘇; U+88A0).
(See 帙 èik; 𧙍❄{⿱失衣} èik).
eik4 2813
145 11 𧙍
èik zhì (=袠 or 帙 èik zhì) book cover; satchel or bag.²ʼ⁸ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿱失衣; U+2764D).
(See 帙 èik; 袠 èik).
eik4 2814
147 22 覿 èik <wr.> meet.⁵ to meet; to see each other.⁷ to see face to face; to be admitted to an audience.¹⁴
觌过面[覿過面] èik-gö-mèin díguòmiàn have met.¹¹
觌面[覿面] èik-mèin
dímiàn <wr.> meet each other.⁶
觌面过[覿面過] èik-mèin-gö
dímiànguò to meet face to face.¹⁴
觌面相失[覿面相失] èik-mèin-xëng-sīt
dímiànxiāngshī they did not recognize each other when face to face.¹⁴
觌仪[覿儀] èik-ngĩ
díyí presents offered at a meeting.⁷
私觌[私覿] xü-èik
sīdí <wr.> have a private audience with somebody; meet each other privately.⁵⁴
eik4 2815
149 12 èik dié to forget; to mistake.²⁵
天门开詄荡荡[天門開詄蕩蕩] hëin-mõn-höi-èik-òng-òng tiānménkāi diédàngdàng heaven's gate is opened and displays the clear empyreal.²⁵
eik4 2816
157 15 èik level and easy.⁷
(composition: ⿰⻊叔; U+8E27).
踧踧 èik-èik dídí (of roads) level and smooth; respectful, reverent; scared, fearful.²³
<又> tūk.
(See 踧 tūk.)
eik4 2817
159 12 èik (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 轶[軼] yìt with same meaning.)
<又> yìt.
(See 軼 yìt; 逸 yìt; 佚 yìt.)
eik4 2818
162 8 èik <wr.> enlighten; guide.⁵ to open one's mind, enlighten; to progress.¹¹ to follow the right path; to bring forward; to direct; the right path.¹⁴ (variant: 廸 èik ).
迪化 Èik-fä
Díhuà Dihua or Tihwa, old name of Ürümqi (乌鲁木齐[烏魯木齊] Vü-lû-mùk-tãi Wūlǔmùqí).¹⁰
迪吉 èik-gīt
díjí lucky; prosperous; going well.⁵⁴
迪民康 èik-mĩn-höng
dímínkāng led the masses to tranquility.¹⁴
迪斯科 èik-xü-fö
dísīkē disco.⁷
迪斯尼乐园[迪斯尼乐园] Èik-xü-nãi-lòk-yõn
Dísinílèyuán Disneyland.⁷
训迪[訓迪] fün-èik
xùndí to teach (the young), open student's mind.¹¹
启迪[啟迪] kāi-èik
qǐdí to open mind, especially of the young, stimulate thinking.¹¹
(See 廸 èik).
eik4 2819
162 8 èik dié alternate, change; repeatedly, again and again.⁵
不迭 būt-èik bùdié cannot cope, find it too much; incessantly.⁵ without stop.¹¹
迭出 èik-chūt
diéchū keep coming forth.⁶
迭击[迭擊] èik-gēik
diéjī to attack by turns.⁷
迭兴[迭興] èik-hëin
diéxīng to rise one after another.⁵
迭起 èik-hī
diéqǐ occur repeatedly; happen frequently.⁷
迭次 èik-xü
diécì repeatedly; again and again.⁵
迭用 èik-yùng
diéyòng to use alternately.⁷
更迭 gäng-èik
gēngdié alternate; change.⁵
迷迭香 mãi-èik-hëng
mídiéxiāng rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis.²³
忙不迭 mõng-būt-èik
mángbudié hasten (to do something).⁵
eik4 2820
162 10 èik far, distant; keep at distance.⁸ (variant: 逷 èik tì.)
逖慕 èik-mù
tìmù (=仰慕 ngêng-mù yǎngmù) to admire; to respect.⁸
逖远[逖遠] èik-yōn
tìyuǎn (=遥远[遙遠] yẽl-yōn yáoyuǎn) far; distant; remote; faraway.⁸
疏逖 sü-èik
shūtì not close, cool (of relations); alienate, estrange.⁵⁴
(See 逷 èik.)
eik4 2821
162 11 èik (=逖 èik tì) distant, far away.⁸ to remove far away; to send off; to keep at a distance from.¹⁴
离逷尔土[離逷爾土] or 离逖尔土[離逖爾土] lĩ-èik-ngì-hū lítìěrtǔ get away from your country.¹⁴
or 用逖蛮方[用逖蠻方] yùng-èik-mãn-föng yòngtìmánfāng keep at a distance from the southern barbarians.¹⁴
(See 逖 èik.)
eik4 2822
172 17 𩀂
ëim ān (=䨄 ëim ān quail, which in turn is the same as 鹌[鵪] ëim ān quail; Coturnix coturnix.⁸).²
(variants: 鵪, 䨄, 鶕, 䳺, 𪁟
❄{⿰含鳥}, 𪃬❄{⿰酋鳥}, 𪂻❄{⿰弇鳥}, 𪈍❄{⿰⿳𠆢否酉鳥} ëim ān).
(composition: ⿰弇隹; U+29002).
(See 鵪, 䨄, 鶕, 䳺, 𪁟❄{⿰含鳥}, 𪃬❄{⿰酋鳥}, 𪂻❄{⿰弇鳥}, 𪈍❄{⿰⿳𠆢否酉鳥} ëim).
eim2 2823
172 19 ëim ān (same as 鹌[鵪] ëim ān quail).⁸ (Note: may also be read as (vẽim wán); (yẽim án); (ām ān).²
(variants: 鵪, 鶕, 䳺, 𩀂
❄{⿰弇隹}, 𪁟❄{⿰含鳥}, 𪃬❄{⿰酋鳥}, 𪂻❄{⿰弇鳥}, 𪈍❄{⿰⿳𠆢否酉鳥} ëim ān).
(composition: ⿰酓隹; U+4A04).
(See 鵪, 鶕, 䳺, 𩀂❄{⿰弇隹}, 𪁟❄{⿰含鳥}, 𪃬❄{⿰酋鳥}, 𪂻❄{⿰弇鳥}, 𪈍❄{⿰⿳𠆢否酉鳥} ëim).
eim2 2824
196 18 𪁟
ëim ān demotic character for 䳺 ëim ān quail; aka 𪂻❄{⿰弇鳥} ëim ān quail.²
(variants: 鵪, 䨄, 鶕, 䳺, 𩀂
❄{⿰弇隹}, 𪃬❄{⿰酋鳥}, 𪂻❄{⿰弇鳥}, 𪈍❄{⿰⿳𠆢否酉鳥} ëim ān).
(composition: ⿰含鳥; U+2A05F).
(See 鵪, 䨄, 鶕, 䳺, 𩀂❄{⿰弇隹}, 𪃬❄{⿰酋鳥}, 𪂻❄{⿰弇鳥}, 𪈍❄{⿰⿳𠆢否酉鳥} ëim).
eim2 2825
196 19 ëim ān quail; Coturnix coturnix.⁸
(variants: 䨄, 鶕, 䳺, 𩀂
❄{⿰弇隹}, 𪁟❄{⿰含鳥}, 𪃬❄{⿰酋鳥}, 𪂻❄{⿰弇鳥}, 𪈍❄{⿰⿳𠆢否酉鳥} ëim ān).
t: ⿰奄鳥; U+9D6A). (comp. s: ⿰奄鸟; U+9E4C).
鹌鹑[鵪鶉] ëim-sûn
ānchun quail.⁸
鹌鹑蛋[鵪鶉蛋] ëim-sûn-àn/
ānchundàn quail egg.⁹
斗鹌鹑[鬥鵪鶉] ëo-ëim-sûn
dòu'ānchún quail fight.³⁹
纽西兰鹌鹑[紐西蘭鵪鶉] niū-xäi-lãn-ëim-sûn
niǔxīlán ānchún New Zealand quail, koreke (Coturnix novaezelandiae), extinct since 1875.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(See 䨄, 鶕, 䳺, 𩀂❄{⿰弇隹}, 𪁟❄{⿰含鳥}, 𪃬❄{⿰酋鳥}, 𪂻❄{⿰弇鳥}, 𪈍❄{⿰⿳𠆢否酉鳥} ëim).
eim2 2826
196 20 ëim ān (<old>=鹌[鵪] ëim ān quail; Coturnix coturnix.⁸).⁸ (=䳺 ëim ān quail).²
(variants: 鵪, 䨄, 䳺, 𩀂
❄{⿰弇隹}, 𪁟❄{⿰含鳥}, 𪃬❄{⿰酋鳥}, 𪂻❄{⿰弇鳥}, 𪈍❄{⿰⿳𠆢否酉鳥} ëim ān).
(composition: ⿰音鳥; U+9D95).
(See 鵪, 䨄, 䳺, 𩀂❄{⿰弇隹}, 𪁟❄{⿰含鳥}, 𪃬❄{⿰酋鳥}, 𪂻❄{⿰弇鳥}, 𪈍❄{⿰⿳𠆢否酉鳥} ëim).
eim2 2827
196 20 𪃬
ëim ān (=鹌[鵪] ëim ān quail.⁸ʼ¹⁰¹
(variants: 鵪, 䨄, 鶕, 䳺, 𩀂
❄{⿰弇隹}, 𪁟❄{⿰含鳥}, 𪂻❄{⿰弇鳥}, 𪈍❄{⿰⿳𠆢否酉鳥} ëim ān).
(composition: ⿰酋鳥; U+2A0EC).
(See 鵪, 䨄, 鶕, 䳺, 𩀂❄{⿰弇隹}, 𪁟❄{⿰含鳥}, 𪂻❄{⿰弇鳥}, 𪈍❄{⿰⿳𠆢否酉鳥} ëim).
eim2 2828
196 20 𪂻
ëim ān demotic character for 䳺 ëim ān quail.²
(variants: 鵪, 䨄, 鶕, 䳺, 𩀂
❄{⿰弇隹}, 𪁟❄{⿰含鳥}, 𪃬❄{⿰酋鳥}, 𪂻❄{⿰弇鳥}, 𪈍❄{⿰⿳𠆢否酉鳥} ëim ān).
(composition: ⿰弇鳥; U+2A0BB).
(See 鵪, 䨄, 鶕, 䳺, 𩀂❄{⿰弇隹}, 𪁟❄{⿰含鳥}, 𪃬❄{⿰酋鳥}, 𪂻❄{⿰弇鳥}, 𪈍❄{⿰⿳𠆢否酉鳥} ëim).
eim2 2829
196 22 ëim ān (=鹌[鵪] ëim ān quail; Coturnix coturnix.⁸).⁸ (Note: may also be read as (ām ān); (vẽim wán);  or yàn).²
(variants: 鵪, 䨄, 鶕, 𩀂
❄{⿰弇隹}, 𪁟❄{⿰含鳥}, 𪃬❄{⿰酋鳥}, 𪂻❄{⿰弇鳥}, 𪈍❄{⿰⿳𠆢否酉鳥} ëim ān).
(composition: ⿰酓鳥; U+4CFA).
or 鹌鹑[鵪鶉] ëim-sûn ānchun quail.⁸
(See 鵪, 䨄, 鶕, 𩀂❄{⿰弇隹}, 𪁟❄{⿰含鳥}, 𪃬❄{⿰酋鳥}, 𪂻❄{⿰弇鳥}, 𪈍❄{⿰⿳𠆢否酉鳥} ëim).
eim2 2830
196 27 𪈍
ëim ān (=鹌[鵪] ëim ān quail.⁸ʼ¹⁰¹  (Note: may also be read as (vẽim wán)).²
(variants: 鵪, 䨄, 鶕, 䳺, 𩀂
❄{⿰弇隹}, 𪁟❄{⿰含鳥}, 𪃬❄{⿰酋鳥}, 𪂻❄{⿰弇鳥} ëim ān).
(composition: ⿰⿳𠆢否酉鳥; U+2A20D).
(See 鵪, 䨄, 鶕, 䳺, 𩀂❄{⿰弇隹}, 𪁟❄{⿰含鳥}, 𪃬❄{⿰酋鳥}, 𪂻❄{⿰弇鳥} ëim).
eim2 2831
9 10 ēin tiǎn (=㙉 ēin tiǎn).² (<old>=腆 ēin tiǎn sumptuous, rich; <topo.> protrude, thrust out.⁵ <lit.> (of food) rich, sumptuous; <vern.> protrude, bulge, thrust out.⁶ good, virtuous; prosperous, affluence; protruding (as the belly); bashful, to blush.⁷ to throw forward or expose; unashamed; <wr.> proper, decent.¹¹).⁸ liberal, bountiful; abundance.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻典; U+500E).
(See 㙉 ēin; 腆 ēin).
ein1 2832
12 8 ēin diǎn canon; law; standard work of scholarship; literary quotation or allusion; ceremony; to be in charge of; to mortgage or pawn.
字典 dù-ēin zìdiǎn dictionary; character dictionary.¹⁰
典范[典範] ēin-fàn
diǎnfàn model; example; paragon; paradigm.
典章 ēin-jëng
diǎnzhāng decrees and regulations; institution.⁸
典礼[典禮] ēin-lâi
diǎnlǐ celebration; ceremony.⁸
典雅 ēin-ngâ
diǎnyǎ elegant; refined.⁶
典当[典當] ēin-öng
diǎndàng to pawn.
典型 ēin-yẽin
diǎnxíng typical, model.
古典 gū-ēin
gǔdiǎn classical.
庆典[慶典] hëin-ēin
qìngdiǎn celebration.¹⁰
引经据典[引經據典] yîn-gëin-guï-ēin
yǐnjīngjùdiǎn quote the classics; copiously quote authoritative works.⁵
ein1 2833
32 11 ēin tiǎn (=腆 ēin tiǎn sumptuous, rich; <topo.> protrude, thrust out.⁵ <lit.> (of food) rich, sumptuous; <vern.> protrude, bulge, thrust out.⁶ good, virtuous; prosperous, affluence; protruding (as the belly); bashful, to blush.⁷ to throw forward or expose; unashamed; <wr.> proper, decent.¹¹); prosperous; affluence, good; virtuuous, to make strong – as liquors.⁸ (variant: 倎 ēin tiǎn).
(composition: ⿰土典; U+3649).
(See 腆 ēin; 倎 ēin).
ein1 2834
38 5 ēin tiǎn (composition: ⿰女丁; U+5975).
㜊奵 jīn-ēin zhǎntiǎn (rare) good; fine; exquisite.³⁶
<又> ëin.
(See 奵[ëin, dīng]; 奵[ëin, dǐng]).
ein1 2835
64 11 ēin tiǎn (Cantonese) roll around, toss and turn (in bed).³⁶
(composition: ⿰扌典; U+6375).
<又> sïn. (See 捵 sïn).
ein1 2836
72 12 ēin tiǎn bright.² clear; bright.²⁴
(composition: ⿰日典; U+666A).
ein1 2837
85 14 㴿 ēin dǐng (=濎 ēin dǐng) (water) boiling.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵頂; U+3D3F).
(See 濎 ēin).
ein1 2838
85 15 ēin dǐng 濎泞[濎濘] ēin-nẽin dǐngnìng the appearance of clear water.⁸
濎濴 ēin-yëin
dǐngyíng a tiny stream of water.³⁶
濎濙 ēin-yëin
dǐngyíng a rill; a small stream.²⁴
ein1 2839
112 13 ēin diǎn <chem.> iodine (I).⁵
碘酊 ēin-ëin diǎndīng tincture of iodine.⁵
碘化物 ēin-fä-mùt
or ēin-fä-mòt diǎnhuàwù an iodide.⁷
碘仿 ēin-fōng
diǎnfǎng <chem.> iodoform.⁵
碘剂[碘劑] ēin-jäi
diǎnjì iodine.¹⁹
碘中毒 ēin-jüng-ùk
diǎnzhòngdú iodine intoxication.⁷
碘银矿[碘銀礦] ēin-ngãn-köng
diǎnyínkuàng iodyrite.⁷
碘酸 ēin-xön
diǎnsuān iodic acid.⁷
黄碘[黃碘] võng-ēin
huángdiǎn <chem.> iodoform.¹¹
<又> èin.
(See 碘 èin.)
ein1 2840
115 11 ēin dǐng straight upward of the wheat and rice plant.⁸
(variant: 𥟐❄{⿰禾定} ēin).
(composition: ⿰禾廷; U+414D).
(See 𥟐❄{⿰禾定} ēin).
ein1 2841
115 13 𥟐
ēin dǐng (=䅍 ēin dǐng)² straight upward of the wheat and rice plant.⁸
(composition: ⿰禾定; U+257D0).
(See 䅍 ēin).
ein1 2842
130 12 ēin tiǎn sumptuous, rich; <topo.> protrude, thrust out.⁵ <lit.> (of food) rich, sumptuous; <vern.> protrude, bulge, thrust out.⁶ good, virtuous; prosperous, affluence; protruding (as the belly); bashful, to blush.⁷ to throw forward or expose; unashamed; <wr.> proper, decent.¹¹
(variants: 倎, 㙉 ēin tiǎn). (See 倎 ēin; 㙉 ēin).
不腆 būt-ēin
bùtiǎn <wr.> my humble (gift).¹¹
不腆之仪[不腆之儀] būt-ēin-jï-ngĩ
bùtiǎnzhīyí <wr.> my unworthy present.¹¹
腆背 ēin-böi
tiǎnbèi to expose back.¹¹
腆赠[腆贈] ēin-dàng
tiǎnzèng rich gifts; costly presents.⁷
腆胸 ēin-hüng
tiǎnxiōng to expose chest.¹¹
腆着胸脯[腆著胸脯] ēin-jèk-hüng-pū
tiǎnzhexiōngpú stick out one's chest.⁵
腆着肚子[腆著肚子] ēin-jèk-ū-dū tiǎnzhedùzi bulge one's belly.⁶
腆默 ēin-màk
tiǎnmò to blush and keep silent.⁷
腆颜而言[腆顏而言] ēin-ngãn-ngĩ-ngũn
tiǎnyán'éryán to speak with a bashful countenance.⁷
腆肚子 ēin-ū-dū
tiǎndùzi to expose belly.¹¹
腼腆 mēin-ēin
miǎntiǎn bashful; shy.⁷
辞无不腆[辭無不腆] xũ-mũ-būt-ēin
cíwúbùtiǎn all words were proper.¹¹

ein1 2843
130 12 ēin tiǎn (ancient form of 腆 ēin tiǎn) luxuriant, abundant, rich; plentiful of food; brazen-faced, shameless; good, virtuous; protruding, as the belly; to go to excess.⁸
(composition: ⿱典月; U+440C).
(See 腆 ēin).
ein1 2844
140 15 ēin diǎn Same as 葶苈[葶藶] hẽin-lèik tínglì woodland draba Draba nemorosa is a member of the 十字花科 sìp-dù-fä-fö shízìhuākē Brassicaceae family.¹¹ʼ¹⁵ʼ¹⁷ʼ²⁰
(composition:  ⿱艹單; U+8547).
(See 葶藶 hẽin-lèik and 葶藶子 hẽin-lèik-dū under 藶 lèik).
ein1 2845
140 15 ēin dǐng Only used in 薡蕫.
(composition: ⿱艹鼎; U+85A1).
不知薡蕫 būt-jï-ēin-ūng bùzhīdǐngdǒng a grass name, soft texture can be used to make rope; metaphorically ignorant, lack of knowledge.¹⁹
薡蕫 ēin-ūng
dǐngdǒng a sort of rush that may be made into shoes or ropes; some say the roots of water lily.¹³ʼ²⁵ long bud cattails.¹⁹
ein1 2846
147 15 ēin tiǎn
(composition traditional: ⿰典見; U+89A5).
(composition simplified: ⿰典见; U+89CD).
䩄觍[靦覥] mēin-ēin miǎntiǎn shy, timid, bashful.⁷
ein1 2847
147 15 𧡝
ēin tiǎn
(=靦 ēin tiǎn) ashamed and embarrassed.⁷ to see face to face; to blush; ashamed.¹⁴
(composition: ⿺見典; U+2785D).
(See 靦 ēin).

ein1 2848
176 16 ēin tiǎn
ashamed and embarrassed.⁷
(variant: 𧡝❄{⿺見典} ēin tiǎn).
(composition traditional: ⿰面見; U+9766).
(composition simplified: ⿰面见; U+4A44).
䩄脸[靦臉] ēin-lêm
tiǎnliǎn shameless; to brazen it out.⁷
䩄冒[靦冒] ēin-mào
tiǎnmào ashamed and embarrassed.⁷
䩄颜[靦顏] ēin-ngãn
tiǎnyán shameless.⁷
䩄然[靦然] ēin-ngẽin
tiǎnrán to blush for shame; to come to blush with shame.⁷
䩄色[靦色] ēin-sēik
tiǎnsè bashful countenance.¹⁴
缅䩄[緬靦] mēin-ēin
miǎntiǎn shy, bashful; shamefaced because of a guilty conscience.⁷
面䩄[面靦] mèin-ēin
miàntiǎn to blush.¹⁴
有䩄面目[有靦面目] yiû-ēin-mèin-mùk
yǒutiǎnmiànmù when you are face to face.¹⁴
<又> mēin.
(See 靦 mēin; 𧡝❄{⿺見典} ēin.)
ein1 2849
181 11 ēin dǐng top; carry...on one's head; lift...up; prop...up; butt; face; be rude to; undertake; take the place of; extremely.⁹
顶戴[頂戴] ēin-äi dǐngdài official cap button in the Qing Dynasty; be thankful; salute.⁸
顶尖[頂尖] ēin-dëm
dǐngjiān world best; number one.¹⁰
顶嘴[頂嘴] ēin-duī
dǐngzuǐ to quarrel; to talk back.⁷
顶呱呱[頂呱呱] ēin-gā-gā
dǐngguāguā tip-top; first-rate.¹⁰
顶替[頂替] ēin-häi
dǐngtì to assume someone's name with the intent to cheat; to take someone's place.⁷
顶天立地[頂天立地] ēin-hëin-lìp-ì
dǐngtiānlìdì lit. with one's feet planted on the ground and head supporting the sky – independent and indomitable.⁷
顶头上司[頂頭上司] ēin-hẽo-sèng-xü
dǐngtóu shàngsi the immeidate boss.⁷
顶住[頂住] ēin-jì
dǐngzhù to support with the head; to brace or strengthen something with a support.⁷
顶撞[頂撞] ēin-jòng
dǐngzhuàng to talk back; to contradict (one's elder or superior).⁷
顶礼膜拜[頂禮膜拜] ēin-lâi-mōk-bäi
dǐnglǐmóbài to bow and kneel in worship; to pay homage to.⁷
顶端[頂端] ēin-ön
dǐngduān the top; the peak; the apex.⁷
顶棚[頂棚] ēin-pãng
dǐngpéng ceiling.⁵
<又> ēng.
(See 頂 ēng.)
ein1 2850
181 21 𩕢
ēin dǐng 籀文頂字 jào-mũn-ēin-dù zhòuwéndǐngzì the head/top character or characters on a "large seal" (大篆 ài-xùn dàzhuàn) script page.²
(composition: ⿰鼎頁; U+29562).
ein1 2851
185 11 𩠑
ēin dǐng top, head, summit.⁸
(composition: ⿰丁首; U+29811).
ein1 2852
206 12 ēin dǐng Kangxi radical 206; large, three-legged bronze caldron.⁸ a huge tripod of bronze with two ears; a heavy three-legged caldron or sacrificial vessel; vigorous; thriving; flourishing; involving three parts or things; triangular.
拔山举鼎[拔山舉鼎] bàt-sän-guī-ēin báshānjǔdǐng great in strength.
春秋鼎盛 chün-tiü-ēin-sèin
chūnqiūdǐngshèng in the prime of one's life.
鼎足而三 ēin-dūk-ngĩ-xäm
dǐngzúérsān a situation of tripartite confrontation or antagonism.
鼎鼎 ēin-ēin
dǐngdǐng grand, very important.
鼎鼎大名 ēin-ēin-ài-mẽin
dǐngdǐngdàmíng famous; celebrated; great reputation.
鼎沸 ēin-fï
dǐngfèi noisy and confused.⁸
鼎甲 ēin-gāp
dǐngjiǎ three top candidates in an imperial examination
鼎立 ēin-lìp
dǐnglì tripartite balance of forces.
鼎峙 ēin-sì
or ēin-chî dǐngzhì <wr.> a tripartite balance; compromise between three rivals.¹⁰
鼎新 ēin-xïn
dǐngxīn <wr.> to innovate; to change.
ein1 2853
1 2 ëin dīng Fourth of the Ten Heavenly Stems. fourth in a series; cubes (in food preparation); man; population; Ding surname.
丁香 ëin-hëng dīngxiāng lilac; clove.⁶
丁口 ëin-hēo
dīngkǒu people; population.⁷
or 玎玲 ëin-lẽin dīnglíng <ono.> clink; jingle; tinkle.⁵ the tinkling sound of gems.²⁴
丁零当啷[丁零當啷] ëin-lẽin-öng-lõng
dīnglingdānglāng ding-a-ling; <ono.> for sound of bell.¹⁰
or 玎珰[玎璫] or 叮当[叮當] ëin-öng dīngdāng <ono.> ding-dong; jingle; clatter.⁵
丁是丁,卯是卯 ëin-sì-ëin, mâo-sì-mâo
dīng shì dīng, mǎo shì mǎo a nail is a nail, a dowel is a dowel – be conscientious and meticulous; be meticulously accurate/precise.⁶
丁烷 ëin-yõn
dīngwán butane.¹⁰
人丁 ngĩn-ëin réndīng number of people in a family; population; (old) adult males; male servants.¹⁰
人丁兴旺[人丁興旺] ngĩn-ëin-hëin-vòng
réndīngxīngwàng have a growing family; have a flourishing population.⁵
<又> ëng, jäng.
(See 丁 êng; 丁 jäng.)
ein2 2854
9 4 ëin dīng lonely; solitary.
孤苦伶仃 or 孤苦零丁 gü-fū-lẽin-ëin gūkǔlíngdīng orphaned and helpless; friendless and wretched.⁵
or 零丁 lẽin-ëin língdīng left alone without help; lonely.
瘦骨伶仃 sëo-gūt-lẽin-ëin
shòugǔlíngdīng emaciated; scrawny.¹⁰
ein2 2855
9 12 ëin diān <wr.> (<old>=颠[顛] ëin diān the top, the highest spot, the head; to fall, to topple, to upset; to jolt, to bump; upside down; mad, lunatic.⁷); topple; in disorder; topsy-turvy.⁸  inversion; mistake.¹⁰ confused; in disorder.³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻真; U+508E).
(See 顛 ëin).
ein2 2856
12 20 ëin diān (demotic character for 顛 ëin diān) the top, the highest spot, the head; to fall, to topple, to upset; to jolt, to bump; upside down; mad, lunatic.⁷
(composition: ⿰真真; U+34B9). Older form: ⿰眞眞, not found in Unicode.¹⁰¹
(See 顛 ëin).
ein2 2857
21 2 𠤎 ëin diān (<old>=颠[顛] ëin diān the top, the highest spot, the head; to fall, to topple, to upset; to jolt, to bump; upside down; mad, lunatic.⁷).⁸
(composition: ⿻乚丿; U+2090E).
(Note: rendered properly in iOS as of 2/4/2022).
<又> fä; bï.
(See 𠤎 fä; 𠤎 bï; 顛 ëin).
ein2 2858
30 5 ëin dīng sting (of mosquito, bee); to say repeatedly; to urge insistently; to ask repeatedly; to stick to a point; <ono.> tinkling or jingling sound.¹⁰ (of insects) to sting, to bite; to advise, to urge, to repeat what one says to make sure; to question closely; used in onomatopoeia.³⁶
(composition: ⿰口丁; U+53EE).
叮当[叮當] or 玎珰[玎璫] or 丁当[丁當] ëin-öng dīngdāng <ono.> ding-dong; jingle; clatter.⁵
or 丁丁 ëin-ëin dīngdīng <ono.> tinkling or jingling sound.¹⁰
叮嘱[叮囑] ëin-jūk
dīngzhǔ to warn repeatedly; to urge; to exhort again and again.¹⁰
or 丁宁[丁寧] ëin-nẽin dīngníng to warn; to urge; to exhort; to give instructions carefully and insistently.¹⁰
叮咬 ëin-ngāo
dīngyǎo sting; bite (of insect).¹⁰
千叮万嘱[千叮萬囑] tëin-ëin-màn-jūk
qiāndīngwànzhǔ repeatedly urging; imploring over and over again.¹⁰
<又> dëin.
(See 叮 dëin).
ein2 2859
38 5 ëin dǐng (composition: ⿰女丁; U+5975).
嫇奵 mẽin-ëin míngdīng or mǐngdǐng self-sustaining.³⁶
<又> ēin.
(See 奵 ēin; 奵[ëin, dīng]).
ein2 2860
38 5 ëin dīng (composition: ⿰女丁; U+5975).
嫇奵 mẽin-ëin míngdīng or mǐngdǐng self-sustaining.³⁶
<又> ēin.
(See 奵 ēin; 奵[ëin, dǐng]).
ein2 2861
46 22 ëin diān summit of mountain, mountain top.⁸
巅峰[巔峰] ëin-füng diānfēng summit; top.⁸
or 山颠[山顛] sän-ëin shāndiān mountain top.⁸
ein2 2862
60 5 ëin dīng walk alone; to insist on one's ways in doing things.³⁶
(composition: ⿰彳丁; U+38D4).
彾㣔 lẽin-ëin língdīng to walk alone; solitary.²⁴
(Note: 彾㣔 is the same as 伶仃, 跉䟓, 彾仃, 零丁).
ein2 2863
64 22 ëin diān to fall; to stamp (one's foot); to toss; to throw.¹⁰
(composition ⿰扌顛; U+6527; not in Kangxi).
攧翻 ëin-fän diānfān to turn over.¹⁹
ein2 2864
85 5 ëin tīng sandbar, beach, bank, shore.⁸
汀渚 ëin-jī tīngzhǔ an islet in a stream; a shoal.⁷
汀洲 ëin-jiü
tīngzhōu an islet in a stream; a shoal.⁷
汀曲 ëin-kūk
tīngqū a bend in a stream.⁷
汀线[汀線] ëin-xëin
tīngxiàn lines formed by waves on a beach.¹⁰
克汀病 hāk-ëin-bèng
kètīngbìng cretinism.⁶
洲汀 jiü-ëin
zhōutīng island in a river.⁵⁴
水汀 (=暖气[暖氣] nön-hï
nuǎnqì) suī-ëin shuǐtīng <topo.> steam heat.⁶
水门汀[水門汀] (=洋灰 yẽng-föi
yánghuī) suī-mõn-ëin shuǐméntīng cement (Shanghainese) (loanword).¹⁰
ein2 2865
85 13 ëin diān alternative name of 云南[雲南] Vũn-nãm Yúnnán Yunnan Province.⁷
滇池 Ëin-chĩ
Diānchí Dianchi Lake (tourist attraction in Kunning, Yunnan Province).⁶
滇红[滇紅] Ëin-hũng
Diānhóng Yunnan black tea.⁶
滇剧[滇劇] Ëin-kēk
Diānjù Yunnan opera.⁶
滇湎公路 Ëin-Mēin Güng-lù
Diān-Miǎn Gōnglù the Burma Road (from Kunming to Ledo).⁷
滇楠 ëin-nãm
diānnán <bot.> Phoebe nanmu or Phoebe nanmu (Oliv.) Gamble.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
滇越铁路[滇越鐵路] Ëin-Yòt Hëik-lù
Diān-Yuè Tiělù a railway linking Yunnan and Vietnam.⁷
<又> hẽin.
(See 滇 hẽin.)
ein2 2866
96 6 ëin dīng the jingling or tinkling sound.⁷ the sound of a precious stone, when struck.²⁴
玎玲 or 丁零 ëin-lẽin dīnglíng <ono.> clink; jingle; tinkle.⁵ the tinkling sound of gems.²⁴
or 丁当[丁當] or 叮当[叮當] ëin-öng dīngdāng <ono.> ding-dong; jingle; clatter.⁵
玲玎 lẽin-ëin
língdīng (=玲玲 lẽin-lẽin línglíng) <wr.> tinkle; jingle (sound of jade objects striking together).⁶
ein2 2867
102 7 ëin dīng 畹町 vōn-ëin wǎndīng Wanding town Dehong Dai and Jingpo autonomous prefecture 德宏傣族景颇族自治州, Yunnan, on border with Myanmar (Burma).¹⁰
(See 町 [ëin, tǐng]).
ein2 2868
102 7 ëin tǐng <wr.> raised path between farm fields; farmland, field.⁶
町疃 ëin-hõn tǐngtuǎn waste land.⁵⁴
町畽 ëin-hõn
tǐngtuǎn waste land; a paddock.⁷
町畦 ëin-kĩ
tǐngqí (=<台> 田基 hẽin-gî raised footpath between rice paddies) low bank of earth between fields.³⁹
(See 町 [ëin, dīng]).
ein2 2869
104 7 ëin dīng a boil; a carbuncle.⁷
疔疮[疔瘡] ëin-chông dīngchuāng <pathology> a boil; a carbuncle; furuncle.⁷
疔疽 ëin-duï
dīngjū a carbuncle of the cheeks or below the nose.⁷
疔毒 ëin-ùk
dīngdú carbuncular infection.⁷
面疔 mèin-ëin
miàndīng carbuncle on the face.¹⁹
眼中疔 ngān-jüng-ëin
or 眼中钉[眼中釘] ngān-jüng-êng  yǎnzhōngdīng pain in the ass; eyesores.¹⁹ a thorn in somebody's side/flesh – deep hatred.³⁹
肉疔 ngùk-ëin
ròudīng a boil, an ulcer.¹¹
羊毛疔 yẽng-mão-ëin
yángmáodīng disease with typhoid symptoms.⁸
ein2 2870
104 15 ëin diān (=癫[癲] ëin diān mentally deranged; insane.⁵).⁸ mad, crazy; fits; convulsions.¹⁴
(composition: ⿸疒真; U+7628).
Hú níng diān wǒ yǐ hàn.
How is it I am afflicted with this drought?⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·蕩之什·雲漢》, translated by James Legge).
(See 癲 ëin).
ein2 2871
104 24 ëin diān mentally deranged; insane.⁵ (variant: 瘨 ëin diān).
t: ⿸疒顛; U+7672). (comp. s: ⿸疒颠; U+766B).
癫子[癲子] ëin-dū
diānzi <topo.> madman.⁶
癫狗[癲狗] ëin-gēo
diāngǒu a mad dog.¹⁴
癫痫[癲癇] ëin-hãn
or ëin-gān diānxián <med.> epilepsy.⁵
癫痫小发作[癲痫小發作] ëin-hãn-xēl-fät-dōk
diānxián xiǎofāzuò petit mal.⁹
癫气[癲氣] ëin-hï
diānqì hot-headed; rashness.¹⁴
癫症[癲症] ëin-jëin
diānzhèng insanity.¹⁴
癫狂[癲狂] ëin-kõng
diānkuáng demented, mad, insane; frivolous.⁵ wild; mad; delirious.¹⁴
发癫[發癲] fät-ëin
fādiān to become insane; to go crazy.¹⁴
疯癫[瘋癲] füng-ëin
fēngdiān insane; mad.⁵
疯疯癫癫[瘋瘋癲癲] füng-füng-ëin-ëin
fēngfengdiāndiān be mentally deranged; act like a lunatic; be flighty.⁵
多喜为癫[多喜爲癲] ü-hī-vĩ-ëin
duōxǐwéidiān excess of joy causes madness.¹⁴
(See 瘨 ëin).
ein2 2872
128 8 ëin dīng 耵聍[耵聹] ëin-nẽin dīngníng cerumen; earwax.⁸
ein2 2873
140 5 ëin dǐng 茗艼 mẽin-ëin míngdǐng (<old>=酩酊 mẽin-ëin mǐngdǐng)
blind/dead drunk.⁶
ein2 2874
149 9 ëin dìng to revise.⁵⁵
订正[訂正] ëin-jëin dìngzhèng make corrections.⁵⁵
校订[校訂] gäo-ëin
jiàodìng editorially revise.¹¹ check against the authoritative text.⁵⁵
修订[修訂] xiü-ëin
xiūdìng revise.⁵⁵
<又> èin, èng.
(See 訂 èin, èng.)
ein2 2875
157 9 ëin dīng to walk slowly; lame, crippled; long and thin legs; to walk alone; to insist on one's ways in doing things.⁸ to walk alone.²⁵
(composition: ⿰⻊丁; U+47D3).
跉䟓 lẽin-ëin língdīng to walk; slender feet; walking alone; walking slowly and unsteadily.¹⁹ walking about; to walk in byways; to walk slowly; irregularly.²⁵
<又> chäng.
(See 䟓 chäng.)
ein2 2876
157 17 ëin diān <lit.> fall down.⁶ fall forward; rush about.⁹  to trip; to stumble.²⁵ <lit.> to fall down, to fall over; <topo.> to run, to rush about.³⁶
(composition: ⿰⻊真; U+8E4E).
蹎蹎 ëin-ëin diāndiān steady and solid look.¹⁹ walking peacefully and slowly.⁸²
蹎仆 ëin-fü
diānpū to fall down prostrate.²⁵
蹎蹶 ëin-kūt
diānjué fall down to the ground prostrate.¹⁹
ein2 2877
164 9 ëin dǐng intoxicated; drunk.⁷
鸦片酊[鴉片酊] ä-pëin-ëin yāpiàndǐng laudanum, a tincture of opium, formerly used as a drug.¹⁰
酩酊 mẽin-ëin
mǐngdǐng blind/dead drunk.⁶ (ideophonic) heavily intoxicated; inebriated; dead drunk.³⁶ (See 茗艼 mẽin-ëin míngdǐng).
酩酊大醉 mẽin-ëin-ài-duï
mǐngdǐngdàzuì be dead drunk.⁵
(See 酊 [ëin, dīng].)
ein2 2878
164 9 ëin dīng tincture.⁵
碘酊 ēin-ëin diǎndīng tincture of iodine.⁵
酊剂[酊劑] ëin-jäi
dīngjì tincture.⁵
(See 酊 [ëin, dǐng].)
ein2 2879
181 19 ëin diān the top, the highest spot, the head; to fall, to topple, to upset; to jolt, to bump; upside down; mad, lunatic.⁷
(variants: 顚, 㒹, 𠤎 ëin diān). (See 顚, 㒹, 𠤎 ëin).
颠倒[顛倒] ëin-āo
diāndǎo turn upside down; confused.⁵⁵
颠倒是非[顛倒是非] ëin-āo-sì-fï
diāndǎo shìfēi to confuse justice and injustice; to distort truth; to distort facts.⁷
颠仆[顛仆] ëin-fü
diānpū fall (down); fall into disgrace.⁵⁴
颠覆[顛覆] ëin-fūk
diānfù to overturn; to subvert.⁵
颠来倒去[顛來倒去] ëin-lõi-āo-huï
diānlái-dǎoqù all jumbled up; over and over.⁷
颠鸾倒凤[顛鸞倒鳳] ëin-lũn-āo-fùng
diānluándǎofèng the ecstasy of a couple in the act of making love.⁷
颠毛[顛毛] ëin-mão
diānmáo hair on top of head.⁷
颠末[顛末] ëin-mòt
diānmò from beginning to end.⁷
颠堕[顛墮] ëin-ò
diānduò to subvert.²⁴
颠沛[顛沛] ëin-pöi
diānpèi to fall; fig. to be desperate, to fail in one's attempt.⁷
颠沛流离[顛沛流離] ëin-pöi-liũ-lĩ
diānpèiliúlí (of refugees) suffering deprivations and hardships; lead a vagrant life.⁷
颠扑不破[顛撲不破] ëin-pōk-būt-pö
diānpūbùpò (of theories) irrefutable; absolutely right.⁷
颠三倒四[顛三倒四] ëin-xäm-āo-xï
diānsāndǎosì total disorder, topsy-turvy. all in confusion; lunatic; insane.⁷
<台> 颠到转[顛到轉] ëin-äo-jōn to turn upside down.
ein2 2880
181 19 ëin diān (<old>=颠[顛] ëin diān). the top, the highest spot, the head; to fall, to topple, to upset; to jolt, to bump; upside down; mad, lunatic.⁷
(composition: ⿰眞頁; U+985A).
(See 顛 ëin).
ein2 2881
184 10 ëin dìng food items for display purposes only; flowery language without substance.⁷ to set out fruit, etc., in plates arranged only for show.¹⁴
饾饤[餖飣] èo-ëin dòudìng food items set out for show; showy and flashy expressions in writings.⁷
ein2 2882
187 22 ëin diān a small kind of horse.²⁵
(composition: ⿰馬單; U+9A52).
<又> hũ; hõ. (See 驒 hũ; 驒 hõ).
ein2 2883
9 7 èin diàn tenant farmer; to tenant a farm.
租佃 dü-èin zūdiàn rent out land to tenants.⁸
佃户[佃戶] èin-fù
diànhù tenant farmer.
佃农[佃農] èin-nũng
diànnóng tenant farmer; cropper share.
久佃成业[久佃成業] giū-èin-sẽin-ngèp
jiǔdiànchéngyè long-term tenants regard the land as theirs.
退佃 huï-èin
tuìdiàn (of a landlord) cancel a tenancy.⁵
东佃[東佃] üng-èin
dōngdiàn landlord and tenant.
<又> hẽin.
(See 佃 hẽin.)
ein4 2884
27 14 𠪝 èin diàn (=奠 èin diàn to settle, to lay foundation; to secure, to consolidate; to offer libations.⁷).² established.²⁴
(composition: ⿸厂奠; U+20A9D).
❄{⿸厂奠}立 èin-lìp diànlì firmly fixed.²⁴
ein4 2885
30 11 èin dìng <chem.> -idine¹⁰
吖啶 ä-èin ādìng acridine.⁸ acridine (antiseptic and disinfectant).¹⁰
吡啶 bī-èin
bǐdìng pyridine C₅H₅N.¹⁰
嘧啶 mìt-èin
mìdìng <chem.> pyrimidine C₄H₄N₂.¹⁰
ein4 2886
37 12 èin diàn to settle, to lay foundation; to secure, to consolidate; to offer libations.⁷
祭奠 däi-èin jìdiàn hold a memorial service for.⁶
奠祭 èin-däi
diànjì the pouring of wine on the ground in an offering of respect.⁷
奠酒 èin-diū
diànjiǔ to pour out a libation of wine.¹⁴
奠定 èin-èin
diàndìng to establish; to settle.⁵
奠定基础 èin-èin-gï-chō
diàndìngjīchǔ to lay foundation.⁵
奠敬 èin-gëin
diànjìng or 奠仪[奠儀] èin-ngĩ diànyí  an offering sent to the mourners – usually of money.¹⁴
奠基 èin-gï
diànjī to lay the foundation of a building.⁷
奠土 èin-hū
diàntǔ to offer a drink, offering to the Earth Spirit.¹⁴
奠之而后取[奠之而後取] èin-jï-ngĩ-hëo-tuī
diànzhī'érhòuqǔ lay it down and then (she) will take it up – as men and women may not touch hands.¹⁴
奠礼[奠禮] èin-lâi
diànlǐ contributions of money sent to friends on the occasion of a funeral.¹⁴
奠立 èin-lìp
diànlì establish; set up, found.¹⁹
奠都 èin-ü
diàndū to establish a capital.⁷
奠瘗[奠瘞] èin-yï
diànyì to pay respects to the dead.⁰
赐奠[賜奠] xü-èin
cìdiàn (said of the emperor) to personally offer condolences to the deceased.⁷
ein4 2887
40 6 èin dìng (same as 定 èin dìng) to decide; to fix; to settle.⁸
(composition: ⿱宀之; U+374E).
ein4 2888
40 8 èin dìng calm, composed, stable; fix, set; decide, fix, set; fix, settle, establish; stated, fixed, stipulated; order, book; <wr.> surely, certainly, definitely.⁶
or 订单[訂單] èin-än dìngdān order.⁵⁵
定场白[定場白] èin-chẽng-bàk
dìngchángbái first soliloquy (introducing opera character).¹⁰
定睛 èin-dëin
dìngjīng fix one's eyes upon.⁶
定准[定準] èin-jūn
dìngzhǔn set/established standard; certainly; surely.⁶
定购[定購] èin-këo
dìnggòu order (goods); a system of fixed quotas for puchasing.⁵
定理 èin-lî
dìnglǐ theorem.⁵
定律 èin-lùt
dìnglǜ <science> a law.⁷
定额[定額] èin-ngäk
dìng'é quota, allotment; norm.⁸
定义[定義] èin-ngì
dìngyì a definition.⁷
定数[定數] èin-sü
dìngshù fixed number; destiny, fate.⁶
定省 èin-xēin
dìngxǐng inquire after one's parents' health.⁶
定时[定時] èin-sĩ dìngshí fix/set the time; at fixed time.⁶
一言为定[一言為定] yīt-ngũn-vĩ-èin yīyánwéidìng that's settled then; a promise is a promise; a bargain is a bargain; it's/that's a deal; that's a promise.⁶
<又> èng. (See 定 èng.)
ein4 2889
64 11 èin dìng <wr.> (=定 èin dìng) to set; to fix; to determine; to decide; to order.
<又> ëng.
(See 掟 ëng; 定 èin.)
ein4 2890
75 12 èin dìng (=碇 èin dìng) a heavy stone used as an anchor; killick.⁵ anchor.⁸
(See 碇 èin).
ein4 2891
79 13 殿 èin diàn hall, palace, temple; at the rear.⁵
大雄宝殿[大雄寶殿] ài-hũng-bāo-èin dàxióng bǎodiàn Hall of Sakyamuni.⁶
宝殿[寶殿] bāo-èin
bǎodiàn king's palace; throne hall; <Budd.> temple hall. ⁵⁴
殿军[殿軍] èin-gün
diànjūn rearguard; a person who comes last in a contest or last among the winners.⁵
殿下 èin-hà
diànxià Your Highness.⁵
殿后[殿後] èin-hèo
diànhòu bring up the rear.⁵
殿堂 èin-hõng
diàntáng palace, temple.⁶
殿试[殿試] èin-sï
diànshì final imperial examination (presided over by the emperor).⁵
殿宇 èin-yî
diànyǔ palace; temple; hall building.³⁹
殿宇峥嵘[殿宇崢嶸] èin-yî-jäng-vẽin
diànyǔzhēngróng towering palaces.⁶
太和殿 häi-vö-èin
tàihédiàn the Hall of Supreme Harmony.⁵
神殿 sĩn-èin
shéndiàn temple.⁸ shrine.⁹
ein4 2892
85 16 èin diàn form sediment, settle, precipitate; shallow lake.⁵
(syn. 𪒮❄{⿰黑殿} èin).
白洋淀[白洋澱] Bàk-yẽng-èin
Báiyángdiàn Baiyangdian Lake (in Hebei Province).⁵
沉淀[沉澱] chĩm-èin
chéndiàn sediment; precipitate.⁵
淀积作用[澱積作用] èin-dēik-dōk-yùng
diànjī zuòyòng <geol.> illuviation.⁵
淀粉[澱粉] èin-fūn
diànfěn starch; amylum.⁵
(See 𪒮❄{⿰黑殿} èin).
ein4 2893
102 7 èin diàn (ancient) suburb; pasture.
沉甸甸 chĩm-èin-èin chéndiāndiān heavy.
甸子 èin-dū
diànzi marshland; grassland; savanna.
甸地 èin-ì
diàndì suburbs of a capital.
郊甸 gäo-èin
jiāodiàn suburbs.
畿甸 gï-èin
jīdiàn <wr.> royal domain; royal suburbs.
缅甸[緬甸] Mēin-èin
Miǎndiàn Burma; Myanmar.⁶
草甸子 tāo-èin-dū
cǎodiànzi grassy marshland.
ein4 2894
104 18 èin diàn purplish or white patches on the skin.⁵ piebald skin disease.⁶ leucoderm.⁹ erythema.¹⁴
白癜风[白癜風] bàk-èin-füng báidiànfēng <med.> vitiligo.⁶
紫癜 dū-èin
zǐdiàn purpura.⁶
癜风[癜風] èin-füng
diànfēng pityriasis, scabies.¹¹
ein4 2895
109 13 𥇓
èin dìng to see; to lool at.²⁴
(composition: ⿰目定; U+251D3).
ein4 2896
112 7 èin dìng (=碇 èin dìng) a heavy stone used as an anchor; killick.⁵ anchor.⁸
(See 碇 èin).
ein4 2897
112 13 èin diǎn <台> 碘酒 èin-diū tincture of iodine.⁵
<又> ēin. (See 碘 ēin.)
ein4 2898
112 13 èin dìng a heavy stone used as an anchor; killick.⁵ anchor.⁸ (variants: 矴, 椗 èin dìng).
碇泊 èin-bòk
dìngbó to moor; to drop anchor.¹⁰
碇泊费[碇泊費] èin-bòk-fï
dìngbófèi anchoring fee.¹⁹
寄碇 gï-èin
jìdìng (of boat) to anchor temporarily.¹¹
下碇 hä-èin
xiàdìng cast/drop anchor.⁶
起碇 hī-èin
qǐdìng lift/raise/weigh anchor.⁶
启碇[啟碇] kāi-èin
qǐdìng to weigh anchor.¹¹
(See 矴 èin; 椗 èin).
ein4 2899
118 18 èin diàn bamboo mat.⁸ a species of bamboo from which fine mats may be made.¹⁴
簟席 èin-dèk diànxí fine mats made from bamboo splints.¹⁴
or 簟茀 èin-fūt diànfú a checked bamboo screen used in ancient times for the back of a carriage.¹⁴
簟竹 èin-jūk
diànzhú giant bamboo.⁵⁴
枕簟 jīm-èin
zhěndiàn (=枕席 jīm-dèk zhěnxí) “pillow and mat” – symbol of bed.¹¹
晒簟[曬簟] säi-èin
shàidiàn sun mat.⁸
ein4 2900
130 12 èin dìng <topo.> buttocks.⁵
不要脸腚 būt-yël-lêm-èin bùyàoliǎndìng <topo.> shameless.⁵⁴
腚眼子 èin-ngān-dū
dìngyǎnzi <topo.> anus.⁵⁴
光腚 göng-èin
guāngdìng <topo.> bare buttocks.⁵⁴
ein4 2901
149 9 èin dìng order.⁵⁵
订单[訂單] or 定单[定單] èin-än dìngdān order.⁵⁵
订购[訂購] èin-këo dìnggòu order (goods).⁵
网上订购[網上訂購] mōng-sèng-èin-këo
wǎngshàng dìnggòu order online.⁵⁵
<又> ëin, èng.
(See 訂 ëin, èng.)
ein4 2902
167 16 èin dìng ingot; ingot-shaped tablet; spindle.⁶
锭子[錠子] èin-dū dìngzi spindle.⁶
锭剂[錠劑] èin-jäi
dìngjì lozenge; pastille; troche.⁶
锭硃[錠硃] èin-jï
dìngzhū cake of vermilion ink.¹¹
锭模[錠模] èin-mũ
or èin-mõ dìngmú ingot mold.⁵
钢锭[鋼錠] gông-èin
gāngdìng steel ingot.⁸
ein4 2903
173 13 èin diàn electricity, electric; lightning.
电灯[電燈] èin-äng diàndēng electric light.
电报[電報] èin-bäo
diànbào telegram; telegraph.¹¹
电波[電波] èin-bö
diànbō electro-magnetic wave.⁹
电掣[電掣] èin-chēik
diànchè with great speed; like lightning.⁵⁴
电池[電池] èin-chĩ
diànchí battery.¹¹
电子[電子] èin-dū
diànzǐ electron.
电子商务[電子商務] èin-dū-sëng-mù
diànzǐ shāngwù e-commerce.
电荷[電荷] èin-hò
diànhè electric charge.⁸
电闸[電閘] èin-jàp
diànzhá electric break; main switch.⁶
电力[電力] èin-lèik
diànlì electrical power; electricity.¹⁰
电流[電流] èin-liũ
diànliú electric current.⁵
电脑[電腦] èin-nāo
diànnǎo computer.⁶
电闪[電閃] èin-sēm
diànshǎn lightning flashes.¹⁰
电视[電視] èin-sì
diànshì television; TV.¹⁰
电镀[電鍍] èin-ù
diàndù to electroplate.⁶
电话[電話] èin-và
diànhuà telephone; phone.⁸
电线[電線] èin-xëin
diànxiàn electric wire.¹¹
电线杆[電線杆] èin-xëin-gön
diànxiàngān (for telephone or electric power lines) pole.⁵
电影[電影] èin-yēin
diànyǐng film; movie.
<台> 电发[電髮] èin-fāt to get a perm.
ein4 2904
174 16 èin diàn indigo; indigo-blue.⁵
靛白 èin-bàk diànbái indigo white.⁷
靛池 èin-chĩ
diànchí an indigo tank.¹⁴
靛花 èin-fä
diànhuā the scum on an indigo tank.¹⁴
靛坊 èin-fōng
diànfáng an indigo warehouse.¹⁴
靛蓝[靛藍] èin-lãm
diànlán indigo.⁵
靛蓝色[靛藍色] èin-lãm-sēik
diànlánsè indigo-blue.⁵
靛青 èin-tëin
diànqīng indigo-blue; <topo.> indigo.⁶
靛油 èin-yiũ
diànyóu aniline oil.⁷
沤靛[漚靛] ëo-èin
òudiàn to macerate the indigo leaves.¹⁴
蓝靛[藍靛] lãm-èin
lándiàn indigo.⁵
山靛 sän-èin
shāndiàn (Mercurialis leiocarpa Sieb. et Zucc.).³¹
山靛属[山靛屬] sän-èin-sùk
shāndiànshǔ mercuries, genus (Mercurialis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
洋靛 yẽng-èin
yángdiàn foreign Prussian blue.¹⁴
ein4 2905
187 22 èin diàn a horse's fine white shin bone hair.² a black horse with yellow ridges; black horse.⁸ a black horse with a yellow back; a horse with white, hairy feet.²⁵ a blackish horse with yellow or white flanks and forelegs.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰馬覃; U+9A54).
驔步 èin-bù diànbù stride like a horse.¹⁹
驔骖[驔驂] èin-täm
diàncān following.¹⁹
骖驔[驂驔] täm-èin
cāndiàn a horse running; following.¹⁹
有驔有鱼. [有驔有魚.] Yiû-èin-yiû-nguĩ/.
Yǒu diàn yǒu yú.
Some (stallions), with white hairy legs; some, with fishes' eyes. (Excerpt from 《詩經·頌·魯頌·駉·4》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ there were white legged horses and those with fish-like eyes.¹⁰²
ein4 2906
203 25 𪒮 èin diàn (interchangeable with 淀[澱] èin diàn form sediment, settle, precipitate; shallow lake.⁵).²
(composition: ⿰黑殿; U+2A4AE).
(See 澱 èin).
ein4 2907
64 12 𢱕 èip (none) (Cant. <粵> dap6) to beat, pound; to get drenched.⁸  ➀ beat; hit; strike  ➁ fall down; drop; plunge  ➂ get wet; spatter; drench.⁷⁵
(composition: ⿰扌 耷; U+22C55).
<台> 𢱕骨 èip-gūt to massage.⁷⁵
<台> 𢱕佢!èip-kuï! Hit him!³⁶
<台> 𢱕烂[𢱕爛] èip-làn to smash into pieces.⁷⁵
<台> 我𢱕口铁钉入墙边[我𢱕口鐵釘入牆邊] Ngöi-èip-hēo-hëik-dêng-yìp-tẽng-bëin/. I'm hammering a nail into the wall.
eip4 2908
157 15 èip <台> 斧头踏凿凿踏木[斧頭踏鑿鑿踏木] bū-hẽo-èip-tôk tôk-èip-mûk lit. The axe hits the chisel and the chisel hits (or carves) the wood; analogous to: upper management plans a task, gives it to lower management, who in turn gives it the workers who carrry it out.⁴
<又> àp, tät. (See 踏 [àp, ]; 踏 [àp, ]; 踏 tät.)
eip4 2909
18 8 ēk duò <sp. pr.> to chop (meat); to cut.
剁烂[剁爛] ēk-làn duòlàn mashed.¹¹
剁肉 ēk-ngùk
duòròu to mince meat.
剁碎 ēk-xuï
duòsuì to mince.
<又> ō.
(See 剁 ō.)
ek1 2910
18 12 ēk zhuó (=斲,斵 ēk zhuó) to cut to pieces; to hack; to chop or hew; to carve for ornaments.¹⁴
(variants: 斫,斮,斲,斵,𣂪
❄{⿰亞斤} ēk zhuó).
(composition: ⿰𠁁刂; U+34F8).
or 斲烂[斲爛] ēk-làn zhuólàn to chop up small.¹⁴
(See 斫, 斮, 斲, 斵, 𣂪❄{⿰亞斤} ēk).
ek1 2911
30 11 ēk zhuó to peck.⁸
<又> dēk. (See 啄 dēk.)
ek1 2912
69 9 ēk zhuó <wr.> cut; chop; hack (with an ax or a sword).⁶ to chop or cut (wood).⁷ (variants: 斮,斲,㓸,斵,𣂪❄{⿰亞斤} ēk zhuó).
(composition: ⿰石斤; U+65AB).
斫白 ēk-bàk
or dēk-bàk zhuóbái to strip bark.⁶⁴
斫柴 ēk-châi
or dēk-châi zhuóchái chop wood.¹⁹
斫伐树木[斫伐樹木] ēk-fàt-sì-mùk
or dēk-fàt-sì-mùk zhuófáshùmù hack/chop/cut down trees.⁶
斫头[斫頭] ēk-hẽo
or dēk-hẽo zhuótóu to behead; to decapitate.⁷
斫斩[斫斬] ēk-jām
or dēk-jām zhuózhǎn to chop; to cut; to hew.⁷
斫木 ēk-mûk
or dēk-mûk zhuómù to chop or cut wood.⁷
斫断[斫斷] ēk-òn
or dēk-òn zhuóduàn to chop off; to cut off; to sever by cutting or chopping.⁷
斫杀[斫殺] ēk-sät
or dēk-sät zhuóshā to kill with a hatchet or an ax.⁷
斫营[斫營] ēk-yẽin
or dēk-yẽin zhuóyíng to attack a camp.¹⁰
斫畬 ēk-yï
or dēk-yï  zhuóyú to clear land for agricultural use.¹⁰
<又> dēk.
(See 斮, 斲, 㓸, 斵, 𣂪❄{⿰亞斤} ēk).
ek1 2913
69 12 ēk zhuó to cut; to pare.⁷
(variants: 斫,斲,㓸,斵,𣂪❄{⿰亞斤} ēk zhuó).
(composition: ⿰昔斤; U+65AE).
or 斫足 ēk-dūk zhuózú to cut off one's feet as punishment.⁷
斮胫[斮脛] ēk-gèin
zhuójìng to cut off one's legs as punishment.⁷
or 斫趾 ēk-jī zhuózhǐ to cut off one's toes as punishment.⁷
(See 斫, 斲, 㓸, 斵, 𣂪❄{⿰亞斤} ēk).
ek1 2914
69 12 𣂪
ēk zhuó (=斵 ēk zhuó chop; hack; cut.⁶ to cut to pieces; to hack; to chop or hew; to carve for ornaments.⁸).²
(variants: 斫,斮,斲,㓸,斵 ēk
(composition: ⿰亞斤; U+230AA).
(See 斫, 斮, 斲, 㓸, 斵 ēk).
ek1 2915
69 14 ēk zhuó to chop; to hew.⁷
(variants: 斫,斮,㓸,斵,𣂪❄{⿰亞斤} ēk zhuó).
(composition: ⿰𠁁
❄{U+20041}斤; U+65B2).
斲雕为朴[斲雕為樸] ēk-ël-vĩ-pök
zhuódiāowéipǔ to do away with vanity and adopt unadorned simplicity.⁷
斲轮老手[斲輪老手] ēk-lũn-lāo-siū
zhuólún lǎoshǒu an expert wheelwright – an old hand; an experienced man.⁷
斲树[斲樹] ēk-sì
zhuóshù chop off tree.¹¹
or 斫丧[斫喪] ēk-xöng zhuósàng to chop down completely; to waste one's vitality by dissipation.⁷
斲丧身体[斲喪身體] ēk-xöng-sïn-hāi 
zhuósàng shēntǐ to waste one's vitality by dissipation.⁵⁴
(See 斫, 斮, 㓸, 斵, 𣂪❄{⿰亞斤} ēk).
ek1 2916
69 17 ēk zhuó chop; hack; cut.⁶ to cut to pieces; to hack; to chop or hew; to carve for ornaments.⁸
(variants: 斫,斮,斲,㓸,𣂪❄{⿰亞斤} ēk zhuó).
(composition: ⿰⿱⿰𠂎刀亞斤; U+65B5).
斵鼻 ēk-bì
zhuóbí highly skilled.⁶
斫轮老手[斫輪老手] ēk-lũn-lāo-siū
zhuólún lǎoshǒu expert wheelwright – old hand.⁶
斵丧[斵喪] ēk-xöng
zhuósàng <wr.> destroy one's health by dissipation.⁶
(See 斫, 斮, 斲, 㓸, 𣂪❄{⿰亞斤} ēk).
ek1 2917
85 14 ēk to drip.
(composition: ⿰氵啇; U+6EF4).
滴水 ēk-suī dīshuǐ water drop; dripping water.¹⁰
<又> ēik, ëk. dîk.
(See 滴 ēik, ëk, dîk).
ek1 2918
130 12 ēk zhuó the buttocks, the rump; fat, plump; one of the seven constellations, name of a star; the anus.⁸ the thigh; the buttocks; fat.²⁵ butt, back; fat, plump.⁵⁴ buttocks; fat; the hole under the tail.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰⺼豖; U+4401).
ek1 2919
85 14 ëk (<m.> a drop.)⁵
(composition: ⿰氵啇; U+6EF4).
滴水不漏 ëk-suī-būt-lèo dīshuǐbùlòu lit. not one drop of water can leak out; watertight; rigorous (argument).¹⁰
一滴水 yīt-ëk-suī
yīdīshuǐ a drop of water.⁵
<又> ēk, ēik, dîk.
(See 滴 ēk, ēik, dîk).
ek2 2920
96 12 ëk zhuó (composition: ⿰𤣩豖 or ⿰𤣩豕; U+7422).
<台> 琢鸡[琢雞] ëk-gäi to shoo the chickens.
<又> dēk.
(See 琢 [dēk, zhuó], [dēk, zuó].)
ek2 2921
156 21 ëk yuè <台> 趯 ëk to chase away.
<台> 趯佢去 ëk-kuï-huï chase him away.
<台> 好心着雷劈,丑心着鬼趯. [好心著雷劈, 醜心著鬼趯.]
Hāo xïm/ jèk lũi pëk, chīū xïm/ jèk gī ëk.  lit. You are struck by lightning when you do a good deed; the ghostly spirits drive you away when you do a misdeed. fig. Doing good deeds or misdeeds have undesirable consequences.
<又> tēik, yèk. (See 趯 tēik; 趯 yèk.)
ek2 2922
85 12 ëk (<old>=滴 ëk to drip; to dribble; to drip something into).³⁶ a drop.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰氵帝; U+6E27).
<又> ëik; äi; hãi.
(See 渧 ëik; 渧 äi; 渧 hãi).
ek4 2923
118 11 èk bamboo flute; whistle.⁵
鼻笛 bì-èk bídí nose flute.⁶
吹笛 chuï-èk
chuīdí play the flute.⁶
笛子 èk-dū
dízi bamboo flute.⁵
笛孔 èk-kūng
díkǒng orifice of a flute.⁶
笛膜 èk-môk
dímó membrane covering holes in flute.⁶
笛手 èk-siū
díshǒu flautist.⁶
警笛 gēin-èk
jǐngdí police whistle; siren.⁵
角笛 gök-èk
jiǎodí horn flute.⁶
汽笛 hï-èk
qìdí steam whistle.⁵
铜笛[銅笛] hũng-èk
tóngdí brass pipe.⁶
竹笛 jūk-èk
zhúdí bamboo pipe.⁸
鸣笛[鳴笛] mẽin-èk
míngdí sound a siren.⁶
短笛 ōn-èk
duǎndí <mus.> piccolo.⁶
ek4 2924
119 22 èk to buy grain.⁷
闭籴[閉糴] bäi-èk bìdí ban buying of rice (stop hoarding).¹¹
籴粜[糴糶] èk-hël
dítiào buying and selling rice or grain.⁰
籴粮[糴糧] èk-lẽng
díliáng to buy grain.¹⁴
籴米[糴米] èk-māi
dímǐ to buy rice.⁷
平籴[平糴] pẽin-èk
píngdí <trad.> (of local authorities in old China) buy in grain at a normal price in good years so as to sell it in famine years at the same price.⁶
抑籴[抑糴] yēik-èk
yìdí compulsorily buy grain from the people at reduced prices.¹¹
ek4 2925
9 6 ël diào uncommon.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻弔; U+4F04).
伄儅 ël-öng diàodāng seldom.⁹ unusual.²⁴
el2 2926
15 10 ël diāo to wither; to die of old age.
百业凋敝[百業凋敝] bāk-ngèp-ël-bài bǎiyèdiāobì general business decline.
凋敝 ël-bài
diāobì hard; destitute (of life); depressed (of business).
凋谢[凋謝] ël-dèh
diāoxiè to wither and fall; to die of old age.
凋零 ël-lẽin
diāolíng to wither, fall, and scatter about; to decline; to be on the wane; to die; to pass away.
凋落 ël-lòk
diāoluò to wither and fall; to pass away.
松柏后凋[松柏後凋] tũng-pāk-hèo-ël
sōngbǎihòudiāo lit. evergreens (pine and cypress) survive winter best; fig. honesty and virtue will last.
el2 2927
18 2 ël diāo tricky; artful; sly; Diao surname.³⁹
刁钻[刁鑽] ël-dön diāozuān tricky; sly; cunning; artful.⁸
刁刁 ël-ël
diāodiāo <wr.> flickering in the wind.¹¹
刁斗 ël-ēo
diāodǒu (=金柝 gïm-hōk jīntuò) army cooking pot, formerly used as alarm gong at night.⁸
刁斗森严[刁斗森嚴] ël-ēo-sẽim-ngẽm
diāodǒusēnyán strict army discipline.⁸
刁妇[刁婦] ël-fû
diāofù shrew; virago.¹⁰ vixen.¹⁹
刁风弄月[刁風弄月] ël-füng-lùng-ngùt
diāofēng-nòngyuè metaphor of the carrying on a clandestine love affair.⁸
刁乖 ël-gäi
diāoguāi cunning; wily.⁵⁴
刁悍 ël-hòn
diāohàn cunning and fierce.⁸
刁赖[刁賴] ël-lài
diāolài repudiate (loans), make groundless accusations.¹¹
刁蛮[刁蠻] ël-mãn
diāomán obstinate, unruly.¹¹
刁难[刁難] ël-nãn
diāonàn to be hard on somebody; to deliberately make things difficult.¹⁰
刁顽[刁頑] ël-ngãn
diāowán stubborn, obstinate.¹¹
刁民 ël-mĩn
diāomín <old> unruly people.⁶
刁惡 ël-ōk
diāo'è rascally brutal, wicked.¹¹
or 刁皮 ël-pĩ diāopí knavish, (of children) naughty.¹¹
刁横[刁橫] ël-vãng
diāohèng arbitrary; atrocious.⁸
刁滑 ël-vàt
diāohuá cunning; crafty; artful.⁵

el2 2928
18 4 𠚥
ël diāo (=断取[斷取] òn-tuī duànqǔ =截取 dèik-tuī jiéqǔ cut something into sections and take one).¹⁰¹
(variant: 𠛪
❄{⿰兆刂} ël diāo).
(composition: ⿰刀刂; U+206A5).
(See 𠛪❄{⿰兆刂} ël).
el2 2929
18 8 𠛪
ël diāo to cut open, sever.⁸ to pare, to scrape, to cut off.²⁴ (=𠚥❄{⿰刀刂} ël diāo cut something into sections and take one).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰兆刂; U+206EA).
<又> hël.
(See 𠛪❄{⿰兆刂} hël; 𠚥❄{⿰刀刂} ël).
el2 2930
30 5 ël diāo to hold in the mouth.⁴³
嘴里叼着一支香烟[嘴裡叼著一支香煙] duī-lī-ël-jèk-yīt-jï-hëng-yën zuǐlǐdiāozheyīzhīxiāngyān with a cigarette dangling from one's lips.⁶
el2 2931
30 6 ël diào to suspend; to hang up; to hang a person.¹⁰
吊灯[吊燈] ël-äng diàodēng pendent lamp.⁸ chandelier.¹⁰
吊膀子 ël-bōng-dū
diào bǎngzi flirtation between a man and a woman (in a derogatory sense).⁹
吊车[吊車] ël-chëh
diàochē crane; hoist.⁵
吊架 ël-gâ
diàojià hanger.⁹ hanging bracket.²⁹ (cf <台> 吊架 ël-gâ/).
吊桁索 ël-hâng-sōk
diàohéngsuǒ jeer.⁵⁴
吊拷絣把 ël-hāo-bäng-bä
diàokǎobēngbā stripped, bound, hanged and beaten.¹⁹
吊孝 ël-häo
diàoxiào a condolence visit.¹⁰ (cf 弔孝 ël-häo).
or 弔桥[弔橋] ël-kẽl diàoqiáo suspension bridge.²³
or 弔唁 ël-ngèin diàoyàn to offer condolences (for the deceased); to condole.¹⁰ to offer condolences.¹¹
吊销[吊銷] ël-xël
diàoxiāo to suspend (an agreement); to revoke.¹⁰
or 弔丧[弔喪] ël-xöng diàosāng condolences; a condolence visit.¹⁰ attend funeral.¹¹
<台> 吊架 ël-gâ/ embarrassed.
(cf. 吊架 ël-gâ).
<台> 吊颈[吊頸] ël-gēng to commit suicide by hanging.
<台> 吊鹅[吊鵝] ël-ngõ/ uvula.
(See 弔 ël.)
el2 2932
57 4 ël diào to condole, to mourn, to pity; to hang.⁸ to lament; to condole with; <old> a string of 100 cash.¹⁰ to condole with mourners, to be grieved, to sympathize; the offspring of a dragon; to suspend.²⁴
(variant: 吊 ël diào).
(composition: ⿻弓丨; U+5F14).
半弔子 bön-ël-dū
bàndiàozi immature person.¹¹
不弔 būt-ël
bùdiào <old> fall under bad times, unlucky.¹¹
弔床 ël-chõng
diàochuáng hammock.¹¹
弔孝 ël-häo
diàoxiào condole with bereaved son.¹¹
弔民伐罪 ël-mĩn-fàt-duì
diàomín fázuì attack the tyrant and relieve the people of their sufferings.¹¹
弔问[弔問] ël-mùn
diàowèn to ask respecting the dead.²⁴
弔案 ël-ön
diào'àn to search into a case.²⁴
弔水 ël-suī
diàoshuǐ haul water from well.¹¹
弔窗 ël-töng
diàochuāng window which can be propped up, hinged on top.¹¹
<又> ēik.
(See 吊 ël; 弔 ēik).
el2 2933
59 11 ël diāo (=雕 ël diāo tattoo, carve, paint, engrave);⁹ wither, emaciated; adorn, decorate.⁷
or 雕谢[雕謝] ël-dèh diāoxiè withered.¹¹
or 雕弓 ël-güng diāogōng engraved bow.¹¹
or 雕励[雕勵] ël-lài diāolì to decorate or hide (one's defects); to beautify.⁷
or 雕墙[雕牆] ël-tẽng diāoqiáng a wall decorated with a painting or drawing.⁷
彫丧[彫喪] ël-xöng
diāosàng to look depressed or dejected.⁷
(See 雕 ël.)
el2 2934
85 5 ël diāo 汈汊 Ël-chä Diāochà Diaocha Lake, a lake in 湖北 Vũ-bāk Húběi Hubei Province.⁸
el2 2935
96 12 ël diāo engrave, inlay, carve; exhaust.⁸ to engrave gems.¹⁰ to work up gems, to cut and engrave precious stones; a pebble resembling a precious stone; to draw lines.²⁴ (=雕 ël diāo); engrave, inlay, carve; exhaust.³⁶
(composition: ⿰𤣩周; U+7431).
or 斫雕为朴[斫雕為樸] or 斲雕为朴[斲雕為樸] ēk-ël-vĩ-pōk zhuódiāowéipǔ lit. carving for simplicity – remove glitz and make things simple.¹⁹ʼ¹⁰⁷ʼ⁰
琱琢 ël-dēk
diāozhuó  to cut and engrave precious stones.²⁴
琱戈 ël-fö
diāogē engraved ancient daggar-axe weapon.¹⁹
琱刻 ël-hāk
diāokè to engrave.²⁴
琱璚 ël-kūt
diāojué carving and engraving jade, a metaphor for modifying text.¹⁹
or 琱阑[琱闌] ël-lãn diāolán carved railings.¹⁹
or 琱胡 ël-vũ diāohú (=菰米 gü-māi gūmǐ <bot.> wild rice.⁹).⁸ʼ¹⁹ʼ⁰
(See 雕 ël).
el2 2936
109 16 ël diāo watch carefully, look closely; scrutinize.⁸ the eye accustomed to the view of anything.²⁴
(composition: ⿰目鳥; U+7797).
<又> ëo. (See 瞗 ëo).
el2 2937
112 13 ël diāo room made of stone; watchtower.⁸ <old> rock cave.¹⁰
碉楼[碉樓] ël-lěo diāolóu military watchtower.⁸
碉堡 ël-bāo
diāobǎo blockhouse; pillbox; fortification.⁸
开平碉楼[開平碉樓] Höi-pẽin Ël-lẽo
Kāipíng Diāolóu  Kaiping Diaolous are fortified multi-storey towers, generally made of reinforced concrete. These towers are located mainly in Kaiping County, Guangdong Province.¹⁵
el2 2938
116 16 ël diào deep; distant; profound.¹⁴
窎不可测[不窵可測] ël-būt-hō-chāk diàobùkěcè deep and unfathomable.¹⁴
窎窕[窵窕] ël-èl
diàotiǎo dark and deep; cave-like.¹⁴
窎角[窵角] ël-gôk
diàojiǎo a secluded spot; a quiet corner.¹⁴
窎窅[窵窅] ël-yēl
diàoyǎo dark and deep; cave-like.¹⁴ deep and distant.²⁵
窎远[窵遠] ël-yōn
diàoyuǎn far; distant.¹⁴
el2 2939
137 11 𦨣
ël diāo (=𦩍❄{⿰舟周} ël diāo a small boat; an 𦩍❄{⿰舟周} ël diāo is equal to 300 斛 hùk , where a 斛 hùk was a dry measure originally equal to 10 dou (斗 ēo dǒu), but later was 5 dou (斗 ēo dǒu).² a barge capable of holding 15 or 30 tons; it is short and of a wide build.²⁵); a boat.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰舟召; U+26A23).
❄{⿰舟召} häk-ël kèdiāo a passage boat (ferry), used on small rivers; it is shaped like a scow, blunt and wide, and carries 15 tons, or half a dozen men.¹⁰²
❄{⿰舟召}[吳𦨣❄{⿰舟召}] M̃-ël Wúdiāo boat of an area south of the Yangtze River.¹⁰²
(See 𦩍❄{⿰舟周} ël).
el2 2940
137 14 𦩍
ël diāo a small boat; an 𦩍 ël diāo is equal to 300 斛 hùk , where a 斛 hùk was a dry measure originally equal to 10 dou (斗 ēo dǒu), but later was 5 dou (斗 ēo dǒu).² a barge capable of holding 15 or 30 tons; it is short and of a wide build.²⁵ a boat.¹⁰² (variant: 𦨣❄{⿰舟召} ël diāo).
(composition: ⿰舟周; U+26A4D).
客𦩍 häk-ël
kèdiāo or häk-äo kèdāo a passage boat (ferry), used on small rivers; it is shaped like a scow, blunt and wide, and carries 15 tons, or half a dozen men.¹⁰²
吴𦩍[吳𦩍] M̃-ël
Wúdiāo or M̃-äo Wúdāo boat of an area south of the Yangtze River.¹⁰²
<又> äo.
(See 𦩍❄{⿰舟周} äo; 𦨣❄{⿰舟召} ël).
el2 2941
140 13 ël diào an ancient bamboo-woven farm tool for cultivating fields; weeder (tool for weeding grass in a planted field).⁸ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿱艹條; U+84E7).
子路從而后, 遇丈人, 以杖荷蓧.
[子路從而後, 遇丈人, 以杖荷蓧.]
Dū-lù tũng-ngĩ hëo, nguì-jèng-ngĩn, yî-jèng-hò-ël.
Zilù cóng'ér hòu, yù zhàngrén, yǐ zhàng hè diào.
Zi Lu, following the Master, happened to fall behind, when he met an old man, carrying across his shoulder on a staff a basket for weeds.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《論語·微子》, translated by James Legge).
<又> hël; èik.
(See 蓧 hël; 蓧 èik).
el2 2942
140 17 ël diào 木蒴藋 mùk-sōk-ël mùshuòdiào red elderberry.¹¹
蒴藋 sōk-ël
shuòdiào <bot.> the Chinese elder (=接骨草).¹¹ dëp-gūt-tāo jiēgǔcǎo <bot.> Sambucus thunbergiana.¹⁹
el2 2943
153 12 ël diāo marten.⁵ the sable.¹⁴
紫貂 dū-ël zǐdiāo aka 黑貂 hāk-ël hēidiāo, 林貂 lĩm-ël líndiāo sable (Martes zibellina), a species of marten.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
貂蝉[貂蟬] ël-chên
diāochán decoration on the ancient military officer's hat.⁸
貂蝉[貂蟬] Ël-Chên
Diāo Chán one of the four famous beauties in Chinese history, wife of general Lǚ Bù in the Period of Three Kingdoms.⁵⁴
貂科 ël-fö
diāokē aka 鼬科 yiû-fö yòukē  (Mustelidae family) includes 水獭[水獺] suī-chât shuǐtǎ otters, 獾 fön huān badger, 鼬 yiû yòu weasel, 貂 ël diāo marten. The Mustelidae family includes weasels, badgers, otters, martens, among others.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
貂熊 ël-hũng
diāoxióng glutton.⁵ (=狼獾 lõng-fön lánghuān) wolverine, glutton, carcajou, skunk bear, or quickhatch (Gulo gulo).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
貂裘 ël-kiũ
diāoqiú marten/mink coat.⁶ sable robe.¹⁴
貂珰[貂璫] ël-öng
diāodāng eunuch's gold headdress.¹¹ furs and jewels – wealth.¹⁴
貂皮 ël-pĩ
diāopí (fur or pelt of) marten, mink.⁶ sable skins.¹⁴
貂皮大衣 ël-pĩ-ài-yï
diāopídàyī marten/mink coat.⁶
貂属[貂屬] ël-sùk
diāoshǔ marten (Martes genus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
el2 2944
157 15 ël diào very high; very far.⁷
踔远[踔遠] ël-yōn diàoyuǎn very high; very far.⁷ far,  distant.¹¹
<又> chēk.
(See 踔 chēk.)
el2 2945
167 11 ël diào to fish with a hook and bait.¹⁰
钓钩[釣鉤] ël-ngêo diàogōu fishhook; hook.⁹
钓矶[釣磯] ël-gï
diàojī projecting rock for angling.⁶
钓竿[釣竿] ël-gôn
diàogān fishing rod.¹⁰
钓具[釣具] ël-guì
diàojù fishing tackle.¹⁰
钓樟[釣樟] ël-jëng
diàozhāng <bot.> silky spicebush, Lindera sericea.¹¹
钓针[釣針] ël-jîm
diàozhēn hook.⁶
钓缗[釣緡] ël-mĩn
diàomín a fishing line.²⁵
钓钩[釣鉤] ël-ngêo
diàogōu fishhook; hook.⁹
钓鱼[釣魚] ël-nguî/
diàoyú angle; fish; go fishing.⁶
钓鱼岛[釣魚島] Ël-nguî Āo
Diàoyú Dǎo Diaoyu Island.⁶
钓鱼处[釣魚處] ël-nguî-chuî/
diàoyúchù angling place.⁶
钓鱼台[釣魚臺] ël-nguî-hõi
diàoyútái fishing terrace (place where emperors and high officials used to go fishing).⁶
钓鱼郎[釣魚郎] ël-nguî-lõng
diàoyúláng kingfisher.⁶
钓鱼翁[釣魚翁] ël-nguî-yüng
diàoyúwēng angler (fisherman).¹¹
钓饵[釣餌] ël-nì
diào'ěr bait.⁶
钓线[釣線] ël-xëin
diàoxiàn fishing line; fish line.⁶
钓丝[釣絲] ël-xû
diàosī fishing line; fish line.⁶
钓友[釣友] ël-yiû
diàoyǒu fellow angler; angling fraternity.⁶
el2 2946
167 14 ël diào 尥铞儿[尥銱兒] lẽl-ël-ngĩ liàodiàoér hasp and staple.⁸
钌铞儿[釕銱兒] lèl-ël-ngĩ
liàodiàor hasp and staple.⁶
el2 2947
172 16 ël diāo carve; sculpture; vulture.⁹ (variant: 彫, 琱, 鵰 ël diāo.)
雕版 ël-bān
diāobǎn to cut blocks of wood for printing.⁷
雕琢 ël-dēk
diāozhuó to cut and polish (gems); to polish a piece of writing; to write in an ornate style.⁷
雕像 ël-dèng
diāoxiàng a sculptured statue; portrayal of a person.⁷
雕花 ël-fä
diāohuā to engrave figures or pictures.⁷
雕戈 ël-fö
diāogē a carved lance or engraved spear.⁷
or 彫弓 ël-güng diāogōng engraved bow.¹¹
雕刻 ël-hāk
diāokè engrave; carve.⁸
雕刻刀 ël-hāk-äo
diāokèdāo a carving knife; a burin.⁷
雕栏玉砌[雕欄玉砌] ël-lãn-ngùk-täi
diāolányùqì carved balustrades and marble steps.⁵
雕龙[雕龍] ël-lũng
diāolóng lit. the carving of dragons – a highly embellished literary style.⁷
雕鹗[雕鶚] ël-ngōk
diāo'è hawk; person of extraordinary strength.¹¹
雕塑艺术[雕塑藝術] ël-sōk-ngài-sùt
or ël-xü-ngài-sùt diāosù yìshù statuary art.⁷
雕砌 ël-täi
diāoqì to write in a labored and ornate style.⁷
雕漆 ël-tīt
diāoqī to engrave or carve on lacquerware.⁷
雕云[雕雲] ël-vũn
diāoyún propitious clouds.⁷
(See 彫 ël; 琱 ël; 鵰 ël).
el2 2948
190 18 ël diāo to let the hair grow, as children do.⁸ the hair of a little child left to grow.²⁵
(composition: ⿱髟周; U+4BFE).
<又> hẽl; jiü; chiũ. (See 䯾 hẽl; 䯾 jiü; 䯾 chiũ).
el2 2949
195 16 ël diāo (<old>=鲷[鯛] ël diāo) porgy.⁵
(See 鯛 ël).
el2 2950
195 19 ël diāo porgy.⁵ (variant: 鮉 ël diāo).
大目金眼鲷[大目金眼鯛] ài-mùk-gïm-ngān-ël
dàmùjīnyǎndiāo or  十指金眼鲷[十指金眼鯛] sìp-jī-gïm-ngān-ël shízhǐjīnyǎndiāo alfonsino, alfonsin, longfinned beryx, red bream, or imperador (Beryx decadactylus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鲷鱼[鯛魚] ël-nguĩ
diāoyú red seabream (Pagrus major) aka 正鯛, 赤鯛, 正赤鯛, 真赤鯛, 嘉鱲, 沙鱲, 紅鱲, 赤鱲, 加吉魚, 銅盆魚.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
黑鲷[黑鯛] hāk-ël
hēidiāo black porgy.⁵
金眼鯛[金眼鯛] gïm-ngān-ël
jīnyǎndiāo alfonsino.¹⁰
真鲷[真鯛] jïn-ël
zhēndiāo genuine porgy; red porgy.⁵
(See 鮉 ël).
el2 2951
196 19 ël diāo (=雕ˢᵉˢᵉ³  ël diāo vulture.⁹); eagle, vulture; Aquila species (various).⁸ the eagle; the vulture; also used for hawks, buzzards.¹⁴ the falcon, its tail is long, and wings short, and with an earthy yellow color; aka 拂河 fūt-hõ fúhé the bird that brushes the river.²⁵
(composition: ⿰周鳥; U+9D70).
皂鵰 dào-ël
zàodiāo the vulture.¹⁴ the gier-eagle.²⁵
箭贯双鵰[箭貫雙鵰] dëin-gön-söng-ël
jiàn guàn shuāng diāo kill two birds with one stone.¹¹
鵰鷄 ël-gäi
diāojī an osprey.¹⁴
鵰悍 ël-hòn
diāohàn fierce (=刁悍 ël-hòn diāohàn cunning and fierce.⁸).¹¹ brave and fierce — as an eagle.¹⁴
鵰翎 ël-lẽin
diāolíng an arrow with eagle feathers.¹¹ eagle plums  — an arrow.¹⁴
鵰鹗[鵰鶚] ël-ngōk
diāo'è hawk, person of extraordinary strength.¹¹
鵰扇 ël-sën
diāoshàn fan of eagle feathers.¹¹
 一箭贯双鵰[ 一箭貫雙鵰] yīt-dëin-gön-söng-ël
yī jiàn guàn shuāng diāo kill two birds with one stone, marry two sisters.¹¹
一箭双鵰[一箭雙鵰] yīt-dëin-söng-ël
yī jiàn shuāng diāo to kill two birds with one stone.¹³
(See 雕ˢᵉˢᵉ³ ël).
el2 2952
208 18 ël diāo (<old>=貂 ël diāo marten.⁵ the sable.¹⁴).
(composition: ⿰鼠召; U+9F26).
(See 貂 ël).
el2 2953
1 6 èl diū to lose; to put aside; to throw.
丢卒保车[丟卒保車] èl-dūt-bāo-guï diūzúbǎojū sacrifice something minor to save something major.
丢掉[丟掉] èl-èl
diūdiào to lose; to throw away.
丢盔弃甲[丟盔棄甲] èl-föi-hï-gâp
or èl-kï-hï-gâp diūkuīqìjiǎ throw aside one's armor and drop one's arms; flee helter-skelter.⁹
丢盔卸甲[丟盔卸甲] èl-föi-xëh-gâp
or èl-kï-xëh-gâp diūkuīxièjiǎ make a run for it.⁹
丢车保帅[丟車保帥] èl-guï-bāo-suï
diūjūbǎoshuài make minor sacrifices to safeguard major interests.
丢弃[丟棄] èl-hï
diūqì cast aside; abandon; discard.⁶
丢去[丟去] èl-huï
diūqù to get rid of; cast away.
丢脸[丟臉] èl-lêm
diūliǎn lose face; be disgraced.⁵
丢人[丟人] èl-ngĩn
diūrén to lose face; disgraceful.
丢失[丟失] èl-sīt
diūshī to lose, lost.
丢三落四[丟三落四] èl-xäm-lài-xï
diūsānlàsì forgetful; empty-headed.
el4 2954
64 11 èl diào to drop, to fall, to come off; to lose, to be missing; to fall behind; to change; to turn.
毙掉[斃掉] bài-èl bìdiào to shoot; to execute by shooting.
丢掉[丟掉] èl-èl
diūdiào to lose; to throw away.
掉头[掉頭] èl-hẽo
diàotóu to turn round; to turn one's head (and walk away); to shake one's head; to be beheaded; to lose interest in.
掉转[掉轉] èl-jōn
diàozhuǎn to turn around; to make a U-turn.
掉换[掉換] èl-vòn
diàohuàn to exchange; to change; to swap; to shift; to switch.
掉以轻心[掉以輕心] èl-yî-hëin-xïm
diàoyǐqīngxīn lower one's guard; treat something lightly.⁵
去掉 huï-èl
qùdiào to get rid of; to eradicate; to dismiss; to molt; to weed out.
失掉 sīt-èl
shīdiào to lose; to miss.
el4 2955
66 12 èl diāo 敦弓 èl-güng diāogōng (=雕弓 or 彫弓 ël-güng diāogōng) engraved bow.¹¹ an ornamented bow.²⁴
<又> uï, ün, ùn.
(See 敦 uï, ün, ùn.)
el4 2956
112 11 èl diào (=䂽 èl diào (a kind of) rock, stone.⁸).²
(composition: ⿰石兆; U+40AA).
硗䂪[磽䂪] or 硗䂽[磽䂽] ngẽl-èl qiāotiǎo name of a stone.²ʼ²⁵
<又> këo; ngẽl.
(See 䂪 këo; 䂪 ngẽl).
el4 2957
112 13 èl diào (a kind of) rock, stone.⁸
(composition: ⿰石卓; U+40BD).
硗䂽[磽䂽] or 硗䂪[磽䂪] ngẽl-èl qiāodiào name of a stone.²ʼ²⁵
el4 2958
116 11 èl tiǎo slender; quiet and modest, charming and attractive; beautiful, wonderful, good.⁷ quiet and secluded; gentle, graceful, and elegant.¹⁰
窕言 èl-ngũn tiǎoyán (=谎言[謊言] föng-ngũn huǎngyán) lie; falsehood.⁸
窕细[窕細] èl-xäi
tiǎoxì small and light.²⁵
窕邃 èl-xuì
tiǎosuì abstruse, deep and profound.¹⁰
轻窕[輕窕] hëin-èl
qīngtiǎo frivolous; capricious; playfull.¹⁰
窈窕 yēl-èl
yǎotiǎo <wr.> (of a woman) gentle and graceful, quiet and modest; (of a place) secluded.⁶
窈窕淑女 yēl-èl-sùk-nuī
yǎotiǎoshūnǚ graceful maiden.⁶ "My Fair Lady".²³ a quiet and modest maiden; a gentle and graceful young woman.⁵⁴
窈窕淑女, 君子好逑. yēl-èl-sùk-nuī, gün-dū-häo-kiũ.
yǎotiǎoshūnǚ, jūnzǐhǎoqiú. Graceful is the fair maiden, a fit match for a gentleman.⁰
el4 2959
149 15 調 èl diào transfer, shift, move; investigate; ask for.⁶
调兵遣将[調兵遣將] èl-bëin-hēin-dëng diàobīngqiǎnjiàng dispatch officers and men; move troops; deploy forces.⁵
调查[調查] èl-chã
diàochá look into; investigate; survey.⁶
调虎离山[調虎離山] èl-fū-lĩ-sän
diàohǔlíshān lure the tiger out of the mountains – lure the enemy away from his base.⁵
调头[調頭] èl-hẽo
diàotóu (of cars) turn around; make a U-turn; argument.⁶
调头[調頭] èl-hẽo
diàotou <topo.> tune, melody; tone; note.⁶
调研[調研] èl-ngẽin
diàoyán research; investigation.¹⁰
调任[調任] èl-ngìm
diàorèn move to another post.¹⁰
调度[調度] èl-ù
diàodù to dispatch (i.e. organize the distribution of vehicles); dispatcher.¹⁰
调动[調動] èl-ùng
diàodòng transfer, shift; move (troops),  maneuver, muster; to bring into play, arouse, mobilize.⁵
调换[調換] èl-vòn
diàohuàn to exchange; to change places; to swap.¹⁰
上调[上調] sèng-èl
shàngdiào be transferred to a higher post; be promoted; transfer goods, funds to a unit at a higher level.⁶ (See 上调[上調] sèng-hẽl shàngtiáo.)
<又> hẽl.
(See 調 hẽl.)
el4 2960
167 14 èl diū thulium (Tm).⁶
el4 2961
116 10 êl yǎo <台> 窅眼 êl-ngān (almost completely) blind.
(composition: ⿱穴目; U+7A85).
<又> yēl. (See 窅 yēl.)
el5 2962
3 1 ēm diǎn Kangxi radical 3, a dot, also pronounced zhǔ from the dot on the top of 主 which could be written as 丶 in archaic script.
<台> The component, 丶, is more commonly called ēm-ēm 点点[點點].
em1 2963
140 22 ēm zhàn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 蘸 lëim zhàn with same meaning: to dip in (liquid, powder, sauce).⁶)
<台> 蘸笔[蘸筆] ēm-bīt to dip a writing brush in ink.
<台> 蘸火
or 点火[點火] ēm-fō to start a fire.
<又> lëim; dàm.
(See 蘸 lëim; 蘸 dàm).
em1 2964
203 17 ēm diǎn dot, speck, spot; point, degree.⁸
点滴[點滴] ēm-ēik diǎndī a bit; <med.> intravenous drip.⁵
点化[點化] ēm-fä
diǎnhuà reveal; transform somebody by a Buddhist (Taoist) monk.⁸
点火[點火] ēm-fō
diǎnhuǒ light a fire; ignite; kindle the flame; set a fire.⁸
点歌[點歌] ēm-gô/
diǎngē choose a song.⁵⁴
点头[點頭] ēm-hẽo
diǎntóu nod; approve.⁸
点缀[點綴] ēm-juì
diǎnzhui embellish; adorn.⁵
点名[點名] ēm-mẽng
diǎnmíng call the roll; mention somebody by name.⁸
点燃[點燃] ēm-ngẽin
diǎnrán light up; kindle; ignite.⁸
点石成金[點石成金] ēm-sêk-sẽin-gïm
diǎnshíchéngjīn touch a stone and turn it into gold – turn a crude essay into a literary gem.⁸
点收[點收] ēm-siü
diǎnshōu check and accept.⁸
点菜[點菜] ēm-töi
diǎncài order dishes (in a restaurant).⁸
点心[點心] ēm-xïm
diǎnxin dessert;light refreshments; pastry; dim sum.⁸
点穴[點穴] ēm-yòt
diǎnxué (of martial arts) hit at certain acupoints, causing internal injury; hit at selected point.⁸
<台> 点表[點錶] ēm-bël o'clock.
<台> 三点表[三點錶] xäm-ēm-bël three o'clock.
em1 2965
18 7 ëm diàn (same as 玷 ëm diàn a flaw in a piece of jade; blemish; disgrace.⁵); a flaw; a defect, to cut with a sword; to chop.⁸
(composition: ⿰占刂; U+34E0).
(See 玷 ëm).
em2 2966
32 8 ëm diàn earthen platform where food & wine are placed.¹  an archaic term for an earthen table for keeping food, wine utensils, or ritual instruments.⁹
(composition: ⿰土占; U+576B).
坛坫[壇坫] hãn-ëm tándiàn <trad.> altar where the rulers of states took oaths during a conference.¹  <wr.> sacrificial altar for taking oath set up during conference of states; hence symbol of diplomacy.¹¹
em2 2967
32 11 ëm niàn low bank between fields or shallow waters.⁶
打埝 ā-ëm or ā-nèm dǎniàn to build banks between fields.⁵
子埝 dū-ëm
or dū-nèm zǐniàn an embankment added on top of a dike when a flood is imminent.
土埝 hū-ëm
or hū-nèm tǔniàn a low bank between fields or in shallow water.
<又> nèm.⁴
(See 埝 nèm.⁴)
em2 2968
40 14 ëm diàn a slanting house; nightmare.⁸ a house fallen into ruins; pressed down; exhausted.²⁴ the roof of a house fallen in from decay, caused by the damp earth and heavy tiles upon it; this often happens to neglected buildings which admit the rain.¹⁰²
(variant: 𡫑❄{⿱宀墊} ëm diàn).
(Note: According to the Kangxie Dictionary 㝪 ëm
diàn  may also be read èp dié with the same meaning).
(composition: ⿱宀執; U+376A).
(See 𡫑❄{⿱宀墊} ëm).
em2 2969
40 17 𡫑
ëm diàn (=㝪 ëm diàn a slanting house; nightmare.⁸ a house fallen into ruins; pressed down; exhausted.²⁴ the roof of a house fallen in from decay, caused by the damp earth and heavy tiles upon it; this often happens to neglected buildings which admit the rain.¹⁰² ).
(composition: ⿱宀墊; U+21AD1).
(See 㝪 ëm).
em2 2970
53 广 8 ëm diàn shop, store; inn.⁵
(composition: ⿸广占; U+5E97).
酒店 diū-ëm jiǔdiàn wine shop; pub; hotel; restaurant.¹⁰
店家 ëm-gä
diànjiā shop owner.⁵
店主 ëm-jī
diànzhǔ shop owner.¹⁰
店面 ëm-mèin
diànmiàn a shop front.⁷
店铺[店鋪] ëm-pü
diànpù store; shop.¹⁰
店员[店員] ëm-yõn
diànyuán salesman, salesgirl.¹¹
饭店[飯店] fàn-ëm
fàndiàn restaurant; hotel.⁷
服装店[服裝店] fùk-jöng-ëm
fúzhuāngdiàn clothing store.⁵
咖啡店 gä-fēh-ëm
kāfēidiàn coffee shop.⁸
住店 jì-ëm
zhùdiàn stay at an inn.¹⁹
旅店 luî-ëm
lǚdiàn inn; small hotel.¹⁰
五金店 m̄-gïm-ëm
wǔjīndiàn hardware store.⁹
文具店 mũn-guì-ëm
wénjùdiàn stationery store.¹⁰
商店 sëng-ëm
shāngdiàn store; shop.¹⁰
书店[書店] sï-ëm
shūdiàn bookshop; bookstore.⁵
em2 2971
61 11 ëm diàn to think of; to remember; to miss.¹⁰
惦记[惦記] ëm-gï diànjì to think of; to keep thinking about; to be concerned about.¹⁰
惦挂[惦掛] ëm-kä
diànguà remember.⁸
惦念 ëm-nèm
diànniàn to constantly have (somebody or something) on one's mind.¹⁰
惦怀[惦懷] ëm-vãi
diànhuái to remember nostalgically; to be nostalgic about.⁷
em2 2972
64 11 ëm diān weigh in the hand.⁵
掂斤播两[掂斤播兩] ëm-gïn-bö-lēng diānjīnbōliǎng engage fuss over trifles; be calculating in small matters.⁶
掂斤估两[掂斤估兩] ëm-gïn-gū-lēng
diānjīngūliǎng to care about minor differences in weight; to care too much about losses and gains.⁹
掂敪 ëm-jōt
diānduó to estimate weight of something held in hand; to estimate and consider relative importance.¹¹ to weight; to estimate the weight of.¹⁴
掂掇 ëm-jōt
diānduo weigh, deliberate, consider, think over; estimate, reckon.⁶
掂了个过[掂了個過] ëm-lēl-göi-gö
diānle gè guò <topo.> pondered; thought over.⁵⁴
掂量 ëm-lẽng
diānliang weigh in the hand; consider, deliberate, think over; weigh up.⁶
掂对[掂對] ëm-uï
diāndui <topo.> weigh up, consider, deliberate; exchange, swap (for).⁶
掂三 ëm-xäm
diānsān <topo.> ponder; consider; think over.⁵⁴
掂算 ëm-xön
diānsuàn estimate; calculate; weigh.⁵
(See 敁 ëm.)
em2 2973
66 9 ëm diān to weigh in the hand, to estimate; to shake.⁸
敁敠 or 敁敪 ëm-jōt diānduo weigh in the hand; speculate, conjecture.⁸ to weigh (with hand); to estimate the weight of.¹¹
(See 掂 ëm.)
em2 2974
96 9 ëm diàn a flaw in a piece of jade; blemish; disgrace.⁵
(variant: 㓠 ëm diàn).
白圭之玷 bàk-gï-jï-ëm
báiguīzhīdiàn a stain on white jade – flaw of an otherwise perfect person.⁶
玷污 ëm-vü
diànwū stain; sully; tarnish.⁵
玷辱 ëm-yùk
diànrǔ bring disgrace on; be a disgrace to.⁵
玷辱声名[玷辱聲名] ëm-yùk-sëin-mẽin
diànrǔshēngmíng to fall into discredit.⁷
(See 㓠 ëm).
em2 2975
104 10 ëm diàn <wr.> chronic malaria.⁷ <wr.> malarial fever.¹¹
(See 痁 [ëm, shān].)
em2 2976
104 10 ëm shān (alternate Mandarin pronunciation for 痁 ëm diàn with same meaning.)
(See 痁 [ëm, diàn].)
em2 2977
157 12 ëm diǎn (=踮 ëm diǎn) to stand on tiptoe.
(See 踮 ëm).
em2 2978
157 15 ëm diǎn stand on tiptoe.⁵ (variant: 跕 ëm diǎn).
踮步 ëm-bù
diǎnbù walk cautiously in order not to make noise; a type of dance standing on tiptoe to make quick, short steps.¹⁹
踮足而立 ëm-dūk-ngĩ-lìp
diǎnzú'érlì stand on tiptoe.⁵⁴
踮脚[踮腳] ëm-gëk
diǎnjiǎo <topo.> to limp.⁶ to stand on tiptoe.⁹
踮脚尖[踮腳尖] ëm-gëk-dëm
diǎnjiǎojiān to stand on tiptoe.¹⁰
踮着脚[踮著腳] ëm-jèk-gëk
diǎnzhejiǎo tiptoe.⁵⁴
(See 跕 ëm).
em2 2979
170 7 ëm diàn danger; dangerous.
阽危 ëm-nguĩ diànwēi <wr.> to be close to danger; in state of danger.
<又> yëm.
(See 阽 yëm.)
em2 2980
181 14 ëm diàn to hang down the head.²ʼ²⁵
(composition: ⿰占頁; U+9815).
<又> äm. (See 頕 äm).
em2 2981
64 11 èm diān <台> 掂 èm straight, vertical.
<台> 跸诶掂[蹕誒掂] bīt-ë-èm very straight; perfectly straight.
<台> 搞掂 gāo-èm to get something done.
<台> 横掂[橫掂] vãng-èm in any case, anyway, anyhow.
em4 2982
181 11 ēng dǐng top.⁹ (cf 巅[巔] ëin diān).
房顶[房頂] fông-ēng
fángdǐng roof; housetop.⁹
山顶[山頂] sän-ēng
shāndǐng hilltop.¹⁰
屋顶[屋頂] ūk-ēng
wūdǐng roof; housetop.⁵
<台> 面顶[面頂] mèin-ēng on top.
<台> 屋盖顶[屋蓋頂] ūk-gôi-ēng roof; housetop.
<又> ēin.
(See 頂 ēin.)
eng1 2983
64 11 ëng zhěng <台> to throw.
<又> èin. (See 掟 èin.)
eng2 2984
109 7 ëng dīng rivet gaze upon, keep eyes on.⁸ to watch attentively; fix attention on; stare; gaze at.¹⁰
盯紧[盯緊] ëng-gīn dīngjǐn to stare closely.¹⁰
盯住 ëng-jì
dīngzhù to watch somebody closely; to breathe down somebody's neck; to mark (sports).¹⁰
or 钉梢[釘梢] ëng-säo dīngshāo shadow somebody; tail sombody.⁸
盯视[盯視] ëng-sì
dīngshì look at …fixedly.⁸
eng2 2985
167 10 ëng dìng to nail; to sew on.⁶
板上钉钉[板上釘釘] bān-sèng-ëng-êng bǎnshàngdìngdīng that clinches it; that's final; no two ways about it.¹⁰
钉钯[釘鈀] ëng-pã
dīngpá rake.¹⁰
钉钉子[釘釘子] ëng-êng-dū
dìng dīngzi hammer a nail;  drive in a nail.⁶
钉扣子[釘扣子] ëng-këo-dū
dìngkòuzi sew a button on.⁶
<台> 钉铁钉[釘鐵釘] ëng-hëik-dêng
to hammer a nail.
<又> dêng, êng.
(See 釘 [ëng, dīng], êng, dêng.)
eng2 2986
167 10 ëng dīng nail, tack; spike; follow closely, tail; urge, press.⁶
钉齿耙[釘齒耙] ëng-chī-pã dīngchǐbà spike-tooth harrow.⁶
钉锤[釘錘] ëng-chuĩ
dīngchuí nail/claw hammer; spike driver.⁶
钉子[釘子] ëng-dū
dīngzi nail; something that is hard to deal with; saboteur; snag.⁶
钉子精神[釘子精神] ëng-dū-dëin-sĩn
dīngzijīngshén spirit of the nail – make the best use of one's time and work persistently to achieve one's purpose.⁶
钉子户[釘子戶] ëng-dū-fù
dīngzihù household resisting eminent domain; strong nay-sayer.⁵⁴
钉鞋[釘鞋] ëng-hãi
dīngxié a kind of old fashioned rainproof shoes; spiked/soccer shoes; spikes.⁶
钉螺[釘螺] ëng-lũ
dīngluó <zoo.> oncomelania; snail.⁶
钉帽[釘帽] ëng-mào
dīngmào head of a nail.⁶
钉耙[釘耙] ëng-pã
dīngpá iron-tooth rake; spiked rake.⁶
or 盯梢 ëng-säo dīngshāo shadow somebody; tail sombody.⁸
钉是钉, 铆是铆[釘是釘, 鉚是鉚] ëng-sì-ëng, mâo-sì-mâo
dīng shì dīng, mǎo shì mǎo a nail is a nail, a dowel is a dowel – be conscientious and meticulous; be meticulously accurate/precise.⁶
<又> dêng, êng.
(See 釘 [ëng, dìng], êng, dêng.)
eng2 2987
177 11 ëng dīng resole a shoe.⁶ to cobble; to patch.¹⁴
靪底 ëng-āi dīngdǐ to mend a sole.¹⁴
靪鞋底 ëng-hãi-āi
dīngxiédǐ resole/sole a shoe.⁶
<又> êng.
(See 靪 êng.)
eng2 2988
40 8 èng dìng fix, settle, establish; stated, fixed, stipulated; order, book.⁶
定做[定做] èng-dü
dìngzuò have something made to order (or measure).⁵⁶
定金 èng-gïm dìngjīn deposit.⁵⁶
定期 èng-kĩ dìngqī regular; at regular intervals; periodical.⁵⁶
定量 èng-lẽng
dìngliàng ration; fixed quantity.⁵⁶
<又> èin.
(See 定 èin.)
eng4 2989
149 9 èng dìng to agree; to conclude; to draw up; to subscribe to (a newspaper).¹⁰
订货[訂貨] èng-fö dìnghuò order goods.⁵⁶
订婚[訂婚] èng-fün dìnghūn be engaged or bethrothed.⁵⁶
订位[訂位] èng-vì dìngwèi to reserve a seat; to book a table; reservation.¹⁰
制订[制訂] jäi-èng
zhìdìng work out.⁵⁵
签订[簽訂] tïm-èng qiāndìng conclude and sign (a treaty).⁵
预订[預訂] yì-èng yùdìng subscribe; book; place an order.⁵
<又> ëin, èin. (See 訂 ëin, èin.)
eng4 2990
1 2 êng dīng 补丁[補丁] or 补靪[補靪] or 补钉[補釘] bū-êng bǔding patch.⁶
<又> ëin, jäng. (See 丁 ëin; 丁 jäng.)
eng5 2991
167 10 êng dīng 板上钉钉[板上釘釘] bān-sèng-ëng-êng bǎnshàngdìngdīng that clinches it; that's final; no two ways about it.¹⁰
钉[釘] êng
or dêng dīng a nail.¹⁰
钉钉子[釘釘子] ëng-êng-dū
dìng dīngzi hammer a nail;  drive in a nail.⁶
<又> ëng, dêng.
(See 釘 [ëng, dīng], [ëng, dìng], dêng.)
eng5 2992
177 11 êng dīng resole a shoe.⁶ to cobble; to patch.¹⁴
补靪[補靪] or 补丁[補丁] or 补钉[補釘] bū-êng bǔding patch.⁶
<又> ëng.
(See 靪 ëng.)
eng5 2993
1 10 𠁁
ēo dòu  a wine vessel.²⁴ <old> a kind of flagon used in rituals; (=斗 ēo dǒu Chinese peck; liquid measure.⁸ 10 liters.⁹).³⁶
(composition: ?; U+20041).
(See 斗 ēo).
eo1 2994 20041.gif
30 10 ēo dōu Obsolete: Used to express disapproval or reproach.⁹ exclamation of angry dismissal, “beat it!”.¹¹ <interj.> expressing anger or scolding, usually used in old novels or operas.²²
<又> ëo. (See 唗 ëo.)
eo1 2995
30 14 ēo ǒu
to vomit.¹⁰
作呕[作嘔] dök-ēo zuò'ǒu to feel sick; to feel nauseous; to feel disgusted.¹⁰
呕吐[嘔吐] ēo-hü
ǒutù to vomit.¹⁰
呕血[嘔血] ēo-hüt 
ǒuxuè hematemesis.¹⁰ to throw up blood.¹¹
令人作呕[令人作嘔] lēin-ngĩn-dök-ēo
lìngrénzuò'ǒu to cause people to vomit; to make people feel nauseous.¹⁰
<台> 想呕[想嘔] xēng-ēo feel nauseous.
<又> ëo.
(See 嘔 [ēo, ōu], ëo.)
eo1 2996
30 14 ēo ōu
呕哑[嘔啞] ēo-ā or 呕鸦[嘔鴉] ēo-ä ōuyā <ono.> (sound of) creaking, swishing of oars, twitter of birds, and similar sounds.¹¹
<又> ëo.
(See 嘔 [ēo, ǒu], ëo.)
eo1 2997
46 7 ēo dǒu name of a mountain.² the name of a hill.²⁴
(composition: ⿰山斗; U+37B3).
eo1 2998
64 7 ēo dǒu to tremble; to shake out; to reveal; to make it in the world.
精神抖擞[精神抖擻] dëin-sĩn-ēo-xēo jīngshéndǒusǒu spirit trembling with excitement (idiom); in high spirits; lively and full of enthusiasm; full of energy; con brio.
抖出来[抖出來] ēo-chūt-lõi
dǒuchūlai <topo.> to spill out; to reveal.
抖起来[抖起來] ēo-hī-lõi
dǒuqǐlai <topo.> to begin to rise in the world; to make good.
抖缩[抖縮] ēo-sük
dǒusuō to quail; to quake; to quiver.
抖动[抖動] ēo-ùng
dǒudòng to shake; to tremble; to vibrate.
发抖[發抖] fāt-ēo
fādǒu shiver; shake; quiver; tremble.
颤抖[顫抖] jën-ēo
chàndǒu shake; tremble; quiver; quaver; shiver; shudder.⁶
eo1 2999
68 4 ēo dǒu Kangxi radical 68.⁸ Chinese peck; liquid measure.⁸ 10 liters.⁹ cup or dipper shaped object.¹⁰
斗胆[斗膽] ēo-ām dǒudǎn presumptuous.¹¹
斗杓 ēo-bël
dǒubiāo the handle of Big Dipper.⁸
斗柄 ēo-bêng
dǒubǐng handle of the Big Dipper.¹⁰
斗箕 ēo-gî
dǒujī fingerprint, a biometric identification.⁹
斗拱 ēo-gūng
dǒugǒng or 斗拱[鬥拱] ëo-gūng dòugǒng or 斗栱 ēo-gūng dǒugǒng or 枓拱 ēo-gūng dǒugǒng or 枓栱 ēo-gūng dǒugǒng or 欂栌[欂櫨] bòk-lũ bólú <archi.> set of brackets between crossbeams and columns, each set consisting of tiers of outstretching arms called gong, cushioned with trapezoidal blocks called dou.⁶
斗转星移[斗轉星移] ēo-jōn-xëin-yĩ
dǒuzhuǎnxīngyí  lit. the Big Dipper 北斗星 has turned and the stars have moved; time flies.¹⁰
斗笠 ēo-lāp
dǒulì large rain hat.¹¹
斗篷 ēo-pũng
dǒupeng cloak; mantle.¹⁰
斗室 ēo-sīt
dǒushì small room.¹¹
斗宿 Ēo Xiü
Dǒuxiù The Dipper Mansion, one of the Twenty-Eight Mansions of the Chinese constellations. It is one of the northern mansions of the Black Tortoise.¹⁵
一斗米 yīt-ēo-māi
yī dǒu mǐ one peck of rice.
(See 鬥 ëo.)
eo1 3000
68 11 ēo dǒu demotic character for 斗 ēo dǒu Chinese peck; liquid measure.⁸ 10 liters.⁹ Also six steps is equal to one 㪷 ēo dǒu.²
(composition: ⿰豆斗; U+3AB7).
(See 斗 ēo).
eo1 3001
75 8 ēo dǒu 枓拱 ēo-gūng dǒugǒng <archi.> bracket set (See explanation under 斗拱 ēo-gūng dǒugǒng).
枓栱 ēo-gūng
dǒugǒng <archi.> bracket set (See explanation under 斗拱 ēo-gūng dǒugǒng).
eo1 3002
142 10 ēo dǒu 蝌蚪 fö-ēo kēdǒu a tadpole.⁷
蝌蚪文 fö-ēo
kēdǒuwén tadpole characters (of the Zhou Dynasty, with strokes of characters shaped like tadpoles).⁷
eo1 3003
145 18 ēo dǒu sleeve (of a garment).²
(composition: ⿰衤蜀; U+8961).
<又> sùk; ùk; èo. (See 襡 sùk; 襡 ùk; 襡 èo).
eo1 3004
167 12 ēo dǒu demotic character for 𨪐❄{⿰釒𠁁} ēo dòu a wine vessel/container.⁸ a wine flagon; Dou surname.¹⁴
t: ⿰釒斗; U+9204). (comp. s: ⿰钅斗; U+94AD).
(See 𨪐❄{⿰釒𠁁} ēo).
eo1 3005
167 18 𨪐
ēo dòu a wine vessel/container.⁸
(composition: ⿰釒𠁁; U+28A90).
<又> hëo. (See 𨪐❄{⿰釒𠁁} hëo).
eo1 3006
170 9 ēo dǒu steep; precipitous; suddenly.
陡壁 ēo-bēik dǒubì steep cliff; precipice.
陡坡 ēo-bö
dǒupō a steep slope.⁵
陡峻 ēo-dün
dǒujùn precipitous; high and steep.¹⁰
陡立 ēo-lìp
dǒulì to rise steeply.
陡然 ēo-ngẽin
dǒurán suddenly; abruptly.
陡岸 ēo-ngòn
dǒu'àn steep coast.
陡槽 ēo-tão
dǒucáo chute.³⁹
陡峭 ēo-xël
dǒuqiào precipitous; steep.
天气陡变[天氣陡變] hëin-hï-ēo-bëin
tiānqìdǒubiàn the weather changed suddenly.
eo1 3007
10 11 ëo dōu pocket; bag; to wrap up; to encircle; to solicit.
兜剿 ëo-dēl dōujiǎo to encircle and suppress.
兜圈子 ëo-hūn-dū
dōu quānzi <topo.>  to saunter; to take a stroll; to go by roundabout route; to beat around the bush; to be evasive.
兜揽[兜攬] ëo-lām
dōulǎn to solicit business; to hitch up as friends; to find customers for trade.¹¹ (cf 兜擥 ëo-lām).
兜帽 ëo-mào
dōumào hood.¹⁰
兜鍪 ëo-mẽo
dōumóu helmet (worn in ancient battles).⁶
兜儿[兜兒] ëo-ngĩ
dōur small pocket; pocket; bag.
兜售 ëo-siù
dōushòu peddle; hawk.⁵
裤兜[褲兜] fû-ëo
kùdōu trouser pocket.⁵
肚兜 ū-ëo
dùdōu an undergarment covering the chest and abdomen; loose covering for the breast.⁵⁴
围兜[圍兜] vĩ-ëo
wéidōu to wrap up.
<台> 兜箩[兜籮] ëo-lũ
or ëo-lõ bamboo basket.
eo2 3008
23 11 ëo ōu Ou surname.
(comp. t: ⿷匚品 or ⿷匸品; U+5340).
s: ⿷匚㐅 or ⿷匸㐅; U+533A).
<又> kuï.
(See 區 kuï.)
eo2 3009
30 7 ëo dōu (=𠱑❄{⿱口㕦} ëo dōu speak lightly; speak without thinking.² light words.²⁴)¹⁰¹ garrulous.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口殳; U+543A).
吺誻 ëo-àp
dōutà long-winded and ineffective.¹⁹
㖩吺 èp-ëo
diédōu talkative.²⁴
鴅吺 fön-ëo
huāndōu (=驩兜 fön-ëo huāndōu Huandou, leader of the 三苗族 Sanmiao nationality in ancient Chinese legend).¹⁹
共吺 gùng-ëo
gòngdōu (=共兜 gùng-ëo gòngdōu Gong-Dou, a combined term for 共工 gùng-güng gònggōng Gonggong (god of water) and 驩兜 fön-ëo huāndōu Huandou, leader pf the 三苗族 Sanmiao nationality in ancient Chinese legend).¹⁹
讘吺 nēp-ëo
nièdōu or jēt-ëo zhédōu long-winded; wordy and not well organized.² loquacious.²⁴
<又> yĩ;
(See 吺 yĩ; 𠱑❄{⿱口㕦} ëo).
eo2 3010
30 9 𠱑
ëo dōu speak lightly; speak without thinking.² light words.²⁴
(variant: 吺 ëo dōu).
(composition: ⿱㕦口; U+20C51).
(See 吺 ëo).

eo2 3011
30 10 ëo dōu (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 唗 ēo dōu with same meaning.)
<又> ēo.
(See 唗 ēo.)
eo2 3012
30 14 ëo òu
(=怄[慪] ëo òu) to annoy; to irritate; to be annoyed; to sulk.¹⁰
or 怄气[慪氣] ëo-hï òuqì to sulk; to squabble.¹⁰
or 怄人[慪人] ëo-ngĩn òurén to annoy people.³⁹
<又> ēo.
(See 嘔 [ēo, ǒu], [ēo, ōu].)
eo2 3013
38 13 ëo ǎo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 媪[媼] äo ǎo with same meaning.)
<又> äo.
(See 媼 äo.)
eo2 3014
38 14 ëo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 妪[嫗] yī old woman; to brood over; to protect.¹⁰)
<又> yī.
(See 嫗 yī.)
eo2 3015
61 14 ëo òu to annoy; to irritate; to be annoyed; to sulk.¹⁰
怄气[慪氣] or 呕气[嘔氣] ëo-hï òuqì to sulk; to squabble.¹⁰
or 呕人[嘔人] ëo-ngĩn òurén to annoy people.³⁹
eo2 3016
64 14 ëo dōu to lift up; to take in the hand, to control, to open; (Cant.) to seize, to grasp.⁸
(composition: ⿰扌兜; U+3A2E).
eo2 3017
75 15 𣘛
ëo dōu the name of a tree; the roots of a tree striking down into the ground, without side branches.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木兜; U+2361B).
eo2 3018
75 18 ëo ōu the name of a tree.²⁴ <old> a kind of elm tree; <old> a tree that has died but has not yet fallen.³⁶ (variant: 藲 ëo).
(composition: ⿰木蓲; U+6AD9).
櫙荎 ëo-chĩ ōuchí (=刺榆 xü-yĩ cìyú²⁴ Hemiptelea davidii (Hance) Planch.³² Hemiptelea davidii is a thorny, deciduous shrub or a tree in the Elm family.⁰)
(See 藲 ëo).
eo2 3019
76 15 ëo ōu short for 欧洲[歐洲]; ohm (Ω); Ou surname.
欧斑鸠[欧斑鳩] ëo-bän-gëo ōubānjiū European turtledove (Streptopelia turtur).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
欧化[歐化] Ëo-fä
Ōuhuà to Europeanize, to Westernize.¹¹
欧洲[歐洲] Ëo-jiü
Ōuzhōu Europe.¹¹
欧洲联盟[歐洲聯盟] Ëo-jiü-lũn-mãng
Ōuzhōuliánméng European Union (EU).¹⁰
欧洲沙蚤[歐洲沙蚤] Ëo-jiü sâ-dāo
Ōuzhōu shāzǎo sand hopper (Talitrus saltator).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
欧洲水貂[歐洲水貂] Ëo-jiü-suī-ël
Ōuzhōushuǐdiāo European mink (Mustela lutreola).²⁰
欧鸲[歐鴝] ëo-kuĩ
ōuqú robin; redbreast.⁶
欧椋鸟[歐椋鳥] ëo-lẽng-nêl/
ōuliángniǎo starling.⁵
欧姆[歐姆] ëo-mû
ōumǔ <elec.> ohm.¹¹
欧椴[歐椴] Ëo-òn
Ōuduàn large-leaved linden Tilia platyphyllos Scop. or Tilia grandifolia Ehrh.¹⁵ʼ²³
欧阳[歐陽] Ëoyẽng
Ōuyáng Ouyang compound surname.
欧阳修 or 歐陽脩 Ëoyẽng Xiü
Ōuyáng Xiū Ouyang Xiu (1007 – September 22, 1072) was a Chinese statesman, historian, essayist, calligrapher and poet of the Song Dynasty.
欧元[歐元] Ëo-yõn
Ōuyuán Euro.¹⁰
姆欧[姆歐] mû-ëo
mǔ'ōu <elec.> mho.⁵
eo2 3020
79 15 ëo ōu beat, fight with fists, hit.⁸ Ou surname.¹⁰
殴打[毆打] ëo-ā
ōudǎ to beat up; to come to blows; battery (law).¹⁰
殴打罪[毆打罪] ëo-ā-duì
ōudǎzuì assault and battery (law).¹⁰
殴毙[毆斃] ëo-bài
ōubì to beat to death; to kill in a brawl.¹⁴
殴斗[毆鬥] ëo-ēo
ōudòu fight; brawl; have a fist fight.⁶
殴击[毆擊] ëo-gēik
ōujī hit; beat up.⁸
殴逐[毆逐] ëo-jùk
ōuzhú to drive out forcibly.¹⁴
殴杀[毆殺] ëo-sät
ōushā  smite somebody dead.⁸
殴伤[毆傷] ëo-sëng
ōushāng injure by beating.⁵⁴
殴辱[毆辱] ëo-yùk
ōurǔ smite and insult.⁸
eo2 3021
82 15 ëo dōu (composition: ⿰婁毛; U+6C00).
氀毼 ëo-āp dōudá feebled-minded.²⁴ (cf 氀毼 lẽo-hò).
<又> lẽo.
(See 氀 lẽo).
eo2 3022
85 14 ëo òu to steep; to macerate.¹⁰
沤肥[漚肥] ëo-fĩ òuféi manure; wet compost.¹⁰
沤粪[漚糞] ëo-fûn
òufèn make compost.⁹
沤凼[漚凼] ëo-hêim
òudàng cesspool; compost pit.¹⁰
沤麻[漚麻] ëo-mã
òumá to ret hemp.¹¹
沤郁[漚郁] ëo-yūk
òuyù richly fragrant.¹⁹
(See 漚[ëo, ōu].)
eo2 3023
85 14 ëo ōu bubble; froth.¹⁰
沤靛[漚靛] ëo-èin òudiàn to macerate the indigo leaves.¹⁴
浮沤[浮漚] fẽo-ëo
fú'ōu bubbles on water, froth; transience of human life; inconstancy of human relationships.⁵⁴
涪沤[涪漚] fẽo-ëo
fú'òu foam; bubbles.⁵⁴
海沤[海漚] hōi-fẽo
hǎi'òu <wr.> bubbles on the sea; <Budd.> transience of life.⁵⁴
(See 漚[ëo, òu].)
eo2 3024
86 15 ëo ōu great drought; heat.⁸ʼ¹⁴ a sacrifice offered during great heat and drought; to roast among the cinders.²⁴ severe drought;
exceptionally hot weather.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰火區; U+71B0).
eo2 3025
98 15 ëo ōu <topo.> bowl; cup; another name for 温州[溫州] Vün-jiü Wēnzhōu (a city in 浙江 Jēt-göng Zhèjiāng Province).⁶
茶瓯[茶甌] chã-ëo
chá'ōu tea cup.⁶
酒瓯[酒甌] diū-ëo
jiǔ'ōu wine bowl.⁶
瓯子[甌子] ëo-dū
ōuzi <topo.> bowl; cup.⁶
瓯脱[甌脫] ëo-höt
ōutuō entrenchments on the frontier; no-man's land on the border.⁷
瓯剧[甌劇] Ëo-kēk
Ōujù Wenzhou opera.⁶
瓯抠[甌摳] ëo-këo
ōukōu <wr.> concave (face).¹¹ <wr.> not smooth; uneven (of complexion).⁵⁴
瓯绣[甌繡] Ëo-xiü
Ōuxiù Wenzhou embroidery.⁶
瓯越[甌越] Ëo-Yòt
ŌuYuè eastern 浙江 Jēt-göng Zhèjiāng Zhejiang.⁷
金瓯[金甌] gïm-ëo
jīn'ōu a golden bowl.²⁴
eo2 3026
109 16 ëo dōu (composition: ⿰目鳥; U+7797).
瞗瞗 ëo-ëo dōudōu the name of a bird, with a human face, and a fowl's beak; it has wings but cannot fly.²⁴
鴅瞗 fön-ëo
huāndōu name of a strange bird in ancient legends.⁸
<又> ël.
(See 瞗 ël).
eo2 3027
109 16 ëo kōu (of the eyes) sink in; become sunken.⁵
眍䁖[瞘瞜] ëo-lẽo or këo-lẽo kōulou (of the eyes) sink in; become sunken.⁶
窝眍眼[窩瞘眼] vö-ëo-ngān
or vö-këo-ngān wōkōuyǎn <topo.> sunken/hollow eyes.⁶
(See 瞘 këo.)
eo2 3028
118 17 ëo dōu wares/container made of bamboo, rattan, etc.⁶ a mountain sedan chair made of bamboo.⁷ mountain sedan chair; (Cant.) a simple container without a cover.⁸ a basket-work muzzle; a bag; a mountain-chair.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱𥫗兜; U+7BFC).
篼子 ëo-dū dōuzi <topo.> a mountain sedan chair.⁷
篼轿[篼轎] ëo-gèl
dōujiào or 山轿[山轎] sän-gèl shānjiào a mountain chair.¹⁴
背篼 böi-ëo
bèidōu a basket made of bamboo splints, vines, or willow branches, carried on the back.⁹
驴篼子[驢篼子] luĩ-ëo-dū
lǘdōuzǐ a nose-bag for a donkey.¹⁴
箢篼 yön-ëo
yuāndōu (=箢箕 yön-gî yuānjī) <topo.> woven bamboo vessel.⁶
<台> 篼 ëo a simple container without a cover.
eo2 3029
140 14 ëo dōu root and stump of a plant.⁶ <m.> clump.⁶ <m.> (for trees, grass). (This measure word, 蔸 ëo is used in spoken Hoisanva and some othe dialects.)
<台> 蔸 ëo a measure word for trees/plants/grass.
<台> 两蔸白菜[兩蔸白菜] lēng-ëo-bàk-töi two heads of cabbage.⁶
<台> 三蔸竹 xäm-ëo-jūk three bamboos.
<台> 一蔸树[一蔸樹] yīt-ëo-sì a tree.
<台> 一蔸草 yīt-ëo-tāo a clump of grass.⁶
eo2 3030
140 14 ëo ōu (=櫙 ëo ōu)  the pricky elm.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹區; U+84F2).

<又> fù; hiü; huī.
(See 蓲 fù; 蓲 hiü; 蓲 huī; 櫙 ëo).
eo2 3031
140 18 ëo ōu (=櫙 ëo ōu the name of a tree.²⁴ <old> a kind of elm tree; <old> a tree that has died but has not yet fallen.³⁶).⁸ (=刺榆 xü-yĩ cìyú thorn-elm (Hemiptelea davidii).¹³ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿱艹樞; U+85F2).
(See 櫙 ëo).
eo2 3032
149 18 ëo ōu <wr.> to sing.
讴鸦[謳鴉] ëo-ä or 呕哑[嘔啞] ēo-ā ōuyā <ono.> the swishing sound of rowing.
讴歌[謳歌] ëo-gǒ
ōugē <wr.> to eulogize; to sing in praise of.
讴歌盛世[謳歌盛世] ëo-gǒ-sèin-säi
ōugēshèngshì to sing the praises of a prosperous age.
讴吟[謳吟] ëo-ngĩm
ōuyín <wr.> to sing; to chant.
eo2 3033
191 10 ëo dòu Kangxi radical 191⁸ fight; struggle; censure; contend; put together; coming together.¹⁰ (variants: 鬦鬪鬭鬬{⿵鬥⿰?斤} ëo.)
斗不过[鬥不過] ëo-būt-gö
dòubuguò can't fight against.⁷
斗嘴[鬥嘴] ëo-duī
dòuzuǐ quarrel, bicker; talk glibly.⁸
斗殴[鬥毆] ëo-ëo
dòu'ōu fight.⁸
斗法[鬥法] ëo-fāt
dòufǎ to match magical powers.⁷
斗富[鬥富] ëo-fü
dòufù to vie in wealth.⁷
斗鸡[鬥雞] ëo-gäi
dòujī a cockfight; cockfighting.⁷
斗鸡眼[鬥雞眼] ëo-gäi-ngān
dòujīyǎn cross-eye.⁷
斗拱[鬥拱] ëo-gūng
dòugǒng <archi.> bracket set.⁶ (See explanation under 斗拱 ēo-gūng dǒugǒng).
斗狠[鬥狠] ëo-hān
dòuhěn to compete in ferocities.⁷
斗气[鬥氣] ëo-hï
dòuqì to quarrel on emotional grounds.⁷
斗争[鬥爭] ëo-jäng
dòuzhēng a struggle; fight; battle.¹⁰
斗智[鬥智] ëo-jï
dòuzhì battle of wits.⁵
斗志[鬥志] ëo-jï
dòuzhì pugnacious spirit; fighting spirit.⁷
斗拳[鬥拳] ëo-kũn
dòuquán boxing.⁷
斗力[鬥力] ëo-lèik
dòulì to wrestle.⁷
斗牛[鬥牛] ëo-ngẽo
dòuniú a bullfight.⁷
斗牌[鬥牌] ëo-pãi
dòupái to play cards.⁷
斗趣[鬥趣] ëo-tuï
dòuqù to joke.⁷
斗蟋蟀[鬥蟋蟀] ëo-xēik-xūt
dòuxīshuài cricket fight.⁷
(See 斗 ēo; 鬦,鬪,鬭{U+9B2D},鬬{U+9B2C} ëo.)
eo2 3034
191 14 ëo dòu (=斗[鬥] ëo dòu) to fight; to struggle; to condemn; to censure; to contend; to put together; coming together.¹⁰
(See 鬥 ëo).
eo2 3035
191 20 ëo dòu (=斗[鬥] ëo dòu) to fight; to struggle; to condemn; to censure; to contend; to put together; coming together.¹⁰
(See 鬥 ëo).
eo2 3036
191 23
ëo dòu (=斗[鬥] ëo dòu) to fight; to struggle; to condemn; to censure; to contend; to put together; coming together.¹⁰)
(composition: ⿵鬥⿰?斤
(? See Image); U+9B2C).
(See 鬥 ëo).

eo2 3037 9B2C-g.gif
191 24
ëo dòu (=斗[鬥] ëo dòu) to fight; to struggle; to condemn; to censure; to contend; to put together; coming together.¹⁰
(composition: ⿵鬥斲; U+9B2D).
(See 鬥 ëo).

eo2 3038 9B2D.gif
196 22 ëo ōu gull.⁶
鸥波[鷗波] ëo-bö ōubō to lead the free and leisurely life of a hermit (like that of a gull among the waves).⁷
鸥嘴噪鸥[鷗嘴噪鷗] ëo-duī-täo-ëo
or 鸥嘴燕鸥[鷗嘴燕鷗] ëo-duī-yên-ëo ōuzuǐ yàn'ōu gull-billed tern (Gelochelidon nilotica).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鸥鹭忘机[鷗鷺忘機] ëo-lù-mõng-gï
ōulùwàngjī (said of a hermit) so much in harmony with nature that the water birds are not frightened away by his presence.⁷
鸥盟[鷗盟] ëo-mãng
ōuméng lit. to live with gulls as if they were one's sworn companions – to live a hermit's life.⁷
海鸥 hōi-ëo
hǎi'ōu seagull; sea mew.⁶
eo2 3039
38 10 èo dòu can not speak.⁸ stuttering.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女豆; U+36D2).
妪㛒[嫗㛒] yī-èo yùdòu difficulty of utterance.²⁴
eo4 3040
75 11 èo dòu <old>=豆¹⁹ èo dòu beans, peas.
(composition: ⿰木豆; U+68AA).
沮梪 duī-èo
jǔdòu ancient sacrificial utensils.¹⁹ (Note: 沮 is used for 俎 jū stand used for offering rites; cutting board for meat; small table).¹⁹
常梪 sẽng-èo
chángdòu ordinary eating utensils (used as a  metaphor for "ordinary talent".¹⁹
独梪[獨梪] ùk-èo
dúdòu name of a tree.²
独梪树[獨梪樹] ùk-èo-sì
dúdòushù name of a tree.¹⁹
(See 豆 èo).
eo4 3041
85 18 èo dòu (=窦[竇] èo dòu) hole; sinus.⁶ hole, burrow; corrupt.⁸
(composition t: ⿰氵賣; U+7006).
(composition s: ⿰氵卖; U+6E0E).
<又> dùk.
(See 瀆 dùk; 竇 èo).
eo4 3042
94 10 𤞟
èo dòu the barking of a dog.²
(composition: ⿰犭豆; U+2479F).
eo4 3043
104 12 èo dòu smallpox (also called 天花 hëin-fä tiānhuā).⁷
出痘 chūt-èo/
chūdòu to have smallpox.¹¹
出水痘 chūt-suī-èo/
chū shuǐdòu have chickenpox.¹⁹
痘疤 èo-bä
dòubā smallpox scabs.⁷
or 痘斑 èo-bän dòubān pockmark.¹¹
痘疮[痘瘡] èo-chông
dòuchuāng smallpox.⁷
痘浆[痘漿] èo-dëng
dòujiāng the vaccine.¹¹
痘痂 èo-gâ
dòujiā pockmark; smallpox scab.¹⁰
痘痕 èo-hân
dòuhén pockmark.¹⁰
痘苗 èo-mẽl
dòumiáo (bovine) vaccine.⁵ vaccine lymph.⁷
痘疱[痘皰] èo-päo
or èo-pōk dòupào pimple; acne.¹⁰
种痘[種痘] jüng-èo/
zhòngdòu or 种牛痘[種牛痘] jüng-ngẽo-èo/ zhòng niúdòu to vaccinate; vaccination (against smallpox).⁷
牛痘 ngẽo-èo/
niúdòu cowpox; smallpox/vaccine pustule.⁵
水痘 suī-èo/
shuǐdòu <med.> varicella; chicken pox.⁵
<台> 痘皮 èo-pĩ/ pockmarks.
<台> 痘皮佬 èo-pĩ-lāo person with a pockmarked face.
eo4 3044
116 12 𥥷
èo dòu (=窦[竇] èo dòu) hole; sinus.⁶ hole, burrow; corrupt.⁸
(composition: ⿱穴豆; U+25977).
(See 竇 èo).
eo4 3045
116 20 èo dòu hole; sinus.⁶ hole, burrow; corrupt; Dou surname.⁸
(variants: 𥥷❄{⿱穴豆}, 渎[瀆] èo dòu)
弊窦[弊竇] bài-èo
bìdòu corrupt practices.⁷
鼻窦[鼻竇] bì-èo
bídòu paranasal sinus.⁸
鼻窦炎[鼻竇炎] bì-èo-yèm
bídòuyán nasosinusitis.⁸
窦道[竇道] èo-ào
dòudào sinus.⁶ underground way.⁸
窦滔[竇滔] Èo Häo
Dòu Tāo (See 璇玑图[璇璣圖] xũn-gï-hũ xuánjītú).¹⁴
窦器[竇器] èo-hï
dòuqì sinus organ.⁹
窦路[竇路] èo-lù
dòulù a narrow path; a gorge.¹⁴
窦娥冤[竇娥冤] Èo-ngõ Yön
Dòu-é Yuān The Injustice to Dou E (popular drama by 关汉卿[關漢卿] Gän Hön-hëin Guān Hànqīng).¹⁰
窦炎[竇炎] èo-yèm
dòuyán sinusitis.⁶
疑窦[疑竇] ngĩ-èo
yídòu suspicious practices.¹⁴
<又> êo.
(See 竇 êo; 瀆 èo; 𥥷❄{⿱穴豆}).
eo4 3046
130 11 èo dòu <wr.> neck.⁶
绝脰[絕脰] dùt-èo juédòu to break the neck.¹⁴
脰颈[脰頸] èo-gēng
dòujǐng the neck.¹⁴
脰断而死[脰斷而死] èo-òn-ngĩ-xī
dòuduàn'érsǐ die by cutting the neck.⁵⁴
eo4 3047
140 10 èo dòu (=豆 èo dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped.⁸
荳藿 èo-kök
dòuhuò bean leaves.¹¹
(See 豆 èo.)
eo4 3048
145 18 èo dòu short clothes.²ʼ¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰衤蜀; U+8961).
<又> sùk; ùk; ēo. (See 襡 sùk; 襡 ùk; 襡 ēo).
eo4 3049
149 22 èo dòu slight pause in reading to mark the end of a phrase, clause, or sentence.⁵⁵
句读[句讀] guï-èo jùdòu pause; sentences and phrases.⁵⁵
<又> ùk.
(See 讀 ùk.)
eo4 3050
151 7 èo dòu Kangxi radical 151; bean; peas.⁸ bean; pea; sacrificial vessel.¹⁰ (variants: 荳, 梪 èo dòu).
大豆 ài-èo
dàdòu (=黄豆[黃豆] võng-èo huángdòu) soybean.¹¹
豆瓣酱[豆瓣醬] èo-bàn-dëng
or èo-fân-dëng dòubànjiàng sauce made from soybean.¹¹
豆瓣菜 èo-bàn-töi
or èo-fân-töi dòubàncài watercress, Nasturtium officinale.⁹ (a.k.a. 西洋菜 xäi-yẽng-töi xīyángcài; 水田芥 suī-hẽin-gäi shuǐtiánjiè).²³
豆饼[豆餅] èo-bēng
dòubǐng soybean cake.⁵
豆浆[豆漿] èo-dëng
dòujiāng soybean milk.⁵
豆子 èo-dū
dòuzi beans or peas.⁵
豆腐 èo-fù
dòufu tofu, bean curd.⁶
豆腐渣 èo-fù-jâ
dòufuzhā soybean dregs.¹⁰
豆荚[豆莢] èo-gâp
dòujiá the pods of beans or peas.⁷
豆蔻年华[豆蔻年華] èo-këo-nẽin-vã
dòukòuniánhuá (of girls) age of thirteen to fourteen.⁶
豆粕 èo-pōk
or èo-päk dòupò dregs of bean.⁶
豆沙 èo-sä
dòushā bean paste.⁶
豆豉 èo-sì
dòuchǐ fermented and seasoned soybeans.⁷
豆油 èo-yiũ
dòuyóu soybean oil.¹⁰
<台> 豆腐花 èo-fù-fä tofu pudding; jellied tofu.
<台> 豆沙喉 èo-sä-hẽo hoarse.
<又> dèo.
(See 豆 dèo; 荳 èo; 梪 èo).
eo4 3051
162 10 èo dòu stop; (=读[讀] èo dòu) slight pause; tease; induce.⁵⁵
逗点[逗點] èo-ēm
dòudiǎn (=逗号[逗號] èo-hão dòuhào) comma.⁵⁵
逗哏 èo-gïn
dòugén lead comic; leading role in comic dialog 对口相声[對口相聲] uï-hēo-xëng-sëin duìkǒu xiàngshēng; to joke; to play the fool; to provoke laughter.¹⁰
逗号[逗號] èo-hão
dòuhào comma.⁵⁵
or 逗留 èo-liũ dòuliú stay; stop; tarry.⁶
逗乐[逗樂] èo-lòk
dòulè to cause mirth; to rouse gaiety.⁷
逗弄 èo-lùng
dòunòng tease; make fun of.⁵⁵
逗闷子[逗悶子] èo-mòn-dū
dòumènzi <topo.> crack jokes.⁵⁵
逗人 èo-ngĩn
dòurén to tease; to tickle; to amuse.⁷
逗人喜爱[逗人喜愛] èo-ngĩn-hī-öi
dòurén xǐ'ài (said of a child) to arouse the affection of adults.⁷
逗趣 èo-tuï
dòuqù to amuse; to entertain with jokes.⁷
逗笑 èo-xël
dòuxiào make people laugh.⁵⁵
逗引 èo-yîn
dòuyǐn tantalize, tease.⁶
挑逗 hël-èo
tiǎodòu provoke; tease; tantalize.⁶
引逗 yîn-èo
yǐndòu tantalize, tease; lure, entice.⁵
eo4 3052
163 9 èo dòu name of a place within today's 河南省灵宝县 [河南省靈寶縣] hõ-nãm sāng lẽin-bāo-yòn hénánshěng língbǎoxiàn  Lingbaoxian County, Henan Province.⁸ Dou surname.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰豆阝; U+90D6).
郖津 èo-jün
dòujīn name of a ferry crossing in today's 河南省灵宝县[河南省靈寶縣] hõ-nãm sāng lẽin-bāo-yòn hénánshěng língbǎoxiàn Lingbaoxian County, Henan Province.⁸
eo4 3053
164 11 èo dòu twice brewed wine.⁹ double-distilled wine.²⁵ double-fermented wine.²⁹ <lit.> to brew wine for the second time; <lit.> to drink for a second time (to refresh oneself after having overdrunk); <old> to put (rice) in; (Beijing) to wash, to handwash.³⁶
(composition: ⿰酉殳; U+9158).
九酘 giū-èo jiǔdòu or giū-hẽo jiǔtóu wine that has been brewed many times.¹⁹
酘酒 èo-diū
dòujiǔ or hẽo-diū tóujiǔ twice brewed wine.¹⁹
酘一酘 èo-yīt-èo
dòuyīdòu or hẽo-yīt-hẽo tóuyītóu to have a small drink after heavy drinking the previous day, believed to be a good way of woking it off.¹¹
五酘 m̄-èo
wǔdòu or m̄-hẽo wǔtóu name of a wine.¹⁹
犹一酘之[猶一酘之] yiũ-yīt-èo-jï
yóuyīdòuzhī or yiũ-yīt-hẽo-jï yóuyītóuzhī another distillation.²⁵
<又> hẽo.
(See 酘 hẽo).
eo4 3054
167 15 èo dòu an ancient wine vessel.⁸
(composition: ⿰釒豆; U+92C0).
<又> hëo; hü. (See 鋀 hëo; 鋀 hü).
eo4 3055
184 15 èo dòu food items set out for show, not to be eaten.⁷
饾版[餖版] èo-bān dòubǎn watercolor block printing.²⁹
饾饤[餖飣] èo-ëin
dòudìng food items set out for show; showy and flashy expressions in writings.⁷
eo4 3056
116 20 êo dòu <台> 窦[竇] êo an animal's cave.
<台> 孵窦[孵竇] bù-êo to hatch; to sit on eggs; hatching.
<台> 雀窦[雀竇] dêk-êo bird's nest.
<台> 狗窦[狗竇] gēo-êo dog house.
<台> 猪窦[豬竇] jï-êo pig pen.
<台> 媒窦[媒竇] mõi-êo (animals) to return to the pen.
<又> èo. (See 竇 èo.)
eo5 3057
30 12 ēp dié <台> 鱼喋水[魚喋水] nguî-ēp-suī fish floating to the surface of the water.
<又> èp, jâp. (See 喋 èp, jâp.)
ep1 3058
9 9 èp dié frivolous; flippant; capricious; playful.⁸
(composition: ⿰亻耴; U+3459).
㑙𠑄❄{⿰亻燮} èp-xēik diéxiè a frivolous look.¹⁰¹
偛㑙 chäp-èp
chādié a worthless person.²⁴
ep4 3059
30 10 𠲷
èp dié (composition: ⿰口耴; U+20CB7).
(variant: 㖩 èp dié).
❄{⿰口耴}吺 èp-ëo diédōu garrulous.¹⁰¹
(See 㖩 èp).
ep4 3060
30 11 èp dié (=𠲷❄{⿰口耴} èp dié).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰口取; U+35A9).
<又> juï; xēo.
(See 㖩 juï; 㖩 xēo; 𠲷❄{⿰口耴} èp).
ep4 3061
30 12 èp dié flowing flood; to chatter.¹⁰ to twitter, to chatter.¹¹
喋喋 èp-èp diédié to chatter a lot.¹⁰ to chirp, to chatter.¹¹
喋喋不休 èp-èp-būt-hiü
diédiébùxiū to chatter without stop.¹¹
喋血 èp-hüt
diéxuè bloodbath; carnage.¹⁰
<又> ēp, jâp.
(See 喋 ēp, jâp.)
ep4 3062
32 12 èp dié battlements, crenels.
堞墙[堞牆] èp-tẽng diéqiáng A gear-shaped turreted low wall on the top of a city wall. It's also called 埤堄 bï-ngài pìnì, 女墙[女牆] nuī-tẽng nǚqiáng, or 女儿墙[女儿牆] nuī-ngĩ-tẽng nǚrqiáng parapet⁹
雉堞 jï-èp
zhìdié <archi.> crenelation; battlement.⁶
城堞 sẽin-èp
chéngdié battlements.
ep4 3063
64 9 èp dié to beat; to slap.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌耳; U+6315).
ep4 3064
64 12 èp dié (=叠[疊] èp dié) pile up, repeat; fold.⁵ <wr.> to fold.⁶
折揲 or 折叠[折疊] jëp-èp zhédié fold.⁶
<又> sêt.
(See 揲 sêt; 疊 èp.)
ep4 3065
64 25 èp dié to pile on; to fold up.⁸ to hang up; to spread out; to receive.²⁴ to pile on; to fold over and over; to gather up; to suspend.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰扌疊; U+3A79).
打㩹 ā-èp dǎdié to put in order, to arrange.²⁴
㩹起行李 èp-hī-hãng-lī
diéqǐ xíngli pile up the luggage.¹⁰²
整㩹 jēin-èp
zhěngdié pile them in the form of a square; fold it evenly.¹⁰²
摺㩹 jëp-èp
zhédié to fold together.¹⁰²
挂㩹[掛㩹] kä-èp
guàdié to hang up in a row.²⁴
铺牀㩹被[鋪牀㩹被] pü-chõng-èp-pï
pūchuángdiépī make the bed and fold up the bedding.¹⁰²
ep4 3066
72 19 èp dié (=叠[疊] èp dié pile up, repeat; fold.⁵); repeat, duplicate; repetitious.⁸
(composition: ⿱晶冝; U+66E1).
(See 疊 èp).
ep4 3067
75 13 èp dié ➀ (=碟 èp dié) small plate.⁸  ➁ bed pad (of reeds, bamboo), bare board bed.⁸
<又> yêp.
(See 碟 èp; 楪 yêp).
ep4 3068
82 26 èp dié <wr.> cotton cloth.⁶ fine cotton cloth; fine woolen cloth.⁸ fine hair cloth, white, and of a firm texture, a little like silk; used for napkins, handkerchiefs, etc.²⁴
Very soft, whitish cloth of a firm texture, called 白㲲 (bàk-èp báidié) like silk in appearance, which is woven from a cocoon-like fruit, and was brought from Gao-chang 高昌 (gäo-chëng gāochāng in present-day Xinjiang 新疆 xïn-gëng xīnjiāng); the Tangut (党項[黨項] ōng-hòng dǎngxiàng) people have 霞㲲 (hã-èp xiádié) embroidered goat's hair cloth, which seems to be something like cashmere shawls, but the old 白㲲 (bàk-èp báidié) brought from thence is now called 紅氆氇 ( s.红氆氇 hũng-pū-lû hóngpǔlu) or red pilot-cloth.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰疊毛; U+3CB2).
ep4 3069
91 13 èp dié an official document or note; certificate.⁵
最后通牒[最後通牒] duï-hèo-hüng-èp zuìhòu tōngdié ultimatum.⁵
讼牒[訟牒] dùng-èp
sòngdié lawsuit, judicial complaint.¹¹ plaintiff's written complaint.⁵⁴
牒報 èp-bäo
diébào military intelligence, espionage report.¹¹
牒呈 èp-chẽin
diéchéng official letter.¹¹
牒籍 èp-dèik
diéjí ancient books and records.⁷
牒状[牒狀] èp-jòng
diézhuàng documents pertaining to a lawsuit.⁷
牒文 èp-mũn
diéwén official dispatches.⁷ official letter.¹¹
牒眼 èp-ngān
diéyǎn machicoulis.⁹
牒谱[牒譜] èp-pū
diépǔ genealogy; family tree; (=譜牒).¹⁰
通牒 hüng-èp
tōngdié diplomatic note.⁵
谱牒[譜牒] pū-èp
pǔdié <wr.> family/genealogical tree; genealogy.⁶
度牒 ù-èp
dùdié <old> government-issued certificate for monks/nuns who have taken the ceremony of ordination.⁶
ep4 3070
102 22 èp dié pile up, repeat; fold.⁵ (variant: 曡 èp dié).
挨肩叠背[挨肩疊背] äi-gän-èp-böi
āijiāndiébèi shoulder against shoulder, chest against back – very crowded.³⁹
重叠[重疊] chũng-èp
chóngdié  overlapping, superposing, piling on top of another; repeat in pronunciation.⁶
叠床架屋[疊床架屋] èp-chõng-gâ-ūk
diéchuángjiàwū pile one bed upon another or build one house on top of another – needless duplication.⁵
叠字[疊字] èp-dù
diézì reiterative locution.⁶
叠句[疊句] èp-guï
diéjù <lg> reiterative sentence.⁵
叠罗汉[疊羅漢] èp-lõ-hön
dié luóhàn <sport> pyramid.⁵
叠韵[疊韻] èp-vùn
diéyùn rhyming compound.⁶
叠椅[疊椅] èp-yī
diéyǐ folding chair.⁶
叠印[疊印] èp-yïn
diéyìn overprint; double exposure.⁶
折叠[折疊] jëp-èp
zhédié fold.⁶
层叠[層疊] tãng-èp
céngdié pile on top of another.⁵⁵
(See 曡 èp).
ep4 3071
112 14 èp dié small dish/plate.⁶ (variant: 楪 èp dié).
茶碟儿[茶碟兒] chã-èp-ngĩ
chádiér saucer.⁶
碟子 èp-dū
diézi small dish/plate.⁶
碟口 èp-hēo
diékǒu machicolation.¹⁰
碟片 èp-pëin
diépiàn disc.¹⁰
飞碟[飛碟] fï-èp
fēidié flying saucer, unidentified flying object (UFO).¹¹
光碟 göng-èp
guāngdié  optical disc; compact disc; CD; CD-ROM.¹⁰
转碟[轉碟] jōn-èp
zhuàndié (acrobatic) plate-spinning.⁵
菜碟 töi-èp
càidié dish.¹⁹
碗碟 vōn-èp
wǎndié bowls and dishes.¹⁰
小菜一碟 xēl-töi-yīt-èp
xiǎocàiyīdié a small appetizer; a piece of cake; very easy (idiom).¹⁰
影碟 yēin-èp
yǐngdié video disc; VCD.⁶
<台> 碟仔 èp-dōi small dish.
(See 楪 èp dié ➀).
ep4 3072
128 12 èp dié quiet, comfortable, snug; earlobe.⁸ at rest; settled; the ears hanging down.²⁵
(composition: ⿰耳耳; U+8051).
聑聑 èp-èp diédié to reproach a person with ignorance; to manifest by looks a mutual want of confidence.²⁵
<又> jàk.
(See 聑 jàk).
ep4 3073
137 15 èp dié small boat.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰舟枼; U+8253).
艓子 èp-dū diézǐ a small boat.⁵⁴
艛艓 lẽo-èp
lóudié a type of small boat.¹⁹
ep4 3074
142 15 èp dié 蝶装[蝶裝] èp-jöng diézhuāng butterfly bookbinding.⁸
蝶蛾目 èp-ngõ-mùk
dié'é'mù or 鳞翅目[鱗翅目] lĩn-chï-mùk línchìmù the Lepidoptera order.²⁰
蝶蛹 èp-ngùng
diéyǒng chrysalis.¹⁹
蝶式 èp-sēik
diéshì butterfly style.⁵⁴
蝶泳 èp-vèin
diéyǒng butterfly stroke (swimming).¹⁰
蝶形 èp-yẽin
diéxíng papilioform.⁹ butterfly-shaped.⁵⁴
or 胡蝶 vũ-èp húdié butterfly.¹⁰
蝴蝶花 vũ-èp-fä
húdiéhuā fringed iris; iris.⁹
ep4 3075
145 14 èp dié a single garment, without lining; the lappet or flap of a coat.²⁵
(composition: ⿰衤枼; U+890B).
ep4 3076
149 16 èp dié to spy.
谍报[諜報] èp-bäo diébào spy report; intelligence.
反间谍[反間諜] fān-gän-èp
fǎnjiàndié counterespionage.
防谍[防諜] fõng-èp
fángdié to prevent espionage.
间谍[間諜] gän-èp
jiàndié spy; secret agent.
ep4 3077
157 16 èp dié <wr.> stamp one's foot; pace about.⁶
蹀足 èp-dūk diézú to stamp one's foot.⁷
蹀蹀 èp-èp
diédié walk in a mincing gait.¹¹
蹀蹀恐顚堕[蹀蹀恐顚墮] èp-èp-hūng-ëin-ò
diédié kǒngdiānduò stepping lightly, fearing a fall.¹⁴
蹀血 èp-hüt
diéxuè (=喋血 èp-hüt diéxuè bloodbath; carnage.¹⁰) <wr.> have bloodshed; shed lots of blood.⁶
蹀踥 èp-tēp
diéqiè walk in small steps.¹⁹
蹀躞 èp-xēik
diéxiè <wr.> walk in small steps; pace about.⁶ walking along; to advance step by step; to be desirous of getting forward.²⁵
踥蹀 tēp-èp
qièdié walking; in motion.¹⁰ <wr.> in sidling manner.¹¹
躞蹀 xēik-èp
xièdié (=蹀躞 èp-xēik diéxiè <wr.> walk in small steps; pace about.⁶ walking along; to advance step by step; to be desirous of getting forward.²⁵) walking, proceeding.⁷ to sidle along in mincing steps.¹¹
跃蹀[躍蹀] yèk-èp
yuèdié to dance about.¹⁴
ep4 3078
195 20 èp dié right-eyed flounder, flatfish.⁶
大鲽鱼[大鰈魚] ài-èp-nguî/ dàdiéyú turbot fish.⁹
欧洲川鲽[歐洲川鰈] ëo-jiü-chün-èp
ōuzhōuchuāndié European flounder – Platichthys flesus (right-eyed).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鲽科[鰈科] èp-fö
diékē Several species of righteye flounder in the family Pleuronectidae, including the lemon sole, the Pacific Dover sole, and the petrale sole.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鲽鲛[鰈鮫] èp-gäo
diéjiāo sturgeon.⁹
鲽鹣[鰈鶼] èp-gëm
diéjiān harmonious and affectionate couple.¹⁰ symbol of marital love.¹¹
鲽片[鰈片] èp-pëin
diépiàn filleted plaice.¹⁰
鲽形目[鰈形目] èp-yẽin-mùk
diéxíngmù the order Pleuronectiformes.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鹣鲽[鶼鰈] gëm-èp
jiāndié harmonious and affectionate couple.¹⁰
美洲拟鲽[美洲擬鰈] mî-jiü-ngì-èp
měizhōunǐdié Winter flounder – Pseudopleuronectes americanus (right-eyed) aka black back.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
秀色孙鲽[秀色孫鰈] xiü-sēik-xün-èp
xiùsèsūndié yellowtail.¹⁰
ep4 3079
9 4 𠆧
huà (=化 fä huà to change; to transform; to become; to turn into.³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻人; U+201A7).
<又> hũ, ngĩn.
(See 𠆧❄{⿰亻人} hũ, 𠆧❄{⿰亻人} ngĩn; 化 fä).
fa2 3080
21 2 𠤎 huà (<old>=化 fä huà to make into; to change into; to transform; also ancient term for female).²
(composition: ⿻乚丿; U+2090E).
(Note: rendered properly in iOS as of 2/4/2022).
<又> ëin; bï.
(See 𠤎 ëin; 𠤎 bï; 化 fä).
fa2 3081
21 4 huà to make into; to change into; -ization; to transform; to ... -ize; abbr. for 化学[化學] chemistry.¹⁰
(variant: 𠆧❄{⿰亻人} fä; 𠤎 fä).
化肥 fä-fĩ
huàféi chemical fertilizer.⁵
化粪池[化糞池] fä-fûn-chĩ
huàfènchí septic tank.⁵
化境 fä-gēin
huàjìng sublimity; perfection.⁵
化干戈为玉帛[化干戈為玉帛] fä-gön-fö-vĩ-ngùk-bàk
huàgāngēwéiyùbó lit. to exchange weapons of war for gifts of jade and silk; fig. to turn hostility into friendship.¹⁰
化工 fä-güng
huàgōng abbreviation for chemical industry or chemical engineering.¹⁰
化合 fä-hàp
huàhé <chem.> chemical combination.⁵
化学[化學] fä-hòk
huàxué chemistry.⁶
化妆[化妝] fä-jöng
huàzhuāng put on makeup; make up.⁵
化装[化裝] fä-jöng
huàzhuāng dress up; disguise oneself.⁸
化名 fä-mẽin
huàmíng (use an) assumed name; alias.⁵
化脓[化膿] fä-nũng
huànóng fester; suppurate.⁵
化生 fä-säng
huàshēng metaplasia.¹⁰ <Budd.> creation of life or animals; to become something from nothing.¹¹
化石 fä-sêk
huàshí fossil.⁸
化油器 fä-yiũ-hï
huàyóuqì <mach.> carburetor.⁵
<又> fâ.
(See 化 [fä, huā], fâ; 𠆧❄{⿰亻人} fä; 𠤎 fä).
fa2 3082
21 4 huā (=花 fä huā) to spend.
or 花子 fä-dū huāzi beggar.
or 花钱[花錢] fä-tẽin huāqián to spend money; to cost money.
<又> fâ.
(See 化 [fä, huà], fâ)
fa2 3083
140 7 huā (archaic form of 花 fä huā) flower.⁸
(See 花 fä; 菕 lũn.)
fa2 3084
140 7 huā flower; blossom; fancy pattern; florid; to spend (money, time); Hua surname. (archaic variant: 芲 fä ). (See 芲 fä.)
(composition: ⿱艹化; U+82B1).
花白 fä-bàk
huābái gray; grizzled.⁸
花布 fä-bü
huābù printed cloth; calico.¹⁰
花卉 fä-fī
huāhuì flowers and plants.⁸
花费[花費] fä-fï
huāfèi spend.⁹
花粉 fä-fūn
huāfěn <bot.> pollen; cosmetics.
花红[花紅] fä-hûng
huāhóng Chinese pear-leaved crabapple; <trad.> bonus; <trad.> gift for a wedding.⁵
花筒 fä-hûng/
huātǒng cylindrical fireworks.³⁹
花纹[花紋] fä-mũn
huāwén decorative pattern; figure.⁸
花生 fä-säng
huāshēng peanut.
花生米 fä-säng-māi
huāshēngmǐ shelled peanut.
花生油 fä-säng-yiũ
huāshēngyóu peanut oil.¹⁰
花市 fä-sî
huāshì flower market; brothel.⁸
花草 fä-tāo
huācǎo flowers and plants.⁶
花朵 fä-ū
or fä-ō huāduǒ flower; blossom.⁶
花絮 fä-xuî
huāxù tidbits of news; interesting sidelights.⁸
花样[花樣] fä-yèng
huāyàng variety; kind; trick.⁵⁵
花园[花園] fä-yõn
huāyuán flower garden; garden.⁵
水花 suī-fä
shuǐhuā spray.⁵
<台> 花旗 fä-kĩ America; U.S.A.
<台> 花利 fä-lì tip; gratuity.

fa2 3085
21 4 huā <台> 化罅 fâ-lâ a derogatory term for a trickster.
<又> fä. (See 化 [fä, huà], [fä, huā].)
fa5 3086
9 11 fäi guī grand; strange; exotic; eminent.
傀奇 fäi-kĩ guīqí <wr.> strange; odd.
傀伟[傀偉] fäi-vī
guīwěi <wr.> great and imposing.
傀异[傀異] fäi-yì
guīyì rare and strange.
<文读> föi;  <白读> fäi.
(See 傀 [fäi, kuǐ], [föi, guī], [föi, kuǐ].)
fai2 3087
9 11 fäi kuǐ puppet.
傀儡 fäi-luî kuǐlěi puppet.
傀儡戏[傀儡戲] fäi-luî-hï
kuǐlěixì puppet show.
<文读> föi;  <白读> fäi.
(See 傀 [fäi, guī], [föi, guī], [föi, kuǐ].)
fai2 3088
17 5 fäi kuài (=块[塊] fäi kuài piece; lump; chunk); dirt clod; piece.²ʼ²⁴ a clod of earth.²⁴
(composition: ⿶凵土; U+51F7).
(See 塊 fäi).
fai2 3089
30 9 fäi kuài (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 哙[噲] köi kuài <wr.> to swallow.¹¹)
<又> köi.
(See 噲 köi.)
fai2 3090
32 12 fäi kuài piece; lump; chunk; dollar. (variant: 凷 fäi kuài).
块菌[塊菌] fäi-kûn
kuàijūn truffle (edible root fungus).¹⁰
苫块[苫塊] sëin-fäi
shānkuài <wr.> to mourn for a parent.¹ to observe parent's mourning by sleeping on grass mat on ground (苫) and using clod (塊) as pillow, now used only as literary convention “at the grass mat” (so claimed)-in mourning.¹¹
三块钱[三塊錢] xäm-fäi-tẽin
sānkuàiqián three dollars.
一块[一塊] yīt-fäi
yīkuài at the same place; together; piece; block; lot.
一块布[一塊布] yīt-fäi-bü
yīkuài bù a piece of cloth.
一块豆腐[一塊豆腐] yīt-fäi-èo-fù
yīkuài dòufu a piece of bean curd. (See 磚 jön.)
一块肥皂[一塊肥皂] yīt-fäi-fĩ-dào
yīkuài féizào a cake of soap. (See 嚿 gào.)
一块糖[一塊糖] yīt-fäi-hõng
yīkuài táng a piece of candy, a cube of sugar.¹¹  (See 嚿 gào.)
一块儿[一塊兒] yīt-fäi-ngĩ
yīkuàir at the same place; together.⁶
(See 凷 fäi).
fai2 3091
61 7 fäi kuài fast, quick, rapid; speed; hurry up, make haste; soon; before long; quick-witted, ingenious; sharp; straight-forward, forthright, plainspoken; pleased, happy, gratified.⁵
快递[快遞] fäi-ài kuàidì express delivery.⁵
快刀 fäi-äo
kuàidāo a sharp knife.⁵
快板儿[快板兒] fäi-bān-ngĩ
kuàibǎnr fast boards; rhythmic comic talk to the accompaniment of bamboo clappers.⁹
快车[快車] fäi-chëh
kuàichē an express train.⁷
快点儿[快點兒] fäi-ēm-ngĩ
kuàidianr Make it snappy! Be quick!⁷
快乐[快樂] fäi-lòk
kuàilè happy; joyful; cheerful.⁵
快马加鞭[快馬加鞭] fäi-mâ-gä-bëin
kuàimǎjiābiān spur on the flying horse – at top speed; posthaste.⁵
快慢 fäi-màn
kuàimàn speed.⁵
快适[快適] fäi-sēik
kuàishì happy and contented; pleased and satisfied.⁷
快餐 fäi-tän
kuàicān snack; fast food; quick meal.⁶
快速 fäi-tūk
kuàisù fast; quick, rapid.⁶
快锅[快鍋] fäi-vö
kuàiguō a digester; a pressure cooker.⁷
快活 fäi-vòt
kuàihuo hapy; merry; cheerful.⁵
快些 fäi-xëh
kuàixiē Hurry!⁷
快要 fäi-yël
kuàiyào soon; before long; on the verge of; about to.⁶

fai2 3092
118 13 fäi kuài chopsticks.⁷
筷子 fäi-dū kuàizi chopsticks.⁷
筷子筒 fäi-dū-hûng
kuàizitǒng chopsticks holder.¹⁰
筷笼子[筷籠子] fäi-lũng-dū
kuàilóngzi chopsticks holder.¹⁰
火筷子 fō-fäi-dū
huǒkuàizi tongs.⁶
公筷母匙 güng-fäi-mû-sĩ
gōngfäimǔchí serving chopsticks and serving spoons.⁰
下筷 hä-fäi
xiàkuài start eating.¹⁹
竹筷子 jūk-fäi-dū
zhúkuàizi bamboo chopsticks.⁶
牙筷 ngã-fäi
yákuài ivory chopsticks.⁶
动筷子[動筷子] ùng-fäi-dū
dòngkuàizi take up chopsticks, begin eating.¹¹
碗筷 vōn-fäi
wǎn-kuài bowls and chopsticks.⁶
一双筷子[一雙筷子] yīt-söng-fäi-dū
yīshuāngkuàizi a pair of chopsticks.⁶
用筷子 yùng-fäi-dū
yòngkuàizi use chopsticks.⁶
<台> 起筷, 起筷 hī-fäi, hī-fäi start eating; dig in.
<台> 双筷[雙筷] söng-fäi a pair of chopsticks.
fai2 3093
187 14 fäi kuài (=快 fäi kuài) fast.⁸
駃流 fäi-liũ
kuàiliú to flow rapidly by.²⁵
駃马[駃馬] fäi-mâ
kuàimǎ a horse fleet as the winds.²⁵
駃雨 fäi-yî
kuàiyǔ a fierce rain.²⁵
<又> kūt.
(See 駃 kūt.)
fai2 3094
64 15 fāk <台> 拨出来[撥出來] fāk-chūt-lõi to pull out.
<台> 拨开[撥開] fāk-höi to disperse by flicking with fingers.
<又> bòt. (See 撥 bòt.)
fak1 3095
9 6 fān fǎn (<old>=反 fān fǎn reverse, opposite, contrary; to return (something), to turn back, to retreat; to introspect; to revolt, rebellion; to infer.⁷).² falsehood, deception; vacation.⁸
(composition: ⿰亻反; U+4EEE).
<又> gā.
(See 仮 gā; 反 fān).
fan1 3096
29 4 fān fǎn reverse, opposite, contrary; to return (something), to turn back, to retreat; to introspect; to revolt, rebellion; to infer.⁷
(variant: 仮 fān fǎn). (See 仮 fān).
反败为胜[反敗為勝] fān-bài-vĩ-sëin
fǎnbàiwéishèng to turn defeat into victory.
反驳[反駁] fān-bök
fǎnbó to retort; to refute.¹⁰
反间[反間] fān-gän
fǎnjiàn to sow dissension; to drive a wedge between (one's enemies).¹⁰
反馈[反饋] fān-gì
fǎnkuì <elec.> feedback.⁵
反共 fān-gùng
fǎngòng anti-Communist.
反掌 fān-jēng
fǎnzhǎng lit. to turn over one's palm; fig. everything is going very well.¹⁰
反抗 fān-köng
fǎnkàng to resist; to rebel.¹⁰
反面 fān-mèin
fǎnmiàn the opposite side.
反咬一口 fān-ngāo-yīt-hēo
fǎnyǎoyīkǒu to make/trump up a false countercharge against one's accuser; to turn around and charge the victim.⁶
反切 fān-tëik
fǎnqiè pronunciation system of joining initial of one character to final of another.
反对[反對] fān-uï
fǎnduì to oppose; to combat; to dispute.
反动[反動] fān-ùng
fǎndòng reactionary; reaction.
反省 fān-xēin
fǎnxǐng self-reflection, search oneself for mistakes.¹¹
反映 fān-yēin
fǎnyìng to mirror; to reflect; mirror image; reflection; (fig.) to report; to make known; to render.¹⁰
fan1 3097
30 15 fän fān a sound, a noise.²⁴ <old> voice; sound.³⁶
(composition: ⿰口番; U+5643).
<又> vò. (See 噃 vò).
fan2 3098
50 15 fän fān long narrow flag; streamer; <old> funeral streamer.⁶
(variants: 旛, 旙 fän fān).
打幡儿[打幡兒] ā-fän-ngĩ dǎfānr carry a funeral streamer (in hand).⁶
幢幡 chõng-fän
chuángfān pennant, pendant streamer.¹¹
幡幢 fän-chõng
fānchuáng flags; pennants; streamers.⁵⁴
幡幡 fän-fän
fānfān light and frivolous; waving about.⁵⁴
幡盖[幡蓋] fän-köi
fāngài banner and umbrella (noble official).⁵⁴
or 翻然 fän-ngẽin fānrán (change) quickly and completely.⁵
幡儿[幡兒] fän-ngĩ
fānr funeral streamer.⁶
灵幡[靈幡] lẽin-fän
língfān a streamer borne by the eldest son of the deceased at a funeral.⁷
<又> fân.
(See 幡 fân; 旛 fän, 旙 fän).
fan2 3099
61 15 fän fān (<old>=翻 fän fān flip over, upset, capsize.⁸).⁸ fickleness of mind.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄番; U+61A3).
憣校 fän-gäo
fānjiào chaotic turmoil.¹⁹ʼ⁰
(See 翻 fän).
fan2 3100
64 8 fän fān (<old>=翻 fän fān flip over, upset, capsize.⁸).⁸ (interchangeable with 翻 fän fān to turn over.¹⁴
拚飞[拚飛] fän-fï
fānfēi tumbling in flight as a tumbler pigeon.¹⁴
<又> pëin, pön, fûn, bèin.
(See 拚 pëin, 拚 pön, 拚 fûn, 拚 bèin; 翻 fän).
fan2 3101
70 16 fän fān (=幡 fän fān long narrow flag; streamer; <old> funeral streamer.⁶); a pennant, a banner.⁸ the pendent part of a flag; streamers in general.²⁴ banner, gonfalon (long narrow panel, suspended vertically); mourning flag; <old> cloth for rough notes (it was possible to erase the written).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰方番; U+65D9).
青旙 tëin-fän
qīngfän a light blue flag used at funerals.²⁴
(See 幡 fän).
fan2 3102
70 18 fän fān (=幡 fän fān long narrow flag; streamer; <old> funeral streamer.⁶); a pennant, a banner.⁸
旛帜[旛幟] fän-chï
fānzhì (=旗帜[旗幟] kĩ-chï qízhì flag, insignia, rallying point.¹¹).¹⁹
旛幢 fän-chõng
fānchuáng refers to banners and the like.¹⁹
旛旛 fän-fän
fānfān light and frivolous; waving about.⁵⁴
旛麾 fän-fï
fānhuī the commander's flag used to direct his/her troops.¹⁹
旛竿 fän-gön
fāngān pole for hanging streamers.¹⁹
旛旗 fän-kĩ
fānqí banners and flags.¹⁹
旛儿[旛兒] fän-ngĩ
fān'ér (=旛胜[旛勝] fän-sëin fānshèng old Beginning of Spring decorations.¹⁹).¹⁹
旛胜[旛勝] fän-sëin
fānshèng old Beginning of Spring decorations.¹⁹
招魂旛 jël-vũn-fän
zhāohúnfān formerly, a pennant before the coffin.¹¹
(See 幡 fän).
fan2 3103
102 12 fän fān to take turns; order in series; a time; a kind of; barbarian.⁷
番邦 fän-böng fānbāng a foreign state.⁷
番号[番號] fän-hão
fānhào designation of a military unit.⁵
番红[番紅] fän-hũng
fānhóng saffron.¹⁹
番红花[番紅花] fän-hũng-fä
fānhónghuā Crocus sativus.¹⁹
or 蕃茄 fän-kêh fānqié tomato.⁵
番荔枝 fän-lài-jï
fānlìzhī custard apple; soursop.¹⁰
番木瓜 fän-mùk-gâ/ fānmùguā  papaya.⁵
番木鼈碱[番木鼈鹼] or 番木鳖碱[番木鱉鹼] fän-mùk-bèik-gān fānmùbiējiǎn strychnine.⁵
番石榴 fän-sêk-liũ fānshíliu guava, Psidium guajava Linn., also known as: <台> 花棯 fä-nîm/ or 花念 fä-nèm huāniàn, 芭乐[芭樂] bä-lòk bālè, 鸡屎果[雞屎果] gäi-sī-gō jīshǐguǒ, 拔子 bàt-dū bázi, 喇叭番石榴 lä-bā-fän-sêk-liũ lǎbafānshíliu.²³
or 蕃薯 fän-sĩ fānshǔ <topo.> sweet potato.⁸
<台> 番瓜 fän-gä pumpkin.⁵
<台> 番枧[番梘] fän-gān soap.
<台> 番鬼佬 fän-gī-lāo <derog.> foreign devil.
<台> 老番 lāo-fän westerner; foreigner.
<又> pön.
(See 番 pön.)
fan2 3104
118 21 𥶋
fän fān (=籓 fän fān a large winnowing basket.²).¹⁰¹ to cover or screen; a large close sieve, used in winnowing.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗幡; U+25D8B).
(See 籓 fän).
fan2 3105
118 21 fän fān a large winnowing basket; (<old>=藩 fãn fān fence; hedge; boundary; frontier; barrier.⁷).¹⁹ to cover or screen.²⁵ sieve; basket.³⁶
(variant: 𥶋
❄{⿱𥫗幡} fän fān).
(composition: ⿱⺮潘; U+7C53).
籓羝 fän-āi
fāndī the ram with its horns hooked on the fence – metaphor for a dilemma.¹⁹ (See 羝羊觸藩] āi-yẽng-chūk-fãn).
籓篱[籓籬] fän-lĩ
fānlí (=藩篱[藩籬] fãn-lĩ fānlí fence, hedge; line of defense, barrier.⁷).⁸
籓箩[籓籮] fän-lõ
or fän-lũ fānluó  a large close sieve, used in separating the chaff from the grain.²⁵
籓笼[籓籠] fän-lūng
fānlóng cages for birds and beasts.¹⁹
<又> pön; bëin.
(See 籓 pön; 籓 bëin; 藩 fãn; 𥶋❄{⿱𥫗幡} fän).
fan2 3106
120 18 fän fān (=翻 fän fān) to interpret; to flap, flutter in the wind.⁸
or 缤翻[繽翻] bïn-fän bīnfān (said of flags) fluttering.⁷
or 翻译[翻譯] fän-yèik fānyì translate, interpret; translator, interpreter.⁵ translate; translation.¹¹
(See 翻 fän.)
fan2 3107
124 18 fän fān flip over, upset, capsize.⁸ (variants: 繙,飜,拚,憣,噃 fän fān).
翻版 fän-bān
fānbǎn reprint; reproduction.⁵
翻斗 fän-ēo fāndǒu tipping bucket; skip bucket.⁵
翻悔 fän-fōi fānhuǐ back out of (a promise).⁵
翻跟斗 fän-gïn-ēo fāngēndǒu turn a somersault.⁵
翻滚[翻滾] fän-gūn
fāngǔn roll; toss; tumble.⁵
翻腾[翻騰] fän-hãng fānteng seethe; rise; surge.⁵⁶
翻天覆地 fän-hëin-fūk-ì fāntiānfùdì earth-shaking.⁵
翻地 fän-ì fāndì turn up the soil.⁵ plough.⁵⁶
翻脸[翻臉] fän-lêm fānliǎn fall out; suddenly turn hostile.⁵
翻然 fän-ngẽin
fānrán (change) quickly and completely.⁵
翻案 fän-ön fān'àn reverse a (correct) verdict.⁵
翻山越岭[翻山越嶺] fän-sän-yòt-lêin fānshānyuèlǐng cross over mountain after mountain; tramp over hill and dale.⁵
翻身 fän-sïn fānshēn turn over; free oneself; stand up.⁵
翻胃 fän-vì fānwèi gastric disorder causing nausea.⁵
翻新 fän-xïn fānxīn renovate; recondition; make over.⁵
翻修 fän-xiü fānxiū rebuild; rebuild.⁵
翻译[翻譯] or 繙译[繙譯] fän-yèik fānyì translate, interpret; translator, interpreter.⁵ translate; translation.¹¹
翻印 fän-yïn fānyìn reprint; reproduce.⁵
(See 繙 fän; 飜 fän; 拚 fän; 憣 fän; 噃 fän).
fan2 3108
140 15 fän fān (=番 fän fān) foreign (non-Chinese).⁴³
or 番茄 fän-kêh fānqié tomato.¹⁰
or 番薯 fän-sĩ fānshǔ <topo.> sweet potato.⁸
<又> fãn. (See 蕃 fãn.)
fan2 3109
162 7 fän fǎn return; come/go back.⁶
返潮 fän-chẽl fǎncháo get damp.⁶
返场[返場] fän-chẽng
fǎnchǎng (of a performer) give an encore.⁶
返家 fän-gä
fǎnjiā to return home.¹⁰
返国[返國] fän-gōk
fǎnguó to return from abroad.⁷
返航 fän-hõng
fǎnháng to return to a base or port.⁷
返利 fän-lì
fǎnlì dealer incentive; sales bonus; rebate.¹⁰
返璞归真[返璞歸真] fän-pök-gï-jïn
fǎnpúguīzhēn to return to one's true self; to regain the natural state.¹⁰
返青 fän-tëin
fǎnqīng (of plants) (of winter crops or transplanted seedlings) turn green; resume growth.⁶
返还[返還] fän-vãn
fǎnhuán restitution; return of something to its original owner; remittance.
返回 fän-või
fǎnhuí return; come/go back.⁶
遣返 hēin-fän
qiǎnfǎn repatriate; send back.⁶
or 留连忘返[留連忘返] liũ-lẽin-mõng-fän liúliánwàngfǎn enjoy oneself so much as to forget to go home.⁶
往返 vông-fän
wǎngfǎn to go there and back; journey to and fro; to move back and forth.⁸
fan2 3110
183 21 fän fān (=翻 fän fān) flip over, upset, capsize.⁸
(composition: ⿰番飛; U+98DC)
(See 翻 fän.)
fan2 3111
16 3 fãn fán ordinary.
不凡 būt-fãn bùfán out of the ordinary.
超凡 chël-fãn
chāofán transcend the worldly; out of the ordinary, extraordinary, uncommon.⁶
自命不凡 dù-mèin-būt-fãn
zìmìngbùfán to think exceptionally well of oneself.
非凡 fï-fãn
fēifán extraordinary, uncommon.
凡尘[凡塵] fãn-chĩn
fánchén this mortal world.⁹
凡人 fãn-ngĩn
fánrén ordinary person; mortal.
凡是 fãn-sì
fánshì every; any; all; whatever.
凡事 fãn-xù
fánshì everything.
平凡 pẽin-fãn
píngfán ordinary, common.
fan3 3112
32 15 fãn fán tomb.⁸ a grave.¹⁰ a cemetery.²⁴
(composition: ⿰土番; U+58A6).
Dūt-jï-üng-kök-fãn-hãn-jï-däi-jēh, hāt-kĩ-yĩ.
Zú zhī dōng guō fán xián zhī jì zhě, qǐ qí yú.
At last, he came to those who were sacrificing among the tombs beyond the outer wall on the east, and begged what they had over.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《孟子·離婁下》, translated by James Legge). (Note: Here 閒 hãn
xián is used interchangeably with 间[間] gän jiān),
墦祭 fãn-däi
fánjì sacrifice at the graves.¹¹
墦间[墦間] fãn-gän
fánjiān between graves, in a cemetery.⁵⁴
墦间乞馀[墦間乞餘] fãn-gän-hāt-yĩ
fánjiānqǐyú Someone who is poor and yet vain and looks down on other poor people.⁹
墦间之祭[墦間之祭] fãn-gän-jï-däi
fánjiānzhījì pay respect and veneration at the tombs.¹⁴ʼ⁰
墦埌 fãn-lòng
fánlàng a burial place; a grave.²⁴
fan3 3113
50 6 fãn fān (=帆 fãn fān) a sail, to sail.⁸
(See 帆 fãn.)
fan3 3114
50 6 fãn fān sail.⁹
帆板 fãn-bān fānbǎn sailboard; windsurfing.¹⁰
帆布 fãn-bü
fānbù canvas.¹¹
帆布床 fãn-bü-chõng
fānbùchuáng canvas bed; canvas cot; camp bed; cot.³⁹
帆布鞋 fãn-bü-hãi
fānbùxié canvas shoes.¹⁰
帆船 fãn-sõn
fānchuán sailboat.¹⁰
帆樯 fãn-tẽng
fānqiáng the mast of a ship.⁷
帆樯如林 fãn-tẽng-nguĩ-lĩm
fānqiángrúlín a forest of masts.⁵¹
机帆船[機帆船] gï-fãn-sõn
jīfānchuán motor sailboat.⁵⁴
船帆 sõn-fãn
chuánfān sail.¹⁰
一帆风顺[一帆風順] yīt-fãn-füng-sùn
yīfānfēngshùn propitious wind throughout the journey (idiom); plain sailing; to go smoothly; have a nice trip!¹⁰
(See 㠶 fãn; 颿 fãn.)
fan3 3115
75 11 fãn fàn abbr. for 梵教 Brahmanism; abbr. for Sanskrit 梵语 or 梵文; abbr. for 梵蒂冈, the Vatican.¹⁰
梵呗[梵唄] Fãn-bài Fànbài <Budd.> chanting of prayers.¹⁰
梵教 Fãn-gäo
Fànjiào Brahmanism.¹⁰
梵国[梵國] Fãn-gōk
Fànguó India.¹¹
梵宫[梵宮] Fãn-güng
Fàngōng Buddhist temple.¹¹
梵天 Fãn-hëin
Fàntiān Nirvana (in Buddhist scripture); Lord Brahma (the Hindu Creator).¹⁰
梵蒂冈[梵蒂岡] Fãn-î-göng
Fàndìgāng the Vatican.⁵
梵文 Fãn-mũn
Fànwén Sanskrit.⁵
梵语[梵語] Fãn-nguî/
Fànyǔ Sanskrit (language).¹⁰
梵刹[梵剎] Fãn-sāt
Fànchà Buddhist temple; monastery.¹⁰
梵书[梵書] Fãn-sï
Fànshū Brahmana, ancient Hindu texts.¹⁰
梵师[梵師] Fãn-xü
Fànshī Buddhist monk.¹¹
fan3 3116
75 12 fãn fán (=樊 fãn fán a railing; a fence; an enclosed place.⁸).
(composition: ⿲木爻木; U+68E5).
(See 樊 fãn).
fan3 3117
75 15 fãn fán a railing; a fence; an enclosed place.⁸
(variant: 棥 fãn fán).
樊篱[樊籬] fãn-lĩ
fánlí fence; (fig) barriers; restriction.⁸
樊笼[樊籠] fãn-lûng
fánlóng bird cage; deadening confinement in art, literature; place of confinement as a bird cage.⁸
樊然 fãn-ngẽin
fánrán <wr.> confusing.¹¹
<又> Fàn.
(See 樊 Fàn; 棥 fãn).
fan3 3118
85 5 fãn fán name of a state; Fan surname.²
(composition: ⿰氵㔾; U+6C3E).
氾胜之书[氾勝之書] Fãn-sëin-jï sï Fán shèngzhī shū Fan Shengzhi shu ("Fan Shengzhi's book" or "Fan Shengzhi's manual") was a Chinese agricultural text from the Han dynasty, written by Fan Shengzhi in the first century BC.¹⁵ an important agronomy book in the late Western Han Dynasty, it is also the earliest surviving agronomy monograph in China.¹⁹
郑南氾[鄭南氾] Jèng Nãm-fãn
Zhèng Nánfán name of an old district in today's south of 襄城县[襄城縣] Xëng-sẽin-yòn Xiāngchéngxiàn in 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng in the state of 郑[鄭] Jèng Zhèng during the Spring and Autumn period.²ʼ¹⁰¹
郑东氾[鄭東氾] Jèng Üng-fãn
Zhèng Dōngfán name of an old district in today's south of 中牟县[中牟縣] Jüng-mù-yòn Zhōngmùxiàn in 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng in the state of 郑[鄭] Jèng Zhèng during the Spring and Autumn period.²ʼ¹⁰¹
<又> fàn.
(See 氾 fàn).
fan3 3119
86 13 fãn fán bother, vex, trouble; troublesome.⁸
烦杂[煩雜] or 繁杂[繁雜] fãn-dàp fánzá miscellaneous.⁵⁵
烦苛[煩苛] fãn-hõ
or fãn-hô fánkē petty and harassing (regulations or taxes).⁵⁴
or 烦懑[煩懣] fãn-mòn fánmèn uncomfortable, out of sorts; vexed, worried.¹¹
or 繁忙[繁忙] fãn-mõng fánmáng busy.⁵
or 繁文 fãn-mũn fánwén empty forms, rigmarole.¹¹
or 繁难[繁難] fãn-nãn fánnán (affair) difficult to deal with; difficult to tackle (work, problem).¹¹
烦恼[煩惱] fãn-nâo
fánnǎo vexed; worried.⁵
烦扰[煩擾] fãn-ngêl
fánrǎo bother, disturb; feel disturbed.⁸
烦言[煩言] fãn-ngũn
fányán complaints.¹¹
烦躁[煩躁] fãn-täo
fánzào fretful; agitated; fidgety; impatient; restless.⁶ be fidgety; be agitated.⁸ dysphoria.²⁰
烦请[煩請] fãn-tēin
fánqǐng I beg you; <court.> invite; Would you mind...?; Please be so kind as to...⁵⁴
烦心[煩心] fãn-xïm
fánxīn vexed.⁸ anxious.¹⁰
or 繁琐[繁瑣] fãn-xū fánsuǒ loaded down with trivial details; bother, disturb.⁸
烦忧[煩憂] fãn-yiü
fányōu depressed and worried.⁹
<台> 烦气[煩氣] fãn-hï annoying, bothersome.
fan3 3120
86 16 fãn fán <wr.> burn; bake, roast.⁶ roast meat for offering; to burn, to roast.⁷
燔柴 fãn-châi fánchái a holocaust (an ancient rite of worshipping Heaven).⁷
燔祭 fãn-däi
fánjì burnt offerings.⁷
燔肉 fãn-ngùk
fánròu roast meat for offering.⁷
fan3 3121
96 16 fãn fán a piece of precious jade; beautiful jade.⁵⁴
璠玙[璠璵] fãn-yĩ fányú  ➀ name of a beautiful jade from the State of Lu 魯 ➁ refers to jewelry in general  ➂ a metaphor for virtue and talent.¹⁹
玙璠[璵璠] yĩ-fãn
yúfán a precious gem, brought from Lu (鲁[魯] Lû ) country.²⁴ (Note: Original text was 璠璵; later was changed to 璵璠.)
fan3 3122
112 20 fãn fán alum; vitriol.⁷ metalic salts for dyeing or painting; alum; to tan leather with lime and copperas.¹⁴
白矾[白礬] bàk-fãn báifán alum.¹¹
皂矾[皂礬] dào-fãn
zàofán (=青矾[青礬] tëin-fãn qīngfán) green vitriol (ferrous sulfate FeSO₄:7H₂O).¹⁰
矾仔[礬仔] fãn-dōi
fánzi <topo.> toilet.⁸
矾粉[礬粉] fãn-fūn
fánfěn alum flour.⁹
矾根草[礬根草] fãn-gïn-tāo
fángēncǎo alumroot.¹⁰
矾土[礬土] fãn-hū
fántǔ alumina.¹¹
矾纸[礬紙] fãn-jī
fánzhǐ paper sized with alum.¹⁴
矾皮店[礬皮店] fãn-pĩ-ëm
fánpídiàn a tannery.¹⁴
矾石[礬石] fãn-sêk
fánshí alunite.⁷ alum shale.¹¹ alum: of which there are said to be five varieties, viz. blue, white, yellow, black, and carmine.²⁵
矾宣[礬宣] fãn-xün
fánxuān sized paper.⁵⁴
明矾[明礬] mẽin-fãn
míngfán (=白矾[白礬] bàk-fãn báifán) alum.¹¹
青矾[青礬] tëin-fãn
qīngfán copperas; sulphate of iron.¹⁴ sulphate of copper.²⁵
fan3 3123
118 11 fãn fán basket.⁸ osier basket of brides.¹⁰ a bamboo vessel containing dates and chestnuts.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗弁; U+7B32).
fan3 3124
118 21 fãn fàn to cover, or screen.²⁵ sieve; basket.³⁶ (composition: ⿱⺮潘)). (U+7C53).
籓箩[籓籮] fãn-lõ fànluó a large close sieve, used on separating the chaff from the grain.²⁵
fan3 3125
119 8 fãn fán (<old>=蹯 fãn fán) <wr.> paw.⁶ paws of an animal.¹⁴
(See 蹯 fãn).
fan3 3126
120 14 fãn fán (<old>=繁 fãn fán)
(See 繁 fãn.)
fan3 3127
120 17 fãn fán numerous; luxuriant; complicated.⁵⁵ (variant: 緐 fãn fán).
繁博 fãn-bōk
fánbó extensive.⁵⁵
or 烦杂[煩雜] fãn-dàp fánzá miscellaneous.⁵⁵
繁滋 fãn-dü
fánzī multiply profusely.⁵
繁复[繁複] fãn-fūk
fánfù heavy and complicated.⁵
繁体字[繁體字] fãn-hāi-dù
fántǐzì traditional Chinese characters; unsimplified Chinese characters.⁶
繁殖 fãn-jèik
fánzhí breed.⁵⁵
繁茂 fãn-mào
fánmào lush.⁵⁵
or 烦忙[煩忙] fãn-mõng fánmáng busy.⁵
or 烦文[煩文] fãn-mũn fánwén empty forms, rigmarole.¹¹
繁峙 Fãn-sì
Fánshì a county in 山西 Sän-xäi Shānxī.⁸
繁多 fãn-ü
fánduō various.⁵
繁华[繁華] fãn-vã
fánhuá thriving.⁵⁵
繁荣[繁榮] fãn-vẽin
fánróng flourishing; prosper.⁵⁵
繁荣昌盛[繁榮昌盛] fãn-vẽin-chëng-sèin
fánróng chāngshèng thriving and prosperous.⁵⁵
or 蕃衍 fãn-yēn fányǎn <wr.> to multiply, increase gradually in quantity, procreate, proliferate.⁶
繁缛[繁縟] fãn-yùk
fánrù <wr.> complicated; overelaborate.⁶ abundant; prolific.⁷
<又> põ.
(See 繁 põ.)
fan3 3128
130 16 fãn fán to cook meat for a sacrifice or offering; sacrificial meat.⁸
(composition: ⿰月番; U+81B0).
fan3 3129
140 15 fãn fán luxuriant; flourishing; to reproduce; to proliferate.¹⁰
蕃昌 fãn-chëng fánchāng flourishing, proliferous.¹¹
蕃娈[蕃孌] fãn-lũn
fánluán fabulous; splendid; exceedingly pretty/charming.⁵⁴
蕃茂 fãn-mào
fánxī fánmào luxuriant, rank (vegetation).¹¹
蕃庶 fãn-sï
fánshù numerous (progeny).¹¹
蕃息 fãn-xēik
fánxī to multiply quickly (plants, animals).¹¹
or 繁衍 fãn-yēn fányǎn <wr.> to multiply, increase gradually in quantity, procreate, proliferate.⁶
<又> fän.
(See 蕃 fän.)
fan3 3130
140 18 fãn fān fence; hedge; boundary; frontier; barrier.⁷
(old variant: 籓 fän fān).
(composition: ⿱艹潘; U+85E9).
藩蔽 fãn-bäi
fānbì barrier.⁷
藩国[藩國] fãn-gōk
fānguó vassal state; feudatory state.⁷
藩篱[藩籬] fãn-lĩ
fānlí fence, hedge; line of defense, barrier.⁷
藩臣 fãn-sĩn
fānchén vassal.⁷
外藩 ngòi-fãn
wàifān prince's domain in border province.¹¹
(See 籓 fän).
fan3 3131
140 20 fãn fán (=白蒿 bàk-häo báihāo) <bot.> white rush, Artemisia stelleriana.¹¹ hairhead wormwood.⁸ wormwood: an annual or biennial grass whose tender shoots are edible.⁹
fan3 3132
145 17 fãn fán 襎裷 fãn-yön fányuān a piece of cloth for wrapping or covering.⁸ a wrapper, or bundle of clothes.²⁵
fan3 3133
149 10 fãn fàn verbose; loquacious.²⁵ Fan surname, a branch of the 范 fàn fàn Fan surname.¹⁹
(composition: ⿰言凡; U+8A09).
fan3 3134
157 19 fãn fán <wr.> paw.⁶ paws of an animal.¹⁴ (variant: 籵 fãn fán).
蹯跚 fãn-sän
fánshān (=蹒跚[蹣跚] põn-sän pánshān) walk haltingly; limp; hobble.⁵
熊蹯 hũng-fãn
xióngfán bear's paw, considered a delicacy.¹¹
(See 籵 fãn).
fan3 3135
159 12 fãn fàn the hood of a carriage, for keeping off wind and rain.²⁵ vehicle canopy.³⁶
(composition: ⿳厶大車). (U+8EEC).
fan3 3136
167 11 fãn fán vanadium (V).⁶
钒钢[釩鋼] fãn-gông fángāng vanadium steel.⁸
钒铁[釩鐵] fãn-hëik
fántiě ferrovanadium.⁶
钒土[釩土] fãn-hū
fántǔ vanadine.⁶
fan3 3137
181 24 𫖺
fãn fán ugly.⁸ very ugly.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿰樊頁; U+4AF6).  (comp. s: ⿰樊页; U+2B5BA).
fan3 3138
182 19 fãn fān (=帆 <wr.> fãn fān); sail.⁸ original meaning: "to gallop".⁸
(composition: ⿰馬風; U+98BF).
(Note: The simplified form is not in Unicode. It is listed in "A New Century Chinese-English Dictionary", on page 440, with 马 on the left side and 风 on the right side.) "Yellowbridge" lists 帆 as the simplified form. 汉典 (zdic.net) does not have a simplified form.)
(See 帆 fãn.)
fan3 3139
75 15 fàn fán Fan surname.
樊須 Fân Xuï Fán Xū Fan Xu (515 BCE- ?), with courtesy name of 子遲 Dū Chĩ Zǐ Chí Zi Chi, was a disciple of Confucius.²³
<又> fãn.
(See 樊 fãn.)
fan4 3140
85 5 fàn fàn (=泛 fàn fàn to float; to be suffused with; general; extensive; non-specific; flood; pan- (prefix).¹⁰); overflow, flood, inundate.⁸ floating; superficial, not deep (stacked): generally, extensively; water roaming around.¹⁹ water overflowing; extensively, generally, universally;
unsettled, floating about, moving backwards and forwards.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵㔾; U+6C3E).
氾滥[氾濫] fàn-làm
fànlàn to flood, inundate; (of flood water) break dams and overflow.¹¹ an inundation.²⁴
or 泛滥成灾[泛濫成災]  fàn-làm-sẽin-döi fànlànchéngzāi to flood and cause disaster; to run rampant, to run wild, to run amok.³⁶
氾论[氾論] fàn-lùn
fànlùn general discussion.¹¹
涯氾 ngãi-fàn
yáfàn river banks, compared to limits of discussion.¹¹
无涯氾[無涯氾] mũ-ngãi-fàn
wúyáfàn limitless.¹¹
<又> fãn.
(See 氾 fãn; 泛 fàn).
fan4 3141
85 6 fàn fàn (=泛 fàn fàn to float; to be suffused with; general; extensive; non-specific; flood; pan-.¹⁰) float; universal, general, widespread, common, pervasive; extensive, wide-ranging, widespread; Fan surname.⁸ to float, to drift; careless, reckless.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰氵凡; U+6C4E).
汎指 fàn-jī
fànzhǐ a vague reference; general allusion to.¹⁴
汎理论[汎理論] fàn-lî-lùn
fànlǐlùn Hegelism – panlogism.¹⁴
汎爱[汎愛] fàn-öi
fàn'ài universal love; love overflowing to all.¹⁴
汎爱主义[汎愛主義] fàn-öi-jī-ngì
fàn'àizhǔyì philanthropism.¹⁴
汎常 fàn-sẽng
fàncháng customary, ordinary.¹⁴
(See 泛 fàn).
fan4 3142
85 7 fàn fàn to float; to be suffused with; general; extensive; non-specific; flood; pan- (prefix).¹⁰ (variants: 汎, 氾 fàn fàn).
浮泛 fẽo-fàn
fúfàn to float about; (of a feeling) to show on the face; (of speech, friendship) shallow; vague.¹⁰
泛出来[泛出來] fàn-chūt-lõi
fànchūlái be suffused with; overflow, be in flood; spill (out).⁵⁴
泛泛 fàn-fàn
fànfàn superficial, not deep; common, ordinary.⁹
泛泛浮浮 fàn-fàn-fẽo-fẽo fànfànfúfú unsettled; unstable; flippant.¹⁴
泛泛之交 fàn-fàn-jï-gäo
fànfànzhījiāo acquaintance.⁹
or 汎舟 fàn-jiü fànzhōu sailing in a boat.¹⁴
or 汎滥[汎濫] fàn-làm fànlàn flood, inundate, deluge; spread unchecked; be full of.⁶ overflow; verbose.¹⁴
泛览[泛覽] fàn-lâm
fànlǎn browse among books.¹¹
泛美洲主义[泛美洲主義] Fàn-Mî-jiü-jī-ngì
FànMěizhōuzhǔyì Pan-Americanism.⁵⁴
泛若水凫[泛若水鳧] fàn-ngèk-suī-fũ 
fànruòshuǐfú drifting along like a duck, as an idle useless lout; applied also to men of ability who prefer retirement to their duty to the state.¹⁰²
泛读[泛讀] fàn-ùk
fàndú extensive reading.¹⁰
广泛[廣泛] gōng-fàn
guǎngfàn extensive; wide range.¹⁰
(See 汎 fàn; 氾 fàn).
fan4 3143
94 5 fàn fàn violate, offend (against law); attack, assail, work against; criminal; have a recurrence of (an old illness), revert to (a bad habit); commit (a mistake, crime).⁵
犯病 fàn-bèng fànbìng have an attack of one's old illness.⁵
犯不着[犯不著] fàn-būt-jèk
fànbuzháo <topo.> not  worthwhile.⁵
犯节气[犯節氣] fàn-dëik-hï
fàn jiéqi have an attack of a seasonal illness.⁵
犯罪 fàn-duì
fànzuì commit a crime or an offence.⁵
犯法 fàn-fāt
fànfǎ violate or break the law.⁵
犯科作奸 fàn-fö-dōk-gän
fànkēzuòjiān transgress the law and become a traitor.¹⁹
犯奸[犯姦] fàn-gän
fànjiān to commit adultery.²⁴
犯纣[犯紂] fàn-jào
fànzhòu <topo.> become crooked or distorted.⁵⁴
犯阙[犯闕] fàn-küt
fànquè illegally break into royal palace.¹¹
犯而不校 fàn-ngĩ-būt-gäo
fànérbùjiào though opposed he entered no altercation.¹⁴
犯人 fàn-ngĩn
fànrén criminal; prisoner; convict.⁵
犯案 fàn-ön
fàn'àn (old) be found out and brought to justice.⁵
犯愁 fàn-sẽo
fànchóu <topo.> worry; be anxious.⁵
犯错[犯錯] fàn-tö
fàncuò to make a mistake; to err.⁷
犯浑[犯渾] fàn-vùn
fànhún be unreasonable/difficult.⁶
fan4 3144
118 11 fàn fàn (<old>=范[範] fàn fàn pattern; model; scope; Fan surname.);  a bamboo form; a model.⁸ bamboo mold.¹⁰ a law, a regulation, a rule, a pattern; books made of bamboo slips; a mold made of bamboo.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗氾; U+7B35).
笵金 fàn-gïm
fànjīn cast gold in a mold.¹⁹
笵铜[笵銅] fàn-hũng
fàntóng cast copper in a mold.¹⁹
or 轨范[軌范] gī-fàn guǐfàn standard of behavior.¹⁹
(See 範 fàn).
fan4 3145
118 15 fàn fàn pattern; model; scope; Fan surname.
大家风范[大家風範] ài-gä-füng-fàn dàjiāfēngfàn noble manners.
典范[典範] ēin-fàn
diǎnfàn model; example; paragon; paradigm.
范畴[範疇] fàn-chiũ
fànchóu category.⁵
范式[範式] fàn-sēik
fànshì model or example.
范围[範圍] fàn-vĩ
fànwéi domain, range, scope; <wr.> to set limits to, to limit the scope of.⁶
范型[範型] fàn-yẽin
fànxíng pattern.
风范[風範] füng-fàn
fēngfàn <wr.> stylish; graceful manner.
模范[模範] mũ-fàn
or mõ-fàn mófàn an exemplary person or thing; model; mold.⁸
示范[示範] sì-fàn
shìfàn set an example; demonstrate.⁶
(See 范 fàn.)
fan4 3146
140 8 fàn fàn Fan surname.
范蠡 Fàn Lâi Fàn Lǐ Fan Li (536-488 BC), politician of Yue state, businessman and economist.¹⁰ Fan Li, from the Spring and Autumn period, was a businessman, military strategist, writer, politician, philosopher, and philanthropist.¹⁵
(See 範 fàn.)
fan4 3147
184 12 fàn fàn cooked rice, cooked grain for food; a meal; to feed; a profession, a means of living.⁷
饭甑[飯甑] fàn-dâng fànzèng a rice pot.¹¹
饭店[飯店] fàn-ëm
fàndiàn restaurant; hotel.⁷
饭团[飯糰] fàn-hõn
fàntuán onigiri (Japanese rice-ball snack).¹⁰ rice ball.²²
饭桶[飯桶] fàn-hūng
fàntǒng lit. rice bucket; fig. (big eater; fathead; good-for-nothing).⁵ lit. rice jar or pail, (fig. derog.) a useless person, a good-for-nothing; a stupid person.¹¹
饭桌[飯桌] fàn-jēk
fànzhuō dining table.⁸
饭来张口[飯來張口] fàn-lõi-jëng-hēo
fànláizhāngkǒu to eat but not to work; to live like a parasite; to have only to open one's mouth to be fed – to live an easy life, with everything provided.⁷
饭菜馊了[飯菜餿了] fàn-töi-xūk-lēl
fàncàisōule The food has spoiled.⁵
饭菜[飯菜] fàn-töi
fàncài dishes to go with rice; a meal, a repast, food.⁷
饭碗[飯碗] fàn-vōn
fànwǎn a rice bowl; <old> job, means of livelihood.⁵
饭煳了[飯煳了] fàn-vũ-lēl
fànhúle the rice is burnt.⁵
<台> 吃饭好狼[吃飯好狼] hëk-fàn-hāo-lõng/ eat voraciously.
fan4 3148
50 15 fân fān <台> 竹尾幡灯笼, 照远唔照近 [竹尾幡燈籠, 照遠唔照近] jūk-mī-fân-äng-lũng, jël-yōn-m̃-jël-gìn lit. a lantern waving at the top of a bamboo grove shines far but not near; fig. minding other people's business but not one's own.
<又> fän. (See 幡 fän.)
fan5 3149
55 22 𢍶
fân fàn (=㪻 fân fàn) to fill up a measure; to measure.²⁴
(composition: ⿱䜌廾; U+22376).
<又> gün.
(See 𢍶{❄⿱䜌廾} gün; 㪻 fân).
fan5 3150
68 23 fân fàn to fill up a measure; to measure.²⁴
(variant: 𢍶{❄⿱䜌廾} fân fàn).
(composition: ⿱䜌斗; U+3ABB).
<又> gün.
(See 㪻 gün; 𢍶{❄⿱䜌廾} fân).
fan5 3151
97 19 fân bàn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 瓣 bàn bàn with same meaning.)
<又> bàn.
(See 瓣 bàn.)
fan5 3152
102 9 fân fàn (used in place names) field, land; <m.> <topo.> tract.⁶
畈田 fân-hẽin fàntián paddy field in hillside terraces.⁸
一畈稻田 yīt-fân ào-hẽin
yīfàndàotián a tract of rice field.⁶
一畈田 yīt-fân-hẽin
yīfàntián a big tract of farmland.⁵
fan5 3153
154 11 fân fàn buy to resell; dealer, monger, peddler.⁵
(variant: 𧶶❄{⿰買反} fân fàn). (See 𧶶❄{⿰買反} fân).
报贩[報販] bäo-fân/
bàofàn newspaper hawker, news vendor.⁶
贩子[販子] fân-dū
fànzi dealer; monger.⁵
贩夫[販夫] fân-fü
fànfū pedlar.¹¹
贩夫走卒[販夫走卒] fân-fü-dēo-dūt
fànfūzǒuzú small tradesmen and porters.¹¹
贩土[販土] fân-hū
fàntǔ to sell opium.⁷
贩卖[販賣] fân-mài
fànmài traffic, peddle, sell.⁵
贩毒[販毒] fân-ùk
fàndú traffic in narcotics.⁵
贩运[販運] fân-vùn
fànyùn transport goods for sale; traffic.⁵
稗贩[稗販] pâi-fân
bàifàn peddler, petty vendor; model after/copy/repeat indiscriminately.⁶
商贩[商販] sëng-fân
shāngfàn trader; peddler.¹⁰
小贩[小販] xēl-fân/
xiǎofàn vendor; peddler.⁵
fan5 3154
154 16 𧶶
fân fàn (=贩[販] fân fàn buy to resell; dealer, monger, peddler.⁵).² to peddle, trade, deal in.⁸
(composition: ⿰買反; U+27DB6).
(See 販 fân).
fan5 3155
28 4 fãng hóng (=宏 fãng hóng great; magnificent; macro (computing); macro-.¹⁰).⁸
(composition: ⿸𠂇厶; U+53B7).
<又> gäng.
(See 厷 gäng).
fang3 3156
30 7 fãng hóng 噌吰 däng-fãng chēnghóng <wr.> (of bells and drums) boom.⁶
fang3 3157
40 7 fãng hóng great; magnificent; macro (computing); macro-.¹⁰
大展宏图[大展宏圖] ài-jīn-fãng-hũ dàzhǎnhóngtú realize one's ambition; spread one's wings.⁶
or 弘大 fãng-ài hóngdà grand; great; immense; vast.⁶
宏富 fãng-fü
hóngfù rich; abundant; plentiful.⁶
宏观[宏觀] fãng-gön
hóngguān macroscopic view; macro, macroscopic.⁶
or 弘图[弘圖] fãng-hũ hóngtú ambitious plan or goal; grand prospect.⁶
or 弘旨 fãng-jī hóngzhǐ main theme; leading idea of an article.⁶
or 弘量 fãng-lèng hóngliàng large capacity (for tolerance, forgiveness); magnanimity.⁶
or 弘论[弘論] fãng-lùn hónglùn learned argument; informed opinion; intelligent view.⁶
宏谟[宏謨] fãng-mũ
hóngmó a grand plan; a great project.⁵⁴
or 弘愿[弘願] fãng-ngùn hóngyuàn great aspirations; noble ambition.⁶
宏伟[宏偉] fãng-vī
hóngwěi magnificent; grand.⁵
宽宏大量[寬宏大量] fön-fãng-ài-lẽng
kuānhóngdàliàng magnanimous; open-minded; broad-minded; benignant.⁷
fang3 3158
40 8 fãng hóng (<old>=宏 fãng hóng a large, dark and dim house which reverberates sound; peaceful.⁸ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿱宀弘; U+5B96).
䆵宖 chãng-fãng
chénghóng an echo (which an be produced in a spacious house).²ʼ⁰ (cf 𡪠宏 tãng-fãng).
fang3 3159
57 5 fãng hóng great, grand, magnificent; enlarge, expand.⁵ Hong surname.⁸
弘大 or 宏大 fãng-ài hóngdà grand; great; immense; vast.⁶
弘法 fãng-fāt
hóngfǎ to propagate Buddhist teachings.¹⁰
or 宏图[宏圖]  fãng-hũ hóngtú ambitious plan or goal; grand prospect.⁶
or 宏旨 fãng-jī hóngzhǐ main theme; leading idea of an article.⁶
or 宏量 fãng-lèng hóngliàng large capacity (for tolerance, forgiveness); magnanimity.⁶
or 宏论[宏論] fãng-lùn hónglùn learned argument; informed opinion; intelligent view.⁶
弘毅 fãng-ngài
hóngyì <wr.> having a broad and strong mind.¹⁹
or 宏愿[宏願] fãng-ngùn hóngyuàn great aspirations; noble ambition.⁶
弘扬[弘揚] fãng-yẽng
hóngyáng <wr.> develop and expand; carry forward, enhance, give full scope (to).⁶
弘远[弘遠] fãng-yōn
hóngyuǎn far and wide; far-reaching.⁶
or 恢宏 föi-fãng huīhóng <wr.> extensive, broad, great; carry forward, develop.⁶
fang3 3160
85 7 fãng hóng (composition: ⿰氵厷; U+6C6F).
泓汯 fãng-hóng hónghóng swift current.¹³ (of currents) whirling; swirling.³⁶
fang3 3161
85 8 fãng hóng <wr.> (of water) clear and extensie; <m.> (of clear water) a stretch of.⁶ clear, deep, limpid water; the ancient name of a stream in Henan Province.⁷
泓汯 fãng-hóng hónghóng swift current.¹³ (of currents) whirling; swirling.³⁶
泓宏 fãng-fãng
hónghóng very loud; roaring.⁷
泓泓 fãng-fãng
hónghóng very deep.⁷
泓渟 fãng-hẽin
hóngtíng a deep pool.¹⁴
一泓清碧 yīt-fãng-tëin-bēik
yīhóngqīngbì a pond of clear water; a pool with lucid water.⁵⁴
一泓清泉 yīt-fãng-tëin-tũn
yīhóngqīnquán a clear spring.⁶
一泓秋水 yīt-fãng-tiü-suī
yīhóngqiūshuǐ an expanse of limpid water in autumn.⁶
渊泓[淵泓] yön-fãng
yuānhóng vast and profound.¹⁰
fang3 3162
117 9 fãng hóng be vast and endless; broad.⁸ (variant: 竤 fãng hóng).
竑议[竑議] fãng-ngì
hóngyì informed opinion; intelligent view.¹⁹
(See 竤 fãng).
fang3 3163
117 12 fãng hóng (<old>=竑 fãng hóng) be vast and endless; broad.⁸
(See 竑 fãng).
fang3 3164
120 10 fãng hóng an ancient hat strap tied under a crown; a rope, a rope net; social order and law; vast, expansive.⁸ a cord which fastened under the chin to keep an official hat in place; the ends hanging down on tassels; vast, similar to 宏 fãng hóng.¹⁴ the fastening of a cap; the string for suspending a musical stone; to inclose in a net.²⁵ (variant: 綋 fãng hóng).
t: ⿰糹厷; U+7D18). (comp. s: ⿰纟厷; U+7EAE).
八纮[八紘] bāt-fãng
bāhóng or 八表 bāt-bēl bābiǎo or 八荒 bāt-föng bāhuāng all outlying areas (of China), on all sides.¹¹
纮大[紘大] fãng-ài
hóngdà great.²⁵
纮缨[紘纓] fãng-yëin
hóngyīng hat string and tassel.¹⁴ the fastening and tassel of a cap.²⁵
至纮以大[至紘以大] jï-fãng-yî-ài
zhìhóngyǐdà very expansive and great.¹⁴
朱纮[朱紘] jï-fãng
zhūhóng a red hat strap.¹⁹
(See 宏 fãng; 綋 fãng).
fang3 3165
120 13 fãng hóng (=纮[紘] fãng hóng an ancient hat strap tied under a crown; a rope, a rope net; social order and law; vast, expansive.⁸ a cord which fastened under the chin to keep an official hat in place; the ends hanging down on tassels; vast, similar to 宏 fãng hóng.¹⁴ the fastening of a cap; the string for suspending a musical stone; to inclose in a net.²⁵
(composition: ⿰糹宏; U+7D8B).
(See 紘 fãng).
fang3 3166
128 10 fãng hóng deaf, deafness; a loud sound; some say sound in the ear.⁸  deaf; to speak close to one's ear; a noise in the ears; a loud noise.²⁵ deafness.³⁶ a noise or drumming in the ear; to speak into another's ear because of his deafness.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰耳厷; U+803E).
耾耾 fãng-fãng hónghóng a loud sound.¹⁹ the sound of thunder.²⁵
非雷非霆, 隐隐耾耾[非雷非霆, 隱隱耾耾.]
Fï-luĩ-fï-hẽin, yîn-yîn-fãng-fãng.
Fēi léi fēi tíng, yǐn yǐn hóng hóng.
It is not thunder and lightning,
Deep and deafening...⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《揚子法言·問道卷第四·15》, translated by Jeffrey S. Bullock).
or 铿鈜[鏗鈜] häng-fãng kēnghóng the sound of bells and drums; the sound of metal.⁸ <ono.> the sound is loud and sonorous.¹⁹
隐隐耾耾[隱隱耾耾] yîn-yîn-fãng-fãng
yǐn yǐn hóng hóng deep and deafening ( translatation by Jeffrey S. Bullock).⁶⁰ a prolonged increasing sound, as of distant thunder.¹⁰²
fang3 3167
167 12 fãng hóng the sound of bells and drums; the sound of metal.¹⁹ the sound of metal; the sound of a bell.²⁵ sounds of bells and drums; metallic sound.³⁶ (used in people's names).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰金厷; U+921C).
锵鈜[鏘鈜] dëng-fãng qiānghóng the sound of bells and drums; the sound of metal.⁸ <ono.> the sound is loud and sonorous and clear and carrying far.¹⁹
or 铿耾[鏗耾] häng-fãng kēnghóng the sound of bells and drums; the sound of metal.⁸ <ono.> the sound is loud and sonorous.¹⁹
fang3 3168
169 12 fãng hóng <wr.> gate of a lane or alley; grand, broad.⁶ Hong surname.⁷
闳泽[閎澤] fãng-jàk hóngzé a big lake.⁷
闳中肆外[閎中肆外] fãng-jüng-xü-ngòi
hóngzhōngsìwài (for writing) rich in substance and graceful in style; profound idea and good style.⁶ store up learning within to be ready for emergencies from without.¹⁴
闳衍[閎衍] fãng-yēn
hóngyǎn a beautiful writing style.⁷ numerous and elegant – writings.¹⁴
fang3 3169
177 14 fãng hóng the upper part of the crossbar of a vehicle is covered with leather so that people can lean on it; the middle part of the crossbar of a vehicle is wrapped with leather for people to hold on to;  board.⁸ the front strap of a carriage, on which a person leans.²⁵ front crossbar (chariots).⁵⁴ a movable board placed in front of a carriage for the rider to lean on as he stood.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰革弘; U+9783).
鞹鞃 kök-fãng kuòhóng the middle part of the crossbar of a vehicle is wrapped with leather for people to hold on to.¹⁹ a leather strap.²⁵
Kök-fãng-tēin-mèik; hẽl-gāk-gïm-āk.
Kuò hóng qiǎn miè, tiáo gé jīn è.
The leaning-board bound with leather, and a tiger's skin to cover it,
The ends of the reins, with their metal rings.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·蕩之什·韓奕·2》, translated by James Legge).
Yî-kök-vĩ-fãng, yî-tēin-vĩ-mèik.
Yǐ kuò wéi hóng, yǐ qiǎn wéi miè.
Cover the dash-board with leather, and make a cover of tiger's skin.¹⁰²
fang3 3170
9 8 fāt (<old>=法 fāt law; method, way, mode; follow, model after; standard, model; Legalists, the Legalist School; Buddhist doctrine, the dharma; magic arts.⁵).²ʼ⁸
(composition: ⿱亼正; U+4F71).
(See 法 fāt).
fat1 3171
85 8 fāt law; method, way, mode; follow, model after; standard, model; Legalists, the Legalist School; Buddhist doctrine, the dharma; magic arts.⁵ (variants: 佱灋𣳴❄{⿰氵⿱千止*} fāt, q.v.)
法子 fāt-dū
fǎzi way; method.⁵
法家 Fāt-gä
Fǎjiā Legalists; great master; leading authority.¹
法国[法國] Fāt-gōk
Fǎguó France.¹¹
法国梧桐[法國梧桐] Fāt-gōk-m̃-hũng
Fǎguó wútóng (=英桐 Yëin-hũng Yīngtóng London plane¹⁵ʼ²⁰) plane tree (Platanus × acerifolia).¹⁰
法庭 fāt-hẽin
fǎtíng court; tribunal.⁵
法统[法統] fāt-hūng
fǎtǒng legally constituted authority.⁵
法规[法規] fāt-kï
fǎguī legislation; statute.¹⁰
法拉盛 Fāt-lā-sèin
Fǎlāshèng Flushing, an Asian area in Queens, New York City.²⁰
法兰绒[法蘭絨] fāt-lãn-ngũng
fǎlánróng <loan> flannel.⁵
法螺 fāt-lũ
fǎluó triton (shell); conch.⁶
法律 fāt-lùt
fǎlǜ law; statute.⁵
法术[法術] fāt-sùt
fǎshù magic arts.⁵
法师[法師] fāt-xü
fǎshī Master, a title of respect for a Buddhist or Taoist priest.⁸
无法无天[無法無天] mũ-fāt-mũ-hëin
wúfǎwútiān wild; without law and order; defy all laws; become absolutely lawless; run wild.⁸
fat1 3172
85 8 fāt (=法 fāt law; method, way, mode; follow, model after; standard, model; Legalists, the Legalist School; Buddhist doctrine, the dharma; magic arts.⁵); statutes, laws, regulations, a rule, legal standard, plan or methods, etc.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵厺; U+3CD2).
(See 法 fāt).
fat1 3173
85 9 𣳴
fāt (<old>=法 fāt law; method, way, mode; follow, model after; standard, model; Legalists, the Legalist School; Buddhist doctrine, the dharma; magic arts.⁵).²
(composition: ⿰氵⿱千止*; U+23CF4).
(* the middle vertical stroke of 千 and 止 is connected and becomes one stroke, thus making the right component 6 strokes instead of 7).
(See 法 fāt).
fat1 3174
85 21 fāt (<old>=法 fāt law; method, way, mode; follow, model after; standard, model; Legalists, the Legalist School; Buddhist doctrine, the dharma; magic arts.⁵).²ʼ⁸
(composition: ⿰氵⿸廌去; U+704B).
(See 法 fāt).
fat1 3175
89 13 𤕥
fāt (=发[髮] fāt hair).²
(composition: ⿰爻⿱匕見; U+24565).
(See 髮 fāt).
fat1 3176
96 12 fāt enamel; enamelware.⁷ enamel, cloissoné.⁸
珐琅[琺琅] fāt-lõng or fāt-lông fàláng enamel.⁷
珐琅质[琺琅質] fāt-lõng-jīt
or fāt-lông-jīt fàlángzhì tooth enamel.¹⁰
珐琅彩[琺琅彩] fāt-lõng-tōi
or fāt-lông-tōi fàlángcǎi cloisonné enamel.⁵⁴
fat1 3177
105 12 fāt to emit; to issue; to send out; to dispatch.
发表[發表] fāt-bēl fābiǎo to publish, to issue; <TCM> to drive out heteropathy in the skin and flesh.
发交[發交] fāt-gäo
fājiāo to issue and deliver (to people).¹⁰
发行[發行] fāt-hãng
fāxíng to issue, to publish, to distribute, to put on sale. (See 发行[發行] fāt-hõng.)
发行[發行] fāt-hõng fāháng to sell wholesale. (See 发行[發行] fāt-hãng.)
发展[發展] fāt-jīn
fāzhǎn develop, expand, grow.⁵⁴
发噱[發噱] fāt-kêk
fāxué to make one laugh.⁶
发狂[發狂] fāt-kõng
fākuáng go mad.⁵
发明[發明] fāt-mẽin
fāmíng to invent; <wr.> to expound.
发闷[發悶] fāt-mòn
fāmēn stuffy, oppressive, stifling.⁶
发怒[發怒] fāt-nù
fānù flare up; infuriate; get angry.⁸
发票[發票] fāt-pêl
fāpiào invoice; receipt.
发生[發生] fāt-säng
fāshēng happen; occur; arise.⁸
发射[發射] fāt-sèh
fāshè emit; launch, project, shoot; fire.⁸
or 发见[發見] fät-yèn fāxiàn to find; discover.¹⁰
童颜鹤发[童顏鶴髮] hũng-ngãn-hôk-fāt
tóngyánhèfà lit. a ruddy complexion and a hoary head – to look youthful at an advanced age.⁷
<台> 发鸡盲[發雞盲] fāt-gäi-mãng night blind.
<又> fät.
(See 發 fät; 髮 fāt.)
fat1 3178
112 10 fāt standard weights used in scales; steelyard wights.⁷
砝码[砝碼] fāt-mâ fǎmǎ standard weights used in scales; steelyard wights.⁷
fat1 3179
149 19 𧬋
fāt to utter anything.²⁵ (Originally the character was 發, later demoticaly added 言).²
(composition: ⿰言發; U+27B0B).
fat1 3180
181 13 𩑛
fāt (=发[髮] fāt hair).²
(composition: ⿰爻頁; U+2945B).
(See 髮 fāt).
fat1 3181
181 14 𩑱
fāt (=发[髮] fāt hair).²
(composition: ⿰犮頁; U+29471).
(See 髮 fāt).
fat1 3182
185 14 𩠕
fāt (=发[髮] fāt hair).²
(composition: ⿰首犮; U+29815).
(See 髮 fāt).
fat1 3183
185 15 𩠖
fāt (=发[髮] fāt hair).²
(composition: ⿰犮⿳巛一自; U+29816).
(See 髮 fāt).
fat1 3184
190 14 fāt (=髮 fāt ) hair. (Note: Japanese version of 髮.)
(See 髮 fāt.)
fat1 3185
190 15 fāt hair. (variants: 髪, 𤕥❄{⿰爻⿱匕見}, 𩑛❄{⿰爻頁}, 𩑱❄{⿰犮頁}, 𩠕❄{⿰首犮}, 𩠖❄{⿰犮⿳巛一自} fāt ).
白发[白髮] bàk-fāt
báifà white or gray hair.¹⁰
白发苍苍[白髮蒼蒼] bàk-fāt-töng-töng
báifàcāngcāng gray-haired; hoary headed.⁶
发钗[髮釵] fāt-chäi
fàchāi  hair clip.¹⁰
发簪[髮簪] fāt-däm
fàzān hair clasp.¹¹
发粉[髮粉] fāt-fūn 
fàfěn hair powder. (See 发粉[發粉] fät-fūn.)
发廊[髮廊] fāt-lõng
fàláng hair salon; hairdresser's shop.¹⁰
发梢[髮梢] fāt-säo
fāshāo end of hair.³⁶
假发[假髮] gā-fāt
jiǎfà wig.
头发[頭髮] hẽo-fāt
tóufa hair.
理发[理髮] lî-fāt
lǐfà haircut; hairdressing.⁵
毛发[毛髮] mão-fāt
máofà hair (on the human body and head).
<台> 电发[電髮] èin-fāt to get a perm.
[发 is the simplified form of 髮(hair) and 發(to emit).]
(See 發 fāt, fät; 髪 fāt, 𤕥❄{⿰爻⿱匕見} fāt, 𩑛❄{⿰爻頁} fāt, 𩑱❄{⿰犮頁} fāt, 𩠕❄{⿰首犮} fāt, 𩠖❄{⿰犮⿳巛一自} fāt).
fat1 3186
105 12 fät to develop. <又> fāt. (See 發 fāt; 髮 fāt.)
发达[發達] fāt-àt
fādá developed, flourishing.⁶
发挥[發揮] fät-fï
fāhuī bring into play; elaborate.⁵⁵
发火[發火] fāt-fō
fāhuǒ catch fire, ignite; detonate, go off; get angry, flare up, lose one's temper.⁵
发福[發福] fät-fūk
fāfú (usually of an adult) put on weight.⁶
发怔[發怔] fät-jëin
fāzhèng stare blankly; be in a daze.⁸
发窘[發窘] fät-kün
fājiǒng to feel embarrassed.⁹
发誓[發誓] fāt-sài
fāshì take an oath; swear.¹¹
发烧[發燒] fāt-sël
fāshāo to have a fever.
发市[發市] fät-sî
fāshì to make a fortune.
发神经[發神經] fät-sĩn-gëin
fā shénjīng to go crazy.
发菜[髮菜] fät-töi
fàcài <bot.> an edible hairlike moss Nostoc commune; food served during Chinese New Year.
发财[發財] fāt-tõi
fācái to get rich.¹⁰
发炎[發炎] fät-yèm
fāyán <med.> inflammation.⁵
发育[發育] fät-yùk
fāyù grow.⁵⁵ (See <台> 發育 fät-yùk.)
<台> 发鸡盲[發雞盲] fät-gäi-mãng night blindness.
<台> 发气[發氣] fät-hï to become angry.
<台> 发猛[發猛] fät-māng convulsion; spasm.
<台> 发吽[發吽] fät-ngêo/ to look like an idiot; to stare blankly; to be in a daze; to be lost in thought.
<台> 发育[發育] fät-yùk puberty.
(See 發育 fät-yùk.)

fat2 3187
164 19 fät to ferment.⁷
酦酵[醱酵] fät-häo fājiào to ferment.⁷
<又> pöt.
(See 醱 pöt.)
fat2 3188
4 丿 4 fàt lack; short of; tired; weary.
乏味 fàt-mì fáwèi boring, dull, vapid, drab, tasteless.
乏人问津[乏人問津] fàt-ngĩn-mùn-jün
fárénwènjīn Few people are interested in it.
缺乏 kūt-fàt
or hūt-fàt quēfá lack.⁹
疲乏 pĩ-fàt
pífá weary; tired.⁷
贫乏[貧乏] pĩn-fàt
pínfá poor; short; lacking.⁸
fat4 3189
9 6 fàt fell, cut down; attack.
北伐 Bāk-fàt Běifá Northern Expedition (started June 1926, against the northern warlords).
笔伐[筆伐] bīt-fàt
bǐfá to attack or condemn in writing.
步伐 bù-fàt
bùfá step; pace.⁵
不敢自伐 būt-gām-dù-fàt
bùgǎnzìfá dare not be proud of oneself.
弔民伐罪 ël-mĩn-fàt-duì
diàomínfázuì punish the tyrant and comfort the people.¹¹
伐罪 fàt-duì
fázuì <wr.> send a punitive expedition against a despotic ruler.¹
伐其条枚[伐其條枚] fàt-kĩ-hẽl-mõi
fáqítiáoméi cut down its branches and stems.¹¹
伐木 fàt-mûk
fámù lumbering; felling; cutting.⁵
矜伐 gëin-fàt
jīnfá to be arrogant due to one's accomplishments.⁷
讨伐[討伐] hāo-fàt
tǎofá to send a punitive expedition.
挟义诛伐[挾義誅伐] hèp-ngì-jï-fàt
xiéyìzhūfá <wr.> to condemn someone in the name of justice.
征伐 jëin-fàt
zhēngfá to battle; to be on the warpath; a punitive military action.⁷
fat4 3190
32 9 fàt to plough, cultivate.
垡子 fàt-dū fázi <topo.> upturned soil; long period.
垡地 fàt-ì
fádì <topo.> autumn plowing.
晒垡[曬垡] säi-fàt
shàifá <agr.> sun the upturned soil.⁵
fat4 3191
75 10 fàt (=筏 fàt ) raft.⁵ a large ship for crossing the ocean; a raft, made of bamoo joined together for crossing a stream.²⁵
柎栰 fü-fàt
fūfá a raft.⁴
(See 筏 fàt.)
fat4 3192
118 12 fàt raft.⁵ a large ship for crossing the ocean; a raft, made of bamoo joined together for crossing a stream.²⁵
(variant: 栰 fàt fá.) (Note: Distinguish 笩 pöi pèi).
橡皮筏 dèng-pĩ-fàt
xiàngpífá rubber raft.⁵
筏道 fàt-ào
fádào log chute; logway.⁵
筏子 fàt-dū
fázi raft.⁵
筏夫 fàt-fü
fáfū rafter.⁶
救生筏 giü-säng-fàt
jiùshēngfá life raft.⁶
竹筏 jūk-fàt
zhúfá bamboo raft.⁶
木筏 mùk-fàt
mùfá log raft; wooden raft.⁹
羊皮筏子 yẽng-pĩ-fàt-dū
yángpífázi sheepskin raft.⁶
(See 栰 fàt.)
fat4 3193
122 14 fàt punish; penalize.⁵ (variant: 罸 fàt ).
罚单[罰單] fàt-än
fádān ticket; notice for payment of fine.⁶
罚不当罪[罰不當罪] fàt-būt-öng-duì
fábùdāngzuì be unduly punished; be punished too severely.⁶
罚出场[罰出場] fàt-chūt-chẽng
fáchūchǎng <sport> be ordered off the field for foul play; foul out.⁵
罚则[罰則] fàt-dāk
fázé penal regulations; punitive provisions.⁷
罚酒[罰酒] fàt-diū
fájiǔ be made to drink as a forfeit.⁵
罚做苦工[罰做苦工] fàt-dü-fū-güng
fázuòkǔgōng sentence to hard labor.¹¹
罚款[罰款] fàt-fōn
fákuǎn impose a fine or forfeit; fine, forfeit, penalty.⁵
罚俸[罰俸] fàt-fūng
fáfèng forfeit of salary.⁷
罚跪[罰跪] fàt-gì
fáguì to keep a person kneeling as punishment.⁷
罚金[罰金] fàt-gïm
fájīn fine; forfeit.⁵
罚球[罰球] fàt-kiũ
fáqiú penalty shot; penalty kick.⁵
罚锾[罰鍰] fàt-vãn
fáhuán fine or be fined silver or cash.¹¹
(See 罸 fàt).
fat4 3194
122 15 fàt (=罰 fàt ) punish; penalize.⁵
(See 罰 fàt).
fat4 3195
140 9 fàt plants with many leaves.²⁵ lush; luxuriant; exuberant.²⁹
(composition: ⿱艹伐; U+8337).
<又> pöi. (See 茷 pöi).
fat4 3196
169 14 fàt established house or power group; a powerful person or family; <mach.> valve; clique.³⁹
阀门[閥門] fàt-mõn fámén <mach.> valve.⁵
阀阅[閥閱] fàt-yòt
fáyuè <wr.> meritorious service; a powerful and distinguished family; two inscriptions mounted at doorway noting meritorious services to the emperor.⁵⁴
阀阅之家[閥閱之家] fàt-yòt-jï-gä
fáyuèzhījiā influential/powerful family.⁵⁴
军阀[軍閥] gün-fàt
jūnfá military clique; junta; warlord.¹⁰
汽阀[汽閥] hï-fàt
qìfá steam valve.⁸
门阀[門閥] mõn-fàt
ménfá rich and powerful family.¹⁰
安全阀[安全閥] ön-tũn-fàt
ānquánfá safety valve.⁵
fat4 3197
30 11 fēh fēi (used in transliterating).¹⁴
咖啡 gä-fēh kāfēi <loan> coffee.⁸
咖啡店 gä-fēh-ëm
kāfēidiàn coffee shop.⁸
咖啡厅[咖啡廳] gä-fēh-hëng
kāfēitīng coffe shop.¹⁰
咖啡色 gä-fēh-sēik
kāfēisè coffee color; brown.¹⁰
咖啡室 gä-fēh-sīt
kāfēishì coffee shop.¹⁰
咖啡壶[咖啡壺] gä-fēh-vũ
kāfēihú coffee pot.¹¹
咖啡因 gä-fēh-yïn
kāfēiyīn caffeine; theine.⁸
吗啡[嗎啡] mä-fēh
mǎfēi <loan> morphine.⁸
<又> fêh.
(See 啡 fêh.)
feh1 3198
30 11 fêh fēi <台> 咧啡 lêh-fêh sloppy, slovenly.
<又> fēh. (See 啡 fēh.)
feh5 3199
30 7 fēo fǒu to negate; to deny; not.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱不口; U+5426).
否则[否則] fēo-dāk fǒuzé if not; otherwise; else; or else.¹⁰
否定 fēo-èin
fǒudìng to negate; to deny; to reject; negative (answer); negation.¹⁰
否决[否決] fēo-kūt
fǒujué to veto; to overrule.¹⁰
可否 hō-fēo
kěfǒu is it possible or not?¹⁰
是否 sì-fēo
shìfǒu whether (or not); if; is or isn't.¹⁰
矢口否认[矢口否認] sī-hēo-fēo-ngìn
shǐkǒufǒurèn to deny flatly.¹⁰
<又> pī.
(See 否 pī.)
feo1 3200
120 10 fēo fóu (of clothes) fresh.⁸ bright, fresh appearance of garments.¹⁴ white garments; new silken clothes.²⁵
(composition: ⿰糹不; U+7d11).
絲衣其紑 xû-yï-kĩ-fēo sīyīqífóu His silk robes were fresh and bright.¹⁴
feo1 3201
196 15 fēo fǒu (composition: ⿰不鳥; U+9D00).
鳺鴀 fü-fēo fūfǒu red collared dove, aka red turtle dove (Streptopelia tranquebarica), 火斑鸠 又名红鸠或紅斑鳩, 俗稱斑鴿, 火鵻(臺灣話), 红鴿鵻,火鸪鹪.⁸ʼ¹⁵ʼ²⁰
feo1 3202
46 10 fẽo name of a mountain.⁸ the name of a hill.²⁴
(composition: ⿰山孚; U+37CA).
feo3 3203
75 11 fẽo fóu the ridge pole in a roof.¹⁴
桴罳 fẽo-xü fóusī wooden screen before a door.¹⁴
<又> fũ.
(See 桴[fẽo, ] 桴 fũ.)
feo3 3204
75 11 fẽo a drumstick.¹⁴
桴鼓助战[桴鼓助戰] fẽo-gū-jò-jën fúgǔzhùzhàn women assisting in fighting.⁵⁴
桴鼓相应[桴鼓相應] fẽo-gū-xëng-yëin
fúgǔxiāngyìng the drum responding perfectly to the drumsticks – work in perfect coordination.⁶
桴鼓影响[桴鼓影響] fẽo-gū-yēin-hēng
fúgǔyǐngxiǎng the drum is beaten and the sound comes at once.¹⁴
<又> fũ.
(See 桴[fẽo, fóu], 桴 fũ.)
feo3 3205
85 10 fẽo float; swim; exceed; on the surface; superficial, flighty, frivolous.⁵⁶
浮槎 fẽo-chã fúchá floating raft¹⁹
浮沉 fẽo-chĩm
fú-chén ups and downs (of life); to drift along; to sink and emerge.¹⁰
浮雕 fẽo-ël
fúdiāo relief sculpture.⁸
浮沤[浮漚] fẽo-ëo
fú'ōu bubbles on water, froth; transience of human life; inconstancy of human relationships.⁵⁴
浮泛 fẽo-fàn
fúfàn to float about; (of a feeling) to show on the face; (of speech, friendship) shallow; vague.¹⁰
浮土 fẽo-hū fútǔ topsoil; surface dust.¹⁰
浮筒] fẽo-hûng
fútǒng pontoon.⁵⁵
浮夸[浮誇] fẽo-kä
fúkuā be boastful; exaggerate.⁸
浮桥[浮橋] fẽo-kẽl fúqiáo pontoon bridge.¹⁰
浮荡[浮蕩] fẽo-òng
fúdàng float in the air.³⁹
浮萍 fẽo-pẽin
fúpíng duckweed; symbol of uncertain life, chance meetings.¹¹
浮想联翩[浮想聯翩] fẽo-xēng-lũn-pëin
fúxiǎngliánpiān with thoughts flooding one's mind.⁶ thoughts flash across one's mind.⁸ to let one's imagination roam.¹⁰
浮现[浮現] fẽo-yèn fúxiàn appear in one's mind.⁵⁶
人浮于事[人浮於事] ngĩn-fẽo-yï-xù
rénfúyúshì more personnel or candidates than work available.¹¹

feo3 3206
85 11 fẽo name of a river and a place in 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan Province.⁴
(composition: ⿰氵咅; U+6DAA).
涪沤[涪漚] fẽo-ëo
fú'òu foam; bubbles.⁵⁴
涪江 Fẽo-göng
Fújiāng a river in 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan Province.⁴
涪陵 Fẽo-lẽin
Fúlíng a place in 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan Province.⁴
feo3 3207
96 11 fẽo (composition: ⿰𤣩孚; U+7408).
㻬琈 hũ-fẽo túfú a kind of jade.⁸
琈笋[琈筍] fẽo-xūn
fúsǔn the color of jade, similar to the color of a young bamboo shoot.⁸ʼ⁰
<又> fù.
(See 琈 fù).
feo3 3208
122 9 fẽo a net for catching rabbits or hares.⁷ name of a peninsula and a gulf, both in Shandong Province.⁹ (variant: 𦊾❄{⿱罒否} fẽo).
(composition: ⿱罒不; U+7F58).
罘罝 fẽo-jëh
fújū a rabbit net.²⁵
罘网[罘網] fẽo-mōng
fúwǎng a net for catching fish, rabbits or hares.⁵⁴
罘罳 fẽo-xü
fúsī screen placed outside the door in ancient China; metal network under eaves to ward off birds.⁶
芝罘 Jï-fẽo
Zhīfú (name of a mountain in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province).⁸
(See 𦊾❄{⿱罒否} fẽo).
feo3 3209
122 12 𦊾
fẽo (=罘 fẽo ) a net for catching rabbits or hares.⁷
(composition: ⿱罒否; U+262BE).
(See 罘 fẽo).
feo3 3210
140 7 fẽo (old name for a kind of grass).¹  medicinal plant.⁸  plantain herb (Plantago).¹⁰
(composition: ⿱艹不; U+82A3).
芣苡 fẽo-yî fúyǐ (=芣苢 fẽo-yî fúyǐ) plantain.¹  (=车前草 [車前草] chëh-tẽin-tāo chēqiáncǎo) the plantain,¹¹ Asia Plantain, Plantago asiatica Linn.²³
芣苢 fẽo-yî
fúyǐ (=芣苡 fẽo-yî fúyǐ) plantain (name used for 车前[車前] chëh-tẽin chēqián in 诗经[詩經] Sï-gëin Shījīng Book of Songs); Asia Plantain, Plantago asiatica Linn.²³
芘芣 pĩ-fẽo
pífú Chinese mallow,¹ Malva verticillata.¹⁵ Also known as 荆葵[荊葵] gëin-kĩ jīngkuí, 锦葵[錦葵] gīm-kĩ jǐnkuí, 荍 kẽl qiáo.²³
(Note: 薄, 急急忙忙 "hurriedly" also initial particle such as 'ah, so'; 言, 焉或然  "a particle")
Tōi-tōi-fẽo-yî, bòk-ngũn-tōi-jï.
Tōi-tōi-fẽo-yî, bòk-ngũn-yiû-jï.
Cǎi cǎi fú yǐ, bó yán cǎi zhī. Cǎi cǎi fú yǐ, bó yán yǒu zhī.
We gather and gather the plantains;
Now we may gather them.
We gather and gather the plantains;
Now we have got them.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·周南·芣苢·1》, translated by James Legge).
feo3 3211
142 13 fẽo mayfly; kind of large insect.⁸ an ephemera.³⁹
蜉蝣 fẽo-yiũ fúyóu mayfly.⁶
蜉蝣撼树[蜉蝣撼樹] fẽo-yiũ-hàm-sì
fúyóuhànshù a very rash, ridiculous attempt.⁵⁴
撼树蚍蜉[撼樹蚍蜉] hàm-sì-pĩ-fẽo
hànshùpífú an ant trying to shake a tree – ridiculously overrating oneself.⁸
蚍蜉 pĩ-fẽo
pífú <wr.> ant.⁶ a large ant described in ancient books.⁹
蚍蜉撼大树[蚍蜉撼大樹] pĩ-fẽo-hàm-ài-sì
pífúhàndàshù an ant trying to topple a giant tree – ridiculously overrate one's own ability or stength; throw straws against the wind.⁶
蚍蜉撼树[蚍蜉撼樹] pĩ-fẽo-hàm-sì
pífúhànshù lit. an ant trying to shake a tree; to overrate oneself (idiom).¹⁰
feo3 3212
196 18 fẽo fóu the pigeon, the turtle dove.⁸
(composition: ⿰孚鳥; U+4CD5).
䳕鴀 fẽo-fēo fóufǒu a red turtle dove.²ʼ²⁵
feo3 3213
209 19 fẽo hōu snore loudly; very, extremely.⁸ the feeling of discomfort in the mouth or throat, because of eating something too sweet or salty; used before an adjective to express excessiveness; too, exceedingly.⁹ snore; thirsty from salty food.¹⁰ to snore; nauseating.¹¹
齁齁 fẽo-fẽo hōuhōu snoring noise.¹¹
齁苦 fẽo-fū
hōukǔ unbearably bitter.¹¹
齁咸[齁鹹] fẽo-hãm
hōuxián unbearably salty.¹¹
齁声[齁聲] fẽo-sëin
hōushēng snoring noise.¹¹
鼾齁 hõn-fẽo
hānhōu to snore.¹⁴
鼾齁如雷 hõn-fẽo-nguĩ-luĩ
hānhōurúléi thunderous snores.⁵⁴
feo3 3214
32 11 fèo wharf; pier; port.
本埠 bōn-fèo běnbù this locality; this town.
埠头[埠頭] fèo-hẽo
bùtóu mart on a river bank or sea coast; <topo.> wharf; pier.
港埠 kōng-fèo
gǎngbù harbor; port; wharf; sea terminal.
蚌埠 Pông-fèo
Bèngbu Bengbu, prefecture level city in Anhui (安徽 Ön-fï Ānhuī) Province.
商埠 sëng-fèo
shāngbù commercial port; trading port; <hist.> treaty port.
船埠 sõn-fèo
chuánbù wharf; quay; port.
三埠 Xäm-fèo
Sānbù Sanbu, (originally the three cities 长沙[長沙] Chẽng-sä Chángshā, 新昌 Xïn-chëng  Xīnchāng, and 荻海 Èik-hōi Díhǎi) located in 开平[開平] Höi-pẽin Kāipíng Kaiping, 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Guangdong Province.
<台> 大埠 Ài-fèo San Francisco (Also known as 旧金山[舊金山] Giù-gïm-sän and 三藩市 Xäm-fãn-sî/.)
feo4 3215
86 9 fèo fǒu (=缹 fèo fǒu to steam cook).
(composition: ⿱包灬; U+70B0).
<又> pão; bäo.
(See 炰 pão; 炰 bäo).
feo4 3216
86 10 fèo fǒu (Cant.) to cook.⁸ to cook over slow fire.¹¹
(composition: ⿱缶灬; U+7F39).
缹粥 fèo-jūk fǒuzhōu to cook congee.⁵⁴
feo4 3217
121 6 fèo fǒu Kangxi radical 121 earthen crock or jar.⁸ a crock with a narrow opening.⁷ earthen jar; a radical meaning earthenware; <wr.> a clay musical instrument.¹¹
厄缶 Ākfèo Èfǒu Loránd Eötvös, Austro-Hungarian physicist (1848 – 1919).¹⁵ʼ²⁹
厄缶单位[厄缶單位] āk-fèo-än-vì
èfǒu dānwèi Eotvos (unit): the eotvos is a unit of acceleration divided by distance that was used in conjunction with the older centimeter-gram-second system of units (cgs). The eotvos is defined as 1/1,000,000,000 galileos per centimetre. The symbol of the eotvos unit is E.¹⁵ʼ²⁹
击缶[擊缶] gēik-fèo
jífǒu to beat time with a percussion instrument made of pottery.¹⁰
feo4 3218
121 6 𦈢 fèo fǒu (demotic character for 缶 fèo fǒu) earthen crock or jar.⁸ a crock with a narrow opening.⁷ earthen jar; a radical meaning earthenware; <wr.> a clay musical instrument.¹¹
(composition: ⿻⿸午一⿱丨一; U+26222).
(Note: rendered properly in iOS as of 2/4/2022).
feo4 3219 26222.gif
140 11 𦰺
fèo (composition: ⿱艹阜; U+26C3A).
𦰺❄{⿱艹阜}郁[𦰺❄{⿱艹阜}鬱] fèo-vūt fùyù a fragrant herb.²⁵
feo4 3220
170 2 fèo 阝 on the left side is from 阜 fèo hill (as in 阳[陽] yẽng yáng);  Kangxi radical 170.
(composition: ⿰丨㇌; U+961D).
(Note: both 阝fèo fù and 阝yīp yì have the same codepoint).
feo4 3221
170 8 fèo Kangxi radical 170; mound; abundant, ample, numerous.⁸ mound, hill; abundant; (radical 170, 阝 on left side); (cf. 邑 yīp radical 162,    阝on right side).
阜螽 fèo-jüng
fùzhōng <wr.> grasshoppers.¹¹
阜陵 fèo-lẽin
fùlíng mound, small hill.
阜财[阜財] fèo-tõi
fùcái enrich.
康阜 höng-fèo
kāngfù peaceful and prosperous (place).
物阜民丰[物阜民豐] mùt-fèo-mĩn-füng
or mòt-fèo-mĩn-füng wùfùmínfēng Goods are plentiful and the people live in plenty.
物阜民康 mùt-fèo-mĩn-höng or mòt-fèo-mĩn-höng
wùfùmínkāng Goods are plentiful and the people are happy.
阴阜[陰阜] yïm-fèo
yīnfù mons pubis; mons veneris; pubis
feo4 3222
170 10 𨹺
fèo full, abundant; between two mounds.²⁵
(composition: ⿰阝阜; U+28E7A).
feo4 3223
22 10 fěi bandit; brigand; robber; <wr.> not.
(composition: ⿷匚非; U+532A).
比匪 bī-fī bǐfěi to associate with bad characters.
绑匪[綁匪] bōng-fī
bǎngfěi kidnapper.⁵
剿匪 chäo-fī
chāofěi to catch bandits.
匪帮[匪幫] fī-böng
fěibāng bandit gang.⁶
匪巢 fī-chão
fěicháo bandits' lair.⁵
匪徒 fī-hũ
fěitú gangster; bandit.⁵
匪其彭 fī-kĩ-pãng
fěiqípéng do not stay by his side.¹⁰²
匪类[匪類] fī-luì
fěilèi bandits; brigands.⁵⁴ (Cf. <台> 匪类[匪類] fī-luì/)
匪患 fī-vàn
fěihuàn scourge of banditry.
匪夷所思 fī-yĩ-sō-xü
fěiyísuǒsī  <wr.> fantastic; unimaginably queer.
匪酋 fī-yiũ
fěiqiú bandit chief.⁵
匪穴 fī-yòt
fěixué bandits' den.⁵
土匪 hū-fī
tǔfěi bandit.
获益匪浅[獲益匪淺] vòk-yēik-fī-tēin
huòyìfěiqiǎn <wr.> to reap no little benefit.
<台> 匪类[匪類] fī-luì/ (of children) naughty.
(Cf. 匪类 [匪類] fī-luì fěilèi)
fi1 3224
24 5 huì a general term for plants; various kinds of grass; plants; flowers; plentiful.⁵⁴ (old variant: 芔 fī huì).
(composition: ⿱十廾; U+5349).
卉服 fī-fùk
huìfú clothes woven from grass.⁵⁴
花卉 fä-fī
huāhuì flowering plant; vegetation; painting of flowers/plants.⁵⁴
奇花异卉[奇花異卉] kĩ-fä-yì-fī
qíhuāyìhuì exotic flowers and rare herbs (idiom).⁵⁴
翎毛花卉 lẽin-mão-fä-fī
língmáohuāhuì birds and flowers (in painting).³⁹
毒卉 ùk-fī
dúhuì poppy.⁵⁴
(See 芔 fī).
fi1 3225
32 15 huī (=隳 fī huī to overthrow; to destroy.).¹³ʼ³⁶
(composition: ⿱惰土; U+58AF).
<又> ò.
(See 墯 ò; 隳 fī).
fi1 3226
53 广 15 fèi give up, abandon, abolish, abrogate; waste, useless, disused; disabled, maimed.⁵
作废[作廢] dōk-fī zuòfèi become invalid.⁵
废弛[廢弛] fī-chĩ
fèichí (of a law, custom, discipline) cease to be binding; run hollow; become lax.⁶
废除[廢除] fī-chuĩ
fèichú abolish, abrogate, annul, repeal.⁵
废锢[廢錮] fī-gü
fèigù <wr.> deprive for life the right to take part in civil examinations or government office.¹¹
废渣[廢渣] fī-jâ
fèizhā waste residue.⁵
废纸篓[廢紙簍] fī-jī-lêo
fèizhǐlǒu wastepaper basket.⁶
废黜[廢黜] fī-jōt
fèichù <wr.> remove from office/power; dismiss from office, banish; dethrone, oust, depose.⁶
废物[廢物] fī-mùt
or fī-mòt fèiwù waste material, trash; good-for-nothing.⁵
废寝忘食[廢寢忘食] fī-tīm-mõng-sèik
fèiqǐnwàngshí (so absorbed or occupied as to) forget food and sleep.⁵
废话[廢話] fī-và
fèihuà superfluous words; nonsense; rubbish.⁵
残废[殘廢] tãn-fī
cánfèi maimed, crippled, disabled; a maimed person, cripple.⁵
fi1 3227
61 11 fěi inarticulate, unable to give vent to one's emotions; unable to explain one's self; to be at a loss for words.⁷
缠绵悱恻[纏綿悱惻] chẽn-mẽin-fī-chāk chánmiánfěicè (said of a story or narrative) very pathetic; extremely sad; exceedingly sentimental.⁷
悱恻[悱惻] fī-chāk
fěicè <wr.> laden with sorrow; grief-stricken; woeful.⁶
悱愤[悱憤] fī-fûn
fěifèn sadness kept to oneself; peeved, infuriated, vexed.⁷
fi1 3228
61 13 fěi (=悱 fī fěi inarticulate, unable to give vent to one's emotions; unable to explain one's self; to be at a loss for words.⁷); to be desirous of speaking; inarticulate; unable to give vent to one's emotion; sorrowful.⁸
(composition: ⿰忄匪; U+3971).
(See 悱 fī).
fi1 3229
64 10 huī food offered to the gods.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰扌妥; U+633C).
挼祭 fī-däi huījì food offered in sacrifice/honor.¹⁴ʼ⁰
<又> nũ; nõ.
(See 挼 nũ; 挼 nõ).
fi1 3230
67 12 fěi <wr.> rich in literary grace.⁶ graceful, elegant, beautiful.⁸ phonetic fei or fi; elegant; phi (Greek letter Φ, φ);  Fei surname.¹⁰
斐济[斐濟] Fī-däi
Fěijì Fiji.⁶ (See <台> 斐至 Fī-jï).
斐斐 fī-fī
fěifěi <wr.> light; well decorated or furnished.¹¹
斐然 fī-ngẽin
fěirán with brilliant literary grace; brilliant. splendud, striking.⁶
斐然可观[斐然可觀] fī-ngẽin-hō-gön
fěiránkěguān handsome looking, stately (performance, structures).¹¹
斐然成章 fī-ngẽin-sẽin-jëng
fěiránchéngzhāng show striking literary talent/merit.⁶
成绩斐然[成績斐然] sẽin-dēik-fī-ngẽin
chéngjìfěirán with illustrious accomplishment; (achieve) splendid results; with brilliant achievements.⁵⁴
<台> 斐至 Fī-jï Fiji.
fi1 3231
75 12 fěi species of yew.⁸ assist; Chinese torreya; no, not, isn't.⁹ Torreya nucifera; strengthen.¹⁰ (=榧 fī fěi) a species of yew found in North China; to strength, to assist.¹⁴
to aid; an adjuster for a bow; the name of a wood, of which tables can be made; a kind of basket.²⁴
(composition: ⿱非木; U+68D0).
棐德 fī-āk
fěidé something immoral.¹⁹
or 棐谌[棐諶] fī-sẽim fěichén assisting honest people.¹⁹
棐常 fī-sẽng
fěicháng adjunct to common practice.¹⁹
棐彝[棐彞] fī-yĩ
fěiyí supplements enlightenment.¹⁹
or 笃榧[篤榧] ūk-fī dǔfěi zealous in rendering assistance.¹⁴
(See 榧 fī).
fi1 3232
75 14 fěi Chinese torreya.⁵ (=棐 fī fěi) a species of yew found in North China; to strength, to assist.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰木匪; U+69A7).
or 打棐子 ā-fī-dū dǎfěizi <topo.> snap one's fingers.⁵
or 棐子 fī-dū fěizi Chinese torreya; Chinese torreya-nut.⁵
or 棐几 fī-gì fěijī a table made of yew.¹⁴
or 香棐 hëng-fī xiāngfěi <bot.> Chinese torreya (Torreya grandis).⁵
or 香棐子 hëng-fī-dū xiāngfěizi Chinese torreya nut.⁵
or 笃棐[篤棐] ūk-fī dǔfěi zealous in rendering assistance.¹⁴
(See 棐 fī).
fi1 3233
79 13 huǐ destroy, ruin, damage; burn up; defame, slander; <topo.> refashion, make over.⁵ (variant: 燬 fī huǐ).
(comp. t: ⿰⿱臼土殳; U+6BC0). (comp. s: ⿰⿱臼工殳; U+6BC1).
毁谤[毀謗] fī-bōng
or fī-pōng huǐbàng defame; slander; malign; calumniate.⁶
毁掉[毀掉] fī-èl
huǐdiào to destroy.¹⁰
毁家纾难[毀家紓難] fī-gä-sï-nàn
huǐjiāshūnàn offer all one has to help in charity.¹¹
毁弃[毀棄] fī-hï
huǐqì scrap; annul.⁵
毁害[毀害] fī-hòi
huǐhài destroy; damage; ruin.⁶
毁灭[毀滅] fī-mèik
huǐmiè destroy; exterminate.⁵
毁伤[毀傷] fī-sëng
huǐshāng injure; hurt; damage.⁵
毁坏[毀壞] fī-vài
huǐhuài destroy; damage.⁵
毁损[毀損] fī-xūn
huǐsǔn damage; impair.⁵
毁约[毀約] fī-yēk
huǐyuē break one's promise; scrap a contract or treaty.⁵
毁于一旦[毀於一旦] fī-yï-yīt-än
huǐyúyīdàn be destroyed in a moment.⁵
毁誉[毀譽] fī-yì
huǐ-yù praise or blame; praise or condemnation.⁵
毁誉参半[毀譽參半] fī-yì-täm-bôn
huǐyùcānbàn get a mixed reception.⁵
(See 燬 fī).
fi1 3234
86 17 huǐ (=毀 fī huǐ) destroy, ruin, damage; burn up; defame, slander; <topo.> refashion, make over.⁵
(See 毀 fī).
fi1 3235
104 13 fèi heat rashes; heat spots; prickly heat.⁷
痱子 fī-dū fèizi <med.> prickly heat.⁵ heat rashes; heat spots; prickly heat.⁷
痱子粉 fī-dū-fūn
fèizifěn prickly-heat powder.⁵ talcum powder; baby powder.⁷
fi1 3236
118 16 fěi <wr.> round bamboo basket.⁶ round or oval covered-baskets with short legs.¹⁴
篚箧[篚篋] fī-gēp fěiqiè a small box/chest made of bamboo.¹⁹
筐篚 köng-fī
kuāngfěi a bamboo container: 筐 is a square one and 篚 is a round one; a gift.¹⁹
筠篚 yũn-fī
yúnfěi a bamboo chest.¹⁹
女受以篚 nuī-siù-yî-fī
nǚshòuyǐfěi a woman should receive things (from a man) in a basket.¹⁴
fi1 3237
124 14 fěi halcyon; jadeite, jade.⁶ kingfisher; emerald.⁷
赤翡翠 chēik-fī-tuï chìfěicuì ruddy kingfisher (Halcyon coromanda).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
翡翠 fī-tuï
fěicuì halcyon; jadeite, jade.⁶ a kingfisher or halcyon; emerald.⁷
翡翠婚 fī-tuï-fün
fěicuìhūn emerald (55th) wedding anniversary.⁵⁴
翡翠绿[翡翠綠] fī-tuï-lùk
fěicuìlǜ jade green.⁶
翡翠鸟[翡翠鳥] fī-tuï-nêl/
fěicuìniǎo the kingfisher whose blue feathers are used in decorations.¹¹ (Note: 翡 male kingfisher; 翠 female kingfisher).²
翡翠属[翡翠屬] fī-tuï-sùk
fěicuìshǔ (genus) Halcyon.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
<又> fï.
(See 翡 fï.)
fi1 3238
140 9 huì (<old>=卉 fī huì a general term for plants; various kinds of grass; plants; flowers; plentiful.⁵⁴).⁸
芔吸 fī-kīp
huìxī the sound of wind swaying the trees in a forest.¹⁹
芔歙 fī-kīp
huìxī the sound of wind swaying the trees in a forest; gallop and chase, horse racing.¹⁹
芔然 fī-ngẽin
huìrán rise in excitement; be aroused.¹⁹
芔陨[芔隕] fī-vùn
huìyǔn falling down one after another.¹⁹
(composition: ⿱屮艸; U+8294).
(See 卉 fī).
fi1 3239
140 11 fěi poor; humble; unworthy; radish (old).
菲薄 fī-bòk fěibó belittle, despise, look down upon; humble, poor; frugal, thrifty.⁵⁴
菲礼[菲禮] fī-lâi
fěilǐ  <humb.> my meager gift.
菲材 fī-tõi
fěicái <court.> my humble talent.
妄自菲薄 mông-dù-fī-bòk
wàngzìfěibó improperly belittle oneself; inferiority complex; look down upon oneself; think lightly of oneself.³⁹
<又> fï.
(See 菲 [fī, fēi], fï.)
fi1 3240
140 11 fēi film (<loan> from English).
菲林 fī-lĩm fēilín <topo.> a roll of film; film.
<又> fï.
(See 菲 [fī, fěi], fï.)
fi1 3241
142 9 huǐ a species of venomous snake.⁷
虺虺 fī-fī huǐhuǐ (said of thunder) to rumble; rumbling.⁷
虺虺其雷 fī-fī-kĩ-luĩ
huǐhuǐqíléi the rumbling of thunder.¹⁴
虺蝮 fī-fūk
huǐfù poisonous snake.¹¹
虺蝮之行 fī-fūk-jï-hãng
huǐfùzhīxíng <derog.> sneaky, contemptible ways, like snakes.¹¹
虺蛇 fī-sẽh
huǐshé a very large, poisonous snake.¹⁴
虺蜮 fī-vèik
huǐyù mean and vicious people.⁷
虺蜴 fī-yèik
huǐyì venomous snake and lizard; a vicious person.⁸
梦虺[夢虺] mùng-fī
mènghuǐ <wr.> dream of a serpent, omen of having a daughter.¹¹
<又> föi.
(See 虺 föi.)
fi1 3242
149 15 fěi to slander; to libel.
借古诽今[借古誹今] dëh-gū-fī-gïm jiègǔfěijīn to use the past to disparage the present.
诽谤[誹謗] fī-bōng
fěibàng to slander; to libel.¹⁰
腹诽[腹誹] fūk-fī
fùfěi <wr.> criticize inwardly.⁶
fi1 3243
170 17 huī to overthrow; to destroy.
(composition: ⿱隋𠇍; U+96B3).
身败名隳[身敗名隳] sïn-bài-mẽin-fī shēnbàimínghuī be out of the window <lose caste>.¹⁶ (=身败名裂[身敗名裂] sïn-bài-mẽin-lëik shēnbàimíngliè lose all standing and reputation; be utterly discredited.⁵)
fi1 3244
175 11 fěi hidden; concealed; secret, narrow and small, ugly, low; mean, inferior.⁸ secret, mean, low, vulgar.²⁵
宸䨾 sĩn-fī chénfěi <wr.> gate of the imperial palace or residence.⁶
fi1 3245
18 10   fèi to cut off the feet; one of the 五刑 m̄-yẽin wǔ-xíng five ancient mutilating punishments: 墨 màk tattooing the face, 劓 ngài cutting off the nose, 剕 fï fèi cutting off the feet, 宮[宫] güng gōng castration, and 大辟 ài-pēik dàpì decapitation.
fi2 3246
38 6 fēi <trad.> imperial concubine, consort; wife of a prince.⁶
妃嫔[妃嬪] fï-bïn fēipín <trad.> imperial concubine.⁶
妃子 fï-dū
fēizi <trad.> imperial concubine.⁶
妃子笑 fï-dū-xël
fēizixiào concubine's smile, a cultivar of lychee.¹⁰
妃红[妃紅] fï-hũng
fēihóng light pink.⁶
妃色 fï-sēik
fēisè light pink.⁶
贵妃[貴妃] gï-fï
guìfēi high-ranking imperial concubine (next to the queen).⁶
太子妃 häi-dū-fï
tàizǐfēi wife of the crown prince.⁵⁴
王妃 võng-fï
wángfēi princess; concubine of a king.⁵⁵
杨贵妃[楊貴妃] Yẽng Gï-fï
Yáng Guìfēi (719-756) beloved consort of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang.¹⁵
fi2 3247
60 17 huī emblem, badge, insignia; fine, beautiful, excellent.⁶
徽号[徽號] fï-hào huīhào title of praise/honor; insignia on a flag.⁶
徽章 fï-jëng
huīzhāng badge; insignia.⁵
徽剧[徽劇] Fï-kēk
Huījù Anhui opera.⁶
徽墨 Fï-màk
Huīmò inkstick produced in 徽州 Fï-jiü Huīzhōu Huizhou,  Anhui Province.⁵
徽音 fï-yïm
huīyīn sound of lute or other string instruments; beautiful sound.⁶
国徽[國徽] gōk-fï
guóhuī national emblem.⁵
校徽 hào-fï
xiàohuī school badge.⁵
帽徽 mào-fï
màohuī cap insignia.⁵
安徽 Ön-fï 
Ānhuī Anhui (Province).⁵
fi2 3248
61 8 fèi angry; annoyed; indignant.⁵
怫恚 fï-fì fèihuì angry, indignant.⁵
怫然作色 fï-ngẽin-dōk-sēik
fèiránzuòsè flush with anger.¹⁴
<又> fūt, fùt.
(See 怫 fūt, fùt.)
fi2 3249
63 12 fēi door panel.⁸ door.⁹ door with only one leaf.¹⁰
柴扉 châi-fï cháifēi humble cottage door.¹¹ a door of brushwood – poor family.⁵⁴
扉画[扉畫] fï-và
fēihuà a picture placed before the text of a book.⁹
扉页[扉頁] fï-yêp
fēiyè title page.⁹
纶扉[綸扉] lũn-fï
lúnfēi palace.⁵⁴
fi2 3250
64 12 huī to wave, wield; to command an army; to brandish.
大肆挥霍[大肆揮霍] ài-xü-fï-kök dàsìhuīhuò wanton away; recklessly squander.⁶
总指挥[總指揮] dūng-jī-fï
zǒngzhǐhuī commander-in-chief; general director.⁵
发挥[發揮] fät-fï
fāhuī to bring into play, give free rein to; to develop (an idea), to elaborate.
挥刀[揮刀] fï-äo
huīdāo to brandish a sword.
挥戈[揮戈] fï-fö
huīgē to brandish one's weapons.
挥金如土[揮金如土] fï-gïm-nguĩ-hū
huījīnrútǔ to spend money like water.
挥毫[揮毫] fï-hõ
huīháo <wr.> to wield a writing brush; to write or draw pictures (with a brush) with great ease.
挥汗[揮汗] fï-hòn
huīhàn to sweat; to perspire.
挥翰[揮翰] fï-hòn
huīhàn <wr.> to wield a writing brush.¹⁰
挥霍[揮霍] fï-kök
huīhuò to squander.
挥手[揮手] fï-siū
huīshǒu to wave (one's hands).
挥动[揮動] fï-ùng
huīdòng to brandish; to wave.
挥师[揮師] fï-xü
huīshī to lead troops.
指挥[指揮] jī-fï
zhǐhuī to command; to direct; to conduct; commander; director; <mus.> conductor.
指挥棒[指揮棒] jī-fï-pâng
zhǐhuībàng baton.
fi2 3251
64 15 huī <wr.> to command, to order.⁶ <wr.> to guide.⁹
㧑谦[撝謙] fï-hïm huīqiān <wr.> sincere and humble.¹¹
㧑损[撝損] fï-xūn
huīsǔn to humble.¹
㧑挹[撝挹] fï-yīp
huīyì <trad.> to be extremely modest or polite.¹
指㧑[指撝] (=指挥[指揮] jī-fï
zhǐhuī) jī-fï zhǐhuī to command; to direct; to conduct; commander; director; <mus.> conductor.
fi2 3252
72 13 huī sunshine; to shine upon.¹⁰ bright; radiant.¹⁴ (variants: 煇 fï huī: 輝 fï huī.)¹⁴
春晖[春暉] chün-fï
chūnhuī lit. spring sunshine; fig. parental (often maternal) love.¹⁰
晖晖[暉暉] fï-fï
huīhuī (said of the sky) clear and bright.⁷
晖夜[暉夜] fï-yèh
huīyè a firefly.⁷
or 辉映[輝映] fï-yēin huīyìng shine; reflect.⁶
落晖[落暉] lòk-fï luòhuī sunshine of the setting sun; setting sun.⁹
落日余晖[落日餘暉] lòk-ngìt-yĩ-fï
luòrìyúhuī rays/light of the setting sun.⁶
残晖[殘暉] tãn-fï
cánhuī light of the setting sun.⁶
斜晖[斜暉] tẽh-fï
xiéhuī the slanting sunlight.¹¹
寸草春晖[寸草春暉] tün-tāo-chün-fï
cùncǎochūnhuī parents' love can hardly be reciprocated by their children.⁸ from a Tang poem that contains the lines "What does the tiny grass have to offer/To return the grace of spring?": the eternal gratitude that a child has for his/her parents.⁹  to repay maternal love with one's gratitude.³⁹
or 余辉[餘輝] or 余煇[餘煇] or 馀晖[餘暉]
or 馀辉[餘輝] or 馀煇[餘煇] yĩ-fï yúhuī twiligh at sunset.⁷
(See 煇 fï; 輝 fï.)
fi2 3253
85 8 fèi to boil, to bubble.⁶
滭沸 or 觱沸 bēik-fï bìfèi <wr.> spring water bubbling.⁵⁴
抽薪止沸 chëo-xïn-jī-fï
chōuxīnzhǐfèi stop the boiling by taking out the fire; fig. take drastic measures to stop something.⁸
鼎沸 ēin-fï
dǐngfèi noisy and confused.⁸
沸鼎 fï-ēin
fèidǐng cauldron holding boiling water.⁸
沸点[沸點] fï-ēm
fèidiǎn boiling point.⁶
沸沸扬扬[沸沸揚揚] fï-fï-yẽng-yẽng
fèifeiyángyáng bubbling with noise; bubbling and gurgling; in a hubbub; tumultuous.⁶
沸腾[沸騰] fï-hãng
fèiténg boil, bubble, reach ebullition; seethe with excitement, boil over, be enthusiastic.⁶
沸水 fï-suī
fèishuǐ boiling water.⁶
麋沸 mĩ-fï
mífèi disturbance; chaos; unrest.⁷
fi2 3254
86 13 huī bright; glorious.¹⁴ (variant of 暉 fï huī and 輝 fï huī.)¹⁴
(composition: ⿰火軍; U+7147).
煇德 fï-āk
huīdé distinguished virtue.¹⁴
煇光 fï-göng
huīguāng brilliant; luminous; splendid.¹⁴
煇耀 fï-yèl
huīyào (of name, achievement) to shine (over places); shining.¹¹
煇煌 fï-võng
huīhuáng brilliant; luminous; splendid.¹⁴ (See also 辉煌[輝煌] fï-võng huīhuáng.)
or 余辉[餘輝] or 余煇[餘煇] or 馀晖[餘暉]
or 馀辉[餘輝] or 馀煇[餘煇] yĩ-fï yúhuī twiligh at sunset.⁷
<又> fün, vũn.
(See 煇 fün, vũn.)
fi2 3255
94 8 fèi 狒狒 fï-fï fèifèi baboon.⁶
fi2 3256
96 13 huī bright, glorious, splendid.⁸
瑗珲[瑗琿] Yõn-fï Yuànhuī now written as 瑷珲[璦琿] or 爱珲[愛琿] Öi-fï Àihuī, a district in Heiheshi (黑河市 Hāk-hõ-sî Hēihéshì) in Heilongjiang Province (黑龙江省[黑龍江省] Hāk-lũng-göng sāng Hēilóng jiāng shěng). (Note: 瑗珲[瑗琿] is pronounced Öi-fï Àihuī when it refers to the district in Heiheshi in Heilongjiang Province).⁸
or 瑗珲条约[瑗琿條約] Öi-fï-hẽl-yēk  Àihuītiáoyuē Treaty of Aihui (unequal treaty imposed on the Qing government by tsarist Russia,1858).⁶
<又> vùn.
(See 琿 vùn.)
fi2 3257
115 22 fèi a kind of rice plant (not glutinous and with purple colored stalk), (same as 糞 fûn fèn excrement, feces, dung, droppings; <wr.> apply manure (to), manure; clear away, wipe out.⁶) to apply fertilizers.⁸ rice with a red stalk and not glutinous; some say manure.²⁵
(composition: ⿰禾糞; U+418F).
fi2 3258
120 14 fēi red.⁵ scarlet; crimson.⁷
绯紫[緋紫] fï-dū fēizǐ a deep purple color.⁵
绯红[緋紅] fï-hũng
fēihóng bright red, crimson.⁵
绯绿[緋綠] fï-lùk
fēilǜ deep red and green.⁵⁴
绯闻[緋聞] fï-mũn
fēiwén sex scandal; a rumor of an affair between two people.⁹
绯衲[緋衲] fï-nàp
fēinà deep-red robe/cassock.⁵⁴
绯衣[緋衣] fï-yï
fēiyī a kind of red robes worn by officials – fig. officials.⁷
fi2 3259
124 14 fěi (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 翡 fī fěi with same meaning.)
<又> fī. (See 翡 fī.)
fi2 3260
124 15 huī <wr.> to fly; (as used in ancient books) pheasant of multicolor  feathers.⁶
(comp. t: ⿱羽軍; U+7FEC). (comp. s: ⿱羽军; U+7FDA).
翚飞[翬飛] fï-fï
huīfēi ascending.⁵⁴
翚翚[翬翬] fï-fï
huīhuī the noise of wings engaged in rapid flight.²⁵
翚雉[翬雉] fï-jï
huīzhì a variegated pheasant, having all the five colors complete.²⁵
如翚斯飞.[如翬斯飛.] Nguĩ-fï-xü-fï.
Rú huī sī fēi.
Like a pheasant on flying wings.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·祈父之什·斯干》, translated by James Legge).
fi2 3261
130 8 fèi lungs.⁵
肺病 fï-bèng fèibìng pulmonary tuberculosis (TB).⁵
肺肠[肺腸] fï-chẽng
fèicháng thoughts; emotions; feelings.⁵⁴
肺脏[肺臟] fï-dòng
fèizàng lungs.⁸
肺腑 fï-fū
fèifǔ bottom of one's heart.⁵
肺腑之言 fï-fū-jï-ngũn
fèifǔzhīyán words from the bottom of one's heart.⁶
肺腑话[肺腑話] fï-fū-và
fèifǔhuà confidential conversations.¹¹
肺肝 fï-gön
fèigān lungs and liver – the inmost feelings.¹¹
肺胀[肺脹] fï-jëng
fèizhàng emphysema.¹¹
肺痨[肺癆] fï-lão
fèiláo tuberculosis.¹¹
肺癌 fï-ngãm
fèi'ái lung cancer; carcinoma of the lungs.⁵
肺鱼类[肺魚類] fï-nguî-luì
fèiyúlèi lung-breathing fish.¹¹
肺泡 fï-päo
fèipào <phys.> pulmonary alveolus.⁵
肺动脉[肺動脈] fï-ùng-mäk
fèidòngmài  <phys.> pulmonary artery.⁵
肺炎 fï-yèm
fèiyán pneumonia.¹¹
肺叶[肺葉] fï-yêp
fèiyè the lobes of lungs.¹¹
心肺 xïm-fï
xīnfèi heart-lung; cardiopulmonary.⁵⁴
<又> pöi.
(See 肺 pöi.)
fi2 3262
130 9 fèi (<old>=肺 fï fèi lungs.⁵).⁸
(composition: ⿰⺼弗; U+80C7).
<又> bìt. (See 胇 bìt; 肺 fï).
fi2 3263
130 9 fèi (=胇 fï fèi which in turn is also the same as 肺 fï fèi lungs.⁵).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰⺼必; U+43DF).
<又> pēik; bìt.
(See 䏟 pēik; 䏟 bìt; 胇 fï; 肺 fï).
fi2 3264
130 12 féi calf (of the leg); (now rarely) sick, ill; (now rarely) to avoid; (now rarely) to decay.⁷
百卉贝腓[百卉貝腓] bāk-fī-böi-fï bǎihuìbèiféi all the plants decay.¹⁴
腓肠[腓腸] fï-chẽng
féicháng the calf of the leg.¹⁴
腓肠肌[腓腸肌] fï-chẽng-gï
féichángjī <phys.> gastrocnemius.⁶
腓骨 fï-gūt
féigǔ <phys.> fibula.⁵
腓神经[腓神經] fï-sĩn-gëin
féishénjīng peroneal nerve.⁸
fi2 3265
140 7 fèi 蔽芾 bäi-fï bìfèi <wr.> (of trees) young and small.⁶ luxuriant; lush; young (plants).¹⁰
<又> fūt.
(See 芾 fūt.)
fi2 3266
140 11 fēi luxuriant (plant growth); rich with fragrance.
菲菲 fï-fï fēifēi luxuriant and beautiful; richly fragrant.
菲律宾[菲律賓] Fï-lùt-bïn
Fēilǜbīn Philippines.
菲华[菲華] Fï-vã 
Fēihuá overseas Chinese in the Philippines.
芳菲 föng-fï
fāngfēi  fragrance of flowers and grass; flowers and grass.
<又> fī.
(See 菲 [fī, fēi], [fī, fěi].)
fi2 3267
142 14 fěi cockroach.⁸
蜚蠊 fï-lẽm fěilián cockroach (also called 蟑螂 jëng-lõng zhāngláng).¹⁰ (See <台> 蠄遢 kã-tât/ or <台> 曱甴 kã-tât/ cockroach).
(See 蜚 [fï, fēi].)
fi2 3268
142 14 fēi (<old>=飞[飛]) to fly (of reputation or rumors) (used for 飞[飛] fï fēi in metaphorical sense).⁵⁴ (variant: 𧓊 fï fēi).
or 𧓊虻 fï-mông fēiméng a gadfly.²⁵
or 飞语[飛語] fï-nguî fēiyǔ rumor; gossip.⁶ groundless rumor; unfounded gossip.¹⁰ flying, baseless rumors.¹¹
or 飞短流长[飛短流長] fï-ōn-liũ-chẽng fēiduǎnliúcháng spread embroidered stories and malicious gossip; tell tales; idle gossip.⁶
蜚声[蜚聲] fï-sëin
fēishēng make a name; become famous; become well-known.⁶
蜚声国际[蜚聲國際] fï-sëin-gōk-däi
fēishēngguójì world-renowned; internationally famous.⁵⁴
蜚声文坛[蜚聲文壇] fï-sëin-mũn-hãn
fēishēngwéntán to win renown in literary circles.¹⁹
or 流言飞语[流言飛語] liũ-ngũn-fï-nguî liúyánfēiyǔ lies and slanders; slanderous tales.⁸
(See 蜚 [fï, fěi]; 𧓊 fï.)
fi2 3269
142 20 𧓊 fēi (=蜚 fï fēi) (<old>=飞[飛]) to fly (of reputation or rumors) (used for 飞[飛] fï fēi in metaphorical sense).⁵⁴
or 蜚虻 fï-mông fēiméng a gadfly.²⁵
(See 蜚 [fï, fēi]).
fi2 3270
145 14 huī  <wr.> sacrificial robe for the queen or empress.
袆衣[褘衣] fï-yï huīyī ceremonial robe of a queen.
fi2 3271
149 16 huì to conceal; to shun; to regard as taboo; name of deceased person.
避讳[避諱] bì-fï or bì-vī bìhuì taboo on using personal names of emperors, one's elders; to evade; to dodge.
不讳[不諱] būt-fï
or būt-vī bùhuì <wr.> without concealing anything; <humb.> to die.
犯讳[犯諱] fàn-fï
or fàn-vī fànhuì <trad.> to use a tabooed name.
讳疾忌医[諱疾忌醫] fï-dìp-gì-yï
or vī-dìp-gì-yï huìjíjìyī to hesitate to see a doctor, though ill.
讳言[諱言] fï-ngũn
or vī-ngũn huìyán to be afraid to speak up.
忌讳[忌諱] gì-fï
or gì-vī jìhuì taboo; avoid as harmful, abstain from; <topo.> vinegar.⁸
直言不讳[直言不諱] jèik-ngũn-būt-fï
or jèik-ngũn-būt-vī zhíyánbùhuì straight talk, nothing taboo (idiom); frank and straightforward; to speak bluntly without euphemism.
名讳[名諱] mẽin-fï
or mẽin-vī mínghuì name of a respected person; taboo name (such as an emperor).
庙讳[廟諱] mèl-fï
miàohuì name of a deceased emperor.⁶
<又> vī.
(See 諱 vī.)
fi2 3272
154 12 fèi to cost; to spend; fee; wasteful; expenses; Fei surname.¹⁰
费尽[費盡] fï-dìn fèijìn need/use great effort; exhaust.⁵⁴
费尽九牛二虎之力[費盡九牛二虎之力] fï-dìn-giū-ngẽo-ngì-fū-jï-lèik
fèijìn jiǔniú'èrhǔ zhī lì use all one's might or  strength; make herculean efforts; strain oneself to the limit; exert oneself to the utmost.⁶
费尽心机[費盡心機] fï-dìn-xïm-gï
fèijìnxīnjī rack one's brains in scheming; beat one's brains out.⁸
费解[費解] fï-gāi
fèijiě difficult to understand.⁷
费劲[費勁] fï-gèin
fèijìn labor-consuming, strenuous; difficult (work, matters).⁷
费力[費力] fï-lèik
fèilì need great effort; be strenuous.⁵
费城[費城] Fï-sẽin
Fèichéng Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.¹⁰
费时[費時] fï-sĩ
fèishí take time; be time-consuming.⁵
费神[費神] fï-sĩn
fèishén may I trouble you (to do something); would you mind (doing something).⁵
费菜[費菜] fï-töi
fèicài <bot.> Sedum aizoon.²⁰
费心[費心] fï-xïm
fèixīn requiring mental exertion; Please be kind enough to...⁷
费事[費事] fï-xù
fèishì give or take a lot of trouble.⁵
费用[費用] fï-yùng
fèiyong expenditure; expenses; cost.⁷
支费[支費] jï-fï
zhīfèi expenses.¹¹
收费[收費] siü-fï
shōufèi collect fees; charge.⁵
fi2 3273
159 15 huī brightness, luster, brilliance.⁸  brightness, glory, shining.¹⁴ (variant of 暉 fï huī and 煇 fï huī.)¹⁴
辉长岩[輝長岩] fï-chẽng-ngãm
huīchángyán <geol.> gabbro.²¹
辉钼矿[輝鉬礦] fï-mùk-köng
huīmùkuàng <min.> molybdenite.⁶
辉石[輝石] fï-sêk
huīshí pyroxene (family of rock-forming minerals); augite.²¹
辉煌[輝煌] fï-võng
huīhuáng brilliant, bright; splendid; magnificient.⁸ (See 煇煌 fï-võng huīhuáng.)
or 晖映[暉映]  fï-yēin huīyìng shine; reflect.⁶
生辉[生輝] säng-fï
shēnghuī to dazzle; to brighten up (a room).¹⁰
or 余煇[餘煇] or 馀晖[餘暉] or 余晖[餘暉]
or 馀辉[餘輝] or 馀煇[餘煇] yĩ-fï yúhuī twiligh at sunset.⁷
(See 暉 fï; 煇 fï).
fi2 3274
167 20 fèi fermium (Fm).⁶
fi2 3275
173 16 fēi (of snow or rain) falling thick and fast, (of cloud, mist) heavy/thick; drift in the air, float, waft.⁶ driving sleet; fall of snow.¹⁴ (variant: 䬠 fï fēi).
春雨霏霏 chün-yî-fï-fï
chūnyǔfēifēi The fine spring rain continues.³⁹
霏霏 fï-fï
fēifēi <wr.> (of snow or rain) thick and fast; (of cloud or mist) heavy; thick.⁶ to whirl around in confusion; to fly all over.⁷
霏霏承宇 fï-fï-sẽin-yî
fēifēichéngyǔ used of clouds resting on the housetops.¹⁴
霏金屑玉 fï-gïm-xēik-ngùk
fēijīnxièyù every word uttered is very precious.⁵⁴
霏微 fï-mĩ
fēiwēi <wr.> (of mist, rain) pervading; permeating.⁶ light – of mists.¹⁴
霏微香气[霏微香氣] fï-mĩ-hëng-hï
fēiwēixiāngqì The air is permeated with a faint fragrance.⁶
霏微如雨露 fï-mĩ-nguĩ-yî-lù
fēiwēirúyǔlòu light sleet like very fine rain.¹⁴
烟霏[煙霏] yën-fï
yānfēi dispersed mist/fog.⁵⁴
雨雪霏霏 yî-xūt-fï-fï
yǔxuěfēifēi It was sleeting hard.⁵ It is snowing thick and fast.⁶ snow flying about.¹¹ the sleet is driving hard.¹⁴
(See 䬠 fï).
fi2 3276
175 8 fēi Kangxi radical 175; not, negative, non-; oppose.⁸ to not be; not; wrong; incorrect; non-; un-; in-.
除非 chuĩ-fï chúfēi only if; only when; unless.
非法 fï-fāt
fēifǎ illegal.
非洲 Fï-jiü
Fēizhōu Africa.¹¹
非驴非马[非驢非馬] fï-luĩ-fï-mâ
fēilǘfēimǎ neither an ass nor a horse – grotesque; unlike anything; to imitate unsuccessfuly.⁷
非常 fï-sẽng
fēicháng unusual; extraordinary; extreme; very; exceptional.¹⁰
是非 sì-fï
shìfēi right or wrong, right and wrong, yes and no; gossip, scandal; discord.⁷
想入非非 xēng-yìp-fï-fï
xiǎngrùfēifēi indulge in fantasy.⁵
fi2 3277
183 9 fēi Kangxi radical 183; fly; go quickly; dart; high.⁸
飞抵[飛抵] fï-āi fēidǐ touchdown.⁹ fly to; reach by plane.⁵⁴
飞奔[飛奔] fï-bïn
fēibēn to dash (run fast); rush; dart.¹⁰
飞瀑[飛瀑] fï-bùk
fēipù (flying) waterfalls.¹¹
飞驰[飛馳] fï-chĩ
fēichí speed along.⁸
飞毯[飛毯] fï-dëin
fēitǎn flying carpet.⁶
飞快[飛快] fï-fäi
fēikuài speedy, swift, very fast, at lightning speed; extremely sharp, razor-sharp.⁶
飞机[飛機] fï-gï
fēijī an airplane; a plane.⁷
虡:⿸虛八] fï-guì fēijù a celestial animal, with a stag's head, and a dragon's body.²⁵
飞行[飛行] fï-hãng
fēixíng to fly; flying; flight.
飞腾[飛騰] fï-hãng
fēiténg to go up (to the sky).¹¹
飞天[飛天] fï-hëin
fēitiān flying Apsara (Buddhist art)​.⁸
飞天女神[飛天女神] fï-hëin-nuī-sĩn
fēitiānnǚshén Aspara.¹⁰
飞吻[飛吻] fï-mêin
or fï-mûn fēiwěn to blow a kiss.¹⁰
飞鱼[飛魚] fï-nguî/
fēiyú The 飞鱼科[飛魚科] Exocoetidae are a family of marine fish, known as flying fish or flying cod.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
飞船[飛船] fï-sõn
fēichuán dirigible; spaceship.
飞翔[飛翔] fï-tẽng
fēixiáng circle in the air; hover.⁵
fï-võng-hãng-àt fēihuángténgdá lit. the divine steed Huang flashes past (idiom); fig. a meteoric rise; career success.¹⁰
<又> fî.
(See 飛 fî.)
fi2 3278
183 17 fēi (<old>=霏 fï fēi) (of snow or rain) falling thick and fast, (of cloud, mist) heavy/thick; drift in the air, float, waft.⁶ driving sleet; fall of snow.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱雨飛; U+4B20).
(See 霏 fï).
fi2 3279
183 27 fēi A large group of birds, flying in the sky.³⁶ fi2 3280
184 17 fēi a snack made with vegetables, edible wild herb and wheat flour, aka 麦饭[麥飯] màk-fàn màifàn, popular in ancient China when people from the Chen 陳 and Chu 楚 states met.¹³ʼ¹⁹
(composition: ⿱非食; U+9925).
fi2 3281
186 17 fēi scent.⁸ fragrant.¹⁰ aromatic; fragrant.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰香非; U+99A1).
馡馡 fï-fï fēifēi fragrant.¹⁴ʼ²⁵
馡芳 fï-föng
fēifāng fragrant, odorous.⁵⁴
芳馡 föng-fï
fāngfēi fragrant.¹⁴ aromatic.²⁵
fi2 3282
187 18 fēi horse; run.⁸ side horse (in a team of harnessed horses); horse.¹⁰ <wr.> horse of a team.¹¹ outer of four horses driven abreast – the inner pair was called 服 fùk ; an extra horse fastened to the axle with a long trace.¹⁴ an additional horse or two harnessed by the side of the shaft horses, which latter are called 服马[服馬] fùk-mâ fúmǎ.²⁵
(composition: ⿰馬非; U+9A11).
騑騑 fï-fï
fēifēi <wr.> descriptive of horse running.¹¹ horses going on without stopping.¹⁴
騑服 fï-fùk
fēifú outer and inner horses pulling a carriage.¹⁹
騑骖[騑驂] fï-täm
fēicān the two horses outside a team of  four horses pulling a carriage.¹⁹
or 六蜚 or 六飞[六飛] lùk-fï liùfēi a six-horse team (usually pertaining to an imperial carriage).¹⁹
fi2 3283
187 19 fēi (composition: ⿰馬飛; U+9A1B).
騛𩣮 or 騛兔 or 飞兔[飛兔] fï-hü fēitù a horse galloping like a rabbit.²ʼ⁸ a famous steed of ancient times; a horse with an easy gait.²⁵
fi2 3284
190 15 fèi disheveled hair.²ʼ⁸ʼ²⁵
(composition: ⿱髟弗; U+9AF4).
<又> fūt. (See 髴 fūt).
fi2 3285
195 19 fēi herring.⁸
大西洋鲱 ài-xäi-yẽng-fï dàxīyángfēi Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鲱科[鯡科] fï-fö
fēikē Clupeidae, a family of ray-finned fishes.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鲱鱼[鯡魚] fï-nguĩ
fēiyú herring.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鲱形目[鯡形目] fï-yẽin-mùk
fēixíngmù Clupeiformes, the order of ray-finned fish that includes the herring family, Clupeidae, and the anchovy family, Engraulidae.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
太平洋鯡[太平洋鯡] häi-pẽin-yẽng-fï
tàipíngyángfēi Pacific herring, Clupea pallasii, is a species of the herring family.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
西鲱[西鯡] xäi-fï
xīfēi  allis shad (Alosa alosa), a widespread Northeast Atlantic species of fish in the herring family, Clupeidae.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
腌鲱鱼[腌鯡魚] yēm-fï-nguî/
yānfēiyú pickled herring.¹⁹
圆腹鲱[ 圓腹鯡] yõn-fūk-fï
yuánfùfēi slender rainbow sardine (Dussumieria elopsoides), a small, subtropical, salt water fish of the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea; aka 黃帶圓腹鯡, 銀圓腹鰮.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
fi2 3286
200 15 huī <wr.> standard of a commander (used in ancient times); command.⁵ a flag, a banner, a standard; to command, to lead.⁷
麾节[麾節] fï-dëik  huījié flags; banners.⁷ general's flag.¹¹
麾盖[麾蓋] fï-köi
huīgài flags and parasols.¹¹
麾军[麾軍] fï-gün
huījūn to lead an army.⁷
麾军前进[麾軍前進] fï-gün-tẽin-dïn
huījūnqiánjìn command an army to march forward.⁵
麾下 fï-hà
huīxià <wr.> general; commander, your excellency; those under one's command.⁵ under a general's command; sir (in addressing a general).⁷
指麾 jī-fï
zhǐhuī to signal to troops with a flag.¹¹
fi2 3287
85 11 féi 淝水 Fĩ-suī Féishuǐ name of a river in 安徽 Ön-fï Ānhuī Anhui Province.⁴
fi3 3288
130 8 féi fat; fertile; fertilize; fertilizer, manure; loose-fitting,large.⁵
肥胖 fĩ-bòn féipàng fat; corpulent.⁵
肥皂 fĩ-dào
féizào soap.⁵
肥皂沫儿[肥皂沫兒] fĩ-dào-mòt-ngĩ
féizàomòr soap bubbles, foam.¹¹
肥隽[肥雋] fĩ-dün
féijuàn fat.¹⁴
肥甘 fĩ-gäm
féigān things good to eat, delicacies.¹¹
肥田 fĩ-hẽin
féitián fertilize the soil; fertile land.⁵
肥壮[肥壯] fĩ-jöng
féizhuàng stout and strong.⁵
肥料 fĩ-lèl
féiliào fertilizer; manure.¹⁰
肥美 fĩ-mî
féiměi fertile, rich; luxuriant, plump, fat.⁵
肥年 fĩ-nẽin
féinián a prosperous year.¹¹
肥腻[肥膩] fĩ-nì
féinì (of foods) fatty; greasy.¹⁰
肥瘦儿[肥瘦兒] fĩ-sëo-ngĩ
féishòur the girth of a garment; the proportion of fat and lean.⁵
肥腯 fĩ-ùt
féitú (of cattle) fat; well-fed.⁵⁴
肥腮鼓腹 fĩ-xöi-gū-fūk
féisāigǔfù fat cheeks and drum-like belly.⁵⁴
肥腴 fĩ-yĩ
féiyú <wr.> fertile; fat, plump, corpulent.⁶
肥沃 fĩ-yūk
féiwò fertile.¹⁰
厩肥[廄肥] gëo-fĩ
or giü-fĩ jiùféi <agr.> barnyard manure.⁶
圈肥 hûn-fĩ
juànféi (=厩肥[廄肥] gëo-fĩ or giü-fĩ  jiùféi) barnyard manure.⁶
fi3 3289
142 14 féi 蜰虫[蜰蟲] fĩ-chũng féichóng bedbug.¹¹
又 bï.
(See 蜰 bï).
fi3 3290
142 18 fèi ➀ 蛴螬[蠐螬] tãi-tão qícáo grub; ➁ 金龟子的幼虫 [金龜子的幼蟲] gïm-gï-dū-ēik-yiü-chũng jīnguīzǐ de yòuchóng larvae of scarabs; ➂ 水母 suī-mû shuǐmǔ jellyfish.⁸
(composition: ⿰虫賁; U+87E6).
蟦蛴[蟦蠐] fĩ-tãi
fèiqí larvae of scarabs.¹⁹ grubs or larvae.²⁵
<又> bïn.
(See 蟦 bïn).
fi3 3291
145 14 féi an old name for the district of 合肥 Hàp-fĩ Héféi Hefei (capital of Anhui).¹⁴
(See 裴 põi).
fi3 3292
9 14 huì (<old> =惠 fì huì) kindness.
(composition: ⿰亻惠; U+50E1).
(See 惠 fì).
fi4 3293
30 7 fèi to bark.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰口犬; U+5420).
吠叫 fì-gël fèijiào to bark; to yelp.¹⁰
吠陀 Fì-hõ
Fèituó Vedas (Hindu sacred writings or legends).¹⁰
吠声[吠聲] fì-sëin
fèishēng ululation.¹⁰
吠形吠声[吠形吠聲] fì-yẽin-fì-sëin
fèixíngfèishēng when one dog barks at a shadow all the others join in; (fig) slavishly echo others.⁸
鸡鸣狗吠[雞鳴狗吠] gäi-mẽin-gēo-fì
jīmínggǒufèi a few dogs are barking and some cocks crowing; cocks crow and dogs bark; fowls crowing and dogs barking.³⁹
狂吠 kõng-fì
kuángfèi bark furiously; howl.⁵
fi4 3294
30 12 huì beak; snout; mouth.⁶
百喙莫辩[百喙莫辯] bāk-fì-mòk-bèin bǎihuìmòbiàn a hundred mouths/tongues can't explain it; it takes more than eloquence to make it clear.⁶
不容置喙 būt-yũng-jï-fì
bùróngzhìhuì not allow others to butt in; brook no intervention.⁶
喙长三尺[喙長三尺] fì-chẽng-xäm-chëk
huìchángsānchǐ <wr.> to have a beak three feet long – fon dof exposing other people's secrets; fond of faultfinding.⁷
置喙 jï-fì
zhìhuì <wr.> to offer an opinion; to comment (on the issue); to have a say (in the matter).¹⁰
鸟喙[鳥喙] nêl-fì
niǎohuì beak of a bird.⁶
<又> jöi.
(See 喙 jöi.)
fi4 3295
30 14 huì (of starlight) bright (some say 'tiny'); <ono.> quiet or crisp sound, such as cicadas or music pipes; sharp.⁸ <ono.> small voice; bright; to chirp.⁹ a shrill sound; twinkling, small; a soft, melodious voice.¹⁴
(variant: 𠽡 fì). (old variant: 嚖 fì). (See 𠽡, 嚖 fì).
(composition: ⿰口彗; U+5612).
蝉声嘒嘒[蟬聲嘒嘒] chên-sëin-fì-fì
chánshēnghuìhuì cicadas buzzing.⁸
嘒彼小星 fì-bī-xēl-xëin
huìbǐxiǎoxīng tiny indeed are those small stars – said by a girl in speaking of herself and her friends.¹⁴
Fì-bī-xēl-xëin, xäm-m̄-dòi-üng.
Huì bǐ xiǎo xīng, sānwǔ zài dōng.
Small are those starlets,
Three or five of them in the east.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·召南·小星》, translated by James Legge).
嘒嘒 fì-fì
huìhuì <wr.> small voice.¹¹
嘒嘒管声[嘒嘒管聲] fì-fì-gōn-sëin
huìhuìguǎnshēng the harmonious concert of the flutes.¹⁴
鸾声嘒嘒[鸞聲嘒嘒] lũn-sëin-fì-fì
luánshēnghuìhuì the melodious tinkling of the bells on the bridles.¹⁴
有嘒其星 yiû-fì-kĩ-xëin
yǒuhuìqíxīng brightly the stars twinkle.¹⁴
fi4 3296
30 15 𠽡 huì (=嘒 fì huì sharp.⁸).²
(composition: ⿰口惠; U+20F61).
(See 嘒 fì).
fi4 3297
30 18 huì (<old>=嘒 fì huì (of starlight) bright (some say 'tiny'); <ono.> quiet or crisp sound, such as cicadas or music pipes; sharp.⁸ <ono.> small voice; bright; to chirp.⁹ a shrill sound; twinkling, small; a soft, melodious voice.¹⁴).⁸
(composition: ⿰口慧; U+5696).
(See 嘒 fì).
fi4 3298
58 11 huì <wr.> broom; comet.⁶ (variant: 篲 fì huì).
彗尾 fì-mī
huìwěi tail of a comet.⁶
彗星 fì-xëin
huìxīng comet.⁶
哈雷彗星 Hā-luĩ Fì-xëin
Hāléi Huìxīng Halley's comet.⁶
(See 篲 fì).
fi4 3299
61 10 huì anger, rage.⁸
怫恚 fï-fì fèihuì angry, indignant.⁵
or 恚忿 fì-fûn huìfèn be indignant; be furious.⁵⁴
恚恨 fì-hàn
huìhèn hatred; anger.⁸
恚怒 fì-nù
huìnù rage.⁸
恚怨 fì-yön
huìyuàn to resent bitterly.⁷
忿恚 fûn-fì
fènhuì hate and anger.⁷ anger; discontent and indignation.⁸
憤恚 fûn-fì
fènhuì deeply resentful.¹¹
既愧且恚 gï-kï-chēh-fì
jìkuìqiěhuì shamed and angered.¹¹
fi4 3300
61 12 huì favor, benefit, confer kindness; Hui surname.⁸
(old variant: 僡 fì huì). (See 僡 fì).
惠赠[惠贈] fì-dàng
huìzèng <court.> gift.⁶
惠风[惠風] fì-füng
huìfēng <wr.> gentle breeze.⁶
惠及 fì-gèp
huìjí <wr.> be of benefit to; bring benefit to.⁶
惠顾[惠顧] fì-gü
huìgù (court. of prospective customer) graciously come to our shop, to patronize.¹¹
惠泽[惠澤] fì-jàk
huìzé <court.> kindness; benevolence; favor.⁵⁴
惠政 fì-jëin
huìzhèng benevolent policy.¹¹
惠临[惠臨] fì-lĩm
huìlín <court.> your gracious presence.⁸
惠民 fì-mĩn
huìmín benefit the people.³⁹
惠然 fì-ngẽin
huìrán kindly.⁸
惠而不费[惠而不費] fì-ngĩ-būt-fï
huì'érbùfèi a kind act which does not cost much.¹¹
惠存 fì-tũn
huìcún <court.> keep as souvenir.¹¹
惠允 fì-vûn
huìyǔn <wr.> your generous allowance or  permisson or consent.⁶
惠赐[惠賜] fì-xü
huìcì <court.> be kind enough to give (me something); bestow graciously.⁵⁴
fi4 3301
61 15 huì intelligent; bright.⁵
慧黠 fì-gēik or fì-hàt huìxiá <wr.> clever and artful; shrewd.⁵
慧剑[慧劍] fì-gëm
huìjiàn <Budd.> the sword of wisdom which cuts through the illusions of the material world.¹¹
慧根 fì-gïn
huìgēn <Budd.> talent to thoroughly comprehend Buddhist teachings; root of wisdom that can lead one to truth; innate intelligence.⁶
慧光 fì-göng
huìguāng wisdom, which like light, pierces darkness.⁶
慧中秀外 fì-jüng-xiü-ngòi
huìzhōngxiùwài be intelligent within and beautiful without.⁶
慧目 fì-mùk
huìmù discerning eyes.⁶
慧眼 fì-ngān
huìyǎn mental discernment (or perception), insight, acumen; <Budd.> a mind which perceives both past and future.⁵
慧眼识英雄[慧眼識英雄] fì-ngān-jï-yëin-hũng
huìyǎn shí yīngxióng discerning eyes can tell greatness from mediocrity.⁶
慧日 fì-ngìt
huìrì wisdom sun – wisdom of the Buddha.⁶
慧性 fì-xëin
huìxìng intelligence.⁶
慧心 fì-xïm
huìxīn wisdom.⁵
智慧 jï-fì
zhìhuì wisdom. intelligence.⁵
fi4 3302
61 15 huì (=惠 fì huì) favor, benefit, confer kindness.⁸
(See 惠 fì).
fi4 3303
75 15 huì coffin; small crude coffin.⁸ a small coffin used for bringing home the bodies of soldiers.¹⁴
槥椟[槥櫝] fì-dùk huìdú a small coffin used for bringing home the bodies of soldiers.¹⁴
fi4 3304
78 13 huì uneven; unconscious, to know nothing about...¹⁰
(composition: ⿰歹鬼; U+3C71).
㱱𣨙❄{⿰歹委} fì-vī huìwěi uneven; ignorant.²⁴
㱥㱱 lẽin-fì
línghuì ghosts, apparitions; sick.²⁴
fi4 3305
85 15 huì name of a river.² (composition: ⿰氵惠; U+6F53).
潓水 fì-suī huìshuǐ name of an ancient river in Anhui province.³⁶
fi4 3306
118 17 huì (=彗 fì huì) a broom; a bamboo broom.⁷
篲筱 fì-xēl
huìxiǎo thin bamboo (used for making brooms).¹⁹
(See 彗 fì).
fi4 3307
124 19 huì sound of flight; noise of bird's wings; numerous.² the sound of flying; numerous, abundant.²⁵
➀ 象声词[象聲詞] dèng-sëin-xũ xiàngshēngcí onomatopoeia for 'whir'  ➁ 飞[飛] fï fēi to fly  ➂ 显扬[顯揚] hēin-yẽng xiǎnyáng commend, cite; famous.⁸
t: ⿰歲羽; U+7FFD). (comp. s: ⿰岁羽; U+7FD9).
翙翙其羽[翽翽其羽] fì-fì-kĩ-yî
huìhuìqíyǔ clapping his wings.²⁵
Fùng-võng-yï-fï, fì-fì-kĩ-yî.
Fènghuáng yú fēi, huì huì qí yǔ.
The male and female phoenix fly about,
Their wings rustling.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·生民之什·卷阿》, translated by James Legge).
fi4 3308
140 14 huì 王蔧 võng-fì wánghuì a kind of grass used for brooms.
(=地肤[地膚] ì
-dìfū⁸), (=扫帚菜[掃帚菜] xäo-jāo-töi sàozhoucài⁸) summer cypress Kochia scoparia, Chenopodium scoparia L.³⁹
fi4 3309
140 15 huì species of fragrant orchid.⁸ Coumarouna odorata.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱艹惠; U+8559).
蕙兰[蕙蘭] fì-lãn
huìlán a species of orchid.⁶ <bot.> Cymbidium faberi Rolfe (common name: Faber's Cymbidium).²⁷
蕙心 fì-xïm
huìxīn <wr.> (of a woman) pure heart; heart of gold.⁶
蕙心兰质[蕙心蘭質] fì-xïm-lãn-jīt
huìxīnlánzhì (=蕙质兰心 [蕙質蘭心] fì-jīt-lãn-xïm).⁶
蕙折兰摧[蕙折蘭摧] fì-jēt-lãn-tuï
huìzhéláncuī breaking-off of the orchid – untimely death of a talented woman.⁶
蕙质[蕙質] fì-jīt
huìzhì good and pure quality (of a person).⁶
蕙质兰心[蕙質蘭心] fì-jīt-lãn-xïm
huìzhìlánxīn pure heart and spirit; pure hearted and charming.⁶
芝焚蕙叹[芝焚蕙嘆] jï-fũn-fì-hän
zhīfénhuìtàn lit. when one grass burns the other grass sighs (idiom); fig. to have sympathy with a like-minded person in distress.¹⁰
fi4 3310
142 18 huì a kind of cicada.⁸
蟪蛄[蟪蛄] fì-gü huìgū flat pleuron cicada (Platypleura kaempferi).⁸
蟪蛄不知春秋 fì-gü būt-jï chün-tiü
huìgū bùzhī chūn-qiū lit. short-lived cicada does not know the seasons; fig. to see only a small piece of the big picture.
蟪蛄属[蟪蛄屬] fì-gü-sùk
huìgūshǔ (學名: Platypleura).²⁰
fi4 3311
184 17 huì cooked rice that has turned sour and smelly.⁸ (of food) rotten and smelly.¹⁰ stinking rice; decayed provisions.²⁵
(composition: ⿰飠彖; U+992F).
餀餯 hài-fì hàihuì stinking food.²⁵
fi4 3312
183 9 fēi <台> 买飞[買飛] mäi-fî/ to buy a ticket.
<又> fï. (See 飛 fï.)
fi5 3313
9 6 huǒ companion; colleague; household goods; group.
包伙 bäo-fō bāohuǒ to board; to get or supply meals at fixed rate.
or 夥伴 fō-bòn huǒbàn companion, partner.
or 火房 fō-fông huǒfáng kitchen (in a school).
or 火计[火計] or 夥计[夥計] fō-gäi huǒjì partner; mate; <traditional> sales clerk.⁵⁵
伙同 fō-hũng
huǒtóng to be in league with.
伙食 fō-sèik
huǒshi meals; mess; food.
or 家伙 gä-fō jiāhuo (in a comical sense) a character; a jerk; a son of a gun; a fellow; a guy.⁷ household dish, implement or furniture; domestic animal; <topo.> guy; chap; weapon.¹⁰
or 合夥 hàp-fō héhuǒ to form a partnership.
一伙 yīt-fō
yīhuǒ band; gang; party; group.
<台> 伙记[伙記] fō-gï waiter; shop clerk.
fo1 3314
36 14 huǒ numerous; waiter; clerk; company;  partner.
夥伴 or 伙伴 fō-bòn huǒbàn companion, partner.
or 伙计[伙計] fō-gäi huǒjì waiter; clerk.
夥颐[夥頤] fō-yĩ
huǒyí alarmed at the number; to refuse an honor; wow! (an exclamation of surprise and admiration).
or 合伙 hàp-fō héhuǒ to form a partnership.
同夥 hũng-fō
tónghuǒ accomplices.
fo1 3315
75 12 <m.> refer to plants.⁹
发棵[發棵] fāt-fō fākē budding.¹⁰
棵子 fō-dū
kēzi <topo.> stalks of a plant.⁸
棵儿[棵兒] fō-ngĩ
kēr size of a plant.⁸
两棵梨树[兩棵梨樹] lēng-fō-lĩ-sì
liǎngkēlíshù two pear trees.⁶
一棵白菜 yīt-fō-bàk-töi
yīkēbáicài a head of bok choy.¹¹
一棵树[一棵樹] yīt-fō-sì
yīkēshù a tree.⁸
一棵草 yīt-fō-tāo
yīkēcǎo a blade of grass.⁵⁴
fo1 3316
86 4 huǒ Kangxi radical 86; fire, flame; burn; anger, rage; Huo surname.⁸ (variant radical or component: 灬 fō, q.v.).
火柴 fō-châi
huǒchái match.⁵
火车[火車] fō-chëh
huǒchē train.⁵
火车站[火車站] fō-chëh-jàm
huǒchēzhàn train station.¹⁰
火箭 fō-dëin
huǒjiàn rocket.⁶
火灾[火災] fō-döi
huǒzāi a fire disaster.⁷
火花四溅[火花四濺] fō-fä-xü-dèin
huǒhuāsìjiàn sparks flying off in all directions.⁵
火鸡[火雞] fō-gäi/
huǒjī turkey.⁵
火中取栗 fō-jüng-tuī-lùt
huǒzhōngqǔlì pull chestnuts out of the fire – gain profit in risk; be a cat's paw.³⁹
火力 fō-lèik
huǒlì <mil.> firepower; fire.⁵
火龙果[火龍果]  fō-lũng-gō
huǒlóngguǒred pitaya; dragon fruit; dragon pearl fruit (genus Hylocereus).¹⁰
火苗 fō-mẽl
huǒmiáo a tongue of flame; flame.⁵
火热[火熱] fō-ngèik
huǒrè burning hot, fiery; intimate.⁵
火奴鲁鲁[火奴魯魯] fō-nũ-lû-lû
huǒnúlǔlǔ Honolulu, also called 檀香山 Hãn-hëng-sän Tánxiāngshān.¹⁰
火山 fō-sän
huǒshān volcano.⁵
火星 fō-xëin
huǒxīng Mars.¹¹
火药[火藥] fō-yêk
huǒyào gunpowder; powder.⁵
火焰 fō-yèm
huǒyàn flame.⁵
<台> 火水 fō-suī kerosene.
fo1 3317
86 4 huǒ a variant radical for 火 (Radical 86) fire., called 四点火[四點火] xï-ēm-fō sìdiǎnhuǒ.
(composition: ⿰丿⿲丶丶丶; (U+706C)
(See 火 fō).
fo1 3318
167 12 huǒ holmium (Ho).⁶
钬激光器[鈥激光器] fō-gēik-göng-hï huǒjīguāngqì holmium laser.⁹
fo1 3319
181 17
(alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 颗[顆] gō with same meaning: <m.> for small spheres, pearls, corn grains, teeth, hearts, satellites.¹⁰)
<又> gō.
(See 顆 gō.)
fo1 3320
23 8 scarf; kerchief.⁸ a kind of scarf in ancient times.²⁹
匼河文化 Fö-hõ Mũn-fä or Àp-hõ Mũn-fä Kēhé Wénhuà <archeo.> Kehe or Keho Culture.
匼匝 fö-jät
or àp-jät kēzā <wr.> to surround; to encircle.
烏匼 vü-fö
or vü-àp wūkē an ancient turban.
<又> àp.
(See 匼 àp.)
fo2 3321
32 11 dust, kicked-up dust (in the air); mound.⁸ a cloud of dust.²⁴
埵堁 ū-fö duǒkè (=埵块[埵塊] ū-fäi duǒkuài) a mound; a clod.⁸
fo2 3322
62 4 Kangxi radical 62.⁸ daggar-axe (ancient Chinese weapon); weapon.⁶ a spear, a lance, a javelin; Ge surname.⁷
大动干戈[大動干戈] ài-ùng-gön-fö dàdònggāngē get into a fight, go to war; do something in a big way, go to the trouble (of).⁶
戈壁 fö-bēik
gēbì Mongolian for "desert".⁷
戈壁滩[戈壁灘] fö-bēik-hān
gēbìtān Gobi desert.⁶
戈壁沙漠 fö-bēik-sä-mōk
gēbì shāmò Gobi desert.⁶
戈比 fö-bī
gēbǐ (a coin of the U.S.S.R.) kopek, kopeck, or copeck.⁷
戈戟 fö-gēik
gējǐ spears; lances.⁷
戈兰高地[戈蘭高地] fö-lãn-gäo-ì
gēlángāodì Golan Heights (Syrian territory occupied by Israel).⁶
戈矛 fö-mão
gēmáo spears and lances.⁷
干戈 gön-fö
gāngē weapons of war – arms; war.⁶
古戈尔[古戈爾] gū-fö-ngì 
gǔgē'ěr (=古高尔[古高爾] gū-gäo-ngì  gǔgāo'ěr googol.⁹) googol.¹⁹
古戈尔普勒克斯[古戈爾普勒克斯] gū-fö-ngì-pū-làk-hāk-xü 
gǔgē'ěrpǔlèkèsī googolplex.⁹
动干戈[動干戈] ùng-gön-fö
dònggāngē go to war; take up arms.⁶
fo2 3323
115 9 section, department, science.⁸ family (taxonomy).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
科厄 fö-āk kē'è knot (on a tree or board).⁵⁴
科白 fö-bàk
kēbái <opera> dialogue part (not sung).¹¹
科班出身 fö-bän-chūt-sïn
kēbānchūshēn be a professional by training.⁵
科际[科際] fö-däi
kējì interdisciplinary.¹⁹
科技 fö-gì
kējì science and technology.⁵
科举[科舉] fö-guī
kējǔ imperial civil examination.⁶
科系 fö-hài
kēxì academic department.⁹
科条[科條] fö-hẽl
kētiáo statutes.¹¹
科学[科學] fö-hòk
kēxué science; scientific knowledge.⁵
科学家[科學家] fö-hòk-gä
kēxuéjiā scientist.⁵
科长[科長] fö-jēng
kēzhǎng section chief.⁵
科目 fö-mùk
kēmù school subject (in a curriculum); course; headings in an account books.⁵
科研 fö-ngẽin
or fö-ngëin kēyán scientific research.⁵
科普 fö-pū
kēpǔ science popularization.⁶
科幻 fö-vân
kēhuàn science fiction.⁶
科幻小说[科幻小說] fö-vân-xēl-sōt
kēhuàn xiǎoshuō science fiction (novel); sci-fi.⁶
科员[科員] fö-yõn
kēyuán a member of an administrative section; section member.⁵
学科[學科] hòk-fö
xuékē branch of learning; course; subject.⁸
fo2 3324
115 13 highland barley.⁶ wheat or barley.⁷ a species of wheat plant produced in western China; general term for grains.¹¹
藏青稞 dòng-tëin-fö zàngqīngkē highland barley, Tibetan barley or Himalayan barley.¹⁵
稞麦[稞麥] fö-màk
kēmài highland barley, grown in Tibet and Qinghai; (=青稞 tëin-fö qīngkē).⁷
青稞 tëin-fö
qīngkē or 藏青稞 dòng-tëin-fö zàngqīngkē highland barley (grown in Tibet and Qinghai); qingke barley.¹⁰ʼ¹⁵
青稞酒 tëin-fö-diū
qīngkējiǔ highland barley alcohol.¹⁵
青稞咂酒 tëin-fö-jāp-diū
qīngkēzājiǔ highland barley flour beer.¹⁵
(See 䴹 gō).
fo2 3325
140 7 𦬗
the name of a plant.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹戈; U+26B17).
fo2 3326
140 14 empty, hungry-looking.⁸ lettuce; generosity, greatness.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿱艹過; U+8596).
硕人之薖[碩人之薖] sêk-ngĩn-jï-fö shuòrénzhīkē the generosity of a great person.⁵⁴
fo2 3327
142 15 a tadpole.⁷
蝌蚪 fö-ēo kēdǒu a tadpole.⁷
蝌蚪文 fö-ēo
kēdǒuwén tadpole characters (of the Zhou Dynasty, with strokes of characters shaped like tadpoles).⁷
fo2 3328
149 15 lesson; course; class.
课表[課表] fö-bēl kèbiǎo syllabus; class schedule.
课本[課本] fö-bōn
kèběn textbook.
课程[課程] fö-chẽin
kèchéng course of study, schedule of work.¹¹
课题[課題] fö-hãi
kètí question for study or discussion.
课堂[課堂] fö-hõng
kètáng classroom.
课业[課業] fö-ngèp
kèyè lessons; schoolwork.
课室[課室] fö-sīt
kèshì classroom.
课税[課稅] fö-suï
kèshuì to levy taxes; taxes.
功课[功課] güng-fö
gōngkè homework; schoolwork.
下课[下課] hä-fö
xiàkè to finish class; to leave class.
上课[上課] sëng-fö
shàngkè to attend class; to go to class; to give lessons; to give lectures.
fo2 3329
154 11 huò goods, commodity; (used in reference to a person); currency, money; <wr.> property.⁶
百货商店[百貨商店] bāk-fö-sëng-ëm bǎihuò shāngdiàn  department store.⁹
货单[貨單] fö-än
huòdān bill of lading.¹¹
货币[貨幣] fö-bài
huòbì money; currency.⁵
货品[貨品] fö-bīn
huòpǐn goods.¹⁰
货车[貨車] fö-chëh
huòchē truck; van; freight wagon.¹⁰
货柜[貨櫃] fö-gì
huòguì container (for freight transport).¹⁰
货栈[貨棧] fö-jàn
huòzhàn warehouse.⁵
货真价实[貨真價實] fö-jïn-gä-sìt
huòzhēnjiàshí genuine goods at fair prices.¹⁰
货郎[貨郎] fö-lõng
huòláng itinerant pedlar; street vendor; hawker.⁹
货赂[貨賂] fö-lù
huòlù corrupt with money.⁵⁴
货物[貨物] fö-mùt
or fö-mòt huòwù goods; commodity; merchandise.⁵
货色[貨色] fö-sēik
huòsè goods; (derog.) stuff; trash.¹⁰
货仓[貨倉] fö-töng
huòcāng warehouse.¹⁰
货舱[貨艙] fö-töng
huòcāng hold; cargo bay of a plane; cargo hold of a steamer.⁸
货运[貨運] fö-vùn
huòyùn freight transport.⁵
通货[通貨] hüng-fö
tōnghuò currency.⁵
fo2 3330
157 15 huái ankle.⁵
足踝 dūk-fö zúhuái the ankle.¹¹
踝子骨 fö-dū-gūt
huáizigǔ the anklebone.¹⁴
踝踝忙行 fö-fö-mõng-hãng
huáihuáimángxíng to hurry on alone.¹⁴
踝关节[踝關節] fö-gän-dêik
huáiguānjié ankle (joint).⁶  gambrel.¹⁰
踝跟 fö-gïn
huáigēn the heel.¹⁴
踝骨 fö-gūt
huáigǔ anklebone.⁵
踝饰[踝飾] fö-sēik
huáishì decorations for the ankle.¹⁹
脚踝[腳踝] gëk-fö
jiǎohuái ankle.⁶
内踝[內踝] nuì-fö
nèihuái malleolus medialis; internal malleolus.⁶
膝踝 xīp-fö
xīhuái knee and ankle.¹⁹
fo2 3331
167 16 ingot; acrobatic move.⁸ an ingot.⁹ grease-pot for cart; ingot.¹⁰ silver or gold ingot.¹¹ a grease-pot for carts; small ingots of silver; mock ingots for idolatry.¹⁴
锞子[錁子] fö-dū kèzi Referring to small ingot that was cast by gold or silver in the past; can be used as currency.⁹ Shoe-shaped silver ingot that is made of golden or tin leaf to sacrifice dead people.⁹ ingot.¹⁰ (Chinese opera) acrobatic jump landing on back.¹¹
银锞[銀錁] ngãn-fö
yínkè a silver ingot.⁵
<又> gō.
(See 錁 gō.)
fo2 3332
187 18 female of horses, mules.¹⁴
骒骡[骒騾] fö-luĩ or fö-lõ kèluó a she-mule.¹⁴
骒马[騍馬] fö-mâ
kèmǎ mare.⁶
fo2 3333
188 17 condyle.⁶ the hipbone, the innominate bone; the kneecap, the kneepan. thigh bone,⁷ hipbone; kneecap.⁸ the protruding part on the end of a bone near a joint.⁹ socket of hip joints; thigh bone.¹⁴
髁骨折 fö-gūt-jēt kēgǔzhé condylar fracture.⁶
髁切断术[髁切斷術] fö-tëik-òn-sùt
 kē qiēduàn shù condylotomy.¹⁰
謑髁无任[謑髁無任]  hī-fö-mũ-ngìm
xǐkēwúrèn knowing his unfitness he occupied no office.¹⁴
fo2 3334
30 10 𠲯 fōi huì (<old>=诲[誨] fōi huì to instruct; to teach; to counsel.⁹³).
(composition: ⿰每口 or ⿳亠母口(Kangxi); U+20CAF).
(See 誨 fōi).
foi1 3335
61 10 fōi huǐ regret; repent.⁵
嗟悔 dèh-fōi or dëh-fōi jiēhuǐ <wr.> to regret, to lament.⁶
悔不当初[悔不當初] fōi-būt-öng-chö
huǐbùdāngchū regret having done something.⁵
悔罪 fōi-duì
huǐzuì show repentance; show penitence.⁵
悔婚 fōi-fün
huǐhūn to break an engagement (for marriage); to break a pledge of marriage.⁹
悔过[悔過] fōi-gö
huǐguò repent one's error; be repentant.⁵
悔改 fōi-gōi
huǐgǎi repent and mend one's ways.⁵
悔恨 fōi-hàn
huǐhèn regret deeply; be bitterful remorseful.⁵
悔之晚矣 fōi-jï-mân-yì
huǐzhīwǎnyǐ it's too late to repent.¹¹
悔之无及[悔之無及] fōi-jï-mũ-gèp
huǐzhīwújí too late to repent; too late to regret.⁵
悔棋 fōi-kĩ
huǐqí retract a false move in a chess move.⁵
悔悟 fōi-m̀
huǐwù realize one's error and show repentance.⁵
悔意 fōi-yï
huǐyì remorse.¹⁰
后悔[後悔] hèo-fōi
hòuhuǐ regret, repent.⁵
死而无悔[死而无悔] xī-ngĩ-mũ-fōi
sǐ'érwúhuǐ die without regret/remorse.⁶
foi1 3336
72 11 fōi huì the last day of the lunar month; dark, obscure, gloomy; night.⁵
晦暗 fōi-ām huì'àn dark and gloomy.⁵
晦迹[晦跡] fōi-dēik
huìjì to retire into obscurity.⁷
晦涩[晦澀] fōi-gëp
huìsè hard to understand; obscure.⁵
晦显[晦顯] fōi-hēin
huìxiǎn obscure and obvious; obscurity and manifestation.⁷
晦气[晦氣] fōi-hï
huìqì unlucky.⁵
晦盲 fōi-mãng
huìmáng see nothing because of darkness.⁷
晦明 fōi-mẽin
huìmíng night and day; dark or bright.⁶
or 晦冥 fōi-mẽin huìmíng <wr.> dark and gloomy.⁶
晦昧 fōi-mòi
huìmèi dark and gloomy.¹⁴
晦蒙 fōi-mũng
huìméng dark, obscure, or gloomy (used figuratively to describe the chaos of troubled times).⁷
晦匿 fōi-nèik
huìnì to retire into obscurity.⁷
晦朔 fōi-sōk
huìshuò the last and first days of the lunar month.⁵
晦往明来[晦往明來] fōi-vông-mẽin-lõi
huìwǎngmínglái as day follows night and night follows day.⁷
风雨如晦[風雨如晦] füng-yî-nguĩ-fōi
fēngyǔrúhuì wind and rain sweeping across a gloomy sky – grim and grave situation.⁵
foi1 3337
149 14 fōi huì to instruct; to teach; to counsel.⁹³ teach, instruct; lure, seduce, entice.⁶ (old variant: 𠲯 fōi huì). (See 𠲯 fōi).
t: ⿰言每; U+8AA8). (comp. s: ⿰ 讠每; U+8BF2).
诲人不倦[誨人不倦] fōi-ngĩn-būt-gùn
huìrénbùjuàn be tireless in teaching; teach with tireless zeal.⁵
诲女知之乎[誨女知之乎] fōi-nî-jï-jï-fũ
huìrǔzhīzhīhū Shall I teach you what knowledge is?¹⁴ (Note: 女 nuī is used for 汝 nî you).
诲淫[誨淫] fōi-yĩm
huìyín to stir up lust; to promote sex; to encourage licentiousness.⁸
诲淫诲盗[誨淫誨盜] fōi-yĩm-fōi-ào
huìyínhuìdào propagate sex and violence; stir up base passions.⁶
教诲[教誨] gäo-fōi
jiàohuì <wr.> admonition; teachings; instruction.⁶
学而不厌,诲人不倦.[學而不厭,誨人不倦.] hòk-ngĩ-būt-yëm, fōi-ngĩ-būt-gùn.
xué'érbùyàn, huìrénbùjuàn. Never grow tired of learning, nor get wearied of teaching others.⁶
foi1 3338
9 11 föi guī grand; strange; exotic; eminent.
傀奇 föi-kĩ guīqí <wr.> strange; odd.
傀伟[傀偉] föi-vī
guīwěi <wr.> great and imposing.
傀异[傀異] föi-yì
guīyì rare and strange.
<文读> föi;  <白读> fäi.
(See 傀 [fäi, guī], [fäi, kuǐ], [föi, kuǐ].)
foi2 3339
9 11 föi kuǐ puppet.
傀儡 föi-luî kuǐlěi puppet.
傀儡戏[傀儡戲] föi-luî-hï
kuǐlěixì puppet show.
<文读> föi;  <白读> fäi.
(See 傀 [fäi, guī], [fäi, kuǐ], [föi, guī].)
foi2 3340
30 9 föi huī neigh; whinny (sound made by a horse).¹⁰
咴儿咴儿[咴兒咴兒] föi-ngĩ-föi-ngĩ huīrhuīr (of a horse) neigh; whinny.⁶
foi2 3341
30 12 föi kuí 喹啉 föi-lĩm kuílín quinoline C₆H₄(CH)₃N (pharmacology).¹⁰
喹诺酮[喹諾酮] föi-nòk-hũng
kuínuòtóng quinolone (a hydroxylated quinoline, inhibiting the replication of bacterial DNA).¹⁰
foi2 3342
37 9 föi kuǐ (=䠑 föi kuǐ between the buttocks; the stride made by a man.⁸).² spread your legs wide (e.g. in a split).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿱大圭; U+594E).
奎章 föi-jëng
kuǐzhāng one of the 28 constellations.¹³ or kĩ-jëng kuízhāng poetry calligraphy of the emperor.¹⁹
<又> kĩ.
(See 奎 kĩ; 䠑 föi).
foi2 3343
61 9 föi huī extensive; vast.⁵
恢弘 or 恢宏 föi-fãng huīhóng <wr.> extensive, broad, great; carry forward, develop.⁶
恢弘士气[恢弘士氣] föi-fãng-xù-hï
huīhóngshìqì boost the morale.⁶
恢恢 föi-föi
huīhuī <wr.> extensive; vast.⁵
恢复[恢復] föi-fùk
huīfù resume, renew; recover, regain;  restore, reinstate, rehabilitate, restitute.⁶
恢复期[恢復期] föi-fùk-kĩ
huīfùqī convalescence.¹⁰
天网恢恢[天網恢恢] hëin-mōng-föi-föi
tiānwǎnghuīhuī lit. heaven's net has wide meshes, but nothing escapes it (idiom, from Laozi 73); fig. the way of Heaven is fair, but the guilty will not escape; you can't run from the long arm of the law.¹⁰
foi2 3344
61 10 föi kuī to ridicule.⁷ Used in people's name: 孔悝 (Spring and Autumn) ; 李悝 (Warring States).⁹
李悝 Lī Föi Lǐ Kuī (455-395 BC), a government minister and court advisor in the state of Wei (魏国[魏國] Ngài-gōk Wèiguó). In 407 BC, he wrote the Book of Law (法经[法經] Fāt-gëin Fǎjīng), which was the basis for the codified laws of the Qin and Han dynasties.¹⁵
孔悝 Kūng Föi
Kǒng Kuī a statesman of 卫国[衛國] Vì-gōk Wèiguó during the Spring and Autumn Period (c. 771 BCE to c. 476 BCE).
(See 悝 lî.)
foi2 3345
86 6 föi huī ash; dust; lime, (lime) mortar; gray; disheartened.⁵
(comp.: ⿸𠂇火(GHTK) or ⿸厂火(JV or U+2F835); U+7070).
灰暗 föi-ām
huī'àn murky gray; gloomy.⁵
灰尘[灰塵] föi-chĩn
huīchén dust; dirt.⁸
灰烬[灰燼] föi-dìn
huījìn ashes.⁵
灰飞烟灭[灰飛煙滅] föi-fï-yën-mèik
huīfēiyānmiè lit. scattered ashes and dispersed smoke (idiom); fig. to be annihilated; to vanish in a puff of smoke.¹⁰
灰头土脸[灰頭土臉] föi-hẽo-hū-lêm
huītóutǔliǎn head and face filthy with grime (idiom); covered in dirt; dejected and depressed.¹⁰
灰鹤[灰鶴] föi-hôk
huīhè gray crane.⁵
灰熊 föi-hũng
huīxióng grizzly bear.⁹
灰蚱蜢 föi-jä-māng
huīzhàměng cricket.¹⁹
灰椋鸟[灰椋鳥] föi-lẽng-nêl/
huīliángniǎo white-cheeked starling or grey starling (Spodiopsar cineraceus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
灰霾 föi-mãi
huīmái dust haze; dust storm.¹⁰
灰蒙蒙 föi-mũng-mũng
huīmēngmēng dusky; overcast.⁶
灰色 föi-sēik
huīsè gray, ashy; pessimistic, gloomy; obscure, ambiguous.⁵
灰心 föi-xïm
huīxīn lose heart; be discouraged.⁵
心灰意冷 xïm-föi-yï-lâng
xīnhuīyìlěng very much discouraged.¹¹
foi2 3346
108 11 föi kuī helmet; bowl; basin.⁸
丢盔弃甲[丟盔棄甲] èl-föi-hï-gâp or èl-kï-hï-gâp diūkuīqìjiǎ throw aside one's armor and drop one's arms; flee helter-skelter.⁹
丢盔卸甲[丟盔卸甲] èl-föi-xëh-gâp
or èl-kï-xëh-gâp diūkuīxièjiǎ make a run for it.⁹
盔甲 föi-gâp
or kï-gâp kuījiǎ helmet and armor.¹¹
盔头[盔頭] föi-hẽo
or kï-hẽo kuītóu hat used in Chinese operas.⁸
钢盔[鋼盔] gông-föi
or gông-kï gāngkuī a steel helmet.¹¹
头盔[頭盔] hẽo-föi
or hẽo-kï tóukuī helmet.¹¹
铜盔铁甲[銅盔鐵甲] hũng-föi-hëik-gâp
or hũng-kï-hëik-gâp tóngkuītiějiǎ brass helmets and iron armor.¹¹
歪盔子 vāi-föi-dū
or vāi-kï-dū wāikuīzi <slang> false pretext for starting trouble.¹¹
锅盔[鍋盔] vö-föi
or vö-kï guōkuī a small wheat cake.¹¹
<又> kï.
(See 盔 kï.)
foi2 3347
142 9 föi huī diseased, sick, ill; discouraged.⁷
虺颓[虺頹] or 虺隤 föi-huĩ huītuí diseased, ill, sick; discouraged; tired.⁷
虺尵 föi-huĩ
huītuí <wr.> (of horses) fall ill due to fatigue.⁶
<又> fī.
(See 虺 fī.)
foi2 3348
142 15 föi kuí 蝰蛇 föi-sẽh kuíshé viper; (viperine) adder.⁶
蝰鱼[蝰魚] föi-nguĩ
kuíyú viperfish.⁶
圆斑蝰[圓斑蝰] yõn-bän-föi
yuánbānkuí Eastern Russell's viper; Siamese Russell's viper (Daboia russelii siamensis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
foi2 3349
149 13 föi huī to make fun of; to banter; to mock; humorous.
诙诡[詼詭] föi-gī huīguǐ grotesquely funny or hilarious.
诙谐[詼諧] föi-hãi
huīxié funny; humorous.⁸
诙谐百出[詼諧百出] föi-hãi-bāk-chūt
huīxiébǎichū very humorous.
诙谐曲[詼諧曲] föi-hãi-kūk
huīxiéqǔ <mus.> humoresque.
诙啁[詼啁] föi-jiü
huīzhāo to banter; to crack joke.¹
诙谑[詼謔] föi-ngèk
huīxuè to make fun of; to ridicule.
嘲诙[嘲詼] jäo-föi
cháohuī to joke; to jest.
foi2 3350
152 10 föi huī collide; strike; dash against.⁶ to ram, to dash against, to strike; the sound of ramming or striking; a pig grubbing in the ground; Hui surname.⁸ grunting of pigs; to clash; altercation.¹⁴ a pig grubbing in the ground; used for 虺 föi huī a disease of horse.²⁵
(composition: ⿺兀豕; U+8C57).
豗傀 föi-fäi
huīguī the name of an ancient king.²⁵
豗傀氏  föi-fäi-sì
huīguīshì name of an ancient monarch.²
相豗 xëng-föi
xiànghuī fighting together.²⁵
喧豗 xün-föi
xuānhuī <wr.> noisy; clamorous; vociferous.⁶ the noise of fighting; a quarrel.²⁵
foi2 3351
157 16 föi kuǐ between the buttocks; the stride made by a man.⁸
䠑踽 föi-guī kuǐjǔ progressing with difficulty; also open out the legs; also beating anything.²⁵
foi2 3352
194 13 föi kuí chief, head; of stalwart build; =魁星➀ föi-xêng.⁶
大魁 ài-föi dàkuí (=状元[狀元] jòng-ngũn zhuàngyuan) Number One Scholar; head of bandits.⁸
花魁 fä-föi
huākuí the queen of flowers (refers esp. to plum blossom); fig. nickname for a famous beauty or courtesan.¹⁰
魁杓 föi-bël
kuíbiāo the second star of the Dipper.¹⁴
魁柄 föi-bêng
kuíbǐng the reins of government.⁷
魁甲 föi-gāp
kuíjiǎ (=状元[狀元] jòng-ngũn zhuàngyuan) Number One Scholar.⁶
魁头[魁頭] föi-hẽo
kuítóu to do the hair in a knot on top.¹⁴
魁梧 föi-m̀
kuíwù stalwart, gigantic stature.¹⁴
魁武 föi-mû
kuíwǔ of great stature.⁷
魁岸 föi-ngòn
kuí'àn <wr.> big, tall and burly, stalwart.⁶
魁元 föi-ngũn
kuíyuán person who is head and shoulders above others; champion, first place.⁶
魁首 föi-siū
kuíshǒu the brightest and best; head, chief.⁸
魁手 föi-siū
kuíshǒu the best man; a head; chief.¹⁴
魁帅 föi-suï
kuíshuài a general; a leader.¹⁴
魁伟[魁偉] föi-vī
kuíwěi big and tall; stalwart.⁶
魁星 föi-xêng
kuíxīng ➀ four stars in the bowl of the Big Dipper or the one at the top of the bowl  ➁ god that governs literature and writing.⁶
魁士 föi-xù
kuíshì an eminent scholar.⁷
foi2 3353
30 8 fõi hái ridicule.² laugh.⁸ the sound of laughter; happy; Interjection of astonishment.¹⁴ to laugh and joke.²⁴
欢咍[歡咍] fön-fõi huānhái pleased.¹⁴
咍台[咍臺] fõi-hõi
háitái to snore.¹⁴
<又> hõi.
(See 咍 hõi.)
foi3 3354
104 10 fõi hái disease; illness; never recover after a long illness.⁵⁷
<又> hõi. (See 㾂 hõi.)
foi3 3355
170 6 𨸜 fõi hāi (composition: ⿰阝殳; U+28E1C).
㱾𨸜 höi-fõi kāihāi laughter.⁸ the sound of laughting; a hard egg.²⁵
foi3 3356
104 21 fōk huò cholera; quickly, suddenly; Huo surname.⁸ vomiting; disorder of the stomach.²⁴ the rapid disease, the Asiatic cholera, described as attended with vomiting, spasms of the tendons, gripes, and depression of spirits.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿸疒霍; U+7668).
癨乱[癨亂] fōk-lòn huòluàn the cholera morbus.²⁴
癨乱症[癨亂症] fōk-lòn-jëin
huòluànzhèng the Asiatic cholera, described as attended with vomiting, spasms of the tendons, gripes, and depression of spirits.¹⁰²
<又> kōk.
(See 癨 kōk).
fok1 3357
130 20 fōk huò broth.⁸ meat soup.⁹ meat broth.¹⁰ meat broth; to turn.¹⁴ soup, broth, made of meat without vegetables; to smoke, to fumigate the eyes with horse dung, in order to deprive of sight.²⁵ <wr.> meat broth.³⁶ meat broth; to cook, to boil.¹⁰¹ soup or broth made from meat, without any vegetables; meat tea; to smoke with horse dung, the smarting eye and obscure vision resulting.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰⺼霍; U+81DB).
乃臛其目 nâi-fōk-kĩ-mùk nǎihuòqímù to destroy the sight by fire.¹⁴
fok1 3358
173 16 fōk huò very rapidly, in a flash, suddenly; Huo surname.⁷
(variant: 靃 fōk huò).
霍地 fōk-ì
huòdi suddenly, very quickly.⁷
霍霍 fōk-fōk
huòhuò rapidly; the sound of grinding or shapening knives; bright, brilliant, sparkling.⁷
霍乱[霍亂] fōk-lòn
huòluàn cholera.⁷
霍然 fōk-ngẽin
huòrán rapidly, suddenly; (of an illness) to be cured quickly.⁷
霍闪[霍閃] fōk-sēm
huòshǎn lightning; at lightning speed.⁷
<又> kōk.
(See 霍 kōk; 靃 fōk.)
fok1 3359
173 24 fōk huò (<old>=霍 fōk huò) very rapidly, in a flash, suddenly; Huo surname.⁷
(See 霍 fōk.)
fok1 3360
120 16 fòk (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 縛 bòk with same meaning: tie up; bind fast.⁵).
<又> bòk.
(See 縛 bòk.)
fok4 3361
30 10 fōn wǎn smile.² a slight smile.²⁴ (=莞 fōn wǎn to smile.¹⁰).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰口完; U+550D).
唍尔[唍爾] fōn-ngì
wǎn'ěr (<old>=莞尔[莞爾] fōn-ngì wǎn'ěr smiling.¹⁰ <wr.> smilingly.¹¹).⁸
(See 莞 fōn).

fon1 3362
30 12 fōn xuǎn majestic.⁸
(composition: ⿰口爰; U+559B).
<又> fön; yõn; vö. (See 喛 fön; 喛 yõn; 喛 vö).
fon1 3363
72 11 fōn wǎn (<old>=皖 fōn wǎn another name for 安徽 Ön-fï Ānhuī Anhui Province.⁹).⁸ name of an ancient county in today's 潜山县[潛山縣] tẽm-sän-yòn qiánshānxiàn Qianshan county in 安徽省 Ön-fï-sāng Ānhuī shěng Anhui Province.¹⁹ clear, bright, luminous.²⁴ (In Mandarin, 晥 wǎn may also be read as hàn, huǎn).
(composition: ⿰日完; U+6665).
(See 皖 fōn).
fon1 3364
76 11 fōn kuǎn ➀ to treat well; ➁ to detain; ➂ (variant of 款 fōn kuǎn).⁸ ➃ commonly used for 款 fōn kuǎn.²
(composition: ⿰⿱匕矢欠; U+6B35).
(See 款 fōn).
fon1 3365
76 12 fōn kuǎn section; paragraph; funds; measure word for versions or models (of a product).¹⁰ (old variant: 窾 fōn kuǎn).
(composition: ⿰⿱士示欠; U+6B3E).
款步 fōn-bù
kuǎnbù in slow, leisurely steps, in a stroll.¹¹
款洽 fōn-dèp
kuǎnqià cordial and harmonious.⁵
款子 fōn-dū
kuǎnzi <vern.> sum of money.⁶
款款 fōn-fōn
kuǎnkuǎn sincere, faithful; slowly, leisurely.⁶
款项[款項] fōn-hòng
kuǎnxiàng sum of money, fund; sections and items (in a legal document).⁶
款识[款識] fōn-jï
kuǎnzhì inscription (on bronze).⁵
款曲 fōn-kūk
kuǎnqǔ <wr.> heartfelt feelings.⁵
款留 fōn-liũ
kuǎnliú cordially urge (a guest) to stay.⁵
款待 fōn-òi
kuǎndài treat cordially; entertain.⁵
款式 fōn-sēik
kuǎnshì pattern; style; design¹⁰
款冬 fōn-üng
kuǎndōng <bot.> coltsfoot.⁵
(See 欵 fōn ➂ ➃; 窾 fōn).
fon1 3366
85 10 fōn huàn to wash, to rinse; ten days; any of the three ten-day divisions of a month.⁷ (variant: 澣 fōn huàn).¹⁰
浣涤[浣滌] fōn-èik
huàndí to wash; to rinse.⁷
浣熊 fōn-hũng
huànxióng raccoon.⁵
浣濯 fōn-jòk
huànzhuó to wash; to rinse.⁷
浣练[浣練] fōn-lèin
huànliàn the inside of a winter melon.¹⁴ʼ⁰
浣沐 fōn-mûk
huànmù to bathe.¹⁴
浣沐之资[浣沐之資] fōn-mûk-jï-dü
huànmùzhīzī the pay of the court officials during the Tang Dynasty; it was distributed every ten days, thus 浣 came to be used for a period of ten days; 上,中,下浣 the three decades of a month.¹⁴
浣染 fōn-ngëm
huànrǎn to wash and dye (garments).¹⁴
浣女 fōn-nuī
huànnǚ  washerwoman.¹⁰
浣纱[浣紗] fōn-sä
huànshā wash fibers; rinse yarn.⁶
浣洗 fōn-xāi
huànxǐ to wash (clothes).¹⁰
浣雪 fōn-xūt
huànxuě to clean oneself of false charges.⁷
浣衣 fōn-yï
huànyī wash clothes.⁶
下浣 hà-fōn
xiàhuàn last ten days of the lunar month.¹⁰
上浣 sèng-fōn
shànghuàn first ten days of a lunar month.¹⁰
(See 澣 fōn.)
fon1 3367
85 16 fōn huàn (=浣 fōn huàn) cleanse, wash.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵幹; U+6FA3).
(See 浣 fōn.)
fon1 3368
106 12 fōn wǎn another name for 安徽 Ön-fï Ānhuī Anhui Province.⁹
(old variant: 晥 fōn
皖南事变[皖南事變] fōn-nãm-xù-bëin
wǎnnánshìbiàn Sothern Anhui Incident.⁶
(See 晥 fōn).
fon1 3369
108 16 fōn guàn <wr.> wash (the hands or face).⁵
(composition: ⿱⿴𦥑水皿; U+76E5).
盥洗 fōn-xāi guànxǐ wash one's hands or face.⁵
盥洗台[盥洗臺] fōn-xāi-hõi
guànxǐtái washstand.⁵
盥洗室 fōn-xāi-sīt
guànxǐshì washroom.⁵
盥漱 fōn-xēo
guànshù to wash one's face and rinse one's mouth.⁵ the morning ablutions.¹¹
盥漱间[盥漱間] fōn-xēo-gän
guànshùgān lavatory, washroom.¹¹
濯盥 jòk-fōn
zhuóguàn to wash oneself.¹⁰
fon1 3370
109 12 fōn huǎn bright, shining; to bulge (of the eyes); round (shape).³⁶
(composition: ⿰目完; U+7746).
𪾢❄{⿰目见}睆[睍睆] yèn-fōn xiànhuǎn lovely.⁵⁴ good-looking.²⁴
fon1 3371
116 17 fōn kuǎn hollow; ignorant; empty.¹⁴ empty; the sound of a vessel when there is nothing in it; dried up.²⁵ crack; hollow; cavity; to excavate or hollow out; (onom.) water hitting rock; (old) variant of 款 (fōn kuǎn section; paragraph; funds; measure word for versions or models (of a product).¹⁰).¹⁰
(composition: ⿱穴款; U+7ABE).
窾柜[窾櫃] fōn-gì
kuǎnguì an empty cupboard.¹⁴
窾坎 fōn-hêim
kuǎnkǎn a hollow place.¹⁴
窾窍[窾竅] fōn-hël
kuǎnqiào innermost recesses (of heart, matter).¹¹ an empty hole.¹⁴
窾空 fōn-hüng
kuǎnkōng a vacuum.¹⁴
窾启[窾啟] fōn-kāi
kuǎnqǐ uninformed; ignorant.¹⁴ persons of little information.²⁵
窾枯 fōn-kü
kuǎnkū hollow and withered.¹⁹
窾要 fōn-yël
kuǎnyào the facts; the crux of a matter.¹⁴
批郤导窾[批卻導窾] päi-kēik-ào-fōn
pīxìdǎokuǎn make penetrating criticism (like carving joints by skillful butcher).¹¹ to get right to the heart of the matter (idiom); manage or handle a business properly; come to grips with the crux and solve the problem.⁵⁴
<又> tōn.
(See 窾 tōn; 款 fōn).
fon1 3372
140 10 fōn wǎn to smile.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱艹完; U+839E).
莞尔[莞爾] fōn-ngì wǎn'ěr smiling.¹⁰ <wr.> smilingly.¹¹
莞尔而笑[莞爾而笑] fōn-ngì-ngĩ-xël
wǎn'ěrérxiào to give a soft smile.¹¹
<又> gän; gōn; vōn.
(See 莞 gän; 莞 gōn; 莞 vōn).
fon1 3373
149 13 fōn kuǎn difficulty in speaking; wrangling.⁸
𧨸❄{⿰言典}詪 hūn-fōn or tūn-fōn tǔnkuǎn rebellious; refractory.²⁵
<又> gïn, hān.
(See 詪 gïn, 詪 hān.)
fon1 3374
30 12 fön huàn to worry; (=唤[喚] fòn huàn to call, to summon; to invite; to be called.⁸); fear; sorrowful.⁸
to call.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口爰; U+559B).
喛哀 fön-öi
huàn'āi sorrow, lamentation apprehension.²⁴
呼喛 fü-fön
hūhuàn to call to.²⁴
<又> yõn; fōn; vö.
(See 喛 yõn; 喛 fōn; 喛 vö; 喚 fòn).
fon2 3375
40 13 fön kuān (=寬 fön kuān) lenient; wide; broad; Kuan surname.¹⁰
(See 寬 fön.)
fon2 3376
40 14 fön kuān lenient; wide; broad; Kuan surname.¹⁰ (variant: 寛 fön kuān.) (See 寛 fön.)
宽打窄用[寬打窄用] fön-ā-jäk-yùng
kuāndǎzhǎiyòng budget liberally and spend sparingly.⁶
宽大[寬大] fön-ài
kuāndà spacious; wide; lenient.¹⁰
宽绰[寬綽] fön-chēk
kuānchuo spacious, commodious; relax, relieve; comfortably off, well-off.⁵
宽畅[寬暢] fön-chēng
kuānchàng free from worry; happy.⁵
宽敞[寬敞] fön-chōng
kuānchang spacious; roomy.⁶
宽宏大量[寬宏大量] fön-fãng-ài-lẽng
kuānhóngdàliàng magnanimous; open-minded; broad-minded; benignant.⁷
宽阔[寬闊] fön-föt
kuānkuò broad; wide; open-minded.⁶
宽广[寬廣] fön-gōng
kuānguǎng broad; extensive; vast.⁶
宽饶[寬饒] fön-ngẽl
kuānráo to forgive; to spare.¹⁰
宽而栗[寬而栗] fön-ngĩ-lùt
kuānérlì magnanimous and yet dignified.¹¹ gentle and yet dignified.¹⁴
宽恕[寬恕] fön-sï
kuānshù forgive.⁵
宽舒[寬舒] fön-sï
kuānshū happy; carefree.¹⁰
宽度[寬度] fön-ù
kuāndù width.¹⁰
宽慰[寬慰] fön-vï
kuānwèi comfort; console.⁵
宽宥[寬宥] fön-yiù
kuānyòu <wr.> excuse; forgive; pardon.⁶
宽容[寬容] fön-yũng
kuānróng lenient; tolerant.⁶
幅宽[幅寬] fūk-fön
fúkuān breadth.⁹
fon2 3377
47 2 fön huān (meaning is same as 濡 yĩ immerse, moisten; wet, damp.⁸ dilatory; to moisten.¹⁰).²
(composition: ⿰𡿨𡿨; U+5DDC).
<又> köi.
(See 巜 köi; 濡 yĩ).
fon2 3378
61 20 fön huān (=欢[歡] fön huān joyous; happy; pleased; glad).⁸
(composition: ⿰忄雚; U+61FD).
(See 歡 fön).
fon2 3379
76 21 fön huān joyous; happy; pleased. (variants: 驩,懽 fön; 讙 fönsense 2).
欢快[歡快] fön-fäi
huānkuài cheerful and light-hearted; lively.⁶
欢呼[歡呼] fön-fü
huānhū to cheer for; to acclaim.¹⁰
欢腾[歡騰] fön-hãng
huānténg jubilation.
欢喜[歡喜] fön-hī
huānxǐ to like; happy; delighted.
or 欢忻[歡忻] fön-hïm huānxīn happy; joyful.⁵
欢欣雀跃[歡欣雀躍] fön-hïm-dēk-yèk
huānxīnquèyuè elated; overjoyed.¹⁰
欢乐[歡樂] fön-lòk
huānlè happy, joyous.
欢迎[歡迎] fön-ngẽin
huānyíng welcome; greet.⁵
欢娱[歡娛] fön-nguĩ
huānyú joy and pleasure.⁷
欢笑[歡笑] fön-xël
huānxiào to laugh heartily; jubilation.
欢送[歡送] fön-xüng
huānsòng to see off; to send off; to give a farewell party.
欢宴[歡宴] fön-yën
huānyàn feast; celebration.¹⁰ dinner on some happy occasion.¹¹
欢愉[歡愉] fön-yĩ
huānyú happy; joyous; delighted.¹⁰
交欢[交歡] gäo-fön
jiāohuān <wr.> make friends (with somebody); have sexual intercourse, copulate.⁶
(See 驩 fön; 懽 fön; 讙 fönsense 2).
fon2 3380
94 9 fön huān (=貛 fön huān badger).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰犭亘; U+72DF).
<又> vān.
(See 狟 vān; 貛 fön).
fon2 3381
94 20 fön huān badger, European badger, Eurasian badger (Meles meles) aka 狗獾 gēo-fön gǒuhuān, 欧亚獾[歐亞獾] Ëo-Ä-fön Ōuyàhuān.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ (variants: 䝔 fön huān; 貛 fön huān.
欧亚獾[歐亞獾] Ëo-Ä-fön Ōuyàhuān badger.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
獾猪[獾豬] fön-jï huānzhū (=猪獾[豬獾] jï-fön zhūhuān)  hog badger.¹⁰
獾油 fön-yiũ
huānyóu badger fat (for treating burns).⁵
狗獾 gēo-fön
gǒuhuān badger.¹⁰ the jackal.¹⁴
猪獾[豬獾] jï-fön
zhūhuān hog badger.¹⁰ the badger.¹⁴
狼獾 lõng-fön
lánghuān (=貂熊 ël-hũng diāoxióng) glutton.⁵ wolverine, glutton, carcajou, skunk bear, or quickhatch (Gulo gulo).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
袋獾 òi-fön
dàihuān Tasmanian devil.⁶
沙獾 sâ-fön
shāhuān sand badger.⁵⁴
鼬獾 yiû-fön
yòuhuān ferret badger.⁶
(See 䝔 fön; 貛 fön; 猯 chūn; 貒 chūn.)
fon2 3382
149 24 fön huān ➀ be in an uproar ➁ (=欢[歡] fön huān joyous; happy; pleased.
(composition: ⿰訁雚; U+8B99).
讙詉 fön-nã
huānná a bother.²⁵
fon2 3383
152 24 fön huān (=獾 fön huān) badger.
(See 獾 fön.)
fon2 3384
153 13 fön huān (=貛 fön huān badger.)
(composition: ⿰豸亘; U+8C86).
<又> vān, xün.
(See 貛 fön; 貆 vān, 貆 xün).
fon2 3385
153 24 fön huān (=獾 fön huān) badger.
(See 獾 fön.)
fon2 3386
187 27 fön huān (=欢[歡] fön huān) happy, pleased, glad; joy; to enjoy.³⁶
(composition: ⿰馬雚; U+9A69).
(See 歡 fön).
fon2 3387
188 23 fön kuān hipbone; hip.⁸ pelvic.⁹ pelvis; pelvic.¹⁰
髋部[髖部] fön-bù kuānbù hip.⁶
髋关节[髖關節] fön-gän-dêik
kuānguānjié hip joint; coxa.⁶
髋臼[髖臼] fön-giü
or fön-giù kuānjiù acetabular bone; acetabulum.⁶
髋臼窝[髖臼窩] fön-giü-vö
or fön-giù-vö kuānjiùwō fossa acetabuli. ⁶
髋骨[髖骨] fön-gūt
kuāngǔ (=胯骨 kä-gūt kuàgǔ) hipbone; innominate bone.⁶
髋外翻[髖外翻] fön-ngòi-fän
kuānwàifān coxa valga.⁶
髋内翻[髖內翻] fön-nuì-fän
kuānnèifān coxa vara.⁶
fon2 3388
196 15 fön huān a mythical bird with a human face and a beak.³⁶
(composition: ⿰丹鳥; U+9D05).
fon2 3389
30 12 fòn huàn to call, to summon; to invite; to be called.⁸
传唤[傳喚] chũn-fòn chuánhuàn to summon (person) to court.¹¹
唤起[喚起] fòn-hī
huànqǐ to waken (to action); to rouse (the masses); to evoke (attention, recollection).¹⁰
唤醒[喚醒] fòn-xēin
huànxǐng to rouse; to wake up; to awaken; to arouse; awakening.³⁹
呼唤[呼喚] fü-fòn
hūhuàn to call out (a name); to shout.¹⁰
叫唤[叫喚] gël-fòn
jiàohuan to cry out; to bark out a sound.¹⁰
使唤[使喚] sōi-fòn
shǐhuan to order somebody about; to use somebody.¹⁰
千呼万唤[千呼萬喚] tëin-fü-màn-fòn
qiānhūwànhuàn invite somebody time and again; call again and again; urge repeatedly.³⁹
fon4 3390
37 9 fòn huàn excellent; beautiful; plentiful; bright; Huan surname.
(comp. t: ⿳⺈⿵冂八大(G) or ⿳⺈𠔿大(HT) or ⿳⺈⿵冂儿大(JK); U+5950). (comp. s: ⿳⺈大; U+5942).
轮奂[輪奐] lũn-fòn
lúnhuàn stately; majestic (of building).
美轮美奂[美輪美奐] mî-lũn-mî-fòn
měilúnměihuàn magnificent mansion; sumptuous house.
fon4 3391
61 12 fòn huàn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation of 愌 vòn huàn with the same meaning as used in 怑愌 bòn-vòn or bòn-fòn.
(composition: ⿰忄奐; U+610C).
怑愌 bòn-fòn
or bòn-vòn bànhuàn disobedient.²⁴ (things not going smoothly; also =跋扈 bàt-fù báhù to be rampant in defiance of authority.⁷ (of local rulers, commanders) recalcitrant.¹¹ <lit.> bossy; domineering; overbearing.³⁶).¹⁰¹
<又> vòn.
(See 愌 vòn).
fon4 3392
85 12 fòn huàn melt; vanish.⁵ scatter; scattered.¹⁰
泮涣[泮渙] pön-fòn pànhuàn dissolve (like floes).¹¹
涣涣[渙渙] fòn-fòn
huànhuàn (of flood) overflowing.¹¹
涣然[渙然] fòn-ngẽin
huànrán melt away; disappear; vanish.⁵
涣然冰释[渙然冰釋] fòn-ngẽin-bëin-sēik
huànránbīngshì  melt away, thaw out, clear up.⁶
涣散 fòn-xān
huànsàn lax, slack.⁵
fon4 3393
86 13 fòn huàn shining.⁸
焕发[煥發] fòn-fāt huànfā shine, shining.¹¹
焕烂[煥爛] fòn-làn
huànlàn brightly lit, brilliant.¹¹
焕然[煥然] fòn-ngẽin
huànrán shining.³⁹
焕然一新[煥然一新] fòn-ngẽin-yīt-xïn
huànrányīxīn having a bright, new look.¹¹
容光焕发[容光煥發] yũng-göng-fòn-fāt
róngguānghuànfā radiating health, energetic-looking.¹¹
fon4 3394
104 14 fòn huàn paralysis, numbness of limbs.⁸
瘫痪[癱瘓] hān-fòn tānhuàn be physically paralysed, be paralytic; (of systems, transportation) become paralysed, break down, come to a standstill.⁶
瘫痪病[癱瘓病] hān-fòn-bèng
tānhuànbìng palsy; paralysis.¹⁴
fon4 3395
120 15 fòn huǎn slow, unhurried; delay, postpone, put off; not tense, relaxed; recuperate, revive, come to.⁵
缓兵之计[緩兵之計] fòn-bëin-jï-gäi huǎnbīngzhījì stratagem to gain a respite; stalling tactics.⁵
缓坡[緩坡] fòn-bö
huǎnpō gentle slope.⁵
缓步动物门[緩步動物門] fòn-bù-ùng-mùt-mõn
huǎnbù dòngwù mén tardigrade.⁹
缓冲[緩衝] fòn-chüng
huǎnchōng buffer, cushion.⁵
缓颊[緩頰] fòn-gäp
huǎnjiá <wr.> intercede for somebody; put in a good word for somebody.⁵
缓急[緩急] fòn-gīp
huǎnjí pressing or otherwise; of greater or lesser urgency; emergency.⁵
缓急相助[緩急相助] fòn-gīp-xëng-jò
huǎnjíxiāngzhù help each other in case of need.⁵
缓口气[緩口氣] fòn-hēo-hï
huǎnkǒuqì have a respite.⁵
缓征[緩徵] fòn-jëin
huǎnzhēng to suspend taxes momentarily; to postpone military draft.¹⁰
缓期[緩期] fòn-kĩ
huǎnqī postpone a deadline; suspend.⁵
缓流[緩流] fòn-liũ
huǎnliú flow slowly.⁵
缓慢[緩慢] fòn-màn
huǎnmàn slow.⁵
缓役[緩役] fòn-vèik
huǎnyì <mil.> deferment (of service).⁵
缓和[緩和] fòn-võ
huǎnhé relax; ease up; mitigate; alleviate.⁵
缓刑[緩刑] fòn-yẽin
huǎnxíng temporary suspension of the execution of a sentence; reprieve; probation.⁵
fon4 3396
9 6 仿 fōng fǎng to resemble, to be like;  to imitate; characters written after a calligraphy model.⁶
仿单[仿單] fōng-än fǎngdān directions or instructions for use (of a commodity. especially a medicine).⁶
仿造 fōng-dào
fǎngzào to copy; to model on; to make something from the model.⁶
or 彷佛 fōng-fūt fǎngfú seeminly, as if, as though; to be more or less the same, to be similar, to be alike.⁶ like; similar to.¹⁴  resembling in some degree, alike, as if.²⁴
仿古 fōng-gū
fǎnggǔ to archaize, be modelled after an antique, be in the style of the ancients.⁶
仿效 fōng-hào
fǎngxiào to copy; to imitate.¹⁰
仿纸[仿紙] fōng-jī
fǎngzhǐ checked paper for calligraphy practice.⁶
仿冒 fōng-mào
fǎngmào to counterfeit, to forge.⁶
仿若梦境[仿若夢境] fōng-ngèk-mùng-gēin
fǎngruòmèngjìng fancy oneself being in a dream; appear as though they were but a dream.³⁹
or 模仿 mũ-fōng mófǎng to imitate; to copy; to emulate; to mimic; model.¹⁰
相仿 xëng-fōng
xiāngfǎng similar.¹⁰
(See 倣 fōng.)
fong1 3397
9 10 fōng fǎng (variant of 仿 fōng fǎng) to imitate, to copy; to resemble, to be like.
(See 仿 fōng.)
fong1 3398
10 5 fōng kuàng (<old, rare>=况[況] fōng kuàng ➀ condition; situation ➁ compare ➂ <wr.> moreover; besides.⁵  moreover, in addition, not to mention...; to compare, comparative; situation, condition, circumstances; to visit, to call on; Kuang surname.⁷ In addition; How much more? moreover; An initial particle; to compare.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱口儿; U+5144).
<又> hëin.
(See 兄 hëin; 況 fōng).
fong1 3399
32 7 fōng fáng workshop, mill.
作坊 dōk-fōng zuōfang workshop (of artisan).
粉坊 fūn-fōng
fěnfáng starch products specialty shop.
磨坊 mò-föng
or 磨房 mò-fông mòfáng a mill (referring to the building).⁷
染坊 ngëm-fōng
rǎnfáng dyehouse; dyeworks.⁵
村坊 tûn-fōng
cūnfáng <topo.> village.⁸
(See 坊 [fōng, fāng].)
fong1 3400
32 7 fōng fāng lane (usually as part of a street name); memorial archway; Fang surname.
茶坊 chã-fōng cháfang teahouse restaurant.
坊间[坊間] fōng-gän
fāngjiān street stalls; bookshops; in the streets.
街坊 gâi-fōng
jiēfang neighbors; the neighborhood.⁷
牌坊 pãi-fōng
páifāng memorial arch.¹¹
槽坊 tão-fōng
cáofang brewery, distillery; paper mill.⁶
彩坊 tōi-fōng
cǎifāng decorated archway.
(See 坊 [fōng, fáng].)
fong1 3401
50 13 fōng huǎng <wr.> curtain; shop sign, signboard.⁶
酒幌 diū-fōng jiǔhuǎng signboard for a wine shop.⁶
幌子 fōng-dū
huǎngzi shop sign, signboard; pretence, cover, front.⁶
札幌 Jāt-fōng
Zháhuǎng Sapporo, a city in Japan.⁷
装幌子[裝幌子] jöng-fōng-dū
zhuānghuǎngzi maintain an outward show; keep up appearances/ a show.⁶
挂幌子[掛幌子] kä-fōng-dū
guàhuǎngzi <topo.> put up a signboard or shop sign (in front of a shop); have the sign (of); show; tell.⁶
钱幌子[錢幌子] tẽin-fōng-dū
qiánhuǎngzi formerly, shop sign of money shop in the form of a string of big coins.¹¹
窗幌 töng-fōng
chuānghuǎng curtain for window.⁶
fong1 3402
60 7 fōng fǎng (=仿 fōng fǎng) to resemble, to be like;  to imitate; characters written after a calligraphy model.⁶ like; resembling.¹⁴
or 仿佛 fōng-fūt fǎngfú seeminly, as if, as though; to be more or less the same, to be similar, to be alike.⁶ like; similar to.¹⁴  resembling in some degree, alike, as if.²⁴
<又> põng.
(See 彷 põng.)
fong1 3403
61 8 fōng huǎng despondent, dejected; wild, mad, flurried.⁷
惝怳 chōng-fōng chǎnghuǎng or hōng-fōng tǎnghuǎng <wr.> disappointed, frustrated, disheartened; muddled, vague, hazy.⁶
怳惚 fōng-fūt
huǎnghū a state of daze, stupor or trance; (descriptive of something) vague.⁷
fong1 3404
61 9 fōng huǎng all of a sudden, suddenly; seem, as if.⁵
精神恍惚 dëin-sĩn-fōng-fūt jīngshénhuǎnghū be in a trance; look absent-minded.⁶
or 恍忽 fōng-fūt huǎnghū in a trance, absent-minded; dimly, faintly, seemingly.⁵
恍悟 fōng-m̀
huǎngwù suddenly see the light.⁸
恍然 fōng-ngẽin
huǎngrán suddenly (understand something); in a flash.¹⁰
恍然大悟 fōng-ngẽin-ài-m̀
huǎngrándàwù to suddenly realize; to suddenly see the light.¹⁰
恍如 fōng-nguĩ
huǎngrú to be as if...; to be rather like...¹⁰
恍如隔世 fōng-nguĩ-gäk-säi
huǎngrúgéshì like a thing of the previous generation; as if it were a lifetime ago.¹⁰
恍如梦境[恍如夢境] fōng-nguĩ-mùng-gēin
huǎngrúmèngjìng as if in a dream.⁵
恍如一场大梦[恍如一場大夢] fōng-nguĩ-yīt-chẽng-ài-mùng
huǎngrú yī cháng dà mèng just like a dream.³⁹
fong1 3405
72 8 fōng fǎng bright; begin, start.⁶ bright dawn, daybreak; appear.⁸ <wr.> dawn; <wr.> start, begin.¹¹ bright; clear; to appear; to occur; to happen.²⁴
fong1 3406
72 10 fōng huàng (=晃 fōng huàng) to rock; to sway; to shake.⁷
(See 晃 [fōng, huàng].)
fong1 3407
72 10 fōng huàng to rock; to sway; to shake.⁷ (variant: 晄 fōng huàng.)
别不晃动这船[別不晃動這船] bèik-būt-fōng-ùng-jëh-sõn
bié bù huàngdòng zhè chuán Don't rock the boat.⁵
晃晃悠悠 fōng-fōng-yiũ-yiũ
huànghuangyōuyōu to stagger; to wobble; swaying; unstable.⁷
晃梯 fōng-häi
huàngtī balancing on an upright ladder.⁵
晃拳头[晃拳頭] fōng-kũn-hẽo
huàngquántóu shake one's fist.⁶
晃荡[晃蕩] fōng-òng
huàngdang rock, shake, sway.⁵
晃动[晃動] fōng-ùng
huàngdòng rock; sway.⁵
晃摇[晃搖] fōng-yẽl
huàngyáo to sway; swaying; to shake; oscillating.⁷
晃漾 fōng-yèng
huàngyàng to sway; swaying.⁷
晃悠 fōng-yiũ
huàngyou shake from side to side; wobble; stagger.⁵
摇晃[搖晃] yẽl-fōng
yáohuang rock; sway; shake.⁶
摇头晃脑[搖頭晃腦] yẽl-hẽo-fōng-nāo
yáotóuhuàngnǎo wag one's head – look pleased with oneself.⁶
一晃 yīt-fōng
yīhuàng (of time) passing in a flash.⁶
一晃几年过去了[一晃幾年過去了] yīt-fōng-gī-nẽin-gö-huï-lēl
yīhuàngjǐniánguòqule Several years have elapsed or passed in a flash.⁶
(See 晃 [fōng, huǎng], 晄 fōng.)
fong1 3408
72 10 fōng huǎng brightness; dazzling, glaring; a flash; to flash past; to appear and disappear very quickly.⁷
晃晃 fōng-fōng huǎnghuǎng dazzling (usually used to describe light reflected from polish metal).⁷
晃朗 fōng-lông
huǎnglǎng bright and brilliant.⁷
晃眼 fōng-ngān
huǎngyǎn dazzle; in a twinkling.⁸
or 晃耀 fōng-yèl huǎngyào radiant.⁷
虚晃一枪[虛晃一槍] huï-fōng-yīt-tëng
xūhuǎngyīqiāng feint a thrust with one's spear; feint/simulate an attack.⁶
一晃 yīt-fōng
yīhuǎng pass in a flash.⁶ (See 一晃 yīt-fōng yīhuàng. Also see example below 窗外有... ).
窗外有个人影,一晃就不见了[窗外有個人影,一晃就不見了] töng-ngòi-yiü-göi-ngĩn-yēng, yīt-fōng-diù-būt-gëin-lēl
chuāngwàiyǒugèrényǐng, yīhuǎngjiùbùjiànle. A figure flashed past the window.⁶
(See 晃 [fōng, huàng], [fōng, huāng].)
fong1 3409
72 10 fōng huāng bright, dazzling.
白晃晃 bàk-fōng-fōng báihuānghuāng shining bright; glaring.⁶
金晃晃 gïm-fōng-fōng
jīnhuānghuāng golden.⁶ used to describe something brilliant like gold.⁹ golden; shining.⁵⁴
明晃晃 mẽin-fōng-fōng
mínghuānghuāng gleaming; shining.⁶
(See 晃 [fōng,
huàng], [fōng, huǎng].)
fong1 3410
72 18 fōng kuàng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 旷[曠] köng kuàng vast, spacious; free from worries and petty ideas; neglect; loose-fitting.⁵)
<又> köng.
(See 曠 köng.)
fong1 3411
75 8 fōng fāng tree mentioned in ancient books as timber for vehicles; hewn timber; <wr.> square beam.⁶ sandalwood.⁷ Santalum album; square wooden pillar.¹⁰ a tree, used in making timber for boats.¹¹
枋子 fōng-dū
or föng-dū fāngzi hewn timber; <topo.> coffin.⁶
苏枋[蘇枋] xü-fōng
or xü-föng sūfāng sappanwood (Caesalpinia sappan).¹⁰ sapanwood, whose juice is used as red pigment.¹¹
<又> föng.
(See 枋 föng.)
fong1 3412
85 8 fōng kuàng ➀ condition; situation ➁ compare ➂ <wr.> moreover; besides.⁵ moreover, in addition, not to mention...; to compare, comparative; situation, condition, circumstances; to visit, to call on; Kuang surname.⁷ In addition; moreover; How much more? An initial particle; to compare. 況 is also read huàng.¹⁴
病况[病況] bèng-fōng
bìngkuàng condition of patient.¹¹
自况[自況] dù-fōng
zìkuàng compare oneself to another.¹¹
况且[況且] fōng-chēh
kuàngqiě or 况复[況復] fōng-fùk kuàngfù or 况兼[況兼] fōng-gëm kuàngjiān or 况又[況又] fōng-yiù kuàngyòu further, still more, in addition, besides.¹⁴
况味[況味] fōng-mì
kuàngwèi ➀ situations, conditions, circumstances ➁ flavor.⁷
况乎[況乎] fōng-fũ
kuànghū moreover, further.¹⁴
苦况[苦況] fū-fōng
kǔkuàng hard, impoverished condition.¹¹
境况[境況] gēin-fōng
jìngkuàng personal circumstances.¹¹
景况[景況] gēin-fōng
jǐngkuàng situation; circumstances.⁵ affairs; things in general.¹⁴
近况[近況] gìn-fōng
jìnkuàng recent affairs; recent life.¹⁴
战况[戰況] jën-fōng
zhànkuàng conditions of war area, also war situation.¹¹
情况[情況] tẽin-fōng
qíngkuàng circumstances, situation, condition; military situation.⁵
fong1 3413
85 13 fōng huǎng (of water) deep and vast.⁹ used in 滉瀁 fōng-yèng huǎngyàng, q.v.; <lit.> to wave; to sway; to swing; syn: 摇动[搖動] yẽl-ùng yáodòng shake; wave; sway; 波动[波動] bö-ùng bōdòng to wave, to shake; to sway, to rock; <old> to dye paper.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵晃; U+6EC9).
滉柱 fōng-chuî
huàngzhù wooden piles for flood protection.¹⁹
滉滉 fōng-fōng
huǎnghuǎng appearance of floating.¹⁹
滉舟 fōng-jiü
huàngzhōu a small boat used as a ferry.¹⁹
滉朗 fōng-lông
huànglǎng describes the shape of cloud.¹⁹
滉漭 fōng-mông
huàngmǎng still vague; uncertain.¹⁹
滉然 fōng-ngẽin
huàngrán appearance of the movement of shadows of waves.¹⁹
滉荡[滉蕩] fōng-òng
huàngdàng ➀ high and distant appearance ➁ shaky, fluctuating appearance. Also refers to fluctuating water.¹⁹
滉瀇 fōng-vōng
huàngwǎng (of water) deep and wide.¹⁹
滉瀁 or 滉漾 fōng-yèng
huǎngyàng  describes the vast and boundless    ripples  ➂ refers to floating water ➃ flashing; shaking.¹⁹
滉样[滉樣] fōng-yèng
huàngyàng shaking appearance.¹⁹
fong1 3414
106 15 fōng huǎng luminous; bright hoary, white; (traditionally used as a personal name).⁸ (variant: 皩 fōng huǎng).
(See 皩 fōng).
fong1 3415
106 19 fōng huǎng (=皝 fōng huǎng) luminous; bright hoary, white; (traditionally used as a personal name).⁸
(See 皝 fōng).
fong1 3416
109 9 fōng fǎng indistinct.⁸ to resemble; to appear small.²⁴
(composition: ⿰目方; U+7706).
眆䀟 fōng-fūt fǎngfú to fancy things alike without examination.²⁴
fong1 3417
109 10 fōng fǎng (<old>=眆 fōng fǎng) indistinct.²
(composition: ⿰目丙; U+772A).
<又> bēin.
(See 眪 bēin).
fong1 3418
120 10 fōng fǎng spin; a thin silk cloth.⁵ to reel, to twist, to spin.¹⁴
纺车[紡車] fōng-chëh fǎngchē spinning wheel.⁵
纺绸[紡綢] fōng-chiũ
fǎngchóu a soft plain-weave silk fabric.⁵ reeled pongee.¹⁴
纺锤[紡錘] fōng-chuĩ
fǎngchuí spindle.⁵
纺花[紡花] fōng-fä
fǎnghuā to spin cotton.¹⁴
纺织[紡織] fōng-jēik
fǎngzhī spinning and weaving.⁵
纺织娘[紡織娘] fōng-jēik-nẽng
fǎngzhīniang katydid; long-horned grasshopper.⁹  a kind of cicada whose song reminds of incessant whirl of spinning wheel.¹¹
纺毛[紡毛] fōng-mão
fǎngmáo to make hair into thread.¹⁴
纺纱[紡紗] fōng-sä
fǎngshā spinning.⁵
纺纱织布[紡紗織布] fōng-sä-jēik-bü
fǎngshāzhībù to spin and weave. ¹⁴
纺线[紡線] fōng-xëin
fǎngxiàn to make hemp yarn or cotton yarn into strings.¹⁰
纺丝[紡絲] fōng-xû
fǎngsī to spin silk thread.¹⁴
纺液染色[紡液染色] fōng-yèik-ngëm-sēik
or fōng-yìt-ngëm-sēik fǎngyèrǎnsè <txtl.> dope dyeing.⁵
fong1 3419
120 20 fōng kuàng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 纩[纊] köng kuàng <wr.> silk floss; silk wadding.⁶)
<又> köng.
(See 纊 köng.)
fong1 3420
130 8 fōng fáng fat.⁶
脂肪 jï-fōng zhīfáng fat.⁶
脂肪酸 jï-fōng-xön
zhīfángsuān <chem.> fatty acid.⁶
fong1 3421
137 10 fōng fǎng two boats lashed side by side; boats, ships.⁷
舫艇 fōng-hêng fǎngtǐng boat; ship.⁵⁴
舫舟 fōng-jiü
fǎngzhōu boat; ship.⁵⁴
舫船 fōng-sõn
fǎngchuán ship; boat.⁵⁴
轻舫[輕舫] hëin-fōng
qīngfǎng a skiff.¹⁴
石舫 sêk-fōng
shífǎng the Marble Boat (in the Summer Palace, Beijing).⁵
画舫[畫舫] và-fōng
huàfǎng a gayly-painted pleasure-boat.⁵
游舫 yiũ-fōng
yóufǎng pleasure boat.⁶
fong1 3422
149 11 访 fōng fǎng to visit; to call on; to seek; to inquire; to investigate.
暗访[暗訪] ām-fōng ànfǎng to make secret inquiries.
拜访[拜訪] bāi-fōng
bàifǎng to pay a visit; to call on.
访查[訪查] fōng-chã
fǎngchá investigate on the spot.
访古[訪古] fōng-gū
fǎnggǔ to visit archaeological sites.
访谈[訪談] fōng-hãm
fǎngtán to visit and discuss.
访求[訪求] fōng-kiũ
fǎngqiú to search for; to seek.
访问[訪問] fōng-mùn
fǎngwèn to visit; to call on; to interview.¹⁰
访人[訪人] fōng-ngĩn
fǎngrén to visit somebody.
访寻[訪尋] fōng-tĩm
fǎngxún to enquire; to search.
访华[訪華] fōng-Vã
fǎngHuá to visit China.
寻访[尋訪] tĩm-fōng
xúnfǎng to inquire after; to look for (somebody).
采访[採訪] tōi-fōng
cǎifǎng to make inquiries; to get informaton; to get news, as a reporter.¹⁴
fong1 3423
154 12 fōng kuàng to give or bestow, to confer; <court.> to be favored with; Kuàng surname.⁷
宠贶[寵貺] chüng-fōng chǒngkuàng your great gift.¹¹
贶临[貺臨] fōng-lĩm
kuànglín to be honored by your presence.⁷
贶仪[貺儀] fōng-ngĩ
kuàngyí a present.¹⁴
贶我多珍[貺我多珍] fōng-ngô-ü-jïn
kuàngwǒduōzhēn your handsome gift.⁷
贶施[貺施] fōng-sï
kuàngshī to grant to; to confer.¹⁴
贶赐[貺賜] fōng-xü
kuàngcì to grant to; to confer.¹⁴
贶赐厚仪[貺賜厚儀] fōng-xü-hêo-ngĩ
kuàngcìhòuyí to give a liberal present.³⁹
嘉贶[嘉貺] gä-fōng
jiākuàng <court.)> highly valued gifts.¹¹
天贶有德[天貺有德] hëin-fōng-yiû-āk
tiānkuàngyǒudé Heaven has bestowed virtue upon him.¹⁴
fong1 3424
190 14 fōng fǎng (=彷 fōng fǎng to resemble; to be like); like, resembling.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱髟方; U+9AE3).
or 彷彿 or 仿佛 fōng-fūt fǎngfú as if; similar to.⁸ like, resembling, near abouts.²⁵
fong1 3425
22 2 föng fāng Kangxi radical 22; box.⁸ radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 22), occurring in 区, 医, 匹, etc.; it is commonly called 三框栏[三框欄] xäm-köng-lãn sānkuànglán or 区字框[區字框] kuï-dù-köng qūzìkuàng.¹⁰
fong2 3426
32 12 föng huāng <topo.> ore collected out of the vein.⁹ freshly produced (raw ) ore.⁵⁴
fong2 3427
47 6 föng huāng (<old>=荒 föng huāng ➀ uncultivated; desolate; wild; deserted; barren; waste  ➁ absurd; ridiculous  ➂ famine; scarcity; deficiency  ➃ to neglect.⁷)⁸  a watery waste; to reach.¹⁴ a wide expanse of water; to arrive at, to extend to.²⁴
(composition: ⿱亡川; U+5DDF).
or 包荒 bäo-föng bāohuāng to endure filth, faults – to be generous.⁷ to be tolerant; to be forgiving; to conceal; to cover.⁸
fong2 3428
61 9 föng huǎng (corrupted form of 慌 föng huāng)  blurred; dim, obscure; confused in mind.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰忄巟(G) or ⿰忄㐬(TJ); U+393A).
㤺恾 föng-mõng
huǎngmáng agitated.²⁴
fong2 3429
61 12 föng huāng flurried, flustered, confused, panicky; <topo.> (used after 得 āk de as a complement) unbearable.⁶
不慌不忙 būt-föng-būt-mõng
bùhuāngbùmáng leisurely, unhurriedly; with full composure.⁷
沉住气,别慌![沉住氣,別慌!] chĩm-jì-hï, bèik-föng! 
chénzhùqì, biéhuāng! Keep calm! Don't panic!⁶
慌慌张张[慌慌張張] (=慌张[慌張] föng-jëng
huāngzhāng) föng-föng-jëng-jëng huānghuangzhāngzhāng flurried; flustered; confused; frantic; desperate.⁶
慌张[慌張] föng-jëng
huāngzhāng flurried; flustered; confused; frantic; desperate.⁶
慌了神儿[慌了神兒] föng-lēl-sĩn-ngĩ
huāngleshénr to lose one's head; to lose self-possession.⁷
慌乱[慌亂] föng-lòn
huāngluàn flurried; alarmed and bewildered.⁶
慌忙 föng-mõng
huāngmáng in a great rush; in a flurry; hurriedly.⁵
惊慌[驚慌] gëin-föng
jīnghuāng be alarmed, startled.¹¹
累得慌 luì-āk-föng
lèidehuang be tired out; be dog-tired; be played out.⁵
饿得慌[餓得慌] ngù-āk-föng
èdehuāng <topo.> be awfully hungry.⁶
fong2 3430
66 8 föng fàng put; place; release; free; let go; let out; set off (fireworks).¹⁰
放大 föng-ài fàngdà enlarge; magnify; amplify.⁵
放纵[放縱] föng-düng
fàngzòng connive at; indulge.⁵
放刁 föng-ël
fàngdiāo act in a rascally manner.⁵
放宽[放寬] föng-fön
fàngkuān relax restrictions; relax.⁵
放假 föng-gā
fàngjià have a holiday or vacation.⁵
放下 föng-hä
fàngxia lay down; put down.⁵
放弃[放棄] föng-hï
fàngqì abandon; give up; renounce.⁶
放学[放學] föng-hòk
fàngxué classes are over.⁸
放开[放開] föng-höi
fàngkāi let go; release hold of.⁶
放置 föng-jï
fàngzhì lay up; lay aside.⁵
放逐 föng-jùk
fàngzhú banish; exile.⁶
放浪 föng-lòng
fànglàng unrestrained; dissolute.⁵
放牧 föng-mùk
fàngmù put out to pasture; graze; herd.⁵
放任 föng-ngìm
fàngrèn give free play to; not interfere.⁶
放屁 föng-pï
fàngpì break wind, fart; talk nonsense.⁵
放手 föng-siū
fàngshǒu let go; have a free hand.⁵
放晴 föng-tẽng
fàngqíng clear up (after rain).⁵
放心 föng-xïm
fàngxīn set one's mind at rest; be at ease.⁵
放肆 föng-xü
fàngsì unbridled; wanton.⁵
放松[放鬆] föng-xüng
fàngsōng relax; slacken; loosen.⁵
放映 föng-yēin
fàngyìng to show (a movie); to screen.¹⁰
<台> 放烂[放爛] föng-làn/ make a scene; act perversely.

fong2 3431
70 4 föng fāng Kangxi radical 70; a square, rectangle; a region; local.⁸
方法 föng-fāt fāngfǎ method; way; means.¹⁰
方格 föng-gâk
fānggé checked pattern; square box
character (in Chinese text) indicating illegible character.¹⁰
方兴未艾[方興未艾] föng-hëin-mì-ngài
fāngxīngwèi'ài be just unfolding; be in the ascendant.⁸
方向 föng-hëng
fāngxiàng direction; path to follow.¹⁰
方针[方針] föng-jïm
fāngzhēn policy; guiding principle.⁵
方面 föng-mèin
fāngmiàn respect; aspect; field; side.¹⁰
方言 föng-ngũn
fāngyán topolect; dialect.¹⁰
方案 föng-ön
fāng'àn scheme; plan; program.⁵
方便 föng-pẽin
fāngbiàn convenient.¹¹
方式 föng-sēik
fāngshì manner; style; mode; pattern.¹⁰
方纔 föng-tõi
fāngcái a little while ago.²⁵
方枘圆凿[方枘圓鑿] föng-yuì-yõn-dòk
or 圆凿方枘[圓鑿方枘] yõn-dòk-föng-yuì yuánzáofāngruì to put a square peg in a round hole; incompatible.¹⁰
天圆地方[天圓地方] hëin-yõnì-föng
tiānyuándìfāng round sky and square earth (as depicted by cash, a round coin with a square hole).¹⁹
一方面 yīt-föng-mèin
yī fāngmiàn one side/aspect; for one thing..., for another thing; on one hand, on the other hand.⁶
fong2 3432
74 11 föng huāng   the next day, tomorrow.⁸ tomorrow.²⁴
(composition: ⿱亡明; U+671A).
<又> mõng. (See 朚 mõng).
fong2 3433
75 8 föng fāng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 枋 fōng fāng tree mentioned in ancient books as timber for vehicles; hewn timber; <wr.> square beam.⁶ sandalwood.⁷ Santalum album; square wooden pillar.¹⁰ a tree, used in making timber for boats.¹¹)
<又> fōng.
(See 枋 fōng.)
fong2 3434
130 7 föng huāng the vitals; the region between the heart and the diaphragm.⁷
病入膏肓 bèng-yì-gäo-föng bìngrùgāohuāng the disease has attacked the vitals – beyond cure.⁵
膏肓 gäo-föng
gāohuāng vital organs (of a body).⁶ In ancient Chinese medicine, 膏 meant fat in the tip of the heart, and 肓 meant the part between the heart and the membrane, both of which were beyond the reach of medicine.⁹
膏肓之病 gäo-föng-jï-bèng
gāohuāngzhībìng or 膏肓之疾 gäo-föng-jï-dìp gāohuāngzhījí illness that is beyond cure; disease entrenched in the deep, vital parts of the human body; hopeless/incurable illness.⁶
泉石膏肓 tũn-sêk-gäo-föng
quán shígāo huāng lit. mountain springs and rocks in one's heart (idiom); a deep love of mountain scenery.¹⁰
fong2 3435
140 7 föng fāng perfume; fragrant; virtuous; good (name or reputation).
得亲芳泽[得親芳澤] āk-tïn-föng-jàk déqīnfāngzé to be admitted to a lady's intimate presence.
春芳 chün-föng
chūnfāng spring plants.
芳尘[芳塵] föng-chĩn
fāngchén good reputation.
芳躅 föng-dùk
föngzhú (court.) your whereabouts.¹¹
芳馥 föng-fūk
fāngfù fragrant.³⁹
芳香 föng-hëng
fāngxiāng fragrant; aromatic.
芳香馥郁 föng-hëng-fūk-yūk
fāngxiāngfùyù full of fragrance; both fragrant and beautiful; rich in fragrance.⁵⁴
芳龄[芳齡] föng-lẽin
fānglíng age of a girl.⁶
芳名 föng-mẽin
fāngmíng <trad.> a young woman's name; a good reputation; <court.> your name.
芳草 föng-tāo
fāngcǎo fragrant herb or plant; <wr.> esteemed gentlemanly virtue.
芳苑 föng-vōn
fāngyuàn a nice garden.
芬芳 fün-föng
fēnfāng fragrant; sweet smell, fragrance.⁶
or 留芳百世 liũ-föng-bāk-säi liúfāngbǎishì to leave a lasting reputation.
垂芳 suĩ-föng
chuífāng <wr.> leave a good reputation to posterity.
fong2 3436
140 9 föng huāng ➀ uncultivated; desolate; wild; deserted; barren; waste  ➁ absurd; ridiculous  ➂ famine; scarcity; deficiency  ➃ to neglect   ➄ Huang surname.⁷
(composition: ⿱艹巟; U+8352).
荒诞[荒誕] föng-än huāngdàn absurd; nonsensical; wild.⁷
荒废[荒廢] föng-fī
huāngfèi leave uncultivated, lie waste; fall into disuse; neglect, be out of practice.⁵
荒遐 föng-hã
huāngxiá remote region.¹⁰
荒唐 föng-hõng
huāngtáng beyond belief; preposterous; absurd; intemperate; dissipated.¹⁰
荒地 föng-ì
huāngdì wasteland; undeveloped land.⁵
荒凉[荒涼] föng-lẽng
huāngliáng bleak and desolate; wild.⁵
荒谬[荒謬] föng-mào
huāngmiù absurd; preposterous.⁵
荒漠 föng-mōk
huāngmò barren.¹⁰
荒芜[荒蕪] föng-mũ
huāngwú lie waste; go out of cultivation.⁵
荒无人烟[荒無人煙] föng-mũ-ngĩn-yën
huāngwúrényān desolate and uninhabited.⁵
荒原 föng-ngũn
huāngyuán wasteland; wilderness.⁵
荒怠 föng-òi
huāngdài negligent; neglectful.⁷
荒僻 föng-pēik
huāngpì desolate and out-of-the-way.⁵
荒草 föng-tāo
huāngcǎo weeds.⁷
荒村 föng-tûn
huāngcūn a deserted village.⁷
fong2 3437
142 10 föng fāng armyworm.⁹
虸蚄 dū-föng zǐfāng <topo.> armyworm.⁹
<又> pông.
(See 蚌 [pông, bàng]; 蚄 pông.)
fong2 3438
149 16 föng huǎng to lie; to prevaricate; lies.
测谎机[測謊機] chāk-föng-gï cèhuǎngjī lie detector.
谎报[謊報] föng-bäo
huǎngbào to lie about something; to start a canard.
谎言[謊言] föng-ngũn
huǎngyán lie; falsehood.⁸
谎话[謊話] föng-và
huǎnghuà lie; falsehood.
弥天大谎[彌天大謊] mĩ-hëin-ài-föng
mítiāndàhuǎng monstrous lie, thundering lie, outrageous lie.⁵
说谎[說謊] sōt-föng
shuōhuǎng to tell a lie.
撒谎[撒謊] xät-föng
sāhuǎng <vern.> tell a lie; lie.⁵
fong2 3439
163 6 föng fāng 什邡 Sìp-föng Shífāng (name of a county in 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan Province).
fong2 3440
163 16 föng kuàng Kuang surname.
<又> köng. (See 鄺 köng.)
fong2 3441
167 12 föng fāng francium (Fr); bronze wine vessel; <wr.> pot, pan.⁶ francium (Fr); squared-mouth wine vessel.⁷
fong2 3442
173 12 föng fāng (composition: ⿱雨方; U+96F1).
雰雱 fün-föng fēnfāng description of a scene with heavy snow.¹³ʼ⁰
<又> põng.
(See 雱 põng).
fong2 3443
32 9 fõng fáng (<old>=防 fõng fáng ➀ guard against; provide against  ➁ defend  ➂ dike; embankment.⁵).⁸ to impede.²⁴
(composition: ⿱防土; U+57C5).
<又> ì.
(See 埅 ì; 防 fõng).
fong3 3444
38 7 fõng fáng hinder; hamper; impede; obstruct.⁵
不妨事 būt-fõng-xù bùfángshì does not matter.¹¹
妨害 fõng-hòi
fánghài impair; jeopardize; be harmful to.⁵
妨害兵役 fõng-hòi-bëin-vèik
or fõng-hòi-bëin-yèik fánghài bīngyì to undermine the draft law of a nation.⁷
妨害名誉[妨害名譽] fõng-hòi-mẽin-yì
fánghài míngyù to libel; to slander.⁷
妨碍[妨礙] fõng-ngòi
fáng'ài  hinder; hamper; impede; obstruct.⁵
妨碍交通[妨礙交通] fõng-ngòi-gäo-hüng
fáng'ài jiāotōng block/obstruct traffic.⁶
妨碍工作[妨礙工作] fõng-ngòi-güng-dōk
fáng'ài gōngzuò hinder one's work.⁵
(See 妨 [fõng, fāng].)
fong3 3445
38 7 fõng fāng (used negatively or when in doubt) harm.⁵
不妨 būt-fõng bùfāng there is no harm in; might as well.⁵
不妨一试[不妨一試] būt-fõng-yīt-sï
bùfāngyīshì There is no harm in trying.⁵
何妨 hõ-fõng
héfāng why not? might as well.⁵
何妨一试[何妨一試] hõ-fõng-yīt-sï
héfāngyīshì Why not have a try? You might as well have a try.⁵
无妨[無妨] mũ-fõng
wúfāng there's no harm; may (or might) as well.⁵
你无妨试一试[你無妨試一試] nï-mũ-fõng-sï-yīt-sï
nǐwúfāngshìyīshì There's no harm in having a try.⁵
试试又何妨[試試又何妨] sï-sï-yiù-hõ-fõng
shìshìyòuhéfāng What harm is there in trying?⁵
(See 妨 [fõng, fáng].)
fong3 3446
170 6 fõng fáng ➀ guard against; provide against  ➁ defend  ➂ dike; embankment.⁵ (old variant: 埅 fõng, q.v.).
防备[防備] fõng-bì
fángbèi to guard against.
防不胜防[防不勝防] fõng-būt-sëin-fõng
fángbùshèngfáng impossible to defend effectively.
or 防空濠 fõng-hüng-hõ or fõng-hüng-hão fángkōngháo air shelter.¹¹ antiaircraft dugout; dugout.³⁹
防洪 fõng-hũng
fánghóng flood control; flood prevention.¹⁰
防止 fõng-jī
fángzhǐ prevent; guard against; avoid.⁵
防治 fõng-jì
fángzhì prevention and cure.
防微杜渐[防微杜漸] fõng-mĩ-ù-dèm
fángwēidùjiàn nip an evil in the bud; check erroneous ideas at the outset.⁵
防御[防禦] fõng-nguì
fángyù defend; guard against.⁶
防守 fõng-siū
fángshǒu defend; guard.⁵
防卫[防衛] fõng-vì
fángwèi to defend; defense.
防护[防護] fõng-vù
fánghù to protect; to shelter; first aid.
防汛 fõng-xïn
fángxùn flood control; anti-flood (precautions).¹⁰
防疫 fõng-yèik
fángyì prevent epidemics.⁶
家贼难防[家賊難防] gä-tàk-nãn-fõng
jiāzéinánfáng it is difficult to guard against thieves who reside in the house.¹⁴
国防[國防] gōk-fõng
guófáng national defense.
fong3 3447
195 15 fõng fáng triangular bream.⁵ʼ⁶ the freshwater bream.⁷
鲂𫚈❄{⿰鱼与}[魴鱮] fõng-duì fángxù bream and tench.¹⁴
鲂鮄[魴鮄] fõng-fūt
fángfú gurnard.⁵
鲂鮄科[魴鮄科] fõng-fūt-fö
fángfúkē or 角鱼科[角魚科] gôk-nguî-fö jiǎoyúkē sea robins or gurnard family (Triglidae).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鲂鱼[魴魚] fõng-nguĩ
fángyú aka 海鲂[海魴] hōi-fõng hǎifáng or 日本海鲂[日本海魴] Ngìt-bōn hōi-fõng Rìběn hǎifáng John Dory, St Pierre or Peter's Fish (Zeus faber).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
真鲂鮄[真魴鮄] jïn-fõng-fūt
zhēnfángfú grey gurnard (Eutrigla gurnardus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
乌鲂[烏魴] vü-fõng
wūfáng Atlantic pomfret or Ray's bream, a species (Brama brama) belonging to the Brama genus 乌鲂属[烏魴屬] vü-fõng-sùk wūfángshǔ.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
三角鲂[三角魴] xäm-gôk-fõng
sānjiǎofáng black Amur bream (Megalobrama terminalis), in Chinese aka 廣東魴, 𩷏❄{⿰魚巠} kẽin qíng, 三角鳊, 邊魚.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
fong3 3448
63 8 fông fáng house; room; branch of an extended family; measure word for family members (or concubines); Fang surname.¹⁰
房子 fông-dū fángzi house; building (single- or two-story); apartment; room.¹⁰
房子出赁[房子出賃] fông-dū-chūt-ngìm
fángzichūlìn house for rent.¹¹
房租 fông-dü
fángzū rent for a room or house.¹⁰
房顶[房頂] fông-ēng
fángdǐng roof; housetop.⁹
房间[房間] fông-gän
fángjiān room.¹⁰
房梁 fông-lẽng
fángliáng roof beam; girder.⁹
房檩[房檁] fông-lîm
fánglǐn a house beam.⁷
房栊[房櫳] fông-lũng
fánglóng house windows.¹¹
房舍 fông-sëh
fángshè house.¹¹
房屋 fông-ūk
fángwū houses; buildings.⁵
房屋出赁[房屋出賃] fông-ūk-chūt-ngìm
fángwūchūlìn house to let.⁵
房东[房東] fông-üng
fángdōng landlord.¹⁰
<台> 间房好黑[間房好黑] gän-fông-hāo-hāk It's very dark in the room.
<又> põng.
(See 房 põng.)
fong5 3449
85 17 föt kuò (=阔[闊] föt kuò wide, broad, vast; wealthy, rich.⁵).⁸
(composition: ⿰氵闊; U+6FF6).
(See 闊 föt).
fot2 3450
142 12 föt kuò snail; slug, mole cricket.⁸
蛞蛞 föt-föt kuòkuò (=蝈蝈[蟈蟈] gōk-gōk guōguo) katydid; long-horned grasshopper.¹⁰
蛞蝼[蛞螻] föt-lẽo
kuòlóu mole cricket.⁸
蛞蝓 föt-yĩ
kuòyú slug.⁸
海蛞蝓 hōi-föt-yĩ
hǎikuòyú sea slug.¹⁰
fot2 3451
169 14 föt kuò wide open of the door, (non-classical form of 闊 föt kuò) broad; wide; width.⁸ a door opened wide.²⁵
(Note: some say 䦚 is pronounced
kuà in Mandarin).
(composition: ⿵門舌; U+499A).
fot2 3452
169 17 föt kuò wide, broad, vast; wealthy, rich.⁵ (variant: 濶 föt kuò).
摆阔[擺闊] bāi-föt
bǎikuò parade one's wealth; be ostentatious and extravagant.⁵
宽阔[寬闊] fön-föt
kuānkuò broad; wide; open-minded.⁶
阔气[闊氣] föt-hï
kuòqi luxurious, extravagant, lavish.⁵
or 阔佬[闊佬] föt-lāo kuòlǎo rich or wealthy person; moneybags.⁶
阔蹑[闊躡] föt-nēp
kuòniè <wr.> to stride.¹⁰
高谈阔论[高談闊論] gäo-hãm-föt-lùn
gāotánkuòlùn indulge in loud and empty talk; talk volubly or bombastically; harangue.⁵
广阔[廣闊] gōng-föt
guǎngkuò wide; vast.¹⁰
海阔天空[海闊天空] hōi-föt-hëin-hüng
hǎikuòtiānkōng as boundless as the sea and sky; unrestrained and far-ranging.⁸ boundless; anything and everything.⁹
空阔[空闊] hüng-föt
kōngkuò open and vast.⁶
契阔[契闊] käi-föt
qìkuò state of mind after a long period of being apart.⁸ separated.¹¹
辽阔[遼闊] lẽl-föt
liáokuò vast; extensive.⁵
(See 濶 föt).
fot2 3453
4 丿 7 (<old>=虎 fū ) tiger; brave, vigorous.⁵
(composition: ⿸𠂆⿻一巿; U+4E55).
(See 虎 fū).
fu1 3454
4 丿 7 𠂰 (=虎 fū (tiger; brave, vigorous.⁵).
(composition: ⿸𠂆⿻𠃌巿; U+200B0).
(See 虎 fū).
fu1 3455
9 9 <wr.> (=俯 fū ) bow down (one's head); <old> be willing to do something beneath one's station, condescend, deign.⁶
<又> mêin.
(See 俯 fū; 俛 mêin).
fu1 3456
9 10 bow down (one's head); <old> be willing to do something beneath one's station, condescend, deign.⁶ (variants: 頫 fū ; 俛 fū ).
俯冲[俯衝] fū-chüng
fǔchōng (of airplane) to dive.⁵
俯伏 fū-fùk
fǔfú to lie prostrate.⁵
俯角 fū-gôk
fǔjiǎo angle of depression.⁵
俯瞰 fū-häm
fǔkàn overlook; command (a view of).⁶
俯仰 fū-ngêng
fǔyǎng a bending or lifting of the head – a simple move or action.⁵
俯仰之间[俯仰之間] fū-ngêng-jï-gän
fǔyǎng zhījiān in the twinkling of an eye; in an instant; in a flash.⁵
俯仰由人 fū-ngêng-yiũ-ngĩn
fǔyǎngyóurén be at somebody's beck and call.⁵
俯卧撑[俯臥撐] fū-ngò-chäng
fǔwòchēng <ex.> push-up.⁵
俯视[俯視] fū-sì
fǔshì to look down at; to overlook.⁵
俯拾即是 fū-sìp-dēik-sì
fǔshíjíshì be extremely common.⁵
俯首 fū-siū
fǔshǒu to bow one's head (in submission).⁵
俯首称臣[俯首稱臣] fū-siū-chëin-sĩn
fǔshǒuchēngchén to bow before (idiom); to capitulate.¹⁰
or 俯首贴耳[俯首貼耳]  fū-siū-hëp-ngī fǔshǒutiē'ěr bowed head and ears glued (idiom); docile and obedient; at somebody's beck and call.¹⁰
(See 頫 fū; 俛 fū).
fu1 3457
9 10 俿 (<old>=虎 fū ) tiger; brave, vigorous.⁵
<又> chĩ.
(See 虎 fū).
fu1 3458
30 11 a tiger's roar; to frighten.¹¹
唬人 fū-ngĩn hǔrén to scare a person by trick.¹¹
诈唬[詐唬] jä-fū
zhàhu to bluff; to bluster; to intimidate.¹⁰
<又> häk.
(See 唬 häk.)
fu1 3459
53 广 8 seat of government, government office; official residence, mansion; <court.> your home; prefecture.⁵
打道回府 ā-ào-või-fū dǎdàohuífǔ clear the way while on the way back to the official residence – start back; return; go back home.⁶
济南府[濟南府] Däi-nãm-fū
Jǐnánfǔ the Prefecture of Jinan.⁵
总统府[總統府] dūng-hūng-fū
zǒngtǒngfǔ presidential palace.⁵
府邸 fū-āi
fǔdǐ mansion; mansion house.⁵
府第 fū-ài
fǔdì mansion; mansion house.⁵
府绸[府綢] fū-chiũ
fǔchóu poplin.⁵
府库[府庫] fū-fü
fǔkù <trad.> government repository.⁵
府帑 fū-hōng
fǔtǎng the money in the treasury.³⁹
府上 fū-sèng
fǔshang <court.> your home; your family; your native place.⁵
贵府[貴府] gï-fū
guìfǔ <court.> your home.⁵
政府 jëin-fū
zhèngfǔ government.⁵
首府 siū-fū
shǒufǔ capital.⁵
fu1 3460
57 8 the middle part of a bow; middle.⁸ handle of bow.¹⁰ the middle of the bow, that part which is held.²⁴
(composition: ⿰弓付; U+5F23).
左手承弣 dū-siū-sẽin-fū zuǒshǒu chéng fǔ grab the handle of the bow with your left hand.⁵⁴ (See 右手執簫,左手承弣. Yiù-siū jīp xël, dū-siū sẽin fū.).
fu1 3461
64 8 <wr.> to clap; to pat.
拊髀 or 抚髀[撫髀] fū-bī fǔbì to slap one's own buttocks in excitement or despair.¹⁰ to slap the thigh.¹⁴
or 抚掌[撫掌] fū-jēng fǔzhǎng <wr.> clap hands.⁶
拊掌大笑 fū-jēng-ài-xël
fǔzhǎng dàxiào to slap hands and laugh.
拊手 fū-siū
fǔshǒu to clap hands.
拊心 fū-xïm
fǔxīn to slap one's chest (in distress or indignation).
拊膺 fū-yëin
fǔyīng <wr.> beat one's chest (in great grief).⁶
fu1 3462
64 15 to pat; to soothe; to foster; to comfort; to nurture.
抚髀[撫髀] or 拊髀 fū-bī fǔbì to slap one's own buttocks in excitement or despair.¹⁰ to slap the thigh.¹⁴
抚髀长叹[撫髀長嘆] fū-bī-chẽng-hän
fǔbìchángtàn rest hands on thighs and utter a deep sigh.⁶
抚今思昔[撫今思昔] fū-gïm-xü-xēik
fǔjīnsīxī to reflect on the past in the light of the present.
抚摩[撫摩] fū-mö
fǔmó to stroke; to fondle; to console.
抚摸[撫摸] fū-mū
or fū-mō or fū-mōk fǔmō to touch and stroke gently; to fondle.
抚慰[撫慰] fū-vï
fǔwèi to comfort; to console; to soothe.
抚绥[撫綏] fū-xuï
fǔsuí to appease; to pacify.¹⁰
抚恤[撫恤] fū-xūt
fǔxù comfort and compensate a disabled person or a bereaved family.⁵
抚养[撫養] fū-yëng
fǔyǎng to foster; to raise; to bring up.
抚养子女[撫養子女] fū-yêng-dū-nuī
fǔyǎngzǐnǚ raising children.¹⁹
抚育[撫育] fū-yùk
fǔyù to foster; to nurture; to tend.
fu1 3463
69 8 ax; hatchet.⁵
大刀阔斧[大刀闊斧] ài-äo-föt-fū dàdāokuòfǔ bold and resolute; drastic.⁵
斧柄 fū-bêng
fǔbǐng the shaft of an ax; helve.⁵ (fig.) control of government (“ax-handle”); also 斧柯, q.v.¹¹
斧凿[斧鑿] fū-dòk
fǔzáo hatchet and chisel; conscious or artificial artistry (in literary works).⁶
斧子 fū-dū
fǔzi ax, hatchet.⁵
斧足类[斧足類] fū-dūk-luì
fǔzúlèi Pelecypoda, now called Bivalvia (双壳纲[雙殼纲] söng-hôk-göng shuāngkégāng.)²⁰
斧斤 fū-gïn
fǔjīn hatchet for cutting down trees.¹¹
斧头[斧頭] fū-hẽo
fǔtou ax, hatchet.⁵
斧正 fū-jëin
fǔzhèng (please) make corrections.⁵
斧锧[斧鑕] fū-jīt
fǔzhì executioner's block and cleaver.⁵
斧木 fū-mûk
fǔmù chop wood, trees.¹¹
斧柯 fū-ü
or fū-ö fǔkē <wr.> ax handle; authority, state power.⁶
斧镬[斧鑊] fū-vôk
fǔhuò punishment by axe and boiling cauldron.¹¹
斧刃面 fū-yìn-mèin
fǔrènmiàn faces.⁹
斧钺[斧鉞] fū-yòt
fǔyuè ax and hatchet, referring to execution of criminals.¹¹
<又> bū.
(See 斧 bū.)
fu1 3464
75 9 the middle of a bow handle.⁸
(composition: ⿰木付; U+67CE).
<又> fü, fù. (See 柎 fü, 柎 fù).
fu1 3465
75 12 <wr.> of poor/inferior quality; shoddy.⁶ crude and easy to break.⁷
楛竹 fū-jūk kǔzhú (=苦竹 fū-jūk kǔzhú) bitter bamboo.⁸
窳楛 yî-fū
yǔkǔ coarse and fragile.⁷
<又> vù.
(See 楛 vù.)
fu1 3466
85 13 滏阳河[滏陽河] Fū-yẽng-hõ Fǔyánghé Fuyanghe River, a river in 河北 Hõ-bāk  Héběi Hebei Province.⁴
fu1 3467
85 14 waterside; shore.⁷
浒湾乡[滸灣鄉] Fū-vän-hëng Hǔwānxiāng a place in 河南 Hõ-nãm Hénán Henan Province.²³
水浒[水滸] suī-fū
shuǐhǔ edge of the water; shore or sea, lake or river; seashore.¹⁰
水浒传[水滸傳] Suī-fū-jòn
Shuǐhǔchuán Water Margin or Outlaws of the Marsh by Shi Nai'an (施耐庵 Sï Nòi-äm Shī Nài'ān), one of the Four Classic Novels of Chinese literature.¹⁰
<又> Huī.
(See 滸 Huī.)
fu1 3468
88 4 a respectful term for an elderly man in ancient times.⁵
田父 hẽin-fū tiánfǔ <wr.> aged farmer/peasant.⁶
渔父[漁父] nguĩ-fū
yúfǔ old fisherman.⁸
伧父[傖父] töng-fū
cāngfǔ boor; vulgarian; rude and rough man.⁶
<又> fù.
(See 父 fù.)
fu1 3469
94 8 (composition: ⿰犭古; U+72DC).
狜猔 fū-düng kǔzòng an ancient tribe in 吐蕃 hü-fän tǔfān Tubo or Tufan (ancient Tibet) which was distributed in areas near Yunnan, later entirey moved to Yunnan.¹⁹
fu1 3470
96 12 a jade ornament in the shape of a tiger; amber.⁷
琥珀 fū-pāk hǔpò amber.¹¹
琥珀玻璃 fū-pāk-bū-lī
or fū-pāk-bō-lī hǔpòbōli amber glass.⁶
琥珀鱼[琥珀魚] fū-pāk-nguĩ/
hǔpòyú amberfish.⁶
琥珀色 fū-pāk-sēik
hǔpòsè amber.⁶
琥珀树脂[琥珀樹脂] fū-pāk-sì-jï
hǔpòshùzhī kochenite.⁶
琥珀酸 fū-pāk-xön
hǔpòsuān <chem.> succinic acid.⁶
琥珀油 fū-pāk-yiũ
hǔpòyóu amber oil.⁵
蜜蜡琥珀[蜜蠟琥珀] mìt-làp-fū-pāk
mìlàhǔpò cloudy amber.⁵⁴
fu1 3471
101 7 <old> one's courtesy name; <wr.> just; only.⁶ begin; man, father; great; Fu surname.⁸
甫田 fū-hẽin fǔtián large field.⁵⁴
甫里 fū-lî
fǔlî Fuli, name of an ancient place, presently situated in 江苏吴县东南甪直镇[江蘇吳縣東南甪直鎮] Göng-xü M̃-yòn Üng-nãm Lūt-jèik Jïn Jiāngsū Wúxiàn Dōngnán Lùzhí Zhèn southeastern part of Luzhi Township in Wu District of Jiangsu Province).⁸² (Cf. 甫里 pū-lî).
甫能 fū-nãng
fǔnéng able then and only then.⁷
他年甫二十 hä-nẽin-fū-ngì-sìp
tāniánfǔèrshí He has just reached the age of twenty.⁷
行装甫卸[行裝甫卸] hãng-jöng-fū-xëh
xíngzhuāngfǔxiè have just concluded a homeward journey.¹⁹
征尘甫卸[征塵甫卸] jëin-chĩn-fū-xëh
zhēngchénfǔxiè just returned from a long trip.⁵⁴
年甫八岁[年甫八歲] nẽin-fū-bät-xuï
niánfǔbāsuì He is just eight (years old).⁴
神甫 sĩn-fū
shénfu or 神父 sĩn-fù shénfù father (a title of respect for a Roman Catholic or Orthodox Eastern Church priest).⁶
请问台甫[請問台甫] tēin-mùn-hõi-fū
qǐngwèntáifǔ May I have your name?⁶
<又> pū, pü.
(See 甫 pū; 甫 pü.)
fu1 3472
108 12 (=簠 fū ) a basket, square outside and round inside, used to hold boiled grain in State worship.¹⁴
(See 簠 fū).
fu1 3473
118 11 a species of bamboo; same as 𥯶❄{⿱𥫗苦}kǔ.² bamboo, bitter bamboo, usually used as the material for making an umbrella's handle.⁸ a species of bamboo.²⁵ a variety of bamboo.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱𥫗古; U+41E2).
<又> gū.
(See 䇢 gū; 𥯶❄{⿱𥫗苦} fū).
fu1 3474
118 14 𥯶
a species of bamboo.²
(composition: ⿱𥫗苦; U+25BF6).
<又> gū. (See 𥯶❄{⿱𥫗苦} gū).
fu1 3475
118 18 a basket, square outside and round inside, used to hold boiled grain in State worship.¹⁴ the fu and the gui, two types of vessels for holding grains for sacrifice; <lit., fig,>
banquet; <lit., fig,> bribe.³⁶ (variant: 盙 fū ). (See 盙 fū).
(composition: ⿳⺮甫皿; U+7C20).
簠簋 fū-gī
fǔguǐ ancient rectangular bronze sacrificial vessels with four short legs and a cover.⁸ a sacrificial vessel, square without and round within, used for the receptacle of grain, and containing about a peck.²⁵
簠簋笾豆罍爵[簠簋籩豆罍爵] fū-gī-bëin-èo-luĩ-dēk
fǔguǐ biāndòu léi jué sacrificial vessels.¹⁴
簠簋不饰[簠簋不飾] fū-gī-būt-sēik
fǔguǐbùshì the sacrificial vessels in disorder – said of a careless, covetous official.¹⁴
Fū-gī-gï-chĩn, hëin-dū-bäng, hèo-jï-xöng, nguĩ-jï-hõ?
Fǔ guǐ jì chén, tiānzǐ bēng, hòu zhī sàng, rú zhī hé?
...after the vessels, round and square, with their contents have been set forth, if there occur the death of the son of Heaven or mourning rites for the queen, what should be done?⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經····》, translated by James Legge).
fu1 3476
130 11 dried meat; preserved fruit.⁵
果脯 gō-fū guǒfǔ preserved/candied fruit.⁶
杏脯 hàng-fū
xìngfǔ sun-dried /preserved apricot meat.⁶
桃脯 hão-fū
or hô-fū táofǔ preserved peach.⁵
鹿脯 lùk-fū
lùfǔ dried venison.⁶
肉脯 ngùk-fū
ròufǔ dried meat in threads.¹¹ pork hip; dried meat in threads or slices; well-done meat; portly/obese person.⁵⁴
肉脯儿[肉脯兒] ngùk-fū-ngĩ
ròufǔr said of portly, obese person.¹¹
<又> pū.
(See 脯 [pū, ]; 脯 [pū, ]).
fu1 3477
130 12 bowels, entrails, internal organs.⁸
脏腑[臟腑] dòng-fū zàngfǔ <Ch. med.> viscera (internal organs including the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, stomach, gall, intestines and bladder).⁶
肺腑 fï-fū
fèifǔ bottom of one's heart.⁵
肺腑之言 fï-fū-jï-ngũn
fèifǔzhīyán words from the bottom of one's heart.⁶
六腑 lùk-fū
liùfǔ <Ch. med.> six hollow organs – stomach, gallbladder, large intestine, small intestine, bladder and sanjiao (三焦).⁶
fu1 3478
140 8 bitter; hardship; pain; to suffer; to bring suffering to.
苦楚 fū-chō kǔchǔ suffering; misery; distress.⁵
苦衷 fū-chüng
kǔzhōng bottled-up pain; real intentions.⁵⁴
苦集灭道[苦集滅道] fū-dàp-mèik-ào
kǔjímièdào <Budd.> the four “truths” of life.¹¹ (See 四諦 xï-äi.)
苦尽甘来[苦盡甘來] fū-dìn-gäm-lõi
kǔjìngānlái after suffering comes happiness.⁵
苦瓜 fū-gâ/
kǔguā bitter melon.¹⁰ bitter gourd, Momordica charantia.¹¹ (See <台> 苦瓜 fū-gâ/).
苦干[苦幹] fū-gön
kǔgàn work hard.⁵
苦工 fū-güng
kǔgōng hard labor (in penal code); coolie.¹⁰
苦功 fū-güng
kǔgōng hark work; painstaking effort.⁵
苦口婆心 fū-hēo-põ-xïm
or fū-hēo-pũ-xïm kǔkǒupóxīn warmhearted advice and encouragement; with kind and compassionate persuasion.⁵⁴
苦痛 fū-hüng
kǔtòng pain; suffering.⁵
苦战[苦戰] fū-jën
kǔzhàn fight bitterly; struggle hard.⁶
苦闷[苦悶] fū-mòn
kǔmèn bored; depressed; dejected.⁵
苦难[苦難] fū-nàn
kǔnàn suffering; misery; distress.⁵
苦恼[苦惱] fū-nâo
kǔnǎo vexed; worried.⁵
苦艾 fū-ngài
kǔ'ài wormwood; absinthium.⁶
苦笑 fū-xël
kǔxiào forced smile; wry smile.⁵
苦心 fū-xïm
kǔxīn trouble taken; pains.⁵

fu1 3479
141 6 Kangxi radical 141; tiger.⁸
(See 虎 fū).
fu1 3480
141 8 hu 打马虎眼[打馬虎眼] ā-mâ-fū-ngān dǎ mǎhuyǎn act dumb; exploit other's carelessness; pretend to be ignorant of something; in order to gloss it over.⁸
马虎眼[馬虎眼] mâ-fū-ngān
mǎhuyǎn <topo.> trick; ruse; subterfuge.⁵⁴
(See 虎[fū, ], 虎[fū, ], 虎[fū, ].)
fu1 3481
141 8 虎不拉 fū-būt-lā hùbulǎ shrike (bird).
(See 虎[fū, ], 虎[fū, ], 虎[fū, hu].)
fu1 3482
141 8 tiger; brave, vigorous.⁵ Hu surname.⁸ (variants: 俿乕虝𠂰)
虎将[虎將] fū-dëng hǔjiàng brave general.⁵
虎虎有生气[虎虎有生氣] fū-fū-yiû-säng-hï
hǔhǔ yǒu shēngqì lively; vigorous.⁷
虎符 fū-fũ
hǔfú <hist.> a tiger-shaped tally issued to generals as imperial authorization for troop movement.⁵
虎伏 fū-fùk
hǔfú <sport> gyro wheel.⁵
虎劲[虎勁] fū-gèin
hǔjìn dauntless drive; dash.⁵
虎骨酒 fū-gūt-diū
hǔgǔjiǔ tiger-bone liquor.⁵
虎口 fū-hēo
hǔkǒu tiger's mouth – jaws of death; part of the hand between the thumb and the index finger.⁵
虎头海雕[虎頭海雕] fū-hẽo-hōi-ël
hǔtóuhǎidiāo Steller's sea eagle (Haliaeetus pelagicus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
虎头蛇尾[虎頭蛇尾] fū-hẽo-sẽh-mī
hǔtóushéwěi in like a lion, out like a lamb; top-heavy; fine start and poor finish.⁸
虎爪 fū-jāo
hǔzhǎo tiger's paw.⁶
虎帐[虎帳] fū-jëng
hǔzhàng a military camp.⁷
虎钳[虎鉗] fū-kẽm
hǔqián a vise.⁷
虎猫[虎貓] fū-miū
hǔmāo ocelot (Leopardus pardalis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
虎耳草 fū-ngī-tāo
hǔ'ěrcǎo <bot.> saxifrage.⁵
虎鲨[虎鯊] fū-sä
hǔshā bullhead shark.⁵
虎穴 fū-yòt
hǔxué tiger's den.⁵
(See 虎[fū, hū], 虎[fū, ], 虎[fū, hu]; 俿, 乕, 虝, 𠂰 fū).
fu1 3483
141 8 马虎[馬虎] mā-fū mǎhu careless; sloppy.⁶
马马虎虎[馬馬虎虎] mā-mā-fū-fū
mǎmahūhū careless, casual; not so bad, so-so.⁸
(See 虎[fū, ], 虎[fū, ], 虎[fū, hu].)
fu1 3484
141 12 (<old>=虎 fū ) tiger; brave, vigorous.⁵
(See 虎 fū).
fu1 3485
167 10 a cauldron, a kettle; an ancient unit of capacity.⁷
(old variant: 釡 fū ).
(composition: ⿱父⿻王丷; U+91DC).
釜底抽薪 fū-āi-chëo-xïn
fǔdǐchōuxīn take away the firewood from under the cauldron – take a drastic measure to deal with a situation.⁵
釜底游鱼[釜底游魚] fū-āi-yiũ-nguĩ
fǔdǐyóuyú a fish swimming in the bottom of a cauldron – a person whose fate is sealed.⁵
釜中鱼[釜中魚] fū-jüng-nguĩ/
fǔzhōngyú fish in a kettle – doomed.⁷
釜山 Fū-sän
Fǔshān Pusan (a city in South Korea).⁶
破釜沉舟 pö-fū-chĩm-jiü
pòfǔchénzhōu break the cauldrons and sink the boats (after crossing) – cut off all means of retreat; burn one's boats.⁵
黄钟毁弃, 瓦釜雷鸣[黃鐘毀棄, 瓦釜雷鳴] võng-jüng-fī-hï, ngā-fū-luĩ-mẽin
huángzhōnghuǐqì, wǎfǔléimíng <wr.> earthen pots making a lot of noise instead of the classical bells – said of bombastic politicians in power while good men are out.¹¹
(See 釡 fū).
fu1 3486
167 10 (<old>=釜 fū a cauldron, a kettle; an ancient unit of capacity.⁷); cauldron, pot, kettle.⁸
(composition: ⿱八金; U+91E1).
(See 釜 fū).
fu1 3487
181 15 <wr.> (=俯 fū ) bow down (one's head); <old> be willing to do something beneath one's station, deign, condescend.⁶ with one's chin down; to bow one's head.⁷ tilt your head.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰兆頁; U+982B).
頫眺 fū-hël
fǔtiào (=俯眺 fū-hël fǔtiào) looking down and far into the distance from a high place; overlooking.⁰
頫囟 fū-xïn
fǔxìn (=叩头[叩頭] këo-hẽo kòutóu) kowtow.¹³
<又> häo; hël.
(See 頫 häo; 頫 hël; 俯 fū).
fu1 3488
190 14 the hair.²⁵
(composition: ⿱髟不; U+4BF1).
<又> põi; pī. (See 䯱 põi; 䯱 pī).
fu1 3489
190 17 𩭍 (=䯽 bāo, 䯽 fū, 䯽 pão) fine hair; beautiful hair, short hair, a coiffure with a topknot.⁸ hairy; beautiful hair; short hair.²⁵
(composition: ⿱髟否; U+29B4D).
<又> bāo, pão. (See 𩭍❄{⿱髟否} bāo; 䯽 bāo; 䯽 fū; 𩭍❄{⿱髟否} pão; 䯽 pão).
fu1 3490
190 18 fine hair; beautiful hair, short hair, a coiffure with a topknot.⁸ hairy; beautiful hair; short hair.²⁵
(composition: ⿱髟咅; U+4BFD).
<又> bāo, pão. (See 𩭍❄{⿱髟否} bāo; 䯽 bāo; 𩭍❄{⿱髟否} fū; 𩭍❄{⿱髟否} pão; 䯽 pão).
fu1 3491
193 17 (=釜 fū a cauldron, a kettle.); Fu surname).² an old type of cauldron.⁸ a kind of boiler, containing upwards of six 斗 ēo dǒu, or pecks.²⁵ a large ancient measure, holding about a kilderkin, or 6⅔ 斗 ēo dǒu or pecks; a boiler for dressing food; a meal.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰鬲甫; U+9B34).
覆鬴 fūk-fū
fùfǔ one of the nine rivers spoken of after the deluge; meaning also a place under water where people can dwell, as under an inverted boiler.²⁵ rude huts like inverted kettles, in which people lived in marshy places after Yu's deluge.¹⁰²
二鬴不合 ngì-fū-būt-hàp
èrfǔbùhé not having two meals — a day.¹⁰²
<又> lèik.
(See 鬴 lèik; 釜 fū).
fu1 3492
204 19 a kind of ancient sacrificial robes embroidered with hatchets.⁷ embroidered garments used to indicate rank, axes were figured on them in black and white.¹⁴
黼座 fū-dò fǔzuò the imperial throne having a screen (黼扆 fū-yï fǔyǐ) as its background.¹⁴
黼黻 fū-fūt
fǔfú axes embroidered on an official's robe as a symbol of distinction.⁷ ancient sacrificial dresses embroidered with black and white stripes or axes.¹⁴
黼黻文章 fū-fūt-mũn-jëng
fǔfú-wénzhāng elegant composition.¹⁴
黼绣[黼繡] fū-xiü
fǔxiù finely embroidered.¹⁴
黼扆 fū-yï
fǔyǐ a screen used at audience with the emperor, oramented with figures of axes.¹⁴
fu1 3493
9 4 to fall forward; to fall prostrate.¹⁰ to fall over, to fall to the earth; overthrown.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰亻卜; U+4EC6).
仆倒 fü-dāo pūdǎo to fall down.²⁴ fallen down; a euphemism for deceased.¹⁰²
惊仆[驚仆] gëin-fü
jīngpū fell down from fright.¹⁰²
前仆后继[前仆後繼] tẽin-fü-hèo-gäi
qiánpūhòujì (usually said of bravery of soldiers in battle) Behind the fallen is an endless column of successors.⁷
眩仆 yõn-fü
xuànpū fell down from vertigo, or in a fit.¹⁰²
<又> pūk, pük, pûk.
(See 仆 pūk, pük, pûk, 僕 bùk.)
fu2 3494
9 6  (=夫) laborer.
伕子 fü-dū fūzi <trad.> conscripted labor.
fu2 3495
18 11 assist; supplement; assistant.⁸ second in office, deputy, vice-; subsidiary, incidental, accessory.¹¹
(composition: ⿰畐刂; U+526F).
大副 ài-fü dàfù first assistant (on ship, in kitchen); the mate.¹¹
副班长[副班長] fü-bän-jēng
fùbānzhǎng assistant class monitor; deputy (work) team leader; <mil.> assistant squad leader.⁵⁴
副本 fü-bōn
fùběn duplicate.¹¹
副作用 fü-dōk-yùng
fùzuòyòng side effect of medicine.¹¹
副官 fü-gön
fùguān aide-de-camp.¹⁰
副虹 fü-hũng
fùhóng secondary rainbow.⁸
副启[副啟] fü-kāi
fùqǐ postscript.¹¹
副业[副業] fü-ngèp
fùyè sideline; avocation.⁰
副食 fü-sèik
fùshí non-staple food¹⁰
副词[副詞] fü-xũ
fùcí adverb.¹⁰
全副 tũn-fü
quánfù completely.¹⁰
名不副实[名不副實] mẽin-būt-fü-sìt
míngbùfùshí the name does not reflect the reality (idiom); more in name than in fact; excellent theory, but the practice does not bear it out.⁵⁴
一副耳环[一副耳環] yī-fü-ngī-vãn/
yīfùěrhuán a pair of earrings.⁰
一副手套 yī-fü-siū-häo
yīfùshǒutào a pair of gloves.⁰
<又> fūk; pēik.
(See 副 fūk; 副 pēik).
fu2 3496
30 7 呋喃 fü-nãm fūnán furan (furfuran, used in making nylon).¹⁰
fu2 3497
30 8 to order.¹⁰
吩咐 fün-fü fēnfù to tell; to instruct; to command.¹⁰
嘱咐[囑咐] jūk-fü
zhǔfu to tell; to exhort; injunction.¹⁰  to give instructions (to do something).¹¹
fu2 3498
30 8 to call; to cry; to shout; to breath out; to exhale.¹⁰
(variant: 嘑 fü ).
打呼哨 ā-fü-säo
dǎhūshào give a whistle; to whistle.⁶
称呼[稱呼] chëin-fü
chēnghu to call; to address as.¹⁰
传呼[傳呼] chũn-fü
chuánhū to notify somebody of a call; to call somebody to the phone.¹⁰
欢呼[歡呼] fön-fü
huānhū to cheer for; to acclaim.¹⁰
呼叱 fü-chēik
hūchì to shout at (people).¹¹
呼喊 fü-häm
hūhǎn to shout (slogans).¹⁰
呼号[呼號] fü-hão
hūhào to wail; to cry out in distress.¹⁰
呼气[呼氣] fü-hï
hūqì to breathe out.¹⁰
呼喝 fü-höt
hūhè to bawl.⁸ to shout.¹⁰
呼吸 fü-kīp
hūxī to breathe (exhale and inhale).¹¹
呼啦啦 fü-lā-lā
hūlālā flapping sound.¹⁰
呼哨 fü-säo
hūshào a whistle.⁶
呼啸 fü-xël
or fü-säo hūxiào to whistle; to scream; to whiz.¹⁰
呼应[呼應] fü-yëin
hūyìng to echo; to work in concert with.⁸ to act in cooperation, to respond as echo to sound.¹¹
呼吁 fü-yèk
hūyù appeal.⁵
<又> fû.
(See 呼 fû; 嘑 fü).
fu2 3499
30 11 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 唿 fūt with same meaning.)
<又> fūt.³
(See 唿 fūt.)
fu2 3500
30 14 to menace; to howl at; to bawl; (Cant.) final particle. read laa3.⁸ to roar, to bellow, to call out aloud, to hoot.²⁴ original form of 呼 fü to call; to shout; <ono.> a puff of wind;  Hu surname​.³⁶ to menace, to howl at; to boot.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰口虖; U+5611).
嘑旦 fü-än
hūdàn to call out the dawn, as Chanticleer does.¹⁰²
口嘑 hēo-fü
kǒuhū to roar out.²⁴ to insult by a rude call, to hawl at.¹⁰²
<又> fû.
(See 嘑 fû; 呼 fü).
fu2 3501
37 4 fu man, husband, manual worker.
工夫 or 功夫 güng-fü gōngfu time; workmanship; skill; art; work; labor; effort.
丈夫 jèng-fü
zhàngfu husband.
<又> fũ. (See 夫 fũ, [fü, ].)
fu2 3502
37 4 man; husband; manual worker.
大夫 ài-fü dàfū senior official in feudal China.⁸
大夫 ài-fü
dàifu doctor; physician.¹⁰
车夫[車夫] chëh-fü
chēfū chauffeur; carter.
夫唱妇随[夫唱婦隨] fü-chëng-fû-tuĩ
fūchàngfùsuí lit. the man sings and the woman follows; fig. marital harmony.
夫妇[夫婦] fü-fû
fūfù husband and wife; man and wife.⁶
夫妻 fü-häi
fūqī husband and wife.¹¹
夫人 fü-ngĩn
fūren lady, madam, Mrs.
夫婿 fü-xâi
fūxù husband.⁵
工夫 güng-fü
gōngfū casual worker.
渔夫[漁夫] nguĩ-fü
yúfū fisherman.
匹夫 pīt-fü
pǐfū ordinary man; impertinent fellow.⁶
老夫子 lāo-fü-dū
lǎofūzǐ formerly, tutor in a private school; formerly, a bureaucrat; a cartoon character.
<又> fũ.
(See 夫 fũ, [fü, fu].)
fu2 3503
40 12 rich, wealthy, abundant; Fu surname.⁵
富贵[富貴] fü-gï fùguì riches and honor; wealth and rank.⁵
富国强兵[富國強兵] fü-gōk-kẽng-bëin
fùguóqiángbīng make one's country rich and build up its military power.⁵
富强[富強] fü-kẽng
fùqiáng prosperous and strong.⁵
富丽[富麗] fü-lãi
fùlì beautiful and magnificent.⁶
富饶[富饒] fü-ngẽl
fùráo fertile; richly provided.¹⁰
富源 fü-ngũn
fùyuán natural resources.⁵
富商大贾[富商大賈] fü-sëng-ài-gū
fùshāngdàgǔ tycoon; magnate.¹⁰
富庶 fü-sï
fùshù rich and populous.⁵
富士山 Fü-xù-sän
Fùshìshān Fujiyama.⁵
富孀 fü-söng
fùshuāng rich widow.¹¹
富余[富餘] fü-yĩ
fùyu more than enough; surplus (to requirements).⁶
富裕 fü-yì
fùyù abundant; affluent; well-to-do; well-off.⁵
富有 fü-yiû
fùyǒu rich, wealthy; rich in, full of.⁵
生而富贵[生而富貴] säng-ngĩ-fü-gï
shēng'érfùguì born with a silver spoon in one's mouth.³⁹
fu2 3504
53 广 10 arsenal; warehouse; storehouse; treasury; base, library; inventory.⁶
宝库[寶庫] bāo-fü bǎokù treasure-house; treasury; treasure-trove (often fig., book of treasured wisdom).¹⁰
车库[車庫] chëh-fü
chēkù garage.¹⁰
库房[庫房] fü-fông
kùfáng storeroom; warehouse.¹⁰
库仑[庫侖] fü-lũn
kùlún <phy.> coulomb.⁶
库存[庫存] fü-tũn
kùcún property or cash held in reserve; stock.¹⁰
国库[國庫] gōk-fü
guókù the national treasury.¹¹
土库[土庫]  hū-fü
tǔkù underground storage.¹
武库[武庫] mû-fü
wǔkù armory; arsenal.⁶
数据库[數據庫] sü-guï-fü
shùjùkù database; data bank.⁶
水库[水庫] suī-fü
shuǐkù reservoir.¹⁰
仓库[倉庫] töng-fü
cāngkù storehouse; warehouse.¹
fu2 3505
61 9 afraid; timorous.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰忄夸; U+6057).
<又> kä. (See 恗 kä).
fu2 3506
62 17 於戏[於戲] vü-fü wūhū (=呜呼[嗚呼] vü-fü wūhū) interjection in classical Chinese; early used to express sigh, later indicating death.²²
<又> hï.
(See 戲 hï.)
fu2 3507
63 8 to bail out water.⁸ water bucket for irrigation.¹⁰
(variant: 𣶉❄{⿰氵戽}).
戽车[戽車] fü-chëh
hùchē noria.⁹
戽斗 fü-ēo
hǔdǒu bailing bucket.⁸
戽水 fü-suī
hùshuǐ to bale water (to irrigate).¹¹
戽水车[戽水車] fü-suī-chëh
hùshuǐchē noria.⁹
戽水斗 fü-suī-ēo
hùshuǐdǒu bailing bucket.⁹
戽水机[戽水機] fü-suī-gï
hùshuǐjī bailing/scooping machine.⁶
戽水灌田 fü-suī-gön-hẽin
hùshuǐguàntián bail water to irrigate fields.⁶
风戽[風戽] füng-fü
fēnghù air scoop; wind-powered waterwheel.⁵⁴
水戽 suī-fü
shuǐhù dipper.¹¹ funnel-shaped bailing bucket.⁵⁴
<台> 戽被 fü-pî blanket kicking.
(See 𣶉❄{⿰氵戽} fü).
fu2 3508
72 16 𣊲
(=膴 fü ) meat dried in slices without bone; jerked meat.¹⁰¹ʼ¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰日無; U+232B2).
<又> mû.
(See 𣊲❄{日無} mû; 膴 fü).
fu2 3509
75 8 <old>=柎 fü calyx of flower; railing raft.³⁶
(composition: ⿰木夫; U+678E).
枎栘 fü-yĩ
fūyí (=¹¹唐棣 hõng-ài tángdì a kind of white poplar mentioned in ancient books.⁶ <wr.> sparrow plum, or aspen plum, Amelanchier asiatica.¹¹ Chinese serviceberry, Chinese bush cherry; Amelanchier sinica.²³).
<又> fũ.
(See 枎 fũ.)
fu2 3510
75 9 calyx; also refers to the plant ovary; the base of a bell and drum rack; also the base of any utensil; wooden raft; the crossbar of a bucket.⁸ calyx of flower; railing raft.³⁶ (composition: ⿰木付; U+67CE).
柎栰 fü-fàt fūfá a raft.²⁴
<又> fū, fù.
(See 柎 fū, 柎 fù).
fu2 3511
85 11 𣶉
(=戽 fü to bail out water.⁸ water bucket for irrigation.¹⁰).²ʼ¹⁰¹ a pail for bailing a boat.²⁴ to bale out water; to raise water by working a bucket in slings; a baling ladle.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰氵戽; U+23D89).
❄{⿰氵戽}or 戽斗 fü-ēo hǔdǒu a bucket.²⁴ a bucket for lifting water; it is suspended between long ropes held by two men.¹⁰²
❄{⿰氵戽}or 戽起 fü-hī hùqǐ to bale out and float — a vessel.¹⁰²
❄{⿰氵戽}or 戽水 fü-suī hùshuǐ to lade water.²⁴
❄{⿰氵戽}水上田 or 戽水上田 fü-suī-sëng-hẽin hùshuǐ shàngtián to bale water upon the fields, a mode of irrigation.¹⁰²
(See 戽 fü).
fu2 3512
85 14 the bank of a steam.⁸
滹沱 Fü-hõ or Fü-hũ Hūtuó (=滹沱河 Fü-hõ-hõ or Fü-hũ-hõ Hūtuóhé) name of a river flowing from 山西 Sän-xäi Shānxī Shanxi Province into 河北 Hõ-bāk Héběi Hebei Province).⁸
滹沱河 Fü-hõ-hõ
or Fü-hũ-hõ Hūtuóhé (name of a river flowing from 山西 Sän-xäi Shānxī Shanxi Province into 河北 Hõ-bāk Héběi Hebei Province).⁸
fu2 3513
96 8 an inferior agate.⁸ a beautiful pebble, next in value to a precious stone; it has a red ground, with white streaks.²⁴ a reddish stone that looks like a gem, but inferior in beauty and value; a second class gem, like veined jasper or red-white cornelian.¹⁰² (variant: 砆 fü ).
(composition: ⿰𤣩夫; U+739E).
珷玞 mû-fü
wǔfū beautiful jade-like stone.⁹ a stone, like veined jasper, resembles a gem, but inferior in hardness and luster.¹⁰²
(See 砆 fü).
fu2 3514
112 9 (<old>=玞 fü an inferior agate.⁸ a beautiful pebble, next in value to a precious stone; it has a red ground, with white streaks.²⁴ a reddish stone that looks like a gem, but inferior in beauty and value; a second class gem, like veined jasper or red-white cornelian.¹⁰²).⁸ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰石夫; U+7806).
碔砆 mû-fü
wǔfū a jade-like stone.¹¹ a pebble resembling a gem, with a red ground and a white streak.²⁴
(See 玞 fü).
fu2 3515
130 15 skin.⁵
肤泛[膚泛] fü-fàn fūfàn superficial; shallow.⁵
肤觉[膚覺] fü-gōk
fūjué dermal sensation.⁵
肤廓[膚廓] fü-kök
fūkuò <wr.> (of content) empty; shallow.⁶ <wr.> grandiloquent; impractical.⁷
肤如凝脂[膚如凝脂] fü-nguĩ-ngẽin-jï
fūrúníngzhī a creamy skin.⁷
肤皮[膚皮] fü-pĩ
fūpí dry, dandruff-like scales of the dead skin on the body.⁷
肤皮潦草[膚皮潦草] fü-pĩ-lâo-tāo
fūpíliáocǎo cursory; casual; perfunctory.⁵
肤色[膚色] fü-sēik
fūsè color of skin.⁵
肤色歧视[膚色歧視] fü-sēik-kĩ-sì
fūsè qíshì racial discrimination.⁵
肤浅[膚淺] fü-tēin
fūqiǎn superficial, “skin-deep” (of knowledge, discussion).¹¹
fu2 3516
130 16 ➀ large pieces of fish and meat used in ancient honorary ceremonies  ➁ boneless dry meat  ➂ large pieces of fish.⁸ to offer a slice of meat; or as some say, a dried fish.¹⁰²
(variant: 𣊲❄{⿰日無} ).
(composition: ⿰月無; U+81B4).
祭膴 Däi-fü
Jì hū The slices offered in sacrifice (to the father of the fish-diet were thus more easily cut). (Excerpt from 《禮記·少儀·27》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰
<又> mû.
(See 膴 mû; 𣊲❄{⿰日無} fü).

fu2 3517
140 8 a kind of grass mentioned in ancient books; lots of grass.⁸ the name of a plant.²⁵ a type of grass; abundant grass.³⁶
(composition: ⿱艹乎; U+82F8).
fu2 3518
140 12 (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciations of 葍 fūk with the same meanings: same as 䔰 fü .² perennial entwined herbaceous plant with small leaves like water spinach, harmful to crops.⁸ <old> weed.¹¹ a pernicious weed.²⁵ an edible wild vegetable.¹⁰²).²
(composition: ⿱艹畐; U+844D).
<又> fūk.
(See 葍 fūk).
fu2 3519
140 15 name of a variety of grass; perennial; creeping plants.⁸
(variant: 葍 fūk )
(composition: ⿱艹富; U+4530).
葍䔰 fūk-fü
fúfù a plant with a large leaf, and a white flower, with edible roots about the size of a man's finger.²⁵
(See 葍 fūk).
fu2 3520
141 11 虖 is a variant form of 呼 fü to breathe out; to exhale; to sigh; to shout; to yell.
(composition: ⿸虍乎; U+8656).
<又> fũ.
(See 虖 fũ.)
fu2 3521
149 12 𧦝
(=呼 fü to call; to cry).² to summon, to call, to cry.²⁵
(composition: ⿰言乎; U+2799D).
<又> hào.
(See 𧦝❄{⿰言乎} hào).
fu2 3522
154 15 bestow on, endow with, vest with; tax; descriptive prose interspersed with verse; compose (a poem).⁵
赋课[賦課] fü-fö fùkè tax.⁶
赋归[賦歸] fü-gï
fùguī to return home.⁷
赋闲[賦閑] or 賦閒[賦閒] fü-hãn
fùxián (of an official) be unemployed.⁵
赋敛[賦斂] fü-lêm
fùliǎn <wr.> tax; levy taxes.⁶
赋诗[賦詩] fü-sï
fùshī to compose verse; poetry.¹⁴
赋诗寄怀[賦詩寄懷] fü-sï-gï-vãi
fùshījìhuái to express one's feelings by composing poetry.⁰
赋诗一首[賦詩一首] fü-sï-yīt-siū
fùshīyīshǒu compose a poem.⁵
赋税[賦稅] fü-suï
fùshuì taxes.⁵
赋役[賦役] fü-vèik
or fü-yèik fùyì taxes and corvée.⁵
赋性[賦性] fü-xëin
fùxìng inborn nature.⁵
赋性疏慵[賦性疏慵] fü-xëin-sü-yũng
fùxìngshūyōng by nature indolent.¹¹
赋形剂[賦形劑] fü-yẽin-jäi
fùxíngjì <med.> excipient.⁵
赋于[賦於] fü-yï
fùyú have; be endowed with.⁵⁴
赋舆[賦輿] fü-yĩ
fùyú military affairs.¹⁹
or 赋与[賦與] fü-yî fùyǔ to give; to bestow; to endow.⁷
赋有[賦有] fü-yiû
fùyǒu endowed or gifted with.⁷
fu2 3523
156 9 go to; attend.⁵
赴席 fü-dèik fùxí to go to/attend a banquet.⁷
赴敌[赴敵] fü-èik
fùdí to go forward to fight the enemy.⁷
赴考 fü-hāo
fùkǎo to proceed to take an examnation; to leave for an examination.⁷
赴汤蹈火[赴湯蹈火] fü-höng-ào-fō
fùtāngdǎohuǒ to go through fire and water – defy all difficulties and dangers.⁷
赴难[赴難] fü-nàn
fùnàn go to the aid of one's country.⁵
赴义[赴義] fü-ngì
fùyì take up stand and be a martyr if necessary.¹¹
赴任 fü-ngìm
fùrèn go to or be on the way to one's post.⁵
赴试[赴試] fü-sï
fùshì go to take an examination.⁵⁴
赴会[赴會] fü-vòi
fùhuì to go to a meeting.⁷
赴约[赴約] fü-yēk
fùyuē keep an appointment.⁵
赴宴 fü-yën
fùyàn attend a banquet.⁵
前赴后继[前赴後繼] tẽin-fü-hèo-gäi
qiánfùhòujì advance wave upon wave.⁶
fu2 3524
157 11 (=跗 fü ) instep; pedestal of a stone tablet.⁶ the back of the foot; to sit cross-legged (as a Buddhist monk does).⁷
趺石 fü-sêk
fūshí pedestal.¹⁹
趺坐 fü-tü
fūzuò to sit cross-legged (as a Buddhist monk does).⁷
跏趺 gä-fü
jiāfū sit cross-legged (as a Buddhist does in meditation).⁶
龟趺[龜趺] gï-fü
guīfū tortoise-shaped base of a stone tablet.⁶
(See 跗 fü).
fu2 3525
157 12 instep.⁵ the toe of the feet, the top or back of the foot, the part over which sandals are tied.²⁵
跗节[跗節] fü-dēik fūjié (of insect) tarsus.⁶
跗骨 fü-gūt
fūgǔ the tarsus; the tarsal bone.⁷
or 跗蹠 fü-jēik fūzhí tarsometatarsus (of a bird).⁶ tarsus and metatarsus.⁷
跗注 fü-jî
fūzhù an old military uniform.¹⁹ a kind of Tartar dress; a kind of drawers and stockings in one; a name.²⁵
跗面 fü-mèin
fūmiàn instep.⁵
or 跗蕚 fü-ngōk fū'è a plant's calyx and ovary.¹⁹
没足㓕跗[沒足㓕跗] mòt-dūk-mèik-fü
mòzúmièfū to get off one's feet, to have as little use of them as if they had been annihilated.²⁵
(See 趺 fü).
fu2 3526
159 12 Hu surname.
fu2 3527
160 15 𨐡
𨐡 fü is made by pounding cornel, the taste is pungent and bitter.²ʼ⁰ to experience a pungent taste whilst beating out pepper.²⁵ spices made from pounded cornel; pungent and bitter.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰辛苦; U+28421).
fu2 3528
190 19 𩭺
(=𩯅❄{⿱髟富}) a false knot of hair.²⁵ a false bun.
(composition: ⿱髟畐; U+29B7A).
(See 𩯅❄{⿱髟富} fü).
fu2 3529
190 22 𩯅
a false knot of hair.²⁵ a false bun. (variant: 𩭺❄{⿱髟富} fü).
(composition: ⿱髟富; U+29BC5).
<又> fūk.
(See 𩭺❄{⿱髟畐} fü; 𩯅❄{⿱髟富} fūk).
fu2 3530
196 15 (composition: ⿰夫鳥; U+9CFA).
鳺鴀 fü-fēo fūfǒu red collared dove, aka red turtle dove (Streptopelia tranquebarica), 火斑鸠 又名红鸠或紅斑鳩, 俗稱斑鴿, 火鵻(臺灣話), 红鴿鵻,火鸪鹪.⁸ʼ¹⁵ʼ²⁰
<又> kï.
(See 鳺 kï).
fu2 3531
196 16 𩿧
a bird.²
(composition: ⿰付鳥; U+29FE7).
鴁𩿧❄{⿰付鳥} yēl-fü yāofū a legendary bird with three heads, six eyes, six wings and six legs.¹⁰¹
fu2 3532
199 15 bran.⁶
麸子[麩子] fü-dū fūzi (wheat) bran.⁵
麸质[麩質] fü-jīt
fūzhì gluten.¹⁰
麸曲[麩曲] fü-kūk
fūqū mouldy bran.⁶
麸皮[麩皮] fü-pĩ
fūpí (wheat) bran.⁷
麸皮面包[麩皮麵包] fü-pĩ mèin-bäo
fūpí miànbāo whole-wheat bread.¹⁰
麸酸[麩酸] fü-xön
fūsuān glutamic acid.⁷
麸素[麩素] fü-xü
fūsù gluten.⁷
烤麸[烤麩] häo-fü
kǎofū steamed gluten.⁶ red-cooked deep-fried bran dough.⁵⁴
<又> kü.
(See 麩 kü.)
fu2 3533
4 丿 5 ➀ used rhetorically or at the end of a question, functioning as 吗[嗎] mä ma: 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎? [有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎?] yiû-pãng-dù-yōn-föng-lõi, būt-yèik-lòk-fũ? yǒupéngzìyuǎnfānglái, bùyìlèhū? Is it not delightful to have friends coming from afar?
➁ used to express supposition, functioning as 吧 bà
ba: 成败之机,其在斯乎? [成敗之機,其在斯乎?] sẽin-bài-jï-gï, kĩ-dòi-xü-fũ? chéngbàizhījī, qízàisīhū? Does not success or failure hinge on this?
➂ used in an alternative question, functioning as 呢 nēh
ne: 如此可乎? nguĩ-xū-hō-fũ? rúcǐkěhū? Would this do?
➃ <wr.> used after a verb, functioning as 于[於] yï
: 出乎意料 chūt-fũ-yï-lèl chūhūyìliào to exceed one's expectations.
➄ used after an adverb or adjective for emphasis: 确乎重要![確乎重要!] kōk-fũ-jùng-yël
quèhūzhòngyào! Very important indeed!
➅ <wr.> used to express exclamation, functioning as 啊 ä
ā. 天乎! Hëin-fũ! Tiān hū! Oh, God! Good Heavens!
➆ 似乎 xû-fũ
sìhū it seems; as if.
➇ 几乎[幾乎] gï-fũ
jīhū almost; nearly.
几乎被烟呛死[幾乎被煙嗆死] gï-fũ-bì-yën-tëng-xī
jīhūbèiyānqiàngsǐ to be almost suffocated by smoke.⁶
fu3 3534
9 9 to capture; to take prisoner; prisoner of war.
俘馘 fũ-kēik fúguó <wr.> to cut off left ear of war prisoner or of corpse as sign of number of wounded or dead.
俘虏[俘虜] fũ-lû fúlǔ captive, prisoner of war; prisoner; capture.⁸
(See <台> 俘虏[俘虜] fũ-lû/).
俘虏营[俘虜營] fũ-lû-yẽin
fúlǔyíng prisoner of war camp.
俘获[俘獲] fũ-vòk
fúhuò to capture (booty).
战俘[戰俘] jën-fũ
zhànfú prisoner of war.
<台> 俘虏[俘虜] fũ-lû/
(playing cards) full house. (See 俘虏[俘虜] fũ-lû fúlǔ).
fu3 3535
37 4 <wr.> this, that; he, she, they; (exclamatory final particle); (initial particle, introduces an opinion).
夫己氏 fũ-gī-sì fújǐshì a certain person.
<又> fü.
(See 夫 [fü, fu], [fü, ].)
fu3 3536
39 7 inspire confidence in somebody.⁵ Fu surname.⁷
埃克森美孚 äi-hāk-sẽim mî-fũ  āikèsēn měifú Exxon Mobil.¹⁰
不孚众望[不孚眾望] būt-fũ-jüng-mòng
bùfúzhòngwàng command no public confidence; enjoy no prestige.⁶
孚众望[孚眾望] fũ-jüng-mòng
fúzhòngwàng come up to popular expectation; enjoy popular support.⁵⁴
名孚天下 mẽin-fũ-hëin-hà
míngfútiānxià one's fame has filled the world.¹⁹
名孚众望[名孚眾望] mẽin-fũ-jüng-mòng
míngfúzhòngwàng prestige commands public confidence; enjoy popular confidence.¹⁹
深孚众望[深孚眾望] sïm-fũ-jüng-mòng
shēnfú zhòngwàng enjoy great popularity; enjoy high prestige.⁵
信孚中外 xïn-fũ-jüng-ngòi
xìnfúzhōngwài to be trusted both at home and abroad (idiom); have the confidence both of foreigners and of one's own people.⁵⁴
恩信相孚 yïn-xïn-xëng-fũ
ēnxìnxiāngfú bound by natural ties of kindness on one side and devotion on the other.¹⁹
fu3 3537
39 14 to hatch, to incubate.
孵化 fũ-fä fūhuà to hatch, to incubate.
孵化器 fũ-fä-hï
fūhuàqì incubator.
孵小鸡[孵小雞] fũ-xēl-gäi
fūxiǎojī to hatch or incubate chicks.
孵育 fũ-yùk
fūyù to hatch, to incubate.
<又> bù, bào.
(See 孵 bù, bào.)
fu3 3538
64 7 to support with the hand; to help somebody up; to support oneself by holding onto something; to help.
扶持 fũ-chĩ fúchí to help sustain; to give aid to; to support; to support with the hands.
扶乩 fũ-gï
fújī planchette writing.
扶挟[扶挾] fũ-hèp
fúxié to support; to back up.
扶起 fũ-hī
fúqǐ to help somebody get up (from the ground); uprear.
扶植 fũ-jèik
fúzhí to foster; to prop up.
扶助 fũ-jò
fúzhù to help; to assist.
扶筇 fũ-kũng
fúqióng to lean on a staff.¹⁴
扶老携幼[扶老攜幼] fũ-lāo-kĩ-yiü
fúlǎoxiéyòu hold the old by the arm and the young by the hand – help the aged and lead the young; bring along the old and the young.⁶
扶灵[扶靈] fũ-lẽin
fúlíng to serve as a pallbearer.⁷
扶贫[扶貧] fũ-pĩn
fúpín  to help the poor; to change the conditions of poverty.
扶摇直上[扶搖直上] fũ-yẽl-jèik-sëng
fúyáozhíshàng to soar on the wings of a cyclone; to rise steeply; to be promoted quickly in an official career.
扶揄 fũ-yĩ
fúyú to raise high; to uphold.
扶掖 fũ-yìt
fúyè <wr.> support; help; lend a hand (to).⁶
<又> fû.
(See 扶 fû.)
fu3 3539
75 8 (composition: ⿰木夫; U+678E).
枎疎 fũ-sü fúshū (<old>=枎疏 or 扶疏 fũ-sü fúshū luxuriant and well-organized).⁹
<又> fü.
(See 枎 fü.)
fu3 3540
75 11 a raft.¹⁴
桴炭 fũ-hän fútàn floating charcoal; anything light.¹⁴
乘桴 sẽin-fũ
chéngfú to float on a raft.¹⁴ retire from worldly affairs.⁵⁴
乘桴浮于海[乘桴浮於海] sẽin-fũ-fẽo-yï-hōi
chéngfúfúyúhǎi float out to sea on a raft.¹¹
<又> fẽo.
(See 桴[fẽo, ] 桴[fẽo, fóu].)
fu3 3541
86 9 to cook in a small quantity of water; simmer; stew in shallow water.⁵⁴
烀白薯 fũ-bàk-sĩ hūbáishǔ stew sweet potatoes in shallow water.⁸
fu3 3542
115 12 husk; chaff.⁶ husk; outside shell of grain.¹⁰
麦稃[麥稃] màk-fũ màifū barley husk.¹⁰
熬稃 ngão-fũ
āofū puffed grain; popped wheat; popcorn.¹⁰
外稃 ngòi-fũ
wàifū husk; outside shell of grain.¹⁰
内稃[內稃] nuì-fũ
nèifū inner husk.¹⁰
fu3 3543
118 11 ➀ tally (issued in ancient China by a ruler to his general or envoy as the credential) ➁ symbol ➂ tally/accord with; conform to ➃ magic figures (drawn by Taosit priests to invoke or expel spirits and bring good or ill fortune; charm.⁶ Fu surname.¹⁰
符节[符節] fũ-dēik fújié tally (issued in ancient China by a ruler to his general or envoy as the credential).⁶
符号[符號] fũ-hào
fúhào symbol, sign, mark.⁶
符号逻辑[符號邏輯] fũ-hão-lõ-tīp
fúhàoluójí symbolic logic.⁶
符合 fũ-hàp
fúhé accord with; conform to.⁶
符咒 fũ-jiû
fúzhòu Taoist magic figures and incantations; charm; spell.⁶
符拉迪沃斯讬克[符拉迪沃斯託克] Fũ-lā-èik-yūk-xü-hōk-hāk
Fúlādíwòsītuōkè Vladivostok.¹⁰
符箓[符籙] fũ-lùk
fúlù magic figures (drawn by Taoist priests to invoke or expel spirits and bring good or ill fortune); charm.⁶
名符其实[名符其實] mẽin-fũ-kĩ-sìt
míngfúqíshí  (=名副其实[名副其實] mẽin-fü-kĩ-sìt míngfùqíshí live up to one's reputation; true to one's name; worthy of one's name; the name matches the reality.⁶
fu3 3544
122 12 <wr.> bird net/trap.⁶ trap for catching birds.⁸
(composition: ⿱罒孚; U+7F66).
罦罳 fũ-xü fúsī (=罘罳 fẽo-xü fúsī) screen placed outside the door in ancient China; metal network under eaves to ward off birds.⁶
罦罝 fũ-jëh
fújū in general, a net for catching birds or animals.¹⁹
fu3 3545
140 7 lotus; hibiscus.
出水芙蓉 chūt-suī-fũ-yũng chūshuǐfúróng a pretty young girl.
芙蕖 fũ-kuĩ
fúqú <wr.> lotus; lotus flowers.¹ the lotus; lotus fully opened.¹¹
芙蓉 fũ-yũng
fúróng <bot.> cottonrose hibiscus; lotus.
芙蓉出水 fũ-yũng-chūt-suī
fúróngchūshuǐ lit. lotus rises from the water (idiom); fig. to blossom (of poem or art).
芙蓉国[芙蓉國] fũ-yũng-gōk
fúróngguó the land of hibiscus (poetic name for Hunan).
木芙蓉 mùk-fũ-yũng
mùfúróng cotton rose.¹ hibiscus.¹¹ Hibiscus mutabilis Linn.²³
阿芙蓉 ö-fũ-yũng
ēfúróng <topo.> poppy; opium.
泡芙 päo-fũ
pàofú <loan> cream puff; profiterole.
多芙 ü-fũ
duōfú Dove (toiletries).
雪芙莱[雪芙萊] Xūt-fũ-lõi
Xuěfúlái Chevrolet.
fu3 3546
140 8 (=莩 fú ). a kind of red grass; reed membrane.¹  kind of herb; type of grass.⁸  Angelica anomala.¹⁰  A kind of grass of rush family.¹¹ Fu surname.
萑苻 fũn-fũ
huánfú Huanpu, a place in Zheng State during the Spring and Autumn Period haunted by thieves and robbers according to historical records. Later it became used to refer to a place haunted by thieves and robbers or simply such people.⁹
fu3 3547
140 10 membrane lining inside of reed.⁸  the white membrane inside the stem of reeds; the outer covering of a seed
reed membrane.⁹  membrane lining inside a cylindrical stem; culm.¹⁰  the white pellicle lining the culms of a water plant, from which the meaning of intimate, friendly, related, is derived.¹⁴ a bird trap.¹⁹
(composition: ⿱艹孚; U+83A9).
葭莩 gä-fũ jiāfú the membrane of a reed stem (as in reed type); distant relatives (i.e., very “thin”).¹¹
葭莩之亲[葭莩之親] gä-fũ-jï-tïn
jiāfúzhīqīn closely related.¹⁴
莩葭 fũ-gä
fújiā the pellicle lining the culms of a water plant, from which the meaning of intimate, friendly, related, is derived.¹⁴
<又> pẽl.
(See 莩 pẽl.)
fu3 3548
140 12 𦳓
demotic character for 𦽏❄{⿱艹鳧}a variety of water chestnut.⁰
(composition: ⿱艹鳬; U+26CD3).
(See 𦽏❄{⿱艹鳧} fũ).
fu3 3549
140 16 𦽏

an edible tuber, described as a variety of the water chestnut or Eleocharis, called 𦽏茈 fũ-dū fúzǐ, which people eat in times of scarcity.¹⁰²
(variant: 𦳓
(composition: ⿱艹鳧; U+26F4F).
𦽏茈 fũ-dū
fúzǐ water chestnut. (variant: 荸荠[荸薺] bòt-tî bíqí.¹⁰¹
(See 𦳓❄{⿱艹鳬} fũ).
fu3 3550
141 11 虖 is a variant form of 乎 fũ in; at; on; with; on.
(composition: ⿸虍乎; U+8656).
<又> fü.
(See 虖 fü.)
fu3 3551
142 10 a kind of water beetle from which it has come to mean cash, then dollars and money generally.¹⁴
花蚨 fä-fũ huāfú dollars; rupees.¹⁴
蚨蝉[蚨蟬] fũ-chên
fúchán a species of cicada.¹⁴
蚨蝶 fũ-èp
fúdié variant for (蝴蝶 or 胡蝶 vũ-èp húdié) butterfly.¹¹
青蚨 tëin-fũ
qīngfú a water beetle – according to the books, if the blood of the mother is smeared on 81 copper cash, and the blood of the young one is also smeared on another 81 cash, then cash will always come together, no matter how they are circulated, – from the 搜神记[搜神記] Xēo-sĩn-gï Sōushénjì.¹⁴
fu3 3552
163 9 <old> wall around a large city.¹ outer walls of city; suburbs.⁸ walls built outside the city walls.⁹ suburbs.¹⁰
郛郭 fũ-kök fúguō booming suburbs outside city; shelter; shield; protect.¹ outer defense of place.¹¹
fu3 3553
163 13 (name of an old district in 陕西省[陝西省] Sēm-xäi sāng Shǎnxī shěng Shaanxi Province, now known as 富县[富縣] Fü yòn Fù xiàn.)¹⁹
fu3 3554
167 12 𫓧   fodder chopper.⁶ an ax; a hatchet.⁷ <chem.> flerovium.³⁶
(composition traditional: ⿰金夫; U+9207).
(composition simplified: ⿰钅夫; U+2B4E7).
𫓧斧[鈇斧] fũ-fū fūfǔ an ax.⁷
锧[鈇鑕] fũ-jīt fūzhì ancient instrument for cutting the body of the condemned in two at the waist.¹¹
钺[鈇鉞] fũ-yòt fūyuè <wr.> hatchet and axe; punishments by bodily mutilation.¹¹
fu3 3555
196 9 (=凫[鳧] fũ wild duck, teal; swim.⁸).⁸
(composition: same as 鳥 where the four dots are replaced by 几; U+9CEC).
(See 鳧 fũ).
fu3 3556
196 13 wild duck, teal; swim.⁸ (variant:鳬 fũ ). (See 鳬 fũ).
凫水[鳧水] fũ-suī
fúshuǐ or 浮水 fẽo-suī fúshuǐ <topo.> to swim; to float.
凫趋[鳧趨] fũ-tuï
fúqū to walk slowly, like a duck.¹⁰²
凫趋雀跃[鳧趨雀躍] fũ-tuï-dēk-yèk
fúqūquèyuè wild ducks waddle and sparrows leap – to dance with joy.
凫茨[鳧茨] fũ-xũ
fúcí water chestnut. (variant: 荸荠[荸薺] bòt-tî bíqí water chestnut (medicinal name); Eleocharis dulcis or E. congesta.)¹⁰ See 马蹄[馬蹄] mâ-hãi mǎtí water chestnut (common name).
凫鹥在泾[鳧鷖在涇] fũ-yï-dòi-gëin
fú yī zài jīng The wild-ducks and widgeons are on the Jing.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·生民之什·鳧鷖·1》, translated by James Legge).
凫翁[鳧翁] fũ-yüng
fúwēng water cock.
家凫[家鳧] gä-fũ
jiāfú poetical poem for the common duck.¹⁰²
双凫一雁[雙鳧一雁] söng-fũ-yīt-ngàn
shuāngfúyīyàn When Suwu 苏武[蘇武] of the Han Dynasty was an envoy to the Huns, he was detained. When he returned to China, he left behind Li Ling's 李陵 poems. There is a phrase "two mallards fly north, and one wild goose soars south". Later, 雙鳧一雁 was used as a sentimental parting word.¹⁰²

fu3 3557
9 5 to hand over to; to turn over to; to commit to; to pay.
付梓 fù-dū fùzǐ send to the printers.⁵
付款 fù-fōn
fùkuǎn pay out.¹¹
付诸[付諸] fù-jï
fùzhū to implement; to apply to; to put into (practice); to put to (a test, a vote).
付诸实现[付諸實現] fù-jï-sìt-yèn
fùzhūshíxiàn to put into action; to put into practice.
付诸东流[付諸東流] fù-jï-üng-liũ
fùzhūdōngliú all efforts are wasted; to be irrevocably lost.
付之一炬 fù-jï-yīt-guì
fùzhīyījù confine to the flames.¹¹
付讫] fù-kēik
or fù-ngàt fùqì paid.⁵ pay off/up; pay in full.⁶
交付 gäo-fù
jiāofù to pay; to hand over; to deliver; to consign.
支付 jï-fù
zhīfù to pay (money).
对付[對付] uï-fù
duìfu to deal with; to cope with.⁷
<台> 付赤
or 付仄 fù-chēik to deposit a check (in a bank).
fu4 3558
9 9 (=辅[輔] fù assist, complement, supplement.⁵ cheek bone; protective; assist.⁸ side poles of cart acting as wheel guard.¹¹).²
(composition: ⿰亻甫; U+4FCC).
俌俏 fù-tël
fǔqiào or 峬峭 bù-xël būqiào <wr.> (of bearing or writing) graceful; fine.³⁶
(See 輔 fù).
fu4 3559
9 12 teacher; to teach; Fu surname.
大师傅[大師傅] ài-xü-fù dàshīfu cook; chef; <Buddhist> Great Master (courtesy address for a monk).
傅粉 fù-fūn
fùfěn to put powder on; powder.
傅彩 fù-tōi
fùcǎi to lay on colors.
老师傅[老師傅] lāo-xü-fù
lǎoshīfu <court.> master craftsman; experienced worker.
面包师傅[麵包師傅] mèin-bäo-xü-fù
miànbāo shīfu baker.
认师傅[認師傅] ngìn-xü-fù
rèn shīfu to apprentice oneself to somebody.
皮傅 pĩ-fù
pífù give a strained, superficial interpretation.⁶
fu4 3560
41 10 (<old>=敷 fù to apply (powder, ointment, etc.); spread, lay out; be sufficient for.⁵); to state to, to announce.⁸
(composition: ⿱甫寸; U+5C03).
(See 敷 fù).
fu4 3561
61 8 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 怙 gü with same meaning.)
<又> gü.
(See 怙 gü.)
fu4 3562
63 4 Kangxi radical 63.⁸ a door; a household, a family; Hu surname.⁷ (variant: 戸 fù ). (See 戸 fù).
户籍[戶籍] fù-dèik
hùjí a domicile; household registration.⁷
户户[戶戶] fù-fù
hùhù every household.⁷
户均[戶均] fù-gün
hùjūn average for each household.⁸
户限[戶限] fù-hàn
hùxiàn a threshold; a doorsill.⁷
户口[戶口] fù-hēo
hùkǒu households; registered permanent residence.⁷
户头[戶頭] fù-hẽo
hùtóu a depositor (in banking), a bank account; the family head, the householder.⁷
户主[戶主] fù-jī
hùzhǔ the head of a household.⁷
户外活动[戶外活動] fù-ngòi-vòt-ùng
hùwàihuódòng outdoor activities.¹⁹
户内[戶內] fù-nuì
hùnèi indoor; indoors.⁷
户枢不蠹[戶樞不蠹] fù-sï-būt-ù
or fù-kuï-būt-ù hùshūbùdù lit. The door pivot will not become worm-eaten. – Human faculties should be constantly used to prevent them from getting rusty.⁷
户牖[戶牖] fù-yiù
hùyǒu doors and windows; (academic or philosophic) schools or sects.⁷
桑户棬枢[桑戶棬樞] xông-fù-hūn-sï
or xông-fù-hūn-kuï sānghùquānshū <wr.> door posts of mulberry and door hinge of bent wood – extreme poverty.¹¹
fu4 3563
63 4 (=户[戶] fù ) a door; a household, a family; Hu surname.⁷
(See 戶 fù).
fu4 3564
63 11 escort, retinue; insolent.⁸
跋扈 bàt-fù báhù domineering; bossy.⁵ (of local rulers, commanders) recalcitrant.¹¹
飞扬跋扈[飛揚跋扈] fï-yẽng-bàt-fù
fēiyángbáhù arrogant and domineering.⁵ to become powerful and intransigent.¹¹
扈哔[扈嗶] fù-bīt
hùbì emperor's retinue.¹¹
扈跸[扈蹕] fù-bīt
hùbì escort the emperor in travel.³⁹
扈扈 fù-fù
hùhù brightly colored.³⁹
扈驾[扈駕] fù-gä
hùjià escort the imperial carriage.⁸
扈辇[扈輦] fù-lèin
hùniǎn <trad.> escort the emperor in travel.⁵⁴
扈从[扈從] fù-tũng
hùcóng cortege.⁹
扈养[扈養] fù-yëng
hùyǎng <wr.> grooms and cooks.¹¹
fu4 3565
66 14 𢾭
(=敷 fù apply (powder, ointment, etc.); spread, lay out; be sufficient for.⁵).²
(composition: ⿰尃攵; U+22FAD).
(See 敷 fù).
fu4 3566
66 15 apply (powder, ointment, etc.); spread, lay out; be sufficient for.⁵ (composition: ⿰旉攵; U+6577). (variants: 𢾭❄{⿰尃攵} fù; 旉 fù; 尃 fù; ). (See 𢾭❄{⿰尃攵} fù 旉 fù; 尃 fù).
敷布 fù-bü
fūbù <wr.> to spread (culture).¹¹
敷陈[敷陳] fù-chĩn
fūchén <wr.> state in detail; elaborate.⁶
敷粉 fù-fūn
fūfěn apply powder, medical powder.¹¹
敷告天下 fù-gäo-hëin-hà
fūgàotiānxià make public to the world.¹¹
敷料 fù-lèl
fūliào <med.> dressing.⁵
敷面 fù-mèin
fūmiàn apply cosmetics on the face; surface application; top dressing.⁵⁴
敷设[敷設] fù-sēt
fūshè lay (pipes); lay (mines).⁶
敷药[敷藥] fù-yêk
fūyào to place medicine on a wound.⁹
or 敷演 fù-yēn fūyǎn elaborate; expound.⁵
敷衍 fù-yēn
fūyan be perfunctory; go through the motions.⁵
敷衍搪塞 fù-yēn-hõng-xāk
fūyantángsè explain away; give a lame excuse; halfheartedness; dodge.⁶
敷衍了事 fù-yēn-lēl-xù
fūyan liǎoshì muddle through one's work.⁵
敷衍塞責 fù-yēn-xāk-jāk
fūyansèzé perform one's duty in a perfunctory manner.⁵
敷一敷 fù-yīt-fù
fūyīfū rub a little with ointment.¹¹
敷用 fù-yùng
fūyòng apply; suffice for expenses.⁵⁴

fu4 3567
70 11 (original form of 敷 fù to apply (powder, ointment, etc.); spread, lay out; be sufficient for.⁵); to state to, to announce.⁸ to state to the sovereign or a superior; to lay, as a mat; to spread out, to diffuse; to disclose, as the feelings; to announce, to send out orders, to promulge; to show forth; to divide and arrange; to apply, as a plaster; extensively.¹⁰²
the fourth of the eight diagrams is 震 jīn zhèn to tremble; and this character exhibits it; whence it means to display, to show the energy of spring in the budding or starting of plants.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱甫方; U+65C9).
震为雷, 为龙, 为玄黄, 为旉...[震為雷, 為龍, 為玄黃, 為旉...]
Jīn-vĩ-luĩ, vĩ-lũng, vĩ-yõn-võng, vĩ-fù...

Zhèn wéi léi, wéi lóng, wéi xuánhuáng, wéi fū...

Zhen suggests the idea of thunder; of the dragon; of (the union of) the azure and the yellow; of development...⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《周易·說卦·13》, translated by James Legge).
fu4 3568
75 9 to paint; to smear.⁸
(composition: ⿰木付; U+67CE).
榆柎 yĩ-fù yúfù a sort of elm.²⁴
榆柎 Yĩ Fù
Yú Fù the name of a good physician (during the reign of the Yellow Emperor).²⁴
<又> fū, fü.
(See 柎 fū, 柎 fü).
fu4 3569
85 14 another name for 上海 Sèng-hōi Shànghǎi Shanghai.⁵
沪剧[滬劇] Fù-kēk
Hùjù Shanghai opera.⁵
沪杭菜[滬杭菜] Fù-Hõng-töi
Hù-Hángcài Shanghai-Hangzhou cuisine.¹
沪江[滬江] Fù-göng
Hùjiāng another name for Shanghai.⁸
沪市[滬市] Fù-sî Hùshì Shanghai; Shanghai stock market.¹
fu4 3570
88 4 Kangxi radical 88; father.⁸ father; male relative of a senior generaion.⁵
父辈[父輩] fù-böi fùbèi realtives or friends of one's father's generation.⁶
父本 fù-bōn
fùběn <bot.> male parent.⁵
父子 fù-dū
fùzǐ father and son.⁸
父系 fù-hài
fùxì paternal line; father's side of the family.⁵
父执[父執] fù-jīp
fùzhí father's friends.¹¹
父权[父權] fù-kũn
fùquán patriarchy.⁵
父老 fù-lāo
fùlǎo elders (of a country or district).⁵
父母 fù-mû
fùmǔ parents.¹¹
父母官 fù-mû-gön
fùmǔguān <trad.> father-mother official (a term for county magistrate) – officials serving the interests of the people.⁶
父母之命媒妁之言 fù-mû-jï-mèin, mõi-sēk-jï-ngũn
fùmǔzhīmìng, méishuòzhīyán <wr.> make match by parents’ order and on matchmaker's word – old-fashioned marriage.¹¹
父爱[父愛] fù-öi
fù'ài paternal love/affection.⁶
父党[父黨] fù-ōng
fùdǎng father's kinsfolk.⁶
父亲[父親] fù-tïn
fùqin father.¹⁰
父亲节[父親節] fù-tïn-
Fùqīnjié n. Father's Day.⁶
外祖父 ngòi-dū-fù
wàizǔfù maternal grandfather.¹⁰
<又> fū.
(See 父 fū.)
fu4 3571
96 11 (<old>=璷 fù as in the compound 瑻璷 kün-fù kūnfū fine jade.²).²
(composition: ⿰𤣩孚; U+7408).
<又> fẽo.
(See 琈 fẽo; 璷 fù; 瑻璷 kün-fù).
fu4 3572
96 19 (composition: ⿰𤣩敷; U+74B7).
(old variant: 琈 fù ).
瑻璷 kün-fù
kūnfū fine jade.²
<又> luĩ.
(See 璷 luĩ; 琈 fù).
fu4 3573
104 10 hunchbacked; curved spine, short, dropsy.⁸ a sickness consisting in being bent double, short and deformed.²⁴
(composition: ⿸疒付; U+3F88).
fu4 3574
104 12 (=㾈 fù hunchbacked; curved spine, short, dropsy.⁸ a sickness consisting in being bent double, short and deformed.²⁴).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿸疒甫; U+75E1).
<又> pü; bù.
(See 痡 pü; 痡 bù; 㾈 fù).
fu4 3575
113 9 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 祜 vü with same meaning.)
<又> vü.
(See 祜 vü.)
fu4 3576
118 17 bamboo utensils for fishing in the river and the sea.⁸ a bamboo framework for catching fish at sea; fishing stakes.²⁵ fishing weirs made of bamboo, on which cords are strung so as to entrap the fish at turn of tide; they are common on the canals in Jiangsu 江苏[江蘇].¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱𥫗扈; U+7C04).
fu4 3577
130 14 rotten, putrid, stale, corroded; bean curd.⁵
豆腐 èo-fù dòufu tofu, bean curd.⁶
腐败[腐敗] fù-bài
fǔbài putrid, decayed; corrupt, rotten.⁵
腐朽 fù-hiū
fǔxiǔ rotten, decayed; decadent, degenerate.⁵
腐烂[腐爛] fù-làn
fǔlàn decomposed, putrid; corrupt; rotten.⁵
腐乳 fù-nguî
fǔrǔ fermented bean curd.⁵
腐肉 fù-ngùk
fǔròu rotten meat.⁵
腐蚀[腐蝕] fù-sèik
fǔshí corrosion; to corrode (degrade chemically); to rot; corruption.¹⁰
流水不腐 liũ-suī-būt-fù
liúshuǐbùfǔ activity keeps one in good health.¹ running water is never stale.⁵
麻婆豆腐 mã-pũ-èo-fù
mápó dòufu stir-fried bean curd in hot sauce (the recipe  is attributed to a certain pockmarked woman).⁶
fu4 3578
140 10 𦱖
a medicinal herb.²ʼ²⁵ wolfsbane.⁸ aka 附草 fù-tāo fùcǎo.¹⁰¹ a medicinal herb, like wolf's bane (Aconitum variegatum), whose seeds called 𦱖❄{⿱艹附}子 fù-dū fùzi or 附子 fù-dū fùzi are pungent, poisonous, and bitterish, and taken for their tonic properties; the tubers are called 地雄 ì-hũng dìxióng or 𦱖❄{⿱艹附}片 fù-pëin/ fùpiàn, and are also used in medicine.¹⁰² (Note: the genus Aconitum is called 乌头属[烏頭屬] vü-hẽo-sùk wūtóushǔ, 附子属[附子屬] fù-dū-sùk fùzishǔ or 萴 jēik ).²⁰
(composition: ⿱艹附; U+26C56).
❄{⿱艹附}子 bàk-fù-dū báifùzi a plant of the arum family, brought as a medicine from Manchuria.¹⁰²
❄{⿱艹附}子 ì-fù-dū dìfùzi the seeds of the genus Kochia (地肤属[地膚屬] ì-fü-sùk dìfūshǔ), one of the Amaranthaceae (苋科[莧科] hàn-fö xiànkē) or amaranth family.¹⁰²ʼ⁰
fu4 3579
140 10 to scatter.² the water lily, before the petals are fallen off.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹扶; U+8374).
荴蔬 fù-sü fūshū luxuriant and well-spaced foliage; also prosperous.¹⁹
栗荴 lùt-fù
lìfū the thin skin between chestnut shell and chestnut meat, can be used as medicine.¹⁹
荾荴 xuï-fù
suīfū the flower of the water lily.²⁵
fu4 3580
140 12 to blossom; to flower.⁸ (syn. 蓲 fù ).
(composition: ⿱艹品; U+44F5).
䓵萮 fù-yĩ
fūyú flowery.²⁵
(See 蓲 fù).
fu4 3581
140 14 (=敷 fù )⁵⁴ apply (powder, ointment, etc.); spread, lay out; be sufficient for.⁵ (=䓵 fù fū)² to blossom; to flower.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹區; U+84F2).
or 蓲蘛 or 敷蘛 fù-yĩ fūyú (flowers) in full bloom.⁸ flowers blooming.²⁵
<又> ëo; hiü; huī. (See 蓲 ëo; 蓲 hiü; 蓲 huī; 敷 fù; 䓵 fù).
fu4 3582
142 11 scales on the belly of a snake, aiding locomotion; snail; to crawl.¹⁰ belly scales (snakes), scales on the belly of a snake, aiding locomotion; snail; to crawl.⁵⁴ the scales on the belly of large serpents by which they progress.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰虫付; U+86B9).
蚹蠃 fù-lũ fùluó a snail.²⁵ a garden snail.¹⁰²
蚹蛇 fù-sẽh
fùshé a snake with transverse scales across its belly, by means of which it moves along.²⁵ snake ventral scutes.⁵⁴ a snake's scales along the belly.¹⁰²
M̃-òi-sẽh-fù, hẽl-yêik-tẽh!
Wú dài shé fù, tiáo yì xié!
My waiting, is it for the scales of a snake, or the wings of a cicada? ⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《莊子·內篇·齊物論·13》, translated by James Legge).
fu4 3583
145 10 gorgeous clothing; the clothes are neatly arranged.⁸ full dress.²⁵ dressed up.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰衤付; U+889D).
fu4 3584
149 9 obituary; give notice of death.⁸ to announce the death of a parent.¹⁴ a son announcing the death of a parent or grandparent to his relatives and friends; to go to.¹⁰²
(comp. t: ⿰言卜; U+8A03). (comp. s: ⿰讠卜; U+8BA3).
讣报[訃報] fù-bäo
fùbào or 讣闻[訃聞] fù-mũn fùwén or 讣音[訃音] fù-yïm fùyīn announcement of death.¹⁴ the letter or card or messenger announcing a death; there is some difference in the usages; a small sum, called 香仪[香儀] hëng-ngĩ xiāngyí, is returned to aid in buying incense and candles.¹⁰²
讣告[訃告] fù-gäo
fùgào obituary notice.¹⁴
Jìng bù fùgào liúqí yǔ xuán dé.
No notice of the death was sent to Liu Qi, the son, or to Liu Bei, his uncle.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《三國演義·40蔡夫人議獻荊州,諸葛亮火燒新野·12》).
fu4 3585
154 9 to carry on the back or shoulder; to rely on; to suffer; to bear (responsibility); to enjoy; to owe; to fail in one's duty; to lose (a game or battle); negative.
不分胜负[不分勝負] būt-fün-sëin-fù bùfēnshèngfù a draw; to come out even; to end in a tie.
负担[負擔] fù-äm
fùdān bear (a burden), shoulder; burden, load, encumbrance.⁶
负荆请罪[負荊請罪] fù-gëin-tēin-duì
fùjīngqǐngzuì lit. to bring a bramble and ask for punishment (idiom); fig. to offer somebody a humble apology.¹⁰
负荷[負荷] fù-hò
fùhè load; burden; charge.¹⁰
负项[負項] fù-hòng
fùxiàng <math.> negative term.
负债[負債] fù-jäi
fùzhài to be in debt; to owe money.
负责[負責] fù-jāk
fùzé be responsible for; be in charge of; conscientious.⁵
负重[負重] fù-jùng
fùzhòng to bear a heavy burden.
负义[負義] fù-ngì
fùyì to be ungrateful.
负数[負數] fù-sü
fùshù <math.> negative number.
负屈[負屈] fù-vūt
fùqū to suffer an injustice.
负薪[負薪] fù-xïn
fùxīn to carry firewood on his back.
负约[負約] fù-yēk
fùyuē to break a promise; to fail to keep an appointment.
负扆[負扆] fù-yï
fùyǐ with the back to the screen.¹⁴

fu4 3586
154 17 <wr.> present a gift (of money) to help a bereaved family with the funeral.⁶ to help another with money in financing a funeral.⁷ to assist, to aid one with money at a funeral; to contribute towards a burial.²⁵
赠赙[贈賻] dàng-fù zèngfù send money gift to a family in mourning.¹¹
赙祭[賻祭] fù-däi
fùjì to contribute towards expenses at a funeral.⁰
赙赠[賻贈] fù-dàng
fùzèng <wr.> present a gift to a bereaved family.⁵
赙赠香仪[賻贈香儀] fù-dàng-hëng-ngĩ
fùzèngxiāngyí to give incense money for funeral expenses.⁷
赙赗[賻賵] fù-fūng
fùfèng that which is presented to the dead at funerals, such as cloth, carriages, horses and other property.⁰
赙金[賻金] fù-gïm
fùjīn <wr.> money presented to a bereaved family.⁶
赙仪[賻儀] fù-ngĩ
fùyí <wr.> a gift to a bereaved family.⁵
赙钱[賻錢] fù-tẽin
fùqián money for help another finance a funeral.⁷
fu4 3587
159 14 assist, complement, supplement.⁵ cheek bone; protective; assist.⁸ side poles of cart acting as wheel guard; official assistant; as variant of 䩉 fù cheek and jowl. Fu surname.¹¹
(variants: 䩉 fù
; 俌 fù ). (See 䩉 fù; 俌 fù).
辅导[輔導] fù-ào
fǔdǎo give guidance in study or training; coach.⁵
辅导员[輔導員] fù-ào-yõn
fǔdǎoyuán (political and ideological) assistant; instructor.⁵
辅币[輔幣] fù-bài
fǔbì fractional currency (or money).⁵
辅弼[輔弼] fù-bìt
fǔbì <wr.> assist (a ruler with his state affairs).⁶
辅车相依[輔車相依] fù-chëh-xëng-yï
fǔchēxiāngyī as dependent on each other as the jowls and the jawbones; as close as the jowls and the jaws; be cheek by jowl (with).⁶
辅佐[輔佐] fù-dü
fǔzuǒ assist a ruler in governing a country.⁵
辅课[輔課] fù-fö
fǔkè subsidiary course.⁵
辅助[輔助] fù-jò
fǔzhù assist; supplementary, auxiliary, subsidiary.⁵
辅料[輔料] fù-lèl
fǔliào subsidiary/supplementary material; seasoning, condiment.⁶
辅音[輔音] fù-yïm
fǔyīn consonant.⁵
相辅相成[相輔相成] xëng-fù-xëng-sẽin
xiāngfǔxiāngchéng complement each other.⁵

fu4 3588
163 13 The name of a county in Shaanxi Province, now named 户县[戶縣] Fù-yòn Hùxiàn.
fu4 3589
170 7 to enclose, to add, to attach; to get close to, to be near; to agree to.
附笔[附筆] fù-bīt fùbǐ additional note; postscript; to attach; subsidiary; supplementary; incidental.
附加 fù-gä
fùjiā additional; annex.¹⁰
附件 fù-gèin
fùjiàn appendix; annex; enclosure; accessories; attachment.
附近 fù-gìn
fùjìn (in the) vicinity; nearby; neighboring; next to.¹⁰
附骥[附驥] fù-kï
fùjì follow the lead of a great man; ride on the coattails of a great man; shine in reflected glory.⁶
附骐攀鸿[附騏攀鴻] fù-kĩ-pän-hũng
fùqípānhóng cleave to the tail of a steed and mount on a goose; become famous by putting oneself under the patronage of others.⁵⁴
附录[附錄] fù-lùk
fùlù appendix.
附议[附議] fù-ngì
fùyì to second a motion.
附上 fù-sèng
fùshàng <wr.> enclose herewith; attached.
附属[附屬] fù-sùk
fùshǔ subsidiary; auxiliary; attached; affiliated; subordinate; subordinating.
附庸 fù-yũng
fùyōng vassal; dependent; subordinate; subservient; appendage.¹⁰
趋炎附势[趨炎附勢] tuï-yèm-fù-säi
qūyánfùshì curry favor with the powerful; play up to those in power.⁵
fu4 3590
176 16 the face, the cheeks; the jaw; later the character was changed to 辅[輔] fù .⁸ the cheek; the side of the face.²⁵ cheekbone.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰面甫; U+4A49).
(See 輔 fù).
fu4 3591
187 15 extra horses harnessed by the side of the team; swift.⁷
驸马[駙馬] fù-mâ fùmǎ husband of princess; <wr.> ancient title for chief of palace guards.¹¹
驸马都尉[駙馬都尉] fù-mâ-ü-vï
fùmǎdūwèi <wr.> ancient title for chief of palace guards.¹¹
驸马爷[駙馬爺] fù-mâ-yẽh
fùmǎyé the husband of a princess.⁷
额驸[額駙] ngäk-fù
éfù (Manchu) husband of princess.¹¹
fu4 3592
195 16 a gold carp; a crucian carp.⁷
鲋行[鮒行] fù-hãng fùxíng to go in pairs, as perches are said to be.¹⁴
鲋鱼涸辙[鮒魚涸轍] fù-nguĩ-kök-chēt
fùyúhézhé like a perch in a dry rut – in desperate straits.¹⁴
鲛鲋[鮫鮒] gäo-fù
jiāofù a fabulous sea monster.¹⁴
寒鲋[寒鮒] hõn-fù
hánfù another name for 鲫鱼[鯽魚] dāk-nguî or dēik-nguî jìyú crucian (carp).⁶ a gold carp.⁷ a bream.¹⁴ goldfish (Carassius auratus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
涸辙之鲋[涸轍之鮒] kök-chēt-jï-fù
hézhézhīfù a fish trapped in a dry rut – a person in a desperate situation.⁵
涸鲋[涸鮒] kök-fù
héfù stranded; at the last gasp.¹⁴
鲈鲋[鱸鮒] lũ-fù
lúfù ruff; freshwater perch.⁵⁴
fu4 3593
30 8 <台> 呼捏水 fû-nīt-suī to spray a little water.
<又> fü. (See 呼 fü.)
fu5 3594
30 14   (composition: ⿰口虖; U+5611).
嘑尔[嘑爾] fû-ngì hùěr <lit.> to shout loudly.³⁶
Fû-ngì-ngĩ-yî-jï. hãng-ào-jï-ngĩn-fūt-siù; tūk-ngì-ngĩ-yî-jï; hāt-rén-būt-xēik-yâ.
Hùěr ér yǔ zhī, xíngdào zhī rén fú shòu; cù'ěr ér yǔ zhī, qǐrén bùxiè yě.
If they are offered with an insulting voice, even a tramper will not receive them, or if you first tread upon them, even a beggar will not stoop to take them.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《孟子·告子上·10》, translated by James Legge).
又> fü.
(See 嘑 fü).
fu5 3595
38 11 woman; married woman; wife.⁵ (variant: 媍 fû ).
妇道[婦道] fû-ào
fùdao <trad.> female virtues.⁶
妇道人家[婦道人家] fû-ào-ngĩn-gä
fùdaorénjia women, womenfolk.⁶
妇产科[婦產科] fû-chān-fö
fùchǎnkē (department of) gynecology and obstetrics.⁵
妇产医院[婦產醫院] fû-chān-yï-yòn
fùchǎnyīyuàn a hospital for gynecology and obstetrics.⁵
妇科[婦科] fû-fö
fùkē (department of) gynecology.⁵
妇姑勃谿[婦姑勃谿] fû-gü-bòt-käi
fùgūbóxī squabbles between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law over trivials – family/petty squabbles.⁶
妇联[婦聯] Fû-Lũn
Fù-Lián the Women's Federation.⁵
妇人[婦人] fû-ngĩn
fùrén married woman.⁵
妇女[婦女] fû-nuī
fùnǚ woman.⁵
妇丧其茀[婦喪其茀] fû-xöng-kĩ-fūt
fùsàngqífú she lost her hair-ornament.¹⁴
妇婴[婦嬰] fû-yëin
fù-yīng women and infants.⁶
妇孺 fû-yĩ
fùrú women and children.⁶
妇孺皆知[婦孺皆知] fû-yĩ-gäi-jï
fùrújiēzhī it is known even to women and children.⁶
妇幼[婦幼] fû-yiü
fùyòu women and children.⁵
(See 媍 fû).
fu5 3596
38 12 (=妇[婦] fû woman; married woman; wife.⁵).²ʼ⁸
(composition: ⿰女負; U+5A8D).
(See 婦 fû).
fu5 3597
64 7 那扶 Nõ-fû Nàfú a town in Taishan City (formerly District).
<又> fũ.
(See 扶 fũ.)
fu5 3598
120 12 (=褲 fû ) clothing for the leg, leggings, breeches.²⁵
绔带[絝帶] fû-âi
kùdài bracing.¹⁰
绔叉[絝叉] fû-chä
kùchǎr underpants.¹⁰
绔叉儿[絝叉兒] fû-chä-ngĩ
kùchǎr <topo.> trousers or pants reaching just above the knees; short pants; shorts.⁵⁴
绔子[絝子] fû-dū
kùzi britches.¹⁰
短衣大绔[短衣大絝] ōn-yï-ài-fû
duǎnyīdàkù a short jacket and wide trousers.²⁵
(See 褲 fû; 袴 fû.)
fu5 3599
140 12 a medicinal herb; a type of grass.⁸ the name of a hill, and of a place.²⁵ ancient name of a mountain range (萯山 fû-sän fùshān).³⁶
(composition: ⿱艹負; U+842F).
帝孔甲三年, 王畋于萯山.
Äi-kūng-gāp-xäm-nẽin, võng-hẽin-yï-fû-sän.
Dì kǒng jiǎ sān nián, wáng tián yú fù shān.
In the third year of Emperor Kongjia, Wang Tian was in Fushan.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《竹書紀年·帝孔甲·2》.
王萯 võng-fû
wángfù a medicinal herb.⁸ the royal melon.²⁵
<又> pôi.
(See 萯 pôi).
fu5 3600
145 11 (=裤[褲] fû ). trousers; drawers; breeches; pants.⁷
袴叉[袴叉] fû-chä
kùchǎr pants or trousers reaching just above the knees; short pants; shorts.⁷
袴子 fû-dū
kùzi trousers; breeches; pants.⁷
袴脚[袴腳] fû-gëk
kùjiǎo the part of trousers near or around the ankles.⁷
袴腿 fû-huī
kùtuǐ legs of trousers.⁷
袴裆[袴襠] fû-nòng
kùdāng the crotch (of trousers).⁷
袴腰 fû-yël
kùyāo the waist of trousers.⁷
袴腰带 fû-yël-âi
kùyāodài a waist belt or rope for fastening the trousers.⁷
套绔[套絝] häo-fû
tàokù overalls.²⁵
襦裤[襦褲] yĩ-fù
rúkù jacket and trousers.¹¹
绮襦纨袴[綺襦紈袴] yī-yĩ-yõn-fû
qǐrúwánkù young fops of good family – lit. embroidered jacket and white silk trousers.¹⁴
纨袴子弟[紈袴子弟] yõn-fû-dū-ài
wánkùzǐdì profligate son of rich parents; beau; fop; dandy; playboy.⁶
(See 褲 fû; 絝 fû.)
fu5 3601
145 15 trousers; pants.⁵ (variants: 袴 fû ; 絝 fû ) trousers; breeches; leggings; drawers.¹⁴
褲带[褲帶] fû-âi
kùdài waist/trouser belt.⁶
裤衩[褲衩] fù-chà
kùchǎ underpants; undershorts.⁵
裤子[褲子] fû-dū
kùzi trousers; pants.⁵
裤兜[褲兜] fû-ëo
kùdōu trouser pocket.⁵
裤缝[褲縫] fû-fũng
kùfèng seams of a trouser leg.⁵
裤脚[褲腳] fû-gëk
kùjiǎo bottom of a trouser leg; <topo.> trouser legs.⁵
裤腿[褲腿] fû-huī
kùtuǐ legs of trousers.¹⁴
裤裆[褲襠] fû-nòng
kùdāng crotch (of trousers).⁵
裤线[褲線] fû-xëin
kùxiàn crease (of trousers).⁵
裤腰[褲腰] fû-yël
kùyāo waist of trousers.⁵
套裤[套褲] häo-fû
tàokù trouser legs worn over one's trousers; leggings.⁵
开裆裤[開襠褲] höi-nòng-fû
kāidāngkù open-seat or split pants (for children).⁸
<台> 裤链[褲鏈] fû-lèin pants zipper.
(See 袴 fû; 絝 fû.)
fu5 3602
18 11 fūk to cut open, to split open; to judge, to decide, to conclude; to split, to crack.² to cut open; to divide.²⁴
(composition: ⿰畐刂; U+526F).
<又> fü; pēik. (See 副 fü; 副 pēik).
fuk1 3603
32 12 fūk caverns; a grotto; a cellar; a cave-dwelling; to make a cave – for dwelling.⁸ to excavate a cave, in order to dwell in it.²⁴ to excavate a cave or hole in a bank for residence, as is frequently the case in Shanxi and elsewhere; a den where people can live in troublous times.¹⁰²
(variant: 𡐣❄{⿰土復} fūk ).
(composition: ⿰土复; U+364F).
or 陶𡐣❄{⿰土復}是也 hão-fūk-sì-yâ or hõ-fūk-sì-yâ táofúshìyě just those kind of hill-side dwellings.¹⁰²
(See 𡐣❄{⿰土復} fūk).
fuk1 3604
32 15 𡐣
fūk (=㙏 fūk caverns; a grotto; a cellar; a cave-dwelling; to make a cave – for dwelling.⁸ to excavate a cave, in order to dwell in it.²⁴ to excavate a cave or hole in a bank for residence, as is frequently the case in Shanxi and elsewhere; a den where people can live in troublous times.¹⁰²).¹⁰¹ʼ¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰土復; U+21423). 陶𡐣❄{⿰土復}是也 or 陶𡐣
❄{⿰土復}是也 or 陶㙏是也 hão-fūk-sì-yâ or hõ-fūk-sì-yâ táofúshìyě just those kind of hill-side dwellings.¹⁰²
(See 㙏 fūk).
fuk1 3605
50 12 fūk width (of cloth); breadth, width; range, margin; <m.> (of paintings, photos, cloth).⁶ (variant: 䋹 fūk ).
大幅 ài-fūk
dàfú a big margin; substantially.¹⁰
单幅[單幅] än-fūk
dānfú single width.⁶
不修边幅[不修邊幅] būt-xiü-bëin-fūk
bùxiūbiānfú be careless/lax/negligent about one's appearance; show no interest in one's clothes; be casually and negligently attired; be slovenly/sloven; look unkempt.⁶
幅宽[幅寬] fūk-fön
fúkuān breadth.⁹
幅面 fūk-mèin
fúmiàn width (of cloth).⁶
幅度 fūk-ù
fúdù range; scope; extent.⁶
幅员[幅員] fūk-yõn
fúyuán area of a country's territory; size of a country.⁶
篇幅 pëin-fūk
piānfu length (of a piece of writing); space (on a printed page).⁶
双幅[雙幅] söng-fūk
shuāngfú double width.⁶
一幅画[一幅畫] yīt-fūk-và
yīfúhuà a picture.⁴
(See 䋹 fūk).
fuk1 3606
60 12 fūk to review; to repeat; to reply.
电复[電復] èin-fūk diànfù to reply by telegraph.
or 反覆 fān-fūk fǎnfù repeatedly; again and again; reversal; relapse; reiteration.³⁹
or 复习[複習]  fūk-dìp fùxí to review (school work).
复活[復活] fūk-vòt
fùhuó resurrection.¹⁰
回复[回復] või-fūk
huífù to reply (to a letter).
<又> fùk.
(See 複 fūk, 覆 fūk, 復 fùk.)
fuk1 3607
75 13 fūk (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciations for 楅 bēik with the same meanings: a crossbar tied to the horns of an ox to prevent it from goring people; the utensils for holding arrows; the horizontal lining behind the wooden door to connect the door panels.⁸ a quiver for arrows.²⁴ arrows rack.³⁶ a frame for supporting darts.¹⁰²).
(composition: ⿰木畐; U+6945).
<又> bēik.
(See 楅 bēik).
fuk1 3608
102 9 fūk full; roll (of cloth).⁸ to fill; a roll of cloth.¹⁰ <old>=幅 fūk measure word (classifer) for cloth.¹⁹ full; high and thick; a wide piece of cloth.²⁴ full, filled; a kind of container or vessel; =幅 (“width of cloth”).³⁶ to be full; to fill; a roll of cloth.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿳一口田; U+7550).
<又> bēik.
(See 畐 bēik; 幅 fūk).
fuk1 3609
113 13 fūk good fortune; blessing; happiness.⁵
福薄 fūk-bòk fúbó luckless; unlucky; hapless; unfortunate.⁷
福晋[福晉] fūk-dün
fújìn a Manchurian term for "wife".⁷
福分 fūk-fün
fúfen happy lot; good fortune.⁵
福建 Fūk-gèin
Fújiàn Fujian (Province).⁵
福气[福氣] fūk-hï
fúqi good luck.⁷
福祉 fūk-jī
fúzhǐ blessing; good fortune.⁶
福州 Fūk-Jiü
Fúzhōu Fuzhou prefecture level city and capital of 福建 Fūk-gèin Fújiàn Fujian Province.¹⁰
福利 fūk-lì
fúlì material benefits; well-being; welfare.⁵
福履 fūk-lî
fúlǚ blessings.¹¹ happiness and success in one's career.⁵⁴
福禄寿[福祿壽] fūk-lùk-siù
fú-lù-shòu happiness, wealth, and longevity.⁶
福隆 fūk-lũng
fúlóng great fortune.⁵⁴
福命 fūk-mèin
fúmìng one's lot through life.⁷
福星 fūk-xëin
fúxīng lucky star; mascot.⁶
福音 fūk-yïm
fúyīn <rel.> Gospel; glad tidings.⁵
fuk1 3610
120 15 fūk (same as 幅 fūk ) breadth of material (cloth or paper).⁸ broad piece of cloth or silk.²⁴
(composition: ⿰糹畐; U+42F9).
(See 幅 fūk).
fuk1 3611
130 13 fūk belly, abdomen, stomach; heart, mind; belly (of a vase and its like); front.⁶
腹背受敌[腹背受敵] fūk-böi-siù-èik fùbèishòudí be attacked front and rear; be caught between two fires; between (the) hammer and (the) anvil.⁶
腹部 fūk-bù
fùbù belly; abdomen; stomach.⁶
腹诽[腹誹] fūk-fī
fùfěi <wr.> criticize inwardly.⁶
腹稿 fūk-gāo
fùgǎo draft worked out in one's mind.⁸
腹腔 fūk-höng
fùqiāng abdominal cavity.⁶
腹痛 fūk-hüng
fùtòng abdominal pain; belly ache.⁶
腹地 fūk-ì
fùdì hinterland; interior.⁶
腹胀[腹脹] fūk-jëng
fùzhàng abdominal distension.⁶
腹鳍[腹鰭] fūk-kĩ
fùqí ventral/pelvic fin.⁶
腹膜炎 fūk-môk-yèm
fùmóyán <med.> peritonitis.⁶
腹语[腹語] fūk-nguî
fùyǔ ventriloquy or ventriloquism.⁷
腹案 fūk-ön
fù'àn plan in one's mind; unpublished program.⁶
腹泻[腹瀉] fūk-xëh
fùxiè diarrhea; to have the runs.¹⁰
腹心 fūk-xïm
fùxīn the belly and the heart – true thoughts and feelings; trusted subordinates; a close friend.⁷
fuk1 3612
140 12 fūk same as 䔰 fü fù.² perennial entwined herbaceous plant with small leaves like water spinach, harmful to crops.⁸ <old> weed.¹¹ a pernicious weed.²⁵ an edible wild vegetable.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱艹畐; U+844D).
葍䔰 fūk-fü
fúfù a plant with a large leaf, and a white flower, with edible roots about the size of a man's finger.²⁵
葍藑 fūk-kẽin
fúqióng a rush with a red flower.²⁵
葍菜 fūk-töi
fúcài or 䔰菜 fü-töi fùcài an edible wild vegetable having large veined leaves and roots like a finger; it is found in Shandong.¹⁰²
Ngô-hãng-kĩ-yêh, ngũn-tōi-kĩ-fūk.
Wǒ xíng qí yě, yán cǎi qí fú.
I travelled through the country,
Gathering the pokeweed.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from
《詩經·小雅·祈父之什·我行其野·3》, translated by James Legge). (Note: 'pokeweed' as a translation for 葍 fūk may be incorrect since pokeweed 垂序商陆 or 美洲商陆 (Phytolacca americana) is native to the Americas although it became naturalized in parts of Europe and Asia but very unlikely during the time that the 詩經 was written).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
<又> fü.
(See 葍 fü; 䔰 fü).
fuk1 3613
142 15 fūk bat.⁹
蝙蝠 bēin-fūk biānfú bat.⁸
蝙蝠侠[蝙蝠俠] bēin-fūk-hèp
biānfúxiá Batman.¹²
蝠鲼[蝠鱝] fūk-fûn
fúfèn manta ray; devil ray.¹⁰
蝠蛇 fūk-sẽh
fúshé a scorpion – an evil perosn.¹⁴
蝠鼠[蝠鱝] fūk-sī
fúshǔ bat; flying squirrel.¹⁴
蝠蝇科[蝠蠅科] fūk-yẽin-fö
fúyíngkē the Streblidae family.¹⁰
蝠鸢[蝠鳶] fūk-yön
fúyuān bat hawk (Macheiramphus alcinus).⁹
fuk1 3614
142 15 fūk a viper.⁷ insect; poisonous snake (archaic).¹⁰
虺蝮 fī-fūk huǐfù poisonous snake.¹¹
虺蝮之行 fī-fūk-jï-hãng
huǐfùzhīxíng <derog.> sneaky, contemptible ways, like snakes.¹¹
蝮蛇 fūk-sẽh
fùshé a viper.⁷ adder.⁹ venomous snake.¹⁰ Pallas pit viper.³⁹
(See <台> 簸箕盒 bö-gî-hâp or bü-gî-hâp)
fuk1 3615
145 14 fūk to duplicate; to review; complex.
重复[重複] chũng-fūk chóngfù to repeat, to duplicate.
复杂[複雜] fūk-dàp
fùzá complicated, complex.⁵
or 复习[復習]  fūk-dìp fùxí to review (school work).
复合[複合] fūk-hàp
fùhé compound, complex.
复制[複製] fūk-jäi
fùzhì to duplicate; to clone.
(See 復 fūk, 覆 fūk, 復 fùk.)
fuk1 3616
146 18 fūk to pour out; to overturn, to capsize; a reply; to reply; to defeat; to investigate; to cover; to repeat; to hide.⁷ same as 复[復] fūk (反復 fān-fūk fǎnfù relapse; 函復 hãm-fūk hánfù to reply by letter).²²
反覆不定 fān-fūk-būt-èin
fǎnfùbùdìng unstable in mind.¹⁴
翻来覆去[翻來覆去] fän-lõi-fūk-huï
fānláifùqù toss from side to side.⁵⁶
覆帱[覆幬] fūk-ào
fùdào a canopy – heaven.¹⁴
覆巢无完卵[覆巢無完卵] fūk-chão-mũ-yõn-lôn
fùcháowúwánluǎn when the nest is overturned, no egg stays unbroken – in a great disaster no one can escape unscathed.⁵
覆盖[覆蓋] fūk-gôi
fùgài to cover; plant cover, vegetation.⁵
覆灭[覆滅] fūk-mèik
fùmiè destruction; complete collapse.⁵
覆没[覆沒] fūk-mòt
fùmò <wr.> capsize and sink; be overwhelmed, be annihilated.⁵
覆水难收[覆水難收] fūk-suī-nãn-siü
fùshuǐnánshōu spilt water is difficult to retrieve (idiom); it's no use crying over spilt milk; what's done is done and can't be reversed; the damage is done; once divorced, there's no reuniting.¹⁰
天翻地覆 hëin-fän-ì-fūk
tiānfāndìfù heaven and earth turning upside down.⁵
(See 復 fūk, 複 fūk, 復 fùk.)
fuk1 3617
159 16 fūk spoke.⁵
辐聚[輻聚] fūk-duì fújù to gather, or converge, like spokes of a wheel.⁷
辐条[輻條] fūk-hẽl
fútiáo <topo.> spoke (of a wheel).⁵
辐照[輻照] fūk-jël
fúzhào <phy.> irradiation.⁵
辐照度[輻照度] fūk-jël-ù
fúzhàodù <phy.> irradiance.⁶
辐鳍鱼[輻鰭魚] fūk-kĩ-nguĩ
fúqíyú or 条鳍鱼[條鰭魚] hẽl-kĩ-nguĩ tiáoqíyú ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii) constitute a class or subclass of the bony fishes.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
辐射[輻射] fūk-sèh
fúshè <phy.> radiation.⁵
辐射尘[輻射塵] fūk-sèh-chĩn
fúshèchén radioactive dust; atomic fallout.⁷
辐射能[輻射能] fūk-sèh-nãng
fúshènéng <phy.> radiant energy.⁷
辐射热[輻射熱] fūk-sèh-ngèik
fúshèrè <phy.> radiant heat.⁷
辐射线[輻射線] fūk-sèh-xëin
fúshèxiàn radiant rays.⁷
or 辐凑[輻湊] fūk-tëo fúcòu <wr.> converge like the spokes of a wheel at the hub.⁶
辐散[輻散] fūk-xän
fúsàn <met.> divergence.⁵
轮辐[輪輻] lûn-fūk
lúnfú the spoke of a wheel.⁵
fuk1 3618
159 16 fūk parts of a chariot supporting the axle of the wheels, same as 车伏兔[車伏兔] chëh-fùk-hü chēfútù.⁸  parts of cart holding the axle.¹⁰ two pieces of wood which hold the axle firm on both sides, underneath a cart.¹⁴ the fastening underneath a carriage; the binding by which the axle is fastened to the carriage.²⁵ the cord or band which is tied around the projecting sticks that clasp the body of a cart on the axle to prevent its slipping.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰車复; U+8F39).
舆脱輹[輿脫輹] yĩ-höt-fūk
yútuōfù a carriage deprived of the proper fastening.²⁵ the chariot has lost its axle band.¹⁰²
輹轐 fūk-bùk
fùbú latches and sockets (for the axle; at the bottom of the wagon body).⁵⁴
Giū-ngì: yĩ-höt-fūk.
Jiǔ'èr: Yú tuō fù.
The second NINE, undivided, shows a carriage with the strap under it removed.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《周易·易經·䷙大畜·3》, translated by James Legge).
(Note: 说[說] is used for 脱[脫] höt
tuō. See 說 höt.)
(See 轐 bùk).
fuk1 3619
186 18 fūk <wr.> fragrance.⁵ fragrance, scent, aroma.⁸
芳馥 föng-fūk fāngfù fragrant.³⁹
芳香馥郁 föng-hëng-fūk-yūk
fāngxiāngfùyù full of fragrance; both fragrant and beautiful; rich in fragrance.⁵⁴
馥馥 fūk-fūk
fùfù <wr.> sweet-smelling; strongly fragrant.⁶
馥郁 fūk-yūk
fùyù <wr.> sweet-scented; strongly fragrant.⁶
芬芳馥郁 fün-föng-fūk-yūk
fēnfāngfùyù sweet and fragrant.⁶
芬馥 fün-fūk
fēnfù scented, rich in fragrance.¹¹
香馥馥 hëng-fūk-fūk
xiāngfùfù strongly scented; richly fragrant.⁵
兰薰桂馥[蘭薰桂馥] lãn-fün-gï-fūk
lánxūnguìfù (lit.) as fragrant as orchids and cassia, (fig.) a man's beautiful moral influence.¹¹
fuk1 3620
190 22 𩯅
fūk a false knot of hair.²⁵ a false bun. (variant: 𩭺❄{⿱髟畐} fü).
(composition: ⿱髟富; U+29BC5).
<又> fü.
(See 𩭺❄{⿱髟畐} fü; 𩯅❄{⿱髟富} fü).
fuk1 3621
195 20 fūk Haliotis gigantea; sea ear.¹⁰
鳆鱼[鰒魚] fūk-nguĩ
fùyú abalone;⁶ an old name for 鲍鱼 [鮑魚] bäo-nguĩ bàoyú.
石鳆[石鰒] sêk-fūk
shífù abalone.¹⁹
fuk1 3622
196 20 fūk (composition: ⿰畐鳥; U+9D9D).
鶝鶔 fūk-ngẽl fúróu a legendary bird similar to a magpie with a short tail; very agile, with its mouth it can catch an arrow shot at it and spit it back at the person who shot it.⁸
❄{⿰复鳥}鶝 fùk-fūk fúfú aka 戴胜[戴勝] äi-sëin dàishèng Eurasian hoopoe (Upupa epops); other Chinese names include 墓壙鳥 (金門話:bōng-khòng-tsiáu), 鵀, 鶝, 鴔鵖, 鵖鴔.²ʼ¹⁵ʼ²⁰ a kind of created bird.²⁵
<又> bēik.
(See 鶝 bēik).
fuk1 3623
9 6 fùk to bend over; to lie prostrate; to subside; to go down; to hide; to conceal; to subdue; to tame; to admit (defeat or guilt); hot summer days; dog days; volt; Fu surname.
伏特 fùk-àk fútè <loan> volt.
伏天 fùk-hëin
fútiān hot summer days; dog days.
or 服帖 fùk-hëp fútiē docile, obedient, servile, submissive, subservient; appropriate; well-arranged.⁶
伏羲 Fùk-hï
Fúxī, a legendary Chinese ruler (2953-2838 BC) credited with the introduction of farming, fishing and animal husbandry.⁵ a legendary ruler who introduced houses.⁷
伏诛[伏誅] fùk-jï
fúzhū to be executed.⁸
伏枥[伏櫪] fùk-lēik
fúlì to be tied to stable post.¹¹
伏案 fùk-ön
fú'àn to bend over one's desk.
or 服输[服輸] fùk-sï fúshū to admit defeat.
伏汛 fùk-xïn
fúxùn summer flood.¹⁰
降龙伏虎[降龍伏虎] hõng-lũng-fùk-fū
xiánglóngfúhǔ to overcome powerful adversaries; <Daoism> to conquer one's passions.
安伏 ön-fùk
ānfú to calm (a person) down; to console.
匍伏 pũ-fùk
púfú to crawl; to creep; prostrate.
潜伏[潛伏] tẽm-fùk
qiánfú hide, conceal, lie low.⁵
<又> fûk.
(See 伏 fûk.)
fuk4 3624
20 11 fùk (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 匐 bàk with same meaning.)
<又> bàk.
(See 匐 bàk.)
fuk4 3625
32 9 fùk blockage; collapse.⁸ to stop up with earth, to dam up a stream; also to precipitate, to flow down.²⁴
(composition: ⿰土伏; U+5798).
fuk4 3626
35 9 fùk (=复[復] fùk );  to do something in an old way; use the old method; to go to the old road.⁸ to walk in an old road; to pursue the former track.²⁴
(variant: 𡕨
❄{⿳⿱亠口口夂} fùk ).
(composition: ⿳亠日夂; U+3686).
(See 復 fùk; 𡕨❄{⿳⿱亠口口夂} fùk).
fuk4 3627
35 9 fùk to go back the old way, to retrace; now it is used as a primitive only and is the simplified form of 復 fùk .¹⁰²ʼ⁰ "复從" is mentioned in 《算書 - Mathematics•海島算經 - Hai Dao Suan Jing•2》⁶⁰
(composition: ⿳⿰丿一日夂; U+590D).
不复从[不复從] būt-fùk-tũng
bùfùcóng not to do according to — a rule.¹⁰²
(See 復 fùk).
fuk4 3628
35 11 𡕨
fùk (=㚆 fùk to do something in an old way; use the old method; to go to the old road.⁸). (Same as 㚆 fùk ; now, 1700's, interchangeable with 复[復] fùk ).² to do over again; same as 复[復] fùk .²⁴
(composition: ⿳⿱亠口口夂; U+21568).
(See 㚆 fùk; 復 fùk).
fuk4 3629
40 8 fùk (<old> =伏 fùk ).⁸
宓羲 (=伏羲 Fùk Hï
Fú Xī) Fùk Hï Fú Xī, a legendary Chinese ruler credited with the introduction of farming, fishing and animal husbandry.⁵ a legendary ruler who introduced houses.⁷
<又> mìt.
(See 宓 mìt.)
fuk4 3630
50 15 fùk ➀ <wr.> (=幞头[幞頭] fùk-hẽo fútou); ➁ (=袱 fùk fú; =袱 fùk fu) cloth wrapper; cloth covering.⁶
幞头[幞頭] fùk-hẽo
fútou a kind of headdress for man in ancient China.⁶
(See 袱 [fùk, ], [fùk, fu].)
fuk4 3631
60 12 fùk to recover; to demobilize; to recur; to rejuvenate.
(variants: 㚆, 𡕨❄{⿳⿱亠口口夂}  fùk ).
恢复[恢復] föi-fùk
huīfù resume, renew; recover, regain;  restore, reinstate, rehabilitate, restitute.⁶
复发[復發] fùk-fāt
fùfā to relapse; to recur.
复古[復古] fùk-gū
fùgǔ to restore ancient ways.¹¹
复垦[復墾] fùk-hān
fùkěn to restore the cultivation (of a piece of wasteland).⁵⁴
复兴[復興] fùk-hëin
fùxīng to resurge; to rejuvenate.
复苏[復蘇] fùk-xü
fùsū to resuscitate; to recover.
复员[復員] fùk-yõn
fùyuán to return to peacetime conditions; to demobilize.
光复[光復] göng-fùk
guāngfù to recover (lost land).
收复[收復] siü-fùk
shōufù recover; recapture; regain.⁶
<又> fūk.
(See 復, 複, 覆 fūk; 㚆, 复, 𡕨❄{⿳⿱亠口口夂} fùk).
fuk4 3632
68 11 fùk 都斛 Ü-fùk Dōuhú a town in Taishan City.⁴
<又> hùk.
(See 斛 hùk.)
fuk4 3633
74 8 fùk clothes; take (medicine); serve; obey; be accustomed to.⁵
服帖 fùk-hëp fútiē docile, obedient, servile, submissive, subservient; appropriate; well-arranged.⁶
服气[服氣] fùk-hï
fúqì be convinced.⁵
服装[服裝] fùk-jöng
fúzhuāng dress; clothing.⁸
服务[服務] fùk-mù
fúwù be in the service of; serve.⁵
服饰[服飾] fùk-sēik
fúshì clothes and ornaments.⁵
服从[服從] fùk-tũng
fúcóng obey; submit (oneself) to.⁵
服毒 fùk-ùk
fúdú take poison.⁵
服丧[服喪] fùk-xöng
fúsāng be in mourning.⁵
服用 fùk-yùng
fúyòng take (medicine).⁵
五服 m̄-fùk
wǔ-fú the five degrees of mourning:
   (a) 斩衰[斬衰] jām-tuï
zhǎncuī for parents and husband
        for 27 months;
   (b) 齐衰[齊衰] dü-tuï
zīcuī for grandparents 
        for one year;
   (c) 大功 ài-güng
dàgōng for brothers and sisters
        for 9 months;
   (d) 小功 xēl-güng
xiǎogōng for uncles and aunts
        for 5 months;
   (e) 缌麻[緦麻] xü-mǎ
sīmá for distant relatives
        for 3 months.¹¹
(See 服 [fùk, ].)
fuk4 3634
74 8 fùk dose (<m.> for medicine).
一服药[一服藥] yīt-fùk-yêk yīfùyào a dose of medicine.⁵
(See 服 [fùk, ].)
fuk4 3635
75 10 fùk <wr.> roof beam.⁶
梁栿 lẽng-fùk liángfú a bridge, a small piece of wood placed across a larger one.²⁴
fuk4 3636
75 13 fùk an instrument for winding silk; shoes with wooden soles.²⁵
(composition: ⿰木复; U+6931).
椱舄 fùk-xēik fùxì shoes with wooden soles.²
fuk4 3637
85 9 fùk whirlpool, undercurrent.⁸ (variant: 澓 fùk ).
洑水 fùk-suī
fúshuǐ to swim.¹¹
洄洑 või-fùk
huífú eddy, whirlpool; to churn about.¹¹
(See 澓 fùk).
fuk4 3638
85 15 fùk swirling water; Fu surname; <old>=洑 fùk water submerged in the ground.¹⁹ flowing; water rolling round, as an eddy.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵復; U+6F93).
(See 洑 fùk).
fuk4 3639
120 12 fùk to harness a horse; a board in front of a carriage for the driver to lean on..¹⁴
<又> bì. (See 絥 bì.)
fuk4 3640
140 9 fùk 茯苓 fùk-lẽin fúlíng   Poris cocos (Schw.) Wolf, tuckahoe (Chinese medicinal herb).
茯神 fùk-sĩn
fúshén <TCM> poria cocos with hostwood.
土茯苓 hū-fùk-lẽin
tǔfúlíng <TCM> China root.¹  Smilax glabra.⁹ rhizoma smilacis glabrae.²⁹
云茯苓[雲茯苓] Vũn-fùk-lẽin
Yúnfúlíng <TCM> Yunnan Poris cocos.
fuk4 3641
140 11 fùk turnip.⁸
莱菔[萊菔] lõi-fùk láifú (=萝卜[蘿卜 or 蘿蔔]⁸ lõ-bàk luóbo) radish.⁹ turnip.¹¹
莱菔子[萊菔子] lõi-fùk-dū
láifúzǐ radish seed, Semen Raphani.²³
fuk4 3642
145 11 fùk fu cloth wrapper; cloth covering.⁶
包袱 bäo-fùk bāofu cloth wrapper,  big bandanna used for wrapping a bundle; bundle wrapped in cloth, cloth package; burden, load, weight; (of cross talk, quick-patter) punch line, suspense, joke.⁶ bundle wrapped in cloth.⁷
背包袱 böi-bäo-fùk
bēi bāofu have a weigh on one's mind; take on a mental burden.⁵
戏包袱[戲包袱] hï-bäo-fùk
xìbāofu an actor who commands a wide repertory.¹¹
(See 袱 [fùk,
]; 襆 [fùk, ].)
fuk4 3643
145 11 fùk cloth wrapper; cloth covering.⁶
袱驼[袱駝] fùk-hũ fútuó parcel; bundle; package.⁵⁴
袱子 fùk-dū
fúzi <topo.> cloth wrapper; bundle wrapped in cloth; kerchief; handkerchief.⁵⁴
(See 袱 [fùk, fu]; 襆 [fùk, ].)
fuk4 3644
145 17 fùk ➀ <wr.> bed sheet; to wrap; ➁ (=袱 fùk fú; =袱 fùk fu) cloth wrapper; cloth covering.⁶
(See 袱 [fùk, ], [fùk, fu].)
fuk4 3645
159 12 fùk name of a district..²⁵
(composition: ⿰車央; U+8EEE).
<又> . (See 軮 ).
fuk4 3646
187 16 𩢰
fùk The name of a horse.²⁵
(composition: ⿰馬伏; U+298B0).
fuk4 3647
196 15 fùk 鵖鴔 gëp-fùk bīfú hoopoe.⁸
(composition: ⿰乏鳥; U+9D14).
fuk4 3648
196 19 fùk owl-like bird; buzzard; Otus scops.⁸ an ill-omened bird in ancient books, looked like an owl.¹⁹ the goshawk, or buzzard.²⁵
(composition: ⿰服鳥; U+9D69).
鵩鸮[鵩鴞] fùk-hël
fúxiāo a species of owl, with an ugly scream at night; it cannot fly far.²⁵
fuk4 3649
196 20 𪃃

fùk (composition: ⿰复鳥; U+2A0C3).
𪃃❄{⿰复鳥}鶝 fùk-fūk fúfú aka 戴胜[戴勝] äi-sëin dàishèng Eurasian hoopoe (Upupa epops); other Chinese names include 墓壙鳥 (金門話:bōng-khòng-tsiáu), 鵀, 鶝, 鴔鵖, 鵖鴔.²ʼ¹⁵ʼ²⁰ a kind of created bird.²⁵
fuk4 3650
9 6 fûk <台> 门地伏[門地伏] mõn-ì-fûk threshold; doorsill.
<又> fùk. (See 伏 fùk.)
fuk5 3651
119 10 fūn fěn powder; noodle; white; pink; <topo.> to whitewash.⁵
发粉[發粉] fät-fūn fāfěn baking powder.⁵ (Cf. 髮粉.)
粉白黛黑 fūn-bàk-òi-hāk
fěnbáidàihēi or 粉红黛绿 [粉紅黛綠] fūn-bàk-òi-lùk fěnhóngdàilǜ (of a woman) with face powdered and eyebrows darkened – dress up.⁶
粉壁 fūn-bēik
fěnbì a whitewashed wall.⁷
粉笔[粉筆] fūn-bīt
fěnbǐ chalk.⁵
粉刷 fūn-chät
fěnshuā whitewash; <topo.> plaster.⁵
粉蕉 fūn-dêl
fěnjiāo Pisang Mas bananas (a.k.a. 小米蕉 xēl-māi-dêl xiǎomǐjiāo or 皇帝香蕉 võng-äi-hëng-dêl huángdì xiāngjiāo).²³
粉红[粉紅] fūn-hûng
or fūn-hũng/ fěnhóng pink.⁵
粉末 fūn-mòt
fěnmò powder.⁵
粉饰[粉飾] fūn-sēik
fěnshì gloss over; whitewash.⁵
粉身碎骨 fūn-sïn-xuï-gūt
fěnshēnsuìgǔ have one's body smashed to pieces; die the most cruel death.⁵
粉彩 fūn-tōi
fěncǎi famille rose.⁵
粉线[粉線] fūn-xëin
fěnxiàn tailor's chalk line.⁵
粉刺 fūn-xü
fěncì <med.> acne.⁵
粉碎 fūn-xuï
fěnsuì smash, shatter; broken to pieces.⁵
<台> 倒粉 āo-fūn to pound rice into flour.
<台> 搋粉 chäi-fūn to knead dough.
<台> 生粉 säng-fūn starch.
fun1 3652
9 10 𠉣
fün hūn close, shut; dark, dismal.² dark, obscure, dull.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻昏; U+20263).
<又> vùn. (See 𠉣❄{⿰亻昏} vùn).
fun2 3653
18 4 fün fēn to separate; to allocate; to distinguish (good and bad); subdivision; fraction; one tenth (of certain units); minute; cent; centimeter. (composition: ⿱八刀; U+5206).
分崩离析[分崩離析] fün-bäng-lĩ-xēik fēnbēnglíxī break up; come apart; fall to pieces.⁸
分别[分別] fün-bèik
fēnbié to leave each other; to distinguish; difference; separately; respectively.
分拨[分撥] fün-bòt
fēnbō to allocate (materials); to assign (people) to different tasks; to group (people).
分开[分開] fün-höi
fēnkāi to separate; to part.
分洪 fün-hũng
fēnhóng flood diversion.⁵
分支 fün-jï
fēnzhī subdivision; branch.
分钟[分鐘] fün-jüng
fēnzhōng minute (of time).
分歧 fün-kĩ
fēnqí difference; divergence.⁵
分馏[分餾] fün-liũ
fēnliú fractional distillation.¹⁰
分茅 fün-mão
fēnmáo <trad.> to enfeoff.
分明 fün-mẽin
fēnmíng clear, clearly.¹¹
分娩 fün-mêin
fēnmiǎn child delivery.¹¹
分配 fün-pöi
fēnpèi to distribute; to assign; to allocate; to partition (a hard drive).¹⁰
分析 fün-xēik
fēnxi analyze; analysis.¹¹
公分 güng-fün
gōngfēn centimeter; gram.
<又> fùn.
(See 分 fùn; 份 fùn.)
fun2 3654
19 12 fün xūn merit; meritorious service; achievement; rank.
(variants: 勳, 勲 fün xūn.)
t: ⿰員力; U+52DB). (comp. s: ⿰员力; U+52CB).
勋绩[勛績] fün-dēik
xūnjì meritorious service; outstanding contribution.
勋爵[勛爵] fün-dēk
xūnjué rank based on meritorious service; (British) Lord.
勋章[勛章] fün-jëng
xūnzhāng medal; decoration.¹⁰
勋劳[勛勞] fün-lão
xūnláo meritorious service.
勋业[勛業] fün-ngèp
xūnyè <wr.> meritorious service and outstanding achievements.
奇勋[奇勛] gï-fün
qíxūn <wr.> outstanding contribution.
功勋[功勛] güng-fün
gōngxūn achievement; meritorious deed; contributions (for the good of society).
元勋[元勛] ngũn-fün
yuánxūn a man of great merit; founding father.
授勋[授勛] siù-fün
shòuxūn to confer an honor.
(See 勳 fün; 勲 fün).
fun2 3655
19 15
fün xūn (=勋[勛] fün xūn merit; meritorious service; achievement; rank.).
(composition: ⿱動灬; U+52F2).
(See 勛 fün).

fun2 3656
19 16 fün xūn (=勛 fün xūn) merit; meritorious service.
t: ⿰熏力; U+52F3). (comp. s: ⿰员力; U+52CB).
(See 勛 fün.)
fun2 3657
30 7 fün fēn to order, to command, to instruct.⁸ to command; a command.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰口分; U+5429).
卟吩 būk-fün bǔfēn porphin C₂₀H₁₄N₄.¹⁰
吩咐 fün-fü
fēnfù to tell; to instruct; to command.¹⁰ a cimmand; to command.¹⁴
听候吩咐[聽候吩咐] hëin-hèo-fün-fü
tīnghòu fēnfù to be at someone's service.³⁹
噻吩 xāk-fün or söi-fün
sāifēn <chem.> thiophene.⁶
fun2 3658
32 13 fün xūn oval earthen wind instrument with six holes.⁶
(variant: 壎 fün xūn.)
t: ⿰土員; U+5864). (comp. s: ⿰土员; U+57D9).
or 篪壎 chĩ-fün chíxūn a flute and a musical instrument, made of earthenware, which were played together; hence, they denote brotherly harmony.²⁵
or 埙箎[塤箎] or 埙筂[塤筂] or 埙竾[塤竾] or 壎篪 or 壎箎 fün-chĩ xūnchí two musical instruments played together harmoniously; the love between brothers.⁵⁴
or 如壎如箎 nguĩ-fün-nguĩ-chĩ rúxūnrúchí fraternal love.¹¹ʼ³⁹
(See 壎 fün.)
fun2 3659
32 17 fün xūn (=埙[塤] fün xūn) oval earthen wind instrument with six holes.⁶ an egg-shaped holed wind instrument.³⁶
(composition: ⿰土熏; U+58CE).
伯壎仲篪 bāk-fün-jùng-chĩ
bóxūnzhòngchí exquisite duet melody where the elder brother plays the 壎 and the younger brother plays the 篪.⁸
{See 塤 fün.)
fun2 3660
38 11 fün hūn wed, marry; marriage, wedding.⁵
(composition: ⿰女昏; U+5A5A).
婚变[婚變] fün-bëin hūnbiàn divorce; extramarital affair.⁶
婚假 fün-gā
hūnjià wedding leave.⁶
婚嫁 fün-gä
hūnjià marriage.⁵
婚期 fün-kĩ
hūnqī wedding day.⁵
婚礼[婚禮] fün-lâi
hūnlǐ wedding ceremony; wedding.⁵
婚龄[婚齡] fün-lẽin
hūnlíng (legally) marriageable age.⁵
婚恋[婚戀] fün-lūn
hūnliàn fall in love and get married.⁶
婚外情 fün-ngòi-tẽin
hūnwàiqíng extra-marital affair.⁶
婚配 fün-pöi
hūnpèi to marry.¹¹
婚生子女 fün-säng-dū-nuī
hūnshēngzǐnǚ <law> children born in wedlock; legitimate children.⁵
婚书[婚書] fün-sï
hūnshū <trad.> marriage certificate.⁶
婚娶 fün-tuī
hūnqǔ (of a man) wed; marry.⁶
婚事 fün-xù
hūnshì marriage; wedding.⁵
婚约[婚約] fün-yēk
hūnyuē marriage contract; engagement.⁵
婚筵 fün-yẽn
hūnyán wedding feast; wedding reception.⁶ʼ⁰
婚姻 fün-yïn
hūnyīn marriage; matrimony.⁵
婚育期 fün-yùk-kĩ
hūnyùqī marriageable and child-bearing age.⁶
fun2 3661
46 15 𡼡
fün xūn (=熏 fün xūn to smoke; to fumigate; to assail the nostrils; to perfume.¹⁰).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱山黑; U+21F21).
(See 熏 [fün, xūn]).
fun2 3662
46 17 𡽽
fün xūn (=熏 fün xūn to smoke; to fumigate; to assail the nostrils; to perfume.¹⁰).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿳山*炎
(* upper part of 黑 without 土 and 灬; see Image); U+21F7D).
(See 熏 [fün, xūn]).
fun2 3663 21F7D.jpg
50 7 fün fēn big towel.¹⁹ a towel for wiping anything.²⁴
(variant: 𢁥❄{⿱分巾} fün fēn).
(composition: ⿰巾分; U+5E09).
帉帨 fün-suï
fēnshuì wipes.¹⁹
帉錔 fün-hāp
fēntà <old> a wrap decorated with little bells; also refers to the little bells used in such decorations.¹⁹
帨帉 suï-fün
shuìfēn wiping things and wearing towels.¹⁹
(See 𢁥❄{⿱分巾} fün).
fun2 3664
50 7 𢁥
fün fēn (=帉 fün fēn big towel.¹⁹ a towel for wiping anything.²⁴).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱分巾; U+22065).
(See 帉 fün).
fun2 3665
61 11 fün hūn (=昏 fün hūn) confused; senile.⁷ confused; stupid, dull.¹⁴ void of intelligence; without discernment; stupid; dull; confused; forgetful.²⁴ (variant: 惽 fün hūn).
(composition: ⿰忄昏; U+60DB).
惛惫[惛憊] fün-bài
hūnbèi muddleheaded.⁷
惛惛 fün-fün
hūnhūn confused in mind; absorbed, carried away, entranced.⁷ disorderly; incoherent.¹⁴
惛迷 fün-mãi
hūnmí (=昏迷 fün-mãi hūnmí stupor; coma.⁵ <med.> to be comatose; <med.> to lose consciousness.³⁶).¹⁹
惛迷不醒 fün-mãi-būt-xēin
hūnmíbùxǐng incoherent; dull and stupid. ¹⁴
惛耄 fün-mào
hūnmào senile; senility.¹⁰ failure of mental faculties due to senile decay.¹⁴
惛眊 fün-mào
hūnmào senile; senility.⁷
惛闷[惛悶] fün-mòn
hūnmèn stupid, dull.¹⁴
惛懵 fün-mūng
hūnměng dim-eyed.⁷
(See 昏 fün; 惽 fün).
fun2 3666
61 12 fün hūn (=惛 fün hūn) confused; senile.⁷ confused; stupid, dull.¹⁴ dark; confused; not intelligent; sorry.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄昬; U+60FD).
(See 惛 fün).
fun2 3667
72 8 fün hūn dusk; dark, dim; confused, muddled; lose consciousness.⁵
(variants: 昬, 惛 fün hūn). (See 昬 fün; 惛 fün).
昏暗 fün-ām
hūn'àn dim, dusky; gloomy, cheerless; dark.⁶
昏倒 fün-āo
hūndǎo fall into a swoon.⁵
昏沉 fün-chĩm
hūnchén murky; dazed, befuddled.⁵
昏花 fün-fä
hūnhuā dim-sighted.⁵
昏昏欲睡 fün-fün-yùk-suì
hūnhūnyùshuì drowsy; sleepy.⁵
昏愦 fün-gì
hūnkuì muddle-headed.⁶ (cf. 昏聵 fün-gì).
昏君 fün-gün
hūnjūn a fatuous and self-indulgent ruler.⁵
昏黑 fün-hāk
hūnhēi dusky; dark.⁵
昏天黑地 fün-hëin-hāk-ì
hūntiānhēidì pitch-dark; dizzy; perverted, decadent; dark rule and social disorder.⁵
昏头昏脑[昏頭昏腦] fün-hẽo-fün-nāo
hūntóuhūnnǎo addleheaded, muddleheaded; absentminded, forgetful.⁵
昏厥 fün-kūt
hūnjué faint; swoon.⁵
昏乱[昏亂] fün-lòn
hūnluàn dazed and confused; befuddled.⁵
昏迷 fün-mãi
hūnmí stupor; coma.⁵ <med.> to be comatose; <med.> to lose consciousness.³⁶
昏睡 fün-suì
hūnshuì lethargic sleep; lethargy.⁵
昏黄[昏黃] fün-võng
hūnhuáng pale yellow; faint; dim.⁵
昏星 fün-xëin
hūnxīng evening star.⁵
昏眩 fün-yõn
hūnxuàn dizzy, giddy.⁵
昏庸 fün-yũng
hūnyōng fatuous; muddleheaded; stupid.⁵
fun2 3668
72 9 fün hūn (=昏 fün hūn) dusk; dark, dim; confused, muddled; lose consciousness.⁵
(composition: ⿱民日; U+662C).
(See 昏 fün).
fun2 3669
72 18 fün xūn twilight; sunset.⁸ʼ¹⁴ light of the sun after its setting; evening; twilight.²⁴
(composition: ⿰日熏; U+66DB).
夕曛 dèik-fün xīxūn sunset.⁵⁴
曛夕 fün-dèik
xūnxī evening; the gloaming.¹⁴
曛黑 fün-hāk
xūnhēi dim, dark.¹¹
曛暮 fün-mù
xūnmù evening; the gloaming.¹⁴
曛黄[曛黃] fün-võng
xūnhuáng twilight.¹¹
曛映 fün-yēin
xūnyìng the setting sun.¹⁴
fun2 3670
75 12 fün fén numerous and disorderly, helter-skelter; the ridge of the attic; sackcloth, burlap, linen; beams in the roof of a house; ridgepole; attic.⁸ <wr.> cross beams on roof; a kind of hemp cloth; confusing; tangled.¹¹
(composition: ⿱林分; U+68FC).
棼棼 fün-fün fénfén disheveled.
棼乱[棼亂] fün-lòn
fénluàn in confusion.
棼楣 fün-mĩ
fénméi lintel.
治丝而棼[治絲而棼] jì-xû-ngĩ-fün
zhìsī'érfén to mess up something by mishandling.
治丝益棼[治絲益棼] jì-xû-yēik-fün
zhìsīyìfén to make confusion worse.
泯泯棼棼 mêin-mêin-fün-fün
mǐnmǐnfénfén or 泯泯芬芬 mêin-mêin-fün-fün mǐnmǐnfēnfēn chaotic appearance.⁵⁴
fun2 3671
75 12 fün hūn albizia, a deciduous tree.⁸ silk tree.⁹
(composition: ⿰木昏; U+68D4).
合棔 hàp-fün héhūn (=合欢树[合歡樹] hàp-fön-sì héhuānshù pink silk tree or Persian silk tree (Albizia julibrissin); abbreviated to 合欢[合歡] hàp-fön héhuān, also called 合昏 hàp-fün héhūn, and 夜合 yèh-hàp yèhé.¹⁵ʼ²⁰).⁸
fun2 3672
78 12 fün hūn (=惛 fün hūn confused; stupid, dull.¹⁴); sick; to die without having established a reputation for oneself.² confused and delirious; to die without making a name or reputation for oneself.⁸
(composition: ⿰歹昏; U+6B99).
Yǐ huángjīn zhù zhě hūn.
If it be for an article of gold, he shoots as if he were blind.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《莊子·外篇·達生·4》, translated by James Legge). (Note: "it" refers to a prize in an archery contest).
<又> mòn.
(See 殙 mòn; 惛 fün).
fun2 3673
78 13 fün hūn stupid and confused; muddled and delirious; unconcious; in a state of coma.⁸ (Note: original form of 殙 fün hūn).
(composition: ⿰歹昬; U+3C6A).
<又> mòn.
(See 㱪 mòn; 殙 fün).
fun2 3674
82 8 𣬩
fün fēn (composition: ⿰分毛; U+23B29).
𣬩𣬩 the hair falling off.²ʼ²⁴

fun2 3675
84 8 fün fēn air; atmosphere; prevailing mood.⁷
(composition: ⿹气分; U+6C1B).
氛翳 fün-äi fēnyì an inauspicious and foreboding atmosphere.⁷
氛厉[氛厲] fün-lài
fēnlì disasters; calamities.⁷
氛邪 fün-tẽh
fēnxié an evil air.⁷ evil influence.¹⁴
氛围[氛圍] fün-vĩ
fēnwéi air; atmosphere; mood.⁷  atmosphere; ambiance; (music) ambient.³⁶
氛氲[氛氳] fün-vün
fēnyūn the spirit, or atmosphere, of prosperity or propitiousness; a vigoous spirit; a vigorous atmosphere.⁷ denseness of the atmosphere – as when laden with snow; heavy, as with perfume.¹⁴
气氛[氣氛] hï-fün
qìfēn atmosphere; air.⁶
海氛 hōi-fün
hǎifēn noxious sea-vapors – pirates.¹⁴
妖氛 yēl-fün
yāofēn evil portents.¹⁴
fun2 3676
85 11 fün hūn (=湣 fün hūn) mixed, confused; pity.¹³
涽涽 fün-fün
hūnhūn befuddled; be dazed and confused.⁸
(See 湣 fün.)
fun2 3677
85 12 fün hūn (=涽 fün hūn) mixed, confused; pity.¹³
<又> mûn.
(See 湣 mûn; 涽 fün.)
fun2 3678
86 11 fün xūn rising flames or fumes; aroma.⁸ fumes from sacrifice.¹⁴ fire bursting forth; an odor, whether fragrant or otherwise.²⁴
(composition: ⿱君灬; U+7104).
焄蒿 fün-häo xūnhāo a subtle vapor from sacrifice.¹⁴
焄蒿悽怆[焄蒿悽愴] fün-häo-täi-töng
xūnhāo qīchuàng the odors of the sacrifice affect (the offerer).¹⁴
fun2 3679
86 13 fün xūn (archaic = 熏 fün xūn) to burn.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰火軍; U+7147).
去眼煇耳 huï-ngān-fün-ngī
qùyǎnxūněr destroyed her sight and hearing.¹⁴
<又> fï, vũn.
(See 煇 fï, vũn.)
fun2 3680
86 13 𤋱
fün xūn (=熏 fün xūn to smoke; to fumigate; to assail the nostrils; to perfume.¹⁰).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱重灬; U+242F1).
(See 熏 [fün, xūn]).
fun2 3681
86 14 fün xùn <topo.> to poison by (coal) gas; to be gassed.
(composition: ⿱千黑; U+718F).
被烟熏倒[被煙熏倒] bì-yën-fün-āo bèiyānxùndǎo to be overcome by smoke.
让煤气熏死[讓煤氣熏死] ngèng-mõi-hï-fün-xī
ràngméiqìxùnsǐ to die from suffocation by (coal) gas.
(See 薰 fün; 熏 [fün, xūn]; 燻 fün.)
fun2 3682
86 14 fün xūn to smoke; to fumigate; to assail the nostrils; to perfume.¹⁰ (variants: 燻, 𤋱❄{⿱重灬}, 𡼡❄{⿱山黑}, 𡽽❄{⿳山*炎} (* upper part of 黑 without 土 and 灬), 𤑕❄{⿰火⿱⿰⿱千黑力灬}  fün xūn, q.v.).
(composition: ⿱千黑; U+718F).
臭气熏天[臭氣熏天] chiü-hï-fün-hëin
chòuqìxūntiān stink to high heaven.⁵
臭气熏人[臭氣熏人] chiü-hï-fün-ngĩn
chòuqìxūnrén behorribly stinking.⁶
熏茶叶[熏茶葉] fün-chã-yêp
xūncháyè scent tea with jasmine.⁵⁴
熏风[熏風]  fün-füng
xūnfēng <wr.> a warm wind from the south.
熏鲑鱼[熏鮭魚] fün-gï-nguî/
xūnguīyú lox.¹⁰
熏蹄 fün-hãi
xūntí smoked pig's feet (served cold/sliced).⁰
熏黑 fün-hāk
xūnhēi to blacken by smoke.
or 薰陶 fün-hõ or fün-hão xūntáo to seep in; to influence; to nurture; influence; training.¹⁰
熏鱼[熏魚] fün-nguî/
xūnyú smoked fish.
熏肉 fün-ngùk
xūnròu smoked meat; bacon.
熏青鱼[熏青魚] fün-tëin-nguî/
xūnqīngyú red herring.
熏衣草 fün-yï-tāo
xūnyīcǎo lavender, Lavandula angustifolia.
(See 薰 fün; 熏 [fün, xùn]).
fun2 3683
86 18 fün xūn (=熏 fün xūn) to smoke; to fumigate; to assail the nostrils; to perfume.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰火熏; U+71FB).
(See 熏 [fün, xūn].)
fun2 3684
86 19 𤑛
fün xūn to fumigate; to smoke.²⁴ things which are dried by fire.⁹⁸
(composition: ⿰火勲; U+2445B).

fun2 3685
86 20 𤑕
fün xūn (=熏 fün xūn to smoke; to fumigate; to assail the nostrils; to perfume.¹⁰).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰火⿱⿰⿱千黑力灬; U+24455).
(See 熏 [fün, xūn]).
fun2 3686 24455.jpg
86 20
fün xūn (=熏 fün xūn to smoke; to fumigate; to assail the nostrils; to perfume.¹⁰).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰火勳; U+720B).
(See 熏 [fün, xūn]).
fun2 3687
94 17 fün xūn 獯鬻 or 荤粥[葷粥] Fün-jūk Xūnyù Xunyu (an ancient northern nationality of China.)⁶
(composition: ⿰犭熏; U+736F).
(See 葷 Fün.)
fun2 3688
96 8 fün fēn the name of a precious stone, also its veins.²⁴
(composition: ⿰𤣩分; U+73A2).
赛璐玢[賽璐玢] söi-lù-fün sàilùfēn <chem.> cellophane.⁶
<又> bïn.
(See 玢 bïn.)
fun2 3689
109 13 fün hūn dull vision.⁸ʼ¹⁴
(composition: ⿰目昏; U+7767).
漠睧于利[漠睧於利] mōk-fün-yï-lì mòhūnyúlì to be blinded by gain.²⁴
fun2 3690
109 15 fün fèn to sleep.⁸
<台> 打侧瞓[打側瞓] ā-jāk-fün  to sleep on one's side.
<台> 打昂瞓 ā-ngōng-fün to sleep in a supine position.
<台> 打仆瞓 ā-pūk-fün to sleep in a prostrate position.
<台> 瞓 fün to sleep.
<台> 瞓晏昼[瞓晏晝] fün-än-jiü/ to take a siesta.
<台> 瞓房 fün-fông/ bedroom.
<台> 瞓硬颈[瞓硬頸] fün-gāng-gēng woke up with a stiff neck.
<台> 瞓觉[瞓覺] fün-gäo to go to bed; to sleep.
<台> 瞓过龙[瞓過龍] fün-gö-lũng oversleep.
<台> 瞓醒 fün-xēng to wake up.
<台> 瞌眼瞓 hēip-ngān-fün/ to doze off.
<台> 眼瞓 ngān-fün sleepy.
<台> 一遛瞓到皓 yīt-liù-fün-äo-hào to sleep soundly through the night; to have a good night's rest.
fun2 3691
116 14 fün xūn to add aroma to tea by mixing it with jasmine.⁷ (=熏 fün xūn) to scent.⁸
窨茶叶[窨茶葉] fün-chã-yêp
xūncháyè (=熏茶叶[熏茶葉] fün-chã-yêp xūncháyè) scent tea with jasmine.⁵⁴
<又> yîm.
(See 窨 yîm.)
fun2 3692
119 17 fün fèn <台> 粪堆[糞堆] fün-luî outhouse; toilet; cesspool. (See 粪堆[糞堆] fûn-uï).
<台> 屎粪堆[屎糞堆] sī-fün-luî outhouse; toilet; cesspool.
<又> fûn.
(See 糞 fûn).
fun2 3693
120 10 fün fēn confused, tangled, disorderly; many and various, profuse, numerous.⁵ (comp. t: ⿰糹分; U+7D1B). (comp. s: ⿰纟分; U+7EB7).
大雪纷飞[大雪紛飛] ài-xūt-fün-fï
dàxuěfēnfēi The snow flakes were falling thick and fast.⁵
纷沓[紛沓] fün-àp
fēntà in endless succession.⁷
纷杂[紛雜] fün-dàp
fēnzá disorderly; jumbled.⁶
纷繁[紛繁] fün-fãn
fēnfán numerous and complicated.⁵
纷飞[紛飛] fün-fï
fēnfēi swirl in the air; fly all over.⁶
纷纷[紛紛] fün-fün
fēnfēn one after another, in succession; numerous and confused.⁵
纷纷扬扬[紛紛揚揚] fün-fün-yẽng-yẽng
fēnfēnyángyáng (of snowflakes, leaves) fluttering profusely and disorderly.⁶
纷争[紛爭] fün-jäng
fēnzhēng dispute; wrangle.⁵
纷争不已[紛爭不已] fün-jäng-būt-yî
fēnzhēngbùyǐ endless dispute.⁵
纷至沓来[紛至沓來] fün-jï-àp-lõi
fēnzhìtàlái come thick and fast; keep pouring in.⁵
纷乱[紛亂] fün-lòn
fēnluàn numerous and disorderly; helter-skelter; chaotic.⁵
纷扰[紛擾] fün-ngêl
fēnrǎo confusion; turmoil.⁵
纷披[紛披] fün-pï
fēnpī to spread out in a disorderly manner; numerous.⁷
纷纭[紛紜] fün-vũn
fēnyún diverse and confused.⁵
fun2 3694
120 20 fün xūn ((<old>=曛 fün xūn twilight; sunset.⁸ʼ¹⁴ light of the sun after its setting; evening; twilight.²⁴); light red; light of the sun at dusk; afterglow).⁸ crimson; dark red.¹⁴ a light red, obtained by three dips in the dyeing stuff.²⁵ scarlet (sunset); lilac (twilight).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰糹熏; U+7E81).
纁币[纁幣] fün-bài
xūnbì light crimson silk.¹⁹
纁夏 fün-hà
xūnxià another name for summer.¹⁹
or 纁鴈 fün-ngàn xūnyàn in the old days, women used this gift when they visit their aunt (father's sister).¹⁹
纁裳 fün-sẽng
xūncháng scarlet clothes.²⁵
纁黄[纁黃] fün-võng
xūnhuáng at dusk; the color between crimson and yellow.¹⁹
纁玄 fün-yõn
xūnxuán light crimson and black; in ancient times, it was thought to symbolize the color of heaven and earth.¹⁹
三入为纁[三入為纁] xäm-yìp-vĩ-fün
sānrùwéixūn you dip (in the dye) three times, and you get scarlet (fabric).⁵⁴
玄纁 yõn-fün
xuánxūn black and ligh red cloth.¹⁹
玄衣纁裳 yõn-yï-fün-sẽng
xuányīxūncháng black top, purple bottom (clothes, dresses).⁵⁴
fun2 3695
125 12 fün hūn aged; to get old, advanced age; great age; old age.⁸
(composition: ⿰老老; U+439C).
fun2 3696
130 18 fün xūn mutton soup, broth; fragrant.⁸ lamb soup.¹⁰ mutton broth.²⁵ lamb chowder; fat (from lamb).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰⺼熏; U+81D0).
臐香 fün-hëng xūnxiāng savory.²⁵
臐膮 fün-hël
xūnxiāo lamb and pork stew.⁵⁴
fun2 3697
140 7 fün fēn fragrance.¹ <wr.> fragrant, of delicate aroma.¹¹
(composition: ⿱艹分; U+82AC).
芬芳 fün-föng fēnfāng fragrant; sweet smell, fragrance.⁶
芬芳馥郁 fün-föng-fūk-yūk
fēnfāngfùyù sweet and fragrant.⁶
芬芳郁馥 fün-föng-yūk-fūk
fēnfāngyùfù rich in fragrance; both fragrant and beautiful.⁵⁴
芬馥 fün-fūk
fēnfù scented, rich in fragrance.¹¹
芬芬 fün-fün
fēnfēn sweet smell; fragrance; aroma.
芬香 fün-hëng
fēnxiāng sweet smell; fragrance.
芬兰[芬蘭] Fün-lãn
Fēnlán Finland.
芬华[芬華] fün-vã
fēnhuá glory; pomp; luxuriant beauty.
芬郁 fün-yūk
fēnyù richly scented.¹¹
清芬 tëin-fün
qīngfēn <wr.> delicate fragrance, faint scent; moral integrity, nobility of character; soothing aroma; virtues.¹ pure, subtle fragrance.¹¹
fun2 3698
140 12 fün xūn (=獯 fün xūn) see 荤粥[葷粥] below.
t: ⿱艹軍; U+8477). (comp. s: ⿱艹军; U+8364).
or 荤粥[葷粥] Fün-jūk Xūnyù Xunyu (an ancient northern nationality of China.)⁶
<又> vũn, vùn.
(See 葷 vũn, vùn; 獯 fün.)
fun2 3699
140 17 fün xūn a kind of fragrant herb.⁶
(composition: ⿱艹熏; U+85B0).
薰风[薰風] fün-füng xūnfēng gentle warm breeze.¹¹
薰风习习[薰風習習] fün-füng-dìp-dìp
xūnfēngxíxí the south wind blows gently.⁷
薰香 fün-hëng
xūnxiāng perfume, fragrance.⁷
薰蒸 fün-jëin
xūnzhēng (said of the sultry heat in summer) to swelter and steam.⁷
❄{⿰钅卢}[薰鑪] fün-lũ xūnlú small incense burner; censer.¹⁹
薰染 fün-ngëm
xūnrǎn to stain, to color; (fig.) to form habits or influence character by environment or example.¹¹
薰草 fün-tāo
xūncǎo  <bot.> an aromatic grass, Coumarouna odorata (common name: 佩兰[佩蘭] pöi-lãn pèilán orchid, fragrant thoroughwort).¹¹
薰心 fün-xïm
xūnxīn (of greed, lust) to dominate one's thoughts.¹⁰
薰衣草 fün-yï-tāo
xūnyīcǎo lavender.⁶
薰莸[薰蕕] fün-yiũ
xūnyóu the good and the bad.¹¹
薰莸不同器[薰蕕不同器] fün-yiũ-būt-hũng-hï
xūnyóubùtóngqì fragrant herbs and stinking weeds cannot be put in the same vessel – the good don;t mix with the bad.⁶
薰莸异器[薰蕕異器] fün-yiũ-yì-hï
xūnyóuyìqì =薰莸不同器.⁶
(See 熏 [fün, xūn], [fün, xùn]; 燻 fün.)
fun2 3700
149 10 fün xùn to teach, to instruct, to lecture; to explain; to explain the meaning or sense of a word; to reprimand, to slam, to rebuke, to denounce; (colloquial) to scold; to train, to drill; teachings, explanation, exegesis model, example; to submit to, to yield to, to obey; Xun surname.³⁶
(old variant: 𧥥❄{⿱巛言} fün xùn). (See 𧥥❄{⿱巛言} fün).
(composition: ⿰言川; U+8A13).
训导[訓導] fün-ào
xùndǎo to instruct and guide.³⁶
训饬[訓飭] fün-chēik
xùnchì to give sharp advice to (inferiors).³⁶
训迪[訓迪] fün-èik
xùndí to teach (the young), open student's mind.¹¹
训诲[訓誨] fün-fōi
xùnhuì <wr.> instruct; teach.⁶
训诂[訓詁] fün-gū
xùngǔ one branch of study of classics, concerned with ancient meanings of words.¹¹
训练[訓練] fün-lèin
xùnliàn to train; to drill; training.¹⁰
家训[家訓] gä-fün
jiāxùn family teachings, family training, family precepts.¹¹
教训[教訓] gäo-fün
jiàoxun lesson, moral; chide.⁵
诂训[詁訓] gū-fün
gǔxùn <wr.> to explain the classics in everyday language.⁵⁴
fun2 3701
149 10 𧥥
fün xùn (<old>=训[訓] fün xùn to teach, to instruct, to lecture; to explain; to explain the meaning or sense of a word; to reprimand, to slam, to rebuke, to denounce; (colloquial) to scold; to train, to drill; teachings, explanation, exegesis model, example; to submit to, to yield to, to obey; Xun surname.³⁶).⁹⁸
(composition: ⿱巛言; U+27965).
(See 訓 fün).
fun2 3702
149 11 fün fēn a person's name.²⁴
(composition: ⿰訁分; U+8A1C).
訜𧥼❄{⿰言云} fün-vũn fēnyún unsettled expressions; vague speech.²⁴
<又> bùn.
(See 訜 bùn).
fun2 3703
164 11 fün fēn <chem.> phenol.⁶
杂酚油[雜酚油] dàp-fün-yiũ záfēnyóu creosote.¹⁹
酚酞 fün-häi
fēntài phenolphthalein.⁵
酚酞试纸[酚酞試紙] fün-häi-sï-jī
fēntàishìzhǐ phenolphthalein test paper.⁵
酚醇 fün-sũn
fēnchún <chem.> phenolic alcohol.⁶
酚醛 fün-tũn
fēnquán <chem.> phenolic aldehyde.⁶
酚醛树脂[酚醛樹脂] fün-tũn-sì-jï
fēnquánshùzhī phenolic resin.⁶
酚醛塑料 fün-tũn-sōk-lèl
or fün-tũn-xü-lèl fēnquánsùliào phenolic plastics; phenolics; phenoplast.⁶
酚醛纤维[酚醛纖維] fün-tũn-tïm-vĩ
fēnquánxiānwéi phenolic fiber.⁶
酚油 fün-yiũ
fēnyóu carbolic oil.⁸
fun2 3704
164 21 fün xūn drunk; intoxicated; tipsy.⁷
(composition: ⿰酉熏; U+91BA).
酒醉醺醺 diū-duï-fün-fün jiǔzuìxūnxūn in a state of happy intoxication.³⁹
醉醺醺 duï-fün-fün
zuìxūnxūn inebriated; sottish; drunk.⁷
醺酣 fün-hõn
xūnhān (of weather) warm; balmy.⁷
醺醺 fün-fün
xūnxūn inebriated; tipsy.⁷
醺醺大醉 fün-fün-ài-duï
xūnxūndàzuì dead drunk.⁵⁴
醺然大醉 fün-ngẽin-ài-duï
xūnrándàzuì dead drunk.⁶
or 熏鱼[熏魚] fün-nguî/ xūnyú smoked fish.⁵⁴
微醺 mĩ-fün
wēixūn tipsy.⁵
fun2 3705
169 16 fün hūn <wr.> tend or guard a gate; palace gate.⁵
阍者[閽者] fün-jēh hūnzhě <wr.> gatekeeper; janitor.⁵
阍人[閽人] fün-ngĩn
hūnrén <trad.> doorman, gatekeeper.⁵⁴
司阍[司閽] xü-fün
sīhūn gatekeeper; janitor.⁵
fun2 3706
173 12 fün fēn misty; foggy.¹⁰ <lit.> mist; atmosphere.¹¹ a mist; a fog.²⁵
(composition: ⿱雨分; U+96F0).
雰雱 fün-föng fēnfāng description of a scene with heavy snow.¹³ʼ⁰ snowy.²⁵
雰雰 fün-fün
fēnfēn misty.¹¹ snowy.²⁵
雰围[雰圍] fün-vĩ
fēnwéi (=氛围[氛圍] fün-vĩ fēnwéi q.v.)
雰围气[雰圍氣] fün-vĩ-hï
fēnwéiqì surrounding atmosphere (of fear, suspicion); atmosphere surrounding earth.¹¹
雨雪雰雰 yî-xūt fün-fün
yǔxuě fēnfēn rain and snow drizzling down.²⁵
fun2 3707
184 16 fün fēn rice half-boiled; to boil rice once, throw water over it and boil again.²⁵ steam rice.⁵⁴ (variant: 饙 fün fēn).
(composition: ⿰飠奔; U+9934).
饎餴 chï-fün
chìfēn or hï-fün xīfēn refers to food and drink.¹⁹
Gēin-jēk-bī-hãng-lâo, yīp-bī-jî-xũ, hō-yî-fün-chï
Gēin-jēk-bī-hãng-lâo, yīp-bī-jî-xũ, hō-yî-fün-hï.
Jiǒng zhuó bǐ xíng lǎo, yì bǐ zhù zī, kěyǐ fēn chì or
Jiǒng zhuó bǐ xíng lǎo, yì bǐ zhù zī, kěyǐ fēn xī.

Take the pool-water from a distance;
Draw it into one vessel and let it flow to another,
And it may be used to steam rice or millet.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·生民之什·泂酌》, translated by James Legge
(See 饙 fün).
fun2 3708
184 20 fün fēn (=餴 fün fēn rice half-boiled; to boil rice once, throw water over it and boil again.²⁵ steam rice.⁵⁴).
(composition: ⿰飠賁; U+9959).
(See 餴 fün).
fun2 3709
196 15 fün fēn (composition: ⿰分鳥; U+9CFB).
鳻鶞 fün-chün fēnchūn a type of migratory bird.¹³ (=春扈 chün-fù chūnhù) spring quail.⁵⁴
<又> bän.
(See 鳻 bän).
fun2 3710
32 7 fũn fén (<old>=坟[墳] fũn fén) a grave; tomb.⁸
(composition: ⿰土攵; U+5746).
(See 墳 fũn).
fun3 3711
32 15 fũn fén grave; tomb. (old variant: 坆 fũn fén).
t: ⿰土賁; U+58B3). (comp. s: ⿰土文; U+575F).
拜坟[拜墳] bāi-fũn
bàifén to visit a grave; to make sacrifices before a grave.
祖坟[祖墳] dū-fũn
zǔfén ancestral grave.⁸
坟包[墳包] fũn-bäo
fénbāo grave mound.
坟场[墳場] fũn-chẽng
fénchǎng graveyard.
坟典[墳典] fũn-ēin
féndiǎn ancient books.
坟地[墳地] fũn-ì
féndì graveyard; cemetery.
坟墓[墳墓] fũn-mù
fénmù grave, tomb.
坟茔[墳塋] fũn-vẽin
fényíng graveyard; cemetery.
上坟[上墳] sëng-fũn
shàngfén to visit a grave.
三坟五典[三墳五典] xäm-fũn-m̄-ēin
sānfénwǔdiǎn <hist.> lost ancient books of historical records.
扫坟[掃墳] xäo-fũn
sǎofén to sweep a tomb; to pay respects to one's ancestor at his grave.
(See 坆 fũn).
fun3 3712
50 15 fũn fén trappings.⁸  ornamental tassels on a bridle.¹⁴ the ornaments of a bridle.²⁴  silk harnesses (decoration on the horse's bridle).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰巾賁; U+5E69).
朱幩 jï-fũn zhūfén a decorative ornament on both sides of a horse's bridle that also serves as a fan for cooling the horse; decorative extensions to make the car/carriage more beautiful; a red flag.¹⁹ red silk harnesses.⁵⁴
fun3 3713
75 8 fũn fén variety of elm with small seeds; (<old>=棼 fün fén cross beams on roof.¹¹); ridgepole.⁸ a variety of elm with small seeds and white bark.¹⁴ the name of a tree, like the elm; the beam of a house.²⁴ white elm; double beam.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰木分; U+678C).
枌梓 fũn-dū
fénzǐ two tree names; generally refers to osmanthus; refers to the hometown.¹⁹
枌拱 fũn-gūng
féngǒng double beams and pillars.⁵⁴
枌榆 fũn-yĩ
fényú a kind of elm; one's native place or hometown.¹ a variety of elm with white bark.¹¹ hometown of the Han Emperor 汉高祖[漢高祖] hön-gäo-dū hàn gāozǔ Emperor Gaozu of Han.⁵⁴
Üng-mõn-jï-fũn , vōn-hiü-jï-huī.
Dōng mén zhī fén, wǎn qiū zhī xǔ.
[There are] the white elms at the east gate.
And the oaks on Wanqiu.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·陳風·東門之枌》, translated by James Legge).
(See 棼 fün).
fun3 3714
75 10 fũn huán (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 桓 yõn huán); Huan surname.
<又> yõn.
(See 桓 yõn).
fun3 3715
85 7 fũn fén a river in Shanxi Province that empties into the Yellow River.⁹
(composition: ⿰氵分; U+6C7E).
汾酒 Fũn-diū Fénjiǔ gaoliang wine made in the Fen River area.⁵⁴
汾河 Fũn-hõ
Fén Hé Fen River, a river in Shānxì Shanxi Province.⁵⁴
汾沄 fũn-vũn
fényún great multitude (of people).⁵⁴
fun3 3716
85 15 fũn fén river bank; river in 河南 Hõ-nãm Hénán Henan Province.⁸ the brink of a river; to overflow; a separate river formed by the overflowing of a larger one.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵賁; U+6FC6).
濆衍 fũn-yēn
fényǎn a small river formed by the overflow of a larger river.⁵⁴
淮濆 Vãi-fũn
Huáifén bank of the 淮河 Vãi Hõ Huáihé Huai River.⁵⁴
<又> pün.
(See 濆 pün.)
fun3 3717
86 8 fũn fén (=焚 fũn fén to burn; to set fire to.⁷).⁸ to burn.²⁴
(composition: ⿱分火; U+7083).
<又> bùn.
(See 焚 fũn; 炃 bùn).
fun3 3718
86 12 fũn fén to burn; to set fire to.⁷ (variants: 㷊,燓,炃,燌 fũn fén).
(composition: ⿱林火; U+711A).
焚毙[焚斃] fũn-bài
fénbì burn to death.¹¹
焚化 fũn-fä
fénhuà incinerate; cremate.⁵
焚化炉[焚化爐] fũn-fä-lũ
fénhuàlú incinerator; cremator.⁵
焚毁[焚毀] fũn-fī
fénhuǐ destroy by fire; burn down.⁵
焚风[焚風] fũn-füng
fénfēng <met.> foehn.⁵
焚膏继晷[焚膏繼晷] fũn-gäo-gäi-gī
féngāojìguǐ burn the midnight oil; stay up late and work hard.⁶
焚香 fũn-hëng
fénxiāng burn incense.⁵
焚舟 fũn-jiü
fénzhōu to burn the boat after crossing the river; to  cross the Rubicon – There's no going back.⁷
焚烧[焚燒] fũn-sël
fénshāo burn, set on fire.⁵
焚书坑儒[焚書坑儒] fũn-sï-häng-yĩ
fénshūkēngrú to burn the books and bury the scholars alive – said of 秦始皇 Tũn-Chī-Võng Qín Shǐ Huáng First Emperor of Qin in 213-212 B.C.⁷
焚尸灭迹[焚屍滅跡] fũn-sï-mèik-dēik
fénshīmièjì to burn the body of a murder victim in order to destroy evidence.⁷
焚身 fũn-sïn
fénshēn to bring ruin to oneself because of greediness.⁷
自焚 dù-fũn
zìfén burn oneself to death.⁶
(See 㷊 fũn, 燓 fũn; 炃 fũn; 燌 fũn).
fun3 3719
86 12 fũn fén (=焚 fũn fén to burn; to set fire to.⁷).⁸
(composition: ⿱林灬; U+3DCA).
(See 焚 fũn).
fun3 3720
86 16 fũn fén (=焚 fũn fén to burn; to set fire to.⁷).⁸ to burn a field, in order to clear away the grass.²⁴
(composition: ⿱棥火; U+71D3).
(See 焚 fũn).
fun3 3721
86 16 fũn fén (=焚 fũn fén to burn; to set fire to.⁷).⁸ internal heat.²⁴
(composition: ⿰火賁; U+71CC).
灼燌 sēk-fũn
zhuófén (=焚烧[焚燒] fũn-sël fénshāo burn, set on fire.⁵).¹⁹
<又> bùn.
(See 焚 fũn; 燌 bùn).
fun3 3722
94 15 fũn fén (=豮[豶] fũn fén a castrated pig); to castrate or spay.⁸
(composition: ⿰犭賁; U+7356).
<又> fûn; bùn.
(See 獖 fûn; 獖 bùn).
fun3 3723
123 18 fũn fén a sexless goat or sheep; tutelary spirit of a place; (=坟[墳] fũn fén grave; tomb.² spirit.⁸ a sexless goat or sheep.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰羊賁; U+7FB5).
羵首 fũn-siū
fénshǒu a sexless goat or sheep; tutelary spirit of a place; =坟[墳] fũn fén grave; tomb.¹⁹
羵羊 fũn-yẽng
fényáng a sexless goat or sheep – tutelary spirit, 土之怪 hū-jï-gäi tǔzhīguài, of a place; "clay sheep buried with the dead" Giles.¹⁴ a sprite infesting the ground, in the shape of a sheep; it is neither male nor female.²⁵ <old> a goat-like monster from legends.³⁶
土羵 hū-fũn
tǔfén tutelary spirit of a place.¹⁹
fun3 3724
140 11 fũn huán Any type of grass belonging to the genus Anaphalis. Often mentioned in classical literature.⁹ grass used for making mats; Huanpu, place famous for robbers.⁸ When this reed begins to grow it is called 菼 hām tǎn; before it matures, it is called 蒹 gëm jiān; after it matures it is called 萑 fũn huán.¹⁹
萑苻 fũn-fũ
huánfú Huanpu, a place in Zheng State during the Spring and Autumn Period haunted by thieves and robbers according to historical records. Later it became used to refer to a place haunted by thieves and robbers or simply such people.⁹
(See 菼 hām; 蒹 gëm.)
fun3 3725
140 15 fũn fén hemp; hemp seeds; luxury; luxurious; abundant; Fen surname.⁸ <wr.> hemp seeds; abundant, bearing much fruit.¹¹ luxurious, abundant.¹⁴ plants and trees full of fruit; the string of a bow.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹賁; U+8561).
蕡杂[蕡雜] fũn-dàp fénzá a mixture of fragrant plants.²⁵
蕡子 fũn-dū
fénzǐ hemp seeds.¹⁴ʼ²⁵
蕡香 fũn-hëng
fénxiāng to give off aroma.⁵⁴
蕡烛[蕡燭] fũn-jūk
fénzhú the ancient torch made of hemp dipped in oil, used for lighting.¹⁹ hemp plait serving as a lamp.⁵⁴
蕡蔼[蕡藹] fũn-ōi
fén'ǎi fruitful and exuberant.¹⁹
蕡实[蕡實] fũn-sìt
fénshí bearing abundant fruit.¹⁴ very fruitfull.²⁵
Hão-jï-yēl-yēl, yiû-fũn-kĩ-sìt.
Táo zhī yāo yāo, yǒu fén qí shí.
The peach tree is young and elegant;
Abundant will be its fruits.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·周南·桃夭》, translated by James Legge).
麻蕡 mã-fũn
máfén hemp seeds.¹⁹
fun3 3726
142 10 fũn fén (<old>=鼢 fũn fén) a variety of mole.¹⁴  蚠 or 蚡 Fũn Fén, name of a duke of the State of Liu (刘国[劉國]) who reigned from 520 BC to 506 BC; aka 刘文公[劉文公].
(See 鼢 fũn; 蚡 fũn).
fun3 3727
142 10 fũn fén (=鼢 fũn fén) a variety of mole.¹⁴
(See 鼢 fũn; 蚠 fũn).
fun3 3728
152 19 fũn fén <topo.> male domestic animal.⁶ a castrated pig; to castrate; a boar; in generally, any male livestock.⁸ to geld a pig.¹⁴ a gelded pig, a barrow.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿰豕賁; U+8C76). (comp. s: ⿰豕贲; U+8C6E).
豮豕[豶豕] fũn-sī
fénshǐ a gelded boar.¹⁴ a castrated pig.¹⁹
fun3 3729
154 12 fũn fén large.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿱卉貝; U+8CC1). (comp. s: ⿱卉贝; U+8D32).
贲鼓[賁鼓] fũn-gū
féngǔ large drums.¹⁴
<又> bï, bïn.
(See 賁 bï; 賁 bïn.)
fun3 3730
159 19 fũn fén the hood of a carriage.²⁵
(composition: ⿰車賁; U+8F52).
轒䡝 fũn-vūn fénwèn a war chariot, employed in atacking cities.²⁵
轒辒[轒轀] fũn-vün
fényūn a Xiongnu military chariot.² a military vehicle used in ancient siege.⁸ a carriage in use among the Tartars.²⁵ (historical) a kind of war chariot with no bottom and covered with leather on the roof.³⁶
fun3 3731
208 17 fũn fén a variety of mole.¹⁴ (variant: 蚡 fũn fén; 蚠 fũn fén).
阿尔泰鼢鼠 Ä-ngì-häi fũn-sī
Ā'ěrtài fénsī Siberian zokor Myospalax myospalax.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鼢鼠 fũn-sī
fénsī zokor.⁵
鼢鼠属[鼢鼠屬] fũn-sī-sùk
fénsīshǔ genus Myospalax.²⁰
中华鼢鼠[中華鼢鼠] Jüng-vã fũn-sī
Zhōnghuá fénsī Chinese zokor Eospalax fontanierii syn. Myospalax fontanieri.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
犂鼢 lãi-fũn
lífén the mole.¹⁴
罗氏鼢鼠[羅氏鼢鼠] Lõ-sì fũn-sī
Luóshì fénsī Rothschild's zokor Eospalax rothschildi syn. Myospalax rothschildi.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
东北鼢鼠[東北鼢鼠] Üng-bāk fũn-sī
Dōngběi fénsī Transbaikal zokor Myospalax psilurus.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
斯氏鼢鼠 Xü-sì fũn-sī
Sīsī fénsī Smith's zokor Eospalax smithii syn. Myospalax smithii.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(See 蚡 fũn; 蚠 fũn).
fun3 3732
9 6 fùn fèn   share; part; portion ➁  (<m.> (a) part, portion (b) copy  ➂ rank, status ➃ (used after 年, 月, 省, 县 to form a unit).⁶ (=分 fùn fèn).
充份 or 充分 chüng-fùn chōngfèn full, ample, abundant, sufficient; to the full, as full as possible.⁶
份子 fùn-dū
fènzi one's share of expenses for a joint undertaking, as in buying a gift for a mutual friend.⁵
or 分量 fùn-lẽng fènliang weight.⁵
份额[份額] fùn-ngäk
fèn'é share; portion.⁵
份儿[份兒] fùn-ngĩ
fènr status, portion, part; status, position; degree, extent.⁶
份儿饭[份兒飯] fùn-ngĩ-fàn
fènrfàn table d'hôte; set meal.⁵
or 分内[分內] fùn-nuì fènnèi one's job (or duty).⁵
股份 gū-fùn
gǔfèn shares of capital stock.¹¹
or 年分 nẽin-fùn niánfèn some particular year; age, time.⁶
月份 ngùt-fùn
yuèfèn month.⁶
省份 sāng-fùn
shěngfèn province.⁶
or 身分 sïn-fùn shēnfen one's status or position.⁷
县份[縣份] yòn-fùn
xiànfèn a county.⁷
(See 分 fùn.)
fun4 3733
18 4 fùn fèn part; share; ingredient; component.¹⁰ part; share.⁶²
(composition: ⿱八刀; U+5206).
本分 or 本份 bōn-fùn běnfèn (to play) one's role; one's duty; (to stay within) one's bounds.
部分 bù-fùn
bùfen part; section.
分子 fùn-dū
fènzǐ member; element.⁵
or 份量 fùn-lẽng fènliang weight.⁵
分外 fùn-ngòi
fènwài particularly, especially; not one's job (or duty).⁵
or 份内[份內] fùn-nuì fènnèi one's job (or duty).⁵
or 安份守己 ön-fùn-siū-gī ānfènshǒujǐ to abide by the law and behave oneself (idiom); to know one's place; to not meddle in others' affairs.
成分 sẽin-fün
chéngfen composition, component part; ingredient, element;  one's class/professional status.⁶
or 成份 sẽin-fùn chéngfèn elements; components.
or 水份 suī-fùn shuǐfèn moisture content; exaggeration; imprecision; constituent elements of water; <TCM> water or fluid content.¹
<又> fün.
(See 分 fün; 份 fùn.)
fun4 3734
32 7 fùn bèn <wr.> dust; to gather, together, to splash.
坌集 fùn-dàp bènjí <wr.> gather at a place.
坌涌[坌湧] fùn-yūng
bènyǒng <wr.> gush up like gas.
<又> bùn.⁴
(See 坌 bùn.⁴)
fun4 3735
9 14 fûn fèn <wr.> to fall; to die; to fail; to be defeated.
偾事[僨事] fûn-xù fènshì <wr.> to spoil an affair.
鼠首偾事[鼠首僨事] sī-siū-fûn-xù
shǔshǒufènshì excessive caution spoils things.
fun5 3736
32 8 𡊄
fûn fèn to sweep away dust.²⁴ <old> to sweep away.³⁶ (variant: 拚 fûn fèn).
(composition: ⿳厶大土; U+21284).
(See 拚 fûn).
fun5 3737
37 16 fûn fèn to strive, to exert effort; to arouse.⁸ to exert oneself; to raise.⁹
(comp. t: ⿱奞田; U+596E). (comp. s: ⿱大田; U+594B).
奋不顾身[奮不顧身] fûn-būt-gü-sïn
fènbùgùshēn dash ahead regardless of one's safety.⁵
奋斗[奮鬥] fûn-ēo
fèndòu to strive; to struggle.¹⁰
奋发[奮發] fûn-fāt
fènfā to rouse oneself; to act vigorously; to exert oneself.⁸
奋发图强[奮發圖強] fûn-fāt-hũ-kẽng
fènfātúqiáng to work hard for success.⁹ to work energetically for prosperity (of the country).¹⁰
奋战[奮戰] fûn-jën
fènzhàn to fight bravely.¹⁰
奋力[奮力] fûn-lèik
fènlì with energy, force (to study).¹¹
奋勇[奮勇] fûn-yûng
fènyǒng  to strive, fight bravely.¹¹
奋勇前进[奮勇前進] fûn-yûng-tẽin-dïn
fènyǒngqiánjìn to advance courageously; to forge valiantly ahead.³⁹
兴奋[興奮] hëin-fûn
xīngfèn excited, elated.¹¹
振奋[振奮] jīn-fûn
zhènfèn to stir oneself up; to raise one's spirits; to inspire.¹⁰
勤奋[勤奮] kĩn-fûn
qínfèn hardworking; diligent.¹⁰
fun5 3738
61 8 忿 fûn fèn anger, indignation, fury; complaining, hatred, a grudge.⁷ (Note: 忿 fûn fèn is not always interchangeable with 憤[憤] fûn fèn.) (composition: ⿱分心; U+5FFF).
不忿 būt-fûn
bùfèn take offense; be resentful.⁶ <topo.> refuse to obey; not give in to.¹
忿恚 fûn-fì
fènhuì hate and anger.⁷
忿火 fûn-fō
fènhuǒ the flames of anger; fury or furies.⁷
or 愤愤[憤憤] fûn-fûn fènfèn indignant; resentful.⁶
or 愤愤不平[憤憤不平] fûn-fûn-būt-pẽin fènfènbùpíng to be indignant; to feel aggrieved.⁶
or 愤恨[憤恨] fûn-hàn fènhèn indignantly resent; detest.⁵
忿詈 fûn-lì
fènlì <wr.> abuse/curse out in rage.⁶
忿戾 fûn-luì
fènlì angry and perverseness.⁷
忿懑[忿懣] fûn-mòn
fènmèn anger; a grudge; animus; indignation.⁷
or 愤然[憤然] fûn-ngẽin fènrán angry; indignant.⁶
or 愤然作色[憤然作色] fûn-ngẽin-dōk-sēik fènránzuòsè flush with indignation.⁶
忿言 fûn-ngũn
fènyán angry words or utterances.⁷
or 气愤[氣憤] hï-fûn qìfèn indignant; furious.⁵
or 泄愤[泄憤] xēik-fûn xièfèn to vent one's anger.⁷
(See 憤 fûn.)
fun5 3739
61 15 fûn fèn to resent; indignant; indignation; angry.⁷ (note: (愤[憤] fûn fèn is not always interchangeable with 忿 fûn fèn.)
悲愤[悲憤] bï-fûn
bēifèn grief and indignation.⁵
发愤[發憤] fāt-fûn
fāfèn make a firm resolution; make a  determined effort.⁵
or 忿忿 fûn-fûn fènfèn indignant; resentful.⁶
or 忿忿不平 fûn-fûn-būt-pẽin fènfènbùpíng to be indignant; to feel aggrieved.⁶
愤激[憤激] fûn-gēik
fènjī excited and indignant; roused.⁵
or 忿恨 fûn-hàn fènhèn indignantly resent; detest.⁵
愤慨[憤慨] fûn-köi
fènkǎi (righteous) indignation.⁵
愤懑[憤懣] fûn-mòn
fènmèn indignant, resentful;  depressed and discontented.⁷
or 忿然 fûn-ngẽin fènrán angry; indignant.⁶
or 忿然作色 fûn-ngẽin-dōk-sēik fènránzuòsè flush with indignation.⁶
愤怒[憤怒] fûn-nù
fènnù indignation; anger; wrath.⁵
愤世嫉俗[憤世嫉俗] fûn-säi-dìp-dùk
fènshìjísú detest the world and its ways; be cynical.⁶
or 气忿[氣忿] hï-fûn qìfèn indignant; furious.⁵
or 泄忿 xēik-fûn xièfèn to vent one's anger.⁷
(See 忿 fûn.)
fun5 3740
64 8 fûn fèn (=𡊄❄{⿳厶大土} fûn fèn) to sweep away dust.²⁴ <old> to sweep away.³⁶ to sweep.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰扌弁; U+62DA).
拚箕 fûn-gî
fènjī a dust basket.¹⁴
扫席前曰拚[掃席前曰拚] xäo-dèk-tẽin-yòt-fûn
sǎo xí qián yuē fèn to sweep before the mats – whereon they sat – was called 拚 fûn fèn.¹⁴
<又> pëin, pön, fän, bèin.
(See 拚 pëin, 拚 pön, 拚 fän, 拚 bèin; 𡊄❄{⿳厶大土} fûn).
fun5 3741
64 20 𢹔
fûn  fèn (=拚 fûn fèn to sweep away dust.²⁴ <old> to sweep away.³⁶ to sweep.¹⁴).² to sweep away filth.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌糞; U+22E54).

fun5 3742
85 20 fûn fèn (of underground water) gush out and overflow.⁶
瀵泉 fûn-tũn fènquán geyser.⁶
fun5 3743
94 15 fûn fèn name of a sheep.⁸
(composition: ⿰犭賁; U+7356).
獖羊 fûn-yẽng fènyáng a legendary strange animal or monster of the soil.¹⁹
<又> fũn; bùn.
(See 獖 fũn; 獖 bùn).
fun5 3744
119 17 fûn fèn excrement, feces, dung, droppings; <wr.> apply manure (to), manure; clear away, wipe out.⁶
粪便[糞便] fûn-bèin fènbiàn excrement; night soil.⁷
粪车[糞車] fûn-chëh
fènchē a dung cart; a night-soil cart.⁷
粪池[糞池] fûn-chĩ
fènchí or 化粪池[化糞池] fä-fûn-chĩ huàfènchí a manure pit; a septic tank.⁷
粪除[糞除] fûn-chuĩ
fènchú <wr.> to clean up.¹⁰
粪肥[糞肥] fûn-fĩ
fènféi natural fertilizer.¹¹
粪夫[糞夫] fûn-fü
fènfū one whose vocation is to collect night soil; a night man.⁷
粪箕[糞箕] fûn-gî
fènjī or 畚箕 bōn-gî běnjī a dustpan.⁷
粪坑[糞坑] fûn-häng
fènkēng a manure pit; a cesspool.⁷
粪凼[糞凼] fûn-hêim
fèndàng cesspool; cesspit.¹⁰
粪田[糞田] fûn-hẽin
fèntián to apply manure as fertilizer.¹¹
粪土[糞土] fûn-hū
fèntǔ dirt; filth.¹¹
粪桶[糞桶] fûn-hūng
fèntǒng or 马桶[馬桶] mâ-hūng mǎtǒng commode.¹¹
粪耙[糞耙] fûn-pã
fènpá manure rake.¹⁰
粪蛆[糞蛆] fûn-tuï
fènqū muckworm.¹⁰
粪堆[糞堆] fûn-uï
fènduī heap of manure.¹¹ (See <台> 粪堆[糞堆] fün-luî).
<又> fün.
(See 糞 fün).
fun5 3745
153 19 𧴍
fûn fèn (=獖 fûn fèn a kind of sheep or dog.²⁵)
(composition: ⿰豸賁; U+27D0D).
(See 獖 fûn).
fun5 3746
195 23 fûn fèn eagle ray.⁶
斑点鹞鲼[斑點鷂鱝] bän-ēm-yêl-fûn bāndiǎnyàofèn
or 雪花鸭嘴燕魟[雪花鴨嘴燕魟] xūt-fä-äp-duī-yên-hũng xuěhuāyāzuǐyànhóng spotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari), a cartilaginous fish of the eagle ray family, Myliobatidae; a.k.a. 鷹鯆, 納氏鷂鱝, 魴仔.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
蝠鲼[蝠鱝] fūk-fûn
fúfèn manta ray; devil ray.¹⁰
无斑鹞鲼[無斑鷂鱝] mũ-bän-yêl-fûn
wúbānyàofèn longheaded eagle ray (Aetobatus flagellum), a species of eagle ray in the family Myliobatidae.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鹞鲼[鷂鱝] yêl-fûn
yàofèn <zoo.> bonnet skate.¹⁰
fun5 3747
9 10 fūng fèng pay; salary; Feng surname.
本俸 bōn-fūng běnfèng basic salary.
俸禄[俸祿] fūng-lùk
fènglù official's salary.⁸
年功加俸 nẽin-güng-gä-fūng
niángōngjiāfèng increase in salary according to one's service record for the year (idiom).
常俸 sẽng-fūng
chángfèng <trad.> fixed salary of an official.
薪俸 xïn-fūng
xīnfèng salary.
恩俸 yïn-fūng
ēnfèng <trad.> pension granted as a favor.
fung1 3748
30 11 fūng fěng to recite, to intone or chant.⁸
唪经[唪經] fūng-gëin fěngjīng to recite or chant scripture.³⁹
fung1 3749
64 11 fūng fèng to hold up with both hands; to offer up; to present; to divide by the hands and reckon.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌夆; U+6340).
<又> pūng; füng. (See 捀 pūng; 捀 füng).
fung1 3750
149 16 fūng fěng to satirize; to mock; to recite.
暗讽[暗諷] ām-fūng ànfěng to insinuate.
借古讽今[借古諷今] dëh-gū-fūng-gïm
jiègǔfěngjīn to use the past to disparage the present.
讽书[諷書] fūng-sï
fěngshū to recite.
讽刺[諷刺] fūng-xü
fěngcì to satirize; to mock; satire.
讥讽[譏諷] gï-fūng
jīfěng to ridicule; to satirize.
嘲讽[嘲諷] jäo-fūng
cháofěng to sneer at; to taunt; to mock.
冷嘲热讽[冷嘲熱諷] lâng-jäo-ngèik-fūng
lěngcháorèfěng frigid irony and scorching satire (idiom); to mock and ridicule.¹⁰
fung1 3751
154 16 fūng fèng gift.⁸ donate material aid in helping with a funeral.⁹  lit. gift (of money) to a bereaved family; to contribute to funeral expenses.¹⁰ <wr.> funeral gifts.¹¹ that which is presented to the dead; that by which we assist a superior in performing funeral rites; anything used at funerals, such as horses, carriages, etc. presented to the dead.²⁵
赙赗[賻賵] fù-fūng fùfèng that which is presented to the dead at funerals, such as cloth, carriages, horses and other property.⁰
fung1 3752
177 17 fūng fěng a military weapon.²⁵ weapons; arms.³⁶
(composition: ⿰革奉; U+4A6C).
(See 䩬 bäng).
fung1 3753
2 4 füng fēng plump; good-looking; graceful, fine.¹⁴
(composition: ⿻三丨(GJKV) or ⿻⿱㇒二丨(HT); U+4E30).
丰姿 füng-dü fēngzī or 丰神 füng-sĩn fēngshén slender and graceful in appearance.¹⁴
丰格 füng-gāk
fēnggé an easy carriage; graceful.¹⁴
丰雅 füng-ngâ
fēngyǎ accomplished, refined.¹⁴
丰仪[丰儀] füng-ngĩ
fēngyí dignified appearance.¹⁴
丰茸 füng-ngũng
fēngróng luxuriant growth.¹⁴
丰采 füng-tōi
fēngcǎi graceful; elegant; plump.¹⁴
丰采韶秀 füng-tōi-sẽl-xiü
fēngcǎisháoxiù be of a most refined and prepossessing appearance.⁵³
丰韵[丰韻] füng-vùn
fēngyùn a mellow voice.¹⁴
丰容 füng-yũng
fēngróng a beautiful face.¹⁴
(See 豐 füng).
fung2 3754
9 6 füng fēng name of an immortal; (<old>=丰[豐] füng fēng abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty; a surname).⁸
(composition: ⿰亻丰; U+4EF9).
fung2 3755
32 8 𡊋
füng fēng (=封 füng fēng)²ʼ⁹⁸ to confer; to grant; to bestow a title; to seal; measure word for sealed objects, especially letters.
(composition: ⿰圭又; U+2128B).
(See 封 füng).
fung2 3756
34 7 füng fēng (component: 'resist'; used only as phonetic).¹ to butt, as horned beasts.¹⁴
fung2 3757
38 7 füng fēng beautiful; fine, happy, glorious; well-developed.⁸ charming, beautiful; used in girl's name.⁵⁴ (variant: 㛔 füng).
(composition: ⿰女丰; U+59A6).
(See 㛔 füng).
fung2 3758
38 10 füng fēng (=妦 füng fēng² beautiful; fine, happy, glorious; well-developed.⁸ charming, beautiful; used in girl's name.⁵⁴). (same as 妦) exquisite; fine; (said of a woman's figure) very full and voluptuous; buxom, used in girl's name.⁸
(composition: ⿰女夆; U+36D4).
(See 妦 füng).
fung2 3759
41 9 füng fēng to confer; to grant; to bestow a title; to seal; measure word for sealed objects, especially letters; Feng surname.¹⁰
(variant: 𡊋❄{⿰圭又} füng) (See 𡊋❄{⿰圭又} füng).
分封 fün-füng
fēnfēng subinfeudate granting of titles; territories; slaves to the nobility; enfeoffment.⁸
封闭[封閉] füng-bäi
fēngbì to seal; to close; to confine; to seal off; to close down; sealed; confined; closed; unreceptive.¹⁰
封缄[封緘] füng-gäm
fēngjiān seal an envelope; seal label.⁵⁴
封建 füng-gèin
fēngjiàn system of enfeoffment; feudalism; feudal; feudalistic.¹⁰
封官许愿[封官許願] füng-gön-huī-ngùn
fēngguānxǔyuàn to confer an official position with lavish promises; to buy support.¹⁰
封侯 füng-hẽo
fēnghóu to create feudal lords.⁷
封地 füng-ì
fēngdì feudal fiefdom; land held as a vassal in feudal society; enfeoffment.¹⁰
封面 füng-mèin
fēngmiàn cover (of a publication).¹⁰
封山育林 füng-sän-yùk-lĩm
fēngshānyùlín to delimit a forest region and forbid cultivation, pasture, falling lumber and collecting firewood to ensure reproduction and growth of the forest.⁹
封锁[封鎖] füng-xū
fēngsuǒ blockade; to block; to seal off.⁸
fung2 3760
46 10 füng fēng (=峰 füng fēng) peak, summit, crest; hump; <m.> for camels.⁶
(See 峰 füng.)
fung2 3761
46 10 füng fēng peak, summit, crest; hump; <m.> for camels.⁶
顶峰[頂峰] ēin-füng dǐngfēng peak; summit; fig. high point; masterpiece.¹⁰
峰峦[峰巒] füng-lũn
fēngluán ridges and peaks.⁶
峰回路转[峰回路轉] füng-või-lù-jōn
fēnghuílùzhuǎn the mountain road twists around each new peak (idiom); (of a mountain road) twisting and turning; fig. an opportunity has come unexpectedly; things have taken a new turn.¹⁰
峰会[峰會] füng-vòi
fēnghuì summit meeting/conference.⁶
高峰 gäo-füng
gāofēng peak; summit; height.⁶
驼峰[駝峰] hõ-füng
or hũ-füng tuófēng hump of a camel; railroad marshalling yard on a slope.¹ hump (of a camel); (railroad) hump.⁶
山峰 sän-füng
shānfēng (mountain) peak.¹⁰
一峰骆驼[一峰駱駝] yīt-füng-lōk-hũ
or yīt-füng-lōk-hõ yīfēngluòtuo a camel.⁶
fung2 3762
64 11 füng fēng to offer; to receive; to serve; to respect.²
(composition: ⿰扌夆; U+6340).
<又> pūng; fūng. (See 捀 pūng; 捀 fūng).
fung2 3763
75 13 füng fēng Chinese sweet gum; maple.⁵
火红的枫树[火紅的楓樹] fō-hũng-ēik-füng-sì huǒhóngde fēngshù flaming maples.⁶
枫香树[楓香樹] füng-hëng-sì
fēngxiāngshù Chinese sweet gum (Liquidambar formosana Hance).²³
枫糖[楓糖] füng-hõng
fēngtáng maple sugar.⁷
枫桥[楓橋] füng-kẽl
fēngqiáo an old bridge in Suzhou (苏州[蘇州] Xü-Jiü Sūzhōu), Jiangsu (江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū).²³
枫桥夜泊[楓橋夜泊] füng-kẽl-yèh-bòk
fēngqiáoyèbó a Tang Dynasty poem.²³
枫树[楓樹] füng-sì
fēngshù maple (tree); Chinese sweet gum.⁶
枫宸[楓宸] füng-sĩn
fēngchén an emperor's residence.⁷
枫杨[楓楊] füng-yẽng
fēngyáng Chinese wingnut Pterocarya stenoptera.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
枫叶[楓葉] füng-yêp
fēngyè maple leaves.¹⁴
元宝枫[元寳楓] yõn-bāo-füng
yuánbǎofēng Shantung Maple Acer truncatum Bunge).²³
fung2 3764
85 21 füng fēng rainy; place name in Shaanxi; Feng River in Shaanxi.¹⁰
沣沛[灃沛] or 丰沛[豐沛] füng-pöi fēngpèi copious; plentiful (of water); surging (of waves); refers to home village of first Han emperor Liu Bang; fig. majestic.¹⁰
沣水[灃水] füng-suī
fēngshuǐ Feng River in Shaanxi 陝西 (Sēm-xäi Shǎnxī), tributary of Wei River (渭水 Vì-suī Wèishuǐ).¹⁰
fung2 3765
86 11 füng fēng beacon.⁶ (variants: 熢, 㷭 füng).
烽火 füng-fō fēnghuǒ beacon fire (used to give border alarm in ancient China); flames of war, war flames.⁶
烽火台[烽臺] füng-fō-hõi
fēnghuǒtái beacon tower.⁶
烽火连天[烽火連天] füng-fō-lẽin-hëin
fēnghuǒliántiān (with) flames of war raging everywhere.⁶
or 熢燧 füng-xuì fēngsuì fire beacon tower (used in frontier regions in former times to relay information about the enemy, using smoke by day and fire at night).¹⁰
烽烟[烽煙] füng-yën
fēngyān beacon fire; beacon.⁶
烽烟四起[烽煙四起] füng-yën-xï-hī
fēngyānsìqǐ war raged all over the country.⁶
(See 熢 füng; 㷭 füng).
fung2 3766
86 14 füng fēng (=烽 füng fēng beacon⁵).¹⁰¹ (same as 烽) a conical brick-structure in which to light a beacon; (in ancient China) a tall structure (on a city wall, etc.) where fire was made to signal enemy invasion or presence of bandits.⁸
(composition: ⿱逢火; U+3DED).
(See 烽 füng).
fung2 3767
104 14 füng fēng insane; crazy; mad; mentally deranged; lunatic; wild.⁷
疯子[瘋子] füng-dū fēngzi lunatic.⁹
疯癫[瘋癲] füng-ëin
fēngdiān insane; mad.⁵
疯疯癫癫[瘋瘋癲癲] füng-füng-ëin-ëin
fēngfengdiāndiān be mentally deranged; act like a lunatic; be flighty.⁵
疯狗[瘋狗] füng-gēo
fēnggǒu mad/rabid dog.⁶
疯汉[瘋漢] füng-hön
fēnghàn a madman.¹¹
疯犬病[瘋犬病] füng-hūn-bèng
fēngquǎnbìng rabies; hydrophobia.⁷
疯长[瘋長] füng-jēng
fēngzhǎng overgrowing, spindling, excessive vegetative growth; (of plants) grow over but not bloom.⁹
疯狂[瘋狂] füng-kõng
fēngkuáng insane; frenzied, unbridled.⁵
疯人[瘋人] füng-ngĩn
fēngrén a lunatic; madman; maniac.⁷
疯人说疯话[瘋人說瘋話] füng-ngĩn-sōt-füng-và
fēngrén shuōfēnghuà crazy man's crazy talk.¹¹
疯人院[瘋人院] füng-ngĩn-yòn
fēngrényuàn a mental hospital; a mental institution; an insane asylum.⁷
疯话[瘋話] füng-và
fēnghuà gibberish; jargon.⁷
fung2 3768
112 14 füng fēng sulfone.⁹
(comp. t: ⿰石風; U+78B8). (comp. s: ⿰石风; U+781C).
fung2 3769
130 8 füng fēng slices of meat.²⁵
(composition: ⿰月丰; U+80A8).
<又> bòn. (See 肨 bòn).
fung2 3770
140 10 füng fēng buds shooting forth.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹夆 U+8391).
<又> pũng. (See 莑 pũng).
fung2 3771
140 12 füng fèng (in ancient books) root of 菰 gü gū, wild rice.
(See 葑 [füng, fēng].)
fung2 3772
140 12 füng fēng (=蔓菁 màn-dëin or màn-tëin mánjing or 芜菁[蕪菁] mũ-dëin or mũ-tëin wújīng) turnip.³⁶ rape turnip; tangled roots.¹¹ (variant: 蘴 füng fēng).
葑菲 füng-fī
fēngfěi radishes and turnips – used of men and things that have only one point of value.¹⁴ <wr.> some good in every man (some plants have tangled roots, but useful stems).¹¹
(See 葑 [füng, fèng]; 蘴 füng)
fung2 3773
140 21 füng fēng (<old>=葑 füng fēng turnip).⁸ young shoots of the rape turnip.³⁶
(composition: ⿱艹豐; U+8634).
(See 葑 füng).
fung2 3774
142 13 füng fēng bee, wasp, hornet.⁸
蜂虿[蜂蠆] füng-chäi fēngchài wasps and scorpions – fig. deadly, poisonous things.¹¹
蜂虿有毒[蜂蠆有毒] füng-chäi-yiû-ùk
fēngchàiyǒudú beware of the harm done by small things (e.g., insects).⁵⁴
蜂巢 füng-chão
fēngcháo beehive.¹¹
蜂房 füng-fông
fēngfáng beehive.¹¹
蜂糕 füng-gäo
fēnggāo a cake with many holes in it.¹¹
蜂起 füng-hī
fēngqǐ (of bandits) rise like a swarm of bees, i.e., everywhere.¹¹
蜂蜡[蜂蠟] füng-làp
fēnglà beeswax.¹¹
蜂蜜 fúng-mìt
fēngmì honey.⁵
蜂鸟[蜂鳥] fúng-nêl
fēngniǎo hummingbird.¹¹
蜂窝[蜂窩] füng-vö
fēngwō beehive.¹¹
蜂窝煤[蜂窩煤] füng-vö-mõi
fēngwōméi honeycomb-shaped briquet.⁸
蜂王 füng-võng
fēngwáng queen bee.¹¹
蜂王浆[蜂王漿] füng-võng-dëng
fēngwángjiāng royal jelly.⁹
蜂拥[蜂擁] füng-yūng
fēngyōng press; swarm; flock.⁸
蜂拥而上[蜂擁而上] füng-yūng-ngĩ-sëng
fēngyōng' érshàng rush in like a swarm of hornets.³⁹
蜜蜂 mìt-fúng
mìfēng honeybee; bee.⁵
黄蜂[黃蜂] võng-füng
huángfēng wasp.⁸
fung2 3775
151 13 füng fēng (=丰[豐] füng fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty.⁸
<又> lâi.
(See 豐 füng; 豊 lâi).
fung2 3776
151 15 𧯮
füng fēng <old>=丰[豐] füng fēng abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty; Feng surname.⁸
(composition: ⿱⿰丰丰豆; U+27BEE).
(See 豐 füng).

fung2 3777
151 18 füng fēng abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty; Feng surname.⁸ (variants: 豊, 𧯮❄{⿱⿰丰丰豆} füng fēng).
(comp. t: ⿱⿻山⿰丰丰豆; U+8C50).
s: ⿻三丨(GJKV) or ⿻⿱㇒二丨(HT); U+4E30).
丰登[豐登] füng-äng
fēngdēng a prosperous harvest.¹⁴
丰足[豐足] füng-dūk
fēngzú wealthy; well-to-do.¹⁴
丰富[豐富] füng-fü
fēngfù rich (in); abundant (in), plentiful; enrich.⁶
丰富多彩[豐富多彩] füng-fü-ü-tōi
fēngfùduōcǎi rich and varied; rich and colorful.⁵
丰厚[豐厚] füng-hêo
fēnghòu plentiful; sumptuous.¹⁴
or 沣沛[灃沛] füng-pöi fēngpèi copious; plentiful (of water); surging (of waves); refers to home village of first Han emperor Liu Bang; fig. majestic.¹⁰
丰盛[豐盛] füng-sèin
fēngshèng rich; sumptuous.¹⁰
丰收[豐收] füng-siü
fēngshōu a good harvest.¹⁴
丰草[豐草] füng-tāo
fēngcǎo luxuriant growth.¹⁴
丰伟[豐偉] füng-vī
fēngwěi tall and stout.¹⁴
丰悴[豐悴] füng-xuì fēngcuì properity and failure.¹⁴
丰衍[豐衍] füng-yēn
fēngyǎn plentiful.¹⁴
füng-yĩ fēngyú or 丰润[豐潤] füng-ngùn fēngrùn fertile.¹⁴
<台> 丰肠[豐腸] füng-chẽng/ sausage.
(See 丰 füng; 豊 füng; 𧯮❄{⿱⿰丰丰豆} füng).
fung2 3778
163 20 füng fēng Feng surname.
酆都城 Füng-ü-sẽin Fēngdūchéng Hades, Inferno.¹¹
酆都县[酆都縣] Füng-ü-yòn
Fēngdū Xiàn Fengdu County located in 重庆[重慶] Chũng-hëin Chóngqìng Chongqing Municipality.
fung2 3779
167 15 füng fēng front.⁹ point of a spear; edge of a tool; vanguard; forward (in sports team).¹⁰ (variants: 鎽, 鏠 füng fēng).
刀锋[刀鋒] äo-füng
dāofēng the edge of a knife; a blade.⁹
笔锋[筆鋒] bīt-füng
bǐfēng the tip of a writing brush; vigor of style in writing; stroke; touch.¹⁰
冲锋[衝鋒] chüng-füng
chōngfēng to charge, to assault.¹⁰
锋镝[鋒鏑] füng-ēik
fēngdí (spearhead and arrowhead) weapons.¹¹
锋钢[鋒鋼] füng-gông
fēnggāng high-speed/rapid steel.⁵
锋利[鋒利] füng-lì
fēnglì (of knife blade) sharp; incisive; to the point.¹⁰
锋面[鋒面] füng-mèin
fēngmiàn <met.> front.¹⁰
or 锋芒[鋒芒] füng-mõng fēngmáng cutting edge, spearhead; talent displayed, abilities.⁵ tip (of pencil, spear); sharp point; cutting edge; spearhead; vanguard.¹⁰
锋芒逼人[鋒芒逼人] füng-mõng-bēik-ngĩn
fēngmángbīrén display one's talent in an aggressive manner.⁵⁴
锋芒毕露[鋒芒畢露] füng-mõng-bīt-lù
fēngmángbìlù make a showy display of one's abilities.⁵
针锋相对[針鋒相對] jïm-füng-xëng-uï
zhēnfēngxiāngduì give tit for tat; be diametrically opposed to.⁵
( See 鎽 füng; 鏠 füng).
fung2 3780
167 18 füng fēng (=锋[鋒] füng fēng) front.⁹ point of a spear; edge of a tool; vanguard; forward (in sports team).¹⁰
( See 鋒 füng).
fung2 3781
167 18 füng fēng (=锋[鋒] füng fēng) front.⁹ point of a spear; edge of a tool; vanguard; forward (in sports team).¹⁰
( See 鋒 füng).
fung2 3782
182 9 füng fēng Kangxi radical 182; wind; air; manners, atmosphere.⁸ wind; influence; customs; a scene; a manner; fame; rumor; ailments supposedly caused by wind and dampness.⁷
风化[風化] füng-fä fēnghuà decency; public morals; to weather (rocks); wind erosion.¹⁰
风范[風範] füng-fàn
fēngfàn manner; style; air.⁹
风景[風景] füng-gēin
fēngjǐng scenery; landscape; view.⁶
风干[風乾] füng-gön
fēnggān to air-dry.⁵⁵
风光[風光] füng-göng
fēngguāng scenery; (topo.) grand.⁵⁵
风筝[風箏] füng-jäng
fēngzheng kite.⁶
风卷残云[風捲殘雲] füng-kūn-tãn-vũn
fēngjuǎncányún  make a clean sweep.⁵⁵
风兰[風蘭] füng-lãn
fēnglán <bot.> Neofinetia falcata [Thunb.] H.H. Hu 1925 The Wind Orchid.
风菱[風菱] füng-lẽin
fēnglíng (=菱角 lẽin-gôk língjiao) water caltrop, Trapa bicornis.
风流[風流] füng-liũ fēngliú outstanding; free-spirited; promiscuous.⁹
风流薮泽[風流藪澤] füng-liũ-xēo-jàk fēngliúsǒuzé the mashy place of lewdness – brothels.³⁹
风声鹤唳[風聲鶴唳] füng-sëin-hôk-luì
fēngshēnghèlì lit. wind sighing and crane calling; fig. be panic-stricken.⁵⁵
风尚[風尚] füng-sèng
fēngshàng prevailing custom.⁵⁵
风湿[風濕] füng-sīp
fēngshī rheumatism.⁵⁵
fung2 3783
199 29 𫜑
füng fēng <old> fried (saute) wheat; <old> alternative form of 丰[豐] füng fēng bulrush.³⁶
t: ⿰麥豐; U+9EB7). (comp. s: ⿰麦丰; U+2B711).
❄{⿰麦丰}[撥麷] bòt-füng bōfēng lit. using one's hand to push malt (wheat germ) aside; fig. easy.¹⁹
fung2 3784
15 11 𠗦
fũng féng (=冯[馮]⁹⁸ʼ¹⁰¹ a surname.
(composition: ⿰冫⿹⿺㇉⿻三丨廾; U+205E6).
<又> pãng. (See 𠗦❄{⿰冫⿹⿺㇉⿻三丨廾} pãng; 馮 fũng).

fung3 3785 205E6.gif
64 13 fũng féng (<old>=缝[縫] fũng féng stitch; sew).¹³ to sew, to seam; to hold up and present with both hands.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌逢; U+6453).
摓掖 fũng-yìt
féngyè a scholar's garment, where the sleeves are extra wide.¹⁹
摓衣 fũng-yï
féngyī a scholar's garment, where the sleeves are extra wide.¹⁹
<又> pūng.
(See 摓 pūng).
fung3 3786
85 12 fũng féng pleasant sound.⁸
沨沨[渢渢] fũng-fũng féngféng <ono.> a loud sound; sound of water; sound of wind.⁸
fung3 3787
85 13 fũng féng <old> the name of a river.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵逢; U+6F28).
漨浡 or 漨渤²³ fũng-bòt féngbó⁸ abundant.⁸ vexed; troubled.²⁴ (cf. 漨浡 pũng-bòt péngbó).
漨水 fũng-suī
féngshuǐ Fengshui, name of a river.²
<又> pũng.
(See 漨 pũng).
fung3 3788
120 16 fũng féng stitch; sew.⁵
缝边[縫邊] fũng-bëin féngbiān hem.⁶
缝补[縫補] fũng-bū
féngbǔ sew and mend.⁵
缝缝连连[縫縫連連] fũng-fũng-lẽin-lẽin
féngfengliánlián sewing and mending.⁵
缝合[縫合] fũng-hàp
fénghé <med.> suture; sew up.⁵
缝合伤口[縫合傷口] fũng-hàp-sëng-hēo
fénghéshāngkǒu sew up (or suture) a wound.⁵
缝制[縫製] fũng-jäi
féngzhì make (clothes, bedding).⁶
缝缀[縫綴] fũng-juì
féngzhuì sew; patch.⁶
缝线[縫線] fũng-xëin
féngxiàn <med.> suture.⁵
缝叶莺[縫葉鶯] fũng-yêp-äng
féngyèyīng tailorbird.⁵
缝衣针[縫衣針] fũng-yï-jïm
féngyīzhēn sewing needle.¹⁰
缝纫[縫紉] fũng-yìn
féngrèn sew; tailor.⁶
缝纫车间[縫紉車間] fũng-yìn-chëh-gän
féngrènchējiān tailoring workshop.⁵
缝纫机[縫紉機] fũng-yìn-gï
féngrènjī sewing machine.⁵
天衣无缝[天衣無縫] hëin-yï-mũ-fũng
tiānyīwúfèng a seamless heavenly robe – flawless.⁵
无缝钢管[無縫鋼管] mũ-fũng-gông-gōn
wúfènggāngguǎn seamless steel tube.⁵
(See 縫 [fũng, fèng].)
fung3 3789
120 16 fũng fèng seam; crack, crevice, fissure.⁵
齿缝[齒縫] chī-fũng chǐfèng (dentistry) embrasure.⁷
缝子[縫子] fũng-dū
fèngzi <topo.> crack; crevice.⁵
缝隙[縫隙] fũng-kēik
fèngxì chink; crack; crevice.⁵
(See 縫 [fũng, féng].)
fung3 3790
137 13 fũng féng a kind of vessel.²⁵
(composition: ⿰舟夆; U+8242).
艂舡 fũng-sõn féngchuán a kind of boat mentioned in ancient books.⁸
fung3 3791
140 11 fũng féng grass seeds starting to germinate.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰艹奉; U+83F6).
<又> pũng. (See 菶 pũng).
fung3 3792
140 12 fũng féng name of a plant; to water plants.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹風; U+847B).
<又> lãm. (See 葻 lãm).
fung3 3793
162 10 fũng féng to meet with, to encounter, to meet by chance; to meet face-to-face; to pander to; Classifier for periods of time; big; A surname​.³⁶
(composition: ⿺辶夆; U+9022).
逢场作戏[逢場作戲] fũng-chẽng-dōk-hï féngchǎngzuòxì put on a performance when occasion arises; act to the occasion; play a game.⁶
逢集 fũng-dàp
féngjí market day.⁵
逢凶化吉 fũng-hüng-fä-gīt
féngxiōnghuàjí turn ill luck into good.⁵
逢年过节[逢年過節] fũng-nẽin-gö-dëik
féngniánguòjié on New Year's Day or other festivals.⁵
逢迎 fũng-ngẽin
féngyíng make up to; fawn on; curry favor with.⁵
逢人说项[逢人說項] fũng-ngĩn-sōt-hòng
féngrénshuōxiàng to praise someone's virtue everywhere.⁷
逢人便问[逢人便問] fũng-ngĩn-bèin-mùn
féngrénbiànwèn ask whoever happens to come one's way.⁵
逢山开路[逢山開路] fũng-sän-höi-lù
féngshānkāilù lit. to open a path when faced with a mountain – to overcome a difficulty whenever it arises.⁷
相逢 xëng-fũng
xiāngféng meet (by chance); come across.⁵
<又> pũng; põng
(See 逢 pũng; 逢 põng).
fung3 3794
187 12 fũng féng Feng surname.⁷
重作冯妇[重作馮婦] chũng-dōk-fũng-fû chóngzuòféngfù a role one has played before; something one is called upon to do again.⁷
冯妇[馮婦] Fũng Fû
Féng Fù Feng Fu, a man in 晋[晉] Dün Jìn Jin (265-420), famous for his skill in seizing tigers.⁷
冯妇[馮婦] fũng-fû
féngfù <wr.> person returning to one's former profession.⁵⁴
冯夷[馮夷] Fũng-yĩ
Féngyí the water god in charge of the  Yellow River, also called 河伯 Hõ Bāk Hé Bó.
<又> pãng. (See 馮 pãng.)
fung3 3795
32 13 fùng péng (composition: ⿰土逢; U+5873).
<台> 塳 fùng classifier for walls.
<台> 一塳墙[一塳牆] yīt-fùng-tẽng a wall.
<又> pũng. (See 塳 pũng).
fung4 3796
37 8 fùng fèng to offer; to receive; to serve; to respect.
奉祀官 fùng-dù-gön fèngsìguān <trad.> inheritable government post in charge of sacrificial ceremonies.¹
奉公守法 fùng-güng-siū-fāt
fènggōngshǒufǎ law-abiding; to carry out official duties and observe the laws.
奉献[奉獻] fùng-hün
fèngxiàn to consecrate; to dedicate; to devote.
奉命 fùng-mèin
fèngmìng to receive orders.
奉承 fùng-sẽin
fèngcheng to flatter; fawn upon; respectfully receive.
奉为圭臬[奉為圭臬] fùng-vĩ-gï-nēik
fèngwéiguīniè hold up as a model; look up to as the standard.⁶
奉和一首 fùng-vò-yīt-siū
fènghèyīshǒu write a poem in reply (to one sent by a friend, using the same rhyme sequence).⁵
案奉 ön-fùng
ànfèng <trad.> on the strength of instructions from a higher government office (used to begin a reply, circular).
承奉 sẽin-fùng
chéngfèng <wr.> by order of; in compliance with an order.
信奉 xïn-fùng
xìnfèng to believe; belief.
fung4 3797
101 9 fùng fèng (<old>=甭 būng béng) <topo.> don't; needn't.⁶ do not have to; unnecessary.⁷
(See 甭 būng).
fung4 3798
196 14 fùng fèng phoenix.⁵ a male phoenix.⁷
(comp. t: ⿵𠘨⿱一鳥; U+9CF3). (comp. s: ⿵𠘨又; U+51E4).
凤蝶[鳳蝶] fùng-èp
fèngdié swallowtail butterfly Papilio xuthus.⁵⁴
凤冠[鳳冠] fùng-gön
fèngguān phoenix coronet.⁶
凤冠霞帔[鳳冠霞帔] fùng-gön-hã-pī
fèngguānxiápèi <trad.> the headgear and dress of a lady or bride.⁷
凤爪[鳳爪] fùng-jāo
fèngzhǎo chicken feet (cuisine).¹⁰
凤翘[鳳翹] fùng-kẽl
fèngqiáo a ladies’ hair ornament;  ladies’ turn-up shoes.¹¹
凤梨[鳳梨] fùng-lĩ
fènglí pineapple.⁵
fùng-mão-lĩn-gök fèngmáolínjiǎo (precious and rare as) phoenix feathers and unicorn horns; rarity of rarities.⁵
凤尾蕉[鳳尾蕉] fùng-mī-dêl
fèngwěijiāo <bot.> a graceful palm, Cycas revoluta.¹¹
凤尾竹[鳳尾竹] fùng-mī-jūk
fèngwěizhú fern leaf hedge bamboo bambusa multiplex var. nana.
凤眼[鳳眼] fùng-ngān
fèngyǎn (of a woman) eyes of a phoenix; upwardly slanting eyes.⁶
凤凰[鳳凰] fùng-võng
fènghuáng phoenixes (凤[鳳] fùng fèng being male and 凰 võng huáng being female).⁷
凤凰木[鳳凰木] fùng-võng-mûk
fènghuángmù royal poinciana; flamboyant tree.⁶ Delonix regia.²³
凤仙花[鳳仙花] fùng-xëin-fä
fèngxiānhuā garden balsam.⁵
fung4 3799
4 丿 1 fūt a falling stroke from left to right, also called 捺 nät as in Hoisanva 捺捺 nät-nât a right falling stroke; stretch.⁸ʼ⁰
(composition: ; U+4E40).
fut1 3800
9 7 fūt 仿佛 or 彷彿 fōng-fūt fǎngfú seeminly, as if, as though; to be more or less the same, to be similar, to be alike.⁶ like; similar to.¹⁴  resembling in some degree, alike, as if.²⁴
<又> fùt.
(See 佛 fùt).
fut1 3801
30 8 fūt (<old>=拂 fūt to stroke, to touch lightly; to whisk, to flick; to go against (somebody's wishes); to defy); to oppose.⁸ to oppose, to object to, to refuse, to deny.²⁴ <lit.> to go against; to oppose; to be contrary to <lit.> alternative form of 艴 bòt angry. <lit.> not so.³⁶ to oppose, to refuse; to object to; contrary to.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰口弗; U+5488).
帝曰, 吁, 咈哉 äi-yòt, huï, fūt-döi
dì yuē, xū, fúzāi the emperor said, "Well, no!"⁵⁴
咈哧 fūt-chēik
fúchī <ono.> describes the sound of breathing.⁵⁴
咈哉 fūt-döi
fúzāi let it not be.²⁴
咈咈 fūt-fūt
fúfú <ono.> the sound people make when they are in pain.
咈其耉长[咈其耉長] fūt-kĩ-gēo-jēng
fúqígǒuzhǎng to disobey one's elders and superiors.⁵⁴ to oppose the old men and elders.¹⁰²
冈咈百姓[岡咈百姓] göng-fūt-bāk-xëin
gāngfúbǎixìng do not oppose the people's wishes.¹⁰²
吁咈哉 huï-fūt-döi
xūfúzāi Oh no! let it not be so.¹⁰²
从谏弗咈[從諫弗咈] tũng-gän-fūt-fūt
cóngjiànfúfú hear good advice and don't act perversely.¹⁰²
(See 拂 fūt).
fut1 3802
30 11 fūt to whistle (with fingers in one's mouth); <ono.> for the sound of the wind.¹⁰
唿喇喇 fūt-lä-lä hūlǎlǎ sound of a very powerful wind.³⁹
唿哨 fūt-säo
hūshào (=呼哨 fü-säo hūshào) a whistle.⁶
<又> fü.⁴
(See 唿 fü.)
fut1 3803
31 7 fūt 囫囵[囫圇] fūt-lũn húlún whole.⁶
囫囵觉[囫圇覺] fūt-lũn-gäo
húlunjiào sound sleep without interruption.⁶
囫囵吞枣[囫圇吞棗] fūt-lũn-hün-dāo
húlúntūnzǎo swallow a date whole – lap up information without digesting it; read without understanding.⁶
囫囵吞下[囫圇吞下] fūt-lũn-hün-hä
húlúntūnxià to gobble up/swallow something whole.⁶
囫突 fūt-ùt
hútu muddled; confused; bewildered.⁵⁴
fut1 3804
32 11 fūt (=窟 fūt ) <wr.> hole; cave; den; lair; to dig a hole.⁶
or 窟窿 fūt-lũng kūlong hole, cavity; deficit, debt; flaw, hole, loophole.⁶
堀穴 fūt-yòt
kūxué cave; cavern.⁶
(See 窟 fūt.)
fut1 3805
32 16 𡑣
fūt (=窟 fūt hole; cave; den; lair.⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿰土窟; U+21463).
(See 窟 fūt).
fut1 3806
57 5 fūt <wr.> not.
自愧弗如 dù-kï-fūt-nguĩ zìkuìfúrú to feel ashamed of one's inferiority.
弗弗 fūt-fūt
fúfú descriptive of floating, flapping motion.
弗吉尼亚[弗吉尼亞] Fūt-gīt-nãi-ä
Fújíníyà Virginia.
弗如 fūt-nguĩ
fúrú not as good as; worse than.
弗成 fūt-sẽin
fúchéng not satisfactory; not good.
学之弗能,弗措也[學之弗能,弗措也] <wr.> hòk-jï-fūt-nãng, fūt-tü-yâ
xuézhīfúnéng, fúcuòyě if you find something difficult to learn, do not give up.¹¹
fut1 3807
60 8 彿 fūt resembling, like, as if.⁸
(composition: ⿰彳弗; U+5F7F).
彷彿 or 仿佛 fōng-fūt fǎngfú seeminly, as if, as though; to be more or less the same, to be similar, to be alike.⁶ like; similar to.¹⁴  resembling in some degree, alike, as if.²⁴
fut1 3808
61 8 fūt depressed and discontented.⁵ looking anger; glowering.⁶
怫然 fūt-ngẽin or fùt-ngẽin fúrán <wr.> looking angry.⁶
怫然不悦[怫然不悅] fūt-ngẽin-būt-yòt
or fùt-ngẽin-būt-yòt fúránbùyuè show an angry countenance; be very much offended at/by; show a sign of displeasure.³⁹
怫而不释[怫而不釋] fūt-ngĩ-būt-sēik
or fùt-ngĩ-būt-sēik fú'érbùshì unable to quiet one's anxiety.¹⁴
怫郁[怫鬱] fūt-vūt
or fùt-vūt fúyù disquieted, anxious.¹⁴
<又> fï, fùt.
(See 怫 fï, fùt.)
fut1 3809
61 8 fūt to neglect; to overlook; to ignore; suddenly; Hu surname.¹⁰
忽发奇想[忽發奇想] fūt-fāt-kĩ-xēng hūfāqíxiǎng suddenly had an idea, inspiration.¹¹
忽忽 fūt-fūt
hūhū with the quick passing of time.¹¹
忽见[忽見] fūt-gëin
hūjiàn see suddenly.¹¹
忽地 fūt-ì
hūde suddenly.¹¹
忽冷忽热[忽冷忽熱] fūt-lâng-fūt-ngèik
hūlěnghūrè now hot, now cold – abrupt changes of temperature; sudden changes in one's affection, attitude, enthusiasm.⁷
忽略 fūt-lèk
hūlüè to neglect; to overlook; to ignore.¹⁰
忽微 fūt-mĩ
hūwēi minuscule, minimal.¹¹
忽然 fūt-ngẽin
hūrán suddenly; all of a sudden.¹⁰
忽然之间[忽然之間] fūt-ngẽin-jï-gän
hūránzhījiàn all of a sudden.¹¹
忽而 fūt-ngĩ
hū'ér suddenly; unexpectedly; now..., now....⁷
忽闪[忽閃] fūt-sēm
hūshǎn flash; sparkle.⁶
忽闪[忽閃] fūt-sēm
hūshan (of eyes, stars) twinkle, blink, wink.⁶
忽视[忽視] fūt-sì
hūshì ignore; overlook; neglect.⁵
忽促 fūt-tūk
hūcù urgent.¹¹
忽有忽无[忽有忽無] fūt-yiû-fūt-mũ
hūyǒuhūwú suddenly appear and disappear.¹¹
<又> fût.
(See 忽 fût.)
fut1 3810
61 11 fūt absent-minded; entranced.⁷ obscure, indistinct.¹⁴
精神恍惚 dëin-sĩn-fōng-fūt jīngshénhuǎnghū be in a trance; look absent-minded.⁶
or 恍忽 fōng-fūt huǎnghū in a trance, absent-minded; dimly, faintly, seemingly.⁵
神思恍惚 sĩn-xü-fōng-fūt
shénsīhuǎnghū abstracted; absent-minded; in a trance.¹⁰
心神恍惚 xïm-sĩn-fōng-fūt
xīnshénhuǎnghū perturbed.¹⁰
fut1 3811
64 8 fūt to stroke, to touch lightly; to whisk, to flick; to go against (somebody's wishes); to defy.
吹拂 chuï-fūt chuīfú to brush; to caress (of breeze); to praise.
春风拂面[春風拂面] chün-füng-fūt-mèin
chūnfēngfúmiàn A spring breeze strokes the face.
拂尘[拂塵] fūt-chĩn
fúchén horsetail whisk; duster; <wr.> to shake off the dust of travel.
拂袖 fūt-diù
fúxiù to shake one's sleeve in displeasure or anger.
拂袖而起 fūt-diù-ngĩ-hī
fúxiù'érqǐ to rise in anger.
拂晓[拂曉] fūt-hēl
fúxiǎo daybreak; dawn.⁶
拂河 fūt-hõ
fúhé another name for 鵰 ël diāo eagle, vulture.²⁵
拂煦 fūt-huī
fúxù (wind) to bring warmth.⁹
拂面 fūt-mèin
fúmiàn to stroke the face.
拂拭 fūt-sēik
fúshì to whisk or wipe off; to brush.
蝇拂[蠅拂] yẽin-fūt
yíngfú a fly swatter.¹¹
<又> bìt.
(See 拂 bìt.)
fut1 3812
64 11 fūt to strike, to bale out; to clean up.⁸ to slap, to strike, to brush away dust.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌忽; U+39FE).
<又> füt. (See 㧾 füt.)
fut1 3813
72 8 fūt (=曶 fūt ) dawn, daybreak, early morning; dim, dusky; ignorant.⁸ close to daybreak (time).⁹ still, rather dark; break of day.²⁴
(composition: ⿰日勿; U+6612).
昒昕 fūt-hïm
hūxīn dawn.²⁴
(See 曶 fūt).
fut1 3814
73 8 fūt ➀ fast, instantaneous  ➁ a measure word for a very small unit such as a "grain of sand"  ➂ the tablet held by a minister during an ancient court meeting; it was used to chronicle events and was later called a 笏 fūt   ➃ an ancient sword name   ➄ (=昒 fūt dawn, daybreak, early morning; dim, dusky; ignorant.⁸)  ➅ suddenly.⁸
(composition: ⿱勿曰; U+66F6).
蠁曶 hēng-fūt
xiǎnghū in great haste.¹⁴ in a flash; fast; instantaneous.¹⁹
(See 昒 fūt).
fut1 3815
75 9 fūt (<old>=柫 fūt <agr.> flail.⁸ a flail for thrashing grain.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木犮; U+67ED).
<又> bāt; bèik; bòk; pòi.
(See 柭 bāt; 柭 bèik; 柭 bòk; 柭  pòi; 柫 fūt).
fut1 3816
75 9 fūt a flail; to strike.⁸
(composition: ⿰木弗; U+67EB).
(See 柭 fūt).
fut1 3817
84 9 fūt fluorine (F).⁸
氟化 fūt-fä fúhuà fluoridize; fluorinate.⁶
氟化作用 fūt-fä-dōk-yùng
fúhuà zuòyòng fluorination.⁷
氟化物 fūt-fä-mùt
or fūt-fä-mòt fúhuàwù fluoride.⁷
氟利昂 fūt-lì-ngõng
fúlì'áng freon.⁶
氟石 fūt-sêk
fúshí fluorite CaF₂; fluorspar; fluor.⁵⁴
fut1 3818
85 11 fūt the sound of flowing waters.⁷
(composition: ⿰氵忽; U+6DF4).
淴泱 fūt-yëng hūyāng water flowing rapidly.⁸
淴浴 fūt-yùk
hūyù <topo.> to take a bath.⁷
fut1 3819
109 10 fūt sight blurred; unclear; dim.⁸
(composition: ⿰目弗; U+401F).
眆䀟 fōng-fūt fǎngfú to fancy things alike without examination.²⁴
fut1 3820
109 10 𥄱
fūt 𥄱❄{⿱弗目}眛 fūt-mòi fúmèi indistinct vision.²⁴
(composition: ⿱弗目; U+25131).
fut1 3821
112 8 fūt toil, slave away; busy.⁸
孜孜矻矻 dü-dü-fūt-fūt or dü-dü-ngūt-ngūt zīzīkūkū diligently.¹⁰
矻蹬蹬 fūt-àng-àng
or ngūt-àng-àng kūdēngdēng stamp (sound).⁸
矻矻 fūt-fūt
or ngūt-ngūt kūkū busily.⁸ assiduously.⁹ <wr.> diligent; industrious; assiduous.⁵⁴
终日矻矻[終日矻矻] jüng-ngìt-fūt-fūt
or jüng-ngìt-ngūt-ngūt zhōngrìkūkū busily occupied all day.¹¹
<又> ngūt.
(See 矻 ngūt.)
fut1 3822
112 10 fūt fluorite.⁹
砩石 (=氟石 fūt-sêk fúshí fluorite CaF₂) fūt-sêk fúshí fluorite or fluorspar.⁵⁴
fut1 3823
113 9 fūt to cleanse; to remove evil; ritual for seeking good fortune and avoiding disaster.¹⁰
湔祓 dëin-fūt jiānfú purge of impurities, moral blemishes, evil deeds.¹¹
祓除 fūt-chuĩ
fúchú to abolish, cleanse away.¹¹
祓禊 fūt-haì
fúxì exorcistic ablutions.¹⁰ <wr.> ceremony of washing away evil influence near river.¹¹
祓濯 fūt-jòk
fúzhuó to cleanse; to purify.¹⁰
祓饰[祓飾] fūt-sēik
fúshì to refresh; to renew.¹⁰
fut1 3824
116 13 fūt hole; cave; den; lair.⁶ (variants: 堀, 𡑣❄{⿰土窟} fūt ).
or 堀臀 fūt-hũn kūtún <topo.> buttocks.⁶
or 堀宅 fūt-jàk kūzhái den; bandits' lair.⁶
or 堀窿 fūt-lũng kūlong hole, cavity; deficit, debt; flaw, hole, loophole.⁶
窟窿户[窟窿戶] fūt-lũng-fù
kūlónghù rural household with very low income which must frequently borrow money or live on handouts.¹⁹
窟窿眼儿[窟窿眼兒] fūt-lũng-ngān-ngĩ
kūlongyǎnr small hole.⁵
or 堀穴 fūt-yòt kūxué cave; lair (hiding place of the evildoers); den.⁶
狡兔三窟 gāo-hü-xäm-fūt
jiǎotùsānkū a wily hare has three burrows – a crafty person has more than one hideout.⁵
耗子窟窿 häo-dū-fūt-lũng
hàozi kūlong rat-hole.⁵
or 魔堀 mō-fūt mókū den of monsters.⁶
or 贫民堀[貧民堀] pĩn-mĩn-fūt pínmínkū slum; shantytown.⁶
or 山堀 sän-fūt shānkū mountain cave.⁶
石窟 sêk-fūt
shíkū rock cave; grotto.⁶
or 赌堀[賭堀] ū-fūt dǔkū gambling den.⁵
(See 堀 fūt; 𡑣❄{⿰土窟} fūt).
fut1 3825
118 10 fūt a tablet, about 3' x 3", slightly tapering to the ends, made of various materials – that of the emperor was made of jade; that of a feudal prince of ivory; that of a great officer of mottled bamboo ornamented with beards of shark's skin; that of a smaller official of bamboo bordered with ivory. It was held before the breast at an audience, and was used as a writing tablet.¹⁴
簪笏 däm-fūt zānhù lit. the cap clasp and the jade tablet (used during an audience with the emperor) – high officials.⁷
象笏 dèng-fūt
xiànghù ivory memorial tablet held during imperial audience.¹¹
进象笏思书对命[進象笏思書對命] dïn-dèng-fūt-xü-sï-uï-mèin
jìnxiànghùsīshūduìmìng the official writes on the hu what he wishes to say, then presents it to his sovereign, in reply to his commands.¹⁴
执笏[執笏] jīp-fūt
zhíhù to hold the tablet – to be a statesman.¹⁴
玉笏 ngùk-fūt
yùhù a jade tablet held in two hands by officials when received in audience by the emperor.³⁹
袍笏 pão-fūt
páohù official clothing and tablet held before the breast by officials when received in audience by the emperor.⁸
fut1 3826
118 11 fūt curtain.⁸ a door at the back of a carriage; an arrow; a hairpin; to shave an arrow and make it tapering.²⁵
簟笰 or 簟茀 èin-fūt diànfú a checked bamboo screen used in ancient times for the back of a carriage.¹⁴
fut1 3827
120 11 fūt a long thick rope; a long cord guiding the hearse.⁵ ravelled silk.²⁵
执绋[執紼] jīp-fūt zhífú take part in a funeral procession.⁵ to hold the ropes, in order to let down a coffin into the grave.²⁵
执绋送殡[執紼送殯] jīp-fūt-xüng-bïn
zhífúsòngbìn hold a staff wrapped in white paper in the funeral procession; attend a funeral.⁵⁴
执绋送丧[執紼送喪] jīp-fūt-xüng-xöng
zhífúsòngsāng attend a funeral.⁵⁴
fut1 3828
120 11 fūt silk ribbon used to tie a seal in ancient China.⁶  <wr.> silk cord for holding jade seal through its nose.¹¹ a ribbon for a seal; a sash.¹⁴
簪绂[簪紱] däm-fūt zānfú  lit. a cap clasp and hat tassels for an official seal – high position and wealth.⁷
绂冕[紱冕] fūt-mêin
fúmiǎn a high-ranking official.⁷
朱绂[朱紱] jï-fūt
zhūfú red sashes – the gentry.¹⁴
缨绂其心[纓紱其心] yëin-fūt-kĩ-xïm
yīngfúqíxīn to fasten or fix his mind.²⁵
fut1 3829
120 14 𦁕
fūt small; insignificant.²⁵
(composition: ⿰糹忽; U+26055).
<又> dūng. (See 𦁕❄{⿰糹忽} dūng).
fut1 3830
140 7 fūt (=黻 fūt ).⁴ luxuriant; knee hide; cord guiding the hearse.⁸ luxuriance of vegetation.¹⁰ leather kneecap in ceremonial dress.¹¹
芾芾 fūt-fūt
fúfú <wr.> luxuriant (of plants).¹¹
or 米黻 Māi Fūt Mǐ Fú Mi Fu (1051-1107), Song poet and calligrapher.¹⁰ʼ¹⁵
<又> fï.
(See 芾 fï; 黻 fū.)
fut1 3831
140 8 fūt weedy; a rank growth of weeds obstructing the way – a hindrance, an obstacle; luck, fortune.⁷ overgrown with grass, weedy.⁸ luxuriant growth of vegetation that blocks the path; to clear away; a carriage-screen; head-ornaments; happiness, vigor.¹⁴
道茀不可行也 ào-fūt-būt-hō-hãng-yâ dàofúbùkěxíngyě the path was overgrown and impossible for travel.¹⁴
翟茀 èik-fūt
dífú <wr.> screens of a lady's carriage, made of pheasants' feathers.⁵⁴
翟茀以朝 èik-fūt-yî-chẽl
dífúyǐcháo with feather screens to her carriage she went to court.¹⁴
or 簟笰 èin-fūt diànfú a checked bamboo screen used in ancient times for the back of a carriage.¹⁴
妇丧其茀[婦喪其茀] fû-xöng-kĩ-fūt
fùsàngqífú she lost her hair-ornament.¹⁴
茀茀 fūt-fūt
fúfú (said of plants) luxuriant, exuberant, lush; vigorous.⁷ strong and vigorous.¹⁴
茀厥丰草[茀厥豐草] fūt-kūt-füng-tāo
fújuéfēngcǎo after clearing away the dense growth.¹⁴
茀禄[茀祿] fūt-lùk
fúlù happiness and emolument.¹⁴
fut1 3832
145 10 fūt (=韨[韍] fūt a kind of ceremonial gown in ancient China; silk ribbon tying the imperial seal.⁶ a leather knee pad worn during sacrifices.⁸ a leather knee pad used in ancient sacrificial dress; a strap for a seal; ceremonial cap.¹⁴ a covering for the knees, used at sacrifices; also a string attached to a signet.²⁵ a kneepad of leather; a cap or crown used in worship.¹⁰²); greave; knee-pads; buskins.⁸ a kneepad, or covering for the shin, used by men; buskins or breeches, anciently worn by the southern tribes.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰衤犮; U+889A).
袚补[袚補] fūt-bū
fúbǔ or 袚膝 fūt-xīp fúxī garter pads; they are usually of embroidered silk.¹⁰²
朱袚 jï-fūt
zhūfú red kneepads.¹⁰²
(See 韍 fūt).
fut1 3833
167 16 fūt huō ream.⁶
锪刀[鍃刀] fūt-äo huōdāo countersink.⁶
锪孔钻[鍃孔鑽] fūt-kūng-dön
huōkǒngzuàn spot-facer; spot-facing drill.⁶
锪孔钻床[鍃孔鑽床] fūt-kūng-dön-chõng
huōkǒngzuàn chuáng spot-facing drill press.⁶
锪孔钻头[鍃孔鑽頭] fūt-kūng-dön-hẽo
huōkǒngzuàntóu countersink drill.⁶
fut1 3834
178 14 fūt a kind of ceremonial gown in ancient China; silk ribbon tying the imperial seal.⁶ a leather knee pad worn during sacrifices.⁸ a leather knee pad used in ancient sacrificial dress; a strap for a seal; ceremonial cap.¹⁴ a covering for the knees, used at sacrifices; also a string attached to a signet.²⁵ a kneepad of leather; a cap or crown used in worship.¹⁰² (variant: 袚 fūt ).
t: ⿰韋犮; U+97CD). (comp. s: ⿰韦犮; U+97E8).
韨韠[韍韠] fūt-bīt
fúbì coverings for the knees; those of the prince were red, and those of the great officers white.²⁵
玺韨[璽韍] xāi-fūt
xǐfú the strap to secure a signet or seal.¹⁰²
(See 袚 fūt).

fut1 3835
190 15 fūt ➀ =佛 or 彿 fūt similar to  ➁ ancient women's hair jewelry or headdress ornament.⁸
(composition: ⿱髟弗; U+9AF4).
or 彷彿 or 仿佛 fōng-fūt fǎngfú as if; similar to.⁸ like, resembling, near abouts.²⁵
<又> fï.
(See 髴 fï).
fut1 3836
195 16 fūt 鲂鮄[魴鮄] fõng-fūt fángfú gurnard.⁵
鲂鮄科[魴鮄科] fõng-fūt-fö
fángfúkē or 角鱼科[角魚科] gôk-nguî-fö jiǎoyúkē sea robins or gurnard family (Triglidae).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
真鲂鮄[真魴鮄] jïn-fõng-fūt
zhēnfángfú grey gurnard (Eutrigla gurnardus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
fut1 3837
204 17 fūt a kind of embroidered design on ancient sacrificial robes.⁷ an ornamental texture of black and blue in stripes, used for the sacrificial robes of the emperor.¹⁴ colored in black and blue stripes, which was one of the symbols anciently embroidered on the lower of the emperor's sacrificial robes; elegant; an embroidered kneepad or apron.¹⁰²
黼黻 fū-fūt fǔfú ancient sacrificial dresses embroidered with black and white stripes or axes.¹⁴
黼黻文章 fū-fūt-mũn-jëng
fǔfú-wénzhāng elegant composition.¹⁴
黻紩 fūt-èik
fúzhì an ornamental skirt.¹⁴ʼ¹⁰²
黻冕 fūt-mêin
fúmiǎn apron and cap worn when offering sacrifice.¹⁴
黻衣绣裳[黻衣繡裳] fūt-yï-xiü-sẽng
fúyīxiùcháng his embroidered sacrificial robe.¹⁴
画黻[畫黻] và-fūt
huàfú embroidered figures.¹⁰²
fut1 3838
64 11 füt (composition: ⿰扌忽; U+39FE).
<台> 㧾 füt to shovel.
<台> 㧾欸佢去 füt-ë-kuï-huï shove him out.
<台> 㧾泥 füt-nãi to shovel soil/mud.
<又> fūt. (See 㧾 fūt.)
fut2 3839
9 7 fùt Buddha.
阿弥陀佛[阿彌陀佛] Ö-mĩ-hõ-fūt Ēmítuófó Amitabha, Amitayus Buddha; may Buddha preserve us; Buddha be praised; merciful Buddha.⁶
拜佛 bäi-Fùt
bài Fó to worship Buddha; to prostrate oneself before the image of Buddha.
佛法 Fùt-fāt
Fófǎ Dharma (the teachings of the Buddha); Buddhist doctrine.¹⁰
佛教 Fùt-gäo
Fójiào Buddhism.⁶
佛塔 Fùt-hāp
Fótǎ pagoda; stupa.
佛跳墙[佛跳牆] fùt-hẽl-tẽng
fótiàoqiáng lit. Buddha jumps over the wall, name for a Chinese dish that uses many non-vegetarian ingredients.¹⁰
哈佛 Hā-Fùt
Hāfó Harvard.⁹
临时抱佛脚[臨時抱佛腳] lĩm-sĩ-päo-Fùt-gëk
línshí bào Fó jiǎo lit. to clasp the Buddha's feet when danger arises (idiom); fig. to profess devotion only when in trouble; doing things at the last minute; making a hasty last-minute effort.
抱佛脚[抱佛腳] päo-Fùt-gëk
bào Fó jiǎo to make a hasty last-minute effort (such as late preparation for an exam).
<又> fūt.
(See 佛 fūt).
fut4 3840
61 8 fùt (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 怫 fūt with same meaning.)
<又> fï, fūt.
(See 怫 fï, fūt.)
fut4 3841
61 8 fût <台> 忽 fût <ono.> the sound made when one blows on a paper spill to light a fire.
<又> fūt. (See 忽 fūt.)
fut5 3842
9 6 jiǎ (=假 gā jiǎ fake; false; artificial; to borrow; if; suppose.)
(composition: ⿰亻反; U+4EEE).
<又> fān.
(See 仮 fān; 假 gā).
ga1 3843
9 11 jià vacation; holiday.⁵
放假 föng-gā fàngjià have a holiday or vacation.⁵
假期 gā-kĩ
jiàqī vacation; period of leave.⁵
寒假 hõn-gā
hánjià winter vacation.⁵
暑假 sī-gā
shǔjià summer vacation.⁵
请假[請假] tēng-gā
qǐngjià ask for leave.⁵
(See 假 [gā, jiǎ].)
ga1 3844
9 11 jiǎ fake; false; artificial; to borrow; if; suppose.
(variant: 仮 gā jiǎ).
假扮 gā-bàn
jiǎbàn to masquerade as.
假借 gā-dëh
jiǎjiè to make use of; to use something as pretext; under false pretenses; under the guise of; masquerading as; lenient; tolerant; loan character (one of the Six Methods 六書 of forming Chinese characters); character acquiring meanings by phonetic association; also called phonetic loan.¹⁰
假借名义[假借名義] gā-dëh-mẽin-ngì
jiǎjièmíngyì assume false official title.¹¹
假鬃 gā-düng
jiàzōng false hair; a wig.¹⁴
假公济私[假公濟私] gā-güng-däi-xü
jiǎgōngjìsī official authority used for private interests (idiom); to attain private ends by abusing public position.
假装[假裝] gā-jöng
jiǎzhuāng to feign; to pretend.¹⁰
假冒 gā-mào
jiǎmào to impersonate.
假寐 gā-mì
jiǎmèi <wr.> catnap; doze.⁶
假若 gā-ngèk
jiǎruò if; supposing; in case.
假如 gā-nguĩ
jiǎrú if; supposing; in case.
假设[假設] gā-sēt
jiǎshè to suppose; to assume; hypothesis.
假惺惺 gā-xëin-xëin
jiǎxīngxīng hypocritical; unctuous.⁶
真假 jïn-gā
zhēnjiǎ true or false; genuine or fake.
(See 假 [gā, jià]; 仮 gā).
ga1 3845
18 10 guǎ to cut into pieces; to dismember; to cut; to scrape.
剐破膝盖[剮破膝蓋] gā-pö-xīp-köi guǎpòxīgài to scrape one's knee; to get a cut in one's knee.
千刀万剐[千刀萬剮] tëin-äo-màn-gā
qiāndāowànguǎ to hack somebody to pieces.
钝刀慢剐[鈍刀慢剮] ùn-äo-màn-gā
dùndāomànguǎ to putter away at job.
ga1 3846
29 9 jiǎ to borrow, to lend; later became 假 gā jiǎ false.⁸
to borrow, to transfer to someone else.²⁴
(composition: ⿰⿸⿰丨コ𠄠⿱コ又; U+53DA).
叚借 gā-dëh
jiǎjiè (=假借 gā-dëh jiǎjiè to make use of; to use something as pretext; under false pretenses; under the guise of; masquerading as; lenient; tolerant; loan character (one of the Six Methods 六书 of forming Chinese characters); character acquiring meanings by phonetic association; also called phonetic loan.¹⁰).¹⁹
通叚 hüng-gā
tōngjiǎ (=通假 hüng-gā tōngjiǎ a Chinese character used to express another character because of same or similar pronunciation in ancient China, such as "燕" used as "宴", "蚤" as "早".⁹).¹⁹
<又> hã.
(See 叚 hã).
ga1 3847
30 8 the cries of a baby.³⁹
呱呱 gā-gā gūgū <wr.> the cry of a baby.⁵
呱呱坠地[呱呱墜地] gā-gā-juì-ì
gūgūzhuìdì (of a baby) to come into the world with a cry; to be born.⁵
<台> 呱呱落地 gā-gā-lòk-ì the baby is born.
<又> gēh.
(See 呱 [gā, guā]; 呱 gēh.)
ga1 3848
30 8 guǎ (<old>=剐[剮] gā guǎ to cut into pieces; to dismember; to cut; to scrape.).⁸
t: ⿵冎口; U+54BC). (comp. s: ⿱口内; U+5459).
<又> gö; vāi; võ; vô.
(See 咼 gö; 咼 vāi; 咼 võ; 咼 vô).
ga1 3849
30 8 guā <ono.> sound of frogs, ducks.¹⁰
顶呱呱[頂呱呱] ēin-gā-gā dǐngguāguā tip-top; first-rate.¹⁰
呱呱 gā-gā
guāguā <ono.> (of ducks) quack; (of frogs) croak; (of crows) caw.⁵
呱呱叫 gā-gā-gël
guāguājiào <topo.> tip-top, top-notch.⁵ keep on wailing.¹¹
<又> gēh.
(See 呱 [gā, ]; 呱 gēh.)
ga1 3850
30 14 sound of laughter; screech; quack.
嘎迸脆 gā-bèin-tuï gābèngcuì crisp (cake).¹¹
嘎嘎 gā-gā
gāga <topo.> <ono.> to quack; to gaggle.⁸ sound of laughter.¹¹ quack.³⁹
嘎嘎声[嘎嘎聲] gā-gā-sëin
gāgāshēng <ono.> quack; rattling; whine.³⁹
嘎吱 gā-jī
gāzhī <ono.> creak; crunch.¹⁰
嘎啦 gā-lā
gála <topo.> to quarrel (Northeastern Mandarin).¹⁰
<又> gä, gâ.
(See 嘎 gä, gâ.)
ga1 3851
30 14 jiǎ (rare) immense; faraway; distant.¹¹ large and strong.¹⁴ great, large, immense, distant, strong, stable.²⁴ distant; large and strong; stable.¹⁰² (Note: Some dictionaries say 嘏 gā jiǎ is an alternate pronunciation for 嘏 gū with the extra meanings of 嘏 gā jiǎ added).
(composition: ⿰古叚; U+560F).
嘏命 gā-mèin
jiǎmìng great order (mandate).⁵⁴
<又> gū.
(See 嘏 gū.)
ga1 3852
35 10 jiǎ used for 榎 gā jiǎ, a tree – a stick.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱𦣻夂(GJK) or ⿱𦣻夊(HT); U+590F).
or 槚檚[檟檚] or 槚楚[檟楚] or 榎檚 gā-chō jiǎchǔ an instrument of torture, made with wattle sticks, used for flogging or whipping offenders/students with the view of 'teaching'.⁸ʼ¹³ʼ⁰ a ferrule or rod.¹⁴
Gā-chō-ngì-mùt, siü-kĩ-vï-yâ.
Jiǎ chǔ èr wù, shōu qí wēi yě.
The cane and the thorns were there to secure in them a proper awe.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·學記》, translated by James Legge). The cane and the thorns were there in order to secure in them a proper awe.¹⁴ (Note: 夏,槄也; 楚,荆也. 夏 gā
jiǎ is defined here as 槄 häo tāo a tree similar to catalpa in ancient books and 楚 chō chǔ is defined as 荆[荊] gëin jīng thorns; brambles; cane.).⁵⁴
<又> hà.
(See 夏 hà).
ga1 3853
40 14 guǎ few, scant; tasteless; widowed.⁵
沉默寡言 chĩm-màk-gā-ngũn chénmòguǎyán uncommunicative; taciturn.⁵
寡不敌众[寡不敵眾] gā-būt-èik-jüng
guǎbùdízhòng be hopelessly outnumbered.⁵
寡妇[寡婦] gā-fû
guǎfu widow.⁵
寡见鲜闻[寡見鮮聞] gā-gëin-xēin-mũn
guǎjiànxiǎnwén have seen and heard little of the world.⁵⁴
寡居 gā-guï
guǎjū to live as a widow.¹⁰
寡头[寡頭] gā-hẽo
guǎtóu oligarch.⁵
寡廉鲜耻[寡廉鮮恥] gā-lẽm-xēin-chī
guǎliánxiǎnchǐ lost to shame; shameless.⁵
寡人 gā-ngĩn
guǎrén I, the sovereign; we (used by a royal person in proclamations instead of I).⁵
失道寡助 sīt-ào-gā-jò shīdàoguǎzhù An unjust cause finds scant support.⁵
守寡 siū-gā
shǒuguǎ live in widowhood.⁵
清汤寡水[清湯寡水] tëin-höng-gā-suī
qīngtāngguǎshuǐ watery soup; something insipid.⁵
以寡敌众[以寡敵眾] yî-gā-èik-jüng
yǐguǎdízhòng pit a few against many; fight against heavy odds.⁵
ga1 3854
60 12 jiǎ reach; arrive; come; make use of; Jia surname.¹³
<又> hã. (See 徦 hã; 遐 hã.)
ga1 3855
68 10 jiǎ (=斝 gā jiǎ) a small cup of stone with ears, used in ancient times for libations.¹⁴
(See 斝 gā).
ga1 3856
68 12 jiǎ a jade wine cup.⁷ a small cup of stone with ears, used in ancient times for libations.¹⁴ a vase made of some precious stone, capable of containing six pints.²⁴ (variant: 斚 gā jiǎ).
走斝飞觞[走斝飛觴] dēo-gā-fï-sëng
zǒujiǎfēishāng cheerful celebration with lots of drinking.⁵⁴
飞觥走斝[飛觥走斝] fï-gäng-dēo-gā
fēigōngzǒujiǎ to drink one's fill (idiom).¹⁰ cup after cup.¹⁹
斝彝[斝彞] gā-yĩ
jiǎyí (ritual) cup/bowl with ears engraved on it.⁵⁴
(See 斚 gā).
ga1 3857
72 6 背旮旯儿[背旮旯兒] böi-gā-lāk-ngĩ or böi-kāk-lāk-ngĩ bèigālár deep recess.⁶
旮旮旯旯儿[旮旮旯旯兒] gā-gā-lāk-lāk-ngĩ
or kāk-kāk-lāk-lāk-ngĩ gāgalálár <vern.> nook and cranny.⁶
旮旯儿[旮旯兒] gā-lāk-ngĩ
or kāk-lāk-ngĩ gālár <vern.> nook, corner, cranny; out-of-the-way place, remote part.⁶
住在山旮旯儿[住在山旮旯兒] jì-dòi-sän-gā-lāk-ngĩ
or jì-dòi-sän-kāk-lāk-ngĩ zhùzài shāngālar live in a remote or lonely mountain recess.⁶
山旮旯儿[山旮旯兒] sän-gā-lāk-ngĩ
or sän-kāk-lāk-ngĩ shāngālar a mountain recess.⁵
墙旮旯儿[牆旮旯兒] tẽng-gā-lāk-ngĩ
or tẽng-kāk-lāk-ngĩ  qiánggālár corner (formed by two walls).⁶
<台> 山头山旮旯[山頭山旮旯] sän-hẽo-sän-gā-lāk
or sän-hẽo-sän-kāk-lāk remote mountain areas without human habitation.
<又> kāk.
(See 旮 kāk.)
ga1 3858
75 13 jiǎ wood fit for making tables and bedsteads; a tree like the pomelo; a lever for raising things.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木叚; U+6935).
柂椵 yĩ-gā yíjiǎ an inner coffin.²⁴
<又> gä.
(See 椵 gä).
ga1 3859
75 14 jiǎ <old>=槚[檟] gā jiǎ small evergreen shrub.⁸ (evergreen shrub); 朴樹 Celtis sinensis.¹⁰ the Manchurian catalpa 楸 tiü qiū (Catalpa bungei).³⁶ (variant: 夏 gā jiǎ).
(composition: ⿰木夏; U+698E).
榎茸 gā-ngũng
jiǎróng (Japanese) enoki, an edible mushroom, the velvet shank or enokitake: Flammulina velutipes.³⁶ (See 金針菇 gïm-jïm-gü).
(See 檟 gā; 夏 gā).
ga1 3860
75 17 jiǎ small evergreen shrub.⁸  Catalpa, a genus of mostly deciduous trees; old term for Camellia sinensis, the tea plant 茶 chã chá; also called Thea sinensis; small evergreen shrub (Mallotus japonicus).¹⁰ a small kind of fir; a tree, of the leaves of which a bitter infusion is made resembling tea.²⁴
t: ⿰木賈; U+6A9F). (comp. s: ⿰木贾; U+69DA).
槚茶[檟茶] gā-chã
jiǎchá bitter tea.⁸
梧槚[梧檟] m̃-gā
wújiǎ <wr.> two trees producing good timber.¹¹
(See 榎 gā; 夏 gā).
ga1 3861
104 14 jiǎ asthma; disese of the bowels; lump in the abdomen; fault, crime; worm disease in the abdomen.⁸
症瘕[癥瘕] jëin-gā zhēngjiǎ <TCM> concretion; abdominal mass.⁵⁴
症瘕积聚[癥瘕積聚] jëin-gā-dēik-duì
zhēngjiǎjījù <TCM> lump/tumor in the abdomen causing distension and pain.⁶
症瘕痞块[癥瘕痞塊] jëin-gā-pī-fäi
zhēngjiǎpǐkuài hard obstructions in the bowels.¹⁴
(See 疨 hâ).
ga1 3862
118 14 guǎ tools to unreel silk.⁸
(composition: ⿱𥫗咼; U+4211).
䈅䈑 yòt-gā yuèguǎ a device for receiving or reeling or unreeling silk.⁰
<又> vô.
(See 䈑 vô).
ga1 3863
154 13 jiǎ Jia surname.
<又> gū. (See 賈 gū.)
ga1 3864
169 13 jiǎ a large cup.²
(Note 1: A 閜 gā jiǎ can hold 6 升 sëin shēng, where a 升 is 1/10th of an 斗 ēo dǒu, a Chinese 'peck').²ʼ⁰
(Note 2: 閜 gā
jiǎ can also be pronounced as 閜 hä xiǎ).
(composition: ⿵門可; U+959C).
<又> hä; hō.
(See 閜 hä; 閜 hō).
ga1 3865
9 7 伽马[伽馬] gä-mâ gāmǎ  gamma (Γγ) (Greek loanword).¹⁰
伽马射线[伽馬射線] gä-mâ-sèh-xëin
gāmǎ shèxiàn gamma ray.⁹
<又> kêh.
(See 伽 [gä, jiā], kêh.)
ga2 3866
9 7 jiā 僧伽 däng-gä sēngjiā <Budd.> monks or priests (from Sanskrit sangha).⁵⁴
伽利略 Gä-lì-lèk
Jiālìlüè Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), Italian scientist.¹⁰
伽倻琴 gä-yẽh-kĩm
jiāyēqín gayageum; Korean 12-stringed zither.¹⁰
or 瑜珈 or 瑜迦 yĩ-gä yújiā yoga.¹⁰
<又> kêh.
(See 伽 [gä,], kêh.)
ga2 3867
9 12 jiā furniture; a tool or tools.⁷
傢伙 or 家伙 gä-fō jiāhuo (in a comical sense) a character; a jerk; a son of a gun; a fellow; a guy.⁷ household dish, implement or furniture; domestic animal; <topo.> guy; chap; weapon.¹⁰
or 傢具 or 家具 gä-guì jiājù furniture.¹¹
ga2 3868
9 15 jià price; value; <chem.> valance.⁵
价款[價款] gä-fōn jiàkuǎn money paid for something purchased or received for something sold; cost.⁵
价格[價格] gä-gāk
jiàgé price.⁵
价值[價值] gä-jèik
jiàzhí <eco.> value; worth, value.⁶
价廉物美[價廉物美] gä-lẽm-mùt-mî
or gä-lẽm-mòt-mî jiàliánwùměi good and cheap.⁵
价目[價目] gä-mùk
jiàmù marked price, price.⁵
价钱[價錢] gä-tẽin
jiàqian price.⁵
减价[減價] gām-gä
jiǎnjià reduce the price.⁵
贵价[貴價] gï-gä
guìjià (a polite expression) your servant.⁷
无价之宝[無價之寶] mũ-gä-jï-bāo
wújiàzhībǎo priceless treasure; invaluable asset.⁵
物价[物價] mùt-gä
or mòt-gä wùjià (commodity) prices.⁵
or 成年家 sẽng-nẽin-gä chéngniánjia for a whole year.¹¹ <topo.> all year long.⁵⁴
<又> gäi
(traditional form 价). (See 价 gäi; 價 [gä, jie].)
ga2 3869
9 15 jie <topo.> (used between adverbials and verbs/adjectives).⁶
不价[不價] or 不家 būt-gä bùjie <topo.> Don't! / No!⁶
or 整天家 jēin-hëin-gä zhěngtiānjie <topo.> all day long.³⁹
or 整天家忙 jēin-hëin-gä-mõng  zhěngtiānjiemáng <topo.> be busy all day long.⁶
or 震天家响[震天家響] jīn-hëin-gä-hēng zhèntiānjiexiǎng <topo.> make a thunderous noise.⁶
<又> gäi
(traditional form 价). (See 价 gäi; 價 [gä, jià].)
ga2 3870
19 5 jiā to add; to increase; to augment; to put in; to append; to confer; plus; abbreviation for Canada.
加大 gä-ài jiādà to increase (e.g. one's effort).
加大油门[加大油門] gä-ài-yiũ-mõn
jiādà yóumén to accelerate; to step on the gas.¹⁰
加官晋爵[加官晉爵] gä-gön-dün-dēk
jiāguānjìnjué to advance in rank and position; promotion.⁷
加工 gä-güng
jiāgōng to process; to rework; to put finishing touches on; to work overtime.
加号[加號] gä-hào
jiāhào <math.> plus sign (+).
加衔[加銜] gä-hẽim
jiāxián to confer an honorary degree.
加添 gä-hëm
jiātiān augment; add.¹⁰
加强[加強] gä-kẽng
jiāqiáng to strengthen; to augment.
加仑[加侖] gä-lũn
jiālún gallon.⁸
加拿大 Gä-nã-ài
Jiānádà Canada.
加蓬 Gä-pũng
Jiāpéng Gabon.¹⁰
加演 gä-yēn
jiāyǎn encore; to give an extra performance.¹⁰
加入 gä-yìp
jiārù to become a member; to join; to mix into; to participate in; to add in.
加油 gä-yiũ
jiāyóu to add oil; to top up with gas; to refuel; to accelerate; abbr. for 加大油門 to step on the gas; fig. to make an extra effort; fig. to cheer somebody on.¹⁰
参加[參加] tām-gä
cānjiā join; attend; take part in.⁵
ga2 3871
25 8 guà divinatory trigram; one of the eight divinatory trigrams from 易经[易經] Yèik-géin Yìjīng The Book of Changes.
打卦 ā-gä
dǎguà <trad.> to divine; divination.
八卦 Bät-gä
Bāguà Eight Trigrams (clockwise order):
☰☴☵☶☷☳☲☱ 乾巽坎艮坤震離兌
Kẽin Xün Häm Gän Kün Jīn Lĩ Uï
Qián Xùn Kǎn Gèn Kūn Zhèn Lí Duì.
(Note: A complete set of 8 trigrams stacked on top of another set of 8 trigrams form a combination of 64 hexgrams. The hexgrams in the Zhou King Wen order are: ䷀䷁䷂䷃䷄䷅䷆䷇ ䷈䷉䷊䷋䷌䷍䷎䷏ ䷐䷑䷒䷓䷔䷕䷖䷗ ䷘䷙䷚䷛䷜䷝䷞䷟
䷠䷡䷢䷣䷤䷥䷦䷧ ䷨䷩䷪䷫䷬䷭䷮䷯ ䷰䷱䷲䷳䷴䷵䷶䷷ ䷸䷹䷺䷻䷼䷽䷾䷿).
变卦[變卦] bëin-gä
biànguà go back on one's word; break one's promise; change one's ground/heart/mind.⁶
卜卦 būk-gä
bǔguà to divine using the trigrams.
占卦 jëm-gä
zhānguà to divine by the Eight Trigrams, 八卦.⁷
算卦 xön-gä
suànguà practice divination.⁸
<台> 卦 gä/ Daoist priest; aka 道士 ào-xù
ga2 3872
30 8 咖喱 or 咖哩 gä-lī gālí <loan> curry.¹⁰
or 咖哩鸡[咖哩雞] gä-lī-gäi gālíjī curry chicken.¹⁰
(See 咖[gä,]).
ga2 3873
30 8 coffee; a phonetic.⁸
咖啡 gä-fēh kāfēi <loan> coffee.⁸
咖啡店 gä-fēh-ëm
kāfēidiàn coffee shop.⁸
咖啡厅[咖啡廳] gä-fēh-hëng
kāfēitīng coffe shop.¹⁰
咖啡色 gä-fēh-sēik
kāfēisè coffee color; brown.¹⁰
咖啡室 gä-fēh-sīt
kāfēishì coffee shop.¹⁰
咖啡壶[咖啡壺] gä-fēh-vũ
kāfēihú coffee pot.¹¹
咖啡因 gä-fēh-yïn
kāfēiyīn caffeine; theine.⁸
(See 咖[gä, ]).
ga2 3874
30 14 something oval in shape.
嘎嘎儿[嘎嘎兒] gä-gä-ngĩ gágar of a long, slender shape with a bulging middle; any olive-like thing, (facetious) a naughty fellow.¹¹
嘎嘎儿天[嘎嘎兒天] gä-gä-ngĩ-hèin
gágar tiān days cool in the morning and evening and hot at noontime.¹¹
<又> gā, gâ.
(See 嘎 gā, gâ.)
ga2 3875
30 14 jiā good; fine; praise.
拜嘉 bäi-gä bàijiā <court.> to receive with pleasure your favor or gifts or advice.
嘉宾[嘉賓] gä-bïn
jiābīn honored guest; welcome guest; guest of honor.
嘉奖[嘉獎] gä-dēng
jiājiǎng to commend; to cite.
嘉惠 gä-fì jiāhuì to benefit.
嘉况[嘉況] gä-fōng
jiākuàng valuable gifts.
嘉谷[嘉穀] gä-gūk
jiāgǔ grains of all sorts.
嘉礼[嘉禮] gä-lâi
jiālǐ wedding; marriage ceremony.
嘉勉 gä-mêin
jiāmiǎn <wr.> to praise and encourage.
嘉乃丕绩[嘉乃丕績] gä-nâi-pī-dēik
jiā nǎi pī jī he lauded his great merit.¹⁰²
嘉禾 gä-võ
jiāhé  ear full of grains.
嘉会[嘉會] gä-vòi
jiāhuì auspicious occasion; grand banquet.
嘉馐[嘉饈] gä-xiü
jiāxiū nice meals.¹¹
嘉峪关[嘉峪關] Gä-yì-gän
Jiāyù Guān Jiayuguan, pass and city in 甘肃[甘肅] Gäm-xūk Gānsù Gansu Province, on the Silk Road, where the Great Wall terminates.
嘉猷 gä-yiũ
jiāyóu a good plan.¹¹
嘉蝤 gä-yiũ
jiāyóu <trad.> wise scheme⁵⁴
可嘉 hō-gä
kějiā commendable; worth the compliment.
ga2 3876
38 13 jià (of a woman) marry; shift. transfer.⁵
嫁接 gä-dēp jiàjiē to graft (a branch to a rootstock).¹⁰
嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗[嫁雞隨雞,嫁狗隨狗] gä-gäi-tuĩ-gäi, gä-gēo-tuĩ-gēo
jiàjīsuíjī, jiàgǒusuígǒu <trad.> follow the man you marry, be he fowl or cur; a woman follows her husband no matter what his lot is.⁶
嫁妆[嫁妝] gä-jöng
jiàzhuang dowry; trousseau.⁵
嫁人 gä-ngĩn
jiàrén (of a girl) get married.¹¹
嫁女 gä-nuī
jiànǚ to marry off a daughter.¹⁰
嫁殇[嫁殤] gä-sëng
jiàshāng to marry an espoused wife after her death.²⁴
嫁娶 gä-tuī
jiàqǔ marriage.⁵
嫁祸[嫁禍] gä-vò
jiàhuò put blame on others.¹¹
嫁祸于人[嫁禍於人] gä-vò-yï-ngĩn
jiàhuòyúrén shift the misfortune onto somebody else; put the blame on somebody else.⁵
ga2 3877
40 10 jiā house, home, residence; family.⁸
大家 ài-gä dàjiā family of high ranking official; great master; master; Your Majesty; polymath.⁸
大家 ài-gä/
dàjiā everyone; all; we; you; they; other people.⁸ (See <台> 大家 ài-gâ/).
家族 gä-dùk
jiāzú house; clan; family.⁸
or 傢具 or 傢俱 gä-guì jiājù furniture.¹¹
家庭 gä-hẽin
jiātíng family; household; house and home.⁸
家乡[家鄉] gä-hëng
jiāxiāng hometown; native place.¹⁰
家徒四壁 gä-hũ-xï-bēik
jiātúsìbì to have nothing but the bare walls in one's house – to be utterly destitute.⁵
家长[家長] gä-jēng
jiāzhǎng family head; patriarch.⁶
家里[家裡] gä-lī
jiālǐ at home; home.⁹
家庙[家廟] gä-mèl
jiāmiào ancestral temple.⁸
家人 gä-ngĩn
jiārén household; (one's) family.¹⁰
家常 gä-sẽng
jiācháng daily life of a family; domestic trivialities.⁶
家常菜 gä-sẽng-töi
jiāchángcài home cooking.¹⁰
家属[家屬] gä-sùk
jiāshǔ family members/dependents.⁵⁴
家蚕[家蠶] gä-tâm
jiācán silkworm (Bombyx mori).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
家燕 gä-yên
jiāyàn (barn) swallow.⁶
家喻户晓[家喻戶曉] gä-yì-fù-hēl
jiāyùhùxiǎo understood by everyone (idiom); well known; a household name.¹⁰
<又> gâ.
(See 家 [gä, jie]; 家 gâ).
ga2 3878
40 10 jie (=价[價] gä jie) <topo.> (used between adverbials and verbs/adjectives).⁶
or 不价[不價] būt-gä bùjie <topo.> Don't! / No!⁶
or 整天价[整天價] jēin-hëin-gä zhěngtiānjie <topo.> all day long.³⁹
or 整天价忙[整天價忙] jēin-hëin-gä-mõng  zhěngtiānjiemáng <topo.> be busy all day long.⁶
or 震天价响[震天價響] jīn-hëin-gä-hēng zhèntiānjiexiǎng <topo.> make a thunderous noise.⁶
<又> gâ.
(See 價 [gä, jie]; 家 [gä, jiā]; 家 gâ).
ga2 3879
42 9 toy formed of a spindle with two sharp ends.¹⁰
尜尜 gä-gä gága toy formed of a spindle with two sharp ends; brochette (such as corncob).¹⁰
ga2 3880
75 9 jià put up; erect; prop; build.⁸
(old variant: 榢 gä jià).
架得住 gä-āk-jì
jiàdezhù <topo.> can put up with.⁶ able to support it; can sustain the weight; able to endure it.⁷
架不住 gä-būt-jì
jiàbuzhù <topo.> cannot stand up against; be no match for; cannot compete with.⁶
架拐 gä-gāi
jiàguǎi to use a crutch.¹⁰
架桥[架橋] gä-kẽl 
jiàqiáo to bridge; to put up a bridge.¹⁰
架构[架構] gä-këo
jiàgòu build, construct; framework, scaffold; structure, pattern.⁶
架势[架勢] gä-säi
jiàshi posture, stance, manner; condition, situation.⁶
架式 gä-sēik
jiàshi attitude; position (on an issue).¹⁰
架设[架設] gä-sēt
jiàshè extend.⁸ to construct; to erect.¹⁰
<台> 架势[架勢] gä-säi extravagant; luxurious.
<台> 架罂罉 gä-läng-chäng tools; utensils; equipment.
<又> gâ.
(See 架 gâ; 榢 gä).
ga2 3881
75 9 jiā cangue (wooden collar like stocks used to restrain and punish criminals in China).¹⁰
带枷[帶枷] äi-gä  dàijiā  (of prisoners) confine in a cangue.¹¹
精神枷锁[精神枷鎖] dëin-sĩn-gä-xū
jīngshén jiāsuǒ spiritual or mental shackles.⁶
枷带锁抓[枷帶鎖抓] gä-äi-xū-jāo
jiādàisuǒzhuā in stocks; in fetter for punishment.¹⁰
枷板 gä-bān
jiābǎn cangue; fig. difficult situation.¹⁰
枷号[枷號] gä-hào
jiāhào formerly, parade a prisoner in a cangue.¹¹
枷示 gä-sì
jiāshì put in a cangue as an example.⁵⁴
枷销[枷銷] gä-xël
jiāxiāo yoke; chains; shackles; fetters.¹⁰
枷锁[枷鎖] gä-xū
jiāsuǒ stocks and chain; in fetters.¹⁰
披枷带锁[披枷帶鎖] pï-gä-äi-xū
pījiādàisuǒ in cangue and shackles.¹¹
ga2 3882
75 13 jiā cangue.⁸
(composition: ⿰木叚; U+6935).
<又> gā. (See 椵 gā).
ga2 3883
75 14 jià (<old>=架 gä jià put up; erect; prop; build.⁸).⁸
(composition: ⿰木家; U+69A2).
(See 架 gä).
ga2 3884
96 5 eccentric, odd, crabby; naughty, mischievous.⁶
玍杂子[玍雜子] gä-dàp-dū gǎzázi <topo.> fraudulent, treacherous; treacherous person; evil scheme.⁶
玍子 gä-dū
gǎzi <topo.> naughty child, mischievous person.⁶
玍古 gä-gū
gǎgǔ <topo.> (of a person) bad-tempered, hot-tempered, quick-tempered; (of an object) not good enough, substandard, inferior.⁶
玍小子 gä-xēl-dū
gǎxiǎozi naughty boy.⁶
她爷爷脾气很玍[她爺爺脾氣很玍] hä-yẽh-yẽh-pĩ-hï-hān-gä
tāyéyépípíhěngǎ Her grandfather is rather eccentric.⁶
(See 嘎 [gâ, ].)
ga2 3885
96 9 jiā an ornament attached to a woman's hairpin.⁸ the ornaments of a woman's hairdress.²⁴
珈玛[珈瑪] gä-mâ jiāmǎ chamar (a pejorative word for dalits).⁸
六珈 lùk-gä
liùjiā the six ornaments.²⁴
or 瑜伽 or 瑜迦 yĩ-gä yújiā yoga.¹⁰
or 瑜伽术[瑜伽術] yĩ-gä-sùt yújiāshù the art of yoga.⁵⁴
ga2 3886
97 5 guā Kangxi radical 97; melon, gourd, cucumber.⁸
瓜子 gä-dū guāzǐ melon seeds.⁸
瓜子脸[瓜子臉] gä-dū-lêm
guāzǐliǎn oval face; pretty face.⁸
瓜子玉 gä-dū-ngùk
guāzǐyù andesite.⁸
瓜子菜 gä-dū-töi/
guāzǐcài purslane; a.k.a. 马齿苋, q.v.⁸³
瓜分 gä-fün
guāfēn divide; carve up.⁸
瓜果 gä-gō
guāguǒ melon and fruit.⁸
瓜葛 gä-gût
guāgé connection; association; implication.⁸
瓜田 gä-hẽin
guātián melon patch.³⁹
瓜田李下 gä-hẽin-lī-hà
guātiánlǐxià in a melon patch or under a plum tree – in suspicious surroundings.⁹
瓜蒂 gä-î
guādì the base of a fruit; muskmelon pedicel.⁸
瓜连[瓜連] gä-lẽin
guālián implicate.⁸
瓜李之嫌 gä-lī-jï-yẽm
guālǐzhīxián the suspicion of being in the melon field and under the plum tree.⁸
瓜蔓 gä-màn
guāwàn melon vine.⁸
瓜农[瓜農] gä-nũng
guānóng melon farmer.⁸
瓜代 gä-òi
guādài change of personnel between terms of service; substitute.⁸
瓜熟蒂落 gä-sùk-î-lòk
guāshúdìluò lit. a melon falls when it is ripe; fig. at the right time everything comes easy.¹¹
<台> 瓜菜 gä-töi  (generic) vegetables
(See 瓜 gâ.)
ga2 3887
115 15 jià <wr.> sow (grain); cereals, crops.⁶
稼穑[稼穡] gä-sēik jiàsè <wr.> sowing and reaping – farming; farm work.⁶
稼穑艰难[稼穡艱難] gä-sēik-gän-nãn
jiàsèjiānnán the toil and hardship of a farmer's life.⁷
耕稼 gäng-gä
gēngjià plowing and sowing – farm work.⁶
躬稼 güng-gä
gōngjià work on the farm personally.³⁹
庄稼[莊稼] jöng-gä
zhuāngjia crops; standing grain.⁵
ga2 3888
118 11 jiā a reed leaf whistle; the Tartar pipe.⁷ whistle made of reed without holes for fingering.¹⁴
笳笛 gä-èk jiādí a reed leaf whistle.¹⁴
胡笳 vũ-gä
hújiā a reed instrument used by the northern tribes in ancient China.⁵
ga2 3889
127 11 jiā a flail.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰耒加; U+801E).
打耞 ā-gä dǎjiā to thresh grain.¹⁴
连耞[連耞] lẽin-gä
liánjiā a flail.²⁵
ga2 3890
130 9 guā guanidine (CH₅N₂).⁶
胍胺 gä-ön or gü-ön guā'àn guanamine.⁶
<又> gü.
(See 胍 gü.)
ga2 3891
140 8 guā squash; the melon species.²⁵ (=瓜 gä guā) melon, gourd, cucumber.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹瓜; U+82FD).
<又> gü.
(See 苽 gü; 瓜 gä).
ga2 3892
140 8 jiā (phonetic used in loan words for the sound "jia".)
茄克 gä-hāk jiākè <loan> jacket.
康茄舞 höng-gä-mū
kāngjiāwǔ <loan> conga dance.
雪茄 xūt-gä
xuějiā <loan> cigar.
<又> kêh.
(See 茄 kêh.)
ga2 3893
140 12 jiā young shoot of a reed.⁸ bulrush, reed; flute, whistle.⁸ bulrush, reed; flute, whistle.¹⁰ reed plant.³⁶ a bulrush or reed like a Phragmites or Arundo, of which a musical pipe can be made; old name of a stream in the south of Zhili (直隶[直隸] jèik-lài zhílì, renamed Hebei in 1928).¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱艹叚; U+846D).
葭笛 gä-èk
jiādí a simple reed or pipe, used by herdmen in leading flocks.¹⁰²
葭灰飞[葭灰飛] gä-föi-fï
jiāhuīfēi or 葭管飞灰[葭管飛灰] gä-gōn-fï-föi jiāguǎnfēihuī the ashy reed down is flying about; winter has come.¹⁰²
葭莩 gä-fũ
jiāfú the membrane of a reed stem (as in reed type); distant relatives (i.e., very “thin”).¹¹
葭州 gä-jiü
jiāzhōu a district on the Yellow River in the extreme north of Shaanxi.¹⁰²
葭月 gä-ngût
jiāyuè the seventh moon, when this plant, (葭苇[葭葦] gä-vī), is in seed.¹⁰²
葭苇[葭葦] gä-vī
jiāwěi a water grass or rush.¹⁰²
鸣葭[鳴葭] mẽin-gä
míngjiā the shrill pipe.¹⁰²
ga2 3894
145 11 jiā Buddhist monk's robe.¹⁰
白袈裟 bàk-gä-sä báijiāshā surplice.¹⁰
袈裟 gä-sä
jiāshā kasaya (patchwork outer vestment worn by a Buddhist monk).⁶
ga2 3895
152 16 jiā boar, male pig.⁸ a male pig; broadly a pig.⁹ male pig; male of any animal.¹³ a boar; a local term for pig.²⁵
(composition: ⿰豕叚; U+8C6D).
豭喙 gä-fì or gä-jöi jiāhuì a pig's snout.¹⁹
豭狗 gä-gēo
jiāgǒu lit. pig and dog; fig. a person who behaves in a despicable manner.¹⁹
豭豨 gä-hï
jiāxī a boar.¹⁹
or 豭豘 gä-hũn jiātún a little boar (piglet), later refers to boars in general; the ancient people wore garments depicted with images of a little boar to symbolize bravery.¹⁹ young boar.⁶⁰
豭熊 gä-hũng
jiāxióng or 罴[羆] bï a type of bear, perhaps the brown bear.¹⁹
豭猪[豭豬] gä-jï
jiāzhū a male pig, a boar.¹⁹ hog boar.⁵⁴
豭强牝弱[豭強牝弱] gä-kẽng-pĩn-ngèk
jiāqiángpìnruò boars are strong and sows weak.²⁵
豭尾 gä-mī
jiāwěi boar tail (the derogatory term for men's braids before and after the Revolution of 1911).¹⁹
豭貜 gä-yòt
jiājué or jiāyuè legendary apes.¹⁹
艾豭 ngài-gä
àijiā <old> old male pig.¹¹ old but fine pig.¹³ a black young boar, an old term used in Korea and Zhili (直隶[直隸] jèik-lài zhílì).¹⁰²
ga2 3896
153 16 jiā a sort of bear, or wild boar, with whitish yellow stripes.²⁵
(composition: ⿰豸叚; U+8C91).
貑罴[貑羆] gä-bï jiāpí brown bear.¹⁹
貑貜 gä-yòt
jiājué or jiāyuè a large kind of monkey.²⁵
ga2 3897
157 12 jiā sit cross-legged; squat.⁸
跏坐 gä-dò jiāzuò sit cross-legged.⁸
跏趺 gä-fü
jiāfū sit cross-legged (as a Buddhist does in meditation).⁶
跏趺坐 gä-fü-dò
jiāfūzuò lotus position.⁹
跏婆 gä-põ
or gä-pũ jiāpó term used for addressing a woman who is crippled or lame.¹⁹
ga2 3898
162 8 jiā (used in transliteration of foreign or special terms).⁶
迦箅香 gä-bï-hëng jiābìxiāng (=藿香 kök-hëng huòxiāng)  wrinkled giant hyssop; <bot.> Agastache rugosa.¹⁰  betony, mint herb.¹¹
迦太基 Gä-häi-gï
Jiātàijī Carthage.⁶
迦蓝[迦藍] gä-lãm
jiālán <Budd.> monastery garden.⁵⁴
迦陵 gä-lẽin
jiālíng a bird with a note of marvellous sweetness, but unequal to the voice of Buddha.¹⁴
楞迦 Lẽin-gä
Léngjiā Lanka, a mountain in the southeast part of Sri Lanka, now called Adam's Peak; the island of Sri Lanka.⁷ Lanka (old term for Sri Lanka, Ceylon).¹⁰ Ceylon; name of a Buddhist sutra.¹⁴
楞迦经[楞迦經] Lẽin-gä-gëin
Léngjiājīng Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra, a sutra of Mahāyāna Buddhism.¹⁵
瑜迦 or 瑜伽 or 瑜珈 yĩ-gä yújiā yoga.¹⁰
ga2 3899
167 13 jiā former term for 镓[鎵] gä jiā gallium (Ga).⁸
(See 鎵 gä).
ga2 3900
167 18 jiā gallium (Ga).⁶
镓扩散[鎵擴散] gä-köng-xän jiākuòsàn gallium diffusion.⁶
镓酸[鎵酸] gä-xön
jiāsuān galic acid.⁶
镓铟锡合金[鎵銦錫合金] gä-yïn-xëk-hàp-gïm
jiāyīnxīhéjīn gallium-indium-tin alloy.⁶
镓烷[鎵烷] gä-yõn
jiāwán gallane.⁶
ga2 3901
187 15 𩢍
guā (=騧 gä guā tan or piebald horse; yellow horse with black mouth.²).²
(composition: ⿰馬瓜; U+2988D).
(See 騧 gä).
ga2 3902
187 15 jià harness; ride; drive, fly, sail; control; you; emperor's carriage; emperor.⁵⁵
大驾[大駕] ài-gä dàjià emperor; imperial or sovereign carriage; <court.> you.⁶ your “carriage”, i. e., your arrival.¹¹
大驾光临[大駕光臨] ài-gä-göng-lĩm
dàjiàguānglín <court.> your gracious presence.⁵⁴
驾崩[駕崩] gä-bäng
jiàbēng (of emperor) pass away.¹¹
驾车[駕車] gä-chëh
jiàchē to drive a vehicle.⁷
驾飞机[駕飛機] gä-fï-gï
jiàfēijī fly an airplane.¹¹
驾校[駕校] gä-hào
jiàxiào driving school.¹⁰
驾轻就熟[駕輕就熟] gä-hëin-diù-sùk
jiàqīngjiùshú lit. to drive a light carriage through a famliar road; fig. to do a task with ease.⁷
驾临[駕臨] gä-lĩm 
jiàlín <court.> your gracious presence, the pleasure of your company.¹¹
驾马[駕馬] gä-mâ
jiàmǎ harness a horse; ride on horseback.¹¹
or 驾驭[駕馭] gä-nguì jiàyù drive (a cart or horse); control; master.⁵
驾驶[駕駛] gä-sōi
jiàshǐ drive (a vehicle); pilot (a plane or ship).⁶
驾云[駕雲] gä-vũn
jiàyún to ride the clouds; fig. self-satisfied; arrogant.¹⁰

ga2 3903
187 18 guā tan or piebald horse; yellow horse with black mouth; Gua surname.² (Variants: 𩢍❄{⿰馬瓜}, 𩦣❄{⿰馬⿳一⿰口㐄⿵冂⿱㐅丅} gä).
(composition: ⿰馬咼; U+9A27).
guā lí shì cān
Yellow with black mouth, and black, are the outsides.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·秦風·小戎》, translated by James Legge).
騧马[騧馬] gä-mâ
guāmǎ yellow horse with black mouth.⁵⁴
(See 𩢍❄{⿰馬瓜} gä, 𩦣❄{⿰馬⿳一⿰口㐄⿵冂⿱㐅丅} gä).
ga2 3904
187 23 𩦣

guā (=騧 gä guā tan or piebald horse; yellow horse with black mouth.²).²
(composition: ⿰馬𩰬 or ⿰馬⿳一⿰口㐄⿵冂⿱㐅丅
(See Images); U+299A3).
(See 騧 gä).
𩦣❄{⿰馬⿳一⿰口㐄⿵冂⿱㐅丅} gä guā

ga2 3905

30 14 (=玍 gä ) eccentric, odd, crabby; naughty, mischievous.⁶
犯嘎 fàn-gâ
fàngǎ <topo.> to act bad; to misbehave.¹
嘎子 gâ-dū
gǎzi (=玍子 gä-dū gǎzi) <topo.> naughty child, mischievous person.⁶
嘎小子 gâ-xēl-dū
gǎxiǎozi (=玍小子 gä-xēl-dū gǎxiǎozi) naughty boy.⁶
粗嘎 tü-gâ
cūgǎ raucous.¹
<又> gā, gä.
(See 嘎 gā, gä; 玍 gä.)
ga5 3906
40 10 jiā <台> 大家 ài-gâ/ everyone.
<又> gä. (See 家 [gä, jie]; 家 [gä, jiā]).
ga5 3907
42 5 <topo.> small; little.⁸
尕娃 gâ-vā gǎwá <topo.> a little kid.⁶
ga5 3908
75 9 jià frame, rack, shelf; <m.> for planes, large vehicles, radios.¹⁰
(old variant: 榢 gâ jià).
打架 ā-gâ
dǎjià to fight; to scuffle; to come to blows.¹⁰ (fight in spoken Hoisanva is 打交 ā-gâo/.)
吵架 chāo-gâ/
chǎojià to quarrel; to have a row; quarrel.¹⁰ (quarrel in spoken Hoisanva is 闹交[鬧交] nào-gâo/.)
架子 gâ-dū
jiàzi shelf; frame; stand; framework; airs; arrogance.¹⁰
架子车[架子車] gâ-dū-chëh
jiàzichē wheel barrow.⁸
架子猪[架子豬] gâ-dū-jï
jiàzizhū feeder pig.⁸
架空 gâ-hüng
jiàkōng built above the ground (on stilts); fig. unfounded; impractical; fig. a mere figurehead.¹⁰
架儿[架兒] gâ-ngĩ
jiàr body; vendor, hawker.⁸
架次 gâ-xü
jiàcì sortie.⁸
书架[書架] sï-gâ
shūjià bookshelf; bookcase.⁵⁴
衣架 yï-gâ
yījià coat hanger; clothes rack.⁸
一架飞机[一架飛機] yīt-gâ fï-gï
yījiàfēijī a plane.¹⁹
<台> 丢架[丟架] èl-gâ/ disgraced, lost face.
<台> 旯架床 lāk-gâ-chõng  bunk bed.
<台> 衫架 sâm-gâ clothes hanger.
<又> gä.
(See 架 gä; 榢 gâ).
ga5 3909
75 14 jià (<old>=架 gâ jià frame, rack, shelf; <m.> for planes, large vehicles, radios.¹⁰); a frame, a stand, a rack; framework or scaffold.⁸
(composition: ⿰木家; U+69A2).
(See 架 gâ).
ga5 3910
97 5 guā melon; gourd; squash.
甜瓜 hẽm-gâ/ tiánguā muskmelon; sweet melon.⁶
<台> 苦瓜 fū-gâ/
or 旯瓜 lāk-gâ/ bitter melon. (See 涼瓜; 良瓜 lẽng-gä).
<台> 芙芦瓜[芙蘆瓜] fũ-lũ-gâ/ calabash, bottle gourd.
<台> 南瓜 nãm-gâ/ pumpkin; cushaw.
<台> 黄瓜[黃瓜] võng-gâ/ cucumber.
(See 瓜 gä.)
ga5 3911
104 10 jiā scab. (variant: 𦙲❄{⿱加肉}jiā).
疮痂[瘡痂] chông-gâ
chuāngjiā a scab.⁷
痘痂 èo-gâ
dòujiā pockmark; smallpox scab.¹⁰
痂皮 gâ-pĩ
jiāpí crust.⁹ scab.¹⁰
痂皮脱落[痂皮脫落] gâ-pĩ-höt-lòk
jiāpítuōluò decrustation.⁹
结痂[結痂] gēik-gâ
jiéjiā form a scab.⁵
血痂 hüt-gâ
xuèjiā a scab, clot of blood formed on wounds.¹¹
嗜痂成癖 sï-gâ-sẽin-pēik
shìjiāchéngpǐ <wr.> have an addiction for (stamps and the like), (allusion from one who likes to lick his scabs).¹¹
<台> 硬痂 ngāng-gâ form a scab.
<台> 生痂 säng-gâ form a scab.
(See 𦙲❄{⿱加肉} gâ).
ga5 3912
130 11 𦙲
jiā (=痂 gâ jiā scab).⁸ the scab of a wound.²⁵
(composition: ⿱加肉; U+26672).
(See 痂 gâ)
ga5 3913
64 8 gāi guǎi to turn, to change direction; to limp; to swindle; to abduct; crutch; cane. (In the sense of 'a cane' 拐 gāi guǎi is  interchangeable with 枴 and 柺 gāi guǎi).
脖拐 bòt-gāi
bóguǎi <topo.> hand-chop to the neck.⁵⁴
沉香拐 chĩm-hëng-gāi
chénxiāngguǎi staff made of aloeswood.
拐走 gāi-dēo
guǎizǒu to abduct (children).
拐架 gāi-gâ
guǎijià crutch.
拐棍 gāi-gûn
guǎigùn walking stick.⁵
拐孩子 gāi-hãi-dū
guǎi háizi to abduct/kidnap children.
拐杖 gāi-jèng
guǎizhàng walking stick.⁵
拐拉 gāi-lā
guǎila to walk unsteadily; to limp.
拐棒 gāi-pâng
guǎibàng club; stick; cudgel; cane (for the elderly)
拐骗[拐騙] gāi-pëin
guǎipiàn to abduct; to swindle.
拐弯[拐彎] gāi-vän
guǎiwān to turn a corner, to turn; to turn around, to pursue a new course; corner, turning.
拐弯抹角[拐彎抹角] gāi-vän-möt-gôk
guǎiwānmòjiǎo to proceed along a zigzag road; to beat about the bush; to equivocate.
诱拐[誘拐] yiù-gāi
yòuguǎi to abduct, to kidnap.
(See 枴 gāi; 柺 gāi).
gai1 3914
75 9 gāi guǎi cane; walking stick; crutch; old man's staff.¹⁰ (=拐 gāi guǎi in the sense of 'a cane').
(composition: ⿰木叧; U+67B4).
(See 拐 gāi; 柺 gāi).
gai1 3915
75 9 gāi guǎi a staff for old men, usually made to resemble a crutch, with a crooked top.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰木另; U+67FA).
柺子棍 gāi-dū-gûn guǎizigùn a truncheon or quarterstaff used in fencing and fighting.¹⁰²
柺杖 gāi-jèng
guǎizhàng an old man's staff.¹⁰² (See 拐杖 gāi-jèng).
铁柺李[鐵柺李] hëik-gāi-lī tiěguǎilǐ one of the Eight Immortals.¹⁰²
(See 拐 gāi in the sense of 'a cane'; 枴 gāi).
gai1 3916
118 14 gāi guǎi a bamboo utensil for catching fish; a bamboo stick.⁸ a bamboo utensil for catching fish.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗拐; U+7B89).
<又> òi. (See 箉 òi).
gai1 3917
122 13 gāi guǎi  the squares on a weiqi (Chinese chess, go) board.⁸ from 《漢典•基本解释》.
(Note: Diferences in definitions and sounds exist among 《漢典•基本解释》, 《漢典•國語詞典》 and other sources)..
(composition: ⿱罒卦; U+7F6B).
<又> kä; và.
(See 罫 kä; 罫 và).
gai1 3918
140 13 gāi kuǎi wool grass; Kuai surname.
蒯草 gāi-tāo kuǎicǎo wool grass.
gai1 3919
140 16 gāi xiè woody climbing plant.
萆薢 bï-gāi bìxiè yam (dioscorea).⁶
薢茩 gāi-hèo
xièhòu water caltrop. During the 楚国[楚國] Chō-gōk Chǔguó Chu State (740-223 BCE) period it was called 芰 gì . During the Qin 秦 Tũn Qín Dynasty (221-207 B.C.) it was called 薢茩 gāi-hèo xièhòu. During the Tang 唐 Hõng Táng Dynasty (A.D. 618-907) it was defined thus: 芰 gì is a 水栗 lit. 'water chestnut' and is also a 薢茩 gāi-hèo xièhòu 'water caltrop'.⁸
gai1 3920
142 10 gāi jiè a red spotted lizard, used as medicine.⁸
蛤蚧 gēip-gāi géjiè (=大壁虎 ài-bēik-fū dàbìhǔ) tokay gecko (Gekko gecko).²³ a red spotted lizard.⁸
苹大棉粉蚧[蘋大棉粉蚧] pẽin-ài-mêin-fūn-gāi
píngdàmiánfěnjiè apple mealybug.⁵⁴
gai1 3921
142 11 𧊅 gāi guǎi <Hakka> (small) frog.³⁶
(composition: ⿰虫另; U+27285).
𧊅仔 gāi-dōi guǎizǎi <Hakka> frog.³⁶
𧊅蠕仔 gāi-yĩ-dōi
guǎirúzǎi <Hailu and Raoping Hakka> tadpole (toad or frog larva).³⁶
蛤𧊅 gēip-gāi
géguǎi <Canto.> (big) frog.³⁶
蟆𧊅 mã-gāi
máguǎi <Xiang> frog.³⁶
gai1 3922
148 13 gāi jiě divide; untie, undo; allay, dispel, dismiss; explain, interpret, solve; understand, comprehend; relieve oneself; solution.⁵
(variant: 觧 gāi jiě). <又> gäi, hài. (See 解 gäi, hài; 觧 gāi.)
解答 gāi-āp
jiědá to answer or explain.⁷
解除 gāi-chuĩ
jiěchú to annul or cancel (a contract, agreement); <law> to restore to the original status; to fire (a person); to relieve (a person of his duties); to remove (restrictions), to get rid of.⁷
解放 gāi-föng
jiěfàng liberate, emancipate; liberation.⁵
解题[解題] gāi-hãi/
jiětí explanation or answer to a problem or subject.⁷
解开[解開] gāi-höi
jiěkāi to untie; unbind; loosen; undo.⁷
解渴 gāi-höt
jiěkě to quench.¹⁰
解脱[解脫] gāi-höt
jiětuō free/extricate oneself.⁵
解决[解決] gāi-kūt
jiějué solve; settle; finish off.⁵
解缆[解纜] gāi-làm
jiělǎn cast off; set sail.⁵
解剖 gāi-pāo
jiěpōu to cut open, dissect.¹¹
解剖学[解剖學] gāi-pāo-hòk
jiěpōuxué anatomy.¹¹
解释 gāi-sēik
jiěshì explain, expound, interpret.⁵
解绶[解綬] gāi-siù
jiěshòu to resign from public office.⁷
解散 gāi-xän
jiěsàn dismiss; dissolve, disband.⁵
解药[解藥] gāi-yêk
jiěyào antidote.⁹
解郁除烦[解郁除煩] gāi-yūk-chuĩ-fãn
jiěyùchúfán TCM release stagnation and dissolve vexation.⁵⁴
gai1 3923
148 13 gāi jiě (=解 gāi jiě) loosen, unfasten, untie; explain.⁸
(See 解 gāi).
gai1 3924
4 丿 8 gäi guāi (of a child) obedient; clever; shrewd; alert; perverse; contrary to reason; irregular; abnormal.
出乖露丑[出乖露醜] chūt-gäi-lù-chiū chūguāilòuchǒu to make a fool of oneself.⁹
刁乖 ël-gäi
diāoguāi cunning; wily.⁵⁴
乖舛 gäi-chūn
guāichuǎn mistake; error.
乖乖 gäi-gäi
guāiguāi obedient, well-behaved.
乖觉[乖覺] gäi-gōk
guāijué alert; perceptive; clever; quick; shrewd and capable.
乖巧 gäi-kāo
guāiqiǎo clever; cute, lovely.
乖离[乖離] gäi-lĩ
guāilí to contradict; to deviate from.
乖戾 gäi-luì
guāilì perverse (behavior); disagreeable (character).⁵
乖迕 gäi-m̂
guāiwǔ stubborn; contrary; disobedient.¹⁰
乖谬[乖謬] gäi-mào
guāimiù ridiculous; abnormal.
gai2 3925
9 4 gäi jiè ➀ lie between; be situated between; interpose
➁ introduce briefly; give a brief introduction ➂ thing or person that lies between ➃ mind ➄ <lit.> armor ➅ shell
➆ shelled aquatic animal ➇ (with person) a, an
➈ <lit.> upright; honest and frank ➉ <theater) word indicating motion or action (in old drama scripts).⁶ herald, forerunner, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor; Jie surname.⁸ <old> used for 价 gäi jiè attendant.⁰
(variant: 㝏 gäi).
(See 㝏 gäi).
介虫[介蟲] gäi-chũng
jièchóng shelled aquatic animal; crustacean.
介乎 gäi-fũ
jièhū to lie between.
介质[介質] gäi-jīt
jièzhì <phy.> medium.
介绍[介紹] gäi-sèl
jièshào introduce, present; recommend, suggest; let known, brief.⁶
介词[介詞] gäi-xũ
jiècí preposition.
介意 gäi-yï
jièyì to care about; to take offense; to mind.
介音 gäi-yïm
jièyīn (in Chinese pronunciation) medial or semivowel, any of the three vowels i, u, and ü used in compound vowels (as i in ian).⁶
介入 gäi-yìp
jièrù to intervene; to get involved.
毫不介意 hõ-būt-gäi-yï
háobùjièyì to not mind (at all, a bit); to not care in the slightest.¹⁰

gai2 3926
9 6 gäi jiè <trad.> male servant.⁶
谴价[譴价] hēin-gäi qiǎnjiè to send a servant on an errand.¹
小价 xēl-gäi
xiǎojiè young attendant.⁶
<又> gä
(simplified form of 價). (See 價 [gä, jià]; 價 [gä, jie].)
gai2 3927
9 8 gäi jiā good; beautiful.
最佳 duï-gäi zuìjiā <wr.> optimum.⁵
佳节[佳節] gäi-dēik
jiājié joyful festival.
佳况[佳況] gäi-fōng
jiākuàng (of persons) in fine or excellent condition.¹¹
佳肴 gäi-ngão
jiāyáo (court.) good dinner; delicacies.¹¹
佳肴[佳餚] gäi-ngão
jiāyáo delicacies.²²
佳肴美酒[佳餚美酒] gäi-ngão-mî-diū
jiāyáoměijiǔ  delicious dishes and excellent spirits.
佳话[佳話] gäi-và
jiāhuà charming tale; a deed worthy of widespread praise.
佳酝[佳醞] gäi-vün
or gäi-vūn jiāyùn good wine or good alcohol or good beer.⁶
佳音 gäi-yïm
jiāyīn welcome news; good tidings.
才子佳人 tõi-dū-gäi-ngĩn
cáizǐjiārén gifted scholars and beautiful ladies (in Chinese romances).
gai2 3928
9 11 gäi gatha; sloka; libretto in Buddhist scripture.⁶ <Budd.> to versify or paraphrase in a chant; a hymn; a secret code.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰亻曷; U+5048).
佛偈 fùt-gäi fójì the enigmas of Buddha.²⁴ Buddhist verses.³⁹
偈子 gäi-dū
jìzi Buddhist's chant or hymn.⁹
偈頌 gäi-dùng
jìsòng Gatha.¹⁹
偈语[偈語] gäi-nguî/
jìyǔ Buddhist hymns.¹⁴
禅偈[禪偈] sẽm-gäi
chánjì utterances of a Zen master; in the form of verse, often a recapitulation of what he has just said.⁷
<又> gài, gèik.
(See 偈 gài, gèik.)
gai2 3929
9 11 gäi xié to be together with; in the company of.
白头偕老[白頭偕老] bàk-hẽo-gäi-lāo báitóuxiélǎo to live to ripe old age in conjugal bliss.
偕同 gäi-hũng
xiétóng to be in the company of.
偕老 gäi-lāo
xiélǎo husband and wife grow old together.
偕老同欢[偕老同歡] gäi-lāo-hũng-fön
xiélǎotónghuān to live together happily ever after.
<又> hãi.
(See 偕 hãi.)
gai2 3930
30 12 gäi jiē harmonious (of music).¹⁰ sound of chirping, laughing.¹¹
喈喈 gäi-gäi jiējiē harmonic; chirp; ringing.⁸ imitation of the sound of a cock or a bird; imitation of the harmonious sound of a clock, a drum or a bell.⁹
gai2 3931
30 17 gäi jiē the voice of a multitude.²⁴
(composition t: ⿰口齊; U+568C).
s: ⿰口齐; U+54DC).
哜哜[嚌嚌] gäi-gäi
jiējiē <ono.> mournful sound of stringed or wind instruments; <ono.> the sound of birds or animals.
<又> däi; jäi.
(See 嚌 däi; 嚌 jäi).
gai2 3932
32 9 gäi gāi (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 垓 köi gāi with same meaning: far and remote places; wilds beyond the frontier; boundary; limit; one hundred million; The cardinal number 10^20.)
<又> köi.
(See 垓 köi.)
gai2 3933
32 11 𡌪
gäi guài great; large.²ʼ²⁴
(composition: ⿰多圣; U+2132A).
gai2 3934
32 12 gäi jiē (=階 gäi jiē) stairs; a flight of steps; a degree, a class, a rank or step.⁸
(composition: ⿰土皆; U+5826).
(See 階 gäi).
gai2 3935
37 4 gäi guài Break-through (Resoluteness).¹ parted; fork; certain.⁸ parted; to fork; certain.¹⁴ to pull different ways, to part, to divide.²⁴ parted; fork; certain; resolute; 43rd hexagram of the I Ching.³⁶
gai2 3936
38 7 gäi jiè a name used by women in ancient times.²
(composition: ⿰女介; U+598E).
<又> hòi. (See 妎 hòi).
gai2 3937
40 7 gäi jiè ➀ (same as 介 gäi jiè to introduce; to lie between; between; shell; armor.¹⁰) alone, solitary  ➁ to live alone.⁸
(composition: ⿱宀介; U+374F).
(See 介 gäi).
gai2 3938
43 7 gäi limp, staggering gait; embarrass.⁸ in an embarrassing situation.¹⁰
不尴不尬[不尷不尬] būt-gäm-būt-gäi bùgānbùgà to be difficult to cope with; to be very embarrassing.⁸
尴尬[尷尬] gäm-gäi
gān'gà awkward, embarrassed.¹⁰  difficult to cope with; embarrassing, embarrassed.¹¹
gai2 3939
44 8 gäi jiè a numerary adjunct for periodic terms or events; (said of an appointed date) to arrive; (said of a term) to expire.⁷
第十届校友会[第十屆校友會] ài-sìp-gäi-hào-yiû-vòi dìshíjièxiàoyǒuhuì tenth alumni meeting.¹¹
届期[屆期] gäi-kĩ
jièqī (said of an appointed date) to arrive.⁷
届临[屆臨] gäi-lĩm
jièlín Your presence is requested for the occasion.⁵
届满[屆滿] gäi-mōn
jièmǎn (said of a term) to expire.⁷
届时[屆時] gäi-sĩ
jièshí when the time comes; at the appointed time; on the occasion.⁶
历届[歷屆] lèik-gäi
lìjiè all previous sessions, governments, congresses.⁶
历届毕业生[歷屆畢業生] lèik-gäi-bīt-ngèp-säng
lìjiè bìyèshēng graduates of all previous years.⁶
应届毕业生[應屆畢業生] yëin-gäi-bīt-ngèp-säng
yīngjiè bìyèshēng this year's graduate; graduating student.⁶
gai2 3940
46 7 gäi jiè name of a mountain; area between two mountains, a col.⁸ ravine (a character often used in names of places), which is also pronounced as in the Yangtze Delta Region.⁹
(composition: ⿱山介; U+5C95).
岕茶 gäi-chã
jièchá or 岕荈 gäi-chūn jièchuǎn or 岕茗 gäi-mẽin jièmíng a top grade tea produced in Luojie Mountain in Changxing County, Zhejiang Province.¹⁹
罗岕山[羅岕山] lõ-gäi-sän
luó jiè shān Luojie Mountain, a moountain in Changxing County (长兴县[長興縣] chẽng-hëin-yòn cháng xīng xiàn), Zhejiang Province (浙江省 jēt-göng-sāng zhèjiāng shěng).¹⁹
gai2 3941
58 3 gäi Kangxi radical 58; snout.⁸ 寻字头[尋字頭] tĩm-dù-hẽo xúnzìtóu.¹ CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-5F50.³⁶
(variants: ⼹ {U+2F39}; 彑 {U+5F51}; ⺔{U+2E94})
(composition: ⿴コ一(GV) or ⿴ユ一(HTJK); U+5F50).
(Note: 彐 {U+5F50} and ⼹ {U+2F39} are graphically different in some fonts but searches for one or the other will find both.
(See ⼹ {U+2F39} gäi; 彑 {U+5F51} gäi; ⺔{U+2E94} gäi).
gai2 3942
(composition: ⿴コ一(GV) or ⿴ユ一(HTJK); U+2F39).
(Note: 彐 {U+5F50} and ⼹ {U+2F39} are graphically different in some fonts but searches for one or the other will find both.
(See 彐 {U+5F50} gäi).
gai2 3943
(composition: ⿱⿰𠃋㇇一; U+5F51).
(Note: 彑 {U+5F51} and ⺔ {U+2E94} look the same graphically in some fonts but searches for one will not include the other).
(See ⺔ {U+2E94} gäi).
gai2 3944
(composition: ⿱⿰𠃋㇇一; U+2E94).
(Note: 彑 {U+5F51} and ⺔ {U+2E94} look the same graphically in some fonts but searches for one will not include the other).
(See 彑 {U+5F51} gäi).
gai2 3945
61 8 gäi guài strange, odd, queer, bewildering; find something strange, wonder at; quite, rather; monster, demon, evil being; blame.⁵ (variant: 恠 gäi guài.)
大惊小怪[大驚小怪] ài-gëin-xēl-gäi
dàjīngxiǎoguài much fuss about nothing.¹⁰
怪杰[怪傑] gäi-gèik
guàijié monstre sacré (artist famous for being deliberately preposterous).¹⁰
怪味 gäi-mì
guàiwèi strange odor.¹⁰
怪物 gäi-mùt
or gäi-mòt guàiwu monster; freak; eccentric person.¹⁰
怪人 gäi-ngĩn
guàirén strange person; eccentric.¹⁰
怪癖 gäi-pēik
guàipǐ strange hobby; curious/queer habit.⁶
怪僻 gäi-pēik
guàipì eccentric; peculiar; odd.⁶
怪石峥嵘[怪石崢嶸] gäi-sêk-jäng-vẽin
guàishízhēngróng rocks of queer shapes shooting high.⁶
怪事 gäi-xù
guàishì strange thing; curious occurrence.¹⁰
咄咄怪事 jōt-jōt-gäi-xù
duōduōguàishì strange; absurd; paradoxical; extraordinary.¹⁰
奇怪 kĩ-gäi
qíguài strange; odd; to marvel; to be baffled.¹¹
(See 恠 gäi.)
gai2 3946
61 9 gäi guài (=怪 gäi guài) strange, unusual, peculiar.⁸
(See 怪 gäi.)
gai2 3947
62 7 gäi jiè guard against; exhort, admonish, warn; give up, drop, stop; Buddhist monastic discipline; (finger) ring.⁵
戒旦 gäi-än jièdàn “bugle” call to get up.¹¹
戒刀 gäi-äo
jièdāo Buddhist monk's knife.⁵
戒备[戒備] gäi-bì
jièbèi guard; be on the alert.⁵
戒尺 gäi-chêk
jièchǐ teacher's ruler for beating pupils.⁵
戒除 gäi-chuĩ
jièchú give up; drop; stop (bad habit).⁵
戒酒 gäi-diū
jièjiǔ stop drinking (alcohol).⁵
戒牒 gäi-èp
jièdié a monk’s or nun's document showing formal membership in monastic order.¹¹
戒骄戒躁[戒驕戒躁] gäi-gël-gäi-täo
jièjiāojièzào guard against arrogance and rashness.⁵
戒条[戒條] gäi-hẽl
jiètiáo commandments.¹¹
戒指 gäi-jī
jièzhi (finger) ring.⁵
戒腊[戒臘] gäi-làp
jièlà the number of years a Buddhist monk has been ordained.⁵⁴
戒律 gäi-lùt
jièlǜ religious discipline; commandment.⁵
戒严[戒嚴] gäi-ngẽm
jièyán enforce martial law; impose a curfew; cordon off an area.⁵
戒荤腥[戒葷腥] gäi-vùn-xëng
or gäi-vũn-xëng jièhūnxīng go on a vegetarian diet.⁵
戒心 gäi-xïm
jièxīn vigilance; wariness.⁵
戒烟[戒煙] gäi-yën
jièyān give up smoking.⁵
gai2 3948
64 12 gäi kāi to wipe.
揩鼻涕 gäi-bì-häi or käi-bì-häi kāibíti to wipe away/out  one's snivel.⁶
揩背 gäi-böi
or käi-böi kāibèi to scrub a customer's back for a fee (at an old-fashioned public bath).
揩眼泪[揩眼淚] gäi-ngān-luì
or käi-ngān-luì kāiyǎnlèi to wipe away tears.
揩拭 gäi-sēik
or käi-sēik kāishì to clean; to wipe.
揩油 gäi-yiũ
or käi-yiũ kāiyóu to freeload; to get petty advantages; to scrounge some outside gains not included in a deal (usually small); to touch a woman without her knowledge or when she cannot offer resistance.
<又> käi.
(See 揩 käi.)
gai2 3949
75 13 gäi jiē Chinese pistachio tree (Pistacia chinensis).¹⁰
楷木 gäi-mûk jiēmù (=楷树[楷樹] gäi-sì jiēshù) Chinese pistache.¹⁵
楷树[楷樹] gäi-sì
jiēshù an alias for 黄连木[黃連木] võng-lẽin-mûk huángliánmù Chinese pistache, Pistacia chinensis.⁸ʼ¹⁵
(See 楷[gäi, kǎi].)
gai2 3950
75 13 gäi kǎi regular, standard; a model, a norm; (calligraphy) standard script.⁷
大楷 ài-gäi dàkǎi regular script in big characters.⁵
楷则[楷則] gäi-dāk
kǎizé a model; a norm.⁷
楷字 gäi-dū
kǎizì regular script.¹⁰
楷范[楷範] gäi-fàn
kǎifàn a model for others in conduct.⁷
楷法 gäi-fāt
kǎifǎ techniques of standard handwriting.⁷
楷体[楷體] gäi-hāi
kǎitǐ the standard style of handwriting in Chinese, as block letters in English.⁷
楷模 gäi-mũ
or gäi-mõ kǎimó model; paragon.⁵
楷书[楷書] gäi-sï
kǎishū standard script of handwriting; regular script.⁷
正楷 jëin-gäi
zhèngkǎi regular script.¹⁰
小楷 xēl-gäi
xiǎokǎi regular script in small character.⁵
(See 楷[gäi, jiē].)
gai2 3951
85 12 gäi jiē flow.⁸ water flowing.⁹ flowing (of water).¹⁰ water flowing together.²⁴ (Only used in 湝湝.) flow (of water).³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵皆; U+6E5D).
湝湝 gäi-gäi jiējiē the appearance of water flowing.¹⁹
gai2 3952
93 14 gäi jiè catrated bull; to castrate; healthy and strong livestock.⁸ castrated bull; bullock.¹⁰ <lit.> bullock; <lit.> to castrate.³⁶
(composition: ⿰牜害; U+7297).
犗刑 gäi-yẽin jièxíng the punishment of castration.¹⁰²
(See 犍 gèin).
gai2 3953
96 8 gäi jiè large jade tablet used by officials at court to indicate their ranks.⁸ a small jade tablet, used by officials at court to indicate their respective ranks.¹⁴ a large kind of scepter, or badge of office, one cubit and two-tenths long.²⁵
(composition: ⿰𤣩介; U+73A0).
gai2 3954
102 9 gäi jiè boundary, limit; domain; society; the world.⁸ (variant: 畍).
大开眼界[大開眼界] ài-höi-ngān-gäi dàkāiyǎnjiè to broaden one's outlook or horizon.⁹
界碑 gäi-bï
jièbēi boundary tablet; boundary marker.⁵
界尺 gäi-chêk
jièchǐ ungraduated ruler; straightedge.¹⁰
界定 gäi-èin
jièdìng define, delimit; definition.⁶
界限 gäi-hàn
jièxiàn dividing line, bounds; limit, end.⁶
界河 gäi-hõ
jièhé boundary river.⁶
界桩[界樁] gäi-jöng
jièzhuāng boundary marker.⁶
界外球 gäi-ngòi-kiũ
jièwàiqiú out-of-bounds; out.⁶
界内球[界內球] gäi-nuì-kiũ
jiènèiqiú in bounds; in.⁶
界石 gäi-sêk
jièshí boundary stone/tablet.⁶
界说[界說] gäi-sōt
jièshuō <trad.> definition.⁶
界画[界畫] gäi-vàk
jièhuà draw lines with the aid of a ruler in drawing palatial buildings.¹¹
界线[界線] gäi-xëin
jièxiàn boundary; dividing line.⁹
界约[界約] gäi-yēk
jièyuē boundary treaty.⁸
<台> 界 gäi to slice.
<台> 好世界 hāo-säi-gäi Magnificent world! Everything is great, business is awesome with infinite opportunities.
<台> 铜板界豆腐两面靓[銅板界豆腐兩面靓] hũng-bān-gäi-èo-fù-lēng-mèin-lëng Slicing tofu with a copper plate makes both slices clean-cut.
(See 畍 gäi).
gai2 3955
102 9 gäi jiè (<old>=界 gäi jiè) boundary, limit; domain; society; the world.⁸
(composition: ⿰田介; U+754D).
(See 界 gäi)
gai2 3956
104 9 gäi jiè scabies.⁷
疥疮[疥瘡] gäi-chông jièchuāng sores from scabies.⁷
疥虫[疥蟲] gäi-chũng
jièchóng <med.> sarcoptic mite.⁶
疥蛤蟆 gäi-hā-mã
jièháma toad.⁶
疥疠[疥癘] gäi-lài
jièlì scabies; favus.⁶
疥螨[疥蟎] gäi-mōn
jièmǎn itch-mite; sarcoptid; sarcoptic mite.⁵⁴
疥癣[疥癬] gäi-xēin
jièxuǎn scabies; the itch; mange; ringworm.⁷
gai2 3957
106 9 gäi jiē <wr.> all; each and every.⁵
比比皆是 bī-bī-gäi-sì bìbìjiēshì to be found or seen everywhere – very common.⁷ ubiquitous.⁹
尽皆[盡皆] dìn-gäi
jìnjiē one and all, without a single exception.¹¹
皆大欢喜[皆大歡喜] gäi-ài-fön-hī
jiēdàhuānxǐ everybody is happy; to the satisfaction of all.⁵
皆伐 gäi-fàt
jiēfá <forest.> clear felling.⁵
皆可 gäi-hō
jiēkě all acceptable.⁷
皆知 gäi-jï
jiēzhī all aware.⁷
皆无[皆無] gäi-mũ
jiēwú nix.¹⁰
皆然 gäi-ngẽin
jiērán all like this.¹⁴
皆是 gäi-sì
jiēshì (they) all are.⁷
皆属[皆屬] gäi-sùk
jiēshǔ (they) all belong to.⁷
皆因 gäi-yïn
jiēyīn only because; just because; all because.⁷
人人皆知 ngĩn-ngĩn-gäi-jï
rénrén jiēzhī it is known to all; public knowledge.⁵
gai2 3958
109 14 gäi jiè angry.²ʼ⁸
(composition: ⿰目㚇; U+4053).
<又> dūng. (See 䁓 dūng).
gai2 3959
109 15 gäi jì  same as 久視 giū-sì jiǔshì stare at constantly. (See 久視 giū-sì for more definitions).
(composition: ⿰⿳士冖⿱一目殳; U+7789).
<又> këo.
(See 瞉 këo; 久視 giū-sì).
gai2 3960
115 11 gäi jiē straw; stalks of millet, corn.⁸ grain stalks left after threshing.¹⁰
苴秸 duï-gäi jūjiē straw mat.³⁹
豆秸 èo-gäi
dòujiē beanstalk (left after threshing); legume straw.⁹
秸子 gäi-dū
jiēzi <topo.> stalk.⁸
秸杆[秸桿] gäi-gön
jiēgǎn stalk after threshing; straw.⁶
麦秸[麥秸] màk-gäi
màijiē wheat straw.⁶
秫秸 sùt-gäi
shújiē sorghum stalk; kaoliang stalk.⁹
gai2 3961
120 20 gäi continue, succeed, follow; then, afterwards.⁵
继子[繼子] gäi-dū jìzǐ stepson.¹¹
继子女[繼子女] gäi-dū-nuī
jìzǐnǚ adopted sons and daughters; a stepdaughter or a stepson.¹⁰
继嗣[繼嗣] gäi-dù
jìsì <wr.> adopt a son; adopted son.⁶
继续[繼續] gäi-dùk
jìxù continue; go on.⁵
继父[繼父] gäi-fù
jìfù stepfather.¹¹
继晷[繼晷] gäi-gī
jìguǐ to lengthen the day.¹⁴
继母[繼母] gäi-mû
jìmǔ stepmother.¹¹
继而[繼而] gäi-ngĩ
jì'ér then; afterwards.⁵
继承[繼承] gäi-sẽin
jìchéng inherit, carry on.⁵
继承权[繼承權] gäi-sẽin-kũn
jìchéngquán right of succession; right of inheritance.⁵
过继[過繼] gö-gäi
guòjì adopt a brother’s/close relative’s son as one's heir; (of a child) adopt or be adopted.¹¹
后继[後繼] hèo-gäi
hòujì succeed; carry on.⁸
前赴后继[前赴後繼] tẽin-fü-hèo-gäi
qiánfùhòujì advance wave upon wave.⁶
前仆后继[前仆後繼] tẽin-fü-hèo-gäi
qiánpūhòujì (usually said of bravery of soldiers in battle) Behind the fallen is an endless column of successors.⁷
相继[相繼] xëng-gäi
xiāngjì in succession; following closely.¹⁰
gai2 3962
122 17 gäi <wr.> felt; rug.⁶ a kind of woolen fabric; a fishing net.⁷ a kind of fishing net; a kind of square mat made of hair.¹⁴
罽宾[罽賓] gäi-bïn or gï-bïn jìbīn the ancient name of Cashmere.⁷
罽帐[罽帳] gäi-jëng
or gï-jëng jìzhàng woolen tent.⁰
罽幕 gäi-mōk
or gï-mōk jìmù woolen tent.⁰
罽鱼[罽魚] gäi-nguĩ
or gï-nguĩ jìyú another name for siniperca chuatsi (鱖鱼[鱖魚] gï-nguĩ guìyú mandarin fish).⁷
<又> gï.
(See 罽 gï.)
gai2 3963
140 7 gäi gài mustard.
芥蓝[芥藍] gäi-lãm gàilán Chinese kale, Brassica alboglabra L. H. Bailey.²³
芥蓝菜[芥藍菜] gäi-lãm-töi
gàiláncài <bot.> cabbage mustard. (See 芥蓝菜[芥藍菜] gäi-lãm-töi jièláncài.)
芥兰[芥蘭] gäi-lãn gàilán or jièlán Chinese broccoli; Chinese kale.³⁶
芥菜 gäi-töi
or 盖菜[蓋菜] gôi-töi gàicài leaf mustard, mustard cabbage, Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. et Coss.²³
<台> 芥辣 gäi-làt mustard (yellow).
(See 芥 [gäi, jiè].)
gai2 3964
140 7 gäi jiè mustard; <wr.> small grass; <wr.> trifle.
不存芥蒂 būt-tũn-gäi-î bùcúnjièdì do not harbor previous grievances (between good friends).
芥子 gäi-dū
jièzǐ mustard seeds; a tiny thing.
芥子气[芥子氣] gäi-dū-hï
jièzǐqì <chem.> mustard gas.
芥子园画谱[芥子園畫譜] Gäi-dū-yõn Và-pū
Jièzǐyuán Huàpǔ Mustard Seed Garden Manual of Painting (1679-1701).
芥蒂 gäi-î
jièdì <wr.> ill feeling; an obstruction; grudge.⁹
芥蓝菜[芥藍菜] gäi-lãm-töi
jièláncài a kind of broccoli. (See 芥蓝菜[芥藍菜] gäi-lãm-töi gàiláncài.)
芥兰[芥蘭] gäi-lãn
jièlán or gàilán Chinese broccoli; Chinese kale.³⁶
芥末 gäi-mòt
jièmo mustard.
芥菜 gäi-töi
or 盖菜[蓋菜] köi-töi gàicài leaf mustard.⁵
拾芥 sìp-gäi
shíjiè to pick up cress; fig. something easy to do; a piece of cake.
草芥 tāo-gäi
cǎojiè trifle; mere nothing.
青芥辣 tëin-gäi-làt
qīngjièlà horseradish; wasabi; green mustard.¹⁰
(See 芥 [gäi, gài].)
gai2 3965
140 15 gäi kǎi <chem.> carane C₁₀H₁₈.¹ An organic compound sharing the same formula with camphene, but different in structure and properties.¹⁰
gai2 3966
140 16 gäi cirsium; thistle; ancient Chinese city state near modern day Beijing; Ji surname.¹⁰
大翅蓟[大翅薊] ài-chï-gäi dàchìjì cotton thistle, Scotch thistle, Scottish thistle (Onopordum acanthium).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
朝鲜蓟[朝鮮薊] Chẽl-xēin-gäi
Cháoxiǎnjì artichoke.¹⁰
蓟罂粟[薊罌粟] gäi-yëin-xūk
jìyīngsù Mexican poppy, Mexican prickly poppy, flowering thistle, cardo or cardosanto (Argemone mexicana).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
小蓟[小薊] xēl-gäi
xiǎojì cat thistle.¹¹
gai2 3967
140 20 gäi (composition: ⿱艹罽; U+862E).
蘮蒘 gäi-nguĩ jìrú a plant mentioned in ancient books; it resembles celery, is edible, and its seeds are as big as grains of wheat, commonly known as 鬼麦[鬼麥] "ghost wheat".⁸
gai2 3968
148 13 gäi jiè send under guard; escort.⁶
递解回籍[遞解回籍] ài-gäi-või-dèik dìjièhuíjí send (a convict) to his native place under escort.⁵
解差 gäi-chäi
jièchāi <trad.> guards escorting prisoners; escort.⁶
解款 gäi-fōn
jièkuǎn transfer funds.⁶
解饷[解餉] gäi-hēng
jièxiǎng to deliver funds.⁷
解粮[解糧] gäi-lẽng
jièliáng to deliver rice.⁷
解元 gäi-ngũn
jièyuán the top candidate of the former civil service examination held on the provincial level.⁷
解送 gäi-xüng
jièsòng to send (a criminal) under guard.⁷
移解 yĩ-gäi
yíjiè transfer a prisoner from one place to another under escort.⁶
<又> gāi, hài.
(See 解 gāi, hài.)
gai2 3969
149 9 gäi to calculate; to compute; to count; to plan; ruse; meter; gauge; Ji surname.
曝光计[曝光計] bào-göng-gäi bàoguāngjì photometer.⁹
步程计[步程計] bù-chẽin-gäi
bùchéngjì pedometer.
不计其数[不計其數] būt-gäi-kĩ-sü
bùjìqíshù lit. their number cannot be counted (idiom); fig. countless; innumerable.
测潮计[測潮計] chāk-chẽl-gäi
cècháojì tide gauge.³⁹
诡计[詭計] gī-gäi
guǐjì trick; ruse; crafty scheme.
计较[計較] gäi-gäo
jìjiào haggle over, fuss about; argue,  dispute; think over, plan.⁵
计划[計劃] gäi-vàk
jìhuà plan, program, scheme, project, design; to plan, map out, scheme, design.⁶
计算[計算] gäi-xön
jìsuàn to count; calculate; compute.¹⁰
统计[統計] hūng-gäi
tǒngjì statistics; add up, count.⁵
时计[時計] sĩ-gäi
shíjì chronometer.
温度计[溫度計] vün-ù-gäi
wēndùjì or 寒暑表 hõn-sī-bēl hánshǔbiǎo thermometer.¹¹
<又> gài.
(See 計 gài.)
gai2 3970
149 14 gäi jiè to warn; to admonish; commandment.
誡命 gäi-mèin jièmìng commandment.³⁶
告诫[告誡] gäo-gäi
gàojiè to give warning; to admonish.
规诫[規誡] kï-gäi
guījiè to admonish.
or 十戒 Sìp-gäi Shíjiè <Christianity> Ten Commandments; <Budd.> the Ten Prohibitions.
gai2 3971
163 8 gäi jiē (composition: ⿰至阝; U+90C5).
郅偈 gäi-gèik jiējié tall like an upright pole.²⁵
<又> jìt.
(See 郅 jìt).
gai2 3972
167 17 gäi kǎi <wr.> iron of fine quality; quality iron.⁶ high quality iron.⁸ a local term for iron; good iron, of fine quality and whitish color; a man's name.²⁵ <lit.> high-quality iron.³⁶
(composition t: ⿰釒皆; U+9347).
s: ⿰钅皆; U+9534).
锴铁[鍇鐵] gäi-hëik
kǎitiě high quality iron.⁵⁴
gai2 3973
170 11 gäi jiē steps; stairs; rank. (variant: 堦 gäi jiē).
初阶[初階] chö-gäi
chūjiē a primer, or the rudimentary knowledge of something.⁷
阶下汉[階下漢] gäi-hà-hön
jiēxiàhàn beginner; apprentice; novice.
阶下囚[階下囚] gäi-hà-tiũ
jiēxiàqiú prisoner; captive.
阶梯[階梯] gäi-häi
jiētī stairs; a flight of steps.¹¹
阶级[階級] gäi-kīp
jiējí <wr.> steps; stairs; <trad.> (official)  rank; social class.⁶
阶段[階段] gäi-òn
jiēduàn stage of development.¹¹
阶乘[階乘] gäi-sẽin
jiēchéng <math.> factorial.
军阶[軍階] gün-gäi
jūnjiē military rank.
台阶[臺階] hõi-gäi
táijiē a flight of steps.
(See 堦 gäi).
gai2 3974
172 18 gäi chicken.⁸ (variant: 鷄 gäi). (See 鷄 gäi).
鸡蛋[雞蛋] gäi-àn/
jīdàn (chicken) egg; hen's egg.¹⁰
鸡蛋花[雞蛋花] gäi-àn-fä
jīdànhuā frangipani; plumeria.¹⁵ Plumeria rubra L. cv. Acutifolia.²³
鸡飞蛋打[雞飛蛋打] gäi-fï-àn-ā
jīfēidàndǎ  the chicken has flown the coop and the eggs are broken.¹⁰ all is lost.¹⁹
鸡奸[雞姦] gäi-gän
zǐjiān sodomy.¹⁴
鸡冠[雞冠] gäi-gön
jīguān cock's comb.¹¹
鸡啼[雞啼] gäi-hãi
jītí cocks crow.¹¹
鸡汤[雞湯] gäi-höng
jītāng chicken soup.¹¹
鸡爪[雞爪] gäi-jāo
jīzhuǎ chicken feet.⁹
鸡爪槭[雞爪槭] gäi-jāo-tēik
jīzhǎoqī or 鸡爪枫[雞爪楓] gäi-jāo-füng jīzhǎofēng <bot.> Acer palmatum Thunb.²³
鸡毛蒜皮[雞毛蒜皮] gäi-mão-xôn-pĩ
jīmáosuànpí a trivial matter.²³
鸡鸣犬吠[雞鳴犬吠] gäi-mẽin-hūn-fèi
jīmíngquǎnfèi crowing of cocks and the barking of dogs – country sounds.⁵
鸡屎藤[雞屎藤] gäi-sī-hãng
jīshǐténg skunkvine, Chinese fever vine (Paederia foetida). (See 雞矢藤 gäi-sī-hãng).
鸡嗉子[雞嗉子] gäi-xü-dū
jīsùzi chicken crop.²²
<台> 鸡谷袋[雞穀袋] gäi-gūk-òi chicken gizzard.
<台> 鸡焗饭[雞焗飯] gäi-gùk-fàn steamed rice with chicken.
<台> 各各鸡啼朵[各各雞啼朵] gõk-gōk-gäi-hãi-ū cock-a-doodle-doo.

<台> 起鸡皮米[起雞皮米] hī-gäi-pĩ-māi have goose bumps.
gai2 3975
187 20 gäi (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciations of 騱 hãi with the same meaning: <lit.> a kind of horse whose front hooves are white.³⁶)
(composition: ⿰馬奚; U+9A31).
<又> hãi.
(See 騱 hãi).
gai2 3976
188 13 gäi jiè <topo.> joint (of bones).⁶
脱骱[脫骱] höt-gäi tuōjiè (=脱臼[脫臼] höt-giü tuōjiù) dislocate (of joints).⁴ get/be out of joint; dislocation.⁶
䯦骱 mòt-gäi
màjiè a tiny bone; some say: hard, firm.²⁵
gai2 3977
190 14 gäi jiè use a hairpin to set and dress the hair.⁸ the knot into which the hair is tied; some say, the little cap that covers it, or a false hair knot.²⁵
(composition: ⿱髟介; U+4BF0).
gai2 3978
194 13 gäi (archaic =尬 gäi )⁴³  limp, staggering gait; embarrass.⁸ in an embarrassing situation.¹⁰
(See 尬 gäi.)
gai2 3979
195 15 gäi jiè flatfish; flounder.⁸ a  sole.²⁵
(composition: ⿰魚介; U+9B6A).
左右魪 dū-yiù-gäi zuǒyòujiè left and right flounders.²⁵
两魪[兩魪] lēng-gäi
liǎngjiè flatfish; flounder.
gai2 3980
196 21 gäi (=鸡[雞] gäi ) chicken.⁸
(composition: ⿰奚鳥; U+9DC4).
(See 雞 gäi).
gai2 3981
9 11 gài <台> 车衣偈[車衣偈] chëh-yï-gài/ sewing machine.
<台> 倾偈[傾偈] këin-gài/ to chat.
<台> 倾偈房[傾偈房] këin-gài-fông/ chat room.
<台> 给衣偈[給衣偈] kēip-yï-gài/ press shirt machine.
<又> gäi, gèik. (See 偈 gäi, gèik.)
gai4 3982
149 9 gài plan.
计谋[計謀] gäi-mẽo  jìmóu scheme; stratagem.⁵
无计可施[無計可施] mũ-gài-hō-sï
wújìkěshī no strategy left to try (idiom); at one's wit's end; at the end of one's tether; powerless; at a loss as to what to do.
<台> 谂计[諗計] nām-gài/ to think of or devise ways of doing something.
<台> 扭计[扭計] niū-gài/ (children) being cranky; making a fuss.
<又> gäi.
(See 計 gäi.)
gai4 3983
118 10 gâi <old> hairpin, hairgrip, hairclasp; (of a girl) tie one's hair in a bun with a hair clasp (at the age of 15 to show that she has come of age).⁶ (variant: 筓 gâi).
笄龀[笄齔] gâi-chïn
jīchèn a young girl.¹⁴
笄丱 gâi-gän
jīguàn marriage age.¹⁴
笄冠 gâi-gön
jīguān <trad.> to have just attained maturity.¹⁰ <wr.> a woman's coming of age at fifteen.¹¹
笄礼[笄禮] gâi-lâi
jīlǐ the ceremony of binding up the hair of a girl at fifteen.¹⁴
笄年 gâi-nẽin
jīnián <wr.> the year in which a woman came of age.¹¹ marriage age.¹⁴
及笄 gèp-gâi
jíjī <wr.> (of a girl) come of age (at 15).⁶ (of women) formerly, come of age, usually at 15.¹¹
弱笄 ngèk-gâi
ruòjī (of a girl) tie one's hair in a bun with a hair clasp (at the age of 15 to show that she has come of age).⁰ʼ⁵⁴
驴生笄角[驢生笄角] luĩ-säng-gâi-gök
lǘshēngjǐjiǎo lit. a donkey growing horns – an impossibility.⁰
(See 筓 gâi).
gai5 3984
118 12 gâi (=笄 gâi) <old> hairpin, hairgrip, hairclasp; (of a girl) tie one's hair in a bun with a hair clasp (at the age of 15 to show that she has come of age).⁶
(See 笄 gâi).
gai5 3985
144 12 gâi jiē street; <topo.> country fair, market.⁵
(composition: ⿲彳圭亍; U+8857).
大街 ài-gâi dàjiē major/high street; avenue.⁶
街道 gâi-ào
jiēdào subdistrict; residential district; street; neighborhood.⁵ʼ⁰
街坊 gâi-fōng
jiēfang neighbors; the neighborhood.⁷
街坊邻里[街坊鄰里] gâi-fōng-lĩn-lî
jiēfanglínlǐ neighbors; neighborhood.⁶
街谈巷议[街談巷議] gâi-hãm-hòng-ngì
jiētánxiàngyì street gossip.⁵
街头[街頭] gâi-hẽo
jiētóu street corner; street.⁵
街头巷尾[街頭巷尾] gâi-hẽo-hòng-mī
jiētóuxiàngwěi streets and lanes.⁵
街衢 gâi-kuĩ
jiēqú streets, roads or lanes in a city or town.⁷
街市 gâi-sî
jiēshì shopping streets; the downtown area.⁷
过街[過街] gö-gâi
guòjiē to cross the street.⁷
过街老鼠[過街老鼠] gö-gâi-lāo-sī
guòjiēlǎoshǔ rat passing along a street – person hated by everyone.⁶
过街老鼠人人喊打[過街老鼠人人喊打] gö-gâi-lāo-sī-ngĩn-ngĩn-häm-ā
guòjiēlǎoshǔ rénrén hǎndǎ be the object of universal condemnation.⁵⁴
gai5 3986
190 16 gâi hair worn in a bun/coil.⁶ a coiffure with a topknot.⁷ (variant: 䯻 gâi ).
丫角髻 ä-gök-gâi
yājiǎojì the two tufts on the head of a young child, like two little horns.¹⁴
粑粑髻 bä-bä-gâi
bābājì or 粑粑头[粑粑頭] bä-bä-hẽo bābātóu bun.⁸
发髻[髮髻] fāt-gâi fàjì hair worn in a bun or coil.⁶
髻子 gâi-dū
jìzi a wispy bun.⁹
髻鸠[髻鳩] gâi-gëo
jìjiū topknot pigeon (Lopholaimus antarcticus).⁹
髻鬟 gâi-vãn
jìhuán coiled bun.⁸
髻云[髻雲] gâi-vũn
jìyún curls of hair bound round.⁸
留发髻[留髮髻] liũ-fāt-gâi
liúfàjì wear one's hair in a bun.⁶
螺髻 lũ-gâi
luójì a spiral headdress.⁷
肉髻 ngùk-gâi
ròujì wen on the head of a Buddha.¹⁴
梳髻 sü-gâi
shūjì to comb and dress the hair.¹⁴
梳个发髻[梳個髮髻] sü-göi-fāt-gâi
shūgèfàjì comb a knot out of one's hair.⁶
秃髻[禿髻] tūk-gâi
tūjì hair dressed without ornament.¹⁴
蝴蝶髻 vũ-èp-gâi
húdiéjì butterfly-shaped hair bun.⁶
<台> 髻钠[髻鈉] gâi-nâp or gâi-nâp/ hairpin.
(See 䯻 gâi).
gai5 3987
190 17 gâi (=髻 gâi ) hair worn in a bun/coil.⁶ a coiffure with a topknot.⁷
(See 髻 gâi).
gai5 3988
30 7 gāk rich.² man/person of wealth, man of means; wealthy.⁸  rich, affluent.²⁴
(composition: ⿱乃古; U+5444).
gak1 3989
32 13 gāk A sandy place (usually used in geographic names).⁹
青草塥 Tëin-tāo-gāk Qīngcǎogé Qingcaoge in 安徽 Ön-fï Ānhuī Anhui Province.⁸
gak1 3990
75 10 gāk standard; pattern; style.⁶
不拘一格 būt-guï-yīt-gāk or būt-kuï-yīt-gāk bùjūyīgé not stick to one pattern; not limited to one type.⁶
格斗[格鬥] gāk-ëo
gédòu grapple; fight; wrestle; combat.⁶
格格 gāk-gāk
gége a princess in the Qing Dynasty.⁷
格格不入 gāk-gāk-būt-yìp
gégébùrù incompatible with.⁵
格外 gāk-ngòi
géwài especially; all the more.⁵
格言 gāk-ngũn
géyán maxim; motto; aphorism.⁵
格杀勿论[格殺勿論] gāk-sät-mòt-lùn
géshāwùlùn kill on the spot with the authority of the law.⁵
格于成例[格於成例] gāk-yï-sẽin-lài
géyúchénglì be limited to existing precedents; governed by past decisions.⁵⁴
及格 gèp-gāk
jígé pass a test or examination; pass.⁵
合格 hàp-gāk
hégé qualified; up to standard.⁵
规格[規格] kï-gāk
or kï-gâk guīgé specifications; standards; norms.⁵
人格 ngĩn-gāk
réngé personality; character; moral integrity.⁵
炮格 pão-gāk
páogé or 炮烙 pão-lōk páoluò hot bronze pillar torture (a form of cruel punishment in anient China).⁶
性格 xëin-gāk
xìnggé nature; disposition; character; temperament.⁶
<又>  gâk.
(See 格 gâk, [gāk, ].)
gak1 3991
75 10 gāk 格格 gāk-gāk or 咯咯 gōk-gōk gēgē a low, guttural sound made by a hen when brooding or calling her chicks; (laughter) a chuckle; a titter.⁷
格格大笑 gāk-gāk-ài-xël
gēgēdàxiào scream with laughter.⁵⁴
<又> gâk.
(See 格 gâk, [gāk, ].)
gak1 3992
75 14 gāk the yoke of a large carriage.²ʼ²⁴ large yoke (clamp); lattice window (on the door or interior partition); dish (dish with partitions).⁵⁴ (Note: Distinguish 隔 gäk ).
(composition: ⿰木鬲; U+69C5).
槅子 gāk-dū
gézǐ shelves; doors or windows with grids.¹⁹
槅门[槅門] gāk-mõn
gémén a kind of exquisite door in old style buildings containing two panels of which the upper part has window lattices covered with paper or glass.¹⁹
軥槅 këo-gāk
gòugé to pull a carriage.²⁵
<又> hàt.
(See 槅 hàt).
gak1 3993
120 15 gāk the woof of a woven item.⁷
缂绣[緙繡] gāk-xiü or hāk-xiü kèxiù cut embroidery.⁷
缂丝[緙絲] gāk-xü
or hāk-xü or 刻丝[刻絲] hāk-xü kèsī a type of weaving done by the tapestry method in fine silks and gold thread.⁵
<又> hāk. (See 緙 hāk.)
gak1 3994
130 10 gāk
胳肢窝[胳肢窩] gāk-jï-vö or 夹肢窝[夾肢窩] gäp-jï-vö gāzhiwō armpit⁵
(See 胳[gāk, ]; 胳[gāk, ].)
gak1 3995
130 10 gāk
胳肢 gāk-jï gézhi tickle; tickle somebody under the arm.⁶
(See 胳[gāk, ]; 胳[gāk, ].)
gak1 3996
130 10 gāk
the arms; the armpits.⁷
胳臂 gāk-bî gēbei (=胳膊 gāk-bōk gēbo) arm (of a person).⁶
胳膊 gāk-bōk
gēbo arm (of a person).⁶
胳膊肘 gāk-bök-jāo
gēbozhǒu elbow (of a person).⁶
胳膊肘儿[胳膊肘兒] gāk-bök-jāo-ngĩ
gēbozhǒur elbow.⁵
胳膊腕子 gāk-bök-vōn-dū
gēbo wànzi wrist (of a person).⁶
胳膀子 gāk-bōng-dū
gēbǎngzi the upper arm; the arm.⁷
(See 胳[gāk, ]; 胳[gāk, ].)
gak1 3997
177 9 gāk Kangxi radical 177; leather, animal hides.⁸ leather; change; expel; Ge surname.⁵ (variant: 韚 gāk gé.)
革除 gāk-chuĩ
géchú abolish; expel, remove from office.⁵
革故鼎新 gāk-gü-ēin-xïn
gégùdǐngxīn discard the old and introduce the new; discard the old and set up the new.⁶
革职[革職] gāk-jēik
gézhí remove from office; cashier.⁵
革履[革履] gāk-lî
gélǚ leather shoes.⁵
革命 gāk-mèin
gémìng revolution.⁵
革命化 gāk-mèin-fä
gémìnghuà revolutionize; do things in a revolutionary way.⁵
革命发展阶段论[革命發展階段論] gāk-mèin-fāt-jīn-gäi-òn-lùn
gémìng fāzhǎn jiēduànlùn the theory of the development of revolution by stages.⁵
革命性 gāk-mèin-xëin
gémìngxìng revolutionary character  (or quality, spirit).⁵
革委会[革委會] gāk-vī-vòi
géwěihuì (short for 革命委员会 [革命委員會] revolutionary committee.⁵
革新 gāk-xïn
géxīn innovation.⁵
文化大革命 Mũn-fä Ài-gāk-mèin
Wénhuà Dàgémìng the Great Cultural Revolution.⁷
皮革 pĩ-gāk
pígé leather.⁷
<又> gēik.
(See 革 gēik; 韚 gāk.)
gak1 3998
178 18 gāk (<old>=革 gāk ) leather; change; expel.⁵
(See 革 gāk.)
gak1 3999
188 15 gāk skeleton; ossature.⁶ a bone; a skeleton.⁷
共骨骼 gùng-gūt-gāk or gùng-gūt-lōk gònggǔ gé coenenchyme.¹⁰
骨骼 gūt-gāk
or gūt-lōk gǔgé skeleton.⁵ skeleton; frame; bones.⁶
骨骼肌 gūt-gāk-gï
or gūt-lōk-gï  gǔgéjī skeletal muscle.⁵
骨骼学[骨骼學] gūt-gāk-hòk
or gūt-lōk-hòk gǔgéxué skeletology; osteology.⁶
骸骼 hãi-gāk
or hãi-lōk háigé dry bones.⁷
外骨骼 ngòi-gūt-gāk
or ngòi-gūt-lōk wài gǔgé exoskeleton.¹⁰
内骨骼[內骨骼] nuì-gūt-gāk 
or nuì-gūt-lōk nèi gǔgé endoskeleton.¹⁰
水骨骼 suī-gūt-gāk
or suī-gūt-lōk shuí gǔgé hydroskeleton.¹⁰
刺骼 xü-gāk
or xü-lōk cìgé phlebotomy.¹⁰
<又> lōk.
(See 骼 lōk.)
gak1 4000
30 13 gäk to hiccup; to belch.²²
打嗝 ā-gäk dǎgé to hiccup; to belch.²²
饱嗝[飽嗝] bāo-gäk
bǎogé to burp.⁹
<又> ûk.
(See 嗝 ûk.)
gak2 4001
64 12 𢯹
gäk to change; to transform; to improve;
(composition: ⿰扌革; U+22BF9).
𢯹❄{⿰扌革}系[𢯹❄{⿰扌革}繫] gäk-hài géxì or 掸系[撣繫] häm-hài tànxì to be related to (something), to touch.⁵⁴
gak2 4002
64 14 gäk guāi to slap or to smack (somebody's face).
掴按摩法[摑按摩法] gäk-ön-mö-fāt guāi'ànmófǎ <sport> slapping.⁹
掴式投球[摑式投球] gäk-sēik-hẽo-kiũ
guāishì'tóuqiú getting around.⁹
<台> 掴一巴掌[摑一巴掌] gäk-yīt-bä-jēng to slap somebody's face with the palm of the hand.
<又> gōk.
(See 摑 gōk.)
gak2 4003
85 13 gäk name of a lake in 江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū Jiangsu Province.
滆湖 Gäk-vũ
Géhú (also known as 西滆湖 Xäi-gäk-vũ Xīgéhú and 沙子湖 Sâ-dū-vũ Shāzihú); Gehu Lake is in Jiangsu (江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū) Province.⁸
gak2 4004
130 13 gäk (same as 膈 gäk ) the diaphragm.⁸
composition: ⿰⺼革; U+4419).
(See 膈 gäk).
gak2 4005
130 14 gäk midriff; diaphragm.⁶
隔膜 gäk-mōk gémó diaphragm (anatomy); distant (socially aloof); divided by lack of mutual comprehension; nonexpert.¹⁰
胸膈 hüng-gäk
xiōnggé diaphragm; feelings.⁵⁴
饿膈[餓膈] ngù-gäk
ègé greedy; avaricious.¹¹
横膈膜[橫膈膜] vãng-gäk-môk
hénggémó diaphragm.⁶
gak2 4006
149 17 gäk cunning, craft, sly, wily, artful; bright, wise.⁸ intelligent; also to refuse advice; a man's name.²⁵
(composition: ⿰訁鬲; U+46FF).
gak2 4007
167 18 gäk cadmium (Cd).⁶
镉灯[鎘燈] gäk-äng gédēng cadmium lamp.⁶
镉尘肺[鎘塵肺] gäk-chĩn-fï
géchénfèi cadmiosis.⁹
镉电池[鎘電池] gäk-èin-chĩ
gédiànchí cadmium battery.⁶
镉镍电池[鎘鎳電池] gäk-nēik-èin-chĩ
génièdiànchí nickel-cadmium battery.¹⁰
镉试剂[鎘試劑] gäk-sï-jäi
géshìjì cadion.⁹
镉黄[鎘黃] gäk-võng
géhuáng cadmopone.⁹
gak2 4008
170 12 gäk to partition; to separate; after an interval of; at a distance from..⁸
分隔 fün-gäk fēngé to separate; to divide.⁸
隔壁 gäk-bēik
gébì bulkhead; the next door.⁸
隔褙 gäk-böi
gébei pieces of cloth pasted together into a kind of pasteboard, used to form the base of shoe soles.¹⁴
隔绝[隔絕] gäk-dùt
géjué to completely cut off; to isolate.
隔阂[隔閡] gäk-hàt
géhé estrangement; alienation.⁸
隔靴搔痒[隔靴搔癢] gäk-hẽh-xäo-yêng
géxuēsāoyǎng  scratch at an itch from outside the boot –  (of words or writing) fail to get to the root of a matter; fail to strike home; take superficial measures.⁶
隔开[隔開] gäk-höi
gékāi to separate; to leave a distance.⁸
隔离[隔離] gäk-lĩ
gélí keep apart; separate from; isolate.⁸
隔膜 gäk-mōk
gémó diaphragm (anatomy); distant (socially aloof); divided by lack of mutual comprehension; nonexpert.¹⁰
隔墙有耳[隔牆有耳] gäk-tẽng-yiû-ngī
géqiángyǒu'ěr walls/pitchers have ears; beware of eavesdroppers.⁶
<台> 隔篱 gäk-lî neighbor.
<台> 隔篱膏渣香 gäk-lî-gäo-jâ-hëng lit. Neighber's cracklings are more delicious – The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
gak2 4009
193 10 gäk KangXi radical 193.⁸ name of an ancient state; name of an ancient sage (=隔 gäk ) to separate, to partition.⁷ Ge surname.¹⁰
鬲津 Gäk Jün
Géjīn Gejin, name of a river originating in 河北 Hõ-bāk Héběi Hebei Province  and flowing into 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province.
肝鬲 gön-gäk
gāngé intimate; sincere.⁵⁴
<又> lèik.
(See 鬲 lèik.)
gak2 4010
75 10 gâk check, cross-hatch, form, table, blank, space.
表格 bēl-gâk biǎogé form; list; table.⁶
方格 föng-gâk
fānggé checked pattern; square box
character (in Chinese text) indicating illegible character.¹⁰
格子 gâk-dū
gézi square frame or blank; trellis; lattice.⁷
格子饼[格子餅] gâk-dū-bēng
gézibǐng waffle.¹⁹
格局 gâk-gùk
géjú structure; pattern; layout.¹⁰
格式 gâk-sēik
géshi form; specification; format.¹⁰
空格 hüng-gâk
kònggé the blank in a form (for filling).⁷
空一格 hüng-yīt-gâk
kòngyīgé leave a blank space.¹¹
规格[規格] kï-gâk
or kï-gāk guīgé specifications; standards; norms.⁵
<又> gāk.
(See 格 [gāk, ], [gāk, ].)
gak5 4011
61 13 gām gǎn feel, perceive, emotion.⁸
感谢[感謝] gām-dèh gǎnxiè thank; be grateful.⁵
感激 gām-gēik
gǎnjī be grateful; appreciate; thankful.¹⁰
感激涕零 gām-gēik-häi-lẽng
gǎnjītìlíng shed grateful tears; be moved/affected to tears of gratitude.⁶
感觉[感覺] gām-gōk
gǎnjué sense, feeling, sensation; feel, become aware of, perceive; be afraid (that), think, guess.⁶
感觉阈限[感覺閾限] gām-gōk-vèik-hàn
gǎnjué yùxiàn <psy.> sensory limen; sensory threshold.⁶
感官 gām-gön
gǎnguān sense; sense organ.¹⁰
感荷 gām-hò
gǎnhè be sincerely grateful; be thankful.⁹
感召 gām-jël
gǎnzhào move and inspire; impel.⁵
感冒 gām-mào
gǎnmào common cold.⁵
感生嬗变[感生嬗變] gām-säng-sèn-bëin
gǎnshēng shànbiàn induced transmutation.⁵
感受 gām-siù
gǎnshòu be affected by; experience, feel.⁵
感情 gām-tẽin
gǎnqíng emotion, feeling, sentiment; affection, attachment, love.⁵
感动[感動] gām-ùng
gǎndòng to move; to touch emotionally; to impress.⁸
感喟 gām-vī
gǎnkuì sighing with emotion.¹⁰
感想 gām-xēng
gǎnxiǎng impression; reflections; thoughts.⁵
gam1 4012
66 10 𪠬
gām gǎn (<old>=敢 gām gǎn bold, courageous, daring; dare; be certain; venture.⁵).²
(composition: ⿰⿱彐古又; U+2A82C).
(See 敢 gām).
gam1 4013
66 11 gām gǎn bold, courageous, daring; dare; be certain; venture.⁵ (old variants: 𪠬❄{⿰⿱彐古又}, 𢽤❄{⿰⿱彐古攵}, 𣪏❄{⿰⿱彐月殳} gām, q.v. ).
不敢 būt-gām bùgǎn not dare to.¹⁰
敢作敢當 gām-dōk-gām-öng
gǎnzuògǎndāng be bold enough to do something and accept responsibility for it.¹¹
敢作敢为[敢作敢為] gām-dōk-gām-vĩ
gǎnzuògǎnwéi act with courage and determination.¹¹
敢自 gām-dù
gǎnzi perhaps indeed; naturally, of course.¹¹
敢问[敢問] gām-mùn
gǎnwèn <humb.> I venture to ask; may I ask?⁵
敢言 gām-ngũn
gǎnyán to speak one's mind.¹⁰
敢当[敢當] gām-öng
gǎndāng to dare to bear or undertake.⁹
敢怕 gām-pä
gǎnpà perhaps, probably.¹¹
敢是 gām-sì
gǎnshì maybe, possibly.¹¹
敢情 gām-tẽin
gǎnqing I say, oh, why (used when there is a surprising finding); of course, naturally, obviously.⁶
敢为[敢為] gām-vĩ
gǎnwéi to dare to do.¹⁰
敢死 gām-xī
gǎnsǐ dare to die.¹¹
敢死队[敢死隊] gām-xī-duì
gǎnsǐduì <mil.> suicide squad.¹¹
敢于[敢於] gām-yï
gǎnyú to have the courage to do something; to dare to; bold in.¹⁰
gam1 4014
66 12 𢽤
gām gǎn (<old>=敢 gām gǎn bold, courageous, daring; dare; be certain; venture.⁵).²
(composition: ⿰⿱彐古攵; U+22F64).
(See 敢 gām).
gam1 4015
79 11 𣪏
gām gǎn (<old>=敢 gām gǎn bold, courageous, daring; dare; be certain; venture.⁵).²
(composition: ⿰⿱彐月殳; U+23A8F).
(See 敢 gām).
gam1 4016
85 12 gām jiǎn to subtract; to reduce; to decrease; to cut.
加减乘除[加減乘除] gä-gām-sẽin-chuĩ jiā-jiǎn-chéng-chú addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
减低[減低] gām-äi
jiǎndī to reduce; lower; cut.
减法[減法] gām-fāt
jiǎnfǎ subtraction.
减肥[減肥] gām-fĩ
jiǎnféi to lose weight.
减价[減價] gām-gä
jiǎnjià reduce the price.⁵
减轻[減輕] gām-hëng
jiǎnqīng to lighten; to mitigate.
减弱[減弱] gām-ngèk
jiǎnruò to weaken; to abate.
减少[減少] gām-sēl
jiǎnshǎo to lessen; to decrease; to reduce; to lower.¹⁰
减小[減小] gām-xēl
jiǎnxiǎo to reduce in size.
有增无减[有增無減] yiû-däng-mũ-gām
yǒuzēngwújiǎn to increase steadily; to get steadily worse or serious.
<台> 减笔字[減筆字] gām-bīt-dù simplified character.
gam1 4017
85 14 gām gǎn to wash.⁷
澉浦 Gām-pū Gǎnpǔ Ganpu, name of a town in 浙江 Jēt-göng Zhèjiāng Zhejiang Province.⁷
澹澉 àm-gām
dàngǎn to wash.⁷
gam1 4018
118 18 𥳒
gām jiǎn a species of bamboo.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗減; U+25CD2).
gam1 4019
195 20 gām gǎn (=鳡[鱤] gām gǎn, q.v. and 魠 (in meaning, not in reading) hōk tuō, q.v.).²
a fish found in ancient books whose body shape is similar to a silver fish and its mouth is like a needle.⁸
saury fish.¹⁹
a kind of mud fish.¹⁰²
(Note: In Mandarin, 鰔 gām
gǎn may also be read as jiǎn).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰魚咸; U+9C14).
鳡鱼[鱤魚] gām-nguĩ/
gǎnyú a dusky green silure, spotted black, with four chirri, and jagged spines.²⁵
花鳡[花鱤] fä-gām
huāgǎn a purplish silure, spotted black.²⁵
鳡鱼[鱤魚] gām-nguĩ/
gǎnyú or 花鳡[花鱤] fä-gām huāgǎn a silure of a dusky green color, with serrated spines, the Pimelodus guttatus, common in Guangzhou in the spring months.¹⁰²
(See 鱤] gām; 魠 hōk).
gam1 4020
195 24 gām gǎn (=魠 (in meaning, not in reading) hōk tuō, q.v.).² yellowcheek (Elopichthys bambusa).¹⁰ʼ⁵⁴  a kind of sea blubber; others say, that it is a fish with yellow gills; others, a fish like a perch, but poisonous; still others, a very large fish, or silure, that is fond of solitude, hence it is also called 鳏[鰥] gän guān, the bachelor.²⁵ yellow croacker.¹⁰¹ a fish three feet long found in the Yangtze River, having a large mouth and yellowish gills, greenish on the back; no other fish can live peaceably in the same stream with it, whence it is called 鳏鱼[鰥魚] gän-nguĩ/ guānyú or bachelor fish; it seems to be a sort of pike or pickerel.¹⁰² (variant: 鰔 gām gǎn).
t: ⿰魚感; U+9C64). (comp. s: ⿰鱼感; U+9CE1).
鳡脂鲤[鱤脂鯉] gām-jï-lî/
gǎnzhīlǐ African pike characin (Hepsetus odoe).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鳡鱼[鱤魚] gām-nguĩ/
gǎnyú yellowcheek or kanyu (Elopichthys bambusa), a large cyprinid fish that is found in freshwater habitats in eastern Asia; aka 黄钻, 鳏鱼, 鲩鲲, 竿鱼, 水老虎.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(See 鰔 gām; 魠 hōk).
gam1 4021
9 7 gäm gān (composition: ⿰亻甘; U+4F44).
僋佄 hān-gäm tǎngān (his) appearance is neither neat nor clean.⁸
<又> hām; hõn.
(See 佄 hām; 佄 hõn).
gam2 4022
32 8 gäm gān (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 坩 häm gān with same meaning.)
<又> häm.
(See 坩 häm.)
gam2 4023
43 13 gäm gān (=尴[尷] gäm gān) embarrassed; ill at ease.⁴³
(See 尷 gäm.)
gam2 4024
43 17 gäm gān (<old> =尴[尷] gäm gān) embarrassed; ill at ease.⁴³
(See 尷 gäm.)
gam2 4025
43 17 gäm gān embarrassed; ill at ease.¹⁰ (variant: 尶 gäm gān).
不尴不尬[不尷不尬] būt-gäm-būt-gäi
bùgānbùgà to be difficult to cope with; to be very embarrassing.⁸
尴尬[尷尬] gäm-gäi
gān'gà awkward, embarrassed.¹⁰  difficult to cope with; embarrassing, embarrassed.¹¹
(See 尶 gäm).
gam2 4026
61 8 gäm gān be genuinely convinced; (=甘 gäm gān sweetness; sweet, tasty).²
(same as 甘 gäm
gān sweetness; sweet, tasty) to have one's own heart; to submit, admire, etc. sincerely and willingly.⁸
the mind subdued; acquiescence.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄甘; U+390C).
gam2 4027
75 13 gäm jiān a small suitcase; a trunk; a portfolio; a box; associated with 函 hãm hán a letter, correspondence.² a casket; a box; a bowl; an envelope.¹⁴ a casket; a cup; a bowl.²⁴ wooden crates and boxes; cups; name of a tree; letters.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰木咸; U+6937).
椷粧 gäm-jöng
jiānzhuāng a dressing case.¹⁴
<又> hãm.
(See 椷 [hãm, xián]; 椷[ hãm, hán]; 㮭 [gäm, jiān])
gam2 4028
75 15 gäm gǎn olive.⁸
橄榄[橄欖] gäm-lām gǎnlǎn Chinese olive (Canarium album), the fruit of the canary tree; olive.⁵ (Aliases: 白榄[白欖] bàk-lām báilǎn; 山榄[山欖] sän-lām shānlǎn).²⁰
化核榄榄[化核橄榄] fä-vût-gäm-lām
huàhúgǎnlǎn  or 去核榄榄[去核橄榄] huï-vût-gäm-lām qùhúgǎnlǎn pitted olive.
橄榄枝[橄欖枝] gäm-lām-jï
gǎnlǎnzhī olive branch; symbol of peace.¹⁰
橄榄绿[橄欖綠] gäm-lām-lùk
gǎnlǎnlǜ olive green.⁵
橄榄树[橄欖樹] gäm-lām-sì
gǎnlǎnshù the olive tree.¹¹
橄榄油[橄欖油] gäm-lām-yiũ
gǎnlǎnyóu olive oil.¹¹
橄榄球[橄欖球] gäm-lām-kiũ
gǎnlǎnqiú ball used in rugby.¹¹
橄榄石[橄欖石] gäm-lām-sêk
gǎnlǎnshí <min.> olivine.⁵
乌橄榄[烏橄欖] vü-gäm-lām
wūgǎnlǎn black olives.¹¹
gam2 4029
85 8 gäm gān (pig) swill; slop; hogwash; pigwash.⁶ the water from washing rice; a way of cooking; (said of food) stale.⁷
泔脚[泔腳] gäm-gëk gānjiǎo <topo.> (pig) swill; slop; hogwash; pigwash.⁶
泔水 gäm-suī
gānshuǐ the water from washing rice; hogwash.⁷
泔水桶 gäm-suī-hūng
gānshuǐtǒng slop pail.¹¹
米泔水 māi-gäm-suī
mǐgānshuǐ water from washing rice.¹⁴
gam2 4030
85 11 gäm gàn torrent; Gan River; water leak into ship; water in ship's hold; Gan surname.⁸
淦水 Gäm-suī Gànshuǐ  (name of a river in 江西 Göng-xäi Jiāngxī Jiangxi Province.).⁴
gam2 4031
85 27 gäm gàn (=贛 gäm gàn) a river in Jiangxi Province.⁷
or 赣江[贛江] Gäm-göng Gàn Jiāng Gan River (in Jiangxi).⁷
(See 贛 gäm).
gam2 4032
96 8 gäm jiān (=瑊 gäm jiān jewel-like stone.⁸).²
(composition: ⿰𤣩今; U+73AA).
❄{⿱勒玉} gäm-làk jiānlè =(瑊玏 gäm-làk jiānlè <wr.> a beautiful stone like jade.⁵⁴ (cf 瑊玏 jïm-làk).).⁸
<又> kẽm; ngĩm; lĩm.
(See 玪 kẽm; 玪 ngĩm; 玪 lĩm; 瑊 gäm).
gam2 4033
96 13 gäm jiān jewel-like stone.⁸
(composition: ⿰𤣩咸; U+744A).
瑊玏 gäm-làk jiānlè <wr.> a beautiful stone like jade.⁵⁴ (cf 瑊玏 jïm-làk).
瑊石 gäm-sêk
jiānshí similar to a hard stone like jade.¹⁹
<又> jïm, hãm.
(See 瑊 jïm; 瑊 hãm).
gam2 4034
99 5 gäm gān Kangxi radical 99; sweetness; sweet, tasty; Gan surname.⁸
甘蕉 gäm-dêl gānjiāo <bot.> the banana, Sapientum.¹¹
甘瓜苦蒂 gäm-gä-fū-î
gānguākǔdì lit. The melon is sweet but the stalk is bitter.¹⁶ fig. Nothing is 100% perfect.⁸
甘菊 gäm-gūk
gānjú <bot.> camomile.¹⁰ Dendranthema lavandulifolium (Fisch. ex Trautv.) Ling & Shih.²³
甘棠 gäm-hõng
gāntáng a wild, small pear.¹¹ a sweet pear.²⁴
甘棠遗爱[甘棠遺愛] gäm-hõng-vĩ-öi
gāntángyí'ài (allusion) sweet memories left behind by a popular official after his retirement.¹¹
甘蔗 gäm-jêh
gānzhe sugarcane.⁶
甘蔗没有两头甜[甘蔗沒有兩頭甜] gäm-jêh mòt-yiû lēnghẽo hẽm
gānzhe méiyǒu liǎngtóu tián A sugarcane is never sweet at both ends – You can't have your cake and eat it (too).⁶
甘之如饴[甘之如飴] gäm-jï-nguĩ-yĩ
gānzhīrúyí enjoy something bitter as if it were sweet as malt sugar – gladly endure hardships.⁵
甘薯 gäm-sĩ
gānshǔ sweet potato.⁸
甘草 gäm-tāo
gāncǎo licorice; <TCM> (root of) licorice.⁶
甘心 gäm-xïm
gānxīn be willing/ready; be content with.⁶
甘心情愿[甘心情願] gäm-xïm-tẽin-ngùn
gānxīnqíngyuàn willingly and gladly.⁶
甘肃[甘肅] Gäm-xūk
Gānsù Gansu Province.
甘雨 gäm-yî
gānyǔ timely rainfall; seasonal rain.⁶

gam2 4035
99 8 gäm dài (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 甙 òi dài with same meaning.)
<又> òi.
(See 甙 òi.)
gam2 4036
104 10 gäm gān a kind of childhood disease caused by digestive trouble or malnutrition; a kind of infectious venereal disease.⁷
疳疮[疳瘡] gäm-chông gānchuāng chancre.⁷
疳积[疳積] gäm-dēik
gānjī an infantile disease caused by digestive trouble or malnutrition.⁷
疳黄[疳黃] gäm-võng
gānhuáng a form of anemia.¹¹
下疳 hà-gäm
xiàgān chancre.¹⁰
牙疳 ngã-gäm
yágān cancrum oris.⁶ pyorrhea, alveolus.¹¹
gam2 4037
108 14 gäm jiàn an imperial office.⁵ Jian surname.⁸
(comp. t: ⿱⿰臣⿱𠂉丶皿 or ⿱⿰臣⿱𠂉一皿; U+76E3).
s: ⿱⿰〢⿱𠂉丶皿; U+76D1).
监本[監本] gäm-bōn
jiànběn books of the Imperial College.⁸
监生[監生] gäm-säng
jiànshēng student of the Imperial College.⁸
国子监[國子監] Gōk-dū-gäm
Guózǐjiàn the Imperial College, the highest educational administration in feudal China.⁵
太监[太監] häi-gäm
tàijiàn court eunuch.⁸
钦天监[欽天監] Hïm-hëin-gäm
Qīntiānjiàn the Imperial Observatory.¹¹
麹监[麴監] kūk-gäm
qūjiàn an official in charge of wines and liquors.⁷
内监[內監] nuì-gäm
nèijiàn a eunuch.¹¹
荫监[蔭監] yîm-gäm
yìnjiàn Qing system of admitting offspring of distinguished officials into the Imperial Academy in recognition of the latter's contribution.⁵⁴
<台> 监[監] gäm to force (somebody to do something).
<又> gìm.
(See 監 gìm; 監[gäm, jiān]).
gam2 4038
108 14 gäm jiān supervise, inspect, watch; prison, jail.⁵
(comp. t: ⿱⿰臣⿱𠂉丶皿 or ⿱⿰臣⿱𠂉一皿; U+76E3).
s: ⿱⿰〢⿱𠂉丶皿; U+76D1).
监测器[監測器] gäm-chāk-hï
jiāncèqì monitor.⁵
监察[監察] gäm-chāt
jiānchá supervise; control.⁵
监犯[監犯] gäm-fàn
jiānfàn prisoner; convict.⁵
监禁[監禁] gäm-gîm
jiānjìn take into custody; put in jail.⁵
监工[監工] gäm-güng
jiāngōng supervise; overseer.⁶
监考[監考] gäm-hāo
jiānkǎo invigilate.⁵
监听[監聽] gäm-hëin
jiāntīng monitor.⁵
监制[監製] gäm-jäi
jiānzhì supervise the manufacture of.⁵
监牢[監牢] gäm-lão
jiānláo prison; jail.¹⁰
监狱[監獄] gäm-ngùk
jiānyù prison, jail.⁵
监狱长[監獄長] gäm-ngùk-jēng
jiānyùzhǎng warden.⁵
监票[監票] gäm-pêl
jiānpiào monitor balloting.⁶
监视[監視] gäm-sì
jiānshì keep watch on; keep sight of.⁶
监守[監守] gäm-siū
jiānshǒu guard; take care of.⁵
监督[監督] gäm-ūk
jiāndū supervise.⁹
监护[監護] gäm-vù
jiānhù guardianship.⁵
<又> gìm.
(See 監 gìm; 監[gäm, jiàn]).
gam2 4039
120 11 gäm gàn dark purple.⁵ dark/deep purple; dark/deep red.⁶ dark blue or reddish color.⁸
紫绀[紫紺] dū-gäm zǐgàn <med.> cyanosis.⁵⁴
发绀[發紺] fāt-gäm
fāgàn cyanosis (blue skin due to lack of oxygen in blood).¹¹
绀殿[紺殿] gäm-èin
gàndiàn <Budd.> monastery.⁵⁴
绀坊[紺坊] gäm-fōng
gànfáng <Budd.> monastery.⁵⁴
绀瞳[紺瞳] gäm-hũng
gàntóng violet eyes.¹⁴
绀珠[紺珠] gäm-jî
gànzhū purple pearl or bead – used for good memory.¹⁴
绀緅饰[紺緅飾] gäm-jiü-sēik
gànzōushì ornaments of purple or puce color.¹⁴
绀青[紺青] gäm-tëin
gànqīng dark purple; prune purple.⁵
绀青色[紺青色] gäm-tëin-sēik
gànqīngsè ultramarine.⁹
绀燕[紺燕] gäm-yên
gànyàn a name for the turquoise kingfisher.¹⁴
绀宇[紺宇] gäm-yî
gànyǔ purple sides to a house –  nobleman's residence.¹⁴ <Budd.> Buddhist monastery.⁵⁴
绀园[紺園] gäm-yõn
gànyuán <Budd.> monastery.⁵⁴
gam2 4040
120 15 gäm jiān close; shut; seal.⁶
(comp. t: ⿰糹咸; U+7DD8). (comp. s: ⿰纟咸; U+7F04).
封缄[封緘] füng-gäm
fēngjiān seal an envelope; seal label.⁵⁴
缄封[緘封] gäm-füng
jiānfēng to seal.⁷
缄口[緘口] gäm-hēo
jiānkǒu <wr.> keep one's mouth shut; hold one's tongue; say nothing.⁵
缄口无言[緘口無言] gäm-hēo-mũ-ngũn
jiānkǒuwúyán to keep the mouth shut and say nothing.¹⁴
缄札[緘札] gäm-jāt
jiānzhá a letter.⁷
缄默[緘默] gäm-màk
jiānmò keep silent; be reticent.⁵
缄密[緘密] gäm-mìt
jiānmì firmly sealed; kept secret.¹¹
缄绳[緘繩] gäm-sẽin
jiānshéng a rope for tying up a coffin.⁷
葛以缄之[葛以緘之] Gût-yî-gäm-jï
Gé yǐ jiān zhī Sealed with flax linen.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《墨子·卷六·節葬下·10》, translated by W. P. Mei).
李缄[李緘] Lī-gäm
Lǐjiān from Li.⁶
三缄其口[三緘其口] xäm-gäm-kĩ-hēo
sānjiānqíkǒu <wr.> mouth sealed three times – absolute refusal to talk.¹
gam2 4041
140 8 gäm gān licorice; (archaic = 甙 òi or gäm dài, q.v.)
皂苷 dào-gäm
zàogān saponin.
苷草 gäm-tāo
gāncǎo Chinese licorice, Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch.²³
糖苷 hõng-gäm
tánggān glucoside. (See 糖甙 hõng-òi.)
gam2 4042
149 21 gäm jiān (<old>=监[監] gäm jiān supervise, inspect, watch; prison, jail.⁵); to supervise; to confine.⁸ʼ⁰
t: ⿱⿰臣⿳𠂉丶皿言; U+8B7C).
s: ⿱⿰〢⿱𠂉丶言; U+46D3).
(See 監 [gäm, jiān]).
gam2 4043
154 21 gäm gàn (=赣[贛] gäm gàn) an alternative name for 江西 Göng-xäi Jiāngxī Jiangxi Province.
<又> güng.
(See 贛 gäm; 贑 güng).
gam2 4044
154 24 gäm gàn an alternative name for 江西 Göng-xäi Jiāngxī Jiangxi Province; a river in Jiangxi Province; a county in Jiangxi Province.⁷ (variant for the river: 灨 gäm gàn; variant for the province 贑 gäm gàn).
t: ⿰章⿱夂貢; U+8D1B). (comp. s: ⿰章⿳夂工贝; U+8D63).
or 灨江 Gäm-göng Gàn Jiāng Gan River (in Jiangxi).⁷
赣州[贛州] Gäm-jiü
Gànzhōu Ganzhou prefecture level city in Jiangxi.¹⁰
赣剧[贛劇] Gäm-kēk
Gànjù Jiangxi opera.⁸
赣语[贛語] Gäm-nguî/
Gànyǔ Gan dialect, spoken in Jiangxi Province.¹⁰
赣县[贛縣] Gäm-yòn
Gànxiàn Gan county in 贛州 Gäm-jiü Gànzhōu Ganzhou, Jiangxi.¹⁰
(See 灨 gäm; 贑 gäm).
gam2 4045
167 16 gäm jiàn (=鉴[鑒] gäm jiàn) ancient bronze mirror; to mirror, reflect; warning, object lesson; to scrutinize, examine, inspect; (usually used in the opening phrase in an old-fashioned letter).⁶
(See 鑒 gäm).
gam2 4046
167 17 gäm jiàn (=鉴[鑒] gäm jiàn) ancient bronze mirror; to mirror, reflect; warning, object lesson; to scrutinize, examine, inspect; (usually used in the opening phrase in an old-fashioned letter).⁶
(See 鑒 gäm).
gam2 4047
167 22 gäm jiàn (=鉴[鑒] gäm jiàn) ancient bronze mirror; to mirror, reflect; warning, object lesson; to scrutinize, examine, inspect; (usually used in the opening phrase in an old-fashioned letter).⁶
(composition: ⿰金監; U+9451).
生而美者, 人与之鉴. [生而美者, 人與之鑑.]
Säng-ngĩ-mî-jēh, ngĩn-yî-jï-gäm.
Shēng ér měi zhě, rén yǔ zhī jiàn.
When (the sage) is born with all his excellence, it is other men who see it for him.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經····》, translated by James Legge).
(See 鑒 gäm).
gam2 4048
167 22 gäm jiàn ancient bronze mirror; to mirror, reflect; warning, object lesson; to scrutinize, examine, inspect; (usually used in the opening phrase in an old-fashioned letter).⁶
(variants: 鋻, 鍳, 鑑 gäm jiàn).
鉴别[鑒別] gäm-bèik
jiànbié discern; differentiate; discriminate; distinguish.⁶
鉴定[鑒定] gäm-èin
jiàndìng appraise; evaluate; identify; authenticate; determine.⁶
鉴戒[鑒戒] gäm-gäi
jiànjiè warning; object lesson.⁶
鉴谅[鑒諒] gäm-lèng
jiànliàng excuse/pardon/forgive me.⁶
鉴赏[鑒賞] gäm-sēng
jiànshǎng discriminate and appreciate.⁶
鉴赏家[鑒賞家] gäm-sēng-gä
jiànshǎngjiā connoisseur.⁶
鉴往知来[鑒往知來] gäm-vông-jï-lõi
jiànwǎngzhīlái  foresee the future by reviewing the past.⁶
鉴于[鑒於] gäm-yï
jiànyú in view of; seeing that; considering.⁶
(See 鋻 gäm; 鍳 gäm; 鑑 gäm).
gam2 4049
184 13 𩚵
gäm gān <old> similar in meaning to 饵[餌] nì ěr cakes, pastry; bait.² a kind of dumpling, or cake; a bait.²⁵
(composition: ⿰飠甘; U+296B5).
(See 餌 nì).
gam2 4050
197 25 𪊇
gäm gàn salty.² a salt taste.²⁵
(composition: ⿰鹵監; U+2A287).
<又> häm. (See 𪊇❄{⿰鹵監} häm).
gam2 4051
75 9 gâm gān mandarin orange.⁵
柑子 gâm-dū gānzi <topo.> mandarin orange.⁵
柑瓜 gâm-gä
gānguā mango/orange melon.⁶
柑果 gâm-gō
gānguǒ <bot.> a hesperidium; the fruit of a citrus plant.
柑橘 gâm-gūt
gānjú (=柑桔 gâm-gīt gānjú) oranges and tangerines; citrus.⁵
柑橘酱[柑橘醬] gâm-gūt-dëng
or gâm-gīt-dëng gānjújiàng marmalade.⁵
柑香酒 gâm-hëng-diū
gānxiāngjiǔ curaçao.¹⁹
广柑[廣柑] gōng-gâm/
Guǎnggān Guangdong orange.⁶
蜜柑 mìt-gâm/
mìgān tangerine.¹¹
乳柑 nguî-gâm/
rǔgān <bot.> a kind of orange with thin peel and no seeds.¹¹
gam5 4052
64 12 gān jiǎn to choose, to select, to pick; to pick up (something that another has left behind).⁷
拣别[揀別] gān-bèik jiǎnbié to distinguish; to tell one thing from another.⁷
拣柴[揀柴] gān-châi
jiǎnchái to gather firewood.⁷
拣肥挑瘦[揀肥挑瘦] gān-fĩ-hël-sëo
jiǎnféitiāoshòu to be very particular or choosy.⁷
拣佛烧香[揀佛燒香] gān-fùt-sël-hëng
jiǎnfóshāoxiāng lit. to offer incense to the right deity; fig. to curry favor with the right person.⁷
拣择[揀擇] gān-jàk
jiǎnzé to select; to choose.⁷
拣便宜[揀便宜] gān-pẽin-ngĩ
jiǎn piányi get a bargain; gain a small advantage.⁶
拣选[揀選] gān-xūn
jiǎnxuǎn to select; to choose' to pick.⁷
排沙拣金[排沙揀金] or 排沙简金[排沙簡金] pãi-sâ-gān-gïm
páishājiǎnjīn to sift sand for gold, sift carefully/minutely.¹¹
<台> 左拣右拣,拣着个烂灯盏.[左揀右揀,揀著個爛燈盞.] dū-gān-yiù-gān, gān-jèk-göi-làn-äng-jān. lit. choosing from the left, picking  from the right, (finally) selecting a broken lantern — trying to find something which (or someone who) is the best and end up getting the worse one.
<台> 拣择[揀擇] gān-jàk to be picky (with anything).
<台> 拣饮择食[揀飲擇食] gān-ngīm-jàk-sèik to be picky (with food).
gan1 4053
75 9 gān jiǎn a letter, an invitation or visiting card; to select, to pick.⁷
柬拔 gān-bàt jiǎnbá select somebody for promotion or special assignment.¹⁹
柬埔寨 Gān-bü-jài
Jiǎnpǔzhài Cambodia.⁷
柬帖 gān-hēp
jiǎntiě note; short letter.⁶ an invitation card; (in old China) a red visiting card.⁷
柬请[柬請] gān-tēin
jiǎnqǐng to invite by letter or by invitation card.⁷
柬邀 gān-yël
jiǎnyāo to invite by letter or by invitation card.⁷
贺柬[賀柬] hào-gān
or hò-gān hèjiǎn congratulatory letter or message.⁵⁴
or 书简[書簡] sï-gān shūjiǎn letters; correspondence.⁷
请柬[請柬] tēin-gān
qǐngjiǎn <wr.> invitation card.⁷
gan1 4054
75 11 gān jiǎn <topo.> soap; (=笕[筧] gān jiǎn) bamboo water pipe.⁶ a bamboo tube to carry water; a wooden peg.¹⁴
枧子[梘子] gān-dū
jiǎnzi a water spout; a pipe to carry off water.¹⁴
枧水[梘水] gān-suī
jiǎnshuǐ lye water (雪白梘水 Mee Chun Lye Water contains 66% water and 33%, Potassium Carbonate K₂CO₃).
香枧[香梘] hëng-gān
xiāngjiǎn perfumed/toilet soap.⁶
水枧[水梘] suī-gān
shuǐjiǎn a water spout; a pipe to carry off water.¹⁴
<台> 番枧[番梘] fän-gān soap.
<台> 枧水粽[梘水粽] gān-suī-dûng sticky rice dumpling premixed with lye water.
<台> 枧水糍[梘水糍] gān-suī-tĩ glutinous rice cake premixed with lye water.
(See 筧 gān).
gan1 4055
85 15 gān jiàn mountain stream.¹⁰
(comp. t: ⿰氵間; U+6F97). (comp. s: ⿰氵间; U+6DA7).
涧峡[澗峽] gān-hèp
jiànxiá a gorge.¹⁰
涧壑[澗壑] gān-kōk
jiànhè valley; ravine.¹⁰
涧流[澗流] gān-liũ
jiànliú mountain stream; stream in a valley.¹⁰
涧水[澗水] gān-suī
jiànshuǐ a creek in a valley.¹¹
or 谿涧[谿澗] käi-gān xījiàn mountain stream.⁵
山涧[山澗] sän-gān
shānjiàn mountain stream.¹¹
gan1 4056
104 17 gān xián (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 痫[癇] hãn xián with same meaning: epilepsy, convulsions.⁸)
<又> hãn.
(See 癇 hãn.)
gan1 4057
112 18 gān jiǎn (=碱[鹼] gān jiǎn alkali; soda.⁵).³⁶
t: ⿰石僉; U+7906). (comp. s: ⿰石佥; U+7877).
<又> hēm.
(See 礆 hēm; 鹼 gān).
gan1 4058
118 13 gān jiǎn a bamboo water pipe.⁷ a conduit made of long bamboo poles.¹¹
笕桥[筧橋] Gān-Kẽl Jiǎnqiáo a town north of 杭州 Hõng-Jiü Hángzhōu Hangzhou in 浙江 Jēt-göng Zhèjiāng Zhejiang Province, the site of an airfield and an aviation school.⁷
笕嘴[筧嘴] gān-duī
jiǎnzuǐ gargoyle.⁹
杭州笕桥机场[杭州筧橋機場] Hõng-Jiü Gān-Kẽl Gï-Chẽng
Hángzhōu Jiǎnqiáo Jīchǎng Hangzhou Jianqiao Airport.²³
(See 梘 gān).
gan1 4059
118 18 gān jiǎn simple, terse, succinct; letter.⁸
(variant: 蕳 gān jiǎn). (See 蕳 [gān, jiǎn]).
简单[簡單] gān-än
jiǎndān simple; not complicated.¹⁰
简单明了[簡單明瞭] gān-än-mẽin-lẽl
jiǎndānmíngliǎo clear and simple; in simple terms.¹⁰
简便[簡便] gān-bèin
jiǎnbiàn simple and convenient; handy.¹⁰
简称[簡稱] gān-chëin
jiǎnchēng to be abbreviated to; abbreviation; short form.¹⁰
简化[簡化] gān-fä
jiǎnhuà to simplify.¹⁰
简体字[簡體字] gān-hāi-dù
jiǎntǐzì simplified Chinese characters.⁸
简直[簡直] gān-jèik
jiǎnzhí simply; absolutely; literally; virtually.⁸
简章[簡章] gān-jëng
jiǎnzhāng brief regulations.¹¹
简略[簡略] gān-lèk
jiǎnlüè simple; brief; sketchy.⁶
简明扼要[簡明扼要] gān-mẽin-āk-yël
jiǎnmíng'èyào brief and to the point (idiom); succinct.¹⁰
简短[簡短] gān-ōn
jiǎnduǎn brief; succinct; terse.⁵⁴
简谱[簡譜] gān-pū
jiǎnpǔ music notation in which the notes Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La and Si are represented by numerals 1 to 7.¹⁰
简易[簡易] gān-yì 
jiǎnyì simple and easy; simply constructed, simply equipped, unsophisticated.⁵
gan1 4060
118 18 𥳑
gān jiǎn (=<old> 柬 gān jiǎn) a letter, an invitation or visiting card; to select, to pick.⁷ bamboo strips.¹¹
(composition: ⿱𥫗閒; U+25CD1).
❄{⿱𥫗閒}裙 bāk-gān-kũn bòjiǎnqún fine-pleated skirt.¹¹
❄{⿱𥫗閒} bàk-gān bójiǎn <wr.> letter of impeachment.¹¹
❄{⿱𥫗閒}单[𥳑❄{⿱𥫗閒}單] gān-än jiǎndān simple, easy.¹¹
❄{⿱𥫗閒}便 gān-bèin jiǎnbiàn simple and convenient, handy.¹¹
❄{⿱𥫗閒}称[𥳑❄{⿱𥫗閒}稱] gān-chëin jiǎnchēng abbreviated term, in short; to abbreviate.¹¹
❄{⿱𥫗閒}略 gān-lèk jiǎnlüè simple, brief, terse, concise.¹¹
❄{⿱𥫗閒}编[𥳑❄{⿱𥫗閒}編] gān-pëin jiǎnbiān books, written works; an abridged compilation.¹¹
❄{⿱𥫗閒} siū-gān shǒujiǎn informal personal note to friend.¹¹
❄{⿱𥫗閒} tëin-gān qīngjiǎn <wr.> books in general.¹¹
(See 柬 gān).
gan1 4061
120 18 gān jiǎn cocoon; callus, blister.
作茧[作繭] dōk-gān or dōk-gēin zuòjiǎn to make a cocoon.
作茧自缚[作繭自縛] dōk-gān-dù-bòk
or dōk-gēin-dù-fòk zuòjiǎnzìfù spin a cocoon around oneself –  get enmeshed in a web of one's own spinning.⁵
足茧[足繭] dūk-gān
or dūk-gēin zújiǎn callus on feet.¹¹
茧绸[繭綢] gān-chiũ
or gēin-chiũ jiǎnchóu pongee.⁵
or 趼子 gān-dū or gēin-dū jiǎnzi callus.⁶
or 老趼 lāo-gān or lāo-gēin lǎojiǎn <topo.>  callus; callosity.⁹
蚕茧[蠶繭] tâm-gān
or tâm-gēin cánjiǎn the cocoon of the silkworm.⁷
<又> gēin.
(See 繭 gēin).
gan1 4062
140 15 gān jiǎn (=简[簡] gān jiǎn simple, terse, succinct; letter.⁸).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱艹間; U+8573).
<又> gän.
(See 蕳 gän; 簡 gān).
gan1 4063
145 17 gān jiǎn <topo.> pleats.⁶ pleats of a skirt.⁷ (variant: 襉 gān jiǎn).
t: ⿰衤間; U+8947). (comp. s: ⿰衤间; U+88E5).
打裥[打襇] ā-gān
dǎjiǎn make folds.⁶ to make pleats in dresses of skirts.⁷
胖裥[胖襇] bòn-gān
pàngjiǎn pleat.¹⁹
折裥机[折襇機] jëp-gān-gï
zhéjiǎnjī pleating machine.¹⁹
裙裥[裙襇] kũn-gān
qúnjiǎn pleats on the sides of a petticoat.⁷
(See 襉 gān).
gan1 4064
145 17 gān jiǎn (=襇 gān jiǎn) <topo.> pleats.⁶ the pleats of a skirt.⁷
(See 襇 gān).
gan1 4065
145 23 gān jiǎn silk floss; silk floss clothing.⁸ a robe wadded with cotton; a silken gown.²⁵
(composition: ⿰衤繭; U+897A).
袍襺 or 袍茧[袍繭] pão-gān páojiǎn a long silk floss robe or gown.¹⁹
gan1 4066
157 11 gān jiǎn callous.⁶ the callous skin or blisters on hands or feet.⁷
胝趼 chĩ-gān or jï-gān or chĩ-gēin or jï-gēin jiǎnzhī corns; callouses on hands or feet.¹⁴
or 重茧[重繭] chũng-gān or chũng-gēin chóngjiǎn callosity; callus.⁶
趼子 gān-dū
or gēin-dū jiǎnzi callus.⁶
趼足 gān-dūk
or gēin-dūk jiǎnzú feet with calluses; fig. a long and hard march.¹⁰
or 老茧[老繭] lāo-gān or lāo-gēin lǎojiǎn <topo.>  callus; callosity.⁹
<又> gēin.
(See 趼 gēin).
gan1 4067
167 20 gān jiǎn mace.⁶ a club with a squared body, and no sharp edges, used as a weapon.⁹ ancient weapon like a long solid metal truncheon.¹⁰
杀手锏[殺手鐧] sät-siū-gān shāshǒujiǎn fig. trump card.¹⁰
撒手锏[撒手鐧] xät-siū-gān
sāshǒujiǎn fig. trump card.¹⁰
(See 鐧 [gān, jiàn].)
gan1 4068
167 20 gān jiàn  iron protection for a wheel axle.⁶
(See 鐧 [gān, jiǎn].)
gan1 4069
197 18 gān jiǎn (=碱[鹼] gān jiǎn) alkali; soda.⁵
(See 鹼 gān.)
gan1 4070
197 20 gān jiǎn (=碱[鹼] gān jiǎn) alkali; soda.⁵
(See 鹼 gān.)
gan1 4071
197 23 gān jiǎn alkali; soda.⁵ (variants: 鹻, 鹸, 礆 gān jiǎn).
碱化[鹼化] gān-fä
jiǎnhuà alkalinization; basification.⁵
碱金属[鹼金屬] gān-gïm-sùk
jiǎnjīnshǔ alkaline metal.⁵
碱酐[鹼酐] gān-gön
jiǎn'gān basic anhydride.⁵
碱土[鹼土] or 硷土[礆土] gān-hū
jiǎntǔ alkaline soil.⁵
碱土金属[鹼土金屬] gān-hū-gïm-sùk
jiǎntǔ jīnshǔ alkaline-earth metal.⁵
碱地[鹼地] gān-ì
jiǎndì alkaline land.⁵
碱式盐[鹼式鹽] gān-sēik-yẽm
jiǎnshìyán basic salt.⁵
碱水[鹼水] gān-suī
jiǎnshuǐ lye.¹¹
or 硷性[礆性] gān-xëin jiǎnxìng  basicity; alkalinity.⁵
碱液[鹼液] gān-yèik
jiǎnyè lye.⁹ lixivium.¹⁰
纯碱[純鹼] sũn-gān
chúnjiǎn soda (ash).⁵
洗涤碱[洗滌鹼] xāi-èik-gān
xǐdíjiǎn washing soda.⁵
盐碱地[鹽鹼地] yẽm-gān-ì
yánjiǎndì saline soil; (fig.) infertile woman.¹⁰
or 烟硷[煙礆] yën-gān yānjiǎn nicotine.¹⁰
(See 鹻 gān; 鹸 gān; 礆 gān.)
gan1 4072
2 5 gän guàn child's hairstyle bound in two tufts; underage, young.⁸
笄丱 gâi-gän jīguàn marriage age.¹⁴
<又> köng.
(See 丱 köng.)
gan2 4073
7 6 gän gèn (=亘 gän gèn) extend across; through, from.⁸ to stretch.⁹ extending all the way across; running all the way through.¹⁰ (Note: Despite warnings in Kangxi that 亘 is erroneously used for 𠄣 or 亙, they are used nowadays interchangeably; some say that 亘 is the simplified form of 亙).
(composition: ⿻𠄠⿴𠂊⺀; U+4E99).
<又> gäng.
(See 亙 gäng; 亘 gän).
gan2 4074
7 6 gän gèn extend across; through, from.⁸ to stretch.⁹ extending all the way across; running all the way through.¹⁰ (Note: Despite warnings in Kangxi that 亘 is erroneously used for 𠄣 or 亙, they are now used interchangeably; some say that 亘 is the simplified form of 亙). (variant: 亙 gän gèn).
(composition: ⿱一旦; U+4E98).
亘古 gän-gū
gèngǔ throughout time; from ancient times (up to the present).¹⁰ (probably should be 亙古 gäng-gū gènggǔ).
亘古不变[亘古不變] gän-gū-būt-bëin
gèngǔ bùbiàn unchanging since times immemorial (idiom); unalterable; unvarying; monotonous.¹⁰ (probably should be 亙古... gäng-gū... gènggǔ...).
亘古通今 gän-gū-hüng-gïm
gèngǔ tōngjīn from ancient times up to now; throughout history.¹⁰ (probably should be 亙古... gäng-gū... gènggǔ...).
亘古未有 gän-gū-mì-yiû
gèngǔ wèiyǒu unprecedented; never seen since ancient times.¹⁰ (probably should be 亙古... gäng-gū... gènggǔ...).
连亘[連亘] lẽin-gän
liángèn continuous.⁸
绵亘[綿亘] mẽin-gän
miángèn (of mountains) stretch in an unbroken chain.⁵
盘亘[盤亘] põn-gän
pángèn linked in a unbroken chain.¹⁰
<又> xün; yõn.
(See 亘 xün; 亘 yõn; 亙 gän).
gan2 4075
30 23 gän jiān (<old>=艰[艱] gän jiān difficult, hard, trying, laborious; mourning for one's parents.⁷).²
(composition: ⿰𦰩
❄{⿱艹⿻口夫}喜 or ⿰⿱艹⿻口夫喜; U+56CF).
(See 艱 gän).
gan2 4076
38 6 gän jiān false; selfish; disloyal; crafty, wicked, villainous, cunning, evil; adultery, fornication, licentiousness; a traitor, villian.⁷
奸计[奸計] gän-gäi jiānjì a wicked scheme; a cunning trick; a treacherous plot.⁷
奸险[奸險] gän-hēm
jiānxiǎn crafty; mean; treacherous.⁷
奸诈[奸詐] gän-jä
jiānzhà crafty; cunning.⁷
奸诈阴险[奸詐陰險] gän-jä-yïm-hēm
jiānzhàyīnxiǎn being deceitful and designing.¹⁹
奸巧 gän-kāo
jiānqiǎo doublefaced; artful; deceptive.¹⁴
奸人 gän-ngĩn
jiānrén a mean fellow; villain; scoundrel.⁷
奸党[奸黨] gän-ōng
jiāndǎng a traitorous clique or party.⁷
奸商 gän-sëng
jiānshāng unethical merchants; profiteers.⁷
奸臣 gän-sĩn
jiānchén treacherous court official.⁵
奸贼[奸賊] gän-tàk
jiānzéi a scoundrel; a traitor.⁷
奸邪 gän-tẽh
jiānxié corrupt; wicked.¹⁴
or 奸滑 gän-vàt jiānhuá crafty and cunning.⁷
or 奸细[姦細] gän-xäi jiānxi a spy.¹⁴
奸笑 gän-xël
jiānxiào a sinister or villainous smile.⁵
or 奸淫[姦淫] gän-yĩm jiānyín illicit sexual relations, adultery; lustful, lecherous; to rape, to seduce.⁷
or 奸淫掳掠[姦淫擄掠] gän-yĩm-lû-lèk jiānyínlǔlüè rape and loot.⁵
(See 姦 gän.)

gan2 4077
38 9 gän jiān adultery, debauchery, licentiousness; to debauch, to ravish, to attack (a woman sexually); a crook.⁷
(old variant: 𢙶❄{⿱旱心} gän).
奸夫[姦夫] gän-fü
jiānfū an adulterer; a paramour.¹⁴
奸妇[姦婦] gän-fû
jiānfù an adulteress.⁷
奸妇女[姦婦女] gän-fû-nuī
jiānfùnǚ to rape; to ravish.¹⁴
奸拐[姦拐] gän-gāi
jiānguǎi to seduce and carry off.¹⁴
or 奸宄 gän-gī jiānguǐ thieves and robbers.⁷
or 奸雄 gän-hũng jiānxióng able scoundrel.¹⁴
奸生[姦生] gän-säng
jiānshēng illegitimate birth.¹⁴
奸杀[姦殺] gän-sät
jiānshā to rape and murder.¹⁰
奸邪[姦邪] gän-tẽh
jiānxié obscene; vile.¹⁴
奸钱[姦錢] gän-tẽin
jiānqián illegally cast (copper) coins.⁵⁴
奸情[姦情] gän-tẽin
jiānqíng adultery; adulterous affair.⁶
奸回[姦回] gän-või
jiānhuí obscene; criminal.¹⁴
奸污[姦污] gän-vü 
jiānwū to seduce and rape.⁷
or 奸细[奸細] gän-xäi jiānxi a spy.¹⁴
or 奸淫 gän-yĩm jiānyín illicit sexual relations, adultery; lustful, lecherous; to rape, to seduce.⁷
or 奸淫掳掠 gän-yĩm-lû-lèk jiānyínlǔlüè rape and loot.⁵
通奸[通姦] hüng-gän
tōngjiān illicit intercourse.²⁴
(See 奸 gän; 𢙶❄{⿱旱心} gän).
gan2 4078
38 9 gän jiān (=奸[姦] gän jiān adultery, debauchery, licentiousness; to debauch, to ravish, to attack (a woman sexually); a crook.⁷).²
(composition: ⿰⿱女女干; U+59E7).
(See 姦 gän).
gan2 4079
61 11 𢙶
gän jiān (<old>=奸[姦] gän jiān adultery, debauchery, licentiousness; to debauch, to ravish, to attack (a woman sexually); a crook.⁷).²
(composition: ⿱旱心; U+22676).
(See 姦 gän).
gan2 4080
61 14 gän guàn be used to, be in the habit of; indulge; spoil.⁵
习惯[習慣] dìp-gän xíguàn be accustomed to, be used to, be inured to; habit, custom.⁵
惯犯[慣犯] gän-fàn
guànfàn habitual offender; hardened criminal; recidivist; repeater.⁵
惯匪[慣匪] gän-fī
guànfěi hardened bandit; professional brigand.⁵
惯技[慣技] gän-gì
guànjì customary tactic; old trick.⁵
惯例[慣例] gän-lài
guànlì convention; usual practice.⁵
惯窃[慣竊] gän-tëik
guànqiè hardened thief.⁵
惯性[慣性] gän-xëin
guànxìng <phy.> inertia.⁵
惯用[慣用] gän-yùng
guànyòng habitually practice, consistently use; habitual; customary.⁵
惯用语[慣用語] gän-yùng-nguî
guànyòngyǔ commonly used phrase; idiom; colloquial usage.¹⁰
<台> 老女濑尿惯势了[老女瀨尿慣勢了] lāo-nuī-lài-nèl-gän-säi-lēl lit. the old spinster habitually wets her pants; (brash emphatic for) doing something habitually.
gan2 4081
64 14 gän guàn <topo.> to hurl, to fling; to throw to the ground; to be used to.
掼交[摜交] gän-gäo guànjiāo to throw somebody down; to trip and fall down; to wrestle; wrestling (match).
掼炮[摜炮] gän-päo
guànpào firecracker that explodes when hurled to the ground; torpedo.
掼纱帽[摜紗帽] gän-sä-mào
guànshāmào <topo.> to quit a government post in anger.
掼手榴弹[摜手榴彈] gän-siū-liũ-àn
guànshǒuliúdàn to throw a hand grenade.
gan2 4082
104 15 gän guān sickness; pain.⁶ sick; ill; ailing.⁷ illness; pain; neglect; useless.⁸
(old variant: 癏 gän guān).
(composition: ⿸疒眔; U+761D).
瘝厥官 gän-kūt-gön
guānjuéguān <wr.> neglect one's duties as an official.¹¹
or 痌瘝 or 恫矜 hüng-gän tōngguān hardship; illness.⁷ sickness, miseries.¹¹
恫瘝在抱 hüng-gän-dòi-päo
tōngguānzàibào be concerned about the weal and woe of the people; have the well-being of the people at heart.⁶
(See 癏 gän).
gan2 4083
104 18 gän guān (<old>=瘝 gän guān sickness; pain.⁶ sick; ill; ailing.⁷ illness; pain; neglect; useless.⁸).⁸
(composition: ⿸疒睘; U+764F).
(See 瘝 gän).
gan2 4084
109 17 gän jiàn to spy.¹⁰ interchangeable with 覸 gän jiàn to behold, to copy; to mix; a mixture of things in sacrifice; a man's name.²⁵ spy upon; pry into.²⁹ to peep at; to spy on; to peek.⁵⁴ (variant: 𥊺❄{⿰目閑} gän).
(composition: ⿰目間; U+77B7).
俯瞷 fū-gän
fǔjiàn to look down from a height.¹⁹
瞷瑕 gän-hã
jiànxiá peeping at a gap.¹⁹
瞷听[瞷聽] gän-hëng
jiàntīng to eavesdrop.¹⁹
瞷隙 gän-kēik
jiànxì wait for an opportunity and/or look for loopholes.¹⁹
瞷询[瞷詢] gän-xün
jiànxún inquire about; find out.¹⁹
窥瞷[窺瞷] kï-gän
kuījiàn to spy and try to figure out the minds of others.¹⁹
Wú jiāng jiàn liáng rén zhī suǒ zhī yě.
I will spy out where our good man goes.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《孟子·離婁下》, translated by James Legge).
<又> hãn.
(See 瞷 hãn; 覸 gän; 𥊺❄{⿰目閑} gän).
gan2 4085
109 17 gän jiàn to view.²⁴ to spy.⁵⁴ (variant: 𥊺❄{⿰目閑} gän).
(composition: ⿰目閒; U+77AF).
王使人瞯夫子 võng-xū-ngĩn-gän-fü-dū
wángshǐrénxiánfūzǐ the king sent someone to look at the teacher/master.²⁴ʼ⁰
<又> hãn.
(See 瞯 hãn; 𥊺❄{⿰目閑} gän).
gan2 4086
109 17 𥊺
gän jiàn demotic character for 瞯 gän jiàn to view.²⁴ to spy.⁵⁴).²
(=瞷 gän
jiàn to spy.¹⁰ interchangeable with 覸 gän jiàn to behold, to copy; to mix; a mixture of things in sacrifice; a man's name.²⁵ spy upon; pry into.²⁹ to peep at; to spy on; to peek.⁵⁴).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰目閑; U+252BA).
(See 覸 gän; 瞷 gän; 瞯 gän).
gan2 4087
110 9 gän guān (=鳏[鰥] gän guān) widower; (=瘝 gän guān) sickness; pain.⁶ (=鳏[鰥] gän guān) a widower.⁷
or 鳏寡[鰥寡] gän-gā guānguǎ widowers and widows – as people of the helpless ranks.⁷
or 鳏寡孤独[鰥寡孤獨] gän-gā-gü-ùk guānguǎgūdú lit. the widower, the widow, the orphan and the childless – the less privileged group or unfortunate lot.⁷
or 恫瘝 or 痌瘝 hüng-gän tōngguān hardship; illness.⁷ sickness, miseries.¹¹
<又> gëin, kĩn.
(See 矜 gëin, kĩn; 鰥 gän; 瘝 gän.)
gan2 4088
110 10 gän guān (=鳏[鰥] gän guān) widower).¹⁹
(composition: ⿰矛令; U+77DD).
<又> gëin.
(See 矝 gëin.)
gan2 4089
120 14 gän guān a kind of ancient cap.⁷ scarf made from black silk ribbon.⁸
纶巾[綸巾] gän-gïn guānjīn a kind of ancient cap resembling a ridged roof.⁷ black silk ribbon scarf.⁸
<又> lũn.
(See 綸 lũn.)
gan2 4090
130 8 gän jiān shoulder; take on, undertake, shoulder.⁵
肩负[肩負] gän-fù jiānfù take on; undertake; shoulder.⁵
肩胛 gän-gāp
jiānjiǎ the shoulder blade.¹¹
肩胛骨 gän-gāp-gūt
jiānjiǎgǔ scapula; shoulder blade.⁵
肩头[肩頭] gän-hẽo
jiāntóu the shoulders.¹¹
肩起 gän-hī
jiānqǐ to bear; to shoulder (responsibilities).¹⁰
肩章 gän-jëng
jiānzhāng shoulder loop; epaulet.⁵
肩摩毂击[肩摩轂擊] gän-mö-gūk-gēik
jiānmógǔjī shoulder to shoulder and hub to hub – crowded with people and vehicles.⁵
肩膀 gän-põng
jiānbǎng shoulder.⁵
肩窝[肩窩] gän-vö
jiānwō hollow part of the shoulder.⁶
肩舆[肩輿] gän-yĩ
jiānyú sedan chair.⁶
双肩[雙肩] söng-gän
shuāngjiān the shoulders.¹¹
gan2 4091
138 6 gän gèn Kangxi radical 138; seventh of eight diagrams.⁸ one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦 Bāt-gä Bāguà, symbolizing Mountain, The Still; ☶.⁸⁰ Gen surname.
<又> ngïn.
(See 艮 ngïn.)
gan2 4092
138 17 gän jiān difficult, hard, trying, laborious; mourning for one's parents.⁷ (variant: 囏 gän jiān). (See 囏 gän).
艰苦[艱苦] gän-fū
jiānkǔ arduous; difficult; hard; tough.⁵
艰苦备尝[艱苦備嘗] gän-fū-bì-sẽng
jiānkǔbèicháng to have suffered untold hardships; to go through all the hardship.⁹
艰苦奋斗[艱苦奮鬥] gän-fū-fûn-ēo
jiānkǔfèndòu to work diligently in spite of difficulties.
艰苦朴素[艱苦樸素] gän-fū-pōk-xü
jiānkǔpǔsù hard work and plain living.⁵
艰涩[艱澀] gän-gëp
jiānsè involved and abstruse (writing); hard to traverse (roads); bitter and harsh (food).⁵⁴
or 艰巨[艱巨] gän-guì jiānjù hard; difficult; arduous; laborious; formidable.⁷
艰险[艱險] gän-hēm
jiānxiǎn or 艰危[艱危] gän-nguĩ jiānwēi difficult and dangerous.⁷
艰贞[艱貞] gän-jëin
jiānzhēn fortitude under trying conditions.⁷
艰阻[艱阻] gän-jū
jiānzǔ troublesome obstacles.⁷
艰困[艱困] gän-kün
jiānkùn difficult.⁷
艰难[艱難] gän-nãn
jiānnán difficulty; distress; hardship.⁷
艰深[艱深] gän-sïm
jiānshēn abstruse; difficult.⁷
艰辛[艱辛] gän-xïn
jiānxīn arduous; laborious; difficult.⁷
gan2 4093
140 9 gän gèn ranunculus.¹⁰
毛茛 mão-gän máogèn buttercup.⁵
gan2 4094
140 10 gän guān Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (syn. Scirpus validus) or Schoenoplectus validus, a species of flowering plant in the sedge family known by the common names softstem bulrush, grey club-rush, and great bulrush.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ aka water onions 水葱[水蔥] suī-tûng/ shuǐcōng; a kind of aquatic herb, clubrush, Scirpus lacustris.⁸ ➁ mats woven with 莞 gän guān.¹⁰¹    Guan surname.¹⁰¹ (Note: all 4 scientific names mentioned here are synonymous).
(composition: ⿱艹完; U+839E).
Hà-gän-sèng-èin, nâi-ön-xü-tīm.
Xià guān shàng diàn, nǎi ān sī qǐn.
On the rush-mat below, and that of fine bamboos above it,
Here may he repose in slumber!⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·祈父之什·斯干》, translated by James Legge).
<又> fōn; gōn; vōn.
(See 莞 fōn; 莞 gōn; 莞 vōn).

gan2 4095
140 11 gän jiān coarse grass, Themeda forskalii.⁸ (possible synonym: Themeda triandra Forssk.).
编菅[編菅] pëin-gän
biānjiān a straw mat.¹⁴
菅茅 gän-mão
jiānmáo a kind of grass.⁸
菅属[菅屬] gän-sùk
jiānshǔ Themeda genus.²⁰
視如菅草 sì-nguĩ-gän-tāo
shìrújiāncǎo to regard as straw – worthless.¹⁴
草菅人命 tāo-gän-ngĩn-mèng
cǎojiānrénmìng to have scant regard for human life, to kill off people (“like rooting out wild grass”).¹¹  to regard human life as mere straw.¹⁴
gan2 4096
140 12 gän jiān (➀ 兰草[蘭草] lãn-tāo láncǎo or 佩兰[佩蘭] pöi-lãn pèilán fragrant thoroughwort (Eupatorium fortunei).¹⁰ʼ²⁰ ➁ 菅茅 gän-mão jiānmáo a kind of grass.⁸).⁸ ➂ a kind of hemp, eaten by sword-cutlers before they commence their operations ➃ (same as 蕑 gän jiān climbing plant, Valeriana villosa.⁸).¹³  ➄ 茅草 mão-tāo máocǎo reed, straw.⁵⁴  ➅ name of a hill.²
(composition: ⿱艹姦; U+844C).
(See 蕑 gän).
gan2 4097
140 15 gän jiān agueweed.⁸ (=蕑 gän jiān climbing plant, Valeriana villosa.⁸ a species of epidendrum; one says, a water lily; according to others, it grows on a vine, and is supported by other trees; the fruit is like a pear, red as a cock's comb; it is edible, and the seeds resemble fish scales; Jian surname.²⁵).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱艹間; U+8573).
<又> gān.
(See 蕳 gān; 蕑 gän).
gan2 4098
140 15 gän jiān climbing plant, Valeriana villosa.⁸ a species of epidendrum; one says, a water lily; according to others, it grows on a vine, and is supported by other trees; the fruit is like a pear, red as a cock's comb; it is edible, and the seeds resemble fish scales; Jian surname.²⁵
(variant: 蕳[gän,
jiān]). (See 蕳[gän, jiān]).
(composition: ⿱艹閒; U+8551).
蕑屦[蕑屨] gän-guï
jiānjù shoes made with coarse straws.¹⁹
Xù-yî-nuī, föng-bēin-gän-hãi.
Shì yǔ nǚ, fāng bǐng jiān xī.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Are carrying flowers of valerian.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·鄭風·溱洧》, translated by James Legge).
gan2 4099
147 19 gän jiàn (=覵 or 瞷 gän jiàn to behold, to copy; to mix; a mixture of things in sacrifice; a man's name.²⁵).² steal look; peep at; spy on.⁸ to peep at; to spy on; to peek.⁵⁴
(variant: 𥊺
❄{⿰目閑} gän).
(composition: ⿰間見; U+89B8).
成覸 sẽin-gän
chéngjiàn or 成荆[成荊] sẽin-gëin chéngjīng or 成庆[成慶] sẽin-hëin chéngqìng a warrior of Qi State (齐国[齊國] Tãi-gōk Qíguó) in the Spring and Autumn Period.
(See 覵 gän; 瞷 gän; 𥊺❄{⿰目閑} gän).
gan2 4100
147 19 gän jiàn to behold, to copy; to mix; a mixture of things in sacrifice; a man's name.²⁵ (variant: 覸 gän jiàn). (See 覸 gän).
(composition: ⿰閒見; U+89B5).
使人覵之 xū-ngĩn-gän-jï
shǐrénjiànzhī send a person to follow him.⁵⁴
gan2 4101
149 16 gän jiàn remonstrate, admonish.⁸
愎谏[愎諫] bēik-gän bìjiàn <wr.> deaf to remonstrances.⁷
进谏[進諫] dïn-gän
jìnjiàn admonish; advise.⁸
谏官[諫官] gän-gön
jiànguān an official censor at court.¹¹
谏诤[諫諍] gän-jäng
jiànzhèng (=诤谏[諍諫] jäng-gän zhèngjiàn) to criticize frankly; to admonish.¹⁰
谏议大夫[諫議大夫] gän-ngì-ài-fü
jiànyìdàfū <trad.> official in charge of admonition and arbitration.¹⁹
谏言[諫言] gän-ngũn
jiànyán earnest plea to ruler.¹¹
谏书[諫書] gän-sï
jiànshū written admonition to the emperor.⁵⁴
谏珂[諫珂] gän-ü
jiànkē the name of a bird, with a speckled body, and pearly legs, it avoids other birds, and is fond of foxes.²⁴
直谏[直諫] jèik-gän
zhíjiàn advise frankly.⁸
尸谏[尸諫] sï-gän
shījiàn to admonish (one's master, lord) at the cost of one's own life.⁷
从谏如流[從諫如流] tũng-gän-nguĩ-liũ
cóngjiànrúliú readily accept somebody's correct opinion or advice.⁸
遂事不谏[遂事不諫] xuì-xù-būt-gän
suìshìbùjiàn let bygones be bygones.¹¹
gan2 4102
169 12 gän gān 半间不界[半間不界] bön-gän-būt-gäi bàngānbùgà neither this nor that; not thorough or profound; inexplicit,  equivocal; mediocre.¹ shallow; not thorough; superficial.¹⁰
not thorough going; neither one thing nor the other;  nondescript.³⁹
(See 間 [gän, jiān], [gän, jiàn]).
gan2 4103
169 12 gän jiàn space in between, opening; separate; sow discord; thin out (seedlings).⁵
反间[反間] fān-gän fǎnjiàn to sow dissension; to drive a wedge between (one's enemies).¹⁰
间壁[間壁] gän-bēik
jiànbì next door; next-door neighbor.⁵
间作[間作] gän-dōk
jiànzuò <agr.> intercropping.⁵
间接[間接] gän-dëp
jiànjiē indirect; secondhand.⁵
间谍[間諜] gän-èp
jiàndié spy.⁵
间隔[間隔] gän-gäk
jiàngé interval; intermission.⁵
间歇[間歇] gän-hēik
jiànxiē to stop in the middle of something; intermittent; intermittence.¹⁰
间隙[間隙] gän-kēik
jiànxì interval, gap, space; clearance.⁵
离间[離間] lĩ-gän
líjiàn sow discord; drive a wedge between; set one party against another.⁵
无间[無間] mũ-gän
wújiàn very close; no gap between them; continuously; unbroken; hard to separate; indistinguishable.¹⁰
亲密无间[親密無間] tïn-mìt-mũ-gän
qīnmìwújiàn to be on very intimate terms; as thick as thieves.⁹ close relation, no gap (idiom); intimate and nothing can come between.¹⁰
相间[相間] xëng-gän
xiāngjiàn to alternate; to follow one another.¹⁰
(See 間 [gän, jiān], [gän, gān]).
gan2 4104
169 12 gän jiān between, among; within a definite time or space; room; <m.> (for rooms).⁵ (variant: 閒 hãn xián),
房间[房間] fông-gän
fángjiān room.¹⁰
间冰期[間冰期] gän-bëin-kĩ
jiānbīngqī <geol.> interglacial stage; interglacial.⁵
间不容发[間不容髮] gän-būt-yũng-fāt
jiānbùróngfà not a hair's breadth in between – the situation is extremely critical.⁵
间架[間架] gän-gâ
jiānjià form of a Chinese character; structure of an essay.⁵
间量[間量] gän-lèng
jiānliang area of a room; floor space.⁵
田间[田間] hẽin-gän
tiánjiān field, farm; countryside.⁶
中间[中間] jüng-gän
zhōngjiān center, middle; between, among.⁸
民间[民間] mĩn-gän
mínjiān among the people, popular, folk; nongovernmental, people-to-people.⁵
人间[人間] ngĩn-gän
rénjiān the human world; the earth.¹⁰
时间[時間] sĩ-gän
shíjiān time, period.¹⁰
一间卧室[一間臥室] yīt-gän-ngò-sīt
yījiānwòshì a bedroom.⁵
(See 間 [gän, jiàn], 間 [gän, gān]; 閒 hãn).
gan2 4105
169 14 gän guān (demotic character for 关[關] gän guān mountain pass; to close; to shut; to turn off; to concern; to involve¹⁰); frontier pass; close; relation.⁸
(composition: ⿵門关; U+95A2).
(See 關 gän).
gan2 4106
169 19 gän guān mountain pass; to close; to shut; to turn off; to concern; to involve; Guan surname.¹⁰
关隘[關隘] gän-äi guān'ài  (mountain) pass.⁵
关押[關押] gän-ät
guānyā imprison.⁹
关闭[關閉] gän-bäi
guānbì shut, close; close/shut (down).⁶
关乎[關乎] gän-fũ
guānhū concern; bear upon.⁶
关键[關鍵] gän-gèin
guānjiàn crux; key.⁹
关系[關係] gän-hài
guānxi relation; impact on.⁹
关口[關口] gän-hēo
guānkǒu strategic pass; juncture.⁹
关头[關頭] gän-hẽo
guāntóu juncture.⁹
关照[關照] gän-jël
guānzhào look after; tell.⁹
关注[關注] gän-jî
guānzhù pay close attention to.⁹
关卡[關卡] gän-kā
guānqiǎ checkpoint.⁹
关爱[關愛] gän-öi
guān'ài cherish.⁹
关切[關切] gän-tēik
guānqiè deeply concerned.⁹
关怀[關懷] gän-vãi
guānhuái be concerned about.⁹
关心[關心] gän-xïm
guānxīn be concerned.⁹
关于[關於] gän-yï
guānyú with reference to; on.⁹
过关[過關] gö-gän
guòguān to cross a barrier; get through (an ordeal); pass (a test); reach (a standard).¹⁰
人命关天[人命關天] ngĩn-mèng-gän-hëin
rénmìng guāntiān a case involving human life is to be treated with the utmost care.⁸
gan2 4107
195 21 gän guān wifeless; widowered.⁵ be widowered; widower.⁶
鳏夫[鰥夫] gän-fü guānfū an old wifeless man; bachelor or widower.⁵ widower.⁶ huge fish found in the Yellow River, said to be unable to close its eyes; a widower, unmarried man, solitary.¹⁴
鳏夫寡妇[鰥夫寡婦] gän-fü-gā-fû
guānfūguǎfu widows and widowers.⁶
or 矜寡 gän-gā guānguǎ widowers and widows – as people of the helpless ranks.⁷
or 矜寡孤独[矜寡孤獨] gän-gā-gü-ùk guānguǎgūdú widowers, widows, orphans, and the childless – those who have no kith and kin and cannot support themselves.⁵
鳏居[鰥居] gän-guï
guānjū live as a widower/bachelor; (of a man) live alone.⁶
鳏棍儿[鰥棍兒] gän-gûn-ngĩ
guāngùnr a bachelor.⁷
鳏民[鰥民] gän-mĩn
guānmín aged widower; lonely.¹⁴
鳏鱼[鰥魚] gän-nguĩ
guānyú the hugh fish in the Yellow River who cannot close its eyes.¹⁴
鳏身汉子[鰥身漢子] gän-sïn-hön-dū
guānshēnhànzi a lonely man, without kith or kin.¹⁴
目鳏鳏[目鰥鰥] mùk-gän-gän
mùguānguān wide-open eyes.¹⁴
gan2 4108
196 19 gän jiān 鶗鵳 hãi-gän tíjiān (=鷂 yẽl yào) a hawk; a sparrow hawk.⁷
gan2 4109
30 10 gāng gěng (of throat) to block up or choke (usually with emotion); to choke with food.⁸
悲哽 bï-gāng bēigěng to choke with grief.¹⁰
哽塞 gāng-xāk
gěngsè to be choked and unable to speak.¹¹
哽咽 gāng-yēik
gěngyè to choke with emotion; to choke with sobs.¹⁰
哽噎 gāng-yēik gěngyē to choke with sobs. (=哽咽 gāng-yēik
gang1 4110
61 14 𢞚
gāng gěng sorrowful; sad.²⁴
(composition: ⿱耿心; U+2279A).
gang1 4111
75 11 gāng gěng branch; stem; stalk; to block; to hinder.¹⁰
花梗 fä-gāng huāgěng stem of flower.¹⁰
梗直 gāng-jèik
gěngzhí honest, straightforward.¹¹
梗阻 gāng-jū
gěngzǔ to hamper; to obstruct.¹⁰
梗概 gāng-köi
gěnggài synopsis; outline (of story).¹⁰
梗塞 gāng-xāk
gěngsè to clog; to block; to obstruct.¹⁰
梗死 gāng-xī
gěngsǐ blockage; obstruction; infarction.¹⁰
甜桔梗 hẽm-gīt-gāng
tiánjiégěng (Chinese scientific name: 杏叶沙参 [杏葉沙參] hàng-yêp-sä-täm xìngyèshāshēn; Latin: Adenophora hunanensis Nannf.); aka 荠苠, 杏参, 白面根.²³
芹菜梗 kĩn-töi-gāng
qíncàigěng celery sticks.¹⁹
顽梗[頑梗] ngãn-gāng
wángěng obstinate; persistent.¹⁰
从中作梗[從中作梗] tũng-jüng-dōk-gāng
cóngzhōng zuògěng place obstacles in the way; come between; create difficulties; hinder somebody from carring out a plan.³⁹
<台> 梗板 gāng-bān stubborn.
<台> 梗系[梗係] gāng-hài It certainly is; of course.

gang1 4112
112 12 gāng yìng <台> 瞓硬颈[瞓硬頸] fün-gāng-gēng woke up with a stiff neck.
<又> ngāng, ngàng. (See 硬 ngāng, ngàng.)
gang1 4113
120 13 gāng gěng <wr.> well rope.⁶
绠短汲深[綆短汲深] gāng-ōn-kīp-sïm gěngduǎnjíshēn short rope for a deep well – ability inadequate for the task; beyond/out of one's depth; unqualified for a job/task.⁶  lit. the rope is short while the well is deep – unequal to the job.⁷ (self-deprecatory) unequal to a given task (lit., “my rope is so short but the well is so deep”).¹¹
短绠汲深[短綆汲深] ōn-gāng-kīp-sïm
duǎngěngjíshēn draw water from a deep well with a short rope; small talent in high position.⁵⁴
gang1 4114
128 10 gāng gěng bright; upright, incorruptible; Geng surname.⁷
耿饼[耿餅] gāng-bēng gěngbǐng dried and pressed persimmons.⁶
耿介 gāng-gäi
gěngjiè magnificent; upright, just, righteous.⁷
耿耿 gāng-gāng
gěnggěng brilliant, shining; concerned, anxious, apprehensive, restless.⁷
耿耿不寐 gāng-gāng-būt-mì
gěnggěngbùmèi disquieted and unable to sleep.¹⁴
耿耿于怀[耿耿於懷] gāng-gāng-yï-vãi
gěnggěngyúhuái to keep something anxiously in one's mind; to take something to heart.⁷
耿光 gāng-göng
gěngguāng bright light.⁶
耿直 gāng-jèik
gěngzhí honest; upright.⁷
忠心耿耿 jüng-xïm-gāng-gāng
zhōngxīngěnggěng be most faithful and true; loyal and devoted.⁸
<台> 耿性 gāng-xëin/ stubborn.
gang1 4115
140 10 gāng gěng grass; grass stalk.² a type of grass in ancient books; grass stalk.⁸ the stem of grass; grass.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹更; U+8384).
gang1 4116
188 16 gāng gěng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 骾 kāng gěng with same meaning.)
<又> kāng.
(See 骾 kāng.)
gang1 4117
1 5 𠀕
gäng gèng  (=亙 gäng gèng (of space or time) to extend all the way; to stretch.³⁶).³⁶
(composition: ⿴互丶; U+20015).
(See 亙 gäng).
gang2 4118
5 1 𠃋 gäng gōng <old> = 肱 gäng gōng <wr.> the upper arm; arm.⁵
(composition: ⿰; U+200CB).
(See 肱 gäng).
gang2 4119
7 6 𠄣
gäng gèng extremely; through; everywhere; actually, eventually.² (of space or time) to extend all the way; to stretch.³⁶
(variant: 𠄭❄{⿳一舟一} gäng gèng).
⿳一⿴𠂊⿱丿丿一; U+20123).
❄{⿳一⿴𠂊⿱丿丿一}之秬秠 Gäng-jï-guì-pôi. Gèng zhī jù pī.² or 恒之秬秠[恆之秬秠] Hãng-jï-guì-pôi. Héng zhī jù pī.
They planted extensively the black and the double-kernelled (millet).⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·生民之什·生民·6》, translated by James Legge).
(See 𠄭❄{⿳一舟一} gäng).
gang2 4120
7 6 gäng gèng  Same as 𠄣❄{⿳一⿴𠂊⿱丿丿一}; crescent moon or half moon; eventually, actually; same as 𠄭, 𢛢, 恒, 𠄨.² extend across, from one end to another; Geng surname.¹¹ an extreme limit; to fill; universal; connected.¹⁴ (of space or time) to extend all the way; to stretch; Geng surname​.³⁶ crescent shape of the moon at her quarterings.¹⁰²
(variant: 𠀕
❄{⿴互丶} gäng gèng).
(composition: ⿻𠄠⿴𠂊⺀; U+4E99).
亙古 gäng-gū
gènggǔ from ancient times.¹¹
gäng-gū-jï-gïm gènggǔzhìjīn from of old till now.¹⁴
gäng-gū-yî-lõi gènggǔyǐlái from of old.¹⁴
亙古一人 gäng-gū-yīt-ngĩn
gènggǔyīrén the one and only man from of old, referring to Confucius.¹¹
亙以渌水[亙以淥水] gäng-yî-lùk-suī
gèng yǐ lùshuǐ the river Lu runs right through it.¹¹
联亙[聯亙] lũn-gäng
liángèng be interconnected.¹¹
mẽin-gäng miángèng extend in an unbroken line.¹¹
緜亙 mẽin-gäng
miángèng or 緜长[緜長] mẽin-chẽng miáncháng extending far (of generations, dynasty).¹¹
橫亙[橫亙] vãng-gäng
hénggèng lie across.¹¹
<又> gän.
(See 亙 gän; 𠄣❄{⿳一⿴𠂊⿱丿丿一} gäng; 𠀕❄{⿴互丶} gäng; 𠄭 gäng; 𢛢 hãng; 恆 hãng; 𠄨 hãng).
gang2 4121
7 8 𠄭
gäng gèng (=𠄣 gäng gèng extremely; through; everywhere; actually, eventually.²  (of space or time) to extend all the way; to stretch.³⁶).³⁶
(composition: ⿳一舟一; U+2012D).
(See 𠄣❄{⿳一⿴𠂊⿱丿丿一} gäng).
gang2 4122
9 8 gäng gōng (<old>=觥 gäng gōng) big.⁸
侊饭[侊飯] gäng-fàn
gōngfàn a great feast.²⁴
(See 觥 gäng).
gang2 4123
9 18 𠐿
gäng hōng confused; senile; stupid, dull; void of intelligence; without discernment; forgetful.² stupor, coma; hatred, to hate.⁸ dull; stupid.²⁴ =惛迷 fün-mãi hūnmí.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰亻薨; U+2043F).
gang2 4124
28 4 gäng gōng (=肱 gäng gōng <wr.> the upper arm; arm.⁵).⁸
(composition: ⿸𠂇厶; U+53B7).
<又> fãng.
(See 厷 fãng).
gang2 4125
32 10 gäng gěng ditches for irrigation; hole, pit; long, narrow mound.⁸ bank.⁹ strip of high ground; low earth dyke separating fields.¹⁰ a hole, depression in ground.¹¹ a channel for irrigation.¹⁴ a pit; a small hole in the ground.²⁴ low bank of earth between fields; earth dyke.³⁶ a sluice or channel to lead water on the fields; a shallow tank for irrigating.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰土更; U+57C2).
埂子 gäng-dū gěngzǐ ridge; strip of high ground, low earth dyke separating fields.⁸ an earth dyke.⁹
埂堰 gäng-yēn
gěngyàn ridge weir.⁸
堤埂 hãi-gäng
dīgěng dam.⁵⁴
田埂 hẽin-gäng
tiángěng a lowbank of earth between fields.⁸ embankment or foothpath between paddy fields.¹⁰ a footpath in the fields.¹¹ embankment or footpath between paddy fields; ridge between fields.³⁶ (See <台> 田基 hẽin-gî.)
土埂 hū-gäng
tǔgěng earth dam.⁵⁴
乱葬埂[亂葬埂] lòn-döng-gäng
luànzànggěng unmarked graves or burial sites.³⁶
山埂 sän-gäng
shāngěng mountain ridge.⁸
gang2 4126
53 广 8 gäng gēng the seventh of the ten Heavenly Stems; age.⁵
长庚[長庚] Chẽng-gäng Chánggēng <trad.> <astr.> Venus.⁵
庚子赔款[庚子賠款] Gäng-dū-põi-fōn
Gēngzǐ Péikuǎn Boxer Indemnity (1900).⁵
庚帖 gäng-hēp
gēngtiě (=八字帖 bāt-dù-hēp bāzìtiě) <trad.> eight-character paper exchanged at betrothal ceremony in aranged marriages (stating birth information of the betrothed boy or girl expressed in eight Chinese characters).⁶
贵庚[貴庚] gï-gäng
guìgēng <court.> your age.⁵
同庚 hũng-gäng
tónggēng same age.⁵
请问贵庚[請問貴庚] tēin-mùn-gï-gäng
qǐngwènguìgēng May I ask your age?⁵
gang2 4127
66 9 gäng gèng (same as 更 gäng gèng) to change, to alter.⁸
(composition: ⿱丙攴; U+3A85).
(See 更 [gäng, gèng]).
gang2 4128
73 7 gäng gèng more; to change or replace; transform; further, still more; even more; furthermore.
更加 gäng-gä gèngjiā (even) more.
更改 gäng-gōi
gēnggǎi to change; to alter.
更好 gäng-hāo
gènghǎo better; so much the better.
更上一层楼[更上一層樓] gäng-sëng-yīt-tãng-lẽo
gèngshàngyīcénglóu to scale new heights; to strive for further improvement.
更换[更換] gäng-vòn
gēnghuàn to replace, to substitute, to change (dress, position, regulations).
(See 更 [gäng, gèng].)
gang2 4129
73 7 gäng gēng night watch, one of the five two hour periods into which the night was formerly divided; to change.
打更 ā-gäng dǎgēng to sound the night watches (on clappers or gongs, in former times).
变更[變更] bëin-gäng
biàngēng change; alter; modify.⁵
初更 chö-gäng
chūgēng first of the five night watch periods 19:00-21:00 (old).¹⁰
更迭 gäng-èik
gēngdié alternate; change.⁵
三更半夜 xäm-gäng-bön-yèh sāngēngbànyè midnight; one of the five watches on a night between 11:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. (the third watch).
(See 更 [gäng, gèng].)
gang2 4130
85 12 gäng hōng <ono.> the sound of waves crashing; big; roar; crash.⁸  roar, crash.³⁶ the roaring sound of rushing waters.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰氵訇; U+6E39).
崩渹 bäng-gäng bēnghōng the sound of water rushing.¹⁹
渹渹 gäng-gäng
hōnghōng the noise of waves; the noise of water dashing against stones.²⁴ roar of a cataract; dashing of waters.¹⁰²
渹湱 gäng-vàk
hōnghuò sound of waves crashing.¹⁹
<又> hëin.
(See 渹 hëin).
gang2 4131
102 9 gäng gēng (<old>=耕 gäng gēng to till; to plow; to cultivate.⁷)
(composition: ⿰; U+田井).
(See 耕 gäng).
gang2 4132
115 9 gäng jīng (=粳 gäng jīng) nonglutinous rice.⁷
(See 粳 gäng).
gang2 4133
115 12 gäng jīng (=粳 gäng jīng) nonglutinous rice.⁷
(See 粳 gäng).
gang2 4134
118 13 gäng gàng (composition: ⿱𥫗更; U+7B7B).
筻口 Gàng-hēo Gàngkǒu (name of a place in 岳阳县 [岳陽縣] Ngòk-yẽng-yòn Yuèyángxiàn in 湖南 Vũ-nãm Húnán Hunan Province).⁸
gang2 4135
119 10 gäng jīng (=粳 gäng jīng) nonglutinous rice.⁷
<又> höng.
(See 粇 höng; 粳 gäng).
gang2 4136
119 13 gäng jīng nonglutinous rice.⁷ (variants: 粇, 秔, 稉 gäng jīng).
粳稻 gäng-ào
jīngdào round-grained nonglutinous rice.⁶
粳米 gäng-māi
jīngmǐ polished round-grained nonglutinous rice.⁵
(See 粇 gäng; 秔 gäng; 稉 gäng).
gang2 4137
123 14 𦎟
gäng gēng (=羹 gäng gēng (steamed or boiled) liquid food; thick soup.⁶ thick soup; broth.⁷).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱羔火; U+2639F).
gang2 4138
123 15 gäng gēng (<old>=羹 gäng gēng) (steamed or boiled) liquid food; thick soup.⁶ thick soup; broth.⁷
(composition: ⿳羔一夫 U+7FAE).
(See 羹 gäng).
gang2 4139
123 19 gäng gēng (steamed or boiled) liquid food; thick soup.⁶ thick soup; broth.⁷ (variants: 羮, 𦎟❄{⿱羔火} gäng gēng).
大羹 ài-gäng
dàgēng unflavored broth.⁰ (See 胋 hẽm).
闭门羹[閉門羹] bäi-mõn-gäng
bìméngēng denial of entrance.⁶
羹汤[羹湯] gäng-höng
gēngtāng thick soup; broth.⁷
羹匙 gäng-sĩ
gēngchí soupspoon; tablespoon.⁶
调羹[調羹] hẽl-gäng
tiáogēng spoon.⁷
藿羹 kök-gäng
huògēng <wr.> coarse food.⁷
莲子羹[蓮子羹] lẽin-dū-gäng
liánzǐgēng lotus seed soup.¹⁹
残羹剩饭[殘羹剩飯] tãn-gäng-jèin-fàn
cángēngshèngfàn leftovers from a meal; fig. remnants handed down from others.¹⁰
(See 羮 gäng; 𦎟❄{⿱羔火} gäng).
gang2 4140
124 12 𦐥
gäng hōng (=䎕 gäng hōng flock of birds fluttering.² flying birds.⁸ a flock of birds pluming their wings.²⁵).²
(composition: ⿰羽旬; U+26425).
(See 䎕 gäng).
gang2 4141
124 12 𦐳
gäng hōng (=䎕 gäng hōng flock of birds fluttering.² flying birds.⁸ a flock of birds pluming their wings.²⁵).²
(composition: ⿳比冖羽; U+26433).
(See 䎕 gäng).
gang2 4142
124 15 𦑟
gäng hōng (=䎕 gäng hōng flock of birds fluttering.² flying birds.⁸ a flock of birds pluming their wings.²⁵).²
(composition: ⿰羽訇; U+2645F).
(See 䎕 gäng).
gang2 4143
124 16 gäng hōng flock of birds fluttering.² flying birds.⁸ a flock of birds pluming their wings.²⁵
(synonyms: 𦒃, 𦑟, 𦐥, 𦐳 gäng hōng).
(composition: ⿳⿱⿰火火冖羽; U+4395).
䎕䎕 gäng-gäng
hōnghōng sound of flying.⁸
(See 𦒃 gäng, 𦑟 gäng, 𦐥 gäng; 𦐳 gäng).
gang2 4144
124 16 𦒃
gäng hōng (=䎕 gäng hōng flock of birds fluttering.² flying birds.⁸ a flock of birds pluming their wings.²⁵).²
(composition: ⿱⿳艹罒冖羽; U+26483).
(See 䎕 gäng).
gang2 4145
127 10 gäng gēng to till; to plow; to cultivate.⁷ (variant: 畊 gäng gēng).
耕畜 gäng-chūk
gēngchù farm animal.⁵
耕作 gäng-dōk
gēngzuò till the land and grow crops.⁷
耕作技术[耕作技術] gäng-dōk-gì-sùt
gēngzuò jìshù farming technique.⁷
耕凿[耕鑿] gäng-dòk
gēngzáo tilling land and drilling wells.⁷
耕稼 gäng-gä
gēngjià plowing and sowing – farm work.⁶
耕具 gäng-guì
gēngjù tillage implements.⁷
耕田 gäng-hẽin
gēngtián to till land.⁷
耕地 gäng-ì
gēngdì cultivated land; to till land.⁷
耕地面积[耕地面積] gäng-ì-mèin-dēik
gēngdì miànjī cultivated area; area under cultivation.⁷
耕织[耕織] gäng-jēik
gēngzhī (the men) tilling and (the women) weaving.⁷
耕种[耕種] gäng-jüng
gēngzhòng to plow and sow.⁷
耕牧 gäng-mùk
gēngmù tilling and pasturing.⁷
耕牛 gäng-ngẽo
gēngniú an ox used in farming.⁷
耕读[耕讀] gäng-ùk
gēngdú farming and study.⁷
耕耘 gäng-vũn
gēngyún plowing and weeding.⁷
耕耘机[耕耘機] gäng-vũn-gï
gēngyúnjī a power tiller.⁷
目耕 mùk-gäng
mùgēng read as diligently as somebody plowing a field.³⁹
(See 畊 gäng).
gang2 4146
130 8 gäng gōng <wr.> the upper arm; arm.⁵
肱骨 gäng-gūt gōnggǔ humerus.⁵
股肱 gū-gäng
gǔgōng <wr.> thigh and arm – right-hand man; top aid.⁶
股肱之臣 gū-gäng-jï-sĩn
gǔgōngzhīchén most trustworthy minister.⁶
股肱耳目 gū-gäng-ngī-mùk
gǔgōng'ěrmù close assistants; one's bosom (most trusted) assistants.⁵⁴
曲肱而枕 kūk-gäng-ngĩ-jīm
qūgōng'érzhěn lit. to use one's bent arm as a pillow (idiom); fig. content with simple things.¹⁰
gang2 4147
140 16 gäng hōng (of feudal lords or high officials) to die, to pass away.⁶ death of prince; swarming.⁸ the death of a prince or feudatory; to die; like a swarm, many, numerous, as descendants; quickly, suddenly.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱⿳卝罒冖死; U+85A8).
Chũng-fï-gäng-gäng, gäm-yî-dū-hũng-mùng.
Chóng fēi hōng hōng, gān yǔ zǐ tóng mèng.
The insects are flying in buzzing crowds;
It would be sweet to lie by you and dream.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·齊風·雞鳴·3》, translated by James Legge).
薨薨 gäng-gäng
hōnghōng buzzing sound of flies.¹¹ the hum or buzz of a swarm of insects, applied to descendants.¹⁰²
薨逝 gäng-sài
hōngshì to die.¹⁴ (literary, of feudal lords or high officials) to pass away; to die.³⁶ demise of, departed this life.¹⁰²
君薨 gün-gäng
jūnhōng (when the) sovereign died.⁶⁰
螽斯羽、薨薨兮。Jüng-xü-yî, gäng-gäng-hãi.
Zhōng sī yǔ, hōng hōng xī. Ye locusts, winged tribes,
How sound your wings in flight! (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·周南·螽斯·2》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ (May your descendants) be as numerous as the flying locusts.¹⁰²
gang2 4148
148 13 gäng gōng an ancient wine vessel made of horn.⁵ a drinking vessel made of bronze in ancient China.⁶ a wine vessel made of horn in ancient times; big, great.⁷ (variant: 觵, 侊 gäng gōng).
跻堂称觥[躋堂稱觥] däi-hõng-chëin-gäng
or dāi-hõng-chëin-gäng jītángchēnggōng go up the hall (of the prince) and raise the horn cup.¹⁴
飞觥走斝[飛觥走斝] fï-gäng-dēo-gā
fēigōngzǒujiǎ to drink one's fill (idiom).¹⁰ cup after cup.¹⁹
觥筹交错[觥籌交錯] gäng-chiũ-gäo-tök
gōngchóujiāocuò to drink together noisily in a large party.⁷ wine cups made of horn and chopsticks lie about, a phrase describing a dinner party at which wine flows freely.¹¹
觥饭[觥飯] gäng-fàn
gōngfàn <wr.> great banquet.⁵⁴
觥觥 gäng-gäng
gōnggōng upright and outspoken; robust, healthy and strong.⁶ obstinate; determined.¹⁴
觥船 gäng-sõn
gōngchuán a big wine vessel.⁷
觥羊 gäng-yẽng
gōngyáng a large sheep.⁷ a large ram.¹⁴
兕觥 xû-gäng
sìgōng wine cup made from rhinoceros horn.¹¹ a rhinoceros-shaped (old bronze) vessel.¹⁴
(See 觵 gäng).
gang2 4149
148 19 gäng gōng (<old>=觥 gäng gōng) a drinking vessel made of bronze in ancient China.⁶ a wine vessel made of horn in ancient times; big, great.⁷
(See 觥 gäng).
gang2 4150
149 9 gäng hōng <wr.> the sound of a crash; loud, thunderlike sound.
訇訇 gäng-gäng hōnghōng <wr.> loud; stentorian.
訇哮 gäng-häo
hōngxiào <wr.> roaring (winds).
訇然 gäng-ngẽin
hōngrán <wr.> loudly.
or 砰轰[砰轟] pâng-gäng pēnghōng loud or deafening.⁷
<又> hüng.
(See 訇 hüng.)
gang2 4151
149 17 gäng hōng loud sound.² a loud noise.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𤇾言; U+8B0D).
<又> yẽin. (See 謍 yẽin.)
gang2 4152
154 15 gäng gēng <wr.> continue; go on.⁶ to continue, as a song.¹⁴ to connect; to carry on an ode.²⁵ to carry on a song; to encore; to connect in parts, to join the harmony.¹⁰²
(comp. t: ⿸庚貝; U+8CE1). (comp. s: ⿸庚贝; U+8D53).
赓酬[賡酬] gäng-chiũ
gēngchóu exchange poems among friends, usually on same subject.¹¹
赓续[賡續] gäng-dùk
gēngxù continue without stopping.⁶
赓和[賡和] gäng-vò
gēnghè to carry on the melody.¹⁴
赓扬功绩德著淩烟[賡揚功績德著淩煙] gäng-yẽng-güng-dēik-āk-jï-lẽin-yën
gēng yáng gōng jì dé zhù líng yān
(the emperor) proclaimed his merits to the land, and inscribed his name in the Hall of Worthies.¹⁰²
乃赓载歌[乃賡載歌] nâi-gäng-döi-gô/
nǎigēngzàigē he then took up the song.¹⁰²
gang2 4153
159 16 gäng hōng sound of rolling carriage.¹¹
輷輷 gäng-gäng hōnghōng the rumbling of a carriage.²⁵
輘輷 lẽin-gäng
línghōng a great noise of wheels.²⁵
❄{⿰车并}輷[軿輷] pẽin-gäng pínghōng the noise of carriages and horses.²⁵
gang2 4154
159 21 gäng hōng bang, boom; roar, rumble, bombard, explode; shoo away, drive off.⁶
轰倒[轟倒] gäng-āo hōngdǎo to knock down by bombardment.⁷
轰沉[轟沉] gäng-chĩm
hōngchén to sink (a vessel) by bombardment.⁷
轰走[轟走] gäng-dēo
hōngzǒu drive/chase away.⁵⁴
轰醉[轟醉] gäng-duï
hōngzuì mad drunk.¹⁴
轰轰[轟轟] gäng-gäng
hōnghōng a booming sound; a roaring sound; in a grand fashion; with grandeur.⁷
轰轰烈烈[轟轟烈烈] gäng-gäng-lèik-lèik
hōnghōnglièliè on a grand and spectacular scale; vigorous, dynamic.⁵
轰击[轟擊] gäng-gēik
hōngjī shell; bombard.⁵
轰赶[轟趕] gäng-gōn
hōnggǎn shoo away; drive off.⁶
轰响[轟響] gäng-hēng
hōngxiǎng thunder; roar.⁶
轰炸[轟炸] gäng-jä
hōngzhà to bomb.⁵
轰炸机[轟炸機] gäng-jä-gï
hōngzhàjī a bomber.⁷
轰隆[轟隆] gäng-lũng
hōnglōng rumble; roll.⁵
轰鸣[轟鳴] gäng-mẽin
hōngmíng thunder; roar.⁵
轰然[轟然] gäng-ngẽin
hōngrán with a loud crash.⁵
轰声[轟聲] gäng-sëin
hōngshēng sonic boom.
轰动[轟動] gäng-ùng
hōngdòng or 哄动[哄動] hüng-ùng hōngdòng to create a sensation; to excite the public.⁷
gang2 4155
196 19 gäng gēng the oriole.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿰庚鳥; U+9D8A). (comp. s: ⿰庚鸟; U+9E52).
or 仓鹒[倉鶊] or 仓庚[倉庚] töng-gäng cānggēng (aka 黑枕黄鹂[黑枕黃鸝] hāk-jīm-võng-lĩ hēizhěnhuánglí; 黄鹂[黃鸝] võng-lĩ huánglí; 黄莺[黃鶯] võng-äng huángyīng; 黄鸟[黃鳥] võng-nêl huángniǎo; 金衣公子 gïm-yï-güng-dū jīnyīgōngzǐ) black-naped oriole (Oriolus chinensis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰ʼ²³ 鸧鹒[鶬鶊] töng-gäng cānggēng is one of the names for the mango-bird or oriole; it refers probably to its yellow plumage and black stripes; it is also known as 黄莺[黃鶯] võng-äng huángyīng and 黄鹂[黃鸝] võng-lĩ huánglí in the South China.¹⁰²ʼ⁰
gang2 4156
9 9 gàng guàng remote.²⁴ busy; to go far away.³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻狂; U+4FC7).
俇俇 gàng-gàng guàngguàng agitated; in haste.²⁴ confused.⁵⁴
俇攘 gàng-ngẽng
guàngrǎng a disturbed look.¹⁹ be at a loss; be upset.⁵⁴
gang4 4157
61 11 gàng guàng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 㤮 kõng kuáng an error; a blunder; to cheat, to swindle, to defraud; confused; deceit; to deceive.⁸ʼ¹⁰ʼ³⁶)
(composition: ⿱狂心; U+392E).
<又> kõng.
(See 㤮 kõng).
gang4 4158
162 10 gàng guàng stroll, ramble, roam.⁵
逛灯[逛燈] gàng-äng guàngdēng go and see the sights of the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first lunar month.¹¹
逛街 gàng-gâi
guàngjiē go window-shopping; stroll through streets; loiter along streets.⁶
逛来逛去[逛來逛去] gàng-lõi-gàng-huï
guàngláiguàngqù to stroll aimlessly.¹¹
逛荡[逛蕩] gàng-òng
guàngdang loiter; loaf about.⁵
逛窑子[逛窯子] gàng-yẽl-dū
guàngyáozi to visit brothels.⁷
逛一逛 gàng-yīt-gàng
guàngyīguàng to take a stroll; to go for a walk.⁷
闲逛[閑逛] hãn-gàng
xiánguàng saunter; stroll.⁵
gang4 4159
162 8 gâng jìng 大迳[大逕] Ài-gâng Dàjìng, name of a mountain in 台山 Hõi-sän Táishān, 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Province.⁴
迳头[逕頭] Gâng-hẽo
Jìngtóu, a town in 开平[開平] Höi-pẽin Kāipíng, 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Province.⁴
<又> gèin.
(See 逕 gèin.)
gang5 4160
9 8 gāo jiǎo handsome; beautiful.
佼佼 gāo-gāo jiǎojiǎo <wr.> handsome; beautiful; above average; outstanding.
佼好 gāo-hāo
jiǎohǎo pretty; pleasant; pleasing.
佼童 gāo-hũng
jiǎotóng handsome boy.
佼人 gāo-ngĩn
jiǎorén a beauty.
庸中佼佼 yũng-jüng-gāo-gāo
yōngzhōngjiǎojiǎo outstanding; a giant among dwarfs.
gao1 4161
37 5 gāo gǎo to let go; to put down.²⁴ to release.³⁶
<又> hào. (See 夰 hào).
gao1 4162
38 9 gāo jiāo handsome, pretty, beautiful; coquettish.⁷
姣好 gāo-hāo jiāohǎo good-looking; pretty; pleasant (looks).⁷
姣童 gāo-hũng
jiāotóng a handsome boy.⁷
姣美 gäo-mî
jiāoměi beautiful; graceful.⁶
体态姣好[體態姣好] hāi-häi-gāo-hāo
tǐtàijiāohǎo beautiful and charming carriage.⁶
gao1 4163
61 9 gāo jiǎo cheerful, bright, sagacious, intelligent, clever; sly, wily, crafty, cunning.⁸ perceptive and wise; intelligent; clever.³⁶
(composition: ⿰忄交; U+6054).
<又> hào. (See 恔 hào).
gao1 4164
64 13 gāo gǎo to stir up, to make a mess of; to do, to be engaged in, to carry on; to get, to secure; to set up, to organize.
搞把戏[搞把戲] gāo-bā-hï gǎobǎxì <topo.> to play tricks.
搞花样[搞花樣] gāo-fä-yèng
gǎohuāyàng <topo.> to play tricks; cheat; deceive.
搞鬼 gāo-gī
gǎoguǐ to play tricks, to be up to some mischief.
搞好 gāo-hāo
gǎohǎo to do a good job; to do well; to fix up; to straighten out.
搞垮 gāo-kä
gǎokuǎ to undermine; to upset.
搞乱[搞亂] gāo-lòn
gǎoluàn to entangle; to mess up.
搞生产[搞生產] gāo-säng-chān
gǎoshēngchǎn to engage in production; to produce.
搞清楚 gāo-tëin-chō
gǎoqīngchǔ make clear.¹⁹
搞钱[搞錢] gāo-tẽin
gǎoqián to make money (by illegal means).
搞七搞八 gāo-tīt-gāo-bät
gǎoqigǎoba <topo.> to annoy; to cause mischief.
搞错[搞錯] gāo-tö
gǎocuò to mistake something for something else.
搞活 gāo-vòt
gǎohuó to become vigorous; to vitalize; to enliven; to invigorate; to stimulate.
<台> 搞掂 gāo-èm to get something done.
gao1 4165
64 19 gāo jiǎo (non-classical form of 搅[攪] gāo jiǎo) to disturb or to agitate, to bother, to trouble; to stir, to churn, to mix evenly by stirring.⁸ to disturb; to confuse.²⁴
t: ⿰扌學; U+3A6D). (comp. s: ⿰扌学; U+2BF4A).
(See 攪 gāo).
gao1 4166
64 23 gāo jiǎo to stir, mix; to disturb, annoy. (variant: 㩭 gāo jiǎo)
打搅[打攪] ā-gāo
dǎjiǎo to disturb; to trouble.
搅拌[攪拌] gāo-bòn
jiǎobàn to stir; to agitate.¹⁰
搅鬼[攪鬼] gāo-gī
jiǎoguǐ to play underhand tricks.
搅乱[攪亂] gāo-lòn
jiǎoluàn to confuse; to throw into disorder.
搅动[攪動] gāo-ùng
jiǎodòng to mix, to stir; to disturb, to rouse.
搅和[攪和] gāo-vö
jiǎohuo to mix (up); to blend; to spoil.
搅混[攪混] gāo-vùn
jiǎohun <topo.> to mix; to blend; to mingle; to throw into disorder; deliberately create confusion.
胡搅[胡攪] vũ-gāo
hújiǎo to pester; to wrangle.
胡搅蛮缠[胡攪蠻纏] vũ-gāo-mãn-chẽn
hújiǎománchán pester somebody endlessly.⁵
(See 㩭 gāo).
gao1 4167
72 10 gāo jiǎo (<old>=皎 gāo jiǎo) white; bright, brilliant; clear.⁸
(composition: ⿰日交; U+6648).
(See 皎 gāo).
gao1 4168
72 17 gāo jiǎo (<old>=皦 gāo jiǎo bright).⁸ bright; luminous.²⁴
(composition: ⿰日敫; U+66D2).
(See 皦 gāo).
gao1 4169
75 8 gāo gǎo <wr.> bright.⁵ the sun shining brightly.¹⁴ Gao surname.⁸
杲杲 gāo-gāo gǎogǎo (of the sun) bright; brilliant.⁶
杲杲出 gāo-gāo-chūt-ngìt
gǎogǎochūrì the sun shines forth with brightness.¹⁴
杲日 gāo-ngìt
gǎorì bright sun; brilliant sun.⁶
杲日升空 gāo-ngìt-sëin-hüng
gǎorìshēngkòng the bright sun rises into the void.¹⁴
秋阳杲杲[秋陽杲杲] tiü-yẽng-gāo-gāo
qiūyánggǎogǎo The autumn sun is shining brightly.⁶
gao1 4170
75 14 gāo gǎo dry; withered; shrivelled; parched; wizened.⁶ wither. withered; rotten; dead.⁸
(variants: 槀, 藁 gāo gǎo). (See 槀 gāo; 藁 gāo).
槁暴 gāo-bùk
gǎopù shrivelled; dried; wizened.⁸
槁骨 gāo-gūt
gǎogǔ bones of the deceased.⁶
槁项黄馘[槁項黃馘] gāo-hòng-võng-kēik
gǎoxiàng huángguó withered neck and yellow face.⁵⁴
槁枯 gāo-kü
gǎokū withered.⁸
槁梧 gāo-m̃
gǎowú another name for the 琴 kĩm qín or lute.¹⁴
槁木 gāo-mûk
gǎomù withered tree.⁶
槁木死灰 gāo-mûk-xī-föi
gǎomùsǐhuī dead trees and cold ashes – complete apathy.⁶
枯槁 kü-gāo
kūgǎo withered; haggard; languid; without energy.¹⁰ dried up (of trees, facial appearance), lifeless (composition).¹¹
形容枯槁 yẽin-yũng-kü-gāo
xíngróngkūgǎo an emaciated, dried-up appearance.¹¹
gao1 4171
75 14 gāo gǎo (=槁 gāo gǎo) dry; withered; shrivelled; parched; wizened.⁶
(composition: ⿱高木; U+69C0). (variant: 藁 gāo).
(See 槁, 藁 gāo.)
gao1 4172
85 23 gāo jiǎo the noise of water.²⁵ the sound of water being stirred.⁰
(composition: ⿰氵覺; U+705A).
gao1 4173
94 9 gāo jiǎo crafty; foxy; cunning.⁵
狡辩[狡辯] gāo-bèin jiǎobiàn quibble; indulge in sophistry.⁵ use specious arguments.⁹
狡黠 gāo-gēik
or gāo-hàt jiǎoxiá <wr.> sly; crafty; cunning.⁶ crafty; astute.¹⁰
狡兔三窟 gāo-hü-xäm-fūt
jiǎotùsānkū a wily hare has three burrows – a crafty person has more than one hideout.⁵
狡诈[狡詐] gāo-jä
jiǎozhà deceitful; crafty; cunning.⁵
狡狯[狯獪] gāo-köi
jiǎokuài treacherous, wily, deceitful.¹¹
狡赖[狡賴] gāo-lài
jiǎolài deny by resorting to sophistry; be unreasonable in disavowing.⁶
or 狡滑 gāo-vàt jiǎohuá crafty; cunning; sly.¹⁰
gao1 4174
106 11 gāo jiǎo clear and bright; white and luminous.⁶
(variants: 晈 gāo jiǎo; 賋 gāo jiǎo; 皦 gāo jiǎo).
风清月皎[風清月皎] füng-tëin-ngùt-gāo
fēngqīngyuèjiǎo or 风清月白[風清月白] füng-tëin-ngùt-bàk fēngqīngyuèbái Bright moon and cool breeze.³⁹
皎白 gāo-bàk
jiǎobái brightly white.⁷
皎皎 gāo-gāo
jiǎojiǎo very clear and bright; glistening white.⁶
皎洁[皎潔] gāo-gēik
jiǎojié (of moonlight) bright and clear; luminous.⁶
皎厉[皎厲] gāo-lài
jiǎolì proud.⁷
皎如日星 gāo-nguĩ-ngìt-xëin
jiǎorúrìxīng as bright as the heavenly bodies.⁷
皎月 gāo-ngùt
jiǎoyuè bright moon.⁶
皎月当空[皎月當空] gāo-ngùt-öng-hüng
jiǎoyuèdāngkōng A bright moon hung in the sky.⁷
月光皎洁[月光皎潔] ngùt-göng-gāo-gēik
yuèguāngjiǎojié The moon was shining brightly.⁶
(See 晈 gāo; 賋 gāo; 皦 gāo).
gao1 4175
106 18 gāo jiǎo (=皎 gāo jiǎo clear and bright; white.⁶ ); bright white, bright; clear.⁸ sparkling; bright.¹⁰ the whiteness of gems and pearls; clear and bright, as the stars.²⁴ <lit.> (of jade) bright, white; <lit.> bright, clear; Jiao surname​.³⁶
(composition: ⿰白敫; U+76A6).
皦皦 (gāo-gāo
jiǎojiǎo clear and bright, dazzling, also open, not deceiving.¹¹ <lit.> bright and white, clear; <lit.> clean; <lit.> synonym of 佼佼 (gāo-gāo jiǎojiǎo, “outstanding”).³⁶
皦日 gāo-ngìt
jiǎorì <lit.> bright sun.³⁶
皦月 gāo-ngùt
jiǎoyuè bright moon.⁵⁴
Tũng-jï, sũn-nguĩ-yâ, gāo-nguĩ-yâ, , yèik-nguĩ-yâ, yî-sẽin.
Cóng zhī, chún rú yě, jiǎo rú yě, , yì rú yě, yǐ chéng.
As it proceeds, they should be in harmony while severally distinct and flowing without break, and thus on to the conclusion.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《論語·八佾》, translated by James Legge).
有如皦日 yiû-nguĩ-gāo-ngìt
yǒurújiǎorì (oath) Let the sun be my witness!¹¹ By the bright sun I swear that I am.⁸⁸ Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·王風·大車》.
(See 皎 gāo; 曒 gāo). (old variant: 曒 gāo).
gao1 4176
115 12 gāo gǎo (=稿 gāo gǎo) draft, sketch; <wr.> stalk of grain; straw.⁵ draft, rough copy, manuscript.⁸ (variants: 稾, 藳 gāo).
(composition: ⿳⿱亠口冖禾; U+7A01).
(See 稿, 稾, 藳 gāo.)
gao1 4177
115 15 gāo gǎo (=稿 gāo gǎo) draft, sketch; <wr.> stalk of grain; straw.⁵ draft, rough copy, manuscript.⁸ (variants: 藁, 稁 gāo).
(composition: ⿱高禾; U+7A3E).
稾芼 gāo-mào
gǎomào withered grass stem.¹⁹
(See 稿, 藁, 稁 gāo.)
gao1 4178
115 15 稿 gāo gǎo draft, sketch; <wr.> stalk of grain; straw.⁵ draft, rough copy, manuscript.⁸ (variants: 稾, 稁, 藳 gāo gǎo).
(composition: ⿰禾高; U+7A3F).
初稿 chö-gāo
chūgǎo first draft (of writing).¹⁰
稿底 gāo-āi
gǎodǐ a rough draft of a piece of writing.⁷
稿本 gāo-bōn
gǎoběn manuscript.⁵
稿酬 gāo-chiũ
gǎochóu fees paid to a writer on a piecework basis.⁷
稿荐[稿薦] gāo-dëin
gǎojiàn straw mattress; pallet.⁵
稿子 gāo-dū
gǎozi draft, sketch; manuscript, contribution; idea, plan.⁵
稿费[稿費] gāo-fï
gǎofèi payment for an article or book written; contribution fee; author's renumeration.⁵
稿件 gāo-gèin
gǎojiàn manuscript; contribution.⁵
稿纸[稿紙] gāo-jī
gǎozhǐ squared or lined paper for making drafts or copying manuscript.⁵
稿源 gāo-ngũn
gǎoyuán (of news or media) channel in getting contributions; source for contributions.⁶
稿约[稿約] gāo-yēk gǎoyuē notice to contributors.⁵
(See 稾 gāo; 稁 gāo; 藳 gāo).
gao1 4179
118 10 gāo jiǎo bamboo rope; small flute; bamboo shoots.⁸ <lit.> bamboo rope; <old> (music) a kind of paixiao (排箫[排簫] pãi-xël páixiāo a form of ancient Chinese panpipes).³⁶
(variant: 筊 gāo
(composition: ⿱𥫗爻; U+7B05).
<又> ngão.
(See 笅 ngão; 筊 gāo).
gao1 4180
118 12 gāo jiǎo (=笅 gāo jiǎo) bamboo rope; small flute; bamboo shoots.⁸ <lit.> bamboo rope; <old> (music) a kind of paixiao.³⁶
(composition: ⿱𥫗交; U+7B4A).
筊杯 gāo-böi
jiǎobēi moon blocks.³⁶
<又> gäo.
(See 筊 gäo; 笅 gāo).
gao1 4181
120 12 gāo jiǎo twist, wring, entangle; wind; reaming; <m.> skein, hank.⁵
绞刀[絞刀] gāo-äo jiǎodāo reamer.⁶
绞包针[絞包針] gāo-bäo-jïm
jiǎobāozhēn big needle (for sewing sacks).⁶
绞车[絞車] gāo-chëh
jiǎochē winch; windlass.⁵
绞肠痧[絞腸痧] gāo-chẽng-sä
jiǎochángshā <TCM> dry cholera.⁵
绞尽[絞盡] gāo-dìn
jiǎojìn rack (one's brains).⁵⁴
绞尽脑汁[絞盡腦汁] gāo-dìn-nāo-jīp
jiǎojìnnǎozhī rack one's brains; call forth all the faculties of the mind.⁶
绞架[絞架] gāo-gâ
jiǎojià gallows.⁵
绞痛[絞痛] gāo-hüng
jiǎotòng <med.> angina.⁵
绞决[絞決] gāo-kūt
jiǎojué execute by hanging.⁶
绞脸[絞臉] gāo-lêm
jiǎoliǎn <topo.> depilate the face (of women).⁵⁴
绞肉机[絞肉機] gāo-ngùk-gï
jiǎoròujī  meat grinder.¹⁹
绞盘[絞盤] gāo-põn
jiǎopán capstan.⁵
绞纱[絞紗] gāo-sä
jiǎoshā skein.⁵
绞杀[絞殺] gāo-sät
jiǎoshā strangle.⁵
绞索[絞索] gāo-sōk
jiǎosuǒ (the hangman's) noose.⁵
绞刑[絞刑] gāo-yẽin
jiǎoxíng death by hanging.⁵
gao1 4182
120 16 gāo gǎo <trad.> thin white silk; <wr.> white.⁶ plain white raw silk.⁷
缟冠[縞冠] gāo-gön gǎoguān a plain white cap worn in mourning.⁷
缟状云[縞狀雲] gāo-jòng-vũn
gǎozhuàngyún fumulus.¹⁰
缟玛瑙[縞瑪瑙] gāo-mâ-não
or gāo-mâ-nâo gǎomǎnǎo onyx; white agate.¹⁰
缟素[縞素] gāo-xü
gǎosù plain white clothes worn in mourning; white silk.⁷
缟衣[縞衣] gāo-yï
gǎoyī plain white clothes worn in mourning; thin white silks.⁷
缟羽[縞羽] gāo-yî
gǎoyǔ white feather.⁶
gao1 4183
140 13 gāo hāo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 蒿 häo hāo with same meaning: celery wormwood (Artemisia carvifolia); to give off; to weed.¹⁰)
<又> häo.
(See 蒿 häo.)
gao1 4184
140 17 gāo gǎo straw, hay; dry, withered.⁸ straw; a straw mat.¹⁴ rotten wood, straw.²⁵ (variants: 槁, 稾 gāo gǎo).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱蒿木; U+85C1).
藁本 gāo-bōn
gǎoběn Chinese ligusticum Ligusticum sinense.  Chinese lovage root Ligusticum levisticum; ligusticum root.¹⁰
藁席 gāo-dèk
gǎoxí a straw mat.²⁵
藁秸 gāo-gäi
gǎojiē rice or wheat stalk.⁸
藁砧 gāo-îm
gǎozhēn rice straw and chopping block (an ancient execution instrument).⁸
藁人 gāo-ngĩn
gǎorén scarecrow.⁸
藁城 Gāo-sẽin
Gǎochéng Gaocheng county level city in Shijiazhuang, Hebei (河北 Hõ-bāk Héběi 石家莊 Sêk-gä-jöng Shíjiāzhuāng).¹⁰
藁草 gāo-tāo
gǎocǎo (=干草[乾草] gön-tāo gāncǎo) hay.⁸
空藁 hüng-gāo
kōnggǎo empty straw.²⁵
or 草稿 tāo-gāo cǎogǎo rough draft of a document.²⁵
(See 槁, 稾 gāo).
gao1 4185
140 18 gāo gǎo (<old> =稿 gāo gǎo) draft, sketch; <wr.> stalk of grain; straw.⁵ draft, rough copy, manuscript.⁸
(variants: 稾, 稁 gāo).
(composition: ⿱蒿禾; U+85F3).
(See 稿, 稾, 稁 gāo.)
gao1 4186
154 13 gāo jiǎo (=皎 gāo jiǎo) clear and bright; white and luminous.⁶
(composition: ⿰貝交; U+8CCB).
賋然 gāo-ngẽin
jiǎorán wealthy.²⁵
(See 皎 gāo).
gao1 4187
167 18 gāo gǎo pick; pickaxe.⁶
尖镐[尖鎬] dëm-gāo jiāngǎo pointed pickaxe.⁶
电镐[電鎬] èin-gāo
diàngǎo an electricity-powered instrument which is used in quarrying and mining.⁹
风镐[風鎬] füng-gāo
fēnggǎo pneumatic/air pick.⁵⁴
镐把[鎬把] gāo-bā
gǎobǎ pickaxe handle.¹⁰
镐头[鎬頭] gāo-hẽo
gǎotou pick; pickaxe.⁹
<又> hào.
(See 鎬 hào.)
gao1 4188
184 14 gāo jiǎo dumpling.⁵
包饺子[包餃子] bäo-gāo-dū bāojiǎozi  wrap meat dumplings; <topo.> surround and annihilate.¹
饺子[餃子] gāo-dū
jiǎozi dumplings.⁹
饺子馅[餃子餡] gāo-dū-hàm
jiǎozixiàn filling for dumpling; stuffing.⁵
饺子皮[餃子皮] gāo-dū-pĩ
jiǎozipí dumpling wrapper.⁵
虾饺[蝦餃] hā-gāo
xiājiǎo shrimp dumplings.³⁹
蒸饺[蒸餃] jëin-gāo
zhēngjiǎo steamed dumplings.⁵
水饺[水餃] suī-gāo
shuǐjiǎo boiled dumplings.⁵
gao1 4189
189 10 gāo gāo <台> 上高 sèng-gāo above; upstairs.
<又> gäo. (See 高 gäo.)
gao1 4190
8 6 gäo jiāo to submit, to hand in or over; to meet; to exchange; to intersect.⁷
交叉 gäo-châ/ jiāochā to cross each other; to intersect.⁷
交际[交際] gäo-däi jiāojì social intercourse.⁷
交接 gäo-dēp
jiāojiē to make contact with each other; to adjoin each other; to hand over and to take over (duties).⁷
交界 gäo-gäi
jiāojiè a border (between two areas).⁷
交头接耳[交頭接耳] gäo-hẽo-dēp-ngī
jiāotóujiē'ěr to whisper in each other's ears.⁷
交通 gäo-hüng
jiāotōng traffic; communication; crossed.⁷
交卷 gäo-kūn
jiāojuàn to hand in the examination paper; to complete an assignment.⁷
交流 gäo-liũ
jiāoliú to flow across each other.⁷
交代 gäo-òi
jiāodài to hand over responsibility; to give an  explanation or excuse; the explanation or excuse given.⁷
交涉 gäo-sèp
jiāoshè to negotiate; negotiation.⁷
交情 gäo-tẽin
jiāoqing friendship.⁹
交换[交換] gäo-vòn
jiāohuàn to exchange.⁷
交游 gäo-yiũ
jiāoyóu <wr.> make friends.⁵
交游甚广[交游甚廣] gäo-yiũ-sìm-gōng
jiāoyóushènguǎng have a wide circle of acquaintances.⁵
交友 gäo-yiû
jiāoyǒu to make friends.⁷
<又> gâo.
(See 交 gâo.)
gao2 4191
30 7 gäo gào to tell; to inform; to say.
报告[報告] bäo-gäo bàogào to inform; to report; to make known; report; speech; talk; lecture.¹⁰
布告[佈告] bü-gäo
bùgào posting on a bulletin board; notice; bulletin; to announce.¹⁰
布告栏[佈告欄] bü-gäo-lãn
bùgàolán bulletin board.¹⁰
不可告人 būt-hō-gäo-ngĩn
bùkěgàorén secret not to be divulged; hidden; ulterior; ulterior motives that cannot bear the light of day.³⁹
告别[告別] gäo-bèik
gàobié to leave; to bid farewell to; to say good-bye to.¹⁰
告窆 gäo-bēin
gàobiǎn an obituary notice.¹¹
告瘥 gäo-châi
gàochài recover from illness.¹¹
告罄 gäo-hëin
gàoqìng (of a supply) to run out or become exhausted.⁷
告知 gäo-jï
gàozhī inform; notify.⁸
告饶[告饒] gäo-ngẽl
gàoráo to beg for mercy.¹⁰
告示 gäo-sì
gàoshi notice; official proclamation; bulletin.⁸
告辞[告辭] gäo-xũ
gàocí to take leave.⁹
or 告愬 gäo-xü gàosu to tell.⁵
广告[廣告] gōng-gäo
guǎnggào to advertise; a commercial; advertisement.¹⁰
警告 gēin-gäo
jǐnggào to warn; to admonish.¹⁰
gao2 4192
30 14 gäo jiāo the crowing of a cock.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰口翏; U+5610).
嘐嘐 gäo-gäo jiāojiāo the sound that a chicken makes.¹⁹
<又> lẽl; xël.
(See 嘐 lẽl; 嘐 xël).
gao2 4193
32 17 𡒩
gäo gāo (=櫜 gäo gāo <wr.> case or bag for bows and arrows; <wr.> to put away in bag.¹¹).⁸
(composition: ⿳土冖⿱处呆; U+214A9).
(See 櫜 gäo).
gao2 4194
39 7 𡥉
gäo jiào (=教 gäo jiào) religion; teaching; to cause; to tell.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱㐅⿸𠂇子; U+21949).
(See 教 [gäo, jiāo]; 敎 [gäo, jiāo]; 𡥉❄{⿱㐅⿸𠂇子} [gäo, jiāo]).
gao2 4195 21949.gif
39 7 𡥉
gäo jiāo (=教 gäo jiāo) teach; instruct.⁶
(composition: ⿱㐅⿸𠂇子; U+21949).
(See 教 [gäo, jiào]; 敎 [gäo, jiào]; 𡥉❄{⿱㐅⿸𠂇子} [gäo, jiào]).
gao2 4196 21949.gif
46 9 gäo jiāo geographic name.⁹
gao2 4197
55 10 𢍎
gäo gào (<old>=诰[誥] gäo gào imperial mandate.⁵ inform, notify, admonish, order.⁸ to enjoin; to grant (a title).¹⁰ to grant, as a title of honor; a patent, a title of nobility; to enjoin, to order, to inform a superior.¹⁴ to inform, to announce verbally, or by letter; to instruct.²⁴).²
(composition: ⿱告廾; U+2234E).
(See 誥 gäo).
gao2 4198
61 13 𢞟
gäo gào distressed; troubled; vexed; annoyed.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄高; U+2279F).
gao2 4199
66 11 gäo jiào religion; teaching; to cause; to tell; Jiao surname.¹⁰
(variants. 敎, 𡥉 gäo). (See 教[gäo, jiāo]; 敎,𡥉❄{⿱㐅⿸𠂇子} [gäo, jiào]).
教导[教導] gäo-ào
jiàodǎo  instruct, teach; guidance.⁵
教化 gäo-fä
jiàohuà enlighten by educaton; cultivate.⁶
教科书[教科書] gäo-fö-sï
jiàokēshū textbook.⁵
教训[教訓] gäo-fün
jiàoxun lesson, moral; chide.⁵
教学[教學] gäo-hòk
jiàoxué teaching and studying.⁵
教学相长[教學相長] gäo-hòk-xëng-jēng
jiàoxué xiāng zhǎng teaching benefits teachers as well as students.⁵
教练[教練] gäo-lèin
jiàoliàn train, drill; coach; instructor.⁵
教母 gäo-mû
jiàomǔ godmother.⁶
教研 gäo-ngẽin
jiàoyán education and research.¹⁰
教案 gäo-ön
jiào'àn teaching plan; lesson plan.⁵
教室 gäo-sīt
jiàoshì classroom.¹⁰
教授 gäo-siù
jiàoshòu professor; instruct, teach.⁵
教唆 gäo-sö
jiàosuō to instigate; to incite; to abet.¹⁰
教材 gäo-tõi
jiàocái teaching material.⁵
教皇 gäo-võng
jiàohuáng pope; pontiff.⁶
教师[教師] gäo-xü
jiàoshī teacher; schoolteacher.⁵
教养[教養] gäo-yêng
jiàoyǎng train; breeding, education.⁵
教员[教員] gäo-yõn
jiàoyuán teacher; instructor.¹⁰
教育 gäo-yùk
jiàoyù education; educate, inculcate.⁵
教育局 gäo-yùk-gùk
Jiàoyùjú Bureau of Education.¹¹

gao2 4200
66 11 gäo jiào (=教 gäo jiào) religion; teaching; to cause; to tell.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰⿱㐅⿸𠂇子攵; U+654E).
(See 教 [gäo, jiāo]; 敎 [gäo, jiāo]).
gao2 4201
66 11 gäo jiāo teach; instruct.⁶ (variants. 敎, 𡥉❄{⿱㐅⿸𠂇子} gäo).
教课[教課] gäo-fö
jiāokè to teach class; to lecture.¹⁰
教馆[教館] gäo-gōn
jiāoguǎn teach private students; be a private tutor.⁵⁴
教学[教學] gäo-hòk
jiāoxué teach (school).⁶
教书[教書] gäo-sï
jiāoshū teach (school).⁶
教书育人[教書育人] gäo-sï-yùk-ngĩn
jiāoshūyùrén impart knowledge and educate people.⁶
(See 教 [gäo, jiào]; 敎,𡥉❄{⿱㐅⿸𠂇子} [gäo, jiāo]).
gao2 4202
66 11 gäo jiāo (=教 gäo jiāo) teach; instruct.⁶
(composition: ⿰⿱㐅⿸𠂇子攵; U+654E).
(See 教 [gäo, jiào]; 敎 [gäo, jiào]).
gao2 4203
68 14 gäo jiào <wr.> collate.⁶ (old) instrument to even out the grain in a measuring vessel; to proofread; to collate.¹⁰ to collate.⁵⁵
斠补[斠補] or 校补[校補] gäo-bū jiàobǔ to revise and correct.⁹
or 校订[校訂] gäo-ëin jiàodìng check against the authoritative text.⁵
or 校改 gäo-gōi jiàogǎi read and correct proofs.⁵
or 校准[校準] gäo-jūn jiàozhǔn <mach.> calibration.⁵
or 校理 gäo-lî jiàolǐ to revise and arrange (a book); a secretarial rank in the Tang Dynasty.⁷
<又> gōk.
(See 斠 gōk.)
gao2 4204
74 10 gäo jiāo (same as 交 gäo jiāo) to intersect; the sun and the moon in the sky.⁸ the place where the orbits of the sun and moon cross each other.²⁴
(composition: ⿰月交; U+3B35; KangXi: page 505, character 21.)
Notes: Distinguish these three characters...
gäo jiāo with 月 radical; U+3B35; KangXi: page 505, character 21
vão háo with 肉 radical; U+80F6; KangXi: page 981, character 3. This character is different from #(1) above, even though they may look the same in some fonts.
gäo jiāo, with 肉 radical; U+80F6. It is the same character as #(2) above but pronounced differently; and this character is the simplified form of 膠 gäo jiāo (肉 radical; U+81A0; KangXi: page 993, character 8).
(See 胶 vão; 胶[膠] gäo; see also Image page for 㬵 gäo; 胶 vão; 胶[膠] gäo).
gao2 4205
75 10 gäo jiào compare, contrast; check, proofread; collate.⁶
校本 gäo-bōn jiàoběn collated edition/copy.⁶
校补[校補] gäo-bū
jiàobǔ to revise and correct.⁹
校场[校場] gäo-chẽng
jiàochǎng <trad.> drill ground.⁶
校订[校訂] gäo-ëin
jiàodìng editorially revise.¹¹
校订本[校訂本] gäo-ëin-bōn
jiàodìngběn revised edition.⁷
校点[校點] gäo-ēm
jiàodiǎn check and punctuate.⁸
校改 gäo-gōi
jiàogǎi read and correct proofs.⁵
校勘 gäo-häm
jiàokān collate.⁵
校核 gäo-hàt
jiàohé proofread; calibrate.⁶
校正 gäo-jëin
jiàozhèng proofread and correct; rectify.⁵
校准[校準] gäo-jūn
jiàozhǔn <mach.> calibration.⁵
校理 gäo-lî
jiàolǐ to revise and arrange (a book); a secretarial rank in the Tang Dynasty.⁷
校验[校驗] gäo-ngèm
jiàoyàn calibrate; check; verify.⁶
校书[校書] gäo-sï
jiàoshū to proofread books; a euphemism for "prostitute".⁷
校雠[校讎] gäo-siũ
jiàochóu collate or proofread (book).⁷
校对[校對] gäo-uï
jiàoduì proofreading; to proofread.¹¹
校样[校樣] gäo-yèng
jiàoyàng proof sheet; proof.⁵
校阅[校閱] gäo-yòt
jiàoyuè read and revise; inspect troops.⁷
<又> hào.
(See 校 hào, [gäo, xiào].)
gao2 4206
75 10 gäo xiào military officer.¹⁰
大校 ài-gäo dàxiào senior ranking officer in Chinese army; senior colonel.¹⁰
校官 gäo-gön
xiàoguān military officer; ranked officer in Chinese army, divided into 大校,上校,中校,少校.¹⁰
校尉 gäo-vï
xiàowèi military officer.¹⁰
中校 jüng-gäo
zhōngxiào middle ranking officer in Chinese army; lieutenant colonel; commander.¹⁰
少校 sēl-gäo
shàoxiào junior ranking officer in Chinese army; major; lieutenant commander.¹⁰
上校 sèng-gäo
shàngxiào high ranking officer in Chinese army; colonel.¹⁰
<又> hào.
(See 校 hào, [gäo, jiào].)
gao2 4207
75 14 gäo gāo a well sweep⁷. (variant: 槹 gäo gāo). (See 槹 gäo).
(composition: ⿰木皋; U+69D4).
桔槔 gīt-gäo
jiégāo a well sweep, a device with a water bucket raised and lowered in a well by means of a lever.⁷
gao2 4208
75 15 gäo gāo (=槔 gäo gāo a well sweep⁷.)
(composition: ⿰木皐; U+69F9).
(See 槔 gäo).
gao2 4209
75 17 𣝏
gäo gào the name of a very bitter wood/tree.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木蒿; U+2374F).
gao2 4210
75 19 gäo gāo <wr.> case or bag for bows and arrows; <wr.> to put away in bag.¹¹
(variant: 𡒩❄{⿳土冖⿱处呆} gäo gāo). (See 𡒩❄{⿳土冖⿱处呆} gäo).
(composition: ⿳⿻一中冖⿱处呆; U+6ADC).
櫜鞬 gäo-gèin
gāojiān a pair of cases, the former for arrows and the latter for bows.²⁵
鞬櫜干戈 gèin-gäo-gön-fö
jiāngāogāngē turn to peaceful pursuits.⁵⁴
垂櫜 suĩ-gäo
chuígāo <wr.> carry bow case downward, to show one is unarmed.¹¹
gao2 4211
85 13 gäo jiào tributary; a branching river (used in place names).⁸ A place where watercourses join, or split apart (usually used in geographic names).⁹ place name in Guangdong.¹⁰ 
道滘 Ào-gäo Dǎojiào Daojiao, place in 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Guangdong Province.⁸
何滘 Hõ-gäo
Héjiào Hejiao, place in 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Guangdong Province.⁸
沙滘 Sâ-gäo
Shājiào Shajiao, place in 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Guangdong Province.³⁹
双滘圩[雙滘墟] Söng-gäo-huî
Shuāngjiàoxū Shuangjiaoxu, place in 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Guangdong Province.⁸
(See 漖 gäo.)
gao2 4212
85 14 gäo jiào  a branching river (used in toponyms).⁸ (<old>=滘 gäo jiào).
东漖[東漖] Üng-gäo
Dōngjiào Dongjiao, place in Guangdong (广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng) Province.
(See 滘 gäo.)
gao2 4213
96 10 gäo jiào two hemispherical objects used in divination.⁸ moon blocks (divination device).³⁶
(composition: ⿰𤣩交; U+73D3).
杯珓 böi-gäo bēijiào two substances with flat and convex sides, made of precious stones, to prognosticate good or evil, for which purpose they use cockle shells, or the roots of bamboo.²⁵ moon blocks (divination device).³⁶
卜珓 būk-gäo
bǔjiào <rel.> to divine using moon blocks.³⁶
圣珓[聖珓] sëin-gäo
shèngjiào good result in divination using moon blocks (showing with one block flat and another block round).³⁶
阳珓[陽珓] yẽng-gäo
yángjiào inconclusive result in divination using moon blocks (showing with two blocks flat).³⁶
gao2 4214
106 10 gäo gāo ➀ <lit.> shore; land by a body of water  ➁ <lit.> highland ➂ <old> marsh; pool  ➃ <old> rice paddy   ➄ <old> tall; high  ➅ Gao surname​.³⁶
(variants: 皐,臯,韟 gäo gāo). (See 皐, 臯, 韟 gäo).
皋比 gäo-bī
gāopí a tiger's skin; a teacher's seat; a teacher's position.⁷
皋隰 gäo-dìp
gāoxí a swamp; a marsh.⁷
皋门[皋門] gäo-mõn
gāomén a palace gate.⁷
皋壤 gäo-ngẽng
gāorǎng land by a marsh or swamp.⁷
皋月 gäo-ngùt
gāoyuè the fifth month of a lunar year.⁷
皋陶 or 臯陶 Gäo-yẽl
Gāoyáo  Gao Yao was the Minister for Law of Emperor Shun in prehistorical China according to tradition. Gao Yao became a political senior advisor of Yu the Great. His father was 少昊 Sēl Hào Shǎohào Shaohao.¹⁵
江皋 göng-gäo
jiānggāo river bank; low land by the river.⁵⁴
Hôk-mẽin-yï-giū-gäo, sëin-mũn-yï-yêh.
Hè míng yú jiǔ gāo, shēng wén yú yě.
The crane cries in the ninth pool of the marsh,
And her voice is heard in the [distant] wilds.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·彤弓之什·鶴鳴》, translated by James Legge).
gao2 4215
106 11 gäo gāo (=皋 gäo gāo  ➀ silted up marshy low land ➁ marsh, swamp, bog ➂ tall and big, great; massive, lofty ➃ highland ➄ paddy field ➅ auxiliary particle ➆ Gao surname).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱白𠦂; U+7690).
or 皋月 gäo-ngùt gāoyuè the fifth month in the Farmer's calendar.¹⁹
or 九皋 giū-gäo jiǔgāo ➀ tortuous and far-reaching swamp ➁ refers to the crane ➂ 九方皋的省称 Jiufanggao's provincial name (Note: Jiufanggao was a horse connoisseur).¹⁹
or 亭皋 hẽin-gäo tínggāo the flat land near the river's edge.¹⁹
or 汉皋[漢皋] hön-gäo hàngāo another name for 汉口[漢口] Hön-hēo Hànkǒu Hankou (city in Hubei).¹⁹
or 青皋 tëin-gäo qīnggāo ➀ the countryside, suburbs ➁ the water's edge in the spring time overflowing with an abundance of green colors ➂ mountain forests; remote highlands.¹⁹
(See 皋 gäo).
gao2 4216
109 13 gäo gāo <old>=皋 gäo gāo highland; tall; high.⁸
<old>=睾 gäo
gāo testicle; testis.⁸
(composition: ⿱⺫幸; U+776A).¹⁰¹
or 睾丸 gäo-yõn gāowán the testicles.¹¹
<又> yèik; jāk.
(See 睪 yèik; 睪 jāk).
gao2 4217
109 14 gäo gāo testicle; testis.⁶
(composition: ⿱丿睪 or ⿱丿⿱⺫幸; U+777E).
睾酮 gäo-hũng gāotóng testosterone.⁶
睾囊 gäo-nõng
gāonáng scrotum.⁶
睾丸 gäo-yõn
gāowán testicle; testis.⁶
睾丸酮 gäo-yõn-hũng
gāowántóng testosterone.⁶
隐睾症[隱睾症] yîn-gäo-jëin
yǐngāozhèng cryptorchidism (defect marked by the failure of the testes to descend into the scrotum).¹⁹
gao2 4218
116 10 gäo jiào (=窖 gäo jiào) a cellar, a vault, a pit; to store things in a cellar.⁷
(See 窖 gäo).
gao2 4219
116 12 gäo jiào a cellar, a vault, a pit; to store things in a cellar.⁷
(variant: 窌 gäo jiào).
白菜窖 bàk-töi-gäo
báicàijiào Chinese cabbage cellar.⁶
酒窖 diū-gäo
jiǔjiào wine cellar; bodega.⁸
花窖 fä-gäo
huājiào greenhouse.¹⁹
窖冰 gäo-bëin
jiàobīng to keep ice in a cellar/vault/pit.⁷
窖井盖[窖井蓋] gäo-dēng-gôi
jiàojǐnggài manhole cover.⁹
窖子 gäo-dū
jiàozi <topo.> cellar.⁸
窖肥 gäo-fĩ
jiàoféi <topo.> make compost.⁶
窖果子 gäo-gō-dū
jiàoguǒzi to keep fruits in a cellar.⁷
窖密 gäo-mìt
jiàomì profound; deep, as the heart.¹⁴
窖藏 gäo-tõng
jiàocáng to store things in a cellar.⁷
地窖 ì-gäo
dìjiào cellar; basement.⁹
菜窖 töi-gäo
càijiào the vault used for storing vegetables.⁹
(See 窌 gäo).
gao2 4220
118 12 gäo jiào (=珓 gäo jiào) two hemispherical objects used in divination.⁸ moon blocks (divination device).³⁶
(composition: ⿱𥫗交; U+7B4A).
<又> gāo.
(See 筊 gāo; 珓 gäo).
gao2 4221
118 16 gäo gāo 青篙竹 tëin-gäo-jūk qīnggāozhú a kind of bamboo.⁴
<又> gâo.
(See 篙 gâo.)
gao2 4222
119 16 gäo gāo cake; pudding; pastry.⁶ (variant: 餻 gäo gāo).
蛋糕 àn-gäo
dàngāo cake.⁶ sponge cakes.¹¹
冰糕 bëin-gäo
bīnggāo ice cream, ice; popsicle.⁶
糟糕 däo-gäo
zāogāo terrible; too bad; damnable.⁶
糕饼[糕餅] gäo-bēng
gāobǐng cake; pastry; pudding.⁶
糕饼店[糕餅店] gäo-bēng-ëm
gāobǐngdiàn a pastry shop.⁷
糕点[糕點] gäo-ēm
gāodiǎn cake; pastry; pudding.⁶
糕干[糕乾] gäo-gön
gāogan sweetened rice flour (used as a substitute for milk powder).⁶
马蹄糕[馬蹄糕] mâ-hãi-gäo
mǎtígāo water chestnut cake.²³
年糕 nẽin-gäo
niángāo New Year cake, made of glutinous rice.⁵
糍糕 tĩ-gäo
cígāo cooked glutinous rice pounded into paste; glutinous rice cake.⁶
(See 餻 gäo).
gao2 4223
123 10 gäo gāo lamb; fawn; kid.⁶ (variant: 羙 gäo gāo).
羔子 gäo-dū
gāozi lamb; kid; fawn.⁵
羔雁 gäo-ngàn
gāoyàn lamb and wild goose – presents of ceremony from high officials in ancient times.⁷
羔皮 gäo-pĩ
gāopí lambskin; kidskin; kid.⁵
羔羊 gäo-yẽng
gāoyáng lamb, kid; gentle/innocent/meek person..⁶
鹿羔 lùk-gäo
lùgāo fawn.⁶
羊羔 yẽng-gäo
yánggāo lamb; kid.⁶
(See 羙 gäo).
gao2 4224
123 10 gäo gāo (=羔 gäo gāo) lamb; fawn; kid.⁶
(See 羔 gäo; 羙 mî).
gao2 4225
130 14 gäo gào to lubricate.
膏墨 gäo-màk gàomò to dip into ink.
膏油 gäo-yiũ
gàoyóu <topo.> to add lubricating oil.
膏毛笔[膏毛筆] gäo-mão-bīt
gàomáobǐ to dip a writing brush in the ink and smooth it on an inkstone before writing.
(See 膏 [gäo, gāo].)
gao2 4226
130 14 gäo gāo fat, oil; cream, lotion, paste; fat at the apex of the heart.⁶
膏火 gäo-fō gāohuǒ <old> tuition fee in private schools.¹¹
膏火自煎 gäo-fō-dù-dëin
gāohuǒzìjiān fat burns and fries itself – one who has talent incurs misfortune.⁶
膏肓 gäo-föng
gāohuāng vital organs (of a body).⁶ In ancient Chinese medicine, 膏 meant fat in the tip of the heart, and 肓 meant the part between the heart and the membrane, both of which were beyond the reach of medicine.⁹
膏肓之病 gäo-föng-jï-bèng
gāohuāngzhībìng or 膏肓之疾 gäo-föng-jï-dìp gāohuāngzhījí illness that is beyond cure; hopeless/incurable illness.⁶
膏剂[膏劑] gäo-jäi
gāojì medicinal extract; electuary.⁵
膏泽[膏澤] gäo-jàk
gāozé <wr.> timely rainfall; seasonal rain that benefits agricultural crops; (of an official governing an area) bestow/grant favors.⁶
膏粱子弟 gäo-lẽng-dū-ài
gāoliáng zǐdì children from wealthy families; high-bred offspring unused to hardships.⁶
膏药[膏藥] gäo-yèk
gāoyao medicated plaster.⁶
膏腴 gäo-yĩ
gāoyú <wr.> fertile; rich.⁶
膏腴之地 gäo-yĩ-jï-ì
gāoyúzhīdì rich soil; fertile land.¹¹
<台> 猪膏[豬膏] jï-gäo lard.
(See 膏 [gäo, gào].)
gao2 4227
130 15 gäo jiāo glue, gum, resin, rubber.⁸ glue, made of leather, or horn; anything adhesive.²⁵
(composition t: ⿰⺼翏; U+81A0;
s: ⿰⺼交; U+80F6; KangXi: page 993, character 8. See Notes under 㬵 gäo.)
胶带[膠帶] gäo-âi/
jiāodài  insulating tape.¹¹
胶黐[膠黐] gäo-chï
jiāochī bird-lime; wood glue.¹⁰
胶续[膠續] gäo-dùk
jiāoxù remarry after wife's death.¹¹
胶鞋[膠鞋] gäo-hãi
jiāoxié rubber overshoes; gumshoes; rubbers.⁹
胶合[膠合] gäo-hàp
jiāohé to join with glue.¹⁰
胶乳[膠乳] gäo-nguî
jiāorǔ <chem.> latex.¹¹
胶水[膠水] gäo-suī
jiāoshuǐ glue.¹¹
胶漆[膠漆] gäo-tīt
jiāoqī (of friends or couple) mutual attachment.¹¹
鱼胶[魚膠] nguî-gäo
yújiāo another name for 鳔[鰾] pël biào swim bladder, gas bladder, air bladder.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
gao2 4228
132 12 gäo gāo (=皋 gäo gāo) a marsh, a swamp; a shore.⁷
(composition: ⿱自𠦂; U+81EF).
(See 皋 gäo).
gao2 4229
140 5 gäo jiāo 秦艽 tũn-gäo qínjiāo <bot.> Gentiana macrophylla, large-leaved gentian,⁹ whose roots are used in Chinese medicine.⁸ Gentiana macrophylla Pall.²³
(composition: ⿱艹九; U+827D).
<又> giü.
(See 艽 giü.)
gao2 4230
140 9 gäo jiāo an aquatic grass, the stalks of which are eaten as a vegetable.⁸ <wr.> hay; dry grass.⁹  Zizania aquatica.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰艹交; U+832D).
茭白 gäo-bàk
jiāobái or 茭瓜 gäo-gä jiāoguā or 茭笋[茭筍] gäo-xūn jiāosǔn water-oat shoots; wild rice stem.¹  Zizania latifolia.⁹ water bamboo; wild rice shoots.¹⁰
茭米 gäo-māi
jiāomǐ fruit of Zizania.¹ Indian rice.¹¹
玉茭 ngùk-gäo
yùjiāo <topo.> maize; corn.⁵
玉茭面[玉茭麵] ngùk-gäo-mèin
yùjiāomiàn maize flour; cornmeal.
gao2 4231
140 11 gäo gāo the name of a plant, the fruit of which resembles a melon, and is used for a febrifuge.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹咎; U+44D8).
白䓘 bàk-gäo báigāo name of a tree mentioned in《山海經 (Classic of Mountains and Seas)·南山經·39》.⁶⁰
<又> giü.
(See 䓘 giü).
gao2 4232
140 13 gäo gāo name of a variety of grass, (Pueraria thunbergiana); the white birch (白桦[白樺] bàk-vã báihuà).⁸
name of a variety of grass
Pueraria montana (syn. Pueraria thunbergiana), one of the group of kudzus (野葛 yêh-gût yěgé kudzu, Japanese arrowroot or Chinese arrowroot (Pueraria montana var. lobata).¹⁵ʼ²⁰).³⁶
(variant: 𦺆
❄{⿱艹臯} gäo gāo).
(composition: ⿱艹皋; U+450C).
(See 𦺆❄{⿱艹臯} gäo).
gao2 4233
140 15 𦺆
gäo gāo (=䔌 gäo gāo name of a variety of grass, (Pueraria thunbergiana); the white birch (白桦[白樺] bàk-vã báihuà).⁸
name of a variety of grass
Pueraria montana (syn. Pueraria thunbergiana), one of the group of kudzus (野葛 yêh-gût yěgé kudzu, Japanese arrowroot or Chinese arrowroot (Pueraria montana var. lobata).¹⁵ʼ²⁰).³⁶).¹⁰¹ a sort of flax, of which grass cloth is made.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹臯; U+26E86).
𦺆苏[𦺆蘇] gäo-xü
gāosū (=白䓘 bàk-gäo báigāo name of a tree mentioned in《山海經 (Classic of Mountains and Seas)·南山經·39》.⁶⁰).²
(See 䔌 gäo).
gao2 4234
142 12 gäo jiāo scaly dragon with four legs.⁸ a legendary dragon with the ability to control rain and floods.¹⁰
蛟虯 gäo-kiũ jiāoqiú coiled up like a dragon.⁷
蛟龙[蛟龍] gäo-lũng
jiāolóng mythical flood dragon.⁸ a dragon that is said to command clouds and rain and make floods in legend.⁹
蛟龙得水[蛟龍得水] gäo-lũng-āk-suī
jiāolóngdéshuǐ lit. water for the flood dragon – opportunity for a great man to fulfill his ambition.⁷
蛟龙之志[蛟龍之志] gäo-lũng-jï-jï
jiāolóngzhīzhì a person with great ambitions.¹¹
蛟篆 gäo-xùn
jiāozhuàn wriggly-shaped seal-type characters on bells or tripods.⁷
腾蛟起凤[騰蛟起鳳] hãng-gäo-hī-fùng
téngjiāoqǐfèng (complimentary) a rapidly rising talent.¹¹
杀虎斩蛟[殺虎斬蛟] sät-fū-jām-gäo
shāhǔzhǎnjiaō lit. to kill the tiger and behead the scaly dragon.¹⁰
gao2 4235
147 20 gäo jiào a sleep; a nap.⁷
午觉[午覺] m̂-gäo wǔjiào siesta; afternoon nap.¹⁰
睡觉[睡覺] suì-gäo
shuìjiào  sleep.⁵
<又> gōk, gök.
(See 覺 gōk, gök.)
gao2 4236
149 13 gäo jiāo conceited and boastful.² to boast.²⁵
(composition: ⿰言交; U+8A68).
<又> hào. (See 詨 hào).
gao2 4237
149 14 gäo gào imperial mandate.⁵ inform, notify, admonish, order.⁸ to enjoin; to grant (a title).¹⁰ to grant, as a title of honor; a patent, a title of nobility; to enjoin, to order, to inform a superior.¹⁴ to inform, to announce verbally, or by letter; to instruct.²⁴ (old variant: 𢍎❄{⿱告廾} gäo). (See 𢍎❄{⿱告廾} gäo).
t: ⿰言告; U+8AA5). (comp. s: ⿰讠告; U+8BF0).
诰敕[誥敕] gäo-chēik
gàochì decree conferring titles on officials in Ming/Qing.⁵⁴
诰赠[誥贈] gäo-dàng
gàozèng to bestow a title after death.¹⁴
诰封[誥封] gäo-füng
gàofēng the conferment of honorary titles by imperial mandate.⁵ to bestow a title on a wife, living parents, etc.¹⁴
诰诫[誥誡] gäo-gäi
gàojiè solemnly to enjoin.¹⁴
诰命[誥命] gäo-mèin
gàomìng imperial mandate.⁵ a royal edict.¹¹ a decree from the sovereign.²⁴
诰誓[誥誓] gäo-sài
gàoshì imperial commands.¹⁴
诰书[誥書] gäo-sï
gàoshū patent for a title of nobility.¹⁴
诰授[誥授] gäo-siù
gàoshòu to grant a title to an official.¹⁴
金花诰[金花誥] gïm-fä-gäo
jīnhuāgào patent of nobility given to the wife of an official.¹⁴
命诰四方[命誥四方] mèin-gäo-xü-föng
mìnggào sìfāng she issued her commanders to all quarters.²⁴
gao2 4238
157 13 gäo jiāo a stumble; a fall.⁷ the bones of the leg; to wrestle.¹⁴ the bones of the leg; the shin.²⁵
绊跤[絆跤] bòn-gäo bànjiāo  to trip; to stumble.¹⁰
or 跌交 ëik-gäo diējiāo trip/stumble and fall, have a fall; make a mistake, suffer a setback.⁶  to fall down, to tumble; a metaphor which is used to indicate making mistakes or suffering from setbacks or failures.⁹
贯跤[貫跤] gön-gäo
guànjiāo to trip and fall.¹¹
跤手 gäo-siū
jiāoshǒu wrestler.⁹
他绊了一跤[他絆了一跤] hä-bòn-lēl-yīt-gäo
tābànleyījiāo He tripped and fell.⁶
or 摔交 xūt-gäo shuāijiāo trip and fall; trip up, come a cropper, make a mistake; <sport> wrestling.⁶
摔了跤跤 xūt-lēl-gäo-gäo
shuāilejiāojiāo have a fall.⁶
gao2 4239
159 13 gäo jiào compare; comparatively, relatively, fairly, quite, rather; clear, obvious, marked; dispute.⁵
较比[較比] gäo-bī jiàobǐ <topo.> comparatively; fairly; quite.⁵
or 校场[校場] gäo-chẽng jiàochǎng <trad.> drill ground.⁶
较高[較高] gäo-gäo
jiàogāo higher.¹¹
较劲[較勁] gäo-gèin
jiàojìn or 叫劲[叫勁] gël-gèin jiàojìn <topo.> pit oneself against, match wits with, contest; oppose, dispute; get/become harder.⁶
较好[較好] gäo-hāo
jiàohǎo better.¹¹
较著[較著] gäo-jï
jiàozhù obvious; evident.⁶
较真[較真] gäo-jïn
or 较针[較針] gäo-jïm or 叫针[叫針] gël-jïm or 叫真 gël-jïn jiàozhēn <topo.> serious; earnest.⁶
较量[較量] gäo-lèng
jiàoliàng measure one's strength with; have a contest; have a trial (or test) of strength.⁵
较胜一筹[較勝一籌] gäo-sëin-yīt-chiũ
jiàoshèngyīchóu better by one degree; a little better.⁷
较为[較為] gäo-vĩ
jiàowei comparatively; relatively; fairly.⁶
计较[計較] gäi-gäo
jìjiào haggle over, fuss about; argue,  dispute; think over, plan.⁵
gao2 4240
159 18 gäo jiāo complicated, confused; dispute.⁸ confused; muddled.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰車翏; U+8F47).
轇结[轇結] gäo-gēik jiāojié band together.⁰
or 轇輵 or 轇葛 gäo-gōt jiāogé¹⁹ coming to a point, like a spear; also long and distant; one says, confused, intricate.²⁵ (See also 轇轕 gēl-gōt).
轇轧[轇軋] gäo-jät
jiāozhá entangled and squeezed.⁰
輵轇 gōt-gäo
géjiāo wide, deep and far; broad, profound and far-reaching.⁰
<又> gēl.
(See 轇 gēl).
gao2 4241
163 8 gäo jiāo suburbs; outskirts.
郊祀 gäo-dù jiāosì to offer sacrifice to heaven and earth.
郊天 gäo-hëin
jiāotiān imperial sacrifice to Heaven.
郊区[郊區] gäo-kuí
jiāoqū suburbs, outskirts.
郊狼 gäo-lõng
jiāoláng coyote.
郊外 gäo-ngòi
jiāowài suburbs, outskirts.
郊野 gäo-yêh
jiāoyě open spaces beyond a city.
郊游 gäo-yiũ
jiāoyóu outing; excursion.
gao2 4242
163 9 gäo gào name of fief in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province bestowed on the eldest son of 文王 Mũn-Võng Wén Wáng Wen  Wang⁸; (Note: another source²⁰ says the fief was bestowed on the eleventh son); Gao surname.
gao2 4243
167 10 gäo jiāo an ancient king's name.²⁵ ᵐᵉᵈʰᵘʳˢᵗ
(Note 1: W. H. Medhurst is probably referring to King Kang of Zhou 周康王, personal name Ji Zhao 姬釗, was the third sovereign of the Chinese Zhou Dynasty).¹⁵ ʷⁱᵏⁱᵖᵉᵈⁱᵃ
(Note 2: Discrepency between Wikipedia's romanization of 釗 Zhao in this context, in Pinyin zhāo and W. H. Medhurst's romanization 'keaou', now in Pinyin jiāo).
(comp. t: ⿰金刂; U+91D7). (comp. s: ⿰钅刂; U+948A).
<又> jël.
(See 釗 jël).
gao2 4244
167 14 gäo jiǎo cut with scissors; bore with a reamer, ream; hinge.⁶
铰刀[鉸刀] gäo-äo jiǎodāo scissors; shears.⁷
铰接[鉸接] gäo-dēp
jiǎojiē join with a hinge; articulate.⁶
铰孔[鉸孔] gäo-kūng
jiǎokǒng to ream a hole.⁷
铰链[鉸鏈] gäo-lèin
jiǎoliàn hinges.⁷
<台> 铰剪[鉸剪] gäo-dēin scissors.
<台> 铰剪霎[鉸剪霎] gäo-dēin-sāp praying mantis.
gao2 4245
167 15 gäo gào zirconium (Zr).⁶
锆灯[鋯燈] gäo-äng gàodēng zirconium lamp.⁹
锆革[鋯革] gäo-gāk
gàogé zirconium tanned leather.⁶
锆鞣[鋯鞣] gäo-ngẽl
gàoróu zirconium tanning.⁶
锆石[鋯石] gäo-sêk
gàoshí zirconite; zircon.⁶
gao2 4246
178 19 gäo gāo (=皋 gäo gāo) a marsh, a swamp; a shore.⁷
(See 皋 gäo).
gao2 4247
184 18 gäo gāo (=糕 gäo gāo) cake; pudding; pastry.⁶
(composition: ⿰飠羔; U+993B).
(See 糕 gäo).
gao2 4248
184 18 𩝝
gäo gāo (=餻 gäo gāo) a cake.²⁵
(composition: ⿰飠高; U+2975D).
<又> häo.
(See 𩝝❄{⿰飠高} häo; 餻 gäo).

gao2 4249
188 15 gäo qiāo (composition: ⿰骨交; U+9AB9).
<台> 牙骹 ngã-gäo temporomandibular joints.
<又> häo; këo. (See 骹 häo; 骹 këo).
gao2 4250
189 10 gäo gāo Kangxi radical 189; high, tall; lofty, elevated.⁸ high, tall; above the average; lofty; Gao surname.⁷
高矮 gäo-āi gāo'ǎi height.⁹
高低 gäo-äi
gāodī height; highness; (of sound/voice) pitch; superiority or inferiority; sense of propriety.
高峻 gäo-dün
gāojùn (of mountain) high and steep.¹¹
高峰 gäo-füng
gāofēng peak; summit; height.⁶
高谈阔论[高談闊論] gäo-hãm-föt-lùn
gāotánkuòlùn indulge in loud and empty talk; talk volubly; harangue.⁵
高兴[高興] gäo-hëin
gāoxìng glad, happy; be willing to.⁵
高挑 gäo-hël
gāotiǎo to carry high in the air; (of a figure) tall and thin.⁹
高抬 gäo-hõi
gāotái to speak highly of somebody.¹⁰
高抬贵手[高抬貴手] gäo-hõi-gï-siū
gāotáiguìshǒu raise your honorable hand – do not be too hard on me this time.¹⁴
高筒靴 gäo-hûng-hëh
gāotǒngxuē knee-length boots.⁶
高粱 gäo-lẽng
gāoliang kaoliang; Chinese sorghum.⁵
高粱酒 gäo-lẽng-diū
gāoliangjiǔ kaoliang wine.⁷
高粱饴[高粱飴] gäo-lẽng-yĩ
gāoliangyí sorghum candy.⁵
高尔夫[高爾夫] gäo-ngì-fü
gāo'ěrfū <loan> golf.¹¹
高原 gäo-ngũn
gāoyuán plateau; highland; tableland.⁵
高尚 gäo-sèng
gāoshàng noble; lofty; refined; exquisite.¹⁰
<又> gāo.
(See 高 gāo.)
gao2 4251
195 17 gäo jiāo the shark; now called 鲨[鯊] sä shā.¹⁴
大耳马鲛[大耳馬鮫] ài-ngī-mâ-gäo
dà'ěrmǎjiāo king mackerel or kingfish (Scomberomorus cavalla).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鲛鲋[鮫鮒] gäo-fù
jiāofù a fabulous sea monster.¹⁴
鲛函[鮫函] gäo-hãm
jiāohán coats of mail made from shagreen.¹⁴
鲛人[鮫人] gäo-ngĩn
jiāorén a mermaid of the southern seas, she lives and spins under water, her tears are pearls.¹⁴
鲛鱼[鮫魚] gäo-nguĩ
jiāoyú a shark.⁷
鲛绡[鮫綃] gäo-xël
jiāoxiāo a kind of fibrous material from the sea, often, associated with 鲛函[鮫函] gäo-hãm jiāohán.¹⁴
中华马鲛[中华馬鮫] jüng-vã-mâ-gäo
zhōnghuámǎjiāo Chinese mackerel (Scomberomorus sinensis), also known as the Chinese seerfish; aka 中華馬加鰆, 马鲛.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
蓝点马鲛[藍點馬鮫] lãm-ēm-mâ-gäo
lándiǎnmǎjiāo Japanese Spanish mackerel, Japanese seerfish (Scomberomorus niphonius) aka 日本馬加鰆, 俗名鰆魚, 春魚, 正馬鮫魚, 正馬交魚, 正馬加魚, 真馬加魚.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
马鲛鱼[馬鮫魚] mâ-gäo-nguĩ
mǎjiāoyú another name for 马鲛属[馬鮫屬] mâ-gäo-sùk mǎjiāoshǔ (Scomberomorus), a member of the tribe Scomberomorini, commonly known as the Spanish mackerels; in Chinese aka 马交鱼, 马加鱼, 鰆魚, 𩵚魠魚, 土托魚, 土魠魚, 土鮀魚, 鲅鱼, 竹鲛, 馬加魚, 梭齒魚.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
gao2 4252
196 17 gäo jiāo <old> a kind of aquatic bird.⁶ the fishing cormorant.⁹
䴔䴖[鵁鶄] gäo-dëin jiāojīng <trad.> a kind of water bird (Nycticorax prasinosceles).⁷
gao2 4253
196 21 gäo gāo (=鸠[鳩] gëo jiū turtledove.¹⁰¹ (variant: 鷱 gäo).
(composition: ⿰皋鳥; U+9DCE).
(See 鷱 gäo).
gao2 4254
196 23 gäo gāo (=鷎 gäo gāo turtledove).
(composition: ⿰臯鳥; U+9DF1).
𪁜鷱 lõng-gäo
lánggāo a turtledove.²⁵
(See 鷎 gäo).

gao2 4255
207 21 gäo gāo drum.⁸ large drum.¹⁰ a large drum, twelve feet long; it was in olden times put on a cart, and struck to arouse workmen to resume their labor.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱鼓咎; U+9F1B).
鼛鼛 gäo-gäo gāogāo <ono.> gao gao sound.¹⁹
鼛鼓 gäo-gū
gāogǔ large drum.¹⁹
鼛鼓弗胜.[鼛鼓弗勝.] Gäo-gū-fūt-sëin.
Gāo gǔ fú shèng.
So that the roll of the great drum did not overpower [the noise of the builders].⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·文王之什·緜》, translated by James Legge). the roll of the great drum did not drown – the hum of their labors.¹⁰²
云鼛[雲鼛] vũn-gäo
yúngāo there is a cloud-shaped figure decorated with a big drum hanging high.¹⁹
gao2 4256
30 20
gào huò (Cant.) a lump; measure word.⁸
(comp. t: ⿰口舊; U+56BF). (comp. s: ⿰口旧; U+2BA65 in CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E).
<台> ❄
{⿰口旧}[嚿] gào <m.> a lump.
<台> 一❄
{⿰口旧}番枧[一嚿番梘] yīt-gào-fän-gān a cake of soap.
<台> 一❄
{⿰口旧}糖[一嚿糖]  yīt-gào-hõng  a lump of sugar; a piece of candy.
<台> 一❄
{⿰口旧}石哥[一嚿石哥] yīt-gào-sêk-gū a pebble; a little rock.
gao4 4257 2BA65.gif
8 6 gâo jiāo <台> 打交 ā-gâo/ to fight; to come to blows.
<台> 闹交[鬧交] nào-gâo/ to quarrel; quarrel.
<又> gäo. (See 交 gäo.)
gao5 4258
118 16 gâo gāo a pole for punting a boat; a boat pole.⁷
杉篙 chëim-gâo shāgāo fir pole.⁶
篙子 gâo-dū
gāozi <topo.> punt pole, boat pole; pole for drying washing in the sun.⁶
篙工 gâo-güng
gāogōng a boatman (who punts a boat).⁷
篙头[篙頭] gâo-hẽo
gāotou <topo.> punt pole; boat pole.⁶
篙人 gâo-ngĩn
gāorén a boatman.⁷
篙师[篙師] gâo-xü
gāoshī a boatman (especially a skilled on) who punts a boat.⁷
<台> 竹篙 jūk-gâo a pole for hanging washed clothes to dry in the sun.
<又> gäo.
(See 篙 gäo.)
gao5 4259
46 8 gāp jiǎ cape, promontory (usually used as part of place name); narrow passage between mountians.⁶
岬角 gāp-gôk jiǎjiǎo cape; promontory.⁶
海岬 hōi-gāp
hǎijiǎ headland.¹⁰
沙颈岬[沙頸岬] sâ-gēng-gāp
shājǐngjiǎ tombolo.⁹
成山岬 Sẽin-sän-gāp
Chéngshānjiǎ Chengshanjia (in Shandong Provimce).⁶
gap1 4260
75 9 gāp jiǎ incense wood.¹³
<又> hâp. (See 柙 hâp.)
gap1 4261
75 11 gāp jiǎ the irregular veins of wood.²⁴ʼ¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰木夾; U+689C).
<又> gäp. (See 梜 gäp).
gap1 4262
102 5 gāp jiǎ First of the Ten Heavenly Stems; first (in a list).
甲等 gāp-āng jiǎděng grade A; first-class.
甲板 gāp-bān
jiǎbǎn deck (of a ship).⁸
甲絣 gāp-bäng
jiǎbēng a rope used to tie the armor parts together to make them a whole.¹⁹
甲子 gāp-dū
jiǎzǐ a person's age; a cycle of sixty years.¹¹
甲酚 gāp-fün
jiǎfēn <chem.> cresol.⁹
甲状腺[甲狀腺] gāp-jòng-xëin
jiǎzhuàngxiàn thyroid gland.⁵
甲状腺素[甲狀腺素] gāp-jòng-xëin-xü
jiǎzhuàngxiànsù thyroxine.⁵
甲醛 gāp-tũn
jiǎquán formaldehyde.⁵
甲烷 gāp-yõn
jiǎwán methane CH₄.¹⁰
甲乙丙丁 gāp-yōt-bēin-ëin
jiǎ-yǐ-bǐng-dīng A, B, C, D.
某甲某乙 mêo-gāp-mêo-yōt
mǒujiǎmǒuyǐ Mr. X and Mr. Y.¹⁹
<又> gâp.
(See 甲 gâp.)
gap1 4263
130 9 gāp jiǎ the shoulder; the shoulder blade.⁷
肩胛 gän-gāp jiānjiǎ the shoulder blade.¹¹
胛骨 gāp-gūt
jiǎgǔ shoulder blade.⁵
gap1 4264
137 11 gāp jiá ➀ place name in Taipei, Taiwan ➁ a boat/ship.⁸
艋舺 mâng-gāp měngjiǎ Mengjia (also written Monga, Monka or Bangka), the pre-Japanese-era name for Wanhua (万华[萬華] màn-vã wànhuá), the oldest district of Taipei.⁵⁴
gap1 4265
167 13 gāp jiǎ potassium (K).⁶
钾氩法[鉀氬法] gāp-ä-fāt jiǎyàfǎ potassium-argon dating.⁶
钾肥[鉀肥] gāp-fĩ
jiǎféi potash fertilizer.⁶
钾碱[鉀鹼] gāp-gān
jiǎjiǎn potash.⁶
钾矿物[鉀礦物] gāp-köng-mùt
or gāp-köng-mòt jiǎkuàngwù potassium mineral.⁶
❄{⿰钅卢}[鉀鑪] gāp-lũ jiǎlú the name of an arrow.²⁵
钾盐[鉀鹽] gāp-yẽm
jiǎyán sylvite; leopoldite.⁹ potassium chloride KCl.¹⁰
氯化钾[氯化鉀] lùk-fä-gāp
lǜhuàjiǎ potassium chloride.⁶
gap1 4266
181 15 gāp <wr.> mouth; Ge surname.⁸
颌内[頜內] gāp-nuì génèi intramaxillary.¹⁹
gap1 4267
30 10 gäp jiá wild talk, ranting; tell lies, talk nonsense; long-winded, wordy; troublesome.
(variant: 䛟 gäp jiá).
(composition: ⿰口夾; U+550A).
(See 䛟 gäp).
gap2 4268
37 7 gäp armpit.
夹肢窝[夾肢窩] gäp-jï-vö gāzhiwō armpit.⁵
<台> 夹噏[夾噏] gäp-ngāp armpit.
<台> 夹噏底[夾噏底] gäp-ngāp-āi armpit.
<又> gâp.
(See 夾 [gäp, jiā], [gäp, jiá], [gâp, jiā].)
gap2 4269
37 7 gäp jiá double-layered; lined (garment).¹⁰ (variants: 袷,裌 gäp jiá).
or 袷袄[袷襖] gäp-äo jiá'ǎo lined jacket; double layered jacket.¹⁰
or 袷被 gäp-pî jiábèi a quilt, having outer and inner layer without cotton inside.⁹
<又> gâp.
(See 夾 [gäp, ], [gäp, jiā], [gâp, jiā]; 袷 [gäp, jiá]; 裌 gäp.)
gap2 4270
37 7 gäp jiā to press from either side; folder; clip; to mix.
夹杂[夾雜] gäp-dàp jiāzá to mix together; to mingle; a mix; to be tangled up with.
夹剪[夾剪] gäp-dēin
jiājiǎn tweezers; tongs.⁵⁴
夹子[夾子] gäp-dū
jiāzi clip; tongs; folder; wallet.
夹攻[夾攻] gäp-güng
jiāgōng to attack from both sides; to make a pincer movement against (the enemy.
<台> 夹硬[夾硬] gäp-ngàng/ by force.
<台> 夹钱[夾錢] gäp-tẽin to chip in.
<又> gâp.
(See 夾 [gäp, ],  [gäp, jiá], [gâp, jiā].)
gap2 4271
64 13 gäp jiān <白读> to pick up with chopsticks.
搛菜 <白读> gäp-töi jiāncài to pick up food with chopsticks; to help guest to some food.
<又> gëm.
(See 搛 gëm.)
gap2 4272
64 14 gäp <topo.> hug/embrace with force.⁶ <topo.> hold with both hands.¹¹
搿犋 gäp-guì géjù <topo.> pool  livestock, plows, etc. and farm cooperatively.⁶
<台> 搿手搿脚[搿手搿腳] gäp-siū-gäp-gëk to work cooperatively; to work together.
gap2 4273
75 11 gäp jiā chopstick.⁸ <old>​ chopsticks.¹⁰ a sort of chopsticks for taking up food.²⁴ a kind of nippers or chopsticks.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰木夾; U+689C).
Gēng zhī yǒu cài zhě yòng jiā.
If the soup be made with vegetables, chopsticks should be used.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·曲禮上·53》, translated by James Legge).
梜棍 gäp-gûn
jiāgùn a machine to torture the ankles.¹⁰²
梜提 gäp-hãi
jiātí <old>​ chopsticks.⁸
<又> gāp.
(See 梜 gāp).
gap2 4274
85 10 gäp jiā <wr.> be soarked.⁶
汗流浃背[汗流浹背] hõn-liũ-gäp-böi hànliújiābèi streaming with sweat (from fear or physical exertion).⁵
浃背[浹背] gäp-böi
jiābèi sweat-soaked back.⁵⁴
浃浃[浹浹] gäp-gäp
jiājiā damp, moistened.¹¹
浃洽[浹洽] gäp-dèp
jiāqià agreeable, on friendly terms with.¹¹
沦浃[淪浹] lũn-gäp
lúnjiā to be deeply affected; moved to the core.¹⁰
gap2 4275
109 11 gäp jiá (of eyes) narrow and dim, having one eye smaller than the other; one-eyed; wink of the eyelashes; sleepy, drowsy, dim, vague and hazy.⁸ʼ³⁶ the eyes a little dim, one eye dark; the eyelashes moving about, to blink.²⁴ eyes dim and tired; eyes blinking and dull; sleepy.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰目合; U+402B).
<又> ūn. (See 䀫 ūn).
gap2 4276
118 13 gäp jiā chopsticks.⁸
火䇲[火筴] fō-gäp huǒjiā pieces of metal like chopsticks used as small fire-tongs.¹⁴
䇲箸[筴箸] gäp-jì
jiāzhù bamoo chopsticks.¹⁴
竹䇲鱼[竹筴魚] jūk-gäp-nguî/
zhújiāyú saurel; horse mackerel.⁵  Japanese jack mackerel (Trachurus japonicus), aka 日本竹筴魚, 真鰺. 巴攏, 瓜仔魚, 竹筴魚; the Japanese horse mackerel or Japanese scad.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
<又> chāk
(See 筴 chāk.)
gap2 4277
130 11 gäp jiá (=頰 gäp jiá) the cheeks.⁷
(See 頰 gäp).
gap2 4278
140 10 gäp jiá pods of leguminous plants; pods.⁸ the fruits, or seeds of leguminous plants.²⁵
荚果[莢果] gäp-gō jiáguǒ leguminous seeds.¹¹ seed pod; legume.⁵⁴
荚陵[莢陵] gäp-lẽin
jiálíng a certain grave.²⁵
荚蒾[莢蒾] gäp-mãi
jiámí a shrub, or small tree, the leaves of which resemble the elm.²⁵ honeysuckle family shrub whose leaves are like elm leaves, the fruit is red, sweet and edible, the seeds can be pressed for oil, and the bark can be used as rope.¹⁰¹
荚物[莢物] gäp-mùt
or gâp-mùt jiáwù refers to trees and shrubs in the legume family (Fabaceae or Leguminosae) which bear fruit by means of pods.⁰
荚钱[莢錢] gäp-tẽin
jiáqián a description of small coins, light and portable, like elm leaves.²⁵ Han coins shaped like elm samara.⁵⁴
<又> gâp.
(See 莢 gâp).
gap2 4279
142 13 gäp jiá butterflies.⁷ nymphalids.⁹
蛱蝶[蛺蝶] gäp-èp jiádié butterflies (harmful to crop plants); a vanessa.⁷ nymphalid.⁸
蛱蝶亚科[蛺蝶亞科] gäp-èp-ä-fö
jiádiéyàkē subfamily Nymphalinae.²⁰
蛱蝶族[蛺蝶族] gäp-èp-dùk
jiádiézú tribe Nymphalini.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
蛱蝶科[蛺蝶科] gäp-èp-fö
jiádiékē family Nymphalidae.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
红蛱蝶属[紅蛺蝶屬] hũng-gäp-èp-sùk
hóngjiádiéshǔ Vanessa, a genus of brush-footed butterflies in the  Nymphalini tribe.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
gap2 4280
145 11 gäp jiá (=夾 gäp jiá) lined garment.⁸ (variant: 裌 gäp jiá).
or 夹袄[夾襖] gäp-äo jiá'ǎo lined jacket; double layered jacket.¹⁰
or 夹裤[夹褲 gäp-fù jiákù lined pants.¹⁹
or 夹被[夾被] gäp-pî jiábèi a quilt, having outer and inner layer without cotton inside.⁹
or 裌衫 gäp-sâm jiáshān a lined dress.¹⁴
or 裌衣服 gäp-yï-fùk jiáyīfu lined garments.¹⁴
(See 袷 [gäp, qiā]. 裌 gäp; 夾 gäp).
gap2 4281
145 11 gäp qiā 袷袢 gäp-pän qiāpàn Uygur or Tajik robe buttoning down the front.⁶
(See 袷 [gäp, jiá].)
gap2 4282
145 12 gäp jiá (=夾 gäp jiá) lined garment.⁸ (variant: 袷 gäp jiá).
or 袷衫 gäp-sâm jiáshān a lined dress.¹⁴
or 袷衣服 gäp-yï-fùk jiáyīfu lined garments.¹⁴
(See 袷 [gäp, qiā]. 裌 gäp; 夾 gäp).
gap2 4283
149 14 gäp jiá (same as 唊 gäp jiá) wild statements; deliberate lies.⁸
(composition: ⿰訁夾; U+46DF).
(See 唊 gäp).
gap2 4284
157 13 gäp jiá trip and fall; stumble over.⁸ to stumble.¹⁰ʼ²⁵ʼ⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰𧾷合; U+8DF2).
跲后[跲後] gäp-hèo jiáhòu to stumble or slip down backwards.¹⁰²
言不跲 ngũn-būt-gäp
yánbùjiá not to stumble in one's words.²⁵
Ngũn-tẽin-èin-dāk-būt-gäp .
Yán qián dìng zé bù jiá.
If what is to be spoken be previously determined, there will be no stumbling.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·中庸·22》, translated by James Legge).
言前定卽不跲 ngũn-tẽin-èin-dēik-būt-gäp
yán qián dìng jí bù jiá consider well what you are to say, and you will not hesitate.¹⁰²
<又> gēp.
(See 跲 gēp).
gap2 4285
163 9 gäp jiá place name, Jia surname.
郏室[郟室] gäp-sīt jiáshì side chambers of a building.
郏县[郟縣] Gäp-yòn
Jiáxiàn Jia Xian county in Pingdingshan 平顶山[平頂山] Pẽin-ēin-sän Píngdǐngshān, 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng Henan Province.
gap2 4286
178 15 gäp jiá (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciatiion of 韐 âp gé knee-pad made of red-dyed leather.⁸).
(composition: ⿰韋合; U+97D0).
<又> âp. (See 韐 âp).
gap2 4287
181 16 gäp jiá the cheeks.⁷ (variant: 脥 gäp jiá).
颊带[頰帶] gäp-âi/
jiádài cheek strap.⁸
颊辅[頰輔] gäp-fù
jiáfǔ flesh on the cheeks.⁷ commissure of the lips.³⁹
颊骨[頰骨] gäp-gūt
jiágǔ cheekbone.⁶ zygoma.¹⁰
颊嗛[頰嗛] gäp-hēp
jiáqiān buccal cheek pouch.³⁹
颊面[頰面] gäp-mèin
jiámiàn buccal surface.⁶
颊囊[頰囊] gäp-nõng
jiánáng <zoo.> cheek pouch.⁶
颊上添毫[頰上添毫] gäp-sèng-hëm-hõ
jiáshangtiānháo lit. to make a portrait come alive by adding some hair on the cheeks – to give a magic touch to a literary piece; to add the punch line.⁷
颊窝[頰窩] gäp-vö
jiáwō dimple.⁶
两颊绯红[兩頰緋紅] lēng-gäp-fï-hũng
liǎngjiáfēihóng pink cheeks; flushed with shame.¹¹
两颊红润[兩頰紅潤] lēng-gäp-hũng-ngùn
liǎngjiáhóngrùn with rosy cheeks; with ruddy cheeks.⁶
面颊[面頰] mèin-gäp
miànjiá cheek.⁶
(Note: In Hoisanva 'cheek' is 面腔嘴 mèin-hông-duī,
(See 脥 gäp).
gap2 4288
196 18 gäp jiá cuckoo; Jia surname.⁸
鹎鵊[鵯鵊] bï-gäp bēijiá a kind of crow.²⁵
gap2 4289
30 6 gâp ➀ a municipal capacity unit of dry measure for grain, equal to one-tenth of a liter (一合 yīt-gâp yī gě =1 deciliter; 一升 yīt-sëin yī shēng = 1 liter).⁸ʼ⁰
➁ The old food measuring appliance, the capacity is one-piece called 合 gâp
gě, made of wood or bamboo in a  square or cylindrical shape.⁸ʼ⁰
三合镇[三合鎮] Xäm-gâp-jïn
Sāngězhèn, a Zhen (town) in 台山[臺山] Hõi-sän Táishān Taishan. (Postal service usually spells it as Sanhe for 三合.)
<又> hàp.
(See 合 hàp.)
gap5 4290
37 7 gâp jiā folder.
弹夹[彈夾] àn-gâp/ dànjiā (cartridge) clip; charger.⁵
文件夹[文件夾] mũn-gèin-gâp
wénjiànjiā folder; file (paper).
衣夹[衣夾] yï-gâp
yījiā clothespin; clothes peg.¹⁰
<台> 老鼠夹[老鼠夾] lāo-sī-gâp mousetrap.
<台> 衫夹[衫夾] sâm-gâp clothespin.
<又> gäp.
(See 夾 [gäp, ], [gäp, jiā], [gäp, jiá].)
gap5 4291
102 5 gâp jiǎ (of fingers and toes) nail; shell; armor.¹⁰
大穿山甲 ài-chün-sän-gâp dàchuānshānjiǎ giant pangolin (Smutsia gigantea).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
败鳞残甲[敗鱗殘甲] bài-lĩn-tãn-gâp
bàilíncánjiǎ tattered scales – disastrous defeat in battle.¹⁹
穿山甲 chün-sän-gâp
chuānshānjiǎ pangolin (Manis pentadactylata)​, scaly anteater.⁸
甲兵 gâp-bëin
jiǎbīng a fully armed soldier; military force in general.¹¹
甲虫[甲蟲] gâp-chũng
jiǎchóng crustaceans.¹¹
甲士 gâp-xù
jiǎshì armored soldiers.¹¹
龟甲[龜甲] gï-gâp
guījiǎ tortoiseshell; oracle bone.⁵⁴
台湾穿山甲[台灣穿山甲] Hõi-vän chün-sän-gâp
Táiwān chuānshānjiǎ Taiwan pangolin (Manis pentadactyla pentadactyla) aka 台湾鲮鲤[台灣鯪鯉], 闷仔[悶仔], 土龟[土龜].²⁰
指甲 jī-gâp
zhījia fingernail.
中华穿山甲[中華穿山甲] Jüng-vã chün-sän-gâp
Zhōnghuá chuānshānjiǎ Chinese pangolin (Manis pentadactylata)​, also called 鲮鲤[鯪鯉] lẽng-lî línglǐ.²⁰
<台> 脚甲[腳甲] gëk-gâp toenail.
<台> 手甲 siū-gâp fingernail.
<又> gāp.
(See 甲 gāp.)
gap5 4292
140 10 gâp jiá pods of leguminous plants; pods.⁸ the fruits, or seeds of leguminous plants.²⁵
豆荚[豆莢] èo-gâp dòujiá the pods of beans or peas.⁷
皂荚[皁莢] dào-gâp
zàojiá or 皂角[皂角] dào-gôk/ zàojiǎo Chinese honey locust; soap pod; Gleditsia sinensis.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
蓂荚[蓂莢] mẽin-gâp
míngjiá a kind of lucky grass, also known as 历荚[曆荚] lèik-gâp lìjiá.⁸ a kind of grass symbolizing auspice or luck.¹⁹ a felicitous plant, spoken of in the time of Yao.²⁵
槐树荚[槐樹莢] vãi-sì-gâp
huáishùjiá sophora fruit.⁵⁴
<又> gäp.
(See 莢 gäp).
gap5 4293
167 15 gâp jiá pincers, tongs; sword; hilt of a sword.⁶
长铗[長鋏] chẽng-gâp chángjiá long sword.⁶
剪票铗[剪票鋏] dēin-pêl-gâp
jiǎnpiàojiá conductor's punch; perforator.⁵⁴
火铗[火鋏] fō-gâp
huǒjiá fire tongs.⁶
铗子[鋏子] gâp-dū
jiázi tongs.¹⁰
铁铗[鐵鋏] hëik-gâp
tiějiá iron tongs.¹⁹
gap5 4294
30 7 𠯑

gāt guā <old> to block the mouth.³⁶
(composition: ⿱氏口; U+20BD1).
gat1 4295
64 9 gāt gua 挺括 hêin-gāt tǐnggua <topo.> (of cloth, paper) stiff and smooth; (of clothes) well-pressed, trim, neat, crisp.⁶
(See 括 [gāt, kuò].)
gat1 4296
64 9 gāt kuò to enclose; to include.
大括号[大括號] ài-gāt-hão dàkuòhào braces.
大括弧 ài-gāt-vũ
dàkuòhú braces.
包括 bäo-gāt
bāokuò to comprise; to include; to incorporate; to consist of.
尖括号[尖括號] dëm-gāt-hão
jiānkuòhào angle brackets.
总括[總括] dūng-gāt
zǒngkuò to sum up.
方括号[方括號] föng-gāt-hão
fāngkuòhào square brackets.
方括弧 föng-gāt-vũ
fāngkuòhú square brackets.
括号[括號] gāt-hão
kuòhào brackets; parentheses; braces.
括注[括註] gāt-jî
kuòzhù an explanatory note in brackets.
括弧 gāt-vũ
kuòhú parentheses.⁵
括约肌[括約肌] gāt-yēk-gï
kuòyuējī <phys.> sphincter.
角括弧 gôk-gāt-vũ
jiǎokuòhú angled brackets.
中括弧 jüng-gāt-vũ
zhōngkuòhú square brackets.
概括 köi-gāt
gàikuò summarize, generalize, epitomize; briefly, in broad outline.⁵
弯括弧[彎括弧] vän-gāt-vũ
wānkuòhú braces.⁵⁴
小括弧 xēl-gāt-vũ
xiǎokuòhú parenthesis; round brackets.
圆括号[圓括號] yõn-gāt-hão
yuánkuòhào parentheses.
圆括弧[圓括弧] yõn-gāt-vũ
yuánkuòhú parentheses.
(See 括 [gāt, gua].)
gat1 4297
75 10 gāt guā Chinese juniper; <wr.> neck of an arrow.⁶
栝楼[栝樓] gāt-lẽo or 瓜蒌[瓜蔞] gä-lẽo guālóu Chinese  trichosanthes; snakegourd fruit.⁶
栝楼根[栝樓根] gāt-lẽo-gïn
guālóugēn or 瓜蒌根[瓜蔞根] gä-lẽo-gïn guālóugēn trichosanthes root.⁶ <TCM> Mongolian Snakegourd Root, also named 天花粉 hëin-fä-fūn tiānhuāfěn Tian Hua Fen (Radix Trichosanthis).⁵⁸
栝楼皮[栝樓皮] gāt-lẽo-pĩ
guālóupí <TCM> the fruit-rind of Chinese trichosanthes (Trichosanthes kirilowii).⁵ trichosanthes rind.⁶
gat1 4298
75 11 gāt guā (<old>=栝 gāt guā Chinese juniper; <wr.> neck of an arrow.⁶).⁸  the ridgepole of a house; the notch in an arrow which receives the string.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木𠯑 or ⿰木⿱氏口; U+6870).
檃桰 yîn-gāt
yǐnguā a square.²⁴
(See 栝 gāt).
gat1 4299
128 12 gāt guō raucous; clamor; unpleasantly noisy.¹⁰
聒聒 gāt-gāt guōguō uproarious; clamorous.⁷
聒聒叫 gāt-gāt-gël
guōguōjiào very good; wonderful; excellent.⁷
聒扰[聒擾] gāt-ngêl
guōrǎo to make a din.⁷
聒耳 gāt-ngī
guō'ěr offensive to the ear.⁷
聒噪 gāt-täo
guōzào to be uproarious; to be noisy.⁷
聒絮 gāt-xuî
guōxù to keep talking noisily.⁷
絮聒 xuî-gāt
xùguō be long-winded; bother.⁵⁵
gat1 4300
130 10 gāt guā fat of animals or plants, (same as 胋 hẽm tián) fat, plump; fertile; animal fat.⁸ʼ¹⁰ suet.²⁵
(composition: ⿰⺼舌; U+43E6).
<又> hẽm.
(See 䏦 hẽm;  hẽm).
gat1 4301
140 12 gāt kuò aka 麋舌 mĩ-sêt míshé or 麋舌草 mĩ-sêt-tāo míshécǎo; a grass whose leaves resemble tongues.²³ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿱艹活; U+843F).
<又> vòt.
(See 萿 vòt).
gat1 4302
159 8 gāt <topo.> squeeze, press, jostle, push against; associate, contact; check, audit, examine.⁶
(comp. t: ⿰車乚; U+8ECB). (comp. s: ⿰车乚; U+8F67).
轧别丁[軋別丁] gāt-bèik-ëin
gábiédīng gabardine.⁶
轧车子[軋車子] gāt-chëh-dū
gáchēzi jostle one's way onto a bus.⁶
轧头寸[軋頭寸] gāt-hẽo-tün
gátóucùn (in the Wu dialect) <informal> to scramble for cash to meet a payment.⁷
轧戏[軋戲] gāt-hï
gáxì <topo.> watch an opera.⁵⁴
轧账[軋賬] gāt-jëng
gázhàng check the accounts.⁶
轧朋友[軋朋友] gāt-pãng-yiû
gápéngyou <topo.> make friends with somebody.⁶
轧姘头[軋姘頭] gāt-pëin-hẽo
gápīntou <topo.> (of a married man or woman) have an affair; knock/fool/mess about.⁶
<又> jät.
(See 軋 [jät, ], [jät, zhá].)
gat1 4303
162 9 gāt kuò (<old> swift); Kuo surname.³⁶
(composition: ⿺辶舌; U+9002).
(See 𨓈❄{⿺辶⿱氏口} gāt; 適 sēik, whose simplified form is 适).
gat1 4304
162 10 𨓈
gāt kuò (original character for 适 gāt kuò <old> swift.²ʼ³⁶).²
(composition: ⿺辶𠯑 or ⿺辶⿱氏口; U+284C8).
(See 适 gāt).
gat1 4305
167 9 gāt gadolinium (Gd).⁶
(comp. t: ⿰釒乚; U+91D3). (comp. s: ⿰钅乚; U+9486).
钆合金[釓合金] gāt-hàp-gïm
gáhéjīn gadolinium alloy.⁶
gat1 4306
196 17 gāt guā a kind of wader, allied to the crane; cawing of crows.¹⁴
鸹鹿[鴰鹿] gāt-lùk guālù the black crane.¹⁴
老鸹 lāo-gāt
lǎogua a common name for crow.⁹
老鸹铃[老鴰鈴] lāo-gāt-lẽin
lǎogualíng Hemsley snowball (Styrax hemsleyanus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
老鸹窝里出凤凰[老鴰窩裡出鳳凰] lāo-gāt-vö-lī-chūt-fùng-võng
lǎoguawōlǐchūfènghuáng a phoenix grows out from a crow's nest; mediocre parents give birth to extraordinary offsprings.⁵⁴
鸧鸹[鶬鴰] töng-gāt
cāngguā or 白顶鹤[白頂鶴] bàk-ēin-hôk báidǐnghè white-naped crane, Daurian crane (Grus vipio).⁵⁴
gat1 4307
18 8 gät guā to pare; to shave; to scrape.⁷
刮板 gät-bān guābǎn a scraper; a squeegee; a strickle.⁵⁴
刮鼻子 gät-bì-dū
guābízi (in playing cards) scrape somebody's nose (as a punishment if he loses in the game); scrape one's own nose to scorn/embarass somebody; <topo.> rebuke, reprimand, dress down.⁶
刮刮叫 gät-gät-gël
guāguājiào splendid; wonderful; tops.⁷
刮地皮 gät-ì-pĩ
guādìpí (said of corrupt local officials) to exact money from the people.⁷
刮脸[刮臉] gät-lêm
guāliǎn shave the face.⁶
刮目相看 gät-mùk-xëng-hön
guāmùxiāngkàn  to marvel at someone's progress or improvement.⁷
刮平 gät-pẽin
guāpíng to pare (so as to make the surface smooth).⁷
刮破 gät-pö
guāpò to cut or hurt (the face) in shaving.⁷
刮痧 gät-sä
guāshā <TCM> a popular treatment for sunstroke by scraping the patient's neck, chest or back.¹¹
刮胡子[刮鬍子] gät-vũ-dū
guā húzi to shave oneself, to shave; <topo.> to meet rejection; to be scolded.⁷
<台> 刮头[刮頭] gät-hẽo to shave one's head.
<台> 刮头佬[刮頭佬] gät-hẽo-lāo barber.
<台> 刮须[刮鬚] gät-xü to shave beard.
<又> kät.
(See 刮 kät; 颳 gät.)
gat2 4308
64 15 gät guā to scratch.²⁴
<又>kāt, làp, yêp. (See 擖 gōt, 擖 làp, 擖 yêp).
gat2 4309
182 15 gät guā to blow (of the wind).
顶刮刮[頂颳颳] ēin-gät-gät dǐngguāguā  (=顶呱呱
[頂呱呱]) ēin-gā-gā
dǐngguāguā tip-top; first-rate.¹⁰
刮风[颳風] gät-füng
guāfēng to be windy.
刮起[颳起] gät-hī
guāqǐ to blow up.
刮阴风[颳陰風] gät-yïm-füng
guā yīnfēng to spread rumors or talk disparagingly about somebody.
(See 刮 gät.)
gat2 4310
30 8 gēh guā <台> 呱吟呱叫 gēh-lãng-gēh-diû (loud) screaming (as from pain).
<又> gā. (See 呱 [gā, ]; 呱 [gā, guā].)
geh1 4311
30 12 gëh <Cant.> possessive particle.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰口既 or ⿰口旣; U+5605).
<又> köi. (See 嘅 köi.)
geh2 4312
7 8 gēik urgently; imperatively; pressingly.
不必亟亟 būt-bēik-gēik-gēik bùbìjíjí  there is no hurry about it; there is no need to hurry.
亟亟 gēik-gēik
jíjí <wr.> urgent; in a hurry; in haste.
亟待 gēik-òi
jídài <wr.> urgently; promptly.
亟待解决[亟待解決] gēik-òi-gāi-kūt 
jídàijiějué to demand prompt solution.
<又> kï.
(See 亟 kï.)
geik1 4313
32 16 gēik <topo.> sun-dried mud brick; adobe.⁶
炭墼 hän-gēik
tànjī lumps made of charcoal powder.⁵⁴
土墼 hū-gēik
tǔjī <topo.> sun-dried mud brick; adobe.⁵⁴
geik1 4314
38 9 gēik jié (=洁[潔] gēik jié) clean; pure, clean, stainless; often used in person's names.⁶
geik1 4315
40 14 gēik jié fast, quick.³⁶
(composition: ⿱宀康; U+3769).
<又> köng; höng; lõng. (See 㝩 köng; 㝩 höng; 㝩 lõng).
geik1 4316
62 12 gēik halberd; halbert (a kind of weapon in ancient times); <wr.> excite; stimulate.⁶ a spear with branches; a halberd; a three-pointed spear.²⁴ (variant: 㦸 gēik ).
(composition: ⿰龺戈; U+621F).
戟兵 gēik-bëin
jǐbīng halberdier.¹⁰
戟指 gēik-jī
jǐzhǐ fulminate.⁸ to point one's fingers at (another) and revile him.¹¹
戟指怒目 gēik-jī-nù-mùk
jǐzhǐ-nùmù point at and stare angrily at; point ones fingers at somebody and stare at him with angry eyes.⁸
戟龙[戟龍] gēik-lũng
jǐlóng Styracosaurus.²³
戟门[戟門] gēik-mõn
jǐmén <wr.> a high official's residence (“a house with lances”).¹¹
戟手 gēik-siū
jǐshǒu (=戟指 gēik-jī jǐzhǐ) fulminate.⁸ to point one's fingers at (another) and revile him.¹¹
折戟 jēt-gēik
zhéjǐ break the spear (as a token of peace/truce).⁵⁴
折戟沉沙 jēt-gēik-chĩm-sä
zhéjǐchénshā broken halberds embedded in sand – reminder of a fierce battle or a beaten army; crushing/disastrous defeat.⁶
华戟[華戟] vã-gēik
huájǐ an ornamental spear.²⁴
三叉戟 xäm-châ-gēik
sānchājǐ trident.⁸
(See 㦸 gēik).
geik1 4317
62 12 gēik (=戟 gēik halberd; halbert (a kind of weapon in ancient times); <wr.> excite; stimulate.⁶ a spear with branches; a halberd; a three-pointed spear.²⁴); a lance with two points; a halberd with a crescent-shaped blade.¹⁴
(variant: 戟 gēik
(composition: ⿰卓戈; U+39B8).
㦸喉 gēik-hẽo
jǐhóu an irritant to the throat.¹⁴
㦸手 gēik-siū
jǐshǒu to point the fingers of both hands at a person in scorn or anger.¹⁴
㦸手詈人 gēik-siū-lì-ngĩn
jǐshǒulìrén to point at and revile.¹⁴
㦸盾 gēik-ùn
or gēik-hûn jǐdùn halberds and shields – weapons.¹⁴
铦于句㦸[銛于句㦸] xëin-yï-ngëo-gēik
xiānyúgōujǐ sharper than hooks and spear.²⁵
(See 戟 gēik).
geik1 4318
64 9 gēik jié 拮据[拮據] gēik-guï jiéjū short of money; hard up; in straitened circumstances.
拮抗肌 gēik-köng-gï
jiékàngjī <med.> antagonistic muscles.
拮抗筋 gēik-köng-gïn
jiékàngjīn <phys.> counteracting muscles.
手头拮据[手頭拮據] siū-hẽo-gēik-guï
shǒutóujiéjū short of funds.
<又> gït.
(See 拮 gït.)
geik1 4319
64 10 gēik qiè to take along; to lift, to carry; to support.
带挈[帶挈] äi-gēik dàiqiè to take along.
左提右挈 dū-hãi-yiù-gēik
zuǒtíyòuqiè to hold something in each hand.¹ to help each other; to give mutual help.⁹
挈带 gēik-äi
qièdài <wr.> to take along.
挈出红尘[挈出紅塵] gēik-chūt-hũng-chĩn
qièchūhóngchén to lead a person away from this mortal life.¹¹
挈挈 gēik-gēik
qièqiè urgent.¹ <wr.> in a hurry.¹¹
挈眷南下 gēik-gün-nãm-hà
qièjuànnánxià to bring one's family south.¹¹
挈缾之知 gēik-pẽin-jï-jï
or gēik-pêng-jï-jï qièpíngzhīzhī <wr.> trivial knowledge.¹¹
提挈 hãi-gēik
tíqiè <wr.> to lead; to take along; to guide and support; to help; assistance; recommendation for a job; to carry (away).
提纲挈领[提綱挈領] hãi-göng-gēik-lêin
tígāngqièlǐng bring out the essentials by concentrating on the main points.⁸
<又> kēik, ngēik.
(See 挈 kēik, ngēik.)
geik1 4320
64 15 gēik to stab/fight with swords; to grasp, to hold.¹⁹  to take hold of.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌戟; U+64A0).
搏撠 bōk-gēik bójǐ to strike, and fight; the part of a spear grasped by the hand.²⁴ (cf 搏击[搏擊] bōk-gēik bójī).
撠掖 gēik-yìt jǐyè, the same as 拘持 guï-chĩ jūchí, which is the same as 挟制[挾制] hèp-jäi xiézhì to force somebody to do one's bidding.¹⁹
geik1 4321
64 16 gēik (<old>=击[擊] gēik to strike, to hit; to combat, to fight; to come in contact with.¹¹); to hit; to beat.⁸ to beat, to whip.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌敫; U+64BD).
<又> hël; yël.
(See 撽 hël; 撽 yël; 擊 gēik).
geik1 4322
64 17 gēik to strike, to hit; to combat, to fight; to come in contact with.¹¹
打击[打擊] ā-gēik
dǎjī to beat; to strike a heavy blow.
击毙[擊斃] gēik-bài
jībì shoot dead/down; shoot to death.⁶
击缶[擊缶] gēik-fèo
jífǒu to beat time with a percussion instrument made of pottery.¹⁰
击柝[擊柝] gēik-hōk
jītuò (of night watchmen) beat the rattle and go the rounds.¹¹
击掌为号[擊掌為號] gēik-jēng-vĩ-hào
jīzhǎngwéihào clap hands as a signal.³⁹
击楫[擊楫] gēik-tīp
jījí to vow to bring peace to the country (allusion to the story of 祖逖 Dū Èik Zǔ Tì).¹¹ <wr.> make an oath to recover lost land.⁵⁴
攻击[攻擊] güng-gēik
gōngjī  to attack; to accuse.
目击[目擊] mùk-gēik
mùjī see with one's own eyes; witness.⁶
sëin-üng-gēik-xäi shēngdōngjīxī to feint.
回击[回擊] või-gēik
huíjī to counterattack.⁹
游击[游擊] yiũ-gēik
yóujī to wage guerrilla warfare.
游击队 yiũ-gēik-juì
yóujīduì a guerrilla band; guerrillas.⁷
geik1 4323
75 12 gēik thorns; buckthorns; thorny brambles; Ji surname.
披荆斩棘[披荊斬棘] pï-gëin-jām-gēik pījīngzhǎnjí  to hack one's way through difficulties; to cultivate land as a pioneer; to travel through thick bushes and dense jungles.
棘针[棘針] gēik-jïm
jízhēn buckthorns.
棘手 gēik-siū
jíshǒu thorny; troublesome.
棘心 gēik-xïm
jíxīn (old allusion) a son's heart.¹¹ <trad.> son's self-reference when speaking of his deceased parents; shoots of jujube (in a metaphor - about yourself: helpless children, whose mother gives all her strength to raising).⁵⁴
刻棘刻褚 hāk-gēik-hāk-chuî
kèjíkèzhǔ remarkable skill in crafting characters (in writing).⁵⁴
兰形棘心[蘭形棘心] lãn-yẽin-gēik-xïm
lánxíng jíxīn  appearances are deceptive (lit., “appearance of orchid and heart of thistle”).¹¹
峙棘 sì-gēik
or chî-gēik zhìjí opposing spine.⁹
(Note: 'thorn' in Hoisanva is
簕 läk, q.v.).
geik1 4324
78 12 gēik <wr.> kill; slay.⁶
雷殛 luĩ-gēik léijí be struck dead by lightning.⁵
神明殛之 sĩn-mẽin-gēik-jï
shénmíngjízhī May the gods strike me dead if...!¹⁴
geik1 4325
85 15 gēik jié clean; pure, clean, stainless.⁶
洁白[潔白] gēik-bàk jiébái spotlessly white; pure white.¹⁰
洁净[潔凈] gēik-dèng
jiéjìng clean; spotless.⁶
洁樽候教[潔樽候教] gēik-dûn-hèo-gäo
jiézūnhòujiào (phr., used in formal invitations) look forward to have the pleasure of your company (lit., “clean the cups”).¹¹
洁具[潔具] gēik-guì
jiéjù toilet utensils; sanitary equipment; sanitary ware.⁶
洁癖[潔癖] gēik-pēik
jiépǐ mysophobia; dread of filth/dirt; excessive concern for neatness.⁶
洁身自好[潔身自好] gēik-sïn-dù-häo
jiéshēnzìhào clean-living and honest (idiom); to avoid immorality; to shun evil influence; to mind one's own business and keep out of trouble; to keep one's hands clean.¹⁰
整洁[整潔] jēin-gēik
zhěngjié neatly; tidy.¹⁰
纯洁[純潔] sũn-gēik
chúnjié innocent; pure; pure and clean; sincere and faithful; purify.⁶
清洁[清潔] tëin-gēik
qīngjié clean.¹⁰
geik1 4326
85 16 gēik swash, surge, dash; arouse, stimulate, excite; sharp, fierce, violent; fall ill from getting wet; <topo.> chill (by putting in ice water).⁵
(composition: ⿰氵敫; U+6FC0).
激化 gēik-fä jīhuà sharpen; intensify; become acute.⁵
激光 gēik-göng
jīguāng laser.⁵
激烈 gēik-lèik
jīliè intense; sharp; fierce; acute.⁵
激昂 gēik-ngõng
jī'áng excited and indignant; roused.⁵
激荡[激蕩] gēik-òng
jīdàng agitate; surge; rage.⁵
激势相沏[激勢相沏] gēik-säi-xëng-chēik
jīshìxiāngqiè powerful forces pounding against each other.⁰
激动 gēik-ùng
jīdòng excite; stir; agitate.⁵
慷慨激昂 kōng-köi-gēik-ngõng
kāngkǎijī'áng impassioned; vehement.⁶
<台> 激死 gēik-xī infuriate; exasperate; irritate; annoy.
<台> 你激死我喽[你激死我嘍] nï-gēik-xī-ngöi-lū You drive me crazy! You drive me nuts!
geik1 4327
120 12 gēik jié tie, weave; knot; unite, join; congeal; form, found; result, outcome; pay or settle an account; <bio.> node.⁷
结冰[結冰] gēik-bëin jiébīng freeze; ice up; ice over.⁵
结束[結束] ] gēik-chūk
jiéshù end; finish; conclude; close.⁶
结伙[結伙] gēik-fō
jiéhuǒ gang up; band together.⁶
结婚[結婚] gēik-fün
jiéhūn marry; get married.⁵
结痂[結痂] gēik-gâ
jiéjiā form a scab.⁵
结果[結果] gēik-gō
jiéguǒ result, outcome; kill, finish off.⁵
结局[結局] gēik-gùk
jiéjú conclusion; ending.¹⁰
结核[結核] gēik-hàt
jiéhé tuberculosis; <min.> nodule.⁵
结核病[結核病] gēik-hàt-bèng
jiéhébìng tuberculosis.⁵
结合[結合] gēik-hàp
jiéhé combine; unite; integrate; link.⁶
结账[結賬] gēik-jëng
jiézhàng settle or square accounts; balance one's books; pay up; settle one's bill.⁶
结构[結構] gēik-këo
jiégòu (of novel or art work) structure, composition.¹¹
结论[結論] gēik-lùn
jiélùn conclusion; verdict.⁵
结盟[結盟] gēik-mãng
jiéméng form an alliance.⁵
结茅[結茅] gēik-mão
jiémáo build (a hut) with straw.¹¹
结网[結網] gēik-mōng
jiéwǎng weave a net.⁵
结义兄弟[結義兄弟] gēik-ngì hëin-ài
jiéyì xiōngdì sworn brothers.⁶
(See 結 [gēik, jiē]; 結 gëik).
geik1 4328
120 12 gēik jié (=洁[潔]) pure, clean, stainless.⁶ clean, pure.⁷ pure.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱㓞糸; U+7D5C).
絜尔牛羊[絜爾牛羊] gēik-ngì-ngẽo-yẽng jiéěrniúyáng the oxen and sheep are all pure.¹⁴
絜清(=清洁[清潔] tëin-gēik
qīngjié clean) gēik-tëin jiétëin clean.¹⁹
<又> ngēik.
(See 絜 ngēik.)
geik1 4329
120 12 gēik jiē bear (fruit); form (seed).⁵
结实[結實] gēik-sìt jiēshí bear fruit; fructify.⁵
结实[結實] gēik-sìt
jiēshi solid; sturdy; durable.⁵
结巴[結巴] gēik-bä
jiēba stammer, stutter; stammerer; stutterer.⁵
开花结果[開花結果] höi-fä-gēik-gō
kāihuā jiēguǒ blossom and bear fruit.⁵
(See 結 [gēik, jié]; 結 gëik).
geik1 4330
120 21 gēik xié <wr.> figured silk fabric.⁶ silk with patterns or designs woven into it.⁷ to tie up silk into skeins; to tie a knot; a knot.¹⁴ to bind, to tie together different pieces of silk in order to dye them.²⁵
打个缬[打個纈] ā-göi-gēik dǎgexié to tie a knot.¹⁴
缬氨酸[纈氨酸] gēik-ön-xön
xiéānsuān <biochem.> valine.⁶
缬草油[纈草油] gēik-tāo-yiũ
xiécǎoyóu valerian oil.⁶
死缬[死纈] xī-gēik
sǐxié a knot that will not slip.¹⁴
geik1 4331
140 5 gēik name of a tree.²
(composition: ⿰; U+827B).
艻木 gēik-mùk jímù the name of a tree, good for making palisades, as its timber is very durable.²⁵
<又> làk.
(See 艻 làk).
geik1 4332
140 15 gēik (composition: ⿱艹棘; U+8540).
颠蕀[顛蕀] ëin-gēik diānjí aka 天门冬[天門冬] hëin-mõn-üng tiānméndōng lucid asparagus.⁸ʼ¹³ a thorny creeper, with a small leaf.²⁵ (See 'Note 1' in 虋 mõn or 天门冬[天門冬] hëin-mõn-üng).
蕀苑 gēik-vōn
jíyuàn aka 远䓌[遠䓌] or 远志[遠志] yōn-jï yuǎnzhì,⁸ which is polygala (a medical herb).⁸ Polygala tenuifolia.Polygala tenuifolia Willd.¹⁹
geik1 4333
145 11 gēik jié to hold something with the front of a jacket; sleeve; hold up.⁸ lift up a dress.¹⁰ to lay hold of the lappet of one's coat.²⁵ to pull out or hold up the skirt, as if carrying something in it.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰衤吉; U+88BA).
薄言袺之 bòk-ngũn-gēik-jï báoyánjiézhī Now we place the seeds in our skirts. (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·周南·芣苢·3》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ now we will put (the seeds) in our skirts.¹⁰²
袺之 gēik-jï
jiézhī to hold in the lap.²⁵
袺衣上袵 gēik-yï-sëng-ngìm
jié yī shàng rèn from the skirt up to the breast or lapel.¹⁰²
geik1 4334
145 17 gēik <lit.> collar.⁸ the collar of a coat.²⁵
(composition: ⿰衤棘; U+894B).
要襋 yël-gēik yàojí refers to good clothes.¹⁹ (shorten form of 要之襋之好人服之, q.v.)

Yël-jï-gēik-jï, hāo-ngĩn-fùk-jï.
Yāo zhī jí zhī, hǎorén fú zhī.
[His bride] puts the waistband to his lower garment and the collar to his upper,
And he, a wealthy man, wears them.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·魏風·葛屨》, translated by James Legge).
衣襋 yï-gēik
yījí a collar.¹⁹
geik1 4335
145 20 gēik xié tuck up hem of garment and wrap; use the front of a jacket to hold something.⁸  carry with the front of a robe.¹⁰ the lappet of a coat; to receive anything in the bosom; the part of the garment above the waist.²⁵
(composition: ⿰衤頡; U+896D).
襭之 gēik-jï xiézhī the put in the bosom.²⁵
Tōi-tōi-fẽo-yî, bòk-ngũn-gēik-jï
Cǎi cǎi fú yǐ, báo yán xié zhī.
We gather and gather the plantains;
Now we tuck out skirts under our girdles.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·周南·芣苢·3》, translated by James Legge).
geik1 4336
149 13 gēik jié to investigate; to closely question.
驳诘[駁詰] bök-gēik bójié to question persistently.⁷
反诘[反詰] fān-gēik
fǎnjié to counter with a question; to rebut; to refute; rebuttal.
诘旦[詰旦] gēik-än
jiédàn <wr.> tomorrow; the next morning.
诘责[詰責] gēik-jāk 
jiézé <wr.> to censure; to rebuke.
诘问[詰問] gēik-mùn
jiéwèn <wr.> to closely question.
盘诘[盤詰] põn-gēik
pánjié <wr.> to cross-examine; to question; to interrogate.
诃诘[訶詰] ü-gēik
hējié to interrogate.
<又> gīt.
(See 詰 gīt.)
geik1 4337
177 9 gēik in a desperate situation; critical.⁸
病革 bèng-gēik bìngjí about to die of an illness.³⁹
危革 nguĩ-gēik
wēijí (=危急 nguĩ-gīp wēijí) critical; in imminent danger; in a desperate situation.⁸
纾革[紓革] sï-gēik
shūjí <wr.> get rid of evil.⁵⁴
<又> gāk.
(See 革 gāk.)
geik1 4338
181 15 gēik jié to deduct; to omit.⁷
(comp. t: ⿰吉頁; U+9821). (comp. s: ⿰吉页; U+9889).
仓颉[倉頡] Töng-Gēik
Cāng Jié Cang Jie, legendary scribe of the Yellow Emperor and creator of Chinese writing; Cangjie input method (computing).¹⁰ the reputed inventor of Chinese writing.¹⁴
(See 頡 [gēik, xié].)
geik1 4339
181 15 gēik xié <wr.> (of birds) fly upwards.⁶ to fly upwards, to soar; the neck; vague, ambiguous.¹⁴ an upright neck; to fly up; Xie surname.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿰吉頁; U+9821). (comp. s: ⿰吉页; U+9889).
颉颃[頡頏] gēit-hõng
xiéháng <wr.> (of birds) fly up and down; rival.⁶ to match, to contest, well-matched; birds flying up and down.<wr.> (of birds) fly up and down; rival; haughty, conceited.⁷  (of birds) fly upward; equally matched.⁸ (of birds) fluttering up and down; stiff-necked.¹⁴ to fly up and down.²⁵
颉之颃之[頡之頏之] gēit-jï-hõng-jï
xiézhīhángzhī now flying up and now down; fluttering about.¹⁴
颉滑[頡滑] gēik-vàt
xiéhuá specious; having a double meaning.¹⁴
挺颉[挺頡] hêin-gēik
tǐngxié to stretch forth the neck.¹⁴
互相颉颃[互相頡頏] vù-xëng-gēit-hõng
hùxiāngxiéháng to rival each other.¹¹
(See 頡 [gēik, jié].)
geik1 4340
195 17 gēik jié clam, oyster; freshwater mussel.⁸ a kind of cockle.²⁵
鲒酱[鮚醬] gēik-dëng
jiéjiàng pickled mussels.²⁵
geik1 4341
203 18 gēik xiá clever, bright, intelligent; crafty, cunning.⁶
狡黠 gāo-gēik or gāo-hàt jiǎoxiá <wr.> sly; crafty; cunning.⁶ crafty; astute.¹⁰
黠戛斯 gēik-āt-xü
or hàt-āt-xü xiájiásī ancient name for the Kirghiz: lit. "red-yellow faces, in allusion to their red hair, white complexion and green eyes." Giles.¹⁴
黠慧 gēik-fì
or hàt-fì xiáhuì intelligent; smart.¹¹
黠棍 gēik-gûn
or hàt-gûn xiágùn crafty rascal.⁸
黠智 gēik-jï
or hàt-jï xiázhì  intelligent; smart.¹¹
黠狯[黠獪] gēik-köi
or hàt-köi xiákuài cunning; crafty.³⁹
黠吏 gēik-lì
or hàt-lì xiálì <wr.> vicious and crafty official.⁶
黠鼠 gēik-sī
or hàt-sī xiáshǔ alert and resourceful rat.¹¹
鬼黠 gī-gēik
or gī-hàt guǐxiá sly, crafty.¹¹
猾黠 vàt-gēik
or vàt-hàt huáxiá crafty; deceitful; sly; tricky; cunning.⁸
小黠大痴[小黠大癡] xēl-gēik-ài-chï
or xēl-hàt-ài-chï xiǎoxiádàchī be shrewd at gnat and muddled at the key issue.¹⁶
<又> hàt.
(See 黠 hàt.)
geik1 4342
120 12 gëik jié <台> 结[結] gëik to button.
<台> 结钮[結鈕] gëik-niū to button.
(See 結 [gēik, jiē]; 結 [gēik, jié]).
geik2 4343
9 11 gèik jié <wr.> brave, valiant.⁶ brave, martial; hasty, scudding.⁷ brave; martial; forceful; hasty; rush.¹⁴
匪车偈兮[匪車偈兮] fī-guï-gèik-hãi fěijūjiéxī <wr.> not that the carriage was running so fast...¹¹
偈偈乎 gèik-gèik-fũ
jiéjiéhū forceful.¹⁴
偈偈为义[偈偈為義] gèik-gèik-vĩ-ngì
jiéjiéwèiyì earnest in the performance of public duties.¹⁴
<又> gäi, gài.
(See 偈 gäi, gài.)
geik4 4344
9 12 gèik jié hero; heroic; outstanding person; distinguished.
俊杰[俊傑] dün-gèik jùnjié person of outstanding talent; hero.⁵
怪杰[怪傑] gäi-gèik
guàijié monstre sacré (artist famous for being deliberately preposterous).¹⁰
杰出[傑出] gèik-chūt
jiéchū outstanding.
杰作[傑作] gèik-dōk
jiézuò masterpiece.
豪杰[豪傑] hõ-gèik
háojié demigod; hero.
地灵人杰[地靈人傑] ì-lẽin-ngĩn-gèik
dìlíngrénjié A remarkable place produces outstanding people; favorable terrain and friendly people.
人杰[人傑] ngĩn-gèik
rénjié illustrious individual.
人杰地灵[人傑地靈] ngĩn-gèik-ì-lẽin
rénjiédìlíng heroes bring glory to a place.
女杰[女傑] nuī-gèik
nǚjié distinguished/upper-class woman.
英杰[英傑] yëin-gèik
yīngjié hero.
geik4 4345
32 9 gèik jié (ancient form of 桀 gèik jié) a henroost; cruel; the last ruler of the Xia Dynasty.⁸
(composition: ⿱舛土; U+3636).
(See 桀 gèik).
geik4 4346
64 13 gèik jié violent, brutal; rape; ferocious adversary; (<old> same as 揭 këik jiē in meaning only, not in sound: to uncover, to expose, to reveal; to bear).⁸ to lift up, as the clothes.²⁴
(composition: ⿱扌桀; U+6429).
<又> jàk.
(See 搩 jàk).
geik4 4347
75 10 gèik jié the last ruler of the Xia Dynasty.⁵ cruel, tyrannical.⁶
(old variant: 㘶 gèik jié). (See 㘶 gèik).
桀犬吠尧[桀犬吠堯] gèik-hūn-fì-ngẽl
jiéquǎnfèiyáo the tyrant Jie's cur yapping at the sage king Yao – utterly unscrupulous in its zeal to please its master.⁵
桀纣[桀紂] Gèik-Jào
Jié-Zhòu Jie-Zhou King Jie of the end of the Xia Dynasty and King Zhou of the end of the Shang Dynasty. It is said that they were both despots; a despot who controls a country by force.⁹
桀纣之恶[桀紂之惡] gèik-jào-jï-ōk
jiézhòuzhī'è The devil is not so black as he is painted.⁵⁴
桀骜[桀驁] gèik-ngão
jié'ào <wr.> obstinate.⁶
桀骜不驯[桀驁不馴] gèik-ngão-būt-sũn
jié'àobùxùn <wr.> stubborn and intractable; obstinate and unruly.⁵
geik4 4348
75 12 gèik the utmost point, extreme; pole; extremely; exceedingly.⁵
极大[極大] gèik-ài jídà maximum; enormous.¹⁰
极点[極點] gèik-ēm
jídiǎn the farthest point, extremities.¹¹
极光[極光] gèik-göng
jíguāng aurora; polar lights.⁶
极限[極限] gèik-hàn
jíxiàn limit; extreme boundary.¹⁰
极其[極其] gèik-kĩ
jíqí most; extremely; exceedingly.⁵
极力[極力] gèik-lèik
jílì do one's utmost; spare no effort.⁵
极了[極了] gèik-lēl
jíle extremely; exceedingly.¹⁰
极目[極目] gèik-mùk
jímù as far as the eye can see.⁵
极目远眺[極目遠眺] gèik-mùk-yōn-hël
jímùyuǎntiào gaze into the distance.⁵
极端[極端] gèik-ön
jíduān extreme; exceeding.⁵
极度[極度] gèik-ù
jídù extremely; exceedingly; to the utmost.⁵
极小[極小] gèik-xēl
jíxiǎo <math.> minimum.⁶
物极必反[物極必反] mùt-gèik-bēik-fān
or mòt-gèik-bēik-fān wùjíbìfǎn things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme.⁵
南极[南極] Nãm-gèik
Nánjí the South Pole.¹¹
<台> 电话打极都唔通[電話打極都唔通] èin-và-ā-gèik-dū-m̃-hüng can never get him/her on the phone.
geik4 4349
117 14 gèik jié to devote, or put forth (efforts); to exhaust, to use up.⁷
竭尽[竭盡] gèik-dìn jiéjìn to devote to the full; to use up.⁷
竭尽绵薄[竭盡綿薄] gèik-dìn-mẽin-bòk
jiéjìnmiánbó to do all one can (a polite expression).⁷
竭尽所能[竭盡所能] gèik-dìn-sō-nãng
jiéjìnsuǒnéng to do ones utmost; exhaust one's ability.⁵⁴
竭泽而渔[竭澤而漁] gèik-jàk-ngĩ-nguĩ
jiézé'éryú lit. to fish by emptying the water of a pond – to make a thorough but unwise exploitation.⁷
竭智尽虑[竭智盡慮] gèik-jï-dìn-luì
jiézhìjìnlǜ to devote one's mental resources to the full.⁷
竭蹶 gèik-kūt
jiéjué to stagger, to totter; to proceed with difficulty; destitute, impoverished.⁷
竭力 gèik-lèik
jiélì to do one's utmost; to do one's best.⁷
竭虑[竭慮] gèik-luì
jiélǜ to devote one's mental energy to the full.⁷
竭诚[竭誠] gèik-sẽin
jiéchéng wholeheartedly; with all sincerity.⁷
geik4 4350
123 15 gèik jié wether; an ancient minority in China.⁶ to castrate a ram; a deer's skin.¹⁴
羯族 gèik-dùk jiézú Jie people, originally a branch of the Tokhara (月支 ngùt-jï yuèzhī).¹⁰
羯鼓 gèik-gū
jiégǔ a kind of drum said to have come from the Jie nationality in ancient China.⁶ double ended skin drum with a narrow waist.¹⁰ a deer-skin drum.¹⁴
羯古 Gèik-gū
Jiégǔ a tribe of Tartars or Xiongnu from 羯室 Gèik-sīt Jiéshì.¹
羯磨 gèik-mõ
jiémó karma (loanword).¹⁰
羯室 Gèik-sīt Jiéshì ancient name for a place in Shanxi.¹⁴
羯胡 Gèik-vũ
Jiéhú Jie people, originally a branch of the Tokhara (月支 ngùt-jï yuèzhī).¹⁰
羯羊 gèik-yẽng
jiéyáng wether, castrated ram.⁶
羌羯 Gëng-gèik
Qiāngjié ancient nationality in West China.⁷
摩羯 mö-gèik
mójié Capricorn (star sign); northern people in classical times, a branch of the Huns or 匈奴 Hüng-nũ Xiōngnú Xiongnu.¹⁰
<又> kēik.
(See 羯 kēik.)
geik4 4351
140 13 𦵴
gèik jié name of a grass.²
(composition: ⿱艹桀; U+26D74).
geik4 4352
9 14 gēin jǐng (<old>=警 gēin jǐng) warn, admonish; keep watch; alert, vigilant; police, policeman; an alarm.⁶
or 警备[警備] gēin-bì jǐngbèi guard; garrison.⁶
or 警戒 or 警诫[警誡] gēin-gäi jǐngjiè warn, admonish; be on the alert (against), be on one's guard, be vigilant, keep a close watch on, stand upon one's guard.⁶
儆儆 gēin-gēin
jǐngjǐng uneasy; wary.⁷
儆省 gēin-xēin
jǐngxǐng warn; alert; awaken.⁷
or 杀一警百[殺一警百] sät-yīt-gēin-bäk shāyījǐngbǎi execute one as a warning to a hundred.⁶
or 以警效尤 yî-gēin-hào-yiũ yǐjǐngxiàoyóu punish somebody as a warning to others.⁶
(See 警 gēin).
gein1 4353
13 2 gēin jiōng Kangxi radical 13, outside of a town/city, suburb; countryside around a city, outskirts; open country, field, outdoors.⁸  radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 13), occurring in 用, 同, 网, etc. It is called 同字框 hũng-dù-köng tóngzìkuàng.¹⁰
gein1 4354
13 7 gēin jiǒng (<old>= 炯 gēin jiǒng) bright, brilliant.
(See 炯 gēin.)
gein1 4355
18 9 gēin jǐng <wr.> to cut the throat.⁶
自刭[自剄] dù-gēin zìjǐng <wr.> to commit suicide by cutting one's own throat; to cut one's own throat.⁶
(See 自刎 dù-mêin).
gein1 4356
31 7 gēin jiǒng <old> patterned window; a clear and bright window; shining, brightness; <neologism, slang, humorous> an emoticon expressing surprise, shock, embarrassment, helplessness or awkwardness.³⁶
(composition: ⿴囗⿱八冂 or ⿴四冂; U+56E7).
囧 gēin
jiǒng or 伯煛 or 伯囧 Bāk Gēin Bó Jiǒng a minister during the reign of King Mu of Zhou (周穆王 Jiü Mùk Võng Zhōu Mù Wáng reign 976–922 BCE).
gein1 4357
32 14 gēin jìng ➀ border; boundary; frontier ➁ place; area; region
➂ condition; situation.³⁶ (composition: ⿰土竟; U+5883).
边界[邊界] bëin-gäi biānjiè boundary; border.⁵
处境[處境] chuī-gēin
chǔjìng situation (usually unfavorable).
出入境 chūt-yìp-gēin
chūrùjìng to leave or to enter a country.
境况[境況] gēin-fōng
jìngkuàng personal circumstances.¹¹
境界 gēin-gäi
jìngjiè boundary; extent reached; plane attained; state; realm.
境地 gēin-ì
jìngdì condition; circumstances; plight; territory; region.
境外 gēin-ngòi
jìngwài outside (a country's) borders.
境内[境內] gēin-nuì
jìngnèi within a country's borders
环境[環境] vãn-gēin
huánjìng environment; surroundings; circumstances.⁵
gein1 4358
50 15 gēin jǐng silk; a coat used in traveling.²⁴ (composition: ⿰巾景; U+5E5C).
gein1 4359
53 广 8 𢇺
gēin jiōng (=扃 gēin jiōng <lit.> bolt, hook, or bar for fastening a door from outside; door, door leaf; shut a door.⁶)
(composition; ⿸广冋; U+221FA).
(See 扃 [gēin, jiōng]).
gein1 4360
61 15 gēin jǐng <wr.> awake; come to see the truth; wake up to reality.⁶ rouse, awaken; become conscious.³⁶ (composition: ⿰忄景; U+61AC).
憧憬 chüng-gēin chōngjǐng long for; look forward to; yearn for.⁶ ➀ to long for; to yearn for; to look forward to ➁ vision for the future.³⁶
憬悟 gēin-m̀
jǐngwù <wr.> wake up to reality; come to see the truth.⁶ realize what is right and what is wrong.¹¹
憬然 gēin-ngẽin
jǐngrán awake; alert.⁶ aware; knowing.⁷
gein1 4361
63 9 gēin jiǒng (used for 烱 gēin jiǒng) hot, clear.¹⁴
(composition ⿸戶冋 or ⿸户冋; U+6243).
扃扃 gēin-gēin
jiǒngjiǒng perceiving; discerning; discriminating.⁷ clear and lucid.¹⁴
(See 扃 [gēin, jiōng]; 烱 gēin).
gein1 4362
63 9 gēin jiōng <wr.> bolt, hook, or bar for fastening a door from outside; door, door leaf; shut a door.⁶
(variants: 𢇺❄{⿸广冋} gēin, 𨴀 ❄{⿵門冋} gēin).
(composition ⿸戶冋 or ⿸户冋; U+6243).
扃关[扃關] gēin-gän
jiōngguān a bolt or bar  (for doors).⁷
扃键[扃鍵] gēin-gèin
jiōngjiàn to lock; a door bolt.⁷
❄{⿰钅矞}[扃鐍] gēin-kūt jiōngjué a hasp for locking.⁷
扃门[扃門] gēin-mõn
jiōngmén to shut a door.¹⁴
扃门谢客[扃門謝客] gēin-mõn-dèh-hāk
or gēin-mõn-dèh-häk jiōngménxièkè to shut the door and decline visitors.⁷
(See 扃 [gēin, jiǒng]; 𢇺❄{⿸广冋} gēin; 𨴀 ❄{⿵門冋} gēin).
gein1 4363
63 10 gēin jiōng <old>=扃 gēin jiōng <lit.> bolt, hook, or bar for fastening a door from outside; door, door leaf; shut a door.⁶
(composition: ⿸戶向 or ⿸户向; U+6244).
<又> hēng.
(See 扄 hēng).
gein1 4364
64 15 gēin jǐng (<old>=儆 gēin jǐng) forbid; caution, admonish; guard against, keep close watch on.²
(Cant.) to guard against, take precautions.⁸
(composition: ⿰扌敬; U+64CF).
<又> kẽin.
(See 擏 kẽin.)
gein1 4365
72 12 gēin jǐng view, scenery, scene; situation, condition; scenery (of a play or film); scene (of a play); admire, revere, respect.⁵
景象 or 景像 gēin-dèng jǐngxiàng scene; sight; picture.⁵
景点[景點] gēin-ēm
jǐngdiǎn scenic spot.¹⁰
景教 Gēin-gäo
Jǐngjiào Nestorianism.⁵
景观[景觀] gēin-gön
jǐngguān landscape.⁵
景泰蓝[景泰藍] gēin-häi-lãm
jǐngtàilán cloisonné.⁵
景天 gēin-hëin
jǐngtiān or 八宝[八寶] bāt-bāo bābǎo garden stonecrop (Hylotelephium erythrostictum).⁵
景气[景氣] gēin-hï
jǐngqì prosperity; boom.⁵
景致[景緻] gēin-jï
jǐngzhì an especially beautiful scenery.¹¹
景慕 gēin-mù
jǐngmù to admire and respect.⁷
景物 gēin-mùt
or gēin-mòt jǐngwù scenery.¹⁰
景物宜人 gēin-mùt-ngĩ-ngĩn
or gēin-mòt-ngĩ-ngĩn jǐngwùyírén delightful scenery.⁵
景仰 gēin-ngêng
jǐngyǎng respect and admire.⁵
景遇 gēin-nguì
jǐngyù <wr.> circumstances; one's lot.⁵
景片 gēin-pëin
jǐngpiàn a piece of (stage) scenery; flat.⁵
景颇族[景頗族] Gēin-pō-dùk
Jǐngpōzú the Jingpo (Chingpo) nationality, living in Yunnan.⁵
景色 gēin-sēik
jǐngsè scenery; view; scene; landscape.⁵
景深 gēin-sïm
jǐngshēn <photo.> depth of field.⁵
<又> yēin.
(See 景 yēin.)
gein1 4366
72 16 gēin jǐng bright, clear.²⁴ bright.³⁶
(composition: ⿰日景; U+66BB).
gein1 4367
75 13 𣕄
gēin jiǒng name of a tree.² the name of a tree.²⁴
(composition ⿰木扃 or ⿰木⿸戶冋 or ⿰木⿸户冋; U+23544).
gein1 4368
75 18 gēin qǐng grassy plant with fibers from which cloth is made.⁸ A kind of hemp, four or five feet high; the leaves are llike the hemp, but thinner; the fruit is like large hemp-seeds; people weave the fibers into cloth.²⁴ (variant: 苘 gēin).
(composition; ⿱𤇾林 or ⿱𤇾𣏟; U+6ABE).
(See 苘 gēin).
gein1 4369
85 8 gēin jiǒng clear and deep (of water); wide.⁹  vast.¹⁰ deep; (used for 迥 gēin jiǒng) distant, vast.¹¹ <lit.> deep and vast (of water);
<lit.> alternative form of 迥 (gēin
jiǒng, “far; distant”).³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵冋; U+6CC2).
泂泂 gēin-gēin
jiǒngjiǒng (of water) clear and deep.¹¹
泂酌 gēin-jēk
jiǒngzhuó wine from a distant place.¹⁹
<又> vèin.
(See 泂 vèin; 迥 gēin.)
gein1 4370
85 10 gēin jiǒng only used in 浻澋.³⁶
(composition ⿰氵冏; U+6D7B).
浻澋 gēin-vàng jiǒnghèng water eddying round; an eddy; a whirlpool.¹³ʼ²⁴
(See 浻 [gēin, jiōng].
gein1 4371
85 10 gēin jiōng (alternate Mandarin pronunciation for 浻 gēin jiǒng).
(archaic) name of an ancient pond or reservoir.³⁶
(composition ⿰氵冏; U+6D7B).
(See 浻 [gēin, jiǒng].
gein1 4372
85 20 gēin jiǎn <topo.> sprinkle water; pour liquid.⁶ pour, fill.⁵⁴
瀽半碗儿与我吃[瀽半碗兒与我吃] gēin-bön-vōn-ngĩ-yî-ngô-hëk jiǎnbànwǎnryǔwǒchī pour half a cup and drink together with me.⁵⁴
瀽水 gēin-suī
jiǎnshuǐ pour water.⁵⁴
瀽穴 gēin-yòt
jiǎnxué water-filled hole.⁵⁴
gein1 4373
86 8 gēin jiǒng
<wr.> daylight; bright, light.⁶  light, bright; heat.⁸ (literary) bright; shining; brilliance.¹⁰
炅炅 gēin-gēin jiǒngjiǒng light; bright.⁸
炅然 gēin-ngẽin
jiǒngrán light; bright.⁸
<又> Gï.
(See 炅 Gï.)
gein1 4374
86 9 gēin jiǒng bright, shining.⁵ bright, brilliant, clear; hot.⁸ hot, bright, clear; severe.¹⁴ (variants: 烱, 冏 gēin jiǒng).
(composition: ⿰火冋; U+70AF).
炯晃 gēin-fōng 
jiǒnghuǎng bright and clear.⁷
炯戒 gēin-gäi
jiǒngjiè a clear warning.⁷
炯鉴[炯鑒] gēin-gäm
jiǒngjiàn clear reflection; clear understanding.⁷
炯炯 gēin-gēin
jiǒngjiǒng clear and bright (of eyes); discerning.⁷
炯炯有神 gēin-gēin-yiû-sĩn
jiǒngjiǒngyǒushén (of eyes) bright and piercing.⁶
炯然 gēin-ngẽin
jiǒngrán understand well; bright, shining; sharp.⁸
炯心 gēin-xïm
jiǒngxīn clear conscience.⁷
目光炯炯 mùk-göng-gēin-gēin
mùguāng jiǒngjiǒng flashing or sparkling eyes.⁶
(See 烱 gēin; 冏 gēin.)
gein1 4375
86 11 gēin jiǒng (=炯 gēin jiǒng bright, shining.⁵ bright, brilliant, clear; hot.⁸ hot, bright, clear; severe.¹⁴);  light; clear.³⁶
(composition; ⿰火冏; U+70F1).
(See 炯 gēin.)
gein1 4376
86 14 gēin jiǒng big eyes; sight, vision, view; gaze, look; a person's name; (=囧 gēin jiǒng, a minister's name); surprised look.²
(composition: ⿱䀠火; U+715B).
or 伯囧 Bāk Gēin Bó Jiǒng or 囧 gēin jiǒng a minister during the reign of King Mu of Zhou (周穆王 Jiü Mùk Võng Zhōu Mù Wáng reign 976–922 BCE).
gein1 4377
86 15 gēin jiǒng <wr.> firelight.⁶ (<archaic=炯 gēin jiǒng) bright, brilliant.⁸ the blaze of fire.¹⁴ the light of fire; bright, glorious.²⁴ <lit.> flame; blaze.³⁶ the brightness of fire; brilliant; imperfect views.¹⁰²
(Note: distinguish similar-looking characters 潁穎頴㯋 vèin; 熲顈 gēin; 𩒵
❄{⿰⿱匕田頁} kēin).
(comp. t: ⿰⿱匕火頁; U+71B2). (comp. s: ⿰⿱匕火页; U+988E).
颎耀[熲耀] gēin-yèl jiǒngyào magnificent, illustrious. ¹⁹
颎光[熲光] gēin-göng
jiǒngguāng light; glory.¹⁹
颎颎[熲熲] gēin-gēin
jiǒngjiǒng bright; shiny.¹⁹ <lit.> bright
<lit.> (rare) disturbing.³⁶
无思百忧, 不出于颎.[無思百憂, 不出于熲.]
Mũ-xü-bāk-yiü, būt-chūt-yï-gēin.
Wú sī bǎi yōu, bù chū yú jiǒng.
Do not think of all your anxieties; -
You will not emerge from imperfect views. (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·北山之什·無將大車·2》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰
Do not brood over your many griefs, or you will never get out from your gloomy virews.¹⁰²
gein1 4378
96 15 gēin jǐng (<old>=璟 gēin jǐng the shine that reflects from a piece of jade.⁹ the luster of gems.¹⁴)
a bright jewel.²⁴
(composition: ⿰𤣩竟; U+7484).
(See 璟 gēin).
gein1 4379
96 16 gēin jǐng the shine that reflects from a piece of jade.⁹ the luster of gems.¹⁴ (old variant: 璄 gēin).
(composition: ⿰𤣩景; U+749F).
(See 璄 gēin).
gein1 4380
120 11 gēin jiǒng unlined garment, dust coat.⁸ monotone garment with no lining.¹⁰ unlined garment; (same as 褧 gēin jiǒng) a garment of one color with no lining; a dust coat.³⁶
(composition traditional: ⿰糹冋; U+7D45).
(composition simplified: ⿰纟冋; U+4339).
(See 褧 gēin).
gein1 4381
120 13 gēin jiǒng (=䌹[絅] gēin jiǒng unlined garment, dust coat.⁸ monotone garment with no lining.¹⁰ unlined garment; (same as 褧 gēin jiǒng) a garment of one color with no lining; a dust coat.³⁶).¹⁰ a kind of cloth.²⁵
(composition: ⿰糹冏; U+7D97).
(See 絅, 褧 gēin)
gein1 4382
120 18 gēin jiǎn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 茧[繭] gān jiǎn with same meaning: cocoon; callus, blister.)
<又> gān.
(See 繭 gān).
gein1 4383
140 8 gēin qǐng (=檾 gēin qǐng) Indian mallow.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹冋; U+82D8).
苘麻 gēin-mã
qǐngmá piemarker.¹ Indian mallow (Abutilon theophrasti).⁹ Indian hemp (Cannabis).⁹
(See 檾 gēin).
gein1 4384
142 18 𧑊
gēin jǐng insects in general.²⁵
(composition: ⿰虫景; U+2744A).
gein1 4385
145 16 gēin jiǒng unlined clothes; light overcoat.⁸ hemp overall.⁹ monotone garment with no lining.¹⁰ (=䌹[絅] gēin jiǒng).¹³
(composition; ⿱耿衣; U+8927).
(See 絅 gēin).
gein1 4386
149 17 gēin jiǎn to stutter, to stammer; to speak out boldly.⁷ stutter; speak out boldly.⁸ stuttering; outspoken; faithful, loyal.¹¹ to speak out boldly; to beg, to entreat.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱𡨄言; U+8B07).
謇謇 gēin-gēin jiǎnjiǎn faithful, loyal.⁷
謇謇直言 gēin-gēin-jèik-ngũn
jiǎnjiǎnzhíyán be outspoken.⁵⁴
謇而无憺[謇而無憺] gēin-ngĩ-mũ-àm
jiǎnérwú dàn importunate.¹⁴
謇而徐言 gēin-ngĩ-tuĩ-ngũn
jiǎnérxúyán to speak slowly owing to stammer.⁷
謇谔[謇諤] gēin-ngōk
jiǎn'è <wr.> outspoken; frank; candid.¹¹
gein1 4387
149 19 gēin jǐng warn, admonish; keep watch; alert, vigilant; police, policeman; an alarm.⁶ (variants: 䜘, 儆 gēin jǐng).
警灯[警燈] gēin-äng
jǐngdēng warning lamp.⁶
警报[警報] gēin-bäo
jǐngbào alarm; warning; alert; siren.⁶
警察 gēin-chāt
jǐngchá police; policeman.⁵
警车[警車] gēin-chëh
jǐngchē police car/van.⁶
警笛 gēin-èk
jǐngdí police whistle; siren.⁵
警匪片 gēin-fī-pëin
jǐngfěipiàn crime action movie.⁶
警方 gēin-föng
jǐngfāng police.⁶
警风[警風] gēin-füng
jǐngfēng police conduct.⁶
警戒 gēin-gäi
jǐngjiè to be vigilant; to stand guard.⁷
警告 gēin-gäo
jǐnggào to warn; to admonish.¹⁰
警觉[警覺] gēin-gōk
jǐngjué vigilant; alert; watchful.⁷
警官 gēin-gön
jǐngguān police officer.⁶
警句 gēin-guî/
jǐngjù aphorism; epigram.⁶
警棍 gēin-gûn
jǐnggùn policeman's baton; truncheon.⁶
警号[警號] gēin-hào
jǐnghào warning signal; policeman's badge number.⁶
警犬 gēin-hūn
jǐngquǎn police dog.⁵
警惕 gēin-tēik
jǐngtì to be on the alert; to watch out.⁵
警卫[警衛] gēin-vì
jǐngwèi (security) guard; guard with armed forces.⁶
(See 䜘 gēin; 儆 gēin).
gein1 4388
149 19 gēin jǐng (=警 gēin jǐng) warn, admonish; keep watch; alert, vigilant; police, policeman; an alarm.⁶
(See 警 gēin).
gein1 4389
149 20 𧬯 gēin jiǎn the original character for 謇 gēin jiǎn to stutter, to stammer; o speak out boldly.⁷ stutter; speak out boldly.⁸ stuttering; outspoken; faithful, loyal.¹¹ to speak out boldly; to beg, to entreat.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰言⿱𡨄巳; U+27B2F).
(See 謇 gēin).
gein1 4390
149 24 𧮈 gēin jiǎn (=𧬯❄{⿰言⿱𡨄巳} gēin jiǎn to stutter, to stammer; o speak out boldly.⁷ stutter; speak out boldly.⁸ stuttering; outspoken; faithful, loyal.¹¹ to speak out boldly; to beg, to entreat.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰言蹇; U+27B88).
(See 𧬯❄{⿰言⿱𡨄巳} gēin; 謇 gēin).
gein1 4391
157 11 gēin jiǎn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 趼 gān jiǎn with same meaning: callous.⁶ the callous skin or blisters on hands or feet.⁷).
<又> gān.
(See 趼 gān).
gein1 4392
157 17 gēin jiǎn lame, crippled; slow; difficult, hard; haughty.⁷
蹇步 gēin-bù jiǎnbù slow and clumsy steps.⁷
蹇吃 gēin-hëk
jiǎnchī to speak indistinctly; to stutter; to lisp.⁷
蹇滞[蹇滯] gēin-jài
jiǎnzhì not proceeding smoothly.⁷
蹇连[蹇連] gēin-lẽin
jiǎnlián difficult to travel.⁷
蹇驴[蹇驢] gēin-luĩ
jiǎnlǘ a lame donkey.⁷
蹇涩[蹇澀] gēin-sēip
jiǎnsè difficult; hard.⁷
蹇修 gēin-xiü
jiǎnxiū go-between; matchmaker.¹⁰
时乖命蹇[時乖命蹇] sĩ-gäi-mèin-gēin
shíguāimìngjiǎn bad times, adverse fate (idiom).¹⁰
仕途偃蹇 xù-hũ-yēn-gēin
shìtúyǎnjiǎn have an unsuccessful official career.³⁹
淹蹇 yēm-gēin
yānjiǎn be frustrated; delay, hold up.⁵⁴
偃蹇 yēn-gēin
yǎnjiǎn be arrogant; sit idle on the pretext of being ill.⁵⁴
gein1 4393
162 8 gēin jiǒng <wr.> far away; widely different.⁵
族类迥异[族類迥異] dùk-luì-gēin-yì zúlèijiǒngyì races are different.³⁹
迥然 gēin-ngẽin
jiǒngrán far apart; widely different.⁵
迥然不同 gēin-ngẽin-būt-hũng
jiǒngránbùtóng utterly different; not in theleast alike.⁵
迥异[迥異] gēin-yì
jiǒngyì widely/diametrically different; poles apart.⁶
gein1 4394
169 13 𨴀
gēin jiōng (=扃 gēin jiōng <lit.> bolt, hook, or bar for fastening a door from outside; door, door leaf; shut a door.⁶)
(composition; ⿵門冋; U+28D00).
(See 扃 gēin.)
gein1 4395
181 16 gēin jǐng the reading pronunciation of 颈[頸] gēng jǐng the neck.
(See 頸 [gēng, gěng]; 頸 gēng, jǐng.)
gein1 4396
181 17 gēin jiǒng ramie-like plant found in ancient books; unlined clothes.⁸ a plant of hemp family.¹¹ (Note: distinguish similar-looking characters 潁穎頴㯋 vèin; 熲顈 gēin; 𩒵❄{⿰⿱匕田頁} kēin).
顈缀[顈綴] gēin-juì
jiǒngzhuì to sew; to join.²⁵
gein1 4397
187 15 gēin jiōng in good condition (as a horse).¹⁰ <lit.> (horse) stable.¹¹ big.¹³ a fat strong horse, a horse in good condition; a paddock for keeping horses in.²⁵
(composition: ⿰馬冋; U+99C9).
駉駉 gēin-gēin jiōngjiōng stout and strong horse.¹³
駉駉壮马[駉駉牡馬] gēin-gēin-mêo-mâ
jiōngjiōngmǔmǎ fine, strong stallions; robust, fat horses.²⁵
gein1 4398
8 8 gëin jīng capital. The number (10^16) or 10 quadrillion.
北京 Bāk-gëin Běijīng Beijing.
北京大学[北京大學] Bāk-gëin-ài-hòk
Běijīng Dàxué Beijing University.
北京狗 Bāk-gëin-gēo
Běijīnggǒu Pekinese (dog).
北京烤鸭[北京烤鴨] Bāk-gëin-häo-äp
Běijīng kǎoyā roast Peking duck.⁵
北京填鸭[北京填鴨] Bāk-gëin-hẽin-äp
Běijīng tiányā Peking duck.
北京时间[北京時間] Bāk-gëin-sĩ-gän
Beijing Shíjiān
Beijing Time (the standard time in China).
北京猿人 Bāk-gëin-yõn-ngĩn
Běijīng Yuánrén Peking Man.⁶
京畿 gëin-gï
jīngjī <wr.> the capital city and its environs.⁵
京广铁路[京廣鐵路] Gëin-gōng-hëik-lù
Jīngguǎngtiělù Jing-Guang (Beijing-Guangzhou) Railway.
京戏[京戲] Gëin-hï
Jīngxì Beijing/Peking opera.⁶
京剧[京劇] Gëin-kēk
Jīngjù Beijing opera.
京城 gëin-sẽng 
jīngchéng capital of a country.
京菜 Gëin-töi
Jīngcài Beijing cuisine.
南京 Nãm-gëin
Nánjīng Nanjing.
东京[東京] Üng-gëin
Dōngjīng Tokyo.
gein2 4399
10 14 gëin jīng to fear; to dread; apprehensive; cautious.⁷ fearful, cautious, wary.⁸ (composition: ⿰克克; U+5162).
兢兢 gëin-gëin jīngjīng carefu, cautious; strong.⁷
兢兢业业[兢兢業業] gëin-gëin-ngèp-ngèp
jīngjīngyèyè be cautious and conscientious.⁶ with caution and fear; cautious and attentive.⁷ (ideophonic) cautious and conscientious; diligent and attentive.³⁶
兢业[兢業] gëin-ngèp
jīngyè <lit.> cautious and conscientious.³⁶
战战兢兢[戰戰兢兢] jën-jën-gëin-gëin
zhànzhànjīngjīng  trembling with fear; very cautious; with fear and trepidation.⁷
gein2 4400
32 11 gëin jiān hard; solid; firmly.
坚持[堅持] gëin-chĩ jiānchí to persist in; to insist on.
坚持不渝[堅持不渝] gëin-chĩ-būt-yĩ
jiānchíbùyú to stick to something without change (idiom); to persevere.¹⁰
坚定[堅定] gëin-èin
jiāndìng firm; staunch; steadfast.
坚苦卓绝[堅苦卓絕] gëin-fū-chēk-dùt
jiānkǔzhuójué to show utmost fortitude.
坚固[堅固] gëin-gü
jiāngù firm; firmly; hard; stable.¹⁰
坚贞[堅貞] gëin-jëin
jiānzhēn chaste; of inflexible virtue.⁷
坚贞不渝[堅貞不渝] gëin-jëin-būt-yĩ
jiānzhēnbùyú unyielding integrity (idiom); unwavering.¹⁰
坚致[堅緻] gëin-jï
jiānzhì solid and compact.⁸ of strong make and finely finished.¹¹
坚强[堅強] gëin-kẽng
jiānqiáng staunch; strong.¹⁰
坚决[堅決] gëin-kūt
jiānjué firm; determined; firmly; resolutely.
坚硬[堅硬] gëin-ngàng
jiānyìng hard; solid.¹⁰
坚韧[堅韌] gëin-ngïn
jiānrèn tough and tensile; firm and tenacious.⁶
中坚[中堅] jüng-gëin
zhōngjiān nucleus; hard core; backbone.⁶
心坚石穿[心堅石穿] xïm-gëin-sêk-chün
xīnjiānshíchuān Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.¹⁹
gein2 4401
38 11 gëin jīng a woman's name.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女京; U+5A5B).
gein2 4402
47 7 𢀖
gëin jīng streams running underground; flowing water; alternative form of 经[經] gëin jīng.³⁶
{经[經] gëin jīng warp; unchanged law; scripture; menstruation; channels; longitude; constant; manage; pass through; bear.⁵⁵ ➀ <old> (weaving) warp, a thread running lengthwise in a woven fabric. Antonym: 緯 ➁ to go through; to experience ➂ <old> to control; to manage; to engage in ➃ something regarded as principal, doctrinal or classical ➄ <TCM> blood vessel ➅ menses; menstruation.³⁶ ➆ Short for 经度[經度] (jīngdù, “longitude”). Antonym: 緯 ➇ (Teochew) to weave ➈ A surname​.³⁶}
t: ⿳一巛工); U+5DE0). (comp. s: ⿱ス工); U+22016).
gein2 4403 22016.gif
66 12 gëin jìng respect; respectfully; offer politely.⁵
敬谢不敏[敬謝不敏] gëin-dèh-būt-mêin jìngxièbùmǐn beg to be excused.⁵
敬恳[敬懇] gëin-hān
jìngkěn respectfully request.⁵
敬贺[敬賀] gëin-hào
or gëin-hò jìnghè congratulate with respect.⁶
敬重 gëin-jùng
jìngzhòng deeply respect; revere; honor.⁵
敬启者[敬啟者] gëin-kāi-jēh
jìngqǐzhě I beg to state; I wish to inform you.⁵ a conventional phrase referring to the letter writer placed at the beginning of the letter.⁷
敬礼[敬禮] gëin-lâi
jìnglǐ to salute; extend one's greetings.⁷
敬老尊贤[敬老尊賢] gëin-lāo-dün-yẽn
jìnglǎozūnxián to revere the aged and honor the wise.⁷
敬仰 gëin-ngêng
jìngyǎng to admire; esteem; respect.⁷
敬业乐群[敬業樂群] gëin-ngèp-lòk-kũn
jìngyèlèqún to respect work and enjoy company.⁷
敬而远之[敬而遠之] gëin-ngĩ-yōn-jï
jìng'éryuǎnzhī to keep a person or thing at a respectful distance; to keep a person or a thing at arm's length.⁷
敬爱[敬愛] gëin-öi
jìng'ài to respect and love.⁷
敬佩 gëin-pöi
jìngpèi to admire; to respect; to esteem.⁷
敬畏 gëin-vï
jìngwèi hold in awe and veneration; revere.⁵
敬意 gëin-yï
jìngyì  respect; tribute.⁵
gein2 4404
85 10 gëin jīng name of a river in 陕西[陝西] Sēm-xäi Shǎnxī Shaanxi.⁷
泾河[涇河] Gëin-hõ
Jīnghé name of a river in 陕西[陝西] Shǎnxī Shaanxi (Province).⁷
泾清渭浊[涇清渭濁] Gëin-tëin Vì-dùk
Jīng qīng Wèi zhuó clear distinction between good and bad.⁵⁴
泾渭不分[涇渭不分] Gëin-Vì-būt-fün
Jīng-Wèi bùfēn fail to distinguish the clear water in the Jinghe River and the turbid water in the Weihe River – fail to distinguish between good and evil or black and white.⁶
泾渭分明[涇渭分明] Gëin-Vì-fün-mẽin J
īng-Wèi fēnmíng be as different as the clear water from the Jinghe River and the turbid water from the Weihe River – be entirely or utterly or strikingly different.⁶
gein2 4405
87 8 gëin jīng to knit, weave.⁸ʼ³⁶
(composition: ⿱爫壬; U+3E12).
<又> yĩm; ngĩm. (See 㸒 yĩm; 㸒 ngĩm).
gein2 4406
110 9 gëin jīn sympathize with; be self-important; restrained.⁵⁵ (variant: 矝 gëin).
自矜 dù-gëin zìjīn sing one's own praises.⁸
矜大 gëin-ài
jīndà proud and bragging; arrogant and exaggerative.⁷
矜持 gëin-chĩ
jīnchí reserved.⁵⁵
矜宠[矜寵] gëin-chüng
jīnchǒng to presume on the favor of the boss.⁷
矜矜 gëin-gëin
jīnjīn vigorous-looking.⁷
矜重 gëin-jùng
jīnzhòng dignified; self-control/esteem.⁷
矜夸[矜誇] gëin-kä
jīnkuā be conceited and boastful.⁵⁵
矜怜[矜憐] gëin-lĩn
jīnlián to commiserate with; to pity; to feel sorry for.⁷
矜悯[矜憫] gëin-mûn
or gëin-mêin jīnmǐn to pity; to sympathize; to compassionate.⁷
矜人 gëin-ngĩn
jīnrén men in a pitiable case.⁷
矜式 gëin-sēik
jīnshì pattern after; respect as a model.⁷
矜饰[矜飾] gëin-sēik
jīnshì to brag and pretend.⁷
矜全 gëin-tũn
jīnquán to pity and help.⁷
矜惜 gëin-xēik
jīnxī to value; to treasure.⁷
矜恤 gëin-xūt
jīnxù to sympathize with; to have pity on.⁷
矫矜[矯矜] gēl-gëin
jiǎojīn smugness.¹⁰
<又> gän, kĩn.
(See 矜 gän, kĩn; 矝 gëin.)
gein2 4407
110 10 gëin jīn (=矜 gëin jīn) sympathize with; be self-important; restrained.⁵⁵
(composition: ⿰矛令; U+77DD).
<又> gän.
(See 矜 gëin; 矝 gän).
gein2 4408
120 11 gëin jīng (=經 gëin jīng) classic works; pass through.
(See 經 [gëin, jīng]; 經 [gëin, jìng].)
gein2 4409
120 13 gëin jìng ➀ <old> to weave ➁ <old> (weaving) to wrap; to arrange strands of thread so that they run lengthwise ➂ <old> Alternative form of 径[徑] (gèin jìng, “diameter”). ➃ <old> Alternative form of 径[徑] (gèin jìng, “path”). ➄ <old> Alternative form of 径[徑] (gèin jìng, “straight; directly”).³⁶
(See 経 gëin; 經[gëin, jīng].)
gein2 4410
120 13 gëin jīng warp; unchanged law; scripture; menstruation; channels; longitude; constant; manage; pass through; bear.⁵⁵
经济[經濟] gëin-däi jīngjì economic; economy.¹¹
经典[經典] gëin-ēin
jīngdiǎn classic; scripture; classical, (of matters) typical and influential.⁶
经费[經費] gëin-fï
jīngfèi funds; outlay.⁵
经过[經過] gëin-gö
jīngguò pass; go through, undergo; as a result of, after, through.⁵
经其斡旋[經其斡旋] gëin-kĩ-vät-xũn
jīngqíwòxuán through one's good offices.³⁹
经历[經歷] gëin-lèik
jīnglì go through, undergo, experience; experience.⁵
经纶[經綸] gëin-lũn
jīnglún <wr.> comb silk thread – run or manage state affairs.⁶
经年累月[經年累月] gëin-nẽin-luì-ngùt
jīngniánlěiyuè for years; year in year out.⁵
经验[經驗] gëin-ngèm
jīngyàn experience; go through.⁵
经纱[經紗] gëin-sä
jīngshā <txtl.> warp.
经常[經常] gëin-sẽng
jīngcháng frequently; constantly; regularly; often; day-to-day; everyday; daily.¹⁰
经纬[經緯] gëin-vī
jīngwěi warp and woof; longitude and latitude; main points.¹⁰
经纬仪[經緯儀] gëin-vī-ngĩ
jīngwěiyí theodolite.⁸
(See 経 gëin; 經[gëin, jìng].)
gein2 4411
120 17 gëin jiān (=坚[堅] gëin jiān hard; solid; firmly.);  tight; firm; fast; secure; close.⁸ fast bound, tight.²⁵
(composition: ⿰糹堅; U+4311).
(See 堅 gëin).
gein2 4412
140 9 gëin jīng thorns; brambles; my wife; cane; Jing surname.⁸
班荆道故[班荊道故] bän-gëin-ào-gü bānjīngdàogù squat/sit around on the grass and chat of old times.⁸
紫荆花[紫荊花] dū-gëin-fä
zǐjīnghuā bauhinia.¹⁹
荆钗布裙[荊釵布裙] gëin-chäi-bü-kũn
jīngchāibùqún Take a branch as a hairpin and coarse cloth as a skirt.  It is used to describe the plain dress worn by women from poor families.⁹
荆棘[荊棘] gëin-gēik
jīngjí thistles and thorns; brambles; thorny undergrowth.⁵ thorns, thorny; a difficult situation.⁷
荆芥[荊芥] gëin-gäi
jīngjiè <bot.> Schizonepeta tenuifolia, herb used in Chinese medicine.
荆条[荊條] gëin-hẽl
jīngtiáo chaste-tree twigs (used for weaving).
荆璞[荊璞] gëin-pök
jīngpú unpolished precious jade.⁵⁴
gein2 4413
140 14 gëin jìng name of a variety of grass.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹竟; U+4514).
gein2 4414
140 16 𦽁
gëin jīng a species of rattan.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹經; U+26F41).
gein2 4415
147 7 gëin jiàn Kangxi radical 147. see; meet with; appear to be; refer to; meet; opinion.⁵
见习[見習] gëin-dìp jiànxí learn on the job; be on probation.⁵
见风使舵[見風使舵] gëin-füng-sōi-hõ
or gëin-füng-sōi-hũ jiànfēngshǐduò (=见风使船[見風使船] gëin-füng-sōi-sõn jiànfēng shǐchuán) lit. see the wind and set the helm (idiom); fig. to act pragmatically; to be flexible and take advantage of the situation.¹⁰
见解[見解] gëin-gāi
jiànjiě view; opinion; understanding.⁵
见机[見機] gëin-gï
jiànjī as opportunity arises.⁵
见棱见角[見棱見角] gëin-lẽin-gëin-gök
jiànléngjiànjiǎo a showy display of one's abilities and spirit; be angular.⁸ (object) having sharp edges and angles; (person) tactless.⁵⁴
见面[見面] gëin-mèin
jiànmiàn meet; see.⁵
见闻[見聞] gëin-mũn
jiànwén what one sees and hears; knowledge; information.¹⁰
见仁见智[見仁見智] gëin-ngĩn-gëin-jï
jiànrénjiànzhì different people, different views; opinions differ.⁵
见外[見外] gëin-ngòi
jiànwài regard somebody as an outsider.⁵
见多识广[見多識廣] gëin-ü-sēik-gōng
jiànduōshíguǎng experienced and knowledgeable.⁵
<又> yèn.
(See 見 yèn.)
gein2 4416
152 11 gëin jiān three year old pig. (old variant: 豣 gëin jiān).
(composition: ⿰豕开; U+8C5C).
豜豵 gëin-düng
jiānzōng refers to the young of animals (cubs).¹⁹
私豵献豜[私豵獻豜] xü-düng-hün-gëin
sīzōngxiànjiān fig. give generously; lit. keep the piglets, offer the hogs.
(See 豣 gëin).
gein2 4417
152 13 gëin jiān <old>=豜 gëin jiān a pig three year old; a large hog; reaching up to each others shoulders.²⁵
(composition: ⿰豕幵; U+8C63).
献豣于公[獻豣於公] hün-gëin-yï-güng
xiànjiānyúgōng he presented a hog to the duke.²⁵
(See 豜 gëin).
gein2 4418
187 22 gëin jīng start, be frightened; surprise, shock, alarm; shy, stampede.⁵
惊慌[驚慌] gëin-föng jīnghuāng be alarmed, startled.¹¹
惊慌失措[驚慌失措] gëin-föng-sīt-tü
jīnghuāngshīcuò frightened out of one's wits; panic-stricken.⁵
惊悸[驚悸] gëin-gï
jīngjì <wr.> palpitate with terror.⁵
惊奇不已[驚奇不已] gëin-gï-būt-yî
jīngjībùyǐ be endlessly surprised/amazed.⁵⁴
惊涛骇浪[驚濤駭浪] gëin-hão-hôi-lòng
jīngtāohàilàng raging waves; stormy sea – perilous situation; hazards in life.⁶
惊险[驚險] gëin-hēm
jīngxiǎn alarmingly dangerous; breathtaking; thrilling.⁵
惊喜[驚喜] gëin-hī
jīngxǐ pleasantly surprised.⁵
惊奇[驚奇] gëin-kĩ 
jīngqí wonder; be amazed.⁵
惊厥[驚厥] gëin-kūt
jīngjué faint from fear; convulsions.⁵
惊讶[驚訝] gëin-ngä
jīngyà be surprised, alarmed.¹¹
惊人[驚人] gëin-ngĩn
jīngrén astonishing.¹⁰
惊惶[驚惶] gëin-võng
jīnghuáng alarmed; panic-stricken.⁶
惊魂甫定[驚魂甫定] gëin-vũn-fū-èin
jīnghúnfǔdìng have just recovered from a fright.⁶
惊醒[驚醒] gëin-xēng
jīngxǐng wake up with a start; awake, rouse from sleep.⁶
惊醒[驚醒] gëin-xēng
jīngxing sleep lightly.⁶
<又> gëng.
(See 驚 gëng.)
gein2 4419
195 22 gëin jiān skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), a medium-sized perciform fish in the tuna family, Scombridae; aka 正鰹, 烟仔, 小串, 柴鱼.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
巴鲣[巴鰹] bä-gëin
bājiān kawakawa or mackerel tuna (Euthynnus affinis); aka 鮪, 煙仔魚, 花煙.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
红鲣[紅鰹] hũng-gëin
hóngjiān red mullet.¹⁰
gein2 4420
196 19 gëin jīng 羌鶁 gëng-gëin qiāngjīng a multicolored bird with red eyes and yellow head found in the south.⁸
a bird found in the south.²⁵
(composition: ⿰京鳥; U+9D81).
gein2 4421
198 鹿 19 gëin jīng (=麠 gëin jīng).²
an animal mentioned in classical literature.⁹
red deer.¹⁰
a kind of large deer, probably sambar deer.³⁶
(composition: ⿸鹿京; U+9E96).
(See 麠 gëin).
gein2 4422
198 鹿 24 gëin jīng a large deer.⁸
red deer; sambar deer.¹⁰
a kind of large deer, probably sambar deer.³⁶
(composition: ⿸鹿畺; U+9EA0).
(See 麖 gëin).
gein2 4423
9 6 gèin jiàn (an auxiliary noun applied to things, clothes.)
开门七件事[開門七件事] höi-mõn-tīt-gèin-xù kāimén qījiànshì the seven necessities of life (柴米油盐酱醋茶[柴米油鹽醬醋茶] châi māi yiũ yẽm dëng tü chã chái mǐ yóu yán jiàng cù chá firewood, rice, oil, salt, soysauce, vinegar, and tea).
稿件 gāo-gèin
gǎojiàn manuscript; contribution⁵
件件 gèin-gèin
jiànjiàn all (of the things or items in question).
件号[件號] gèin-hào
jiànhào part number; item number.⁰
件数[件數] gèin-sü
jiànshu the number of things, items, suits.⁷
条件[條件] hẽl-gèin
tiáojiàn condition, term, factor; requirement, prerequisite, qualification.⁵
物件 mùt-gèin
or mòt-gèin wùjiàn <topo.> thing; article.⁵
软件[軟件] ngün-gèin
ruǎnjiàn software.⁵
按件记酬[按件記酬] ön-gèin-gï-chiũ
ànjiànjìchóu to pay on piecework basis.
gein4 4424
9 9 𠇹
gèin jìng straight; to pass.
(comp. t: ⿰亻巠; U+4FD3).
s: ⿰亻⿱ス工); U+201F9).

gein4 4425 201F9.gif
9 10 gèin jiàn strong, healthy; strength. (variant: 徤 gèin jiàn).
保健 bāo-gèin
bǎojiàn health protection or care.
健谈[健談] gèin-hãm
jiàntán brilliant in conversation.
健康 gèin-höng
jiànkāng health; healthy.¹⁰
健壮[健壯] gèin-jöng
jiànzhuàng healthy and strong; robust.⁵
健美 gèin-mî
jiànměi strong and handsome (of men); healthy and pretty (of women); vigorous and graceful.
健忘症 gèin-mõng-jëin
jiànwàngzhèng amnesia.¹⁰
健身 gèin-sïn
jiànshēn to keep fit.
健身房 gèin-sïn-fông
jiànshēnfáng gymnasium; gym.
健全 gèin-tũn
jiànquán to strengthen; to amplify; to perfect; sound; perfect.
健胃散 gèin-vì-xān
jiànwèisǎn medicine to aid digestion.⁵⁴
强健[強健] kẽng-gèin
qiángjiàn strong and healthy.
身体健康[身體健康] sïn-hāi-gèin-höng
shēntǐjiànkāng to be in good health.
(See 徤 gèin).
gein4 4426
15 9 𠗊 gèin jìng cold.² frigid; frosty.²⁴
(composition: ⿰冫巠; U+205CA).
gein4 4427
19 9 gèin jìn vigor, energy, strength. a spurt; spirit; an air, manner.⁷
白费劲[白費勁] bàk-fï-gèin báifèijìn to waste energy doing something.
费劲[費勁] fï-gèin fèijìn labor-consuming, strenuous; difficult (work, matters).⁷
劲头[勁頭] gèin-hẽo
jìntóu or 劲儿[勁兒] gèin-ngĩ jìnr vigor, drive; energy, strength; manner, expression; enthusiasm.⁷
干劲[幹勁] gön-gèin
gànjìn drive; enthusiasm; vigor.
起劲[起勁] hī-gèin
qǐjìn to be energetic; enthusiastic; elated.
猛劲儿[猛勁兒] mâng-gèin-ngĩ
měngjìnr a spurt of energy, dash; great vigor.⁵
没劲[沒勁] mòt-gèin
méijìn <topo.>  boring; meaningless.
手劲[手勁] siū-gèin
shǒujìn muscular strength of hand.
使劲[使勁] sōi-gèin
shǐjìn to exert all one's strength.
用劲[用勁] yùng-gèin
yòngjìn to put forth strength.
(See 勁 [gèin, jìng].)
gein4 4428
19 9 gèin jìng strong. tough, powerful, sturdy.⁷
疾风劲草[疾風勁草] dìp-füng-gèin-tāo jífēngjìngcǎo the storm put strong grass to the test (idiom); fig. troubled times test a faithful minister; to show one's true colors after a stern test.¹⁰
劲吹[勁吹] gèin-chuï
jìngchuī (the wind) blows violently.¹⁰
劲敌[勁敵] gèin-èik
jìngdí a powerful enemy; a strong adversary.⁷
劲风[勁風] gèin-füng
jìngfēng a gale; a blast.⁷
劲旅[勁旅] gèin-luî
jìnglǚ a powerful army; crack troops.⁷
劲草[勁草] gèin-tāo
jìngcǎo tough grass; indomitable person..⁷
强劲[強勁] kẽng-gèin
qiángjìng powerful; forceful.⁵
苍劲[蒼勁] töng-gèin
cāngjìng bold; upright and strong; vigorous; forceful (brush strokes); sureness of touch.¹⁰
See 勁 [gèin, jìn].)
gein4 4429
54 8 gèin jiàn to construct; to establish; to found.
建造 gèin-dào jiànzào to build; to construct; to make.
建功立业[建功立業] gèin-güng-lìp-ngèp
jiàngōnglìyè to make great contributions and accomplish great tasks.
建筑[建築] gèin-jūk
jiànzhù to construct; building.¹⁰
建筑物[建築物] gèin-jūk-mùt
or gèin-jūk-mòt jiànzhùwù a building, edifice, structure.¹¹
建兰[建蘭] gèin-lãn
jiànlán sword-leaved cymbidium.⁶ four-season orchid, golden-thread orchid (Cymbidium ensifolium), also known as 四季蘭, 秋蘭.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
建瓴 gèin-lẽin
jiànlíng <wr.> as easy as letting spilt water flow down the roof.¹¹
建立 gèin-lìp
jiànlì build; establish; set up; found; create; erect; form; install.⁸
建立起来[建立起來] gèin-lìp-hī-lõi
jiànlìqǐlai to establish.¹⁰
建议[建議] gèin-ngì
jiànyì to make recommendations; to offer suggestions; proposal; resolution.
建设[建設] gèin-sēt
jiànshè to build; to construct.
改建 gōi-gèin
gǎijiàn to reconstruct; to rebuild.
兴建[興建] hëin-gèin
xīngjiàn to build; to construct.
修建 xiü-gèin
xiūjiàn to build; to construct; to erect; to repair; to rebuild (of building).
gein4 4430
57 10 gèin jìng <old> radian.⁶ circular measure.⁸ unit of measurement for angles: the central angle of a circle is measured 1弪[弳] gèin jìng or 1弧度 vũ-ù húdù when the length of the arc is equal to the radius.⁹
弪度[弳度] gèin-ù
jìngdù radian (math.); now written 弧度 vũ-ù húdù.¹⁰
gein4 4431
60 10 gèin jìng footpath, path, track, trail; diameter; means, way, road; straight, directly, straightway.⁶
半径[半徑] bön-gèin bànjìng radius.¹⁰
径道[徑道] gèin-ào
jìngdào <lit.> footpath; path; track; trail.⁶
径尺[徑尺] gèin-chëk
jìngchǐ a caliber ruler.⁷
径迹[徑跡] gèin-dēik
jìngjì <phy.> track.⁶
径自[徑自] gèin-dù
jìngzì without consulting anyone.⁶
径行[徑行] gèin-hãng
jìngxíng proceed on a task or make a decision at one's own discretion or without authorization.⁷
径庭[徑庭] gèin-hẽin
jìngtíng quite different; poles apart.⁷
径向[徑向] gèin-hëng
jìngxiàng <phy.> radial.⁶
径直[徑直] gèin-jèik
jìngzhí straight; directly.⁶
径流[徑流] gèin-liũ
jìngliú runoff.⁶
径路[徑路] gèin-lù
jìnglù a byway; a narrow path.⁷
径赛[徑賽] gèin-söi
jìngsài <sports> track events.⁷
径情[徑情] gèin-tẽin
jìngqíng at will; unrestrained.⁷
径寸[徑寸] gèin-tün
jìngcùn a circle or a sphere with a diameter of one inch.⁷
径逾[徑逾] gèin-yĩ
jìngyú to trespass.⁷
口径[口徑] hēo-gèin
kǒujìng caliber; aperture, bore; diameter of opening.⁸
直径[直徑] jèik-gèin
zhíjìng diameter.¹⁰
gein4 4432
60 11 gèin jiàn (<old>=健 gèin jiàn strong, healthy; strength.).⁸ strong, robust; to strengthen.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰彳建; U+5FA4).
(See 健 gèin).
gein4 4433
75 12 gèin jiàn <wr.> door bar/bolt; materials (such as bamboo, wood, earth, rocks) used to stop the breaching of a dike.⁶ Bar of a gate or door; bolt of a lock; interchangeable with 键[鍵] gèin jiàn.¹⁴
or 关键[關鍵] gän-gèin guānjiàn the catch of a lock; key to a situation; crux of a matter; the pivot; central part.¹⁴
(See 鍵 gèin.)
gein4 4434
82 12 gèin jiàn shuttlecock.⁶
鸡毛毽子[雞毛毽子] gäi-mão-gèin-dū jīmáojiànzi (chicken) feather shuttlecock.⁶
毽子 gèin-dū
jiànzi shuttlecock.⁶
毽球 gèin-kiũ
jiànqiú shuttlecock.¹⁹
踢毽子 pëk-gèin-dū
tījiànzi play/kick the shuttlecock (as a game).⁶
(Note: <台> 鸡毛缨[雞毛纓] gäi-mão-yëin shuttlecock.)
gein4 4435
93 12 gèin jiān a bullock; a fabulous monster; castrated bull; castrate.⁸ a gelded bull, an ox; a strong ox; a fabulous monster, half leopard, half man.¹⁰² (<syn.> 犗 gäi; 𤚳❄{⿰牜虔} gèin jiān).
犍子 gèin-dū
jiānzǐ <topo.> castrated bull.⁸
犍牛 gèin-ngẽo
jiānniú bullock.¹⁰
乌犍[烏犍] vü-gèin
wūjiān water buffalo.⁵⁴
<又> kẽin.
(See 犍 kẽin; 犗 gäi; 𤚳❄{⿰牜虔} gèin).
gein4 4436
93 14 𤚳
gèin jiān original character is 犍 gèin jiān a castrated bull.⁸ a castrated ox.²⁴
(composition: ⿰牜虔; U+246B3).
(See 犍 gèin).
gein4 4437
94 14 gèin jìng a mythical animal that eats its mother when it is born; Manchurian tiger.⁸ a legendary animal that eats its own mother; an unfilial or beastly person.¹¹
枭獍[梟獍] hël-gèin xiāojìng disobedient child; ungrateful person.¹ a beast reputed to eat its own mother.¹¹
gein4 4438
104 12 gèin jìng spasm; convulsions.⁷
痉病[痙病] gèin-bèng jìngbèng <TCM> febrile disease with symptoms such as convulsion, opisthotonos, trismus, etc.³⁹
痉挛[痙攣] gèin-lün
jìngluán convulsions; spasm; cramps; a jerk.⁷
痉挛痛[痙攣痛] gèin-lün-hüng
jìngluántòng cramps.¹⁰
痉笑[痙笑] gèin-xël
jìngxiào risus sardonicus.⁸
gein4 4439
117 11 gèin jìng finally, after all, at last.⁸ finish; in the end; actually.⁹
竟夕 gèin-dèik jìngxī all night.⁷
竟自 gèin-dù
jìngzì somewhat to one's surprise.⁷
竟敢 gèin-gām
jìnggǎn to have the audacity; to actually dare; to have the impertinence.⁹
竟天 gèin-hëin
jìngtiān all over the sky.⁸
竟至 gèin-jï
jìngzhì go so far as to.⁸
竟然 gèin-ngẽin
jìngrán to one’s surprise.⁸ unexpectedly.⁹
竟然不理 gèin-ngẽin-būt-lî
jìngránbùlǐ to pay no heed; somewhat to one's surprise.⁷
竟然如此 gèin-ngẽin-nguĩ-xū
jìngránrúcǐ to be so; somewhat to one's surprise.⁷
竟而 gèin-ngĩ
jìng’ér to one’s surprise.⁸
竟日 gèin-ngìt
jìngrì the whole day; all day long.⁷
竟成 gèin-sẽin
jìngchén finally succeeded.¹¹
竟是 gèin-sì 
jìngshì to turn out to be.⁷
竟夜 gèin-yèh
jìngyè all night; the whole night.⁷
竟有此事 gèin-yiû-xū-xù
jìngyǒucǐshì to everyone's surprise, it did happened.⁷
gein4 4440
117 20 gèin jìng compete, contend, contest, vie; <wr.> anxiously, eagerly.⁶ (variant: 誩 gèin jìng).
竞走[競走] gèin-dēo
jìngzǒu a foot race; a walkathon.⁷
竞进[競進] gèin-dïn
jìngjìn to advance side by side.⁷
竞价[競價] gèin-gä
jìngjià compete in bidding at an auction; bid against each other.
竞技[競技] gèin-gì
jìngjì a race, a contest, a tournament.⁷
竞争[競爭] gèin-jäng
jìngzhēng to compete; competition.¹⁰
竞逐[競逐] gèin-jùk
jìngzhú compete and pursue.⁶
竞卖[競賣] gèin-mài
jìngmài compete to sell.⁶
竞赛[競賽] gèin-söi
jìngsài a race; a contest.⁷
竞存[競存] gèin-tũn
jìngcún struggle for survival, victory.¹¹
竞渡[競渡] gèin-ù
jìngdù have a boat race; have a swimming race across a river/lake.⁶
竞相[競相] gèin-xëng
jìngxiāng competitively; eagerly.⁶
竞秀[競秀] gèin-xiü
jìngxiù contend for beauty.⁸
竞选[競選] gèin-xūn
jìngxuǎn run for; campaign for office.⁶
竞艳[競艷] gèin-yèm
jìngyàn contend for brightness.⁸
(See 誩 gèin).
gein4 4441
118 15 𥯙
gèin jìng a hard useful kind of bamboo.²⁵
(composition: ⿱⺮勁; U+25BD9).
gein4 4442
123 13 gèin qiǎng 羟基[羥基] gèin-gï qiǎngjī hydroxyl (group).⁶
羟基酸[羥基酸] gèin-gï-xön
qiǎngjīsuān hydroxy acid.⁶
<又> hän.
(See 羥 hän.)
gein4 4443
130 11 gèin jìng shin.⁶ the leg, from the knee downwards; the legs of birds and animals.²⁵ shinbone; lower leg.³⁶
不胫而走[不脛而走] būt-gèin-ngĩ-dēo bùjìng'érzǒu get around fast; spread quickly like wildfire.⁶ “runs without legs” – disappear.¹¹
胫腓骨[脛腓骨] gèin-fï-gūt
jìngféigǔ tibiofibula.⁶
胫甲[脛甲] gèin-gâp
jìngjiǎ greaves; leg armor.⁵⁴
胫胫[脛脛] gèin-gèin
jìngjìng straight.²⁵
胫胫然[脛脛然] gèin-gèin-ngẽin
jìngjìngrán with erect bearing.⁵⁴
胫骨[脛骨] gèin-gūt
jìnggǔ shin bone; tibia.⁶
胫衣[脛衣] gèin-yï
jìngyī calf-length legging.⁵⁴
脚胫[腳脛] gëk-gèin
jiǎojìng the leg.²⁵
鹤胫[鶴脛] hôk-gèin
hèjìng the legs of a stork.²⁵
护胫[護脛] vù-gèin
hùjìng shin guard.¹¹
剡其胫[剡其脛] yèm-kĩ-gèin
yǎnqíjìng chop off his calf.¹¹
gein4 4444
130 12 gèin jiàn tendon; sinew.⁶
腱子 gèin-dū jiànzi (beef or mutton) shank.⁶ tendons (of meat animals).⁷ sinew.¹⁰
腱鞘 gèin-xël
jiànqiào tendon sheath.⁶
腱鞘炎 gèin-xël-yèm
jiànqiàoyán tenosynovitis.⁶
腱炎 gèin-yèm
jiànyán tendonitis.¹⁰
肌腱 gï-gèin
jījiàn <phys.> tendon.⁵
筋腱 gïn-gèin
jīnjiàn <phys.> sinews.⁵⁴
牛腱 ngẽo-gèin
niújiàn or 牛腱肉 ngẽo-gèin-ngùk niújiànròu beef shank.¹⁹
gein4 4445
140 10 gèin jīng (plant) stem, stalk.
缠绕茎[纏繞莖] chẽn-ngêl-gèin chánràojīng twining stem.⁷
抽茎[抽莖] chëo-gèin
chōujīng to put forth (from the stem of certain plants).
豆茎[豆莖] èo-gèin
dòujīng bean stem or stalk.
花茎[花莖] fä-gèin
huājīng floral axis.
茎菜类[莖菜類] gèin-töi-luì
jīngcàilèi stem vegetables.
根茎[根莖] gïn-gèin
gēnjīng stolon; runner; <bot.> rhizome.¹¹
地下茎[地下莖] ì-hà-gèin
dìxiàjīng underground stem.⁸
地上茎[地上莖] ì-sèng-gèin
dìshàngjīng  aerial stem of a plant.⁸
直立茎[直立莖] jèik-lìp-gèin
zhílìjīng erect stem.⁶
阴茎[陰莖] yïm-gèin
yīnjīng penis.
阴茎套[陰莖套] yïm-gèin-häo
yīnjīngtào condom.
gein4 4446
149 14 gèin jìng (<old>=競 gèin jìng) compete, contend, contest, vie; <wr.> anxiously, eagerly.⁶
(See 競 gèin).
gein4 4447
157 14 gèin jìng (=胫[脛] gèin jìng) shinbone; lower leg.³⁶
(composition: ⿰𧾷巠; U+8E01).
gein4 4448
157 15 gèin jiàn tread on.⁹ walking.²⁵
踺子 somersault.⁶ head-over-heels.⁹
gein4 4449
162 8 gèin jìng (=径[徑] gèin jìng) way; path; direct; diameter.¹⁰
or 径自[徑自] gèin-dù jìngzì on one's own; without consulting others.¹⁰
or 径庭[徑庭] gèin-hẽin jìngtíng very different.¹⁰
迳向[逕向] gèin-hëng
jìngxiàng radial.¹⁰
迳直[逕直] gèin-jèik
jìngzhí straight; direct.¹⁰
迳启者[逕啟者] gèin-kāi-jēh
jìngqǐzhě (phrase used in business letters) “This is to advise you that...”¹¹
迳流[逕流] gèin-liũ
jìngliú runoff.¹⁰
迳赛[逕賽] gèin-söi
jìngsài track events (athletics competition).⁵⁴
<又> gâng.
(See 逕 gâng.)
gein4 4450
167 16 gèin jiàn <wr.> metal bolt (of a door); key (of a computer, piano, typewriter); <mach.> key; <chem.> bond.⁶
关键[關鍵] or 关楗[關楗] gän-gèin guānjiàn the catch of a lock; key to a situation; crux of a matter; the pivot; central part.¹⁴
键合[鍵合] gèin-hàp
jiànhé <chem.> bonding.⁶
键盘[鍵盤] gèin-põn
jiànpán keyboard; fingerboard.⁶
键槽[鍵槽] gèin-tão
jiàncáo keyway; key slot; key seat.⁵
键入[鍵入] gèin-yìp
jiànrù key in.⁶
轴键[軸鍵] jùk-gèin
zhóujiàn axle key; shaft key.⁵⁴
琴键[琴鍵] kĩm-gèin
qínjiàn key (on a musical instrument).⁵
gein4 4451
177 17 gèin jiān a quiver (for arrows) on a horse; to store, to keep and collect.⁷ quiver (case for arrows).⁸ a case for a bow and arrows, used on horseback.²⁵
櫜鞬 gäo-gèin gāojiān a pair of cases, the former for arrows and the latter for bows.²⁵
鞬櫜干戈 gèin-gäo-gön-fö
jiāngāogāngē turn to peaceful pursuits.⁵⁴
弓鞬 güng-gèin
gōngjiān a bow case.⁷
gein4 4452
142 12 gēip clam.⁶
蛤虫[蛤蟲] gēip-chũng géchóng clam worm.⁶
蛤粉 gēip-fūn
géfěn clam meal.⁶ <Ch. med.> powdered clamshell.⁵⁴
蛤蚧 gēip-gāi
géjiè (=大壁虎 ài-bēik-fū dàbìhǔ) tokay gecko (Gekko gecko).²³ a red spotted lizard.⁸
蛤蜊 gēip-lì
or 蛤蛎[蛤蠣] gēip-lài gélí clam.¹⁰
砗磲蛤属[硨磲蛤屬] guï-kuĩ-gēip-sùk
or chëh-kuĩ-gēip-sùk chēqúgéshǔ Genus: Tridacna.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
蚬蛤[蜆蛤] hēin-gēip
xiǎngé raw clams seasoned.¹⁴
蜃蛤 sûn-gēip
shèngé a clam.⁷
文蛤 mũn-gēip
wéngé clam.⁶
<又> hā.
(See 蛤 hā.)
geip1 4453
130 13 gēk jiǎo <台> 水脚[水腳] suī-gēk transportation expenses; shipping cost.
<又> gëk, gêk. (See 腳 gëk, [gêk, jiǎo], [gêk, jué].)
gek1 4454
44 18 gëk juē straw sandals; Jue surname.⁸ (variant: 屫 gëk juē).
蹑屩担簦[躡屩擔簦] nēp-gëk-äm-äng
nièjuēdāndēng lit. to get into straw sandals and take an umbrella on your shoulder; fig. to embark on a long journey.⁵⁴
(See 屫 gëk; 蹻 gëk).
gek2 4455
44 19 gëk juē (=屩 gëk juē) straw sandals.⁸
(See 屩 gëk).
gek2 4456
130 13 gëk jiǎo foot; base, foot; <topo.> dregs; <topo.> leg.⁵
踏脚石[踏腳石] àp-gëk-sêk tàjiǎoshí a steppingstone.⁷
白水猪脚[白水豬腳] bàk-suī-jï-gëk
báishuǐzhūjiǎo white water pig trotters.⁰
脚凳[腳凳] gëk-âng
jiǎodèng footstool.¹⁰
脚踏实地[腳踏實地] gëk-àp-sìt-ì
jiǎotàshídì to have one's feet firmly planted on the ground (idiom); realistic without flights of fancy; steady and serious character.¹⁰
脚步[腳步] gëk-bù
jiǎobù step, pace; footstep.⁶
脚夫[腳夫] gëk-fü
jiǎofū <trad.> porter; one who drive a donkey, mule or horse for hire.⁶
脚跟[腳跟] gëk-gïn
jiǎogēn heel; position, stand.⁶
脚爪[腳爪] gëk-jāo
jiǎozhuǎ <topo.> paw; claw; talon.⁵⁴
or 脚指[腳指] gëk-jī jiǎozhǐ toe.¹⁰
脚力[腳力] gëk-lèik
jiǎolì strength of one's legs; <trad.> porter; <trad.> payment to a porter; <trad.> delivery tip to an errand man.⁶
脚镣[腳鐐] gëk-lẽl
jiǎoliào fetters; shackles.⁶
脚上起泡[腳上起泡] gëk-sèng-hī-pōk
jiǎoshàngqǐpào form a blister on one's foot.⁹
脚印[腳印] gëk-yïn
jiǎoyìn footprint; footmark; track.⁶
<台> 脚髀囊[腳髀囊] gëk-bī-nông calf (leg).
<台> 脚甲[腳甲] gëk-gâp toenail.
<又> gēk, gêk.
(See 腳 gēk, [gêk, jiǎo], [gêk, jué].)
gek2 4457
157 19 gëk juē (=屩 gëk juē) sandals; to go rapidly.¹⁴
<又> kël.
(See 屩 gëk; 蹻 kël).
gek2 4458
9 11 𠊬
gèk  jué ➀ <old> (dialectal Wu) fatigued; weary; Syn: 倦 (gùn juàn).
➁ <old> Alternative form of 噱 (gèk
jué, <wr.> “to laugh loudly”; kêk xué <topo.> "to laugh").
➂ <old> in an instant; Syn: 须臾[須臾] xuï-yĩ
xūyú <wr.> moment; instant.⁵
(composition: ⿰亻卻; U+202AC).
(See 倦 gùn; 噱 gèk; 噱 kêk).
gek4 4459
30 16 gèk jué <lit.> to laugh loudly.⁶
(variant: 𧮫❄{⿳𠆢𠆢口} kèk jué).
噱笑 gèk-xël
juéxiào to laugh loudly.⁶
笑噱 xël-gèk
xiàojué to laugh.⁸
<又> kêk.
(See 噱 kêk; 𧮫❄{⿳𠆢𠆢口} gèk).
gek4 4460
130 17 gèk jué palate; tongue; to slice meat; laughing appearance.⁸ palate; sausage.¹⁰ the dimple above the mouth; to slice meat; a sort of harslet/haslet.²⁵ laugh (loudly); onomatopoeic laughter; <old> mouth.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰月豦(GK) or ⿰⺼豦(HT); U+81C4).
大噱 ài-gèk dàjué laugh out loud; loud laughter.⁵⁴
发噱[髮噱] fät-gèk
fājué burst into laughter, burst out laughing.⁵⁴
嘉殽脾臄. Gä-ngão-pî-gèk.
Jiā xiáo pí jué.
Excellent provisions there are [also] of tripe and cheek.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·生民之什·行葦》, translated by James Legge).
脾臄 pî-gèk
píjué the viscera and tongue of an animal served as delicious dishes.¹⁹
<又> guï.
(See 臄 guï).
gek4 4461
150 7 𧮫
gèk jué palate; (=噱 gèk jué <lit.> to laugh loudly).⁸
(composition: ⿳𠆢𠆢口; U+27BAB).
(See 噱 gèk).
gek4 4462
130 13 gêk jiǎo <台> 水脚[水腳] suī-gêk sediment.
<又> gēk, gëk. (See 腳 gēk, gëk, [gêk, jué].)
gek5 4463
130 13 gêk jué (=角 gôk jué) role, part, character; type of role (in traditional Chinese opera); actor or actress.⁶
旦脚[旦腳] än-gêk
or 旦角 än-gôk dànjué <opera> a female role.⁷
脚色[腳色] gêk-sēik
or 角色 gôk-sēik juésè a dramatic actor, a person of outstanding ability.¹¹
<台> 打飞脚[打飛腳] ā-fï-gêk turn a somersault.
(See also <台> 打跟斗 ā-gïn-ēo; 打一個谷䟿] ā-yīt-göi-gūk-lùk; 翻跟斗 fän-gïn-ēo).
<又> gēk, gëk.
(See 腳 gēk, gëk, [gêk, jiǎo].)
gek5 4464
64 9 gēl jiǎo to lift up, raise, curl up.¹¹
挢捷{撟捷] gēl-dèp jiǎojié agile, alert and nimble.¹¹
挢舌[撟舌] gēl-sêt
jiǎoshé be struck dumb, tongue-tied.¹¹
gel1 4465
66 13 gēl jiǎo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 敫 gël jiǎo with same meaning: Jiao surname.⁴ ancient musical instrument; glitter.⁸)
<又> gël.
(See 敫 gël.)
gel1 4466
111 17 gēl jiáo argumentative; contentious.¹⁰
矫情[矯情] gēl-tẽin jiáoqing <topo.> contentious; unreasonable.⁶ (See 矫情[矯情] gēl-tẽin jiǎoqíng).
他太矫情[他太矯情] hä-häi-gēl-tẽin
tātàijiǎoqing He is simply unreasonable.⁶
(See 矯 [gēl, jiǎo].)
gel1 4467
111 17 gēl jiǎo correct, rectify, straighten out; pretend, feign, dissemble; strong, powerful, brave.⁶ Jiao surname.⁸
矫捷[矯捷] gēl-dèp jiǎojié vigorous and nimble; brisk.⁶
矫健[矯健] gēl-gèin
jiǎojiàn strong and vigorous.⁶
矫直[矯直] gēl-jèik
jiǎozhí straighten something out.⁶
矫正[矯正] gēl-jëin
jiǎozhèng correct; rectify; remedy.⁶
矫诏[矯詔] gēl-jël
jiǎozhào forge an imperial decree.⁵⁴
矫命[矯命] gēl-mèin
jiǎomìng <wr.> counterfeit an order; feign an order from higher authorities; issue false order.⁶
矫牙[矯牙] gēl-ngã
jiǎoyá straighten one's teeth.⁶
矫若游龙[矯若游龍] gēl-ngèk-yiũ-lũng
jiǎoruòyóulóng as dynamic as a flying dragon; as strong and brave as a lion.⁶
矫揉造作[矯揉造作] gēl-ngẽl-dào-dōk
jiǎoróuzàozuò be artificial/unnatural; behave in an afected way.⁶
矫饰[矯飾] gēl-sēik
jiǎoshì feign in order to conceal something; dissemble.⁶
矫情[矯情] gēl-tẽin
jiǎoqíng <wr.> be affectedly unconventional; pretend to be uncommon.⁶
矫枉[矯枉] gēl-vōng
jiǎowǎng straighten something crooked; right a wrong.⁵
矫枉过正[矯枉過正] gēl-vōng-gö-jëin
jiǎowǎngguòzhèng exceed the proper limits in righting a wrong; overcorrect.⁶
(See 矯 [gēl, jiáo].)
gel1 4468
120 7 gēl jiū (=纠[糾] gēl jiū rope (made by entangling something); gather/band together, assemble; entangle, snarl; correct, rectify.⁶).
(composition: ⿰糸乚; U+7CFA).
(See 糾 gēl).
gel1 4469
120 8 gēl jiū rope (made by entangling something); gather/band together, assemble; entangle, snarl; correct, rectify.⁶
(Note: may also be read jiǔ in Mandarin).
(variant: 糺 gēl
jiū). (See 糺 gēl).
纠察[糾察] gēl-chāt
jiūchá to discipline, to investigate, to picket; a disciplinary officer.⁷
纠缠[糾纏] gēl-chẽn
jiūchán get entangled; be in a tangle; nag, worry, pester.⁵
纠集[糾集] gēl-dàp
or 鸠集[鳩集] gëo-dàp jiūjí <derog.> get together; muster.⁵
纠伙行劫[糾伙行劫] gēl-fō-hãng-gēp
or gēl-fō-hãng-gëp jiūhuǒxíngjié to band together and commit robbery.⁷
纠纷[糾紛] gēl-fün
jiūfēn dispute; issue.⁵
纠结[糾結] gēl-gēik
jiūjié intertwine; entangle; tangle.⁶
纠葛[糾葛] gēl-gōt
jiūgé entanglement; dispute.⁶
纠举[糾舉] gēl-guī
jiūjǔ to censure; to impeach (officials).⁷
纠合[糾合] gēl-hàp
or 鸠合[鳩合] gëo-hàp jiūhé gathering; a get-together.¹⁰ (of birds, riffraff) gather together.¹¹
纠劾[糾劾] gēl-hàt
jiūhé to censure and impeach.⁷
纠正[糾正] gēl-jëin
jiūzhèng correct; put right; redress.⁵
纠众[糾眾] gēl-jüng
jiūzhòng to stir up a mob.⁷
gēl-pëin jiūpiān rectify a deviation; correct an error.⁵
纠错[糾錯] gēl-tö
jiūcuò correct an error or a mistake.⁶
gel1 4470
120 10 gēl jiǔ (=纠[糾] gēl jiū rope (made by entangling something); gather/band together, assemble; entangle, snarl; correct, rectify.⁶).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰糹斗; U+7D0F).
<又> hēo.
(See 紏 hēo; 糾 gēl).
gel1 4471
120 19 gēl jiǎo pay, hand over, hand in; capture.⁵
缴费[繳費] gēl-fï jiǎofèi to pay fees.⁷
缴款[繳款] gēl-fōn
jiǎokuǎn pay.⁶
缴付[繳付] gēl-fù
jiǎofù to pay; to hand over (tax payment, etc.).¹⁰
缴交[繳交] gēl-gäo
jiǎojiāo deliver to.¹¹
缴械[繳械] gēl-hài
jiǎoxiè disarm; surrender one's weapons; lay down one's arms.⁵
缴纳[繳納] gēl-nàp
jiǎonà make payments of any kind.¹¹
缴税[繳稅] gēl-suï
jiǎoshuì pay taxes.⁵
缴枪不杀[繳槍不殺] gēl-tëng-būt-sät
jiǎoqiāngbùshā lay down your arms and we'll spare your lives.⁶
缴获[繳獲] gēl-vòk
jiǎohuò capture; seize.⁵
缴销[繳銷] gēl-xël
jiǎoxiāo hand in for cancellation.⁵
上缴[上繳] sèng-gēl
shàngjiǎo turn over (revenue, profits, surplus, materials, etc.) to the higher authority.⁶
收缴[收繳] siü-gēl
shōujiǎo take over; capture.⁵
<又> sēk.
(See 繳 sēk.)
gel1 4472
156 9 gēl jiū spirited; full of power and grandeur.⁶ valiant; gallant.⁷
(composition: ⿺走丩; U+8D73).
赳螑 gēl-chiü jiūxiù a dragon flying with wave-like motion.⁰
赳赳 gēl-gēl
jiūjiū gallant; valiant.⁶
赳赳武夫 gēl-gēl-mû-fü
jiūjiūwǔfū a soldier of dauntless courage.¹¹ a gallant soldier.¹⁴
果赳 gō-gēl
guǒjiū decisive.¹⁴
雄赳赳 hũng-gēl-gēl
xióngjiūjiū valiant; gallant.⁶
雄赳赳,气昂昂[雄赳赳,氣昂昂] hũng-gēl-gēl, hï-ngõng-ngõng
xióngjiūjiū qì'áng'áng valiant and spirited.⁶
肃肃兔罝, 椓之丁丁. 赳赳武夫, 公侯干城.
[肅肅兔罝, 椓之丁丁. 赳赳武夫, 公侯干城.]
Xūk-xūk-hü-jëh, dēk-jï-ëin-ëin. Gēl-gēl-mû-fü, güng-hẽo-gön-sẽin.
Sù sù tù jū, zhuó zhī dīngdīng. Jiū jiū wǔfū, gōng hóu gānchéng.
Carefully adjusted are the rabbit nets;
Clang clang go the blows on the pegs.
That stalwart, martial man
Might be shield and wall to his prince.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·周南·兔罝》, translated by James Legge).
gel1 4473
159 18 gēl jiū a dispute; deep and vast; disorder.⁷
(composition: ⿰車翏; U+8F47).
轇轕 gēl-gōt jiūgé complications, misunderstandings (also written 纠葛[糾葛] gēl-gōt jiūgé entanglement; dispute.⁶).¹¹ confused and disorderly; far distant.¹⁴ (See also 轇轕 gäo-gōt).
<又> gäo.
(See 轇 gäo).
gel1 4474
30 5 gël jiào to shout; to call; to order; to ask; to be called; by (indicates agent in the passive mood).¹⁰ (variants: 呌,嘂 gël jiào).
大喊大叫 ài-häm-ài-gël
dàhǎndàjiào shouting and screaming (idiom); to scream loudly; to rant; to kick up a racket; to conduct vigorous propaganda.¹⁰
叫做 gël-dü
jiàozuò to be called; to be known as.¹⁰
叫唤[叫喚] gël-fòn
jiàohuan to cry out; to bark out a sound.¹⁰
叫苦连天[叫苦連天] gël-fū-lẽin-hëin
jiàokǔliántiān complain to high heaven; pour out endless grievances; be full of complaints.⁶
叫喊 gël-häm
jiàohǎn exclamation; outcry; shout; yell.¹⁰
叫好 gël-hāo
jiàohǎo to applaud; to cheer.¹⁰
叫嚣 gël-hël
jiàoxiāo to hoot.¹⁰
叫嚷 gël-ngèng
jiàorǎng to shout; to bellow one's grievances.¹⁰
喊叫 häm-gël
hǎnjiào to cry out; to shout.¹⁰
嚎叫 hão-gël
háojiào to howl, to yell.⁸
嚷叫 ngèng-gël
rǎngjiào to shout/yell loudly, make an uproar, hawl.⁶
<又> diü; diû.
(See 叫 diü; 叫 diû; 呌 gël; 嘂 gël.)
gel2 4475
30 7 gël jiào (=叫 gël jiào) to call; to summon.⁸
or 啼叫 hãi-gël tíjiào to scream – as birds.¹⁴
(See 叫 diü; 叫 diû; 叫 gël.)
gel2 4476
30 14 gël jiào <topo.> (=只要 jī-yël zhǐyào) so long as; provided.⁸ as long as; so long as.⁹ if only; so long as; (contraction of 只 and 要).¹⁰
gel2 4477
30 14 gël jiào (<old>=叫 gël jiào) cry loudly, yell, scream.⁸ ancient musical instrument similar to ocarina; old variant of 叫.¹⁹ a loud voice, to call out loud.²⁴
(composition: ⿲吕丩吕; U+5602).
or 叫嚣 gël-hël jiàoxiāo to hoot.¹⁰
(See 叫 gël).
gel2 4478
38 15 gël jiāo tender, delicate, lovely; spoiled, pampered, coddled.⁷
娇痴[嬌癡] gël-chï jiāochī lovely and innocent; guileless.⁷
娇嗔[嬌嗔] gël-chïn
jiāochēn to protest coquettishly; to pout playfully.¹⁰
娇喘[嬌喘] gël-chūn
jiāochuǎn (said of women) to gasp for breath for lack of strength.⁷
娇滴滴[嬌滴滴 gël-ēik-ēik
jiāodīdī delicately pretty; affectedly sweet.⁵
娇惯[嬌慣] gël-gän
jiāoguàn pamper, coddle, spoil.⁵
娇贵[嬌貴] gël-gï
jiāogui enervated (by good living), pampered; fragile, frail, delicate.⁶
娇气[嬌氣] gël-hï
jiāoqì delicate; squeamish, finicky; (of things, flowers) easily broken or damaged, fragile.⁶
娇媚[嬌媚] gël-mì
jiāomèi flirtatious; coquettish; sweet and charming; beautiful young woman (old).¹⁰
娇娆[嬌嬈] gël-ngẽl
jiāoráo <wr.> enchantingly beautiful.⁶
娇儿[嬌兒] gël-ngĩ
jiāo'ér a beloved son.⁷
娇嫩[嬌嫩] gël-nùn
jiāonèn tender and lovely; fragile, delicate.⁵
娇生惯养[嬌生慣養] gël-säng-gän-yëng
jiāoshēng guànyǎng pampered since childhood.⁵
娇小玲珑[嬌小玲瓏] gël-xēl-lẽin-lũng 
jiāoxiǎolínglóng petite and dainty.⁵
gel2 4479
60 16 gël jiào frontiers or boundaries; to take an inspection trip.⁷
徼外 gël-ngòi jiàowài lands across the border.¹¹
徼巡 gël-tũn
jiàoxún to make the rounds of inspection.⁷
疆徼 gëng-gël
jiāngjiào border area, frontier districts.¹¹
<又> hēl, yël.
(See 徼 hēl, yël.)
gel2 4480
66 13 gël jiǎo Jiao surname.⁴ ancient musical instrument; glitter.⁸
<又> gēl. (See 敫 gēl.)
gel2 4481
116 10 gël jiào deep and dark;  profound, (same as 窈); tranquil; placid; serene, soft and pleasing; plausible; exquisite; very pleasant.⁸
䆗窱 gël-hẽl jiàotiǎo deep and distant; still, silent.²⁵
gel2 4482
187 22 gël jiāo proud; arrogant; conceited.⁵
骄狎[驕狎] gël-äp or gël-hâp jiāoxiá contemptuous.¹¹ to treat with haughty disrespect.¹⁴
骄兵必败[驕兵必敗] gël-bëin-bēik-bài
jiāobīngbìbài an enemy puffed up with pride is bound to lose.⁵
骄兵悍将[驕兵悍將] gël-bëin-hòn-dëng
jiāobīnghànjiàng unruly commander and soldiers.¹¹
骄奢淫逸[驕奢淫逸] gël-chëh-yĩm-yìt
jiāoshēyínyì lordly, luxury-loving, loose-living and idle; wallowing in luxury and pleasure; extravagant and dissipated.⁵
骄子[驕子] gël-dū
jiāozǐ a proud favorite of (Heaven).⁷
骄纵[驕縱] gël-düng
jiāozòng arrogant and wilful.⁵
骄矜[驕矜] gël-gëin
jiāojīn <wr.> haughty; proud.¹⁰
骄气[驕氣] gël-hï
jiāoqì overbearing airs; arrogance.⁵
骄慢[驕慢] gël-màn
jiāomàn supercilious, haughty.⁷
骄傲[驕傲] gël-ngào
jiāo'ào arrogant, conceited; be proud, take pride in; pride.⁵
骄人[驕人] gël-ngĩn
jiāorén  worthy of pride; impressive; enviable; to show contempt for others.¹⁰
骄横[驕橫] gël-vàng
jiāohèng arrogant; overbearing.¹⁰
骄阳[驕陽] gël-yẽng
jiāoyáng <wr.> blazing sun.⁵
天之骄子[天之驕子] hëin-jï-gël-dū
tiānzhījiāozǐ a specially privileged person, God's chosen one.¹¹

gel2 4483
195 23 gël jiāo (=鲌[鮊]¹⁹ bàk ) Spanish mackerel.⁶ white fish.⁸ another name for the gudgeon.²⁵
阳鱎[陽鱎] yẽng-gël
yángjiāo or 阳桥[陽橋] or 阳乔[陽喬] yẽng-kẽl yángqiáo a whitefish.¹³ʼ¹⁹
gel2 4484
196 23 gël jiāo a kind of pheasant with a long tail, probably the Reeves's pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesii).³⁶
(composition: ⿰喬鳥; U+9DEE).
鷮鷄 gël-gäi
jiāojī a cock with a long tail, that crows as it goes.²⁵
鷮雉 gël-jï
jiāozhì a pheasant.²⁵
鷮息 gël-xēik
jiāoxī an ancient Daoist breathing exercise used by the priests; it is said that the neck is bent and moves up and down similar to the long-tailed pheasant's neck as it struts around.¹⁹ʼ⁰
Yī-bī-pẽin-lĩm, yiû-dàp-vĩ-gël.
Yī bǐ píng lín, yǒu jí wéi jiāo.
Dense is that forest in the plain,
And there sit the long-tailed pheasants.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·桑扈之什·車舝》, translated by James Legge).
游鷮 yiũ-gël
yóujiāo flying pheasant.¹⁹
gel2 4485
46 15 gèl jiào <wr.> mountain path.⁶
(comp. t: ⿰山喬; U+5DA0). (comp. s: ⿰山乔; U+5CE4).
峤道[嶠道] gèl-ào
jiàodào mountain path.⁴
峤路[嶠路] gèl-lù
jiàolù mountain path.⁴
gel4 4486
64 15 gèl qiào to pry open; to lift; to lever open.
撬杠 or 撬槓 gèl-göng qiàogàng crowbar.
撬棍 gèl-gûn
qiàogùn <topo.> stick used as a lever.¹ crowbar.¹⁰
撬起 gèl-hī
qiàoqǐ to lift, to pry up.
撬开[撬開] gèl-höi
qiàokāi to force open (a door/suitcase); to open by prying.
撬门[撬門] gèl-mõn
qiàomén to pry a door open.
撬坏[撬壞] gèl-vài
qiàohuài to destroy or ruin by prying.
雪撬 xūt-gèl
xuěqiào or 雪车[雪車] xūt-chëh xuěchē sled; sledge; sleigh.⁶
gel4 4487
124 18 gèl qiào (comp. t: ⿺堯羽; U+7FF9). (comp. s: ⿺尧羽; U+7FD8).
<台> 翘脚[翹腳] gèl-gêk/ to cross one's legs.
<又> kël; kẽl.
(See 翹 翹 kël; 翹 kẽl).
gel4 4488
159 19 轿 gèl jiào sedan chair, palanquin.⁸
花轿[花轎] fä-gèl huājiào a bridal sedan chair.¹¹
轿班[轎班] gèl-bän
jiàobān chair bearers.¹¹
轿子[轎子] gèl-dū
jiàozi sedan chair.⁹
轿车[轎車] gèl-chëh
jiàochē <trad.> (horse-drawn) carriage; bus or car.⁵
轿夫[轎夫] gèl-fü
jiàofū sedan chair bearer.¹¹
轿门[轎門] gèl-mõn
jiàomén entrance for a sedan chair.⁵⁴
轿围[轎圍] gèl-vĩ
jiàowéi cover for sedan chair.¹¹
轿椅[轎椅] gèl-yī
jiàoyǐ sedan chair.⁵⁴
抬轿[抬轎] hõi-gèl 
táijiào carry somebody in a sedan chair.⁶
彩轿[彩轎] tōi-gèl
cǎijiào bridal sedan chair.⁶
坐轿[坐轎] tü-gèl
or tö-gèl zuòjiào sit in a sedan chair.⁶
gel4 4489
64 16 gēm jiǎn to pick up; to gather, to collect.
捡到[撿到] gēm-äo jiǎndào to pick up.
捡柴[撿柴] gēm-châi
jiǎnchái to gather firewood.
捡起[撿起] gēm-hī
jiǎnqǐ to pick up.
捡起来[撿起來] gēm-hī-lõi
jiǎnqǐlai to pick up (from the ground).
捡漏[撿漏] gēm-lèo
jiǎnlòu to take advantage of; to seize on somebody's mistakes.¹  to detect and repair the leakage of a roof.⁹
捡破烂[撿破爛] gēm-pö-làn
jiǎnpòlàn <topo.> to scavenge in refuse heaps.¹  to collect discarded waste materials.⁹  a ragpicker.¹¹
<台> 捡玫[撿玫] gēm-mõi to place (something) in a secured place.
gem1 4490
75 17 gēm jiǎn check; examine; inspect; exercise restraint.¹⁰
检查[檢查] gēm-chã jiǎnchá check up; inspect.³⁹
检测[檢測] gēm-chāk
jiǎncè detect; test; detection.¹⁰
检察[檢察] gēm-chāt
jiǎnchá procuratorial work.⁵⁵
检察官[檢察官] gēm-chāt-gön
jiǎncháguān district attorney.⁵⁵
检束[檢束] gēm-chūk
jiǎnshù to discipline; to restrain.⁷
检字表[檢字表] gēm-dù-bēl
jiǎnzìbiǎo word index (of a dictionary).¹⁰
检定[檢定] gēm-èin
jiǎndìng examine and determine.⁵⁵
检点[檢點] gēm-ēm
jiǎndiǎn check carefully; be cautious.⁵⁵
检举[檢舉] gēm-guī
jiǎnjǔ report (an offense).⁵⁴
检讨[檢討] gēm-hāo
jiǎntǎo make a self-criticism; study.⁵⁵
检验[檢驗] gēm-ngèm
jiǎnyàn test; examine; inspect.⁵
检视[檢視] gēm-sì
jiǎnshì inspect.⁵⁵
检修[檢修] gēm-xiü
jiǎnxiū overhaul.⁵⁵
检疫[檢疫] gēm-yèik
jiǎnyì quarantine.⁷
检阅[檢閱] gēm-yòt
jiǎnyuè review (troops), inspect.⁵
gem1 4491
109 18 gēm jiǎn eyelid.⁸
睑板[瞼板] gēm-bān or gèm-bān jiǎnbǎn tarsus.⁸
睑下垂[瞼下垂] gēm-hà-suĩ
or gèm-hà-suĩ jiǎnxiàchuí blepharoptosis.⁸
睑裂[瞼裂] gēm-lëik
or gèm-lëik jiǎnliè palpebral fissure.⁸
睑腺炎[瞼腺炎] gēm-xëin-yèm
or gèm-xëin-yèm jiǎnxiànyán sty (eyellid swelling).¹⁰
睑炎[瞼炎] gēm-yèm
or gèm-yèm jiǎnyán blepharitis.⁸
下眼睑[下眼瞼] hà-ngān-gèm
or hà-ngān-gèm xiàyǎnjiǎn lower eyelid.¹⁰
眼睑[眼瞼] ngān-gēm
or ngān-gèm yǎnjiǎn eyelid.⁸
上睑[上瞼] sèng-gēm
or sèng-gèm shàngjiǎn upper eyelid.¹⁰
<又> gèm.
(See 瞼 gèm.)
gem1 4492
12 10 gëm jiān to unite; to combine; to connect; and; double; simultaneously.
兼办[兼辦] gëm-bàn jiānbàn to handle simultaneously.
兼并[兼併] gëm-bèin
jiānbìng to annex (territory or property); merger.
兼差 gëm-chäi
jiānchāi moonlighting; side job; concurrent post or job.
兼程 gëm-chẽin
jiānchéng to travel at double speed.
兼金 gëm-gïm
jiānjīn high-grade gold.
兼职[兼職] gëm-jēik
jiānzhí to hold two or more posts concurrently; to be heir to two branches of a family.
兼爱[兼愛] gëm-öi
jiān'ài universal love; fraternity.
兼收并蓄[兼收併蓄] gëm-siü-bèin-chūk
jiānshōubìngxù to incorporate things of diverse nature; to take in everything; to absorb/swallow anything and everything.⁶
兼容 gëm-yũng
jiānróng compatible.
gem2 4493
18 10 gëm jiàn (<old>=剑[劍] gëm jiàn) sword.⁶
(See 劍 gëm).
gem2 4494
18 11 gëm jiàn (<old>=剑[劍] gëm jiàn) sword.⁶
(See 劍 gëm).
gem2 4495
18 15 gëm jiàn sword.⁶ (variants: 剣, 剱, 劎, 劒, 劔, 鐱 gëm jiàn).
剑道[劍道] gëm-ào
jiàndào kendo (Japan).⁶
剑拔弩张[劍拔弩張] gëm-bàt-nū-jëng
jiànbánǔzhāng with swords drawn and bows bent – (of a situation) becoming dangerously explosive; at daggers drawn.⁶
剑柄[劍柄] gëm-bêng
jiànbǐng sword handle; hilt.⁶
剑齿象[劍齒象] gëm-chī-dèng
jiànchǐxiàng stegodon.⁶
剑齿虎[劍齒虎] gëm-chī-fū
jiànchǐhǔ saber-toothed tiger.⁶
剑客[劍客] gëm-hāk
or gëm-häk jiànkè <old> chivalrous swordsman.⁶
剑坛[劍壇] gëm-hãn
jiàntán swordplay circles.⁶
剑号巨阙[劍號巨闕] gëm-hào-guì-kūt
jiànhàojùquè There was the sword named "Ju Que".⁶²
剑侠[劍俠] gëm-hèp
jiànxiá a wandering swordsman.⁷
剑桥[劍橋] Gëm-Kẽl
Jiànqiáo Cambridge, England.⁷
剑兰[劍蘭] gëm-lãn
jiànlán gladiolus.⁶
剑麻[劍麻] gëm-mã
jiànmá sisal hemp.⁶
剑眉[劍眉] gëm-mĩ
jiànméi dashing eyebrows.⁶
剑珥[劍珥] gëm-ngī
jiàněr the hilt of a sword.²⁴
剑锷[劍鍔] gëm-ngōk
jiàn'è blade of a sword.⁵⁴
剑鱼[劍魚] gëm-nguî/
jiànyú swordfish.⁶
剑术[劍術] gëm-sùt
jiànshù swordsmanship; art of fencing.⁶
剑鞘[劍鞘] gëm-xël
jiànqiào scabbard; sheath.⁶
(See 剣, 剱, 劎, 劒, 劔, 鐱 gëm).
gem2 4496
18 15 gëm jiàn (<old>剑[劍] gëm jiàn) sword.⁶
(See 劍 gëm).
gem2 4497
18 16 gëm jiàn (=剑[劍] gëm jiàn) sword.⁶
(See 劍 gëm).
gem2 4498
18 16 gëm jiàn (=剑[劍] gëm jiàn) sword.⁶
(See 劍 gëm).
gem2 4499
64 13 gëm jiān <文读> to pick up with chopsticks.
搛菜 <文读> gëm-töi jiāncài to pick up food with chopsticks; to help guest to some food.
<又> gäp.
(See 搛 gäp.)
gem2 4500
120 16 gëm jiān <wr.> fine silk.⁶ kind of silk woven with double threads and waterproof.¹⁴
缣帛 gëm-bàk jiānbó silk fabric.⁷
缣缯[縑繒] gëm-däng
jiānzēng flowered gauze.¹⁴
缣袋运水[縑袋運水] gëm-òi-vùn-suī
jiāndàiyùnshuǐ the silk bags transported the water.¹⁴
缣彩[縑彩] gëm-tōi
jiāncǎi colored silk fabric.⁷
缣缃[縑緗] gëm-xëng
jiānxiāng a vaiegated silk; fine writing.¹⁴
缣素[縑素] gëm-xü
jiānsù silk used for painting and calligraphic works.⁷
gem2 4501
140 13 gëm jiān reed, Phragmites communis.⁸ <wr.> a reed before flowering season.⁹ the common reed, Phragmites communis.¹¹
蒹葭 gëm-gä
jiānjiā the common reed, Phragmites communis.¹¹
(See 菼 hām; 萑 fũn.)
gem2 4502
167 21 gëm jiàn (<old>剑[劍] gëm jiàn) sword.⁶
(See 劍 gëm).
gem2 4503
195 21 gëm jiān spiny-rayed flounder; big-mouthed flounder.⁵ a sole (fish).⁷ sole, flounder.¹¹
鳒鲽[鰜鰈] gëm-èp jiāndié a couple in love.⁷ (cf. 鹣鲽[鶼鰈] gëm-èp jiāndié harmonious and affectionate couple.¹⁰)
gem2 4504
196 21 gëm jiān a mythical bird supposed to have only one eye and one wing.¹¹
鲽鹣[鰈鶼] èp-gëm diéjiān harmonious and affectionate couple.¹⁰
鹣鲽[鶼鰈] gëm-èp
jiāndié harmonious and affectionate couple.¹⁰
鹣鹣[鶼鶼] gëm-gëm
jiānjiān lit. a pair of mythical birds who depend on each other; fig. an inseparable couple.¹⁰
gem2 4505
9 15 gèm jiǎn frugal; economical; thrift; meager; a poor harvest.
节俭[節儉] dëik-gèm jiéjiǎn thrifty; frugal.
俭薄[儉薄] gèm-bòk
jiǎnbó lacking the necessities of life.
俭腹[儉腹] gèm-fūk
jiǎnfù scanty of knowledge; ignorant.
俭朴[儉樸] gèm-pōk
jiǎnpǔ thrifty and simple; economical.⁵
俭省[儉省] gèm-sāng
jiǎnshěng frugal; thrifty.
俭穑[儉穡] gèm-sēik
jiǎnsè to be economical.²⁵
勤俭[勤儉] kĩn-gèm
qínjiǎn industrious and thrifty.
勤俭持家[勤儉持家] kĩn-gèm-chĩ-gä
qínjiǎn chíjiā to run a household diligently and thriftily.
勤工俭学[勤工儉學] kĩn-güng-gèm-hòk
qíngōngjiǎnxué work-study program; part-time work in order to pay one's school expenses.
gem4 4506
109 18 gèm jiǎn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 睑[瞼] gēm jiǎn with same meaning.)
<又> gēm.
(See 瞼 gēm.)
gem4 4507
181 16 gēng gěng neck.⁸
脖颈子[脖頸子] bòt-gēng-dū or 脖梗子 bòt-gāng-dū bógěngzi nape; back of the neck.⁵⁴
(See 頸 [gēng, jǐng]; 頸 gēin.)
geng1 4508
181 16 gēng jǐng the neck; the throat.⁷ <文读> gēin.
颈背[頸背] gēng-böi jǐngbèi nape.¹⁰
颈部[頸部] gēng-bù
jǐngbù neck.⁸
颈静脉[頸靜脈] gēng-dèin-mäk
jǐngjìngmài jugular veins.⁷
颈项[頸項] gēng-hòng
jǐngxiàng neck.⁶
颈圈[頸圈] gēng-hūn
jǐngquān  collar (animal).¹⁰
颈椎[頸椎] gēng-juï
jǐngzhuī cervical vertebra.⁵
颈联[頸聯] gēng-lũn
jǐnglián (in a poem of eight lines) the fifth and sixth lines form a couplet.⁷
颈饰[頸飾] gēng-sēik
jǐngshì neck ornament.⁵⁴
颈动脉[頸動脈] gēng-ùng-mäk
jǐngdòngmài carotid arteries.⁷
引颈[引頸] yîn-gēng
yǐnjǐng crane one's neck.⁶
<台> 斗颈[鬥頸] ëo-gēng to reply defiantly; to sass; to quarrel.
<台> 颈渴[頸渴] gēng-höt thirsty.
<台> 颈链[頸鏈] gēng-lèin/ necklace.
<台> 颈赤[頸赤] gēng-tëk greedy for food.
(See 頸 [gēng, gěng]; 頸 gēin.)
geng1 4509
9 15 gëng jiāng stiff; rigid; numb; deadlocked.
僵化 gëng-fä jiānghuà to become rigid; to fossilize; to reach an impasse; fossilization.
僵立 gëng-lìp
jiānglì to stand motionless.
僵硬 gëng-ngàng
jiāngyìng stiff; rigid, inflexible.
僵卧[僵臥] gëng-ngò
jiāngwò to lie stiff and motionless.
陷入僵局 hàm-yìp-gëng-gùk
xiànrù jiāngjú to reach an impasse.
(See 殭 gëng.)
geng2 4510
32 16 gëng jiāng (=疆 gëng jiāng boundary, border, frontier; a limit.⁷).
(composition: ⿰土畺; U+58C3).
(See 疆 gëng).
geng2 4511
38 9 gëng jiāng Jiang surname.⁸
姜太公 Gëng Häi-güng Jiāng Tàigōng or 姜子牙 Gëng Dū-ngã Jiāng Zǐyá a sage of the time of Wen Wang, many tales are told of his exploits.¹⁴
姜嫄 Gëng Ngũn
Jiāng Yuán was the first consort of Emperor Ku (帝嚳 Äi Gūk Dìkù), according to Sima Qian (司马迁[司馬遷] Xü-mâ Tëin Sīmǎ Qiān).¹⁵
(See 薑 gëng.)
geng2 4512
57 11 gëng jiàng trap, snare; catch in a trap, trap.⁵ to set a trap in the road, in order to catch wild beasts.²⁴
装弶捉鸟[裝弶捉鳥] jöng-gëng-jök-nêl/ zhuāngjiàng zhuōniǎo set a trap to catch birds.⁵
geng2 4513
78 17 gëng jiāng stiff (corpse).
白僵蚕[白殭蠶] bàk-gëng-tâm báijiāngcán silkworm which died from a certain disease, used as medicine.¹¹
僵毙[殭斃] gëng-bài
jiāngbì dead and stiff.
僵尸[殭屍] gëng-sï
jiāngshī corpse; vampire.
僵蚕[殭蠶] gëng-tâm
jiāngcán batryticated silkworm.⁸ dried silkworm; silkworm died of muscardine fungi; can be used to make medicine.⁹
死而不僵[死而不殭] xī-ngĩ-būt-gëng
sǐérbùjiāng dead but showing no signs of rigor mortis.
(See 僵 gëng.)
geng2 4514
94 11 gëng jīng 长花黄猄草[長花黃猄草] chẽng-fä-võng-gëng-tāo zhǎnghuāhuángjīngcǎo (Championella longiflora).²⁰
贵阳黄猄草[貴陽黃猄草] gï-yẽng-võng-gëng-tāo
guìyánghuángjīngcǎo (Strobilanthes labordei).²⁰
海南黄猄草[海南黃猄草] Hōi-nãm võng-gëng-tāo
Hǎinán huángjīngcǎo (Strobilanthes maclurei).²⁰
台湾黄猄草[臺灣黃猄草] Hõi-vän võng-gëng-tāo
Táiwān huángjīngcǎo (Strobilanthes fauriei).²⁰
日本黄猄草[日本黃猄草] Ngìt-bōn võng-gëng-tāo
Rìběn huángjīngcǎo (Strobilanthes japonica).²³
黄猄[黃猄] võng-gëng
huángjīng another name for 赤麂 chēik-gī chìjǐ Indian muntjac, red muntjac, barking deer (Muntiacus muntjak).¹⁵ʼ²³
黄猄蚁[黃猄蟻] võng-gëng-ngāi
huángjīngyǐ weaver ant, green ant, green tree ant, orange gaster (Oecophylla smaragdina), a species of arboreal ant found in tropical Asia and Australia.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
黄猄草[黃猄草] võng-gëng-tāo
huángjīngcǎo (Strobilanthes tetrasperma or Championella tetrasperma).²⁰
黄猄草属[黃猄草屬] võng-gëng-tāo-sùk
huángjīngcǎoshǔ genus Xyris in the family Xyridaceae.²⁰
羊猄 yẽng-gëng
yángjīng sheep; goat suede.²³
geng2 4515
102 13 gëng jiāng <old>=疆 gëng jiāng border; boundary; frontier; land; territory.
(composition: ⿳⿱一田⿱一田一; U+757A).
(See 疆 gëng).
geng2 4516
102 19 gëng jiāng the boundary, the  border, the frontier; a limit.⁷
(variant: 壃 gëng jiāng).
北疆 bāk-gëng
běijiāng northern frontier.¹  North of Xinjiang.¹¹
边疆 bëin-gëng
biānjiāng border region, frontier.
封疆 füng-gëng
fēngjiāng border region; regional general acting as governor (in Ming and Qing times).¹¹
疆场[疆場] gëng-chẽng
jiāngchǎng a battlefield.⁷
疆界 gëng-gäi
jiāngjiè borders; frontiers; the boundary.⁷
疆徼 gëng-gël
jiāngjiào border area, frontier districts.¹¹
疆土 gëng-hū
jiāngtǔ territory.⁷ the territory of a country.
疆吏 gëng-lì
jiānglì a frontier official.⁷
疆圉 gëng-nguî
jiāngyǔ the frontiers.¹⁴
疆域 gëng-vèik
jiāngyù territory.⁷ territory; domain.
万寿无疆[萬壽無疆] màn-siù-mũ-gëng
wànshòuwújiāng long live forever – a form of greeting for birthdays.
新疆 Xïn-gëng
Xīnjiāng Xinjiang.⁶
新疆维吾尔自治区[新疆維吾爾自治區] Xïn-gëng Vĩ-m̃-ngì Dù-jì Kuï
Xīnjiāng Wéiwúěr Zìzhì Qū Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region.⁶
(See 壃 gëng).
geng2 4517
112 18 gëng jiāng small stone.⁸
礓䃰儿[礓䃰兒] gëng-chät-ngĩ jiāngcār flight of steps; stairs.⁶
砂礓 sâ-gëng
shājiāng <geol.> conglomerate; gravel.⁶
砂礓地 sâ-gëng-ì
shājiāngdì <geol.> conglomerate.⁵⁴
geng2 4518
120 19 gëng jiāng (=韁 gëng jiāng) reins, halter; fetter, shackle.⁶ (variants: 韁 gëng jiāng.)
(See 韁 gëng; 鞥 häng.)
geng2 4519
123 7 gëng qiāng muntjac; grammar particle indicating nonsense (classical); Qiang ethnic group of northwestern Sichuan; Qiang surname.¹⁰
羌族 Gëng-dùk Qiāngzú the Qiang (Chiang) nationality living in southwest China; Qiang (Chiang), an ancient tribe in West China.⁷
羌笛 gëng-èk
qiāngdí a Tatar pipe; a shepherd's flute.⁷
羌羯 Gëng-gèik
Qiāngjié ancient nationality in West China.⁷
羌管 gëng-gōn
qiāngguǎn bamboo flute used by the Qiang nationality (=羌笛 gëng-èk qiāngdí).⁸
羌桃 gëng-hão
or gëng-hô qiāngtáo the walnut.⁷
羌无故实[羌無故實] gëng-mũ-gü-sìt
qiāngwúgùshí a poetic expression containing no allusion whatsoever.⁷  to have no basis in fact (idiom).¹⁰
羌活 gëng-vòt
qiānghuó <TCM> Notopterygium incisum Ting ex H.T.Chang.²⁰
羌胡 Gëng-vũ
Qiānghú ancient nationality in West China.⁷
婼羌 Ngèk-gëng
Ruòqiāng name of a country in the western region of China during the Han Dynasty; name of a place in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, now is called 若羌 Ngèk-gëng Ruòqiāng (a county in Xinjiang).¹⁹
geng2 4520
123 9 gëng qiāng (<old>=羌 gëng qiāng muntjac; grammar particle indicating nonsense (classical); Qiang ethnic group of northwestern Sichuan; Qiang surname.¹⁰); tribes in West China; strong; educated; obstinate; a particle.⁸
(composition: ⿸羌厶; U+7F97).
(See 羌 gëng).
geng2 4521
140 16 gëng jiāng ginger.⁸ (variant:䕬 gëng jiāng).
姜饼[薑餅] gëng-bēng
jiāngbǐng gingerbread; gingersnap.⁷
姜酒[薑酒] gëng-diū
jiāngjiǔ ginger wine.⁷
姜桂[薑桂] gëng-gï
jiāngguì ginger and cinnamon; stubborn; unyielding; unshakable.⁷
姜汤[薑湯] gëng-höng
jiāngtāng ginger tea.⁶
姜酌之喜[薑酌之喜] gëng-jēk-jï-hī
jiāngzhuózhīxǐ the feast given at the birth of a child.⁷
姜汁[薑汁] gëng-jīp
jiāngzhī ginger juice.⁷
姜汁汽水[薑汁汽水] gëng-jīp-hï-suī
jiāngzhīqìshuǐ ginger ale.⁷
姜黄[薑黃] gëng-võng
jiānghuáng curcuma; turmeric.⁷
姜黄纸[薑黃紙] gëng-võng-jī
jiānghuángzhǐ curcuma paper; turmeric paper.⁷
糖姜[糖薑] hõng-gëng
tángjiāng sugared/sweetened ginger; ginger in syrup.⁶
生姜[生薑] säng-gëng
shēngjiāng <topo.> green ginger.⁷
<又> gêng.
(See 薑 gêng; 姜 gëng; 䕬 gëng).
geng2 4522
140 19 gëng jiāng (=姜[薑] gëng jiāng) ginger.²
(composition: ⿱艹彊; U+456C).
(See 薑 gëng).
geng2 4523
142 13 gëng qiāng dung beetle.⁸ (=屎壳郎[屎殼郎] sī-hôk-lõng shǐkelàng <topo.> dung beetle, q.v.)⁵
蜣螂 gëng-lõng
qiāngláng dung beetle; dung chafer.⁸
or 蜣螂 gëng-lõng qiāngliáng dung beetle.⁶
蛣蜣 kēik-gëng
jiéqiāng (-蜣螂 gëng-lõng qiāngláng) dung beetle; dung chafer.⁸
geng2 4524
142 19 gëng jiāng a silkworm that was attacked by a disease, a dying silkworm.⁸ʼ⁰ silkworms turning white and dying.²⁵
(composition: ⿰虫畺; U+45F5).
geng2 4525
167 19 gëng jìng mirror; lens, g;ass.⁶
放大镜[放大鏡] föng-ài-gëng fàngdàjìng magnifying glass.⁶
镜子[鏡子] gëng-dū
jìngzi mirror; <vern.> glasses.⁶
镜花水月[鏡花水月] gëng-fä-suī-ngùt
jìnghuāshuǐyuè flowers in a mirror or the moon in the water – illusion.⁶
镜戒[鏡戒] gëng-gäi
jìngjiè a lesson; a warning.⁷
镜鉴[鏡鑒] gëng-gäm
jìngjiàn to be warned by the example, as if it was the reflection of oneself in a mirror.¹⁴
镜匣[鏡匣] gëng-hâp
jìngxiá a vanity case; dressing case.⁷
镜头[鏡頭] gëng-hẽo
jìngtóu the lens of a camera; a scene captured by the camera.⁷
镜台[鏡檯] gëng-hôi
jìngtái dressing table; dresser.⁶
镜支儿[鏡支兒] gëng-jï-ngĩ
jìngzhīr a woman's dressing case with a propped up mirror.¹¹
镜框[鏡框] gëng-köng
jìngkuàng picture frame; spectacles frame.⁸
or 镜籢[鏡籢] gëng-lẽm jìnglián a woman's dressing case.¹¹ dressing box with mirror.⁵⁴
镜面[鏡面] gëng-mèin
jìngmiàn surface of a mirror.⁶
镜面呢[鏡面呢] gëng-mèin-nãi
jìngmiànní treated, shining woolen.¹¹
镜片[鏡片] gëng-pëin
jìngpiàn a piece of glass, a lens.¹¹
镜屏[鏡屏] gëng-pẽin
jìngpíng mirror screen.³⁹
镜箱[鏡箱] gëng-xêng
jìngxiāng woman's dressing case.¹¹
geng2 4526
177 22 gëng jiāng reins, halter; fetter, shackle.⁶ (variant: 繮 gëng jiāng.)
缰绳[韁繩] gëng-sẽin
jiāngsheng reins; halter.⁵
脱缰[脫韁] höt-gëng
tuōjiāng to throw off the reins; runaway (horse); fig. out of control.¹⁰
脱缰野马[脫韁野馬] höt-gëng-yêh-mâ
tuōjiāngyěmǎ uncontrollable as wild horse without bridle.¹¹
溜缰[溜韁] liũ-gëng
liūjiāng (of horses) slip the reins and run wild.¹¹
马缰[馬韁] mâ-gëng
mǎjiāng a bridle.¹⁴
马缰绳[馬韁繩] mâ-gëng-sẽin
mǎjiāngshéng checkrein.¹⁰ twitch; leading rein.⁵⁴
马脱缰了[馬脫韁了] mâ-höt-gëng-lēl
mǎtuōjiāngle the horse ran away.⁶
名缰利锁[名韁利鎖] mẽin-gëng-lì-xū
míngjiānglìsuǒ fetters or bondage of fame and wealth.⁶
信马由缰[信馬由韁] xïn-mâ-yiũ-gëng
xìnmǎyóujiāng ride with lax reins – (fig.) let things take their natural course.¹¹
(See 繮 gëng; 鞥 häng.)
geng2 4527
187 22 gëng jīng <台> 唔使惊[唔使驚] m̃-sōi-gëng don't be afraid.
<又> gëin. (See 驚 gëin.)
geng2 4528
19 13 gèng jiàng (=犟 gèng jiàng obstinate; stubborn; self-willed.⁵); stubborn, unbending; obstinate.⁸
(composition: ⿱強力; U+52E5).
or 犟脾气[犟脾氣] gèng-pĩ-hï jiàngpíqi stubborn character.⁵⁴
<又> kẽng; kêng.
(See 勥 kẽng; 勥 kêng).
geng4 4529
57 11 gèng jiàng inflexible; obstinate; stubborn.⁷ (variant: 彊 gèng jiàng).
or 犟嘴 gèng-duī jiàngzuǐ reply defiantly; answer back; talk back.⁵
or 犟脾气[犟脾氣] gèng-pĩ-hï jiàngpíqi an obstinate disposition.⁷
倔强 vūt-gèng
juéjiàng stubborn; unbending.⁵
<又> kẽng, kêng.
(See 強 kẽng, kêng.)
geng4 4530
57 16 gèng jiàng (=強 gèng jiàng) inflexible; obstinate; stubborn.⁷
<又> kẽng, kêng.
(See 強 gèng.)
geng4 4531
93 16 gèng jiàng obstinate; stubborn; self-willed.⁵
犟嘴 or 强嘴[強嘴] gèng-duī jiàngzuǐ reply defiantly; answer back; talk back.⁵
犟劲[犟勁] gèng-gèin
jiàngjìn indomitable will.⁶
犟驴[犟驢] gèng-luĩ
jiànglǘ <derog.> pig-head; mule.⁵⁴
犟牛 gèng-ngẽo
jiàngniú pighead; mule.⁵⁴
or 强脾气[強脾氣] gèng-pĩ-hï jiàngpíqi an obstinate disposition.⁷
犟性子 gèng-xëin-dū
jiàngxìngzi stubborn personality.⁵⁴
geng4 4532
140 16 gêng jiāng <台> 子姜[子薑] dū-gêng young ginger.
<又> gëng. (See 薑 gëng).
geng5 4533
32 9 gēo gòu <wr.> dirty, filthy, dirt, filth; <wr.> disgrace; <wr.> humiliation.
齿垢[齒垢] chī-gēo chǐgòu tartar (on the teeth).⁷
垢泥 gēo-nãi
gòuní dirt or grease on human skin.
含垢 hẽim-gēo
hángòu <wr.> to bear shame.
含垢忍辱 hẽim-gēo-ngîn-yùk
hángòurěnrǔ to endure humiliation and insult; (to be forced) to swallow insults.
牙垢 ngã-gēo
yágòu tartar; dental calculus.
忍辱含垢 ngîn-yùk-hẽim-gēo
rěnrǔhángòu silently endure all the disgrace and humiliations.¹¹
蓬头垢面[蓬頭垢面] pũng-hẽo-gēo-mèin
péngtóugòumiàn with disheveled hair and a dirty face; bad appearance; unkempt.
藏垢纳污[藏垢納污] tõng-gēo-nàp-vü
cánggòunàwū to hide dirt, to conceal corruption (idiom); to shelter evil people and countenance evil practices.
污垢 vü-gēo
wūgòu filth.¹⁰
油垢 yiũ-gēo
yóugòu greasy dirt; grease stain.
geo1 4534
46 8 gēo gǒu (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 岣 guï gǒu with same meaning.)
<又> guï.
(See 岣 guï.)
geo1 4535
75 9 gēo gǒu Chinese wolfberry (Lycium chinense).⁶⁴
(composition: ⿰木句; U+67B8).
枸杞 gēo-gī gau2 gei2 gǒuqǐ wolfberry (Lycium chinense); genus Lycium.¹⁰ <bot.> Lycium chinensis, Chinese wolfberry, matrimony vine.¹¹ goji.⁰
枸杞子 gēo-gī-dū
gau2 gei2 zi2 gǒuqǐzi <TCM> Chinese wolfberry fruit.⁶ goji.⁰
枸骨 gēo-gūt
gǒugǔ Chinese holly.⁶ <bot.> the holly, Osmanthus aquifolium.¹¹ Ilex cornuta.¹⁹
枸骨叶[枸骨葉] gēo-gūt-yêp
gǒugǔyè <TCM> holly leaf.⁶ Chinese Holly Leaf; Folium Ilicis Cornutae.
(See 枸 [gēo, gōu], [gēo,].)
geo1 4536
75 9 gēo gōu Acgle sepiaria.¹⁰ʼ⁶⁴
(composition: ⿰木句; U+67B8).
枸檵 gēo-gì
gōujì variant of 枸杞 gēo-gī gǒuqǐ, Chinese wolfberry shrub (Lycium chinense).¹⁰
枸橘 gēo-gūt
gōujú (=枳 jī zhǐ) trifoliate orange.⁶ a large acid orange.⁷ trifoliate orange Poncirus trifoliata.³⁹
枸桹 gēo-lõng
gōuláng name of a tree.¹⁹
(See 枸 [gēo, gǒu], [gēo, ].)
geo1 4537
75 9 gēo Citrus medica.⁶⁴
(composition: ⿰木句; U+67B8).
枸骨 gēo-gūt
gǒujǔ <bot.> (Chinese) holly.¹⁴
枸橼[枸櫞] gēo-yõn
jǔyuán citron (Citrus medica); grapefruit.¹⁰ <bot.> citron, Citrus medica sub-sp. limonum.¹¹  (=香橼[香櫞] hëng-yõn xiāngyuán <bot.> Citrus medica, an acid variety of orange.¹⁴  (=香橼[香櫞] hëng-yõn xiāngyuán <bot.> Citrus medica L.)²³
枸橼酸[枸櫞酸] gēo-yõn-xön
jǔyuánsuān, another name for 柠檬酸[檸檬酸] nẽin-mūng-xön níngméngsuān citric acid.²³
枸橼酸钠[枸櫞酸鈉] gēo-yõn-xön-nàp
jǔyuánsuānnà sodium citrate.⁶
(See 枸 [gēo, gǒu], [gēo, gōu].)
geo1 4538
94 8 gēo gǒu dog; (fig.) lackey, footman, follower; damned, cursed.⁷
(variant: 㺃 gēo gǒu). (See 㺃 gēo).
狗宝[狗寶] gēo-bāo
gǒubǎo <TCM> the stone of dog's gallbladder, kidney or bladder.⁵
狗脊 gēo-dêk
gǒují <TCM> Cibotium barometz (L.) J. Sm.²³
狗脊蕨 gēo-dêk-kūt
gǒujíjué chain fern.⁵⁴
狗崽子 gēo-dōi-dū
gǒuzǎizi <topo.> puppy; <derog.> son of a bitch.¹⁰
狗急跳墙[狗急跳牆] gēo-gīp-hẽl-tẽng
gǒujítiàoqiáng A cornered beast will do something desperate. – A person takes desperate measures in a critical situation.⁷
狗腿子 gēo-huī-dū
gǒutuǐzi <topo.> hired thug, lackey, henchman.⁵
狗熊 gēo-hũng
gǒuxióng Asiatic black bear; coward.⁸
狗血淋头[狗血淋頭] gēo-hūt-lĩm-hẽo
gǒuxuèlíntóu lit. to pour dog's blood on; to curse or berate somebody (idiom).¹⁰
狗彘 gēo-jï
gǒu-zhì dogs and pigs, expression of contempt.¹¹
狗咬吕洞宾[狗咬呂洞賓] gēo-ngāo Luî Ùng-bïn
gǒuyǎo Lǚ Dòngbīn to mistake a good man for a bad one.¹¹
狗屁 gēo-pï
gǒupì bullshit; nonsense.¹⁰
狗贼[狗賊] gēo-tàk
gǒuzéi (insult) brigand; swindler.¹⁰
<台> 狗毛虫[狗毛蟲] gēo-mão-chũng/ caterpillar.
geo1 4539
94 11 gēo gǒu (=狗 gēo gǒu) a dog; canine.⁸
(composition: ⿰犭苟; U+3E83).
(See 狗 gēo).
geo1 4540
118 11 gēo gǒu a basket trap for fish, placed in the opening of a weir.⁸ a fishing tool made of bamboo with a big mouth and a thin neck, where tiny bamboo strips are arranged so that they allow fish to swim in but prevent them from getting out.⁹
(composition: ⿱𥫗句; U+7B31).
鱼笱[魚笱] nguĩ-gēo yúgǒu bamboo basket for catching fish.³⁶
geo1 4541
125 9 gēo gǒu wrinkled face of the elderly.³⁶
(variants: 耉, 耈 gēo gǒu).
(composition: ⿱耂句; U+8007).
(See 耉 gēo; 耈 gēo).
geo1 4542
125 9 gēo gǒu (=耇 gēo gǒu wrinkled face of the elderly.³⁶); old age.³⁶
(composition: ⿹考口; U+8009).
(See 耇 gēo).
geo1 4543
125 11 gēo gǒu (=耇 gēo gǒu wrinkled face of the elderly.³⁶); old age.³⁶
(composition: ⿱老句; U+8008).
(See 耇 gēo).
geo1 4544
140 7 gēo gōu vegetable name; (<old>= 苟 gēo gǒu) herb, greens; Gou surname.
薢芶 gāi-gēo
xiègōu water chestnut, water caltrop; grass abalone.⁸
geo1 4545
140 8 gēo gǒu herb, greens; if; Gou surname.
不敢苟同 būt-gām-gēo-hũng bùgǎngǒutóng to beg to differ; too bad to be accepted.
不苟 būt-gēo
bùgǒu not lax; conscientious.
不苟言笑 būt-gēo-ngũn-xël
bùgǒuyánxiào serious in speech and manner; reticent; taciturn.
苟且 gēo-chēh
gǒuqiě negligent, careless ( in work);  disregarding principles, temporizing.¹¹ negligent, careless, perfunctory; not observant of propriety; illicit (usually of sexual relations); tentatively; for the time being.³⁶
苟且偷安 gēo-chēh-hëo-ön
gǒuqiě tōu’ān to live in a fool's paradise, to seek temporary peace.¹¹
❄{⿱𥫗閒} gēo-gān gǒujiǎn slipshod.¹¹
苟能 gēo-nãng
gǒunéng if it is possible to..., then...; if one can..., then...
苟安 gēo-ön
gǒu'ān (=苟且偷安 gēo-chēh-hëo-ön gǒuqiě tōu’ān) live in a fool's paradise, seek temporary peace.¹¹
苟存 gēo-tũn
gǒucún <wr.> to drift through life.
苟延 gēo-yẽn
gǒuyán to linger; to delay; to waste time.
苟延残喘[苟延殘喘] gēo-yẽn-tãn-chūn
gǒuyáncánchuǎn to linger on in a steadily worsening condition.
一丝不苟[一絲不苟] yīt-xü-būt-gēo
yīsībùgǒu not be the least bit negligent; be scrupulous.⁶
geo1 4546
142 11 gēo gǒu 蚼犬 gēo-hūn gǒuquǎn a kind of dog, in the north, that eats people.²⁵
<又> kuĩ.
(See 蚼 kuĩ.)
geo1 4547
159 12 gēo gǒu (composition: ⿰車句; U+8EE5).
軥牛 gēo-ngẽo gǒuniú a small ox.²⁵
<又> kuĩ; ngëo; këo.
(See 軥 kuĩ; 軥 ngëo; 軥 këo).
geo1 4548
9 7 gëo gōu 佝偻[佝僂] gëo-lẽo gōulóu rickets; <topo.> stooped.
佝偻病[佝僂病] gëo-lẽo-bèng
gōulóubìng rickets; osteoporosis.
geo2 4549
18 8 𠛩
gëo jiǔ read gëo jiū.² to be freed from blame.²⁴ release from punishment, pardon.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰糸刂; U+206E9).
geo2 4550
36 11 gëo gòu enough.
不够[不夠] būt-gëo bùgòu not enough; insufficient; not good enough.
足够[足夠] dūk-gëo
zúgòu enough; ample; sufficient.⁵
够本[夠本] gëo-bōn
gòuběn to be sufficient to cover the cost; to break even.
够朋友[夠朋友] gëo-pãng-yiû
gòu péngyou to deserve to be called a true friend.
or 够戗[夠戧] gëo-tëng gòuqiàng <topo.> unbearable; terrible; enough; unlikely.¹⁰
够意思[夠意思] gëo-yï-xü
gòuyìsi <vern.> to be terrific; to be really something.⁸ wonderful.⁹
能够[能夠] nãng-gëo
nénggòu to be capable of.
<台> 够蜰[夠蜰] gëo-bï bedbug.
<台> 我好够[我好夠] ngöi-hāo-gëo/ I'm very tired.
geo2 4551
53 广 12 gëo jiù (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 廄 giü jiù with same meaning: stable; cattle-shed; pen.⁵ stable; barnyard.⁸ stable, stall.⁵⁴)
t: ⿸广⿰殳; U+5EC4). (comp. s: ⿸厂既; U+53A9).
<又> giü.
(See 廄 giü.)
geo2 4552
57 13 gëo gòu draw a bow to the full; (=够[夠] gëo gòu) enough.⁶
不彀本 būt-gëo-bōn
bùgòuběn not sufficient to pay the cost.¹⁴
不彀用 būt-gëo-yùng
bùgòuyòng insufficient.¹⁴
彀者 gëo-jēh
gòuzhě archers.¹⁴
彀中 gëo-jüng
gòuzhōng <wr.> (an arrow's) shooting range – trap, trick, snare.⁶
彀了 gëo-lēl
gòule sufficient; enough.¹⁴
彀受的 gëo-siù-ēik
gòushòude enough to bear; had enough; for once.¹⁴
彀一斤 gëo-yīt-gïn
gòuyījīn fully a catty.¹⁴
彀用 gëo-yùng
gòuyòng enough for use.¹⁴
引人入彀 yīn-ngĩn-yìp-gëo
yǐnrénrùgòu lead people into a snare; induce somebody to fall in with one's plans.⁵⁴
入我彀中 yìp-ngô-gëo-jüng
rùwǒgòuzhōng fall into my trap; be caught in my trap.⁶
geo2 4553
65 6 gëo guì completely exhausted; worn out.⁹ totally exhausted; tired.¹⁰ wearied, exhausted.¹⁴ (Cant.) tired; exhausted; fatigued.³⁶
(composition: ⿺支力; U+6530).
足攰 dūk-gëo zúguì tired, footsore.¹⁴
雕攰 ël-gëo
diāoguì  ➀ hard; destitute (of life)  ➁ depressed (of business).¹⁹
<台> 攰 gëo tired.
geo2 4554
75 15 gëo jiū bending branches, bent limbs; coil, wind; to seek; Jiu surname.⁸ (of tree branches) to bend downward.⁹ the branches of trees bend downwards; also to twist, to strangle.²⁴ hanging, drooping (\branches), weeping (of a tree); connect, intertwine.⁵⁴ twisted or distorted branches; pendulous, crooked twigs; to twist; crisscross.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰木翏; U+6A1B).
樛结[樛結] gëo-gēik jiūjié twisted; entangled.⁵⁴
樛枝 gëo-jï
jiūzhī drooping branches.⁵⁴
樛曲 gëo-kūk
jiūqū tortuous, winding, crooked, curved.⁵⁴
樛流 gëo-liũ
jiūliú to go wandering about.²⁴
南有樛木 Nãm-yiû-gëo-mûk.
Nán yǒu jiū mù.
In the south are the trees with curved drooping branches. (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·周南·樛木·1》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ in the south are drooping trees, perhaps referring to trees like the weeping cypress.¹⁰²
相樛 xëng-gëo
xiàngjiū to intertwine.⁵⁴
<又> lẽl.
(See 樛 lẽl).
geo2 4555
115 16 gëo jiū name of a medicinal plant.²⁵
(composition: ⿰禾翏; U+7A4B).
秦穋 tũn-gëo qínjiū a medicinal plant.²
<又> lùk, kiũ.
(See 穋 lùk, 穋 kiũ).
geo2 4556
120 15 gëo gōu <wr.> silk/string round the hilt of a sword or knife.⁶ cord binding on hilt of sword. Gou surname.⁸
<又> hẽo. (See 緱 hẽo.)
geo2 4557
196 13 gëo jiū turtledove; gather, collect.⁶
斑鸠[斑鳩] bän-gëo bānjiū turtledove.⁶
鸠集[鳩集] gëo-dàp
or 纠集[糾集] gēl-dàp jiūjí <derog.> get together; muster.⁵
鸠聚[鳩聚] gëo-duì
jiūjù to assemble, to gather.⁷
鸠居[鳩居] gëo-guï
jiūjū my humble home.⁷
鸠工[鳩工] gëo-güng
jiūgōng to assemble workers.⁷
鸠工庀材[鳩工庀材] gëo-güng-bī-tõi
jiūgōngpǐcái gather together workmen and construction materials.¹¹
鸠合[鳩合] gëo-hàp
or 纠合[糾合] gēl-hàp jiūhé gathering; a get-together.¹⁰ (of birds, riffraff) gather together.¹¹
鸠胸[鳩胸] gëo-hüng
jiūxiōng pigeon-breasted.¹⁴
鸠占鹊巢[鳩佔鵲巢] gëo-jëm-xēk-chão
or 鹊巢鸠占[鵲巢鳩佔] xēk-chão-gëo-jëm quècháojiūzhàn the turtledove occupies the magpie's nest – one person seizes another person's place, land.⁵
鸠众[鳩眾] gëo-jüng
jiūzhòng to assemble a big crowd.⁷
鸠敛[鳩斂] gëo-lêm
jiūliǎn to collect taxes.⁷
鸠民[鳩民] gëo-mĩn
jiūmín assemble people peacefully.⁷
鸠率[鳩率] gëo-xūt
jiūshuài to assemble and lead.⁷
鸠形鹄面[鳩形鵠面] gëo-yẽin-hùk-mèin
jiūxínghúmiàn gaunt and emaciated; skin and bones.⁶
雉鸠[雉鳩] jï-gëo
zhìjiū turtledove.⁶
geo2 4558
213 16 gëo qiū 龟兹[龜茲] Gëo-xũ or Hiü-xũ Qiūcí (Kucha in 新疆 Xïn-gëng Xīnjiāng Xinjiang).
<又> gï, gün, hiü.
(See 龜 gï, gün, hiü.)
geo2 4559
6 1 gêo jué Kangxi radical 6, is a component cosisting of 丨 with a hook to the left at the bottom. It is aka 竖钩[豎鈎] sì-gêo shùgōu vertical stroke with hook.
<台> The component, 亅, is more commonly called 企企钩钩[企企鈎鈎] kï-kî-gëo-gêo.
geo5 4560
20 4 gêo gōu to hook; hook.⁷
<台> 勾 gêo a hook; to stare.
<台> 眼勾勾 ngān-gêo-gêo to give someone the evil eye.
(See 勾 [ngëo, gōu],  [ngëo, gòu].)
geo5 4561
167 12 gêo gōu <台> 钩[鈎] or 钩[鉤] gêo a hook.
<又> ngêo. (See 鉤 ngêo; 鉤 ngëo; 鈎 ngêo.)
geo5 4562
9 10 𠉨
gēp jié (=劫 gēp jié <lit.> ➀ rob; plunder; raid ➁ coerce; compel ➂ calamity; disaster; misfortune.⁵).¹⁰¹ Also read gëp.
(composition: ⿰亻刼; U+20268).
(See 劫 gēp; 劫 gëp).
gep1 4563
18 7 gēp jié (=劫 gēp jié <lit.> ➀ rob; plunder; raid ➁ coerce; compel ➂ calamity; disaster; misfortune.⁵).¹⁹ Also read gëp.
(composition: ⿰去刂; U+5226).
(See 劫 gēp; 劫 gëp).
gep1 4564
18 7 gēp jié (<old>=劫 gēp jié <lit.> ➀ rob; plunder; raid ➁ coerce; compel ➂ calamity; disaster; misfortune.⁵).¹⁹ Also read gëp.
(composition: ⿰去刀; U+5227).
(See 劫 gēp; 劫 gëp).
gep1 4565
18 8 gēp jié (=劫 gēp jié <lit.> ➀ rob; plunder; raid ➁ coerce; compel ➂ calamity; disaster; misfortune.⁵).¹⁹ Also read gëp.
(composition: ⿰去刃; U+523C).
(See 劫 gēp; 劫 gëp).
gep1 4566
19 7 gēp jié <lit.> ➀ rob; plunder; raid ➁ coerce; compel ➂ calamity; disaster; misfortune.⁵ (variants: 刦 刧 刼 𠉨❄{⿰亻刼} gēp).
(composition: ⿰去力; U+52AB)
打劫 ā-gēp
or ā-gëp dǎjié rob; plunder; loot.⁵
劫持 gēp-chĩ
or gëp-chĩ jiéchí kidnap; hold under duress.⁵
劫匪 gēp-fī
or gëp-fī jiéfěi bandits.
劫灰 gēp-föi
or gëp-föi jiéhuī turned to ashes; perished.¹⁴
劫劫 gēp-gēp
or gëp-gëp jiéjié eagerly; importunately.¹⁴
劫机[劫機] gēp-gï
or gëp-gï jiéjī hijacking; air piracy.
劫寨 gēp-jài
or gëp-jài jiézhài rush an enemy fortress.¹¹
劫掠一空 gēp-lèk-yīt-hüng
or gëp-lèk-yīt-hüng  jiélüèyīkōng made a clean sweep.¹⁴
劫难[劫難] gēp-nãn
or gëp-nãn jiénàn calamity; misfortune.
劫狱[劫獄] gēp-ngùk
or gëp-ngùk jiéyù to break open a jail and liberate the prisoners.¹⁴
劫案 gēp-ön
or gëp-ön jié'àn a case of robbery.¹⁴
劫数[劫數] gēp-sü
or gëp-sü jiéshù <rel.> inexorable doom; predestined fate.⁶ a fatal calamity.¹⁴
劫夺[劫奪] gēp-ùt
or gëp-ùt jiéduó seize (a person or his property) by force.⁵ to plunder; to rob.¹⁴
洗劫 xāi-gēp
or xāi-gëp xǐjié loot; sack.⁵
<又> gëp.
(See 劫 gëp; 刦 刧 刼 𠉨❄{⿰亻刼} gēp).
gep1 4567
22 9 gēp qiè (<old>=篋 gēp qiè) <wr.> small suitcase.⁶ a trunk; a portfolio.¹⁴ a box.²⁵
(See 篋 gēp).
gep1 4568
30 12 gēp jié <Cant.> used phonetically in English loan-words (e.g., cap, keep).⁸
<台> 皮喼 pĩ-gēp suitcase.
gep1 4569
61 10 gēp qiè
(=㤲 gēp qiè to think; to contemplate; to consider, to pant because of fear.⁸).² gasping for fear.⁸
(composition: ⿰忄夾; U+608F).
(See 㤲 gēp).
gep1 4570
61 11 gēp qiè
to think; to contemplate; to consider, to pant because of fear.⁸ (variant: 悏 gēp qiè).
(composition: ⿱夾心; U+3932).
(See 悏 gēp).
gep1 4571
118 9 gēp a bamboo bookcase.⁷ a travelling bamboo box, esp. for books.¹¹ a book-box or satchel.¹⁴
秘笈 bï-gēp mìjí secret book or collection of books.¹⁰
负笈[負笈] fù-gēp
fùjí travel to school.¹¹
负笈海外[負笈海外] fù-gēp-hōi-ngòi
fùjíhǎiwài to study abroad.³⁹
负笈求师[負笈求師] fù-gēp-kiũ-xü
fùjíqiúshī “carry suitcase” (go abroad) as student to seek teacher.¹¹
负笈从师[負笈從師] fù-gēp-tũng-xü
fùjícóngshī he shouldered his box of books and followed his teacher.¹⁴
gep1 4572
118 15 gēp qiè <wr.> small suitcase.⁶ a trunk; a portfolio.¹⁴ a box.²⁵ (variant: 匧 gēp qiè).
箧子[篋子] gēp-dū
qièzi a satchel; a portfolio.¹⁴
箧箧[篋篋] gēp-gēp
qièqiè <wr.> slender and long.¹¹
箧笥[篋笥] gēp-xü
qièsì bamboo box for holding books, clothes, etc.¹⁰ a satchel; a portfolio.¹⁴ a scholar's satchel.²⁵
箧衍[篋衍] gēp-yēn
qièyǎn <wr.> bamboo box.¹¹ a bamboo satchel.¹⁴
鼓箧[鼓篋] gū-gēp
gǔqiè to drum upon the book box, done by scholars on entering school; the name of a hill.²⁵
藤箧[藤篋] hãng-gēp
téngqiè wicker suitcase.⁶ rattan suitcase.¹¹
行箧[行篋] hãng-gēp
xíngqiè small travelling box.⁶
书箧[書篋] sï-gēp
shūqiè bookcase.¹⁰
箱箧[箱篋] xëng-gēp
xiāngqiè a trunk, a chest, anything narrow and long.²⁵
(See 匧 gēp).
gep1 4573
120 13 𦀖
gēp jié (composition: ⿰糹劫; U+26016).
𦀖❄{⿰糹劫}䌜 gēp-nēp jiéniè to mend (clothes), to patch, to sew.²⁵ to bind a seam.¹⁰²
gep1 4574
157 13 gēp jié instead of.²⁵ for, instead of.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰𧾷合; U+8DF2).
<又> gäp. (See 跲 gäp).
gep1 4575
196 22 gēp (composition: ⿰笠鳥; U+9DD1).
鷑鸠[鷑鳩] gēp-gëo jíjiū the black shrike.²⁵
gep1 4576
19 7 gëp jié (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 劫 gēp jié with same meaning: <lit.> ➀ rob; plunder; raid ➁ coerce; compel ➂ calamity; disaster; misfortune.⁵)
<又> gēp.
(See 劫 gēp.)
gep2 4577
77 14 gëp (<old>=涩[澀] gëp astringent).
(composition: ⿰⿱刃止⿱刃止; U+6B70).
<又> sēip; säp.
(See 歰 sēip; 歰 säp; 澀 gëp).
gep2 4578
85 15 gëp (<old>=涩[澀] gëp puckery, astringent).
(composition: ⿰氵歮; U+6F81).
<又> sēip.
(See 澁 sēip; 澀 gëp).
gep2 4579
85 16 gëp (=涩[澀] gëp astringent).
(composition: ⿰氵嗇; U+6FC7).
<又> sēip.
(See 濇 sēip; 澀 gëp).
gep2 4580
85 17 gëp puckery, astringent; obscure, difficult.⁵
(variants: 澁, 濇 gëp ).
(comp. t: ⿰氵歰; U+6F80). (comp. s: ⿰氵⿱刃止; U+6DA9).
发涩[發澀] fāt-gëp
fāsè feel dry/irritated (of eyes/throat);  be puckery (of unripe persimmon).¹ to have an astringent taste.⁹
晦涩[晦澀] fōi-gëp
huìsè hard to understand; obscure.⁸
艰涩[艱澀] gän-gëp
jiānsè involved and abstruse (writing); hard to traverse (roads); bitter and harsh (food).⁵⁴
涩味[澀味] gëp-mì
sèwèi astringent taste.⁷
咸涩[鹹澀] hãm-gëp
xiánsè salty and bitter; acerbic.¹⁰
这柿子涩不涩[這柿子澀不澀] jëh-sî-dū-gëp-būt-gëp
zhèshìzisèbùsè Are these persimmons puckery?⁵
眼珠干涩[眼珠乾澀] ngān-jî-gön-gëp
yǎnzhūgānsè ocular dryness; dryness and foreign-body sensation in the eyes.⁵⁴
<台> 柿子好涩[柿子好澀] sî-dū-hāo-gëb the persimmon is astringent.
<又> sēip, sīp.
(See 澀 sēip, 澀 sīp; 澁 gëp; 濇 gëp).
gep2 4581
196 16 gëp 鵖鴔 gëp-fùk bīfú hoopoe.⁸
穗鵖 xuì-gëp
suìbī (bird species of China) northern wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe).¹⁰ (See 穗䳭 xuì-dēik).
gep2 4582
9 5 gèp   deceptive; formerly used in people’s names.⁸ empty; unreal.¹⁴
伋伋 gèp-gèp jíjí deceptive.⁷ unreal; disappointing.¹⁴
孔伋 Kūng Gèp
Kǒng Jí aka 子思 Dū Xü Zǐ Sī Confucius' grandson.⁹
gep4 4583
29 3 gèp and; to reach; up to; in time for.
埃及 Äi-gèp Āijí Egypt.
不及[不及] būt-gèp
bují not as good as; inferior to; find it too late.⁵
及第 gèp-ài
jídì pass an imperial examination.⁸
及笄 gèp-gâi
jíjī <wr.> (of a girl) come of age (at 15).⁶
及格 gèp-gāk
jígé pass a test or examination; pass.⁵
及时[及時] gèp-sĩ
jíshí in time; promptly.
来得及[來得及] lõi-āk-gèp
láidejí there's still time to do something; to be able (to do something).
来不及[來不及] lõi-būt-gèp
láibují to be too late to do something.
普及 pū-gèp
pǔjí to popularize; to disseminate; to spread; universal; popular.
以及 yî-gèp
yǐjí as well as, along with, and.
<台> 早来早着迟来不及[早來早著遲來不及] dāo-lõi-dāo-jèk, chĩ-lõi-būt-gèp  The early bird catches the worm.
gep4 4584
94 10 gèp xiá <台> 该间房好狭[該間房好狹] kôi-gän-fông-hāo-gèp. This room is very small (narrow, crowded).
<又> hèp. (See 狹 hèp.)
gep4 4585
140 6 gèp (name of a plant whose roots are used for various purposes.)²¹
白芨 bàk-gèp báijī <TCM> bletilla tuber; hyacinth bletilla.⁶ <bot.> Bletilla striata.²³
芨芨草 gèp-gèp-tāo
jījīcǎo (=枳机草[枳機草] jī-gï-tāo zhǐjīcǎo) splendid achnatherum (Achnatherum splendens).⁶
gep4 4586
140 8 gèp (Note 1: some read 苙 as or in Mandarin).
(composition: ⿱艹立; U+82D9).
白苙 bàk-gèp
báijī or 白及 bàk-gèp báijí a type of grass mentioned in ancient books.⁸
(Note 2: Do not confuse 白苙 bàk-gèp
báijí (a type of grass) with 苙 lìp or 白芷 bàk-jī báizhǐ (the latter two are synonymous and both refer to the root of Dahurian angelica (Angelica dahurica) used in Traditional Chinese Medicine).
<又> lìp.
(See 苙 lìp).
gep4 4587
162 11 gèp old name for 锗[鍺] jēh zhě germanium (Ge)
t: ⿰金及; U+9212). (comp. s: ⿰钅及; U+9491).
<又> jàp; sēip.
(See 鈒 jàp; 鈒 sēip).
gep4 4588
177 15 gèp ancient breastplate made of leather; hard.⁸ to guard against; a case for warding off anything; also strong.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰革合; U+9788).
鞈革 gèp-gāk gégé a sort of breastplate, made of triple leather, to ward off the weapons of the enemy.¹⁰²
鞈如金石 gèp-nguĩ-gïm-sêk
gérújīnshí as hard as metal or stone.¹⁰²
gep4 4589
104 8 gēt <台> 丢猪疙, 丢猪肠, 丢大亚仔睇牛羊.[丟豬疙, 丟豬腸, 丟大亞仔睇牛羊.] èl-jï-gēt, èl-jï-chẽng, èl-ài-ä-dōi-hāi-ngẽo-yẽng. (Nursery rhyme where one person is holding a boy's arms and another holding his legs, swinging him from side to side) /Swinging my little piglet, /swinging my little piglet; /Swinging him until he is grown to be a cowherd or a shepherd./
<台> 老鼠疙 lāo-sī-gēt biceps (biceps brachii).
<台> 㶶疙[燶疙] nûng-gēt rice ball.¹²
<又> kēik.
(See 疙 kēik.)
get1 4590
22 11 guǐ small box; chest, casket.⁸
票匦[票匭] pêl-gī piàoguǐ ballot box.¹¹ ballot box; ticket box.⁵⁴
gi1 4591
30 15 to chirp; chirping; to chatter.⁶
叽叽嘎嘎[嘰嘰嘎嘎] gī-gī-gā-gā jījigāgā (=咭咭呱呱 gï-gï-gā-gā jījīguāguā) to cackle in laughter, to giggle.¹¹
叽咕[嘰咕] gī-gū
jīgu to grumble, to mumble, to murmur, to complain; to set one person against another, to sow seeds of discord.¹¹
叽哩咕噜[嘰哩咕嚕] gī-lī-gū-lū
jīligūlū to talk in low whispers.¹¹
<又> gï.
(See 嘰 gï.)
gi1 4592
32 9 guǐ dilapidated, ruined.⁸ʼ¹⁴ collapsed; ruined.⁹ to destroy; to damage; dilapidated; collapsed.¹⁰ to destroy, to demolish; ruinous, delapidated.²⁴
(composition: ⿰土危; U+579D).
垝垣 gī-yõn guǐyuán collapsed wall; ruined wall.¹⁰ a wall fallen into ruin.¹¹ a ruined wall.¹⁴
gi1 4593
40 5 guǐ <wr.> treacherous person; evildoer; scoundrel.⁶ a treacherous fellow; a traitor; a thief.⁷
(variant: 𡧫❄{⿱宄心} guǐ).
(composition: ⿱宀九; U+5B84).
奸宄[姦宄] gän-gī
jiānguǐ thieves and robbers.⁷
诡宄[詭宄] gī-gī
guǐguǐ treacherous, tricky and evil people.¹⁹
凶宄 hüng-gī
xiōngguǐ fiendish, crafty and evil people.¹⁹
御宄 nguì-gī
yùguǐ to deal with the internal chaos in the palace.¹⁹
内宄[內宄] nuì-gī
nèiguǐ to create chaos within.¹⁹
(See 𡧫❄{⿱宄心} gī).
gi1 4594
40 9 𡧫
guǐ (<old>=宄 gī guǐ <wr.> treacherous person; evildoer; scoundrel.⁶).²
(composition: ⿱宄心; U+219EB).
(See 宄 gī).
gi1 4595
46 6 a bare hill.²
陟彼屺兮,瞻望母兮 jēik-bī-gī-hãi, jëm-mòng-mû-hãi. zhìbǐqǐxī, zhānwàngmǔxī. I ascend that bare hill and yearn for my mother.¹⁴
陟屺 jēik-gī
zhìqǐ yearning for one's mother as when away from home on active service.¹⁴
陟岵陟屺 jēik-gü-jēik-gī
zhìhùzhìqǐ yearning for one's father and mother, respectively as when away from home on active duty.¹⁴
gi1 4596
49 3 Kangxi radical 49.⁸ Ji (the sixth of the ten Heavenly Stems); oneself, one's own.⁶
自己 dù-gī zìjǐ oneself; closely related, own.⁵
己方 gī-föng
jǐfāng one's own side.⁶
己见[己見] gī-gëin
jǐjiàn one's own opinion.⁶
己任 gī-ngìm
jǐrèn one's duty.⁶
己身 gī-sïn
jǐshēn one's self.¹¹
己所不欲,勿施于人[己所不欲,勿施於人] gī-sō-būt-yùk, mòt-sï-yï-ngĩn
jǐsuǒbùyù, wùshīyúrén not to do to others as you would not wish done to yourself (James Legge translation of The Analects 12:2); do not do unto others what you do not want done unto you.¹¹
gi1 4597
52 12
how many; a few; several.
不几天[不幾天] būt-gī-hëin bùjǐtiān <topo.>  within a few days; shortly.
几钿[幾鈿] gī-hẽin
jǐtián <topo.> How much(is it)?⁶
几何[幾何] gī-hõ
jǐhé geometry; <wr.> how many?¹¹
几年[幾年] gī-nẽin
jǐnián  a few years; several years; how many years.¹⁰
几内亚[幾內亞] Gī-nuì-ä
Jǐnèiyà Guinea
过几天[過幾天] gö-gī-hëin
guòjǐtiān in a few days.¹⁰
无几[無幾] mũ-gī
wújǐ only a few (left); soon after.
曾几何时[曾幾何時] tãng-gī-hõ-sĩ
céngjǐhéshí <wr.> not long ago.
<台> 几长[幾長] gī-chẽng how long (of length)?
<台> 几解[幾解] gī-gāi why?
<台> 几久[幾久] gī-giū how long (of time)?
<台> 几何[幾何] gī-hâo/ how?
<台> 几时[幾時] gī-sĩ/ when?
<台> 几多[幾多] gī-ü/ how much? how many?
<台> 几多钱[幾多錢] gī-ü-tẽin/ (asking for price) how much?
<又> gï
(See 幾 gï, 几 gì.)
gi1 4598
53 广 7 guǐ <wr.> shelf, rack; keep, preserve; shelve, lay aside.⁶
庋置 gī-jï guǐzhì shelve, lay aside.⁶
庋藏 gī-tõng
guǐcáng store up.⁵ keep, preserve.⁶
gi1 4599
61 9 guǐ to change; to alter; to accommodate oneself to.⁸ʼ¹⁴
to change; to alter; to repent.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄危; U+6051).
恑变[恑變] gī-bëin guǐbiàn to trim - as an opportunist.¹⁴
恑异[恑異] gī-yì
guǐyì strange; marvellous; to change one's form.¹⁴
<又> nguĩ.
(See 恑 nguĩ).
gi1 4600
64 11 to drag aside, to pull; to drag one foot.
掎角 gī-gôk jǐjiǎo <trad.> to defeat the enemy.¹  (of troops) to be deployed for attack from different sides.¹¹
掎摭 gī-jēik
jǐzhí to find fault with; to gather.¹   to draw near and take in one's hand.¹¹
掎摭病利 gī-jēik-bèng-lì
jǐzhíbìnglì  to distinguish between advantages and disadvantages.¹¹
掎摭星宿 gī-jēik-xëin-xūk
jǐzhíxīngsù  to reach up for the star.¹¹
gi1 4601
72 12 guǐ <wr.> a shadow cast by the sun; <wr.> time; sundial.⁵
(composition: ⿱日咎; U+6677).
飞晷[飛晷] fï-gī fēiguǐ the flying shadow – time.¹⁴
继晷[繼晷] gäi-gī
jìguǐ to lengthen the day.¹⁴
焚膏继晷[焚膏繼晷] fũn-gäo-gäi-gī
féngāojìguǐ burn the midnight oil; stay up late and work hard.⁶
晷景 gī-gēin
guǐjǐng an instrument for showing the course of the sun.²⁴
晷刻 gī-hāk
guǐkè time; a short time.⁷
晷仪[晷儀] gī-ngĩ
guǐyí a sundial.⁷
晷影 gī-yēin
guǐyǐng shadows.⁷
暇晷 hà-gī
xiáguǐ unoccupied time.¹¹
昃晷 jēik-gī
zèguǐ afternoon.¹³
日晷 ngìt-gī
rìguǐ or 日规[日規] ngìt-kï rìguī sundial.⁶
日无暇晷[日無暇晷] ngìt-mũ-hà-gī
rìwúxiáguǐ with no time to spare; busy from morning to night.¹¹
寸晷 tün-gī
cùnguǐ or 寸阴[寸陰] tün-yïm cùnyīn a very short time.⁸ a very brief period of time (lit. the time it takes for a shadow to move an inch).¹⁰
移晷 yĩ-gī
yíguǐ the movement of the shadow – a little while.¹⁴
or 馀晷[餘晷] yĩ-gī yúguǐ <wr.> spare time.⁵
gi1 4602
75 6 guǐ (=簋 gī guǐ) <old> a round-mouthed food vessel with two or four loop handles.⁵ <old> ancient food vessel with a round mouth and two handles.⁶ a round bamboo vessel for holding grains in ancient offerings or feasts; a bronze vessel for holding food in ancient times.⁷ a square basket of bamboo for holding grain used at sacrifices, feast.⁸
(See 簋 gī).
gi1 4603
75 7 Chinese wolfberry shrub (Lycium chinense); willow; Zhou Dynasty vassal state; Qi surname.¹⁰
枸杞 gēo-gī
gǒuqǐ goji berry.⁹ wolfberry (Lycium chinense); genus Lycium.¹⁰ (bot.) Lycium chinensis, Chinese wolfberry, matrimony vine.¹¹
枸杞子 gēo-gī-dū
gǒuqǐzi <TCM> Chinese wolfberry fruit.⁶
杞梓 gī-dū
qǐzǐ fine wood – good for carving; good timber.⁷
杞国[杞國] Gī-gōk
Qǐguó the State of Qǐ in modern Qǐ county 杞縣, Henan (c. 1500-445 BC), a small vassal state of Shang and Western Zhou for most of its existence.¹⁰
杞柳 gī-liû
qǐliǔ purple/bitter willow.⁶
杞人忧天[杞人憂天] gī-ngĩn-yiü-hëin
qǐrényōutiān like the man of Qi who was haunted by the fear that the sky might fall – entertian imaginery or groundless fears.⁵
gi1 4604
75 11 (<old>=杞 gī as in 枸杞 gēo-gī gǒuqǐ wolfberry).⁸
(composition: ⿰木里; U+68A9).
<又> lĩ; dù.
(See 梩 lĩ; 梩 dù).
gi1 4605
85 5 氿 guǐ mountain spring.¹⁰ a spring issuing forth from the side of a bank.²⁴ dry earth at the shore; (springwater) spurted from the side of a mountain; small fountain.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵九; U+6C3F).
氿泉 gī-tũn guǐquán spring coming out of hillside.
<又> giū; kiũ.
(See 氿 giū; 氿 kiũ).
gi1 4606
118 17 guǐ <old> a round-mouthed food vessel with two or four loop handles.⁵ <old> ancient food vessel with a round mouth and two handles.⁶ a round bamboo vessel for holding grains in ancient offerings or feasts; a bronze vessel for holding food in ancient times.⁷ a square basket of bamboo for holding grain used at sacrifices, feast.⁸ a round shaped basket or vessel, woven of fine splints, used for holding grain at sacrifices, made square within, and reckoned to hold twelve 升 (sëin shēng) or pints.¹⁰² (variant: 朹 gī guǐ).
簋簠 gī-fū
guǐfǔ square and round vessels for grain and fruits.¹⁴
簋碗 gī-vōn
guǐwǎn a large dish or platter.¹⁰²
九大簋 giū-ài-gī
jiǔdàguǐ nine platters; — an entertainment; a complete set.¹⁰²
镂簋[鏤簋] lèo-gī
or liũ-gī lòuguǐ <trad.> engraved round-mouthed food vessel with two or four loop handles.⁵⁴
镂簋朱绂[鏤簋朱紱] lèo-gī-jï-fūt
or liũ-gī-jï-fūt lòuguǐ-zhūfú engraved bowl and red ribbon in hat.⁸
食土簋 sèik-hū-gī
shítǔguǐ (Yao and Shun) ate from earthen platters.¹⁰²
(See 朹 gī).
gi1 4607
120 9 order; discipline; age; era; period; to chronicle.¹⁰
纪传体[紀傳體] gī-chũn-hāi jìzhuàntǐ history presented in a series of biographies.⁵
纪纲[紀綱] gī-göng
jìgāng <wr.> law; moral standard.⁶
纪行[紀行] gī-hãng
jìxíng travel notes.⁵
纪录[紀錄] gī-lùk
or 记录[記錄] gï-lùk jìlù to record; record (written account); note-taker; record (in sports).¹⁰
纪律[紀律] gī-lùt
jìlǜ discipline.⁷
纪年[紀年] gī-nẽin
jìnián a way of numbering the years; chronological record of events; annuls.⁵
纪念[紀念] gī-nèm
jìniàn commemorate; remember.¹⁰
纪念碑[紀念碑] gī-nèm-bï
jìniànbēi monument; memorial.⁵
纪念品[紀念品] gī-nèm-bīn
jìniànpǐn souvenir.¹¹
纪元[紀元] gī-ngũn
jìyuán beginning of a era.¹⁰
纪实[紀實] gī-sìt
jìshí record of actual events; on-the-spot report.⁵
纪委[紀委] gī-vī
jìwěi discipline inspection commission.¹⁰
纪事本末体[紀事本末體] gī-xù-bōn-mòt-hāi
jìshìběnmòtǐ history presented in separate accounts of important events.⁵
纪要[紀要] gī-yël
jìyào minutes; written summary of a meeting.¹⁰
(See 紀 [Gī, ].)
gi1 4608
120 9 Ji surname.
(See 紀 [gī, ].)
gi1 4609
140 6 millet with white seedlings; edible wild herbs, such as sow-thistle.¹  white millet.⁸  A kind of high-quality rice with white stems, as described in ancient books.⁹  A kind of wild vegetable with white stems, as described in ancient books.⁹  Panicum miliaceum.¹⁰ fine millet; 1,3-cyclohexadiene; a kind of wild vegetable; Chinese wolfberry.²³
丰芑[豐芑] füng-gī
fēng qǐ a classical word, one of whose meanings is to set up schools for the emperor's descendants and extending the benefits to the common people.
or 枸杞 gēo-gī gǒuqǐ wolfberry (Lycium chinense); genus Lycium.¹⁰ (bot.) Lycium chinensis, Chinese wolfberry, matrimony vine.¹¹
二氧杂芑[二氧雜芑] ngì-yêng-dàp-gī
èr yǎng zá qǐ dioxin.¹⁰
二氧芑 ngì-yêng-gī
èr yǎng qǐ (pronounced èr yáng qǐ after tone sandhi) dioxin.¹⁰
芑氨基乙酰去乙酸头孢菌素[芑氨基乙酰去乙酸頭孢菌素] gī-ön-gï-yōt-xëin-huï-yōt-xön-hẽo-bäo-kûn-xü
qǐ ān jī yǐ xiān qù yǐ suān tóu bāo jūn sù cephradine, an antibiotic for treating bacterial infections such as urinary tract infection.
<又> hī.
(See 芑 hī.)
gi1 4610
142 18 louse eggs, nits; foam.⁸
虮子[蟣子] gī-dū jǐzi nit; egg of a louse.⁸
虮蝨[蟣蝨] gī-sēt
jǐshī lice.¹⁴
gi1 4611
149 13 guǐ sly; deceitful; crafty.
吊诡[吊詭] ël-gī diàoguǐ bizarre; paradoxical; a paradox (from Daoist classic 莊子 Zhuangzi).
诡秘[詭秘] gī-bï
guǐmì secretive; furtive.
诡计[詭計] gī-gäi
guǐjì trick; ruse; crafty scheme.
or 鬼计多端[鬼計多端] gī-gäi-ü-ön guǐjìduōduān deceitful in many ways (idiom); very wily and mischievous; full of craft and cunning.
诡异[詭異] gī-yì
guǐyì strange; weird.
阴谋诡计[陰謀詭計] yïm-mẽo-gī-gäi
yīnmóuguǐjì schemes and intrigues.⁶
gi1 4612
157 15 leg, thigh; shin, tibia.⁸ the shinbone.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰⻊奇; U+8E26).
<又> kĩ; yī. (See 踦 [kĩ, ]; 踦 [kĩ, ]; 踦 yī).
gi1 4613
159 9 guǐ <wr.> rut, track, print/trace of a wheel; track, course, path, way; order, regulation, rule; rail, track.⁶
(variant: 𨑍❄{⿺辶九} gī). (See 𨑍❄{⿺辶九} gī).
单轨[單軌] än-gī
dānguǐ single track.⁵
出轨[出軌] chūt-gī
chūguǐ be derailed.⁵
轨道 gī-ào
guǐdào rail, railway, (railway) track; orbit, track, trajectory; (right) track, path, proper course.⁶
轨辙[軌轍] gī-chēt
guǐzhé a rut; past events.¹¹
轨则[軌則] gī-dāk
guǐzé a rule; a regulation.⁷
轨迹[軌跡] gī-dēik
guǐjì course; <math.> locus; <elec.> trace; <astr.> orbit; <phy,> trajectory.⁵⁵
轨范[軌範] gī-fàn
guǐfàn standard; criterion.⁵
轨枕[軌枕] gī-jīm
guǐzhěn <traf.> sleeper; tie.⁵
轨枕板[軌枕板] gī-jīm-bān
guǐzhěnbǎn concrete slab sleeper.⁶
轨距[軌距] gī-kuî
guǐjù <traf.> gauge.⁵
轨模[軌模] gī-mũ
or gī-mõ guǐmó a pattern; a rule.⁷
轨外行为[軌外行為] gī-ngòi-hãng-vĩ
guǐwàixíngwéi transgression of rules or regulations.⁷
轨度[軌度] gī-ù
guǐdù <wr.> law; moral standard.⁶
无轨[無軌] mũ-gī
wúguǐ  trackless (streetcar).¹¹
常轨[常軌] sẽng-gī
chángguǐ normal practice.⁵
双轨[雙軌] söng-gī
shuāngguǐ double track.⁵
gi1 4614
162 5 𨑍
guǐ (<old>=轨[軌] gī guǐ <wr.> rut, track, print/trace of a wheel; track, course, path, way; order, regulation, rule; rail, track.⁶
(composition: ⿺辶九; U+2844D).
(See 軌 gī).
gi1 4615
194 9 guǐ Kangxi radical 194.⁸ ghost, spirit; (term of contempt for certain people); dirty trick; illicit, furtive; horrible, damnable; smart; devil (term of endearment); one of 28 constellations in old astronomy.⁶
鬼子 gī-dū guǐzi devil (term of abuse for foreign invaders).⁶
鬼火 gī-fō
guǐhuǒ will-o'-the-wisp; jack-o'-lantern.⁶
鬼斧神工 gī-fū-sĩn-güng
guǐfǔshéngōng prodigious workmanship.⁷
鬼黠 gī-gēik
or gī-hàt guǐxiá sly, crafty.¹¹
鬼鬼祟祟 gī-gī-xuì-xuì
guǐguǐsuìsuì malicious, demonical, devilish; (act) secretively, afraid of being seen.¹¹
鬼哭狼嚎 gī-hūk-lõng-hão
guǐkūlángháo wail like ghosts and howl like wolves – set up wild shrieks and howls.⁶
鬼神 gī-sĩn
guǐshén ghosts and gods; spirits; spiritual beings.⁶
鬼话[鬼話] gī-và
guǐhuà lie; humbug; fraud; baloney.⁶
鬼蜮 gī-vèik
guǐyù mischievous, devilish, evil; ghosts and monsters/goblins/demons.⁶
鬼蜮伎俩[鬼蜮伎倆] gī-vèik-gì-lēng
guǐyùjìliǎng malicious intrigues; underhand trick; evil tactics.⁸
鬼魂 gī-vũn
guǐhún ghost; spirit; soul; apparition.⁶
鬼祟 gī-xuì
guǐsuì (of house) (be) haunted; (of conduct) dishonorable, tricky, intriguing; ghost, evil spirit.¹¹
<台> 鬼画符[鬼畫符] gī-vàk-fũ lit. the devil's scribble – illegible scribble, poor handwriting.
gi1 4616
198 鹿 13 muntjac.⁶
赤麂 chēik-gī chìjǐ Indian muntjac, red muntjac, barking deer (Muntiacus muntjak), a common muntjac deer species in South and Southeast Asia; aka 印度麂, 婆罗洲红麂, 红麂, 南红麂, 黄猄, 吠鹿.¹⁵ʼ²³
麂子 gī-dū
jǐzi muntjac.⁶
麂皮 gī-pĩ
jǐpí chamois (leather); chammy.⁶
黄麂[黃麂] võng-gī
huángjǐ muntjac.³⁹
叶麂[葉麂] yêp-gī
yèjǐ or 叶鹿[葉鹿] yêp-lùk yèlù leaf muntjac, leaf deer or Putao muntjac (Muntiacus putaoensis), documented in 1997 by biologist Alan Rabinowitz during his field study in the isolated Naungmung Township in Myanmar.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
gi1 4617
1 3 <wr.> table; (component: pedestal in 鼻彝羿畀 [鼻彞羿畀] bì-yĩ-ngài-ī bíyíyìbì.)
<又> kĩ.
(See 丌 kĩ.)
gi2 4618
2 12 𠁴
guī (=龜 gï) tortoise; turtle.⁶
(composition: ⿻中㸚, the second component is contained within the 口 mouth character split in half vertically, see "image"; U+20074).
(See 龜 gï).
gi2 4619 20074.gif
5 6 to divine.
扶乩 fũ-gï fújī to do planchette writing.
乩童 gï-hũng
jītóng child medium.
童乩 hũng-gï
tóngjī medium who communicates with the dead (Daoism).
gi2 4620
5 11 guī (=龜 gï) tortoise; turtle.⁶
(See 龜 gï).
gi2 4621
5 11 𠃾
guī (=龜 gï) tortoise; turtle.⁶
(composition: ⿻冂⿻乚㸚, the third component is entirely contain within the first component split in half vertically along the first part of the second component, see "image"; U+200FE).
(See 龜 gï).
gi2 4622 200FE.gif
18 5 (刏 gï ) .²  to cut off; to sever.¹³
(composition: ⿰乞刂; U+5209).
刉珥 gï-ngī
jī'ěr to use the blood of beasts and birds for sacrificial purposes (to cut the beasts is called 刉 gï jī, to cut birds is called 珥 ngī ěr).⁸ʼ¹⁹
(See 刏 gï).
gi2 4623
18 6 to cut, to kill, to be injuried.² to cut and wound, to cut to pieces, to stab; to cut up animals for sacrifice.²⁴
(variants: 刉, 𣱚❄{⿹气歹}).
(composition: ⿰气刂; U+520F).
釁禮之事用牲, 毛者曰刏, 羽者曰衈. In the use of animal's blood for sacrifical purposes, those with hair are called 刏 gï
jī, those with feathers are called 衈 ngī ěr.²
<又> gì; köi.
(See 刏 gì; 刏 köi; 刉 gï; 𣱚❄{⿹气歹} gï).
gi2 4624
18 8 kuī to cut open, to pierce, to stab.²⁴ <lit.> to cut, to slice off; (colloquial) to scratch an itch.³⁶
(composition: ⿰圭刂; U+5232).
gi2 4625
18 10 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 剞 kï with same meaning.)
<又> kï.
(See 剞 kï.)
gi2 4626
18 15 guì <wr.> to cut; to stab; to wound.
刿伤[劌傷] gï-sëng guìshāng to wound.
gi2 4627
30 9 (<old> =叽[嘰] gī ) onomatopoeic sounds; clashing of metal sound.⁸
咭咭呱呱 gï-gï-gā-gā
jījīguāguā (=叽叽嘎嘎[嘰嘰嘎嘎] gī-gī-gā-gā jījigāgā) to cackle in laughter, to giggle.¹¹
<又> kāt.
(See 咭 kāt.)
gi2 4628
30 15 (used for transliterating); a kind of cloth.¹⁴
哔叽[嗶嘰] bīt-gï bìjī serge (fabric).¹⁰ transliteration of English “beige,” soft wool fabric.¹¹  beiges.¹⁴
<又> gī.
(See 嘰 gī.)
gi2 4629
32 6 guī jade tablet used as scepter by ancient feudal lords.
(old variant: 珪 gï guī). (See 珪 gï).
刀圭 äo-gï
dāoguī measure for a medicinal powder; medicine.
巴拉圭 Bä-lā-gï
Bālāguī Paraguay.
白圭之玷 bàk-gï-jï-ëm
báiguīzhīdiàn a stain on white jade – flaw of an otherwise perfect person.⁶
or 荜门圭窦[蓽門圭竇] bīt-mõn-gï-èo bìménguīdòu a small door of bamboo – house of a poor man; a humble dwelling.⁵⁴
不露圭角 būt-lù-gï-gök
bùlùguījiǎo not show off one's knowledge.
圭亚那[圭亞那] Gï-ä-nã
Guīyànà Guyana.
圭璧 gï-bēik
guībì <trad.> ritual jades worn by nobility; high ethical standard.
圭表 gï-bēl
guībiǎo ancient Chinese sundial.
圭窦[圭竇] gï-èo
guīdòu <wr.> a poor man's den.¹¹
圭角 gï-gôk
guījiǎo sharp point of a piece of jade; talent displayed; abilities.
圭璋 gï-jëng
guīzhāng high-quality jade; (of people) noble character.⁶
圭臬 gï-nēik
guīniè <wr.> criterion; standard

gi2 4630
32 11 base; foundation; basic; key; primary; cardinal; <chem.> radical; base; group.
丙基 bēin-gï bǐngjī <chem.> propyl group.
丁基 ëin-gï
dīngjī <chem.> butyl group.
奠基 èin-gï
diànjī to lay a foundation.
基本 gï-bōn
jīběn basic.
基本粒子 gï-bōn-līp-dū
jīběn lìzǐ <phy.> elementary particle.⁹
基础 gï-chō
jīchǔ foundation.
基金 gï-gïm
jījīn fund; endowment; reserve (bank) fund.
基地 gï-ì
jīdì base (of operations); industrial or military base; al-Qaeda.¹⁰
基层[基層] gï-tãng
jīcéng grass-roots unit; basic level; primary level.
基督教 Gï-ūk-gäo
Jīdūjiào Christianity; Christian religion.⁶
开基[開基] höi-gï
kāijī to found an enterprise.
耶稣基督[耶穌基督] Yẽh-xü Gï-ūk
Yēsū Jīdū Jesus Christ.⁹
乙基 yōt-gï
yǐjī <chem.> ethyl group.
<又> gî.
(See 基 gî.)
gi2 4631
37 8 odd (number); <wr.> fractional amount; remainder.⁶ (variant: 竒 gï ).
惊奇不已[驚奇不已] gëin-gï-būt-yî
jīngjībùyǐ be endlessly surprised/amazed.⁵⁴
奇蹄动物[奇蹄動物] gï-hãi-ùng-mùt or gï-hãi-ùng-mòt jītídòngwù <zoo.> perissodactyl.⁶
奇函数[奇函數] gï-hãm-sü jīhánshù <math.> odd function.⁶
奇整数[奇整數] gï-jēin-sü jīzhěngshù <math.> odd integer.⁶
奇零 gï-lẽin jīlíng <wr.> fractional amount.⁶
奇偶 gï-ngêo jī'ǒu odd-even; parity.⁶
奇数[奇數] gï-sü jīshù odd/uneven number.⁶
奇数页[奇數頁] gï-sü-yêp jīshùyè odd-numbered pages.⁶
六十有奇 lùk-sìp-yiû-gï liùshíyǒujī sixty odd.⁶
<又> kĩ.
(See 奇 kĩ; 竒 gï.)
gi2 4632
38 12 guī name of a river; name of a prefecture; Gui surname.⁸
妫州[媯州] Gï Jiü Guī Zhōu Gui Prefecture, an old prefecture in present 河北 Hõ-bāk Héběi Hebei Province.⁸
妫水[媯水] Gï Suī
Guī Shuǐ Gui River, a small river in 山西 Sän-xäi Shānxī Shanxi Province.⁸
(See 嬀 gï.)
gi2 4633
38 15 guī (=媯 gï guī) name of a river; name of a prefecture; Gui surname.⁸
(See 媯 gï.)
gi2 4634
39 8 season; the yield of a product in one season, crop; the last month of a season; the fourth or youngest among brothers; Ji surname.⁵
季弟 gï-ài jìdì the fourth or youngest brother.⁵
季报[季報] gï-bäo
jìbào quarterly (bulletin or report).⁶
季春 gï-chün
jìchūn the last month of spring.⁵
季节[季節] gï-dëik
jìjié season.⁵
季节性[季節性] gï-dëik-xëin
jìjiéxìng seasonal.⁷
季子 gï-dū
jìzǐ youngest son.⁶
季父 gï-fù
jìfù the youngest paternal uncle.⁷
季风 gï-füng
jìfēng monsoon.⁵
季军[季軍] gï-gün
jìjūn third place in a contest/match.⁶
季夏 gï-hà
jìxià last month of summer.⁶
季候 gï-hèo
jìhòu <topo.> season.⁶
季刊 gï-hōn
jìkān quarterly publication; quarterly.⁵
季母 gï-mû
jìmǔ wife of the youngest paternal uncle.³⁹
季月 gï-ngùt
jìyuè the last month of a season.⁷
季票 gï-pêl
jìpiào season ticket.⁶
季世 gï-säi
jìshì <wr.> last phase of (an age, dynasty); age of decline.⁶
季秋 gï-tiü
jìqiū last month of autumn.⁶
季度 gï-ù
jìdù quarter of a year.⁵
季冬 gï-üng
jìdōng the last month of winter.⁶
gi2 4635
40 11 send, post, mail; entrust, deposit, place; depend on, attach oneself to; <trad.> adopted.⁵
寄出 gï-chūt jìchū to mail; to send by post.¹⁰
寄豭 gï-gä
jìjiā lit. a male pig left at another house for breeding purposes; fig. a man who is fornicating in someone else's house.¹⁹
寄托 gï-hōk
jìtuō entrust to the care of somebody, leave with somebody; place (hope) on, find sustenance in.⁵
寄主 gï-jī
jìzhǔ <bio.> host (of a parasite).⁵
寄名 gï-mẽin
jìmíng adopted name; to take a name (of one's adoptive family).¹⁰
寄儿[寄兒] gï-ngī
jì'ér adopted son.⁵
寄人篱下[寄人籬下] gï-ngĩn-lĩ-hà
jìrénlíxià live under another's roof; depend on somebody for a living.⁵
寄生虫[寄生蟲] gï-säng-chũng
jìshēngchóng parasite.⁵
寄食 gï-sèik
jìshí live with a relative (because of one's straitened circumstances).⁵
寄钱[寄錢] gï-tẽin
jìqián remit money.⁵
寄存 gï-tũn
jìcún deposit; leave with; check.⁵
寄怀[寄懷] gï-vãi
jìhuái place feelings on; express one's feelings by literary means.⁸
寄信 gï-xïn
jìxìn post a letter; mail a letter.⁵
寄予 gï-yî
jìyǔ place (hope) on; show; give; express.⁵
<台> 寄钱[寄錢] gï-tẽin/ to send money.
gi2 4636
46 21 岿 kuī 岿然[巋然] gï-ngẽin kuīrán towering; lofty.⁵
岿然不动[巋然不動] gï-ngẽin-būt-ùng
kuīránbùdònge steadfastly stand one's ground; stand erect and unshakable.⁶
岿然独存[巋然獨存] gï-ngẽin-ùk-tũn
kuīrándúcún stand alone immutably; have stood many tests of vicissitudes and be the only one preserved.⁶
岿巍[巋巍] gï-nguĩ
or gï-ngãi kuīwēi  <wr.> towering; lofty.⁶
gi2 4637
50 10 guī (=歸 gï  guī) to return; to go back to.
当帰 öng-gï
dāngguī predominately in Japan <bot.>  Angelica acutiloba the common name in Japanese is tōki.
gi2 4638
52 12
small, minute, tiny, slight; nearly, almost; an omen, a portent.⁷
几乎[幾乎] gï-fũ jīhū almost; nearly.⁷
几乎被烟呛死[幾乎被煙嗆死] gï-fũ-bì-yën-tëng-xī
jīhūbèiyānqiàngsǐ to be almost suffocated by smoke.⁶
几几乎[幾幾乎] gï-gï-fũ
jījīhū almost; nearly.⁷
几希[幾希] gï-hï
jīxī (said of the degree of difference) slight; little; not much.⁷
几率[幾率] gï-lùt
jīlǜ <math.> probability.⁵
几微[幾微] gï-mĩ
jīwēi an omen; a portent; an augury.⁷
几纳树[幾納樹] gï-nàp-sì
jīnàshù <bot.> the cinchona.⁷
几纳霜[幾納霜] gï-nàp-söng
jīnàshuāng <med.> quinine.⁷
几殆[幾殆] gï-òi
jīdài in great danger.⁷
几兆[幾兆] gï-sêl
jīzhào an omen; a portent; an augury.⁷
几维鸟[幾維鳥] gï-vĩ-nêl
jīwéiniǎo kiwi.⁵
几事[幾事] gï-xù
jīshì details.⁷
<又> gī.
(See 幾 gī, 几 gì.)
gi2 4639
61 11 <wr.> (of the heart) throb palpitate; be frightened, be terrified.⁶
惊悸[驚悸] gëin-gï jīngjì <wr.> palpitate with terror.⁵
悸栗[悸慄] gï-lùt
jìlì tremble with fear.¹¹
悸动[悸動] gï-ùng
jìdòng to palpitate with terror.⁷
震悸 jīn-gï
zhènjì to quiver, quake with fear.¹¹
心悸 xïm-gï
xīnjì palpitate; <wr.> be scared/frightened.⁶
心有余悸[心有餘悸] xïm-yiû-yĩ-gï
xīnyǒuyújì have a lingering fear.⁵
or 馀悸[餘悸] yĩ-gï yújì lingering fear.¹⁰
gi2 4640
66 12
(<old>=攲 kĩ )⁸ to incline; to lean; to slant.⁷ to pick up thing with chopsticks or pincers.¹⁰
<又> kĩ, yî.
(See 攲 kĩ; 敧 kĩ, 敧 yî.)
gi2 4641
71 4 choke on something eaten.⁸ a rising in the stomach; a hiccup.²⁴ when food becomes stuck in the throat.³⁶ a rising in the stomach, resulting from indigestion; a hiccup; eructation, belching.¹⁰² (Note: distinguish 无 mũ ).
(composition: ⿻丆𠃋乚(GHTJ) or ⿸⿻丆丄乚(K); U+65E1).
gi2 4642
71 9 already; de facto; since; then.⁸ (variant: 旣 gï ).
不咎既往 būt-giü-gï-vông
bùjiùjìwǎng let bygones be bygones.
既愧且恚 gï-kï-chēh-fì
jìkuìqiěhuì shamed and angered.¹¹
既望 gï-mòng
jìwàng The 15th day of every lunar month is called "望" and the 16th day is "既望".⁹ the 16th day.¹¹
既然 gï-ngẽin
jìrán since; as; this being the case.
既成事实[既成事實] gï-sẽin-xù-sìt
jìchéng shìshí accomplished fact; fait accompli.
既往不咎 gï-vông-būt-giü
jìwǎngbùjiù let bygones be bygones; do not censure somebody for his past misdeeds; do not go into past misdeeds.⁸
一如既往 yīt-nguĩ-gï-vông
yīrújìwǎng just as in the past (idiom); as before; continuing as always.
(See 旣 gï.)
gi2 4643
71 11 (= 既 gï ) already; de facto; since; then.⁸
旣齊旣稷 gï-tãi-gï-dēik
jìqíjìjì "You have been both exact and expeditious."¹⁴
(See 既 gï.)
gi2 4644
74 12 <wr.> a whole year or month.⁶
期服 gï-fùk jīfú one-year mourning.¹¹
期年 gï-nẽin
jīnián <wr.> a whole year; anniversary. ⁶
期月 gï-ngùt
jīyuè <wr.> a whole month.⁶
<又> kĩ.
(See 期 kĩ.)
gi2 4645
74 12 (=期 gï jī <wr.> a whole year or month.⁶); anniversary; full year.⁸ a full year; an anniversary, interchangeable with 期 gï jī.¹⁴ an annual revolution; a year of 365 days.²⁴
(composition: ⿱其月; U+671E).
or 服期 fùk-gï fújī mourning for one year.¹⁹
朞服 gï-fùk
jīfú garments for the period of one year of mourning.¹⁴
朞功 gï-güng
jīgōng near relatives, those for whom a full year of mourning is worn.¹⁴
朞之丧[朞之喪] gï-jï-xöng
jīzhīsàng in mourning for one year.¹⁴
朞月 gï-ngùt
jīyuè during twelve months.¹⁴
朞月而已可也 gï-ngùt-ngĩ-yî-hō-yâ
jīyuè'éryǐkěyě in the course of twelve months I should have done something considerable.¹⁴
亲朞[親朞] tïn-gï
qīnjī relatives requiring one year of mourning: these include uncles (older than your father), uncles (younger than your father), older brothers and younger brothers.¹⁹
(See 期 gï).
gi2 4646
75 10 guì cinnamon, cassia, cassia-bark tree; bay, laurel; sweet-scented osmanthus; short for 广西[廣西] Guangxi.⁶ Gui surname.¹⁰
桂子 gï-dū guìzǐ cassia buds; famous and talented sons.⁷
桂子兰孙[桂子蘭孫] gï-dū-lãn-xün
guìzǐlánsūn famous and capable posterity.⁷
桂花 gï-fä
guìhuā <bot.> sweet-scented osmanthus.⁵
桂花酒 gï-fä-diū
guìhuājiǔ wine fermented with osmanthus flowers.⁵
桂冠 gï-gön
guìguān laurel (as an emblem of victory or distinction).⁵
桂冠诗人[桂冠詩人] gï-gön-sï-ngĩn
guìguānshīrén a poet laureate, or a laureate.⁷
桂宫[桂宮] gï-güng
guìgōng the moon (It is said that there is a laurel tree on the moon.)⁷
桂枝 gï-jï
guìzhī <TCM> cassia twig.⁵ cinnamon barks.¹¹
桂林 Gï-lĩm
Guìlín Guilin prefecture level city in Guangxi.¹⁰
桂鱼[桂魚] gï-nguĩ
guìyú mandarin fish.⁶
桂月 gï-ngùt
guìyuè moon; eighth month of lunar year.⁶
桂皮 gï-pĩ
guìpí cassia bark; Chinese cinnamon.⁵
桂圆[桂圓] gï-yõn
guìyuán longan.⁵
桂圆肉[桂圓肉] gï-yõn-ngùk
guìyuánròu longan pulp or flesh.⁶
gi2 4647
75 16 machine, engine; aircraft; crucial point, pivot; chance, occasion, opportunity; organic; flexible, quick-witted.⁵
机不可失,时不再来[機不可失,時不再來] gï-būt-hō-sīt, sĩ-būt-döi-lõi jībùkěshī, shíbùzàilái Don't let slip an opportunity; it may never come again.⁵
机车[機車] gï-chëh
jīchē locomotive; engine.⁵ motorcycle.¹¹
机场[機場] gï-chẽng
jīchǎng airport; airfield.¹⁰
机帆船[機帆船] gï-fãn-sõn
jīfānchuán motor sailboat.⁵⁴
机关[機關] gï-gän
jīguān mechanism, gear; stratagem; scheme; intrigue; machine-operated; office, organ, body.⁵
机械[機械] gï-hài
jīxiè machinery, machine, mechanism; mechanical, inflexible, rigid.⁵
机器[機器] gï-hï
jīqi machine, machinery, apparatus.⁶
机制[機製] gï-jäi
jīzhì machine-made.¹¹
机智[機智] gï-jï
jīzhì quick-witted; resourceful.⁵
机巧[機巧] gï-kāo
jīqiǎo ingenious; adroit.⁸
机构[機構] gï-këo
jīgòu mechanism; organization, setup; the internal setup of an organization.⁵
机会[機會] gï-vòi
jīhuì chance; opportunity.⁵
机翼[機翼] gï-yêik
jīyì wing (of an airplane); wing unit.⁶
有机化学[有機化學] yiû-gï-fä-hòk
yǒujī huàxué organic chemistry.⁸ (无机化学 mũ-gï-fä-hòk inorganic chemistry).⁸
有机体[有機體] yiû-gï-hāi
yǒujītǐ organism.⁸
gi2 4648
77 18 guī to return; to go back to; to return something to; to come together; to put in somebody's charge; to belong; to take refuge (in Buddha); (of a woman) to get married; division on abacus; <wr.> to marry; Gui surname.
归结[歸結] gï-gēik guījié to sum up; conclusion.
or 归根结底[歸根結底] gï-gïn-gēik-āi guīgēn jié dǐ in the final analysis; ultimately.¹⁰
归棹[歸棹] gï-jào
guīzhào returning boat.⁶
归櫂[歸櫂] gï-jào
guīzhào boat returning home.¹¹
归侨[歸僑] gï-kẽl
guīqiáo returned overseas Chinese.
归期[歸期] gï-kĩ
guīqī expected date of one's return.
归来[歸來] gï-lõi
guīlái to return; to come back.
归宁[歸寧] gï-nẽin
guīníng <wr.> (of a married woman) to visit her parents.
归还[歸還] gï-vãn
guīhuán return; revert.⁵
归省[歸省] gï-xēin
guīxǐng to go home for a visit; to return to one's parents' home to pay respects.¹⁰
or 皈依 gï-yï guīyī to be converted to (a religion).⁶
归隐[歸隱] gï-yîn
guīyǐn live in seclusion.⁸
归隐林下[歸隱林下] gï-yîn-lĩm-hà
guīyǐnlínxià retire from official life.¹¹
<台> 去归[去歸] huï-gï to go home.
gi2 4649
78 16 huì 㱮脓[殨膿] gï-nũng or 溃脓[潰膿] kï-nũng huìnóng suppuration;  to ulcerate (sore), and fester.
(See 潰[kï, huì]. )
gi2 4650
84 8 𣱚 (<old>=刏 gï )
(composition: ⿹气歹; U+23C5A).
(See 刏 gï).
gi2 4651
85 12 wéi name of a river. (old variant: 潙 gï wéi).
沩水[溈水] Gï-suī or Vĩ-suī Wéishuǐ a river in 湖南 (Vũ-nãm Húnán Hunan province that enters the 湘江 Xëng-göng Xiāngjiāng Xiangjiang River.
<又> vĩ.
(See 溈 vĩ; 潙 gï)
gi2 4652
85 15 wéi (<old>=沩[溈] Gï Wéi) name of a river.
<又> vĩ.
(See 溈 vĩ.)
gi2 4653
86 8 guì
Gui surname.⁸
<又> gēin. (See 炅 gēin.)
gi2 4654
89 12 𤕣
guī (=龜 gï guī) tortoise; turtle.⁶
(composition: ⿻口⿻乚㸚, see "image"; U+24563).
(See 龜 gï).

gi2 4655 24563.gif
93 12 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 犄 yï with same meaning.)
<又> yï.
(See 犄 yï.)
gi2 4656
96 10 guī (<old>=圭 gï guī jade tablet used as scepter by ancient feudal lords.)
(composition: ⿰𤣩圭; U+73EA).
Bàk-ngùk-būt-fī, sùk-vĩ-gï-jëng!
Bái yù bù huǐ, shú wéi guī zhāng!
If the natural jade had not been broken and injured, who could have made the handles for the libation-cups from it?⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《莊子·外篇·馬蹄》, translated by James Legge).
Chinese Explanation of 白玉不毀,孰為珪璋!: 洁白的玉石若不剖开精心雕琢,哪能成为贵重的玉器呢?
If the white jade is not cut and carefully carved, how can it become a precious jade?⁰
珪璋 gï-jëng
guīzhāng Gui and Zhang are jade artifacts, used by the feudal lords in an audience with the emperor. Later, Guizhang became a metaphor for talented people who can achieve accomplishment without being recommended by others.
(See 圭 gï).
gi2 4657
96 13 gui 玫瑰 mõi-gï méigui rose (the tree); rugosa rose; rose (the flower).⁶ a fiery red gem; a red pearl; red coral.²⁴
玫瑰紫 mõi-gï-dū
méiguizǐ rose purple.¹¹
玫瑰花 mõi-gï-fä
méiguihuā rose.¹⁰ the rose.²⁴
玫瑰果 mõi-gï-gō
méiguiguǒ rose hip.⁶
玫瑰红[玫瑰紅] mõi-gï-hũng
méiguihóng rosy; rose-red.⁶
玫瑰露 mõi-gï-lù
méiguilù rose essence, rose wine.¹¹
玫瑰色 mõi-gï-sēik
méiguisè rose; rosy color.⁶
玫瑰油 mõi-gï-yiũ
méiguiyóu attar of rose petals.¹¹
(See 瑰 [gï, guī], 瓌 gï.)
gi2 4658
96 13 guī
<wr.> rare; marvelous.⁵ rare; precious; valuable.⁶ fabulous, great, extraordinary; a stone which is a little less valuable than jade, a kind of jasper.⁷ (variants: 瓌, 璝 gï guī.)
瑰宝[瑰寶] gï-bāo
guībǎo rarity; treasure; gem.⁵
瑰姿 gï-dü
guīzī (said of a person) extraordinary or preeminent appearance.⁷
瑰奇 gï-kĩ
guīqí rare and precious; treasurable.⁶
瑰丽[瑰麗] gï-lài
guīlì surpassingly beautiful; magnificent.⁵
瑰岸 gï-ngòn
guī'àn tall and strong.⁷
or 瑰伟[瑰偉] gï-vī guīwěi (of one's character) remarkable; unusual; (of language) ornate.⁶
瑰异[瑰異] gï-yì
guīyì rare and precious; treasurable.⁶
瑰意琦行 gï-yï-kĩ-hàng
guīyìqíxíng outstanding in thinking and action.⁷
(See 瑰 [gï, gui], 瓌 gï; 璝 gï).
gi2 4659
96 16 guī (<old>=瑰 gï guī <wr.> rare; marvelous.⁵ rare; precious; valuable.⁶ fabulous, great, extraordinary; a stone which is a little less valuable than jade, a kind of jasper.⁷).²ʼ⁸
(composition: ⿰𤣩貴; U+749D).
(See 瑰 gï).
gi2 4660
96 16 <wr.> a pearl that is not quite round; an ancient astronomical instrument.⁵
字字珠玑[字字珠璣] dù-dù-jî-gï zìzìzhūjī every word a pearl; each word a gem (said in praise of somebody's writing).⁶
天玑[天璣] hëin-gï 
tiānjī gamma Ursae Majoris in the Big Dipper.¹⁰
珠玑[珠璣] jî-gï
zhūjī <wr.> pearl, jewel, gem; exquisite or excellent wording of a writing.⁶
满腹珠玑[滿腹珠璣] mōn-fūk-jî-gï
mǎnfùzhūjī be of great talent.⁶
璇玑[璇璣] xũn-gï
xuánjī ancient astronomical instrument (a disc with serrated edge and central orifice); <old> the first four stars of the Big Dipper.⁶
璇玑图[璇璣圖] xũn-gï-hũ
xuánjītú a palindrome, worked on a piece of satin by a woman 苏蕙[蘇蕙] Xü Fì Sū Huì, for her husband 窦滔[竇滔] Èo Häo Dòu Tāo who was banished to Tartary at the close of the 4th century A.D. There were 840 (later 841) characters which could be read in either direction.¹⁴
璇玑玉衡[璇璣玉衡] xũn-gï-ngùk-hãng
xuánjīyùhéng ancient astronomical instrument.¹⁹
gi2 4661
96 20 guī (<old>=瑰 gï guī) extraordinary, fabulous; <wr.> a jade-like stone; rare; marvelous.⁵⁴
or 艺林瑰宝[藝林瑰寶] ngài-lĩm-gï-bāo yìlín guībǎo collection of art treasures.⁵⁴
(See 瑰 [gï, gui], 瑰 [gï, guī].)
gi2 4662
102 13 irregular, abnormal; lopsided, unbalanced; <old> land irregular in shape; <wr.> fractional amount, remainder.⁶
畸变[畸變] gï-bëin or kï-bëin jībiàn abnormal change; (=失真 sīt-jïn shīzhēn) <electronics> distortion; infidelity.⁶
畸角 gï-gôk
or kï-gôk jījiǎo a corner, coign, edge.¹¹
畸态[畸態] gï-häi
or kï-häi jītài an abnormal growth or development.¹¹
畸轻畸重[畸輕畸重] gï-hëin-gï-chüng
or kï-hëin-kï-chüng jīqīngjīzhòng attach too much to this and too little to that; be lopsided.⁶
畸胎 gï-höi
or kï-höi jītāi freak of nature; mutant; abnormality.¹⁰
畸零 gï-lẽin
or kï-lẽin jīlíng (=奇零 gï-lẽin jīlíng) <wr.> fractional amount; alone, solitary.⁶
畸人 gï-ngĩn
or kï-ngĩn jīrén odd/idiosyncratic person; extraordinary/unique person.⁵⁴
畸形 gï-yẽin
or kï-yẽin jīxíng deformity, malformation; abnormality.⁶
<又> kï.
(See 畸 kï.)
gi2 4663
102 15 environs/vicinity of a capital.⁶ areas near the capital; the royal domain.⁷ the territory of an emperor, 1000 li in extend.²⁴
邦畿 böng-gï bāngjī an imperial domain.²⁴
京畿 gëin-gï
jīngjī <wr.> the capital city and its environs.⁵
畿甸 gï-èin
jīdiàn the royal domain, royal suburbs.¹¹
畿辅[畿輔] gï-fù
jīfǔ environs/vicinity of a capital.⁶
畿疆 gï-gëng
jījiāng a border, a limit.²⁴
畿辇[畿輦] gï-lèin
jīniǎn the capital.⁷
畿内[畿內] gï-nuì
jīnèi inside a capital city.⁵⁴
近畿 gìn-gï
jìnjī in the vicinity of the royal capital.¹¹
九畿 giū-gï
jiǔjī the nine tenures, extending each 500 li around the royal tenure.²⁴
门畿[門畿] mõn-gï
ménjī the space within a door; a threshold.²⁴
王畿 võng-gï
wángjī suburbs of the capital.¹¹
gi2 4664
105 9 guǐ tenth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干; tenth in order; letter "J" or roman "X" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III", etc.; ancient Chinese compass point: 15°; deca.¹⁰
呼庚呼癸 fü-gäng-fü-gï hūgēnghūguǐ request for financial help.¹¹
呼庚癸 fü-gäng-gï
hūgēngguǐ 庚 (gäng gēng) refers to the west and grain; 癸 (gï guǐ) refers to the north and water; – to call for grain and water; – term used by troops in ancient times in order to prevent the knowledge of their shortage from reaching the enemy.¹⁴
庚癸 gäng-gï
gēngguǐ  a secret military message asking for supplies of food and water.¹¹
癸烯 gï-hï
guǐxī decene, an alkene with the formula C₁₀H₂₀.⁹ʼ¹⁵
癸醛 gï-tũn
guǐquán decanal, an organic compound classified as an aldehyde with the chemical formula C₁₀H₂₀O.⁹ʼ¹⁵
癸烷 gï-yõn
guǐwán decane, alkane hydrocarbon with the chemical formula C₁₀H₂₂.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
天癸 hëin-gï
tiānguǐ menstruation.¹⁴
gi2 4665
106 9 guī to be converted to (a religion).⁶
皈依 or 归依[歸依] gï-yï guīyī to be converted to (a religion).⁶
皈依佛门[皈依佛門] gï-yï Fūt-mõn
guīyī Fómén be onverted to Buddhism.⁶
皈依基督教[皈依基督教] gï-yï Gï-ūk-gäo
guīyī Jīdūjiào be onverted to Christianity.⁶
皈依者 gï-yï-jēh
guīyīzhě a convert.¹⁰
皈依三宝[皈依三寶] gï-yï xäm-bāo
guīyī sānbǎo to become a Buddhist.¹⁰
gi2 4666
109 17 guì a blind man.⁷ dim-sighted, blind.¹¹ ➀ look carefully at, inspect; observe, watch ➁ dim-sighted.⁸ the utmost limit of seeing; scarcely able to see; an eye without a pupil.²⁵ (composition: ⿰目貴; U+77B6).
振聋启瞆[振聾啟瞶] jīn-lũng-kāi-gï zhènlóngqǐguì lit. make the deaf hear and the dim-sighted see - to open mind.¹¹
<又> gì.
(See 瞶 gì).
gi2 4667
112 11 guī silicon (Si).⁵
硅晶片 gï-dëin-pëin guījīngpiàn or 矽晶片 dèik-dëin-pëin xījīngpiàn silicon chip.¹⁰
硅肺 gï-fï
guīfèi <med.> silicosis.⁵
硅钢[硅鋼] gï-gông
guīgāng silicon steel.⁵
硅谷 Gï-gūk
Guīgǔ or 矽谷 Dèik-gūk Xīgǔ Silicon Valley.⁸
硅砖[硅磚] gï-jön
guīzhuān silica brick.⁵
硅片 gï-pëin
guīpiàn or 矽片 dèik-pëin xīpiàn <phy.> silicon chip.¹⁰
硅石 gï-sêk
guīshí silica.⁵
硅藻 gï-täo
guīzǎo or 矽藻 dèik-täo xīzǎo diatom.¹⁰ <bot.> a tiny water plant, Diatomaceae.¹¹
硅酸 gï-xön
guīsuān silicic acid.⁵
硅酸盐[硅酸鹽] gï-xön-yẽm
guīsuānyán silicate.⁵
gi2 4668
112 17 rock projecting over the water.⁶ a jetty; an obstruction that causes an eddy; an eddy.¹⁴
不可矶[不可磯] būt-hō-gï bùkějī do not obstruct them.¹⁴
钓矶[釣磯] ël-gï
diàojī projecting rock for angling.⁶
矶蟹[磯蟹] gï-hāi
jīxiè kelp crab.⁶
矶头[磯頭] gï-hẽo
jītóu a breakwater; a jetty.¹⁴
矶沙蚕[磯沙蠶] gï-sä-tâm
jīshācán palolo (worm).⁶
gi2 4669
115 13 (=朞 gï ) a full year; an anniversary, interchangeable with 期 gï .¹⁴
(composition: ⿰禾其; U+7A18).
(See 朞 gï).
gi2 4670
117 9 (=奇 gï ) odd (number); <wr.> fractional amount; remainder.⁶
<又> kĩ.
(See 奇 gĩ; 竒 kĩ.)
gi2 4671
118 12 guì a species of bamboo; a wound inflicted by which is mortal.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗圭; U+7B40).
筀竹 or 桂竹 gï-jūk guìzhú madake, giant timber bamboo Phyllostachys bambusoides Sieb. et Zucc.⁸
晚筀 mân-gï
wǎnguì late maturing bamboo shoots.¹⁹
gi2 4672
122 17 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 罽 gäi <wr.> felt; rug.⁶ a kind of woolen fabric; a fishing net.⁷ a kind of fishing net; a kind of square mat made of hair.¹⁴)
<又> gäi.
(See 罽 gäi.)
gi2 4673
130 6 muscle; flesh.⁵ muscle tissue; meat on bones.⁸
冰肌玉骨 bëin-gï-ngùk-gūt bīngjīyùgǔ flesh of ice and bones of jade; beautifully pale, pure-looking lady; noble and unsullied.⁶
肌肤[肌膚] gï-fü
jīfū <wr.> (human) skin.⁵
肌肤之亲[肌膚之親] gï-fü-jï-tïn
jīfūzhīqīn blood relations; intimate relations between man and woman.¹¹
肌腱 gï-gèin
jījiàn <phys.> tendon.⁵
肌骨 gï-gūt
jīgǔ muscles and bones, the body as a whole.¹¹
肌体[肌體] gï-hāi
jītǐ human body; organism.⁵
肌理 gï-lî
jīlǐ skin texture.⁵
肌肉 gï-ngùk
jīròu muscle.⁹
肌肉萎缩[肌肉萎縮] gï-ngùk-vī-sük
jīròuwěisuō muscular dystrophy; amyotrophy.⁶
肌萎缩[肌萎縮] gï-vī-sük
jīwěisuō muscular dystrophy; amyotrophy.⁶
平滑肌 pẽin-vàt-gï
pínghuájī smooth muscle; non-striated muscle.⁹
gi2 4674
130 10 guī  (composition: ⿰月圭; U+80FF).
腣胿 äi-gï dìguī (=大腹 ài-fūk dàfù) big belly.¹⁹ a large belly; pot-bellied.²⁵
<又> gì.
(See 胿 gì).
gi2 4675
142 19 𧑴
guī (=龜 gï guī) tortoise; turtle.⁶
(composition: See "image"; U+27474).
(See 龜 gï).

gi2 4676 27474.gif
148 15 (=奇 gï odd (number); <lit.> fractional amount; remainder.⁶) odd number.¹ odd (as contrasted to even);  obtain, get.⁷ to obtain; also a single one.²⁵
(composition: ⿰角奇; U+89ED).
觭轮[觭輪] gï-lũn
jīlún a single wheel.⁷
觭轮无反[觭輪無反] gï-lũn-mũ-fān
jīlúnwúfǎn not a single chariot returned.²⁵
or 奇偶 gï-ngêo jī'ǒu odd and even.⁷ single and double.²⁵
<又> kĩ; yï.
(See 觭 kĩ; 觭 yï; 奇 gï).
gi2 4677
149 10 to remember; to bear in mind; to commit to memory; to write down; to record; mark; sign; seal; birthmark.
暗记[暗記] ām-gï ànjì to memorize; to bear in mind; secret mark.
笔记[筆記] bīt-gï
bǐjì take notes.¹¹
记得[記得] gï-āk
jìde to remember.
记载[記載] gï-döi
jìzǎi put down in writing; written records.¹¹
记号[記號] gï-hào
jìhao mark; sign.
记者[記者] gï-jēh
jìzhě correspondent; reporter; journalist.⁶
记牢[記牢] gï-lão
jìláo to commit to memory firmly.
记录[記錄] gï-lùk
or 纪录[紀錄] gī-lùk jìlù to record; record (written account); note-taker; record (in sports).¹⁰
记录在案[記錄在案] gï-lùk-dòi-ön
jìlùzài'àn put on record.⁵
记性[記性] gï-xëin
jìxing memory.
记事[記事] gï-xù
jìshì to record events.
记忆犹新[記憶猶新] gï-yēik-yiũ-xïn
jìyìyóuxīn be still fresh in one's memory.⁵
图记[圖記] hũ-gï
tújì seal; stamp.
忘记[忘記] mõng-gï
wàngjì forget; overlook, neglect.⁵
书记[書記] sï-gï
shūji a secretary; <wr.> official recorder; <wr.> records.¹¹
<台> 伙记[伙記] fō-gï waiter; shop clerk.
gi2 4678
149 19 to ridicule; to jeer; to sneer.
反唇相讥[反唇相譏] fān-sũn-xëng-gï or 反唇相稽 fān-sũn-xëng-käi fǎnchúnxiāngjī answer back sarcastically.⁵ mutual bickering and ridicule (idiom); sarcastic repartee.¹⁰
讥察[譏察] gï-chāt
jīchá to interrogate closely.
讥讽[譏諷] gï-fūng
jīfěng to ridicule; to satirize.
讥诮[譏誚] gï-tël
jīqiào <wr.> to sneer at; to deride.
讥笑[譏笑] gï-xël
jīxiào to laugh at; to ridicule; to jeer.
讥刺[譏刺] gï-xü
jīcì <wr.> to satirize; to ridicule.
gi2 4679
154 12 guì expensive, costly; valuable, precious; of high rank, noble; <court.> your; (Gui) short for Guizhou.⁵ Gui surname.⁷
矜贵[矜貴] gëin-gï jīn'guì to boast of one's high position, blue blood, etc.⁷
贵宾[貴賓] gï-bïn
guìbīn honored/distinguished guest.⁵
贵贱[貴賤] gï-dèin
guìjiàn (of price) cheap or expensive; (of social status) high or low; <topo.> anyhow; anyway; right or wrong.⁶
贵族[貴族] gï-dùk
guìzú noble; aristocrat.⁵
贵妃[貴妃] gï-fï
guìfēi highest-ranking imperial concubine.⁶
贵府[貴府] gï-fū
guìfǔ <court.> your home.⁵
贵价[貴價] gï-gä
guìjià (a polite expression) your servant.⁷
贵庚[貴庚] gï-gäng
guìgēng <court.> your age.⁵
贵胄[貴胄] gï-jào
guìzhòu descendants of aristocratic family.⁶
贵耳贱目[貴耳賤目] gï-ngī-dèin-mùk
guì'ěrjiànmù to trust what one hears more than what one sees.⁷
贵金属[貴金屬] gï-gïm-sùk
guìjīnshǔ noble metals.¹¹
贵州[貴州] Gï-jiü
Guìzhōu Guizhou Province.⁵
贵重[貴重] gï-jùng
guìzhòng valuable; precious.⁵
贵姓[貴姓] gï-xëin
guìxìng <court.> what is your name?¹⁰
gi2 4680
154 16 guì (ancient form of 贵[貴] gï guì) honorable; expensive, costly; prized; high-class; to hold in honor.⁸
(composition: ⿱臾貝; U+477F).
(See 貴 gï).
gi2 4681
167 16 hoe.⁸
(composition: ⿰金其; U+9324).
镃錤[鎡錤] dü-gï zījī <wr.> big hoe.⁶
gi2 4682
169 14 guī small arched door; boudoir; lady's chamber; by extension, women.¹⁰
大家闺秀[大家閨秀] ài-gä-gï-xiü dàjiāguīxiù girls from respectable families; a woman with literary talents.¹¹
闺房[閨房] gï-fông
guīfáng a lady's bedroom.¹¹
闺阁[閨閣] gï-gōk
guīgé lady's chamber.¹⁰
闺闼[閨闥] gï-hāt
guītà ladies' apartments; small palace door.¹ the boudoir.¹⁹
闺阃[閨閫] gï-kūn
guīkǔn women's quarters.¹⁰
闺女[閨女] gï-nuī
guīnü maiden; unmarried woman; daughter.¹⁰
闺秀[閨秀] gï-xiü
guīxiù well-bred young lady.¹⁰
深闺[深閨] sïm-gï
shēnguī boudoir.⁵
gi2 4683
184 10 hungry, hunger, starving, famine; Ji surname.⁷ (variant: 饑 gï.)
大饥之年[大飢之年] ài-gï-jï-nẽin/ dàjīzhīnián a year of great famine.⁵
饥不择食[飢不擇食] gï-būt-jàk-sèik
jībùzéshí when hungry, you can't pick what you eat (idiom); beggars can't be choosers; When matters are urgent, don't spend time choosing alternatives.¹⁰
饥肠[飢腸] gï-chẽng
jīcháng <wr.> empty stomach.⁵
饥肠辘辘[飢腸轆轆] or 饥肠辘辘[饑腸轆轆] gï-chẽng-lūk-lūk jīchánglùlù the rumbling of a hollow stomach.⁷
饥荒[飢荒] gï-föng
jīhuang famine; crop failure; <topo.> be hard up, be short of money; <topo.> debt.⁵
饥附饱飏[飢附飽颺] gï-fù-bāo-yẽng
jīfùbǎoyáng <wr.> to cling to somebody when needed and abandon him when no longer needed.¹
饥寒交迫[飢寒交迫] or 饥寒交迫[饑寒交迫] gï-hõn-gäo-bēik
jīhánjiāopò to suffer from hunger and cold.⁷
饥民[飢民] gï-mĩn
jīmín famine victim; famine refugee.⁵
or 饥饿[饑餓] gï-ngù jī'è hunger; starvation.⁵
(See 饑 gï.)
gi2 4684
184 20 (=饥[飢] gï ) a year of famine; hunger, hungry.⁷
(variant of 饥[飢] gï
) hungry, hunger, starving, famine.⁷
or 饥肠辘辘[飢腸轆轆] gï-chẽng-lūk-lūk jīchánglùlù the rumbling of a hollow stomach.⁷
饥馑荐臻[饑饉薦臻] gï-gīn-dëin-jün
jījǐnjiànzhēn famine came repeatedly.¹¹
or 饥寒交迫[飢寒交迫] gï-hõn-gäo-bēik jīhánjiāopò to suffer from hunger and cold.⁷
or 饥饿[飢餓] gï-ngù jī'è hunger; starvation.⁵
(See 飢 gï.)
gi2 4685
195 17 guī salmon.⁵ salmon; trout.⁶ (See 鮭科 gï-fö below).
北鲑属[北鮭屬] bāk-gï-sùk běiguīshǔ (Stenodus), a genus of large-sized whitefish in the Salmonidae family.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
熏鲑鱼[熏鮭魚] fün-gï-nguî/
xūnguīyú lox.¹⁰
鲑鳟鱼[鮭鱒魚] gï-dün-nguĩ
guīzūnyú trout.⁶
鲑科[鮭科] gï-fö
guīkē Salmonidae, a family of ray-finned fish including salmon, trout, chars, freshwater whitefishes, and graylings.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鲑科鱼[鮭科魚] gï-fö-nguĩ
guīkēyú salmonoid.⁶
鲑鲈[鮭鱸] gï-lũ
guīlú trout-perch.⁶
鲑鱼[鮭魚] gï-nguĩ
guīyú trout.⁶
鲑鱼苗[鮭魚苗] gï-nguĩ-mẽl
guīyúmiáo salmon fry.⁶
鲑鱼油[鮭魚油] gï-nguĩ-yiũ
guīyúyóu salmon oil.⁶
银鮭[銀鮭] ngãn-gï
yínguī coho salmon, silver salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
突吻红点鲑[突吻紅點鮭] ùt-mêin-hũng-ēm-gï
tūwěnhóngdiǎnguī lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
远东哲罗鱼[遠東哲羅魚] yōn-üng-jēt-lõ-nguĩ
yuǎndōng zhéluóyú Sakhalin taimen (Parahucho perryi, syn. Hucho perryi), aka the Japanese huchen, is a large, East Asian species of fish in the salmon family (Salmonidae).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
gi2 4686
195 23 guì mandarin fish.⁵
鳜鱼[鱖魚] gï-nguĩ guìyú mandarin fish.⁶ mandarin fish or Chinese perch (Siniperca chuatsi).¹⁵
gi2 4687
213 16 guī Kangxi radical 213; turtle or tortoise; cuckold.⁸ tortoise; turtle.⁶ (11 variants: 亀𠁴𠃾𤕣𧑴𪚧𪚦𪚨𪚺𪚿𪚴).
龟板[龜板] gï-bān guībǎn tortoiseshell.⁷
龟背[龜背] gï-böi
guībèi <TCM> curvature of the spinal column; humpback; <hist.> tortoise shell used as money.⁵⁴
龟甲[龜甲] gï-gâp
guījiǎ tortoiseshell; oracle bone.⁵⁴
龟头[龜頭] gï-hẽo
guītóu the glans penis.⁷
龟壳[龜殼] gï-hôk
guīké tortoise shell.¹⁰
龟鹤[龜鶴] gï-hôk
guīhè very old age.⁷
龟鹤齐龄[龜鶴齊齡] gï-hôk-tãi-lẽin
guīhèqílíng to have a long life.¹⁹
龟奴[龜奴] gï-nũ
guīnú servant in a brothel.³⁹
龟婆[龜婆] gï-põ
or gï-pũ guīpó woman in charge of prostitutes or brothel.¹¹
龟缩[龜縮] gï-sük
guīsuō hole up; shrink (up); withdraw into passive defense.⁶
金龟[金龜] gïm-gï
jīnguī tortoise; scarab beetle; emblem worn by Tang officials.⁵⁴
绿海龟[綠海龜] lùk-hōi-gï
lǜhaiguī green sea turtle; Chelonia mydas.²⁰
缩头乌龟[縮頭烏龜] sük-hẽo-vü-gï
suōtóuwūguī  person who refuses to face reality or confront a problem; ostrich.¹⁰
<又> gëo, gün, hiü.
(See 龜 gëo, gün, hiü.)
gi2 4688
213 17 𪚧
guī (=龜 gï) tortoise; turtle.⁶
(composition: See "image"; U+2A6A7).
(See 龜 gï).

gi2 4689 2A6A7.gif
213 18 𪚦
guī (=龜 gï) tortoise; turtle.⁶
(composition: See "image"; U+2A6A6)
(See 龜 gï).

gi2 4690 2A6A6.gif
213 18 𪚨
guī (=龜 gï) tortoise; turtle.⁶
(composition: See "image"; U+2A6A8)
(See 龜 gï).

gi2 4691 2A6A8.gif
213 19 𪚺
guī (=龜 gï) tortoise; turtle.⁶
(composition: See "image"; U+2A6BA)
(See 龜 gï).

gi2 4692 2A6BA.gif
213 19 𪚿
guī (=龜 gï) tortoise; turtle.⁶
(composition: See "image"; U+2A6BF)
(See 龜 gï).

gi2 4693 2A6BF.gif
213 20 𪚴
guī (=龜 gï) tortoise; turtle.⁶
(composition: See "image"; U+2A6B4)
(See 龜 gï).

gi2 4694 2A6B4.gif
9 6 skill, ability, trick; <old> professional female dancer or singer in ancient China.⁶ talent; ability; cleverness.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰亻支; U+4F0E).
伎巧 gì-kāo jìqiǎo ingenious; clever.¹⁴ʼ²⁴
or 技俩[技倆] gì-lēng jìliǎng trick; intrigue; maneuver; dodge.⁶ skill; dexterity; craft.⁷ astute; cunning; cleverness.¹⁴
伎能 gì-nãng
jì'néng skill, ability.¹⁴ capacity.²⁴
伎艺[伎藝] gì-ngài
jìyì mechanical arts; expert skill.⁷ mechanical arts.¹⁴
or 故技 gü-gì gùjì old trick/tactic.⁶
gi4 4695
9 6 𠆸
(=伎 gì skill, ability, trick; <old> professional female dancer or singer in ancient China.⁶ talent; ability; cleverness.¹⁴).¹⁰¹ (Note: Kangxi does not agree with this; compare with 𠆸❄{⿰亻攴} mû.)
(composition: ⿰亻攴; U+201B8).
<又> mû, yiũ.
(See 𠆸❄{⿰亻攴} mû; 伎 gì; 𠆸❄{⿰亻攴} yiũ).
gi4 4696
16 2 Kangxi radical 16; small table.⁶
茶几 chã-gì chájī tea/side/end/coffe table; teapoy.⁶
茶几灯[茶几燈] chã-gì-äng
chájīdēng end table lamp.⁶
条几[條几] hẽl-gì
tiáojī (=条案[條案] hẽl-ön) long narrow table.⁶
窗明几净[窗明几凈] töng-mẽin-gì-dèin
chuāngmíngjījìng with bright windows and clean tables; bright and clean.⁶
(See 幾 gī, gï.)
gi4 4697
18 6 kuì to cut or to slice off; sharpening on a whetstone.²
(composition: ⿰气刂; U+520F).
<又> gï; köi. (See 刏 gï; 刏 köi).
gi4 4698
22 14 guì (old form of 柜[櫃] gì guì) cupboard, cabinet.
(See 匱 [gì, kuì]; 櫃 [gì, guì].)
gi4 4699
22 14 kuì to lack; deficient; empty; exhausted; Kui surname.
不匮[不匱] būt-gì bùkuì <wr.> endlessly; without ceasing.
匮乏[匱乏] gì-fàt
kuìfá <wr.> deficient; short (of supplies).
匮竭[匱竭] gì-gèik
kuìjié exhausted.
匮缺[匱缺] gì-kūt
kuìquē <wr.> deficient; short (of supplies).
空匮[空匱] hüng-gì
kōngkuì scarce; poor.
疲匮[疲匱] pĩ-gì
píkuì tired; weary.¹⁰
(See 匱 [gì, guì].)
gi4 4700
38 7 a prostitute, a whore; a young woman who sings or dances to amuse here customers.⁷
狎妓 äp-gì or hâp-gì xiájì dally/flirt with prostitutes; visit prostitutes; visit a brothel; go whoring.⁶
娼妓 chëng-gì
chāngjì prostitute.¹¹
妓馆[妓館] gì-gōn
jìguǎn brothel.¹⁰
妓寨 gì-jài
jìzhài brothel.¹⁰
妓们[妓們] gì-mõn
jìmen prostitutes.¹⁰
妓女 gì-nuī
jìnǚ prostitute.⁵
妓院 gì-yòn
jìyuàn brothel.⁵
名妓 mẽin-gì
míngjì  famous courtesan.¹⁰
男妓 nãm-gì
nánjì male prostitute; (old) pimp.¹⁰
艺妓[藝妓] ngài-gì
yìjì a geisha.⁷
嫖妓 pẽl-gì
piáojì to visit a prostitute.¹⁰
gi4 4701
38 10 𡜱 to envy; to be angry with; (Cant.) pregnant.⁸ angry; enraged.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女忌; U+21731).
gi4 4702
60 11 <topo.> to stand up.⁶ to cross over; stone used for crossing river; to stand.⁸
gi4 4703
61 7 to be jealous of; fear; dread; scruple; to avoid or abstain from; to quit; to give up something.¹⁰
百无禁忌[百無禁忌] bāk-mũ-gïm-gì bǎiwújìnjì nothing is taboo.¹¹ all is permitted.⁵⁴
忌惮[忌憚] gì-àn
jìdàn to be afraid of the consequences; restraining fear.¹⁰
忌嘴 gì-duī
jìzuǐ (=忌口 gì-hēo jìkǒu) avoid certain food (as when one is ill); be on a diet.⁵
忌讳[忌諱] gì-fï
or gì-vī jìhuì taboo; avoid as harmful, abstain from; <topo.> vinegar.⁸
忌刻 gì-hāk
jìkè jealous and mean; jealous and malicious.⁵
忌恨 gì-hàn
jìhèn jealousy; to envy and hate.⁷
忌口 gì-hēo
jìkǒu avoid certain food (as when one is ill); be on a diet.⁵
忌日 gì-ngìt jìrì (=忌辰 gì-sĩn
jìchén) the anniversary of the death of a parent, ancestor, or anyone else held in esteem.⁵
忌辰 gì-sĩn
jìchén the anniversary of the death of a parent, ancestor, or anyone else held in esteem.⁵
忌妒 gì-ù
jìdu be jealous/envious of; envy.⁶
妒忌 ù-gì
dùjì be jealous/envious of; envy.⁶
gi4 4704
61 7 zhì (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 忮 jï zhì with same meaning: <wr.> jealous; jealousy; to dislike.⁷)
(composition: ⿰忄支; U+5FEE).
<又> jï.
(See 忮 jï.)
gi4 4705
61 12 <wr.> hate; teach, instruct.⁶ poison; envy, hate; instruct.⁹ poisonous, injurious; to instruct.²⁴
惎间[惎間] gì-gän jìjiàn harm; incite, sow discord; enmity, ill will, grudge.⁵³
gi4 4706
61 15 kuì <wr.> muddleheaded; dazed and confused; befuddled.⁶
昏愦 fün-gì hūnkuì muddle-headed.⁶
愦愦[憒憒] gì-gì
kuìkuì confused; muddleheaded.⁷
愦乱[憒亂] gì-lòn
kuìluàn <wr.> dazed and confused; muddleheaded; befuddled.⁶
愦眊[憒眊] gì-mào
kuìmào muddleheaded; dull-witted.⁷
gi4 4707
64 7 skill.
暗暗技痒[暗暗技癢] ām-ām-gì-yêng àn'ànjìyǎng to itch for a chance to show off.
杂技[雜技] dàp-gì
zájì acrobatics.⁵
雕虫小技[雕蟲小技] ël-chũng-xēl-gì
diāochóngxiǎojì a petty skill or craft; a skill which has no significant value.⁷
科技 fö-gì
kējì science and technology.⁵
技工 gì-güng
jìgōng skilled worker; mechanic; technician.
技巧 gì-kāo
jìqiǎo skillful; skills; dexterity.¹¹
技能 gì-nãng
jìnéng technical ability; skill.
技艺[技藝] gì-ngài
jìyì mechanical arts; expert skill; technical skill.¹¹
技术[技術] gì-sùt
jìshù technology; skill; technique.⁵
技术咨询[技術咨詢] gì-sùt-dü-xün
jìshùzīxún technical advisory work; technical consultation.³⁹
技师[技師] gì-xü
jìshī technician.⁵
gi4 4708
75 18 guì a cabinet, a wardrobe, a cupboard; a shop counter.⁷
保险柜[保險櫃] bāo-hēm-gì bǎoxiǎnguì safe; strongbox.⁶
冰柜[冰櫃] bëin-gì
bīngguì refrigerator.⁵⁵
柜橱[櫃櫥] gì-chuĩ
guìchú cabinet; cupboard; sideboard.⁷
柜子[櫃子] gì-dū
guìzi cupboard; cabinet.⁵
柜房[櫃房] gì-fông
guìfáng cashier, cashier's office.¹¹
柜台[櫃檯] gì-hôi/
guìtái counter; bar.⁵
书柜[書櫃] sï-gì
shūguì bookcase.⁵
冷藏柜[冷藏櫃] lâng-tõng-gì
lěngcángguì freezer.⁶¹
肉柜[肉櫃] ngùk-gì
ròuguì meat locker; meat chest.⁰
碗柜[碗櫃] vōn-gì
wǎnguì kitchen cupboard.⁵
衣柜[衣櫃] yï-gì
yīguì wardrobe.⁵
<台> 霜柜[霜櫃] söng-gì icebox; refrigerator.
<台> 柜桶[櫃桶] gì-hūng drawer (in furniture).
(See 柜 guī.)
gi4 4709
75 18 Loropetalum chinense, also known as the Chinese fringe flower, is a popular ornamental plant.⁹ fringe flower (Loropetalum chinense), evergreen shrub.¹⁰
枸檵 gēo-gì
gōujì variant of 枸杞 gēo-gī gǒuqǐ, Chinese wolfberry shrub (Lycium chinense).¹⁰
檵花 gì-fä
jìhuā fringe flower (Loropetalum chinense), evergreen shrub.¹⁰
檵木 gì-mùk
jìmù Chinese loropetalum.⁸ Loropetalum chinense.⁹ fringe flower (Loropetalum chinense), evergreen shrub.¹⁰
gi4 4710
85 9 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 洎 kï with same meaning.)
<又> kï.
(See 洎 kï.)
gi4 4711
85 15 kuì a river overflowing its banks; broken up, scattered; (military) defeated; (said of a dike or dam) to burst.⁷
崩溃[崩潰] bäng-gì bēngkuì collapse (of houses, army).¹¹
溃败[潰敗] gì-bài
kuìbài be defeated.¹¹
溃兵[潰兵] gì-bëin
kuìbīng routed soldiers.¹¹
溃不成军[潰不成軍] gì-būt-sẽin-gün
kuìbùchéngjūn (of an army) be completely routed; army has collapsed.¹¹
溃决[潰決] gì-kūt
kuìjué (of dams) break.¹¹
溃烂[潰爛] gì-làn
kuìlàn (of abscess, ulcer) fester, form pus.¹¹
溃乱[潰亂] gì-lòn
kuìluàn (of troops) disperse in confusion.¹¹
溃盟[潰盟] gì-mãng
kuìméng break alliance.¹¹
溃灭[潰滅] gì-mèik
kuìmiè to crumble and fall.⁷
溃围[潰圍] gì-vĩ
kuìwéi break through enemy blockade.¹¹
溃散[潰散] gì-xän
kuìsàn defeated and dispersed.⁷
<又> kï.
(See 潰 [kï, kuì], [kï, huì].)
gi4 4712
109 17 kuì stupid; ignorant.⁷ ➀ (<old>=聩[聵] gì kuì deaf; hard of hearing.⁶).⁸ ➁ (<old>=愦[憒] gì kuì <wr.> muddleheaded; dazed and confused; befuddled.⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿰目貴; U+77B6; ).
<又> gï.
(See 瞶 gï).
gi4 4713
118 18 kuì a bamboo basket for carrying earth.⁷ (variant: 籄 gì kuì).
功亏一篑[功虧一簣] güng-kï-yīt-gì
gōngkuīyīkuì fail to build a mound for want of one final basket of earth – fall short of success for lack of a final effort; be just one step short of success.⁶
一篑之功[一簣之功] yīt-gì-jï-güng
yīkuìzhīgōng the last basket of earth that helps in building a mound; the effort that brings about the final success.⁵⁴
(See 籄 gì).
gi4 4714
118 20 kuì (=篑[簣] gì kuì) a bamboo basket for carrying earth.⁷
(See 簣 gì).
gi4 4715
128 18 kuì <wr.> deaf; hard of hearing.⁶
发聋振聩[發聾振聵] fāt-lũng-jīn-gì fālóngzhènkuì or 振聋发聩[振聾發聵] jīn-lũng-fāt-gì zhènlóngfākuì rouse the deaf and awaken the unhearing – enlighten the ignorant and the benighted.⁶
昏聩[昏聵] fün-gì
hūnkuì dim-sighted and hard of hearing – decrepit and muddle-headed.⁶ (cf. 昏愦 fün-gì hūnkuì).
聩昏[聵昏] gì-fün
kuìhūn to be decrepit and muddle-headed.⁶
聩聩[聵聵] gì-gì
kuìkuì stupid and unreasonable.⁷
聋聩[聾聵] lũng-gì
lóngkuì <wr.> deaf; ignorant.⁶
眊聩[眊聵] mào-gì
màokuì weak in eyesight and hard of hearing.⁵⁴
矇聩[矇聵] mũng-gì
méngkuì blind and deaf; ignorant and stupid.⁷
當我年輕的時候,有一本振聾發聵的叫做《整個地球的目錄》的雜志,它是我們那一代人的聖經之一。Öng-ngô nẽin-hëin-ēik-sĩ-hèo, yiû-yīt-bōn jīn-lũng-fāt-gì ēik gël-dü
Jēin-Göi Ì-Kiũ Ēik Mùk-Lùk ēik dàp-jï, hä sì ngô-mõn nã yīt-òi-ngĩn ēik sëin-gëin jï yīt. When I was young, there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalogue, which was one of the bibles of my generation…" Steve Jobs 2005.

gi4 4716
130 10 kuì hollow.²⁵
(composition: ⿰月圭; U+80FF).
<又> gï. (See 胿 gï).
gi4 4717
134 8 kuì Used for 蒉[蕢] gì kuì) a basket.¹⁴ a weed basket.²⁵
(composition: ⿻臼人; U+81FE).
荷臾 hò-gì
hèkuì to carry a basket.²⁵
<又> yĩ, yūng.
(See 臾 yĩ, yūng).
gi4 4718
140 7 (=菱角 lẽin-gôk língjiao) water caltrop, Trapa bicornis.
芰实[芰實] gì-sìt
jìshí (=菱角 lẽin-gôk língjiao) water caltrop, Trapa bicornis.
gi4 4719
140 15 kuì edible amaranth; straw basket.⁸ Amaranthus mangostanus.  Edible amaranth with reddish stalks; Kui surname.¹¹ gi4 4720
145 17 huì a knot; a button, (dialect) to tie up; fastening; to wear; to slip on, to make a knot by a rope; a piece of string or a ribbon, (same as 绘[繪] köi huì) to draw (picture).
(See 䙡 [gì, kuì].)
gi4 4721
145 17 kuì (alternate Mandarin pronunciation for 䙡 gì huì with same meaning.)
(See 䙡 [gì, huì].)
gi4 4722
149 12 (謀也 mẽo-yâ móuyě stratagem, plan, scheme; work for, seek, plot.⁵).² to scheme, to plan, to plot; to seek, to try to get.³⁶ (䛋 gì = 𧧟❄{言𢦏}).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰言戊; U+46CB).
(See 𧧟❄{言𢦏} gì).
gi4 4723
149 13 𧧟
(謀也 mẽo-yâ móuyě stratagem, plan, scheme; work for, seek, plot.⁵).² to consult; to deliberate.²⁵
❄{言𢦏} = 䛋 gì ).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰言𢦏; U+279DF).
(See 䛋 gì).
gi4 4724
157 11 guì <lit.> to kick with hoof (as a mule).³⁶
(composition: ⿰𧾷夬; U+8DB9).
<又> kūt. (See 趹 kūt).
gi4 4725
157 13 guì kneel; go down on one's knees.⁵
长跪[長跪] chẽng-gì chángguì prostrate on the ground.¹¹
跪倒 gì-āo
guìdǎo prostrate oneself; grovel.⁵
跪拜 gì-bäi
guìbài worship on bended knees; kowtow.⁵
跪禀[跪稟] gì-bīn
guìbǐng to report in a kneeling position.⁷
跪谢[跪謝] gì-dèh
guìxiè express thanks on one's knees.⁷
跪垫[跪墊] gì-dëin
guìdiàn kneeler (cushion).⁶
跪姿 gì-dü
guìzī kneeling position.⁵
跪姿射击[跪姿射擊] gì-dü-sèh-gēik
guìzī shèjī shoot from a kneeling position.⁵
跪下 gì-hä
guìxia kneel down; go down on one's knees.⁶
跪地 gì-ì
guìdì to kneel on the ground.⁷
跪门[跪門] gì-mõn
guìmén kneel before someone’s gate to ask for forgiveness.¹¹
跪迎 gì-ngẽin
guìyíng to greet or receive in a kneeling position.⁷
跪乳 gì-nguî
guìrǔ lit. to kneel to suck – show filial piety.⁷
跪乳之恩 gì-nguî-jï-yïn
guìrǔzhī'ēn filial piety.⁷
跪安 gì-ön
guì'ān kowtow to pay respects.⁶
跪射 gì-sèh
guìshè <mil.> kneeling fire.⁵
跪射俑 gì-sèh-yūng
guìshèyǒng pottery archer in a kneeling position.⁶
跪送 gì-xüng
guìsòng bid goodbye in a kneeling position.⁷
gi4 4726
157 14 kneel on the ground holding the upper part of the body erect.⁶ to kneel for a long time, to go down on hands and knees.⁸ to kneel for a long time; to go down on hands and knees; awe-struck.¹⁴ to kneel down all along; to be in dread, as in the presence of something awful.²⁵
長跽 chẽng-gì chángjì (=长跪[長跪] chẽng-gì chángguì) prostrate on the ground.¹¹
敬跽 gëin-gì
jìngjì to regard with awe.¹⁴
跽拜 gì-bäi
jìbài (=跪拜 gì-bäi guìbài) worship on bended knees; kowtow.¹⁹
跽坐 gì-tü
jìzuò both knees on the ground with arms resting on the calves (of the legs).¹⁹
跽跗 gì-fü
jìfū genuflecting and groveling.¹⁹
跽跪 gì-gì
jìguì both knees on the ground with a straight torso.¹⁹
擎跽 kẽin-gì
qíngjì to raise the hands and bow the knees, as ministers do in the presence of their sovereign.²⁵
乳跽 nguî-gì
rǔjì to kneel to suck the mother's milk (as a lamb does) – to show filial piety.¹⁹
按剑而跽[按劍而跽] ön-gëm-ngĩ-gì
ànjiànérjì he leaned on his sword and manifested apprehension.²⁵
gi4 4727
169 20 huì gate of a market.⁸ʼ¹⁴ outside gate of the market (inn); market, inn.⁵⁴
(comp. t: ⿵門貴; U+95E0). (comp. s: ⿵门贵; U+9613).
带阓[帶闠] äi-gì
dàihuì be in contact with the market, adjacent to the inn.⁵⁴
圜阓[圜闠] vãn-gì
huánhuì <wr.> the market, business district.¹¹ the wall of a market place; the outer gate of a market; a market; a road, a way.²⁵ street; shop;
圜阓中人[圜闠中人] vãn-gì-jüng-ngĩn
huánhuì zhōng rén <derog.> <wr.> shopkeepers.¹¹
(See 闠 [gì, kuì]).
gi4 4728
169 20 kuì (alternate Mandarin pronunciation of 阓[闠] gì huì with same meaning: gate of a market.⁸ʼ¹⁴ outside gate of the market (inn); market, inn.⁵⁴).¹⁴
t: ⿵門貴; U+95E0). (comp. s: ⿵门贵; U+9613).
(See 闠 [gì, huì]).
gi4 4729
184 17 kuì (=饋 gì kuì) to make a present of food; to offer in sacrifice.¹⁴
餽赠[餽贈] gì-dàng
kuìzèng make a present of; <wr.> a gift.¹¹
餽饯[餽餞] gì-dèin
kuìjiàn food presented to one starting on a journey.¹⁴
餽赆[餽贐] gì-xîm
kuìjìn delicacies as gifts to parting friends.¹¹
餽送 gì-xüng
kuìsòng to present.¹⁴
(See 饋 gì.)
gi4 4730
184 20 kuì make a present of.⁵ provisions, food; to make a present; to offfer food to a superior.¹⁴ (variant: 餽 gì kuì.)
反馈[反饋] fān-gì
fǎnkuì <elec.> feedback.⁵
馈赠[饋贈] gì-dàng
kuìzèng present (a gift); make a present of something.⁵
馈奠[饋奠] gì-èin
kuìdiàn to offer sacrifice.¹⁴
馈电[饋電] gì-èin
kuìdiàn <elec.> feed.⁵
馈电线[饋電線] gì-èin-xëin
kuìdiànxiàn <elec.> feed line; feeder.⁵
馈馔[饋饌] gì-jàn
kuìzhuàn to bring in food to a superior.¹⁴
馈粮[饋糧] gì-lẽng
kuìliáng to transport grain.¹⁴
馈路[饋路] gì-lù
kuìlù transport-road for supplies.¹⁴
馈人[饋人] gì-ngĩn
kuìrén a butler.¹⁴
馈食[饋食] gì-sèik
kuìshí to offer food.¹⁴
馈送[饋送] gì-xüng
kuìsòng present (a gift); make a present of something.⁵
中馈[中饋] jüng-gì
zhōngkuì one who manages the cooking – the wife.¹⁴
See 餽 gì.)
gi4 4731
32 11 <台> 田基 hẽin-gî raised footpath between rice paddies.
<台> 塘基 hõng-gî embankment on one side of a pond.
<又> gï. (See 基 gï.)
gi5 4732
118 14 winnowing basket; dust pan; (7th of the 28 ancient constellations); loop of a  fingerprint.⁶
簸箕 bö-gî
or bü-gî bòji winnowing basket/pan; dustpan; (of a fingerprint) a loop.⁶
箕坐 gî-dò
jīzuò to sit with legs sprawled out.⁷
箕斗 gî-ēo
jīdǒu <wr.> constellations, stars; <wr.> false undeserved reputation; <wr.> fingerprint; <mining> skip.⁶ spiral and nonspiral lines on the fingertips.⁷
箕踞 gî-guï
jījù to sit with legs sprawled out.⁷
箕帚 gî-jāo
jīzhǒu lit. a dustpan and a broom – a wife or a concubine.⁷
箕踵 gî-jūng
jīzhǒng wide in the front and narrow in the rear.⁷
箕裘 gî-kiũ
jīqiú to carry on the trade of one's father.⁷
箕敛[箕斂] gî-lêm
jīliǎn or 箕会[箕會] gî-vòi jīhuì to exploit or squeeze by ruthless taxation.⁷
箕尾 Gî-mī
Jīwěi the constellations Sagittarius and Scorpio.⁷
箕山之志 gî-sän-jï-jï
jīshānzhīzhì the desire to live the life of a recluse.⁷
箕颍[箕潁] gî-vèin
jīyǐng recluse's secluded abode (literally, near Jī Mountain and Yǐng River).⁵⁴
箕宿 Jī-xiü
Jīxiù the Winnowing Basket Constellation.¹⁵
gi5 4733
140 11 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 萁 kĩ with same meaning: beanstalk.¹¹ stalks of pulse.⁴³)
<又> kĩ.
(See 萁 kĩ.)
gi5 4734
162 11 kuí <台> 水逵 suī-gî a kind of water bug.
<又> kï. (See 逵 kï.)
gi5 4735
49 8 𢀷
gīm jǐn respectful; to expand.²⁴
(composition: ⿱氶巳; U+22037).
gim1 4736
167 16 gīm jǐn brocade; bright and beautiful.⁶
锦标[錦標] gīm-bël jǐnbiāo prize; trophy; title.⁶
锦屐[錦屐] gīm-kêk
jǐnjī <wr.> silk slippers.¹¹
锦旗[錦旗] gīm-kĩ
jǐnqí silk banner (as an award or gift).⁶
锦葵[錦葵] gīm-kĩ
jǐnkuí mallow; common mallow; Malva sylvestris; Malva sinensis.³⁹
锦鲤[錦鯉] gīm-lî
jǐnlǐ koi (Cyprinus carpio haematopterus).¹⁰
锦纶[錦綸] gīm-lũn
jǐnlún <txtl.> polyamide fiber.⁵
锦缎[錦緞] gīm-òn
jǐnduàn brocade.⁵
锦上添花[錦上添花] gīm-sèng-hëm-fä
jǐnshàngtiānhuā add flowers to embroidery – embellish what is already beautiful; add brilliance to one's present splendor.⁶
锦绣[錦繡] gīm-xiü
jǐnxiù as beautiful as brocade; beautiful; splendid.⁵
锦绣河山[錦繡河山] gīm-xiü-hõ-sän
jǐnxiùhéshān beautiful landscape (“like brocade”).¹¹
锦绣山河[錦繡山河] gīm-xiü-sän-hõ
jǐnxiùshānhé a land of charm and beauty; a beautiful land.⁵
五叶地锦[五葉地錦] m̄-yêp-ì-gīm
wǔyèpdìjǐn or 五叶爬山虎 [五葉爬山虎] m̄-yêp-pã-sän-fū wǔyèpāshānhǔ Virginia creeper, Victoria creeper, five-leaved ivy, or five-finger (Parthenocissus quinquefolia).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
gim1 4737
9 4 gïm jīn now, this.
今非昔比 gïm-fï-xēik-bī jīnfēixībǐ the past cannot be compared with the present; times change.⁶
今天 gïm-hëin
jīntiān today; the present; now.
今后[今後] gïm-hèo
jīnhòu henceforth; hereafter.
今朝 gïm-jël
jīnzhāo <wr.> today; now; this morning.⁶
今年 gïm-nẽin
jīnnián this year.⁸
古今中外 gū-gïm-jüng-ngòi
gǔjīnzhōngwài at all times and in all countries.
如今 nguĩ-gïm
rújīn nowadays.
<台> 今晚 gïm-mân today.
<台> 今日 gïm-ngît today.
gim2 4738
113 13 gïm jìn prohibit, forbid, ban, inhibit; what is forbidden by law or custom, taboo; royal residence, forbidden area; <wr.> prison; imprison, confine.⁶
百无禁忌[百無禁忌] bāk-mũ-gïm-gì bǎiwújìnjì nothing is taboo.¹¹ all is permitted.⁵⁴
禁闭[禁閉] gïm-bäi
jìnbì lock up or confine (as a punishment).⁶
禁闭室[禁閉室] gïm-bäi-sīt 
jìnbìshì  guard room.⁶
禁卒 gïm-dūt
jìnzú prison guard; turnkey.⁸ a jailer.¹⁴
禁忌 gïm-gì 
jìnjì taboo; avoid, astain from; <med.> contraindication.⁵
严禁[嚴禁] ngẽm-gïm
yánjìn strictly forbid/prohibit.⁶
<又> gîm, kïm.
(See 禁 [gïm, jīn], gîm, [kïm, jìn], [kïm, jīn].)
gim2 4739
113 13 gïm jīn bear, stand, endure; contain/restrain oneself.⁶
不禁 būt-gïm bùjīn cannot help doing; cannot refrain (from doing).⁶ cannot help (laughing out loud, crying).¹¹
禁不住 gïm-būt-jì
or kïm-būt-jì jīnbuzhù unable to endure; unable to withstand; unable to stand; unable to avoid.⁷
<又> gîm, kïm.
(See 禁 [gïm, jìn], gîm, [kïm, jìn], [kïm, jīn].)
gim2 4740
167 8 gïm jīn Kangxi radical 167; gold; metals in general; money.⁸
金币[金幣] gïm-bài jīnbì gold coin.⁵
金子 gïm-dū 
jīnzi gold.⁵
金块[金塊] gïm-fäi
jīnkuài gold bullion.⁵
金库[金庫] gïm-fü
jīnkù exchequer; treasury.⁸
金婚 gïm-fün
jīnhūn golden wedding.⁵
金鸡[金雞] gïm-gäi
jīnjī golden pheasant.⁵
金价[金價] gïm-gäi
jīnjià the price of gold.¹⁹
金甲 gïm-gâp
jīnjiǎ armor.¹¹
金刚[金剛] gïm-göng
jīngāng Buddha's warrior attendant.⁶
金矿[金礦] gïm-köng
jīnkuàng gold mine.⁸
金陵 Gïm-lẽin
Jīnlíng pre-Han name for Nanjing.¹⁰
金额[金額] gïm-ngäk
jīn'é <wr.> amount/sum of money.⁵
金银花[金銀花] gïm-ngãn-fä
jīnyínhuā honeysuckle.¹¹
金牌 gïm-pãi
jīnpái gold medal.⁸
金饰[金飾] gïm-sēik
jīnshì gold ornaments.¹⁰
金属[金屬] gïm-sùk
jīnshǔ metal.¹⁰
金钱[金錢] gïm-tẽin
jīnqián money, cash, wealth, riches.¹¹
金枪鱼[金槍魚] gïm-tëng-nguĩ
jīnqiāngyú tuna.¹⁰
金都 Gïm-ü
Jīndū capital of Jin dynasty (1115-1234).⁵⁴
金星 gïm-xëin
jīnxīng <astr.> Venus; gold star; flashes of light that one seems to see (from blow on the head).⁶
金融 gïm-yũng
jīnróng finance; banking.⁵
<台> 金山 gïm-sän lit. Gold Mountain – the United States.
gim2 4741
64 15 gìm qìn to press, to push down.
揿压[撳壓] gìm-àt qìnyā to press down.
揿钉[撳釘] gìm-ëng
qìndīng <topo.> a thumbtack.
揿住[撳住] gìm-jì
qìnzhù to press.
揿铃[撳鈴] gìm-lêng
qìnlíng press a button, a bell.¹¹
揿门铃[撳門鈴] gìm-mõn-lêng 
qìn ménlíng to push the door bell.
揿纽[撳紐] gìm-niū
qìnniǔ <topo.> snap fastener.⁸ press a button, a bell.¹¹
gim4 4742
108 14 gìm jiàn <台> 监住[監住] gìm-jì restrain; press down and not let go.
(comp. t: ⿱⿰臣⿱𠂉丶皿 or ⿱⿰臣⿱𠂉一皿; U+76E3).
s: ⿱⿰〢⿱𠂉丶皿; U+76D1).
<又> gäm.
(See 監[gäm, jiān]; 監[gäm, jiàn]).
gim4 4743
113 13 gîm jìn prohibit, forbid, ban, inhibit; what is forbidden by law or custom, taboo; royal residence, forbidden area; <wr.> prison; imprison, confine.⁶
禁穿 gîm-chün jìnchuān forbid to wear (certain clothes); barricade.⁵⁴ (See 禁穿 kïm-chün jīnchuān.)
禁止 gîm-jī
jìnzhǐ prohibit; ban; forbid.⁵
禁区[禁區] gîm-kuï/ 
jìnqū forbidden zone, restricted zone; (wildlife or plant) preserve; reserve; natural park; (soccer) penalty area; (basketball) restricted area.⁵
监禁[監禁] gäm-gîm
jiānjìn take into custody; put in jail.⁵
<又> gïm, kïm.
(See 禁 [gïm, jìn], [gïm, jīn], [kïm, jìn], [kïm, jīn].)
gim5 4744
145 9 gîm jīn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 衿 kïm jīn with same meaning: (=襟 kïm jīn); belt, girdle.⁶ the front of a Chinese gown; the lapel of a Chinese dress – worn by the literati in former days.⁷)
<又> kïm, kîm.
(See 衿 kïm, kîm.)
gim5 4745
145 10 gîm qīn quilt; garment for the deceased.
衾单 gîm-än qīndān clothes for the deceased; sheets.
衾枕 gîm-jīm
qīnzhěn <wr.> quilt and pillow.
or 衣衾棺槨 yï-gîm-gön-kök yīqīn guānguǒ burial gown, coverlet, coffin and coffin case.¹¹
<又> kïm.
(See 衾 kïm.)
gim5 4746
145 18 gîm jīn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 襟 kïm jīn with same meaning.)
<又> kïm,  kîm.
(See 襟 kïm,  kîm.)
gim5 4747
9 13 gīn jǐn only; merely; barely.⁵ only; merely; Jin surname​.³⁶
(comp. t: ⿰亻堇; U+50C5). (comp. s: ⿰亻又; U+4EC5).
不仅[不僅] būt-gīn
bùjǐn not the only one; not only.⁷
不仅如此[不僅如此] būt-gīn-nguĩ-xū
bùjǐnrúcǐ not only that; nor is this all; moreover.⁷
仅到[僅到] gīn-äo
jǐndào just come.¹⁴
仅见[僅見] gīn-gëin
jǐnjiàn be rarely seen.⁶
仅够[僅夠] gīn-gëo
jǐngòu barely enough.⁷
仅仅[僅僅] gīn-gīn
jǐnjǐn only; merely; barely.⁵ only; merely; alone.⁶ only; hardly enough; barely.⁷
仅可[僅可] gīn-hō
jǐnkě nothing to spare; barely enough.¹⁴
仅存[僅存] gīn-tũn
jǐncún only (things or persons).⁷
仅以身免[僅以身免] gīn-yî-sïn-mêin
jǐnyǐshēnmiǎn barely able to excape alive.⁷
仅一人出席[僅一人出席] gīn-yīt-ngĩn-chūt-dèik
jǐnyīrénchūxí only one is present.⁷
仅有[僅有] gīn-yiû
jǐnyǒu to have only...; there is (or are) only...⁷
仅有绝无[僅有絕無] gīn-yiû-dùt-mũ
jǐnyǒujuéwú the only; the best.⁵⁴
仅容旋马[僅容旋馬] gīn-yũng-xũn-mǎ
jǐnróngxuánmǎ space only big enough for turning a horse – narrow space.⁷
<又> gìn.
(See 僅 gìn).
gin1 4748
26 8 gīn jǐn nuptial wine cups.⁸ a wine ladle used at weddings in ancient China; it is half a gourd, and handled by both the bride and groom at the same time.⁹ (variant: 巹 gīn jǐn)
(composition: ⿱丞㔾; U+537A).
卺饮[卺飲] gīn-ngīm
jǐnyǐn fig. to get married; to share nuptial cup.¹⁹
合卺 hàp-gīn
héjǐn <wr.> to drink the wedding cup; to get married.
合卺酒 hàp-gīn-diū
héjǐnjiǔ wine drunk by bridegroom and bride on wedding night to signify mutual devotion.¹⁹
同牢合卺 hũng-lão-hàp-gīn
tóngláohéjǐn a ritual performed by a couple during marriage is to eat the meat of the same animal and to drink a cup, which is a symbol of the union of the husband and wife to be bound forever.⁰ʼ¹⁹
连卺[連卺] lẽin-gīn
liánjǐn fig. to get married; to share nuptial cup.¹⁹
(See 巹 gīn).
gin1 4749
27 13 gīn jǐn ((=廑 gīn jǐn) (=仅[僅] gīn jǐn only; merely; barely.⁵); a hut; careful.⁸)
(composition: ⿸厂堇; U+5807).
(See 廑 gīn.)
gin1 4750
32 11 gīn jǐn clay; to smear, to daub; (=仅[僅] gīn jǐn only, merely, barely); (=廑 gīn jǐn a hut; careful); 堇子國 gīn-dū-gōk, a country which has 赤堇山 chēik-gīn-sän in today's southeast of Ningbo, Zhejiang; 堇隂 a placename in 晉.² yellow loam, clay; season; few.¹⁴ adhesive clay, yellow clay, loam, mire; to daub; a time, a season; few, scarce.²⁴ (<old> clay; (=蓳 gīn jǐn Viola verecunda, a kind of violet); (<old>=仅[僅] gīn jǐn only; merely; barely.⁵)).³⁶
(composition:  ⿱廿⿻口龶; U+5807).
赤堇山 chēik-gīn-sän
chìjǐnshān, a mountain southeast of Ningbo City 宁波市[宁波市] in Zhejiang 浙江.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
紫堇 dū-gīn
zǐjǐn <bot.> corydalis.⁶ Corydalis incisa.¹¹
紫堇色 dū-gīn-sēik
zǐjǐnsè violet (color).⁵⁴
堇子国[堇子國] gīn-dū-gōk
jǐnzǐguó the name of a country.²⁴
堇堇 gīn-gīn
jǐnjǐn <lit.> sparse; rare; infrequent.³⁶
堇头[堇頭] gīn-hẽo
jǐntóu a plant called crow's head, because its root resembles that form.²⁴
堇色 gīn-sēik
jǐnsè violet (color).⁵ʼ⁶
堇青石 gīn-tëin-sêk
jǐnqīngshí <min.> cordierite.⁵
堇菜 gīn-töi
jǐncài <bot.> violet.⁵ʼ⁶
堇隂[堇隂] gīn-yïm
jǐnyīn a placename in 晋[晉] dün jìn.²
硫堇 liũ-gīn
liújǐn thionine.¹⁰
三色堇 xäm-sēik-gīn
sānsèjǐn <bot.> pansy.⁶
<又> gìn.
(See 堇 gìn; 僅 gīn; 蓳 gīn; 廑 gīn).
gin1 4751
32 14 gīn jǐn (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 墐 gìn jìn with the same meaning: to build with soil, plaster over with mud; coat with mud; bury.⁸ to fill cracks with mud (doors and windows).⁹ bury; plaster with mud.¹⁰ to plaster over with mud; to bury.¹⁴ (=堇 gīn jǐn, earth, clay; a little; also to plaster, to stop up with mud; to inter).²⁴ to plaster over with mud, to build with soil; to bury.³⁶
(composition: ⿰土堇; U+5890).
(See 墐 gìn; 堇 gīn; cf 殣 gīn in the sense of 'inter' or 'bury').
gin1 4752
49 9 gīn jǐn (<old>=卺 gīn jǐn) bridal wine cup.⁸ wine vessel used for weddings in ancient times.³⁶
(composition: ⿱丞己; U+5DF9).
(See 卺 gīn).
gin1 4753
53 广 14 gīn jǐn (=仅[僅] gīn jǐn only; merely; barely.⁵); a hut; careful.⁸ a small house, a poor dwelling, just sufficient for sheltering people; just enough; partially able; a shelter.²⁴
(variant: 厪 gīn
(composition: ⿸广堇; U+5ED1).
廑系 gīn-hài
jǐnxì thoughtful of; anxious about.¹⁴
廑窄 gīn-jäk
jǐnzhǎi narrow; confined.¹⁴
廑注 gīn-jî
jǐnzhù (letter writing) "your kind solicitude for my welfare."¹¹ very careful thought.¹⁴
廑能勿失 gīn-nãng-mòt-sīt
jǐnnéngwùshī with care you will be able to avoid a slip.¹⁴
廑念 gīn-nèm
jǐnniàn (letter writing) "your best wishes (constant concern)."¹¹ thoughtful of; anxious about.¹⁴
其廑至矣 kĩ-gīn-jï-yì
qíjǐnzhìyǐ he was so industrious.¹¹
<又> kĩn.
(See 廑 kĩn; 僅 gīn; 厪 gīn; 堇 gīn).
gin1 4754
61 14 gīn jǐn (=谨慎[謹慎] gīn-sìn jǐnshèn prudent; careful; cautious; circumspect.⁵).⁸
(composition: ⿰忄堇; U+616C).
<又> gìn, kĩm.
(See 慬 gìn; 慬 kĩm; 懄 kĩn).
gin1 4755
61 16 gīn yìn ➀ be willing to, would rather do.⁶ ➁ willing; cautious.⁷
to enqire, to ask respectfully; one says, to tell, sweet, moreover, an incipient particle, to force one's self when indisposed; to wish; deficient; to wound.²⁴ ➂ ⓐ want, desire; agree; prefer; preferable, better; I would like (to ...) ➂ ⓑ be injured; be out of order; take damage.⁵⁴
(old variant: 憗 gīn yìn).
t: ⿱⿰來犬心; U+6196). (comp. s: ⿱⿰来犬心; U+616D).
不慭遗一老[不憖遺一老] būt-gīn-vĩ-yīt-lāo
bù yìn yí yī lǎo not agree to leave the old man alone.⁵⁴
两军之士皆未慭也[兩軍之士皆未憖也] lēng-gün-jï-xù-gäi-mì-gīn-yâ
liǎng jūn zhī shì jiē wèi yìn yě the warriors of both armies have not suffered damage yet.⁵⁴
吾慭置之于耳[吾憖置之於耳] m̃-gīn-jï-jï-yï-ngī
wú yìn zhì zhī yú ěr I would like to listen to this.⁵⁴
慭慭[憖憖] gīn-gīn
yìnyìn <wr.> careful; overcautious.⁶
慭吾君闻胜以为快[憖吾君聞勝以為快] gīn-m̃-gün-mũn-sëin-yî-vĩ-fäi
yìn wú jūn wén shèng yǐ wèi kuài I wish our sovereign, upon learning of the victory, would be delighted with it.⁵⁴
<又> xïn.
(See 憗 gīn; 憖 xïn).
gin1 4756
61 16 gīn yìn (<old>=慭[憖] gīn yìn ➀ be willing to, would rather do.⁶ ➁ willing; cautious.⁷ to enqire, to ask respectfully; one says, to tell, sweet, moreover, an incipient particle, to force one's self when indisposed; to wish; deficient; to wound.²⁴ ➂ ⓐ want, desire; agree; prefer; preferable, better; I would like (to ...) ➂ ⓑ be injured; be out of order; take damage.⁵⁴).⁸
(composition: ⿱⿰來攵心; U+6197).
(See 憖 gīn).
gin1 4757
75 15 槿 gīn jǐn a hibiscus.⁷ Hibiscus syriacus; transient.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰木堇; U+69FF).
朱槿 jï-gīn
zhūjǐn Chinese hibiscus.⁹ red hibiscus.¹¹
木槿 mûk-gīn
mùjǐn rose of Sharon; Syrian ketmia; rose mallow; St Joseph's rod; Hibiscus syriacus.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ (rose of Sharon in spoken Hoisanva is 凭篱[憑籬] bàng-lĩ; in Cantonese 水锦花[水錦花] suī-gīm-fä seoi2 gam2 faa1 shuǐjǐnhuā.)
gin1 4758
78 15 gīn jìn <wr.> starve to death; die of starvation/hunger; bury.⁶ to die of hunger, to be famished; to die and be duried on the highway.²⁴
(composition: ⿰歹堇; U+6BA3).
道殣 ào-gīn dàojìn starved to death on the road.¹⁹
道殣相望 ào-gīn-xëng-mòng
dàojìn xiāngwàng the corpses of those who, perishing of hunger, lie upon the roads.¹⁴
殣枯骨 gīn-kü-gūt
jìnkūgǔ bury the remains.⁵⁴
行殣 hãng-gīn
xíngjìn a person who died on the roadside from starvation.¹⁹
殍殣 pêl-gīn
piǎojìn to die of starvation.¹⁴
掩殣 yēm-gīn
yǎnjìn to bury (a dead person).¹⁹
gin1 4759
96 15 gīn jǐn fine jade.⁷
瑾瑜 gīn-yĩ jǐnyú a fine piece of jade.⁷
瑾瑜匿瑕 gīn-yĩ-nèik-hã
jǐnyúnìxiá flaws hidden in a beautiful gem.⁷
怀瑾握瑜[懷瑾握瑜] vãi-gīn-äk-yĩ
huáijǐnwòyú hold gems in one’s bosom and grasp jades in one’s hand – be in possession of learning and virtue.⁸
gin1 4760
120 14 gīn jǐn tight, taut, close; tighten; urgent, pressing, tense; strict, stringent; hard up, short of money.⁵
紧逼[緊逼] gīn-bēik jǐnbī press hard; close in on.⁵
紧迫[緊迫] gīn-bēik
jǐnpò pressing; urgent; imminent.⁵
紧紧[緊緊] gīn-gīn
jǐnjǐn closely; firmly; tightly.⁵
紧跟[緊跟] gīn-gïn
jǐn'gēn follow closely; follow hard after.⁶
紧急[緊急] gīn-gīp
jǐnjí urgent; emergency.¹⁰
紧张[緊張] gīn-jëng
jǐnzhāng nervous; keyed up; intense; tense; strained; in short supply; scarce.¹⁰
紧箍咒[緊箍咒] gīn-kû-jiü
jǐngūzhòu Incantation of the Golden Hoop (used by the Monk in Journey to the West to keep Monkey King under control) – inhibition.⁵
紧邻[緊鄰] gīn-lĩn
jǐnlín close neighbor.⁵
紧锣密鼓[緊鑼密鼓] gīn-lũ-mìt-gū
jǐnluómìgǔ wildly beaten gongs and drums – intense publicity campaigm in preparation for some sinister undertaking.⁵
紧密[緊密] gīn-mìt
jǐnmì  inseparably close.¹⁰
紧身[緊身] gīn-sïn
jǐnshen close-fitting undergarment.⁵
紧缩[緊縮] gīn-sük
jǐnsuō reduce; retrench; tighten.⁵
紧俏[緊俏] gīn-tël
jǐnqiào (merchandise) in high demand.⁵
紧凑[緊湊] gīn-tëo
jǐncòu compact; terse; well-knit.⁵
紧要[緊要] gīn-yël
jǐnyào critical; crucial; vital.⁵
<台> 吃紧飯[吃緊飯] hëk-gīn-fàn I'm eating right now.
gin1 4761
120 17 gīn jǐn fine woven pattern.⁸ the threads in weaving very close together.²⁵
(composition: ⿰糹堇; U+430D).
gin1 4762
140 10 𦰩

gīn jǐn (=堇 gīn jǐn violet.).³⁶
(composition: ⿱廿⿻口夫; U+26C29).
<又> hön.
(See 𦰩 hön; 堇 gīn).
gin1 4763 26C29-jin.jpg
140 11 gīn jǐn erroneous character for 堇 gīn jǐn or gìn jìn.⁸ (Example: Wikipedia on the same page called the Viola tricolor (wild pansy) 三色堇 (correct according to 漢典) and 三色菫 (incorrect according to 漢典.)
<bot.> the celery,
Apium graveolens; the wild aconite.¹¹
(composition: ⿳艹一⿻口龶; U+83EB).
赤菫 chēik-gīn
chìjǐn the name of a hill, from whence tin is procured.²⁵ cf 赤堇山 chēik-gīn-sän.
菫荼如饴.[菫荼如飴.] Gīn-hũ-nguĩ yĩ.
Jǐn tú rú yí.
With its violets and sowthistles [sweet] as dumplings.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·文王之什·緜》, translated by James Legge).
菫菜 gīn-töi
jǐncài viola nigra, the violet, or pansy.²⁵ cf 堇菜 gīn-töi.
蔓生菫菜 màn-säng-gīn-töi
mànshēng jǐncài trinity, or  heart's ease.²⁵
山菫菜 sän-gīn-töi
shānjǐncài sanicula, or sanicle.²⁵
gin1 4764
140 14 gīn jǐn (=堇 gīn jǐn a wild vegetable, aka "dry celery".²  Viola verecunda, a kind of violet).³⁶
(composition: ⿱艹堇; U+84F3).
<又> gìn.
(See 蓳 gìn).
gin1 4765
149 18 gīn jǐn cautious; careful; sincerely (formal).
谨饬[謹飭] gīn-chēik or gīn-sēik jǐnchì sober and well-behaved.⁵
谨防[謹防] gīn-fõng
jǐnfáng to guard against (thief, pickpocket, fire, accident).
谨具[謹具] gīn-guì
jǐnjù respectfully submitted by.¹¹
谨启[謹啟] gīn-kāi
jǐnqǐ “respectfully yours” (in letters).
谨上[謹上] gīn-sèng
jǐnshàng “respectfully yours” (in letters).
谨慎[謹慎] gīn-sìn
jǐnshèn prudent; careful; cautious; circumspect.⁵
谨小慎微[謹小慎微] gīn-xēl-sìn-mĩ
jǐnxiǎoshènwēi overcautious.
拘谨[拘謹] guï-gīn
or kuï-gīn jūjǐn overcautious; reserved.⁵
勤谨[勤謹] kĩn-gīn
qínjin <wr.> diligent and prudent.
曲谨[曲謹] kūk-gīn
qūjǐn fastidious about details.
gin1 4766
184 19 gīn jǐn time of famine or crop failure.⁸
饥馑[飢饉] gï-gīn jījǐn (=饑饉 gï-gīn jījǐn) famine; crop failure.⁵ starvation.¹⁰ starvation resulting from crop failure.¹¹
饥馑频仍[饑饉頻仍] gï-gīn-pĩn-ngẽin
jījǐnpínréng famines occurred time and again.¹¹
gin1 4767
30 9 gïn gén <topo.> amusing, comical, funny;clownish speech or behavior, clowing, antics.⁵
捧哏 pūng-gïn pěnggén fall-guy; supporting role in comic dialog 对口相声[對口相聲] uï-hēo-xëng-sëin duìkǒu xiàngshēng.¹⁰
逗哏 èo-gïn
dòugén lead comic; leading role in comic dialog 对口相声[對口相聲] uï-hēo-xëng-sëin duìkǒu xiàngshēng; to joke; to play the fool; to provoke laughter.¹⁰
抓哏 jāo-gïn
zhuāgén (in Chinese operas or crosstalks) make ad lib jokes.³⁹
<又> ngïn.
(See 哏 ngïn.)
gin2 4768
50 3 gïn jīn Kangxi radical 50; towel; general purpose cloth; women's headcovering (old).¹⁰
巾栉[巾櫛] gïn-dēik jīnzhì towel and comb – concubine.¹⁴
巾帼[巾幗] gïn-gōk
jīnguó woman; woman's headdress (ancient).¹⁰
巾帼须眉[巾幗鬚眉] gïn-gōk-xü-mĩ
jīnguóxūméi woman with a manly spirit.¹⁰
巾帼英雄[巾幗英雄] gïn-gōk-yëin-hũng
jīnguóyīngxióng heroine.⁸
巾帻[巾幘] gïn-jāk
jīnzé head wrapper, turban.¹
毛巾 mão-gïn
máojīn towel.¹⁰
手巾 siū-gïn
shǒujīn towel; handkerchief.⁸
餐巾 tän-gïn
cānjīn table napkin.¹⁰
围巾[圍巾] vĩ-gïn
wéijīn muffler; scarf.⁶
gin2 4769
69 4 gïn jīn Kangxi radical 69; a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd.⁸ (variant: 觔 gïn jīn).
半斤八两[半斤八兩] bön-gïn-bät-lēng
bànjīnbāliǎng six of one, half a dozen of the other; not much to choose between the two.⁶
斤斗 gïn-ēo
jīndǒu <topo.> somersault.⁶
斤斤 gïn-gïn
jīnjīn particular about trivial things; fastidious.⁶
斤斤计较[斤斤計較] gïn-gïn-gäi-gäo
jīnjīnjìjiào or 斤斤较量[斤斤較量] gïn-gïn-gäo-lèng jīnjīnjiàoliàng be calculating and unwilling to make the smallest sacrifice, esp. in monetary matters.¹¹
斤斤其明 gïn-gïn-kĩ-mẽin
jīnjīnqímíng discerning; keen in observation; penetrating.⁷ paying close attention to every detail.¹¹
斤两[斤兩] gïn-lēng
jīnliǎng weight.⁵
公斤 güng-gïn
gōngjīn kilogram (kg.); kilo.⁶
千斤顶[千斤頂] tëin-gïn-ēin
qiānjīndǐng <mach.> hoisting jack; jack.⁵
(See 觔 gïn.)
gin2 4770
75 10 gïn gēn root; basis; measure word for long slender objects, e.g. cigarettes, guitar strings; radical (chemistry).¹⁰
根柢 gïn-āi gēndǐ (=根底 gïn-āi gēndǐ) foundation, root, grounding; cause, root, background.⁶
根本 gïn-bōn
gēnběn fundamental; basic; root; simply; absolutely (not); (not) at all.¹⁰
根部 gïn-bù
gēnbù rootage; root segment; root.⁸
根除 gïn-chuĩ
gēnchú exterminate, uproot (social evils); effect cure (of disease).¹¹
根茎[根莖] gïn-gèin
gēnjīng stolon; runner;  <bot.> rhizome.¹¹
根据[根據] gïn-guï
gēnjù on the basis of.¹¹
根治 gïn-jì
gēnzhì find a basic cure for (disease); find a basic solution for (social ills).¹¹
根苗 gïn-mẽl
gēnmiáo roots and shoots, beginnings.¹¹
根源 gïn-ngũn
gēnyuán origin; root (cause).¹⁰
根深柢固 gïn-sïm-āi-gü
gēnshēndǐgù (=根深蒂固 gïn-sïm-î-gü gēnshēndìgù) Only when the fibrous root is deeply fixed, can the taproot be stable. Used as a metaphor to express that the foundation is firm and unshakable.⁹
根深叶茂[根深葉茂] gïn-sïm-yêp-mào
gēnshēnyèmào to have deep roots and luxuriant leaves; to be well established and vigorously developing.⁹

gin2 4771
118 12 gïn jīn tendon, sinew,  muscle; veins that stand out under the skin; plant fibers resembling a tendon.⁷ (old variant: 荕 gïn).
筋道 gïn-ào
jīndao <topo.> (of food) chewy; (of a person) sturdy.⁶
筋节[筋節] gïn-dêik
jīnjié tendons and joints; forceful transition between passages in a piece of writing.⁷
or 斤斗 gïn-ēo jīndǒu a somersault.⁷
筋腱 gïn-gèin
jīnjiàn <phys.> sinews.⁵⁴
筋骨 gïn-gūt
jīngǔ ➀ bones and muscles – physique; build (of one's body)  ➁ strength.⁷
筋力 gïn-lèik
jīnlì physical strength.⁷
筋络[筋絡] gïn-lōk
jīnluò <phys.> tendons and veins.⁷
筋肉 gïn-ngùk
jīnròu muscle.⁷
筋肉组织[筋肉組織] gïn-ngùk-dū-jēik
jīnròu zǔzhī muscular tissue.⁷
筋疲力尽[筋疲力盡] gïn-pêh-lèik-dìn
jīnpílìjìn exhausted; worn/tired/played out.⁶
筋疲力竭 gïn-pêh-lèik-gèik
jīnpílìjié to be completely exhausted; to have used up all energy.⁷
牛筋草 ngẽo-gïn-tāo
niújīncǎo (=蟋蟀草 xēik-xūt-tāo xīshuàicǎo) Indian goosegrass, yard-grass, goosegrass, wiregrass, or crowfootgrass (Eleusine indica).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
<台> 反筋 fān-gïn cramps.
(See 荕 gïn).
gin2 4772
140 9 gïn jīn (<old>=筋 gïn jīn tendon, sinew,  muscle; veins that stand out under the skin; plant fibers resembling a tendon.⁷).⁸
(composition: ⿰艹肋; U+8355).
(See 筋 gïn).
gin2 4773
148 9 gïn jīn (=斤 gïn jīn) a unit of weight (=1/2 kilogram).⁵ sinews or muscular strength; a catty, equivalent to 1.10231 pounds.; also a 斤 gïn jīn.⁷
觔斗 gïn-ēo
jīndǒu a somersault.⁷
觔骨 gïn-gūt
jīngǔ bones and sinews.⁷
(See 斤 gïn.)
gin2 4774
149 13 gïn gěn difficulty in speaking; wrangling.¹⁴
<又> fōn, hān. (See 詪 fōn, 詪 hān.)
gin2 4775
157 13 gïn gēn heel (of the foot, a shoe, a sock); follow, go/come/be after; (of a woman) marry somebody; and.⁶
跟班 gīn-bän gēnbān an attendant (esp. of an official).⁷
跟不上 gīn-būt-sëng
gēnbushàng unable to keep pace with; unable to catch up with.⁷
跟进[跟進] gïn-dïn gēnjìn to follow suit.⁷
跟踪[跟蹤] gïn-düng
gēnzōng to follow other's tracks or footsteps; to pursue; to keep track of; to shadow; to tail.⁷
跟定 gīn-èin
gēndìng decide to follow (a leader) for good.⁷
跟风[跟風] gīn-füng
gēnfēng <topo.> me-tooism.⁷
跟官的 gīn-gön-ēik
gēnguānde attendant of an official.⁷
跟头[跟頭] gïn-hẽo
gēntou somersault; failure, frustration.⁷
跟着[跟著] gïn-jèk
gēnzhe going after, following; soon after that⁷
跟主儿[跟主兒] gïn-jī-ngĩ
gēnzhǔr to be a servant.⁷
跟人 gïn-ngĩn
gēnrén an attendant; a retainer.⁷
跟上 gïn-sèng
gēnshang keep pace with; catch up with.⁷
跟前 gïn-tẽin
gēnqián in front of, close to, near.⁵
跟前 gïn-tẽin
gēnqian (of one's children) living with one.⁵
跟随[跟隨] gïn-tuĩ
gēnsuí follow someone from behind; follower.⁵
跟从[跟從] gïn-tũng
gēncóng to follow; (of a woman) to get married; (old) attendant.¹⁰
<台> 打跟斗 ā-gïn-ēo
daa2 gan1 dau2 turn a somersault.
gin2 4776
9 13 gìn jìn <lit.> nearly; almost.³⁶
(comp. t: ⿰亻堇; U+50C5). (comp. s: ⿰亻又; U+4EC5).
士卒仅万人[士卒僅萬人] xù-dūt-gìn-màn-ngĩn
shìzújìnwànrén almost 10,000 soldiers.
<又> gīn.
(See 僅 gīn).
gin4 4777
32 11 gìn jìn (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 堇 gīn jǐn with the same meaning: clay; to smear, to daub; (=仅[僅] gīn jǐn only, merely, barely); (=廑 gīn jǐn a hut; careful); 堇子國 gīn-dū-gōk, a country which has 赤堇山 chēik-gīn-sän in today's southeast of Ningbo, Zhejiang; 堇隂 a placename in 晉.² yellow loam, clay; season; few.¹⁴ adhesive clay, yellow clay, loam, mire; to daub; a time, a season; few, scarce.²⁴ (<old> clay; (=蓳 gīn jǐn Viola verecunda, a kind of violet); (<old>=仅[僅] gīn jǐn only; merely; barely.⁵)).³⁶
(composition:  ⿱廿⿻口龶; U+5807).
<又> gīn.
(See 堇 gīn).
gin4 4778
32 14 gìn jìn to build with soil, plaster over with mud; coat with mud; bury.⁸ to fill cracks with mud (doors and windows).⁹ bury; plaster with mud.¹⁰ to plaster over with mud; to bury.¹⁴ (=堇 gīn jǐn, earth, clay; a little; also to plaster, to stop up with mud; to inter).²⁴ to plaster over with mud, to build with soil; to bury.³⁶
(composition: ⿰土堇; U+5890).
or 墐灶 gìn-dâo jìnzào to repair the stove.¹⁹
墐户[墐戶] gìn-fù
jìnhù to plaster up cracks.¹⁴
墐涂[墐塗] gìn-hũ
jìntú to smear with mud; clay.¹⁹
墐泥 gìn-nãi
jìnní use clay and mud.¹⁹
Hãng-yiû-xī-ngĩn, sèng-vàk-gìn-jï.

Xíng yǒu sǐrén, shàng huò jìn zhī.

On the road there is a dead man;
Some one will bury him.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·小旻之什·小弁》, translated by James Legge).
There is a corpse by the road, someone will probably bury him.¹⁴
(See 墐 gīn; 堇 gīn; cf 殣 gīn in the sense of 'inter' or 'bury').
gin4 4779
61 14 gìn jìn (=仅仅[僅僅] gīn-gīn jǐnjǐn only; merely; barely.⁵ only; merely; alone.⁶ only; hardly enough; barely.⁷merely; nearby.).⁸ and (=将近[將近] dëng-gìn jiāngjìn approximately; close to; nearby; almost.⁷).⁸
(composition: ⿰忄堇; U+616C).
<又> gīn, kĩm.
(See 慬 gīn; 慬 kĩm; 懄 kĩn).
gin4 4780
77 8 𣥍
gìn jìn (<old>=近 gìn jìn near; close to; approximately.¹⁰).²
(composition: ⿱止斤; U+2394D).
(See 近 gìn).
gin4 4781
140 14 gìn jìn (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 蓳 gīn jǐn with the same meaning: (=堇 gīn jǐn a wild vegetable, aka "dry celery".²  Viola verecunda, a kind of violet).³⁶
(composition: ⿱艹堇; U+84F3).
<又> gīn.
(See 蓳 gīn).
gin4 4782
147 18 gìn jìn present oneself before (a monarch); go on a pilgrimage.⁵
觐见[覲見] gìn-gëin jìnjiàn present oneself before (a monarch); go to court; have an audience with.⁵
觐礼[覲禮] gìn-lâi
jìnlǐ rituals performed during audience.⁷
觐亲[覲親] gìn-tïn
jìnqīn to visit parents.¹⁴
觐谒[覲謁] gìn-yēik
jìnyè present oneself before (a monarch).⁵⁴
入觐[入覲] yìp-gìn
rùjìn have an audience with (the king, emperor).¹¹
gin4 4783
162 7 gìn jìn near; close to; approximately.¹⁰
(old variant: 𣥍❄{⿱止斤} gìn jìn).
近在眉睫 gìn-dòi-mĩ-dèp
jìnzàiméijié close at hand.¹¹
近郊 gìn-gäo
jìnjiāo suburbs; outskirts.¹⁰
近畿 gìn-gï 
jìnjī in the vicinity of the royal capital.¹¹
近朱者赤,近墨者黑 gìn-jï-jēh-chēik, gìn-màk-jēh-hāk.
jìnzhūzhěchì, jìnmòzhěhēi. he who stays near vermilion gets stained red, and he who stays near ink gets stained black – one takes on the color of one's company.⁵
近期 gìn-kĩ
jìnqī near in time; in the near future; very soon; recent.¹⁰
近邻[近鄰] gìn-lĩn
jìnlín close neighbor.¹⁰
近来[近來] gìn-lõi
jìnlái recently; lately.¹⁰
近年 gìn-nẽin
jìnnián recent year(s).¹⁰
近代 gìn-òi
jìndài modern times.⁵
近视[近視] gìn-sì
jìnshi shortsighted; nearsighted; myopia.¹⁰
近似 gìn-xû
jìnsì similar; about the same as; approximately; approximation.¹⁰
平易近人 pẽin-yì-gìn-ngĩn
píngyìjìnrén amiable and approachable (idiom); easy-going; modest and unassuming; (of writing) plain and simple; easy to understand.¹⁰
<又> kïn.
(See 近 kïn; 𣥍❄{⿱止斤} gìn).
gin4 4784
177 13 gìn jìn <wr.> to ridicule.¹¹ ornamental trappings under the neck of a hores; stingy; Jin surname.⁷
靳固 gìn-gü jìngù firm; unwilling to part with.¹⁴
靳制其行 gìn-jäi-kĩ-hãng
jìnzhìqíxíng the martingale impedes his progress.¹⁴
靳令 gìn-lèin
jìnlìng rigorously enforce the laws.¹⁹
靳惜 gìn-xēik
jìnxī be reluctant to part with.¹¹
gin4 4785
9 15 𠎷
gīp (composition: ⿰亻⿱夭韭; U+203B7).
傝𠎷❄{⿰亻⿱夭韭} hāp-gīp tàsǎ hate, loathe, bad, evil; some say disrespectful.²
gip1 4786
61 9 gīp urgent.
狗急跳墙[狗急跳牆] gēo-gīp-hẽl-tẽng gǒujítiàoqiáng A cornered beast will do something desperate. – A person takes desperate measures in a critical situation.⁷
急迫 gīp-bēik
jípò urgent; pressing; imperative.¹⁰
急湍 gīp-chūn
jítuān a rushing current.⁵
急遽 gīp-guì
jíjù do things in a hurry.¹¹
急起直追 gīp-hī-jèik-juï
jíqǐzhízhuī to do one's utmost to overtake.
急症 gīp-jëin
jízhèng acute diseases.¹⁴
急忙 gīp-mõng
jímáng in a hurry.
急驶[急駛] gīp-sōi
jíshǐ drive at high speed.⁵⁴
急促 gīp-tūk
jícù hastily; short (of time); pressing.
急需 gīp-xuï
jíxū need badly.⁵
气急[氣急] hï-gīp
qìjí breathless; panting.⁶
气急败坏[氣急敗壞] hï-gīp-bài-vài
qìjíbàihuài be flustered and exasperated; be utterly discomfitted.⁶
着急[著急] jèk-gīp
zháojí to worry; to feel anxious.
情急智生 tẽin-gīp-jï-säng
qíngjízhìshēng hit on a good idea in a moment of desperation.⁵
gip1 4787
106 7 gīp (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 皀 bìt bī with the same meaning: a kernel.⁸ one grain.¹⁰ the fragrance of grain.²⁴)
(composition: ⿱白匕; U+7680).
<又> bìt; hëng. (See 皀 bìt; 皀 hëng).
gip1 4788
177 12 gīp <topo.> wear one's cloth shoes with the back part of the uppers trodden down; slip on (slippers).⁶ a child's shoes.⁷ children's shoe (old); to wear one's shoes babouche style.¹⁰  wear cloth shoes with the backs turned in.²⁹
靸鞋 gīp-hãi or jàp-hãi sǎxié slippers; cloth clog.⁶ slippers.⁷ a kind of cloth shoes, with cloth soles, used by laborers; children's shoes; <wr.> sandals; a special kind of workman's slippers with cloth sole and leather top.¹¹
<又> hāt, jàp.
(See 靸 hāt; 靸 jàp).
gip1 4789
177 15 gīp (<old>=靸 gīp <topo.> wear one's cloth shoes with the back part of the uppers trodden down; slip on (slippers).⁶ a child's shoes.⁷ children's shoe (old); to wear one's shoes babouche style.¹⁰  wear cloth shoes with the backs turned in.²⁹).⁸ feather shoes.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰革合; U+9788).
gip1 4790
9 5 gīt Gelao or Klau ethnic group of 贵州[贵州] Gï-jiü Guìzhōu Guizhou Province.
仡佬族 Gīt-lāo-dùk
Gēlǎozú the Gelo nationality.
<又> kēik.
(See 仡 kēik.)
git1 4791
9 8 gīt <wr.> robust; sturdy.⁶
佶屈聱牙 or 诘屈聱牙[詰屈聱牙] gīt-vūt-ngão-ngã jíqū áoyá be full of difficult, unpronounceable words; be awkward reading.⁶
git1 4792
19 8 gīt jié <wr.> cautious.⁹ careful; diligent; firm.¹⁰  <wr.> prudent, discreet, cautious; industrious, dilegent.⁵
git1 4793
30 6 gīt lucky, auspicious.
大吉大利 ài-gīt-ài-lì dàjídàlì good luck and great prosperity (an expression of good wishes).
百事大吉 bāk-xù-ài-gīt
bǎishìdàjí Everything is fine.
不吉之兆 būt-gīt-jï-sêl
bùjízhīzhào unlucky omen.
吉他 gīt-hä
jíta <loan> guitar.
吉庆[吉慶] gīt-hëin
jíqìng auspicious; propitious; good fortune.¹⁰
吉利 gīt-lì
jílì auspicious; propitious; good luck.
吉林 Gīt-lĩm
Jílín Jilin Province.
吉隆坡 Gīt-lũng-bö
Jílóngpō Kuala Lumpur.
吉普 gīt-pū
jípǔ <loan> Jeep.
吉祥 gīt-tẽng
jíxiáng lucky; auspicious; propitious.⁵
吉祥如意 gīt-tẽng-nguĩ-yï
jíxiángrúyì (wish you) good fortune and receive everything you desire.
万事大吉[萬事大吉] màn-xù-ài-gīt
wànshìdàjí Everything is just fine.
成吉思汗 Sẽin-gīt-xü-hõn
Chéngjísīhán (1162-1227)  Genghis Khan (Chinggis Khaan).
从吉[從吉] tũng-gīt
cóngjí to set aside a dress to attend somebody's wedding.
<台> 吉胜[吉勝] gīt-sëin <euph.> [通书[通書] hüng-sï
tōngshū almanac; ephemeris.
git1 4794
38 9 gīt concubine; prudent; Ji surname.⁸ a wife or chief concubine of Huangdi.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰女吉; U+59DE).
燕姞 yên gīt yàn jí Yan Ji, Duke Wen of Zheng's concubine of the state 郑[鄭] jèng zhèng Zheng  (B.C. 670), who dreamed that a spirit gave her an orchid flower, telling her he was Bo Tiao (伯鯈 bāk hẽl bó tiáo), her ancestor; an officer explained the dream to foreshow that she would rise like her ancient namesake to high position.¹⁰²ʼ⁰

git1 4795
75 10 gīt jié Platycodon grandiflorus; water bucket.¹⁰
桔梗 gīt-gāng
jiégěng Chinese bellflower (Platycodon grandiflorus); used in TCM.¹⁵
桔梗花 gīt-gāng-fä
jiégěnghuā a bellflower.³⁹ Platycodon grandiflorum flower.¹⁹ bellwort flower.⁵⁴
桔槔 gīt-gäo
jiégāo a well sweep, a device with a water bucket raised and lowered in a well by means of a lever.⁷
(See 桔 [gīt, ].)
git1 4796
75 10 gīt (=abbreviated form of 橘 gūt ), mandarin orange or tangerine.⁷ (Note: 桔 gīt is more commonly used in Guangdong as opposed to 橘 gūt .)
金桔 gïm-gīt
jīnjú (=金橘 gïm-gūt jīnjú) kumquat.⁹
柑桔 gâm-gīt
gānjú (=柑橘 gâm-gūt gānjú) oranges and tangerines; citrus.⁵
桔饼[桔餅] gīt-bēng
or 橘饼[橘餅] gūt-bēng júbǐng a dried orange flattened like a cake.⁷
桔子 gīt-dū
júzi (=橘子 gūt-dū júzi) a small mandarin orange; mandarin oranges; tangerines.⁷
(See 桔 [gīt, jié]; 橘 gūt.)
git1 4797
142 9 gīt a flea.⁷ a flea; species of beetle.¹⁴
虼蹦子 gīt-bäng-dū gèbèngzi <topo.> flea.⁵⁴
虼蚤 gīt-dāo
gèzao <vern.> flea.⁵
虼子 gīt-dū
gèzi a flea.¹⁴
虼螂 gīt-lõng
gèláng dung beetle.⁶
git1 4798
149 13 gīt 诘屈[詰屈] or 佶屈 gīt-vūt jíqū bent and twisting.³⁹
or 佶屈聱牙 gīt-vūt-ngão-ngã jíqū áoyá be full of difficult, unpronounceable words; be awkward reading.⁶
<又> gēik.
(See 詰 gēik.)
git1 4799
196 17 gīt (composition: ⿰吉鳥; U+9D36).
鴶鵴 gīt-gūk jíjú special name for cuckoo (Cercococcyx spp.).¹³ the turtledove.²⁵
鴶鸲[鴶鴝] gīt-kuĩ
jíqú (=鴶鵴 gīt-gūk jíjú special name for cuckoo (Cercococcyx spp.).¹³ the turtledove.²⁵).¹⁹
git1 4800
18 8 gït qià to strip the skin of the face; an imminent calamity, to engrave; (Cant.) to pierce.⁸ to flay the skin off the face; to tattoo.²⁴
<台> 㓤 gït to prick.
<台> 㓤穿 gït-chün to puncture; to pierce.
git2 4801
64 9 gït jié <台> 拮手仔 gït-siū-dōi to prick a finger (to draw a blood sample).
<台> 拮❄{⿰口旧}叉烧[拮嚿叉燒] gït-gào-chä-sěl to pick up a piece of roast pork by jabbing it (as with a toothpick).
<台> 尼簕拮噍我 nāi-läk-gït-dêl-ngöi the thorns pricked me.
<又> gēik.
(See 拮 gēik.)
git2 4802
112 15 gït qià to flay.²⁵
(composition: ⿰石害; U+78CD).
<又> hàt; ä. (See 磍 hàt; 磍 ä).
git2 4803
30 6 gìt <台> 粥好吉 jūk-hāo-gìt the congee is thick (dense, not watery).
git4 4804
4 丿 3 giū jiǔ long time; for a long time; of specified duration.
不久 būt-giū bùjiǔ soon; before long; soon after.
长久[長久] chẽng-giū
chángjiǔ for a long time.
持久 chĩ-giū
chíjiǔ hold out long, last.
久别重逢[久別重逢] giū-bèik-chũng-fũng
jiǔbiéchóngféng meet again after a long separation.⁵
久病初瘥 giū-bèng-chö-châi
jiǔbìngchūchài have just recovered from a lingering illness.⁶
久负盛名[久負盛名] giū-fù-sèin-mẽin
jiǔfùshèngmíng Have great fame for a long time.⁹
久经风霜[久經風霜] giū-gëin-füng-söng
jiǔjīngfēngshuāng have experienced all sorts of hardships.⁶
久经沙场[久經沙場] giū-gëin-sä-chẽng
jiǔjīngshāchǎng undergo war for a long time (沙场: war ground); fig. One has a lot of knowledge and experience.⁹
久久 giū-giū
jiǔjiǔ for a very long time.
久而久之 giū-ngĩ-giū-jï
jiǔ'érjiǔzhī  in the course of time; as time passes.
久视[久視] giū-sì
jiǔshì stare at constantly; (Daoist) immortality; era name of reign of 武则天[武則天] Mû Dāk-hëin Wǔ Zétiān from May 27, 700 to February 15, 701 CE.
久违[久違] giū-vĩ
jiǔwéi have not seen for a long time.⁶
好久 hāo-giū
hǎojiǔ quite a while.¹⁰
giu1 4805
5 2 giū jiǔ nine.
九节狸[九節狸] giū-dêik-lĩ jiǔjiélí <zoo.> zibet; large Indian civet.⁵
九畿 giū-gï
jiǔjī the nine tenures, extending each 500 li around the royal tenure.²⁴
九龙[九龍] Giū-lũng
Jiǔlóng Kowloon.
九龙壁[九龍壁] Giū-lũng-bēik
Jiǔlóngbì Nine-Dragon Wall.
九牛二虎之力 giū-ngẽo-ngì-fū-jï-lèik
jiǔniú'èrhǔ zhī lì strength of nine bulls and two tigers – tremendous effort.⁶
九牛一毛 giū-ngẽo-yīt-mão
jiǔniúyīmáo a drop in the bucket.
九月 giū-ngùt
jiǔyuè September; ninth month (of the lunar year).
九段棋手 giū-òn-kĩ-siū
jiǔduànqíshǒu 9th grade weiqi master. ⁶
九十 giū-sìp
jiǔshí ninety.
九层塔[九層塔] giū-tãng-hāp
jiǔcéngtǎ basil.
九死一生 giū-xī-yīt-säng
jiǔsǐyīshēng narrow escape from death.
广九铁路[廣九鐵路] Gōng-Giū-hëik-lù
Guǎng-Jiǔ Tiělù Canton-Kowloon Railway.
港九 Kōng-Giū
Gǎng-Jiǔ Hong Kong-Kowloon.⁷
giu1 4806
85 5 氿 giū jiǔ used for lake names.⁹
(composition: ⿰氵九; U+6C3F).
东氿[東氿] üng-giū dōngjiǔ Dongjiu, lake in Jiāngsū.⁹
西氿 xäi-giū
xījiǔ Xijiu, also a lake in Jiāngsū.⁹
<又> gī; kiũ.
(See 氿 gī; 氿 kiũ).
giu1 4807
96 7 giū jiǔ nine (used for the numeral 九 giū jiǔ on checks, etc., to avoid mistakes or alterations).⁵ <wr.> jade-like black stone.⁶
琼玖[瓊玖] kẽin-giū
qióngjiǔ fine jade.⁷ beautiful jade.¹¹
yīt ngì xäm xï m̄ lùk tīt bät giū sìp
yī'èrsānsìwǔlùqībājiǔshí numbers 1 to 10 (used on checks for security purposes) same as 一二三四五六七八九十.
giu1 4808
140 12 giū jiǔ scallion, leek.⁸  (archaic=韭 giū jiǔ) scallion, leek.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹韭; U+97EE).
(See 韭 giū).
giu1 4809
149 12 giū gòu (<old>=诟[詬] giū gòu) a sense of shame; to shame; to abuse; to rail at.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰訁句; U+8A3D).
闭门而訽之[閉門而訽之] bäi-mõn-ngĩ-giū-jï
bìménérgòuzhī shut the door and abused him.²⁵
訽耻[訽恥] giū-chī
gòuchǐ disgrace; shame.²⁵
or 诟詈[詬詈] giū-lì gòulì to berate; to vituperate.⁷
訽哗[訽嘩] giū-vä
gòuhuā to scold someone loudly.¹⁹
谈訽[談訽] hãm-giū
tángòu (=嘲骂[嘲罵] jäo-mà cháomà)¹⁹ to sneer and swear.⁶
or 謑诟[謑詬] hī-giū xǐgòu (=辱骂[辱罵] yùk-mà rǔmà)¹⁹ abuse; call somebody names; hurl insults.⁵
冒訽 mào-giū
màogòu (=蒙受耻辱)¹⁹ to suffer humiliation.⁰
or 忍诟[忍詬] ngîn-giū rěngòu (=忍受耻辱)¹⁹ to endure humiliation.⁰
(See 詬 giū).
giu1 4810
149 13 giū gòu <wr.> shame; humiliation; to revile, to talk abusively.⁵ a sense of shame; to shame; to abuse; to rail at.¹⁴
(variant: 訽 giū gòu).
嗔诟[嗔詬] chïn-giū
chēngòu to curse in rage; to berate.¹⁰
诟病[詬病] giū-bèng
gòubìng <wr.> denounce; castigate.⁵ <wr.> blame; denounce; censure; accuse.⁶
诟感之情[詬感之情] giū-gām-jï-tẽin
gòugǎnzhīqíng sentiments of shame and thankfulness.¹⁴
诟厉[詬厲] giū-lài
gòulì to shame; ashamed.⁷ to abuse harshly.¹⁴
or 訽詈 giū-lì gòulì to berate; to vituperate.⁷
诟骂[詬罵] giū-mà
gòumà revile; abuse; vilify.⁵  <wr.> abuse; curse; revile; vilify.⁶ to berate; to abuse.⁷ to curse.¹⁴
诟辱[詬辱] giū-yùk
gòurǔ to insult; to shaem; to mortify; mortification; an insult.⁷
攘诟[攘詬] ngẽng-giū
rǎnggòu clear oneself of dishonor.¹⁰
为世诟病[為世詬病] vĩ-säi-giū-bèng
wéishìgòubìng to become an object of public denunciation.⁵
尤诟[尤詬] yiũ-giū
yóugòu shame; disgrace.¹⁰
(See 訽 giū).
giu1 4811
179 9 giū jiǔ Kangxi radical 179; scallion, leek.⁸ (old variant: 韮 giū jiǔ).
韭菜 giū-tôi
jiǔcài garlic chives; Chinese chives.¹¹
韭菜花 giū-tôi-fä
jiǔcàihuā the leek flowers.¹¹
韭黄[韭黃] giū-võng
jiǔhuáng tender, yellowish leek.¹¹
台湾水韭[台灣水韭] hõi-vän-suī-giū
táiwānshuǐjiǔ Taiwanese quillwort (Isoetes taiwanensis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
献羔祭韭...[獻羔祭韭...] Hün-gäo-däi-giū...
Xiàn gāo jì jiǔ... Having offered in sacrifice a lamb with scallions...⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·豳風·七月·8》, translated by James Legge).
中华水韭[中華水韭] jüng-vã-suī-giū
zhōnghuáshuǐjiǔ or 华水韭[華水韭] vã-suī-giū huáshuǐjiǔ the narrow quillwort (Isoetes sinensis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
芽韭 ngã-giū
yájiǔ leek sprout, pale yellowish.¹¹
水韭属[水韭屬] suī-giū-sùk
shuǐjiǔshǔ quillworts, the genus Isoetes.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
乌韭[烏韭] vü-giū
wūjiǔ <bot.> the rock fern, a water plant; aka  石衣 sêk-yï shíyī  and 石苔 sêk-hõi shítái.¹¹
(See 韮 giū).
giu1 4812
22 5 giü jiù (=柩 giü jiù) a coffin with a corpse in it.⁷).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿷匚久; U+531B).
(See 柩 giü.)
giu2 4813
22 19 giü jiù (=柩 giü jiù) a coffin with a corpse in it.⁷).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿷匚舊; U+5336).
(See 柩 giü.)
giu2 4814
30 8 giü jiù fault; to blame; to punish; calamity; misfortune.¹⁰
归咎[歸咎] gï-giü guījiù to blame; to declare to be at fault.¹⁰
归咎于[歸咎於] gï-giü-yï
guījiùyú to attribute to.¹⁰
既往不咎 gï-vông-būt-giü
jìwǎngbùjiù let bygones be bygones; do not censure somebody for his past misdeeds; do not go into past misdeeds.⁸
咎由自取 giü-yiũ-dù-tuī
jiùyóuzìqǔ (one) has only (oneself) to blame.¹¹
任咎 ngìm-giü
rènjiù <wr.> to take the blame.¹⁰
引咎 yîn-giü
yǐnjiù <wr.> to take the blame; to accept responsibility (for a mistake).¹⁰
引咎自责[引咎自責] yîn-giü-dù-jāk
yǐnjiùzìzé take the blame upon  oneself; to bear the blame and reproach oneself; to blame oneself.³⁹
giu2 4815
53 广 12 giü jiù stable; cattle-shed; pen.⁵ stable; barnyard.⁸ stable, stall.⁵⁴
(comp. t: ⿸广⿰殳; U+5EC4). (comp. s: ⿸厂既; U+53A9).
厩卒[廄卒] giü-dūt
or gëo-dūt jiùzú a groom.⁷
厩肥[廄肥] giü-fĩ
or gëo-fĩ jiùféi <agr.> barnyard manure.⁶
Giü-fũn. Dū huï chẽl, yòt: "Sëng-ngĩn-fũ?" Būt mùn mâ.
Jiù fén. Zǐ tuì cháo, yuē: "Shāng rén hū?" Bù wèn mǎ.
The stable being burned down, when he was at court, on his return he said, "Has any man been hurt?" He did not ask about the horses.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《論語·鄉黨·12》, translated by James Legge),
马厩[馬廄] mâ-giü
or mâ-gëo mǎjiù stable.⁵
Sẽin mâ dòi giü, tuï jï mòt jï,
Chéng mǎ zài jiù, cuī zhī mò zhī.
The teams of steeds are in the stable,
Fed with forage and grain. (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·桑扈之什·鴛鴦·3》, translated by James Legge),
撒厩肥机[撒廄肥機] xät-giü-fĩ-gï
or xät-gëo-fĩ-gï sǎjiùféijī fertilizer distributor; manure spreader.⁵⁴
<又> gëo.
(See 廄 gëo.)

giu2 4816
53 广 12 giü jiù demotic character for 廏 giü jiù stable; barnyard.⁸
(composition: ⿸广既 or ⿸广旣; U+5ED0).
(See 廏 giü).
giu2 4817
53 广 14 giü jiù stable; barnyard.⁸ (variants: 廐,廄 giü jiù; 廄 gëo jiù).²
(composition: ⿸广𣪘; U+5ECF).
(See 廐 giü; 廄 giü or 廄 gëo).
giu2 4818
64 10 giü jiù (=救 giü jiù) help, relieve; rescue, save, salvage.⁶ long and curved.⁸
(composition: ⿰扌求; U+6344).
Yiû-mũng-gī-xün, yiû-giü-gēik-bï.
Yǒu méng guǐ sūn, yǒu jiù jí bǐ.
Well loaded with millet were the dishes,
And long and curved were spoons of thorn-wood.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·小旻之什·大東·1》, translated by James Legge).
(See 救 giü.)
giu2 4819
66 11 giü jiù help, relieve; rescue, save, salvage.⁶ (variant: 捄 giü jiù).
救济[救濟] giü-däi
jiùjì provide relief to; relieve; succor.⁶
救灾[救災] giü-döi
jiùzāi provide disaster relief, send relief to a disaster area; ward off disaster.⁶
救火 giü-fō
jiùhuǒ fight a fire; try to put out a fire.⁶
救急 giü-gīp
jiùjí help deal with an emergency.⁶
救国[救國] giü-gōk
jiùguó save the nation⁶
救国救民[救國救民] giü-gōk-giü-mĩn
jiùguó jiùmín save the country and the people from impending danger.⁶
救助 giü-jò
jiùzhù render assistance in time of distress; succor; salvage.⁶
救命 giü-mèng
jiùmìng save somebody's life; Help!⁵
救亡 giü-mõng
jiùwáng save the nation from subjugation; strive for national salvation.⁶
救人 giü-ngĩn
jiùrén to save a person.¹⁰
救生 giü-säng
jiùshēng to save the dying; to save one's life; lifesaving.⁷
救赎[救贖] giü-sùk
jiùshú to save (a soul); redemption.¹⁰
救活 giü-vòt
jiùhuó bring back to life; revive.⁶
救护[救護] giü-vù
jiùhù give first-aid; rescue.⁶
救星 giü-xêng
jiùxīng savior; liberator; emancipator.⁶
救援 giü-yõn
jiùyuán rescue; come to somebody's rescue.⁶
(See 捄 giü.)
giu2 4820
75 9 giü jiù a coffin with a corpse in it.⁷ (variant: 匛 giü jiù).
(composition: ⿰木匛; U+67E9).
出柩 chūt-giü
or chūt-giù chūjiù to carry out the coffin.¹⁰²
柩车[柩車] giü-chëh
or giù-chëh jiùchē hearse.⁵
棺柩 gön-giü
or gön-giù guānjiù coffin.⁹ coffin with a corpse.⁵⁴
停柩 hẽin-giü
or hẽin-giù tíngjiù a coffin still unburied.¹⁰²
灵柩[靈柩] lẽin-giü
or lẽin-giù língjiù a coffin containing a corpse; bier.⁵
旅柩 luî-giü
or luî-giù lǚjiù coffins of people who die from home.¹⁰²
Wàng jiù bù gē.
When one sees at a distance a coffin with the corpse in it, he should not sing.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·曲禮上·67》, translated by James Legge).
运柩[運柩] vùn-giü
or vùn-giù yùnjiù to take a body home; to carry torches with it.¹⁰²
送柩 xüng-giü
or xüng-giù sòngjiù to accompany a funeral; to carry a body to its ancestral tomb.¹⁰²
<又> giù.
(See 柩 giù; 匛 giü).
giu2 4821
86 7 giü jiǔ TCM to cauterize by burning moxa; moxa cautery; moxibustion. ⁷cauterize with moxa; moxibustion.⁸
灸疮[灸瘡] giü-chông jiǔchuāng to raise a blister by cauterization, as a counter-irritant.¹⁴
灸灾[灸災] giü-döi
jiǔzāi to ward off noxious influences.¹⁴
灸点[灸點] giü-ēm
jiǔdiǎn moxa-treatment points.¹⁹
灸法 giü-fāt
jiǔfǎ moxibustion (TCM).¹⁰
灸治 giü-jì
jiǔzhì to treat by moxa cautery or moxibustion.⁷
灸术[灸術] giü-sùt
jiǔshù byssocausis; moxibustion.⁵⁴
灸刺 giü-xü
jiǔcì cautery and acupuncture.⁷
灸师[灸師] giü-xü
jiǔshī master of acupuncture and moxibustion.³⁹
针灸[針灸] jïm-giü
zhēnjiǔ acupuncture and moxibustion.⁵
艾绒灸[艾絨灸] ngài-ngũng-giü
àiróngjiǔ to cauterize with moxa.¹⁴
giu2 4822
104 8 giü jiù <wr.> be filled with remorse; be remorseful; feel guilty.⁶
负疚[負疚] fù-giü fùjiù <wr.> feel apologetic/guilty.⁶
疚愧 giü-kï
jiùkuì feel ashamed and remorseful; be conscience-stricken.⁶
疚怀[疚懷] giü-vãi
jiùhuái ashamed.⁷
疚心 giü-xïm
jiùxīn ashamed.⁷
歉疚 hēp-giü
qiànjiù have a guilty conscience; be sorry/apologetic.⁶
茕茕在疚[煢煢在疚] kẽin-kẽin-dòi-giü
qióngqióngzàijiù left desolate in his illness.¹⁴
愧疚 kï-giü
kuìjiù to feel the discomfort of shame; to feel a sense of guilt; to suffer a guilty conscience.⁷
内疚[內疚] nuì-giü
nèijiù conscience-stricken; guilty.⁶
giu2 4823
116 7 giü jiū examine, investigate.⁸
究办[究辦] giü-bàn jiūbàn investigate and mete out due punishment to (person involved).¹¹
究诘[究詰] giü-gēik
jiūjié ask for an explanation.¹¹
究竟 giü-gèin/
jiūjìng outcome; exactly, after all.⁸
究究 giü-giü
jiūjiū mutual hatred; non-stop appearance.⁵⁴
究问[究問] giü-mùn
jiūwèn examine, question (a suspect, criminal), inquire into.¹¹
究断[究斷] giü-òn
jiūduàn investigate and decide.¹¹
究细儿[究細兒] giü-xäi-ngĩ
jiūxìr make a detailed investigation of.¹¹
讲究[講究] gōng-giü
jiǎngjiu stylish, fastidious, chic.¹¹
探究 häm-giü
tànjiū probe to the bottom.¹¹
考究 hāo-giü
kǎojiu delve into, go thoroughly into (a case, question); fashionable, stylish.¹¹
学究[學究] hòk-giü
xuéjiū a pedant.¹¹
追究 juï-giü
zhuījiū follow up a clue, probe.¹¹
研究 ngẽin-giü
or ngëin-giü yánjiū study, research; consider, discuss, deliberate.⁶
giu2 4824
134 6 giü jiù Kangxi radical 134; mortar; bone joint socket.⁸ mortar; any mortar-shaped thing; joint (of bones).⁵ a mortar for unhusking rice; a socket at a bone joint; Jiu surname.⁷
髀臼 bī-giü bìjiù or 髀枢[髀樞] bī-kuï bìshū the socket of the thigh bone.¹⁴
不落窠臼 būt-lòk-vö-giü
bùluòkējiù not follow the beaten track; have an original style.¹⁰ show originality; be unconventional.⁵⁴
杵臼 chuî-giü
chǔjiù mortar and pestle.⁵
臼齿[臼齒] giü-chī
jiùchǐ the molars.⁷
臼杵 giü-chuî
jiùchǔ pestle and mortar.¹⁴
臼子 giü-dū
jiùzǐ a mortar.¹⁴
臼炮 giü-päo 
jiùpào (weaponry) a mortar.⁷
臼窠 giü-vö
jiùkē (=窠臼 vö-giù kējiù) old rut; set pattern.⁸
脱臼[脫臼] höt-giü
tuōjiù dislocation of joints.⁵
门臼[門臼] mõn-giü
ménjiù door socket.⁵⁴
石臼 sêk-giü
shíjiù stone mortar.⁵
窠臼 vö-giü
kējiù old rut; set pattern.⁸
<又> giù.
(See 臼 giù.)
giu2 4825
140 5 giü qiú far away wasteland; mat made of grass.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹九; U+827D).
艽野 giü-yêh qiúyě far away wasteland.⁸
禽兽有艽,人民有室.[禽獸有艽,人民有室.] Kĩm-chiü yiü giü, ngĩn-mĩn yiü sīt.
Qínshòu yiü qiú, rénmín yiü shì. Birds and beasts live in nests and dens; people live in houses.⁸
Ngô-jëin-tũ-xäi, jï-yï giü-yêh.
Wǒ zhēng cú xī, zhìyú qiú yě.
I marched on this expedition to the west,
As far as this wilderness of Qiu.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·北山之什·小明·1》, translated by James Legge)
<又> gäo.
(See 艽 gäo.)
giu2 4826
140 11 giü jiù a kind of plant, name of a variety of grass.⁸ also the name of a plant.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹咎; U+44D8).
<又> gäo. (See 䓘 gäo).
giu2 4827
75 9 giù jiù (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 柩 giü jiù with same meaning: a coffin with a corpse in it.⁷)
<又> giü.
(See 柩 giü.)
giu4 4828
134 6 giù jiù (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 臼 giü jiù with same meaning: Kangxi radical 134; mortar; bone joint socket.⁸ mortar; any mortar-shaped thing; joint (of bones).⁵ a mortar for unhusking rice; a socket at a bone joint; Jiu surname.⁷)
<又> giü.
(See 臼 giü.)
giu4 4829
134 17 giù jiù old (not new); past; bygone; used; worn; former; onetime; old friendship; old friend.
旧调重弹[舊調重彈] giù-èl-chũng-hãn jiùdiàochóngtán sing the same old tune.
旧居[舊居] giù-guï
jiùjū former residence; old home.
旧时[舊時] giù-sĩ
jiùshí old times.
旧雨[舊雨] giù-yî
jiùyǔ an old friend or customer.¹¹
旧雨新知[舊雨新知] giù-yî-xïn-jï
jiùyǔxīnzhī clients, old and new; one's old and new friends.⁵⁴
仍旧[仍舊] ngẽin-giù
réngjiù to remain the same; (=仍然 ngẽin-ngẽin réngrán) still, yet.
新旧[新舊] xïn-giù
xīn-jiù new and old.¹⁰
依旧[依舊] yī-giù
yījiù as before; still.
giu4 4830
140 9 𦭻
giù jiù a medicinal plant.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱艹臼; U+26B7B).
鬼𦭻❄{⿱艹臼} gī-giù guǐjiù a vegetable production, called also the "octagon dish", and the "old woman's mirror". Every year when a plant appears the old one dies away, hence it is called "kill mother plant".²⁵
giu4 4831
9 10 luǒ (=裸 gō luǒ) be bare, naked, exposed, uncovered.⁶
(See 裸 gō.)
go1 4832
9 23 luǒ (=裸 gō luǒ) be bare, naked, exposed, uncovered.⁶
(See 裸 gō.)
go1 4833
30 10 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 哥 gū with same meaning.)
芝加哥 Jï-gä-gō
Zhījiāgē Chicago.
<又> gū.
(See 哥 gū.)
go1 4834
30 10   excellent; to commend; to be able to. Also read kě.¹⁴
哿矣富人哀此茕独[哿矣富人哀此煢獨] gō-yì-fü-ngĩn öi-xū-kẽin-ùk 
gěyǐfùrén āicǐqióngdú The rich may get through life well; but alas for the miserable and solitary.¹⁴
(Note: Kangxi Dictionary has 哿矣富人哀此惸獨.² Matthews' used 煢 kẽin
qióng for 惸 kẽin qióng, similar meaning.)
go1 4835
32 16 𡑤
luǒ (<old>=裸 gō luǒ be bare, naked, exposed, uncovered.⁶).²
(composition: ⿱吂⿲月土凡; U+21464).
(See 裸 gō).
go1 4836
75 8 guǒ fruit; result, effect; as expected, really; resolute.⁶
(variant: 菓 gō guǒ). (See 菓 gō).
果不其然 gō-būt-kĩ-ngẽin
guǒbuqírán (just) as expected.⁶
果酱[果醬] gō-dëng
guǒjiàng jam.¹⁰
果子 gō-dū
guǒzi fruit.⁶
果子狸 gō-dū-lĩ
guǒzilí masked or gem-faced civet.⁵
果子露 gō-dū-lù
guǒzilù fruit syrup.⁵
果敢 gō-gām
guǒgǎn courageous; resolute and daring.¹⁰
果赳 gō-gēl
guǒjiū decisive.¹⁴
果核 gō-hàt
guǒhé pit; stone; core.⁹
果汁 gō-jīp
guǒzhī fruit juice.⁶
果然 gō-ngẽin
guǒrán really; as expected; long-tailed black monkey with a white face.
果饵[果餌] gō-nì
guǒ'ěr candies and cakes; confectionery.⁵
果农[果農] gō-nũng
guǒnóng fruit grower; orchardman.⁶
果断[果斷] gō-òn
guǒduàn resolute; decisive.⁶
果皮 gō-pĩ
guǒpí fruit peel/skin; rind.⁶
果树[果樹] gō-sì
guǒshù fruit trees.¹¹
果实[果實] gō-sìt
guǒshí fruit; gains, fruits.⁵
果菜 gō-töi
guǒcài fruits and vegetables.
果冻[果凍] gō-üng
guǒdòng jelly; jello; gel.⁶
果蝇[果蠅] gō-yẽin
guǒyíng fruit fly.¹⁰
果园[果園] gō-yõn
guǒyuán orchard.
go1 4837
75 25 luǒ a tree with soft fruits.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰木纍; U+6B19).
<又> lõ. (See 欙 lõ).
go1 4838
90 9 a stake to which a boat may be moored.⁷ mooring stake; painter, mooring.⁸
牂牁 Dòng-gō Zāngkē Zangke ancient name of 贵州[贵州] Gï-jiü Guìzhōu Guizhou and its vicinity today; stakes to which boats are moored.⁷
go1 4839
94 11 guǒ monkey.⁸ old name of a tribe in Southwest China.⁷
猓猡[猓玀] Gō-lõ Guǒluǒ (=猓猓 Lō-lō Luǒluǒ) old name for a Southwest ethnic group, now called 彝族[彞族] Yĩ-dùk Yízú Yi ethnic group.⁸ (See "Note" under 猓猓 Lō-lō.)
猓然 gō-ngẽin
guǒrán (from ancient text) long-tailed ape.⁸
<又> lō.
(See 猓 lō).
go1 4840
119 14 粿 guǒ rice cake.⁸ rice cake (typically made with glutinous rice flour and steamed).¹⁰ (variant forms: 果, 馃[餜] gō guǒ).
潮州粉粿 Chẽl-jiü fūn-gō
Cháozhōu fěnguǒ fun guo.⁹ Chaozhou flour dumplings.⁰
粉粿 fūn-gō
fěnguǒ fun guo or Chaozhou fun guo, a variety of steamed dumpling from the Chaoshan (潮汕 Chẽl-sän Cháoshàn) area of coastal eastern Guangdong.¹⁵ a type of dumpling from the Chaoshan region in Guangdong.³⁶ (variant forms: 粉果 fūn-gō; 粉馃[粉餜] fūn-gō).
(See 果, 餜 gō).
go1 4841
120 14 guǒ tie hand and foot, put in a quandary.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰糹果; U+7DB6).
go1 4842
130 21 luǒ (=裸 gō luǒ) be bare, naked, exposed, uncovered.⁶
(composition: ⿱吂⿲月果凡; U+81DD).
(See 裸 gō.)
go1 4843
140 11 guǒ (=果 gō guǒ fruit); fruits; berries; nuts.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱艹果; U+83D3).
菓饼[菓餅] gō-bēng
guǒbǐng fruit and cakes; refreshments.¹⁴
菓子 gō-dū
guǒzi fruits; berries; nuts.¹⁴
菓盒 gō-hâp
guǒhé a covered box in which fruit is sent.¹⁴
菓仁 gō-ngĩn
guǒrén a kernel.¹⁴
糖菓 hõng-gō
tángguǒ crystallied fruits.¹⁴
(See 果 gō).
go1 4844
140 13 luǒ fruit of plant; melon.⁸ the fruit of some gourds.⁹ fruit of plants (not of trees).¹⁰ fruit of plants as contrasted with that of trees.¹⁴
go1 4845
142 14 guǒ the solitary wasp.⁸
蜾蠃 gō-lũ
guǒluǒ eumenid; parasitic wasp.⁶ Eumenes pomiformis.¹⁰  A kind of wasp, Eumenes pomifomis.¹¹  the wasp which imprisons caterpillars in a cell to feed its young.¹⁴ potter wasp (a member of the Eumeninae subfamily).³⁶
go1 4846
145 13 luǒ be bare, naked, exposed, uncovered.⁶
(variants: 倮, 臝, 躶, 㒩, 𧝹❄{⿱吂⿲月衣凡}luǒ).
赤身裸体[赤身裸體] chēik-sïn-gō-hāi
chìshēnluǒtǐ be stark-naked; not wear a stitch; be in one's birthday suit.⁶
裸奔 gō-bïn
luǒbēn to streak (run naked).¹⁰
裸裎 gō-chẽin
luǒchéng be naked; unclothed.⁶
裸像 gō-dèng
luǒxiàng nude (painting, sculpture).¹⁰
裸葬 gō-döng
luǒzàng naked burial.¹¹
裸花 gō-fä
luǒhuā <bot.> flower without petals/calyxes.¹¹
裸婚 gō-fün
luǒhūn lit. naked wedding; no-frills civil wedding ceremony lacking a material foundation: no car, house, reception, rings, or honeymoon.¹⁰
裸官 gō-gön
luǒguān Communist official whose wife and children have left China to reside in a foreign country.¹⁰
裸体[裸體] gō-hāi
luǒtǐ naked; nude; sky-clad.⁸
裸地 gō-ì
luǒdì bare ground.¹⁰
裸露 gō-lù
luǒlù bare; naked; uncovered; exposed.⁸
裸麦[裸麥] gō-màk
luǒmài rye (Secale cereale).¹⁰
裸眼 gō-ngān
luóyǎn naked eye; unaided eye.⁹
裸跣 gō-xēin
luǒxiǎn naked and barefooted.¹¹
裸线[裸線] gō-xëin
luǒxiàn exposed wire.¹¹
光裸 göng-gō
guāngluǒ nude; naked.¹¹
(See 倮 gō; 臝 gō; 躶 gō; 𧝹❄{⿱吂⿲月衣凡} gō).
go1 4847
145 14 guǒ to bind; to wrap; parcel; package.
包裹 bäo-gō bāoguǒ to wrap up; package; parcel.
裹足 gō-dūk
guǒzú to hesitate for fear of danger.
裹足不前 gō-dūk-būt-tẽin
guǒzúbùqián to stand still without advancing (idiom); to hesitate and hold back.
裹脚[裹腳] gō-gëk
guǒjiǎo to bind the feet; foot-binding.
裹挟[裹挾] gō-hèp
guǒxié to coerce; to sweep somebody along (of circumstances, trends).
裹胁[裹脅] gō-hèp
guǒxié to coerce; to compel.
裹住 gō-jì
guǒzhù to bind up; to wrap up.
裹尸[裹屍] gō-sï
guǒshī to wrap up a corpse.
裹肚 gō-ū
guǒdù <wr.> cummerbund.
马革裹尸[馬革裹屍] mâ-gāk-gō-sï
mǎgéguǒshī to be buried in a horse hide (idiom); to give one's life on the battlefield.
go1 4848
145 19 𧝹
luǒ (=裸 gō luǒ be bare, naked, exposed, uncovered.⁶); naked, exposing the naked person.²⁵
(composition: ⿱吂⿲月衣凡; U+27779).
(See 裸 gō).
go1 4849
158 15 luǒ (<old>=裸 gō luǒ) be bare, naked, exposed, uncovered.⁶
(See 裸 gō.)
go1 4850
167 16 guǒ 锞子[錁子] gō-dū guǒzi deep-fried doughnut.⁶
<又> fö.
(See 錁 fö.)
go1 4851
181 17
<m.> for small spheres, pearls, corn grains, teeth, hearts, satellites.¹⁰
颗粒[顆粒] gō-lïp or fō-lïp kēlì  kernel; granule; granulated (sugar, chemical product).¹⁰
颗粒肥料[顆粒肥料] gō-lïp-fĩ-lèl
or fō-lïp-fĩ-lèl kēlì féiliào granulated fertilizer.⁵
颗粒归仓[顆粒歸倉] gō-lïp-gï-töng
or fō-lïp-gï-töng  kēlìguīcāng every grain to the granary.⁵
颗粒无收[顆粒無收] gō-lïp-mũ-siü
or fō-lïp-mũ-siü kēlìwúshōu not a single grain was reaped (as in a bad harvest year).¹⁰
颗粒物质[顆粒物質] gō-lïp-mùt-jīt
or fō-lïp-mòt-jīt kēlì wùzhì particulate matter.⁵
颗粒细胞[顆粒細胞] gō-lïp-xäi-bäo
or fō-lïp-xäi-bäo kēlì xìbāo granular cell.⁵
一颗珠子[一顆珠子] yīt-gō-jî-dū
or yīt-fō-jî-dū yīkēzhūzi a pearl.⁵
一颗黄豆[一顆黃豆] yīt-gō-võng-èo
or yīt-fō-võng-èo yīkēzhūzi a soy bean.⁵
<又> fō.
(See 顆 fō.)
go1 4852
184 16 guǒ cakes, dumplings, etc.⁷ cakes, biscuits, pastry.¹⁴ (variant: 䴹 gō guǒ).
or 䴹饼[䴹餅] gō-bēng guǒbǐng biscuits, cakes.¹⁴
or 䴹子 gō-dū guǒzi deep-fried doughnut.⁶ twisted fritters (aka 油条[油條] yiũ-hẽl yóutiáo).⁷
(See 䴹 gō).
go1 4853
199 19 guǒ (=馃[餜]¹⁴  guǒ) cakes, dumplings, etc.⁷ cakes, biscuits, pastry.¹⁴
(=稞⁸ fö
) cakes; biscuits; pastry, distiller's grains or yeast, (interchangeable 稞) grains ready for grinding; healthy grains, flour, use the whole piece of barley to ferment for brewing.⁸
(See 餜 gō; 稞 fö).
go1 4854
30 8 guō Guo surname.⁸
(comp. t: ⿵冎口; U+54BC). (comp. s: ⿱口内; U+5459).
<又> gā; vāi; võ; vô.
(See 咼 gā; 咼 vāi; 咼 võ; 咼 vô).
go2 4855
85 11 guō 涡河 Gö-hõ Guōhé name of a river from 河南 Hõ-nãm  Hénán Henan Province to 安徽 Ön-fï Ānhuī Anhui Province.⁴
<又> vö.
(See 渦 vö.)
go2 4856
162 11 guò pass through; spend; pass; go over; transfer; be more than; live; celebrate; fault; past.⁹
过磅[過磅] gö-bòng guòbàng to weigh (on a scale).¹⁰
过程[過程] gö-chẽin
guòchéng process; course.⁸
过节[過節] gö-dëik
guòjié celebrate a festival.⁵
过分[過分] gö-fùn
guòfèn excessive; undue; overly.¹⁰
过街[過街] gö-gâi
guòjiē to cross the street.⁷
过几天[過幾天] gö-gī-hëin
guòjǐtiān in a few days.¹⁰
过后[過後] gö-hèo
guòhòu afterwards; later.⁸
过去[過去] gö-huï
guòqù in the past; formerly.⁵⁴
过去[過去] gö-huï
guòqu go over, pass by; die.⁵⁴
过剩[過剩] gö-jèin
guòshèng (have) a surplus.¹¹
过淋[過淋] gö-lĩm
guòlìn filtrate; filter.⁶
过来[過來] gö-lõi
guòlai come over.¹¹
过滤[過濾] gö-luì
guòlǜ to filter; filter.¹⁰
过目[過目] gö-mùk
guòmù to look over.¹⁰
过年[過年] gö-nẽin
guònián celebrate the New Year.⁸
过度[過度] gö-ù
guòdù excessive.¹¹
过渡[過渡] gö-ù
guòdù transition; interim.⁵
过夜[過夜] gö-yèh
guòyè to spend the night; overnight.¹⁰
<台> 我高过你[我高過你] ngô-gäo-gö-nï I am taller than you.
(See 過 [gö, guō].)
go2 4857
162 11 guō Guo surname.¹⁰
(See 過 [gö, guò].)
go2 4858
30 8 huò <m.> (number of) rinses.⁶
打落门牙和血吞[打落門牙和血吞] ā-lòk-mõn-ngã-gô-hūt-hün dǎluòményáhuòxuètūn suffer great loss/pain with fortitude.⁵⁴
和弄 gô-lùng
huònong <topo.> mix, blend, play with; sow discord.⁶
和泥 gô-nãi
huòní <topo.> mediate.⁵⁴  (See also 和泥 vö-nãi huóní.)
衣服洗了两和[衣服洗了兩和] yï-fùk xāi-lēl lēng-gô
yīfu xǐle liǎng huò. The clothing has been washed twice, i.e., two changes of water.⁴
(See 和 võ, vò, vö, vũ.)
go5 4859
76 14 sing, chant; song, melody; extol, eulogize, praise.⁶
踏歌 àp-gô tàgē to beat time to a song with the feet.⁷
唱歌 chëng-gô/
chànggē to sing songs.¹¹
高歌猛进[高歌猛進] gäo-gô-mâng-dïn
gāogēměngjìn to advance singing loudly (idiom); triumphant progress.¹⁰
歌颂[歌頌] gô-dùng
gēsòng laud; eulogize; extol.⁶
歌功颂德[歌功頌德] gô-güng-dùng-āk
gēgōngsòngdé eulogize somebody's virtues and achievements.⁵
歌诀[歌訣] gô-gût
gējué formulas/directions put into rhyme (for easy memory).⁶
歌台舞榭[歌臺舞榭] gô-hõi-mū-dèh
gētáiwǔxiè entertainment setup; place for dancing and singing.⁶
歌姬 gô-kï
gējī singing girl; female entertainer.⁶
歌曲 gô-kūk
gēqǔ song; melody; tune.⁶
歌舞伎 gô-mū-gì
gēwǔjì kabuki.⁶
歌谱[歌譜] gô-pū
gēpǔ music of a song.⁶
歌声缭绕[歌聲繚繞] gô-sëin-lẽl-ngêl
gēshēngliáorào the song lingered in the air.⁵
歌咏[歌詠] gô-vèin
gēyǒng song; <wr.> sing.⁶
歌星 gô-xëin
gēxīng singing star; star singer.⁶
歌谣[歌謠] gô-yẽl
gēyáo ballad; nursery rhyme.⁶
go5 4860
149 17 (=歌 gô sing, chant; song, melody; extol, eulogize, praise.⁶).⁸ songs; to sing.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰訁哥; U+8B0C).
(See 歌 gô).
go5 4861
61 6 gōi gǎi to rely on; look up to.⁸ rely on.¹⁹ to depend on; to look up to.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄己; U+5FCB).
goi1 4862
66 7 gōi gǎi to change, amend, correct.⁹³ (variant: 攺 gōi ). (See 攺 gōi).
改变[改變] gōi-bëin
gǎibiàn to change; to transform.¹⁰
改造 gōi-dào
gǎizào to transform; to reform; to remodel.¹⁰
改进[改進] gōi-dïn
gǎijìn to improve; to make better.¹⁰
改革 gōi-gāk
gǎigé reform; to reform.⁶
改过自新[改過自新] gōi-gö-dù-xïn
gǎiguòzìxīn repent and reform.¹¹
改观[改觀] gōi-gön
gǎiguān change of appearance; to revise one's point of view.¹⁰
改天换地[改天換地] gōi-hëin-vòn-ì
gǎitiānhuàndì to transform heaven and earth; to change the world.¹⁰
改头换面[改頭換面] gōi-hẽo-vòn-mèin
gǎitóuhuànmiàn make only superficial changes.¹¹
改河道 gōi-hõ-ào
gǎihédào change river course.¹¹
改正 gōi-jëin
gǎizhèng to correct; to amend; to put right; correction.¹⁰
改锥[改錐] gōi-juî
gǎizhuī screwdriver.⁶
改善 gōi-sèn
gǎishàn to make better; to improve.¹⁰
改邪归正[改邪歸正] gōi-tẽh-gï-jëin
gǎixiéguīzhèng give up an evil way of life and reform.¹¹
改弦易辙[改弦易轍] gōi-yẽn-yèik-chēt
gǎixiányìzhé (of conduct, politics) strike out a new path.¹¹
<台> 改衫 gōi-sâm to alter clothes.
goi1 4863
66 7 gōi gǎi (=改 gōi gǎi to change, amend, correct.⁹³).⁸
(composition: ⿰巳攵; U+653A).
<又> yî.
(See 改 gōi; 攺 yî).
goi1 4864
130 10 gōi gǎi <wr.> cheek muscle.⁶
<又> hãi; köi. (See 胲 hãi; köi.)
goi1 4865
167 21 𨮂
gōi gǎi (Anhui dialect) to saw asunder (a piece of wood).
(composition: ⿰釒解; U+28B82).
goi1 4866
2 3 göi ge (=個 göi ge <m.> for people or objects in general.)
(composition: ⿱人丨; U+4E2A).
(See 個 [göi, ge]).
goi2 4867
2 3 göi (=個 göi individual; this; that; size.)
(composition: ⿱人丨; U+4E2A).
天子居青阳右个, 乘鸾路, 驾仓龙...
[天子居青陽右个, 乘鸞路, 駕倉龍...]
Hëin-dū-guï-tëin-yẽng-yiù-göi, sẽin-lũn-lù, gä-töng-lũng...
Tiānzǐ jū qīng yáng yòu gè, chéng luán lù, jià cāng lóng...
The son of Heaven occupies the apartment on the right of the Qing Yang (Fane); rides in the carriage with the phoenix bells, drawn by the azure dragon-(horses)...⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·月令·22》, translated by James Legge).
(Note: 路 lù is the same as 辂[輅] lù a state carriage; an ancient heavy carriage; and 仓[倉] töng cāng is the same as 苍[蒼] töng cāng dark green or blue).
(See 個 [göi, ]).
goi2 4868
2 3 göi (=個 göi <topo.> oneself; by oneself.)
(composition: ⿱人丨; U+4E2A).
自个 dù-göi
zìgě <topo.> oneself; by oneself.
(See 個 [göi, ]).
goi2 4869
6 3 göi (=个[個] göi individual; this; that; size.)
(composition: ⿱⺈亅(GHK) or ⿱𠂉亅(T); U+4E87).
<又> mā.
(See 亇 mā).
goi2 4870
9 10 göi ge (<m.> for people or objects in general).(varinat: 个 göi ge).
t: ⿰亻固; U+500B). (comp. s: ⿱人丨; U+4E2A).
一个[一個] yīt-göi
yīge a; an.
(See 個 [göi, ], 個 [göi, ]; 个 [göi, ge]).
goi2 4871
9 10 göi individual; this; that; size. (variant: 个 göi ).
t: ⿰亻固; U+500B). (comp. s: ⿱人丨; U+4E2A).
个把月[個把月] göi-bā-ngùt
gèbǎyuè a month or so.¹⁹
个别[個別] göi-bèik
gèbié individual; specific; respective; just one or two.
个体[個體] göi-hāi
gètǐ individual.
个中[個中] göi-jüng
gèzhōng <wr.> therein.
个中秘密[個中秘密] göi-jüng-bï-mìt
gèzhōngmìmì inside stories.
个中三味[個中三味] göi-jüng-xäm-mì
gèzhōngsānwèi full flavor; secret known only to experts.
个性[個性] göi-xëin
gèxìng individuality; personality.
这个[這個] jëh-göi
zhège this; <topo.> so, such; some.⁶
那个[那個] nã-göi
nàge that (one).
<台> 等你快大个[等你快大個] āng-nï-fäi-ài-göi to make you grow up faster (as a grandmother feeds her grandchild).
<台> 我个[我個] ngöi-göi my, mine.
<台> 你个[你個] nï-göi your, yours.
(See 個 [göi, ], 個 [göi, ge]; 个 [göi, ]).
goi2 4872
9 10 göi 自个[自個] dù-göi zìgě <topo.> oneself; by oneself.
(variant: 个 göi
t: ⿰亻固; U+500B). (comp. s: ⿱人丨; U+4E2A).
(See 個 [göi, ], 個 [göi, ge]; 个 [göi, ]).
goi2 4873
118 14 göi a numerary adjunct for practically everything.⁷ numerary adjunct, piece; single.⁸ A numeral of things.²⁵
箇把 göi-bā gèbǎ one or two, not many.⁷
箇别[箇別] göi-bèik
gèbié individually; separately.⁷
箇般 göi-bön
gèbān this way (or manner); (=這般).⁷
箇子 göi-dū
gèzi a person's stature.⁷
箇箇 göi-göi
gègè every one; each one.¹¹
箇体[箇體] göi-hāi
gètǐ an entity.⁷
箇头儿[箇頭兒] göi-hẽo-ngĩ
gètóur the size of a thing.⁷
箇中 göi-jüng
gèzhōng inside.⁷
箇中秘密 göi-jüng-bï-mìt
gèzhōng mìmì the inside story.⁷
箇中人 göi-jüng-ngĩn
gèzhōngrén an insider, a person in the know.¹¹
箇中事 göi-jüng-xù
gèzhōngshì inside happenings.¹¹
箇儿[箇兒] göi-ngĩ
gèr a person's stature; size of a thing; each one separately; a match or peer.¹¹
箇人 göi-ngĩn
gèrén an individual; a speaker referring to himself; another person.¹¹
箇案 göi-ön
gè'àn (social work) an individual case as a subject of study.⁷
箇位 göi-vì
gèwèi a unit.⁷
箇性 göi-xëin
gèxìng individuality, individual traits.⁷
箇样[箇樣] göi-yèng
gèyàng this/that way, fashion or style.⁷

goi2 4874
140 13 gôi gài 盖子[蓋子] gôi-dū gàizi a lid, a cover; a shell (of a tortoise).⁷
起瓶盖[起瓶蓋] hī-pêng-gôi qǐpínggài to remove a bottle top.⁹
<台> 眼盖[眼蓋] ngān-gôi eyelid.
<台> 镬盖[鑊蓋] vôk-gôi a cover for a wok.
<台> 屋盖[屋蓋] ūk-gôi rooftop.
<又> köi, gōt.
(See 蓋 köi, gōt.)
goi5 4875
30 6 gōk
each/every (of a  group), all; each (used adverbially).⁶
各得其所 gōk-āk-kĩ-sō gèdéqísuǒ each gets what he wants; each has a role to play.⁶
各就各位 gōk-diù-gōk-vì
gèjiùgèwèi each goes to his respective place.⁶
各自 gōk-dù
gèzì each; respective; apiece.¹⁰
各界 gōk-gäi
gèjiè all walks of life; all social circles.¹⁰
各行各业[各行各業] gōk-hõng-gōk-ngèp
gèhánggèyè all professions/trades.¹⁰
各项[各項] gōk-hòng
gèxiàng each, various kinds.⁹ every.¹⁰
各种[各種] gōk-jūng
gèzhǒng every kind of; all kinds of; various kinds.¹⁰
各人 gōk-ngĩn
gèrén each one, every one.⁶
各式各样[各式各樣] gōk-sēik-gōk-yèng
gèshìgèyàng (of) all kinds and sorts; various.¹⁰
各取所需 gōk-tuī-sō-xuï
gèqǔsuǒxū each takes what he needs.⁵
各位 gōk-vì
gèwèi everyone (term of address).⁶
各有所好 gōk-yiü-sō-hāo
gèyǒusuǒhào each has his own favorites/likes; each follows his own bent.⁶
各有千秋 gōk-yiü-tëin-tiü
gèyǒuqiānqiū each has his strong points; each has his own merits; each achieves the height of his ability.⁶
gok1 4876
30 9 gōk 咯噔 gōk-äng gēdēng <ono.> click; clip-clop.⁶ to click.⁷
咯咯 gōk-gōk
or 格格 gāk-gāk gēgē a low, guttural sound made by a hen when brooding or calling her chicks; (laughter) a chuckle; a titter.⁷
咯吱 gōk-jī
gēzhī <ono.> creak; groan.⁶ to creak.⁷
(See 咯 [lōk, ], lök, lö, [lōk, luò], kâg.)
gok1 4877
30 11 gōk guó gurgling sound, chattering.⁸
(composition: ⿰口或; U+35AA).
<又> yūk. (See 㖪 yūk; cf 嘓 gōk).
gok1 4878
30 14 gōk guō gurgling sound, chattering.⁸ sound of swallowing; croak.¹⁰ a gurgling sound; cricket's chirp.¹¹ to chatter.¹⁴ troublesome verbiage.²⁴ talking is cumbersome and noisy; describes the sound of swallowing food; describes the frog's croaking sound.¹⁰¹ (cf 㖪 gōk).
t: ⿰口國; U+5613). (comp. s: ⿰口国; U+556F).
啯啅[嘓啅] gōk-dēk
guōzhuó <ono.> the sound of biting things.¹⁹
啯啯[嘓嘓] gōk-gōk
guōguō <ono.> sound of swallowing food; <ono.> the sound of crying; <ono.> the croaking of frogs.¹⁹
啯咂[嘓咂] gōk-jāp
or gōk-jät guōzā <ono.> the sound of biting things.¹⁹
嘓哝[嘓噥] gōk-nũng
guōnóng (=咕哝[咕噥] gū-nũng gūnong to mumble; to grumble; to whisper.⁸).¹⁹
啯嘟[嘓嘟] gōk-ü
guōdū gurgling; the sound of swallowing liquid food.¹⁹
口啯啯烦[口嘓嘓煩] hēo-gōk-gōk-fãn
kǒuguōguōfán to annoy another with loquacity.²⁴
gok1 4879
31 3 gōk guó (<old>=国[國] gōk guó nation, country, nation-state.⁸)
<又> vĩ.
(See 囗 vĩ; 圍 vĩ; 國 gōk).
gok1 4880
31 7 gōk guó (=国[國] gōk guó nation, country, nation-state.⁸).
(composition: ⿴囗王; U+56EF).
(See 國 gōk).
gok1 4881
31 8 gōk guó (<old>=国[國] gōk guó nation, country, nation-state.⁸).
(composition: ⿴囗⿱八土; U+56F6).
(See 國 gōk).
gok1 4882
31 11 gōk guó nation, country, nation-state; Guo surname.⁸
(variants: 囗,囯 gōk, q.v.). (old variant: 囶,䆐 gōk, q.v.)
t: ⿴囗或; U+570B). (comp. s: ⿴囗玉; U+56FD).
国宝[國寶] gōk-bāo
guóbǎo national treasure.⁵
国标[國標] gōk-bël
guóbiāo national standard; <comp.> national standard code for Chinese characters; GB (code).
国际[國際] gōk-däi
guójì international.¹⁰
国际文教组织[國際文教組織] gōk-däi-mũn-gäo-dū-jēik
Guójì Wénjiào Zǔzhī UNESCO.²⁹
国库[國庫] gōk-fü
guókù the national treasury.¹¹
国富民强[國富民強] gōk-fü-mĩn-kẽng
guófùmínqiáng The nation is prosperous and the people are strong.⁵⁴
国父遗嘱[國父遺囑] Gōk-fù vĩ-jūk
Guófù yízhǔ the testament of Sun Yat-sen.¹
国家[國家] gōk-gä
guójiā state; nation; country; land.⁸
国泰民安[國泰民安] gōk-häi-mĩn-ön
guótàimín'ān The country is prosperous and the people are at peace.³⁹
国土[國土] gōk-hū
guótǔ national territory.
国民[國民] gōk-mĩn
guómín the people of the country.¹¹
国殇[國殤] gōk-sëng 
guóshāng <wr.> national martyr.⁶
国情咨文[國情咨文] Gōk-tẽin-dü-mũn
Guóqíngzīwén State of the Union address.³⁹

gok1 4883
32 16 gōk jué crack in a jar.¹⁴ a crack in a vessel.²⁴ crack in an instrument or utensil.³⁶ a crack in a jar.¹⁰²
(comp. t: ⿱𦥯土; U+58C6). (comp. s: ⿱龸土; U+5763).
(Note: 坣 is nonstandard simplified form of 壆).³⁶
(See 坣[hõng, táng]; 坣[hõng, tāng]).
<又> bōk; hòk.
(See 壆 bōk; 壆 hòk).
gok1 4884
50 14 gōk guó women's headgear; mourning cap.⁸ an archaic term for an ornament worn by women in their hair.⁹ cap worn by women; feminine.¹⁰
(comp. t: ⿰巾國; U+5E57). (comp. s: ⿰⿰巾国; U+5E3C).
巾帼[巾幗] gïn-gōk
jīnguó woman; woman's headdress (ancient).¹⁰
巾帼须眉[巾幗鬚眉] gïn-gōk-xü-mĩ
jīnguóxūméi woman with a manly spirit.¹⁰
巾帼英雄[巾幗英雄] gïn-gōk-yëin-hũng
jīnguóyīngxióng heroine.⁸
gok1 4885
64 14 gōk guó to slap or to smack (somebody's face).
掴了他一巴掌[摑了他一巴掌] gōk-lēl-hä-yīt-bä-jēng guóletāyībāzhang to slap him in the face.⁹
掴耳光[摑耳光] gōk-ngī-göng
guó ěrguāng to box somebody's ears; to slap somebody on the face.
<又> gäk.
(See 摑 gäk.)
gok1 4886
64 17 gōk to bear; to stand; to endure.
搁得住[擱得住] gök-āk-jì gédezhù can bear, can stand, can endure.
<又> gök.
(See 擱 gök.)
gok1 4887
67 11 gōk jué (<old>=觉[覺] gōk jué) to sleep; to realize, feel.⁸
(composition: ⿱文見; U+658D).
(See 覺 gōk).
gok1 4888
68 14 gōk jiào strickle.⁶ a strickle; a grain measure; to level a measure of grain with a strickle; to measure (grain).¹¹ to adjust measures; to measure.²⁴
斠斛 gōk-hùk jiàohú a strickle used to level a measure of grain.⁰
<又> gäo.
(See 斠 gäo.)
gok1 4889
85 14 gōk guó name of a river, Guo River; also a placename.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵國; U+6F0D).
北漍镇[北漍鎮] bāk-gōk-jïn běiguózhèn Beiguozhen, name of a town in Jiangyin City (江阴市[江陰市] Göng-yïm-sî Jiāngyīn shì) in Jiangsu Province (江苏省[江蘇省] Göng-xü-sāng Jiāngsū shěng).⁸
漍漍 gōk-gōk
guóguó sound of flowing water.¹⁹
漍湱 gōk-vàk
guóhuò a stream issuing from a western valley.²⁴ name of a stream issuing from a western valley.¹⁰² 水出西豁 river issuing from western valley.¹⁰¹ (Note: 豁 köt huò, as used here, is interchangeable with 谷 gūk valley).²
gok1 4890
96 8 gōk jué (=珏 gōk jué) two pieces of jade joined together.⁸ two joined pieces of jade.¹¹ a doube gem.²⁴
(See 珏 gōk.)
gok1 4891
96 9 gōk jué two pieces of jade joined together.⁸ gems mounted together.¹⁰ (Note: 珏 is not in the Kangxi dictionary and is considered to be the simplified form of 玨).⁷ (variant: 玨 gōk jué)
(See 玨 gōk.)
gok1 4892
112 11 gōk <topo.> (of something hard or bulging) press or rub against.⁵
硌得慌 gōk-āk-föng gèdehuāng uncomfortable (from chafing/rubbing).⁵⁴
硌硬 gōk-ngàng
gèying <topo.> dislike; object to.⁵⁴
硌窝儿[硌窩兒] gōk-vö-ngĩ
gèwōr eggs damaged through pressure.¹¹
这鞋硌脚[这鞋硌腳] jëh-hãi-gōk-gëk
zhèxiégèjiǎo the shoes hurt my feet.⁵⁴
<又> lōk.
(See 硌 lōk.)
gok1 4893
115 30 gōk guó (<old>=国[國] gōk guó nation, country, nation-state.⁸); a country; a nation; a kingdom; a state.⁸
(composition: ⿱秦⿰秦秦; U+4190).
(See 國 gōk).
gok1 4894
130 15 gōk guó popliteal space; hollow of the knee.⁶
腘窝[膕窩] gōk-vö guówō popliteal space; hollow of the knee.⁶
gok1 4895
142 17 gōk guō a frog; a mole cricket.⁷
蝈蝈[蟈蟈] gōk-gōk guōguo katydid; long-horned grasshopper.¹⁰
蝈蝈笼[蟈蟈籠] gōk-gōk-lûng
guōguolóng cage for singing cicada.¹⁰
蝈蝈儿[蟈蟈兒] gōk-gōk-ngĩ
guōguor a large kind  of green cricket; katydid.⁷
蝈螽[蟈螽] gōk-jüng
guōzhōng  insect of the Gampsocleis genus (grasshoppers and crickets); Gampsocleis sinensis.¹⁰
蝼蝈[螻蟈] lẽo-gōk
lóuguō another name for the frog.⁷
gok1 4896
145 11 gōk gusset; cloth fitting sleeve under armpit.¹⁰
袼褙 gōk-böi gēbei pieces of old cloth or rags pasted together to make cloth shoes.⁸
gok1 4897
147 11 gōk jué (=觉[覺] gōk jué) to perceive, feel.⁸
(composition: ⿺見爻; U+8990).
(See 覺 gōk).
gok1 4898
147 20 gōk jué to feel; to find that; thinking; awake; aware.¹⁰
(old variant: 斍 gōk). (variant: 覐 gōk).
嗅觉[嗅覺] chiü-gōk xiùjué sense of smell.¹⁰
触觉[觸覺] chūk-gōk
chùjué sense of touch.¹¹
自觉自愿[自覺自願] dù-gōk-dù-ngùn
zìjuézìyuàn willingly; voluntarily; of one's own accord; of one's own free will.⁶
感觉[感覺] gām-gōk
gǎnjué sense, feeling, sensation; feel, become aware of, perceive; be afraid (that), think, guess.⁶
觉得[覺得] gōk-āk
juéde feel; think.⁵
觉察[覺察] gōk-chāt
juéchá detect; become aware of; perceive.⁵
觉出[覺出] gōk-chūt
juéchū find out, to sense (something).¹¹
觉疼[覺疼] gōk-hüng
juéténg feel pain.¹¹
觉悟[覺悟] gōk-m̀
juéwù consciousness; awareness; Buddhist enlightenment (Sanskrit: cittotpāda).¹⁰
觉醒[覺醒] gōk-xēin
juéxǐng awaken.⁵
听觉[聽覺] hëng-gōk
tīngjué sense of hearing.⁵
知觉[知覺] jï-gōk
zhījué consciousness; feeling; <psy.> perception.⁶
味觉[味覺] mì-gōk
wèijué sense of taste.¹¹
视觉[視覺] sì-gōk
shìjué vision; sense of sight.⁵
幻觉[幻覺] vân-gōk
huànjué hallucination.⁵
<又> gäo, gök.
(See 覺 gäo;覺 gök; 斍 gōk; 覐 gōk).
gok1 4899
148 7 gōk jiǎo 八角 bāt-gōk bājiǎo (star) anise; aniseed; octagonal.
八角茴香 bāt-gōk-või-hëng
bājiǎohuíxiāng An evergreen small tree that has red flowers in early summer; the fruit of this tree, which is brown, has eight radiating segments, and emits a strong spicy smell; also called 大茴香 and 八角.⁹  In a general sense, 八角茴香 means "spice."
<又> gök, gôk.
(See 角 [gök, jiǎo], [gôk, jiǎo]. [gôk, jué].)
gok1 4900
148 17 gōk jué to compare, to match, to contend with.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿹𣪊角 or ⿹⿰⿳士冖一殳角; U+89F3).
强弱不觳力 kẽng-ngèk-būt-gōk-lèik qiáng ruò bù hú lì the strong and the weak should not measure their strength.¹⁰² (Excerpt frofrom 《韓非子·用人·1》)
<又> hùk.
(See 觳 hùk).
gok1 4901
169 14 gōk pavilion (usually two-storied); cabinet (politics); boudoir; woman's chamber; rack; shelf.¹⁰
束之高阁[束之高閣] chūk-jï-gäo-gōk shùzhīgāogé to shelve a matter (put it away unheeded).¹¹
出阁[出閣] chūt-gōk
chūgé (of a girl) to marry (literary).¹⁰
闺阁[閨閣] gï-gōk
guīgé lady's chamber.¹⁰
过渡内阁[過渡內閣] gö-ù-nuì-gōk
guòdùnèigé caretaker cabinet; interim cabinet.⁶
阁下[閣下] gōk-hà
géxià Your Excellency.⁹
阁楼[閣樓] gōk-lẽo
gélóu garret; loft; attic.¹⁰
阁议[閣議] gōk-ngì
géyì cabinet meeting.¹⁰
亭台楼阁[亭臺樓閣] hẽin-hõi-lẽo-gōk
tíngtáilóugé pavilions, terraces and open halls; airy pavilions and pagodas; pavilions, terraces and towers; pavilions, terraces and towers; general reference to elaborate Chinese architecture.⁵⁴
空中楼阁[空中樓閣] hüng-jüng-lẽo-gōk
kōngzhōng lóugé a mirage; castles in the air.¹¹
楼阁[樓閣] lẽo-gōk
lóugé a tower for enjoying distant views, often with partitions thrown open.¹¹
内阁[內閣] nuì-gōk
nèigé  (government) cabinet.¹⁰
(See 閣 gök).
gok1 4902
181 14 gōk (non-classical form) teethridge; gum; the jaw bone, the skull, the top of the skull.⁸ the jaw bone.²⁵ <old> (anatomy) maxilla.³⁶
(composition: ⿰去頁; U+4ABA).
<又> ùn. (See 䪺 ùn).
gok1 4903
184 14 gōk 饹馇[餎餷] gōk-jä gēzha a kind of flat cake made of bean powder.⁶ a kind of cake made from bean flour.⁹
<又> lōk.
(See 餎 lōk.)
gok1 4904
64 17 gök to place; to put aside; to shelve.
搁板[擱板] gök-bān gēbǎn shelf.
搁笔[擱筆] gök-bīt
gēbǐ to put down the pen; to stop writing; to stop painting.
搁不住[擱不住] gök-būt-jì
gēbuzhù can't stand; <topo.> not fit to be kept long; unable to lay down; unable to forget.
搁在[擱在] gök-dòi
gēzài to rest.
搁置[擱置] gök-jï
gēzhì to shelve; to lay aside; to put; to place.
搁浅[擱淺] gök-tēin
gēqiǎn (of ship) to be stranded to run aground; fig. to run into difficulties and stop.
延搁[延擱] yẽn-gök
yángē to procrastinate; to delay; to neglect.
<又> gōk.
(See 擱 gōk.)
gok2 4905
147 20 gök jué <台> 唔觉得[唔覺得] m̃-gök-āk not able to feel; not to be conscious or aware of.
<又> gäo, gōk. (See 覺 gäo, gōk.)
gok2 4906
148 7 gök jiǎo horn; horn-shaped.
钻牛角尖[鑽牛角尖] dön-ngẽo-gök-dëm zuānniújiǎojiān  lit. to penetrate into a bull's horn (idiom); fig. to waste time on an insoluble or insignificant problem; to bash one's head against a brick wall; a wild goose chase.
豆角 èo-gök/
dòujiǎo or 长豆[長豆] chẽng-èo chángdòu (=豇豆 göng-èo jiāngdòu cowpea (Vigna unguiculata).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
角笛 gök-èk
jiǎodí horn flute.⁶
童牛角马[童牛角馬] hũng-ngẽo-gök-mâ
tóngniújiǎomǎ lit. a hornless ox and a horned horse – against common practice; abnormal phenomenon.⁷
鹿角 lùk-gök
lùjiǎo antlers.⁷
牛角 ngẽo-gök
niújiǎo ox horn.
羊角 yẽng-gök
yángjiǎo ram's horns; <wr.> cyclone, whirlwind; jujube tree.
<又> gōk, gôk.
(See 角 gōk, [gôk, jué], [gôk, jiǎo].)
gok2 4907
169 14 gök <台> 阁仔[閣仔] gōk-dōi loft; attic.
(See 閣 gōk).
gok2 4908
75 11 gôk jué square rafter.⁶ a rafter; <bot.> Malus toringo.⁷ square rafter, for supporting the tiles.²⁴ bar or crossbar under the roof, rafters; <bot.> Siebold apple (Malus sieboldii).⁵⁴ (Note: Some botanists have reclassified Malus sieboldii as Malus toringo.)¹⁵
桷板 gôk-bān
juébǎn lathing for a roof; shingles.¹⁴
桁桷 hâng-gôk
héngjué purlines and rafters.¹⁴
松桷 tũng-gôk
sōngjué fir rafters.²⁴
黄桷垭[黃桷埡] Võng-gôk-ä 
Huángjuéyā place in 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan Province.⁸
gok5 4909
75 11 gôk jué straight, upright.²⁴
梏德 gôk-āk juédé great virtue.⁵⁴
梏直 gôk-jèik
juézhí straightforward in disposition.⁵⁴
<又> gūk.
(See 梏 gūk.)
gok5 4910
148 7 gôk jiǎo Kangxi radical 148. angle; corner; horn-shaped; dime.
皂角[皂角] dào-gôk/ zàojiǎo or 皂荚[皁莢] dào-gâp zàojiá Chinese honey locust; soap pod; Gleditsia sinensis.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
角锥体[角錐體] gôk-juï-hāi
jiǎozhuītǐ pyramid.⁶
角落 gôk-lôk
jiǎoluò nook, corner.
角膜 gôk-môk
jiǎomó cornea.⁶
角鲨[角鯊] gôk-sä
jiǎoshā spiny dogfish.⁵
角黍 gôk-sī
jiǎoshǔ rice dumplings shaped like a pointed cylinder.¹¹ rice dumpling.³⁹
角度 gôk-ù
jiǎodù angle; point of view.
头角[頭角] hẽo-gôk
tóujiǎo brilliance (of young person); talent of a young person.⁸
直角 jèik-gôk
zhíjiǎo a right angle.
菱角 lẽin-gôk
língjiao water caltrop, Trapa bicornis.
芋角 vû-gôk
yùjiǎo taro croquette (Guangdong).
三角 xäm-gôk
sānjiǎo triangle; trigonometry.
一角钱[一角錢] yīt-gôk-tẽin
yījiǎo qián a dime.
<台> 角仔 gôk-dōi fried crispy dumpling stuffed with ground peanuts and brown sugar.
<台> 纸角[紙角] jī-gôk triangular paper bag (not to confused with 主角 jī-gôk
zhǔjué protagonist.)
<又> gōk, gök.
(See 角 gōk, [gök, jiǎo], [gôk, jué].)
gok5 4911
148 7 gôk jué role (theater); to wrestle; ancient tripod wine cup; the third note in the pentatonic scale; Jue surname.
角觝 gôk-āi  juédǐ wrestling.¹¹
角斗[角鬥] gôk-ëo
juédòu to wrestle.
角力 gôk-lèik
juélì wrestling; a trial of strength.
角色 gôk-sēik
juésè role (in a play).
宫商角徵羽[宮商角徵羽] güng-sëng-gôk-jī-yî
gōng-shāng-jué-zhǐ-yǔ pre-Tang names of the five notes of the pentatonic scale, corresponding roughly to do, re, mi, sol, la.⁵⁴
主角 jī-gôk
zhǔjué leading role; protagonist.
<又> gōk, gök.
(See 角 gōk, [gök, jiǎo], [gôk, jiǎo].)
gok5 4912
214 25 gôk jué (=角 gôk jué) (music) third note in the Chinese pentatonic scale or mi; an ancient musical instrument used in the army.³⁶ (music) third note in the pentatonic scale or mi.⁵⁴
(See 角 [gôk, jué]).
gok5 4913
64 16 gōn gǎn to flatten with a club; to roll (dough); <topo.> to polish.
擀毡[擀氈] gōn-jën or gön-jën gǎnzhān to make felt out of wool; to be worn out (of woolen product).
擀面[擀麵] gōn-mèin
or gön-mèin gǎnmiàn to roll dough; to make noodles.
擀面杖[擀麵杖] gōn-mèin-jèng
or gön-mèin-jèng gǎnmiànzhàng rolling pin.⁵
<又> gön.
(See 擀 gön.)
gon1 4914
96 12 gōn guǎn jade flute.⁶ a jade tube used as an instrument.⁸ a pipe or flute, with six holes; to polish metal till it becomes bright; to burnish gold; a pebble like a precious stone; to string pearls together.²⁴
珖琯 göng-gōn guāngguǎn a jade flute.¹³
gon1 4915
104 13 gōn guǎn tired; melancholy, sad, worried; sick.⁸ tired.⁹ ill-looking.¹⁰ exhausted; worn out.¹⁴
(composition: ⿸疒官; U+75EF).
痯痯 gōn-gōn guǎnguǎn tired; weary; fatigue.¹⁹ diseased, disappointed, vexed.²⁴
四牡痯痯 xï-mêo-gōn-gōn s
ì mǔ guǎn guǎn the four horses were exhausted.¹⁴
四牡痯痯. Xï-mêo-gōn-gōn.
Sì mǔ guǎn guǎn.
His four horses must be worn out.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·鹿鳴之什·杕杜》, translated by James Legge).
<又> gön.
(See 痯 gön).
gon1 4916
107 8 gōn gǎn black marks on the face.²⁴ black, black moles or black birthmarks on the face.⁵⁴
皯黣 gōn-mõi gǎnméi dark and disfigured through sorrow.²⁴
(See 䵟 gōn).
gon1 4917
115 12 gōn gǎn stalk, stem; cane, culm.⁶
(comp. t: ⿰禾旱; U+7A08). (comp. s: ⿰禾干; U+79C6).
豆秆[豆稈] èo-gōn
dòugǎn bean stalk.⁶
麻秆[麻稈] mã-gōn
mágǎn hemp stalk.⁶
麦秆[麥稈] màk-gōn
màigǎn wheat straw; wheaten straw.⁶
玉米秆[玉米稈] ngùk-māi-gōn
yùmǐgǎn corn stalk.⁶
草秆[草稈] tāo-gōn
cǎogǎn straw; grain stalks.¹⁰
<台> 禾秆草[禾稈草] võ-gōn-tāo straw (of the rice plant).
<又> gön.
(See 稈 gön.)
gon1 4918
118 9 竿 gōn gān <台> 扫竿[掃竿] xäo-gôn a broom.
<又> gön, gôn, gûn. (See 竿 gön, gôn, gûn.)
gon1 4919
118 13 gōn guǎn (=管 gōn guǎn a tube, pipe, duct; a wind instrument; to control; to heed; to provide; to guarantee; meddle in; a key; Guan surname.⁷); a key; to be in charge; a pipe.⁸ the string by which bells and drums are suspended; a superintendent; a pipe; a shuttle.²⁴ ancient bamboo pipes decorated with silk; to revolve.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿱𥫗完; U+7B66).
(See 管 gōn).
gon1 4920
118 14 gōn guǎn a tube, pipe, duct; a wind instrument; to control; to heed; to provide; to guarantee; meddle in; a key; Guan surname.⁷
不管 būt-gōn bùguǎn no matter; regardless of.⁵
管道 gōn-ào
guǎndào pipeline, piping, conduit, tubing; a channel (for communication, consultation).⁷
管保 gōn-bāo
guǎnbǎo to guarantee.⁷
管束 gōn-chūk
guǎnshù restrain; check; control.⁵
管子 gōn-dū
guǎnzi tube; pipe; drinking straw.¹⁰
管教 gōn-gäo
guǎnjiào to discipline; teach; guarantee.⁷
管辖[管轄] gōn-hàt
guǎnxiá have jurisdiction over; exercise control over; administer.⁶
管制 gōn-jäi
guǎnzhì to control; control.⁷
管窥蠡测[管窺蠡測] gōn-kï-lãi-chāk
guǎnkuīlícè lit. to view the sky through a tube and measure the sea with a calabash – restricted vision and shallow understanding.⁷
管理 gōn-lî
guǎnlǐ manage; run; administer; supervise.⁵
管待 gōn-òi
guǎndài look after; wait on; serve.⁸
管弦乐[管弦樂] gōn-yẽn-ngòk
guǎnxiányuè orchestral music.⁷
<台> 管 gōn pipe, tube; control; to be in charge of.
<台> 管佢 gōn(à) kuï just let it be; leave him alone.
<台> 只管 jī-gōn no matter, despite, in spite of.
gon1 4921
118 16 https://img.zdic.net/kai/cn/20018.svg,https://img.zdic.net/kai/cn/20018.svg,https://img.zdic.net/kai/cn/20018.svg,https://img.zdic.net/kai/cn/20018.svg
gōn gǎn a type of bamboo.⁸
(composition: ⿱𥫗貢; U+7BE2).
<又> lûng, güng. (See 篢 lûng, 篢 güng).
gon1 4922
130 8 gōn guǎn (=脘 gōn wǎn) the stomach; gizzard (of birds and fowls).⁸ (composition ⿰⺼元).
(Note: Distinguish 朊 ngûn with 月 radical from 䏓 gōn with 肉 radical).
gon1 4923
130 11 https://img.zdic.net/kai/cn/20018.svg
gōn wǎn the internal cavity of the stomach.¹¹ a duct in the body; core of a boil.¹⁴ (variant: 𦜐❄{⿰月官} gōn guǎn).¹⁴
脘腹胀满[脘腹脹滿] gōn-fūk-jëng-mōn
wǎnfùzhàngmǎn abdominal fullness and distention.⁶
脘痞 gōn-pī
wǎnpǐ fullness in epigastrium; <Ch. med.> blockage of the stomach duct.⁵⁴
下脘 hà-gōn
xiàwǎn <Ch. med.> exit of stomach, duodenum.¹¹
胃脘 vì-gōn
wèiwǎn <Ch. med.> gastral cavity.⁵
(See 𦜐❄{⿰月官} gōn.)
gon1 4924
130 12 𦜐
gōn guǎn (=脘 gōn wǎn) the internal cavity of the stomach.¹¹ a duct in the body; core of a boil.¹⁴ The stomach.²⁵
(composition: ⿰月官; U+26710).
❄{⿰月官} hūt-gōn xuèguǎn blood vessels.¹⁴
❄{⿰月官} lèo-gōn lòuguǎn fistula.¹⁴
❄{⿰月官} suī-gōn shuǐguǎn urethra.¹⁴
(See 脘 gōn.)
gon1 4925
135 16 gōn guǎn

(=館 gōn guǎn) a mansion; a building.⁸
窑舘[窯舘] yẽl-gōn
yáoguǎn a barracoon.¹⁰²
(See 館 gōn.)
gon1 4926
140 10 gōn guǎn (composition: ⿱艹完; U+839E).
东莞[東莞] Üng-gōn Dōngguǎn Dongguan, a prefecture level city in 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Guangdong.¹⁰
<又> gän; fōn; vōn.
(See 莞 gän; 莞 fōn; 莞 vōn).
gon1 4927
156 14 gōn gǎn pursue, catch up with; expel; hurry, rush; try to catch.⁷
赶到[趕到] gōn-äo gǎndào to arrive in haste.⁷
赶办[趕辦] gōn-bàn
gǎnbàn to hurry (work).⁷
赶不及[趕不及] gōn-būt-gèp
gǎnbují unable to manage to be on time.⁷
赶车[趕車] gōn-chëh
gǎnchē catch a vehical; drive a cart.⁶
赶场[趕場] gōn-chẽng
gǎnchǎng <thea.> after finishing a performance, to hurry to another place for a new one.⁷
赶尽杀绝[趕盡殺絕] gōn-dìn-sät-dùt
gǎnjìnshājué kill everyone – spare none; kill all.⁶
赶快[趕快] gōn-fäi
gǎnkuài hastily; quickly; immediately.⁶
赶紧[趕緊] gōn-gīn
gǎnjǐn hurriedly, quickly, hastily.⁶
赶开[趕開] gōn-höi
gǎnkāi to drive away.⁷
赶锥[趕錐] gōn-juî
gǎnzhuī (=改锥[改錐] gōi-juî gǎizhuī) screwdriver.⁶ (See <台> 螺丝批[螺絲批] lũ-xü-päi/)
赶路[趕路] gōn-lù
gǎnlù hurry on one's way.⁶
赶庙会[趕廟會] gōn-mèl-vòi
gǎnmiàohuì go to a temple fair.⁶
赶忙[趕忙] gōn-mõng
gǎnmáng with haste; hurriedly.⁷
赶上[趕上] gōn-sëng
gǎnshàng overtake, catch up with; run into (a situation), be in time for.⁵
<台> 赶[趕] gōn to drive something/someone away.
<台> 赶佢啦[趕佢啦] gōn/-kuï-lā let him/her do whatever.
gon1 4928
184 16 gōn guǎn building; shop; term for certain service establishments; embassy or consulate; schoolroom (old).¹⁰
大使馆[大使館] ài-xū-gōn dàshǐguǎn embassy.¹⁰
宾馆[賓館] bïn-gōn
bīnguǎn guesthouse.⁵
茶馆[茶館] chã-gōn
cháguǎn teahouse.¹⁰
饭馆[飯館] fàn-gōn
fànguǎn restaurant.¹⁰
馆长[館長] gōn-jēng
guǎnzhǎng curator; head.⁹
图书馆[圖書館] hũ-sï-gōn
túshūguǎn library.¹⁰
旅馆[旅館] luî-gōn
lǚguǎn hotel.⁵
书馆[書館] sï-gōn
shūguǎn teashop with performance by story tellers (评书[評書] pẽin-sï píngshū); (attached to name of publishing houses); (in former times) private school; library (of classic texts).¹⁰
gon1 4929
203 15 gōn gǎn black; a black face.²⁵ (=皯 gōn gǎn) black, black moles or black birthmarks on the face.⁵⁴
(See 皯 gōn).
gon1 4930
5 11 gön gān dry; clean; in vain; dried food; adoptive; Gan surname.
干杯[乾杯] gön-böi gānbēi Bottoms up!¹¹
干贝[乾貝] gön-böi
gānbèi dried adductor muscle of scallops.
干净[乾凈] gön-dèng
gānjìng clean; neat and tidy; complete; total.
干货[乾貨] gön-fö
gānhuò <topo.> dried food.
干咳[乾咳] gön-kāt
gānké tussiculation.¹⁰ a dry cough (without phlegm).¹¹
干涸[乾涸] gön-kök
gānhé (of a river, lake) dry, dried-up.⁶
干枯[乾枯] gön-kü
gānkū withered; dried up.¹⁰
干粮[乾糧] gön-lẽng
gānliang solid food; field rations.
干馏[乾餾] gön-liũ
gānliù to carbonize; dry distillation; carbonization.¹⁰
干酪[乾酪] gön-lōk
gānlào cheese.⁸
干妈[乾媽] gön-mā
gānmā godmother.¹⁰
干柈子[乾柈子] gön-põn-dū
gānbànzi <topo.> dry firewood.¹⁹
干涩[乾澀] gön-sēip
gānsè dry and coarse.⁸
干草[乾草] gön-tāo
gāncǎo hay.
干亲[乾親] gön-tïn
gānqīn adopted relative.
干洗[乾洗] gön-xāi
gānxǐ to dry clean; dry cleaning.¹⁰
<又> kẽin, gôn.
(See 乾 kẽin, gôn; 干 gön; 幹 gön.)
gon2 4931
9 10 gön guān keeper of domestic animals; herdsman; hired hand.
倌人 gön-ngĩn guānrén <wr.> an officer in charge of royal chariots; <trad.> a euphemism for prostitutes.
堂倌 hõng-gön
tángguān <topo.> waiter; a boy in the employ of a teahouse, tavern or restaurant.
猪倌[豬倌] jï-gön
zhūguān swineherd.
牛倌 ngẽo-gön
niúguān herdsman; cowherd; oxherd.
浑倌[渾倌] vùn-gön
húnguān adult prostitute.
gon2 4932
14 9 gön guàn to put on a hat; to be first; Guan surname.
冠军[冠軍] gön-gün guànjūn champion.
夺冠[奪冠] ùt-gön
duóguàn to win a championship.
勇冠三军[勇冠三軍] yûng-gön-xäm-gün
yǒngguànsānjūn the bravest one in the whole army.
(See 冠 [gön, guān].)
gon2 4933
14 9 gön guān hat; corona, crown; crest.⁵ (old variant: 𠖌❄{⿱冖衬} gön).
蝉冠[蟬冠] chên-gön
chánguān or 蝉冕[蟬冕] chên-mêin chánmiǎn <trad.> beautifully adorned cap worn by nobles.⁷
齿冠[齒冠] chī-gön
chǐguān crown of a tooth.
鸡冠[雞冠] gäi-gön
jīguān cockscomb.
高冠 gäo-gön
gāoguān <wr.> high hat; flattery.
桂冠 gï-gön
guìguān laurel (as an emblem of victory or distinction).⁵
冠子 gön-dū
guānzi crest; comb.⁵
冠状病毒[冠狀病毒] gön-jòng-bèng-ùk
guānzhuàngbìngdú coronavirus.¹⁰
冠冕 gön-mêin
guānmiǎn royal crown; official hat.⁵
冠冕堂皇 gön-mêin-hõng-võng
guānmiǎntánghuáng highfalutin; high-sounding.⁵ of dignified bearing; ostentatious.⁸  dignified; pompous.¹⁰
冠心病 gön-xïm-bèng
guānxīnbìng <med.> coronary heart disease.⁵
皇冠 võng-gön
huángguān imperial crown.⁸
新型冠状病毒[新型冠狀病毒] xïn-yẽin-gön-jòng-bèng-ùk
xīnxíngguānzhuàngbìngdú novel coronavirus³⁶ (COVID-19).²⁰
(See 冠 [gön, guàn]; 𠖌❄{⿱冖衬} gön).
gon2 4934
14 10 𠖌
gön guān (<old>=冠 gön guān hat; corona, crown; crest.⁵).²
(composition: ⿱冖衬; U+2058C).
(See 冠 gön).
gon2 4935
40 8 gön guān official; government; organ of body; Guan surname.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰宀㠯; U+5B98).
官邸 gön-āi guāndǐ official residence/mansion.⁶
官庀其司 gön-bī-kĩ-xü
guānpǐqísī officials fulfill their duties.¹⁴
官佐 gön-dü
guānzuǒ <trad.> military official.⁶
官方 gön-föng
guānfāng of or by the government; official.⁵
官府 gön-fū
guānfǔ local authorities; feudal official.⁵
官军[官軍] gön-gün
guānjūn  government army.⁸
官僚 gön-lẽl
guānliáo bureaucrat.⁵
官吏 gön-lì
guānlì <trad.> government officials.⁵
官能 gön-nãng
guānnéng organic function; sense.⁵
官衙 gön-ngã
guānyá a government agency.⁷
官绅[官紳] gön-sïn
guānshēn officials and gentry.¹⁴
官宦 gön-vàn
guānhuàn <wr.> government official.⁶
官运亨通[官運亨通] gön-vùn-häng-hüng
guānyùn hēngtōng have a successful official career.⁶
官司 gön-xü
guānsi <topo.> lawsuit.⁵
官燕 gön-yën
guānyàn (Chinese cuisine) swallow's nests of the best quality.¹¹
官样文章[官樣文章] gön-yèng-mũn-jëng
guānyàng wénzhāng mere formalities; officialese.⁵
官员[官員] gön-yõn
guānyuán official.⁵
gon2 4936
51 3 gön gān Kangxi radical 51; to interfere; weapons; stem; to concern; Gan surname.
干黩[干黷] or 干渎[干瀆] gön-dùk gāndú transgress; violate.⁵⁴
干戈 gön-fö
gāngē weapons of war – arms; war.⁶
干卿何事 gön-hëin-hõ-xù
gānqīnghéshì <wr.> What has that to do with you?¹¹
干政 gön-jëin
gānzhèng to interfere in politics.
干支 gön-jï
gānzhī Ten Heavenly Stems and Twelve Earthly Branches.
干城 gön-sẽin
gānchéng lit. a shield and a wall, used as a metaphor to refer to a military officer who protects the territory of a nation.⁹
干涉 gön-sèp
gānshè to interfere.¹¹
干预[干預] gön-yì
or 干与[干與] gön-yî gānyù intervene; correlate; meddle.⁸
天干 hëin-gön
tiāngān Ten Heavenly Stems, which are 甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸 gāp yōt bēin ëin mù gī gäng xïn ngĩm gï jiǎyǐbǐngdīngwùjǐgēngxīnrénguǐ.
相干 xëng-gön
xiānggān to have to do with; to be concerned with.
(See 乾 gön, kẽin, gôn; 幹 gön.)
gon2 4937
51 13 gön gàn cadre; to work; to do; capable; trunk (of tree or human body); to manage.
干部[幹部] gön-bù gànbù cadre.
干部会议[幹部會議] gön-bù-vòi-ngì
gànbù huìyì caucus.¹⁰
干将[幹將] gön-dëng
gànjiàng capable person; go-getter; operator.
干家[幹家] gön-gä
gànjiā to do housework; very capable person; person who gets things done.
干练[幹練] gön-lèin
gànliàn capable and experienced.
干嘛[幹嘛] gön-mã
gànmá <topo.> What are you doing? What's up; why on earth, whatever for; totally, completely.
干事[幹事] gön-xù
gànshì to work; to do things.
干事部[幹事部] gön-xù-bù
gànshìbù management.
树干[樹幹] sì-gön
shùgàn tree trunk.
想干嘛干嘛[想幹嘛幹嘛] xēng-gön-mã-gön-mã
xiǎng gànma gànma do what you want.¹⁰
(See 乾 gön, kẽin, gôn; 干 gön.)
gon2 4938
64 16 gön gǎn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 擀 gōn gǎn with same meaning.)
<又> gōn.
(See 擀 gōn.)
gon2 4939
72 7 gön gàn <wr.> late; evening, night.⁶
旰旰 gön-gön or hòn-hòn gàngàn <wr.> blossoming and robust; luxuriant.⁷
旰食 gön-sèik
or hòn-sèik gànshí <wr.> eat late.⁶
日旰 ngìt-gön
or ngìt-hòn rìgàn evening; late in the day.¹⁴
宵旰 xël-gön
or xël-hòn xiāogàn <wr.> (=宵衣旰食 xël-yï-gön-sèik or xël-yï-hòn-sèik xiāoyīgànshí) get up before dawn and eat after dusk – be diligent in discharging one's official duties.⁶
宵旰之劳[宵旰之勞] xël-gön-jï-lão
or xël-hòn-jï-lão xiāogànzhīláo labor incessantly on duties.¹¹
宵衣旰食 xël-yï-gön-sèik
or xël-yï-hòn-sèik xiāoyīgànshí get up before dawn and eat after dusk – be diligent in discharging one's official duties.⁶
宵衣旰食,日理万机[宵衣旰食,日理萬機] xël-yï-gön-sèik, ngìt-lî-màn-gï
or xël-yï-hòn-sèik, ngìt-lî-màn-gï xiāoyī gànshí, rìlǐwànjī work conscientiously on a myriad of state affairs.⁶
<又> hòn.
(See 旰 hòn.)
gon2 4940
75 7 gön gān pole; staff; post; shaft.⁶
撑杆[撐杆] or 撑竿[撐竿] chäng-gön chēnggān vaulting pole.⁶
电线杆[電線杆] èin-xëin-gön
diànxiàngān (for telephone or electric power lines) pole.⁵
杆子 gön-dū
gānzi pole, staff; <topo.> gangster, bandit.⁶ (See 杆子[桿子] gön-dū gǎnzi shaft.)
杆塔 gön-hāp
gāntǎ tower.⁶ wooden pylon.⁵⁴
or 旗竿 kĩ-gön qígān flagstaff; flagpole.⁵
lãn-gön lángān railing; banisters; ballustrade.⁵
gon2 4941
75 11 gön gǎn arm/shaft/rod/stem of something; <m.> (used for a long and thin cylindrical object).⁶
笔杆子[筆桿子] bīt-gön-dū bǐgǎnzi pen holder, shaft of a pen; facile writer.⁶
秤杆[秤桿] chêin-gön
chènggǎn arm of a steelyard.⁶
杆弟[桿弟] gön-ài
gǎndì a caddy.⁷
杆拨[桿撥] gön-bòt
gǎnbō a thin piece of wood for plucking a pipa or a Chinese moon guitar.⁷
杆秤[桿秤] gön-chêin
gǎnchèng steelyard.⁵
杆子[桿子] gön-dū
gǎnzi shaft/arm of something.⁶ (See also 杆子 gön-dū gānzi pole.)
杆菌[桿菌] gön-kūn
gǎnjūn <bio.> bacillus.⁶
杆棒[桿棒] gön-pâng
gǎnbàng a club used as a weapon in ancient warfare.⁷
枪杆[槍桿] tëng-gön qiānggǎn barrel of a gun.⁶
一杆秤[一桿秤] yīt-gön-chêin yīgǎnchèng a steelyard.⁶
一杆枪[一桿槍] yīt-gön-tëng
yīgǎnchèng a gun.⁶
gon2 4942
75 12 gön guān coffin.⁵
棺床 gön-chõng guānchuáng coffin platform.⁵
棺架 gön-gâ
guānjià bier.⁵
棺柩 gön-giü
or gön-giù guānjiù coffin.⁹ coffin with a corpse.⁵⁴
棺罩 gön-jâo
guānzhào a pall (for covering a coffin).⁷
棺椁 gön-kök
guānguǒ inner and outer coffins; coffin.⁶
棺殓[棺殮] gön-lêm
guānliàn coffin and graveclothes; to put a shrouded corpse into a coffin.⁷
棺木 gön-mûk
guānmù coffin.⁶
棺材 gön-tõi
guāncai coffin.⁵
盖棺论定[蓋棺論定] köi-gön-lùn-èin
gàiguānlùndìng final judgment can be passed on a person only when the lid is laid on his coffin.⁵
gon2 4943
75 14 gön gàn the handle of a tree; a handle; boards used in making adobe walls; a support; railing round the mouth of a well; a tree suitable for making bows; sugar cane.¹⁴
井榦 dēng-gön jǐnggàn the railing round the mouth of a well.¹⁴
榦不庭方 gön-būt-hẽin-föng
gànbùtíngfāng "be a support against those princes who do not come to court."¹⁴
榦枝 gön-jï
gànzhī trunk and branches.¹⁴
梃榦之人 hêin-gön-jï-ngĩn
tǐnggànzhīrén an efficient man.¹⁴
or 贞榦[貞榦] jëin-gön zhēngàn planks and post for making adobe walls.¹⁴ the boards used in constructing mud walls; the former serves for compressing the ends, the latter the sides of the wall.²⁴
gon2 4944
85 11 gön guàn <wr.> boil; wash one's face and hands.⁶
涫沸[涫沸] gön-fï guànfèi boil.⁶
涫汤[涫湯] gön-höng
guàntāng boiling soup/water.⁶
gon2 4945
85 14 gön gān <old>=干[乾] gön gān dry.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵乾; U+6F27).
(See 乾 gön).
gon2 4946
85 20 gön guàn irrigate; fill, pour.⁵
(composition: ⿰氵雚; U+704C).
灌肠[灌腸] gön-chẽng guàncháng <med.> enema; clyster.⁵
灌肠[灌腸] gön-chẽng
guànchang sausage.⁵
灌醉 gön-duï
guànzuì get somebody drunk.⁵
灌注 gön-jî
guànzhù pour into.⁵
灌溉 gön-köi
guàngài irrigate.⁵
灌木 gön-mùk
guànmù bush; shrub.⁵
灌输[灌輸] gön-sï
guànshū instill into; inculcate; imbue with.⁵
灌水 gön-suī
guànshuǐ to inject water into (meat, chicken) so as to increase weight before marketing; to pour water into something.⁷
灌药[灌藥] gön-yêk
guànyào pour medicine down the throat.⁵
浇灌[澆灌] hël-gön
or ngẽl-gön jiāoguàn water, irrigate; pour.⁵
畦灌 kĩ-gön
qíguàn border method of irrigation.⁵
满堂灌[滿堂灌] mōn-hõng-gön
mǎntáng guàn cram students; spoonfeed.⁵
排灌 pãi-gön
páiguàn irrigation and drainage.⁵
引水灌田 yîn-suī-gön-hẽin
yǐnshuǐguàntián channel water to irrigate the fields.⁵
gon2 4947
86 21 gön guàn fire.⁸ light a fire.¹⁰ to light a fire; to set a fire.¹⁴ to light a fire, to set fire to; a fire used in sacrifice; a fire beacon.²⁴
(composition: ⿰火雚; U+721F).
爟火 gön-fō guànhuǒ a hot fire.²⁴
gon2 4948
96 7 gön  gān a kind of inferior gem; a stone slightly inferior in quality to jade.⁷
琅玕 lõng-gön or lông-gön lánggān <wr.> pearl-like stone; legendary treasure tree; fine bamboo; bamboo strip (used for writing).⁶
gon2 4949
104 13 gön guàn sick.² a disease.²⁴ (variant: 𤼐❄{⿸疒雚} gön).
(composition: ⿸疒官; U+75EF).
<又> gōn.
(See 痯 gōn; 𤼐❄{⿸疒雚} gön).
gon2 4950
104 22 𤼐
gön guàn (=痯 gön guàn sick.² a disease.²⁴).² sick, diseased.²⁴
(composition: ⿸疒雚; U+24F10).
(See 痯 gön).
gon2 4951
112 8 gön gān a rock or cliff.⁸
丹矸 än-gön dāngàn (=朱砂 jï-sâ zhūshā) cinnabar.⁵
矸子 gön-dū
gānzi waste rock (mining); gangue (worthless minerals mixed in with coal or ore).¹⁰
矸石 gön-sêk
gānshí waste rock (mining); gangue (worthless minerals mixed in with coal or ore).¹⁰
煤矸石 mõi-gön-sêk
méigānshí gangue.⁵
gon2 4952
113 12 gön guàn libation; ceremony of pouring water to irrigate the field; propose a toast.⁸ to pour out libation.¹⁴ to pour out a libation; to drink wine at festivals; to present wine on such occasions.²⁵
(composition: ⿰礻果; U+797C).
祼将于京[祼將于京] gön-dëng-yï-gëin guànjiāngyújīng they pour out the wine offering and assisted in the capital.¹⁴
祼酒 gön-diū
guànjiǔ to pour out a libation.¹⁴
祼奠 gön-èin
guàndiàn to pour out a libation.¹⁴
献祼[獻祼] hün-gön
xiàn'guàn to offer a libation.²⁵
莫重于祼 mòk-jùng-yï-gön 
mò zhòng yú guàn Nothing is more important than making a libation of wine on the ground.⁵⁴
Yïn-xù-fü-mêin, gön-dëng-yï-gëin.
Yīn shì fū mǐn, guàn jiāng yú jīng.
The officers of Yin, admirable and alert,
Assist at the libations in [our] capital.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·文王之什·文王》, translated by James Legge).
gon2 4953
115 12 gön gǎn stalk, stem; cane, culm.⁶
高粱秆儿[高粱稈兒] gäo-lẽng-gön-ngĩ gāolianggǎnr kaoliang stem; stem of sorghum.⁶
秆子[稈子] gön-dū
gǎnzi stalk.⁶
秆腐病[稈腐病] gön-fù-bèng
gǎnfǔbìng stalk rot.⁶
秆枯病[稈枯病] gön-kü-bèng
gǎnkūbìng stalk blight.⁶
秆锈病[稈銹病] gön-säo-bèng
gǎnxiùbìng stem rust.⁶
秆线虫[稈線蟲] gön-xëin-chũng
gǎnxiànchóng stem eelworm.⁶
秆蝇[稈蠅] gön-yẽin
gǎnyíng stem maggot.⁶ grass flies.⁹
<又> gōn.
(See 稈 gōn.)
gon2 4954
118 9 竿 gön gān a bamboo pole/rod; slips of bamboo for writing.⁷
百尺竿头[百尺竿頭] bāk-chēh-gön-hẽo bǎichǐgāntóu to be at the highest level of enlightenment (Buddhist expression).¹⁰
百尺竿头,更进一步[百尺竿頭,更進一步] bāk-chēh-gön-hẽo, gäng-dïn-yīt-bù
bǎichǐgāntóu, gèng jìn yī bù to keep going forward even after achieving the top score.¹⁰
or 撑杆[撐杆] chäng-gön chēnggān vaulting pole.⁶
竿子 gön-dū
gānzi a bamboo pole.⁷
竿头[竿頭] gön-hẽo
gāntóu bamboo pole's uppermost tip; (fig.) acme.¹⁰
竿头日进[竿頭日進] gön-hẽo-ngìt-dïn
gāntóurìjìn or
竿头日上[竿頭日上] gön-hẽo-ngìt-sëng
gāntóurìshàng to make constant progress in one's studies.⁷
竿蔗 gön-jêh
gānzhè reed cane.¹⁰²
竿蓁里 gön-jün-lî
gānzhēnlǐ Ganzhen Li, an urban village in Tamsui district, New Taipei, Taiwan.³⁶
旗竿 or 旗杆 kĩ-gön qígān flagstaff; flagpole.⁵
日上三竿 ngìt-sëng-xäm-gön
rìshàngsāngān the sun is three poles high – it’s late in the morning.⁸
<又> gōn, gôn, gûn.
(See 竿 gōn, gôn, gûn.)
gon2 4955
130 7 gön gān liver.⁵
肝胆[肝膽] gön-ām gāndǎn liver and gall; sincerity; courage; intimately related.¹⁰
肝胆相照[肝膽相照] gön-ām-xëng-jël
gāndǎnxiāngzhào show utter devotion (to a friend).⁵
肝病 gön-bèng
gānbìng hepatopathy; liver disease.⁶
肝肠[肝腸] gön-chẽng
gāncháng the liver and the intestines; feelings, emotions.¹¹
肝脏[肝臟] gön-dòng
gānzàng liver.⁶
肝火 gön-fō
gānhuǒ irascibility.⁵
肝糖 gön-hõng
gāntáng hepatic glucogen; liver sugar.¹⁹
肝脑涂地[肝腦塗地] gön-nāo-hũ-ì
gānnǎotúdì (ready to) die the cruelest death.⁵ scene of a bloody battle (disemboweled bodies are strewn over the ground); (to emperor) willing to repay a favor with extreme sacrifice.¹¹
肝癌 gön-ngãm
gān'ái <med.> cancer of the liver.⁵
肝心 gön-xïm
gānxīn a metaphor for the human heart.¹⁹
肝炎 gön-yèm
gānyán <med.> hepatitis.⁵
心肝 xïm-gön
xīngān conscience; darling, deary.⁵
gon2 4956
147 24 gön guàn Taoist monastery; palace gate watchtower; platform; Guan surname.
(comp. t: ⿰雚見; U+89C0). (comp. s: ⿰又见; U+89C2).
道观[道觀] Ào-gön
Dàoguàn Daoist temple.
白云观[白雲觀] Bàk-vũn Gön
Báiyún Guàn a Daoist temple in Beijing.
宫观[宮觀] güng-gön
gōngguàn <trad.> place for imperial amusement or relaxation; Taoist temple.
(See 觀 [gön, guān].)
gon2 4957
147 24 gön guān to look at; to watch; to observe; to behold; to advise; concept; point of view.
(comp. t: ⿰雚見; U+89C0). (comp. s: ⿰又见; U+89C2).
观测[觀測] gön-chāk
guāncè to observe; to survey; observation (scientific).¹⁰
观察[觀察] gön-chāt
guānchá observe; watch; survey.⁵
观点[觀點] gön-ēm
guāndiǎn point of view.
观看[觀看] gön-hön
guānkàn to watch; to view.
观者如堵[觀者如堵] gön-jēh-nguĩ-ū
guānzhěrúdǔ Spectators stood round like a wall; there was a crowd of spectators.⁵⁴
观瞻[觀瞻] gön-jëm
guānzhān the appearance of a place and the impressions it leaves; sight; view.⁵
观众[觀眾] gön-jüng
guānzhòng spectators; audience.⁸
观礼[觀禮] gön-lâi
guānlǐ to attend a ritual.
观摩[觀摩] gön-mö
guānmó to view and emulate; to participate in a workshop; to visit and draw on each other's experience.⁶
观望[觀望] gön-mòng
guānwàng wait and see.⁹
观念[觀念] gön-nèm
guānniàn notion; thought; concept; sense; views; ideology; general impressions.¹⁰
观音[觀音] Gön-yïm
Guānyīn <Budd.> Goddess of Mercy; Avalokitesvara.
(See 觀 [gön, guàn].)
gon2 4958
154 11 gön guàn pass through, pierce; be linked together, follow in a continuous line; birthplace, native place; <trad.> a string of 1000 cash;  Guàn surname.
贯彻[貫徹] gön-chēik guànchè  to implement; to put into practice; to carry out.¹⁰
贯彻始终[貫徹始終] gön-chēik-chī-jüng
guànchè shǐzhōng to follow through; to carry through to the end.¹⁰
贯穿[貫穿] gön-chün
guànchuān run through; penetrate.⁵
贯串[貫串] gön-chün
guànchuàn run through; permeate.⁵
贯跤[貫跤] gön-gäo
guànjiāo to trip and fall.¹¹
贯气[貫氣] gön-hï
guànqì beneficial influence, esp. from one's ancestral graves 坟山[墳山] fũn-sän fénshān in 风水 füng-suī fēngshuǐ fengshui to confer beneficial influence.¹⁰
贯通[貫通] gön-hüng
guàntōng to master (a subject).¹¹
贯注[貫注] gön-jî
guànzhù to concentrate.¹⁰
贯时[貫時] gön-sĩ
guànshí diachronic.¹⁰
连贯[連貫] lẽin-gön
lián'guàn  to link up (disparate elements); coherent (narrative, argument).
万贯[萬貫] màn-gön
wànguàn ten thousand strings of cash; very wealthy; millionaire.¹⁰
一贯[一貫] yīt-gön
yīguàn consistent; constant; from start to finish; all along; persistent.¹⁰
gon2 4959
164 10 gön gān anhydride.⁸
亚硫酐[亞硫酐] ä-liũ-gön yàliúgān sulfurous anhydride.³⁹
碱酐[鹼酐] gān-gön
jiǎn'gān basic anhydride.⁵
磷酐 lĩn-gön
lín'gān phosphoric anhydride.¹¹
锇酐[鋨酐] ngõ-gön
égān perosmic anhydride.⁹
酸酐 xön-gön
suān'gān acidic anhydride.⁵
gon2 4960
172 17 gön guàn a phonetic component; <old> stork; <old> heron.
(composition: ⿳艹吅隹; U+96DA).
A phonetic component in such characters as: 灌 罐 觀 勸 權 歡 貛 鸛 讙 驩.
gon2 4961
196 28 gön guàn crane, Grus japonensis; stork; Ciconia species (various).⁸
t: ⿰雚鳥; U+9E1B). (comp. s: ⿰雚鸟; U+9E73).
大红鹳[大紅鸛] ài-hũng-gön
dàhóngguàn greater flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus).¹⁰
丹顶鹤[丹頂鶴] än-ēin-hôk
dāndǐnghè red-crowned crane, Japanese crane, Manchurian crane (Grus japonensis).²⁰
白颈鹳[白頸鸛] bàk-gēng-gön
báijǐngguàn woolly-necked stork (Ciconia episcopus).¹⁰
白鹳[白鸛] bàk-gön
báiguàn white stork (Ciconia ciconia).¹⁰
鹳雀[鸛雀] gön-dēk
guànquè stork.³⁹
鹳嘴翡翠[鸛嘴翡翠] gön-duī-fī-tuï
guànzuǐfěicuì stork-billed kingfisher (Pelargopsis capensis).¹⁰
鹳科[鸛科] gön-fö
guànkē Ciconiidae (family).⁹
鹳鹤[鹳鶴] gön-hôk
guànhè crane.⁸
鹳毛[鸛毛] gön-mão
guànmáo marabou.¹⁰
鹳鸟[鸛鳥] gön-nêl/
guànniǎo stork.⁵⁴
鹳属[鸛属] gön-sùk
guànshǔ Ciconia (genus).⁹
gön-yẽin-mùk guànxíngmù Ciconiiformes (order).⁹
黑鹳[黑鸛] hāk-gön
hēiguàn black stork (Ciconia nigra).¹⁰
彩鹳[彩鸛] tōi-gön
cǎiguàn painted stork (Mycteria leucocephala).¹⁰
秃鹳[禿鸛] tūk-gön
tūguàn lesser adjutant (Leptoptilos javanicus).¹⁰
gon2 4962
98 11 gòn juān <Cant.> (<粤> gyun1; <台> gün ) = 钻[鑽] dön zuān to crawl/get into or out); to curl into (a tight place).⁰ to hide quickly; to dash.⁸ <old> a hole in the bottom of a jar, to let out wine.²⁴
(composition: ⿰肙瓦; U+74F9).
gon4 4963
5 11 gôn gān 饼干[餅乾] bēng-gôn bǐnggān biscuit; cracker.⁵
猪肉干[豬肉乾] jï-ngùk-gôn/
zhūròugān pork jerky.⁰
牛肉干[牛肉乾] ngẽo-ngùk-gôn/
niúròugān beef jerky.
<台> 菜干[菜乾] töi-gôn dried bok choy.
<又> gön, kẽin.
(See 乾 gön, kẽin; 干 gön; 幹 gön.)
gon5 4964
112 22 gôn guàn (<old>=罐 gôn guàn pot, jar, tin, can, pitcher; coal tub; <m.> pot, jar, tin.⁶); a jug, a pitcher, a jar, a pot.⁸
(composition: ⿰石雚; U+7936).
(See 罐 gôn).
gon5 4965
118 9 竿 gôn gān 鱼竿[魚竿] nguî-gön yúgān fishing rod; fish pole.³⁹
滑竿 vàt-gôn
huágān a kind of litter; sedan chair borne by two bamboo poles used in Sichuan province.⁸
<台> 担竿[擔竿] äm-gôn a carrying pole.
<又> gōn, gön, gûn.
(See 竿 gōn, gön, gûn.)
gon5 4966
121 23 gôn guàn pot, jar, tin, can, pitcher; coal tub; <m.> pot, jar, tin.⁶
(variant: 鑵 gôn). (old variant: 礶 gôn). (See 鑵,礶 gôn).
(composition: ⿰缶雚; U+7F50).
罐车[罐車] gôn-chëh
guànchē tank car/truck, tanker.⁶
罐秤 gôn-chêin/
guànchèng tank scale.⁶
罐子 gôn-dū
guànzi jar; pot.⁶
罐阀[罐閥] gôn-fàt
guànfá pot valve.⁶
罐头[罐頭] gôn-hẽo
guàntou (=罐子 gôn-dū guànzi) jar; pot.⁶
罐头工厂[罐頭工廠] gôn-hẽo-güng-chōng
guàntou gōngchǎng a cannery.⁷
罐头牛肉[罐頭牛肉] gôn-hẽo-ngẽo-ngùk
guàntou niúròu tinned (or canned) beef.⁷
罐头食品[罐頭食品] gôn-hẽo-sèik-bīn
guàntou shípǐn canned food.⁷
罐头音乐[罐頭音樂] gôn-hẽo-yïm-ngòk
guàntou yīnyuè canned music.⁷
罐装[罐裝] gôn-jöng
guànzhuāng canned.⁷
罐笼[罐籠] gôn-lûng/
guànlóng cage.⁶
煤气罐[煤氣罐] mõi-hï-gôn
méiqìguàn (large) gas tank; gas holder; gasometer; gas (storage) bottle; gas canister.⁶
醋罐子 tü-gôn-dū
cùguànzi or 醋坛子[醋罈子] tü-hãn-dū cùtánzi vinegar jar; jealous person.⁶

gon5 4967
167 25 gôn guàn (=罐 gôn guàn pot, jar, tin, can, pitcher; coal tub; <m.> pot, jar, tin.⁶); jar; can.⁸ a vessel for drawing water.²⁵
(composition: ⿰金雚; U+9475).
or 柳罐 liû-gôn liǔguàn willow basket for drawing water.⁸
(See 罐 gôn).
gon5 4968
9 12 gōng jiǎng inelegant.⁸ʼ¹⁹ unfavorable look.¹³ blunt.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻冓; U+508B).
傋𠈵❄{⿰亻尨} gōng-mòng jiǎngmǎng without flattery.²⁴
❄{⿰亻尨}傋 mòng-gōng mǎngjiǎng not flattering.²ʼ²⁴ʼ³⁶ʼ¹⁰¹
<又> këo.
(See 傋 këo).
gong1 4969
53 广 14 广 gōng guǎng wide, vast, extensive; numerous; expand, spread; short for Guangzhou.⁵ (See 广 äm.)
广大[廣大] gōng-ài
guǎngdà wide, vast, extensive; large- scale, widespread; numerous.⁵
广播[廣播] gōng-bö
guǎngbō broadcast; be on the air.⁵
广场[廣場] gōng-chẽng
guǎngchǎng public square; square.⁵
广泛[廣泛] gōng-fàn
guǎngfàn extensive; wide range.¹⁰
广阔[廣闊] gōng-föt
guǎngkuò wide; vast.¹⁰
广柑[廣柑] gōng-gâm/
Guǎnggān Guangdong orange.⁶
广告[廣告] gōng-gäo
guǎnggào to advertise; a commercial; advertisement.¹⁰
广开言路[廣開言路] gōng-höi ngũn-lù
guǎngkāi yánlù  encourage free airing of views.⁵
广州[廣州] Gōng-jiü
Guǎngzhōu Guangzhou.⁵
广众[廣眾] gōng-jüng
guǎngzhòng multitude of people.⁶
广漠[廣漠] gōng-mōk
guǎngmò vast and bare.⁵
广内[廣內] gōng-nuì
guǎngnèi possibly the name of a hall.
广东[廣東] Gōng-üng
Guǎngdōng Guangdong (Province).⁵
广韵[廣韻] Gōng Vùn
Guǎngyùn Guangyun, lit. Broad Rimes, a Chinese rime dictionary from 11th century (1007-1008 CE), containing 26,194 single-character entries.¹⁰
广西[廣西] Gōng-xäi
Guǎngxī Guangxi.⁵
广颡[廣顙] gōng-xông
guǎngsǎng a broad forehead.¹⁴

gong1 4970
75 7 gōng gāng a flagpole; a bridge.⁷ bar; flagstaff; small bridge.⁸
(composition: ⿰木工; U+6760).
杠秤 gōng-chêin gāngchèng lever scale; bandspike; heaver; lever pry bar; lever; pry; stick.⁵⁴
杠梁 gōng-lẽng
gāngliáng foot-bridge.¹⁴
徒杠 hũ-gōng
túgāng a foot-bridge.¹⁴
<又> göng.
(See 杠 göng; 槓 göng.)
gong1 4971
75 10 gōng guàng reel thread or wire on a revolving frame; reel.⁵ a crossbeam; a reel.⁷
(composition: ⿰木光; U+6844).
桄子 gōng-dū guàngzi reel.⁵
桄关[桄關] gōng-gän
guàngguān bolt; crossbar.⁵⁴
线桄子[線桄子] xëin-gōng-dū
xiànguàngzi reel or spool for winding thread.⁶
线桄儿[線桄兒] xëin-gōng-ngĩ
xiànguàngr thread reel.⁶
一桄线[一桄線] yīt-gōng-xëin
yīguàngxiàn a reel of thread.⁵
(See 桄 [gōng, guāng].)
gong1 4972
75 10 gōng guāng (composition: ⿰木光; U+6844).
桄榔 gōng-lõng guāngláng <bot.> Arenga pinnata (or  Arenga saccharifera), common names include sugar palm, arenga palm, areng palm, black-fiber palm, gomuti palm.¹⁵  Arenga pinnata, also called 莎木 sä-mûk, 砂糖椰子 sâ-hõng-yẽh-dū, 糖树[糖樹] hõng-sì, 糖棕 hõng-düng.²³ (See 桄桹 gōng-lõng).
(See 桄 [gōng, guàng]; )
gong1 4973
127 16 gōng jiǎng to sow with a drill.⁶
耩子 gōng-dū jiǎngzi <topo.> drill (barrow).⁶
耩豆子 gōng-èo-dū
jiǎngdòuzi to sow beans.⁵⁴
耩粪[耩糞] gōng-fûn
jiǎngfèn spread manure with a drill.⁸
耩地 gōng-ì
jiǎngdì sow land with a drill.¹⁹
耩棉花 gōng-mẽin-fä
jiǎngmiánhua to plant cotton.⁸
靠耩 këo-gōng
or käo-gōng kàojiǎng overlap drill-sowing over the edge of a sown strip.⁶
gong1 4974
149 17 gōng jiǎng to speak; to say; to tell; to explain; to make clear; to discuss; to negotiate; to pay attention to.
难讲[難講] nãn-gōng nánjiǎng hard to say.
讲价[講價] gōng-gä
jiǎngjià to bargain over price.
讲解[講解] gōng-gāi
jiǎngjiě to explain in detail.
讲究[講究] gōng-giü
jiǎngjiu stylish, fastidious, chic.¹¹
讲台[講臺] gōng-hõi
jiǎngtái platform; dais; rostrum.
讲求外表[講求外表] gōng-kiũ-ngòi-bēl
jiǎngqiúwàibiǎo to pay special attention to appearances.
讲理[講理] gōng-lî
jiǎnglǐ to reason with somebody; to argue; to listen to reason; to be reasonable.
讲论[講論] gōng-lùn
jiǎnglùn to discuss; to expound.
讲明[講明] gōng-mẽin
jiǎngmíng to explain; to make clear; to state explicitly.
讲授[講授] gōng-siù
jiǎngshòu to lecture; to teach (a college course).
讲述[講述] gōng-sùt
jiǎngshù to tell about; to narrate.
讲话[講話] gōng-và
jiǎnghuà talk informally between friends, carry on conversation.¹¹
<台> 讲大话[講大話] gōng-ài-và to lie.
<台> 讲自易做自难[講自易做自難] gōng-dù-yì dü-dù-nãn easier said than done.
gong1 4975
196 25 𪇵
gōng guǎng (composition: ⿰廣鳥; U+2A1F5).
𪇵❄{⿰廣鳥}𪂇❄{⿰昌鳥} or 广𪂇❄{⿰昌鳥}[廣𪂇❄{⿰昌鳥}] gōng-chëng guǎngchāng phoenix genus.² a species of phoenix.²⁵
gong1 4976
10 6 göng guāng ➀ light; light rays ➁ glossy; smooth ➂ glory; honor ➃ to use up ➄ alone; only ➅ to bare; naked ➆ Guang surname.⁷
(comp. ⿳⺌一儿; U+5149). (variant: 灮 göng).
光束 göng-chūk guāngshù light beam.⁸
光子[光子] göng-dū
guāngzǐ <phy.> photo.⁶
光辉[光輝] göng-fï
guānghuī radiance, brilliance, shine; time; honor, glory; brilliant, magnificent, splendid, majestic.⁸
光临[光臨] göng-lĩm
guānglín <court.> to be present; presence (of a guest).
光明正大 göng-mẽin-jëin-ài
guāngmíngzhèngdà just and honorable; open and aboveboard; without tricks (idiom).¹⁰
光华[光華] göng-vã
guānghuá shine; splendor.⁸
光滑 göng-vàt
guānghua glossy; sleek; smooth.¹⁰
光荣[光榮] göng-vẽin
guāngróng honor and glory.
光线[光線] göng-xëin
guāngxiàn light; ray (of light).⁶
光阴[光陰] göng-yïm guāngyīn time; time available.
光阴飞逝[光陰飛逝] göng-yïm-fï-sài
guāngyīnfēishì time flies.³⁹
光阴荏苒[光陰荏苒] göng-yïm-ngìm-ngëm
guāngyīn rěnrǎn time passes very quickly.³⁹
<又> gông.
(See 光 gông; 灮 göng).
gong2 4977
18 9 𠜛
göng gāng (<old>=刚[剛]² göng gāng ➀ firm, strong, indomitable ➁ just, exactly ➂ barely, only just ➃ only a short while ago, just now.⁵)
(composition: ⿰冏刂; U+2071B).
(See 剛 göng).
gong2 4978
18 9 𠇝
göng gāng (<old>=刚[剛]² göng gāng ➀ firm, strong, indomitable ➁ just, exactly ➂ barely, only just ➃ only a short while ago, just now.⁵)
(composition: ⿰亻⿱口二; U+201DD).
(See 剛 göng).
gong2 4979 201DD.gif
18 9 𠇙
göng gāng (<old>=刚[剛]² göng gāng ➀ firm, strong, indomitable ➁ just, exactly ➂ barely, only just ➃ only a short while ago, just now.⁵)
(composition: ⿰亻⿱二口; U+201D9).
(See 剛 göng).
gong2 4980 201D9.gif
18 10 göng gāng ➀ firm, strong, indomitable ➁ just, exactly ➂ barely, only just ➃ only a short while ago, just now.⁵
(variants: 𠜛❄{⿰冏刂}; 𠇝❄{⿰亻⿱口二}; 𠇙❄{⿰亻⿱二口}; 㓻 göng).
t: ⿰岡刂; U+525B). (comp. s: ⿰冈刂; U+521A)
刚板硬正[剛板硬正] göng-bān-ngàng-jëin
gāngbǎn yìngzhèng firm and solid; upright and never bending or stooping (lit./fig.); upright and outspoken.
刚愎[剛愎] göng-bēik
gāngbì stubborn; perverse; unbending; wilful; intractable.⁶
刚愎自用[剛愎自用] göng-bēik-dù-yùng
gāngbìzìyòng self-willed; headstrong; opinionated; opinionative.⁶
刚刚[剛剛] göng-göng
gānggāng just; only; exactly; a moment ago; just now.
刚好[剛好] göng-hāo
gānghǎo just; exactly; happen to; it so happened that.
刚强[剛強] göng-kẽng
gāngqiáng firm; staunch; unyielding.
刚棱[剛棱] göng-lẽin
gāngléng unyielding.¹⁴
刚毅[剛毅] göng-ngài
gāngyì resolute and firm; fortitude.¹¹
刚柔相济[剛柔相濟] göng-ngẽl-xëng-däi
gāngróuxiāngjì to temper force with mercy.
刚纔[剛纔] göng-tõi
gāngcái or 纔刚[纔剛] tõi-göng cáigāng just now; a moment ago.¹⁴
(See 𠜛❄{⿰冏刂}; 𠇝❄{⿰亻⿱口二}; 𠇙❄{⿰亻⿱二口} ; 㓻 göng).
gong2 4981
18 12 göng gāng (<old>=刚[剛]¹⁰¹ göng gāng ➀ firm, strong, indomitable ➁ just, exactly ➂ barely, only just ➃ only a short while ago, just now.⁵)
(composition: ⿰罡刂; U+34FB).
(See 剛 göng).
gong2 4982
30 9 göng guāng bang; door banging shut.¹⁰
咣当[咣當] göng-öng guāngdāng crash; bang.¹⁰
gong2 4983
32 11 göng gāng (<old>=缸 göng gāng) jar; vat; measure word for loads of laundry.¹⁰ a cistern; an earthenware jar of large dimensions; a vat; a crock.¹⁴ a jar; also, the name of a place.²⁴
(composition: ⿰土岡; U+5808).
gong2 4984
32 13 göng gāng mound; used in place names.⁸ (<old>=冈[岡] göng gāng) ridge (of a hill); dam.⁸
堽身 göng-sïn
gāngshēn dam.⁸
堽城屯 Göng-sẽin-tûn
Gāngchéngtún a place in Shandong Province (山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng).³⁹
gong2 4985
34 6 göng jiàng (=降 göng jiàng) fall, drop, decline; lower, reduce, cut down.⁶
(composition: ⿱夂㐄; U+5905).
<又> hõng.
(See 夅 hõng.)
gong2 4986
46 8 göng gāng ridge (of a hill); low hill; hillock.⁶
(comp. t: ⿵冂⿱䒑山; U+5CA1). (comp. s: ⿵冂㐅; U+5188).
赤皮青冈[赤皮青岡] chēik-pĩ-tëin-göng
chìpíqīnggāng chipiqinggang Cyclobalanopsis gilva (Blume) Oersted.³²
井冈山[井岡山] Dēng-göng-sän
Jǐnggāng Shān Jinggang Mountains (in 江西 Göng-xäi Jiāngxī Jiangxi Province).
冈陵[岡陵] göng-lẽin
gānglíng hills and hillocks.⁶
冈峦[岡巒] göng-lũn
gāngluán series of hills.⁶
冈峦起伏[岡巒起伏] göng-lũn-hī-fùk
gāngluánqǐfú undulating/rolling hills; undulation of hills.⁶
如冈如陵[如岡如陵] nguĩ-göng-nguĩ-lẽin
rúgāngrúlíng constant; long-enduring.
山冈[山岡] sän-göng
shāngāng low hill; hillock; ridge.
or 青㭎[青棡] tëin-göng qīnggāng (=槲栎[槲櫟] hùk-lēik or hùk-lèik húlì) oriental white oak.⁶ Quercus aliena.¹⁵
<又> gông.
(See 岡 gông.)
gong2 4987
46 11 göng gāng (=冈[岡] göng gāng) ridge (of a hill); low hill; hillock.⁶
花岗岩[花崗岩] fä-göng-ngãm
huāgāngyán granite; granite-like, incorrigibly obstinate.⁶
花岗石[花崗石] fä-göng-sêk
huāgāngshí granite.¹¹
<又> gông.
(See 崗 [gông, gǎng], [gông, gàng].)
gong2 4988
64 6 göng gāng to lift with both hands; to hump; (of two or more people) to carry together.⁹ Lift up, heave (a heavy object with both hands or by two or more persons at the same time).¹¹
(composition: ⿰扌工; U+625B).
扛重机[扛重機] göng-chüng-gï gāngzhòngjī device for lifting heavy objects; jack.
抬扛 hõi-göng
táigāng to carry on a pole; to wrangle; to quarrel.¹⁴
力能扛鼎 lèik-nãng-göng-ēin
lìnénggāngdǐng so strong as to be able to lift up a tripod.¹¹
<又> köng.
(See 扛 köng.)
gong2 4989
64 11 göng gāng (=扛 göng gāng) to carry on the shoulders of two or more men, to raise.
t: ⿰扌岡; U+6386). (comp. s: ⿰扌冈; U+39CF).
(See 扛 göng.)
gong2 4990
75 7 göng gàng thick stick, stout carrying pole; <sports> bar; thick line (drawn beside or under words in reading, correcting papers); cross out, delete.⁵ cross out; sharpen; dispute.⁸
(composition: ⿰木工; U+6760).
单杠[單杠] än-göng dāngàng horizontal bar; horizontal bar gymnastics.⁸  a single line placed at the side of a row of characters to indicate names of places.¹⁴
杠荡[杠蕩] göng-òng
gàngdang shake; hesitate.⁸
抬杠 hõi-göng
táigàng cowlstaff; to bicker, wrangle, argue for the sake of arguing; to carry a coffin on stout poles.⁸
双杠[雙杠] söng-göng
shuānggàng <sport> parallel bars.⁸  a double line placed at the side of a row of characters to indicate names of persons.¹⁴
<又> gōng.
(See 杠 gōng; 槓 göng.)
gong2 4991
75 12 göng gāng a tall tree; a large tree; (interchangeable with 扛 köng káng) to carry on the shoulders of two or more men.¹⁰
or 青冈[青岡] tëin-göng qīnggāng (=槲栎[槲櫟] hùk-lēik or hùk-lèik húlì) oriental white oak.⁶ Quercus aliena.¹⁵
gong2 4992
75 14 göng gàng a lever, a carrying pole; (sports) a bar; to sharpen (a knife); to argue, to dispute; to cross out.⁷ thick pole; bar; rod; thick line; to mark with a thick line; to sharpen (knife); (old) coffin-bearing pole.¹⁰ a lever.¹⁴
杠刀[槓刀] göng-äo gàngdāo sharpen a knife; sharpen a razor.⁸
杠子[槓子] göng-dū
gàngzi horizontal or parallel bars.⁷ thick stick, stout carring pole; thick line drawn beside or under words in reading, correcting papars.⁸
杠房[槓房] göng-fông
gàngfáng an oldfashioned funeral parlor.¹¹
杠夫[槓夫] göng-fü
gàngfū pole carrier; coffin-bearer.¹⁰
杠杆[槓桿] göng-gön
gànggǎn lever; pry bar; crowbar; financial leverage.¹⁰
杠杆定律[槓桿定律] göng-gön-èin-lùt gànggǎndìnglǜ (phy.) law of lever.⁷
杠头[槓頭] göng-hẽo
gàngtóu devil's advocate; head of coffin bearers; <topo.> food made from flour.⁸
杠铃[槓鈴] göng-lẽin
or göng-lêng gànglíng barbell.⁸
杠棒[槓棒] göng-pâng
gàngbàng a stout carrying pole.⁷
(See 杠 göng, gōng.)
gong2 4993
85 6 göng jiāng river; Jiang surname.
江河 göng-hõ jiānghé rivers; Yangtze and Yellow rivers.⁵⁴
江汉[江漢] Göng-hön
Jiānghàn Jianghan district of Wuhan city 武汉市[武漢市] Mû-hön Wǔhàn, Hubei.¹⁰
江豚 göng-hũn
jiāngtún river dolphin.¹⁰
江米 göng-māi
jiāngmǐ polished glutinous rice.¹⁹
江南 Göng-nãm
Jiāngnán regions south of the Yangtze.¹¹
江岸 göng-ngòn
jiāng'àn bank of a river; river bank.⁶
江山 göng-sän
jiāngshān rivers and mountains; landscape;
江山如画[江山如畫] göng-sän-nguĩ-và
jiāngshānrúhuà picturesque landscape.⁵⁴
江水 göng-suī jiāngshuǐ river water.¹⁰
江湖 göng-vũ
jiānghú rivers and lakes; all corners of the country.⁵ (See 江湖 göng-vũ jiānghu.)
江湖 göng-vũ
jiānghu itinerant entertainers/quacks; trade of such people.⁵ (See 江湖 göng-vũ jiānghú.)
江西 Göng-xäi Jiāngxī Jiangxi (Province).⁵

江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū Jiangsu (Province).⁵
or 江瑶[江瑤] göng-yẽl jiāngyáo pen shell.⁶
or 江瑶柱[江瑤柱] göng-yẽl-chuî/ jiāngyáozhù dried adductor of a pen shell; dried scallop.⁶
<台> 江珧柱 göng-yiũ-chuî/ dried scallop.
gong2 4994
85 9 göng guāng name of a river in Shandong; (said of water) to glitter; cavalierly, bravely, to be martial-looking.⁷
洸洸 göng-göng guāngguāng determined and brave.⁸
gong2 4995
85 9 göng jiàng a flood.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰氵夅; U+6D1A).
洚水 göng-suī jiàngshuǐ (=洪水 hũng-suī hóngshuǐ flood; floodwater; torrent.⁶) flood; inundation.⁶
洚水警余 göng-suī-gēin-yĩ
jiàngshuǐjǐngyú the floods frightened me.¹⁴
洚洞 göng-ùng
jiàngdòng reckless; overflowing.¹⁴
gong2 4996
86 6 göng guāng <old>=光 göng guāng ➀ light; brightness; light rays ➁ glossy; smooth ➂ glory; glorious; honor ➃ to exhaust; to use up ➄ alone; only ➅ bare; to bare; naked ➆ Guang surname.⁷
(composition: ⿱火儿; U+706E).
(See 光 göng).
gong2 4997
86 12 göng gàng to temper steel.⁸ a knife, a hard-tempered blade; to harden or temper steel.²⁴ (variant: 焹 göng).
(composition: ⿰火岡; U+7135).
(See 焹 göng).
gong2 4998
86 12 göng gàng (<old>=焵⁸ göng gàng to temper steel.⁸ a knife, a hard-tempered blade; to harden or temper steel.²⁴)
(composition: ⿰火罔; U+7139).
(See 焵 göng).
gong2 4999
93 12 göng gāng a single ox.²⁵
𤙡❄{⿰牜辛}犅 xëin-göng xīnggāng a single ox of red color.²⁵
骍犅[騂犅] xëin-göng
xīnggāng a red bull.¹⁴
gong2 5000
96 10 göng guāng jade flute; name of jade.⁹ a pipe; the name of a precious stone; a man's name.²⁴
珖琯 göng-gōn guāngguǎn a jade flute.¹³
gong2 5001
104 8 göng gāng (<old>=肛 göng gāng) anus.
(composition: ⿸疒工; U+7598).
脱疘[脫疘] höt-göng
tuōgāng (<old>=脱肛[脫肛] höt-göng tuōgāng <med.> prolapse of anus.⁵); rectocele, proctocele.¹¹
gong2 5002
112 8 göng gāng stone bridge; stepping stones; also read jiāng.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰石工; U+77FC).
登村度石矼 äng-tûn-ù-sêk-göng
dēng cūn dù shígāng crossing the stone bridge to reach the village.⁸ʼ¹⁹
徒矼 hũ-göng
túgāng foot bridge.¹⁴ʼ
跨石矼 kä-sêk-göng
kuàshígāng to step across stepping-stones.¹⁴
鱼矼[魚矼] nguĩ-göng
yúgāng a small stone bridge for fishing.¹⁹
or 石杠 sêk-göng shígāng stone bridge.¹⁹
<又> höng; hüng.
(See 矼 höng; 矼 hüng).
gong2 5003
118 13 𥭗
göng jiàng (composition: ⿱𥫗夆). (U+25B57).
𥭗❄{⿱𥫗夆}䉶 göng-söng jiàngshuāng a strainer for liquor.²⁵
<又> pũng.
(See 𥭗❄{⿱𥫗夆} pũng.)
gong2 5004
120 12 göng jiàng deep red; crimson.⁵ purple-red; capital of the Jin State during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-475 BC).¹⁰
(comp. t: ⿰糹夅; U+7D73). (comp. s: ⿰纟夅; U+7EDB).
绛紫[絳紫] göng-dū
jiàngzǐ dark reddish purple.⁵
绛颊[絳頰] göng-gäp
jiàngjiá rosy cheeks; a flushed face.⁷
绛工[絳工] göng-güng
jiànggōng a dyer.¹⁴
绛红[絳紅] göng-hũng
jiànghóng crimson.⁹
绛红色[絳紅色] göng-hũng-sēik
jiànghóngsè deep-red color.⁵⁴
绛帻[絳幘] göng-jāk
jiàngzé <trad.> imperial guards who wear red turbans.⁷
绛帐[絳帳] göng-jëng
jiàngzhàng the seat of the teacher formerly with a red curtain behind it.⁷ a teacher's seat – allusion to the story of 马融[馬融] Mâ Yũng Mǎ Róng (79-186) author of many commentaries on the Classics.¹¹
绛阙[絳闕] göng-kūt
jiàngquè palace grounds.¹¹
绛色[絳色] göng-sēik
jiàngsè deep crimson.¹¹
绛树[絳樹] göng-sì
jiàngshù coral; name of an ancient beauty.⁷
绛唇[絳唇] göng-sũn
jiàngchún red lips.⁷
gong2 5005
120 14 göng gāng the headrope of a fishing net; key link, guiding principle; outline, program; <bio.> class; transportaion of goods under convoy (in feudal China).⁵
(comp. t: ⿰糹岡; U+7DB1). (comp. s: ⿰纟冈; U+7EB2).
纲纪[綱紀] göng-gī
gāngjì discipline, morale, law and order; formerly, a butler; <wr.> to rule, manage, oversee.¹¹
纲举目张[綱舉目張] göng-guī-mùk-jëng
gāngjǔmùzhāng once the headrope of a fishing net is pulled up, all its meshes open – when the general plan is laid out, the details are easy to arrange.⁶
纲领[綱領] göng-lêin
gānglǐng program; guiding principle.¹⁰
纲目[綱目] göng-mùk
gāngmù the outline and detailed items; a form of chronicle.⁷
纲常[綱常] göng-sẽng
gāngcháng short for 三綱五常: 三綱 (君臣,父子,夫婦) the proper relations between the prince and his ministers, between father and son, and between husband and wife; 五常 the five cardinal virtues of 仁義禮智信 (benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and fidelity).¹¹
纲要[綱要] göng-yël
gāngyào outline, sketch; essentials, compendium.⁵
gong2 5006
121 9 göng gāng jar; vat; measure word for loads of laundry.¹⁰ a cistern; an earthenware jar of large dimensions; a vat; a crock.¹⁴ a jar; also, the name of a place.²⁴ (variants: 堈, 罁 göng gāng).
(composition: ⿰缶工; U+7F38).
缸壁 göng-bēik
gāngbì <mach.> casing wall.⁶
缸子 göng-dū
gāngzi <vern.> mug; bowl.⁶
缸径[缸徑] göng-gèin
gāngjìng <mach.> bore; cylinder diameter.⁶
缸盖[缸蓋] göng-gôi
gānggài <mach.> cylinder cover or head.⁶
缸管 göng-gōn
gāngguǎn earthen pipe.⁶
缸鼓 göng-gū
gānggǔ vat-shaped drum.⁶
缸口 göng-hēo
gāngkǒu mouth of a jar or vat.¹⁴
缸砖[缸磚] göng-jön
gāngzhuān clinker (tile); quarry tile.⁶
缸面酒 göng-mèin-diū
gāngmiànjiǔ early, newly-matured wine.¹⁴
缸瓦 göng-ngā
gāngwǎ compound of sand, clay, for making earthenwares.⁶
缸盆 göng-pûn
gāngpén glazed earthen basin.⁶ a vessel which looks like a crock but shallower than it.⁷
水缸 suī-göng
shuǐgāng water vat.⁶ a large open-mouthed jar for holding water.¹⁴
(See 堈 göng; 罁 göng).
gong2 5007
121 14 göng gāng (<old>=缸 göng gāng) jar; vat; measure word for loads of laundry.¹⁰ a cistern; an earthenware jar of large dimensions; a vat; a crock.¹⁴ a jar; also, the name of a place.²⁴
(composition: ⿰缶岡; U+7F41).
gong2 5008
122 10 göng gāng the Daoist name of the Dipper.⁷ the name of certain stars; the god who is supposed to live in them.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱罒正; U+7F61).
罡风[罡風] göng-füng gāngfēng strong high wind; gale; <Dao> wind in the empyrean.⁶ in Daoism, astral wind on which immortals may ride; strong wind.¹⁰
罡咒 göng-jiü
gāngzhòu <Dao> Daoist charms printed on paper.⁷
天罡 hëin-göng
tiāngāng <astr.> Big Dipper, Plough; handle of the Big Dipper.⁶
天罡星 hëin-göng-xëin
tiāngāngxīng <astr.> Big Dipper.⁶
or 四大金刚[四大金剛] xï-ài-gïm-göng sìdàjīn'gāng the four guardian idols at the entrance of Buddhist temples.¹⁴
gong2 5009
130 7 göng gāng anus and anal canal.⁶ the anus.⁷ (variant: 疘 göng gāng).
肛道 göng-ào
gāngdào proctodaeum.⁶
肛交 göng-gäo
gāngjiāo anal sex/intercourse.⁶
肛周[肛週] göng-jiü
gāngzhōu crissum.¹⁰
肛裂 göng-lëik
gāngliè <med.> anal fissure.⁵
肛瘘[肛瘻] göng-lèo
gānglòu <med.> anal fistula.⁵
肛门[肛門] göng-mõn
gāngmén anus.⁵
(See 疘 göng).
gong2 5010
130 10 göng guāng bladder.⁸
(composition: ⿰月光; U+80F1).
胱氨酸 göng-ön-xön guāng’ānsuān cystine.⁸
膀胱 põng-göng
pángguāng urinary bladder.⁹
膀胱结石[膀胱結石] põng-göng-gēik-sêk
pángguāng jiēshí stone in the bladder.¹¹
膀胱炎 põng-göng-yèm
pángguāngyán inflammation of the bladder.¹¹
膀胱癌 põng-göng-ngãm
pángguāng'ái bladder cancer.⁷
gong2 5011
140 9 göng guāng (composition: ⿱艹光; U+832A).
芵茪 kūt-göng juéguāng a kind of grass mentioned in ancient books.⁸ (now =决明[決明] kūt-mẽin juémíng cassia,  Senna tora).¹⁰¹
gong2 5012
140 9 göng jiāng (composition: ⿱艹江; U+8333).
茳芏 göng-ù jiāngdù a kind of rush.¹ cyperus, used to make mats.⁸ Cyperus malaccensis Lam. var. malaccensis.³¹
短叶茳芏[短葉茳芏] ōn-yêp-göng-ù
duǎnyèjiāngdù Cyperus malaccensis var. brevifolius.³¹ common name in Guangdong: 咸水草[鹹水草] hãm-suī-tāo xiánshuǐcǎo.
茳蓠[茳蘺] or 江蓠[江蘺] göng-lĩ jiānglí red algae; Gracilaria, several species, some edible; Japanese ogonori.
gong2 5013
151 10 göng jiāng a cowpea.⁷ a small kidney bean.¹⁴ (variant: 䜶 göng jiāng).
豇豆 göng-èo
jiāngdòu cowpea or black-eye pea, southern pea, yardlong bean (Vigna unguiculata), also called 豆角 èo-gök/ dòujiǎo or 长豆[長豆] chẽng-èo chángdòu.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
豇荳 göng-èo
jiāngdòu (=豇豆 göng-èo jiāngdòu) kidney beans.¹⁴
豇豆红[豇豆紅] göng-èo-hũng
jiāngdòuhóng peach bloom glaze (rare porcelain in the Qing Dynasty).⁶
(See 䜶 göng).
gong2 5014
151 13 göng jiāng (=豇 göng jiāng) a cowpea.⁷ a small kidney bean.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰豆夅; U+4736).
See 豇 göng).
gong2 5015
167 11 göng gāng oil lamp.¹³ a bowl for a hanging lamp or for fish.¹⁴ a candlestick.²⁵ <old> also used for meaning in 釭 güng gōng, but pronounced göng jiāng q.v.²
(composition: ⿰釒工; U+91ED).
兰釭当夜明[蘭釭當夜明]²⁵ lãn-göng-öng-yèh-mẽin 
lán gāng dàng yè míng the flowery candlestick brightly burns by night.²⁵
银釭[銀釭] ngãn-göng
yíngāng <poet.> a lamp.¹¹
残釭[殘釭] tãn-göng
cángāng dying lamp.⁵⁴
<又> güng.
(See 釭 güng).
gong2 5016
167 16 göng gàng to sharpen.
(comp. t: ⿰釒岡; U+92FC). (comp. s: ⿰钅冈; U+94A2).
钢刀布[鋼刀布] göng-äo-bü
gàngdāobù razor strop.⁸
<又> gông.
(See 鋼 gông.)
gong2 5017
170 8 göng jiàng fall, drop, decline; lower, reduce, cut down.⁶
(composition: ⿰阝夅; U+964D).
降低 göng-äi jiàngdī to reduce; to cut down; to lower.
降福穰穰 göng-fūk-ngẽng-ngẽng
jiàngfúrángráng sending down blessings in abundance.¹⁴
降价[降價] göng-gä
jiàngjià to lower prices.
降香檀 göng-hëng-hãn
jiàngxiāngtán fragrant rosewood Dalbergia odorifera T. C. Chen. (A.K.A. 降香 göng-hëng jiàngxiāng; 花梨母 fä-lĩ-mû huālímǔ).⁷³
降香黄檀[降香黃檀] göng-hëng-võng-hãn
jiàngxiāng huángtán or 海南黄花梨[海南黃花梨] Hōi-nãm-võng-fä-lĩ Hǎinán huánghuālí fragrant rosewood (Dalbergia odorifera).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
降旗 göng-kĩ
jiàngqí to lower a flag.
降级[降級] göng-kīp
jiàngjí to demote.
降临[降臨] göng-lĩm
jiànglín to descend; to arrive; to come.¹⁰ condescend to come.¹¹
降落 göng-lòk
jiàngluò to descend; to land.¹⁰
降落伞[降落傘] göng-lòk-xän
jiàngluòsǎn parachute.
降霰 göng-xëin
jiàngxiàn sleet.¹⁹
陟降 jēik-göng
zhìjiàng ascending and descending.¹⁴
升降机[升降機] sëin-göng-gï
shēngjiàngjī elevator.
<又> hõng.
(See 降 hõng.)
gong2 5018
187 24 𩧉
göng guāng a yellow horse, with curly hair on its back.²⁵
(composition: ⿰馬黃; U+299C9).
骙𩧉❄{⿰馬廣}[騤𩧉❄{⿰馬廣}] or 決𩧉❄{⿰馬廣} kūt-göng juéguāng or 阕𩧉❄{⿰馬廣}[闋𩧉❄{⿰馬廣}] küt-göng quèguāng or 阕广[闋廣] küt-gōng quèguǎng curly hairs on the back of a horse.²ʼ²⁵ʼ¹⁰¹
gong2 5019
10 6 gông guāng <台> 发靓光[發靓光] fät-lëng-gông glaucoma (=青光眼 tëin-göng-ngān qīngguāngyǎn glaucoma).
<又> göng.
(See 光 göng.)
gong5 5020
46 8 gông gāng (comp. t: ⿵冂⿱䒑山; U+5CA1). (comp. s: ⿵冂㐅; U+5188).
蚬岗镇[蜆崗鎮] Hēin-gông-jïn
Xiǎn'gāngzhèn a township in 开平[開平] Höi-pẽin Kāipíng, Guangdong Province.²
沙冈[沙岡] Sä-gông
Shāgāng a place in 开平[開平] Höi-pẽin Kāipíng, Guangdong Province.
<又> göng.
(See 岡 göng.)
gong5 5021
46 11 gông gàng 岗尖[崗尖] gông-dëm gàngjiān <topo.> full to the brim, filled to the brim; very good, excellent, superb.⁶
岗口儿甜[崗口兒甜] gông-hēo-ngĩ-hẽm
gàngkǒurtián <topo.> very/extremely sweet.⁶
<又> göng.
(See 崗 [gông, gǎng], göng.)
gong5 5022
46 11 gông gǎng hillock, mound, hill; ridge, welt, wale; post; sentry.⁶
岗位[崗位] gông-vì gǎngwèi post, station, position.⁶
下岗[下崗] hà-gông
xiàgǎng come or go off sentry duty; be laid off, be temporarily unemployed.⁶
土岗[土崗] hū-gông
tǔgǎng mound, hillock.⁶
站岗[站崗] jàm-gông
zhàngǎng to stand guard at a post.¹¹
门岗[門崗] mõn-gông
méngǎng gate sentry.⁶
<又> göng.
(See 崗 göng, [gông, gàng].)
gong5 5023
167 16 gông gāng steel.⁶ (comp. t: ⿰釒岡; U+92FC). (comp. s: ⿰钅冈; U+94A2).
钢胆[鋼膽] gông-ām gāngdǎn Baoding balls, aka 铁胆, 铁球, 钢球, 健身球, 保定铁球.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
钢钣[鋼鈑] gông-bān
gāngbǎn steel plate.⁶
钢镚[鋼鏰] gông-bäng
gāngbèng small coin; dime.¹⁰
钢笔[鋼筆] gông-bīt
gāngbǐ fountain pen; pen.⁸
钢笔杆儿[鋼筆桿兒] gông-bīt-gön-ngĩ
gāngbǐgǎnr pen holder.⁵
钢锭[鋼錠] gông-èin
gāngdìng steel ingot.⁸
钢花四溅[鋼花四濺] gông-fä-xü-dèin
gānghuāsìjiàn sparks of molten steel flying in all directions.⁵
钢盔[鋼盔] gông-föi
or gông-kï gāngkuī a steel helmet.¹¹
钢管[鋼管] gông-gōn
gāngguǎn steel tube.⁸
钢锯[鋼鋸] gông-guï
gāngjù hacksaw.⁸
钢铁[鋼鐵] gông-hëik
gāngtiě iron and steel; steel.⁶
钢琴[鋼琴] gông-kĩm
gāngqín piano.⁵
钢缆[鋼纜] gông-làm
gānglǎn a steel cable.¹¹
钢钎[鋼釺] gông-tëin
gāngqiān drill rod/steel; hammer or rock drill.⁶
钢材[鋼材] gông-tõi
gāngcái steel products; steels.⁶
<台> 生冷钢[生冷钢] säng-läng-gông cold and hard rice.
<又> göng.
(See 鋼 göng.)
gong5 5024
19 3 gōt (composition: ⿰力乚; U+529C).
𩔚❄{⿰翁頁}劜 yūng-gōt wěngyā to bend, to subdue the violent.²⁵
got1 5025
30 15 gōt phonetic ga (used in rendering Tibetan and Mongolian sounds); Tibetan Ge: language of Buddha; (dialect) final particle similar to 了 (esp. in Yunnan).¹⁰
噶厦 gōt-hà gáxià gaxag (local Tibetan government before 1959, made up of four galoins).⁶
噶伦[噶倫] gōt-lũn
gálún galoin (title of a high official in Tibetan local government in former times).⁶
准噶尔[准噶爾] Jūn-gōt-ngì
Zhǔngá'ěr Dzungar people, Zunghar.¹⁵
准噶尔盆地[准噶爾盆地] Jūn-gōt-ngì-pûn-ì
Zhǔngá'ěr Péndì Junggar/ Dzungharian Basin Iin Xinjiang, China).⁶
got1 5026
64 15 gōt to scrape, to beat.²⁴
搳擖 hàt-gōt huágě the noise of rubbing  wood.²⁴
<又>gàt, làp, yêp.
(See 擖 gàt, 擖 làp, 擖 yêp).
got1 5027
140 12 gōt Ge surname.¹⁰
诸葛[諸葛] Jï-gōt Zhūgě Zhuge compound surname.
诸葛亮[諸葛亮] Jï-gōt Lèng
Zhūgě Liàng Zhuge Liang (181–234) was a chancellor of the state of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms period; mastermind.
諸葛亮七擒孟獲 Jï-gōt Lèng tīt kĩm Màng Vòk
Zhūgě Liàng qī qín Mèng Huò  (short form: 七擒七放 tīt-kĩm-tīt-föng qīqínqīfàng) Zhuge Liang subjugated Meng Huo, a native chief by capturing him and releasing him seven times.¹¹
<又> gût.
(See 葛 gût.)
got1 5028
140 13 gōt Ge surname.
<又> gôi, köi. (See 蓋 gôi, köi.)
got1 5029
159 16 gōt great array of spears and chariots.¹⁴ (syn. 轕 gōt ).
(composition: ⿰車曷; U+8F35).
(See 轕 gōt).
got1 5030
159 19 gōt great array of spears and chariots.¹⁴ (syn. 輵 gōt ).
(composition: ⿰車葛; U+8F55).
(See 輵 gōt).
got1 5031
169 17 gōt sound of the door.⁸
(composition: ⿵門曷; U+49AA).
got1 5032
196 23 𪆰
gōt 鶷𪆰❄{⿰葛鳥} hàt-gōt xiáyà resembles a shrike but smaller.² a small kind of shrike.²⁵
(composition: ⿰葛鳥; U+2A1B0).
got1 5033
18 8 göt (ancient form of 割 göt ) to cut; to hack; to reap.⁸ In some historical dictionaries, 㓣 göt in recorded as an old variant of 割 göt to cut.³⁶
(composition: ⿰合刂; U+34E3).
<又> hāp.
(See 㓣 hāp).
got2 5034
18 12 göt to cut.⁵
割包 göt-bäo gēbāo (guà bāo in Taiwan) a Taiwanese snack food made with 2 pieces of steamed bun with pork belly and half of a small cucumber inside with other condiments.²³
割包皮 göt-bäo-pĩ
gēbāopí to circumcise.⁷
割除 göt-chuĩ
gēchú cut off; cut out; excise.⁵
割鸡焉用牛刀[割雞焉用牛刀] göt-gäi-yën-yùng-ngẽo-äo
gē jī yānyòng niúdāo why use an ox-cleaver to kill a chicken; why break a butterfly on a wheel.⁵
割地 göt-ì
gēdì cede territory.⁵
割地赔款[割地賠款] göt-ì-põi-fōn
gēdìpéikuǎn yield (up) one's lands/cede one's territory and pay indemnities.⁶
割麦子[割麥子] göt-màk-dū
gēmàizǐ  reap wheat.⁵
割爱[割愛] göt-öi
gē'ài give up what one treasures; part with cherished possessions.⁵
割破 göt-pö
gēpò to cut open.
割势[割勢] göt-säi
gēshì to castrate.⁷
割草 göt-tāo
gēcǎo to cut grass; to mow.⁵
割草机[割草機] göt-tāo-gï
gēcǎojī mower.⁵
收割 siü-göt
shōugē reap; harvest; gather in.⁶
<台> 割禾 göt-võ to harvest rice.
got2 5035
9 7 to estimate; to calculate; to evaluate.
估价[估價] gū-gä gūjià to estimate cost or value; to evaluate; to appraise.
估计[估計] gū-gäi
gūjì to estimate; to appraise.
估量 gū-lèng
gūliáng appraise; estimate; assess.⁵
估税[估稅] gū-suï
gūshuì sales tax
估算 gū-xön
gūsuàn to calculate roughly.
无可估量[無可估量] mũ-hō-gū-lèng
wúkěgūliàng immeasurable.
评估[評估]  pẽin-gū
pínggū to estimate; to evaluate; assessment; evaluation.
<又> gü.
(See 估 gü.)
gu1 5036
30 5 ancient; old; classic; Gu surname.
作古 dōk-gū zuògǔ <wr.> pass away (“join the ancients”).
古迹[古跡] gū-dēik
gǔjì historical sites.¹⁰
古怪 gū-gäi
gǔguài strange, peculiar; very.¹⁴
古今中外 gū-gïm-jüng-ngòi
gǔjīnzhōngwài at all times and in all countries.
古稀 gū-hï
gǔxī <wr.> three score years and ten; seventy years of age.⁸
古琴 gū-kĩm
gǔqín guqin, a seven-stringed plucked instrument in some ways similar to the zither.⁵
古灵精怪[古靈精怪] gū-lẽin-dëin-gäi
gǔ líng jīng guài weird; bizarre.¹⁰
古物 gū-mòt
gǔwù ancient objects; antiquities.
古人 gū-ngĩn
gǔrén the ancients.
古玩 gū-ngòn
gǔwán curio; antique.⁵
古代 gū-òi
gǔdài ancient times.
古色古香 gū-sēik-gū-hëng
gǔsègǔxiāng (of ancient objects of art) having antique flavor.¹¹
古渡 gū-ù
gǔdù ancient ferry crossing.⁶
古董 gū-ūng
gǔdǒng antiques; curios.¹⁴
名胜古迹[名勝古跡] mẽin-sëin-gū-dēik
míngshènggǔjì historical sites and scenic spots.¹⁰
<台> 讲古仔[講古仔]  gōng-gū-dōi to tell a story.
gu1 5037
30 8 <ono.> (of hen) cluck; (of turtledove) coo.⁵ to murmur; to mumble; to grumble; to mutter.¹⁰ to mutter, to chatter or hum.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰口古; U+5495).
咕唧 gū-dēik gūjī to squelch.⁵ to whisper; to mutter.¹⁰
咕咕唧唧 gū-gū-dēik-dēik
gūgūjījī whispering.¹⁴
咕噜肉[咕嚕肉] gū-lāo-ngùk
gūlǎoròu sweet-and-sour pork.⁹ (See 咕噜肉[咕嚕肉] gū-lū-ngùk gūlūròu.)
咕噜肉[咕嚕肉] gū-lū-ngùk
gūlūròu sweet and sour meat (pork).¹⁰ (See 咕噜肉[咕嚕肉] gū-lāo-ngùk gūlǎoròu.)
咕噜[咕嚕] gū-lû
gūlu <ono.> to rumble (of a stomach); to coo (of a dove); rumbling; noisy drinking sound.¹⁰ to mumble.¹⁴
咕隆 gū-lũng
gūlōng rumble; rattle; roll.³⁹
咕囔 gū-nõng
gūnang to mutter.¹⁴
咕哝[咕噥] gū-nũng
gūnong to mumble; to grumble; to whisper.⁸
咕嘟 gū-ü
gūdu (of flowing water) murmur, bubble; to pout one's lips or mouth in displeasure or anger.¹¹
咕嘟着嘴[咕嘟著嘴] gū-ü-jèk-duī
gūduzhezuǐ bring to a boil.¹¹
咕咚 gū-üng
gūdōng splash; <ono.> for heavy things falling down.¹⁰
gu1 5038
30 10 elder brother.
大哥 ài-gū or ài-gō dàgē eldest brother; gang leader.
八哥 bät-gū or bät-gō bāgē or 鸲鹆[鴝鵒] kuĩ-yùk qúyù crested myna (Acridotheres cristatellus), a species of starling native to southeastern China and Indochina.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
表哥 bēl-gū
or bēl-gō biǎogē older male cousin via female line.
哥哥 gū-gū
or gō-gō gēge older brother.
哥伦比亚[哥倫比亞] Gū-lũn-bī-ä
Gēlúnbǐyà Columbia University; District of Columbia; Colombia.
<又> gō.
(See 哥 gō.)
gu1 5039
30 14 felicity, prosperity, blessing; birthday felicitations.¹¹ felicity, prosperity.¹⁴ happy.²⁴ great felicity or prosperity; propitious.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰古叚; U+560F).
降嘏 göng-gū jiànggǔ the blessings of heaven.¹⁰²
祝嘏 jūk-gū
zhùgǔ <wr.> to pray for longevity.¹¹ to offer a felicitous wish on birthdays.¹⁴ to bless, to supplicate blessings.²⁴ to implore blessings.¹⁰²
承嘏 sẽin-gū
chénggǔ to accept one's benediction.
純嘏 sũn-gū
chúngǔ pure blessing.¹¹ unalloyed happiness, blessings without sorrow.¹⁰²
锡尔纯嘏 [錫爾純嘏] xēik-ngì-sũn-gū
xī ěr chún gǔ
'We confer on you great blessings, ' [says the representative of the dead].⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·桑扈之什·賓之初筵·賓之初筵·2》, translated by James Legge).
<又> gā.
(See 嘏 gā.)
gu1 5040
34 4 to get much by trading; to buy.²⁴
<又> yẽin. (See 夃 yẽin.)
gu1 5041
93 9 bull.⁵ a cow; a castrated bull.⁷ a bull; a male.¹⁴
牯岭[牯嶺] Gū-lêin Gǔlǐng Kuling, a summer resort in 江西 Göng-xäi Jiāngxī Jiangxi Province.⁷
牯牛 gū-ngẽo
gǔniú bull.⁵ a cow; a castrated bull.⁷ a bull.¹⁴
<台> 牛牯 ngẽo-gū bull.
<台> 石牯 sêk-gū stone, rock.
gu1 5042
107 14 (<old>=鼓 gū drum; beat, top, strike.⁸ drums; to drum; to vibrate, to quiver; to rouse, to stir up, to instigate.⁷); drum; excite, arouse).⁸
(composition: ⿰壴皮; U+76B7).
(See 鼓 gū).
gu1 5043
108 16 a pot, an earthen pot; a deep cooking pot.⁸
䀇子 gū-dū gǔzi deep pot.⁶
gu1 5044
108 18 salt pond; granulated salt; stop.⁸ covered pot.¹⁰ salt pond; leisure; to suck.¹¹ salt pit; leisure; pot; drink.¹³ salt lake, brine tank; coarse salt; fish food; brittle, not strong; rude, bad; stop, end; drink, suck; own; covered pot; * Gu (salt lake in the current Shanxi province).⁵⁴ a salt pond situated in or near 猗氏县[猗氏縣] yï-sì-yòn yīshìxiàn in the southwest of Shanxi, near which there is a deposit of rock salt; temporary, not lasting or durable, for the time.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱⿰臣⿱午口皿; U+76EC).
王事靡盬 võng-xù-mî-gū
wángshìmǐgǔ there was no let-up in the king's affairs.¹¹ The king's affairs must not be slackly discharged. (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·唐風·鴇羽·1》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ The king's business must not be slackly discharged. (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·唐風·鴇羽·3》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ the king's affairs brook no delay.¹⁰²
gu1 5045
109 18 <wr.> blind; lacking discernment.⁶
瞽夫 gū-fü/ gǔfū <wr.> blind person.⁵⁴
瞽者 gū-jēh
gǔzhě the blind; a blind person.⁷
瞽蒙 gū-mũng
gǔméng the official rank of court musicians in ancient China.⁷
瞽议[瞽議] gū-ngì
gǔyì <wr.> wild talk; groundless statements.⁷
瞽阇[瞽闍] gū-sẽh
gǔshé blind monk; refers to famous blind historian 左丘明 Dū Hiü-mẽin Zuǒ Qiūmíng.¹⁰
瞽说[瞽說] gū-sōt
gǔshuō or 瞽言 gū-ngũn gǔyán shallow and unreasonable talk;  wild talk.⁷
瞽叟 Gū Xēo
Gǔ Sǒu, the father of Emperor Shun.²³
瞽瞍 gū-xēo
gǔsǒu a blind person.⁵⁴
瞽史 gū-xū
gǔshǐ the two official posts in the Zhou Dynasty, one in charge of music, and the other in charge of rites and astrology.⁷
狂瞽 kõng-gū
kuánggǔ <wr.> my humble remarks.⁵⁴
两瞽相扶[兩瞽相扶] lēng-gū-xëng-fũ
liǎnggǔxiāngfú two blind persons support each other by the arm – be of little help to each other.⁶
gu1 5046
118 11 an implement for catching fish.² a basket for catching fish.²⁵ a basket or net for catching fish.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱𥫗古; U+41E2).
<又> fū. (See 䇢 fū).
gu1 5047
118 14 𥯶
an implement for catching fish.²
(composition: ⿱𥫗苦; U+25BF6).
<又> fū. (See 𥯶❄{⿱𥫗苦} fū).
gu1 5048
123 10 <wr.> ram.⁶ a black ram.⁷ a ram; a sheep of a black and white color.¹⁴ (variant: 𦍩 gū ).
or 𦍩❄{⿰羊古}羊 gū-yẽng gǔyáng a ram.¹⁴
(See 𦍩:⿰羊古 gū).
gu1 5049
123 11 𦍩
(=羖 gū ) <wr.> ram.⁶ a black ram.⁷ a ram; a sheep of a black and white color.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰羊古; U+26369).
❄{⿰羊古}or 羖羊 gū-yẽng gǔyáng a ram.¹⁴
(See 羖 gū).
gu1 5050 26369.gif
130 8 thigh; section (of an office, enterprise); strand, ply; share in a company; measure word for smells, electric currents, spirals; whiff.⁵
八股 bät-gū bāgǔ eight-part essay (a literary composition prescribed for the imperial civil service examinations, known for its rigidity of form and poverty of ideas).³⁹
股份 gū-fùn
gǔfèn shares of capital stock.¹¹
股价[股價] gū-gä gǔjià stock price; share price.¹⁰
股肱 gū-gäng
gǔgōng <wr.> thigh and arm – right-hand man; top aid.⁶
股肱之臣 gū-gäng-jï-sĩn
gǔgōngzhīchén most trustworthy minister.⁶
股肱耳目 gū-gäng-ngī-mùk
gǔgōng'ěrmù close assistants; one's bosom (most trusted) assistants.⁵⁴
股长[股長] gū-jēng
gǔzhǎng section chief.⁸
股权[股權] gū-kũn
gǔquán equity shares; stock right.¹⁰
股票 gū-pêl/
gǔpiào stock certificate; stock shares.¹¹
股票掮客 gū-pêl/-kẽin-häk
gǔpiào qiánkè stockbroker.¹⁹
股市 gū-sî
gǔshì stock market.¹⁰
股东[股東] gū-üng
gǔdōng shareholder; stockholder.¹⁰
一股劲[一股勁] yīt-gū-gèin
yīgǔjìn a burst of energy.⁵
一股香味 yīt-gū-hëng-mì
yī gǔ xiāngwèi a whiff of fragrance.⁵
gu1 5051
130 17 dropsical; swollen.¹⁰
臌胀[臌脹] gū-jëng gǔzhàng (=鼓胀[鼓脹] gū-jëng gǔzhàng) tympanites, distention of the belly region.¹¹
气臌[氣臌] hï-gū
qìgǔ swollen with gas.¹¹
水臌 suī-gū
shuǐgǔ dropsy; to swell, protuberate, bulge; bloated, swollen.¹¹
gu1 5052
142 11 蝲蛄 lā-gū làgǔ crayfish.⁶
蝲蝲蛄 lā-lā-gū
làlàgǔ mole cricket.⁶
(See 蛄 gü).
gu1 5053
142 23 poison; venom; harm; bewitch.⁸
蛊疾[蠱疾] gū-dìp gǔjí a condition caused by excessive sexual activities.¹¹
蛊祝[蠱祝] gū-jūk
gǔzhù to curse somebody; to place a jinx.¹⁰
蛊毒[蠱毒] gū-ùk
gǔdú poisonous; a mixture of poisonous insects (snakes, spiders), used in herb medicine.¹¹
蛊惑[蠱惑] gū-vàk
gǔhuò to poison; to bewitch; to put a spell on somebody; to harm by witchcraft.¹⁰ seduce to wrongdoing.¹¹
蛊惑人心[蠱惑人心] gū-vàk-ngĩn-xïm
gǔhuò rénxīn to stir up public sentiment by false statements (idiom); to resort to demagogy.¹⁰
巫蛊[巫蠱] mũ-gū
wūgǔ witchcraft.¹⁰
妖蛊[妖蠱] yēl-gū
yāogǔ sorcery, black magic; witchery of woman's charm.¹¹
gu1 5054
149 12 exegesis; explanation; to explain.
训诂[訓詁] fün-gū xùngǔ commentary on an ancient text; exegesis; the explanation of the meaning of words as found in the classics.
解诂[解詁] gāi-gū
jiěgǔ explanatory notes for the classics; to explain the classics in modern language.
gu1 5055
154 12 𧵎
(=贾[賈] gū a shopman, a resident or settled trader, as distinguished from 商 sëng shāng a traveling one; to sell, to traffic.¹⁰²).²
(variant: 𧵑
(composition: ⿱古貝; U+27D4E).
(See 賈 gū; 𧵑❄{⿰貝古} gū).
gu1 5056
154 12 𧵑
(=𧵎❄{⿱古貝} = 贾[賈] gū a shopman, a resident or settled trader, as distinguished from 商 sëng shāng a traveling one; to sell, to traffic.¹⁰²).²
(composition: ⿰貝古; U+27D51).
(See 𧵎❄{⿱古貝} gū; 賈 gū).
gu1 5057
154 13 merchant; engage in trade; <wr.> sell, afford.⁵ a merchant; <wr.> sell in commerce; <wr.> to invite.¹¹ a shopman, a resident or settled trader, as distinguished from 商 sëng shāng a traveling one; to sell, to traffic.¹⁰²
大贾[大賈] ài-gū dàgǔ a wholesale dealer.¹⁰²
贾舶[賈舶] gū-bòk
gǔbó merchant marine; trading vessels.⁷
贾侩[賈儈] gū-köi
gǔkuài merchants.⁷
贾利[賈利] gū-lì
gǔlì to make a profit.⁷
贾人[賈人] gū-ngĩn
gǔrén merchants; businessman.⁷
贾商[賈商] gū-sëng
gǔshāng a tradesman.⁷
贾市[賈市] gū-sî
gǔshì a market.⁷ a bazaar, a market.¹⁰²
贾祸[賈禍] gū-vò
gǔhuò invite disaster.¹¹
贾余[賈餘] gū-yĩ
gǔyú with courage to spare.⁷
贾怨[賈怨] gū-yön
gǔyuàn invite hatred.¹¹
贾勇[賈勇] gū-yûng
gǔyǒng with courage to spare.⁷
商贾[商賈] sëng-gū
shānggǔ shopkeepers, tradesmen, merchants.¹¹ merchants, traders, dealers in general.¹⁰²
多钱善贾[多錢善賈] ü-tẽin-sèn-gū
duōqiánshàn'gǔ much capital, good business (idiom); fig. good trading conditions.¹⁰
多财善贾[多財善賈] ü-tõi-sèn-gū
duōcáishàngǔ being good at business, one is wealthy; plenty of capital makes it easy to trade; given the facilities, success is assured.⁵⁴
<又> gā.
(See 賈 gā.)
gu1 5058
159 12 a wheel; to turn; to revolve; to rotate.⁷
(comp. t: ⿰車古; U+8EF2). (comp. s: ⿰车古; U+8F71).
轱辘[軲轆] gū-lūk
or 轱轳[軲轤] gū-lũ gūlu a wheel; to turn; to revolve.⁷
轱辘井[軲轆井] gū-lūk-dēng
gūlujǐng well with a windlass.⁵⁴
轱辘子[軲轆子] gū-lūk-dū
gūlùzi <topo.> wheel; vehicle wheel.⁵⁴
轱辘鞋[軲轆鞋] gū-lūk-hãi
gūluxié roller skates.⁵
gu1 5059
167 13 cobalt (Co).⁶ an iron; cobalt.⁷
钴䥈[鈷䥈] gū-mông gǔmǎng a warming pan or hand stove.²⁵ kettle (for cooking food), pan.⁵⁴
钴鉧[鈷鉧] gū-mû
gǔmǔ <wr.> clothes iron.¹⁰ a warming pan; a smoothing iron.²⁵
钴胺素[鈷胺素] gū-ön-xü
gǔ'ànsù cobalamin.⁶
稀土钴[稀土鈷] hï-hū-gū
xītǔgǔ rare-earth cobalt.¹⁹
gu1 5060
195 16 鮕鮐 gū-hõi gǔtái another name for 鳢科[鱧科] lâi-fö lǐkē snakehead (fish) family.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
gu1 5061
207 13 Kangxi radical 207; drum; beat, top, strike.⁸ drums; to drum; to vibrate, to quiver; to rouse, to stir up, to instigate.⁷
(old variant: 皷 gū ).
打鼓 ā-gū
dǎgǔ beat a drum; feel uncertain; feel nervous.⁸
鼓吹 gū-chuï
gǔchuī to agitate for; to enthusiastically promote.¹⁰
鼓起 gū-hī
gǔqǐ to call up; to muster up; to pluck up; to take heart.
鼓櫂而进[鼓櫂而進] gū-jào-ngĩ-dïn
gǔzhàoérjìn row the boat forward.¹¹
鼓掌 gū-jēng
gǔzhǎng to clap one's hands; to applaud.⁸
鼓姬 gū-kï
gǔjī <wr.> a songstress who sings to the accompaniment of a drum.¹¹
鼓励[鼓勵] gū-lài
gǔlì actively support, encourage someone to do something.¹¹
鼓舞 gū-mū
gǔwǔ heartening (news); to inspire; to boost (morale); to dance for joy; to rejoice.
鼓瑟 gū-sīt
gǔsè play the sè.⁶
鼓噪 gū-täo
gǔzào clamour, make an uproar, raise a hubbub.⁶
鼓动[鼓動] gū-ùng
gǔdòng to agitate; to arouse.
一鼓作气[一鼓作氣] yīt-gū-dōk-hï
yīgǔzuòqì to press on to finish without letup; to accomplish with one effort.
一鼓而歼[一鼓而殲] yīt-gū-ngĩ-tëm
yīgǔ'érjiān to finish off at one blow; to annihilate at one stroke.
(See 鼓 [gū, ]; 皷 gū)/
gu1 5062
207 13 胖鼓鼓 bòn-gū-gū pànggūgū fat; plump.⁶
(See 鼓 [gū, ].)
gu1 5063
9 7 to sell (used clothing).
估衣 gü-yï gùyi secondhand clothes.
<又> gū.
(See 估 gū.)
gu2 5064
9 14 (=雇 gü ) hire; employ; engage.⁶
(composition: ⿰亻雇; U+50F1).
如今没奈何, 把你雇在间壁人家放牛.
[如今沒奈何, 把你僱在間壁人家放牛.]
Nguĩ-gïm mòt-nòi-hõ, bā-nï-gü-dòi gän-bēik ngĩn-gä föng-ngẽo.
Rújīn mònàihé, bǎ nǐ gù zài jiànbì rénjiā fàng niú.
There's nothing for it but to set you to work looking after our neighbor's buffalo. (Excerpt from 《儒林外史 - The Scholars·說楔子敷陳大義 借名流隱括全文 - In which an introductory story of a good scholar points the moral of the book·3》, translated by perhaps Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang).⁶⁰ Now I have no choice but to hire you out to herd cattle at the neighbor's house.⁰
(See 雇 gü).
gu2 5065
31 8 hard; strong; solid; sure; assuredly; undoubtedly; of course; indeed; admittedly.¹⁰ (variant: 怘 gü ).
坚固[堅固] gëin-gü
jiāngù firm; solid; sturdy; strong.⁵
固定 gü-èin
gùdìng fix, regularize; fixed, regular.⁵⁶
固态[固態] gü-häi
gùtài <phy.> solid state.⁸
固执[固執] gü-jīp
gùzhí obstinate, stubborn; to stick to, to cling to.⁶
固执己见[固執己見] gü-jīp-gī-gëin
gùzhíjǐjiàn stubbornly persist in one's own opinions; to be tenacious in one's opinion.⁶
固然 gü-ngẽin
gùrán admittedly; no doubt.⁹
固醇 gü-sũn
gùchún steroid.¹⁰
巩固[鞏固] gūng-gü
gǒnggù to consolidate; consolidation; to strengthen.¹⁰
类固醇[類固醇] luì-gü-sũn
lèigùchún steroid.⁷
顽固[頑固] ngãn-gü
wángù obstinate; stubborn; bitterly opposed to change; die-hard; bigotry.³⁹
凝固 ngẽin-gü
nínggù solidify, coagulate, clot, set; unchanged, static.⁶
(See 怘 gü).
gu2 5066
32 11 place name; old grave.² dam, dike; used in place names.⁸ an archaic term for an embankment.⁹ The name of a place; also an old grave.²⁴
龙堌[龍堌] Lũng-gü Lónggù, a place in 江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū Jiangsu Province.⁸
黄堌[黃堌] Võng-gü
Huánggù, a place in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province.⁸
gu2 5067
38 8 pfather's sister, aunt; husband's sister, sister-in-law; <wr.> husband's mother, mother-in-law; nun; <wr.> tentatively, for the time being.⁵
姑表 gü-bēl gūbiǎo the relationship between the children of a brother and a sister; cousinship.⁵
姑且 gü-chēh
gūqiě tentatively; for the moment.⁵
姑夫 gü-fü
or 姑父 gü-fù gūfu the husband of one's father's sister; uncle.⁵
姑姑 gü-gü
gūgu <topo.> father's sister; aunt.⁵
姑妄听之[姑妄聽之] gü-mông-hëin-jï
gūwàngtīngzhī see no harm in hearing what somebody has to say.⁵
姑母 gü-mû/
gūmǔ or 姑妈[姑媽] gü-mā gūmā father's sister (married); aunt.⁵
姑奶奶 gü-nâi-nâi
gūnǎinai married daughter; the sister of one's paternal grandfather; grandaunt.⁵
姑娘 gü-nĩang
gūniang girl; young woman; young lady; daughter; paternal aunt (old).¹⁰
姑嫂 gü-xāo
gūsǎo a woman and her brother's wife; sisters-in-law.⁵
姑息 gü-xēik
gūxī appease; indulge; tolerate.⁵
姑息养奸[姑息養奸] gü-xēik-yëng-gän
gūxī yǎng jiān to tolerate evil is to abet it.⁶
<台> 姑丈 gü-chêng husband of father's sister.
gu2 5068
39 8 orphaned; solitary, alone; I (used by feudal princes).⁵
孤灯[孤燈] gü-äng gūdēng an isolated light.⁹
孤岛[孤島] gü-āo
gūdǎo an isolated island.⁵
孤芳自赏[孤芳自賞] gü-föng-dù-sēng
gūfāngzìshǎng to indulge in self-admiration.⁷
or 孤苦零丁 gü-fū-lẽin-ëin gūkǔlíngdīng orphaned and helpless; friendless and wretched.⁵
孤家寡人 gü-gä-gā-ngĩn
gūjiāguǎrén a person in solitary splendor; a person who has no mass support; a loner.⁵
孤掌难鸣[孤掌難鳴] gü-jēng-nãn-mẽin
gūzhǎngnánmíng it's impossible to clap with one hand; it's difficult to achieve anything without support.⁵
孤注一掷[孤注一擲] gü-jî-yīt-jàk
gūzhùyīzhì (said of a gambler) to stake all on a single throw of the dice.⁷
孤檠 gü-kẽin
gūqíng lonely lamp.⁶ (=孤灯[孤燈]).¹⁹
孤立 gü-lìp
gūlì isolated; isolate.⁵
孤立无援[孤立無援] gü-lìp-mũ-yõn
gūlìwúyuán isolated and cut off from help.⁵
孤雁 gü-ngàn
gūyàn solitary wild goose.⁵
孤儿[孤兒] gü-ngǐ
gū'ér orphan.⁵
孤僻 gü-pēik
gūpì unsociable and eccentric.⁵
孤孀 gü-söng
gūshuāng widow; widow and her children.⁶
孤独[孤獨] gü-ùk
gūdú lonely; solitary.⁵
<台> 孤寒 gü-hõn miserly, stingy.
gu2 5069
46 8 a hill covered with vegetation (trees and grass).²
陟彼岵兮,瞻望父兮 jēik-bī-gü-hãi,  jëm-mòng-fù-hãi.  zhìbǐhùxī, zhānwàngfùxī.  I climb that wooded hill and look for my father.¹⁴
陟岵 jēik-gü
zhìhù yearning for one's father as when away from home on active service.¹⁴
陟岵陟屺 jēik-gü-jēik-gī
zhìhùzhìqǐ yearning for one's father and mother, respectively as when away from home on active duty.¹⁴
gu2 5070
46 11 mountain with a flat top and precipitous sides (usually used in place names).⁶
孟良崮 màng-lẽng-gü mèngliánggù Mount Mengliang in Mengyin county (蒙阴县[蒙陰縣] mũng-yïm-yòn méngyīn xiàn), Linyi Prefecture (临沂[臨沂] lĩm-kĩ or lĩm-yĩ línyí), Shandong Province.¹⁰
gu2 5071
61 8 <wr.> rely on; father.⁵
怙宠[怙寵] gü-chüng or fù-chüng hùchǒng to be proud and arrogant for having won the favor of a powerful or influential person.⁷
怙富 gü-fü
or fù-fü hùfù to presume on one's wealth.⁷
怙过[怙過] gü-gö
or fù-gö hùguò unrepentant.⁵⁴
怙终不改[怙終不改] gü-jüng-būt-gōi
or fù-jüng-būt-gōi hùzhōngbùgǎi to persist in one's (wrongful) ways.⁷
怙恶不悛[怙惡不悛] gü-ōk-būt-dün
or fù-ōk-būt-dün or gü-ōk-būt-xũn or fù-ōk-būt-xũn hù'èbùquān be steeped in evil and refuse to repent.⁵
怙恶凌人[怙惡凌人] gü-ōk-lẽin-ngĩn
or fù-ōk-lẽin-ngĩn hù'èlíngrén to intimidate and oppress others.⁷
怙势[怙勢] gü-säi
or fù-säi hùshì to presume on one's power, position or influence.
怙恃 gü-sî
or fù-sî hùshì parents; rely on, count on, depend on.⁶
怙依 gü-yī
or fù-yī hùyī things or persons that one relies on.⁷
无父何怙[無父何怙] mũ-fù-hõ-gü
or mũ-fù-hõ-fù wúfùhéhù Who can one rely on without one's father?⁶
<又> fù.
(See 怙 fù.)
gu2 5072
61 9 (<old>=固 gü hard; strong; solid; sure; assuredly; undoubtedly; of course; indeed; admittedly.¹⁰).⁸
(composition: ⿱古心; U+6018).
<又> vù.
(See 怘 vù; 固 gü).
gu2 5073
66 9 former; intentional; cause; to die; incident; hence; friend.⁷
故伎重演 gü-gì-chũng-yēn gùjìchóngyǎn to repeat an old stratagem; up to one's old tricks.¹⁰
故旧[故舊] gü-giù
gùjiù old friends.⁸
故居 gü-guï
gùjū one's former residence.⁷
故宫[故宮] Gü-güng
Gùgōng the Imperial Palace.⁵
故态复萌[故態復萌] gü-häi-fùk-mãng
gùtàifùméng old habits come back again; to revert to one's old way of life; one's old manners are restored back into one's old ways.⁸
故乡[故鄉] gü-hëng
gùxiāng one's native place; one's hometown; one's birthplace.⁷
故土 gü-hū
gùtǔ one's homeland; one's native land.⁷
故障 gü-jëng
gùzhàng a bug or breakdown (of a machine); a stoppage; trouble.⁷
故事 gü-xù
gùshì old practice; routine.⁶
故事 gü-xù
gùshi story; tale; plot (of a literary piece).⁶
故意 gü-yï
gùyì intentional; on purpose; willfully.⁷
gu2 5074
85 8 buy; sell.⁵ Gü (another name for 天津 Hëin-jün Tiānjīn Tianjin).⁶
沽酒 gü-diū
gūjiǔ buy wine.⁵
沽名 gü-mẽin
gūmíng seek fame; fish/angle for fame.⁶
沽名钓誉[沽名釣譽] gü-mẽin-ël-yì
gūmíngdiàoyù fish for fame and compliments.⁵
待价而沽[待價而沽] òi-gä-ngĩ-gü
dàijià'érgū wait to sell at a good price; wait for the highest bid.⁵
gu2 5075
104 13 (of disease) inveterate, ineradicable, chronic; (of habits, customs) inveterate, long-standing, deep-rooted, confirmed.⁶
沉痼 or 沈痼 chĩm-gü chéngù a chronic disease or ailment, a serious illness; a bad habit from which one cannot withdraw.⁷
痼弊 gü-bài
gùbì an abuse formed over a long period and hard to eliminate.⁹
痼病 gü-bèng
gùbìng chronic disease.⁸
or 锢疾[錮疾] gü-dìp gùjí a chronic ailment.¹¹
痼习[痼習] gü-dìp
gùxí inveterate habit.¹⁰
痼癖 gü-pēik
gùpǐ addiction; inveterate habit; deep-rooted habit; confirmed habit.⁶
深痼 sïm-gü
shēngù deep-rooted disease, habit, prejudice.¹¹
gu2 5076
118 14 a type of bamboo; trumpet for chariots.¹⁰ a species of bamboo, suitable for switches; an ancient reed or pipe for blowing on; a horse whip, with a whistle in it.²⁵ bugle.³⁶
(composition: ⿱𥫗孤; U+7B9B).
gu2 5077
122 10 fishing net; catch fish with a net.⁶ a net.⁷ a net for birds or fish; to snare, thus: – to implicate.¹⁴ a net for catching fish.²⁵ a net for birds; a drag-net; involved, as in a net; a net full.¹⁰²
数罟[數罟] chūk-gü or chūk-kü cùgǔ a fine net.¹⁰²
罪罟 duì-gü
or duì-kü zuìgǔ the net for crime.¹⁴ the net of sin.²⁵
界此罪罟 gäi-xū-duì-gü
or gäi-xū-duì-kü jiècǐzuìgǔ I fear I shall be implicated in the crime.¹⁰²
罟师[罟師] gü-xü
or kü-xü gǔshī a fisherman.⁸ <lit.> old fisherman.⁵⁴
掌罟田兽[掌罟田獸] jēng-gü-hẽin-chiü
or jēng-kü-hẽin-chiü zhǎnggǔtiánshòu to take a net and hunt wild beasts.²⁵ to take the net and hunt the game.¹⁰²
网罟[網罟] mōng-gü
or mōng-kü wǎnggǔ fishing net and traps.¹¹ fishing nets.¹⁰²
鱼罟[魚罟] nguî-gü
or nguî-kü yúgǔ a fishing net.¹¹
抛罟船[拋罟船] päo-gü-sõn
or päo-kü-sõn pāogǔchuán fishing smacks.¹⁰²
一罟挠[一罟撓] yīt-gü-nẽo
or yīt-kü-nẽo yīgǔnáo altogether, at one haul; lump the things.¹⁰²
<又> kü.
(See 罟 kü.)
gu2 5078
122 10 large fishing net.¹⁴ (variants: 𦋆❄{⿱罒孤}gū; 𦊶❄{⿱网衣}; 𦊬❄{⿱冈衣}).
(composition: ⿱罒瓜; U+7F5B).
罛钓[罛釣] gü-ël/
gūdiào fishing equipment.¹⁹
罛罟 gü-gü
gūgǔ fishnet; mesh sachet worn by women.¹⁹
罛罶 gü-liû
gūliǔ fishing gear.¹⁹
罛船 gü-sõn
gūchuán a kind of fishing boat.¹⁹
罛师[罛師] gü-xü
gūshī a fisherman.¹⁹
施罛濊濊 Sï-gü-köt-köt.
Shī gū huò huò.
The nets are dropt into them with a plashing sound.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·衛風·碩人》, translated by James Legge).
(See 𦋆❄{⿱罒孤} gü; 𦊶❄{⿱网衣} gü; 𦊬❄{⿱冈衣} gü).
gu2 5079
122 10 𦊬
Kangxi says 𦊬 gü is the erroneously written character for 罛 gü large fishing net, but at the same time it says it is equivalent to 罛 gü gū.² (=罛 gü large fishing net.¹⁴).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱冈衣; U+262AC).
(See 罛 gü ).
gu2 5080
122 12 𦊶
(=罛 gü large fishing net.¹⁴).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱网衣; U+262B6).
(See 罛 gü ).
gu2 5081
122 13 a kind of tool used to get fish.⁸
(composition: ⿱罒固; U+435B).
𦌕❄{⿱罒路}䍛 lù-gü lùgù an implement for catching fish.²⁵
gu2 5082
122 13 𦋆
(=罛 gü large fishing net.¹⁴).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱罒孤; U+262C6).
(See 罛 gü).
gu2 5083
130 9 guā (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 胍 gä guā with same meaning.)
<又> gä.
(See 胍 gä.)
gu2 5084
140 8 (=菰 gü bulrush, Zizania latifolia).⁸ Manchurian wild rice, Zizania latifolia.³⁶ (variant: 𦺠❄{⿱艹觚}).
(composition: ⿱艹瓜; U+82FD).
<又> gä.
(See 苽 gä; 菰 gü; 𦺠❄{⿱艹觚} gü).
gu2 5085
140 11 name of a variety of grass.²ʼ⁸ grass; herbs.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹固; U+44E2).
gu2 5086
140 11 mushroom.⁹
春菇 chün-gü chūngū spring mushroom.¹⁰
金针菇[金針菇] gïm-jïm-gü
jīnzhēngū golden needle mushroom, winter mushroom (Flammulina velutipes); (Japanese: 榎茸 gā-ngũng jiǎróng enoki, q.v.).⁰
香菇 hëng-gü
xiānggū <bot.> Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler; also known as 香菌 hëng-kûn xiāngjùn, 香蕈 hëng-xïn xiāngxùn, 平庄菇 (广东)[平莊菇(廣東)] pẽin-jöng-gü (Gōng-üng) píngzhuānggū (Guǎngdōng), 椎茸(日本) chuĩ-ngũng (Ngìt-bōn) chuíróng (Rìběn)  shiitake; forest mushroom; black forest mushroom; dried mushroom.²³
蘑菇 mão-gü
or mũ-gü or mõ-gü mógu mushroom.⁸
磨菇 mũ-gü
or mõ-gü mógu (=蘑菇) mushroom.¹⁰
草菇 tāo-gü
cǎogū straw mushroom (Volvariella volvacea); paddy straw mushroom.¹⁰
冬菇 üng-gü
dōnggū a mushroom.⁷
gu2 5087
140 11 wild rice; Zizania latifolia.  A perennial grass that grows in wetlands with the lower part of the stem, called 茭白 gäo-bàk jiāobái. It bulges from the growth of a certain fungus on it, and with fruit called 菰米 gü-māi gūmǐ, both of which are edible.⁹ Zizania aquatica.¹⁹ Manchurian wild rice, Zizania latifolia.¹⁵ʼ²⁰  the core or tender stalks of a water grass with broad, lanceolate leaves, cultivated in ponds throughout the central provinces; they are eaten like celery, under the name of 茭白 gäo-bàk jiāobái, both raw and cooked; the reddish seeds, called 胡米 vũ-māi húmǐ are shaped like oats, and furnish a poor flour used in pastry.¹⁰²
(variant: 𦺠
(composition: ⿱艹孤; U+83F0).
菰蒋[菰蔣] gü-dëng
gūjiāng Manchurian wild rice, Zizania latifolia.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
菰米 gü-māi
gūmǐ <bot.> wild rice.⁹
草菰 or 草菇 tāo-gü
cǎogū the agaric, or mushroom.²⁵
(See 𦺠❄{⿱艹觚} gü).
gu2 5088
140 15 𦺠
(=苽 gü gū, which in turn =菰 gü bulrush, Zizania latifolia).⁸ Manchurian wild rice, Zizania latifolia.³⁶).²
(=菰 gü
bulrush, Zizania latifolia).⁸ Manchurian wild rice, Zizania latifolia.³⁶).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱艹觚; U+26EA0).
(See 苽 gü; 菰 gü).
gu2 5089
142 11 a mole cricket.⁷
蟪蛄[蟪蛄] fì-gü huìgū flat pleuron cicada (Platypleura kaempferi).⁸
蟪蛄属[蟪蛄屬] fì-gü-sùk
huìgūshǔ (學名: Platypleura).²⁰
蝼蛄[螻蛄] lẽo-gü
lóugū mole cricket.⁷ mole cricket, insect family Gryllotalpidae; aka 𧕱❄{⿱舝䖵} hàt xiá, 螲 jìt zhì, 蠹蚍 ù-pĩ dùpí, 剪柳仔(扒手的台語), 蜊蛄, 蝲蝲蛄, 香港稱土狗.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(See 蛄 gū).
gu2 5090
148 12 wine vessel in former times; <old> wooden slip for writing; <wr.> edge and corner.⁶ an ancient wine vessel, a beaker or goblet; a corner, an angle, angular; a rule; a square; correspondence or a file.⁷ jug, winecup, goblet; square.⁸
(variants: 𧣗❄{⿰角古}; 𨠋❄{⿰ 酉瓜}).
(composition: ⿰角瓜; U+89DA).
觚牍[觚牘] gü-dùk
or gü-jùk gūdú correspondence.⁷
觚稜 gü-lẽin
gūléng the tile ridge at the corner of a roof.⁷ the turned-up corners of Chinese roofs.¹⁴
觚卢[觚盧] gü-lũ
gūlú a bottle gourd; a calabash.⁷ (See also 葫芦[葫蘆] vũ-lũ.)
操觚 täo-gü
cāogū engage in literary composition.⁶
(See 𧣗❄{⿰角古} gü; 𨠋❄{⿰ 酉瓜} gü).
gu2 5091
148 12 𧣗
demotic character for 觚 gü wine vessel in former times; <old> wooden slip for writing; <wr.> edge and corner.⁶ an ancient wine vessel, a beaker or goblet; a corner, an angle, angular; a rule; a square; correspondence or a file.⁷ jug, winecup, goblet; square.⁸).²
(composition: ⿰角古; U+278D7).
(See 觚 gü).
gu2 5092
148 12 𨠋
original character for 觚 gü wine vessel in former times; <old> wooden slip for writing; <wr.> edge and corner.⁶ an ancient wine vessel, a beaker or goblet; a corner, an angle, angular; a rule; a square; correspondence or a file.⁷ jug, winecup, goblet; square.⁸).²
(composition: ⿰酉瓜; U+2880B).
(See 觚 gü).
gu2 5093
160 12 crime; sin; Gu surname.
不辜 būt-gü bùgū innocent person.
辜负[辜負] gü-fù
gūfù to let down; to disappoint.
辜榷 gü-kōk
gūquè monopolize.³⁹
无辜[無辜] mũ-gü
wúgū innocent; not guilty (law).
哀矜无辜[哀矜無辜] öi-gëin-mũ-gü
āijīnwúgū <wr.> to feel compassion for the innocent.
死有余辜[死有餘辜] xī-yiû-yĩ-gü
sǐyǒuyúgū even death would not expiate all his crimes.
gu2 5094
164 12 <wr.> buy wine; sell wine; weak (light) wine.⁶ to sell or buy alcoholic drinks; to sell or buy spirits.⁷
酤酒 gü-diū gūjiǔ to sell or buy alcoholic drinks.⁷
酤坊 gü-fōng
gūfāng wine shop; liquor store.¹⁹
酤肆 gü-xü
gūsì tavern; wine shop.¹⁹
榷酤 kōk-gü
quègū to monopolize the sale of alcoholic beverages.⁷
gu2 5095
167 16 run (molten) metal into (cracks), plug with (molten) metal; imprison, hold in custody; inaccessible, out-of-the-way.⁶
废锢[廢錮] fī-gü fèigù <wr.> deprive for life the right to take part in civil examinations or government office.¹¹
or 痼疾 gü-dìp gùjí a chronic ailment.¹¹
锢露[錮露] gü-lù
gùlou run (molten) metal into cracks, plug with (molten) metal.⁶
锢身[錮身] gü-sïn
gùshēn to shackle a prisoner.¹¹
锢囚[錮囚] gü-tiũ
gùqiú <met.> (frontal) occlusion.⁶
锢囚锋[錮囚鋒] gü-tiũ-füng
gùqiúfēng occluded front.⁶
锢囚气旋[錮囚氣旋] gü-tiũ-hï-xũn
gùqiú qìxuán occluded cyclone.⁶
锢送[錮送] gü-xüng
gùsòng (of prisoners) put in fetters and send away under guard.¹¹
党锢[黨錮] ōng-gü
dǎnggù <trad.> restrictions on certain cliques or factions forbidding their members to hold official posts or take part in certain activities.⁶
gu2 5096
172 12 hire; employ; engage.⁶ (variant: 僱 gü ).
解雇 gäi-gü
jiěgù dismiss; discharge; fire; sack; let go.⁶
雇车[雇車] gü-chēh
gùchē to hire a cart/carriage.¹⁰²
雇脚[雇腳] gü-gëk
gùjiǎo hire a porter.⁶
雇工 gü-güng
gùgōng hired hand; servant.¹⁰
雇主 gü-jī
gùzhǔ employer.⁶
雇赁[雇賃] gü-ngìm
gùlìn to rent; on a lease.¹⁰²
雇农[雇農] gü-nũng
gùnóng farmhand.¹⁰
雇齐夫马, 带了从人... [雇齊夫馬, 帶了從人...]
Gü-tãi-fü-mâ, äi-lēl-tũng-ngĩn...
Gù qí fū mǎ, dàile cóng rén...
Hired horses and, accompanied by attendants...⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《儒林外史 - The Scholars ·薦亡齋和尚喫官司 打秋風鄉紳遭橫事 - In which a monk invited to say masses is involved in a lawsuit, and a country gentleman out to raise money runs into trouble·11》, translated by perhaps Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang).
雇员[雇員] gü-yõn
gùyuán employee.⁶
雇佣[雇傭] gü-yũng
gùyōng engage; hire; employ.⁶
雇佣兵[雇傭兵] gü-yũng-bëin
gùyōngbīng mercenary.⁶
雇用 gü-yùng
gùyòng engage; hire; employ.⁶
(See 僱 gü).
gu2 5097
181 21 turn around and look at, look at; attend to, take into consideration; visit, call on; Gu surname.⁵
光顾[光顧] göng-gü guānggù to patronize; patronage.
顾及[顧及] gü-gèp
gùjí take into account; attend to; give consideration to.⁵
顾忌[顧忌] gü-gì
gùjì to have misgivings; apprehension; worry; qualm; scruple.¹⁰
顾客[顧客] gü-hāk
or gü-häk gùkè customer; shopper; client.⁵
顾虑[顧慮] gü-luì
gùlǜ misgiving, apprehension, worry.⁵
顾全[顧全] gü-tũn
gùquán show consideration forand take care to preserve.⁵
顾全大局[顧全大局] gü-tũn-ài-gùk
gùquán dàjú take the interests of the whole into account; take the situation as a whole into consideration.⁵
三顾茅庐[三顧茅廬] xäm-gü-mão-lũ sāngùmáolú to make three calls at the thatched cottage – a historical allusion dating back to the Epoch of the Three Kingsoms, now used to describe a man in power who tries to obtain the services of the capable and the virtuous by showing his utmost sincerity and eagerness.⁷
gu2 5098
195 19 silver xenocypris.⁶ fish guts.⁸ the entrails of a fish, a fish's stomach.²⁵
方氏鲴[方氏鯝] föng-sì-gü fāngshìgù (Xenocypris fangi).²⁰
鲴碘泡虫[鯝碘泡蟲] gü-ēin-päo-chũng
gùdiǎnpàochóng (Myxobolus xenocyprisis), a parasite of fish.²⁰
鲴属[鯝屬] gü-sùk
gùshǔ genus Xenocypris.²⁰
黄鲴[黃鯝] võng-gü
huánggù silver xenocypris.⁸
黄尾鲴[黃尾鯝] võng-mī-gü
huángwěigù (Xenocypris davidi).²⁰
湖北圆吻鲴[湖北圓吻鯝] Vũ-bāk-yõn-mêin-gü
Húběi yuánwěngù (Xenocypris hupeinensis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
云南鲴[雲南鯝] Vũn-nãm-gü
Yúnnán gù Kunming nase (Xenocypris yunnanensis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
细鳞鲴[細鱗鯝] xäi-lĩn-gü
xìlíngù smallscale yellowfin (Plagiognathops microlepis syn. Xenocypris microlepis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
gu2 5099
196 16 a kind of pigeon –  a partridge; a francolin.²³
鹁鸪[鵓鴣] or 鹁姑[鵓姑] bòt-gü bógū wood-pigeon.⁶ (=水鸪鸪[水鴣鴣] suī-gü-gü shuǐgūgū, =斑鸠[斑鳩] bän-gëo bānjiū).²³
台湾山鹧鸪[臺灣山鷓鴣] Hõi-vän-sän-jëh-gü
Táiwān shān zhègū Taiwan partridge; Taiwan hill partridge (Arborophila crudigularis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鹧鸪[鷓鴣] jëh-gü
zhègū partridge.⁸
水鸪鸪[水鴣鴣] suī-gü-gü
shuǐgūgū a kind of waterfowl.¹⁹
gu2 5100
30 8 <台> 打风咕[打風咕] ā-füng-gù typhoon.
gu4 5101
9 11 guī (=踽 guī ) to walk alone.⁷ to walk alone; self-reliant.¹⁴
(See 踽 guī).
gui1 5102
64 17 guī (=举[舉] guī to raise, to lift); raise, lift up; recommend.⁸ to raise up.²⁴
(composition: 與手; U+64E7).
(See 舉 guī).
gui1 5103
75 8 guī a tree of the willow family; same as 榉[櫸] guī jǔ, a very large tree whose beautiful fine-grained wood is good for making furniture.⁷
柜柳 guī-liũ
jǔliǔ a tree of the willow family; a very large tree whose beautiful fine-grained wood is good for making furniture.⁷ Purpleblow Maple; Shantung Maple; Acer truncatum.⁹ (=元宝枫[元寳楓] yõn-bāo-füng yuánbǎofēng Shantung Maple Acer truncatum Bunge).²³
(See 櫃 gì.)
gui1 5104
75 12 guī raisin tree; sacrificial stand.⁸
北枳椇 bāk-jī-guī běizhǐjǔ <bot.> Hovenia dulcis.²³
枳椇 jī-guī
zhǐjǔ <bot.> Hovenia acerba Lindl.²³
gui1 5105
75 13 guī (=矩 guī ) carpenter's square, ruler, rule.⁸
(See 矩 guī.)
gui1 5106
75 13 guī <old> name of tree; Yu surname.⁵⁴
楀维师氏[楀維師氏] Guī-vĩ-xü-sì Jǔ wéi shī shì Ju is captain of the guards.⁶⁰ (Translation by James Legge of excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·祈父之什·十月之交》).
<又> yî.
(See 楀 yî).
gui1 5107
75 20 guī beech.⁶ a kind of elm, with fine-grained wood (Zelkova serrata).⁷
榉柳[櫸柳] guī-liũ
jǔliǔ (=枫杨[楓楊] füng-yẽng fēngyáng) Chinese wingnut Pterocarya stenoptera.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
榉木[櫸木] guī-mûk 
jǔmù beech.¹⁰
榉树[櫸樹] guī-sì
jǔshù Japanese zelkova, Japanese elm; or keyaki Zelkova serrata.¹⁵
山毛榉[山毛櫸] sän-mão-guī
shānmáojǔ beech.⁵
gui1 5108
111 9 guī carpenter's square, square; rules, regulations; <phy.> moment.⁵ carpenter's square, ruler, rule.⁸  carpenter's square; rule; regulation; pattern; to carve.¹⁰
矩臂 guī-bî jǔbì <phy.> moment arm.⁵
矩尺 guī-chêk
jǔchǐ (=曲尺 kūk-chêk qūchǐ) carpenter's square.⁶
矩阵[矩陣] guī-jìn
jǔzhèn <math.> matrix.⁵
矩矱 guī-vòk
jǔyuē <wr.> rules; regulations.⁶
矩心 guī-xïm
jǔxīn centroid; center of moment.⁶
矩形 guī-yẽin
jǔxíng rectangle.⁵
规矩[規矩] kï-guī
guījǔ or guīju lit. compass and set square; fig. established standard; rule; customs; practices; fig. upright and honest; well-behaved.¹⁰
力矩 lèik-guī
lìjǔ <phy.> moment of force.⁵
动量矩[動量矩] ùng-lèng-guī
dòngliàngjǔ moment of momentum.⁵
(See 榘 guī.)
gui1 5109
111 9 guī 规规矩矩[規規矩矩] kï-kï-guī-guī guīguijūjū or guīguījǔjǔ (of persons) polite, law-abiding, (of conduct) unexceptionable.¹¹ behave oneself; remain orderly; be well-behaved; law-abiding.³⁹
gui1 5110
118 12 guī a round bamboo basket for holding rice.⁷ round rice-washing bamboo basket; box; four bundles of seedlings.⁹
gui1 5111
134 16 guī to raise; to lift. (variant: 擧 guī ). (See 擧 guī).
举办[舉辦] guī-bàn
jǔbàn to conduct; to hold; to run; to sponsor.
举重[舉重] guī-chüng
jǔzhòng weightlifting; to lift weights.
举足轻重[舉足輕重] guī-dūk-hëng-jùng
jǔzúqīngzhòng to play a decisive role.
or 举鼎绝膑[舉鼎絕臏] guī-ēin-dùt-bïn jǔdǐngjuébìn lit. to hurt the kneecap in trying to carry a caldron – to shoulder a heavy responsibility with limited strength.⁷
举行[舉行] guī-hãng
jǔxíng to hold (a meeting).
举止娉婷[舉止娉婷] guī-jī-pëin-hẽin
jǔzhǐpīngtíng have a graceful manner.⁶
举例[舉例] guī-lài
jǔlì to give an example.
举案齐眉[舉案齊眉] guī-ön-tãi-mĩ
jǔ'ànqíméi lit. to lift the tray to eyebrow level (idiom); mutual respect in a marriage.¹⁰
举世闻名[舉世聞名] guī-säi-mũn-mẽin
jǔshìwénmíng world-famous (idiom).¹⁰
举手[舉手] guī-siū
jǔshǒu to raise one's hand(s).
举措[舉措] guī-tü
jǔcuò to move, to act; deportment,  conduct, manner.
<台> 老举[老舉] lāo-guī
or 老妓 lāo-gì <trad.> prostitute.
gui1 5112
140 9 guī <old> taro; Zhou Dynasty vassal state in modern day Shandong Province
莒国[莒國] Guī-gōk Jǔguó name of a feudal state during the Zhou Dynasty.
莒县[莒縣] Guī-yòn
Jǔxiàn a county in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province.
gui1 5113
140 13 guī betel pepper; Amorphophalus konjac.
蒟酱[蒟醬] guī-dëng
jǔjiàng betel; jam that is made of betel.⁹
蒟蒻 guī-ngèk
jǔruò or 魔芋 mō-vû móyù <bot.> konjac, konjak, konjaku, konnyaku potato, devil's tongue, voodoo lily, snake palm, or elephant yam,  Amorphaphalus konjac (=A. rivieri); aka 妖芋, 菎蒻, 蒻头, 鬼芋, 花梗莲, 虎掌, 花伞把, 蛇头根草, 花杆莲, 麻芋子, 野魔芋, 花杆南星, 土南星, 南星, 天南星, 花麻蛇.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ (See 魔芋 mō-vû móyù).
gui1 5114
157 16 guī to walk alone.⁷ to walk alone; self-reliant.¹⁴ (variant: 偊 guī ).
䠑踽 föi-guī
kuǐjǔ progressing with difficulty; also open out the legs; also beating anything.²⁵
踽踽 guī-guī
jǔjǔ <wr.> (walk) alone.⁵
踽踽凉凉[踽踽涼涼] guī-guī-lẽng-lẽng
jǔjǔliángliáng peculiar in action; reserved; self-reliant.¹⁴
踽踽而行 guī-guī-ngĩ-hãng
jǔjǔ'érxíng walk alone; walk in solitude.⁵⁴
踽踽前行[踽踽前行] guī-guī-tẽin-hãng
jǔjǔqiánxíng forge ahead all alone.⁶
踽踽独行[踽踽獨行] guī-guī-ùk-hãng
jǔjǔdúxíng walk alone; walk in solitude.⁵
踽凉[踽涼] guī-lẽng
jǔliáng melancholy.²⁵
(See 偊 guī).
gui1 5115
211 24 guī tooth decay.⁷
齿龋[齒齲] chī-guī chǐqǔ tooth decay.⁷
防龋[防齲] fõng-guī
fángqǔ to prevent tooth decay; anti-caries.¹⁰
龋齿[齲齒] guī-chī
qǔchǐ dental caries; decayed tooth.⁶
龋齿预防[齲齒預防] guī-chī-yì-fõng
qǔchǐyùfáng prevention of dental caries.⁶
龋蠹[齲蠹] guī-ù
qǔdù rotten teeth.¹⁰
治龋[治齲] jì-guī
zhìqǔ to cure the toothache.²⁵
gui1 5116
9 10 guï <wr.> haughty; rude; arrogant.
倨慢 guï-màn jùmàn arrogrant.
倨傲 guï-ngào
jù'ào <wr.> haughty; arrogant.
前倨后恭[前倨後恭] tẽin-guï-hèo-güng
qiánjùhòugōng to go from arrogance to humility.
gui2 5117
30 5 guï sentence; phrase; <m.> for phrases or lines of verse.¹⁰
(composition: ⿹勹口; U+53E5).
句读[句讀] guï-èo jùdòu pause; sentences and phrases.⁵⁵
句句实话[句句實話] guï-guï-sìt-và
jùjùshíhuà Every word said is true.⁷
句号[句號] guï-hào
jùhào a full stop; a period.⁷
一句 yīt-guï
yījù a line of verse; a sentence.¹⁰
<又> guî, ngëo.
(See 句 guî, ngëo.)
gui2 5118
44 8 guï reside, dwell, live; residence, house; be (in a certian position), occupy (a place); claim, assert; store up, lay by; stay put, be at a standstill; Ju surname.⁵ (variant: 㞐 guï).
居间[居間] guï-gän jūjiān mediate between two parties.⁵
居高临下[居高臨下] guï-gäo-lĩm-hà
jūgāolínxià occupy a commanding position or height.⁵
居功 guï-güng
jūgōng claim credit for oneself.⁵
居功自傲 guï-güng-dù-ngào
jūgōngzì'ào to claim credit for oneself and become arrogant.⁷
居住 guï-jì
jūzhù live; reside; dwell.⁵
居中 guï-jüng
jūzhōng (mediate) between two parties; be placed in the middle.⁵
居里 guï-lī
jūlǐ <phy.> curie.⁵
居留 guï-liũ
jūliú reside.⁵
居民 guï-mĩn
jūmín resident; inhabitant.⁵
居然 guï-ngẽin
jūrán unexpectedly; to one's surprise; go as far as to; have the impudence (or effrontery) to.⁵
居安思危 guï-ön-xü-nguĩ
jū'ānsīwēi be prepared for danger in times of peace; be vigilant in peace time.⁵
居多 guï-ü
jūduō be in the majority.⁵
居心 guï-xïm
jūxīn harbor (evil) intentions.⁵
居士 guï-xù
jūshì lay Buddhist.⁵
(See 㞐 guï).
gui2 5119
44 8 guï (<old>=居 guï ) to dwell; to remain, to be in (various states and conditions); to occupy; the course of one's life.⁸
(composition: ⿸尸立; U+3790).
(See 居 guï).
gui2 5120
44 17 guï shoes made of hemp; straw sandals.⁶ straw sandals; tread, step on, tramp over.¹¹
织席编屦[織席編屨]  jēik-dèk-pëin-guï zhīxíbiānjù weave mats and make straw sandals.⁵⁴
捆屦[捆屨] kūn-guï
kǔnjù <wr.> to make hemp sandals.¹¹
业屦[業屨] ngèp-guï 
yèjù <trad.> partly finished sandals.⁵⁴
遗簪坠屦[遺簪墜屨] vĩ-däm-juì-guï
yízānzhuìjù the lost hairpins and shoes; old things.⁵⁴
gui2 5121
46 8 guï gǒu 岣嵝[岣嶁] guï-lẽo or gēo-lẽo gǒulǒu peak.⁸
岣嵝[岣嶁] Guï-lẽo
or Gēo-lẽo Gǒulǒu Goulou Peak, one of 72 peaks of the  Heng Shan (衡山 Hãng Sän Héng Shān) mountain range in Hunan Province (湖南 Vũ-nãm Húnán) with a height of 1300 meters.⁸
<又> gēo.
(See 岣 gēo.)
gui2 5122
60 21 guï to walk.⁸ to walk; to go along.²⁴
(composition: ⿰彳瞿; U+5FC2).
<又> kuĩ. (See 忂 kuĩ).
gui2 5123
64 7 guï (<demotic>=拘 guï ¹⁰¹ arrest, detain; restrain, restrict; limit, constrain.⁵) to collect; to join together.⁸
(composition: ⿰扌勾; U+6285).
(See 拘 guï).
gui2 5124
64 8 guï arrest, detain; restrain, restrict; limit, constrain.⁵
不拘 būt-guï or būt-kuï bùjū regardless (of person, class, kind); any, whatever.¹¹
拘捕 guï-bù
or kuï-bù jūbǔ arrest.⁵
拘束 guï-chūk
or kuï-chūk jūshù constrain; awkard, ill at ease.⁵
拘传[拘傳] guï-chũn
or kuï-chũn jūchuán issue a warrant.⁸
拘谨[拘謹] guï-gīn
or kuï-gīn jūjǐn overcautious; reserved.⁵
拘牵[拘牽] guï-hëin
or kuï-hëin jūqiān restrained; confined.¹⁰
拘礼[拘禮] guï-lâi
or kuï-lâi jūlǐ be bound by formalities, stand on ceremony.¹¹
拘留 guï-liũ
or kuï-liũ jūliú hold in custody; intern.⁵
拘挛[拘攣] guï-lün
or kuï-lün jūluán cramps; muscular spasm; fig. constrained; ill at ease.¹⁰
拘泥 guï-nài
or kuï-nài jūnì be a stickler for; rigidly adhere to.⁸
拘囚 guï-tiũ
or kuï-tiũ jūqiú to imprison; prisoner.¹⁰
拘囿 guï-yiù
or kuï-yiù jūyòu <wr.> to rigidly adhere to; to be confined to.⁶
无拘无束[無拘無束] mũ-guï-mũ-chūk
or mũ-kuï-mũ-chūk wújūwúshù without any restraint.¹¹
<又> kuï.
(See 拘 kuï.)
gui2 5125
64 16 guï according to; to act in accordance with; to depend on; to seize; to occupy; evidence; Ju surname.
根据[根據] gïn-guï gēnjù on the basis of.¹¹
据理力争[據理力爭] guï-lî-lèik-jäng
jùlǐlìzhēng to argue vigorously on the basis of sound reason.
据说[據說] guï-sōt
jùshuō it is said that...
证据[證據] jëin-guï zhèngjù evidence; proof; testimony.
契据[契據] käi-guï
qìjù deed.¹⁰
收据[收據] siü-guï
shōujù receipt.⁶
数据[數據] sü-guï
shùjù data; numbers; digital.¹⁰
(See 據 [guï, ].)
gui2 5126
64 16 guï 拮据 gēik-guï jiéjū short of money, hard up, in straitened circumstances.
确据[確據] kōk-guï
quèjū irrefutable/definite evidence.¹¹
手头拮据[手頭拮據] siū-hẽo-gēik-guï
shǒutóujiéjū short of funds.
(See 據 [guï, ].)
gui2 5127
75 12 guï a small tree with swelling knobs on the trunk, used to make walking sticks.⁹
(composition: ⿰木居; U+6910).
gui2 5128
85 8 guï 泃河 Guï-hõ Jūhé a river in 河北 Hõ-bāk Héběi Hebei Province that empties into the Jiyun River (蓟运河[薊運河] Gäi-vùn-hõ Jìyùnhé).⁵⁴
gui2 5129
85 16 guï dried up, withered.⁸ a river in Shaanxi Province.⁹
澽水 Guï-suī Jùshuǐ Jushui River, a river in 陕西 Sēm-xäi Shǎnxī Shaanxi Province.⁸
gui2 5130
96 12 guï ornamental gems for belt.¹⁰ Jade pendant; Ju surname.³⁹
琚佩 guï-pöi jūpèi gems worn at the girdle.²⁴
琚瑀 guï-yî
jūyǔ an ornament of precious stones.²⁴
琼琚[瓊琚] kẽin-guï
qióngjū anything valuable.²⁴ fine jade.⁵⁴
gui2 5131
104 10 guï hunchback; crooked spine.⁸  to crouch; a hunchback.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿸疒句; U+75C0).
痀偻[痀僂] guï-lẽo jūlóu hunchbacked.¹¹
痀偻病[痀僂病] guï-lèo-bèng
jūlóubìng rickets.¹
痀瘘[痀瘻] guï-lèo
jūlǘ hunchbacked.¹¹
(See 痀 këo).
gui2 5132
112 12 guï chē giant clam, Tridacna gigas.⁸
大砗磲[大硨磲] ài-guï-kuĩ
or ài-chëh-kuĩ dàchēqú giant clam (Tridacna gigas).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
砗磲蛤属[硨磲蛤屬] guï-kuĩ-gēip-sùk
or chëh-kuĩ-gēip-sùk chēqúgéshǔ Genus: Tridacna.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
无鳞砗磲[無鱗硨磲] mũ-lĩn-guï-kuĩ
or mũ-lĩn-chëh-kuĩ wúlínchēqú southern giant clam Tridacna derasa.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
<又> chëh.
(See 硨 chëh.)
gui2 5133
130 12 guï dry preserved bird meat.⁶
(composition: ⿰月居; U+8152).
gui2 5134
130 17 guï (=腒 guï dry preserved bird meat.⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿰月豦(GK) or ⿰⺼豦(HT); U+81C4).
<又> gèk.
(See 臄 gèk).
gui2 5135
145 13 guï <wr.> full front/back of a Chinese gown.⁶
簪裾 däm-guï zānjū <wr.> hair claps and flowing robe, as a badge of nobility.¹¹
绝裾[絕裾] dùt-guï
juéjū go ahead with determination in disregard of any obstruction.⁸
裾礁 guï-dël
jūjiāo shore/fringing reef.⁶
裾裾 guï-guï
jūjū in full dress; in rich attire.⁵⁴
gui2 5136
152 13 guï ➀ don't know why the beasts are fighting each other.¹⁹  ➁ a big pig.¹⁹  ➂ tiger standing on its two hind legs.¹⁹  ➃ an animal like a dog with monkey features described in ancient books.¹⁹  ➄ a wild boar; to fight.³⁶
(composition: ⿸虍豕; U+8C66).
豦蜼 guï-vì jùwèi apes and/or monkeys.¹⁹
<又> kuĩ.
(See 豦 kuĩ).
gui2 5137
157 15 guï crouch, squat, sit; occupy, be entrenched.⁶
蹲踞 dün-guï dūnjù squat; crouch.⁶ (See <台> 踎 bëo).
虎踞龙盘[虎踞龍盤] fū-guï-lũng-põn
hǔjùlóngpán forbidding strategic point like a tiger crouching or a dragon curling.⁶
箕踞 gî-guï
jījù <wr.> sit (on the floor) with one's legs stretched out (an impolite, casual way of sitting).⁶
箕踞而坐 gî-guï-ngĩ-dò
jījùérzuò to sit with the legs spread out.¹⁴
踞处[踞處] guï-chuî
jùchù a squatting place.¹⁴
踞坐 guï-dò
jùzuò sit with one's knees bent upward and buttocks on the ground.⁶ to occupy; to squat.¹⁴
踞抗 guï-köng
jùkàng to hold a city, as rebels.¹⁴
踞傲 guï-ngào
jù’ào haughty.⁸
踞守 guï-siū
jùshǒu guard.⁸
龙盘虎踞[龍盤虎踞] lũng-põn-fū-guï
lóngpánhǔjù (=虎踞龙盘[虎踞龍盤] fū-guï-lũng-põn hǔjùlóngpán) like a coiling dragon and crouching tiger – a forbidding strategic point.⁵
盘踞[盤踞] põn-guï
pánjù illegally or forcibly occupy; be entrenched in.⁶ to sit with the legs doubled under.¹⁴
gui2 5138
157 20 guï to touch the ground with the hand, to walk on all fours.²⁵
(composition: ⿰𧾷豦; U+8E86).
躆战[躆戰] guï-jën jùzhàn to fight earnestly.²⁵
侨躆[僑躆] kẽl-guï
qiáojù to move about, to act.²⁵
gui2 5139
159 7 guï war chariot (archaic); rook (in Chinese chess 象棋 dèng-kĩ xiàngqí); rook (in chess).¹⁰
t: ⿻亘丨; U+8ECA). (comp. s: ⿻⿻一𠃋十; U+8F66).
<又> chēh; chëh.
(See 車 chēh; 車 chëh).
gui2 5140
167 16 guï saw;  to saw, cut with a saw.⁶
电锯[電鋸] èin-guï diànjù electric saw; motor driven saw.⁹
钢锯[鋼鋸] gông-guï
gāngjù hacksaw.⁸
锯齿[鋸齒] guï-chī
jùchǐ sawtooth; denticle.⁶
锯子[鋸子] guï-dū
jùzi <topo.> saw.⁶
锯末[鋸末] guï-mòt
jùmò sawdust.⁶
锯木头[鋸木頭] guï-mûk-hẽo
jùmùtou sawing wood.¹⁹
锯片[鋸片] guï-pëin
jùpiàn saw blade.¹⁹
锯魦[鋸魦] guï-sä
jùshā a sawfish.¹⁴
锯屑[鋸屑] guï-xēik
jùxiè sawdust.⁶
拉鋸[拉鋸] läi-guï
lājù cut with a saw; make seesaw movements.¹¹
手锯[手鋸] siū-guï
shǒujù handsaw.¹⁹
<又> gùk.
(See 鋸 gùk.)
gui2 5141
187 15 guï colt; foal.⁵
白驹过隙[白駒過隙] bàk-guï-gö-kēik or bàk-kuï-gö-kēik báijūguòxì a glimpse of a white colt flashing past seen through the crack in a wall – in the twinkling of an eye.⁶ fleet as a white pony's shadow flashing past a crevice; the swiftness of the lapse of time.⁸
驹齿[駒齒] guï-chī
or kuï-chī jūchǐ milk teeth – youth.⁷
驹子[駒子] guï-dū
or kuï-dū jūzi foal.⁵
驹光[駒光] guï-göng
or kuï-göng jūguāng fleeting time.⁷
驹隙[駒隙] guï-kēik
or kuï-kēik jūxì fleeting time.⁷
驹影[駒影] guï-yēin
or kuï-yēin jūyǐng fleeting time.⁷
千里驹[千里駒] tëin-lî-guï
or tëin-lî-kuï qiānlǐjū a swift-footed thoroughbred of rare breed; fig. a promising boy.¹¹
<又> kuï.
(See 駒 kuï.)
gui2 5142
196 19 guï a sea-bird with a white breast.¹⁴
鹎鶋[鵯鶋] bï-guï bēijū (=寒鸦[寒鴉] hõn-ä hányā) jackdaw, western Eurasian jackdaw, European jackdaw, jackdaw, a passerine bird in the crow family (Coloeus monedula).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鶢鶋 yõn-guï
yuánjū a kind of seabird.⁸
gui2 5143
9 10 guì altogether, all; to accompany; Ju surname.⁷
傢俱 or 傢具 or 家具 gä-guì jiājù furniture.¹¹
俱备[俱備] guì-bì
jùbèi all made ready; all complete.⁷
俱在 guì-dòi
jùzài all present.⁷
俱佳 guì-gäi
jùjiā excellent; wonderful; well-rounded.⁵⁴
俱全 guì-tũn
jùquán to be available in all varieties.⁷
(See 俱 kuï.)
gui4 5144
12 8 guì <wr.> provide, furnish, fix; tool, utensil, implement; <m.> (for coffins, dead bodies, certain instruments); <wr.> capability, ability; have posess; write out, state.⁶
初具规模[初具規模] chö-guì-kï-mõ chūjùguīmó to begin to take shape.¹⁰
or 傢具 or 傢俱 gä-guì jiājù furniture.¹¹
谨具[謹具] gīn-guì
jǐnjù respectfully submitted by.¹¹
具报[具報] guì-bäo
jùbào make a written report.¹¹
具备[具備] guì-bì
jùbèi possess; have; be provided with.⁵
具体[具體] guì-hāi
jùtǐ concrete; specific; particular.⁵
具有 guì-yiû
jùyǒu possess; have; be provided with.⁵
工具 güng-guì
gōngjù tool; means; instrument; implement.⁵
器具 hï-guì
qìjù utensil, implement, appliance.⁶
玩具 ngòn-guì
wánjù toy; plaything.⁵
才具 tõi-guì
cáijù <wr.> capability; ability; talent.⁵⁴
gui4 5145
48 4 guì large; great; enormous; gigantic; Ju surname.
巨大 guì-ài jùdà huge.
巨变[巨變] guì-bëin
jùbiàn tremendous changes.
巨花魔芋 guì-fä-mō-vû
jùhuā móyù corpse flower, corpse plant (name comes from its foul odor), titan arum, in Chinese aka 屍花 sï-fä shīhuā, 泰坦魔芋 häi-hān-mō-vû tàitǎn móyù (Amorphophallus titanum).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
巨头[巨頭] guì-hẽo
jùtóu tycoon; magnate; big player (including company, country, school); big shot.
巨浪 guì-lòng
jùlàng billow; surge; mountainous wave; very rough sea.
巨擘 guì-mäk
jùbò thumb; authority (knowledgeable person).¹⁰
巨人 guì-ngĩn
jùrén giant.
巨猾 guì-vàt
jùhuá a very evil person.⁸
文坛巨擘[文壇巨擘] mũn-hãn-guì-mäk
wéntánjùbò a literary mogul; a master in literature.³⁹
gui4 5146
61 8 guì fear; dread.⁸
(composition: ⿰忄句; U+6010).
<又> këo. (See 怐 këo).
gui4 5147
61 14 guì (<old>=惧[懼] guì fear; dread.⁵).⁸
(composition: ⿱䀠心; U+6133).
(See 懼 guì).
gui4 5148
61 21 guì fear; dread.⁵
惧高症[懼高症] guì-gäo-jëin jùgāozhèng acrophobia.¹⁰
惧怯[懼怯] guì-hèp
or guì-hēp jùqiè  be afraid/scared.⁶
惧内[懼內] guì-nuì
jùnèi <wr.> henpecked.⁵
惧怕[懼怕] guì-pä
jùpà fear; dread.⁵
惧色[懼色] guì-sēik
jùsè a look of fear.⁵
恐惧[恐懼] hūng-guì
kǒngjù fear; dread.⁵
恐惧不安[恐懼不安] hūng-guì-būt-ön
kǒngjùbù'ān frightened and restless.⁵
临危不惧[臨危不懼] lĩm-nguĩ-būt-guì
línwēibùjù face danger fearlessly; betray no fear in an hour of danger.⁵
面无惧色[面無懼色] mèin-mũ-guì-sēik
miànwújùsè look undaunted.⁵ show no sign of fear.⁶
畏惧[畏懼] vï-guì
wèijù fear; dread.⁵
or 惶遽 võng-guì huángjù <wr.> frightened; scared.⁵
又喜又惧[又喜又懼] yiù-hī-yiù-guì
yòuxǐyòujù feel both joy and fear; feel pleased yet fearful.³⁹
gui4 5149
86 8 guì torch.⁸
火炬 fō-guì huǒjù a torch.¹⁰ a flambeau, a lighted torch.¹¹
付之一炬 fù-jï-yīt-guì
fùzhīyījù confine to the flames.¹¹
炬火 guì-fō
jùhuǒ pharos; firing torch.⁸
蜡炬[蠟炬] làp-guì
làjù a candle.⁷
莲炬[蓮炬] lẽin-guì
liánjù festive candles.¹¹
目光如炬 mùk-göng-nguĩ-guì
mùguāngrújù sparkling eyes.¹¹
gui4 5150
93 12 guì (<m.> animal power unit.⁸ <m.> a unit used to measure animal power in farm work; animal power, strong enough to pull a plow or rake is given as 1 犋.⁹
插犋 chäp-guì chājù cooperate in plowing; common use of the cattle, agricultural implements, etc. by more than one family in the small-scale peasant economy.¹⁹ <agr.> pooling of animals, plow, and harrow.⁵⁴
gui4 5151
115 9 guì black millet.¹⁴ʼ²⁵ʼ⁶⁰ black millet (Pennisetum glaucum).³⁶
(composition: ⿰禾巨; U+79EC).
秬鬯 guì-chēng
jùchàng a sacrificial wine made from millet and fragrant herbs, and given as an imperial favor.¹⁴
秬酒 guì-diū
jùjiǔ liquor made from black millet.⁵⁴
秬秠 guì-pôi
jùpī black millet and double-kernelled black millet.⁶⁰
秬黍 guì-sī
jùshǔ black millet.¹⁴
秬草 guì-tāo
jùcǎo grains of all sorts – a symbol of auspiciousness.¹⁹
恒之秬秠[恆之秬秠] Hãng-jï-guì-pôi.
Héng zhī jù pī.
They planted extensively the black and the double-kernelled (millet).⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·生民之什·生民·6》, translated by James Legge).
玄秬 yõn-guì
xuánjù black millet.¹⁹
gui4 5152
116 16 guì <wr.> poor; impoverished.⁶
贫窭[貧窶] pĩn-guì pínjù <wr.> poor and straitened; poverty-stricken; impoverished.⁶
窭人子[窶人子] guì-ngĩn-dū
jùrénzǐ a son from an impoverished family.⁷ children of a poor family.¹¹
<又> lẽo.
(See 窶 lẽo.)
gui4 5153
118 20
guì (=虡[{⿸虛八}] guì ) support structure for bell.⁸ (Note: This traditional character, even using NSimSu font, is not rendered properly, it should be 𥫗 over 虛 over 八, thus giving 20 strokes total).
t: ⿱𥫗⿸虛八(20 strokes); U+7C34).
s: ⿱𥫗⿸虚八(19 strokes); U+7C34).
{⿱𥫗⿸虛八}] xūn-guì sǔnjù the frame on which a bell or drum is suspended.²⁵
(See {⿸虛八} guì).
gui4 5154 hkcs_m7c34.jpg
127 10 guì (composition: ⿰耒巨; U+801F).
耟耒 guì-lòi jùlěi a plow.²⁵
耟耒耨,怀鉊鈶. [耟耒耨,懷鉊鈶.]
Guì-lòi-nào, vãi-jël-xũ.
Jù lěi nòu, huái zhāocí.
(Of all the farming implements such as) a plow and a hoe, cherish the sickle.²ʼ⁰
gui4 5155
140 7 guì 苦苣 fū-guì kǔjù endive Cichorium endivia.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ There are two main varieties of cultivated C. endivia endive: (1) Curly endive, or frisée (var crispum) and (2) Escarole, or broad-leaved endive (var latifolia).¹⁵
苣胜[苣勝] guì-sëin
jùshèng <bot.> sesame.⁵⁴
莴苣[萵苣] vö-guì
wōju lettuce (Lactuca sativa).¹⁰
Note: Celtuce
(Lactuca sativa var. asparagina, augustana, or angustata), also called stem lettuce, celery lettuce, asparagus lettuce, or Chinese lettuce is a cultivar of lettuce grown primarily for its thick stem, used as a vegetable. It is especially popular in China, and is called wosun 莴笋[萵筍] vö-xūn wōsǔn or woju 莴苣[萵苣] vö-guì wōjù (although the latter name may also be used to mean lettuce in general).¹⁵
(See 苣 [guì, ].)
gui4 5156
140 7 guì 苣荬菜[苣蕒菜] guì-mäi-töi qǔmaicài <bot.> endive, field sow-thistle, Sonchus brachyotus.⁴³
(See 苣 [guì, ].)
gui4 5157
141 14
guì a post in the framework for a bell; a small table with long legs placed beside a bed.⁷ support structure for bell.⁸ the upright posts of a frame on which a bell is hung.²⁵ the poles of a rack on which bells or musical stones were suspended; a small table with long legs placed beside a bed.³⁹
(composition t: ⿸虛八; U+8661). Note: This character is displayed in Yu Gothic font to get 虛 on the left upper side, giving a total of 14 strokes; works on PC but not on iOS).
s: ⿸虚八; U+8661). Note: Same codepoint as traditional character, but displayed in Segoe UI Semibold font. Since it is the same codepoint, if you do a search on either one, you will get both). (variants: 鐻➁  guì ;
{⿸虛八}] fï-guì fēijù a celestial animal, with a stag's head, and a dragon's body.²⁵
{⿸虛八}] xūn-guì sǔnjù beam for hanging bells or chime stones.⁵⁴
(See 鐻➁ guì; 簴❄{⿱𥫗⿸虛八} guì).
gui4 5158 U+8661.jpg
153 18 𫎌
guì a young hog badger.⁸ʼ¹³ <old> young wild boar.³⁶
t: ⿰豸婁; U+8C97). (comp. s: ⿰豸娄; U+2B38C).
<又> lẽo.
(See 貗 lẽo; cf. 㺏 yĩ ).
gui4 5159
162 16 guì hurriedly, hastily, suddenly; frightened, alarmed.⁶
薄遽 bòk-guì bójù <wr.> suddenly.¹¹
急遽 gīp-guì
jíjù do things in a hurry.¹¹
遽下结论[遽下結論] guì-hà-gēik-lùn
jùxiàjiélùn jump to a hasty conclusion.⁶
遽然 guì-ngẽin
jùrán <wr.> suddenly; abruptly.⁵
遽然变色[遽然變色] guì-ngẽin-bëin-sēik
jùránbiànsè suddenly change countenance.⁵
遽尔[遽爾] guì-ngì
jù'ěr suddenly, unexpectedly, all at once.¹¹
遽色 guì-sēik
jùsè an air of astonishment, bewilderment.¹¹
匆遽 tüng-guì
cōngjù hurried; impetuous; rash.¹⁰
or 惶惧[惶懼] võng-guì huángjù <wr.> frightened; scared.⁵
gui4 5160
164 20 guì <wr.> contribute/pool money.⁶ to pool money (for a feast).⁷ to contribute to a feast.¹⁴ to meet for drinking wine; to club together in order to drink wine.²⁵
醵资[醵資] guì-dü or kuĩ-dü jùzī to pool money.⁷ contributon towards expenses.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰⿰酉豦; U+91B5).
醵金 guì-gïm
or kuĩ-gïm jùjīn to pool money.⁷ contributon towards expenses.¹⁴
醵饮食[醵飲食] guì-ngīm-sèik
or kuĩ-ngīm-sèik jùyǐnshí to join together in raising money for a feast.²⁵
<又> kuĩ.
(See 醵 kuĩ.)
gui4 5161
167 12 guì hard iron; hook; (=巨 guì ) great.⁸
or 艰巨[艱巨] gän-guì jiānjù hard; difficult; arduous; laborious; formidable.⁷
or 巨大 guì-ài jùdà huge; gigantic.⁸
or 巨子 guì-dū jùzǐ a great man; a tycoon, a magnate.⁷
or 巨款 guì-fōn jùkuǎn  huge sum of money.¹⁰
or 巨富 guì-fü jùfù a very rich man; a millionaire; a plutocrat.⁷
钜公[鉅公] guì-güng
jùgōng the Emperor, His Majesty; venerable sir; sir.⁷
or 巨著 guì-jï jùzhù monumental work.⁸
or 巨量 guì-lèng jùliàng enormous amount.⁸
or 巨万[巨萬] guì-màn jùwàn great wealth.⁷
or 巨额[巨額] guì-ngäk jù'é large sum (of money); a huge amount.¹⁰
gui4 5162
167 21 guì ➀ bell.⁸ ➁ (=虡[虡:⿸虛八] guì ) support structure for bell.⁸
(See 虡:⿸虛八 guì).
gui4 5163
182 17 guì 飓风[颶風] guì-füng jùfēng hurricane (a wind of force 12 or above).⁶
gui4 5164
30 5 guî sentence; clause; phrase; classifier for phrases or lines of verse.¹⁰
(composition: ⿹勹口; U+53E5).
造句 dào-guî/ zàojù sentence-making.⁵
句子 guî-dū
jùzi a sentence.⁷
句法 guî-fāt
jùfǎ sentence structure syntax.⁷
诗句[詩句] sï-guî/
shījù verse; line.⁵
or 辞句[辭句] xũ-guî/ cíjù words and phrases; expression.⁵
<又> guï, ngëo.
(See 句 guï, ngëo.)
gui5 5165
20 8 gūk (<old>=掬 gūk to grasp with both hands; a double handful.¹⁴).
(composition: ⿰勹米; U+530A).
(See 掬 gūk).
guk1 5166
30 16 𠿟
gūk (=喾[嚳] gūk emperor of China, usually referred to as 帝喾[帝嚳] Äi Gūk Dì Kù Di Ku, reigned from c. 2436 BC to c. 2366 BC.).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱⿶⿱𦥑冖爻口; U+20FDF).
<又> āk.
(See 𠿟❄{⿱⿶⿱𦥑冖爻口} āk; 嚳 gūk).
guk1 5167
30 20 gūk emperor of China, usually referred to as 帝喾[帝嚳] Äi Gūk Dì Kù Di Ku, reigned from c. 2436 BC to c. 2366 BC.
(variant: 𠿟
❄{⿱⿶⿱𦥑冖爻口} gūk).
t: ⿱⿶⿱𦥑冖爻告; U+56B3).
s: ⿳⿲丶丶丿冖告; U+55BE).
(See 𠿟❄{⿱⿶⿱𦥑冖爻口} gūk).
guk1 5168
64 11 gūk to grasp with both hands; a double handful.¹⁴
(old variant: 匊 gūk ).
不盈一掬 būt-ngẽin-yīt-gūk bùyíngyījū not enough for a handful.¹⁴
掬气包腮[掬氣包腮] gūk-hï-bäo-xöi
jūqìbāosāi cheeks swell with anger.¹⁴
掬诚[掬誠] gūk-sẽin
jūchéng wholeheartedly; sincerely.⁵⁴
掬水 gūk-suī
jūshuǐ to scoop up water with the hand.⁷
掬水月在手 gūk-suī-ngùt-dòi-siū
jūshuǐyuèzàishǒu holding the water, which reflects the moon, in both hands, one seems to have the moon in the grasp.¹⁴
憨态可掬[憨態可掬] häm-häi-hō-gūk
hāntàikějū charmingly naive.⁵
笑容可掬 xël-yũng-hō-gūk
xiàoróngkějū be radiant with smiles.⁵ the face beams with a broad smile.¹⁴
挹掬 yīp-gūk
yìjū to scoop up water with the hands.⁵⁴
一掬同情之泪[一掬同情之淚] yīt-gūk-hũng-tẽin-jï-luì 
yī jū tóngqíng zhī lèi to shed tears of sympathy (idiom).⁵⁴
(See 匊 gūk).
guk1 5169
72 6 gūk brilliance of the rising sun.⁶ brightness or radiance of daybreak; the rising sun; proud, smug or complacent.⁷ the dawn; the rising sun; drumming.¹⁴
旭旭 gūk-gūk xùxù proud, smug or complacent; uproarious; description of the rising sun.⁷
旭日 gūk-ngìt
xùrì rising sun.⁶
旭日初升 gūk-ngìt-chö-sëin
xùrìchūshēng early in the morning; the sun is rising.⁷
旭日旗 gūk-ngìt-kĩ
xùrìqí Japanese national flag.¹⁴
旭日东升[旭日東升] gūk-ngìt-üng-sëin
xùrìdōngshēng the sun rising in the east – display of youthful vigor and vitality; be in the ascendant.⁶
汹汹旭旭[洶洶旭旭] hüng-hüng-gūk-gūk
xiōngxiōngxùxù the booming of surf.¹⁴
guk1 5170
72 7 gūk (<old>=旭 gūk brilliance of the rising sun.⁶ brightness or radiance of daybreak; the rising sun; proud, smug or complacent.⁷ the dawn; the rising sun; drumming.¹⁴).⁸
(composition: ⿰日于; U+65F4).
<又> huï.
(See 旴 huï).
guk1 5171
75 11 gūk fetters; manacles; wooden handcuffs.
精神桎梏 dëin-sĩn-jìt-gūk jīngshénzhìgù mental shackles.⁶
梏桎 gūk-jìt
gùzhì (=桎梏 jìt-gūk zhìgù) fetters and handcuffs; shackles.¹⁹
梏亡 gūk-mõng
gùwáng to be fettered in mind by greed.³⁹
桎梏 jìt-gūk
zhìgù (hand) fetters and (foot) shackles; also (fig.) bind, prevent from action.¹¹
桎梏生灵[桎梏生靈] jìt-gūk-säng-lẽin
zhìgùshēnglíng fetter and handcuff living beings.¹⁹
<又> gôk.
(See 梏 gôk.)
guk1 5172
75 14 gūk name of a tree, aka 构[構] këo gòu, 楮 chuî chǔ; it is  构树 [構樹] këo-sì gòushù paper mulberry tree.⁸ the name of a tree, of the bark of which paper is made.²⁴ (Distinguish from 穀 gūk grain).
(composition: ⿰⿳士冖⿱一木殳; U+6996).
榖树[榖樹] gūk-sì
gǔshù or 构树[構樹] këo-sì gòushù or 楮树[楮樹] chuî-sì chǔshù paper mulberry or tapa cloth tree (Broussonetia papyrifera), aka 鈔票樹, 奶樹, 噹噹樹, 紙木; demotic name in Taiwan is 鹿仔樹.²⁰
guk1 5173
82 10 gūk (<old>=鞠 gūk ) a leather ball for kicking.⁸
(See 鞠 gūk).
guk1 5174
82 12 gūk (<old>=鞠 gūk ) ball.⁸
(See 鞠 gūk).
guk1 5175
85 8 gūk the ripple on water; the outer bank of a stream.²⁴ outer shore of a river at a bend.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵尻; U+6CE6).
(old variant: 淗 gūk jú). (See 淗 gūk).
guk1 5176
85 11 gūk (<old>=泦 gūk the ripple on water; the outer bank of a stream.²⁴ outer shore of a river at a bend.³⁶).²ʼ⁸
(composition: ⿰氵匊; U+6DD7).
(See 泦 gūk).
guk1 5177
85 18 gūk 瀔水 Gūk-suī Gǔshuǐ Guishui River, river in 河南 Hõ-nãm Hénán Henan Province, now called 谷水 Gūk-suī Gǔshuǐ.
瀔水 Gūk-suī
Gǔshuǐ Guishui, a place in 湖南 Vũ-nãm Húnán Hunan Province.⁸
guk1 5178
93 11 gūk cattle shed, horse stable; cross wood tied to ox horns to prevent them from hurting people.⁶ a shed, stable, or pen for cattle and horses; the animals inclosed in such a place.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰牜告; U+727F).
今惟淫舍牿牛马. [今惟淫舍牿牛馬.]
Jīn wéi yín shě gù niúmǎ.
We must now largely let the oxen and horses loose.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《尚書·周書·費誓·1》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ we must now let out the cattle and horses from their folds.¹⁰²
牿牢 gūk-lão
gùláo enclosure for cattle and horses.²⁴ a pen or corral.¹⁰²
guk1 5179
115 15 gūk grain, corn, cereals; lucky, happy, favorable, good.⁷ (variant: 糓 gūk ). (See 谷 gūk, yùk; 糓 gūk).
谷道[穀道] gūk-ào
gǔdào the rectum or alimentary canal; to stop eating grain as a means to attain immortality.⁷
谷场[穀場] gūk-chẽng
gǔcháng yard for sunning grain.⁵
谷贱伤农[穀賤傷農] gūk-dèin-sëng-nũng
gǔjiàn shāngnóng low grain prices hurt the farmers.⁷
谷子[穀子] gūk-dū
gǔzi millet; <topo.> unhusked rice.⁵
谷壳[穀殼] gūk-hôk
gǔké husks (of rice).⁷
谷类[穀類] gūk-luì
gǔlèi grain and corn; cereals.⁷
谷物[穀物] gūk-mùt
or gūk-mòt gǔwù cereal; grain.⁵
谷日[穀日] gūk-ngìt
gǔrì 8th day of the first lunar month.⁷
谷蛾[穀蛾] gūk-ngõ
or gūk-ngũ gǔ'é grain moth.⁵
谷氨酸[穀氨酸] gūk-ön-xön
gǔ'ānsuān glutamic acid.⁵
谷树[穀樹] gūk-sì
gǔshù (=构树[構樹] këo-sì, q.v.).
谷草[穀草] gūk-tāo
gǔcǎo millet straw; <topo.> rice straw.⁵
谷仓[穀倉] gūk-töng
gǔcāng a granary.⁷
谷穗[穀穗] gūk-xuì
gǔsuì ears of millet.⁸
谷雨[穀雨] Gūk-yî
Gǔyǔ Grain Rain (6th solar term).⁵
五谷[五穀] m̄-gūk
wǔgǔ the five cereals (rice, two kinds of millet, wheat, beans).⁵
五谷丰登[五穀豐登] m̄-gūk-füng-äng
wǔgǔfēngdēng  an abundant harvest of all food crops.⁵

guk1 5180
119 16 gūk (<old>=谷[穀] gūk ) grain, corn.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰⿳士冖⿱一米殳; U+7CD3).
(See 穀 gūk).
guk1 5181
134 7 gūk (<old>=匊 gūk , which in turn is <old>=掬 gūk to grasp with both hands; a double handful.¹⁴).² folded hands.²⁵
(composition: ⿰𠀉彐 or ⿰⿷⿱丿丄一彐; U+2EBD).
(See 匊 gūk; 掬 gū).
guk1 5182
140 11 gūk chrysanthemum; Ju surname.
雏菊[雛菊] chö-gūk chújú daisy; marguerite.⁶
春兰秋菊[春蘭秋菊] chün-lãn-tiü-gūk
chūnlánqiūjú orchids in spring and chrysanthemums in autumn – each has its oiwn beauty.⁶
甘菊 gäm-gūk
gānjú <bot.> camomile.¹⁰ Dendranthema lavandulifolium (Fisch. ex Trautv.) Ling & Shih.²³
菊花 gūk-fä
júhuā <bot.> chrysanthemum.
菊花茶 gūk-fä-chã
júhuāchá chrysanthemum tea.
菊科 gūk-fö
júkē the composite family.⁹ Asteraceae or Compositae (composites), a large family of dicotyledonous plants producing scents, includes aster, daisy and sunflower.¹⁰
菊芋 gūk-vû
júyù <bot.> Jerusalem artichoke.¹⁰
墨菊 màk-gūk
mòjú <bot.> Dendranthema morifolium cv. 'Black Chrysanthemum'.¹⁹
赏菊[賞菊] sēng-gūk
shǎngjú to admire the beauty of chrysanthemum; to appreciate chrysanthemums.³⁹
guk1 5183
149 15 gūk (=鞫 gūk ) <wr.> interrogate; question.⁶ to question criminals; extreme poverty.⁷  to make a judicial investigation; to reduce to extremities;  the further shore of a river.¹⁴
(See 鞫 gūk).
guk1 5184
150 7 gūk Kangxi radical 150; valley, gorge, ravine.⁸ a valley, a waterway between two mountains, a ravine; a hollow, a pit; a dilemma, a difficult situation, a predicament; Gu surname.⁷
进退维谷[進退維谷] dïn-huï-vĩ-gūk jìntuìwéigǔ advance and retreat both difficult – in a dilemma.¹⁴ be caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.⁵⁵
谷底 gūk-āi
gǔdǐ the bottom of a valley.⁷
谷坊 gūk-fōng
gǔfáng check dam.⁵
谷风[谷風] gūk-füng
gǔfēng an east wind; an updraft in a valley.⁷
谷饮[谷飲] gūk-ngīm
gǔyǐn to live like a hermit.⁷
谷盆地 gūk-pûn-ì
gǔpéndì a basin.⁷
谷湾[谷灣] gūk-vän
gǔwān drowned/submerged valleys.⁷
谷穴 gūk-yòt
gǔxué the hollow behind the ankle.¹⁴
河谷 hõ-gūk
hégǔ river valley.⁵
<台> 谷 gūk  to rush, to hasten.
<台> 谷屎 gūk-sī
or 结屎[結屎] gēik-sī constipated.
<又> yùk.
(See 谷 yùk; 穀 gūk.)
guk1 5185
157 15 gūk ball; (<old>=鞠 gūk as in 鞠球 gūk-kiũ jūqiú, q.v.).⁸ leather ball.⁹
踘蹋 gūk-hāp
jútà to kick a football around.²⁵
踘圃 gūk-pū
júpǔ a football (soccer) field.¹⁹
踘蹴 gūk-tūk
júcù (=蹴踘 tūk-gūk cùjú) ancient Chinese football (soccer).¹⁰ to kick a football – an ancient game played with a leather ball stuffed wth hair.¹⁴
踘踊[踘踴] gūk-yūng
júyǒng (=跳跃[跳躍] hẽl-yèk tiàoyuè) jump; leap; bound.⁵ʼ¹⁹
蹴踘 tūk-gūk
cùjú (=蹴鞠 tūk-gūk cùjū) ancient Chinese football (soccer).¹⁰ to kick a football – an ancient game played with a leather ball stuffed wth hair.¹⁴
(See 鞠 gūk).
guk1 5186
159 13 gūk big horse-drawn carriage.⁸ <trad.> horse carriage.¹⁰
輂辇[輂輦] gūk-lèin júniǎn emperor's carriage.¹⁰
guk1 5187
159 17 gūk hub (of a wheel).⁶
毂衬[轂襯] gūk-chïn gǔchèn hub plate.⁶
毂击肩摩[轂擊肩摩] gūk-gēik-gän-mö
gǔjījiānmó lit. Hubs hit hubs and shoulders rub shoulders; fig. a scene of a booming city.⁷
毂键[轂鍵] gūk-gèin
gǔjiàn hub key.⁶
毂下[轂下] gūk-hà
gǔxià  <wr.> the imperial capital.¹¹
毂盖[轂蓋] gūk-köi
gǔgài hub cap; hub cover.⁶
毂轮[轂輪] gūk-lũn
gǔlún wheel.⁶
毂盘[轂盤] gūk-põn
gǔpán hub.⁶
毂环[轂環] gūk-vãn
gǔhuán nave collar.⁶ hub ring.¹⁹
(See 轂 [gūk, ].)
guk1 5188
159 17 gūk wheel; (variant of 轱[軲] gū as in 轱辘[軲轆] gū-lūk gūlu) a wheel; to turn; to revolve.⁷
t: ⿹𣪊❄{⿹⿰⿳士冖一殳}車; U+8F42).
s: ⿰⿳士冖车殳; U+6BC2).
车毂辘[車轂轆] chëh-gūk-lūk
chēgūlu <vern.> wheel (of a vehicle).⁵
车毂辘话[車轂轆話] chëh-gūk-lūk-và
chēgūluhuà <topo.> repetitious talk.⁵
毂辘[轂轆] gūk-lūk
or 轱辘[軲轆] gū-lūk gūlu a wheel; to turn; to revolve.⁷
(See 轂 [gūk, ]; 軲 gū.)
guk1 5189
170 10 gūk (<old>=鞠 gūk ) rear, bring up; bow.⁶ to nourish; to inform; much, full; a ball; a child; to bend in submission, to endure to extremities.¹⁴
(See 鞠 gūk).
guk1 5190
177 17 gūk rear, bring up; Ju surname.⁵ rear, bring up; bow.⁶ to nourish; to inform; much, full; a ball; a child; to bend in submission, to endure to extremities.¹⁴ (variants: 毱踘毩陱 gūk).
鞠子 gūk-dū
jūzǐ a little child.⁷
鞠躬 gūk-güng
jūgōng bow; <wr.> in a discreet and scrupulous manner.⁶
鞠躬道谢[鞠躬道謝] gūk-güng-ào-dèh
jūgōngdàoxiè bow one's thanks.⁶
鞠躬尽瘁[鞠躬盡瘁] gūk-güng-dìn-xuì
jūgōngjìncuì bend oneself to a task and exert oneself to the utmost – spare no efforts in discharging one's duties.⁶
鞠治 gūk-jì
jūzhì interrogate and judge.⁵⁴
鞠球 gūk-kiũ
jūqiú formerly, a football.¹¹
鞠旅 gūk-luî
jūlǚ he addressed his troops.¹⁴
gūk-yëng jūyǎng <wr.> foster, raise, rear, bring up.⁶
鞠养之恩[鞠養之恩] gūk-yëng-jï-yïn
jūyǎngzhī'ēn gratitude for somebody's loving care in bringing oneself up.⁶
鞠于祖母[鞠於祖母] gūk-yï-dū-mǔ
jūyúzǔzǔ brought up by one's grandmother.¹⁴
鞠丸 gūk-yõn
jūwán a ball.¹⁴
鞠育 gūk-yùk
jūyù to rear; to nututre.¹⁴
(See 毱, 踘, 毩, 陱 gūk).
guk1 5191
177 18 gūk <wr.> interrogate; question.⁶ to question criminals; extreme poverty.⁷  to make a judicial investigation; to reduce to extremities;  the further shore of a river.¹⁴ (variant: 諊 gūk).
鞫哉庶正 gūk-döi-sï-jëin jūzāishùzhèng the chiefs of departments are all exhausted.¹⁴
鞫治 gūk-jì
jūzhì try (someone) in court and sentence him.¹¹
鞫穷[鞫窮] gūk-kũng
jūqióng to reduce to extremities.¹⁴
鞫问[鞫問] gūk-mùn
jūwèn question suspects.¹⁹
鞫人 gūk-ngĩn
jūrén to beat people down.¹⁴
鞫审[鞫審] gūk-sīm
jūshěn or 讯諊[訊諊] xïn-gūk xùnjū to examine and judge a case.¹⁴
鞫实[鞫實] gūk-sìt
jūshí make a thorough inquiry about a case.¹⁹
鞫讯[鞫訊] gūk-xïn
jūxùn put (prisoner) on trial.¹¹
芮鞫之卽 yuì-gūk-jï-dēik
ruìjūzhījí they went to the other side of the River Rui.¹⁴
(See 諊 gūk).
guk1 5192
181 13 gūk to carry the head in a grave and serious manner.²⁵ grieved; anxious; Xu surname.⁸
顼顼[頊頊] gūk-gūk xūxū to lose one's self-possession.²⁵
顼顼不自得[頊頊不自得] gūk-gūk-būt-dù-āk
xūxūbùzìdé uneasy in mind.¹⁴
颛顼[顓頊] Jön-gūk
Zhuānxū Zhuan Xu, one of Five legendary Emperors 五帝 M̄-äi Wǔdì, a grandson of The Yellow Emperor 黄帝 Võng-äi Huángdì, reigned c. 2513 - c.2435 BC.⁵⁴
guk1 5193
196 18 gūk <wr.> target (in archery); aim; purpose.⁶
鹄的[鵠的] gūk-ēik gǔdì bull's eye, target; aim; purpose.⁶
中鹄[中鵠] jüng-gūk
zhònggǔ hit the target.⁶
一箭中鹄[一箭中鵠] yīt-dëin-jüng-gūk
yījiànzhònggǔ to shoot and hit with the first arrow.³⁹
<又> hùk.
(See 鵠 hùk.)
guk1 5194
196 19 gūk (composition: ⿰匊鳥; U+9D74).
鴶鵴 gīt-gūk jíjú special name for cuckoo (Cercococcyx spp.).¹³ the turtledove.²⁵
guk1 5195
9 9 gùk (=局 gùk ) an office, a bureau; a situation, a state of affairs; an inning; a game.⁵ narrow; cramped.¹⁴
or 跼促 gùk-tūk júcù narrow-minded; ill at ease, uneasy.⁷ cramped; hampered.¹⁴
(See 局 gùk).
guk4 5196
40 10 𡨅
gùk dare not stretch.² (=跼 gùk bent; contracted, cramped, confined.⁷ bent down, contracted, cramped.¹⁴).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱宀局; U+21A05).
(See 跼 gùk).
guk4 5197
44 7 gùk an office, a bureau; a situation, a state of affairs; an inning; a game.⁵ (variant: 侷 gùk).
大局已定 ài-gùk-yî-èin
dàjúyǐdìng The die is cast.⁵⁵
局部 gùk-bù
júbù part.⁵
局部麻醉 gùk-bù-mã-duï
júbùmázuì local anesthesia.⁶
局子 gùk-dū 
júzi <topo.> police station.⁸
局限 gùk-hàn
júxiàn limit; confine.⁵
局长[局長] gùk-jēng
júzhǎng bureau chief.¹⁰
局量 gùk-lèng
júliàng one's capacity for forgieness.⁷
局麻 gùk-mã
júmá (short for 局部麻醉) local anesthesia.⁶
局面 gùk-mèin
júmiàn aspect; phase; situation.⁵
局外人 gùk-ngòi-ngĩn
júwàirén outsider.⁵
局内人[局內人] gùk-nuì-ngĩn
júnèirén insider.⁶
局骗[局騙] gùk-pëin
júpiàn swindle, cheat, trap.⁶
局势[局勢] gùk-säi
júshì situation.⁵
局促 gùk-tūk
júcù narrow, cramped; <topo.> (of time) short; feel or show constraint.⁵
局促不安 gùk-tūk-būt-ön
júcùbù'ān ill at ease.⁵
局度 gùk-ù
júdù tolerance; forbearance; magnanimity.⁶
局员[局員] gùk-yõn
júyuán the staff of a bureau.⁷
文化局 mũn-fä-gùk
wénhuàjú cultural bureau.⁵⁴
(See 侷 gùk).
guk4 5198
86 11 gùk steam; feel suffocated, be stifled.⁶ <Cant.> to roast, bake; to suffocate, stuffy; heat with vapor in airtight vessel.⁸ (Cantonese) stuffy; (chiefly Cantonese, cooking) to wrap food in gauze, tin foil, or paper and cook in salt or sand in a sealed pot; (Cantonese, cooking) to bake; (Cantonese) to steep.³⁶
焗油 gùk-yiũ júyóu to condition or dye the hair using hair treatment product in conjunction with a hair steamer.¹⁰
盐焗鸡[鹽焗雞] yẽm-gùk-gäi
yánjújī chicken baked in salt.⁵⁴
<台> 鸡焗饭[雞焗飯] gäi-gùk-fàn steamed rice with chicken.
<台> 焗蛋挞[焗蛋撻] gùk-àn-tāt to bake egg tarts.
<台> 焗茶 gùk-chã to steep tea.
<台> 焗焗馊馊[焗焗餿餿] gùk-gùk-xūk-xūk hot and stuffy.
<台> 焗炉[焗爐] gùk-lũ oven.
<台> 焗死 gùk-xī to die from inhaling gas fumes, smoke.
<台> 好焗诶[好焗誒] hāo-gùk-ë very stuffy.
<台> 黄鳝焗饭[黃鱔有飯] võng-sên-guk-fan steamed rice with eel.
guk4 5199
157 14 gùk bent; contracted, cramped, confined.⁷ bent down, contracted, cramped.¹⁴ (variant: 𡨅❄{⿱宀局} gùk).
跼蹐 gùk-dēik
jújí not stretched; confined.⁷
跼躅 gùk-dùk
júzhú halting; faltering.⁷ to hobble.¹⁴ to go limping along; an awkward uneasy gait.²⁵
跼天蹐地 gùk-hëin-dēik-ì
jútiānjídì not stretched; confined; restricted.⁷
or 侷促 gùk-tūk júcù narrow-minded; ill at ease, uneasy.⁷ cramped; hampered.¹⁴
跼促不安 gùk-tūk-būt-ön
júcùbù'ān uneasy; constrained.¹⁴
(See 𡨅❄{⿱宀局} gùk).
guk4 5200
167 15 gùk curium (Cm).⁶
(See 鋦 [gùk,].)
guk4 5201
167 15 gùk mend (crockery) with clamps.⁶ to mend by stapling or cramping broken pieces together.¹⁰
锔子[鋦子] gùk-dū jūzi clamp for mending pottery.¹⁰
锔缸[鋦缸] gùk-göng
jūgāng mend a jar with clamps.⁶
锔碗[鋦碗] gùk-vōn
jūwǎn mend a bowl with clamps.⁶
(See 鋦 [gùk, ].)
guk4 5202
167 16 gùk (=锔[鋦] gùk ) mend (crockery) with clamps.⁶ to mend by stapling or cramping broken pieces together.¹⁰
<又> guï.
(See 鋦 [gùk, ]; 鋸 guï.)
guk4 5203
5 1 𠃌 gūn gǔn the backward tip of a hook.³⁶ first stroke of 刀 力 司 卩 㔾.
(composition: ⿰; U+200CC).
gun1 5204
26 8 gūn quán curky; to curl.⁷ (=鬈 gūn quán fine hair; curled hair.⁷ to curl; curled.¹⁰).⁰
(composition: ⿱龹㔾; U+5377).
卷曲 gūn-kūk
quánqū to curl up..⁷
<又> kūn.
(See 卷[kūn, juàn]; 卷[kūn, juǎn]; 鬈 gūn).
gun1 5205
50 9 gūn juǎn to roll up one's sleeves.⁸ to tuck up the sleeves.²⁴
(composition: ⿰龹巾; U+5E23).
<又> gün. (See 帣 gün).
gun1 5206
61 10 gūn kǔn <wr.> sincere.⁶
(composition: ⿰忄困; U+6083).
谢悃[謝悃] dèh-gūn or dèh-kūn xièkǔn (my) sincere gratitude.¹¹
悃愊 gūn-bēik
or kūn-bēik kǔnbì <wr.> utterly or completely sincere.⁶
悃愊无华[悃愊無華] gūn-bēik-mũ-vã
or kūn-bēik-mũ-vã kǔnbìwúhuá <wr.> in good/real earnest; sincere and honest; honest and simple.⁶ <wr.> sincere and honest.¹⁹
悃诚[悃誠] gūn-sẽin
or kūn-sẽin kǔnchéng <wr.> sincerity.⁶
悃款 gūn-fōn
or kūn-fōn kǔnkuǎn single-minded; sincere.⁷
聊表谢悃[聊表謝悃] lẽl-bēl-dèh-gūn
or lẽl-bēl-dèh-kūn liáobiǎoxièkǔn just to show (my) sincere gratitude.⁰
私悃 xü-gūn
or xü-kūn sīkǔn (=私衷 xü-chüng sīzhōng real/innermost thoughts.⁶) <wr.> personal feeling; <court.> my feeling on the matter.¹¹
<又> kūn.
(See 悃 kūn.)
gun1 5207
85 14 gūn gǔn to boil; to roll; to take a hike; Get lost!¹⁰
(comp. t: ⿰氵袞; U+6EFE). (comp. s: ⿰氵衮; U+6EDA).
打滚[打滾] ā-gūn
dǎgǔn to roll about.¹⁰
滚蛋[滾蛋] gūn-àn/
gǔndàn <derog.> Beat it! Scram!⁵
滚边[滾邊] gūn-bëin
or 绲边[緄邊] kūn-bëin gǔnbiān to hem, to trim, to border; (embroidered/hemmed/trimmed) border.⁶
滚出去[滾出去] gūn-chūt-huï
gǔn chūqù <a term of abuse> Get out of here!⁵⁶
滚子[滾子] gūn-dū
gǔnzi  roller.⁶
滚瓜烂熟[滾瓜爛熟] gūn-gä-làn-sùk
gǔnguālànshú recite fluently; learn something thoroughly by heart.⁶
滚滚[滾滾] gūn-gūn
gǔngǔn rolling; billowy; surging.⁶
滚烫[滾燙] gūn-höng
gǔntàng boiling hot; burning hot.⁵
滚珠[滾珠] gūn-jî
gǔnzhū <mach.> ball.⁵
滚珠轴承[滾珠軸承] gūn-jî-jùk-sẽin
gǔnzhū zhóuchéng ball bearing.⁵
滚牌[滾牌] gūn-pãi
gǔnpái a shield.
滚动[滾動] gūn-ùng
gǔndòng roll, trundle, rotate; gradually accumulate and expand.⁶
滚圆[滾圓] gūn-yõn
gǔnyuán round as a ball.⁵
财源滚滚[財源滾滾] tõi-ngũn-gūn-gūn
cáiyuángǔngǔn Fortunes pour in from all sides.⁶
<台> 滚水[滾水] gūn-suī boiled water.
gun1 5208
112 15 gūn gǔn roller; to level with a roller.¹⁰
磙子 gūn-dū gǔnzi roller; stone roller.⁹
磙地 gūn-ì
gǔndì roll the ground.⁵
铁磙[鐵磙] hëik-gūn
tiěgǔn iron roller.⁶
碌碡磙 lūk-ùk-gūn
liùzhougǔn <agr.> stone roller.⁵⁴
石磙 sêk-gūn
shígǔn stone roller.¹⁰
gun1 5209
140 13 gūn gǔn use soil to grow seedling roots.⁸ to bank up the roots of plants.¹⁰ (Note: Yellpowbridge considers this character, 蓘 gūn gǔn, to be the simplified form of 蔉 gūn gǔn, whereas other dictionaries considers them as variants).
(composition: ⿱艹衮; U+84D8).
or 藨蓘 bël-gūn biāogǔn lit. to weed fields and use soil to grow seedling roots; fig. hard work/labor.¹⁹ʼ⁰
(See 蔉 gūn).
gun1 5210
140 14 gūn gǔn (=蓘 gūn gǔn use soil to grow seedling roots.⁸ to bank up the roots of plants.¹⁰); earth up.⁸  to throw up earth about the roots of plants.²⁵ (Note: Yellpowbridge considers this character, 蔉 gūn gǔn, to be the traditional form of 蓘 gūn gǔn, whereas other dictionaries considers them as variants).
(composition: ⿱艹袞; U+8509).
(See 蓘 gūn).
gun1 5211
145 11 gūn gǔn ceremonial dress worn by the emperor.³⁶
(comp. t: ⿳亠㕣𧘇(GJK) or ⿳亠⿱儿口𧘇(TV); U+889E).
s: ⿳亠公𧘇 ; U+886E).
衮服[袞服] gūn-fùk
gǔnfú imperial ceremonial dress.
gun1 5212
145 13 gūn gǔn (<old>=衮 gūn gǔn) ancient monarch's ceremonial attire.⁸ used for 衮 gūn gǔn royal robes.²⁵
袾裷 jï-gūn
zhūgǔn a robe and crown.²⁵
<又> yön.
(See 裷 yön.)
gun1 5213
167 16 gūn juǎn <wr.> (of the blade of a knife) be turned.⁶ to bend iron.¹⁴
锩刃[錈刃] gūn-yìn juǎnrèn (=卷刃[捲刃] kūn-yìn juǎnrèn) (of a knife blade) be turned.⁶
柔则锩刚则折[柔則錈剛則折] ngẽl-dāk-gūn, göng-dāk-jēt
róuzéjuǎn, gāngzézhé when soft, it will bend, when hard, it will snap – of forging steel and tempering it for swords.¹⁴
gun1 5214
190 18 gūn quán fine hair; curled hair.⁷ to curl; curled.¹⁰
鬈发[鬈髮] gūn-fāt quánfà or 卷发[卷髮] kūn-fāt juǎnfà to curl hair (at a hairdresser's); to keep the hair in curl; curly hair.⁷ curly hair; crimps.³⁹
鬈发夹子[鬈髮夾子] gūn-fāt-gäp-dū
quánfàjiāzi curler.¹⁰
鬈发纸[鬈髮紙] gūn-fāt-jī
quánfàzhǐ or 卷发纸[卷髮紙] kūn-fāt-jī juǎnfàzhǐ curlpaper.¹⁰
鬈曲 gūn-kūk
quánqū or 卷曲 kūn-kūk juǎnqū to crinkle; to curl.⁷
鬈曲羊毛 gūn-kūk-yẽng-mão
quánqūyángmáo crinkled wool.³⁹
鬈毛 gūn-mão
quánmáo frizzle.³⁹
鬈首 gūn-siū
quánshǒu a good head of hair; well-divided and done up; some say, curly hair.²⁵
<又> kũn.
(See 鬈 kũn; 卷 gūn; 捲 kūn.)
gun1 5215
195 16 gūn gǔn (=鲧[鯀] gūn gǔn) name of a kind of fish; father of the legendary ruler Yu (禹 Yî ).⁷
(See 鯀 gūn).
gun1 5216
195 18 gūn gǔn name of a kind of fish; father of the legendary ruler Yu (禹 Yî ).⁷ giant fish; father of Emperor Yu.¹⁹ (variant: 鮌 gūn gǔn).
殛鲧于禹山[殛鯀於禹山] gēik-gūn-yï-yî-sän
jígǔnyúyǔshān executed Gun at Yushan (in Henan by Emperor Shun).¹¹
鲧禹治水[鯀禹治水] gūn-yî-jì-suī
gǔnyǔzhìshuǐ Great Flood (China).⁹ Food control by Gǔn and Yǔ.⁰
(See 鮌 gūn).
gun1 5217
19 10 gün juān (<old>=勬 gün juān diligent; strong.⁸).⁸ firm, strong.²⁴
(composition: ⿰卷力; U+52CC).
<又> gùn; hün.
(See 勌 gùn; 勌 hün; 勬 gün).
gun2 5218
19 14 gün juān diligent; strong.⁸ diligent; firm and strong.²⁴
(variant: 勌 gün).
(composition: ⿰絭力; U+52EC).
(See 勌 gün).
gun2 5219
20 9 𠣞
gün jūn (=军[軍] gün jūn army, military; soldiers, troops.⁸).²
(composition: ⿹勹車; U+208DE).
(See 軍 gün).
gun2 5220
30 7 gün jūn monarch, lord, supreme ruler; gentleman, sir.
(composition: ⿸尹口; U+541B).
暴君 bào-gün bàojūn tyrant; despot.⁸
国君[國君] gōk-gün
guójūn monarch.
君将何之[君將何之] gün-dëng-hõ-jï
jūnjiānghézhī <lit.> Where are you going?¹¹
君子 gün-dū
jūnzǐ gentleman; man of noble character.
君子好逑 gün-dū-häo-kiũ
jūnzǐhǎoqiú a gentleman's good mate.⁵⁴
君子协定[君子协定] gün-dū-hèp-èin
jūnzǐ xiédìng gentlemen's agreement.⁶
君子一言,驷马难追[君子一言,駟馬難追] gün-dū-yīt-ngũn, xü-mâ-nãn-juï
jūnzǐyīyán, sìmǎ'nánzhuī a word spoken can never be taken back.⁶
君子攸行 gün-dū-yiũ-hãng
jūnzǐyōuxíng that which a superior man does.¹⁴ that which a good man practices.²⁴
君主 gün-jī
jūnzhǔ monarch, sovereign.
君臣 gün-sĩn
jūnchén a ruler and his ministers (old).¹⁰
诸君[諸君] jï-gün
zhūjūn Gentlemen; Sirs; everyone.
gun2 5221
32 7 gün jūn equal, even, fair; all, also.⁸ equally, fairly; all, both; a potter's wheel; <old> name of a measure; <old> a musical instrument.¹¹
(composition: ⿰土匀 or ⿰土勻; U+5747).
户均[戶均] fù-gün hùjūn average for each household.⁸
机会均等[機會均等] gï-vòi-gün-děng
jīhuì jūnděng equal opportunity.
均分 gün-fün
jūnfēn to divide equally.
均衡 gün-hãng
jūnhéng balanced; proportionate; harmonious; even.⁶
均值 gün-jèik
jūnzhí the average value of various numbers.
or 均霑 gün-jëm jūnzhān to receive (benefits) equally.³⁶
均匀[均勻] gün-vũn
jūnyún even; well-distributed; homogeneous.
均一 gün-yīt
jūnyī even; uniform; homogeneous.
年均 nẽin-gün
niánjūn annual average.
人均 ngĩn-gün
rénjūn per capita.
平均 pẽin-gün
píngjūn average.
gun2 5222
38 10 gün juān <wr.> beautiful; graceful.⁵
字迹娟秀[字跡娟秀] dù-dēik-gün-xiü zìjìjuānxiù beautiful handwriting; graceful hand.⁶
娟娟 gün-gün
juānjuān lovely; beautiful.⁶
娟娟明月 gün-gün-mẽin-ngùt
juānjuānmíngyuè lovely bright moon.⁶
娟好 gün-hāo
juānhǎo pretty, good-looking.¹¹
娟媚 gün-mì
juānmèi lovely; graceful.⁶
娟秀 gün-xiü
juānxiù <wr.> beautiful; graceful.⁵
眉目娟秀 mĩ-mùk-gün-xiü
méimùjuānxiù have delicate features; be good-looking.⁶
容貌娟秀 yũng-mào-gün-xiü
róngmàojuānxiù be good-looking.⁶
gun2 5223
46 11 gün kūn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 崑 kün kūn with same meaning: the Kunlun Mountains; Kunshan, name of a county and mountain in Jiangsu (江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū).⁷)
(composition: ⿱山昆; U+5D11).
<又> kün.
(See 崑 kün.)
gun2 5224
50 9 gün juàn bag, purse, pocket.⁸ a sack, a bag.²⁴
(composition: ⿰龹巾; U+5E23).
<又> gūn. (See 帣 gūn).
gun2 5225
55 11 𢍕
gün juàn to bore a cow's nose.²⁴
(composition: ⿱卷廾; U+22355).
<又> hün. (See 𢍕❄{⿱卷廾} hün; 桊 hūn; 桊 hûn).
gun2 5226
55 22 𢍶
gün juàn (=㪻 gün juàn) a kind of utensil used to ladle out wine; a container that gives a measurement of rice.⁸ to remove from one vessel to another.²⁴
(composition: ⿱䜌廾; U+22376).
<又> fân.
(See 𢍶{❄⿱䜌廾} fân; 㪻 gün).
gun2 5227
61 10 gün juàn irritable, nervous, impatient.⁸ impatient.¹⁰ anxious, nervous.¹¹
to be enraged, to be grieved; hasty, impetuous.²⁴  get angry; angry, irascible.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰忄肙; U+6081).
悁忿 gün-fûn juànfèn anger; indignation.¹⁴ (See 悁忿 gün-fûn juānfèn).
悁急 gün-gīp
juànjí  anxious, fretful, restless.¹¹ irritable; irascible.¹⁴
悁邑 gün-yīp
juànyì distressing anxiety.¹⁴
中心悁悁 jüng-xïm-gün-gün
zhōngxīnjuànjuàn  my heart is full of anxious thoughts.¹⁴
冤悁 yön-gün
yuānjuàn irritable.⁵⁴
(See 悁[gün, juān]; 悁[gün, yuān]).
gun2 5228
61 10 gün juān angry; sad.¹⁰ angry.¹¹ to grieve, to yearn; sad; get angry; angry, irascible.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰忄肙; U+6081).
忿怒 fûn-gün fènjuān detest; indignantly resent.¹⁰¹
悁忿 gün-fûn
juānfèn irritated, indignant, furious.¹¹
(See 悁忿 gün-fûn juànfèn).
悁悁 gün-gün
juānjuān <lit.> worried, fretting, uneasy; <lit.> angry, irritable.¹¹ (See 悁悁 gün-gün yuānyuān).
(See 悁[gün, juàn]; 悁[gün, yuān]).
gun2 5229
61 10 gün yuān indignant; angry.⁷
(composition: ⿰忄肙; U+6081).
悁忿 gün-fûn yuānfèn angry; enraged; indignant.⁷ (See 悁忿 gün-fûn juànfèn; 悁忿 gün-fûn juānfèn).
悁悁 gün-gün
yuānyuān sad, unhappy, worried, fretting;  angry, irritable.⁷ (See 悁悁 gün-gün juānjuān).
(See 悁[gün, juān]; 悁[gün, juàn]).
gun2 5230
61 14 gün juàn (<old>=眷 gün juàn family dependant; <wr.> have tender feeling for.⁵); care for, be worried about; think of with affection.⁸
(composition: ⿰忄眷; U+617B).
(See 眷 gün).
gun2 5231
64 10 gün juān relinquish, abandon; contribute, donate, subscribe; tax.⁶
车捐[車捐] chëh-gün chējuān vehicle license fee.
房捐 fông-gün
fángjuān house tax.
捐赠[捐贈] gün-dàng
juānzèng contribute (as a gift); donate; give/make a donaton.⁶
捐款 gün-fōn
juānkuǎn donate/contribute/subscribe money, make a donation; donation, contribution.⁶
捐弃[捐棄] gün-hï
juānqì <lit.> relinquish; forsake; abandon.⁶
捐献[捐獻] gün-hün
juānxiàn contribute; donate; present.⁶
捐助 gün-jò
juānzhù donate, contribute, offer (financial or material assistance).⁶
捐躯[捐軀] gün-kuï
juānqū sacrifice one's life; lay down one's life.⁶
赈捐[賑捐] jīn-gün
zhènjuān to contribute to relief funds.⁷
抗捐 köng-gün
kàngjuān to refuse to pay levies and taxes.
募捐 mù-gün
mùjuān contributions; donations.
铺捐[鋪捐] pü-gün
pùjuān tax on stores/shops.
为国捐躯[為國捐軀] vĩ-gōk-gün-kuï
wèiguójuānqū to lay down one's life for one's country.
筵席捐 yẽn-dèik-gün
yánxíjuān tax on a banquet or feast.¹⁰
gun2 5232
68 23 gün juàn a kind of utensil used to ladle out wine; a container that gives a measurement of rice.⁸ to remove from one vessel to another.²⁴ (variant: 𢍶{❄⿱䜌廾} gün juàn).
(composition: ⿱䜌斗; U+3ABB).
<又> fân.
(See 㪻 fân; 𢍶{❄⿱䜌廾} gün).
gun2 5233
72 8 gün kūn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 昆 kün kūn with same meaning: an elder brother; descendants, posterity; multitudes; together, in unison.⁷)
(composition: ⿱日比; U+6606).
<又> kün.
(See 昆 kün).
gun2 5234
72 8 gün yún <wr.> sunlight; sunshine.⁶ daybreak, sunrise, dawn; sunshine.⁷ sunlight; used in personal name.⁸
<又> yün. (See 昀 yũn.)
gun2 5235
75 11 gün juān rings on a cart or carriage.⁸ (Note: Some say the sounds should be yõn yán).²
(composition: ⿰木肙; U+688B).
<又> xün; kĩ.
(See 梋 xün; 梋 kĩ).
gun2 5236
85 10 gün juān <wr.> a tiny stream.⁵ a brook; pure; to expel; to select.¹⁴
涓埃 gün-äi juān'āi <wr.> insignificant; negligible.⁵
涓滴 gün-ëk
juāndī <wr.> a tiny drop, dribble, driblet.⁵
涓滴归公[涓滴歸公] gün-ëk-gï-güng
juāndīguīgōng turn in every cent of public money.⁵
涓洁[涓潔] gün-gēik
juānjié pure.¹⁴
or 蠲吉 gün-gīt juānjí to choose an auspicious day.¹⁰
涓吉日 gün-gīt-ngìt
juānjírì to choose a lucky day.¹⁴
涓涓 gün-gün
juānjuān <wr.> trickling sluggishly.⁵
涓涓不壅 gün-gün-būt-yüng
juānjuānbùyōng bubbling up without hindrance.¹⁴
涓涓清泉 gün-gün-tëin-tũn
juānjuānqīngquán trickling spring water.⁶
涓涓细流[涓涓細流] gün-gün-xäi-liũ
juānjuānxìliú small brook; small stream.⁶
涓毫 gün-hõ
juānháo a drop or a grain – nothing.¹⁴
涓流 gün-liũ
juānliú the flowing of a spring.¹⁴
涓人 gün-ngĩn
juānrén an ascetic.¹⁴ a sweeper and cleaner in the ancient palace.⁸
涓恶[涓惡] gün-ōk
juān'è to expel evil influences.¹⁴
涓水 gün-suī
juānshuǐ the clear water of a brook.¹⁴
泉涓涓 tũn-gün-gün
quánjuānjuān the bubbling of a spring.¹⁴
gun2 5237
94 10 gün juàn <wr.> impatient, impetuous, rash; upright, honest.⁶ impetuous, rash, impulsive; high-minded, incorruptible.¹¹
(variant: 獧 gün juàn). (comp.: ⿰犭肙; U+72F7). (See 獧 gün).
狷忿 gün-fûn
juànfèn easily impatient and angry.⁷ irascible, quick-tempered.¹¹
狷介 gün-gäi juànjiè <wr.> upright and incorruptible.⁶ incorruptible, upright, high-minded.¹¹ timid, cautious.¹⁴
狷介不敢行也 gün-gäi-būt-gām-hãng-yâ
juànjiè bùgǎn xíng yě timid and afraid to venture.¹⁴
狷急 gün-gīp
juànjí <wr.> impetuous; rash.⁶ straightforward, blunt, candid.¹¹
狷者有所不为也[狷者有所不為也] gün-jēh-yiû-sō-būt-vĩ-yâ
juànzhě yǒusuǒ bùwéi yě the cautious will keep themselves from doing (what is wrong).¹⁴
狷狭[狷狹] gün-hèp
juànxiá <wr.> narrow-minded.⁶
狷羚 gün-lẽin
juànlíng hartebeest, kongoni (Alcelaphus buselaphus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
狂狷 kõng-gün
kuángjuàn the impetuous and the overcautious, two types described by Mencius.¹¹ radicals and ultraconservatives; refers to those who have high ambitions and those who are restrained and self-sufficient.⁵⁴ (Mencius used 狂獧 kõng (ambitious) gün ( cautiously-decided), not 狂狷).
gun2 5238
94 16 gün juàn (=狷 gün juàn <wr.> impatient, impetuous, rash; upright, honest.⁶); rash; honest and straightforward.⁸ to jump briskly; to frisk about; hasty, precipitate; a dog frisking about.²⁴ (composition: ⿰犭睘; U+7367). (See 狷 gün).
獧薄 gün-bòk
juànbó frivolous.¹⁹
獧子 gün-dū
juànzǐ a slick and frivolous person.¹⁹
獧慧 gün-fì
juànhuì bright; intelligent.¹⁹
獧狡 gün-gāo
juànjiǎo sly; cunning.¹⁹
獧黠 gün-gēik
or gün-hàt  juànxiá sly; cunning.¹⁹
獧佻 gün-hël
juàntiāo frivolous, not solemn.¹⁹
獧巧 gün-kāo
juànqiǎo cunning and deceitful; clever.¹⁹
獧给[獧給] gün-kīp
juàngěi (=敏捷 mêin-dèp mǐnjié quick; nimble; agile.⁵).¹⁹
獧利 gün-lì
juànlì clever; treacherous, ingenious and fake for profit.¹⁹
Kong jēh yiù būt-hō-āk, yùk āk būt-xēik būt-gēik jï xù ngĩ yî jï, sì gün yâ, sì yiù kĩ-xü yâ. Kuáng zhě yòu bùkě dé, yù dé bùxiè bùjié zhī shì ér yǔ zhī, shì juàn yě, shì yòu qícì yě.
"When he found also that he could not get such as were
thus ambitious, he wanted to get scholars who would consider anything impure as beneath them. Those were the cautiously-decided, –a class next to the former." (Excerpt from 《孟子·盡心下·Chap. 37·Verse 7》, translated by James Legge).¹⁰⁹

gun2 5239
102 9 gün yún (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 畇 vũn yún with same meaning: reclaimed land.¹⁴)
(composition: ⿰田匀 or ⿰田勻; U+7547).
<又> vũn.
(See 畇 vũn.)
gun2 5240
107 14 gün jūn The skin of the feet broken and wrinkled; the hands and feet chapped.⁸
皲裂[皸裂] gün-lëik jūnliè <wr.> (of skin) chap.⁵
手足皲瘃[手足皸瘃] siū-dūk-gün-jùk
shǒuzújūnzhú both hands and feet chapped (from cold climate).⁶
gun2 5241
109 11 gün juàn family dependant; <wr.> have tender feeling for.⁵
(variants: 睠 gün juàn; 慻 gün juàn). (See 睠 gün; 慻 gün).
(composition: ⿱龹目; U+7737).
家眷 gä-gün
jiājuàn family (wife and children).¹¹
眷顾[眷顧] gün-gü
juàngù to care for; to show concern for; to think longingly (of one's country).¹⁰
眷眷 gün-gün
juànjuàn to remember with tender feelings.⁷
眷口 gün-hēo
juànkǒu family; dependents.⁷
眷注 gün-jî
juànzhù to concern with affection; to care for.⁷
眷粮[眷糧] gün-lẽng
juànliáng food allowances for dependents or military personnel or public functionaries.⁷
眷恋[眷戀] gün-lūn
juànliàn <wr.> be sentimentally attached to (a person or place).⁵
眷念 gün-nèm
juànniàn <wr.> think fondly of; feel nostalgic about.⁵
眷爱[眷愛] gün-öi
juàn'ài to regard with affection.⁷
眷属[眷屬] gün-sùk
juànshǔ family dependants.⁵
眷村 gün-tûn
juàncūn a military dependents' village.⁷
眷怀[眷懷] gün-vãi
juànhuái to cherish the memory of.⁷
眷佑 gün-yiù
juànyòu to care for and assist.⁷
女眷 nuī-gün
nǚjuàn female members of a family.⁵
三亲六眷[三親六眷] xäm-tïn-lùk-gün
sānqīnliùjuàn all the kinsmen.⁸

gun2 5242
109 12 gün juàn see, look, gaze at; askance.⁸ give a sidelong glance.⁹ to look askance at; to dislike.¹⁴ looking.²⁴
(composition: ⿰目肙; U+774A).
睊睊 gün-gün juànjuàn to look askance at each other; to view each other with displeasure.²⁴
睊睊胥谗[睊睊胥讒] gün-gün-xuï-chãm
juànjuànxūchán maledictions are uttered by one to another with eyes askance.¹⁴ look with a heavy gaze, look sullenly; look with hatred (anger, indignation).⁵⁴
Gün-gün-xuï-chãm, mĩn-nâi-dōk-tēik.
Juàn juàn xū chán, mín nǎi zuò tè.
Maledictions are uttered by one to another with eyes askance, and the people proceed to the commission of wickedness.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《孟子·梁惠王章句下·第四章·6》, translated by James Legge).
睊怒 gün-nù
juànnù looking sideways to express anger.¹⁹
gun2 5243
109 13 gün juàn (=眷 gün juàn) family dependant; <wr.> have tender feeling for.⁵ to look back with longing glances.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰目卷; U+7760).
睠睠不舍[睠睠不捨] gün-gün-būt-sēh 
juànjuànbùshě loving and unremitting care.¹⁴
(See 眷 gün).
gun2 5244
118 13 gün jūn 筠连[筠連] Gün-lẽin Jūnlián (county in Sìchuān).⁸
筠连县[筠連縣] Gün-lẽin-yòn
Jūnlián Xiàn Yunlian county in Yibin (宜賓[宜賓] ngĩ-bïn yíbīn), Sichuan.¹⁰
<又> yũn.
(See 筠 yũn.)
gun2 5245
120 12 gün juàn a rope used to gird the waist or sleeves; to tie up, to fetter; crossbow string.⁸ to bind.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱龹糸; U+7D6D).
紧絭[緊絭] gīn-gün jǐnjuàn entangled and lingering.¹⁹
gun2 5246
120 13 gün juàn thin tough silk.⁶
绸绢[綢絹] chiũ-gün chóujuàn woven silks; silk cloth.⁵⁴
绢本[絹本] gün-bōn
juànběn silk scroll.⁵
or 绢绸[絹綢] gün-chiũ juànchóu a kind of fairly stiff silk, much used for painting or calligraphy.¹¹
绢子[絹子] gün-dū
juànzi <topo.> handkerchief.⁶
绢花[絹花] gün-fä
juànhuā silk flower.⁵
绢纺[絹紡] gün-fōng
juànfǎng silk spinning.⁵
绢丽[絹麗] gün-lãi
juànlì delicate in colors.⁵⁴
绢网印花[絹網印花] gün-mōng-yïn-fä
juànwǎngyìnhuā <txtl.> screen-printing.⁵ serigraph.¹⁰
绢扇[絹扇] gün-sën
juànshàn silk fan.⁵⁴
绢画[絹畫] gün-và
juànhuà classical Chinese painting on silk.⁵
绢丝[絹絲] gün-xû
juànsī spun silk (yarn).⁵
绢丝织物[絹絲織物] gün-xû-jēik-mùt
or gün-xû-jēik-mòt juànsīzhīwù spun silk fabric.⁵
手绢[手絹] siū-gün
shǒujuàn handkerchief.⁵
gun2 5247
122 12 gün juàn <wr.> hang; put up.⁶ bird catching net; to bind; to hang.¹⁰ to hang up; to bind; to entangle.¹⁴ (variant: 羂 gün juàn).
(composition: ⿱罒肙; U+7F65).
罥结[罥結] gün-gēik
juànjié caught in a net.¹⁴
(See 羂 gün).
gun2 5248
122 18 gün juàn (=罥 gün juàn) <wr.> hang; put up.⁶ to trap; to snare.⁸ bird catching net; to bind; to hang.¹⁰ to hang up; to bind; to entangle.¹⁴ to take wild animals in a net.²⁵
羂结[羂結] gün-gēik
juànjié to entangle in a net.²⁵
(composition: ⿱罒絹; U+7F82).
(See 罥 gün).
gun2 5249
130 12 gün juàn (=眷 gün juàn or demotic character for 睠 gün juàn family dependant; <wr.> have tender feeling for.⁵ to look back with longing glances.¹⁴); bent body.⁸
(composition: ⿰月卷; U+8143).
腃急 gün-gīp
juànjí tendons contract.¹⁹ (See 腃急 vī-gīp).
<又> vī, kūn, kũn. (See 腃 vī, 腃 kūn, 腃 kũn; 眷 gün; 睠 gün).
gun2 5250
140 10 gün jūn species of water plant.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹君; U+8399).
莙荙菜[莙薘菜] gün-àt-töi jūndácài chard or Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris subsp. cicla) aka silver beet, perpetual spinach, beet spinach, seakale beet, or leaf beet; 牛皮菜, 厚皮菜, 猪乸菜,勺菜(客家語).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
gun2 5251
142 13 gün yuān mosquito larva.⁸ Yuan surname.¹⁰ (variant: 蜵 gün yuān).
(composition: ⿰虫肙; U+870E).
蜎蜎 gün-gün
yuānyuān wriggle.¹⁹ a large caterpillar resembling the silkworm.²⁵
蜵蜎 gün-gün
yuānyuān the deep interior of a house.²⁵ far-ranging and profound.⁵⁴
蟺蜎 sên-gün
shànyuān the deep and profound appearance of carvings inside a palace.⁸
(See 蜵 gün).
gun2 5252
142 15 gün yuān (<old> =蜎 gün yuān) mosquito larva.⁸
(composition: ⿰虫𣶒; U+8735).
蜵蜎 gün-gün
yuānyuān the deep interior of a house.²⁵ far-ranging and profound.⁵⁴
(See 蜎 gün).
gun2 5253
142 23 gün juān <wr.> remit; exempt; relieve.⁶ a millipede; clean, pure, bright; to clean, to wash, to cleanse; to remit or remove (taxes, sentences).⁷
蠲除 gün-chuĩ juānchú <wr.> exempt; relieve; absolve.⁶ to remove (oppressive laws, levies); to exempt.⁷
蠲除苛政 gün-chuĩ-hõ-jëin
or gün-chuĩ-hô-jëin juānchú kēzhèng to alleviate oppressive administration.⁷
蠲租 gün-dü
juānzū to remit rentals or taxes.⁷
蠲涤[蠲滌] gün-èik
juāndí to clean with water, purify.¹¹
蠲赋[蠲賦] gün-fü
juānfù to remit levies.⁷
蠲减[蠲減] gün-gām
juānjiǎn to remove or lighten (taxes, sentences).⁷
蠲洁[蠲潔] gün-gēik
juānjié to cleanse; clean; purify.⁷
or 涓吉 gün-gīt juānjí to choose an auspicious day.¹⁰
蠲体[蠲體] gün-hāi
juāntǐ to cleanse the body; to clean oneself.⁷
蠲苛 gün-hõ
or gün-hô juānkē to remove oppressive laws or taxes.⁷
蠲免 gün-mêin
juānmiǎn <wr.> reduce/remit (taxation); mitigate/annul (a punishment).⁶
蠲免杂捐[蠲免雜捐] gün-mêin-dàp-gün
juānmiǎnzájuān to remit miscellaneous levies.⁷
gun2 5254
145 13 gün kūn (=褌 gün kūn) trousers, pants; shorts, drawers.⁸
(See 褌 gün).
gun2 5255
145 14 gün kūn trousers, pants; shorts, drawers.⁸ <wr.> trousers.¹¹ The string of a pair of drawers, or the place through which it is reeved.²⁵ (variant: 裩 gün kūn).
犊鼻裈[犢鼻褌] dùk-bì-gün
dúbíkūn breeches, knee-length pants, embroidered knee apron.¹¹
裈裆[褌襠] gün-nòng kūndāng <wr.> seat of pants.¹¹ the waist band of breeches.²⁵
裈衣[褌衣] gün-yï
kūnyī underwear.⁵⁴
or 蝨处裈中[蝨處褌中] sēt-chuī-gün-jüng shīchǔkūnzhōng a bedbug in trousers – sarcasm against Confucian doctrinaires who follow a “straight path” as bugs follow trousers’ seams.¹¹
(See 裩 gün).
gun2 5256
149 13 𧨜 gün juān scrupulous/squeamish; deficient in initiative.⁶⁰
(composition: ⿰言⿱厶⺼; U+27A1C).
Gün, dōk-hēin-yâ.
Juān, zuò qiǎn yě.
To be juan (scrupulous/squeamish) is to be deficient in initiative.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《墨子·卷十·经上·16》, translated by A.C. Graham).
gun2 5257
158 7 gün juān 身毒 gün-ùk juāndú an ancient name of India.⁷
<又> sïn; sîn.
(See 身 sïn; sîn.)
gun2 5258
159 9 gün jūn army, military; soldiers, troops.⁸
(variant: 𠣞
❄{⿹勹車} gün jūn). (See 𠣞❄{⿹勹車} gün).
t: ⿱冖車; U+8ECD). (comp. s: ⿱冖车; U+519B).
军队[軍隊] gün-duì
jūnduì armed forces; army; troops.⁵⁴
军阀[軍閥] gün-fàt
jūnfá military clique; junta; warlord.¹⁰
军纪[軍紀] gün-gī
jūnjì military discipline, morale.¹¹
军官[軍官] gün-gön
jūnguān officer (military).¹⁰
军械[軍械] gün-hài
jūnxiè ordnance; armament.³⁹
军垦[軍墾] gün-hān
jūnkěn reclamation of wasteland by army units.⁶
军号[軍號] gün-hào
jūnhào a military bugle.¹¹
军号嘹[軍號嘹] gün-hào-lẽl
jūnhàoliáo loud and clear bugle call.⁶
军衔[軍銜] gün-hẽim
or gün-hãm jūnxián military rank.⁵
军饷[軍餉] gün-hēng
jūnxiǎng (=兵饷[兵餉] bëin-hēng bīngxiǎng) <trad.> soldier's pay and provisions.⁶
军犬[軍犬] gün-hūn
jūnquǎn military dog.⁹
军长[軍長] gün-jēng
jūnzhǎng army commander.⁸
军令[軍令] gün-lèin
jūnlìng military order.軍令
军令如山[軍令如山] gün-lèin-nguĩ-sän
jūnlìngrúshān military orders are like mountains (idiom); a military order must be obeyed.¹⁰
军人[軍人] gün-ngĩn
jūnrén soldiers, the military.¹¹
军事[軍事] gün-xù
jūnshì military affairs.¹¹
军需[軍需] gün-xuï
jūnxū military supplies.⁵
gun2 5259
163 11 gün juàn 鄄城县[鄄城縣] Gün-sẽin-yòn Juànchéngxiàn Juan Cheng county is in 菏泽[菏澤] Hõ-jàk Hézé Heze, a prefecture-level city in southwestern 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province.; Juan surname.
gun2 5260
167 12 gün jūn an ancient measure of weight equal to 30 catties (斤); a potter's wheel; Jun surname.¹¹
(comp. t: ⿰金匀; U+921E). (comp. s: ⿰钅匀; U+94A7).
钧座[鈞座] gün-dò
jūnzuò Your Excellency, Your Honor.¹¹
钧鉴[鈞鑒] gün-gäm
jūnjiàn polite salutation used in letters to superiors or elders (“please be graciously informed hereby”).¹¹
钧衡[鈞衡] gün-hãng
jūnhéng to evaluate a person's abilities.⁷
钧启[鈞啟] gün-kāi
jūnqǐ (of letters to superiors) “to be opened by …”¹¹
钧命[鈞命] gün-mèin
jūnmìng <court.> your gracious commands.¹¹
钧安[鈞安] gün-ön
jūn'ān polite complimentary close used in letters to superiors or elders.¹¹
钧驷[鈞駟] gün-xü
jūnsì <wr.> a team of four horses of the same color.¹¹
钧谕[鈞諭] gün-yì
jūnyù <court.> your kind letter.¹¹
万钧[萬鈞] màn-gün
wànjūn a superhuman load (a weight of 300,000 catties).¹¹
千钧一发[千鈞一髮] tëin-gün-yīt-fāt
qiānjūnyīfà in a most dangerous condition (very critical situation) (“thousands of catties hanging by a hair”).¹¹
gun2 5261
167 15 gün juàn (<old>=梋 [gün, juān] rings on a cart or carriage.⁸ (Note: 鋗 juàn and 梋 juān in this context in Mandarin have different tones).
(composition: ⿰金肙; U+92D7).
<又> xün.
(See 鋗 xün; 鋗 [gün, juān]; 梋 [gün, juān]).
gun2 5262
167 15 gün juān courtiers of ancient emperor.⁸ (used for 涓 gün juān ascetic; pure.¹⁴); tinkling of jade.¹⁴ cleaner; yard worker.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰金肙; U+92D7).
or 涓人 gün-ngĩn juānrén an ascetic.¹⁴ a sweeper and cleaner in the ancient palace.⁸
鋗玉 gün-ngùk
juānyù hit the jade to make a sound.¹⁹
中鋗 jüng-gün
zhōngjuān attendant, cleaner.⁵⁴
<又> xün.
(See 鋗 xün; 鋗 [gün, juàn]; 涓 gün).
gun2 5263
167 15 gün yún <wr.> gold.⁶ gold; (character used in personal name).⁸
(composition: ⿱均金; U+92C6).
gun2 5264
177 16 gün juān horsetail; the bit of a horse.²
(composition: ⿰革肙; U+9799).
<又> yõn; xün. (See 鞙 yõn; 鞙 [gün, yuān]; 鞙 xün).
gun2 5265
177 16 gün yuān (=鞙 yõn xuàn  sense ➀:  yoke of a cart; knife/sword sheath.²
(composition: ⿰革肙; U+9799).
<又> yõn; xün.
(See 鞙 yõn; 鞙 [gün, juān]; 鞙 xün).
gun2 5266
196 18 gün juān (comp. t: ⿰肙鳥; U+9D51). (comp. s: ⿰肙鸟; U+9E43).
紫鹃[紫鵑] Dū-gün
Zǐjuān the principal maid of Lin Daiyu (林黛玉 from 紅樓夢), called "Nightingale" in English.⁰
鹃形目[鵑形目] gün-yẽin-mùk
juānxíngmù Cuculiformes, order of birds including cuckoo.¹⁰
雉鹃[雉鵑] jï-gün
zhìjuān pheasant cuckoo (Dromococcyx phasianellus).⁹
噪鹃[噪鵑] täo-gün
zàojuān koel.⁶
杜鹃[杜鵑] ù-gün
dùjuān cuckoo; azalea.⁶
杜鹃花[杜鵑花] ù-gün-fä
dùjuānhuā or 山踯躅[山躑躅] sän-jàk-dùk shānzhízhú or 映山红[映山紅] yēin-sän-hũng yìngshānhóng (Rhododendron simsii).²⁰
杜鹃啼血[杜鵑啼血] ù-gün-hãi-hüt
dùjuān tí xuè lit. the cuckoo cries blood, fig. plaintive lament.¹⁰
杜鹃鸟[杜鵑鳥] ù-gün-nêl
dùjuānniǎo gowk.⁹ cuckoo (Cercococcyx species).¹⁰
gun2 5267
213 16 gün jūn chap; chapped.
不龟手[不龜手] būt-gün-siū bùjūnshǒu does not chap the skin (of a washing agent).
龟裂[龜裂] gün-lëik
jūnliè fissure (of parched earth); chap (of skin).
<又> gëo, gï, hiü.
(See 龜 gëo, gï, hiü.)
gun2 5268
9 10 gùn juàn be tired of, weary.⁸
不倦 būt-gùn bùjuàn tireless; indefatigable.
孜孜不倦 dü-dü-būt-gùn
zīzībùjuàn diligently; assiduously; indefatigably.⁵
诲人不倦[誨人不倦] fōi-ngĩn-būt-gùn
huìrénbùjuàn to be tireless in teaching (idiom, from Analects).
倦怠 gùn-òi
juàndài worn out; exhausted; dispirited.¹⁰
倦意 gùn-yï
juànyì drowsiness; tiredness.
疲倦 pĩ-gùn
píjuàn tired; weary.⁷
gun4 5269
19 10 gùn juàn (<old>=倦 gùn juàn be tired of, weary.⁸).⁸ weary.²⁴
(composition: ⿰卷力; U+52CC).
罢勌[罷勌] bà-gùn
bàjuàn exhausted.²⁴
不勌 būt-gùn
bùjuàn unwearied.²⁴
or 倦勤 gùn-kĩn juànqín be weary of duties.¹⁹
or 倦游 gùn-yiũ juànyóu be travel-weary; be weary of official duties.¹⁹
or 劳倦[勞倦] lão-gùn láojuàn tired-out; exhausted.¹⁹
or 无倦[無倦] mũ-gùn wújuàn do not know fatigue; tireless.¹⁹
<又> gün; hün.
(See 勌 gün; 勌 hün; 倦 gùn).
gun4 5270
64 10 gùn jùn <wr.> to pick up.
捃摭 gùn-jēik jùnzhí to collect (sample).¹  to collect, to gather (quotations).¹¹
捃拾 gùn-sìp
jùnshí to collect (samples).
捃华[捃華] gùn-vã
jùnhuá to select the most essential points.
<又> kūn.
(See 捃 kūn.)
gun4 5271
85 11 gùn juàn the name of a river.²
(composition: ⿰氵卷; U+6DC3).
淃涟[淃漣] gùn-lẽin juànlián waves tossing and turning.²
gun4 5272
85 12 gùn jùn name of a river.² great flowing, big flood; name of a county in ancient times.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵郡; U+3D2B).
gun4 5273
96 11 gùn jùn beautiful jade.⁸
(composition: ⿰𤣩君; U+73FA).
gun4 5274
163 9 gùn jùn an administrative subdivision of various status over the centuries, usually translated as commandery or prefecture; Jun surname.³⁶ a region or inhabited district; under the 周 Jiü Zhōu dynasty the 郡 gùn jùn was smaller than the 縣 yòn xiàn district; but when the 秦 Tũn Qín Dynasty remodelled the empire, it established 36 郡 gùn jùn; the 漢 Hön Hàn Dynasty followed this arrangement; the 宋 Xüng Sòng made some alterations, establishing 府 fū , departments, and 州 jiü zhōu, cantons; until the 明 Mẽin Míng Dynasty, when all traces of the 郡 gùn jùn divisions were lost.²⁵
(variant: 𨛦
❄{⿰君邑} gùn). (See 𨛦 ❄{⿰君邑} gùn).
(composition: ⿰君⻏; U+90E1).
郡主 gùn-jī
jùnzhǔ a princess.¹¹
郡马[郡馬] gùn-mâ
jùnmǎ husband of a princess.¹¹
郡王 gùn-võng
jùnwáng chief of a principality, a minor prince.¹¹
郡县[郡縣] gùn-yòn
jùnxiàn the system of administrative districts (prefectures and counties) introduced after the abolition of feudalism by 秦始皇 Tũn-Chī-Võng Qín Shǐ Huáng.¹¹
南阳郡[南陽郡] Nãm-yẽng-gùn
Nányángjùn ancient prefectures in modern 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng Henan Province.²³
gun4 5275
163 14 𨛦
gùn jùn (<old>=郡 gùn jùn commandery; prefecture).²
(composition: ⿰君邑; U+286E6).
(See 郡 gùn).
gun4 5276
2 1 gûn gǔn Kangxi radical 2, a vertical stroke. 棍 gûn gùn but not gǔn refers to a stick or rod. It is aka 竖[豎] sì shù vertical.
<台> The component, 丨, is more commonly called 企企 kï-kî.
gun5 5277
75 12 gûn gùn rod, stick; scoundrel, rascal.⁵
光棍 göng-gûn guānggùn ruffian; hoodlum.⁵
光棍儿[光棍兒] göng-gûn-ngĩ
guānggùnr unmarried man; bachelor.⁵
棍子 gûn-dū
gùnzi stick; staff; rod.⁶
棍子面包[棍子麵包]  gûn-dū-mèin-bäo
gùnzimiànbāo bread stick.⁶
棍徒 gûn-hũ
gùntú rascals; villains; ruffians; rowdies.⁷
棍儿茶[棍兒茶] gûn-ngĩ-chã
gùnrchá low-quality tea (usually with tea-leaf stalks).⁶
棍棒 gûn-pâng
gùnbàng club; staff; stick.¹⁰
棍骗[棍騙] gûn-pëin
gùnpiàn swindle; cheat; wheedle.⁷
棍术[棍術] gûn-sùt
gùnshù cudgel play.⁶
gun5 5278
118 9 竿 gûn gān 钓竿[釣竿] ël-gôn diàogān fishing rod.¹⁰
竹竿 jūk-gûn
zhúgān a bamboo pole or cane.⁷
<台> 竿仔 gûn-dōi a little stick; a little pole.
<又> gōn, gön, gôn.
(See 竿 gōn, gön, gôn.)
gun5 5279
159 15 gûn gǔn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 辊[輥] kûn gǔn with same meaning.)
<又> kûn.
(See 輥 kûn.)
gun5 5280
12 4 gūng gōng 盲公饼[盲公餅] mãng-gūng-bēng mánggōngbǐng manggong cake (originally made in Foshan, Guangdong by a blind man).¹⁵
<台> 盲公 mãng-gūng blind man, a blind person.
<台> 盲公竹 mãng-gūng-jūk guide stick for the blind.
<台> 耍盲公 sā-mãng-gūng blind man's buff.
<又> güng, gûng.
(See 公 güng, 公 gûng.)
gung1 5281
55 3 gūng gǒng Kangxi radical 55; two hands.⁸ 弄字底 lùng-dù-āi nòngzìdǐ.¹
(composition: ⿻丿十 or ⿻𠂇丨; U+2F36).
gung1 5282
64 9 gūng gǒng to cup one's hands in salute; to surround; to arch; to bend (low); to hump (up); arch-shaped; to push (with the body or part of it); (of sprouts) to sprout up through the earth; Gong surname.
枓拱 ēo-gūng dǒugǒng <archi.> bracket set (See explanation under 斗拱 ēo-gūng dǒugǒng).
拱抱 gūng-päo
gǒngbào to surround.
拱桥[拱橋] gūng-kẽl
gǒngqiáo arch bridge.¹⁰
拱门[拱門] gūng-mõn
gǒngmén an arched entrance.
拱手 gūng-siū
gǒngshǒu cupping one hand in the other before the chest to express respect.
拱手相让[拱手相讓] gūng-siū-xëng-ngèng
gōngshǒuxiāngràng to bow and give way (idiom); to surrender something readily.
众星拱月[眾星拱月] jüng-xêng-gūng-ngùt
zhòngxīnggǒngyuè a myriad of stars surrounding the moon – a host of lesser lights around the leading one.
用头把门拱开[用頭把門拱開] yùng-hẽo-bā-mõn-gūng-höi
yòngtóubǎméngǒngkāi to push the door open with one's head.
<台> 拱跌早 gūng-ëik-dāo trip over something and fall.
gung1 5283
64 10 gūng gǒng the hands manacled together.²⁴ an ancient punishment using double handcuffs; ancient instruments of torture, such as wooden handcuffs; deferential, respectful.³⁶
(composition: ⿱共手; U+62F2).
梏拲 gūk-gūng gùgǒng shackles.¹⁹
拲梏 gūng-gūk
gǒnggù shackles.¹⁹
桎拲 jìt-gūng
zhìgǒng shackles.¹⁹
gung1 5284
75 10 gūng gǒng 斗栱 ēo-gūng dǒugǒng <archi.> bracket set (See explanation under 斗拱 ēo-gūng dǒugǒng).
枓栱 ēo-gūng
dǒugǒng <archi.> bracket set (See explanation under 斗拱 ēo-gūng dǒugǒng).
gung1 5285
96 10 gūng gǒng the name of a precious stone; a large stone; a man's name.²⁴
珙桐 gūng-hũng gǒngtóng dove tree (Davidia involucrata Baillon).⁹
gung1 5286
159 13 gūng gǒng rim of a wheel; felly; felloe; (of a wheel) to run over, to oppress, the shafts of a cart or carriage.⁸
gung1 5287
177 15 gūng gǒng secure; solid; Gong surname.
巩固[鞏固] gūng-gü gǒnggù to consolidate; consolidation; to strengthen.¹⁰
巩县石窟[鞏縣石窟] Gūng-yòn Sêk-fūt
Gǒngxiàn Shíkū Gongxian Grottoes (in 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng Henan Province).
混巩法[混鞏法] vùn-gūng-fāt
hùngǒngfǎ <chem.> amalgamation.⁵⁴
gung1 5288
9 8 güng gòng to give evidence; to confess; to offer in worship; offerings; confession; supplies.
供品 güng-bīn gòngpǐn offering.
供奉 güng-fùng
gòngfèng to provide for one's elders (especially parents); to offer sacrifices in worshipping.
供职[供職] güng-jēik
gòngzhí to hold office.
供认不讳[供認不諱] güng-ngìn-būt-fï
gòngrènbùhuì to confess everything.
供词[供詞] güng-xũ
gòngcí confession to a criminal act; verbal depositons.
供养[供養] güng-yëng
gòngyǎng to support one's parents; to make offerings to the spirits.
提供 hãi-güng
tígōng provide; supply; furnish; offer.⁵
口供 hēo-güng
kǒugòng deposition; testimony; confession.
(See 供 [güng, gōng].)
gung2 5289
9 8 güng gōng to supply; to contribute to.
供不应求[供不應求] güng-būt-yëin-kiũ gōngbùyìngqiú demand exceeds supply.
供给[供給] güng-kīp
gōngjǐ to furnish; to provide; supply (as in supply and demand).¹⁰
供求 güng-kiũ
gōngqiú supply and demand.
供应[供應] güng-yëin
gōngyìng to supply; to support.
供养[供養] güng-yêng
gōngyǎng to provide for; to support; to make offerings.
(See 供 [güng, gòng].)
gung2 5290
12 4 güng gōng public; common; metric; impartial; official affairs; duke; the revered; husband's father; male; Gong surname.⁵
公道 güng-ào gōngdao fair; just; reasonable; impartial.⁵
公鸭[公鴨] güng-äp
gōngyā male duck; drake.⁶
公尺 güng-chëk
gōngchǐ meter.⁵
公祭 güng-däi
gōngjì public memorial ceremony.⁸
公爵 güng-dēk
gōngjué duke.⁸
公斤 güng-gïn
gōngjīn kilogram (kg.); kilo.⁶
公公 güng-güng
gōnggong husband's father; father-in-law; <topo.> grandfather; grandpa, grandad.⁵
公共 güng-gùng
gōnggòng public; common; communal.⁵
公帑 güng-hōng
gōngtǎng public treasury; public funds.³⁹
公主 güng-jī
gōngzhǔ princess.⁵
公里 güng-lî
gōnglǐ kilometer.⁵
公文 güng-mũn
gōngwén official document.⁶
公元 güng-ngũn
gōngyuán CE (Common Era); Christian Era; AD (Anno Domini).¹⁰
公安 güng-ön
gōng'ān public security.⁵
公式 güng-sēik
gōngshì formula.⁵
公署 güng-sì
or güng-sï gōngshǔ government office.⁵
公撮 güng-tōt gōngcuō milliliter.¹⁰
公司 güng-xü
gōngsī company; corporation.⁵
公园[公園] güng-yõn
gōngyuán park.⁵
<又> gūng, gûng.
(See 公 gūng, 公 gûng.)
gung2 5291
19 5 güng gōng meritorious service, merit; achievement, result; skill.⁵
大功 ài-güng dàgōng great merit; extraordinary service.⁸ mourning garments worn for brothers and sisters for nine months.¹¹
功德无量[功德無量] güng-āk-mũ-lèng
gōngdéwúliàng a great service to mankind; <Budd.> meritorious works.
功败垂成[功敗垂成] güng-bài-suĩ-sẽin
gōngbàichuíchéng suffer defeat when victory is within one's grasp.⁵
功绩[功績] güng-dēik
gōngjì merits and achievements; contribution.⁵
功课[功課] güng-fö
gōngkè homework; schoolwork.
功夫 güng-fü
gōngfu skill; art; kung fu; labor; effort.
功勋[功勛] güng-fün
gōngxūn achievement; meritorious deed; contributions (for the good of society).
功劳[功勞] güng-lão
gōngláo contribution; credit; good  service.⁶
功能 güng-nãng
gōngnéng function; competence.
功成名遂 güng-sẽin-mẽin-xuì
gōngchéngmíngsuì achieve both success and fame; be successful and famous.⁶
功臣 güng-sĩn
gōngchén one who has rendered outstanding service.⁸
小功 xēl-güng
xiǎogōng the fourth degree of mourning: for uncles and aunts for 5 months.¹¹
gung2 5292
30 13 güng gòng 唝吥[嗊吥] Güng-būt Gòngbù old name for 贡布[貢布] Güng-bü Gòngbù Kampot (a place name in 柬埔寨 Gān-bü-jài Jiǎnpǔzhài Cambodia).⁸
gung2 5293
32 13 𡎴
güng gòng the name of a place.²⁴
(composition: ⿰土貢; U+213B4).
gung2 5294
32 13 güng gōng used in the name of a person.⁹
李塨 Lī Güng Lǐ Gōng Li Gong (1659 - 1733) a Confucian scholar.²⁰
gung2 5295
32 24 𡔕
güng gòng the name of a place.²
(composition: ⿱⿰章貢土; U+21515).

gung2 5296 21515.gif
40 10 güng gōng palace; temple (used in a name); a place for cultural activities and recreation; womb, uterus; a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale, corresponding to 1 in numbered musical notation; Gong surname.⁵
宫宝鸡丁[宮寶雞丁] güng-bāo-gäi-ëin gōngbǎo jīdīng spicy diced chicken.¹⁹
宫殿[宮殿] güng-èin
gōngdiàn palace.⁵
宫廷[宮廷] güng-hẽin
gōngtíng palace; royal or imperial court.⁵
宫阙[宮闕] güng-kūt
gōngquè imperial palace.⁵
宫娥[宮娥] güng-ngõ
gōng'é palace maid; maid of honor.⁵
宫商角徵羽[宮商角徵羽] güng-sëng-gôk-jī-yî
gōng-shāng-jué-zhǐ-yǔ pre-Tang names of the five notes of the pentatonic scale, corresponding roughly to do, re, mi, sol, la.⁵⁴
宫室卑庳[宮室卑庳] güng-sīt-bï-bï
gōngshìbēibì <wr.> The houses are low.⁷ "his own palace was low and small."¹⁴
宫闱[宮闈] güng-vĩ
gōngwéi <wr.> palace (chambers).⁶
宫苑[宮苑] güng-vōn
gōngyuàn imperial garden.⁸
宫刑[宮刑] güng-yẽin
gōngxíng castration (a punishment in ancient China).⁵
文化宫[文化宮] mũn-fä-güng
wénhuàgōng palace of culture; cultural palace.⁸
gung2 5297
48 3 güng gōng Kangxi radical 48; work; worker; skill; profession; trade; craft; labor.
分工 fün-güng fēngōng to divide up the work; division of labor.¹⁰
加工 gä-güng
jiāgōng to process; processing; working (of machinery).¹⁰
工程 güng-chẽin
gōngchéng engineering; an engineering project; project; undertaking.¹⁰
工程师[工程師] güng-chẽin-xü
gōngchéngshī engineer.
工厂[工廠] güng-chōng
gōngchǎng factory; mill; plant.
工作 güng-dōk
gōngzuò work; job.⁵
or 工赀[工貲] güng-dü gōngzī wages.¹¹ʼ¹⁴
工具 güng-guì
gōngjù tool; means; instrument; implement.⁵
工整 güng-jēin
gōngzhěng neat; neatly written.⁶
工致[工緻] güng-jï
gōngzhì neat and refined.¹¹
工艺[工藝] güng-ngài
gōngyì technology; craft.⁸
工业[工業] güng-ngèp
gōngyè industry.⁸
工人 güng-ngĩn
gōngrén worker.
工农[工農] güng-nũng
gōngnóng <PRC> workers and peasants.
工棚 güng-pãng
gōngpéng work shed.⁵
人工 ngĩn-güng
réngōng artificial; manpower; manual work.¹⁰
gung2 5298
57 3 güng gōng Kangxi radical 57; bow; curved, arched.⁸ bow; wooden land-measuring dividers; an old unit of length for measuring land (equal to five 尺 chëk chǐ); bend, arch, bow.⁵
(composition: ⿱コ㇉); U+5F13).
惊弓之鸟[驚弓之鳥] gëin-güng-jï-nêl
jīnggōngzhīniǎo a bird startled by the mere twang of a bow-string; a badly frightened person.⁵
弓背 güng-böi
gōngbèi back of a bow; hunchback; winding road, indirect way; arch one's back, bend bow.⁶
弓背石首鱼[弓背石首魚] güng-böi-sêk-siū-nguî/
gōngbèishíshǒuyú brown meagre or corb (Sciaena umbra), a species of croaker.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
弓箭 güng-dëin
gōngjiàn bow and arrow.⁵
弓箭步 güng-dëin-bù
gōngjiànbù forward lunge (in gymnastics or 武术[武術] mû-sùt wǔshù martial arts).⁵
弓钻[弓鑽] güng-dön
gōngzuàn bow drill.⁵
弓子 güng-dū
gōngzi bow (of a stringed instrument); anything bow-shaped.⁵
弓鞬 güng-gèin
gōngjiān a bow case.⁷
弓手 güng-siū
gōngshǒu bowman; archer.⁶
弓形 güng-yẽin
gōngxíng <math.> segment of a circle; bow-shape, arched, curved.⁵
弓腰 güng-yël
gōngyāo to bow; to bend at the waist.¹⁰
弓弦 güng-yẽn
gōngxián bowstring.⁵
gung2 5299
61 10 güng gōng respectful, reverent.⁵ (original form: 𢙄❄{⿱共心} güng gōng).
不恭 būt-güng
bùgōng disrespectful.
出恭 chūt-güng
chūgōng to go to the toilet; to defecate (euphemism).
恭敬 güng-gëin
gōngjìng respectful.⁵
恭谨[恭謹] güng-gīn
gōngjǐn respectful and cautious.⁵
恭贺[恭賀] güng-hào
or güng-hò gōnghè to congratulate.⁵
恭贺新禧[恭賀新禧] güng-hào-xïn-hī
or güng-hò-xïn-hī gōnghèxīnxǐ Happy New Year.⁵
恭候 güng-hèo
gōnghòu <polite> to await respectfully.⁵
恭候光临[恭候光臨] güng-hèo göng-lĩm
gōnghòu guānglín We request the pleasure of your company.⁵
恭喜 güng-hī
gōngxǐ congratulations; greetings.
恭喜发财[恭喜發財] güng-hī-fät-tõi
gōngxǐfācái <trad.> May you be happy and prosperous (New Year's greeting).
恭桶 güng-hūng
gōngtǒng closestool; commode.⁵
恭迓銮舆[恭迓鑾輿] güng-ngà-lũn-yĩ
gōngyàluányú I respectfully await your chariot – conventional phrase in invitation.¹⁴
恭顺[恭順] güng-sùn
gōngshùn respectful and submissive.⁵
恭维[恭維] güng-vĩ
gōngwei flatter; compliment.⁵
(See 𢙄❄{⿱共心} güng).
gung2 5300
61 10 𢙄
güng gōng original form of the character 恭 güng gōng respectful, reverent.
(composition: ⿱共心; U+22644).
(See 恭 güng).
gung2 5301
66 7 güng gōng to assault; to attack; to accuse; to study; to specialize in the study of.
进攻[進攻] dïn-güng jìngōng attack; assault; offensive.⁵
反攻 fān-güng
fǎngōng to counterattack.
攻关[攻關] güng-gän
gōngguān to storm a strategic pass; fig. to tackle key problems.
攻击[攻擊] güng-gēik
gōngjī to attack; to accuse; to vilify.
攻坚[攻堅] güng-gëin
gōngjiān storm fortifications; assault fortified positions.
攻占[攻佔] güng-jëm
gōngzhàn to occupy; to seize.¹⁴
攻克 güng-hāk
gōngkè to capture; overcome.
攻略 güng-lèk
gōnglüè attack and seize; take/capture by assault.⁶ storm and capture; strategies for work or career development; market strategy.¹⁹
攻读[攻讀] güng-ùk
gōngdú to diligently study; to major in; to specialize in.
专攻[專攻] jön-güng
zhuāngōng to specialize in.
围攻[圍攻] vĩ-güng
wéigōng to besiege; to attack from all sides; jointly attack somebody.
以攻为守[以攻為守] yî-güng-vĩ-siū
yǐgōngwéishǒu to make a preemptive attack.
gung2 5302
118 16 güng gōng bamboo hat.⁸
(composition: ⿱𥫗貢; U+7BE2).
<又> lûng, gōn. (See 篢 lûng, 篢 gōn).
gung2 5303
120 9 güng gōng work; working.⁷
红女[紅女] güng-nuī gōngnǚ working girls.⁷
女红[女紅] nuī-güng
nǚgōng <wr.> needlework.⁶
<又> hũng, hûng.
(See 紅 hũng, hûng.)
gung2 5304
124 9 güng gòng to arrive at.⁸
(composition: ⿰羽工; U+7FBE).
<又> hũng. (See 羾 hũng).
gung2 5305
124 9 𦏺
güng gòng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 𦏺❄{⿱工羽} hũng hóng sound of flying; extremely.² to arrive at; the extreme.²⁵)
(composition: ⿱工羽; U+263FA).
<又> hũng.
(See 𦏺❄{⿱工羽} hũng).
gung2 5306
140 6 güng xiōng a kind of herb.
川芎 chün-güng chuānxiōng <TCM> Sichuan Ligsticum wallichii; medicinal shizome growing in 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan Province.¹ Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort; also known as 雀脑芎[雀腦芎] dēk-nāo-güng quènǎoxiōng, 京芎 gëin-güng jīngxiōng, 贯芎[貫芎] gön-güng guànxiōng, 芎䓖[芎藭] güng-kũng xiōngqióng, 香果 hëng-gō xiāngguǒ, 山鞠穷[山鞠窮] sän-gūk-kũng shānjūqióng, 生川军[生川軍] säng-chün-gün shēngchuānjūn, 胡䓖[胡藭] vũ-kũng húqióng.²³
芎䓖[芎藭] güng-kũng
xiōngqióng Chinese herb, Conioselinum univitatum.¹¹  chuanxiong rhizome, also named 川芎 chün-güng chuānxiōng.⁴³
山芎 sän-güng
shānxiōng <bot.> Conioselinum chinense.²³
gung2 5307
142 10 güng gōng 蜈蚣 m̃-güng wúgōng centipede.⁸ (It is written as 百足 bāk-dūk in Hoisanva and read as bāk-xūk. (See <台> 百足 bàk-xūk).
蜈蚣风筝[蜈蚣風箏] m̃-güng-füng-jäng
wúgōngfēngzheng a kite made like a centipede.¹⁴
蜈蚣梯 m̃-güng-häi
wúgōngtī a single rope with rounds fastened at regular intervals for use as a ladder.¹⁴
蜈蚣草 m̃-güng-tāo
wúgōngcǎo ciliate desert-grass (Eremochloa ciliaris).⁵
gung2 5308
154 10 güng gòng to offer tribute; tribute; gifts; Gong surname.
拔贡[拔貢] bàt-güng bágòng <hist.> outstanding young scholars selected for Qing civil service examination in the capital.
进贡[進貢] dïn-güng jìngòng to pay tribute (to a suzerain); to grease somebody's palm.¹
贡品[貢品] güng-bīn
gòngpǐn articles of tribute to imperial court; first-grade articles.¹
贡献[貢獻] güng-hün
gòngxiàn pay tributary goods, also contribute (ideas, suggestions).¹¹
贡丸汤[貢丸湯] güng-yõn-höng
gòngwántāng fish ball soup.
恩贡生[恩貢生] yïn-güng-säng
ēngòngshēng  <trad.>  a degree granted to a 秀才 xiü-tõi xiùcái q.v. at a special examination in celebration of great public events.
gung2 5309
154 21 güng gàn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 贑 gäm gàn with same meaning.)
<又> gäm.
(See 贑 gäm).
gung2 5310
158 10 güng gōng body; oneself, one's own person; personally, in (one's own) person; bend forward, bow, stoop.⁶
(variant: 躳[躳❄{⿰身呂}] güng gōng).
躬逢 güng-fũng
gōngféng to meet face to face.⁹
躬逢其盛 güng-fũng-kĩ-sèin
gōngféngqíshèng be present in person on the grand occasion.⁵
躬稼 güng-gä
gōngjià work on the farm personally.³⁹
躬耕 güng-gäng
gōnggēng <wr.> to plow in person (especially said of an emperor).⁷
躬圭 güng-gï
gōngguī a seal, or badge of office, like the human body.²⁵
躬行 güng-hãng
gōngxíng do one's own thing, act individually; personally practice.⁵⁴
躬行实践[躬行實踐] güng-hãng-sìt-dèin
gōngxíngshíjiàn practice what one preaches.⁵
躬临[躬臨] güng-lĩm
gōnglín to be present personally; to attend in person.⁷
躬诣[躬詣] güng-ngài
gōngyì to go in person.¹⁴
躬身 güng-sïn
gōngshēn bend at the waist.⁵
躬亲[躬親] güng-tïn
gōngqīn attend to personally.⁵
<台> 躬 güng to crawl into.
(See 躳[躳❄{⿰身呂}] güng).
gung2 5311
158 14 güng gōng (=躬 güng gōng) body; oneself, one's own person; personally, in (one's own) person; bend forward, bow, stoop.⁶
t: ⿰身呂; U+8EB3). Note: This character is displayed in Yu Gothic font to get 呂 on the right side.
s: ⿰身吕; U+8EB3). Note: Same codepoint as traditional character, but displayed in Segoe UI Semibold font. Since it is the same codepoint, if you do a search on either one, you will get both.
(See 躬 güng).
gung2 5312
167 11 güng gōng the iron ring used to put the axle through the hub port; the ring metal ornament on the wall of the palace.¹³ tire of a wheel.¹⁴ the iron in the nave of a wheel, through which the axle passes.²⁵
(composition: ⿰釒工; U+91ED).
金釭 gïm-güng jīngōng golden bolts in the frame work of wainscots, appearing like the naves of wheels; because they are sometimes surrounded with golden rings.²⁵
车釭[車釭] chëh-güng
chēgōng cart wheel hub.⁵⁴
<又> göng.
(See 釭 göng).
gung2 5313
195 14 güng gōng (composition: ⿰魚工; U+9B5F).
魟䱑 güng-xēik gōngxué a kind of crab found in the Yangtze River, good for food.²⁵
<又> hũng.
(See 魟 hũng).
gung2 5314
195 15 güng gōng ➀ (interchangeable with 魟) (same as 鳐[鰩] yẽl yáo) ray, skate (fish) ➁ nautilus ➂ a fish that looks like a king crab or other crab.³⁶
(composition: ⿰魚公; U+4C38).
䰸䱑 güng-xēik
gōngxué a sea creature, similar to a 鲎[鱟] hèo hòu king crab or maybe 魟.² a large kind of prawn; a kind of sea eel.²⁵
gung2 5315
196 17 güng gōng a kind of pheasant-like bird.⁸ A kind of wild fowl whose cry is like the sound of the character.²⁵ (in ancient text) a kind of pheasant-like bird; tinamou.³⁶
(composition: ⿰共鳥; U+4CCD).
䳍鸟[䳍鳥] güng-nêl gōngniǎo a pheasant-like bird whose cry is like the sound of the character itself.²⁵
gung2 5316
212 22 güng gōng give, present; reverential; Gong surname.⁸
(composition t: ⿱龍共; U+9F94).
s: ⿱龙共; U+9F9A).
gung2 5317
12 6 gùng gòng common; same; all; collectively; to share; to work together; together.
公共 güng-gùng gōnggòng public; communal.
共轭[共軛] gùng-äk
gòng'è <math.> conjugate.⁵
共产[共產] gùng-chān
gòngchǎn communist.
共产党[共產黨] Gùng-chān-ōng
Gòngchǎndǎng Communist Party.
共同 gùng-hũng
gòngtóng common; together, jointly.⁵
共鸣[共鳴] gùng-mẽin
gòngmíng resonance (physics); sympathetic response to something.¹⁰
共和 gùng-võ
gònghé republicanism; republic.⁵
同甘共苦 hũng-gäm-gùng-fū
tónggāngòngkǔ to share joy and sorrow.
和平共处[和平共處] võ-pẽin-gùng-chuî
hépínggòngchǔ peaceful coexistence.
gung4 5318
12 4 gûng gōng <台> 公仔书[公仔書] gûng-dōi-sï/ comic book.
<又> gūng, güng. (See 公 gūng, 公 güng.)
gung5 5319
30 12 gūt extremely quiet; onomatopoeia.⁸ʼ⁰ read gut6 in Cantonese; <ono.> gulp - noise made when one quickly swallows; to gulp down.⁷⁵
(composition: ⿰口骨; U+55D7).
<又> vät.
(See 嗗 vät).
gut1 5320
75 7 gūt to flatten something, to make things even, to make something level.⁸ʼ⁰ a strickle used to level the grain when it is being measured, usually in small quantities such as an 斗 (ēo dǒu 'peck') or 斛 (hùk 'bushel').⁸
(composition: ⿰木乞; U+675A).
<又> köi.
(See 杚 köi).
gut1 5321
75 13 gūt pieces of wood; Chinese holly.⁸  scraps of wood.¹⁰ chopped pieces of wood.¹⁹
榾柮 gūt-jōt gǔduò <topo.> wood block; stump.⁶ short sticks used for burning into charcoal.¹⁴
gut1 5322
75 16 gūt the mandarin orange; the Chinese orange; a tangerine.⁷ mandarin orange Citrus reticulata.²⁰ (variant: 桔 gīt).
柑橘 gâm-gūt
gānjú (=柑桔 gâm-gīt gānjú) oranges and tangerines; citrus.⁵
金橘 gïm-gūt
jīnjú (=金桔 gïm-gīt jīnjú) kumquat.⁹
橘饼[橘餅] gūt-bēng
or 桔饼[桔餅] gīt-bēng júbǐng flattened orange season with honey.⁷
橘子 gūt-dū
júzi (=桔子 gīt-dū júzi) mandarin oranges; tangerines; a small mandarin orange.⁷
橘子汁 gūt-dū-jīp
júzizhī orange juice.⁵
橘子水 gūt-dū-suī
júzishuǐ orangeade.⁷
橘化为枳[橘化為枳] gūt-fä-vĩ-jī
júhuàwéizhǐ The orange in the south of the River Huai becomes another variety when it is transplanted into the north of the River Huai – Things will turn out differently in different surroundings.⁷
橘柑 gūt-gâm
júgān (=橘子 gūt-dū júzi) tangerines.⁸
橘红[橘紅] gūt-hũng
júhóng (=陈皮[陳皮] chĩn-pĩ chénpí) <TCM> dried orange peel; orange red.¹¹
橘树[橘樹] gūt-sì
júshù the mandarin orange tree.⁷
越橘 yòt-gūt
yuèjú lingonberry, partridgeberry, cowberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
gut1 5323
76 10 𣢯
gūt sound of drinking.⁸
(composition: ⿰舌欠; U+238AF).
gut1 5324
85 7 gūt ➀ to regulate rivers; to govern or manage
    Synonym: 治 jì zhì
➁ to create disorder; to make chaos
    Synonym: 乱[亂] lòn
➂ to submerge; to flood
    Synonym: 淹没[淹沒] yēm-mòt
➃ to indulge in; to wallow
    Synonym: 沉迷 chĩm-mãi
➄ <lit.> appearance of water flowing rapidly
➅ A surname​.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵曰; U+6C69).
汩汩 gūt-gūt
gǔgǔ the sound of waves; panicky, in confusion.⁷ (gúgǔ) descriptive of the rushing and dashing of waves; fig. quick flow of thoughts.¹¹ <lit.> <ono.> sound of water flowing​.³⁶
汩乱[汩亂] gūt-lòn
gǔluàn to cause disorder.⁷
汩没[汩沒] gūt-mòt
gǔmò to sink; to decline.⁷ submerged, fallen into oblivion; sound of rushing water.¹¹
宓汩 mìt-gūt
mìgǔ to get rid of the disease.²
<又> vèik. (See 汩 vèik).
gut1 5325
110 12 gūt jué ((<old>=谲[譎] gūt jué <wr.> to cheat; to swindle; wily; crafty; tricky; artful.); deceitful; cheat; lie.⁵⁴ deceptive.²⁴); crafty; treacherous; tricky.¹¹³
(composition: ⿱矛冏; U+77DE).
矞宇 gūt-yî
juéyǔ (=谲诡[譎詭] gūt-gī juéguǐ  changing constantly; unpredictable.⁸).⁸ʼ⁰
<又> lùt; nùt.
(See 矞 lùt; 矞 nùt; 譎 gū).
gut1 5326
112 14 gūt (composition: ⿰石骨; U+78C6).
磆碌 or 骨碌 gūt-lūk gūlu rolling.⁸
<又> vàt.
(See 磆 vàt).
gut1 5327
140 12 gūt follicles of plants.⁸
蓇葖 gūt-ùt gūtū follicle; flower bud.⁸
gut1 5328
149 19 gūt jué <wr.> to cheat; to swindle; wily; crafty; tricky; artful.
谲谏[譎諫] gūt-gän juéjiàn to admonish by hints.
谲诡[譎詭] gūt-gī
juéguǐ unpredictable; changing constantly.
谲诈[譎詐] gūt-jä
juézhà dishonest, deceitful, tricky, cheating.¹¹ crafty.³⁹
谲而不正[譎而不正] gūt-ngĩ-būt-jëin
jué'érbùzhèng <wr.> to be crafty and not upright.
云谲波诡[雲譎波詭] vũn-gūt-bö-gī
yúnjuébōguǐ <wr.> bewilderingly changeable; ever-changing nature of things; treacherous; strange and changeful; beautiful turns of thought, fast, unexpected, exciting changes.
gut1 5329
184 17 gūt 馉饳[餶飿] gūt-ùt gǔduò a kind of wheaten food in ancient times.⁶ an ancient Chinese snack made from flour.⁹
gut1 5330
188 9 gūt Kangxi radical 188; bone; skeleton; frame, framework.⁸ <Canto> gwat1 loanword: quarter (of an hour).⁷⁵
骨节[骨節] gūt-dêik
gǔjié (of bones) joint.⁶
骨子 gūt-dū
gǔzi frame, ribs; <topo.> heart of a matter; nature of a person/thing/situation.⁵⁴
骨子里[骨子裡] gūt-dū-lī
gǔzilǐ <derog.> in one's heart of hearts; <topo.> personal; private.⁶ deep down.⁹
骨灰 gūt-föi
gǔhuī bone ash; ashes of the dead.⁶
骨干[骨幹] gūt-gön
gǔgàn diaphysis; backbone; mainstay.⁶
骨头[骨頭] gūt-hẽo
gǔtou bone; character; <topo.> bite to one's words.⁶
骨气[骨氣] gūt-hï
gǔqì backbone, moral integrity; vigor of strokes (in calligraphy).⁶
骨折 gūt-jēt
gǔzhé (bone) fracture.⁶
骨肉 gūt-ngùk
gǔròu flesh and blood, kindred; close relations.⁶
骨牌 gūt-pãi
gǔpái domino.⁶
骨瘦如柴 gūt-sëo-nguĩ-châi
gǔshòurúchái bag of bones; mere walking skeleton; lean as a rake; worn to a shadow.⁶
骨髓 gūt-xōi
gǔsuǐ bone marrow.⁶
骨刺 gūt-xü
gǔcì <med.> spur.⁶
<台> 骨子 gūt-dū cute.
<台> 骨碌 gūt-lûk a piece of bone. (cf. 骨碌 gūt-lūk
(See 骨 [gūt, ].)
gut1 5331
188 9 gūt 骨碌 gūt-lūk gūlu roll.⁶ (cf. <台> 骨碌 gūt-lûk)
骨碌碌 gūt-lūk-lūk
gūlūlū roll round rapidly; move quickly.⁶
骨朵儿[骨朵兒] gūt-ū-ngĩ
gūduor <vern.> flower bud.⁶
一骨碌从床上爬起来[一骨碌從床上爬起來] yīt-gūt-lūk tũng chõng-sèng pã-hī-lõi
yīgǔlu cóng chuángshàng páqǐlái roll out of bed.⁶
(See 骨 [gūt, ].)
gut1 5332
196 20 gūt Treron permagna, a kind of pigeon.⁷ any species of birds of prey.⁹
鹘鸠[鶻鳩] gūt-gëo
gǔjiū a kind of pigeon.⁵⁴
鹘蹄[鶻蹄] gūt-hãi
gǔtí (=鹘蹏[鶻蹏] gūt-hãi gǔtí) wild duck.³⁹
鹘蹏[鶻蹏] gūt-hãi
gǔtí a wild duck.⁷
鹘鸼[鶻鵃] gūt-jiü
gǔzhōu a kind of bird mentioned in ancient books.⁶ Treron permagna, a kind of pigeon.⁷ a dove.⁸
(See 鶻 [gūt, ].)
gut1 5333
196 20 gūt   a kind of bird of prey.⁷ falcon.⁸
鹘仑[鶻侖] gūt-lũn húlún (=囫囵[囫圇] fūt-lũn húlún) whole.⁶
鹘仑吞枣[鶻侖吞棗] gūt-lũn-hün-dāo
húlúntūnzǎo (=囫囵吞枣[囫圇吞棗] fūt-lũn-hün-dāo húlúntūnzǎo) swallow a date whole – lap up information without digesting it; read without understanding.⁶
鹘突[鶻突] gūt-ùt
hútū muddleheaded; confused.⁷
兔起鹘落[兔起鶻落] hü-hī-gūt-lòk
tùqǐhúluò the moment a hare is flushed out, the falcon swoops down – said of quick flow of writer's thoughts and imagination.¹¹
回鹘[回鶻] Või-gūt
Huíhú (=回纥[回紇] Või-hàt Huíhé) Huihe, pre-Tang name of ethnic group corresponding to modern Uighur.¹⁰
(See 鶻 [gūt, ]; 隼 jūn).
gut1 5334
196 23 gūt sandpiper; snipe.⁵ a snipe.⁷
斑腹矶鹬[斑腹磯鷸] bän-fūk-gï-gūt bānfùjīyù peetweet (US), spotted sandpiper (Actitis macularius).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鹬鸵[鷸鴕] gūt-hõ
or gūt-hũ yùtuó kiwi.⁵
鹬虻[鷸虻] gūt-mông
yùméng Rhagionidae or snipe flies.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鹬蚌相争[鷸蚌相爭] gūt-pông-xëng-jäng
yùbàng xiāngzhēng lit. the fight between the snipe and the clam (with both ending up as captives of the fisherman) – a quarrel which benefits only a third party.⁷
鹬草[鷸草] gūt-tāo
yùcǎo or 虉草 yēik-tāo yìcǎo ribbon grass.⁸ reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea).¹⁰ lady's laces, gardener's garters, reed canary grass, ribbon grass.⁷⁰
姬滨鹬[姬濱鹬] kï-bïn-gūt
jībīnyù least sandpiper (Calidris minutilla).¹⁰
姬鹬[姬鷸] kï-gūt
jīyù jack snipe (Lymnocryptes minimus).¹⁰
山鹬[山鷸] sän-gūt
shānyù the woodcock.¹⁴
鹑鹬[鶉鷸] sûn-gūt
chúnyù <zoo.> sharp-tailed sandpiper (Tringa acuminata).⁷
gut1 5335
9 10 gùt jué intransigent; hard; obstinate; stubborn.
倔起 or 崛起 gùt-hī juéqǐ to rise abruptly (to a towering position); to tower over; to spring up; to emerge suddenly; the emergence (of a power).¹⁰
倔强 vūt-gèng
juéjiàng stubborn; unbending.⁵
<台> 倔尾巷 gùt-mī-hōng dead-end alley.
(See 倔 [gùt, juè].)
gut4 5336
9 10 gùt juè gruff; surly; blunt; rude in manner or speech.
倔巴 gùt-bä juèba <topo.> gruff; blunt.
倔头[倔頭] gùt-hẽo
juètóu <topo.> stubborn and surly person.
倔头倔脑[倔頭倔腦] gùt-hẽo-gùt-nāo
juètóujuènǎo to be blunt of speech and gruff of manner.
(See 倔 [gùt, jué].)
gut4 5337
46 11 gùt jué towering, eminent; rise abruptly.⁸
崛起 or 倔起 gùt-hī juéqǐ to rise abruptly (to a towering position); to tower over; to spring up; to emerge suddenly; the emergence (of a power).¹⁰
崛立 gùt-lìp
juélì to tower over; rising (to a dominant position).¹⁰
奇崛 kĩ-gùt
qíjué peculiar and prominent.⁸
gut4 5338
64 11 gùt jué to dig, to excavate.
发掘[發掘] fät-gùt fājué to excavate; to explore; fig. to unearth; to tap into.
掘出 gùt-chūt
juéchū to dig out.
掘进[掘進] gùt-dïn
juéjìn to bore; <min.> tunnelling;
or 掘濠 gùt-hõ or gùt-hão juéháo dig trenches; dig in.⁵
掘土 gùt-hū
juétǔ to dig.
掘土机[掘土機] gùt-hū-gï
juétǔjī bulldozer.
开掘[開掘] höi-gùt
kāijué to excavate; to dig out; fig. to investigate (in an archive).
临渴掘井[臨渴掘井] lĩm-höt-gùt-dēng
línkějuéjǐng Do not dig a well until one feels thirsty - to be unprepared and look for solutions at the last minute.⁹ (See <台> 颈渴广锹井[頸渴廣鍬井] gēng-höt-gōng-tël-dēng.)
罗掘[羅掘] lõ-gùt
luójué net birds and dig rats for food (in a besieged city when there is no food) – contrive ways and means to live when in straits; make every effort to scrape up money.⁶
挖掘 vät-gùt
wājué to excavate, to unearth.
gut4 5339
145 13 gùt jué shirt or a jacket without any decorated hem.⁸ short clothes.²⁵
(composition: ⿰衤屈; U+463F).
䘪䘿 chüng-gùt chōngjué the front lappet of a garment; the lap.²⁵
gut4 5340
149 15 gùt juè (<old>=倔 gùt juè gruff; surly; blunt; rude in manner or speech).⁸
(composition: ⿰言屈; U+8AB3).
<又> vūt.
(See 誳 vūt; 倔[gùt, juè]).
gut4 5341
94 12 gût (composition: ⿰犭曷; U+7332).
猲狚 gût-än gédàn a huge wolf.⁸ an animal like a wolf.²⁴
猲狙 gût-duï
géjū a huge wolf.²
<又> hēik; häk; hài.
(See 猲 hēik; 猲 häk; 猲 hài).
gut5 5342
94 15 gût (composition: ⿰犭葛; U+7366).
獦狚 gût-än gédàn a kind of beast mentioned in ancient books, shaped like a wolf, sounded like a pig, and eats people.⁸ (cf 猲狚 gût-än).
獦牂 gût-dòng
gézāng or 猵狙 pëin-duï piànjū an ape-like beast with a head like a dog in ancient books .⁸
<又> lèp; hēik.
(See 獦 lèp; 獦 hēik).
gut5 5343
140 12 gût
kudzu (Pueraria lobata); hemp cloth.¹⁰
葛布 gût-bü
gébù a coarse, yellowish hemp cloth.¹¹
葛粉 gût-fūn
géfěn kudzu starch of pueraria root; arrowroot flour.¹⁰
葛根 gût-gïn
gégēn tuber of the kudzu vine (Pueraria lobata) used in Chinese medicine.¹⁰
葛巾 gût-gïn
géjīn hemp headcloth.¹⁰
葛藤 gût-hãng
géténg creepers, tendrils, (fig.) complications, difficulties.¹¹
葛麻 gût-mã
gémá kudzu; fiber from the kudzu's bark.⁹
<又> gōt.
(See 葛 gōt.)
gut5 5344
149 11 gût jué rhymed formula; rhymed instruction; knack; trick.
秘诀[秘訣] bï-gût mìjué secret of success.⁸
歌诀[歌訣] gô-gût
gējué formulas/directions put into rhyme (for easy memory).⁶
诀窍[訣竅] gût-hël
juéqiào secret; trick; knack; key.¹⁰
诀要[訣要] gût-yël
juéyào secret of success; key to success; tricks of the trade; knack; trick.
口诀[口訣] hēo-gût
kǒujué pithy mnemonic formula (often in rhyme); instruction in rhyme.
妙诀[妙訣] mèl-gût
miàojué knack; clever way of doing something; valuable formula (secret).⁸
<又> kūt.
(See 訣 kūt.)
gut5 5345
30 9 哈士蟆 hā-xù-mã hàshìmǎ a kind of frog found in 吉林 Gīt-lĩm Jílín Jilin (Kirin) and used as a valuable tonic.¹¹ Chinese forest frog, Rana chensinensis.²³
蛤士蟆油 hā-xù-mã-yiũ
hàshìmǎyóu or 雪蛤膏 xūt-hā-gäo xuěhágāo Hasma, Harsmar, Hashima (pharmaceutical term: Oviductus Ranae).¹⁵ʼ²⁰ʼ²⁹
(See 哈 [hā, ], [hā, ].)
ha1 5346
30 9 a Pekinese; a pug; Ha surname.
哈达[哈達] hā-àt hǎdá khata (Tibetan or Mongolian ceremonial scarf).¹⁰
哈巴狗 hā-bä-gēo
hǎbāgǒu a Pekinese dog.¹¹
(See 哈 [hā, ], [hā, ].)
ha1 5347
30 9 laughter; yawn; abbrevation for Kazakhstan; abbreviation for Harbin.¹⁰
哈佛 Hā-Fùt Hāfó Harvard.⁹
哈哈 hā-hā
hāhā <ono.> laughing out loud.¹⁰
哈哈大笑 hā-hā-ài-xël
hāhādàxiào to laugh heartily; to burst into loud laughter.¹⁰
哈哈镜[哈哈鏡] hā-hā-gëng
hāhājìng distorting mirror.¹⁰
哈气[哈氣] hā-hï
hāqì to breathe, to breathe on.³⁹
哈欠 hā-hïm
hāqian yawn.⁵
哈莱姆[哈萊姆] Hā-lõi-mû
Hāláimǔ Harlem district of Manhattan.¹⁰ Also called 克林 Hāk-lĩm Kèlín Harlem.
哈雷彗星 Hā-luĩ Fì-xëin
Hāléi Huìxīng Halley's comet.⁶
哈密瓜 hā-mìt-gä
hāmìguā Hami melon.⁵
哈腰 hā-yël
hāyāo to bend one's back; to stoop; to bow.⁵
笑哈哈 xël-hā-hā
xiàohāhā laughingly; with a laugh.⁵
(See 哈 [hā, ], [hā, ].)
ha1 5348
142 12 frog; toad.¹⁰
疥蛤蟆 gäi-hā-mã jièháma toad.⁶
or 虾蟆[蝦蟆] hā-mã háma frog; toad.⁶
蛤蟆镜[蛤蟆鏡] hā-mã-gëng
hámajìng sunglasses with huge lenses.⁶ sunglasses; goggles.⁸
蛤蟆夯 hā-mã-hāng
hámahāng power-driven rammer.⁸
蛤蟆碚 Hā-mã-pôi
Hámabèi Hamabei, a place in Hubei Province.⁹
蛤耙 hā-pã
hápá clam rake.⁶
癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉[癩蛤蟆想吃天鵝肉] lài-hā-mã-xēng-hëk-hëin-ngõ-ngùk
làiháma xiǎngchī tiān'é ròu a toad lusting after a swan's flesh – aspiring after something one is not worthy of.⁵ ugly man hopes to marry a pretty girl.¹¹
雨蛤 yî-hā
yǔhá tree toad.¹⁹
<又> gēip.
(See 蛤 gēip.)
ha1 5349
142 15 虾蟆[蝦蟆] or 蛤蟆 hā-mã háma frog; toad.⁶
虾蟆肿[蝦蟆腫] hā-mã-jūng
hámazhǒng ranula.²⁹
<又> hä, hâ, mâ.
(See 蝦 [hā, xiā]; hä; hâ; mâ.)
ha1 5350
142 15 xiā 虾饺[蝦餃] hā-gāo xiājiǎo shrimp dumplings.³⁹
<又> hä, hâ, mâ.
(See 蝦 [hā, ]; hä; hâ; mâ.)
ha1 5351
1 3 xià to go down; to come down.
下班 hä-bän xiàbān to come off from class/duty.¹¹
下崽 hä-dōi
xiàzǎi (of animals) to give birth; to foal, to whelp.¹⁰
下跪 hä-gì
xiàguì kneel down; go down on one's knees.⁵
下帖 hä-hēp
xiàtiě <wr.> to send an invitation.⁶
下楼[下樓] hä-lẽo
xiàlóu to go or come downstairs.
下来[下來] hä-lõi
xiàlai to come down.
<又> hà, hâ.
(See  下 hà, hâ.)
ha2 5352
5 5 variant of 它 hä It.¹⁰ʼ⁵⁴
(composition: ⿱𠂉也; U+340C).
<又> sēik; yĩ.
(See 㐌 sēik; 㐌 yĩ; 它 hä).
ha2 5353
9 5 he; him; she; her; it.
别无他用[別無他用] bèik-mũ-hä-yùng biéwútāyòng no other use for.
他乡[他鄉] hä-hëng
tāxiāng a place that is not one's home; an alien land.
他妈的[他媽的] hä-mā-ēik
tāmā de <derog.> damn it; blast it; to hell with it; Gosh!; fuck.¹⁹
他们[他們] hä-mõn
tāmen they.
or 其它 kĩ-hä qítā other; the others; else; other than it; in addition to the thing mentioned above.¹⁰
刺配他乡[刺配他鄉] xü-pöi-hä-hëng
cìpèitāxiāng to brand somebody's face and send him into exile.
ha2 5354
30 12 xiá <Cant.> to vex, to treat harshly, to intimidate.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰口叚; U+35C7).
<粤> 㗇霸 or 㗇覇 hä-bä haa6 baa3 to insult, to browbeat.¹⁰²ʼ⁰
<又> hã; à.
(See 㗇 hã; 㗇 à).
ha2 5355
30 16 xiā entrance to a cave or to a gorge.⁸ (1. =岈 hä xiā the hollowness of a valley.¹⁰¹;  2. 㟏岈 hẽim-hä hánxiā depth (emptiness) of the gorge.⁵⁴).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰口閜; U+35FF).
谽㗿 hẽim-hä
hānxiā, same as 谽谺 hẽim-hä hánxiā.(See 谽谺 hẽim-hä).
<又> hö; lâ. (See 㗿 hö; 㗿 lâ).
ha2 5356
38 6 she, her.
她们[她們] hä-mõn tāmen they; them (for females).¹⁰
ha2 5357
40 5 it; that; this (for inanimate object).⁷
(composition: ⿱宀匕; U+5B83).
它们[它們] hä-mõn tāmen they (for inanimate objects).¹⁰ (The simplified form, 它们, is used for all non-human objects).
or 其他 kĩ-hä qítā other; the others; else; other than it; in addition to the thing mentioned above.¹⁰
<又> yĩ.
(See 它 yĩ).
ha2 5358
46 7 xiā the hollowness of a valley.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰山牙; U+5C88).
谽谺 hẽim-hä hánxiā the great void in the valley.² the mouth of a gorge or of a cave; entrance to a cave or to a gorge.¹⁴ also the same as 谺 hä xiā; the emptiness of a valley; precipitous craggy mountain rocks; still flickering; hollow appearance.¹⁹ a deep wide valley, a great open gulf; the large empty space in a valley.²⁵ the mouth, as of a valley or cave; a wide or deep cavity.¹⁰²
(Note: 谽谺 hẽim-hä hánxiā is the same as 㟏岈 hẽim-hä hánxiā).¹⁰¹
<又> ngã. (See 岈 ngã).
ha2 5359
61 9 tān a polite version of 他 (hä he; him; she; her).⁷
➀ (Beijing, Northeastern Mandarin, polite) he; she; him; her ➁ (suburban Beijing) they.³⁶
(composition: ⿱他心; U+6039).
怹们[怹們] hä-mõn
tānmen (polite) they.
ha2 5360
86 13 xiā hot; dry; fiery red.¹ raging fire.⁸ hot; dry.²⁴
(Note: Distinguish 煅 òn duàn ⿰火段; U+7145).
(composition: ⿰火叚; U+7146).
<又> à.
(See 煆 à).
ha2 5361
93 7 it (used for animals).¹⁰
Modern invented pronoun to represent English “it” as distinguished from “he,” “she.”¹¹
(animal) it.³⁶
(Usage note: In simplified Chinese, 它 (tā) is used instead for all non-human objects).³⁶
(composition: ⿰牜也; U+7260).
它们[牠們] hä-mõn tāmen they (for animate objects use traditional form only).
ha2 5362
113 7 (third person pronoun for a divine being).¹⁰ (deity) He; Him.³⁶ (composition: ⿰礻也; U+7942).
ha2 5363
142 15 xiā 龙虾[龍蝦] lũng-hä lóngxiā lobster.⁸
<台> 虾 hä to bully, to pick on (someone).
<台> 虾人[蝦人] hä-ngĩn browbeat; take advantage of; pick on; bully; treat somebody highhandedly.
<又> hā, hâ, mâ.
(See 蝦 [hā, ]; [hā, xiā]; hâ; mâ.)
ha2 5364
150 11 xiā the mouth of a valley.⁸ the opening of a valley.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰谷牙; U+8C3A).
谽谺 hẽim-hä hánxiā the great void in the valley.² the mouth of a gorge or of a cave; entrance to a cave or to a gorge.¹⁴ also the same as 谺 hä xiā; the emptiness of a valley; precipitous craggy mountain rocks; still flickering; hollow appearance.¹⁹ a deep wide valley, a great open gulf; the large empty space in a valley.²⁵ the mouth, as of a valley or cave; a wide or deep cavity.¹⁰²
(Note: 谽谺 hẽim-hä hánxiā is the same as 㟏岈 hẽim-hä hánxiā).¹⁰¹
谺然 hä-ngẽin
xiārán the empty wasteland of the valley.¹⁹
谺若 hä-ngèk
xiāruò the empty wasteland of the valley.¹⁹
ha2 5365
167 13 thallium (Tl).⁶
铊化物[鉈化物] hä-fä-mùt or hä-fä-mòt tāhuàwù <chem.> thallide.⁶
铊合金[鉈合金] hä-hàp-gïm
tāhéjīn thallium alloy.⁶
铊中毒[鉈中毒] hä-jüng-ùk
tāzhōngdú <med.> thallium poisoning; thallotoxicosis.⁶
铊离子[鉈離子] hä-lĩ-dū
tālízǐ thallium ion.⁶
<又> hõ; pũ.
(See 鉈 pũ; 鉈 hõ; 砣 hõ; 砣 pũ.)
ha2 5366
169 13 xiǎ to split open.⁸ to open out wide; to burst wide open.²⁵ to throw wide open as a  door, and see a vancancy within; empty, vast; a large cup.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿵門可; U+959C).
閜桮 hä-böi xiǎbēi a large goblet.²⁵
闸閜[閘閜] jàp-hä
zháxiǎ expansive; widen.¹⁹
豁閜 köt-hä
huōxiǎ empty; a void space.²⁵
<又> hō; gā.
(See 閜 hō; 閜 gā).
ha2 5367
182 13 xiā windy; to open the mouth, and blow out the breath.²⁵ to open the mouth and breaathe slowly, as when eating peppermint or ginger; to pant.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿺風牙; U+98AC).
颬颬 hä-hä xiāxiā the appearance of opening one's mouth and exhaling; the sound of wind.⁵⁴
ha2 5368
211 20 qiā to gnaw.⁸ to bite, to gnaw a bone.²⁴ to bite; to bite as hard as possible; to gnaw.³⁶
(composition: ⿰齒可; U+4D97).
<又> kā; hēip. (See 䶗 kā; 䶗 hēip).
ha2 5369
29 9 xiá (=瑕 hã xiá a flaw, spot, or blemish in a piece of jade; a fault, error, blemish or flaw.⁷); (=遐 hã xiá <wr.> far, distant; lasting, long.⁵); Xia surname.⁸
(composition: ⿰⿸⿰丨コ𠄠⿱コ又; U+53DA).
<又> gā.
(See 叚 gā).
ha3 5370
30 12 xiá to swallow, to gulp; to beg or request for something.⁸ the throat.²⁴ the throat; the gullet.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰口叚; U+35C7).
㗇喖 hã-vũ xiáhú the gullet.²⁴
<又> hä; à.
(See 㗇 hä; 㗇 à).
ha3 5371
60 12 xiá (=遐 hã xiá) <wr.> far, distant; lasting, long.⁵
<又> gā.
(See 徦 gā; 遐 hã.)
ha3 5372
96 13 xiá a flaw, spot, or blemish in a piece of jade; a fault, error, blemish or flaw.⁷
白璧无瑕[白璧無瑕] bàk-bēik-mũ-hã báibìwúxiá flawless white jade – impeccable moral integrity.⁵ flawless jade, of man’s flawless character or girl's virginity.¹¹
瑕病 hã-bèng
xiábìng a blemish; a flaw.⁷
瑕不掩瑜 hã-būt-yēm-yĩ
xiábùyǎnyú one flaw cannot obscure the splendor of the jade – the defects cannot obscure the virtues.⁵
瑕玷 hã-ëm
xiádiàn flaws and defects.⁷
瑕衅[瑕釁] hã-hïm
xiáxìn faults and errors.⁷
瑕谪[瑕謫] hã-jàk
xiázhé blemishes and flaws; errors.⁷
瑕疵 hã-xû
xiácī defects; flaws; blemishes.⁷
瑕瑜 hã-yĩ
xiáyú good and bad points; virtues and flaws.⁷
瑕瑜互见[瑕瑜互見] hã-yĩ-vù-gëin
xiáyúhùjiàn have defects as well as merits; have both strong and weak points.⁵
ha3 5373
112 14 xiá whetstone.⁸ a coarse stone.²⁵
(composition: ⿰石叚; U+78AC).
磍碬 hàt-hã xiáxiá rugged; uneven.²⁵
碣磍 kēik-hàt
jiéxiá to roll the eyes and project the tongue, as in a rage.²⁵
ha3 5374
140 15 xiá lotus leaf.²ʼ⁸ lotus leaves.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿱艹遐; U+8578).
ha3 5375
155 16 xiá (=霞 hã xiá rosy clouds; morning or evening glow.⁵ the light and clouds at sunrise and sunset; mist; rosy clouds; colorful.³⁶).⁸ a red color; the color of the rising morn.²⁵
(composition: ⿰赤叚; U+8D6E).
赮驳[赮駁] hã-bök
xiábó as mottled as the rosy clouds.¹⁹
赮火 hã-fō
xiáhuǒ (=same as 霞光 hã-göng xiáguāng ray of morning/evening sunlight.⁶).¹⁹
or 流霞 or 流瑕 liũ-hã liúxiá floating colorful clouds; a fairy wine or the legendary drink of the gods in the sky; also refers to fine wine.⁸
or 翠霞 tuï-hã cuìxiá a blue haze.¹⁹
羞赮 xiü-hã
xiūxiá (=羞赧 xiü-nân xiūnǎn to blush; to redden; blush.⁷).¹⁹
(See 霞 hã).
ha3 5376
162 12 xiá <wr.> far, distant; lasting, long.⁵ (variant: 徦 hã xiá).
遐布 hã-bü
xiábù (reputation) spreads far and wide.¹¹
遐迹[遐跡] hã-dēik
xiájì matters/stories of ancient people.⁷
遐方 hã-föng
xiáfāng remote place.⁶
遐荒 hã-föng
xiáhuāng distant or out-of-the-way places.⁷
遐福 hã-fūk
xiáfú great happiness.³⁹
遐举[遐舉] hã-guī
xiájǔ to go on a distant journey.⁷
遐眺 hã-hël
xiátiào look as far as the eye can see.⁶
遐弃[遐棄] hã-hï
xiáqì to abandon.¹¹
遐胄 hã-jào
xiázhòu <wr.> distant descendants.¹⁰
遐祉 hã-jī
xiázhǐ lasting blessings or happiness.⁷
遐志 hã-jï
xiázhì lofty ambition or aspiration.⁷
遐龄[遐齡] hã-lẽin
xiálíng long life, venerable age.¹¹
遐年 hã-nẽin
xiánián long life, venerable age.¹¹
遐迩[遐邇] hã-ngì
xiá'ěr <wr.> far and near.⁵
遐迩闻名[遐邇聞名] hã-ngì-mũn-mẽin
xiá'ěrwénmíng be well-known far and near; enjoy widespread renown.⁵
遐想 hã-xēng
xiáxiǎng or 遐思 hã-xü xiásī be lost in reverie/meditation; daydream; indulge in wild and fanciful thoughts; fantasize.⁶
遐心 hã-xïm
xiáxīn <wr.> cooling off or getting tired of old friend, lover.¹¹
(See 徦 hã).
ha3 5377
173 17 xiá rosy clouds; morning or evening glow.⁵ the light and clouds at sunrise and sunset; mist; rosy clouds; colorful.³⁶
(variant: 赮 hã xiá). (See 赮 hã).
早霞主雨,晚霞主晴 dāo-hã-jī-yî, mân-hã-jī-tẽng
zǎoxiázhǔyǔ, wǎnxiázhǔqíng Rosy morning clouds indicate rain, and a rosy sunset means fine weather.⁵⁴
霞光 hã-göng
xiáguāng ray of morning/evening sunlight.⁶
霞光万道[霞光萬道] hã-göng-màn-ào
xiáguāngwàndào  myriad of rays of beautiful light; gorgeous rays of light.⁶
霞光四射 hã-göng-xï-sèh
xiáguāngsìshè magnificent beams of radiating sunshine.⁶
霞雾天[霞霧天] hã-mù-hëin
xiáwùtiān a misty morning.¹⁴
霞片 hã-pëin
xiápiàn multicolored glaze of porcelain.⁷
霞帔 hã-pī
xiápèi (in ancient China) embroidered shawl or cape of a noble woman.⁶
霞石 hã-sêk
xiáshí <min.> nepheline.⁵
霞彩 hã-tōi
xiácǎi rosy clouds.
霞蔚 hã-vï
xiáwèi splendid; magnificent.⁷
红霞[紅霞] hũng-hã
hóngxiá red clouds; flaming clouds (in the evening).⁷
晚霞 mân-hã
wǎnxiá sunset glow; sunset clouds.⁶
<台> 霞雾[霞霧] hã-mù fog; mist.
<台> 霞雾满天[霞霧滿天] hã-mù-mōn-hëin The sky is covered with mist – it is foggy.
ha3 5378
181 18 xiá reckless; unrestrained; without limit (said of speech; words, etc.), hard to tell.⁸
(composition: ⿰叚頁; U+4AD7).
䫛䫗 hẽo-hã hóuxiá to speak without control; to speak disorderly; big words.²⁵
ha3 5379
187 19 xiá a light red color, like that of boiled prawns; a bay horse with a sprinkling of white hair.²⁵ a horse of a light rust color, likened to a topaz, or the hue of prawns.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰馬叚; U+9A22).
有骃有騢[有駰有騢] yiû-yïn-yiû-hã yǒuyīnyǒuxiá there were both grisly and bay horses.¹⁰²
ha3 5380
1 2 xià (<old>=下 hà xià under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down.⁸).³⁶
(composition: ⿱一丨; U+4E05).
(See 下 hà).
ha4 5381
1 3 xià under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down.⁸
(old variants: 丅, 𠄟❄{⿱一一 } hà xià).
下巴 hà-bä
xiàba the lower jaw; the chin.⁵
下摆[下擺] hà-bāi
xiàbǎi lower hem of a gown or jacket; width of such a hem.
下边[下边] hà-bêin
xiàbian under; the underside; below.¹⁰
下不为例[下不為例] hà-būt-vĩ-lài
xiàbùwéilì not to be repeated or serve as a precedent.
下沉 hà-chĩm
xiàchén sink; subside; submerge.⁵
下浣 hà-fōn
xiàhuàn last ten days of the lunar month.¹⁰
下岗[下崗] hà-gông
xiàgǎng to come or go off sentry duty; to be laid off, to be temporarily unemployed.⁶
下棋 hä-kĩ
xiàqí (=敲碁 këo-kĩ or hāo-kĩ qiāoqí or 敲枰 këo-pẽin or hāo-pẽin qiāopíng or 敲棋 këo-kĩ or hāo-kĩ qiāoqí) to tap a chessman noisily on the table.¹¹ to play chess.¹⁰
下面 hà-mèin
xiàmian below; under; next; the following.
下巴 hà-bä
xiàba the lower jaw; the chin.⁵
下唇 hà-sũn
xiàchún lower lip.⁵
下滑 hà-vàt
xiàhuá sliding; slide.¹⁰
下弦 hà-yẽn
xiàxián the last quarter of the moon.⁶
下雨 hà-yî
xiàyǔ to rain (Hoisanva: 落水 lòk-suī to rain).
<台> 下扒 hà-pã lower jaw; chin.
<又> hä, hâ.
(See 下 hä, 下  hâ; 丅 hà;  𠄟❄{⿱一一 } hà).
ha4 5382
7 2 𠄟
xià (<old>=下 hà xià under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down.⁸).²ʼ⁸
(composition: ⿱一一 (top line is longer than the bottom line); U+2011F).
(See 下 hà).
ha4 5383
30 13 shà <wr.> hoarse.⁶
号而不嗄[號而不嗄] hão-ngĩ-būt-hà háoérbùshà yelled but did not get hoarse.⁶
<又> ä/.
(See 嗄 ä/.)
ha4 5384
35 10 xià summer; the Xia dynasty c. 2000 BC; Xia of the Sixteen Kingdoms (407-432); Xia surname.
(composition: ⿱𦣻夂(GJK) or ⿱𦣻夊(HT); U+590F).
春夏秋冬 chün-hà-tiü-üng chūnxiàqiūdōng the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.¹⁰
夏季 hà-gï
xiàjì summer.
夏天 hà-hëin
xiàtiān summer.
夏至 hà-jï
xiàzhì Summer Solstice (10th solar term, Jun 21 or 22).⁶
夏枯草 hà-kü-tāo
xiàkūcǎo common self-heal, heal-all, heart-of-the-earth (Prunella vulgaris).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
夏威夷 Hà-vï-yĩ
Xiàwēiyí Hawaii.
夏羊 hà-yẽng
xiàyáng black sheep.⁸
华夏[華夏] Vã-hà
Huáxià <wr.> China.
炎夏 yèm-hà
yánxià hot summer; scorching summer.¹⁰
<又> gā.
(See 夏 gā).
ha4 5385
53 广 13 shà tall building; edifice.
大厦[大廈] ài-hà dàshà building; mansion.
高楼大厦[高樓大廈] gäo-lẽo-ài-hà
gāolóudàshà high buildings and large mansions.
广厦[廣廈] gōng-hà
guǎngshà <wr.> huge mansion.
(See 廈 [hà, xià].)
ha4 5386
53 广 13 xià abbreviation for Xiamen or Amoy.
厦门[廈門] Hà-mõn Xiàmén Xiamen (Amoy) in 福建 Fūk-gèin Fújiàn Fujian Province.
(See 廈 [hà, shà].)
ha4 5387
72 13 xiá free time; leisure.⁵
不暇 būt-hà bùxiá be too busy (for something).⁵
自顾不暇[自顧不暇] dù-gü-būt-hà
zìgùbùxiá be unable even to fend for oneself (much less look after others).⁵
暇景 hà-gēin
xiájǐng leisure hours; spare time.⁷
暇晷 hà-gī
xiáguǐ unoccupied time.¹¹
暇刻 hà-hāk
xiákè a free moment.¹¹
暇日 hà-ngìt
xiárì days of leisure.¹¹
暇时[暇時] hà-sĩ
xiáshí leisure time.¹¹
暇豫 hà-yì
xiáyù leisurely; relaxed; relaxation.⁷
暇逸 hà-yìt
xiáyì relaxation; to relax; to idle.⁷
好整以暇 häo-jēin-yî-hà
hàozhěngyǐxiá remain calm and composed while handling pressing affairs.⁵
无暇[無暇] mũ-hà
wúxiá have no time for.¹¹
余暇[餘暇] yĩ-hà
yúxiá spare time; leisure time; leisure.⁵
ha4 5388
1 3 xià 一下 yīt-hâ yīxià (used after a verb as its complement, indicating an act or an attempt) one time, once; in a short while, all at once, all of a sudden.⁶
<台> 瓦下 ngā-hâ under, below.
<又> hä, hâ.
(See 下 hä, hâ.)
ha5 5389
104 9 xiā (<old>=瘕 gā jiǎ) disease of the throat.⁸
<又> ngâ.
(See 瘕 gā).
ha5 5390
142 15 xiā shrimp, prawn.⁸ (variant: 鰕 hâ xiā).
虾兵蟹将[蝦兵蟹將] hâ-bëin-hāi-dëng
xiābīng-xièjiàng (in Chinese myths) shrimp soldiers and crab generals; ineffective troops.⁸
虾炒饭[蝦炒飯] hâ-chāo-fàn
xiāchǎofàn shrimp fried rice.¹⁹
虾酱[蝦醬] hâ-dëng
xiājiàng shrimp sauce.¹⁴
虾子[蝦子] hâ-dū
xiāzǐ shrimp roe/eggs.⁶
虾膏[蝦膏] hâ-gäo
xiāgāo shrimp paste.¹⁹
虾壳[蝦殼] hâ-hôk
xiāké or 虾皮[蝦皮] hâ-pĩ xiāpí the shell of the shrimp.¹⁴
虾米[蝦米] hâ-māi
xiāmi (usually small) dried shrimps.⁷
虾仁[蝦仁] hâ-ngĩn
xiārén or 虾仁儿[蝦仁兒] hâ-ngĩn-ngĩ  xiārénr a shrimp with its shell removed.⁷
虾片[蝦片] hâ-pëin
xiāpiàn shrimp chips.⁰
虾皮[蝦皮] hâ-pĩ
xiāpí dried small shrimp.⁷ the shell of the shrimp.¹⁴ (See 虾壳[蝦殼] hâ-hôk).
虾须[蝦鬚] hâ-xü
xiāxū shrimp's feelers.¹¹
虾夷[蝦夷] hâ-yĩ
xiāyí  Emishi or Ebisu, ethnic group of ancient Japan, thought to be related to modern Ainus.¹⁰
虾油[蝦油] hâ-yiũ
xiāyóu shrimp sauce.⁶
对虾[對蝦] uï-hâ
duìxiā <zoo.> prawn.¹¹
<台> 虾 hâ/ shrimp.
<又> hā, hä, mâ.
(See 蝦 [hā, ]; [hā, xiā]; hä; mâ; 鰕 hâ)
ha5 5391
195 20 xiā (=虾[蝦] hâ xiā) shrimp, prawn.⁸
(composition: ⿰魚叚; U+9C15).
(See 蝦 hâ).
ha5 5392
30 9 hāi hāi dammit!.⁵ oh.⁹ sound of sighing.¹⁰
咳㖷 hāi-hãi hāití to cry.²⁴
咳,真有这事[咳,真有這事] Hāi, jïn-yiû-jëh-xù.
Hāi, zhēnyǒuzhèshì. Ah, there is really such a thing.
(See 咳 kāt, kät.)
hai1 5393
30 13 hāi hāi hi.⁸ hey.⁹ oh alas; hey!; <loan> hi!.¹⁰
嗨呀 hāi-à hāiya used to express surprise, or pain.⁹
嗨哟[嗨喲] hāi-yö
hāiyō heave ho; yo-heave-ho; yo-ho.³⁹
(See 嗨 [hāi, hēi].)
hai1 5394
30 13 hāi hēi hey!⁸
嗨,这个真好![嗨,這個真好!]⁴ Hāi, jëh-göi jïn-hāo! Hēi, zhège  zhēnhǎo! Hey, this one is really good!
(See 嗨 [hāi, hāi].)
hai1 5395
85 16 hāi xiè become/get thin, thin down; <topo.> cause to thin down, thin with water.⁶ a blocked stream; gulf; bay; sea.⁸ a creek; to become watery – as paste.¹⁴
渤澥 Bòt-hāi Bóxiè ancient name for the Bohai Sea.⁶
粥澥了 jūk-hāi-lēl
zhōuxièle the porridge has lost its glueyness.⁶
hai1 5396
109 12 hāi to stare; to look at; to glance at.¹⁴
睇不入眼 hāi-būt-yìp-ngān dìbùrùyǎn look at with displeasure.¹⁹
睇视[睇視] hāi-sì
dìshì glance.¹¹ to look sideways.²⁴
迎睇 ngẽin-hāi
yíngdì <wr.> welcome.³⁹
<台> 睇 hāi to see.
<台> 睇报纸[睇報紙] hāi-bäo-jī to read a newspaper.
<台> 睇病 hāi-bèng to see a doctor.
<台> 睇穿 hāi-chün to see through.
<台> 睇档[睇檔] hāi-döng to look after the booth/stall.
<台> 睇紧[睇緊] hāi-gīn to watch out for, keep an eye on.
<台> 睇戏[睇戲] hāi-hï to watch a play/movie/opera.
<台> 睇唔起 hāi-m̃-hī to look down upon.
<台> 睇唔开[睇唔開] hāi-m̃-höi take things too hard, cannot get over something.
<台> 睇脉[睇脈] hāi-mäk to check the pulse.
<台> 睇牛仔 hāi-ngẽo-dōi cowboy.
<台> 睇书[睇書] hāi-sï to read books.
<台> 睇数[睇數] hāi-sü (at restaurant) Check, please!
<台> 睇水 hāi-suī to be on the lookout, to keep watch.
<台> 睇相 hāi-xëng fortune telling.
<台> 睇医生[睇醫生] hāi-yï-säng/ to see a doctor.
<台> 好睇 hāo-hāi fun to watch (a show), good-looking.
hai1 5397
110 18 𥎎
hāi xiè (composition: ⿰矛解; U+2538E).
𥎎❄{⿰矛解}䂊 hāi-yì xièyù a sort of spear.²⁴
hai1 5398
142 19 hāi xiè crab; infraorder: Brachyura.⁸ (variant: 蠏 hāi xiè).
蟹厄 hāi-āk
xiè'è crab pest in fields.¹¹
蟹酱[蟹醬] hāi-dëng
xièjiàng crab paste.¹⁰
蟹粉 hāi-fūn
xièfěn minced crab meat.¹¹
蟹壳[蟹殼] hāi-hôk
xièké crab shell.¹¹
蟹爪 hāi-jāo
xièzhuǎ crab's claws.¹¹
蟹爪兰[蟹爪蘭] hāi-jāo-lãn
xièzhuǎlán holiday cactus.¹⁰
or 蟹箝[蟹箝] hāi-kẽm xièqián crab's claws.³⁹
蟹匡 hāi-köng
or hāi-höng xièkuāng back of crab.¹¹
蟹獴 hāi-mũng
xièměng crab-eating mongoose.¹⁰
蟹螯 hāi-ngão
or hāi-ngào xiè'áo crab's big claws.¹¹
蟹肉 hāi-ngùk
xièròu crab meat.¹⁰
蟹断[蟹斷] hāi-òn
xièduàn a weir or stretch of bamboo stakes to intercept crabs.¹¹
蟹青 hāi-tëin
xièqīng greenish-grey color.¹¹
蟹脐[蟹臍] hāi-tî
xièqí the belly flap in the under part of crab, elongated in male called 尖脐[尖臍] dëm-tî jiānqí and round in female, called 圆脐[圓臍] yõn-tî yuánqí.¹¹
蟹黄[蟹黃] hāi-võng
xièhuáng  the ovaries, roe and digestive tract of the crab; soft interior of crab as a food delicacy; crab meat.¹⁰
(See 蠏 hāi).
hai1 5399
142 19 hāi xiè (=蟹 hāi xiè) crab; infraorder: Brachyura.
(See 蟹 hāi).
hai1 5400
158 12 hāi (=體 hāi ) the body; shape, form; an entity, a unit; a style, a fashion, a system; substance, essence; theory (as opposed to practice).⁷
(composition: ⿰身本; U+8EB0).

(See 體 [hāi,
hai1 5401
158 20 hāi (=體 hāi ) the body; shape, form; an entity, a unit; a style, a fashion, a system; substance, essence; theory (as opposed to practice).⁷
(composition: ⿰身豊; U+8EC6).
(See 體 hāi).
hai1 5402
164 16 hāi a kind of reddish wine.⁷ a dark, red wine.¹⁴
粢醍 dü-hāi zītǐ a rich, reddish spirit distilled from millet.¹⁴
<又> hãi.
(See 醍 hãi.)
hai1 5403
188 14 hāi (=體 hāi ) the body; shape, form; an entity, a unit; a style, a fashion, a system; substance, essence; theory (as opposed to practice).⁷
(composition: ⿰骨本; U+9AB5).
(See 體 hāi).
hai1 5404
188 22 hāi body; shape, form; entity; style, system; essence; theory.⁷ (variants: 躰, 軆, 骵 hāi ). (See 躰, 軆, 骵 hāi; 體 [hāi, ].)
体积[體積] hāi-dēik
tǐjī volume; bulk; cubical measure.⁶
体态[體態] hāi-häi
tǐtài posture; carriage; bearing.⁶
体态姣好[體態姣好] hāi-häi-gāo-hāo
tǐtàijiāohǎo beautiful and charming carriage.⁶
体态娇娆[體態嬌嬈] hāi-häi-gël-ngẽl
tǐtàijiāoráo charming and beautiful carriage.⁶
体态娉婷[體態娉婷] hāi-häi-pëin-hẽin
tǐtàipīngtíng have a graceful carriage.⁶
体系[體系] hāi-hài
tǐxì system; setup.⁶
体贴[體貼] hāi-hëp
tǐtiē showing consideration for; give every care to.⁵
体力[體力] hāi-lèik
tǐlì physical strength; physical power.
体无完肤[體無完膚] hāi-mũ-yõn-fü
tǐwúwánfū have cuts and bruises all over the body, be a mass of bruises; be thoroughly or scathingly refuted.⁵
体操[體操] hāi-täo
tǐcāo gymnastics; calisthenics.
体会[體會] hāi-vòi
tǐhuì to know from experience; to realize; understanding; experience.
体温[體溫] hāi-vün
tǐwēn temperature (of the body).⁵
体恤[體恤] hāi-xūt
tǐxù understand and sympathize with.⁵
体育[體育] hāi-yùk
tǐyù physical education; sports.

hai1 5405
188 22 hāi 体己[體己] hāi-gī tīji (=梯己 häi-gī tīji) intimate, close, confidential; private savings (of a family member).⁶
(See 體 [hāi, ].)
hai1 5406
9 12 häi dǎi 傣族 Häi-dùk Dǎizú the Dai nationality of 云南[雲南] Vũn-nãm Yúnnán Yunnan Province.
傣剧[傣劇] Häi-kēk
Dǎijù Dai opera.
hai2 5407
9 12 häi tài (=态[態] häi tài manner, bearing, behavior, policy, attitude.⁸
(composition: ⿰亻能; U+3477).
(See 態 häi).
hai2 5408
9 16 häi dài appearance of stupidity.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰亻臺; U+5113).
儓儗 häi-ngì dàinǐ foolish-looking.⁸ʼ¹⁴
<又> hõi.
(See 儓 hõi).
hai2 5409
18 9 häi to shave.⁶ (variant: 鬀, 鬄 häi ).
剃刀 häi-äo
tìdāo razor.⁶
剃刀鲸[剃刀鯨] häi-äo-kẽin
tìdāojīng blue whale.⁶
剃光头[剃光頭] häi-göng-hẽo
tìguāngtóu to have one's head shaved clean – score no points in a game; everyone fails in an examination.⁶
剃头[剃頭] häi-hẽo
tìtóu have a haircut; shave one's head.⁶
剃头店[剃頭店] häi-hẽo-ëm
tìtóudiàn barbershop.⁶
剃枝虫[剃枝蟲] häi-jï-chũng
tìzhīchóng <topo> armyworm.⁶
剃度 häi-ù
tìdù <Budd.> tonsure – become a Buddhist monk or nun; shave/cut off the hair.⁶
剃须[剃鬚] häi-xü
tìxū shave one's beard; have a shave.⁶
剃须膏[剃鬚膏] häi-xü-gäo
tìxūgāo shaving cream/foam.⁶
(See 鬀, 鬄 häi).
hai2 5410
37 4 häi tài highest; greatest; too (much); very; extremely.¹⁰
太白粉 häi-bàk-fūn tàibáifěn cornstarch, potato starch.⁸
太保 häi-bāo
tàibǎo formerly, Grand Tutor to crown prince; juvenile delinquent.¹¹
太子妃 häi-dū-fï
tàizǐfēi wife of the crown prince.⁵⁴
太监[太監] häi-gäm
tàijiàn court eunuch.⁸
太极拳[太極拳] häi-gèik-kũn
tàijíquán shadowboxing or Taiji, T'aichi or T'aichichuan; traditional form of physical exercise or relaxation; a martial art.¹⁰
太过[太過] häi-gö
tàiguò excessively; too.¹⁰
太太 häi-häi
tàitai married woman; Mrs.; Madam; wife.¹⁰
太皓 häi-hào
or häi-hâo tàihào the firmament.¹⁴
太空 häi-hüng
tàikōng outer space.¹¹
太空站 häi-hüng-jàm
tàikōngzhàn space stations.¹¹
太牢 häi-lão
tàiláo sacrificial ox.⁵
太平 häi-pẽin
tàipíng peace, world peace.¹¹
太平洋 Häi-pẽin-yẽng
Tàipíng Yáng Pacific Ocean.⁴³
太常 häi-sẽng
tàicháng Minister of Ceremonies in imperial China, one of the Nine Ministers 九卿 Giū-hëin Jiǔqīng.¹⁰
太上皇 häi-sèng-võng
tàishànghuáng emperor's father.¹¹
太尉 häi-vï
tàiwèi <old> supreme government official in charge of military affairs (in feudal China).⁶
太阳[太陽] häi-yẽng
tàiyáng the sun.¹¹
太阴[太陰] häi-yïm
tàiyīn <topo.> the moon; lunar.⁵
hai2 5411
37 9 häi corpulent; abundant, plenteous; flourishing.⁸ full, fat and flourishing.²⁴ (variant: 𡘐❄{⿳大亠日} häi ).
(composition: ⿱大旨; U+369B).
<又> hēik.
(See 㚛 hēik; 𡘐❄{⿳大亠日} häi).
hai2 5412
37 9 𡘐
häi (=㚛 häi corpulent; abundant, plenteous; flourishing.⁸ full, fat and flourishing.²⁴).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿳大亠日; U+21610).
❄{⿳大亠日} pēik-häi biéxì fat.²
<又> hēik.
(See 𡘐❄{⿳大亠日} hēik; 㚛 häi).
hai2 5413
38 8 häi wife.⁸ (variant: 𡝣❄{⿱尚女} häi )
夫妻 fü-häi
fūqī husband and wife.¹¹
妻弟 häi-ài
qīdì wife's younger brother.⁸
妻子 häi-dū
qīzǐ wife and children.⁶
妻子 häi-dū
qīzi wife.⁶
妻管严[妻管嚴] häi-gōn-ngẽm
qīguǎnyán henpecked husband.⁶
妻舅 häi-kiû
qījiù wife's brother.⁸
妻离子散[妻離子散] häi-lĩ-dū-xān
qīlízǐsàn family broken.⁸
妻儿老小[妻兒老小] häi-ngĩ-lāo-xēl
qī'érlǎoxiǎo wife and family.⁸
or 妻帑 häi-nũ qīnú <wr.> wife and children.¹¹
妻党[妻黨] häi-ōng
qīdǎng wife's clan.⁸
妻室 häi-sīt
qīshì <wr.> legal wife.¹⁰
妻妾 häi-tēp
qīqiè wife and concubine(s).⁶
妻小 häi-xēl
qīxiǎo wife and children.⁸
(See 妻 [häi, ]; 𡝣❄{⿱尚女} häi).
hai2 5414
38 8 häi   to marry one's daughter to someone.⁷
妻之 häi-jï qìzhī to get someone to marry one's daughter, niece.⁷
(See 妻 [häi, ].)
hai2 5415
38 11 𡝣
häi (<old>=妻 häi )¹⁰¹ wife.
(composition: ⿱尚女; U+21763).
(See 妻 häi).

hai2 5416 21763.gif
44 11 häi drawer; food steamer of several trays; steamer tray; removable part of a bed or chair usually made of rattan or wire.⁶
抽屉[抽屜] chëo-häi chōutì a desk drawer.¹¹
串屉儿[串屜兒] chün-hãi-ngī
chuàntìr to warm up (rolls, buns) by putting in oven for short time.¹¹
屉子[屜子] häi-dū
tìzi food steamer of several trays; removable part of a bed or chair usually made of rattan or wire; <topo.> drawer.⁶
屉柜[屜櫃] häi-gì
tìguì chest of drawers.⁸
屉帽[屜帽] häi-mào
tìmào lid or cover of a steamer.⁶
鞋屉[鞋屜] hãi-häi
xiétì shoe pad.¹¹
拉抽屉[拉抽屜] lā-chëo-häi
lāchōutì pull out desk drawer; fig. go back on one's word; make seesaw action.¹¹
笼屉[籠屜] lûng-häi
lóngtì bamboo/wooden food steamer.⁶ bamboo steamer (for buns or dimsum).¹⁰
窗屉[窗屜] töng-hãi
chuāngtì props for window which opens from hinge above.¹¹
三屉桌[三屜桌] xäm-häi-jēk
sāntìzhuō three-drawer desk.⁶
新屉儿[新屜兒] xïn-hãi-ngī
xīntìr fresh from the oven.¹¹
一屉馒头[一屜饅頭] yīt-häi-màn-hẽo
yītìmántou a trayful of steamed buns.⁶
hai2 5417
61 6 häi tài extravagant; luxurious.¹⁰
侈忕无度[侈忕無度] chï-häi-mũ-ù chǐtàiwúdù be wasteful beyond measure.⁵⁴
<又> sì.
(See 忕 sì.)
hai2 5418
61 14 häi tài an attitude, a position; a manner, carriage, bearing, deportment; a situation, a condition, circumstances; <phy.> state of matter.⁷
态势[態勢] häi-säi tàishì posture; <mil.> situation.⁷
态度[態度] häi-ù
tàidu attitude (toward subject, person).¹¹
态度娴雅[態度嫻雅] häi-ù-hãn-ngâ
tàidùxiányǎ to have refined manners.⁷
态度好[態度好] häi-ù-hāo
tàidùhǎo well-mannered; courteous; well-behaved; elegant.⁷
态度暧昧[態度曖昧] häi-ù-ōi-mòi
tàidu'àimèi assume an ambiguous attitude.⁵
态度和蔼[態度和藹] häi-ù-võ-ōi
tàiduhé'ǎi one's demeanor is dignified and courteous; amiable; kindly.³⁹
态度和平[態度和平] häi-ù-võ-pẽin
tàidùhépíng friendly; a peaceful attitude; amicable.⁷
态度坏[態度壞] häi-ù-vài tàidùhuài ill-mannered; impolite; discourteous; impertinent.⁷
态度温和[態度溫和] häi-ù-vün-võ
tàiduwēnhé mild manner; mild of manner; a kindly manner; be gentle.³⁹
气态[氣態] hï-häi
qìtài <phy.> gaseous state; manner; air; bearing.¹⁰
三态[三態] xäm-häi
sāntài <phy.> the three states of matter (固态 solid, 液态 liquid, and 气态 gas).⁵⁴
hai2 5419
64 12 häi a head ornament, hairpin or hair clasp used to scratch one's head.⁸ that by which the hair is held together, a comb.²⁵
(composition: ⿰扌帝; U+63E5).
象揥 dèng-häi xiàngtì a head scratcher made of ivory; also an ivory hairpin.¹⁹ an ivory comb.²⁵
<又> äi.
(See 揥 äi).
hai2 5420
73 12 häi take the place of, replace, substitute for; for, on behalf of; <wr.> decline.⁵
交替 gäo-häi jiāotì supersede; replace.⁵
替班 häi-bän
tìbān to act as substitute; to fill in for somebody.⁵
替补[替補] häi-bū
tìbǔ to substitute for somebody; reserve player.¹⁰
替罪羊 häi-duì-yẽng
tìzuìyáng scapegoat.⁵
替角儿[替角兒] häi-gôk-ngĩ
tìjuér understudy.⁵
替工 häi-güng
tìgōng work as a temporary substitute;  temporary substitute (worker).⁵
替另 häi-lèin
tìlìng in addition, separately.¹¹
替代 häi-òi
tìdài substitute for; replace; supersede.⁵
替身 häi-sïn
tìshēn substitute; replacement; stand-in; scapegoat.⁵
替手 häi-siū
tìshǒu substitute.¹¹
替换[替換] häi-vòn
tìhuan replace; substitute for; displace; take the place of.⁵
替死鬼 häi-xī-gī
tìsǐguǐ <topo.> scapegoat; fall guy.⁵
兴替[興替] hëin-häi
xīngtì <wr.> rise and fall.⁵
冒名顶替[冒名頂替] mào-mẽin-ēin-häi
màomíngdǐngtì take another's place by assuming his name.⁵
代替 òi-häi
dàitì replace; substitute for; take the place of.⁵
hai2 5421
75 11 häi ladder, steps, stairs; shaped like a staircase; terraced.⁵
电梯[電梯] èin-häi diàntī elevator; escalator.¹⁰
阶梯[階梯] gäi-häi
jiētī stairs; a flight of steps.¹¹
梯子 häi-dū
tīzi ladder; stepladder.⁵
梯己 häi-gī
tīji (=体己[體己] hāi-gī tīji) intimate, close, confidential; private savings (of a family member).⁶
梯田 häi-hẽin
tītián terraced fields; terrace.⁵
梯次队形[梯次隊形] häi-xü-duì-yẽin
tīcì duìxíng <mil.> echelon formation.⁵
梯队[梯隊] häi-duì
tīduì <mil.> echelon formation; echelon.⁵
梯级[梯級] häi-kīp
tījí stair; step.⁵
梯度 häi-ù
tīdù gradient.⁸
梯形 häi-yẽin
tīxíng ladder-shaped; <math.> trapezoid.⁵
梯恩梯 häi-yïn-häi
tī'ēntī <loan> trinitrotoluene (TNT).⁵
楼梯[樓梯] lẽo-häi
lóutī staircase.⁵
人梯 ngĩn-häi
réntī human ladder; person who helps another to rise to success.⁵⁴
绳梯[繩梯] sẽin-häi
shéngtī rope ladder.⁵
桅梯 vĩ-häi
wéitī (ship's) shrouds.¹¹
hai2 5422
85 7 häi tài excessive; scour, wash out.⁸ to discard; to eliminate.¹⁰
涤汰[滌汰] èik-häi dítài to wash away; to eradicate.¹⁰
汰旧换新[汰舊換新] häi-giù-vòn-xïn
tàijiùhuànxīn out with the old and in with the new (idiom).¹⁰
天然淘汰 hëin-ngẽin-hõ-häi
tiānrán táotài natural selection.¹¹
淘汰 hõ-häi
or hão-häi táotài eliminate through selection or competition; die out, fall into disuse.⁵
甄汰 jïn-häi
zhēntài to eliminate by an examination.⁷
劣汰[劣汰] lūt-häi
liètài elimination of the weakest.¹⁰
埋汰 mãi-häi
máitai <topo.> dirty; to mock somebody.¹⁰
优胜劣汰[優勝劣汰] yiü-sëin-lūt-häi
yōushèngliètài survival of the fittest (idiom).¹⁰
hai2 5423
85 9 häi to blow the nose.¹⁴ A variant of 涕 häi tears; mucus.¹⁰¹ (Note: Ministry of Education and Matthews do not agree on the meaning of this character.)
(composition: ⿰氵夷; U+6D1F).
垂洟 suĩ-häi
chuítì to spit and blow the nose.¹⁴
<又> yĩ.
(See 洟 yĩ; 涕 häi).
hai2 5424
85 10 häi tài safe, peaceful, grand.
国泰[國泰] Gōk-häi Guótài Cathay Pacific (Hong Kong airline).
国泰民安[國泰民安] gōk-häi-mĩn-ön
guótàimín'ān The country is prosperous and the people are at peace.³⁹
泰斗 häi-ēo
tàidǒu eminent scholar; Mount Tai and the North Star.
泰国[泰國] Häi-gōk
Tàiguó Thailand.
泰亨 häi-häng
tàihēng prosperous; successful.¹⁴
泰然 häi-ngẽin
tàirán calm; self-composed.
泰岱 häi-òi
tàidài anothee name for 泰山 Häi Sän Tài Shān Mount Tai, the Eastern sacred mountain in Shandong.
泰山 Häi Sän
Tài Shān Mount Tai (in Shandong Province)  – symbol of great weight or importance; father-in-law (another name for wife's father 岳父 ngòk-fù yuèfù.
泰山北斗 Häi-sän Bāk-ēo
Tàishān-Běidǒu Mount Tai and the North Star; eminent scholar.
泰水 häi-suī
tàishuǐ <wr.> wife's mother.
安泰 ön-häi
āntài <wr.> peaceful; in good health.
hai2 5425
85 10 häi ➀ tears ➁ nasal mucus.¹⁰ (variant: 洟 häi ).¹⁰¹
鼻涕 bì-häi
bíti nasal mucus, snivel.¹⁰
揩鼻涕 gäi-bì-häi
or käi-bì-häi kāibíti to wipe away/out  one's snivel.⁶
涕泣 häi-hīp
tìqì <wr.> cry, weep. sob.⁶
涕零 häi-lẽng
tìlíng shed tears; weep.⁶
涕零如雨 häi-lẽng-nguĩ-yî
tìlíngrúyǔ tears streaming or flowing or rolling down like rain.⁶
涕泪[涕淚] häi-luî
tìlèi tears; tears and snivel.⁶
涕泗 häi-xü
tìsì tears and snivel.⁶
涕泗交流 häi-xü-gäo-liũ
tìsìjiāoliú tears and mucus streaming/running down – crying piteously.⁶
涕泗滂沱 häi-xü-põng-hõ
or häi-xü-põng-hũ tìsìpāngtuó  be drenched with tears and snivel.⁶
泣涕涟涟[泣涕漣漣] hīp-häi-lẽin-lẽin
qìtìliánlián weep profusely.¹¹
拾人涕唾 sìp-ngĩn-häi-tû
shíréntìtuò to plagiarize (idiom).¹⁰
泄涕 xēik-häi
xiètì to come to tears; to cry.⁷
擤鼻涕 xïn-bì-häi
xǐngbítì blow one's nose.⁶
(See 洟 häi tì).
hai2 5426
120 13 häi a silk and cotton fabric.⁵
线绨[綫綈] xëin-häi xiàntì a textile for bedcover.¹⁰
线绨被面[綫綈被面] xëin-häi-pî-mèin
xiàntìbèimiàn cotton rayon union quilt cover.⁶ cotton rayon mixed bed blanket; rayon cotton union quilt cover.⁵⁴
<又> hãi.
(See 綈 hãi.)
hai2 5427
130 8 häi tài peptide (two or more amino acids linked by peptide bonds CO-NH).¹⁰
hai2 5428
140 16 häi <wr.> remove weeds; (=剃 häi ) to shave.⁶
大水薙鸟[大水薙鳥] ài-suī-häi-nêl
dàshuǐtìniǎo streaked shearwater (Calonectris leucomelas), a species of seabird.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
薙发[薙髮] häi-fāt
tìfà to shave.¹¹
薙草[薙草] häi-tāo
tìcǎo to weed.¹¹
(See 剃 häi).
hai2 5429
145 13 häi <wr.> swaddling clothes.⁶
(composition: ⿰衤易; U+88FC).
<又> tēik. (See 裼 tēik).
hai2 5430
145 14 häi (=𧝐❄{⿰衤啻} häi and =褓 bāo bǎo) a baby's quilt; swaddling.
(composition: ⿰衤帝; U+8905).
hai2 5431
145 16 häi a swaddling cloth for infant; a broad bandage for carrying an infant on the back.⁸
(composition: ⿰衤啇; U+4657).
hai2 5432
145 17 𧝐
häi the cloth on which a child is carried on a nurse's back.²⁵
(composition: ⿰衤啻; U+27750).
Synonyms: 裼 häi ; 䙗 häi ; 褅 häi ; 褅 häi ; 褓 bāo bǎo; 緥 bāo bǎo.¹⁰²
hai2 5433
154 12 häi dài loan; borrow or lend; shift (responsibility), shirk; pardon, forgive.⁵
高利贷[高利貸] gäo-lì-häi gāolìdài high-interest loans, usury.¹¹
贷出[貸出] häi-chūt
dàichū to lend.¹⁴
贷借[貸借] häi-dëh
dàijiè a loan; to borrow or lend.¹⁴
贷款[貸款] häi-fōn
dàikuǎn provide (or grant) a loan, extend credit to, make an advance to; load, credit.⁵
贷方[貸方] häi-föng
dàifāng credit side; credit.⁵
贷减[貸減] häi-gām
dàijiǎn to diminish (penalty/pain).¹⁴
贷学金[貸學金] häi-hòk-gïm
dàixuéjīn student loan.⁶
贷主[貸主] häi-jī
dàizhǔ creditor.⁶
贷入[貸入] häi-yìp
dàirù to borrow; to seek for a loan.¹⁴
严惩不贷[嚴懲不貸] ngẽm-chẽin-būt-häi
yánchéngbùdài to punish severely (idiom).¹⁰
信贷[信貸] xïn-häi
xìndài credit.⁵
hai2 5434
163 10 häi name of a stream in 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan Province; Qi surname.⁸
hai2 5435
164 11 häi tài <chem.> phthalein.⁵
酚酞 fün-häi fēntài phenolphthalein.⁵
酚酞试纸[酚酞試紙] fün-häi-sï-jī
fēntàishìzhǐ phenolphthalein test paper.⁵
酞基 häi-gï
tàijī phthalidyl.⁶
酞类[酞類] häi-luì
tàilèi phthalein.⁶
酞醇 häi-sũn
tàichún phthalyl alcohol.⁶
酞酸 häi-xön
tàisuān phthalic acid.⁶
酞酸盐[酞酸鹽] häi-xön-yẽm
tàisuānyán phthalate.⁶
hai2 5436
167 12 häi tài titanium (Ti).⁶
钛白[鈦白] häi-bàk tàibái titanium dioxide/white.⁶
钛箔[鈦箔] häi-bòk
tàibó titanium foil.⁶
钛化合物[鈦化合物] häi-fä-hàp-mùt
or häi-fä-hàp-mòt tàihuàhéwù titanium compound.⁶
钛粉[鈦粉] häi-fūn
tàifěn titanium powder.⁶
钛钢[鈦鋼] häi-gông
tàigāng titanium steel. ⁶
钛合金[鈦合金] häi-hàp-gïm
tàihéjīn titanium alloy.⁶
钛铁矿[鈦鐵礦] häi-hëik-köng
tàitiěkuàng ilmenite; titanium iron ore.⁶
钛离子[鈦離子] häi-lĩ-dū
tàilízǐ titanium ion.⁶
钛铀矿[鈦鈾礦] häi-yiũ-köng
tàiyóukuàng brannerite.⁶
hai2 5437
167 15 häi antimony (Sb); stibium.⁶
灰锑矿[灰銻礦] föi-häi-köng huītīkuàng gray antimony.⁵⁴
金属锑[金屬銻] gïm-sùk-häi
jīnshǔtī antimony; stibium.⁵⁴
锑化物[銻化物] häi-fä-mùt
or häi-fä-mòt tīhuàwù antimonide; stibnide; stibide.⁶
锑中毒[銻中毒] häi-jüng-ùk
tīzhōngdú antimony poisoning; stibialism.⁶
锑矿[銻礦] häi-köng
tīkuàng antimony ore.⁶
锑酸[銻酸] häi-xön
tīsuān antimonic acid.⁶
锑酸盐[銻酸鹽] häi-xön-yẽm
tīsuānyán antimonate.¹⁰
<又> tāi.
(See 銻 tāi.)
hai2 5438
190 13 häi wig.¹ a switch of false hair.¹⁴ to pluck out the hair of persons, in order to supply those who have a deficiency; a prince once seeing a man's wife with beautiful hair, ordered it to be shaved, in order to make a wig for his concubine; hence used for false hair, a wig.²⁵ <lit.> Alternative form of 鬄 (“wig”).³⁶ (variant: 鬄 häi ).
(composition: ⿱髟也; U+9AE2).
<又> hâi.
(See 鬄 häi; 髢 hâi).
hai2 5439
190 17 häi (=剃 häi ) to shave.⁶
(See 剃 häi).
hai2 5440
190 18 häi (<old>=剃 häi ) to shave.⁶ (=髢 häi ) to shave.¹¹ to pluck out the hair of one person, in order to supply the deficiency of another; to shave, to loosen, to remove.²⁵
(composition: ⿱髟易; U+9B04).
<又> hâi.
(See 剃 häi; 髢 häi; 鬄 hâi).
hai2 5441
9 11 hãi to advance with dfficulty.²⁴ lagging; slow to move; tardy.³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻是; U+504D).
hai3 5442
9 11 hãi xié (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 偕 gäi xié with same meaning.)
<又> gäi.
(See 偕 gäi.)
hai3 5443
12 4 hãi (a particle which adds a certain mood, like modern 啊 in the middle or at the end of a line of poetry.)
脏兮兮[髒兮兮] döng-hãi-hãi zāngxīxī very much soiled; very dirty.
风萧萧兮易水寒,壮士一去兮不复还. [風蕭蕭兮易水寒,壯士一去兮不復還.] füng-xël-xël-hãi Yèik-suī-hõn, jöng-xù-yī-huï-hãi-būt-fùk-vãn.
fēngxiāoxiāoxī Yìshuǐhán, zhuàngshìyīqùxī bùfùhuán. The wind is wailing, cold the river Yi, and a hero sets forth, never to return.
归去来兮[歸去來兮] gï-huï-lõi-hãi
guīqùláixī I'm going home! I'm homeward bound.
倩兮 sèn-hãi
qiànxī How graceful she looks!
惨兮兮[慘兮兮] tām-hãi-hãi
cǎnxīxī sad-looking.
魂兮归来[魂兮歸來] vũn-hãi-gï-lõi
húnxīguīlái may the spirit of the deceased come back to us.⁶
hai3 5444
30 10 hãi (non-classical form of 啼 hãi ) to cry; to mourn; to howl, to twitter; to crow, to sneeze; a running at the nose.⁸
(composition: ⿰口弟; U+3592).
(See 啼 hãi).
hai3 5445
30 12 hãi to cry; to weep aloud; to crow; to hoot.¹⁰ (variants: 嗁 hãi; 㖷 hãi; 㖒 hãi).
悲啼 bï-hãi bēití to wail with grief; plaintive cry.¹⁰
鸡啼[雞啼] gäi-hãi
jītí cocks crow.¹¹
or 啼叫 hãi-gël tíjiào to scream – as birds.¹⁴
啼饥号寒[啼飢號寒] hãi-gï-hão-hõn
tíjīháohán hunger cries and cold roars (idiom); wretched poverty.¹⁰
啼哭 hãi-hük
tíkū to cry; to wail.¹⁰ to lament.¹⁴
啼声[啼聲] hãi-sëin
tíshēng ululation; to howl.¹⁰
啼笑皆非 hãi-xël-gäi-fï
tíxiàojiēfēi lit. not to know whether to laugh or cry (idiom); both funny and extremely embarrassing; in a desperate state; between laughter and tears.¹⁰
哭哭啼啼 hūk-hūk-hãi-hãi
kūkutítí to weep endlessly; interminable wailing.¹⁰
月落乌啼[月落烏啼] ngùt-lòk-vü-hãi
yuèluòwūtí the crows caw when the moon goes down.³⁹
(See 嗁 hãi;  㖷 hãi; 㖒 hãi.)
hai3 5446
30 12 hãi (=啼 hãi ) to cry; to mourn; to howl, to twitter; to crow.⁸ bird singing; (same as 啼) cry, mourn; to howl; to twitter; to crow.³⁶
咳㖷 hāi-hãi
hāití to cry.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口是; U+35B7).
<又> sĩ.
(See 㖷 sĩ).
hai3 5447
30 13 hãi (=啼 hãi ) to cry; to weep aloud; to crow; to hoot.¹⁰
(See 啼 hãi.)
hai3 5448
32 12 hãi dike; levee; embankment.⁶ (variant: 隄 hãi ).
长堤[長堤] chẽng-hãi
chángdī long dike.⁵⁴
堤坝[堤壩] hãi-bä
dībà dikes and dams.⁶
堤坡 hãi-bö dīpōvdike; slope/batter.⁶
堤埝 hãi-ëm
dīniàn dike; embankment.⁶
堤防 hãi-fõng
dīfáng dike; embankment.⁶
堤埂 hãi-gäng
dīgěng dike; embankment.⁶
堤拉米苏[堤拉米蘇] hãi-lā-māi-xü
dīlāmǐsū <loan> tiramisu.⁵⁴
堤岸 hãi-ngòn
dī'àn embankment.⁶
堤情 hãi-tẽin
dīqíng state of a dike.⁶
堤墙[堤牆] hãi-tẽng
dīqiáng embankment wall.⁶
堤围[堤圍] hãi-vĩ
dīwéi dike; embankment.⁶
堤堰 hãi-yēn
dīyàn dikes and dams.⁶
河堤 hõ-hãi
hédī dike, river embankment, levee.⁶
海堤 hōi-hãi
hǎidī seawall.⁵
土堤 hū-hãi
tǔdī earth embankment.⁹
修堤筑坝[修堤築壩] xiü-hãi-jūk-bä
xiūdīzhùbà to repair dikes and build dams.⁵⁴
(See 隄 hãi; 堤[hãi ]).
hai3 5449
32 12 hãi (alternate Mandarin pronunciation for 堤 hãi dike; levee; embankment.⁶)
(See 堤[hãi ]).
hai3 5450
37 10 hãi <wr.> where? what? how? why? servant; Xi surname.⁸
奚童 hãi-hũng xītóng <wr.> a boy servant.¹¹
奚落 hãi-lòk
xīluò to taunt; to ridicule; to jeer at; to treat coldly; to abandon.¹⁰
奚若 hãi-ngèk
xīruò why not (do something else)? it would be better to.¹¹
奚如 hãi-nguĩ
xīrú =奚若 hãi-ngèk xīruò).¹¹
奚奴 hãi-nũ
xīnú a slave.¹¹
hai3 5451
38 12 hãi at ease.⁸ used as phonetic; female name.¹⁰ at ease, fascinatingly beautiful.¹⁴ at ease; elegant.²⁴ happy, glorious; serene, composed.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰女是; U+5A9E).
媞媞 hãi-hãi títí beautiful, wonderful, glorious; peaceful, free from worry.⁹
<又> sì.
(See 媞 sì).
hai3 5452
38 13 hãi   slave girls.⁸ <old> female slave.³⁶
(composition: ⿰女奚; U+370E).
<又> hài. (See 㜎 hài).
hai3 5453
39 7 hãi hái (=孩 hãi hái child; son or daughter.⁶); a child; an infant, young; small.⁸
(composition: ⿰子介; U+373E).
(See 孩 hãi).
hai3 5454
39 9 hãi hái child; son or daughter.⁶
孩子 hãi-dū háizi child.⁶
孩子头[孩子頭] hãi-dū-hẽo
háizitóu leader of a group of children; grown-up popular with children.⁶
孩子气[孩子氣] hãi-dū-hï
háiziqì childishness.⁵
孩子话[孩子話] hãi-dū-và
háizihuà baby talk.⁶
孩提 hãi-hãi
háití <wr.> early childhood; infancy.⁵
孩童 hãi-hũng
háitóng child.⁶
孩儿[孩兒] hãi-ngĩ
hái'ér child; son or daughter.⁶
孩儿茶[孩兒茶] hãi-ngĩ-chã
hái'érchá ramulus acaciae.⁶
孩儿参[孩兒參] hãi-ngĩ-täm
hái'érshēn <TCM> Caryophyllaceous ginseng.⁶
小孩 xēl-hãi
xiǎohái child.¹⁰
女孩 nuī-hãi
nǚhái girl.⁵
hai3 5455
44 9 𡱍
hãi hái (demotic abbreviation of 骸 hãi hái)² bones of the body, skeleton; body.⁵ shinbone; skeleton.⁷
(composition: ⿸尸亥; U+21C4D).
(See 骸 hãi).
hai3 5456
46 12 hãi (composition: ⿰山帝; U+5D39).
岧崹 hẽl-hãi tiáotí tall, towering.¹⁹
崥崹 pĩ-hãi
pítí (of mountains) gradually flatenned.⁸ hilly, the form of a hill gradually sloping off.²⁴
hai3 5457
61 12 hãi (composition: ⿰忄是; U+60FF).
惿𢠹❄{⿰忄斯} hãi-xü tísī timid, cowardly; be afraid, be scared.⁸ the mind alarmed; afraid.²⁴
<又> sĩ.
(See 惿 sĩ).
hai3 5458
64 12 hãi 打提溜 ā-hãi-liũ dǎ dīliu <topo.> to spin around; to twirl; to go into a tailspin.
提防 hãi-fõng
dīfang or tífang or tífáng to take precautions against or to be on guard against.
提溜 hãi-liũ
dīliu <topo.> to carry (in one's hand).
(See 提 [hãi, ].)
hai3 5459
64 12 hãi carry (in one's hand with arm down); lift, promote; shift to an earlier time, move up a date; put forward, bring up, raise; take out, extract; mention; dipper; rising stroke.⁵
提拔 hãi-bàt tíba promote.⁵
提倡 hãi-chëng tíchàng advocate; promote; encourage.⁵
提高 hãi-gäo
tígāo raise; heighten; enhance; improve.⁵
提纲[提綱] hãi-göng
tígāng outline; synopsis; notes.¹⁰
提供 hãi-güng
tígōng provide; supply; furnish; offer.⁵
提掇 hãi-jōt
tíduō to help (younger people) by guidance, promotion.¹¹
提琴 hãi-kĩm
tíqín the violin family (小提琴 xēl-hãi-kĩm xiǎotíqín violin; 中提琴 jüng-hãi-kĩm zhōngtíqín viola; 大提琴 ài-hãi-kĩm dàtíqín violincello or cello; 低音提琴 äi-yïm-hãi-kĩm dīyīntíqín double bass or contrabass).⁵
提炼[提煉] hãi-lèin
tíliàn extract and purify; refine.⁵
提议[提議] hãi-ngì
tíyì propose, suggest, move; proposal.⁵
提案 hãi-ön
tí'àn motion; proposal; draft resolution.⁵
提前 hãi-tẽin
tíqián shift to an earlier date; in advance.⁵
提醒 hãi-xēin
tíxǐng remind; warn; call attention to.⁵
提心吊胆[提心吊膽] hãi-xïm-ël-ām
tíxīndiàodǎn have one's heart in one's mouth; be on tenterhooks.⁵
提掖 hãi-yìt
tíyè <wr.> promote; guide and support.⁶
(See 提 [hãi, ].)
hai3 5460
75 10 hãi (composition: ⿰木夷; U+684B).
桋桑 hãi-xông tísāng the female mulberry, small with long branches.²⁴
<又> yĩ.
(See 桋 yĩ).
hai3 5461
85 12 hãi (<old>=啼 hãi to cry loudly; to wail; to cry; to weep).³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵帝; U+6E27).
渧哭 hãi-hūk
dìkū or tíkū crying and weeping.¹⁴
<又> ëik; äi; ëk.
(See 渧 ëik; 渧 äi; 渧 ëk).
hai3 5462
108 9 hãi a small bowl; a small basin.⁸
(composition: ⿱兮皿; U+3FFD).
hai3 5463
109 9 hãi (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 盻 hài <wr.> glare (at); glower (at).⁶ to look in anger.⁷ <wr.> looking on with tired or uneasy look.¹¹.)
<又> hài.
(See 盻 hài.)
hai3 5464
112 15 hãi (composition: ⿰石虒; U+78C3).
磄磃 hõng-hãi tángtí a strange kind of stone.²⁵
<又> xü.
(See 磃 xü).
hai3 5465
115 11 hãi (=稊 hãi) tares, grass.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰禾夷; U+413A).
<又> jï.
(See 䄺 jï; 稊 hãi).
hai3 5466
115 12 hãi darnels; tares.⁷ <wr.> new shoot from old stem.¹¹ tares; grass.¹⁴ a kind of weed or tare, which spreads over the ground; it has a small seed.²⁵ (variants: 蕛 hãi tí, 䄺 hãi )
(composition: ⿰禾弟; U+7A0A).
稊米 hãi-māi
tímǐ a small kind of rice.²⁵
稊稗 hãi-pâi
tíbài a panic grass cultivated in 直隶[直隸] jèik-lài zhílì Zhili for its grain.¹⁴
枯杨生稊[枯楊生稊] kü-yẽng-säng-hãi
kūyángshēngtí lit. a dried poplar sends forth a shoot; fig. an old man marries a young wife and has a son.¹⁴ upon the old dry willow tree weeds are growing.²⁵
(See 蕛 hãi; 䄺 hãi).
hai3 5467
115 14 hãi ➀ (=蕛 hãi ) a kind of grass  ➁ (=稊 hãi ) darnels
➂ tender shoot of thatch (straw, couch grass).⁸
(composition: ⿰禾是; U+4160).
hai3 5468
120 13 hãi a kind of thick silk.⁵ a glossy thick silk fabric.⁷
绨袍[綈袍] hãi-pão típáo a robe made of inferior silk – fig. old friendship.⁷
绨袍之赠[綈袍之贈] hãi-pão-jï-dàng típáozhīzèng exchange of presents between friends.³⁹
绨袍之谊[綈袍之誼] hãi-pão-jï-ngĩ
típáozhīyì friendship.⁷
绨袍之意[綈袍之意] hãi-pão-jï-yï
típáozhīyì remembrance of a silk robe – old acquaintances.¹⁴
弋绨[弋綈] yèik-hãi
yìtí thick, black robe.¹⁴
<又> häi.
(See 綈 häi.)
hai3 5469
120 15 hãi <wr.> orange red.⁵ reddish yellow silk; reddish yellow soil; reddish; red.⁷ cloth of a reddish yellow color; red, a color formerly worned by soldiers.²⁵
缇骑[緹騎] hãi-kĩ tíqí cavaliers in reddish yellow – officials sent out to arrest lawbreakers; the retinue of ranking officials.⁷
缇萦[緹縈] hãi-yẽin
tíyíng name of a filial daughter in the Han Dynasty; <wr.> coil; linger (in the mind).⁵⁴
缇萦救父[緹縈救父] Hãi-yẽin-giü-fù
Tíyíngjiùfù the story of Ti Ying (缇萦[緹縈] Hãi-yẽin Tíyíng), a devoted daughter in the Han Dynasty, saving her father from a cruel punishment by offering to serve 汉文帝[漢文帝] Hön Mũn-äi Hàn Wéndì Emperor Wen as a lowly housemaid in an appeal to him.⁷
hai3 5470
130 10 hãi hǎi (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 胲 köi hǎi with same meaning.)
<又> gōi; köi.
(See 胲 gōi; köi.)
hai3 5471
130 14 hãi xié dried meat; animal food.²⁵ (Hokkien) pickled food (usually seafood); (Mainland China Hokkien) pulpy; mashed.³⁶
(composition: ⿰月奚; U+818E).
肌膎 gï-hãi jīxié the flesh of the human body.²⁵
膎脼 hãi-lēng
xiéliǎng pickled fish; dried meat; savory.²⁵
熟膎 sùk-hãi
shúxié prepared food; meat ready dressed.²⁵
hai3 5472
140 8 hãi <old>=荑 hãi <wr.> sprouts, shoot; tare.⁶ a reed.²⁵
(composition: ⿰艹𢎨; U+82D0).
<又> ài.
(See 苐 ài).
hai3 5473
140 9 hãi <wr.> sprouts, shoot; tare.⁶
柔荑 ngẽl-hãi róutí <wr.> sprout; shoot; woman's hands; slender and white (of a woman's hands).⁵⁴
柔荑花序 ngẽl-hãi-fä-duì
róutíhuāxù <bot.> catkin.¹⁹
新荑 xïn-hãi
xīntí <wr.> tender bud.⁶
<又> yĩ.
(See 荑 yĩ.)
hai3 5474
140 12 hãi xié name of a variety of grass.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿱艹很; U+44F3).
䓳菔 hãi-fùk xiéfú the name of a grass.² the name of a plant.²⁵
<又> hān.
(See 䓳 hān).
hai3 5475
140 15 hãi (<old>=稊 hãi darnels; tares.⁷ <wr.> new shoot from old stem.¹¹ tares; grass.¹⁴ a kind of weed or tare, which spreads over the ground; it has a small seed.²⁵)⁸
(composition: ⿱艹稊; U+855B).
(See 稊 hãi).
hai3 5476
140 16 𧀰
hãi   (composition: ⿱艹蹄; U+27030).
羊𧀰❄{⿱艹蹄} yẽng-hãi yángtí  a plant.²  bula pathum (patience or great dock); lapethum galeni, or acutum. Rumex or dock.²⁵
hai3 5477
142 15 hãi (composition: ⿰虫是; U+876D).
蝭蟧 hãi-lẽl tíliáo the cicada.²⁵
<又> chĩ.
(See 蝭 chĩ).
hai3 5478
145 11 𧙣
hãi a covering for the breast and back, without arms; (=裲襠 lēng-nòng liǎngdāng) a garment hanging down before and behind, and open at the sides.²⁵
(composition: ⿰衤夷; U+27663).
hai3 5479
149 16 hãi xié harmonious, congruous; <wr.> settled; humorous.⁶
诙谐[詼諧] föi-hãi huīxié funny; humorous.⁸
谐波[諧波] hãi-bö
xiébō <phy.> harmonic wave.⁶
谐调[諧調] hãi-hẽl
xiétiáo harmonious; in step/tune with.⁶
谐戏[諧戲] hãi-hï
xiéxì <wr.> crack a pleasant joke.⁶
谐振[諧振] hãi-jīn
xiézhèn <phy.> resonance.⁶
谐剧[諧劇] hãi-kēk
xiéjù comic opera (popular in Sichuan); farce.⁶
谐美[諧美] hãi-mî
xiéměi (of words) concordant and euphonious; harmonious and pleasant.⁶
谐谑[諧謔] hãi-ngèk
xiéxuè banter; wisecrack.⁶
谐趣[諧趣] hãi-tuï
xiéqù humor, pleasantry; harmonious interests/charm.⁶
谐和[諧和] hãi-võ
xiéhé harmonious, concordant; <acoustics> consonance, concord.⁶
谐婉[諧婉] hãi-vōn
xiéwǎn harmonic and mild.⁸
谐音[諧音] hãi-yïm
xiéyīn homophony; euphony, harmony of sound.⁶
和谐[和諧] võ-hãi
héxié harmonious.⁵
亦庄亦谐[亦莊亦諧] yèik-jöng-yèik-hãi
yìzhuāngyìxié serious and humorous; seriocomic.⁸
hai3 5480
157 16 hãi hoof; trotter.⁶ (variant: 蹏 hãi).
or 蹄髈 hãi-bōng típang <topo.> the uppermost part of a leg of pork.⁵
蹄子 hãi-dū
tízi hoof; <topo.> upper part of a leg of pork; <derog.> bitch.⁶
蹄筋 hãi-gïn
tíjīn tendons of beef, mutton or pork.⁵
蹄铁[蹄鐵] hãi-hëik
títiě (horse) shoe.⁸
蹄兔 hãi-hü
títù rock hyrax.⁹
蹄涔 hãi-sẽim
tícén <wr.> small puddle of water; restricted area of maneuver.⁵⁴
蹄聲答答[蹄聲答答] hãi-sëin-āp-āp
tíshēngdādā clatter of horse's hooves.¹¹
蹄形磁石 hãi-yẽin-xũ-sêk
tíxíng císhí horseshoe magnet.⁷
蹄印 hãi-yïn
tíyìn hoofprint.⁹
马蹄[馬蹄] mâ-hãi
mǎtí horse's hoof; horseshoe; Chinese water chestnut (Eleocharis dulcis or E. congesta).¹⁰
小蹄子 xēl-hãi-dū
xiǎotízi <derog.> little wench.¹¹
<台> 蹄 hãi gizzard.
<又> tî.
(See 蹏 hãi; 蹄 tî).
hai3 5481
157 17 hãi (=蹄 hãi ) hoof; trotter.⁶
鹘蹏[鶻蹏] gūt-hãi
gǔtí a wild duck.⁷
(See 蹄 hãi).
hai3 5482
157 17 hãi a path, a footpath; to trample, to tread.⁷
蹊径[蹊徑] hãi-gèin or 徯径[徯徑] käi-gèin xījìng a narrow path; a shortcut; a snap course.⁷
蹊要 hãi-yël
xīyào a strategic point on a path.⁷
独辟蹊径[獨闢蹊徑] ùk-pēik-hãi-gèin
dúpìxījìng open a unique new road for oneself – develop a unique new style; develop a unique new method of one's own; blaze a new trail.⁶
<又> käi.
(See 蹊 käi.)
hai3 5483
158 13 hãi hái (demotic for 骸 hãi hái shinbone, skeleton.⁷).²
(composition: ⿰身亥; U+4839).
(See 骸 hãi).
hai3 5484
164 16 hãi cream (of milk).⁷ the essential oil of butter.¹⁴
醍醐 hãi-vũ tíhú finest cream.⁵ clarified butter (regarded as a symbol of Buddhist wisom or truth); purity of a man's character.⁷ oil of butter.¹⁴
醍醐灌顶[醍醐灌頂]  hãi-vũ-gön-ēin 
tíhúguàndǐng be filled with wisdom, be enlightened; suddenly feel refreshed.⁵ (Buddhism) to impart wisdom to one's mind; to make one comfortable.⁷
<又> hāi.
(See 醍 hāi.)
hai3 5485
167 11 hãi a vessel for smearing the mouth with blod as an oath.² a vessel in smearing blood.²⁵
(composition: ⿰金是; U+9349).
<又> äi; sĩ; ēik. (See 鍉 äi; 鍉 sĩ; 鍉 ēik).
hai3 5486
170 11 hãi (=堤 hãi dike; levee; embankment.⁶)  to guard against; a barrier; a dike.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰阝是; U+9684).
隄防 hãi-fõng
dīfáng to be careful of; to watch against.¹⁴
隄岸 hãi-ngòn
dī'àn a dike,¹⁴
隄垸 hãi-yòn
dīyuàn an embankment.¹⁴
筑隄[築隄] jūk-hãi
zhùdī to raise an enbankment or dike.¹⁴
(See 堤 hãi); 隄[hãi ]).
hai3 5487
170 11 hãi (alternate Mandarin pronunciation for 隄 hãi dike; levee; embankment.⁶)
(See 隄[hãi ]).
hai3 5488
177 15 hãi xié shoe.⁶ (variants: 鞵. 𩋘❄{⿰革隹} hãi xié).
鞋底 hãi-āi
xiédǐ sole (of a shoe).⁵
鞋带[鞋帶] hãi-âi/
xiédài shoelace, shoestring.⁸
鞋拔子 hãi-bàt-dū
xiébázi shoehorn.⁶
鞋帮[鞋幫] hãi-böng
xiébāng upper (of a shoe).⁶
鞋刷 hãi-chât/
xiéshuā shoe brush.⁵
鞋垫[鞋墊] hãi-dëin
xiédiàn insole; inner sole; shoe-pad.⁶
鞋匠 hãi-dèng
xiéjiang shoemaker; cobbler.⁶
鞋子 hãi-dū
xiézi shoe.⁶
鞋店 hãi-ëm
xiédiàn shoe shop/store.⁶
鞋粉 hãi-fūn
xiéfěn shoe powder.⁶
鞋跟 hãi-gïn
xiégēn heel (of a shoe).⁵
鞋屉[鞋屜] hãi-häi
xiétì shoe pad.¹¹
鞋扣 hãi-këo
xiékòu shoe buckle.⁵
鞋里[鞋裏] hãi-lî
xiélǐ shoe lining.⁵
鞋袜[鞋襪] hãi-màt
xié-wà shoes and socks.¹¹
鞋面 hãi-mèin
xiémiàn instep; vamp.⁵
鞋襻儿[鞋襻兒] hãi-pän-ngĩ
xiépànr shoe strap.⁵
鞋楦 hãi-xün
xiéxuàn last for shaping a shoe; shoe tree.⁵
鞋油 hãi-yiũ
xiéyóu shoe polish (or cream).⁵
or 笋鞵[筍鞵] xūn-hãi sǔnxié shoes made from the sheath of bamboo shoots.¹⁴
(See 鞵 hãi; 𩋘❄{⿰革隹} hãi).
hai3 5489
177 17 𩋘
hãi xié (=鞋 hãi xié) shoe.⁶
(composition: ⿰革隹; U+292D8).
(See 鞋 hãi).
hai3 5490
177 18 𩋣
hãi   constantly.²⁵
(composition: ⿰革帝; U+292E3).
hai3 5491
177 18 hãi leather shoes.⁸ leather boots.¹³ leather shoes; single shoes, plain shoes without figured toes; a man's name; a surname.²⁵ <old> leather shoe; (historical) ethnic groups in northern and western China; A surname​.³⁶ Skin shoes; plain shoes; a single thickness without ornaments.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰革是); U+97AE).
狄鞮 èik-hãi dídī an old name for a region near Koko-nor.¹⁰²
鞮鞻 hãi-lẽo
dīlóu or 鞮鞻氏 hãi-lẽo-sì dīlóushì Di Lou Shi was a Zhou dynasty official in charge of the music of the four barbarian tribes on the borders.¹³
鞮履 hãi-lî
dīlǚ bushkins.¹⁰²
鞮鍪 hãi-mẽo
dīmóu safety helmet.¹³
鞮译[鞮譯] hãi-yèik
dīyì interpret; translate.¹³
络鞮[絡鞮] lōk-hãi
luòdī leathern greaves or shin plates.¹⁰²
鞔鞮 mõn-hãi
mándī leather shoes.¹⁹ leather boots.⁵⁴
hai3 5492
177 19 hãi xié (=鞋 hãi xié) shoe.⁶
(composition: ⿰革奚; U+97B5).
or 笋鞋[笋鞋] xūn-hãi sǔnxié shoes made from the sheath of bamboo shoots.¹⁴
(See 鞋 hãi).
hai3 5493
181 15 hãi (used in bird names) throat.¹⁰
红点颏[紅點頦] hũng-ēm-hãi hóngdiǎnké or 红喉歌鸲 [紅喉歌鴝] hũng-hẽo-gô-kuĩ hónghóugēqú Siberian rubythroat (Calliope calliope).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
蓝点颏[藍點頦] lãm-ēm-hãi
lándiǎnké <zoo.> bluethroat.⁶
(See 頦[hãi, ]).
hai3 5494
181 15 hãi the chin.¹⁴
下巴颏[下巴頦] hà-bä-hãi xiàbakē chin.⁶
下颏[下頦] hà-hãi
xiàkē chin.¹⁰
颏兜[頦兜] hãi-ëo
kēdōu chin cap.¹⁰
颏宽[頦宽] hãi-fön
kēkuān chin breadth.⁸
双下巴颏儿[雙下巴頦兒] söng-hà-bä-hãi-ngĩ
shuāngxiàbakēr double chin.⁶
(See 頦[hãi, ]).
hai3 5495
181 18 hãi topic, subject, title, problem; inscribe.⁵ Ti surname.⁸
题跋[題跋] hãi-bàt tíbá preface and postscript; short comments, annotations on a scroll.⁵
题字[題字] hãi-dù
tízì inscribe; inscription, autograph.⁵
题花[題花] hãi-fä
tíhuā title design.⁵
题款[題款] hãi-fōn
tíkuǎn (on a scroll) the date and the name of a writer and the person it is dedicated to.⁷
题解[題解] hãi-gāi
tíjiě explanatory notes on the title or background of a book; key to exercises or problems.⁵
题名[題名] hãi-mẽin
tímíng inscribe one's name; autograph.⁵
题目[題目] hãi-mùk
tímù title, subject, topic; exercise problems, examination questions.⁵
题诗[題詩] hãi-sï
tíshī to write verses on something.⁷
题签[題簽] hãi-tïm
tíqiān write the title of a book on a label to be stuck on the cover; a label with the title of a book on it.⁵
题材[題材] hãi-tõi
tícái subject matter; theme.⁵
题词[題詞] hãi-xũ
tící write a few words of encouragement, appreciation or commemoration; inscription, dedication; foreword.⁵
文不对题[文不對題] mũn-būt-uï-hãi
wénbùduìtí wide of the mark; irrelevant; not to the point.⁵
hai3 5496
184 15 hãi cakes and biscuits.³⁶
(composition: ⿰飠弟; U+4B3E).
餹䬾 hõng-hãi tángtí a kind of cake; cakes or dumplings.²⁵
hai3 5497
187 19 𩤢
hãi   (=騠 hãi a spirited horse.¹⁴)
(composition: ⿰馬帝; U+29922).
(See 騠 hãi).
hai3 5498
187 19 hãi 駃騠 kūt-hãi juétí hinny, offspring of a male horse and a female donkey; steed mentioned in Chinese ancient records.⁸ a young colt, which seven days after its birth gambols about its dam; a mule.²⁵
hai3 5499
187 19 hãi a spirited horse.¹⁴ (variant: 𩤢❄{⿰馬帝} hãi ).
(composition: ⿰馬是; U+9A20).
駃騠 kūt-hãi
juétí a hybrid horse (the product of a donkey after mating a stallion).⁷ hinny, offspring of a male horse and a female donkey; steed mentioned in Chinese ancient records.⁸ a young colt, which seven days after its birth gambols about its dam; a mule.²⁵
(See 𩤢❄{⿰馬帝} hãi).
hai3 5500
187 20 hãi <lit.> a kind of horse whose front hooves are white.³⁶
(composition: ⿰馬奚; U+9A31).
驒騱 hũ-hãi or hõ-hãi or hũ-gäi or hõ-gäi tuóxī or tuójī a wild horse; some say, a dapple-gray horse, with the appearance of white scales, like an alligator; freckled, as if spotted with cash.²⁵
<又> gäi.
(See 騱 gäi).
hai3 5501
188 15 hãi hái bones of the body, skeleton; body(=身体[身體] sïn-hāi shēntǐ).⁵ shinbone; skeleton.⁷
(composition: ⿰骨亥; U+9AB8).
百骸 bāk-hãi
bǎihái <wr.> the whole body.⁵⁴
病骸 bèng-hãi
bìnghái ailing body.⁵
放浪形骸 föng-lòng-yẽin-hãi
fànglàngxínghái be defiant of convention; be unconventional and unrestrained.⁶
骸晶 hãi-dëin
háijīng skeletal crystal.⁶
骸骨 hãi-gūt
háigǔ bones of the dead, skeleton; antique.⁶
骸骼 hãi-lōk
or hãi-gāk háigé dry bones.⁷
骸泥 hãi-nãi
háiní faulschlamm (sapropel).⁶
躯骸[軀骸] kuï-hãi
qūhái the human body.¹⁹
迷恋骸骨[迷戀骸骨] mãi-lūn-hãi-gūt
míliàn háigǔ be obsessed with antiques.⁶
尸骸[屍骸] sï-hãi
shīhái (=尸骨[屍骨] sï-gūt shīgǔ) bones of the dead, skeleton; corps, remains, dead body.⁶
遗骸[遺骸] vĩ-hãi
yíhái  dead (body); corpse; remains.⁵
残骸[殘骸] tãn-hãi
cánhái wreckage; remains; debris.⁶ <wr.> "remaining bones” – frail body ready for retirement.¹¹
四肢百骸 xï-jï-bāk-hãi
sìzhībǎihái all the limbs and bones.⁵
形骸 yẽin-hãi
xínghái the human body.⁵
hai3 5502
195 18 hãi ➀ (=鳀[鯷] hãi ) anchovy.⁶  ➁ 鲇鱼[鯰魚] nẽm-nguĩ niányú catfish.⁵
(See 鯷 hãi).
hai3 5503
195 20 hãi anchovy.⁶ (variant: 鮷 hãi➀).
秘鲁鳀[秘魯鯷] Bï-lû hãi
Bìlǔ tí Peruvian anchoveta (Engraulis ringens), a species of fish of the anchovy family, Engraulidae, from the Southeast Pacific Ocean; it has yielded greater catches than any other single wild fish species in the world; almost all of the production is used for the fishmeal industry.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
歐洲鳀[歐洲鯷] Ëo-jiü hãi
Ōuzhōu tí European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus); European anchovies are widely eaten.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鳀科 hãi-fö
tíkē anchovy, a small, common forage fish of the family Engraulidae, with 17 genera and over 140 species.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鳀鱼[鯷魚] hãi-nguĩ
tíyú anchovy.¹⁰
(See 鮷 hãi).
hai3 5504
196 18 hãi a pelican.⁷
(comp. t: ⿰弟鳥; U+9D5C). (comp. s: ⿰弟鸟; U+9E48).
鹈鹕[鵜鶘] hãi-vũ
tíhú a pelican.⁷
鹈鴂[鵜鴂] hãi-kūt
tíjué a cuckoo.⁷
黑腹蛇鹈[黑腹蛇鵜] hāk-fūk-sẽh-hãi
hēifùshétí oriental darter (Anhinga melanogaster).¹⁰
䴙鹈[鷿鵜] bēik-hãi
pìtí <zoo.> a small waterfowl.¹¹
hai3 5505
196 20 hãi a kind of hawk.¹⁴ (variant: 𪂿❄{⿰鳥是} hãi ).
or 鶗鴂 hãi-kūt tíjué or 鹰鹃[鷹鵑] yëin-gün yīngjuān large hawk-cuckoo (Cuculus sparverioides).¹⁰
鶗鴂 hãi-kūt
tíjué <wr.> cuckoo.⁶
鶗鵳 hãi-gän
tíjiān (=鷂 yẽl yào) a hawk; a sparrow hawk.⁷
(See 𪂿❄{⿰鳥是} hãi).
hai3 5506
196 20 𪂿
hãi (=鶗 hãi ) a kind of hawk.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰鳥是; U+2A0BF).
(See 鶗 hãi).
hai3 5507
196 21 hãi (=鷉 hãi ) grebe.³⁹
t: ⿰鳥虒; U+9DC8).
s: ⿰虒鸟; U+4D18).
(See 鷉 hãi).
hai3 5508
196 21 hãi grebe.³⁹ (variant: 鷈 hãi ).
t: ⿰虒鳥; U+9DC9).
s: ⿰虒鸟; U+4D18).
or 䴙䴘[鸊鷈] pēik-hãi pìtī grebe (grebe order Podicipediformes).¹⁰
(See 鷈 hãi).
hai3 5509
205 23 𪓷
hãi a kind of tortoise.²⁵
(composition: ⿰奚黽; U+2A4f7).
𪓷❄{⿰奚黽}䵶 hãi-kuĩ xíqú a sort of horned tortoise, found in eastern Tartary.²⁵
hai3 5510
208 23 hãi a mouse.⁷
(composition: ⿰鼠奚; U+9F37).
鼷鹿 hãi-lùk xīlù <zoo.> chevrotain; mouse deer.⁶
鼷鼠 hãi-sī
xīshǔ house mouse.⁵ (the smallest species of) house mouse; rat.⁶
鼷穴 hãi-yòt
xīxué a mouse hole; a little hole.¹⁴
水鼷鹿 suī-hãi-lùk
shuǐxīlù water chevrotain; fanged deer Hyemoschus aquaticus.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
hai3 5511
214 26 hãi xié (=谐[諧] hãi xié) harmonious, congruous; <wr.> settled; humorous.⁶
(composition: ⿰龠皆; U+9FA4).
(See 諧 hãi).
hai3 5512
9 9 hài to be; to relate to; to bear on.
关系[關係] gän-hài guānxi relation; impact on.⁹
系踵[係踵] hài-jūng
xìzhǒng <wr.> come in close succession (=接踵 dēp-jūng jiēzhǒng).¹¹
系累[係累] hài-luì
xìlěi encumbrance; <wr.> to tie up, to take into custody; to burden; to implicate; to involve.
系数(係數) hài-sü
xìshù <math.> coefficient.¹¹
确系[確係] kōk-hài
quèxì actually is.¹¹
没关系[沒關係] mòt-gän-hài
méiguānxi it doesn't matter; it's nothing; that's all right; never mind.⁵
<台> 系巧咿么[係巧咿麼]
or 系该咿么[係該咿麼] hài-kâo/- yī-mô? Is that so?
<台> 系唔系[係唔係] hài-m̃-hài Is it or isn't it?
(See 系 hài; 繫 [hài, ], 繫 [hài, ].)
hai4 5513
9 12 hài (=繫 hài ) to arrest; to imprison.³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻奚; U+5092).
<又> käi.
(See 繫 [hài, ])
hai4 5514
23 2 hài Kangxi radical 23; hide, conceal.⁸
hai4 5515
38 13 hài lacking in courage, nervous; a jealous woman.⁸ <old> lacking in courage, timid; <old> jealous woman.³⁶
(composition: ⿰女奚; U+370E).
<又> hãi. (See 㜎 hãi).
hai4 5516
53 广 16 hài xiè a public office; a government building.⁷
公廨 güng-hài gōngxiè government agency.¹ government office/building.⁶
廨宇 hài-yî
xièyǔ a government office building.⁷
hai4 5517
75 11 hài xiè appliance; tool; weapon; shackles.¹⁰
缴械[繳械] gēl-hài jiǎoxiè disarm; surrender one's weapons; lay down one's arms.⁵
机械[機械] gï-hài
jīxiè machinery, machine, mechanism; mechanical, inflexible, rigid.⁵
军械[軍械] gün-hài
jūnxiè ordnance; armament.³⁹
械斗[械鬥] hài-ëo
xièdòu a fight with weapons, especially in clan fights.¹¹
械系[械繫] hài-hài
xièxì to arrest and shackle; to clap in irons.¹⁰
器械 hï-hài
qìxiè apparatus; equipment; weapon.⁸
hai4 5518
85 19 hài xiè sea mist; vapors.¹⁴
沆瀣 köng-hài hàngxiè evening mist.⁵
沆瀣一气[沆瀣一氣] köng-hài-yīt-hï
hàngxièyīqì act in collusion with, wallow in the mire with; like attracts like.⁵
hai4 5519
94 12 hài hài smell of a dog.⁸
(composition: ⿰犭曷; U+7332).
<又> hēik; häk; gût. (See 猲 hēik; 猲 häk; 猲 gût).
hai4 5520
94 16 hài xiè a Pekingese dog; a mythical animal which was supposed to know the difference between right and wrong.⁷ a fabulous monster.¹⁴
獬豝狗 hài-bä-gēo xièbāgǒu Pekingese dog.⁵⁴
or 解廌 hài-jì xièzhì legendary one-horned beast in ancient times.⁶ ancient goat reputed to gore guilty person in court.⁸ Xiezhi, mythical Chinese unicorn.¹⁰ like a unicorn; its habitat is the wilds, it can discriminate between right and wrong, and it destroys the wicked when it meets them. It is said to be fire-eating even to its own destruction.¹⁴
獬豸冠 hài-jì-gön
xièzhìguān <wr.> cap worn by a judge, symbolizing justice.¹¹
hai4 5521
109 9 hài <wr.> glare (at); glower (at).⁶ to look in anger.⁷ <wr.> looking on with tired or uneasy look.¹¹
瞋目盻之 chïn-mùk-hài-jï or chïn-mùk-hãi-jï chēnmùxìzhī glare at somebody.⁶ flashed on him with rage.²⁴
盻盻 hài-hài
or hãi-hãi xìxì laboring and toiling incessantly; to feel vexed under such circumstances.²⁴
盻盻然 hài-hài-ngẽin
or hãi-hãi-ngẽin xìxìrán to wear an angry look.¹⁴
盻恨 hài-hàn
or hãi-hàn xìhèn to look at with anger.¹⁴
盻视[盻視] hài-sì
or hãi-sì xìshì to glare at.¹⁴
盻视仇人[盻視仇人] hài-sì-siũ-ngĩn
or hãi-sì-siũ-ngĩn xìshìchóurén to glare at the foe.⁷
<又> hãi.
(See 盻 hãi.)
hai4 5522
113 13 hài <wr.> cleansing (usually in a river, an ancient customary practice on the third day of the third lunar month to disperse bad luck).⁶ ancient festival in spring and autumn held on water banks to drink and cleanse away the evil influences.¹¹
春禊 chün-hài chūnxì “cleansing” ceremony held on the 3rd day of the 3rd moon (三月三 xäm-ngùt-xâm sānyuèsān or 上巳节[上巳節] sèng-dù-dēik shàngsìjié).⁸
祓禊 fūt-haì
fúxì exorcistic ablutions.¹⁰ <wr.> ceremony of washing away evil influence near river.¹¹
禊帖 hài-hēp
xìtiè another name for the most valuable calligraphic work of 王羲之 Võng Hï-jï  Wáng Xīzhī Wang Xizhi's 兰亭集序[蘭亭集序] lãn-hẽin-dàp-duì lántíngjíxù foreword to Gathering at Orchid Pavilion.⁷
禊饮[禊飲] haì-ngīm
xìyǐn to drink the water at the semi-annual ceremony of purification.¹¹
秋禊 tiü-hài
qiūshì "cleansing" ceremony held on 14th day of the 7th moon.⁸
修禊 xiü-hài
xiūxì to hold a semi-annual ceremony of purification.¹⁰
hai4 5523
120 7 hài system, series, family; department (in a college), faculty.
体系[體系] hāi-hài tǐxì system; setup.
系统[系統] hài-hūng
xìtǒng system; systematic.⁵
系列 hài-lèik
xìliè series; set.
文学系[文學系] Mũn-hòk-hài
Wénxuéxì Literature department.
(See 係 hài; 繫 [hài, ], 繫 [hài, ].)
hai4 5524
120 17 hài (=系[繫] hài )³⁶ to bind; to tie; to hang up.⁷ Note: This character 繋 is used in Japanese Shinjitai (extended) to be the equivalent of 繫 in Chinese. Some Chinese authorities consider this character as an erroneous character if used in Chinese writing. It is not in Kangxi nor in Hanyu Da Zidian.
(composition: ⿱軗糸; U+7E4B).
(See 繋[hài, ]).
hai4 5525
120 17 hài (=系[繫] hài )³⁶ to connect; to link; to join.⁷ to arrest; to imprison.⁸ Note: This character 繋 is used in Japanese Shinjitai (extended) to be the equivalent of 繫 in Chinese. Some Chinese authorities consider this character as an erroneous character if used in Chinese writing. It is not in Kangxi nor in Hanyu Da Zidian.
(composition: ⿱軗糸; U+7E4B).
(See 繋[hài, ]).
hai4 5526
120 19 hài to bind; to tie; to hang up.⁷
长绳系日[長繩繫日] chẽng-sẽin-hài-ngìt chángshéngjìrì try to stop the passage of time.⁵⁴
系泊[繫泊] hài-bòk
jìbó to moor (a boat).⁷
系泊浮筒[繫泊浮筒] hài-bòk fẽo-hûng
jìbó fútǒng mooring buoy.⁵⁵
系绊[繫絆] hài-bòn
jìbàn to bridle; to hinder.⁷
系鞋带[繫鞋帶] hài-hãi-âi
jìxiédài to tie a shoelace.⁷
系留[繫留] hài-liũ
jìliú to moor (a balloon or airship).⁷
系留塔[繫留塔] hài-liũ-hāp
jìliútǎ mooring tower.⁵⁵
系狱[繫獄] hài-ngùk
jìyù to imprison; to be imprisoned.⁷
系船索[繫船索] hài-sõn-xôk
jìchuánsuǒ mooring line/rope.⁵⁵
系囚[繫囚] hài-tiũ
jìqiú to be imprisoned.⁷
(See 系 hài; 係 hài; 繫 [hài, ].)
hai4 5527
120 19 hài to connect; to link; to join.⁷ to arrest; to imprison.⁸ (variant: 傒 hài ).
系挂[繫掛] hài-kä
xìguà  to be concerned about; many worries.⁷
系恋[繫戀] hài-lūn
xìliàn to be inextricably in love with; to be reluctant to leave.⁷
系马[繫馬] hài-mā
xìmǎ to tie up a horse.⁷
系念[繫念] hài-nèm
xìniàn to have constatnly on one's mind.⁷
or 系辞[繫辭] hài-xũ xìcí the title of a section of the Book of Changes; a copula (in grammar and logic).⁷
系腰[繫腰] hài-yël
xìyāo a girdle; a waistband.⁷
联系[聯繫] lũn-hài
liánxì connection; contact; relation; to get in touch with; to integrate; to link; to touch.¹⁰
(See 系 hài; 係 hài; 繫 [hài, ]; 傒 hài.)
hai4 5528
140 16 hài xiè (=藠头[藠頭] kêl-hẽo jiàotou) shallots or scallions.¹⁴ Allium chinense, Allium bakeri Regel, Chinese onion, Chinese scallion, Japanese scallion, Kiangsi scallion, and Oriental onion.¹⁵
薤白 hài-bàk
xièbái the bulb of a shallot.¹⁴ Allium macrostemon.⁹ Chinese garlic, long-stamen garlic, Japanese garlic, no-biru, Allium macrostemon Bunge.⁴⁴
薤露 hài-lù
xièlù a classic dirge or funeral song.¹¹ dew on the shallots – brevity of life; a dirge or elegy.¹⁴
hai4 5529
148 13 hài xiè ➀ skills, moves (of martial arts, dance, acrobatics)  ➁ (dated, music) to conclude a piece; to complete  ➂ Used in 解廌 or 獬豸 hài-jì xièzhì legendary Chinese unifcorn; alternative form of 獬 hài xiè, q.v.  ➃ Alternative form of 廨 hài xiè public office; government building  ➄ Alternative form of 懈 hâi xiè slack, lax, negligent, remiss, relaxed, inattentive  ➅ Xie (place name in 河東 hõ-üng hédōng Hedong)  ➆ Xie surname​.³⁶
不解于位 būt-hài-yï-vì
bùxièyúwèi not remiss in his duties.¹⁴
跑马卖解[跑馬賣解] pāo-mâ-mài-hài
pǎomǎmàixiè make a living by performing on horseback.⁸
浑身解数[渾身解數] vùn-sïn-hài-sü
húnshēnxièshù all one's skills.³⁶
<又> gāi, gäi.
(See 解 gāi, gäi.)
hai4 5530
184 13 hài hài tainted food; food spoiled and stinks.⁸ tainted food.¹⁴ to eat stinking things.²⁵
(composition: ⿰飠艾; U+9900).
餀餯 hài-fì hàihuì stinking food.²⁵
餀坏[餀壞] hài-vài
hàihuài to spoil (food) by keeping.¹⁴
hai4 5531
38 10 hâi wife of one's husband's younger brother; (used by an elder sister) younger sister.⁶
娣妇[娣婦] hâi-fû or 弟妇[弟婦] ài-fû dìfù the wife of a younger brother of one's husband.⁷
娣姒 hâi-xû
dìsì <trad.> sisters-in-law (=妯娌 jùk-lì zhóuli); <trad.> various concubines of a husband.¹⁰
诸娣[諸娣] jï-hâi
zhūdì <wr.> all the concubines.⁷
<台> 阿娣
or 阿弟 ä-hâi younger brother.
hai5 5532
57 7 hâi <台> 阿弟 or 阿娣 ä-hâi younger brother.
<又> ài.
(See 弟 ài; 娣 hâi.)
hai5 5533
61 16 hâi xiè slack, lax.⁵ negligent; remiss; relaxed; inattentive.⁷
不懈 būt-hâi bùxiè untiring; unremitting; indefatigable.¹⁰
坚持不懈[堅持不懈] gëin-chĩ-būt-hâi
jiānchíbùxiè to persevere unremittingly (idiom); to keep going until the end.¹⁰
懈弛 hâi-chĩ
xièchí to relax.⁷
懈劲[懈勁] hâi-gèin
xièjìn relax one's exertions; lose one's drive; slack off; let down.⁶
懈气[懈氣] hâi-hï
xièqì relax one's exertions; slacken one's efforts; lose one's drive; slack off; let down.⁶
懈怠 hâi-òi
xièdài slack; sluggish.⁵
懈意 hâi-yï
xièyì indolence; inactivity.⁷
无懈可击[無懈可擊] mũ-hâi-hō-gēik
wúxièkějī with no chink in one's armor; unassailable; invulnerable.⁵
惰懈 ò-hâi
duòxiè to be negligent or neglectful.⁷
松懈[鬆懈] xüng-hâi
sōngxiè relax; slacken; slack.⁵
hai5 5534
86 7 hâi xiè <wr.> remaining ash or end of a candle or incense.⁶
candle-end.⁸ candle drippings.⁹ candle stub.¹⁰ the remnants of an expiring candle.¹⁴ alike; the snuff of a candle.²⁴
余灺犹明[餘灺猶明] yĩ-hâi-yiũ-mẽin yúxièyóumíng the flaring up of an expiring flame.¹⁴
hai5 5535
120 19 hâi xiè to wash clothes; old or ancient clothing.¹⁹
(composition: ⿰糹解; U+7E72).
走繲 dēo-hâi zǒuxiè (=走解 dēo-hài zǒuxiè to do stunts on horseback).¹⁹
治繲 jì-hâi
zhìxiè to wash clothes.¹⁹
Tö-jïm-jì-hâi, dūk-yî-vũ-hēo.
Cuò zhēn zhì xiè, zú yǐ hú kǒu.
By sharpening needles and washing clothes he was able to make a living.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《莊子·內篇·人間世》, translated by James Legge). (Note: 挫 tö cuò is used here in the sense of 'to grind').
hai5 5536
162 16 hâi xiè to meet without a prior engagement; to meet by chance.⁷
邂逅 hâi-hèo xièhòu meet (a relative, friend) unexpectedly; run into somebody; meet by chance.⁵
邂逅相逢 (=邂逅相遇 hâi-hèo-xëng-nguì
xièhòuxiāngyù) hâi-hèo-xëng-fũng xièhòuxiāngféng meet somebody by chance; encounter.⁶
邂逅相遇 hâi-hèo-xëng-nguì
xièhòuxiāngyù meet somebody by chance; encounter.⁶
邂逅友人 hâi-hèo-yiû-ngĩn
xièhòuyǒurén meet a friend by chance.⁶
邂遘 hâi-këo
xiègòu come across one another accidentally.¹¹
hai5 5537
190 13 hâi (=鬄 hâi dì; 髲 bì ) wig.⁹
(composition: ⿱髟也; U+9AE2).
髢髢 hâi-hâi
dìdì <topo.> wig.⁶
髢髦 hâi-mão
dìmáo <topo.> wig.⁹
<又> häi.
(See 髢 häi; 鬄 hâi; 髲 bì).
hai5 5538
190 18 hâi wig.⁹
(composition: ⿱髟易; U+9B04).
<又> häi. (See 鬄 häi).
hai5 5539
10 7 hāk to overcome; to subdue; to capture; to restrain; to digest; can; to be able to; gram; (used in transliteration).
(variant: 尅 hāk ).
不克自拔 būt-hāk-dù-bàt
bùkèzìbá <wr.> to be unable to save or extricate oneself.
攻克 güng-hāk
gōngkè to capture; to overcome.
公克 güng-hāk
gōngkè gram.
克汀病 hāk-ëin-bèng
kètīngbìng cretinism.⁶
克服 hāk-fùk
kèfú (try to) overcome (hardships); to conquer; to put up with; to endure.
克己 hāk-gī
kèjǐ self-restraint; discipline; selflessness.
克制 hāk-jäi
kèzhì to restrain; to control.
克拉 hāk-lā
kèlā carat (of weight, diamond).
克林 Hāk-lĩm
Kèlín Harlem, an area in Manhattan, New York City.  Also called 哈莱姆[哈萊姆] Hā-lõi-mû Hāláimǔ Harlem.
克什米尔[克什米爾] hāk-sìm-māi-ngì
kèshénmǐěr Kashmir.⁹
坦克 hān-hāk
tǎnkè <loan>  tank.
马克[馬克] Mâ-hāk
Mǎkè Mark (name).
扑克[撲克] pōk-hāk
pūkè <loan>  poker; playing cards.
千克 tëin-hāk
qiānkè kilogram. (The two characters may be combined: 兛 tëin-hāk qiānkè or just 千 tëin qiān kilo.)
(See  剋 [hāk, ]; 剋 [hāk, kēi]; 尅 [hāk, ]).
hak1 5540
18 8 hāk to carve; to engrave; to cut; mean; petty; quarter (hour); moment. (old variant: 𠞫❄{⿰⿱吅⿵冂卄刂 } hāk ).
(composition: ⿰亥刂; U+523B).
刻薄 hāk-bòk
kèbó cutting, harsh, caustic, mean, acrimony; to make an illegal cut; to deduct illegally.⁸ mean, vindictive.¹¹
刻不容缓[刻不容緩] hāk-būt-yũng-fòn
kèbùrónghuǎn extremely urgent; to demand immediate action.
刻苦 hāk-fū
kèkǔ assiduous, hardworking, painstaking; simple and frugal..⁵
刻棘刻褚 hāk-gēik-hāk-chuî
kèjíkèzhǔ remarkable skill in crafting characters (in writing).⁵⁴
刻骨铭心[刻骨銘心] hāk-gūt-mẽin-xïm
kègǔmíngxīn imprint on the bones and inscribe on the memory – be remembered with deep gratitude.⁶
刻鹄类鹜[刻鵠類鶩] hāk-hùk-luì-mù
kèhúlèiwù set out to carve a swan but get a duck in the end; aim reasonably high and you won't fall far short; fail to attain what one set out to.⁶
刻蔗 hāk-jêh
kèzhè to extract the juice.¹⁰²
刻钟[刻鐘] hāk-jüng
kèzhōng quarter-hour.
立刻 lìp-hāk
lìkè at once, immediately, right away.⁷
少刻 sēl-hāk
shǎokè a short while; soon.¹⁰
(See 𠞫❄{⿰⿱吅⿵冂卄刂 } hāk).
hak1 5541
18 9 hāk to set a time limit; to embezzle.
克夫[剋夫] hāk-fü
kèfū to be fated to mourn one's husband's death (fortune-telling).
克妻[剋妻] hāk-häi
kèqī to be fated to mourn one's wife's death (fortune-telling).
克核[剋核] hāk-hàt
kèhé cruel; hard; demanding.
克扣[剋扣] hāk-këo
kèkòu to embezzle part of what should be issued.
克期[剋期] hāk-kĩ
kèqī to set a time limit; by the end of the time limit.
克食[剋食] hāk-sèik kèshí to help digestion.
(See 克 hāk, 剋 [hāk, kēi].)
hak1 5542
18 9 hāk kēi <topo.> to reprimand; to scold; to beat.
(variant: 尅 hāk kēi).
剋架 hāk-gâ
kēijià to scuffle; to come to blows.
剋斯 hāk-xü
kēisi <loan>  to kiss.
(See 克 hāk, 剋 [hāk,]; 尅 [hāk, kēi])
hak1 5543
18 13 𠞫
hāk (<old>=刻 hāk to carve; to engrave; to cut; mean; petty; quarter (hour); moment.).²
(composition: ⿰⿱吅𠕁刂 or ⿰⿱吅⿵冂卄刂 ; U+207AB).
(See 刻 hāk).
hak1 5544
30 5 hāk 可汗 hāk-hõn kèhán khan.⁸
(composition: ⿹丁口; U+53EF).
<又> hō.
(See 可 hō.)
hak1 5545
30 12 hāk sound made in coughing or vomiting.⁶ used in transliterations.⁸
喀吧 hāk-bä kābā sound of something breaking; crack; snap.⁶
喀嚓 hāk-chät
kāchā (cracking or snapping sound) crack; snap.⁶
喀麦隆[喀麥隆] Hāk-màk-lũng
Kāmàilóng Cameroon.⁶
喀斯特 hāk-xü-àk
kāsītè <loan> karst.⁶
hak1 5546
40 9 hāk customer; visitor; guest.¹⁰
客车[客車] hāk-chëh or häk-chëh kèchē passenger train; bus.⁵
客户[客戶] hāk-fù
or häk-fù kèhù client; customer.¹⁰
客机[客機] hāk-gï
or häk-gï kèjī passenger plane; airliner.⁵
客观[客觀] hāk-gön
or häk-gön kèguān objective.⁵
客卿 hāk-hëin
or häk-hëin kèqīng alien minister; a person from one feudal state serving in the court of another.⁸
客厅[客廳] hāk-hëng
or häk-hëng kètīng living room.⁹
客气[客氣] hāk-hï
or häk-hï kèqi polite; be polite.⁹
客栈[客棧] hāk-jàn
kèzhàn inn.⁵
客轮[客輪] hāk-lũn
or häk-lũn kèlún passenger ship.⁶
客人 hāk-ngĩn
or häk-ngĩn kèren guest.⁹
客舱[客艙] hāk-töng
or häk-töng kècāng passenger cabin.⁵
客死 hāk-xī
or häk-xī kèsǐ to die in a foreign land; to die abroad.¹⁰
客死他乡[客死他鄉] hāk-xī-hä-hëng
or häk-xī-hä-hëng kèsǐtāxiāng die away from home.⁵⁴
常客 sẽng-hāk
or sẽng-häk chángkè frequent visitor; fig. something that crops up frequently.¹⁰
<台> 客仔 hāk-dōi customer.
<又> hāk.
(See 客 hāk.)
hak1 5547
41 10 hāk (=克 hāk to overcome; to subdue; to capture; to restrain; to digest; can; to be able to).⁸
(composition: ⿺克寸; U+5C05).
(See 尅 [hāk, kēi]; 克 hāk).
hak1 5548
41 10 hāk kēi (=剋 hāk kēi <topo.> to reprimand; to scold; to beat).⁸
(composition: ⿺克寸; U+5C05).
(See 尅 [hāk, ];  剋 [hāk, kēi]).
hak1 5549
64 12 hāk to get stuck; to deliberately make trouble for someone else.⁹ to seize.¹⁴
揢出去 hāk-chūt-huï kéchūqù drag him away.¹⁴
hak1 5550
76 16 hāk hēi to cough; sound of apitting.²
(composition: ⿰黑欠; U+3C44).
<又> màk. (See 㱄 màk).
hak1 5551
84 11 hāk krypton (Kr).
氪灯[氪燈] hāk-äng kèdēng krypton lamp.⁶
hak1 5552
120 15 hāk (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 缂[緙] gāk with same meaning.)
<又> gāk.
(See 緙 gāk.)
hak1 5553
155 14 hāk conspicuous, grand; <elec.> hertz; He surname.⁵ bright, glowing; brilliant, glorious; angry, indignant; He surname.⁷
赫兹[赫茲] hāk-dü hèzī <elec.> hertz.⁵
赫赫 hāk-hāk
hèhè illustrious; very impressive.⁵
赫赫战功[赫赫戰功] hāk-hāk-jën-güng
hèhèzhàngōng illustrious military exploits; brilliant military success.⁵
赫赫一时[赫赫一時] hāk-hāk-yīt-sĩ
hèhèyīshí be famous for a time.¹⁹
赫赫有名的人物 hāk-hāk-yiû-mẽin-ēik-ngĩn-mùt
hèhèyǒumíngderénwù an illustrious personage.⁵
赫显[赫顯] hāk-hēin
hèxiǎn a brillinat manifestation.⁷
赫哲族 Hāk-jēt-dùk
Hèzhézú the Hezhe (Hoche) nationality in Heilongjiang Province.⁵
赫然 hāk-ngẽin
hèrán impressive; awesomely; terribly (angry).⁵
赫然震怒 hāk-ngẽin-jīn-nù
hèránzhènnù get into a terrible temper; fly into a violent rage.⁵
赫怒 hāk-nù
hènù angry; furious.⁷
赫耀 hāk-yèl
hèyào bright and glorious.⁷
显赫[顯赫] hēin-hāk
xiǎnhè illustrious; celebrated.⁵
兆赫 sêl-hāk
zhàohè <elec.> megahertz (MHz).⁵
千赫 tëin-hāk
qiānhè <elec.> kilohertz. (kHz).⁵
hak1 5554
203 11 hāk hēi (=黑 hāk hēi¹ black; dark; reactonary; wicked; shady; cheat; sombre.⁶)
(composition: ⿱里灬; U+9ED2).
(See黑 hāk).
hak1 5555
203 12 hāk hēi Kangxi radical 203; black; dark; evil, sinister.⁸ black; dark; reactonary; wicked; shady; cheat; sombre.⁶
黑暗 hāk-ām hēi'àn dark.⁵
黑道 hāk-ào
hēidào unlighted road (at night); illegal activity; dark society, underworld, banditry.⁶
黑白 hāk-bàk
hēibái black and white; right and wrong.⁶
黑沉沉 hāk-chĩm-chĩm
hēichénchén (of the sky) very dark.⁶
黑子 hāk-dū
hēizǐ black mole; sunspot; black chess piece.⁶
黑货[黑貨] hāk-fö
hēihuò contraband.⁶
黑名单[黑名單] hāk-mẽin-än
hēimíngdān blacklist.⁶
黑木耳 hāk-mùk-ngī
hēimùěr Jew's ear, wood ear, jelly ear (Auricularia auricula-judae); aka 猶大的耳朵, 雲耳, 木耳, 木檽, 光木耳, 木蕊, 木菌, 樹雞, 䓴 ngün ruǎn.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ In cooking, 木耳 mùk-ngī mùěr black fungus, black front and back, whereas 白背云耳[白背雲耳] bàk-böi vũn-ngī báibèi yún'ěr black fungus with black front and white back.⁹²
黑社会[黑社會] hāk-sêh-vòi/
hēishèhuì underworld; criminal clique; gangland.⁶
黑色 hāk-sēik
hēisè black.⁶
黑手 hāk-siū
hēishǒu evil backstage manipulator.⁶
黑猩猩 hāk-xëin-xëin
hēixīngxing chimpanzee.⁵
黑夜 hāk-yèh
hēiyè night.⁶
<台> 黑墨 hāk-màk/ pitch dark.
<台> 夜黑 yèh-hāk at night.
hak1 5556
30 11 häk xià (=吓[嚇] häk xià) to frighten, to scare.
吓唬[嚇唬] häk-häk
xiàxià to scare; to frighten.¹⁰
<又> fū.
(See 唬 fū.)
hak2 5557
30 17 häk to scare; to intimidate; to threaten; (interjection showing disapproval) tut-tut; (interjection showing astonishment).¹⁰
恐吓[恐嚇] hūng-häk kǒnghè to threaten; to menace.¹⁰
恫吓[恫嚇] ùng-häk
dònghè threaten; intimidate.⁵
威吓[威嚇] vï-häk
wēihè intimidate; threaten; bully.⁵
(See 嚇 [häk, xià].)
hak2 5558
30 17 häk xià to frighten; to scare.¹⁰
吓得魂不附体[嚇得魂不附體] häk-āk-vũn-būt-fù-hāi xià de húnbùfùtǐ be scared out of one's wits.⁵
吓倒[嚇倒] häk-āo
xiàdǎo to be frightened.¹⁰
吓唬[嚇唬] häk-fū
xiàhu to scare; to frighten.¹⁰
吓人[嚇人] häk-ngĩn
xiàrén to frighten people.¹⁰
吓傻[嚇傻] häk-sô
xiàshǎ to terrify; to scare somebody.¹⁰
吓死[嚇死] häk-xī
xiàsǐ to scare to death.¹⁰
吓一跳[嚇一跳] häk-yīt-hẽl
xiàyītiào startled; to frighten; scared out of one's skin.¹⁰
(See 嚇 [häk, hè].)
hak2 5559
40 9 häk (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 客 hāk with same meaning.)
<台> 人客 ngĩn-häk guest, visitor.
<又> hāk.
(See 客 hāk.)
hak2 5560
94 12 häk (<old>=吓[嚇] häk to scare; to intimidate; to threaten.¹⁰); to threaten; to intimidate.⁸ frightened; terrified.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰犭曷; U+7332).
虚猲[虛猲] huï-häk
xūhè to take fright; to intimidate.⁵⁴
<又> hēik; gût; hài.
(See 猲 hēik; 猲 gût; 猲 hài; 嚇 häk).
hak2 5561
149 15 häk xià deception; (<old>=吓[嚇] häk xià to frighten; to scare.¹⁰); to intimidate.⁸ incoherent, deceitful language.²⁵
(composition: ⿰訁虎; U+8AD5).
<又> hão.
(See 諕 hão; 嚇 häk).
吓諕[嚇諕] häk-häk xiàxià to cry at in a loud violent tone; so as to alarm.¹⁰²
hak2 5562
9 7 hām hān (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 佄 hõn hān with same meaning: (<old>=酣 hõn hān (drink) to one's heart's content; happy, hearty, deep.⁶)
(composition: ⿰亻甘; U+4F44).
<又> gäm; hõn.
(See 佄 gäm; 佄 hõn).
ham1 5563
32 7 hām kǎn (composition: ⿰土欠; U+574E).
坎坷 (=轗軻 hām-ö kǎnkě) hām-hō kǎnkě (of a road) bumpy; (of life) rough; to be down on one's luck; to be full of frustrations and dashed hopes.
<台> 一坎炮仔[一坎砲仔] yīt-hām-päo-dōi a pistol.
<又> häm, hêim.
(See 坎 häm, hêim.)
ham1 5564
61 7 hām tǎn timid, apprehensive; indecisive, vacillating.⁷
怵怵忐忐 chūk-chūk-hām-hām or jōt-jōt-hām-hām or chūk-chūk-hān-hān or jōt-jōt-hān-hān chùchutǎntǎn be anxious and restless.¹⁹
忐忑 hām-tēik
or hān-tēik tǎntè perturbed; mentally disturbed.⁵ indecisive, vacillating; apprehensive; a fidget; to fidget; honesty.⁷
忐忑不安 hām-tēik-būt-ön
or hān-tēik-būt-ön tǎntèbù'ān uneasy; fidgety.⁵
<又> hān.
(See 忐 hān.)
ham1 5565
112 9 hām kǎn cut, chop, hack; <topo.> throw something at.⁵
砍刀 hām-äo kǎndāo chopping knife; chopper.⁸
砍柴 hām-châi
kǎnchái cut firewood.⁵ʼ³⁹
砍斫 hām-ēk
kǎnzhuó to cut and hack.¹⁴
砍掉 hām-èl
kǎndiào to cut off.¹⁰
砍伐 hām-fàt
kǎnfá fell (trees).⁵ʼ⁸
砍价[砍價] hām-gä
kǎnjià or 侃价[侃價] hōn-gä kǎnjià bargain down; beat/knock down prices.⁶
砍下来[砍下來] hām-hä-lõi
kǎn xiàlái chop down (trees).¹⁴
砍头[砍頭] hām-hẽo
kǎntóu to behead (person).¹¹
砍头疮[砍頭瘡] hām-hẽo-chông
kǎntóuchuāng <med.> carbuncle on the neck.⁶
砍土镘[砍土鏝] hām-hū-màn
kǎntǔmàn a kind of mattock used by the Uyghur nationality.⁵
砍砸器 hām-jät-hï
kǎnzáqì <archeo.> chopping tool.⁶
砍列 hām-lèik
kǎnliè to cut down and kill.¹⁴
砍脑袋[砍腦袋] hām-nāo-òi
kǎnnǎodài to behead.¹⁴
砍断[砍斷] hām-òn
kǎnduàn cut down.¹¹ to cut in two.¹⁴
砍杀[砍殺] hām-sät
kǎnshā to attack and kill.¹⁰
砍伤[砍傷] hām-sëng
kǎnshāng wound by chopping.⁶ to wound with a blade or hatchet; to slash; to gash.¹⁰
砍樵 hām-tẽl
kǎnqiáo (=砍柴 hām-châi kǎnchái)  cut firewood.³⁹
ham1 5566
140 10 hām kǎn camphane.
(composition: ⿱艹坎; U+83B0).
ham1 5567
140 11 hām tǎn a young reed (荻 èik ); rush or sedge.⁸ a young reed.⁹ Miscanthus sacchariflorus (Amur silvergrass); Miscanthus sinensis (feather grass).¹⁰ a species of marsh grass or rush useful for making brooms.¹⁰² (Note: In Hoisanva, 菼 hām tǎn may also be read as dëin or tām).
(composition: ⿱艹炎; U+83FC).
葭菼揭揭 gä-hām-këik-këik
jiā tǎn jiē jiē
While the rushes and sedges are rank about. (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·衛風·碩人·4》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ the rushes and sedges grow thick.¹⁰²
毳衣如菼 tuï-yï-nguĩ-hām
cuìyī rú tǎn
And his robes of rank glitter like the young sedge.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·王風·大車·1》, translated by James Legge).
(See 蒹 gëm; 萑 fũn; 荻 èik).
ham1 5568
159 15 hām kǎn (=轗 hām kǎn) to fail; a difficulty, misfortune.⁸
❄{⿰車稟} hām-lâm kǎnlǎn a carriage going in an irregular manner; disappointed, embarrassed; a carriage unable to advance; also a carriage on an uneven road.²⁵
(See 轗 hām).
ham1 5569
159 20 hām kǎn to fail; a difficulty, misfortune.⁸
轗轲[轗軻] (=坎坷 hām-hō kǎnkě) hām-ö or hām-ü kǎnkě  bumpy (of a road); rough (of life); to be down on one's luck; to be full of frustrations and dashed hopes.¹⁰ uneven; rugged; impeded; embarrassed.²⁵ to move with difficulty.³⁹
(See 坎 häm, hêim; 輡 hām.)
ham1 5570
164 12 hām hān (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 酣 hõn hān with same meaning: (drink) to one's heart's content; happy, hearty, deep.⁶)
<又> hõn.
(See 酣 hõn.)
ham1 5571
164 16 hām tǎn salted meat; brine from pickled mince.⁸ brine of pickled meat.¹⁰ brine from pickled meat; condiments.¹⁴  salted mutton or pork deviled; the meat is fried and then minced and mixed with salted soy; the condiment is used with bread and soy.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰酉⿱冘皿; U+9193).
醓醢 hām-hōi tǎnhǎi the brine of pickled minced meat.¹⁴
醓醢以荐[醓醢以薦] hām-hōi-yî-dëin
tǎn hǎi yǐ jiàn sauces and pickles are furnished — to the guests.¹⁰²
Hām-hōi-yî-dëin. Vàk-fãn-vàk-giü.
Tǎn hǎi yǐ jiàn. Huò fán huò jiǔ.
Sauces and pickles are brought in,
With roast meat and broiled.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·生民之什·行葦·2》, translated by James Legge).
ham1 5572
169 19 hām hǎn roaring (of a tiger), growling; brave.⁷ roar.⁹ the roar of a tiger; the barking of a dog.²⁵ <lit.> angry roaring or growling (of tiger); <lit.> loud.³⁶ an angry growl of a beast, such as an irritated tiger makes; loud, angry voices.¹⁰²
(comp. t: ⿵門敢; U+95DE). (comp. s: ⿵门敢; U+961A).
阚阚[闞闞] hām-hām
hǎnhǎn sound of tiger's cry; fierce.¹¹
阚如虓虎[闞如虓虎] Hām-nguĩ-häo-fū
Hǎn rú xiāo hǔ
Looking fierce like raging tigers. (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·蕩之什·常武·4》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ looking as savage as a mad tiger.¹⁰² (Note: a more modern version is: 阚如哮虎[闞如哮虎] Hām-nguĩ-häo-fū
Hǎn rú xiāo hǔ with the same meaning).
<又> häm, hân.
(See 闞 häm, 闞 hân).
ham1 5573
191 21 hām hǎn (=阚[闞] hām hǎn roaring (of a tiger), growling; brave.⁷ roar.⁹ the roar of a tiger; the barking of a dog.²⁵ <lit.> angry roaring or growling (of tiger); <lit.> loud.³⁶ an angry growl of a beast, such as an irritated tiger makes; loud, angry voices.¹⁰²).
(composition: ⿵鬥敢; U+9B2B).
<又> häm.
(See 鬫 häm).
ham1 5574
9 12 häm tàn not at ease.² uneasy.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻𦐇❄{⿱日羽 (G) or ⿱冃羽 (T)}; U+509D).
傝儑 häm-ngäp
tàn'àn cannot do anything properly due to lack of intelligence.⁰
<又> hāp.
(See 傝 hāp).
ham2 5575
19 11 häm kān to investigate; to survey; to collate.
察勘 chāt-häm or 查勘 chã-häm chákān survey; prospect.⁶
点勘[點勘] ēm-häm
diǎnkān collate.⁵⁴
校勘 gäo-häm
jiàokān collate.⁵
勘测[勘測] häm-chāk
kāncè to survey; to investigate.
勘察 häm-chāt
or 勘查 häm-chã  kānchá reconnoiter (an area for engineering or other purposes); prospecting.⁶
勘探 häm-häm
kāntàn to explore; to prospect.
探勘 häm-häm
tànkān to explore; to prospect.
勘误表[勘誤表] häm-m̂-bēl
or 刊误表[刊誤表] hōn-m̂-bēl kānwùbiǎo errata; corrigenda.
对勘[對勘] uï-häm
duìkān to proofread; to check and correct.
ham2 5576
30 12 häm hǎn to yell; to shout; to call out for (a person).¹⁰
大喊大叫 ài-häm-ài-gël dàhǎndàjiào shouting and screaming (idiom); to scream loudly; to rant; to kick up a racket; to conduct vigorous propaganda.¹⁰
呼喊 fü-häm
hūhǎn to shout (slogans).¹⁰
叫喊 gël-häm
jiàohǎn exclamation; outcry; shout; yell.¹⁰
喊叫 häm-gël
hǎnjiào to cry out; to shout.¹⁰
喊话[喊話] häm-và
hǎnhuà propaganda directed to the enemy at the front line; to communicate by tele-equipment.⁸
哭喊 hūk-häm
kūhǎn to wail.¹⁰
呐喊[吶喊] nàp-häm
nàhǎn shout loudly; cry out.⁶ shout; rallying cry; cheering; to shout.¹⁰
呐喊声[吶喊聲] nàp-häm-sëin
nàhǎnshēng hubbub.¹⁰
嘶喊 xü-häm
sīhǎn to yell, shout.⁶
吆喊 yël-häm
yāohǎn to shout; to yell.¹⁰
<台> 喊做 häm-dü is called (so and so).
ham2 5577
30 14 häm tǎn gobble.⁸ sound of many people eating.¹⁰ a noise; the sound of a multitude.²⁴ gobble, eat hastily or greedily.³⁶ the noise of many people eating with haste; the slobbering and munching of a full table.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰口貪; U+55FF).
有嗿其馌.[有嗿其饁.] Yiû-häm-kĩ-yêp. Yǒu tǎn qí yè.
How the noise of their eating the viands brought to them resounds! (Excerpt from 《詩經·頌·周頌·閔予小子之什·載芟·1》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ (the field hands) gobbled down their broth.¹⁰²
ham2 5578
30 22 häm hǎn According to 汉典 (zdic.net), Yellowbridge and Wenlin the simplified form means "the roars of a tiger" whereas the traditional form means "angry air of look; to look furious, the roars of a tiger." Neither form exists in Kangxi.
(comp. t: ⿰口闞; U+361A). (comp. s: ⿰口阚; U+360E).
(See related term: 闞 hām; 闞 häm; 闞 hân).
ham2 5579
32 7 häm kǎn one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦 Bāt-gä Bāguà, symbolizing Water, The Abysmal; ☵.⁸⁰
(composition: ⿰土欠; U+574E).
坎儿[坎兒] häm-ngĩ kǎnr or 侃儿[侃兒] hōn-ngĩ kǎnr insinuating language, professional jargon, trade code; critical/important juncture; reverse, setback.⁶
开平赤坎[開平赤坎] Höi-pẽin Chëk-häm
Kāipíng Chìkǎn Chikan, Kaiping, 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Guangdong Province.⁰
<又> hām, hêim.
(See 坎 hām, hêim.)
ham2 5580
32 8 häm gān pot.
坩埚[坩堝] häm-vö or gäm-vö gānguō crucible.
<又> gäm.
(See 諱 gäm.)
ham2 5581
32 12 häm kān may, can; bear, endure.⁶
(variant: 𢦟❄{⿹戈今} häm kān).
卑鄙不堪 bï-pī-būt-häm
bēibǐbùkān be contemptible for one's meanness.³⁹
不堪 būt-häm
bùkān cannot bear; cannot stand; utterly; extremely.¹⁰ cannot endure, unbearable, extremely.¹¹
堪达罕[堪達罕] häm-àt-hōn
kāndáhǎn <topo.> elk; moose.⁵⁴ (=驼鹿[駝鹿] hũ-lùk or hõ-lùk tuólù elk; moose.⁶)
堪称[堪稱] häm-chëin
kānchēng  can be rated as; can be said to be.¹⁰
堪虞 häm-nguĩ
kānyú worrisome; precarious; to be at risk.¹⁰
堪当重任[堪當重任] häm-öng-jùng-ngìm
kāndāng zhòngrèn be capable of shouldering important tasks.⁶
堪舆[堪輿] häm-yĩ
kānyú <wr.> geomancy.⁶
堪忧[堪憂] häm-yiü
kānyōu <wr.> to be worth serious consideration; worrying, bleak.⁵⁴
可堪 hō-häm
kěkān how be able to endure or bear.⁸
难堪[難堪] nãn-häm
nánkān intolerable; embarrassed.⁸
(See 𢦟❄{⿹戈今} häm).
ham2 5582
32 14 häm kàn cliff.⁸ an elevated, steep bank (usually used in geographic names).⁹ dangerous cliffside.¹¹ (variant: 磡 häm kàn).
井墈 dēng-häm
jǐngkàn the edge round a well.¹⁴
墈边[墈邊] häm-bëin
kànbiān edge of a cliff.¹⁴
门墈[門墈] mõn-häm
ménkàn a doorsill.¹⁴
山墈 sän-häm
shānkàn a mountain cliff.¹⁴
石墈 sêk-häm
shíkàn bund.¹⁴
石墈子 sêk-häm-dū
shíkànzi a stone doorsill.¹⁴
(See 磡 häm).
ham2 5583
46 10 häm kàn 赤崁 Chēik-häm Chìkàn, a place in Tainan, Taiwan.⁸
赤崁楼[赤崁樓] Chēik-häm-lẽo
Chìkǎnlóu Chihkan Tower (formerly Fort Provintia) in Tainan, Taiwan (also written 赤嵌樓 Chēik-hàm-lẽo Chìqiànlóu).¹⁰
ham2 5584
61 15 häm hān foolish, silly; straightforward, naive, ingenuous.⁵
娇憨[嬌憨] gël-häm jiāohān lovely and innocent.⁶
憨痴[憨癡] häm-chï
hānchī idiotic.⁵
憨子 häm-dū
hānzi <topo.> blockhead; simpleton; fool.⁶
憨态[憨態] häm-häi
hāntài air of charming naivité.⁶
憨态可掬[憨態可掬] häm-häi-hō-gūk
hāntàikějū charmingly naive.⁵
憨头憨脑[憨頭憨腦] häm-hẽo-häm-nāo
hāntóuhānnǎo be stupid/silly/idiotic.⁶
憨厚 häm-hêo
hānhou straightforward and good-natured; simple and honest.⁵
憨直 häm-jèik
hānzhí honest and staightforward.⁵
憨声[憨聲] häm-sëin
hānshēng not clever but honest in speech.⁵⁴
憨实[憨實] häm-sìt
hānshi staightforward and honest; ingenuous.⁶
憨寝[憨寢] häm-tīm
hānqǐn to sleep soundly.⁷
憨笑 häm-xël
hānxiào smile fatuously; simper.⁵
ham2 5585
62 8 𢦟
häm kān to kill.² <old> alternate form of 戡 (häm kān, “to kill; to conquer”); <old> alternate form of 堪 (häm kān, “to bear; to withstand; to be capable”).³⁶ (Note: May also be read as kẽim kān).   (composition: ⿹戈今; U+2299F).
❄{⿹戈今}破头[𢦟❄{⿹戈今}破頭] häm-pö-hẽo kānpòtóu can break the head/skull.⁹⁸
"gïm-jüng-và-yì, võng-xïm-fūt-häm, kĩ-nãng-giū-fũ?
“jīn zhōng huà yǐ, wáng xīn fú kān, qí néng jiǔ hū?”
"Now we have such an excessively large bell, that the king's heart will be unable to bear (its sound). How can that last long?" (Quoting verbatim from the
Zuozhuan with alternative character transcriptions).³⁶
❄{⿹戈今}黎。” 《商書》曰:「西伯旣𢦟❄{⿹戈今}黎。」
“Sëng-sï” yòt: “Xäi-bāk gï-häm Lãi. ”
“Shāngshū” yuē: “Xībó jì kān Lí.”
In the Book of Shang it was written: "The Xibo, having conquered Li…" ⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《說文解字·卷十三·戈部·8344》translation from Wiktionary.³⁶
(See 戡 häm; 堪 häm).
ham2 5586
62 11 𢧆
häm kān (=𢦟❄{⿹戈今} häm kān to kill.² <old> alternate form of 戡 (häm kān, “to kill; to conquer”); <old> alternate form of 堪 (häm kān, “to bear; to withstand; to be capable”).³⁶ (Note: May also be read as kẽim kān).
(composition: ⿹戈含; U+229C6).
(See 𢦟❄{⿹戈今} häm; 戡 häm; 堪 häm).
ham2 5587
62 12 𢧒
häm kān (=𢦟❄{⿹戈今} häm kān to kill.² <old> alternate form of 戡 (häm kān, “to kill; to conquer”); <old> alternate form of 堪 (häm kān, “to bear; to withstand; to be capable”).³⁶ (Note: May also be read as hẽim kān).
(composition: ⿹戈含; U+229D2).
(See 𢦟❄{⿹戈今} häm; 戡 häm; 堪 häm).
ham2 5588
62 13 häm kān to subdue, to suppress, to put down; to kill, to slay.⁷
(variant: 𢦟❄{⿹戈今} häm kān).
(composition: ⿰甚戈; U+6221).
戡定 häm-èin
or jäm-èin kāndìng to put down or suppress (a rebellion); to subdue (barbarian tribes).⁷
戡乱[戡亂] häm-lòn
or jäm-lòn or 勘乱[勘亂] häm-lòn kānluàn put down a rebellion; suppress a rebellion.⁶
戡乱平反[戡亂平反] häm-lòn-pẽin-fān
or jäm-lòn-pẽin-fān kānluànpíngfǎn to suppress a rebellion (idiom).¹⁰
戡平 häm-pẽin
or jäm-pẽin kānpíng succeed in suppressing (a rebellion); <wr.> bring order by force.⁵⁴
戡平叛乱[戡平叛亂] häm-pẽin-bòn-lòn
or jäm-pẽin-bòn-lòn kānpíngpànluàn suppress (or put down) a rebellion.⁵
戡夷 häm-yĩ
or jäm-yĩ  kānyí to subdue barbarian tribes.⁷
<又> jäm.
(See 戡 jäm; 𢦟❄{⿹戈今} häm).
ham2 5589
64 11 häm tàn to look for, to explore; to stretch/pop forward.
暗探 ām-häm àntàn secret agent; detective.⁵
探本 häm-bōn
tànběn to trace to the origins; to make a fundamental study.
探测[探測] häm-chāk
tàncè probe into, probings; conjecture.¹¹
探察 häm-chāt
tànchá survey; reconnoiter; observe; inspect.⁶
探究 häm-giü
tànjiū probe to the bottom.¹¹
探讨[探討] häm-hāo
tàntǎo to inquire into; to explore.
探头探脑[探頭探腦] häm-hẽo-häm-nāo
tàntóutànnǎo to pop one's head in and look about; to act stealthily.
探望 häm-mòng
tànwàng to look about; to visit.
探索 häm-sōk
tànsuǒ to explore; to probe.
探亲[探親] häm-tïn
tànqīn to visit relatives.
侦探[偵探] jëin-häm
zhēntàn to do detective work; detective, spy.
<台> 探牌 häm-pãi/ detective; private eye.
ham2 5590
64 14 häm hàn Han surname.
<又> hòn. (See 撖 hòn.)
ham2 5591
64 15 häm dǎn (variant of 撣 àn dǎn) to dust; duster.
(composition: ⿰扌覃; U+64A2).
蝇撢[蠅撢] yẽin-häm
yíngdǎn fly duster.¹⁹ fly whisk.⁵⁴
(See 撣 àn, sèn.)
ham2 5592
64 15 häm tàn used for 探 häm tàn to pry into.¹¹
t: ⿰扌單; U+64A3). (comp. s: ⿰扌单; U+63B8).
掸系[撣繫] häm-hài
tànxì to be related to (something), to touch.⁵⁴
<又> àn; sên.
(See 撣 àn; 撣 sên; 探 häm).
ham2 5593
75 18 häm kǎn a doorsill; a threshold.⁷
门槛[門檻] or 门坎[門坎] mõn-häm ménkǎn doorsill, threshold; <topo.> knack; way to do something.⁶ (=<台> 门地伏[門地伏] mõn-ì-fûk threshold; doorsill. q.v.)
门槛精[門檻精] mõn-häm-dëin
ménkǎnjīng play one's card well.⁶
<又> lâm.
(See 檻 lâm.)
ham2 5594
76 12 欿 häm qiàn to desire; to covet.²⁴
(composition: ⿰臽欠; U+6B3F).
<又> hêim. (See 欿 hêim)
ham2 5595
76 17 häm hān to desire; to give; to make a pretence of giving anything.²⁴ to desire; to ask for a thing playfully; to pretend to beg.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰僉欠; U+6B5B).
<又> lêm. (See 歛 lêm).
ham2 5596
82 12 häm tǎn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 毯 dëin tǎn with same meaning.)
<又> dëin, hān, hâm.
(See 毯 dëin, hān, hâm.)
ham2 5597
85 11 häm dàn 淡水 häm-suī or àm-suī dànshuǐ fresh water.⁵⁴
<台> 口淡 hēo-häm tastelessness.
<又> àm.
(See 淡 àm.)
ham2 5598
109 13 häm tàn to wait and look.²ʼ²⁴
(composition: ⿰目炎; U+7752).
<又> sēm. (See 睒 sēm).
ham2 5599
109 16 häm kàn look down from a height, overlook; <wr.> peep, spy.⁶ (variant: 矙 häm kàn, 阚[闞] häm kàn).
俯瞰 fū-häm
fǔkàn overlook; command (a view of).⁶
俯瞰城中 fū-häm-sẽin-jüng
fǔkànchéngzhōng overlook the town (from high position).¹¹
瞰孔子之亡也 häm-Kūng-dū-jï-mõng-yâ
kàn Kǒngzǐ zhīwángyě he watched to know when Confucius was away from home.¹⁴
瞰临[瞰臨] häm-lĩm
kànlín overlook; watch from above.¹⁰
瞰望 häm-mòng
kànwàng overlook; watch from above.¹⁰
鸟瞰[鳥瞰] nêl-häm
niǎokàn get a bird's-eye view.⁸
鱼瞰[魚瞰] nguĩ-häm
yúkàn open-eyed.¹⁴
(See 矙 häm; 闞 häm).
ham2 5600
109 34 häm kàn (=瞰 häm kàn) look down from a height, overlook; <wr.> peep, spy.⁶
(composition: ⿰目闞; U+77D9).
Yẽng-fö häm Kūng-dū jï-mõng-yâ...
Yáng huò kàn Kǒngzǐ zhī wáng yě...
Yang Huo watched when Confucius was out...⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《孟子·滕文公下·12》, translated by James Legge).
(See 瞰 häm).
ham2 5601
112 13 𥓒
häm kàn (=磡 häm kàn (=墈 häm kàn) cliff.⁸ an elevated, steep bank (usually used in geographic names).⁹ dangerous cliffside.¹¹); under the cliff.⁸ underneath a bank.²⁵
(composition: ⿰石臽; U+254D2).
<又> hàm. (See 𥓒❄{⿰石臽} hàm).
ham2 5602
112 16 häm kàn (=墈 häm kàn) cliff.⁸ an elevated, steep bank (usually used in geographic names).⁹ dangerous cliffside.¹¹
红磡[紅磡] hũng-häm
hóngkàn Hung Hom, a locality in Kowloon, Hong Kong.¹⁰
(See 墈 häm).
ham2 5603
142 11 häm hān blood clam.⁵
魁蚶 föi-häm kuíhān arc clam (Arca inflata).¹⁰
蚶子 häm-dū
hānzi (=瓦垄子[瓦壟子] ngā-lûng-dū wǎlǒngzi) blood clam.⁸
蚶田 häm-hẽin
hāntián clam breeding ground; clam bed.⁶
毛蚶 mão-häm
máohān an arc clam (Scapharca subcrenata).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
泥蚶 nãi-häm
níhān blood cockle, blood clam (Tegillarca granosa).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
ham2 5604
154 11 häm tān corrupt.
贪赃枉法[貪贓枉法] häm-döng-vōng-fāt tānzāngwǎngfǎ take bribes and bend the law; pervert justice for a bribe.⁵
贪高骛远[貪高騖遠] häm-gäo-mù-yōn
tāngāowùyuǎn run after high position or far-off things.¹¹
häm-gön-vü-lì tānguānwūlì corrupt officials.
贪婪[貪婪] häm-lãm
tānlán avaricious, greedy, rapacious; greedy, avid, insatiable.⁶
贪惏无厌[貪惏無厭] häm-lĩm-mũ-yëm
tānlánwúyàn avaricious and insatiable (idiom); greedy and never satisfied.⁵⁴
贪爱[貪愛] häm-öi
tān'ài to love passionately; to covet (somebody), to love.⁵⁴
贪馋[貪饞] häm-tãm
tānchán greedy (for food); gluttonous; insatiably greedy.¹
贪污[貪污] häm-vü
tānwū to be corrupt; to embezzle.¹⁰
贪污和贿赂[貪污和賄賂] häm-vü-võ-hōi-lù
tānwū hé huìlù graft and corruption.⁵⁴
贪心[貪心] häm-xïm
tānxīn greed, avarice; greedy.⁶
贪心不足[貪心不足] häm-xïm-būt-dūk
tānxīn bùzú be insatiably greedy; one's avarice knows no bounds.⁶
贪心不足蛇吞象[貪心不足蛇吞象] häm-xïm būt-dūk sẽh- hün-dèng
tānxīn bùzú shétūnxiàng A man whose heart is not content is like a snake trying to swallow an elephant.²³
ham2 5605
154 15 häm dǎn <wr.> offer as a tribute to; present to.⁶ fine.⁸ to sacrifice something to (ethnic Dai language).⁹ (old barbarian dialects) to pay a fine in atonement; river.¹⁰ the practice of barbarians, who allow the compensation for crime by payment of fines.²⁵
赕佛[賧佛] häm-fùt dǎnfó make donations to Buddhist temple and pray to the Buddha to ward off calamities and bestow blessings.⁶  (Dai language) to make offerings to Buddha.¹⁰
ham2 5606
169 19 häm kàn to steal a glance, to peep, to spy, to watch secretly; Kan surname.⁷ Kan surname.⁴ʼ⁸ to look for; to expect.²⁵ <lit.> alternative form of 瞰 (häm kàn, “to glance; to peep; to visit”). <lit.> to approach; to be near to; Kan surname​.³⁶
(comp. t: ⿵門敢; U+95DE). (comp. s: ⿵门敢; U+961A).
俯阚海湄[俯闞海湄] fū-häm-hōi-mĩ
fǔkànhǎiméi look down at the seashore.⁵⁴
阚泽[闞澤] Häm Jàk
Kàn Zé Kan Ze (d. 243) was an official of the state of Eastern Wu (東吳) during the Three Kingdoms period (三國時期); his highest position was Grand Tutor of the Crown Prince (太子太傅).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
阚其动静[闞其動靜] häm-kĩ-ùng-dèin
kànqídòngjìng watch secretly his activities.¹¹
阚视[闞視] häm-sì
kànshì to look out; also to approach.²⁵
<又> hām, hân.
(See 闞 hām, 闞 hân; 瞰 häm).
ham2 5607
191 21 häm kàn (=阚[闞] häm kàn to steal a glance, to peep, to spy, to watch secretly; Kan surname.⁷ Kan surname.⁴ʼ⁸ to look for; to expect.²⁵ <lit.> alternative form of 瞰 (häm kàn, “to glance; to peep; to visit”). <lit.> to approach; to be near to; Kan surname​.³⁶).
(composition: ⿵鬥敢; U+9B2B).
<又> hām.
(See 鬫 hām).
ham2 5608
197 19 𪉧
häm tàn tasteless.²ʼ²⁵ having no salt, tasteless, flat, insipid.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰鹵炎; U+2A267).
ham2 5609
197 25 𪊇
häm tàn (composition: ⿰鹵監; U+2A287).
䶟𪊇❄{⿰鹵監} hàm-häm xiàntàn tasteless.²
<又> gäm.
(See 𪊇❄{⿰鹵監} gäm).
ham2 5610
203 21 häm tàn black, dark; unclear; private.¹⁰ deep black color; shameful secret, privacy.¹⁰¹ black clouds bringing rain.¹⁰² (Note: 黮 häm tàn may be read tǎn in Mandarin).
(composition: ⿰黑甚; U+9EEE).
黯黮 ām-häm
àntàn dim; gloomy.³⁶
黮闇 häm-ām
tàn'àn not clear; void of intelligence.²⁵ unclear appearance.³⁶ unclear.¹⁰¹ void of intelligence, vacant-minded.¹⁰²
黮黚 häm-kẽm
tànqián deficient in brightness and purity; dark, obscure.²⁵
黮䵨 häm-mõng
tànmáng private; selfish.²⁵
云黭黮而将雨[雲黭黮而將雨] vũn-yēm-häm-ngĩ-dëng-yî 
yúnyǎntàn'érjiāngyǔ the lowering clouds will soon bring rain.¹⁰²
桑黮 xông-häm
sāngtàn the fruit of the mulberry tree.²⁵
<又> àm; sìm.
(See 黮 àm; 黮 sìm).
ham2 5611
17 8 hãm hán a letter, correspondence; armor; to contain, to envelop; a sheath, as for a sword or a knife; an envelope.⁷
(variant: 凾 hãm hán). (See 凾 hãm).
公函 güng-hãm
gōnghán official letter.⁵
函复[函復] hãm-fūk
hánfù to reply by letter.²²
函告 hãm-gäo
hángào inform by letter.⁶
函甲 hãm-gâp
hánjiǎ armor.¹⁴
函件 hãm-gèin
hánjiàn letters; correspondence.⁷
函购[函購] hãm-këo
hángòu to purchase by mail order.⁷
函人 hãm-ngĩn
hánrén an armorer.¹⁴
函授 hãm-siù
hánshòu teaching by mail or correspondence.⁷
函授学校[函授學校] hãm-siù-hòk-hào
hánshòuxuéxiào a correspondence school.⁷
函索即寄 hãm-sōk-dēik-gï
hánsuǒjíjì to send (samples) upon request by mail.⁷
函数[函數] hãm-sü
hánshù <math.> function.⁷
函约[函約] hãm-yēk
hányuē to make an appointment by letter.⁷
来函[來函] lõi-hãm
láihán incoming letter; letter received.⁶
唁函 ngèin-hãm
yànhán a message of condolence.¹⁰
信函 xïn-hãm
xìnhán letter; correspondence.⁶
修函 xiü-hãm
xiūhán <wr.> write a letter.⁵
ham3 5612
17 9 hãm hán (demotic equivalent of 函 hãm hán a letter, correspondence; armor; to contain, to envelop; a sheath, as for a sword or a knife; an envelope.⁷); correspondence; a case; a box.⁸
(composition: ⿶凵亟
(without the bottom stroke); U+51FE).
(See 函 hãm).
ham3 5613
30 9 hãm xián <wr.> all; altogether.⁶
咸认为[咸認為] hãm-ngìn-vĩ xiánrènwéi generally regarded; generally thought.⁷
咸受其益 hãm-siù-kĩ-yēik
xiánshòuqíyì All benefited from it.⁵
咸信 hãm-xïn
xiánxìn generally believe that.⁷
咸与维新[咸與維新] hãm-yî-vĩ-xïn
xiányùwéixīn everyone participates in reforms (idiom); to replace the old with new; to reform and start afresh.¹⁰
群谋咸同[群謀咸同] kũn-mẽo-hãm-hũng
qúnmóuxiántóng all have the same ideas.⁵⁴
老少咸宜 lāo-sēl-hãm-ngĩ
lǎoshàoxiányí suit young and old alike; be good for young and old alike.⁶
阮咸 ngũn-hãm
ruǎnxián Ruanxian, a four or three-stringed plucked musical instrument named after Ruan Xian, a musician of the Western Jin Dynasty, looking roughly like the Yueqin; its shortened form is 阮.⁹
(See 鹹 hãm xián.)
ham3 5614
31 10 hãm hán (original character for 函 hãm hán correspondence, a letter).² correspondence; a case; a box.⁸ to contain; to envelop.¹⁴
(composition:  ⿱龴⿴囗⿱丷干 or ⿱龴⿴囗𢆉; U+5705).
石圅 sêk-hãm
shíhán a stone box.¹⁹
(See 函 hãm).
ham3 5615
46 11 hãm hán a mountain located in the southwest of today's Lingbao County (灵宝县[靈寶縣]), Henan Province (河南省).⁸ Originally called 函 hãm hán
(composition: ⿰山函; U+5D21).
or 函谷关[函谷關] hãm-gūk-gän hángǔguān a mountain pass in Henan Province (河南省).⁵⁴
or 崤函 ngão-hãm xiáohán The collective name of Xiaoshan Mountain (崤山) and Hangu Pass (函谷关).¹⁹
ham3 5616
46 12 hãm kān jagged rocks.⁸ rugged.¹⁰ʼ³⁶ (=崎岖[崎嶇] kĩ-kuï qíqū  rugged, bumpy, rough, not smooth.⁶).¹³
(composition: ⿰山甚; U+5D41).
Gù xián zhě fú chù dàshān kān yán zhī xià.
The effect was that men of ability and worth lay concealed at the foot of the crags of mount Tai.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《莊子·外篇·在宥·2》, translated by James Legge).
or 嵁巖 or 嵁巗 hãm-ngãm kānyán rough, jagged (mountain roads, peaks).¹¹ uneven; rugged.²⁴
嵁崿 hãm-ngōk
kān'è precipitous.²⁴
<又> jām.
(See 嵁 jām).
ham3 5617
61 11 hãm tán to burn; to worry.⁸ the mind much distressed, as though fired up; to burn.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰忄炎; U+60D4).
Hön-bàt-vĩ-ngèk, nguĩ-hãm-nguĩ-fũn
Hànbá wéi nüè, rú tán rú fén.
The demon of drought exercises his oppression.
As if scattering flames and fire.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·蕩之什·雲漢·5》, translated by James Legge).
Yiü-xïm-nguĩ-hãm, būt-gām-hï-hãm.
Yōuxīn rú tán, bù gǎn xì tán.
A fire burns in their grieving hearts;
They do not dare to speak of you even in jest.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·祈父之什·節南山·1》, translated by James Legge).
<又> yèm; àm.
(See 惔 yèm; 惔 àm).
ham3 5618
72 16 hãm tán covered with clouds.⁵ <wr.> thick/dense clouds.⁶
昙花[曇花] hãm-fä tánhuā broad-leaved epiphyllum (Epiphyllum oxypetalum).⁵
昙花一现[曇花一現] hãm-fä-yīt-yèn
tánhuāyīxiàn flower briefly as the broad-leaved epiphyllum; last briefly; be a flash in the pan.⁵
昙花一现的人物[曇花一現的人物] hãm-fä-yīt-yèn-ēik-ngĩn-mùt
or hãm-fä-yīt-yèn-ēik-ngĩn-mòt tánhuā yīxiàn de rénwù transient figure; person of ephemerel importance.⁶
昙昙[曇曇] hãm-hãm
tántán cloudy; overcast.⁷
瞿昙[瞿曇] Kuî-hãm
Qútán used for Gautama – the name of Buddha.¹⁴
ham3 5619
75 12 hãm hán (=㮭 hãm hán a snake (a tool for clearing out a drain).²  tool to clear out (as a drain) the water; (same as 函 hãm hán) a case; a small box.⁸ a wooden bowl.²⁴ a wooden bowl or trencher to hold liquids; a casket; a case; one defines it 'to plant trees'.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰木函; U+3B80).
(See 㮭 hãm).
ham3 5620
75 13 hãm hán to accommodate; interchangeable with 函 hãm hán a letter, correspondence.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰木咸; U+6937).
<又> gäm.
(See 椷 gäm; 椷 [hãm, xián]; 函 hãm).
ham3 5621
75 13 hãm tán raised path between fields; <topo.> pit; pond.⁸
ham3 5622
75 13 hãm xián a cup.² (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 椷 gäm jiān with the same meaning: a small suitcase; a trunk; a portfolio; a box; associated with 函 hãm hán a letter, correspondence.² wooden crates and boxes; cups; name of a tree; letters.¹⁰¹).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰木咸; U+6937).
<又> gäm.
(See 椷 gäm; 椷[ hãm, hán]; 函 hãm).
ham3 5623
75 14 hãm hán a snake (a tool for clearing out a drain).² (same as 椷 gäm jiān in meaning) a casket, a box, a bowl, a cup; to allow; an envelope.⁸ a utensil for carrying water.²⁴
(variant: 㮀 hãm
(composition: ⿰木圅; U+3BAD).
(See 㮀 hãm; 椷 gäm).
ham3 5624
85 11 hãm hán wet, damp and marshy; to contain; lenient and broad-minded.⁷
涵煦 hãm-huī hánxù to protect and raise (children); to cherish and nourish.⁷
涵义[涵義] hãm-ngì
hányì meaning; implication.⁷
涵洞 hãm-ùng
hándòng a culvert.⁷
涵泳 hãm-vèin
hányǒng to swim.⁷
涵养[涵養] hãm-yêng
hányǎng capability to be kind, patient, lenient, tolerant or broad-minded under all circumstances; to cherish and nourish.⁷
涵濡 hãm-yĩ
hánrú to set a good moral example to the younger generation.⁷
涵容 hãm-yũng
hánróng to contain; capable of holding; tolerant.⁷
海涵 hōi-hãm
hǎihán great magnanimity; broad-mindedness; forgiveness.⁷
内涵[內涵] nuì-hãm
nèihán <log.> intension; connotation.⁷
ham3 5625
85 15 hãm tán deep pool; pond; pit (dialect); depression; Tan surname.¹⁰
碧潭 bēik-hãm bìtán blue lake.¹¹
沉潭 chĩm-hãm
chéntán drowning somebody tied to a rock (as a form of torture).¹⁰
潭第 hãm-ài
tándì <court.> your house (lit. “deep mansion”).¹¹
潭府 hãm-fū
tánfǔ (=潭第 hãm-ài tándì) <court.> your house (lit. “deep mansion”).¹¹
潭江 Hãm-göng
Tánjiāng Tanjiang, a river in Jiangmen, Guangdong, running through Xinhui, Kaiping, Taishan, and Enping, where the  name is changed to 锦江[錦江] Gīm-göng Jǐnjiāng Jinjiang.⁰
龙潭虎穴[龍潭虎穴] lũng-hãm-fū-yòt
lóngtán-hǔxué dragon's pond and tiger's cave – dangerous places.¹¹
明潭 mẽin-hãm
míngtán clear pond.¹¹
<又> hêim.
(See 潭 hêim.)
ham3 5626
85 16 hãm tán 澹台[澹臺] Hãmhõi Tántái Tantai compound surname; name of a lake in Jiangsu (江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū).
<又> àm.
(See 澹 àm.)
ham3 5627
86 16 hãm tán to heat up; to roast; smoke, fumes; tobacco, opium; (Cant.) to singe.⁸ to dry at the fire; to scorch; to burn; to heat.¹⁴ hot, warm; to be burnt to ashes.²⁴
(composition: ⿰火覃; U+71C2).
燂茶 hãm-chã tánchá to boil a kettle (of water).¹⁹
燂汤[燂湯] hãm-höng
tántāng to warm water.²⁴
燂汤请浴[燂湯請浴] hãm-höng-tēin-yùk
tántāngqǐngyù heat water and ask her mother-in-law to have a bath – a dutiful wife was expected to do this once every five days.¹⁴
燂烁[燂爍] hãm-sēk
tánshuò hot; red-hot, blazing.¹⁹
燂船 hãm-sõn
tánchuán to burn off the barnacles etc. from the bottom of a boat.¹⁴
燂水 hãm-suī
tánshuǐ to heat water.¹⁴
五日,则燂汤请浴.[五日,則燂湯請浴.] M̄-ngìt, dāk-hãm-höng-tēin-yùk.
Wǔ rì, zé tán tāng qǐng yù.
Every five days they should prepare tepid water, and ask them to take a bath.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·內則·13》, translated by James Legge).
燂洗 hãm-xāi
tánxǐ rinse, wash, clean.¹⁹
<台> 燂只脚[燂隻腳] hãm-jëk-gëk
warm my foot (by a fire).
<台> 燂双手[燂雙手] hãm-söng-siū
warm my hands (by a fire).
<又> tẽm, tĩm.
(See 燂 tẽm, 燂 tĩm).
ham3 5628
96 13 hãm xián (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 瑊 gäm jiān with the same meaning: jewel-like stone.⁸).²
(composition: ⿰𤣩咸; U+744A).
<又> jïm, gäm.
(See 瑊 jïm; 瑊 gäm).
ham3 5629
104 13 hãm tán phlegm; expectoration; sputum.⁷
痰喘 hãm-chūn tánchuǎn asthma.⁷
痰盒儿[痰盒兒] hãm-hâp-ngĩ
tánhér a spittoon.⁷
痰气[痰氣] hãm-hï
tánqì mental disorder; apoplexy; asthma.⁷
痰桶 hãm-hūng
tántǒng a spittoon.⁷
痰迷心窍[痰迷心竅] hãm-mãi-xïm-hël
tánmíxīnqiào confused; foolish; befuddled.⁷
痰涎 hãm-yẽn
tánxián phlegm; spittle; expectoration.⁷
痰盂 hãm-yĩ
tányú spittoon; cuspidor.⁶
吐痰 hü-hãm
tǔtán to spit; to expectorate.¹⁰
咯痰 lōk-hãm
kǎtán to cough up phlegm.¹¹
ham3 5630
119 12 𥹠
hãm tán to stick; to adhere.²⁵
(composition: ⿰米多; U+25E60).
<又> xām. (See 𥹠❄{⿰米多} xām).
ham3 5631
130 12 𦜆
hãm hán the original form of 顄 hãm hàn the chin, the jaws.² the front part of the neck, under the chin.²⁵ <old> tongue; (=顄 hãm hàn); (Xiamen, Zhangzhou, Taiwanese Hokkien) jaw.³⁶
(composition: ⿰月函; U+26706).
(See 顄 hãm).
ham3 5632
140 11 hãm hàn 菡萏 hãm-hàm hàndàn <wr.> lotus bloom (flower); lotus bud.⁸ <wr.> lotus.⁹
ham3 5633
142 18 hãm tán  (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 蟫 yĩm yín with the same meaning: silverfish, which destroys books and clothing).
(composition: ⿰虫覃; U+87EB).
<又> yĩm; tĩm.
(See 蟫 yĩm; 蟫 tĩm).
ham3 5634
146 12 hãm tán spread to, involve; deep and vast, profound.⁷ deep; profound.¹¹ Tan surname.⁸
(composition: ⿱覀早; U+8983).
Gût-jï-hãm-hãi, sï-yï-jüng-gūk.
Gé zhī tán xī, shī yú zhōnggǔ.
How the dolichos spread itself out,
Extending to the middle of the valley!⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·周南·葛覃·1》, translated by James Legge).
覃及 hãm-gèp
tánjí <wr.> spread to.¹¹
覃思 hãm-xü
tánsī deep or profound thought; deep in thought; meditation.⁷ <wr.> deep thought.¹¹
覃思而行 hãm-xü-ngĩ-hãng
tánsī'érxíng to think deeply and move.⁷
覃恩 hãm-yïn
tán'ēn grace, favor, or benefits for all.⁷ <wr.> deep or broad favor (to people).¹¹
覃第 hãm-ài
tándì a vast and extensive residence; your house.⁷
<又> tĩm.
(See 覃 tĩm.)
ham3 5635
149 15 hãm tán to talk; to chat.
座谈[座談] dò-hãm zuòtán have an informal discussion.⁶
谈何容易[談何容易] hãm-hõ-yũng-yì
tánhéróngyì easier said than done; by no means easy.⁵
谈吐[談吐] hãm-hü
tántǔ style of conversation.¹⁰
谈了半宿[談了半宿] hãm-lēl-bön-xūk
tánlebànxiǔ talk for half the night.⁶
谈恋爱[談戀愛] hãm-lūn-öi
tánliàn'ài be in love; have a love affair.⁵ court; have a courtship (with somebody).⁶
谈论[談論] hãm-lùn
tánlùn to discuss; discussion.
谈判[談判] hãm-pön
tánpàn negotiate/parley/bargain (with somebody); hold talks/parleys.⁶
谈话[談話] hãm-và
tánhuà chat.⁹
老生常谈[老生常談] lāo-säng-sẽng-hãm
lǎoshēng chángtán platitude; cliché.
言谈林薮[言談林藪] ngũn-hãm-lĩm-xēo
yántánlínsǒu articulate in speech (idiom); eloquent.¹⁰
ham3 5636
149 16 hãm xián in harmony; in agreement; sincere.⁸ sincerity; union; to bring into accord.¹⁴ to harmonize; union, concord; also to adjust, to arrrange; the name of a tune.²⁵
(composition: ⿰訁咸; U+8AF4).
至諴咸神 jï-hãm-hãm-sĩn zhìxiánxiánshén perfect sincerity will move the gods/spirits.¹⁴ extreme sincerity influence the gods/spirits.²⁵
能諴小民  nãng-hãm-xēl-mĩn 
néngxiánxiǎomín he could harmonize with the inferior people.²⁵
<又> ngãm.
(See 諴 ngãm).
ham3 5637
149 19 hãm tán (=谈[談] hãm tán. 谭[譚] is now written as 谈[談]) to talk; to chat.
天方夜谭[天方夜譚] hëin-föng-yèh-hãm
tiānfāngyètán Arabian Nights; highly suspect story; fantasy story.
<又> Hâm.
(See 譚 hâm.)
ham3 5638
163 10 hãm tán 郯城县[郯城縣] Hãm-sẽin-yòn Tánchéngxiàn Tangchengxian is a county in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province); Tan surname.
ham3 5639
164 15 hãm tán light-bodied wine or light vinegar.²ʼ⁸ wine weak and sour; weak wine.²⁵
(composition: ⿰酉炎; U+9188).
<又> àm. (See 醈 àm).
ham3 5640
164 16 hãm xián demotic character for 咸[鹹] hãm xián.² (<old>=咸[鹹] hãm xián saltish; salty; briny; salted.⁷).⁸
(composition: ⿰酉咸; U+918E).
(See 鹹 hãm).
ham3 5641
164 19 hãm tán bitter taste in  wine.² (taste of wine) mellow, rich, full-flavored.⁸ bitter taste in wine; rich; full-flavored.¹⁴ sour spirits which have lost their flavor; a rich taste, sweet; generous, like good wine; fine, as music.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰酉覃; U+91B0).
醰醰 hãm-hãm tántán rich-flavored taste (in wine).¹⁹
醰醲 hãm-ngũng
tánnóng mellow, rich-flavored.¹⁹
醰粹 hãm-xuì
táncuì pure and excellent.¹⁴
宅心醰粹 jàk-xïm hãm-xuì
zháixīn táncuì his whole heart is pure and like generous wine.¹⁰²
良醰 lẽng-hãm
liángtán good generous wine.²⁵
良醰醰而有味 lẽng-hãm-hãm-ngĩ-yiû-mì
liáng tán tán ér yǒu wèi good and rich flavored.¹⁴ most delightful was the music, and its relish still remains.¹⁰²
渊醰[淵醰] yön-hãm
yuāntán far-reaching and sincere.¹⁹
ham3 5642
167 14 hãm xián (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 衔[銜] hẽim xián with same meaning.)
<又> hẽim.
(See 銜 hẽim.)
ham3 5643
167 16 hãm tán <wr.> long spear; lance.⁶
(comp. t: ⿰釒炎; U+931F). (comp. s: ⿰钅炎; U+952C).
ham3 5644
167 16 hãm xián (<wr.> casket; case; box.⁶); a cup.⁸ a cup; a chest of drawers.²⁵ a press or closet.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰金函; U+4934).
<又> hẽim. (See 䤴 hẽim).
ham3 5645
167 20 hãm tán Tan surname.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿰釒覃; U+9414). (comp. s: ⿰钅覃; U+9561).
<又> tĩm.
(See 鐔 tĩm.)
ham3 5646
181 17 hãm hàn (<old> means 颔[頷] ngâm hàn the chin, the jaws.⁷).⁸ the chin.²⁵
(composition: ⿰函頁; U+9844).
顄淡 hãm-àm
hàndàn the appearance of rippling waves.³⁶
蹙顄 tūk-hãm
cùhàn a short chin.¹⁹ to screw up the chin.²⁵
(See 頷 ngâm).
ham3 5647
184 16 hãm tán to enter.⁸ to advance.¹⁰ to advance; to increase; a cake; a bait.¹⁴ to serve up food; to enter; to eat; cakes done up with meat inside, a sort of sandwich or croquet; to allure, to bait.¹⁰² (Note: 餤 hãm tán may also be read as yẽm yán with the same meaning).²
(composition: ⿰飠炎; U+9924).
Ào-ngũn-kūng-gäm, lòn-sì-yùng-hãm.
Dào yán kǒng gān, luàn shì yòng tán.
Their words are very sweet,
And the disorders thereby advance.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·小旻之什·巧言·3》, translated by James Legge).
饼餤[餅餤] bēng-hãm
bǐngtán a meat-cake.¹⁴ʼ¹⁰²
餤饵[餤餌] hãm-nì
tán'ěr a bait, a temptation.¹⁴ʼ¹⁰²
乱是用餤[亂是用餤] lòn-sì-yùng-hãm l
uàn shì yòng tán disorders are thereby increased.¹⁴ the disturbances will soon reach this.¹⁰²
<又> àm.
(See 餤 àm).
ham3 5648
197 19 hãm xián saltish; salty; briny; salted.⁷
咸蛋[鹹蛋] hãm-àn/ xiándàn salty egg.⁷
咸鸭蛋[鹹鴨蛋] hãm-äp-àn/
xiányādàn salted duck's egg.⁷ <derog> you bastard!⁰
咸涩[鹹澀] hãm-gëp
xiánsè salty and bitter; acerbic.¹⁰
咸猪肉[鹹豬肉] hãm-jï-ngùk 
xiánzhūròu salted pork.³⁹
咸味[鹹味] hãm-mì
xiánwèi a salty taste; saltiness.⁷
咸鱼[鹹魚] hãm-nguî
xiányú salted fish.⁷
咸鱼蒸猪肉[鹹魚蒸豬肉] hãm-nguî-jëin-jï-ngùk
xiányú zhēng zhūròu steamed pork with salted fish.³⁹
咸肉[鹹肉] hãm-ngùk
xiánròu salted meat.⁷
咸水[鹹水] hãm-suī
xiánshuǐ saline water; saltwater.⁷
咸水鱼[鹹水魚] hãm-suī-nguî/
xiánshuǐyú saltwater fish.⁷
咸水湖[鹹水湖] hãm-suī-vũ
xiánshuǐhú salt lakes.⁷
咸菜[鹹菜] hãm-töi
xiáncài pickled vegetables; pickles.⁷
咸潟[鹹潟] hãm-xēik
xiánxì salt land.⁷
咸酸[鹹酸] hãm-xön
xiánsuān salt and sour.¹⁴
<台> 咸虾[鹹蝦] hãm-mâ (not hâ) salted shrimps.
<台> 咸虾蒸猪肉[鹹蝦蒸豬肉] hãm-mâ (not hãm-hâ) jëin jï-ngùk salted shrimp steamed with pork.
<台> 咸湿[鹹濕] hãm-sīp lit. salty and wet; fig. indulgent in sex and sexual matters; over-sexed; pornographic.
(See 咸 hãm xián.)
ham3 5649
212 22 hãm kān niche or small shrine for a religious statue.
壁龛[壁龕] bēik-hãm bìkān niche; alcove.⁸
佛龛[佛龕] Fùt-hãm
Fókān niche for statue of Buddha.
灵龛[靈龕] lẽin-hãm
língkān cinerary niche.
ham3 5650
14 5 hàm kǎn (composition: ⿱冖山; U+519A).
<台> 冚家 hàm-gä the whole family (in a bad sense, such as a calamity is wished upon a whole family); in a good sense, use  全家 tũn-gä for the whole family.
<又> hâm; kām; kēim; kẽim. (See 冚 hâm; 冚 kām; 冚 kēim; 冚 kẽim).
ham4 5651
30 10 hàm hàn beads, jade and other objects placed in the mouth of the deceased during ancient funerals.⁸
(composition: ⿰口含; U+5505).
唅嘇 hàm-xäm hànshān something in the mouth.⁸
<又> hẽim.
(See 唅 hẽim).
ham4 5652
46 12 hàm qiàn to inlay, embed, set.⁶
赤嵌樓 Chēik-hàm-lẽo Chìqiànlóu Chiqian Tower (formerly Fort Provintia) in Tainan, Taiwan.
嵌板 hàm-bān
qiànbǎn panel.⁶
嵌宝石[嵌寶石] hàm-bāo-sêk
qiànbǎoshí to set a jewel (in).⁶
嵌金 hàm-gïm
qiànjīn inlay something with gold.⁶
嵌银[嵌銀] hàm-ngãn
qiànyín inlay something with silver.⁶
嵌巉 hàm-chãm
qiànchán <wr.> (of mountains) rocky, rugged.¹¹
嵌镶[嵌鑲] hàm-tëng
qiànxiāng or 镶嵌[鑲嵌] tëng-hàm xiāngqiàn to inlay, set, mount.⁶
嵌入 hàm-yìp
qiànrù to insert; to embed.¹⁰
镶嵌[鑲嵌] tëng-hàm
xiāngqiàn to inlay, set, mount.⁶
ham4 5653
61 16 hàm hàn regret (sense of loss or dissatisfaction).¹⁰
憾恨 hàm-hàn hànhèn resentful; hateful.¹⁰ bitter regret; chagrin.⁵⁴
憾事 hàm-xù
hànshì a matter for regret; something that is a (great) pity.¹⁰
憾怨 hàm-yön
hànyuàn chagrin.⁷
缺憾 kūt-hàm
or hūt-hàm quēhàn regrettable imperfection; regret.⁶
抱憾 päo-hàm
bàohàn feel regretful/remorseful; regret.⁶
遗憾[遺憾] vĩ-hàm
yíhàn regret; pity.⁵
死而无憾[死而無憾] xī-ngĩ-mũ-hàm
sǐ'érwúhàn die without regret.⁶
引以为憾[引以為憾] yîn-yî-vĩ-hàm
yǐnyǐwéihàn deem it regrettable.⁵ to consider something regrettable (idiom).¹⁰
ham4 5654
64 16 hàm hàn to shake; to vibrate.
撼树蚍蜉[撼樹蚍蜉] hàm-sì-pĩ-fẽo hànshùpífú an ant trying to shake a tree – ridiculously overrating oneself.⁸
撼动[撼動] hàm-ùng
hàndòng to shake; to vibrate.
震撼 jīn-hàm
zhènhàn shake; shock; vibrate.⁵
震天撼地 jīn-hëin-hàm-ì
zhèntiānhàndì to shake heaven and earth.⁶
摇撼[搖撼] yẽl-hàm
yáohan to give a violent shake to; to rock or shake violently.
ham4 5655
112 13 𥓒
hàm xiàn name of a stone.²⁵
(composition: ⿰石臽; U+254D2).
<又> häm. (See 𥓒❄{⿰石臽} häm).
ham4 5656
130 12 hàm hàn ➀ insatiable appetite for meat.¹⁰¹   ➁ (of the foot) swell; become swollen.¹⁰¹  ➂ the unsatisfaction of hunger requires meat, to cook the meat.⁸
(composition: ⿰⺼臽; U+4404).
(See 䐄[hàm, xiàn]).
ham4 5657
130 12 hàm xiàn the barbecue is cooked.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰⺼臽; U+4404).
(See 䐄[hàm, hàn]).
ham4 5658
140 11 hàm dàn lotus.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹臽; U+840F).
Bī-jàk-jï-bï, yiû-pũ-hãm-hàm.
Bǐ zé zhī bēi, yǒu pú hàn dàn.
By the shores of that marsh,
There are rushes and lotus flowers.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·陳風·澤陂·3》, translated by James Legge).
菡萏 hãm-hàm
hàndàn <wr.> lotus bloom (flower); lotus bud.⁸ <wr.> lotus.⁹
ham4 5659
151 17 hàm xiàn half-grown beans.¹⁴ beans half raw.²⁵
ham4 5660
170 10 hàm xiàn to fall into; to get stuck; to cave in; to become sunken.
陷害 hàm-hòi xiànhài to frame; to trump up a charge against.
陷落 hàm-lòk
xiànluò to subside; to sink in; to cave in; to fall into enemy hands (of territory); to land oneself in; to sinkinto; to fall into.
陷身囹圄 <wr.> hàm-sïn-lẽin-nguî
xiànshēnlíngyǔ <wr.> to be thrown in prison.¹¹
陷入 hàm-yìp
xiànrù to sink into, to fall into.
陷入困境 hàm-yìp-kün-gēin
xiànrù kùnjìng to fall into difficulty (e.g. facing bankruptcy).¹⁰
缺陷 kūt-hàm
quēxiàn a defect, a handicap; inadequacy. ⁷
越陷越深 yòt-hàm-yòt-sïm
yuèxiànyuèshēn to sink deeper and deeper.
<又> hèim.
(See 陷 hèim.)
ham4 5661
184 16 hàm xiàn filling, stuffing.⁵
馂馅[餕餡] dün-hàm jùnxiàn stuffing; force-meat; filling.¹⁰
饺子馅[餃子餡] gāo-dū-hàm
jiǎozixiàn filling for dumpling; stuffing.⁵
馅饼[餡餅] hàm-bēng
xiànbǐng meat pie; pie; pasty.¹⁰
馅芯[餡芯] hàm-xïm
xiànxīn stuffing.¹⁹
露馅儿[露餡兒] lù-hàm-ngĩ
lòuxiànr let the cat out of the bag; give the game away; spill the beans.⁵
肉馅[肉餡] ngùk-hàm
ròuxiàn ground meat; mincemeat.¹⁰
ham4 5662
211 23 hàm xiàn to gnash the teeth (in anger).⁸ to gnash the teeth in a rage.²⁵
(composition: ⿰; U+4D9F).
䶟𪊇❄{⿰鹵監} hàm-häm xiàntàn tasteless.²
ham4 5663
14 5 hâm kǎn (composition: ⿱冖山; U+519A).
<台> 冚巴唥 or 冚巴冷 hâm-blâng everything; all; entirely. (Note: bä-lâng is pronounced blâng.)
<又> hàm; kām; kēim; kẽim.
(See 冚 hàm; 冚 kām; 冚 kēim; 冚 kẽim).
ham5 5664
17 6 hâm dàng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 凼 hêim dàng with same meaning.)
<又> hêim, nòng.
(See 凼 hêim, nòng.)
ham5 5665
82 12 hâm tǎn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 毯 dëin tǎn with same meaning.)
<又> dëin, hān, häm.
(See 毯 dëin, hān, häm.)
ham5 5666
149 19 hâm tán Tan surname.
<又> hãm. (See 譚 hãm.)
ham5 5667
8 13 hān dǎn <wr.> honest and dependable, kind and true.⁶ sincere; real; true.¹⁴
不实于亶[不實于亶] būt-sìt-yï-hān bùshíyúdǎn you have no reality in your sincerity.¹⁴
古公亶父 Gū-güng Hān Fù
Gǔgōng Dǎnfù Gugong Danfu was the great-grandfather of the founder, 周武王 Jiü Mû Vòng Zhōu Wǔ Wáng, of the Zhou Dynasty.¹⁵
亶不聴 hān-būt-hëin
dǎnbùtīng you have indeed acted without discrimination.¹⁴
亶候多藏 hān-hèo-ü-tõng
dǎnhòuduōcáng all of them indeed of great wealth.¹⁴
亶其然乎 hān-kĩ-ngẽin-fũ
dǎnqíránhū will you not find it really so?¹⁴
亶时[亶時] hān-sĩ
dǎnshí in its due season – of the fragrance of sacrifices.¹⁴
亶翔 hān-tẽng
dǎnxiáng (of birds flying together) wheeling and soaring.¹⁴
<又> àn.
(See 亶 àn.)
han1 5668
9 13 hān tǎn (composition: ⿰亻貪; U+50CB).
僋佄 hān-gäm tǎngān (his) appearance is neither neat nor clean.⁸ʼ⁰
<又> hän.
(See 僋 hän).
han1 5669
18 5 hān kān (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 刋 hōn kān with same meaning.)
<又> hōn.
(See 刋 hōn; 刊 hōn.)
han1 5670
18 5 hān kān (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 刊 hōn kān with same meaning.)
<又> hōn.
(See 刊 hōn.)
han1 5671
32 7 hān tān (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 坍 hän tān with same meaning.)
<又> hän.
(See 坍 hän.)
han1 5672
32 8 hān tǎn level; smooth; calm; composed; open; candid.
坦白 hān-bàk tǎnbái frank; candid; to confess.
坦克[坦克] hān-hāk
tǎnkè <loan> <mil.> tank.
坦克车[坦克車] hān-hāk-chëh/
tǎnkèchē <loan> <mil.> tank.
坦途 hān-hũ
tǎntú easy path; level road; highway.⁸
坦然 hān-ngẽin
tǎnrán calm; unperturbed.
坦然自若 hān-ngẽi-dù-ngèk
tǎnránzìruò calm and confident; completely at ease.
坦率 hān-xūt
tǎnshuài candid; frank; straightforward.
平坦 pẽin-hān
píngtǎn level; even; smooth; flat.
han1 5673
32 12 𡍭
hān kěn (demotic character for 垦[墾] hān kěn cultivate, reclaim, to farm land.⁸).²
(composition: ⿱狠土; U+2136D).
(See 墾 hān).
han1 5674
32 16 hān kěn cultivate, reclaim, to farm land.⁸
(variant: 𡍭❄{⿱狠土} hān kěn). (See 𡍭❄{⿱狠土} hān).
t: ⿱貇土; U+58BE). (comp. s: ⿱艮土; U+57A6).
垦荒[墾荒] hān-föng
kěnhuāng to reclaim wasteland; to bring wasteland under cultivation; to open up virgin soil.⁶ to open up barren land.¹⁴
垦覆[墾覆] hān-fūk
kěnfù make furrows between rows of trees, plant green manure crops and plow them under to enrich the soil for the trees.⁶
墾田 hān-hẽin
kěntián cultivate or till farm.¹¹
垦地税[墾地稅] hān-ì-suï
kěndìshuì duties on newly cleared land.¹⁴
垦殖[墾殖] hān-jèik
kěnzhí reclaim and cultivate wasteland.⁶
垦种[墾種] hān-jüng kěnzhòng reclaim wasteland and plant it with crops.⁶ to plow and sow.¹⁴
垦区[墾區] hān-kuï
kěnqū reclamation area.⁶
垦力[墾力] hān-lèik
kěnlì with all one's might.¹⁴
垦壤[墾壤] hān-ngẽng
kěnrǎng to plow the land.⁵⁴
han1 5675
38 8 hān female personal name (archaic).¹⁰
妲己 Hān Gī Dá Jǐ Daji (c. 11th century BC), mythical fox spirit and concubine of the last Shang Dynasty Emperor Zhou Xin (纣辛[紂辛] Jào Xïn Zhòu Xīn).¹⁰
han1 5676
60 9 hān hěn very; quite; awfully.⁶
很不错[很不錯] hān-būt-tö hěnbùcuò pretty good.¹
很好 hān-hāo
hěnhǎo very good.⁶
很可能 hān-hō-nãng
hěnkěnéng very likely.⁶
很满意[很滿意] hān-mōn-yï
hěnmǎnyì to feel very satisfied.⁶
很坏[很壞] hān-vài
hěnhuài very bad.⁶
好得很 hāo-āk-hān
hǎodehěn very good.⁵
<台> 很头[很頭] hān-hẽo/ a little while ago.
han1 5677
61 7 hān tǎn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 忐 hām tǎn with same meaning.)
<又> hām.
(See 忐 hām.)
han1 5678
61 8 hān grieved, distressed; surprised, shocked, alarmed; (obsolete) striving and toiling.⁷
忉怛 äo-hān dāodá grieved; distressed; sad; worried.⁷
恻怛[惻怛] chāk-hān
cèdá <wr.> sad; grieved; heartbroken.⁶
怛化 hān-fä
dáhuà (said of mankind) dead, to die, to pass away; the process of change – fig. a dying person.⁷
怛怛 hān-hān
dádá toiling; grieved.⁷
怛伤[怛傷] hān-sëng
dáshāng distressed; grieved.⁷
惙怛 jōt-hān
chuòdá mournful; doleful; rueful.⁷
惨怛[慘怛] tām-hān
cǎndá <wr.> grieved; grief-stricken;  heartbroken.⁶
形容惨怛[形容慘怛] yẽin-yũng-tām-hān
xíngróngcǎndá look deeply grieved.⁶
han1 5679
61 17 hān kěn earnestly, sincerely; request, beseech, entreat.⁵
恳谈[懇談] hān-hãm kěntán talk earnestly.⁵
or 恳讬[懇託] hān-hōk kěntuō to entrust sincerely.⁹
恳挚[懇摯] hān-jï
kěnzhì <wr.> earnest; sincere.⁵
恳求[懇求] hān-kiũ
kěnqiú implore; entreat; beseech.⁵
恳切[懇切] hān-tëik
kěnqiè earnest, sincere.⁵
恳请[懇請] hān-tēin
kěnqǐng earnestly request.⁵
恳辞[懇辭] hān-xũ
kěncí to decline an offer earnestly.⁷
han1 5680
64 22 hān tān to spread out, to unfold; to share in, to contribute; to fry batter in thin layers; vendor's stand.
(comp. t: ⿰扌難; U+6524). (comp. s: ⿰扌难; U+644A).
报摊[報攤] bäo-hān
bàotān newsstand.
分摊[分攤] fün-hān
fēntān to apportion; to share (financial burden, stocks).
摊子[攤子] hān-dū
tānzi vendor's stand; stall; structure of an organization; setup.
摊贩[攤販] hān-fân
tānfàn street peddler; stall vendor; stall keeper.
摊鸡蛋[攤雞蛋] hān-gäi-àn/
tānjīdàn omelet.
摊派[攤派] hān-päi
tānpài to apportion (work); to allot.
摊牌[攤牌] hān-pãi
tānpái to show one's hand; to have a showdown.
摊位[攤位] hān-vì
tānwèi stand; booth; stall.
摊黄菜[攤黃菜] hān-võng-töi
tānhuángcài <topo.> scrambled eggs.
地摊[地攤] ì-hān
dìtān stall with goods spread out on ground for sale.
烂摊子[爛攤子] làn-hān-dū
làntānzi shambles; awful mess.⁶
平摊资金[平攤資金] pẽin-hān-dü-gïm
píngtān zījīn to contribute the same amount of funds.
菜摊[菜攤] töi-hān
càitān vegetable stall.
han1 5681
75 10 hān kān (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 栞 hōn kān with same meaning.)
<又> hōn.
(See 栞 hōn; 刋 hōn; 刊 hōn.)
han1 5682
82 12 hān tǎn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 毯 dëin tǎn with same meaning.)
<又> dëin, häm, hâm. (See 毯 dëin, häm, hâm.)
han1 5683
85 15 hān tān (<old>=滩[灘] hān tān beach, sands; shoal.⁵ a rapid; a sand-bank; a foreshore.¹⁴); pile of sand in a river.⁸  a sandbank in a river; a sandy island; name of a country.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵單; U+6F6C).
<又> àn; sèn.
(See 潬 àn; 潬 sèn).
han1 5684
85 22 hān tān beach, sands; shoal.⁵ a rapid; a sand-bank; a foreshore.¹⁴
(old variant: 潬 hān tān). (See 潬 hān).
滩头堡[灘頭堡] hān-hẽo-bāo
tāntóubǎo <mil.> beachhead.⁶
滩头阵地[灘頭陣地] hān-hẽo-jìn-ì
tāntóuzhèndì <mil.> beachhead position.⁶
滩头小调[灘頭小調] hān-hẽo-xēl-èl
tāntóu xiǎodiào songs of the boatmen.¹⁴
滩涂[灘塗] hān-hũ
tāntú tidal land.⁶
滩多水急[灘多水急] hān-ü-suī-gīp
tānduōshuǐjí with many shoals and rapids.⁵
滩羊[灘羊] hān-yẽng
tānyáng a kind of sheep known for its fine pelt.⁶
滩师[灘師] hān-xü
tānshī or 放滩的[放灘的] föng-hān-ēik fàngtānde a pilot through the rapids.¹⁴
险滩[險灘] hēm-hān
xiǎntān dangerous shoals.⁵
河滩[河灘] hõ-hān
hétān river bank; strand.¹⁰
海滩[海灘] hōi-hān
hǎitān beach.¹⁰
坭滩[坭灘] nãi-hān nítān a mud-bank.¹⁴
沙滩[沙灘] sâ-hān
shātān beach; sandy shore.¹⁰ a sand-bank.¹⁴
湖滩[湖灘] vũ-hān
hútān beach.¹⁰
<台> 滩头[灘頭] hān-hẽo/ a little while ago.
han1 5685
94 9 hān hěn ruthless, relentless; suppress (one's feelings), harden (the heart); firm, resolute.⁵
狠狠地 hān-hān-ì
or hàn-hàn-ì hěnhěnde in cold blood; mercilessly; cruelly; brutally; severely.⁵
狠戾 hān-luì
or hàn-luì hěnlì atrocious; cruel; vicious.⁶
狠命 hān-mèin
or hàn-mèin hěnmìng desperately.⁶
狠毒 hān-ùk
or hàn-ùk hěndú vicious; venomous.⁵
狠心 hān-xïm
or hàn-xïm hěnxīn cruel-hearted; heartless.⁵
凶狠 hüng-hān
or hüng-hàn xiōnghěn ferocious, cruel, fiendish; powerful, vigorous.⁶
心狠 xïm-hān
or xïm-hàn  xīnhěn cruel; merciless.⁵
心狠手辣 xïm-hān-siū-làt
or xïm-hàn-siū-làt xīnhěnshǒulà cruel and evil; wicked and merciless.⁵
<又> hàn.
(See 狠 hàn.)
han1 5686
104 10 hān da 疙疸 kēik-hān gēda (=疙瘩 kēik-äp gēda) swelling on the skin, pimple, lump, boil; knot, lump; knot (in one's mind), misunderstanding (among people), hang-up; <topo.> (classifier); <topo.> trouble, difficulty.⁶
(See 疸[hān, dǎn].)
han1 5687
104 10 hān dǎn jaundice.⁷
黄疸[黃疸] võng-hān huángdǎn <med.> jaundice; icterus.⁶
黄疸病[黃疸病] võng-hān-bèng
huángdǎnbìng <med.> jaundice; icterus.⁵⁴
(See 疸[hān, da].)
han1 5688
104 24 hān tān be physically paralysed, be paralytic; become weak or feeble.⁶
瘫子[癱子] hān-dū tānzi a person suffering from paralysis; paralytic.⁵
瘫痪[癱瘓] hān-fòn
tānhuàn be physically paralysed, be paralytic; (of systems, transportation) become paralysed, break down, come to a standstill.⁶
瘫痪病[癱瘓病] hān-fòn-bèng
tānhuànbìng palsy; paralysis.¹⁴
瘫软[癱軟] hān-ngün
tānruǎn (of limbs) weak and limp.⁵
偏瘫[偏癱] pëin-hān
piāntān <med.> hemiplegia; hemiparalysis.⁶
han1 5689
118 11 hān dàn a coarse mat of rushes or bamboo; whip, flog; bamboo's skin; coarse bamboo mat; hemp rope; solar eclipse.⁸ bamboo strip mat (for sunning grains); bamboo tow rope.⁶ hemp rope for pulling boat; rough bamboo mat; Dan surname.¹¹
笪笞 hān-chï dànchī or ät-chï dáchī (=笞挞[笞撻] chï-hāt chītà) to flog; to whip.⁸
笪日 hān-ngìt
dànrì or ät-ngìt dárì (=日蚀[日蝕] or 日食 ngìt-sèik rìshí) solar eclipse.⁸
<又> ät.
(See 笪 ät.)
han1 5690
140 12 hān hěn name of a variety of grass.⁸ʼ⁵⁴ a plant resembling milfoil with a whitish green flower.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹很; U+44F3).
<又> hãi. (See 䓳 hãi).
han1 5691
145 10 hān tǎn to bare, to strip, bared; to protect or screen (with an implication of prejudice); to be partial.⁷
袒膊 hān-bōk tǎnbó bared to the waist.⁷
袒缚[袒縛] hān-fòk
or hān-bòk tǎnfù <trad.> to bare oneself to the waist and bind one's hands at the back – an act of surrendering or submitting.⁷
袒缚请命[袒縛請命] hān-fòk-tēin-mèin
tǎnfùqǐngmìng begging for life by baring the shoulder and binding the arms behind.⁷
袒胸露臂 hān-hüng-lù-bî
tǎnxiōnglùbì to bare the chest and expose the arms.⁷
袒胸露背 hān-hüng-lù-böi
tǎnxiōnglùbèi (of a woman) expose/bare one's neck and shoulders; be décolleté.⁶
袒露 hān-lù
tǎnlù to expose.⁷
袒免 hān-mêin
tǎnmiǎn <wr.> to bare one's left arm and take off one's cap – a gesture of great sorrow.⁷
袒裼 hān-tēik
tǎnxī to bare one's breast and arms.⁷
袒裼裸裎 hān-tēik-gō-chẽin
tǎnxīluǒchéng be stark naked; not have a stitch on one's body – be vulgar/unrefined.⁶
袒护[袒護] hān-vù
tǎnhù to shield; to protect; to screen; to side with; to be partial.⁷
袒衣 hān-yï
tǎnyī to dress in a hurry with part of the body showing.¹⁰
han1 5692
145 18 hān tǎn (<old>=袒 hān tǎn to bare, to strip, bared; to protect or screen (with an implication of prejudice); to be partial.⁷); strip; lay bare; bared; naked.⁸ to bare.¹⁰ to lay bare; to strip; to throw off garments; bared; naked.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰衤亶; U+8962).
左襢 dū-hān
zuǒtǎn to bare the left shoulder – in ancient ceremonies of mourning.¹⁴
臝襢 gō-hān
luǒtǎn naked; bare.¹⁹
襢裼 hān-tēik
tǎnxī to strip the arms naked.²⁵
Hān-tēik-bào-fū, hün-yï-güng-sō.
Tǎn xī bào hǔ, xiàn yú gōng suǒ.
And with bared arms he seizes a tiger,
And presents it before the duke.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·鄭風·大叔于田》, translated by James Legge).
右襢 yiù-hān
yòutǎn to bare the right shoulder – in punishment.¹⁴
<又> jīn.
(See 襢 jīn).
han1 5693
149 13 hān
difficulty in speaking; wrangling.⁸ perverse; disobedient; unwilling to listen.²⁵
詪詪 hān-hān hěnhěn to converse; to speak with difficulty.²⁵
<又> fōn, gïn.
(See 詪 fōn, 詪 gïn.)
han1 5694
153 13 hān kěn (=恳[懇] hān kěn earnestly, sincerely; request, beseech, entreat.⁵).²
(composition: ⿰豸艮; U+8C87).
<又> kün.
(See 貇 kün; 懇 hān).
han1 5695
167 13 hān tǎn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 钽[鉭] än tǎn with same meaning: tantalum (Ta).⁶)
<又> än.
(See 鉭 än.)
han1 5696
177 14 hān soft leather.⁷ dressed leather; used for sounds.¹⁴
鞑靼[韃靼] Hāt-hān Dádá or 鞑鞑[韃韃] Hāt-hāt Dádá Tatarstan.⁶ Tartars.¹⁴
鞑靼人[韃靼人] Hāt-hān-ngĩn
Dádárén Tatar (the people).⁶
鞑靼语[韃靼語] Hāt-hān-nguî
Dádáyǔ Tatar (the language).⁶
han1 5697
181 14 𩑰
hān tǎn a flat face.² a flat, smooth face.²⁵
(composition: ⿰旦頁; U+29470).
han1 5698
9 13 hän tàn silly.²⁴ out of one's head, foolish.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰亻貪; U+50CB).
僋𠈸❄{⿰亻忒} hän-tēik tàntè silly.²⁴
僋倲 hän-üng
tàndōng silly, acting nonsensically; having a foolish, fuddled look and manner.¹⁰²
僋俕 hän-xäm
tànsàn  ➀ old and unsuitable;  ➁ dull-witted, stupid; dementia.²
<又> hān.
(See 僋 hān).
han2 5699
30 14 hän tàn to sigh; to gasp; to exclaim.¹⁰ (variant: 歎 hän tàn.)
嗟叹[嗟嘆] dèh-hän
or dëh-hän jiētàn <wr.> to sigh with grief or regret; to lament.⁶
叹气[嘆氣] hän-hï
tànqì to sigh; to heave a sigh.¹⁰
叹惋[嘆惋] hän-vōn
tànwǎn sigh with repent.⁶
叹息[嘆息] hän-xēik
tànxī to sigh; to gasp (in admiration).¹⁰
叹惜[嘆惜] hän-xēik
tànxī sigh of regret.¹⁰
可叹[可嘆] hō-hän
kětàn lamentable, sad, sadly.¹⁰
哀叹[哀嘆] öi-hän
āitàn to sigh; to lament; to bewail.¹⁰
喟叹[喟嘆] vī-hän
kuìtàn to sigh or lament.⁹
<又> tän.
(See 嘆 tän.)
han2 5700
32 7 hän tān to collapse; to fall.
倒坍 āo-hän or āo-hān dǎotān to decay; to collapse.
崩坍 bäng-hän
or bäng-hān bēngtān to collapse; to fall down.
坍方 hän-föng
or hān-föng tānfāng landslide.
坍陷 hän-hàm
or hān-hàm tānxiàn to collapse; to give away.
坍塌 hän-hāp
or hān-hāp tāntā to cave in; to collapse.
天坍地陷 hëin-hän-ì-hàm
or hëin-hān-ì-hàm tiāntāndìxiàn The world is falling apart..
<又> hān.
(See 坍 hān.)
han2 5701
61 14 hän qiān stingy, niggardly, parsimonious, close; deficient.⁷
悭俭[慳儉] hän-gèm qiānjiǎn frugal.⁷
悭贪[慳貪] hän-häm
qiāntān <Budd.> stingy and greedy.⁵⁴
悭吝[慳吝] hän-lùn
qiānlìn stingy, niggardly, miserly.⁷
悭囊[慳囊] hän-nõng
qiānnáng lit. a moneybag which is closed after money is put in; fig. a miser, a niggard.⁷
悭钱[慳錢] hän-tẽin
qiānqián thin worn-out copper coin of low value.¹¹
酸悭[酸慳] xön-hän
suānqiān miserly.¹¹
<台> 悭皮[慳皮] hän-pĩ to save money.
<台> 悭钱[慳錢] hän-tẽin frugal, thrifty.
han2 5702
76 15 hän tàn (=叹[嘆] hän tàn) to sigh; to gasp; to exclaim.¹⁰
赞歎[贊歎] dän-hän
zàntàn to praise highly.¹¹
(See 嘆 hän.)
han2 5703
85 12 hän tàn flood.²ʼ⁸ a large sheet of water.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵炭; U+6E60).
湠漫 hän-màn tànmàn a wide expanse of water.²⁴
han2 5704
86 9 hän tàn charcoal; coal; carbon.⁸
冰炭 bëin-hän bīngtàn inimical.⁸ ice and fire: a pair of things that never agree.⁹
冰炭不相容 bëin-hän-būt-xëng-yũng
bīngtànbùxiāngróng  inimical, hostile to each other, like ice and hot charcoal.¹¹
焦炭 dël-hän
jiāotàn coke.⁵
火炭母草 fō-hän-mû-tāo
huǒtànmǔcǎo Chinese knotweed, creeping smartweed Persicaria chinensis (syn. Polygonum chinense) aka 火炭母, 火炭梅, 火炭藤, 火炭蓼, 白飯藤, 烏飯藤, 接骨草, plus 60 other names.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
炭精棒 hän-dëin-pâng
tànjīngbàng carbon rod.⁶
炭疽 hän-duï
tànjū <med.> anthrax.⁶
炭篓[炭簍] hän-lêo
tànlǒu charcoal basket.³⁹
炭篓子[炭簍子] hän-lêo-dū
tànlǒuzi <topo.> high empty title.¹¹
炭炉[炭爐] hän-lũ
tànlú charcoal stove.⁵⁴
煤炭 mõi-hän
méitàn coal.⁸
煤炭箩[煤炭籮] mõi-hän-lõ
or mõi-hän-lũ méitànluó corf.¹⁰
木炭 mûk-hän
mùtàn wood charcoal; carbo ligni.⁸
生灵涂炭[生靈塗炭] säng-lẽin-hũ-hän
shēnglíngtútàn the people are plunged into an abyss of misery.⁸
石炭 sêk-hän
shítàn coal.¹⁰ anthracites.¹¹
草炭 tāo-hän
cǎotàn peat.⁶
han2 5705
112 14 hän tàn <chem.> carbon (C).⁵
碳精 hän-dëin tànjīng <elec.> carbon.⁵
碳化 hän-fä
tànhuà <chem.> carbonization.⁵
碳化硼 hän-fä-pãng
tànhuàpéng boron carbide (B₄C), an extremely hard boron–carbon ceramic, behind cubic boron nitride and diamond.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
碳化物 hän-fä-mùt
or hän-fä-mòt tànhuàwù carbide.⁷
碳粉 hän-fūn
tànfěn toner (laser printing).¹⁰
碳黑 hän-hāk
tànhēi soot; carbon black.¹⁰
碳氢化合物[碳氫化合物] hän-hëin-fä-hàp-mùt
or hän-hëin-fä-hàp-mòt tànqīnghuàhéwù hydrocarbon.⁹
碳水化合物 hän-suī-fä-hàp-mùt
or hän-suī-fä-hàp-mòt tànshuǐhuàhéwù <chem.> carbohydrate.⁵
碳汇[碳匯] hän-vòi
tànhuì carbon sink.⁹ carbon credits.¹⁰
碳酸 hän-xön
tànsuān <chem.> carbonic acid.⁵
碳酸中毒 hän-xön-jüng-ùk
tànsuān zhòngdú poisoning from carbonic acid.⁷
碳丝灯[碳絲燈] hän-xû-äng
tànsīdēng carbon lamp.⁵
碳素钢[碳素鋼] hän-xü-gông
tànsùgāng carbon steel.⁵
han2 5706
123 13 hän qiān a kind of sheep or goat.¹⁹
<又> gèin. (See 羥 gèin.)
han2 5707
123 15 hän tāng <chem.> carbonyl (group).⁵
羰化物 hän-fä-mùt or hän-fä-mòt tānghuàwù carbonylate.⁶
羰基 hän-gï
tāngjī carbonyl (group); carboxide.⁶
羰基健 hän-gï-gèin
tāngjījiàn carbonyl bond/link.⁶
<又> höng.
(See 羰 höng.)
han2 5708
181 17 hän qiān little hair on the head and face.²⁵
(composition: ⿰肩頁; U+9845).
顅脰 hän-èo qiāndòu a long neck.²⁵
han2 5709
32 16 hãn tán altar; forum; circles; raised plot of ground. (Note: The simplified form 坛 is used for 壇, 壜, 罈, 罎 hãn tán and 壇 hân tán).
t: ⿰土亶; U+58C7). (comp. s: ⿰土云; U+575B).
登坛拜将[登壇拜將] äng-hãn-bäi-dëng
dēngtánbàijiàng <hist.> to conduct the ceremony of appointing a commander-in-chief.
顶花坛[頂花壇] ēin-fä-hãn
dǐng huātán to balance a jar on the head.
花坛[花壇] fä-hãn
huātán flower terrace; parterre; acrobatic juggling of an earthen jar.
天坛[天壇] Hëin-hãn
Tiāntán Temple of Heaven (in Beijing).
地坛[地壇] Ì-hãn
Dìtán Temple of Earth (in Beijing); terrace.
剧坛[劇壇] kēk-hãn
jùtán theatrical circle.
论坛[論壇] lùn-hãn
lùntán forum; tribune.
文坛[文壇] mũn-hãn
wéntán the literary world.⁵
<又> hân.
(See 壇 hân; 壜, 罈, 罎 hãn).
han3 5710
32 19 hãn tán (=坛[罈] hãn tán) jar; jug.).
(Note: The simplified form 坛 is used for 壇, 壜, 罈, 罎 hãn
tán and 壇 hân tán).
t: ⿰土曇; U+58DC). (comp. s: ⿰土云; U+575B).
(See 壇 hãn, hân;  罈, 壜, 罎 hãn).
han3 5711
38 15 hãn xián refined, elegant; adept, skilled.⁶
(variant: 嫺 hãn xián). (See 嫺 hãn).
娴静[嫻靜] hãn-dèin
xiánjìng gentle and refined.⁵
娴习[嫻習] hãn-dìp
xiánxí skilled in; adept at.⁷
娴雅[嫻雅] hãn-ngâ
xiányǎ (of a woman) refined; elegant.⁵
娴淑 hãn-sùk
xiánshū graceful and kind-hearted.⁶
娴熟[嫻熟] hãn-sùk
xiánshú adept; skilled; well-versed.⁶
娴于辞令[嫻於辭令] hãn-yï-xũ-lèin
xiányúcílìng skilled in speech; eloquent; to be gifted with a silver tongue.⁷
han3 5712
38 15 hãn xián (=娴[嫻] hãn xián refined, elegant; adept, skilled.⁶); refined, elegant, gracious.⁸ elegant; accomplished; refined.¹⁴ elegant; accustomed to; versed in.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女閒; U+5AFA).
or 娴静[嫻靜] hãn-dèin xiánjìng elegant and serene.¹⁹
or 娴习[嫻習] hãn-dìp xiánxí adept at.¹⁴
or 娴雅[嫻雅] hãn-ngâ xiányǎ polished; cultures; apt.¹⁴ accomplished.²⁴
or 娴熟[嫻熟] hãn-sùk xiánshú skilled in.¹⁴
嫺于礼[嫺於禮] hãn-yï-lâi
xiányúlǐ well-versed in etiquette.¹⁴
(See 嫻 hãn).
han3 5713
57 15 hãn tán shoot (as with a catapult), send forth; spring, leap; flick, flip; fluff, tease; play (a stringed musical instrument), pluck; elastic; accuse, impeach.⁵
弹唱[彈唱] hãn-chëng
tánchàng to sing and play (the piano, guitar) at the same time.⁷
弹出[彈出] hãn-chūt
tánchū eject; exit from; pop up.¹⁰
弹冠[彈冠] hãn-gön
tánguān to flip one's cap (so as to remove dust in preparation for an official career).⁷
弹冠相庆[彈冠相慶] hãn-gön-xëng-hëin
tánguānxiāngqìng (said of people) to rejoice over the downfall of the guilty or the rise of the virtuous and capable.⁷
弹劾[彈劾] hãn-hàt
tánhé impeach.⁵
弹琴[彈琴] hãn-kĩm
tánqín to play (stringed instruments).⁷
弹力[彈力] hãn-lèik
tánlì elastic force, elasticity; resilience; spring.⁵
弹琵琶[彈琵琶] hãn-pĩ-pã
tánpípa play the pipa.⁵⁴
弹射[彈射] hãn-sèh
tánshè <mil.> launch (as with a catapult); catapult; shoot off; eject.⁵
] hãn-võng tánhuáng a spring (for absorbing shock).⁷
弹性[彈性] hãn-xëin
tánxìng elasticity; resilience; spring.⁵
弹词[彈詞] hãn-xũ
táncí stories put into rhyme for chanting with accompaniment of musical instruments.⁷
<又> àn, dàn.
(See 彈 àn, dàn.)

han3 5714
75 17 hãn tán sandalwood, hardwood; Tan surname.⁸
白檀 bàk-hãn báitán sapphire-berry; Symplocos paniculata (common names:  碎米子树[碎米子樹] xuï-māi-dū-sì; 乌子树 [烏子樹] vü-dū-sì wūzǐshù; sweatleaf; Asiatic sweetleaf).⁷³
檀板 hãn-bān
tánbǎn hardwood clappers.⁵
檀香 hãn-hëng
tánxiāng sandalwood; white sandalwood; Santalum album (Ch. common names: 白旃檀 bàk-jën-hãn báizhāntán; 真檀 jïn-hãn zhēntán).⁷³
檀香紫檀 hãn-hëng-dū-hãn
tánxiāngzǐtán sandalwood; red sandalwood; ruby wood; Pterocarpus santalinus.⁷³
檀香山 Hãn-hëng-sän
Tánxiāngshān Honolulu.⁵
檀香油 hãn-hëng-yiũ
tánxiāngyóu sandalwood oil.¹⁹
檀木 hãn-mûk
tánmù sandalwood.¹⁹
红檀[紅檀] hũng-hãn
hóngtán <bot.> Huodendron biaristatum (aka 小花山茉莉 xēl-fä-sän-mòt-lì; 双齿山茉莉 [雙齒山茉莉] söng-chī-sän-mòt-lì).²³ʼ⁷³
绿檀[綠檀] lùk-hãn
lùtán <bot.> Guaiacum officinale.²³
青檀 tëin-hãn
qīngtán Tara wingceltis Pteroceltis tatarinowii.⁷¹ (aka 翼朴 yêik-pōk yìpò; 檀树[檀樹] hãn-sì tánshù; 摇钱树[搖錢樹] yẽl-tẽin-sì yáoqiánshù).²³
黑檀 hāk-hãn
hēitán zebrawood, African blackwood Dalbergia melanoxylon; aka 乌木[烏木] vü-mûk wūmù; 黑紫檀 hāk-dū-hãn hēizǐtán.¹⁵ʼ²³ʼ⁷³
han3 5715
98 20 𤮦
hãn tán a jar, a wine vessel.²⁴ (=坛[罈] hãn tán jar; jug).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰曇瓦; U+24BA6).
(See 罈 hãn).
han3 5716
104 17 hãn xián epilepsy, convulsions.⁸
子痫[子癇] dū-hãn or dū-gān zǐxián <med.> cramps during pregnancy.¹¹
癫痫[癲癇] ëin-hãn
or ëin-gān diānxián <med.> epilepsy.⁵
风痫[風癇] füng-hãn
or füng-gān fēngxián epilepsy.¹¹
痫风[癇風] hãn-füng
or gān-füng xiánfēng epilepsy.¹¹
<又> gān
(See 癇 gān.)
han3 5717
109 17 hãn xián Xian surname.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰目間; U+77B7).
<又> gän. (See 瞷 gän).
han3 5718
109 17 hãn xián to lift up the eyes; to look sideways, to peep into; an eye with much white in it; a horse with one eye white; the convulsions of children.²⁴
(composition: ⿰目閒; U+77AF).
<又> gän. (See 瞯 gän).
han3 5719
121 18 hãn tán jar; jug.
(variant: 𤮦❄{⿰曇瓦} hãn tán).
(Note: The simplified form 坛 is used for 壇, 壜, 罈, 罎 hãn
tán and 壇 hân tán).
(comp. t: ⿰缶覃; U+7F48). (comp. s: ⿰土云; U+575B).
打破醋坛子[打破醋罈子] ā-pö-tü-hãn-dū
dǎpò cùtánzi break the jar of vinegar – burn with jealousy.³⁹
酒坛[酒罈] diū-hãn
jiǔtán wine jug.⁶
骨坛[骨罈] gūt-hãn
gǔtán urn.¹⁰
坛子[罈子] hãn-dū
tánzi earthen jar; jug.⁶  jug (earthenware with a big belly and a small opening).¹⁰
坛坛罐罐[罈罈罐罐] hãn-hãn-gôn-gôn
tántánguànguàn pots and pans – personal possessions.⁶
坛囊[罈囊] hãn-nõng
tánnáng <zoo.> ampulla.⁶
醋坛子[醋罈子] tü-hãn-dū
cùtánzi or 醋罐子 tü-gôn-dū cùguànzi vinegar jar; jealous person.⁶
瓷坛子[瓷罈子] xũ-hãn-dū
cítánzi porcelain jar.³⁹
(See 壇 hãn, hân; 壜, 罈, 罎, 𤮦❄{⿰曇瓦} hãn).
han3 5720
121 22 hãn tán (=坛[罈] hãn tán) jar; jug. (Note: The simplified form 坛 is used for 壇, 壜, 罈, 罎 hãn tán and 壇 hân tán).
t: ⿰缶曇; U+7F4E). (comp. s: ⿰土云; U+575B).
(See 壇 hãn, hân; 壜, 罈, 罎 hãn).
han3 5721
169 12 hãn xián ➀ quiet, tranquil, calm, placid  ➁ leisure, spare time.⁷
(Note: interch. with 間 [gän, jiān] and with 闲[閑] except 閒房 and 閒地).¹¹ʼ⁰
閒处[閒處] hãn-chuī
xiánchǔ to live in retirement.¹⁴ʼ⁶²
閒房 hãn-fông
xiánfáng a vacant house or room.⁷
閒工夫 hãn-güng-fü
xiángōngfū leisure; spare time.⁷
or 闲暇[閑暇] hãn-hà xiánxiá unoccupied; leisure.⁵ʼ⁷
閒谈[閒談] hãn-hãm
xiántán idle talk; to chat.⁷
閒地 hãn-ì
xiándì  ➀ retirement; a position without responsibility; a sinecure  ➁ vacant land; idle land.⁷
閒民 hãn-mĩn
xiánmín the unemployed.⁷
閒人 hãn-ngĩn
xiánrén  ➀ idlers; persons with nothing to do ➁ persons not concerned.⁷
or 闲人免进[閑人免進] hãn-ngĩn-mêin-dïn xiánrénmiǎnjìn Admittance to staff only.⁵ʼ⁷
閒月 hãn-ngùt
xiányuè the slack season of the farmer.¹⁴
閒情逸致 hãn-tẽin-yìt-jï
xiánqíngyìzhì a peaceful and comfortable mood.⁷
閒坐 hãn-tü
or hãn-tö xiánzuò to sit idle.⁷
閒话[閒話] hãn-và
xiánhuà ➀ random or idle talk; gossip    to talk casually about; to chat about  ➂ complaint.⁷
閒散 hãn-xān
xiánsǎn free, relaxed (time).¹¹ unoccupied.⁷
閒事 hãn-xù
xiánshì matters not of one's concern; others' business; matters one has nothing to do with.⁷
han3 5722
169 12 hãn xián ➀ a fence; a bar; a barrier  ➁ to defend  ➂ big  ➃ familiar with; accustomed to; well versed in  ➄ (=閒 hãn xián) leisure ➅  laws or regulations ➆ a stable.⁷
or 閒习[閒習] hãn-dìp xiánxí to be well versed in or familiar with.⁷
闲逛[閑逛] hãn-gàng
xiánguàng saunter; stroll.⁵
闲居[閑居] hãn-guï
xiánjū to lead a quiet life/retired life.⁷
or 閒暇 hãn-hà xiánxiá unoccupied; leisure.⁵ʼ⁷
or 閒人免进[閒人免進]⁷ hãn-ngĩn-mêin-dïn xiánrénmiǎnjìn admittance to staff only.⁵ʼ⁷
闲言碎语[閑言碎語] hãn-ngũn-xuï-nguî
xiányánsuìyǔ idle tittle-tattle; rumors; sarcastic remarks/complaints; gossip.⁶
闲适[閑適] hãn-sēik
xiánshì leisurely and comfortable.⁶
闲书[閑書] hãn-sï
xiánshū light reading.⁵
<台> 好闲[好閑] hāo-hãn It's nothing; It doesn't matter.
han3 5723
196 23 hãn xián silver pheasant, Lophura nycthemera; Lophura species (various).⁸ the owl.²⁵ (variants: 鷴,鷼 hãn xián; ).
白鹇[白鷳] bàk-hãn
báixián silver pheasant (Lophura nycthemera), also called 白鷳雞 bàk-hãn-gäi, 銀雞 ngãn-gäi, 越禽 yòt-kĩm, 白雉 bàk-jï, 雗 hòn, 鵫雉 chēk-jï, 閒客 hãn-hāk, 白雗 bàk-hòn, 啞瑞 ā-xuì.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ the white or silver pheasant; a bird resembling a wild fowl, of a white color, spotted with black, a tail three or four feet long, with the comb and crest of a vermilion color; there are also some of a dark gray color. This bird walks about, and stands still, in a very leisurely manner, hence the name.²⁵
(See 鷴 hãn; 鷼 hãn).
han3 5724
196 23 hãn xián (=鹇[鷳] hãn xián) silver pheasant badge worn by civil officials of the 5th grade; Lophura species (various).⁸
(See 鷳 hãn).
han3 5725
196 23 hãn xián (=鹇[鷳] hãn xián silver pheasant, Lophura nycthemera; Lophura species (various)).⁸
(composition: ⿰間鳥; U+9DFC).
(See 鷳 hãn).
han3 5726
9 14 hàn xiàn (<old>=僩 hàn xiàn courageous; martial; dignified.¹⁴ stern, dignified, severe, formidable.²⁴).⁸ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰亻間; U+50F4).
(See 僩 hàn).
han4 5727
9 14 hàn xiàn courageous; martial; dignified.¹⁴ stern, dignified, severe, formidable.²⁴ (old variant: 僴 hàn xiàn).
(composition: ⿰亻閒; U+50E9).
(See 僴 hàn).
han4 5728
53 广 9 hàn xiàn
a threshold; a door-sill.¹⁰ the threshold of a door.²⁴
han4 5729
61 9 hàn hèn hate; regret.⁵
恨不得 hàn-būt-āk hènbude to wish that one could (do something which is not proper to do); to itch to.⁷
恨不能 hàn-būt-nãng
hènbunéng to wish that one could (do something impossible or beyond one's means to do).⁷
恨恨 hàn-hàn
hènhèn hate matchless; hatefully; implacable hatred.⁵⁴
恨铁不成钢[恨鐵不成鋼] hàn-hëik-būt-sẽin-gông
hèn tiě bù chéng gāng wish iron could turn into steel at once – set a high demand on somebody in the hope that he will improve.⁵
恨之入骨 hàn-jï-yìp-gūt
hènzhīrùgǔ hate somebody to the very marrow of one's bones.⁵
恨事 hàn-xù
hènshì a matter for regret.⁵
仇恨 siũ-hàn
chóuhèn hatred; enmity; hostility.⁵
怀恨在心[懷恨在心] vãi-hàn-dòi-xïm
huáihènzàixīn nurse hatred in one's heart.⁵
遗恨[遺恨] vĩ-hàn
yíhèn eternal regret.⁵
怨恨 yön-hàn
yuànhèn have a grudge against somebody, hate; resentment, grudge, enmity.⁵
<台> 恨 hàn to love dearly.
<台> 恨长孙[恨長孫] hàn jēng-xün to love the eldest grandson (son's son) dearly.
han4 5730
75 10 𣐻
hàn xiàn (=阈[閾] vèik <wr.> threshold, doorsill, limen; <wr.> boundary, limits; <phy.> threshold.⁶).²
(=䦘 hàn
xiàn a door step; threshold; doorsill.¹⁴ʼ⁰).¹⁰¹
the threshold of a door.²⁴
(composition: ⿱艮木; U+2343B).
门阈[門閾] mõn-vèik
ményù threshold; a door step; doorsill.⁰
(See 䦘 hàn; 閾 vèik).
han4 5731
94 9 hàn hěn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 狠 hān hěn with same meaning.)
<又> hān.
(See 狠 hān.)
han4 5732
140 10 hàn xiàn amaranth.⁶
凹头苋[凹頭莧] nïp-hẽo-hàn āotóuxiàn purple amaranth; Guernsey pigweed (Amaranthus blitum).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
苋科[莧科] hàn-fö
xiànkē amaranth family (Amaranthaceae).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
苋属[莧屬] hàn-sùk
xiànshǔ collectively known as amaranth genus (Amaranthus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
苋菜[莧菜] hàn-tôi
xiàncài or 假刺莧[假刺莧] gā-xü-hàn jiǎcìxiàn red spinach, Chinese spinach, spleen amaranth,  (Amaranthus dubius).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
苋菜红[莧菜紅] hàn-tôi-hũng
xiàncàihóng amaranth.⁶
马齿苋[馬齒莧] mâ-chī-hàn
mǎchǐxiàn common purslane, verdolaga, red root, or pursley (Portulaca oleracea), a.k.a. 马屎苋, 马生菜, 马齿菜, 五行草, 长寿菜.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ (See 瓜子菜 gä-dū-töi/).
野苋菜[野莧菜] yêh-hàn-tôi
yěxiàncài collectively known as amaranth genus (Amaranthus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
han4 5733
169 14 hàn xiàn a door step; threshold; doorsill.¹⁴ʼ⁰
(variant: 𨵬❄{⿵門限} hàn xiàn; 𣐻❄{⿱艮木} hàn xiàn).
(composition: ⿵門艮; U+4998).
门限[門限] mõn-hàn
ménxiàn a door step or threshold.¹⁴).¹⁰¹(Note: In Hoisanva 門限 is 地伏 ì-fûk, q.v.)
(See 𨵬❄{⿵門限} hàn; 𣐻❄{⿱艮木} hàn)).
han4 5734
169 16 𨵬
hàn xiàn (=䦘 hàn xiàn door step; threshold; doorsill.¹⁴ʼ⁰).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿵門限; U+28D6C).
❄{⿵門限}[門𨵬]❄{⿵門限} or 门限[門限] mõn-hàn ménxiàn a door step or threshold.¹⁴ (Note: In Hoisanva 門限 is 地伏 ì-fûk, q.v.)
(See 䦘 hàn).
han4 5735
170 8 hàn xiàn a boundary, limit; a fixed time; to limit.¹⁴
不可限量 būt-hō-hàn-lèng bùkěxiànliàng be boundless; be limitless; be very promising.⁶
限定 hàn-èin
xiàndìng to fix a limit to.¹⁴
限幅 hàn-fūk
xiànfú <elec.> clipping; slicing.⁶
限价[限價] hàn-gä
xiànjià price control/fixing; check price.⁶
限制 hàn-jäi
xiànzhì a restriction; a fixed measure.¹⁴
限期 hàn-kĩ
xiànqī a set period; a limit of time.¹⁴
限令 hàn-lèin
xiànlìng order somebody to do something within a certain time.⁵
限量 hàn-lẽng
xiànliàng limit the quantity of; set bounds to.⁵
限额[限額] hàn-ngäk
xiàn'é norm; limit; quota.⁵
限度 hàn-ù
xiàndù standards; qualification required; a restriction; a limit.¹⁴
限位 hàn-vì
xiànwèi <mach.> spacing.⁵
限于[限於] hàn-yï
xiànyú be confined to; be limited to.⁵
门限[門限] mõn-hàn
ménxiàn a door step or threshold.¹⁴
无限[無限] mũ-hàn
wúxiàn infinite; limitless; immeasurable.⁵
圉限 nguî-hàn
yǔxiàn boundary; limit.¹⁰
时限[時限] sĩ-hàn
shíxiàn time limit.⁵
有限 yiû-hàn
yǒuxiàn there is a limit; not very much or not very many.¹⁴
han4 5736
32 8 𡊨 hân tán <台> 社坛[社壇] or 社𡊨 sêh-hân or sì-hân a small outdoor altar at the beginning of a village.
han5 5737
32 16 hân tán (Note: The simplified form 坛 is used for 壇, 壜, 罈, 罎 hãn tán and 壇 hân tán).
t: ⿰土亶; U+58C7). (comp. s: ⿰土云; U+575B).
<台> 社坛[社壇]
or 社𡊨 sêh-hân or sì-hân a small outdoor altar at the beginning of a village.
<又> hãn.
(See 壇 hãn; 壜, 罈, 罎 hãn).
han5 5738
104 11 hân hén mark of a wound; trace of anything.⁶ scar; traces.¹⁰
刀痕 äo-hân dāohén a mark or scar left by a knife-cut.⁵
疤痕 bä-hân
bāhén scar.⁶
痕迹[痕跡] hân-dēik
hénjì mark, trace, vestige.⁵
痕迹原则[痕跡原則] hân-dēik-ngũn-dāk
hénjì yuánzé trace principle.¹⁹
痕垢 hân-gēo
héngòu old dirty marks.¹⁹
痕量 hân-lẽng
hénliàng <chem.> trace.⁶
痕量元素 hân-lẽng-ngũn-xü
hénliàng yuánsù <chem.> trace elements.⁵
爪痕 jāo-hân
zhǎohén paw print.¹⁹
裂痕 lëik-hân
lièhén rift, crack, fissure; breach.⁶
泪痕[淚痕] luì-hân
lèihén tear stains.⁵
吻痕 mêin-hân
or mûn-hân wěnhén hickey; love bite.¹⁰
伤痕[傷痕] sëng-hân
shānghén a scar from a wound.⁵
han5 5739
169 19 hân hǎn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation of 阚[闞] hām hǎn with the same meaning: roaring (of a tiger), growling; brave.⁷ roar.⁹ the roar of a tiger; the barking of a dog.²⁵ <lit.> angry roaring or growling (of tiger); <lit.> loud.³⁶ an angry growl of a beast, such as an irritated tiger makes; loud, angry voices.¹⁰²). <wr.> roar of a tiger.³
(comp. t: ⿵門敢; U+95DE). (comp. s: ⿵门敢; U+961A).
<又> hām, häm.
(See 闞 hām, 闞 häm.)
han5 5740
30 11 hāng kěn bite, gnaw, chew; take great pains with one's studies.⁶
嘴啃地 duī-hāng-ì zuǐkěndì to fall prostrate (“bite the dust”).¹¹
啃骨头[啃骨頭] hāng-gūt-hẽo
kěngǔtou gnaw at a bone – tackle a problem bit by bit.⁶
啃老 hāng-lāo
kěnlǎo <topo.> to live with and depend on one's parents even upon reaching adulthood.¹⁰
啃老族 hāng-lāo-dùk
kěnlǎozú <topo.> adults still living with and depending on their parents.¹⁰
啃啮[啃嚙] hāng-ngàt
kěnniè gnaw, nibble; bite.⁸
啃书[啃書] hāng-sï
kěnshū lit. gnaw a book; study; cram.¹⁰
啃书本[啃書本] hāng-sï-bōn
kěnshūběn delve into books.⁵
啃草 hāng-tāo
kěncǎo to graze.⁹
啃青 hāng-tëin
kěnqīng <topo.> get in and eat crops when they are not yet ripe; (of animals) eat young crops.⁶
死啃书本[死啃書本] xī-hāng-sï-bōn
sǐkěnshūběn to try to memorize books without thinking.¹¹
(See 齦 hāng.)
hang1 5741
37 5 hāng hāng to ram; to tamp.
打夯 ā-hāng dǎhāng to ram; to tamp.
蛤蟆夯 hā-mã-hāng
hámahāng power-driven rammer.⁸
夯歌 hāng-gô
hānggē rammers' work chant.
夯具 hāng-guì
hāngjù rammer; tamper.
夯砣 hāng-hõ
hāngtuó heavy end of a rammer (usu. made of stone or metal).⁶
夯汉[夯漢] hāng-hön
hānghàn carrier, laborer who carries loads on shoulder.¹¹
夯土 hāng-hū
hāngtǔ  <archeo.> rammed earth.
夯实[夯實] hāng-sìt
hāngshí to ram earth; to tamp earth.
砸夯 jät-hāng
záhāng to pound the earth to make a building foundation.¹⁰
木夯 mùk-hāng
mùhāng wooden rammer.⁹
<又> bùn.
(See 夯 bùn.)
hang1 5742
64 11 hāng kèn to oppress, to extort, to take by force.
掯阻 hāng-jū kènzǔ to obstruct.
掯留 hāng-liũ
kènliú to force one to stay;
掯赎[掯贖] hāng-sùk
kènshú to force ransom.
勒掯 làk-hāng
lēikèn <topo.> force, compel; make things dificult for somebody.⁶
累掯 luì-hāng
lèikèn <topo.> to force someone to do something; to restrain someone from doing something.
hang1 5743
130 6 hāng kěn (<old>=肯 hāng kěn agree, consent; be willing to, be ready to.⁵ to assent; to permit; willing, acquiescing; voluntary; <old> the flesh joined to the bone; <old> the attachment of the muscle to the bone. ¹⁰²).⁸
(composition: ⿱冖月; U+808E).
(See 肯 hāng).
hang1 5744
130 8 hāng kěn agree, consent; be willing to, be ready to.⁵ to assent; to permit; willing, acquiescing; voluntary; <old> the flesh joined to the bone; <old> the attachment of the muscle to the bone. ¹⁰² (old variants: 肎, 肻 hāng kěn).
(composition: ⿱止⺼; U+80AF).
肯德基炸鸡[肯德基炸雞] Hāng-āk-gï-jä-gäi
Kěndéjī Zhájī Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC).¹⁰
肯不肯 hāng-būt-hāng
kěnbùkěn Are you willing (to do something) or not?⁷
肯定 hāng-èin
kěndìng affirmative; positive; sure.⁷
肯干[肯幹] hāng-gön
kěngàn willing to put in hard work; indefatigable.⁷ willing to exert one's self or spend money.¹⁰²
肯綮 hāng-hëin
kěnqǐng the main point; the gist.⁷ meat joints; (fig.) critical or important juncture, essential points.¹¹
肯尼亚[肯尼亞] Hāng-nãi-ä
Kěnníyà Kenya.⁷
中肯 jüng-hāng
zhòngkěn apropos; pertinent.⁸
深中肯綮 sïm-jüng-hāng-hëin
shēnzhòngkěnqǐng to hit the nail right on the head.³⁹
首肯 siū-hāng
shǒukěn nod approval/assent; consent.⁶
<台> 肯 hāng
diligent, industrious, hardworking; be willing to.
<台> 老肯 lāo-hāng old man (slightly derogatory).
(See 肎 hāng; 肻 hāng).
hang1 5745
145 11 hāng kèn (of a jacket) seam between the body and the sleeve.⁶ a seam in a garment.¹⁴ (variant: 褃 hāng kèn).
裉节[裉節] hāng-dēik
or käng-dēik kènjié <topo.> critical juncture/moment.⁵⁴
抬裉 hõi-hāng
or hõi-käng táikèn <topo.> sew a sleeve on to the body of a jacket.⁶
缭裉[繚裉] lèl-hāng
or lèl-käng liáokèn to stitch a seam.¹⁴
煞裉 sät-hāng
or sät-käng shàkèn measurement from the shoulder to the armpit.⁶
<又> käng.
(See 裉 käng; 褃 hāng.)
hang1 5746
145 13 hāng kèn (=裉 hāng kèn) a seam in a garment.¹⁴
(See 裉 hāng; 裉 käng.)
hang1 5747
211 21 hāng kěn (=啃 hāng kěn) bite, gnaw, chew; take great pains with one's studies.⁶ to gnaw; to bite; to bark (a tree).¹⁴
龈声[齦聲] hāng-sëin
kěnshēng a gnashing sound.¹⁴
龈骨[齦骨] hāng-gūt
kěngǔ to gnaw a bone.¹⁴
<又> ngãn.
(See 齦 ngãn; 啃 hāng.)
hang1 5748
8 7 häng hēng prosperous, going smoothly; <elec.> henry.⁶ <old> used for used for 烹 päng pēng boil, cook; Heng surname.⁸
(composition: ⿳亠口了; U+4EA8).
大亨 ài-häng
dàhēng big fish; big shot; bigwig; magnate; mogul; tycoon.⁶
亨嘉 häng-gä
hēngjiā prosperous; successful.¹⁴
亨途 häng-hũ
hēngtú thoroughfare.¹⁹
亨通 häng-hüng
hēngtōng going smoothly; prosperous.⁶
亨衢 häng-kuĩ
hēngqú thoroughfare.¹⁹
亨利 häng-lì
hēnglì <elec.> henry.⁶ transliteration of Henry.⁷
亨利单位[亨利單位] häng-lì än-vì
hēnglì dānwèi Henry unit.⁶
万事亨通[萬事亨通] màn-xù-häng-hüng
wànshìhēngtōng Everything is going smoothly.⁵
微亨利 mĩ-häng-lì
wēihēnglì <elec.> microhenry.⁵
财运亨通[財運亨通] tõi-vùn-häng-hüng
cáiyùnhēngtōng be overwhelmingly fortunate in moneymaking.⁶
<又> päng.
(See 烹 päng).
hang2 5749
30 7 häng kēng to utter a sound or a word.⁸
吭哧 häng-chēik kēngchi to puff and blow; to hem and haw.⁸
吭气[吭氣] häng-hï
kēngqì to utter a sound.¹⁰
吭声[吭聲] häng-sëin
kēngshēng to utter a word.¹⁰
一声不吭[一聲不吭] yīt-sëin-būt-häng
yīshēngbùkēng not say a word; say nothing at all; not utter a sound; keep silent.⁶
(See 吭 hõng.)
hang2 5750
30 10 häng hēng to hum; to sing softly; to groan, to moan.⁸
哼哧 häng-chēik hēngchī to puff hard (e.g. after running).¹⁰
哼唱 häng-chëng
hēngchàng to hum; to croon.¹⁰
哼唧 häng-dēik
hēngji to whisper.¹⁰
哼哈二将[哼哈二將] häng-hā-ngì-dëng
hēnghā'èrjiàng the two sculptured fierce-looking gods usually guarding a temple gate or painted on doors.⁸ General Heng and General Ha (two fierce men guarding a Buddhist temple gate).⁹
哼哼唧唧 häng-häng-dēik-dēik
hēnghēngjījī used to describe the rumblings of a person.⁹  whining; groaning; muttering.¹⁰
哼哼哈哈 häng-häng-hā-hā
hēnghēnghāhā to hem and haw.³⁹
哼声[哼聲] häng-sëin
hēngshēng to hum.¹⁰
哼唷 häng-yō
hēngyō heave-ho; yo-ho.⁸
呛哼[嗆哼] tëng-häng
qiānghēng stupid.⁷
<又> hèm.
(See 哼 hèm.)
hang2 5751
32 7 häng kēng hole; pit; hollow; tunnel; to bury alive; to entrap; to cheat.
避弹坑[避彈坑] bì-àn-häng bìdànkēng <mil.> foxhole.
避坑落井 bì-häng-lòk-dēng
bìkēngluòjǐng out of the frying pan and into the fire.¹  avoid a trap to fall into a well.¹¹
粪坑[糞坑] fũn-häng
fènkēng a manure pit; a cesspool.⁷
坑道 häng-ào
kēngdào gallery; tunnel.
坑缸 häng-göng
kēnggāng receptacle for nightsoil.¹⁴
坑害 häng-hòi
kēnghài to entrap; to frame.
坑蒙 häng-mũng
kēngmēng swindle; cheat.⁶
坑人 häng-ngĩn
kēngrén to cheat or entrap somebody; <topo.> to be upset (by a heavy loss).
泥坑 nãi-häng
níkēng mud pit; morass.
深坑 sïm-häng
shēnkēng deep pit; abyss.
水坑 suī-häng
shuǐkēng puddle; pool; water hole.
<又> hâng.
(See 坑 hâng.)
hang2 5752
78 11 𣨉
häng hēng (composition: ⿰歹亨; U+23A09).
㱶𣨉❄{⿰歹亨} bäng-häng bēnghēng fat.²⁴ʼ¹⁰¹ to dry up and die; to swell.¹⁰¹

hang2 5753
93 11 häng kēng bovine tibia; <old>=顅 long neck.⁸ shank bone of ox.¹⁰ʼ¹⁴ calf-bone of cows.¹¹ the bone of a cow's leg, below the knee.²⁴ shinbone of cattle.³⁶ the shank bone of an ox's leg.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰牜巠; U+727C).
牼翟 Häng-Èik Kēng-Dí the combined names of 宋牼 Xüng Häng Sòng Kēng Song Keng (370 BCE - 291 BCE from one source, another source say date of birth and death are 'unknown', but during the Warring States Period, 403 BCE-221 BCE. ) and 墨翟 Màk Èik Mò Dí or 墨子 Màk Dū Mò Zǐ Mozi (c. 468 BC - c. 391 BC).¹⁹
宋牼 Xüng Häng
Sòng Kēng or 宋钘[宋鈃] Xüng Yẽin Sòng Xíng a certain scholar, Song Keng or Song Xing, in the days of Mencius (372 BCE-289 BCE).¹⁰²
Xüng-Häng-dëng-jï-chō, màng-dū-nguì-yï-sêk-hiü.
Sòng kēng jiāng zhī chǔ, mèngzǐ yù yú shí qiū.
Song Keng being about to go to Chu, Mencius met him in Shi Qiu.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《孟子·告子下·24》, translated by James Legge).
hang2 5754
112 10 𥑒
häng kēng (=硻 häng kēng)¹⁰¹ ➀ a. <old>=铿[鏗] häng kēng clang; clatter; b. metal and stone sounds ➁ to strike stones to produce sounds.⁸
(composition: ⿰石尒; U+25452).
<又> nā.
(See 𥑒❄{⿰石尒} nā).
hang2 5755
112 12 häng kēng <wr.> <ono.> (of stones) clang;  shallow and obstinate.⁶ the sound of pebbles or stones rubbing or knocking together.⁷ the tinkling of stones; stones dashing against each other.¹⁰²
(comp. t: ⿰石巠; U+785C). (comp. s: ⿰石⿱ス工; U+7841).
硁硁[硜硜] häng-häng
kēngkēng <wr.> shallow and obstinate.⁶ stubborn; obstinate.⁷
硁硁自守[硜硜自守]  häng-häng-dù-siū 
kēngkēngzìshǒu maintain one's position stubbornly.⁶ shallow and obstinate.⁷
硁硁之见[硜硜之見] häng-häng-jï-gëin
kēngkēngzhījiàn my humble and shallow view.⁶
硁硁然小人哉! [硜硜然小人哉!]
Kēng kēng rán xiǎo rén zāi!
They are obstinate little men. (Excerpt from 《詩經·子路·20》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ What a mean tinkle-tinkle worthless sort of a fellow he is!¹⁰²
hang2 5756
112 13 häng kēng ➀ a. <old>=铿[鏗] häng kēng clang; clatter; b. metal and stone sounds ➁ to strike stones to produce sounds.⁸
(composition: ⿱臤石; U+787B).
<又> köng.
(See 硻 köng).
hang2 5757
130 8 hāng kěn (<old>=肯 hāng kěn agree, consent; be willing to, be ready to.⁵ to assent; to permit; willing, acquiescing; voluntary; <old> the flesh joined to the bone; <old> the attachment of the muscle to the bone. ¹⁰²).⁸
(composition: ⿳⺊冖⺼; U+80BB).
(See 肯 hāng).
hang2 5758
130 11 häng hēng distend.⁸ fat; bloated.¹⁴
膨脝 pãng-häng pénghēng <wr.> potbellied; <topo.> bulky; unwieldy.⁵
hang2 5759
167 19 häng kēng clang; clatter.⁶ to strike, to beat, to stroke; jingling.⁸
铿锵[鏗鏘] häng-dëng kēngqiāng a tinkle, a clang; fig. sonorous and forceful.⁷ sonorous; resounding; fig. resounding words.¹⁰ jangling of metal or jade instruments.¹¹
铿锵声[鏗鏘聲] häng-dëng-sëin
kēngqiāngshēng clangor.⁹
铿铿[鏗鏗] häng-häng
kēngkēng clang; clatter.⁶
铿然[鏗然] häng-ngẽin
kēngrán >wr.> (of sound) loud and clear.⁶
hang2 5760
170 6 häng kēng (=坑 häng kēng) pit, hole, hollow.³⁶
(composition: ⿰阝亢; U+962C).
(See 坑 häng).
hang2 5761
177 18 häng ēng <wr.> rein; halter.⁶ a piece of horn wound round with leather, attached to a bridle.²⁵ (=马缰绳[馬韁繩] mâ-gëng-sẽin mǎjiāngshéng) checkrein.¹⁰ twitch; leading rein.⁵⁴
(See 韁 gëng; 繮 gëng.)
hang2 5762
7 7 𠄨
hãng héng (<old>=恒[恆] hãng héng permanent, lasting; perseverance; usual, common, constant.⁵).²
(composition: ⿳一外一; U+20128).
(See 恆 hãng).
hang3 5763
38 9 hãng héng 姮娥 Hãng-ngõ Héng'é the goddess of the moon in Chinese myth; Lady in the Moon.⁵⁴
hang3 5764
61 9 hãng héng permanent, lasting; perseverance; usual, common, constant.⁵ (variants: 𠄨❄{⿳一外一} hãng; 𢛢❄{⿰忄⿳一舟一} hãng).
持之以恒[持之以恆] chĩ-jï-yî-hãng
chízhīyǐhéng persevere in (doing something).⁵
恒等[恆等] hãng-āng
héngděng <math.> identically equal; identical.⁵
恒齿[恆齒] hãng-chī
héngchǐ permanent tooth.⁵
恒久[恆久] hãng-giū
héngjiǔ constancy; constant; lasting; forever; enduring.⁷
恒河沙数[恆河沙數] Hãng-hõ sâ-sü
Hénghé shāshù as numerous as the sands in the Ganges; countless.⁵
恒量[恆量] hãng-lèng
héngliàng <phy.> constant.⁵
恒言[恆言] hãng-ngũn
héngyán common saying.⁵
恒山[恆山] Hãng Sän
Héng Shān Mount Heng, Hengshan Mountain (the Northern Sacred Mountian in Shanxi Province).⁶
恒温[恆溫] hãng-vün
héngwēn constant temperature.⁵
恒星[恆星] hãng-xëin
héngxīng (fixed) star.⁵
恒心[恆心] hãng-xïm
héngxīn perseverance.⁷
永恒[永恆] vêin-hãng
yǒnghéng eternal, everlasting.⁵
(See 𠄨❄{⿳一外一} hãng; 𢛢❄{⿰忄⿳一舟一} hãng).
hang3 5765
61 11 𢛢
hãng héng (<old>=恒[恆] hãng héng permanent, lasting; perseverance; usual, common, constant.⁵).²
(composition: ⿰忄⿳一舟一; U+226E2).
(See 恆 hãng).
hang3 5766
75 13 hãng héng (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 楻 võng huáng).² fast boat.⁸ʼ³⁶ wooden boat.⁹ fast ship.¹⁰ a fast sailing boat.¹⁴ a ferry boat.²⁵
(composition: ⿰木皇; U+697B).
楻毕[楻畢] hãng-bīt
héngbì the handle of a spear.²⁴
<又> võng.
(See 楻 võng).
hang3 5767
85 15 hãng téng water bursting forth; to open the mouth wide when talking; name of an ancient state in what is now Shandong.¹⁴ Teng surname.⁸
滕家镇[滕家鎮] Hãng-gä-jïn Téngjiāzhèn Tengjia township in Rongcheng county (荣成县[榮成縣] Vẽin-sẽin-yòn Róngchéngxiàn), Weihai (威海 Vï-hōi Wēihǎi), Shandong (山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng) Province.¹⁰
滕口说也[滕口說也] hãng-hēo-sōt-yâ
téngkǒushuōyě to open the mouth wide when speaking.¹⁴
滕六降雪 hãng-lùk-göng-xūt
téngliùjiàngxuě the god of snow sends down a snowstorm.¹⁴
hang3 5768
96 10 hãng háng 珩磨 hãng-mõ hángmó hone.⁸
(See 珩[hãng, héng].)
hang3 5769
96 10 hãng héng the top gem of the pendants from a girdle.⁷
(See 珩[hãng, háng].)
hang3 5770
96 10 hāng kèn a stone marked with veins.²⁴
<又> ngãn. (See 珢 ngãn.)
hang3 5771
118 12 hãng háng (composition: ⿱𥫗行; U+7B55).
筕篖 hãng-hõng or hõng-hõng hángtáng a course bamboo mat, with the lines running one way; a bamboo basket.²⁵ a kind of bamboo mat.¹⁰¹
筕筜[筕簹] hãng-öng
or hõng-öng hángdāng (=筕篖 hãng-hõng or hõng-hõng hángtáng) a course bamboo mat, with the lines running one way; a bamboo basket.²⁵ a kind of bamboo mat.¹⁰¹
<又> hõng. (See 筕 hõng).
hang3 5772
118 21 hãng téng (=藤 hãng téng a rattan; a vine.⁷); climbing plants, vines, cane.⁸ (old variant: 籘 hãng téng).
(composition: ⿱⺮滕; U+7C50).
葛籐 gōt-hãng
gěténg creepers, tendrils, (fig.) difficulties, complications.¹¹
籐榻 hãng-hāp
téngtà rattan bed.¹¹
籐黄[籐黃] hãng-võng
ténghuáng gamboge (much used in Chinese printing).¹¹
牵丝扳籐[牽絲扳籐] hëin-xü-pän-hãng
qiānsīpānténg dilly-dally, shilly-shally, drag out (affair, argument) interminably (like “drawing out treacle or spreading vine”).¹¹ (See also 牽絲扳藤 or 牽絲攀藤 hëin-xü-pän-hãng).
常春籐 sẽng-chün-hãng
chángchūnténg <bot.> a kind of vine, Hedera helix.¹¹
(See 藤 hãng; 籘 hãng).
hang3 5773
118 22 hãng téng (<old>=籐 hãng téng); climbing plants, vines, cane.⁸
(composition: ⿱⺮縢; U+7C58).
(See 籐 hãng).
hang3 5774
120 16 hãng téng seal off,  restrain; rope, cord.⁶ to bind; to tie; to restrict; be restrain; a band.⁷
组縢[組縢] dū-hãng zǔténg belt with tassels.⁵⁴
行縢 hãng-hãng
xíngténg leggings.¹¹ to bind the legs with cord.¹⁴ bandages for the legs, used by travellers, to assist them in walking far.²⁵
縢履 hãng-lî
ténglǚ shoes for bound feet.⁷
绿縢[綠縢] lùk-hãng
lǜténg a green fastening.²⁵ green cord.⁵⁴
hang3 5775
140 18 hãng téng a rattan; a vine.⁷ (variant: 籐 hãng téng).
白藤 bàk-hãng
báiténg rattan, cane plant.¹¹
紫藤 dū-hãng
zǐténg <bot.> the wistaria.¹¹
藤鞭 hãng-bëin
téngbiān a rattan whip.⁷
藤子 hãng-dū
téngzi a rattan.⁷
藤箧[藤篋] hãng-gēp
téngqiè wicker suitcase.⁶ rattan suitcase.¹¹
藤榻 hãng-hāp
téngtà rattan (or cane) couch.⁵
藤条[藤條] hãng-hẽl
téngtiáo a rattan.⁷
藤制品[藤製品] hãng-jäi-bīn
téngzhìpǐn rattan work.⁷
藤桌 hãng-jēk
téngzhuō a rattan table.⁷
藤萝[藤蘿] hãng-lõ
or hãng-lũ téngluó <bot.> wistaria.⁷
藤蔓植物 hãng-màn-jèik-mùt
or hãng-màn-jèik-mòt téngmànzhíwù <bot.> lianas; vines.⁷
藤椅 hãng-yī
téngyǐ cane or rattan chair.¹¹
常春藤 sẽng-chün-hãng
chángchūnténg <bot.> Hedera nepalensis.⁹ ivy.¹⁰
顺藤摸瓜[順藤摸瓜] sùn-hãng-mū-gä
shùnténgmōguā to follow the vine to get the melon – to track down somebody or something by following clues.³⁹
(See 籐 hãng).
hang3 5776
140 19 hãng héng a fragrant plant whose root is medicinal.⁸  Asarum blumei (wild ginger plant).¹⁰
蘅芜[蘅蕪] hãng-mũ
héngwú Asarum blumei (ginger plant).¹⁰
杜蘅 ù-hãng
dùhéng <bot.> Asarum forbesii (wild ginger plant).¹⁰
hang3 5777
142 16 hãng téng a wingless dragon of the clouds.¹⁴ a flying serpent, resembling a dragon; it is supposed to be able to ascend to the clouds, and revel amongst them.²⁵
螣蛇 hãng-sẽh téngshé <old> lengendary flying snake.⁶ winged snake.⁸ a flying serpent.¹⁴ (=腾蛇[騰蛇] hãng-sẽh téngshé <wr.> winged snake).⁵⁴
螣蛇无足而飞[螣蛇無足而飛] hãng-sẽh-mũ-dūk-ngĩ-fï
téngshéwúzúérfēi this species of serpent has no feet, but it can fly.²⁵
<又> àk.
(See 螣 àk.)
hang3 5778
144 6 hãng xíng
Kangxi radical 144; go; walk; move, travel; circulate.⁸ go; travel; temporary, makeshift; be current, prevail, circulate; do, perform, carry out; behavior, conduct; all right, OK; capable, competent; <wr.> soon.⁵
自行 dù-hãng zìxíng by oneself; of oneself, of one's own accord, voluntarily; proper motion.⁶
行迹[行跡] hãng-dēik
xíngjì movements; tracks; traces.⁶
行走 hãng-dēo
xíngzǒu to walk.⁶
行径[行徑] hãng-gèin
xíngjìng path; conduct; behavior.¹⁰
行凶 hãng-hüng
xíngxiōng to commit killing or murder.⁷
行李 hãng-lī
xíngli luggage, baggage.⁶
行尸走肉[行屍走肉] hãng-sï-dēo-ngùk
xíngshīzǒuròu a walking corpse – an utterly worthless person.⁵
行驶[行駛] hãng-sōi
xíngshǐ (of vehicles or boats) go; run.⁶
行动[行動] hãng-ùng
xíngdòng to move about; to act, take action; move, act, behavior.⁶
行星 hãng-xëin
xíngxīng planet.¹⁰
行事 hãng-xù
xíngshì to handle, execute; behavior, conduct.⁶
<台> 行得 hãng-dàk
or 行作 hãng-dòk to do something intentionally.
<又> hàng, hõng.
(See 行 [hàng, héng], [hàng, xíng], hõng.)
hang3 5779
144 16 hãng héng the graduated arm of a steelyard; weighing apparatus; weigh, measure, judge.⁵ the yoke of an ox; transverse; horizontal; from east to west; a railing; to weigh; to adjust; the beam of a steelyard; perplexed; authority; a mountain in Hunan; space between the eyebrows.¹⁴
均衡 gün-hãng jūnhéng balanced; proportionate; harmonious; even.⁶
衡鉴[衡鑒] hãng-gäm
héngjiàn criteria for determining good from bad.¹
衡器 hãng-hï
héngqì weighing apparatus.⁵
衡量 hãng-lẽng
héngliang weigh, measure, judge.⁵
衡平 hãng-pẽin
héngpíng to weigh and consider in order to uphold justice.⁷
衡平法 hãng-pẽin-fāt
héngpíngfǎ <law> law of equity; rule of equity.⁶
衡山 Hãng Sän
Héng Shān Mount Heng, Hengshan Mountain (the Southern Sacred Mountain in Hunan Province).⁶
平衡 pẽin-hãng
pínghéng balanced, not lopsided, even; to bring into equilibrium, to balance, to maintain equilibrium; balance, equilibrium.⁶
hang3 5780
149 17 hãng téng transribe (by hand); copy out.⁶
(composition t: ⿰月誊; U+8B04).
s: ⿱龹言; U+8A8A).
誊本[謄本] hãng-bōn
téngběn transcript; copy.⁶
誊抄[謄抄] hãng-chäo
téngchāo transribe; copy out.⁶
誊正[謄正] hãng-jëin
téngzhèng make a clean copy of.⁶
誊录[謄錄] hãng-lùk
ténglù transribe; copy out.⁶
誊清[謄清] hãng-tëin
téngqīng make a clean copy of.⁶
誊清稿[謄清稿] hãng-tëin-gāo
téngqīnggǎo clean copy.⁶
誊写[謄寫] hãng-xēh
téngxiě transribe; copy out.⁵
誊写版[謄寫版] hãng-xēh-bān
téngxiěbǎn <print> stencil.⁵
誊写钢版[謄寫鋼版] hãng-xēh-gông-bān
téngxiě gāngbǎn steel plate for cutting stencils.⁵
誊写蜡纸[謄寫蠟紙] hãng-xēh-làp-jī
téngxiě làzhǐ stencil paper.⁶
誊写油墨[謄寫油墨] hãng-xēh-yiũ-màk
téngxiě yóumò stencil ink.⁶
誊写员[謄寫員] hãng-xēh-yõn
téngxiěyuán a scribe.⁷
誊印社[謄印社] hãng-yïn-sêh
téngyìnshè mimeograph service.⁶
hang3 5781
167 22 hãng héng the sound of a bell.²⁵
(composition: ⿰釒榮; U+9445).
鑅鍠 hãng-võng hénghuáng the sound of bells.²⁹ʼ¹⁰¹
hang3 5782
187 20 hãng téng soar; jump; clear out; (used after certain verbs to indicate repeated actions.⁵⁵
腾达[騰達] hãng-àt téngdá <wr.> soar; rise to power and position.⁵⁵
腾飞[騰飛] hãng-fï
téngfēi soar; make rapid progress.⁵⁵
腾蛟起凤[騰蛟起鳳] hãng-gäo-hī-fùng
téngjiāoqǐfèng (complimentary) a rapidly rising talent.¹¹
腾腾[騰騰] hãng-hãng
téngténg steaming.⁵⁵
腾起[騰起] hãng-hī
téngqǐ soar up.¹¹
腾空[騰空] hãng-hüng
téngkōng soar to the skies.¹¹
腾挪[騰挪] hãng-nõ
téngnuó reassign; move something to make room for something else.⁵⁵
腾蛇[騰蛇] hãng-sẽh
téngshé <wr.> winged snake.⁵⁴
腾闪[騰閃] hãng-sēm
téngshǎn dodge.⁵⁵
腾云驾雾[騰雲駕霧] hãng-vũn-gä-mù
téngyúnjiàwù mount the clouds and ride the mist; feel giddy.⁵⁵
腾骧[騰驤] hãng-xëng
téngxiāng prance.¹¹
腾跃[騰躍] hãng-yèk
téngyuè gallop; <wr.> soar.⁵⁵
腾越[騰越] hãng-yòt
téngyuè jump over.⁵⁵
龙腾虎跃[龍騰虎躍] lũng-hãng-fū-yèk
lóngténghǔyuè lit. dragon soaring and tiger leaping (idiom); fig. prosperous and bustling; vigorous and active.¹⁰
(See 腾 [hãng, tēng].)
hang3 5783
187 20 hãng tēng 乱腾腾[亂騰騰] lòn-hãng-hãng luàntēngtēng be all hot and bothered; confused; upset.⁸
慢腾腾[慢騰騰] màn-hãng-hãng
màntēngtēng sluggishly; unhurriedly; at a leisurely pace.⁸
慢慢腾腾[慢慢騰騰] màn-màn-hãng-hãng
mànman tēngtēng sluggishly; unhurriedly; at a leisurely pace.⁸
毛毛腾腾[毛毛騰騰] mão-mão-hãng-hãng
máomao tēngtēng <topo.> flustered.⁸
热腾腾[熱騰騰] ngèik-hãng-hãng
rètēngtēng steaming hot; be excited.⁸
扑腾[撲騰] pōk-hãng
pūtēng <ono.> thud.⁸
扑腾[撲騰] pōk-hãng
pūteng throb; flop; move about.⁸
(See 腾 [hãng, téng].)
hang3 5784
195 21 hãng téng stargazer.⁵ another name for 鮸 mêin miǎn slate cod croaker; (Miichthys miiuy).⁸ a kind of fish; stout; bluish gray color; big flat head; big mouth and small eyes; usually stay in the bottom of the shallow sea; half buried in the muddy sand.¹⁰
hang3 5785
196 17 hãng héng plover (a kind of bird).⁶
长嘴剑鸻[長嘴劍鴴] chẽng-duī-gëm-hãng chángzuǐ jiànhéng long-billed plover (Charadrius placidus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
走鸻[走鴴] dēo-hãng
zǒuhéng courser (bird).⁵⁴
剑鸻[劍鴴] gëm-hãng
jiànhéng common ringed plover, ringed plover (Charadrius hiaticula).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鸻科[鴴科] hãng-fö
héngkē Charadriidae (plover family).¹⁰
鸻属[鴴屬] hãng-sùk
héngshǔ Charadrius (genus).⁹
鸻形目[鴴形目] hãng-yẽin-mùk
héngxíngmù Charadriiformes (order).⁹
雉鸻[雉鴴] jï-hãng
zhìhéng jacana.¹⁹
东方鸻[東方鴴] üng-föng-hãng
dōngfānghéng  (also called 东方红胸鴴[東方紅胸鴴] üng-föng-hũng-hüng-hãng  dōngfānghóngxiōnghéng) oriental plover, oriental dotterel (Charadrius veredus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
小嘴鸻[小嘴鴴] xēl-duī-hãng
xiǎozuǐhéng Eurasian dotterel (Charadrius morinellus).¹⁹
喧鸻[喧鴴] xün-hãng
xuānhéng killdeer (a bird).⁵⁴
燕鸻[燕鴴] yên-hãng
yànhéng pratincole; swallow plover.⁶
hang3 5786
9 10 hàng xìng lucky; fortunate; interchangeable with 幸 (hàng xìng to rejoice; fortunate; prosperous).¹⁴
(composition: ⿰亻幸; U+5016).
倖免 hàng-mêin
xìngmiǎn a lucky escape.¹⁴
倖位 hàng-vì
xìngwèi favorites.¹⁴
倖获[倖獲] hàng-vòk
xìnghuò or 倖得 hàng-āk xìngdé luckily acquired.¹⁴
or 侥幸[僥幸] or 徼倖 or 儌倖 hēl-hàng jiǎoxìng lucky; by luck; by a fluke.⁵ lucky; (said of happy events) beyond one's expectations.⁷ a fortunate coincidence; a lucky chance.¹⁴
佞倖 nèin-hàng
nìngxìng sycophantic.¹⁴
or 恩幸 yïn-hàng ēnxìng pension granted as a favor.¹⁰
(See 幸 hàng).
hang4 5787
30 11 hàng hèng (used to express irritation or determination).⁶ humbug; hoodwink; tell with an irritating voice.⁸
啈!我非找他算账不可![啈!我非找他算賬不可!] Hàng! Ngô-fï-jāo-hä-xön-jëng-būt-hō Hèng! Wǒ fēi zhǎo tā suàn zhàng bù kě! Damn! I must get even with him!
(See 啈 [hàng, hēng].)
hang4 5788
30 11 hàng hēng (used to express prohibition).⁶
啈!不要在墙上乱画[啈!不要在牆上亂畫]  Hàng! Būt-yël-dòi-tẽng-sèng-lòn-vàk Hēng! Bùyàozàiqiángshangluànhuà Hey! Don't scribble on the wall!
(See 啈 [hàng, hèng].)
hang4 5789
37 8 hàng xìng (same as 幸 hàng xìng fortunate; lucky) to rejoice; fortunate, prosperous.⁸
(composition: ⿱大𢆉; U+3694).
<又> nēp.
(See 㚔 nēp; 幸 hàng).
hang4 5790
38 11 hàng xìng <wr.> stubborn; obstinate.⁶ hate.⁸ upright and outspoken; stubborn.⁹ upright.¹⁰
hang4 5791
45 10 𡴘
hàng xìng original character for 幸 hàng xìng fortunate; lucky.²
(composition: ⿱夭屰; U+21D18).
(See 幸 hàng).
hang4 5792
51 8 hàng xìng to rejoice; fortunate; prosperous; <old> an imperial progress.¹⁴ Xing surname.⁸ (variants: 倖 㚔 𡴘❄{⿱夭屰} hàng).
(composition: ⿳土丷干; U+5E78).
不幸 būt-hàng
bùxìng unfortunate(ly); sad(ly); misfortune; adversity; sadness; <wr.> (euphemistic) to die.³⁶
幸灾乐祸[幸災樂禍] hàng-döi-lòk-vò
xìngzāilèhuò schadenfreude, to gloat at another's misfortune.⁶ʼ⁰
幸福 hàng-fūk
xìngfú happiness, well-being; happy.⁵
幸好 hàng-hāo
xìnghǎo luckily.⁹
幸亏[幸虧] hàng-kï
xìngkuī fortunately; luckily.¹⁰
幸而 hàng-ngĩ
xìng'ér by good fortune; luckily.¹⁰
幸臣 hàng-sĩn
xìngchén favorite courtier.¹⁴
幸运[幸運] hàng-vùn
xìngyùn good fortune.¹⁴
幸事 hàng-xù
xìngshì a piece of good fortune; a stroke of luck.⁹
or 侥幸[僥幸] or 徼倖 or 儌倖 hēl-hàng jiǎoxìng lucky; by luck; by a fluke.⁵ lucky; (said of happy events) beyond one's expectations.⁷
巡幸 tũn-hàng
xúnxìng (of a monarch) go on an inspection tour.⁸ an imperial progress.¹⁴
荣幸[榮幸] vẽin-hàng
róngxìng honored.⁹
or 恩倖 yïn-hàng ēnxìng pension granted as a favor.¹⁰
(See 倖 hàng; 㚔 hàng, 𡴘❄{⿱夭屰} hàng)
hang4 5793
61 11 hàng xìng angry; resentful.⁶
悻悻 hàng-hàng xìngxìng angry; resentful.⁵
悻悻然 hàng-hàng-ngẽin
xìngxìngrán angry; enraged; huffish; anger; huff.⁷
悻悻而去 hàng-hàng-ngĩ-huï
xìngxìng'érqù go away angry; leave in a huff.⁵
悻直 hàng-jèik
xìngzhí blunt; bluff; brusque.⁷
悻然 hàng-ngẽin
xìngrán angry; enraged.⁶
hang4 5794
75 7 hàng xìng apricot.⁶ Prunus armeniaca.²⁰
杏鲍菇[杏鮑菇] hàng-bäo-gü
xìngbàogū (=刺芹菇 xü-kĩn-gü cìqíngū, 刺芹侧耳[刺芹側耳] xü-kĩn-jāk-ngī cìqíncè'ěr) Pleurotus eryngii, also known as king trumpet mushroom, French horn mushroom, king oyster mushroom, king brown mushroom, boletus of the steppes, trumpet royale, aliʻi oyster).¹⁵
杏花 hàng-fä
xìnghuā apricot blossom or apricot flower.⁶
杏林 hàng-lĩm
xìnglín forest of apricot trees; fig. honorific term for fine doctor.¹⁰
杏眼 hàng-ngān
xìngyǎn almond eye.⁶
杏眼圆睁[杏眼圓睜] hàng-ngān-yõn-chäng
xìngyǎn yuánzhēng (of a woman) to have an angry look.⁶
杏眼秀眉 hàng-ngān-xiü-mĩ
xìngyǎnxiùméi large eyes and long eyebrows.⁶
杏仁 hàng-ngĩn
xìngrén almond.⁶
杏仁酪 hàng-ngĩn-lōk
xìngrénlào almond milk.¹⁹
杏树[杏樹] hàng-sì
xìngshù apricot tree.⁶
银杏[銀杏] ngãn-hàng
yínxìng ginkgo; maidenhair.⁶
hang4 5795
140 9 hàng xìng a water plant, Nymphoides peltalum.⁸ banana-plant.⁹ʼ³⁶ yellow floating heart (Nymphoides peltatum).¹⁰ duckweed.²⁵ Xing surname.²⁹ duckweed (nymphoides peltata).³⁶ an aquatic plant.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱艹行; U+8347).
参差荇菜[參差荇菜] chëim-chï hàng-töi
cēncī xìngcài
Here long, there short, is the duckweed.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·周南·關雎·2》, translated by James Legge).
荇菜 hàng-töi
xìngcài the species Nymphoides peltatum.²⁹ an aquatic plant with peltate floating leaves, red beneath, and having slender stems, which are used to steep in spirits to improve the flavor; the roots are sometimes powdered and eaten.¹⁰²
or 莕菜属[莕菜屬] hàng-töi-sùk xìngcàishǔ the genus Nymphoides.²⁹ʼ²⁰
青荇 tëin-hàng
qīngxìng (=荇菜 hàng-töi xìngcài the species Nymphoides peltatum.²⁹).⁸
hang4 5796
140 10 hàng xìng (=荇 hàng xìng) a water plant, Nymphoides peltalum.⁸ banana-plant.⁹ʼ³⁶ yellow floating heart (Nymphoides peltatum).¹⁰ duckweed.²⁵ Xing surname.²⁹ duckweed (nymphoides peltata).³⁶ an aquatic plant.¹⁰²).⁸ʼ¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱艹杏; U+8395).
莕菜 hàng-töi
xìngcài (=荇菜 hàng-töi xìngcài the species Nymphoides peltatum.²⁹ an aquatic plant with peltate floating leaves, red beneath, and having slender stems, which are used to steep in spirits to improve the flavor; the roots are sometimes powdered and eaten.¹⁰²).⁸
hang4 5797
144 6 hàng
道行 ào-hàng dàohéng religious attainments of a monk or Taosit priest – technical skill, capability.⁶
道行深 ào-hàng-sïm
dàohéngshēn be of high religious attatinments – be highly skilled; have consummate skills.⁶
<又> hãng, hõng.
(See 行 hãng, [hàng, xíng], hõng.)
hang4 5798
144 6 hàng
behavior, conduct.⁶
品行 bīn-hàng pǐnxíng conduct.⁸
罪行 duì-hàng
zuìxíng crime; guilt; offense.⁸
言行 ngũn-hàng
yánxíng words and deeds; opinion expressed and action taken.⁸
<又> hãng, hõng.
(See 行 hãng, [hàng, héng], hõng.)
hang4 5799
32 7 hâng kēng 山坑田 Sän-hâng-hẽin Shānkēngtián a village located in 信宜市 Xïn-ngĩ-sî Xìnyíshì Xinyi City, which is in 茂名市 Mào-mẽin-sî  Màomíngshì Maomin City in southwestern part of 广东省[廣東省] Gōng-üng-sāng Guǎngdōng Shěng Guangdong Province.
东坑村[東坑村] Üng-hâng-tûn
Dōngkēngcūn Dongkeng Village located in 东坑镇[東坑鎮] Üng-hâng-jïn Dōngkēngzhèn Dong Keng Town, which is in 东莞市[東莞市] Üng-gōn-sî Dōngguǎnshì Dongguan City in central 广东省[廣東省] Gōng-üng-sāng Guǎngdōng Shěng Guangdong Province.
<又> häng.
(See 坑 häng.)
hang5 5800
75 10 hâng héng (=檩[檁] lîm lǐn) purlin.⁸ pole plate; purlin (cross-beam in roof); ridge-pole.¹⁰ the purlines of a roof; a wooden stopper; in some places used for a row, as of tiles or trees.¹⁴
吊桁索 ël-hâng-sōk
diàohéngsuǒ jeer.⁵⁴
桁板 hâng-bān
héngbǎn flitch.⁶
桁架 hâng-gâ
héngjià truss.⁶
桁架桥[桁架橋] hâng-gâ-kẽl
héngjiàqiáo truss bridge.⁹
桁桷 hâng-gôk
héngjué purlines and rafters.¹⁴
桁条[桁條] hâng-hẽl
héngtiáo purlin; stringer.⁶
桁梁 hâng-lẽng
héngliáng braced girder; longeron.⁶
桁木 hâng-mûk
héngmù pillar.⁶
桁索 hâng-sōk
héngsuǒ jeer, sling.⁶
桁材 hâng-tõi
héngcái girder.⁶
桥桁架[橋桁架] kẽl-hâng-gâ
qiáohéngjià bridge truss.⁹
木桁塞其口 mûk-hâng-xāk-kĩ-hēo
mùhéngsèqíkǒu stoped the mouths of the vessels with wooden stoppers.¹⁴
屋桁 ūk-hâng
wūhéng the bemas of a house.¹⁴
<又> hõng, hòng.
(See 桁 hõng, 桁 hòng; 檁 lîm)
hang5 5801
30 7 hāo hǒu (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 吼 vāo hǒu roar or howl of an animal; bellow of rage.¹⁰).
<又> vāo.
(See 吼 vāo.)
hao1 5802
30 8 hāo hǒu (<old>=吼 vāo or hāo hǒu roar or howl of an animal; bellow of rage.¹⁰); roar.⁸
(composition: ⿰口句; U+5474).
雷呴而电发[雷呴而電發] luĩ-hāo-ngĩ-èin-fāt
léihǒuérdiànfā the roar of the thunder and the flash of the lightning.¹⁴
<又> huī; këo.
(See 呴 huī; 呴 këo).
hao1 5803
30 9 hāo hǒu (interchangeable 吼 hāo or vāo hǒu) the roar of animals, angry tones; (interchangeable 诟[詬] giū gòu) a sense of shame; to shame, to vomit.⁸ the noise of anger; also shame, disgrace.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口后; U+3583).
(See 吼 hāo; 吼 vāo; 詬 giū).
hao1 5804
38 6 hāo hǎo good, excellent, fine; well.⁸
好处[好處] hāo-chuî hǎochu benefit; profit.⁹
好像 hāo-dèng hǎoxiàng as if; to seem like.¹⁰
好在 hāo-dòi hǎozài fortunately, luckily.⁵
好自为之[好自為之] hāo-dù-vĩ-jï hǎozìwéizhī to do one's best; to shape up; to behave.¹⁰
好的 hāo-ēik
hǎode fine; good.⁹
好久 hāo-giū
hǎojiǔ quite a while.¹⁰
好吃 hāo-hëk
hǎochī good to eat; tasty; delicious.⁵
好汉[好漢] hāo-hön
hǎohàn brave man; true man; hero.⁵
好看 hāo-hön
hǎokàn nice-looking; good; embarrassed.⁹
好闻[好聞] hāo-mũn
hǎowén pleasant smell.⁸
好坏[好壞] hāo-vài
hǎohuài good and bad.⁹
好些 hāo-xëh
hǎoxiē quite a lot; a good deal of.⁵
好心 hāo-xïm
hǎoxīn kindness; good intentions.¹⁰
好容易 hāo-yũng-yì
hǎoróngyì with great difficulty; very easy.¹¹
<台> 好 hāo very
(Note: Equivalent to 甚 sìm shèn (classical Chinese); 很, 非常, 十分 (written standard Chinese); 好, 非常之 (Cantonese in Guangzhou).
<台> 好在 hāo-dòi/  It is so fortunate that…; It is a good thing that…
(cf 好在 hāo-dòi).
<台> 好天 hāo-hëin good weather.
<台> 好心 hāo-xïm kind.
<台> 好心机[好心機] hāo-xïm-gï to be patient.
<又> häo.
(See 好 häo).
hao1 5805
57 7 𢎿
hāo kǎo (perhaps a variant of 考 hāo kǎo examine, test; investigate.⁸).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰弓攵; U+223BF).
(Note: Distinguish similar-looking character: 㢭 häo
tāo; 弢 häo tāo; 攷 hāo kǎo; 𢎿❄{⿰弓攵} hāo kǎo).
(See 考 hāo).
hao1 5806
64 9 hāo kǎo beat up (prisoner).¹¹ to examine by torture; to flog.¹⁴ to snatch, to beat, to exact by torture.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌考; U+62f7).
拷打 hāo-ā kǎodǎ to beat in order to extort a confession.¹⁴
拷边[拷邊] hāo-bëin
kǎobiān piping.⁹ to hem (a skirt/dress); lock-stitch a hem.⁵⁴
拷贝[拷貝] hāo-böi
kǎobèi <loan> copy, a film print.¹¹ to copy, esp. of motion-picture films.¹⁴
拷贝笔[拷貝筆] hāo-böi-bīt
kǎobèibǐ copy pencil.¹¹
拷花 hāo-fä
kǎohuā to emboss.¹⁰
拷掠 hāo-lèk
kǎolüè to torture.¹⁰
拷问[拷問] hāo-mùn
kǎowèn to elicit evidence by flogging.¹⁴
拷讯[拷訊] hāo-xïn
kǎoxùn to elicit evidence by flogging.¹⁴ to examine by torture.²⁴
<台> 拷蕉 hāo-dêl accidentally bump into something that hit (some part of you).
<台> 拷蕉个头[拷蕉個頭] hāo-dêl-göi-hẽo accidentally bump into something that hit my head.
hao1 5807
66 6 hāo kǎo (=考 hāo kǎo) examine, test; investigate.⁸
(composition: ⿰丂攵; U+6537).
(Note: Distinguish similar-looking character: 㢭 häo
tāo; 弢 häo tāo; 攷 hāo kǎo; 𢎿❄{⿰弓攵} hāo kǎo).
(See 考 hāo).
hao1 5808
66 14 hāo qiāo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 敲 këo qiāo with same meaning: knock, beat, strike; overcharge, fleece somebody.⁵)
<又> këo.
(See 敲 këo.)
hao1 5809
75 10 hāo kǎo evergreen chinquapin.⁵ chinquapin (Castanopsis fargesii and other spp.), genus of evergreen trees.¹⁰ a tree producing a kind of varnish-sap; the mangrove.¹⁴
栲䌷[栲紬] hāo-chiũ
kǎochóu pongee - dyed with mangrove bark.¹⁴
栲胶[栲膠] hāo-gäo
kǎojiāo tannin extract.⁵
栲栳 hāo-lāo
kǎolǎo round-bottomed wicker basket.⁶
栲皮 hāo-pĩ
kǎopí foreign mangrove-bark.¹⁴
栲树[栲樹] hāo-sì
kǎoshù evergreen chinquapin.⁵⁴
栲树栲胶[栲樹栲膠] hāo-sì-hāo-gäo
kǎoshùkǎojiāo mangrove extract.⁹
hao1 5810
85 9 hāo kǎo to dry up.²ʼ⁸ water dried up.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵考; U+6D18).
<又> käo. (See 洘 käo).
hao1 5811
86 10 hāo kǎo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 烤 häo kǎo with same meaning.)
<又> häo.
(See 烤 häo.)
hao1 5812
93 10 hāo hǒu calf.⁸ a bullock.²⁴
(composition: ⿰牜后; U+3E38).
<又> hēo; ngêo. (See 㸸 hēo; 㸸 ngêo).
hao1 5813
94 7 hāo hǒu a legendary man-eating dog-like beast.⁹ an animal like a dog, found in northern regions, that devours men; a wolf.²⁴ a denglong (蹬龙[蹬龍] àng-lũng dēnglóng) beast, legendary creature.³⁶
(composition: ⿰犭孔; U+72BC).
hao1 5814
113 18 hāo dǎo prayer; pray; supplication.¹⁰
(comp. t: ⿰礻壽; U+79B1). (comp. s: ⿰礻寿; U+7977).
祷告[禱告] hāo-gäo
dǎogàoto pray (to God); a prayer.¹¹
祷祝[禱祝] hāo-jūk
dǎozhù pray for blessing.¹¹
祷文[禱文] hāo-mũn
dǎowén prayer.¹¹
祷念[禱念] hāo-nèm
dǎoniàn to pray; to say one's prayers.¹⁰
祷词[禱詞] hāo-xũ
dǎocí litany (text of a prayer).¹⁰
祈祷[祈禱] kĩ-hāo
qídǎo pray; say one's prayers.⁵
盼祷[盼禱] pän-hāo
pàndǎo (a conventional phrase in formal letters) to hope.⁷ <court.> my sincere hope, request.¹¹
hao1 5815
125 6 hāo kǎo examine, test; investigate.⁸ (variant: 攷 hāo kǎo).
考妣 hāo-bī
kǎobǐ deceased parents.⁹
考查 hāo-chã
kǎochá examine; check; investigate.⁷
考察 hāo-chāt
kǎochá inspect; examine; observe; study.⁷
考究 hāo-giü
kǎojiu delve into, go thoroughly into (a case, question); fashionable, stylish.¹¹
考古 hāo-gū
kǎogǔ to study the life and culture of ancient people.⁷
考据[考據] hāo-guï
kǎojù to search for proofs (in textual research).⁷
考核 hāo-hàt
kǎohé to review or assess (a plan, proposal); to evaluate.⁷
考证[考證] hāo-jëin
kǎozhèng (in textual research) to try to verify a point.⁷
考卷 hāo-kūn
kǎojuàn an examination paper.⁷
考量 hāo-lẽng
kǎoliáng to examine and evaluate.⁹
考虑[考慮] hāo-luì
kǎolǜ think over; consider.⁵
考验[考驗] hāo-ngèm
kǎoyàn to test, to try; a test, a trial.⁷
考试[考試] hāo-sï
kǎoshì examination; test; quiz.⁷
考试憷场[考試憷場] hāo-sï-chō-chẽng
kǎoshìchùchǎng freeze/seize up during exams.⁶
考煳 hāo-vũ
kǎohú to flunk a test.¹⁰
(See 攷 hāo).
hao1 5816
149 10 hāo tǎo ➀ to quell (an uprising or rebellion); to punish; to suppress; to put down ➁ to denounce; to condemn ➂ to demand; to beg for; to get ➃ to study; to examine into; to research ➄ (now rarely) to govern; to administer.⁷
讨饭[討飯] hāo-fàn tǎofàn to beg for food; to be a beggar.
讨伐[討伐] hāo-fàt
tǎofá to send a punitive expedition.
讨价还价[討價還價] hāo-gä-vãn-gä
tǎojiàhuánjià to bargain; to haggle.
讨好[討好] hāo-hāo
tǎohǎo to curry favor; to fawn on.
讨乱[討亂] hāo-lòn
tǎoluàn to quell an uprising.
讨论[討論] hāo-lùn
tǎolùn to discuss, to talk over.
讨还[討還] hāo-vãn
tǎohuán to get something back.
讨厌[討厭] hāo-yëm
tǎoyàn disagreeable, disgusting, repugnant; hard to handle, troublesome, nasty.⁵
天讨[天討] hëin-hāo
tiāntǎo to be punished by Heaven.
声讨[聲討] sëin-hāo
shēngtǎo to denounce; to condemn.
索讨[索討] sōk-hāo
suǒtǎo to demand; to require.
<又> hō, hū.
(See 討 hō, hū.)
hao1 5817
167 14 hāo kào handcuffs; put handcuffs on, handcuff.⁵
铐子[銬子] hāo-dū kàozi handcuffs; cuffs.⁶
铐镣[銬鐐] hāo-lẽl
kàoliào shackles.⁵⁴
镣铐[鐐銬] lẽl-hāo
liàokào manacles and leg-irons; fetters and handcuffs.¹⁰
手铐[手銬] siū-hāo
shǒukào or 手镣[手鐐] siū-lẽl shǒuliào handcuffs.¹⁴
手铐脚镣[手銬腳鐐] siū-hāo-gëk-lẽl
shǒukàojiǎoliào handcuffs and shackles.¹¹
hao1 5818
30 5 häo tāo to receive the benefit of.¹⁰
叨教 häo-gäo tāojiào to have the benefit of your advice.¹¹
叨光 häo-göng
tāoguāng to have the honor...<wr.> <court.> (formula for thanking person for gifts or favors or for request).¹¹
叨扰[叨擾] häo-ngêl
tāorǎo <court.> to apologize for the trouble one has caused to one's host.¹¹
<又> äo, dào.
(See 叨 äo, dào.)
hao2 5819
30 10 häo xiào to roar, to howl; whoop, wheeze.⁶ to cry out in a loud voice.⁷
哮喘 häo-chūn xiàochuǎn to whoop, to wheeze; asthma.⁶ (See 哮喘 häo-chūn xiāochuǎn.)
哮喘病 häo-chūn-bèng
xiàochuǎnbìng asthma.⁶
哮咳 häo-kāt
xiàoké to whoop; <med.> whoop.⁶
哮鸣[哮鳴] häo-mẽin
xiàomíng wheeze.⁶ wheezing.¹⁰
哮吼 häo-vāo
xiàohǒu to yell and scream; <med.> croup.⁶
咆哮 päo-häo
páoxiào to roar; to thunder; to snarl; to bluster (of wind, waves); <ono.> crashing waves; to rage (of a person).¹⁰
(See 哮 [häo, xiāo].)
hao2 5820
30 10 häo xiāo to pant, to wheeze, to gasp, to breathe with difficulty; a roar, a howl.⁷
哮喘 häo-chūn xiāochuǎn <med.> asthmas.⁵ asthma; to wheese.⁷ asthma.¹⁴ (See 哮喘 häo-chūn xiàochuǎn.)
哮喘病 häo-chūn-bèng
xiāochuǎnbìng asthma.¹⁰ (See 哮喘病 häo-chūn-bèng xiàochuǎnbìng.)
(See 哮 [häo, xiào].)
hao2 5821
30 16 häo hāo 嚆矢 häo-sī hāoshǐ <wr.> whistling arrow; beginning; forerunner, harbinger, precursor.⁶ (See 响箭[響箭] hēng-dëin xiǎngjiàn).
hao2 5822
37 5 häo tāo advance quickly; to go back and forth.⁸ to advance hastily.²⁴ to advance quickly (literally, "advance like ten people put together").³⁶ move forward.⁵⁴ to enter, to go in gladly; going and coming, in and out.¹⁰²
(Note: Some dictionaries say 夲 häo tāo is a variant of 本 (bōn běn source origin) but the Kangxi Dictionary says it is not. Instead it may be used for 丰 (füng fēng plump; good-looking; graceful, fine).
(composition: ⿱大十; U+5932).
hao2 5823
37 6 häo tāo to advance.² (<old>=夲 häo tāo advance quickly; to go back and forth.⁸); move forward.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿱大小; U+5935).
<又> ngëm.
(See 夵 ngëm).
hao2 5824
37 10 häo tào ➀ sheath, case ➁ cover with ➂ overlap ➃ the bend of a river or curve in a mountain range ➄ cotton padding ➅ traces, harness ➆ hitch up (an animal to a cart) ➇ knot, loop, noose ➈ put a ring round, tie ➉ model on⁵
(variant: 𡘷❄{⿱大長} häo tào). (See 𡘷❄{⿱大長} häo).
套版 häo-bān
tàobǎn colored plates, ancient color wood-block printing.¹¹
套车[套車] häo-chëh
tàochē harness an animal to a cart.⁵
套裤[套褲] häo-fû
tàokù leggings.⁵
套间[套間] häo-gän
tàojiān small side room adjacent to main room.¹¹
套鞋 häo-hãi
tàoxié overshoes, galoshes, rubbers.⁵
套装[套裝] häo-jöng
tàozhuāng outfit or suit (of clothes); set of coordinated items; kit.¹⁰
套票 häo-pêl
tàopiào a complete set of tickets that is often used as a pass for continuous match or performance showed in the same place but different time.⁹
套餐 häo-tän
tàocān set meal; product or service package (e.g. for a cell phone subscription).¹⁰
套样[套樣] häo-yèng
tàoyàng copy model.¹¹
套衣 häo-yï
tàoyī outer garment.¹¹
一套西服 yīt-häo-xäi-fùk
yītàoxīfú one suit of Western-style clothes.
hao2 5825
37 11 𡘷
häo tào (=套 häo tào case, cover, wrapper, envelope.⁸).²
(composition: ⿱大長; U+21637).
(See 套 häo).
𡘷❄{⿱大長} häo tào
hao2 5826
38 6 häo hào to be fond of; to have a tendency to; to be prone to.¹⁰
(variant: 𡥆❄{⿰丑子} häo hào).
好大喜功 häo-ài-hï-güng
hàodàxǐgōng crave for greatness and success; have a fondness for the grandiose.⁵
or 好高务远[好高務遠] häo-gäo-mù-yōn hàogāowùyuǎn reach for what is beyond one's grasp; aim too high; bite off more than one can chew.⁵
好客 häo-häk
hàokè be hospitable; keep open house.⁵
好吃懒做[好吃懶做] häo-hëk-län-dü
hàochīlǎnzuò be fond of eating and averse to work; be gluttonous and lazy.⁵
好学[好學] häo-hòk
hàoxué studious; given to study; fond of learning; eager/keen to learn.⁶
好战[好戰] häo-jën
hàozhàn bellicose; warlike.⁵
好强[好強] häo-kẽng
hàoqiáng eager to do well in all things.⁵
好奇 häo-kĩ
hàoqí be curious; be full of curiosity.⁵
好胜[好勝] häo-sëin
hàoshèng eager to win; competitive; aggressive.¹⁰
好动[好動] häo-ùng
hàodòng active; restless; energetic.¹⁰
好恶[好惡] häo-vü
hào-wù likes and dislikes; taste.⁵
好事 häo-xù
hàoshì meddlesome; officious.⁵
好逸恶劳[好逸惡勞] häo-yìt-vü-lão
hàoyìwùláo love ease and hate work.⁵
<又> hāo.
(See 好 hāo; 𡥆❄{⿰丑子} häo).
hao2 5827
39 7 𡥆
häo hào (=好 häo hào to be fond of; to have a tendency to; to be prone to.¹⁰); Hao surname.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰丑子; U+21946).
(See 好 häo).
hao2 5828
39 7 häo xiào filial piety; mourning.⁵
孝悌 häo-ài xiàotì filial piety and fraternal duty.⁵
孝道 häo-ào
xiàodào filial piety/duty/obligations.⁶
孝子 häo-dū
xiàozǐ dutiful son; son in mourning.⁵
孝子贤孙[孝子賢孫] häo-dū-yẽn-xün
xiàozǐxiánsūn worthy progeny; true son.⁵
孝妇[孝婦] häo-fû
xiàofù a filial woman; woman in mourning.⁷
孝服 häo-fùk
xiàofú mourning (dress).⁵
孝感动天[孝感動天] häo-gām-ùng-hëin
xiàogǎndòngtiān filial piety can move Heaven – used of an extreme expression of filial devotion.¹⁴
孝敬 häo-gëin
xiàojìng give presents (to one's elders or superiors).⁵
孝经[孝經] häo-gëin
xiàojīng The Canon of Filial Piety.¹⁴
孝幔 häo-màn
xiàomàn mourning curtain (hung before the coffin of one's deceased parent).⁶
孝满[孝滿] häo-mōn
xiàomǎn mourning is over.⁷
孝爱[孝愛] häo-öi
xiào'ài love to parents.¹⁴
孝顺[孝順] häo-sùn
xiàoshùn show filial obedience.⁵
孝心 häo-xïm
xiàoxīn filial devotion/sentiments/piety.⁶
孝慈 häo-xũ
xiàocí filial piety and parental tenderness.⁷
孝养[孝養] häo-yëng
xiàoyǎng to care for parents.¹⁴
hao2 5829
39 8 häo hào (=好 häo hào) to like; to love; to be fond of.⁸
hao2 5830
40 10 häo xiāo steam rising up.²⁴
(composition: ⿱宀孝; U+5BAF).
hao2 5831
44 5 häo kāo <old> buttucks; bottom; rump.⁶ (variant: 䯌 häo kāo.)
黑尻 hāk-häo
or hāk-käo hēikāo the heron.¹⁴
尻子 häo-dū
or käo-dū kāozi <topo.> bottom; buttucks; backsides.⁶
尻骨 häo-gūt
or käo-gūt kāogǔ coccyx; tailbone at end of spine.¹⁰
尻坐 häo-tü
or käo-tü kāozuò to squat on the haunches; to crouch.¹⁴
腰尻痛 yël-häo-hüng
or yël-käo-hüng yāokāotòng <TCM> lumbosacral pain.⁵⁴
<又> käo.
(See 尻 käo; 䯌 häo.)
hao2 5832
57 7 häo tāo (non-classical form of 弢 häo tāo) a bow-case; a scabbard, to sheathe, to conceal).⁸
(composition: ⿰弓攴; U+38AD).
(Note: Distinguish similar-looking character: 㢭 häo
tāo; 弢 häo tāo; 攷 hāo kǎo; 𢎿❄{⿰弓攵} hāo kǎo).
(See 弢 häo).
hao2 5833
57 8 häo tāo (=韬[韜] häo tāo) a bow case; a scabbard; to sheathe; just, liberal.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰弓⿱屮又; U+5F22).
(Note: Distinguish similar-looking character: 㢭 häo
tāo; 弢 häo tāo; 攷 hāo kǎo; 𢎿❄{⿰弓攵} hāo kǎo).
(See 韜 häo.)
hao2 5834
61 10 häo hào to desire.²⁴
(composition: ⿱好心; U+604F).
hao2 5835
61 13 häo tāo joy; lazy; suspect; elapsed; be greedy for; (<old>=韬[韜] häo tāo hidden); excessive, dissolute; delighted.⁸ excessive; reckless; insolent.¹⁴ to rejoice; an excess of joy; too much indulgence; a long time; to doubt, to suspect; to conceal, to store up.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄舀; U+6146).
今我不乐,日月其慆.[今我不樂,日月其慆.] Gïm-ngô-būt-lòk, ngìt-ngùt-kĩ-häo.
Jīn wǒ bù lè, rì yuè qí tāo.
If we do not enjoy ourselves now,
The days and months will have gone by.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·唐風·蟋蟀》, translated by James Legge).
慆德 häo-āk
tāodé insolent disposition.¹⁴ excessive and indulgent.²⁴
慆閒 häo-hãn
tāoxián leisurely.¹⁴
慆慆 häo-häo
tāotāo for a long time.²⁴
慆慆不归[慆慆不歸] häo-häo-būt-gï
tāotāobùguī has been away from home for many long years.¹¹
慆慢 häo-màn
tāomàn despise; arrogant; idle and remiss.⁵⁴
慆心 häo-xïm
tāoxīn gladden one's heart.¹¹ reckless; careless.¹⁴
慆淫 häo-yĩm
tāoyín live a licentious life.¹¹
天命不慆 hëin-mèin-būt-häo
tiānmìngbùtāo the will of Heaven is certain.¹⁴
(See 韜 häo).
hao2 5836
64 9 häo tāo light and frivolous.⁷
挑达[挑達] häo-àt tāotà to walk to and fro in a free manner.⁷
挑兮达兮[挑兮達兮] häo-hãi-àt-hãi
tāoxītàxī how volatile are you and dissipated!¹⁴
<又> hël.
(See 挑[hël, tiāo]; 挑[hël, tiǎo].)
hao2 5837
75 14 häo tāo Catalpa bungei, Mallotus japonicus; a tree similar to catalpa in ancient books.⁸ʼ¹⁹ <bot.> a tree, Mallotus japonicus, also known as 山楸 sän-tiü shānqiū.¹¹  the wild 楸 tiü qiū (Chinese catalpa) tree, also a long pole.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木舀; U+69C4).
槄心 häo-xïm
tāoxīn delight one's mind.⁵⁴
hao2 5838
85 13 häo tāo inundate; flood.⁵
白浪滔滔 bàk-lòng-häo-häo báilàngtāotāo whitecaps surging.⁵
白浪滔天 bàk-lòng-häo-hëin
báilàngtāotiān white-crested wave surging and swelling sky-high.¹¹
波浪滔天 bö-lòng-häo-hëin
bōlàngtāotiān waves running high.⁵
滔滔 häo-häo
tāotāo torrential, surgin; keeping up a constant flow of words.⁵
滔滔不绝 häo-häo-būt-dùt
tāotāobùjué unceasing torrent (idiom); talking non-stop; gabbling forty to the dozen.¹⁰
滔天 häo-hëin
tāotiān (of billows) dash to the skies; heinous, monstrous.⁵
滔天罪行 häo-hëin-duì-hàng
tāotiānzuìxíng monstrous crimes.⁵
口若悬河滔滔不绝[口若懸河滔滔不絕] hēo-ngèk-yõn-hõ häo-häo-būt-dùt
kǒuruòxuánhé tāotāobùjué talk on and on in a flow of eloquence.⁵
hao2 5839
86 10 häo kǎo bake, roast, toast; scorching.⁵
北京烤鸭[北京烤鴨] Bāk-gëin-häo-äp Běijīng kǎoyā roast Peking duck.⁵
烤鸭[烤鴨] häo-äp
kǎoyā roast duck.⁵
烤白薯 häo-bàk-sĩ
kǎobáishǔ baked sweet potato.⁵
烤电[烤電] häo-èin
kǎodiàn <med.> diathermy.⁵
烤火 häo-fō
kǎohuǒ warm oneself by the fire.⁵
烤麸[烤麩] häo-fü
kǎofū steamed gluten.⁶ red-cooked deep-fried bran dough.⁵⁴
烤炉[烤爐] häo-lũ
kǎolú oven.⁵
烤馒头[烤饅頭] häo-màn-hẽo
kǎomántou toasted steamed bun.⁵
烤面包[烤麵包] häo-mèin-bäo
kǎomiànbāo toast.⁵
烤肉 häo-ngùk
kǎoròu roast meat; roast.⁵
烤烟[烤煙] häo-yën
kǎoyān flue-cured tobacco.⁵
烧烤[燒烤] sël-häo
shāokǎo barbecue.⁶
<又> hāo.
(See 烤 hāo.)
hao2 5840
86 10 häo xiāo boast.⁸
(composition: ⿱休灬; U+70CB).
Nî pão-häo yï jüng gōk,
Rǔ páoxiāo yú zhōng guó.
You show a strong fierce will in the center of the kingdom.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·蕩之什·蕩·4》, translated by James Legge). (Note: 女 = 汝 nî
'you' refers to the king of Yin in this context).
炰烋 pão-häo
páoxiāo (=彭亨 pãng-häng pénghēng potbellied; proud and smug.⁷).²  arrogant, overbearing; to rage and roar; (<old>=咆哮 päo-häo páoxiào to roar; to thunder; to snarl; to bluster (of wind, waves); <ono.> crashing waves; to rage (of a person).¹⁰).¹¹ angry roar of a beast.¹⁹ to boast and swagger.²⁴
<又> hiü.
(See 烋 hiü).
hao2 5841
86 14 häo kǎo to dry by the fire.²⁴ to dry on fire; to fry, to bake.⁵⁴  to dry at the fire; to toast; to roast.¹⁴
( composition: ⿰火高; U+7187).
熇干[熇乾] häo-gön kǎogān to dry before a fire.¹⁴ to dry on fire.⁵⁴
熇肉 häo-ngùk
kǎoròu to roast meat.¹⁴ fry (bake) meat.⁵⁴
<又> hùk; hôk; käo; hēl.
(See 熇 hùk; 熇 hôk; 熇 käo; 熇 hēl).
hao2 5842
93 14 häo kào reward with food and drink; entertain victorious soldiers.⁸
犒资[犒資] häo-dü
or käo-dü kàozī a prize¹⁴
犒军[犒軍] häo-gün
or käo-gün kàojūn to comfort soldiers with gifts or money.¹¹
犒工 häo-güng
or käo-güng kàogōng to feast workmen.¹⁴
犒劳[犒勞] häo-lão
or käo-lão kàolao reward with food and drink; presents of food made to troops.¹⁰
犒农[犒農] häo-nũng
or käo-nũng kàonóng official grants to farmers.¹⁴
犒赏[犒賞] häo-sēng
or käo-sēng kàoshǎng reward a victorious arrmy with bounties.⁵
犒赏三军[犒賞三軍] häo-sēng-xäm-gün
or käo-sēng-xäm-gün kàoshǎngsānjūn send refreshments (rewards) to troops; feast one's victorious soldiers (fighting men); feast the army; reward soldiers with a feast; reward the soldiers for the victory; reward the troops.⁵⁴
犒师[犒師] häo-xü
or käo-xü kàoshī to cheer troops with material gifts.⁷
犒以金 häo-yî-gïm or häo-yî-gïm
kàoyǐjīn reward with money bounties.¹⁴
<又> käo.
(See 犒 käo.)
hao2 5843
94 11 häo xiāo ➀ (=虓 häo xiāo) <wr.> (of tigers) roar.⁶ ➁ to intimidate; to scare.⁸ ➂ old county name, now in Shandong.⁸
猇虎 häo-fū
xiāohǔ roaring tiger.⁶
(See 虓 häo).
hao2 5844
94 14 häo xiāo barking of a frightened dog; to confuse, disturbance, disorder; cunning, artful, crafty; to fail and be exposed.⁸ to confuse, disorder, disturbance.³⁶
(composition: ⿰犭翏; U+3E92).
獿㺒 nào-häo náoxiāo or 獶㺒 nào-häo nǎoxiāo the barking or yelping of a dog.²⁴ʼ³⁶
<又> ngão; këo.
(See 㺒 ngão; 㺒 këo).
hao2 5845
104 12 häo xiāo asthma.⁸ difficulty in breathing; asthma.¹⁴
(composition: ⿸疒孝; U+75DA).
痚瘶 häo-xëo xiāosòu a hacking cough.¹⁴
hao2 5846
115 9 häo hào (=耗 häo hào consume, use up, waste, squander; a kind of rice plant mentioned in ancient books; Hao surname.⁸ to waste, to destroy, to diminish; hence it came to mean, a rat.¹⁴ʼ⁸ a species of rice; the finest kind of rice.; used for 耗 häo hào diminished, deficient, empty, spoiled.²⁵
(composition: ⿰禾毛; U+79CF).
or 息耗 xēik-häo xīhào <lit.> news (especially reports of sickness or battle).¹¹
(See 耗 häo).
hao2 5847
116 12 häo xiāo ➀ =宯 häo xiāo steam rising up ➁ wide; open space; to open up.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱穴孝; U+7A99).
(See 宯 häo).
hao2 5848
120 12 häo tāo silk ribbon; silk braid.⁵
绦带[絛帶] häo-âi/ tāodài silk ribbon; silk braid.¹⁰
绦虫[絛蟲] häo-chũng
tāochóng tapeworm; cestode.⁵
绦子[絛子] häo-dū
tāozi silk braid on border of gowns.¹¹
丝绦[絲絛] xû-häo
sītāo silk waistband.¹⁰
hao2 5849
120 16 häo tāo (=绦[絛] häo tāo silk ribbon, silk braid; =韜 häo tāo a cover, a sheath, a case; band).⁸ braid; cord; sash.¹⁰ʼ¹⁴
a plaited cord; the same as 绦[絛] häo
tāo silk ribbon; also a scabbard; to contain.²⁵
(composition: ⿰糹舀; U+7E1A).
or 打绦子[打絛子] ā-häo-dū dǎtāozi to twist a cord.¹⁴
or 绦子辫子[絛子辮子] häo-dū-bîn-dū tāozi biànzi silk braided in the queue.¹⁴
縚褐 häo-hòt
tāohè refers to commoners.¹⁹
縚绳[縚繩] häo-sẽin
tāoshéng a silk ribbon.¹⁹
縚线[縚線] häo-xëin
tāoxiàn silk thread or silk ribbon.¹⁹
or 仙人绦[仙人絛] xëin-ngĩn-häo xiānréntāo "immortal ribbon", a plant that has no roots and mostly grows on rocks.¹⁹
(See 絛 häo; 韜 häo).
hao2 5850
127 10 häo hào consume, use up; waste, squander.⁸
耗尽[耗盡] häo-dìn hàojìn exhaust; use up.⁵
耗子 häo-dū
hàozi <topo.> mouse; rat.⁵
耗子窟窿 häo-dū-fūt-lũng
hàozi kūlong rat-hole.⁵
耗电量[耗電量] häo-èin-lèng
hàodiànliàng power consumption.⁵
耗掉 häo-èl
hàodiào consume; cost.⁵⁴
耗费[耗費] häo-fï
hàofèi consume; expend.⁵
耗竭 häo-gèik
hàojié exhaust; use up.⁵
耗去 häo-huï
hàoqù consume.¹⁹
耗力 häo-lèik
hàolì to require much effort; consume manpower.⁵⁴
耗时[耗時] häo-sĩ
hàoshí time-consuming.⁹
耗时耗事[耗時耗事] häo-sĩ-häo-xù
hàoshíhàoshì to consume time and manpower.¹⁹
耗散 häo-xän
hàosàn (physics) dissipation.⁷
耗损[耗損] häo-xūn
hàosǔn to diminish by expending.⁷
耗用 häo-yùng
hàoyòng spend; expend.⁵⁴
死耗 xī-häo sǐhào news of somebody's death.⁵⁴
hao2 5851
140 9 häo hào name of a variety of grass.⁸ the name of a plant.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹好; U+44B5).
hao2 5852
140 13 häo hāo celery wormwood (Artemisia carvifolia); to give off; to weed.¹⁰
白蒿 bàk-häo
báihāo (=蘩 fãn fán) <bot.> white rush, Artemisia stelleriana.¹¹ Artemisia stelleriana is found in Far East (Amgunskiy and Ussuriyskiy regions, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, southern Kuril Islands), Scandinavia, Japan and North America (Alaska). Along streams, near the sea shore on gravelly soil, on slopes.³²
蒿属[蒿屬] häo-sùk
hāoshǔ or 艾属[艾屬] ngài-sùk àishǔ the genus Artemisia.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
茼蒿 hũng-häo
or tũng-häo tónghāo crown daisy  chrysanthemum.¹ the (edible) garland chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum coronarium.¹¹
蒌蒿[蔞蒿] lẽo-häo
lóuhāo <bot.> Artemisia vulgaris (北艾³²), an edible water plant.¹ the beach wormwood.¹¹  Artemisia selengensis Turcz.ex Bess.²³
艾蒿 ngài-häo
àihāo <bot.> Chinese mugwort; artemisia.¹ (another name for 艾草 ngài-tāo, q.v.)
青蒿 tëin-häo
qīnghāo grassy plant of the chrysanthemum family; sweet wormwood.¹  Artemisia carvifolia.²³
圆头蒿[圓頭蒿] yõn-hẽo-häo
yuántóuhāo (Artemisia sphaerocephala Krasch or Artemisia salsoloides Willdenow var. mongolica, used for windbreaks and sand stabilization, and it is used medicinally.³²
<又> gāo.
(See 蒿 gāo.)
hao2 5853
140 13 𦵢
häo hāo (=薅 häo hāo to weed, to eradicate.⁸ to pull up (weeds).⁹); to pull up the weeds in a field; to weed.²⁴
(composition: ⿱艹娠; U+26D62).
(See 薅 häo).
hao2 5854
140 16 häo hāo to weed, to eradicate.⁸ to pull up (weeds).⁹
(composition:  ⿱艹媷; U+8585).
(variants: 𦵢❄{⿱艹娠}, 𦼸❄{⿱艹搞} häo hāo).
薅锄[薅鋤] häo-chũ
hāochú small hoe with a short handle.⁶
薅草 häo-tāo
hāocǎo weeding.¹⁰ to weed.¹⁴
(See 𦵢❄{⿱艹娠}, 𦼸❄{⿱艹搞} häo).
hao2 5855
140 16 𦼸
häo hāo (=薅 häo hāo to weed, to eradicate.⁸ to pull up (weeds).⁹)
(composition: ⿱艹搞; U+26F38).
(See 薅 häo).
hao2 5856
141 10 häo xiāo <wr.> (of tigers) roar.⁶ (variant: 猇 häo xiāo).
虓将[虓將] häo-dëng
xiāojiàng valiant general.¹⁹
虓虎 häo-fū
xiāohǔ roaring tiger.⁶
虓阚[虓闞] häo-häo
xiāohǎn roar of a tiger.⁸
(See 猇 ➀  häo).
hao2 5857
149 17 häo tāo flatter; suspect, be uncertain.⁸ to doubt.²⁵ to doubt, to suspect.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰訁舀; U+8B1F).
天道不謟 hëin-ào-būt-häo tiāndàobùtāo heaven's doctrines are not to be suspected.¹⁰²
天命不謟[天命不謟] hëin-mèin-būt-häo
tiānmìngbùtāo not to doubt heaven's decree.²⁵
hao2 5858
159 17 häo tāo
(erroneously used for 鞱 and 韬[韜] häo tāo).⁸ (=輡² hām kǎn) to fail; a difficulty, misfortune.⁸
hao2 5859
164 14 häo jiào ferment, leaven.⁵
酦酵[醱酵] fät-häo fājiào to ferment.⁷
发酵饲料[發酵飼料] fät-häo-dù-lèl
or fät-häo-xũ-lèl fājiàosìliào fermented feed.⁶
酵饼[酵餅] häo-bēng
jiàobǐng yeast cakes.¹⁴
酵子 häo-dū
jiàozi  <topo.> leavening dough; leaven.⁶
酵粉 häo-fūn
jiàofěn ferment powder.¹⁹
酵母 häo-mû
jiàomǔ yeast.⁵
酵母菌 häo-mû-kûn
jiàomǔjūn a yeast fungus (Saccharomycetes).⁷
酵母片 häo-mû-pëin
jiàomǔpiàn dried yeast tablets.²³
酵素 häo-xü
jiàosù <chem.> ferment; enzyme.⁵
hao2 5860
167 18 häo tāo 函也.² to contain; to envelop; a case (or cover for books); a box.⁸ʼ⁰ armor.²⁵
(composition: ⿰釒舀; U+493E).
(See 函 hãm).
hao2 5861
177 19 häo tāo
(<old>=韬[韜] häo tāo) a bow case; a scabbard; to sheathe; just, liberal.¹⁴
hao2 5862
178 19 häo tāo a bow case; a scabbard; to sheathe; just, liberal.¹⁴ (variants: 弢, 鞱 häo tāo.) (See 弢 häo; 鞱 häo.)
韬笔[韜筆] häo-bīt
tāobǐ to let the pen idle – to write no more.⁷
韬笔钳口[韜筆鉗口] häo-bīt-kẽm-hēo
tāobǐqiánkǒu a wise man (who puts away his pen and keeps his mouth shut).⁵⁴
韬晦[韜晦] häo-fōi
tāohuì conceal one's true features or intentions; lie low.⁵
韬晦之计[韜晦之計] häo-fōi-jï-gài
tāohuìzhījì the stratagem of concealment.¹⁹
韬晦隐居[韜晦隱居] häo-fōi-yîn-guï
tāohuìyǐnjū hide one's light and live in seclusion.¹⁹
韬光[韜光] häo-göng
tāoguāng to conceal one's talents, gifts; name of a learned Buddhist monk in the Tang dynasty.⁷
韬光晦迹[韜光晦跡] häo-göng-fōi-dēik
tāoguānghuìjì hide one's capacities and hide one's time; hide one's light.⁵⁴
韬光养晦[韜光養晦] häo-göng-yëng-fōi
tāoguāngyǎnghuì hide one's capacities and bide one's time.⁵
韬弓[韜弓] häo-güng
tāogōng sheathe a bow.⁵⁴
韬略[韜略] häo-lèk
tāolüè military strategy.⁵
韬略用详[韜略用詳] häo-lèk-yùng-tẽng
tāolüèyòngxiáng with a detailed strategy.¹⁹
hao2 5863
181 15 häo tāo (=盥洗 fōn-xāi guànxǐ to wash one's hands or face.⁵).⁸ wash your hands.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰兆頁; U+982B).
<又> fū; hël.
(See 頫 fū; 頫 hël).
hao2 5864
184 18 𩝝
häo kào to reward for labor; to provision troops.²⁵
(composition: ⿰飠高; U+2975D).
<又> gäo. (See 𩝝❄{⿰飠高} gäo).
hao2 5865
184 22 häo tāo be greedy; be gluttonous; be voracious.⁶ the name of a legendary ferocious animal; a fierce person; a greedy and gluttonous person.⁷
饕餮 häo-hëik tāotiè a mythical ferocious animal; a fierce and cruel person; voracious eater, glutton, gourmand.⁵
饕餮之徒 häo-hëik-jï-hũ
tāotièzhītú voracious eater; glutton; gourmand.⁶
饕餮纹[饕餮紋] häo-hëik-mũn
tāotièwén tāotie design (design of taotie's head on ancient brassware, prevalent in the late Shang and early Western Zhou dynasties).⁶
hao2 5866
188 14 häo kāo (=尻 häo kāo) the end of the spine; the rump; the buttocks.¹⁴
(See 尻 häo, käo.)
hao2 5867
188 15 häo xiāo (=髇 häo xiāo whistling arrow.⁸   the whizzing made by an arrow.²⁵).
(composition: ⿰骨交; U+9AB9).
骹箭 or 髇箭 or 髐箭 häo-dëin xiāojiàn whistling arrow.¹⁹
or 髇矢 häo-sī xiāoshǐ whistling arrow.¹⁹
<又> këo; gäo.
(See 骹 këo; 骹 gäo; 髇 häo).
hao2 5868
188 19 häo xiāo whistling arrow.⁸ the whizzing sound of an arrow.²⁵
(composition: ⿰骨高; U+9AC7).
(variant: 骹 häo xiāo). (old variant: 髐 häo xiāo).
or 骹箭 or 髐箭 häo-dëin xiāojiàn whistling arrow.¹⁹
or 骹矢 häo-sī xiāoshǐ whistling arrow.¹⁹
金髇 gïm-häo
jīnxiāo arrows made of copper or iron.¹⁹
鸣髇[鳴髇] mẽin-häo
míngxiāo whistling arrow.¹⁹
(See 骹 häo; 髐 häo).
hao2 5869
188 21 häo xiāo (of the dead) bone appearance.² (<old>=髇 häo xiāo whistling arrow.⁸); <ono.> sound of arrows; (of bone) exposing.⁸ exposed skeleton.¹³ an arrow tipped with bone.²⁵ singing (in flight) arrow (made of bone); naked (about bones); open.⁵⁴ skeleton; dry bones.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰骨堯; U+9AD0).
or 髇箭 or 骹箭 häo-dëin xiāojiàn whistling arrow.¹⁹
髐然 häo-ngẽin
xiāorán dried up and damaged skeleton.⁸ a bone bleached white.²⁵
髐然有形 häo-ngẽin-yiû-yẽin
xiāo rán yǒu xíng <old> (of a skull) with well-defined features.¹¹
Jöng-dū-jï-Chō, gëin-hüng-ùk-lẽo, häo-ngẽin-yiû-yẽin...
Zhuāngzǐ zhī Chǔ, jiàn kōng dúlóu, xiāo rán yǒu xíng...
When Zhuangzi went to Chu, he saw an empty skull, bleached indeed, but still retaining its shape...⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《莊子·外篇·至樂》, translated by James Legge).
(See 髇 häo).
hao2 5870
202 22 häo tǎo <topo.> kaoliang; sorghum.⁸
hao2 5871
20 8 hão táo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 匋 hõ táo with same meaning: (<old>=陶 hõ táo) pottery.⁸ an earthen vessel.²⁴
(composition: ⿹勹缶; U+530B).
<又> hõ; yẽl.
(See 匋 hõ; 匋 yẽl; 陶 hõ).
hao3 5872
30 9 hão táo (=啕 hão táo).⁸ wail.¹⁰
号咷[號咷] hão-hão
háotáo (=号啕[號啕] hão-hão háotáo) cry loudly; wail.⁶
嚎咷 hão-hão
háotáo (=号啕[號啕] hão-hão háotáo) cry loudly; wail.⁶
hao3 5873
30 11 hão táo to wail.⁸
号啕[號啕] hão-hão
háotáo cry loudly; wail.⁶
嚎啕大哭 hão-hão-ài-hūk
háotáodàkū to break into violent lamentations; to burst into loud sobs; to cry aloud.³⁹
hao3 5874
30 13 hão háo (of a wolf or jackal) howl.⁶  (噑=嗥=嚎 hão háo) the roaring of wild beasts; to howl; to bawl.¹⁴
嗥叫 hão-gël or hõ-gël háojiào (of a wolf or jackal) howl.⁶
嗥鸣雷动[嗥鳴雷動] hão-mẽin-luĩ-ùng
or hõ-mẽin-luĩ-ùng háomíngléidòng roar like a thunderpeal.³⁹
狼嗥 lõng-hão
or lõng-hõ lángháo wolves howling; fig. to howl; to ululate.¹⁰
(See 嗥 hõ; 嚎 hão.)
hao3 5875
30 14 hão háo (噑=嗥=嚎 hão háo) the roaring of wild beasts; to howl; to bawl.¹⁴
(See 嗥 hão; 嚎 hão.)
hao3 5876
30 15 hão háo (=嗥 hõ háo) to howl.
(See 嗥 hõ.)
hao3 5877
30 17 hão háo to howl, to wail.⁹ (嚎=嗥=噑 hão háo) the roaring of wild beasts; to howl; to bawl.¹⁴
鬼哭狼嚎 gī-hūk-lõng-hão
guǐkūlángháo wail like ghosts and howl like wolves – set up wild shrieks and howls.⁶
嚎春 hão-chün
háochūn howl for mating; be in heat.⁶
嚎叫 hão-gël
háojiào to howl, to yell.⁸
嚎啕 hão-hão
háotáo (=号啕[號啕] hão-hão háotáo) cry loudly; wail.⁶
嚎咷 hão-hão
háotáo (=号啕[號啕] hão-hão háotáo) cry loudly; wail.⁶
狼嚎 lõng-hão
lángháo howl of a wolf.³⁹
(See 嗥 hão.)
hao3 5878
32 17 hão háo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 壕 hõ háo with same meaning: moat; trench.⁵).
又> hõ.
(See 壕 hõ; 濠 hõ, hão.)
hao3 5879
64 11 hão tāo to pull out; to fish out (from pocket); to dig; to take out with the hand; to scoop out.
掏包 hão-bäo tāobāo to pick pockets.
掏出 hão-chūt
tāochū to take out from a pocket.
掏空 hão-hüng
tāokōng to spend clean; to bankrupt.¹⁰
掏耳勺 hão-ngī-sēk
tāo'ěrháo earpick.¹⁹
掏钱[掏錢] hão-tẽin
tāoqián to pay out.
掏心 hão-xïm
tāoxīn from the bottom of one's heart.
掏腰包 hão-yël-bäo
tāoyāobāo <topo.> to foot a bill; to pick somebody's pocket.
hao3 5880
75 10 hão táo peach; a peach-shaped thing.⁵
桃子 hão-dū or hâo-dū or hô-dū táozi peach.⁵
桃花 hão-fǎ
or hô-fǎ táohuā peach blossom.⁵
桃花鱼[桃花魚] hão-fǎ-nguî/
táohuāyú minnow.⁵
桃花心木 hão-fǎ-xïm-mûk
or hô-fǎ-xïm-mûk táohuāxīnmù mahogany.⁵
桃符 hão-fũ or hô-fũ táofú peach wood charms against evil, hung on the gate on the lunar New Year's Eve in ancient times; Spring Festival couplets.⁵
桃金娘 hão-gïm-nẽng
or hô-gïm-nẽng táojīnniáng myrtle Rhodomyrtus tomentosa.²³ (See 棯 nîm; 稔 nîm).
桃红[桃紅]  hão-hũng
or hô-hũng táohóng pink.⁵
桃李 hão-lī
or hô-lī táolǐ peaches and plums – one's pupils or disciples.⁵
桃李满天下[桃李滿天下] hão-lī-mōn-hëin-hà
or hô-lī-mōn-hëin-hà táolǐmǎntiānxià (of a master or teacher) have pupils or disciples everywhere.⁶
桃仁 hão-ngĩn
or hô-ngĩn táorén walnut meat; shelled walnut; <TCM> peach kernel.⁵
桃树[桃樹] hão-sì
or hô-sì táoshù peach (tree).⁵
桃夭迨及 hão-yēl-òi-gèp or 桃夭迨吉 hão-yēl-òi-gīt
táoyāodàijí the right age for marriage.⁵⁴
<又> hâo, hõ, hô.
(See 桃 hâo, hõ, hô.)
hao3 5881
75 18 hão táo block of wood; blockhead; stupid.⁸ a block of wood; a blockhead.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿰木壽; U+6AAE). (comp. s: ⿰木寿; U+68BC).
梼昧[檮昧] hão-mòi
táomèi ignorant and naïve; ignorant; stupid.¹⁴ <lit.> ignorant; benighted.⁵⁴
梼杌[檮杌] hão-ngūt
táowù <old> a fabulous fierce beast with a man’s face, tiger’s paws, and boar's tusks, which never runs away from fight; <old> a legendary incorrigible vile son of a ruler; <old> name of the annals of Chu 楚 kingdom.¹¹ one not fit to associate with others; a blockhead – name given to the annals of the State of Chu 楚; a fabulous beast described as being like a tiger, having hair like a dog, the face of a man, feet of a tiger, and the tusks of a boar; its length was about two feet, but it had a tail eighteen feet long.¹⁴ legendary fierce beast; demon, satanic person.⁵⁴
hao3 5882
85 9 hão táo to cleanse; name of a river.¹⁰
洮汰 hão-häi táotài wash away.⁸
洮河 Hão-hõ
Táohé Taohe River (in 甘肃[甘肅] Gäm-xūk Gānsù Gansu Province).⁴
洮砚[洮硯] hão-ngûn
táoyàn precious inkstones made of stone from the Taohe River.⁶
hao3 5883
85 11 hão táo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 淘 hõ táo with same meaning.)
<又> hõ.
(See 淘 hõ.)
hao3 5884
85 17 hão háo (=壕 hõ háo) moat; trench.⁵
<又> hõ.
(See 壕 hão, hõ; 濠 hõ.)
hao3 5885
85 17 hão tāo huge waves, billows; sound like that made by sea waves.⁶
波涛[波濤] bö-hão bōtāo great waves; billows.⁶
波涛汹涌[波濤洶湧] bö-hão-hüng-yūng
bōtāoxiōngyǒng  waves surging forth; roaring sea.¹⁰
波涛拍岸[波濤拍岸] bö-hão-päk-ngòn
bōtāopāi'àn waves beating on the bank.⁵⁴
风涛[風濤] füng-hão
fēngtāo strong wind and big waves.⁹ tempest.⁵⁴
惊涛骇浪[驚濤駭浪] gëin-hão-hôi-lòng
jīngtāohàilàng raging waves; stormy sea – perilous situation; hazards in life.⁶
林涛[林濤] lĩm-hão
líntāo roaring/soughing of wind in a forest.⁶
浪涛[浪濤] lòng-hão
làngtāo ocean wave; billows.¹⁰
怒涛[怒濤] nù-hão
nùtāo violent wave; raging billows.⁹
松涛[松濤] tũng-hão
sōngtāo soughing/whistling of wind in the pines.⁶
胡锦涛[胡錦濤] Vũ Gīm-hão
Hú Jǐntāo Hu Jintao (1942-), General Secretary of the CPC 2002-2012, President of the PRC 2003-2013.¹⁰
hao3 5886
86 18 hão tāo <wr.> Same meaning as 燾 ào dào to cast light over; to cover like a canopy.¹¹ usually used in people's names.⁴
<又> ào.
(See 燾 ào; 幬 ào.)
hao3 5887
140 11 hão táo grape.¹⁰
白葡萄酒 bàk-pũ-hão-diū báipútaojiǔ white wine.⁹
葡萄 pũ-hão
pútao grape, Vitis vinifera.⁹ (Grape in spoken Hoisanva is pãi-dū.)
葡萄酒 pũ-hão-diū
pútaojiǔ wine.⁸
葡萄干[葡萄乾] pũ-hão-gôn
pútaogān raisin.⁸ (Raisin in spoken Hoisanva is pãi-dū-gôn.)
葡萄藤 pũ-hão-hãng
pútáoténg grapevine; vine.⁹
葡萄糖 pũ-hão-hõng
pútaotáng glucose; grape sugar; dextrose.⁹
葡萄牙 Pũ-hão-ngã
Pútáoyá Portugal.⁹ (Portugal in spoken Hoisanva is Pũ-lũ-ngã/.)
葡萄园[葡萄園] pũ-hão-yõn
pútáoyuán vineyard.¹⁰
<又> hô.
(See 萄 hô.)
hao3 5888
141 13 hão háo roar; cry.¹⁰
等号[等號] āng-hào děnghào the equals mark or sign (=).⁷
呼号[呼號] fü-hão
hūhào to wail; to cry out in distress.¹⁰
号叫[號叫] hão-gël
háojiào squealing.¹⁰
号啕[號啕] hão-hão
háotáo cry loudly; wail.⁶
号啕大哭[號啕大哭] hão-hão-ài-hük
háotáodàkū to cry one's eyes out; to wail at the top of one's voice.⁶
号泣于旻天[號泣于旻天] hão-hīp-yï-mûn-hëin
háoqìyú míntiān cried with tears to the compassionate Heaven – God.¹⁴
号哭[號哭] hão-hük
háokū to bawl; to wail; to cry.¹⁰
号而不嗄[號而不嗄] hão-ngĩ-būt-hà
háoérbùshà yelled but did not get hoarse.⁶
寒号虫[寒號蟲] hõn-hão-chũng
hánháochóng a large species of bat.¹¹
or 哀嚎 öi-hão āiháo to cry piteously; anguished wailing.¹⁰
<又> hào.
(See 號 hào.)
hao3 5889
142 20 hão háo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 蠔 hõ háo with same meaning: an oyster.¹⁴)
<又> hõ.
(See 蠔 hõ.)
hao3 5890
149 15 hão háo (<old>=号[號] hão háo roar; cry.¹⁰); scream; shout.⁸ to cry, to roar; a man's name.²⁵
(composition: ⿰訁虎; U+8AD5).
<又> häk.
(See 諕 häk; 號 hão).
hao3 5891
152 14 hão háo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 豪 hõ háo with same meaning: grand; heroic.)
<又> hõ.
(See 豪 hõ.)
hao3 5892
162 8 hão táo (demotic character for 逃 hão ortáo escape, flee; abscond, dodge).⁸
(composition: ⿺辶外; U+8FEF).
(See 逃 hão; 逃 hũ).
hao3 5893
162 9 hão táo to run away, to flee, to fly, to abscond, to escape; to dodge, to evade, to avoid, to shirk.⁷
逋逃 bù-hão or pũ-hão būtáo flee; fugitive.⁵⁵
逃避 hão-bì
táobì escape; evade; shirk; avoid.⁸
逃奔 hão-bïn
táobèn to run away to; to flee.¹⁰
逃窜[逃竄] hão-chōn
táocuàn flee in disorder.⁸
逃走 hão-dēo
táozǒu to escape; to flee; to run away.¹⁰
逃荒 hão-föng
táohuāng to escape from a famine; to get away from a famine-stricken region.¹⁰
逃难[逃難] hão-nàn
táonàn to run away from trouble; to flee from calamity; to be a refugee.¹⁰
逃跑 hão-pāo
táopǎo to flee from something; to run away; to escape.¹⁰
逃生 hão-säng
táoshēng to flee for one's life.¹⁰
逃税[逃稅] hão-suï
táoshuì to evade a tax.¹⁰
逃遁 hão-ùn
táodùn flee; escape; evade.⁵
逃逸 hão-yìt
táoyì flight; escape, run away.⁹
死里逃生[死裡逃生] xī-lī-hão-säng
sǐlǐtáoshēng mortal danger, escape alive (idiom); a narrow escape; to survive by the skin of one's teeth.¹⁰
<又> hũ.
(See 逃 hũ).
hao3 5894
170 10 hão táo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 陶 hõ táo with same meaning: pottery, earthenware; make pottery; cultivate, mold, educate; contented, happy; Tao surname.⁵)
<又> hõ, yẽl.
(See 陶 hõ. yẽl.)
hao3 5895
177 14 hão táo hand-drum used by peddlars; it is sounded by twirling it backwards in the hand, so that two swinging knobs can strike the face of the drum.¹⁴ pellet drum or rattle drum.¹⁵ distant; also a small hand drum or rattle; also to lead since this little drum gave the signal for leading off the music.²⁵  (variant: 鞉 hão táo)
t: ⿰革召; U+9780). (comp. s: ⿱兆鼓; U+9F17).
鼗铎[鞀鐸] hão-dòk
táoduó roto-drum and bell with a wooden clapper, used in ancient times when investigating people and seeking public opinion.¹⁹
鼗鼓[鞀鼓] hão-gū
táogǔ or 拨浪鼓[撥浪鼓] bòt-lòng-gū bōlanggǔ a rattle drum used in Chinese ritual music and as a children's toy or noisemaker used by street vendors.¹⁵
灵鼗[靈鞀] lẽin-hão
língtáo four barrel rattle drums pierced by a pole; used in Korea.¹⁵
路鼗[路鞀] lù-hão
lùtáo two barrel rattle drums pierced by a pole; used in Korea.¹⁵
雷鼗[雷鞀] luĩ-hão
léitáo three barrel rattle drums pierced by a pole; used in Korea.¹⁵
悬鞀建铎[懸鼗建鐸] yõn-hão-gèin-dòk
xuántáojiànduó or 悬鞀设铎[懸鼗設鐸] yõn-hão-sēt-dòk xuántáoshèduó  refers to listening to the opinions of subjects.¹⁹
(See 鞉 hão).
hao3 5896
177 15 hão táo (=鼗[鞀] hão táo hand-drum used by peddlars; it is sounded by twirling it backwards in the hand, so that two swinging knobs can strike the face of the drum.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰革兆; U+9789)
(See 鞀 hão).
hao3 5897
187 18 hão táo (composition: ⿰馬匋; U+9A0A).
騊駼 hão-hũ táotú an animal resembling a horse.²⁵ a kind of good horses from the northern steppe.³⁶
hao3 5898
9 10 hào xiào (=效 hào xiào) imitate, follow the example of; devote, render service (to); effect, result.⁶
(See 效 hào xiào; 効 hào xiào; 傚 hào xiào).
hao4 5899
9 12 hào xiào (=效 hào xiào) imitate, follow the example of; devote, render service (to); effect, result.⁶
(See 效 hào xiào; 効 hào xiào; 俲 hào xiào).
hao4 5900
19 8 hào xiào (=效 hào xiào) imitate, follow the example of; devote, render service (to); effect, result.⁶
(See 效 hào xiào; 傚 hào xiào; 俲 hào xiào).
hao4 5901
37 5 hào hào (=昊 hào hào <lit.> vast and boundless; sky.⁶ summer time; the sky, the heavens.⁷ clear summer sky; vast, grand; the Power that rules in the heavens.¹⁴).² luminous.²⁴
<又> gāo. (See 夰 gāo).
hao4 5902
61 7 hào xiào (=恔 hào xiào) free from inhibitions, carefree, cheerful and exuberant; feel pleased (with something).⁸
(composition: ⿰忄爻; U+390A).
(See 恔 hào).
hao4 5903
61 9 hào xiào free from inhibitions, carefree, cheerful and exuberant; feel pleased (with something).⁸
(composition: ⿰忄交; U+6054).
<又> gāo. (See 恔 gāo).
hao4 5904
66 10 hào xiào imitate, follow the example of; devote, render service (to); effect, result.⁶ (variants: 傚; 俲; 効 hào xiào.)
效法 hào-fāt
xiàofǎ follow/imitate the example of; follow  someone's lead; emulate someone's example.⁶
效果 hào-gō
xiàoguǒ effect, result; particular lighting or sound effect.⁶
效忠 hào-jüng
xiàozhōng pledge loyalty to.⁶
效劳[效勞] hào-lão
xiàoláo work for; serve; render service to.⁶
效力 hào-lèik
xiàolì work for, serve, render service to; effect, efficacy.⁶
效率 hào-lùt
xiàolǜ efficiency.⁶
效颦[效顰] hào-pĩn
xiàopín poor imitation as 东施[東施] Üng-sï Dōngshī Dongshi copied her neighbour, the famous beauty 西施 Xäi-sï Xīshī in knitting her eyebrows.⁸
效益 hào-yēik
xiàoyì beneficial result; benefit.⁶
效应[效應] hào-yëin
xiàoyìng <phy.> effect.⁷
上行下效 sèng-hãng-hà-hào
shàngxíngxiàxiào those below follow the (usually bad) example of those above.⁶
收效 siü-hào
shōuxiào yield results; produce effects.⁵
有效 yiû-hào
yǒuxiào effective; efficacious; valid.⁶
(See 効 [hào, xiào]; 傚 [hào, xiào]; 俲 [hào xiào]).
hao4 5905
66 20 hào xiào (=斅 hào xiào) to imitate, to teach; to arouse, to incite to effort.¹⁴ teach, instruct; be aroused; awake; intelligent.⁸ to awaken, to arouse.²⁴
(composition: ⿰學攵; U+6586).
斆学相长[斆學相長] hào-hòk-xëng-jēng xiàoxuéxiāngcháng (=教学相长[教學相長] gäo-hòk-xëng-jēng jiàoxué xiāngzhǎng teaching benefits teacher and student alike; learn while teaching).¹⁹
斆颦[斆顰] hào-pĩn
xiàopín (=效颦[效顰] hào-pĩn xiàopín) imitate unintelligently and awkwardly).²⁹
斆死 hào-xī
xiàosǐ to risk one's life to serve.¹⁹
学斆[學斆] hòk-hào
xuéxiào school; educational institution.¹⁹
庠斆 tẽng-hòk
xiángxiào an ancient country school.¹⁹
(See 斅 hào).
hao4 5906
66 20 𢽾
hào xiào to imitate, to teach; to arouse, to incite to effort.¹⁴
(variant: 斆 hào xiào).
t: ⿰學攴; U+6585). (comp. s: ⿰学攴; U+22F7E).
❄{⿰学攴}鸡鸣[斅雞鳴] hào-gäi-mẽin xiàojīmíng to imitate a cock crowing.¹⁴
❄{⿰学攴}悮[斅悞] hào-m̀ xiàowù to arouse a person from apathy.¹⁴
<又> hòk.
(See 斅 hòk; 斆 hào).
hao4 5907 22F7E.gif
72 8 hào hào <lit.> vast and boundless; sky.⁶ summer time; the sky, the heavens.⁷ clear summer sky; vast, grand; the Power that rules in the heavens.¹⁴ (variant: 昦 hào hào). (See 昦 hào).
(composition: ⿱日天; U+660A).
昊天 hào-hëin
hàotiān vast sky.⁶ summer time, the summer season; the sky, the heavens.⁷ a summer sky; bright and clear.²⁴
昊天上帝 hào-hëin-sèng-äi
hàotiānshàngdì The Reigning Sovereign in the Heavens.⁷ the power that rules above.²⁴
昊天罔极[昊天罔極] hào-hëin-mông-gèik
hàotiānwǎngjí (said of parental love) as vast as the boundless heavens.⁷
昊苍[昊蒼] hào-töng
hàocāng endless blue sky.⁵⁴
苍昊[蒼昊] töng-hào
cānghào broad sky.⁶
hao4 5908
72 9 hào hào (<old>=昊 hào hào <wr.> vast and boundless; sky.⁶ summer time; the sky, the heavens.⁷ clear summer sky; vast, grand; the Power that rules in the heavens.¹⁴).²ʼ¹⁹ a summer sky; =昊 hào hào.²⁴  summertime; sky; heaven.³⁶
(composition: ⿱日夰; U+6626).
(See 昊 hào).
hao4 5909
72 11 hào hào (=皓 hào hào) bright; luminous; hoary.¹⁴
(See 皓 hào).
hao4 5910
72 14 hào hào (=皓 hào hào) white; bright, luminous.⁶ daybreak; bright and brilliant.⁸ (variant: 𣉞❄{⿰日高} hào hào).
(composition: ⿱日高; U+66A0).
(See 皓 hào; 皓 hâo; 皜 hào; 𣉞❄{⿰日高} hào).
hao4 5911
72 14 hào hào (=皞 hào hào) bright, brilliant; Hao surname.⁸ (Distinguish 皞,暤,曍,皡,皥).
(See 皞 hào.)
hao4 5912
72 14 𣉞
hào hào (=暠 hào hào white, clear).⁸
(composition: ⿰日高; U+2325E).
(See 暠 hào, 皓 hào).
hao4 5913
72 16 hào hào (=皞 hào hào) bright, brilliant; Hao surname.⁸ (Distinguish 皞,暤,曍,皡,皥).
(See 皞 hào.)
hao4 5914
75 10 hào xiào school.¹⁰
驾校[駕校] gä-hào jiàxiào driving school.¹⁰
校车[校車] hào-chëh
xiàochē school bus.¹⁰
校徽 hào-fï
xiàohuī school badge.⁵
校训[校訓] hào-fün
xiàoxùn school motto.¹⁰
校长[校長] hào-jēng
xiàozhǎng (college, university) president; headmaster.¹⁰
校址 hào-jī
xiàozhǐ school compound, campus.¹¹
校舍 hào-sëh
xiàoshè school house; school building.⁵
校董 hào-ūng
xiàodǒng board of directors of school.¹¹
校友 hào-yiû/
xiàoyǒu schoolmate; alumnus; alumna.¹⁰
校园[校園] hào-yõn
xiàoyuán campus.¹⁰
学校[學校] hòk-hào
xuéxiào school.⁹
母校 mû-hào
mǔxiào alma mater.¹¹
<又> gäo.
(See 校 [gäo, xiào], [gäo, jiào].)
hao4 5915
79 12 hào xiào (=效 hào xiào imitate, follow the example of; devote, render service (to); effect, result.⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿰肴殳; U+6BBD.
<又> ngão.
(See 殽[ngão, xiáo]; 殽[ngão, yáo]; 效 hào).
hao4 5916
85 15 hào name of a river.⁸ water; name of a river.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵賀; U+3D51).
hao4 5917
106 12 hào hào white; bright, luminous.⁶ bright, luminous; clear; hoary.⁸
(variants: 暠晧皜𣉞❄{⿰日高} hào). (composition: ⿰白告; U+7693).
皓白 hào-bàk
or hâo-bàk hàobái white.⁶
皓齿[皓齒] hào-chī
or hâo-chī hàochǐ white teeth.⁶
皓齿朱唇[皓齒朱脣] hào-chī-jï-sũn
or hâo-chī-jï-sũn hàochǐ-zhūchún white teeth and red lips.⁸
皓矾[皓礬] hào-fãn
hàofán <chem.> zinc sulphate.⁶
皓发[皓髮] hào-fāt
or hâo-fāt hàofà white hair.⁶
皓皓 hào-hào
or hâo-hâo hàohào or 颢颢[顥顥] hâo-hâo hàohào shining; glittering;  brilliant.¹⁴
皓然白首 hào-ngẽin-bàk-siū
or hâo-ngẽin-bàk-siū hàoránbáishǒu truly a venerable white head.¹⁰²
皓月 hào-ngùt
or hâo-ngùt hàoyuè bright moon.⁶
皓月当空[皓月當空] hào-ngùt-öng-hüng
or hâo-ngùt-öng-hüng hàoyuèdāngkōng a bright moon hanging in the sky.⁶
皓身赤足 hào-sïn-chēik-dūk
or hâo-sïn-chēik-dūk hàoshēnchìzú naked and barefooted.¹⁰²
皓首 hào-siū
hàoshǒu <wr.> white head; old person.⁶
皓首穷经[皓首窮經] hào-siū-kũng-gëin
hàoshǒuqióngjīng study the classics even though one is very old.⁶
皓羽 hào-yî
hàoyǔ white plumage.⁵⁴
<台> 皓未啊 hào-mì-ä Is it daylight yet?
<又> hâo.
(See 皓 hâo; 暠,晧,皜 hào; 𣉞❄{⿰日高} hào).
hao4 5918
106 15 hào hào bright, brilliant; Hao surname.⁸ (variants: 暤,曍,皡,皥 hào hào). (Distinguish 皞,暤,曍,皡,皥).
(See 皥 hào).
hao4 5919
106 15 hào hào white; bright, clear; pure.⁸  clear; pure; white.¹⁴ whitish.²⁴ (bright, luminous; white, =皓 hào hào white; bright, luminous.⁶ bright, luminous; clear; hoary.⁸).³⁶
(composition: ⿰白高; U+769C).
"Būt-hō. Göng-Hön yî-jòk-jï, tiü-yẽng-yî-bào-jï, hào-hào-fũ-būt-hō-sèng-yî."
“Bùkě. Jiāng Hàn yǐ zhuó zhī, qiū yáng yǐ bào zhī, hào hào hū bùkě shàng yǐ.”
"This may not be done. What has been washed in the waters of the Jiang and Han, and bleached in the autumn sun - how glistening is it! Nothing can be added to it."⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《孟子·滕文公上》, translated by James Legge).
皜皜 hào-hào
hàohào very white.²⁴
皓皜 hào-hào
hàohào bright and white.¹⁹
皓然白首 hào-ngẽin-bàk-siū
hàoránbáishǒu  a venerable hoary head.¹⁴
皓身赤足 hào-sïn-chēik-dūk
hàoshēnchìzú naked and barefooted.¹⁴
贞皜[貞皜] jëin-hào
zhēnhào pure, clean, honest.¹⁹
霜皜 söng-hào
shuānghào as white as frost.¹⁹
(See 皓, 暠 hào).
hao4 5920
106 16 hào hào (=皞 hào hào) bright, brilliant; Hao surname.⁸ (Distinguish 皞,暤,曍,皡,皥).
(See 皞 hào.)
hao4 5921
106 17 hào hào (=皞 hào hào) bright, brilliant; Hao surname.⁸ (Distinguish 皞,暤,曍,皡,皥).
(See 皞 hào.)
hao4 5922
141 13 hào hào mark, sign; symbol; number.⁸ nickname, pseudonym; (demotic principally in Guangdong) marriage name bestowed upon a groom when he is married and a plaque is placed in the village temple; henceforth he is known by that name (one of the characters in a marriage name comes from a generation poem for that village).⁰
称号[稱號] chëin-hào chēnghào term of address; title.¹⁰
击掌为号[擊掌為號] gēik-jēng-vĩ-hào
jīzhǎngwéihào clap hands as a signal.³⁹
军号[軍號] gün-hào
jūnhào bugle.
号筒[號筒] hào-hûng/
hàotǒng a trumpet.¹⁴
号召[號召] hào-jël
hàozhào to call; to appeal.¹⁰
号码[號碼] hào-mâ
hàomǎ number.¹⁰
口号[口號] hēo-hào
kǒuhào slogan; catchphrase.¹⁰
挂号[掛號] kä-hào
guàhào to register (a letter).¹⁰
商号[商號] sëng-hào
shānghào a shop.¹¹
信号[信號] xïn-hào
xìnhào signal.¹⁰
<又> hão.
(See 號 hão.)
hao4 5923
149 12 𧦝
hào hào to deceive.²⁵ deceive; bully, take advantage of.⁸ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰言乎; U+2799D).
<又> fü. (See 𧦝❄{⿰言乎} fü).
hao4 5924
149 13 hào xiào calling, yelling; to boast; onomatopoeia; kind of cicada, cosmopsaltria.⁸ kind of cicada, cosmopsaltria.¹⁰ a local term for calling a person; to call aloud.²⁵
(composition: ⿰言交; U+8A68).
自詨 dù-hào
zìxiào to call one's self.²⁵
詨詨 hào-hào
xiàoxiào speaking loudly; boasting.¹⁹ <lit.> boastful.³⁶
詨然有声[詨然有聲] hào-ngẽin-yiû-sëin
xiàorányǒushēng to make a noise in calling one.²⁵
詨讹[詨訛] hào-ngõ
xiào'é erroneous, fallacious.¹⁹
<又> gäo.
(See 詨 gäo).
hao4 5925
149 14 hào xiào (<old>=詨 hào xiào calling, yelling; to boast; onomatopoeia; kind of cicada, cosmopsaltria.⁸ kind of cicada, cosmopsaltria.¹⁰ a local term for calling a person; to call aloud.²⁵); to call out, to yell.⁸
(composition: ⿰言孝; U+8A9F).
(See 詨 hào).
hao4 5926
154 12 hào congratulate; He surname.⁵
贺匾[賀匾] hào-bēin or hò-bēin hèbiǎn congratulatory plaque.⁶
贺电[賀電] hào-èin
or hò-èin hèdiàn congratulatory telegram.⁵
贺柬[賀柬] hào-gān
or hò-gān hèjiǎn congratulatory letter or message.⁵⁴
贺卡[賀卡] hào-kā
or hò-kā hèkǎ greeting card.⁶
贺喜[賀喜] hào-hī
or hò-hī hèxǐ congratulate somebody on a happy occasion (a wedding, the birth of a child).⁵
贺幛[賀幛] hào-jëng
or hò-jëng hèzhàng sheet of silk or cloth with congratulatory message written on it.⁶
贺礼[賀禮] hào-lâi
or hò-lâi hèlǐ gift (as a token of congratulation).⁵
贺年[賀年] hào-nẽin
or hò-nẽin hènián extend New Year greetings; pay New Year call..⁵
贺仪[賀儀] hào-ngĩ
or hò-ngĩ hèyí <wr.> gift on a happy occasion.⁶
贺词[賀詞] hào-xũ
or hò-xũ hècí speech/message of congratulations; congratulations;greetings.⁵
<台> 贺年咭[賀年咭] hào-nẽin-kāt
or hò-nẽin-kāt New Year card.
<又> hò.
(See 賀 hò.)
hao4 5927
167 18 hào hào the early capital city of the Zhou Dynasty, it is located in the southwest part of Xi'an, Shaanxi Province.⁹ bright; place name; stove.¹⁰
丰鎬[豐鎬] Füng-hào Fēnghào (=镐京[鎬京] Hào-gëin Hàojīng) Haojing (in modern Shaanxi, northwest of Chang'an county), capital of Western Zhou from c. 1050 BC.¹⁰
镐京[鎬京] Hào-gëin
Hàojīng Haojing (in modern Shaanxi, northwest of Chang'an county), capital of Western Zhou from c. 1050 BC.¹⁰
<又> gāo.
(See 鎬 gāo.)
hao4 5928
9 7 hâo <台> 几何[幾何] gī-hâo/ how?
<台> 我几何知随啊[我幾何知隨啊] Ngöi gī-hâo/ ï-tuĩ ä? How would I know?
<又> hõ. (See 何 hõ.)
hao5 5929
74 11 hâo hào flesh, meat of animals; (same as 浩 hâo hào great, vast); many, much.⁸
(composition: ⿰月告; U+3B36).
(See 浩 hâo).
hao5 5930
75 10 hâo táo 桃子 hão-dū or hâo-dū or hô-dū táozi peach.⁵
<又> hão, hõ, hô. (See 桃 hão, hõ, hô.)
hao5 5931
85 10 hâo hào great, vast, grand; great many, much.⁶
浩大 hâo-ài hàodà huge; grand; great; vast.⁸
浩博 hâo-bōk
hàobó vast and plentiful; ample; very many.¹⁰
浩繁 hâo-fãn
hàofán bulky and multifarious, great and painstaking (work).¹¹
浩劫 hâo-gēp
hàojié great calamity; catastrophe.⁵
浩浩 hâo-hâo
hàohào vast; expansive (universe); torrential (floods).¹⁰
浩浩荡荡[浩浩蕩蕩] hâo-hâo-òng-òng
hàohaodàngdàng grandiose; majestic.¹⁰
浩瀚 hâo-hòn
hàohàn huge quantities; vast.⁷ the vast expanse of ocean.¹⁴
or 浩渺 hâo-mêl hàomiǎo (of water) extending into the distance; vast.⁵
浩茫 hâo-mõng
hàománg <wr.> boundless; unlimited.¹⁰
浩荡[浩蕩] hâo-òng
hàodàng vast and mighty (of river or ocean); broad and powerful.¹⁰
卷帙浩繁 kūn-èik-hâo-fãn
juànzhìhàofán numerous books; to be voluminous.⁶
or 烟波浩渺[煙波浩渺] yën-bö-hâo-mêl yānbōhàomiǎo a vast expanse of misty, rolling waters; mists and ripples (of a lake or a river).⁶

hao5 5932
85 13 hâo hào rainy; white.⁸
滈池 Hâo-chĩ Hàochí ancient name of a pond in present-day 陕西[陝西] Sēm-xäi Shǎnxī Shaanxi Province.
hao5 5933
85 24 hâo hào vast, boundless; (=浩 hào hào).
or 程浩 Chẽin Hâo Chéng Hào (1032-1085) celebrated scholar, tutor to Zhū Xī, older brother of Chéng Yí.⁵⁴
hao5 5934
106 12 hâo hào (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 皓 hào hào with same meaning: white; bright, luminous.⁶ bright, luminous; clear; hoary.⁸)
<又> hào.
(See 皓 hào.)
hao5 5935
163 12 hâo hào county in 河北省 Hõ-bāk sāng  Héběi shěng Hebei Province.⁸
hao5 5936
181 21 hâo hào bright, luminous; (of hair) hoary or white; very great, very large.⁷ Hao surname.⁸
颢颢[顥顥] hâo-hâo hàohào or 皓皓 hâo-hâo or hào-hào hàohào shining; glittering; brilliant.¹⁴
颢气[顥氣] hâo-hï
hàoqì fresh air.⁶
颢苍[顥蒼] hâo-töng
hàocāng <wr.> sky; heaven.⁵⁴
崔颢[崔顥] tuï-hâo
cuīhào Cui Hao (704-754), Tang Dynasty poet and author of poem 黄鹤楼[黃鶴樓] võng-hôk-lẽo huánghèlóu Yellow Crane Tower.¹⁰ʼ²³
hao5 5937
9 12 hāp evil; fierce; hate; promise; prospect; future.⁸ disquieted in mind; a low-minded brutal man.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰亻𦐇❄{⿱日羽 (G) or ⿱冃羽 (T)}; U+509D).
❄{⿰亻⿱夭韭} hāp-gīp tàsǎ hate, loathe, bad, evil; some say disrespectful.²
傝茸 hāp-ngũng
tàróng a stupid brutish man; sordid, mean; plebian.¹⁰²
傝䢇 hāp-yūng
tàrǒng a man of inferior talents; unworthy person; bad, inferior, of low quality; same as 阘茸[闒茸] hāp-ngũng tàróng, (mean, worthless, contemptible; <wr.> trifles, insignificant details.¹¹ a mean, low condition; jaded, bowed down.²⁵).²
<又> häm.
(See 傝 häm).
hap1 5938
18 8 hāp qià to sink into; to pierce.⁸ to pierce into.²⁴ <old> to sink into; to pierce.³⁶
(composition: ⿰合刂; U+34E3).
<又> göt. (See 㓣 göt).
hap1 5939
30 12 hāp dejected; despondent-looking.²²
嗒然 hāp-ngẽin tàrán despondent; dejected; depressed.⁸
嗒然若失 hāp-ngẽin-ngèk-sīt
tàránruòshī deeply despondent; mournful and dejected.²²
tàsàng in low spirits; dejected.²²
<又> āp.
(See 嗒 āp.)
hap1 5940
30 13 hāp (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 嗑 hēip with same meaning: to crack something between the teeth; to crack something with teeth.⁶ to crack (seeds) between one's teeth.¹⁰)
<又> hàp, hēip.
(See 嗑 hàp, [hēip, ], [hēip, ].)
hap1 5941
30 15 hāp forgetful, having a bad memory; disgraced; shy; sensitive to shame; ashamed; <Cant.> to lower one's head.⁸
(composition: ⿰口答; U+35F3).
hap1 5942
32 11 𡌩
hāp the sound of anything falling.²⁴ the noise made when a body falls to the ground, a thud.¹⁰²
(Note: Taiwan reads ).
(composition: ⿰土沓; U+21329).
<又> àp.
(See 𡌩❄{⿰土沓} àp).
hap1 5943
32 12 hāp pagoda; tower.
灯塔[燈塔] äng-hāp dēngtǎ lighthouse; beacon.⁵
白塔 bàk-hāp
báitǎ the White Dagoba.¹⁹
宝塔[寶塔] bāo-hāp
bǎotǎ pagoda.⁵
冰塔 bëin-hāp
bīngtǎ <geol.> serac; sharp ice ridge.
积沙成塔[積沙成塔] dēik-sâ-sẽin-hāp
jīshāchéngtǎ great things rise from small beginnings.⁷
尖塔 dëm-hāp
jiāntǎ spire; minaret.¹⁰
聚沙成塔 duì-sâ-sẽin-hāp
jùshāchéngtǎ sand grains accumulate to make a tower (idiom); by gathering small amounts one gets a huge quantity; many a mickle makes a muckle.¹⁰
佛塔 Fùt-hāp
Fótǎ pagoda; stupa.
塔颠[塔顛] hāp-ëin
tǎdiān the top of a pagoda.³⁹
水塔 suī-hāp
shuǐtǎ water tower.⁵
hap1 5944
32 13 hāp to collapse; to fall in ruins; to sink down.
倒塌 āo-hāp dǎotā to collapse; to tumble down; to topple over; to cave in; to go bankrupt.
崩塌 bäng-hāp
bēngtā to crumble, collapse, fall down.⁶
鼻塌嘴歪 bì-hāp-duī-vāi
bítāzuǐwāi with a snub nose and a wry mouth – a very ugly face.⁵⁴
塌鼻 hāp-bì
tābí flat nose; snub nose.
塌车[塌車] hāp-chëh
tāchē <topo.> large handcart.⁶
塌方 hāp-föng
tāfāng to cave in; landslide.
塌架 hāp-gä
tājià to falldown; to collapse; landslip; landslide.
塌下 hāp-hà
tāxià to collapse.
塌陷 hāp-hàm
tāxiàn to sink; to cave in.
塌台[塌臺] hāp-hõi
tātái to fall from power; failure.
塌实[塌實] hāp-sìt
tāshi or 踏实[踏實] àp-sìt tāshi steady and sure, dependable; free from anxiety, having peace of mind.⁵
疲塌 pĩ-hāp
píta slack; negligent.⁵
死心塌地 xī-xïm-hāp-ì
sǐxīntādì heart is dead, no plans for anything new (idiom); one's mind is firmly made up with no possibility of change; dead set on something; unswerving; to be absolutely determined.
hap1 5945
32 14 hāp (<old>= 塔 hāp ) pagoda, tower.
hap1 5946
61 9 hāp qià appropriate, proper; just, exactly.⁵
恰到好处[恰到好處] hāp-äo-hāo-chuî qiàdàohǎochù it's just perfect; it's just right.¹⁰
恰好 hāp-hāo
qiàhǎo just right; as luck would have it.⁵
恰恰 hāp-hāp
qiàqià just; exactly; precisely.⁵
恰巧 hāp-kāo
qiàqiǎo by chance; fortunately; as chance would have it.⁵
恰如 hāp-nguĩ
qiàrú be just/exactly like.⁶
恰如其分 hāp-nguĩ-kĩ-fùn
qiàrúqífèn apt; appropriate; just right.⁵
恰当[恰當] hāp-öng
qiàdàng proper; suitable; fitting; appropriate.⁵
hap1 5947
64 8 hāp to make a rubbing (e.g. of an inscription).
(composition: ⿰扌石; U+62D3).
碑拓 bï-hāp bēità rubbings from tablets.⁶
拓印 hāp-yïn
tàyìn to make stone rubbings.
拓本 hāp-bōn
tàběn rubbing of inscription.
拓片 hāp-pëin
tàpiàn rubbings from a tablet.
<又> hōk; jēik.
(See 拓 hōk; 拓 jēik).
hap1 5948
75 14 hāp a long, narrow and low bed; couch.⁵
下榻 hà-hāp xiàtà <wr.> stay (at a place during a trip).⁵
藤榻 hãng-hāp
téngtà rattan (or cane) couch.⁵
榻车[榻車] hāp-chëh
tàchē (=塌车[塌車] hāp-chëh tāchē) <topo.> large handcart.⁶
榻榻米 hāp-hāp-māi
tàtàmǐ (Japanese) tatami (mat); measure of living space used in Japan equal to about 18 square feet.⁶
同榻 hũng-hāp
tóngtà <wr.> sleep in the same bed; share a bed.⁵
竹榻 jūk-hāp
zhútà bamboo couch.⁵
hap1 5949
85 12 hāp (=湿 sīp shī) moist.⁸
(See 溚 [hāp, ].)
hap1 5950
85 12 hāp (old name for 焦油 dël-yiũ jiāoyóu) tar; (an old river name).⁸
煤溚 mõi-hāp
méitǎ coal tar.⁸
矿溚[礦溚] köng-hāp
kuàngtǎ mineral tar.⁹
(See 溚 [hāp, ].)
hap1 5951
85 13 hāp (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 溘 hēip knock (against something hard); knock something out of a vessel or container.⁶ the sound of two stones striking together.²⁵)
<又> hēip.
(See 溘 hēip.)
hap1 5952
85 13 hāp <topo.> (of clothes, bedding) become soaked; drenched with sweat.⁶
溻湿[溻濕] hāp-sīp tāshī soak.⁸
衣服都溻了 yï-fùk-ü-hāp-lēl
yīfudōutāle My clothes are drenched with sweat.³⁹
hap1 5953
85 14 hāp 漯水 Hāp-suī Tàshuǐ Tashui River, old river name in present-day 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province.⁸
<又> lô.
(See 漯 lô.)
hap1 5954
109 15 hāp (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 瞌 hēip with same meaning.)
<又> hēip.
(See 瞌 hēip.)
hap1 5955
112 15 hāp (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 磕 hēip with the same meaning: knock (against something hard); knock something out of a vessel or container.⁶ the sound of two stones striking together.²⁵.)
<又> hēip.
(See 磕 hēip.)
hap1 5956
118 16 hāp a window.²ʼ²⁵ʼ¹⁰¹ a window-leaf; something made of strips of bamboo to block sunlight.⁸ a window; one sash or window frame; it is also called 客扉 hāk-fï kèfēi the guest's door.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿳𥫗日羽 (G) or ⿳𥫗冃羽 (T); U+4233).
䈳筛日影[䈳篩日影] hāp-säi-ngìt-yēng
tà shāi rì yǐng the latticed light shines in here.¹⁰²
hap1 5957
124 10 𦐇
hāp the sound of wings, whir.⁸ flying about abundantly; on full wing.²⁵ <old> appearance of flying high.³⁶ the rushing sound of wings, as of a flock of scared wild fowl suddently rising.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱日羽 (G) or ⿱冃羽 (T); U+26407).
hap1 5958
145 15 hāp <topo.> undershirt; hem (with lace or ribbons).⁶ the lace-trimmed hem of a dress, lace of a dress; a singlet, a thin T-shirt as underwear.⁷
褟绦子[褟縧子] hāp-häo-dū tātāozi lace hemming.¹⁰
汗褟儿[汗褟兒] hòn-hāp-ngĩ
hàntār <topo.> undershirt.¹⁰
hap1 5959
157 17 hāp ➀ (=踏 àp ) step on, tread, stamp.⁵ ➁ (=踢 pëk ) to kick.⁸
糟蹋 däo-hāp
or 糟踏 däo-àp zāota waste, ruin, spoil; insult, trample on, ravage; violate (a woman).⁵
蹋倒 hāp-dāo
or 迖倒 ät-dāo tàdǎo slip and fall.⁵⁴
蹋伏 hāp-fùk
tàfú to crawl along the ground.¹⁴
蹋鞠 hāp-gūk
tàjū <trad.> to kick a football.²⁵
蹋地 hāp-ì
tàdì or 踏歌 àp-gô tàgē to beat time to a song with the feet.⁷
蹋擸 hāp-läp
tàlà to shuffle.¹¹ to shuffle with the feet.¹⁴
蹋擸鞋 hāp-läp-hãi
tàlàxié cloth shoes worn with heels folded down.¹¹
(See 踏 [àp,]; 踢 pëk).
hap1 5960
162 13 hāp 遢伎儿[遢伎兒] hāp-gì-ngĩ tājìr (=轻薄[輕薄]⁴ hëin-bòk qīngbó) given to philandering; frivolous.⁵
<又> tät, tât.
(See 遢 [tät], [tät ], tât).
hap1 5961
167 16 hāp to encase the end of anything with metal.¹⁴  to overlay with gold.²⁵ <old> metal cap; metal sleeve; <old> to cover; to cap; (Cantonese) to lock; (Cantonese) to handcuff (and arrest); (Cantonese) (metal) lock (Classifier: 把).³⁶
(composition: ⿰釒沓; U+9314).
笔錔[筆錔] bīt-hāp bǐtà a brass top to protect the pen-point.¹⁴  <Canto.> cap of a pen, pencil, or writing brush.³⁶ (Note: In Hoisanva a cap for a brush is called 笔筒[筆筒] bīt-hûng).
帉錔 fün-hāp fēntà <old> a wrap decorated with little bells; also refers to the little bells used in such decorations.¹⁹
錔钜[錔鉅] hāp-guì
tàjù to put metal spurs on a fighting cock.¹⁴
錔钜[錔鉅] hāp-guì
tàjù or 錔距 hāp-kuî tàjù to put on metal spurs (for a battle cock).⁵⁴
以金錔距 yî-gïm-hāp-kuî
yǐjīntàjù spurs overlaid with gold.²ʼ²⁵ (Note: 金 gïm jīn is translated as 'gold' here but as 'metal' elsewhere.)

hap1 5962
169 18 hāp <wr.> door, window on upper story.¹¹ door or window in an upper story.¹⁴ the door of an upper gallery; a window or door in a roof.²⁵ small door; attic; doorhead.³⁶ inferior; mean.¹
(comp. t: ⿵門𦐇❄{⿱日羽 (G) or ⿱冃羽 (T)}; U+95D2).
s: ⿵门𦐇❄{⿱日羽 (G) or ⿱冃羽 (T)}; U+9618).
阘非[闒非] hāp-fï
tàfēi the name of a country beyond the seas, the inhabitants of which have human faces and beasts' bodies, of a green color.²⁵
阘闬[闒閈] hāp-hön
tàhàn a village.²⁵
阘茸[闒茸] hāp-ngũng
tàróng, mean, worthless, contemptible; <wr.> trifles, insignificant details.¹¹ a mean, low condition; jaded, bowed down.²⁵
阘懦[闒懦] hāp-nù
tànuò <wr.> humble, weak, and incompetent.¹ a single-panel door in an upper story.¹³
茸阘[茸闒] ngũng-hāp
róngtà of inferior quality, cheap, mediocre; mean, lowly.¹¹
<又> tät.
(See 闒 tät).
hap1 5963
169 20 hāp ➀ the sound of a thing falling to the ground.¹⁴ ➁ bed or couch.¹⁹ ➂ <old>=蹋 hāp step on, tread, stamp; to kick.¹⁹
(composition: ⿵門翕; U+95DF).
闟然投镰于地[闟然投鐮於地] hāp-ngẽin-hẽo-lẽm-yï-ì tà
rán tóu lián yú dì flung the sickle on the ground with a clang.¹⁴
闟茸 hāp-ngũng
tàróng a person of low status.¹⁹ (cf 闒茸] hāp-ngũng).
闟仕 hāp-xù
tàshì a valley in Shaansi (陕西省[陝西省] Sēm-xäi sāng Shǎnxī shěng), where the river Han (汉水[漢水] hön-suī hànshuǐ) has its source.¹⁰²
<又> kīp; sēip.
(See 闟 kīp; 闟 sēip).
hap1 5964
195 21 hāp sole (fish).⁵ sole.⁶
鳎科鰨科] hāp-fö tǎkē The true soles, Soleidae, including the common or Dover sole, Solea solea. These are the only fishes called soles in Europe.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鳎目鱼[鰨目魚] hāp-mùk-nguĩ
tǎmùyú sole.⁶
鳎鱼[鰨魚] hāp-nguĩ
tǎyú sole (fish).⁵⁴
条鳎[條鰨] hẽl-hāp
tiáotǎ striped sole.⁵
无臂鳎科[無臂鰨科] mũ-bî-hāp-fö
wúbìtǎkē The American soles, Achiridae, sometimes classified among the Soleidae.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
箬鳎鱼[箬鰨魚] ngèk-hāp-nguĩ 
ruòtǎyú (Usinosta japonica).⁵⁴
舌鳎[舌鰨] sêt-hāp
shétǎ tonguefish; tongue sole.⁵
舌鳎科[舌鰨科] sêt-hāp-fö
shétǎkē The tonguefishes or tongue soles, Cynoglossidae, whose common names usually include the word 'tongue'.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
hap1 5965
30 8 häp xiā to suck, to swallow, to drink.⁸
呷茶 häp-chã xiāchá to sip tea.
呷茶聊天 häp-chã-lẽl-hëin
xiāchá liáotiān to sip tea and chat.
呷一口酒 häp-yīt-hēo-diū
xiāyīkǒujiǔ to take a swallow of wine.¹¹  to sip some wine.
喋呷 jâp-häp
zháxiā <ono.> (of birds) sound of eating together.
<台> 呷啖水 häp-àm-suī to drink some water; to take a mouthful of water.
<台> 呷醋 häp-tü/
or 眼赤 ngān-tëk or 眼疼 ngān-tëk jealous; to be jealous.
hap2 5966
113 10 häp xiá An old term for ceremonial rites that were held in the Royal Ancestral Temple every three years.⁹ʼ⁰ a general united ceremony honoring ancestors and parents, with distant and near relatives.²⁵ʼ⁰ the united ceremony, a general ceremony by relatives of their remote and near ancestors, made triannually by the emperor and princes; the smell of the ceremony mingling in the temple.¹⁰²ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰礻合; U+796B).
大祫 ài-häp dàxiá a great family ceremony.²⁵ʼ⁰ the grand family ceremony.¹⁰²ʼ⁰
hap2 5967
149 12 häp xiá verbose.²⁵
(composition: ⿰言甲; U+46C5).
𧬈❄{⿰言翕}䛅 kīp-häp xīxiá the sound of conversation.²⁵
hap2 5968
30 6 hàp to close; to join; to fit; to be equal to; whole; together; round (in battle).
合辙[合轍] hàp-chēt hézhé in rhyme.⁵
合作 hàp-dōk
hézuò to cooperate; to collaborate; to work together; cooperation.
合作社 hàp-dōk-sêh
hézuòshè cooperative; co-op.⁹
合家[合家] hàp-gä
héjiā the whole family.
合格 hàp-gāk
hégé qualified; up to standard.⁵
合理 hàp-lî
hélǐ rational; reasonable; equitable.
合谋[合謀] hàp-mẽo
hémóu conspire, plot together; <law> conspiracy.⁵
or 合式 hàp-sēik héshì suitable.¹¹
合十 hàp-sìp
héshí (=双手合十[雙手合十] söng-siū-hàp-sìp shuāngshǒuhéshí) to put palms together.¹¹
合情 hàp-tẽin
héqíng to conform to a situation.
合情合理 hàp-tẽin-hàp-lî
héqínghélǐ  fair and reasonable.
联合[聯合] lũn-hàp
liánhé to unite; to form an alliance.⁷
吻合 mêin-hàp
or mûn-hàp wěnhé to be a good fit; to be identical with; to adjust oneself to; to fit in.¹⁰
咬合 ngāo-hàp
yǎohé (of uneven surfaces) to fit together; (of gear wheels) to mesh; (dentistry) occlusion; bite.¹⁰
<又> gâp.
(See 合 gâp.)
hap4 5969
30 13 hàp (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 嗑 hēip kè with same meaning: to crack something between the teeth; to crack something with teeth.⁶ to crack (seeds) between one's teeth.¹⁰)
<又> hāp, hēip. (See 嗑 hāp, [hēip, kè], [hēip, kē].)
hap4 5970
46 9 hàp cave, cavern.⁸
岌峇 kīp-hàp jíkè sound of blacksmith hammering on an anvil.⁸
<又> bā.
(See 峇 bā.)
hap4 5971
75 14 hàp wine glass; ancient wine vessel.⁸ Pusaetha scandens.¹⁰  <wr.> a wine goblet; a box or basket.¹¹
榼藤 hàp-hãng
kèténg <bot.> Entada phaseoloides.⁹
Pusaetha scandens (L.) Kuntze is a synonym of Entada phaseoloides (L.) Merr.)
hap4 5972
108 9 hàp (=盍 hàp ) <wr.> Why not? Would it not be better to?¹⁴
(See 盍 hàp).
hap4 5973
108 10 hàp <wr.> Why not? Would it not be better to?¹⁴ (variant: 盇 hàp ).
盍彻乎[盍徹乎] hàp-chēik-fũ
héchèhū Why not simply gather in the tithes?¹⁴
盍簪 hàp-däm
hézān surrounded by friends.¹⁴
盍返其本矣 hàp-fän-kĩ-bōn-yì
héfǎnqíběnyǐ Why not go back to the root of the matter?¹⁴
盍归乎来[盍歸乎來] hàp-gï-fũ-lõi
héguīhūlái <wr.> Why not come home?¹¹ Why should I not go and follow him?¹⁴
盍各言尔志[盍各言爾志] hàp-gōk-ngũn-ngì-jï
hégèyáněrzhì Why not each tell his wish?¹⁴
盍兴乎来[盍興乎來] hàp-hëin-fũ-lõi
héxìnghūlái <wr.> Why not rise up (in revolt), come and join us?¹¹
盍去诸[盍去諸] hàp-huï-jï
héqùzhū Why not leave here?¹⁴
盍令不行 hàp-lèin-būt-hãng
hélìngbùxíng Why is order not obeyed?¹¹
盍尝问焉[盍嘗問焉] hàp-sẽng-mùn-yẽn
héchángwènyān Why not ask (him)?⁶
(See 盇 hàp).
hap4 5974
127 12 hàp huō hoe; to hoe.⁶ till; dig; hoe; (lightweight) plow.⁵⁴
(variant: 劐² vòk huō).
耠子 hàp-dū
or vòk-dū huōzi hoe.⁶
耠耕 hàp-gäng
or vòk-gäng huōgēng to plow.²⁵
耠地 hàp-ì
or vòk-ì huōdì make the soil loose with a hoe; hoe the earth.⁶
<又> vòk.
(See 耠 vòk; 劐² vòk.)
hap4 5975
149 12 hàp loquacious.⁸ʼ²⁵
(composition: ⿰言甲; U+46C5).

hap4 5976
163 8 hàp name of a county in Shaanxi Province; He surname.⁷
郃阳[郃陽] Hàp-yẽng Héyáng a county in 陕西省[陝西省] Sēm-xäi-sāng Shǎnxīshěng Shaanxi Province. It is now called 合阳[合陽] Hàp-yẽng Héyáng.⁸
hap4 5977
167 14 hàp hafnium (Hf).⁶
hap4 5978
169 14 hàp to close (doors); whole, all.⁷ (variant: 阖[闔] hàp ).
閤第 hàp-ài
hédì or 閤府 hàp-fū héfǔ your whole family.⁷
<又> âp.
(See 閤 âp; 闔 hàp).
hap4 5979
169 18 hàp <wr.> entire, whole; shut, close.⁵
阊阖[閶闔] chëng-hàp chānghé <wr.> gate of Heaven (in fairy tales and legend); gate of a palace.⁶
纵横捭阖[縱橫捭闔] düng-vãng-bāi-hàp
zònghéngbǎihé maneuver among various political groupings.⁵
阖府平安[闔府平安] hàp-fū-pẽin-ön
héfǔpíng'ān Hope your whole family is doing well.¹¹
阖户[闔戶] hàp-fù
héhù close the door.⁵
or 合家 hàp-gä héjiā the whole family.⁵
阖城[闔城] hàp-sẽin
héchéng the whole town.⁵
hap4 5980
181 15 hàp jaw.⁸ maxilla and mandible.¹⁰
下颌[下頜] hà-hàp xiàhé lower jaw.⁷ lower jaw; mandible.⁹
颌骨[頜骨] hàp-gūt
hégǔ jawbone.⁵⁴
上颌[上頜] sèng-hàp
shànghé upper jaw.⁷
燕颌虎颈[燕頜虎頸] yên-hàp-fū-gēng
yànhéhǔjǐng majestic and awe-inspiring appearance.⁶
hap4 5981
184 14 hàp 合饸[合餄] hàp-hàp héhe buckwheat noodles.⁵⁴
饸饹[餄餎] hàp-lōk
héle hele noodles (a kind of noodles made from buckwheat or sorghum flour with a special press).⁶ vermicelli made of buckwheat.⁸
饸饹床子[餄餎床子] hàp-lōk-chõng-dū
hélechuángzi press for making hele noodles.⁶
hap4 5982
22 7 hâp xiá small box; casket.
得匣还珠[得匣還珠] āk-hâp-vãn-jî déxiáhuánzhū to place emphasis on the wrong thing; to misdirect one's attention.
弹匣[彈匣] àn-hâp
dànxiá magazine; cartridge box.⁶
拜匣 bäi-hâp
bàixiá <trad.> receptacle for calling cards.
宝匣[寶匣] bāo-hâp
bǎoxiá jewelry case; jewelry casket.
八音匣子 bät-yïm-hâp-dū
or bāt-yïm-hâp-dū bāyīnxiázi <topo.> music box.
开话匣子[開話匣子] höi-và-hâp-dū
kāihuàxiázi to keep on talking without stop; to be like a talking machine.
木匣 mùk-hâp
mùxiá small wooden box.¹⁹
梳头匣[梳頭匣] sü-hẽo-hâp
shūtóuxiá makeup box.
话匣子[話匣子] và-hâp-dū
huàxiázi <topo.> phonograph; radio receiving set; chatterbox.
hap5 5983
75 9 hâp xiá <wr.> wooden cage (used to lock up beasts or prisoners); small box/case.⁶ a pen for wild beasts; a cage for prisoners; a scabbard.¹⁴ a wooden cage, for the confinement of wild beasts, and of prisoners; to confine; the name of a tree.²⁴
剑柙[劍柙] gëm-hâp jiànxiá sword scabbard.¹³
柙车[柙車] hâp-chëh
xiáchē <trad.> prison van; prisoners' van; cart fitted with a wooden cage.⁶
柙而藏 hâp-ngĩ-tõng
xiá'ércáng keep them in their scabbards.¹⁴
珠柙 jî-hâp
zhūxiá jewelry box/casket.⁶
<又> gāp.
(See 柙 gāp.)
hap5 5984
94 8 hâp xiá (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 狎 äp xiá with same meaning.)
<又> äp.
(See 狎 äp.)
hap5 5985
108 11 hâp small box; case.
八音盒 bät-yïm-hâp bāyīnhé music box.
饭盒[飯盒] fàn-hâp
fànhé lunch box.
火柴盒 fō-châi-hâp
huǒcháihé matchbox.
鞋盒 hãi-hâp
xiéhé shoe box.
盒子 hâp-dū
hézi box, case; box-shaped fireworks.
盒饭[盒飯] hâp-fàn
héfàn take-out food; box lunch.
纸盒[紙盒] jī-hâp
zhǐhé paper box.
墨盒 màk-hâp
mòhé ink box.
铅笔盒[鉛筆盒] yõn-bīt-hâp
qiānbǐhé pencil-case.¹⁰
hap5 5986
118 13 hâp xiá a type of bamboo mentioned in ancient books; (<old>=匣 hâp xiá small box; casket).⁸ a species of bamboo.²⁵
(composition: ⿰𥫗匣; U+7B6A).
hap5 5987
5 3 hāt to beg; to request.
乞讨[乞討] hāt-hāo qǐtǎo to beg, to request.
乞求 hāt-kiũ
qǐqiú to beg.
乞丐 hāt-köi/
qǐgài beggar.⁹
乞儿[乞兒] hāt-ngī
qǐ'ér beggar.⁸
乞哀告怜[乞哀告憐] hāt-öi-gäo-lĩn
qǐ'āigàolián begging for pity and asking for help (idiom).
乞援 hāt-yõn
qǐyuán to ask for aid.
<台> 大种乞儿乞米唔乞蕃薯[大種乞兒乞米唔乞蕃薯] ài-jūng-hāt-ngī hāt-māi m̃ hāt fän-sį/ lit. Ungrateful beggar begs for rice, not sweet potatoes (pig feed); fig. Give someone an inch and he'll take a mile.
<台> 乞嚏 hāt-chì to sneeze.
<台> 乞米仔 hāt-māi-dōi a beggar.
<台> 忠忠直直, 终须乞食.[忠忠直直, 終須乞食.]
jüng-jüng-jèik-jèik, jüng-xuï-hāt-sèik. Being loyal and righteous will eventually lead to a life of beggary.
hat1 5988
64 15 hāt <wr.> flog; whip.⁶ (old variant: 𢺂❄{⿰扌⿸虍達} hāt ).
大张挞伐[大張撻伐] ài-jëng-hāt-fàt
dàzhāngtàfá undertake a punitive expedition; attack or condemn somebody severely.⁶
鞭挞[鞭撻] bëin-hāt
biāntà <wr.> castigate; lash.⁶
笞挞[笞撻] chï-hāt
chītà to flog; to whip.¹⁰
挞伐[撻伐] hāt-fàt
tàfá <wr.> ➀ send troops to suppress; send a punitive expedition against.  ➁ criticize, attack (with words).⁶
<又> ät, tāt.
(See 撻 ät; 撻 tāt; 𢺂❄{⿰扌⿸虍達} hāt).
hat1 5989
64 21 𢺂
hāt (<old>=挞[撻] hāt <wr.> flog; whip.⁶).
(composition: ⿰扌⿸虍達; U+22E82).
(See 撻 hāt).
hat1 5990
75 16 hāt scupper.²ʼ⁸ʼ⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰木達; U+6A7D).
hat1 5991
85 8 hāt ocher color.¹⁹ (See 赭 jēh).
(composition: ⿰氵石; U+6CB0).
<又> dâk; hōk; jàk.
(See 沰 dâk; 沰 hōk; 沰 jàk).
hat1 5992
140 7 hāt (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation of 芞 hï with same meaning: an aromatic herb; also called 藒车[藒車] kēik-chëh qièchē (q.v.) and 芞舆[芞輿] hï-yĩ qìyú (q.v.).² <old> a kind of aromatic herb; aka 揭车[揭車] këik-chëh jiēchē.⁸).²ʼ¹³
(composition: ⿱艹气; U+829E).
(See 芞 hï).
hat1 5993
157 10 趿 hāt to wear shoes in a casual way; to pick up with the foot.⁷ to tread on; slipshod.⁸
鞋趿拉儿[鞋趿拉兒] hãi-hāt-lā-ngĩ xiétālar <topo.> slippers.⁵⁴
趿脚鞋[趿腳鞋] hāt-gëk-hãi
tājiǎoxié slippers without backs for the heels.¹⁴
趿鞋 hāt-hãi
tāxié a kind of cloth shoes, with cloth soles, used by laborers.⁶
趿拉 hāt-lā tāla wear cloth shoes with the backs turned in; shuffle about with the backs of one's shoes trodden down.⁵ to shuffle along (while walking); to be deliberately slow (in doing something); slippers.¹⁰ wear cloth shoes with the backs turned in.¹⁹
趿拉板儿[趿拉板兒] hāt-lā-bān-ngĩ
tālabǎnr <topo.> wooden slippers; clogs.⁵
趿拉着鞋[趿拉著鞋] hāt-lā-jèk-hãi
tālazhexié to wear the slippers in a slipshod manner.¹⁴
趿拉儿[趿拉兒] hāt-lā-ngĩ
tālar slippers.⁵
hat1 5994
169 20 hāt <wr.> door; small door; wicket gate.⁵ the door of an inner room.¹⁴
闺闼[閨闥] gï-hāt guītà ladies' apartments; small palace door.¹ the boudoir.¹⁹
排闼直入[排闥直入] pãi-hāt-jèik-yìp
páitàzhírù push the door open and stride in without knocking.⁵
hat1 5995
177 12 hāt to wear (shoes) in a casual way.⁷
靸拉 hāt-lā tāla to pull, drag, esp. in trailing slippers; also written 趿拉 hāt-lā tāla, q.v.¹¹
<又> gīp, jàp.
(See 靸 gīp; 靸 jàp).
hat1 5996
177 21 hāt 鞑子[韃子] hāt-dū dázi or 臭鞑子[臭韃子] chiü-hāt-dū chòudázi the Tartars; a term of contempt applied to the Mongols.¹⁴
鞑靼[韃靼] Hāt-hān
Dádá or 鞑鞑[韃韃] Hāt-hāt Dádá Tatarstan.⁶
鞑靼海峡[韃靼海峽] Hāt-hān-hōi-hèp
Dádá hǎixiá Tartar Strait.⁷
鞑靼人[韃靼人] Hāt-hān-ngĩn
Dádárén Tatar (the people).⁶
鞑靼语[韃靼語] Hāt-hān-nguî
Dádáyǔ Tatar (the language).⁶
鞑虏[韃虜] hāt-lû
dálǔ Tartar (derogatory); also used as an insulting term for Manchus around 1900.¹⁰
hat1 5997
211 18 hāt to gnaw, to bite, to nibble.⁸
龁啖 hāt-àm or ngàt-àm hédàn to bite and eat.⁸
食其肉,龁其骨[食其肉,齕其骨] sèik-kĩ-ngùk, hāt-kĩ-gūt
or  sèik-kĩ-ngùk, ngàt-kĩ-gūt shíqíròu, héqígǔ eat the flesh and munch the bones.⁶
<又> ngàt.
(See 齕 ngàt.)
hat1 5998
140 12 hät qiā 菝葜 bàt-hät báqiā China root greenbrier.⁸ bullbrier; smilax china; chinaroot greenbrier.⁹
洋菝葜 yẽng-bàt-hät
yángbáqiā sarsaparilla; sarsa; Smilax lanceaefolia; Smilax medica.³⁹
hat2 5999
19 8 hàt to impeach, to charge.
弹劾[彈劾] àn-hàt tánhé impeach.⁵
参劾[參劾] täm-hàt
cānhé to accuse; to impeach; (in imperial China) to level charges against an official.¹⁰
hat4 6000
19 11 hàt xiā sound of making strenuous efforts; diligent.²ʼ⁸
(composition: ⿰曷力; U+3520).
㔠㔠 hàt-hàt xiāxiā sound of using strength.¹⁰¹
<又> hòt.
(See 㔠 hòt).
hat4 6001
64 13 hàt huá (=划 in 划拳 vàk-kũn huáquán) play finger-guessing game (a kind of drinking game played at feasts).⁶
搳擖 hàt-kāt
huákā the noise of rubbing  wood.²⁴
搳拳 hàt-kũn
huáquán (=划拳 or 豁拳 vàk-kũn huáquán) play finger-guessing game (a kind of drinking game played at feasts).⁶
hat4 6002
75 10 hàt investigate, consider, examine.⁸ pit; stone; nucleus; nuclear; to examine; to check; to verify.¹⁰ to examine into with thoroughness.¹⁴ (variants: 覈, 槅 hàt hé.)
结核[結核] gēik-hàt
jiéhé tuberculosis; <min.> nodule.⁵
结核病[結核病] gēik-hàt-bèng
jiéhébìng tuberculosis.⁵
果核 gō-hàt
guǒhé pit; stone; core.⁹
核查 hàt-chã
héchá to examine; to inspect.¹⁰
核子弹[核子彈] hàt-dū-àn
hézǐdàn nuclear bomb.⁵⁴
核电厂[核電廠] hàt-èin-chōng
hédiànchǎng nuclear power plant.⁸
核桃 hàt-hão
or hàt-hô hétao walnut.⁵
核桃酪 hàt-hão-lōk
or hàt-hô-lōk hétaolào walnut puree.³⁹
核桃仁 hàt-hão-ngĩn
or hàt-hô-ngĩn hétaorén walnut kernel.¹⁰
核实[核實] hàt-sìt
héshí to verify (accounts, report).¹¹
核对[核對] hàt-uï
héduì to check (figures, proof).¹¹
核威慑[核威懾] hàt-vï-nēp
héwēishè nuclear deterrence.¹⁰
核心 hàt-xïm
héxīn core, nucleus.¹¹
原子核 ngũn-dū-hàt
yuánzǐhé atomic nucleus.¹¹
细胞核[細胞核] xäi-bäo-hàt
xìbāohé nucleus (of cell).¹⁰
<又> vût.
(See 核 vût; 覈 hàt; 槅 hàt).
hat4 6003
75 14 hàt the kernel of a fruit.² (=核 hàt   pit; stone; nucleus).
(composition: ⿰木鬲; U+69C5).
<又> gāk
(See 核 hàt; 槅 gāk).
hat4 6004
75 17 hàt a call to arms (in ancient times); announce or denounce in such a call.⁵ war proclamation (on a traitor, usurper); <wr.> make a war proclamation; enlist the public in an expedition; issue calls for an expedition.⁶
驰檄[馳檄] chĩ-hàt chíxí to speed mobilization order.⁷
传檄[傳檄] chũn-hàt
chuánxí to circulate (a protest or call to arms); to promulgate.¹⁰
檄文 hàt-mũn
xíwén an official call to arms; an official denunciation of the enemy.⁵
檄书[檄書] hàt-sï
xíshū (=檄文 hàt-mũn xíwén) <wr.>  official call to arms; official denunciation of enemy; war proclamation.⁵⁴
严檄诸将[嚴檄諸將] ngẽm-hàt-jï-dëng
yánxízhūjiāng strictly enlist and instruct some generals.⁶
hat4 6005
109 15 hàt xiā blind, reckless; rash.⁸
瞎猜 hàt-chäi xiācāi guess at random; guess wildly.⁶
瞎扯 hàt-chēh
xiāchě talk irresponsibly; waffle; natter.⁶
瞎吹 hàt-chuï
xiāchuī brag; boast.⁶
瞎子 hàt-dū
xiāzi blind person; <topo.> blighted seeds.⁶
瞎搞 hàt-gāo
xiāgǎo mess around with.⁶
瞎搞一通 hàt-gāo-yīt-hüng
xiāgǎo yītòng make a mess of; act without a plan.⁵⁴
瞎抓 hàt-jāo
xiāzhuā work without any clear plan or system; go about something in a rush.⁶
瞎指挥[瞎指揮] hàt-jī-fï
xiāzhǐhuī lit. to direct blindly; fig. to issue confused orders; to give contradictory directions.¹⁰
瞎蒙 hàt-mũng
xiāmēng <topo.> make a wild guess.⁶
瞎闹[瞎鬧] hàt-nào
xiānào act senselessly; make nonsense.⁸
瞎编[瞎編] hàt-pëin
xiābiān fabricated; groundlessly made.⁹
瞎说[瞎說] hàt-sōt
xiāshuō talk irresponsibly.⁸
瞎话[瞎話] hàt-và
xiāhuà lie.⁹
hat4 6006
112 15 hàt xiá (composition: ⿰石害; U+78CD).
磍碬 hàt-hã xiáxiá rugged; uneven.²⁵
碣磍 kēik-hàt
jiéxiá to roll the eyes and project the tongue, as in a rage.²⁵
<又> gït; ä.
(See 磍 gït; 磍 ä).
hat4 6007
120 9 hàt silk of an inferior quality; name of a tribe, ancestors of the Huns.⁷ tassels.¹⁰
纥国[紇國] Hàt-gōk Héguó Uygur (Uighur) kingdom.⁵⁴
回纥[回紇] Või-hàt
Huíhé (=回鹘[回鶻] Või-gūt Huíhú) Huihe, pre-Tang name of ethnic group corresponding to modern Uighur.¹⁰
<又> kēik.
(See 紇 kēik.)
hat4 6008
124 16 hàt shaft of a feather, quill; wing (of a bird).⁶
整翮 jēin-hàt zhěnghé the preen the feathers.¹⁴
振翮 jīn-hàt
zhènhé to flap the wings for flight.¹⁴
振翮高飞 jīn-hàt-gäo-fi
zhènhégāofēi flap the wings and soar high into the sky.⁶
六翮 lùk-hàt
liùhé principal feathers of the wing.¹⁴
羽翮 yî-hàt
yǔhé the shaft of a feather.⁷ quills, feathers.¹⁴
hat4 6009
136 13 hàt xiá linchpin.⁸
(composition ⿳𫝀⿳巛冖厶㐄; U+821D).
(See 轄 hàt).
hat4 6010
142 25 𧕱
hàt xiá another name for a mole cricket.²⁰ a sort of mole cricket.²⁵ (composition: ⿱舝䖵; U+27571).
hat4 6011
146 19 hàt ➀ =*核 hàt to examine, to check, to verify; rigorous, detailed, reliable  ➁ <old> vivid  ➂ =麧 hàt leftover husk after pounding grains.³⁶ (* in Mainland, not in Taiwan).
(composition: ⿱覀敫; U+8988).
精覈 dëin-hàt
jīnghé carefully checked.¹¹
or 考核 hāo-hàt kǎohé (of a plan, proposal) to review; to evaluate; to check; to examine; to assess; to appraise.⁷ʼ³⁶ʼ⁰
覈查 hàt-chã
héchá to inquire into; to investigate; to ascertain by inquiries.¹⁴
覈问[覈問] hàt-mùn
héwèn to inquire into; to investigate; to ascertain by inquiries.¹⁴
覈验[覈驗] hàt-ngèm
héyàn to verify.¹⁴
or 核实[核實] hàt-sìt héshí to verify, to check.³⁶
or 稽核 käi-hàt jīhé to audit; to examine.³⁶
研覈 ngān-hàt
yánhé <lit.> to examine.¹¹
研覈是非 ngān-hàt sì-fï
yánhé shìfēi to weigh the pros and cons.¹¹
or 审核[審核] sīm-hàt shěnhé to inquire into; to audit; to investigate thoroughly; to examine and verify; to ascertain by inquiriesl to check; to review.¹⁴ʼ³⁶ʼ⁰
峭覈 xël-hàt
qiàohé <old> harsh, uncompromising.¹¹
(See 核 hàt; 核 vût.)
hat4 6012
159 17 hàt xiá a linchpin; to govern; to administer; administration; to manage; the noise of wheels.⁷
(variants: 鎋, 舝, 𩏓❄{⿰害韋} hàt xiá.)
管辖[管轄] gōn-hàt
guǎnxiá have jurisdiction over; exercise control over; administer.⁶
辖境[轄境] hàt-gēin
xiájìng or 辖地[轄地] hàt-ì xiádì
or 辖区[轄區] hàt-kuï xiáqū an area under the jurisdiction (of a magistrate); magistracy.⁷
辖制[轄制] hàt-jäi
xiázhì control.⁶
投辖留客[投轄留客] hẽo-hàt-liũ-hāk
tóuxiáliúkè to detain a visitor by throwing his linchpin into the well.¹⁴
统辖[統轄] hūng-hàt
tǒngxiá have under one's command; have jurisdiction over; exercise control over.⁶
直辖[直轄] jèik-hàt
zhíxiá directly under the jurisdiction of.⁶
or 桎鎋 jìt-hàt zhìxiá a linchpin.¹⁴
受管辖[受管轄] siù-gōn-hàt
shòuguǎnxiá be subject to the jurisdiction (of).⁶
(See 鎋 hàt; 舝 hàt; 𩏓❄{⿰害韋} hàt).
hat4 6013
167 18 hàt xiá (=辖[轄] hàt xiá) a linchpin; to govern; to administer; administration; to manage; the noise of wheels.⁷
t: ⿰釒害; U+938B).
桎鎋 or 桎辖[桎轄] jìt-hàt zhìxiá a linchpin.¹⁴
(See 轄 hàt.)
hat4 6014
169 14 hàt to block or separate, to obstruct; to prevent, to shut out.⁷
隔阂[隔閡] gäk-hàt géhé estrangement; alienation.⁸
hat4 6015
178 19 𩏓
hàt xiá (=辖[轄] hàt xiá a linchpin).²
(composition: ⿰害韋; U+293D3).
(See 轄 hàt).
hat4 6016
196 21 hàt xiá 鶷𪆰❄{⿰葛鳥} hàt-gōt xiáyà a bird resembling the shrike, but smaller; the jackdaw, a bird of a crow species, but smaller, body rather elongated, of a dark ash color, a little speckled, a black sharp-pointed beak, and when it walks it holds its head on one side.²⁵
(composition: ⿰害鳥; U+9DB7).
hat4 6017
199 14 hàt hard wheat; wheat in the husk, unbroken.²⁵ leftover husk after pounding grains.³⁶ wheat in the kernel, not yet ground; broken kernels found in chaff.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰麥乞; U+9EA7).
麧头[麧頭] hàt-hẽo hétóu broken wheat.²⁵
糠麧 höng-hàt
kānghé bran.²⁵ bran or grits.¹⁰²
(See 覈 hàt).
hat4 6018
203 18 hàt xiá (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 黠 gēik xiá with same meaning: clever, bright, intelligent; crafty, cunning.⁶)
<又> gēik.
(See 黠 gēik.)
hat4 6019
32 15 hât <台> 庙垯[廟墶] Mèl-hât a place in 开平赤坎[開平赤坎] Höi-pẽin Chëk-häm Kāipíng Chìkǎn Chikan, Kaiping, 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Guangdong Province.⁰
<又> äp.
(See 墶 [äp, da], [äp, ].)
hat5 6020
177 13 hëh xuē boots.⁷ (variant: 鞾 hëh xuē). (See 鞾 hëh).
长统靴[長統靴] chẽng-hūng-hëh
chángtǒngxuē high boots.⁶
靴底 hëh-āi
xuēdǐ soles of boots.⁷
靴带[靴帶] hëh-âi/
xuēdài bootlace.⁶
靴衬布[靴襯布] hëh-chïn-bü
xuēchènbù boot linings.⁶
靴子 hëh-dū
xuēzi boots.⁷
靴笏 hëh-fūt
xuēhù boots and tablet – articles of official usage.¹⁴
靴夹[靴夾] hëh-gäp
xuējiā or 靴掖子 hëh-yìt-dū xuēyēzi a pocket-book for papers, carried in the leg of a boot.¹⁴
靴筒 hëh-hûng/
xuētǒng the leg of a boot.⁶
靴面 hëh-mèin
xuēmiàn vamp (of shoe).⁶
or 靴袢 hëh-pän xuēpàn bootstrap.⁶
靴袍 hëh-pão
xuēpáo long garment that was worn with official boots.¹⁴
靴衫 hëh-sâm
xuēshān ancient riding jacket.¹⁴
靴楦 hëh-xün
xuēxuàn boot last; boot tree.⁶
靴靿 hëh-yël
xuēyào leg of a boot.⁶ stiff stem of boots; neck of boot where it bends near the ankle.¹¹
马靴[馬靴] mâ-hëh
mǎxuē riding boots.⁵
短统靴[短統靴] ōn-hūng-hëh
duǎntǒngxuē ankle boots.⁸
皮靴 pĩ-hëh
píxuē leather boots.⁶
雨靴 yî-hëh
yǔxuē rubber boots.⁵
heh2 6021
177 19 hëh xuē (= 靴 hëh xuē) boots.⁷
(See 靴 hëh).
heh2 6022
61 10 hēik <台> 大息我 ài-hēik-ngöi It benefits me.
(See 息 [xēik, xi]; [xēik, ].)
heik1 6023
76 13 hēik xiē to rest; to take a break; to stop; to halt; <topo.> to sleep; a moment; a short while.¹⁰
歇脚[歇腳] hēik-gëk xiējiǎo “rest one's foot” – stop a while during a walk.¹¹
歇工 hēik-güng
xiēgōng to stop work for holiday.¹¹
歇晌 hēik-hēng
xiēshǎng take a midday nap or rest.⁵
歇后语[歇後語] hēik-hèo-nguî
xiēhòuyǔ two-part allegorical saying (of which the first part, always stated, is descriptive, while the second part, sometimes unstated, clinches the point); enigmatic folk simile; truncated witticism.⁶
歇业[歇業] hēik-ngèp
xiēyè close up business.¹¹
歇手 hēik-siū
xiēshǒu to rest; to take a break.¹⁰
歇息 hēik-xēik
xiēxi to stop for rest; to stop over for night.¹¹
歇心 hēik-xïm
xiēxīn to drop the matter; to stop worrying.¹⁰
歇斯底里 hēik-xü-āi-lî
xiēsīdǐlǐ hysteria (loanword); hysterical.¹⁰
歇宿 hēik-xūk
xiēsù to lodge; to stay (for the night).¹⁰
heik1 6024
94 12 hēik xiē a fierce dog.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰犭曷; U+7332).
猲獢 hēik-hël xiēxiāo a kind of short snout hunting dog.⁸
<又> häk; gût; hài.
(See 猲 häk; 猲 gût; 猲 hài).
heik1 6025
94 12 hēik xiē a fierce dog.¹⁴ (variant: 𤢔❄{⿰犭歇} hēik xiē).
(composition: ⿰犭曷; U+7332).
猲獢 hēik-hël
xiēxiāo a kind of short snout hunting dog.⁸
<又> häk; gût; hài.
(See 猲 häk; 猲 gût; 猲 hài; 𤢔❄{⿰犭歇} hēik).
heik1 6026
94 16 𤢔
hēik xiē (=猲 hēik xiē a fierce dog.¹⁴).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰犭歇; U+24894).
(See 猲 hēik).
heik1 6027
137 19 𦪬
hēik xiē (composition: ⿰舟歇; U+26AAC).
𦪬❄{⿰舟歇}艎 hēik-võng xiēhuáng a large vessel.²⁵
heik1 6028
37 9 hēik (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation of 㚛 häi with the same meaning: corpulent; abundant, plenteous; flourishing.⁸ full, fat and flourishing.²⁴).
(variant: 𡘐
❄{⿳大亠日} hēik ).
(composition: ⿱大旨; U+369B).
<又> häi.
(See 㚛 häi; 𡘐❄{⿳大亠日} hēik).
hēik1 6029
37 9 𡘐
hēik (=㚛 hēik and alternate Hoisanva pronunciation of 𡘐❄{⿳大亠日} häi with the same meaning: corpulent; abundant, plenteous; flourishing.⁸ full, fat and flourishing.²⁴).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿳大亠日; U+21610).
<又> häi.
(See 𡘐❄{⿳大亠日} häi; 㚛 hēik).
hēik1 6030
9 14 hëik tiě artful, cunning.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰亻替; U+50E3).
僣侻 hëik-höt tiětuó villainous, crafty, cruel.¹⁰²
<又> dèm.
(See 僣 dèm).
heik2 6031
167 13 hëik tiě (=铁[鐵] hëik tiě iron; ferum (Fe); arms; ironclad; rigid as iron.⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿰釒失 ; U+9244).
(See 鐵 hëik).
heik2 6032
167 14 hëik tiě (=铁[鐵] hëik tiě) iron; ferum (Fe); arms, weapons; ironclad, unalterable; rigid/strong as iron; cruel, merciless, ruthless.⁶
(See 鐵 hëik).
heik2 6033
167 20 hëik tiě (=铁[鐵] hëik tiě iron; ferum (Fe); arms; ironclad; rigid as iron.⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿰釒⿹𢦏⿱口䒑  or ⿰釒⿹⿱十戈⿱口䒑 ; U+9421).
(See 鐵 hëik).
heik2 6034
167 21 hëik tiě iron; ferum (Fe); arms; ironclad; rigid as iron.⁶
(variants: 銕, 鐡, 鉄 hëik tiě). (See 銕, 鐡, 鉄 hëik).
铁箅子[鐵箅子] hëik-bï-dū
tiěbìzi grate; grill, gridiron.⁶
铁篦子[鐵篦子] hëik-bì-dū
tiěbìzi a gridiron.¹⁴
铁驳[鐵駁] hëik-bök
tiěbó iron barge.⁶
铁栅[鐵柵] hëik-chāk
tiězhà iron railings; metal rails; bars.⁵
铁锤[鐵錘] hëik-chuĩ
tiěchuí iron hammer.⁵
铁杵[鐵杵] hëik-chuî
tiěchǔ iron staff (a weapon).¹¹
铁钉[鐵釘] hëik-dêng
tiědīng iron nails.
铁铗[鐵鋏] hëik-gâp
tiějiá iron tongs.¹⁹
铁磙[鐵磙] hëik-gūn
tiěgǔn iron roller.⁶
铁棍[鐵棍] hëik-gûn
tiěgùn iron rod.¹¹
铁橇[鐵橇] hëik-hël
tiěqiāo crowbar.¹⁰
铁砧[鐵砧] hëik-îm
tiězhēn anvil.⁵
铁证[鐵證] hëik-jëin
tiězhèng ironclad evidence/proof.⁶
铁棒[鐵棒] hëik-pâng
tiěbàng iron bar.⁶
铁纱[鐵紗] hëik-sä
tiěshā wire gauze.⁵
铁锈[鐵鏽] hëik-säo
tiěxiù (iron) rust.⁶
铁环[鐵環] hëik-vân/
tiěhuán iron hoop; iron ring.⁹
铁陨石[鐵隕石] hëik-vùn-sêk
tiěyǔnshí iron meteorite.⁶
铁屑[鐵屑] hëik-xēik
tiěxiè iron filings.⁵
铁索[鐵索] hëik-xôk
tiěsuǒ cable; iron chain.⁵
铁索桥[鐵索橋] hëik-xôk-kẽl
tiěsuǒqiáo chain bridge.⁵

heik2 6035
184 18 hëik tiè greedy for food; gluttonous.⁶
饕餮 häo-hëik tāotiè a mythical ferocious animal; a fierce and cruel person; voracious eater, glutton, gourmand.⁵
饕餮之徒 häo-hëik-jï-hũ
tāotièzhītú voracious eater; glutton; gourmand.⁶
饕餮纹[饕餮紋] häo-hëik-mũn
tāotièwén tāotie design (design of taotie's head on ancient brassware, prevalent in the late Shang and early Western Zhou dynasties).⁶
heik2 6036
187 23 hëik tiě black (horse).⁸ dark brown horse.¹⁰ an iron-grey horse.²⁵ dark bay horse.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰馬⿹𢦏⿱口王  or ⿰馬⿹⿱十戈⿱口王 ; U+9A56).
驷驖[駟驖] xü-hëik sìtiě four bays.⁵⁴
Xü-hëik-kūng-fèo, lùk-bï-dòi-siū.
Sì tiě kǒng fù, liù pèi zài shǒu.
His four iron-black horses are in very fine condition;
The six reins are in the hand [of the charioteer].⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·秦風·駟驖·駟驖》, translated by James Legge).
heik2 6037
64 7 hēim kǎn to strike; to run against.
<台> 扻伤[扻傷] hēim-sëng (=碰伤[碰傷] püng-sëng) to knock against something and get hurt.
heim1 6038
30 7 hẽim hán to hold in the mouth; to contain; to include; to bear.
含苞 hẽim-bäo hánbāo <wr.> to be in bud.
含苞待放 hẽim-bäo-òi-föng
hánbāodàifàng to be in bud.
含恨 hẽim-hàn
hánhèn to cherish resentment.
含血喷人[含血噴人] hẽim-hüt-pün-ngĩn
hánxuèpēnrén to make slanderous accusations against others.
含量 hẽim-lèng
hánliàng content.
含沙射影 hẽim-sâ-sèh-yēin
hánshāshèyǐng lit. to spit sand on a shadow; to hurt others maliciously.
含辛茹苦 hẽim-xïn-nguĩ-fū
hánxīnrúkǔ endure all kinds of hardships; suffer untold hardships.⁶
含英咀华[含英咀華] hẽim-yëin-duī-vã
hányīngjǔhuá (of writing) containing the cream of the literary tradition.¹¹
含饴弄孙[含飴弄孫] hẽim-yĩ-lùng-xün
hányínòngsūn (of old people) play with one's grandchildren while chewing maltose – enjoy happy old year.⁶
含有 hẽim-yiû
hányǒu to contain; to have.
含冤 hẽim-yön
hányuān suffer an injustice; suffer a wrong;  be victim of a false or unjust charge.⁶
含冤负屈[含冤負屈] hẽim-yön-fù-vūt
or hẽim-yön-fù-kūt hányuānfùqū suffer an unjust grievance/iniquitous wrong.⁶
含辱 hẽim-yùk
hánrǔ bear shame.¹¹
heim3 6039
30 10 hẽim hán (<old>=含 hẽim hán to hold in the mouth).⁸  to hold in the mouth; also written 含 hẽim hán.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口含; U+5505).
<又> hàm.
(See 唅 hàm).
heim3 6040
30 11 hẽim hán wrath; anger.⁸ a tone of displeasure.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口函; U+35A4).
㖤㗅 hẽim-vũ hánhú an angry noise; an expression of anger.²⁴
heim3 6041
30 12 hẽim xián (=衔[銜] hẽim xián) a bridle; to hold in the mouth; to harbor.⁷
(See 銜 hẽim.)
heim3 6042
30 13 hẽim xián (<old>=衔[銜] hẽim xián hold in the mouth; cherish, harbor, bear in mind; <wr.> get, accept (orders); link up, connect; rank, title.⁶); hold in the mouth; to hold a grudge.⁸ to hold anything in the mouth, to dislike.²⁴ to hold something in the mouth; nurse hatred, harbor resentment.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰口兼; U+55DB).
心嗛 xïm-hẽim
xīnxián to hate.²⁴
<又> hïm; hēin; hēp; hèp.
(See 嗛 hïm; 嗛 hēin; 嗛 hēp; 嗛 hèp; 銜 hẽim).
heim3 6043
46 10 hẽim hán steep and lofty; a big valley.⁸ a large valley; a large open space.²⁴
(composition: ⿰山含; U+37CF).
㟏岈 hẽim-hä hánxiā depth (emptiness) of the gorge.⁵⁴ (See 谽谺 hẽim-hä).
heim3 6044
72 11 hẽim hán <wr.> (of day) break; dawn.⁶ before daybreak; dawn about to break; (used in given names).¹⁰
吴晗 M̃-Hẽim Wú Hán (1909-1969) a leading authority on Ming history; author of biography of 朱元璋 Zhu Yuanzhang, hounded to his death together with several members of his family during the cultural revolution.⁵⁴
heim3 6045
85 10 hẽim hán immerse, steep.⁸
浛水 Hẽim-suī Hánshuǐ or 湟水 Võng-suī Huángshuǐ, old names for present-day 连江[連江] Lẽin-Göng Lián Jiāng River in 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Guangdong Province.⁸
(See 浛 [hẽim, hàn].)
heim3 6046
85 10 hẽim hàn culvert; to mix mud with water.⁸
(See 浛 [hẽim, hán].)
heim3 6047
86 11 hẽim hán enthalpy; (Cant.) onomatopoetic, the sound of a fiercely-burning fire.⁸
等焓 āng-hẽim děnghán isenthalpic.¹⁰
自由焓 dù-yiũ-hẽim
zìyóuhán free enthalpy (thermodynamics); Gibbs free energy.¹⁰
焓洸 Hẽim-göng
Hánguāng a place name in Guangdong.¹³
显焓[顯焓] hēin-hẽim
xiǎnhán sensible enthalpy (thermodynamics); energy required to go from one state to another.¹⁰
热焓[熱焓] ngèik-hẽim 
rèhán enthalpy; heat content (thermodynamics).¹⁰
heim3 6048
144 12 hẽim xián (=衔[銜] hẽim xián) a bit (in a horse's mouth); the title (of an official); to hold in the mouth; to harbor, to cherish; to follow (orders).⁷
(composition: ⿲彳𦈢亍; U+8858).
(See 銜 hẽim.)
heim3 6049
150 14 hẽim hān a mouth or opening.⁸ʼ¹⁴ an empty valley.²⁵ a wide opening; an adit.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰谷含; U+8C3D).
谽谺 hẽim-hä hánxiā the great void in the valley.² the mouth of a gorge or of a cave; entrance to a cave or to a gorge.¹⁴ also the same as 谺 hä xiā; the emptiness of a valley; precipitous craggy mountain rocks; still flickering; hollow appearance.¹⁹ a deep wide valley, a great open gulf; the large empty space in a valley.²⁵ the mouth, as of a valley or cave; a wide or deep cavity.¹⁰²
(Note: 谽谺 hẽim-hä hánxiā is the same as 㟏岈 hẽim-hä hánxiā).¹⁰¹
谽呀 hẽim-à
hānyā the emptiness of a valley.¹⁹
heim3 6050
167 14 hẽim xián hold in the mouth; cherish, harbor, bear in mind; <wr.> get, accept (orders); link up, connect; rank, title.⁶
(variants: 衘 hẽim, hãm; 啣 hẽim, hãm.)
衔悲[銜悲] hẽim-bï or hãm-bï xiánbēi harbor sorrow.⁶
衔接[銜接] hẽim-dēp
or hãm-dēp xiánjiē link up; join.⁵
衔恨[銜恨] hẽim-hàn
or hãm-hàn xiánhèn harbor resentment; bear a grudge.⁶
衔铁[銜鐵] hẽim-hëik
or hãm-hëik xiántiě <elec.> armature.⁵
衔头[銜頭] hẽim-hẽo
or hãm-hẽo xiántóu title.⁶
衔命[銜命] hẽim-mèin
or hãm-mèin xiánmìng <wr.> carry out an order; accept an order.⁶
衔枚疾走[銜枚疾走] hẽim-mõi-dìp-dēo
or hãm-mõi-dìp-dēo xiánméijízǒu (army) hastening with mouth gags esp. in night attacks.¹¹
衔恩[銜恩] hẽim-yïn
or hãm-yïn xián'ēn remember somebody's favor/kindness; cherish somebody's kindness.⁶
衔冤[銜冤] hẽim-yön
or hãm-yön xiányuān nurse a bitter sense of wrong; have a simmering sense of injustice.⁵
燕子衔泥筑窠[燕子銜泥築窠] yên-dū-hẽim-nãi-jūk-vö
or yên-dū-hãm-nãi-jūk-vö yànzixiánnízhùkē Swallows carry bits of earth in their bills to build nests.⁵
<又> hãm.
(See 銜 hãm.)
heim3 6051
167 16 hẽim hán armor, coat of mail; (interchangeable with 函 hãm hán) a case; a small box, a cup.⁸ armor.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰金函; U+4934).
䤴甲 hẽim-gâp
hánjiǎ armor.²ʼ²⁵ mail armor, for making which the 䤴人 hẽim-ngĩn hánrén, armorers or artisans of 燕 yên yàn Yen or 直隶[直隸] jèik-lài zhílì Zhili (<old> Chihli) were celebrated of old.¹⁰²
<又> hãm.
(See 䤴 hãm).
heim3 6052
170 10 hèim xiàn <台> 陷 hèim infected.
<台> 陷脓[陷膿] hèim-nũng pyogenesis; to produce pus. (=酿脓[釀膿] ngèng-nũng niàngnóng suppuration.¹⁴ and 化脓[化膿] fä-nũng huànóng fester; suppurate.⁵)
<又> hàm.
(See 陷 hàm.)
heim4 6053
17 2 hêim kǎn Kangxi radical 17, receptacle; (<old>=坎 hêim kǎn pit, hole.⁸ It is commonly called 山字底 sän-dù-āi shānzìdǐ
(composition: ⿰⿱丨一丨; U+51F5).
heim5 6054
17 6 hêim dàng pool; pit; ditch; cesspit.
沤凼[漚凼] ëo-hêim òudàng cesspool; compost pit.¹⁰
粪凼[糞凼] fûn-hêim
fèndàng cesspool; cesspit.¹⁰
凼肥 hêim-fĩ
dàngféi manure.
水凼 suī-hêim
shuǐdàng pond.
<又> hâm, nòng.
(See 凼: hâm, nòng.)
heim5 6055
32 7 hêim kǎn a pit, a hole, a depression.⁷
(composition: ⿰土欠; U+574E).
坎坑 hêim-häng kǎnkēng pit in the ground.
<又> hām, häm.
(See 坎 hām, häm; 埳 hêim.)
heim5 6056
32 11 hêim kǎn (<old> =坎 hêim kǎn) pit, hole, depression.
(composition: ⿰土臽; U+57F3).
(See 坎 hêim.)
heim5 6057
46 11 𡸞
hêim kǎn to fall into a pit.²⁴
(composition: ⿰山臽; U+21E1E).
heim5 6058
76 12 欿 hêim kǎn not complacent; worried; <old>=坎 hêim kǎn a pit.⁸ not satisfied.⁹ discontented with oneself.¹⁰ discontented; sad; gloomy.¹³ʼ³⁶ to be dissatisfied with oneself, to be annoyed with oneself, to feel disappointed with oneself; vexed; saddened, dissatisfied.⁵⁴ discontented with one's self; dissatisfied because of imperfection; humble, but energetic; a sour look, sorrowful; to strive for.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰臽欠; U+6B3F).
自視欿然 dù-sì-hêim-ngẽin
zìshìkǎnrán he felt that he was imperfect.¹⁰²
欿然 hêim-ngẽin
kǎnrán dissatisfied; sorrowful.²⁴ discontented ; lacking happiness ; dissatisfied.²⁹
欿愁悴 hêim-sẽo-xuì
kǎnchóucuì to kill with vexation and sadness.⁵⁴
<又> häm.
(See 欿 häm).
heim5 6059
85 5 hêim dàng (=凼 hêim dàng) pool; pit; ditch; cesspit.
(See 凼: hêim.)
heim5 6060
85 15 hêim tán pool, pond, puddle.⁰
静如死潭[靜如死潭] dèin-nguĩ-xī-hêim jìngrúsǐtán as calm as a pond or pool of dead water; as quiet as a stagnant pool.³⁹
潭水 hêim-suī
tánshuǐ pool; pond.⁸
泥潭 nãi-hêim
nítán quagmire.¹⁰
深潭 sïm-hêim
shēntán deep pond.¹¹
水潭 suī-hêim
shuǐtán puddle; pool.¹⁰
一潭水 yīt-hêim-suī
yītánshuǐ a puddle of water.⁴
<又> hãm.
(See 潭 hãm.)
heim5 6061
30 13 hēin qiǎn  pouch of a monkey.¹⁴ the pouch of a monkey; also small, deficient.²⁴ the place where food is stored in the cheeks of monkeys; small; not be enough.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰口兼; U+55DB).
颊嗛[頰嗛] gäp-hēin jiáqiǎn or 颊囊[頰囊] gäp-nõng jiánáng cheek-pouch (of monkeys).¹¹ʼ⁵⁴
嗛德 hēin-āk
qiǎndé a small degree of virtue.²⁴
嗛嗛 hēin-hēin
qiǎnqiǎn small, unsatisfying.¹¹ small; little.¹⁰¹ (cf 嗛嗛 hēp-hēp).
嗛嗛之德 hēin-hēin-jï-āk
qiǎnqiǎnzhīdé deficient in virtue.¹⁴ (cf 嗛嗛之德 hēp-hēp-jï-āk).
Gün, dōk-hēin-yâ.
Juān, zuò qiǎn yě.
To be juan (scrupulous/squeamish) is to be deficient in initiative.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《墨子·卷十·经上·16》, translated by A.C. Graham).
<又> hẽim; hïm; hēp; hèp.
(See 嗛 hẽim; 嗛 hïm; 嗛 hēp; 嗛 hèp).
hein1 6062
46 10 hēin xiàn (name of a mountain in 湖北 Vũ-bāk Húběi Hubei Province).
岘山[峴山] Hēin-sän
or Yèn-sän Xiànshān Xianshan Mountain (in 湖北 Vũ-bāk Húběi Hubei Province).⁹
<又> yèn.
(See 峴 yèn.)
hein1 6063
61 11 hēin tiǎn bashful; shy; ashamed.⁸ ashamed, bashful.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄典; U+394F).
㥏墨 hēin-màk tiǎnmò to be embarrassed and shut up; embarrassedly keeping silent.⁵⁴
hein1 6064
72 14 hēin xiǎn ancient form of 显[顯] hēin xiǎn to manifest, display, be illustrious, seem, appear; evident; <old> motes in a sunbeam; <old> cocoons, chrysalis.³⁶
(composition: ⿳日⿰幺幺灬; U+3B0E).
(See 顯 hēin).
hein1 6065
78 9 hēin tiǎn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 殄 chīn tiǎn with same meaning: extirpate; exterminate; destroy utterly.⁶)
<又> chīn.
(See 殄 chīn.)
hein1 6066
120 11 hēin tiǎn rough texture.⁸ coarse grained, not smooth or polished.²⁵
老牛之角紾而昔 Lāo-ngẽo-jï-gök-hēin-ngĩ-xēik. Lǎo niú zhī jiǎo tiǎn ér xī. The horns of the old cow are old and withered.⁰
<又> chīn.
(See 紾 chīn).
hein1 6067
120 19 hēin qiǎn entangled.⁷
绸缪缱绻[綢繆繾綣] chiũ-mẽo-hēin-kūn chóumóu qiǎnquǎn to bind closely and attach to.⁷
缱绻[繾綣] hēin-kūn
qiǎnquǎn entangled, inextricable, inseparable; fig. a parasite; to make tender love.⁷ inseparably connected; confederate; reiterated; not scattered about.²⁵
缱绻之情[繾綣之情] hēin-kūn-jï-tẽin
qiǎnquǎnzhīqíng deep attachment; sentimental attachment.⁵
缱绻柔情[繾綣柔情] hēin-kūn-ngẽl-tẽin
qiǎnquǎnróuqíng deep attachment; tender affection.⁶
缱绻情意[繾綣情意] hēin-kūn-tẽin-yï
qiǎnquǎnqíngyì the entangled relations between lovers or friends.⁷
两情缱绻[兩情繾綣] lēng-tẽin-hēin-kūn
liǎngqíngqiǎnquǎn deeply in love with each other.⁷
hein1 6068
142 13 hēin xiǎn ➀ small, smooth bivalves ➁ (=缢女[縊女] äi-nuī yìnǚ) a small insect with black body and red head; it suspends itself when making its cocoon.¹⁴
蚬蛤[蜆蛤] hēin-gēip
xiǎngé raw clams seasoned.¹⁴
蚬岗镇[蜆崗鎮] Hēin-gông-jïn
Xiǎn'gāngzhèn a township in 开平[開平] Höi-pẽin Kāipíng, Guangdong Province.²
蚬塘[蜆塘] hēin-hõng
xiǎntáng clam pond.³⁹
蚬妹[蜆妹] hēin-mōi
xiǎnmèi a young girl of the Tanka or boat population.¹⁴
蚬肉[蜆肉] hēin-ngùk
xiǎnròu shelled clams.¹⁴
蚬属[蜆屬] hēin-sùk
xiǎnshǔ (学名:Corbicula).²⁰
环纹蚬[環紋蜆] vãn-mũn-hēin
huánwénxiǎn (学名: Corbicula leana).²⁰
hein1 6069
149 20 hēin qiǎn reproach, reprimand, denounce; <wr.> (of an official) be demoted and banished.⁶
谴价[譴价] hēin-gäi qiǎnjiè to send a servant on an errand.¹
谴责[譴責] hēin-jāk
qiǎnzé condemn; denounce; censure.⁵
谴谪[譴謫] hēin-jàk
qiǎnzhé <wr.> (of an official) be demoted and banished.⁶
谴怒[譴怒] hēin-nù
qiǎnnù (of God, ruler) to be wrath and punish (someone).¹¹
谴诃[譴訶] hēin-ü
qiǎnhē <wr.> to reprimand, rebuke harshly.¹¹
天谴[天譴] hëin-hēin
tiānqiǎn God's punishment.¹¹
阴谴[陰譴] yïm-hēin
yīnqiǎn God's retribution (punishment for sin).¹¹
hein1 6070
162 13 hēin qiǎn send, dispatch; dispel, expel.⁵
差遣 chäi-hēin chāiqiǎn to dispatch or send (a person on an errand).⁷
调兵遣将[調兵遣將] èl-bëin-hēin-dëng
diàobīngqiǎnjiàng dispatch officers and men; move troops; deploy forces.⁵
遣将[遣將] hēin-dëng
qiǎnjiàng to send generals or officers (to a battle).⁷
遣返 hēin-fän
qiǎnfǎn repatriate; send back.⁶
遣返战俘[遣返戰俘] hēin-fän-jën-fũ
qiǎnfǎnzhànfú repatriate prisoners of war.⁵
遣闷[遣悶] hēin-mòn
qiǎnmèn dispel boredom.⁵
遣散 hēin-xän
qiǎnsàn disband; dismiss; send away.⁵
遣使 hēin-xū
qiǎnshǐ to dispatch or send an envoy.⁷
遣词造句[遣詞造句] hēin-xũ-dào-guî/
qiǎncízàojù wording and phrasing.⁵
遣送 hēin-xüng
qiǎnsòng send back; repatriate.⁵
遣送出境 hēin-xüng-chūt-gēin
qiǎnsòng chūjìng deport.⁵
遣送回国[遣送回國] hēin-xüng-või-gōk
qiǎnsònghuíguó repatriate.⁵
派遣 päi-hēin
or pāi-hēin pàiqiǎn to send, to dispatch.⁶
先遣 xëin-hēin
xiānqiǎn to be sent in advance; advanced troops.⁸
消遣 xël-hēin
xiāoqiǎn diversion; pastime.⁵
hein1 6071
181 23 hēin xiǎn to manifest, display, be illustrious, seem, appear; evident.¹⁴
显得[顯得] hēin-āk xiǎnde look; seem; appear.⁵
显摆[顯擺] hēin-bāi
xiǎnbai <topo.> show off.⁵
显妣[顯妣] hēin-bī
xiǎnbǐ my late mother.⁶
显像管[顯像管] hēin-dèng-gōn
xiǎnxiàngguǎn <elec.> image tube; kinescope; picture tube.⁶
显贵[顯貴] hēin-gï
xiǎnguì noble and eminent; nobility, eminent person, personage, eminent/high official.⁶
显赫[顯赫] hēin-hāk
xiǎnhè illustrious; celebrated.⁵
显考[顯考] hēin-hāo
xiǎnkǎo my late father.⁶
显著[顯著] hēin-jï
xiǎnzhù notable; marked; striking; remarkable; outstanding.⁵
显灵[顯靈] hēin-lẽin
xiǎnlíng (of a ghost or spirit) make its presence or power felt.⁵
显露[顯露] hēin-lù
xiǎnlù become visible; appear.⁵
显微镜[顯微鏡] hēin-mĩ-gëng/
xiǎnwēijìng microscope.⁵
显然[顯然] hēin-ngẽin
xiǎnrán obvious; evident; clear.⁵
显而易见[顯而易見] hēin-ngĩ-yì-gëin
xiǎn'éryìjiàn obviously; evidently; clearly.⁵
显示[顯示] hēin-sì
xiǎnshì to manifest, to display, to view.¹⁴
显身手[顯身手] hēin-sïn-siū
xiǎnshēnshǒu display one's talent or skill.⁵
显现[顯現] hēin-yèn
xiǎnxiàn appearance; to appear.¹⁰

hein1 6072
1 6 𠀘
hëin tiān (<old>=天 hëin tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial.⁸
(composition: ⿱兀兀; U+20018;).
(See 天 hëin.)
hein2 6073
1 7 𠀡 hëin tiān (<old>=天 hëin tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial.⁸
(composition: ⿱一先; U+20021)
(See 天 hëin.)
hein2 6074
9 9 hëin qiàn <old> like; as.¹⁰ <wr.> to look like.¹¹ like; compared to; a vane.²⁴
(comp. t: ⿰亻見; U+4FD4). (comp. s: ⿰亻见; U+4F23).
Ài-böng-yiû-dū, hëin-hëin-jï-môi.
Dà bāng yǒu zi, qiàn tiān zhī mèi.
In a large State was the lady,
Like a fair denizen of Heaven.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·文王之什·大明》, translated by James Legge).
间伣[間俔] gän-hëin
qiànjiàn a spy.²⁴
hein2 6075
10 5 hëin xiōng (elder) brother.
(composition: ⿱口儿; U+5144).
拜兄弟 bäi-hëin-ài bài xiōngdì to become sworn brothers.
胞兄 bäo-hëin
bāoxiōng elder brother of the same mother.¹¹
表兄 bēl-hëin
biǎoxiōng older male cousin with a different surname.
称兄道弟[稱兄道弟] chëin-hëin-ào-ài
chēngxiōngdàodì to call each other brothers; tp be on intimate terms.
父兄 fù-hëin
fùxiōng father and elder brothers; family head; the elders.
兄弟 hëin-ài
xiōngdì brothers.
兄弟阋墙[兄弟鬩牆] hëin-ài-ngēik-tẽng
xiōngdìxìqiáng brothers squabble inside the walls – brothers fight at home; infighting among the brothers; quarrel between brothers; internal dispute/strife.⁶
兄妹 hëin-môi
xiōngmèi (elder) brother and (younger) sister.⁶
兄嫂 hëin-xāo
xiōngsǎo one's elder brother and his wife.⁶
仲兄 jùng-hëin
zhòngxiōng second-eldest brother.
<又> fōng.
(See 兄 fōng).
hein2 6076
12 6 hëin tiān (<old>=天 hëin tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial.⁸
(composition: ⿱王八; U+5172)
兲朝 hëin-chẽl
tiāncháo The Celestial Empire; China.³⁶
(See 天 hëin.)
hein2 6077
14 6 𠕹
hëin tiān (<old>=天 hëin tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial.⁸
(composition: ⿱冖天; U+20579)
(See 天 hëin.)
hein2 6078
15 10 hëin qìng (alternate Mandarin pronunciation for 凊 dèin jìng) cold, cool, chilly.⁷ to cool; fresh; cool.¹⁴ to cool; fresh.⁶²
凊凉[凊涼] hëin-lẽng
qìngliáng or dèin-lẽng jìngliáng cool; refreshing.¹⁴
凊暑 hëin-sī
qìngshǔ or dèin-sī jìngshǔ to allay the heat.¹⁴
<又> dèin.
(See 凊 dèin.)
hein2 6079
26 10 hëin qīng <old> high ranking official; term of endearment between spouses; (from the Tang Dynasty onwards) term used by the emperor for his subjects; honorific.
九卿 giū-hëin jiǔqīng <hist.> the nine great ministers of state.
国务卿[國務卿] gōk-mù-hëin
guówùqīng U.S. secretary of state.
公卿 güng-hëin
gōngqīng <hist.> high-ranking officials.
客卿 hāk-hëin
or häk-hëin kèqīng alien minister; a person from one feudal state serving in the court of another.⁸
卿卿 hëin-hëin
qīngqīng darling; my dear (between spouses).
卿卿我我 hëin-hëin-ngô-ngô
qīngqīngwǒwǒ to bill and coo; to be very much in love.
卿相 hëin-xëng
qīngxiàng a minister.
卿士 hëin-xù
qīngshì minister or high official.
爱卿[愛卿] öi-hëin
àiqīng dear wife; formerly, (ruler to minister) dear minister.¹¹
<又> hëng.
(See 卿 hëng.)
hein2 6080
35 14 hëin xiòng <wr.> remote, distant; long, long ago.⁶ to seek; preeminent, superior.⁷ pre-eminent; superior; to aim high; to scheme.¹⁴ Xiong surname.⁸ (variant: 敻 hëin xiòng with 攵 or 攴 at the bottom instead of 夂.)
(composition: ⿳⿱𠂊𠔿目夂; U+5910).
夐哉特立 hëin-döi-àk-lìp
xiòngzāitèlì he stood alone, pre-eminent.¹⁴
or 敻绝[敻絕] hëin-dùt xiòngjué peerless; second to none.⁷
夐乎尚矣 hëin-fũ-sèng-yì
xiònghūshàngyǐ he stood alone and peerless.¹⁴
or 敻古 hëin-gū xiònggǔ in remote antiquity.⁶
or 敻敻 hëin-hëin xiòngxiòng to look to a distance.²⁴
夐莫与京[夐莫與京] hëin-mòk-yî-gëin
xiòngmòyǔjīng there is no place comparable to the capital.¹⁴
(See 敻 hëin.)
hein2 6081
37 4 hëin tiān sky, heaven; god, celestial.⁸ (variants: 𠕹❄{⿱冖天}, 𠀡, 𠀘❄{⿱兀兀}, 𦴞❄{⿱艹⿻𦥑?; U+26D1E}, 兲, 靝).
天朝 hëin-chẽl
tiāncháo The Celestial Empire; China.³⁶
天子 hëin-dū
tiānzǐ the Son of Heaven – the emperor.⁵
天资[天資] hëin-dü
tiānzī (natural or inborn) talent/gift;  natural endowments.⁶
天花板 hëin-fä-bān
tiānhuābǎn ceiling.⁵
天方 Hëin-föng
Tiānfāng (old) Arabia; Arabian.¹⁰
天下 hëin-hà
tiānxià land under heaven – the world or China; rule, domination.⁵
天体[天體] hëin-hāi
tiāntǐ heavenly body; the nude.¹¹
天天 hëin-hëin
tiāntiān every day; daily; day in, day out.⁵
天气[天氣] hëin-hï
tiānqì weather.⁵
天空 hëin-hüng
tiānkōng the sky; the heavens.⁵
天主教 Hëin-jī-gäo
Tiānzhǔjiào Catholicism.⁵
天然淘汰 hëin-ngẽin-hõ-häi
tiānrán táotài natural selection.¹¹
天生 hëin-säng
tiānshēng born; inborn; inherent; innate.⁵
天晴了 hëin-tẽng-lēl
tiānqíngle the weather has cleared.¹⁴
天才 hëin-tõi
tiāncái genius; talent; gift; endowment.⁵
天仙子 hëin-xëin-dū
tiānxiānzi henbane Hyoscyamus niger (also called 莨菪 lõng-òng làngdàng).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
<又> hèin.
(See 天 hèin; 𠕹❄{⿱冖天}, 𠀡, 𠀘❄{⿱兀兀}, 𦴞❄{⿱艹⿻𦥑?; U+26D1E}, 兲, 靝 hëin).

hein2 6082
38 20 hëin qiān crafty; treacherous; fawning.³⁶ (Note: 孅 may also be read tïm xiān for this meaning).
(composition: ⿰女韱; U+5B45).
孅人 hëin-ngĩn
qiānrén or tïm-ngĩn xiānrén clever villain.⁵⁴
孅趋[孅趨] hëin-tuï
qiānqū or tïm-tuï xiānqū obsequious, overly deferential; flattering.⁵⁴
<又> tïm.
(See 孅 tïm).
hein2 6083
40 14 hëin qiān (same as 愆 hëin qiān <wr.> fault; transgression.⁵ make mistakes; overdue; suffer; flaw; a crime; misdemeanor, guilt.⁵⁴); a fault, a mistake; to exceed, to be more than, to surpass.⁸
(composition: ⿳宀⿳井一八心; U+3976).
<又> xāk.
(See 㥶 xāk).
hein2 6084
46 7 hëin qiān a mountain in 陕西[陝西] Sēm-xäi Shǎnxī Shaanxi Province.⁴ hein2 6085
61 13 hëin qiān <wr.> fault; transgression.⁵ make mistakes; overdue; suffer; flaw; a crime; misdemeanor, guilt.⁵⁴ (variants: 諐,㥶 hëin).
不愆不忘 būt-hëin-būt-mõng bùqiānbùwàng to make mistakes and not to forget.⁵⁴
愆序 hëin-duì
qiānxù out of sequence; out of season.¹⁴ unseasonable heat/cold.⁵⁴
愆过[愆過] hëin-gö
qiānguò <wr.> fault; mistake.⁵⁴
愆滞[愆滯] hëin-jài
qiānzhì hampered; detained beyond the time.¹⁴ be behind time/schedule.⁵⁴
愆期 hëin-kĩ
qiānqī <wr.> delay; exceed the time limit.⁶ fall behind schedule.⁵⁴
愆爽 hëin-sōng
qiānshuǎng fault; offense; mistake.⁵⁴
愆忒 hëin-tēik
qiāntè <wr.> sin; fault; transgression.¹¹
愆疴[愆痾] hëin-ü
or hëin-ö qiānkē a disaster or epidemic, ascribed to imbalance of yin and yang.¹¹
愆岁月[愆歲月] hëin-xuï-ngùt
qiānsuìyuè overdue years and months.⁵⁴
愆尤 hëin-yiũ
qiānyóu <wr.> fault; sin.⁶
盖愆[蓋愆] köi-hëin
gàiqiān hide the crime.⁵⁴
前愆 tẽin-hëin
qiánqiān <wr.> past faults/errors.⁶
王愆于厥身 võng-hëin-yï-kūt-sïn
wángqiānyújuéshēn the prince suffered from a bodily ailment.⁵⁴
有三愆 yiû-xäm-hëin
yǒusānqiān have three flaws.⁵⁴
(See 諐 hëin; 㥶 hëin).
hein2 6086
61 15 hëin qìng to celebrate.¹⁰ <old> clouds with five colors.¹¹³ (See 矞 lùt).
重庆[重慶] Chũng-hëin
Chóngqìng Chongqing city (Chungking), formerly in Sichuan province, a municipality since 1997, short name 渝 Yĩ Yú.¹⁰
节庆[節慶] dēik-hëin
jiéqìng festival.¹⁰
吉庆[吉慶] gīt-hëin
jíqìng auspicious; propitious; good fortune.¹⁰
庆典[慶典] hëin-ēin
qìngdiǎn celebration.¹⁰
庆禧[慶禧] hëin-hī
qìngxǐ to celebrate an auspicious or happy occasion.⁷
庆祝[慶祝] hëin-jūk
qìngzhù to celebrate.¹⁰
庆功[慶功] hëin-güng
qìnggōng celebrate a heroic deed.¹⁰
庆幸[慶幸] hëin-hàng
qìngxìng to rejoice; to be glad.¹⁰
庆贺[慶賀] hëin-hào
or hëin-hò qìnghè to congratulate; to celebrate.¹⁰
喜庆[喜慶] hī-hëin
xǐqìng jubilation; festive.¹⁰
hein2 6087
61 16 hëin xiàn statute; constitution.¹⁰
大宪章[大憲章] Ài-hëin-jëng Dàxiànzhāng Magna Carta.¹⁰
合宪[合憲] hàp-hëin
héxiàn to be constitutional; to be in compliance with the constitution.³⁶
宪兵[憲兵] hëin-bëin
xiànbīng military police.¹⁰
宪法[憲法] hëin-fāt
xiànfǎ constitution (of a country).¹⁰
宪政[憲政] hëin-jëin
xiànzhèng constitutional government.¹⁰
宪治[憲治] hëin-jì
xiànzhì rule of constitution.¹⁰
宪章[憲章] hëin-jëng
xiànzhāng charter.¹⁰
立宪[立憲] lìp-hëin
lìxiàn to set up a constitution.¹⁰
违宪[違憲] vĩ-hëin
wéixiàn unconstitutional.¹⁰
彝宪[彞憲] yĩ-hëin
yíxiàn laws; regulations; rules.¹⁰
hein2 6088
64 11 hëin xiān to lift (a cover).
掀翻 hëin-fän xiānfān to turn something over; to overturn.
掀风鼓浪[掀風鼓浪] hëin-füng-gū-lòng
xiānfēnggǔlàng to instigate; to fan the flames.
掀天 hëin-hëin
xiāntiān to rise to the sky (of billows).
掀天揭地 hëin-hëin-këik-ì
xiāntiānjiēdì earth-shaking.
掀起 hëin-hī
xiānqǐ to lift; to raise in height; to begin; upsurge; to set off (a campaign).
掀门帘[掀門簾] hëin-mõn-lẽm
xiānménlián to pull aside a door curtain.
掀动[掀動] hëin-ùng
xiāndòng to stir; to lift; to set in motion.
掀锅盖[掀鍋蓋] hëin-vö-gôi
xiānguōgài to lift the wok cover.
<又> hïm.
(See 掀 hïm.)
hein2 6089
64 12 hëin qiān firm, substantial; to drag along, to lead; interchangeable with 牵[牽] hëin qiān.¹⁴ firm, thick, substantial; to drag away; to hold, to strike.²⁴ sturdy.⁹⁴
(composition: ⿱臤手; U+6394).
掔好恶[掔好惡] hëin-häo-vü
qiānhàowù to give up one's likes and dislikes.⁵⁴
or 牵制[牽制] hëin-jäi qiānzhì to embarrass; to involve in difficulties; to hamper; obstruction.¹⁴
or 牵强[牽強] hëin-kêng qiānqiǎng forced, as an interpretation; unnatural.¹⁴
or 牵连[牽連] hëin-lẽin qiānlián to implicate; to compromise; to involve in a crime.¹⁴
掔纬[掔緯] hëin-vī
qiānwěi to tie firmly.⁵⁴
<又> vōn.
(See 掔 vōn).
hein2 6090
64 14 hëin qiān <wr.> pull out; (=褰 hëin qiān <wr.> lift up).⁶ extract; seize; pluck up.⁸ (old variant: 攓 hëin qiān).
搴旗 hëin-kĩ
qiānqí to capture a flag.¹¹
搴旗斩将[搴旗斬將] hëin-kĩ-jām-dëng
qiānqízhǎnjiàng lit. to pull up the enemy flag and kill the opposing general – to defeat the enemy decisively.⁷
搴旗取将[搴旗取將] (=搴旗斩将[搴旗斬將] hëin-kĩ-jām-dëng
qiānqízhǎnjiàng) hëin-kĩ-tuī-dëng qiānqíqǔjiàng lit. to pull up the enemy flag and kill the opposing general – to defeat the enemy decisively.⁷
(See 攓 hëin).
hein2 6091
64 19 hëin qiān ➀ <old>=褰 hëin qiān <wr.> lift up (the skirt, curtain).⁶ to lift or raise (one's dress, skirt); trousers, drawers, pants; to shrink.⁷ underclothing; to pick up one's skirts; leggings.⁸ under garments; to pick up the skirts.¹⁴
  contract, shrink; draw back, withdraw, recoil.⁵
➂ <old>=攑 hëin
qiān to lift up; to elevate.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌褰; U+6510).
(See 褰 hëin; 攑 hëin).
hein2 6092
64 19 hëin qiān to lift up; to elevate.²⁴ to lift.³⁶ (old variant: 攐 hëin qiān).
(composition: ⿰扌舉; U+6511).
(See 攐 hëin).
hein2 6093
64 20 hëin qiān ➀ (<old>=搴 hëin qiān <wr.> pull out; (=褰 hëin qiān <wr.> lift up).⁶ under garments; to pick up the skirts.¹⁴); choose, select  ➁ (<old>=攐 hëin qiān lift up the clothes.).⁸
(composition: ⿰扌蹇; U+6513).
(See 搴 hëin; 攐 hëin).
hein2 6094
66 15 hëin xiòng (=夐 hëin xiòng). <wr.> remote, distant; long, long ago.⁶ to seek; preeminent, superior.⁷ pre-eminent; superior; to aim high; to scheme.¹⁴ Xiong surname.⁸ (This character has 攵 or 攴 at the bottom whereas 夐 has 夂 at the bottom).
(composition: ⿳⿱𠂊𠔿目攵; U+657B).
or 夐绝[夐絕] hëin-dùt xiòngjué peerless; second to none.⁷
or 夐古 hëin-gū xiònggǔ in remote antiquity.⁶
or 夐夐 hëin-hëin xiòngxiòng to look to a distance.²⁴
(See 夐 hëin.)
hein2 6095
75 8 hëin xiān (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 锨[杴] hïm xiān with same meaning.)
<又> hïm.
(See 杴 hïm; 鍁 hëin; 鍁 hïm.)
hein2 6096
84 11 hëin qīng hydrogen (H).⁶
氢弹[氫彈] hëin-àn qīngdàn hydrogen bomb; H bomb.⁶
氢化[氫化] hëin-fä
qīnghuà hydrogenate.⁶
氢氟酸[氫氟酸] hëin-fūt-xön
qīngfúsuān hydrofluoric acid.⁶
氢气[氫氣] hëin-hï
qīngqì hydrogen.⁶
氢气球[氫氣球] hëin-hï-kiũ
qīngqìqiú hydrogen balloon.⁶
氢离子[氫離子] hëin-lĩ-dū
qīnglízi hydrogen ion.⁶
氢氯酸[氫氯酸] hëin-lùk-xön
qīnglǜsuān hydrochloric acid.⁶
氢氧[氫氧] hëin-yêng
qīngyǎng oxyhydrogen.⁶
氢氧焰[氫氧焰] hëin-yêng-yèm
qīngyǎngyàn oxyhydrogen flame.⁶
hein2 6097
85 7 hëin qiān name of a river in Shangdong; marsh; float.⁸
汧水 Hëin-suī Qiānshuǐ old name for present-day 千河 Tëin-hõ Qiānhé Qianhe River, flowing from 甘肃[甘肅] Gäm-xūk Gānsù Gansu Province, entering the 渭河 Vì-hõ Wèihé Wei River in 陕西[陝西] Sēm-xäi Shǎnxī Shaanxi Province.⁸
汧阳[汧陽] Hëin-yẽng
Qiānyáng Qian County, in Shaanxi Province (陕西[陝西] Sēm-xäi Shǎnxī), now called 千阳 [千陽] Tëin-yẽng Qiānyáng.
hein2 6098
85 12 hëin qìng (=㵾 hëin qìng cold; chilly.⁸); cold.⁸ cold, chilly.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵訇; U+6E39).
何乃渹! hõ-nâi-hëin
hénǎiqìng How fresh!⁵⁴
<又> gäng.
(See 渹 gäng; 㵾 hëin).
hein2 6099
85 18 hëin qìng cold; chilly.⁸ʼ³⁶ cold, frigid.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵靚; U+3D7E).
<又> dèng. (See 㵾 dèng).
hein2 6100
86 11 hëin tīng hydrocarbon.⁸
烃基[烴基] hëin-gï tīngjī hydrocarbon radical.⁶
烃基醇[烴基醇] hëin-gï-sũn
tīngjīchún hydrocarbon alcohol.⁶
烃气[烴氣] hëin-hï
tīngqì hydrocarbon gas.¹⁹
烃蜡[烴蠟] hëin-làp
tīnglà hydrocarbon wax.¹⁰
hein2 6101
86 15 hëin qǐng to bake or dry by fire.⁸ fire drying anything up.²⁴
<台> 㷫 hëin to warm or dry something by slow fire or heat; hot, scalding, feverish; angry, furious, ferocious.
<台> 㷫热[㷫熱] hëin-ngèik to heat up (usually food).
hein2 6102
93 11 hëin qiān to pull (an animal on a tether); to lead along; to hold hands.¹⁰
牵扯[牽扯] hëin-chēh qiānchě to drag in (others, details) into topic of conversation.¹¹
牵肠挂肚[牽腸掛肚] hëin-chẽng-kä-ū
qiānchángguàdù to be deeply concerned, to cause deep personal concern.¹¹
牵就[牽就] hëin-diù
or 迁就[遷就] tëin-diù qiānjiù to yield; to adapt to; to accommodate to (something).¹⁰
牵制[牽制] hëin-jäi
qiānzhì to control; to curb; to restrict; to impede; to pin down (enemy troops).¹⁰
牵强[牽強] hëin-kêng
qiānqiǎng forced (interpretation); farfetched.⁵
牵连[牽連] hëin-lẽin
qiānlián to implicate; implicated; to link together.¹⁰
牽牛花 hëin-ngẽo-fä
qiānniúhuā picotee morning glory, ivy morning glory, Japanese morning glory Ipomoea nil (syn. Pharbitis nil); Aliases: 喇叭花 lä-bā-fä lǎbahuā; 牽牛 hëin-ngẽo qiānniú; 朝颜[朝顏] jël-ngãn zhāoyán.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
牵涉[牽涉] hëin-sèp
qiānshè to involve; implicated.¹⁰
牵手[牽手] hëin-siū
qiānshǒu to hold hands.¹⁰ to lead by hand.¹¹
牵引[牽引] hëin-yîn
qiānyǐn to pull; to draw (a cart); to tow.¹⁰
hein2 6103
96 14 hëin tiàn <old> a jade ornament on an official hat that falls to the ears and could be used to plug the ears.⁹  jade ear-plug.³⁵
<又> jïn. (See 瑱 jïn.)
hein2 6104
109 9 hëin tiān to look up to; to respect.⁸ to look up; to behold; to look angrily.²⁴
(composition: ⿰目天; U+4016).
hein2 6105
112 16 hëin qìng chime stone; inverted bell (a Buddhist percussion instrument).⁵
特磬 àk-hëin tèqìng a musical stone suspended by one string.²⁵
or 罄竭 hëin-gèik qìngjié used up; exhausted; emptied.⁷
磬折 hëin-jēt
qìngzhé humpbacked or bent as a chiming stone.⁷
磬氏 hëin-sì
qìngshì a workman who makes musical stones.⁷
玉磬 ngùk-hëin
yùqìng a musical instrument formed of jade.²⁵
编磬[編磬] pëin-hëin
biānqìng a chime of sixteen stones in two rows.¹⁴
hein2 6106
113 8 hëin xiān Ormazd, the supreme deity of the Zoroastrianism.⁷ the term used during the Tang dynasty to denote the god of the Zoroastrians; it was also adopted by the Manicheans.¹⁴
火祆 fō-hëin huǒxiān the fire-god of Zoroastrianism.¹⁴
祆教 hëin-gäo
xiānjiào Zoroastrianism; Mazdaism.⁶
祆教徒 hëin-gäo-hũ
xiānjiào tú parsee.¹⁰
祆正 hëin-jëin
xiānzhèng an official appointed during the Tang dynasty to take charge of the worship in Mongolia and the outer dpendencies.¹⁴
hein2 6107
120 12 hëin tīng <old> silk braided cord.¹⁰ the silk ribbon with a piece of jade attached.¹⁹ʼ⁰ (variant: 𦀚❄{⿰糹呈} hëin).
(composition: ⿰糹廷; U+7D8E).
搢綎 dün-hëin
jìntīng (of officials) tie the jade to the body.¹⁹
(See 𦀚❄{⿰糹呈} hëin).
hein2 6108
120 13 𦀚
hëin tīng (=綎 hëin tīng)² silk braided cord.¹⁰ the silk ribbon with a piece of jade attached.¹⁹ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰糹呈; U+2601A).
(See 綎 hëin).
hein2 6109
120 14 hëin qìng articulation of the joints.¹⁴
肯綮 hāng-hëin kěnqǐng the main point; the gist.⁷ meat joints; (fig.) critical or important juncture, essential points.¹¹
深中肯綮 sïm-jüng-hāng-hëin
shēnzhòngkěnqǐng to hit the nail right on the head.³⁹
<又> kāi.
(See 綮 kāi.)
hein2 6110
120 17 hëin
qiàn (=纤[纖] hëin qiàn) boatman's tow-rope.
(See 纖 tïm, hëin.)
hein2 6111
120 23 hëin
qiàn towline; towing line; towrope; towing rope.⁶
(variants: 纤[縴], 纎 hëin qiàn.)
or 纤板[縴板] hëin-bān qiànbǎn a tracking yoke.⁶
or 纤夫[縴夫] hëin-fü qiànfū a boat tower.⁷
or 纤户[縴戶] hëin-fù qiànhù workers who tow boats; boat towers.⁷
or 纤路[縴路] hëin-lù qiànlù towpath; towing path; track road.⁶
or 纤马[縴馬] hëin-mâ  qiànmǎ to lead a horse.⁷
or 纤绳[縴繩] hëin-sẽin qiànshéng towline; towing line; towrope; towing rope.⁶
or 纤手[縴手] hëin-siū  qiànshǒu <trad.> real estate broker; estate agent.⁶
or 拉纤[拉縴] läi-hëin lāqiàn tow (a boat); act as broker/middle man/go-between.⁶
<又> tïm.
(See 纖 tïm; 縴 hëin; 纎 hëin).
hein2 6112
121 17 hëin qìng to exhaust; to use up; to empty.⁷
告罄 gäo-hëin gàoqìng (of a supply) to run out or become exhausted.⁷
罄笔难书[罄筆難書] hëin-bīt-nãn-sï
qìngbǐnánshū (of atrocities or misdeeds) too numerous to be cited.⁷
罄尽[罄盡] hëin-dìn
qìngjìn <wr.> with nothing left; all used up.⁵
or 磬竭 hëin-gèik qìngjié used up; exhausted; emptied.⁷
罄匮[罄匱] hëin-gì
qìngkuì used-up; exhausted.⁷
罄竹难书[罄竹難書] hëin-jūk-nãn-sï
qìngzhúnánshū (of crimes) too numerous to be recorded fully even if all the available bamboos are used up.⁷
罄其所有 hëin-kĩ-sō-yiû
qìngqísuǒyǒu empty one's purse; offer all one has.⁶
罄然 hëin-ngẽin
qìngrán well disciplined.¹⁰
罄身 hëin-sïn
qìngshēn nudity; nakedness.¹⁰ <wr.> stripped of clothing.¹¹
瓶罄罍耻[瓶罄罍恥] pêng-hëin-luĩ-chī
píngqìngléichǐ It is a disgrace to let one's parents live in poverty in their old age.⁵⁴
hein2 6113
128 17 hëin tīng (=聽 hëin tīng) hear, listen; understand; obey.⁸
<又> hëng.
(See 聽 hëin; 聽 hëng; 聴 hëng.)
hein2 6114
128 22 hëin tīng (<文读> hëin tīng; <Taiwan> tìng; <白读> hëng tīng) hear, listen; understand; obey.⁸ (variant: 聴 hëin or hëng tīng).
听候吩咐[聽候吩咐] hëin-hèo-fün-fü
tīnghòu fēnfù to be at someone's service.³⁹
听讼[聽訟] hëin-dùng
tīngsòng <wr.> to administer justice; to hear a case (in a court of law).
听说[聽說] hëin-sōt
tīngshuō to listen and speak; listening and speaking; to hear, to learn of, to be told;  to heed what an elder or superior says; to be obedient.
听阈[聽閾] hëin-vèik
tīngyù auditory threshold.⁶
<又> hëng.
(See 聽 hëng; 聴 hëin; 聴 hëng.)
hein2 6115
130 9 hëin qìng 胜遇 hëin-nguì qìngyù “name of a mythical bird”.
(composition: ⿰⺼生; U+80DC).
Note: the simplified form of 勝 sëin
shèng looks the same as 胜. This character 胜 (⿰⺼生 with the "meat" radical) and 胜 (⿰月生 with the "moon" radical) are rendered exactly the same with the same Unicode codepoint.
<又> xëin, säng.
(See 胜 xëin; 胜 säng; 胜[勝] sëin).
hein2 6116
134 16 hëin xìng mood or desire to do something; interest; excitement.⁵
高兴[高興] gäo-hëin gāoxìng glad, happy, cheerful; be willing to, be happy to.⁵
兴高采烈[興高采烈] hëin-gäo-tōi-lèik
xìnggāocǎiliè in high spirits; in great delight; jubilant.⁵
兴头[興頭] hëin-hẽo
xìngtóu enthusiasm; keen interest.⁵
兴头上[興頭上] hëin-hẽo-sèng
xìngtóushang at the height of one's enthusiasm.⁵
兴致[興致] hëin-jï
xìngzhì interest; mood to enjoy.⁵
兴致勃勃[興致勃勃] hëin-jï-bòt-bòt
xìngzhìbóbó full of zest.⁵
兴灭[興滅] hëin-mèik
xìngmiè rise and fall (of a state).⁵⁴
兴味[興味] hëin-mì
xìngwèi interest.⁵
兴趣[興趣] hëin-tuï
xìngqù interest.⁵
兴会[興會] hëin-vòi
xìnghuì a sudden flash of inspiration; brain wave.⁵
助兴[助興] jò-hëin
zhùxìng liven things up; add to the fun.⁵
扫兴[掃興] xäo-hëin
sǎoxìng have one's spirits dampened; feel disappointed.⁵
(See 興 [hëin, xīng].)

hein2 6117
134 16 hëin xīng prosper, rise, prevail, become popular; start, begin; encourage, promote; <wr.> get up, rise; <topo.> permit, allow; <topo.> maybe, perhaps.⁵ Xing surname.⁸
兴办[興辦] hëin-bàn xīngbàn initiate; set up.⁵
兴邦[興邦] hëin-böng
xīngbāng to make a country strong.¹¹
兴奋[興奮] hëin-fûn
xīngfèn excited, elated.¹¹
兴建[興建] hëin-gèin
xīngjiàn build; construct.⁵
兴风作浪[興風作浪] hëin-füng-dōk-lòng
xīngfēngzuòlàng stir up trouble; fan the flames of disorder.⁵
兴替[興替] hëin-häi
xīngtì <wr.> rise and fall.⁵
兴起[興起] hëin-hī
xīngqǐ  rise; spring up; be on the upgrade.⁵
兴亡[興亡] hëin-mõng
xīng-wáng rise and fall (of a nation).⁵
兴旺[興旺] hëin-vòng
xīngwàng prosperous; flourishing; thriving.⁶
兴师[興師] hëin-xü
xīngshī <wr.> send an army; dispatch troops.⁵
兴师动众[興師動眾] hëin-xü-ùng-jüng
xīngshīdòngzhòng move troops about and stir up the people – drag in many people (to do something).⁵
(See 興 [hëin, xìng].)
hein2 6118
140 9 hëin tiān (<old>=天 hëin tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial.⁸ (ancient form of 天) the sky, the heaven; Nature, God; day.³⁶ (composition: ⿱艹曳; U+44B6).
(See 天 hëin.)
hein2 6119
140 12 𦴞
hëin tiān (<old>=天 hëin tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial.⁸ (composition: ⿱艹⿻𦥑*; U+26D1E).
(Note: the third component, indicated by the *, is like 戈 fö
without the horizontal stroke 一 and the dot 丶).
(See 天 hëin.)
hein2 6120 26D1E.gif
145 16 hëin qiān <wr.> lift up (the skirt, curtain).⁶ to lift or raise (one's dress, skirt); trousers, drawers, pants; to shrink.⁷ underclothing; to pick up one's skirts; leggings.⁸ under garments; to pick up the skirts.¹⁴ (old variant: 攐 hëin qiān).
Dū-fì-xü-ngô, hëin-sẽng-sèp-jün.
Zi huì sī wǒ, qiān cháng shè qín.
If you, Sir, think kindly of me,
I will hold up my lower garments, and cross the Zhen.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·鄭風·褰裳》, translated by James Legge).
褰裳 hëin-sẽng
qiāncháng to lift up skirts (as in wading a river).⁷
褰裳涉溱 hëin-sẽng-sèp-jün
qiānchángshèzhēn to lift the skirts when crossing a brook.¹⁴
(See 攐 hëin).
hein2 6121
149 15 hëin qiān (=愆 hëin qiān) <wr.> fault; transgression.⁵
(See 愆 hëin).
hein2 6122
149 18 hëin qǐng to cough slightly.⁷ to speak softly.⁸ to cough; to speak softly.¹⁴
久违謦欬[久違謦欬] giū-vĩ-hëin-köi jiǔwéiqǐngkài We haven’t talked and laughed together for a long time.⁷ (Compare with 久违声欬[久違聲欬] giū-vĩ-sëin-köi, q.v.)
謦欬 hëin-köi
qǐngkài <wr.> cough; make light conversation.⁶ talking and laughing.⁷ tone of voice – loud and soft.¹⁴ (Note: possible derived term: 倾偈[傾偈]).
謦欬不他逸 hëin-köi-būt-hä-yìt
qǐngkàibùtāyì the lightest sound was not lost.¹⁴
hein2 6123
159 10 hëin xuān <wr.> high, lofty; a small room or veranda with windows; high-fronted curtained carriage used in ancient times; <wr.> window or door.⁵ Xuan surname.⁸
轩敞[軒敞] hëin-chōng xuānchǎng spacious and bright.⁵
轩驾[軒駕] hëin-gä
xuānjià emperor's carriage.⁷
轩骞[軒騫] hëin-hëin
xuānqiān soaring aloft.¹¹
轩轩自得[軒軒自得] hëin-hëin-dù-āk
xuānxuānzìdé to be delighted and satisfied with oneself.⁷
轩轾[軒輊] hëin-jï
xuānzhì high or low; good or bad.⁵ different, difference.¹¹
轩豁[軒豁] hëin-köt
xuānhuò open, spacious; sanguine.⁶
轩槛[軒檻] hëin-lâm
xuānjiàn railings of a balcony.⁷
轩朗[軒朗] hëin-lông
xuānlǎng bright and airy; (of a room) sunny.⁶
轩冕[軒冕] hëin-mêin
xuānmiǎn chariot and crown (symbols of important people); fig. royals and dignitaries.¹⁰
轩眉[軒眉] hëin-mĩ
xuānméi <wr.> raise one's eyebrows.⁶
轩然[軒然] hëin-ngẽin
xuānrán smiling, delighted; lofty.⁷
轩然大波[軒然大波] hëin-ngẽin-ài-bö
xuānrándàbō a big, crushing wave; (fig.) a crisis.¹¹
轩昂[軒昂] hëin-ngõng
xuān'áng dignified; imposing.⁵
轩辕[軒轅] Hëin-yõn
Xuānyuán personal name of Huangdi, the Yellow Emperor 黄帝; Xuan surname.¹⁰
hein2 6124
159 14 hëin qīng light (weight); small in number or degree; not important; gently, softly; rashly; belittle, make light of.⁵
轻便[輕便] hëin-bèin qīngbiàn light; portable.⁵
轻薄[輕薄] hëin-bòk
qīngbó given to philandering; frivolous.⁵
轻车熟路[輕車熟路] hëin-chëh-sùk-lù
qīngchēshúlù (drive in) a light carriage on a familiar road – (do) something one knows well and can manage with ease.⁵
轻疾[輕疾] hëin-dìp
qīngjí hasty, fast; lightweight, agile.⁵⁴
轻敌[輕敵] hëin-èik
qīngdí underestimate the enemy.⁵
轻风[輕風] hëin-füng
qīngfēng <met.> light breeze.⁵
轻重[輕重] hëin-jùng
qīngzhòng weight; degree of seriousness; propriety.⁵
轻骑兵[輕騎兵] hëin-kĩ-bëin
qīngqíbīng light cavalry.⁵
轻蔑[輕蔑] hëin-mèik
qīngmiè to despise.¹¹
轻而易举[輕而易舉] hëin-ngĩ-yì-guī
qīng'éryìjǔ easy to do.⁵
轻飘[輕飄] hëin-pël
qīngpiāo frivolous, capricious; light.⁵
轻生[輕生] hëin-säng
qīngshēng make light of one's life – commit suicide.⁵
轻伤[輕傷] hëin-sëng
qīngshāng slight/flesh wound.⁵
轻视[輕視] hëin-sì
qīngshì despise; look down on.⁵
轻松[輕鬆] hëin-xüng
qīngsōng light, relaxed.⁵
轻易[輕易] hëin-yì
qīngyì easily; lightly, rashly.⁵
<又> hëng.
(See 輕 hëng.)
hein2 6125
167 15 hëin xiàn 铣鋧[銑鋧] xēin-hëin or xēin-yèn xǐxiàn small spear; small chisel.⁸
<又> yèn.
(See 鋧 yèn.)
hein2 6126
167 16 hëin xiān (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 锨[鍁] hïm xiān with same meaning.)
<又> hïm.
(See 鍁 hïm; 杴 hëin; 杴 hïm.)
hein2 6127
174 14 hëin qìng 靘 hëin qìng is synonymous with 靘䒌 hëin-mèin qìngmìng and 䒌靘 mèin-hëin mìngqìng (see below).³⁶
(composition: ⿰青色; U+9758).
<old>=靘䒌 hëin-mèin
qìngmìng <lit.> Synonym of 䒌靘 (mèin-hëin mìngqìng, “dark blue”).³⁶
<old>=䒌靘 mèin-hëin
mìngqìng a dark green color.²⁵ <lit.> dark blue; <lit.> to make dark blue; (<lit.>, figuratively) 混沌 vùn-ùn hùndùn hundun; chaos.³⁶
<又> dèin, tëin.
(See 靘 dèin, 靘 tëin).
hein2 6128
174 18 hëin tiān (=天 hëin tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial.⁸ <Dao> the heaven.⁷
(See 天 hëin).
hein2 6129
177 16 hëin tīng belt; waistband; girdle.⁸
(composition: ⿰革呈; U+9793).
hein2 6130
186 20 hëin xīn pervasive fragrance. (old variant: 馫 hëin xīn)
德馨远播[德馨遠播] āk-hëin-yōn-bö
déxīnyuǎnbō moral conduct that has wide influence.
赤素馨花 chēik-xü-hëin-fä
chìsùxīnhuā frangipani.¹⁹
馨香 hëin-hëng
xīnxiāng <wr.> fragrance; smell of burning incense.
馨香馥郁 hëin-hëng-fūk-yūk
xīnxiāngfùyù be very fragrant.³⁹
馨香万世[馨香萬世] hëin-hëng-màn-säi
xīnxiāngwànshì one's fame is handed down to myriad generations.
馨逸 hëin-yìt
xīnyì perfume extending a long distance.
如兰之馨[如蘭之馨] nguĩ-lãn-jï-hëin
rúlánzhīxīn like the scent of orchids.
清馨 tëin-hëin
qīngxīn <wr.> fresh/delicate (of aroma).
温馨[溫馨] vün-hëin
wēnxīn warm and fragrant.
素馨 xü-hëin
sùxīn <bot.> jasmine.⁶
(See 馫 hëin).
hein2 6131
186 27 hëin xīn (<old>=馨 hëin xīn) fragrant, aromatic.³⁶ a fragrant smell.²⁵
hein2 6132
187 20 hëin qiān <wr.> hold high up; (=搴 hëin qiān pull out).⁶ to raise high, to uplift; to soar, to fly, to rise; to pull up; frightened.⁷
骞举[騫舉] hëin-guī
qiānjǔ to soar.⁷
骞腾[騫騰] hëin-hãng
qiānténg to soar high or go up (especially in officialdom).⁷
骞骞[騫騫] hëin-hëin
qiānqiān (descriptive of flying) flapping; willful and disrespectful.⁷
轩骞[軒騫] hëin-hëin
xuānqiān soaring aloft.¹¹
骞旗[騫旗] hëin-kĩ
qiānqí hold up flag; (=搴旗 hëin-kĩ qiānqí) capture a flag.¹¹
骞旗斩将[騫旗斬將] hëin-kĩ-jām-dëng
qiānqízhǎnjiàng to pull up enemy flags and behead enemy generals on the battlefield.⁷
骞污[騫污] hëin-vü
qiānwū  <wr.> be sullied in reputation.¹¹
hein2 6133
8 9 hẽin tíng a booth, a pavilion, a garden house or rest house; slim and erect; exactly, during.⁷ pavilion; erect.⁸
报亭[報亭] bäo-hẽin bàotíng kiosk; newsstand.¹⁰
亭子 hẽin-dū
tíngzi a pavilion.⁷
亭亭 hẽin-hẽin
tíngtíng gracefully erect; erect, upright; graceful.⁵⁴
亭亭玉立 hẽin-hẽin-ngùk-lìp
tíngtíngyùlì (said of women, especially young ladies) slim and graceful.⁷ (of young lady) standing gracefully; stands very straight.¹¹ slim and graceful (of women); tall and erect (of trees).⁵⁴
亭台楼阁[亭臺樓閣] hẽin-hõi-lẽo-gōk
tíngtáilóugé a general reference to the elaborate Chinese architecture.⁷ pavilions, terraces and open halls; airy pavilions and pagodas; pavilions, terraces and towers; pavilions, terraces and towers; general reference to elaborate Chinese architecture.⁵⁴
亭长[亭長] hẽin-jēng
tíngzhǎng <hist.> a village constable (of the Qin and Han dynasties).⁷
亭午 hẽin-m̂
tíngwǔ high noon.⁷
or 停匀[停勻] hẽin-vũn tíngyún <wr.> well blended or proportioned.
凉亭[涼亭] lẽng-hẽin
liángtíng wayside sheltered pavilion; summer house; kiosk.
hein3 6134
9 7 hẽin tián 佃作 hẽin-dōk tiánzuò <wr.> farm as a tenant.
<又> èin.
(See 佃 èin.)
hein3 6135
9 11 hẽin tíng to stop; to halt; to park (a car).¹⁰
不停 būt-hẽin bùtíng without stop.⁹
停泊 hẽin-bòk
tíngbó lie at anchor.⁵ anchor, moor; berth.⁶
停车[停車] hẽin-chëh
tíngchē stop, pull up; park; (of a machine) stall, stop working.⁵
停车场[停車場] hẽin-chëh-chẽng
tíngchēchǎng parking lot; parking area; car park.⁵
停滞[停滯] hẽin-jài
tíngzhì stagnate; be at a standstill; bog down; be held up.⁶
停滞不前[停滯不前]  hẽin-jài-būt-tẽin 
tíngzhìbùqián remain stagnant; come to or reach a stalemate; be at a standstill.⁶
停止 hẽin-jī
tíngzhǐ stop; cease; halt; suspend; call off.⁵
停留 hẽin-liũ
tíngliú stay for a time; stop; remain.⁵
停駛[停駛] hẽin-sōi
tíngshǐ stop engine (of ship).¹¹
停顿[停頓] hẽin-ùn
tíngdùn stop, halt, pause, be at a standstill; pause (in speaking).⁵
or 亭匀[亭勻] hẽin-vũn tíngyún <wr.> (of the human figure) well-proportioned, well-balanced; (of a rhythm of a melody) regular, balanced.⁵
马不停蹄[馬不停蹄] mâ-būt-hẽin-hãi
mǎbùtíngtí hurried journey without stop.¹¹
hein3 6136
32 13 hẽin tián to fill or stuff; (of a form) to fill in.¹⁰
悲愤填膺[悲憤填膺] bï-fûn-hẽin-yëin bēifèntiányīng be filled with grief and indignation.⁵
充填 chüng-hẽin
chōngtián to fill up.⁸
填鸭[填鴨] hẽin-äp
tiányā forced feeding of duck for rapid growth; to cram information into student's head as one form of “education”.
填补[填補] hẽin-bū
tiánbǔ to fill (a vacancy).
填充 hẽin-chüng
tiánchōng  to fill up; to stuff; to fill in blanks (in a test paper).¹
填房 hẽin-fông
tiánfáng to marry a widowe; second wife after the first wife's death.
填空 hẽin-hüng
tiánkòng fill a vacancy; fill in the blanks.⁹
填地 hẽin-ì
tiándì landfill.
填满[填滿] hẽin-mōn
tiánmǎn to fill out.
填平 hẽin-pẽin
tiánpíng to fill and level up.
填写[填寫] hẽin-xēh
tiánxiě to fill in a form.
装填[裝填] jöng-hẽin
zhuāngtián to stuff; to ram in.
hein3 6137
38 12 hẽin tíng pretty; attractive; graceful.⁷
婷婷 hẽin-hẽin tíngtíng graceful and erect.⁶
婷婷玉立 hẽin-hẽin-ngùk-lìp
tíngtíngyùlì delicate and graceful. ⁶
袅袅婷婷[裊裊婷婷] nêl-nêl-hẽin-hẽin niǎoniǎotíngtíng (of a lady's gait) graceful; lissome.⁶
娉婷 pëin-hẽin
pīngtíng <wr.> (of the demeanor of a woman) slender and elegant; graceful and charming.⁶
娉婷玉貌 pëin-hẽin-ngùk-mào
pīngtíngyùmào slender, beautiful figure.¹¹
hein3 6138
53 广 9 hẽin tíng front courtyard, front yeard; law court.⁵
大庭广众[大庭廣眾] ài-hẽin-gōng-jüng dàtíngguǎngzhòng (before) a big crowd; (on) a public occassion.⁵
法庭 fāt-hẽin
fǎtíng court; tribunal.⁵
分庭抗礼[分庭抗禮] fün-hẽin-köng-lâi
fēntíngkànglǐ peer competition; to function as rivals; to make claims as an equal.¹⁰
家庭 gä-hẽin
jiātíng family; household; house and home.⁸
庭长[庭長] hẽin-jēng
tíngzhǎng <trad.> the president of a law court; presiding judge.⁵
庭燎 hẽin-lẽl
tíngliáo <wr.> public square lighted by torch at night.¹¹
庭闱[庭闈] hẽin-vĩ
tíngwéi <wr.> parents' living quarters; parents.¹¹
庭园[庭園] hẽin-yõn
tíngyuán flower garden; grounds.⁵
庭院 hẽin-yòn
tíngyuàn courtyard.⁵
民庭 mĩn-hẽin
míntíng a civil court.⁵
hein3 6139
54 6 hẽin tíng imperial court; monarchical government.⁶
阿根廷 Ä-gïn-hẽin Āgēntíng Argentina.
教廷 gäo-hẽin
Jiàotíng Vatican, Papacy; Holy See.¹¹
宫廷弄臣[宮廷弄臣] güng-hẽin-lùng-sĩn
gōngtíng nòngchén court jester; court fool.⁵⁴
廷布 hẽin-bü
tíngbù Thimphu (capital of Bhutan).⁶
廷魁 hẽin-föi
tíngkuí the first on the list at the palace examination for the third degree, under the old system.¹⁴
廷寄 hẽin-gï
tíngjì a confidential letter sent directly from the palace to the highest provincial officials.¹⁴
廷争[廷爭] hẽin-jäng
tíngzhēng controversy at court.¹⁴
廷杖 hẽin-jèng
tíngzhàng flog with a long stick at court (as a punishment in feudal China).⁶
廷议[廷議] hẽin-ngì
tíngyì discussions at court.¹⁴
廷试[廷試] hẽin-sï
tíngshì imperial examination.⁶
廷对[廷對] hẽin-uï
tíngduì answer questions openly at court; palace examination.⁶
廷尉 hẽin-vï
tíngwèi former title for the governor of a jail.¹⁴
面折廷争[面折廷爭] mèin-jēt-hẽin-jäng
miànzhétíngzhēng suggest in person and argue in court – said of a loyal counsellor who gives admonition to the emperor in person; debate (argue) before the emperor in court.⁵⁴
清廷 tëin-hẽin
Qīngtíng the Manchu court.¹¹
hein3 6140
75 13 hẽin tíng Pyrus ussuriensis (Manchurian pear) tree.³⁶ the wild pear.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木亭; U+695F).
楟花 hẽin-fä
tínghuā peach blossoms; a thorn.²⁴
hein3 6141
85 12 hẽin tíng (of water) stagnate; be blocked.⁶ (of water) not flowing; clear.⁸ stagnant water.¹⁰
渟渟 hẽin-hẽin tíngtíng calm, tranquil water.⁸
渟澂 hẽin-chẽin
tíngchéng calm and clear water.⁸
hein3 6142
85 13 hẽin tián (=填 hẽin tián) to fill or stuff; (of a form) to fill in.¹⁰
滇滇 hẽin-hẽin
tiántián overflowing.⁷
<又> ëin.
(See 滇 ëin; 填 hẽin.)
hein3 6143
86 9 hẽin tián dry land (often used in Japanese names).⁵⁴
hein3 6144
102 5 hẽin tián Kangxi radical 102; field, arable land, cultivated.⁸ field; farm; Tian surname.¹⁰
田畴[田疇] hẽin-chiũ tiánchóu <wr.> farmland.¹¹
田菁 hẽin-dëin
or hẽin-tëin tiánjīng sesbania.⁶
田凫[田鳧] hẽin-fũ
tiánfú lapwing.⁶
田鸡[田雞] hẽin-gäi
tiánjī sora, sora rail; frog.⁶
田间[田間] hẽin-gän
tiánjiān field, farm; countryside.⁶
田径[田徑] hẽin-gèin
tiánjìng track and field (athletics).¹⁰
田田 hẽin-hẽin
tiántián <wr.> (of lotus leaves floating on water) graceful.⁶
田地 hẽin-ì
tiándì farmland; situation (usually bad).¹¹
田螺 hẽin-lũ
tiánluó river snail.⁶
田七 hẽin-tīt
tiánqī or 三七 xäm-tīt sānqī pseudo-ginseng.⁶
田蟋蟀 hẽin-xēik-xūt
tiánxīshuài field cricket.²⁹
田野 hẽin-yêh
tiányě fields; open country.⁶ (See <台> 田野 hẽin-nëh).
田园[田園] hẽin-yõn
tiányuán farm garden, rustic home.¹¹
<台> 田鸡[田雞] hẽin-gäi/ frog.
<台> 田基 hẽin-gî raised footpath between rice paddies.
<台> 田螺 hẽin-lû/ snail.
<台> 田野 hẽin-nëh a thing.
(See 田野 hẽin-yêh tiányě).
<台> 田洞 hẽin-ùng valley (of farms).
<台> 田心 Hẽin-xîm place name in 台山 Hõi-sän Táishān.
hein3 6145
102 9 hẽin tián hunt; till/cultivate (the land).⁶
出畋 chūt-hẽin chūtián to go huntng.⁴
or 田猎[田獵] hẽin-lèp tiánliè go hunting.⁶
畋食 hẽin-sèik
tiánshí to live by agriculture.¹⁴ to get one's bread by farming.²⁴
hein3 6146
109 14 hẽin tíng secretion of the eye.²ʼ³⁶
(composition: ⿰目亭; U+404E).
<又> chäng, chãng. (See 䁎 chäng, 䁎 chãng).
hein3 6147
116 11 𥥶
hẽin tíng a cavern.²⁵
(composition: ⿱穴廷; U+25976).

hein3 6148
118 12 hẽin tíng bamboo pole; spindle.¹⁰ a spindle, or spinning wheel; a small kind of bamboo, used for striking a bell;  to divine by tying up bundles of straw and breaking bamboos. Also a basket, and the beam of a house.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗廷; U+7B73).
筳篅 hẽin-chūn tíngchuán a method of divination used by the ancient people of 楚 chō chǔ Chu.¹⁹
筳席 hẽin-dèik
tíngxí or 酒席 diū-dèik jiǔxí a banquet.¹¹
筳子 hẽin-dū
tíngzǐ or 锭子[錠子] èin-dū dìngzǐ spindle.¹¹
筳篿 hẽin-jön
tíngzhuān or 筳篅 hẽin-chūn tíngchuán a method of divination used by the ancient people of 楚 chō chǔ Chu.¹⁹
hein3 6149
130 13 𦝞
hẽin tíng dried meat.²⁵
(composition: ⿰月亭; U+2675E).
hein3 6150
140 9 hẽin tíng herb stem.
花莛儿[花莛兒] fä-hẽin-ngĩ huātíngr flower stalk.
麦莛[麥莛] màk-hẽin
màitíng stalks of wheat.⁶
hein3 6151
140 12 hẽin tíng Draba nemorosa bebe carpa.¹⁰ a kind of grass, Draba nemorosa, var. hebecarpa.¹¹
(composition: ⿱艹亭; U+8476).
葶苈[葶藶] hẽin-lèik
tínglì woolly draba; Draba nemorosa.
葶苈子[葶藶子] hẽin-lèik-dū
tínglìzǐ seed of the Lepidium (A seed used in TCM, traditional Chinese medicine.)³⁶
葶薴 hẽin-nẽin
tíngníng a poisonous plant.¹¹
hein3 6152
142 12 hẽin tíng 蜻蜓 tëin-hẽin qīngtíng dragonfly.⁵ (called 黄美[黃美] võng-mî/ in Hoisanva).
蜻蜓点水[蜻蜓點水] tëin-hẽin-ēm-suī
qīngtíngdiǎnshuǐ like a dragonfly skimming the surface of the water – touch on something without going into it deeply.⁵
蜻蜓掠水 tëin-hẽin-lèk-suī
qīngtínglüèshuǐ The dragonflies skimmed over the water.³⁹
蝘蜓 yēn-hẽin
yǎntíng ➀ gecko; house lizard ➁ <old> cicada.⁶
hein3 6153
142 15 hẽin tíng (insect) leptogaster basilaris.¹⁰
䗒蝏 bèin-hẽin
bìngtíng the solen ensis.²⁵ (Ensis ensis).¹⁵
蝏䗒 hẽin-bèin
tíngbìng a long, narrow clam.²
(composition: ⿰虫亭; U+874F).
hein3 6154
149 16 hẽin tíng mediate; intervene; settle a dispute amicably.¹ mediate, act as an intermediary; take care of, arrange.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰訁亭; U+8AEA).
调諪[調諪] or 调停[調停] hẽl-hẽin tiáotíng mediate; intervene; settle a dispute amicably.¹ to harmonize, to adjust.²⁵
hein3 6155
167 13 hẽin diàn mother-of-pearl inlay; inlay with gold, silver, jade for ornamental purposes.⁶
花钿[花鈿] fä-hẽin huādiàn hair decorations of women.¹¹
金钿[金鈿] gïm-hẽin
jīndiàn woman's golden hairpin.¹¹
钿合[鈿合] hẽin-hàp
diànhé filigree case.⁵⁴
螺钿[螺鈿] lũ-hẽin
luódiàn lacquerware with imbedded mother-of-pearl.¹¹
螺钿漆盘[螺鈿漆盤] lũ-hẽin-tīt-põn
luódiànqīpán lacquer tray inlaid with mother-of-pearl.³⁹
靥钿[靨鈿] nîp-hẽin
yèdiàn <wr.> woman's decoration on cheek.¹¹
(See 鈿 [hẽin, tián].)
hein3 6156
167 13 hẽin tián <topo.> coin; money; fund, sum.⁶
车钿[車鈿] chëh-hẽin chētián bus/train/taxi fare.⁶
几钿[幾鈿] gī-hẽin
jǐtián <topo.> How much(is it)?⁶
铜钿[銅鈿] hũng-hẽin
tóngtián <topo.> copper coin; money.⁶
洋钿[洋鈿] yẽng-hẽin
yángtián <topo.> silver dollar.⁵⁴
(See 鈿 [hẽin, diàn].)
hein3 6157
169 18 hẽin tián to fill, to fill to the brim, to be full of.⁷
宾客阗门[賓客闐門] bïn-hāk-hẽin-mõn or bïn-häk-hẽin-mõn bīnkètiánmén The house is full of guests.⁶
车马喧阗[車馬喧闐] chëh-mâ-xün-hẽin
chēmǎxuāntián hustle and bustle of a city.⁵⁴
阗阗[闐闐] hẽin-hẽin
tiántián brimming, full, flourishing; the sound of drums.⁷
阗溢[闐溢] hẽin-yìt
tiányì fill to the brim.⁷
喧阗[喧闐] xün-hẽin
xuāntián <wr.> full of confused noises; bustling and crowded.⁵⁴
hein3 6158
173 14 hẽin tíng a sudden peal of thunder; a thunderbolt.⁷
大发雷霆[大發雷霆] ài-fät-luĩ-hẽin dàfāléitíng be furious; fly into a rage; bawl at somebody angrily.⁵
霆击[霆擊] hẽin-gēik
tíngjī as quick as lightning.⁷
霆霓 hẽin-ngãi
tíngní a sudden clap of thunder.²⁵
震霆 jīn-hẽin
zhèntíng a loud thunderclap; a sudden peal of thunder.⁷
雷霆 luĩ-hẽin
léitíng thunderclap, thunderbolt; thunder-like power or rage, wrath.⁶
雷霆万钧[雷霆萬鈞] luĩ-hẽin-màn-gün
léitíngwànjūn as powerful as a thunderbolt.⁵
声若雷霆[聲若雷霆] sëin-ngèk-luĩ-hẽin
shēngruòléitíng a voice like thunder.²⁵
以雷霆万钧之势[以雷霆萬鈞之勢] yî-luĩ-hẽin-màn-gün-jï-säi
yǐléitíngwànjūnzhīshì with the force of a thunderbolt.⁵
hein3 6159
181 15 hẽin tǐng (of the neck) stiff; upright, honest.⁶ used to describe a look given with one's head held high; used as a metaphor to represent being direct or straightforward.⁹ narrow forehead.¹⁰
(composition traditional: ⿰廷頁; U+9832).
(composition simplified: ⿰廷页; U+988B).
颋颋[頲頲] hẽin-hẽin tǐngtǐng upright; honest; proper; correct; fair-minded.⁸
hein3 6160
37 4 hèin tiān <台> 天早 hèin-dāo (=明天 mẽin-hëin míngtiān) tomorrow.
<又> hëin.
(See 天 hëin.)
hein4 6161
9 8 hêin tǐng <wr.> smooth and straight.⁶ to straighten, to replace.⁸ level and straight.⁹
侹侹 hêin-hêin tǐngtǐng smooth, long and straight.⁵⁴
hein5 6162
38 9 hêin tǐng removal of the uterus (hysterectomy; slender and beautiful.²
(composition: ⿰女廷; U+5A17).
hein5 6163
64 9 hêin tǐng straight, erect; stick out, straighten up (physically); endure, stand, hold out; very, rather, quite; <m.> machine guns.⁵
挺拔 hêin-bàt tǐngbá tall and straight, erect; forceful, vigorous; <wr.> outstanding; extraordinary, prominent.⁶
挺进[挺進] hêin-dïn
tǐngjìn (of troops) press onward; push forward; boldly drive on.⁶
挺括 hêin-gāt
tǐnggua <topo.> (of cloth, paper) stiff and smooth; (of clothes) well-pressed, trim, neat, crisp.⁶
挺杆[挺桿] hêin-gön
tǐnggǎn <mach.> tappet.⁵
挺举[挺舉] hêin-guī
tǐngjǔ <sport> clean and jerk.⁵
挺好 hêin-hāo
tǐnghǎo very good; quite good.⁷
挺挺 hêin-hêin
tǐngtǐng straightforward; unyielding; stiff.⁷
挺胸 hêin-hüng
tǐngxiōng to thrust out one's chest.⁷
挺胸凸肚 hêin-hüng-ùt-ū
tǐngxiōngtūdù throw out one's chest and belly – be arrogant and corpulent.⁶
挺直 hêin-jèik
tǐngzhí straight and upright; erect.⁷
挺住 hêin-jì
tǐngzhù to stand firm; to stand one's ground.¹⁰
挺立 hêin-lìp
tǐnglì stand upright; stand firm.⁵
挺升 hêin-sëin
tǐngshēng (said of prices) to rise steeply.⁷
挺身 hêin-sïn
tǐngshēn straighten one's back.⁵
挺身而出 hêin-sïn-ngĩ-chūt
tǐngshēn'érchū step forward bravely; come out boldly.⁵
挺秀 hêin-xiü
tǐngxiù tall and graceful.⁶

hein5 6164
75 10 hêin tìng poke an iron rod into the leg skin and the flesh of a slaughtered pig in order to separate them and pump up the skin for cleansing; iron rod.⁶
梃猪[梃豬] hêin-jï tìngzhū use an iron rod to separate a pig's leg skin from the flesh.
(See 梃[hêin, tǐng].)
hein5 6165
75 10 hêin tǐng <topo.> stem (of a plant), pedicel, stalk of a flower; <wr.> club, cudgel, bludgeon; frame (of a door/window).⁶
梃子 hêin-dū tǐngzi wooden stick, club; door or window frame.⁵⁴
梃杆 hêin-gön
tǐnggān tappet.¹⁰
梃榦之人 hêin-gön-jï-ngĩn
tǐnggànzhīrén an efficient man.¹⁴
梃杖 hêin-jèng
tǐngzhàng a club; a stick.⁷
门梃[門梃] mõn-hêin
méntǐng door frame.⁶
木梃 mûk-hêin
mùtǐng handspike.¹⁰
树梃[樹梃] sì-hêin
shùtǐng tree trunk.¹¹
窗梃 töng-hêin
chuāngtǐng window frame.⁶
(See 梃[hêin, tìng].)
hein5 6166
96 10 https://img.zdic.net/kai/cn/20018.svg
hêin tǐng jade tablet.¹³ a scepter.¹⁴ jade tablet. <wr.> (=玉笏 ngùk-fūt yùhù) a jade tablet held in two hands by officials when received in audience by the emperor.³⁹
hein5 6167
130 10 hêin tǐng strips of dried meat, jerky; stiff and straight.⁸ strips of dried meat; stiff and straight.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰月廷; U+8121.
脡脡然 hêin-hêin-ngẽin tǐngtǐngrán standing erect.¹⁴
鲜鱼曰脡祭[鮮魚曰脡祭] xëin-nguî-yòt-hêin-däi
xiānyú yuē tǐngjì fresh fish are called "The Straight Oblation".¹⁴
hein5 6168
167 14 hêin dìng <wr.> unsmelted and uncast copper and iron.⁶ copper or iron ore; ingot; spindle.⁸
金铤[金鋌] gïm-hêin jīndìng golden ore.²⁵
黄金十铤[黃金十鋌] võng-gïm-sìp-hêin
huángjīnshídìng ten bars of gold.¹¹
(See 鋌 [hêin, tǐng].)
hein5 6169
167 14 hêin tǐng <wr.> quick (in runnings and walkings).⁶ run rapidly; exhausted, empty.⁸
铤而走险[鋌而走險] or 挺而走险[挺而走險]
tǐng'érzǒuxiǎn take a risk in desperation; risk danger (when) in desperation; make a reckless move; rush headlong into dnager.⁶
铤刺[鋌刺] hêin-xü
tǐngcì to stick.⁸
(See 鋌 [hêin, dìng].)
hein5 6170
30 13 hēip to crack something between the teeth; to crack something with teeth.⁶ to crack (seeds) between one's teeth.¹⁰
嗑瓜子 hēip-gä-dū kēguāzǐ to crack melon or sunflower  seeds.⁶
嗑碜[嗑磣] hēip-chīm
kèchěn embarrassed.¹⁰
嗑药[嗑藥] hēip-yêk
kèyào to take (illegal) drugs.¹⁰
笑嗑亚热[笑嗑亞熱] xël-hēip-ä-ngèik
xiàokèyàrè a Mongolian national folk art form.³⁹
<又> hāp, hàp.
(See 嗑 hāp, hàp, [hēip, kē].)
heip1 6171
30 13 hēip <topo.> word; to talk.⁶
嗑牙 hēip-ngã kēyá (=磕牙 hēip-ngã kēyá) <topo.> chat, gab.⁶
唠嗑[嘮嗑] lão-hēip
làokē <topo.> to chat; to chit-chat; to have a chat.⁶
<又> hāp, hàp.
(See 嗑 hāp, hàp, [hēip, kè].)
heip1 6172
85 13 hēip abruptly, suddenly, unexpectedly.⁸
溘溘 hēip-hēip or hāp-hāp kèkè <wr.> descriptive of splash of waves against rocks.¹¹
溘逝 hēip-sài
or hāp-sài kèshì pass away suddenly.¹¹
溘然 hēip-ngẽin
or hāp-ngẽin kèrán suddenly.¹⁰
溘然长逝[溘然長逝] hēip-ngẽin-chẽng-sài
or hāp-ngẽin-chẽng-sài kèránchángshì (person) pass away all of a sudden.¹¹
溘先朝露 hēip-xëin-jël-lù
or hāp-xëin-jël-lù kèxiānzhāolù the morning dew will swiftly dissipate (idiom); fig. ephemeral and precarious nature of human existence.¹⁰
<又> hāp.
(See 溘 hāp.)
heip1 6173
109 15 hēip
doze off; sleepy.⁸
打瞌睡 ā-hēip-suì dǎ kēshuì doze off; nod; have a nap.⁵
❄{⿰目充} hēip-chüng kēchong doze; drowse.⁶
瞌睡 hēip-suì
or 瞌睡 hāp-suì kēshuì sleepy, drowsy; take a nap; doze off.⁸
瞌睡虫[瞌睡蟲] hēip-suì-chũng
kēshuìchóng sleep inducing insect (in stories of old times); sleepyhead.⁶
<台> 瞌眼瞓 hēip-ngān-fün/
hap1 ngaan5 fan3 to doze off.
<又> hāp.
(See 瞌 hāp.)
heip1 6174
112 15 hēip knock (against something hard); knock something out of a vessel or container.⁶ the sound of two stones striking together.²⁵ (variant: 礚 hēip).
磕打 hēip-ā kēda knock something out of a vessel or container.⁶
磕巴 hēip-bä
kēba stutter, stammer; stutterer, stammerer.⁶
磕磕绊绊[磕磕絆絆] hēip-hēip-bòn-bòn
kēkebànbàn (of a road) bumpy, rough; (of a person) limping, jerky; (of reading or speaking) not fluent.⁶
磕磕撞撞 hēip-hēip-jòng-jòng
kēkezhuàngzhuàng unsteady (when drunk or in a hurry).⁶
磕头[磕頭] hēip-hěo
kētóu kowtow.⁶
磕头碰脑[磕頭碰腦] hēip-hěo-püng-nāo
kētóupèngnǎo bump against things on every side (as in a room full of furniture), push and bump against each other (as in a crowd); be at odds with each other; rub elbows (with each other), frequently meet (with each other).⁶
磕牙 hēip-ngã
kēyá <topo.> chat; gab.⁶
磕破 hēip-pö
kēpò knock to pieces.¹¹
磕碰 hēip-püng
kēpèng knock or bump against, collide with; clash, squabble.⁶
磕膝盖[磕膝蓋] hēip-xīp-köi
kēxīgài <topo.> knee.⁵
<又> hāp.
(See 磕 hāp; 礚 hēip).
heip1 6175
112 18 hēip (<old>=磕 hēip or hāp ) knock (against something hard); knock something out of a vessel or container.⁶ the sound of two stones striking together.²⁵
(composition: ⿰石蓋; U+791A).
下礚 hà-hēip
xiàkē a place name.²
砊礚 höng-hēip
kāngkē <ono.> sound of thunder.²
(See 磕 hēip).
heip1 6176
211 20 hēip tooth appearance; (=嗑 hēip to crack something between the teeth; to crack something with teeth.⁶ to crack (seeds) between one's teeth.¹⁰).⁸ alternative form of 嗑 hēip kè, “to crack between the teeth”); only used in 䶗𪘐 hēip-ngù kè'è (“appearance of teeth”).³⁶ to crack with the teeth, as a dog does.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰齒可; U+4D97).
䶗𪘐 hēip-ngù
kè'è  like the teeth.²⁵ tooth appearance.¹⁰¹ arranged like teeth, as the seeds are in a slice of muskmelon.¹⁰²
<又> hä; kā.
(See 䶗 hä; 䶗 kā).
heip1 6177
30 6 hëk chī eat; drink; suffer, endure, bear.⁸ (variant: See 喫 hëk).
口吃 hēo-hëk
kǒuchī stutter; stammer.⁵
吃白饭[吃白飯] hëk-bàk-fàn
chī báifàn to eat nothing but plain cooked rice; to eat without paying; to live off others.
吃饱喝足[吃飽喝足] hëk-bāo-höt-dūk
chībǎohēzú eat and drink one's full.⁵
吃饱了[吃飽了] hëk-bāo-lẽl
chībǎole to have had enough food; to be stuffed with food.⁷
吃饭[吃飯] hëk-fàn
chīfàn to eat; to have a meal; to keep alive; make a living.
吃饭咯! [吃飯咯!] hëk-fàn-lö
chīfànlo Time to eat!⁴
吃饭呛了[吃飯嗆了] hëk-fàn-tëng-lēl
chīfànqiāngle to choke over one's food.⁶
吃肥丢瘦 hëk-fĩ-èl-sëo
chīféidiūshòugain extra advantage.⁸
吃苦 hëk-fū
chīkǔ bear hardship.⁵
吃苦耐劳[吃苦耐勞] hëk-fū-nòi-lão
chīkǔnàiláo hardworking and enduring hardships (idiom).⁴³
吃斋[吃齋] hëk-jäi
chīzhāi be a vegetarian for religious reasons.⁵
吃荤[吃葷] hëk-vùn
or hëk-vũn chīhūn to eat meat.
吃药[吃藥] hëk-yêk
chīyào to take medicine.
<台> 吃谷种[吃穀種] hëk-gūk-jūng to live off one's savings in desperation.
hek2 6178
30 12 hëk chī (=吃 hëk chī) eat; drink; suffer, endure, bear.⁸ to eat; to drink; to put up with.²⁴ (composition: ⿰口契; U+55AB)
啖喫 àm-hëk
dànchī to eat.²⁴
喫饭[喫飯] hëk-fàn
chīfàn to eat rice.²⁴
喫紧[喫緊] hëk-gīn
chījǐn urgent.²⁴
喫斋[喫齋] hëk-jäi
chīzhāi to fast.²⁴
喫亏[喫虧] hëk-kï
chīkuī to put up with an injury.²⁴
喫硬不喫软[喫硬不喫軟] hëk-ngàng-būt-hëk-ngün
chī yìng bù chī ruǎn understand only the language of force.¹¹
喫软不喫硬[喫軟不喫硬] hëk-ngün-būt-hëk-ngàng
chī ruǎn bù chī yìng can be persuaded by reason but not be cowed by force.¹¹
喫软饭[喫軟飯] hëk-ngün-fàn
chī ruǎn fàn (or men) live on the earnings of a woman.¹¹
软不喫,硬不喫[軟不喫,硬不喫] ngün-būt-hëk, ngàng-būt-hëk
ruǎn bù chī, yìng bù chī (of persons) would neither listen to reason nor bow to force.¹¹
软硬不喫[軟硬不喫] ngün-ngàng-būt-hëk
ruǎn yìng bù chī (of persons) would neither listen to reason nor bow to force.¹¹
少喫点[少喫點] sēl-hëk-ēm
shǎo chī diǎn don't eat too much.¹¹
(See 吃 hëk).
hek2 6179
9 14 hēl jiǎo to be lucky; by chance, by luck.
徼幸 or 侥幸[僥幸] or 徼倖 or 儌倖 hēl-hàng jiǎoxìng lucky; by luck; by a fluke.⁵ lucky; (said of happy events) beyond one's expectations.⁷
侥幸心理[僥幸心理] hēl-hàng-xïm-lî
jiǎoxìng xīnlǐ (the idea of) trusting to luck.
心存侥幸[心存僥幸] xïm-tũn-hēl-hàng
xīncúnjiǎoxìng to leave things to luck.
<又> hël, ngẽl.
(See 僥 hël, ngẽl.)
hel1 6180
9 15 hēl jiǎo to be lucky; fortunate.⁷
徼幸 or 侥幸[僥幸] or 徼倖 or 儌倖 hēl-hàng jiǎoxìng lucky; by luck; by a fluke.⁵ lucky; (said of happy events) beyond one's expectations.⁷
<又> gël, yël.
(See 徼 gël, hēl, yël.)
hel1 6181
30 15 hēl xiāo garrulous; disturbed; restless.¹⁰
哓哓[嘵嘵] hēl-hēl xiāoxiāo disturbed, restless; garrulous, arguing endlessly.¹¹
哓哓不休[嘵嘵不休] hēl-hēl-būt-hiü
xiāoxiāobùxiū to argue endlessly.³⁹
hel1 6182
60 16 hēl jiǎo to be lucky; fortunate.⁷
徼幸 or 侥幸[僥幸] or 徼倖 or 儌倖 hēl-hàng jiǎoxìng lucky; by luck; by a fluke.⁵ lucky; (said of happy events) beyond one's expectations.⁷
<又> gël, yël.
(See 徼 gël, yël; 儌 hēl.)
hel1 6183
72 16 hēl xiǎo dawn, daybreak; know; inform, tell.⁶
晓得[曉得] hēl-äk xiǎode <vern.> know.⁶
晓畅[曉暢] hēl-chēng
xiǎochàng be knowledgeable about, be well-versed in; (of writing) clear and fluent.⁶
晓风残月[曉風殘月] hēl-füng-tãn-ngùt
xiǎofēngcányuè morning breeze and lingering/waning moon.⁶
晓行夜宿[曉行夜宿] hēl-hãng-yèh-xūk
xiǎoxíngyèsù travel by day and rest by night.⁶
晓之以理,动之以情[曉之以理,動之以情] hēl-jï-yî-lî, ùng-jï-yî-tẽin
xiǎozhīyǐlǐ, dòngzhīyǐqíng touch a right chord in one's heart and persudde him by reasoning; resort to emotional appeal through reasoning.⁶
晓岚[曉嵐] hēl-lãm
xiǎolán morning mists.⁶
晓龙[曉龍] hēl-lũng
xiǎolóng Xiaosaurus.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
晓悟[曉悟] hēl-m̀
xiǎowù <wr.> realize.⁶
晓雾[曉霧] hēl-mù
xiǎowù morning mist.⁶
晓示[曉示] hēl-sì
xiǎoshì tell explicitly; notify.⁶
晓市[曉市] hēl-sî
xiǎoshì morning market.⁶
晓谕[曉諭] hēl-yì
xiǎoyù <lit.> explicitly notify (usually the subordinates).⁶
晓以大义[曉以大義] hēl-yî-ài-ngì
xiǎoyǐdàyì wake somebody up to the righteousness (of something).⁶
晓以利害[曉以利害] hēl-yî-lì-hòi
xiǎoyǐlìhài warn somebody of the possible consequences.⁶

hel1 6184
86 14 hēl xiāo hot; torrid.⁸ hot as fire; to burn; to scorch; a fiery blaze.²⁴
( composition: ⿰火高; U+7187).
<又> häo; hùk; hôk; käo. (See 熇 häo; 熇 hùk; 熇 hôk; 熇 käo).
hel1 6185
152 17 hēl xiāo a piglet.²
(composition: ⿰⿳士冖⿱一豕殳; U+8C70).
<又> hūk; bòk; hùk; këo. (See 豰 hūk; 豰 [bòk, ]; 豰 [bòk, báo]; 豰 hùk; 豰 këo).
hel1 6186
9 8 hël tiāo frivolous, skittish; giddy. (variant: 恌 hël tiāo).
佻达[佻達] hël-àt
tiāotà frivolous; undignified.
佻薄 hël-bòk
tiāobó <wr.> frivolous, impudent.
佻佻公子 hël-hël-güng-dū
tiāotiāo gōngzǐ slight and elegant gentleman; delicate, spoiled young gentleman.
佻巧 hël-kāo
tiāoqiǎo <wr.> undependable; exquisite in form but frivolous in content (of writing).
佻窃[佻竊] hël-tëik
tiāoqiè to steal.
轻佻[輕佻] hëng-hël
qīngtiāo frivolous; skittish; giddy.⁵
(See 恌 hël).
hel2 6187
9 14 hël jiǎo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 侥[僥] hēl jiǎo with same meaning.)
<又> hēl.
(See 僥 hēl, ngẽl.)
hel2 6188
18 8 𠛪
hël tiāo  (=挑剔 hël-tēik tiāoti nitpick).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰兆刂; U+206EA).
<又> ël.
(See 𠛪❄{⿰兆刂} ël).
hel2 6189
30 11 hël xiāo noisy; big; moving; not peaceful , not quiet.²
(composition: ⿰口采; U+554B).
<又> tōi. (See 啋 tōi).
hel2 6190
30 21 hël xiāo be noisy; treat with contempt.⁸ clamor.¹⁰ to be loud, to be noisy, to clamor; arrogant.³⁶ (variant: 嚻 hël xiāo).
t: ⿳吅頁吅; U+56C2). (comp. s: ⿳吅页吅; U+56A3).
or 烦嚻[煩嚻] fãn-hël fánxiāo irritated.¹⁹
or 嘂嚻 gël-hël jiàoxiāo to hoot.¹⁰
嚣张[囂張] hël-jëng
xiāozhāng rampant; unbridled; arrogant; aggressive.¹⁰
Xiāo xiāo rán yuē...
With an air of indifference and self-satisfaction he said...⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《孟子·萬章上》, translated by James Legge).
Tīng wǒ xiāo xiāo.
And you hear me with contemptuous indifference.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·生民之什·板》, translated by James Legge).
or 喧嚻 xün-hël xuānxiāo to clamor; to make noise.¹⁰ noisy.¹⁹
(See 嚻 hël).
hel2 6191
30 21 hël xiāo (=囂 hël xiāo).² be noisy; treat with contempt.⁸ clamorous.²⁴ (composition: ⿲吕頁吕; U+56BB).
斗嚻 ēo-hël
dòuxiāo dipper.¹⁹
or 烦嚣[煩嚣] fãn-hël fánxiāo irritated.¹⁹
or 叫嚣 gël-hël jiàoxiāo to hoot.¹⁰
or 喧嚣[喧囂] xün-hël xuānxiāo to clamor; to make noise.¹⁰ noisy.¹⁹
(See 囂 hël).
hel2 6192
38 9 hël tiào light; airy.²⁴ light; frivolous.⁵⁴ undisciplined, not drilled.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰女兆; U+59DA).
楚师轻姚[楚師輕姚] chō-xü-hëin-hël chushīqīngtiào the troops of Chu were quite heady and ungovernable.¹⁰²
轻佻[輕佻] hëin-hël
qīngtiāo frivolous.⁵⁴
轻姚[輕姚] hëin-hël
qīngtiào lightweight; delicate.⁵⁴
姚易 hël-yì
tiàoyì frivolous.⁵⁴
姚佚 hël-yìt
tiàoyì frivolous; flighty; flippant; dissolute.⁵⁴
<又> yẽl
(See 姚 yẽl).
hel2 6193
61 9 hël tiāo (<old>=佻 hël tiāo frivolous, skittish; giddy).⁸ <lit.> unsteady, frivolous.¹¹ mournful, sorry, grieved.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄兆; U+604C).
Sì-mĩn-būt-hël, gün-dū-sì-dāk-sì-hào.
Shì mín bù tiāo, jūnzǐ shì zé shì xiào.
They show the people not to be mean;
The officers have in them a pattern and model.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·鹿鳴之什·鹿鳴》, translated by James Legge).
<又> yẽl.
(See 恌 yẽl; 佻 hël).
hel2 6194
64 9 hël tiǎo
poke, pick; bring into the open, make public; provoke, incite, stir up, instigate; raise; rising stroke (in Chinese characters); hold something up with a pole; cross stitch.⁶
挑拨[挑撥] hël-bòt tiǎobō (=调拨[調撥] hẽl-bòt tiáobō) instigate; incite; sow discord; foment dissension.⁶
挑拨离间[挑撥離間] hël-bòt-lĩ-gän
tiǎobōlíjiàn sow dissension; foment discord; drive a wedge between.⁵
挑拨是非[挑撥是非] hël-bòt-sì-fï
tiǎobōshìfēi stir up or foment trouble; sow discord.⁶
挑逗 hël-èo
tiǎodòu provoke; tease; tantalize.⁶
挑花 hël-fä
tiǎohuā cross-stitch work.⁵
挑肥拣瘦[挑肥揀瘦] hël-fĩ-gān-sëo tiāoféijiǎnshòu pick the fat or choose the lean – choose whichever is to one's personal advantage.⁵
挑起 hël-hī
tiǎoqǐ provoke; stir up; instigate.⁵
挑衅[挑釁] hël-hïm
tiǎoxìn provoke.⁶
挑战[挑戰] hël-jën
tiǎozhàn throw down the gauntlet; challenge to battle.⁵
挑唆 hël-sö
tiǎosuō incite; abet; instigate.⁵
挑动[挑動] hël-ùng
tiǎodòng provoke; stir up; incite.⁵
<又> häo.
(See 挑 häo; 挑[hël, tiǎo].)
hel2 6195
64 9 hël tiāo
to carry on a shoulder pole; to choose; to pick; to nitpick.¹⁰
百里挑一[百裡挑一] bäk-lī-hël-yīt bǎilǐtiāoyī one in a hundred; cream of the crop.¹⁰
出挑 chūt-hël
chūtiāo (boy, girl) to grow up beautifully.¹¹
挑担[挑擔] hël-äm
tiāodàn to shoulder a load; load.⁵⁴
挑子 hël-dū
tiāozi carrying-pole with its load.⁵
挑字眼 hël-dù-ngān 
tiāozìyǎn <topo.> find fault with the choice of words.⁵
挑拣[挑揀] hël-gān
tiāojiǎn choose (best fruit, goods).¹¹
挑眼 hël-ngān
tiāoyǎn <topo.> be fastidious (about formalities).⁵
挑水 hël-suī
tiāoshuǐ to carry with a pole on the shoulder by one person.¹¹
挑水的 hël-suī-ēik
tiāoshuǐde water carrier.¹¹
挑剔 hël-tēik
tiāoti nitpick; be hypercritical; be fastidious.⁵
挑三拣四[挑三揀四] hël-xäm-gān-xï
tiāosānjiǎnsì pick and choose; be choosy.⁵
挑选[挑選] hël-xūn
tiāoxuǎn choose the best.¹¹
(Note: 挑 is to carry by one person; 擔 two people. In spoken Hoisanva, 挑 is not used; 擔 is to carry by one person and 抬 hõi by two people, e.g. 一个和尚擔水, 两个和尚抬水,三个和尚没水.
(See 三个和尚没水吃 [三個和尚沒水吃] xäm-göi-võ-sěng/ mòt-suī-hëk.)
<又> häo.
(See 挑 häo; 挑[hël, tiāo].)
hel2 6196
64 16 hël qiào beat; tap; rap; said to irritate.⁸ <lit.> to beat/hit from the side, beat sideways.¹⁹ʼ⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰扌敫; U+64BD).
撽遂 hël-xuì qiàosuì encouraged to achieve.⁵⁴ʼ⁰
Qiàosuì wànwù yǐ lìzhī.
Everything is prepared for the good of man.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《墨子·卷七·天志中》, translated by W. P. Mei).
Jöng-dū-jï-Chō, gëin-hüng-ùk-lẽo, häo-ngẽin-yiû-yẽin, hël-yî-mâ-chuĩ, yïn-ngĩ-mùn-jï...
Zhuāngzǐ zhī Chǔ, jiàn kōng dúlóu, xiāo rán yǒu xíng, qiào yǐ mǎ chuí, yīn ér wèn zhī...
When Zhuangzi went to Chu, he saw an empty skull, bleached indeed, but still retaining its shape. Tapping it with his horse-switch, he asked it...⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《莊子·外篇·至樂》, translated by James Legge).
以斗撽而杀之[以斗撽而殺之] yî-ēo-hël-ngĩ-sät-jï
yǐ dǒu qiào ér shā zhī hit him with a bucket and kill him.⁵⁴
<又> yël; gēik.
(See 撽 yël; 撽 gēik).
hel2 6197
68 15 hël tiǎo (dialect) to exchange.²ʼ³⁶
(composition: ⿰黄斗; U+65A2).
<又> hēo. (See 斢 hēo).
hel2 6198
74 10 hël tiǎo <wr.> (of the moon) appear in the west at the end of a lunar month.⁶ at the end of a lunar month when the moon is setting in the west.⁷ the moon seen in the west before sunrise, as at the end of a lunar month.¹⁴ the moon seen in the west, at its close.²⁴
(composition: ⿰月兆; U+6713.
(Note: Distinguish 朓 hël with 月 radical from 脁 hël or 脁 yẽl with 肉 radical).
(See 脁 hël; 脁 yẽl).
hel2 6199
75 9 hël xiāo <wr.> empty; hollow.⁶ hollow stump of a tree; thus: empty, thin.¹⁴
枵薄 hël-bòk xiāobó thin and flimsy.¹⁴
枵腹 hël-fūk
xiāofù an empty belly; hungry; ignorant.¹⁴
枵腹而睡 hël-fūk-ngĩ-suì
xiāofù'érshuì go to bed hungry; go to bed on an empty stomach.⁶
枵腹从公[枵腹從公] hël-fūk-tũng-güng
xiāofùcónggōng attend office on an empty stomach (with inadequate pay).¹¹
枵耗 hël-häo
xiāohào to waste.¹⁴
枵厚 hël-hêo
xiāohòu thin and thick – thickness.¹⁴
枵木 hël-mûk
xiāomù dried up tree trunk.¹¹
枵然 hël-ngẽin
xiāorán <wr.> big.¹¹
hel2 6200
75 11 hël xiāo (=鸺鹠[鵂鶹] hiü-liũ xiūliú) collared owlet.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ <wr.> hang up a cut-off head as a deterrent; <wr.> (of a person) intrepid, valiant, brave and reckless; head of an illegal ring/syndicate; <wr.> (old) smuggler.⁶
鸱枭[鴟梟] chï-hël
chīxiāo an owl.⁷
or 骁将[驍將] hël-dëng xiāojiàng <wr.> intrepid or valiant general.⁶
枭匪[梟匪] hël-fī
xiāofěi smuggler.¹¹
枭獍[梟獍] hël-gèin
xiāojìng disobedient child; ungrateful person.¹ a beast reputed to eat its own mother.¹¹
or 骁雄[驍雄] hël-hũng xiāoxióng capable and ambitious.⁷
枭乱[梟亂] hël-lòn
xiāoluàn to confuse; to cause turmoil.¹
枭首[梟首] hël-siū
xiāoshǒu (old) display the head of a decapitated person.⁶
枭首示众[梟首示眾] hël-siū-sì-jüng
xiāoshǒushìzhòng expose a cut-off head to public view as a deterrent.⁶
私枭[私梟] xü-hël
sīxiāo smuggler.¹¹
hel2 6201
75 16 hël qiāo sledge; sled; sleigh.⁸
冰橇 bëin-hël bīngqiāo sled; sledge; sleigh.¹⁰
长橇[長橇] chẽng-hël
chángqiāo bobsled.¹⁰
狗橇 gēo-hël
gǒuqiāo dogsled.³⁹
铁橇[鐵橇] hëik-hël
tiěqiāo crowbar.¹⁰
橇棍 hël-gûn
qiāogùn crowbar.¹⁹
水橇 suī-hël
shuǐqiāo water ski; hydroski.⁵⁴
雪橇 xūt-hël
xuěqiāo sled; sledge; sleigh; bobsled; ski.⁵⁴
hel2 6202
85 15 hël jiāo pour liquid on, sprinkle water on; irrigate, water; cast.⁵
浇花[澆花] hël-fä or ngẽl-fä jiāohuā water flowers.⁵
浇灌[澆灌] hël-gön
or ngẽl-gön jiāoguàn water, irrigate; pour.⁵
浇地[澆地] hël-ì
or ngẽl-ì jiāodì irrigate the fields.⁵
浇铸[澆鑄] hël-jï
or ngẽl-jï jiāozhù casting; pouring.⁵
浇注[澆注] hël-jî
or ngẽl-jî jiāozhù to cast (metal).⁵
浇水[澆水] hël-suī
or ngẽl-suī jiāoshuǐ to water (plants).¹⁰
浇铅字[澆鉛字] hël-yõn-dù
or ngẽl-yõn-dù jiāoqiānzì type casting; type founding.⁵
<又> ngẽl.
(See 澆 ngẽl.)
hel2 6203
94 15 hël xiāo (<old>=骁[驍] hël xiāo having courage and agility, brave, valiant; a fine horse.⁷); dog.⁸
(composition: ⿰犭喬; U+7362).
猲獢 hēik-hël
xiēxiāo a kind of short snout hunting dog.⁸
獢勇 hël-yûng
xiāoyǒng stalwart, strong.¹¹
(See 驍 hël).
hel2 6204
109 11 hël tiào look into the distance from a high place.⁵ to gaze at.¹⁴
极目远眺[極目遠眺] gèik-mùk-yōn-hël jímùyuǎntiào gaze into the distance.⁵
眺望 hël-mòng
tiàowàng look into the distance from a high place.⁵ to gaze at.¹⁴
临眺[臨眺] lĩm-hël
líntiào <wr.> ascend a height and have a distant view.⁶
游眺[遊眺] yiũ-hël
yóutiào to givea glance around.¹⁴
远眺[遠眺] yōn-hël
yuǎntiào look far into the distance.⁵
hel2 6205
113 10 hël tiāo an ancestral temple (especially of distant ancestors); to be or become heir to.⁷
不祧之祖 būt-hël-jï-dū bùtiāozhīzǔ revered earliest ancestor; respected forerunner.⁶
宗祧 düng-hël
zōngtiāo <trad.> ancestral temple; family tree.⁶
兼祧 gëm-hël
jiāntiāo be heir to two branches of family.¹¹
承祧 sẽin-hël
chéngtiāo (a son of one branch) is legally adopted as heir of another branch without progeny.¹¹
hel2 6206
116 18 hël qiào hole, opening, aperture.⁸
窍诀儿[竅訣兒] hël-gût-ngĩ qiàojuér secret key to doing something.³⁹
窍门[竅門] hël-mõn
qiàomén a trick; an ingenious method; know-how; the knack (of doing something).¹⁰
窍眼[竅眼] hël-ngān
qiàoyǎn intelligence; an open mind; a hole; an aperture.¹⁴
窍儿[竅兒] hël-ngĩ
qiàor guide to secret or special techniques.¹¹
窍穴[竅穴] hël-yòt
qiàoxué an aperture; a hole.¹⁴
开窍[開竅] höi-hël
kāiqiào to get it straight; to start to understand things properly; enlightenment dawns.¹⁰
孔窍[孔竅] kūng-hël
kǒngqiào a crevice, an opening (in wall, organ).¹¹
灵窍[靈竅] lẽin-hël
língqiào wit, intelligence.¹¹
七窍[七竅] tīt-hël
qīqiào the seven apertures of the human face (eyes, ears, nostrils and mouth).¹¹
七窍流血[七竅流血] tīt-hël-liũ-hüt
qīqiàoliúxuè bleeding from eyes, ears, nose and mouth.¹¹
七窍生烟[七竅生煙] tīt-hël-säng-yën
qīqiàoshēngyān fumigate with anger.¹¹
一窍不通[一竅不通] yīt-hël-būt-hüng
yīqiàobùtōng an absolute blockhead.¹¹
hel2 6207
119 25 hël tiào to sell grain.⁷
(comp. t: ⿰粜翟; U+7CF6). (comp. s: ⿱出米; U+7C9C).
出粜[出糶] chūt-hël
chūtiào to sell grain.⁹
籴粜[糴糶] èk-hël
dítiào buying and selling rice or grain.⁰
粜出[糶出] hël-chūt
tiàochūt sell grain.¹¹
粜粮[糶糧] hël-lẽng
tiàoliáng to sell grain.⁷
粜米[糶米] hël-māi
tiàomǐ sell rice.⁶
平粜[平糶] pẽin-hël
píngtiào <trad.> (of local authorities in old China) sell the grain stored in granaries at fair prices in famine years.⁶
hel2 6208
130 10 hël tiǎo the name of a sacrifice; to offer flesh in sacrifice.²⁵
(composition: ⿰月兆; U+8101.
(Note: Distinguish 朓 hël with 月 radical from 脁 hël or 脁 yẽl with 肉 radical).
<又> yẽl.
(See 脁 yẽl; 朓 hël.)
hel2 6209
130 16 hël xiāo pork soup; fragrant.⁸ pork soup or gravy; fragrant, savory.²⁵
(composition: ⿰⺼堯; U+81AE).
臐膮 fün-hël xūnxiāo lamb and pork stew.⁵⁴

hel2 6210
140 13 hël tiāo a vegetable that looks like a sheep's hoof, a kind of herb whose root can be used in TCM.⁸ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿱艹條; U+84E7).
<又> ël; èik. (See 蓧 ël; 蓧 èik).
hel2 6211
157 13 hël tiào to dance.⁸
跳舞 hël-mū tiàowǔ to dance; dancing.⁷
<台> 跳戆[跳戇] hël-ngòng supercilious.
<又> hẽl.
(See 跳 hẽl.)
hel2 6212
167 14 hël diào a small pot with a handle; a brass cymbol.⁷ a pan with a long handle.¹⁴
铫子[銚子] hël-dū diàozi a pot for decocting herbal medicine or heating up water.⁸
沙銚子 sâ-hël-dū
shādiàozi an earthen pot with wide cover on top and short spout.¹¹
<又> yẽl.
(See 銚 yẽl.)
hel2 6213
181 15 hël tiào to look, to look down; to gaze, to look towards.⁸ listen with bowed head.⁵⁴ to bow down and listen.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰兆頁; U+982B).
<又> fū; häo. (See 頫 fū; 頫 häo).
hel2 6214
187 22 hël xiāo having courage and agility, brave, valiant; a fine horse.⁷
骁将[驍將] or 枭将[梟將] hël-dëng xiāojiàng <wr.> intrepid or valiant general.⁶
骁健[驍健] hël-gèin
xiāojiàn <wr.> valiant and robust.⁶
骁骁[驍驍] hël-hël
xiāoxiāo strong-looking; to march fearlessly onward.⁷
骁悍[驍悍] hël-hòn
xiāohàn valiant and strong.⁶
or 枭雄[梟雄] hël-hũng xiāoxióng capable and ambitious.⁷
骁骑[驍騎] hël-kĩ
xiāoqí brave and fierce cavalry.⁷
骁卫[驍衛] hël-vì
xiāowèi the imperial guards.⁷
骁勇[驍勇] hël-yûng
xiāoyǒng <wr.> brave; valiant.⁵
骁勇善战[驍勇善戰] hël-yûng-sèn-jën
xiāoyǒngshànzhàn to be brave and good at fighting (idiom).¹⁰
hel2 6215
196 16 hël xiāo an owl.⁷
(comp. t: ⿰号鳥; U+9D1E). (comp. s: ⿰号鸟; U+9E2E).
鸱鸮[鴟鴞] chï-hël
chīxiāo owl; canto in The Book of Odes.⁷
雏尾不盈握弗食, 舒雁翠, 鹄鸮胖...
[雛尾不盈握弗食, 舒雁翠, 鵠鴞胖...]
Chö-mī-būt-ngẽin-äk fūt-sèik, sï-ngàn-tuï, hùk-hël-bòn...
Chú wěi bù yíng wò fú shí, shū yàn cuì, hú xiāo pàng...
A pullet, whose tail could not be grasped by the hand, was not eaten, nor the rump of a tame goose, nor the ribs of a swan or owl...⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·內則》, translated by James Legge).
(Note 1: 舒鴈 sï-ngàn shūyàn goose; 翠 tuï cuì rump meat).² (Note 2: 鹄[鵠] hùk swan; 鸮[鴞] hël xiāo owl; 胖 bòn pàng thin flanks.²ʼ⁰
鬃鸮[鬃鴞] düng-hël
zōngxiāo maned owl, Jubula lettii.
见弹求鸮炙[見彈求鴞炙] gëin-àn-kiũ-hël-jēik
jiàndàn qiú xiāozhì <trad.> seek eagerly.⁵⁴
鸮科[鴞科] hël-fö
xiāokē the owl family.⁷
鸮炙[鴞炙] hël-jēik
xiāozhì to expect a roast owl – to count the chickens before they are hatched.⁷
鸮卣[鴞卣] hël-yiû
xiāoyǒu owl-shaped bronze wine jar.¹⁹
hel2 6216
46 8 hẽl tiáo peak; cliff; precipice.⁸ towering.⁹ lofty peak.¹⁰ <lit.> high mountains.¹¹ a lofty peak.¹⁴ steep.³⁶ (variant: 岹 hẽl tiáo).
(composition: ⿱山召; U+5CA7).
岧峣[岧嶢] hẽl-ngẽl
tiáoyáo towering.⁸
(See 岹 hẽl).
hel3 6217
46 8 hẽl tiáo (=岧 hẽl tiáo peak; cliff; precipice.⁸ towering.⁹ lofty peak.¹⁰ <lit.> high mountains.¹¹ a lofty peak.¹⁴ steep.³⁶)
(composition: ⿰山召; U+5CB9).
岹𫶇[岹嵽] hẽl-ài
tiáodì lofty.⁸
(See 岧 hẽl).
hel3 6218
75 10 hẽl tiáo twig; a long narrow piece, strip, slip; item, article; order; <m.> (long narrow object).⁵
金条[金條] gïm-hẽl
jīntiáo gold bar.⁵
条子[條子] hẽl-dū
tiáozi strip; a brief informal note.⁵
条幅[條幅] hẽl-fūk
tiáofú a vertically-hung scroll; scroll.⁵
条件[條件] hẽl-gèin
tiáojiàn condition, term, factor; requirement, prerequisite, qualification.⁵
条条框框[條條框框] hẽl-hẽl-köng-köng
tiáotiao-kuàngkuang rules and regulations; conventions.⁵
条例[條例] hẽl-lài
tiáolì regulations; rules; ordinances.⁵
条理[條理] hẽl-lî
tiáolǐ proper arrangement or presentation; orderliness; method.⁵
条理清晰[條理清晰] hẽl-lî-tëin-xēik
tiáolǐqīngxī be methodical; be well-arranged.⁶
条枚[條枚] hẽl-mõi
tiáoméi branches and stems.¹⁴
条文[條文] hẽl-mũn
tiáowén article; clause.⁵
条纹[條紋] hẽl-mũn
tiáowén stripe; streak.⁵
条案[條案] hẽl-ön
tiáo'àn a long narrow table.⁵
条约[條約] hẽl-yēk
tiáoyuē treaty; pact.⁵
两条鱼[兩條魚] lēng-hẽl-nguî/
liǎngtiáoyú two fish.⁵
五香条[五香條] m̄-hëng-hẽl
wǔxiāngtiáo spiced strips.¹⁹
hel3 6219
116 15 hẽl tiǎo 䆗窱 gël-hẽl jiàotiǎo deep and distant; still, silent.²⁵
杳窱 mêl-hẽl
miǎotiǎo or yêl-hẽl yǎotiǎo profound; deep; full.²⁵
窅窱 yēl-hẽl
yǎotiǎo profound; secluded.¹⁴
hel3 6220
118 11 hẽl tiáo a bamboo broom.⁷ a broom; a besom.¹⁴
笤把 hẽl-bā tiáoba a long broom, usually made of bamboo.⁷
or 笤箒 hẽl-jāo tiáozhou whisk broom; small broom.⁶ a bamboo broom.⁷ a broom or besom.¹⁴
or 笤箒星 hẽl-jāo-xëin tiáozhouxīng or 扫帚星[掃帚星] or 扫箒星[掃箒星] xäo-jāo-xêng sàozhouxīng a comet.¹⁴
hel3 6221
140 8 hẽl tiáo (<old> =凌霄花 lẽin-xël-fä língxiāohuā) Chinese trumpet creeper, Campsis grandiflora;¹⁰  rush plant.⁸
苕子 hẽl-dū
tiáozi Chinese trumpet creeper.
苕帚 hẽl-jāo
tiáozhou (now usually written as 笤帚 hẽl-jāo tiáozhou) whisk broom; small broom.⁶
<又> sẽl.
(See 苕 sẽl.)
hel3 6222
142 12 hẽl  tiáo a legendary animal in ancient times.⁸
(composition: ⿲亻丨⿱夂虫; U+45BA).
䖺䗤 hẽl-yũng  tiáoyōng a kind of yellow eel, with long fins; which emits a phosphorescent light, on coming out or in. Its appearance is supposed to indicate drought.²⁵
hel3 6223
142 14 hẽl tiáo <old> cicada (modern word is 蝉 chěn chán).¹¹
蜩甲 hẽl-gâp tiáojiǎ a cicada's exuviae; shell of the cicada.⁷
蜩螳 hẽl-hõng
tiáotáng a cicada.¹⁴
蜩螗 hẽl-hõng
tiáotáng noisy and in confusion.¹¹
蜩螗沸羹 hẽl-hõng-fï-gäng
tiáotángfèigēng very noisy.⁷
螗蜩 hõng-hẽl
tángtiáo a kind of cicada.¹¹
or 螂蜩 lõng-hẽl lángtiáo singing cicada (Melampsalta radiator).⁵⁴
鸣蜩[鳴蜩] mẽin-hẽl
míngtiáo a form of cicada.¹¹
hel3 6224
149 15 調 hẽl tiáo harmonious, fit; mix, blend, adjust; mediate, reconcile; tease, provoke, tantalize; incite, instigate.⁶ to harmonize.⁶²
风调雨顺[風調雨順] füng-hẽl-yî-sùn fēngtiáoyǔshùn with timely wind and rain; favorable weather (for crops).⁶
调拨[調撥] hẽl-bòt
tiáobō (=挑拨[挑撥] hël-bòt tiǎobō) instigate; incite; sow discord; foment dissension.⁶
调节[調節] hẽl-dēik
tiáojié  to adjust; to regulate; to harmonize; to reconcile (accountancy).¹⁰
调剂[調劑] hẽl-jäi
tiáojì to adjust; to balance; to make up a medical prescription.¹⁰
调整[調整] hẽl-jēin
tiáozhěng adjust; regulate; revise; modify.⁶
调料[調料] hẽl-lèl
tiáoliào condiment; seasoning; flavoring.¹⁰
调皮[調皮] hẽl-pĩ
tiáopí (of child) naughty; tricky.¹¹
调唆[調唆] hẽl-sö
tiáosuō to provoke; to stir up (trouble); to instigate.¹⁰ to make fun of, tease (person).¹¹
调唆是非[調唆是非] hẽl-sö-sì-fï
tiáosuōshìfēi to stir up trouble.³⁹
调和[調和] hẽl-võ
tiáohé harmonious, proportional;  mediate, reconcile; (usually used in the negative) compromise, reconcile, make concessions; harmonic.⁶
<又> èl.
(See 調 èl.)
hel3 6225
156 13 hẽl tiào (<old>=跳 hẽl tiào) jump, leap, vault, bounce.⁸
(See 跳 hẽl.)
hel3 6226
157 13 hẽl tiào jump, leap, vault, bounce.⁸ (variant: 趒 hẽl tiào).
跳板 hẽl-bān tiàobǎn gangplank; diving board.⁶
跳蚤 hẽl-dāo
tiàozǎo flea.⁸
跳蚤市场[跳蚤市場] hẽl-dāo-sî-chẽng
tiàozao shìchǎng flea market.¹⁰
跳高 hẽi-gäo
tiàogāo <sport> high jump.⁶
跳跳蹿蹿[跳跳躥躥] hẽl-hẽl-tön-tön
tiàotiàocuāncuān to jump and skip; to gambol; to caper; to trip.⁷
跳脱[跳脫] hẽl-höt
tiàotuō <topo.> a bracelet.⁷
跳级[跳級] hẽl-kīp
tiàojí <edu.>  to skip a grade.⁷
跳梁 hẽi-lẽng
tiàoliáng hop and skip, leap about, jump up and down; be domineering.⁶
跳梁小丑 hẽi-lẽng-xēl-chiū
tiàoliáng xiǎochǒu buffoon; clown; contemptible scoundrel.⁶
跳绳[跳繩] hẽl-sẽin
tiàoshéng skip rope.¹¹
跳槽 hẽl-tão
tiàocáo eat in other troughs.⁸ job hopping.³⁹
跳动[跳動] hẽi-ùng
tiàodong move up and down; beat; palpitate; pulsate.⁶
跳伞[跳傘] hẽl-xän
tiàosǎn parachute; bail out.⁶
跳跃[跳躍] hẽl-yèk
tiàoyuè jump; leap; bound.⁵
跳远[跳遠] hẽi-yōn
tiàoyuǎn <sport> long/broad jump.⁶
<又> hël.
(See 跳 hël; 趒 hẽl.)
hel3 6227
162 8 hẽl tiáo far; remote.⁵
迢递[迢遞] hẽl-ài tiáodì far-off; far-away.⁷
迢迢 hẽl-hẽl
tiáotiáo far away, remote.⁵
迢迢远行[迢迢遠行] hẽl-hẽl-yōn-hãng
tiáotiáoyuǎnxíng to take a long journey.⁷
迢遥[迢遙] hẽl-yẽl
tiáoyáo far; distant.⁷
迢远[迢遠] hẽl-yōn
tiáoyuǎn far; distant.⁷
千里迢迢 tëin-lî-hẽl-hẽl
qiānlǐtiáotiáo from a thousand li away; from afar.⁵
hel3 6228
177 15 hẽl tiáo reins.⁸ a bridle, reins made of leather.²⁵
(variant: 䩦 hẽl tiáo). (See 䩦 hẽl).
(composition: ⿲亻丨⿱夂革; U+9797).
既见君子, 鞗革冲冲.[既見君子, 鞗革沖沖.]
Gï-gëin-gün-dū, hẽl-gāk-chüng-chüng.
Jì jiàn jūnzǐ, tiáo gé chōngchōng.
I have seen my noble men,
With the ends of their reins hanging down.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·白華之什·蓼蕭》, translated by James Legge).
鞗革[鞗革] hẽl-gāk
tiáogé the drooping decoration on the horse's halter.¹⁹
hel3 6229
177 16 hẽl tiáo ((=鞗 hẽl tiáo reins.⁸ a bridle, reins made of leather.²⁵); the reins, a small bronze ring used to connect the reins.⁸).²
(composition: ⿱攸革; U+4A66).
(See 鞗 hẽl).
hel3 6230
190 15 hẽl tiáo <wr.> child's hanging hair.⁶ a children's hair style with hair hanging down the forehead; a youngster, a child.⁷ (cf. 齠 hẽl).
髫辫[髫辮] hẽl-bîn
tiáobiàn childhood; youth.⁷
髫龀[髫齔] hẽl-chïn
tiáochèn childhood; youth.⁷
髫龄[髫齡] hẽl-lẽin
tiáolíng <wr.> childhood.⁵ʼ⁶
髫年 hẽl-nẽin
tiáonián <wr.> childhood.⁶
垂髫 suĩ-hẽl
chuítiáo <wr.> early childhood.⁶
蜗髫[蝸髫] vö-hẽl
wōtiáo snaillike hair style of a child (in former times).⁷
黄发垂髫 võng-fāt-suĩ-hẽl
huángfàchuítiáo the old and the young.⁶
hel3 6231
190 18 hẽl tiáo hairy; with lots of hair.⁸ much hair.²⁵
(composition: ⿱髟周; U+4BFE).
<又> jiü; chiũ; ël. (See 䯾 jiü; 䯾 chiũ; 䯾 ël).
hel3 6232
195 17 hẽl tiáo (<old>=鲦[鰷] hẽl tiáo) Korean sharpbelly (Hemiculter leucisculus); chub.¹⁰
(See 鰷 hẽl).
hel3 6233
195 21 hẽl tiáo Korean sharpbelly (Hemiculter leucisculus); chub.¹⁰ (variant: 鯈 hẽl tiáo).
白鲦[白鰷] bàk-hẽl
báitiáo another name for 条鰶[條鰶] hẽl-däi tiáojì sharpbelly or wild carp, Korean sharpbelly, or common sawbelly (Hemiculter leucisculus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鲦鰶[鰷鰶] hẽl-däi
tiáojì (See 條鰶 hẽl-däi under 鰶 däi).
诸子鲦[諸子鰷] jï-dū-hẽl
zhūzǐtiáo chub.¹⁰
(See 鯈 hẽl).
hel3 6234
211 20 hẽl tiáo <wr.> (of children) shed baby/milk teeth; grow permanent teeth.⁶ (cf. 髫 hẽl).
龆龀[齠齔] hẽl-chïn
tiáochèn the age of shedding the milk teeth – childhood.⁷
龆龄[齠齡] hẽl-lẽin
tiáolíng childhood.¹⁹ <wr.> childhood.⁵⁴
龆年[齠年] hẽl-nẽin
tiáonián the age of shedding the milk teeth – childhood.⁷
龆容[齠容] hẽl-yũng
tiáoróng a youthful look.⁷
hel3 6235
53 广 15 hèl qiào a high house; a high building.⁸ a high house.²⁴
(composition: ⿸广喬; U+3897).
hel4 6236
46 16 hēm xiǎn high, steep, precipitous.⁸ʼ³⁶ precipitous; rugged.¹⁰ʼ³⁵ to hinder, to obstruct; also, lofty, high.²⁴ obstruct, impede.¹⁰⁰
(comp. t: ⿰山僉; U+5DAE). (comp. s: ⿰山佥; U+5D04).
or 险巇[險巇] hēm-hï xiǎnxī or 险戲[險戲] hēm-hï xiǎnxì or <wr.>= 险澀[險澀] hēm-sēip xiǎnsè steep, difficult (path, road, terrain).¹¹ dangerous passes.¹⁴ difficult and dangerous.³⁶
山路巇崄[山路巇嶮] sän-lù-hï-hēm
shānlùxīxiǎn dangerous mountain paths.¹¹
hem1 6237
61 8 hēm tiǎn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 忝 hèm tiǎn with same meaning: <wr.> disgraced; ashamed; self-deprecating.⁸)
(composition: ⿱天⺗; U+5FDD).
<又> hèm.
(See 忝 hèm.)
hem1 6238
94 16 hēm xiǎn <wr.> a kind of dog with a long-snout.⁶
猃狁[獫狁] or 玁狁 Hēm-vûn Xiǎnyǔn Xianyun, Zhou Dynasty term for a northern nomadic tribe later called the 匈奴 Hüng-nũ Xiōngnú Xiongnu in the Qin and Han Dynasties.¹⁰
(See 玁 hēm).
hem1 6239
94 22 hēm xiǎn (=獫 hēm xiǎn) <wr.> a kind of dog with a long-snout.⁶
or 玁狁 Hēm-vûn Xiǎnyǔn Xianyun, Zhou Dynasty term for a northern nomadic tribe later called the 匈奴 Hüng-nũ Xiōngnú Xiongnu in the Qin and Han Dynasties.¹⁰
(See 獫 hēm).
hem1 6240
112 18 hēm xiǎn (=险[險] hēm xiǎn difficult and treacherous; narrow pass; treacherous place; strategic point).³⁶
(comp. t: ⿰石僉; U+7906). (comp. s: ⿰石佥; U+7877).
<又> gān.
(See 礆 gān; 險 hēm).
hem1 6241
149 20 hēm xiǎn to enquire.²⁵
(composition: ⿰訁僉; U+8B63).
譣人 hēm-ngĩn xiǎnrén or tïm-ngĩn qiānrén a talkative person.²⁵
譣诐[譣詖] hēm-bì
xiǎnbì or tïm-bì qiānbì traitorous discourse; to accuse falsely.²⁵
<又> ngèm; tïm; xëin.
(See 譣 ngèm; 譣 tïm; 譣 xëin).
hem1 6242
170 15 hēm xiǎn (of terrain) dangerous, perilous; place difficult of access; sinister, vicious; dangerous, risky; danger, peril, risk.⁶
保险[保險] bāo-hēm bǎoxiǎn insurance.
风险[風險] füng-hēm
fēngxiǎn risk; hazard.
天险[天險] hëin-hēm
tiānxiǎn natural barrier.
险遭不幸[險遭不幸] hēm-däo-būt-hàng
xiǎnzāobùxìng to come within an inch of death.
险峻[險峻] hēm-dün
xiǎnjùn abrupt, steep; dangerous, unapproachable; precipitous; of highly strategic significance.⁵⁴
险滩[險灘] hēm-hān
xiǎntān dangerous shoals.⁵
险恶[險惡] hēm-ōk
xiǎn'è dangerous; perilous; sinister; vicious; treacherous.
险澀[險澀] hēm-sēip
xiǎnsè steep, difficult (road, terrain).¹¹ dangerous passes.¹⁴ difficult and dangerous.³⁶
险些[險些] hēm-xëh
xiǎnxiē narrowly; barely; almost.
冒险[冒險] mào-hēm
màoxiǎn to take risks; to take chances; foray; adventure.¹⁰
危险[危險] nguĩ-hēm
wēixiǎn danger; dangerous.
遇险[遇險] nguì-hēm
yùxiǎn run into danger.⁵⁵
山高水险[山高水險] sän-gäo-suī-hēm
shāngāoshuǐxiǎn a difficult journey.
阴险[陰險] yïm-hēm
yīnxiǎn insidious; treacherous.
hem1 6243
85 11 hëm tiān add, increase; <topo.> have a baby.⁵
增添 däng-hëm zēngtiān to add; to increase.¹⁰
加添 gä-hëm
jiātiān augment; add.¹⁰
添丁 hëm-ëin
tiāndīng to add a son to the family.¹⁰
添加 hëm-gä
tiānjiā add; increase.⁶
添置 hëm-jï
tiānzhì add to one's possessions; acquire⁵.
添枝加叶[添枝加葉] hëm-jï-gä-yêp
tiānzhījiāyè deliberately embellish the facts; add amusing but perhaps untrue details.⁸
添砖加瓦[添磚加瓦] hëm-jön-gä-ngā
tiānzhuānjiāwǎ lit. contribute bricks and tiles for a building (idiom); fig. to do one's bit to help.¹⁰
添乱[添亂] hëm-lòn
tiānluàn <topo.> to cause trouble for somebody; to inconvenience.¹⁰
hem2 6244
140 11 hëm tián beet.⁸ luxuriant.⁹ sugar beet.¹⁰ leaf beet, Beta vulgaris.¹¹
菾菜 hëm-töi
tiáncài (=甜菜 hẽm-töi tiáncài ) beet.⁸
hem2 6245
201 17 hëm tiān light yellow, yellow.⁸ a light yellow color.²⁵
黇鹿 hëm-lùk tiānlù fallow deer (Dama dama).¹⁰
hem2 6246
99 11 hẽm tián sweet, luscious; agreeable, pleasant.⁷
(variants: 甛,餂 hẽm tián). (See 甛 hẽm; 餂 hẽm).
hẽm-diū-ngèng tiánjiǔniàng fermented rice.⁷
甜点[甜點] hẽm-ēm
tiándiǎn sweet; dessert.⁷
甜瓜 hẽm-gâ/
tiánguā muskmelon; sweet melon.⁶
甜甘 hẽm-gäm
tiángān sweet, honeyed, or pleasing.⁷
甜津津 hẽm-jün-jün
tiánjīnjīn or 甜滋滋 hẽm-dü-dü tiánzīzī pleasantly sweet; happy, gratified, quite pleased.⁵⁴
甜味 hẽm-mì
tiánwèi sweet taste.⁷
甜蜜 hẽm-mìt
tiánmì sweet; happy.⁵
甜言蜜语[甜言蜜語] hẽm-ngũn-mìt-nguî
tiányánmìyǔ sweet words and honeyed phrases; fine-sounding words.⁵
甜菜 hẽm-töi
tiáncài a sweet beet.⁷
甜酸 hẽm-xön
tiánsuān (of food) sweet and sour.⁶
甜酸苦辣 hẽm-xön-fū-làt
tián-suān-kǔ-là lit. sweetness, sourness, bitterness and hotness – all sorts of joys and sorrows.⁶
甜酸鸡[甜酸雞] hẽm-xön-gäi
tiánsuānjī sweet and sour chicken.¹⁹
甜酸排骨 hẽm-xön-pãi-gūt
tiánsuānpáigǔ  sweet-and-sour spareribs.⁰
<台> 甜淰淰 hẽm-nĩm-nĩm pleasantly sweet; quite pleased, happy.
hem3 6247
99 11 hẽm tián (=甜 hẽm tián sweet, luscious; agreeable, pleasant.⁷); sweet, sweetness.⁸
(composition: ⿰甘舌; U+751B).
(See 甜 hẽm).
hem3 6248
130 9 hẽm tián ➀ unflavored broth (same as 大羹 ài-gäng dàgēng)
➁ fat (same as 䏦 gāt
guā).⁸ fat; soup, gravy.²⁵
(composition: ⿰⺼占; U+80CB).
(See 大羹 ài-gäng; ).
hem3 6249
130 10 hẽm tián fat of animals or plants, (same as 胋 hẽm tián) fat, plump; fertile; animal fat.⁸ʼ¹⁰ fat.²⁵
(composition: ⿰⺼舌; U+43E6).
<又> gāt.
(See 䏦 gāt;  hẽm).
hem3 6250
184 14 hẽm tián (<old>=甜 hẽm tián sweet).² (=甜 hẽm tián sweet, luscious; agreeable, pleasant.⁷).⁸ sweet; excellent.²⁵
(composition: ⿰飠舌; U+9902).
<又> hèm; lēm.
(See 餂 hèm; 餂 lēm; 甜 hẽm).
hem3 6251
1 6 hèm tiàn to lick, to taste; a mat; bamboo bark.⁸ to lick; woven mat; green bamboo sheath; unilluminated.³⁶
(composition: ⿻⿱一人囗; U+3401).
<又> xäi. (See 㐁 xäi).
hem4 6252
30 10 hèm hng humph!
<台> 哼!你信佢? Hèm! nï xïn kuï? Humph! You believe him?
<又> häng. (See 哼 häng.)
hem4 6253
61 8 hèm tiǎn <wr.> disgraced; ashamed; self-deprecating.⁸
(composition: ⿱天⺗; U+5FDD).
忝在知交 hèm-dòi-jï-gäo tiǎnzàizhījiāo as your friend (although unworthily, in self-deprecation).
忝居 hèm-guï
tiǎnjū <humb.> I've shamefully occupied (a position which I don't deserve).
忝列门墙[忝列門牆] hèm-lèik-mõn-tẽng
tiǎnlièménqiáng to learn under a master.
无忝所生[無忝所生] mũ-hèm-sō-säng
wútiǎnsuǒshēng Don't do anything to bring shame on your parents.
<又> hēm.
(See 忝 hēm.)
hem4 6254
61 8 hèm tiǎn (original form of the character 忝 hèm tiǎn or hēm tiǎn <wr.> disgraced; ashamed; self-deprecating); to disgrace; to insult, to condescend.⁸
(composition: ⿱天心; U+3901).
(See 忝 hèm).
hem4 6255
61 9 hèm tián (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 恬 hêm tiǎn with same meaning: quiet, tranquil, calm; not care at all, remain unperturbed.⁵)
<又> hêm.
(See 恬 hêm.)
hem4 6256
64 11 hèm tiàn to manipulate; a pricker for a lamp wick.¹  to dip (a brush) in ink; <topo.> to poke.¹  to drip a writing brush in ink and work it on an ink stone.⁶
灯掭[燈掭] äng-hèm dēngtiàn a pricker for a lamp wick.¹⁴
掭灯心[掭燈心] hèm-äng-xîm
tiàndēngxīn to raise the wick in an oil lamp.⁶
掭笔[掭筆] hèm-bīt
tiànbǐ to work a brush on the inkstone.¹ to bring the writing brush to a fine point when preparing to write.¹⁴
掭锁[掭鎖] hèm-xū
tiànsuǒ to pick a lock.¹⁴
<又> hêm.
(See 掭 hêm.)
hem4 6257
75 12 hèm tiàn (standard form of 掭) (same as 栝) a builder's frame for measuring; juniper; a poker (for stirring fires); a cylinder-shaped part on the old style of wooden doors.⁸ʼ³⁶
hem4 6258
184 14 hèm tiǎn to obtain by hook.⁸ to obtain by deception.¹⁰ <wr.> to lure or bait with sweet words.¹¹ to take with a hook.²⁵ <old> to gain, to obtain (by deception).³⁶
(composition: ⿰飠舌; U+9902).
是以言餂之也 sì-yî-ngũn-hèm-jï-yâ shì yǐ yán tiǎn zhī yě by guile of speech seeking to gain some end.¹⁴
Xù-mì-hō-yî-ngũn-ngĩ-ngũn, sì-yî-ngũn-hèm-jï-yâ; hō-yî-ngũn-ngĩ-būt-ngũn, sì-yî-būt-ngũn-hèm-jï-yâ, sì-gäi-chün-yĩ-jï-luì-yâ.
Shì wèi kěyǐ yán ér yán, shì yǐ yán tiǎn zhī yě; kěyǐ yán ér bù yán, shì yǐ bù yán tiǎn zhī yě, shì jiē chuān yú zhī lèi yě.
When a scholar speaks what he ought not to speak, by guile of speech seeking to gain some end; and when he does not speak what he ought to speak, by guile of silence seeking to gain some end; both these cases are of a piece with breaking through a neighbor's wall.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《孟子·盡心下·77》, translated by James Legge).
以言餂之 yî-ngũn-hèm-jï
yǐyántiǎnzhī to catch people by words.²⁵
<又> hẽm; lēm.
(See 餂 hẽm; 餂 lēm).
hem4 6259
61 9 hêm tián quiet, tranquil, calm; not care at all, remain unperturbed.⁵
静恬[靜恬] dèin-hêm or dèin-hèm jìngtián quiet; peaceful; tranquil.⁵
or 恬澹 hêm-àm or hèm-àm tiándàn indifferent to fame or gain.⁵
恬波 hêm-bö
or hèm-bö tiánbō calm waters.¹⁰
恬不知耻[恬不知恥] hêm-būt-jï-chī
or hèm-būt-jï-chī tiánbùzhīchǐ  not feel ashamed; have no sense of shame; be shameless.⁵
恬畅[恬暢] hêm-chēng
or hèm-chēng tiánchàng comfortable and happy.¹⁰
恬静[恬靜] hêm-dèin
or hèm-dèin tiánjìng quiet; peaceful; tranquil.⁵
恬然 hêm-ngẽin
or hèm-ngẽin tiánrán <wr.> unperturbed; calm; nonchalant.⁵
恬适[恬適] hêm-sēik
or hèm-sēik tiánshì quiet and comfortable.⁵
恬和 hêm-võ
or hèm-võ tiánhé quiet and gentle.¹⁰
清恬 tëin-hêm
or tëin-hèm qīngtián pure and quiet (of life); tranquil and comfortable.¹⁰
<又> hèm.
(See 恬 hèm.)
hem5 6260
64 11 hêm tiàn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 掭 hèm tiǎn with same meaning.)
<又> hèm.
(See 掭 hèm.)
hem5 6261
8 8 hēng xiǎng to enjoy.⁵ to enjoy, to receive; to offer; to entertain.⁷
分享 fün-hēng fēnxiǎng to share (joy or rights); to partake of.
享福 hēng-fūk
xiǎngfú enjoy happy life; live in ease and comfort.⁵
享乐[享樂] hēng-lòk
xiǎnglè to lead a life of pleasure.
享受 hēng-siù
xiǎngshòu to enjoy; to live it up; pleasure.¹⁰
享有 hēng-yiû
xiǎngyǒu to enjoy (rights, privileges).
享用 hēng-yùng
xiǎngyòng to enjoy (the use of).
安享富贵[安享富貴] ön-hēng-fü-gï
ānxiǎngfùguì to enjoy wealth and social status.
坐享其成 tü-hēng-kĩ-sẽin
or tö-hēng-kĩ-sẽin zuòxiǎngqíchéng to sit idle and enjoy the fruits of other’s labor; to reap where one has not sown.
heng1 6262
8 9 hēng xiǎng (=享 hēng xiǎng to enjoy.⁵); to enjoy; to receive.⁸
(composition: ⿳亠口日; U+4EAF).
(See 享 hēng).
heng1 6263
30 14 hēng xiǎng (=standard form 响[響] hēng xiǎng echo; sound; noise; to make a sound; to sound; to ring; loud; measure word for noises.¹⁰); an echo; to answer; to consent; noise, sound; to make a noise.⁸
(composition: ⿱鄉口; U+35FD).
(See 響 hēng).
heng1 6264
32 9 hēng shǎng A unit of measurement used to calculate area in north China with differing standards. It's about 15 亩[畝] mêo mu (15 mu = 1 hectare) for each 垧 hēng shǎng shang in the northeast and about 3 or 5 mu in the northwest.⁹ heng1 6265
40 10 𡨇
hēng xiǎng (<old>=响[響] hēng xiǎng echo; sound; noise; to make a sound; to sound; to ring; loud; measure word for noises.¹⁰)
(composition: ⿱宀皀; U+21A07).
(See 響 hēng).
heng1 6266
63 10 hēng shǎng large ring on a front door used as a knocker.⁸
(composition: ⿸戶向 or ⿸户向; U+6244).
<又> gēin. (See 扄 gēin).
heng1 6267
72 10 hēng shǎng part of the day; <topo.> noon.⁵ high noon; a certain duration or interval of time; (Northeast China dialect) a day's work.⁷ Noon, midday; A land measure in Manchuria, equivalent to seven 亩[畝] mêo ; also defined as being a piece of land that can be sown in one day.¹⁴
前半晌 tẽin-bôn-hēng
qiánbànshǎng <topo.> forenoon; morning.⁵
晌饭[晌飯] hēng-fàn
shǎngfàn <topo.> midday meal; lunch; extra meal in the busy farming season.⁵
晌觉[晌覺] hēng-gäo
shǎngjiào <topo.> afternoon nap.⁵
晌午 hēng-m̂ shǎngwu <topo.> midday; noon.⁵
<台> 贪晌[貪晌] häm-hēng all of a sudden.
heng1 6268
142 9 hēng xiǎng syn. 蠁 hēng xiǎng larvae, grubs.⁸ʼ¹⁴ larvae, chrysalis.³⁶
(composition: ⿱乡虫; U+8683).
(See 蠁 hēng).
heng1 6269
142 17 hēng xiǎng larvae, grubs.⁸ʼ¹⁴ larvae, chrysalis.³⁶ (syn. 蚃 hēng xiǎng).
(composition: ⿱鄉虫 or ⿱鄕虫; U+8801).
肸蠁 bìt-hēng
xìxiǎng small flies rising in swarms from damp ground – used to illustrate a flourishing state of things.¹⁴
酒蠁 diū-hēng
jiǔxiǎng small flying insects around wine or vinegar.¹⁹
蠁曶 hēng-fūt
xiǎnghū in great haste.¹⁴ in a flash; fast; instantaneous.¹⁹
(See 蚃 hēng).
heng1 6270
180 20 hēng xiǎng echo; sound; noise; to make a sound; to sound; to ring; loud; measure word for noises.¹⁰
(variants: 㗽, 𡨇❄{⿱宀皀} hēng). (See 㗽, 𡨇❄{⿱宀皀} hēng).
响板[響板] hēng-bān
xiǎngbǎn castanets.⁶
响鞭[響鞭] hēng-bëin
xiǎngbiān crack of a whip.⁶
响鼻[響鼻] hēng-bì
xiǎngbí (of a horse, mule) snort.⁶
响彻[響徹] hēng-chēik
xiǎngchè resound through.⁵
响彻云霄[響徹雲霄] hēng-chēik-vũn-xël
xiǎngchèyúnxiāo make the welkin ring; echoes to the clouds.³⁹
响箭[響箭] hēng-dëin
xiǎngjiàn whistling arrow.⁶
响当当[響當當] hēng-öng-öng
xiǎngdāngdāng (of ringing sound) loud; outstanding, excellent.⁶
响铃[響鈴] hēng-lẽin
xiǎnglíng a bell.⁷
响亮[響亮] hēng-lèng
xiǎngliàng loud and clear; sonorous.⁶
响螺[響螺] hēng-lũ
xiǎngluó conch shell, sometimes used in trumpet call.¹¹ =香螺 hëng-lũ (Neptunea cumingii Crosse).¹⁹
响尾蛇[響尾蛇] hēng-mī-sẽh
xiǎngwěishé rattlesnake.⁵
响马[響馬] hēng-mâ
xiǎngmǎ (mounted) bandits.⁶
响声[響聲] hēng-sëin
xiǎngsheng sound, echo, noise.⁷
响脆[響脆] hēng-tuï
xiǎngcuì loud and crisp.⁶
响度[響度] hēng-ù
xiǎngdù <phy.> loudness; volume.⁷
响动[響動] hēng-ùng
xiǎngdong sound of something astir.⁵
响应[響應] hēng-yëin
xiǎngyìng answer; reply; respond.⁶
<台> 雷响[雷響] luĩ-hēng to thunder.
heng1 6271
184 14 hēng xiǎng <wr.> entertain with food and drinks; <trad.> pay (for soldiers, policemen).⁵ (variant: 饟 hēng xiǎng).
兵饷[兵餉] bëin-hēng
bīngxiǎng (=军饷[軍餉] gün-hēng jūnxiǎng) <trad.> soldier's pay and provisions.⁶
饷宾[餉賓] hēng-bïn
xiǎngbīn (=饷客[餉客] hēng-hāk or hēng-häk xiǎngkè) to entertain guests with food.⁷
饷银[餉銀] hēng-ngãn
xiǎngyín military expenditure; a serviceman's pay.⁷
饷钱[餉錢] hēng-tẽin
xiǎngqián a soldier's pay.⁷
饷遗[餉遺] hēng-vì
xiǎngwèi present as a gift; donate.⁵⁴
or 饷糈[饟糈] hēng-xuï xiǎngxǔ army provisions.⁸
粮饷[糧餉] lẽng-hēng
liángxiǎng <trad.> provisions and pay (for troops).⁶
月饷[月餉] ngùt-hēng
yuèxiǎng monthly pay.⁵
(See 饟 hēng).
heng1 6272
184 20 hēng xiǎng <wr.> treat to dinner, wine and dine; provide enjoyment,  entertain.⁶ host banquet; banquet.⁸
大飨[大饗] ài-hēng dàxiǎng a great feast.²⁵
飨祭[饗祭] hēng-däi
xiǎngjì to make offerings.⁰
飨供[饗供] hēng-güng
xiǎnggòng to sacrifice.¹⁴
飨客[饗客] hēng-hāk
or hēng-häk xiǎngkè treat a guest to dinner.⁶
飨糖[饗糖] hēng-hõng
xiǎngtáng sugar figures carried at wedding.¹⁴
飨饮[饗飲] hēng-ngīm
xiǎngyǐn to enjoy offered food and drink.¹⁰
飨宴[饗宴] hēng-yën
xiǎngyàn a feast.⁷
飨以闭门羹[饗以閉門羹] hēng-yî bäi-mõn-gäng
xiǎngyǐ bìméngēng to close the door in one's face (idiom).¹⁰
尚飨[尚饗] sèng-hēng
shàngxiǎng May this my offering be acceptable to thee – final words of a sacrificial ode.¹⁴
以飨读者[以饗讀者] yî-hēng-ùk-jēh
yǐxiǎngdúzhě provide entertainment for the reader.⁶
一朝飨之[一朝饗之] yīt-chẽl-hēng-jï
yīcháoxiǎngzhī the whole court was entertained.²⁵
heng1 6273
184 25 hēng xiǎng (=饷[餉] hēng xiǎng) rations and pay for soldiers; dried rice.⁸
or 饷糈[餉糈] hēng-xuï xiǎngxǔ army provisions.⁸
(See 餉 hēng.)
heng1 6274
26 10 hëng qīng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 卿 hëin qīng) <old> high ranking official; term of endearment between spouses; (from the Tang Dynasty onwards) term used by the emperor for his subjects; honorific.
<又> hëin.
(See 卿 hëin).
heng2 6275
30 6 hëng xiàng to turn, to face; a direction, a trend; until now; Xiang surname.⁷
向壁虚造[向壁虛造] hëng-bēik-huï-dào xiàngbìxūzào a gross fabrication; to fabricate.⁷
向背 hëng-böi
xiàngbèi the support or opposition (of the people).⁷
向下 hëng-hä
xiàngxià down; downward.¹⁰
向例 hëng-lài
xiànglì custom; usual practice; convention up to now.¹⁰
向来[向來] hëng-lõi xiànglái always (previously).¹⁰
向日葵 hëng-ngìt-kî xiàngrìkuí sunflower (Helianthus annuus).¹⁰
向隅 hëng-nguĩ
xiàngyú lit. to face the corner (idiom); fig. to miss out on something.¹⁰
向隅而泣 hëng-nguĩ-ngĩ-hīp
xiàngyú'érqì to weep all alone in a corner; to weep from loneliness.⁵⁴
向上 hëng-sèng
xiàngshàng upward; up; to advance; to try to improve oneself; to make progress.¹⁰
向前 hëng-tẽin xiàngqián forward; onward.¹⁰
向阳[向陽] hëng-yẽng xiàngyáng (said of a house) facing south, or the sunny side.⁷
(See 嚮 hëng.)
heng2 6276
30 17 hëng xiàng to guide, to direct, to lead; to lean toward, to be inclined toward.⁷
冲向[衝嚮] chüng-hëng chōngxiàng to charge into.¹⁰
向导[嚮導] hëng-ào
xiàngdǎo to act as guide, to lead; a guide.¹¹
向壁虚造[嚮壁虛造] hëng-bēik-huï-dào
xiàngbìxūzào to fabricate out of nothing.⁷
向左急转弯[嚮左急轉彎] hëng-dū-gīp-jōn-vän
xiàng zuǒ jízhuǎnwān sharp left turn.¹⁰
向迩[嚮邇] hëng-ngì
xiàng'ěr to approach.⁷
向往[嚮往] hëng-vông
xiàngwǎng to aspire; to long; to look forward to.⁷
向右转弯[嚮右轉彎] hëng-yiù-jōn-vän
xiàng yòuzhuǎnwān right turn.¹⁰
(See 向 hëng.)
heng2 6277
53 广 25 hëng tīng hall.
(comp. t: ⿸广聽; U+5EF3). (comp. s: ⿸厂丁; U+5385).
大厅[大廳] ài-hëng
dàtīng main parlor.
办公厅[辦公廳] bàn-güng-hëng
bàngōngtīng general office; administrative agency of a high ranking government office.
咖啡厅[咖啡廳] gä-fēh-hëng
kāfēitīng coffe shop.¹⁰
客厅[客廳] hāk-hëng
or häk-hëng kètīng living room.⁹
跳舞厅[跳舞廳] hël-mū-hëng
tiàowǔtīng ballroom; dance hall.
厅堂[廳堂] hëng-hõng
tīngtáng hall; main hall.
餐厅[餐廳] tän-hëng
cāntīng dining room/hall; restaurant.⁶
heng2 6278
72 15 hëng xiàng a little while, formerly; used for 向 hëng xiàng.¹⁴
曏者 hëng-jēh
xiàngzhě recently; up till now.¹⁴
曏役之三月 hëng-vèik-jï-xäm-ngùt
or hëng-yèik-jï-xäm-ngùt xiàngyìzhīsānyuè I lately employed him for three months.¹⁴
heng2 6279
75 11 hëng tīng the shaft of an awl; a small bedside table used in ancient China.⁵
桯子 hëng-dū tīngzi the shaft of an awl; the floral axis of a vegetable.⁵
桯凳 hëng-âng
tīngdèng footstool near bed.¹¹
锥桯[錐桯] juï-hëng
zhuītīng shaft of an awl.⁶
heng2 6280
106 7 hëng xiāng (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 皀 bìt bī with the same meaning: a kernel.⁸ one grain.¹⁰ the fragrance of grain.²⁴)
(composition: ⿱白匕; U+7680).
<又> bìt; gīp. (See 皀 bìt; 皀 gīp).
heng2 6281
128 17 hëng tīng (=聽 hëng tīng) hear, listen; understand; obey.⁸
<又> hëin.
(See 聽 hëng; 聽 hëin; 聴 hëin.)
heng2 6282
128 22 hëng tīng hear, listen; understand; obey.⁸ (variant: (variant: 聴 hëng or hëin tīng).
好听[好聽] hāo-hëng
hǎotīng pleasant to hear.
听到[聽到] hëng-āo
tīngdào to hear.
听不懂[聽不懂] hëng-būt-ūng
tīngbudǒng don't understand (by listening).
听见[聽見] hëng-gëin
tīngjiàn to hear.¹¹
听觉[聽覺] hëng-gōk
tīngjué sense of hearing.⁵
听讲[聽講] hëng-gōng
tīngjiǎng to attend a lecture; to listen to a talk.
听者[聽者] hëng-jēh
tīngzhě listener; audience.⁶
听众[聽眾] hëng-jüng
tīngzhòng audience; listeners.⁸
听力[聽力] hëng-lèik
tīnglì hearing (ability); aural comprehension (in language teaching).
听闻[聽聞] hëng-mũn
tīngwén to listen; to hear what somebody says; news one has heard.¹⁰
听从[聽從] hëng-tũng
tīngcóng obey; follow; heed; listen to; comply with.⁶
听话[聽話] hëng-và
tīnghuà to await a reply; to heed advice; to obey; obedient.
听写[聽寫] hëng-xēh
tīngxiě to dictate; dictation.
<台> 听教[聽教] hëng-gäo (of children) obedient.
<又> hëin.
(See 聽 hëin; 聴 hëng; 聴 hëin.)
heng2 6283
137 9 hëng xiāng a boat.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰舟工; U+8221).
舡鱼[舡魚] hëng-nguî xiāngyú the paper nautilus (or argonaut, a group of pelagic octopuses).¹⁴
舽舡 põng-hëng
pángxiāng a local term for a vessel; a vessel used on the east of China; anything large and stupid.²⁵
<又> sõn.
(See 舡 sõn).
heng2 6284
140 14 hëng xiāng (<old>=香 hëng xiāng) fragrance.¹¹ fragrant herb used in ancient times for flavoring; variety of local opera in southern 福建 Fūk-gèin Fújiàn Fujian Province.¹
芗剧[薌劇] Hëng-kēk
Xiāngjù local opera popular in Taiwan and southern Fujian.
韦斯巴芗[韋斯巴薌] Vī xü bä hëng
Wéisībāxiāng Vespasian, Roman Emperor (reign 1 July 69 – 23 June 79).
heng2 6285
159 14 hëng qīng light (weight).
<台> 好轻[好輕] hāo-hëng/ very light (in weight).
<台> 轻轻[輕輕] hëng-hëng/ lightly; carefully; gently.
<台> 轻坪吖[輕坪吖] hëng-pēng-ä  very light (weight).
<又> hëin. (See 輕 hëin.)
heng2 6286
163 11 hëng xiāng township; countryside, village, rural area; home town.⁶
(variant: 鄕 hëng xiāng). (See 鄕 hëng).
乡巴佬[鄉巴佬] hëng-bä-lāo
xiāngbalǎo <derog.> (country) bumpkin.⁵
乡间[鄉間] hëng-gän
xiāngjiān village; countryside.⁶
乡间别墅[鄉間別墅] hëng-gän-bèik-xuî
xiāngjiānbiéshù country villa.⁶
乡贯[鄉貫] hëng-gön
xiāngguàn one's native place; place of ancestry; registered birthplace.¹⁰
乡下[鄉下] hëng-hà
xiāngxia countryside; village.⁶
乡下佬[鄉下佬] hëng-hà-lāo
xiāngxialǎo <derog.> mossback, clodhopper, rube.⁹ villager; hick.¹⁰
乡下人[鄉下人] hëng-hà-ngĩn
xiāngxiarén country folk.⁵
乡土[鄉土] hëng-hū
xiāngtǔ native soil; local.⁶
乡僻[鄉僻] hëng-pēik
xiāngpì out-of-the-way place.¹⁰
乡绅[鄉紳] hëng-sïn
xiāngshēn the gentry, officials out of office; educated classes.¹⁴
乡愁[鄉愁] hëng-sẽo
xiāngchóu homesickness; nostalgia.⁶
乡塾[鄉塾] hëng-sùk
xiāngshú private village school.⁶
乡亲[鄉親] hëng-tïn
xiāngqīn fellow villager or townsman; local people; villagers; folks.⁶
乡村[鄉村] hëng-tûn
xiāngcūn village; countryside.⁶
乡贤[鄉賢] hëng-yẽn
xiāngxián an honored and respected gentleman of the town or village.¹¹
heng2 6287
163 12 hëng xiāng (=乡[鄉] hëng xiāng township; countryside, village, rural area; home town.⁶); country; rural; village.⁸
(composition: ⿲乡皀⻏; U+9115).
heng2 6288
182 18 hëng xiāng sound of the wind; degenerate social customs and practices.⁸
(composition: ⿰風風; U+4B15).
heng2 6289
186 9 hëng xiāng Kangxi radical 186; fragrant, sweet smelling, incense.⁸
香皂[香皁] hëng-dào xiāngzào perfumed soap; toilet soap; scented soap.⁹
香蕉 hëng-děl
xiāngjiāo banana.¹⁰
香瓜 hëng-gä
xiāngguā cantaloupe melon.⁸
香菇 hëng-gü
xiānggū <bot.> Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler; aka 香菌 hëng-kûn, 香蕈 hëng-xïn, 平莊菇(廣東) pẽin-jöng-gü (Gōng-üng), 椎茸(日本) chuĩ-ngũng (Ngìt-bōn) shiitake; forest mushroom; black forest mushroom; dried mushroom.²³
香樟 hëng-jëng
xiāngzhāng camphorated; a camphor odor.¹⁰²
香芹 hëng-kĩn
xiāngqín parsley, Libanotis seseloides (Fisch. et Mey.) Turcz.²³
香港 Hëng-Kōng
Xiānggǎng Hong Kong.⁷
香兰[香蘭] hëng-lãn
xiānglán vanilla;¹  <bot.> Haraella retrocalla The Rear Facing Lip Spur Haraella.²⁷
香洌 hëng-lëik
xiāngliè fragrant and icy clear.¹¹
香茗 hëng-mẽin
xiāngmíng fragrant tea.⁹
香饵[香餌] hëng-nì
xiāng'ěr a bait for hunting, fishing or insect-killing; something for trapping.⁹
香水 hëng-suī
xiāngshuǐ perfume; liquid scent.⁶
香荽 hëng-xuï
xiāngsuī coriander.¹⁰
香烟[香煙] hëng-yën
xiāngyān cigarette; incense smoke.⁵
香油 hëng-yiũ
xiāngyóu sesame oil.⁸

heng2 6290
137 12 hêng tǐng a long, narrow boat.⁷ small boat; dugout; punt.³⁶
快艇 fäi-hêng kuàitǐng speedboat.³⁶
救生艇 giü-säng-hêng
jiùshēngtǐng lifeboat.⁸
艇库[艇庫] hêng-fü
tǐngkù boathouse.¹⁰
艇甲板 hêng-gāp-bān
tǐngjiǎbǎn boat deck (upper deck on which lifeboats are stored).¹⁰
艇长[艇長] hêng-jēng
tǐngzhǎng the skipper of a naval boat.⁷
汽艇 hï-hêng
qìtǐng motorboat.¹⁰
鱼雷艇[魚雷艇] nguĩ-luĩ-hêng
yúléitǐng torpedo boat.¹¹
炮艇 päo-hêng
pàotǐng gunboat.⁸
潜水艇[潛水艇] tẽm-suī-hêng
qiánshuǐtǐng submarine.⁵
游艇[遊艇] yiũ-hêng
yóutǐng pleasure boat for hire on lakes, private yacht.¹¹
<台> 艇仔 hêng-dōi a small boat.
heng5 6291
30 3 hēo kǒu Kangxi radical 30; mouth; open end; entrance, gate.⁸
口臭 hēo-chiü kǒuchòu halitosis; bad breath.⁵
口号[口號] hēo-hào
kǒuhào slogan; catchphrase.¹⁰
口气[口氣] hēo-hï
kǒuqì tone of voice; the way one speaks.¹⁰
口腔 hēo-höng
kǒuqiāng oral cavity.⁸
口琴 hēo-kĩm
kǒuqín harmonica.¹⁰
口蘑 hēo-mão
kǒumó a delicious mushroom with white and fat pileus; it is produced along 张家口[張家口] Jëng-gä-hēo Zhāngjiākǒu Zhangjiakou in 河北 Hõ-bāk Héběi.⁹
口若悬河[口若懸河] hēo-ngèk-yõn-hõ
kǒuruòxuánhé mouth like a torrent (idiom); eloquent; glib; voluble; have the gift of the gab.¹⁰
口语[口語] hēo-nguî
kǒuyǔ colloquial speech; spoken language; vernacular language; slander; gossip.¹⁰
口袋 hēo-òi
kǒudài pocket.⁵
口是心非 hēo-sì-xïm-fï
kǒushìxīnfēi lit. mouth says yes, heart no (idiom); duplicity; empty words.¹⁰ have two faces; disharmony of mind and thought; say one thing and mean another; say yes and mean no; play a double game.⁶
口唇 hēo-sũn
kǒuchún lips.³⁹
口对口复苏法[口對口復蘇法] hēo-uï-hēo-fùk-xü-fāt
kǒuduìkǒufùsūfǎ <med.> mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.⁶
口音 hēo-yïm
kǒuyin voice; accent; oral speech sounds.
heo1 6292
30 10 hēo dǒu <台> alternative to 敨➁,➂ hēo to breathe; to rest.
(composition: ⿰口抖; U+551E).
<台> 唞气[唞氣] hēo-hï to rest; to breathe.
(See 敨 hēo).
heo1 6293
38 8 hēo tǒu beautiful, fair; (feminine name).¹⁹
(composition: ⿰女主; U+59B5).
heo1 6294
66 12 hēo tǒu (a dialect) to open (a parcel; a bundle or a package); to unroll (a scroll); (Cant.) to rest, catch one's breath.⁸ to open, to unfold; to smooth out (wrinkles); to shake off (dust).¹⁹ to open out.²⁴
(composition: ⿰咅攴; U+3A97).
(cf. 敨 hēo).
heo1 6295
66 12 hēo tǒu ➀ (dialectal, including Min Nan) to open; to unwrap; to unroll; to unravel; to untie ➁ (Cantonese, Hakka) to breathe ➂ (Cantonese, Hakka) to rest.³⁶
(composition: ⿰咅攵; U+6568).
<台> 敨气[敨氣] hēo-hï to rest; to breathe.
(cf. 唞 hēo; 㪗 hēo).
heo1 6296
68 15 hēo tǒu yellow.² used in 斢㪹; alternative form of 黈 hēo tǒu yellow.³⁶
(composition: ⿰黄斗; U+65A2).
斢㪹 hēo-lẽo
tǒulǒu the military/soldiers plundering the people.²⁴
<台> 斢 hēo loose (fitting), antonym of 紧[緊] gīn.
<台> 件衫好斢 gèin-sâm-hāo-hēo the garment is loose (fitting).
<台> 螺丝斢扼济,添商返紧佢[螺絲斢扼濟,添商返緊佢] lũ-xü/-hēo-äk-dài, hëm-sëng-fän-gīn-kuï. the screw is too loose, it needs to be tightened.
<又> hël.
(See 黈 hēo; 斢 hël).
heo1 6297
76 11 hēo tǒu (=㕻 or 咅 pāo pǒu) to spit.⁸ʼ²⁴
(composition: ⿰豆欠; U+3C2F).
<又> hëo; hèo.
(See 㰯 hëo; 㰯 hèo).
heo1 6298
93 7 𤘘 hēo kǒu cattle, domestic animals.⁸ (variant: 㸸 hēo kǒu).
(composition: ⿰牜口; U+24618).
(See 㸸 hēo).
heo1 6299
93 10 hēo kǒu (=𤘘 hēo kǒu) cattle, domestic animals.⁸
(composition: ⿰牜后; U+3E38).

<又> hāo; ngêo.
(See 㸸 hāo; 㸸 ngêo; 𤘘 hēo).
heo1 6300
120 10 hēo tǒu to announce, to accuse; yellow silk.²⁵ (=黈 hēo tǒu yellow; augment, increase.⁸ a yellow color.²⁵).¹⁰¹ (=斢 hēo tǒu yellow.² used in 斢㪹 hēo-lẽo tǒulǒu the military/soldiers plundering the people.²⁴; alternative form of 黈 hēo tǒu yellow.³⁶).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰糹斗; U+7D0F).
<又> gēl.
(See 紏 gēl; 黈 hēo; 斢 hēo).
heo1 6301
201 16 hēo tǒu yellow; augment, increase.⁸ a yellow color.²⁵ (variant: 斢 hēo tǒu).
(composition: ⿰黄主; U+9EC8).
黈纩[黈纊] hēo-köng
tǒukuàng a small ball made from yellow silk floss.¹⁹ yellow pieces of silk attached to a crown, and hanging down by the sides of the ears, to intimate that a king must not listen to outside stories.²⁵
黈聪[黈聰] hēo-tüng
tǒucōng news about the emperor.¹⁹
(See 斢 hēo).
heo1 6302
9 11 hëo tōu (=偷 hëo tōu) to steal.
(composition: ⿰亻兪; U+5078).
(See 偷 hëo.)
heo2 6303
9 11 hëo tōu steal, pilfer; thief, burglar; stealthily; loaf around, drift along.⁶
(composition: ⿰亻俞; U+5077).
偷安 hëo-ön tōu’ān seek temporary ease.⁶
偷袭[偷襲] hëo-dàp
tōuxí make a surprise/sneak attack.⁶
偷工减料[偷工減料] hëo-güng-gām-lèl
tōugōngjiǎnliào to jerry-build; to cut corners in workmanship.
偷闲[偷閑] hëo-hãn
tōuxián to take a break.⁹
偷偷 hëo-hëo
tōutōu stealthily; secretly.
偷懒[偷懶] hëo-län
tōulǎn to idle at work; goldbrick.
偷猎[偷獵] hëo-lèp
tōuliè to poach.¹⁰
偷窃[偷竊] hëo-tëik
tōuqiè to steal; to pilfer.
偷渡 hëo-ù
tōudù illegal immigration; to stowaway (on a ship); to steal across the international border; to run a blockade.¹⁰
忙里偷闲[忙裡偷閑] mõng-lī-hëo-hãn
mánglǐtōuxián snatch a little leisure from a busy life.⁵
小偷 xēl-hëo
xiǎotōu petty thief; pilferer.
<台> 偷半路 hëo-bôn-lû/ secretly, stealthily, covertly.
<台> 偷路 hëo-lû/ secretly, stealthily, furtively, covertly.
<台> 偷钱[偷錢] hëo-tẽin/ to steal money.
(See 偸 hëo.)
heo2 6304
30 8 hëo tòu (alternate pronunciation for 㕻 pāo pǒu to soit out; to refuse, to repel.⁸)
(composition: ⿱丶否; U+357B).
<又> hëo.
(See 㕻 hëo).
heo2 6305
38 12 hëo tōu (=偷 hëo tōu) steal, pilfer.⁶
(composition: ⿰女俞; U+5AAE).
<又> yĩ.
(See 媮 yĩ.)
heo2 6306
38 12 hëo tōu (=媮 hëo tōu) steal, pilfer.⁶
(composition: ⿰女兪; U+5A7E).
<又> yĩ.
(See 婾 yĩ.)
heo2 6307
60 9 hëo hòu behind; afterwards; descendant; an auxiliary to indicate "then"; Hou surname.⁷ (See 后 hèo, hẽo; 後 hèo.)
<台> 后门[後門] hëo mõn/ a small outhouse at the foot of the hill in back of one's house (used by villagers before the 50's, less common now).

heo2 6308
76 11 hëo tòu the way of speaking; to spit at and not agree about something.⁸ spitting sound.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰豆欠; U+3C2F).
<又> hēo; hèo. (See 㰯 hēo; 㰯 hèo).
heo2 6309
156 11 𧺢
hëo tòu to throw oneself down.²⁵
(composition: ⿺走殳; U+27EA2).
𧽦❄{⿺走啇}𧺢❄{⿺走殳} jëk-hëo zhītòu to run away.²⁵

heo2 6310
162 10 hëo tòu to penetrate; to pass through; thoroughly; completely; transparent; to appear; to show.¹⁰
白里透红[白裏透紅] bàk-lī-hëo-hũng báilǐtòuhóng white touched with red; (of complexion) milk and rose.⁶
透澈 hëo-chēik
tòuchè clear; transparent; lucid.⁷
透彻[透徹] hëo-chēik
tòuchè penetrating; thorough.⁵
透翅蛾 hëo-chï-ngũ
or hëo-chï-ngõ tòuchì'é <zoo.> clearwing (moth).⁵
透顶[透頂] hëo-ēin
tòudǐng in the extreme, to the utmost;  (said of syphilitic symptoms) to reach the head.⁷
透风[透風] hëo-füng
tòufēng let in air, ventilate; divulge a secret, leak.⁵
透镜[透鏡] hëo-gëng
tòujìng lens.⁵
透过[透過] hëo-gö
tòuguò through; via.¹⁰
透光 hëo-göng
tòuguāng photic; allow light to pass through.⁸
透气[透氣] hëo-hï
tòuqì ventilate; breathe freely.⁵
透亮 hëo-lèng
tòuliang bright, transparent; perfectly clear.⁵
透露 hëo-lù
tòulù divulge; leak; disclose; reveal.⁵
透明 hëo-mẽin
tòumíng transparent.⁵
透视[透視] hëo-sì
tòushì perspective; <med.> fluoroscopy; roentgenoscopy.⁵
heo2 6311
167 15 hëo tōu (<old>=鍮 hëo tōu brass, any yellow lustrous iron ore or copper ore).⁸
(composition: ⿰釒豆; U+92C0).
<又> hü; èo.
(See 鋀 hü; 鋀 èo).
heo2 6312
167 17 hëo  tōu chalcopyrite CuFeS₂ (黄铜矿[黃銅礦] võng-hũng-köng huángtóngkuàng a copper iron sulfide mineral and the most abundant copper ore mineral); brass.⁸ A surname.²⁵
(composition: ⿰金俞; U+936E).
鍮石 hëo-sêk
tōushí a kind of stone, resembling metal. The Chinese call it the finest kind of native copper. It is found in the 波斯 Bö-xü Bōsī Persia country, and resembles gold; on the appplication of fire it assumes a red color, and does not turn black. When mercury falls to the ground, this substance will attract it.²⁵
heo2 6313
167 18 𨪐
hëo tōu (<old>=鍮 hëo tōu chalcopyrite CuFeS₂ (黄铜矿[黃銅礦] võng-hũng-köng huángtóngkuàng a copper iron sulfide mineral and the most abundant copper ore mineral); brass.⁸).⁸
(composition: ⿰釒𠁁; U+28A90).
<又> ēo.
(See 𨪐❄{⿰釒𠁁} ēo; 鍮 hëo).
heo2 6314
8 2 hẽo tóu Kangxi radical 8, is a component cosisting of a dot,丶, and a horizontal stroke 一 meaning 'lid' or 'cover'. It is called 头[頭] hẽo tóu, but more commonly referred to as 文字头[文字頭] mũn-dù-hẽo wénzìtóu.
(composition: ⿱丶一(GHTK) or ⿱丨一(J); U+4EA0).
<台> The component, 亠, is commonly called ēm-ēm-vãng-vâk 点点横画[點點橫畫].
heo3 6315
9 9 hẽo hóu marquis; nobleman; target in archery; Hou surname.
封侯 füng-hẽo fēnghóu to create feudal lords.⁷
侯爵 hẽo-dēk
hóujué marquis.
侯门似海[侯門似海] hẽo-mõn-xû-hōi
hóuménsìhǎi lit. the gate of a noble house is like the sea; there is a wide gap between the nobility and the common people (idiom); the mansions of the nobility were inaccessible to the common people.
诸侯[諸侯] jï-hẽo
zhūhóu feudal lords.
万里侯[萬里侯] màn-lî-hẽo
wànlǐhóu marquis with an extensive fief; <wr.> governor of a great territory.
射侯 sèh-hẽo
shèhóu archery target.¹¹
<又> [hẽo,
hòu]. (See 侯 [hẽo, hòu]).
heo3 6316
9 9 hẽo hòu 闽侯[閩侯] Mãn-hẽo Mǐnhòu Minhou, a county in 福州 Fūk-Jiü Fúzhōu Fuzhou, capital of 福建 Fūk-gèin Fújiàn Fujian Province.¹⁰
<又> [hẽo,
hóu]. (See 侯 [hẽo, hóu]).
heo3 6317
30 6 hẽo hòu <台> 后生[後生] hẽo-sâng/ young men.
<台> 后生仔[後生仔] hẽo-sâng-dōi a young man.
<又> hèo. (See 後 hèo, 后 hèo.)
heo3 6318
30 12 hẽo hóu throat; larynx.¹⁰
喉结[喉結] hẽo-gēik hóujié Adam's apple; laryngeal prominence.⁹
喉急 hẽo-gīp
hóují anxious; worrying.¹⁰
喉头[喉頭] hẽo-hẽo
hóutóu the larynx.¹¹
喉咙[喉嚨] hẽo-lũng
hóulóng throat; larynx.¹⁰
喉咙疼[喉嚨疼] hẽo-lũng-hüng
hóulóngténg a sore throat.¹¹
喉痧 hẽo-sä
hóushā scarlet fever.¹⁰ diphtheria.¹¹
喉舌 hẽo-sêt
hóushé “throat and tongue” – mouthpiece.¹¹
喉炎 hẽo-yèm
hóuyán laryngitis.¹⁰
喉咽 hẽo-yën
hóuyān laryngopharynx; a key position.⁸
啭喉[囀喉] jōn-hẽo
zhuànhóu trilling.¹¹
为民喉舌[為民喉舌] vĩ-mĩn-hẽo-sêt
wéimínhóushé person who speaks for the people.¹¹
咽喉 yën-hẽo
yānhóu the larynx, the throat; a narrow throat-like passage of strategic importance.⁷
heo3 6319
64 7 hẽo tóu to throw; to fling; to send; to deliver; before; prior to.
投奔 hẽo-bïn tóubèn to seek shelter; to seek asylum.¹⁰
投笔从戎[投筆從戎] hẽo-bīt-tũng-yũng
tóubǐcóngróng throw aside the writing brush and join the army – renounce the pen for the sword.⁵
投产[投產] hẽo-chān
tóuchǎn to put into production.
投资[投資] hẽo-dü
tóuzī invest, put in money; investment, money invested.⁶
投机[投機] hẽo-gï
tóujī to speculate; to be opportunistic; to get along well.
投辖留客[投轄留客] hẽo-hàt-liũ-hāk
tóuxiáliúkè to detain a visitor by throwing his linchpin into the well.¹⁴
投降 hẽo-hõng
tóuxiáng to surrender; to capitulate.
投其所好 hẽo-kĩ-sō-hāo
tóuqísuǒhào to cater to somebody's likes.
投票 hẽo-pěl
tóupiào vote.
投枪[投槍] hẽo-tëng
tóuqiāng a javelin; javelin throw.¹⁴
or 投环[投環] hẽo-vãn tóuhuán <wr.> hang oneself.⁶
投缳自缢[投繯自縊] hẽo-vãn-dù-äi
tóuhuánzìyì hang oneself (by the neck).⁶
投入 hẽo-yìp
tóurù throw into; put into; plunge into.⁸
heo3 6320
75 13 𣔹
hẽo hóu (composition: ⿰木矦; U+23539).
𣔹❄{⿰木矦}桃 hẽo-hão hóutáo a kind of peach.²⁴ name of a fruit.³⁶
❄{⿰木矦}榆 hẽo-yĩ hóuyú a kind of oak.²⁴
heo3 6321
91 13 hẽo tóu short board; plank.¹⁰ a sink, for the reception of filth.²⁴
(composition: ⿰片俞; U+724F).
厕牏[廁牏] xü-hẽo cètóu¹³ or xü-yĩ cèyú¹⁹  toilet; lavatory; latrine.¹³ toilet bowl.¹⁹ (See 牏廁 yĩ-xü).
<又> yĩ; jî.
(See 牏 yĩ; 牏 jî).
heo3 6322
94 12 hẽo hóu monkey; <topo.> clever, smart; <topo.> squat (like a monkey).⁶
猴精 hẽo-dëin hóujīng <topo.> shrewd, astute, smart; clever and mischievous person.⁶
猴子 hẽo-dū
hóuzi monkey.⁶
猴急 hẽo-gīp
hóují impatient; anxious; quick-tempered.⁶
猴头菇[猴頭菇] hẽo-hẽo-gü
hóutóugū lion's mane mushroom Hericium erinaceus.
猴面包树[猴麵包樹] hẽo-mèin-bäo-sì
hóumiànbāoshù <bot.> monkey-bread tree; baobab.⁶
猴年马月[猴年馬月] hẽo-nẽin-mâ-ngùt
hóuniánmǎyuè day that will never come; God knows when.⁶ god knows how long.⁸
猴皮筋 hẽo-pĩ-gïn
hóupíjīn rubber band.⁶
猴狲[猴猻] hẽo-xün
hóusūn monkey, ape.¹¹
袋猴 òi-hẽo
dàihóu cuscus.⁶
heo3 6323
104 14 hẽo hóu (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 瘊 hèo hóu common warts, verruca.¹¹)
<又> hèo.
(See 瘊 hèo.)
heo3 6324
110 14 hẽo hóu weapons; arms (a lance; a spear).⁸ a kind of spear.²⁴
(composition: ⿰矛侯; U+4089).
heo3 6325
111 9 hẽo hóu (=侯 hẽo hóu) a target, a mark for shooting at.²⁴
(composition: ⿸厃矢; U+77E6).
河矦 hõ-hẽo
héhóu (=河侯 the river marquis/spirit/fairy).¹⁹
重矦 chüng-hẽo
zhònghóu (=重侯 in ancient times, referring to the 子 Dū Viscount and 男 Nãm Nán Baron titles of nobility; every generation produced eminent personages).¹⁹
heo3 6326
118 15 hẽo hóu ancient music instrument; harp.⁸
篌竹 hẽo-jūk hóuzhú (=笔笋竹[筆筍竹] bīt-xūn-jūk bǐsǔnzhú In Guangdong) Phyllostachys nidularia.¹⁹
箜篌 hüng-hẽo
kōnghóu an ancient Chinese stringed instrument played by plucking.⁶ a kind of ancient musical instrument with 23 strings.⁷ harp, an ancient plucked stringed instrument.⁸
箜篌引 hüng-hẽo-yîn
kōnghóuyǐn a folk-style type of music that originated in ancient Korea.⁰
擘箜篌 mäk-hüng-hẽo
bòkōnghóu name of an ancient musical instrument.⁷
卧箜篌[臥箜篌] ngò-hüng-hẽo
wòkōnghóu a kind of 箜篌 hüng-hẽo kōnghóu, an ancient Chinese stringed instrument played by plucking.⁰
箜篌[豎箜篌] sì-hüng-hẽo shùkōnghóu an ancient plucked stringed musical instrument; a kind of 箜篌 hüng-hẽo kōnghóu.
heo3 6327
120 15 hẽo gōu <wr.> silk/string round the hilt of a sword or knife.⁶ cord binding on hilt of sword. Gou surname.⁸
<又> gëo. (See 緱 gëo.)
heo3 6328
145 14 hẽo hóu a loose garment or cloak; shirt, jacket.⁸
(composition: ⿰衤侯; U+4648).
䙈褕 hẽo-hẽo hóutóu a short sleeve shirt or jacket.²
䙈襦 hẽo-yĩ
hóurú a small jacket.²⁵
heo3 6329
145 14 hẽo tóu underwear.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰衤俞; U+8915).
䙈褕 hẽo-hẽo hóutóu a short sleeve shirt or jacket.²
<又> yĩ; yẽl.
(See 褕 yĩ; 褕 yẽl).
heo3 6330
163 11 hẽo hóu name of a town in an area around present-day Wuzhi County (武陟县[武陟縣] mû-jēik-yòn wǔzhìxiàn), Henan province during the Spring and Autumn Period.
(composition: ⿰侯阝; U+9107).
heo3 6331
164 11 hẽo tóu twice brewed wine.⁹ double-distilled wine.²⁵ double-fermented wine.²⁹ <lit.> to brew wine for the second time; <lit.> to drink for a second time (to refresh oneself after having overdrunk); <old> to put (rice) in; (Beijing) to wash, to handwash.³⁶
(composition: ⿰酉殳; U+9158).
九酘 giū-hẽo jiǔtóu or giū-èo jiǔdòu wine that has been brewed many times.¹⁹
酘酒 hẽo-diū
tóujiǔ or èo-diū dòujiǔ twice brewed wine.¹⁹
酘一酘 hẽo-yīt-hẽo
tóuyītóu or èo-yīt-èo dòuyīdòu to have a small drink after heavy drinking the previous day, believed to be a good way of woking it off.¹¹
五酘 m̄-hẽo
wǔtóu or m̄-èo wǔdòu name of a wine.¹⁹
犹一酘之[猶一酘之] yiũ-yīt-hẽo-jï
yóuyītóuzhī or yiũ-yīt-èo-jï yóuyīdòuzhī another distillation.²⁵
<又> èo.
(See 酘 èo).
heo3 6332
167 17 hẽo hóu arrow.⁸ an iron; a dart with a feather at one end and a point at the other.²⁵
(composition: ⿰釒侯; U+936D).
heo3 6333
181 16 hẽo tou a noun suffix.
后头[後頭] hèo-hẽo hòutou behind; in the future.
里头[裏頭] lī-hẽo
lǐtou inside.⁷
馒头[饅頭] màn-hẽo
mántou steamed bun; steamed bread.⁵
石头[石頭] sêk-hẽo
shítou stone, rock.⁶
上头[上頭] sèng-hẽo
shàngtou higher authority; higher place, upper place.⁶ (See 上头[上頭] sèng-hẽo shàngtóu).
<又> hêo.
(See 頭 [hẽo, tóu], hêo.)
heo3 6334
181 16 hẽo tóu the head; the top; chief; first; the most important; the best; the end; ends; odd pieces.
头部[頭部] hẽo-bù tóubù the head.
头部受伤[頭部受傷] hẽo-bù-siù-sëng
tóubùshòushāng sustained a head injury.
头发[頭髮] hẽo-fāt
tóufa hair on the head.
头角[頭角] hẽo-gôk
tóujiǎo brilliance (of young person); talent of a young person.⁸
头角峥嵘[頭角崢嶸] hẽo-gôk-jäng-vẽin
tóujiǎozhēngróng brilliant and  promising.⁶ (of a young man) showing extraordinary gifts.¹¹
头头是道[頭頭是道] hẽo-hẽo-sì-ào
tóutóushìdào clear and logical.
头如蓬葆[頭如蓬葆] hẽo-nguĩ-pũng-bāo
tóurúpéngbǎo head like a bramble bush.¹⁴
头晕[頭暈] hẽo-vũn
tóuyūn dizzy.¹⁰
头绪[頭緖] hẽo-xuî
tóuxù main threads (of a complicated affair).⁵ a clue to anything.¹⁴
头一回[頭一回] hẽo-yīt-või
tóuyīhuí (for) the first time.
上头[上頭] sèng-hẽo
shàngtóu <old> start wearing her hair in a bun (on wedding day); (of alcohol) go to one's head.⁶
<台> 头先[頭先] hẽo-xëin/ before, a while ago.
<又> hêo.
(See 頭 [hẽo, tou], hêo.)

heo3 6335
181 18 hẽo hóu reckless; unrestrained; without limit (said of speech; words, etc.).⁸ hale; strong.²⁵
(composition: ⿰侯頁; U+4ADB).
䫛䫗 hẽo-hã hóuxiá to speak without control; to speak disorderly; big words.²⁵
䫛䫘 hẽo-hòt
hóuhé to spread abroad reports.²⁵
heo3 6336
184 17 hẽo hóu dry provisions.⁷
糇粮[餱糧] hẽo-lẽng hóuliáng dry provisions.⁷ foor taken on a journey.¹⁴
heo3 6337
188 13 hẽo tóu a literary pronunciation of 骰 (sēik shǎi).⁷
骰子筒 hẽo-dū-hûng
tóuzitǒng a dice box.¹⁴
骰子令 hẽo-dū-lèin
tóuzilìng (at a banquet) obligation to drink imposed on someone by throwing dice.⁷
骰子选[骰子選] hẽo-dū-xūn
tóuzixuǎn a game basically similar to backgammon.⁷
掷骰子[擲骰子] jàk-hẽo-dū
zhìtóuzi to throw dice.¹⁴
耍骰子 sā-hẽo-dū
shuǎtóuzi to throw dice.¹⁴
<又> sēik.
(See 骰 sēik, 色[sēik, shǎi].)
heo3 6338
188 15 hẽo hóu epiphysis.⁵ tip of a long bone.⁸
骨骺 gūt-hẽo gǔhóu epiphysis.⁵
骺板 hẽo-bān
hóubǎn epiphyseal plate.⁶
骺病 hẽo-bèng
hóubìng epiphysiopathy.⁶
骺脱离[骺脫離] hẽo-höt-lĩ
hóutuōlí epiphysiolysis.⁶
骺突 hẽo-ùt
hóutū epiphyseal process.⁶
骺线[骺線] hẽo-xëin
hóuxiàn epiphyseal line.⁶
骺炎 hẽo-yèm
hóuyán epiphysitis.⁶
heo3 6339
9 10 hèo hòu to wait; to expect; period; time; season; condition; state; to greet; to inquire after.
花候 fä-hèo huāhòu flowering season.
过时不候[過時不候] gö-sĩ-būt-hèo
guòshíbùhòu we'll not wait for you if you come late.¹¹
候车室[候車室] hèo-chëh-sīt
hòuchēshì waiting room (for buses or trains).
候鸟[候鳥] hèo-nêl
hòuniǎo migratory bird.⁹
候选[候選] hèo-xūn
hòuxuǎn to be a candidate (for election to office or position).
候选人[候選人] hèo-xūn-ngĩn
hòuxuǎnrén candidate (for election).
气候[氣候] hï-hèo
qìhòu weather, climate.¹¹
问候[問候] mùn-hèo
wènhòu to give one's respects; to send a greeting.¹⁰
时候[時候] sĩ-hèo
shíhou (duration of) time; (a point in) time; moment.⁶
七十二候 tīt-sìp-ngì-hèo
qīshí'èr hòu the 72 five-day periods that make up a year.
伺候 xù-hèo
cìhou to wait upon or serve (a person).
有时候[有時候] yiü-sĩ-hèo
yǒushíhou sometimes; now and then; to have time.
heo4 6340
30 6 hèo hòu empress, queen; Hou surname.
太后 häi-hèo tàihòu Empress Dowager; queen; queen consort.
后稷 Hèo-dēik
Hòujì Houji was a legendary Chinese culture hero credited with introducing millet to humanity during the time of the Xia dynasty.¹⁵
后妃 hèo-fï
hòufēi imperial wives and concubines.
王后 võng-hèo
wánghòu queen consort; queen.⁵
皇后 võng-hèo
huánghòu empress; imperial consort.¹⁰
<又> hẽo.
(See 後 hèo, 后 hẽo.)
heo4 6341
32 9 hèo hòu (<old>=厚 hêo hòu) thick).⁸ Hou surname.⁸
神垕 Sĩn-hèo
Shénhòu a place in Yuxian County in Henan Province (河南禹县[河南禹縣] Hõ-nãm Yî-yòn Hénán Yǔxiàn.)⁸
heo4 6342
32 12 hèo hòu ancient watchtower.¹  An archaic term for a watch tower built from earth.⁹  mounds for beacons¹⁰ A watchtower, or outpost; a milestone.¹¹
斥堠 or 斥候 chēik-hèo chìhòu to reconnoiter; to patrol; patrols.⁷
heo4 6343
60 9 hèo hòu behind; afterwards; descendant; an auxiliary to indicate "then"; Hou surname.⁷ (variant: 𨒥❄{⿺辶⿱幺夊}). (See 后 hèo, 后 hẽo; 後 hëo; 𨒥❄{⿺辶⿱幺夊}).
后边[後邊] hèo-bëin
hòubian back; rear; behind.¹⁰
后嗣[後嗣] hèo-dù
hòusì heir; descendant; posterity.¹⁰
后悔[後悔] hèo-fōi
hòuhuǐ regret, repent.⁵
后悔不已[後悔不已] hèo-fōi-būt-yî
hòuhuǐbùyǐ to be overcome with regret.⁷
后跟[後跟] hèo-gïn
hòugēn heel (of a shoe or sock).⁵
后顾之忧[後顧之憂] hèo-gü-jï-yiü
hòugùzhīyōu fear of disturbance in the rear; trouble back at home.⁵
后天[後天] hèo-hëin
hòutiān the day after tomorrow; acquired; postnatal.⁷
后缀[後綴] hẽo-juì
hòuzhuì suffix; postfix.⁶
后昆[後昆] hèo-kün
hòukūn descendants; children.⁵⁴
后来[後來] hèo-lõi
hòulái then, afterwards; latecomers.⁷
后面[後面] hèo-mèin
hòumian behind, at the back; afterwards, what is to follow.⁷
后门[後門] hèo-mõn
hòumén back door (or gate); backdoor (or backstairs) influence.⁵
后盾[後盾] hèo-ùn
or hèo-hûn hòudùn backing, support.¹¹
后会有期[後會有期] hèo-vòi-yiû-kĩ
hòuhuìyǒuqī we’ll meet again some day.⁵
<台> 后日[後日] hèo-ngìt/ day after tomorrow.
heo4 6344
76 11 hèo hòu cruel, savage, wicked, coarse, rustic.⁸
(composition: ⿰豆欠; U+3C2F).
数㰯[數㰯] sōk-hèo shuòhòu children being naughty.²⁴
<又> hëo; hēo.
(See 㰯 hëo; 㰯 hēo).
heo4 6345
104 14 hèo hóu common warts, verruca.¹¹
瘊子 hèo-dū or hẽo-dū hóuzi wart; verruca.⁸
<又> hẽo.
(See 瘊 hẽo.)
heo4 6346
140 9 hèo hòu woody climbing plant.
薢茩 gāi-hèo xièhòu water caltrop.⁸
(See 薢 gāi for historical explanation of 薢茩.)
heo4 6347
162 9 hèo hòu to meet unexpectedly; to come across; to run into.⁷
邂逅 hâi-hèo xièhòu meet (a relative, friend) unexpectedly; run into somebody; meet by chance.⁵
邂逅相逢 (=邂逅相遇 hâi-hèo-xëng-nguì
xièhòuxiāngyù) hâi-hèo-xëng-fũng xièhòuxiāngféng meet somebody by chance; encounter.⁶
邂逅相遇 hâi-hèo-xëng-nguì
xièhòuxiāngyù meet somebody by chance; encounter.⁶
邂逅友人 hâi-hèo-yiû-ngĩn
xièhòuyǒurén meet a friend by chance.⁶
heo4 6348
162 9 𨒥
hèo hòu (=后[後] hèo hòu) behind; afterwards; descendant; an auxiliary to indicate "then".⁷
(composition: ⿺辶⿱幺夊; U+284A5).

heo4 6349 284A5.gif
195 24 hèo hòu king crab, horseshoe crab; <topo.> rainbow.⁶
(composition t: ⿱𦥯魚; U+9C5F).
s: ⿱𰃮鱼; U+9C8E).
棘鲎[棘鱟] gēik-hèo
jíhòu another name for 中华鲎 [中華鱟] jüng-vã-hèo zhōnghuáhòu (Tachypleus tridentatus).²⁰
鲎虫[鱟蟲] hèo-chũng
hòuchóng tadpole shrimp; Lepidurus apus.⁶ʼ¹⁵
鲎鱼[鱟魚] hèo-nguĩ
hòuyú (=中华鲎[中華鱟] jüng-vã-hèo zhōnghuáhòu) tri-spine horseshoe crab (Tachypleus tridentatus).²⁰
中华鲎[中華鱟] jüng-vã-hèo
zhōnghuáhòu Chinese, Japanese, or tri-spine horseshoe crab (Tachypleus tridentatus); in Chinese, aka 棘鱟, 小海鱟, 東方鱟.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
heo4 6350
27 9 hêo hòu thick; deep; kind; rich (food); (cf. 薄 bòk báo thin).
高官厚禄[高官厚祿] gäo-gön-hêo-lùk
gāoguānhòulù high position and handsome salary.⁵
厚薄 hêo-bòk <re. pr.>:
hòubó  <sp. pr.>: hòubáo  thickness; degree of closeness of relations; munificence and parsimony.
厚古薄今 hêo-gū-bòk-gïm
hòugǔbójīn to stress the past, not the present; emphasis on the ancient as against contemporary.
厚朴 hèo-pōk
hòupò <TCM> the bark of official magnolia (Magnolia officinalis).⁷
厚度 hêo-ù
hòudù thickness.
忠厚老实[忠厚老實] jüng-hêo-lāo-sìt
zhōnghòulǎoshí simple-mindedly loyal, considerate, and honest.⁵⁴
面皮厚 mèin-pĩ-hêo
miànpíhòu brazen; thick-skinned.⁶
优厚[優厚] yiü-hêo
yōuhòu munificent; liberal.
heo5 6351
30 12 𠷋
hêo hòu to vomit.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口厚; U+20DCB).
heo5 6352
181 16 hêo tou <台> 走翻转头[走翻轉頭] dēo-fän-jōn-hêo to turn around, to go back.
<台> 汆躬头[汆躬頭] mì-güng-hêo to stoop.
<台> 牛头[牛頭] ngēo-hêo inside.
<台> 日头[日頭] ngìt-hêo sun.
<又> hẽo. (See 頭 [hẽo, tóu], [hẽo, tou].)
heo5 6353
30 8 hēp tiè to mutter; to talk indistinctly.¹⁰ to taste, to sip; petty, small; vulgar.¹⁴
呫哔[呫嗶] hēp-bīt tièbì to read aloud.¹⁰ (See 呫哔[呫嗶] jëmbīt zhānbì).
呫呫小人 hēp-hēp-xēl-ngĩn
tiètièxiǎorén a mean, petty fellow.¹⁴
呫血之盟 hēp-hüt-jï-mãng
tièxuèzhīméng an oath ratified by drinking blood.¹⁴
<又> tēp, jëm.
(See 呫 tēp, jëm.)
hep1 6354
30 13 hēp qiàn insufficient; crop failure, poor harvest.⁸ (interchageable with 歉 hēp qiàn have a poor harvest; have a crop failure/shortfall; be apologetic (about/for something).⁶).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰口兼; U+55DB).
嗛嗛 hēp-hēp
qiànqiàn small, unsatisfying.¹¹ small; little.² (cf 嗛嗛 hēin-hēin).
嗛嗛之德 hēp-hēp-jï-āk
qiànqiànzhīdé deficient in virtue.² (cf 嗛嗛之德 hēin-hēin-jï-āk).
<又> hẽim; hïm; hēin; hèp.
(See 嗛 hẽim; 嗛 hïm; 嗛 hēin; 嗛 hèp; 歉 hēp).
hep1 6355
50 8 hēp tiè book containing models of calligraphy or painting for learners to copy, calligraphy model (book); couplets (written on scrolls).⁶
碑帖 bï-hēp bēitiè rubbings from ancient tablets, used as models of calligraphy.¹¹
字帖 dù-hēp
zìtiè copybook (for calligraphy).⁶
临帖[臨帖] lĩm-hēp
líntiè practice calligraphy/painting after a model.⁶
画帖[畫帖] và-hēp
huàtiè a book of model paintings.⁸
<又> hëp.
(See 帖 [hēp, tiě], hëp.)
hep1 6356
50 8 hēp tiě official document; (written) invitation; card on which are written the name, age, birthplace of a person; brief note; (for herbal medicine) dose.
报帖[報帖] bäo-hēp bàotiě to announce good news in red letters.¹⁰
春帖 chün-hēp
chūntiě Spring Festival scroll.⁸
谢帖[謝帖] dèh-hēp
xiètiě <trad.> note of thanks, thank-you note.⁶
字帖 dù-hēp
zìtiě brief note.⁶
庚帖 gäng-hēp
gēngtiě (=八字帖 bāt-dù-hēp bāzìtiě) <trad.> eight-character paper exchanged at betrothal ceremony in aranged marriages (stating birth information of the betrothed boy or girl expressed in eight Chinese characters).⁶
下帖 hä-hēp
xiàtiě <wr.> to send an invitation.⁶
帖子 hēp-dū
tiězi card; invitation; message; (forum) post.¹⁰
喜帖 hī-hēp
xǐtiě wedding invitation.⁸
名帖 mẽin-hēp
míngtiě name card; business card.¹⁰
请帖[請帖] tēng-hēp
qǐngtiě invitation.⁸
一帖药[一帖藥] yīt-hēp-yêk
yītiěyào a dose of medicine.³⁹
<又> hëp.
(See 帖 [hēp, tiè], hëp.)
hep1 6357
61 8 hēp qiè (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 怯 hèp qiè with the same meaning: timid; cowardly; nervous.⁵.)
<又> hèp.
(See 怯 hèp.)
hep1 6358
61 8 hēp tiē calm down, suppress; tranquil, calm, composed; peacefful.⁸ submissive; settled.¹¹ submissive; still.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄占; U+6017).
怗静[怗靜] hēp-dèin tiējìng peaceful and quiet.⁵⁴
怗服 hēp-fùk
tiēfú quiet, submissive.¹¹ resigned.²⁴
<又> jëm.
(See 怗 jëm).
hep1 6359
76 14 hēp qiàn have a poor harvest; have a crop failure/shortfall; be apologetic (about/for something).⁶
歉疚 hēp-giü qiànjiù have a guilty conscience; be sorry/apologetic.⁶
歉仄 hēp-jēik
qiànzè <wr.> feel sorry/apologetic/upset; regret.⁶
歉准区[歉准區] hēp-jūn-kuï
qiànzhǔnqū antipleion.¹⁰
歉年 hēp-nẽin
qiànnián lean year; year of poor harvest.⁶
歉然 hēp-ngẽin
qiànrán apologetic.⁶
歉忱 hēp-sẽim
qiànchén <wr.> apology; regret.⁶
歉收 hēp-siü
qiànshōu yield poorly/scantily; have a crop failure; have a bad/poor harvest; have crop shortfalls.⁶
歉岁[歉歲] hēp-xuï
qiànsuì lean year.⁶
歉意 hēp-yï
qiànyì regret; apology.⁶
以丰补歉[以豐補歉] yî-füng-bū-hēp
yǐfēngbǔqiàn store up in fat years to make up for lean ones.⁶
hep1 6360
130 8 hēp qiǎn (of animals) part between the ribs and the hips; (of a fox) fur on the belly and breast.⁶ beef.²⁵
hep1 6361
140 11 hēp tiē C₅H₈.⁸ terpene.⁹
萜品醇 hēp-bīn-sũn tiēpǐnchún C₁₀H₁₈O.²³  terpineol.¹⁹
萜烯 hēp-hï
tiēxī terpene.¹⁹
hep1 6362
50 8 hëp tiē well-settled, well-placed.⁶ fitting snugly; appropriate; suitable; to paste (=贴[貼] hëp tiē); to obey.¹⁰
or 俯首贴耳[俯首貼耳]  fū-siū-hëp-ngī fǔshǒutiē'ěr bowed head and ears glued (idiom); docile and obedient; at somebody's beck and call.¹⁰
伏帖 fùk-hëp
fútiē comfortable, content; =(服帖 fùk-hëp fútiē).⁶
or 伏帖 fùk-hëp fútiē docile, obedient, servile, submissive, subservient; appropriate; well-arranged.⁶
or 妥贴[妥貼] hô-hëp tuǒtiē proper, fitting, well-settled.⁶
<又> hēp.
(See 帖 [hēp, tiě], [hēp, tiè].)
hep2 6363
154 12 hëp tiē paste, stick, glue; keep close to; subsidies, allowance; (=帖 hëp tiē) well-settled; <m.> a piece.⁵
贴吧[貼吧] hëp-bä
tiēbā electronic message board; web forum.¹⁰
贴边[貼邊] hëp-bëin
tiēbiān hem (of a garment).⁵
贴饼子[貼餅子] hëp-bēng-dū
tiēbǐngzi bake corn or millet cakes on a pan; corn or millet cakes so baked.⁵
贴补[貼補] hëp-bū
tiēbǔ subsidize; help (out) financially.⁵
贴花[貼花] hëp-fä
tiēhuā (textile and dyeing) appliqué.⁷
贴金[貼金] hëp-gïm
tiējīn to boast or brag about oneself; to prettify; to gild; to cover with gold leaf/foil.⁷
贴近[貼近] hëp-gìn
tiējìn press close to; nestle up against.⁵
贴题[貼題] hëp-hãi
tiētí relevant; pertinent; to the point.⁵
贴息[貼息] hëp-hēik
tiēxī pay interest in the form of a deduction when selling a bill of exchange; discount.⁵
贴身[貼身] hëp-sïn
tiēshēn personal servants; closely attached as children, undergarments, concubines.⁷
贴水[貼水] hëp-suī
tiēshuǐ <com.> agio.⁵
贴切[貼切] hëp-tēik
tiēqiè (of words) apt; suitable; proper.⁵
贴换[貼換] hëp-vòn
tiēhuàn trade something in; trade in.⁵
贴心[貼心] hëp-xïm
tiēxīn intimate; close.⁵
贴现率[貼現率] hëp-yèn-lùt
tiēxiànlǜ discount rate.⁵
<又> hïp.
(See 貼 hïp.)
hep2 6364
9 9 hèp xiá knight-errant; brave and chivalrous.
行侠仗义[行俠仗義] hãng-hèp-jëng-ngì xíngxiázhàngyì to have a strong sense of justice and desire to help the weak.
侠盗[俠盜] hèp-ào
xiádào <wr.> somebody who robs the rich to help the poor.
侠骨[俠骨] hèp-gūt
xiágǔ chivalrous nature/quality/spirit.
侠客[俠客] hèp-hāk
or hèp-häk xiákè chivalrous warrior.
侠气[俠氣] hèp-hï
xiáqì chivalrous quality; chivalry.
侠义[俠義] hèp-ngì
xiáyì chivalrous.
侠士[俠士] hèp-xù
xiáshì knight-errant.
豪侠[豪俠] hõ-hèp
háoxiá gallantry; gallant man; knight-errant.
豪侠好义[豪俠好義] hõ-hèp-hāo-ngì
háoxiáhàoyì A hero enjoys fighting for justice.
独行侠[獨行俠] ùk-hãng-hèp
dúxíngxiá chivalrous person who acts alone.
hep4 6365
19 6 hèp xié (<old>=协[協] hèp xié]) to cooperate; combined labor.⁸ʼ¹⁰ united strength.²⁴
(composition: ⿱力⿰力力; U+52A6).
劦力 hèp-lèik xiélì combined effort.²⁴
hep4 6366
19 15 hèp xié (<old>=协[協] hèp xié to cooperate; to harmonize; to help; to assist; to join.¹⁰); peaceful, harmonious.⁸ the harmony of united thought; to be one in sentiment.²⁴
(Note: S. Wells Williams says 勰 hèp xié is synonymous with 恊 hèp xié).¹⁰²
勰和 hèp-võ
xiéhé (=协和[協和] hèp-võ xiéhé) to harmonize.⁹
谋勰[謀勰] mẽo-hèp
móuxié to conspire.²⁴
(See 協 hèp; 恊 hèp).
hep4 6367
24 8 hèp xié to cooperate; to harmonize; to help; to assist; to join.¹⁰ (<variants: 勰,恊 hèp xié). (See 勰,恊 hèp).
协办[協辦] hèp-bàn
xiébàn to assist; to help somebody do something; to cooperate in doing something.¹⁰
协奏曲[協奏曲] hèp-dëo-kūk
xiézòuqǔ concerto.⁹
协作[協作] hèp-dōk
xiézuò cooperation; coordination.¹⁰
协定[協定] hèp-èin
xiédìng  (reach an) agreement; protocol.¹⁰
协调[協調] hèp-èl
xiétiáo to adjust to each other, to readjust (relationships).¹¹
协同[協同] hèp-hũng
xiétóng working together or with (another person).¹¹
协助[協助] hèp-jò
xiézhù assistance; to assist.¹¹
协议[協議] hèp-ngì
xiéyì to discuss, negotiate.¹¹
协商[協商] hèp-sëng
xiéshāng to meet and discuss together.¹¹
协会[協會] hèp-vòi
xiéhuì an association; a society.¹⁰
和协[和協] võ-hëp
héxié to appease, to work together.¹¹
黄河钢琴协奏曲[黃河鋼琴協奏曲] Võng-Hõ-gông-kĩm-hèp-dëo-kūk
Huáng Hé gāngqín xiézòuqǔ Yellow River Piano Concerto, arranged by a collaboration between musicians including 殷承宗 Yïn Sẽin-düng Yīn Chéngzōng and 储望华[儲望華] Chuî Mòng-vã Chǔ Wànghuá.¹⁵

hep4 6368
30 5 hèp xié to harmonize; to rhyme; to unite.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰口十; U+53F6).
叶韵[叶韻] hèp-vùn xiéyùn a sound given to a character specially for rhyming purposes.¹⁴
叶音 hèp-yïm
xiéyīn (=叶韵[叶韻] hèp-vùn xiéyùn).¹⁴
叶时月[叶時月] hèp-sĩ-ngùt
xiéshíyuè to rectify the calendar.¹⁴
(See 葉 yêp, 葉 yèp, 葉 nēp).
hep4 6369
30 13 hèp qiè satisfied; delighted, contented.⁸ (interchangeable with 慊 hèp qiè <wr.> be satisfied; be pleased; be contented.⁶).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰口兼; U+55DB).
<又> hẽim; hïm; hēin; hēp.
(See 嗛 hẽim; 嗛 hïm; 嗛 hēin; 嗛 hēp; 慊 hèp).

hep4 6370
30 13 hèp xié to close; to breathe, to yawn.⁸ draw in (air), inhale; close (mouth).⁵⁴ to close; to breathe.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰口脅; U+55CB).
嗋呷 hèp-häp xiéxiā to draw in (air), inhale.⁵⁴
Yĩ-hēo-jëng-ngĩ-būt-nãng-hèp, yĩ-yiù-hõ-kï-lāo-äm-döi!

Yǔ kǒu zhāng ér bùnéng xié, yǔ yòu hé guī lǎo dān zāi!

I kept my mouth open, and was unable to shut it - how could I admonish and correct Lao Dan?⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《莊子·外篇·天運·6》, translated by James Legge).
(Note: "I" is Confucius after seeing Laozi).
hep4 6371
32 13 hèp xié a dike; a barrier; an embankment.⁸ an embankment, to dam up water.²⁴
(composition: ⿰土脅; U+365D).
hep4 6372
46 10 hèp xiá gorge; strait.⁶
峡谷[峽谷] hèp-gūk xiágǔ gorge, canyon.⁶
峡沟[峽溝] hèp-këo
xiágōu flume.⁶
峡湾[峽灣] hèp-vän
xiáwān fjord.⁶
海峡[海峽] hōi-hèp
hǎixiá strait, channel.⁶
三峡[三峽] Xäm-hèp
Sān Xiá Three Gorges.⁶
三峡大坝[三峽大壩] Xäm-Hèp-Ài-Bä
Sān Xiá Dàbà Three Gorges Dam.⁶
(See 硤 hèp).
hep4 6373
61 8 hèp qiè timid; cowardly; nervous.⁵
怯场[怯場] hèp-chẽng or hēp-chẽng qièchǎng have stage fright.⁵
怯头怯脑[怯頭怯腦] hèp-hẽo-hèp-nāo
or hēp-hẽo-hēp-nāo qiètóuqiènǎo timid, chicken-hearted; uncouth, rustic, countrified, boorish.⁶
怯阵[怯陣] hèp-jìn
or hēp-jìn qièzhèn feel nervous when going into battle, be battle-shy; have stage fright.⁵
怯弱 hèp-ngèk
or hēp-ngèk qièruò timid and weak-willed.⁵
怯懦 hèp-nù
or hēp-nù qiènuò timid and overcautious.⁵
怯生 hèp-säng
or hēp-säng qièshēng <topo.> shy with strangers.⁵
怯生生 hèp-säng-säng
or hēp-säng-säng qièshēngshēng timid and shy; nervous.⁶
怯声怯气[怯聲怯氣] hèp-sëin-hèp-hï
or hēp-sëin-hēp-hï
qièshēngqièqì speak in a timid and unnatural manner; speak timidly and nervously.⁶
馁怯[餒怯] nuî-hèp
or nuî-hēp něiqiè disheartened and cowardly.⁸
羞怯 xiü-hèp
or xiü-hēp xiūqiè shy and nervous.⁷
<又> hēp.
(See 怯 hēp.)
hep4 6374
61 9 hèp xié (<old>=协[協] hèp xié to cooperate; to harmonize; to help; to assist; to join.¹⁰); (<old>=愶 hèp xié threaten, menace, imperil; timid, cowardly.⁸); be united; cooperate.⁸ to intimidate, to coerce.¹⁴ harmony of sentiment; union of purpose.¹⁰²
(Note: S. Wells Williams says 恊 hèp xié is synonymous with 勰 hèp xié).¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰忄劦; U+604A).
恊谋[恊謀] hèp-mẽo
xiémóu to consult upon jointly.¹⁰²
(See 協 hèp; 恊 hèp).
hep4 6375
61 12 hèp qiè <wr.> satisfied, content; appropriate, proper.⁶ the mind pleased; cheerful. satisfied; ready, prompt.¹⁰²
(variant: 㥦  hèp qiè).
t: ⿰忄匧; U+611C). (comp. s: ⿰忄⿷匚夹; U+60EC).
不惬其意[不愜其意] būt-hèp-kĩ-yï
bùqièqíyì the principles are not the same; I do not agree with this notion.¹⁰²
惬当[愜當] hèp-öng
qièdàng <wr.> apt; proper; appropriate.⁶
惬怀[愜懷] hèp-vãi
qièhuái  <wr.> pleased; satisfied; contented.⁶
惬心[愜心] hèp-xïm
qièxīn <wr.> pleased; satisfied; contented.⁶ a contented mind.¹⁰²
惬意[愜意] hèp-yï
qièyì pleased; satisfied; contented.⁶
诸事惬洽[諸事愜洽] jï-xù-hèp-dèp
zhūshìqièqià everything was arranged satisfactorily.¹⁰²
爽惬[爽愜] sōng-hèp
shuǎngqiè joyful in good spirits.¹⁰²
意惬[意愜] yï-hèp
yìqiè a contented mind.¹⁰²
(See 㥦 hèp).
hep4 6376
61 13 hèp qiè <wr.> be satisfied; be pleased; be contented.⁶
慊意 (=滿意 mōn-yï mǎnyì) hèp-yï  qièyì satisfied, pleased.⁸
<又> hïm.
(See 慊 hïm.)
hep4 6377
61 13 hèp qiè (=惬[愜] hèp qiè <wr.> satisfied, content; appropriate, proper.⁶ the mind pleased; cheerful. satisfied; ready, prompt.¹⁰²); satisfied, contented; cheerful; appropriate, fitting, apposite; to have one's heart won; to summit; admire; sincerely and willingly.⁸
(composition: ⿱匧心; U+3966).
(See 愜 hèp).
hep4 6378
61 13 hèp xié threaten, menace, imperil; timid, cowardly.⁸ to fear; to overawe by a display of strength.²⁴ timid.³⁶ to intimidate by a display of force or power; to overawe into submission.¹⁰²
(variant: 恊 hèp xié).
(composition: ⿰忄脅; U+6136).
假威力以相愶 gā-vï-lèik-yî-xëng-hèp
jiǎ wēi lì yǐ xiàng xié to pretend to awful power in order to terrify.¹⁰²
(See 恊 hèp).
hep4 6379
64 10 hèp xié to hold under one's arm; to coerce.
裹挟[裹挾] gō-hèp guǒxié to coerce; to force to take part; to sweep somebody along (of circumstances/trends).
挟带[挾帶] hèp-äi
xiédài to carry under the arm; to smuggle; to carry secretly; contraband.
or 胁持[脅持] hèp-chĩ xiéchí seize somebody on both sides by the arms; to hold somebody under duress.⁵
挟天子以令诸侯[挾天子以令諸侯] hèp-hëin-dū-yî-lèin-jï-hẽo
xié tiānzǐ yǐ lìng zhūhóu  <hist.> to control the emperor and command the nobles; to usurp power by holding the emperor as a hostage and acting in his name; to order people around in the name of a superior.
挟制[挾制] hèp-jäi
xiézhì to force somebody to do one's bidding.
挟怨[挾怨] hèp-yön
xiéyuàn to harbor a grudge.
要挟[要挾] yël-hèp
yāoxié coerce; put pressure on; threaten; blackmail.⁶
hep4 6380
85 13 𣹩
hèp xié water flowing along.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵脅; U+23E69).
hep4 6381
86 14 hèp xié same meaning as 烤 häo kǎo bake, roast, toast.²³
(composition: ⿰火脅; U+7181).
hep4 6382
94 8 hèp qiè original character for 怯 (hèp qiè or hēp qiè cowardly; timid; nervous).² (=怯) lacking in courage, cowardly; nervous, socially timid, fright.⁸ very much alarmed; same as 怯.²⁴
(composition: ⿰犭去; U+3E64).
(See 怯 hèp).
hep4 6383
94 10 hèp xiá narrow.⁵ narrow; limited; narrow-minded.³⁶
(variant: 陿 hèp xiá).
狭隘[狹隘] hèp-äi
xiá'ài narrow; narrow and limited; parochial.⁵
狭长[狹長] hèp-chẽng
xiácháng long and narrow.⁵
狭窄[狹窄] hèp-jäk
xiázhǎi narrow, cramped; narrow and limited, narrow; <med.> stricture.⁵
狭义[狹義] hèp-ngì
xiáyì narrow sense.⁵
狭小[狹小] hèp-xēl
xiáxiǎo narrow and small; narrow.⁵
心胸狭窄[心胸狹窄] xïm-hüng-hèp-jäk
xīnxiōng xiázhǎi narrow-minded; intolerant.⁵
<又> gèp.
(See 狹 gèp; 陿 hèp).
hep4 6384
112 12 hèp xiá (=峡 hèp xiá) gorge; strait.⁶ place name.¹⁰
硖石[硤石] hèp-sêk
xiáshí place name in Zhejiang.¹¹
(See 峡 hèp).
hep4 6385
130 10 hèp xié flank (side of the human body between the armpit and the waist); coerce, force.⁶ (variant: 脇 hèp xié).
胁逼[脅逼] hèp-bēik
xiébī force; coerce.⁶
胁迫[脅迫] hèp-bēik
xiépò coerce; force.⁵
胁变[脅變] hèp-bëin
xiébiàn <phy.> strain.⁵
or 挟持[挾持] hèp-chĩ xiéchí seize somebody on both sides by the arms; to hold somebody under duress.⁵
胁肩谄笑[脅肩諂笑] hèp-gän-chïm-xël
or hèp-gän-chēm-xël xiéjiānchǎnxiào cringe and smile obsequiously.⁵
胁肩累足[脅肩累足] hèp-gän-luì-dūk
xiéjiānlěizú frightened; apprehensive and nervous; jitttery.⁶
or 挟制[挾制] hèp-jäi xiézhì enforce obedience (usually by abusing one's power or taking advanage of someone's weakness; force someone to do one's bidding.⁶
胁强[脅強] hèp-kẽng
xiéqiáng <phy.> stress.⁵
胁从[脅從] hèp-tũng
xiécóng be an accomplice under duress.⁵
(See 脇 hèp).
hep4 6386
130 10 hèp xié (=胁[脅] hèp xié flank (side of the human body between the armpit and the waist); coerce, force.⁶); ribs, armpits; flank; threaten.⁸
(composition: ⿰⺼劦; U+8107).
(See 脅 hèp).
hep4 6387
170 9 hèp xiá (=狭[狹] hèp xiá) narrow; (=峡[峽] hèp xiá) gorge; mountain pass.⁸ a narrow defile.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰阝夾; U+965C).
(Note: Differentiate 陕[陝] sēm shǎn, q.v.)
阸陜 äi-hèp
àixiá a narrow pass.²⁵
隘陜 äi-hèp
àixiá a narrow defile.²⁵
陜隘 hèp-äi
xiá'ài a narrow pass; a gorge; a defile; a confined place in a river; in straits.¹⁰²
陜门[陜門] hèp-mõn
xiámén a narrow door; <metaphor> the strait gate.¹⁰²
or 寻陿[尋陿] tĩm-hèp xúnxiá ancient name of a place in present east of 清远市[清遠市] tëin-yōn-sî qīngyuǎnshì  in 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Guangdong Province.²³ʼ²⁵
(See 狹 hèp; 峽 hèp).
hep4 6388
170 11 hèp xiá (=狭[狹] hèp xiá narrow.⁵ narrow; limited; narrow-minded.³⁶
(composition: ⿰阝匧; U+967F).
or 寻陜[尋陜] tĩm-hèp xúnxiá ancient name of a place in present east of 清远市[清遠市] tëin-yōn-sî qīngyuǎnshì  in 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Guangdong Province.²³ʼ²⁵
(See 狹 [hèp, xiá]).
hep4 6389
30 12 pleasure; joy; pleased with.¹⁴ (variants: 憙憘 hī, q.v.)
or 喜滋滋 hī-dü-dü xǐzīzī joyful, looking pleased.⁷
喜欢[喜歡] hī-fön
xǐhuan like, be fond of; happy; elated.⁶
喜庆[喜慶] hī-hëin
xǐqìng jubilation; festive.¹⁰
喜帖 hī-hēp
xǐtiě wedding invitation.⁸
喜气[喜氣] hī-hï
xǐqì or 喜色 hī-sēik xǐsè or 喜容 hī-yũng xǐróng a joyful expression on the face.¹⁴
喜气洋洋[喜氣洋洋] hī-hï-yẽng-yẽng
xǐqìyángyáng jubilant; cheerful look; cheerful expression.
喜帐[喜帳] hī-jëng
xǐzhàng congratulatory scrolls sent to a wedding.¹⁴
喜幛 hī-jëng
xǐzhàng a long silk scroll to be hung on the wall during some celebration, containing words of congratulations.⁸
喜剧[喜劇] hī-kēk
xǐjù comedy.
喜闻乐见[喜聞樂見] hī-mũn-lòk-gëin
xǐwénlèjiàn a delight to see (idiom); an attractive spectacle.¹⁰
喜鹊[喜鵲] hī-xēk
xǐque magpie.⁶
喜鹊报喜[喜鵲報喜] hī-xēk-bäo-hī
xǐquebàoxǐ The magpies heralded (in) a joyous event.⁶
喜鹊喳喳叫[喜鵲喳喳叫] hī-xēk-jā-jā-gël
xǐque zhāzhā jiào Magpies were chattering.²²
喜讯[喜訊] hī-xïn
xǐxùn good news; glad tidings.
喜悦[喜悅] hī-yòt
xǐyuè happy; joyous.⁵
hi1 6390
30 15 hēi hey, wow, oh, ha ha.⁹
嘿嘿 hī-hī
hēihēi <ono.> heh heh.¹⁰
<又> màk.
(See 嘿 màk.)
hi1 6391
30 15 (referring to the sound of merry laughter) giggle.⁶ sound of giggling; exclamation of surprise.¹
嘻嘻 hī-hī xīxī hee hee; happy.¹⁰
嘻嘻哈哈 hī-hī-hā-hā
xīxīhāhā laughing and joking; laughing merrily; mirthful; noisily cheerful.⁶
笑嘻嘻 xël-hī-hī
xiàoxīxī grinning; smiling broadly.⁵
<又> hï.
(See 嘻 hï.)
hi1 6392
61 15 (<old> =喜 hī pleasure; joy; pleased with.¹⁴); like, love, enjoy; joyful thing.⁸
(composition: ⿰忄喜; U+6198).
憘憘 hī-hī
xǐxǐ harmonious and happy.¹⁹
憘事 hī-xù
xǐshì good deed, good turn; meddlesome, enjoys making trouble.¹⁹
<又> hï.
(See 憘 hï; 喜 hī).
hi1 6393
61 16 (=喜 hī pleasure; joy; pleased with.¹⁴); like, love, enjoy; joyful thing.⁸  to be delighted with; to take delight in.¹⁴ pleased; to approve of.²⁴
(composition: ⿱喜心; U+6199).
憙改做 hī-gōi-dü
xǐgǎizuò to be fond of altering and making new.²⁴
欣憙 hïm-hī
xīnxǐ delighted.²⁴
(See 喜 hī).
hi1 6394
75 14 榿 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 桤[榿] hï with same meaning.)
<又> hï.
(See 榿 hï.)
hi1 6395
76 16 (<old>=喜 hī pleasure; joy; pleased with.¹⁴).²ʼ⁸ʼ¹³ʼ²⁴ to be pleased; sudden delight.²⁴
(composition: ⿰喜欠; U+6B56).
<又> yî.
(See 歖 yî; 喜 hī).
hi1 6396
113 16 auspiciousness; happiness; jubialtion.⁵
恭贺新禧[恭賀新禧] güng-hào-xïn-hī or güng-hò-xïn-hī gōnghèxīnxǐ Happy New Year.⁵
庆禧[慶禧] hëin-hī
qìngxǐ to celebrate an auspicious or happy occasion.⁷
鸿禧[鴻禧] hũng-hī
hóngxǐ great felicity.⁷
年禧 nẽin-hī
niánxǐ New Year's greetings.⁷
延禧 yẽn-hī
yánxǐ a good-luck inscription on the wall facing the gate.¹⁹
<又> hï.
(See 禧 hï.)
hi1 6397
140 6 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 芑 gī with same meaning.)
<又> gī.
(See 芑 gī.)
hi1 6398
142 18 a kind of long-bodied and long-legged spider.⁷
壁蟢 bēik-hī bìxǐ (=壁钱[壁錢] bēik-tẽin bìqián) spider.¹⁹
蟢子 hī-dū
xǐzi Tetragnatha (long-jawed spider).¹⁰
hi1 6399
149 17 shame; disgrace.¹⁴ to be ashamed.²⁵
謑髁 hī-fö xǐkē not upright, not fair-minded, dishonest.¹⁹ incorrect.²⁵
謑髁无任[謑髁無任]  hī-fö-mũ-ngìm
xǐkēwúrèn knowing his unfitness he occupied no office.¹⁴
謑诟[謑詬] hī-giū
xǐgòu shame; reviling.¹⁴ to insult, to put to shame, to get into a passion, and abuse people.²⁵
謑落 hī-lòk
xǐluò to make fun of.¹⁴
hi1 6400
151 10 <wr.> (used to ask a rhetorical question).⁶ how? (emphatic question).¹⁰
(comp. t: ⿱山豆; U+8C48). (comp. s: ⿱山己; U+5C82).
岂但[豈但] hī-àn
qǐdàn not only.⁶
岂不[豈不] hī-būt
qǐbù (used to give emphasis to the tone of a rhetorical question, to make the sentence affirmative in meaning) isn't that, doesn' that, hasn't that, won't that, would it not, wouldn't it.⁶
岂非[豈非] hī-fï
qǐfēi (used to ask a rhetorical question) isn't it? wouldn't it?⁶
岂敢[豈敢] hī-gām
qǐgǎn how could one dare?; I don't deserve such praise.¹⁰
岂止[豈止] hī-jī
qǐzhǐ (used to ask a rhetorical question) more than.⁶ not only; far from; more than.¹⁰
岂有他哉[豈有他哉] hī-yiû-hä-döi
qǐyǒutāzāi What else? How could there be another way?²²
岂有此理[豈有此理] hī-yiû-xū-lî
qǐyǒucǐlǐ  outrageous, absurd, preposterous.⁶ how unreasonable.⁸ how can this be so? (idiom); preposterous; ridiculous; absurd.¹⁰ how could such a thing be possible? – it is absurd.¹¹
<又> hōi.
(See 豈 hōi).
hi1 6401
155 11 (<old>=嘻 hī sound of laughter); red color.⁸
(composition: ⿰赤欠; U+8D65).
Jëh-ài-sëin-ngîn-būt-jì, hī-hī-ēik-xël-chūt-sëin-lõi.
Zhè dà shèng rěn bù zhù, xī xī de xiào chū shēng lái.
This great sage couldn't help but laughed out loud.⁸
Ngũn-hōn-hōn, xël-hī-hī.
Yán kǎn kǎn, xiào xī xī.
He spoke light-heartedly and smiled contentedly.² from《元包經》.
<又> kèik.
(See 赥 kèik).
hi1 6402
156 10 rise, stand up; go up; begin.⁸
起步 hī-bù qǐbù start.⁸ get going.⁹
起初 hī-chö
qǐchū originally; at first.⁸
起床 hī-chõng
qǐchuáng get up; rise; get out of bed.⁹
起点[起點] hī-ēm
qǐdiǎn starting point.⁹
起飞[起飛] hī-fï
qǐfēi to take off (in an airplane).⁸
起伏 hī-fùk
qǐfú rise and fall; undulate.⁸
起骨 hī-gūt
qǐgǔ extracting bones from meat.¹⁰
起讫[起訖] hī-kēik
or hī-ngàt qǐ-qì beginning and end.⁵
起立 hī-lìp
qǐlì stand up; rise.⁸
起来[起來] hī-lõi
qǐlai stand up; get up; rise.⁸
起码[起碼] hī-mâ
qǐmǎ minimum; rudimentary.⁸
起锚[起錨] hī-mão
qǐmáo lift/weigh/raise the anchor.⁶
起眼 hī-ngān
qǐyǎn attractive.⁹ outstanding.¹⁰
起疑心 hī-ngĩ-xïm
qǐyíxīn become suspicious.⁹
起义[起義] hī-ngì
qǐyì revolt.⁹
起岸 hī-ngòn
qǐ’àn bring (cargo from a ship) to land.⁸
or 起原 hī-ngũn qǐyuán origin; to come from.¹⁰
起色 hī-sēik
qǐsè get better; improve.⁸
起身 hī-sïn
qǐshēn get up; start on a journey; stand up.⁸
起草 hī-tāo
qǐcǎo draft; draw up.⁸
起诉[起訴] hī-xü
qǐsù <law> sue; prosecute.⁵
起因 hī-yïn
qǐyīn cause; origin.⁸
<台> 起市 hī-sî arrogant; haughty.

hi1 6403
9 9 to pretend, appear as if.⁸ pretending.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻希; U+4FD9).
依俙 yī-hï yīxī (=依稀 yī-hï yīxī vaguely; dimly; probably; very likely.¹⁰).¹⁹ appearing as if.²⁴
俙然 hï-ngẽin
xīrán the appearance of moving.¹⁹
hi2 6404
9 10 (=魌 hï in ancient times, a mask worn by people who acted as gods when exorcising ghosts.⁸ mask of a god used in ceremonies to exorcise demons and drive away pestilence; <old> ugly.¹⁰); a mask worn to expel pestilent ghosts.¹³
(composition: ⿰亻其; U+501B).
倛丑[倛醜] hï-chiū
qīchǒu clay puppets used in ancient times to pray for rain.¹⁹
or 蒙魌 mũng-hï ménɡqī or 蒙箕 mũng-gî ménɡjī In the twelfth lunar month in ancient times, an image, whose face was square and ugly with dishevelled hair and vicious look, was used to expel pestilent ghosts.¹⁹
(See 魌 hï).
hi2 6405
9 14 <lit.> to lean, incline to one side, (variant of 敧 yî ).¹¹ to sport and gambol, when merry with wine.²⁴ appearance of a drunk dance.¹⁰⁰
(composition: ⿰亻欺; U+50DB).
僛丑[僛醜] hï-chiū
qīchǒu ugly.¹⁹
僛僛 hï-hï
qīqī shaking or wobbling the body; not neat, not tidy, irregular.⁸ <lit.> to totter (as when drunk).¹¹
僛舞 hï-mū
qīwǔ a drunk dance.¹⁹
Lǚ wǔ qī qī.
They keep dancing in a fantastic manner.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·桑扈之什·賓之初筵》, translated by James Legge).
(See 敧 yî).
hi2 6406
9 14 <wr.>  happy; joy; Xi surname.
僖乐[僖樂] hï-lòk xīlè to enjoy oneself.
hi2 6407
30 9 to smile; to sneer at; to mock.⁸ loud laugh.¹⁰ʼ³⁵ to roar in laughter.¹¹ a loud laugh.¹⁴ risus, ridicule.³⁶ hee hee!; giggle, laugh; to laugh out loud.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰口至; U+54A5).
Hëin-ài būt-jï, hï kĩ xël yì.
Xiōngdì bùzhī, xì qí xiào yǐ.
My brothers will not know [all this],
And will only laugh at me.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·衛風·氓·5》, translated by James Legge).
诃咥[訶咥] ö-hï
or ü-hï  hēxì a tribe of the Tiele (铁勒[鐵勒] hëik-làk tiělè) Nationality in northern China during the Sui (隋 Tuĩ Suí) and Tang (唐 Hõng Táng) Dynasties.¹⁹
<又> èik.
(See 咥 èik; 咥[hï, xī]).
hi2 6408
30 9 to laugh out loud.²ʼ²⁴ used to describe the look of someone laughing heartily.⁹
(composition: ⿰口至; U+54A5).
咥咥 hï-hï xīxī to laugh; to sneer.¹⁹
咥咥然 hï-hï-ngẽin
xīxīrán laughing out loud.⁸ laughter.²⁴
咥然 hï-ngẽin
xīrán to smile.¹⁹
<又> èik.
(See 咥 èik; 咥[hï, xì]).
hi2 6409
30 10 weep or sob; grieve.⁸ to bemoan.⁹ sound of sobbing.¹⁰
唏嘘[唏噓] or 欷歔[欷] hï-huï xīxū <wr.> to sob; to sniffle.⁶
唏里呼噜[唏裡呼嚕] or 稀里呼噜[稀裡呼嚕] hï-lī-fü-lû
xīlihūlū <topo.> (referring  to the sound of snoring or guzzling liquid food).⁶
or 稀里哗啦[稀裡嘩啦] hï-lī-vä-lā xīlihuālā (referring to the sound of rain, falling objects, or buildings falling down) patter, crash; shattered, broken violently into pieces; scattered in disorder.⁶
hi2 6410
30 15 <wr.> (used when exclaiming in admiration, wonder).⁶ Alas!; My! <ono.> giggle.¹¹
嘻嘻地笑 hï-hï-ì-xël xīxīdexiào to burst into giggles.⁶
or 嬉闹[嬉鬧] hï-nào xīnào laugh and frolic; horseplay; rolick.⁶
or 嬉皮 hï-pĩ xīpí hippies.⁷
or 嬉皮笑脸[嬉皮笑臉] hï-pĩ-xël-lêm xīpíxiàoliǎn to grin cheekily/mischievously/frivolously; to smile and grimace.⁶
or 嬉和 hï-võ xīhe <vern.> affable looks and soft words; please somebody with affable looks and soft words.⁶
or 嬉笑 hï-xël xīxiào be laughing and playing.⁵
嘻,异哉![嘻,異哉!] Hï, yì-döi!
Xī, yìzāi! Oh, how weird!⁶
噫嘻 yï-hï
yīxī <wr.> (expressing grief or regret); alas.⁶
<又> hī.
(See 嘻 hī.)
hi2 6411
30 16 utensil, ware, implement, apparatus; forbearance, tolerance; talent; to value, think highly of (a person); organ, apparatus.⁶
大器晚成 ài-hï-mân-sẽin dàqìwǎnchéng great talents take time to mature; to gain success late in life.⁶
兵器 bëin-hï
bīngqì arms, weapons, weaponry.⁶
机器[機器] gï-hï
jīqi machine, machinery, apparatus.⁶
器重 hï-chüng
qìzhòng to think highly of, to have a high opinion of, to regard highly.⁶
器官 hï-gön
qìguān organ, apparatus.⁶
器具 hï-guì
qìjù utensil, implement, appliance.⁶
器械 hï-hài
qìxiè apparatus; equipment; weapon.⁸
器量 hï-lèng
qìliàng tolerance, forbearance, magnanimity.⁶
器皿 hï-mêin
qìmǐn household utensils; containers.⁵
器物 hï-mùt
or hï-mòt qìwù implement, utensil, article.⁶
or 气宇[氣宇] hï-yî qìyǔ bearing; manner.⁶
or 气宇不凡[氣宇不凡] hï-yî-būt-fãn qìyǔbùfán have extraordinary poise; be of striking appearance.⁶
武器 mû-hï
wǔqì weapons, arms, weaponry.⁶
彝器[彞器] yĩ-hï
yíqì bronze sacrificial utensils.⁶
hi2 6412
30 20 a whistle; a shrill noise.⁸ a noise made by blowing.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口戲; U+56B1).
嚱嚱 hï-hï xìxì a noise.²⁴
(See 嚱[hï, xī]).
hi2 6413
30 20 a sigh, alas!.⁸
(composition: ⿰口戲; U+56B1).
呃嚱 āk-hï èxī to sigh.¹⁹
唏嚱 hï-hï
xīxī to sigh.¹⁹
嘻嚱 hï-hï
xīxī interjection expressing lament.¹⁹
嘘嚱[噓嚱] huï-hï
xūxī to sigh.¹⁹
呜嚱[嗚嚱] vü-hï
wūxī alas!²⁴
噫嚱 yï-hï
yīxī  interjection expressing a sigh.¹⁹
噫吁嚱 yï-huï-hï
yīxūxī interjection, exclamation; express surprise or sigh.¹⁹
(See 嚱[hï, xì]).
hi2 6414
32 20 lofty, dangerous; critical, (same as 亏[虧] kï kuī) to destroy; to injure; to damage.⁸ to destroy, to ruin.²⁴
(composition: ⿰土戲; U+3680).
(See 虧 kï).
hi2 6415
38 10   <wr.> (=嬉 hï ) play.⁸
娭光 hï-göng
xīguāng playful look; gleam in his eyes.⁵⁴
宴娭 yën-hï
yànxī feast and be merry.⁵⁴
<又> äi.
(See 娭 äi.)
hi2 6416
38 15   to have fun; to sport; to play; to frolic.⁷
嬉戏[嬉戲] hï-hï xīxì  to frolic; fun; a romp.¹⁰
or 嘻闹[嘻鬧] hï-nào xīnào laugh and frolic; horseplay; rolick.⁶
嬉痞 hï-pī
xīpǐ hippie.¹⁰
or 嘻皮 hï-pĩ xīpí hippies.⁷
嬉皮赖脸[嬉皮賴臉] hï-pĩ-lài-lêm
xīpílàiliǎn grinning shamelessly to cover up embarassment or guilt.⁶
or 嘻皮笑臉 hï-pĩ-xël-lêm xīpíxiàoliǎn to grin cheekily/mischievously/frivolously; to smile and grimace.⁶
嬉皮士 hï-pĩ-xù
xīpíshì <loan> hippy; hippie.⁵
嬉耍 hï-sā
xīshuǎ to play games with.⁷
or 嘻和 hï-võ xīhe <vern.> affable looks and soft words; please somebody with affable looks and soft words.⁶
or 嘻笑 hï-xël xīxiào be laughing and playing.⁵
嬉笑怒骂[嬉笑怒罵] hï-xël-nù-mà
xīxiàonùmà playing, laughing, getting angry and scolding – a stimulating style of writing which makes even merry laughters and angry shoutings delightful reading.⁷
嬉游 hï-yiũ
xīyóu to play; to sport.⁷
嬉游曲 hï-yiũ-kūk
xīyóuqǔ <mus.> divertimento.⁶
hi2 6417
44 9 lusty; strong; gigantic strength, heavy sleep with snoring.¹ to lie down, to sleep; great, robust.²⁴
hi2 6418
44 10 strong; to bear; to lie down to rest.²⁴ (variant of 屭 hï ) gigantic strength, Hercules.³⁶ (variant of 眉 mĩ méi) eyebrow; upper margin of a book.³⁶ (variant of 㞒 hï ) lusty; strong, gigantic strength; etc.)³⁶
赑屃[贔屓] bēik-hï
bìxì straining hard; fabulous tortoise.¹
屃矢五十箇[屓矢五十箇] hï-sī-m̄-sìp-göi
xì shǐ wǔshí gè he carried 50 arrows.²⁵
(See 屭 hï; 眉 mĩ; 㞒 hï).
hi2 6419
44 24 gigantic strength.¹⁴ energetic, strong, robust.²⁴ gigantic strength, Hercules.³⁶ (variant: 屃[屓] hï).
赑屭[贔屭] bēik-hï
bìxì a river-god, figured as a tortoise of gigantic size and used as a base for heavy stone tablets.¹⁴ Bixi, one of the nine sons of a dragon with the form of a tortoise, also known as 龟趺[龜趺] gï-fü guīfū.⁸ (Chinese mythology) bixi (a mythological turtlelike animal); (literary) strenuous; with a lot of strength.³⁶
(See 屓 hï).
hi2 6420
46 20 a crack; hazardous; dangerous; difficult; chance.⁸ precipitous (mountain).⁹ a mountain-gorge; a ravine; a crack, a pretext for anything.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰山戲; U+5DC7).
巇隙 hï-kēik xīxì a crack, crevice.¹¹
or 险巇[險巇] hēm-hï xiǎnxī or 险戲[險戲] hēm-hï xiǎnxì or <wr.>= 险澀[險澀] hēm-sēip xiǎnsè steep, difficult (path, road, terrain).¹¹ dangerous passes.¹⁴ difficult and dangerous.³⁶
山路巇崄[山路巇嶮] sän-lù-hï-hēm
shānlùxīxiǎn dangerous mountain paths.¹¹
hi2 6421
50 6 𢁙
(=希 hï rare; to hope, to expect, to strive for).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱夂巾; U+22059).
<又> bü.
(See 𢁙 bü; 希 hï).
hi2 6422
50 7 rare; to hope, to expect, to strive for.
(variant: 𢁙❄{⿱夂巾} ). (See 𢁙❄{⿱夂巾} hï).
希特勒 Hï-àk-làk Xītèlè Hitler.⁹
希伯来语[希伯來語] Hï-bāk-lõi-nguî
Xībóláiyǔ Hebrew (language).
希拉里·黛安·罗登·克林顿[希拉里·黛安·羅登·克林頓] hï-lā-lî òi-ön lõ-äng hāk-lĩm-ùn
xīlālǐ dàiān luódēng kèlíndùn Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton (October 26, 1947-)
or 稀罕 hï-hōn xīhan rare; uncommon; rarity; to value as a rarity; to cherish.¹⁰
希图[希圖] hï-hũ
xītú to try to; to attempt to; to scheme for.
希冀 hï-kï
xījì <wr.> to hope.
希奇 hï-kĩ
xīqí rare, strange.
希奇古怪 hï-kĩ-gū-gäi
xīqígǔguài strange; rare.
希腊[希臘] Hï-làp
Xīlà Greece.¹¹
希望 hï-mòng
xīwàng hope.¹¹
希望綦切 hï-mòng-kĩ-tēik
xīwàngqíqiè cherish ardent hopes.⁶
or 稀少 hï-sēl xīshǎo rare; sparse.⁸
or 稀有 hï-yiû xīyǒu rare.⁹  uncommon.¹⁰
hi2 6423
61 13 to sign; all over, everywhere.⁸ take a deep breath, moan (also onomatopoeia); to reach.⁵⁴
(comp. t: ⿰忄氣; U+613E). (comp. s: ⿰忄气; U+5FFE)
忾呼天下[愾呼天下] hï-fü-hëin-hà
xìhūtiānxià to reach the Middle Kingdom (China).⁵⁴
忾然[愾然] hï-ngẽin
xìrán generously.¹¹ sigh with deep feelings.⁵⁴
忾然太息[愾然太息] hï-ngẽin-häi-xēik
xìrántàixī take a deep breath.⁵⁴
忾我五寤叹[愾我五寤嘆] hï-ngô-m̄-m̀-hän
xìwǒwǔwùtàn I wake up with a groan, sighing ...⁵⁴
Hï-ngô-m̀-hän, nèm-bī-jiü-gëin.
Xì wǒ wù tàn, niàn bǐ zhōu jīng. Ah me! I awake and sigh, / Thinking of that capital of Zhou.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from《诗经·曹风·下泉》, translated by James Legge).
<又> köi.
(See 愾 köi).
hi2 6424
61 15 (=憩 hï ) <wr.> rest; have a rest.⁶
(See 憩 hï).
hi2 6425
61 15 the sound of a sigh.⁸
(composition: ⿰忄喜; U+6198).
<又> hī. (See 憘 hī).
hi2 6426
61 16 <wr.> rest; have a rest.⁶ (variant: 憇 hï ).
憩歇 hï-hēik
qìxiē <wr.> have a rest; rest.⁶
憩室 hï-sīt
qìshì diverticulum.⁶
憩室炎 hï-sīt-yèm
qìshìyán diverticulitis.⁶
憩息 hï-xēik
qìxī <wr.> have a rest; rest.⁶
休憩 hiü-hï
xiūqì have (or take) a rest; rest.⁵
同作同憩 hũng-dōk-hũng-hï
tóngzuòtóngxiū work and rest together.⁶
小憩 xēl-hï
xiǎoqì take a short rest; have a break; rest for a while.⁶
游憩 yiũ-hï
yóuqì play and relax.⁶
(See 憇 hï).
hi2 6427
62 16 (=戏[戲] hï to play. to ty, to sport; to jest, to have fun, to make fun; a drama, a play, a show; a game.⁷)
t: ⿰虛戈; U+6231).
s: ⿰虚戈; U+622F).
(See 戲 hï).
hi2 6428
62 17 to play. to ty, to sport; to jest, to have fun, to make fun; a drama, a play, a show; a game.⁷ (variant: 戱 hï).
戏单子[戲單子] hï-än-dū xìdānzi program of a play; playbill.⁷
戏班[戲班] hï-bän
xìbān theatrical troupe or company.⁵
戏包袱[戲包袱] hï-bäo-fùk
xìbāofu dramatic talent (an actor or actress who is competent enough to play any role).⁶
戏本子[戲本子] hï-bōn-dū
xìběnzi a script (of a play); text for a play or an opera.⁷
戏子[戲子] hï-dū
xìzi <derog.> actor; actress (in a play).⁶
戏法[戲法] hï-fāt
xìfǎ conjuring; juggling; tricks; magic.⁵
戏台[戲臺] hï-hõi
xìtái <topo.> stage.⁵
戏装[戲裝] hï-jöng
xìzhuāng theatrical or stage costume.⁵
戏剧[戲劇] hï-kēk
xìjù drama, play, theater; scenario.⁶
戏曲[戲曲] hï-kūk
xìqǔ singing parts in 传奇[傳奇] chũn-kĩ chuánqí and 杂剧[雜劇] dàp-kēk zájù; traditional opera.⁵
戏弄[戲弄] hï-lùng
xìnòng make fun of; play tricks on; kid.⁵
戏迷[戲迷] hï-mãi
xìmí theater fan.⁵
戏侮[戲侮] hï-mû
xìwǔ mock; poke fun at.⁶
戏目[戲目] hï-mùk
xìmù theatrical program.⁵
戏谑[戲謔] hï-ngèk
xìxuè banter; crack jokes.⁵
戏词[戲詞] hï-xũ
xìcí actor's part or lines.⁵
戏院[戲院] hï-yòn
xìyuàn theater.⁵
<又> fü.
(See 戲 fü; 戱 hï).

hi2 6429
64 6 to kneel and bow with both hands touching the ground or the floor.⁷ to reach.⁸ to bow to the ground.¹⁴
扱地 hï-ì qìdì to kneel and bow with both hands touching the ground.⁷ʼ⁵⁴ to bow to the ground.¹⁴
扱平 hï-pẽin
qìpíng to sink in the west – sunset.¹⁴
<又> chäp; kīp; kēip.
(See 扱 chäp; 扱 kīp; 扱 kēip.)
hi2 6430
72 11 dry; the first light of day, daybreak.⁵ to dry in the sun; the dawn.¹⁴
白露未晞 bàk-lù-mì-hï báilùwèixī the dew is not yet dried.¹⁴
晞发[晞髮] hï-fāt
xīfà to loosen the hair in order to dry it.⁷
晞堁 hï-fö
xīkè dry earth.¹⁴
朝露未晞 jël-lù-mì-hï
zhāolùwèixī the morning dew has not dried yet.⁷
晨露未晞 sĩn-lù-mì-hï
chénlùwèixī the morning dew has not yet dried.⁶
东方渐晞[東方漸晞] üng-föng-dèm-hï
dōngfāngjiànxī the day was dawning.⁶
东方未晞[東方未晞] üng-föng-mì-hï
dōngfāngwèixī before daybreak.⁵ it is not yet light in the east.¹⁴
hi2 6431
72 20 <wr.> sunlight (usually of early morning).⁶ sunlight, sunshine, early dawn.⁸ the light of day.¹⁴ (variant: 爔 hï ).
曦光 hï-göng
xīguāng first rays of the morning sun.⁸ the brightness of the dawn.¹⁴
曦轩[曦軒] hï-hëin
xīxuān the sun.⁸
曦微 hï-mĩ
xīwēi dim sunlight.⁸
曦驭[曦馭] hï-nguì
xīyù the bright chariot – the sun.¹⁴
曙曦 sï-hï
shǔxī sunlight at dawn.⁶
晨曦 sĩn-hï
chénxī early morning sunlight; first rays of the morning sun.⁵
(See 爔 hï).
hi2 6432
75 12 throw away; discard; abandon.⁶ (variant: 𣓪❄{⿳⿱亠厶世木} hï).
暴弃[暴棄] bào-hï
bàoqì or 自暴自弃[自暴自棄] dù-bào-dù-hï zìbàozìqì abandon oneself to despair; give oneself up as hopeless; have no urge to make progress; be resigned to one's backwardness.⁶
弃暗投明[棄暗投明] hï-ām-hẽo-mẽin
qì'àntóumíng forsake the darkness for light – leave the reactionary camp and cross over to the side of progress.⁶
弃绝[棄絕] hï-dùt
qìjué abandon; renounce; forsake.⁶
弃妇[棄婦] hï-fû
qìfù <lit.> abandoned/deserted wife.⁶
弃甲曳兵[棄甲曳兵] hï-gâp-yài-bëin
qìjiǎyèbīng (of routed troops) throw away armor and trail weapons – flee pell-mell; flee helter-skelter; flee hurry-scurry.⁶
弃旧图新[棄舊圖新] hï-giù-hũ-xïn
qìjiùtúxīn reject the old for the new; turn over a new leaf.⁶
弃官[棄官] hï-gön
qìguān give up one's office; resign one's official post.⁶
弃权[棄權] hï-kũn
qìquán abstain (from voting); <sport>  waive the right to play; default.⁶
弃儿[棄兒] hï-ngĩ
qì'ér abandoned child; foundling.⁶
弃市[棄市] hï-sî
qìshì execute somebody in the busy street and expose the corpse to the public (in ancient times).⁶
(See 𣓪❄{⿳⿱亠厶世木} hï).
hi2 6433
75 13 𣓪
(=弃[棄] hï throw away; discard; abandon.⁶).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿳⿱亠厶世木; U+234EA).
(See 棄 hï).

hi2 6434 234EA.jpg
75 14 榿 <bot.> alder.⁶
桤木[榿木] hï-mûk or hī-mûk qīmù alder.⁵
<又> hī.
(See 榿 hī.)
hi2 6435
75 16 a place name in Japan.
(composition: ⿰木喜; U+6A72).
鹿岛区橲原[鹿島區橲原] lùk-āo-kuï-hï-ngũn lùdǎoqūxīyuán Kashimaku Jisabara, Japan.
hi2 6436
76 11 to sob, to sigh.⁸ (variant: 㰿 hï ).
] or 唏嘘[唏噓] hï-huï xīxū <wr.> to sob; to sniffle.⁶
欷吁 hï-huï 
xīxū (=唏嘘[唏噓] hï-huï xīxū) <ono.> to sigh; to sob.¹⁰
流涕] hï-huï-liũ-häi xīxūliútì sigh and sob; shed tears.
欷] or 嘘唏[噓唏] huï-hï xūxī <wr.> to sob.⁶ the sound of sorrows and sobs.⁸ to sob and sniffle.¹¹
欷不已] huï-hï-būt-yî xūxībùyǐ to keep on sniffling.⁶
(See 㰿 hï).
hi2 6437
76 12 deceive; bully, take advantage of.⁵
欺压[欺壓] hï-āt qīyā ride roughshod over; tyranize.⁶
欺负[欺負] hï-fù
qīfu bully; treat somebody highhandedly.⁶
欺哄 hï-hüng
qīhǒng to dupe; to deceive.¹⁰
欺诈[欺詐] hï-jä
qīzhà cheat; swindle; defraud.⁶
欺诳[欺誑] hï-kõng
qīkuáng to cheat.¹¹
欺轢 hï-lèik
qīlì to bully by force.¹¹
or 欺凌 hï-lẽin qīlíng bully and humiliate; insult.⁶
欺栌[欺櫨] hï-lũ
qīlú bullyrag.¹⁰
欺罔 hï-mông
qīwǎng <wr.> deceive; cheat.⁵⁴
欺蒙 hï-mũng
qīméng cheat; deceive; dupe; hoodwink.⁶
欺侮 hï-mû
qīwǔ to browbeat, humiliate or bully.¹¹
欺人自欺 hï-ngĩn-dù-hï
qīrénzìqī be hooked by one's own lies.⁵⁴
欺人太甚 hï-ngĩn-häi-sìm
qīréntàishèn go too far in bullying others; push people too hard.⁶
欺软怕硬[欺軟怕硬] hï-ngün-pä-ngàng
qīruǎnpàyìng bully the weak and fear the strong.⁶
欺骗[欺騙] hï-pëin
qīpiàn deceive; cheat; dupe.⁵
欺善怕恶[欺善怕惡] hï-sèn-pä-ōk
qīshànpà'è bully the good and fear the wicked.⁶
欺心 hï-xïm
qīxīn dishonest.¹¹ disregard the dictates of one's own conscience; be unconscionable.⁵⁴
hi2 6438
76 13 to be happy suddenly.²ʼ⁸ sudden delight.²⁴
(composition: ⿰壴欠; U+3C3B).
<又> yî; yì. (See 㰻 yî; 㰻 yì).
hi2 6439
76 14 㰿 to sigh in lamentation; to lament, to exclaim.⁸ a sigh.²⁴
(syn. 欷 hï ).²
(composition: ⿰奚欠; U+3C3F).
(See 欷 hï).
hi2 6440
84 4 Kangxi radical 84; steam, vapor.⁸
(See 氣 hï).
hi2 6441
84 10 gas; air; weather; breath; get angry; annoy; vital energy.⁶ (old variant: 炁 hï ). (See 炁 hï).
气压[氣壓] hï-āt
qìyā atmospheric pressure.⁵⁶
气喘[氣喘] hï-chūn
qìchuǎn asthma; short of breath.⁶
气象[氣象] hï-dèng
qìxiàng atmospheric phenomena.⁵⁶
气氛[氣氛] hï-fün
qìfēn atmosphere; air.⁶
气分[氣分] hï-fün
qìfēn TCM section.²
or 气忿[氣忿] hï-fûn qìfèn indignant; furious.⁵
气候[氣候] hï-hèo
qìhòu weather, climate.¹¹
气急[氣急] hï-gīp
qìjí breathless; panting.⁶
气功[氣功] hï-güng
qìgōng breathing exercise.⁶
气体[氣體] hï-hāi
qìtǐ gas.⁶
气闸[氣閘] hï-jàp
qìzhá air/pneumatic brake.⁶
气质[氣質] hï-jīt
qìzhì temperament; qualities, makings.⁵⁶
气球[氣球] hï-kiũ
qìqiú balloon; gas balloon.⁶
气力[氣力] hï-lèik
qìlì physical strength; effort.⁵⁶
气味[氣味] hï-mì
qìwèi smell, scent, flavor; smack, taste.⁶
气馁[氣餒] hï-nuî
qìněi lose heart, be disheartened.⁵
气派[氣派] hï-päi
qìpài imposing bearing; dignified air.⁵⁶
气势[氣勢] hï-säi
qìshì momentum; imposing manner.⁶
气枪[氣槍] hï-tëng
qìqiāng air gun.¹¹
气粗[氣粗] hï-tü
qìcū hot-tempered; arrogant.⁶
气度[氣度] hï-ù
qìdù magnanimity; bearing, appearance.⁶
气温[氣溫] hï-vün
qìwēn air temperature.¹¹
hi2 6442
85 7 steam; vapor.¹⁰
汽车[汽車] hï-chëh qìchē car; automobile; bus.¹⁰
汽笛 hï-èk
qìdí steam whistle.⁵
汽化 hï-fä
qìhuà vaporization; to vaporize.⁷
汽阀[汽閥] hï-fàt
qìfá steam valve.⁸
汽管 hï-gōn
qìguǎn a steam pipe.⁷
汽缸 hï-göng
qìgāng cylinders (in automobiles, motorcycles).⁷ cylinder stator.²⁹
汽艇 hï-hêng
qìtǐng motorboat.¹⁰
汽船 hï-sõn
qìchuán steamboat; steamship.¹⁰
汽水 hï-suī
qìshuǐ soda water; soft drink or soda pop.⁷
汽油 hï-yiũ
qìyóu gasoline.¹⁰
蒸汽 jëin-hï
zhēngqì steam.⁶
水汽 suī-hï
shuǐqì water vapor; steam; moisture.¹⁰
hi2 6443
85 10 浠水 Hï-suī Xīshuǐ Xi River in 湖北 Vũ-bāk Húběi Hubei Province.⁴
hi2 6444
86 8 (<old>=气[氣] hï gas; air; weather; breath; get angry; annoy; vital energy.⁶); breath; air; steam; gas; weather; used in Taoist charms.⁸
(composition: ⿱旡灬; U+7081).
紫炁 dū-hï
zǐqì purple clouds.¹⁹
or 鬼气[鬼氣] gī-hï guǐqì lit. ghostly atmosphere; fig. gloomy/oppressive/disturbing atmosphere.¹⁹
坎炁 häm-hï
kǎnqì (=脐带[臍帶] tî-âi qídài) umbilical cord; funis.⁹ (Chinese medicine) refers to the dry umbilical cord, which is used to treat kidney deficiency and asthma.¹⁹
or 行气[行氣] hãng-hï xíngqì promote the circulation of qi, vital energy.¹⁹
炁海 hï-hōi
qìhǎi refers to body parts, of which there are two, the upper one is called 膻中 sën-jüng shānzhōng ('chest center') and the lower one is called än-hẽin dāntián lower part of the abdomen.¹⁹
真炁 jïn-hï
zhēnqì the world's vital essence and energy.¹⁹
or 鍊气[鍊氣] lèin-hï liànqì <Dao> method of achieving longevity through breathing exercises.¹⁹
邃炁 xuì-hï
suìqì dense fog/mist.¹⁹
(See 氣 hï).
hi2 6445
86 11 alkene.⁸
萜烯 hēp-hï tiēxī terpene.¹⁹
烯烃[烯烴] hï-hëin
xītīng olefine; alkene (chemistry).¹⁰
hi2 6446
86 14 bright, splendid, glorious.⁸ (variant: 熈 hï ).
熙朝 hï-chẽl
xīcháo prosperous and peaceful reign.¹¹
熙春茶 hï-chün-chã
xīchūnchá green tea; (young) hyson.⁵⁴
熙洽 hï-dèp
xīqià peaceful and prosperous.³⁹
熙熙 hï-hï
xīxī happy, contented.¹¹
or 熙熙壤壤 hï-hï-ngẽng-ngẽng xīxīrǎngrǎng <wr.> streams of people busily coming and going.¹¹
熙来攘往[熙來攘往] hï-lõi-ngẽng-vông
xīláirǎngwǎng bustling with activity, bustle and hustle.⁹
or 熙壤 hï-ngẽng xīrǎng restless.¹¹
林熙 lĩm-hï
línxī the play of climbing trees.¹⁹ gamboling on stilts.⁶⁰
(See 熈 hï).
hi2 6447
86 14 (=熙 hï ) bright, splendid, glorious.⁸
(See 熙 hï).
hi2 6448
86 16 dim light, glimmer; warm, bright.⁸
熹微 hï-mĩ xīwēi <wr.> dim; pale (of light); faint light at dawn; faint warmth at dawn; diffuse (light of daybreak).
熹盛 hï-sèin
xīshèng <wr.> prosperous.
晨光熹微 sĩn-göng-hï-mĩ
chénguāngxīwēi first faint rays of dawn; first rays of the morning sun.⁶
晨熹 sĩn-hï
chénxī light at dawn.
hi2 6449
86 16 (=熹 hï dim light, glimmer; warm, bright.⁸); radiation; fiery, red hot; same as 饎 chï chì, cooked food.⁸ felicitous stars observed at the time of sacrifice in ancient times; the flame of a furnace; to purify in a furnace.²⁴
(composition: ⿰火喜; U+71BA).
湛熺 jäm-hï
zhànxī or 湛炽[湛熾] jäm-chï zhànchì or 湛饎 jäm-chï zhànchì refers to the process of making wine by using rice koji (米麴 or 米曲).¹⁹
(See 熹 hï).
hi2 6450
86 20 (<old>=曦 hï ) <wr.> sunlight (usually of early morning).⁶ fire; sunshine.⁹ fire; the light of the sun.²⁴
(See 曦 hï).
hi2 6451
93 20 <wr.> beast of a uniform color used for sacrifice; sacrifice.⁶
牺尊[犧尊] hï-dün xīzūn ancient wine vessel (often made of bronze in the shape of an ox).⁶
牺牛[犧牛] hï-ngẽo
xīniú sacrificial ox.⁶
牺牲[犧牲] hï-säng
xīshēng sacrificial beast, sacrifice; make the ultimate/supreme sacrifice, die a martyr's death, lay down one's life (for a just cause), sacrifice oneself; give up (something as a means of gaining something more desirable), sacrifice.⁶
牺牲打[犧牲打] hï-säng-ā
xīshēngdǎ a sacrifice hit.⁷
牺牲品[犧牲品] hï-säng-bīn
xīshēngpǐn sacrificial victim, sacrificial lamb; prey.⁶
牺牲掉[犧牲掉] hï-säng-èl
xīshēngdiào sacrifice.¹⁹
牺牲者[犧牲者] hï-säng-jēh
xīshēngzhě victim(s).⁷
牺羊[犧羊] hï-yẽng
xīyáng sacrificial goat.⁶
壮烈牺牲[壯烈犧牲] jöng-lèik-hï-säng
zhuàngliè xīshēng  die a martyr; die a hero's death.⁶
hi2 6452
94 10 ➀ (=豨 hï ) pig ➁ sound used to call a pig.⁸
(See 豨 hï).
hi2 6453
109 12 to gaze afar, to look into distance from a high place; to admire, to look up to; to cast a sidelong glance, to look askance at somebody; to hope; to long for; to gaze at; a lookout.⁸ to look into the distance; to ascend to a height to look far into the distance.⁹ to look forward to; the eyes half closed; to look askance; to long for; to ascend a hall.²⁴ to look into the distance with hope; thirst; to expect; to dream of....⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰目希; U+774E).
遐睎 hã-hï xiáxī to look afar.¹⁹
睎古 hï-gū
xīgǔ thinking of old times.¹⁹
睎骥[睎驥] hï-kï
xījì longing to have a horse, dreaming of an excellent horse.⁵⁴
睎望 hï-mòng
xīwàng to gaze afar; a lookout.¹⁹ to look with hope; to hope.⁵⁴
睎秦岭[睎秦嶺] hï-tũn-lêng
xī qínlǐng look into the distance at Qinling (a major east-west mountain range in southern Shaanxi Province).⁵⁴
追睎 juï-hï
zhuīxī remembrance and admiration.¹⁹
眯睎 mï-hï
mīxī to narrow both eyes; to squint.¹⁹
hi2 6454
113 16 慈禧太后 Xũ-hï häi-hèo Cíxǐ tàihòu Empress Dowager Cixi (1835-1908) of China, concubine to the Xianfeng Emperor of the Qing Dynasty and later empress Dowager, was the power behind the throne in China from 1860 to 1908.⁹
白崇禧 Bàk Sũng Hï
Bái Chóngxǐ Bai Chongxi (1893-1966), a leader of Guangxi warlord faction, top Nationalist general, played important role in Chiang Kaishek's campaigns 1926-1949.¹⁰
<又> hī.
(See 禧 hī.)
hi2 6455
115 12 sparse, thinly scattered, meager, scanty, thin, light; rare, scarce, uncommon; watery, thin, dilute; (used for something like a liquid0 thin thing; very.⁶
古稀 gū-hï gǔxī <wr.> three score years and ten; seventy years of age.⁸
稀饭[稀飯] hï-fàn
xīfàn rice gruel; rice porridge.⁸
or 希罕 hï-hōn xīhan rare; uncommon; rarity; to value as a rarity; to cherish.¹⁰
稀土 hï-hū
xītǔ <chem.> rare earth.¹⁰
稀土元素 hï-hū-ngũn-xü
xītǔyuánsù rare earth element.¹⁰
稀奇 hï-kĩ
xīqí strange; remarkable; rare; peculiar; queer; eccentric.⁶
唏里呼噜[唏裡呼嚕] or 稀里呼噜[稀裡呼嚕] hï-lī-fü-lû
xīlihūlū <topo.> (referring  to the sound of snoring or guzzling liquid food).⁶
or 唏里哗啦[唏裡嘩啦] hï-lī-vä-lā xīlihuālā (referring to the sound of rain, falling objects, or buildings falling down) patter, crash; shattered, broken violently into pieces; scattered in disorder.⁶
or 希少 hï-sēl xīshǎo rare; sparse.⁸
or 希有 hï-yiû xīyǒu rare.⁹  uncommon.¹⁰
hi2 6456
123 16 ancient emperor; breath, vapor; Xi surname.⁸
伏羲 Fùk-hï Fúxī, a legendary Chinese ruler credited with the introduction of farming, fishing and animal husbandry.⁵ a legendary ruler who introduced houses.⁷
羲农[羲農] Hï-Nũng
Xī-Nóng legendary rulers 伏羲 Fùk-hï Fúxī Fuxi who introduced houses and 神农[神農] Sĩn-nũng Shénnóng Shennong, who introduced agriculture.⁷
羲和 Hï-Võ
Xī-Hé two legendary astronomers 羲氏 Hï-sì Xīshì and 和氏 Võ-sì Hésì.
羲黄[羲黃] Hï-Võng
Xī-Huáng the legendary rulers 伏羲 Fùk-hï Fúxī Fuxi and 黄帝[黃帝] Võng'äi Huángdì Huangdi (the Yellow Emperor).⁷
羲皇上人 Hï-võng-sèng-ngĩn
Xīhuángshàngrén people who lived before the legendary ruler 伏羲 Fùk-hï Fúxī; the “noble savage”.⁷ the ancient worthies.¹⁴
王羲之 Võng Hï-jï
Wáng Xīzhī (303–361) best known for his mastery of Chinese calligraphy.¹⁵
hi2 6457
140 7 an aromatic herb; also called 藒车[藒車] kēik-chëh qièchē (q.v.) and 芞舆[芞輿] hï-yĩ qìyú (q.v.).² <old> a kind of aromatic herb; aka 揭车[揭車] këik-chëh jiēchē.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹气; U+829E).
芞藇 hï-yĩ
qìyú a fragrant herb.⁸
芞舆[芞輿] hï-yĩ
qìyú an aromatic herb.²
(See 芞 hāt).
hi2 6458
142 24 large turtles.⁸ʼ¹⁴ loggerhead turtle.⁹ a large tortoise that makes a large noise with its stomach; the name of a constellation.²⁵
(composition: ⿰虫巂; U+8835).
觜蠵 or 觜觿 dü-hï zīxī a constellation name; previous name for 觜宿 (dü-xiü zīxiù number 21 of the 28 constellations.¹⁰); a big turtle.¹⁹
蠵鼊 hï-bēik
xībì (=蠵龟[蠵龜] hï-gï xīguī loggerhead turtle.⁸ʼ¹⁴ loggerhead sea turtle.⁹).¹⁹
蠵龟[蠵龜] hï-gï
xīguī loggerhead turtle.⁸ʼ¹⁴ loggerhead sea turtle.⁹
蟕蠵 juï-hï
zuīxī or 蟕蛦 juï-yĩ zuīyí a kind of big turtle.¹⁹
灵蠵[靈蠵] lẽin-hï
língxī old name for loggerhead turtle, whose shell is used for divination.¹⁹ʼ⁰
绿蠵龟[綠蠵龜] lùk-hï-gï
lǜxīguī the green turtle.¹⁴
青蠵 tëin-hï
qīngxī a bitter substance found in the ground.²⁵
hi2 6459
148 25 觿 a kind of awl for untying knots, made of bone, ivory; also used as an ornament; a bodkin made of ivory, horn; sound of a struggle, fight, altercation.⁸ʼ⁰ ivory bodkin for undoing knots.¹⁰ a sort of horn marlinspike for the purpose of opening knots; a man's name.²⁵
(composition: ⿰角巂; U+89FF).
觜觿 or 觜蠵 dü-hï zīxī a constellation name; previous name for 觜宿 (dü-xiü zīxiù number 21 of the 28 constellations.¹⁰).¹⁹
觿茅 hï-mão
xīmáo Dimeria ornithopoda.³²
佩觿 pöi-hï
pèixī bodkin worn on the girdle of the young.¹¹
hi2 6460
149 19 scream.⁸ painful; to cry out in pain; the sound of alarm; an exclamation of indignation; oh! fie!²⁵
(composition: ⿰言喜; U+8B46).
譆譆出出 hï-hï-chūt-chūt xīxīchūchū a sound supposed to be made by spirits in the ancestorial temple.²⁵
譩譆 yï-hï
yīxī the name of a bird; the cry of pain; to abhor; to reply.²⁵
hi2 6461
152 14 <wr.> pig; hog.⁵ (used in ancient books) pig, hog, swine, boar.⁶ (variant: 狶 hï ).
封豨 füng-hï
fēngxī the name of a fabulous animal, capable of preventing the calamity of serpents; also the name of a star.²⁵
封豨修蛇 füng-hï-xiü-sẽh
fēngxīxiūshé huge boar and long snake – avaricious despots and aggressors.⁶
豨豨 hï-hï
xīxī noise of pigs gruntling.¹⁴ a pig running away or the noise made by such.²⁵
豨苓 hï-lẽin
xīlíng (=猪苓[豬苓] jï-lẽin zhūlíng or 豕槖 sī-hōk shǐtuó) lumpy bracket, umbrella polypore (Polyporus umbellatus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
豨莶[豨薟] hï-lêm
xīxiān <TCM> common St. Paul's wort; eastern St Paul's-wort (Sigesbeckia orientalis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰ a bitter and poisonous vegetable.²⁵
猪突豨勇[豬突豨勇] jï-ùt-hï-yûng
zhūtūxīyǒng scampering pigs rushing violently along; the name given to a host of rascals who join the standard of rebellion.²⁵
(See 狶 hï).
hi2 6462
163 9 an ancient city in modern 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng Henan Province; Xi surname.
hi2 6463
164 16 (=醯 hï ) <wr.> vinegar; sour.⁶ vinegar; pickle; acid.⁷
(See 醯 hï).
hi2 6464
164 19 <wr.> vinegar; sour.⁶ vinegar; pickle; acid.⁷
(variant: 䤈 hï ).
醯酱 hï-dëng
xījiàng pickled condiment.¹⁴
醯鸡[醯雞] hï-gäi
xījī animalcule in vinegar.¹⁴ (=蠛蠓[蠛蠓] mèik-mũng mièměng) midge.¹⁹
醯鸡瓮[醯雞瓮] hï-gäi-ûng
xījīwèng a jug of wine with gnats – tiny world (a man with a limited outlook).⁵⁴
醯醢 hï-hōi
xīhǎi pickled mincemeat.¹⁴
醯梅 hï-mõi
xīméi sour plum.⁶
醯醲 hï-ngũng
xīnóng highly flavored.¹⁴
醯醋 hï-tü
xīcù (=酸醋 xön-tü suāncù) vinegar.¹⁹
醯瓮 hï-ûng
xīwèng  (=酒坛[酒罈] diū-hãn jiǔtán) wine jug.⁶
醯壶[醯壺] hï-vũ
xīhú (=酒壶[酒壺] diū-vũ jiǔhú) wine pot; flagon.⁶
(See 䤈 hï).
hi2 6465
184 18 <wr.> grains and forage; present (especially grains or forage) as a gift; living livestock.⁶ to present as a gift; animals, animals for sacrifices; grains, rice; animal feed, fodder.⁷
饩牢[餼牢] hï-lão xìláo animals; animals for sacrifices.⁷
饩廪[餼廩] hï-lîm
xìlǐn (in ancient China) grain allowances for salaried graduates.⁷
饩食[餼食] hï-sèik
xìshí cereals and food.⁶
饩羊[餼羊] hï-yẽng
xìyáng sheep for sacrifices.⁷
马饩[馬餼] mâ-hï
mǎxì forage for horses.⁶
饔饩[饔餼] yüng-hï
yōngxì to present slaughtered or live animals.¹⁰
hi2 6466
184 20 (alternate Hoisanva and Mardarin pronunciation for 饎 chï chì with same meaning: wine and food eaten with wine.⁸ wine and food; to boil millet or dressed millet.²⁵).
(composition: ⿰飠喜; U+994E).
<又> chï.
(See 饎 chï).
hi2 6467
194 17 in ancient times, a mask worn by people who acted as gods when exorcising ghosts.⁸ mask of a god used in ceremonies to exorcise demons and drive away pestilence; <old> ugly.¹⁰
(variant: 倛 hï ).
(composition: ⿺鬼其; U+9B4C).
魌头[魌頭] hï-hẽo
qītóu mask worn by ghost exorcists.¹³
魌魋 hï-huĩ
qītuí the legendary one-legged beast.¹⁹
or 蒙倛 mũng-hï ménɡqī or 蒙箕 mũng-gî ménɡjī In the twelfth lunar month in ancient times, an image, whose face was square and ugly with dishevelled hair and vicious look, was used to expel pestilent ghosts.¹⁹
(See 倛 hï).
hi2 6468
196 18 northern name for 雉 jï zhì pheasant.² (ring-necked) pheasant.⁸ the name of a pheasant or wild fowl, in the north.²⁵
(composition: ⿰希鳥; U+9D57).
鵗雉 hï-jï
xīzhì a kind of pheasant.¹⁹ an officer who attends to the curing of leather.²⁵
hi2 6469
9 6 hïm qiàn (non-classical form of 欠 hïm qiàn) to own money, deficient, to yawn.⁸
(composition: ⿰亻欠; U+3438).
<又> xü.
(See 㐸 xü).
him2 6470
9 10 hïm xīn (<old>=欣 hïm xīn glad; happy; joyful.⁵).⁸ to rejoice; to be glad.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻欣; U+4FFD).
(See 欣 hïm).
him2 6471
30 13 hïm qiān (=谦[謙] hïm qiān humble; modest).¹⁰¹ humble.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口兼; U+55DB).
Dà lián bù qiān.
Great Disinterestedness does not vaunt its humility.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《莊子·內篇·齊物論·10》, translated by James Legge).
嘴嗛 duī-hïm
zuǐqiān apt to offend people with words.¹¹
嗛嗛于膳珍[嗛嗛於膳珍] hïm-hïm-yï-sên-jïn
qiān qiān yú shàn zhēn mot satisfied with the provisions.¹⁴
嗛退 hïm-huï
qiāntuì retiring.²⁴
嗛羊 hïm-yẽng
qiānyáng a sheep with four horns.¹⁴
<又> hẽim; hēin; hēp; hèp.
(See 嗛 hẽim; 嗛 hēin; 嗛 hēp; 嗛 hèp; 謙 hïm).
him2 6472
46 15 hïm qīn high and steep; oblique.⁹ loftiness (of mountain).¹⁰ lofty; towering.³⁶
(comp. t: ⿱山欽; U+5D94). (comp. s: ⿱山钦; U+5D5A).
嵚崟[嶔崟] hïm-ngĩm
qīnyín (of a mountain) high and steep.⁶
him2 6473
61 7 hïm xīn (=欣 hïm xīn) glad, happy, joyful.⁵ Xin surname.⁸
or 欣喜若狂 hïm-hī-ngèk-kõng xīnxǐruòkuáng be wild with joy.⁵
忻城 Hïm-sẽin
Xīnchéng Xincheng county in 来宾[來賓] Lõi-bïn Láibīn Laibon, 广西[廣西] Gōng-xäi Guǎngxī Guangxi Province.
or 欣赏[欣賞] hïm-sēng xīnshǎng appreciate; enjoy; admire.⁵
(See 欣 hïm.)
him2 6474
61 11 hïm xīn (<old>=欣 hïm xīn glad; happy; joyful.⁵).⁸  to rejoice.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄欣; U+60DE).
(See 欣 hïm).
him2 6475
61 13 hïm qiàn <wr.> regret; resent.⁶
慊恨 hïm-hàn qiànhèn hate, grudge; regret, pity.⁸
慊慊 hïm-hïm
qiànqiàn resentful and discontented.⁷ dissatisfied; displeased.¹⁴
<又> hèp.
(See 慊 hèp.)
him2 6476
64 11 hïm xiān (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 掀 hëin xiān with same meaning.)
<又> hëin.
(See 掀 hëin.)
him2 6477
72 8 hïm xīn <wr.> dawn; daybreak.⁶
自昕至夕 dù-hïm-jï-dèik zìxīnzhìxī from morning till night.⁶
昕夕 hïm-dèik
xīnxī morning and night.¹¹
昕夕从公[昕夕從公] hïm-dèik-tũng-güng
xīnxīcónggōng attend to public duties morning and evening; devote oneself to official duties day and night.⁵⁴
him2 6478
75 8 hïm xiān shovel; trough used to carry water.⁸
木锨[木杴] or 木锨[木鍁] mûk-hëin or mûk-hïm mùxiān wooden shovel (used in winnowing).⁶
or 铁锨[鐵鍁] hëik-hëin or hëik-hïm tiěxiān shovel, spade.⁶
or 一把锨[一把鍁] yīt-bā-hëin or yīt-bā-hïm yībǎxiān a shovel.⁶
or 一锨沙子[一鍁沙子] yīt-hëin-sâ-dū or yīt-hïm-sâ-dū yīxiānshāzi a shovelful of sand.⁶
<又> hëin.
(See 杴 hëin; 鍁 hëin; 鍁 hïm.)
him2 6479
76 4 hïm qiàn Kangxi radical 76; owe, lack, be deficient.⁸
欠产[欠產] hïm-chān qiànchǎn shortfall in output.⁵
欠资[欠資] hïm-dü
qiànzī postage due.⁵
欠款 hïm-fōn
qiànkuǎn arrears; balance due; debt.⁵
欠户[欠戶] hïm-fù
qiànhù debtor.⁵
欠佳 hïm-gäi
qiànjiā not good enough; not up to mark.⁶
欠条[欠條] hïm-hẽl
qiàntiáo IOU (I owe you).⁶
欠妥 hïm-hô
qiàntuǒ not proper.⁵
欠债[欠債] hïm-jäi
qiànzhài to owe debts.¹¹
欠帐[欠帳] hïm-jëng
qiànzhàng owe a debt, be in debt; bills due; outstanding accounts.⁶
欠缺 hïm-kūt
or hïm-hūt qiànquē be deficient in, be short of; shortcoming, deficiency.⁵
欠缺假设[欠缺假設] hïm-kūt gā-sēt
or hïm-hūt gā-sēt qiànquē jiǎshè deficit hypothesis.⁵⁴
欠安 hïm-ön
qiàn'ān not very well in health.¹¹
欠身 hïm-sïn
qiànshēn rise slightly from one's seat; raise oneself slightly.⁶
欠伸 hïm-sïn
qiànshēn stretch oneself and yawn.⁵
欠钱[欠錢] hïm-tẽin
qiànqián owe money; be short of money.⁵⁴
欠息 hïm-xēik
qiànxī debit interest.⁵
him2 6480
76 8 hïm xīn glad; happy; joyful.⁵ (variants: 忻,䜣[訢],俽,惞 hïm xīn).
or 忻忭 hïm-bèin xīnbiàn <wr.> happy; joyous.⁶
or 忻幸 hïm-hàng xīnxìng be glad and thankful.⁵
or 忻喜 hïm-hī xīnxǐ glad; joyful; happy.⁵
or 忻喜若狂 hïm-hī-ngèk-kõng xīnxǐruòkuáng be wild with joy.⁵
or 忻忻 or 䜣䜣[訢訢] hïm-hïm xīnxīn joyful, glad, happy; thriving, prosperous.⁶
or 忻忻得意 hïm-hïm-āk-yï xīnxīndéyì beam with pleasure; be delighted; be pleased.³⁹
or 忻忻向荣[忻忻向榮] hïm-hïm-hëng-vẽin xīnxīnxiàngróng luxuriant growth (idiom); flourishing; thriving.¹⁰
or 忻闻[忻聞] hïm-mũn xīnwén be delighted to learn (that).⁶
or 忻然 hïm-ngẽin xīnrán <wr.> joyfully; with pleasure.⁵
or 忻赏[忻賞] hïm-sēng xīnshǎng appreciate; enjoy; admire.⁵
or 忻慰 hïm-vï xīnwèi be gratified.⁵
or 忻悉 hïm-xēik xīnxī be glad (or happy) to learn.⁵
欣羡 hïm-xùn
xīnxiàn <wr.> appreciate and admire.⁶
(See 忻 hïm; 訢 hïm; 俽 hïm; 惞 hïm).
him2 6481
76 13 hïm xīn <wr.> admire; adore; envy.⁶
歆歆 hïm-hïm xīnxīn move; affect; touch (mentally).⁵⁴
歆慕 hïm-mù
xīnmù <wr.> admire.⁶
歆羡 hïm-xùn
xīnxiàn <wr.> adore; admire.⁶
歆艳[歆艷] hïm-yèm
xīnyàn adore, admire a beauty.¹¹
him2 6482
86 12 hïm xìn broil, radiate heat; <topo.> (of skin) be inflammed and swollen.⁶ to burn, to heat, to cauterize; "heat" in TCM.⁷ heat, radiate heat; broil; cauterize.⁸ to broil, radiate heat; to inflame.¹¹ flames, fire; to heat; swelling, inflammation.¹⁴ to roast, to burn; hot air.²⁴
火气焮天[火氣焮天] fō-hï-hïm-hëin huǒqìxìntiān rage to heaven.¹¹
焮天 hïm-hëin
xìntiān (said of a big fire) fiercely burning.⁷ heat; intense fire, scorching the heavens.¹⁴
焮肿[焮腫] hïm-jūng
xìnzhǒng <med.> a skin swelling or inflammation.⁷
him2 6483
109 9 hïm xīn happiness; cannot see clearly.¹³ to rejoice; to see indistinctly.²⁴
(composition: ⿰目斤; U+76FA).
him2 6484
134 20 hïm xìn ➀ (=衅[釁] hïm xìn quarrel; dispute.⁶ to anoint (drums, bells) with blood in worship; to anoint (the body); a rift (between people).⁷).⁸  ➁ cracks in jade.⁸  ➂ enmity, ill will, grudge; nervous breakdown.⁸   ➃ a guilty conscience.⁸  ➄ to move.⁸  ➅ split; (Cant.) a mark, trace.⁸  ➆ a crevice; a crack; the crevices in a tortoise's back.²⁵
(composition: ⿰; U+820B).
奋舋[奮舋] fûn-hïm
fènxìn to excite; to arouse.²⁵
奸舋 gän-hïm
jiānxìn treacherous behavior.¹⁹
舋迹[舋跡] hïm-dēik
xìnjì crimes, offenses; misdeeds.¹⁹
舋鼓 hïm-gū
xìngǔ to smear a drum with the blood of a slaughtered animal or person as part of a sacrificial ritual.¹⁹ʼ⁰
舋隙 hïm-kēik
xìnxì an interstice.²⁵
舋面 hïm-mèin
xìnmiàn disfigured.¹⁹
舋闻罕漫[舋聞罕漫] hïm-mũn-hōn-màn
xìnwénhǎnmàn dim and unclear.¹⁹
舋难[舋難] hïm-nãn
xìnnán still feud.¹⁹
him2 6485
140 7 hïm qiàn ➀ <bot.> Gorgon euryale ➁ starch used in cooking.⁶  <bot.> Gorgon euryale (Euryale ferox).⁷ fox nut, foxnut, gorgon nut, makhana (Euryale ferox); aka 鸡头莲[雞頭蓮] gäi-hẽo-lẽin jītóulián.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
粉芡 fūn-hïm
fěnqiàn starch paste.⁶
芡粉 hïm-fūn
qiànfěn ➀ the seed powder of Gorgon euryale ➁ any starch used in cooking.⁵
芡实[芡實] hïm-sìt
qiànshí Gorgon fruit.⁶ aka 芡米 hïm-māi qiànmǐ.²⁰ Euryale ferox, aka 鸡头米[雞頭米] gäi-hẽo-māi jītóumǐ, 鸡头莲[雞頭蓮] gäi-hẽo-lẽin jītóulián, 鸡头荷 [雞頭荷] gäi-hẽo-hõ jītóuhé, 刺莲藕[刺蓮藕] xü-lẽin-ngêo cìlián'ǒu, 假莲藕[假蓮藕] gā-lẽin-ngêo jiǎlián'ǒu, 湖南根 vũ-nãm-gïn hú'nángēn.³¹
勾芡 ngëo-hïm
gōuqiàn thicken by adding starch.⁵⁵
him2 6486
149 11 hïm xīn (=欣 hïm xīn) glad; happy; joyful.⁵
奕䜣[奕訢] Yèik-hïm
Yìxīn Grand Prince Yixin (1833-1898), sixth son of Emperor Daoguang, prominent politician, diplomat and modernizer in late Qing.¹⁰
(See 欣 hïm.)
him2 6487
149 17 hïm qiān humble; modest.
自谦[自謙] dù-hïm zìqiān modest; self-effacing.
谦卑[謙卑] hïm-bï
qiānbēi humble; modest.
谦恭[謙恭] hïm-güng
qiāngōng polite and modest.
谦虚[謙虛] hïm-huï
qiānxū modest; make modest remarks.⁸
谦虚谨慎[謙虛謹慎] hïm-huï-gīn-sìn
qiānxūjǐnshèn modest and prudent.
谦让[謙讓] hïm-ngèng
qiānràng to modestly decline.
谦顺[謙順] hïm-sùn
qiānshùn modest and deferential.
谦逊[謙遜] hïm-xün
qiānxùn modest.⁵
him2 6488
164 25 hïm xìn quarrel; dispute.⁶ to anoint (drums, bells) with blood in worship; to anoint (the body); a rift (between people).⁷
(comp. t: ⿳⿴𦥑同冖⿱酉分 (GKV); U+91C1).
s: ⿰血半; U+8845).
挑衅[挑釁] hël-hïm
tiǎoxìn provoke.⁶
衅鬯[釁鬯] hïm-chēng
xìnchàng fragrant wine for anointing a dead body.⁷
衅鼓[釁鼓] hïm-gū
xìngǔ to consecrate a drum by rubbing on it the blood of a slaughtered animal (before going to a battle in ancient times).⁷
衅钟[釁鐘] hïm-jüng
xìnzhōng to consecrate a bell by rubbing on it the blood of a slaughtered animal.⁷
衅隙[釁隙] hïm-kēik
xìnxì <wr.> enmity.⁶ a rift between groups of people.⁷
衅端[釁端] hïm-ön
xìnduān <wr.> cause for a quarrel or dispute.⁶
衅浴[釁浴] hïm-yùk
xìnyù to bathe and anoint with fragrant essences (before worship).⁷
寻衅[尋釁] tĩm-hïm
xúnxìn pick a quarrel (with somebody); provoke.⁶
him2 6489
167 12 hïm qīn admire, respect, adore; by the emperor himself.⁶
钦差[欽差] hïm-chäi qīnchāi imperial envoy.⁶
钦定[欽定] hïm-èin
qīndìng (of a book) be authorized by the emperor; be made by imperial order.⁶
钦犯[欽犯] hïm-fàn
qīnfàn criminal pursued by imperial order.⁵⁴
钦天监[欽天監] Hïm-hëin-gäm
Qīntiānjiàn the Imperial Observatory.¹¹
钦命[欽命] hïm-mèin
qīnmìng imperial order, imperial decree, imperial edict.⁶
钦慕[欽慕] hïm-mù
qīnmù respect and admire.⁶
钦仰[欽仰] hïm-ngêng
qīnyǎng <wr.> revere, venerate, esteem, respect and admire.⁶
钦佩[欽佩] hïm-pöi
qīnpèi admire; esteem; feel admiration for; look up to.⁶
钦赐[欽賜] hïm-xü
qīncì bestow/grant by the emperor.⁶
钦羡[欽羡] hïm-xùn
qīnxiàn respect and admire.⁶
钦挹[欽挹] hïm-yīp
qīnyì to admire and respect; to look up to.¹⁰
him2 6490
167 16 hïm xiān shovel; trough used to carry water.⁸
木锨[木杴] or 木锨[木鍁] mûk-hëin or mûk-hïm mùxiān wooden shovel (used in winnowing).⁶
or 铁锨[鐵鍁] hëik-hëin or hëik-hïm tiěxiān shovel, spade.⁶
or 一把锨[一把鍁] yīt-bā-hëin or yīt-bā-hïm yībǎxiān a shovel.⁶
or 一锨沙子[一鍁沙子] yīt-hëin-sâ-dū or yīt-hïm-sâ-dū yīxiānshāzi a shovelful of sand.⁶
<又> hëin.
(See 鍁 hëin; 杴 hëin; 杴 hïm.)
him2 6491
167 24 hïm xīn used in names.⁸ prosperous.⁹ (used in names of people and shops, symbolizing prosperity).¹⁰ to prosper, thrive in business.¹¹ abundance in wealth; Used in personal names; A nickname for Kim Jong-un; the character is composed of three Kim characters (金), and Kim Jong-un is the third Kim to rule North Korea.³⁶
him2 6492
85 8 hīp to sob.¹⁰
抽泣 chëo-hīp chōuqì to sob spasmodically.¹⁰
泣不成声[泣不成聲] hīp-būt-sẽin-sëin
qìbùchéngshēng choke with sob.⁸
泣谏[泣諫] hīp-gän
qìjiàn to counsel a superior in tears indicating absolute sincerity.¹⁰
泣下如雨 hīp-hä-nguĩ-yî
qìxiàrúyǔ weep copious tears.⁵⁴
泣涕涟涟[泣涕漣漣] hīp-häi-lẽin-lẽin
qìtìliánlián weep profusely.¹¹
泣血 hīp-hūt
qìxuè weep tears of blood.¹¹
泣血稽颡[泣血稽顙] hīp-hūt-kāi-xông
qìxuèqǐsǎng “shed tears of blood and kowtow on the ground”--formula used in obituary for loss of a parent.¹¹
or 泣愬 hīp-xü qìsù accuse while weeping.⁶
哭泣 hūk-hīp
kūqì to weep.¹⁰
hip1 6493
85 12 hīp dark and damp; meat broth; <Cant.> sticky, not smooth, slow.⁸ dark and moist; meat broth, meat stock.³⁶ dark, gloomy; raw, wet; juicy.⁵⁴ damp; juicy, as meat; dark.¹⁰²
(Note: In Cantonese, this character 湆 is a variant of 𣲷 nap6 meaning sticky; wet; slow).³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵音; U+6E46).
浥湆 yīp-hīp
yìqì dark and damp.²⁴ dark and dank.¹⁰²
hip1 6494
130 9 hīp (ancient form of 汁 jīp zhī) meat soup.⁸ meat soup or gravy.²⁵
(composition: ⿰⺼立; U+43E0).
<又> lā.
(See 䏠 lā).
hip1 6495
154 12 hïp tiē <台> 冚贴[冚貼] kēim-hïp (put the cover on) tightly.
<又> hëp. (See 貼 hëp.)
hip2 6496
75 6 hiū xiǔ rotten, decayed; senile.⁵
不朽 būt-hiū bùxiǔ immortal; eternal; indelible; undying.⁶
朽败[朽敗] hiū-bài
xiǔbài decayed; rotten.⁶
朽腐 hiū-fù
xiǔfǔ rotten.⁶
朽骨 hiū-gūt
xiǔgǔ decaying bones.⁷
朽烂[朽爛] hiū-làn
xiǔlàn rot; decay.⁶
朽迈[朽邁] hiū-mài
xiǔmài <wr.> old and weak; senile; decrepit.⁵
朽木 hiū-mûk
xiǔmù rotten wood or tree; a hopeless case; a good-for-nothing.⁵
朽木不雕 hiū-mûk-būt-ël
xiǔmùbùdiāo rotten wood cannot be carved – you can't teach old dogs new tricks.⁶
朽木粪土[朽木糞土] hiū-mûk-fûn-hū
xiǔmùfèntǔ rotten wood and worthless soil – worthless or hopeless person; useless stuff.⁶
朽蠹 hiū-ù
xiǔdù decay and bitten by worms; to over-hoard grains so that they rots.⁷
朽坏[朽壞] hiū-vài
xiǔhuài decay; rot.⁶
朽秽[朽穢] hiū-vï
xiǔhuì rotten and filthy.⁷
老朽 lāo-hiū
lǎoxiǔ decrepit and behind the times; (a form of self-address used by an old man) I; me.⁶
永垂不朽 vêin-suĩ-būt-hiū
yǒngchuíbùxiǔ be immortal; will endure forever.⁶
hiu1 6497
1 4 𠀉 hiü qiū (=丘 hiü qiū hill; mound; grave); (the same as 丘) a hill; elder; empty; a name.⁸
(composition: ⿱; U+20009).
(See 丘 hiü).
hiu2 6498
1 5 hiü qiū hill; mound; grave; Qiu surname.
(variant: 坵 hiü qiū hill mound grave). (See 坵 hiü).
(composition: ⿱斤一; U+4E18).
比丘 bī-hiü
bǐqiū mendicant; Buddhist monk.⁶
比丘尼 bī-hiü-nãi
bǐqiūní Buddhist nun.⁶
贝丘[貝丘] böi-hiü
bèiqiū shell mound.
荒丘 föng-hiü
huāngqiū lone hill; desolate mound.
丘疹 hiü-chīn
qiūzhěn pimple.¹⁰
丘子 hiü-dū
qiūzǐ a brick grave above ground, in which a coffin is housed, until it can be carried home.¹⁴
丘里 hiü-lî qiūlǐ a hamlet; a village.⁵⁴
丘墓 hiü-mù
qiūmù <lit.> graves.¹⁴
丘陵 hiü-lẽin
qiūlíng mounds.¹⁴
孔丘 Kūng Hiü
Kǒng Qiū Confucius (551-479 B.C.)
陵丘 lẽin-hiü
língqiū grave mound; tumulus.
Mẽin-mãn-võng-nêl, jī-yï-hiü-ö.
Mián mán huáng niǎo, zhǐ yú qiū ē.
(Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·都人士之什·綿蠻·1》
There is that little oriole, / Resting on a bend of the mound.⁸⁸ The little fluffy yellow bird lives in that mountain col. ¹¹⁶
(Note 1: 阿 ö ē <lit.> '(of a mountain or stream) bend'. Note 2: 蛮[蠻] mãn mán 'very' in Taiwan, Wuhan, Yangzhou, Singapore; Nanchang; various Hakka cities; Shanghai, Suzhou, Ningbo, Zhoushan, Wenzhou; Changsha, Shuangfeng...).³⁶
hiu2 6499
9 6 hiü xiū stop, cease; rest; <old> cast off one's wife and send her home; don't; <wr.> good fortune.⁵
不眠不休 būt-mẽin-būt-hiü bùmiánbùxiū without stopping to sleep or have a rest (idiom).¹⁰
休兵 hiü-bëin
xiūbīng cease fire; rested and reorganized troops.⁸
休假 hiü-gā
xiūjià to take a vacation; to go on holiday.¹⁰
休暇 hiü-hà
xiūxiá holiday, days of rest.¹¹
休闲[休閑] hiü-hãn
xiūxián leisure; relaxation; not working; idle; to enjoy leisure; to lie fallow.¹⁰
休整 hiü-jēin
xiūzhěng (military) to rest and reorganize.¹⁰
休眠 hiü-mẽin
xiūmián dormancy; hibernate.⁸
休戚 hiü-tēik
xiūqī weal and woe; joys and sorrows.⁵
休息 hiü-xēik
xiūxi to have or take a rest; rest.⁵
休斯顿[休斯頓] hiü-xü-ùn
xiūsīdùn Houston, Texas.¹⁰
休养[休養] hiü-yêng
xiūyǎng recuperate; convalesce.⁵
休养生息[休養生息] hiü-yêng-säng-xēik
xiūyǎng-shēngxī (of a nation) recuperate and multiply; rest and build up strength; rehabilitate.⁸ recovery.⁹
休养所[休養所] hiü-yêng-sō
xiūyǎngsuǒ rest house; rest home.¹⁹
退休 huï-hiü
tuìxiū retire from office or active life.¹¹
(See 庥 hiü.)
hiu2 6500
30 9 hiü xiū <wr.>  to make a din.⁶ sound of respiration, hushing; to hush (a baby); to comfort someone in pain.⁸
气喘咻咻[氣喘咻咻] hï-chūn-hiü-hiü qìchuǎnxiūxiū to be out of breath.³⁹
咻咻 hiü-hiü
xiūxiū gaspingly.⁸ sound of heavy breathing; sound made by certain birds and animals.³⁹
zhòng chǔ rén xiū zhī...
and there be a multitude of men of Chu continually shouting out about him...⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《孟子·滕文公下·11》, translated by James Legge).
hiu2 6501
32 8 hiü qiū demotic character for 丘 hiü qiū hill; mound; grave.² (=丘 hiü qiū hill; mound; grave);  earthenware, earthenware vessel.⁸
(composition: ⿰土丘; U+5775).
(See 丘 hiü).
hiu2 6502
53 广 9 hiü xiū shade, shelter, protection; kindness.¹⁴ (variant of 休 hiü xiū) shelter.¹
庇庥 bï-hiü
bìxiū protection; shelter.¹⁴
天庥 hëin-hiü
tiānxiū the blessings of Heaven.¹⁴
鸿庥[鴻庥] hũng-hiü
hóngxiū your great favor.¹⁴
神庥 sĩn-hiü
shénxiū divine blessings.¹⁴
(See 休 hiü.)
hiu2 6503
85 9 hiü xiū the flowing water.⁸ water passing away; the appearance of water.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵休; U+3CDC).
hiu2 6504
86 10 hiü xiū  beautiful; happiness and richness, good fortune; auspicious; harmonious; good, kind, good deed; (=休 hiü xiū stop, cease; rest; <old> cast off one's wife and send her home; don't; <wr.> good fortune.⁵).²
(composition: ⿱休灬; U+70CB).
<又> häo.
(See 烋 häo).
hiu2 6505
94 9 hiü xiū (=貅 hiü xiū a kind of animal like a tiger; a fierce and courageous soldier.⁷); a kind of animal like a tiger, a fabulous fierce beast — thus — fierce; valiant; heroic; brave.⁸
(composition: ⿰犭休; U+3E6F).
(See 貅 hiü).
hiu2 6506
140 14 hiü qiū (composition: ⿱艹區; U+84F2).
乌蓲[烏蓲] vü-hiü wūqiū a local term for rushes.²⁵ a young reed plant.⁸
<又> ëo; fù; huī.
(See 蓲 ëo; 蓲 fù; 蓲 huī).
hiu2 6507
142 11 hiü qiū the common earthworm.¹⁴
蚯蚓 hiü-yîn qiūyǐn an earthworm.⁷ (It is called 黄犬[黃犬] võng-hūn in Hoisanva. See <台> 黄犬[黃犬] võng-hūn).
蚯蚓粪[蚯蚓糞] hiü-yîn-fûn
qiūyǐnfèn wormcast.¹⁰
蚯蚓描 hiü-yîn-mẽl
qiūyǐnmiáo earthworm stroke (in painting).⁵⁴
蚯蚓纹[蚯蚓紋] hiü-yîn-mũn
qiūyǐnwén <art> earthworm mark (in glaze design).⁵⁴
蚯蚓洞 hiü-yîn-ùng
qiūyǐndòng earthworm hole.¹⁹
蚯蚓素 hiü-yîn-xü
qiūyǐnsù lumbricin.¹⁰
hiu2 6508
153 13 hiü xiū a kind of animal like a tiger; a fierce and courageous soldier.⁷ (variant: 㹯 hiü xiū).
(composition: ⿰豸休; U+8C85).
貔貅 pĩ-hiü
píxiū <wr.> a mythical wild animal; brave troops.⁵ fierce and courageous soldiers; a kind of fierce wild beast.⁷ the male and female respectively, of a fabulous fierce beast like a leopard – used as descriptive of brave troops.¹⁴
前有挚兽, 则载貔貅.[前有摯獸, 則載貔貅.]
Tẽin-yiû-jï-chiü, dāk-döi-pĩ-hiü.
Qián yǒu zhì shòu, zé zài píxiū.
For a beast of prey, that with a leopard's (skin).⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·曲禮上·69》, translated by James Legge).
(See 㹯 hiü).
hiu2 6509
163 7 hiü qiū (=丘 hiü qiū hill; mound; grave); Qiu surname.
大邱 Ài-hiü
Dàqiū Taegu (South Korea).
邱婿 hiü-xâi
qiūxù <wr.> husband of deceased daughter (in the grave).¹¹
hiu2 6510
182 27 hiü xiū a fearful wind; running away frightened.²⁵
(composition: ⿱風䬕; U+98CD).
飍矞 hiü-lùt xiūyù run in horror.¹⁹
hiu2 6511
187 16 𩢮
hiü xiū the name of a horse; a fine horse.²⁵ a fine war steed, a charger; name of a famous horse.¹⁰²
(variant: 䮌 hiü xiū).
(composition: ⿰休馬; U+298AE).
(See 䮌 hiü).
hiu2 6512
187 16 hiü xiū (=𩢮❄{⿰休馬} hiü xiū the name of a horse; a fine horse.²⁵ a fine war steed, a charger; name of a famous horse.¹⁰²); fine horse; swift horse; swift, speedy.⁸
(composition: ⿰馬休; U+4B8C).
(See 𩢮❄{⿰休馬} hiü).
hiu2 6513
190 14 hiü xiū (=髹 hiü xiū) <wr.> coat (something) with lacquer.⁶ a kind of dark red paint; to paint or lacquer (articles).⁷
(See 髹 hiü).
hiu2 6514
190 16 hiü xiū <wr.> coat (something) with lacquer.⁶ a kind of dark red paint; to paint or lacquer (articles).⁷ (variant: 髤 hiü xiū).
髹漆 hiü-tīt
xiūqī <wr.> to coat with lacquer.¹¹
(See 髤 hiü).
hiu2 6515
196 17 hiü xiū horned owl, scops chinensis; bird of ill omen.
鸱鸺[鴟鵂] chï-hiü chīxiū or 猫头鹰[貓頭鷹] miū-hẽo-yëin māotóuyīng owl.⁶
鸺鹠[鵂鶹] hiü-liũ
xiūliú or 领鸺鹠[領鵂鶹] lêng-hiü-liũ lǐngxiūliú or 小猫头鹰[小貓頭鷹] xēl-miū-hẽo-yëin xiǎo māotóuyīng collared owlet (Glaucidium brodiei), a species of owl in the family Strigidae.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
hiu2 6516
213 16 hiü qiū 龟兹[龜茲] Hiü-xũ or Gëo-xũ Qiūcí (Kucha in 新疆 Xïn-gëng Xīnjiāng Xinjiang).
<又> gëo, gï, gün.
(See 龜 gëo, gï, gün.)
hiu2 6517
30 5 can; may; able to; to approve; to permit; to suit.
(composition: ⿹丁口; U+53EF).
可怖 hō-bü kěbù <wr.> terrible, horrifying.¹¹
可歌可泣 hō-gô-hō-hīp
kěgēkěqì deeply moving; move one to song and tears.
可叹[可嘆] hō-hän
kětàn lamentable, sad, sadly.¹⁰
可喜 hō-hī
kěxǐ gratifying; heartening.
可喜可贺[可喜可賀] hō-hī-hō-hào
or hō-hī-hō-hò kěxǐkěhè Congratulations!
可可 hō-hō
kěkě <loan> cocoa.
可可豆 hō-hō-èo
kěkědòu cacao; cocoa bean.
可巧 hō-kāo
kěqiǎo by happy coincidence.¹⁰
可怜[可憐] hō-lĩn
kělián pitiful; pathetic; to have pity on.¹⁰
可能 hō-nãng
kěnéng possible; probable; maybe.
可爱[可愛] hō-öi
kě'ài lovable; likable.
可怕 hō-pä
kěpà awful; dreadful; fearful; formidable; frightful; scary; hideous; horrible; terrible; terribly.¹⁰
可是 hō-sì
kěshì but; yet; however.
可心思 hō-xïm-xü
kěxīnsi be satisfying.¹⁹
可移植文档格式[可移植文檔格式] hō yĩ-jèik mũn-öng gâk-sēik
kě yízhí wéndàng géshì Portable document format.⁹
可以 hō-yî
kěyǐ can, may; <vern.> passable, pretty good, not bad; <vern.> awful.⁵
<又> hāk.
(See 可 hāk.)
ho1 6518
30 8 (=嗬 hō ) ah; oh; hey (used to indicate astonishment).⁹
(See 嗬 hō.)
ho1 6519
30 13 (=呵 hō )⁸  ah; oh; hey (used to indicate astonishment).⁹
(See 呵 hō.)
ho1 6520
32 8 坎坷 (=轗軻 hām-ö kǎnkě) hām-hō kǎnkě (of a road) bumpy; (of life) rough; to be down on one's luck; to be full of frustrations and dashed hopes.
坎坷不遇 häm-hō-būt-nguì
kǎnkěbùyù to have met with many difficulties but few opportunities.
坎坷一生 häm-hō-yīt-säng
kǎnkěyīshēng lifetime of frustrations.
世途坎坷 säi-hũ-häm-hō
shìtúkǎnkě life full of frustrations.
(See 坷 [hō,
ho1 6521
32 8 坷拉 hō-lā kēla <topo.> clod; lump.
坷篓[坷簍] hō-lêo
kēlǒu <topo.> earthen hovels; mud houses.
土坷篓[土坷簍] hū-hō-lêo
tǔkēlou <topo.> earth hovels.
(See 坷 [hō, ].)
ho1 6522
46 8 岢岚[岢嵐] Hō-lãm Kělán (name of a mountain and a place name, both in 山西 Sän-xäi Shānxī Shanxi Province).⁴
ho1 6523
142 11 <topo.> oyster (in Fujian and Taiwan, pronounced é).⁵⁴
蚵仔 hō-dōi
kèzǎi (Taiwan pronunciation: ézǎi) <topo.> oyster (in Fujian and Taiwan).⁵⁴
屎蚵蜋 sī-hō-lõng
shǐkèláng dung beetles.¹¹
<又> hõ.
(See 蚵 hõ.)
ho1 6524
149 10 tǎo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 讨[討] hū tǎo with same meaning: <台> 讨[討] hū or hō to want; to marry (a wife or concubine).
<又> hāo, hū.
(See 討 hāo, hū.)
ho1 6525
167 13 columbium (Cb).⁸ former name for 铌[鈮] nãi niobium (Nb).²⁰ a small cauldron; columbium (an older name for niobium).⁵⁴
钶铁矿[鈳鐵礦] hō-hëik-köng
kētiěkuàng columbite.¹⁰
(See 鈮 nãi).
ho1 6526
169 13 mutual support; stooping, bending over.⁸ʼ⁰ a door overturned.²⁵ (Note: Taiwan reading: ě).
(composition: ⿵門可; U+959C).
閜砢 hō-ü
kěkē to overturn an enemy; to grasp each other firmly.²⁵ overlapping with mutual support.⁵⁴ʼ⁰ to overthrow, as an enemy.¹⁰²
<又> hä; gā.
(See 閜 hä; 閜 gā).
ho1 6527
30 8 to scold; to breathe out (with the mouth open).⁶
呵叱 hö-chēik hēchì to shout (at servants).¹¹
呵斥 hö-chēik
hēchì to reprimand angrily.¹¹
呵孩子 hö-hãi-dū
hēháizi to scold a child in a loud voice.⁶
呵欠 hö-hïm
hēqiàn to yawn.¹⁰
呵呵 hö-hö
hēhē <ono.> gentle laughter; chuckle.¹⁰
呵责[呵責] hö-jāk
hēzé to abuse; to berate.¹⁰
呵手 hö-siū
hēshǒu to breathe on one's hands (to warm them).⁶
呵一口气[呵一口氣] hö-yīt-hēo-hï
hēyīkǒuqì to breathe out; to give a puff.⁶
(See 呵 hō.)
ho2 6528
30 16 same as 㰤 hö to laugh aloud.¹⁰² (Note: not exactly the same sound in Mandarin: vs. ).
(composition: ⿰口閜; U+35FF).
㗿㗿 hö-hö
héhé a phrase in imitation of the sound of noisy laughter.¹⁰²
<又> lâ; hä.
(See 㗿 lâ; 㗿 hä).
ho2 6529
76 9 (=呵 hö to scold; to breathe out (with the mouth open).⁶); to laugh heartily; to roar with laughter.⁸
(composition: ⿰可欠; U+3C24).
㰤㰤 hö-hö
hēhē to laugh out loud.²⁴
<又> kèh
(See 㰤 kèh).
ho2 6530
181 14 𩑸
tilt your head to look.² to bend down the head and look.²⁵
(composition: ⿰可頁; U+29478)
ho2 6531
5 1 háo (component in 乱亂孔屯劜扎乢糺玌札轧軋礼钆釓虬齓 etc.)
component in Chinese characters; archaic variant of 毫 (hõ háo fine tapering animal hair; writing brush; 1/3 decimillimeter; milli-; 0.005 grams; 1/10 yuan; (used in the negative only) in the least, in/to the slightest degree.⁶ <old> 0.0001 tael.¹⁵); archaic variant of 乙 (yōt Kangxi radical 5. Second of the Ten Heavenly Stems; second in order. ).¹⁰ hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small, minute.³⁵ (=乙 yōt the second of the ten heavenly stems); (=隐[隱] yîn yǐn secret; hidden).³⁶
<又> yōt; yîn.
(See 乚 yōt; 乚 yîn).
ho3 6532
9 7 what; how; why; which; carry; He surname.
何必 hõ-bēik hébì why should; why must; why is it necessary; there is no need.
何啻 hõ-chï
héchì <wr.> (used in rhetorical questions or statements for emphasis) can it be any less than; far more than.⁶
何足 hõ-dūk
hézú the rhetorical tone of this phrase means that it is insufficient and not worth it.⁸
何况[何況] hõ-fōng
hékuàng besides, furthermore.¹¹ how much more? still less?¹⁴
何妨 hõ-fõng
héfāng why not? might as well.⁵
何妨一试[何妨一試] hõ-fõng-yīt-sï
héfāngyīshì Why not have a try? You might as well have a try.⁵
何克臻此 hõ-hāk-jün-xū
hékèzhēncǐ <lit.> how could it achieve this (without great persistence)?¹¹
何去何从[何去何從] hõ-huï-hõ-tũng
héqùhécóng what course to follow; choice (of action).
何人 hõ-ngĩn hérén <lit.> who?¹¹
何用不臧 hõ-yùng-būt-döng
héyòngbúzāng <wr.> what does it not avail? how can it possibly go wrong?¹¹
平面几何[平面幾何] pẽin-mèi-gī-hõ
píngmiànjǐhé plane geometry.¹¹
<又> hâo.
(See 何 hâo.)
ho3 6533
9 7
tuó (variant of 驮[馱] hõ or tuó) to carry on the back; (variant of 驼[駝] hũ ortuó) hunchbacked; graceful in movement.
(composition: ⿰亻它; U+4F57).
磨佗子 mũ-hõ-dū
or mõ-hõ-dū  mótuózi an annoying person; to bother persistently.
华佗[華佗] Vã Hõ
Huà Tuó (c. 140-220) a famous physician during the Three Kingdom's period, known as the first person in China to use anesthesia during surgery.
委委佗佗 vī-vī-hõ-hõ
wēiwēituótuó easy, graceful in movement.¹¹
<又> yĩ.
(See 佗 yĩ).
ho3 6534
20 8 táo (<old>=陶 hõ táo) pottery.⁸ an earthen vessel.²⁴
(composition: ⿹勹缶; U+530B).
<又> hão; yẽl.
(See 匋 hão; 匋 yẽl; 陶 hõ).
ho3 6535
30 10 the voice of a multitude.²⁴ In Mandarin, 哬 may also be read as hè. (variant: 𧨂❄{⿰言何}).
(composition: ⿰口何; U+54EC).
哬哬 hõ-hõ
héhé the voice/noise of a multitude.⁸
(See 𧨂❄{⿰言何} hõ).
ho3 6536
30 13 háo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 嗥 hão háo with same meaning.) (噑=嗥=嚎 hão háo) the roaring of wild beasts; to howl; to bawl.¹⁴
<又> hão.
(See 嗥 hão; 嚎 hão.)
ho3 6537
30 15 tuō (comp. t: ⿰口單; U+563D).  (comp. s: ⿰口单; U+5574).
啴喛[嘽喛] hõ-vö
tuōhé weeping or crying appearance.⁸
<又> hön; chên; chẽn; ön. (See 嘽 hön; 嘽 chên; 嘽 chẽn; 嘽 ön).
ho3 6538
32 8 tuó (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 坨 hũ tuó with same meaning.)
<又> hũ.
(See 坨 hũ.)
ho3 6539
32 17 háo moat; trench.⁵
避弹掩壕[避彈掩壕] or 避弹掩濠[避彈掩濠] bì-àn-yēm-hõ or bì-àn-yēm-hão bìdàn yǎnháo bomb shelter.³⁹
or 防空濠 fõng-hüng-hõ or fõng-hüng-hão fángkōngháo air shelter.¹¹ antiaircraft dugout; dugout.³⁹
or 掘濠 gùt-hõ or gùt-hão juéháo dig trenches; dig in.⁵
or 濠沟[濠溝] hõ-këo or hão-këo háogōu <mil.> trench; ditch.⁵
or 濠堑[濠塹] hõ-têm or hão-têm háoqiàn <mil.> trench; entrenchment.⁶
or 濠堑战[濠塹戰] hõ-têm-jën or hão-têm-jën háoqiànzhàn trench warfare.⁶
城壕 or 城濠 sẽin-hõ or sẽin-hão chéngháo moat.⁶
or 堑濠[塹濠] têm-hõ or têm-hão qiànháo <mil.> trench; entrenchment.⁶
<又> hão.
(See 壕 hão; 濠 hõ, hão.)
ho3 6540
46 8 tuó uneven.² a bank.²⁴
(composition: ⿰山它; U+5CAE).
岥岮 bö-hõ pōtuó oblique appearance; sloping and uneven; with ups and downs; step.⁸ uneven.¹³ sloping.²⁴
帔岮 pī-hõ
or pī-hũ pèituó <old>=陂陀 bö-hõ pōtuó not smooth; uneven.⁶ (said of dikes, hill lines) craggy; steep; winding; with ups and downs.⁷ slanted and uneven.⁸ a declivity.¹⁴ uneven; sloping (of land); craggy; steep; winding (of hill lines).⁵⁴
<又> hũ.
(See 岮 hũ.)
ho3 6541
75 7 duò (<old>=舵 hõ orduò) rudder; helm.
(composition: ⿰木大; U+6755).
<又> ài.
(See 杕 ài).
ho3 6542
75 7 tuó to split wood according to the grain.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木也; U+675D).
xī xīn tuó yǐ
The faggot-cleavers follow the direction of the grain..⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·小旻之什· 小弁》, translated by James Legge).
<又> jï; lĩ; tõ; yĩ.
(See 杝 jï; 杝 lĩ; 杝 tõ; 杝 yĩ).
ho3 6543
75 9 duò (<old>=舵 hõ duò or duò) rudder, helm.⁸
柁工 hõ-güng
or hũ-güng duògōng (=舵工 hõ-güng or hũ-güng duògōng) the steersman.²⁴
(See 柁 [hõ, tuó]; 舵 hõ.)
ho3 6544
75 9 duò (<old>=舵 hõ duò helm); guide, lead; communicate; link up.⁸  same as 舵 (hõ duò rudder; helm.⁸); communicate; connect; link.⁹
(composition: ⿰木㐌; U+67C2).
<又> yĩ; lĩ.
(See 柂 yĩ; 柂 lĩ; 舵 hõ).
ho3 6545
75 9 tuó girder.⁵ main beam of roof.¹⁰ big beam in Chinese house.¹¹ large tie-beams.¹⁴
房柁 fông-hõ fángtuó (building) crossbeam.⁵⁴
柁头[柁頭] hõ-hẽo
tuótóu the ends of the beams which project outside the houses.¹⁴
柁墩 hõ-ūn
tuódūn wooden pier.⁹
拉丝拽柁[拉絲拽柁] läi-xü-yài-hõ
lāsīzhuàituó roundabout; not brief.⁵⁴
(See 柁 [hõ, duò].)
ho3 6546
75 10 táo <台> 桃 hõ peach.
<台> 合桃 hàp-hõ walnut.
<又> hão, hâo, hô. (See 桃 hão, hâo, hô.)
ho3 6547
82 11 háo fine tapering animal hair; writing brush; 1/3 decimillimeter; milli-; 0.005 grams; 1/10 yuan; (used in the negative only) in the least, in/to the slightest degree.⁶ <old> 0.0001 tael.¹⁵
毫巴 hõ-bä háobā <met.> millibar (mb).⁶
毫不 hõ-būt
háobù not on the least; not at all.⁶
毫法 hõ-fāt
háofǎ <elec.> millifarad.⁶
毫伏 hõ-fùk
háofú <elec.> millivolt.⁶
毫克 hõ-hāk
háokè milligram.⁶
毫针[毫針] hõ-jïm
háozhēn acupuncture needle.⁶
毫厘[毫釐] hõ-lĩ
háolí the least bit; an iota.⁶
毫厘不爽[毫釐不爽] hõ-lĩ-būt-sōng
háolíbùshuǎng or 毫发不爽[毫髮不爽] hõ-fāt-būt-sōng háofàbùshuǎng not deviate a hair's breath; exactly the same.⁶
毫米 hõ-māi
háomǐ millimeter (mm).⁶
毫毛 hõ-mão
háomáo soft hair on the body; down.⁶
毫秒 hõ-mêl
háomiǎo millisecond (msec).⁶
毫微 hõ-mĩ
háowēi =10⁻⁹; millimicro-; nano-.⁶
毫微秒 hõ-mĩ-mêl
háowēimiǎo nanosecond (ns).⁶
毫末 hõ-mòt
háomò tip of a fine hair; very small amount.⁶
毫无[毫無] hõ-mũ
háowú not have any at all.⁶
毫安 hõ-ön
háo'ān <elec.> milliampere. (mA; ma).⁶
毫升 hõ-sëin
háoshēng milliliter.⁶
<台> 一毫子 yīt-hõ-dū a dime; ten cents.
ho3 6548
85 8 river.⁵
大好河山 ài-hāo-hõ-sän dàhǎohéshān beautiful rivers and mountains of a country; one's beloved motherland.⁵
河浜 hõ-böng hébāng creek; streamlet.⁵⁴
河汊 hõ-chä
héchà a branch of a river; river fork, river branch.⁵⁴
河汊子 hõ-chä-dū
héchàzi a branch of a river.⁵ tributary.⁶
河床 hõ-chõng
héchuáng riverbed.⁵
河涌 hõ-chûng
héchōng <topo.> (=河汊 hõ-chä héchà) a branch of a river.⁸
河堤 hõ-hãi
hédī dike, river embankment, levee.⁶
河豚 hõ-hũn
hétún blowfish (Tetraodontidae); puffer.¹⁰
河狸 hõ-lĩ
hélí beaver.⁵
河南 Hõ-nãm
Hénán Henan (Province).⁵
or 河岳 Hõ-Ngòk Hé-Yuè the Yellow River and the Five Sacred Mountains.¹⁴
河水浼浼 hõ-suī-môi-môi
héshuǐměiměi <wr.> smooth-flowing river.¹¹
河水四溢 hõ-suī-xü-yìt
héshuǐsìyì The river overflowed.⁵
河东狮吼[河東獅吼] hõ-üng-xü-vāo
or hõ-üng-xü-hāo hédōngshīhǒu lioness's roar, describing fear of henpecked husband.¹¹
河湾[河灣] hõ-vän
héwān river bend.⁶
ho3 6549
85 8 tuó (often used in place names) small bay in a river; (of tears) stream/roll down like rain.⁶
涕泗滂沱 häi-xü-põng-hõ or häi-xü-põng-hũ tìsìpāngtuó  be drenched with tears and snivel.⁶
沱茶 hõ-chã
or hũ-chã tuóchá a cake of tea, commonly Pu'er tea (普洱茶 pū-nì-chã pǔ'ěrchá), compacted into a bowl or nest shape; dome shaped tea-brick; caked tea.¹⁰
滂沱 põng-hõ
or põng-hũ pāngtuó ➀ (of rain) pouring; torrential; raining heavily ➁ (of tears) streaming down; in streams; crying profusely ➂ (literary) vast; plentiful; overflowing  ➃ (literary) rich in variety; sumptuous; lavish    (literary, of water) flowing far and wide.³⁶
普陀山 Pūhõsän
or  Pūhũsän Pǔtuóshān Mount Putuo in Zhejiang Province (浙江 Jēt-göng Zhèjiāng).²³
<又> hũ.
(See 沱 hũ.)
ho3 6550
85 8 tuó (=沱 hõ ortuó); float.⁸
<又> hũ.
(See 沱 hõ; 沱 hũ; 沲 hũ.)
ho3 6551
85 11 táo wash in a pan or basket; clean out, dredge; tax (a person's energy); <topo.> naughty.⁵
自然淘汰 dù-ngẽin-hõ-häi or dù-ngẽin-hão-häi zìrántáotài natural selection.¹⁰
淘井 hõ-dēng
or hão-dēng táojǐng dredge a well.⁵
淘金 hõ-gïm
or hão-gïm táojīn to pan for gold; to try to make a fortune.¹⁰
淘汰 hõ-häi
or hão-häi táotài eliminate through selection or competition; die out, fall into disuse.⁵
淘气[淘氣] hõ-hï
or hão-hï táoqì naughty; mischievous.⁵
淘河 hõ-hõ
or hão-hõ táohé pelican.⁵
淘箩[淘籮] hõ-lõ
or hõ-lũ táoluó basket for washing rice.⁶
淘米 hõ-māi
or hão-māi táomǐ wash rice.⁵
淘茅房 hõ-mão-fông
or hão-mão-fông táomáofáng remove night soil from a latrine.⁵
淘神 hõ-sĩn
or hão-sĩn táoshén trying; bothersome.⁵
淘洗 hõ-xāi
or hão-xāi táoxǐ to wash.¹⁰
淘阴沟[淘陰溝] hõ-yïm-këo
or hão-yïm-këo táoyīngōu clean out a drain or sewer.⁵
<又> hão.
(See 淘 hão.)
ho3 6552
85 17 háo (=壕 hõ háo) moat; trench.⁵
<又> hão.
(See 壕 hão, hõ; 濠 hão.)
ho3 6553
94 13 háo (<old> =嗥⁸ hõ háo) to howl.
(See 嗥 hõ.)
ho3 6554
94 15 háo (<old> =嗥⁸ hõ háo) to howl.
(See 嗥 hõ.)
ho3 6555
104 10 𤵚
tuó (=㾃 hõ tuó hump-backed.⁸); humpback.⁸ sickness.²⁴
(composition: ⿸疒㐌; U+24D5A).
<又> hũ.
(See 𤵚❄{⿸疒㐌} hũ; 㾃 hõ).
ho3 6556
104 10 tuó hump-backed.⁸ (variant: 𤵚❄{⿸疒㐌} tuó).
(composition: ⿸疒它; U+3F83).
<又> hũ.
(See 㾃 hũ; 𤵚❄{⿸疒㐌} hõ).
ho3 6557
112 10 tuó stone roller; cut or polish jade with an emery wheel.⁵
夯砣 hāng-hõ hāngtuó heavy end of a rammer (usu. made of stone or metal).⁶
砣子 hõ-dū
tuózi an emery wheel for cutting or polishing jade.⁵
碾砣 jīn-hõ
niǎntuó (=碾滚子[碾滾子] jīn-gūn-dū niǎngǔnzi) stone roller.⁶
<又> pũ.
(See 砣 pũ; 𥓿❄{⿰石⿱左⺝} hõ; 𥓿❄{⿰石⿱左⺝} pũ; 鉈 hõ; 鉈 pũ.)
ho3 6558
112 14 𥓿
tuó (=砣 pũ tuó; hõ tuó) sliding weight of a steelyard.⁶ a stone roller; a heavy stone; a weight; a plummet.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰石⿱左⺝; U+254FF).
❄{⿰石⿱左⺝} chêin-hõ or chêin-pũ chèngtuó (=秤锤[秤錘] chêin-juì chèngchuí) sliding weight of a steelyard; weight.⁶
<又> pũ.
(See 砣 pũ tuó; 𥓿❄{⿰石⿱左⺝} pũ.)
ho3 6559 254FF.gif
120 14 táo to braid, twist; twisted or braided.⁸ to bind; to braid; to twist; a cord.¹⁴ to bind, to twist, to tie.²⁵ to bind up; to braid cord, to twist; a cord, a strand.¹⁰²
(comp. t: ⿰糹匋; U+7DAF). (comp. s: ⿰纟匋; U+7EF9).
结绹[結綯] gēik-hõ
jiétáo to secure fast.¹⁰²
绹绞[綯絞] hõ-gāo
táojiǎo twist the rope.¹⁹
绹住[綯住] hõ-jì
táozhù to tie up, as a dog.¹⁴ʼ¹⁰²
绹索[綯索] hõ-xôk
táosuǒ to twist rope.¹¹
茅绹[茅綯] mão-hõ
máotáo thatched rope.¹⁹
宵尔索绹[宵爾索綯] xël-ngì-xōk-hõ
xiāo'ěrsuǒtáo in the evening braid the grass ropes.¹⁰²
索绹[索綯] xōk-hõ
suǒtáo to twist ropes.²⁵
ho3 6560
137 11 duò rudder; helm.⁸ (variant: 柁 hõ duò; old variant: 杕 hõ).
方向舵 föng-hëng-hõ
or föng-hëng-hũ fāngxiàngduò rudder (of an airplane).³⁶
舵把 hõ-bā
or hũ-bā duòbǎ tiller of a boat.¹⁰
舵柄 hõ-bêng
or hũ-bêng duòbǐng tiller.⁹
舵机[舵機] hõ-gï
or hũ-gï duòjī steering engine.⁹
舵杆 hõ-gön
or hũ-gön duògān rudderstock.⁸
舵工 hõ-güng
or hũ-güng duògōng helmsman; steersman.⁸
舵楼[舵樓] hõ-lẽo
or hũ-lẽo duòlóu poop.¹⁰
舵轮[舵輪] hõ-lũn
or hũ-lũn duòlún steering wheel.⁵
舵盘[舵盤] hõ-põn
or hũ-põn duòpán (=舵轮[舵輪] hõ-lũn or hũ-lũn duòlún) helm; steering wheel.⁶
舵旁 hõ-põng
or hũ-põng duòpáng helm (of a ship).¹⁰
舵栓 hõ-sân
or hũ-sân duòshuān pintle.¹⁰
舵手 hõ-siū
or hũ-siū duòshǒu steersman; helmsman.⁵
舵位 hõ-vì
or hũ-vì duòwèi helmsman's work position.⁸
<又> hũ.
(See 舵 hũ; 柁 hõ; 杕 hõ).
ho3 6561
140 8 harsh; severe; rigorous; caustic.⁷
苛察 hõ-chāt or hô-chāt kēchá relentless faultfinding.⁷
苛法 hõ-fāt
kēfǎ a harsh law; a severe law.⁷
苛捐杂税[苛捐雜稅] hõ-gün-dàp-suï
or hô-gün-dàp-suï kējuānzáshuì exorbitant taxes and levies.⁵
苛刻 hõ-hāk
or hô-hāk kēkè harsh.⁵
苛责[苛責] hõ-jāk
or hô-jāk kēzé criticize severely; excoriate.⁵
苛政 hõ-jëin
kēzhèng despotic rule; despotism; tyranny.⁷
Kēzhèng měng yú hǔ yě.
Oppressive government is more terrible than tigers.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《禮記·檀弓下》, translated by James Legge).
苛求 hõ-kiũ
or hô-kiũ kēqiú to be very exacting.⁷
苛待 hõ-òi
or hô-òi kēdài to treat harshly or severely.⁷
苛忕 hõ-sì
or hô-sì kēshì delve into the details of the matter, thoughtful approach to business.⁵⁴
苛性 hõ-xëin
or hô-xëin kēxìng <chem.> caustic.¹¹
苛性钠[苛性鈉] hõ-xëin-nàp
or hô-xëin-nàp kēxìngnà sodium hydroxide; caustic soda.⁸
无苛政.[無苛政.] Mũ-hõ-jëin.
Wú kēzhèng.
There is no oppressive government here.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《禮記·檀弓下》, translated by James Legge).
<又> hô.
(See 苛 hô.)
ho3 6562
140 10 lotus.
薄荷 bòk-hõ bòhe peppermint.
薄荷糖 bòk-hõ-hõng/
bòhetáng peppermint drops; mint.⁹
薄荷醇 bòk-hõ-sũn
bòhechún <chem.> menthol; peppermint camphor.⁹ hexahydrothymol.¹⁰
荷包 hõ-bäo
hébāo small bag, wallet, pouch, pocket (in clothing).⁴³
荷花 hõ-fǎ
héhuā lotus.
荷梗 hõ-gāng
hégěng lotus petiole.³⁹
荷塘 hõ-hõng
hétáng A pond used to plant lotuses.⁹ lily pond.¹⁰
荷兰[荷蘭] Hõ-lãn
Hélán the Netherlands; Holland.⁶
荷叶[荷葉] hõ-yêp
héyè lotus leaf.¹¹
<又> hò.
(See 荷 hò.)
ho3 6563
140 11 菏泽[菏澤] Hõ-jàk Hézé Heze is a prefecture-level city in southwestern 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province.
ho3 6564
140 16 𦽅
(composition: ⿱艹閜; U+26F45).
蔢𦽅❄{⿱艹閜} bòk-hõ bòhè  peppermint.²⁵ (another name for 薄荷 bòk-hõ bòhe mint; peppermint.⁸).¹⁰¹
ho3 6565
142 11 (=蜥蜴 xēik-yèik xīyì) lizard.⁵
蚵蠪 hõ-lũng
hélóng (=蜥蜴 xēik-yèik xīyì) lizard.⁵
<又> hō.
(See 蚵 hō.)
ho3 6566
142 20 háo an oyster.¹⁴
蚝白[蠔白] hõ-bàk or hão-bàk háobái edible part of an oyster.⁷
蚝子[蠔子] hõ-dū
or hão-dū háozi oyster.⁶
蚝壳[蠔殼] hõ-hôk
or hão-hôk háoké oyster shells.¹⁴
蚝塘[蠔塘] hõ-hõng
or hão-hõng háotáng an oyster bed.¹⁴
蚝山[蠔山] hõ-sän
or hão-sän háoshān oyster spat.¹⁴
蚝豉[蠔豉] hõ-sǐ
or hão-sǐ háochǐ dried oysters.¹⁴
蚝油[蠔油] hõ-yiũ
or hão-yiũ háoyóu oyster sauce.¹⁴
<又> hão.
(See 蠔 hão.)
ho3 6567
149 14 𧨂
(=哬 hõ the voice of a multitude.²⁴).
(composition: ⿰言何; U+27A02). In Mandarin, 𧨂
❄{⿰言何} may also be read as hè.
❄{⿰言何}𧨂❄{⿰言何} hõ-hõ héhé the noise of a multitude.²⁵
(See 哬 hõ).
ho3 6568
152 14 háo grand; heroic.
自豪 dù-hõ zìháo to pride oneself on.
豪放 hõ-föng
háofàng bold and unconstrained; powerful and free; romantic.
豪杰[豪傑] hõ-gèik
háojié hero; towering figure.
豪客 hõ-hāk
or hõ-häk háokè person of exceptional ability; robber; rich; person who spends money like water.
豪侠[豪俠] hõ-hèp
háoxiá hero; man of honor and courage.
豪猪[豪豬] hõ-jï
or hão-jï háozhū a porcupine.¹¹
豪迈[豪邁] hõ-mài
háomài straightforward and carefree; generous and openminded; heroic.⁷
豪言壮语[豪言壯語] hõ-ngũn-jöng-nguî
háoyánzhuàngyǔ bold, brave words.
豪绅[豪紳] hõ-sïn
or hão-sïn háoshēn despotic gentry.⁵
豪情 hõ-tẽin
háoqíng lofty sentiments.
豪夺巧取[豪奪巧取] hõ-ùt-kāo-tuī
háoduóqiǎoqǔ forcible seizure and crafty acquisition; to take away by force or trickery.
豪华[豪華] hõ-vã
háohuá luxurious; sumptuous.⁵
土豪 hū-hõ
tǔháo local tyrant.
文豪 mũn-hõ
or mũn-hão wénháo literary giant.⁵
(See 豪 hão.)
ho3 6569
164 15 táo very drunk; blotto; happy appearance; happy looks.¹⁰
醄醄 hõ-hõ táotáo drunk in appearance; happy in appearance.¹⁹
酕醄 mão-hõ
máotáo <wr.> dead drunk; as drunk as a fiddler.⁶
酕醄大醉 mão-hõ-ài-duï
máotáodàzuì be completely drunk.⁶
ho3 6570
167 13 tuó (=砣 pũ tuó) sliding weight of a steelyard.⁶
秤铊[秤鉈] chêin-hõ
or chêin-pũ chèngtuó (=秤锤[秤錘] chêin-juì chèngchuí) sliding weight of a steelyard.⁵⁴
<又> hä; pũ.
(See 鉈 hä; 鉈 pũ; 砣 hõ; 砣 pũ.)
ho3 6571
167 16 táo blunt, not sharp.⁸ dull, as a knife; in Cantonese, a saw with a dull edge to cut metal.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰釒匋; U+92FE).
<粵> 锯鋾[鋸鋾] guï-hõ jùtáo (Canto. geoi3 tou4) saws, a saw.¹⁰²
ho3 6572
170 5 tuó hill; (<old>=陀 hõ tuó (phonetic), declivity, steep bank); hillside; mountain slope; (of roads) dangerous and difficult.⁸ bank; hillside.¹¹ to break down.²⁵
(composition: ⿰阝也; U+9624).
陂阤 bö-hõ
pōtuó (of roads) dangerous and difficult.¹³
阤崩 hõ-bäng
tuóbēng collapsed and ruined.¹⁹
阤坏[阤壞] hõ-vài
tuóhuài damaged from a landslide.¹⁹
<又> chï; sī; hũ; yĩ.
(See 阤 chï; 阤 sī; 阤 hũ; 阤 yĩ; 陀 hõ).
ho3 6573
170 7 tuó (phonetic); declivity; steep bank.
陂陀 bö-hõ or bö-hũ pōtuó uneven; sloping (of land); winding, with ups and downs (of embankments, hill lines).
吠陀 Fì-hõ
or Fì-hũ Fèituó Vedas (Hindu sacred writings or legends).¹⁰
佛陀 Fùt-hõ
or Fùt-hũ Fótuó Buddha.
陀螺 hõ-lũ
or hũ-lũ tuóluó spinning top.
陀螺仪[陀螺儀] hõ-lũ-ngĩ
or hũ-lũ-ngĩ  tuóluóyí gyroscope.
盘陀[盤陀] põn-hõ
or põn-hũ pántuó twisted; spiral; uneven stones.
<又> hũ.
(See 陀 hũ.)
ho3 6574
170 7 tuó (<old>=阤 hõ ortuó hill; (<old>=陀 hõ tuó (phonetic), declivity, steep bank); hillside; mountain slope; (of roads) dangerous and difficult.⁸ bank; hillside.¹¹ to break down.²⁵); a steep bank, a declivity.⁸ a steep bank; a declivity; carry on back; low hill; uneven; hillock.³⁹
(composition: ⿰阝㐌; U+9641).
陂陁 bö-hõ
pōtuó  ➀ =陂陀 bö-hõ pōtuó not smooth; uneven.⁶ (said of dikes, hill lines) craggy; steep; winding; with ups and downs.⁷   ➁ flight of steps leading to the throne  ➂ (of clouds layers) ragged appearance.⁸
or 盘陀[盤陀] põn-hõ pántuó used to describe a tortuous and uneven road.⁹
<又> hũ.
(See 阤 hõ; 陀 hõ; 陁 hũ).
ho3 6575
170 10 táo pottery, earthenware; make pottery; cultivate, mold, educate; contented, happy; Tao surname.⁵
赤陶 chēik-hõ or chēik-hão chìtáo terracotta; terra cotta.¹⁰
黑陶 hāk-hõ
or hāk-hão hēitáo black eggshell pottery (of the Neolithic Longshan culture).¹⁰
陶醉 hõ-duï
or hão-duï táozuì to be intoxicated (with success); to revel in.⁵
陶钧[陶鈞] hõ-gün
or hão-gün táojūn <wr.> potter's wheel; to mold character as potter molds clay.¹¹
陶器 hõ-hï
or hão-hï táoqì pottery; earthenware.⁵
陶陶 hõ-hõ
or hão-hão táotáo happy; contented.⁸
陶唐 hõ-hõng
táotáng aka Emperor Yao 堯 (c.2356–2255 BC).
陶甄 hõ-jïn
or hão-jïn táozhēn mold and educate people.³⁹
陶然 hõ-ngẽin
or hão-ngẽin táorán happy and carefree.⁵
陶瓷 hõ-xũ
or hão-xũ táocí pottery and porcelain; ceramics.⁵
陶冶 hõ-yêh
or hão-yêh táoyě lit. to fire pots and smelt metal; fig. to educate; to shape character by gradual influence.⁸ʼ¹¹
陶猗 hõ-yï
or hão-yï táoyī <wr.> Refer to two rich merchants 陶朱公(范蠡) and 猗顿 during the Spring and Autumn Period. Later, it was widely used for "rich men".²³
乐陶陶[樂陶陶] lòk-hõ-hõ
or lòk-hão-hão lètáotáo <wr.> cheerful; happy; joyful.³⁹
<又> hão, yẽl.
(See 陶 hão, yẽl.)
ho3 6576
187 13 duò pack; load carried by a pack animal; <m.> (for goods carried by a pack animal).⁶ (variant: 䭾 hõ duò).
驮子[馱子] hõ-dū
or hũ-dū duòzi a load carried by a pack animal.⁷
<又> hũ.
(See 馱 [hõ, tuó], [hũ, tuó], [hũ, duò]; 䭾 [hõ, duò];  [hõ, tuò].)
ho3 6577
187 13 tuó to carry (a load) on the back.⁷ (variant: 䭾 hõ tuò).
驮不动[馱不動] hõ-būt-ùng
or hũ-būt-ùng tuóbudòng too heavy to carry on the back.⁷
驮兽[馱獸] hõ-chiü
or hũ-chiü tuóshòu beast of burden.¹⁰
驮畜[馱畜] hõ-chūk
or hũ-chūk tuóchù a pack animal.⁷
驮轿[馱轎] hõ-gèl
or hũ-gèl tuójiào sedan chair carried by a horse or mule.⁶
驮着[馱著] hõ-jèk
or hũ-jèk tuózhe carrying (a load) on the back.⁷
驮筐[馱筐] hõ-köng
or hũ-köng tuókuāng pannier; double basket slung across pack animal.¹⁰
驮马[馱馬] hõ-mâ
or hũ-mâ tuómǎ pack horse.⁵
驮鞍[馱鞍] hõ-ön
or hũ-ön tuó'ān pack saddle.⁶
驮运[馱運] hõ-vùn
or hũ-vùn tuóyùn carry/transport on the back of a pack animal.⁶
<又> hũ.
(See 馱 [hõ, duò], [hũ, tuó], [hũ, duò]; 䭾 [hõ, duò];  [hõ, tuò].)
ho3 6578
187 14 duò (=馱 hõ duó) a load carried by a pack animal.⁷ (note: simplified form does not exist.)
<又> hõ.
(See 馱 [hõ, tuó], [hõ, duò], [hũ, tuó]; 䭾 [hõ, tuò].)
ho3 6579
187 14 tuó (=馱 hõ tuó) to carry (a load) on the back.⁷ (note: simplified form does not exist.)
<又> hõ.
(See 馱 [hõ, tuó], [hõ, duò], [hũ, duò]; 䭾 hõ, d].)
ho3 6580
187 15 tuo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 駝 hũ tuo hump or hunchbacked; camel.¹⁰)
(comp. t: ⿰馬它; U+99DD). (comp. s: ⿰马它; U+9A7C).
<又> hũ.
(See 駝 [hõ, tuó]; 駝 [hũ, tuó]; 駝 [hũ, tuo]).
ho3 6581
187 15 tuó (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 駝 hũ tuó hump or hunchbacked; camel.¹⁰)
t: ⿰馬它; U+99DD). (comp. s: ⿰马它; U+9A7C).
<又> hũ.
(See 駝 [hõ, tuo]; 駝 [hũ, tuó]; 駝 [hũ, tuo]).
ho3 6582
187 22 tuó (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation of 驒 hũ tuó with the same meaning: dappled.⁸).
(composition: ⿰馬單; U+9A52).
<又> hũ; ëin. (See 驒 hũ; 驒 ëin).
ho3 6583
195 16 tuó (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 鮀 hũ tuó with the same meaning: snakefish.⁸ catfish; a kind of small fish; Chinese alligator.¹⁰ a kind of small fish which burrows in the sand, <zoo.> Acanthogobius flavimanus (also 鲨鰕虎[鯊鰕虎] sä-hâ-fū shāxiāhǔ).¹¹ a kind of fish which burrows in the sand.¹⁴)
(composition: ⿰魚它; U+9B80).
<又> hũ.
(See 鮀 hũ).
ho3 6584
196 16 tuó an ostrich.⁷
鹬鸵[鷸鴕] gūt-hõ or gūt-hũ yùtuó kiwi.⁵
鸵鸟[鴕鳥] hõ-nêl
or hũ-nêl tuóniǎo an ostrich.⁷
鸵鸟政策[鴕鳥政策] hõ-nêl-jëin-chāk
or hũ-nêl-jëin-chāk  tuóniǎo zhèngcè ostrich policy; ostrichism.⁶
<又> hũ.
(See 鴕 hũ.)
ho3 6585
205 25 tuó Chinese alligator.⁶ a kind of water lizard (whose skin was often used to make drums).⁷
(comp. t: ⿳㽞一黽; U+9F09). (comp. s: ⿱嘼电; U+9F0D).
鼍更[鼉更] hõ-gäng
tuógēng to beat the watches (with drums).⁷ to strike the watches (in the Drum Tower).¹⁴
鼍鼓[鼉鼓] hõ-gū
tuógǔ lizard-skin drums; beat the watches with drums.⁵⁴
鼍鼓逢逢矇瞍奏公[鼉鼓逢逢矇瞍奏公] hõ-gū-fũng-fũng-mũng-xēo-dëo-güng
tuógǔféngféngméngsǒuzòugōng "the lizard-skin drums rolled harmoniously, as the blind musicians performed their parts".¹⁴
鼍龙[鼉龍] hõ-lũng
tuólóng (=鼍[鼉] hõ tuó) Chinese alligator.⁶ Colloquially called 猪婆龙[豬婆龍] jï-põ-lũng zhūpólóng.  Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis).¹⁰ Also known as 扬子鳄[揚子鱷] yẽng-dū-ngōk yángzǐ‘è.¹⁵
ho3 6586
208 18 tuó the marmot.¹⁴ a mouse.²⁵
鼧鼥 hõ-bàt tuóbá an ancient name for marmot.⁵ the marmot found in Manchuria and Mongolia; aka 土拨鼠 [土撥鼠] hū-bòt-sī tǔbōshǔ.¹⁴  (=旱獭[旱獺] hön-chât/ or hôn-chât/ hàntǎ) marmot; aka 土拨鼠.²³ an animal of the mouse kind, found in the west; perhaps the beaver, it burrows in the ground, and in form, resembles the otter; the Tartars call it 答剌不花 āp-lā-būt-fä dálàbùhuā.²⁵
ho3 6587
140 10 to carry on the shoulder or back; to bear; to be grateful; to be obliged; to hold.⁸
电荷[電荷] èin-hò diànhè electric charge.⁸
负荷[負荷] fù-hò
fùhè load; burden; charge.¹⁰
感荷 gām-hò
gǎnhè be sincerely grateful; be thankful.⁹
<又> hõ.
(See 荷 hõ.)
ho4 6588
154 12 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 贺[賀] hào with same meaning.)
<又> hào.
(See 賀 hào.)
ho4 6589
38 7 tuǒ appropriate, proper; ready; settled; finished.⁵
不妥 būt-hô bùtuǒ not proper; inappropriate.⁵
妥办[妥辦] hô-bàn
tuǒbàn get something properly done; deal with properly.⁵⁴
妥便 hô-bèin
tuǒbiàn proper and convenient.⁶
妥靠 hô-këo
or hô-käo tuǒkào reliable; dependable; trustworthy.⁶
or 妥贴[妥貼] hô-hëp tuǒtiē proper, fitting, well-settled.⁶
妥协[妥協] hô-hèp
tuǒxié come to terms; compromise.⁶
妥当[妥當] hô-öng
tuǒdang appropriate; proper; suitable.⁶
妥善 hô-sèn
tuǒshàn appropriate; proper; well-arranged.⁶
妥善安排 hô-sèn-ön-pãi
tuǒshàn ānpái make appropriate arrangements.⁶
妥实[妥實] hô-sìt
tuǒshí proper; appropriate.¹⁰
安妥 ön-hô
āntuǒ safe and handled in a proper way; antu, ANTU (a rat poison).⁶
稳妥[穩妥] vūn-hô
wěntuǒ safe; reliable.⁵
ho5 6590
75 10 táo 桃花 hão-fǎ or hô-fǎ táohuā peach blossom.⁵
<又> hão, hâo, hõ. (See 桃 hão, hâo, hõ.)
ho5 6591
75 15 tuǒ oval-shaped; oval.⁶
椭球[橢球] hô-kiũ tuǒqiú ellipsoid.⁶
椭率[橢率] hô-lùt
tuǒlǜ <math.> ellipticity.⁵
椭面[橢面] hô-mèin
tuǒmiàn <math.> ellipsoid.⁵
椭圆[橢圓] hô-yõn
tuǒyuán <math.> ellipse.⁵
<又> ō, ū.
(See 橢 ō, ū.)
ho5 6592
115 11 táo a second time growing of rice plant, rice plant, <topo.> sorghum; kaoliang.⁶ (=高粱 gäo-lẽng gāoliang) kaoliang; Chinese sorghum.⁵
䄻黍 hô-sī
táoshǔ <topo.> Chinese sorghum.⁶
ho5 6593
140 8 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 苛 hõ with same meaning: harsh; severe; rigorous; caustic.⁷).
<又> hõ.
(See 苛 hõ.)
ho5 6594
140 11 táo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 萄 hão táo with same meaning: grape.¹⁰)
<又> hão.
(See 萄 hão.)
ho5 6595
16 12 hōi kǎi victory.⁶ a victory, triumphant return of an army; balmy, soothing, gentle.¹⁴ triumphant; triumph, victory; Kai surname.⁸
奏凯[奏凱] dëo-hōi zòukǎi to sing a song of triumph.¹⁴
凯风[凱風] hōi-füng
kǎifēng a south wind.¹⁴
(Note: 棘心 gēik-xïm jíxīn <trad.> son's self-reference when speaking of his deceased parents.)
Hōi-füng-dù-nãm, chuï-bī-gēik-xïm, gēik-xïm-yēl-yēl, mû-sì-kuĩ-lão.
Kǎifēng zì nán, chuī bǐ jí xīn. Jí xīn yāo yāo, mǔ shì qúláo.
The genial wind from the south
Blows on the heart of that jujube tree,
Till that heart looks tender and beautiful.
What toil and pain did our mother endure!⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·邶風·凱風》, translated by James Legge).
or 恺歌[愷歌] hōi-gô kǎigē song of triumph.⁷
or 恺乐[愷樂] hōi-ngòk kǎiyuè the tune or music in celebration of victory.⁷ rejoicings over a victory.¹⁴
凯旋[凱旋] hōi-xũn
kǎixuán to retrun in triumph.¹⁴
凯旋门[凱旋門] hōi-xũn-mõn
kǎixuánmén a triumphal arch.¹⁴
hoi1 6596
18 12 hōi kǎi (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 剴 köi kǎi with same meaning: sickle; thoroughly; clearly.)
<又> köi.
(See 剴 köi.)
hoi1 6597
32 13 hōi kǎi high and dry (land).
(comp. t: ⿰土豈; U+584F). (comp. s: ⿰土岂; U+57B2).
爽垲[爽塏] sōng-hōi
shuǎngkǎi (of terrain) high and dry.⁵⁴
hoi1 6598
61 13 hōi kǎi <wr.> happy; joyful; merry.⁶ (variant: 闿[闓] hōi kǎi).
恺悌[愷悌] hōi-ài
kǎitì <wr.> amiable; genial.⁶
恺悌君子[愷悌君子] hōi-ài-gün-dū
kǎitìjūnzǐ amiable gentleman.⁶
恺恻[愷惻] hōi-chāk
kǎicè kind; kindness.¹¹
or 凯歌[凱歌] hōi-gô kǎigē song of triumph.⁷
or 凯乐[凱樂] hōi-ngòk kǎiyuè the tune or music in celebration of victory.⁷
恺切[愷切] hōi-täi kǎiqiè gently and sincerely.⁷
恺撒[愷撒] Hōi-xät
Kǎisā Caesar (name); Gaius Julius Caesar 100-42 BC; by extension, emperor, Kaiser, Tsar.¹⁰
寿恺[壽愷] siù-hōi
shòukǎi <wr.> enjoying long life and happiness.¹¹
(See 闓 hōi).
hoi1 6599
85 10 hōi hǎi sea, ocean; maritime.⁸
海带[海帶] hōi-äi hǎidài <bot.> Laminaria japonica. seaweed; kelp.⁹ (See 昆布 kün-bü.)
海岛[海島] hōi-āo hǎidǎo an island.¹¹
海岬 hōi-gāp
hǎijiǎ headland.¹⁰
海狗 hōi-gēo
hǎigǒu [<vern.> for 海熊 hōi-hũng] fur seal.⁹
海军[海軍] hōi-gün
hǎijūn navy.⁸
海峡[海峽] hōi-hèp
hǎixiá strait, channel.⁶
海熊 hōi-hũng
hǎixióng fur seal.⁸ (See 海狗 hōi-gēo).
海蜇 hōi-jēt
hǎizhé jellyfish. (See more under 蜇 jēt).
海葵 hōi-kĩ
hǎikuí sea anemone.¹⁰
海南 Hōi-nãm
Hǎinán Hainan Province.¹⁰
海岸 hōi-ngòn
hǎi'àn seacoast, coast, seashore.⁶
海藻 hōi-täo
hǎizǎo seaweed; marine alga.⁶
海寻[海尋] hōi-tĩm
hǎixún nautical fathom (measure for the depth of sea equal to 1.852 meters).⁶
海湾[海灣] hōi-vän
hǎiwān gulf; bay; loch.⁹
海芋 hōi-vû
hǎiyù common calla; lily-of-the-Nile.¹ giant taro (Alocasia macrorrhizos); common calla.¹⁰
海啸[海嘯] hōi-xël
or hōi-säo hǎixiào tsunami; seismic sea wave; tidal wave.⁶
海狮[海獅] hōi-xü
hǎishī sea lion.⁸
海洋 hōi-yẽng
hǎiyáng ocean.⁴³
海洋法 hōi-yẽng-fāt
hǎiyángfǎ law of the sea.¹⁰
hoi1 6600
106 15 hōi ái <wr.> pure white; snow white.⁶
白皑皑[白皚皚] bàk-hōi-hōi or bàk-ngõi-ngõi bái'ái'ái dazzlingly white.¹¹
白雪皑皑[白雪皚皚] bàk-xūt-hōi-hōi
or bàk-xūt-ngõi-ngõi báixuě'ái'ái vast expanse of white snow.⁶
皑皑[皚皚] hōi-hōi
or ngõi-ngõi ái'ái <wr.> (of snow, frost) pure white.⁶
皑皑白雪[皚皚白雪] hōi-hōi-bàk-xūt
or ngõi-ngõi-bàk-xūt ái'áibáixuě pure white snow.¹⁹
皑皑的雪山[皚皚的雪山] hōi-hōi-ēik-xūt-sän
or ngõi-ngõi-ēik-xūt-sän ái'áidexuěshān snow-capped mountains.⁶
<又> ngõi.
(See 皚 ngõi.)
hoi1 6601
112 15 hōi ái snowy white; pure white; spotless.¹⁰
(comp. t: ⿰石豈; U+78D1). (comp. s: ⿰石岂; U+7859).
硙硙[磑磑] hōi-hōi
ái'ái (=皑皑[皚皚] hōi-hōi or ngõi-ngõi ái'ái <wr.> (of snow, frost) pure white.⁶).¹⁰
(Note: cf 硙硙[磑磑] nguĩ-nguĩ
<又> nguĩ; ngòi.
(See 磑 nguĩ; 磑 ngòi).
hoi1 6602
151 10 hōi kǎi ➀ (=恺[愷] hōi kǎi <wr.> happy; joyful; merry.⁶).⁸
➁ (=凯[凱] hōi
kǎi victory.⁶).⁸
t: ⿱山豆; U+8C48). (comp. s: ⿱山己; U+5C82).
<又> hī.
(See 豈 hī; 愷 hōi; 凱 hōi).
hoi1 6603
154 13 贿 hōi huì to bribe, bribery; money, wealth.⁷
行贿[行賄] hãng-hōi xínghuì offer bribes; commit bribery.¹¹
贿款[賄款] hōi-fōn
huìkuǎn bribery money.⁶
贿金[賄金] hōi-gïm
huìjīn bribery money.⁶
or 贿托[賄托] hōi-hōk huìtuō ask someone. to do something for a consideration.¹¹
贿通[賄通] hōi-hüng
huìtōng buy over; get through by bribery.⁶
贿赂[賄賂] hōi-lù
huìlù bribe; bribery.⁵
贿赂罪[賄賂罪] hōi-lù-duì
huìlùzuì bribery (crime).⁶
贿赂公行[賄賂公行] hōi-lù-güng-hãng
huìlùgōngxíng people give and accept bribes openly; corruption is rife.⁶
贿赂伪证[賄賂偽證] hōi-lù-ngài-jëin
huìlùwěizhèng subornation of perjury.⁶
贿赂成风[賄賂成風] hōi-lù-sẽin-füng
huìlùchéngfēng bribery has become a common practice.⁶
贿买[賄買] hōi-mäi
huìmǎi buy over; suborn.⁵
贿选[賄選] hōi-xūn
huìxuǎn practice bribery at an election; get elected by bribery.⁵
纳贿[納賄] nàp-hōi
nàhuì accept bribes; offer bribes.¹¹
受贿[受賄] siù-hōi
shòuhuì accept bribes.¹¹
财贿[財賄] tõi-hōi
cáihuì <trad.> tax on grains and goods.¹¹
hoi1 6604
164 17 hōi hǎi minced and hashed meat; to mince a criminal as a punishment in ancient China.⁷
菹醢 duï-hōi or juï-hōi zūhǎi to execute somebody and mince his flesh and bones (archaic form of retribution).¹⁰
醯醢 hï-hōi
xīhǎi pickled mincemeat.⁵⁴
醢酱[醢醬] hōi-dëng
hǎijiàng ground/minced meat.⁴
hoi1 6605
167 18 hōi kǎi (a suit of) armor.⁶
铁铠[鐵鎧] hëik-hōi tiěkǎi (=铁甲[鐵甲] hëik-gāp tiějiǎ) armor, mail; armor for vessels, vehicles.⁶
铠甲[鎧甲] hōi-gâp
kǎijiǎ (a suit of) armor.⁶
铠仗[鎧仗] hōi-jèng
kǎizhàng armor and weapons.⁸
铠装[鎧裝] hōi-jöng
kǎizhuāng armor.⁶
铠装电缆[鎧裝電纜] hōi-jöng èin-làm
kǎizhuāng diànlǎn armored/sheathed cable.⁶
铠马[鎧馬] hōi-mâ
kǎimǎ armor and war-horses; horse protected by a coat of mail.⁵⁴
胸铠[胸鎧] hüng-hōi
xiōngkǎi breastplate.¹⁹
首铠[首鎧] siū-hōi
shǒukǎi (steel) helmet.⁶
hoi1 6606
169 18 hōi kǎi (<old>=恺[愷] hōi kǎi) <wr.> happy; joyful; merry.⁶ to open; peaceful; harmonious.⁷ to open, to unloose; to open a door; to desire; clear; an archer's thimble made of ivory or bone, it is worn upon the right thumb, in order to defend that member whilst pulling the bow string; a man's name.²⁵
闿大关[闓大關] hōi-ài-gän
kǎidàguān to open the great passes.²⁵
闿阐[闓闡] hōi-chīn
kǎichǎn to explain.¹⁹
闿怿[闓懌] hōi-yèik
kǎiyì to be pleased.²⁵
(See 愷 hōi)
hoi1 6607
182 19 hōi kǎi the south wind.²⁵
(composition: ⿰豈風; U+98BD).
颽風 hōi-füng kǎifēng (=凯风[凱風] hōi-füng kǎifēng a south wind.¹⁴)
hoi1 6608
79 10 höi kāi sound of laughter⁸
(composition: ⿰亥殳; U+3C7E).
㱾𨸜 höi-fõi kāihāi laughter.⁸
<又> köi.
(See 㱾 köi).
hoi2 6609
130 9 höi tāi fetus, embryo; birth; source, root; roughcast (in the making of clayware); padding, wadding, stuffing; womb carrying a fetus.⁶
胎记[胎記] höi-gï tāijì birthmark.⁶
胎气[胎氣] höi-hï
tāiqi <TCM> nausea; vomiting and edema of legs during pregnancy; noursihing ether for the fetus.⁶
胎痣 höi-jï
tāizhì birthmark.⁵
胎儿[胎兒] höi-ngĩ
tāi'ér fetus; embryo.⁶
胎盘[胎盤] höi-põn
tāipán placenta.⁶
胎生 höi-säng
tāishēng <zoo.> viviparous.⁶
胎位 höi-vì
tāiwèi fetal position; position of a fetus.⁶
轮胎[輪胎] lũn-höi
lúntāi tire.⁹
hoi2 6610
167 20 höi kāi californium (Cf).⁶
锎化合物[鐦化合物] höi-fä-hàp-mùt or höi-fä-hàp-mòt kāihuàhéwù californium compound.⁶
hoi2 6611
169 12 höi kai to open.
剪开[剪開] dēin-höi jiǎnkai to cut open.
拉开[拉開] läi-höi
lākai to pull open; to draw back.
<台> 打开[打開] ā-höi to open (a door, window, shutters), used more frequently than 掩开[打開] yēm-höi.
(See 開 [höi, kāi].)
hoi2 6612
169 12 höi kāi open; initiate, begin, start.⁸ (See 開 [höi, kai].)
开办[開辦] höi-bàn
kāibàn open; set up; start.⁵
开车[開車] höi-chëh kāichē to drive a car.¹⁰
开始[開始] höi-chī
kāishǐ begin, start; initial stage, outset.⁵
开花[開花] höi-fä
kāihuā to flower, to blossom.
开放[開放] höi-föng
kāifàng come into bloom; lift a ban.
开金[開金] höi-gïm
kāijīn karat (gold).
开掘[開掘] höi-gùt
kāijué dig.⁵
开垦[開墾] höi-hān
kāikěn to colonize wild country.¹¹
开头[開頭] höi-hẽo
kāitóu begin; beginning.¹⁰
开起炮来[開起砲來] höi-hī-päo-lõi
kāiqǐpàolái start firing cannon; start criticizing.⁵⁴
开通[開通] höi-hüng
kāitong liberal; open-minded.
开张[開張] höi-jëng
kāizhāng open a business, begin doing business; the first transaction of the day's business.⁵
开启[開啟] höi-kāi
kāiqǐ to open.¹⁰
开幕[開幕] höi-mōk
kāimù the curtain rises; inaugurate.⁵
开门[開門] höi-mõn
kāimén open a door.⁵
开端[開端] höi-ön
kāiduān start; beginning.¹⁰
开水[開水] höi-suī
kāishuǐ boiling water; boiled water.⁵
开会[開會] höi-vòi/
kāihuì to hold or attend a meeting.
开荤[開葷] höi-vùn/
or höi-vũn kāihūn begin or resume a meat diet; end a meatless diet.⁵
开心[開心] höi-xïm
kāixīn happy; feel happy.⁵ʼ⁵⁵

hoi2 6613
9 16 hõi tái ancient name for low-level slaves; ancient contempt for peasants; agricultural tool used to crush soil to cover seeds; match, appropriate, quite; servant; Tai surname.⁸ <old> the servant of lowest level or standing.⁹ a servant.¹⁴ʼ²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻臺; U+5113).
田儓 hẽin-hõi tiántái a field laborer.²⁴
儓隶[儓隸] hõi-lài
táilì slave; servant.⁸
陪儓 põi-hõi
péitái a head servant.²⁴
<又> häi.
(See 儓 häi).
hoi3 6614
30 5 hõi tái a polite expression of addressing.
(composition: ⿱厶口; U+53F0).
台甫 hõi-fū táifǔ <trad.> (used in asking the name of the person spoken to) your name.⁶
台驾[台駕] hõi-gä
táijià <wr.> Your Excellency; you (honorific usage).
台鉴[台鑒] hõi-gäm
táijiàn <court.> for your kind perusal (in letters).⁵⁴
台教 hõi-gäo
táijiào <wr.> your advice.
台光 hõi-göng
táiguāng <wr.>  your presence (an honorific used in requesting another's presence at a party): e.g. 敬请台光[敬請台光] gëin-tēin-hõi-göng jìngqǐngtáiguāng <wr.> Your presence is requested.
台衔[台銜] hõi-hẽim
táixián <wr.> your title.
台启[台啟] hõi-kāi
táiqǐ please open (term after the name of the addressee on an envelope).
台端 hõi-ön
táiduān <trad.> your honor; you.
请问台甫[請問台甫] tēin-mùn-hõi-fū
qǐngwèntáifǔ <trad.> What is your name?
<又> hôi; yĩ.
(See 台[hõi, tāi]; 台 yĩ; 枱 hôi; 檯 hôi; 臺 hõi; 颱 hõi.)
hoi3 6615
30 5 hõi tāi (composition: ⿱厶口; U+53F0).
天台 Hëin-hõi Tiāntāi a branch of Buddhism.
台州 Hõi-jiü
Tāizhōu former name of a region (in eastern 浙江 Jēt-göng Zhèjiāng Zhejiang Province).
<又> hôi; yĩ.
(See 台[hõi, tái]; 台 yĩ; 枱 hôi; 檯 hôi; 臺 hõi; 颱 hõi.)
hoi3 6616
30 8 hõi tái Tai surname.²
<又> fõi. (See 咍 fõi.)
hoi3 6617
38 17 hõi tái slow, dull, stupid, silly.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女臺; U+5B2F).
hoi3 6618
64 8 hõi tái to carry between two or more persons; to raise.¹⁴
八抬大轿[八抬大轎] bāt-hõi-ài-gèl bātáidàjiào large sedan chair carried by eight people.¹⁴
高抬 gäo-hõi
gāotái to speak highly of somebody.¹⁰
高抬贵手[高抬貴手] gäo-hõi-gï-siū
gāotáiguìshǒu raise your honorable hand – do not be too hard on me this time.¹⁴
抬不动[抬不動] hõi-būt-ùng
táibudòng unable to lift or carry.¹⁴
抬价[抬價] hõi-gä
táijià to raise the prices.¹⁴
抬高 hõi-gäo
táigāo to raise (price).¹⁰
抬轿[抬轎] hõi-gèl 
táijiào carry somebody in a sedan chair.⁶
抬扛 hõi-göng
táigāng to carry on a pole; to wrangle; to quarrel.¹⁴
抬杠 hõi-göng
táigàng cowlstaff; to bicker, wrangle, argue for the sake of arguing; to carry a coffin on stout poles.⁸
抬举[抬舉] hõi-guī
táiju to advance; to recommend; to exalt; to extol.¹⁴
抬头[抬頭] hõi-hẽo
táitóu to raise the head; to raise the weight on the steelyard – good weight; to be encouraged.¹⁴
抬手 hõi-siū
táishǒu to raise one's hand.⁸
<台> 抬水 hõi-suī to carry one bucket of water between two people.
(See note in 挑 hël).
hoi3 6619
64 17 hõi tái (=抬 hõi tái) to carry between two or more persons; to raise.¹⁴
(See 抬 hõi.)
hoi3 6620
72 7 hõi tái <old> sunlight.⁸ the light of the sun.²⁴
(composition: ⿱日大; U+65F2).
<又> yēin. (See 旲 yēin).
hoi3 6621
86 9 hõi tái soot.⁸ black powder produced by coagulated smoke.⁹
煤炱 mõi-hõi méitái soot, lampblack.¹¹
松炱 tũng-hõi
sōngtái pine soot.¹⁹
烟炱[煙炱] yën-hõi
yāntái soot.¹¹
hoi3 6622
104 10 hõi tái <台> 㾂 hõi itch; itchy.
<台> 背脊好㾂 böi-dêk hāo-hõi/ the back is very itchy.
<台> 眼又矇耳又聋口又㾂[眼又矇耳又聾口又㾂] ngān-yiù-mũng ngī-yiù-lũng hēo-yiù-hõi a person who has poor eyesight, is hard-of-hearing and blabbers a lot; a person whose eyesight is blurry, whose hearing is impaired and whose tongue wags a lot.
<又> fõi. (See 㾂 fõi.)
hoi3 6623
118 20 hõi tái bamboo hat.¹⁹
(composition: ⿱𥫗臺; U+7C49).
(Note: <old> 臺 used for 籉).
Bī-ü-ngĩn-xù, hõi-lêip-dü-tōt.
Bǐ dōu rénshì, tái lì zī cuō.
Those officers of the [old] capital,
With their hats of Tai leaves and small black caps!⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·都人士之什·都人士》, translated by James Legge).
籉簦 hõi-äng
táidēng a device for rain and sun shade (possibly a broad-brimmed rain hat or large umbrella).¹⁹
籉笠 hõi-lêip
táilì a short straw rain cape and bamboo hat.¹⁹ a large bamboo hat, for keeping off the rain.²⁵
薹草属[薹草屬] hõi-tāo-sùk
táicǎoshǔ Carex, a vast genus of more than 2,000 species of grass-like plants in the family Cyperaceae, commonly known as sedges (or seg, in older books).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
hoi3 6624
133 11 𦤼
hõi tái (=台[臺] hõi tái tower, lookout; stage, platform; support, stand, base; station, broadcasting station; suffix for terms of address conveying respect for the addressee; abbr. for 臺灣; classifier for machines, vehicles, electronic devices; (mahjong) points).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿳士冖至 U+2693C).
<又> ūk.
(See 𦤼❄{⿳士冖至} ūk; 臺 hõi).
hoi3 6625
133 13 hõi tái (<demotic>=台[臺] hõi tái platform.).
(composition: ⿳*冖至, where * is same as first 5 strokes of 其; U+4453).
(See 臺 hõi).
hoi3 6626
133 14 hõi tái tower, lookout; stage, platform; support, stand, base; station, broadcasting station; suffix for terms of address conveying respect for the addressee; abbr. for 臺灣; classifier for machines, vehicles, electronic devices; (mahjong) points; Tai surname​. (variant: 䑓 hõi tái).
t: ⿳吉冖至; U+81FA). (comp. s: ⿱厶口; U+53F0).
吧台[吧臺] bä-hõi
bātái bar counter.⁸
电台[電臺] èin-hõi
diàntái broadcasting station.
台柱[臺柱] hõi-chuî
táizhu leading actor; mainstay; pillar (of an organization).
台榭[臺榭] hõi-dèh
táixiè terraces and open halls.¹¹
台阶[臺階] hõi-gäi
táijiē steps leading up to a building; a chance to extricate oneself from an awkward position.
台山[臺山] Hõi-sän
Táishān Taishan county (now a city).
台山市[臺山市] Hõi-sän-sî
Táishānshì Taishan City.
台湾[臺灣] Hõi-vän
Táiwān Taiwan (Republic of China).⁶
台湾山鹧鸪[臺灣山鷓鴣] Hõi-vän-sän-jëh-gü
Táiwān shān zhègū Taiwan partridge; Taiwan hill partridge (Arborophila crudigularis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
台词[臺詞] hõi-xũ
táicí stage lines.⁸
砚台[硯臺] ngûn-hõi
yàntai an inkstone.¹¹
窗台[窗臺] töng-hõi
chuāngtái windowsill; window ledge.⁶
<又> hôi.
(See 台[hõi, tāi]; 台[hõi, tái]; 枱 hôi; 檯 hôi; 颱 hõi; 䑓 hõi).

hoi3 6627
140 8 hõi tái moss; lichen; liverwort.
杉海苔 chëim-hōi-hõi shāhǎitái seaweed.
川苔 chün-hõi
chuāntái prasiola-edible algae growing on rocks in mountain brooks.
浮苔 fẽo-hõi
fútái <bot.> Ricciocarpus natans (L.) Corda.⁴¹
滚石不生苔[滾石不生苔] gūn-sêk-būt-säng-hõi
gǔn shí bù shēng tái (idiom) A rolling stone gathers no moss.
海苔 hōi-hõi
hǎitái sea moss.¹ seaweed.²³
苔原 hõi-ngũn
táiyuán (=冻原[凍原] üng-ngũn dòngyuán) tundra.
苔藓[苔蘚] hõi-xēin
táixiǎn moss.¹⁰
苔藓植物[苔蘚植物] hõi-xēin-jèik-mùt
or hõi-xēin-jèik-mòt táixiǎn zhíwù bryophyte.
苔藓丛生[苔蘚叢生] hõi-xēin-tũng-säng
táixiǎncóngshēng overgrown with moss.
剥苔[剝苔] mōk-hõi
bōtāi <TCM> lacked and cracked coating (of tongue).
水苔 suī-hõi
shuǐtái duckweed.
青苔 tëng-hõi
qīngtái moss.⁶
苍苔[蒼苔] töng-hõi
cāngtái deep green moss; dark moss.
(See 苔 [hõi, tāi].)
hoi3 6628
140 8 hõi tāi coating (of tongue).
莓苔 mõi-hõi méitāi moss, lichen.¹¹
剥苔[剝苔] mōk-hõi
bōtāi <TCM> lacked and cracked coating (of tongue).
舌淡苔白 sêt-àm-hõi-bàk
shédàntāibái <TCM> pale tongue with whitish coating.
舌苔 sêt-hõi
shétāi tongue coating/fur.⁶
(See 苔 [hõi,
hoi3 6629
140 17 hõi tái sedge; bolt of garlic, rape (edible when tender).⁶
韭薹 giū-hõi jiǔtái stalks of Chinese chives.⁶
薹笠 hõi-lāp
táilì rain hat made of sedge.⁶
菜薹 töi-hõi
càitái petiole (of rape or mustard); tender flower stalk.⁶
蒜薹 xôn-hõi
suàntái garlic pedicel.⁶ young garlic shoot.⁹
hoi3 6630
157 12 hõi tái <wr.> tread; stamp.⁶
跆籍 or 跆藉 hõi-dèik táijí in confusion; trampled.¹⁴ to trample underfoot.¹⁹
跆拳道 hõi-kũn-ào
táiquándào Taekwando (Korean martial art); Tae Kwon Do.¹⁰ (cf. 踢拳 pëk-kũn tīquán kickboxing).
hoi3 6631
163 7 hõi tái ancient place name in modern 陕西省[陝西省] Sēm-xäi sāng Shǎnxī shěng Shaanxi Province; Tai surname.
hoi3 6632
182 14 hõi tái typhoon.
防台[防颱] fõng-hõi fángtái to take precautions against typhoons.
台风[颱風] hõi-füng
táifēng typhoon; hurricane; <opera> stage manners.
台风利奇马[颱風利奇馬] hõi-füng lì-kĩ-mâ
tāifēng lìqímǎ Typhoon Lekima.⁹
<又> hôi.
(See 台[hõi, tāi]; 台[hõi, tái]; 枱 hôi; 檯 hôi; 臺 hõi.)
hoi3 6633
187 15 hõi tái a worn-out horse, a jade; incompetent.⁷
骀藉[駘藉] hõi-dèik táijiè <wr.> overlapping, fouled up; to trample, crush under the feet.¹¹
驽骀[駑駘] nũ-hõi
nútái inferior horse; fig. a good-for-nothing person.¹¹
驽骀竭力[駑駘竭力] nũ-hõi-gèik-lèik
nútáijiélì I am but a jaded horse, but I'll do my best.¹⁴
驽骀下驷[駑駘下駟] nũ-hõi-hà-xü
nútáixiàsì a worn-out, old and inferior horse; a stupid person.⁵⁴
<又> òi.
(See 駘 òi.)
hoi3 6634
195 16 hõi tái chub mackerel.⁶ blowfish, globefish, tetraodon; in Chinese aka 鮐巴魚, tëin, q.v., 油筒魚, 青花魚.⁸ mackerel; Pacific mackerel (accepted term: Scomber japonicus;⁸⁹ unaccepted term: Pneumatophorus japonicus⁸⁹).¹⁰ the globefish or tetraodon.¹⁴
鲐巴鱼[鮐巴魚] hõi-bä-nguĩ
táibāyú (=鲐[鮐] hõi tái) blowfish, globefish, tetraodon.⁸
鲐背[鮐背] hõi-böi
táibèi rounded shoulders like the globe-fish.¹⁴
鲐鱼[鮐魚] hõi-nguĩ
táiyú (=鲐[鮐] hõi tái) blowfish, globefish, tetraodon.⁸
羽鳃鲐[羽鰓鮐] yî-xöi-hõi
yǔsāitái Indian mackerel.¹⁰ Rastrelliger kanagurta; aka 金帶花鯖; <topo.> 鐵甲.²⁰
hoi3 6635
8 6 hòi hài 12th of the 12 Earthly Branches; 9 p.m. to 11 p.m.
亥豕 hòi-sī hàishǐ <wr.> handwriting/typographical errors due to confusion of similar words.⁵⁴
亥时[亥時] hòi-sĩ/
hàishí 9 p.m. to 11 p.m.
鲁鱼亥豕[魯魚亥豕] lû-nguî-hòi-sī
lǔyúhàishǐ lit. the confusion of 魯 and 魚, and of 亥 and 豕 – copying or typographical errors.⁷
hoi4 6636
30 13 hòi hài alas!⁸ used to express disapproval; used to express regret.⁹
嗐! 想不到他病得这样重[嗐! 想不到他病得這樣重] Hòi! Xēng-būt-äo hä-bèng-āk jëh-yèng jùng Hài! Xiǎng bùdào tābìngde zhèyàng zhòng. Oh, I had no idea he was so seriously ill.²²
hoi4 6637
38 7 hòi hài to envy; to dislike.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女介; U+598E).
苛妎 hõ-hòi or hô-hòi kēhài petty jealousies.²⁴
<又> gäi.
(See 妎 gäi).
hoi4 6638
38 13 𡟲 hòi hài (=妎 hòi hài to envy; to dislike.²⁴).² discontented; envious.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女害; U+217F2).
(See 妎 hòi).
hoi4 6639
40 10 hòi hài evil, harm, calamity; harmful, destructive, injurious; do harm to, impair, cause trouble to; kill, murder; contract (an illness), suffer from; feel (ashamed, afraid).⁵
不害羞 būt-hòi-xiü bùhàixiū no feeling, callous to, brazen-faced.¹⁰²
害病 hòi-bèng
hàibìng to fall sick; to contract an illness.¹⁰
害处[害處] hòi-chuī
hàichu damage; harm.¹⁰
害虫[害蟲] hòi-chũng
hàichóng injurious insect; pest.¹⁰
害口 hòi-hēo
hàikǒu (of pregnant woman) show appetite for certain foods.¹¹
害喜 hòi-hī
hàixǐ feel morning sickness of pregnant woman.¹¹
害群之马[害群之馬] hòi-kũn-jï-mâ
hàiqúnzhīmǎ an evil member of the herd; black sheep.⁵
害人 hòi-ngĩn
hàirén to harm somebody; to inflict suffering; to victimize; pernicious.¹⁰
害怕 hòi-pä
hàipà to be afraid; to be scared.¹⁰
害钱痞[害錢痞] hòi-tẽin-pī
hàiqiánpǐ one who thinks only of gain; a miser.¹⁰²
害臊 hòi-xäo
hàisào to be bashful; to feel ashamed.¹⁰
害羞 hòi-xiü
hàixiū be bashful; be shy.⁵
hoi4 6640
84 10 hòi hài helium (He).⁶
反氦 fān-hòi fǎnhài antihelium.¹⁰
氦灯[氦燈] hòi-äng
hàidēng helium lamp.⁶
氦族 hòi-dùk
hàizú helium family.¹⁹
氦气[氦氣] hòi-hï
hàiqì helium.⁶
氦氖激光器 hòi-nâi-gēik-göng-hï
hàinǎijīguāngqì helium neon laser.¹⁹
氦层[氦層] hòi-tãng
hàicéng heilosphere.¹⁰
液氦 yèik-hòi
or yìt-hòi yèhài liquid helium.¹⁰
hoi4 6641
75 9 hôi tái (=檯 hôi tái) table.
(See 檯 hôi; 台[hõi, tāi]; 台[hõi, tái]; 臺 hõi; 颱 hõi.)
hoi5 6642
75 18 hôi tái table.
台布[檯布] hôi-bü táibù tablecloth.⁸
台秤[檯秤] hôi-chêin
táichèng platform scale; platform balance.⁵
<台> 一张台[一張檯] yīt-jëng-hôi/ a table.
(See 台[hõi, tāi]; 台[hõi, tái]; 枱 hôi; 臺 hõi; 颱 hõi.)
hoi5 6643
187 16 hôi hài frighten; shock; astonish; amaze.⁶
惊骇[驚駭] gëin-hôi jīnghài <lit.> frightened; astounded; panic-stricken; appalled.⁶
骇怪[駭怪] hôi-gäi
hàiguài be shocked; be astonished.⁵
骇惧[駭懼] hôi-guì
hàijù be frightened; be terrified.⁶
骇诧无似[駭詫無似] hôi-jä-mũ-xû
or hôi-chä-mũ-xû hàichàwúsì be utterly amazed.⁵⁴
骇然[駭然] hôi-ngẽin
hàirán gasping with astonishment; struck dumb with amazement.⁵
骇人[駭人] hôi-ngĩn
hàirén terrifying; shocking; dreadful.¹⁰
骇人听闻[駭人聽聞] hôi-ngĩn-hëng-mũn
hàiréntīngwén shocking; appalling.⁵
骇愕[駭愕] hôi-ngōk
hài'è to be amazed; to be flabbergasted.⁷
骇怕[駭怕] hôi-pä
or 害怕 hòi-pä  hàipà scared; frightened.⁷
骇异[駭異] hôi-yì
hàiyì be shocked; be astonished.⁵
hoi5 6644
4 丿 3 hōk tuō <wr.> (<old> = 托 hōk tuō) to hold in the palm; to rely on.
(See 托 hōk).
hok1 6645
9 5 hōk tuō entrust to the care of, place (one's hope) on; rely on, depend on.⁸ alternative form of 侂 (hōk tuō, “to depend”).³⁶ to lean, to rely.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰亻乇; U+4EDB).
<又> chä; dòk.
(See 仛 chä; 仛 dòk).
hok1 6646
9 8 hōk tuō the original character for 仛 hōk tuō; entrust to the care of, place (one's hope) on; reply on, depend on; to commission, to entrust to, to depute; to request, to ask (somebody to do something).⁸ =讬[託] hōk tuō, q.v.¹⁴ <lit.> entrust.³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻㡯; U+4F82).
or 委讬[委託] vī-hōk wěituō to commission; to entrust to.¹⁴
(See 仛 hōk; 託 hōk).
hok1 6647
30 13 hōk severe and rigid.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口高; U+55C3).
嗃嗃 hōk-hōk hèhè a harsh voice; one says, the sound of rejoicing; also clamor.²⁴
hok1 6648
32 6 hōk tuō used in place names such as 黎圫 lãi- lítuō (in present-day 长沙[長沙] Chẽng-sä Chángshā, 湖南省 Vũ-nãm sāng Húnán shěng Hunan Province., and now is called 黎托 lãi-hōk lítuō).⁸
(composition: ⿰土乇; U+572B).
<又> äo; jün; yūk.
(See 圫 äo; 圫 jün; 圫 yūk).
hok1 6649
53 广 11 hōk tuǒ the length of one's two outstretched arms; span; arm spread; Tuo surname.⁸
hok1 6650
64 6 hōk tuō to trust; to entrust; to be entrusted with; to act as trustee.¹⁰ (variant: 託 hōk tuō).
托病 hōk-bèng
tuōbìng to plead sickness as an excuse.¹⁴
托付 hōk-fù
tuōfù to entrust to; to commit to the care of.¹⁴
托福考试[托福考試] Hōk-fūk-hāo-sï
Tuōfúkǎoshì TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language).⁷
托孤 hōk-gü
tuōgū to entrust with the care of an orphan.¹⁴
托物寓兴[托物寓興] hōk-mùt-nguì-hëin
or hōk-mòt-nguì-hëin tuōwùyùxìng to express feelings through something described or painted.¹
依托 yī-hōk
yītuō to trust; to depend on.⁷ to rely on.¹¹
<又> hök.
(See 托 hök; 託 hōk.)
hok1 6651
64 8 hōk tuò to expand; to hold something with the hand; some say, to push something with the hand; to develop; to open up; Tuo surname. (variant: =<old> 柝 hōk tuò.)
(composition: ⿰扌石; U+62D3).
割截横拓[割截橫拓] göt-dèik vãng-hōk
gējié héngtuò
sometimes restricting, sometimes expanding.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《論衡·對作·1》, translated by Albert Forke).
(Note: 割截 göt-dèik gējié cut off, to be intercepted from, restraint; 橫拓 vãng-hōk héngtuò rampage, walk sideways, let somebody have his own way, indulge, break rules of conduct.)
开拓[開拓] höi-hök
kāituò to break new ground (for agriculture); to open up (a new seam); to develop (border regions); fig. to open up (new horizons).
拓宽[拓寬] hōk-fön
tuòkuān to broaden.
拓荒 hōk-föng
tuòhuāng to open up land (for agriculture).
拓殖 hōk-jèik
tuòzhí to colonize; to open up new land.
拓展 hōk-jīn
tuòzhǎn to expand.
拓扑[拓撲] hōk-pōk
tuòpū <loan> topology.
落拓 lòk-hōk
luòtuò <wr.> frustrated. dejected, down and out, down on one's luck; unconventional, unrestrained by convention.⁶
<又> hāp; jēik.
(See 拓 hāp; 拓 jēik; 柝 hōk).
hok1 6652
64 17 𢷌
hōk tuò (=拓 hōk tuò to hold something with the hand.
(composition: ⿰扌槖; U+22DCC).
(See 拓 hōk in the sense of 'to hold something with the hand').
hok1 6653
64 19 𢸨
hōk tuò (erroneous character for 𢷌❄{⿰扌槖} hōk tuò to hold something with the hand).²
(composition: ⿰扌橐; U+22E28).
(See 𢷌❄{⿰扌槖} hōk).
hok1 6654
75 7 hōk tuō (composition: ⿰木乇; U+6754).
杔栌[杔櫨] hōk-lũ tuōlú a name for a tree.
<又> jàk.
(See 杔 jàk).
hok1 6655
75 9 hōk tuò watchman's clapper.³⁹ (<old>=拓 hōk tuò) to open up.⁸ watchman's knocker or plaque, sounded to mark hour of night.¹¹ watchman's rattle.¹⁴ the rattle, made of two pieces of wood, hung up in the doorway, and beat at night, for a signal.²⁴ (Note: Distinguish 析 xēik ).
(variants: 𣔳
❄{⿰木㡿} hōk; 𣝔❄{⿰木槖} hōk; 𣟄❄{⿰木橐} hōk).
(composition: ⿰木斥; U+67DD).
报关击柝[報關擊柝] bäo-gän-gēik-hōk
bàoguānjītuò <wr.> serve as gatekeeper and night watchman.¹¹
击柝[擊柝] gēik-hōk
jītuò (of night watchmen) beat the rattle and go the rounds.¹¹
金柝 gïm-hōk
jīntuò pan; night watchman's bell.⁵⁴ (=刁斗 ël-ēo diāodǒu) army cooking pot.⁸
柝梆传夜[柝梆傳夜] hōk-bōng-chũn-yèh
tuòbāngchuányè go round as a night watchman.¹⁹
柝击[柝擊] hōk-gēik
tuòjī beat the rattle during night patrol.¹⁹
柝境 hōk-gēin
tuòjìng to open up or develop territories.¹⁹
(See 拓 hōk; 𣔳❄{⿰木㡿} hōk; 𣝔❄{⿰木槖} hōk; 𣟄❄{⿰木橐} hōk).
hok1 6656
75 13 𣔳
hōk tuò (=柝 hōk tuò watchman's clapper.³⁹).²
(composition: ⿰木㡿; U+23533).
(See 柝 hōk).
hok1 6657
75 14 hōk tuó (=橐 hōk tuó) <wr.> a kind of bag; sound of footsteps.⁶ a hollow bag open on both ends.¹¹
豕槖 sī-hōk
shǐtuó (=豕苓 sī-lẽin shǐlíng or 猪苓[豬苓] jï-lẽin zhūlíng) lumpy bracket, umbrella polypore (Polyporus umbellatus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰ (polyporus).²³
(See 橐 hōk).
hok1 6658
75 16 hōk tuó <wr.> a kind of bag; sound of footsteps.⁶ a sack; a bag open at both ends.⁸ a hollow bag open on both ends.¹¹ (variant: 槖 hōk tuó).
(composition: ⿳⿻一中冖䂞; U+6A50).
椓之橐橐 dēk-jï-hōk-hōk
zhuózhītuótuó "t'o t'o" went on the pounding – of building earthen walls.¹⁴
橐笔[橐筆] hōk-bīt
tuóbǐ living on writing.⁷ formerly, poor scholar with a bag of books and a pen stuck in hair, symbolic of writing profession.¹¹
橐橐 hōk-hōk
tuótuó <ono.> click-clack; sound of footsteps.¹¹
橐驼[橐駝] hōk-hũ
or hōk-hõ tuótuó camel; hunchback.⁷
橐囊 hōk-nõng
tuónáng sacks or bags.⁷ (Note: 橐 hōk tuó a hollow bag open on both ends; 囊 nõng náng closed on one end).¹¹
橐笥 hōk-xü
tuósì bag; satchel.⁷
橐龠 hōk-yèk
tuóyuè a tube for blowing up the fire in a furnace.⁷
履声橐橐[履聲橐橐] lî-sëin-hōk-hōk
lǚshēngtuótuó the sound of footsteps.¹⁴
(See 槖 hōk).
hok1 6659
75 18 𣝔
hōk tuò (=柝 hōk tuò watchman's clapper.³⁹).²
(composition: ⿰木槖; U+23754).
(See 柝 hōk).
hok1 6660
75 20 𣟄
hōk tuò (=柝 hōk tuò watchman's clapper.³⁹); (=𣔳 hōk tuò watchman's clapper.); (=𣝔 hōk tuò watchman's clapper.).²
(composition: ⿰木橐; U+237C4).
(See 柝 hōk; 𣔳 hōk; 𣝔 hōk).
hok1 6661
79 10 㱿 kōk què (=慤 or 悫[愨] kōk què) <wr.> sincerity, honesty; cautious.⁸).⁸ to hit low from above; original form of 殼 (“hard outer covering; shell”);  a leather object for containing weapon; alternative form of 愨 (“cautious”).³⁶
(composition: ⿰⿱士𠔼殳; U+3C7F)
<又> hôk.
(See 㱿 [hôk, kè]; 㱿 [hôk, huò]; 慤 kōk; 愨 kōk).
hok1 6662
85 8 hōk tuō to let drop.⁸ʼ¹⁴ fall.¹⁹
(composition: ⿰氵石; U+6CB0).
滴沰 ēik-hōk dītuō to drip.¹⁴ (See <台> 滴沰 dîk-dâk).
<又> dâk; hāt; jàk.
(See 沰 dâk; 沰 hāt; 沰 jàk).
hok1 6663
112 8 hōk tuō (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 矺 jàk zhà.)
矺䑕 hōk-sī
tuōshǔ the name of a tree.²⁵
<又> jàk, dàp, jä, jēt.
(See 矺 jàk, dàp, jä, jēt.)
hok1 6664
130 14 𦞦
hōk bouillon; fragrance, aroma.⁸ meat soup, the gravy of meat; some say, it consists in having no vegetables; others that it refers to a peculiar composition of the soup, without allusion to vegetables.²⁵ soup or broth made from meat, without any vegetables; meat tea.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰⺼隺; U+267A6).
hok1 6665
149 10 hōk tuō to commission, to entrust to, to dispute; to request, to ask; interchangeable with 托 hōk tuō.¹⁴ (variant: 侂 hōk).
拜讬[拜託] bäi-hōk
bàituō to request -as a favor.¹⁴
讬大[託大] hōk-ài
tuōdà to have exaggerated idea of one's importance, to be overconfident.¹¹
讬庇[託庇] hōk-bï
tuōbì "many thanks", "much obliged", "it is kind of you".¹⁴
讬付[託付] hōk-fù
tuōfù to entrust to.¹⁴
讬福[託福] hōk-fūk
tuōfú thanks to the spreading of your good luck, I am (we are) very well.¹⁴
讬故[託故] hōk-gü
tuōgù to make excuses.¹⁴
讬孤[託孤] hōk-gü
tuōgū to entrust an orphan to the care of; to appoint a guardian.¹⁴
讬名[託名] hōk-mẽin
tuōmíng in the name of another; to infringe the name of another.¹⁴
讬梦[託夢] hōk-mùng
tuōmèng to appear in a dream.¹⁴
讬人情[託人情] hōk-ngĩn-tẽin
tuōrénqíng to engage the aid of another; to appeal to a man's feelings; to ask the good offices of another.¹⁴
讬言[託言] hōk-ngũn
tuōyán to make excuses.¹⁴
讬生[託生] hōk-säng
tuōshēng to be incarnate.¹⁴
委讬[委託] vī-hōk
wěituō to commission; to entrust to.¹⁴
(See 托 hōk; 侂 hōk).
hok1 6666
157 12 hōk tuò dissolute.⁹ careless, lax.¹⁴
跅弛 hōk-chĩ tuòchí <wr.> dissolute; dissipated.⁶ remiss.¹⁴
跅弛之士 hōk-chĩ-jï-xù
tuòchízhīshì careless and incompetent officers.¹⁴ a careless scholar.²⁵
跅落 hōk-lòk
tuòluò disorderly and careless.¹⁴ neglect the usual rules.²⁵
hok1 6667
194 14 hōk tuò (alternate pronunciation of 魄 pāk in 落魄 lòk-pāk luòpò, q.v.)
落魄 lòk-hōk
luòtuò dispirited; out of luck.⁷ spiritless; in reduced circumstances.¹⁴
cf. 落托 lòk-hök
luòtuō spiritless; disheartened; disconnected; things going badly.¹⁴
cf. 落拓 lòk-hōk
luòtuò <wr.> frustrated. dejected, down and out, down on one's luck; unconventional, unrestrained by convention.⁶
<又> bòk; pāk.
(See 魄 bòk; 魄 pāk.)
hok1 6668
195 14 hōk tuō In ancient times, refers to all 'big-mouth' fish.¹³ a hind of sea blubber that opens and shuts itself; a fish with yellow gills.²⁵ <old> a kind of fish with a big mouth.³⁶
(Note: 鳡[鱤] and 鰔 gām gǎn (same meaning, different reading).
(composition: ⿰魚乇; U+9B60).
土魠鱼[土魠魚] hū-hōk-nguî/
tǔ tuō yú = 马鲛鱼[馬鮫魚] mâ-gäo-nguî/ mǎjiāoyú Japanese Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus niphonius).¹⁰ (See 藍點馬鮫 lãm-ēm-mâ-gäo).
(See 鱤 gām; 鰔 gām).
hok1 6669
64 6 hök tuō to support from under.
托子 hök-dū tuōzi a tray support.¹¹
托起来[托起來] hök-hī-lõi
tuōqǐlái to lift up from under.¹¹
托塔天王 hök-hāp-hëin-võng
tuōtǎtiānwáng the god who supports a pagoda in his hand.¹⁴
托住 hök-jì
tuōzhù to prop up; to sustain; to support.
落托 lòk-hök
luòtuō spiritless; disheartened; disconnected; things going badly.¹⁴
<又> hōk.
(See 托 hōk.)
hok2 6670
140 19 hök tuò <wr.> fallen bark or leaves.⁵ fallen leaves and bark.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿱艹擇; U+8600). (comp. s: ⿱艹择; U+841A).
hok2 6671
184 11 hök tuō rice cake.⁸
馎饦[餺飥] bōk-hök bótuō <old> a kind of cooked wheaten food.⁶
hok2 6672
32 16 hòk xué stiff, hard clay or rocky strata.¹⁴ (of earth) stiff; firm.³⁶ stiff hard clay or rocky strata; boulders on hills.¹⁰²
(comp. t: ⿱𦥯土; U+58C6). (comp. s: ⿱龸土; U+5763).
(Note: 坣 is nonstandard simplified form of 壆).³⁶
(See 坣[hõng, táng]; 坣[hõng, tāng]).
<又> bōk; gōk.
(See 壆 bōk; 壆 gōk).
hok4 6673
39 16 hòk xué study, learn; imitate; learning, knowledge; school, college.⁵
(variant: 斈 hòk xué). (See 斈 hòk).
学习[學習] hòk-dìp
xuéxí to learn; to study.⁷
学费[學費] hòk-fï
xuéfèi tuition, school fees.¹¹
学富五车[學富五車] hòk-fü-m̄-chëh
xuéfùwǔchē be rich in knowledge; be well-read; be erudite.⁶
学究[學究] hòk-giü
xuéjiū a pedant.¹¹
学校[學校] hòk-hào
xuéxiào school.⁹
学徒[學徒] hòk-hũ
xuétú apprentice; trainee.⁵
学之弗能,弗措也[學之弗能,弗措也] <wr.> hòk-jï-fūt-nãng, fūt-tü-yâ
xuézhīfúnéng, fúcuòyě if you find something difficult to learn, do not give up.¹¹
学问[學問] hòk-mùn
xuéwen learning; knowledge.¹⁰
学派[學派] hòk-päi
or hòk-pāi xuépài school of thought.⁶
学生[學生] hòk-säng
xuésheng student, pupil; disciple.⁵
学术[學術] hòk-sùt
xuéshù learning; science; academic.¹⁰
学位[學位] hòk-vì
xuéwèi academic degree; degree.⁵
学会[學會] hòk-vòi
xuéhuì learn, master; learned society.⁵
学士[學士] hòk-xù
xuéshì scholar; bachelor.⁶
学员[學員] hòk-yõn
xuéyuán member of an institution of learning; (court.) student.¹¹
学院[學院] hòk-yòn
xuéyuàn college; educational institute; school; faculty.¹⁰
hok4 6674
66 20 𢽾
hòk xué <old> original form of 学[學] hòk xué to learn; to imitate.³⁶ clever, intelligent.¹⁴
t: ⿰學攴; U+6585). (comp. s: ⿰学攴; U+22F7E).
<又> hào.
(See 斅 hào; 學 hòk).
hok4 6675 22F7E.gif
67 7 hòk xué (=学[學] hòk xué study, learn; imitate; school, college; learning, knowledge.⁵); learning, knowledge; school.⁸
(composition: ⿱文子; U+6588).
(See 學 hòk).
hok4 6676
85 17 hòk xué a dried fountain; a stream dry in the winter; water issuing from the 渭 Vì Wèi Wei River; the noise of water.²⁴
t: ⿱𦥯水; U+6FA9). (comp. s: ⿱?水; U+6CF6).
(See 㶅 hòk.)
hok4 6677
85 19 hòk xué (=泶[澩] hòk xué) dried up mountain creeks, a tributary of Weishui (in ancient times), sound of the roaring waves and billows.⁵⁴ a well without water.²⁴
(See 澩 hòk.)
hok4 6678
94 9 hòk háo (<old>=貉 lōk a badger; a raccoon dog; a foxlike animal nocturnal in habit.⁷ raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides); aka mangut, tanuki; aka in Chinese 狸 lĩ lí.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(composition: ⿰犭各; U+72E2).
狟狢 vān-hòk
huánháo a sort of fox.²⁴
<又> lōk, màk. (See 狢 lōk, 狢 màk; 貉 lōk).
hok4 6679
124 16 hòk <wr.> (of bird's feather) white and glossy.⁶ the glistening plumage of birds; reflection of the sun upon water.¹⁴ the glistening white plumage of cranes and other birds, as they are seen flying; the reflection of the sunlight on water.¹⁰² (composition: ⿱羽高; U+7FEF).
白鸟翯翯[白鳥翯翯] bàk-nêl-hòk-hòk bái niǎo hè hè the bright sheen of the white (egrets, or other birds).¹⁰²
翯翯 hòk-hòk
hèhè <wr.> glossy white and smooth.⁰
Võng-dòi-lẽin-yiù, yiü-lùk-yiũ-fùk, yiü-lùk-jòk-jòk, bàk-nêl-hòk-hòk.  Võng-dòi-lẽin-jēl, yï-yìn-nguĩ-yèk
Wáng zài líng yòu, yōu lù yōu fú, yōu lù zhuózhuó, bái niǎo hè hè.   Wáng zài líng zhǎo, yú rèn yú yuè.
The king was in the marvellous park,
Where the does were lying down, -
The does, so sleek and fat;
With the white birds glistening.
The king was by the marvellous pond; -
How full was it of fishes leaping about!⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·文王之什·靈臺·2》, translated by James Legge).
hok4 6680
134 13 𦥯
hòk xué to learn; used as a component in several characters.
(composition t: ⿱⿴𦥑爻冖; U+2696F). As a component in characters such as 學 嚳 嶨 澩 覺 鱟 黌.
s: ⿱⿲丶丶丿 冖; U+ 300EE). As a component in characters such as 学 喾 峃 泶 觉 鲎 黉.
hok4 6681 300EE.gif
U+ 300EE
149 17 hòk extremely nasty, bad, dishonest, vicious.⁰
(composition: ⿰言高; U+8B1E).
謞謞 hòk-hòk hèhè (=幸灾乐祸[幸災樂禍] hàng-döi-lòk-vò xìngzāilèhuò schadenfreude, to gloat at another's misfortune.⁶ʼ⁰ and 助纣为虐[助紂為虐] jò-jào-vĩ-ngèk zhùzhòuwéinüè aid an evildoer to do evil.⁸ give support to a tyrant.¹¹).⁸ʼ¹³ʼ¹⁰¹
hok4 6682
153 13 hòk háo a badger; a raccoon dog; a foxlike animal nocturnal in habit.⁷ raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides); aka mangut, tanuki; aka in Chinese 狸 lĩ lí.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
貉子 hòk-dū
or lōk-dū háozi raccoon dog; coonhound.⁶ a young badger.⁷
貉子皮 hòk-dū-pĩ
or lōk-dū-pĩ háozipí raccoon-dog fur.⁵⁴
貉绒[貉絨] hòk-ngũng
or lōk-ngũng háoróng raccoon dog fur.⁵ fine raccoon fur.⁶ badger skin or fur.⁷
<又> lōk, màk. (See 貉 lōk, 貉 màk.)
hok4 6683
196 21 hòk 鹤山[鶴山] hòk-sän hèshān a county in Guangdong.
<又> hôk.
(See 鶴 hôk.)
hok4 6684
196 24 hòk xué various species of finch (old).¹⁰ a small dove 小鸠[小鳩] xēl-gëo xiǎojiū.²ʼ²⁵ oriental bullfinch (Eurasian bullfinch subspecies); weaver bird.³⁶
t: ⿱𦥯鳥 or ⿱⿶⿱𦥑冖爻鳥; U+9DFD).
s: ⿳⿲丶丶丿冖鸟; U+9E34)
欧亚鸴[歐亞鷽] ëo-ä-hòk
ōuyàxué Eurasian bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鸴鸠[鷽鳩] hòk-gëo
xuéjiū (Classical Chinese) kind of pigeon; (Classical Chinese) turtledove; (Classical Chinese, figuratively) base person.³⁶ a small species of pigeon.¹⁰²
鸴鸠笑鹏[鷽鳩笑鵬] hòk-gëo-xël-pãng
xuéjiūxiàopéng lit. the pigeon laughing at the roc — ignorance of one's own limitations.³⁶
<又> āk.
(See 鷽 āk).
hok4 6685
30 7 hôk sound angrily; roaring with rage; (same as 嘛 mã ma) (a dialect) what; the tone implying to remind.⁸ to call in anger; the tone of indignation.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口毛; U+3570).
<又> hôk;  hôk; mã.
(See  㕰 [hôk, ];  㕰 [hôk, xuè]; 㕰 mã; 嘛 mã).
hok5 6686
30 7 hôk xuè (alternate Mandarin pronunciation for 㕰 hôk with the same meaning: sound angrily; roaring with rage; (same as 嘛 mã ma) (a dialect) what; the tone implying to remind.⁸ to call in anger; the tone of indignation.²⁴).
(composition: ⿰口毛; U+3570).
<又> hôk;  hôk; mã.
(See  㕰 [hôk, ];  㕰 [hôk, xuè]; 㕰 mã; 嘛 mã).
hok5 6687
30 13 hôk (alternate Mandarin pronunciation of 嗀 hôk huò with the same meaning: the noise of vomiting, to vomit.²⁴).
(composition: ⿰⿳士冖⿱一口殳; U+FA0D
or U+55C0).
(See 嗀 [hôk, huò]).
hok5 6688
30 13 hôk huò (=呕吐[嘔吐] ēo-hü ǒutù to vomit.¹⁰).⁸ the noise of vomiting; to vomit.²⁴ to vomit, to throw up.³⁶
(composition: ⿰⿳士冖⿱一口殳; U+FA0D
or U+55C0).
若见之,君将嗀之.[若見之,君將嗀之.] ngèk-gëin-jï, gün-dëng-hôk-jï.
ruò jiàn zhī, jūn jiāng huò zhī. if you see them (sores), you will vomit.⁵⁴
(See 嗀 [hôk, ]).
hok5 6689
30 13 𠹢
hôk huò the noise made in vomiting.²⁴
(composition: ⿱⿰吉殳口; U+20E62).
<又> hūk. (See 𠹢❄{⿱⿰吉殳口} hūk).
hok5 6690
75 11 𣒆
hôk qiào a common bitter medicine, called 枳𣒆❄{⿰木壳} jī-hôk zhǐqiào, which are probably the dried skins of a spiny kind of Citrus, likened to the pumelo but smaller.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰木壳; U+23486).
❄{⿰木壳} jī-hôk zhǐqiào a medicine; 𣒆❄{⿰木壳} is written as 㱿 for prescriptions; but written as 𣒆❄{⿰木壳} demotically.² Same as 枳壳[枳殼] jī-hôk zhǐqiào <TCM> the fruit of citron or trifoliate orange.⁵ the large ripe fruit of a variety of orange which is used in herbal medicine.⁷
(See 𣒆❄{⿰木壳}[hôk, què]).
hok5 6691
75 11 𣒆
hôk què (alternate Mandarin pronunciation of 𣒆❄{⿰木壳} hôk qiào with the same meaning: a common bitter medicine, called 枳𣒆❄{⿰木壳} jī-hôk zhǐqiào, which are probably the dried skins of a spiny kind of Citrus, likened to the pumelo but smaller.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰木壳; U+23486).
(See 𣒆❄{⿰木壳}[hôk, qiào]).
hok5 6692
79 10 㱿 hôk huò (=嗀 hôk huò or the noise of vomiting; to vomit.²⁴); to vomit; to throw up.⁸ vomiting.²⁴ to vomit, to throw up.³⁶
(composition: ⿰⿱士𠔼殳; U+3C7F)
<又> kōk.
(See 㱿 [hôk, kè]; 㱿 kōk; 嗀 [hôk, huò]).
hok5 6693
79 10 㱿 hôk (=壳[殼] hôk shell; housing, casing, case.⁵); the husk, skin or shell of fruits; the shell of snakes, insects, etc., the shells of mollusca, a bag or case made of leather for weapons.⁸ to strike anything from above; one says, formerly, an empty skin, a hollow tree, a shell, an egg shell.²⁴
(composition: ⿰⿱士𠔼殳; U+3C7F).
云母㱿[雲母㱿] vũn-mû-hôk
yúnmǔkè mother-of-pearl.²⁴
<又> kōk.
(See 㱿 kōk; 㱿 [hôk, huò]; 殼 hôk).
hok5 6694
79 11 hôk (=壳[殼] hôk shell; housing, casing, case.⁵ shell; housing, case.⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿰壳殳; U+6BBB).
贝殻[貝殻] böi-hôk
bèiké or bèiqiào shell.⁵⁴
脑殻[腦殻] nāo-hôk
nǎoké or nǎoqiào brain/skull shell.⁵⁴
鸡蛋殻儿[雞蛋殻兒] gäi-àn-hôk-ngĩ
jīdàn kér or jīdàn qiào'er egg shell.⁵⁴
子弹殻儿[子彈殻兒] dū-àn-hôk-ngĩ
zǐdàn kér or zǐdàn qiào'er bullet shell.⁵⁴
(See 殼 [hôk, qiào].)
hok5 6695
79 11 hôk qiào (=壳[殼] hôk qiào shell; hard surface.⁵ shell; hard surface/covering.⁶ casing, shell, husk, hull, skin.⁸).⁸
(composition: ⿰壳殳; U+6BBB).
金蝉脱殻[金蝉脫殻] gïm-sẽm-höt-hôk
jīn chán tuō qiào the golden cicada (Cryptotympana atrata) moulting and leaving its exuviae behind.⁸ʼ¹⁵ʼ¹⁹
(See 殼 [hôk, ].)
hok5 6696
79 12 hôk shell; housing, casing, case.⁵ shell; housing, case.⁶
(comp. t: ⿰壳殳; U+6BBC). (comp. s: ⿱士冗; U+58F3).
弹壳[彈殼] àn-hôk
dànké an empty cartridge case.⁷
表壳[錶殼] bël-hôk
biǎoké watch case.⁶
贝壳[貝殼] böi-hôk
bèiké shell; conch.⁶
子弹壳[子彈殼] dū-àn-hôk
zǐdànké a bullet shell; spent cartridge.⁶
鸡蛋壳[雞蛋殼] gäi-àn-hôk
jīdànké egg shell.⁶
壳子[殼子] hôk-dū
kézi a shelll; a hard covering (of an animal, or of an egg, fruit, nut or seed); the outer surface (as opposed to the contents or substance).⁷
脑壳[腦殼] nāo-hôk
nǎoké skull; <topo.> head.⁵
蚌壳[蚌殼] pông-hôk
bàngké clamshell.⁶ mother-of-pearl.¹¹
护壳[護殼] vù-hôk
hùké protective case.⁶
(See 殼 [hôk, qiào].)
hok5 6697
79 12 hôk qiào shell; hard surface.⁵ shell; hard surface/covering.⁶ casing, shell, husk, hull, skin.⁸
(comp. t: ⿰壳殳; U+6BBC). (comp. s: ⿱士冗; U+58F3).
地壳[地殼] ì-hôk
dìqiào earth's crust.
甲壳[甲殼] gâp-hôk
jiǎqiào shell (of crustaceans).
金蝉脱壳[金蟬脫殼] gïm-chên-höt-hôk
jīnchántuōqiào lit. the cicada sheds its carapace (idiom); fig. to vanish leaving an empty shell; a crafty escape plan.
壳斗[殼斗] hôk-ēo
qiàodǒu <bot.> acorn-cup; cupule.⁶
壳果[殼果] hôk-gō
qiàoguǒ <bot.> a nut.⁷
壳质[殼質] hôk-jīt
qiàozhì <bio.> chitin.⁶
壳物[殼物] hôk-mòt
or hôk-mùt qiàowù shellfish in general.7
壳菜[殼菜] hôk-töi
qiàocài mussel.⁵
(See 殼 [hôk, ].)
hok5 6698
86 14 hôk heat of fires.¹⁴ ragging flames; to toast, to simmer.⁵⁴ heat.²⁴
( composition: ⿰火高; U+7187).
熇熇 hôk-hôk hèhè intensely hot.¹⁴ great heat.²⁴ the appearance of a strong fire.⁵⁴
熇赫 hôk-hāk
hèhè (=炽盛[熾盛] chï-sèin chìshèng flaming, ablaze; flourishing.⁵ numerous.¹⁴).⁵⁴
熇焚 hôk-fũn
hèfén (=枯焦 kü-dël kūjiāo dried-up; withered; shrivelled; scorched.⁶).⁵⁴
熇蒸 hôk-jëin
hèzhēng lit. hot air rising - extremely hot (weather).¹⁹
熇燥 hôk-täo
hèzǎo (=干燥[乾燥] gön-täo gānzào arid, dry; dull, insipid, dry, boring.⁶ (weather) dry.¹¹).⁵⁴
多将熇熇[多將熇熇] ü-dëng-hôk-hôk
duōjiānghèhè will multiply like flames – said of difficulties, troubles.¹⁴
Ü-dëng-hôk-hôk, būt-hō-giü-yêk.
Duō jiāng hè hè, bù kě jiù yào.
But the troubles will multiply like flames,
Till they are beyond help or remedy.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·生民之什·板》, translated by James Legge).
<又> häo; hùk; käo; hēl.
(See 熇 häo; 熇 hùk; 熇 käo; 熇 hēl).
hok5 6699
86 14 hôk xuè
(alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 㷤 hùk with the same meaning: the sun rising with a red color; red; the noise of fire.²⁴ rosy clouds of dawn; rosy dawn, sounds of the fire.⁸ʼ⁵⁴).
(composition: ⿰⿳士冖⿱一火殳; U+3DE4).
<又> hùk.
(See 㷤 hùk).
hok5 6700
118 22 hôk tuò sheaths of a bamboo shoot.⁶ a bamboo shoot's shell.⁹
箨粉[籜粉] hôk-fūn tuòfěn the powder on the skin of bamboo shoots.¹⁹
箨冠[籜冠] hôk-gön
tuòguān a hat made from the skin of bamboo shoots.¹⁹
箨龙[籜龍] hôk-lũng
tuòlóng another name for bamboo shoots.¹⁹
箨笋[籜筍] hôk-xūn
tuòsǔn (=竹笋[竹筍] jūk-xūn zhúsǔn) bamboo shoots.¹⁹
笋箨[筍籜] xūn-hôk
sǔntuò (=笋皮[筍皮] xūn-pĩ sǔnpí) scale-like outer skin of a bamboo shoot.¹⁹
hok5 6701
196 21 hôk crane.⁶
鹤板[鶴板] hôk-bān hèbǎn <trad.> imperial edict calling on the capable to volunteer for government service.⁷
鹤尊[鶴尊] hôk-dün
hèzūn a kind of wine container.⁷
鹤顶红[鶴頂紅] hôk-ēng-hũng
hèdǐnghóng a fleshy knob on the head of a crane (said to be poisonous).⁷
鹤发鸡皮[鶴髮雞皮] hôk-fāt-gäi-pĩ
hèfàjīpí white hair and wrinkled skin – aged.³⁹
鹤发童颜[鶴髮童顏] hôk-fāt-hũng-ngãn
hèfàtóngyán white hair and ruddy complexion – healthy in old age.⁶
鹤警[鶴警] hôk-gēin
hèjǐng a warning of danger; alarm.⁷
鹤金梅[鶴金梅] hôk-gïm-mõi
hèjīnméi <bot.> silverweed.⁷
鹤宫[鶴宮] hôk-güng
hègōng palace of the crown prince.⁷
鹤禁[鶴禁] hôk-kïm
hèjìn palace of the crown prince.⁷
鹤林[鶴林] hôk-lĩm
hèlín Buddhist/Daoist temples.⁷
鹤立鸡群[鶴立雞群] hôk-lìp-gäi-kũn
hèlìjīqún (of a person) be like a crane standing among chickens; stand head and shoulders above others; be a giant among dwarfs.⁶
鹤唳[鶴唳] hôk-luì
hèlì the cry of a crane.⁸
鹤年[鶴年] hôk-nẽin
hènián <wr.> long life.⁷
鹤寿[鶴壽] hôk-siù
hèshòu <wr.> longevity.⁷
鹤算[鶴算] hôk-xön
hèsuàn <wr.> longevity.⁷
<又> hòk.
(See 鶴 hòk.)
hok5 6702
196 21 hôk little birds just ready to come out of their shells.²ʼ²⁵
(composition: ⿰⿳士冖⿱一鳥殳; U+9DC7).
<又> këo. (See 鷇 këo).
hok5 6703
4 丿 2 𠂆 hōn hǎn (=厂 hōn hǎn) cliff; habitable cave on a cliff.³⁶
(composition: ⿱丿丿; U+20086).
<又> yäi.
(See 𠂆 yäi; 厂 hōn).
hon1 6704
9 8 hōn kǎn straightforward, frank, bold, open; amiable, pleasant; with confidence and composure.⁷ faithful, plain, rigid, upright; agreeable.²⁴ (old variant: 𠈉❄{⿰亻⿱口巛} hōn)
(composition: ⿰亻⿱口⿲丿丨乚; U+4F83).
暴侃 bào-hōn
bàokǎn <slang> brag; talk nonsense; lie.⁵⁴
侃大山 hōn-ài-sän
kǎndàshān or 砍大山 hām-ài-sän kǎndàshān <topo.> to chat/chatter idly; to gossip.⁶
侃价[侃價] hōn-gä
kǎnjià or 砍价[砍價] hām-gä kǎnjià bargain down; beat/knock down prices.⁶
侃侃 hōn-hōn
kǎnkǎn <wr.> confident and composed; gleeful, joyous, jocund, light-hearted, merry, mirthful.⁶
侃侃而谈[侃侃而談] hōn-hōn-ngĩ-hãm
kǎnkǎn'értán speak with fervor and assurance.⁵ to talk with ease and fluency.⁶ to talk with confidence and composure.⁷
侃侃如也 hōn-hōn-nguĩ-yâ
kǎnkǎnrúyě be blithe/cheerful.⁶ straightforward.¹⁴
侃直 hōn-jèik
kǎnzhí resolute and honest.⁵⁴
侃儿[侃兒] hōn-ngĩ
kǎnr or 坎儿[坎兒] häm-ngĩ kǎnr insinuating language, professional jargon, trade code; critical/important juncture; reverse, setback.⁶
侃爷[侃爷] hōn-yẽh
kǎnyé <northern topo.> big talker; windbag; loud-mouthed braggart.⁶
(See 偘 hōn; 𠈉❄{⿰亻⿱口巛} hōn.)
hon1 6705
9 8 𠈉
hōn kǎn (<old>=侃 hōn kǎn straightforward, frank, bold, open; amiable, pleasant; with confidence and composure.⁷ faithful, plain, rigid, upright; agreeable.²⁴).²
(composition: ⿰亻⿱口巛; U+20209).
(See 侃 hōn).
hon1 6706
9 11 hōn kǎn ancient family name; (old variant of 侃 hōn kǎn) upright and outspoken; amiable; cheerful;  to chat idly; to boast; to talk smoothly.
(See 侃 hōn.)
hon1 6707
18 5 hōn kān (=刊 hōn or hān kān) to hew, to cut.⁷
or 刊槎 hōn-chã or hān-chã kānchá to hew wood.²⁴
<又> hān.
(See 刋 hān; 刊 hān.)
hon1 6708
18 5 hōn kān to hew, to cut; to engrave; a publication; to publish.⁷ (variant: 栞 hōn or hān kān.)
报刊[報刊] bäo-hōn
or bäo-hān bàokān newspapers and periodicals; the press.¹⁰
刊登 hōn-äng
or hān-äng kāndēng to carry a story; to publish (in a newspaper or magazine).¹⁰
刊本 hōn-bōn
or hān-bōn kānběn block-printed edition.⁸
or 刋槎 hōn-chã or hān-chã kānchá to hew wood.²⁴
刊载[刊載] hōn-döi
or hān-döi kānzǎi be duly recorded; publish, esp. in newspaper, magazine.¹¹
刊误表[刊誤表] hōn-m̂-bēl
or hān-m̂-bēl kānwùbiǎo corrigenda.¹⁰
刊谬补缺[刊謬補缺] hōn-mào-bū-kūt
or hān-mào-bū-kūt kānmiùbǔquē errata and supplements.⁵⁴
刊物 hōn-mòt
or hān-mòt kānwù publication.¹⁰
刊印 hōn-yïn
or hān-yïn kānyìn to set in print; to diffuse; to publish.¹⁰
侨刊[僑刊] kẽl-hōn
qiáokān a magazine targeting the four county diaspora from Guangdong Province.
月刊 ngùt-hōn
or ngùt-hān yuèkān monthly magazine; monthly.⁵
<又> hān.
(See 刊 hān.)
hon1 6709
27 2 hōn hǎn cliff; habitable cave on a cliff.³⁶ (variant: 𠂆 hōn hǎn).
(composition: ⿱一丿; U+5382 "CJK Unified ideograph"
or U+2F1A "Kangxi Radical Cliff", two codepoints for same glyph).
(Note: Distinguish the glyph "厂" (U+2F1A
or U+5382) from "𠂆" (U+20086).  "厂" has the sounds chōng chǎng and hōn hǎn whereas "𠂆" has the sounds hōn hǎn and yäi yì, making hōn hǎn common sounds for "厂" and "𠂆"; for further details, see each of the four entries: 厂 chōng chǎng; 厂 hōn hǎn; 𠂆 hōn hǎn; 𠂆 yäi .)
<又> chōng.
(See 厂 chōng; 𠂆 hōn).
hon1 6710
75 10 hōn kān (=刊 hōn or hān kān) to hew, to cut; to engrave; a publication; to publish.⁷ to mark the trees in a forest, in order to know the road; to notch wood, as a memorandum.²⁴
<又> hān.
(See 栞 hān; 刋 hān; 刊 hān.)
hon1 6711
122 7 hōn hǎn rarely; seldom.
(composition: ⿱㓁干; U+7F55).
稀罕 or 希罕 hï-hōn xīhan rare; uncommon; rarity; to value as a rarity; to cherish.¹⁰
罕见[罕見] hōn-gëin
hǎnjiàn rare; rarely seen.
罕觏[罕覯] hōn-këo
hǎngòu or 罕见[罕見] hōn-gëin hǎnjiàn rarely seen.⁵  rarely found; rare.⁷
罕闻[罕聞] hōn-mũn
hǎnwén seldom heard of.
罕譬而喻 hōn-pï-ngĩ-yì
hǎnpì'éryù <wr.> to make a striking yet easily understood analogy.
罕事 hōn-xù
hǎnshì rare event.
人迹罕至[人跡罕至] ngĩn-dēik-hōn-jï
rénjìhǎnzhì unfrequented.
hon1 6712
9 13 hön hàn Han surname.⁸
(composition: ⿰亻𦰩; U+50BC).
hon2 6713
30 15 hön tān pant; grand.⁸ to snort; numerous.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿰口單; U+563D).  (comp. s: ⿰口单; U+5574).
啴啴[嘽嘽] hön-hön
tāntān panting/gasping appearance; happy appearance; numerous and mighty appearance.⁸
徒御啴啴[徒御嘽嘽] hũ-nguì-hön-hön
túyùtāntān numerous were his war chariots and footmen.¹⁴
王旅啴啴[王旅嘽嘽] võng-luî-hön-hön
wánglǚtāntān numerous were the royal legions.¹⁴
Xï-mêo-fï-fï, hön-hön-lōk-mâ.
Sì mǔ fēi fēi, tān tān luò mǎ.
My four steeds advanced without stopping;
They panted and snorted, the white steeds black-maned.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·鹿鳴之什·四牡》, translated by James Legge).
Yũng-guï-hön-hön, hön-hön-hün-hün, nguĩ-hẽin-nguĩ-luĩ.
Róng chē tān tān, tān tān tūn tūn, rú tíng rú léi.
Numerous were his war chariots,
Numerous and in grand array,
Like the clap or the roll of thunder their onset.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·鹿鳴之什·四牡》, translated by James Legge).
<又> chên; chẽn; hõ; ön. (See 嘽 chên; 嘽 chẽn; 嘽 hõ; 嘽 ön).
hon2 6714
69 18 hön duàn <台> 拗断[拗斷] āo-hön to break by bending.
<又> òn. (See 斷 òn.)
hon2 6715
72 7 hön hàn dry spell, drought; dryland; on land.⁵
天旱 hëin-hön or hëin-hôn tiānhàn drought.¹⁰
旱稻 hön-ào
or hôn-ào hàndào upland rice; dry rice.⁵
旱獭[旱獺] hön-chât/
or hôn-chât/ hàntǎ marmot.⁵
旱井 hön-dēng
or hôn-dēng hànjǐng water-retention well; dry well (used to store vegetables in wnter).⁶
旱灾[旱災] hön-döi
or hôn-döi hànzāi drought.⁵
旱季 hön-gï
or hôn-gï hànjì dry season.⁵
旱金莲[旱金蓮] hön-gïm-lẽin
or hôn-gïm-lẽin hànjīnlián nasturtium.⁵
旱地 hön-ì
or hôn-ì hàndì (=旱田 hön-hẽin or hôn-hẽin hàntián) dry land; non-irrigated farmland.⁶
旱桥[旱橋] hön-kẽl
or hôn-kẽl hànqiáo viaduct; overpass.⁵
旱涝保收[旱澇保收] hön-lâo-bāo-siü
hônlàobǎoshōu to ensure stable yields despite drought or excessive rain.⁸
旱柳 hön-liû
or hôn-liû hànliǔ dryland willow.⁶
旱路 hön-lù
or hôn-lù hànlù overland route.⁵
旱生植物 hön-säng-jèik-mùt
or hôn-säng-jèik-mòt  hànshēng zhíwù <bot.> xerophyte.⁵
旱生动物[旱生動物] hön-säng-ùng-mùt
hànshēng dòngwù xerophilous animal.⁵
旱伞[旱傘] hön-xän
or hôn-xän hànsǎn <topo.> parasol.⁵
<又> hôn.
(See 旱 hôn.)
hon2 6716
85 14 hön hàn the Han Dynasty (206 B.C. - A.D. 220); the Han nationality; Chinese language; man.⁵ (variant: 𦰩❄{⿱艹⿻口夫} hön hàn).
大汉[大漢] ài-hön
dàhàn hefty or towering man.⁶
好汉[好漢] hāo-hön
hǎohàn brave man; true man; hero.⁵
汉白玉[漢白玉] hön-bàk-ngùk
hànbáiyù white marble.⁵
汉堡[漢堡] hön-bāo
hànbǎo <loan> Hamburger.⁵
汉字[漢字] hön-dù
Hànzì Chinese character.⁵
汉族[漢族] Hön-dùk
Hànzú the Han nationality; China's main natinality, distributed all over the country.⁵
汉奸[漢奸] Hön-gän
Hànjiān traitor (to China).⁵
汉人[漢人] Hön-ngĩn
Hànrén the Hans; the Han people.⁵
汉语[漢語] Hön-nguî
Hànyǔ Chinese (language).⁵
汉语大字典[漢語大字典] Hön-nguî Ài Dù-ēin
Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn Hanyu Da Zidian, one of the most comprehensive Chinese character dictionaries with 54,678 (and later 60,370) entries, first published between 1986-1990.¹⁰
老汉[老漢] lāo-hön
lǎohàn old man; an old fellow like me.⁵
霄汉[霄漢] xël-hön
xiāohàn <wr.> the sky; the firmament.⁵ the Milky Way.¹⁴
(See 𦰩❄{⿱艹⿻口夫} hön).
hon2 6717
87 10 hön kàn (=看 hön kàn) to see; to look at.
(composition: ⿰; U+3E14).
(See 看 hön).
hon2 6718
109 9 hön kàn to see; look at; read; watch; visit; call on; consider;  regard as; look after; treat (an illness); depend on; feel (that); (after verb) give it a try; Watch out! (for a danger).¹⁰
(variant: 㸔 hön). (See 看 [hön, kān]; 㸔 hön).
看病 hön-bèng
kànbìng to visit a doctor; to see a patient.¹⁰
看不惯[看不慣] hön-būt-gän
kànbuguàn (of sights) unpleasant, revolting, ugly.¹¹
看穿 hön-chün
kànchuān to see through (a trick).⁷
看做 hön-dü
kànzuò to look upon as; to regard as.⁹
看法 hön-fāt
kànfǎ an opinion; a viewpoint.⁷
看风使舵[看風使舵] hön-füng-sōi-hõ
kànfēngshǐduò to adapt oneself to circumstances; to trim one's sails.⁷
看见[看見] hön-gëin
kànjian to see; to catch sight of.¹⁰
看透 hön-hëo
kàntòu to see through (trick, conspiracy); to be resigned to what is inevitable.⁷
看看 hön-hön
kànkàn take a look at; examine and survey; visit or call on; see the sights; thumb through (a book).⁷
看朱成碧 hön-jï-sẽin-bēik
kànzhūchéngbì lit. to take red for green – dim-sighted; dazzled.⁷
看望 hön-mòng
kànwàng to visit or call on.⁷
看破 hön-pö
kànpò to see through something; to be resigned to what is inevitable.⁷
看一看 hön-yīt-hön
kànyīkàn to take/have a look.⁷

hon2 6719
109 9 hön kān to look after; take care of; watch; guard.¹⁰
看押 hön-ät kānyā to detain (for questioning, awaiting trial); to put under guard or custody.⁷
看家 hön-gä
kānjiā to stay at home and look after the house; a house guard; (money) saved for a rainy day.⁷
看家本领[看家本領] hön-gä-bōn-lêin
kānjiā běnlǐng one's specialty or special skill.⁷
看更 hön-gäng
kāngēng to beat the night watch; a night watchman.⁷
看管 hön-gōn
kānguǎn to take into custody. to guard, to safeguard; custodian.⁷
看门[看門] hön-mõn
kānmén a doorkeeper, a gatekeeper, a watchman; to watch or guard the door.⁷
看牛 hön-ngẽo
kānniú a cowherd; to herd or take care of cattle.⁷
看守 hön-siū
kānshǒu to watch or guard; to detain.⁷
看财奴[看財奴] hön-tõi-nũ
kāncáinú a miser.⁷
看护[看護] hön-vù
kānhù to nurse, to take care; a nurse (in hospital).⁷
(See 看 [hön, kàn].)
hon2 6720
140 10 𦰩

hön hàn (=汉[漢] hön hàn the Han Dynasty (206 B.C. - A.D. 220); the Han nationality; Chinese language; man.⁵).³⁶
(composition: ⿱艹⿻口夫; U+26C29).
<又> gīn.
(See 𦰩 gīn; 漢 hön).
hon2 6721 26C29.jpg
144 9 hön kàn to give pleasure; pleased, happy.⁸ happily; stable; outspoken and upright.¹⁰ contentedly, happily.¹¹ tp be pleased; to give pleasure.¹⁴ to go joyfully.²⁵
(composition: ⿲彳干亍; U+884E).
Gün-dū yiû diū, gä-bïn sēik yën yî hön.
Jūnzǐ yǒu jiǔ, jiābīn shì yàn yǐ kàn.
The host has spirits,
On which his admirable guests feast with him, delighted.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·白華之什·南有嘉魚》, translated by James Legge).
衎宾[衎賓] hön-bïn
kànbīn to entertain guests.¹⁹
衎定 hön-èin
kàndìng settled; at ease.²⁵
衎謇 hön-gēin
kànjiǎn to be upright and outspoken.¹⁹ sincere and fair.⁵⁴
衎乐[衎樂] hön-lòk
kànlè peace and happiness.¹⁹ pleased.²⁵
衎然而作 hön-ngẽin-ngĩ-dōk
kànrán'érzuò he arose joyfully.¹⁴
衎我烈祖 hön-ngô-lèik-dū
kànwǒlièzǔ to please our honored ancestors.¹⁴
hon2 6722
169 11 hön hàn <wr.> entrance gate to a block of houses (=里门[里門] lî-mõn lǐmén village gate.⁷); <wr.> walls.¹¹ a gate, the gate of a village; a hamlet; a dwelling-place; a mud wall; to shut; a surname.²⁵
t: ⿵門干; U+9588). (comp. s: ⿵门干; U+95EC).
阘闬[闒閈] hāp-hön
tàhàn a village.²⁵
闬闳[閈閎] hön-fãng
hànhóng to exalt one's gate.²⁵
同闬[同閈] hũng-hön
tónghàn of the same village.²⁵
hon2 6723
9 7 hõn hān (<old>=酣 hõn hān) (drink) to one's heart's content; happy, hearty, deep.⁶
(composition: ⿰亻甘; U+4F44).
<又> gäm; hām.
(See 佄 gäm; 佄 hām).
hon3 6724
18 13 hõn tuán cut; cut off.⁸ slash.¹⁰ to cut up; to mutilate.²⁴
(composition: ⿰專刂; U+5278).
剸犀 hõn-xäi tuánxī or 剸犀革 hõn-xäi-gāk tuánxīgé lit. cut the skin of a rhinoceros; fig. outstanding talent.¹⁹
Kĩ-yẽin-duì, dāk-tïm-hõn, yèik-gäo-yï-èin-ngĩn.
Qí xíng zuì, zé xiān tuán, yì gào yú diān rén.
If the punishment for his offence were corporal infliction or dismemberment, it was also handed over to the same department (foresters' department).⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·文王世子》, translated by James Legge).
<又> jön; jōn.
(See 剸 jön; 剸 jōn).
hon3 6725
31 14 hõn tuán round; lump; ball; to roll into a ball; to gather; regiment; group; society.¹⁰
团聚[團聚] hõn-duì tuánjù to reunite; to have a reunion.¹⁰
团结[團結] hõn-gēik tuánjié a rally; to hold a rally; to join forces.¹⁰ to unite, especially in spirit.¹¹
团体[團體] hõn-hāi tuántǐ group; organization; team.¹⁰
团契[團契] hõn-käi tuánqì Christian association; fellowship.¹⁰
团堕[團墮] hõn-ò
tuánduò the begging dish of a Buddhist priest.²⁴
团脐[團臍] hõn-tî tuánqí roundish shell of female crab.¹¹
团员[團員] hõn-yõn tuányuán member; group member.¹⁰
团圆[團圓] hõn-yõn
tuányuán to have a reunion.¹⁰
一团和气[一團和氣] yīt-hõn-võ-hï yītuánhéqì to maintain harmony all around; to have unprincipled peace.⁸
hon3 6726
32 14 hõn tuán (<old>=抟[摶] hõn tuán to roll up in a ball (also written 团[團] hõn tuán).¹  to knead; to turn something round.¹¹ roll around with hand; model.³⁶).⁸  round, in a lump.²⁴
(composition: ⿰土; U+587C).
<又> jön.
(See 塼 jön; 摶 hõn).
hon3 6727
40 12 hõn hán cold; tremble (with fear); poor, needy; humble.⁵
寒风[寒風] hõn-füng hánfēng cold wind.⁵
寒风凛冽[寒風凜冽] hõn-füng-lîm-lèik
hánfēnglǐnliè the wind is piercingly/bitterly cold.⁶
寒风侵肌[寒風侵肌] hõn-füng-tïm-gï
hánfēngqīnjī a wind which chills to the bone.³⁹
寒风刺骨[寒風刺骨] hõn-füng-xü-gūt
hánfēngcìgǔ the cold wind chilled one to the bone.⁵
寒假 hõn-gā
hánjià winter vacation.⁵
寒气逼人[寒氣逼人] hõn-hï-bēik-ngĩn
hánqìbīrén There is a nip in the air.⁷
寒噤 hõn-kïm
hánjìn shiver (with cold or fear).⁵
寒冷 hõn-lâng
hánlěng cold; frigid.⁵
寒洌 hõn-lëik
hánliè <wr.> extremely cold; icy.⁶
寒舍 hõn-sëh
hánshè my humble house.¹¹
寒食 Hõn-sèik
Hánshí obsolete festival beginning one or two days before Pure Brightness (清明 tëin-mẽin qīngmíng) when only cold food was served for three days; (another name for 清明 in some areas) Pure Brightness.⁶
寒窗 hõn-töng
hánchuāng a cold window; a poor student.¹⁴
寒酸 hõn-xön
hánsuān (of a poor scholar in the old days) miserable and shabby.⁵
寒暄 hõn-xün
hánxuān exchange of conventional greetings; exchange of amenities (or compliments).⁵
hon3 6728
58 9 hõn tuàn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 彖 hòn tuàn <wr.> infer; judge.⁶ a chapter of generalization on divination in the Book of Changes; a work expounding the Book of Changes; a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine.⁷)
<又> hòn.
(See 彖 hòn.)
hon3 6729
64 14 hõn tuán to roll up in a ball (also written 团[團] hõn tuán).¹  to knead; to turn something round.¹¹ roll around with hand; model.³⁶ (variant: 塼 hõn tuán). (See 塼 hõn).
(comp. t: ⿰扌專; U+6476). (comp. s: ⿰扌专; U+629F).
鹏抟[鵬摶] pãng-hõn
péngtuán to strive for greatness.¹⁰
抟饭[摶飯] hõn-fàn
tuánfàn to roll rice balls.
抟风[摶風] hõn-füng
tuánfēng to rise very quickly.
抟沙[摶沙] hõn-sâ
tuánshā lacking in cohesion and unity of purpose.
抟土作人[摶土作人] hõn-hū-dōk-ngĩn
tuántǔzuòrén to mold mud and create man (a creation myth).
hon3 6730
85 6 hõn hán 汗国[汗國] hõn-gōk hánguó khanate (Mongol state).¹⁰
可汗 hāk-hõn
kèhán khan.⁸
<又> hòn.
(See 汗 hòn.)
hon3 6731
102 14 hõn tuǎn (<old>=疃 hõn tuǎn) ground.⁸ village; animal track.¹⁰
町畽 ëin-hõn
tǐngtuǎn waste land; a paddock.⁷
(See  疃 hõn).
hon3 6732
102 17 hõn tuǎn village (usually used in village names).⁶ village; animal track.¹⁰ (variant: 畽 hõn tuǎn).
走村串疃 dēo-tûn-chün-hõn
zǒucūnchuàntuǎn wander from village to village.⁶
町疃 ëin-hõn
tǐngtuǎn waste land.⁵⁴
贾疃[賈疃] gā-hõn
jiǎtuǎn Jia Village.⁶
(See  畽 hõn).
hon3 6733
119 17 hõn tuán (=团[糰] hõn tuán) dumplings, doughnuts.¹⁴
(See 糰 hõn.)
hon3 6734
119 20 hõn tuán round dumplings made from wheat or glutinous rice flour.⁷ dumpling.¹⁰
饭团[飯糰] fàn-hõn fàntuán onigiri (Japanese rice-ball snack).¹⁰ rice ball.²²
团子[糰子] hõn-dū
tuánzi a small dough cake.⁷ dango (Japanese dumpling).¹⁰
团粉[糰粉] hõn-fūn
tuánfěn paste for thick gravy.⁷
汤团[湯糰] höng-hõn
tāngtuán dumplings.¹¹ stuffed dumplings of rice flour.¹⁴
面团[麵糰] mèin-hõn
miàntuán dough.¹⁰
(See 團 hõn.)
hon3 6735
163 5 hõn hán (ancient place name).
邗江 Hõn-göng Hánjiāng (name of a county in 江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū Jiangsu Province.)
hon3 6736
163 7 hõn hán 邯郸[邯鄲] Hõn-Än Hándān a prefecture in 河北省 Hõ-bāk sāng  Héběi shěng Hebei Province.
邯郸学步[邯鄲學步] Hõn-Än-hòk-bù
Hándān xuébù A person of the 燕国 Yën Gōk Yān Guó Yan State went to Handan, the capital of 趙国[趙國] Jèl Gōk Zhào Guó Zhao State, and imitated the way Handan residents walked, but only to forget how to walk himself. This idiom is often used to refer to someone who imitates others badly, and loses his/her individuality in the process.⁹  imitate others and thus lose one's own individuality.²³  imitate another without success and lose what used to be one's own ability.²³  In attempting to walk like a swan, the crow loses its own gait.²³ slavishly imitate others and lose own originality.²³
hon3 6737
164 12 hõn hān (drink) to one's heart's content; happy, hearty, deep.⁶ (variant: 佄 hõn or hām hān).
酒酣耳热[酒酣耳熱] diū-hõn-ngī-ngèik
jiǔhān'ěrrè heated with wine.⁵
酣畅[酣暢] hõn-chēng
hānchàng merry and lively (from drinking); sound (sleep); (of writing, calligraphy) with ease and verve.⁶
酣醉 hõn-duï
hānzuì be dead drunk.⁵
酣放 hõn-föng
hānfàng (of writing) unrestrained; to indulge in excessive drinking, to drink without restraint.⁷
酣歌 hõn-gô/
hāngē sing to one's heart's content.⁵
酣歌狂舞 hõn-gô/-kõng-mū
hāngēkuángwǔ sing and dance rapturously.⁶
酣歌于室. Hõn-gô-yï-sīt.
Hān gē yú shì.
Drunken singing in your chambers.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《尚書·商書·伊訓·1》, translated by James Legge).
酣战[酣戰] hõn-jën
hānzhàn hard-fought battle.⁵
酣眠 hõn-mẽin
hānmián to sleep soundly.⁷
酣梦[酣夢] hõn-mùng
hānmèng sweet dream.⁶
酣饮[酣飲] hõn-ngīm
hānyǐn drink to the full; carouse.⁵
酣睡 hõn-suì
hānshuì sleep soundly; be fast asleep.⁵
酣饫[酣飫] hõn-yì
or hõn-yī hānyù <wr.> intoxicated and satiated.⁵⁴
<又> hām.
(See 酣 hām; 佄 hõn; 佄 hām.)
hon3 6738
178 17 hõn hán Han is an old name for Korea; Han surname.
韩非子[韓非子] Hõn Fï-dū Hán Fēizǐ (c. 280-233 BC) Legalist philosopher.
韩国[韓國] Hõn-gōk
Hánguó Korea; South Korea.
韩国香瓜[韓國香瓜] Hõn-gōk hëng-gä 
Hánguó xiāngguā or 韩国蜜瓜[韓國蜜瓜] Hõn-gōk mìt-gä  Hánguó mìguā oriental melon, Korean melon.
韩国泡菜[韓國泡菜] Hõn-gōk päo-töi
Hánguó pàocài kimchee.
韩湘子[韓湘子] Hõn Xëng-dū
Hán Xiāngzǐ one of the Eight Immortals.
hon3 6739
181 12 hõn hān <topo.> thick.⁵ dawdling.⁹ a large face.¹⁴
顸额[頇額] hõn-ngäk hān'é high forehead; bald.¹⁴
颟顸[顢頇] mõn-hõn
mānhān thoughtless, sometimes shameless, stupid and confused.¹¹ dawdling, dilatory; vacillating.¹⁴
颟里颟顸[顢裡顢頇] mõn-lī-mõn-hõn
mānlimānhan thoughtless, sometimes shameless, stupid and confused.¹¹
hon3 6740
195 15 hõn tún globefish, balloonfish; puffer.⁵
河鲀[河魨] hõ-hõn hétún or 河豚 hõ-hũn hétún fugu (Japanese), bogeo or bok (Korean) a pufferfish, normally of the genus Takifugu, Lagocephalus, or Sphoeroides, or a porcupinefish of the genus Diodon, or a dish prepared from these fish.¹⁵
马面鲀[馬面魨] mâ-mèin-hõn
mǎmiàntún black scraper (Thamnaconus modestus), a species of filefish in the family Monacanthidae; aka 短角單棘魨, common names are: 黑達仔, 剝皮魚, 馬面單棘魨.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
妪鳞鲀[嫗鱗魨] yī-lĩn-hõn
or ëo-lĩn-hõn yùlíntún queen triggerfish.⁹
hon3 6741
195 22 hõn tuán a kind of fish, like the perch, with a pig's tail, and able to grunt like a hog; its appearance is indicative of drought.²⁵
(composition: ⿰魚專; U+9C44).
<又> jön; lèin. (See 鱄 jön; 鱄 lèin).
hon3 6742
209 17 hõn hān snore.⁵
打鼾 ā-hõn dǎhān snore.⁵
鼻鼾 bì-hõn
bíhān to snore.¹⁴
鼾齁 hõn-fẽo
hānhōu to snore.¹⁴
鼾齁如雷 hõn-fẽo-nguĩ-luĩ
hānhōurúléi thunderous snores.⁵⁴
鼾鼾 hõn-hõn
hānhān to snore.¹⁰
鼾声[鼾聲] hõn-sëin
hānshēng sound of snoring.⁵
鼾声大作[鼾聲大作] hõn-sëin-ài-dōk
hānshēngdàzuò stertorous breathing.³⁹
鼾声呼吸[鼾聲呼吸] hõn-sëin-fü-kīp
hānshēng hūxī stertorous breathing.⁹
鼾声如雷[鼾聲如雷] hõn-sëin-nguĩ-luĩ
hānshēngrúléi snore thunderously.⁵
鼾睡 hõn-suì
hānshuì sleep soundly and snore; fall into a deep, snoring sleep.⁶
鼾息声[鼾息聲] hõn-xēik-sëin
hānxīshēng snoring sound.³⁹
鼾音 hõn-yïm
hānyīn <med.> sonorous rale.⁶
hon3 6743
12 4 hòn hàn gugyeol or kwukyel ("phrase parting"), a system for rendering texts written in Classical Chinese into understandable Korean.¹⁵  Hanja for gugyeol is 口诀[口訣] hēo-gût kǒujué. From Korean 구결 (gugyeol 口訣), from Middle Chinese 口訣 (kʰúw-kwet "mnemonic rhyme"), from 口 ("mouth") + 訣 ("rhymed saying").³⁶
( U+516F).
hon4 6744
58 9 hòn tuàn <wr.> infer; judge.⁶ a chapter of generalization on divination in the Book of Changes; a work expounding the Book of Changes; a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine.⁷
彖吉凶 hòn-gīt-hüng or hõn-gīt-hüng tuànjíxiōng judge ill or good luck.⁶
彖辞[彖辭] hòn-xũ
or hõn-xũ tuàncí hexagram statement; writings on divinatory symbols in the 易经[易經] Yèik-géin Yìjīng The Book of Changes.⁶
<又> hõn.
(See 彖 hõn.)
hon4 6745
61 10 hòn hàn brave, bold; fierce, ferocious.⁵ (variant: 猂 hòn hàn).
彪悍 bël-hòn
biāohàn ferociously intrepid; valiant; valorous.⁶
悍妇[悍婦] hòn-fû
hànfù termagant; shrew; hot-tempered wife/woman.⁶
悍梗 hòn-gāng
hàngěng <wr.> stubbornly defiant; recalcitrant.⁵⁴
悍戾 hòn-luì
hànlì cruel; atrocious.⁷
悍骜[悍驁] hòn-ngão
hàn'ào <wr.> untamable.⁵⁴
悍然 hòn-ngẽin
hànrán outrageously; brazenly; flagrantly.⁵
悍然不顾[悍然不顧] hòn-ngẽin-būt-gü
hànránbùgù to ignore (advice) stubbornly.⁷
悍药[悍藥] hòn-yêk
hànyào a violent medicine; a drastic remedy.⁷
犷悍[獷悍] köng-hòn
guǎnghàn tough and intrepid.⁵ rude and brutal.⁷
短小精悍 ōn-xēl-dëin-hòn
duǎnxiǎojīnghàn (of a person) not of imposing stature but strong and capable; (of a piece of writing) short but effective; terse and forceful; short and pithy.⁶
一员悍将[一員悍將] yīt-yõn-hòn-dëng
yīyuánhànjiāng a brave warrior.⁵
(See 猂 hòn.)
hon4 6746
64 6 hòn hàn to resist, to oppose, to obstruct; to defend, to guard, to withstand.⁷ (=捍 hòn hàn in some cases.)
扞蔽 hòn-bäi
hànbì a protective barrier.⁷
扞格 hòn-gāk
hàngé to conflict; incompatible.⁷
扞格不入 hòn-gāk-būt-yìp
hàngébùrù incompatible; to disagree; to contradict; to conflict; do not mesh.⁷
扞拒 hòn-kuî
hànjù to withstand; to resist; to oppose.⁷
or 捍御[捍禦] hòn-nguì hànyù to guard against; to keep back.⁷
or 捍卫[捍衛] hòn-vì hànwèi to defend, to guard.⁷
遮扞 or 遮捍 jëh-hòn
zhēhàn <trad> to blunt enemy blows.
(See 捍 hòn.)
hon4 6747
64 10 hòn hàn to defend; to guard; to wardoff.⁷ (=扞 hòn hàn in some cases.)
捍海塘 hòn-hōi-hõng
hànhǎitáng name of a dike built in the first decade of the 10th century at today's Hangzhou; name of a dike along the seacoast of Jiangsu and Zhejiang built during the Tang Dynasty.⁷
or 扞御[扞禦] hòn-nguì hànyù to ward off; to guard against.⁷
or 扞卫[扞衛] hòn-vì hànwèi to defend (a nation's territory); to protect.⁷
or 遮扞 jëh-hòn zhēhàn <trad> to blunt enemy blows.
(See 扞 hòn.)
hon4 6748
64 14 hòn hàn Han surname.
<又> häm. (See 撖 häm.)
hon4 6749
72 7 hòn gàn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 旰 gön gàn <wr.> late; evening, night.⁶)
<又> gön.
(See 旰 gön.)
hon4 6750
72 15 hòn hàn (=熯 hòn hàn bake over a slow fire; fry with little oil; steam.⁹ <wr.> to dry by fire.¹¹ freely burning; to roast, to dry.¹⁴ dry; much fire; to roast.²⁴).² dry by exposing sun; withered; arid; dry by the heat of a fire.⁸ arid, dry; dried up, withered; hot; dry up.⁹ hot, dry and parched.¹⁴ to dry; to dry in the sun.²⁴ <lit.> to dry by exposing to the sun; <lit.> to wither; to become dry <lit.> dry; hot.³⁶
(composition: ⿰日⿱艹⿻口夫; U+66B5).
暵魃 hòn-bàt
hànbá (=旱魃 hön-bàt or hôn-bàt hànbá demon of drought (monster in Chinese legend, which causes drought); drought.⁶).¹⁹
暵赫 hòn-hāk
hànhè the heat is scorching; sultry; hot.¹⁹
暵旱 hòn-hön
hànhàn arid; dry; drought.¹⁹
暵暵 hòn-hòn
hànhàn <wr.> exposed to scorching sunshine.¹⁹ʼ⁵⁴
暵地 hòn-ì
hàndì turn the soil to expose it to the sun.¹⁹
暵热[暵熱] hòn-ngèik
hànrè scorching or blazing hot.¹⁹
Jüng-gūk-yiû-tuï, hòn-kĩ-gön-yì.
Zhōnggǔ yǒu tuī, hàn qí gān yǐ.
In the valleys grows the mother-wort,
But scorched is it in the drier places.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·王風·中谷有蓷》, translated by James Legge).
(See 熯 hòn).
hon4 6751
85 6 hòn hàn sweat; perspiration.⁵
出汗 chūt-hòn chūhàn sweat; perspire.⁵
汗渍[汗漬] hòn-dēik
hànzì sweat stains.⁸
汗流浃背[汗流浹背] hõn-liũ-gäp-böi
hànliújiābèi streaming with sweat (from fear or physical exertion).⁵
汗马[汗馬] hòn-mâ
hànmǎ achievement in war; war exploits; one's contributions in work.⁸
汗马功劳[汗馬功勞] hòn-mâ-güng-lão
hànmǎgōngláo distinctions won in battle; war exploits; one's contribution in work.⁵
汗牛充栋[汗牛充棟] hòn-ngẽo-chüng-ūng
hàn niú chōng dòng lit. enough books to make a pack-ox sweat or to fill a house to the rafters (idiom); fig. many books.¹⁰
汗如雨下 hòn-nguĩ-yî-hä
hànrúyǔxià dripping with perspiration.⁵
汗衫 hòn-sâm
hànshān undershirt; T-shirt.⁵
汗涔涔 hòn-sẽim-sẽim
hàncéncén sweaty.¹⁰
汗涔涔下 hòn-sẽim-sẽim-hä
hàncéncénxià sweat streaming down; dripping with sweat.⁵
汗水 hòn-suī
hànshuǐ sweat.⁸
汗腺 hòn-xëin
hànxiàn sweat glands.¹¹
血汗 hüt-hòn
xuèhàn blood and sweat; sweat and toil.⁵
<又> hõn.
(See 汗 hõn.)
hon4 6752
85 19 hòn hàn <wr.> vast.⁵ <wr.> vast, immense.⁶ vast, expansive.⁷ the northern sea; the ocean.¹⁴
浩瀚 hâo-hòn hàohàn huge quantities; vast.⁷ the vast expanse of ocean.¹⁴
or 翰海 hòn-hōi hànhǎi the Gobi Desert.⁷
瀚海无垠[瀚海無垠] hòn-hōi-mũ-ngãn
hànhǎiwúyín endless desert.⁶
瀚海石 hòn-hōi-sêk
hànhǎishí petrified wood from the desert.¹⁴
瀚瀚 hòn-hòn
hànhàn vast and expansive.⁷
曲籍繁瀚 kūk-dèik-fãn-hòn
qūjífánhàn the canons of Buddhism are a trackless wilderness.¹⁴
hon4 6753
86 15 hòn hàn bake over a slow fire; fry with little oil; steam.⁹ <wr.> to dry by fire.¹¹ freely burning; to roast, to dry.¹⁴ dry; much fire; to roast.²⁴
(composition: ⿰火𦰩; U+71AF).
熯焚 hòn-fũn hànfén a great conflagration.¹⁴
熯天炽地[熯天熾地] hòn-hëin-chï-ì
hàntiānchìdì fierce fire.¹⁹
Täo-màn-mùt-jēh, mòk-hòn-fũ-fō.
Zào wàn wù zhě, mò hàn hū huǒ.
Nothing dries things like fire.¹⁴
...for drying them up there is nothing more parching than fire;⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《周易(易經)·說卦·6》, translated by James Legge).
莫熯乎火 mòk-hòn-fũ-fō
mò hàn hū huǒ nothing more drying than fire.²⁴
<又> ngëm.
(See 熯 ngëm).
hon4 6754
94 6 hòn àn a prison, a jail; a species of dog with black mouth and nose.⁷
狴犴 bäi-hòn bì'àn <wr.> legendary tiger-like beast whose image used to be painted on prison doors; prison.⁶
犴狱[犴獄] hòn-ngùk
ànyù a prison.⁷
(See 犴[hòn, hān].)
hon4 6755
94 6 hòn hān (=驼鹿[駝鹿] hũ-lùk or hõ-lùk tuólù elk; moose);⁶ (=堪达罕[堪達罕] häm-àt-hōn kāndáhǎn <topo.> elk; moose.)¹ elk; moose.⁵
(See 犴[hòn, àn]; 𤞶❄{⿰犭罕} hòn.)
hon4 6756
94 10 https://img.zdic.net/kai/cn/20018.svg
hòn hàn (=悍 hòn hàn) brave, bold; fierce, ferocious.
(See 悍 hòn.)
hon4 6757
94 10 𤞶
hòn hān <topo.> elk; moose.⁶
(composition: ⿰犭罕; U+247B6.)
(See 犴 [hòn, hān].)
hon4 6758
124 16 hòn hàn writing brush; writing.⁵ Han surname.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰龺⿱𠆢羽; U+7FF0).
挥翰[揮翰] fï-hòn huīhàn <wr.> to wield a writing brush.¹⁰
翰池 hòn-chĩ
hànchí  an inkstone; an ink slab.⁷
翰飞戾天[翰飛戾天] hòn-fï-luì-hëin
hànfēi-lìtiān flies up to heaven.⁸
or 瀚海 hòn-hōi hànhǎi the Gobi Desert.⁷
翰札 hòn-jāt
hànzhá letters.⁷
翰林 Hòn-lĩm
Hànlín member of the Imperial Academy.⁵
翰林院 Hòn-lĩm-yòn
Hànlínyuàn the Imperial Academy (in feudal China).⁵
翰墨 hòn-màk
hànmò <wr.> brush and ink – writing, painting, or calligraphy.⁵
翰苑 hòn-vōn
hànyuàn the literary circles.⁷
文翰 mũn-hòn
wénhàn <wr.> essay, article; official documents and correspondence.⁶
华翰[華翰] vã-hòn
huáhàn <wr.> your esteemed letter.⁶
书翰[書翰] sï-hòn
shūhàn ➀ (=书法[書法] sï-fāt shūfǎ) calligraphy.⁸ ➁ letter; correspondence.⁶
朵翰 ū-hòn
or ō-hòn duǒhàn your esteemed letter.⁷
hon4 6759
167 11 hòn hàn (=銲 hòn hàn) to solder; to weld.⁷
(See 銲 hòn.)
hon4 6760
167 15 hòn hàn to solder; to weld.⁷ (variant: 釬 hòn hàn).
电焊[電銲] èin-hòn
diànhàn electric welding; electric soldering.⁷
焊接[銲接] hòn-dëp
hànjiē to join with solder; to weld; to solder.⁷
焊工[銲工] hòn-güng
hàngōng welding, soldering; a welder, a solderer.⁷
焊住[銲住] hòn-jì
hànzhu to fix with solder.⁷
焊料[銲料] hòn-lèl
hànliào solder.⁷
焊锡[銲錫] hòn-xëk
hànxī solder.⁷
(See 釬 hòn.)
hon4 6761
172 18 hòn hàn a white pheasant.¹⁴
hon4 6762
72 7 hôn hàn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 旱 hön hàn with same meaning: dry spell, drought; dryland; on land.⁵)
<又> hön.
(See 旱 hön.)
hon5 6763
9 10 hōng tǎng if; supposing; in the event of; in case.
(composition: ⿰亻尚; U+5018).
倘来之物[倘來之物] or 傥来之物[儻來之物] hōng-lõi-jï-mòt tǎngláizhīwù an unexpected or undeserved gain; windfall.
倘能 hōng-nãng
tǎngnéng if possible.
倘能如此 hōng-nãng-nguĩ-xū
tǎngnéngrúcǐ if this can be done; if it is possible (idiom).
倘然 hōng-ngẽin
tǎngrán if; supposing; in case.
倘若 hōng-ngèk
tǎngruò if, supposing; in case.
倘如 hōng-nguĩ
tǎngrú if, supposing; in case.
倘是 hōng-sì
tǎngshì if, supposing; in case.
倘或 hōng-vàk
tǎnghuò if; supposing; in case.
倘使 hōng-xū
tǎngshǐ if; supposing; in case.
<又> sẽng.
(See 倘 sẽng.)
hong1 6764
9 22 hōng tǎng unforseen; accidental; unexpectedly.
傥来之物[儻來之物] or 倘来之物[倘來之物]  hōng-lõi-jï-mòt tǎngláizhīwù unexpected or undeserved gain; windfall.
傥荡[儻蕩] hōng-òng
tǎngdàng dissolute; dissipated.
倜傥[倜儻] tēik-hōng
tìtǎng <wr.> elegant; free and easy; unrestrained; unconventional.
倜傥不羁[倜儻不羈] tēik-hōng-būt-kï
tìtǎngbùjī untrammeled; free; unconventional; romantic (in character); cassanova.
hong1 6765
49 9 hōng hàng alley.
(composition: ⿱共巳; U+5DF7).
<台> 巷仔 hōng-dōi a little alley.
<又> hòng. (See 巷 [hòng, hàng], [hòng, xiàng].)
hong1 6766
50 8 hōng tǎng state treasury; public funds.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱奴巾; U+5E11).
府帑 fū-hōng fǔtǎng the money in the treasury.³⁹
公帑 güng-hōng
gōngtǎng public treasury; public funds.³⁹
国帑[國帑] gōk-hōng
guótǎng <wr.> public funds; national funds.³⁹
帑藏 hōng-dòng
tǎngzàng <wr.> state treasury.¹⁰
<又> nũ.
(See 帑 nũ.)
hong1 6767
61 11 hōng tǎng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 惝 chōng chǎng with same meaning.)
<又> chōng.
(See 惝 chōng.)
hong1 6768
72 24 hōng tǎng (of the sun) not bright.² the sun obscured.²⁴
(composition: ⿰日黨; U+66ED).
曭朗 hōng-lông tǎnglǎng darken, fade.⁵⁴
曭莽 hōng-mông
tǎngmǎng (of the sun) not bright.⁸ dark and gloomy appearance.⁵⁴
hong1 6769
85 11 hōng tǎng trickle; flow down; drip.⁸ (of water or blood) to drip; (of sweat) to trickle; (of tears) to shed, to flow down; (=蹚 höng tāng to ford; to wade); (dialectal) classifier for blood over a surface.³⁶ʼ¹ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰氵尚; U+6DCC).
奔淌 bïn-hōng
bēntǎng flow at great speed; pour.⁹
淌口水 hōng-hēo-suī
tǎngkǒushuǐ let saliva dribble from the mouth; slaver; slobber.⁸
淌汗 hōng-hòn
tǎnghàn to perspire.⁷
淌血 hōng-hüt
tǎngxuè drip blood.¹
淌眼泪[淌眼淚] hōng-ngān-luì
tǎngyǎnlèi shed tear.⁵
流淌 liũ-hōng
liútǎng to flow.¹⁰
<台> 淌水泥  hōng-suī-nãi
tǎngshuǐní to pour concrete.
<又> chëng; chōng.
(See 淌 chëng; 淌 chōng).
hong1 6770
85 23 hōng tǎng  (<old>=淌 hōng tǎng) (of water or blood) to drip; (of sweat) to trickle; (of tears) to shed, to flow down; (=蹚 höng tāng to ford; to wade); (dialectal) classifier for blood over a surface.³⁶ʼ¹ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰氵黨; U+7059).
<又> ōng.
(See 灙 ōng).
hong1 6771
86 24 hōng tǎng 爣烺 hōng-lõng tǎnglǎng fiery.²⁴
hong1 6772
127 14 hōng tāng to weed and loosen the soil with a paddy-field barrow.⁹ loosen the soil and dig up weeds with a rake or a hoe.³⁹
耥稻 hōng-ào tǎngdào weed in rice field.⁸
耥耙 hōng-pã
tāngbà paddy-field harrow.⁸
耘耥 vũn-hōng
yúntāng furrow and weed paddy fields.⁶
hong1 6773
156 15 hōng tāng (=蹚 höng tāng) wade, ford; turn the soil and dig up weeds (with a plow).⁶ to wade; to trample; to turn the soil.¹⁰
趟田 hōng-hẽin
tāngtián turn the soil and dig up weeds.¹⁹
趟地 hōng-ì
tāngdì turn the soil and weed.⁶
趟水 hōng-suī
or 蹚水 höng-suī tāngshuǐ to wade or wade water.⁷
趟水过河[趟水過河] hōng-suī-gö-hõ
tāngshuǐ guòhé wade across a river; ford a stream.⁶ (cf. 蹚水过河[蹚水過河] höng-suī-gö-hõ tāngshuǐ guòhé).
<又> höng.
(See 趟 höng; 蹚 höng.)
hong1 6774
157 16 hōng tǎng (Distinguish 踢 pëk to kick).
to stretch out the feet in sleeping.²⁵
(composition: ⿰𧾷昜; U+8E3C).
<又> höng; hõng; òng.
(See 踼 höng; 踼 hõng; 踼 òng).
hong1 6775
158 15 hōng tǎng lie; repose.⁶ to be in a lying position; to lie down.⁷
躺倒 hōng-āo tǎngdǎo lie down.⁵
躺倒不干[躺倒不幹] hōng-āo-būt-gön
tǎngdǎo bù gàn lie in bed doing nothing – refuse to shoulder responsibilities any longer; shirk one's obligations.⁶
躺在床上 hōng-dòi-chõng-sèng
tǎngzàichuángshang to lie on a bed.¹⁴
躺柜[躺櫃] hōng-gì
tǎngguì chest.⁶
躺下 hōng-hä
tǎngxia to lie down.⁷
躺躺歇歇 hōng-hōng-hēik-hēik
tǎngtǎngxiēxie lie down and rest a while.¹⁴
躺着[躺著] hōng-jèk
tǎngzhe to be in a lying position.⁷
躺椅 hōng-yī
tǎngyǐ a couch; a deck chair; a divan; a reclining chair.⁷
hong1 6776
167 18 hōng tǎng (=钂 hōng tǎng) fork shaped weapon used in ancient times.⁶
(See 钂 hōng).
hong1 6777
167 28 hōng tǎng fork shaped weapon used in ancient times.⁶ (ancient) fork-like weapon.⁸ (variant: 鎲 hōng tǎng).
镋钯[钂鈀] hōng-pã
tǎngpá ancient many-bladed long weapon.⁸
(See 鎲 hōng).
hong1 6778
18 15 höng tāng (comp. t: ⿰當刂; U+528F). (comp. s: ⿰当刂; U+34E5).
<台> to kill; to slaughter; to butcher.
<台> 㓥鸡[劏雞] höng-gäi to slaughter a chicken.
<台> 㓥猪[劏豬] höng-jï to slaughter a pig.
<台> 㓥猪佬[劏豬佬] höng-jï-lāo butcher.
hong2 6779
22 6 höng kuāng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 匡 köng kuāng with the same meaning: to rectify; Kuang surname.)
<又> köng.
(See 匡 köng.)
hong2 6780
38 14 höng kāng a woman's name; at ease.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女康; U+5ADD).
hong2 6781
40 14 höng kāng (of a room) empty.³⁶
(composition: ⿱宀康; U+3769).
㝩㝗 höng-lõng kāngláng an empty house.²⁴ <lit.> spacious; expansive.³⁶
<又> köng; gēik; lõng.
(See 㝩 köng; 㝩 gēik; 㝩 lõng).
hong2 6782
53 广 11 höng kāng well-being, health; Kang surname.⁵
健康 gèin-höng jiànkāng health; healthy.¹⁰
康复[康復] höng-fùk
kāngfù restore to health; recovered.⁵
康健 höng-gèin
kāngjiàn healthy; fit.¹⁰
康熙 Höng-hï
Kāngxī Kangxi or K'ang Hsi, second Qing Emperor (1661-1722).¹⁰
康熙字典 Höng-hï Dù-ēin
Kāngxī Zìdiǎn the Kangxi Dictionary, named after the Kangxi Emperor, who in 1710 ordered its compilation, containing 47,035 single-character entries.¹⁰
康庄大道[康莊大道] höng-jöng-ài-ào
kāngzhuāng dàdào broad road; main road; wide free road; royal road.⁹ broad avenue, highway.¹¹
康衢 höng-kuĩ
kāngqú <wr.> broad road.⁶ a level and easy highway.⁷
安康 ön-höng
ānkāng good health.⁵
杜康 ù-höng
dùkāng <wr.> wine; alcoholic drink.⁶
杜康 Ù-höng
Dùkāng Du Kang, legendary inventor of wine.¹⁰
小康 xēl-höng
xiǎokāng comparatively good living standard; a period of peace and prosperity.¹⁰
hong2 6783
75 15 höng kāng open.⁹ empty space inside a building.¹⁰
槺梁 höng-lẽng kāngliáng (of room) open.⁸
榔槺 lõng-höng
lángkang heavy and clumsy; bulky; cumbersome.⁸ (làng-gàng in spoken Hoisanva).
hong2 6784
85 12 höng tāng
hot water; soup, broth; Tang surname.⁷
鸡汤[雞湯] gäi-höng
jītāng chicken soup.¹¹
汤剂[湯劑] höng-jäi
tāngjì decoction; potion.¹⁰
汤匙[湯匙] höng-sĩ
tāngchí soupspoon; tablespoon.⁶
汤圆[湯圓] höng-yôn
tāngyuán boiled balls of glutinous rice flour, eaten during the Lantern festival.¹⁰
米汤[米湯] māi-höng
mǐtang water in which rice has been cooked (spoken as 饮[飲] <台> ngīm, q.v.); thin rice or millet gruel; flattering words.⁶
<又> sëng.
(See 湯 sëng.)
hong2 6785
85 14 höng tàng burn (injury).¹ (=烫伤[燙傷] höng-sëng tàngshāng <med.> scald.⁵).⁸
(composition: ⿰氵⿱𠂉昜; U+6F21).
<又> sëng.
(See 漡 sëng).
hong2 6786
86 15 höng yùn to iron, to press.⁵
电熨斗[電熨斗] èin-höng-ēo diànyùndǒu electric iron.⁵
熨斗 höng-ēo
yùndǒu flatiron; iron (for ironing clothes).⁵
熨烫[熨燙] höng-höng
yùntàng to iron out with an iron or electric iron; ironing.⁹
熨平 höng-pẽin
yùnpíng mangle; press.⁸
熨衣板 höng-yï-bān
yùnyībǎn ironing board.⁶
熨衣服 höng-yï-fùk
yùnyīfú iron or press clothes.⁵
<又> vùn; vūt.
(See 熨 vùn; vūt.)
hong2 6787
86 16 höng tàng scald, burn; heat up in hot water, warm; very hot, scalding, boiling hot; iron, press; perm, have one's hair permed.⁵
烫斗[燙斗] höng-ēo tàngdǒu pressing iron.¹¹
烫发[燙髮] höng-fāt
tàngfà give or have a permanent wave; perm.⁵
烫金[燙金] höng-gïm
tàngjīn gilding; bronzing.⁵
烫蜡[燙蠟] höng-làp
tànglà polish with melted wax; wax (a floor).⁵
烫面[燙麵] höng-mèin
tàngmiàn dough made with boiling water.⁵
烫伤[燙傷] höng-sëng
tàngshāng <med.> scald.⁵
烫手[燙手] höng-siū
tàngshǒu scald/burn the hand;  thorny/troublesome/knotty.⁶
烫手山芋[燙手山芋] höng-siū-sän-vû
tàngshǒushānyù  hot potato; problem; trouble; headache.¹⁰ something useful but very difficult to handle.⁵⁴
烫洗[燙洗] höng-xāi
tàngxǐ scald.⁶
烫衣服[燙衣服] höng-yï-fùk
tàngyīfu to iron (press) clothes.¹¹
<台> 烫衫 höng-sâm to iron clothes.
hong2 6788
104 13 höng qiāng disease of the throat.⁸ a disease in the throat; a quinsy; the appearance of an empty valley.²⁴
(composition: ⿸疒空; U+3FA4).
hong2 6789
108 17 höng tàng a bathing tub; to cleanse.¹⁴ a washing and bathing tub.²⁴
(comp. t: ⿱湯皿; U+76EA). (comp. s: ⿱艹汤; U+8361).
涤荡[滌盪] èik-höng
dítàng to scour; to rinse.¹⁴ to shake backwards and forwards.²⁴
荡垢涤瑕[盪垢滌瑕] höng-gēo-èik-hã
tànggòudíxiá to reform.¹⁴
荡口[盪口] höng-hēo
tàngkǒu to rinse the mouth.¹⁴
荡盘[盪盤] höng-põn
tàngpán a bathtub.¹⁴
荡碗[盪碗] höng-vōn
tàngwǎn to rinse bowls, etc.¹⁴
<又> òng; hõng.
(See 盪 òng; 盪 hõng).
hong2 6790
112 8 höng qiāng solid, substantial; bruised by something hard.⁸ʼ¹⁹ true, reliable.¹³ (Note: 矼 höng qiāng and 矼 hüng kòng are not precisely defined by existing dictionaries and are very difficult to try to distinguish them. Thus the 矼 höng here is also defined in 矼 hüng, and perhaps may even be 矼 göng).
德厚信矼 āk-hêo-xïn-höng
déhòuxìnqiāng his substantial virtue and his firm sincerity.¹⁴ʼ¹⁰¹
且德厚信矼 chēh-āk-hêo-xïn-höng
qiě dé hòu xìnqiāng The more De you have the more honest you will be.⁸ʼ¹⁹ (Note: 德 De is an important concept in Chinese philosophy, usually translated as "inherent character; inner power; integrity" in Daoism, "moral character; virtue; morality" in Confucianism and other contexts, and "quality; virtue" (guna) or "merit; virtuous deeds" (punya) in Chinese Buddhism.)¹⁵
信矼 xïn-höng
xìnqiāng honest; upright.²⁵
(composition: ⿰石工; U+77FC).
<又> göng; hüng.
(See 矼 göng; 矼 hüng).
hong2 6791
112 9 höng kāng (composition: ⿰石亢; U+780A).
砊礚 höng-hēip kāngkē <ono.> sound of thunder.²
<又> köng.
(See 砊 köng).
hong2 6792
115 16 höng kāng (=糠 höng kāng) chaff, bran, husk; (usually of a radish) spongy.⁵
(See 糠 höng.)

hong2 6793
119 10 höng kāng (=糠 höng kāng) chaff, bran, husk; (usually of a radish) spongy.⁵
<又> gäng. (See 糠 höng; 粇 gäng).
hong2 6794
119 17 höng kāng chaff, bran, husk; (usually of a radish) spongy.⁵ (variants: 穅, 粇 höng kāng).
稻糠 ào-höng
dàokāng rice chaff.⁵
秕糠 bï-höng
bǐkāng chaff; worthless stuff.⁵
糟糠 däo-höng
zāokāng distillers' grains, husks, chaff; foodstuffs for the poor.⁵
糟糠之妻 däo-höng-jï-häi
zāokāngzhīqī wife who has shared her husband's hard lot.⁵
糠秕 höng-bï
kāngbǐ chaff; worthless stuff.⁵
糠醛 höng-tũn
kāngquán <chem.> furfural.⁵
糠醛树脂[糠醛樹脂] höng-tũn-sì-jï
kāngquán shùzhī <chem.> furfural resin.⁵
糠菜半年粮[糠菜半年糧] höng-töi-bön-nẽin-lẽng
kāng-cài bàn nián liáng have nothing to eat but chaff and wild herbs for half the year – lead a life of semi-starvation.⁵
糠粞 höng-xäi
kāngxī bran.⁶
砻糠[礱糠] lũng-höng
lóngkāng rice chaff.⁹
米糠 māi-höng
mǐkāng rice bran.⁵
筛糠[篩糠] säi-höng
shāikāng <vern.> shiver from fear or cold – shudder.⁶
<台> 糠耳 höng-ngī ears of the dry type.
<又> hông.
(See 糠 hông; 穅 höng; 粇 höng).
hong2 6795
123 15 höng tāng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 羰 hän tāng with same meaning.)
<又> hän.
(See 羰 hän.)
hong2 6796
130 12 höng qiāng cavity, chamber; tune, pitch; tone, accent; speech.⁶
(composition: ⿰⺼空; U+8154).
帮腔[幫腔] böng-höng bāngqiāng to give verbal support to a person (usually one of higher position); to follow another in singing.⁷
齿腔[齒腔] chī-höng
chǐqiāng dental cavity.⁶
腔肠动物[腔腸動物] höng-chẽng-ùng-mùt
or höng-chẽng-ùng-mòt qiāngcháng dòngwù coelenterate.⁶
腔子 höng-dū
qiāngzi thoracic/chest cavity; trunk (of a dead animal).⁶
腔调[腔調] höng-èl
qiāngdiào tune; tone (of voice); accent, intonation.⁶
腔骨 höng-gūt
qiānggǔ spinal joints of pigs, sheep (for food).⁶
满腔[滿腔] mōn-höng
mǎnqiāng whole chest; have one's bosom filled with.⁶
满腔热血[滿腔熱血] mōn-höng-ngèik-hūt
mǎnqiāngrèxuè be full of patriotic fervor.⁵⁴
<又> hông.
(See 諱 hông).
hong2 6797
140 16 höng tāng
(composition: ⿱艹⿰歹昜; U+859A).
蓫薚 jùk-höng zhútāng =马尾[馬尾] mâ-mī mǎwěi horsetail;² =商陆[商陸] sëng-lùk shānglù a perrenial herb whose roots are used in medicine.⁸ a plant, also called horse-tail grass.²⁵
hong2 6798
156 15 höng tàng measure word for times, round trips or rows; a time; a trip.¹⁰
白走了一趟 bàk-dēo-lēl-yīt-höng báizǒuliǎoyītàng made a trip to no purpose.¹¹
趟马[趟馬] höng-mâ
tàngmǎ a set of stage motions symbolizing trotting or galloping.⁶
趟事儿[趟事兒] höng-xù-ngĩ
tàngshìr  to fudge something.¹⁰
去过几趟[去過幾趟] huï-gö-gī-höng
qùguòjǐtàng I have been there several times.¹⁴
两趟椅子[兩趟椅子] lēng-höng-yī-dū
liǎngtàngyǐyǐ two charis.¹⁹
<台> 趟栊[趟櫳] höng-lûng/ a (heavy) sliding gate with horizontal wooden bars between a small thin outer door and a main (thicker) door.
<又> hōng.
(See 趟 hōng.)
hong2 6799
157 16 höng tāng
(Distinguish 踢 pëk to kick).
(composition: ⿰𧾷昜; U+8E3C).
趹踼 kūt-höng
juétāng to walk awry.²⁵
<又> hōng; hõng; òng.
(See 踼 hōng; 踼 hõng; 踼 òng).
hong2 6800
157 18 höng tāng wade, ford; turn the soil and dig up weeds (with a hoe).⁵ (=趟 höng tāng).⁶ to tread on, to tread; to walk through mud or water, to wade, to ford.⁷
铲蹚[鏟蹚] chān-höng
chǎntāng weed; scarify up the soil between rows of plants.⁶
蹚道 höng-ào
tāngdào or 蹚路 höng-lù tānglù <topo.> explore the way – try to find out about the situation.⁶
蹚土 höng-hū
tāngtǔ kick up dust on dusty road.¹¹
蹚地 höng-ì
tāngdì plow up the field.¹⁹
蹚水 höng-suī
or 趟水 hōng-suī tāngshuǐ to wade or wade water.⁷
蹚水过河[蹚水過河] höng-suī-gö-hõ
tāngshuǐ guòhé wade (across) a stream.⁵
蹚浑水[蹚渾水] höng-vùn-suī
tānghúnshuǐ <topo.> tread in muddy water – follow somebody's example in doing evil.⁶ go about with bad characters.¹¹
蹚一蹚 höng-yīt-höng
or 蹚一次 höng-yīt-xü tāngyītāng have a try, try once.¹¹
胡蹚 vũ-höng
hútāng go about as playboy, go about quite recklessly.¹¹
(See 趟 höng).
hong2 6801
158 18 躿 höng kāng tall.⁸
(composition: ⿰身康; U+8EBF).
躴躿 lõng-höng lángkāng a tall person.²⁵
hong2 6802
167 20 höng tāng a small brass gong.⁹
铴锣[鐋鑼] höng-lũ tāngluó small brass gong.⁸
hong2 6803
9 8 hõng xiáng unsubmissive; obstreperous.⁸ unsubmissive; unsubdued.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻夅; U+4F6D).
㒕佭 yëng-hõng yāngxiáng unsubmitting.²⁴
hong3 6804
9 12 hõng táng to ward off; to parry; to keep out, as wind, rain, or cold.⁸ disobedient; wayward.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻唐; U+508F).
傏𠊲❄{⿰亻突} hõng-ùt tángtū  rude; insolent; impertinent.² unhumbled; abrupt; insolent.²⁴ (=唐突 or 搪突 hõng-ùt tángtū ➀ <wr.> brusque; rude; ➁  profane ➂ to pass oneself/something off as  ➃ to offend person by rudeness.)¹ʼ¹¹
hong3 6805
30 7 hõng háng throat.⁸
引吭高歌 yîn-hõng-gäo-gô yǐnháng gāogē to stretch one's neck and sing; to sing joyfully in a loud voice.⁸
(See 吭 häng.)
hong3 6806
30 10 hõng táng to exaggerate; empty; in vain; (old variant of 螗 hõng táng) a small cicada; Tang dynasty (618-907); Tang surname.¹⁰ <old> to boast, vast, road inside temple, in vain; Tang Dynasty; China; Tang surname.³⁶
唐老鸭[唐老鴨] Hõng-lāo-äp
Tánglǎoyā Donald Duck.¹⁰
唐诗[唐詩] Hõng-sï
Tángshī Tang poetry.¹⁰
唐诗三百首[唐詩三百首] Hõng-sï-xäm-bäk-siū
Tángshī Sānbǎi Shǒu Three hundred Tang dynasty poems, a stable anthology collected around 1763 by 孙诛[孫誅] Xün Jï Sūn Zhū Sun Zhu.¹⁰
唐突 hõng-ùt
tángtū offend (person) by rudeness.¹¹  (See also 傏𠊲❄{⿰亻突} hõng-ùt).
or 搪塞 hõng-xāk tángsè to muddle through; to fob somebody off; to beat around the bush; to dodge.¹⁰
唐僧 Hõng Xäng
Tángsēng Xuanzang (602-664) Tang dynasty Buddhist monk and translator, who traveled to India 629-645.¹⁰ He was also known as 唐三藏 Hõng Xäm-dòng Táng Sānzàng.¹⁵ (See 玄奘 Yõn-jöng under 奘 [jöng, zàng].)
中唐 jüng-hõng
zhōngtáng ➀ the middle part of the Tang Dynasty (766-835 CE). ➁ the path in the hall starting from the Great Gate. ➂ the courtyard within a housing complex.⁸
<台> 唐人 hõng-ngĩn Chinese (people).
<台> 唐人街 hõng-ngĩn-gâi Chinatown.
<台> 唐话[唐話] hõng-và Chinese spoken language.
hong3 6807
30 14 hõng tāng (used for the loud ringing sound of a gong); clang.⁶
嘡嘡 hõng-hõng tāngtāng <ono.> sound of footsteps.⁶
嘡嘡敲钟[嘡嘡敲鐘] hõng-hõng-këo-jüng
or hõng-hõng-hāo-jüng tāngtāngqiāozhōng clang a bell.⁶
hong3 6808
32 8 hõng táng
➀ (=堂 hõng táng) main room of a house; courtroom in a yamen.³⁶
➁ (=膛 hõng
táng) chest; hollow space, cavity.³⁶
➂ nonstandard simplified form of 壆 bōk
(stiff; firm; crack in an instrument or utensil.³⁶
(composition: ⿱龸土; U+5763).
(See 堂 hõng; 膛 hõng; 壆 bōk; 坣[hõng, tāng]).
hong3 6809
32 8 hõng tāng
➀ (=镗[鏜] hõng tāng) a type of small copper drum; drum or gong sound.³⁶
➁ (=嘡 hõng
tāng used for the loud ringing sound of a gong; clang).⁶
➂ nonstandard simplified form of 壆 bōk
(stiff; firm; crack in an instrument or utensil.³⁶
(composition: ⿱龸土; U+5763).
(See 鏜 hõng; 嘡 hõng; 壆 bōk; 坣[hõng, táng]).
hong3 6810
32 11 hõng táng
(main) hall; large room for a specific purpose; relationship between cousins on the paternal side of a family; of the same clan.
课堂[課堂] fö-hõng kètáng classroom.
教堂 gäo-hõng
jiàotáng church; mosque; temple.
天堂 hëin-hõng
tiāntáng paradise; heaven.
堂姐妹 hõng-dēh-môi
tángjiěmèi female cousins (on one's father's side).
堂房 hõng-fông
tángfáng same-clan relationship.
堂兄弟 hõng-hëin-ài
tángxiōngdì male cousins (on the paternal side).
堂堂 hõng-hõng
tángtáng grand; magnificent.
堂堂正正 hõng-hõng-jëin-jëin
tángtángzhèngzhèng impressive; awe-inspiring.
堂庑[堂廡] hõng-mû
tángwǔ buildings and rooms surrounding main hall or temple.¹¹
堂萱 hõng-xün
tángxuān (=萱堂 xün-hõng xuāntáng) <wr.> mother.⁸
礼堂[禮堂] lâi-hõng
lǐtáng assembly hall.
亮堂堂 lèng-hõng-hõng
liàngtángtáng brightly lit; brilliant.
hong3 6811
32 13 hõng táng pond; pool; embankment; dike; pit-shaped thing.
池塘 chĩ-hõng chítáng pool, pond.¹⁰
河塘 hõ-hõng
hétáng river embankment.
海塘 hōi-hõng
hǎitáng seawall.
塘坝[塘壩] hõng-bä
tángbà small reservoir (in a hilly area).
塘肥 hõng-fĩ
tángféi pond sludge (used as manure).
塘泥 hõng-nãi
tángní pond sludge; pond silt.
塘鱼[塘魚] hõng-nguî/
tángyú pond fish.
塘虱鱼科[塘虱魚科] hõng-sēt-nguî-fö
tángshīyúkē the family Clariidae of airbreathing catfishes.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
塘堰 hõng-yēn
tángyàn small reservoir (in a hilly area).
鱼塘[魚塘] nguî-hõng
yútáng a fishpond.⁷
水塘 suī-hõng
shuǐtáng pool; pond.⁵
洗澡塘 xāi-täo-hõng
xǐzǎotáng public baths; bathhouse; bath pool.⁵⁴
<台> 塘基 hõng-gî embankment on one side of a pond.
<台> 眼塘 ngām-hõng village pond.
<又> hông.
(See 塘 hông.)
hong3 6812
34 6 hõng xiáng (<old>=降 göng jiàng) surrender, capitulate, cave in, concede, give in, yield; subdue, tame, vanquish.⁶
(composition: ⿱夂㐄; U+5905).
<又> göng.
(See 夅 göng.)
hong3 6813
38 13 hõng táng (used as) a woman's name.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女唐; U+370D).
hong3 6814
61 12 hõng táng (composition: ⿰忄昜; U+6113).
佚愓 yìt-hõng yìtáng slowly and deliberately; leisurely.¹⁹
<又> òng; sëng; yẽng.
(See 愓 òng; 愓 sëng; 愓 yẽng).
hong3 6815
64 13 hõng táng to keep out; to evade; to spread.
搪风[搪風] hõng-füng tángfēng to keep out the wind.
or 搪突 hõng-ùt tángtū ➀ <wr.> brusque; rude; ➁  profane ➂ to pass oneself/something off as  ➃ to offend person by rudeness.)¹ʼ¹¹ (See also 傏𠊲❄{⿰亻突} hõng-ùt).
or 唐塞 hõng-xāk tángsè to muddle through; to fob somebody off; to beat around the bush; to dodge.¹⁰
搪瓷 hõng-xũ
tángcí enamel.
搪瓷器 hõng-xũ-hï
tángcíqì enamelware
推搪 tuï-hõng
tuītáng <topo.> offer as an excuse (for not doing something); plead.⁶
hong3 6816
75 8 hõng háng short for Hangzhou; Hang surname.⁵
杭绸[杭綢] hõng-chiũ hángchóu silks from Hangzhou.⁸
杭纺[杭紡] hõng-fōng
hángfǎng a soft plain-weave silk fabric produced in Hangzhou.⁸
杭好杭歹 hõng-hāo-hõng-āi
hánghǎohángdǎi sometimes good, sometimes bad.⁸
杭杭子,杭子 hõng-hõng-dū, hõng-dū
hánghángzi, hángzi fellow; thing.⁸
杭州 Hõng-jiü
Hángzhōu Hangzhou.⁵
杭剧[杭劇] hõng-kēk
hángjù Hangzhou opera.⁸
杭育 hõng-yùk
hángyō <ono.> heave ho; yo-heave ho.⁹
hong3 6817
75 10 hõng háng a wooden collar for punishment; a pontoon bridge.¹⁴
桁杨[桁楊] hõng-yẽng hángyáng the cangue.¹⁴
桁杨刀锯[桁楊刀鋸] hõng-yẽng-äo-guï
hángyángdāojù  lit. stocks and knives; fig. any punishment equipment; torture instrument.¹⁰
桁杨相望[桁楊相望] hõng-yẽng-xëng-mòng
hángyáng xiāngwàng numerous criminals.¹⁹
<又> hâng, hòng.
(See 桁 hâng, 桁 hòng.)
hong3 6818
75 12 hõng táng crab apple tree; wild plums.⁸ cherry-apple.¹⁰ Tang surname.
车轮棠[車輪棠] chëh-lũn-hõng chēlúntáng cotoneaster.¹⁰ (scientific name) 黄杨叶栒子[黃楊葉栒子] võng-yẽng-yêp-tũn-dū huángyángyèxúnzi (Cotoneaster buxifolius).²⁰
甘棠 gäm-hõng
gāntáng a wild, small pear.¹¹
甘棠遗爱[甘棠遺愛] gäm-hõng-vĩ-öi
gāntángyí'ài (allusion) sweet memories left behind by a popular official after his retirement.¹¹
海棠 hōi-hõng
hǎitáng crabapple; Malus.¹⁰
棠棣 hõng-ài
tángdì Chinese bush cherry; a kind of white poplar mentioned in ancient books; <wr.> brother.⁶ Prunus japonica.¹⁴ (another name for 郁李 yūk-lī yùlǐ) Cerasus japonica (Thunb.) Lois.⁸ʼ²³
棠梨 hõng-lĩ
tánglí birch-leaved pear (Pyrus betulaefolia).¹⁰
秋海棠 tiü-hōi-hõng
qiūhǎitáng begonia.¹⁰
hong3 6819
75 14 hõng táng the name of a tree; also called 棣 àiJapanese kerria; A (wooden) bowl.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木唐; U+69B6).
or 唐棣 hõng-ài tángdì a kind of white poplar mentioned in ancient books.⁶ <wr.> sparrow plum, or aspen plum, Amelanchier asiatica.¹¹ Chinese serviceberry, Chinese bush cherry; Amelanchier sinica.²³
hong3 6820
75 15 hõng táng door or window frame; <m.> a set of (doors, windows).³⁹
两樘门[兩樘門] lēng-hõng-mõn liǎngtángmén two doors.⁶
门樘[門樘] mõn-hõng
méntáng door frame.⁶
窗樘 töng-hõng
chuāngtáng window frame.⁶
四樘窗 xï-hõng-töng
sìtángchuāng four windows.⁶
hong3 6821
82 14 hõng táng a kind of woolen textiles with curved pattern, a decorative ornament on an official hat.⁸
hong3 6822
85 13 hõng táng half congealed; viscous.⁵ pool; not hardened, semi-soft.⁸
溏便 hõng-bèin tángbiàn <TCM> semi-liquid or unformed stool.⁵
溏心 hõng-xïm
tángxīn (of eggs) with a soft yolk.⁵
溏心蛋 hõng-xïm-àn/
tángxīndàn soft-boiled or soft-fried egg, fluid in center.¹¹
hong3 6823
96 14 hõng táng <wr.> a kind of jade.⁶ a precious stone; the name of a gem.²⁴
(composition: ⿰𤣩唐; U+746D).
hong3 6824
108 17 hõng tāng to propel a boat over dry land; to row.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿱湯皿; U+76EA). (comp. s: ⿱艹汤; U+8361).
荡桨[盪槳] hõng-dēng
tāngjiǎng to row.¹⁴
荡舟[盪舟] hõng-jiü
tāngzhōu to propel a boat by hand – rowing.¹⁴ to push a boat along the dry land.²⁴
荡船[盪船] hõng-sõn
tāngchuán to propel a boat; to row.¹⁴
Ngào hõng jiü.
Ào tāng zhōu.
Ao could move a boat along upon the land.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《論語·憲問》, translated by James Legge).
<又> òng; höng.
(See 盪 òng; 盪 höng).

hong3 6825
112 15 hõng táng vast, widespread, extensive all around; mythical mountain name.¹⁹
(composition: ⿰石唐; U+78C4).
磅磄 or 磅唐 põng-hõng pángtáng vast, widespread, extensive all around; mythical mountain name.¹⁹
磄岸 hõng-ngòn
táng'àn a rock.¹⁰¹
磄磃 hõng-hãi
tángtí a strange kind of stone.²⁵
hong3 6826
118 12 hõng háng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 筕 hãng háng).
(composition: ⿱𥫗行; U+7B55).
筕篖 hãng-hõng
or hõng-hõng hángtáng a course bamboo mat, with the lines running one way; a bamboo basket.²⁵ a kind of bamboo mat.¹⁰¹
筕筜[筕簹] hãng-öng
or hõng-öng hángdāng (=筕篖 hãng-hõng or hõng-hõng hángtáng) a course bamboo mat, with the lines running one way; a bamboo basket.²⁵ a kind of bamboo mat.¹⁰¹
<又> hãng.
(See 筕 hãng).
hong3 6827
118 16 hõng táng (composition: ⿱𥫗唐; U+7BD6).
筕篖 hãng-hõng or hõng-hõng hángtáng a course bamboo mat, with the lines running one way; a bamboo basket.²⁵ a kind of bamboo mat.¹⁰¹
hong3 6828
119 16 hõng táng sugar; sugared, in syrup; sweets, candy.⁵
(variants: 餹 hõng; 醣 hõng). (See 餹 hõng; 醣 hõng).
白糖 bàk-hõng
báitáng refined sugar.⁵
糖粑 hõng-bä
tángbā sweet cake.⁶
糖精 hõng-dëin
tángjīng saccharin; gluside.⁵
糖浆[糖漿] hõng-dëng
tángjiāng syrup.⁵
糖化 hõng-fä
tánghuà <chem.> saccharification.⁵
糖膏 hõng-gäo
tánggāo massecuite; fillmass.⁵
糖果 hõng-gō
tángguǒ candy; sweets.⁷
糖料作物 hõng-lèl-dōk-mùt
tángliào zuòwù sugar crop.⁵
糖类[糖類] hõng-luì
tánglèi  <chem.> carbohydrate.⁵
糖蜜 hõng-mìt
tángmì molasses.⁵
糖尿病 hõng-nèl-bèng
tángniàobìng <med.> diabetes.⁶
糖原 hõng-ngũn
tángyuán <chem.> glycogen.⁵
糖甙 hõng-òi
or hõng-gäm tángdài <chem.> glucoside.⁵
糖商 hõng-sëng
tángshāng a sugar merchant.⁷
糖水 hõng-suī
tángshuǐ syrup.⁵
糖槭 hõng-tēik
tángqī sugar maple (Acer saccharum).³⁹
糖醋 hõng-tü
tángcù sugar and vinegar; sweet and sour.⁵
糖蒜 hõng-xôn
tángsuàn sweetened garlic.⁹
糖衣 hõng-yï
tángyī sugarcoating.⁵
糖衣炮弹[糖衣炮彈] hõng-yï-päo-àn
tángyī pàodàn sugarcoated bullet.⁵
hong3 6829
120 12 hõng háng sew with long stitches.⁵ baste.⁸ a border, a seam; to stitch, to sew.²⁵
绗缝[絎縫] hõng-fũng hángféng to quilt.¹⁰
绗被子[絎被子] hõng-pî-dū
hángbèizi sew on the quilt cover with long stitches.⁵
hong3 6830
130 14 hõng táng fat, unctuous.²⁵
(composition: ⿰月唐; U+8185).
hong3 6831
130 15 hõng táng chest; hollow space, cavity.⁸
挺起胸膛 hêin-hī-hüng-hõng tǐngqǐ xiōngtáng stick out one's chest (in defiance, to show one is not afraid).¹¹
膛长[膛長] hõng-chẽng
tángcháng <mil.> length of bore.⁵⁴
膛子 hõng-dū
tángzi <topo.> chamber.⁸
膛子大 hõng-dū-ài
tángzidà big chest.¹¹
膛口 hõng-hēo
tángkǒu muzzle of gun.¹¹
膛儿里头舒服[膛兒裏頭舒服] hõng-ngĩ-lī-hẽo-sï-fùk
tángr lǐtou shūfu feel good at heart.¹¹
膛线[膛線] hõng-xëin
tángxiàn <mil.> rifling (helical grooves inside the barrel of a gun).¹⁰
膛嗓儿[膛嗓兒] hõng-xông-ngĩ
tángsǎngr big chest voice.¹¹
膛音 hõng-yïm
tángyīn sonorous.⁸
胸膛 hüng-hõng
xiōngtáng the breast or bosom; the thorax.⁷
hong3 6832
137 10 hõng háng a ship, a boat, a vessel; to naviagate.⁷
航道 hõng-ào hángdào a navigation route.⁷
航班 hõng-bän
hángbān scheduled flight; flight number;  scheduled sailing; sailing number.¹⁰
航程 hõng-chẽin
hángchéng the distance of an air or a sea trip; sail.⁷
航行 hõng-hãng
hángxíng to sail; to fly.⁷
航天 hõng-hëin
hángtiān space flight.⁷
航天科技 hõng-hëin-fö-gì
hángtiānkējì aerospace science and technology.¹⁹
航向 hõng-hëng
hángxiàng a course (of ship or plane).⁷
航海 hõng-hōi
hánghǎi maritime navigation; a voyage; to sail on the sea.⁷
航空 hõng-hüng
hángkōng aviation; aeornautics.⁷
航空公司 hõng-hüng-güng-xü
hángkōnggōngsī airline.⁷
航空母舰[航空母艦] hõng-hüng-mû-lâm
hángkōng mǔjiàn an aircraft carrier, a flattop.¹¹
航船 hõng-sõn
hángchuán a liner.⁷
航运[航運] hõng-vùn
hángyùn shipping.⁷
航线[航線] hõng-xëin
hángxiàn routes (of an airline or shipping company).⁷
hong3 6833
140 13 hõng táng Only used in 蓎蒙 (hõng-mũng tángméng).³⁶
(composition: ⿱艹唐; U+84CE).
蓎蒙 hõng-mũng
tángméng dodder.³⁶ syn. 菟丝[菟絲] hü-xü tùsī Chinese dodder; dodder; 女萝[女蘿] nuī-lõ nǚluó dodder.³⁶
蓎䝉 hõng-mũng
tángméng the name of a culinary vegetable.²⁵
hong3 6834
142 10 hõng háng <old> a wild silkworm which eats artemisia leaves; <old> large cowrie shell.³⁶
(composition: ⿰虫亢; U+86A2).
hong3 6835
142 16 hõng táng a small cicada.³⁹
(composition: ⿰虫唐; U+8797).
hong3 6836
142 17 hõng táng a mantis.⁷
蜩螳 hẽl-hõng tiáotáng a cicada.¹⁴
螳臂当车[螳臂當車] hõng-bî-öng-chëh
tángbìdāngchē or 螳臂挡车[螳臂擋車] hõng-bî-ōng-chëh tángbìdǎngchē lit. a mantis trying to stop a cart with its arms – brave but rash attempts to do what is far beyond one's ability.⁷
螳斧 hõng-fū
tángfǔ ax-shaped forelegs of a mantis.⁷
螳螂 hõng-lõng
tángláng a mantis.⁷
螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后[螳螂捕蟬黃雀在後] hõng-lõng-bù-chên võng-dēk-dòi-hëo
tánglángbǔchán huángquèzàihòu lit. the mantis seizing the cicada not knowing the oriole was just behind – recklessness of one blinded by greed; to covet gains ahead without knowing the danger behind.⁷
hong3 6837
144 6 hõng háng
line, row; rank (of seniority among brothers and sisters); business firm; trade, orifession, line of business; <m.> (line, row).⁶
行家 hõng-gä hángjia expert, connoisseur, specialist.⁶
行行出状元[行行出狀元] hõng-hõng-chūt-jòng-ngũn
hángháng chū zhuàngyuan every trade has/produces its own master/leading authority; one may distinguish oneself in any trade.⁶
行距 hõng-kuî
hángjù space between rows; (row) spacing; row pitch; linewidth.⁶
行列 hõng-lèik
hángliè ranks; procession.¹⁰
行窳 hõng-yî
hángyǔ (of goods) flimsy, shabby quality.¹¹
银行[銀行] ngãn-hõng
yínháng bank; banking house.⁶
排行 pãi-hõng
páiháng seniority among brothers, sisters.¹¹
商行 sëng-hõng
shāngháng commercial firm.¹¹
<又> hãng, hàng.
(See 行 hãng, [hàng, héng], [hàng, xíng].)
hong3 6838
155 17 hõng táng (of somebody's complexion) red.⁶ purple, purple-brown (complexion).¹¹
紫赯脸[紫赯臉] dū-hõng-lêm zǐtángliǎn purple brown face/complexion.⁶
紫赯色儿[紫赯色兒] dū-hõng-sēik-ngĩ
zǐtángsèr (of the human complexion) swarthy.¹¹
hong3 6839
157 16 hõng táng to fall flat; to fall on the face.¹⁴ some say, to snatch.²⁵ (Distinguish 踢 pëk to kick).
(composition: ⿰𧾷昜; U+8E3C).
跌踼 ëik-hõng
diētáng to stumble and fall; irregular – as the time of music; reckless; heedless.¹⁴ to slip, to fall down.²⁵
踼倒了 hõng-āo-lēl
tángdǎole stumbled and fell flat.¹⁴
<又> hōng; höng; òng.
(See 踼 hōng; 踼 höng; 踼 òng).
hong3 6840
163 12 hõng táng a place name in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province; 鄌國 a state name, originally it was 唐國.⁸
鄌郚 Hõng-m̃
Tángwú a place name in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province.¹⁹
hong3 6841
164 17 hõng táng carbohydrate.⁷ carbohydrate, saccharide; (<old>=糖 hõng táng) sugar.⁸
(composition: ⿰酉唐; U+91A3).
醣类[醣類] hõng-luì
tánglèi carbohydrate.¹⁰
or 糖尿 hõng-nèl tángniào glycosuria; diabetes mellitus.³⁶
多醣 ü-hõng
duōtáng  polysaccharide.¹⁰
(See 糖 hõng).
hong3 6842
167 18 hõng táng (composition: ⿰釒唐; U+9395).
鎕銻 hõng-häi tángtī the name of a pearl; a kind of red pearl.²⁵ In former times it was called 火齐[火齊] fō-tãi huǒqí or 火齐珠[火齊珠] fō-tãi-jî huǒqízhū; it is a gold-colored mineral resembling mica in shape.⁸
hong3 6843
167 19 hõng táng to bore.⁶
镗刀[鏜刀] hõng-äo tángdāo a boring cutter; a boring tool.⁷
镗床[鏜床] hõng-chõng
tángchuáng a boring machine; a boring lathe.⁷
镗孔[鏜孔] hõng-kūng
tángkǒng bore a hole; boring.⁵⁴
(See 鏜 [hõng, tāng].)
hong3 6844
167 19 hõng tāng (=嘡 hõng tāng) (used for the loud ringing sound of a gong); clang.⁶ the noise of drums or gongs; a small gong.⁷
镗镗[鏜鏜]  hõng-hõng
tāngtāng the noise of drums.⁷
(See 鏜 [hõng, táng]; 嘡 hõng).
hong3 6845
170 8 hõng xiáng surrender, capitulate, cave in, concede, give in, yield; subdue, tame, vanquish.⁶
(composition: ⿰阝夅; U+964D).
投降 hẽo-hõng tóuxiáng to surrender; to capitulate.
降伏 hõng-fùk
xiángfú to vanquish; to tame.
降旗 hõng-kĩ
xiángqí flag of surrender; white flag.
降龙伏虎[降龍伏虎] hõng-lũng-fùk-fū
xiánglóngfúhǔ (idiom) to overcome powerful adversaries; <Dao.> to conquer one's passions.
降顺[降順] hõng-sùn
xiángshùn to yield and pledge loyalty.
<又> göng.
(See 降 göng.)
hong3 6846
177 20 hõng tāng the sound of drums.⁷
鞺鞳 hõng-àp tāngtà the sound of bells and drums.⁷
hong3 6847
181 13 hõng háng fly down or downward.⁸ to fly down.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿰亢頁; U+980F). (comp. s: ⿰亢页; U+9883).
颉颃[頡頏] gēit-hõng
xiéháng <wr.> (of birds) fly up and down; rival.⁶ to match, to contest, well-matched; birds flying up and down.<wr.> (of birds) fly up and down; rival; haughty, conceited.⁷  (of birds) fly upward; equally matched.⁸ (of birds) fluttering up and down; stiff-necked.¹⁴ to fly up and down.²⁵
颉之颃之[頡之頏之] gēit-jï-hõng-jï
xiézhīhángzhī now flying up and now down; fluttering about.¹⁴
互相颉颃[互相頡頏] vù-xëng-gēit-hõng
hùxiāngxiéháng to rival each other.¹¹
hong3 6848
184 17 hõng táng <lit.> (=糖 hõng táng) sugar.⁶
<又> chẽin.
(See 餳 chẽin.)
hong3 6849
184 18 hõng táng (<old>=糖 hõng táng) sugar; sugared; candy; crystallized sweetmeats.⁸
(composition: ⿰飠唐; U+9939).
or 冰糖 bëin-hõng bīngtáng  crystal sugar; rock candy.⁵ 
餹缠[餹纏] hõng-chẽn
tángchán a food made with sugar and nuts as main raw ingredients.¹⁹
餹䬾 hõng-hãi
tángtí a kind of cake; cakes or dumplings.²⁵
❄{⿰饣皇}[餹餭] hõng-võng tánghuáng malt sugar.¹⁹
餹霜 hõng-söng
tángshuāng powdered sugar.¹⁹
or 马唐[馬唐] mâ-hõng mǎtáng hairy crabgrass, hairy finger-grass, large crabgrass, crab finger grass, purple crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis).¹⁵ʼ¹⁹ʼ²⁰
黍餹 sī-hõng
shǔtáng candy made from millet grain¹⁹
(See 糖 hõng).
hong3 6850
42 5 hõng


堂字头[堂字頭] hõng-dù-hẽo tángzìtóu top component of the character 堂 hõng táng.
(composition: ⿱⺌冖; U+9FB8).
49 9 hòng hàng tunnel.
(composition: ⿱共巳; U+5DF7).
巷道 hòng-ào hàngdào tunnel (in a mine).
<又> hōng.
(See 巷 hōng, [hòng, xiàng].)
hong4 6852
49 9 hòng xiàng lane; alley.⁵ (variants: 閧, 衖 hòng xiàng).
(composition: ⿱共巳; U+5DF7).
背街小巷 böi-gâi-xēl-hòng
bèijiēxiǎoxiàng out-of-way lane; byways.
臭街烂巷[臭街爛巷] chiü-gâi-làn-hòng
chòujiēlànxiàng plentiful and cheap (of goods or commodities).
火巷 fō-hòng
huǒxiàng fire lane.
街谈巷议[街談巷議] gâi-hãm-hòng-ngì
jiētánxiàngyì street gossip.⁵
巷道 hòng-ào
xiàngdào alley; tunnel.
巷子 hòng-dū
xiàngzi lane; alley.
巷战[巷戰] hòng-jën
xiàngzhàn street fighting.⁵
巷弄 hòng-lùng
xiànglòng alley; lane.¹⁰
陋巷 lèo-hòng
lòuxiàng narrow, dirty alley; slums.
<又> hōng.
(See 巷 hōng, [hòng, hàng]; 閧 hòng; 衖 hòng)
hong4 6853
61 7 hòng hàng <old> arrogant.³⁶
(composition: ⿰忄亢; U+5FFC).
<又> kōng; köng. (See 忼 kōng; 忼 köng).
hong4 6854
64 14 hòng tàng to push.² to spread out.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌⿱𠂉昜; the right side is the same as the right side of 傷 sëng shāng; U+6465).
排摥 pãi-hòng
páitàng (=排开[排開] pãi-höi páikāi to arrange; to place for display.⁷) spread out; deploy; arranged.⁰
hong4 6855
75 10 hòng hàng a clotheshorse.¹⁴
桁上无悬衣[桁上無懸衣] hòng-sèng-mũ-yõn-yï hàngshàngwúxuányī there are no garments hanging on the clotheshorse.¹⁴
<又> hâng, hõng.
(See 桁 hâng, 桁 hõng.)
hong4 6856
85 15 hòng hòng vast.⁸ vast; infinite.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰氵項; U+6F92).
澒池 hòng-chĩ hòngchí (=澒地 hòng-ì hòngdì vast area (of the tomb was paved with mercury).¹⁹ʼ⁰)¹⁹
澒澒 hòng-hòng
hònghòng shaking and chaotic appearance.¹⁹ʼ⁰
澒地 hòng-ì
hòngdì vast area (of the tomb was paved with mercury).¹⁹ʼ⁰
澒濛 hòng-mũng
hòngméng there was chaos before the formation of the universe.¹⁹ʼ⁰
澒耳 hòng-ngī
hòngěr the deafenning sound of water.¹⁹ʼ⁰
澒洞 hòng-ùng
hòngdòng connected; unbrokden.²⁴ pervasive, vast.³⁶
澒溶 hòng-yũng
hòngróng water deep and wide.²⁴
澒涌[澒湧] hòng-yũng
hòngyǒng the water is wide and turbulent.¹⁹ʼ⁰
厖澒 mõng-hòng
mánghòng refers to the state of chaos before the formation of the universe, which means vastness.¹⁹
濛澒 mũng-hòng
ménghòng original chaos.²⁴
hong4 6857
121 12 缿 hòng xiàng still bank; container for money or mail; exposed box.⁸ a money box or mail box.⁹ a spare pot, a pot for keeping money in.²⁵
(composition: ⿰缶后; U+7F3F).
缿筩 hòng-hûng xiàngtǒng a receptable for money, with a small hole, so that cash may be easily put in, but taken out with difficulty; a spare pot; also an implement for catching fish, made on the same principle.²⁵
hong4 6858
144 12 hòng xiàng <old>=巷 hòng xiàng lane; alley.⁸ a road in a village; the gate of a road in a village; a private way to a harem.²⁵
(composition: ⿲彳共亍; U+8856).
(See 巷 [hòng, xiàng].)
hong4 6859
169 14 hòng xiàng (<old>=巷 hòng xiàng) lane; alley.⁵
(composition: ⿵門共; U+95A7).
<又> hüng.
(See 閧 hüng; 巷 hòng).
hong4 6860
181 12 hòng xiàng nape (of the neck); item; sum (of money); a project; a program; <math.> term; (<m.> for items, clauses); Xiang surname.
单项[單項] än-hòng dānxiàng <sport> individual event.
负项[負項] fù-hòng
fùxiàng <math.> negative term.
颈项[頸項] gēng-hòng
jǐngxiàng neck.⁶
各项[各項] gōk-hòng
gèxiàng each, various kinds.⁹ every.¹⁰
项链[項鏈] hòng-lèin
xiàngliàn necklace.
项目[項目] hòng-mùk
xiàngmù article, item on list.⁵
项羽[項羽] Hòng Yî
Xiàng Yǔ Xiang Yu (232-202 BCE) warlord defeated by the first emperor of the Han dynasty.
事项[事項] xù-hòng
shìxiàng item; individual matter.
<又> hông.
(See 項 hông.)
hong4 6861
32 13 hông táng <台> 地塘 ì-hông drying yard for grain.
<又> hõng. (See 塘 hõng.)
hong5 6862
119 17 hông kāng <台> 老糠 lāo-hông coarsely ground husk.
<又> höng. (See 糠 höng.)
hong5 6863
130 12 hông qiāng (composition: ⿰⺼空; U+8154).
<台> 面腔嘴 mèin-hông-duī cheeks.
<又> höng. (See 諱 höng).
hong5 6864
181 12 hông xiàng <台> 鸡项仔[雞項仔] gäi-hông-dōi small hen.
<又> hòng. (See 項 hòng.)
hong5 6865
177 18 hōt same as 履 lî lǚ, shoes.² buskin; name of a tribe; turban.¹⁰ <wr.> rough sandal.¹¹
靺鞨 Mòt-hōt
Mòhé Mohe (an ethnic group living in northeast China in ancient times).⁶ the Tungusic tribe in ancient China; name of a precious stone.⁷ a tribe which occupied Manchuria; Tunguses, variously known as 肃愼[肅愼] Xūk-sìn Sùshèn, 勿吉 Mòt-gīt Wùjí.¹⁴ a tribe of foreigners living in the northwest. Also the name of a country producing precious stones as large as chestnuts, which are called 靺鞨 mòt-hōt mòhé.²⁵
<又> màt, sêt.
(See 鞨 màt, 鞨 sêt.)
hot1 6866
9 9 höt tuó (=脱[脱] höt tuó (of hair, skin) shed; take off, cast off; escape from, get out of; miss out (words); <wr.> neglect, slight; <wr.> if, in case.⁵); simple and easy; rash, hasty; simple, appropriate, should.⁸ cunning, artful, light, trifling.²⁴ cunning, artful.
(composition: ⿰亻兑 (G) or ⿰亻兌 (TJK); U+4FBB).
侻合于教[侻合於教] höt-hàp-yï-gäo
tuóhéyújiào education has much to do with the character.¹⁰²
or 通脱 hüng-höt tōngtuō free, wide, independent, free from prejudices (of nature).⁵⁴
人情僣侻 ngĩn-tẽin hëik-höt
rénqíng tiětuó men's disposititions are crafty and guileful.¹⁰²
<又> huï.
(See 侻 huï; 脱] höt).
hot2 6867
30 12 höt to shout loudly.⁶
大喝一声[大喝一聲] ài-höt-yīt-sëng dà hè yīshēng to shout loudly.⁶
呼喝 fü-höt
hūhè to bawl.⁸ to shout.¹⁰
喝彩 höt-tōi
hècǎi acclaim; cheer.⁵
(See 喝 [höt, ].)
hot2 6868
30 12 höt to drink.⁶
大吃大喝 ài-hëk-ài-höt dàchīdàhē to eat and drink to one's heart's content; to be spendthrift in feasting.³⁹
喝茶 höt-chã
hēchá to drink tea.¹⁰
喝酒 höt-diū
hējiǔ to drink (alcohol).¹⁰
喝醉 höt-duï
hēzuì to get drunk.¹⁰
喝足墨水 höt-dūk-màk-suī
hēzúmòshuǐ to have read a great deal.³⁹
喝喜酒 höt-hī-diū
hēxǐjiǔ to attend a wedding banquet.¹
喝墨水 höt-màk-suī
hēmòshuǐ to go to school.⁸
喝水 höt-suī
hēshuǐ to drink water.¹⁰
(See 喝 [höt, ].)
hot2 6869
72 13 höt hot; feverish.¹⁴ warm.²⁴
暍人 höt-ngĩn hèrén a feverish person.¹⁴
(See 暍 yēik.)
hot2 6870
82 13 höt a plain trencher.²⁴
(composition: ⿰曷毛; U+6BFC).
<又> hòt; āp. (See 毼 hòt; 毼 āp).
hot2 6871
85 12 höt thirsty, parched; yearn, pine.¹⁰
解渴 gāi-höt jiěkě to quench.¹⁰
口渴 hēo-höt
kǒukě thirsty.¹⁰
渴求 höt-kiũ
kěqiú to long for; to crave for; to greatly desire.¹⁰
渴望 höt-mòng
kěwàng to thirst for; to long for.¹⁰
渴慕 höt-mù
kěmù to thirst for.¹⁰
渴念 höt-nèm
kěniàn yearning.¹⁰
渴睡 höt-suì
kěshuì very sleepy.¹¹
渴欲 höt-yùk
kěyù wish very much.¹¹
临渴掘井[臨渴掘井] lĩm-höt-gùt-dēng
línkějuéjǐng lit. not to dig a well until one is thirsty; to be unprepared and seek help at the last minute (idiom).¹⁰
爱才若渴[愛才若渴] öi-tõi-ngèk-höt
àicáiruòkě one's love for talents is equal to one's thirst for water – have a great passion for talents.⁶
<台> 颈渴[頸渴] gēng-höt thirsty.
<台> 颈渴广锹井[頸渴廣鍬井] gēng-höt-gōng-tël-dēng lit. Dig a well only when one is thirsty; fig. to be unprepared and look for solutions at the last minute. Note: May use 古多 gū-ü
or 广当[廣當] gōng-öng in place of 广[廣] gōng then. (See 临渴掘井[臨渴掘井] lĩm-höt-gùt-dēng.)
hot2 6872
85 16 höt (same as 渴 höt ) thirsty; to thirst; urgent, anxiously (awaiting); (interchangeable 愒 käi kài) to rest, to stop; to idle away (time).⁸
(composition: ⿰氵歇; U+3D63).
(See 渴 höt; 愒 käi).
hot2 6873
130 11 höt tuō (of hair, skin) shed; take off, cast off; escape from, get out of; miss out (words); <wr.> neglect, slight; <wr.> if, in case.⁵
(variant: 侻 höt tuó); (comp. t: ⿰⺼兌(HT) or ⿰月兌(GK); U+812B).
 (comp. s: ⿰⿰⺼兑(HT) or ⿰月兑(GJKV); U+8131).

脱掉[脫掉] höt-èl tuōdiào to take off (one's garment).⁷
脱缰[脫韁] höt-gëng
tuōjiāng to throw off the reins; runaway (horse); fig. out of control.¹⁰
脱臼[脫臼] höt-giü
tuōjiù dislocation of joints.⁵
脱肛[脫肛] höt-göng
tuōgāng <med.> prolapse of anus.⁵
脱靴[脫靴] höt-hëh
tuōxuē to take off boots.¹⁴ keep the boots of a retired or transferred official at the city gate as a memento.¹⁹
脱口而出[脫口而出] höt-hēo-ngĩ-chūt tuōkǒu'érchū say something unwittingly; blurt out; let slip.⁵
脱胎[脫胎] höt-höi
tuōtāi emerge from the womb of, be born out of; a process of making bodiless lacquerware.⁵
脱脂奶粉[脫脂奶粉] höt-jï-nâi-fūn
tuōzhī nǎifěn de-fatted milk powder; nonfat dried milk.⁵
脱离[脫離] höt-lĩ
tuōlí separate oneself from; break away from; be divorced from.⁵
脱落[脫落] höt-lòk
tuōluò drop; fall off; come off.⁵
脱销[脫銷] höt-xël
tuōxiāo out of stock.¹⁹
<台> 脱至巴肋 höt-jï-bläk naked (down to the waist).
<台> 一脱西装[一脫西裝] yīt-höt-xäi-jöng one suit of Western-style clothes.

<又> huï.
(See 脫 huï; 侻 höt).
hot2 6874
149 14 höt tuō (=脱[脫] höt tuō to take off.¹⁴
t: ⿰言兌; U+F96F). (comp. s: ⿰讠兑; U+8BF4).
说桎梏[說桎梏] höt-jìt-gūk
tuōzhìgù to take off the manacles and fetters.¹⁴
舆说輹[輿說輹] yĩ-höt-fūk
yútuōfù a carriage with the strap under it removed.⁶⁰
<又> sōt; suï; yòt.
(See 說 sōt; 說 suï; 說 yòt; 脫 höt).
hot2 6875
181 18 höt hair-less.⁸ a bald forehead.²⁵ bald in the temple area.³⁶
(composition: ⿰曷頁; U+4AD8).
<又> hòt. (See 䫘 hòt).
hot2 6876
19 11 hòt diligent, industrious, hardworking.²
(composition: ⿰曷力; U+3520).
<又> hàt. (See 㔠 hàt).
hot4 6877
73 9 hòt <wr.> how; why; when.⁵ <wr.> why; when.⁶
曷不 hòt-būt hébù <wr.> why not.¹¹
曷故 hòt-gü
hégù <trad.> why? what for?⁷
曷克臻此 hòt-hāk-jün-xū
hékèzhēncǐ how could this be otherwise attained (without someone’s help)?¹¹
曷兴乎来[曷興乎來] hòt-hëin-fũ-lõi
héxìnghūlái <wr.> Why not come and do it?⁷
曷可 hòt-hō
hékě How is it possible to...?¹⁴
曷至哉 hòt-jï-döi
hézhìzāi Where is he?¹⁴
曷之用 hòt-jï-yùng
hézhīyòng to decline to use.¹⁴
曷若 hòt-ngèk
héruò <trad.> wouldn't it be better to ...?⁷
曷虐朕民 hòt-ngèk-jìm-mĩn
hénüèzhènmín Why does he harass our people?¹⁴
曷月 hòt-ngùt
héyuè in what month?¹⁴
曷胜[曷勝] hòt-sëin
héshèng very, extremely.¹¹
曷胜感戴[曷勝感戴] hòt-sëin-gām-äi
héshènggǎndài How can I adequately express my gratitude?¹⁴
曷胜欣跃[曷勝欣躍] hòt-sëin-hïm-yèk
héshèngxīnyuè How can I express my delight?¹⁴
曷胜诧异[曷勝詫異] hòt-sëin-jä-yì
or hòt-sëin-chä-yì héshèngchàyì How can I express my astonishment?¹⁴
曷尝[曷嘗] hòt-sẽng
hécháng an interrogative phrase needing an answer in the negative.¹⁴
hot4 6878
73 14 hòt (<old>=曷 hòt <wr.> how; why; when.⁵ <wr.> why; when.⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿰去曷; U+6705).
<又> kēik.
(See 朅 kēik).
hot4 6879
82 13 hòt a kind of wool carpet; (<old>=鹖[鶡] hòt a variety of the long-tailed pheasant).¹⁹ hairy cloth; the name of a wild fowl; a game cock.²⁴
(composition: ⿰曷毛; U+6BFC).
❄{⿰並毛}毼 bōng-hòt bǎnghé felt.²ʼ²⁴
氀毼 lẽo-hòt
lǘhé a kind of woolen fabric.² a woolen fabric.¹³ a kind of felt; also embroided work done by puncturing leather.²⁴ (cf 氀毼 ëo-āp).
氁毼 mũ-hòt
múhé a woolen fabric.¹⁹
<又> höt; āp.
(See 毼 höt; 毼 āp).
hot4 6880
142 15 hòt a grub which bores into trees and destroys them.¹⁴
蝎盛则木朽[蝎盛則木朽] hòt-sèin-dāk-mùk-hiū héshèngzémùxiǔ when grubs multiply, the trees decay.¹⁴
蝎蠧 hòt-ù
hédù grubs and larvae of all kinds.¹⁴
<又> kēik.
(See 蝎 kēik; 蠍 kēik).
hot4 6881
145 14 hòt <wr.> coarse cloth or clothing; brown.⁶
茶褐色 chã-hòt-sēik cháhèsè dark brown; tawny.¹⁰
赤褐色 chēik-hòt-sēik
chìhèsè reddish-brown.¹⁰
褐夫 hòt-fü
hèfū a person dressed in cloth of hair – a person of little means; a humble person.⁷
褐铁矿[褐鐵礦] hòt-hëik-köng
hètiěkuàng brown iron ore; limonite.⁶
褐林鸮[褐林鴞] hòt-lĩm-lẽl
hèlínliù brown wood owl (Strix leptogrammica).¹⁰
褐柳莺[褐柳鶯] hòt-liû-äng
hèliǔyīng dusky warbler (Phylloscopus fuscatus).¹⁰
褐锰矿[褐錳礦] hòt-mâng-köng
hèměngkuàng braunite.⁷
褐煤 hòt-mõi
hèméi brown coal; lignite.⁶
褐岩鹨[褐岩鷚] hòt-ngãm-lẽl
hèyánliù brown accentor (Prunella fulvescens).¹⁰
褐色 hòt-sēik
hèsè brown; tan.⁶
褐色土 hòt-sēik-hū
hèsètǔ drab soil.⁵
褐鼠 hòt-sī
hèshǔ brown rat.⁶
褐藻 hòt-täo
hèzǎo <bot.> brown alga.⁶
短褐 ōn-hòt
duǎnhè coarse cloth jacket.⁸
黄褐色[黃褐色] võng-hòt-sēik
huánghèsè tan (color); tawny.¹⁰
hot4 6882
181 18 hòt healthy; strong.⁸ strong, hale, robust.²⁵
(composition: ⿰曷頁; U+4AD8).
䫛䫘 hẽo-hòt hóuhé to spread abroad reports.²⁵
❄{⿰末頁}䫘 mòt-hòt mòhé a flat nose and face; also hale and strong.²⁵
<又> höt.
(See 䫘 höt).
hot4 6883
196 20 hòt a variety of the long-tailed pheasant, very fond of fighting and of great courage – thus it is used as an emblem of courage.¹⁴
鹖鴠[鶡鴠] or 鹖旦[鶡旦] hòt-än hédàn a sort of nightingale which is said to sing for the dawn; also the name for a large bat (寒号虫[寒號蟲] hõn-hão-chũng hánháochóng) with a wingspread of two feet.¹⁴
鹖鴠不鸣[鶡鴠不鳴] hòt-än-būt-mẽin
hédànbùmíng the night-bird ceases to sing.¹⁴
鹖鸡[鶡雞] hòt-gäi
héjī a sort of pheasant.⁷
鹖冠[鶡冠] hòt-gön
héguān a cap adorned with pheasant's feathers, formerly worn by the Imperial Bodyguard.¹⁴
鹖冠子[鶡冠子] hòt-gön-dū
héguānzi actors who wear the
heguan (鹖冠[鶡冠] hòt-gön
héguān) cap.¹⁴
hot4 6884
150 17 hôt huō <台> 豁 hôt outlet for discharging water from ridges between fields.
<又> köt, vàk. (See 豁 [köt, huò]; 豁 [köt, huō]; 豁 vàk.)
hot5 6885
32 3 Kangxi radical 32; soil, earth; items made of earth; Tu surname.⁸
土包子 hū-bäo-dū tǔbāozi <topo.> (country) bumpkin.
土布 hū-bü
tǔbù homespun cloth.
土族 Hū-dùk
Tǔzú Tu ethnic minority (in 青海 Tëin-hōi Qīnghǎi).
土豆 hū-èo
tǔdòu potato; (Taiwan) peanut.¹⁰
土豆泥 hū-èo-nãi
tǔdòuní mashed potato.¹⁰
土库[土庫]  hū-fü
tǔkù underground storage.⁵⁴
土茯苓 hū-fùk-lẽin
tǔfúlíng the China root; sarsaparilla Smilax glabra.¹⁵
土豚 hū-hũn
tǔtún aardvark.¹⁰
土地 hū-ì
tǔdì land; soil; territory; god of Earth.
土地复垦[土地復墾] hū-ì-fùk-hān
tǔdìfùkěn land reclamation, development of abandoned land.⁵⁴
土楼[土樓] hū-lẽo
tǔlóu tamped earth circular building in Fujian Province (福建 Fūk-gèin Fújiàn).
土馒头[土饅頭] hū-màn-hẽo
tǔmántou (sarcastic) grave (“earthen bun”).¹¹
土耳其 Hū-ngī-kĩ
Tǔ'ěrqí Turkey.
土耳其饼[土耳其餅] Hū-ngī-kĩ-bēng
Tǔěrqíbǐng gözleme.
土生土长[土生土長] hū-säng-hū-jēng
tǔshēngtǔzhǎng locally born and bred.
土洋并举[土洋並舉] hū-yẽng-bèin-guī
tǔyángbìngjǔ to combine traditional and modern methods.

hu1 6886
149 10 tǎo <台> 讨[討] hū or hō to want.
<台> 讨老婆[討老婆] hū-lāo-pû
or hō-lāo-pû to take a wife; to marry (a woman).
<台> 讨靓唔讨命[討靚唔讨命] hū-lëng-m̃-hū-mèng to dress up without regard for the weather in order to look good. (Compare 美丽冻人[美麗凍人] mî-lài-üng-ngĩn under 冻[凍] üng.)
<又> hāo, hō.
(See 討 hāo, hō.)
hu1 6887
167 11 thorium (Th).⁶
钍矿[釷礦] hū-köng tǔkuàng thorium ore.⁹
钍石[釷石] hū-sêk
tǔshí (mineral) thorite.⁷
hu1 6888
10 7 demotic character for 兔 hü rabbit; hare.
(composition: ⿰; U+514E).
(See 兔 hü).
hu2 6889
10 8 rabbit; hare. (variant: 兎 hü ). (See 兎 hü).
白兔 bàk-hü
báitù white rabbit; the moon.
家兔 gä-hü
jiātù rabbit; domestic rabbit.
海兔 hōi-hü
hǎitù sea hare (Aplysia).
兔爸 hü-bā
tùbà <loan> toolbar (in computer software).
兔崽子 hü-dōi-dū
tùzǎizi brat; bastard.¹⁰
兔子 hü-dū
tùzi rabbit.
兔起鹘落[兔起鶻落] hü-hī-gūt-lòk
tùqǐhúluò the moment a hare is flushed out, the falcon swoops down – said of quick flow of writer's thoughts and imagination.¹¹
兔毫 hü-hõ
tùháo rabbit hair; rabbit-hair writing brush.
兔毛衫 hü-mão-sâm
tùmáoshān angora sweater.¹⁹
兔唇 hü-sũn
tùchún harelip (birth defect).¹⁰
兔死狗烹 hü-xī-gēo-päng
tùsǐgǒupēng the hounds are killed for food once the hares are bagged – trusted aids are eliminated when they have outlived their usefulness.⁶
兔死狐悲 hü-xī-vũ-bï
tùsǐhúbēi to mourn a friend's death.
玉兔 ngùk-hü
yùtù <wr.> the Jade Hare (the moon).
鼠兔 sī-hü
shǔtù pika, a small, mountain-dwelling mammal found in Asia and North America.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
小兔 xēl-hü
xiǎotù leveret (a little rabbit).
野兔 yêh-hü
yětù hare.⁶
<台> 兔仔 hü-dōi rabbit.
hu2 6890
30 6 to vomit; to throw up.¹⁰
呕吐[嘔吐] ēo-hü ǒutù to vomit.¹⁰
吐血 hü-hüt
tùxiě to throw up blood.¹¹
吐剂[吐劑] hü-jäi
tùjì to puke.¹⁰
吐沫 hü-mòt
tùmo saliva; spittle.¹⁰
上吐下泻[上吐下瀉] sèng-tû-hà-xëh
shàngtùxiàxiè vomit and have diarrhea at the same time.⁵⁴
<又> tû.
(See 吐 [hü, ], tû.)
hu2 6891
30 6 to spit; to put; to say.¹⁰
吐字清晰 hü-dù-tëin-xēik tǔzìqīngxī enunciate one's words clearly.⁶
吐火罗人 [吐火羅人] (=月氏 Ngùt-jï
Yuèzhī) Hü-fō-lõ-ngĩn Tǔhuǒluórén Tokhara; Tokharians, historic Indo-European people of central Asia.¹⁰
吐故纳新[吐故納新] hü-gü-nàp-xïn
tǔgùnàxīn  lit. to breathe out stale air and breathe in fresh (idiom, from Zhuangzi 庄子[莊子] Jöng-dū Zhuāngzǐ); fig. to get rid of the old and bring in the new.¹⁰ Taoist art of controlled breathing and swallowing of saliva toward achieving long life.¹¹
吐蕃 hü-fän
tǔfān Tubo or Tufan, old name for Tibet; the Tibetan Tubo dynasty 7th-11th century CE.¹⁰
吐痰 hü-hãm
tǔtán to spit; to expectorate.¹⁰
吐气[吐氣] hü-hï
tǔqì feel elated and exultant.⁶
吐露 hü-lù
tǔlù reveal, tell; send out, put forth.⁶
吐绶鸟[吐綬鳥] hü-siù-nêl
tùshòuniǎo aka 火鸡[火雞] fō-gäi/ huǒjī turkey.⁸
吐丝[吐絲] hü-xû
tǔsī (silkworms) to spin silk.¹¹
<又> tû.
(See 吐 [hü, ], tû.)
hu2 6892
32 11 ramp of a bridge.
桥堍[橋堍] kẽl-hü qiáotù either end of a bridge.⁵
hu2 6893
64 8 tuō (=曳 yài ) to pull, to drag; to procrastinate; to mop (the floor).
拖沓 hü-àp
tuōtà dilatory; procrastinating; obstructive.¹⁰
拖把 hü-bā
tuōbǎ a mop.
拖车[拖車] hü-chëh
tuōchē tow truck; trailer; to pull cart; to tow.
拖长[拖長] hü-chẽng
tuōcháng to drag out; to lengthen.
拖鞋 hü-hãi
tuōxié slippers; mule.⁹
拖地板 hü-ì-bān
tuō dìbǎn to mop the floor.
拖拉 hü-läi
tuōlā dilatory; slow; sluggish; to put off.
拖泥带水[拖泥帶水] hü-nãi-äi-suī
tuōnídàishuǐ messy; sloppy; slovenly.⁹ lit. wading in mud and water; a slovenly job; sloppy.¹⁰
拖宕 hü-òng
tuōdàng to procrastinate; delay.
拖船 hü-sõn
tuōchuán tugboat.
拖延 hü-yẽn
tuōyán to delay; to put off.
拖油瓶 hü-yiũ-pẽin
or hü-yiũ-pêng tuōyóupíng children of preceding marriage living with mother in second marriage.¹¹
老牛拖车[老牛拖車] lāo-ngẽo-hü-chëh
lǎoniútuōchē to make slow progress.
(See 曳[yài, ]).
hu2 6894
64 8 tuō (=拖 hü tuō to pull, to drag; to procrastinate; to mop the floor); to drag after, to drag out, from which comes: to involve, to delay, to implicate.⁸ to drag, to pull, to trail, to track.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌它; U+62D5).
拕毙[拕斃] hü-bài
tuōbì to torture to death.²⁴
拕累 hü-luì
tuōlěi to involve.²⁴
拕泥 hü-nãi
tuōní to drag through the mud.²⁴
拕船 hü-sõn
tuōchuán to track a boat.²⁴
拕膝 hü-xīp
tuōxī to bend the knee.²⁴
拕延 hü-yẽn
tuōyán to delay.²⁴
(See 拖 hü).
hu2 6895
140 11 dodder; creeper.⁸ dodder; rabbit.⁹ dodder (Cuscuta sinensis, a parasitic vine with seeds having medicinal uses); also called 菟丝子[菟絲子].¹⁰
菟丝[菟絲] hü-xü
tùsī a parasitic plant (Cuscuta chinensis Lam.) in the family Convolvulaceae; it is native to China.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
菟丝子[菟絲子] hü-xü-dū
tùsīzǐ dodder, love vine, field dodder.⁹ dodder (Cuscuta sinensis, a parasitic vine with seeds used in medicine).¹⁰
菟丝纹[菟絲紋] hü-xü-mũn
tùsīwén <art> dodder mark (in glaze design).¹ dodder mark.³⁹
菟葵 or 兔葵 hü-kĩ
tùkuí winter aconite (Eranthis hyemalis).⁹ <bot.> the winter aconite; <zoo.> the sea anemone.¹¹ Eranthis stellata; hellebore; Eranthis pinnatifida; Green Hellebore.³⁹
<又> hũ.
(See 菟 hũ.)
hu2 6896
167 15 an old name for thorium (Th) 钍[釷] hū .⁸
(composition: ⿰釒豆; U+92C0).
<又> hëo; èo.
(See 鋀 hëo; 鋀 èo).
hu2 6897
187 18 𩣮 (composition: ⿰; U+).
騛𩣮 or 騛兔 or 飞兔[飛兔] fï-hü fēitù a horse galloping like a rabbit.²ʼ⁸ a famous steed of ancient times; a horse with an easy gait.²⁵
hu2 6898
9 4 𠆧
(=途 hũ a road, a path, a journey; a career, a pursuit).
(composition: ⿰亻人; U+201A7).
<又> fä, ngĩn.
(See 𠆧❄{⿰亻人} fä, 𠆧❄{⿰亻人} ngĩn; 途 hũ).
hu3 6899
30 11 (<old>=图[圖] hũ diagram; picture; drawing; chart; map; to plan; to scheme; to attempt; to pursue; to seek.¹⁰).⁸
(composition: ⿳口十回(GV) or ⿱口㐭(TJK); U+555A).
<又> pī.
(See 啚 pī).

hu3 6900
31 7 (=图[圖] hũ diagram; chart, map, picture).⁸
(composition: ⿴囗⿶丶义 or ⿴囗⿶⺀乂; U+56F3).
(See 圖 hũ).
hu3 6901
31 14 diagram; chart, map, picture.⁸ (variants: 図, 圗 hũ ).
图章[圖章] hũ-jëng
túzhāng stamp; seal.¹⁰
or 图穷匕首现[圖窮匕首現] hũ-kũng-bï-siū-yèn túqióng bǐshǒu xiàn when the map was spread out, the dagger was revealed – hidden intentions are exposed in the end.⁶
or 图穷匕现[圖窮匕現] hũ-kũng-bï-yèn túqióngbǐxiàn the plot is revealed in the end.⁵⁴
图箓[圖籙] hũ-lùk
túlù or 图谶[圖讖] hũ-tëm túchèn
or 箓图[籙圖] lùk-hũ lùtú book of prophecy; ancient augural books.⁵⁴
图谋不轨[圖謀不軌] hũ-mẽo-būt-gī
túmóubùguǐ hatch a sinister plot.⁵
图书[圖書] hũ-sï
túshū books (in a library or bookstore).¹⁰
图书馆[圖書館] hũ-sï-gōn
túshūguǎn library.¹⁰
图画[圖畫] hũ-và
túhuà drawing; picture.¹⁰
企图[企圖] kï-hũ
qǐtú to attempt; to try; attempt.¹⁰
推背图[推背圖] tuï-böi-hũ
tuībèitú Tui Bei Tu a prophecy book from the Tang dynasty, written by 袁天罡 Yuan Tiangang and 李淳風 Li Chunfeng.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ See Chinese Wikisource, which has original text:  https://zh.m.wikisource.org/zh-hant/推背圖_(袁天罡、李淳風)
(See 図 hũ; 圗 hũ).
hu3 6902
31 14 (<old>=图[圖] hũ diagram; chart, map, picture).⁸
(composition: ⿴囗⿳厶十囬; U+5717).
(See 圖 hũ).
hu3 6903
32 8 tuó lump, heap; (of cooked food) stick together.⁶
冰坨 bëin-hũ or bëin-hõ bīngtuó lump/block of ice.⁶
坨子 hũ-dū
or hõ-dū tuózi lump; heap.⁵
蜡坨[蠟坨] làp-hũ
or làp-hõ làtuó a lump of wax.¹⁰
面条坨了[麵條坨了] mèin-hẽl-hũ-lēl
or mèin-hẽl-hõ-lēl miàntiáotuóle These noodles are sticking together.⁶
泥坨 nãi-hũ
or nãi-hõ nítuó a lump of mud; clod.⁵
盐坨[鹽坨] yẽm-hũ
or yẽm-hõ yántuó salt mound.⁵
<又> hõ.
(See 坨 hõ.)
hu3 6904
32 13 tu 聪明一世,糊涂一时[聰明一世,糊塗一時] tüng-mẽin-yīt-säi  vũ-hũ-yīt-sĩ cōngmingyīshì hútuyīshí clever all one’s life but stupid this once; smart as a rule, but this time a fool.⁵
乌涂[烏塗] vü-hũ
wūtu (of drinking water) lukewarm, tepid; tardy, sluggish, indecisive.⁶ (of water) not hot but not cold; beating about the bush.⁸
糊涂[糊塗] vũ-hũ
hútu mixed-up, confused; stupid, foolish.⁷
(See 塗 [hũ,]; 涂 hũ.)
hu3 6905
32 13 to smear; to daub; to erase; to blot out; mud; mire; (=途 hũ ) a road; (=搽 chã chá) to smear.¹⁴
涂鸦[塗鴉] hũ-ä
túyā graffiti; scrawl; poor calligraphy; to write badly; to scribble.¹⁰ to write badly, to scribble.¹⁴
涂尘[塗塵] hũ-chĩn
túchén mire and dust – the world.¹⁴
涂改[塗改] hũ-gōi
túgǎi to erase and change the wording of an article; to alter.⁷
涂炭[塗炭] hũ-hän
tútàn mud and coals – (said of people's livelihood) in a distressing plight; in great afflicatiion.⁷ utter misery.⁸
涂脂抹粉[塗脂抹粉] hũ-jï-möt-fūn
túzhīmǒfěn lit. to apply rouge and face powder – to doll up; to whitewash.⁷ apply facial make-up.¹¹
涂料[塗料] hũ-lèl
túliào coating; paint.⁵
涂抹[塗抹] hũ-möt
túmǒ to erase, to obliterate; to scribble, to doodle.⁷ daub, smear, paint; scribble, scrawl.⁵⁶
涂饰[塗飾] hũ-sēik
túshì cover with paint, lacquer, color wash; daub (plaster) on a wall, whitewash.⁵⁶
涂层[塗層] hũ-tãng
túcéng  protective layer; coating.¹⁰
涂漆[塗漆] hũ-tīt
túqī to varnish; to lacquer.¹⁴
涂写[塗寫] hũ-xēh
túxiě to daub; to scribble (graffiti).¹⁰
涂乙[塗乙] hũ-yōt
túyǐ to trim or add (to a text); to edit.¹⁰
<又> chã.
(See 塗 [hũ, tu]; 塗 chã; 搽 chã; 途 hũ; 涂 hũ).
hu3 6906
32 16 (<old>=途 hũ a road, a path, a journey; a career, a pursuit.¹⁴); way, path, road; method, way; fig. journey (to officialdom), career, course, path.³⁶
(composition: ⿰土睪; U+58BF).
<又> yèik.
(See 墿 yèik).
hu3 6907
44 11 to slaughter; to butcher; to massacre; Tu surname.⁷
(composition: ⿸尸者; U+5C60).
屠刀 hũ-äo túdāo butcher's knife.⁵
屠场[屠場] hũ-chẽng
túchǎng slaughterhouse.⁶
屠宰 hũ-dōi
túzǎi butcher; slaughter.⁵
屠宰场[屠宰場] hũ-dōi-chẽng
túzǎichǎng slaughterhouse.⁵
屠宰率 hũ-dōi-lùt
túzǎilǜ dressing percentage.⁶
屠宰税[屠宰稅] hũ-dōi-suï
túzǎishuì tax on slaughtering animals.⁵
屠贩[屠販] hũ-fân
túfàn butchers and vendors.⁷
屠夫 hũ-fü
túfū butcher; a ruthless ruler.⁵
屠户[屠戶] hũ-fù
túhù butcher.⁵
屠戮 hũ-lùk
túlù <wr.> slaughter; massacre.⁵
屠门大嚼[屠門大嚼] hũ-mõn-ài-dēk
túméndàjué feed on illusions.⁷
屠杀[屠殺] hũ-sät
túshā massacre; butcher; slaughter.⁵
屠城 hũ-sẽin
túchéng massacre the inhabitants of a captured city.⁵
屠烧[屠燒] hũ-sël
túshāo to kill and to burn on a conquered land.⁷
屠苏[屠蘇] hũ-xü
túsū a plant; name of a wine, in some places drunk at New Year's Day as preventive against illness.¹¹
hu3 6908
46 8 tuó (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 岮 hõ tuó with same meaning: uneven.² a bank.²⁴)
(composition: ⿰山它; U+5CAE).
<又> hõ.
(See 岮 hõ.)
hu3 6909
46 10 name of a mountain.⁸ name of a peak, some say in Sheu cheu 壽州 (寿州[壽州] Siù-jiü Shòuzhōu), but others put it in Hwai-yuen hien in Fung-yang fu, where Yu the Great married a wife called 嵞山氏 (or 峹山氏 or 涂山氏[塗山氏] Hũ-sän-sì Tú shān shì) from the name of the state (mountain).¹⁰² (Note: the term 涂山氏[塗山氏] was used in 《大戴禮記·帝繫·18》instead of 嵞山氏 or 峹山氏).
(variant: 嵞 hũ
(composition: ⿱余山; U+5CF9).
(See 嵞 hũ).
hu3 6910
46 13 (=峹 hũ name of a mountain).
(composition: ⿱余屾; U+5D5E).
嵞山 hũ-sän
túshān name of a mountain, same as 涂山 hũ-sän túshān, now known as 会稽山[會稽山] vòi-kāi-sän huìqǐshān, located in 浙江省 jēt-göng-sāng zhèjiāng shěng Zhejiang Province.⁸
(See 峹 hũ).
hu3 6911
60 10 on foot; empty, bare; merely, only; in vain, to no avail; apprentice, pupil; follower, believer; person, fellow; (prison) sentence, imprisonment.⁵ (variant: 𨑒❄{⿺辶土} hũ).
匪徒 fī-hũ
fěitú gangster; bandit.⁵
家徒四壁 gä-hũ-xï-bēik
jiātúsìbì to have nothing but the bare walls in one's house – to be utterly destitute.⁵
学徒[學徒] hòk-hũ
xuétú apprentice; trainee.⁵
徒弟 hũ-ài
túdi apprentice; disciple.⁵
徒步 hũ-bù
túbù on foot.⁵
徒工 hũ-güng
túgōng apprentice.⁵
徒杠 hũ-gōng
túgāng a foot-bridge.¹⁴
徒然 hũ-ngẽin
túrán in vain; for nothing; to no avail.⁵
徒御不惊.[徒御不驚.] Hũ-nguì-būt-gëin.
Tú yù bù jīng.
The footmen and charioteers created no alarms.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·彤弓之什·車攻》, translated by James Legge).
徒手 hũ-siū
túshǒu bare-handed; unarmed.⁵
徒裼 hũ-tēik
túxī barefooted and barebreasted.¹⁰
徒跣 hũ-xēin
túxiǎn <wr.> barefoot; barefooted.¹¹
徒刑 hũ-yẽin
túxíng imprisonment, prison/gaol sentence/term.⁶
司徒 xü-hũ
sītú (in ancient China) the minister of education and cultural affairs; Situ compound surname.⁷
(See 𨑒❄{⿺辶土} hũ).
hu3 6912
61 10 worried.² sorrowful; distressed.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄余; U+6087).
悇燂 hũ-tẽm túqián distressed.²⁴
<又> yĩ.
(See 悇 yĩ).
hu3 6913
75 11 (another name for 楸树[楸樹] tiü-sì qiūshù Catalpa bungei or Manchurian Catalpa, a tea plant.¹⁰); (pertaining to another tree, 枫树[楓樹] füng-sì fēngshù maple (tree); Chinese sweet gum.⁶).⁸  the name of a tree; sharp-pointed.²⁴ Manchurian catalpa (Catalpa bungei); <old> maple tree.³⁶
(composition: ⿰木余; U+688C).
梌桬 hũ-sä
túshā name of a timber tree.¹⁰²
<又> chã.
(See 梌 chã).
hu3 6914
75 14 𣘻
another name for the Manchurian Catalpa (楸木 tiü-mùk qiūmù), a tea plant, whose leaves are gathered and stored in spring, can be used as a beverage.² a kind of tree found in Yunnan, an infusion of whose leaves is drunk.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰木荼; U+2363B).
<又> chã.
(See 𣘻❄{⿰木荼} chã).
hu3 6915
85 8 tuó (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 沱 hõ tuó with same meaning: (often used in place names) small bay in a river; (of tears) stream/roll down like rain.⁶)
<又> hõ.
(See 沱 hõ.)
hu3 6916
85 8 tuó (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 沲 hõ tuó with same meaning: float.⁸)
<又> hõ.
(See 沱 hõ; 沱 hũ; 沲 hõ.)
hu3 6917
85 10 (variant of 途 hũ way; road; route); Tu surname.¹⁰ name of certain rivers in Shansi (山西), Shandong (山東), and Sichuan (四川); (=塗 hũ ; 途 hũ ).¹⁴
(See 塗 [hũ, ]; [hũ, tu]; 途 hũ.)
hu3 6918
96 11 fine jade.⁸
(composition: ⿰𤣩余; U+3ECC).
hu3 6919
96 15 a kind of jade.⁸
(composition: ⿰𤣩雩; U+3EEC).
hu3 6920
104 10 𤵚
tuó (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation of 𤵚 hõ tuó with the same meaning: (=㾃 hump-backed.⁸); humpback.⁸ sickness.²⁴).
(composition: ⿸疒㐌; U+24D5A).
<又> hõ. (See 𤵚❄{⿸疒㐌} hõ).
hu3 6921
104 10 tuó (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation of 㾃 hõ tuó with the same meaning: hump-backed.⁸).
(composition: ⿸疒它; U+3F83).
<又> hõ.
(See 㾃 hõ).
hu3 6922
104 13 to become sick.⁹ be injured; ill (of animals).¹⁰ <wr.> sick.¹¹ to be ill.¹⁴ sick.²⁴ a horse worn out by travel.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰; U+760F).
瘏毒 hũ-ùk túdú poison (somebody's mind); murder by poisoning, poison; murder atrociously.¹⁹
瘏悴 hũ-xuì
túcuì fatigued, tired and haggard.¹⁹
马瘏[馬瘏] mâ-hũ
mǎtú a jaded horse.²⁴
我马瘏矣[我馬瘏矣] Ngô-mâ-hũ-yì.
Wǒ mǎ tú yǐ.
But my horses became quite disabled. (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·周南·卷耳·4》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ My horses were disabled.¹⁴ My horses were quite used up.¹⁰²
予口卒瘏 Yĩ-hēo-dūt-hũ.
Yú kǒu zú tú.
My mouth was all sore. (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·豳風·鴟鴞·3》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ My mouth was quite sore — of a bird after gathering twigs, etc., for its nest.¹⁴ My mouth was all sore.¹⁰²
hu3 6923
115 12 glutinous rice.⁸  sticky rice.¹⁰ an ancient term for glutinous rice.¹⁴ a glutinous kind of rice which delights in marshy low grounds.²⁵ an old name for a kind of glutinous rice used for making thick liquor; in ancient times it was reckoned as one of the six grains.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰禾余; U+7A0C).
稻稌 ào-hũ dàotú unhusked glutinous rice.¹⁹
丰年多稌[豐年多稌] füng-nẽin-ü-hũ
fēngniánduōtú fertile years produced much glutinous rice.²⁵ glutinous rice is abundant in fruitful seasons.¹⁰²
Fēng nián duō shǔ duō tú.
Abundant is the year, with much millet and much rice.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·頌·周頌·臣工之什·豐年·1》, translated by James Legge).
or 稉稌 gäng-hũ jīngtú round-grained nonglutinous rice and unhusked glutinous rice.¹⁹
香稌 hëng-hũ
xiāngtú or 香稻 hëng-ào xiāngdào rice (term used in poetry).¹⁹
<又> chuĩ.
(See 稌 chuĩ).
hu3 6924
120 11 tuó a strand of silk; five silk threads make a 紽 tuó 'strand'.⁸ the number of the threads observed in spinning or weaving silk.²⁵ (In Hoisanva, 紽 hũ is also read 'hõ'.)
(composition: ⿰糹它; U+7D3D).
五丝为紽, 四紽为緎, 四緎为总.[五絲為紽, 四紽為緎, 四緎为總.]
m̄-xû-vĩ-hũ, xï-hũ-vĩ-vèik, xï-vèik-vĩ-dūng.
wǔ sī wèi tuó, sì tuó wèi yù, sì yù wèi zǒng.
Five silk threads make a strand (紽 hũ
tuó), four strands make a cord (緎 vèik ), four cords make a rope 总[總] dūng zǒng.⁸ (Note: Assume a thread is 0.203mm; then a strand here is 1.015mm, a cord is 4.060mm, and a rope is 16.240mm).
Gäo-yẽng-jï-pĩ, xü-xû-m̄-hũ.
or Gäo-yẽng-jï-pĩ, xü-xû-m̄-hõ.
Gāo yáng zhī pí, sù sī wǔ tuó.
[Those] lamb-skins and sheep-skins,
With their five braidings of white silk!⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·召南·羔羊》, translated by James Legge).
素丝五紽[素絲五紽] xü-xû-m̄-hũ
or xü-xû-m̄-hõ sùsīwǔtuó white silk containing five threads.²⁵
hu3 6925
137 11 duò (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 舵 hõ duò rudder; helm.⁸)
<又> hõ.
(See 舵 hõ).
hu3 6926
140 10 a bitter vegetable.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱艹余; U+837C).
荼蓼 hũ-lèl túliǎo a kind of bitter weed, symbolic of bitter life.¹¹
荼蘼 hũ-mĩ
túmí <bot.> Rosa rubus H. Lév. & Vaniot.²³ Rubus coronarius.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
荼毒 hũ-ùk
túdú torment; cruelty; great suffering.¹⁰
荼毒生灵[荼毒生靈] hũ-ùk-säng-lẽin
túdúshēnglíng to torment the people (idiom).¹⁰
如火如荼 nguĩ-fō-nguĩ-hũ
rúhuǒrútú descriptive of blazing powerful army or of things growing vigorously.¹¹
谁谓荼苦[誰謂荼苦] Suĩ-vì-hũ-fū?
Shuí wèi tú kǔ?
Who says that the sowthistle is bitter?⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·邶風·谷風·2》, translated by James Legge).
(cf 𦯬❄{⿱艹佘} sẽh).
hu3 6927
140 11 於菟 vü-hũ wūtú <old> another name for tiger.²²
<又> hü.
(See 菟 hü.)
hu3 6928
157 12 tuó to miss one's footing, to stumble; to miss the opportunity, to waste time.⁷
跎子 hũ-dū tuózǐ a hunchback.¹⁹
磨跎 mũ-hũ
mótuó to idle about.¹¹
磨跎子 mũ-hũ-dū
mótuózǐ annoying person; drag along.¹¹
年已蹉跎 nẽin-yî-tö-hũ
niányǐcuōtuó already at a very old age.¹⁹
日月蹉跎 ngìt-ngùt-tö-hũ
rìyuècuōtuó time slips by without having anything accomplished; one's life has been wasted.⁶
蹉跎 tö-hũ
cuōtuó waste time; idle away.⁶
蹉跎岁月[蹉跎歲月] tö-hũ-xuï-ngùt
cuōtuó suìyuè idle away one's time; waste one's time.⁶
hu3 6929
162 6 𨑒
(=徒 hũ on foot; empty, bare; merely, only; in vain, to no avail; apprentice, pupil; follower, believer; person, fellow; (prison) sentence, imprisonment.⁵); a disciple.⁸
(composition: ⿺辶土; U+28452).
(See 徒 hũ).
hu3 6930
162 9 táo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 逃 hão táo to run away, to flee, to fly, to abscond, to escape; to dodge, to evade, to avoid, to shirk.⁷)
逃课[逃課] hũ-fö
or hão-fö táokè cut class; play hooky.⁹
<又> hão.
(See 逃 hão.)
hu3 6931
162 10 a road, a path, a journey; a career, a pursuit.¹⁴ way, path, road; method, way; fig. journey (to officialdom), career, course, path[ Tu surname​..³⁶
(variant: 𠆧❄{⿰亻人}).
道途 ào-hũ
dàotú road.⁸
半途而废[半途而廢] bön-hũ-ngĩ-fī
bàntú'érfèi to give up when only halfway.¹⁴
途程 hũ-chẽin
túchéng a road; a way; a course.⁷
途间[途間] hũ-gän
tújiān on the road.¹⁴
途经[途經] hũ-gëin
tújīng to pass through (a place); to go by way of.⁷ by way of; via.⁸
途径[途徑] hũ-gèin
tújìng a way; a road.⁷ way; channel.¹⁰
途中 hũ-jüng
túzhōng on the way; en route.⁷
途穷[途窮] hũ-kũng
túqióng to come to the end of a road – at the end of one's resources.⁷
途路 hũ-lù
túlù a road; a journey.¹⁴
途人 hũ-ngĩn
túrén a traveler; a stranger.¹⁴
途遇 hũ-nguì
túyù to encounter on the way; to meet en route.⁷
途次 hũ-xü
túcì a stage; a halting-place.¹⁴
当途[當途] öng-hũ
dāngtú or 当道[當道] öng-ào dāngdào to be in an official position.¹⁴ be in power.⁸
(See 涂 hũ; 塗 [hũ, ]; 𠆧❄{⿰亻人} hũ).
hu3 6932
164 12 tuó <wr.> (of one's face) be flushed with drink.⁵ flushed; rubicund.¹⁴
醉酡 duï-hũ zuìtuó flushed with liquor.¹⁴
酡颜[酡顏] hũ-ngãn
tuóyán <wr.> face flushed from drinking.⁶
颜酡[顏酡] ngãn-hũ
yántuó a flushed face.¹⁴
hu3 6933
164 14 a distiller's grain or yeast; wine brewed for the second time.⁷ rum or arrack that has not been strained; the mother in spirits.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰酉余; U+9174).
酴酒 hũ-diū tújiǔ wine brewed for the second time. ⁵⁴
酴醾 hũ-mĩ
túmí wine brewed for the second time; a kind of shrub (=荼蘼 hũ-mĩ túmí, q.v.).⁷
酴醾酒 hũ-mĩ-diū
túmíjiǔ or 酴酥酒 hũ-xü-diū túsūjiǔ wine brewed for the second time.⁷ unstrained, whitish, thick liquor, of a sweetish taste, also called Jiangnan rice wine (江米酒 göng-māi-diū jiāngmǐjiǔ; an old custom existed of drinking it on the 15th of the first moon as a prophylactic.
酴酥 hũ-xü
túsū a kind of medicated liquor.⁷
hu3 6934
170 5 tuó (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation of 阤 hõ tuó with the same meaning: hill; (<old>=陀 hõ tuó (phonetic); declivity; steep bank.), hillside; mountain slope; (of roads) dangerous and difficult.⁸ bank; hillside.¹¹ to break down.²⁵
(composition: ⿰阝也; U+9624).
陂阤 bö-hũ
pōtuó (of roads) dangerous and difficult.¹³
<又> chï; sī; hõ; yĩ.
(See 阤 chï; 阤 sī; 阤 hõ; 阤 yĩ; 陀 hõ).
hu3 6935
170 7 tuó (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 陀 hõ tuó with same meaning: (phonetic); declivity; steep bank.)
<又> hõ.
(See 陀 hõ.)
hu3 6936
170 7 tuó (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation of 陁 hõ tuó with the same meaning: (<old>=阤 hõ ortuó hill; (<old>=陀 hõ tuó (phonetic), declivity, steep bank); hillside; mountain slope; (of roads) dangerous and difficult.⁸ bank; hillside.¹¹ to break down.²⁵); a steep bank, a declivity.⁸ a steep bank; a declivity; carry on back; low hill; uneven; hillock.³⁹
(composition: ⿰阝㐌; U+9641).
<又> hõ.
(See 阤 hõ; 陀 hõ; 陁 hõ).
hu3 6937
187 13 duò (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 驮[馱] hõ duó with same meaning.)
<又> hõ.
(See 馱 [hõ, tuó], [hõ, duò], [hũ, tuó]; 䭾 [hõ, duò];  [hõ, tuò].)
hu3 6938
187 13 tuó (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 驮[馱] hõ tuó with same meaning.)
<又> hõ.
(See 馱 [hõ, tuó], [hõ, duò], [hũ, duò]; 䭾 [hõ, duò];  [hõ, tuò].)
hu3 6939
187 15 tuo hump or hunchbacked; camel.¹⁰
(comp. t: ⿰馬它; U+99DD). (comp. s: ⿰马它; U+9A7C).
单峰骆驼[單峰駱駝] än-füng-lōk-hũ or än-füng-lōk-hõ dānfēng luòtuo one-humped camel; dromedary; Arabian camel.⁶
驼绒[駝絨] hũ-ngũng
or hõ-ngũng tuóróng camel's hair; camel's haircloth.⁵
骆驼[駱駝] lōk-hũ
or lōk-hõ luòtuo camel.⁶
骆驼绒[駱駝絨] lōk-hũ-ngũng
or lōk-hõ-ngũng luòtuoróng camel haircloth.⁶
双峰骆驼[雙峰駱駝] söng-füng-lōk-hũ
or söng-füng-lōk-hõ shuāngfēng luòtuo two-humped camel; Bactrian camel.⁶
一峰骆驼[一峰駱駝] yīt-füng-lōk-hũ
or yīt-füng-lōk-hõ yīfēngluòtuo a camel.⁶
<又> hõ.
(See 駝 [hõ, tuó]; 駝 [hõ, tuo]; 駝 [hũ, tuó]).
hu3 6940
187 15 tuó hump or hunchbacked; camel.¹⁰
(comp. t: ⿰馬它; U+99DD). (comp. s: ⿰马它; U+9A7C).
单峰驼[單峰駝] än-füng-hũ or än-füng-hõ dānfēngtuó one-humped camel; dromedary.⁶
驼背 hũ-böi/
or hõ-böi/ tuóbèi to be humpbacked or hunchbacked; <topo.> hunchback, humpback.⁶
驼子[駝子] hũ-dū
or hõ-dū tuózi hunchback.¹¹
驼峰[駝峰] hũ-füng
or hõ-füng tuófēng hump of a camel; railroad marshalling yard on a slope.¹ hump (of a camel); (railroad) hump.⁶
驼鹿[駝鹿] hũ-lùk
or hõ-lùk tuólù elk; moose.⁶
驼色[駝色] hũ-sēik
or hõ-sēik tuósè light tan (color); camel-hair color.¹⁰
羊驼[羊駝] yẽng-hũ
or yẽng-hõ yángtuó alpaca.¹⁰
<又> hõ.
(See 駝 [hõ, tuó]; 駝 [hõ, tuo]; 駝 [hũ, tuo]).
hu3 6941
187 15 tuó (=驼[駝] hũ tuó hump or hunchbacked; camel.¹⁰); camel.⁸
(composition: ⿰馬㐌; U+99DE).
(See 駝 [hõ, tuó]; 駝 [hõ, tuo]; 駝 [hũ, tuó]; 駝 [hũ, tuo]).
hu3 6942
187 17 a man's name;  the name of a famous well-trained horse, also the name of a wild animal, resembling a horse, found in the northern regions, of an azure color; also the name of a country in the north from whence horses are brought.²⁵ short for 騊駼 hão-hũ táotú.³⁶ <myth.> yellow bull with tiger stripes; excellent trotter (horse).⁵⁴  a famous palfrey, called 騊駼 hão-hũ táotú; also a wild animal like a horse, perhaps the onager, found in the northern deserts.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰馬余; U+99FC).
騊駼 hão-hũ
táotú an animal resembling a horse.²⁵ a kind of good horses from the northern steppe.³⁶
騉駼 kün-hũ
kūntú an animal like a horse with cow's hoofs.²⁵
hu3 6943
187 22 tuó dappled.⁸
(composition: ⿰馬單; U+9A52).
驒騱 hũ-hãi or hõ-hãi or hũ-gäi or hõ-gäi tuóxī or tuójī a wild horse; some say, a dapple-gray horse, with the appearance of white scales, like an alligator; freckled, as if spotted with cash.²⁵
驒奚 hũ-hãi
tuóxī (=驒騱, q.v.) wild horse.⁵⁴
<又> hõ; ëin.
(See 驒 hõ; 驒 ëin).
hu3 6944
195 16 tuó snakefish.⁸ catfish; a kind of small fish; Chinese alligator.¹⁰ a kind of small fish which burrows in the sand, <zoo.> Acanthogobius flavimanus (also 鲨鰕虎[鯊鰕虎] sä-hâ-fū shāxiāhǔ).¹¹ a kind of fish which burrows in the sand.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰魚它; U+9B80).
祝鮀之佞 jūk-hũ-jï-nèin
or jūk-hõ-jï-nèin zhù tuó zhī nìng
the specious speech of the litanist Tuo.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《論語·雍也》, translated by James Legge). (Note 2: 祝鮀  Jūk-hũ
or Jūk-hõ Zhù tuó Zho Tuo was an official in charge of sacrificial ceremonies (太祝 häi-jūk tàizhù) during the Spring and Autumn Period (春秋时期[春秋時期] chün-tiü sĩ-kĩ chūnqiū shíqī) in the State of Wei (卫国[卫国 vì-gōk wèiguó)).
鮀江 hũ-göng
or hõ-göng tuójiāng aka 汕头[汕頭] sän-hẽo shàntóu Shantou (in Guangdong).¹⁹
鮀浦 hũ-pū
or hõ-pū tuópǔ another name for 汕头[汕頭] sän-hẽo shàntóu Shantou (in Guangdong).¹⁹
鳅鮀[鰍鮀] tiü-hũ
or tiü-hõ qiūtuó aka 石虎鱼[石虎魚] sêk-fū-nguĩ/ shíhǔyú goby.¹⁹
<又> hõ.
(See 鮀 hõ).
hu3 6945
195 16 䰿 tuó (non-classical form of 鮀 ortuó snakefish.⁸ catfish; a kind of small fish; Chinese alligator.¹⁰ a kind of small fish which burrows in the sand, <zoo.> Acanthogobius flavimanus (also 鲨鰕虎[鯊鰕虎] sä-hâ-fū shāxiāhǔ).¹¹ a kind of fish which burrows in the sand.¹⁴); a kind of small fish grown in fresh water.⁸
(composition: ⿰魚㐌; U+4C3F).
(See 鮀 hũ; 鮀 hõ).
hu3 6946
196 16 tuó (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 鸵[鴕] hõ tuó with same meaning.)
<又> hõ.
(See 鴕 hõ.)
hu3 6947
196 18 a kind of bird which shares its nest with rats/rodents.²⁵ a yellowish-blackish bird, found in Wei-yuen bien on the River Wei in Kansuh, which lives in the same hole with the marmot, keeping watch on the outside; it may be allied to the Strix cunicularia or burrowing owl.¹⁰² (Note: The burrowing owl, Strix cunicularia or Athene cunicularia 穴小鸮[穴小鴞] yòt-xēl-hël xuéxiǎoxiāo is a small, long-legged owl found throughout open landscapes of North and South America).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(composition: ⿰鳥余; U+9D4C).
鵸鵌 kĩ-hũ
qítú fairy bird with 3 heads and 6 tails.²ʼ⁵⁴
hu3 6948
9 14 huī tuǐ refined, elegant, elegance; good-looking features.⁸
(composition: ⿰亻貴; U+50D3).
<又> huĩ. (See 僓 huĩ).

hui1 6949
30 8 huī exhale slowly.⁸ breathe on.¹⁰ to breathe on; to yawn.¹⁴ to blow with the mouth.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口句; U+5474).
呴镜[呴鏡] huī-gëng/ xǔjìng to breathe on a mirror.¹⁴
呴呴 huī-huī
xǔxǔ kind, gentle.⁵⁴ (cf 呴呴 këo-këo gòugòu).
呴嘘[呴噓] huī-huï
xǔxū to breathe on; to yawn.¹⁴ to open the mouth and breathe.²⁴
呴喻 huī-yì
xǔyù  kind, gentle, courteous; warm with life-giving breath; the look of joy.⁵⁴
相呴相濡 xëng-huī-xëng-yĩ
xiāngxǔxiāngrú the spring water dries up and the fish spit on each other to make themselves wet.⁵⁴
相呴以湿[相呴以濕] xëng-huī-yî-sīp
xiāngxǔyǐshī to breathe – on a dry fish – to revive it.¹⁴
愉愉呴呴 yĩ-yĩ-huī-huī
yúyúxǔxǔ the speech and appearance is amiable, kind and soothing.⁵⁴
<又> hāo; këo.
(See 呴 hāo; 呴 këo).
hui1 6950
30 12 huī breathing; spitting; caressing; to breathe upon.⁸ (=煦 huī kind, gentle, gracious, genial.⁸).¹¹ to breathe upon; interchangeable with 呴 (huī to breathe on; to yawn); to smile; to soothe; to report to superiors.¹⁴ to declare, to state to a superior; to blow warm, as by the breath; to soothe.²⁴
(composition: ⿱呴灬; U+55A3).
吹喣 chuï-huī
chuīxǔ to blow.¹⁴ to puff and blow.²⁴
喣喣 huī-huī
xǔxǔ kind, amiable, harmonious; slanderous.¹⁹
喣喣趄趄 huī-huī-chēh-chēh
xǔxǔqièqiè smiling and chuckling.¹⁴
喣之若子 huī-jï-ngèk-dū
xǔzhīuòzǐ he pacified them as if they were his children.¹⁴ to soothe them like children.²⁴
(See 煦 huī; 呴 huī).
hui1 6951
72 9 huī (=煦 huī ) warm.⁸ warmth of the rising sun.¹⁴
or 煦妪[煦嫗] huī-yī or huī-ëo xùyù to caress – as sunshine.⁷ to comfort (baby) with gentleness and warmth.¹¹
昫妪覆育万物[昫嫗覆育萬物] huī-yī-fūk-yùk-màn-mùt
or huī-ëo-fūk-yùk-màn-mòt xùyùfùyùwànwù to give warmth to and nurture all things – as nature in producing.¹⁴
昫育 huī-yùk
xùyù to caress – as sunshine.⁷
(See 煦 huī.)
hui1 6952
75 10 huī a species of oak; glad, pleased.⁷ <wr.> chestnut oak.¹¹
栩栩 huī-huī xǔxǔ vivid, lively.⁷
栩栩自得 huī-huī-dù-āk
xǔxǔzìdé well-pleased.¹⁴
栩栩然 huī-huī-ngẽin
xǔxǔrán very glad and pleased.⁷
栩栩如生 huī-huī-nguĩ-säng
xǔxǔrúshēng (said of a portrait) true to life; lifelike, to the life.⁷
hui1 6953
85 14 huī 浒浦[滸浦] Huī-pū Xǔpǔ a place in 江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū Jiangsu Province.
浒墅关[滸墅關] Huī-xuî-gän
Xǔshùguān a place in Jiangsu Province (江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū).
<又> fū.
(See 滸 fū.)
hui1 6954
86 13 huī kind, gentle, gracious, genial.⁸ (variant: 昫 huī )
拂煦 fūt-huī
fúxù (wind) to bring warmth.⁹
煦伏 huī-fùk
xùfú (hens) sit on eggs.¹¹ <wr.> raise and educate.⁵⁴
煦伏之恩 huī-fùk-jï-yïn
xùfúzhī'ēn the grace to warm and cover; the kindness of providing shelter and protection.⁵⁴
煦煦 huī-huī
xùxù kind; gracious; benevolent; warm and fine; balmy.¹⁰
煦沫 huī-mòt
xùmò (fish, crabs) ooze moisture from mouth.¹¹
煦仁孑义[煦仁孑義] huī-ngĩn-kēik-ngì
xùrénjiéyì petty kindness.¹¹
煦日 huī-ngìt
xùrì comfortably warm sun.¹¹ a warm day.¹⁴
or 昫妪[昫嫗] huī-yī or huī-ëo xùyù to caress – as sunshine.⁷ to comfort (baby) with gentleness and warmth.¹¹
煦育 huī-yùk
xùyù to rear; to nourish.
煦育万物[煦育萬物] huī-yùk-màn-mòt
or huī-yùk-màn-mùt xùyùwànwù make all things grow by action of heat.¹¹
和煦 võ-huī
héxù genial; pleasantly warm.⁸ genial, kind.¹⁴
温煦[溫煦] vün-huī
wēnxù warm, gentle, mild.¹¹
(See 昫 huī.)
hui1 6955
130 13 huī tuǐ legs, thighs.⁸ (old variants: 骽 huī tuǐ; 蹆 huī tuǐ).
大腿 ài-huī
dàtuǐ thigh.¹¹
火腿 fō-huī
huǒtuǐ ham.⁸
腿絣 or 腿绷[腿繃] huī-bäng
tuǐbēng leggings.¹⁹
腿脚[腿腳] huī-gëk
tuǐjiǎo legs and feet; ability to walk.⁸
腿脚儿[腿腳兒] huī-gëk-ngĩ
tuǐjiǎor steps (firm, weak).¹¹
腿跟 huī-gïn
tuǐgēn the heel.¹¹
腿骨 huī-gūt
tuǐgǔ leg bone.¹¹
腿力 huī-lèik
tuǐlì the force of the leg.¹⁹
腿毛 huī-mão
tuǐmáo hair on legs.¹¹
腿上工夫 huī-sèng-güng-fü
tuǐshànggōngfū beautiful leg work.¹¹
腿肚子 huī-ū-dū
tuǐdùzi the calf (of leg).¹¹
腿腕子 huī-vōn-dū
tuǐwànzi ankle.⁸
腿酸 huī-xön
tuǐsuān leg sore, have stiff legs.¹¹
腿痠 huī-xön
tuǐsuān aching or stiff leg or leg aches.¹¹
(See 骽 huī; 蹆 huī).
hui1 6956
140 14 huī warm.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹區; U+84F2).
阳蓲万物[陽蓲萬物] yẽng-huï-màn-mùt yángxūwànwù the sun warms all things.⁸
<又> ëo; fù; hiü.
(See 蓲 ëo; 蓲 fù; 蓲 hiü).
hui1 6957
149 10 𬣙 huī great, large.¹⁴ large.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿰言于; U+8A0F). (comp. s: ⿰讠于; U+2C8D9).
𬣙𬣙[訏訏] huī-huī
xǔxǔ great.¹⁴ or 𬣙𬣙[訏訏] huï-huï xūxū big and broad.¹¹
𬣙泽[訏澤] huī-jàk
xǔzé a large lake.²⁵
𬣙谟[訏謨] huī-mũ
xǔmó important plans; great schemes.¹⁴ or 𬣙谟[訏謨] huï-mũ xūmó <wr.> statesman-like counsel, great plan.¹¹
<又> huï.
(See 訏 huï).
hui1 6958
149 11 huī to allow; to promise; to praise; maybe; to be betrothed (to); Xu surname.
嘉许[嘉許] gä-huī jiāxǔ <wr.> to praise; to approve.
许婚[許婚] huī-fün
xǔhūn to pledge daughter's hand in marriage.
许诺[許諾] huī-nòk
xǔnuò to promise.
许多[許多] huī-ü
xǔduō many; a lot of; much.¹⁰
或许[或許] vàk-huī
huòxǔ perhaps; maybe⁵
允许[允許] vûn-huī
yǔnxǔ to permit; to allow.
也许[也許] yâ-huī
yěxǔ perhaps; maybe.
hui1 6959
149 13 huī <wr.> to boast; to brag.
自诩[自詡] dù-huī zìxǔ <wr.> to praise oneself; to brag.
hui1 6960
157 16 huī tuǐ <old>=腿 huī tuǐ legs, thighs.²ʼ⁸
(composition: ⿰⻊退; U+8E46).
(See 腿 huī).
hui1 6961
164 11 huī to lose one's temper when drunk.⁷
沉酗 chĩm-huī chénxù to be addicted to liquor; alcoholism; dead drunk.⁷
酗酒 huī-diū
xùjiǔ excessive drinking.⁵
酗酒滋事 huī-diū-dü-xù
xùjiǔzīshì get drunk and create a disturbance.⁵
酗酒者 huī-diū-jēh
xùjiǔzhě alcoholic.⁶
酗酒致死 huī-diū-jï-xī
xùjiǔzhìsǐ drink oneself to death.⁶
酗讼[酗訟] huī-dùng
xùsòng to be drunk and rowdy.¹⁰ get into a drunken brawl.¹¹
<又> sï.
(See 酗 sï.)
hui1 6962
188 16 huī tuǐ (<old>=腿 huī tuǐ) legs, thighs.⁸
(See 腿 huī).
hui1 6963
9 9 huï tuì suitable; conform to; relaxed look.⁸ fine.¹³ suitable; conform to; fine; fitting.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰亻兑 (G) or ⿰亻兌 (TJK); U+4FBB).
孙卿非数家之书, 侻也.[孫卿非數家之書, 侻也.]
Xün-hëin-fï-sū-gä-jï-sï, huï-yâ.
Sūn qīng fēi shǔ jiā zhī shū, tuì yě.
Xunzi's book criticizing the various schools is acceptable.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《揚子法言·君子卷第十二·5》, translated by Jeffrey S. Bullock).
<又> höt.
(See 侻 höt).
hui2 6964
13 10 huï cap worn during the Yin dynasty.⁸ cap of Yin dynasty.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱冃吁; U+5194).
黼冔 fū-huï fǔxǔ a cap of the Yin Dynasty embroidered with black and white axe-shaped patterns.¹⁹
常服黼冔 sẽng-fùk-fū-huï
chángfú fǔxǔ Always wearing the hatchets on their lower garment and their peculiar cap.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·文王·5》, translated by James Legge).
殷冔 yïn-huï
yīnxǔ cap of the Yin Dynasty.¹⁹
hui2 6965
28 5 huï to go; to go to; to leave; to depart; to get rid of; to remove; to cast out; to dispatch; to be apart; <opera> to play the role of; in order to; away. (old variant: 厺 huï).
大势已去[大勢已去] ài-säi-yî-huï dàshìyǐqù the rice is cut; the game is as good as lost; the situation is beyond salvation.⁶
出去 chūt-huï
chūqù go out; get out.⁵
下去 hä-huï
xiàqu to go down; to descend; to go on; to continue.
去掉 huï-èl
qùdiào to get rid of; to eradicate; to dismiss; to molt; to weed out.
去其螟螣 huï-kĩ-mẽin-àk
qùqímíngtè remove the insects that eat the heart, and those that attack the leaf.¹⁴
去年 huï-nẽin
qùnián last year.⁸
去眼煇耳 huï-ngān-fün-ngī
qùyǎnxūněr destroyed her sight and hearing.¹⁴
去世 huï-säi
qùshì die; pass away.⁸
去势[去勢] huï-säi
qùshì <liv.> to neuter; to castrate.
去伪存真[去偽存真] huï-nguì-tũn-jïn
qùwěicúnzhēn eliminate the false and retain the true.⁵
上去 sëng-huï
shàngqù to go up.
失去 sīt-huï
shīqù to lose.
(See 厺 huï).
hui2 6966
28 5 huï (<old>=去 huï to go; depart).⁸
(composition: ⿱大厶; U+53BA).
(See 去 huï).
hui2 6967
30 6 huï  <wr.> sigh; why, oh.⁵ an interjection; Alas! to sigh.¹⁴
长吁短叹[長吁短嘆] chẽng-huï-ōn-hän chángxūduǎntàn utter short and long sighs; moan and groan; whine; heave sighs and groans; sigh deeply/heavily/incessantly.⁶
or 喘嘘嘘[喘噓噓] chūn-huï-huï chuǎnxūxū to puff and blow.¹⁰  to pant for breath.¹¹
气喘吁吁[氣喘吁吁] hï-chūn-huï-huï
qìchuǎnxūxū pant; puff hard/heavily; be out/short of breath; be breathless.⁶
吁嗟 huï-dèh
or huï-dëh xūji alas!¹⁴
吁嗟乎 huï-dèh-fũ
or huï-dëh-fũ xūjiēhū alas!¹⁴
吁好出奇 huï-hāo-chūt-kĩ
xūhǎochūqí it is very strange.¹⁴
吁, 何其怪哉 huï, hõ-kĩ-gäi-döi  
xū, héqíguàizāi  My! How strange it is.⁶
吁吁 huï-huï
xūxū pant; huff hard.⁵
吁!是何言也 Huï! sì-hõ-ngũn-yâ 
Xū! shìhéyányě Fie! What are you saying?¹⁴
吁!是何言歟 Huï! sì-hõ-ngũn-yĩ 
Xū! shìhéyányú <wr.> My, what kind of talk is this?¹¹
云何吁矣 vũn-hõ-huï-yì
yúnhéxūyǐ  How great is my sorrow!¹⁴
(See 吁 yèk.)
hui2 6968
30 15 huï to exhale slowly, to breathe out slowly; <wr.> to sigh; (sound of exhaling); to hiss, to boo; sh, ssh, shush, hush; to heat, to scald.⁶ to blow gently, to breathe softly.²⁴
吹嘘[吹噓] chuï-huï chuīxū to blow with the breath.²⁴
or 欷歔[欷] hï-huï xīxū <wr.> to sob; to sniffle.⁶
嘘气[噓氣] huï-hï
xūqì to breathe out slowly.⁶
嘘寒问暖[噓寒問暖] huï-hõn-mùn-nön
xūhánwènnuǎn to inquire after somebody's well-being; to be solicitous about somebody's health/well-being.⁶
嘘声[噓聲] huï-sëin
xūshēng hiss.⁶
<又> sï, xêh.
(See 噓 sï; 噓 xêh.)
hui2 6969
32 14 huï ruins.⁸  Old burial grounds.¹⁴ Wild waste land.¹⁴
(composition t: ⿰土虛 or ⿰土虚; U+589F Note one codepoint for both forms).
s: ⿰土于; U+5729).
(Note: Matthews' character, ⿰土虛, is not explicitly in Unicode. The form 墟 (⿰土虚), sometimes treated as the simplified form is usually rendered. Entries of 墟 are using the Yu Gothic font to make them show properly on a PC.)
] fī-huï fèixū ruins (of city, settlement).¹¹
] gï-huï guīxū to return to the grave – to die.¹⁴
墓之間] huï-mù-jï-gän xūmùzhījiān among the old tombs.¹⁴
] Yïn-huï Yīnxū Yin ruins (discovered near  Xiaotun Village (小屯村 xēl-tûn-tûn xiǎotúncūn), Anyang City (安阳[安陽] Ön-Yẽng Ānyáng), Henan Province in 1989).⁶
<又> huî, vĩ.
(See 墟 huî; 圩 vĩ.)
hui2 6970
38 10 huï tuì slow, unhurried, leisurely; pleasure, joy, pleased with.² negligent; one says, cheerful.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女兌; U+5A27).
hui2 6971
72 7 huï dawn.⁸ the sun just rising; great.²⁴
(composition: ⿰日于; U+65F4).
旴江 huï-göng xūjiāng, also known as 抚河[撫河] fū-hõ fǔhé and 汝水 nî-suī rǔshuǐ, is in the east of 江西省 göng-xäi sāng jiāngxī shěng Jiangxi Province.⁸
冥旴 mẽin-huï
míngxū appearance at the beginning of the day.¹⁹
<又> gūk.
(See 旴 gūk).
hui2 6972
76 16

huï to exhale from the nose; to sob.⁷ blow through nose, snort.⁸
(composition: ⿰虚欠(G) or ⿰虛欠(TJKV); U+6B54).
Note: Only one codepoint for both traditional and simplified forms. On the PC the traditional form with a font of Yu Gothic displays as it is written in Kangxi ⿰虛欠  with a total stroke count of 16; otherwise the total stroke count is 15; Searchers treat both traditional and simplified forms as equivalent since they have the same codepoint.
] or 唏嘘[唏噓] hï-huï xīxū <wr.> to sob; to sniffle.⁶
欷] or 嘘唏[噓唏] huï-hï xūxī <wr.> to sob.⁶ the sound of sorrows and sobs.⁸ to sob and sniffle.¹¹
欷不已] huï-hï-būt-yî xūxībùyǐ to keep on sniffling.⁶
吸] huï-kīp xūxī to suck in.¹¹
hui2 6973

86 13 huï tuì to pluck poultry or depilate pigs using hot water.¹⁰
煺猪[煺豬] huï-jï tuìzhū scald pig to remove hair.⁵⁴
煺毛 huï-mão
tuìmáo to pluck poultry or depilate pigs using hot water.¹⁰
hui2 6974
109 8 huï anxious; stare; Xu surname.¹⁰ to open the eyes wide; to gaze in astonishment.¹⁴ to look with doubt and surprise.²⁵
盱衡 huï-hãng xūhéng <wr.> stare, glare, glower; survey.¹¹
盱衡厉色[盱衡厲色] huï-hãng-lài-sēik
xūhéng lìsè staring in anger.¹⁴
盱衡当世[盱衡當世] huï-hãng-öng-säi
xūhéng dāngshì to have open eyes and know what is going on – to have knowledge of the times.¹⁴
盱胎 Huï-höi
Xūyí Xuyi County, lying in Huai'an (淮安 Vãi-Ön Huái'ān) of Jiangsu Province.⁹
盱盱 huï-huï
xūxū glowering.¹¹ staring about.¹⁴
盱阋[盱鬩] huï-ngēik
xūxì <wr.> knit one's brow in disapproval.¹¹
眭盱 kĩ-huï
huīxū robust; hale.²⁴
hui2 6975
113 9 huï <台> 祛痰 huï-hãm (medicine to) relieve bronchial inflammation.¹¹
<又> kuï. (See 祛 kuï.)
hui2 6976
130 9 huï (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 胠 kuï with same meaning.)
<又> kuï.
(See 胠 kuï.)
hui2 6977
130 11 huï tuì ➀ (of cicadas, snakes) =蜕[蛻] huï tuì to slough, to exuviate; exuviae, a slough.⁷  ➁ =宽舒[寬舒] fön-sï kuānshū happy; carefree or =舒展 sï-jīn shūzhǎn to limber up; to unfold; to relax; to stretch or physical and mental pleasure.¹⁰¹
t: ⿰⺼兌(HT) or ⿰月兌(GK); U+812B).
s: ⿰月兑(GJKV) or ⿰⺼兑(HT); U+8131).
脱脱[脫脫] huï-huï
tuìtuì  ➀ =舒缓[舒緩] sï-fòn shūhuǎn slow; relaxed; leisurely; gentle, gradual (of a slope)
➁ =舒迟[舒遲] sï-chĩ
shūchí slow; unhurried; leisurely.¹⁰¹
<又> höt.
(See 脫 höt).
hui2 6978
140 6 huï  great.²⁵ large, great; to have.³⁶
(composition: ⿱艹于; U+828B).
<又> vû; yï. (See 芋 vû; 芋 yï).
hui2 6979
141 11 huï (<old>=虚[虛] huï empty, hollow, void, unoccupied; unreal, false, deceptive, unfounded, groundless; weak, feeble; abstract, shapeless.⁷).⁸
(composition: ⿸虍丘; U+8657).
(See 虛 huï).
hui2 6980
141 12 huï empty, hollow, void, unoccupied; unreal, false, deceptive, unfounded, groundless; weak, feeble; abstract, shapeless.⁷
(variant: 虗 huï). (See 虗 huï).
虚晃一枪[虛晃一槍] huï-fōng-yīt-tëng
xūhuǎngyīqiāng feint a thrust with one's spear; feint/simulate an attack.⁶
虚假[虛假] huï-gā
xūjiǎ false; unreal; dishonest.⁷
虚构[虛構] huï-këo
xūgòu fabricate; make up.⁵
虚无缥缈[虛無縹緲] huï-mũ-pël-mêl
xūwúpiāomiǎo purely imaginary; utterly illusory/visionary; entirely unreal.⁶
虚伪[虛偽] huï-ngài
xūwěi false, spurious; hypocritical.⁷
虚弱[虛弱] huï-ngèk
xūruò debility; weak; feeble.⁷
虚拟[虛擬] huï-ngì
xūnǐ unreal; fictitious, invented.⁸
虚声恫吓[虛聲恫嚇] huï-sëin-ùng-häk
xūshēngdònghè bluff; bluster.⁵
虚实[虛實] huï-sìt
xū-shí false or true; the actual situation.⁷
虚幻[虛幻] huï-vân
xūhuàn unreal; illusory; visionary.⁵
虚荣[虛榮] huï-vẽin
xūróng vanity; empty glory.⁷
虚位以待[虛位以待] huï-vì-yî-òi
xūwèiyǐdài to leave a position open to await (a wise man to fill it).⁷
虚心[虛心] huï-xïm
xūxīn open-minded; modesty.⁷
虚岁[虛歲] huï-xuï
xūsuì nominal age (traditionally considered one year old at birth).⁶
心虚[心虛] xïm-huï
xīnxū afraid of being found out, with a guilty conscience; lacking in self-confidence, diffident.⁷

hui2 6981
142 13 huï tuì to slough, to exuviate; exuviae, a slough.⁷
蜕变[蛻變] huï-bëin tuìbiàn ➀ to undergo transformation; ➁ decay.⁷
蜕化[蛻化] huï-fä
tuìhuà ➀ to slough off; to exuviate ➁ to degenerate..⁷
蜕壳[蛻殼] huï-hôk
tuìké exuviae; to exuviate.⁷
蜕皮[蛻皮] huï-pĩ
tuìpí to exuviate; to slough.⁷
蛇蜕[蛇蛻] sẽh-huï
shétuì <Ch. med.> snake slough.⁵
hui2 6982
145 14 huï tuì take off (clothes); (of color) fade, discolor; shed hairs or feathers.⁶
褪变[褪變] huï-bëin tuìbiàn regression.⁵⁴
褪掉 huï-èl
tuìdiào regression.⁵⁴
褪去 huï-huï
tuìqù take off; cast off.⁵⁴
or 退色 huï-sēik tuìshǎi discolor; fade (in color).⁶
or 退色 huï-sēik tuìsè fade in color; fade; fading.⁵⁴
褪色柳 huï-sēik-liû
tuìsèliǔ pussy willow.³⁹
(See 褪[huï, tùn].)
hui2 6983
145 14 huï tùn slip out of something.⁵⁵
褪膊 huï-bōk tùnbó remove the sleeves, exposing shoulders and arms.⁵⁴
褪黑素 huï-hāk-xü
tùnhēisù melatonin.³⁹
褪套儿[褪套兒] huï-häo-ngī
tùntàor <topo.> break loose, free oneself, get oneself free; shake off responsibility.⁵
褪后趋前[褪後趨前] huï-hèo-tuï-tẽin
tùnhòuqūqián rush about to show eagerness to serve.⁵⁴
褪去 huï-huï
tùnqù take off (clothes).⁵⁴
褪着手[褪著手] huï-jèk-siū
tùnzheshǒu hide one's hands in the sleeves.¹
褪手 huï-siū
tùnshǒu to hide one's hands in the sleeves.⁷
(See 褪[huï, tuì].)
hui2 6984
147 18 huï
(=觑[❄{⿰虛見}] huï ) <wr.> look at, peep at; steal a glance at.⁶
(composition: ⿰⿱虍且見; U+89B0).
(See ❄[{⿰虛見} huï, ]).
hui2 6985
147 19
huï squint; screw up (one's eyes); narrow (one's eyes).⁶
(composition t: ⿰虛見; U+89B7).
s: ⿰虚见; U+89D1).
❄{⿰虛見}❄{⿰虛見}兒] hāk-huï-huï-ngĩ hēiqūqur at first light; dim, murky.⁵⁴
❄{⿰虛見}合] huï-hòp qūhe to squint.¹⁰ <topo.> squint.⁵⁴
❄{⿰虛見}❄{⿰虛見}眼] huï-huï-ngān qūqūyǎn <topo.> myopia; nearsightedness; shortsightedness.⁶
❄{⿰虛見}忽] huï-vũ or 觑糊[❄{⿰虛見}糊] huï-fūt qūhu <topo> squint.⁵⁴
(See ❄[{⿰虛見} huï, ]; ).
hui2 6986
147 19
<wr.> look at, peep at; steal a glance at.⁶ (variant: 覰 huï ).
t: ⿰虛見; U+89B7). (comp. s: ⿰虚见; U+89D1).
❄{⿰虛見}] fï-hō-xēl-huï fēikěxiǎoqù cannot be underestimated.³⁹ cannot look down upon; cannot belittle.⁵⁴
❄{⿰虛見}步] huï-bù qùbù to spy on.⁷
❄{⿰虛見}機會] huï-gï-vòi qùjīhuì watch for a chance.¹¹
❄{⿰虛見}著眼] huï-jèk-ngān qùzheyǎn to narrow one's eyes and gaze at something with great attention.⁷
❄{⿰虛見}著眼看] huï-jèk-ngān-hön qùzheyǎnkàn scrutinize.¹¹
❄{⿰虛見}窺] huï-kï qùkuī peep at.¹¹
❄{⿰虛見}視] huï-sì qùshì <wr.> look.⁶
❄{⿰虛見}] lâng-ngān-xëng-huï lěngyǎnxiāngqù give somebody a cold look.⁶
❄{⿰虛見}] mèin-mèin-xëng-huï miànmiànxiāngqù look at each other in astonishment.¹¹
❄{⿰虛見}] xēl-huï xiǎoqù  to despise; to have contempt for.¹⁰
❄{⿰虛見}] xëng-huï xiāngqù to look at each other.⁷
(See ❄{⿰虛見}[huï ]; 覰 huï.)
hui2 6987
149 10 𬣙 huï boast, exaggerate; great, broad; (an interjection; Alas! to sigh.¹⁴).⁸ <lit.> to sigh; <lit.>to boast, exaggerate; big, broad.¹¹ to boast; great, important.¹⁴ deceitful; some say, sincere; others, to boast, to brag, to talk big.²⁵ (=盱) huï to look with doubt and surprise.²⁵
t: ⿰言于; U+8A0F). (comp. s: ⿰讠于; U+2C8D9).
𬣙大[訏大] huï-ài
xūdà great.²⁵
𬣙𬣙[訏訏] huï-huï
xūxū big and broad.¹¹ or 𬣙𬣙[訏訏] huī-huī xǔxǔ great.¹⁴
𬣙夸[訏誇] huï-kä
xūkuā to make a boast; boastful.¹⁴
𬣙谟[訏謨] huï-mũ
xūmó <wr.> statesman-like counsel, great plan.¹¹ or 𬣙谟[訏謨] huī-mũ xǔmó important plans; great schemes.¹⁴
<又> huī.
(See 訏 huī; 盱 huï).
hui2 6988
149 19 huï  boast; exaggerate; brag; talk big.⁸ disorderly and extravagant discourse.²⁵
(composition: ⿰言虛; U+8B43).
[談] hãm-huï tánxū to hum; to chant.²⁵
hui2 6989
162 6 huï (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 迂 yï with same meaning.)
<又> yï.
(See 迂 yï.)
hui2 6990
162 9 退 huï tuì move backwards; cause to move back; withdraw from; recede; return; cancel.⁵⁵
不进则退[不進則退] būt-dïn-dāk-huï bùjìnzétuì Move forward, or you'll fall behind.³⁹
进退维谷[進退維谷] dïn-huï-vĩ-gūk
jìntuìwéigǔ advance and retreat both difficult – in a dilemma.¹⁴ be caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.⁵⁵
后退[後退] hèo-huï
hòutuì draw back; fall back; retreat.⁵
退兵 huï-bëin
tuìbīng retreat, withdrawal; troops; force the enemy to retreat.⁵
退步 huï-bù
tuìbù lag or fall behind, retrogress; room for manoeuvre, leeway.⁵
退出 huï-chūt
tuìchū withdraw from; secede; quit.⁵
退佃 huï-èin
tuìdiàn (of a landlord) cancel a tenancy.⁵
退化 huï-fä
tuìhuà <bio.> degenerate; deteriorate.⁵⁵
退休 huï-hiü
tuìxiū retire from office or active life.¹¹
退却[退卻] huï-kēk
tuìquè <mil.> retreat, withdraw; hang back, shrink back; flinch.⁵
退伍 huï-m̂
tuìwǔ be discharged from active military service.⁵⁵
退让[退讓] huï-ngèng
tuìràng step aside; concede.⁵⁵
退还[退還] huï-vãn
tuìhuán return.⁵
退回 huï-või
tuìhuí return, send/give back;  go/turn back.⁵
hui2 6991
187 17 huï tuì run away.⁸ approach at swift gallop (on horses).¹⁰ horse runs away when frightened.¹⁹ a horse going along.²⁵
(composition: ⿰馬兑 or ⿰馬兌; U+99FE).
駾突 huï-ùt tuìtū to bolt; to rush suddenly as when frightened.²⁵
hui2 6992
9 14 huĩ tuí  ➀ obedience  ➁ simple  ➂ (<old>=隤 huĩ tuí <wr.> collapse, topple down, become ruined/dilapidated; decline, decay.⁶); collapsed in ruins.¹⁹
(composition: ⿰亻貴; U+50D3).
僓然 huĩ-ngẽin
tuírán compliant.²⁴
僓僓 huĩ-huĩ
tuítuí confused, decrepit and muddleheaded.¹⁹
<又> huī.
(See 僓 huī).
hui3 6993
43 15 huĩ tuí 虺尵 föi-huĩ huītuí <wr.> (of horses) fall ill due to fatigue.⁶
hui3 6994
115 19 huĩ tuí (=颓[頹] huĩ tuí) <wr.> collapse, topple down, become ruined/dilapidated; decline, decay.⁶
(See 頹 huĩ).
hui3 6995
170 14 huĩ tuí (=颓[頹] huĩ tuí) <wr.> collapse, topple down, become ruined/dilapidated; decline, decay.⁶
(See 頹 huĩ).
hui3 6996
181 16 huĩ tuí <wr.> collapse, topple down, become ruined/dilapidated;  decline, decay.⁶ (variants: 隤 huĩ tuí; 颓[頹] huĩ tuí).
颓败[頹敗] huĩ-bài
tuíbài <wr.> declining; decadent.⁶
颓废[頹廢] huĩ-fī
tuífèi dispirited; decadent, dissipated.⁶
颓废派[頹廢派] huĩ-fī-pāi
tuífèipài decadent school.⁶
颓放[頹放] huĩ-föng
tuífàng <wr.> abandoned and dissolute.⁶
颓风[頹風] huĩ-füng
tuífēng corrupt morals; degeneracy.⁶
颓唐[頹唐] huĩ-hõng
tuítáng disconsolate; out of luck.¹¹
颓靡[頹靡] huĩ-mî
tuímǐ downcast, dejected, crestfallen.⁶
颓然[頹然] huĩ-ngẽin
tuírán<wr.> dejected, disappointed.⁶
颓圮[頹圮] huĩ-pī
tuípǐ <wr.> collapse; fall into decay.⁶
颓势[頹勢] huĩ-säi
tuíshì declining tendency.⁶
颓萎[頹萎] huĩ-vī
tuíwěi downcast, dejected, crestfallen.⁶
颓运[頹運] huĩ-vùn
tuíyùn <wr.> adversity; ill fortune.⁶
颓丧[頹喪] huĩ-xöng
tuísàng dejected; dispirited; listless.⁶
颓垣断壁[頹垣斷壁] huĩ-yõn-òn-bēik
tuíyuánduànbì  (=断垣残壁[斷垣殘壁] òn-yõn-tãn-bēik duànyuáncánbì) ruins or debris of buildings – devastated/desolate scene.⁶
(See 隤 huĩ; 頹 huĩ).
hui3 6997
194 17 huĩ tuí a beast with light, red and yellow hair that resembled a bear in ancient books; Tui surname.⁸ <wr.> the (East Siberian) brown bear, Ursus arctos collaris (also called 赤熊 chēik-hũng chìxióng).¹¹ a fabulous animal, like a small bear.¹⁴ a divine animal, like a little bear, with short yellow hair; a man's name.²⁵ an animal resembling a brown bear; a surname.³⁶ bald; cheesy, dirty (same as 颓[頹] huĩ tuí decadent.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿺鬼隹; U+9B4B).
鬼魋 gī-huĩ 
guǐtuí a mound inhabited by evil forces.¹⁹
魌魋 hï-huĩ
qītuí the legendary one-legged beast.¹⁹
魋悍 huĩ-hòn
tuíhàn strong or imposing or magnificent and powerful or valiant or intrepid.¹⁹
魋翕 huĩ-kīp
tuíxī majestic or magnificent and spirited or wayward.¹⁹
魋颜[魋顏] huĩ-ngãn
tuíyán protruding forehead; often considered ugly.¹⁹  high forehead with bald patches.⁵⁴
这魋人物[這魋人物] jëh-huĩ-ngĩn-mùt
zhètuírénwù this trashy person, this dirty person; a decadent person.⁵⁴
<又> chuĩ.
(See 魋 chuĩ).
hui3 6998
32 14 huî country fair.⁸  (dialect) country fair; country market.¹⁰  A fair; a market.¹⁴
(composition t: ⿰土虛 or ⿰土虚; U+589F Note one codepoint for both forms).
s: ⿰土于; U+5729).
(Note: Matthews' character, ⿰土虛, is not explicitly in Unicode. The form 墟 (⿰土虚), sometimes treated as the simplified form is usually rendered. Entries of 墟 are using the Yu Gothic font to make them show properly on a PC.)
] gōn-huî gǎnxū to go to market.
場] or 圩场[塲] huî-chẽng xūchǎng the site of the fair.¹⁴
鎮] huî-jïn xūzhèn resettlement.
期] huî-kĩ xūqī the date of the fair or market.¹⁴
里] huî-lî xūlǐ small village.
落] huî-lòk xūluò village, hamlet.
日] huî-ngìt xūrì market day.
市] huî-sî xūshì village fair.
] āng-huî to go to market (go shopping).
<又> huï, vĩ.
(See 墟 huï; 圩 vĩ.)
hui5 6999
30 10 hūk to weep, to cry, to wail.⁸
哭喊 hūk-häm kūhǎn to wail.¹⁰
哭泣 hūk-hīp
kūqì to weep.¹⁰
哭哭啼啼 hūk-hūk-hãi-hãi
kūkutítí to weep endlessly; interminable wailing.¹⁰
哭穷[哭窮] hūk-kũng
kūqióng to bewail one's poverty; to complain about being hard up; to pretend to be poor.¹⁰
哭墙[哭牆] hūk-tẽng
kūqiáng Wailing Wall, or Western Wall (Jerusalem).¹⁰
哭笑不得 hūk-xël-būt-āk
kūxiàobùdé lit. not to know whether to laugh or cry (idiom); both funny and extremely embarrassing; in a desperate state; between laughter and tears.¹⁰
哭丧[哭喪] hūk-xöng
kūsāng to wail at a funeral; formal wailing while offering sacrifice to the departed.¹⁰
痛哭 hüng-hūk
tòngkū cry bitterly; wail.⁵
痛哭流涕 hüng-hūk-liũ-häi
tòngkūliútì to shed tears over some loss, to feel loss bitterly or regret.¹¹
哀哭 öi-hūk
āikū to weep in sorrow.¹⁰
<又> hük.
(See 哭 hük.)
huk1 7000
30 13 𠹢
hūk (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 𠹢❄{⿱⿰吉殳口} hôk huò with the same meaning: the noise made in vomiting.²⁴).
(composition: ⿱⿰吉殳口; U+20E62).
<又> hôk.
(See 𠹢❄{⿱⿰吉殳口} hôk).
huk1 7001
152 17 hūk <old> a beast resembling a tiger or leopard; <old> an animal like a dog, which is yellow above the waist and black below the waist.³⁶ an animal resembling a leopard with a slender waist, yellow above and black below, in shape like a dog and eats monkeys; commonly called "yellow lions".²⁵ (can be used for 觳 hūk to start; to tremble with fear.¹⁴).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰⿳士冖⿱一豕殳; U+8C70).
豰觫 hūk-tūk
hùsù (=觳觫 hùk-tūk húsù trembling from fear.¹¹).¹⁹ʼ⁵⁴
<又> bòk; hùk; këo; hēl.
(See 豰 [bòk, ]; 豰 [bòk, báo]; 豰 hùk; 豰 këo; 豰 hēl; 觳 hūk).
huk1 7002
30 10 hük to cry.
<台> 唔好哭咯 M̃-hāo-hük-lö Don't cry!
<又> hūk. (See 哭 hūk.)
huk2 7003
68 11 hùk dry measure used in former times; originally equal to 10 dou (斗 ēo dǒu), later 5 dou (斗 ēo dǒu).⁶
斗斛 ēo-hùk dǒuhú pecks and bushels.¹⁴
石斛 sêk-hùk
shíhú Noble Dendrobium, Dendrobium nobile.¹⁵ <Ch. med.> the stem of noble dendrobium (Dendrobium nobile).⁵⁴
<又> fùk.
(See 斛 fùk.)
huk4 7004
75 15 hùk Mongolian oak (Quercus dentata).¹⁰
槲寄生 hùk-gï-sǎng
hújìshēng mistletoe.³⁵
槲树[槲樹] hùk-sì
húshù Mongolian oak (Quercus dentata) or Daimyo oak.³⁵ (=柞栎[柞櫟] dôk-lèik or dòk-lèik zuòlì Mongolian oak.)³⁵
槲栎[槲櫟] hùk-lēik
or hùk-lèik húlì (aka 大斛树[大斛樹] ài-hùk-sì dàhúshù) oriental white oak (Quercus aliena).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
槲鸫[槲鶇] hùk-üng
húdōng mistle thrush (Turdus viscivorus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
槲皮苦素 hùk-pĩ-fū-xü 
húpíkǔsù quercin.¹⁰
huk4 7005
86 11 hùk a dry atmosphere; hot air.²⁴ (compare with 酷 hùk in the sense of very or extremely as in 酷寒 hùk-hõn kùhán bitter cold or 酷热[酷熱] hùk-ngèik kùrè extremely hot (weather) or 酷暑 hùk-sī kùshǔ the intense heat of summer.)
<台> 好焅 hāo-hùk suffocating (as in hot and humid weather).
huk4 7006
86 14 hùk heat; the flame of a red-hot oven; scorching.⁵⁴  to dry at the fire; to toast; to roast.¹⁴
( composition: ⿰火高; U+7187).
熇暑 hùk-sī hùshǔ scorching heat.⁵⁴ or hùk-sī hèshǔ very hot weather.¹⁴ extremely hot (weather).¹⁹
<又> häo; hôk; käo; hēl.
(See 熇 häo; 熇 hôk; 熇 käo; 熇 hēl).
huk4 7007
86 14 hùk
the sun rising with a red color; red; the noise of fire.²⁴ rosy clouds of dawn; rosy dawn, sounds of the fire.⁸ʼ⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰⿳士冖⿱一火殳; U+3DE4).
<又> hôk. (See 㷤 hôk).
huk4 7008
120 16 hùk crepe gauze.⁶ crepe.⁷ fine silk gauze.¹⁴ fine thread for binding.²⁵ crepe; crinkly gauze material.⁵⁴
縠纹[縠紋] hùk-mũn húwén ripples; crepe wrinkles.⁵⁴
縠衫 hùk-sâm
húshān shirt of fine silk gauze.⁵⁴
縠粟 hùk-xūk
húsù a kind of gauze woven with corded thread, crossed and knotted, so as to resemble millet seeds.¹⁴ a sort of knotted silk, looking as though grain were strewed over it.²⁵
罗縠[羅縠] lõ-hùk
luóhú a kind of gauze.²⁵
雾縠[霧縠] mù-hùk
wùhú gossamer; a piece of extremely thin silk.⁷
纱縠[紗縠] sä-hùk
shāhú a species of crape.²⁵
huk4 7009
148 17 hùk an ancient measure; a goblet; mean; frightened.⁸ <wr.> an ancient container; <wr.> thin, poor, lean.¹¹ used for 斛 hùk a bushel; a kind of goblet with ears; a sort of quiver; the top of the foot; a hoof; unkind; trembling; insufficient, meager, poor, exhausted.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿹𣪊角 or ⿹⿰⿳士冖一殳角; U+89F3).
觳薄 hùk-bòk
húbáo lean; mean; poor.¹⁴ meager, lean.¹⁰²
觳瘠 hùk-dëk
hújí poor, emaciated, thin.¹⁴ poor, emaciated from illness.¹⁰²
觳觫 hùk-tūk
húsù trembling from fear.¹¹
觳觫屏营[觳觫屏營] hùk-tūk-bēin-yẽin
húsùbīngyíng <wr.> in fear and trembling.¹¹
衣长及觳[衣長及觳] yï-chẽng-gèp-hùk
yīchángjíhú the dress reached to his foot.¹⁰²
<又> gōk.
(See 觳 gōk).
huk4 7010
152 17 hùk a boar.²⁵ (=𧰿豭 ngài-gä àijiā <wr.> old male pig.¹¹ old but fine pig.¹³).
(composition: ⿰⿳士冖⿱一豕殳; U+8C70).
<又> hūk; bòk; këo; hēl.
(See 豰 hūk; 豰 [bòk, ]; 豰 [bòk, báo]; 豰 këo; 豰 hēl).
huk4 7011
164 14 hùk cruel, oppressive; very, extremely.⁵
酷毙[酷斃] hùk-bài kùbì  (slang) awesome; cool; righteous.¹⁰
酷好 hùk-häo
kùhào be very fond of (a thing).⁷
酷旱 hùk-hön
kùhàn (of drought) extremely arid.⁶
酷寒 hùk-hõn
kùhán bitter cold.⁵
酷烈 hùk-lèik
kùliè cruel; fierce.⁵
酷烈的太阳[酷烈的太陽] hùk-lèik-ēik-häi-yẽng
kùliède tàiyáng the scorching sun.⁵
酷吏 hùk-lì
kùlì oppressive (feudal) official.⁵
酷热[酷熱] hùk-ngèik
kùrè extremely hot (weather).⁵
酷虐 hùk-ngèk
kùnüè cruel; savage; ruthless.⁶
酷爱[酷愛] hùk-öi
kù'ài ardently love.⁵
酷评[酷評] hùk-pẽin
kùpíng trenchant/harsh comment.⁶
酷暑 hùk-sī
kùshǔ the intense heat of summer.⁵
酷毒 hùk-ùk
kùdú cruel and vicious.
酷肖 hùk-xël
kùxiào to resemble very closely.⁷
酷似 hùk-xû
kùsì be the very image of; be exactly like.⁵
酷刑 hùk-yẽin
kùxíng cruel (or savage) torture.⁵
huk4 7012
196 18 hùk swan.⁶
白鹄[白鵠] bàk-hùk báihú (white) swan.¹⁰
鸠形鹄面[鳩形鵠面] gëo-yẽin-hùk-mèin
jiūxínghúmiàn gaunt and emaciated; skin and bones.⁶
鹄发[鵠髮] hùk-fāt
húfà gray hair; white hair.⁷
鹄发童颜[鵠髮童顏] hùk-fāt-hũng-ngãn
húfàtóngyán white hair and a young countenance.¹⁴
鹄候[鵠候] hùk-hèo
húhòu <wr.> to await eagerly.⁷
鹄候回音[鵠候回音] hùk-hèo-või-yïm
húhòuhuíyīn I am humbly awaiting your reply.⁶
鹄企[鵠企] hùk-kï
húqǐ to expect or anticipate eagerly.⁷
鹄立[鵠立] hùk-lìp
húlì <wr.> to stand on the lookout.⁷
鹄面鸠形[鵠面鳩形] hùk-mèin-gëo-yẽin
húmiànjiūxíng haggard; emaciated.¹⁴
鹄望[鵠望] hùk-mòng
húwàng <wr.> eagarly look forward to.⁶
鹄侍[鵠侍] hùk-sì
húshì to attend upon respectfully.⁷
鸿鹄[鴻鵠] hũng-hùk
hónghú swan (=天鹅[天鵝] hëin-ngũ tiān'é); person of lofty aspirations.⁶
鸿鹄之志[鴻鵠之志] hũng-hùk-jï-jï
hónghúzhīzhì lofty ambition; high aspirations.⁶
<又> gūk.
(See 鵠 gūk.)
huk4 7013
31 11 hūn juān to shut in a pen/coop, to pen in; to lock up.⁶
把鸡圈起来[把雞圈起来] bā-gäi-hūn-hī-lõi bǎjījuānqǐlai to put the chicken in the coop.⁶
我不喜欢天天圈在家里[我不喜歡天天圈在家裡] ngô-būt-hī-fön-hëin-hëin-hūn-dòi-gä-lī
wǒ bù xǐhuan tiāntiān juānzài jiālǐ I hate bring cooped up in the house every day.⁶
夜里牛被圈了起来[夜裡牛被圈了起来] yèh-lī-ngẽo-bì-hūn-lēl-hī-lõi
yèli'niúbèijuānleqǐlai The cattle were penned in at night.⁶
<又> hûn.
(See 圈 [hūn, quān], hûn.)
hun1 7014
31 11 hūn quān ring, circle, circuit; circle; to mark with a circle, to circle; to encircle, enclose.⁶
出圈 chūt-hūn chūquān <topo.> to overstep bounds; to overstep the mark; to go too far.⁶ (cf. 出圈 chūt-hûn chūjuàn).
垫圈[墊圈] dëin-hūn
diànquān <mach.> backing ring, packing ring, filler ring; washer; grommet.⁶ (cf. 垫圈[墊圈] dëin-hûn diànjuàn).
圈子 hūn-dū
quānzi circle, ring.⁶
圈定 hūn-èin
quāndìng to decide by marking a circle.⁶
圈套 hūn-häo
quāntào to snare, to trap.⁶
圈阅[圈閱] hūn-yòt
quānyuè (of a leader) circle one's name on a document submitted for approval to show one has read it.⁶
里圈[裏圈] lī-hūn
lǐquān <sport> the inside lane (of a running track).⁷
洋葱圈[洋蔥圈] yẽng-tûng-hūn
yángcōng quān onion rings.³⁹
圆圈[圓圈] yõn-hūn
yuánquān circle.¹⁰
<又> hûn.
(See 圈 hûn, [hūn, juān].)
hun1 7015
31 12 hūn quān Japanese variant of 圈 hūn quān ring, circle, circuit; to mark with a circle, to circle; to encircle, enclose. Note the difference between the two characters in the inside bottom part: 㔾 in 圈 and 己 in 圏.
hun1 7016
47 1 𡿨
hūn quǎn (=畎 hūn quǎn <wr.> field ditch.⁶ irrigation ditch; valley, dale, canyon.⁷ small drain between fields; to flow, to spread abroad.¹⁴).⁸
(See 畎 hūn).
hun1 7017
57 9 hūn quān a crossbow which discharges several bolts in succession.
(composition: ⿱龹弓; U+5F2E).
hun1 7018
75 10 hūn quān the ring in a cow's nose; a fastening for a cow; a wooden bowl.²⁴ a small iron nose ring or small stick worn in the noses of cattle, a cow's nose ring; (Hakka) to thread the needle; (Hakka) to strike with a fist.³⁶
(composition: ⿱龹木; U+684A).
<又> hûn. (See 桊 hûn; 𢍕❄{⿱卷廾} gün; 𢍕❄{⿱卷廾} hün).
hun1 7019
75 12 hūn quān <wr.> drinking vessel made of bent wood.⁶  <wr.> a plate or tray or woven wicker or cane.¹¹ a small wooden bowl.¹⁴ a vessel made of a crooked piece of wood, a bowl for holding about a pint.²⁴
桮棬 böi-hūn bēiquān cups and bowls.²⁴
棬枢[棬樞] hūn-sï
or hūn-kuï quānshū very poor family.⁵⁴
桑户棬枢[桑戶棬樞] xông-fù-hūn-sï
or xông-fù-hūn-kuï sānghùquānshū <wr.> door posts of mulberry and door hinge of bent wood – extreme poverty.¹¹
hun1 7020
94 4 hūn quǎn Kangxi radical 94; dog.⁸
(composition: ⿺大丶; U+72AC).
犬齿[犬齒] hūn-chī quǎnchǐ canine tooth.⁵
犬子 hūn-dū
quǎnzǐ a self-depreciatory expression of one's own son; young dog.⁸
犬吠 hūn-fèi
quǎnfèi the bark of a dog.⁷
犬彘 hūn-jï
quǎnzhì a beast or brute (a term of abuse).⁷
犬彘食人食 hūn-jï-sèik-ngĩn-sèik
quǎnzhìshírénshí <wr.> the dogs and pigs eat like their masters – of corrupt aristocracy.¹¹
犬马之劳[犬馬之勞] hūn-mâ-jï-lão
quǎnmǎzhīláo lit. labor of a dog or a horse – one's own service (humble).⁷
犬牙 hūn-ngã
quǎnyá canine tooth; fang (of a dog).⁵
犬牙交错[犬牙交錯] hūn-ngã-gäo-tö
quǎnyá jiāocuò jigsaw-like; interlocking.⁵
犬铺[犬鋪] hūn-pü
quǎnpù a doghouse; a kennel.⁷
犬祸[犬禍] hūn-vò
quǎnhuò prevalence of rabies.⁷
犬儒 hūn-yĩ
quǎnrú cynic.⁸
犬戎 Hūn-yũng
Quǎnróng name of a barbarian tribe to the west in ancient times.⁷
<台> 黄犬[黃犬] võng-hūn earthworm.
hun1 7021
102 8 hūn quǎn (=畎 hūn quǎn)
(See 甽 hūn.)
hun1 7022
102 9 hūn quǎn <wr.> field ditch.⁶ irrigation ditch; valley, dale, canyon.⁷ small drain between fields; to flow, to spread abroad.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰田犬; U+754E).
(variant: 甽 hūn quǎn; 𡿨❄{U+21FE8} hūn quǎn.)
畎田 hūn-hẽin
quǎntián to divide fields by ditches.¹⁴
畎浍[畎澮] hūn-köi
quǎnkuài ditches between fields.¹⁴
畎流大道 hūn-liũ-ài-ào
quǎnliúdàdào let the grreat principles be diffused.¹⁴
畎亩[畎畝] hūn-mêo
quǎnmǔ fields drained by ditches.¹⁴
畎亩天才[畎畝天才] hūn-mêo-hëin-tõi
quǎnmǔtiāncái mediocre ability.¹⁹
畎夷 hūn-yĩ
quǎnyí a name for the tribes in West China.¹⁴
(See 甽 hūn; 𡿨❄{U+21FE8} hūn).
hun1 7023
149 15 𧨸
hūn tǔn (composition: ⿰言典; U+27A38).
𧨸❄{⿰言典}詪 hūn-fōn tǔnkuǎn rebellious; refractory.²⁵
<又> tūn.
(See 𧨸❄{⿰言典} tūn.)

hun1 7024
18 8 hün xuàn (architecture) arch (on bridges, doors, windows).³⁶
(composition: ⿱龹刀; U+5238).
拱券 güng-hün gǒngxuàn arch.⁵
券门[券門] hün-mõn
xuànmén arched door.⁸
隧道券 xuì-ào-hün
suìdàoxuàn <archeo.> arched passage.
<又> hûn.
(See 券 hûn.)
hun2 7025
19 10 hün quàn (<old>=劝[勸] hün quàn to exhort; to urge; to advise; to persuade.⁷).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰卷力; U+52CC).
<又> gùn; gün.
(See 勌 gùn; 勌 gün; 勸 hün).
hun2 7026
19 19 hün quàn to exhort; to urge; to advise; to persuade.⁷
劝导[勸導] hün-ào quàndǎo to admonish; exhort and guide.⁷
劝进[勸進] hün-dïn
quànjìn (said of sycophants) to persuade (a hypocritical warlord) to ascend to the throne.⁷
劝酒[勸酒] hün-diū
quànjiǔ to offer a drink (of wine/liquor).⁷
劝化[勸化] hün-fä
quànhuà to exhort to conversion, to convert; (said of monks/nuns) to beg for alms.⁷
劝驾[勸駕] hün-gä
quànjià to urge someone to do something.⁷
劝架[勸架] hün-gâ
quànjià to mediate a quarrel.⁷
劝解[勸解] hün-gāi
quànjiě help somebody to get over his worries; try to make peace between two quarreling parties.⁶
劝戒[勸戒] hün-gäi
quànjiè to admonish; to dissuade.⁷
劝谏[勸諫] hün-gän
quànjiàn remonstrate (with a superior).⁷
劝告[勸告] hün-gäo
quàngào to advise, counsel, exhort, admonish, urge; advice, counsel, exhortaion, admonition.⁶
劝捐[勸捐] hün-gün
quànjuān ask for contributions.⁵⁴
劝阻[勸阻] hün-jū
quànzǔ dissuade somebody from doing something; advise somebody not to do something.⁶
劝募[勸募] hün-mù
quànmù to ask for contributions.⁷
劝善[勸善] hün-sèn
quànshàn exhort people to do good.⁶
劝善惩恶[勸善懲惡] hün-sèn-chẽin-ōk
quànshànchéng'è to exhort virtue and punish vice.⁵⁴
劝说[勸說] hün-sōt
quànshuō persuade, advise. exhort.⁶

hun2 7027
30 7 hün tūn (=吞 hün tūn) to swallow, to absorb, to annex, to engulf.⁸
(See 吞 hün.)
hun2 7028
30 7 hün tūn to swallow, to absorb, to annex, to engulf.⁸ (variant: 呑 hün tūn).
并吞[併吞] bèin-hün
bìngtūn to swallow up; to annex; to merge.¹⁰
气吞山河[氣吞山河] hï-hün-sän-hõ
qìtūnshānhé imbued with a spirit that can conquer mountains and rivers; full of daring; majestic and powerful.³⁹
吞并[吞併] hün-bèin
tūnbìng to annex.¹⁰
吞吐 hün-hü
tūntǔ to take in and send out (in large quantities).¹⁰
吞吞吐吐 hün-hün-hü-hü
tūntuntǔtǔ to hum and haw (idiom); to mumble as if hiding something; to speak and break off, then start again; to hold something back.¹⁰
吞没[吞沒] hün-mòt
tūnmò embezzle, appropriate; swallow up, engulf.⁵
吞噬 hün-sâi
tūnshì to swallow, engulf, gobble up.⁶
吞食 hün-sèik
tūnshí to devour.¹⁰
吞咽[吞嚥] hün-yën
tūnyàn to swallow; to gulp.¹⁰
侵吞 tïm-hün
qīntūn to annex; to swallow (up); to embezzle.¹⁰
<台> 云吞[雲吞] vũn-hün wonton.
(See 呑 hün.)
hun2 7029
55 11 𢍕
hün quàn (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 𢍕❄{⿱卷廾} gün with the same meaning: to bore a cow's nose.²⁴
(composition: ⿱卷廾; U+22355).
<又> gün.
(See 𢍕❄{⿱卷廾} gün; 桊 hūn; 桊 hûn).
hun2 7030
72 16 hün tūn <wr.> newly-risen sun.⁵ sunrise.⁷ the sun appearing above the horizon; the full glare of the sun.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰日敦; U+66BE).
赤暾暾 chēik-hün-hün or chēik-ün-ün chìtūntūn the red glare of a fire.¹⁴
暾将出兮东方[暾將出兮東方] hün-dëng-chūt-hãi-üng-föng
or ün-dëng-chūt-hãi-üng-föng tūn jiāng chū xī dōngfāng the sun is just appearing in the east.¹⁴
暾暾 hün-hün
or ün-ün tūntūn bright; glowing; blazing.⁷
日暾暾 ngìt-hün-hün
or ngìt-ün-ün rìtūntūn the full blaze of the sun.¹⁴
温暾[溫暾] vün-hün
or vün-ün or 温吞[溫吞] vün-hün wēntūn <topo.> lukewarm; tepid.⁵
温暾水[溫暾水] vün-hün-suī
or vün-ün-suī or 温吞水 [溫吞水] vün-hün-suī wēntūnshuǐ <topo.> lukewarm water.⁵
<又> ün.
(See 暾 ün.)
hun2 7031
85 6 hün tǔn <topo.> float, drift; deep-fry.⁶ anything floating on the water; to swim.²⁴ (composition: ⿱人水; U+6C3D).
(Distinguish 汆 mì cuān).
稻草在水上氽 ào-tāo-dòi-suī-sèng-hün
dàocǎo zài shuǐshang tǔn the straw drifted on the water.⁶
油氽 yiũ-hün
yóutǔn <topo.> deep fry.⁴
油氽花生米 yiũ-hün-fä-säng-māi
yóutǔnhuāshēngmǐ fried peanuts.⁵
油氽肉丸 yiũ-hün-ngùk-yõn
yóutǔn ròuwán deep-fried meat balls.⁶
油氽蚕豆[油氽蠶豆] yiũ-hün tâm-èo
yóutǔn cándòu <topo.> deep-fried broad beans.⁴
hun2 7032
86 12 hün tūn dim.² (starlight) dim and weak; (voice, sound) grand, magnificent.⁸ light, bright.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰火享; U+711E).
天策焞焞 hëin-chāk hün-hün tiāncè tūntūn Tiance is dim.¹⁰⁵ (Excerpt from 《春秋左傳·僖公·僖公五年》, translated by James Legge). (Note: Tiance is a legendary star.)
焞焞 hün-hün
tūntūn bright and glorious.²⁴ (See 焞焞 tuï-tuï).
or 焞耀天地 hün-yèl-hëin-ì tūnyàotiāndì brightly illuminate heaven and earth.⁸ʼ⁵⁴
<又> sũn, tuï.
(See 焞 sũn, 焞 tuï).
hun2 7033
94 20 hün xiàn offer, present, dedicate, donate; show; put on; display.⁵
献宝[獻寶] hün-bāo xiànbǎo present a treasure; offer a valuable piece of advice or one's valuable experience; show off what one treasures.⁵
献策[獻策] hün-chāk
xiàncè offer advice; make suggestions.⁵
献丑[獻醜] hün-chiū
xiànchǒu <humb.> show oneself up; show one's incompetence or inadequacy.⁵
献酒[獻酒] hün-diū
xiànjiǔ to offer wine.⁷
献花[獻花] hün-fä
xiànhuā present flowers/bouquets.⁶
献计[獻計] hün-gài
xiànjì offer advice; make suggestions.⁵
献技[獻技] hün-gì
xiànjì show one's skill.⁵
献金[獻金] hün-gïm
xiànjīn to contribute money.⁷
献血[獻血] hün-hüt
xiànxiě donate blood.⁶
献旗[獻旗] hün-kĩ
xiànqí present a banner.⁵
献给[獻給] hün-kīp
xiàn'gěi  present to; offer to.¹⁰
献礼[獻禮] hün-lâi
xiànlǐ present a gift.⁵
献媚[獻媚] hün-mì
xiànmèi ingratiate oneself (with somebody); make up to; curry favor (with somebody).⁶
献上[獻上] hün-sëng
xiànshàng to offer to God.¹⁰
献身[獻身] hün-sïn
xiànshēn devote or dedicate oneself to; give one's life for.⁵
献词[獻詞] hün-xũ
xiàncí congratulatory message.⁵
hun2 7034
113 15 hün xuān Xuan surname.
hun2 7035
120 14 hün quǎn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 绻[綣] kūn quǎn with same meaning.)
<又> kūn.
(See 綣 kūn.)
hun2 7036
142 18 𧑒
hün tūn an insect, like a cicada, and its taste is delicious.¹⁰¹ a water insect.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰虫敦; U+27452).
𧑒❄{⿰虫敦}𧍪❄{⿰虫禺} hün-nguĩ tūnyú = 青蚨 tëin-fũ qīngfú, a water beetle – according to the books, if the blood of the mother is smeared on 81 copper cash, and the blood of the young one is also smeared on another 81 cash, then cash will always come together, no matter how they are circulated, – from the 搜神记[搜神記] Xēo-sĩn-gï Sōushénjì.¹⁴ an insect found about water, a sort of dragonfly.²⁵
❄{⿰虫敦}𧍪❄{⿰虫禺} hün-nguĩ tūnyú, aka 蟱𧑒❄{⿰虫敦} mẽo-hün móutūn a dytiacus or water beetle (a Hydrophilos?) whose larvae resemble shrimps.¹⁰²
hun2 7037
167 12 hün dùn <台> 钝[鈍] not sharp.
<又> ùn. (See 鈍 ùn.)
hun2 7038
184 12 hün tún stuffed dumplings with delicate flour wrappings; ravioli.⁷ (variant: 餫 vũn hún).
馄饨[餛飩] vũn-hün
húntun wonton; dumpling soup.⁵ (=<台> 云吞[雲吞] vũn-hün wonton).
馄饨面[餛飩麵] vũn-hün-mèin
húntunmiàn wonton noodle soup.¹
馄饨皮[餛飩皮] vũn-hün-pĩ
húntunpí wonton wrappings.⁶
hun2 7039
44 6 𡰪
hũn tún (Cant.) end, bottom, rump.⁸ end, base, rump.⁵⁴ This character is regarded as a contraction of 臀 hũn tún the seat; the anus or the rectum; among butchers, the rump; the end of, the bottom, the adit or exit.¹⁰² (See the Note at: 𡰪❄{⿸尸口} ūk).
(composition: ⿸尸口; U+21C2A).
❄{⿸尸口}路 gùt-hũn-lù túnjuélù <Cant.> a cul-de-sac; no thoroughfare.¹⁰²
❄{⿸尸口}底 hũn-āi túndǐ the bottom of, as a long row of houses.¹⁰²
❄{⿸尸口}[買豚𡰪❄{⿸尸口}] mäi-hũn-hũn mǎitúntún to buy pork cutlets or steaks.¹⁰²
(See 臀 hũn).
hun3 7040
44 8 𡱂
hũn tún According to【說文】c. 121 CE, originally means 髀 bī thigh or thighbone; later according to 【集韻】c. 1037 CE it became synonymous with 𦞠,𩪡,臀 hũn tún buttocks).²
(composition: ⿸尸⿱兀几; U+21C42).
(See 臀 hũn; 髀 bī; 𦞠❄{⿰⺼隼} hũn; 𩪡❄{⿱殿骨} hũn).
hun3 7041
44 10 𡱰
hũn tún (=豚 hũn tún suckling pig.⁶ a suckling pig, a porker, a shote; one says, a sow; to draggle along, and not lift the heels in walking.¹⁰²).²
(composition: ⿸尸豕; U+21C70).
(See 豚 hũn).
hun3 7042
44 11 hũn tún (=臀 hũn tún buttocks.⁸).²
(composition: ⿸尸豖; U+3798).
(See 臀 hũn).
hun3 7043
45 4 hũn tún (composition: ⿻一⿻凵乚(GHTV) or ⿻七凵(GHTV) or ⿻丿⿻凵乚(JK); U+5C6F).
<台> 屯肥个鹅[屯肥個鵝] hũn-fĩ-göi-ngũ to fatten up the goose.
<又> jün, tûn, ūn, hûn. (See 屯 jün, tûn, ūn, hûn.)
hun3 7044
118 17 篿 hũn tuán round objects made of bamboo.¹³ round articles made of bamboo.⁵⁴
<又> jön. (See 篿 jön.)
hun3 7045
130 14 𦞠

hũn tún (=𡱂 hũn tún originally means thigh or thighbone and later it became synonymous with 𩪡,臀 hũn tún buttocks).²
(composition: ⿰⺼隼; U+267A0).
(See 臀 hũn; 𡱂❄{⿸尸⿱兀几} hũn; 𩪡❄{⿱殿骨} hũn).
hun3 7046
130 17 hũn tún buttocks.⁸
(variants: 臋 hũn; 𦞠❄{⿰⺼隼} hũn; 𡱂❄{⿸尸⿱兀几} hũn; 𩪡❄{⿱殿骨} hũn; 𡰪❄{⿸尸口} hũn; 㞘 hũn).
(composition: ⿱殿月; U+81C0).
臀部 hũn-bù
túnbù buttock; rump.⁸
臀尖 hũn-dëm
túnjiān hams; tip of pigs' buttocks.⁸
臀鳍[臀鰭] hũn-kĩ
túnqí anal fin.⁶
臀位 hũn-vì
túnwèi breech position; breech birth.¹⁰
臀疣 hũn-yiũ
túnyóu monkey's ischial callosities.⁸
<台> 臀 hũn buttocks.
<台> 鹅臀[鵝臀] ngõ-hũn/ hearts (suit of playing cards).
(See 臋 hũn; 𦞠❄{⿰⺼隼} hũn; 𡱂❄{⿸尸⿱兀几} hũn; 𩪡❄{⿱殿骨} hũn; 𡰪❄{⿸尸口} hũn; 㞘 hũn).
hun3 7047
130 19 hũn tún (=臀 hũn tún) buttocks.⁸
(composition: ⿱殿肉; U+81CB).
(See 臀 hũn).
hun3 7048
140 7 hũn tún (of bushes and trees or vegetation) newborn, green sprout.⁸ a kind of vegetable, like spinage; trees beginning to bud forth.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹屯; U+829A).
<又> chün. (See 芚 chün).
hun3 7049
152 11 hũn tún suckling pig.⁶ a suckling pig, a porker, a shote; one says, a sow; to draggle along, and not lift the heels in walking.¹⁰²
(variants: 豘, 𡱰❄{⿸尸豕} hũn tún).
(Note: Easily confounded with 䐁 ēk
zhuó, the rump).¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰⺼豕; U+8C5A).
肥豚 fĩ-hũn
féitún a fat porkling.¹⁰²
江豚 göng-hũn
jiāngtún river dolphin.¹⁰ a porpoise found in the Yangtze River.¹⁰²
河豚 hõ-hũn
hétún blowfish (Tetraodontidae); puffer.¹⁰
海豚 hōi-hũn
hǎitún dolphin.¹⁰
土豚 hū-hũn
tǔtún aardvark.¹⁰
豚蹄 hũn-hãi
túntí pettitoes.¹⁰²
豚犬 hũn-hūn
túnquǎn <humb.> my son.⁶
豚儿[豚兒] hũn-ngĩ
tún'ér <humb.> my son.⁶
豚鼠 hũn-sī
túnshǔ guinea pig (Cavia porcellus).¹⁰
水豚 suī-hūn
shuǐtún capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
幺豚 yël-hũn
yāotún the smallest of a litter of pigs.²⁵
(See 豘 hũn; 𡱰❄{⿸尸豕} hũn).
hun3 7050
152 11 hũn tún (<old>=豚 hũn tún suckling pig.⁶); a small pig.⁸
(composition: ⿰豕屯; U+8C58).
or 豭豚 gä-hũn jiātún little boar, afterwards refers to a boar in general; the ancients adorn the image of a little boar to show bravery.¹⁹ hog pig.⁵⁴
(See 豚 hũn).
hun3 7051
188 23 𩪡
hũn tún According to【說文】c. 121 CE, originally means 𡱂 hũn tún (髀 bī thigh or thighbone); now (c. 1716 CE) it means 臀 hũn tún buttocks.
(composition: ⿱殿骨; U+29AA1).
(See 臀 hũn; 𡱂❄{⿸尸⿱兀几} hũn; 髀 bī).
hun3 7052
18 8 hûn quàn certificate; ticket; coupon.⁶ a bond, a deed, a contract.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱龹刀; U+5238). (variant: 劵 hûn quàn).
必操胜券[必操勝券] bēik-täo-sëin-hûn
bìcāoshèngquàn to have the game in one's hands; to control a situation.⁵⁴
国库券[國庫券] gōk-fü-hûn
guókùquàn treasury bond.⁸
券契 hûn-käi
quànqì (=券书[券書] hûn-sï quànshū) a deed, a bond.¹⁴
券据[券據] hûn-guï
quànjù a certificate or voucher.¹⁴
券商 hûn-sëng
quànshāng broker.⁶
券书[券書] hûn-sï
quànshū a deed, a bond.¹⁴
券约[券約] hûn-yēk quànyuē a bond or contract.¹⁴
契券 käi-hûn
qìquàn a deed or bond.¹⁴
食品券 sèik-bīn-hûn
shípǐnquàn food coupon.⁶
书券[書券] sï-hûn
shūquàn a volume.²⁴
彩券 tōi-hûn
cǎiquàn lottery ticket; raffle ticket.⁹
or 入场券[入場券] yìp-chẽng-hûn rùchǎngquàn admission ticket.¹⁴ʼ⁰
<又> hün.
(See 券 hün; 劵 hûn).
hun5 7053
19 8 hûn quàn (=券 hûn quàn certificate; ticket; coupon.⁶ a bond, a deed, a contract.¹⁴).
(composition: ⿱龹力; U+52B5).
(See 券 hûn).
hun5 7054
31 11 hûn juàn (of livestock) pen, fold, sty.⁶ Juan surname.⁸
出圈 chūt-hûn chūjuàn (=起圈 hī-hûn qǐjuàn) to remove manure from a pigsty, sheepfold, cattle pen.⁶ (cf. 出圈 chūt-hūn chūquān).
垫圈[墊圈] dëin-hûn
diànjuàn to bed down the livestock; to spread earth in a pigsty or cowshed.⁶ (cf. 垫圈[墊圈] dëin-hūn diànquān).
圈肥 hûn-fĩ
juànféi (=厩肥[廄肥] gëo-fĩ or giü-fĩ  jiùféi) barnyard manure.⁶
圈养[圈養] hûn-yëng
juànyǎng to raise in a pen/fold/sty.⁶
猪圈[豬圈] jï-hûn
zhūjuàn pigsty, pigpen, hogpen.⁵
羊圈 yẽng-hûn
yángjuàn sheepfold, sheep pen.⁶
<台> 圆圈[圓圈] yõn-hûn/ circle.
<又> hūn.
(See 圈 [hūn, quān], [hūn, juān].)
hun5 7055
45 4 hûn tún (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 屯 ūn tún with same meaning: to store/hoard up; collect, gather; to station/quarter troops.⁶)
(composition: ⿻一⿻凵乚(GHTV) or ⿻七凵(GHTV) or ⿻丿⿻凵乚(JK); U+5C6F).
<又> hũn, jün, tûn, ūn.
(See 屯 hũn, jün, tûn, ūn.)
hun5 7056
75 10 hûn juàn small wooden stick or iron ring on the ox nose.⁶
牛鼻桊儿 ngẽo-bì-hûn-ngĩ niúbíjuànr ox nose ring.⁵⁴
<又> hūn.
(See 桊 hūn; 𢍕❄{⿱卷廾} gün; 𢍕❄{⿱卷廾} hün).
hun5 7057
93 10 hûn quàn a nose-ring for an animal.⁸ to bore a hole and passs a string through a cow's nose.²⁴ <old> nose ring for cattle.³⁶
(composition: ⿱龹牛; U+7276).
hun5 7058
109 9 hûn dùn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 盾 ùn dùn with same meaning.)
<又> ùn.
(See 盾 ùn; 楯 ùn.)
hun5 7059
30 13 hūng tōng flop, thump, thud.⁶
嗵嗵鼓 hūng-hūng-gū tōngtōnggǔ tom-tom (drum).¹⁰
我的心嗵嗵直跳 ngô-ēik-xïm-hūng-hūng-jèik-hẽl
wǒdexīntōngtōngzhítiào my heart went pit-a-pat.⁶
噗嗵 pök-hūng
or 噗通 pök-hüng or 扑通[撲通] pök-hüng pūtōng to flop, thump; splash; pit-a-pat.⁶
hung1 7060
61 7 𢖶
hūng kǒng <old>=恐 hūng kǒng fear, dread; to terrify, to intimidate.⁶ terrible; frightful; frightening; terror; terrorist.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱工心; U+225B6).
(See 恐 hūng).
hung1 7061
61 10 hūng kǒng fear, dread; to terrify, to intimidate.⁶ terrible; frightful; frightening; terror; terrorist.¹⁰ (old variant: 𢖶❄{⿱工心} hūng kǒng).
恐怖 hūng-bü
kǒngbù terror; horror.⁵
恐怖时代[恐怖時代] hūng-bü-sĩ-òi
kǒngbù shídài reign of terror.¹¹
恐慌 hūng-föng
kǒnghuāng panic; scare.⁸
恐高症 hūng-gäo-jëin
kǒnggāozhèng acrophobia.⁶
恐惧[恐懼] hūng-guì
kǒngjù fear; dread.⁵
恐惧不安[恐懼不安] hūng-guì-būt-ön
kǒngjùbù'ān frightened and restless.⁵
恐吓[恐嚇] hūng-häk
kǒnghè to threaten; to menace.¹⁰
恐喝 hūng-höt
kǒnghè to threaten with force.¹¹
恐同症 hūng-hũng-jëin
kǒngtóngzhèng homophobia.¹⁰
恐龙[恐龍] hūng-lũng
kǒnglóng dinosaur.⁸
恐怕 hūng-pä
kǒngpà fear; to dread; I'm afraid that...; perhaps; maybe.¹⁰
恐水病 hūng-suī-bèng
kǒngshuǐbìng hydrophobia.¹¹
有恃无恐[有恃無恐] yiû-sî-mũ-hūng
yǒushìwúkǒng be secure in the knowledge that one has strong backing.⁸
(See 𢖶❄{⿱工心} hūng).
hung1 7062
64 10 hūng tǒng to poke, to stab; to disclose; to push, to nudge.
捅出来[捅出來] hūng-chūt-lõi tǒng chūlái to penetrate.
捅火 hūng-fō
tǒnghuǒ to poke a fire.
捅娄子[捅婁子] hūng-lẽo-dū
tǒnglóuzi <topo.> make a mistake/blunder.⁶
捅死 hūng-xī
tǒngsǐ to stab to death.
hung1 7063
75 11 hūng tǒng bucket; pail; tub; keg; barrel.⁵
铁桶[鐵桶] hëik-hūng tiětǒng iron bucket; fig. impregnable city wall.¹¹
桶底脱[桶底脫] hūng-āi-höt
tǒngdǐtuō the bottom of the tub has fallen out – to die, of a Buddhist priest.¹⁴
桶把子 hūng-bā-dū
tǒngbàzi (=桶梁 hūng-lẽng tǒngliáng) the cross-bar at the top of a Chinese bucket.¹⁴
桶匠 hūng-dèng
tǒngjiàng cooper.⁶
桶子 hūng-dū
tǒngzi a bucket; a pail; a barrel; a keg.⁷
桶孔 hūng-kūng
tǒngkǒng bunghole.¹⁰
桶梁 hūng-lẽng
tǒngliáng (=桶把子 hūng-bā-dū tǒngbàzi} the cross-bar at the top of a Chinese bucket.¹⁴
桶业[桶業] hūng-ngèp
tǒngyè cooperage.¹⁰
桶鋬 hūng-pän
tǒngpàn handle of a bucket.⁰
桶铺[桶鋪] hūng-pü
tǒngpù coopery.⁷
木桶 mùk-hūng
mùtǒng wooden bucket.¹⁹
水桶 suī-hūng
shuǐtǒng water bucket.⁵
一桶牛奶 yīt-hūng-ngẽo-nâi
yītǒngniúnǎi a pail of milk.⁵
油桶 yiũ-hūng
yóutǒng oil drum.⁵
<台> 柜桶[櫃桶] gì-hūng drawer (in furniture).
hung1 7064
116 17 hūng tǒng (composition: ⿱穴童; U+41B9).
䆹竉 hūng-lûng tǒnglǒng dark; a deep recess.²⁵
<又> chüng.
(See 䆹 chüng).
hung1 7065
120 12 hūng tǒng interconnected system; gather into one, unite; all, together; any tube-shaped part of an article of clothing.⁵
统称[統稱] hūng-chëin tǒngchēng be called by a joint name; a general designation.⁵
统筹[統籌] hūng-chiũ
tǒngchóu plan as a whole.⁵
统筹兼顾[統籌兼顧] hūng-chiũ-gëm-gü
tǒngchóujiāngù unified planning with due consideration for all concerned.⁵
统计[統計] hūng-gäi
tǒngjì statistics; add up, count.⁵
统共[統共] hūng-gùng
tǒnggòng altogether; in all.⁵
统统[統統] hūng-hūng
tǒngtǒng all; completely; entirely.⁵
统制[統制] hūng-jäi
tǒngzhì control.⁵
统治[統治] hūng-jì
tǒngzhì rule; dominate.⁵
统购统销[統購統銷] hūng-këo-hūng-xël
tǒnggòutǒngxiāo state monopoly for purchase and marketing (grain).⁵
统领[統領] hūng-lêin
tǒnglǐng command, lead; commander.⁶
统铺[統鋪] hūng-pü
tǒngpù wide bed for several people.⁵⁴
统帅[統帥] hūng-suï
tǒngshuài commander-in-chief; lead.¹¹
统属[統屬] hūng-sùk
tǒngshǔ subordination.⁵
统舱[統艙] hūng-töng
tǒngcāng steerage.⁵
统率[統率] hūng-xūt
tǒngshuài command.⁵
统一[統一] hūng-yīt
tǒngyī unify; unite.⁹
统一战线[統一戰線] hūng-yīt-jën-xëin
tǒngyīzhànxiàn united front.⁵
hung1 7066
140 13 𦶐
hūng kǒng (composition: ⿱艹恐; U+26D90).
𦶐❄{⿱艹恐}苹[𦶐❄{⿱艹恐}蘋] hūng-pẽin kǒngpíng the name of a plant.²⁵
❄{⿱艹恐}萃 hūng-xuì kǒngcuì (same as² 䕞𦿆❄{⿱艹碭} lông-òng làngdàng a poisonous herb.²⁵ a poisonous medicine.¹⁰¹)
hung1 7067
8 6 hüng xiōng ➀ variant of 凶 hüng xiōng inauspicious; bad luck; bad omen; to have a famine due to crop failure.³⁶ ➁ second-round simplified form of 腦 nāo nǎo brain.³⁶ ➂ second-round simplified form of 瑙 não nǎo agate; cornelian.³⁶ ➃ second-round simplified form of 碯 não nǎo agate, cornelian.³⁶ ➄ second-round simplified form of 堖 nāo nǎo smal hill.³⁶ ➅ (=凶 hüng xiōng); cruel, unfortunate, sad.⁸
(component; same as 𡿺
❄{⿱巛囟}, old form of 脑腦 nǎo 'brain').
(composition: ⿱亠凶; U+342B).
(Note: Distinguish this character, 㐫 (⿱亠凶; U+342B) hüng
xiōng from 㓙 (⿶凵文; U+34D9) hüng xiōng. The traditional character 離 (lĩ leave) and its corresponding simplified character 离 both have 㐫 as a component on upper top left and upper top, respectively. For the character 𣶑❄{⿰氵⿱亠兇} (hüng xiōng the rush of water; turbulent; noisy, restless.⁵⁴), the component 㐫 is on the upper right).
hung2 7068
9 10 hüng kǒng urgent; pressed.
倥偬[倥傯] hüng-dūng kǒngzǒng <wr.> pressing; urgent; poverty-stricken; destitute; impoverished.
戎马倥偬[戎馬倥傯] yũng-mâ-hüng-dūng
róngmǎ kǒngzǒng to lead a hectic life with war horses; to have a hectic military career (usually said of ranking commanders).⁷
(See 倥 [hüng, kōng].)
hung2 7069
9 10 hüng kōng ignorant; blank-minded.
倥侗 hüng-hũng kōngtóng <wr.> benighted; ignorant; unenlightened.
(See 倥 [hüng, kǒng].)
hung2 7070
10 6 hüng xiōng (=凶 hüng xiōng) fierce, violent, cruel, ferocious; truculent, inhuman.⁷ (variant: 𠒋❄{⿱亠兇 hüng xiōng).
t. ⿱凶儿 s. ⿶凵㐅; U+5147).
凶暴[兇暴] hüng-bào
xiōngbào cruel and violent.⁷
凶犯[兇犯] hüng-fàn
xiōngfàn a criminal; a murderer.⁷
凶狠[兇狠] hüng-hān
xiōnghěn truculent, savage, ferocious, fierce.⁷
凶险[兇險] hüng-hēm
xiōngxiǎn cruel and mean.⁷
凶器[兇器] hüng-hï
xiōngqì the murderous weapon.⁷
凶汉[兇漢] hüng-hön
xiōnghàn a hoodlum; a gangster.⁷
凶悍[兇悍] hüng-hòn
xiōnghàn truculent, savage, ferocious, fierce.⁷
凶徒[兇徒] hüng-hũ
xiōngtú a hoodlum; a gangster.⁷
凶猛[兇猛] hüng-mäng
xiōngměng fierce; ferocious.⁷
凶恶[兇惡] hüng-ōk
xiōng'è ferocious; fiendish; ruffianly.⁶
凶杀[兇殺] hüng-sät
xiōngshā homicide; murder; manslaughter.⁷
凶手[兇手] hüng-siū
xiōngshǒu the murderer; the killer.⁷
凶横[兇橫] hüng-vãng
xiōnghèng truculent, savage, ferocious, fierce.⁷
(See 𠒋❄{⿱亠兇} hüng).
hung2 7071
10 8 𠒋
hüng xiōng (=凶[兇] hüng xiōng fierce, violent, cruel, ferocious; truculent, inhuman.⁷
(composition: ⿱亠兇; U+2048B).
(See 兇 hüng).
hung2 7072
17 4 hüng xiōng inauspicious, ominous; crop failure; fierce, ferocious; terrible, fearful; act of violence, murder.⁵
(variants: 㓙 hüng, 兇 hüng ). (See 㓙 hüng; 兇 hüng).
(composition: ⿶凵㐅; U+51F6).
凶暴 hüng-bào
xiōngbào fierce and brutal.⁷
凶具 hüng-guì
xiōngjù a coffin; a casket.⁷
凶狠 hüng-hān
xiōnghěn ferocious and malicious.⁷
凶险[凶險] hüng-hēm
xiōngxiǎn danger; dangerous.⁷
凶器 hüng-hï
xiōngqì a criminal/lethal weapon.⁷
凶悍 hüng-hòn
xiōnghàn fierce and tough; ferocious.⁵
凶宅 hüng-jàk
xiōngzhái a house where a murder took place; haunted house.⁷
凶礼[凶禮] hüng-lâi
xiōnglǐ funeral rites.⁷
凶猛 hüng-mäng
xiōngměng violent; ferocious.⁵
凶门[凶門] hüng-mõn
xiōngmén a white funeral festoon.⁷
凶年 hüng-nẽin
xiōngnián a year of famine/misfortune.⁷
凶恶[凶惡] hüng-ōk
xiōng'è ferocious; fiendish; ruffianly.⁶
凶杀[凶殺] hüng-sät
xiōngshā homicide; murder.⁷
凶兆 hüng-sêl
xiōngzhào a bad omen.⁷
凶手 hüng-siū
xiōngshǒu a murderer; an assassin.⁷
凶残[凶殘] hüng-tãn
xiōngcán bloodthirsty; merciless.⁷
凶相 hüng-xëng
xiōngxiàng ferocious features/looks.⁷
凶横[凶橫] hüng-vãng
xiōnghèng fierce and arrogant.⁷
hung2 7073
17 6 hüng xiōng (=凶 hüng xiōng inauspicious, ominous; crop failure; fierce, ferocious; terrible, fearful; act of violence, murder.⁵).³⁶ (non-classical form of 凶 hüng); cruel, unfortunate, sad.⁸
(composition: ⿶凵文; U+34D9).
(Note: Distinguish this character, 㓙 (⿶凵文; U+34D9) hüng
xiōng from 㐫 (⿱亠凶; U+342B) hüng xiōng, a component, same as 𡿺❄{⿱巛囟}, of the following simplified characters: 脑,, 恼 whose corresponding traditional characters are: 腦 nāo nǎo brain, 堖 nāo nǎo smal hill and 惱 nâo nǎo annoyed).
(See 凶 hüng).
hung2 7074
20 6 hüng xiōng (<old>=胸 hüng xiōng chest, bosom, thorax; mind, heart.⁵);  breast, chest, thorax; clamor; the Xiongnu 'Huns'.⁸
匈匈 hüng-hüng
xiōngxiōng clamorous.
匈牙利 Hüng-ngã-lì
Xiōngyálì Hungary.
匈奴 Hüng-nũ
Xiōngnú Xiongnu (c. 215 BCE - c. 460 CE).
(See 胸 hüng).
hung2 7075
30 7 hüng hōng bellow.
唵嘛呢叭咪吽 äm-mã-nãi-bā-māi-hüng ǎnmaníbāmīhōng Oṃ Maṇi Padme Hūṃ (Sanskrit: ओं मणिपद्मे हूं ), or Om Mani Peme Hung (Tibetan: ཨོཾ་མ་ཎི་པདྨེ་ཧཱུྃ) is the six-syllabled Sanskrit mantra particularly associated with the four-armed Shadakshari form of Avalokiteshvara (觀音 Gön-yïm Guānyīn Guanyin), the bodhisattva of compassion. Mani means "jewel" or "bead" and Padme means "the lotus flower", the Buddhist sacred flower.¹⁵
<又> ngèo.
(See 吽 ngèo).
hung2 7076
30 9 hüng hǒng to beguile, to cheat, to defraud.⁷ to deceive; to coax; to amuse (a child).¹⁰
打哄 ā-hüng dǎhǒng to fool around; to kid around.¹⁰
欺哄 hï-hüng
qīhǒng to dupe; to deceive.¹⁰
哄孩子 hüng-hãi-dū
hǒngháizi to coax a child.⁷
哄劝[哄勸] hüng-hün
hǒngquàn to coax.¹⁰
哄哄 hüng-hüng
hǒnghǒng to encourage.¹⁰
哄骗[哄騙] hüng-pëin
hǒngpiàn to defraud, to cheat, to swindle, to take in, to humbug, to hoodwink.⁷
(See 哄 [hüng, hōng], 鬨 hüng.)
hung2 7077
30 9 hüng hōng (said of a group of people) to make a roaring noise.⁷
哄传[哄傳] hüng-chũn hōngchuán (said of rumors) to spread widely.⁷
哄抬 hüng-hõi
hōngtái to drive up (prices); to bid up.⁹
哄抬物价[哄抬物價] hüng-hõi-mùt-gä
or hüng-hõi-mòt-gä hōngtáiwùjià to rig prices; rigging.⁷
哄堂 hüng-hõng
hōngtáng (said of a group of people gathered together) to fill the room or house with laughter; to bring down the house (as a result of witty remarks, clownish acts).⁷
哄堂大笑 hüng-hõng-ài-xël
hōngtángdàxiào The whole room rocks with laughter.⁷
哄动[哄動] hüng-ùng
hōngdòng or 轰动[轟動] gäng-ùng hōngdòng to create a sensation; to excite the public.⁷
哄笑 hüng-xël
hōngxiào to roar with laughter; hoots of laughter; guffaw.¹⁰
(See 哄 [hüng, hǒng], 鬨 hüng.)
hung2 7078
31 7 hüng cōng (<old> =囱 hüng cōng) chimney, funnel.⁸
(composition: ⿱丿⿴囗⿻丿㐅 or ⿱丿⿴囗⿻㐅丿; U+56EA).
(See 囱 hüng.)
hung2 7079
31 7 hüng cōng a chimney; a flue.⁷ʼ¹⁴ chimney, funnel.⁸ chimney, funnel, stovepipe.³⁹ (variant: 囪 hüng cōng).
(composition: ⿱丿⿴囗⿻𠂊乀(GHV) or ⿱丿⿴囗夕(T) or ⿱丿⿴囗夊(JK); U+56F1).
大烟囱[大煙囱] ài-yën-hüng
dàyāncōng smokestack.⁹
深海烟囱[深海煙囱] sïm-hōi-yën-hüng
shēnhǎi yāncōng deep-sea vent; black smoker.¹⁰
烟囱[煙囱] yën-hüng
yāncōng chimney.¹⁰
烟囱管[煙囱管] yën-hüng-gōn yāncōngguǎn chimney pipe.¹⁹
烟囱林立[煙囱林立] yën-hüng-lĩm-lìp yāncōnglínlì factories with their forests of chimneys.⁵⁴
<又> töng.
(See 囱 töng; 囪 hüng.)
hung2 7080
38 13 𡠙
hüng tōng name used by women.⁹⁸
(composition: ⿰女通; U+21819).
hung2 7081
46 11 hüng kōng 崆峒 Hüng-hũng Kōngtóng Kongtong, a mountain in Gansu Province (甘肃[甘肅] Gäm-xūk Gānsù) and an island in Shandong Province (山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng).⁴
崆峒 Hüng-hũng
Kōngtóng Kongtong, name of a district of Pingliang city 平凉市[平涼市] Pẽin-lẽng-sî Píngliángshì, in the Province of Gansu (甘肃[甘肅] Gäm-xūk Gānsù).¹⁰
hung2 7082
59 7 hüng tōng (composition: ⿰丹彡; U+5F64).
红彤彤[紅彤彤] or 红通通[紅通通] hũng-hüng-hüng hóngtōngtōng bright-red; glowing.⁶
<又> hũng.
(See 彤 hũng.)
hung2 7083
61 9 hüng tōng <wr.> sickness; disease; pain.⁶ pain.⁷ dissatisfied; moaning with pain.¹⁴
恫瘝 or 恫矜 or 痌瘝 hüng-gän tōngguān hardship; illness.⁷ sickness, miseries.¹¹
恫瘝在抱 hüng-gän-dòi-päo
tōngguānzàibào be concerned about the weal and woe of the people; have the well-being of the people at heart.⁶
<又> ùng.
(See 恫 ùng.)
hung2 7084
61 9 hüng xiōng scared, nervous; frightened; noisy.⁸
(composition: ⿰忄匈; U+605F).
恟惧[恟懼] hüng-guì xiōngjù afraid.¹⁹ (=恐惧[恐懼] hūng-guì kǒngjù fear; dread.⁵)¹³
恟恟 hüng-hüng
xiōngxiōng tumultuous.¹⁹
恟骇[恟駭] hüng-hôi
xiōnghài (=惊骇[驚駭] gëin-hôi jīnghài <lit.> frightened; astounded; panic-stricken; appalled.⁶)¹⁹
hung2 7085
61 11 hüng kōng sincere; empty.⁸ simple-minded; earnest.¹¹ ignorant, simple, guileless.¹⁴ true, sincere.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄空; U+60BE).
悾款 hüng-fōn kōngkuǎn sincere.¹⁹
悾悾 hüng-hüng
kōngkōng <lit.> sincere.⁸ ignorant, simple.²⁴
<又> kūng.
(See 悾 kūng).
hung2 7086
64 11 hüng kòng to control, to charge. to dominate; to accuse, to sue; to invert a container to let the liquid trickle out.
程控 chẽin-hüng chéngkòng program control.⁸ automate.⁹
控告 hüng-gäo
kònggào to charge; to accuse.
控制 hüng-jäi
kòngzhì control; to exercise control over; to contain.¹⁰ to subject to control, to curb (horse).¹¹
控御 hüng-nguì
kòngyù to control and direct.
控诉[控訴] hüng-xü
kòngsù to accuse; to denounce; to make complaint against.
指控 jī-hüng
zhǐkòng to accuse; to charge.
失控 sīt-hüng
shīkòng to lose control.
遥控[遙控] yẽl-hüng
yáokòng remote control.¹⁰
hung2 7087
85 7 hüng gǒng hydrargyrum (Hg); mercury.⁶ cinnabar, the ore of quicksilver.²⁴
甘汞 gäm-hüng gāngǒng <chem.> calomel; mercurous chloride.⁶
汞灯[汞燈] hüng-ǎng
gǒngdēng mercury lamp.⁶
汞溴红[汞溴紅] hüng-chiü-hũng
gǒngxiùhóng <med.> mercurochrome. Note: It is no longer sold in France (2006), Germany (2003), or the United States (1998).¹⁵
汞化 hüng-fä
gǒnghuà mercurate; mercurize.⁶
汞粉 hüng-fūn
gǒngfěn or 水银粉[水銀粉] suī-ngãn-fūn shuǐyínfěn calomel (mercurous chloride Hg₂Cl₂).¹⁴ʼ¹⁵
汞封 hüng-füng
gǒngfēng <chem.> mercury seal.⁶
汞干电池[汞乾電池] hüng-gön-èin-chĩ
gǒnggāndiànchí mercury cell.⁶
红汞[紅汞] hũng-hüng
hónggǒng mercurochrome.⁵
汞中毒 hüng-jüng-ùk
gǒngzhōngdú mercurial poisoning.⁶
汞槽 hüng-tão
gǒngcáo (electronic) mercury tank.⁶
汞污染 hüng-vü-ngêm
gǒngwūrǎn mercury pollution.⁶
汞弧 hüng-vũ
gǒnghú mercury arc.⁶
汞弧灯[汞弧燈] hüng-vũ-äng
gǒnghúdēng mercury-arc lamp.⁶
<台> 汞水 hüng-suī
or 红水[紅水] hũng-suī mercurochrome.
hung2 7088
85 9 hüng xiōng the rush of water; turbulent; noisy, restless.⁵⁴
波涛汹涌[波濤洶湧] bö-hão-hüng-yūng bōtāoxiōngyǒng  waves surging forth; roaring sea.¹⁰
气势汹汹[氣勢洶洶] hï-säi-hüng-hüng
qìshìxiōngxiōng fierce; truculent; overbearing; in a threatening manner.⁶
汹汹[洶洶] hüng-hüng
xiōngxiōng <wr.> violent, truculent; tumultuous; agitated; <ono.> sound of roaring waves.⁵⁴
汹汹旭旭[洶洶旭旭] hüng-hüng-gūk-gūk
xiōngxiōngxùxù the booming of surf.¹⁴
汹涌[洶湧] hüng-yūng
xiōngyǒng to surge up violently (of ocean, river, lake); turbulent.¹⁰
汹涌澎湃[洶湧澎湃] hüng-yūng-pãng-bäi
xiōngyǒng péngpài surging; turbulent; tempestuous.⁵
来势汹汹[來勢洶洶] lõi-säi-hüng-hüng
láishìxiōngxiōng to move threateningly towards.¹⁰
hung2 7089
85 11 hüng kōng to flow straight on.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵空; U+6DB3).
涳濛 hüng-mũng kōngméng (also written as 涳蒙 or 空濛) descriptive of fine drizzle.¹¹ a fine rain.²⁴
<又> nõng.
(See 涳 nõng).
hung2 7090
85 11 𣶑
hüng xiōng demotic character for 汹[洶]² hüng xiōng the rush of water; turbulent; noisy, restless.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰氵⿱亠兇; U+23D91).
(See 洶 hüng).

hung2 7091 23D91.gif
85 13 𣻢
hüng tōng sound of water.²
(composition: ⿰氵通; U+23EE2).
hung2 7092
85 15 hüng gǒng <old>=汞 hüng gǒng mercury (Hg).⁸ the ore of mercury; quicksilver.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵項; U+6F92).
白澒 bàk-hüng
báigǒng mercury.¹⁹ʼ⁰
水澒 suī-hüng
shuǐgǒng (=汞 hüng gǒng; =水银[水銀] suī-ngãn shuǐyín) mercury.¹⁹ʼ⁰
玄澒 yõn-hüng
xuángǒng a type of mercury.¹⁹ʼ⁰
hung2 7093
86 10 hüng hōng to set off by contrast.¹⁰
烘托 hüng-hōk hōngtuō add shading around an object to make it stand out; set off by contrast; throw into sharp relief.⁸
烘云托月[烘雲托月] hüng-vũn-hōk-ngùt
hōngyúntuōyuè   lit. to shade in the clouds to offset the moon (idiom); fig. a foil; a contrasting character to a main hero.¹⁰
热烘烘[熱烘烘] ngèik-hüng-hüng
rèhōnghōng steaming hot (meal), crowded, noisy (place, gathering).¹¹ quite warm, red-hot; stirring; affectionate.⁵⁴
<又> küng.
(See 烘 küng.)
hung2 7094
86 14 hüng tēng heat up by steaming.¹⁰
熥馒头[熥饅頭] hüng-màn-hẽo tēngmántou heat up the steamed bun by steaming again.⁰
hung2 7095
104 10 hüng téng ache; to love dearly; to feel sorry.
(疼 hũng is commonly read as hüng in Hoisanva.)
头疼[頭疼] hẽo-hüng
tóuténg to (have) a headache.⁸
心疼 xïm-hüng
xīnténg love dearly; feel sorry or  distressed; grudge.⁶
疼爱[疼愛] hüng-öi
téng'ài love dearly.¹¹
<又> hũng, tëk.
(See 疼 hũng, tëk.)
hung2 7096
104 11 hüng tōng (=恫 hüng tōng) moaning with pain.¹⁴
or 恫瘝 or 恫矜 hüng-gän tōngguān hardship; illness.⁷ sickness, miseries.¹¹
痌瘝在抱 hüng-gän-dòi-päo
tōngguānzàibào sympathizing with the distressed.¹⁴
(See 恫 hüng.)
hung2 7097
104 12 hüng tòng ache, pain; sadness, sorrow; extremely, deeply, bitterly.⁵
(variant: 𤻇❄{⿸疒楚} chō chǔ). (See 𤻇❄{⿸疒楚} chō).
头痛[頭痛] hẽo-hüng
tóutòng (have a) headache.⁵
痛斥 hüng-chēik
tòngchì bitterly attack; scathingly denounce.⁵
痛陈[痛陳] hüng-chĩn
tòngchén state in strong terms.⁶
痛楚 hüng-chō
tòngchǔ pain; anguish; suffering.⁵
痛处[痛處] hüng-chuī
tòngchù sore spot; tender spot.⁵
痛定思痛 hüng-èin-xü-hüng
tòngdìngsītòng recall a painful experience; draw a lesson from bitter experience.⁶
痛快 hüng-fäi
tòngkuai happy; joyful; delighted.⁶
痛苦 hüng-fū
tòngkǔ pain; suffering; agony.⁵
痛风[痛風] hüng-füng
tòngfēng <med.> gout.⁵
痛感 hüng-gām
tònggǎn keenly feel.⁵
痛改前非 hüng-gōi-tẽin-fï
tònggǎiqiánfēi sincerely mend one's ways.⁵
痛觉[痛覺] hüng-gōk
tòngjué sense of pain.⁵
痛恨 hüng-hàn
tònghèn hate bitterly; utterly detest.⁵
痛哭 hüng-hūk
tòngkū cry bitterly; wail.⁵
痛阈[痛閾] hüng-vèik
tòngyù pain threshold.⁵
痛惜 hüng-xēik
tòngxī deeply regret; deplore.⁵
痛心 hüng-xïm
tòngxīn pained; distressed; grieved.⁵
痛痒[痛癢] hüng-yêng
tòngyǎng sufferings; difficulties; importance, conseguence.⁵
hung2 7098
112 8 hüng kòng  honest; true.¹⁹ sincere; faithful.²⁵
(composition: ⿰石工; U+77FC).
德厚信矼 āk-hêo-xïn-hüng déhòuxìnkòng his substantial virtue and his firm sincerity.¹⁴
且德厚信矼 chēh-āk-hêo-xïn-hüng
qiě dé hòu xìnkòng The more De you have the more honest you will be.⁸ʼ¹⁹ (Note: 德 De is an important concept in Chinese philosophy, usually translated as "inherent character; inner power; integrity" in Daoism, "moral character; virtue; morality" in Confucianism and other contexts, and "quality; virtue" (guna) or "merit; virtuous deeds" (punya) in Chinese Buddhism.)¹⁵
信矼 xïn-hüng
xìnkòng honest; upright.²⁵
<又> göng; höng.
(See 矼 göng; 矼 höng).
hung2 7099
116 8 hüng kòng to empty; vacant; unoccupied; space; leisure; free time.¹⁰
空白 hüng-bàk kòngbái blank space.¹⁰
空房 hüng-fông
kòngfáng an unoccupied house or room.⁷
空格 hüng-gâk
kònggé the blank in a form (for filling).⁷
空暇 hüng-hà
kòngxiá free time; spare time; leisure.⁵
空闲[空閑] hüng-hãn
kòngxián leisure; spare time.⁷
空地 hüng-ì
kòngdì vacant land; vacant space.¹⁰ (See 空地 hüng-ì kōngdì).
空隙 hüng-kēik
kòngxì crack; gap between two objects; gap in time between two events.¹⁰
空缺 hüng-kūt
kòngquē gap; vacancy.⁸
空额[空額] hüng-ngäk
kòng'é vacancy; opening; deficit.⁷
空儿[空兒] hüng-ngĩ
kòngr spare time; free time.¹⁰
空当[空當] hüng-öng
kòngdāng a gap; a break.⁷
空肚 hüng-ū
kòngdù empty stomach.⁷
空位 hüng-vì
kòngwèi a vacant or unoccupied seat.⁷
空一格 hüng-yīt-gâk
kòngyīgé leave a blank space.¹¹
落空 lòk-hüng
luòkòng to omit; to neglect.¹⁰ (See 落空 lòk-hüng luòkōng).
有空 yiû-hüng
yǒukòng have free time.⁹
(See 空 [hüng, kōng].)
hung2 7100
116 8 hüng kōng empty; air; sky; in vain.¹⁰
空间[空間] hüng-gän kōngjiān space.¹⁰
空军[空軍] hüng-gün
kōngjūn air force.⁸
空调[空調] hüng-hẽl
kōngtiáo  air conditioning; air conditioner (including units that have a heating mode).¹⁰
空投 hüng-hẽo
kōngtóu air drop; to drop supplies by air.¹⁰
空气[空氣] hüng-hï
kōngqì air; atmosphere.⁹
空虚[空虛] hüng-huï
kōngxū hollow; empty.⁸
空空如也 hüng-hüng-nguĩ-yâ
kōngkōngrúyě absolutely empty.⁵
空地 hüng-ì
kōngdì air-to-surface (missile).¹⁰ (See 空地 hüng-ì kòngdì).
空炸 hüng-jä
kōngzhà airburst.¹⁰
空中 hüng-jüng
kōngzhōng in the sky; in the air.⁹
空落落 hüng-lòk-lòk
kōngluòluò empty.⁹
空挡[空擋] hüng-ōng
kōngdàng neutral gear; vacancy in cinema schedule; free/spare time.⁵⁴
空城计[空城計] hüng-sẽin-gäi
kōngchéngjì empty city strategy; double bluff strategy (idiom).¹⁰
空前 hüng-tẽin
kōngqián unprecedented.¹⁰
空前未有 hüng-tẽin-mì-yiû
kōngqiánwèiyǒu be unprecedented; It has never been known before...³⁹
(See 空 [hüng, kòng].)
hung2 7101
118 14 hüng kōng a kind of ancient plucked stringed instrument.⁷
箜篌 hüng-hẽo kōnghóu an ancient Chinese stringed instrument played by plucking.⁶ a kind of ancient musical instrument with 23 strings.⁷ harp, an ancient plucked stringed instrument.⁸
箜篌引 hüng-hẽo-yîn
kōnghóuyǐn a folk-style type of music that originated in ancient Korea.⁰
擘箜篌 mäk-hüng-hẽo
bòkōnghóu name of an ancient musical instrument.⁷
卧箜篌[臥箜篌] ngò-hüng-hẽo
wòkōnghóu a kind of 箜篌 hüng-hẽo kōnghóu, an ancient Chinese stringed instrument played by plucking.⁰
箜篌[豎箜篌] sì-hüng-hẽo shùkōnghóu an ancient plucked stringed musical instrument; a kind of 箜篌 hüng-hẽo kōnghóu.
hung2 7102
120 12 hüng tōng slow and straightforward appearance.¹⁹ to go slowly and straight through.²⁵
(composition: ⿰糹同; U+7D67).
<又> hũng, ùng. (See 絧 hũng, 絧 ùng).
hung2 7103
130 10 hüng xiōng chest, bosom, thorax; mind, heart.⁵ (variants: 胷,匈  hüng).
胸口 hüng-hēo xiōngkǒu the middle of the chest; the pit in the upper part of the stomach.⁷
胸口堵得慌 hüng-hēo-ū-āk-föng
xiōngkǒudǔdehuāng to feel suffocated; to feel a tightness in the chest.⁵
胸铠[胸鎧] hüng-hōi
xiōngkǎi breastplate.¹⁹
胸腔 hüng-höng
xiōngqiāng the thoracic cavity.⁷
胸膛 hüng-hõng
xiōngtáng the breast or bosom; the thorax.⁷
胸椎 hüng-juï
xiōngzhuī thoracic vertebra.⁵
胸襟 hüng-kïm
xiōngjīn mind, breadth of mind, aspiration; (of clothes) bosom, front.⁶
胸脯 hüng-pū
xiōngpú chest.⁵
胸怀[胸懷] hüng-vãi
xiōnghuái mind; heart.⁵
胸怀大志[胸懷大志] hüng-vãi-ài-jï
xiōnghuáidàzhì cherish high ideals; have lofty aspirations in mind; chest.⁶
胸怀磊落[胸懷磊落] hüng-vãi-luî-lòk
xiōnghuái lěiluò openhearted and upright.⁵
胸臆 hüng-yēik
xiōngyì thoughts; feelings.⁶
胸有成竹 hüng-yiû-sẽin-jūk
xiōngyǒuchéngzhú have a well-thought-out plan.⁵
成竹在胸 sẽin-jūk-dòi-hüng
chéngzhúzàixiōng have a well-thought-out plan.⁸
(See 胷 hüng; 匈 hüng).
hung2 7104
130 10 hüng xiōng (=胸 hüng xiōng) breast, chest, thorax; clamor.⁸ the breast; the chest.²⁵
(composition: ⿱匈月; U+80F7).
打胷 ā-hüng
dǎxiōng to beat on one's breast.²⁵
大胷 ài-hüng
dàxiōng a large chest.²⁵
胷中 hüng-jüng
xiōngzhōng in the mind.²⁵
(See 胸 hüng).
hung2 7105
140 11 𦱇
hüng kōng name of a grass/herb.²
(composition: ⿱艹空; U+26C47).
𦱇❄{⿱艹空}心草 hüng-xïm-tāo kōngxīncǎo name of a grass/herb.²
hung2 7106
140 13 hüng tōng paper-plant; Aralia papyrifera.⁸ Aralia papyrifera, the pith of which is cut into what is known as rice paper.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱艹通; U+84EA).
蓪草花 hüng-tāo-fä
tōngcǎohuā flowers made from rice paper.¹⁴
蓪草 hüng-tāo
tōngcǎo or 蓪草纸[蓪草紙] hüng-tāo-jī tōngcǎozhǐ rice paper.¹⁴
蓪草画[蓪草畫] hüng-tāo-và
tōngcǎohuà rice paper pictures.¹⁴
木蓪 mùk-hüng
mùtōng (Akelia quinata).¹⁴
hung2 7107
149 9 hüng hōng 阿訇 ä-hüng āhōng <loan>  ahung, Moslem mullah.
(composition: ⿹勹言; U+8A07).
<又> gäng.
(See 訇 gäng.)
hung2 7108
149 11 hüng xiōng (=詾 hüng xiōng) <wr.> argue, debate; tumultuous, agitated, uproarious.⁶ to brawl, to scold; calamity, trouble; to go to law, to judge.¹⁴
(See 詾 hüng).
hung2 7109
149 13 hüng xiōng to brawl, to scold; calamity, trouble; to go to law, to judge.¹⁴ (variant: 訩 hüng xiōng).
or 降此鞠讻[降此鞠訩] göng-xū-gūk-hüng jiàngcǐjūxiōng (God) sent down all these numerous calamities.¹⁴
天下詾詾 hëin-hà-hüng-hüng
tiānxiàxiōngxiōng the whole land is in an uproar.¹⁴
(See 訩 hüng).
hung2 7110
154 16 hüng xiōng goods.⁸
(composition: ⿰貝㝁; U+8CEF).
<又> mĩn. (See 賯 mĩn.)
hung2 7111
162 10 hüng tòng <m.> for an activity, taken in its entirety (tirade of abuse, stint of music playing, bout of drinking).¹⁰
发一通牢骚[發一通牢騷] fāt-yīt-hüng-lão-xäo fāyītòng láosāo utter a torrent of complaints.⁵⁵
瞎搞一通 hàt-gāo-yīt-hüng
xiāgǎo yītòng make a mess of; act without a plan.⁵⁴
头通[頭通] hẽo-hüng
tóutòng first performance before an audience.⁵⁴
擂鼓三通 luĩ-gū-xäm-hüng
lèigǔsāntòng three rolls of the drum.⁵
骂了他一通[罵了他一通] mà-lēl-hä-yīt-hüng
màletāyītòng give him a dressing down.⁵⁶
说了他一通[說了他一通] sōt-lēl-hä-yīt-hüng
shuōletā yītòng give him a talking to.⁵
一通 yīt-hüng
yītòng one time; once.¹⁰
(See 通 [hüng, tōng].)
hung2 7112
162 10 hüng tōng through; to go through; to succeed; thoroughly; to understand; to be in communication; to circulate.¹⁴
通宝[通寶] hüng-bāo tōngbǎo copper coin; copper.⁹
通报[通報] hüng-bäo
tōngbào circulate a notice; circular; bulletin; journal.⁵
通过[通過] hüng-gö
tōngguò pass through; pass; request approval; through.⁵⁵
通气[通氣] hüng-hï
tōngqì ventilate, aerate; be in touch with each other, keep each other informed.⁵
通知 hüng-jï
tōngzhī notify, inform; notice, circular.⁵⁶
通衢 hüng-kuĩ
tōngqú thoroughfare.⁵
通常 hüng-sẽng
tōngcháng general; usual; normal.⁵
通书[通書] hüng-sï
tōngshū almanac; ephemeris.³⁶
通宵 hüng-xël
tōngxiāo all night; throughout the night.⁷
通宵达旦[通宵達旦] hüng-xël-àt-än
tōngxiāodádàn all night (long); all through the night; whole night.⁶
通心 hüng-xïm
tōngxīn hollow.¹⁰
通信 hüng-xïn
tōngxìn correspond by letter.¹¹
通讯[通訊] hüng-xïn
tōngxùn communication; news report, news dispatch, news story.⁵
通讯社[通訊社] hüng-xïn-sêh
tōngxùnshè news agency.¹¹
<台> 通气[通氣] hüng-hï to be considerate.
<台> 通孔 hüng-kūng
tōngkǒng hollow.
(See 通 [hüng, tòng].)
hung2 7113
169 14 hüng hòng (<old>=鬨 hüng hòng) the din of battle; noise of fighting; to fight.¹⁴  soldiers fighting; the noise of battle.²⁵
(composition: ⿵門共; U+95A7).
or 哄兵之日[鬨兵之日] hüng-bëin-jï-ngìt hòngbīngzhīrì the day of the battle.¹⁴
or 哄斗[鬨鬥] hüng-ëo hòngdòu to quarrel and fight; to brawl.¹⁴
or 哄战[鬨戰] hüng-jën hòngzhàn a battle; to fight.¹⁴
or 哄嚷[鬨嚷] hüng-ngèng hòngrǎng clamor and uproar.¹⁴
<又> hòng.
(See 閧 hòng; 鬨 hüng).
hung2 7114
177 17 hüng kòng bridle.⁸ bridle; reins.¹⁰ a bridle, reins; to rein in a horse.¹⁴ a horse's bridle.²⁵ <lit.> headstall; <lit.> horse; <lit.> to drive; to rein (a horse).³⁶
(composition: ⿰革空; U+979A).
鞚鞍 hüng-ön kòng'ān bridle and saddle.⁵⁴
hung2 7115
180 15 𩐠
hüng hōng a loud noise.²⁵
(composition: ⿰音共; U+29420).
hung2 7116
191 16 hüng hòng to be boisterous or uproarious, uproar, clamor, noise; a dispute, a quarrel.⁷ tumult; uproar; commotion; disturbance.¹⁰ the din of battle; noise of fighting; to fight.¹⁴ (variant: 閧 hüng hòng).
起哄[起鬨] hī-hüng
qǐhòng to heckle; rowdy jeering; to create a disturbance.¹⁰
哄兵之日[鬨兵之日] hüng-bëin-jï-ngìt
hòngbīngzhīrì the day of the battle.¹⁴
哄斗[鬨鬥] hüng-ëo
hòngdòu to quarrel and fight; to brawl.¹⁴
哄堂[鬨堂] hüng-hõng
hòngtáng to fill a room with roars of laughter; to bring the house down.⁷
哄战[鬨戰] hüng-jën
hòngzhàn a battle; to fight.¹⁴
哄嚷[鬨嚷] hüng-ngèng
hòngrǎng clamor and uproar.¹⁴
内哄[內鬨] nuì-hüng
nèihòng or 内讧[內訌] nuì-hũng nèihòng internal conflict.¹⁰
(See 哄 [hüng, hōng], [hüng, hǒng]; 閧 hüng.)
hung2 7117
212 19 𪚑
hüng xiōng to cover over the dragon.²⁵
(composition: ⿱龍巾; U+2A691).
<又> lũng. (See 𪚑❄{⿱龍巾} lũng).
hung2 7118
9 5 hũng tóng (=同 hũng tóng) together, same; Tong surname.
(See 同 hũng.)
hung3 7119
9 7 hũng tóng Tong surname.
佟佳江 Hũng-gäi Göng Tóngjiā Jāng Tongjia river in Manchuria, a tributary of 鸭绿江[鴨綠江] Äp-lùk Göng Yālù Jiāng Yalu River.
hung3 7120
9 8 hũng tóng immature; ignorant.
倥侗 hüng-hũng kōngtóng <lit.> benighted, unenlightened; ignorant.⁶ ignorant; unenlightened.¹⁰
侗儱 hũng-lūng
tónglǒng unfinished.²⁴
<又> ùng.
(See 侗 ùng.)
hung3 7121
9 11 hũng tóng (<old>=僮 hũng tóng boy servant).
(composition: ⿰亻重; U+5045).
<又> jūng.
(See 偅 jūng).
hung3 7122
9 14 hũng tóng (=童 hũng tóng) boy servant; Tong surname.
or 童仆[童僕] hũng-bùk tóngpú <wr.> houseboys; servants.
or 球童 kiũ-hũng qiútóng caddy.
or 书童[書童] sï-hũng shūtóng boy servant of a scholar.
(See 僮 jöng.)
hung3 7123
30 6 hũng tóng same; similar; together; in common; harmony; concord; to be the same as; with. (composition : ⿵冂⿱一口; U+540C).
同甘共苦 hũng-gäm-gùng-fū tónggāngòngkǔ to share joy and sorrow.
同庚 hũng-gäng
tónggēng same age.⁵
同学[同學] hũng-hòk
tóngxué study/be in the same school, schoolmate, classmate.⁶
同志 hũng-jï
tóngzhì comrade; <Taiwan> homosexual.
同砚[同硯] hũng-ngûn
tóngyàn classmate.¹¹
同时[同時] hũng-sĩ
tóngshí (at) the same time; meanwhile; synchronically; moreover; besides; furthermore.
同情 hũng-tẽin
tóngqíng to sympathize with.
同窗 hũng-töng
tóngchuāng fellow students.¹⁴
同位素[同位素] hũng-vì-xü
tóngwèisù isotope.⁶
同心协力[同心協力] hũng-xïm-hèp-lèik
tóngxīnxiélì unite all efforts for common purpose.¹¹
同心同德  hũng-xïm-hũng-āk
tóngxīntóngdé be of one heart and mind.⁵
同样[同樣] hũng-yèng
tóngyàng same; equal; similar.
同意 hũng-yï
tóngyì to agree; to consent; to approve.
<台> 同 hũng and
<台> 我同你两架去[我同你兩架去] Ngöi-hũng-nï-lēng-gâ/-huï. Both of us will go.

hung3 7124
30 14 hũng hóng loquacious.⁸
(composition: ⿰口動; U+35E2).
<又> ùng. (See 㗢 ùng).
hung3 7125
32 9 hũng tóng 垌冢 Hũng-chüng Tóngzhǒng (place in modern 湖北 Vũ-bāk Húběi Hubei Province).
<又> ùng.
(See 垌 ùng.)
hung3 7126
46 9 hũng tóng 崆峒 Hüng-hũng Kōngtóng Kongtong, a mountain in Gansu Province (甘肃[甘肅] Gäm-xūk Gānsù) and an island in Shandong Province (山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng).⁴
崆峒 Hüng-hũng
Kōngtóng Kongtong, name of a district of Pingliang city 平凉市[平涼市] Pẽin-lẽng-sî Píngliángshì, in the Province of Gansu (甘肃[甘肅] Gäm-xūk Gānsù).¹⁰
<又> ùng.
(See 峒 ùng.)
hung3 7127
57 16 hũng hóng the sound of a curtain being drawn up; the flapping of a curtain in the wind.²⁴ (composition: ⿰弓睘; U+5F4B).
弸彋 pãng-hũng pénghóng the sound that curtains make when wind is being blown on them.⁰ the sounding of a bow.²⁴
hung3 7128
59 7 hũng tóng <wr.> red, vermilion; name of an ancient state.⁷
(composition: ⿰丹彡; U+5F64).
彤管 hũng-gōn tóngguǎn lit. a red tube – a red tube writing brush, used in ancient China by lady historians.⁷
彤弓 hũng-güng
tónggōng a crimson bow.⁷
彤弓弨兮 Hũng-güng-chël-hãi
Tóng gōng chāo xī
The red bows unbent.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·彤弓之什·彤弓》, translated by James Legge).
彤矢 hũng-sī
tóngshǐ a crimson arrow, which was bestowed with the crimson bow to noblemen by emperors in ancient China.⁷
彤闱[彤闈] hũng-vĩ
tóngwéi an imperial palace.⁷
彤云[彤雲] hũng-vũn
tóngyún red clouds; dark clouds.⁵
彤云昼聚[彤雲晝聚] hũng-vũn-jiü-duì
tóngyúnzhòujù Red clouds gathered in broad daylight.⁷
彤云密布[彤雲密布] hũng-vũn-mìt-bü
tóngyúnmìbù The sky is overcast.⁶
彤史 hũng-xū
tóngshǐ court-appointed lady historians during the Tang and Ming dynasties.⁷
<又> hüng.
(See 彤 hüng.)
hung3 7129
72 16 hũng tóng twilight before sunrise.⁷
曈曈 hũng-hũng tóngtóng <wr.> (of the rising sun) bright; (of eyes) shining; glistening; bright.⁶
曈昽[曈曨] hũng-lũng
tónglóng <wr.> (of the rising sun) turning bright.⁶ twilight before sunrise.⁷ sun about to rise.²⁴ twilight of daybreak; twilight before sunrise.⁵⁴
hung3 7130
74 16 hũng tóng the rising moon.⁷
朣胧[朣朧] hũng-lũng tónglóng the appearance of the moon beginning to increase in brightness.⁷
朣朦 hũng-mũng
tóngméng <wr.> obscure; dim; hazy.⁵⁴
hung3 7131
75 10 hũng tóng a general term for paulownia, tung tree and phoenix tree; Tong surname.¹⁹
桐人 hũng-ngĩn tóngrén puppet burial object; wooden effigy buried to put a curse on somebody.¹⁰
桐油 hũng-yiũ
tóngyóu tung oil, from the Japanese wood-oil tree Aleurites cordata, used in making lacquer.¹⁰
梧桐 m̃-hũng
wútóng (Firmiana platanifolia); Chinese parasol tree.¹⁰
泡桐[泡桐] päo-hũng
pāotóng paulownia Paulownia fortunei (=白花泡桐 bàk-fä-päo-hũng báihuāpāotóng).³¹
油桐 yiũ-hũng
yóutóng tung tree, tung oil tree.⁶ Chinese wood-oil tree (Vernicia fordii).¹⁰
hung3 7132
75 16 hũng tóng a kapok tree.⁹ a tree in Yunnan whose flower petals can be made into cloth, hence 橦布.¹¹ a tree which grows in Yunnan, from the flowers of which a cloth is made.¹⁴ kapok tree mentioned in ancient text.¹⁹
(composition: ⿰木童; U+6A66).
橦布 hũng-bü tóngbù cloth made from the flowers of the kapok tree.¹⁴
<又> chõng, chüng, jüng.
(See 橦 chõng, 橦 chüng, 橦 jüng).
hung3 7133
82 16 hũng tóng (composition: ⿰童毛; U+6C03).
氃氋 hũng-mũng tóngméng disheveled; ruffle feathers.⁵⁴ dishevelled hair.¹⁰¹
氋氃 mũng-hũng
méngtóng dishevelled hair; hairy.²⁴ disheveled; ruffle feathers.⁵⁴
hung3 7134
85 9 hũng hóng flood; big; great; Hong surname.¹⁰
防洪 fõng-hũng fánghóng flood control; flood prevention.¹⁰
分洪 fün-hũng
fēnhóng flood diversion.⁵
洪荒 hũng-föng
hónghuāng primordial times.¹¹ be ignorant.⁸
洪福 hũng-fūk
hóngfú great luck.¹¹
洪福齐天[洪福齊天] hũng-fūk-tãi-hëin
hóngfúqítiān flood of good fortune fills the heavens (idiom); a lucky sign.¹⁰
洪钧[洪鈞] hũng-gün
hóngjūn <wr.> nature or heaven as the source of life.¹¹
洪钟[洪鐘] hũng-jüng
hóngzhōng <wr.> large bell.⁵
洪亮 hũng-lèng
hóngliàng loud and  clear; sonorous.⁵
洪流 hũng-liũ
hóngliú mighty torrent; powerful current.⁵
洪炉[洪爐] hũng-lũ
hónglú great furnace.⁵
洪水 hũng-suī
hóngshuǐ flood; floodwater; torrent.⁶
洪水猛兽[洪水猛獸] hũng-suī-mâng-chiü
hóngshuǐ měngshòu fierce floods and savage beasts – great scourges.⁵
hung3 7135
85 15 hũng tóng high; name of a pass.¹⁰
潼关[潼關] Hũng-gän Tóngguān Tong Pass, in the eastern part of 陕西[陝西] Sēm-xäi Shǎnxī Shaanxi Province.⁸
潼关县[潼關縣] Hũng-gän-yòn
Tóngguānxiàn Tongguan County in 渭南 Vì-nãm Wèinán Weinan, 陕西[陝西] Sēm-xäi Shǎnxī Shaanxi Province.¹⁰
潼潼 hũng-hũng
tóngtóng rising very high.¹¹
hung3 7136
86 7 hũng hóng to bake, to roast.⁸ fire prevailing; a fire beacon.²⁴
(composition: ⿰火工; U+7074).
<又> küng. (See 灴 küng).
hung3 7137
86 10 hũng dòng heat.⁹
(See 烔 [hũng, tóng].)
hung3 7138
86 10 hũng tóng hot; heated.¹⁰ hot, hot air, fiery.²⁴
烔炀[烔煬] Hũng-yẽng Tóngyáng a place in 安徽 Ön-fï Ānhuī Anhui Province.⁸
(See 烔 [hũng, dòng].)
hung3 7139
86 14 hũng xióng bear; rebuke, upbraid, scold; Xiong surname.⁵
熊罴[熊羆] hũng-bï xióngpí <wr.> different kinds of bear, a phrase denoting great fighters.¹¹
熊罴入梦[熊羆入夢] hũng-bï-yìp-mùng
xióngpírùmèng May you have a son! (a congratulatory greeting to a friend when he begets a child).⁵⁴
熊蜂 hũng-füng
xióngfēng bumblebee.⁵
熊猴 hũng-hẽo
xiónghóu <zoo.> Assamese macaque.⁵
熊熊 hũng-hũng
xióngxióng flaming; ablaze; raging.⁵
熊熊烈火 hũng-hũng-lèik-fō
xióngxiónglièhuǒ raging flames.⁵⁴
熊掌 hũng-jēng
xióngzhǎng bear's paw (rare delicacy).⁵
熊猫[熊貓] (=猫熊[貓熊]) hũng-miū
xióngmāo panda.⁸
熊心豹胆[熊心豹膽] hũng-xïm-bäo-ām
xióngxīnbàodǎn heart of a bear and gall of a leopard – fearlessness; courageous.⁶
熊腰虎背 hũng-yël-fū-böi
xióngyāohǔbèi or 虎背熊腰 fū-böi-hũng-yël hǔbèixióngyāo (of man) of worldly build; with thick and powerful back and shoulders; muscular and sturdy.⁶
熊丸 hũng-yõn
xióngwán a pill of bear’s paw used by a mother who made her son chew it during studies at night – hence a mother's instructions.¹¹
hung3 7140
86 22 hũng tóng (=烔 hũng tóng hot; heated.¹⁰ hot, hot air, fiery.²⁴).
(composition: ⿰火蟲; U+721E).
<又> chũng.
(See 爞 chũng; 烔 hũng).
hung3 7141
93 16 hũng tóng an ox without horns.²⁴ <old> calf without horns.³⁶
(composition: ⿰牜童; U+729D).
(See 𦍻❄{⿰羊同} hũng).
hung3 7142
96 7 hũng hóng a kind of precious stone; a man's name.²⁴
(composition: ⿰𤣩工; U+7392).
hung3 7143
98 11 hũng tóng tiles in cylinder shape; used to build a palace; a temple or a shrine.⁸ a small hollow tile, lying underneath.²⁴
(composition: ⿰甬瓦; U+3F27).
hung3 7144
104 10 hũng téng sore; ache; pain.
疼痛 hũng-hüng téngtòng to ache.⁷
疼热[疼熱] hũng-ngèik
téngrè to suffer pain and fever.⁷
<又> hüng, tëk.
(See 疼 hüng, tëk.)
hung3 7145
109 17 hũng tóng the pupil of the eye; stupid, ignorant.⁷
重瞳 chũng-hũng chóngtóng diplocoria.⁹ double pupils (alleged of great personalities, as 舜,項羽).¹¹ dicoria.³⁹
绀瞳[紺瞳] gäm-hũng
gàntóng violet eyes.¹⁴
瞳子 hũng-dū
tóngzi the pupil of the eye.⁷
瞳孔 hũng-kōng
tóngkǒng the pupil of the eye.⁷
瞳孔缩小[瞳孔縮小] hũng-kōng-sük-xēl
tóngkǒngsuōxiǎo myosis; miosis.⁶
瞳孔散大 hũng-kōng-xān-ài
tóngkǒng sǎndà mydriasis (the dilation of the pupil).⁷
瞳蒙 hũng-mũng
tóngméng ignorant.⁷
瞳矇 hũng-mũng
tóngméng <wr.> ignorant.¹¹
or 瞳仁 hũng-ngĩn tóngrén pupil (of the eye).⁶
眼瞳 ngān-hũng
yǎntóng pupil of the eye.⁵⁴
or 双瞳剪水[雙瞳剪水] söng-hũng-dēin-suī shuāngtóngjiǎnshuǐ clear and bright eyes of a pretty girl.⁶ clear, beautiful eyes of a pretty girl.⁷ clear, bright eyes (idiom).¹⁰
hung3 7146
112 10 hũng tóng concrete.⁸ (=混凝土 vùn-ngẽin-hū hùnníngtǔ) cement, concrete.¹¹
<台> 砼毛泥 hũng-mão-nãi cement, concrete.
hung3 7147
112 15 hũng hóng sound of falling rocks; loud noise; stone with strange and unique shapes.⁸
(composition t: ⿰石宮; U+40D4).
s: ⿰石宫; U+40D4). Note: Same codepoint for both traditional and simplified forms. No font on my computer was able to render the traditional form properly.
䃔䃧 hũng-lũng
hónglóng the sound of a falling stone.²⁵
hung3 7148
115 11 hũng tóng an abundant supply of grain; the space between the joints in the straw, as in bamboo.²⁵
(composition: ⿰禾同; U+79F1).
hung3 7149
115 17 hũng tóng early-planted late-ripening grain.¹⁰ʼ¹³ silk cotton; kapok.¹³
(composition: ⿰禾童; U+7A5C).
穜稑 hũng-lùk tónglù early ripe.²⁵
穜穋 hũng-lùk
tónglù grain soon ripe.²⁵
<又> jüng, jūng.
(See 穜 jüng, 穜 jūng).
hung3 7150
117 12 hũng tóng child; Tong surname.¹⁰
童便 hũng-bèin tóngbiàn <TCM> urine of boys.⁷
童仆[童僕] hũng-bùk
tóngpú a houseboys; a boy servant.⁷
童昏 hũng-fün
tónghūn young/naive and ignorant.⁷
童工 hũng-güng
tónggōng child labor; child laborer.⁷
童贞[童貞] hũng-jëin
tóngzhēn virginity; chastity.⁷
童蒙 hũng-mũng
tóngméng childish ignorance.⁷
童男 hũng-nãm
tóngnán a virgin man.⁷
童男女 hũng-nãm-nuī
tóngnánnǚ minors of both sexes.⁷
童年 hũng-nẽin
tóngnián childhood; youth.⁷
❄{⿰马矣}[童騃] hũng-ngõi tóng'ái young and ignorant.⁷
童女 hũng-nuī
tóngnǚ a virgin.⁷
童山 hũng-sän
tóngshān bare hills.⁵
童生 hũng-säng
tóngshēng a candidate for the lowest degree under the old civil service examination system.⁷
童声[童聲] hũng-sëin
tóngshēng child's voice.⁷
童竖[童豎] hũng-sì
tóngshù children under age; boy servant.¹¹
童身 hũng-sïn
tóngshēn (said of a male adult) to have had no sexual intercourse with a woman.⁷
童话[童話] hũng-và/
tónghuà nursery stories; fairy tales.⁷
童叟 hũng-xēo
tóng-sǒu children and aged people.⁷
童心 hũng-xïm
tóngxīn a childish heart.⁷
童谣[童謠] hũng-yẽl
tóngyáo nursery rhymes/songs.⁷
童幼 hũng-yiü
tóngyòu childhood.⁷

hung3 7151
118 15 hũng hóng a bamboo pipe for leading off water; an aqueduct made of wood or bamboo; a bamboo frame on which to dry anything; a utensil for taking fish; a sort of fishing-stake, carried out to a great length; a dam thrown across a river.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗洪; U+7BCA).
hung3 7152
120 9 hũng hóng red; happy; successful; revolutionary; red cloth used on festive occasions; bonus.⁵⁵ Hong surname.⁶
红白事[紅白事] hũng-bàk-xù hóngbáishì weddings and funerals.⁵
红包[紅包] hũng-bäo
hóngbāo red packet; bonus; bribe.⁵⁵
红茶[紅茶] hũng-chã
hóngchá black tea.⁶
红橙[紅橙] hũng-chãng
hóngchéng blood orange.¹⁰
红糟[紅糟] hũng-däo
hóngzāo red fermented rice paste.⁵⁴
红豆[紅豆] hũng-èo
hóngdòu red bean shrub; love pea.⁵⁵
红火[紅火] hũng-fō
hónghuo flourishing.⁵⁵
红果[紅果] hũng-gō
hóngguǒ <topo.> haw.⁵⁵
红光满面[紅光滿面] hũng-göng-mōn-mèin
hóngguāng mǎnmiàn glowing with health.⁵⁵
红糖[紅糖] hũng-hõng
hóngtáng brown sugar.⁷
红肿[紅腫] hũng-jūng
hóngzhǒng red and swollen.⁶
紅旗 hũng-kĩ
hóngqí red flag (of China).⁵⁵
红脸[紅臉] hũng-lêm
hóngliǎn blush; flush with anger.⁵⁵
红利[紅利] hũng-lì
hónglì bonus; dividend.⁶
红绿灯[紅綠燈] hũng-lùk-äng
hónglǜdēng traffic lights.⁵⁵
红木[紅木] hũng-mûk
hóngmù mahogany.⁵⁵
红外线[紅外線] hũng-ngòi-xëin hóngwàixiàn infrared ray.⁶
红色[紅色] hũng-sēik
hóngsè red color.⁷
红星[紅星] hũng-xëin
hóngxīng red star.⁶
<又> hûng, güng. (See 紅 hûng, güng.)
hung3 7153
120 12 hũng tóng a kind of cloth mentioned in ancient texts.¹⁹ a certain description of cloth.²⁵
(composition: ⿰糹同; U+7D67).
<又> hüng, ùng. (See 絧 hüng, 絧 ùng).
hung3 7154
122 17 罿 hũng tóng a net for catching birds and fish.¹⁹
(composition: ⿱罒童; U+7F7F).
罿罻 hũng-vï tóngwèi or chüng-vï chōngwèi a net for catching birds and beasts.¹³
<又> chüng.
(See 罿 chüng).
hung3 7155
123 12 𦍻
hũng tóng sheep without horns.²ʼ²⁵ same as 𦏆❄{⿰羊童} hũng tóng.²
(composition: ⿰羊同; U+2637B).
(See 𦏆❄{⿰羊童} hũng).

hung3 7156 2637B.gif
123 18 𦏆
hũng tóng a young sheep without horns.²⁵ same as 𦍻 hũng tóng.²
(composition: ⿰羊童; U+263C6).
(See 𦍻❄{⿰羊同} hũng).

hung3 7157 263C6.gif
124 9 hũng hóng sound of flying.⁸ʼ²⁵
(composition: ⿰羽工; U+7FBE).
上羾 sëng-hũng shànghóng going upward.¹⁹
<又> güng.
(See 羾 güng).
hung3 7158
124 9 𦏺
hũng hóng sound of flying; extremely.² to arrive at; the extreme.²⁵
(composition: ⿱工羽; U+263FA).
<又> güng. (See 𦏺❄{⿱工羽} güng).
hung3 7159
137 12 𦨴
hũng tóng (=艟 hũng tóng) a long, swift boat.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰舟同; U+26A34).
(See 艟 hũng.)
hung3 7160
137 18 hũng tóng a long, swift boat.¹⁴ (variant: 𦨴❄{⿰舟同} hũng tóng).
(composition: ⿰舟童; U+825F).
艨艟 mũng-hũng
méngtóng or mũng-chüng méngchōng <old> war vessel protected with cowhide.⁶ an ancient warship.⁷ war junks.¹⁴
<又> chüng.
(See 艟 chüng; 𦨴❄{⿰舟同} hũng).
hung3 7161
140 9 hũng tóng (composition: ⿱艹同; U+833C).
茼蒿 hũng-häo or tũng-häo tónghāo garland chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum greens, edible chrysanthemum, crowndaisy chrysanthemum, chop suey green, crown daisy, Japanese-green; aka 春菊, 打某菜, 茼蒿菜, 艾菜, 皇帝菜 (Glebionis coronaria, formerly called Chrysanthemum coronarium).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
<又> tũng.
(See 茼 tũng.)
hung3 7162
140 12 hũng hóng (<old>=蕹菜 yüng-töi wèngcài) water spinach.⁸ (<old>=荭[葒] hũng hóng) Persicaria orientalis.(See 葒 hũng).
(composition: ⿱艹洪; U+8453).
hung3 7163
140 12 hũng hóng Polygonum orientale (Carl Linnaeus in 1753); changed to Persicaria orientalis by Édouard Spach in 1841.¹⁵
t: ⿱艹紅; U+8452). (comp. s: ⿱艹红; U+836D).
荭草[葒草] hũng-tāo
hóngcǎo or 红蓼[紅蓼] hũng-lèl hóngliǎo, aka 大红蓼, 大毛蓼, 游龙, 狗尾巴花 kiss-me-over-the-garden-gate; princess-feather Persicaria orientalis.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
hung3 7164
140 16 hũng hóng 雪里蕻[雪裡蕻] or 雪里红[雪裡紅]  xūt-lī-hũng xuělǐhóng annual herbs, a variation of mustard. It has long round leaves with irregular saw-tooth like brim, and yellow flowers. The stems and leafs can be pickled.⁹ Brassica juncea var. crispifolia.⁸ a kind of leaf mustard, Brassica cernua.¹¹ potherb mustard (Brassica juncea var. crispifolia).³⁵ Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. et Coss. var. multiceps Tsen et Lee.²³
(See 蕻 [hũng, hòng].)
hung3 7165
140 16 hũng hòng stems of certain vegetables; luxuriant.⁸
(See 蕻 [hũng, hóng].)
hung3 7166
142 9 hũng hóng a rainbow.⁷
雌虹 dü-hũng cíhóng secondary rainbow.⁸
副虹 fü-hũng
fùhóng secondary rainbow.⁸
风虹[風虹] füng-hũng
fēnghóng lunar halo.³⁹
气贯长虹[氣貫長虹] hï-gön-chẽng-hũng
qìguànchánghóng full of noble aspiration and daring.⁸
虹鳟 hũng-dün
hóngzūn rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).¹⁰
虹桥[虹橋] hũng-kẽl
hóngqiáo a rainbow-shaped bridge.⁷
虹吸管 hũng-kīp-gōn
hóngxīguǎn a siphon.⁷
虹膜 hũng-mōk
hóngmó iris.⁸
or 虹霓 hũng-ngãi hóngní rainbow; secondary rainbow.⁵⁴
虹蜺为缳[虹蜺為繯] hũng-ngãi-vĩ-vãn
hóngníwéihuán the rainbow encircles the heavens.²⁵
虹采 hũng-tōi
hóngcǎi banners; flags.⁷
虹彩 hũng-tōi
hóngcǎi colors of a rainbow; (anatomy) iris.⁷
虹彩膜 hũng-tōi-môk
hóngcǎimó (anatomy) the iris.⁷
霓虹 ngãi-hũng
níhóng secondary rainbow; neon.⁹
霓虹灯[霓虹燈] ngãi-hũng-äng
níhóngdēng neon lamp; neon light.⁶
彩虹 tōi-hũng
cǎihóng rainbow.⁸
<又> kũng.
(See 虹 kũng).
hung3 7167
144 12 hũng tòng 嘎嘎胡同[嘎嘎衚衕] gä-gä-vũ-hũng gága hútòng <topo.> an ordinary hutong (i.e., lacking large houses with courtyards).
胡同[衚衕] vũ-hũng
hútòng alley in Beijing.
胡同串子[衚衕串子] vũ-hũng-chün-dū
hútòngchuànzi <topo.> peddler; hawker.
死胡同[死衚衕] xī-vũ-hũng
sǐhútòng blind alley; dead end street.
hung3 7168
149 10 hũng hòng <lit.> discord; quarrel.⁶ confusion; internal strife; discord; quarrel.³⁶
(composition traditional: ⿰訁工; U+8A0C).
(composition simplified: ⿰讠工; U+8BA7).
讧争[訌爭] hũng-jäng hòngzhēng conflict and struggle.⁶
内讧[內訌] nuì-hũng
nèihòng (or 内哄[內鬨] nuì-hüng nèihòng) internal conflict; internal strife; internal dissension.⁶
hung3 7169
149 13 hũng tóng to join; a conjunction.²⁵ <old>=同 hũng tóng same; together (as in 共同 gùng-hũng gòngtóng common; together, jointly.⁵);  used in personal names.³⁶
(composition: ⿰訁同; U+8A77).
謥詷 chüng-hũng
còngtóng to speak hastily; precipatate words.²⁵
詷共 hũng-gùng
tónggòng all together.²⁵
<又> ùng.
(See 詷 ùng).
hung3 7170
164 13 hũng tóng <chem.> ketone.⁵
丙酮 bēin-hũng bǐngtóng <chem.> acetone (CH₃)₂CO.⁵
丙酮树脂[丙酮樹脂] bēin-hũng-sì-jï
bǐngtóngshùzhī acetone resin.⁵
酮化 hũng-fä
tónghuà ketonize.⁵
酮体[酮體] hũng-hāi
tóngtǐ acetone/ketone body.⁶
酮糖 hũng-hõng
tóngtáng ketose.⁶
酮酶 hũng-mõi
tóngméi ketolase.⁶
酮胺 hũng-ön
tóngàn ketoamine.⁶
酮醇 hũng-sũn
tóngchún keto-alcohol. ketol.⁶
酮醛 hũng-tũn
tóngquán keto-aldehyde.⁶
酮酸 hũng-xön
tóngsuān ketonic/keto acid.⁶
氯噻酮 lùk-xāk-hũng
lǜsāitóng <chem.> chlorthalidone.⁵
醋酮 tü-hũng
cùtóng or 木酮 mùk-hũng mùtóng (=丙酮 bēin-hũng bǐngtóng) <chem.> acetone.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
hung3 7171
167 14 hũng hóng trigger.⁸ the tooth of a crossbow; a man's name.²⁵
(composition: ⿰釒共; U+9277).
hung3 7172
167 14 hũng tóng copper; cuprum (Cu).⁶
铜煲[銅煲] hũng-bäo tóngbāo copper pot.⁶
铜钹[銅鈸] hũng-bòt
tóngbó brass cymbals.¹¹
铜像[銅像] hũng-dèng
tóngxiàng bronze statue.⁶
铜盔铁甲[銅盔鐵甲] hũng-föi-hëik-gâp
or hũng-kï-hëik-gâp tóngkuītiějiǎ brass helmets and iron armor.¹¹
铜镜[銅鏡] hũng-gëng
tóngjìng bronze mirror.⁶
铜管乐[銅管樂] hũng-gōn-ngòk
tóngguǎnyuè music by brass wind instruments.⁶
铜鼓[銅鼓] hũng-gū
tónggǔ bronze drum.⁶
铜钿[銅鈿] hũng-hẽin
tóngtián <topo.> copper coin; money.⁶
铜器[銅器] hũng-hï
tóngqì bronze/copper ware; brass (ware).⁶
铜钲[銅鉦] hũng-jëin
tóngzhēng brass gong.¹¹
铜锣[銅鑼] hũng-lũ
tóngluó bronze gong.⁶
铜琶铁板[銅琶鐵板] hũng-pã-hëik-bān
tóngpátiěbǎn bold and vehement language (in writing).⁵⁴
铜琵琶板[銅琵琶板] hũng-pĩ-pã-bān
tóngpípabǎn (of wartime manifestoes) extremely moving message.¹¹
铜钱[銅錢] hũng-tẽin
tóngqián copper cash; copper coin.¹⁰
铜墙铁壁[銅牆鐵壁] hũng-tẽng-hëik-bēik
tóngqiángtiěbì copper wall, iron bastion (idiom); impenetrable defense.¹⁰
hung3 7173
172 12 hũng xióng male; powerful and influential person/state; powerful, mighty; grand, imposing.⁶ (variant: 䧺, 𩿅❄{⿰厷鳥} hũng).
雄兵 hũng-bëin
xióngbīng crack troops; powerful armies.⁷
雄姿 hũng-dü
xióngzī a dashing look; a manly form; a brave appearance; the look of audacity and prowess.⁷
雄鸡[雄雞] hũng-gäi
xióngjī cock; rooster.⁶
雄赳赳 hũng-gēl-gēl
xióngjiūjiū valiant; gallant.⁶
雄歌鸲[雄歌鴝] hũng-gô-kuĩ
xiónggēqú cock robin.¹⁹
雄厚 hũng-hêo
xiónghòu robust; strong and solid.¹⁰
雄壮[雄壯] hũng-jöng
xióngzhuàng full of power and grandeur; magnificent; majestic.⁵
雄蕊 hũng-luî
xióngruǐ stamen; androecium.⁶
雄猫[雄貓] hũng-miū
xióngmāo tomcat.⁵
雄蚁[雄蟻] hũng-ngāi
xióngyǐ an aner; a male ant.⁷
雄刈萱 hũng-ngài-xün
xióngyìxuān citronella (plant).¹⁹
雄伟[雄偉] hũng-vī
xióngwěi imposing, magnificent, grand; (of a person) tall and sturdy.⁶
雄黄[雄黃] hũng-võng
xiónghuáng realgar.⁷
雄浑[雄渾] hũng-vùn
xiónghún powerful; grandiose.⁷
雄心 hũng-xïm
xióngxīn great ambition; lofty aspiration.⁶
雄心壮志[雄心壯志] hũng-xïm-jöng-jï
xióngxīnzhuàngzhì lofty aspirations and great ideals.⁷
(See 䧺 hũng; 𩿅❄{⿰厷鳥} hũng).
hung3 7174
172 13 hũng xióng (=雄 hũng xióng) the male of birds.⁸ (Note: This character has 右 on the left and 隹 on the right).
大䧺宝殿[大䧺寶殿] (=大雄宝殿[大雄寶殿] ài-hũng-bāo-èin
dàxióng bǎodiàn) Hall of Sakyamuni.⁶
(See 雄 hũng).
hung3 7175
182 15 𩗄
hũng hóng the sound of the wind.²⁵
(composition: ⿺風共; U+295C4).

hung3 7176
195 14 hũng hóng the nautilus; stingray; ray.⁸ a white fish; some say a flat fish; a river fish, like a tortoise; others say, a sea fish, without scales, like a bat, and as large as a cartwheel.²⁵
(composition: ⿰魚工; U+9B5F).
魟科 hũng-fö hóngkē Dasyatidae.⁸ʼ²⁰
魟魚 hũng-nguĩ
hóngyú skate (cartilaginous fish belonging to the family Rajidae); stingray.¹⁰ skate (fish); stingray.³⁶
雪花鸭嘴燕魟[雪花鴨嘴燕魟] xūt-fä-äp-duī-yên-hũng
xuěhuāyāzuǐyànhóng or 斑点鹞鲼[斑點鷂鱝] bän-ēm-yêl-fûn bāndiǎnyàofèn spotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari), a cartilaginous fish of the eagle ray family, Myliobatidae; a.k.a. 鷹鯆, 納氏鷂鱝, 魴仔.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
<又> güng.
(See 魟 güng).
hung3 7177
195 17 hũng tóng snakefish.⁸ a small kind of blenny.²⁵
(composition t: ⿰魚同; U+9BA6).
s: ⿰鱼同; U+9C96).
鲖蟹[鮦蟹] hũng-hāi
tóngxiè a kind of crab in old books.⁸
(=鳢鱼[鱧魚] lâi-nguĩ
lǐyú) snakehead.⁸ blotched snakehead (Channa maculata).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
<又> jào.
(See 鮦 jào).
hung3 7178
196 15 𩿅
hũng xióng (=雄 hũng xióng) the male of birds.⁸
(Composition: ⿰厷鳥); U+29FC5). 
(See 雄 hũng).
hung3 7179
196 17 鸿 hũng hóng swan goose; <wr.> letter.⁵ Hong surname.⁸
鸿罿[鴻罿] hũng-chüng hóngchōng a huge net.¹⁹
鸿禧[鴻禧] hũng-hī
hóngxǐ great felicity.⁷
鸿庥[鴻庥] hũng-hiü
hóngxiū your great favor.¹⁴
鸿图[鴻圖] hũng-hũ
hóngtú great plans; grand prospects.⁵
鸿鹄[鴻鵠] hũng-hùk
hónghú swan (=天鹅[天鵝] hëin-ngũ tiān'é); person of lofty aspirations.⁶
鸿鹄之志[鴻鵠之志] hũng-hùk-jï-jï
hónghúzhīzhì lofty ambition; high aspirations.⁶
鸿爪[鴻爪] hũng-jāo
hóngzhǎo “goose foot-prints”; traces left over by past events.⁵⁴
鸿胪寺[鴻臚寺] hũng-luĩ-dù
hónglúsì Court of Ceremonies.¹⁰²
鸿毛[鴻毛] hũng-mão
hóngmáo <wr.> goose feather –  something very light or insignificant.⁵
鸿濛[鴻濛] hũng-mũng
hóngméng primordial world, before the universe was formed.¹¹ nebulous, misty.¹⁴
鸿雁[鴻雁] hũng-ngàn
hóngyàn swan goose.⁵ swan goose (Anser cygnoides).¹⁰ the wild goose, reputed in literary tradition as messenger carrying letters.¹¹
鸿篇巨制[鴻篇巨製] hũng-pëin-guì-jäi
hóngpiānjùzhì masterpiece; monumental work; voluminous work.⁶
鸿猷[鴻猷] hũng-yiũ
hóngyóu great plan.⁶
来鸿[來鴻] lõi-hũng
láihóng incoming letter (literary).¹⁰
hung3 7180
201 24 hũng hóng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 黉[黌] vãng hóng <wr.> school; college.)
<又> vãng.
(See 黌 vãng.)
hung3 7181
30 6 hùng hōng to call out; to bawl.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口工; U+53FF).
<台> 叿 hùng to bark.
hung4 7182
156 11 𧺣
hùng zōng to go quickly.²⁵
(composition: ⿺走从; U+27EA3).
<台> 𧺣❄{⿺走从} hùng to rush.
<台> 你𧺣
❄{⿺走从}去乃吔? nï-hùng-huï-nâi/-yä? Where are you rushing to?
hung4 7183
180 12 hùng hóng loud.⁸ a loud voice.²⁵
(composition: ⿰音工; U+4AA6).
hung4 7184
118 12 hûng tǒng a tube or pipe; a duct.¹⁴ (variant: 筩 hûng). (See 筩 hûng).
笔筒[筆筒] bīt-hûng/
bǐtǒng pen container; brush pot.⁶
电筒[電筒] èin-hûng/
diàntǒng flashlight.⁶
筒灯[筒燈] hûng-äng
tǒngdēng fluorescent tube or light.⁶
筒车[筒車] hûng-chëh
tǒngchē a water wheel to raise water for irrigation purposes.¹⁴
筒子 hûng-dū
tǒngzi tube; tube-shaped object.⁶
筒子楼[筒子樓] hûng-dū-lẽo
tǒngzilóu storied apartment building with rooms on either side of the hallway, without private kitchens or water closets.⁶
筒阀[筒閥] hûng-fàt
tǒngfá a sleeve valve.¹⁰
筒裤[筒褲] hûng-fû/
tǒngkù straight-legged trousers.⁶
筒夹[筒夾] hûng-gäp
tǒngjiā collet.¹⁰
筒管 hûng-gōn
tǒngguǎn a bobbin.⁷ a bamboo tube.¹⁴
筒状花[筒狀花] hûng-jòng-fä
tǒngzhuànghuā tubular flower.⁶ tubiflora.⁷
筒裙 hûng-kũn
tǒngqún straight skirt; tube-shaped skirt.⁹
筒瓦 hûng-ngā
tǒngwǎ arched/semicircular tile.⁶
筒仓[筒倉] hûng-töng
tǒngcāng silo.¹⁰
筒形 hûng-yẽin
tǒngxíng barrel-type; cylindrical.⁶
竹筒 jūk-hûng/
zhútǒng thick bamboo tube.⁶
竹筒饭[竹筒飯] jūk-hûng-fàn
zhútǒngfàn khao lam.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
信筒 xïn-hûng/
xìntǒng a bamboo tube for conveying letter.¹⁴
hung5 7185
118 13 hûng tǒng (=筒 hûng tǒng) a tube or pipe; a duct.¹⁴ section of thick bamboo; hollow tube, pipe; barrel, can, tin.³⁶) bamboo pipe; fish hook.⁸ a bamboo tube.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗甬; U+7B69).
靴筩 hëh-hûng
xuētǒng the leg of the boot.¹¹
缿筩 hòng-hûng
xiàngtǒng a receptable for money, with a small hole, so that cash may be easily put in, but taken out with difficulty; a spare pot; also an implement for catching fish, made on the same principle.²⁵
hung5 7186
120 9 hûng hóng 粉红[粉紅] fūn-hûng or fūn-hũng/ fěnhóng pink.⁵
<又> hũng, güng.
(See 紅 hũng, güng.)
hung5 7187
75 10 hūt xuè the name of a wood, as red as blood.²ʼ²⁵ type of wood that is blood-red.³⁶
乌桖[烏桖] vü-hūt wūxuè another name for Chinese tallow tree (Sapium sebiferum (L.) Roxb).¹⁹
hut1 7188
121 10 hūt quē (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 缺 kūt quē be short of, lack; incomplete, imperfect; be absent; vacancy, opening.⁵ deficient, lacking, short, incomplete, defective; a vacancy, an opening.⁷)
<又> kūt.
(See 缺 kūt.)
hut1 7189
143 6 hūt xuè Kangxi radical 143; blood.⁸
血压[血壓] hūt-āt xuèyā blood pressure.⁵
血汗 hūt-hòn
xuèhàn blood and sweat; sweat and toil.⁵
血液 hūt-yèik
or hūt-yìt xuèyè blood.⁵
心血 xïm-hüt
xīnxuè painstaking care/effort.⁶
心血来潮[心血來潮] xïm-hūt-lõi-chẽl
xīnxuèláicháo a sudden inspiration.¹¹
<又> hüt.
(See 血 [hüt, xuè], [hüt, xiě].)
hut1 7190
94 8 hüt xuè jump; (beasts) running away frightened; a beast described in ancient books.⁸ an animal running away; to run away frightened.²⁴
(composition: ⿰犭戉; U+72D8).
獝狘 nùt-hüt xùxuè or nùt-yòt xùyuè refers to birds frightened into flight and beasts running from being frightened.¹⁹
<又> yòt.
(See 狘 yòt).
hut2 7191
143 6 hüt xiě <vern.> blood.
鸡血[雞血] gäi-hüt jīxiě chicken blood.¹⁹
血淋淋 hüt-lĩm-lĩm
xiělīnlīn <topo.> dripping with blood, bloody; grim, bitter, cruel.⁵⁴ (See 血淋淋 hüt-lĩm-lĩm xuèlīnlīn.)
血糊糊 hüt-vũ-vũ
xiěhūhū bloody.⁸ <topo.> bloody.⁵⁴
血晕[血暈] hüt-vũn
xiěyùn bruise.⁵
流血 liũ-hüt
liúxiě to bleed; to shed blood.¹⁰
咯血 lōk-hüt
kǎxiě haemoptysis.⁸ to spit blood.¹¹
一针见血[一針見血] yīt-jïm-gëin-hüt
yīzhēnjiànxiě lit. to draw blood on the first prick (idiom); fig. to hit the nail on the head.¹⁰
<又> hūt.
(See 血 hūt, [hüt, xuè].)
hut2 7192
143 6 hüt xuè blood. <又> hūt. (See 血 hūt,  [hüt, xiě].)
血泊 hüt-bòk
xuèpō pool of blood.⁵
血渍[血漬] hüt-dēik
xuèzì bloodstain.⁸
血迹[血跡] hüt-dēik
xuèjì bloodstain.⁵
血迹斑斑[血跡斑斑] hüt-dēik-bän-bän
xuèjìbānbān bloodstained; blood-red; bloody.⁶
血点玛瑙[血點瑪瑙] hüt-ēm-mâ-não
or hüt-ēm-mâ-nâo  xuèdiǎnmǎnǎo blood agate.⁶ hemachate.¹⁹
血管 hüt-gōn
xuèguǎn blood vessel.⁵ vein; artery.¹⁰
血口喷人[血口噴人] hüt-hēo-pün-ngĩn
xuèkǒupēnrén to spit blood (idiom); venomous slander; malicious attacks.¹⁰
血气[血氣] hüt-hï
xuèqì animal spirits, vigor, oft. equiv. Eng. “guts” — courage, enthusiasm.¹¹
血统[血統] hüt-hūng
xuètǒng blood relationship; blood lineage; extraction.⁵
血红小檗[血紅小檗] hüt-hũng-xēl-pāk
xuèhóngxiǎobò barberry, common barberry, European barberry Berberis vulgaris (Syn. Berberis sanguinea).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
血淋淋 hüt-lĩm-lĩm
xuèlīnlīn bleeding, bloody, gory; down-to-earth/unvarnished (of truth/facts).⁵⁴ (See 血淋淋 hüt-lĩm-lĩm xiělīnlīn.)
血珀 hüt-pāk xuèpò dark red amber.¹¹
血忱 hüt-sẽim xuèchén sincerity from the heart.¹¹
血淤 or 血瘀 hüt-yī xuèyū blood stasis.¹⁹

hut2 7193
102 8 ī to confer; to bestow; to give to.⁷
付畀 fù-ī fùbì entrust with responsibility.¹¹
畀予 ī-yî
bìyǔ give.⁸
畀以重任 ī-yî-jùng-ngìm
bìyǐzhòngrèn to give (person) a responsible post.¹¹
烝畀祖妣 jëin-ī-dū-bī
zhēngbìzǔbǐ present to ancestors, male and female.⁵⁴
倚畀 yī-ī
yǐbì to rely on for advice, entrust moral responsibility to (person).¹¹
倚畀正殷  yī-ī-jëin-yïn
yǐbìzhèngyīn rely heavily on his advice.¹¹
<台> 畀 ī to give; to allow.
<台> 畀面  ī-mèin to give "face".
<台> 畀偌打 ī-nēk-ā to be beaten by someone.
<台> 畀眼尾瞭 ī-ngān-mī-lẽl to look sideways.
<台> 畀日 ī-ngït some day.
<台> 畀你 ī-nï to give to you; to let you.
<台> 畀捏我 ī-nīt-ngöi give me a little bit.
<台> 畀钱[畀錢] ī-tẽin to give money to.
<台> 畀心机[畀心機] ī-xïm-gï to concentrate on.
i1 7194
111 8 ï zhī <台> 知随[知隨] ï-tuĩ to know.
<台> 我几何知随啊[我幾何知隨啊] Ngöi gī-hâo/ ï-tuĩ ä? How would I know?
<又> jï. (See 知 jï.)
i2 7195
32 6 ì de (-ly adverbial particle.)
步骤地[步驟地] bù-jào-ì bùzhòude gradually.
不停地 būt-hẽin-ì
bùtíng de unceasingly.
定定地 èin-èin-ì
dìngdìng de calmly; stably.
忽地 fūt-ì
hūde suddenly.¹¹
倏地 sūk-ì
shūde swiftly; suddenly.
<又> dì.
(See 地 dì; 地[ì, ].)
i4 7196
32 6 ì the earth; land, soil; fields; ground; locality; position.⁵
地带[地帶] ì-äi dìdài zone.¹⁰ (variants: 埅, 埊, 墬 ì).
地处[地處] ì-chuī dìchǔ to be located at.⁹
地席 ì-dèk dìxí floor mat.¹⁹
地方 ì-föng
dìfāng region; regional (away from the central administration); local.¹⁰
地方 ì-föng
dìfang area; place; space; room; territory.¹⁰
地下茎[地下莖] ì-hà-gèin dìxiàjīng underground stem.⁸
地图[地圖] ì-hũ dìtú map.¹⁰
地址 ì-jī dìzhǐ address.⁸
地质[地質] ì-jīt
dìzhì geology.⁵
地轴[地軸] ì-jùk
dìzhóu the earth's axis.⁵
地契 ì-käi dìqì deed (for land).¹⁰
地球 ì-kiũ dìqiú the earth; the globe.⁵
地区[地區] ì-kuï dìqū area, district, region; prefecture.⁸
地幔 ì-màn dìmàn (the earth's) mantle.⁶
地面 ì-mèin dìmiàn floor; ground; surface.¹⁰
地上茎[地上莖] ì-sèng-gèin dìshàngjīng  aerial stem of a plant.⁸
地位 ì-vì dìwèi position; status; place.¹⁰
地形 ì-yẽin dìxíng topography.¹¹
<台> 地伏 ì-fûk threshold; doorsill.
<又> dì.
(See 地 dì; 地[ì, de]; 埅 ì; 埊 ì; 墬 ì).
i4 7197
32 9 ì (<old>=地 ì the earth; land, soil; fields; ground; locality; position.⁵)
(composition: ⿱防土; U+57C5).
<又> fõng.
(See 埅 fõng).
i4 7198
32 10 ì (<old>=地 ì the earth; land, soil; fields; ground; locality; position.⁵).⁸
(composition: ⿳山水土; U+57CA).
壤埊 ngẽng-ì
rǎngdì territory; land, soil.¹⁹
i4 7199
32 14 ì (=地 ì the earth; land, soil; fields; ground; locality; position.⁵).⁸ (Distinguish 墜 juì zhuì).
(composition: ⿱䧘土; U+58AC).
墬何故以东南倾?[墬何故以東南傾?] Ì-hõ-gü-yî-üng-nãm-kēin?
Dì hégù yǐ dōngnán qīng? Why is the earth inclined to the southeast?
(See 地 ì).
i4 7200
103 14 î (<old>=蒂 î ) peduncle or stem of plants.⁸
<又> jï.
(See 疐 jï).
i5 7201
140 12 î
peduncle or stem of plants.⁸
并蒂[並蒂] bèin-î bìngdì two flowers growing from same base – symbol of marital luck.¹¹
花蒂 fä-î
huādì a flower stalk.¹⁹
瓜熟蒂落 gä-sùk-î-lòk
guāshúdìluò lit. a melon falls when it is ripe; fig. at the right time everything comes easy.¹¹
甘瓜苦蒂 gäm-gä-fū-î
gānguākǔdì lit. The melon is sweet but the stalk is bitter.¹⁶ fig. Nothing is 100% perfect.⁸
蒂芥 î-gäi
dìjiè some slight misunderstanding.¹¹
命蒂 mèin-î
mìngdì special name for the umbilical cord (脐带[臍帶] tî-âi qídài.)⁸
烟蒂[煙蒂] yën-î
yāndì cigarette end (butt).⁸
阴蒂[陰蒂] yïm-î
yīndì clitoris.⁸
i5 7202
140 14 î
(=蒂 î ) peduncle or stem of plants.⁸ a stem; a base; a peduncle or footstalk of a flower or fruit.¹⁴ the stalk of a fruit, that which connects the fruit with the tree; the stem of a melon.²⁵ Used for 慸 ài (high; extreme; exhausted.²⁴).²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹帶; U+8515).
蔕固 î-gü
dìgù a firm support.¹⁴
蔕盘[蔕盤] î-põn
dìpán the stem and green calyx.¹⁴
命蔕 mèin-î
mìngdì TCM placenta cord of newborn baby.¹¹
<又> äi.
(See 蒂 î; 蔕 äi; 慸 ài).
i5 7203
64 12 îm zhēn the sound of chopping wood.⁸ noise of alling timber.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰扌甚; U+63D5).
im5 7204
75 13 îm zhēn a chopping block.⁸
椹板 or 砧板 îm-bān zhēnbǎn kitchen chopping board.¹¹
or 砧锧[砧鑕] îm-jīt zhēnzhì a wooden block used in beheading a death convict.⁷
<又> sìm.
(See 椹 sìm; 砧 îm.)
im5 7205
112 10 îm zhēn hammering block; anvil.⁶ (variant: 碪 îm zhēn.)
铁砧[鐵砧] hëik-îm
tiězhēn anvil.⁵
or 椹板 îm-bān zhēnbǎn kitchen chopping board.¹¹
砧杵 îm-chuî
zhēnchǔ a stone on which clothes are beaten and the club by which it is done.¹⁴
砧子 îm-dū
zhēnzi hammering block; anvil.⁶
砧骨 îm-gūt
zhēngǔ <phys.> incus; anvil.⁶
or 椹质[椹質] îm-jīt zhēnzhì a wooden block used in beheading a death convict.⁷
砧木 îm-mûk
zhēnmù rootstock (stem onto which a branch is grafted).¹⁰
锻砧[鍛砧] òn-îm
duànzhēn smith anvil.⁶
<台> 砧 îm callus (on hands or feet).
(See 胼 pëin).
(See 碪 îm.)
im5 7206
112 14 îm zhēn (=砧 îm zhēn) hammering block; anvil.⁶ used for 砧 îm zhēn, a stone on which to beat clothes.²⁵
❄{⿰石咢} îm-ngōk zhēn-è the form of a hill; a meteoric stone.²⁵
(See 砧 îm.)
im5 7207
167 17 îm zhēn kitchen chopping board; to cut or to chop (wood).⁵⁴ (=椹 îm zhēn a chopping block.).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰釒甚; U+9356).
<又> chīm.
(See 鍖 chīm).
im5 7208
30 15 īt <白读> īt to hiccup.
<台> 塞噎 xāk-īt to hiccup.
<又> yēik.
(See 噎 yēik.)
it1 7209
32 13 ït sāi <台> 塞个塞[塞個塞] ït-göi-ît to plug it with a plug.
<又> xāk, söi, ît. (See 塞 [xāk, sāi], [xāk, ], söi, ît.)
it2 7210
64 16 ït sāi <台> (=塞 ït sāi) to plug; to cork.
(See 塞 ït.)
it2 7211
32 13 ît sāi <台> 个塞[個塞] göi-ît a plug; a cork or a stopper.
<又> xāk, söi, ït. (See 塞 [xāk, sāi],  [xāk, ], söi, ït.)
it5 7212
64 16 ît sāi <台> (=塞 ît sāi) a plug, a cork or a stopper.
(See 塞 ît.)
it5 7213
30 9 咱家 jā-gä zájiā <topo.> I; our; my home; our house.¹⁰
(See 咱 [jā, zán], [jân, zan].)
ja1 7214
30 9 zán 咱俩[咱倆] jā-lēng zánliǎ <topo.> the two of us.¹⁰
咱们[咱們] jā-mõn
zánmen we or us (including both the speaker and the person(s) spoken to); I or me; you.¹⁰
咱们走巴[咱們走巴] jā-mõn-dēo-bä
zánmenzǒuba Let's go.⁵
(See 咱 [jā, ], [jân, zan].)
ja1 7215
30 12 zhā <ono.> chirp; chatter.²²
唧唧喳喳 dēik-dēik-jā-jā jījizhāzhā twittering; jabbering.²²
喜鹊喳喳叫[喜鵲喳喳叫] hī-xēk-jā-jā-gël
xǐque zhāzhā jiào Magpies were chattering.²²
吱吱喳喳 jī-jī-jā-jā
zhīzhīzhāzhā (of birds) chirping together, (of women, children) talking in confusion.¹¹
<台> 吱吱喳喳 jī-jī-jā-jā chattering.
<又> chä.
(See 喳 chä.)
ja1 7216
130 23 腌臜[腌臢] lâ-jā āza <topo.> filthy; dirty.⁵
腌臜货[腌臢貨] lâ-jā-fö
āzahuò a filthy person; a lousy or vicious fellow.⁷
ja1 7217
4 丿 5 zhà first; newly; suddenly; abruptly; to spread; to extend.
初来乍到[初來乍到] chö-lõi-jä-äo chūláizhàdào just arrived.
乍到 jä-äo
zhàdào has just arrived; just happen to  go there; to arrive unexpectedly.
乍翅 jä-chï
zhàchì to spread wings.
乍富 jä-fü
zhàfù sudden wealth.
乍看 jä-hön
zhàkàn at first glance.
乍寒 jä-hõn
zhàhán cold wave.
乍寒乍热[乍寒乍熱] jä-hõn-jä-ngèik
The temperature changes abruptly.
猛乍 mäng-jä
měngzhà <topo.>  suddenly; unexpectedly.
卒乍 tōt-jä
cùzhà suddenly; unexpectedly.
ja2 7218
9 8 chà to boast; disappointed.⁷
侘傺 jä-jäi or chä-jäi chàchì <wr.> frustrated; disappointed.⁶
侘傺不安 jä-jäi-būt-ön
or chä-jäi-būt-ön chàchìbù'ān uneasy.⁷
<又> chä.
(See 侘 chä.)
ja2 7219
30 6 zhà to shout with angry; to smack in eating.⁷
叱咤[叱吒] chēik-jä chìzhà to rebuke angrily.¹⁰
叱咤风云[叱咤風雲] chēik-jä-füng-vũn
chìzhàfēngyún lit. to rebuke Heaven and Earth (idiom); fig. shaking the whole world; all-powerful.¹⁰
(See 吒 [jä, zhā].)
ja2 7220
30 6 zhā (used in names of mythical beings in ancient China).⁶
金吒 Gïm-jä Jīnzhā Jinzha, first son of 托塔李天王 (Pagoda-wielding Heavenly King).
木吒 Mùk-jä
Mùzhā Muzha, second son of 托塔李天王, (Pagoda-wielding Heavenly King).
哪吒 Nã-jä
Nézhā Nezha, powerful boy deity and third son of 托塔李天王 (Pagoda-wielding Heavenly King).
(See 吒 [jä, zhà].)
ja2 7221
30 8 dialectal equivalent of 怎么[怎麼] zěnme how?; what?; why?
咋样[咋樣] jä-yèng
zǎyàng How are things?
(See 咋 [jä, ], [jä, zhā], [jä, zhà].)
ja2 7222
30 8 <wr.> to bite; to gnaw.
咋舌 jä-sêt zéshé to be left speechless (with wonder); to click one's tongue in fear or surprise.
(See 咋 [jä, zhā], [jä, zhà], [jä,].)
ja2 7223
30 8 zhà loud noise; shout; suddenly.
咋舌 jä-sêt zhàshé to be left speechless (with wonder); to click one's tongue in fear or surprise.
(See 咋 [jä, ], [jä, zhā],  [jä, ], .)
ja2 7224
30 8 zhā 咋呼 jä-fü or 咋唬 jä-fū zhāhu <topo.> to bluster; to show off.
咋喇 jä-lā
zhālá <topo.> to harangue; to shoot off the mouth.
咋来[咋來] jä-lõi
zhālai <topo.> why?
咋算 jä-xön
zhāsuàn <topo.> What is to be done?
(See 咋 [jä, ],  [jä, zhà], [jä, ].)
ja2 7225
30 10 zhā the cry of birds.²⁴ (variant: 𠹗 jä zhā).
嘲哳 jäo-jä
or jäo-jät zhāozhā <wr.> twittery; chirpy.⁶ to make vexing or confusing noise, as birds’ twitter, make a hubbub.¹¹ the scream of birds.²⁴
啁哳 jiü-jä
or jiü-jät zhāozhā <wr.> twittery; chirpy.⁶ make cries like the peet-weet.¹¹ the chattering of birds.²⁴
<又> jät.
(See 哳 jät; 𠹗 jä).
ja2 7226
30 13 𠹗 zhā (=哳 jä zhā the cry of birds.²⁴).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰口哲; U+20E57).
jäo-jä or jäo-jät zhāozhā the chirping of birds.²⁴
<又> jät.
(See 𠹗 jät; 哳 jä).
ja2 7227
32 9 chá small mound; place name; hillock.⁸ ancient place name, Cha, in present-day 江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū Jiangsu Province.⁸  mound; small hill; (used in place names).¹⁰
(composition: ⿰土宅; U+579E).
<又> chä.
(See 垞 chä.)
ja2 7228
37 9 zhà extravagant.⁸ used in the names of rivers' and geographic places, such as the Zhuhe River 奓河 Jä-hõ Zhàhé and Zhushan Mountain 奓山 Jä-sän Zhàshān in Hubei Province.⁹ to open out; to stretch open; to brag.¹⁴
奓阔[奓闊] jä-föt
zhàkuò widely extended.¹⁴
奓户[奓戶] jä-fù
zhàhù to open a door.¹⁴
奓腿 jä-huī
zhàtuǐ to straddle the legs.¹⁴
奓着胆子[奓著膽子] jä-jèk-ām-dū
zhàzhe dǎnzi <topo.> to pluck/screw/muster up one's courage; to collect one's courage.⁶
奓毛 jä-mão
zhàmáo <topo.> to get angry.⁸
奓言 jä-ngũn
zhàyán to boast; to draw the long bow.¹⁴
ja2 7229
38 6 chà <wr.> beautiful.⁵
姹紫嫣红[奼紫嫣紅] jä-dū-yën-hũng or chä-dū-yën-hũng chàzǐyānhóng deep purples and bright reds – beautiful flowers.⁶  <wr.> gaily dressed maidens.¹¹
姹女[奼女] jä-nuī
or chä-nuī chànǚ beautiful girl; mercury.⁵⁷
<又> chä.
(See 奼 chä.)
ja2 7230
64 7 zhuā (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 抓 jāo zhuā to grab; to seize; to scratch; to arrest; to catch; to press-gang; to stress; to pay special attention to; to be responsible for; to take charge of; to attract; to draw.)
<又> jāo.
(See 抓 jāo.)
ja2 7231
64 8 zhǎ to measure by handspans; <m.> span; the distance from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the little finger when the hand is fully extended.⁹
三拃宽[三拃寬] xäm-jä-fön sānzhǎkuān three handspans wide.⁵⁴
手拃 siū-jä
shǒuzhǎ handspan.
<又> nã.
(See 拃 nã.)
ja2 7232
64 8 zhā to take hold of, to take anything out of a puddle.²⁴ (Cant.) to grasp, hold.⁵⁴
ja2 7233
64 9 zhā to open out; to expand.
挓挲 jä-sâ zhāshā <topo.> (of hands, branches) spread; stretch out; (of hair) stand on end.⁶
挓挲双臂[挓挲雙臂] jä-sâ-söng-
zhāshāshuāngbì spread out one's arms.⁶
ja2 7234
64 12 zhā to pick up with fingers; <topo.> to spread one's fingers.⁶ to take up, as by the fingers; to seize or take, as animals; to grasp, to clutch, to grab; take firmly, to hold fast; to work, as a bellows; to squeeze; a handful.¹⁰²
(variant: 摣 jä zhā). (composition: ⿰扌查; U+63F8).
揸开五指[揸開五指] jä-höi-m̄-jī
zhākāiwǔzhǐ to spread out one's fingers.⁶
or 摣一大摣 jä-yīt-ài-jä zhāyīdàzhā grab a big handful.¹⁰²
or 无摣拏[無摣拏] mũ-jä-nã wúzhā'ná there is nothing to hold on by, no security for him; also, a nickname for a Buhhdist priest.¹⁰²
or 有摣手 yiû-jä-siū yǒuzhāshǒu I have security for it.¹⁰²
<台> 揸 jä a handful; to hold; to drive (a car).
<台> 揸车[揸車] jä-chëh to drive a car.
<台> 揸紧[揸緊] jä-gīn to hold on to something tightly.
<台> 揸主意 jä-jī-yï to make a decision.
<台> 揸枝铅笔[揸枝鉛筆] jä-jï-yõn-bīt to hold a pencil.
<台> 揸住 jä-jì to hold on to something tightly.
<台> 一揸米 yīt-jä-māi a handful of rice.
(See 摣 jä).
ja2 7235
64 13 zhà (=榨 jä zhà press, extract; a press for extracting juices, oil.⁵); to crush with the hand, press, squeeze, extract.⁸
(composition: ⿰扌窄; U+643E).
壓搾 āt-jä
yāzhà to press (juice), also to squeeze (money) by pressure, to oppress (people).¹¹
搾床 jä-chõng
zhàchuáng wine press, oil press and the like.¹¹
搾菜 jä-töi
zhàcài a kind of pickled vegetable root, much used for flavoring.¹¹
搾取 jä-tuī
zhàqǔ to obtain (money) by political pressure, or tyranny.¹¹
(See 榨 jä).
ja2 7236
64 14 zhā (=揸 jä zhā) to pick up with fingers; <topo.> to spread one's fingers.⁶ to take; to collect together with the fingers; to strike.²⁴ a handful; to pick up with the fingers; to seize.⁵⁴ to take up, as by the fingers; to seize or take, as animals; to grasp, to clutch, to grab; take firmly, to hold fast; to work, as a bellows; to squeeze; a handful.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰扌虘; U+6463).
or 揸得稳[揸得穩] jä-āk-vūn zhādéwěn I've got it safe; hold it steady.¹⁰²
or 揸风箱[揸風箱] jä-füng-xëng zhāfēngxiāng to work a bellows.¹⁰²
摣摊[摣攤] jä-hān
zhātān to keep a gambling-table.¹⁰²
摣水猪肉[摣水豬肉] jä-suī-jï-ngùk
zhāshuǐzhūròu water-sogged pork; it is watered to increase the weight.¹⁰²
or 揸火筒 jä-fō-hûng/ zhāhuǒtǒng to blow the fire-pipe; to act as a scullion.¹⁰²
or 揸着印柄[揸著印柄]  jä-jèk-yïn-bêng zhāzheyìnbǐng he hold the power.¹⁰²
摣紧[摣緊] jä-gīn
zhājǐn hold it tight; I've got it fast.¹⁰²
or 揸拳头[揸拳頭 jä-kũn-hẽo zhāquántou to double up the fist.¹⁰²
摣烂[摣爛] jä-làn
zhālàn to crush to pieces.¹⁰²
(See 揸 jä).
ja2 7237
64 14 zhuā to knock, to beat; to grab.
飞挝[飛撾] fï-jä fēizhuā <trad.> claw-shaped projectiles attached to long ropes.
or 抓鼓 jä-gū zhuāgǔ to beat a drum.
<又> vö.
(See 撾 vö.)
ja2 7238
75 9 zhà name of a river (Zan River, a tributary of the Han River).⁸
柞水县[柞水縣] Jä-suī-yòn Zhàshuǐxiàn Zhashui County, a county in the southern part of 陕西[陝西] Sēm-xäi Shǎnxī Shaanxi Province.¹⁹
<又> dòk, dôk, jäk.
(See 柞 dòk, dôk, jäk.)
ja2 7239
75 9 zhā Zha surname.
<又> chã. (See 查 chã.)
ja2 7240
75 13 zhā hawthorn; may tree.⁸ (variant: 樝 jä zhā.)
楂叶槭系[楂葉槭系] jä-yêp-tēik-hài
zhāyèqìxì Ser. 12. Crataegifolia Pojark.³¹
山楂 sän-jä
shānzhā <bot.> (Chinese) hawthorn (tree), haw.⁶ Crataegus pinnatifida.
山楂饼[山楂餅] sän-jä-bēng
shānzhābǐng haw flakes.³⁶
山楂酒 sän-jä-diū
shānzhājiǔ haw wine.⁶
山楂糕 sän-jä-gäo
shānzhāgāo haw jelly cake.⁶
山楂露 sän-jä-lù
shānzhālù haw syrup.⁶
山楂叶螨[山楂葉蟎] sän-jä-yêp-mōn
shānzhāyèmǎn  <zoo.> hawthorn red spider mite, fruit tree spider mite Tetranychus viennensis.⁶⁹
(See 楂 chã; 樝 jä.)
ja2 7241
75 14 zhà press, extract; a press for extracting juices, oil.⁵
压榨[壓榨] āt-jä yāzhà squeeze, press; oppress and exploit; bleed white.⁸
榨床 jä-chõng
zhàchuáng a press for extracting oil or juice.⁷
榨甘蔗 jä-gäm-jêh
zhàgānzhe press sugar cane.⁵
榨干血汗[榨乾血汗] jä-gön-hüt-hòn
zhàgānxuèhàn wring every ounce of sweat and blood out of somebody.⁵
榨汁机[榨汁機] jä-jīp-gï
zhàzhījī juicer; blender.¹⁰
榨菜 jä-töi
zhàcài hot pickled mustard tuber.⁵
榨取 jä-tuī
zhàqǔ squeeze; extort.⁵
榨油 jä-yiũ
zhàyóu extract oil.⁵
榨油机[榨油機] jä-yiũ-gï
zhàyóujī oil press.⁵
榨油水 jä-yiũ-suī
zhàyóushui to extort money from people.⁷
油榨 yiũ-jä
yóuzhà press for extracting oil from seeds or vegetables.⁵⁴
ja2 7242
75 15 zhā (=楂 jä zhā) a kind of hawthorne.⁸
(See 楂 jä.)
ja2 7243
85 12 zhá water dripping; a drip-tile; (same as 炸 jä zhá, 煠 jä zhá) to fry in fat or oil, to scald.⁸ʼ⁰ drops of water.²⁴ the terrain is low and damp; dripping water.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰氵臿; U+3D19).
㳌㴙 ät-jä
yāzhá low and damp (terrain).²⁴
ja2 7244
85 12 zhā river in 湖北 Vũ-bāk Húběi Hubei Province; bend in a stream.⁸
溠水 Jä-suī
Zhāshuǐ Zha River in 湖北 Vũ-bāk Húběi Hubei Province.⁸
ja2 7245
86 9 zhá to deep fry.¹⁰ (variant: 煠 jä zhá).
炸酱[炸醬] jä-dëng
zhájiàng fried bean sauce (usually with mincemeat).⁷
炸酱面[炸醬麵] jä-dëng-mèin
zhájiàngmiàn ground pork simmered with salty fermented soybean paste (or other sauce) over thick wheat noodles.¹⁰
炸子鸡[炸子雞] jä-dū-gäi
zházǐjī crispy fried chicken.⁹
炸豆腐 jä-èo-fù
zhádòufu deep-fried bean curd.⁵
炸鸡[炸雞] jä-gäi
zhájī fried chicken.⁹
炸糕 jä-gäo
zhágāo fried glutinous rice dough cake.¹⁰
炸蟹角 jä-hāi-gôk
zháxièjiǎo Crab Rangoon, crab puffs, crab rangoon puffs, or cheese wontons.¹⁵ʼ²³
炸鱼[炸魚] jä-nguî/
zháyú deep-fried fish.¹⁰
炸油饼[炸油餅] jä-yiũ-bēng
zháyóubǐng doughboy.⁸
炸油条[炸油條] jä-yiũ-hẽl/
zháyóutiáo deep-fry twisted dough sticks.⁶
炸丸子 jä-yõn-dū
zháwánzi croquette.⁸
(See 炸 [jä, zhà]; 煠 jä.)
ja2 7246
86 9 zhà to explode.¹⁰
炸弹[炸彈] jä-àn
zhàdàn bomb.⁵
炸掉 jä-èl
zhàdiào to bomb; blow up.⁵⁴
炸点[炸點] jä-ēm
zhàdiǎn burst point.⁸
炸毁[炸毀] jä-fī
zhàhuǐ destroy; demolish.⁵
炸裂 jä-lëik
zhàliè blow.⁸
炸雷 jä-luĩ
zhàléi a clap of thunder.⁸
炸破 jä-pö
zhàpò burst.⁸
炸锅[炸鍋] jä-vö
zhàguō complain and quarrel loudly.⁸
炸窝[炸窩] jä-vö
zhàwō (of birds) flush out at noise of gun; (bees) rush out of the beehive.¹¹
炸营[炸營] jä-yẽin
zhàyíng jumble.⁸
炸死 jä-xī
zhàsǐ bomb to death, kill by explosion.¹¹
炸碎 jä-xuï
zhàsuì blast.⁸
炸药[炸藥] jä-yêk
zhàyào explosive (charges); dynamite.⁵
(See 炸 [jä, zhá].)
ja2 7247
86 13 zhá (=炸 jä zhá) to deep fry.¹⁰ to boil; to cook (from 爚 yèk yuè).⁸
(composition: ⿰火枼; U+7160).
<又> yêp.
(See 煠 yêp; 炸 [jä, zhá].)
ja2 7248
104 10 zhà scrofulous swellings and sores, mumps.⁹
痄疨 jä-ngâ zhàyǎ unhealed wound.⁸
痄腮 jä-xǒi
zhàsai mumps.⁷
ja2 7249
112 8 zhā (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 矺 jàk zhà.)
(=吒 jä
zhā, q.v.) used in names of mythical beings in ancient China).⁶
<又> jàk, dàp, jēt, hōk.
(See 矺 jàk, dàp, jēt, hōk; 吒 jä)
ja2 7250
112 10 zhǎ tiny fragments of stone, coal.⁶ stone tablet; monument.⁸
大砟 ài-jä dàzhǎ <topo.> anthracite.⁵⁴
道砟 ào-jä
dàozhǎ <railway> ballast.⁶
砟碑 jä-bï
zhǎbēi a stone tablet.²⁵
砟子 jä-dū
zhǎzi tiny fragments of stone or coal.⁶
炉灰砟儿[爐灰砟兒] lũ-föi-jä-ngĩ
lúhuīzhǎr cinder.⁶
煤砟子 mõi-jä-dū
méizhǎzi or 砟儿[砟兒] jä-ngĩ zhǎr (usu. wr. 煤渣子 mõi-jâ-dū méizhāzi or 煤渣儿[煤渣兒] mõi-jâ-ngĩ méizhār) coal cinders.¹¹
<又> dòk.
(See 砟 dòk; 䃎 chēik.)
ja2 7251
118 11 zhà a kind of liquor container; to squeeze; to press.⁷ to drain off wine; to separate the juice from the dregs.²⁵
<又> dòk, dôk, jāk, jäk. (See 笮 dòk, 笮 dôk, 笮 jāk, 笮 jäk.)
ja2 7252
120 15 zhǎ silk and cotton wadding to be laid and attached to each other.⁸ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰糹奓; U+42FE).
䋾䋈 jä-nà zhǎ'nǎ coming in contact.²⁵
ja2 7253
140 8 zhǎ waterweed.⁹
苲草 jä-tāo zhǎcǎo aquatic plants (such as hornwort); waterweed.⁶
ja2 7254
142 11 zhà a locust; a grasshopper.⁷ grasshopper; (edible) locust; cicada.⁸
蚱蝉[蚱蟬] jä-chên zhàchán a small cicada which comes late in the season.¹⁴
蚱蜢 jä-māng
zhàměng a grasshopper.⁷
蚂蚱[螞蚱] mà-jä
màzha <topo.> locust.⁵
ja2 7255
142 12 zhà <topo.> jellyfish.⁶ jellyfish; sea-blubber, (interchangeable  虴 jäk zhé) looks like grasshopper but smaller.⁸ (=海蜇 hōi-jēt hǎizhé jelllyfish).²⁹ (Note: This character has 虫 on the left and 宅 on the right.)
(See 虴 jäk ).
ja2 7256
142 14 zhà year end sacrifice of the Zhou Dynasty.⁷
蜡祭 jä-jì zhàjì year-end offerings.⁰
蜡月 jä-ngùt
zhàyuè the twelfth lunar month.⁷
(See 蠟 làp.)
ja2 7257
149 12 zhà to cheat; to swindle; to pretend; to feign.
兵不厌诈[兵不厭詐] bëin-būt-yëm-jä bīngbùyànzhà all is fair in war; there can never be too much deception in war; in war nothing is too deceitful.
局诈[局詐] gùk-jä
júzhà a swindle; to swindle; to cheat.
谲诈[譎詐] gūt-jä
juézhà dishonest, deceitful, tricky, cheating.¹¹ crafty.³⁹
诈败[詐敗] jä-bài
zhàbài to feign defeat.
诈靓[詐靚] jä-dèin
zhàjìng meretricious.¹⁴
诈唬[詐唬] jä-fū
zhàhu to bluff; to bluster; to intimidate.¹⁰
诈降[詐降] jä-hõng
zhàxiáng to pretend to surrender.
诈骗[詐騙] jä-pëin
zhàpiàn to defraud; to swindle.
诈死[詐死] jä-xī
zhàsǐ to play dead.
诈谖[詐諼] jä-xün
zhàxuān dishonest.³⁹
敲诈[敲詐] këo-jä
or hāo-jä qiāozhà extort, blackmail.⁵
讹诈[訛詐] ngõ-jä
ézhà to extort under false pretenses; to blackmail; to bluff; to defraud.¹⁰
<台> 诈假势[詐假勢] jä-gā-säi/ to pretend.
ja2 7258
149 13 chà surprised; astonished.⁶
惊诧[驚詫] gëin-jä or gëin-chä jīngchà <wr.> surprised; amazed; astounded.⁵
骇诧无似[駭詫無似] hôi-jä-mũ-xû
or hôi-chä-mũ-xû hàichàwúsì be utterly amazed.⁵⁴
诧然[詫然] jä-ngẽin
or chä-ngẽin chàrán look surprised or startled or astonished.⁶
诧愕[詫愕] jä-ngōk
or chä-ngōk chà'è <wr.> shocked; dumbfounded; astounded.⁶
诧女[詫女] jä-nuī
or chä-nuī chànǚ young maiden.⁵⁴
诧异[詫異] jä-yì
or chä-yì chàyì to be surprised.⁷
佯装惊诧[佯裝驚詫] yẽng-jöng-gëin-jä
or yẽng-jöng-gëin-chä yángzhuāngjīngchà pretend to be surprised.¹⁹
<又> chä.
(See 詫 chä.)
ja2 7259
149 18 zhā inexplicable; ashamed because of poverty; anger, angry.⁸
(composition: ⿰訁奢; U+8B47).
譇詉 jä-nù zhā'nù ashamed because of poverty.
ja2 7260
184 17 zha 饹馇[餎餷] gōk-jä gēzha a kind of flat cake made of bean powder.⁶ a kind of cake made from bean flour.⁹
<又> chã.
(See 餷 chã.)
ja2 7261
190 17 zhuā women's headdresses in mourning.⁷ to dress the hair.¹⁴ a funeral knot; the way in which women tie up their hair with pins or ornaments.²⁵
妇人髽而弔[婦人髽而弔] fû-ngĩn-jä-ngĩ-ël fùrénzhuāérdiào the lady tied up her hair in a simple knot and came to condole with the mourners.²⁵
妇人髽于室[婦人髽於室] fû-ngĩn-jä-yï-sīt
fùrénzhuāyúshì the wife loosely netted her hair and sat in her room.¹⁴
髽髻 jä-gâi
zhuājì (of girls and women) two knots of hair worn on two sides.⁶ a kind of hairdo worn by young girls and maid servants in ancient times.⁷ ancient style of hairdressing for mourning, binding a net of hemp in with the hair.¹⁴
髽髻夫妻 jä-gâi-fü-häi
zhuājì fūqī (=结发夫妻[結髮夫妻] gēik-fāt-fü-häi jiéfà fūqī) husband and wife by the first marriage.⁶
髽鬏 jä-tiü
zhuājiu (=髽髻 jä-gâi zhuājì) (of girls and women) two knots of hair worn on two sides.⁶ a kind of hairdo worn by young girls and maid servants in ancient times.⁷ ancient style of hairdressing for mourning, binding a net of hemp in with the hair.¹⁴
ja2 7262
195 16 zhà (=海蜇⁸ hōi-jēt hǎizhé) jellyfish, pressed and dried variety, usually served cold on table.¹¹ flame jellyfish (Rhopilema esculentum).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鲊鱼[鮓魚] jä-nguĩ
zhàyú another name for 海蜇 hōi-jēt hǎizhé flame jellyfish (Rhopilema esculentum), a species of jellyfish native to the warm temperate waters of the Pacific Ocean.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(See 鮓 [jä, zhǎ].)
ja2 7263
195 16 zhǎ <wr.> salted fish; dish served with ground rice or flour and other condiments.⁶
(variants: 鮺 jä , 𩻢❄{⿱⿻亻𠈌⿸厂魚} jä; 䱹 jä).
鲊肉[鮓肉] jä-ngùk
zhǎròu (=米粉肉 māi-fūn-ngùk mǐfěn ròu) <topo.> pork steamed with seasoned rice flour.⁶
鱼鲊[魚鮓] nguî-jä
yúzhǎ <topo.> salted fish.⁶
芸豆/茄子鲊[蕓荳/茄子鮓] vũn-èo/kêh-dū jä
yúndòu/qiézi zhǎ chopped kidney beans/eggplant served with ground rice and other condiments.⁶
(See 鮓 [jä, zhà]; 鮺 jä ; 𩻢❄{⿱⿻亻𠈌⿸厂魚} jä; 䱹 jä).
ja2 7264
195 17 zhǎ ➀ (<old>=鮓 jä zhǎ) salted fish.⁶ ➁ (=苲 jä zhǎ) waterweed.⁶ (variant: 𩻢❄{⿱⿻亻𠈌⿸厂魚} jä).
(See 鮓 [jä, zhǎ]; 苲 jä; 𩻢❄{⿱⿻亻𠈌⿸厂魚} jä).
ja2 7265
195 20 zhǎ (=𩺃❄{⿱差魚} jä zhǎ salted fish; preserved fish).² (=鲊[鮓] jä zhǎ salted fish); a condiment made from minced and salted fish; preserved fish.⁸
(composition: ⿰魚差; U+4C79).
(See 𩺃❄{⿱差魚} jä; 鮓 [jä, zhǎ]).
ja2 7266
195 20 𩺃
zhǎ (same as 䱹 jä zhǎ)² salted fish; preserved fish.⁰
(composition: ⿱差魚; U+29E83).
(See 䱹 jä).
ja2 7267
195 23 𩻢
zhǎ original character for 鲝[鮺] jä zhǎ salted fish.² (=鮓 jä zhǎ) salted fish.⁸
(composition: ⿱𠂹⿸丆魚 or ⿱⿻亻𠈌⿸丆魚; U+29EE2).
(See 鮺 jä ; 鮓 [jä, zhǎ]).
ja2 7268 ja2.jpg
202 21 zhǎ sticky; to append; padding, cushioning; to paste on something.⁸
(composition: ⿰黍奓; U+4D59).
䵙䵙 jä-jä zhǎzhǎ sticky.⁵⁴
(See 䵙 [jä, zhā]).
ja2 7269
202 21 zhā sticky; to append; padding, cushioning; to paste on something.⁸
(composition: ⿰黍奓; U+4D59).
䵙𪐀❄{⿰黍多} jä-nà zhā'nǎ sticking together; adhesive.²⁵ stick together.⁵⁴
(See 䵙 [jä, zhǎ]).
ja2 7270
27 7 zhǎ to be inconsistent.
(composition: ⿸厂乍; U+538F).
厏厊 jà-ngà zhǎyǎ not corresponding.²⁴  to contradict, to diverge.⁵⁴ to contradict; to be inconsistent.⁰
<又> jàk.
(See 厏 jàk).
ja4 7271
85 12 zhā dregs, residue, sediment, lees; broken bits, crumbs.⁶
酒渣鼻 diū-jâ-bì jiǔzhābí acne rosacea; brandy nose.⁶
豆腐渣 èo-fù-jâ
dòufuzhā soybean dregs.¹⁰
废渣[廢渣] fī-jâ
fèizhā waste residue.⁵
渣滓 jâ-dōi
zhāzǐ residue; dregs; disreputable people.¹⁰
渣块[渣塊] jâ-fäi
zhākuài slag block.⁶
渣油 jâ-yiũ
zhāyóu <petroleum> residual oil; residuum.⁶
蔗渣 jêh-jâ
zhèzhā bagasse.⁵
炉渣[爐渣] lũ-jâ
lúzhā furnace slag; ashes from a stove.¹⁰
面包渣[麵包渣] mèin-bäo-jâ
miànbāozhā bread crumbs.¹⁰
人渣 ngĩn-jâ
rénzhā dregs of society; scum.¹⁰
残渣[殘渣] tãn-jâ
cánzhā remainder; filtered out residue; sediment; waste product; debris; detritus; rubbish.¹⁰
残渣余孽[殘渣餘孽] tãn-jâ-yĩ-ngēik
cánzhāyúniè evil elements from the old society; dregs of the old society.¹⁰
ja5 7272
107 16 zhā (<old>=齇 jâ zhā) rosy acne on the nose.⁶ a red blotch on the tip of one's nose.⁹ rosacea.¹⁰
(See 齇 jâ).
ja5 7273
209 23 zhā (<old>=齇 jâ zhā) rosy acne on the nose.⁶ a red blotch on the tip of one's nose.⁹ rosacea.¹⁰
(See 齇 jâ).
ja5 7274
209 25 zhā rosy acne on the nose.⁶ a red blotch on the tip of one's nose.⁹ rosacea.¹⁰ (variants: 齄, 皻 jâ zhā).
酒齇鼻 diū-jâ-bì
jiǔzhābí red nose from excessive drinking.¹¹
齇鼻 jâ-bì
zhābí <topo.> rosacea; acne rosacea; brandy nose.⁶
(See 齄 jâ; 皻 jâ).
ja5 7275
7 8 jäi zhāi (<old>=斋[齋] jäi zhāi take a bath and abstain from meat, wine; room, building; vegetarian diet; give alms (to a monk); fast.⁶)
(composition: ⿱厽二; U+4E9D).
<又> tãi.
(See 亝tãi).
jai2 7276
9 13 jäi chì 侘傺 jä-jäi or chä-jäi chàchì <wr.> frustrated; disappointed.⁶
侘傺不安 jä-jäi-būt-ön
or chä-jäi-būt-ön chàchìbù'ān uneasy.⁷
jai2 7277
9 13 jäi zhài debt.
避债[避債] bì-jäi bìzhài to dodge creditors.
父债子还[父債子還] fù-jäi-dū-vãn
fùzhàizǐhuán It is the custom for a son to pay his (deceased) father's debts.
公债[公債] güng-jäi
gōngzhài government bond.
债台高筑[債臺高築] jäi-hõi-gäo-jūk
zhàitáigāozhù to be debt-ridden.
债主[債主] jäi-jī
zhàizhǔ creditor.
债券[債券] jäi-hûn
zhàiquàn bonds or debentures.¹⁴
债务[債務] jäi-mù
zhàiwù debt; liabilities.
孽债[孽債] ngēik-jäi
nièzhài a sin that one has committed, but hasn't been punished for.⁹
还债[還債] vãn-jäi
huánzhài repay a debt.¹¹
jai2 7278
18 8 jäi zhì establish, institute, set up; prevail, overpower, control; a system; used before the signature in letter writing to indicate the writer is in mourning; Zhi surname.⁷
控制 hüng-jäi kòngzhì control; to exercise control over; to contain.¹⁰ to subject to control, to curb (horse).¹¹
制定 jäi-èin
zhìdìng formulate.⁵⁵
制订[制訂] jäi-èng
zhìdìng work out.⁵⁵
制服 jäi-fùk
zhìfú a uniform; (formerly) dress of mourning for one's parents.⁷  (=制伏 jäi-fùk zhìfú) subdue.⁶
制伏 jäi-fùk
zhìfú check; subdue; bring under control.⁵
制图[制圖] jäi-hũ
zhìtú cartographic; graphics.¹⁰  (Compare 制图[製圖] jäi-hũ zhìtú to map.)
制度 jäi-ù
zhìdù system (political, adminstrative); institution.¹⁰
制使 jäi-xū
zhìshǐ formerly, imperial emissary.¹¹
守制 siū-jäi
shǒuzhì observe the prescribed period of mourning (usually 27 months for one's parents (in feudal times).⁶
(See 製 jäi.)
jai2 7279
18 16 jäi dose.
调剂[調劑] hẽl-jäi tiáojì to adjust; to balance; to make up a medical prescription.¹⁰
剂量[劑量] jäi-lèng
jìliàng dosage; prescribed dose of medicine.
乳剂[乳劑] nguî-jäi
rǔjì emulsion.
毒剂[毒劑] ùk-jäi
dújì poison; toxic agent; poison gas;  chemical weapon.
药剂[藥劑] yêk-jäi
yàojì remedy; medicament; drug.
jai2 7280
30 17 jäi zhāi to laugh.²⁴
(composition t: ⿰口齊; U+568C).
(composition s: ⿰口齐; U+54DC).
哜啀[嚌啀] jäi-ngãi zhāi'ái appearance with smile; smiling face.
<又> däi; gäi.
(See 嚌 däi; 嚌 gäi).
jai2 7281
64 11 𢮓 jäi chè (=掣 jäi chè as in 手掣 siū-jäi shǒuchè <Cant.> hand brake; hand switch.⁷⁵)
(composition: ⿰扌制; U+22B93).
<又> chēik.
(See 𢮓 chēik; 掣 jäi).
jai2 7282
64 12 jäi chè (variant: 𢮓 jäi chè)
手掣 siū-jäi
shǒuchè <Cant.> hand brake; hand switch.⁷⁵
<台> 闩掣[閂掣] sän-jäi (=关闸[關閘] gän-jàp
guānzhá) close the gate.
<又> chēik.
(See 掣 chēik; 𢮓 jäi.)
jai2 7283
64 17 jäi to squeeze, to press; to jostle, to push against; to crowd, to cram.
挨挤[挨擠] äi-jäi áijǐ to be squeezed in a crowd.
挤压[擠壓] jäi-āt
jǐyā to extrude; to press.
挤出[擠出] jäi-chūt
jǐchū to squeeze out (e.g., toothpaste).
挤进[擠進] jäi-dïn
jǐjìn to break into; to force one's way into; to barge into.¹⁰
挤挤挨挨[擠擠挨挨] jäi-jäi-äi-äi
jǐjǐ'āi'āi hustling and jostling.
挤占[擠占] jäi-jëm
jǐzhàn to overrun; to infringe on.
挤眉弄眼[擠眉弄眼] jäi-mĩ-lùng-ngān
jǐméinòngyǎn  to make eyes; to wink.
挤兑[擠兌] jäi-uï
jǐduì <trad.> a run on a bank.
挤塞[擠塞] jäi-xāk
jǐsè to jam; to crowd and block.
挤抑[擠抑] jäi-yēik
jǐyì to keep somebody down or out.⁷
挤抑同寅[擠抑同寅] jäi-yēik-hũng-yĩn
jǐyìtóngyín keep down one's colleague.³⁹
挤入[擠入] jäi-yìp
jǐrù to squeeze into.
排挤[排擠] pãi-jäi
páijǐ to push aside; to push/elbow out.
拥挤[擁擠] yūng-jäi
yōngjǐ crowded; pushed and squeezed together.
jai2 7284
115 19 jäi sheaf.⁸ to reap, to cut down grain; to gather the corn into bundles when reaped, ready for binding.²⁵
(composition: ⿰禾齊; U+7A67).
jai2 7285
145 14 jäi zhì to produce, to make, to manufacture, to create; to compose; literary works; to cut out garments and make them; a form, a model, a fashion, a pattern.⁷
缝制[縫製] fũng-jäi féngzhì make (clothes, bedding).⁶
鸿篇巨制[鴻篇巨製] hũng-pëin-guì-jäi
hóngpiānjùzhì masterpiece; monumental work; voluminous work.⁶
制版[製版] jäi-bān
zhìbǎn to make a printing plate.⁷
制品[製品] jäi-bīn
zhìpǐn products; manufactured items.⁷
制造[製造] jäi-dào
zhìzào to make; to produce; to manufacture; to create.⁷
制图[製圖] jäi-hũ
zhìtú to map; to chart; to draft; map-making; charting.¹⁰ (Compare 制图[制圖] jäi-hũ zhìtú cartographic.)
制药[製藥] jäi-yèk
zhìyào make medicine.⁶
御制[御製] nguì-jäi
yùzhì poems and writings authorized by the emperor; vessels produced in the imperial kiln.⁷
(See 制 jäi.)
jai2 7286
173 22 jäi <wr.> cease raining or snowing, clear up after rain or snow; calm down after being angry.⁵
光风霁月[光風霽月] göng-füng-jäi-ngùt guāngfēngjìyuè like light breeze and clear moon after a spatter of rain – broad-minded and open=hearted.⁶
霁范[霽範] jäi-fàn
jìfàn a mild and moderate manner.⁷
霁颜[霽顏] jäi-ngãn
jìyán calm down after a fit of anger; appear mollified.⁵
霁月[霽月] jäi-ngùt
jìyuè a clear moon after rain, an unclouded moon; open-minded.⁷
霁月光风[霽月光風] jäi-ngùt-göng-füng
jìyuèguāngfēng like light breeze and clear moon after a spatter of rain – broad-minded and open=hearted.⁶
霁月清风[霽月清風] jäi-ngùt-tëin-füng
jìyuèqīngfēng  bright moon and cool breeze.⁶
霁色[霽色] jäi-sēik
jìsè blue color similar to that of the sky after rain.⁶ sky blue; a blue sky.¹¹
霁威[霽威] jäi-vï
jìwēi <wr.> cease to be angry.⁶
雪霁[雪霽] xūt-jäi xuějì  It's stopped snowing and is clearing up.⁵
雨霁[雨霽] yî-jäi
yǔjì The rain is over.¹¹
jai2 7287
195 19 jäi zhì a kind of fish with silver-gray color, black dots, small mouth and no teeth.³⁶ a fish usually preserved in brine, the peculiar flavor is in the head.²⁵
(composition: ⿱制魚; U+4C65).
<又> däi. (See 䱥 däi).
jai2 7288
210 14 jäi zhāi pious, respectful, chaste.⁷ (=斋[齋] jäi zhāi) take a bath and abstain from meat, wine (before offering sacrifices to gods or ancestors); room, building; vegetarian diet adopted for religious reasons; give alms (to a monk); fast.⁶
(composition: ⿳亠⿲刀丫⿸⿱丿𠄌乀⿲丿二丨; U+9F4A).
齐车[齊車] jäi-chëh
zhāichē a vehical used for fasting.⁸ʼ⁰
or 斋庄[齋莊] jäi-jöng zhāizhuāng respectful; sober; serious.⁵
or 斋宿[齋宿] jäi-xūk zhāisù to show piey by passing the night in fasting.⁷ <wr.> to observe fasting and sleep alone on night before sacrifices.¹¹
or 斋肃[齋肅] jäi-xūk zhāisù grave and respectful.⁷ decorous, august (manner).¹¹
<又> dü, jài, tãi.
(See 齊 dü, jài, tãi.)
jai2 7289
210 17 jäi zhāi take a bath and abstain from meat, wine; room, building; vegetarian diet; give alms (to a monk); fast.⁶ 潔也莊也恭也.² pure, rigid, reverential.²⁵
(composition: ⿵齊小; U+9F4B).
斋醮[齋醮] jäi-dël zhāijiào (Buddhist and Daoist priests) set up an alter for prayer rites.⁶
斋饭[齋飯] jäi-fàn
zhāifàn the meals the monks eat; vegetarian food.⁹
斋服[齋服] jäi-fùk
zhāifú mourning apparel.²⁵
斋戒[齋戒] jäi-gäi
zhāijiè to abstain from meat, wine (when offering sacrifices to gods); fast.⁷
斋敬[齋敬] jäi-gëin
zhāijìng respectful.²⁵
斋果[齋果] jäi-gō
zhāiguǒ <topo.> offering; oblation.⁶
斋冠[齋冠] jäi-gön
zhāiguān a long cap.²⁵
斋堂[齋堂] jäi-hõng
zhāitáng dining hall in a temple.⁶
斋主[齋主] jäi-jī
zhāizhǔ the host at a Buddhist vegetarian dinner.⁷
斋期[齋期] jäi-kĩ
zhāiqī fast days.¹⁰
斋月[齋月] Jäi-ngùt
Zhāiyuè (Budd.> the first, fifth and ninth lunar months; <Islam> Ramadan: month of fast.⁶
斋舍[齋舍] jäi-sëh
zhāishè a room for fasting; a study; a school.⁷
斋僧[齋僧] jäi-xäng
zhāisēng to provide Buddhist monks with meals.⁷
斋心[齋心] jäi-xïm
zhāixīn to purify the mind.⁷
jai2 7290
210 23 jäi <wr.> fine, powdery; finely chopped ginger, garlic, etc.⁵
齑糟[齏糟] jäi-däo or däi-däo jīzāo fragmented and complicated.⁵⁴
齑粉 jäi-fūn
or däi-fūn jīfěn fine powder; broken bits.⁵
齑盐[齏鹽] jäi-yẽm
or däi-yẽm jīyán vegetable diet.⁵⁴
碾成齑粉[碾成齏粉] jīn-sẽin-jäi-fūn
or jīn-sẽin-däi-fūn niǎnchéng jīfěn be ground to dust.⁵
碎如齑粉[碎如齏粉] xuï-nguĩ-jäi-fūn
or xuï-nguĩ-däi-fūn suìrújīfěn be dashed into pieces, ground into powder, killed off.¹¹
<又> däi.
(See 齏 däi.)
jai2 7291
40 14 jài zhài stockade; stockaded village; camp; mountain stronghold.⁵ stockade, fort, military outpost; brothel.⁸ (variant: 砦 jài zhài.)
(composition: ⿱⿱宀⿳井一八木; U+5BE8).
压寨夫人[壓寨夫人] āt-jài-fü-ngĩn
yāzhàifūrén bandit chief's wife.¹¹
堡寨 bāo-jài
bǎozhài fort; fortress.¹⁰
劫寨 gēp-jài
or gëp-jài jiézhài rush an enemy fortress.¹¹
妓寨 gì-jài
jìzhài brothel.¹⁰
寨子 jài-dū
zhàizi stockade, fence; stockaded village.⁶
寨主 jài-jī
zhàizhǔ <trad.> chief of brigands.⁶
寨墙[寨牆] jài-tẽng
zhàiqiáng bulwark.³⁹
or 鹿砦 lùk-jài lùzhài <mil.> abatis.⁶
安营扎寨[安營扎寨] ön-yẽin-jät-jài
ānyíngzhāzhài (usually of troops) pitch camp; camp; encamp.⁶
山寨 sän-jài
shānzhài a mountain fastness (especially built by bandits).⁷
村寨 tûn-jài
cūnzhài village; stockaded village.⁶
营寨 yẽin-jài
yíngzhài military camp.⁵
(See 砦 jài.)
jai4 7292
85 14 jài zhì at a standstill, stagnant, impeded, blocked, stationary.⁷
板滞[板滯] bān-jài bǎnzhì stiff; dull; (of execution of art) not flexible or fluid.⁶
停滞[停滯] hẽin-jài
tíngzhì stagnate; be at a standstill; bog down; be held up.⁶
停滞不前[停滯不前] hẽin-jài-būt-tẽin
tíngzhìbùqián remain stagnant; come to/reach a stalemate; be at a standstill.⁶
滞货[滯貨] jài-fö
zhìhuò unsaleable goods; dead stock.⁷
滞伏[滯伏] jài-fùk
zhìfú to lie hidden; to lack ambition.⁷
滞固[滯固] jài-gü
zhìgù obstinate; inflexible.⁷
滞留[滯留] jài-liũ
zhìliú be detained; be held up; be delayed.⁶
滞碍[滯礙] jài-ngòi
zhì'ài to obstruct; to impede.⁷
滞胃[滯胃] jài-vì
zhìwèi indigestion.⁷
滞销货[滯銷貨] jài-xël-fö
zhìxiāohuò unsaleable goods; dead stock.⁷
目光呆滞 mùk-göng-ngõi-jài
mùguāngdāizhì to have a lifeless look in one's eyes (idiom).¹⁰
呆滞[呆滯] ngõi-jài
dāizhì dull; lifeless; sluggish.¹⁰
<台> 滞[滯] jài oily, indigestion; the bloated feeling after eating greasy food.
<台> 滞屎[滯屎] jài-sī picky; fussy.
<台> 热滞热滞[熱滯熱滯] ngèik-jâi-ngèik-jâi/ muggy. 
jai4 7293
112 11 jài zhài (=寨 jài zhài) stockade, fort, military outpost; brothel.⁸
桩砦[樁砦] jöng-jài
zhuāngzhài <mil.> post obstacles.⁶
or 鹿寨 lùk-jài lùzhài an abatis; a barricade of fallen trees, with branches pointed toward the enemy to stop an enemy's infantry or tanks, so called because it resembles deer horns.⁹
(See 寨 jài.)
jai4 7294
210 14 jài <wr.> mix, blend; condiment, seasoning.⁶
(composition: ⿳亠⿲刀丫⿸⿱丿𠄌乀⿲丿二丨; U+9F4A).
火齐[火齊] fō-jài huǒjì a decoction curing the gastrointestinal disease.⁸
火齐珠[火齊珠] fō-jài-jî
huǒjìzhū a type of precious stone; special name for glossy gems.¹⁹
<又> dü, jäi, tãi.
(See 齊 dü, jäi, tãi.)
jai4 7295
9 11 jāk side; to incline towards; to lean; inclined; lateral.
侧壁[側壁] jāk-bēik cèbì side wall.
侧听[側聽] jāk-hëng
cètīng to eavesdrop.
侧面[側面] jāk-mèin
cèmiàn side; flank.
侧目[側目] jāk-mùk
cèmù to look askance at.
侧目而视[側目而視] jāk-mùk-ngĩ-sì
cèmù'érshì to look askance at somebody (with fear or indignation).
侧纹胡狼[側紋胡狼] jāk-mũn-vũ-lõng
cèwénhúláng side-striped jackal Canis adustus.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
侧耳倾听[側耳傾聽] jāk-ngī-kēin-hëng
cè'ěrqīngtīng to listen attentively; to be all ears.
侧身[側身] jāk-sïn
cèshēn to sidle; to lean to one side; to occupy an uneasy place in some group.
侧室[側室] jāk-sīt
cèshì concubine.
侧翼[側翼] jāk-yêik
cèyì <mil.> flank.⁶
<台> 侧身[側身] jāk-sîn on the side; beside.
(See 側 [jāk, zhāi].)
jak1 7296
9 11 jāk zhāi to lean on one side.
侧棱[側棱] jāk-lẽin zhāileng <topo.> to incline; to slant.
侧歪[側歪] jāk-vāi
zhāiwai <topo.> to slant.
(See 側 [jāk, ].)
jak1 7297
30 14 jāk to click.⁹ interjection of approval or admiration.¹⁰
啧啧[嘖嘖] jāk-jāk zézé to click one's tongue.¹⁰
啧啧称奇[嘖嘖稱奇] jāk-jāk-chëin-kĩ
zézéchēngqí to click one's tongue in wonder (idiom); to be astonished.¹⁰
啧啧称羡[嘖嘖稱羡] jāk-jāk-chëin-xùn
zézéchēngxiàn to click the tongue in admiration; to be profuse in one's praise; to give an unceasing praise; to praise with clicking of tongue.⁹
啧有烦言[嘖有煩言] jāk-yiû-fãn-ngũn
zéyǒufányán there are complaints all around.¹¹
jak1 7298
38 14 jāk tidy; fine, fresh and good; good.⁸ʼ¹⁰¹ even, regular.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女責; U+5AE7).
嫧娕 jāk-dùk zéchuò carefully arranged.²⁴
jak1 7299
50 14 jāk man's headdress worn in ancient China.⁶ turban; conical cap.⁸ a kind of scarf worn in ancient China.⁹ turban; head-covering.¹⁰ The hair bound up in a bag, a napkin for tying the hair; a covering for the top knot.²⁴
巾帻[巾幘] gïn-jāk jīnzé head wrapper, turban.¹
赤帻[赤幘] chēik-jāk
chìzé <trad.> cloth for binding hair used by military officers in ancient times.¹
jak1 7300
85 7 jāk water flow; water current; momentum of moving water.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵仄; U+3CC1).
湢汳 bēik-bèin bìbiàn flow of water; water current.¹⁰¹
湢㳁 bēik-jāk
bìzè water agitated.²⁴
㳁汳 jāk-bèin
zèbiàn water flowing.¹⁰¹
jak1 7301
85 13 jāk a wave; the scaly appearance of waves.²⁴⁽ᵖ⁴⁷⁶⁾
溭淢 jāk-vèik zéyù waves in ripples, like scales.²⁴⁽ᵖ⁴⁶⁷⁾
jak1 7302
94 14 jāk (=迹[跡] dēik ) footprints; traces; agile; adroit; nimble, frivolous; playful; flippant.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰犭責; U+3E93).
<又> pèl.
(See 㺓 pèl; 跡 dēik).
jak1 7303
109 13 jāk <old>=泽[澤] as in 泽兰[澤蘭] jāk-lãn zélán fragrant eupatorium Eupatorium japonicum.⁸ʼ³⁶
(composition: ⿱⺫幸; U+776A).
<又> yèik; gäo.
(See 睪 yèik; 睪 gäo).
jak1 7304
118 11 jāk pressing; boards laid across rafters; an arrow bag.⁷ board under tiles on roof; narrow.¹⁰ Narrow; straightened; to go out hastily; the ceiling of a house; the sheathing under the tiles.²⁵ Flattened bamboos joined together, like boards.²⁵ A quiver, a case for bows and arrows, made of plaited bamboo.²⁵ To press, to squeeze.²⁵ Ze surname.⁸ʼ²⁵
笮钱[笮錢] jāk-tẽin or jäk-tẽin zéqián coin, money.²⁵
钻笮[鑽笮] dön-jāk
or dön-jäk zuànzé the punishment of tattooing the face, or marking it with indelible ink.²⁵
狹笮[狭笮] hèp-jāk
or hèp-jäk xiázé narrow, contracted.²⁵
门笮指[門笮指] mõn-jāk-jī
or mõn-jäk-jī ménzézhǐ squeezed her fingers in the door.²⁵
<又> dòk, dôk, jäk, jä.
(See 笮 dòk, 笮 dôk, 笮 jäk, 笮 jä.)
jak1 7305
118 17 jāk bed mat made of woven strips of bamboo.⁵ a bamboo bed mat; to be densely collected together.⁷ a mattress usually made of bamboo or strips of flexible wood; a matting made of bamboo strips or reeds.⁹ reed mat.³⁵ (variant: 蔶 jāk ).
箦床[簀床] jāk-chõng
zéchuáng a bed without a mat or cushion.¹⁹
易箦[易簀] yèik-jāk
yìzé <wr.> change mat for dying person; (euphemism) to die (allusion to the custom of changing the mat when a person was about to die).¹¹
(See 蔶 jāk).
jak1 7306
130 15 𦟜
jāk (composition: ⿰⺼責; U+267DC).
𦟜❄{⿰⺼責}子 jāk-dū zézǐ dried fish roes.²⁵
jak1 7307
140 14 jāk (=簀 jāk zé) bed mat made of woven strips of bamboo.⁵
(See 簀 jāk).
jak1 7308
154 11 jāk duty, responsibility; demand, require; question closely, call somebody to account; reproach, blame, reprove; punish.⁵
(old variant: 𧵩❄{⿱朿貝} jāk ). (See 𧵩❄{⿱朿貝} jāk).
责打[責打] jāk-ā
zédǎ <wr.> mete out corporeal punishment to, punish by flogging.¹¹
责备[責備] jāk-bì
zébèi reproach; blame; reprove; take smebody to task.⁵
责罚[責罰] jāk-fàt
zéfá punish (a child, pupil).¹¹
责怪[責怪] jāk-gäi
zéguài blame.⁵
责令[責令] jāk-lèin
zélìng order; instruct; charge.⁵
责骂[責罵] jāk-mà
zémà scold; rebuke; dress down.⁵
责无旁贷[責無旁貸] jāk-mũ-põng-häi
zéwúpángdài there is no shirking the responsibility; be duty-bound.⁵
责问[責問] jāk-mùn
zéwèn call somebody to account.⁵
责难[責難] jāk-nãn
zénán to call upon (someone) to make superhuman efforts.¹¹
责难[責難] jāk-nàn
zénàn rebuke severely.¹¹
责让[責讓] jāk-ngèng
zéràng reprimand, lash out at.¹¹
责任[責任] jāk-ngìm
zérèn duty, responsibility; blame.⁸
责言[責言] jāk-ngũn
zéyán words of censure.¹¹
责成[責成] jāk-sẽin
zéchéng entrust a task to (someone).¹¹
责善[責善] jāk-sèn
zéshàn expect the best of (someone).¹¹
责有攸归[責有攸歸] jāk-yiû-yiũ-gï
zéyǒuyōuguī responsibility rests where it belongs.⁵

jak1 7309
154 13 𧵩
jāk (<old>=责[責] jāk duty, responsibility; demand, require; question closely, call somebody to account; reproach, blame, reprove; punish.⁵).
(composition: ⿱朿貝; U+27D69).
(See 責 jāk).
jak1 7310
154 18 jāk mysterious; abstruse; deep; profound.
(comp. t: ⿰⿷匚⿳丨口丨責 or ⿰𦣞責; U+8CFE).
s: ⿰⿷匚⿳丨口丨责 or ⿰𦣞责; U+8D5C).
奥赜[奧賾] äo-jāk
àozé <wr.> profound meaning.
探赜索隐[探賾索隱] häm-jāk-sōk-yîn
tànzésuǒyǐn <wr.> to search for hidden meanings.
jak1 7311
46 8 jäk zuò a place name in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province.⁹
岞山 Jäk-sän
Zuòshān a mountian in Shandong.³⁹
jak2 7312
75 9 jäk to fell trees.¹¹ narrow, tight.⁵⁴
<又> dòk, dôk, jä. (See 柞 dòk, dôk, jä.)
jak2 7313
116 10 jäk zhǎi narrow, contracted, tight; narrow-minded, mean.⁷
地窄人稠 ì-jäk-ngĩn-chiũ dìzhǎirénchóu small in area but dense in population.⁶
窄道 jäk-ào
zhǎidào a narrow path.⁷
窄轨铁路[窄軌鐵路] jäk-gī-hëik-lù
zhǎiguǐ tiělù a narrow-gauge railway.⁷
窄巷 jäk-hòng
zhǎixiàng a narrow lane.⁷
窄门[窄門] jäk-mõn
zhǎimén a narrow door or gate.⁷
窄韵[窄韻] jäk-vùn
zhǎiyùn difficult rhyme; the rarest rhyme in verses.⁷
窄小 jäk-xēl
zhǎixiǎo (said of a dress) tight and small; (said of a room) narrow and small.⁷
心胸狭窄[心胸狹窄] xïm-hüng-hèp-jäk
xīnxiōng xiázhǎi narrow-minded; intolerant.⁵
jak2 7314
118 11 jäk (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 笮 jāk with same meaning: pressing; boards laid across rafters; an arrow bag.⁷ board under tiles on roof; narrow.¹⁰ Narrow; straightened; to go out hastily; the ceiling of a house; the sheathing under the tiles.²⁵ Flattened bamboos joined together, like boards.²⁵ A quiver, a case for bows and arrows, made of plaited bamboo.²⁵ To press, to squeeze.²⁵ Ze surname.⁸ʼ²⁵)
<又> dòk, dôk, jāk, jä.
(See 笮 dòk, 笮 dôk, 笮 jāk, 笮 jä.)
jak2 7315
118 13 jäk to urge, to press; a sharp, quick sound.²⁵ (=迮 jäk <lit.> narrow.⁶ pressing, urgent; hurried, helter-skelter.⁷); narrow.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿱𥫗作; U+7B70).
<又> dôk.
(See 迮 jäk; 筰 dôk).
jak2 7316
137 11 jäk 舴艋 jäk-mâng zéměng <wr.> a small boat.¹¹
jak2 7317
142 9 jäk zhé 虴蛨 jäk-màk zhémò or 蛨虴 màk-jäk zhémò (=蚱蜢 jä-māng zhàměng) grasshopper.⁸
jak2 7318
162 8 jäk <wr.> narrow.⁶ pressing, urgent; hurried, helter-skelter.⁷ Ze surname.¹¹
迮狭[迮狹] jäk-hèp or jäk-gèp zéxiá <wr.> narrow.⁶
迮径[迮徑] jäk-gèin
zéjìng narrow path.¹⁰
jak2 7319
27 7 jàk zhǎi narrow; cramped.⁸
(composition: ⿸厂乍; U+538F).
<又> jà. (See 厏 jà).
jak4 7320
40 6 jàk zhái residence, house.⁵ (variants: 㡯, 𡧪❄{⿰宀圫} jàk zhái).
(composition: ⿱宀乇; U+5B85).
宅邸 jàk-āi
zháidǐ <wr.> mansion.⁵⁵
宅第 jàk-ài
zháidì a mansion.⁷
宅子 jàk-dū
zháizi <topo.> residence; house.⁵
宅基 jàk-gï
zháijī foundations of a house.⁵⁵
宅眷 jàk-gün
zháijuàn one's dependents.⁷
宅地 jàk-ì
zháidì land used for building a house.⁵⁵
宅门[宅門] jàk-mõn
zháimén gate of an old-style big house; family living in such a house.⁵
宅男 jàk-nãm
zháinán otaku (refers to a man).⁵⁵
宅女 jàk-nuī
zháinǚ otaku (refers to a woman).⁵⁵
宅舍 jàk-sëh
zháishè a dwelling.⁷
宅心 jàk-xïm
zháixīn intention.⁷
宅心仁厚 jàk-xïm-ngĩn-hêo
zháixīnrénhòu a benevolent and generous nature.⁷
宅院 jàk-yòn
zháiyuàn a house with a courtyard; house.⁵
住宅 jì-jàk
zhùzhái residence; dwelling.⁵
深宅大院 sïm-jàk-ài-yòn
shēnzháidàyuàn imposing dwellings with spacious courtyards; big mansion.⁶
<台> 宅岁钱[宅歲錢] jàk-xuï-tẽin New Year money gift to children.
(See 㡯 jàk; 𡧪❄{⿰宀圫}  jàk).
jak4 7321
40 9 𡧪
jàk zhái (<old>=宅 jàk zhái residence, house.⁵).²
(composition: ⿰宀圫; U+219EA).
<又> ù.
(See 𡧪❄{⿰宀圫} ù; 宅 jàk).
jak4 7322
53 广 6 jàk zhái (<old>=宅 jàk zhái residence, house.⁵); wall of a building; a house; to keep in the house; thriving, flourishing; blazing.⁸
(composition: ⿸广乇; U+386F).
<又> ù.
(See 㡯 ù; 宅 jàk).
jak4 7323
64 13 jàk zhé open up (thumb, middle finger or index finger) to measure objects.⁸ to open, to measure anything with the hand.²⁴ to measure with the thumb and forefinger, to span; to measure an ell; to uncover.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱扌桀; U+6429).
<又> gèik. (See 搩 gèik).
jak4 7324
64 14 jàk zhāi to pick, to pluck; to make extracts; to borrow money.
(variants: 擿,𢸈❄{⿲扌啇欠} jàk zhāi). (See 擿,𢸈❄{⿲扌啇欠} jàk).
摘登 jàk-äng
zhāidēng to publish extracts.
摘除 jàk-chuĩ
zhāichú <med.> to excise.
摘借 jàk-dëh
zhāijiè to borrow money.
摘花 jàk-fä
zhāihuā to pluck flowers.
摘下 jàk-hä
zhāixià to take off (hat, glasses, door hinges).
摘录[摘錄] jàk-lùk
zhāilù to make extracts; extracts.
摘编[摘編] jàk-pëin
zhāibiān to extract and edit; extracts.
摘要 jàk-yël
zhāiyào to make a summary; summary; abstract.
文摘 mũn-jàk
wénzhāi abstract; digest.⁵
采摘[採摘] tōi-jàk
cǎizhāi to pick; to pluck.¹⁴
读者文摘[讀者文摘] ùk-jēh-mũn-jàk
dúzhě wénzhāi Reader's Digest.
jak4 7325
64 16 jàk to select; to choose; to pick out; to differentiate.
饥不择食[飢不擇食] gï-būt-jàk-sèik jībùzéshí when hungry, you can't pick what you eat (idiom); beggars can't be choosers; When matters are urgent, don't spend time choosing alternatives.¹⁰
天择[天擇] hëin-jàk
tiānzé law of natural selection in evolution.
择偶[擇偶] jàk-ngêo
zé'ǒu to choose a spouse.
择日子[擇日子] jàk-ngït-dū
zérìzi to select a day.
择善而从[擇善而從] jàk-sèn-ngĩ-tũng
zéshàn'ércóng to choose what is good and follow it.
择取[擇取] jàk-tuī
zéqǔ to select; to choose.
择优[擇優] jàk-yiü
zéyōu to choose the best; select the fittest; preferential; preferred.
择优录取[擇優錄取] jàk-yiü-lùk-tuī
zéyōulùqǔ employ on the basis of competitive selection; select the best of candidates.⁶
抉择[抉擇] kūt-jàk
juézé <wr.> to choose; decision.
采择[採擇] tōi-jàk
cǎizé to make a selection; to adopt – as a policy.¹⁴
选择[選擇] xūn-jàk
xuǎnzé select.⁸
(See 擇 [jàk, zhái].)
jak4 7326
64 16 jàk zhái (=擇 jàk in meaning, used colloquially).
择不开[擇不開] jàk-būt-höi
zháibukāi <topo.> to be unable to undo; can't get away from.
择床[擇床] jàk-chõng
zháichuáng <topo.> to be unable to sleep well in a new place.
择席[擇席] jàk-dèik
zháixí to be unable to sleep in a strange place.
择干净[擇乾凈] jàk-gön-dèng
zháigānjìng to pick withered parts off vegetables.
择毛[擇毛] jàk-mão
zháimáo <topo.> to pull out hair; to pick faults.
择铺[擇鋪] jàk-pü
zháipù <topo.> to be unable to sleep well in a new place.
择菜[擇菜] jàk-töi
zháicài to trim vegetables for cooking.
(See 擇 [jàk, zé].)
jak4 7327
64 17 jàk zhāi (=摘 jàk zhāi to pick, to pluck).¹⁰¹ʼ⁰ to scratch.²⁴ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰扌適; U+64FF).
<又> tēik.
(See 摘 jàk; 擿 tēik).
jak4 7328
64 17 jàk zhì to throw, to cast, to fling, to hurl.
孤注一掷[孤注一擲] gü-jî-yīt-jàk gūzhùyīzhì (said of a gambler) to stake all on a single throw of the dice.⁷
投掷[投擲] hẽo-jàk
tóuzhì to throw; to hurl.
or 掷铁鉼[擲鐵鉼] jàk-hëik-bēng zhìtiěbǐng to throw the discus.¹¹
掷铁球[擲鐵球] jàk-hëik-kiũ
zhìtiěqiú to put the shot.¹¹
掷骰子[擲骰子] jàk-hẽo-dū
zhìtóuzi to throw dice.¹⁴
掷梭[擲梭] jàk-sö
zhìsuō a passing of loom shuttle, (fig.) the quick passing of time.¹¹
抛掷[拋擲] päo-jàk
pāozhì to throw, to cast; to throw away, to abandon.
千金一掷[千金一擲] tëin-gïm-yīt-jàk
qiānjīnyīzhì lit. stake a thousand pieces of gold on one throw (idiom); to throw away money recklessly; extravagant.
jak4 7329
64 18 𢸈
jàk zhāi (=摘 jàk zhāi to pick, to pluck; to make extracts; to borrow money.).⁸
(composition: ⿲扌啇欠; U+22E08).
(See 摘 jàk).
jak4 7330
75 7 jàk zhé (composition: ⿰木乇; U+6754).
杔栌[杔櫨] jàk-lũ zhélú wine filter; horizontal beam on the pillars of a house.⁸ wine filtering device.⁵⁴
<又> hōk.
(See 杔 hōk).

jak4 7331
85 8 jàk zhà to sprinkle water; to drip; to drop.¹⁹ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰氵石; U+6CB0).
<又> dâk; hōk; hāt. (See 沰 dâk; 沰 hōk; 沰 hāt).
jak4 7332
85 16 jàk marsh, swamp; grace, brilliance.⁸
光泽[光澤] göng-jàk guāngzé luster; gloss.¹⁰
泽被万世[澤被萬世] jàk-bì-màn-säi
zébèiwànshì One's grace reached down to many generations.⁵⁴
泽塔[澤塔] jàk-hāp
zétǎ zeta (Greek letter Ζζ).¹⁰
泽臻四表[澤臻四表] jàk-jün-xï-bēl
zézhēnsìbiǎo his favors reach everywhere.¹⁴
泽泻[澤瀉] jàk-xëh
zéxiè oriental water plantain.⁸ common water plantain (Alisma plantago-aquatica); water plantain rhizome (used in TCM).¹⁰
沼泽[沼澤] jēl-jàk
zhǎozé marsh, swamp, bog.⁵
毛泽东[毛澤東] Mão Jàk-üng
Máo Zédōng (1893-1976), CCP leader and founder of the PRC.⁵⁴
色泽[色澤] sēik-jàk
sèzé color and luster.¹⁰
东方泽泻[東方澤瀉] üng-föng jàk-xëh
dōngfāng zéxiè Asian water plantain (Alisma orientale).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
薮泽[藪澤] xēo-jàk
sǒuzé lakes and ponds.¹⁰
jak4 7333
94 6 𤜤
jàk zhé (composition: ⿰犭乇; U+24724).
𤜤❄{⿰犭乇}㹮 jàk-màk zhémò the offspring of an ass and a cow.²
jak4 7334
112 8 jàk zhà (Cant.) to press steadily; (<old>=磔 jàk zhé) to tear apart, dismember; downward stroke slanting right; to strike.⁸ (=磓 uï duī), q.v.²
<台> 矺篮[矺籃] jàk-lâm (=回礼[回禮] või-lâi
huílǐ) to give a gift in return; to reciprocate a gift.
<又> dàp, jä, jēt, hōk.
(See 矺 dàp, jä, jēt, hōk; 磔 jàk; 磓 uï.)
jak4 7335
112 10 jàk zhà <台> 砸 jàk (=矺 jàk zhà) to weight down, to hold down, to press steadily.
<台> 砸篮[砸籃] jàk-lâm (=<台> 矺篮[矺籃] jàk-lâm) to give a gift in return; to reciprocate a gift.
<又> jät.
(See 砸 jät.)
jak4 7336
112 15 jàk zhé to dismember, tear apart; downward stroke slanting right.⁸
波磔 bö-jàk bōzhé (=modern 撇捺 pët-nät piě-nà) left or right falling stroke in Chinese calligraphy.⁶
车磔[車磔] chëh-jàk
chēzhé formerly, dismemberment of a person by making carts pull in different directions.¹¹
jak4 7337
124 14 jàk zhái Zhai surname.⁷
<又> èik. (See 翟 èik.)
jak4 7338
128 12 jàk zhé to prick up the ears.²⁵
(composition: ⿰耳耳; U+8051).
<又> èp. (See 聑èp ).
jak4 7339
140 19 jàk the water plantain.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹澤; U+456A).
䕪藛 jàk-xēh zéxiě plantago.²⁵ (See 泽泻[澤瀉] jàk-xëh zéxiè oriental water plantain.⁸).
jak4 7340
142 19 jàk 螖蠌 vàt-jàk huázé a kind of small crab which lives in an empty shell.⁸
jak4 7341
149 18 jàk zhé to relegate a high official to a minor post in an outlying district (as a form of punishment in feudal times); to banish; to exile; (of immortals or fairies) to be banished from Heaven; to censure; to blame.
瑕谪[瑕謫] hã-jàk xiázhé blemishes and flaws; errors.⁷
谪居[謫居] jàk-guï
zhéjū to live in exile.
谪戍[謫戍] jàk-sï
zhéshù <trad.> (of officials) to be banished to a frontier post.
众口交谪[眾口交謫] jüng-hēo-gäo-jàk
zhòngkǒujiāozhé to be censured by everybody.
迁谪[遷謫] tëin-jàk
qiānzhé to go into exile.¹¹
jak4 7342
149 21 jàk zhé (=谪[謫] jàk zhé to relegate a high official to a minor post in an outlying district (as a form of punishment in feudal times); to banish; to exile; (of immortals or fairies) to be banished from Heaven; to censure; to blame.); punish; fault, blame, reprove.⁸
(composition: ⿰言適; U+8B81).
(See 謫 jàk).
jak4 7343
157 18 jàk zhí to falter; to hesitate.⁷
蹢躅 jàk-dùk zhízhú faltering, hesitant; <bot.> an azalea.⁷ pace up and down.⁸ disquieted, uneasy; impeded, embarrassed, not knowing what to do.²⁵
<又> ēik.
(See 蹢 ēik.)
jak4 7344
157 21 jàk zhí <wr.> walk to and fro; loiter around/about.⁶ to falter; to hesitate.⁷
踯躅[躑躅] jàk-dùk zhízhú <wr.> pace up and down; walk to and fro; loiter around.⁶ loiter; linger around.¹¹ to halt.¹⁴ to stamp on the ground; to strike the earth with the foot.²⁵
踯躅街头[躑躅街頭] jàk-dùk-gâi-hẽo
zhízhújiētóu wander about the streets; tramp the streets.⁶
踯躅而行[躑躅而行] jàk-dùk-ngĩ-hãng
zhízhú'érxíng shuffle along; stagger; walk with a mincing step.⁶
山踯躅[山躑躅] sän-jàk-dùk
shānzhízhú or 杜鹃花[杜鵑花] ù-gün-fä dùjuānhuā or 映山红[映山紅] yēin-sän-hũng yìngshānhóng (Rhododendron simsii).²⁰
羊踯躅[羊躑躅] yẽng-jàk-dùk
yángzhízhú a rhododendron species native to China and Japan (Rhododendron molle); also called Azalea mollis Blume and Rhododendron sinense (Lodd.) Sweet.¹⁵
jak4 7345
187 13 jàk zhé a hybrid.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰馬乇; U+99B2).
馲𩢷❄{⿰馬百} jàk-màk zhémò the offspring of an ass and a cow.² described in 本草纲目[本草綱目] Bōn-tāo-göng-mùk Běncǎo Gāngmù Compendium of Materia Medica (1596 CE) as the offspring of an ass and a cow; but others say more rightly of an ass and a mare.¹⁰²
❄{⿰馬百}馲 màk-jàk mòzhé the offspring of an ass and a cow.²⁵
<又> lōk.
(See 馲 lōk).
jak4 7346
46 12 jām zhǎn steep cliffs.⁸ʼ¹⁹
(composition: ⿰山甚; U+5D41).
嵁绝[嵁絕] jām-dùt zhǎnjué deep and steep.⁸ʼ⁵⁴
<又> hãm.
(See 嵁 hãm).
jam1 7347
46 14 jām zhǎn <wr.> towering (over); very, especially; <topo.> fine, swell.⁶
(old variant: 嶃 jām zhǎn).
崭露头角[嶄露頭角] jām-lù-hẽo-gök
zhǎnlùtóujiǎo (of young people) cut/make a brilliant/conspicuous/splendid figure; come to/into prominence; begin to show one's brilliant talents; display remarkable abilities or talents.⁶
崭然[嶄然] jām-ngẽin
zhǎnrán or tãm-ngẽin chánrán <wr.> outstanding; extraordinary.⁶ rising steeply.¹¹
崭齐[嶄齊] jām-tãi
zhǎnqí perfectly uniform/even.⁶
or 斩新[斬新] jām-xïn zhǎnxīn brand new.⁷
<又> chãm.
(See 嶄 chãm; 嶃 jām).
jam1 7348
46 14 jām zhǎn (<old>=崭[嶄] jām zhǎn <wr.> towering (over); very, especially.⁶); a cliff, a peak.⁸
(composition: ⿰山斬; U+5D83).
<又> chãm.
(See 嶃 chãm; 嶄 jām).
jam1 7349
46 14 jām zhǎn (=崭[嶄] jām zhǎn or chãm chán <wr.> towering (over); very, especially; <topo.> fine, swell.⁶); (of a mountain) high and pointed, novel; new.⁸
(composition: ⿱斬山; U+37FB).
<又> têm.
(See 㟻 têm; 嶄 jām; 嶄 chãm).
jam1 7350
69 11 jām zhǎn chop, cut; behead, decapitate.⁵
斩将搴旗[斬將搴旗] jām-dëng-hëin-kĩ zhǎnjiàngqiānqí behead the enemy generals and pull out enemy flags on the battle field.⁶
斩钉截铁[斬釘截鐵] jām-êng-dèik-hëik
zhǎndīngjiétiě resolute and decisive; categorical.⁵
斩伐[斬伐] jām-fàt
zhǎnfá to conquer, to subjugate; to execute, to behead; to fell (trees). to prune.⁷
斩假石[斬假石] jām-gā-sêk
zhǎnjiǎshí <archi.> artificial stone; imitation stone.⁵
斩刈[斬刈] jām-ngài
zhǎnyì to mow down.⁷
斩断情丝[斬斷情絲] jām-òn-tẽin-xü
zhǎnduàn qíngsī to cut off the threads of love.⁷
斩首[斬首] jām-siū
zhǎnshǒu behead; decapitate.⁵
斩草除根[斬草除根] jām-tāo-chuĩ-gïn
zhǎncǎochúgēn cut the weeds and dig up the roots – destroy root and branch; stamp out the source of trouble.⁵
jām-tuï zhǎncuī mourning with cut and unhemmed hempen cloth, worn for one's parents or husband for 27 months.¹¹
or 崭新[嶄新] jām-xïn zhǎnxīn brand new.⁷
斩妖[斬妖] jām-yēl
zhǎnyāo to exorcise evil spirits.⁷
jam1 7351
109 9 jām zhǎ blink; wink; bat (the eyes).⁶
眨巴 jām-bä or säp-bä zhǎba <topo.> blink; wink.⁶
眨眼 jām-ngān
or säp-ngān zhǎyǎn very short time; wink; twinkle.⁵
眼睛一眨 ngān-dëin-yīt-jām
or ngān-dëin-yīt-säp yǎnjingyīzhǎ blink (one's eyes).⁵
杀人不眨眼[殺人不眨眼] sät-ngĩn-būt-jām-ngān
or sät-ngĩn-būt-säp-ngān shārén bù zhǎyǎn kill without batting an eyelid; kill without blinking an eye.⁵
一眨眼的工夫 yīt-jām-ngān-ēik-güng-fü
or yīt-säp-ngān-ēik-güng-fü yīzhǎyǎndegōngfu in the twinkling of an eye.⁵
<又> säp.
(See 眨 säp; 䁪 jām.)
jam1 7352
109 16 jām zhǎn (=眨 jām zhǎ) blink; wink; bat (the eyes).⁶
<台> 䁪眼 jām-ngān to wink; to blink.
(See 眨 jām.)
jam1 7353
62 13 jäm kān (Hoisanva vernacular pronunciation for 戡 häm kān with same meaning: to subdue, to suppress, to put down; to kill, to slay.⁷)
(composition: ⿰甚戈; U+6221).
<又> häm.
(See 戡 häm.)
jam2 7354
85 12 jäm zhàn dewy; deep, profound; same as 沈 - to sink; Zhan surname.⁷
澄湛 chẽin-jäm chéngzhàn <wr.> clear; transparent; limpid.⁶
精湛 dëin-jäm
jīngzhàn exquisite; superb; consummate.⁶
湛江 Jäm-göng
Zhànjiāng a place in 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Guangdong Province.⁴
湛湛 jäm-jäm
zhànzhàn dewy; deep, profound.⁷
湛蓝[湛藍] jäm-lãm
zhànlán dark blue; azure.⁷
湛绿[湛綠] jäm-lùk
zhànlǜ dark green.⁶
or 湛湎于酒[湛湎於酒] jäm-mēin-yï-diū zhànmiǎnyújiǔ indulge in wine.³⁹
湛然 jäm-ngẽin
zhànrán (said of water) transparent; quiet, calm.⁷
湛清 jäm-tëin
zhànqīng clear; crystal clear; limpid; lucid.⁶
湛新 jäm-xïn
zhànxīn brand new.⁷
湛恩 jäm-yïn
zhàn'ēn great kindness.⁷
湛忧[湛憂] jäm-yiü
zhànyōu deep worry.⁷
jam2 7355
72 15 jàm zàn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 暂[暫] dèm zàn with same meaning.)
<又> dèm.
(See 暫 dèm.)
jam4 7356
117 10 jàm zhàn stand up; a stand, station.⁸
站得住 jàm-āk-jì zhàndezhù able to stand, able to hold one's position; (said of a theory) sound; irrefutable.⁷
站班 jàm-bän
zhànbān to be on duty; to stand guard.⁷
站不住脚[站不住腳] jàm-būt-jì-gëk
zhànbuzhù jiǎo have not a leg to stand on; be untenable; cannot hold water.⁵⁴
站唱 jàm-chëng
zhànchàng perform while standing.⁸
站队[站隊] jàm-duì
zhànduì to line up; to stand in line.⁷
站岗[站崗] jàm-gông
zhàngǎng to stand guard at a post.¹¹
站台[站臺] jàm-hõi
zhàntái platform (in a railway station).⁶
站台票[站臺票] jàm-hõi-pêl/
zhàntáipiào platform ticket.⁶
站长[站長] jàm-jēng
zhànzhǎng stationmaster.¹¹
站住 jàm-jì
zhànzhù (word of command) Halt!⁷
站立 jàm-lìp
zhànlì to stand up.¹¹
站笼[站籠] jàm-lûng
zhànlóng (of criminal) be put in a cage and shown in public.¹¹
站排 jàm-pãi
zhànpái to line up.¹¹
站票 jàm-pêl/
zhànpiào ticket for standing room.⁸
站哨 jàm-säo
zhànshào <topo.> be on sentry duty.⁸
站成一溜 jàm-sẽin-yīt-liü
zhànchéngyīliù stand in a line.⁶
站稳[站穩] jàm-vūn
zhànwěn to stand firm.¹⁰
站线[站綫] jàm-xëin
zhànxiàn station track; platform road.⁸
jam4 7357
167 19 jàm zàn engraving tool, chisel; to engrave on gold or silver, carve, chisel.⁶
錾刀[鏨刀] jàm-äo zàndāo (engraver's) burin; graver.⁶
錾子[鏨子] jàm-dū
zànzi chisel (for cutting stone).⁶
錾字[鏨字] jàm-dù
zànzì engrave/inscribe characters.⁶
錾花[鏨花] jàm-fä
zànhuā carve flowers on patterns.⁶
錾金[鏨金] jàm-gïm
zànjīn engrave on gold.⁶
錾锉砧[鏨銼砧] jàm-tö-îm
zàncuòzhēn cutting block
錾菜[鏨菜] jàm-töi
zàncài <bot.> Leonurus pseudomacranthus.
jam4 7358
108 13 jān zhǎn a small cup; measure word for lamps.¹⁰
灯盏[燈盞] äng-jān dēngzhǎn lantern; uncovered oil lamp.¹⁰
把盏[把盞] bā-jān
bǎzhǎn <wr.> raise a wine cup (for cheers).⁶
酒盏[酒盞] diū-jān
jiǔzhǎn small wine cup.⁵
金盏[金盞] gïm-jān
jīnzhǎn gold wine cup.⁵⁴
金盏花[金盞花] gïm-jān-fä
jīnzhǎnhuā <bot.> pot marigold (Calendula officinalis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
一盏灯[一盞燈] yīt-jān-äng
yīzhǎndēng a lamp.¹¹
油盏[油盞] yiũ-jān
yóuzhǎn cresset.¹⁰
jan1a 7359
9 14 jàn zhuàn alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciations for 僝 sãn chán to revile; to abuse.⁸
僝僽 jàn-jào
zhuànzhòu or  sãn-jào chánzhòu to revile.¹⁴ abusive language.²⁴
(See 僝 sãn).
jan4a 7360
64 15 jàn zhuàn write; compose.⁶ (variants: 篹,譔 jàn zhuàn).
撰稿 jàn-gāo
zhuàn'gǎo to write (an article for publication).
撰稿人 jàn-gāo-ngĩn
zhuàn'gǎorén author (of a manuscript).
撰录[撰錄] jàn-lùk
zhuànlù to make a selection.¹ to compile and record.¹⁰
撰文 jàn-mũn
zhuànwén article (in publication).
撰拟[撰擬] jàn-ngì
zhuànnǐ <wr.> to draw up or compose (a document).
撰写[撰寫] jàn-xēh
zhuànxiě to write, to compose.
编撰[編撰] pëin-jàn
biānzhuàn to compile and write.
杜撰 ù-jàn
dùzhuàn fabricate; make up.⁶
修撰 xiü-jàn
xiūzhuàn to edit; to compile; the title of an official in the Tang dynasty whose job was to revise historical records; a court historian.
(See 篹 jàn; 譔 jàn).
jan4a 7361
75 12 jàn zhàn warehouse; inn; shed, pen.⁵ Zhan surname.⁷
货栈[貨棧] fö-jàn huòzhàn warehouse.⁵
客栈[客棧] hāk-jàn
kèzhàn inn.⁵
栈单[棧單] jàn-än
zhàndān cargo receipt; landing account; warehouse or storage receipt.¹⁰
栈道[棧道] jàn-ào
zhàndào a plank road built along the face of a cliff.⁵
栈豆[棧豆] jàn-èo
zhàndòu fodder.¹⁰
栈房[棧房] jàn-fông
zhànfáng warehouse; storehouse; <topo.> inn; tavern.⁶
栈主[棧主] jàn-jī
zhànzhǔ innkeeper.¹⁰
栈桥[棧橋] jàn-kẽl
zhànqiáo a pier for loading and unloading purposes; a landing pier.⁷
栈恋[棧戀] jàn-lūn
zhànliàn  sentimental attachment to a person or place.¹⁰
马栈[馬棧] mâ-jàn
mǎzhàn stable; stall.⁶
明修栈道,暗渡陈仓[明修棧道,暗渡陳倉] mẽin-xiü-jàn-ào, ām-ù Chĩn-töng
míngxiūzhàndào, àndù Chéncāng pretend to prepare to advance along one path while secretly going along another; do one thing under cover of another.⁵
羊栈[羊棧] yẽng-jàn
yángzhàn sheep pen.⁵
jan4a 7362
118 16 jàn zhuàn   (=馔[饌] jàn zhuàn) <wr.> food.⁵ a meal.⁹ food; delicacies.¹⁰ (=撰 jàn zhuàn) write; compose.⁶
<又> dōn, xūn.
(See 篹 dōn, xūn; 饌 jàn; 撰 jàn).
jan4a 7363
118 18 jàn zhuàn bambooware.²ʼ¹⁹ a bamboo utensil.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗巽; U+7C28).
<又> xūn. (See 簨 xūn).
jan4a 7364
120 14 jàn zhàn split, burst; loophole, weakpoint.⁶
饱绽[飽綻] bāo-jàn bǎozhàn to swell to bursting (after having eaten too much).¹⁰
开绽[開綻] höi-jàn
kāizhàn come unsewn.⁵
绽出了微笑[綻出了微笑] jàn-chūt-lēl-mĩ-xël
zhànchūle wēixiào (face) breaks out in a smile.¹¹
绽放[綻放] jàn-föng
zhànfàng (of flowers) burst into full bloom; blossom out.⁶
绽开[綻開] jàn-höi
zhànkāi  split or burst open.⁶
绽裂[綻裂] jàn-lëik
zhànliè split or burst open.⁶
绽了缝[綻了縫] jàn-lēl-fũng
zhànleféng to have a loose stitch.¹¹
绽露[綻露] jàn-lù
zhànlù show; reveal.⁶
绽破[綻破] jàn-pö
zhànpò  to burst; to split.¹⁰
绽线[綻線] jàn-xëin
zhànxiàn to have a ripped seam.⁷
皮开肉绽[皮開肉綻] pĩ-höi-ngùk-jàn
píkāiròuzhàn badly bruised from flogging, skin and flesh torn.¹¹
破绽[破綻] pö-jàn pòzhàn a burst seam; flaw, weak point.⁵
jan4a 7365
149 19 jàn zhuàn (=撰 jàn zhuàn write; compose.⁶); eulogize; compose, write.⁸
(composition: ⿰言巽; U+8B54).
(See 撰 jàn).
jan4a 7366
154 17 jàn zhuàn make a profit, gain; <topo.> profit; <topo.> earn.⁵
不赚不赔[不賺不賠] būt-jàn-būt-põi bùzhuànbùpéi (=<台> 冇赚冇蚀[冇賺冇蝕] mäo-jàn-mäo-sèt) break even.⁰
赚得[賺得] jàn-āk
zhuànde to gain.¹¹
赚得不少[賺得不少] jàn-āk-būt-sēl
zhuàndebùshǎo earn a great deal of profit.¹¹
赚得出[賺得出] jàn-āk-chūt
zhuàndechū can profit from.¹⁹
赚到[賺到] jàn-äo
zhuàndào earn (money).⁵⁴
赚够本[賺夠本] jàn-gëo-bōn
zhuàngòuběn get capital back, break even.¹¹
赚好名[賺好名] jàn-hāo-mẽin
zhuànhǎomíng earn a good name.¹¹
赚口[賺口] jàn-hēo
zhuànkǒu <vern.> profit.⁵
赚头[賺頭] jàn-hẽo
zhuàntou <topo.> profit.⁸
赚利息[賺利息] jàn-lì-xēik
zhuànlìxī earn interest.¹¹
赚外快[賺外快] jàn-ngòi-fäi
zhuànwàikuài go moonlighting; moonlight.⁶
赚便宜[賺便宜] jàn-pẽin-ngĩ
zhuànpiányi gain advantage.¹¹
赚钱[賺錢] jàn-tẽin
zhuànqián make money; lucrative.⁸
赚钱生意[賺錢生意] jàn-tẽin-säng-yï
zhuànqiánshēngyi a profitable business; a paying proposition or concern.⁵
赚取[賺取] jàn-tuī
zhuànqǔ make a profit; earn a packet.¹⁰
(See 賺 [jàn, zuàn].)
jan4a 7367
154 17 jàn zuàn <topo.> kid; deceive; hoax.⁵ to cheat; to swindle.¹⁰
赚人[賺人] jàn-ngĩn zuànrén to cheat someone.⁷
赚骗[賺騙] jàn-pëin
zuànpiàn to fool, cheat (someone).¹¹
(See 賺 [jàn, zhuàn].)
jan4a 7368
154 18 jàn zhuàn to earn, to make a profit; <Cant.> to enjoy oneself;  (=赚钱 [賺錢] jàn-tẽin zhuànqián) make money; lucrative.⁸
贃钱[贃錢] jàn-tẽin
zhuànqián (Fujian) to acquire wealth.²⁵
jan4a 7369
184 20 jàn zhuàn <wr.> food.⁵ a meal.⁹ food; delicacies.¹⁰ (variant: 篹 jàn zhuàn).
酒馔[酒饌] diū-jàn
jiǔzhuàn <wr.> food and drink.⁶
馈馔[饋饌] gì-jàn
kuìzhuàn to bring in food to a superior.¹⁴
馔具[饌具] jàn-guì
zhuànjù food vessels.¹¹
肴馔[餚饌] ngão-jàn
yáozhuàn sumptuous courses at a meal.⁵ delicate food.¹¹ table delicacies.¹⁴
盛馔[盛饌] sèin-jàn
shèngzhuàn sumptuous feast.⁶
(See 篹 jàn).
jan4a 7370
30 9 jân zan <topo.> (a combined pronunciation of 早 (zǎo) and 晚 (wǎn) used in 多咱 (duōzan), 那咱 (nàzan) and 这咱[這咱] (zhèzan).⁶
这咱[這咱] jëh-jân
zhèzan now; at this moment.¹⁰
那咱 nä-jân
nàzan at that time (old).¹⁰
多咱 ü-jân
duōzan <topo.> when?; what time?; whenever.¹⁰
(See 咱 [jā, zán], [jā, ].)
jan5a 7371
9 10 倀 jāng chāng <台> 蛮伥[蠻倀] māng-jāng  irascible, irritable, impatient, quick-tempered, cranky, short-fused, hot-headed, easily provoked, excitable, explosive, impetuous, rash, volatile.
<又> chëng. (See 倀 chëng.)
jang1 7372
109 13 jāng zhēng <台> 掹睁[掹睜] māng-jāng irascible, irritable, impatient, quick-tempered, cranky, short-fused, hot-headed, easily provoked, excitable, explosive, impetuous, rash, volatile.
<又> chäng. (See 掹 chäng.)
jang1 7373
1 2 jäng zhēng 伐木丁丁 fàt-mûk-jäng-jäng fámùzhēngzhēng  <wr.> sound of cutting wood.¹¹
东丁[東丁] üng-jäng
dōngzhēng jingling sound.¹¹ the sound of jade pendants; the sound of dripping spring water.⁵⁴
<又> ëin, ëng.
(See 丁 ëin; 丁 êng.)
jang2 7374
46 11 jäng zhēng high, lofty, noble; steep, perilous.⁸
殿宇峥嵘[殿宇崢嶸] èin-yî-jäng-vẽin diànyǔzhēngróng towering palaces.⁶
怪石峥嵘[怪石崢嶸] gäi-sêk-jäng-vẽin
guàishízhēngróng rocks of queer shapes shooting high.⁶
头角峥嵘[頭角崢嶸] hẽo-gôk-jäng-vẽin
tóujiǎozhēngróng brilliant and  promising.⁶ (of a young man) showing extraordinary gifts.¹¹
峥嵘[崢嶸] jäng-vẽin
zhēngróng lofty and steep, towering; outstanding, extraordinary.⁶
峥嵘轩峻[崢嶸軒峻] jäng-vẽin-hëin-dün
zhēngróng xuānjùn be in perfect condition and undiminished splendor.⁵⁴
峥嵘岁月[崢嶸歲月] jäng-vẽin-xuï-ngùt
zhēngróngsuìyuè memorable years, eventful times.⁶
jang2 7375
64 11 jäng zhèng to struggle to get free; to strive to acquire; to make (money).
净挣[凈掙] dèin-jäng jìngzhèng net income.
挣得多,花得快[掙得多,花得快] jäng-āk-ü, fä-āk-fäi
zhèng de duō, huā de kuài The more money one earns, the more one spends.¹
挣揣[掙揣] jäng-chūn
zhèngchuài <wr.> to struggle; to strive hard.
挣脱[掙脫] jäng-höt zhèngtuō to throw off; to struggle free of; to break away with all one's strength.
挣少花多[掙少花多] jäng-sēl-fä-ü zhèngshǎohuāduō to live beyond one's means.
挣钱[掙錢] jäng-tẽin zhèngqián to earn or make money.
<台> 挣鸡髀[掙雞髀] jäng-gäi-bī lit. fighting for a drumstick (the best part of a chicken in Chinese customs); fig. fighting for power.
<台> 挣餸[掙餸] jäng-xûng fighting for food (other than rice).
<又> jàng.
(See 掙 [jäng, zhēng], jàng.)
jang2 7376
64 11 jäng zhēng 挣扎[掙扎] jäng-jāt zhēngzhá to struggle (for goal); to suffer privations and hardships in order to reach goal.
垂死挣扎[垂死掙扎] suĩ-xī-jäng-jāt chuísǐzhēngzhá to be in one's death throes; to put up a last-ditch (or deathbed) struggle.
<又> jàng.
(See 掙 [jäng, zhèng], jàng.)
jang2 7377
87 8 jäng zhēng to contend; to dispute; to argue; <poetry> how; why.
争吵[爭吵] jäng-chāo zhēngchǎo dispute, strife.¹⁰
争风吃醋[爭風吃醋] jäng-füng-hëk-tü
zhēngfēngchīcù fight for the affections of a man or woman; be/feel jealous (of a rival in love); be green with envy.⁶
争光[爭光] jäng-göng
zhēngguāng to vie for honor.
争执[爭執] jäng-jīp
zhēngzhí to dispute; to disagree; to argue opinionatedly; to wrangle.¹⁰
争论[爭論] jäng-lùn
zhēnglùn to controvert; to dispute.
争论不休[爭論不休] jäng-lùn-būt-hiü
zhēnglùn bùxiū to debate endlessly; to argue unceasingly.¹⁰
争论不已[爭論不已] jäng-lùn-būt-yî
zhēnglùnbùyǐ  argue endlessly; be bogged down in endless argument.⁵³
争取[爭取] jäng-tuī
zhēngqǔ strive/fight for; win over.⁶
争夺[爭奪] jäng-ùt
zhēngduó to fight over; to vie over.
争先恐后[爭先恐後] jäng-xëin-hūng-hèo
zhēngxiānkǒnghòu in a mad rush to be first.¹¹
力争[力爭] lèik-jäng
lìzhēng to work hard for; to do all one can; to argue strongly; to contend vigorously.
明争暗斗[明爭暗鬥] mẽin-jäng-ām-ëo
míngzhēng'àndòu to fight openly and maneuver covertly (idiom).¹⁰
<台> 争第先[爭第先] jäng-ài-xëin to crowd into a line, to fight to get ahead.
jang2 7378
94 9 jäng zhēng fierce-looking, ferocious.⁸
狰狞[猙獰] jäng-nẽin zhēngníng malevolent; fierce; sinister.¹⁰ hideous, repulsive; ferocious, vicious (beast).¹¹
狰狞面目[猙獰面目] jäng-nẽin-mèin-mùk
zhēngníngmiànmù (=面目狰狞[面目猙獰] mèin-mùk-jäng-nẽin miànmùzhēngníng) ferocious features; a vile visage.⁹
jang2 7379
96 12
jäng chēng descriptive of jangling (of jade), twanging (of strings), or gurgling (of flowing water).¹¹
(comp. ⿰𤣩争(G) or ⿰𤣩爭(HTJK; U+7424)
Note: Same codepoint for both simplified and traditional forms. A Yu Gothic font was used to make the traditional form look the same as in Kangxi {⿰𤣩爭}. A search for either form will yield both since they have the same codepoint.
] düng-jäng cóngchēng tinkling of gems.¹⁴
] düng-jäng cóngchēng gurgling.⁸
琤琤] jäng-jäng chēngchēng the sound of plucking stringed muscial instruments; the sound of flowing water or stream.⁷
❄{⿰𤣩从}[瑽] jäng-tüng chēngcōng the tinkling of jade pendants.⁷
] tüng-jäng cōngchēng the sound of music instruments; the tinkling of jade.³⁹
jang2 7380 7424.gif
118 14 jäng zhēng a plucked stringed instrument similar to the zither; a kite.⁷
放风筝[放風箏] föng-füng-jäng fàngfēngzheng fly a kite.⁶
风筝[風箏] füng-jäng
fēngzheng kite.⁶ (=<台> 纸鹞[紙鷂] jī-yêl/ kite.)
古筝 gū-jäng
gǔzhēng zither-like 21-stringed or 25-stringed plucked muscial instrument.⁶
筝筝[箏箏] jäng-jäng
zhengzheng a whistling sound.¹⁴
jang2 7381
149 13
jäng zhèng <wr.> to criticize frankly; to admonish.
(comp. t: ⿰;言爭 U+8ACD). (comp讠争. s: ⿰; U+8BE4).
谏诤[諫諍] gän-jäng
jiànzhèng (=诤谏[諍諫] jäng-gän zhèngjiàn) to criticize frankly; to admonish.¹⁰
诤谏[諍諫] jäng-gän
zhèngjiàn <wr.> to admonish.
诤讼[諍訟] jäng-dùng
zhèngsòng to contest a lawsuit.
诤言[諍言] jäng-ngũn
zhèngyán <wr.> forthright admonition.
诤臣[諍臣] jäng-sĩn
zhèngchén official who dares speak frankly before the emperor.
诤友[諍友] jäng-yiû
zhèngyǒu <wr.> admonitory friend.
jang2 7382 8ACD.jpg
157 15
jäng zhēng (Cant.) heel, elbow.⁸
(composition t: ⿰𧾷爭(15 strokes); U+8E2D). Not rendered properly in any of the fonts that I have.
s: ⿰𧾷争(13 strokes); U+8E2D). Same codepoint as traditional.
<台> 高踭鞋[高
{:⿰𧾷爭}鞋] gäo-jäng-hãi high heel shoes.
<台> 脚踭[腳
{⿰𧾷爭}] gëk-jäng or gëk-jâng heel (of foot).
<台> 鞋踭[鞋
{⿰𧾷爭}] hãi-jäng or hãi-jâng heel (of shoe).
<又> jâng.
(See 踭[:⿰𧾷爭] jâng.)
jang2 7383 8E2D-T.gif
167 14
jäng zhēng clanging sound; small gong.⁸
(comp. t: ⿰金爭(HTJKV); U+931A).
s: ⿰金争(G); U+94EE).
铁铮铮[鐵錚錚] hëik-jäng-jäng
tiězhēngzhēng firm; stauch; steadfast.⁶
铁中铮铮[鐵中錚錚] hëik-jüng-jäng-jäng
tiězhōng zhēngzhēng be outstanding/prominent.⁶
铮锵[錚鏘] jäng-dëng
zhēngqiāng clang.⁵⁴
铮铮[錚錚] jäng-jäng
zhēngzhēng <ono.> clank, clang; (=铁铮铮[鐵錚錚] hëik-jäng-jäng tiězhēngzhēng) firm; stauch; steadfast.⁶
铮铮有声[錚錚有聲] jäng-jäng yiû-sëin
zhēngzhēng yǒushēng be a man of undisputed reputation (usually for his integrity); be upright and reputable.⁶
铮铮悦耳[錚錚悅耳] jäng-jäng yòt-ngī
zhēngzhēng yuè'ěr melodious tinkling.⁶
❄{⿰钅 从}[錚鏦] jäng-tüng zhēngcōng <wr.> clank; clang.⁶
jang2 7384 931A.gif
169 16
jäng zhèng struggle; contend.⁵ to struggle; struggle; to strive.⁶
(comp. t: ⿵門争; U+499B). (comp. s: ⿵门争; U+49B6).
(Note: See IMAGE for a different rendering where the traditional character 爭 is inside the 門).
䦶䦷[䦛䦟] jäng-chūn
zhèngchuài struggle; strive hard; contend.²⁹
jang2 7385 499B.png
190 16 jäng zhēng (of hair) fluffy.⁹
鬇鬡 jäng-nẽin zhēngníng <wr.> (of hair) dishevelled; fluffy.⁶ the hair in disorder; dishevelled hair.²⁵
jang2 7386
64 11 jàng zhèng to stuff.
<台> 挣砂鸡[掙砂雞] jàng-sâ-gäi to feed sand or grit to a chicken to make it heavier (to cheat a customer with a fake product).
<又> jäng. (See 掙 [jäng, zhèng], [jäng, zhēng].)
jang4 7387
64 15 jàng chēng to fill to bursting.
<台> 撑饱[撐飽] jàng-bāo to stuff until full (in eating).
<台> 撑死[撐死] jàng-xī to die from overeating. (See also 撑死[撐死] chäng-xī.)
<又> chäng.
(See 撐 chäng.)
jang4 7388
130 12
jâng zhēng (=踭{{⿰𧾷爭}} jâng zhēng (Cant.) heel, elbow.⁸)
➀ <old> tendons of the heel  
  (Cant., Hakka) rear part of a limb; elbow or heel   
  (Cant., Hakka) heel of a shoe.³⁶
t: ⿰月爭(12 strokes); U+3B39). Not rendered properly in any of the fonts that I have.
s: ⿰月争(10 strokes); U+3B39). Same codepoint as traditional.
<台> 猪㬹[豬㬹
{⿰𧾷爭}] jï-jâng pig hock.
(See 踭 jâng).
jang5 7389 3B39.jpg
157 15 https://img.zdic.net/kai/cn/20018.svg

jâng zhēng (Cant.) heel, elbow.⁸
(composition t: ⿰𧾷爭(15 strokes); U+8E2D). Not rendered properly in any of the fonts that I have.
s: ⿰𧾷争(13 strokes); U+8E2D). Same codepoint as traditional.
<台> 托手踭[托手
{⿰𧾷爭}] hök-siū-jâng lit. to block one's elbows (so that one cannot bow and make requests) – to give a hard time to, to reject, to deny help.¹²
<台> 手踭[手
{⿰𧾷爭}] siū-jâng elbow.
<又> jäng.
(See {⿰𧾷爭} jäng; 㬹{⿰月爭} jâng).
jang5 7390 U+8E2D.jpg
29 4 jāo zhǎo (<old>=爪 jāo zhǎo) claws of birds or animals, feet, to scratch, to claw, to grasp.⁸
(composition: ⿰丶叉; U+355A).
(See 爪 [jāo, zhuǎ].)
jao1 7391
50 8 jāo zhǒu broom.⁵ variants: 菷, 箒 jāo zhǒu).
帚柄 jāo-bêng
zhǒubǐng broomstick.¹⁰
帚子 jāo-dū
zhǒuzi broom.³⁹
帚高粱 jāo-gäo-lẽng
zhǒugāoliang broom corn.³⁹
帚星 jāo-xëin
zhǒuxīng a comet.¹¹
鸾帚[鸞帚] lũn-jāo
luánzhǒu a kind of broom.³⁹
扫帚[掃帚] xäo-jāo
sàozhou (bamboo) broom.⁶
(See 菷 jāo, 箒 jāo).
jao1 7392
64 7 jāo zhǎo to look for; to seek; to call on; to approach; to ask for; to give change.
自找 dù-jāo zìzhǎo to suffer from one's own actions; you asked for it; to bring it on oneself (something unpleasant).
骑马找马[騎馬找馬] kẽh-mâ-jāo-mâ
qímǎzhǎomǎ (idiom) to sit on one horse and look for another – to hold on to one job while hunting for another; to sit on the very horse one is looking for – to seek something that's just under one's nose.
找茬 jāo-chã
zhǎochár <topo.> to find fault; to pick a quarrel.
找人 jāo-ngĩn
zhǎorén to look for somebody.
找女婿 jāo-nuī-xâi
zhǎonǚxu hunt for a husband.⁶
找钱[找錢] jāo-tẽin
zhǎoqián to give change.
找寻[找尋] jāo-tĩm
zhǎoxún to look for; to seek; to find fault.¹⁰
寻找[尋找] tĩm-jāo
xúnzhǎo to seek, to look for.¹⁰
<台> 找数[找數] jāo-sū Check, please!
<台> 找钱[找錢] jāo-tẽin/ to make change (money).
jao1 7393
64 7 jāo zhuā to grab; to seize; to scratch; to arrest; to catch; to press-gang; to stress; to pay special attention to; to be responsible for; to take charge of; to attract; to draw.
被抓 bì-jāo bèizhuā to be arrested; be caught.
抓辫子[抓辮子] jāo-bîn-dū
zhuā biànzi to seize on somebody's mistake/shortcoming.
抓丁 jāo-ëin
zhuādīng to press-gang able-bodied men.
抓紧[抓緊] jāo-gīn
zhuājǐn to firmly grasp; to pay close attention to; to hurry.
抓哏 jāo-gïn
zhuāgén (in Chinese operas or crosstalks) make ad lib jokes.³⁹
抓工夫 jāo-güng-fü
zhuā gōngfu <topo.> to steal time for idling; to make good use of one's time; to find time (to do something.)
抓住 jāo-jì
zhuāzhù to seize hold of; to catch; to capture; to grip somebody's attention.
抓阄[抓鬮] jāo-kiũ
zhuājiū draw lots.¹¹
抓耳挠腮[抓耳撓腮] jāo-ngī-nẽo-xöi
or jāo-ngī-nào-xöi zhuā'ěrnáosāi tweak one's ears and scratch one's cheeks (as a sign of anxiety or delight); scratch one's head.⁵
抓彩 jāo-tōi
zhuācǎi to draw a lottery; to raffle.
抓药[抓藥] jāo-yêk
zhuāyào to fill a prescription.
<又> jä.
(See 抓 jä.)
jao1 7394
87 4 jāo zhǎo claw; talon; paw; unguis.⁶
(composition: ⿸𠂆⿰丨乀; U+722A or U+2F56).
虎爪 fū-jāo hǔzhǎo tiger's paw.⁶
凤爪[鳳爪] fùng-jāo
fèngzhǎo chicken feet (cuisine).¹⁰
鸿爪[鴻爪] hũng-jāo
hóngzhǎo “goose foot-prints”; traces left over by past events.⁵⁴
爪痕 jāo-hân
zhǎohén paw print.¹⁹
爪牙 jāo-ngã
zhǎoyá talons and fangs – lackeys; underlings.⁵
爪哇 Jāo-vä
Zhǎowā Java.⁶ or 爪洼 Jāo-vä Zhuǎwā Java.¹⁰
爪印 jāo-yïn 
zhǎoyìn claw scratches; claw marks.⁶
张牙舞爪[張牙舞爪] jëng-ngã-mū-jāo
zhāngyáwǔzhǎo show one's fangs and claws – ready to fight.¹¹
猪爪[豬爪] jï-jāo
zhūzhǎo pig's trotter.⁵⁴
利爪 lì-jāo
lìzhǎo sharp claw.⁶
魔爪 mō-jāo
mózhǎo claws; devil's talons; tentacles.⁶
钩爪[鉤爪] ngêo-jāo
gōuzhǎo talons.¹¹
鹰爪[鷹爪] yëin-jāo
yīngzhǎo talons (or claws) of a falcon, hawk; a kind of young tea leaves.⁷
一鳞半爪[一鱗半爪] yīt-lĩn-bön-jāo
yīlínbànzhǎo  lit. one scale and half a claw (idiom); only odd bits and pieces.¹⁰
(See 爪 [jāo, zhuǎ].)
jao1 7395
87 4 jāo zhǎo (component, from radical 87 爪; 爪字头[爪字頭] jāo-dù-hẽo zhǎozìtóu)
(composition: ⿱丿⺍(GHTV) or ⿱丿⿲丿丶丶(JK); U+722B).
jao1 7396
87 4 jāo zhuǎ Kangxi radical 87; claw, nail, talon; animal feet.⁸ claw; talon; paw.⁶
(composition: ⿸𠂆⿰丨乀;  U+2F56 or U+722A).
八爪鱼[八爪魚] bät-jāo-nguĩ bāzhuǎyú octopus.¹¹
鸡爪[雞爪] gäi-jāo
jīzhuǎ chicken feet.⁹
鸡爪子[雞爪子] gäi-jāo-dū
jīzhuǎzi chicken feet.¹⁰
脚爪[腳爪] gëk-jāo
jiǎozhuǎ <topo.> paw; claw; talon.⁵⁴
狗爪子 gēo-jāo-dū
gǒuzhuǎzi <topo.> hireling; stooge.⁵⁴
爪尖 jāo-dëm
zhuǎjiān pig's trotters; pettitoes.⁶
爪子 jāo-dū
zhuǎzi claw; paw; talon.⁶
爪儿[爪兒] jāo-ngĩ
zhuǎr paw of a small animal; foot of a utensil.⁶
爪凿[爪鑿] jāo-tôk
zhuǎzáo claw chisel.⁶
猫爪[貓爪] miū-jāo
māozhuǎ a cat's claws.⁵
钩爪[鉤爪] ngêo-jāo
gōuzhuǎ knuckle.⁹ falcula.¹⁰
鹰爪[鷹爪] yëin-jāo
yīngzhuǎ an eagle's talons.⁵
(See 爪 [jāo, zhǎo].)
jao1 7397
118 14 jāo zhǒu (=帚 jāo zhǒu) broom.⁸
筅箒 xēin-jāo
xiǎnzhǒu (=筅帚 xēin-jāo xiǎnzhǒu) a scouring brush made from bamboo splints.¹⁹
(See 帚 jāo.)
jao1 7398
130 7 jāo zhǒu elbow; upper part of a leg of pork.⁶
肘部 jāo-bù zhǒubù elbow part.¹⁰
肘子 jāo-dū
zhǒuzi upper part of a leg of pork; elbow.⁸
肘关节[肘關節] jāo-gän-dêik
zhǒuguānjié cubital articulation; articulatio cubiti; elbow joint.⁶
肘见[肘見] jāo-gëin
zhǒujiàn ragged; tattered.⁸
肘窝[肘窩] jāo-vö
zhǒuwō cubital fossa; hollow part of the elbow.⁸ chelidon.⁹
肘腋 jāo-yìt
zhǒuyè lit. armpit; elbow and armpit; fig. right up close (to a disaster); in one's backyard; on one's doorstep.¹⁰
肘腋之患 jāo-yìt-jï-vàn
zhǒuyèzhīhuàn disaster/trouble coming from those closest to one.⁶
jao1 7399
140 11 jāo zhǒu (<old>=帚 jāo zhǒu) broom.⁸
(See 帚 jāo.)
jao1 7400
153 11 jāo zhǎo reptiles without feet, a fabulous beast.⁸
(composition: ⿰豸爪; U+4756).
䝖䝤 jāo-lâo zhǎolǎo a reptile.²⁵
jao1 7401
30 15 jäo cháo to ridicule, to mock.
嘲笑 jäo-xël cháoxiào to laugh at; to deride; to jeer.⁸
嘲弄 jäo-lùng
cháonòng to tease; to poke fun at; to make fun of.¹⁰
嘲骂[嘲罵] jäo-mà
cháomà to sneer and swear.⁶
嘲啾 jäo-tiü
cháojiū <ono.> indistinct murmuring of recitation/lecture; twittering/chirping/warbling of birds.¹ (cf 嘲啾 jäo-tiü zhāojiū.)
冷嘲热讽[冷嘲熱諷] lâng-jäo-ngèik-fūng
lěngcháorèfěng frigid irony and scorching satire (idiom); to mock and ridicule.¹⁰
(See 嘲 [jäo, zhāo].)
jao2 7402
30 15 jäo zhāo 嘲哳 jäo-jä or jäo-jät zhāozhā <wr.> twittery; chirpy.⁶
嘲啾 jäo-tiü
zhāojiū birds’ twitter or similar light, confusing noise, murmur.¹¹ (cf 嘲啾 jäo-tiü cháojiū.)
(See 嘲 [jäo, cháo].)
jao2 7403
118 10 jäo zhào a bamboo skimmer.⁷
笊篦 jäo-bì zhàobì skimmer (usually made of bamboo).⁵⁴
笊篱[笊籬] jäo-lĩ
zhàoli a bamboo, wicker or wire strainer.⁵ a bamboo skimmer; a wire strainer; a fisherman's rake for catching clam.⁷
jao2 7404
118 14 jäo zhào (=罩 jäo zhào) to cover, to overspread, to wrap; overalls, work coat.⁶
(See 罩 jäo).
jao2 7405
122 13 jäo zhào to cover, to overspread, to wrap; overalls, work coat.⁶ (variant: 䈇 jäo zhào).
罩袖 jäo-diù
zhàoxiù (=袖套 diù-häo xiùtào oversleeve; sleevelet.⁶) <topo.> oversleeve; sleevelet.⁵
罩子 jäo-dū
zhàozi cover; hood; casing.⁶
罩门[罩門] jäo-mõn
zhàomén Achilles’ heel; chink in the armor.¹⁰
罩棚 jäo-pãng
zhàopéng an awning over a gateway or a courtyard.⁵
罩袍 jäo-pão
zhàopáo dust robe; dust gown; overalls.⁵
罩衫 jäo-sâm
zhàoshān overalls; dustcoat.⁵
罩衣 jäo-yï
zhàoyī overalls.¹⁰
笼罩[籠罩] lûng-jäo
lǒngzhào envelop; shroud.⁵
雾罩全城[霧罩全城] mù-jäo-tũn-sẽin
wùzhàoquánchéng The fog swallowed up the whole city.⁶
云山雾罩[雲山霧罩] vũn-sän-mù-jäo
yúnshānwùzhào enveloped in mist, misty; straying far from the subject, rampling, discursive.⁶
(See 罩 jâo; 䈇 jäo).
jao2 7406
9 7 jào zhòu (=胄 jào zhòu) descendants; posterity.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰亻由; U+4F37).
(See 胄 jào).
jao4 7407
9 15 jào zhòu to scold.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻愁; U+50FD).
僝僽 sãn-jào chánzhòu or jàn-jào zhuànzhòu to revile.¹⁴ abusive language.²⁴
jao4 7408
13 9 jào zhòu a helmet.¹⁴ helmet worn by warriors in ancient times.³⁶
(composition: ⿱由冃; U+5191).
介冑 gäi-jào jièzhòu <lit.> body armor and helmet; <lit.> fig. armored guards; armored soldiers.³⁶
甲冑 gâp-jào
jiǎzhòu armor and helmet.¹⁴
(Distinguish 冑 jào zhòu helmet U+5191; 胄 jào zhòu descendants U+80C4; 胃 vì wèi stomach U+80C3).
jao4 7409
18 16 jào zhòu (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 㔌 jëo zòu to cut small, as wood for fuel.¹⁴ to cut off; to mince; to cut up firewood.⁸)
(composition: ⿰聚刂; U+350C).
<又> jëo; tẽo.
(See 㔌 jëo; 㔌 tẽo).
jao4 7410
40 8 jào zhòu time (conceived as past, present and future); universe;  aeon.⁶
大宇宙 ài-yî-jào dàyǔzhòu macrocosm.¹⁰
宙合 jào-hàp
zhòuhé all embracing, or all encompassing.⁷
宙斯 jào-xü
zhòusī Zeus.¹⁰
小宇宙 xēl-yî-jào
xiǎoyǔzhòu microcosm.¹⁰
宇宙 yî-jào
yǔzhòu universe; cosmos.⁵
宇宙飞船[宇宙飛船] yî-jào-fï-sõn
yǔzhòufēichuán spaceship; spacecraft.⁵
jao4 7411
75 12 jào zhào oar (archaic); scull; paddle; to row; a boat.¹⁰ (variant: 櫂 jào zhào).
归棹[歸棹] gï-jào
guīzhào returning boat.⁶
棹桨[棹槳] jào-dēng
zhàojiǎng pull an oar.⁵⁴
棹卒 jào-dūt
zhàozú a navy; naval units.⁷
棹歌 jào-gô
zhàogē boat song; chant a boat song.⁵⁴
棹船 jào-sõn
zhàochuán row a boat.⁵⁴
买棹[買棹] mäi-jào
mǎizhào rent a boat for a trip.⁵⁴
<又> jēk.
(See 棹 jēk; 櫂 jào.)
jao4 7412
75 18 jào zhào (=棹 jào zhào) an oar, a scull; to row.¹⁴
归櫂[歸櫂] gï-jào
guīzhào boat returning home.¹¹
鼓櫂而进[鼓櫂而進] gū-jào-ngĩ-dïn
gǔzhàoérjìn row the boat forward.¹¹
櫂桨[櫂槳] jào-dēng
zhàojiǎng to pull an oar.¹⁴
櫂歌 jào-gô
zhàogē boatman's song.¹¹ to chant a boat song.¹⁴
櫂船 jào-sõn
zhàochuán to row a boat.¹⁴
买櫂[買櫂] mäi-jào
mǎizhào to hire a boat.¹¹
(See 棹 jào.)
jao4 7413
118 19 jào zhòu (=籀文 jào-mũn zhòuwén); to read.⁶ a type of Chinese calligraphy, also known as 大篆 ài-xùn dàzhuàn – the large seal.⁷ (variant: 籒 jào zhòu; 繇 jào zhòu).
籀文 jào-mũn
zhòuwén or 籀书[籀書] jào-sï zhòushū or
籀篆 jào-xùn
zhòuzhuàn  “large seal” type of Chinese calligraphy, initiated during the Zhou Dynasty.⁷
鸟籀[鳥籀] nêl-jào
niǎozhòu script style resembling birdtracks.⁵⁴
(See 籒 jào; 繇 jào).
jao4 7414
118 21 jào zhòu (<old>=籀 jào zhòu) (=籀文 jào-mũn zhòuwén); to read.⁶ a type of Chinese calligraphy, also known as 大篆 ài-xùn dàzhuàn – the large seal.⁷
(See 籀 jào; 繇 jào).
jao4 7415
120 9 jào zhòu crupper;  name of the last emperor of the Shang Dynasty.⁶
罪浮于桀纣[罪浮於桀紂] duì-fẽo-yï-Gèik-Jào
zuì fú yú Jié-Zhòu crimes exceed those of well-known tyrants.¹¹
犯纣[犯紂] fàn-jào
fànzhòu <topo.> become crooked or distorted.⁵⁴
桀纣[桀紂] Gèik-Jào
Jié-Zhòu King Jie of the end of the Xia Dynasty and King Zhou of the end of the Shang Dynasty. It is said that they were both despots; a despot who controls a country by force.⁹
桀纣之恶[桀紂之惡] gèik-jào-jï-ōk
jiézhòuzhī'è The devil is not so black as he is painted.⁵⁴
纣棍[紂棍] jào-gûn
zhòugùn wood crupper.⁶
纣辛[紂辛] jào-xïn
zhòuxīn Zhou Xin (c. 11th century BC), last emperor of the of Shang Dynasty.¹⁰
助纣为虐[助紂為虐] jò-jào-vĩ-ngèk
zhùzhòuwéinüè aid an evildoer to do evil.⁸ give support to a tyrant.¹¹
商纣王[商紂王] Sëng-Jào-Võng S
hāngzhòuwáng King Zhou of Shang; his surname was 子 Dū Zǐ; his given name was 受 Siù Shòu or 受德 Siù-āk Shòudé; his posthumous name was 帝辛 Äi-xïn Dìxīn.¹⁵
jao4 7416
120 17 jào zhòu (<old>=籀 jào zhòu) divinatory words.⁸ auspicial words.⁹
繇辞[繇辭] jào-xũ
zhòucí interpretations of the diagrams (八卦 Bāt-gä Bāguà Eight Trigrams).¹⁴
<又> yẽl, yiũ.
(See 繇 yẽl; 繇 yiũ; 籀 jào.)
jao4 7417
130 9 jào zhòu descendants; posterity.¹⁴ (variant: 伷 jào zhòu).
(composition: ⿱由月; U+80C4).
贵胄[貴胄] gï-jào
guìzhòu descendants of feudal rulers or aristocrats.⁵ nobleman.¹⁴
胄子 jào-dū
zhòuzǐ eldest son.¹⁴
胄裔 jào-yuì
zhòuyì descendants.¹⁴
胄裔繁衍 jào-yuì-fãn-yēn
zhòuyìfányǎn Descendants are great in numbers. (idiom).¹⁰
裔胄 yuì-jào
yìzhòu remote descendants or posterity.⁷
(See 伷 jào).
(Distinguish 冑 jào zhòu helmet U+5191; 胄 jào zhòu descendants U+80C4; 胃 vì wèi stomach U+80C3).
jao4 7418
140 12 jào zhòu a kind of grass mentioned in ancient text; to wrap with straw; bundle of (dishes, bowls, tied up with a straw rope).
一荮盘子[一葤盤子] yīt-jào-põn-dū yīzhòupánzi a bundle of dishes.
jao4 7419
164 10 jào zhòu <wr.> double-fermented wine.⁶ Pure wine brewed repeatedly.⁹
酎金 jào-gïm zhòujīn <wr.> contributions of nobles to the emperor for sacrificial purposes.⁶
酎饮[酎饮] jào-ngīm
zhòuyìn to drink liquor.¹⁹
jao4 7420
187 24 jào zhòu to gallop; swift, sudden; frequent.⁷
暴风骤雨[暴風驟雨] bào-füng-jào-yî bàofēngzhòuyǔ violent storm; hurricane; tempest.⁵
步骤[步驟] bù-jào
bùzhòu step, move, measure.⁵
骤变[驟變] jào-bëin
zhòubiàn abrupt change; sudden discontinuity.¹⁰
骤降[驟降] jào-göng
zhòujiàng to descend suddenly.⁹
骤至[驟至] jào-jï zhòuzhì to arrive suddenly; to come without warning.⁷
骤来[驟來] jào-lõi zhòulái frequently came.²⁵
骤然[驟然] jào-ngẽin
zhòurán suddenly; abruptly.⁵
骤死[驟死] jào-xī
zhòusǐ sudden death (play-off in sporting competition).¹⁰
骤雨[驟雨] jào-yî
zhòuyǔ a sudden rainstorm.⁷
狂风骤起[狂風驟起] kõng-füng-jào-hī
kuángfēngzhòuqǐ a strong wind struck all of a sudden.⁷
雨骤风狂[雨驟風狂] yî-jào-füng-kõng
yǔzhòufēngkuáng The wind blew hard and the rain came down in sheets.⁵
jao4 7421
195 17 jào zhòu 鲖阳[鮦陽] jào-yẽng zhòuyáng Zhouyang name of a district.²⁵
<又> hũng.
(See 鮦 hũng).
jao4 7422
30 11 jâo zhào <topo.> noisy; clamorous.⁸ the sound of birds is mixed.²⁴ to chirp.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰口卓; U+5545).
啅啅 jâo-jâo
zhàozhào the chirping of birds.⁸
<又> dēk; sōk.
(See 啅 dēk; 啅 sōk).
jao5 7423
118 14 jâo zhào (=罩 jâo zhào) a cover; a shade, a hood, a casing, a mask; bamboo fish trap; bamboo chicken coop.⁶
(See 罩 jâo).
jao5 7424
122 13 jâo zhào a cover; a shade, a hood, a casing, a mask; bamboo fish trap; bamboo chicken coop.⁶ (variant: 䈇 jâo zhào).
灯罩[燈罩] äng-jâo
dēngzhào lampshade.¹¹
玻璃罩 bū-lī-jâo
or bō-lī-jâo bōlizhào glass cover.⁵
鸡罩[雞罩] gäi-jâo
jīzhào a chicken coop without the bottom (used to prevent the chickens from wandering away).⁰
棺罩 gön-jâo
guānzhào a pall (for covering a coffin).⁷
口罩 hēo-jâo
kǒuzhào surgical mask; breathing mask.⁹
奶罩 nâi-jâo
nǎizhào brassière; bra.⁹
乳罩 nguî-jâo
rǔzhào brassiere; bra; nipple-shield.⁹
纱罩[紗罩] sä-jâo
shāzhào gauze or screen covering (over food); mantle (of a lamp).⁵
氧气罩[氧氣罩] yêng-hï-jâo/
yǎngqìzhào oxygen mask.⁶
(See 罩 jäo; 䈇 jâo).
jao5 7425
18 14 jāp zhá a brief note; official communication from superior to inferior.¹¹ (variant: 箚 jāt zhá).
(composition: ⿰答刂; U+5284).
劄记[劄記] jāp-gï
or jāt-gï zhájì a literary notebook, a collection of sundry notes and comments; to make such notes.¹¹
劄子 jāp-dū
or jāt-dū zházi official communications in Tang and Song dynasties; later restricted to communication to official subordinate.¹¹
<又> jāt.
(See 劄 jāt; 箚 jāt).
jap1 7426
30 8 jāp to sip, to suck; <topo.> to taste or to savor carefully; to click one's tongue (in admiration, praise).⁶
咂嘴 jāp-duī or  jät-duī zāzuǐ to click the tongue (in admiration, praise, surprise).⁶ to click one's teeth in admiration.¹¹
咂口酒 jāp-hēo-diū
or jät-hēo-diū zākǒujiǔ to take a sip of wine.⁶
咂摸 jāp-mū
or jät-mū zāmo <topo> to taste or to savor carefully.⁶
咂奶 jāp-nâi
or jät-nâi zānǎi to suck milk.⁶
咂舌 jāp-sêt
or  jät-sêt zāshé to click the tongue (in admiration, envy, praise).⁶
<又> jät.
(See 咂 jät.)
jap1 7427
30 14 jāp bashful.⁸ to be grieved; ashamed.³⁶ grieved, ashamed; to redden, to color up; (Beijing dialect) a subdued or indistinct sound.¹⁰² (variant: 𡄱❄{⿰口⿱戚足} jāp ).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰口戚; U+5601).
嘁咨 jāp-dü
zāzī hesitate; be embarrassed; be ashamed.⁵⁴ mortified, sorry.¹⁰²
嘁嘁 jāp-jāp
zāzā whispering, in a low voice.¹⁰²
<又> jī; tēik.
(See 嘁 jī; 嘁 tēik; 𡄱❄{⿰口⿱戚足} jāp; 㗤 jāp).
jap1 7428
30 14 jāp ashamed; bashful.² ashamed; restless, fidgeting; (a dialect) bashful; grievous, mournful, sad.⁸ (variant: 𡄱❄{⿰口⿱戚足} jāp ).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱戚口; U+35E4).
㗤咨 jāp-dü
zāzī ashamed.²
(See 𡄱❄{⿰口⿱戚足} jāp; 嘁 jāp).
jap1 7429
30 21 𡄱
jāp (=㗤 jāp ashamed; bashful.² ashamed, restless; fidgeting; (a dialect) bashful, grievous; mournful; sad.⁸) (=嘁 jāp bashful.⁸ to be grieved; ashamed.³⁶ grieved, ashamed; to redden, to color up; (Beijing dialect) a subdued or indistinct sound.¹⁰²).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰口⿱戚足 or ⿱嘁足; U+21131).
jap1 7430
32 11 jāp zhí <台> 执药[執藥] jāp-yêk <TCM> to fill a prescription.
<台> 执笠[執笠] jāp-lāp to close a store; to go bankrupt.
<又> jīp. (See 執 jīp.)
jap1 7431
50 4 jāp (=匝 jät ) to go round, to make a circuit, to make a revolution, to turn round.⁸
(See 匝 jät.)
jap1 7432
91 13 jàp zhá sluice gate; to block a door with a board.¹⁴ (=闸[閘] jàp zhá) floodgate, lock, sluice; brake; dam up water; switch.⁵
下牐 hä-jàp
xiàzhá to let down the sluice.¹⁴
牐版 jàp-bān
zhábǎn shutters of a shop.¹⁴
(See 閘 jàp.)
jap4 7433
167 11 jàp spear.⁵⁴ a spear or javelin.¹⁰²
(comp. t: ⿰金及; U+9212). (comp. s: ⿰钅及; U+9491).
举钑成云, 下钑成雨[舉鈒成雲, 下鈒成雨] guī-jàp-sẽin-vũn, hä-jàp-sẽin-yî
jǔ sà chéng yún, xià sà chéng yǔ raises the spear - clouds form, lowers the spear - rain falls.⁵⁴
<台> 钑骨[鈒骨] jàp-gūt (sewing) overlock stitching.¹²
<又> sēip; gèp.
(See 鈒 sēip; 鈒 gèp).
jap4 7434
167 17 jàp zhá hand hay cutter; fodder chopper.⁶ a sickle for cutting grass or hay.¹¹
铡刀[鍘刀] jàp-äo zhádāo hand hay/straw cutter; fodder chopper.⁶
or 闸刀开关[閘刀開關] jàp-äo höi-gän zhádāo kāiguān closing switch.⁹ <elec.> knife switch, chopper switch, closing switch.⁵⁴
铡猪草[鍘豬草] jàp-jï-tāo
zházhūcǎo chop fodder for pigs.⁶
铡草[鍘草] jàp-tāo
zhácǎo cut hay with a hay cutter.⁶
铡草机[鍘草機] jàp-tāo-gï
zhácǎojī hay cutter/chopper; chaff cutter.⁶
<台> 铡鸡[鍘雞] jàp-gäi to chop a chicken to bite size.
jap4 7435
169 13 jàp zhá floodgate, lock, sluice; brake; dam up water; switch.⁵
扳闸[扳閘] bän-jàp bānzhá <topo.> operate a switch; switch on or off.⁵
车闸[車閘] chëh-jàp
chēzhá brake (of car, bicycle).¹⁹
电闸[電閘] èin-jàp 
diànzhá electric switch; circuit breaker.¹⁰
气闸[氣閘] hï-jàp
qìzhá air/pneumatic brake.⁶
开闸[開閘] höi-jàp
kāizhá to open the gates.¹⁰
闸扳[閘扳] jàp-bän
zhábān a sluice.⁷ flashboard.¹⁰
闸盒[閘盒] jàp-hâp
zháhé electric fusebox; switch box.¹⁰
闸口[閘口] jàp-hēo
zhákǒu open sluice gate; (toll) station; boarding gate (airport); (fig.) gateway (access point); area in the Shangcheng district of Hangzhou.¹⁰
闸门[閘門] jàp-mõn
zhámén sluice gate. gate; lock gate; <mach.> throttle valve.⁵
闸瓦[閘瓦] jàp-ngā
zháwǎ <mach.> brake shoe.⁵
手闸[手閘] siū-jàp
shǒuzhá handbrake.¹⁰
船闸[船閘] sõn-jàp
chuánzhá lock gate.⁵
水闸[水閘] suī-jàp
shuǐzhá sluice gate; gate.⁵
<台> 闸开[閘開] jàp-höi to partition (rooms).
(See 牐 jàp.)
jap4 7436
177 12 jàp (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 靸 gīp with same meaning.)
<又> gīp, hāt.
(See 靸 gīp; 靸 hāt).
jap4 7437
30 12 jâp zhá to suck.⁸
喋呷 jâp-häp zháxiā sound of aquatic birds or fish eating together.⁸
唼喋 säp-jâp
shàzhá sound of a school of fish or a flock of waterbirds feeding.⁶
<又> ēp, èp.
(See 喋 ēp, èp.)
jap5 7438
18 11 jāt zhá (=札 jāt zhá <old> a thin wooden tablet for writing; correspondence, a letter; <old> documents or instructions to a subordinate; (now rarely) to die before one comes of age.⁷ a thin wooden tablet, anciently used for writing; a thin slip of wood; a paddle; a letter; often interchanged with 劄 (jāt or jāp zhá) writings, documents; a direction from a superior to a subordinate a little below him; plates or folds of armor; a severe epidemic.¹⁰²); brief note; official communique.⁸ (<old>=札 jāt zhá brief note); official communiqué.³⁶
(composition: ⿰荅刂; U+5273).
<又> āp.
(See 剳 āp; 札 jāt; 劄 jāt; 劄 jāp).
jat1 7439
18 14 jāt zhá (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 劄 jāp zhá with same meaning: a brief note; official communication from superior to inferior.¹¹). (variant: 箚 jāt zhá).
(composition: ⿰答刂; U+5284).
<又> jāp.
(See 劄 jāp; 箚 jāt).
jat1 7440
64 4 jāt zhá penetrating (as of cold); struggle.
(composition: ⿰扌乚; U+624E).
奋力挣扎[奮力掙扎] fûn-lèik-jäng-jāt fènlìzhēngzhá to struggle with all one's might.
挣扎[掙扎] jäng-jāt
zhēngzhá to struggle (for goal); to suffer privations and hardships in order to reach goal.
扎巴扎巴 jāt-bä-jāt-bä
zhába zhába with tottering steps.
马扎[馬扎] mâ-jāt
mǎzhá campstool; folding stool.
垂死挣扎[垂死掙扎] suĩ-xī-jäng-jāt
chuísǐzhēngzhá to be in one's death throes; to put up a last-ditch (or deathbed) struggle.
<又> jät, jât.
(See 扎 [jät, zhā], [jät, ], jât.)
jat1 7441
75 5 jāt zhá <old> a thin wooden tablet for writing; correspondence, a letter; <old> documents or instructions to a subordinate; (now rarely) to die before one comes of age.⁷ a thin wooden tablet, anciently used for writing; a thin slip of wood; a paddle; a letter; often interchanged with 劄 (jāt or jāp zhá) writings, documents; a direction from a superior to a subordinate a little below him; plates or folds of armor; a severe epidemic.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰木乚; U+672D).
札子 jāt-dū
zházi a document sent by a superior.⁷
札幌 Jāt-fōng
Zháhuǎng Sapporo, a city in Japan.⁷
札记[札記] jāt-gï
zhájì sundry notes and comments, a collection of notes and comments in book form; to note down, make a note (often written as 劄记[劄記] jāp-gï or jāt-gï zhájì).¹¹
札文 jāt-mũn
zháwén orders from a superior officer.⁷
札耳朵 jāt-ngī-ū
or jāt-ngī-ō zháěrduo to embroider.¹¹
札耳朵眼儿[札耳朵眼兒] jāt-ngī-ū-ngān-ngĩ
or jāt-ngī-ō-ngān-ngĩ zháěrduoyǎnr pierce ear for earrings.¹¹
启札[啟札] kāi-jāt
qǐzhá letter.⁵⁴
来札[來札] lõi-jāt
láizhá <wr.> your/incoming letter.⁵⁴
书札[書札] sï-jāt
shūzhá correspondence, letters.¹¹
信札 xïn-jāt
xìnzhá letter, correspondence.⁵⁴
(See 劄 jāp, 劄 jāt).
jat1 7442
94 12 jāt (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 猰 ä with same meaning.)
<又> ä.
(See 猰 ä.)
jat1 7443
118 14 jāt zhá (<old>=劄 jāt or jāp zhá a brief note; official communication from superior to inferior.¹¹); brief note; official communique.⁸
(composition: ⿱𥫗㓣; U+7B9A).
(See 劄 jāt; 劄 jāp).
jat1 7444
22 5 jät <wr.> circumference; circuit.
(composition: ⿷匚巾; U+531D).
匼匝 fö-jät kēzā <wr.> to surround; to encircle.
匝地 jät-ì
zādì here, there, and everywhere.
匝月 jät-ngùt
zāyuè one full month.
周匝 jiü-jät
zhōuzā in one round.
密密匝匝 mìt-mìt-jät-jät
mìmizāzā thick; dense.
一匝 yīt-jät
yīzā to make a full circle.
<又> jât.
(See 匝 jât.)
jat2 7445
30 8 jät (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 咂 jāp with same meaning: to sip, to suck; <topo.> to taste or to savor carefully; to click one's tongue (in admiration, praise).⁶)
<又> jāp.
(See 咂 jāp.)
jat2 7446
30 10 jät zhā (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 哳 jä zhā with the same meaning: the cry of birds.²⁴) (variant: 𠹗 jät zhā).
<又> jä.
(See 哳 jä; 𠹗 jät).
jat2 7447
30 13 𠹗 jät zhā (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 哳 jät zhā with the same meaning: the cry of birds.²⁴).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰口哲; U+20E57).
嘲𠹗 jäo-jät
or jäo-jä zhāozhā the chirping of birds.²⁴
<又> jä.
(See 𠹗 jä; 哳 jät).
jat2 7448
64 4 jät to bind; to tie; to fasten; to make a bundle; a bundle.⁷
(composition: ⿰扌乚; U+624E). (variant: 紮 jät ).
包扎 bäo-jät
bāozā to wrap up; to pack; to bind up (a wound).
绑扎[綁扎] bōng-jät
bǎngzā tie/bundle up, pack; wrap/bind up, dress.⁶
扎带子[扎帶子] jät-äi-dū
zā dàizi to bind with a ribbon; to tie a string; to tighten the girdle.⁷
扎辫子[扎辮子] jät-bîn-dū
zābiànzi make a queue (braid).
扎紧[扎緊] jät-gīn
zājǐn to tighten; to fasten securely.⁷
扎裹 jät-gō
zāguǒ to mend and tidy up (clothing); to bandage (a wound); to pack up (belongings).⁷
扎好 jät-hāo
zāhǎo to tie up; to bind together.⁷
扎彩楼[扎彩樓] jät-tōi-lẽo
zā cǎilóu to pitch up a festooned platform for a show, exhibition, contest, etc.⁷
编扎[編扎] pëin-jät
biānzā to weave.
<又> jāt, jât.
(See 扎 [jät, zhā], jāt, jât; 紮 jät).
jat2 7449
64 4 jät zhā  to prick; to run or stick (a needle etc) into; jug (a measure word for liquids such as beer).¹⁰
(composition: ⿰扌乚; U+624E). (variant: 紮 jät zhā).
扎啤 jät-bēh
zhāpí draught beer.¹⁰
扎花 jät-fä
zhāhuā <topo.> to embroider.
扎根 jät-gïn
zhāgēn to take root; <topo.>to establish a basis; <topo.> to lay a foundation.
扎扎 jät-jät zhāzhā <ono.> crunch (of marching feet etc.).¹⁰
扎针[扎針] jät-jïm
zhāzhēn to give/have acupuncture treatment.
扎实[扎實] jät-sìt
zhāshi strong; solid; sturdy; practical.
扎堆 jät-uï
zhāduī to gather together.¹⁰ <slang> chew the fat.¹
or 紮营[紮營] jät-yẽin zhāyíng to encamp.⁸ (of army units) set up base camp.¹¹
安营扎寨[安營扎寨] ön-yẽin-jät-jài
ānyíngzhāzhài (usually of troops) pitch camp; camp; encamp.⁶
<又> jāt, jât.
(See 扎 jāt, [jät, ], jât; 紮 [jät, zhā])
jat2 7450
64 9 jät <wr.> to force, to compel, to coerce.⁶
(old variant: 桚 jät ),
逼拶 bēik-jät
bīzā force; compel.⁶
(See 拶 [jät, zǎn]; 桚 [jät, ]).
jat2 7451
64 9 jät zǎn to squeeze the fingers (an ancient form of torture); the instrument used in the torture.³⁶ (old variant: 桚 jät zǎn).
拶子 jät-dū
zǎnzi sticks for crushing fingers.
拶指 jät-jī
zǎnzhǐ to squeeze fingers between sticks (as a form of torture).
(See 拶 [jät,]; 桚 [jät, zǎn]).
jat2 7452
75 9 𣐝
jät used in people's names in Taiwan.¹¹³
(composition: ⿰木匝; U+2341D).
jat2 7453
75 10 jät (<old>=拶 jät <wr.> to force, to compel, to coerce.⁶)
(composition: ⿰木⿱巛夕; U+685A).
(See 桚[jät, zǎn]; 拶[jät, ]).
jat2 7454
75 10 jät zǎn (<old>=拶 jät zǎn to squeeze the fingers (an ancient form of torture); the instrument used in the torture.³⁶)
(composition: ⿰木⿱巛夕; U+685A).
(See 桚[jät, ]; 拶[jät, zǎn]).
jat2 7455
112 10 jät smash, crush, break; pound, mash.⁸
砸饭碗[砸飯碗] jät-fàn-vōn záfànwǎn be out of work; lose one's job.⁸
砸毁[砸毀] jät-fī
záhuǐ smash.¹⁰
砸下 jät-hà
záxià smash; tamp.⁵⁴
砸夯 jät-hāng
záhāng to pound the earth to make a building foundation.¹⁰
砸开[砸開] jät-höi
zákāi crack; force open.⁸
砸烂[砸爛] jät-làn
zálàn wreck, demolish.¹¹
砸了 jät-lēl
zále broken up.¹¹
砸牌子 jät-pãi-dū
zápáizi lose one's reputation.⁸
砸破 jät-pö
zápò to break; to shatter.¹⁰
砸伤[砸傷] jät-sëng
záshāng be injured by a falling object; be injured by a crashing object.⁵⁴
砸坏[砸壞] jät-vài
záhuài break and make unusable.¹¹
砸锅[砸鍋] jät-vö
záguō <topo.> be defeated; fail.⁸
砸锅卖铁[砸鍋賣鐵] jät-vö-mài-hëik
záguōmàitiě break pot and sell scrap –  not hesitate to sacrifice one’s all.⁸
砸死 jät-xī
zásǐ batter to death.¹¹
砸碎 jät-xuï
zásuì break into pieces; smash; shatter.⁹
<又> jàk.
(See 砸 jàk.)
jat2 7456
120 10 jät   (=紮 jät ) tie, fasten, bind.⁸ a bundle (of flowers, etc.).¹¹
<又> [jät,
zhā]. (See 紮 [jät, zā]).
jat2 7457
120 10 jät zhā (=紮 jät zhā)  to prick; to run or stick (a needle etc) into; jug (a measure word for liquids such as beer).¹⁰
<又> [jät,
]. (See 紮 [jät, zhā]).
jat2 7458
120 11 jät   (=扎 jät ). tie, fasten, bind.⁸ a bundle (of flowers, etc.).¹¹
<又> [jät,
zhā]. (See 扎 [jät, ]).
jat2 7459
120 11 jät zhā (=扎 jät zhā)  to prick; to run or stick (a needle etc) into; jug (a measure word for liquids such as beer).¹⁰
<又> [jät,
]. (See 扎 [jät, zhā).
jat2 7460
159 8 jät crush, roll over, run over; oust, squeeze out, push out.⁶ Ya surname.⁸
(comp. t: ⿰車乚; U+8ECB). (comp. s: ⿰车乚; U+8F67).
轧毙[軋斃] jät-bài
yàbì run over and kill.⁵⁴
轧板机[軋板機] jät-bān-gï
yàbǎnjī mangle.⁵
轧布机[軋布機] jät-bü-gï
yàbùjī a mangle; a calender.⁷
轧车[軋車] jät-chëh
yàchē (road) roller.⁵⁴
轧花[軋花] jät-fä
yàhuā <txtl.> cotton ginning.⁵
轧花机[軋花機] jät-fä-gï
yàhuājī cotton gin.⁵
轧光[軋光] jät-göng
or 砑光 ngà-göng yàguāng <txtl.>, <mach.> calendering.⁵ to roll even and give a shine.¹¹
轧光机[軋光機] jät-göng-gï
or 砑光机[砑光機] ngà-göng-gï yàguāngjī calendar.⁵ a calender, a mangling machine for pressing paper, silks.¹¹
轧轧[軋軋] jät-jät
yàyà the creaking sound of a machine in operation.⁷
轧碾[軋碾] jät-jīn
yàniǎn to crush (or grind) by a roller.⁷
轧轹[軋轢] jät-lèik
yàlì to crush.¹¹
轧伤[軋傷] jät-sëng
yàshāng to run over and injure.⁷
轧死[軋死] jät-xī
yàsǐ to run over and kill.⁷
轧碎[軋碎] jät-xuï
yàsuì crush to pieces.⁵
<又> gāt.
(See 軋 [jät, zhá], gāt.)
jat2 7461
159 8 jät zhá roll (steel).⁵
(comp. t: ⿰車乚; U+8ECB). (comp. s: ⿰车乚; U+8F67).
精轧[精軋] dëin-jät
jīngzhá <metal.> finish rolling.⁵
滚轧[滾軋] gūn-jät
gǔnzhá <mach.> rolling.⁵
冷轧[冷軋] lâng-jät
lěngzhá <metal.> cold rolling.⁵
轧机[軋機] jät-gï
zhájī rolling mill.⁵
轧钢[軋鋼] jät-gông
zhágāng steel rolling.⁵
轧钢厂[軋鋼廠] jät-gông-chōng
zhágāngchǎng steel rolling mill.⁵
轧钢机[軋鋼機] jät-gông-gï
zhágāngjī rolling mill.⁵
轧辊[軋輥] jät-kûn
or jät-gûn zhágǔn <metal.> roll; roller.⁵
轧制[軋製] jät-jäi
zházhì <metal.> rolling.⁵
轧制钢[軋製鋼] jät-jäi-gông
zházhìgāng rolled steel.⁵
轧槽[軋槽] jät-tão
zhácáo groove; pass.⁵⁴
<又> gāt.
(See 軋 [jät,], gāt.)
jat2 7462
195 15 jät a fish (in old books).⁸ a barracuda.⁸ʼ¹⁰ a fish.²⁵
<又> xü. (See 魳 xü.)
jat2 7463
40 11 𡨤
jàt zhuó incorrectly used character for 窡 jàt zhuó.²
(composition: ⿱宀叕; U+21A24).
(See 窡 jàt).
jat4 7464
116 13 jàt zhuó ➀ to meet someone at a cave; to see what is inside a cave  ➁ a cave  ➂ the mechanism on the boat that allows the scull to attach it to the boat  ➃ a mouthful of food.⁸ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿱穴叕; U+7AA1).
(cf 𡨤❄{⿱宀叕} jàt; 𠿡❄{⿳穴叕口} jàt).

jat4 7465
116 16 𠿡
jàt zhuó full of food.²ʼ⁵⁴ the mouth full of victuals.²⁵
(composition: ⿳穴叕口; U+20FE1).
(See 窡 jàt).
jat4 7466
121 11 jàt zhǎi <topo.> (of garments, utensils, fruits) blemish; flaw.⁶ broken, defective.²⁵
碗上有点䍉儿[碗上有點䍉兒] vōn-sèng-yiû-ēm-jàt-ngĩ wǎnshàngyǒudiǎnzhǎiér There is a blemish on the bowl.⁶
jat4 7467
22 5 jât (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 匝 jät with same meaning.)
<又> jät.
(See 匝 jät.)
jat5 7468
64 4 jât <台> 一扎线[一扎線] yīt-jât-xëin a skein of thread.
(composition: ⿰扌乚; U+624E).
<又> jät, jāt. (See 扎 [jät, zhā], jāt, [jät, ].)
jat5 7469
64 9 jât zhì to beat, to smash, to hit, to strike; the sound of reaping; to stab, to puncture; (Cant.) to beat.⁸ the noise in reaping grain.²⁴ <old> to pound, to beat; to prick, to poke; to bind, to constrain; <ono.> the sound of harvesting grain.³⁶
挃挃 jât-jât zhìzhì <ono.> the rustling sound of reaping grain.⁰
撞挃 jòng-jât
zhuàngzhì or 撞秷 jòng-jìt zhuàngzhì to strike a musical instrument; to beat with the whole hand.²⁴ to trill the fingers across the strings of a lute.¹⁰²
<又> jīt.
(See 挃 jīt.)

jat5 7470
125 8 jēh zhě (composition: ⿱耂日; U+8005).
① (used as a suffix after a verb or adjective, or a verbal or adjective phrase to indicate the doer of something) -er:
作者 dök-jēh
zuòzhě author; writer; composer.⁶
② (used after a noun phrase to indicate a person doing the stated work or following the stated doctrine) -er, -ist:
和平主义者 võ-pẽin-jī-ngì-jēh
hépíng-zhǔyìzhě pacifist.⁹
③ (used after 二, 三 or 数[數] , etc. to refer back to something said earlier):
两者缺一不可[兩者缺一不可] lēng-jēh-kūt-yīt-būt-hō
liǎngzhě quēyībùkě Neither is dispensible.⁶
二者必居其一 ngì-jēh-bēik-guï-kĩ-yīt
èrzhě bìjū qíyī It must be either of the two.⁶
④ <wr.> (used after a word, phrase, or clause to mark a pause, as in giving definitions):
风者,空气流动而成[風者,空氣流動而成] füng-jēh, hüng-hï liũ-ùng ngĩ sẽin
fēngzhě, kōngqì liúdòng ér chéng <wr.> Wind is air in motion.⁶
⑤ <trad.> (used at the end of a command):
路上小心在意者! lù-sèng xēl-xïm dòi-yï  jēh
lùshàng xiǎoxīn zàiyì zhě! <trad.> Take care on the way!⁶
⑥ <trad.> this:
者边[者邊] jēh-bëin <trad.>
zhěbiān this side; here.⁶
者番 jēh-fän
zhěfān <trad.> on this occasion; this time.⁶

jeh1 7471
125 9 jēh zhě a Unicode Compatibility Character corresponding to 者 jēh zhě (⿱耂日; U+8005).
(Note 1: The character is listed in the Kangxi dictionary as 者 with a total of 9 strokes under the radical 老).
(Note2: A search for either 者 (8 strokes) or 者 (9 strokes) will find the other).

(composition: ⿱⿸耂丶日; U+FA5B).
(See 者 jēh).
jeh1 7472
155 15 jēh zhě reddish brown; burnt ocher.⁵ red; ocher.⁷
渥赭 āk-jēh wòzhě deep brown.¹¹
淡赭 àm-jēh
dànzhě faint umber; ink painting with very little added color.⁵⁴
赭面 jēh-mèin
zhěmiàn to dye the face red.⁷
赭垩[赭堊] jēh-ōk
zhě'è reddish clay.¹¹
赭色 jēh-sēik
zhěsè brown sepia, reddish-brown in color.¹¹
赭石 jēh-sêk
zhěshí ocher (a mineral).⁶ hematite iron ore, used as paint.¹⁴
赭黄[赭黃] jēh-võng
zhěhuáng yellow ocher.⁷
赭衣 jēh-yï
zhěyī red dress worn by convicts in ancient times.⁷
赭衣塞途 jēh-yï-xāk-hũ
zhěyīsètú Criminals were found everywhere.¹⁹
(cf 沰 hāt).
jeh1 7473
167 16 jēh zhě germanium (Ge).⁶
亚锗[亞鍺] ä-jēh yàzhě germanous.¹⁰
锗晶体[鍺晶體] jēh-dëin-hāi
zhějīngtǐ germanium crystal.⁹
锗石[鍺石] jēh-sêk
zhěshí germanite.¹⁰
jeh1 7474
30 14 jëh zhè (old) [formerly used by servants in response to the master's command] yes, yeah, alright.⁶
(See 嗻[jëh, zhē].)
jeh2 7475
30 14 jëh zhē 唓嗻 chëh-jëh chēzhē <wr.> severe; fierce; formidable (often used in the early vernacular).⁶
嗻唓 jëh-chëh
zhēchē terrible; cruel.⁸
(See 嗻[jëh, zhè].)
jeh2 7476
75 9 jëh zhè three-bristle cudrania.⁶ Cudrania tricuspidata, a thorny tree about 15 feet high whose leaves can be used in place of mulberry leaves in feeding silkworms and whose bark contains a yellow dye.⁷ (<Ancient Chinese> =蔗 jêh zhè) sugarcane.¹¹ (variants: 樜 jëh; 𤯈❄{⿰甘者} jêh).
柘弹[柘彈] jëh-dàn
zhèdàn a slingshot made of the tree.⁷
柘弓 jëh-güng zhègōng bow made of the zhè tree.¹⁰
柘榴 jëh-liũ
zhèliú (usually 石榴 sêk-liũ shíliu) pomegranate.¹¹
柘榴石 jëh-liũ-sêk
zhèliúshí garnet.¹⁹
柘树[柘樹] jëh-sì
zhèshù silkworm thorn.⁷ silkworm thorn tree Cudrania tricuspidata (Carr.) Bur.²³
柘蚕[柘蠶] jëh-tâm
zhècán silkworms fed on the leaves of the tree.⁷
柘黄[柘黃] jëh-võng
zhèhuáng a yellow dye made from the bark of the tree.⁷
柘丝[柘絲] jëh-xû
zhèsī silk from worms fed on these leaves.⁷
(See 樜 jëh; 蔗 jêh; 𤯈❄{⿰甘者} jêh).
jeh2 7477
75 15 jëh zhè (<old>=柘 jëh zhè three-bristle cudrania.⁶ Cudrania tricuspidata, a thorny tree about 15 feet high whose leaves can be used in place of mulberry leaves in feeding silkworms and whose bark contains a yellow dye.⁷ (<Ancient Chinese> =蔗 jêh zhè) sugarcane.¹¹).⁸
(composition: ⿰木庶; U+6A1C).
(See 柘 jëh; 蔗 jêh).
jeh2 7478
112 9 jëh zhè (same as 柘 jëh zhè three-bristle cudrania.⁶) a thorny tree about 15 feet high; the leaves are used for feeding silkworms before the mulberry leaves are ready or when they are scarce; bark contains a yellow dye (interchangeable 蔗 jêh zhè) the sugar cane.⁸
(composition: ⿱石木; U+409E).
(See 柘 jëh; 蔗 jêh).
jeh2 7479
122 10 jëh a snare that is used for catching rabbits; broadly: a trap for catching game.⁹
罘罝 fẽo-jëh fújū a rabbit net.²⁵
jeh2 7480
162 10 jëh zhè this; now.⁵
这边[這邊] jëh-bêin zhèbian this side; here.¹⁰
这块布可以做窗帘[這塊布可以做窗簾] jëh-fäi-bü-hō-yî-dü-tóng-lẽm
zhèkuàibùkěyǐzuòchuānglián This piece of cloth can be used as a curtain.
这个[這個] jëh-göi
zhège this; <topo.> so, such; some.⁶
这里[這裡] jëh-lī
zhèlǐ here.¹¹
这么[這麼] jëh-mō
zhème such, this way, like this, so.⁶
这山望着那山高[這山望著那山高] jëh-sän-mòng-jèk-nã-sän-gäo
zhèshānwàngzhenàshāngāo  lit. the next mountain looks taller (idiom); fig. not satisfied with one's current position; the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.¹⁰
这会儿[這會兒] jëh-vòi-ngī
zhèhuìr <topo.> now; at present; at this moment.¹
这些[這些] jëh-xëh
zhèxiē these.¹⁰
这样[這樣] jëh-yèng
zhèyàng in this way, this manner.¹¹
这样吧[這樣吧] jëh-yèng-bà
zhèyàngba Let's do it like this.¹⁰
(See 這 [jëh, zhèi].)
jeh2 7481
162 10 jëh zhèi this; these; (a variant pronunciation of 这[這] jëh zhè).⁶
这个苹果[這個蘋果] jëh-göi-pẽin-gō
zhèigepíngguǒ this apple.⁶
这些人[這些人] jëh-xëh-ngĩn
zhèixiērén these people.⁶
(See 這 [jëh, zhè].)
jeh2 7482
162 14 jëh zhē ➀ hide from view; cover; screen  ➁ block; obstruct; impede  ➂ keep out.⁵
遮阏[遮閼] jëh-āt zhē'è to conceal.¹⁴
遮蔽 jëh-bäi
zhēbì hide from view, cover, screen; obstruct,  block; <mil.> to defilade.⁶
遮丑[遮醜] jëh-chiū
zhēchǒu gloss over one's blemishes; hide one's shame; cover up one's defect.⁵
遮光罩 jëh-göng-jâo
zhēguāngzhào <photo.> lens hood.⁵
遮住 jëh-jì
zhēzhù to cover; to block; to obstruct.⁷
遮盖[遮蓋] jëh-köi
zhēgài cover. overspread; hide, conceal, cover up.⁵
遮拦[遮攔] jëh-lãn
zhēlán block; obstruct; impede.⁵
遮人耳目 jëh-ngĩn-ngī-mùk
zhērén'ěrmù conceal the truth; camouflage.⁶ hoodwink people.⁵⁴
遮断[遮斷] jëh-òn
zhēduàn <mil.> interdict.⁵
遮挡[遮擋] jëh-ōng
zhēdǎng shelter from; keep out.⁵
遮藏 jëh-tõng
zhēcáng hide; conceal; cover up.⁵
遮掩 jëh-yēm
zhēyǎn cover, envelop; cover up, conceal.⁵
遮阳伞[遮陽傘] jëh-yẽng-xän
zhēyángsǎn a parasol.⁷
<台> 遮 jëh umbrella.
<台> 担遮[擔遮] äm-jëh to carry an umbrella.
<台> 开遮[開遮] höi-jëh to open an umbrella.
<台> 闩遮[閂遮] sän-jëh to close an umbrella.
jeh2 7483
196 22 jëh zhè a partridge.⁷ the common partridge or 鷓鴣; the grouse and francolin are probably included under this term in some parts of the country.¹⁰²
(comp. t: ⿰庶鳥; U+9DD3). (comp. s: ⿰庶鸟; U+9E67).
台湾山鹧鸪[臺灣山鷓鴣] Hõi-vän-sän-jëh-gü
Táiwān shān zhègū Taiwan partridge; Taiwan hill partridge (Arborophila crudigularis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鹧鸪[鷓鴣] jëh-gü
zhègū Chinese francolin; francolin; partridge.⁶ partridge.⁸
鹧鸪病[鷓鴣病] jëh-gü-bèng
zhègūbìng partridge disease.⁶
鹧鸪贝[鷓鴣貝] jëh-gü-böi
zhègūbèi partridge shell.⁶
<又> chëk.
(See 鷓 chëk).
jeh2 7484
80 8 jêh jiě <topo.> mother.²⁹
娭毑 äi-jêh āijiě <topo.> grandma, grandmother; <resp.> granny (a term of address for an elderly woman).⁶
jeh5 7485
99 14 𤯈
jêh zhè (=蔗 jêh zhè sugarcane).²
(=柘 jëh
zhè <old>=蔗 jêh zhè  sugarcane).²
(composition: ⿰甘者
(U+FA5B) or ⿰甘者(U+8005); U+24BC8).
(See 蔗 jêh; 柘 jëh).
jeh5 7486
99 16 𤯋
jêh zhè (=蔗 jêh zhè) sugarcane).²ʼ²⁴ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰甘庶; U+24BCB).
(See 蔗 jêh).
jeh5 7487
140 14 jêh zhè sugarcane.⁸ (composition: ⿱艹庶; U+8517).
(variants: 樜, 𧀹❄{⿰艹遮, 𤯋❄{⿰甘庶}, 𤯈❄{⿰甘者} jêh).
甘蔗 gäm-jêh
gānzhe sugarcane.⁶
甘蔗没有两头甜[甘蔗沒有兩頭甜] gäm-jêh mòt-yiû lēnghẽo hẽm
gānzhe méiyǒu liǎngtóu tián A sugarcane is never sweet at both ends – You can't have your cake and eat it (too).⁶
榨蔗 jä-jêh
zhàzhè to extract the juice.¹⁰²
蔗田 jêh-hẽin
zhètián farmland where sugarcanes are planted.⁹
蔗糖 jêh-hõng
zhètáng <chem.> sucrose; cane sugar.⁵
蔗渣 jêh-jâ
zhèzhā or 蔗粕 jêh-pōk or jêh-päk zhèpò bagasse (sugar cane waste).⁵ the refuse after grinding, cane shreds.¹⁰²
蔗汁 jêh-jīp
zhèzhī sugarcane juice.¹¹
蔗寮 jêh-lẽl
zhèliáo sugaring sheds.¹⁰²
蔗螟 jêh-mẽin
zhèmíng sugarcane borer.⁶
蔗农[蔗農] jêh-nũng
zhènóng sugarcane grower.⁵
竹蔗 jūk-jêh
zhúzhè bamboo cane.¹⁰²
铁蔗[鐵蔗] hëik-jêh
tiězhè dark or reddish cane.¹⁰²
热蔗[熱蔗] ngèik-jêh
rèzhè boiled cane, hawked about for sucking.¹⁰²
(See 樜 jëh; 𧀹❄{⿰艹遮} jêh, 𤯋❄{⿰甘庶} jêh, 𤯈❄{⿰甘者} jêh.
jeh5 7488
140 17 𧀹
jêh zhè (=蔗 jêh zhè) sugarcane).²ʼ⁸ʼ¹⁰¹ʼ¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰艹遮; U+27039).
(See 蔗 jêh).
jeh5 7489
9 4 jēik to tilt; narrow; uneasy; oblique tones (in Chinese poetry).
(composition: ⿸厂人; U+4EC4).
仄径[仄徑] jēik-gèin zèjìng narrow path.
仄仄 jēik-jēik
zèzè narrow and steep.
仄日 jēik-ngìt
zèrì setting sun.
仄声[仄聲] jēik-sëin
zèshēng oblique tone; uneven tone (the three tones of classical Chinese, excluding the even tone).
平仄 pẽin-jēik
píngzè level and oblique tones (technical term for classical Chinese poetry).
<又> chēik.
(See 仄 chēik.)
jeik1 7490
64 8 jēik zhí (=摭 jēik zhí <wr.> to pick up, to gather, to choose, to select).¹³ʼ⁹⁸
(composition: ⿰扌石; U+62D3).
<又> hāp; hōk.
(See 拓 hāp; 拓 hōk; 摭 jēik).
jeik1 7491
64 10 jēik zhì to beat.²
(composition: ⿰扌步; U+6357).
<又> bù; pũ. (See 捗 bù; 捗 pũ).
jeik1 7492
64 14 jēik zhí <wr.> to pick up, to gather, to choose, to select.
(variant: 拓 jēik zhí).
(composition: ⿰扌庶; U+646D).
掎摭 gī-jēik
jǐzhí to find fault with; to gather.¹  to draw near and take in one's hand.¹¹
捃摭 gùn-jēik
jùnzhí to collect (sample).¹  to collect, to gather (quotations).¹¹
摭拾 jēik-sìp
zhíshí <wr.> to pick; to gather; to collect.¹ pick, collect (samples, gossip, anecdotes, phrases).¹¹
钩摭[鉤摭] ngëo-jēik
gōuzhí <wr.> audit (accounts).⁵⁴
采摭[採摭] tōi-jēik
cǎizhí to pick up; to collect.¹ to gather from various sources, especially in patch-up work.¹¹
(See 拓 jēik).
jeik1 7493
72 8 jēik <wr.> (of the sun) past the meridian.⁶ after noon; afternoon; the sun on the western side of the sky.⁷  <wr.> post meridiem.¹¹
大市日昃 ài-sî-ngìt-jēik dàshìrìzè great markets were held when the sun was declining.²⁴
昃晷 jēik-gī
zèguǐ afternoon.¹³
日中则昃[日中則昃] ngìt-jüng-dāk-jēik
rìzhōngzézè after noon the sun begins to decline.¹⁴
日月盈昃 ngìt-ngùt-ngẽin-jēik
rìyuèyíngzè The sun rises and sets, the moon waxes and wanes.⁵⁴ The sun reaches the meridian and declines; the moon waxes and wanes.⁷⁴
jeik1 7494
86 8 jēik zhì to burn, to cauterize, to roast, to broil, to heat.⁷ roast, broil; toast; cauterize.⁸
炙背 jēik-böi zhìbèi to expose the back to the sun.⁷
炙炒 jēik-chāo
zhìchǎo to broil.⁷
炙法 jēik-fāt
zhìfǎ cautery.¹⁹
炙甘草 jēik-gäm-tāo
zhìgāncǎo honey-fried licorice root.³⁶
炙干[炙乾] jēik-gön
zhìgān to dry by applying heat.⁷
炙手可热[炙手可熱] jēik-siū-hō-ngèik
zhìshǒukěrè very influential and powerful.⁷
脍炙[膾炙] köi-jēik
kuàizhì minced and roasted – very tasty.⁷
亲炙[親炙] tïn-jēik
qīnzhì be taught directly.⁸ <wr.> be personally tutored, study under (person).¹¹
jeik1 7495
120 18 jēik zhī to weave; to knit.⁷ (comp. t: ⿰⿰糹戠; U+7E54). (comp. s: ⿰纟只; U+7EC7).
织边[織邊] jēik-bëin
zhībiān selvage.⁹  thrum.¹⁰
织品[織品] jēik-bīn
zhīpǐn textile.¹⁰
织补[織補] jēik-bū
zhībǔ darning; invisible mending.⁵
织布[織布] jēik-bü
zhībù weaving cotton cloth; weaving.⁵
织布鸟[織布鳥] jēik-bü-nêl/
zhībùniǎo weaver bird.⁵
织布厂[織布廠] jēik-bü-chōng
zhībùchǎng a weaving mill.⁷
织步娘[織步娘] jēik-bù-nẽng
zhībùniáng a kind of grasshopper (Mecopoda nipponensis).⁷
织造[織造] jēik-dào
zhīzào weave by machine.⁶
织蓆[織蓆] jēik-dèk
zhīxí to make mats.¹⁴
织机[織機] jēik-gï
zhījī loom.⁵
织锦[織錦] jēik-gīm
zhījǐn brocade; picture-weaving in silk.⁵
织锦缎[織錦緞] jēik-gīm-òn
zhījǐnduàn tapestry satin.⁶
织针[織針] jēik-jïm
zhīzhēn knitting needle.⁶
织轴[織軸] jēik-jùk
zhīzhóu <txtl.> beam (of a loom).⁶
织物[織物] jēik-mùt
or jēik-mòt zhīwù textile; fabric.⁶
织女[織女] jēik-nuī
zhīnǚ woman weaver; the Girl Weaver in the legend "The Cowherd and the Girl Weaver"; <astr.> Vega (α Lyrae).⁵
织女星[織女星] Jēik-nuī-xêng
Zhīnǚxīng <astr.> Vega (α Lyrae).⁵
织缯[織繒] jēik-däng
zhīzēng to weave silk.²⁵
jeik1 7496
128 18 jēik zhí a profession, a career; a post, a position; an office, official duties; to manage; used in place of "I" in documents to a superior; only, particularly.⁷ (variant: 軄 jēik zhí).
职称[職稱] jēik-chëin
zhíchēng the title of a technical or professional post (such as engineer, professor).⁸
职分[職分] jēik-fùn
zhífèn official duties; duty.⁷
职工[職工] jēik-güng
zhígōng workers; staff.¹⁰
职责[職責] jēik-jāk
zhízé duty; obligation; responsibility.⁸
职权[職權] jēik-kũn
zhíquán authority of office.⁸
职务[職務] jēik-mù
zhíwù post; duties; job.⁸
职能[職能] jēik-nãng
zhínéng function.⁸
职业[職業] jēik-ngèp
zhíyè occupation; duty.⁸
职任[職任] jēik-ngìm
zhírèn one's duties in an office.⁷
职是[職是] jēik-sì
zhíshì It is for (this reason) that.⁷
职守[職守] jēik-siū
zhíshǒu post; duty.⁸
职位[職位] jēik-vì
zhíwèi position; post.⁸
职司[職司] jēik-xü
zhísī duty; be in charge of.⁸
职此之故[職此之故] jēik-xū-jï-gü
zhícǐzhīgù for this reason.¹⁴
职此而已[職此而已] jēik-xū-ngĩ-yî
zhícǐ'éryǐ It is only for this reason.¹⁴
职员[職員] jēik-yõn
zhíyuán staff, staff member.¹¹
(See 軄 jēik).
jeik1 7497
140 12 jēik the genus Aconitum; aka 乌头属[烏頭屬] vü-hẽo-sùk wūtóushǔ and 附子属[附子屬] fù-dū-sùk fùzishǔ.²⁰
(composition: ⿱艹則; U+8434).
萴子 jēik-dū
zèzi <TCM> seeds of Aconitum, like wolfsbane; It is called 萴子 jēik-dū zèzi if it is one year old; at two, it is called 乌喙[烏喙] vü-fì wūhuì; at three it is called 附子 fù-dū fùzi; at four it is called 烏头[烏頭] vü-hẽo wūtóu; at five it is called 天雄 hëin-hũng tiānxióng.²
jeik1 7498
142 13 jēik jié a centipede.⁸
蝍蛆 jēik-juï jiéjū special name for a centipede or a cricket.⁸
蝍蛉 jēik-lẽin
jiélíng dragonfly.¹⁹
jeik1 7499
157 12 jēik zhí the sole (of the foot); name of a notorious robber.⁷  (variant: 蹠 jēik zhí; 𨂂❄{⿰⻊炙} jēik zhí).
鸭跖草[鴨跖草] äp-jēik-tāo
yāzhícǎo <TCM> Asiastic dayflower (Commelina communis); <old name> 鼻斫草; a.k.a. 鸡舌草, 淡竹叶, 碧蝉花.⁵ʼ¹⁵ʼ²⁰
or 跗蹠 fü-jēik fūzhí tarsometatarsus (of a bird).⁶ tarsus and metatarsus.⁷
高掌远跖[高掌遠跖] gäo-jēng-yōn-jēik
gāozhǎngyuǎnzhí <wr.> wide-open; having great ambitions.⁵⁴
跖足下 jēik-dūk-hà
zhízúxià to tread under foot.¹⁴
跖狗吠尧[跖狗吠堯] jēik-gēo-fì-ngẽl
zhígǒufèiyáo the dog of 盗跖[盜跖] Ào Jēik Dào Zhí barked at Yao – to help the evil and be envious of the good.¹⁴
跖骨 jēik-gūt
zhígǔ metatarsal bone; cannon bone.⁸
跖犬吠尧[跖犬吠堯] jēik-hūn-fì-ngẽl
zhíquǎnfèiyáo to side with the wicked and hate the wise.⁷
跖痛 jēik-hüng
zhítòng metatarsalgia.⁸
跖蹻 jēik-kël
zhíqiāo i.e., (盗跖[盜跖] Ào Jēik Dào Zhí and 庄蹻[莊蹻] Jöng Kël Zhuāng Qiāo, two notorious brigands of classical times.¹⁴
(See 蹠 jēik; 𨂂❄{⿰⻊炙} jēik).
jeik1 7500
157 15 𨂂
jēik  zhí (=跖 jēik zhí metatarsus; sole of the foot; <wr.> tread.⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿰⻊炙; U+28082).
(See 跖 jēik).
jeik1 7501
157 18 jēik  zhí (=跖 jēik zhí) metatarsus; sole of the foot; <wr.> tread.⁶
or 跗跖 fü-jēik fūzhí tarsometatarsus (of a bird).⁶ tarsus and metatarsus.⁷
or 跖骨 jēik-gūt zhígǔ metatarsal bone.⁵
(See 跖 jēik).
jeik1 7502
158 19 jēik zhí (=職 jēik zhí) a profession or a vocation, a career; a post, a position; an office, official duties; to govern, to direct, to manage; used in place of "I" in documents to a superior; only, particularly.⁷
(See 職 jēik).
jeik1 7503
170 9 jēik zhì to mount, to ascend; to advance, to elevate, to promote.⁷
陟彼屺兮,瞻望母兮 jēik-bī-gī-hãi, jëm-mòng-mû-hãi. zhìbǐqǐxī, zhānwàngmǔxī. I ascend that bare hill and yearn for my mother.¹⁴
陟彼岵兮,瞻望父兮 jēik-bī-gü-hãi,  jëm-mòng-fù-hãi. 
zhìbǐhùxī, zhānwàngfùxī.  I climb that wooded hill and look for my father.¹⁴
陟罚[陟罰] jēik-fàt
zhìfá to promote the meritorious and degrade the unworthy.¹⁴
陟方 jēik-föng
zhìfāng an emperor travels for visits; an emperor dies (“goes up to great distance”.¹¹
陟屺 jēik-gī
zhìqǐ yearning for one's mother as when away from home on active service.¹⁴
陟降 jēik-göng
zhìjiàng ascending and descending.¹⁴
陟岵 jēik-gü
zhìhù yearning for one's father as when away from home on active service.¹⁴
陟岵陟屺 jēik-gü-jēik-gī
zhìhùzhìqǐ yearning for one's father and mother, respectively as when away from home on active duty.¹⁴
陟黜 jēik-jōt
zhìchù to promote or demote; to promote or dismiss.⁷
<又> jèik.
(See 陟 jèik.)
jeik1 7504
9 10 jèik zhí value; be worth; happen to; be on duty, take one's turn at something; <math.> value.⁵ (variant: 値 jèik zhí).
(composition: ⿰亻直; U+503C).
不值钱[不值錢] būt-jèik-tẽin
bùzhíqián valueless.¹⁴
价值[價值] gä-jèik
jiàzhí <eco.> value; worth, value.⁶
值得 jèik-āk
zhíde be worth; merit; deserve.⁵
值班 jèik-bän
zhíbān be on duty.⁸
值分布理论[值分布理論] jèik-fün-bü-lî-lùn
zhífēnbù lǐlùn <math.> value distribution theory.⁵
值勤 jèik-kĩn
zhíqín (of military/police) be on duty.⁵
值日 jèik-ngìt
zhírì be on duty for the day.⁵
值当[值當] jèik-öng
zhídàng <topo.> be worthwhile.⁵
值钱[值錢] jèik-tẽin
zhíqián costly; valuable.⁵
值星 jèik-xëin
zhíxīng (of army officers) be on duty for the week.⁵
数值[數值] sü-jèik
shùzhí numerical value.⁸
一钱不值[一錢不值] yīt-tẽin-būt-jèik
yīqiánbùzhí not worth a penny; mere trash; utterly worthless.⁹
(See 値 jèik).
jeik4 7505
9 10 jèik zhí (=值 jèik zhí) value; be worth; happen to; be on duty, take one's turn at something.⁵ to hold in the hand.¹⁴
(See 值 jèik).
jeik4 7506
32 11 jèik zhí soil with large clay content.⁸ clay.⁹ clayey soil, which is unproductive.¹¹ clay; soil.¹⁰¹ (old variant: 戠 èik).
(composition: ⿰土直; U+57F4).
赤埴 chēik-jèik chìzhí red clay.¹⁹
黑埴 hāk-jèik
hēizhí black clay.¹⁹ (See 垆埴[壚埴] lũ-jèik).
埴固 jèik-gü
zhígù (=坚固[堅固] gëin-gü jiāngù firm; solid; sturdy; strong.⁵).¹⁹
埴土 jèik-hū
zhítǔ clayey soil.¹¹
埴垆[埴壚] jèik-lũ
zhílú clayey and loose soil.¹¹
埴论[埴輪] jèik-lũn
zhílún haniwa, terracotta clay figures that were made for ritual use and buried with the dead as funerary objects between 200 to 599 AD) in Japan.¹⁵
垆埴[壚埴] lũ-jèik
lúzhí black clay.¹⁹
冥行掷埴[冥行擲埴] mẽin-hãng-jàk-jèik
míngxíngzhìzhí like a blind man groping his way in the dark.¹
瓦埴 ngā-jèik
wǎzhí make fine clay into pottery.¹⁹
埏埴 sän-jèik
shānzhí (potter) to mix water with clay to shape molds.¹¹
(See 戠 jèik).
jeik4 7507
40 12 jèik zhí (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 寔 sìt shí with the same meaning: ➀ lay up, lay aside, dispose ➁ this ➂ (=实[實] sìt shí) real, true, solid, honest.⁸).¹ʼ¹³
(composition: ⿱宀是; U+5BD4).
<又> sìt.
(See 寔 sìt; 實 sìt).
jeik4 7508
62 12 jèik zhí (<old>=埴 jèik zhí soil with large clay content.⁸); clay; to get together.⁸ to gather; old variant of 埴 jèik zhí.⁹ a sword; potter's clay; to gather.¹⁴ clay ground.²⁴ yellow clay.³⁶ (variant: 𧧬❄{⿹𢦏言} jèik zhí).
(composition: ⿰音戈; U+6220).
盍戠 hàp-jèik
hézhí ➀ (=盍簪 hàp-däm hézān surrounded by friends.¹⁴)  ➁ pertaining to friends.¹⁹
(See 埴 jèik; 𧧬❄{⿹𢦏言} jèik).
jeik4 7509
64 11 jèik zhí to lean on a cane.⁸ to lean on a staff.²⁴ a crutch, staff or stick.³⁶
(composition: ⿰扌直; U+3A01).
<又> sì. (See 㨁 sì).
jeik4 7510
75 12 jèik zhí plant, grow; set up, establish.⁵
裸子植物 gō-dū jèik-mùt or gō-dū jèik-mòt luǒzǐ zhíwù <bot.> gymnospermae.⁶
植保 jèik-bāo
zhíbǎo plant protection; crop protection.⁵
植根 jèik-gïn
zhígēn to take root; to establish a base.¹⁰
植株 jèik-jï
zhízhū to plant (vegetables, flowers).⁷
植立 jèik-lìp
zhílì to set up; to erect.⁷
植物 jèik-mùt
or jèik-mòt zhíwù plant; flora.⁵
植物志 jèik-mùt-jï
or jèik-mòt-jï zhíwùzhì flora.⁵
植物园[植物園] jèik-mùt-yõn
or jèik-mòt-yõn zhíwùyuán botanical garden.¹¹
植耳而听[植耳而聽] jèik-ngī-ngĩ-hëng
zhí'ěr'értīng pricking up the ears to listen – listening attentively.⁵⁴
植绒[植絨] jèik-ngũng
zhíróng <txtl.> flocking.⁶
植党[植黨] jèik-ōng
zhídǎng establish a party or coterie.⁵⁴
植党营私[植黨營私] jèik-ōng-yẽin-xü
zhídǎngyíngsī set up a clique for one's own selfish interests.⁵
植皮术[植皮術] jèik-pĩ-sùt
zhípíshù <med.> skin grafting.⁵
植被 jèik-pî
zhíbèi vegetation.⁵
植树[植樹] jèik-sì
zhíshù plant trees.⁵
植树机[植樹機] jèik-sì-gï
zhíshùjī tree-planting machine; tree planter.⁵
植入 jèik-yìp
zhírù to implant.¹⁰
jeik4 7511
78 12 jèik shi 骨殖 gūt-jèik gǔshi skeleton (of a decomposed human body.
(See 殖 [jèik, zhí].)
jeik4 7512
78 12 jèik zhí to grow in abundance, to prosper, to reproduce, to propagate; to plant; to become wealthy; to colonize, colonization.⁷
繁殖 fãn-jèik fánzhí breed.⁵⁵
生殖 säng-jèik
shēngzhí reproduce.⁹
殖产[殖產] jèik-chān
zhíchǎn to increase one's property and holdings.⁷
殖货[殖貨] jèik-fö
zhíhuò prosper in commercial dealings;  increase one's possessions in property and goods.⁷
殖谷[殖穀] jèik-gūk
zhígǔ to plant rice.⁷
殖利 jèik-lì
zhílì to make a profit.⁷
殖民 jèik-mĩn
zhímín establish a colony; colonize.⁵
殖民地 jèik-mĩn-ì
zhímíndì colony.⁵
殖民政策 jèik-mĩn-jëin-chāk
zhímínzhèngcè the colonial policy; colonialism.⁷
殖民主义[殖民主義] jèik-mĩn-jī-ngì
zhímínzhǔyì colonialism.⁵
(See 殖 [jèik, shi].)
jeik4 7513
85 12 jèik shí transparent, clear.⁸ so clear that the bottom can be seen (of water).⁹
湜湜 jèik-jèik shíshí very clear (of a stream).⁵⁴
jeik4 7514
93 12 jèik zhí bullock, ox; <lit.> fringe (decoration).³⁶ bare bull, ox; border, fringe.⁵⁴ fringe; edging; embellish; a castrated bull.¹⁰¹ the margin or selvedge of the dress.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰牜直; U+7286).
虎犆 fū-jèik hǔzhí tiger skin trim.⁵⁴
鹿幦豹犆 lùk-mìt-bäo-jèik
lù mì bào zhí a covering of deer skin, edged with leopard's fur; ⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·玉藻·6》, translated by James Legge).
<又> àk.
(See 犆 àk).
jeik4 7515
109 8 jèik zhí straight; straighten; vertical, perpendicular; just, upright; frank, straightforward; stiff, numb; vertical stroke in Chinese characters; continuously; simply; Zhi surname.⁶
直到 jèik-äo zhídào until; up to.⁵
直白 jèik-bàk
zhíbái plain; straightforward; explicit.⁶
直奔 jèik-bïn
zhíbèn go straight to; make a beeline for.¹⁰
直奔工厂 jèik-bïn-güng-chōng
zhíbèngōngchǎng straight to the factory.³⁹
直笔[直筆] jèik-bīt
zhíbǐ unprejudiced writing.⁶
直肠直肚[直腸直肚] jèik-chẽng-jèik-ū
zhíchángzhídù <vern.> straightforward; frank.⁶
直截了当[直截了當] jèik-dèik-lẽl-öng
zhíjiéliǎodàng direct and plainspoken (idiom); blunt; straightforward.¹⁰
直接 jèik-dēp
zhíjiē direct, directly.¹¹
直谏[直諫] jèik-gän
zhíjiàn advise frankly.⁸
直径[直徑] jèik-gèin
zhíjìng diameter.¹⁰
直辖[直轄] jèik-hàt
zhíxiá direct jurisdiction.¹¹
直立茎[直立莖] jèik-lìp-gèin
zhílìjīng erect stem.⁶
直爽 jèik-sōng
zhíshuǎng forth right; frank.⁸
心直口快 xïm-jèik-hēo-fäi
xīnzhíkǒukuài straight-forward and outspoken.⁵
<台> 直成 jèik-sẽin exactly, sure enough.
jeik4 7516
115 13 jèik zhī (of crops) being sown or ripening earlier than other varieties.⁶
白玉米稙 bàk-ngùk-māi-jèik báiyùmǐzhī early rippening white corn.⁶
稙谷子[稙穀子] jèik-gūk-dū
zhīgǔzǐ millet sown earlier.⁶
稙庄稼[稙莊稼] jèik-jöng-gä
zhīzhuāngjia crops sown early.⁶
jeik4 7517
142 17 jèik zhé hibernate; live in seclusion (like an animal in hibernation).⁶
闭蛰[閉蟄] bäi-jèik bìzhé to hibernate.¹¹
出蛰[出蟄] chūt-jèik
chūzhé come out of hibernation.¹¹
惊蛰[驚蟄] gëin-jèik
jīngzhé the Waking of Insects (3rd solar term, Mar 5, 6, or 7).⁶
蛰兽[蟄獸] jèik-chiü
zhéshòu a hibernating animal or insect.⁷
蛰虫[蟄蟲] jèik-chũng
zhéchóng hibernating insect.⁶
蛰伏[蟄伏] jèik-fùk
zhéfú to hibernate; to lie low.¹¹
蛰居[蟄居] jèik-guï
zhéjū <wr.> live in seclusion; be a hermit; be in solitude.⁶
蛰居书斋[蟄居書齋] jèik-guï-sï-jäi
zhéjū-shūzhāi cloister oneself in one's study.⁶
蛰蛰[蟄蟄] jèik-jèik
zhézhé <wr.> in a cluster (of insects).¹ <wr.> thriving in a peaceful community.¹¹ swarms, gathered together.¹⁴ to assemble together.²⁵
蛰雷[蟄雷] jèik-luĩ
zhéléi the first spring thunder (that awakes insects from dormancy).⁷
蛰藏[蟄藏] jèik-tõng
zhécáng hide, remain under cover.⁶
启蛰[啟蟄] kāi-jèik
qǐzhé to wake from hibernation in the spring.¹¹
冬蛰[冬蟄] üng-jèik
dōngzhé hibernation.¹⁰
jeik4 7518
149 13 𧧬
jèik zhí (=戠 jèik zhí clay; to get together.⁸).⁸
(composition: ⿹𢦏言; U+279EC).
(See 戠 jèik).
jeik4 7519
170 9 jèik zhì (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 陟 jēik zhì with same meaning: to mount, to ascend; to advance, to elevate, to promote.⁷)
<又> jēik.
(See 陟 jēik.)
jeik4 7520
196 19 jëim qiān to peck; to ridicule, to deride.⁷ to peck, as birds.⁸ a bird pecking at anything.²⁵
jeim2 7521
61 14 jēin zhěng (<old>=整 jēin zhěng ➀ orderly, systematic, neat, tidy ➁ sharp ➂ complete, whole, entire, intact ➃ to set in order, to make ready.⁷).⁸
(composition: ⿱勑心; U+6138).
(See 整 jēin).
jein1 7522
64 7 jēin zhěng to lift up; to rescue, save.³⁶
(composition: ⿰扌升; U+628D).
jein1 7523
64 9 jēin zhěng save; rescue; deliver.⁶
包拯 Bäo Jēin Bāo Zhěng Bao Zheng (999-1062), Northern Song official renowned for his honesty; modern day metaphor for an honest politician.¹⁰
拯救 jēin-giü
zhěngjiù save; rescue; deliver; redeem.⁶
拯救国家[拯救國家] jēin-giü-gōk-gä
zhěngjiù guójiā save the country.⁶
拯救生命 jēin-giü-säng-mèin
zhěngjiù shēngmìng save somebody's life.⁶
拯民于水火[拯民於水火] jēin-mĩn-yï-suī-fō
zhěng mín yú shuǐ-huǒ deliver the people from untold miseries.⁶
拯恤 jēin-xūt
zhěngxù to give relief (to the poor).¹¹ save and help (refugees).⁵⁴
<又> chēin.
(See 拯 chēin.)
jein1 7524
66 16 jēin zhěng ➀ orderly, systematic, neat, tidy ➁ sharp ➂ complete, whole, entire, intact ➃ to set in order, to make ready.⁷
化整为零[化整為零] fä-jēin-vĩ-lẽng huàzhěngwéilíng break up the whole into parts/pieces.⁶ (old variant: 愸 jēin).
整饬[整飭] jēin-chēik
or jēin-sēik zhěngchì put in order, strengthen (discipline).⁵
整风[整風] jēin-füng
zhěngfēng to rectify incorrect work-styles.
整洁[整潔] jēin-gēik
zhěngjié neatly; tidy.¹⁰
整个[整個] jēin-göi
zhěnggè whole; entire.
整体[整體] jēin-hāi
zhěngtǐ whole; entirety.
整翮 jēin-hàt
zhěnghé the preen the feathers.¹⁴
整天 jēin-hëin
zhěngtiān the whole day; all day (long); day after day; always.
or 整天家 jēin-hëin-gä zhěngtiānjie <topo.> all day long.³⁹
整天价忙[整天價忙] or 整天家忙 jēin-hëin-gä-mõng 
zhěngtiānjiemáng <topo.> to be busy all day long.⁶
整理 jēin-lî
zhěnglǐ to put in order; to arrange.
整数[整數] jēin-sü
zhěngshù <math.> integer; whole number; round number/figure.⁶
整齐[整齊] jēin-tãi
zhěngqí orderly; neat; even; tidy.¹⁰
整顿[整頓] jēin-ùn
zhěngdùn rectify, reorganize; prepare.⁸
(See 愸 jēin).
jein1 7525
85 5 jēin zhěng name of a river in Shandong province.³⁶
(components: 了 overlap the middle stroke 亅 in 水, so write 了 first, then the left stroke of 水 and then the 2 right strokes of 水 or the character 丞 sẽin chéng without the bottom stroke; U+6C36).
jein1 7526
9 7 jëin zhēng hurriedly, hastily; frightened, alarmed; fear, dread.² (used only in 佂伀 jëin-jüng zhēngzhōng).
(composition: ⿰亻正; U+4F42).
or 怔忪 jëin-jüng zhēngzhōng <lit.> alarmed and panicky; terrified; panic-stricken; seized with terror.⁶
jein2 7527
9 11 jëin zhēn to detect; to spy; to scout; a spy; a scout; a detective.
侦查[偵查] jëin-chã zhēnchá to investigate (a crime).
侦察[偵察] jëin-chāt
zhēnchá to reconnoiter; to scout.
侦察机[偵察機] jëin-chāt-gï
zhēnchájī reconnaissance plane.
侦探[偵探] jëin-häm
zhēntàn to do detective work; detective, spy.
侦听[偵聽] jëin-hëng
zhēntīng to intercept (enemy radio communications); to monitor.
侦破[偵破] jëin-pö
zhēnpò to crack (a criminal case).
(See 遉 jëin.)
jein2 7528
38 12 jëin zhēng an ancient woman's name.⁸
(composition: ⿰女貞; U+5A9C).
jein2 7529
50 12 jëin zhēn <m.> (of paintings or calligraphy).⁶
帧频[幀頻] jëin-pĩn zhēnpín frame frequency, picture frequency.⁶
装帧[裝幀] jöng-jëin
zhuāngzhēn binding and layout (of a book, magazine).⁶
 一帧油画[一幀油畫] yīt-jëin-yiũ-và
yīzhēnyóuhuà an oil painting.⁶
jein2 7530
54 7 𢌛
jëin zhēng to walk; (=征 jëin zhēng to journey far away; to attack, to reduce to submission, to conquer, to tame; to levy taxes, to collect taxes; to take, to snatch.⁷)
(composition: ⿺廴正; U+2231B).
(See 征 jëin).
jein2 7531
60 8 jëin zhēng to journey far away; to attack, to reduce to submission, to conquer, to tame; to levy taxes, to collect taxes; to take, to snatch; Zheng surname.⁷ (variants: 𢌛❄{⿺廴正}, 𨒌❄{⿺辶正} jëin zhēng).
长征[長征] chẽng-jëin
chángzhēng expedition; long journey; Long March, Red Army retreat 1934-1935).¹⁰
出征 chūt-jëin
chūzhēng <mil.> to go on an expedition.⁸
征尘[征塵] jëin-chĩn
zhēngchén the dust on the route by which a traveler comes from afar; the dust on the traveler's clothing.⁷
征帆 jëin-fãn
zhēngfān the boat that makes long voyages.⁷
征伐 jëin-fàt
zhēngfá to battle; to be on the warpath; a punitive military action.⁷
征夫 jëin-fü
zhēngfū (=征人 jëin-ngĩn zhēngrén) a traveler who has journeyed far; a warrior or soldier.⁷
征服 jëin-fùk
zhēngfú to conquer; conquest.⁷
征途 jëin-hũ
zhēngtú the journey of a traveler; a traveler's progress.⁷
征战[征戰] jëin-jën
zhēngzhàn to fight in battle.⁷
征敛[征斂] jëin-lêm
zhēngliǎn to levy and collect taxes.⁷
征人 jëin-ngĩn
zhēngrén (=征夫 jëin-fü zhēngfū) a traveler who has journeyed far; a warrior or soldier.⁷
(See 徵 jëin; 徵 jī; 𢌛❄:⿺廴正 jëin; 𨒌❄{⿺辶正} jëin).
jein2 7532
60 14 jëin zhēng (=徵 jëin zhēng) to summon; to levy or raise (taxes); to call to arms; to ask, to inquire; to request, to seek for; to prove, to evidence;  signs.⁷
(composition: ⿲彳⿱山王攵; U+5FB4).
<又> jī.
(See 徴 jī; 徵 jëin, jī.)
jein2 7533
60 15 jëin zhēng to summon; to levy or raise (taxes); to call to arms; to ask, to inquire; to request, to seek for; to prove, to evidence;  signs; Zheng surname.⁷
(Note: 征, an old character, is now used as a simplified form of 徵, but not always: 徵 jī zhǐ (sol) cannot use 征; 征 jëin zhēng meaning march cannot use 徵 jëin zhēng.)
征答[徵答] jëin-āp
zhēngdá to solicit answers to questions or problems.⁷
征辟[徵辟] jëin-bēik
zhēngbì to use or draft commoners as officials; to appoint commoners to public offices.⁷
征兵[徵兵] jëin-bëin
zhēngbīng conscription.¹¹
征调[徵調] jëin-èl
zhēngdiào to issue orders to conscript men and make military deployment.⁷
征歌[徵歌] jëin-gô
zhēnggē to summon singers or musicians to perform.⁷
征求[徵求] jëin-kiũ
zhēngqiú to seek, to solicit (answers); to want (an office clerk).⁷
征兆[徵兆] jëin-sêl
zhēngzhào a sympton; an omen, symptomatic.⁷
征税[徵稅] jëin-suï
zhēngshuì to levy and collect taxes.⁷
<又> jī.
(See 徵 jī, 征 jëin.)
jein2 7534
61 8 jëin zhèng stare blankly; be dumbfounded; be in a daze.⁶
发怔[發怔] fät-jëin fāzhèng stare blankly; be in a daze.⁸
怔怔 jëin-jëin
zhèngzhèng <topo.> dumbfounded; in a daze/trance.⁶ <topo.> in a daze.⁸
怔神儿[怔神兒] jëin-sĩn-ngĩ
zhèngshénr <topo.> stare blankly; be in a daze/trance.⁶
(See 怔 [jëin, zhēng].)
jein2 7535
61 8 jëin zhēng seized with terror; terrified; panic-stricken.⁶ (variant: 佂 jëin).
忡怔 chüng-jëin chōngzhēng <wr.> uneasy, distressed.¹¹
怔忡 jëin-chüng
zhēngchōng <wr.> <TCM> severe palpitation.⁶
怔忪 jëin-jüng
zhēngzhōng <wr.> alarmed and panicky; terrified; panic-stricken; seized with terror.⁶
怔营[怔營] jëin-yẽin
zhēngyíng scared and nervous.⁷
(See 怔 [jëin, zhèng]; 佂 jëin.)
jein2 7536
66 9 jëin zhèng political; politics; government.¹⁰
各自为政[各自為政] gōk-dù-vĩ-jëin gèzìwéizhèng everyone does his/her own thing.⁹
政策 jëin-chāk
zhèngcè policy.⁸
政况[政況] jëin-fōng
zhèngkuàng general conditions of the government.¹¹
政府 jëin-fū
zhèngfǔ government.⁵
政局 jëin-gùk
zhèngjú political situation.¹¹
政通人和 jëin-hüng-ngĩn-võ
zhèngtōngrénhé efficient government, people at peace (idiom); all is well with the state and the people.¹⁰
政治 jëin-jì
zhèngzhì politics; political affairs.⁶
政权[政權] jëin-kũn
zhèngquán regime; political power.¹⁰
政党[政黨] jëin-ōng
zhèngdǎng political party.¹⁰
jein2 7537
75 13 jëin zhēn hardwood; terminal posts used in building a wall in ancient times.⁶ sturdy wood; posts at ends of walls.⁷
国之桢干[國之楨幹] gōk-jï-jëin-gön guózhīzhēngàn backbone of a nation; pillar of the state.⁶
桢干[楨幹] jëin-gön
zhēngàn <wr.> pile; pillar; mainstay; backbone; core member.⁶ post and boards for raising adobe walls; a support – used of men of ability.¹⁴
or 贞榦[貞榦] jëin-gön zhēngàn planks and post for making adobe walls.¹⁴ the boards used in constructing mud walls; the former serves for compressing the ends, the latter the sides of the wall.²⁴
桢木[楨木] jëin-mùk
zhēnmù glossy privet.⁸ (=女贞[女貞] nuī-jëin nǚzhēn Ligustrum lucidum Ait. also called 冬青 üng-tëin, 白蜡树[白蠟樹] bàk-làp-sì, 蜡树[蠟樹] làp-sì, 女桢[女楨] nuī-jëin, 桢木[楨木] jëin-mùk, 将军树[將軍樹] dëng-gün-sì.)²³
jein2 7538
77 5 jëin zhèng upright; central; exact; obverse; pure; correct.
不务正业[不務正業] būt-mù-jëin-ngèp bùwùzhèngyè not engage in honest work.⁶
正反 jëin-fān
zhèng-fǎn positive and negative.
正楷 jëin-gäi
zhèngkǎi regular script.¹⁰
正中 jëin-jüng
zhèngzhōng precise middle; center.
正中下怀[正中下懷] jëin-jüng-hà-vãi
zhèngzhòngxiàhuái  to be just what one hopes for.
正巧 jëin-kāo
zhèngqiǎo just by chance; to happen to (just at the right time); opportune.¹⁰
正确[正確] jëin-kōk
zhèngquè correct; right; proper.⁵
正当[正當] jëin-öng
zhèngdāng just when; just as.
正当[正當] jëin-öng
zhèngdàng proper; legitimate; correct; proper (of behavior).
正派 jëin-päi
or jëin-pāi zhèngpài upright, honest, decent.⁶
正式 jëin-sēik
zhèngshì formal; official.
正常 jëin-sẽng
zhèngcháng regular; normal; ordinary.¹⁰
正书[正書] jëin-sï
zhèngshū regular script.
正辛醇 jëin-xïn-sũn
zhèngxīnchún caprylic alcohol, aka 2-Octanol (one of many synonyms).⁸⁷
<台> 正笔字[正筆字] jëin-bīt-dù standard written characters; regular script; traditional.
<又> jëng.
(See 正 jëng, [jëin, zhēng].)
jein2 7539
77 5 jëin zhēng first month of the lunar year.
正月 jëin-ngùt zhēngyuè first month of the lunar year.
天时不正[天時不正] hëin-sĩ-būt-jëin
tiānshí bù zhēng abnormal weather.
新正 xïn-jëin
xīnzhēng first month of the lunar year.⁶
<又> jëng.
(See 正 jëng,  [jëin, zhèng].)
jein2 7540
78   5 𣦵
jëin zhēn (=贞[貞] jëin zhēn chaste.).⁸
(composition: ⿱⺊⿵冂一; U+239B5).
<又> āt.
(See 𣦵❄{⿱⺊⿵冂一} āt; 貞 jëin).

jein2 7541
85 12 jëin zhēn 浈水[湞水] Jëin-suī Zhēnshuǐ river in 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Guangdong Province.⁴
jein2 7542
86 9 jëin zhēng (=煠 yêp flame; blaze; bright; fiery.⁸ a flash of light; light, splendor.²⁴).⁸
(composition: ⿰火正; U+70A1).
炡爚 jëin-yèk
zhēngyuè the rapid motion of flames.²⁴
<台> 炡眼 jëin-ngān bright light shining on my eyes (blinding me, such as chrome plated metal on a vehicle).
(See 煠,炸 jä; compare 爚 yèk to shine, to illuminate,...).
jein2 7543
86 10 jëin zhēng to rise – as steam; many, numerous; lewdness, incest among the older generation; to steam (=蒸 jëin zhēng, q.v.).⁷ multitudinous; the masses; to present (to somebody); to rise; to advance; to progress; archaic variant of 蒸 jëin zhēng.¹⁰ The heat of fire ascending; steam, hot vapor; to steam; princely; to advance; all; the multitude; dust; to gather dust; liberal, royal; prevailing; the winter sacrifice; fruit with much skin and kernel; to commit incest with superior relatives; a mist, high and distant; vapor rising up; a commencing particle.²⁴
烝茶 jëin-chã
zhēngchá to boil tea.²⁴
烝酒 jëin-diū
zhēngjiǔ to distill liquor.²⁴
烝畀祖妣 jëin-ī-dū-bī
zhēngbìzǔbǐ present to ancestors, male and female.⁵⁴
烝烝 jëin-jëin
zhēngzhēng rising and flourishing; (now rarely) sincere and filial.⁷
烝黎 jëin-lãi
zhēnglí the people; the masses.⁷
烝民 jëin-mĩn
zhēngmín many people; large number of people.⁶
烝尝[烝嘗] jëin-sẽng
zhēngcháng winter and autum praying (rather than 'winter and autum sacrifice' ⁸).⁰
䨇烝酒 söng-jëin-diū
shuāngzhēngjiǔ doubled distilled liquor.²⁴

jein2 7544
86 10 𤇶
jëin zhēng (=烝 jëin zhēng hot air.²⁴
(composition: ⿰火丞; U+241F6).
jein2 7545
86 17 𤏾
jëin zhēng (=𦙫❄{⿰月正} jëin zhēng to cook fish with fried pork.² to boil fish or flesh.²⁵)
(composition: ⿰火⿱刑酉; U+243FE).
(See 𦙫❄{⿰月正} jëin).

jein2 7546 243FE.gif
104 10 jëin zhèng disease; illness.⁶ disease; ailment.¹⁴
白斑症 bàk-bän-jëin báibānzhèng vitiligo.¹⁰
贝尔氏麻痹症[貝爾氏麻痹症] böi-ngì-sì-mã-bï-jëin
bèi'ěrshì mábìzhèng Bell's palsy.²⁹
症候 jëin-hèo
zhènghou symptoms or manifestations.⁷ malady; disease; ailment; symptoms.¹⁴
症候群 jëin-hèo-kũn
zhènghòuqún syndrome.⁶
症状[症狀] jëin-jòng
zhèngzhuàng symptoms or manifestations.⁷
癌症 ngãm-jëin
áizhèng cancer.¹⁰
内症外症[內症外症] nuì-jëin-ngòi-jëin
nèizhèngwàizhèng internal and external complaints.¹⁴
顺症[順症] sùn-jëin
shùnzhèng a curable disease.¹⁴
对症下药[對症下藥] uï-jëin-hä-yêk
duìzhèng xiàyào prescribe the right medicine for an illness; take the correct action/steps to solve a problem.⁶
疫症 yèik-jëin
yìzhèng an epidemic.⁷
(See 癥 jëin.)
jein2 7547
104 20 jëin zhēng lump in the abdomen.⁶ abdominal tumor; bowel obstruction; (fig.) sticking point.¹⁰ obstruction of the bowels.¹⁴
症瘕[癥瘕] jëin-gā zhēngjiǎ <TCM> concretion; abdominal mass.⁵⁴
症瘕积聚[癥瘕積聚] jëin-gā-dēik-duì
zhēngjiǎjījù <TCM> lump/tumor in the abdomen causing distension and pain.⁶
症瘕痞块[癥瘕痞塊] jëin-gā-pī-fäi
zhēngjiǎpǐkuài hard obstructions in the bowels.¹⁴
症结[癥結] jëin-gēik
zhēngjié hard formations in the bowels; (fig.) the crux of the problem.¹¹ obstructon or knots in the bowels, from which it gets the meaning of an obstinate disposition.¹⁴
症结所在[癥結所在] jëin-gēik-sō-dòi
zhēngjiésuǒzài where the problem lies.¹¹
(See 症 jëin.)
jein2 7548
113 13 jëin zhēn <wr.> auspicious; propitious; lucky.⁶
祯符[禎符] jëin-fũ zhēnfú propitious sign/omen.⁵⁴
祯祥[禎祥] jëin-tẽng
zhēnxiáng a good omen; a  lucky omen.⁷
jein2 7549
118 16 jëin zhēng a kind of bamboo found in ancient books.⁸ bamboo.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗烝; U+7BDC).
jein2 7550
128 11 jëin zhēng to walk alone.²
聇聇 jëin-jëin zhēngzhēng to walk.²⁵
(composition: ⿰耳正; U+8047).
jein2 7551
130 9 𦙫
jëin zhēng to cook fish with fried pork.² to boil fish or flesh.²⁵ (variants: 𤏾❄{⿰火⿱刑酉}, 𩜎❄{⿰飠青} jëin zhēng).
(composition: ⿰月正; U+2666B).
(See 𤏾❄{⿰火⿱刑酉} jëin, 𩜎❄{⿰飠青} jëin; cf. 𦡅❄{⿰月⿱刑酉} jëin).
jein2 7552
130 17 𦡅
jëin zhēng to cook fish with vinegar.²
(composition: ⿰月⿱刑酉; U+26845).

jein2 7553 26845.gif
140 9 jëin zhēng (=蒸 jëin zhēng twigs of hemp used for fuel; to rise, as steam; steam.
(composition: ⿱艹丞; U+44B1).
jein2 7554
140 13 jëin zhēng to steam; to evaporate.⁸
蒸发[蒸發] jëin-fāt zhēngfā to evaporate.⁸
蒸鸡[蒸雞] jëin-gäi
zhēngjī steamed chicken.²⁹
蒸饺[蒸餃] jëin-gāo
zhēngjiǎo steamed dumplings.⁵
蒸气[蒸氣] jëin-hï
zhēngqì vapor.⁶
蒸汽 jëin-hï
zhēngqì steam.⁶
蒸蒸日上 jëin-jëin-ngìt-sèng
zhēngzhēngrìshàng becoming more prosperous every day.⁸
蒸馏[蒸餾] jëin-liũ
zhēngliú to distill; distillation.¹⁰
蒸馏水[蒸餾水] jëin-liũ-suī
zhēngliúshuǐ distilled water.¹⁹
蒸笼[蒸籠] jëin-lûng/
zhēnglóng food steamer (usually made of bamboo); steam box; bamboo steamer.⁶
蒸馍[蒸饃] jëin-mō
zhēngmo <topo.> steamed bun.¹ steamed bread.¹⁹
蒸溽 jëin-yùk
zhēngrù humid and hot (summer days).¹¹
水蒸气[水蒸氣] suī-jëin-hï
shuǐzhēngqì water vapour; steam.⁸
清蒸鱼[清蒸魚] tëin-jëin-nguî/
qīngzhēngyú steamed fish.¹⁹
<台> 咸虾蒸猪肉[鹹蝦蒸豬肉] hãm-mâ (not hãm-hâ) jëin jï-ngùk salted shrimp steamed with pork.
jein2 7555
143 15 𧗆
jëin zhēng pickled vegetables.²⁵
(composition: ⿳艹丞血; U+275C6).
jein2 7556
145 10 𧘿
jëin zhēng (composition: ⿰衤正; U+2763F).
𧘿❄{⿰衤正}衳 jëin-jüng zhēngzhōng a child's clothing.²
jein2 7557
149 12 jëin zhèng (=证[證] jëin zhèng) prove, testify to, attest to; evidence, proof, testimony.⁶
(composition: ⿰言正; U+8A3C).
(See 證 jëin).
jein2 7558
149 19 jëin zhèng prove, testify to, attest to; evidence, proof, testimony.⁶ (variant: 証 jëin zhèng).
保证[保證] bāo-jëin
bǎozhèng to pledge; to guarantee.
铁证[鐵證] hëik-jëin
tiězhèng ironclad evidence/proof.⁶
证婚书[證婚書] jëin-fün-sï
zhènghūnshū marriage certificate.
证据[證據] jëin-guï
zhèngjù evidence; proof; testimony.
证据确凿[證據確鑿] jëin-guï-kōk-dòk
zhèngjùquèzáo irrefutable evidence.⁹
证明[證明] jëin-mẽin
zhèngmíng to prove; to testify; proof; certificate; identification; testimonial.
证书[證書] jëin-sï
zhèngshū certificate; credentials.
证实[證實] jëin-sìt
zhèngshí to confirm; to verify.
图书证[圖書證] hũ-sï-jëin
túshūzhèng library card.
为证[為證] vĩ-jëin
wéizhèng to serve as proof.
(See 証 jëin).
jein2 7559
154 9 jëin zhēn chaste.
坚贞[堅貞] gëin-jëin jiānzhēn faithful; constant.
坚贞不屈[堅貞不屈] gëin-jëin-būt-vūt
jiānzhēnbùqū to be faithful and unyielding.
童贞[童貞] hũng-jëin
tóngzhēn virginity; chastity.
贞洁[貞潔] jëin-gēik
zhēnjié pure and chaste; virtuous.
or 桢榦[楨榦] jëin-gön zhēngàn planks and post for making adobe walls.¹⁴ the boards used in constructing mud walls; the former serves for compressing the ends, the latter the sides of the wall.²⁴
贞女[貞女] jëin-nuī
zhēnnǚ virgin (female); widow who does not remarry.
贞淑[貞淑] jëin-sùk
zhēnshū <wr.> chaste and gentle.⁶
贞操[貞操] jëin-täo
zhēncāo chastity; virginity (of women); loyalty; moral integrity.
忠贞[忠貞] jüng-jëin
zhōngzhēn loyal and dependable.¹⁰
女贞[女貞] nuī-jëin
nǚzhēn Ligustrum lucidum Ait. also called 冬青 üng-tëin, 白蜡树[白蠟樹] bàk-làp-sì, 蜡树[蠟樹] làp-sì, 女桢[女楨] nuī-jëin, 桢木[楨木] jëin-mùk, 将军树[將軍樹] dëng-gün-sì.²³
jein2 7560
155 16 jëin chēng red.⁷ deep red; to blush; to dye red.¹⁴
赪尾[赬尾] jëin-mī chēngwěi the toils of a gentleman.⁷ certain fish are said to turn red in their tails when in fear.¹⁴
赪蟞[赬蟞] jëin-bèik
chēngbiē a kind of legendary red turtle.¹⁹
赪霞[赬霞] jëin-hã
chēngxiá a rosy sunset.¹⁴
赪颜[赬顏] jëin-ngãn
chēngyán a blushing face..¹⁴
jein2 7561
157 8 𧾸
jëin zhèng <old>=正 jëin zhèng straight; upright; central; in proper position; right; proper; correct.³⁶
(composition: ⿱一足; U+27FB8).
jein2 7562
162 8 𨒌
jëin zhēng <old>=征 jëin zhēng to journey far away; to attack, to reduce to submission, to conquer, to tame; to levy taxes, to collect taxes; to take, to snatch.⁷
(composition: ⿺辶正; U+2848C).
(See 征 jëin).
jein2 7563
162 12 jëin zhēn (old variant of 偵 jëin zhēn) to spy; to scout; to detect; to reconnoiter; detective.
(See 偵 jëin.)
jein2 7564
163 11 𨜓
jëin zhēng the name of an ancient territory.²⁵
(composition: ⿰貞阝; U+28713).
jein2 7565
167 13 jëin zhēng bell-shaped percussion instrument with a long handle, used in ancient times by troops on march.⁶ <wr.> military gong used on march.¹¹
铜钲[銅鉦] hũng-jëin tóngzhēng brass gong.¹¹
钲鼓[鉦鼓] jëin-gū
zhēnggǔ gong and drum as signals for army's movement, forward or stop.¹¹
jein2 7566
184 16 𩜎
jëin zhēng (=𦙫❄{⿰月正} jëin zhēng to cook fish with fried pork.² to boil fish or flesh.²⁵)
(composition: ⿰飠青; U+2970E).
(See 𦙫❄{⿰月正} jëin).
jein2 7567
195 19 jëin zhēng <wr.> dish cooked by mixing fish and other meat together.⁶ a stew of fish and meat.⁸
<又> tëin. (See 鯖 tëin.)
jein2 7568
18 12 jèin shèng be left over; remain.⁶ residue; overplus; remains; remnants.¹⁴ (variant: 賸 jèin shèng).
剩不下 jèin-būt-hä
shèngbuxià won't have a leftover or remainder.
剩饭[剩飯] jèin-fàn
shèngfàn leftover food.¹⁴
剩饭手[剩飯手] jèin-fàn-siū
shèngfànshǒu <sarcastic> person of no ability, loafer at job.¹¹
剩货[剩貨] jèin-fö
shènghuò remnants of goods; driblets.¹⁴
剩下 jèin-hä
shèngxia be left (over); remain.⁶
剩了多少 jèin-lēl-ü-sēl
shèngleduōshao how much is left?¹¹
剩钱[剩錢] jèin-tẽin
shèngqián money remaining; balance.¹⁴
剩磁 jèin-xũ
shèngcí residual magnetism.⁶
or 剩馀[剩餘] jèin-yĩ shèngyú the excess; the surplus; the balance; the remainder.⁷
剩余价值[剩餘價值] jèin-yĩ gä-jèik
shèngyú jiàzhí surplus value.¹⁴
残茶剩饭[殘茶剩飯] tãn-chã-jèin-fàn
cáncháshèngfàn spoilt tea, leftover food (idiom); remains after a meal; crumbs from the feast; leftovers.
残羹剩饭[殘羹剩飯] tãn-gäng-jèin-fàn
cángēngshèngfàn leftovers from a meal; fig. remnants handed down from others.¹⁰
(See 賸 jèin).
jein4 7569
154 17 jèin shèng (=剩 jèin shèng be left over; remain.⁶ residue; overplus; remains; remnants.¹⁴)
(composition: ⿰月⿱龹貝; U+8CF8).
(See 剩 jèin).
jein4 7570
170 6 jèin jǐng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 阱 dèin jǐng with same meaning.)
<又> dèin, dēng.
(See 阱 dèin, dēng.)
jein4 7571
75 10 jēk zhuō table, desk; (of a feast table) table, tableful.⁶ (variant: 棹 jēk zhuō).
八仙桌 bāt-xëin-jēk
bāxiānzhuō a square dinner table seating eight.¹¹
饭桌[飯桌] fàn-jēk
fànzhuō dining table.⁸
桌灯[桌燈] jēk-äng
zhuōdēng desk lamp, desk light; table lamp, table light; reading lamp.⁶
桌布 jēk-bü
zhuōbù tablecloth.⁶
桌子 jēk-dū
zhuōzi table; desk.⁹
桌子犄角 jēk-dū-yï-gôk
or jēk-dū-gï-gôk zhuōzijījiǎo the corner of a table.⁵
桌面 jēk-mèin
zhuōmiàn top of a table; table top; desktop; table-board; tabletop.³⁹
桌案 jēk-ön
zhuō'àn <topo.> desk.⁶
桌椅 jēk-yī
zhuō-yǐ tables and chairs.³⁹
桌椅板凳 jēk-yī-bān-âng
zhuōyǐbǎndèng tables, chairs and benches; household furniture in general.⁶
书桌[書桌] sï-jēk
shūzhuō desk; writing desk; bureau.⁹
一张桌子[一張桌子] yīt-jëng-jēk-dū
yīzhāngzhuōzǐ one table; a table.
(See 棹 jēk.)
jek1 7572
75 12 jēk zhuō (=桌 jēk zhuō) table.⁸
<又> jào.
(See 棹 jào; 桌 jēk.)
jek1 7573
113 14 jēk zhuó name of an old town in the State of Qi during the Spring and Autumn Period, in present Shandong Province; Zhuo surname.⁸
jek1 7574
140 11 jēk zhāo to bear, to take; a plan, a method; a move (on the chessboard, in action, plans); trick; all right!; (dialect) to add.
棋高一着[棋高一著] kĩ-gäo-yīt-jēk qígāoyīzhāo (in chess) to be superior to one's opponent; to outmatch one's opponent; to be one step ahead of someone.
<又> jëk, jèk, jï.
(See 著 jëk, [jèk, zháo], [jèk, zhe], jï.)
jek1 7575
164 10 jēk zhuó to drink; to pour (wine); to weigh and consider.⁷
自斟自酌 dù-jïm-dù-jēk zìzhēnzìzhuó pour wine for oneself to drink; enjoy a cup of wine all by oneself.⁶
酌办[酌辦] jēk-bàn
zhuóbàn act according to one's judgment; do as one thinks fit.⁵
酌酒 jēk-diū
zhuójiǔ to pour wine.⁷
酌定 jēk-èin
zhuódìng make a decision as one thinks fit.⁶
酌加 jēk-gä
zhuójiā to make considered additions.⁷
酌减[酌減] jēk-gām
zhuójiǎn a proposal to diminish.¹⁴
酌献[酌獻] jēk-hün
zhuóxiàn to honor a deity with wine.⁷
酌量 jēk-lẽng
zhuóliáng to weigh and consider.⁷
酌议[酌議] jēk-ngì
zhuóyì to consider and discuss.⁷
酌情 jēk-tẽin
zhuóqíng take the circumstance into consideration; use one's discretion.⁵
酌情准理[酌情準理] jēk-tẽin-jūn-lî
zhuóqíngzhǔnlǐ to decide equitably; to make adjustments.¹⁴
酌夺[酌奪] jēk-ùt
zhuóduó make a considered decision.⁷
酌损[酌損] jēk-xūn
zhuósǔn a proposal to diminish.¹⁴
酌予 jēk-yî
zhuóyǔ give something as one thinks fit.⁶
清酌 tëin-jēk
qīngzhuó or 清酒 tëin-diū qīngjiǔ excellent wine.¹⁴
对酌[對酌] uï-jēk
duìzhuó drinking face to face.⁵⁴
独酌[獨酌] ùk-jēk
dúzhuó drink alone.⁵
jek1 7576
167 19 jēk zhuō <topo.> dig the field; loosen the soil; dig out the root of a corn stalk.⁶
䦃钩[鐯鉤] jēk-ngêo zhuōgou <topo.> pickaxe.⁶
jek1 7577
140 11 jëk zhuó to wear (clothes); to hit the bull's eyes, right to the point, very worthwhile; to apply (color), to start (an assignment, investigation).
穿着[穿著] chün-jëk chuānzhuó attire; clothes; dress.¹⁰
着装[著裝] jëk-jöng
zhuózhuāng  dress, clothes.
着落[著落] jëk-lòk
zhuóluò whereabouts (i.e. where something has got to); place to settle; reliable source; (of a matter) to fall to somebody's responsibility; settled.
着陆[著陸] jëk-lùk
zhuólù landing; touchdown; to land; to touch down.
着手[著手] jëk-siū
zhuóshǒu to put one's hand to it; to start out on a task; to set out.
<台> 着靓衫[著靚衫] jëk-lëng-sâm to put on a gorgeous outfit.
<又> jēk, jèk, jï.
(See 著 jēk, [jèk, zháo], [jèk, zhe], jï.)
jek2 7578
156 18 𧽦
jëk zhī running away.²⁵
(composition: ⿺走啇; U+27F66).
𧽦❄{⿺走啇}𧺢❄{⿺走殳} jëk-hëo zhītòu to run away.²⁵
jek2 7579
172 10 jëk zhī (<m.> for animals, vessels, one of a pair).
片言只字[片言隻字] pëin-ngũn-jëk-dù piànyánzhīzì just a few words or a short note; fragments of writing.⁶
一只鸡[一隻雞] yīt-jëk-gäi
yīzhī jī a chicken.
一只猫[一隻貓] yīt-jëk-miū
yīzhī māo a cat.
(See 只 jī.)
jek2 7580
140 11 jèk zháo to touch; to come in contact with; to feel; to be affected by; to catch fire; to fall asleep; to burn.
打着[打著] ā-jèk dǎzháo to hit the mark.
猜着[猜著] chäi-jèk
cāizháo to guess correctly; to make out; to solve (a riddle).
着急[著急] jèk-gīp
zháojí to worry; to feel anxious.
着地[著地] jèk-ì
zháodì or zhuódì to land; to touch the ground.
着凉[著涼] jèk-lẽng
zháoliáng to catch a cold.
着迷[著迷] jèk-mãi
zháomí to be fascinated; to be captivated.
<又> jēk, jëk, jï.
(See 著 jēk, jëk, [jèk, zhe], jï.)
jek4 7581
140 11 jèk zhāo <台> 着数[著數] jèk-sü worthwhile.
<台> 你着[你著] nï-jèk you have earned it.
(See 著 jï, [jēk, zhāo], [jëk, zhuó], [jèk, zháo], [jèk, zhe].)
jek4 7582
140 11 jèk zhe aspect particle indicating action in progress. (Hoisanva equivalent is 紧[緊] gīn, q.v.).
说着[說著] sōt-jèk 
shuōzhe (thus) speaking, with this.
顺着[順著] sùn-jèk
shùnzhe follow; following, along.
为着[為著] vì-jèk
wèizhe in order to; because of; for the sake of.
笑着[笑著] xël-jèk
xiàozhe laughingly.
沿着[沿著] yõn-jèk
yánzhe to go along; to follow.¹⁰
<又> jēk, jëk, jï.
(See 著 jēk, jëk, [jèk, zháo], jï.)
jek4 7583
85 8 jēl zhǎo natural pond.⁵
(composition: ⿰氵召; U+6CBC).
池沼 chĩ-jēl chízhǎo pools, ponds in general.¹¹
沼气[沼氣] jēl-hï
zhǎoqì marsh gas; firedamp; methane.⁵
沼气池[沼氣池] jēl-hï-chĩ
zhǎoqìchí methane generating pit.⁵
沼泽[沼澤] jēl-jàk
zhǎozé marsh, swamp, bog.⁵
沼泽土[沼澤土] jēl-jàk-hū
zhǎozétǔ bog soil.⁵
沼泽地[沼澤地] jēl-jàk-ì
zhǎozédì marshland.⁵
Màng-dū-gëin-lẽng-fì-võng, võng-lìp-yï-jēl-sèng...
Mèngzǐ jiàn liáng huì wáng, wáng lì yú zhǎo shàng...
Mencius, another day, saw King Hui of Liang. The king went and stood with him by a pond...⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《孟子·梁惠王上·2》, translated by James Legge).
鱼在于沼[魚在于沼] Nguĩ-dòi-yï-jēl
Yú zàiyú zhǎo The fish are in the pond.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·祈父之什·正月》, translated by James Legge).
jel1 7584
30 5 jël zhào imperial decree; summon.⁸ to call by words; to summon; to cite; to require a subordinate to appear; to invoke.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱刀口; U+53EC).
Bäi-dèik-jël, dū-yùk-vông.
Bì xī zhào, zi yù wǎng.
Bi Xi inviting him to visit him, the Master was inclined to go.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《論語·陽貨》, translated by James Legge).
(Note: 佛肸 is read 闭夕[閉夕] Bäi Dèik Bì Xī. Bi Xi was a steward of 赵简子[趙簡子] Jèl Gān-dū Zhào Jiǎnzǐ, a senior official of the State of 晋[晉] Dün Jìn during the Spring and Autumn Period. It is heard that he was a teacher.).¹¹⁵
父召无诺[父召無諾] Fū-jël-mũ-nòk
Fù zhào wú nuò Do not delay when your father calls.¹⁰²
召集 jël-dàp
zhàojí to call together; to convene.⁸
召妓 jël-gì
zhàojì to visit a prostitute.³⁶
召见[召見] jël-gëin
zhàojiàn to call in (a subordinate); to summon (an envoy) to an interview.⁸ to be called to court.¹⁰²
召开[召開] jël-höi
zhàokāi to convene; to convoke.⁸
召回 jël-või
zhàohuí to recall (a product, a diplomat)​.⁸
召唤[召喚] jël-fòn
zhàohuàn to summon, to call​.⁸
<又> diü, sèl.
(See 召 diü, sèl.)
jel2 7585
64 8 jël zhāo to beckon; to enlist, to recruit; to attract, to incur; to provoke, to tease; to infect, to be contagious; to confess.
招呼 jël-fü zhāohu to invite (able men at court); to acknowledge acquaintance on the road; to look after, to take care of (child in public square); to get into a fight; to call; to instruct someone to do something; to take care lest.¹¹
招风[招風] jël-füng
zhāofēng to attract too much attention and invite trouble; to provoke mischief.
招供 jël-güng
zhāogòng to confess.
招徕[招徠] jël-lõi
zhāolái solicit (customers or business), canvass.⁵
招徕顾客[招徠顧客] jël-lõi-gü-hāk
or jël-lõi-gü-häk zhāoláigùkè solicit customers.⁵
招募 jël-mù
zhāomù to recruit; to enlist.
招惹 jël-ngêh
zhāore to provoke; to tease.⁸ to invite.⁹ to provok, to flirt with; to tempt, to allure, to entice.¹¹
招人 jël-ngĩn
zhāorén to be infectious.
招待 jël-òi
zhāodài to receive (guests); to entertain; to serve (customers).⁵
招牌 jël-pãi
zhāopai shop sign; signboard; reputation of a business.
招手 jël-siū
zhāoshǒu to beckon; to wave (the hands).
招引 jël-yîn
zhāoyǐn attract; incur; induce.⁹
jel2 7586
72 9 jël zhāo clear, obvious.⁵
昭昭 jël-jël zhāozhāo bright; understand; worry.⁸
昭彰 jël-jëng
zhāozhāng clear; manifest; evident.⁵
昭著 jël-jï
zhāozhù clear; evident; obvious.⁵
昭明 jël-mẽin
zhāomíng brilliant (period, dynasty).¹¹
昭穆 jël-mùk
zhāomù (pertaining to ancient royal ancestral temples) the first founder of dynasty in the center; those ancestors of 2nd, 4th and 6th generations on the left, called 昭, and those of the 3rd, 5th and 7th generations on the right, called 穆.¹¹
昭然若揭 jël-ngẽin-ngèk-këik
zhāoránruòjiē abundantly clear; all too clear.⁵
昭代 jël-òi
zhāodài a glorious epoch.¹¹
昭示 jël-sì
zhāoshì make clear to all; declare publicly.⁵
昭示全国[昭示全國] jël-sì-tũn-gōk
zhāoshìquánguó declare to the whole nation.⁵
昭信中外 jël-xïn-jüng-ngòi
zhāoxìnzhōngwài to show good faith to the nation and abroad.¹¹
昭雪 jël-xūt
zhāoxuě exonerate; rehabilitate.⁵
耳目昭彰 ngī-mùk-jël-jëng
ěrmùzhāozhāng be universally known; be known to all.⁶
成绩昭著[成績昭著] sẽin-dēik-jël-jï
chéngjìzhāozhù achieve signal successes.⁵
jel2 7587
72 10 jël zhāo (=朝 jël zhāo morning, dawn.⁸).² (See 朝 jël).
(composition: ⿰日兆; U+6641).
Jël-tōi-vōn-yèm, vö-sì-chūt-yẽn.
Zhāo cǎi wǎn yǎn, hé shì chū yān.
The beautiful jade's brilliance shines every morning like the colors of a rainbow, hence comes the phrase He Shi.⁰
(See 卞和 bèin-vö; 琬琰 vōn-yèm).
<又> chẽl.
(See 晁 chẽl).
jel2 7588
72 16 jël zhào (=照 jël, zhào) a character adopted by 武则天[武則天] Mû Dāk-hëin Wǔ Zétiān and used as her name.
(See 瞾 jël.)
jel2 7589
74 12 jël zhāo morning; a day.⁷ (variants: 晁, 鼂 jël; 𣎍❄{⿰𠦝⿱𠂉 月} jël).
朝夕 jël-dèik
zhāoxī morning and night, day and night, all the time; very short time.⁶
朝晖[朝暉] jël-fï
zhāohuī morning sunlight.⁸
朝旭 jël-gūk
zhāoxù the morning sun.⁵
朝霞 jël-hã
zhāoxiá rosy clouds of dawn; rosy dawn.⁵ foreglow.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ [霞分朝霞和晚霞].
朝气[朝氣] jël-hï
zhāoqì youthful spirit; vigor; vitality.⁵
朝暾 jël-hün
or jël-ün zhāotūn the early morning sun.⁵
朝乾夕惕 jël-kẽin-dèik-tēik
zhāoqiánxītì diligent and alert from morning till night.⁷
朝菌 jël-kûn
zhāojùn a plant that is ephemeral.⁸ fig. short span of life.¹¹
朝令夕改 jël-lèin-dèik-gōi
zhāolìngxīgǎi issue an order in the morning and rescind it in the evening.⁸
朝露 jël-lù
zhāolù <wr.> morning dew – ephemeral.⁵
朝秦暮楚 jël-tũn-mù-chō
zhāoqínmùchǔ serve the state of Qin in the morning and the state of Chu in the evening – quick to switch sides; fickle; inconstant.⁵
jël-xü-mù-xēng zhāosīmùxiǎng yearn day and night.⁵
朝阳[朝陽] jël-yẽng
zhāoyáng the morning sun.⁵
<台> 朝早 jël-dāo morning.
<又> chẽl.
(See 朝 chẽl; 晁 jël; 鼂 jël; 𣎍❄{⿰𠦝⿱𠂉 月} jël).

jel2 7590
74 14 𣎍
jël zhāo (=朝 jël zhāo morning; a day.⁷).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰𠦝⿱𠂉 月; U+2338D).
<又> chẽl.
(See 朝 chẽl).
jel2 7591
86 9 jël zhào (=照 jël zhào shine, illumine, reflect).⁸ an old name for a firefly' bright.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰火召; U+70A4).
炤炤 jël-jël
zhàozhào clearly seen and understood.¹⁰²
or 孔照 kūng-jël kǒngzhào very clear.²³
Nguĩ-dòi-yï-jēl, yèik-fī-hāk-lòk. Tẽm-xuï-fùk-yì, yèik-kūng-jï-jël.
Yú zàiyú zhǎo, yì fěi kè lè. Qián suī fú yǐ, yì kǒng zhī zhào.
The fish are in the pond,
But they cannot enjoy themselves.
Although they dive to the bottom,
They are very clearly seen.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·祈父之什·正月》, translated by James Legge).
(See 照 jël).
jel2 7592
86 13 jël zhào according to; in accordance with; shine; illuminate; reflect; look at (one's reflection); take (a photo); photo; as requested; as before.¹⁰ (variant: 炤, 燳 jël zhào).
照本宣科 jël-bōn-xün-fö
zhàoběnxuānkē read item by item from the text; repeat what the book says.⁵
照拂 jël-fūt
zhàofú <wr.> look after; care for; attend to.⁵
照顾[照顧] jël-gü
zhàogu to look after, to take care of, care; to patronize; to give consideration to, to consider, to take something into consideration.⁷
照例 jël-lài
zhàolì as a rule; as usual; usually.⁵
照料 jël-lèl
zhàoliào take care of; attend to.⁵
照片 jël-pëin
zhàopiàn photograph; picture.⁵
照常 jël-sẽng
zhàocháng as usual.⁵
照相 jël-xëng
zhàoxiàng to photograph, a photograph.¹¹
照相机[照相機] jël-xëng-gï
zhàoxiàngjī camera.⁵
照耀 jël-yèl
zhàoyào to shine; to illuminate.¹⁰
<台> 教照 gäo-jël/ upbringing.
<台> 照X光 jël-X-göng to take an X-ray.
<台> 冇教照 mäo-gäo-jël/ (child) not properly brought up.
(See 炤 jël; 燳 jël).
jel2 7593
86 17 jël zhào (<old>=照 jël zhào shine, illumine, reflect).⁸
(composition: ⿰火照; U+71F3).
(See 照 jël).
jel2 7594
109 18 jël zhào (=照 jël, zhào) another version of a character adopted by 武则天[武則天] Mû Dāk-hëin Wǔ Zétiān and possibly used as her name.
(See 曌 jël.)
jel2 7595
149 12 jël zhào to instruct; imperial edict.
丹诏[丹詔] än-jël dānzhào imperial edict written in red.
矫诏[矯詔] gēl-jël
jiǎozhào forge an imperial decree.⁵⁴
下诏[下詔] hà-jël
xiàzhào to issue an imperial edict.
诏旨[詔旨] jël-jī
zhàozhǐ imperial edict.
诏令[詔令] jël-lèin
zhàolìng imperial order.
诏书[詔書] jël-sï
zhàoshū written imperial order.
诏谕[詔諭] jël-yì
zhàoyù imperial decree or instructions.
密诏[密詔] mìt-jël
mìzhào secret imperial edict.
哀诏[哀詔] öi-jël
āizhào <trad.> edict issued by a new emperor to announce the late emperor's death.
待诏[待詔] òi-jël
dàizhào <wr.> a junior secretary at court; <wr.> waiter; <topo.> a barber.
草诏[草詔] tāo-jël
cǎozhào to draft an imperial edict.
应诏[應詔] yëin-jël
yìngzhào to receive an imperial command; to respond.
恩诏[恩詔] yïn-jël
ēnzhào <trad.> edict proclaiming an imperial act of grace.
jel2 7596
167 10 jël zhāo <lit.> encourage; spur; exhort.⁵
<lit.> encourage; exhort; urge; spur; (used mostly in personal names).⁶
endeavor, strive; encourage; cut.⁸
to pare; to cut off corners and excrescencies; also distant; a spring in a crossbow; Zhao surname.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿰金刂; U+91D7). (comp. s: ⿰钅刂; U+948A).
钊勉[釗勉] jël-mêin
zhāomiǎn to incite, to encourage; also to see, to wait upon.²⁵
钊我周王[釗我周王] jël-ngô-jiü-võng
zhāowǒzhōuwàng come to wait upon our sovereign of Zhou.²⁵
<又> gäo.
(See 釗 gäo).
jel2 7597
167 12 jël zhāo the first product of copper smelting.¹⁹
(composition: ⿰金爪; U+91FD).
<又> pēik. (See 釽 pēik).
jel2 7598
167 13 jël zhāo a sickle; to cut with a sickle.⁸  a large reap hook.²⁵ a large bill-hook or sickle, was so called in the region of the River Huai (淮 vãi huái) during the feudal times.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰金召; U+924A).
鉊鈶 jël-xũ
zhāocí a sickle and its handle.²⁵
jel2 7599
205 18 jël zhāo (=朝 jël zhāo morning; a day.⁷); morning.⁸ʼ²⁵
t: ⿱旦黽; U+9F02). (comp. s: ⿱旦黾; U+9F0C).
鼌不及夕[鼂不及夕] jël-būt-gèp-dèik
zhāo bù jí xī lit. morning cannot take care of things in the evening; fig. used to describe a critical situation.¹⁹
鼌夕[鼂夕] jël-dèik
zhāoxī from morning to night.⁸
or 会朝[會朝] vòi-jël huìzhāo first morning (Zhou dynasty), victory morning (牧野之战[牧野之戰] mùk-yêh-jï-jën mùyě zhī zhàn Battle of Muye, 1046 BCE).¹⁹ (See also 会鼂[會鼂] vòi-chẽl).
or 阳朝[陽朝] yẽng-jël yángzhāo after sunrise.¹⁹
<又> chẽl.
(See 鼂 chẽl; 朝 jël).
jel2 7600
43 12 jèl jiù <台> 罢就[罷就] bà-jèl Drop it! Forget it! Never mind!
<台> 了就 lēl-jèl Drop it! Forget it! Never mind!
<又> diù. (See 就 diù.)
jel4 7601
156 14 jèl zhào name of an ancient feudal state; Zhao surname.⁷
赵高[趙高] Jèl Gäo Zhào Gāo Zhao Gao, a powerful eunuch during the Qin Dynasty (秦朝 Tũn-chẽl Qíncháo)  (221-207 BC).⁷
赵公元帅[趙公元帥] Jèl Güng Ngũn-suï 
Zhào Gōng Yuánshuài Marshal Zhao or Zhao Gongming, God of Wealth in Chinese folklore.⁵
赵体[趙體] Jèl-hāi
Zhàotǐ Zhao style (a style of Chinese calligraphy created by Zhao Mengfu (赵孟頫[趙孟頫] Jèl Màng-fū Zhào Mèngfǔ (1254-1322).⁶
赵匡胤[趙匡胤] Jèl Köng Yìn
Zhào Kuāngyìn Zhao Kuangyin (927-976) founder of the Song dynasty (960-1279).⁷
赵云[趙雲] Jèl Vũn
Zhào Yún (d. 229) a general of the kingdom of Shu (蜀 Sùk Shǔ) during the Epoch of the Three Kingdoms.⁷
完璧归赵[完璧歸趙] yõn-bēik-gï-Jèl
wánbì guī Zhào return the jade intact to the State of Zhao – return something to its owner in good condition.⁵ (=原璧归赵[原璧歸趙] ngũn-bēik-gï-Jèl yuánbì guī Zhào, q.v.)
jel4 7602
9 7 jëm zhàn seize, take possession of, forcibly occupy; take up (time, space), occupy.⁶ to usurp; to take by force; 占 jëm zhān is interchangeable with 佔 jëm zhàn.)¹⁴ (See 占 jëm.)
占据[佔據] jëm-guï
zhànjù to occupy; to take possession of.⁷
占地步[佔地步] jëm-ì-bù
zhàndìbù to encroach; to occupy a position of advantage.¹⁴
占着茅坑不拉屎[佔著坑不拉屎] jëm-jèk-mão-häng-būt-lā-sī
zhànzhe máokēng bù lāshǐ neither shit nor get off the pot – fig. to hold on to a post without carrying out one's duty and not let anyone else take it over; to be a dog in the manger.⁷
占领[佔領] jëm-lêin
zhànlǐng to occupy (a foreign territory); to capture or take (an enemy position).⁷
占便宜[佔便宜] jëm-pẽin-ngĩ
zhàn piányi to be in an advantageous position; to take advantage (of a person).⁷
占上风[佔上風] jëm-sèng-füng
zhànshàngfēng to have the upper hand (in a struggle or contest).⁷
占多[佔多] jëm-ü
zhànduō to take more than a share.¹⁴
占先[佔先] jëm-xëin
zhànxiān to lead (in a game/contest).⁷
占有[佔有] jëm-yiû
zhànyǒu to own, to possess, to have; to occupy, to hold.⁷
独占鳌头[獨佔鰲頭] ùk-jëm-ngão-hẽo
dúzhànáotóu head the list of sucessful candidates – be the champion; come out first (in).⁶
jem2 7603
25 5 jëm zhān to divine; to observe; Zhan surname.⁷ to divine by casting lots; to observe signs; to foretell; (占 jëm zhān is interchangeable with 佔 jëm zhàn.)¹⁴
占卜 jëm-būk
zhānbǔ to to divine; to cast lots.¹⁴
占卦 jëm-gä
zhānguà to divine by the Eight Trigrams, 八卦.⁷
占候 jëm-hèo
zhānhòu prognosticate from weather observations.⁵⁴
占候吉凶 jëm-hèo-gīt-hüng
zhānhòujíxiōng to prophecy good or evil from meteorological phenomena.¹⁴
占梦[占夢] jëm-mùng
zhānmèng to divine by interpreting dreams.⁷
占验[占驗] jëm-ngèm
zhānyàn the confirmation of an oracle.⁷
占断吉凶[占斷吉凶] jëm-òn-gīt-hüng
zhānduànjíxiōng to find out good or bad luck by divination.⁷
占筮 jëm-sâi
zhānshì witchcraft; sorcery.¹⁴
占星 jëm-xëin
zhānxīng to divine by astrology; to cast a horoscope.⁷
占星术[占星術] jëm-xëin-sùt
zhānxīngshù astrology.⁷
(See 佔 jëm.)
jem2 7604
30 8 jëm zhān to drink; to sip; to taste; to lick; whisper; petty.¹⁰
呫哔[呫嗶] jëmbīt zhānbì read text without truly understanding meaning.¹¹ (See 呫哔[呫嗶] hēp-bīt tièbì).
呫吨[呫噸] jëm-ūn
zhāndūn xanthene (chemistry).¹⁰
呫吨酮[呫噸酮] jëm-ūn-hũng
zhāndūntóng xanthone (chemistry).¹⁰
<又> hēp, tēp.
(See 呫 hēp, tēp.)
jem2 7605
32 16 jëm zhān (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciations for 㙴 chẽn chàn with the same meaning: to conceal, to hide; to shade, to darken.⁸  to screen, to cover, a covering.²⁴).²
(composition: ⿰土詹; U+3674).
<又> chẽn.
(See 㙴 chẽn).
jem2 7606
61 8 jëm zhān sticky.¹¹
(composition: ⿰忄占; U+6017).
怗懘 jëm-chï zhānchì tonal dissonance.⁸ <old> sluggish, blocked.¹¹ unfriendly, inharmonious, discordant (about sounds).⁵⁴
怗滞[怗滯] jëm-jài
zhānzhì broken sounds.²⁴
<又> hēp. (See 怗 hēp).
jem2 7607
61 12 jëm zhān discord; a jarring noise.¹⁰² (variant: 𢛈❄{⿱怗心} jëm zhān).
(Note: Some say 惉 is read
chān in Mandarin).
(composition: ⿱沾心; U+60C9).
惉懘 jëm-chï
zhānchì discordant sounds; a troublesome noise.²⁴ the discord of notes; harsh sounds that grate on the ear.¹⁰²
五音不乱则无惉懘之音[五音不亂則無惉懘之音] m̄-yïm-būt-lòn-dāk-mũ-jëm-chï-jï-yïm
wǔ yīn bù luàn zé wú zhān chì zhī yīn when the five notes do not confuse each other, there is no discord.¹⁰²
(See 𢛈❄{⿱怗心} jëm).
jem2 7608
61 12 𢛈
jëm zhān (demotic character for 惉 jëm zhān discord; a jarring noise.¹⁰²).²
(composition: ⿱怗心; U+226C8).
(See 惉 jëm).
jem2 7609
85 8 jëm zhān moisten. wet, soak; be stained with; touch; get something out of association with somebody or something.⁵
(variant: 霑 jëm zhān be moistened, soaked; moisten.⁵⁴)
or 霑花惹草 jëm-fä-ngēh-tāo zhānhuārěcǎo to fondle the flowers and trample the grass (idiom); to womanize; to frequent brothels; to sow one's wild oats.¹⁰
沾光 jëm-göng
zhānguāng to bask in the light; fig. to benefit from association with somebody or something; reflected glory.¹⁰
沾沾自喜 jëm-jëm-dù-hī
zhānzhānzìxǐ feel complacent; be pleased with oneself.⁵
or 霑染 jëm-ngêm zhānrǎn be infected with; be contaminated by; be tainted with.⁵ to contract (bad habits) by association; to take part in illegal benefit.¹¹
沾手 jëm-siū
zhānshǒu touch with one's hand; have a hand in.⁵
沾水 jëm-suī
zhānshuǐ get wet.⁵
沾亲带故[沾親帶故] jëm-tïn-äi-gü
zhānqīndàigù be related somehow or other; have ties of kinship or friendship.⁶
(See 霑 jëm.)
jem2 7610
109 18 jëm zhān look up or forward.⁵
高瞻远瞩[高瞻遠矚] gäo-jëm-yōn-jūk gāozhānyuǎnzhǔ stand high and see far – be far-sighted/forward-looking.⁶
观瞻[觀瞻] gön-jëm
guānzhān the appearance of a place and the impressions it leaves; sight; view.⁵
瞻拜 jëm-bäi
zhānbài or 瞻仰 jëm-ngêng zhānyǎng look at with reverence.⁶
瞻顾[瞻顧] jëm-gü
zhāngù <wr.> look ahead and behind.⁵
瞻礼[瞻禮] jëm-lâi
zhānlǐ <Cath.> religious holiday or festival; <Cath.> weekdays and Saturday; <wr.> worship, pay homage to.⁶
瞻礼日[瞻禮日] Jëm-lâi-ngìt
Zhānlǐrì the Lord's Day;  Sunday.¹⁰
瞻望 jëm-mòng
zhānwàng look forward; look far ahead.⁵
瞻望未来[瞻望未來] jëm-mòng-mì-lõi
zhānwàng wèilái look to the future.⁵
瞻念 jëm-nèm
zhānniàn look to; think of.⁵
瞻前顾后[瞻前顧後] jëm-tẽin-gü-hèo
zhānqiángùhòu look ahead and behind – be overcautious and indecisive.⁵
瞻谒[瞻謁] jëm-yēik
zhānyè <wr.> pay a visit to (a superior); have an audience with.⁶
jem2 7611
119 11 jëm zhān <台> 粘米 jëm-māi  (=籼米[秈米] xëin-māi q.v.) ordinary (nonglutinous) rice.
<又> nāk, nëm, nẽm. (See 粘 nāk, nëm, nẽm; 黏 nẽm, nāk.)
jem2 7612
147 12 jëm chān <wr.> observe; survey.⁵ to spy on; to see; to observe; to inspect; to investigate secretly.⁷ to observe; to spy on.¹⁰
觇标[覘標] jëm-bël chānbiāo surveyor's beacon.¹⁰
觇尺[覘尺] jëm-chêk
chānchǐ aiming rule.⁶
觇国[覘國] jëm-gōk
chānguó to inspect and survey conditions within a nation.⁷
觇候[覘候] jëm-hèo
chānhòu to spy on; to look out for.⁷
觇时而动[覘時而動] jëm-sĩ-ngĩ-ùng
chānshí'érdòng watch for opportunity.¹¹
觇线[覘線] jëm-xëin
chānxiàn aiming line.⁶
jem2 7613
149 13 jëm zhān to talk too much, verbosity; to reach; (now rarely) to divine; to look up (used for 瞻 jëm zhān); Zhan surname.⁷
詹天佑 Jëm Hëin Yiù
Zhān Tiānyòu Chan Tien Yu (1861-1919), a railroad engineer who invented a type of railcar coupler still in use today.⁷
詹詹 jëm-jëm
zhānzhān small talk.²⁵ <wr.> argumentative; quarrelsome.⁵⁴
詹森 Jëm Sẽim
Zhānsēn Lyndon B. Johnson, 1908-1973, the 36th president of the United States.⁷
詹尹 jëm-vûn
zhānyǐn <trad.> official in charge of divination.⁷
詹事 jëm-xù
zhānshì an officer who had the charge of the empress and the heir apparent.²⁵
jem2 7614
149 20 jëm zhān to rant; to rave, to talk wildly.
谵妄[譫妄] jëm-mông zhānwàng delirium.
谵语[譫語] jëm-nguî
zhānyǔ <wr.> words said in delirium; ravings.
jem2 7615
154 20 jëm shàn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 赡[贍] sèm shàn with same meaning: support, provide for; <wr.> sufficient, abundant.⁵.)
<又> sèm.
(See 贍 sèm,)
jem2 7616
157 20 jëm chàn a horse traveling with speed.²⁵ a horse traveling very fast; a rapid canter.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰⻊詹; U+4828).
jem2 7617
173 16 jëm zhān (variant of 沾 jëm zhān) to moisten.¹⁰
or 沾花惹草 jëm-fä-ngēh-tāo zhān huā rě cǎo to fondle the flowers and trample the grass (idiom); to womanize; to frequent brothels; to sow one's wild oats.¹⁰
or 沾醉 jëm-duï zhānzuì drunk like a fish.¹¹
霑体涂足[霑體塗足] jëm-hāi-hũ-dūk
zhāntǐtúzú lit. the body is coated with sweat and the feet are coated with mud; fig. the hardship of a farmer's work.⁰
or 沾染 jëm-ngêm zhānrǎn be infected with; be contaminated by; be tainted with.⁵ to contract (bad habits) by association; to take part in illegal benefit.¹¹
霑裳 jëm-sẽng
zhāncháng or 沾衣 jëm-yï zhānyī clothing soaked through (by sweat or rain).¹
or 霑湿[霑濕] or 沾湿[沾濕] jëm-sīp zhānshī to wet (clothing, etc. as by rain).¹¹
or 沾濡 jëm-yĩ zhānrú to taint, tinge or dye.¹¹
or 沾恩 jëm-yïn zhān'ēn be granted special favors; be indebted to.⁵⁴
or 利益均沾 lì-yēik gün-jëm lìyì jūnzhān equally beneficial to all.⁰
(See 沾 jëm.)
jem2 7618
177 14 jëm chàn (=韂 jëm chàn) a saddle flap; trappings.⁸ʼ¹⁴
(See 韂 jëm).
jem2 7619
177 22 jëm chàn saddle blanket; blanket under the saddle.⁶ a saddle flap; trappings.⁸ʼ¹⁴ a piece of leather worn by equestrians, to prevent being splashed by the mud.²⁵ (variant: 䩞 jëm chàn).
鞍韂 ön-jëm
ānchàn saddle and saddle blanket.⁶
(See 䩞 jëm).
jem2 7620
182 14 jëm zhǎn sway in wind.⁸ the wind blowing down upon the water, the wind blowing and the waves rising.²⁵ anything moved off by the wind, especialy the water when raised in waves.¹⁰²
(comp. t: ⿺風占; U+98AD). (comp. s: ⿺风占; U+98D0).
风乱飐[風亂颭] füng-lòn-jëm
fēngluànzhǎn the blast raises the waves.¹⁰²
惊风乱飐芙蓉水[驚風亂颭芙蓉水] Gëin-füng-lòn-jëm-fũ-yũng-suī
Jīng fēng luàn zhǎn fúróng shuǐ a strong wind stirs the water covered with lotuses.⁵⁴
招飐[招颭] jël-jëm zhāozhǎn <lit.> to flutter in the wind; to sway back and forth.³⁶ to shake, as things in a tempest.¹⁰²
乱飐[亂颭] lòn-jëm
luànzhǎn to disturb with the wind; anything put in motion by the wind.²⁵
jem2 7621
62 16 jën zhàn war, warfare, battle, fight; shiver, tremble; Zhan surname.⁵
海湾战争[海灣戰爭] Hōi-vän Jën-jäng Hǎiwān Zhànzhēng (Persian) Gulf War (1991).¹⁰
战场[戰場] jën-chẽng
zhànchǎng battlefield.¹⁰
战绩[戰績] jën-dēik
zhànjì military achievement/exploit.⁵
战斗[戰鬥] jën-ëo
zhàndòu to fight; to battle.¹⁰
战犯[戰犯] jën-fàn
zhànfàn war criminal.⁵
or 战濠[戰濠] jën-hõ or jën-hão zhànháo trench; entrenchment.¹⁰
战争[戰爭] jën-jäng
zhànzhēng war; warfare.⁵
战战栗栗[戰戰慄慄] jën-jën-lùt-lùt
zhànzhànlìlì trembling with fear.¹⁴
战舰[戰艦] jën-lâm
zhànjiàn battleship; warship.¹⁰
or 颤栗[顫慄] jën-lùt zhànlì  to tremble; shudder.¹⁰
战无不胜[戰無不勝] jën-mũ-būt-sëin
zhànwúbùshèng invincible; ever-victorious; all-conquering.⁵
战胜[戰勝] jën-sëin
zhànshèng defeat; triumph over; vanquish; overcome.⁵
战术[戰術] jën-sùt
zhànshù tactics.⁵
战役[戰役] jën-vèik
or jën-yèik zhànyì military campaign.¹⁰
战士[戰士] jën-xù
zhànshì soldier, man; champion; warrior; fighter.⁵
jen2 7622
70 10 jën zhān <wr.> (a fusion of 之 jï zhī and 焉 yën yān); <wr.> (=毡[氈] jën zhān) felt.⁶ <wr.> flag with bent pole.¹¹ a silken banner hanging from a staff bent over at the top; used for 氈, felt; used as a particle like 之 and 焉.¹⁴
(variants: 㫋, 旜 jën
白旃檀 bàk-jën-hãn
báizhāntán (=檀香 hãn-hëng tánxiāng) sandalwood; white sandalwood; Santalum album.⁷³
旃表 jën-bēl
zhānbiǎo signal flag.¹⁴
旃檀 jën-hãn
zhāntán (=檀香 hãn-hëng tánxiāng) <wr.> sandalwood; white sandalwood.⁶
旃帐[旃帳] jën-jëng
zhānzhàng felt tents.¹⁴
旃裘 jën-kiũ
zhānqiú felt clothing.¹³
勉旃! mêin-jën!
miǎnzhān! Do it as best you can!⁶
戎旃 yũng-jën
róngzhān military tent.¹¹
(See 㫋 jën; 氈 jën; 旜 jën).
jen2 7623
70 11 jën zhān (non-classical form of 旃 jën zhān <wr.> (a fusion of 之 jï zhī and 焉 yën yān); <wr.> (=毡[氈] jën zhān) felt.⁶ <wr.> flag with bent pole.¹¹ a silken banner hanging from a staff bent over at the top; used for 氈, felt; used as a particle like 之 and 焉.¹⁴); a silken banner hanging from a staff bent over at the top.⁸
(composition: ⿰方⿱𠂉冉; U+3ACB).
(See 旃 jën; 氈 jën).
jen2 7624
70 19 jën zhān (<old>=旃 jën zhān <wr.> (a fusion of 之 jï zhī and 焉 yën yān); <wr.> (=毡[氈] jën zhān) felt.⁶ <wr.> flag with bent pole.¹¹ a silken banner hanging from a staff bent over at the top; used for 氈, felt; used as a particle like 之 and 焉.¹⁴); flag.⁸ a silken banner without ornament, used to herald princes in ancient times; similar to 旃 jën zhān.¹⁴ a flag entirely of silk; a red silk flag.²⁴
(composition: ⿰方⿱𠂉亶; U+65DC).
or 张旃[張旃] jëng-jën zhāngzhān  ➀ unfold and spread the red banner on a (bent) pole  ➁ the envoy.⁸ʼ¹⁹
龙旜[龍旜] lũng-jën
lóngzhān a flag painted with a dragon on it.¹⁹
(See 旃 jën; 氈 jën).
jen2 7625
82 17 jën zhān (=氈 jën zhān) felt.⁵
(See 氈 jën.)
jen2 7626
82 17 jën zhān felt.⁵ (variant: 氊 jën zhān).
毡垫[氈墊] jën-dëin
zhāndiàn felt pad.⁶
毡毯[氈毯] jën-dëin
zhāntǎn felt carpet.⁶
毡子[氈子] jën-dū
zhānzi felt; felt rug; felt blanket.⁵
毡房[氈房] jën-fông
zhānfáng yurt.⁵
毡鞋[氈鞋] jën-hãi
zhānxié felt shoes.⁷
毡靴[氈靴] jën-hëh
zhānxuē felt boots; valenki (traditional Russian footwear).¹⁰
毡条[氈條] jën-hẽl
zhāntiáo <topo.> felt rug.⁶
毡裘[氈裘] jën-kiũ
zhānqiú a felt garment worn by the nomad people in the north; the chieftain of the nomads.⁷
毡裘之君[氈裘之君] jën-kiũ-jï-gün
zhānqiúzhījūn a nomad chieftain.⁷
毡笠[氈笠] jën-lēip
zhānlì a felthat with broad rim.⁷
毡帽[氈帽] jën-mào
zhānmào felt hat.⁵
毡幕[氈幕] jën-mōk
zhānmù felt tent.⁷
毛毡[毛氈] mão-jën
máozhān felt.⁵
如坐针毡[如坐針氈] nguĩ-tü-jïm-jën
or nguĩ-tö-jïm-jën rúzuòzhēnzhān feel as if sitting on a bed of nails; be on pins and needles; be on tenterhooks.⁵
(See 氊 jën.)
jen2 7627
162 16 jën zhān very difficult to proceed.⁷
迍邅 or 屯邅 jün-jën zhūnzhān <wr.> walking with difficulty; in a tight corner, in difficulty, having difficulty, making no progress.⁶
jen2 7628
181 22 jën chàn quiver; tremble; vibrate; shake; shiver.⁶
嘴唇颤抖[嘴唇顫抖] duī-sũn-jën-ēo zuǐchún chàndǒu lips trembling.¹⁹ one's lips quivering.³⁹
颤搐[顫搐] jën-chūk
chànchù <med.> twitch; twitching.⁶
颤抖[顫抖] jën-ēo
chàndǒu shake; tremble; quiver; quaver; shiver; shudder.⁶
颤震按摩器[顫震按摩器] jën-jīn-ön-mö-hï
chànzhèn ànmó qì vibrator.⁶
颤巍巍[顫巍巍] jën-nguĩ-nguĩ
or jën-ngãi-ngãi chànwēiwēi (of the aged or sick) tottering; faltering; doddering.⁶
颤声[顫聲] jën-sëin
chànshēng an unsteady shaking voice, either from fear or cold.¹⁴
颤动[顫動] jën-ùng
chàndòng shake; quiver; vibrate; tremble.⁶
颤音[顫音] jën-yïm
chànyīn <lg.> trill; <mus.> trill; shake; vibrato; tremolo.⁶
颤悠[顫悠] jën-yiũ
chànyou shake; quiver; flicker.⁶
<台> 颤[顫] jën to shiver.
(See 顫 [jën, zhàn].)
jen2 7629
181 22 jën zhàn tremble; shiver; quake; quiver; shake.⁶
or 战栗[戰慄] jën-lùt zhànlì shiver; shake; tremble; shudder.⁶
浑身发颤[渾身發顫] vùn-sïn-fät-jën
húnshēnfāzhàn shiver/tremble all over; tremble from head to foot.⁶
(See 顫 [jën, chàn].)
jen2 7630
184 11 jën zhān (=饘 jën zhān) well-boiled congee or gruel; thick, rich.¹⁴
(See 饘 jën).
jen2 7631
184 21 jën zhān well-boiled congee or gruel; thick, rich.¹⁴ (variant: 飦 jën zhān).
饘粥 jën-jūk
zhānzhōu thick porridge; congee.¹⁴
餬饘 vũ-jën
húzhān thick gruel.¹⁴
(See 飦 jën).
jen2 7632
195 24 jën zhān Acipenser mikadoi, a kind of sturgeon.⁷ another name for Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) 中华鲟[中華鱘] jüng-vã-tĩm zhōnghuáxún.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ a large fish like the sturgeon, with a short nose, and the mouth under the chin, the body tapers off very much towards the tail, it has no scales, the flesh is yellow; the larger kind are about twenty feet long, and called in some parts the fellow fish, or sturgeon. This fish comes up from the sea into the rivers, and in the end of spring returns thither; another account give it a pointed nose, with scales on the back and belly; it is upwards of 1000 pounds in weight.²⁵
<又> sên.
(See 鱣 sên.)
jen2 7633
196 24 jën zhān a kind of bird of prey.⁷ hawk; Butastur indicus.⁸ A bird of prey in the harrier family described in ancient literature.⁹ sparrow hawk; swift.¹⁰  a sparrow hawk.¹¹
鹰鹯[鷹鸇] yëin-jën
yīngzhān hawks and falcons; (fig.) killers.¹¹ powerful men.³⁹
jen2 7634
120 21 jèn chán <白读> the speaking pronunciation of 缠[纏] chẽn chán to wind round, to twine round, to bind, to wrap, to tangle.⁷
(comp. t: ⿰; U+). (comp. s: ⿰; U+).
<又> chẽn.
(See 纏 chẽn).
jen4 7635
9 4 jēng zhǎng Zhang surname.
(surname of the mother of 孟子 Màng-dū Mèngzi Mencius 372 B.C.-289 B.C.)
jeng1 7636
10 5 𠑷
jēng  zhǎng (<old> to grow; to increase; oldest; elder, senior; chief.⁹⁴).²
(composition: ⿱上儿 or ⿱⺊兀; U+20477).
<又> chẽng. (See 𠑷❄{⿱上儿} chẽng).
jeng1 7637
12 7 𠔊
jēng  zhǎng (<old> to grow; to increase; oldest; elder, senior; chief.⁹⁴).²
(composition: ⿱丘八; U+2050A).
<又> chẽng. (See 𠔊❄{⿱丘八} chẽng).
jeng1 7638
35 8 𡕣
jēng  zhǎng (<old> to grow; to increase; oldest; elder, senior; chief.⁹⁴).²
(composition: ⿱⿺丄三⿱一夂; U+21563).
<又> chẽng. (See 𡕣❄{⿱⿺丄三⿱一夂} chẽng).
jeng1 7639 21563.jpg
64 12 jēng zhǎng palm of the hand; sole of the foot; paw; horseshoe; to slap; to hold in one's hand; to wield.¹⁰
(old variant: 𤓯❄{⿻丅八 } jēng zhǎng).
巴掌 bä-jēng
bāzhang palm; hand.⁵
反掌 fān-jēng
fǎnzhǎng lit. to turn over one's palm; fig. everything is going very well.¹⁰
掌握 jēng-äk
zhǎngwò to possess, to master, to know well; to have in hand; to grasp.⁸
掌管 jēng-gōn
zhǎngguǎn in charge of; to control.¹⁰
掌故 jēng-gü
zhǎnggù anecdote in general; stories of the past.⁸
掌舵 jēng-hõ
or jēng-hũ zhǎngduò helmsman, steersman; to be at the helm, to operate the rudder, to take the tiller, to steer a boat.³⁶
掌艄 jēng-säo
zhǎngshāo be at the helm; take the helm.⁶
掌声[掌聲] jēng-sëin
zhǎngshēng applause.¹⁰
掌叶铁线蕨[掌葉鐵線蕨] jēng-yêp-hëik-xëin-kūt
zhǎngyètiěxiànjué <bot.> Adiantum pedatum; Adiantum pedatum L.; maidenhair; type of fern with fine stalks and delicate fronds.³⁹
手掌 siū-jēng
shǒuzhǎng palm of hand.¹¹
(See 𤓯❄{⿻丅八} jēng).
jeng1 7640
87 4 𤓯
jēng zhǎng (<old>=掌 jēng zhǎng palm of the hand; sole of the foot; paw; horseshoe; to slap; to hold in one's hand; to wield.¹⁰).³⁶
(composition: ⿻丅八(G) or ⿱一⿲丿丨乀(T); U+244EF).
(See 掌 jēng).
jeng1 7641
168 8 𨱗
jēng  zhǎng (<old>=长[長] jēng zhǎng to grow; to increase; oldest; elder, senior; chief.⁹⁴).²
(composition: ⿳⿰丨𠆣一⿰𠄌⿺㇏丿; U+28C57).
<又> chẽng.
(See 𨱗❄{⿳⿰丨𠆣一⿰𠄌⿺㇏丿} chẽng).
jeng1 7642 28C57.jpg
168 9 jēng zhǎng to grow; to increase; oldest; elder, senior; chief.⁹⁴
(variants: 镸,𠑷❄{⿱上儿},𠔊❄{⿱丘八},𡕣❄{⿱⿺丄三⿱一夂},𨱗❄{⿳⿰丨𠆣一⿰𠄌⿺㇏丿}).²
校长[校長] hào-jēng
xiàozhǎng (college, university) president; headmaster.¹⁰
长辈[長輩] jēng-böi
zhǎngbèi elder generation.
长姊[長姊] jēng-dī
zhǎngzǐ eldest sister.¹¹
长子[長子] jēng-dū
zhǎngzǐ eldest son.
长老[長老] jēng-lāo
zhǎnglǎo village elders; senior monk; a presbyter.
长孙[長孫] jēng-xün
zhǎngsūn eldest grandson (of the same surname); Zhangsun compound surname.
长幼[長幼] jēng-yiü
zhǎngyòu the young and old.¹¹
长幼有序[長幼有序] jēng-yiü-yiû-duì
zhǎngyòuyǒuxù respect for seniority.¹¹ precedence should be maintained between seniors and juniors.¹⁴
省长[省長] sāng-jēng
shěngzhǎng governor of a province.¹⁰
生长[生長] säng-jēng shēngzhǎng grow; grow up.⁹
市长[市長] sî-jēng
shìzhǎng mayor.
首长[首長] siū-jēng
shǒuzhǎng senior officer; leading cadre; chief.
县长[縣長] yòn-jēng
xiànzhǎng county magistrate.
<又> chẽng.
(See 長 chẽng.)
jeng1 7643
177 17 jēng shàng to connect a vamp and a tread to make a shoe.⁹ the piece of leather used for soles on Chinese shoes; a patch.¹⁴
绱子[鞝子] jēng-dū or sèng-dū shàngzi a patch for shoes.¹⁴
绱鞋[鞝鞋] jēng-hãi
or sèng-hãi or 上鞋[上鞋] sèng-hãi shàngxié sole a shoe; stitch the sole to the upper.⁵
<又> sèng.
(See 鞝 sèng.)
jeng1 7644
9 5 jëng zhàng battle; war.
打仗 ā-jëng dǎzhàng to wage war; to fight a battle.
败仗[敗仗] bài-jëng
bàizhàng lost battle; defeat.⁵
胜仗[勝仗] sëin-jëng shèngzhàng victory, victorious battle.
(See 仗 jèng.)
jeng2 7645
9 13 jëng zhāng (=嫜 jëng zhāng father-in-law; husband's father.⁶).² terror-stricken.⁸ʼ¹⁴ʼ³⁶ (=慞 jëng zhāng terrified, alarmed).¹⁴ a father-in-law.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻章; U+50BD.
傽傽 jëng-jëng
zhāngzhāng (=惊慌失措[驚慌失措] gëin-föng-sīt-tü jīnghuāngshīcuò frightened out of one's wits; panic-stricken.⁵).¹⁹
傽偟 jëng-võng
zhānghuáng scared; distracted.¹⁴ (=惊慌失措[驚慌失措] gëin-föng-sīt-tü jīnghuāngshīcuò frightened out of one's wits; panic-stricken.⁵).¹⁹ alarm.²⁴
傽遑 jëng-võng
zhānghuáng (=惊慌失措[驚慌失措] gëin-föng-sīt-tü jīnghuāngshīcuò frightened out of one's wits; panic-stricken.⁵).¹⁹
(See 嫜 jëng; 慞 jëng).
jeng2 7646
32 14 jëng zhàng (<old>=障 jëng zhàng barrier; to hinder.)
(composition: ⿰土章; U+5887).
(See 障 jëng).
jeng2 7647
38 14 jëng zhāng father-in-law; husband's father.⁶ (variant: 傽 jëng zhāng).
姑嫜 gü-jëng
gūzhāng <wr.> woman's parents-in-law.⁶
(See 傽 jëng).
jeng2 7648
46 14 jëng zhàng cliff; mountain barrier.⁸
嶂谷 jëng-gūk zhànggǔ narrow gorge.³⁹
层峦叠嶂[層巒疊嶂] tãng-lũn-èp-jëng
céngluándiézhàng range upon range of hills.⁶
jeng2 7649
50 11 jëng zhàng tent; curtain or screen; scrolls; to spread out; accounts.¹⁴
喜帐[喜帳] hī-jëng xǐzhàng congratulatory scrolls sent to a wedding.¹⁴
帐子[帳子] jëng-dū
zhàngzi curtains; mosquito net.¹⁴
帐房[帳房] jëng-fông
zhàngfáng cashier's department; office.¹⁴
帐下[帳下] jëng-hà
zhàngxià a soldier (one who dwells in a tent).¹⁴
帐幕[帳幕] jëng-mōk
zhàngmù tent.¹⁴
帐幔[帳幔] jëng-màn
zhàngmàn bed-curtains.¹⁴
帐目[帳目] jëng-mùk
zhàngmù details of accounts.¹⁴
帐饮[帳飲] jëng-ngīm
zhàngyǐn to give a farewell banquet.¹⁴
帐棚[帳棚] jëng-pãng
or 帐篷[帳篷] jëng-pũng zhàngpeng tents for soldiers; mat-sheds.¹⁴
幔帐[幔帳] màn-jëng
mànzhàng curtain; screen; canopy.⁶
蚊帐[蚊帳] mûn-jëng
wénzhàng mosquito net.⁶
帏帐[幃帳] vĩ-jëng
wéizhàng screen curtains.¹⁴
jeng2 7650
50 14 jëng zhàng large, oblong sheet of silk or cloth with an appropriate message inscribed on it, presented at a wedding, birthday or funeral.⁶
贺幛[賀幛] hào-jëng or hò-jëng hèzhàng sheet of silk or cloth with congratulatory message written on it.⁶
喜幛 hī-jëng
xǐzhàng a long silk scroll to be hung on the wall during some celebration, containing words of congratulations.⁸
幛子 jëng-dū
zhàngzi (=幛 jëng zhàng).⁶
寿幛[壽幛] siù-jëng
shòuzhàng birthday banner.⁶
挽幛 vân-jëng
wǎnzhàng funeral scroll.⁶
jeng2 7651
57 11 jëng zhāng open, spread, stretch; set out, display; magnify, exaggerate; look; opening of a new shop; <m.> (for table, bed, sheet of paper, bow); Zhang surname.⁵
张大[張大] jëng-ài zhāngdà magnify; exaggerate; publicize widely.⁵
张灯结彩[張燈結彩] jëng-äng-gēik-tōi
zhāngdēngjiécǎi be decorated with lanterns and colored streamers.⁵
张本[張本] jëng-bōn
zhāngběn anticipatory action; anticipatory remark.⁶
张榜[張榜] jëng-bōng
zhāngbǎng post a notice.⁸
张弛[張弛] jëng-chĩ
zhāngchí tension and relaxation; tightness and looseness.⁶
张家长李家短[張家長李家短] Jëng gä chẽng Lī gä ōn
Zhāng jiā cháng Lǐ jiā duǎn the virtues of the Zhangs and the defects of the Lis –  gossip.⁵
张冠李戴[張冠李戴] jëng-gön-lī-äi
zhāngguānlǐdài put Zhang's hat on Li's head – attribute something to the wrong person; confuse one thing with another.⁶
张公[張公] Jëng-güng
Zhānggōng the revered Mr. Zhang.⁵
张贴[張貼] jëng-hëp
zhāngtiē placard; put up; post (a notice, poster, slogan).⁶
张开[張開] jëng-höi
zhāngkāi open up; spread; extend.¹⁰
张望[張望] jëng-mòng
zhāngwàng peep (through a crack); look around.⁶
jeng2 7652
59 14 jëng zhāng clear; evident; conspicuous.⁵
表彰 bēl-jëng biǎozhāng cite (in dispatches), commend.⁵
彰明较著[彰明較著] jëng-mẽin-gäo-jï
zhāngmíngjiàozhù very obvious; easily seen.⁵
彰善瘅恶[彰善癉惡] jëng-sèn-än-ōk
zhāngshàndàn'è commend the good and denounce the evil;  uphold virtue and condemn vice.⁶
欲盖弥彰[欲蓋彌彰] yùk-köi-mĩ-jëng
yùgàimízhāng The more one tries to hide, the more one is exposed; try to hide a mistake, only to make it more conspicuous.⁵
jeng2 7653
61 14 jëng zhāng terrified, alarmed.⁸ʼ¹⁴ (variant: 傽 jëng zhāng).
(composition: ⿰忄章; U+615E).
or 慞惶 jëng-võng zhānghuáng scared out of one's wits – there are many pairs of characters used in this way, with similar sounds and meaning.¹⁴ʼ¹⁹ʼ⁰
(See 傽 jëng).
jeng2 7654
75 15 jëng zhāng camphor tree.⁸ the camphor tree (Laurus camphora syn. Cinnamomum camphora), said to be so named from 豫章 yì-jëng yūzhāng the ancient and classic name for 江西 Jiangxi, because the tree grew there.¹⁰²
钓樟[釣樟] ël-jëng
diàozhāng <bot.> silky spicebush, Lindera sericea.¹¹
樟茶鸭[樟茶鴨] jëng-chã-äp
zhāngcháyā duck smoked with camphorwood and tea leaves.⁶
樟木 jëng-mûk
zhāngmù camphorwood.⁵ camphor timber.¹⁰²
樟木家具 jëng-mûk-gä-guì
zhāngmùjiāju camphorwood furniture.⁶
樟木箱 jëng-mûk-xëng
zhāngmùxiāng camphorwood chest.³⁹
樟脑[樟腦] jëng-nāo
zhāngnǎo camphor C₁₀H₁₆O.¹⁰ gum-camphor.¹⁰²
樟脑精[樟腦精] jëng-nāo-dëin
zhāngnǎojīng essence of camphor.¹¹
樟脑油[樟腦油] jëng-nāo-yiũ
zhāngnǎoyóu camphor oil.⁵
樟脑丸[樟腦丸] jëng-nāo-yõn
zhāngnǎowán mothball.⁹
樟树[樟樹] jëng-sì
zhāngshù camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
樟蚕[樟蠶] jëng-tâm
zhāngcán camphor silkworm.⁶ wild silkworm.¹¹
jeng2 7655
77 5 jëng zhèng 纯正[純正] sũn-jëng chúnzhèng pure; unadulterated; standard; pure and genuine; upright; honest.⁶
<台> 踏正 àp-jëng (time) sharp, exact.
<台> 五点踏正[五點踏正] m̄-ēm-àp-jëng five o'clock sharp.
<又> jëin.
(See 正 [jëin, zhēng], [jëin, zhèng])
jeng2 7656
85 14 jëng zhàng swell after sbsorbing water; (of the head) be swelled by a rush of blood; be more, larger than expected.⁵
把布一量,涨出了半尺[把布一量,漲出了半尺] bā-bü-yīt-lẽng, jëng-chūt-lēl-bön-chëk bǎbùyīliáng, zhàngchūle bànchǐ When the cloth was measured, it was found to be half a chi (foot) longer than expected.⁵
or 头昏脑胀[頭昏腦脹] hẽo-fün-nāo-jëng tóuhūnnǎozhàng overwhelmed with work.¹¹ one's head spins; giddy.¹⁰
气得涨红了脸[氣得漲紅了臉] hï-āk-jëng-hũng-lēl-lêm
qìdezhànghóngleliǎn redden (or flush) with anger.⁵
涨红[漲紅] jëng-hũng
zhànghóng to turn red (in the face); to flush (with embarrassment or anger).¹⁰
(See 漲 [jëng, zhǎng].)
jeng2 7657
85 14 jëng zhǎng (of water, prices) rise; go up.⁵
暴涨[暴漲] bào-jëng bàozhǎng (of floods, prices) rise suddenly and sharply.⁵
潮水的涨落[潮水的漲落] chẽl-suī-ēik-jëng-lòk
cháoshuǐdezhǎngluò ebb and flow of the tide.⁵
高涨[高漲] gäo-jëng
gāozhǎng rise; upsurge; run high.⁵
涨潮[漲潮] jëng-chẽl
zhǎngcháo rising tide; flood tide.⁵
涨风[漲風] jëng-füng
zhǎngfēng upward trend of prices.⁵
涨价[漲價] jëng-gä
zhǎngjià rise in price.⁵
涨落[漲落] jëng-lòk
zhǎngluò (of water, prices) rise and fall; fluctuate.⁵
涨水[漲水] jëng-suī
zhǎngshuǐ (of water) rise; go up.⁶
涨钱[漲錢] jëng-tẽin
zhǎngqián inflation; salary raise.¹⁰
水漲船高 suī-jëng-sõn-gäo
shuǐzhǎngchuángāo ship rises with the tide – a person's social rise benefits those related to him.¹¹
(See 漲 [jëng, zhàng].)
jeng2 7658
85 14 jëng zhāng name of a river in 福建 Fūk-gèin Fújiàn Fujian; name of a river in 河南省 Hõ-nãm Hénán Henan.⁷
漳河 Jëng-hõ
Zhānghé name of a river in 河南 Hõ-nãm Hénán Henan.⁷
漳州 Jëng-jiü
Zhāngzhōu Zhangzhou City, 福建 Fūk-gèin Fújiàn Fujian Province.⁷
漳泥 Jëng-nãi
Zhāngní seal ink produced in 漳州 Jëng-jiü Zhāngzhōu Zhangzhou, 福建 Fūk-gèin Fújiàn Fujian Province.⁷
漳绒[漳絨] Jëng-ngũng
Zhāngróng velvet produced in Zhangzhou, Fujian (漳州 Jëng-jiü Zhāngzhōu, 福建 Fūk-gèin Fújiàn).⁵⁴
漳缎 Jëng-òn
Zhāngduàn brocade produced in 漳州 Jëng-jiü Zhāngzhōu Zhangzhou, 福建 Fūk-gèin Fújiàn Fujian Province.⁷
jeng2 7659
94 14 jëng zhāng river deer.⁶ the roe deer; the hornless river deer.⁷ the roebuck; the hornless river deer.¹⁴
獐狍 or 獐麅 jëng-bäo zhāngpáo the musk deer.¹⁴
獐子 jëng-dū
zhāngzi river deer.⁶
獐头鼠目[獐頭鼠目] jëng-hẽo-sī-mùk
zhāngtóushǔmù  with the head of a buck and eyes of a rat – repulsively ugly and sly-looking; contemptible and unsightly.⁶
(See 麞 jëng.)
jeng2 7660
96 15 jëng zhāng an ancient jade ornament used in state ceremonies; a jade tablet.⁷ a sort of half scepter.²⁴
圭璋 gï-jëng guīzhāng high-quality jade; (of people) noble character.⁶
弄璋 lùng-jëng
nòngzhāng <wr.> play with a jade tablet – birth of a son (from an early custom of giving a jade tablet, the emblem of male supremacy, to a baby boy to play with).⁶ <wr.> give birth to a boy (given jade to play with; if a girl, given tile to play with).¹¹ a son or the birth of a son.²⁴
弄璋之喜 lùng-jëng-jï-hī
nòngzhāngzhīxǐ <wr.> joy of bearing a boy.⁶
朱元璋 Jï Ngũn-jëng
Zhū Yuánzhāng Zhu Yuanzhang, personal name of first Ming dynasty emperor 洪武 Hũng Mû Hóng Wǔ Hongwu.¹⁰
jeng2 7661
104 13 jëng zhàng (<old>=胀[脹] jëng zhàng expand, distend; swell, bloated.⁵); a swelled belly; dropsical; to swell; inflated.⁸
full; pot-bellied, a swelling of the abdomen arising from ingestion.²⁴
(composition: ⿸疒長; U+75EE).
(See 脹 jëng).
jeng2 7662
104 16 jëng zhàng miasma.⁶ miasma; swamp vapor.⁷
瘴气[瘴氣] jëng-hï zhàngqì miasma; pestilential vapor.⁷
瘴地 jëng-ì
zhàngdì miasmal place.⁷
瘴疠[瘴癘] jëng-lài
zhànglì communicable subtropical diseases.⁶ tropical disease attributed to miasma; malaria.¹⁰
瘴母 jëng-mû 
zhàngmǔ masses of miasma.⁷
瘴烟毒雾[瘴煙毒霧] jëng-yën-ùk-mù
zhàngyāndúwù clouds of pestilential vapor; miasmal clouds.⁷
瘴雨蛮烟[瘴雨蠻煙] jëng-yî-māng-yën
zhàngyǔmányān pestilential rain and unhealthy mist.⁷
毒瘴 ùk-jëng
dúzhàng miasma.⁸
烟瘴[煙瘴] yën-jëng
yānzhàng unhealthy air or noxious gas of swampy region.¹¹
jeng2 7663
104 16 jëng zhàng (<old>=胀[脹] jëng zhàng expand, distend; swell, bloated.⁵),²  full; a fullness, or swelling.²⁴
(composition: ⿸疒張; U+762C).
(See 脹 jëng).
jeng2 7664
117 11 jëng zhāng chapter; section; clause; movement (of symphony); seal; badge; regulation; order; Zhang surname.¹⁰
章程 jëng-chẽin zhāngchéng a set of regulations; constitution.⁷ (Distinguish zhāngchéng and zhāngcheng).
章程 jëng-chẽin
zhāngcheng <topo.> a solution; a way.⁷
章则[章則] jëng-dāk
zhāngzé rules and regulations.⁷
章节[章節] jëng-dēik
zhāngjié chapters and sections (of a piece of writing.⁷
章奏 jëng-dëo
zhāngzòu a memorial to the emperor.⁸
章法 jëng-fāt
zhāngfǎ the presentation of ideas in a piece of writing, the art of composition; orderly ways.⁷
章服 jëng-fùk
zhāngfú <trad.> ceremonial dress with distinctive colors and designs for rulers and courtiers.⁷
or 𫠒❄{⿰鱼章}鱼[鱆魚] jëng-nguĩ zhāngyú an octopus.⁷
章鱼烧[章魚燒] jëng-nguĩ-sël
zhāngyúshāo takoyaki.⁹
章草 jëng-tāo
zhāngcǎo a simplified form of cursive script (草書), made or approved by 漢章帝 (76-88 A. D.).¹¹
章回小说[章回小說] jëng-või-xēl-sōt
zhānghuí xiǎoshuō a long novel (divided into chapters).¹¹
断章取义[斷章取義] òn-jëng-tuī-ngì
duànzhāngqǔyì take out of context to make a deliberate misinterpretation.¹¹
<台> 扱图章[扱圖章] kēip-hũ-jëng to stamp, to seal.
jeng2 7665
119 14 jëng zhāng provisions.⁸ food; cooked white rice.¹⁰ <lit.> food.¹¹ to eat rice, food.²⁵ <old> provisions; food.³⁶
(composition: ⿰米長; U+7CBB).
五十异粻[五十異粻] m̄-sìp-yì-jëng wǔshíyìzhāng those who have reached the age of fifty eat special/excellent grain.⁵⁴
jeng2 7666
130 12 jëng zhàng expand, distend; swell, bloated.⁵
发胀[發脹] fāt-jëng fāzhàng swell; <Ch. med.> feel distended.⁵
or 头昏脑涨[頭昏腦漲] hẽo-fün-nāo-jëng tóuhūnnǎozhàng overwhelmed with work.¹¹ one's head spins; giddy.¹⁰
胀气[脹氣] jëng-hï
zhàngqì flatulence, gas in the belly.¹¹
胀率[脹率] jëng-lùt
zhànglǜ <phy.> degree of expansion caused by heat.¹¹
胀破了[脹破了] jëng-pö-lēl
zhàngpòle burst open (from swelling).¹¹
肿胀[腫脹] jūng-jëng
zhǒngzhàng swelling; <Ch. med.> edema and abdominal distension.⁵
热胀冷缩[熱脹冷縮] ngèik-jëng-lâng-sūk
rèzhànglěngsuō expand when heated and contract when cooled.⁵
膨胀[膨脹] pãng-jëng 
péngzhàng expand; swell; dilate; inflate.⁵
<台> 吹胀[吹胀] chuï-jëng exasperated.
jeng2 7667
140 14 jëng zhāng grass or herb.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹商; U+850F).
蔏陆[蔏陸] jëng-lùk
zhānglù a kind of grass.²⁵
蔏萎 jëng-vī
zhāngwěi A kind of aquatic wormwood, namely "Artemisia sphaerocephala".
<又> sëng.
(See 蔏 sëng).
jeng2 7668
140 14 jëng zhāng a kind of grass mentioned in ancient books.⁸ grass, herbs.²⁵ (roots of the willow; another name for 蔏陆[蔏陸] jëng-lùk zhānglù a kind of grass.²⁵).¹⁰⁰
(composition: ⿱艹章; U+8501).
jeng2 7669
142 17 jëng zhāng 蟑螂 jëng-lõng zhānglang cockroach.⁸
jeng2 7670
154 15 jëng zhàng accounts; debts; credits, loans, bills.⁷
结账[結賬] gēik-jëng jiézhàng settle or square accounts; balance one's books; pay up; settle one's bill.⁶
账单[賬單] jëng-än
zhàngdān bills; invoices.⁷
账本[賬本] jëng-bōn
zhàngběn account book.¹⁰
账簿[賬簿] jëng-bù
zhàngbù accounts; account books.⁷
账册[賬冊] jëng-chāk
zhàngcè account book; ledger; bill.¹⁰
账籍[賬籍] jëng-dèik
zhàngjí accounts; books.⁷
账款[賬款] jëng-fōn
zhàngkuǎn money in an account.¹⁰
账房[賬房] jëng-fông
zhàngfáng a cashier's office; a cashier, a teller, a treasurer.⁷
账户[賬戶] jëng-fù
zhànghù bank/online account.¹⁰
账务[賬務] jëng-mù
zhàngwù affairs concerning accounts.⁷
账目[賬目] jëng-mùk
zhàngmù accounts; details or items of accounts.⁷
jeng2 7671
163 13 jëng zhāng 鄣国[鄣國] Jëng-gōk Zhāngguó Zhangguo, a feudal state founded by the grandson of 姜子牙 Gëng Dū-ngã  Jiāng Zǐyá Jiang Ziya (1156 B.C. - 1017 B.C.) during the Spring and Autumn period in modern 泰安市 Häi-ön-sî Tàiānshì Tai'an city in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province.²³
鄣穆公 Jëng Mùk Güng
Zhāng Mù Gōng Zhang Mu Gong (personal name  姜虎 Gëng Fū Jiāng Hǔ Jiang Hu). founder of 鄣国[鄣國] Jëng-gōk Zhāngguó Zhangguo.²³
jeng2 7672
170 13 jëng zhàng barrier; to hinder.
白内障[白內障] bàk-nuì-jëng báinèizhàng <med.> cataract.
保障 bāo-jëng
bǎozhàng to ensure.; to guarantee.
故障 gü-jëng
gùzhàng a bug or breakdown (of a machine); a stoppage; trouble.⁷
障碍[障礙] jëng-ngòi
zhàng'ài barrier; obstruction; hindrance; impediment; obstacle.¹⁰
障碍物[障礙物] jëng-ngòi-mùt
or jëng-ngòi-mòt zhàng'àiwù obstruction.⁸
孽障 ngēik-jëng
nièzhàng (a term of abuse formerly used by the elders of a family cursing their juniors) an evil creature; vile spawn; wicked children; <Budd.> karmic obstruction; retribution for the evil one is supposed to have committed.⁷
屏障 pẽin-jëng
píngzhàng protective screen; shield; <wr.> to protect, shield, guard, provide a protective screen for.⁶
残障[殘障] tãn-jëng
cánzhàng handicap; disability.
一叶障目[一葉障目] yīt-yèp-jëng-mùk
yīyèzhàngmù lit. eyes obscured by a single leaf (idiom); fig. not seing the wider picture; can't see the wood for the trees.
jeng2 7673
184 16 𫗠
jëng zhāng candy, pastry.³⁶
(comp. t: ⿰飠長; U+9926). (comp. s: ⿰饣长; U+2B5E0).
❄{⿰饣长}𫗮❄{⿰饣皇}[餦餭] jëng-võng zhānghuáng dried sweetmeat.⁵⁴
jeng2 7674
195 22 𫠒
jëng zhāng octopus.³⁶
(comp. t: ⿰魚章; U+9C46). (comp. s: ⿰鱼章; U+2B812).
❄{⿰鱼章}鱼[鱆魚] or 章鱼[章魚] jëng-nguĩ zhāngyú octopus.³⁶
zhāng yú yòng rè shuĭ xiá zhì bàn shú
Scald octopus in hot water until half done.¹⁰
jeng2 7675
198 鹿 22 jëng zhāng (=獐 jëng zhāng) river deer.⁶
(See 獐 jëng.)
jeng2 7676
1 3 jèng zhàng 3 1/3 meters; ten feet; to measure land; an older relative or person.
丈夫 jèng-fü zhàngfu husband.
丈量 jèng-lẽng
zhàngliáng measure (land).⁵
丈人 jèng-ngĩn
zhàngren wife's father.
老丈 lāo-jèng
lǎozhàng <wr.> Sir
<又> chêng.
(See 丈 chêng.)
jeng4 7677
9 5 jèng zhàng to rely on; to depend on; to hold (a weapon).
仗胆[仗膽] jèng-ām zhàngdǎn to boost someone's courage; to embolden. (cf. <台> 长胆[長膽] jēng-ām.)
仗剑[仗劍] jèng-gëm
zhàngjiàn to carry a sword.
仗义[仗義] jèng-ngì
zhàngyì <wr.> to act from a sense of justice; to be loyal to one's friends.
仗义执言[仗義執言] jèng-ngì-jīp-ngũn
zhàngyìzhíyán to stand up for the weak.
仗势欺人[仗勢欺人] jèng-säi-hï-ngĩn
zhàngshìqīrén to take advantage of one's or somebody else's power to bully people.
炮仗 päo-jèng/
pàozhang (=爆竹 päo-jūk bàozhú) firecracker.⁵
依仗 yï-jèng
yīzhàng to count on; to rely on.
<台> 点炮仗[點炮仗] ēm-päo-jèng/ to light firecrackers..
<台> 烧炮仗[燒炮仗] sël-päo-jèng/ to set off firecrackers.
(See 仗 jëng.)
jeng4 7678
75 7 jèng zhàng cane, stick; rod or staff used for a specfic purpose; flogging with a stick (a punishment in ancient China).⁵
扶杖而行 fũ-jèng-ngĩ-hãng fúzhàng'érxíng walk with a cane.⁵
拐杖 gāi-jèng
guǎizhàng walking stick.⁵
擀面杖[擀麵杖] gōn-mèin-jèng
or gön-mèin-jèng gǎnmiànzhàng rolling pin.⁵
杖策 jèng-chāk
zhàngcè to hold a whip in the hand.⁷
杖击[杖擊] jèng-gēik
zhàngjī to hit or beat with a cane.⁷
杖责[杖責] jèng-jāk
zhàngzé to punish by caning; to flagellate; to cane.⁷
杖期 jèng-kĩ
zhàngqī one-year mourning after the death of one's wife or father's concubine.⁷
杖藜 jèng-lãi
zhànglí a staff of chenopodium; to use such a staff to help an old person in walking.⁷
杖履 jèng-lî
zhànglǚ a respectful term of address for the elders.⁷
藜杖 lãi-jèng
lízhàng a staff of chenopodium.¹⁴
手杖 siū-jèng
shǒuzhàng  (walking) stick.⁵
jeng4 7679
163 14 jèng zhèng a feudal state during the Zhou dynasty; Zheng surname.
郑州[鄭州] Jèng-jiü Zhèngzhōu Zhengzhou, capital of Henan Province (河南 Hõ-nãm Hénán).
郑重[鄭重] jèng-jùng
zhèngzhòng serious, solemn.
郑重其事[鄭重其事] jèng-jùng-kĩ-xù
zhèngzhòngqíshì  seriously; in earnest.
郑和[鄭和] Jèng Võ
Zhèng Hé (1371-1433) leader of Ming naval expeditions.
郑和下西洋[鄭和下西洋] Jèng Võ hä Xäi-yẽng 
Zhèng Hé xià Xīyáng <hist.> Zheng He's voyages (1405-1431) in the South Seas as far as Africa.
jeng4 7680
107 15 jēo zhòu <台> 皱煤眉头[皺煤眉頭] jēo-mõi-mĩ-hẽo  to scowl; to frown; to knit the eyebrows.
<又> jëo, chão. (See 皺 jëo, chão.)
jeo1 7681
9 7 jëo zhòu (usually used in early vernacular) pretty; cute; handsome.⁶
jeo2 7682
9 12 jëo zhòu (=媰 chũ chú pregnant); pretty, cute, clever; stubborn, cruel, ferocious, erratic; (rare) hired, employed.³⁶ to bear burdens; to hire one's-self out.²⁴
t: ⿰亻芻; U+3473).  (comp. s: ⿰亻刍; U+3447).
(See 媰 chũ).
jeo2 7683
18 16 jëo zòu to cut small, as wood for fuel.¹⁴ to cut off; to mince; to cut up firewood.⁸
(composition: ⿰聚刂; U+350C).
<又> jào; tẽo. (See 㔌 jào; 㔌 tẽo).
jeo2 7684
61 13 jëo zhòu <topo.> obstinate; stubborn.⁶
㤘脾气[㥮脾氣] jëo-pĩ-hï zhòupíqi obstinacy.⁶
jeo2 7685
75 12 jëo zōu firewood.⁸ʼ¹³ʼ²⁴ firewood; name of a tree.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰木取; U+68F7).
郊棷 gäo-jëo jiāozōu a swampy area in the countryside.¹⁹
校棷 gäo-jëo
jiàozōu fuel.²⁴
棷樿 jëo-sên
zōushàn the name of a tree.²⁴
<又> xēo; chēo.
(See 棷 xēo; 棷 chēo).
jeo2 7686
75 12 jëo zōu Zou surname.
(composition: ⿱取木; U+68F8).
jeo2 7687
104 14 jëo zhòu to shrink, to contract, to deflate, to shorten, to reduce in length.⁸ shrivelled.²⁴
(composition: ⿸疒秋; U+3FAD).
<又> diù. (See 㾭 diù).
jeo2 7688
107 15 jëo zhòu wrinkles on the face; creases in garments; not level; (interchangeable with 縐 jëo zhòu).¹⁴
起皱[起皺] hī-jëo
qǐzhòu wrinkle; crumple; crease; crinkle.⁹
皱襞[皺襞] jëo-bēik
zhòubì <anatomy> plica; <wr.> fold, crease, wrinkles.⁶
皱别[皺別] jëo-bèik
zhòubiè unpleasantly narrow; close; confining.⁷
皱金[皺金] jëo-gïm
zhòujīn wrinkled gold leaf.¹⁴
皱折[皺折] jëo-jëp
zhòuzhé crease; fold; ripple; lap.⁹
皱摺[皺摺] jëo-jëp
zhòuzhé creases; folds.⁷
皱皱巴巴[皺皺巴巴] jëo-jëo-bä-bä
zhòuzhòubābā not smooth; full of creases; creasy; crumpled; shriveled.⁷
or 绉眉[縐眉] jëo-mĩ zhòuméi or 皱眉头[皺眉頭] jëo-mĩ-hẽo  zhòuméitóu to frown; to knit the brows.⁷
or 绉纹[縐紋] jëo-mũn zhòuwén wrinkles; creases; folds; rumples.⁷
or 绉纹纸[縐紋紙] jëo-mũn-jī zhòuwénzhǐ crepe paper.⁷
or 绉缩[縐縮] jëo-sük zhòusuō to wrinkle; wrinkled up.¹⁰
皱胃[皺胃] jëo-vì
zhòuwèi an abomasum.⁷
<又> jēo, chão.
(See 皺 jēo; 皺 chão; 縐 jëo.)
jeo2 7689
118 14 jëo zōu ➀ bamboo with its green covering removed ➁ bamboo used as fuel/firewood.¹⁰¹ tabasbeer, a substance found inside the bamboo.²⁵ tabasbeer, a translucent white substance, obtained from the nodal joints of some species of bamboo. It is also an ingredient in many TCM.¹⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗取; U+7B83).
jeo2 7690
118 21 𥶈
jëo zōu an implement for catching fish.² a basket for catching fish.²⁵ a bamboo implement for catching fish.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱𥫗皺; U+25D88).
jeo2 7691
120 16 jëo zhòu wrinkled; to shrink; crepe; (interchangeable with 皺 jëo zhòu).¹⁴
绉布[縐布] jëo-bü
zhòubù cotton crepe; crepe.⁶
绉絺[縐絺] jëo-chï
zhòuchī fine silk crepe.¹¹
绉绸[縐綢] jëo-chiũ
zhòuchóu crepe.⁹
绉子[縐子] jëo-dū
zhòudū wrinkles; creases.¹⁴
绉条布[縐條布] jëo-hẽl-bü
zhòutiáobù (=泡泡纱[泡泡紗] päo-päo-sä pàopaoshā) <txtl.> seersucker.⁵
or 皱眉[皺眉] jëo-mĩ zhòuméi frown; knit the brows.⁵⁴
or 皱纹[皺紋] jëo-mũn zhòuwén wrinkles; wrinkles; creases; folds; rumples.⁷
or 皱纹纸[皺紋紙] jëo-mũn-jī zhòuwénzhǐ crepe paper.⁷
绉纹呢[縐紋呢] jëo-mũn-nãi
zhòuzhòuní creppella.⁶
绉呢[縐呢] jëo-nãi
zhòuní crêpe.⁵⁴
绉纱[縐紗] jëo-sä
zhòushā crepe silk.¹¹
or 皱缩[皺縮] jëo-sük zhòusuō to wrinkle; wrinkled up.¹⁰
绉线[縐線] jëo-xëin
zhòuxiàn crepe yarn.⁵⁴
绉丝[縐絲] jëo-xü
zhòusī crêpe.⁵⁴
双绉[雙縐] söng-jëo
shuāngzhòu crèpe de chine.⁵⁴
(See 縐 [jëo, zhōu]; 皺 jëo.)
jeo2 7692
120 16 jëo zhōu 文绉绉[文縐縐] or 文诌诌[文謅謅] mũn-jëo-jëo wénzhōuzhōu bookish; genteel; erudite.¹⁰ too literary in style, not simple.¹¹
(See 縐 [jëo, zhòu].)
jeo2 7693
149 15 jëo zōu to consult; to investigate; to deliberate upon.
咨诹[咨諏] or 谘诹[諮諏] dü-jëo zīzōu to consult (especially on affairs of state).¹
诹吉[諏吉] jëo-gīt
zōují <wr.> to pick an auspicious day (for a marriage).
诹吉成婚[諏吉成婚] jëo-gīt-sẽin-fün
zōujíchénghūn to choose a lucky day for a wedding.
jeo2 7694
149 17 jëo zhōu to make up stories; to fabricate;
文诌诌[文謅謅] or 文绉绉[文縐縐] mũn-jëo-jëo wénzhōuzhōu genteel; bookish; too literary in style; not simple.
胡诌[胡謅] vũ-jëo
húzhōu to talk nonsense.
胡诌八咧[胡謅八咧] vũ-jëo-bät-lëik
húzhōubāliě to fabricate wild tales; to talk nonsense.⁶
jeo2 7695
163 12 jëo zōu Zou feudal state in the Zhou Dynasty in modern Zouxian County in Shandong Province;⁹ Zou surname.
邹鲁[鄒魯] Jëo-Lû Zōu-Lǔ native places of Mencius and Confucius respectively; cultural center.
邹城市[鄒城市] Jëo-sẽin-sî
Zōuchéng Shì Zoucheng city in the south of 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province.  (邹城市[鄒城市] was formerly known as 邹县[鄒縣] Jëo-yòn Zōuxiàn Zou County or Zouxian. Mencius was born in Zoucheng and Confucius was born in 曲阜 Kūk-fèo Qūfù Qufu, which is 18 miles north of Zoucheng.)
(See 鄹 jëo.)
jeo2 7696
163 16 jëo zōu (a geographic name for the 鲁国[魯國] Lû-gōk Lǔguó Lu State during the Spring and Autumn Period in eastern 曲阜 Kūk-fèo Qūfù Qufu City in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province that was the hometown of Confucius.⁹) (name of a feudal state during the Spring and Autumn period, variant of 邹[鄒] jëo zōu.⁸)
(See 鄒 jëo.)
jeo2 7697
170 10 jëo zōu <wr.> corner; nook; foothill; secluded place; to live together in a group.
边陬[邊陬] bëin-jëo biānzōu <wr.> the border regions.
陬落 jëo-lôk
zōuluò <wr.> a village settlement.
陬隅之地 jëo-nguĩ-jï-ì
zōuyúzhīdì <wr.> a remote place.
孟陬 màng-jëo
mèngzōu <wr.> first month of the year.
四陬 xï-jëo
sìzōu <wr.> the four corners (of a city, town, country).
jeo2 7698
187 20 jëo zōu an officer in charge of driving carriages; a mounted escort.⁷ <wr.> an officer in charge of the royal carriage; mounted guards; Zou surname.¹¹
驺唱[騶唱] jëo-chëng zōuchàng <wr.> cries of mounted escorts to clear the way.¹¹
驺卒[騶卒] jëo-dūt
zōuzú a servant; a groom.⁷ attendants.¹¹
驺虞[騶虞] jëo-nguĩ
zōuyú zouyu (mythical animal); official in charge of park animals; name of an archaic ceremonial tune.¹⁰ myth. zouyu, white tiger (not eating anything living, symbol of kindness and humaneness).⁵⁴ (See 驺𩦢[騶𩦢] jëo-nguĩ zōuyú).
驺矢[騶矢] jëo-sī
zōushǐ a good arrow.²⁵
驺从[騶從] jëo-tũng
zōucóng the escort of a nobleman.⁷ footmen accompanying a nobleman or official.¹¹ mounted escort of a nobleman.¹⁴
七驺[七騶] tīt-jëo
qīzōu the seven imperial grooms (the emperor had six studs of horses, over each of which was a groom, these together with the head groom formed the seven grooms).²⁵
jeo2 7699
195 19 jëo zōu small fish; humble and shallow.⁶ minnows; small fish; Zou surname.¹⁰
鲰生[鯫生] jëo-säng zōushēng <derog.> person regarded with comtempt, bastard; <humb.> my humble self; I.⁶
jeo2 7700
64 7 jëp zhé fold; bank account.
折子 jëp-dū zhézi notebook in accordion form
折子戏[折子戲] jëp-dū-hï
zhézixì opera highlights.
折叠[折疊] jëp-èp
zhédié fold.⁶
折叠床[折疊床] jëp-èp-chõng
zhédiéchuáng folding bed; cot.
折裥机[折襇機] jëp-gān-gï
zhéjiǎnjī pleating machine.¹⁹
存折 tũn-jëp
cúnzhé bankbook.
<又> jēt, jët, sèt.
(See 折 [jēt, zhé], [jēt, zhē], [jēt, shé], jët, sèt.)
jep2 7701
64 14 jëp zhé to fold.
奏摺 or 奏折 dëo-jëp zòuzhé memorial to the throne (on paper folded in accordion form).¹
摺刀 jëp-äo
zhédāo a pocket or folding knife.¹⁴
摺尺 jëp-chêk
zhéchǐ a folding rule.¹⁴
摺子 jëp-dū
zhézi a small folded paper; a memorial to the throne; passbook.¹⁴
or 折叠[折疊] jëp-èp zhédié to fold up (as clothing).¹⁴
摺扇 jëp-sën
zhéshàn a folding fan.¹⁴
手摺 siū-jëp
shǒuzhé <trad.> paper for making appeals to a superior official; <acct.> account book.¹
or 存折 tũn-jëp cúnzhé deposit book; bankbook.¹ a passbook for bank deposits; deposit or savings book.¹¹
<台> 摺被 jëp-pî to fold and stack up the sheets.
jep2 7702
149 23 jëp zhé fear; envy; loquacious.⁸  to talk one's-self out of breath,  to talk without stopping; a man's name.²⁵
詟服[讋服] jëp-fùk zhéfú lose one's courage and submit.²⁵
詟忌[讋忌] jëp-gì
zhéjì to dread.²⁵
詟惧[讋懼] jëp-guì
zhéjù to be afraid.²⁵
震詟[震讋] jīn-jëp
zhènzhé dread; fear; shock.⁸
jep2 7703
145 16 jêp  zhě pleat; crease; wrinkle.⁶ to fold; pleated.⁷
百褶裙 bāk-jêp-kũn bǎizhěqún pleated skirt; accordion-pleated skirt.⁶
褶襞 jêp-bēik
zhěbì furbelow.³⁹
褶子 jêp-dū
zhězi pleats; folds.; wrinkles (in the face).⁷
褶痕 jêp-hân
zhěhén <med.> crease.³⁹
褶皱[褶皺] jêp-jëo
zhězhòu <geol.> folds; wrinkles (in the skin or cloth).⁷
褶曲 jêp-kūk
zhěqū <geol.> folds.⁷
褶裙 jêp-kũn
zhěqún a pleated skirt.⁷
褶层[褶層] jêp-tãng
zhěcéng fold.⁶
jep5 7704
145 23 jêp  zhě (=褶 jêp zhě); a pleat in a skirt.⁸ the plaits or fold of a petticoat puckered together, and pressed with a hot iron; the ends of a collar.²⁵ folds (of clothes), gathers (on a dress); pleating.⁵⁴ a fold in garments made when ironing; a tuck; gathers, plaits, or flounces, like those in a Chinese lady's skirt; plaited, puckered.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰衤聶; U+8975).
打襵子 ā-jêp-dū
dǎzhězǐ a fold, to plait; to lap over, as when tightening the dress.¹⁰²
百襵裙 bäk-jêp-kũn
bǎizhěqún plaited skirt.⁵⁴ an embroidered and plaited skirt.¹⁰²
熨斗成裙襵 höng-ēo-sẽin-kũn-jêp
yùndǒuchéngqúnzhě smooth out the wrinkles on the skirt with an iron.⁵⁴
(See 褶 jêp).
jep5 7705
30 10 jēt zhé wise, sagacious; wise man, sage.⁸ (old variant: 悊 jēt zhé).
哲嗣 jēt-dù
zhésì <court.> your son.¹¹
哲学[哲學] jēt-hòk
zhéxué philosophy.¹¹
哲学史[哲學史] jēt-hòk-xū
zhéxuéshǐ history of philosophy.¹¹
哲理 jēt-lî
zhélǐ philosophic theory; philosophy.¹⁰
哲人 jēt-ngĩn
zhérén a wise man, the sage master.¹¹
哲人其萎 jēt-ngĩn-kĩ-vī
zhérénqíwěi a wise man has passed away (idiom).¹⁹  the philosopher is aging, passing away.¹¹
哲言 jēt-ngũn
zhéyán philosophic words.⁸
先哲 xëin-jēt
xiānzhé wise men of the past.¹¹
(See 喆 jēt; 悊 jēt).
jet1 7706
30 12 jēt zhé (=哲 jēt zhé) (usually used in given names).¹⁰ a sage; wise; sagacious.⁸
(See 哲 jēt.)
jet1 7707
30 18 jēt zhé (<old>=哲 jēt zhé) wise, sagacious; wise man, sage.⁸ philosophy; wise.¹⁰
jet1 7708
61 11 jēt zhé (<old>=哲 jēt zhé wise, sagacious; wise man, sage.⁸);  revere, honor; wise; to know intuitively.⁸
(composition: ⿱折心; U+608A).
(See 哲 jēt).
jet1 7709
64 7 jēt shé to break (a stick or bone); loss (money).
折本 jēt-bōn shéběn lose money in business.⁵ (See 蚀本[蝕本] sèik-bōn and <台> 折本 sèt-bōn.)
<又> jët, jëp, sèt.
(See 折 [jēt, zhé], [jēt, zhē], jëp, jët, sèt.)
jet1 7710
64 7 jēt zhé break; suffer loss; change direction; discount; rebate; tenth (in price).
不为五斗米折腰[不為五斗米折腰] būt-vĩ-m̄-ēo-māi-jēt-yël bùwéiwǔdǒumǐzhéyāo retain one's (human) dignity instead of succumbing to a temptation.⁶
折戟 jēt-gēik
zhéjǐ break the spear (as a token of peace/truce).⁵⁴
折戟沉沙 jēt-gēik-chĩm-sä
zhéjǐchénshā broken halberds embedded in sand – reminder of a fierce battle or a beaten army; crushing/disastrous defeat.⁶
折扣 jēt-këo
zhékòu abatement; a discount in the price; a discount rate; a rebate.⁷
折柳 jēt-liû
zhéliǔ lit. to break a willow branch – to send off a friend.⁷
折磨 jēt-mũ
or jēt-mõ zhémo to submit to an ordeal; trials and afflictions; grillings; torment.⁷
折断[折斷] jēt-òn
zhéduàn to snap; to break.⁷
折挫 jēt-tö
zhécuò frustrate, inhibit, make things difficult.⁸
折腰 jēt-yël
zhéyāo bow; debase oneself.⁸
面折 mèin-jēt
miànzhé or 面斥 mèin-chēik miànchì or 面责[面責] mèin-jāk miànzé to scold a person to his face.⁷
<又> jët, jëp, sèt.
(See 折 [jēt, zhē], [jēt, shé], jëp, jët, sèt.)
jet1 7711
64 7 jēt zhē to turn something over; to turn upside down; to tip something out.
折腾[折騰] jēt-hãng zhēteng <topo.> ➀ turn from side to side; toss about; toss and turn ➁ do something over and over again ➂ torment.⁶
折箩[折籮] jēt-lõ
or jēt-lũ zhēluó leftover of a banquet, collected in a basket, chop suey.¹¹
<又> jët, jëp, sèt.
(See 折 [jēt, zhé], [jēt, shé], jëp, jët, sèt.)
jet1 7712
72 11 jēt zhé (=晢 jēt zhé) light of stars; shine; bright; wise; clear; sunlight.⁸
(composition: ⿰日折; U+6663).
or 晢晢 jēt-jēt zhézhé bright; shining.
(See 晢 jēt).
jet1 7713
72 11 jēt zhé light of stars; shine; bright; wise; clear; sunlight.⁸
(variant: 晣 jēt zhé).
(composition: ⿱折日; U+6662).
晢晢 or 晣晣 jēt-jēt
zhézhé bright; shining.
(See 晣 jēt).
jet1 7714
78 8 jēt zhé to die young.⁸ an untimely death.²⁴
(composition: ⿰歹斤; U+6B7D).
jet1 7715
85 10 jēt zhè short for 浙江 Zhejiang Province.⁶
江浙 Göng-Jēt Jiāng-Zhè short for 江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū Jiangsu Province and 浙江 Jēt-göng Zhèjiāng Zhejiang Province.¹⁰
江浙菜 Göng-Jēt-töi
Jiāng-Zhè cài cusine from Jiangsu and Zhejiang.¹⁰
浙江 Jēt-göng
Zhèjiāng Zhejiang Province in east China, abbr. 浙, capital 杭州 Hõng-Jiü Hángzhōu Hangzhou.⁵⁴
jet1 7716
112 8 jēt zhé (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 矺 jàk zhà.)
to stretch out, to burst; a mallet.²⁵
<又> jàk, dàp, jä, hōk.
(See 矺 jàk, dàp, jä, hōk.)
jet1 7717
118 13 jēt zhì a coarse bamboo mat.¹⁰
jet1 7718
128 7 jēt zhé ➀ earlobe ➁ name of a country/state ➂ name of a person ➃ Zhe surname.¹⁰² (also read as ngàt .).⁸ʼ²⁵
(composition: ⿰耳乚; U+8034).
耴 jēt
zhé (ngàt ) or 耴耳 jēt-ngī (ngàt-ngī) zhé'ěr (yì'ěr) name of a country or state.¹⁰²ʼ⁸
聱耴 ngào-jēt (ngào-ngàt)
àozhé (àoyì) numerous sounds; state of birds and fish; earlobe.¹³ resembling birds and fishes; the noise of a multitude.²⁵
秦公子耴 tũn-güng-dū-jēt (tũn-güng-dū-ngàt)
qín gōng zǐ zhé (qín gōng zǐ yì) Qin Gong Zi Zhe or Qin Gong Zi Yi who had large,long earlobes, thus the name.¹⁰²
(See 䎲 jēt; 𦔮❄{⿸耳乚} jēt; 𦕿❄{⿰耳耴} jēt).
jet1 7719
128 7 jēt zhé earlobe; lobule.⁸ (=耴 jēt zhé ➀ earlobe ➁ name of a country/state ➂ name of a person ➃ Zhe surname.¹⁰²).¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰耳乙; U+43B2).
(See 耴 jēt; 𦔮❄{⿸耳乚} jēt; 𦕿❄{⿰耳耴} jēt).
jet1 7720
128 7 𦔮
jēt zhé the ears hanging down, flap ears.²⁵ (=耴 jēt zhé ➀ earlobe ➁ name of a country/state ➂ name of a person ➃ Zhe surname.¹⁰²).¹⁰²
(composition: ⿸耳乚; U+2652E).
❄{⿸耳乚}or 耴耳 jēt-ngī (ngàt-ngī) zhé'ěr (yì'ěr) name of a country; a surname.²⁵
(See 耴 jēt; 䎲 jēt; 𦕿❄{⿰耳耴} jēt).
jet1 7721
128 13 𦕿
jēt zhé (=𦔮❄{⿸耳乚} jēt zhé the ears hanging down, flap ears.²⁵).² (=耴 jēt zhé ➀ earlobe ➁ name of a country/state ➂ name of a person ➃ Zhe surname.¹⁰²).¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰耳耴; U+2657F).
(See 耴 jēt; 䎲 jēt; 𦔮❄{⿸耳乚} jēt).
jet1 7722
142 13 jēt zhé <zoo.> jellyfish.¹¹
海蜇 hōi-jēt hǎizhé jellyfish, pressed and dried variety, usually served cold on table.¹¹ flame jellyfish (Rhopilema esculentum), a species of jellyfish native to the warm temperate waters of the Pacific Ocean; <old> 瑝鱼; aka 红蜇, 面蜇, 鲊鱼.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(See 蜇 [jēt, zhē].)
jet1 7723
142 13 jēt zhē (of bees, wasps, scorpions) sting; smart, sting.⁶ sting, bite;  irritate, feel ache.⁹ to sting.¹⁰ (variant: 𧋍 jēt zhē).
蜇针[蜇針] jēt-jïm
zhēzhēn sting; stinger.⁶
蜇皮 jēt-pĩ
zhépí dried skins of jellyfish, used as food.¹⁴
蜇毒 jēt-ùk
zhēdú <wr.> sting poison; venom of an insect.⁵⁴
蜇刺 jēt-xü
zhēcì sting, stinger.⁶
(See 蜇 [jēt, zhé]; 𧋍 jēt.)
jet1 7724
142 13 𧋍 jēt zhē (=蜇 jēt zhē) to sting, a sting.⁸
(See 蜇 [jēt, zhē].)
jet1 7725
149 25 jēt zhé garrulous.
(composition: ⿰訁聶; U+8B98).
讘䛟 jēt-gäp zhéjiá or nēp-gäp nièjiá garrulous; wild talk, ranting, tell lies, talk nonsense.
<又> nēp.
(See 讘 nēp).
jet1 7726
170 19 𨽥
jēt zhì (=骘[騭] jēt zhì or <wr.> arrange; fix.⁶ a stallion; to go up, to rise; predestined.⁷ stallion; promote.⁸); the meaning is the same as 陞 sëin shēng to ascend; to promote; to hoist; to rise; to elevate; Sheng surname.⁷); in the topolect in the area between Lu and Wei it is called 陟馬 and erroneously made into one character as 𨽥❄{⿰阝⿱步馬}.² a stallion; to go up, as a hill; to cause to progress; to promote, to raise, to fix, to determine.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰阝⿱步馬; U+28F65).
❄{⿰阝⿱步馬}[好陰𨽥❄{⿰阝⿱步馬}] hāo-yïm-jēt hǎoyīnzhì that was a good deed, — meaning done from real love, a secret act, unostentatious benevolence.¹⁰²
❄{⿰阝⿱步馬}下民[上天陰𨽥❄{⿰阝⿱步馬}下民] sèng-hëin-yïm-jēt-hà-mĩn shàngtiānyīnzhìxiàmín Heaven secretly blesses the people.¹¹
❄{⿰阝⿱步馬}下民[陰𨽥❄{⿰阝⿱步馬}下民] yïm-jēt-hà-mĩn yīnzhìxiàmín (heaven) orders the melioration of mankind.¹⁰²
❄{⿰阝⿱步馬}文[陰𨽥❄{⿰阝⿱步馬}文] or 阴骘文[陰騭文] yïm-jēt-mũn or yïm-jīt-mũn yīnzhìwén exhortations to benevolent acts.¹⁰²
(See 騭] jēt).
jet1 7727
187 19 jēt zhì <wr.> arrange; fix.⁶ a stallion; to go up, to rise; predestined.⁷ stallion; promote.⁸  a stallion; to go up, as a hill; to cause to progress; to promote, to raise, to fix, to determine.¹⁰² (variant: 𨽥❄{⿰阝⿱步馬} jēt).
(comp. t: ⿱陟馬; U+9A2D). (comp. s: ⿱陟马; U+9A98).

好阴骘[好陰騭] hāo-yïm-jēt
hǎoyīnzhì that was a good deed, — meaning done from real love, a secret act, unostentatious benevolence.¹⁰²
评骘[評騭] pẽin-jēt
or pẽin-jīt píngzhì <wr.> pass judgment on; evaluate.⁵⁴
sèng-hëin-yïm-jēt-hà-mĩn  shàngtiānyīnzhìxiàmín Heaven secretly blesses the people.¹¹
损阴骘[損陰騭] xūn-yïm-jēt
or xūn-yïm-jīt sǔnyīnzhì <Budd.> to sin and thus have to pay for it later.¹¹ be given to evildoing.⁵⁴
阴骘[陰騭] yïm-jēt
or yïm-jīt yīnzhì charitable acts performed in secret; hidden good deeds.¹⁰
阴骘下民[陰騭]下民 yïm-jēt-hà-mĩn
or yïm-jīt-hà-mĩn yīnzhìxiàmín (heaven) orders the melioration of mankind.¹⁰²
阴骘文[陰騭文] yïm-jēt-mũn
or yïm-jīt-mũn yīnzhìwén exhortations to benevolent acts.¹⁰²
<又> jīt.
(See 騭 jīt; 𨽥❄{⿰阝⿱步馬} jēt).
jet1 7728
64 7 jët zhé <台> 折堕[折墮] jët-ò  (=倒霉 āo-mõi dǎoméi) Both 折堕 and 倒霉 mean to have bad luck. The difference is 折堕 is brought about by oneself and 倒霉 is caused by other people or circumstances.
<又> jēt, jëp, sèt.
(See 折 [jēt, zhé], [jēt, zhē], [jēt, shé], jëp, sèt.)
jet2 7729
157 14 jët xué walking to and fro; whirl; turn back.⁶ to loiter around; to hang about.⁷
踅子 jët-dū or 茓子 yòt-dū xuézi coarse mat.⁶
踅探 jët-häm
xuétàn to spy; to peep; to watch and investigate stealthily.⁷ go around from house to house.¹¹
踅转[踅轉] jët-jōn
xuézhuǎn to whirl; to turn; to rotate.⁷
踅溜风[踅溜風] jët-liũ-füng
xuéliūfēng whirlwind; cyclone.⁷
踅来踅去[踅來踅去] jët-lõi-jët-huï
xuéláixuéqù hang about; wander about.⁶
踅门了户[踅門瞭戶] jët-mõn-lẽl-fù
xuéménliàohù to loiter and chat at friends' houses.⁷ to loiter and chat at a friend's or neighbor's house (idiom).⁸⁵
踅摸[踅摸] jët-mū
xuémo <topo.> look for (usually by hanging around); seek.⁶
踅回 jët-või
xuéhuí return at the halfway point.⁵⁴
jet2 7730
3 5 zhǔ master; owner; person or party concerned; host; opinion; to manage; to indicate; to advocate; main, principal; ancestral tablet; God.
主席 jī-dèik zhǔxí (of a meeting) chairperson, chairman, chairwoman, chair; chairman/president (of an organization or a state).⁶
主宰 jī-dōi
zhǔzǎi to dominate; to rule; to dictate; master.¹⁰
主张[主張] jī-jëng
zhǔzhāng to advocate; to stand for; view; position; stand; proposition; viewpoint.
主旨 jī-jī
zhǔzhǐ purport; substance; gist; main idea.⁶
主权[主權] jī-kũn
zhǔquán sovereignty.
主力 jī-lèik
zhǔlì main force; main strength of an army.¹⁰
主义[主義] jī-ngì
zhǔyì doctrine; -ism.
主人 jī-ngĩn
zhǔrén master; host; owner.
主帅[主帥] jī-suï
zhǔshuài commander-in-chief; chief commander.⁸
主从[主從] jī-tũng
zhǔcóng master-slave (computing); client-server (computing); primary and secondary.¹⁰
主要 jī-yël
zhǔyào main; principal; major; primary.¹⁰
主意 jī-yï
zhǔyi idea; plan; decision; definite view.
主祐 jī-yiù
zhǔyòu May God bless you!¹⁹
ji1 7731
27 8 𠩊
zhǐ (<old>=旨 jī zhǐ <wr.> tasty; delicious; decree.⁶)
(composition: ⿸厂旨; U+20A4A).
(See 旨 jī).
ji1 7732
30 4 𠮛
zhǐ (<old>=旨 jī zhǐ <wr.> tasty; delicious; decree.⁶)
(composition: ⿱一口; U+20B9B).
(See 旨 jī).
ji1 7733
30 5 zhǐ only; merely.
只争朝夕[只爭朝夕] jī-jäng-jël-dèik zhǐzhēngzhāoxī to make good use of one's time.
or 祇是 jī-sì zhǐshì is only, but, it's.¹¹
or 祇要 jī-yël zhǐyào (usu. used with 就 or 便 ) if only; as long as; provided.⁶ Construction: 只要 A 就 B (if only A then B). Example: 只要努力就能进步[只要努力就能進步]
zhǐyàonǔlìjiùnéngjìnbù. As long as you work hard, you would progress.
只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针[只要功夫深, 鐵杵磨成針] jī-yël-güng-fü-sïm, hëik-chuî-mò-sẽin-jîm
zhǐyào gōngfu shēn, tiěchǔ mòchéng zhēn constant grinding turns an iron rod into a needle; constant dropping/dripping wears away a stone; little strokes fell great oaks.⁶
or 祇有 jī-yiù zhǐyòu only, alone; have to, be forced to.⁶ Construction: 只有 A 才 B (B only if A). Example: 只有好好学习才能得好分儿[只有好好學習才能得好分儿]
The only way to get good grades is to study hard.

(See 隻 jëk.)
ji1 7734
30 7 zhī <ono.> creaking or groaning.¹⁰
不吱声儿[不吱聲兒] būt-jī-sëin-ngĩ bù zhīshēngr to be speechless.¹
嘎吱 gā-jī
gāzhī <ono.> creak; crunch.¹⁰
咯吱 gōk-jī
gēzhī <ono.> creak; groan.⁶
吱喳 jī-jā
zhīzhā <ono.> to chatter (made by birds or animals).⁷
吱吱 jī-jī
zhīzhī (to cry) in a squeak; squeaking sounds (made by insects).⁷
吱吱喳喳 jī-jī-jā-jā
zhīzhīzhāzhā (of birds) chirping together, (of women, children) talking in confusion.¹¹
吱声[吱聲] jī-sëin
zhīshēng to cheep.¹
<台> 吱吱喳喳 jī-jī-jā-jā chattering.
<又> jï.
(See 吱 [jī, zī], jï.)
ji1 7735
30 7 <ono.> to squeak (of mice); to chirp or peep (of small birds).¹⁰
不吱声[不吱聲] būt-jī-sëin bù zīshēng <topo.> to say nothing; to utter not a sound.¹
吱喳 jī-jā
zīzhā <ono.> to chatter (made by birds or animals).⁷
吱吱 jī-jī
zīzī (to cry) in a squeak; squeaking sounds (made by insects).⁷
吱声[吱聲] jī-sëin
zīshēng <topo.> to utter something; to make a sound.¹
<又> jï.
(See 吱 [jī, zhī], jï.)
ji1 7736
30 9 zhǐ eight inches in Zhou dynasty.
近在咫尺 gìn-dòi-jī-chëk jìnzàizhǐchǐ to be almost within reach; to be close at hand.¹⁰
咫尺 jī-chëk
zhǐchǐ very close; very near.
咫尺天涯 jī-chëk-hëin-ngãi
zhǐchǐtiānyá so close, yet worlds apart (idiom).¹⁰
ji1 7737
30 14 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 嘁 tēik with same meaning: whispering sound.¹⁰).
(composition: ⿰口戚; U+5601).
<又> tēik; jāp.
(See 嘁 tēik; 嘁 jāp).
ji1 7738
32 7 zhǐ location; site.⁶ land on which to build a house; a location; a site; a foundation.⁷ a foundation; a boundary.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰土止; U+5740).
厂址[廠址] chōng-jī chǎngzhǐ factory site.⁵
基址 gï-jī
jīzhǐ foundation; footing; base; ruins (of a historical building).¹⁰
旧址[舊址] giù-jī
jiùzhǐ former site.⁶
故址 gü-jī
gùzhǐ old ruins.¹⁴
校址 hào-jī
xiàozhǐ school compound, campus.¹¹
地址 ì-jī
dìzhǐ address.⁵ an allotment of land.¹⁴
住址 jì-jī
zhùzhǐ address.⁶ a dwelling; a house.¹⁴
网址[網址] mōng-jī
wǎngzhǐ web address; website.⁶
原址 ngũn-jī
yuánzhǐ former address.⁶ original location.¹⁰
城址 sẽin-jī
chéngzhǐ townsite.¹⁰
遗址[遺址] vĩ-jī
yízhǐ ruins; relics.⁵
会址[會址] vòi-jī
huìzhǐ the address of an association or organization.⁷
四址 xï-jī
sìzhǐ the four boundaries.¹⁴
ji1 7739
34 3 zhǐ Kangxi radical 34, component: 'walk slowly'; 冬字头[冬字頭]).¹ to follow.¹⁴ someone coming up and pushing from behind.²⁴
ji1 7740
50 7 zhǐ (=紙 jī zhǐ paper.⁷); paper; stationary; document.⁸
(composition: ⿱氏巾; U+5E0B).
(See 紙 jī).
ji1 7741
60 14 zhǐ (=徵 jī zhǐ) note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale, corresponding to 5 in numbered musical notation.⁶
(composition: ⿲彳⿱山王攵; U+5FB4).
<又> jëin.
(See 徴 jëin; 徵 jëin, jī.)
ji1 7742
60 15 zhǐ note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale, corresponding to 5 in numbered musical notation.⁶
宫商角徵羽[宮商角徵羽] güng-sëng-gôk-jī-yî gōng-shāng-jué-zhǐ-yǔ pre-Tang names of the five notes of the pentatonic scale, corresponding roughly to do, re, mi, sol, la.⁵⁴
<又> jëin.
(See 徵 jëin, 征 jëin.)
ji1 7743
64 7 zhǐ 扺掌 jī-jēng zhǐzhǎng <wr.> to knock one's fist against the palm (to show happiness).
扺掌而谈[扺掌而談] jī-jēng-ngĩ-hãm
zhǐzhǎng'értán to have a happy and intimate chat.
扺命 jī-mèin
zhǐmìng to pay for life with life.¹¹
ji1 7744
64 8 zhǔ to lean on (a stick).
拄着[拄著] jī-jèk zhǔzhe to rest on.
拄杖 jī-jèng
zhǔzhàng to lean on a cane.
ji1 7745
64 9 zhǐ finger; toe; <m.> fingerbreath, digit; to point.
指导[指導] jī-ào zhǐdǎo to guide; to give directions; to direct; to coach; guidance; tuition.¹⁰
指挥[指揮] jī-fï
zhǐhuī to command; to direct; to conduct; commander; director; <mus.> conductor.
指挥棒[指揮棒] jī-fï-pâng
zhǐhuībàng baton.
指甲 jī-gâp
zhījia fingernail.
指头[指頭] jī-hẽo
zhǐtou finger; toe.
指控 jī-hüng
zhǐkòng to accuse; to charge.
指囷 jī-kün
zhǐqūn <wr.> to help friend in need.¹¹
指玦 jī-kūt
zhǐjué thumb-ring.¹⁴
指摹 or 指模 jī-mũ
zhǐmó fingerprint; thumbprint.¹⁰
指纹[指紋] jī-mũn
zhǐwén loops and whorls on a finger; fingerprint, fingermark, dactylogram.⁶
指南 jī-nãm
zhǐnán guide; guidebook.⁵
指南针[指南針] jī-nãm-jïm
zhǐnánzhēn compass.⁵
指示 jī-sì
zhǐshì indicate, point out; instruct; directive.⁶
指数[指數] jī-sü
zhǐshù <econ.> index (number); indicator; <math.>  exponent.
指桑骂槐[指桑罵槐] jī-xông-mà-vãi
zhǐsāngmàhuái scold, abuse person by ostensibly pointing to someone else.¹¹
指引 jī-yîn
zhǐyǐn point the way; guide; show.⁶
ji1 7746
64 13 zhǐ the meaning is the same as 挃 jât zhì: to beat, to smash, to hit, to strike; the sound of reaping; to stab, to puncture; (Cant.) to beat.⁸ the noise in reaping grain.²⁴ <old> to pound, to beat; to prick, to poke; to bind, to constrain; <ono.> the sound of harvesting grain.³⁶
(composition: ⿰扌致; U+3A16).
<又> jï.
(See 㨖 jï).
ji1 7747
72 6 zhǐ <wr.> tasty; delicious; decree.⁶ (old variants: 㫖{U+3AD6};  𠮛❄{⿱一口; U+20B9B}; 𤮻❄{⿱干甘; U+24BBB}; 𣅌❄{⿱千日; U+2314C}; 𠩊❄{⿸厂旨; U+20A4A}).
(composition: ⿱匕日 U+65E8).
宗旨 düng-jī
zōngzhǐ objective; aim; goal.¹⁰
旨蓄 jī-chūk
zhǐxù <wr.> store of good food.¹¹
旨酒 jī-diū
zhǐjiǔ <wr.> excellent wine; nectarean wine.⁶
旨哉 jī-döi
zhǐzāi How delicious!¹⁴ Excellent!²⁴
旨在 jī-dòi
zhǐzài with the intention of; aiming at; designed to.⁷
旨甘 jī-gäm
zhǐgān delicacies; dainties.⁷
旨归[旨歸] jī-gï
zhǐguī principle; objective.⁷
旨令 jī-lèin
zhǐlìng order.⁸
旨趣 jī-tuï
zhǐqù <wr.> purport; objective.⁶
or 指要 jī-yël zhǐyào main idea; gist.⁶
旨意 jī-yï
zhǐyì decree, order; purpose.⁶
微旨 mĩ-jī
wēizhǐ a deep or abstruse meaning or idea.⁷
圣旨[聖旨] sëin-jī
shèngzhǐ imperial edict.⁶
or 要指 yël-jī yàozhǐ main idea; gist.⁶
意旨 yï-jī
yìzhǐ intention; wish; will.⁶
(See 㫖 jī; 㫖 jī; 𠮛❄{⿱一口} jī; 𤮻❄{⿱干甘} jī; 𣅌❄{⿱千日} jī; 𠩊❄{⿸厂旨} jī).
ji1 7748
72 7 zhǐ (<old>=旨 jī zhǐ <wr.> tasty; delicious; decree.⁶)
(composition: ⿱上日; U+3AD6).
(See 旨 jī).
ji1 7749
72 7 𣅌
zhǐ (<old>=旨 jī zhǐ <wr.> tasty; delicious; decree.⁶)
(composition: ⿱千日; U+2314C).
(See 旨 jī).
ji1 7750
75 9 zhǐ trifoliate orange, Japanese bitter-orange, hardy orange or Chinese bitter orange Citrus trifoliata or Poncirus trifoliata (also known as: 枸橘 gēo-gūt gōujú; 枳壳[枳殼] jī-hôk zhǐké; 臭橘 chiü-gūt chòujú).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
北枳椇 bāk-jī-guī
běizhǐjǔ <bot.> Hovenia dulcis.²³
枳棘 jī-gēik
zhǐjí thorns; thorny; plants with many thorns.⁷
枳机草[枳機草] jī-gï-tāo
zhǐjīcǎo (another name for 芨芨草 gèp-gèp-tāo jījīcǎo) splendid achnatherum (Achnatherum splendens).⁶
枳椇 jī-guī
zhǐjǔ <bot.> Hovenia acerba Lindl.²³
枳壳[枳殼] jī-hôk
zhǐqiào <TCM> the fruit of citron or trifoliate orange.⁵ the large ripe fruit of a variety of orange which is used in herbal medicine.⁷
枳实[枳實] jī-sìt
zhǐshí the small green fruit of a variety of orange with thick skin which is used in herbal medicine.⁷
or 轵首蛇[軹首蛇] jī-siū-sẽh zhǐshǒushé two-headed snake.⁸
淮枳 vãi-jī
huáizhǐ things appear differently under different situations.⁵⁴
ji1 7751
77 4 zhǐ Kangxi radical 77; stop, halt, desist; detain.⁸
防止 fõng-jī fángzhǐ prevent; guard against; avoid.⁵
禁止 gîm-jī
jìnzhǐ prohibit; ban; forbid.⁵
停止 hẽin-jī
tíngzhǐ stop; cease; halt; suspend; call off.⁵
止步 jī-bù
zhǐbù halt; stop; go no farther.⁵
止步不前 jī-bù-būt-tẽin
zhǐbùbùqián halt, stand still.⁶
止付 jī-fù
zhǐfù stop payment.⁵
止境 jī-gēin
zhǐjìng end; limit.⁵
止渴 jī-höt
zhǐkě quench one's thirst.⁶
止痛 jī-hüng
zhǐtòng relieve pain; stop pain.⁵
止血 jī-hüt
zhǐxuè stopbleeding; stanch bleeding.⁵
止咳 jī-kāt
zhǐké relieve a cough.⁵
止水 jī-suī
zhǐshuǐ stagnant water.⁶
止动机构[止動機構] jī-ùng-gï-këo
zhǐdòng jīgòu stop motion (mechanism).⁵
止泻药[止瀉藥] jī-xëh-yêk
zhǐxièyào antidiarrheal.⁵
止息 jī-xēik
zhǐxī cease; stop.⁵
止宿 jī-xūk
zhǐsù stay; put up; get accommodation.⁶
止痒[止癢] jī-yêng
zhǐyǎng relieve/prevent itching.⁶
<台> 止㾂 jī-hõi relieve itching; prevent itching.
<台> 止疼
or 止赤 jī-tëk to relieve or stop pain.
ji1 7752
85 7 zhǐ islet in stream; small sandbar.⁸ an islet in a stream.¹⁴ a small island; to stop, to rest.²⁴ (old variant: 畤 sì zhì).
在水中沚 dòi-suī-jüng-jī
zàishuǐzhōngzhǐ he is on the islet in the stream.¹⁴
洲沚 jiü-jī
zhōuzhǐ island in a river.⁵⁴
沙沚 sä-jī
shāzhǐ small sandbar in a stream.⁰
(See 畤 sì sense ➄).
ji1 7753
85 11 zhǔ <wr.> small pieces of land surrounded by water; islet.⁵
(composition: ⿰氵者; U+6E1A).
汀渚 ëin-jī tīngzhǔ an islet in a stream; a shoal.⁷
江渚 göng-jī
jiāngzhǔ islet in a river.⁵
洲渚 jiü-jī
zhōuzhǔ island in a river.⁵⁴
沙渚 sâ-jī
shāzhǔ a sandy islet; a sand bar.³⁹
ji1 7754
86 12 zhǔ boil; cook.⁶
煮豆燃萁 jī-èo-ngẽin-kĩ or jī-èo-ngẽin-gî zhǔdòuránqí burn beanstalks to cook beans – stir up fratricidal strife.⁶
煮沸 jī-fï
zhǔfèi to boil; to heat water or soup until it boils.⁷
煮茧[煮繭] jī-gān
or jī-gēin zhǔjiǎn cocoon cooking.⁶
煮饺子[煮餃子] jī-gāo-dū
zhǔjiǎozi to boil dumplings.⁷
煮海为盐[煮海為鹽] jī-hōi-vĩ-yẽm
zhǔhǎiwéiyán to boil seawater for salt.⁷
煮鹤焚琴[煮鶴焚琴] jī-hôk-fũn-kĩm
zhǔhèfénqín burn down the musical instrument to cook the crane – destroy something valuable or fine; do smething baffling.⁶
煮烂[煮爛] jī-làn
zhǔlàn to stew something until it's tender.⁷
煮呢 jī-nãi
zhǔní <txtl.> potting; crabbing; roll-boiling.⁶
煮熟 jī-sùk
zhǔshú to cook thoroughly.⁷
煮菜 jī-töi
zhǔcài to prepare food or dishes.⁷
烧煮[燒煮] sël-jī
shāozhǔ hot plate; cook, boil.⁵⁴
<台> 煮饭[煮飯] jī-fàn to cook rice.
<台> 煮粥 jī-jūk to cook congee.
<台> 煮肴[煮餚] jī-ngão to cook for a feast.
<台> 煮𩠌[煮餸] jī-xûng to cook food other than rice.
<又> sàp.
(See 煮 sàp; 煑 jī.)
ji1 7755
86 12 zhǔ (=煮 jī zhǔ) boil; cook.⁶
(composition: ⿱者火; U+7151).
滷煑肉 lū-jī-ngùk
lǔzhǔròu stewed meat with thick gravy.¹⁴
(See 煮 jī, sàp.)
ji1 7756
99 8 𤮻
zhǐ (<old>=旨 jī zhǐ <wr.> tasty; delicious; decree.⁶)
(composition: ⿱干甘; U+24BBB).
(See 旨 jī).
ji1 7757
113 8 zhǐ only; merely.⁷ (used for U+53EA 只) only, merely, but.⁸ (used for 只 jī zhǐ) only, but.¹⁴
zhǐ; 祇 kĩ qí; zhī; zhī; zhī; 秪 jï dī.
or 只得 jī-āk zhǐdé to have to; to have no alternative.⁷
or 只不过[只不過] jī-būt-gö zhǐbùguò only, merely, nothing but, no more than; it's just that...¹⁰
or 只好 jī-hāo zhǐhǎo to have to; to have no choice.⁷
or 只是 jī-sì zhǐshì is only, but, it's.¹¹
or 只要 jī-yël zhǐyào (usu. used with 就 or 便 ) if only; as long as; provided.⁶ Construction: 只要 A 就 B (if only A then B). Example: 只要努力就能进步[只要努力就能進步]
zhǐyàonǔlìjiùnéngjìnbù. As long as you work hard, you would progress.
or 只有 jī-yiù zhǐyòu only, alone; have to, be forced to.⁶ Construction: 只有 A 才 B (B only if A). Example: 只有好好学习才能得好分儿[只有好好學習才能得好分儿]
zhǐyǒuhǎohaoxuéxícáinéngdéhǎofēnr. The only way to get good grades is to study hard.
<又> kĩ.
(See 祇 kĩ.)
ji1 7758
113 8 zhǐ <wr.> happiness; blessedness.⁶ felicity.¹⁰ <wr.> good luck, blessing.¹¹
福祉 fūk-jī fúzhǐ blessing; good fortune.⁶ used in salutations in letters, like “wish you every happiness.¹¹
嘉祉 gä-jī
jiāzhǐ used in salutations in letters, like “wish you every happiness.¹¹
降祉 göng-jī
jiàngzhǐ to send down blessings from heaven.¹⁰
祉祚 jī-dò
zhǐzuò happiness and good fortune.¹⁹
祉福 jī-fūk
zhǐfú joy; blessedness.¹⁴
祉禄[祉祿] jī-lùk
zhǐlù happiness and wealth.⁷
祉祥 jī-tẽng
zhǐxiáng lucky; auspicious; propitious.¹⁹
遐祉 hã-jī
xiázhǐ lasting blessings or happiness.⁷
日祉 ngìt-jī
rìzhǐ used in salutations in letters, like “wish you every happiness.¹¹
顺颂日祉[順頌日祉] sùn-dùng-ngìt-jī
shùnsòngrìzhǐ May happiness be your daily portion (closing in letters).¹⁴
ji1 7759
113 9 zhī <wr.> respectful and courteous.⁶ respect, look up to, revere.⁸ to respect.¹⁴ Distinguish 祇 祗 秖 秪.
祗谢[祗謝] jī-dèh zhīxiè respectfully thank.¹¹
祗载见瞽叟[祗載見瞽叟] jī-döi-gëin Gū Xēo
zhīzàijiàn Gǔ Sǒu he reverently carried out his affairs and waited on Gu Sou (father of Emperor Shun).¹⁴
祗遵 jī-dün
zhīzūn to observe or follow with respect.⁷
祗奉 jī-fùng
zhīfèng to respect, to hold in great respect; to accept with respect.⁷
祗敬 jī-gëin
zhījìng to venerate.¹⁴
祗候 jī-hèo
zhīhòu to wait upon respectfully; an official receptionist in the Song Dynasty.⁷ to wait with respect.¹⁴
祗候光临[祗候光臨] jī-hèo-göng-lĩm
zhīhòuguānglín Your presence is respectfully requested.⁶
祗领[祗領] jī-lêin
zhīlǐng to receive with reverence.¹⁴
祗仰 jī-ngêng
zhīyǎng <wr.> revere; venerate.⁶
祗承 jī-sẽin
zhīchéng to accept with respect.⁷ to receive with reverence.¹⁴
祗畏 jī-vï
zhīwèi to hold in awe; to venerate; to revere.⁷
祗肃[祗肅] jī-xūk
zhīsù respectful; reverent.⁷
ji1 7760
120 10 zhǐ paper.⁷ (variant: 帋 jī zhǐ). See 帋 jī.
白纸黑字[白紙黑字] bàk-jī-hāk-dù
báizhǐhēizì (written) in black and white; written on paper.⁶
纸币[紙幣] jī-bài
zhǐbì paper money.⁵⁵
纸板[紙板] jī-bān
zhǐbǎn cardboard.⁵⁵
纸包不住火[紙包不住火] jī-bäo-būt-jì-fō
zhǐbāobuzhùhuǒ you can't wrap fire in paper – truth will out.⁵
纸浆[紙漿] jī-dëng
zhǐjiāng paper pulp; pulp.⁵
纸醉金迷[紙醉金迷] jī-duï-gïm-mãi
zhǐzuìjīnmí (a life of) luxury and dissipation.⁵
纸巾[紙巾] jī-gïn
zhǐjīn tissue.⁵⁵
纸老虎[紙老虎] jī-läo-fū
zhǐlǎohǔ paper tiger.⁵
纸捻[紙捻] jī-nêm
zhǐniǎn spill of rolled paper used to light a pipe; (paper) spill; lampligher.⁶
纸牌[紙牌] jī-pãi
zhǐpái playing cards.⁵
纸扇[紙扇] jī-sën
zhǐshàn a paper fan.⁷
纸莎草[紙莎草] jī-sö-tāo
zhǐsuōcǎo paper reed; papyrus.¹⁹
纸钱[紙錢] jī-tẽin
zhǐqián paper made to resemble money and burned as an offering to the dead.⁵
纸屑[紙屑] jī-xēik
zhǐxiè scraps of paper.⁵
纸型[紙型] jī-yẽin
zhǐxíng papier mâché.⁵⁵
纸烟[紙煙] jī-yën
zhǐyān cigarette.⁵
纸鸢[紙鳶] jī-yön
zhǐyuān paper kite.¹¹
ji1 7761
124 14 zhù (of birds) fly; soar.⁶ to soar.¹⁴ (variant: 䬡 jī zhù).
(composition: ⿱者羽; U+7FE5).
凤翥[鳳翥] fùng-jī
fèngzhù the phoenix soars – the bride is off.¹⁴
翥凤翔龙[翥鳳翔龍] jī-fùng-tẽng-lũng
zhùfèngxiánglóng fly like a phoenix and dragon – (of calligraphy) be beautifully written; be written with flowing strokes.⁶
鸾翔凤翥[鸞翔鳳翥] lũn-tẽng-fùng-jī
luánxiángfèngzhù (of the strokes of Chinese calligraphy) gracefully curving and forceful; free and powerful.⁶
(See 䬡 jī).
ji1 7762
125 10 zhǐ to cause; to adjust.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱老日; U+8006).
耆定 jī-èin zhǐdìng to bring into effect.⁷
<又> kĩ, sï.
(See 耆 kĩ; 耆 sï.)
ji1 7763
140 7 zhǐ angelica (type of iris); plant root used in TCM.
白芷 bàk-jī báizhǐ <TCM> root of Dahurian angelica.¹  A perennial grass that gives a distinct fragrance, blooming in the summer, with cone-shaped roots that have pharmaceutical value.⁹  Angelica dahurica Fisch. ex Hoffm.)Benth. et Hook. f. ex Franch. et Sav.²³
芳芷 föng-jī
fāngzhǐ fragrant plant.
芷若 jī-ngèk
zhǐruò <bot.> angelica.
兰芷[蘭芷] lãn-jī
lánzhǐ <bot.> fragrant thoroughwort and Dahurian angelica.¹ (兰[蘭] is for 兰花[蘭花] Cymbidium goeringii, which is also known as 佩兰[佩蘭] pöi-lãn pèilán or 兰草[蘭草] lãn-tāo lãncǎo or the Latin name Eupatorium fortunei Turcz);²³  芷 jī zhǐ is for 白芷 bàk-jī (see above).
ji1 7764
145 9 zhǐ ➀ =只 jī zhǐ only; merely.⁸ʼ⁵⁴  ➁ (=缇[緹] hãi orange silk fabric.).⁸ a red and yellow kind of embroidery.²⁵ ➂ limited to a certain range.⁸
(composition: ⿰衤氏; U+8879).
or 只管 jī-gōn zhǐguǎn ➀ just know that ...; only; know yourself ...; reckoning with nothing, no matter what; no matter how ... no matter how much ... (in concessional terms) ➁ do not hesitate, boldly; let's.⁵⁴
or 只管吃! jī-gōn-hëk zhǐguǎnchī eat, do not hesitate!⁵⁴
衹顾[衹顧] jī-gü
zhǐgù solely preoccupied (with one thing); engrossed; focusing (on something); to look after only one aspect.⁵⁴
衹顾吃饭, 不说话.[衹顧吃飯, 不說話.]
只顾吃饭, 不说话.[只顧吃飯, 不說話.]
Jī-gü hëk-fàn, būt sōt-vǎ.
Zhǐgù chīfàn bū shuōhuà.
Focus on eating, not talking.⁵⁴
or 只有 jī-yiû zhǐyǒu only; merely; just.³⁶
<又> kĩ; jï.
(See 衹 kĩ; 衹 jï.).
ji1 7765
157 11 zhǐ a toe; a foot; fingerprints, tracks.⁷
脚趾[腳趾] or 脚指[腳指] gëk-jī jiǎozhǐ toe.¹⁰
趾尖 jī-dëm
zhǐjiān tiptoe.¹⁰
趾高气扬[趾高氣揚] jī-gäo-hï-yẽng
zhǐgāoqìyáng strut about and give oneself airs; be swollen with arrogance.⁵
趾甲 jī-gâp
zhǐjiǎ a toenail.⁷
趾骨 jī-gūt
zhǐgǔ <phys.> phalanx.⁶
趾爪 jī-jāo
zhǐzhǎo (=脚爪[腳爪] gëk-jāo jiǎozhǎo) claw, paw, talon.⁶ʼ¹⁹
趾趾 jī-jī
zhǐzhǐ (soft) sound of tiptoeing.¹⁹
趾业[趾業] jī-ngèp
zhǐyè (=基业[基業] gï-ngèp jīyè) foundation; base.⁶ʼ¹⁹
趾印 jī-yïn
zhǐyìn toe print.⁹
<台> 脚趾丫[腳趾丫]  gëk-jī-â space between toes.
<台> 烂脚趾丫[爛腳趾丫] làn-gëk-jī-â to have athlete's foot.
ji1 7766
159 12 zhǐ the ends of an axle.⁷
轵道[軹道] jī-ào zhǐdào name of an ancient place.⁷
or 枳首蛇 jī-siū-sẽh zhǐshǒushé two-headed snake.⁸
ji1 7767
164 13 zhǐ <chem.> ester.⁵
聚酯 duì-jī jùzhǐ <chem.> polyester.⁶
聚酯薄膜 duì-jī-bòk-môk
jùzhǐ bómó polyester film.⁶
聚酯塑料 duì-jī-sōk-lèl
or duì-jī-xü-lèl jùzhǐ sùliào polyester plastic.⁶
聚酯纤维[聚酯纖維] duì-jī-tïm-vĩ
jùzhǐ xiānwéi polyester fiber.⁶
酯化 jī-fä
zhǐhuà esterification.⁵
酯酶 jī-mõi
zhǐméi esterase.⁵
酯树胶[酯樹膠] jī-sì-gäo
zhǐshùjiāo ester gum.⁶
酯油 jī-yiũ zhǐyóu ester oil.⁶
ji1 7768
170 6 zhǐ (=址 jī zhǐ location; site.⁶ land on which to build a house; a location; a site; a foundation.⁷ a foundation; a boundary.¹⁴); a small island; foundation; site; address.⁸ the foundations of a wall.¹⁴ a foundation.²⁵
(composition: ⿰阝止; U+962F).
jīzhǐ foundations.¹⁴
jiāozhǐ Cochin-China, so called because the male and female inhabitants bathe in the same river.²⁵
阯丘 jī-hiü
zhǐqiū a bill with water flowing from its face.²⁵
lìjīzhǐ to lay a foundation.²⁵
(See 址 jī).
ji1 7769
183 17 zhù (=翥 jī zhù) (of birds) fly; soar.⁶ to soar.¹⁴ flying upwards.²⁵
(See 翥 jī)
ji1 7770
198 鹿 16 zhǔ a kind of deer; to whisk, to dust.⁷ a large stag; leader of the herd.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱鹿主; U+9E88).
挥麈[揮麈] fï-jī huīzhǔ to brandish; to converse desultorily.⁵⁴
拂麈而谈[拂麈而談] fūt-jī-ngĩ-hãm
fúzhǔértán to wave the chowry and converse.¹⁴
谈麈[談麈] hãm-jī
tánzhǔ hair duster held by scholars when conversing; idle/empty talk.⁵⁴
麈谈[麈談] jī-hãm
zhǔtán to converse or talk leisurely while holding a duster.⁷ conversation.¹⁴
麈论[麈論] jī-lùn
zhǔlùn to converse at ease.¹⁴
麈尾 jī-mī
zhǔwěi a duster.⁷ a deer's tail; a chowry or whisk.¹⁴
ji1 7771
204 12 zhǐ Kangxi radical 204; embroidery, needlework.⁸
黹 new form (composition: ⿱业㡀; U+9EF9).
⿋ old form (composition: ⿱业⿻八⿻巾八; U+2FCB).
(Note 1: Searches treat these two forms as equal).
(Note 2: The "Far East Chinese-English Dictionary" considers 黹 as the simplified form of ⿋).
针黹[針⿋] jïm-jī zhēnzhǐ <wr.> needle and thread; needlework; sewing.⁶
鍼黹[鍼⿋] jïm-jī
zhēnzhǐ needlework.¹¹
ji1 7772
4 丿 3 zhī to go to, to leave for, to arrive at; zigzag, winding; an expletive; third person objective case (it, her, him, them); this, that, these, those; (possessive particle (of).⁷
(variant: 㞢 jï zhī). (See 㞢 jï).
百分之百 bāk-fün-jï-bāk
bǎi fēnzhī bǎi a hundred percent; out and out, absolutely.⁵⁴
不知所之 būt-jï-sō-jï
bùzhīsuǒzhī <lit.> do not know where (person) went.¹¹
赤子之心 chēik-dū-jï-xïm
chìzǐzhīxīn lit. a child's heart – man's natural kindness.⁷
之子于归[之子於歸] jï-dū-yï-gï
zhīzǐyúguī (said of women) to marry; The maiden goes to her future (or new) home.⁷
之字路 jï-dù-lù
zhīzìlù a zigzag road/path; an S-shaped road.⁷
之后[之後] jï-hèo
zhīhòu later; after; afterwards.⁵
之乎者也 jï-fũ-jēh-yâ
zhīhūzhěyě four words recognized as final particles of the literary language.
之无[之無] jï-mũ
zhīwú the simplest and most common characters.⁷ 不识之无[不識之無] būt-sēik-jï-mũ bùshízhīwú illiterate.⁵⁴
之内[之內] jï-nuì
zhīnèi within; inside; including; included.⁷
之外 jï-ngòi
zhīwài besides this; in addition.⁷
之前 jï-tẽin
zhīqián before this; before; prior to.⁷
三分之二 xäm-fün-jï-ngì 
sān fēnzhī èr two-thirds.
心之所之 xïm-jï-sō-jï
xīnzhīsuǒzhī <lit.> where the mind longs to be.¹¹

ji2 7773
9 8 zhū dwarf; pygmy; small; short.
侏儒 jï-yĩ zhūrú dwarf; <wr.> court jester.
ji2 7774
9 11 zhì to wait for; to lay in.⁸
(composition: ⿰亻待; U+506B).
储偫[儲偫] or 储峙[儲峙] (chuî-jï chǔzhì ➀ store for future use; stock; lay in/up; stockpile  ➁ stockpile; reserve.⁶).¹⁹
ji2 7775
26 5 zhī ancient wine vessel.⁵ a container for holding wine; a goblet with handles.⁷ a round vessel, for containing wine or broth, holding 4 pints.²⁴ (old variant: 巵 jï zhī).
酒卮 diū=jï
jiǔzhī wine vessel.¹⁹
卮酒 jï-diū
zhījiǔ still making a glass of wine.¹⁹
漏卮 lèo-jï
lòuzhī leaky wine vessel.⁶ a syphon; an unfavorable balance of international payments.¹¹ a siphon.²⁴
or 玉巵 ngùk-jï yùzhī jade wineglass.¹⁹
水卮 suī-jï
shuǐzhī a water siphon.²⁴
(See 巵 jï).
ji2 7776
27 8 zhì <wr.> bend (of a river or stream).⁶ stop, hinder; place near water.⁸ turnings and windings among hills; the name of a place.²⁴
(composition: ⿸厂至; U+5394).
盩厔 Jiü-jï Zhōuzhì a county in 陕西省[陝西省] Sēm-xäi sāng Shǎnxī shěng Shaanxi Province, now called 周至 Jiü-jï Zhōuzhì.
<又> jīt.
(See 厔 jīt.)
ji2 7777
30 7 <台> 唔吱声 m̃-jï-sêng to keep quiet.
<又> jī. (See 吱 [jī, zhī], [jī, zī].)
ji2 7778
38 9 shū <wr.> (of a lady) pretty; lovely; beauty.⁶ pretty woman.¹⁰
绝代之姝[絕代之姝] dùt-òi-jï-jï juédàizhīshū lady of unparalleled beauty.⁶
天下名姝 hëin-hà-mẽin-jï
tiānxiàmíngshū well-known beauty under heaven.⁶
姝丽[姝麗] jï-lài
shūlì pretty.⁵⁴
丽姝[麗姝] lài-jï
lìshū <wr.> beautiful girl.¹¹
名姝 mẽin-jï
míngshū well-known beauty.¹¹
暖暖姝姝 nön-nön-jï-jï
nuǎnnuǎnshūshū be very pleased with oneself.¹⁹
容色姝丽[容色姝麗] yũng-sēik-jï-lài
róngsèshūlì be extremely pretty.⁶
ji2 7779
40 13 zhì (=置 jï zhì) to dismiss, to put aside; to place, to arrange, to lay out, to establish; to purchase, to buy.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰宀真; U+5BD8).
寘酒 jï-diū
zhìjiǔ to give a feast.¹⁴
寘诸脑后[寘諸腦後] jï-jï-nāo-hëo
zhìzhū nǎohòu put it at the back of the brain – disregard it, forget it.¹⁴
置之死 jï-jï-xī
zhìzhīsǐ to sentence to capital punishment.¹⁴
寘买[寘買] jï-mäi
zhìmǎi to make purchases.¹⁴
(See 置 jï).
ji2 7780
45 4 zhī (ancient form of 之 jï zhī)  to arrive at;  to go to;  Zhi surname.⁸
(composition: ⿱屮一; U+37A2).
(See 之 jï).
ji2 7781
49 7 zhī (old form of 卮 jï zhī) ancient wine goblet.
measuring cup; wine container.⁸
(composition: ⿸𠂋巴; U+5DF5).
巵言 jï-ngũn
zhīyán all embrassing expression, words which flow from the heart like water overflowing from a goblet.¹⁴
巵匜 jï-yĩ
zhīyí wine cup and water-basins.¹⁴
(See 卮 jï).
ji2 7782
58 12 zhì <wr.> pig, swine.⁶ Zhi surname.⁸
狗彘 gēo-jï gǒuzhì dogs and pigs, expression of contempt.¹¹
狗彘不如 gēo-jï-būt-nguĩ
gǒuzhìbùrú or 狗彘不若 gēo-jï-būt-ngèk gǒuzhìbùruò worse than a cur or swine – (of a person or his behavior) be unsurpassably base, contemptible, despicable or mean.⁶
犬彘食人食 hūn-jï-sèik-ngĩn-sèik
quǎnzhìshírénshí <wr.> the dogs and pigs eat like their masters – of corrupt aristocracy.¹¹
ji2 7783
61 7 zhì will; aspiration; ideal; ambition.
斗志[鬥志] ëo-jï dòuzhì pugnacious spirit; fighting spirit.⁷
斗志昂扬[鬥志昂揚] ëo-jï-ngõng-yẽng
dòuzhì'ángyáng have high morale; be full of fight; be militant.⁵
同志 hũng-jï
tóngzhì comrade; <Taiwan> homosexual.
志向 jï-hëng
zhìxiang ambition; goal; ideal; aspiration.¹⁰
志气[志氣] jï-hï
zhìqi aspiration; ambition.
志同道合 jï-hũng-ào-hàp
zhìtóngdàohé cherish the same ideals and follow th same path; have a common goal.⁵
志愿[志願] jï-ngùn
zhìyuàn aspiration; to volunteer.
志趣 jï-tuï
zhìqù aspirations and interests; bent.⁵
壮志[壯志] jöng-jï
zhuàngzhì great aspiration; lofty ideal.⁵
立志 lìp-jï
lìzhì to resolve; to be determined.⁷
神志 sĩn-jï
shénzhì state of mind; consciousness.
遗志[遺志] vĩ-jï
yízhì unfulfilled wish; behest.⁵⁶
先意承志 xëin-yï-sẽin-jï
xiānyìchéngzhì Do something according to the will of one's parents before being ordered to; cater to somebody, flatter somebody.⁹
意志 yï-jï
yìzhì ambition, will (to succeed).¹¹
远志[遠志] yōn-jï
yuǎnzhì great and far-reaching ambition.⁸ (For plant, see 远䓌[遠䓌] yōn-jï).
(See 誌 jï.)
ji2 7784
61 7 zhì <wr.> jealous; jealousy; to dislike.⁷
(composition: ⿰忄支; U+5FEE).
不忮不求 būt-jï-būt-kiũ or būt-gì-būt-kiũ bùzhìbùqiú free from jealousy and greed.⁶
忮刻 jï-hāk
or  gì-hāk zhìkè jealous and mean.⁶
忮求 jï-kiũ
or gì-kiũ zhìqiú jealous and greedy.⁷
忮心 jï-xïm
or gì-xïm zhìxīn jealousy.⁷
<又> gì.
(See 忮 gì.)
ji2 7785
61 17 zhì enraged, resentful; to hate; to desist.¹⁴ enraged.¹⁰ angry.²⁴  <lit.> anger; rage; hate.³⁶ (Note: 懥 jï zhì and 懫 jï zhì are considered as variants of each other by Matthews).¹⁴
(composition: ⿰忄疐; U+61E5).
忿懥 fûn-jï
fènzhì <lit.> anger, upset.¹¹ to be angry.¹⁴
(See 懫 jï).
ji2 7786
61 18 zhì enraged, resentful; to hate; to desist.¹⁴ enraged; also to stop, to desist.²⁴ (Note: 懥 jï zhì and 懫 jï zhì are considered as variants of each other by Matthews).¹⁴
(composition: ⿰忄質; U+61EB).
忿懫 fûn-jï
fènzhì to be angry.¹⁴
(See 懥 jï).
ji2 7787
64 13 zhì to stab; to rob of money, to rob of riches; to go nonstop to; to cluster together, to mass.⁸
(composition: ⿰扌致; U+3A16).
<又> jī. (See 㨖 jī).
ji2 7788
64 15 zhì sincere, warm, cordial; Zhi surname.
帝挚[帝摯] Äi Jï Dì Zhì Di Zhi (reign 2366-2358 BCE), son of 帝喾[帝嚳] Äi Gūk Dì Kù Di Ku or 高辛氏 Gäo-Xïn-Sì Gāoxīn Shì; successor (his brother): Emperor Yao.¹⁵
恳挚[懇摯] hān-jï
kěnzhì <wr.> earnest; sincere.
挚爱[摯愛] jï-öi
zhì'ài true love.
挚诚[摯誠] jï-sẽin
zhìchéng sincere; earnest.
挚情[摯情] jï-tẽin
zhìqíng true feelings.
挚友[摯友] jï-yiû
zhìyǒu intimate friend, bosom friend.
真挚 jïn-jï
zhēnzhì true, sincere.
诚挚[誠摯] sẽin-jï
chéngzhì sincere; cordial.
深挚[深摯] sïm-jï
shēnzhì sincere.
笃挚[篤摯] ūk-jï
dǔzhì intimate and sincere.⁸
or 委贽[委贄] or 委质[委質] vī-jï wěizhì <trad.> to send or deliver present on first meeting.¹¹
ji2 7789
65 4 zhī Kangxi radical 65; disperse, pay; support; branch.⁸ (<m.>  for slender objects, songs, wattage); Zhi surname.
干支 gön-jï gānzhī Ten Heavenly Stems and Twelve Earthly Branches.
开支[開支] höi-jï
kāizhī expenditures; pay; expenses.
地支 ì-jï 
dìzhī Earthly Branches: 子丑寅卯辰巳午未申
酉戌亥 dū chiū yĩn mâo sĩn dù m̂ mì sïn yiû xūt hòi
支部 jï-bù
zhībù branch (of a party).
支撑[支撐] jï-chäng
zhīchēng to prop up; to sustain; to support.
支持 jï-chĩ
zhīchí to sustain; to hold out; to bear; to support; to back; to stand by.
支付 jï-fù
zhīfù to pay (money).
or 枝解 or 肢解 jï-gāi zhījiě dismemberment.⁵
支行 jï-hõng
zhīháng branch bank or shop; sub-branch.
支绌[支絀] jï-jōt
zhīchù short of money.¹¹
支离破碎[支離破碎] jï-lĩ-pö-xuï
zhīlípòsuì to torn to pieces; broken up; fragmented; completely disintegrated.
支票 jï-pêl
zhīpiào (bank) check.
支援 jï-yõn
zhīyuán to support; to help; to assist.
一支笔[一支筆] yīt-jï-bīt
yīzhībǐ a writing brush.
ji2 7790
72 12 zhì wisdom; resourcefulness; wit.⁵
智齿[智齒] jï-chī zhìchǐ <phys.> wisdom tooth.⁵
智慧 jï-fì
zhìhuì wisdom; intelligence.⁵
智者 jï-jēh
zhìzhě man of sagacity; wise man.⁶
智力 jï-lèik
zhìlì intellegence; intellect.⁵
智略 jï-lèk
zhìlüè wisdom and resourcefulness.⁵
智利 Jï-lì
Zhìlì Chile.⁵
智谋[智謀] jï-mẽo
zhìmóu resourcefulness.⁵
智能 jï-nãng
zhìnéng intelligence and ability.⁶
智能手机[智能手機] jï-nãng-siū-gï
zhìnéng shǒujī smartphone.¹⁰
智人 jï-ngĩn
zhìrén Homo sapiens.⁶
智囊 jï-nõng
zhìnáng brain truster.⁵
智识[智識] jï-sēik
zhìshí knowledge.⁷
智商 jï-sëng
zhìshāng intelligence quotient (IQ).⁶
智术[智術] jï-sùt
zhìshù trickery; stratagem.⁵
智取 jï-tuī
zhìqǔ take (a fort, town) by strategy.⁵
智多星 jï-ü-xëin
zhìduōxīng nickname for 吴用[吳用] M̃ Yùng Wú Yòng Wu Yong, the resourceful strategist of the peasant army in Water Margin.⁵
智育 jï-yùk
zhìyù intellectual education/development.⁵
智勇双全[智勇雙全] jï-yûng-söng-tũn
zhìyǒngshuāngquán both brave and resourceful.⁵

ji2 7791
75 6 zhū bright red; cinnabar; vermilion; Zhu surname.⁸
近朱者赤,近墨者黑 gìn-jï-jēh-chēik, gìn-màk-jēh-hāk. jìnzhūzhěchì, jìnmòzhěhēi. he who stays near vermilion gets stained red, and he who stays near ink gets stained black – one takes on the color of one's company.⁵
朱笔[朱筆] jï-bīt zhūbǐ writing brush dipped in red ink.
朱绂[朱紱] jï-fūt
zhūfú red sashes – the gentry.¹⁴
朱槿 jï-gīn
zhūjǐn Chinese hibiscus.⁹ red hibiscus.¹¹
朱甍碧瓦 jï-mãng-bēik-ngā
zhūméngbìwǎ <wr.> green tiles and crimson roofs.³⁹
朱元璋 Jï Ngũn-jëng
Zhū Yuánzhāng Zhu Yuanzhang, personal name of first Ming dynasty emperor 洪武 Hũng Mû Hóng Wǔ Hongwu.¹⁰
朱砂 jï-sâ zhūshā cinnabar.⁵
朱殷 jï-yën
zhūyān <wr.> deep red.¹¹
ji2 7792
75 7 zhì to fall down; to break sticks.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木也; U+675D).
<又> hõ; lĩ; tõ; yĩ. (See 杝 hõ; 杝 lĩ; 杝 tõ; 杝 yĩ).
ji2 7793
75 8 zhī branch; twig.⁵ <m.> (for slender objects).
节外生枝[節外生枝] dêik-ngòi-säng-jï jiéwàishēngzhī a new branch grows out of a knot (idiom); fig. side issues keep arising.¹⁰
or 枝丫 jï-â or jï-ä zhīyā branch; twig.¹⁰
枝杈 jï-châ
zhīchà branch; twig; spray.⁶
枝节[枝節] jï-dêik
zhījié branches and knots – minor matters; complications; unexpected difficulty.⁵
枝接 jï-dēp
zhījiē <agr.> scion grafting.⁵
枝子 jï-dū
zhīzi branch; twig.⁵
or 支解 or 肢解 jï-gāi zhījiě dismemberment.⁵
枝条[枝條] jï-hẽl
zhītiáo branch; twig.⁵
枝蔓 jï-màn zhīmàn branches and tendrils – complicated and confused.⁵
枝柯 jï-ü
or jï-ö zhīkē <wr.> branch; twig.⁶
枝叶[枝葉] jï-yêp
zhīyè branches and leaves; nonessentials; minor details.⁵
两枝铅笔[兩枝鉛筆] lēng-jï-yõn-bīt
liǎngzhīqiānbǐ two pencils.⁴
树枝[樹枝] sì-jï
shùzhī branch; bough; twig.⁹
一枝花 yīt-jï-fä
yīzhīhuā a flower spray.¹¹
ji2 7794
75 10 zhī (composition: ⿰木旨; U+683A).
栺栭 jï-ngĩ zhī'ér a kind of tree in ancient books; pillar, post.⁸
<又> ngài.
(See 栺 ngài).
ji2 7795
75 10 zhū tree trunk; stump (tree root); a plant; measure word for trees or plants; to involve others (in shady business).¹⁰
株治 jï-jì zhūzhì implicate (involve) others in a law case.⁸
株距 jï-kuî
zhūjù spacing; distance between plants (within a row).¹⁰
株连[株連] jï-lẽin
zhūlián to implicate associates or relatives (of criminal case, involving others besides original culprit).¹¹
株戮 jï-lùk
zhūlù kill or be killed because of connection with criminal case.¹¹
株守 jï-siū
zhūshǒu stick stubbornly to.⁸
枯木朽株 kü-mûk-hiū-jï
kūmùxiǔzhū withered trees and rotten stumps – senile or sick person; declining power; decadent and weak force.⁶
守株待兔 siū-jï-òi-hü/
shǒuzhūdàitù stand by a stump waiting for more hares to come and dash themselves against it – trust in chance and windfalls.⁵
三株树[三株樹] xäm-jï-sì
sānzhūshù three trees.¹¹
一株枣树[一株棗樹] yīt-jï-dāo-sì
yīzhūzǎoshù a jujube tree.
ji2 7796
75 11 zhì used in place names.⁹
梽木山 jï-mûk-sän zhìmùshān a place in 湖南 Vũ-nãm Húnán Hunan Province.⁸
ji2 7797
75 11 zhī gardenia; cape jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides).¹⁰
t: ⿰木巵; U+6894). (comp. s: ⿰木卮; U+6800).
栀子[梔子] jï-dū
zhīzi gardenia; cape jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides).¹⁰
栀子花[梔子花] jï-dū-fä
zhīzihuā gardenia.⁹ cape jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides).¹⁰
缅栀花[緬梔花] mēin-jï-fä
miǎnzhīhuā plumeria.¹⁹ See also 鸡蛋花[雞蛋花] gäi-àn-fä jīdànhuā frangipani (common name); plumeria (English generic name).¹⁵
山栀[山梔] sän-jï
shānzhī gardenia; cape jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides).¹⁹
ji2 7798
75 12 zhī 槟椥[檳椥] Bïn-jï Bīnzhī Ben Tre, province and city in Vietnam.¹⁰
ji2 7799
75 14 zhī the base of a pillar.⁸ a piece of wood or a stone used as the base of a house's pillar.⁹ base of pillar; prop.¹⁰ the pedestal of a pillar, formerly made of wood.²⁴ cornerstone, base of pillar; support.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰木耆; U+69B0).
榰持 jï-chĩ zhīchí prop up; sustain; support.¹⁹
榰床龟[榰床龜] jï-chõng-gï
zhīchuáng'guī turtle placed under the foot of the bed to support the bed.¹⁹
榰柱 jï-chuî
zhīzhù sustain; support; hold out; bear.¹⁹
榰机石[榰機石] jï-gï-sêk
zhījīshí <old> stone stand for loom.¹⁹
榰颐[榰頤] jï-yĩ
zhīyí rest your cheeks in your hands.¹⁹
ji2 7800
75 19 zhū a wooden peg; a post; a stalk or stick.⁷
揭橥[揭櫫] këik-jï jiēzhū to announce (goals, objectives of a movement, cause); to proclaim; to publish.⁷
楬橥[楬櫫] kēik-jï
jiézhū <wr.> stick marking burial site.¹¹ a tablet for recording anything.²⁴
ji2 7801
75 19 zhū <bot.> sweet oak.⁴⁰  A kind of indeciduous tree with long oval leaves, yellowish green flowers, and ball-shaped fruits whose core is edible. Having hard elastic timber, it can be used to make sleepers and axles.⁹
苦槠[苦櫧] fū-jï kǔzhū <bot.> Castanopsis sclerophylla (Lindl.) Schott. (Aliases: 血槠[血櫧]; 槠栗[櫧栗]).²³
甜槠[甜櫧] hẽm-jï
tiánzhū <bot.> Castanopsis eyrei (Champ.) Tutch. (Alias: 面槠[麵櫧]).²³
槠树[櫧樹] jï-sì
zhūshù sweet oak.²³
石槠[石櫧] sêk-jï
shízhū <bot.> red bark oak; Cyclobalanopsis gilva Oerst.⁴⁰
ji2 7802
83 4 zhī 月氏 (=吐火罗人 [吐火羅人] Hü-fō-lõ-ngĩn Tǔhuǒluórén) Ngùt-jï Yuèzhī Tokhara; Tokharians, historic Indo-European people of central Asia.¹⁰
阏氏[閼氏] yën-jï
yānzhī main wife of a xiongnu monarch.⁶
<又> sì.
(See 氏 sì.)
ji2 7803
85 9 zhū 洙水 Jï-suī Zhūshuǐ name of a river in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province.⁴
洙泗 Jï-Xü
Zhū-Sì the two rivers (Zhu and Si), area where Confucius taught.¹¹
ji2 7804
85 18 zhū <wr.> (of water) collect, accumulate, store; puddle, pool.⁶
(comp. t: ⿰氵豬; U+7026). (comp. s: ⿰氵猪; U+6F74).
潴积[瀦積] jï-dēik
zhūjī (of water) collect, accumulate, store.⁶
潴留[瀦留] jï-liũ
zhūliú <med.> retention.⁶
潴留导尿管[瀦留導尿管] jï-liũ-ào-nèl-gōn
zhūliú dǎoniàoguǎn self-retaining catheter.⁶
潴留囊肿[瀦留囊腫] jï-liũ-nõng-jūng
zhūliú nángzhǒng  retention cyst.⁶
潴泡[瀦泡] jï-päo
zhūpào cisterna.⁶
潴汇[瀦匯] jï-vòi
zhūhuì <TCM> retain water.⁵⁴
尿潴留[尿瀦留] nèl-jï-liũ
niàozhūliú retention of urine.⁶
ji2 7805
86 9 zhù <wr.> wick (of an oil lamp); burn; <m.> (used for sticks of incense).⁶
灯炷[燈炷] äng-jï dēngzhù lampwick; wick.⁶
炷香 jï-hëng
zhùxiāng burn a joss stick.⁶
炷头香[炷頭香] jï-hẽo-hëng
zhùtóuxiāng a kind of incense.¹⁹
两炷香[兩炷香] lēng-jï-hëng
liǎngzhùxiāng two burning joss sticks; two sticks of incense.⁶
艾炷 ngài-jï
àizhù moxa cone.⁶ stick of artemisia, used for cauterizing.¹¹
一炷香 yīt-jï-hëng
yīzhùxiāng one incense stick.¹¹
ji2 7806
103 14 zhì (<old>=踬[躓] jï zhì <wr.> trip, stumble; suffer a setback); <wr.> encounter obstacles; fall down.⁶
跋前疐后[跋前疐後] bàt-tẽin-jï-hèo
báqiánzhìhòu (=跋前踬后[跋前躓後] bàt-tẽin-jï-hèo báqiánzhìhòu, q.v.) be in a dilemma; encounter obstacles both ahead and behind; be caught between difficulties; be between two fires.⁶ allowed to move neither forward nor backward.⁷
<又> î.
(See 躓 jï; 疐 î).
ji2 7807
104 10 zhī (=胝 jï zhī) callouses on hands or feet.⁷
<又> chĩ.
(See 胝 jï; 疷 chĩ.)
ji2 7808
104 12 zhì nevus, mole.⁵ spots on the body; moles.¹⁴ (variant: 䏯 jï).
(composition: ⿸疒志; U+75E3).
黑痣 hāk-jï hēizhì a mole (on the skin).⁷
胎痣 höi-jï
tāizhì birthmark.⁵
红痣[紅痣] hũng-jï
hóngzhì a reddish mole.⁷
痣记[痣記] jï-gï
zhìjì a distinguishing mark upon a person's body.¹⁴
痣脂瘤 jï-jï-liũ
zhìzhīliú <med.> nevolipoma.⁶
痣癌 jï-ngãm
zhìái <med.> nevocarcinoma.⁶
痣须[痣鬚] jï-xü
zhìxū hair growing from a mole.¹⁴
面痣 mèin-jï
miànzhì dark spots on the face.¹⁴
色痣 sēik-jï
sèzhì pigmented mole.⁵
(See 䏯 jï).
ji2 7809
111 8 zhī
know, perceive, comprehend.⁸
知道 jï-ào zhīdao know; realize; be aware of.⁵
知白守黑 jï-bàk-siū-hāk
zhībáishǒuhēi know and observe all but remain silent.⁶
知彼知己 jï-bī-jï-gī
zhībǐzhījǐ know the enemy and know yourself; know both ourselves and our adversaries.⁶
知耻[知恥] jï-chī
zhīchǐ have a sense of shame.⁵
知足 jï-dūk
zhīzú to be content with one's lot.⁶
知足常乐[知足常樂] jï-dūk-sẽng-lòk
zhīzúchánglè content-ment brings happiness.⁶ Be content with what you have.⁰
知交 jï-gäo
zhījiāo bosom/intimate friend; confidant.⁶
知己知彼 jï-gī-jï-bī
zhījǐzhībǐ (=知彼知己 jï-bī-jï-gī zhībǐzhījǐ) know the enemy and know yourself.⁶
知觉[知覺] jï-gōk
zhījué consciousness; feeling; <psy.> perception.⁶
知名 jï-mẽin
zhīmíng well-known; noted; famous.⁶
知识[知識] jï-sēik
zhīshi knowledge.¹¹
知悉 jï-xēik
zhīxī know; learn; be informed of.⁶
知心 jï-xïm
zhīxīn intimate; understanding.⁶
知音 jï-yïm
zhīyīn friend keenly appreciative of one's talents; undestanding/bosom friend; alter ego; soul mate.⁶
知县[知縣] jï-yòn
zhīxiàn <trad.> county magistrate.⁶
<又> ï.
(See 知 ï.)
ji2 7810
112 11 zhū (=朱 jï zhū) bright red; cinnabar; vermilion.⁸
锭硃[錠硃] èin-jï
dìngzhū cake of vermilion ink.¹¹
硃卷 jï-kūn
zhūjuàn script or scroll in red ink; (Manchu Dynasty) red-ink copy of examination papers, made from black-ink copy written by candidates, to prevent favoritism by the judges.¹¹
硃批 jï-päi
zhūpī documents containing the emperor's comments in red ink.¹¹
硃砂 jï-sâ
zhūshā cinnabar.¹¹
硃谕[硃諭] jï-yì
zhūyù imperial decree.¹¹
银硃[銀硃] ngãn-jï
yínzhū cinnabar, mercuric sulfide, used as bright red pigment.¹¹
(See 朱 jï).
ji2 7811
115 9 zhī <wr.> only (cf 秪 jï zhī; related modern term 祇 jī zhǐ only; merely.⁷ or 祇 kĩ the spirit of the earth; rest; great.¹⁴).¹¹ (=祇 jī zhǐ only; merely.⁷).¹³ to meet with; to fall in with.²⁵
(composition: ⿰禾氏; U+79D6).
zhǐ; 祇 kĩ qí; zhī; zhī; zhī; 秪 jï dī.
(See 秪[jï, zhī]; 秪[jï, ]; 祇[jī, zhǐ]; 祇[kĩ, ]).
ji2 7812
115 10 (alternate Mandarin pronunciation for 秪 jï zhī with the same meaning: grain beginning to be ripe; rice transplanted.²⁵)
grain beginning to be ripe; grain transplanted; roots of plants; <old>=秖 jï
zhǐ; 祇 kĩ qí; zhī; zhī; zhī; 秪 jï dī.
(composition: ⿰禾氐; U+79EA).
秪今 jï-gïm
dījīn now; at present; today.¹⁹
秪管 jï-gōn
dīguǎn (=只管 jī-gōn zhǐguǎn by all means; merely; simply).¹⁹
(See 秪[jï, zhī]; 秖 jï).
ji2 7813
115 10 zhī grain beginning to be ripe; rice transplanted.²⁵
Distinguish zhǐ; 祇 kĩ qí; zhī; zhī; zhī; 秪 jï dī.
(composition: ⿰禾氐; U+79EA).
秪候 jï-hèo
zhī hòu an official position during the Song Dynasty.¹⁹ (See 祗候 jī-hèo).
秪应[秪應] jï-yëin
zhīyìng ➀ (=祗应[祗應] jī-yëin zhīyìng serve respectfully ➁ enshrine and worship ➂ do one's duty.¹⁹
(See 秪[jï, ]; 祗 jī).
ji2 7814
115 11 zhì grass; (= 稚 jï zhì) young and tender; small; delicate; immature; childish.⁷
(composition: ⿰禾夷; U+413A).
<又> hãi.
(See 䄺 hãi; 稚 jï).
ji2 7815
115 13 zhì young; childish.⁵ young and small; immature; child.⁶ young and tender; small; delicate; immature; childish.⁷
(variants: 穉 jï zhì; 稺 jï zhì; 䕌 jï zhì).
(composition: ⿰禾隹; U+7A1A).
or 孤稺 gü-jï gūzhì infants without a father or parents.¹⁹
童稚 hũng-jï
tóngzhì children.⁷
稚齿[稚齒] jï-chī
zhìchǐ very young (people).⁵
稚虫[稚蟲] jï-chũng
zhìchóng naiad.⁵
稚子 jï-dū
zhìzi young children; bamboo shoots.⁷
稚晖[稚暉] jï-fï
zhìhuī innocence of childhood.¹⁹
稚气[稚氣] jï-hï
zhìqì childishness.⁵
稚拙 jï-jōt
zhìzhuō unadorned and childish.⁸
稚龄[稚齡] jï-lẽin
zhìlíng tender age (or years).⁷
稚弱 jï-ngèk
zhìruò childish and frail.⁶ tender and delicate.⁷
稚女 jï-nuī
zhìnǚ young girls.⁷
稚嫩 jï-nùn
zhìnèn young and tender; immature.⁶
or 二稺 ngì-jï èrzhì refers to two men of the Eastern Han Dynasty: 周澤 Zhou Ze (courtesy name: 稚都 Zhidu) and 孫堪 Sun Kan (courtesy name: 子稚 Zizhi).¹⁹
or 狂稺 or 狂穉 kõng-jï kuángzhì mad and naive.¹⁹
(See 穉 jï; 稺 jï; 䕌 jï).

ji2 7816
115 15 zhì (=稚 jï zhì) young; childish.⁵ young and small; immature; child.⁶ young and tender; small; delicate; immature; childish.⁷
(composition: ⿰禾屖; U+7A3A).
or 田穉 hẽin-jï tiánzhì rice seedling.¹⁹
or 后穉[後穉] hèo-jï hòuzhì time of sunset.¹⁹
徐稺榻 Tuĩ Jï hāp
Xú Zhì tà refers to a special bed on behalf of 徐稺 Tuĩ Jï Xú Zhì by 陈蕃[陳蕃] Chĩn Fãn Chén Fán of the Eastern Han Dynasty - later used as a classic example of hospitality.¹⁹
(See 稚 jï).
ji2 7817
115 17 zhì (=稚 jï zhì) young; childish.⁵ young and small; immature; child.⁶ young and tender; small; delicate; immature; childish.⁷
(composition: ⿰禾犀; U+7A49).
or 田稺 hẽin-jï tiánzhì rice seedling.¹⁹
or 后稺[後稺] hèo-jï hòuzhì time of sunset.¹⁹
(See 稚 jï).
ji2 7818
118 18 𥴒
zhì (composition: ⿱竹⿰竹竹; U+25D12).
𥴒𥴒 jï-jï zhìzhì (of bamboo) luxuriant in appearance.¹¹³
ji2 7819
120 16 zhì fine, delicate, close, dense.⁷ fine woven silk.¹¹ to mend garments, to patch; soft, delicate; secret.¹⁴
标致[標緻] bël-jï biāozhì handsome (of person, dress).¹¹
缜致[縝緻] chīn-jï
zhěnzhì fine and delicate.⁷
精致[精緻] dëin-jï
jīngzhì of fine workmanship, exquisite (art work).¹¹
景致[景緻] gēin-jï
jǐngzhì an especially beautiful scenery.¹¹
坚致[堅緻] gëin-jï
jiānzhì solid and compact.⁸ of strong make and finely finished.¹¹
工致[工緻] güng-jï
gōngzhì neat and refined.¹¹
致密[緻密] jï-mìt
zhìmì fine, close, delicate, minute; (said of conduct) appropriate, careful, irreproachable.⁷ fine (mesh), closely woven (cloth, plot of novel).¹¹
雅致[雅緻] ngâ-jï
yǎzhì refinement; fine, delicate, tasteful.⁷
细致[細緻] xäi-jï
xìzhì fine and delicate; exquisite; careful and thorough; meticulous; painstaking.⁷
(See 致 jï.)
ji2 7820
122 13 zhì place, put; set up, establish, install; buy.⁵ (variant: 寘 jï zhì).
(composition: ⿱罒直; U+7F6E).
不置可否 būt-jï-hō-fēo
bùzhìkěfǒu decline to comment; not express an opinion; be noncommittal; hedge.⁵
置产[置產] jï-chān
zhìchǎn buy property (esp. an estate).⁶
置喙 jï-fì
zhìhuì <wr.> to offer an opinion; to comment (on the issue); to have a say (in the matter).¹⁰
置放 jï-föng
zhìfàng place; put; lay up.⁶
置之不理 jï-jï-būt-lî
zhìzhībùlǐ ignore; brush aside.⁵
置之度外 jï-jï-ù-ngòi
zhìzhīdùwài give no thought to.⁵
置之死地而后快[置之死地而後快] jï-jï-xī-ì-ngĩ-hëo-fäi
zhìzhīsǐdìérhòukuài will be content with nothing less than somebody's destruction.⁵
置若罔闻[置若罔聞] jï-ngèk-mông-mũn
zhìruòwǎngwén turn a deaf ear to; pay no heed to.⁵
置身 jï-sïn
zhìshēn place oneself; stay.⁵
置身事外 jï-sïn-xù-ngòi
zhìshēnshìwài stay aloof from the affair; keep out of the business.⁵
置信 jï-xïn
zhìxìn believe.⁵
一笑置之 yīt-xël-jï-jï
yīxiàozhìzhī dismiss with a laugh or smile; laugh off.⁵
(See 寘 jï).
ji2 7821
130 8 zhī limb.⁵
(composition: ⿰月支; U+80A2).
肢解 or 枝解 or 支解 jï-gāi zhījiě dismemberment.⁵
肢体[肢體] jï-hāi
zhītǐ limbs; limbs and trunk.⁵
肢体语言[肢體語言] jï-hāi-nguî-ngũn
zhītǐ yǔyán body language.⁹
肢势[肢勢] jï-säi
zhīshì standing/erect posture (of domestic animals).⁵
前肢 tẽin-jï
qiánzhī forelimb; foreleg.⁵
四肢 xï-jï
sìzhī the four limbs (of the human body).⁵
四肢百骸 xï-jï-bāk-hãi
sìzhībǎihái all the limbs and bones.⁵
ji2 7822
130 9 zhī (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 胝 chĩ zhī callouses on hands or feet.⁷) (variant: 疷 jï zhī).
(composition: ⿰月氐; U+80DD).
<又> chĩ.
(See 胝 chĩ; 疷 jï.)
ji2 7823
130 10 zhī fat, grease, tallow; rouge.⁵
脂肪 jï-fōng zhīfáng fat.⁶
脂肪酸 jï-fōng-xön
zhīfángsuān <chem.> fatty acid.⁶
脂粉 jï-fūn
zhīfěn rouge and powder; cosmetics.⁵
脂膏 jï-gäo
zhīgāo fat, grease; fruits of the people's labor, wealth of the people.⁵
脂鳍[脂鰭] jï-kĩ
zhīqí adipose fin.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
脂瘤 jï-liũ
zhīliú <med.> lipoma.⁵
or 芝麻 jï-mã zhīma sesame; sesame seed.⁵
脂眼鲱[脂眼鯡] jï-ngān-fï
zhīyǎnfēi Pacific round herring.⁵
脂油 jï-yiũ
zhīyóu <topo.> leaf fat.⁵
胭脂 yën-jï
yānzhī rouge.⁵
油脂 yiũ-jï
yóuzhī fat; grease.⁵
ji2 7824
130 11 zhì (=痣 jï zhì nevus, mole.⁵ spots on the body; moles.¹⁴)
(composition: ⿰月志; U+43EF).
(See 痣 jï).
ji2 7825
130 12 zhū (same as 猪[豬] jï zhū) a pig.⁸ the pig.²⁴
(composition: ⿰月者; U+4417).
<又> ū.
(See 䐗 ū).
ji2 7826
133 6 zhì Kangxi radical 133; reach, arrive; extremely, very.⁸ to; until; extremely; most; <wr.> to arrive, to reach.
自古至今 dù-gū-jï-gïm zìgǔzhìjīn from of old until now.¹
自生至死 dù-säng-jï-xī
zìshēngzhìsǐ from womb to tomb.¹
至宝[至寶] jï-bāo
zhìbǎo most valuable treasure.⁵
至迟[至遲] jï-chĩ
zhìchí at the latest.⁵
至尊 jï-dün
zhìzūn most revered and respected; the reigning emperor.⁶
至交 jï-gäo
zhìjiāo most intimate friend; best friend.⁵
至高无上[至高無上] jï-gäo-mũ-sèng
zhìgāowúshàng most lofty; paramount; supreme.⁵
至今 jï-gïm
zhìjīn up to now; to this day; so far.⁶
至理名言 jï-lî-mẽin-ngũn zhìlǐ míngyán famous dictum; maxim; axiom; golden saying.⁵
至诚[至誠] jï-sẽin
zhìcheng sincere; straightforward.⁵
至诚[至誠] jï-sẽin
zhìchéng complete sincerity.⁵
至少 jï-sēl
zhìshǎo at (the) least.⁶
至上 jï-sèng
zhìshàng supreme; highest.⁵
至亲[至親] jï-tïn
zhìqīn very close relative; close kin.⁵
至多 jï-ü
zhìduō at (the) most.⁶
至死 jï-xī
zhìsǐ unto death; till death.⁵
至于[至於] jï-yï
zhìyú as for. as to; go so far as to.⁵
ji2 7827
133 10 zhì to send; to devote; to deliver; to cause; to convey.¹⁰
大致 ài-jï dàzhì roughly; approximately; more or less.⁵
致电[致電] jï-èin
zhìdiàn to send a telegram or cable.⁷
致富 jï-fü
zhìfù become rich; amass wealth.⁶
致敬 jï-gëin
zhìjìng salute; pay one's respects to.⁶
致果 jï-gō
zhìguǒ to achieve victory; to attain results.⁷
致函 jï-hãm
zhìhán write to; send a letter to.⁶
致贺[致賀] jï-hào
or jï-hò zhìhè send one's congratulations.⁶
致知 jï-jï
zhìzhī to pursue knowledge to the utmost.⁷
致力 jï-lèik
zhìlì devote oneself to; dedicate oneself to.⁶
致命 jï-mèin
zhìmìng be fatal; be deadly; be lethal.⁶
致癌 jï-ngãm
zhì'ái carcinogenic.¹⁹
致身 jï-sïn
zhìshēn to dedicate/give one's life to (a cause).⁷
致残[致殘] jï-tãn
zhìcán become disabled.⁶
致幻剂[致幻劑] jï-vân-jäi
zhìhuànjì hallucinogen.⁶
致死 jï-xī
zhìsǐ to cause death; to result in death.⁷
致使 jï-xū
zhìshǐ cause; result in; bring about.⁶
致辞[致辭] jï-xũ
zhìcí make a speech.⁶
致仕 jï-xù
zhìshì <wr.> resign from one's official post.⁶
致意 jï-yï
zhìyì salute; greet; send best regards.⁶
云腾致雨[雲騰致雨] vũn-hãng-jï-yî
yúnténgzhìyǔ Clouds ascend and bring rain.⁶²
(See 緻 jï.)
ji2 7828
140 6 zhī Zoysia pungens.³³ Manila Grass.⁹ sesame; a purplish or brown mushroom thought to have miraculous powers; 'a divine and felicitous plant' (Karlgren).⁸
(composition: ⿱艹之; U+829D).
芝罘 Jï-fẽo
Zhīfú (name of a mountain in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province).⁸
芝焚蕙叹[芝焚蕙嘆] jï-fũn-fì-hän
zhīfénhuìtàn lit. when one grass burns the other grass sighs (idiom); fig. to have sympathy with a like-minded person in distress.¹⁰
芝兰[芝蘭] jï-lãn
zhīlán irises and orchids (symbolic of noble character; true friendship, or beautiful surroundings).¹⁹
芝兰之室[芝蘭之室] jï-lãn-jï-sīt
zhīlánzhīshì room full of fragrant orchids – nice cozy atmosphere.⁶
or 脂麻 jï-mã zhīma sesame; sesame seed.⁵
芝士 jï-xù
zhīshì <loan> cheese.
芝宇 jï-yî
zhīyǔ <wr.> your countenance (epistolary style).
灵芝[靈芝] lẽin-jï
língzhī <TCM> glossy ganoderma.⁵
如入芝兰之室[如入芝蘭之室] nguĩ-yìp-jï-lãn-jï-sīt
rúrùzhīlánzhīshì Associating with people of noble character accustoms one to good ways.
ji2 7829
140 9 zhū dogwood.⁸
茱萸 jï-yĩ zhūyú dogwood, cornel (Cornus officinalis).⁹ Cornus officinalis (Japanese cornel dogwood, a kind of herb).¹⁰
茱萸囊 jï-yĩ-nõng 
zhūyúnáng <trad.> bag filled with dogwood in the Double-Nine Festival.¹
茱萸会[茱萸會] jï-yĩ-vòi 
zhūyúhuì <trad.> drinking party on the Double-Nine Festival.¹
山茱萸 sän-jï-yĩ
shānzhūyú <TCM> Cornus officinalis; sour mountain date; herb associated with longevity.¹⁰
食茱萸 sèik-jï-yĩ
shízhūyú ailanthus prickly ash; Zanthoxylum ailanthoides.
ji2 7830
140 10 zhì (composition: ⿱艹志; U+44CC).
远䓌[遠䓌] or 远志[遠志] yōn-jï yuǎnzhì polygala (a medical herb).⁸ Polygala tenuifolia.Polygala tenuifolia Willd.¹⁹ (See also 远志[遠志] yōn-jï under 志 jï).
ji2 7831
140 11 zhī
(=知母 jï-mû zhīmǔ Anemarrhena asphodeloides, whose rhizome is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(composition: ⿱艹知; U+44E1).
or 知母 jï-mû zhīmǔ the rhizome (Anemarrhenae Rhizoma) is also called 肥知母, 穿地龍, 蚳母 chï-mû chīmǔ, 蝭母 chĩ-mû chímǔ.²⁰
ji2 7832
140 11 zhù obvious; to author; books; to make known.
(composition: ⿱艹者; U+8457).
卓著 chēk-jï zhuózhù outstanding; eminent; brilliant.
显著[顯著] hēin-jï
xiǎnzhù notable; marked; striking; remarkable; outstanding.⁵
著作 jï-dök
zhùzuò to write; work, book, writings.
著名 jï-mẽin
zhùmíng well-known.¹¹
著书立说[著書立說] jï-sï-lìp-sōt 
zhùshūlìshuō write books to expound a theory; write scholarly works.⁶
著述等身 jï-sùt-āng-sïn
zhùshùděngshēn one's writings piled up to one's own height; be a prolific writer.⁶
拙著 jōt-jï
zhuōzhù <humb.> my writing.
<又> jēk, jëk, jèk.
(See 著 jēk, jëk, [jèk, zháo], [jèk, zhe].)
ji2 7833
140 16 zhì (=稚 jï zhì) young; childish.⁵ young and small; immature; child.⁶ young and tender; small; delicate; immature; childish.⁷
(composition: ⿱艹稚; U+454C).
(See 稚 jï).
ji2 7834
140 18 zhū (composition: ⿱艹豬; U+85F8).
藸蒘 jï-nã zhūná name of a grass.¹³
<又> chuĩ.
(See 藸 chuĩ).
ji2 7835
142 11 zhù moth or any other insect that eats books, clothes, wood; (of moths) eat; bore through.⁶
蛀齿[蛀齒] jï-chī zhùchǐ decayed tooth; dental caries; tooth decay.⁶
蛀虫 jï-chũng
zhùchóng insect that eats books, clothes, wood; moth; borer.⁶
蛀烂[蛀爛] jï-làn
zhùlàn destroyed by moth; moth-eaten.¹¹
蛀牙 jï-ngã
zhùyá decayed tooth.¹¹
蛀蚀[蛀蝕] jï-sèik
zhùshí eat into; erode.⁶
蛀心虫 [蛀心蟲] jï-xïm-chũng
zhùxīnchóng (=钻心虫 [鑽心蟲] dön-xïm-chũng zuānxīnchóng) borer (insect).⁶
米蛀虫[米蛀蟲] māi-jï-chũng
mǐzhùchóng rice worm; rice profiteer.⁶
<台> 虫蛀牙[蟲蛀牙] chũng-jï-ngã/ cavities, dental decay.
<台> 讲大话虫蛀牙[講大話蟲蛀牙] gōng-ài-và-chũng-jï-ngã/ (children) Liars will have bad teeth.
ji2 7836
142 12 zhū spider.⁸ (variant: 鼄 jï zhū).
蜘蛛 jï-jï
zhīzhū spider.⁸
蛛网[蛛網] jï-mōng
zhūwǎng spider web.⁸
蛛丝[蛛絲] jï-xû
zhūsī gossamer; spider's thread.¹¹
蛛丝马迹[蛛絲馬跡] jï-xû-mâ-dēik
zhūsīmǎjì thread of a spider and trail of a horse; traces; clues.⁸
盲蛛目 mãng-jï-mùk
mángzhūmù The Opiliones (formerly Phalangida) are an order of arachnids colloquially known as harvestmen, harvesters or daddy longlegs.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(See 鼄 jï).
ji2 7837
142 14 zhī a spider.⁷ (variant: 鼅 jï zhī).
(composition: ⿰虫知; U+8718).
蜘蛛 jï-jï
zhīzhū spider.⁸
蜘蛛蟹 jï-jï-hāi
zhīzhūxiè spider crab.⁶
蜘蛛猴 jï-jï-hẽo
zhīzhūhóu spider monkey.⁶
蜘蛛侠[蜘蛛俠] jï-jï-hèp
zhīzhūxiá Spider-Man, comic book superhero.¹⁰
蜘蛛學[蜘蛛学] jï-jï-hòk
zhīzhūxué arachnology.¹⁰
蜘蛛织网[蜘蛛織網] jï-jï-jēik-mōng
zhīzhūzhīwǎng a spider weaves a web.⁷
蜘蛛痣 jï-jï-jï
zhīzhūzhì spider angioma/nevus.⁶
蜘蛛类[蜘蛛類] jï-jï-luì
zhīzhūlèi arachnid.¹⁰
蜘蛛网[蜘蛛網] jï-jï-mōng
zhīzhūwǎng a spider's web; a cobweb.⁷
蜘蛛丝[蜘蛛絲] jï-jï-xû
zhīzhūsī gossamer; the thread spun by a spider.⁷
(See 鼅 jï).
ji2 7838
145 9 zhī a furcoat.⁸
(composition: ⿰衤支; U+887C).
衹衼 kĩ-jï qízhī robes worn by nuns and judges.⁸
ji2 7839
145 9 zhī only; just right.⁸
(composition: ⿰衤氏; U+8879).
<又> jī; kĩ. (See 衹 jī; 衹 kĩ).
ji2 7840
145 11 zhū a Chinese-style jacket and trousers.⁸ red graments; to clothe the body.²⁵
袾裷 jï-gūn zhūgǔn a robe and crown.²⁵
袾襦 jï-yĩ
zhūrú short garments.²⁵
ji2 7841
148 19 zhì an ancient drinking vessel.⁵ wine goblet made from horn.⁸ goblet of horn; a tankard.¹⁴ a horn cup for drinking out of.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿰角單; U+89F6). (comp. s: ⿰角单; U+89EF).
举觯[舉觶] guī-jï
jǔzhì to raise the goblet; an empty cup; to fine a person by ordering him to drink so many cups.²⁵
ji2 7842
149 13 zhū execute, kill, put to death; punish.⁸
罪不容诛[罪不容誅] duì-būt-yũng-jï zuìbùróngzhū even death cannot atone for the offense.⁸
天诛地灭[天誅地滅] hëin-jï-ì-mèik
tiānzhūdìmiè (usually used in cursing or taking vows) be executed by heaven and destroyed by earth; be damned/destroyed by heaven and earth; stand comdemned by God; may God strike me dead.⁶
口诛笔伐[口誅筆伐] hēo-jï-bīt-fàt
kǒuzhūbǐfá condemn both in speeches and in writings.⁸
征诛[征誅] jëin-jï
zhēngzhū to exterminate; to send out a punitive expedition to overthrow a tyrant or quell a rebellion.⁵⁴
诛锄[誅鋤] jï-chũ
or jï-chõ zhūchú <wr.> root up, extirpate (weeds); wipe out, get rid of, exterminate.⁶
诛锄异己[誅鋤異己] jï-chũ-yì-gī
or jï-chõ-yì-gī zhūchú yìjǐ get rid of the dissenters.⁶
诛除[誅除] jï-chuĩ
zhūchú to kill; to wipe out.⁸
诛戮[誅戮] jï-lùk
zhūlù to execute or kill (prisoners), usually en masse.¹¹
诛论[誅論] jï-lùn
zhūlùn <wr.> sentence to death.¹¹
诛灭[誅滅] jï-mèik
zhūmiè to wipe out, to exterminate.⁸ utterly destroy (whole groups, families) by death penalty.¹¹
ji2 7843
149 14 zhì to write down; to record; magazine.
标志[標誌] or 标识[標識] bël-jï biāozhì sign; mark; symbol.
杂志[雜志] dàp-jï
zázhì magazine; records; notes.⁵
志悼[誌悼] jï-ào
zhìdào to condole; to register sorrow.
志贺[誌賀] jï-hào
or jï-hò zhìhè to send something as a token of congratulation.
志庆[誌慶] jï-hëin
zhìqìng to offer congratulations.
志喜[誌喜] jï-hī
zhìxǐ to send congratulations (on happy occasion).
志念[誌念] jï-nèm
zhìniàn to send something as a souvenir.
志哀[誌哀] jï-öi
zhìāi to condole; to register sorrow.
墓志铭[墓誌銘] mù-jï-mẽin
mùzhìmíng an epitaph.
(See 志 jï.)
ji2 7844
149 15 zhū all; various; Zhu surname.
诸子[諸子] jï-dū zhūzǐ <trad.> various schools of thinkers or their works in late Zhou; official in charge of education and discipline.
诸子百家[諸子百家] jï-dū-bāk-gä
zhūzǐbǎijiā various schools of thought and their exponents during the period from pre-Qin times to the early Han Dynasty.⁶
诸父[諸父] jï-fù
zhūfù ➀ The emperor showed respect to the feudal lords of the same surname and the feudal lords showed respect to the doctors of the same surname by calling them "父 father", and most of them were called "諸父 uncles". ➁ Refers to a paternal uncle older or younger than one's father.¹⁹
诸葛[諸葛] Jï-gōt
Zhūgě Zhuge compound surname.
诸葛亮[諸葛亮] Jï-gōt Lèng
Zhūgě Liàng Zhuge Liang (181–234) was a chancellor of the state of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms period; mastermind.
诸娣[諸娣] jï-hâi
zhūdì <wr.> all the concubines.⁷
诸侯[諸侯] jï-hẽo
zhūhóu feudal lords.
诸如此类[諸如此類] jï-nguĩ-xū-luì
zhūrúcǐlèi things like this (idiom); and so on; and the rest; etc.
诸事猬集[諸事蝟集] jï-xù-vì-dàp
zhūshìwèijí have too many things to attend to; have too many irons in the fire.⁶
诸多[諸多] jï-ü
zhūduō <wr.> a good deal; a lot of.
诸位[諸位] jï-vì
zhūwèi everyone; Ladies and Gentlemen; Sirs.
ji2 7845
149 19 zhí to record; to write a footnote; mark; sign.
(comp. t: ⿰言戠; U+8B58). (comp. s: ⿰讠只; U+8BC6).
表识[表識] bēl-jï
biǎozhì sign; mark; emblem.
or 标志[標志] bël-jï biāozhì sign; mark; symbol; characteristic; to mark; to symbolize.
款识[款識] fōn-jï
kuǎnzhì inscription (on bronze).⁵
附识[附識] fù-jï
fùzhì notes appended to a book.
or 谨志[謹志] gīn-jï jǐnzhì <humb.> written respectfully by...
<又> sēik.
(See 識 sēik.)
ji2 7846
152 15 zhū pig; hog; swine.⁵
公猪[公豬] güng-jï gōngzhū boar.¹⁰
猪八戒[豬八戒] Jï-bāt-gäi
Zhūbājiè Pig (one of the major characters in the novel Pilgrimage to the West).⁶
猪崽[豬崽] jï-dōi
zhūzǎi piglet.³⁹
猪仔[豬仔] jï-dōi
zhūzǎi <topo.> piglet; shoat; pigling.⁶
猪鬃[豬鬃] jï-düng
zhūzōng (hog) bristles.⁵
猪獾[豬獾] jï-fön
zhūhuān hog badger.¹⁰
猪肝[豬肝] jï-gön
zhūgān pork liver.⁵
猪圈[豬圈] jï-hûn
zhūjuàn pigsty, pigpen, hogpen.⁵
猪爪[豬爪] jï-jāo
zhūzhǎo pig's trotter.⁵⁴
猪栏[豬欄] jï-lãn
zhūlán a pigpen.¹¹
猪肉[豬肉] jï-ngùk
zhūròu pork.⁵
猪排[豬排] jï-pãi
zhūpái pork chop.⁵
猪皮[豬皮] jï-pĩ
zhūpí pigskin; hogskin.⁵
猪潲[豬潲] jï-säo
zhūshào hogwash.⁶
猪腴[豬腴] jï-yĩ
zhūyú pork fat.²⁵
乳猪[乳豬] nguî-jï
rǔzhū suckling pig.¹⁰
小猪[小豬] xēl-jï
xiǎozhū piglet.¹⁰
<台> 猪肉斩饼[豬肉斬餅] jï-ngùk-jām-bēng a steamed cake made with chopped pork and water chestnuts.
<台> 卖猪仔[賣豬仔] mài-jï-dōi lit. sold as piglets – betrayed Chinese immigrants to the U.S. and Canada.
ji2 7847
154 15 zhì to pawn; pledge; hostage.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰斦貝; U+8CEA).
典质[典質] ēin-jï diǎnzhì to pawn; to mortgage.¹⁴
交质[交質] gäo-jï
jiāozhì exchange hostages.⁵⁴
人质[人質] ngĩn-jï
rénzhì hostage.⁹
or 委贽[委贄] or 委挚[委摯] vī-jï wěizhì <trad.> to send or deliver present on first meeting.¹¹
<又> jīt.
(See 質 jīt.)
ji2 7848
154 18 zhì <wr.> gift presented to a senior at one's first visit as a mark of esteem.⁵
贽敬[贄敬] jï-gëin zhìjìng <trad.> ceremonial gift presented to one's teacher at the first meeeting.⁶
贽见[贄見] jï-gëin
zhìjiàn <wr.> present gifts to a senior or superior when calling on him for the first time.⁶
贽见老师[贄見老師] jï-gëin-lāo-xü
zhìjiàn lǎoshī <wr.> visit one's teacher with a gift.
贽见礼[贄見禮] jï-gëin-lâi
zhìjiànlǐ presents offered at calling on someone.⁷
贽仪[贄儀] jï-ngĩ
zhìyí ceremonial presents; presents of homage.⁷
执贽[執贄] jīp-jï
zhízhì offer a present to one's master.³⁹
or 委挚[委摯] or 委质[委質] vī-jï wěizhì <trad.> to send or deliver present on first meeting.¹¹
ji2 7849
154 18 zhì gifts to superiors or friends; offerings of ceremony.⁸ to carry gems and silks as presents, in going to an audience; there were also six kinds of birds carried in the hand on such occasions, which distinguished the various ranks of officers; the former were the insignia of the greater nobles and the latter of the inferior ones; the presents brought by a female were chestnuts and filberts.²⁵ In Mandarin, 䞇 zhì may also be read dié indolent; indifferent.²⁵
(composition: ⿱埶貝; U+4787).
ji2 7850
155 11 𧹛

zhī facial cosmetics; rouge.²
(composition: ⿰赤支; U+27E5B)
𧹬❄{⿰赤垔}𧹛❄{⿰赤支} or 胭脂 yën-jï yānzhī rouge.⁵
ji2 7851
157 22 zhì <wr.> trip, stumble; suffer a setback.⁶ (variant: 疐 jï zhì).
跋踬[跋躓] bàt-jï
bázhì <wr.> setback; dilemma; obstacle.⁶
颠踬[顛躓] ëin-jï
diānzhì trip over something.⁶
踬仆[躓仆] jï-fü
zhìpū trip and fall.⁶
踬蹶[躓蹶] jï-kūt
zhìjué to stumble and fall.⁷
踬碍[躓礙] jï-ngòi
zhì'ài obstruct.⁵⁴
踬顿[躓頓] jï-ùn
zhìdùn be in difficulty.⁶ to stumble and stop.⁷
屡试屡踬[屢試屢躓] luî-sï-luî-jï
lǚshìlǚzhì fail at each trial; try repeatedly but in vain.⁶
顿踬[頓躓] ùn-jï
dùnzhì to trip over something and fall; in dire straits.⁷
(See 疐 jï).
ji2 7852
159 13 zhì low rear portion of cart.⁸
不分轩轾[不分軒輊] būt-fün-hëin-jï bùfēnxuānzhì be equal; be on a par.⁵ be equally matched.¹⁹
轩轾[軒輊] hëin-jï
xuānzhì high or low; good or bad.⁵ different, difference.¹¹
未尝轩轾于其[未嘗軒輊於其] mì-sẽng-hëin-jï-yï-kĩ
wèicháng xuānzhì yú qí no difference between them (from 軒 the front high part of cart and 輊 the low back part).¹¹
无分轩轾[無分軒輊] mũ-fün-hëin-jï
wúfēnxuānzhì draw or tie; be well-matched.⁵⁴
无甚轩轾[無甚軒輊] mũ-sìm-hëin-jï
wúshènxuānzhì There is nothing to choose between the two.⁵⁴
ji2 7853
162 12 zhì (=迟[遲] jï zhì to wait.⁷).³⁵ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿺辶⿸尸羊; U+9045).
<又> chĩ.
(See 遟 chĩ; 遲 jï).
ji2 7854
162 13 zhì (=迟[遲] jï zhì to wait.⁷).³⁵ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿺辶屖; U+905F).
<又> chĩ.
(See 遟 chĩ; 遲 jï).
ji2 7855
162 15 zhì to wait.⁷ (variant: 遟 jï zhì).
t: ⿺辶犀; U+9072). (comp. s: ⿺辶尺; U+8FDF).
迟旦[遲旦] jï-än
zhìdàn or chĩ-än chídàn <wr.> dawn; daybreak.⁷
迟明[遲明] jï-mẽin
zhìmíng or chĩ-mẽin or chímíng <wr.> daybreak; dawn.⁶
<又> chĩ.
(See 遲 chĩ; 遟 jï).
ji2 7856
163 8 zhū a feudal state during the Zhou dynasty, later it was changed to 邹[鄒] Jëo Zōu; Zhu surname.
ji2 7857
167 14 zhū (an ancient unit of weight, equal to 1/24 liang 两[兩]).⁶
铢积寸累[銖積寸累] jï-dēik-tün-luì zhūjīcùnlěi accumulate little by little/bit by bit; build up grdually.⁶
铢铢校量[銖銖校量] jï-jï-gäo-lẽng
zhūzhū-jiàoliàng haggle over every ounce.⁸
铢两悉称[銖兩悉稱] jï-lēng-xēik-chëin
zhūliǎngxīchèn be exactly equal in weight or quality; be of the same quality or weight.⁶
铢钝[銖鈍] jï-ùn
zhūdùn dull knives and spears.⁵⁴
锱铢[錙銖] dü-jï
zīzhū small amount of money; trifle.⁶
ji2 7858
167 22 zhù cast, found, mint.⁶ casting; founding.⁵
陶铸[陶鑄] hõ-jï or hão-jï táozhù educate and train talents (as potters and blacksmiths mold and form utensils).¹¹
铸币[鑄幣] jï-bài
zhùbì mint coins; mintage, coin, specie.⁶
铸造[鑄造] jï-dào
zhùzào cast, found.⁶
铸字[鑄字] jï-dù
zhùzì typefounding; typecasting.⁵
铸锭[鑄錠] jï-èin
zhùdìng ingot casting.⁵
铸件[鑄件] jï-gèin
zhùjiàn cast; casting; foundry goods.⁶
铸钢[鑄鋼]] jï-gông
zhùgāng cast steel.⁵
铸工[鑄工] jï-güng
zhùgōng foundry work; foundry worker, founder, molder.⁶
铸铁[鑄鐵] jï-hëik
zhùtiě iron casting; cast iron.⁶
铸钟[鑄鐘] jï-jüng
zhùzhōng cast a bell.⁵
铸山煮海[鑄山煮海] jï-sän-jī-hōi
zhùshānzhǔhǎi lit. mine the mountains and boil the sea; fig. develop natural resources.⁰
铸成[鑄成] jï-sẽin
zhùchéng to cast in metal; (fig.) to forge; to fashion.¹⁰
铸成大错[鑄成大錯] jï-sẽin-ài-tö
zhùchéng dàcuò commit a gross/glaring error; make an awful mistake.⁶
铸钱[鑄錢] jï-tẽin
zhùqián coin or mint money.⁵
铸型[鑄型] jï-yẽin
zhùxíng casting mold.⁵
ji2 7859
172 12 zhī a bird; to map out or draw up (a plan), a plan or scheme; to calculate; to count; to consider.⁸ (Note 1: may be read as shì in Mardarin, instead of zhī).¹⁰¹ (Note 2: When read as chì in Mandarin it may be variant of 翅 chï chì wing).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰支隹; U+49F4).
䧴度 jï-ù
zhīdù to allot to each his portion.²⁵
䧴鹊观[䧴鵲觀] jï-xēk-gön
zhīquèguàn the name of a temple.²⁵ (Note: perhaps a variant for 𫛛❄{⿰支鸟}鹊观[鳷鵲觀] jï-xēk-gön zhīquèguàn, a temple built by Emperor Wu of Han).
(cf 鳷 jï; 鳷 chï).
ji2 7860
172 13 zhì pheasant; parapet section of a city wall, 30 尺 chëk chǐ high and 10 尺 chëk chǐ long.⁶
(composition: ⿰矢隹; U+96C9).
雉堞 jï-èp
zhìdié <archi.> crenelation; battlement.⁶
雉鸡[雉雞] jï-gäi
zhìjī pheasant.⁶
雉鸡翎[雉雞翎] jï-gäi-lẽin
zhìjīlíng pheasant's tail feather used on opera stage.¹¹
雉经[雉經] jï-gëin
zhìjīng to hang oneself.¹⁴
雉鸠[雉鳩] jï-gëo
zhìjiū turtledove.⁶
雉鹃[雉鵑] jï-gün
zhìjuān pheasant cuckoo (Dromococcyx phasianellus).⁹
雉兔皆有芼. Jï-hü-gäi-yiû-mào.
Zhì tù jiē yǒu mào.
Pheasants and hares were (made into soup) with the duckweed.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·內則·38》, translated by James Legge).
雉尾 jï-mī
zhìwěi common pheasant tail feather.³⁹
雉媒 jï-mõi
zhìméi a domesticated pheasant used as a decoy in pheasant hunting.⁷
雉鹑[雉鶉] jï-sûn
zhìchún chestnut-throated monal-partridge (Tetraophasis obscurus).¹⁰
环颈雉[環頸雉] vãn-gēng-jï
huánjǐngzhì <zoo.> ring-necked pheasant.⁵
ji2 7861
190 16 moustache.⁵
髭髭着[髭髭著] jï-jï-jèk zīzīzhe (of hair) unkempt, ruffled.¹¹
髭脉槭 jï-mäk-tēik
zīmàiqī bearded maple (Acer barbinerve).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
髭毛儿[髭毛兒] jï-mão-ngĩ
zīmáor <topo.> fly into a rage, flare up; create a disturbance, stir up trouble, make trouble.⁶
髭面 jï-mèin
zīmiàn an unshaven face; a hairy face.⁷
髭兀鹫[髭兀鷲] jï-ngūt-diù
zīwùjiù or 胡兀鹫[鬍兀鷲] vũ-ngūt-diù húwùjiù or 髯鹫[髯鷲] ngẽm-diù ránjiù bearded vulture, lammergeier, ossifrage (Gypaetus barbatus), a bird of prey and the only member of the genus Gypaetus.⁶ʼ¹⁵ʼ²⁰ʼ²³
髭蟾 jï-sẽm
zīchán Pope's spiny toad or Chong'an moustache toad (Leptobrachium liui); aka 崇安髭蟾 sũng-ön-jï-sẽm chóng'ānzīchán, 中国角怪[中國角怪] Jüng-gōk-gök-gäi Zhōngguó jiǎoguài, 胡子蛙, 坑鹅, 雷公角怪.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
髭须[髭鬚] jï-xü
zīxū beard; moustache; whiskers.⁶
髭狨 jï-yũng
zīróng moustached tamarin (Saguinus mystax).⁹
ji2 7862
196 15 𫛛
zhī general term for jay; Garrulus lidthi.¹⁰
t: ⿰支鳥; U+9CF7). (comp. s: ⿰支鸟; U+2B6DB).
❄{⿰支鸟}鹊[鳷鵲] jï-xēk zhīquè a strange bird recorded in ancient books; the old name for jay.⁸ a singing bird, Garrulus lidthi, which can be trained to talk.¹¹ a kind of jay; the name of a temple (鳷鵲觀 constructed by Emperor Wu of Han).²⁵
<又> chï.
(See 鳷 chï).
ji2 7863
196 16 zhì (<old>=雉 jï zhì pheasant.)
(composition: ⿰矢鳥; U+9D19).
(See 雉 jï).
ji2 7864
196 22 zhì <wr.> ferocious bird, bird of prey; ferocious, violent.⁶
(comp. t: ⿱執鳥; U+9DD9). (comp. s: ⿱执鸟; U+9E37).
鸷悍[鷙悍] jï-hòn zhìhàn fierce and tough; ferocious.⁶
鸷猛[鷙猛] jï-mâng
zhìměng fierce; cruel; ruthless.⁷
鸷鸟[鷙鳥] jï-něl
zhìniǎo bird of prey.⁶
鸷鸟不群[鷙鳥不群] jï-něl-būt-kũn
zhìniǎobùqún Vultures do not go in flocks.⁷
鸷勇[鷙勇] jï-yûng
zhìyǒng fierce and brave.⁷
忍鸷[忍鷙] ngîn-jï
rěnzhì brutal, cruel, heartless.⁵⁴
阴鸷[陰鷙] yïm-jï
yīnzhì malicious; treacherous.¹⁰
ji2 7865
205 19 zhū (<old>=蛛 jï zhī) spider.⁸
(composition: ⿱朱黽; U+9F04).
or 䵹鼄 or 蜘蛛 jï-jï zhīzhū a spider.
(See 蛛 jï).
ji2 7866
205 21 zhī (<old>=蜘 jï zhī) a spider.⁷
(composition: ⿱知黽; U+9F05).
or 䵹鼄 or 蜘蛛 jï-jï zhīzhū a spider.
(See 蜘 jï, 䵹 jï).
ji2 7867
205 24 zhī (<old>=蜘 or 鼅 jï zhī) a spider.
(composition: ⿱⿰知于黽; U+4D79).
or 鼅鼄 or 蜘蛛 jï-jï zhīzhū a spider.
(See 蜘 jï, 鼅 jï).
ji2 7868
5 11 乿 zhì (<old>=治 jì zhì) rule, govern, administer, manage; socially stable; <old> seat of a local government; treat (a disease), cure; control, harness a river; wipe out harmful insects; punish; study, research.⁶
<又> lòn.
(See 治 jì; 乿 lòn).
ji4 7869
9 7 zhù to live (in a place); to dwell; to inhabit;  to stop; (suffix indicating firmness, steadiness, or coming to a halt).
把住 bā-jì bǎzhù to guard; to defend.
风住了[風住了] füng-jì-lēl 
fēngzhùle The wind has stopped.
居住 guï-jì
jūzhù live; reside; dwell.⁵
站住 jàm-jì
zhànzhù (word of command) Halt!⁷
住店 jì-ëm
zhùdiàn stay at an inn.¹⁹
住家 jì-gä
zhùjiā to reside; to visit her parents' home (of a married woman); residence.
住口 jì-hēo
zhùkǒu Shut up!
住宅 jì-jàk
zhùzhái residence; dwelling.⁵
住址 jì-jī
zhùzhǐ address.
住破窑[住破窯] jì-pö-yẽl
zhùpòyáo vagrant, beggarly, those who live in old kilns.¹⁰²
住手 jì-siū
zhùshǒu to stay one's hand; to stop.
住宿 jì-xūk
zhùsù stay; put up; get accommodation.⁵
住一宿 jì-yīt-xūk
zhùyīxiǔ stay for one night.⁵
拿住 nã-jì
názhù Hold it fast! to apprehend.
<台> 住玫 jì-mõi to live together (illicitly).
ji4 7870
53 广 13 zhì (=豸 jì zhì). <wr.> insect without feet or legs (mentioned in ancient books).⁵ unicorn.⁸
or 獬豸 hài-jì xièzhì legendary one-horned beast in ancient times.⁶ ancient goat reputed to gore guilty person in court.⁸ Xiezhi, mythical Chinese unicorn.¹⁰ like a unicorn; its habitat is the wilds, it can discriminate between right and wrong, and it destroys the wicked when it meets them. It is said to be fire-eating even to its own destruction.¹⁴
(See 豸 jì.)
ji4 7871
75 16 zhì a stop for a wheel.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木貳; U+6A32).
<又> ngì. (See 樲 ngì).
ji4 7872
75 18 zhù (=箸 jì zhù) <topo.> chopsticks.⁶
(composition: ⿰木箸; U+6AE1).
<又> dēk.
(See 箸 jì; 櫡 dēk).
ji4 7873
85 8 zhì rule, govern, administer; socially stable; <old> seat of a local government; treat (a disease); harness a river; wipe out harmful insects; punish; research.⁶ (variant: 乿 jì zhì).
治标[治標] jì-bël
zhìbiāo merely alleviate the symptoms of an illness; take stopgag measures.⁶
治病 jì-bèng
zhìbìng treat illness; cure.⁶
治病救人 jì-bèng-giü-ngĩn
zhìbìng jiùrén cure the sickness to save the patient – help somebody mend his ways.⁶
治本 jì-bōn
zhìběn effect a complete cure; get at the root of a problem.⁶
治学[治學] jì-hòk
zhìxué <wr.> pursue one's studies; do scholarly research.⁶
治装[治裝] jì-jöng
zhìzhuāng <wr.> purchase things necessary (especially clothes) for a long journey.⁶
治疗[治療] jì-lẽl
zhìliáo treat; cure.⁶
治疗法[治療法] jì-lẽl-fāt
zhìliáofǎ therapy.¹⁰
治理 jì-lî
zhìlǐ administer, govern; harness, bring under control, put in order.⁶
治安 jì-ön
zhì'ān law and order; public order/security.⁶
治世 jì-säi
zhìshì <wr.> times of peace and prosperity.⁶
治丧[治喪] jì-xöng
zhìsāng make funeral arrangements.⁶
(See 乿 jì).
ji4 7874
104 11 zhì piles; hemorrhoid.⁷
痔疮[痔瘡] jì-chông zhìchuāng piles; hemorrhoid.⁷
痔核 jì-hàt
zhìhé blind piles.⁷
or 痔瘘[痔瘻] jì-lèo zhìlòu <med.> anal fistula; hemorrhoids.⁵
外痔 ngòi-jì
wàizhì external piles/hemorrhoids.⁵
内痔[內痔] nuì-jì
nèizhì internal piles/hemorrhoids.⁵
舐痔 sâi-jì
shìzhì <wr.> lick piles (of VIPs) – be obsequious; show sycophancy; lick somebody's boots.⁶
ji4 7875
118 13 zhù (=箸 jì zhù) <topo.> chopsticks.⁶
(composition: ⿱𥫗助; U+7B6F).
(See 箸 jì).
ji4 7876
118 14 zhù <topo.> chopsticks.⁶ (variant: 筯 jì zhù).
(composition: ⿱⺮者; U+7BB8).
借箸 dëh-jì
jièzhù lit. to borrow chopsticks – to make plans for somebody else.¹⁰
借箸代筹[借箸代籌] dëh-jì-òi-chiũ
jièzhùdàichóu (allusion) make use of chopsticks to stand as tokens to indicate position of army units (in military council).¹¹ suggest plans for others.⁵⁴
象箸 dèng-jì
xiàngzhù ivory chopsticks.¹¹
象箸玉杯 dèng-jì-ngùk-böi
xiàngzhùyùbēi ivory chopsticks and jade cups – living a luxurious life.³⁹
象牙箸 dèng-ngã-jì
xiàngyázhù ivory chopsticks.⁶
加一双箸[加一雙箸] gä-yīt-söng-jì
jiāyīshuāngzhù add another pair of chopsticks when an unexpected guest arrives.¹⁴
举箸[舉箸] guī-jì
jǔzhù start eating with chopsticks.⁵⁴
下箸 hà-jì
xiàzhù start eating with chopsticks.⁶
箸子 jì-dū
zhùzi <rare> chopsticks.¹⁴
竹箸 jūk-jì
zhúzhù bamboo chopsticks.¹⁴
食不停箸 sèik-būt-hẽin-jì
shíbùtíngzhù not stop eating.¹⁹ unwilling to put down one's chopsticks.⁵⁴
<台> 箸 jì <m.> a chopsticks hold of food; the amount held by a pair of chopsticks.
(See 筯 jì).
ji4 7877
153 7 zhì Kangxi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast.⁸ <wr.> insect without feet or legs (mentioned in ancient books).⁵ KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast.⁸ (variant: 廌 jì zhì).
虫豸[蟲豸] chũng-jì
chóngzhì insects.⁵ insect or worm.⁶
or 解廌 hài-jì xièzhì legendary one-horned beast in ancient times.⁶ ancient goat reputed to gore guilty person in court.⁸ Xiezhi, mythical Chinese unicorn.¹⁰ like a unicorn; its habitat is the wilds, it can discriminate between right and wrong, and it destroys the wicked when it meets them. It is said to be fire-eating even to its own destruction.¹⁴
獬豸冠 hài-jì-gön
xièzhìguān <wr.> cap worn by a judge, symbolizing justice.¹¹
(See 廌 jì).
ji4 7878
41 12 zhù (=驻[駐] jî zhù <wr.> halt, stay, stop; be stationed, reside in.⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿰壴寸; U+5C0C).
<又> sì.
(See 尌 sì).
ji5 7879
85 8 zhù to pour (liquid); to concentrate, to engross, preoccupation; same as 註, to annotate: See 注定[註定], 注解[註解], 注脚[註腳], 注明[註明], 注释[註釋], 注疏[註疏], 注销[註銷]; stakes (in gambling).⁷
注子 jî-dū zhùzǐ a wine vessel.⁷
注重 jî-jùng
zhùzhòng to pay attention to; to emphasize.¹⁰
注目 jî-mùk
zhùmù to look attentively; to gaze/stare at.⁷
注射 jî-sèh
zhùshè injection; to inject.¹⁰
注射器 jî-sèh-hï
zhùshèqì syringe.¹⁰
注视[注視] jî-sì
zhùshì to watch attentively; to gaze at.¹⁰
注水 jî-suī
zhùshuǐ water flooding.⁷
注心 jî-xïm
zhùxīn to focus/concentrate attentiion.⁷
注意 jî-yï
zhùyì to take note of; to pay attention to.¹⁰
注意力 jî-yï-lèik
zhùyìlì attention.⁷
注音 jî-yïm
zhùyīn Annotated Sounds, a phonetic transliteration for Chinese used esp. in Taiwan; also known as Bopomofo ㄅㄆㄇㄈ.⁷
注音符号[注音符號] jî-yïm-fũ-hào
zhùyīn fúhào Zhuyin Fuhao, phonetic transliteration system for Chinese used esp. in Taiwan, also known as Bopomofo ㄅㄆㄇㄈ.⁷
注入 jî-yìp
zhùrù to pour into; to empty into.⁷ transfusion.¹⁴
(See 註 jî.)
ji5 7880
91 13 zhù short boards; planks.¹³ the short boards used in building mud walls; a low wall to screen a privy or a bathing place.²⁴
(composition: ⿰片俞; U+724F).
<又> yĩ; hẽo. (See 牏 yĩ; 牏 hẽo).
ji5 7881
94 8 zhù a yellow dog with black head.⁸ʼ²⁴
(composition: ⿰犭主; U+3E65).
㹥獖 jî-bùn zhùbèn a kind of dog.²⁴
ji5 7882
96 10 zhū pearl; bead.⁵
珠蚌 jî-pông zhūbàng the pearl oyster.⁷
珠宝[珠寶] jî-bāo
zhūbǎo pearls and jewels; jewelry.⁵
珠子 jî-dū
zhūzi pearl; bead.⁵
珠玑[珠璣] jî-gï
zhūjī <wr.> pearl, jewel, gem; exquisite or excellent wording of a writing.⁶
珠江 Jî-göng
Zhūjiāng Zhujiang River; Pearl River.⁶
珠光体[珠光體] jî-göng-hāi
zhūguāngtǐ <min.> pearlite.⁵
珠兰[珠蘭] jî-lãn
zhūlán or 金粟兰[金粟蘭] gïm-xūk-lãn jīnsùlán <bot.> Chloranthus spicatus (Thunb.) Makino.²³
珠联璧合[珠聯璧合] jî-lũn-bēik-hàp
zhūliánbìhé strings of pearls and girdles of jade – a perfect pair; a happy combination.⁵
珠穆朗玛峰[珠穆朗瑪峰] Jî-mùk-lông-mâ-füng
Zhūmùlǎngmǎ Fēng Qomolangma (Mount Everest).
珠翠 jî-tuï
zhūcuì pearls and jade; ornaments made of pearls and jade.⁵
珠算 jî-xön
zhūsuàn calculation with an abacus.⁶
珠圆玉润[珠圓玉潤] jî-yõn-ngùk-ngùn
zhūyuányùrùn round as pearls and smooth as jade – excellent singing or polished writing.⁵
有眼无珠[有眼無珠] yiü-ngān-mũ-jî
yǒuyǎnwúzhū be totally lacking in perception.⁹ have eyes but no clarity.⁵⁵
ji5 7883
104 10 zhù disease.
疰夏 jî-hà zhùxià <wr.> chronic epidemic disease; <TCM> summer disease (usually contracted by children with symptoms of fever, loss of appetite, lassitude, etc.; <topo>. loss of appetite and weight in summer.⁶
ji5 7884
149 12 zhù an explanatory note, a footnote, a comentary or remark, annotations; to register, to record or list.⁷
附注[附註] fù-jî fùzhù note; annotation.¹⁰
注册[註冊] jî-chāk
zhùcè to register (with authorities concerned); registration.⁷
注册费[註冊費] jî-chāk-fï
zhùcèfèi registration fees.⁷
注册商标[註冊商標] jî-chāk-sëng-bël
zhùcè shāngbiāo a registered trademark; a registered brand.⁷
注册手续[註冊手續] jî-chāk-siū-dùk
zhùcè shǒuxù registration procedures.⁷
注定[註定] jî-èin
zhùdìng destined; predestined; doomed.⁷
注解[註解] jî-gāi
zhùjiě explanatory notes or commentaries; definitions; to define; to explain.⁷
注脚[註腳] jî-gëk
zhùjiǎo explanatory notes; footnotes.⁷
注明[註明] jî-mẽin
zhùmíng to explain or state clearly in writing; to explain the clear indication of.⁷
注释[註釋] jî-sēik zhùshì <wr.> explain; expound; interpret; elucidate.⁶ explanatory notes or commentaries.⁷
注疏[註疏] jî-sü
zhùshū to explain; explanatory notes or commentaries.⁷
注销[註銷] jî-xël
zhùxiāo to cancel; to nullify; to annul; to revoke; to write off.⁷
(See 注 jî.)
ji5 7885
187 13 zhù horse with white left hind leg.² horse with white back legs.⁸ horse with the near hind leg white.¹⁴ the near hind leg of a horse, of a white color; also a white spot above the knee.²⁵ a horse with the near hind leg white, or one having white knees; to ease one leg, as a horse does.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱馬廾; U+99B5).
驾我骐馵[駕我騏馵] Gä-ngô-kĩ-jî. Jià wǒ qí zhù. With its piebalds, and horses with white left feet. (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·秦風·小戎·1》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ harness up my dappled lightfoot.¹⁰²
馵足 jî-dūk
zhùzú a name for 震 jīn zhèn the fourth diagram, referring to the mode of shackling a horse's two legs to teach him to amble.¹⁰²
骐馵[騏馵] kĩ-jî
qízhù a horse with blue and black markings and a white left foot.¹⁹
ji5 7886
187 15 zhù <wr.> halt, stay, stop; be stationed, reside in.⁶
(composition: ⿰馬主; U+99D0).
驻跸[駐蹕] jî-bīt zhùbì <wr.> (of a monarch on a tour) stay temporarily; stop over.⁶
驻节[駐節] jî-dēik
zhùjié <trad.> (of high officials) stay temporarily in a place on business; resident, permanent seat.⁶
驻足[駐足] jî-dūk
zhùzú halt/stop temporarily.⁶
驻防[駐防] jî-fõng
zhùfáng be on garrison duty; garrison.⁵
驻军[駐軍] jî-gün
zhùjūn station troops; garrison (troops), troops (stationed in a place).⁶
驻地[駐地] jî-ì
zhùdì place where troops or fieldworkers are stationed; seat (of a local administrative organ).⁶
驻扎[駐扎] jî-jät
zhùzhā (of troops) be stationed; be quartered.⁵
驻颜[駐顏] jî-ngãn
zhùyán <wr.> preserve youthful looks; maintain youthfyl appearance.⁶
驻外[駐外] jî-ngòi
zhùwài be stationed/based abroad.⁶
驻外代表[駐外代表] jî-ngòi-òi-bēl
zhùwài dàibiǎo overseas representative.⁶
驻守[駐守] jî-siū
zhùshǒu garrison; defend.⁶
驻华大使[駐華大使] jî-Vã-ài-xū
zhù Huá dàshǐ an ambassador to China.⁷
ji5 7887
75 8 jīm zhěn pillow; rest the head on.⁵
高枕无忧[高枕無憂] gäo-jīm-mũ-yiü gāozhěnwúyōu shake up the pillow and have a good sleep; sit back and relax.⁵
枕藉 jīm-dèik
zhěnjiè lying on top of each other (of corpses in battlefield); lying in disorder; piled up (plates after dinner, dead and wounded after battle).¹¹
枕席 jīm-dèk
zhěnxí  “pillow and mat” – symbol of bed.¹¹
枕簟 jīm-èin
zhěndiàn (=枕席 jīm-dèk zhěnxí) “pillow and mat” – symbol of bed.¹¹
枕戈待旦 jīm-fö-òi-än
zhěngēdàidàn lie with one's head pillowed on a spear, waiting for day to break; be ready for battle; maintain combat readiness.⁵
枕巾 jīm-gïn
zhěnjīn a towel used to cover a pillow.⁵
枕骨 jīm-gūt
zhěngǔ <phys.> occipital bone.⁵
枕套 jīm-häo/
zhěntào pillowcase; pillowslip.⁵
枕头[枕頭] jīm-hẽo
zhěntou pillow.⁵
枕流漱石 jīm-liũ-xēo-sêk
zhěnliúshùshí or 枕石漱流 jīm-sêk-xēo-liũ zhěnshíshùliú to pillow one's head on rocks and rinse one's mouth in streams – to retire from the world.⁷
枕木 jīm-mûk
zhěnmù sleeper (Br.); (railroad) tie.⁵
枕心 jīm-xïm
zhěnxīn pillow (without the pillowcase).⁵
<台> 枕头肉[枕頭肉] jīm-hẽo-ngûk pillow filling.
jim1 7888
195 26 jīm zhēn Hyporhampus sajuri (Japanese halfbeak).¹⁰ the name of a fish, like a needle or bodkin.²⁵ halfbeak (the Family Hemiramphidae).³⁶ the needle fish, as the character imparts; it is described as a slim, small fish like the Chinese whitebait, and noted for the extension of the snout like a bodkin; it is the Hemiramphus intermedium, called 长短鱵[長短鱵] chẽng-ōn-jīm chángduǎnzhēn (or 浔[潯] tĩm xún) at Canton; i.e. the long-short bodkin; in areas south of the Yangtze, it is known as the 駡婆鱼[駡婆魚] mà-põ-nguî/ màpóyú or scolding old-wife.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰魚箴; U+9C75).
jim1 7889
68 13 jïm zhēn pour (tea or wine).⁵ to fill a cup with (tea or wine), to pour (a beverage) into a cup; to consider.⁷
字斟句酌 dù-jïm-guî-jēk zìzhēnjùzhuó choose one's words with great care; weigh every word.⁵
斟茶 jïm-chã
zhēnchá to fill a cup/glass with tea.⁷
斟酒 jïm-diū
zhēnjiǔ to pour wine/liquor into a cup/glass.⁷
斟酌 jïm-jēk
zhēnzhuó consider; deliberate; think over.⁶
斟满[斟滿] jïm-mōn
zhēnmǎn pour a cup full.¹¹
斟愖 jïm-sẽim
zhēnchén to hesitate; hesitating.⁷
jim2 7890
96 13 jïm zhēn a stone, next in value (lower) than jade.² semi-precious stone.¹¹
(composition: ⿰𤣩咸; U+744A).
瑊玏 jïm-làk zhēnlè a pebble, next in value to a precious stone.²⁴ jasper-like gem.⁵⁴ (cf 瑊玏 gäm-làk).
<又> gäm, hãm.
(See 瑊 gäm; 瑊 hãm).
jim2 7891
118 15 jïm zhēn <wr.> admonish, caution, exhort; type of didactic literary composition.⁶ a probe, a needle; to warn, to admonish.⁷
箴砭 jïm-bēin zhēnbiān stone probes (used in acupuncture).⁷
箴谏[箴諫] jïm-gän
zhēnjiàn to admonish; to exhort; to caution against.⁷
箴规[箴規] jïm-kï
zhēnguī warnings; admonitions; to admonish; to exhort.⁷
箴铭[箴銘] jïm-mẽin
zhēnmíng admonitions or warnings carved on a stone.⁷
箴言 jïm-ngũn
zhēnyán <wr.> admonition; exhortation; maxims.⁶
箴石 jïm-sêk
zhēnshí stone probes or needles (used in acupuncture).⁷
箴以自警 jïm-yî-dù-gēin
zhēnyǐzìjǐng warn oneself by admonitions.³⁹
jim2 7892
140 12 jïm zhēn ➀ 山藍 (Strobilanthes cusia) aka 葴, 马蓝[馬藍], 南板蓝, 蓝靛草, 板藍 alaso known as Assam indigo or Chinese rain bell; it is a is a perennial flowering plant of the family Acanthaceae.⁸ʼ¹⁵ʼ²⁰
➁ 葴 was known as 寒漿, nowadays it is called 酸漿草; in Jiangsu and lower Yangtze regions it is called 苦葴.²
(Note: 酸浆[酸漿] Physalis alkekengi or bladder cherry, Chinese lantern, Japanese-lantern, strawberry groundcherry, or winter cherry, is a species of flowering plant in the nightshade family Solanaceae).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
➂ winter cabbage; the name of a hill, or Zhen surname.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹咸; U+8474).
苦葴 fū-jïm
kǔzhēn sorrel.²⁵
jim2 7893
167 10 jïm zhēn needle; stitch; anything like a needle; injection, shot; acupuncture.⁵ (variant: 鍼 jïm zhēn).
方针[方針] föng-jïm
fāngzhēn policy; guiding principle.⁵
金针菜[ 金針菜] gïm-jïm-töi 
jīnzhēn cài daylily buds (Hemerocallis), used in Chinese medicine and cuisine.¹⁰
针砭 jïm-bēin
zhēnbiān acupuncture; fig. give painful but much needed advice.¹¹
针锋[針鋒] jïm-füng
zhēnfēng the point of a needle.⁷
针锋相对[針鋒相對] jïm-füng-xëng-uï
zhēnfēngxiāngduì give tit for tat; be diametrically opposed to.⁵
针灸[針灸] jïm-giü
zhēnjiǔ acupuncture and moxibustion.⁵
针黹[針⿋] jïm-jī
zhēnzhǐ <wr.> needle and thread; needlework; sewing.⁶
针对[針對] jïm-uï
zhēnduì be directed against, be aimed at, counter; in the light of, in accordance with, in connection with.⁵
针线[針線] jïm-xëin
zhēnxiàn needlework.⁵
针线笸箩[針線笸籮] jïm-xëin-pō-lõ
zhēnxiàn pǒluo sewing basket.⁶
针刺[針刺] jïm-xü
zhēncì acupuncture; needling; prodding.⁶
针枞[針樅] jïm-xüng
or jïm-tüng zhēncōng spruce.¹⁹
一针一线[一針一線] yīt-jïm-yīt-xëin
yīzhēn-yīxiàn a needle or a piece of thread – a little property.⁶
<又> jîm.
(See 針 jîm; 鍼 jïm.)
jim2 7894
167 17 jïm zhēn (=针[針] jïm zhēn) needle, pin, tack; prick; inject.⁸
鍼黹[鍼⿋] jïm-jī
zhēnzhǐ needlework.¹¹
鍼言 jïm-ngũn
zhēnyán maxims;  Proverbs (a book of the Bible).⁷
南鍼 nãm-jïm
or  南针[南針 nãm-jïm or nãm-jîm nánzhēn a compass, (fig.) a guide or guideline; (abbreviation from 指南针[指南針] jī-nãm-jîm zhǐnánzhēn compass).¹¹
(See 針 jïm, jîm.)
jim2 7895
74 10 jìm zhèn ➀ (an ordinary first person singular pronoun before the Qin Dynasty, 221-206 BCE) I, my;  ➁ I, my (used exclusvicely by the reigning emperor in feudal China)   ➂ <wr.> sign, omen, portent.⁶   ➀ I, We; The Emperor; formerly a general pronoun, later appropriated to imperial use only; Mine. ➁ subtle; incipient.¹⁴
朕德 jìm-āk zhèndé Our virtue.¹⁴
朕躬 jìm-güng
zhèngōng Our royal self.¹⁴
朕知 jìm-jï
zhènzhī We know.¹⁴
朕兆 jìm-sêl
zhènzhào <wr.> sign; omen; portent.⁶ the subtle and mysterious; incipient.¹⁴
安朕 ön-jìm
ānzhèn We are well – reply written on cards of inquiry sent to court by high officials.¹⁴
兆朕 sêl-jìm
zhàozhèn omen, foreboding, augury.¹¹
jim4 7896
85 10 jìm jìn <台> 浸死 jìm-xī drown.
<又> dïm. (See 浸 dïm.)
jim4 7897
164 11 jìm zhèn (=鸩[鴆] jìm zhèn legendary bird with poisonous feathers; poisoned wine; <wr.> kill somebody with poisoned wine.⁶ a bird like the secretary falcon; venomous; deadly; to poison.¹⁴ a bird like the secretary falcon, also called 同力鸟l同力鳥] hũng-lèik-nêl/ tónglìniǎo with a long, black neck and red bill.¹⁰²).¹⁴
(composition: ⿰酉冘; U+9156).
<又> äm.
(See 酖 äm; 鴆 jìm).
jim4 7898
195 15 𩵫
jìm  zhěn the skull of a fish.²⁵
(composition: ⿰冘魚; U+29D6B).
(Note: Distinguish 魫 sīm shěn from 𩵫❄{⿰冘魚} jìm zhěn).
jim4 7899
196 15 jìm zhèn legendary bird with poisonous feathers; poisoned wine; <wr.> kill somebody with poisoned wine.⁶ a bird like the secretary falcon; venomous; deadly; to poison.¹⁴ a bird like the secretary falcon, also called 同力鸟l同力鳥] hũng-lèik-nêl/ tónglìniǎo with a long, black neck and red bill.¹⁰²
(variant: 酖 jìm
t: ⿰冘鳥; U+9D06). (comp. s: ⿰冘鸟; U+9E29).
鸩酒[鴆酒] jìm-diū
zhènjiǔ poisoned wine.⁶ʼ¹⁰²
鸩媒[鴆媒] jìm-mõi
zhènméi to slander; to libel.⁷
鸩毒[鴆毒] jìm-ùk
zhèndú <wr.> poisoned wine.⁶ poison, venom; to slander, to harm by devious means.⁷ destructive; poisonous.¹⁴ʼ¹⁰²
饮鸩[飲鴆] ngīm-jìm
yǐnzhèn take poison.¹¹
饮鸩卒[飲鴆卒] ngīm-jìm-dūt
yǐnzhènzú drank poison and died.¹⁴ he drank poison and died.¹⁰²
饮鸩止渴[飲鴆止渴] ngīm-jìm-jī-höt
yǐnzhènzhǐkě drink poison to quench thirst; seek temporary relief regardless of the disastrous consequences.⁶
(See 酖 jìm).
jim4 7900
149 19 jîm zèn to slander; to accuse; to charge falsely.
谮人[譖人] jîm-ngĩn zènrén to slander others.
谮言[譖言] jîm-ngũn
zènyán slander; calumny.
jim5 7901
167 10 jîm zhēn needle; stitch; anything like a needle; injection, shot; acupuncture.⁵ (variant: 鍼 jïm zhēn).
打针[打針] ā-jîm
dǎzhēn (of a nurse or doctor) give an injection.; (of a patient) get an injection.⁶
指南针[指南針] jī-nãm-jîm
zhǐnánzhēn compass.⁵
<台> 针屎[針屎] jîm-sī narrow-minded; petty; stingy; miserly; mean.
<台> 针事[針事] jîm-xù meticulous.
<台> 牙针[牙針] ngã-jîm toothpick.
<又> jïm.
(See 針 jïm; 鍼 jïm.)
jim5 7902
9 9 jīn zhèn (composition: ⿰亻辰; U+4FB2).
侲子 jīn-dū zhènzi or 侲僮 jīn-hũng zhèntóng or 侲童 jīn-hũng zhèntóng children, who were used to expel ghosts in superstitious activities in ancient times.⁸ a boy, especially a boy who is used to chase ghosts.¹⁹
<又> jïn.
(See 侲 jïn).
jin1 7903
30 22 jīn chǎn <wr.> marked by a smile.
冁然而笑[囅然而笑] jīn-ngẽin-ngĩ-xël  chǎnránérxiào <wr.> to give a sweet smile.
jin1 7904
38 13 jīn zhǎn exquisite; fine.
(composition: ⿰女展; U+370A).
㜊奵 jīn-ēin zhǎntiǎn (rare) good; fine; exquisite.³⁶
jin1 7905
44 10 jīn zhǎn open up, spread out, unfold, unfurl; put to good use, give fair play to; postpone, extend, prolong; exhibition.⁵
展品 jīn-bīn zhǎnpǐn exhibit; item on display.⁵
展翅高飞[展翅高飛] jīn-chï-gäo-fï zhǎnchìgāofēi soar to great heights.⁵
展出 jīn-chūt  zhǎnchū put on display; be on show; exhibit.⁵
展缓[展緩] jīn-fòn zhǎnhuǎn postpone; extend; prolong.⁵
展技 jīn-gì zhǎnjì  show one's skill.¹¹
展开[展開] jīn-höi zhǎnkāi spread out, unfold, open up; launch, unfold, develop, carry out.⁵
展期 jīn-kĩ zhǎnqī extend a time limit, postpone; duration of an exhibition, exhibition period.⁵
展卷 jīn-kūn zhǎnjuàn open a book.⁵
展览[展覽] jīn-lâm zhǎnlǎn put on display; exhibit; show.⁵
展望 jīn-mòng zhǎnwàng look into the distance; look into the future, look ahead; forecast, prospect.⁵
展示 jīn-sì zhǎnshì open up before one's eyes; reveal; show; lay bare.⁵
展性 jīn-xëin zhǎnxìng <phy.> malleability.⁵
展现[展現] jīn-yèn zhǎnxiàn unfold before one's eyes; emerge; develop.⁵
jin1 7906
64 10 jīn zhèn to shake; to flap; to vibrate; to resonate; to rise up with spirit; to rouse oneself.
不振 būt-jīn bùzhèn in low spirits; depressed.
振臂高呼 jīn-bî-gäo-fü
zhènbìgāohū raise one's arm (fist) and shout (call).⁵⁴
振臂一呼 jīn-bî-yīt-fü
zhènbìyīhū raise arm in call for action.⁸
振翅 jīn-chï
zhènchì to flap the wings.¹⁴
振作 jīn-dōk
zhènzuò to bestir/exert oneself; to stimulate.
振铎[振鐸] jīn-dòk
zhènduó strike a bell.⁶
振奋[振奮] jīn-fûn
zhènfèn to stir oneself up; to raise one's spirits; to inspire.¹⁰
振翮 jīn-hàt
zhènhé to flap the wings for flight.¹⁴
振翮高飞 jīn-hàt-gäo-fi
zhènhégāofēi flap the wings and soar high into the sky.⁶
振兴[振興] jīn-hëin
zhènxīng to develop vigorously; to promote; to vitalize.
振荡[振蕩] jīn-òng
zhèndàng <phy.> vibration; <elec.> oscillation.
振动[振動] jīn-ùng
zhèndòng <phy.> to vibrate; to shake, to tremble; vibration.
(See 振[jīn, zhēn.)
jin1 7907
64 10 jīn zhēn 振振 jīn-jīn zhènzhèn benevolent and generous; noble.⁷  kind, generous; impressive-looking.¹¹
振振有辞[振振有辭] jīn-jīn-yiû-xũ
zhēnzhēnyǒucí to speak plausibly and at length.⁵ with eloquence (argumentatively).¹¹
(See 振[jīn, zhèn.)
jin1 7908
64 12 jīn zhèn to stab with a sword; to hold a dagger and stab him; roll up the sleeves; fight bare-fisted; strike, stab, hit, beat.⁸ <lit.> to stab.¹¹ to stab; to strike.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰扌甚; U+63D5).
揕其匈 jīn-kĩ-hüng zhènqíxiōng he stabbed him in the chest.¹⁴ʼ⁰
Yïn-dū-siū-bā-tũn-võng-jï-diù, ngĩ-yiù-siū-chĩ-bï-siū-jīn-jï.
Yīn zuǒshǒu bǎ qínwáng zhī xiù, ér yòushǒu chí bǐshǒu zhèn zhī.
Jing Ke seized the king's sleeve with his left hand, snatching up the dagger to stab him with his right.¹¹⁹⁽ᵖ⁷⁶³⁾
jin1 7909
64 13 jīn zhǎn to sop up, to dab.¹ to wipe lightly.¹¹
搌布 jīn-bü zhǎnbu <topo.> dishcloth; dish towel.
轻轻搌一搌[輕輕搌一搌] hëng-hëng-jīn-yīt-jīn 
qīngqīngzhǎnyīzhǎn to lay on lightly (as a blotting paper, to soak up extra ink).¹¹
jin1 7910
75 16 樿 jīn zhǎn alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciations for 椫[樿] sên shàn a hardwood with white grains; the timber can be used to make combs and ladles.¹⁹ a wood with a white grain, useful for making combs and spoons; one side of a coffin.²⁴
t: ⿰木單; U+6A3F). (comp. s: ⿰木单; U+692B).
<又> sên.
(See 樿 sên).
jin1 7911
112 15 jīn niǎn stone roller; roller and millstone; to grind, crush, husk.¹⁰
碾压[碾壓] jīn-āt niǎnyā roll over.⁶
碾场[碾場] jīn-chẽng
niǎncháng <topo.> thresh or husk grain (on a threshing ground).⁶
碾槌 jīn-chuî
niǎnchuí pestle.¹⁰
碾子 jīn-dū
niǎnzi a stone roller for hulling grain.⁷
碾坊 jīn-fōng
niǎnfáng a grain mill.⁷
碾滚子[碾滾子] jīn-gūn-dū
niǎngǔnzi stone roller.⁶
碾砣 jīn-hõ
niǎntuó (=碾滚子[碾滾子] jīn-gūn-dū niǎngǔnzi) stone roller.⁶
碾米 jīn-māi
niǎnmǐ husk rice; mill rice.⁶
碾米厂[碾米廠] jīn-māi-chōng
niǎnmǐchǎng a rice-husking mill.⁷
碾米机[碾米機] jīn-māi-gï
niǎnmǐjī rice-husking machine; rice mill.⁶
碾磨机[碾磨機] jīn-mũ-gï
or jīn-mõ-gï niǎnmójī attrition mill.⁶
碾盘[碾盤] jīn-põn
niǎnpán base of a roller; millstone (upon which a stone roller is used).⁶
碾成齑粉[碾成齏粉] jīn-sẽin-jäi-fūn
or jīn-sẽin-däi-fūn niǎnchéng jīfěn be ground to dust.⁵
碾碎 jīn-xuï
niǎnsuì to pulverize.⁷
jin1 7912
130 14 𦟌
jīn jiǎn <topo.> (human or animal) tendons and muscles on hands and legs.⁸
(composition: ⿰月展; U+267CC).
牛𦟌 ngẽo-jīn ngau4 zin2 niújiǎn or 牛展 ngẽo-jīn ngau4 zin2 niúzhǎn <Canto.> beef shank.⁰ (See 牛腱 ngẽo-gèin).
<台> 牛膲膂 ngẽo-dël-luî beef shank.⁰
(See 牛腱 ngẽo-gèin; 牛𦟌 ngẽo-jīn;牛展 ngẽo-jīn).
jin1 7913
145 10 jīn zhèn the front part of a garment without lining.²⁵
(composition: ⿰衤㐱; U+8897).
<又> chīn; jïn. (See 袗 chīn; 袗 jïn).
jin1 7914
145 18 jīn zhàn be simple and elegant.⁸ unadorned but elegant dress.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰衤亶; U+8962).
襢策 or 襢䇿 jīn-chāk zhàncè a mat for funerals.²⁵
<又> hān.
(See 襢 hān).
jin1 7915
149 14 jīn zhèn (<old>=震 jīn zhèn) shake; vibrate; quake; excited; shocked.¹⁰
(See 震 jīn).
jin1 7916
154 14 jīn zhèn to relieve or give aid to the distressed, to support; rich, wealthy, prosperous.⁷
赈济[賑濟] or 振济[振濟] jīn-däi zhènjì relieve; aid.⁵
赈济灾民[賑濟災民] jīn-däi-döi-mĩn
zhènjì zāimín relieve the people in stricken areas; aid the victims of natural calamities.⁵
赈灾[賑災] jīn-döi
zhènzāi relieve the people in stricken areas.⁵
赈款 jīn-fōn
zhènkuǎn relief fund.⁵
赈饥[賑飢] jīn-gï
zhènjī to feed the hungry (refugees); to relieve the famine.⁷
赈捐[賑捐] jīn-gün
zhènjuān to contribute to relief funds.⁷
赈田[賑田] jīn-hẽin
zhèntián farmland whose produce is used for relief or charity.⁷
赈粮[賑糧] jīn-lẽng
zhènliáng relief food or grain.⁷
赈贫[賑貧] jīn-pĩn
zhènpín to relieve the poor.⁷
赈赡[賑贍] jīn-sèm
or jīn-jëm zhènshàn gifts in kind for relief purposes.¹⁴
赈恤[賑恤] jīn-xūt
zhènxù to relieve the distressed.⁷
以工代赈[以工代賑] yî-güng-òi-jīn
yǐgōngdàizhèn provide work as a form of relief.⁵
jin1 7917
157 17 jīn niǎn to tread, to touch anything with the feet; to trample on.²⁵
当足见蹍[當足見蹍] öng-dūk-gëin-jīn dàngzújiànniǎn that which the feet walk on, becomes trodden; a trodden footway.²⁵
jin1 7918
159 17 jīn zhǎn roll over on side; turn half over.¹⁰
辗侧不寐[輾側不寐] jīn-jāk-būt-mì zhǎncèbùmèi to toss and turn in one’s bed; unable to sleep (idiom).¹⁰
or 展转[展輾] jīn-jōn zhǎnzhuǎn pass through many hands or places; toss about (in bed).⁵ round and round; toss about; from person to person.¹¹ (See 宛转[宛轉] vōn-jōn wǎnzhuǎn.)
辗转反侧[輾轉反側] jīn-jōn-fān-jāk
zhǎnzhuǎnfǎncè toss about (in bed).¹¹
辗转难忘[輾轉難忘] jīn-jōn-nãn-mõng
zhǎnzhuǎnnánwàng cannot forget, keep thinking in mind.¹¹
辗转相告[輾轉相告] jīn-jōn-xëng-gäo
zhǎnzhuǎnxiānggào (story) passes from mouth to mouth.¹¹
转辗[轉輾] jōn-jīn
zhuǎnzhǎn pass through many hand or places; toss around.⁵⁴
jin1 7919
173 15 jīn zhèn one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦 Bāt-gä Bāguà, symbolizing Thunder, The Arousing; ☳.⁸⁰ shake; vibrate; quake; excited; shocked.¹⁰ (variant: 誫 jīn zhèn). (See 誫 jīn).
地震 ì-jīn
dìzhèn earthquake.⁵
震波 jīn-bö
zhènbō seismic wave; earthquake wave.⁵
震惊[震驚] jīn-gëin
zhènjīng shock; amaze; astonish.⁵
or 震古烁今[震古爍今] jīn-gū-sēk-gïm zhèngǔshuòjīn surpassing the ancients and amazing the contemporaries; earthshaking; galvanizing the world.⁶
震撼 jīn-hàm
zhènhàn shake; shock; vibrate.⁵
or 震天家响[震天家響] jīn-hëin-gä-hēng zhèntiānjiexiǎng <topo.> make a thunderous noise.⁶
震天动地[震天動地] jīn-hëin-ùng-ì
zhèntiāndòngdì to shake heaven and earth.⁶
震颤[震顫] jīn-jën
zhènchàn tremble; quiver.⁵
震中 jīn-jüng
zhènzhōng epicenter (of an earthquake).⁵
震耳欲聋[震耳欲聾] jīn-ngī-yùk-lũng
zhèn'ěryùlóng deafening.⁵
震源 jīn-ngũn
zhènyuán focus (of an earthquake).⁵
震怒 jīn-nù
zhènnù be enraged; be furious.⁵
震荡[震蕩] jīn-òng
zhèndàng shake; shock; quake.⁵
震动[震動] jīn-ùng
zhèndòng shake; shock; quake.⁵
震音 jīn-yïm
zhènyīn <mus.> tremolo.⁵
jin1 7920
9 9 jïn zhēn <old> horse breeder.⁸
(composition: ⿰亻辰; U+4FB2).
<又> jīn. (See 侲 jīn).
jin2 7921
96 9 jïn zhēn treasure; precious, valuable, rare; value highly.⁵
珍宝[珍寶] jïn-bāo zhēnbǎo jewelry and valuables.⁷
珍品 jïn-bīn
zhēnpǐn treasure.⁵
珍本 jïn-bōn
zhēnběn rare edition; rare book.⁵
珍贵[珍貴] jïn-gï
zhēnguì valuable; precious.⁵
珍珠 jïn-jî
zhēnzhū pearl.⁵
珍珠鸡[珍珠雞] jïn-jî-gäi
zhēnzhūjī guinea fowl.⁵
珍珠港 Jïn-jî-kōng
Zhēnzhūgǎng Pearl Harbor.⁵
珍重 jïn-jùng
zhēnzhòng highly value, treasure, set great store; take good care of yourself.⁵
珍奇 jïn-kĩ
zhēnqí rare.⁵
珍禽异兽[珍禽異獸] jïn-kĩm-yì-chiü
zhēnqínyìshòu rare birds and animals.⁶
珍闻[珍聞] jïn-mũn
zhēnwén news tidbits; fillers.⁵
珍玩 jïn-ngòn
zhēnwán rare curios.⁵
珍爱[珍愛] jïn-öi
zhēn'ài value; treasure; love dearly.⁷
珍赏[珍賞] jïn-sēng
zhēnshǎng treasure and delight in (curios); highly value and appreciate.⁶
珍视[珍視] jïn-sì
zhēnshì value; prize; cherish; treasure.⁵
珍藏 jïn-tõng
zhēncáng collect (rare books, art treasures).⁵
珍惜 jïn-xēik
zhēnxī treasure; value; cherish.⁵
珍馐[珍饈] jïn-xiü
zhēnxiū delicacies; dainties.⁵
珍异[珍異] jïn-yì
zhēnyì rare.⁵

jin2 7922
96 9 jïn zhēn (=珍 jïn zhēn treasure; precious, valuable, rare; value highly.⁵).⁸
(composition: ⿰⺩尔; U+73CE).
(See 珍 jïn).
jin2 7923
96 14 jïn zhèn jade weight.³⁵
以规为瑱[以規為瑱] yî-kï-vĩ-jïn yǐguīwéizhèn to pay no attention to another's advice.⁵⁴
<又> hëin.
(See 瑱 hëin.)
jin2 7924
98 13 jïn zhēn a potter's wheel; to make pottery ware; to examine, to discern; to grade (competence) by examinations; to make clear; Zhen surname.⁷
陶甄 hõ-jïn or hão-jïn táozhēn mold and educate people.³⁹
甄拔 jïn-bàt
zhēnbá to select (talent) by competitive examination.⁷
甄别[甄別] jïn-bèik
zhēnbié to grade (competence or aptitude by an examination); to screen.⁷
甄别考试[甄別考試] jïn-bèik-hāo-sï
zhēnbié kǎoshì an examination for grading abilities, screening.⁷
甄综[甄綜] jïn-düng
zhēnzōng to comprehensively appraise and select.¹⁰
甄陶 jïn-hõ
zhēntáo to mold character as potter molds clay.¹¹
甄汰 jïn-häi
zhēntài to eliminate by an examination.⁷
甄者 jïn-jēh
zhēnzhě <wr.> potter.¹¹
甄录[甄錄] jïn-lùk
zhēnlù employ by an examination.⁶
甄审[甄審] jïn-sīm
zhēnshěn to screen and select (candidates).⁷
甄选[甄選] jïn-xūn
zhēnxuǎn to select (talented people).⁷
甄用 jïn-yùng
zhēnyòng to employ by an examination.⁷
jin2 7925
109 10 jïn zhēn real, actual, true, genuine.⁸ (variant: 眞 jïn zhēn).
半真半假 bôn-jïn-bôn-gā
bànzhēnbànjiǎ partly true, partly false; half in jest, half in earnest.
天真烂漫[天真爛漫] hëin-jïn-làn-màn
tiānzhēnlànmàn (usually of children) innocent and artless; simple and unaffected.⁶
真箇 jïn-göi
zhēngè <wr.> really.¹¹
真箇是 jïn-göi-sì
zhēngèshì truly is or are.¹¹
真正 jïn-jëin
zhēnzhèng genuine; real; true.
真知灼见[真知灼見] jïn-jï-sēk-gëin
zhēnzhīzhuójiàn profound knowledge and penetrating insight.⁵
真菌 jïn-kûn
zhēnjūn fungus.⁸
真实[真實] jïn-sìt
zhēnshí true; real; authentic; truth.
真相 jïn-xëng
zhēnxiàng the truth about something; the actual facts.¹⁰
真相大白 jïn-xëng-ài-bàk
zhēnxiàngdàbái the whole truth is revealed (idiom); everything becomes clear.¹⁰
真心 jïn-xïm
zhēnxīn sincere; true heart.
认真[認真] ngìn-jïn
rènzhēn to take for real; serious; earnest.
当真[當真] öng-jïn
dàngzhēn to be serious; to take seriously.
失真 sīt-jïn
shīzhēn (of voice, image) lack fedelity; not be true to the original; <electronics> distortion; infidelity.⁶
(See 眞 jïn).
jin2 7926
109 10 jïn zhēn (=真 jïn zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine.⁸
See 真 jïn).
jin2 7927
113 14 jïn zhēn to receive blessings in a sincere spirit.¹⁰ blessed.¹¹ to employ truth in the procuring of happiness.²⁵ to be blessed because of truth in worship or prayer.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰礻真; U+799B).
胤禛 yìn-jïn yìnzhēn Yinzhen, 4th son of the Kangxi Emperor 康熙帝 höng-hï-äi kāngxīdì, who succeeded him as the Yongzheng Emperor 雍正帝 yüng-jëin-äi yōngzhēngdì (13 December 1678 – reign 27 December 1722 – 8 October 1735) in the Qing Dynasty.⁰
jin2 7928
115 15 jïn zhěn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 稹 chīn zhěn with same meaning.)
<又> chīn.
(See 稹 chīn.)
jin2 7929
145 10 jïn zhēn garments of one color.²⁵
(composition: ⿰衤㐱; U+8897).
<又> chīn; jīn. (See 袗 chīn; 袗 jīn).
jin2 7930
167 18 jïn zhèn town, market place; suppress.⁸
镇压[鎮壓] jïn-āt zhènyā suppress; execute; rolling.⁸
镇尺[鎮尺] jïn-chêk
zhènchǐ paperweight in shape of ruler made of metal.⁸
镇静[鎮靜] jïn-dèin
zhènjìng compose.⁸
镇子[鎮子] jïn-dū
zhènzi <topo.> market town.⁸
镇定[鎮定] jïn-èin
zhèndìng settle; calm; composed.⁸
镇定自若[鎮定自若] jïn-èin-dù-ngèk
zhèndìng-zìruò remain calm.⁸
镇反[鎮反] jïn-fān
zhènfǎn suppress counterrevolutionaries.⁸
镇唬[鎮唬] jïn-fū
zhènhǔ <vern.> frighten.⁸
镇服[鎮服] jïn-fùk
zhènfú subdue.⁸
镇痛[鎮痛] jïn-hüng
zhèntòng ease pain.⁸
镇長[鎮長] jïn-jēng
zhènzhǎng town mayor; town head.⁶
镇纸[鎮紙] jïn-jī
zhènzhǐ paperweight.⁸
镇流器[鎮流器] jïn-liũ-hï
zhènliúqì ballast.⁸
镇民[[鎮民] jïn-mĩn
zhènmín townsman.⁸
镇慑[鎮懾] jïn-nēp
zhènshè submit.⁸
镇日[鎮日] jïn-ngìt
zhènrì all day; whole day.⁸
镇守[鎮守] jïn-siū
zhènshǒu guard (a strategically important place).⁸
镇星[鎮星] jïn-xëin z
hènxīng <astr.> Saturn; Quelling Star.⁶
jin2 7931
170 9 jìn zhèn battle array; front; position; a period of time; burst; (<m.> for events or states of short duration).
长蛇阵[長蛇陣] chẽng-sẽh-jìn chángshézhèn <mil.> single-line battle array.
阵地[陣地] jìn-ì
zhèndì <mil.> battlefield; front; position.
阵线[陣線] jìn-xëin
zhènxiàn alignment; line of battle; front.
阵营[陣營] jìn-yẽin
zhènyíng interest group; clique; (ideological) camp; barracks.
严阵以待[嚴陣以待] ngẽm-jìn-yî-òi
yánzhènyǐdài to be in combat readiness.
上阵[上陣] sëng-jìn
shàngzhèn to go into battle; to pitch into a task.
上阵杀敌[上陣殺敵] sëng-jìn-sät-èik 
shàngzhènshādí to go to the front to fight the enemy.
一阵[一陣] yīt-jìn
yīzhèn a burst (of rain, temper); a fit; a period of time.
一阵子[一陣子] yīt-jìn-dū
yīzhènzi a burst of anger; <topo.> a while; a short period of time.
一阵风[一陣風] yīt-jìn-füng
yīzhènfēng a short period of time; rushing through something.
<台> 一阵返来广煲[一陣返來廣煲] yīt-jîn-fän-lõi-gōng-bäo We’ll boil some
(water) when we come back momentarily.
jin4 7932
9 13 𠌷
jīp zhí (=執 jīp zhí to hold, grasp; take charge of; persist; carry out; capture.⁵).²
(composition: ⿰亻執; U+20337).
(See 執 jīp).
jip1 7933
32 11 jīp zhí to hold, grasp; take charge of; persist; carry out; capture.⁵
(variant: 𠌷
❄{⿰亻執} jīp). <又> jāp. (See 執 jāp; 𠌷❄{⿰亻執} jīp)
执拗[執拗] jīp-äo
zhíniù stubborn; pigheaded; wilful.⁵
执笔[執筆] jīp-bīt
zhíbǐ to write; to do the actual writing.⁵
执法[執法] jīp-fāt
zhífǎ to enforce/execute the law.⁵
执绋[執紼] jīp-fūt
zhífú take part in a funeral procession.⁵ to hold the ropes, in order to let down a coffin into the grave.²⁵
执绋送殡[執紼送殯] jīp-fūt-xüng-bïn
zhífúsòngbìn hold a staff wrapped in white paper in the funeral procession; attend a funeral.⁵⁴
执绋送丧[執紼送喪] jīp-fūt-xüng-xöng
zhífúsòngsāng attend a funeral.⁵⁴
执行[執行] jīp-hãng
zhíxíng carry out; execute; implement.⁵
执政[執政] jīp-jëin
zhízhèng be in power; be in office.⁵
执着[執著] jīp-jèk
zhízhuó inflexible; rigid; punctilious.⁵
执照[執照] jīp-jël
zhízhào license; permit.⁵
执掌[執掌] jīp-jēng
zhízhǎng wield; be in control of.⁵
执贽[執贄] jīp-jï
zhízhì offer a present to one's master.³⁹
执迷不悟[執迷不悟] jīp-mãi-būt-m̀
zhímíbùwù obstinately stick to a wrong course; refuse to come to one's senses.⁵
执牛耳[執牛耳] jīp-ngẽo-ngī
zhí niú'ěr rule the roost; be the acknowledged leader; occupy a leading position.⁵
执柯[執柯] jīp-ü
or jīp-ö zhíkē <wr.> to be matchmaker.¹¹
执意[執意] jīp-yï
zhíyì insist on; be determined to.⁵

jip1 7934
53 广 12 jīp zhé (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 㢎 chäp chā with the same meaning: hide, conceal; a house not so high.⁸ to store up; a storeroom.²⁴
(composition: ⿰广臿; U+388E).
<又> chäp.
(See 㢎 chäp).
jip1 7935
85 5 jīp zhī juice.¹⁰
橙汁 chãng-jīp chéngzhī orange juice.¹⁰
果汁 gō-jīp
guǒzhī fruit juice.⁶
橘子汁 gūt-dū-jīp
júzizhī orange juice.⁵
汁水 jīp-suī
zhīshuǐ <topo.> juice.⁶
汁液 jīp-yèik
or jīp-yìt zhīyè juice.⁵
墨汁 màk-jīp
mòzhī prepared Chinese ink.⁵
墨汁未干[墨汁未乾] màk-jīp-mì-gön
mòzhīwèigān before the ink is dry.⁵⁴
牛肉汁 ngẽo-ngùk-jīp niúròuzhī beef extract.⁶
乳汁 nguî-jīp
rǔzhī milk.⁶
椰子汁 yẽh-dū-jīp
yēzizhī coconut milk.⁵
jip1 7936
120 17 jīp zhí <wr.> tie up, fasten; take into custody; horse rein.⁶
絷缚[縶縛] jīp-fòk zhífù to bind.¹⁴
絷蹇[縶蹇] jīp-gēin
zhíjiǎn to tie up a beast.¹⁴
絷维[縶維] jīp-vĩ
zhíwéi to retain (a man of talent).⁷ to shackle; to be hampered.¹⁴
维絷[維縶] vĩ-jīp
wéizhí to bind, hold together (people's loyalty); to restrain.¹¹
jip1 7937
159 14 jīp zhé then; at once; always; <old> luggage rack on a chariot.¹⁰ the sides of a chariot where the arms were carried; unceremoniously, abruptly, at once.¹⁴ (variant: 輙 jīp zhé).
辄然[輒然] jīp-ngẽin
zhérán hastily; suddenly.¹⁴
辄以易之[輒以易之] jīp-yî-yèik-jï
zhéyǐyìzhī unceremoniously gave his place to another.¹⁴
饮少辄醉[飲少輒醉] ngīm-sēl-jīp-duï
yǐnshǎozhézuì get drunk after a few sips.⁵
所言辄听[所言輒聽] sō-ngũn-jīp-hëin
suǒyánzhétīng always heed somebody's advice.⁵
浅尝辄止[淺嘗輒止] tēin-sẽng-jīp-jī
qiǎnchángzhézhǐ be content with just a smattering of something; stop studying once one gets some superficial knowledge of/about something.⁶
动辄[動輒] ùng-jīp
dòngzhé <wr.> easily; frequently; at every turn.⁵
动辄得咎[動輒得咎] ùng-jīp-āk-giü
dòngzhédéjiù be frequently taken to task; be blamed for whatever one does.⁵
动辄生气[動輒生氣] ùng-jīp-säng-hï
dòngzhéshēngqì flare up easily; take easy offences.⁶
(See 輙 jīp).
jip1 7938
159 15 jīp zhé (=輒 jīp zhé) <wr.> always, often; then.⁵ sides of a chariot that point downward at the front; arbitrary, dictatorial; then, in that case; very time, always.⁷  then; at once; always; <old> luggage rack on a chariot.¹⁰
(See 輒 jīp.)
jip1 7939
27 8 jīt zhì (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 厔 jï zhì with same meaning: <wr.> bend (of a river or stream).⁶ stop, hinder; place near water.⁸ turnings and windings among hills; the name of a place.²⁴)
<又> jï.
(See 厔 jï.)
jit1 7940
64 9 jīt zhì <台> 挃 jīt to tickle.
<又> jât. (See 挃 jât.)
jit1 7941
69 8 jīt zhì anvil; guillotine pedestal.¹⁹ an ancient guillotine; an anvil; a decapitating block.¹⁰¹ (=锧[鑕] or 櫍 jīt zhì an ancient Chinese version of a guillotine.⁷ anvil; (ancient) executioner’s block; axe; star’s name; behead.⁸)¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰斤斤; U+65A6).
<又> ngãn.
(See 斦 ngãn; 鑕 jīt; 櫍 jīt).
jit1 7942
75 19 jīt zhì (=鑕 jīt zhì an ancient Chinese version of a guillotine.⁷ anvil; (ancient) executioner’s block; axe; star’s name; behead.⁸)¹³ the feet of racks where bells and drums are hung, also refers to feet of utensils; wooden block.¹⁹ the foot of railing; a hatchet, an axe for cutting down wood.²⁴ feet of a utensil; railroad tie.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰木質; U+6ACD).
(See 鑕 jīt; 斦 jīt).
jit1 7943
96 12 𤦄
jīt zhì like the character "一".²
(composition: ⿰𤣩⿱巛⿻曰乚; U+24984).
<又> kūt. (See 𤦄❄{⿰𤣩⿱巛⿻曰乚} kūt; 𤧜❄{⿰𤣩⿱巛⿻曰𠤎} jīt).
jit1 7944
96 13 𤧜
jīt zhì non-classical form of 𤦄❄{⿰𤣩⿱巛⿻曰乚} jīt zhì or perhaps 𤦄❄{⿰𤣩⿱巛⿻曰乚} kūt què.⁸
(composition: ⿰𤣩⿱巛⿻曰𠤎; U+249DC).
(See 𤦄❄{⿰𤣩⿱巛⿻曰乚} jīt) or 𤦄❄{⿰𤣩⿱巛⿻曰乚} kūt).
jit1 7945
96 19 jīt zhì name of a person.²
(composition: ⿰𤣩質; U+74C6).
后汉有刘瓆[後漢有劉瓆] Hèo-hön-yiû-liũ-jīt Hòuhàn yǒu liú zhì There was a man by the name of Liu Zhi during the Later Han Dynasty.² (Note: He was a prefect (太守) of Taiyuan (太原) in the Eastern Han Dynasty 25 - 220 C.E. who dared to speak bluntly in his position, and was not afraid of the powerful, and was well-known at that time.)
jit1 7946
154 15 jīt zhì matters, substances, elements; one's disposition, qualities; simple, plain; to question; to confront.⁷ (comp.: ⿰斦貝; U+8CEA).
质子[質子] jīt-dū
zhìzǐ to offer son as hostage; <phy.> proton.¹¹
质的[質的] jīt-ēik
zhìdì <wr.> target.¹¹
质点[質點] jīt-ēm
zhìdiǎn <phy.> particle (of matter).¹¹
质地[質地] jīt-ì
zhìdì basic character (of person), basic material (of fabric, articles).¹¹
质直[質直] jīt-jèik
zhìzhí simple and honest; solid and  straightforward.⁷
质料[質料] jīt-lèl
zhìliào quality; raw materials.⁷
质量[質量] jīt-lèng
zhìliàng quality; <phy.> mass.⁵
质量差价[質量差價] jīt-lèng-chä-gä
zhìliàng chājià price differences for products of varying qualities ⁵⁴
质问[質問] jīt-mùn
zhìwèn to interrogate; to raise questions in order to resolve one's doubt.⁷
质疑[質疑] jīt-ngĩ
zhìyí to ask questions about something with which one is not familiar; to question; to query.⁷
质言之[質言之] jīt-ngũn-jï
zhìyánzhī to put it in plain language; in short; in other words.⁷
质朴[質樸] jīt-pök
zhìpǔ simple and unadorned.⁷
质数[質數] jīt-sü
zhìshù <math.> prime number.⁵
<又> jï.
(See 質 jï.)
jit1 7947
167 23 jīt zhì an ancient Chinese version of a guillotine.⁷ anvil; (ancient) executioner’s block; axe; star’s name; behead.⁸
(comp. t: ⿰金質; U+9455). (comp. s: ⿰钅质; U+9527).
斧锧[斧鑕] fū-jīt
fǔzhì executioner's block and cleaver (used in ancient China).⁵
or 椹质[椹質] îm-jīt zhēnzhì a wooden block used in beheading a death convict.⁷
(See 斦 jīt).
jit1 7948
187 19 jīt zhì (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 骘[騭] jēt zhì with same meaning: <wr.> arrange; fix.⁶ a stallion; to go up, to rise; predestined.⁷ stallion; promote.⁸)
<又> jēt.
(See 騭 jēt.)
jit1 7949
9 8 jìt zhí brother's son or daughter; nephew; niece.
表侄 or 表姪 bēl-jìt biǎozhí grandsons of paternal aunts.
or 表姪女 bēl-jìt-nuī biǎozhínǚ granddaughters of paternal aunts.
侄子 jìt-dū
zhízi brother's son; nephew.
侄女 jìt-nuī
zhínǚ brother's daughter, neice.
侄孙[侄孫] jìt-xün
zhísūn brother's grandson; grandnephew (of the same surname).
侄孙女[侄孫女] jìt-xün-nuī
zhísūnnǚ brother's granddaughter; grandniece (of the same surname).
内侄[內侄] nuì-jìt
nèizhí son of wife's brother; nephew.
内侄女[內侄女] nuì-jìt-nuī
nèizhínǚ daughter of wife's brother; niece.
舍侄 sëh-jìt
shèzhí <humb.> my nephew.⁵
贤侄[賢侄] yẽn-jìt
xiánzhí my worthy nephew (a term of respect for one's nephew or a son of one's friend).⁶
jit4 7950
38 9 jìt zhí nephew or niece; child of a brother.¹⁴
姪子 jìt-dū zhízi or 姪儿[姪兒] jìt-ngĩ zhír a nephew or a  niece.¹⁴
姪婦 jìt-fû
zhífù wife of a nephew.¹⁴
姪女 jìt-nuī
zhínǚ a brother's daughter.¹⁴
姪婿 jìt-xâi
zhíxù husband of a niece.¹⁴
姪孙[姪孫] jìt-xün
zhísūn grandnephew.¹⁴
内姪[內姪] nuì-jìt
nèizhí child of wife's brother.¹⁴
jit4 7951
75 10 jìt zhì fetters, shackles, handcuffs.⁸
精神桎梏 dëin-sĩn-jìt-gūk jīngshénzhìgù mental shackles.⁶
梏桎 gūk-jìt
gùzhì (=桎梏 jìt-gūk zhìgù) fetters and handcuffs; shackles.¹⁹
桎节[桎節] jìt-dēik
zhìjié complications.⁵⁴
桎梏 jìt-gūk
zhìgù (hand) fetters and (foot) shackles; also (fig.) bind, prevent from action.¹¹
桎梏生灵[桎梏生靈] jìt-gūk-säng-lẽin
zhìgùshēnglíng fetter and handcuff living beings.¹⁹
桎械而不问[桎械而不問] jìt-hài-ngĩ-būt-mùn
zhìxiè érbùwèn fetter him and ask him no questions.¹⁴
桎辖[桎轄] jìt-hàt zhìxiá a linchpin.¹⁴
jit4 7952
115 11 jìt zhì  sound of reaping.¹⁰ the sound of cutting down corn.²⁵ to harvest, to reap; ear of a grain crop.³⁶
(composition: ⿰79F7; U+禾至).
秷秷 jìt-jìt zhìzhì or 挃挃 jât-jât zhìzhì the rustling noise made when reaping grain (in imitation of the sound).¹⁰²
撞秷 jòng-jìt
zhuàngzhì or 撞挃 jòng-jât zhuàngzhì to strike a musical instrument; to beat with the whole hand.²⁴ to trill the fingers across the strings of a lute.¹⁰²
jit4 7953
116 11 jìt zhì to block; to stop up; to obstruct; to stuff up.⁷
(syn. 𡩿❄{⿳宀叕土} xāk).
气窒[氣窒] hï-jìt
qìzhì be suffocated.¹¹
窒闷[窒悶] jìt-mòn
zhìmèn close; stuffy; badly ventilated.⁷
窒碍[窒礙] jìt-ngòi
zhì'ài obstructions, obstacles.¹¹
窒塞 jìt-xāk
zhìsāi to block; to obstruct.⁷
窒息 jìt-xēik
zhìxī to asphyxiate; to suffocate.⁷
窒息药[窒息藥] jìt-xēik-yèk
zhìxīyào an asphyxiant.⁷
窒欲 jìt-yùk
zhìyù to restrain one's lusts.⁷
(See 𡩿❄{⿳宀叕土} xāk).
jit4 7954
130 15 jìt zhì <trad.> vagina.⁶
膣炎 jìt-yèm zhìyán trichomoniasis.¹⁰ vaginal inflammation.¹¹
jit4 7955
142 12 jìt zhì a leech.⁷ fluke; leech; hirudinea.¹⁰
肝蛭 gön-jìt gānzhì trematode.¹⁰ <zoo.> liver flukes, Distoma.¹¹
肝蛭病 gön-jìt-bèng
gānzhìbìng liver fluke infection.⁹
蛭态目[蛭態目] jìt-häi-mùk
zhìtàimù bdelloidea.¹⁰
蛭石 jìt-sêk
zhìshí (mining) vermiculite.⁷
马蛭[馬蛭] mâ-jìt
mǎzhì horseleech.¹¹
水蛭 suī-jìt
shuǐzhì leech.⁶
草蛭 tāo-jìt
cǎozhì a kind of leech, Haemadipsa japonica.¹¹
jit4 7956
142 17 jìt zhì mole cricket.⁹ another name for a mole cricket.²⁰
蝼螲[螻螲] lẽo-jìt lóuzhì a sort of insect.¹³ the cicada.²⁵ (See and compare 蟬 chên chán a cicada.)
<又> èik.
(See 螲 èik.)
jit4 7957
163 8 jìt zhì <wr.> very; extremely; Zhi surname.⁸ to go up to; flourishing; a superlative.⁸ʼ¹⁴ <wr.> variant of 至 jï zhì very, ultimate.¹¹ to ascend; to mount; a surname.²⁵
(composition: ⿰至阝; U+90C5).
郅治 jìt-jì zhìzhì or 至治 jï-jì zhìzhì <wr.> extremely well-governed (nation).¹  complete peace.¹¹ a good government under which the people are prosperous.¹⁴
郅隆 jìt-lũng
zhìlóng very prosperous.¹⁴
郅盛 jìt-sèin
zhìshèng or 至盛 jï-sèin zhìshèng great prosperity.¹¹
郁郅[鬱郅] vūt-jìt
yùzhì Yuzhi, the name of an ancient district in the north of China.²⁵
<又> gäi.
(See 郅 gäi).
jit4 7958
167 14 jìt zhì a sickle.⁸ a small reaphook for cutting down corn; name of an ancient district.²⁵ a metal sickle or toothed bill-hook; the grain which it reaps, which was the head cut off short.¹⁰²
(comp. t: ⿰釒至; U+928D). (comp. s: ⿰钅至; U+94DA).
Bāk-lî-fü-nàp-dūng, ngì-bāk-lî-nàp-jìt.
Bǎi lǐ fù nà zǒng, èrbǎi lǐ nà zhì.
From the first hundred li they brought, as revenue, the whole plant of the grain, from the second the ears.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《史記·本紀·夏本紀·18》, translated by ?).
铚艾[銍艾] jìt-ngài
zhì'ài to reap.²⁵
铚刈[銍刈] jìt-ngài
zhìyì ears of corn cut off short.²⁵ to reap grain near the ear, leaving the straw.¹⁰²
Mèin-ngô-jüng-ngĩn, sì-nâi-dēin-bōk, yēm-gön-jìt-ngài.
Mìng wǒ zhòngrén, zhì nǎi jiǎn bó, yǎn guān zhì ài.
Order all our men,
To be provided with their spuds and hoes:
Anon we shall see the sickles at work.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·頌·周頌·臣工之什·臣工·1》, translated by James Legge).
纳铚[納銍] nàp-jìt
nàzhì to pay in the grain due on the government land tax.¹⁰²
禾铚[禾銍] võ-jìt
hézhì a sickle.¹⁰²
jit4 7959
9 8 jiü zhōu lies.⁸ to conceal; to cover.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰亻舟; U+4F9C).
侜张[侜張] or 诪张[譸張] jiü-jëng zhōuzhāng <wr.> to deceive.¹⁴
谁侜予美.[誰侜予美.] Suĩ-jiü-yĩ-mî.
Shuí zhōu yú měi.
Who has been imposing on the object of my admiration?⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·陳風·防有鵲巢》, translated by James Legge).
jiu2 7960
18 7 𠛏
jiü zhōu (<old>=州 jiü zhōu prefecture; (old) province; (old) administrative division).²
(composition: ⿰ ⿱厶巛刂; U+206CF).
(See 州 jiü).
jiu2 7961
30 8 jiü zhòu incantation; magic spell; curse; malediction; to revile; to put a curse on somebody. (variant: 呪 jiü zhòu).
大悲咒 Ài-bï-jiü
Dàbēizhòu <Budd.> Incantations of the Great Mercy.
倒头咒[倒頭咒] āo-hẽo-jiü
dǎotóuzhòu funeral prayers.
咒骂[咒罵] jiü-mà
zhòumà to damn; to curse.
诅咒[詛咒] jū-jiü
zǔzhòu <wr.> to curse; to revile.
赌咒[賭咒] ū-jiü
dǔzhòu take an oath; swear.⁵
赌咒发誓[賭咒發誓] ū-jiü-fāt-sài
dǔzhòufāshì to take the name of God in vain; to take an oath.
(See 咒 jiû; 呪 jiü).
jiu2 7962
30 8 jiü zhòu (=咒 jiü zhòu curse, damn, incantation).⁸ to curse, to swear, a charm, a spell, an oath, a prayer.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口兄; U+546A).
诵呪[誦呪] dùng-jiü
sòngzhòu to recite prayer.²⁴
呪诅[呪詛] jiü-jū
zhòuzǔ to curse.²⁴
呪駡 jiü-mà
zhòumà to curse and rail.²⁴
<又> jiû.
(See 咒 jiü; 呪 jiû).
jiu2 7963
30 8 jiû zhòu (composition: ⿰口兄; U+546A).
符呪 or 符咒 fũ-jiû fúzhòu Taoist magic figures and incantations; charm; spell.⁶ charms and spells.²⁴
<又> jiü. (See 呪 jiü).
jiu2 7964
30 8 jiü zhōu the Zhou dynasty; a circumference, a circuit; complete; all around, everywhere; to aid, to provide for; Zhou surname.⁷
(composition: ⿵⺆𠮷(GTJV) or ⿵⺆⿻一古(HK); U+5468).
周朝 Jiü-chẽl Zhōucháo Zhou Dynasty (c. 1045-256 B.C.)¹⁵
周济[周濟] jiü-däi
zhōujì give emergency help to others.⁸
周遭 jiü-däo
zhōuzāo around.⁷
周刊 jiü-hōn
zhōukān a weekly.⁷
周至 jiü-jï
zhōuzhì thorough; considerate; thoughtful.⁷
周转不灵[周轉不靈] jiü-jōn-būt-lẽin
zhōuzhuǎn bù líng (of business firms) to be in financial straits; cash to be not available.⁷
周年 jiü-nẽin
zhōunián an anniversary; a full year.⁷
周而复始[周而復始] jiü-ngĩ-fūk-chī
zhōu'érfùshǐ to repeat the process again and again.⁷
周详[周詳] jiü-tẽng
zhōuxiáng complete and detailed; every detail taken care of or considered.⁷
周围[周圍] jiü-vĩ
zhōuwéi circumambience, circumference.⁶
周围环境[周圍環境] jiü-vĩ-vãn-gēin
zhōuwéi huánjìng surroundings, environment.⁶
周旋 jiü-xũn
zhōuxuán socialize; contend with; circle.⁸
周易 Jiü-yèik
Zhōuyì another name for 易经[易經] Yèik-gëin Yìjīng The Book of Changes.¹⁰
周游世界 jiü-yiũ-säi-gäi
zhōuyóu shìjiè travel round the world; go on a world tour.⁵
jiu2 7965
30 9 jiü zhòu <wr.> beak; bill.⁶ to peck at; beak of a bird.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰口朱; U+54AE).
不濡其咮 būt-yĩ-kĩ-jiü bùrúqízhòu it did not wet its beak.¹⁴
鸟咮[鳥咮] nêl-jiü
niǎozhòu a bird's beak.¹⁴
<又> jôi; yĩ.
(See 咮 jôi; 咮 yĩ).
jiu2 7966
30 11 jiü zhāo noisy.⁹
诙啁[詼啁] föi-jiü huīzhāo to banter; to crack joke.¹
啁哳 jiü-jä
or jiü-jät zhāozhā <wr.> twittery; chirpy.⁶
(See 啁 [jiü, zhōu].)
jiu2 7967
30 11 jiü zhōu to chirp.⁹
啁噍 jiü-dël zhōujiào (=鹪鹩[鷦鷯] dël-lẽl jiāoliáo) wren.⁸ Eurasian wren (Troglodytes troglodytes).¹⁰
啁啁 jiü-jiü
zhōuzhōu make cries like the peetweet (spotted sandpiper).¹¹
啁啾 jiü-tiü zhōujiū <wr.> (of birds) twitter; chatter; chirp; warble; tweet; chitter.⁶
乳雀啁 nguî-dēk-jiü
rǔquèzhōu little birds chatter.⁶
(See 啁 [jiü, zhāo].)
jiu2 7968
47 6 jiü zhōu prefecture; state (of USA); province (old); administrative division (old). (variant: 𠛏❄{⿰ ⿱厶巛刂} jiü zhōu).
福州 Fūk-Jiü
Fúzhōu Fuzhou prefecture level city and capital of 福建 Fūk-gèin Fújiàn Fujian Province.¹⁰
贵州[貴州] Gï-Jiü
Guìzhōu Guizhou Province.
九州 Giū-Jiü
Jiǔzhōu Jiuzhou poetic name for China; Kyushu (Japan); <old> the nine divisions of China.
广州[廣州] Gōng-Jiü
Guǎngzhōu Guangzhou or Canton, capital of Guangdong Province.
杭州 Hõng-Jiü
Hángzhōu Hangzhou, capital of 浙江 Jēt-göng Zhèjiāng Zhejiang Province.
神州 sĩn-jiü
shénzhōu Divine Land (poetic for China).⁵
苏州[蘇州] Xü-Jiü
Sūzhōu Suzhou, a city in 江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū Jiangsu Province.
(See 𠛏❄{⿰ ⿱厶巛刂} jiü).
jiu2 7969
72 11 jiü zhòu daytime; daylight; day.
(comp. t: ⿱書一; U+665D). (comp. s: ⿵尺旦; U+663C).
白昼[白晝] bàk-jiü
báizhòu day; daytime.⁸
Dū-dòi-chün-sèng, yòt: "Sài-jēh-nguĩ-xü-fũ, būt-sëh-jiü-yèh!
Zǐ zài chuān shàng, yuē: "Shì zhě rú sī fú, bù shè zhòu yè!
The Master standing by a stream, said, "It passes on just like this, not ceasing day or night!"⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《論語·子罕》, translated by James Legge).
昼夜[晝夜] jiü-yèh
zhòu-yè day and night; round the clock; all the time.
昼夜不停地工作[晝夜不停地工作] jiü-yèh-būt-hẽin-ì-güng-dōk
zhòuyèbùtíngdegōngzuò to work round the clock.
<又> jiû.
(See 晝 jiû.)
jiu2 7970
85 9 jiü zhōu continent; island in a river.¹⁰
亚洲[亞洲] Ä-jiü Yàzhōu Asia.¹¹
澳洲 Äo-jiü
Àozhōu Australia (the continent).⁶
北美洲 Bāk-mî-jiü
Běiměizhōu North America.¹¹
欧洲[歐洲] Ëo-jiü
Ōuzhōu Europe.¹¹
欧洲联盟[歐洲聯盟] Ëo-jiü-lũn-mãng
Ōuzhōuliánméng European Union (EU).¹⁰
非洲 Fï-jiü
Fēizhōu Africa.¹¹
洲际[洲際] jiü-däi
zhōujì intercontinental.¹⁰
洲际导弹[洲際導彈] jiü-däi-ào-àn
zhōujì dǎodàn<mil.> intercontinental ballistic missile ICBM.¹⁰
洲汀 jiü-ëin
zhōutīng island in a river.⁵⁴
洲渚 jiü-jī
zhōuzhǔ island in a river.⁵⁴
洲沚 jiü-jī
zhōuzhǐ island in a river.⁵⁴
中美洲 Jüng-mî-jiü
Zhōngměizhōu Central America.¹⁰
绿洲[綠洲] lùk-jiü
lǜzhōu oasis.¹¹
美洲 Mî-jiü
Měizhōu America.⁸
南极洲[南極洲] Nãm-gèik-jiü
Nánjízhōu Antarctica.¹¹
南美洲 Nãm-mî-jiü
Nánměizhōu South America.⁸
三角洲 xäm-gôk-jiü
sānjiǎozhōu delta.⁸
七大洲 tīt-ài-jiü
qīdàzhōu seven continents.⁸
<又> jiû.
(See 洲 jiû.)
jiu2 7971
85 9 jiü zhōu ripples.² the ripple on water.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵舟; U+6D00).
<又> põn. (See 洀 põn).
jiu2 7972
108 17 jiü zhōu the turn of a mountain range.⁷ to lead and strike; the name of a place; a winding hill; to pump; to draw; to punch out.²⁴ callus.⁵⁴
诸盩[諸盩] Jï Jiü Zhū Zhōu (reign 1192 BCE-1158 BCE) a.k.a. 公叔祖类[公叔祖類] Güng Sūk Dū Luì Gōng Shū Zǔ Lèi; 组绀诸盩[組紺諸盩] Dū Gäm Jï Jiü  Zǔ Gàn Zhū Zhōu; 叔类[叔類] Sūk Luì Shū Lèi; 太公 Häi Güng Tài Gōng; 姬类[姬類] Kï Luì Jī Lèi.²³ the name of an ancient king.²⁴
盩厔 Jiü-jï
Zhōuzhì a county in 陕西省[陝西省] Sēm-xäi sāng Shǎnxī shěng Shaanxi Province, now called 周至 Jiü-jï Zhōuzhì.⁸
jiu2 7973
120 14 jiü zōu <wr.> dark red.⁶ bluish red, a puce color; light red.⁷ black red; black red silks.⁸ purple silk.³⁵
绀緅饰[紺緅飾] gäm-jiü-sēik gànzōushì ornaments of purple or puce color.¹⁴
緅饰[緅飾] jiü-sēik
zōushì ornaments of a light red color.²⁵
jiu2 7974
137 6 jiü zhōu Kangxi radical 137; boat, ship.⁸ <wr.> boat.⁵
泛舟 fàn-jiü fànzhōu go boating.⁵
风雨同舟[風雨同舟] füng-yî-hũng-jiü
fēngyǔtóngzhōu in the same storm-tossed boat – stand together through thick and thin.⁵
轻舟[輕舟] hëin-jiü
qīngzhōu a light boat.⁵
舟车[舟車] jiü-chëh
zhōu-chē vessel and vehicle; journey.⁸
舟子 jiü-dū
zhōuzǐ <wr.> boatman.⁵
舟楫 jiü-tīp
zhōují <wr.> vessel.⁶
龙舟[龍舟] lũng-jiü
lóngzhōu dragon boat.⁵
小舟 xēl-jiü
xiǎozhōu cockleshell.³⁹
jiu2 7975
149 21 jiü zhōu (=侜 jiü zhōu lies.⁸ to conceal; to cover.¹⁴).¹ deceive, cheat; hurried, bustling.⁸
t: ⿰言壽; U+8B78). (comp. s: ⿰讠寿; U+8BEA).
or 侜张[侜張]  jiü-jëng zhōuzhāng <wr.> to deceive.¹⁴
Mín wú huò xū zhōu zhāng wéi huàn.
And among the people there was hardly one who would impose on them by extravagant language or deceiving tricks.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《尚書·周書·無逸》, translated by James Legge).
jiu2 7976
154 15 jiü zhōu to give to the needy; to bestow alms; charity.¹⁰ to bestow alms.¹⁴ to give; to bestow.²⁵
赒赍[賙齎] jiü-dāi zhōujī to give to charity. ²⁵
or 周济[周濟] jiü-däi zhōujì help to the needy; emergency relief; charity; to give to poorer relative.¹⁰ to give alms; to relieve distress.¹⁴
赒急[賙急] jiü-gīp
zhōují disaster relief.¹⁰
赒给[賙給] jiü-kīp
zhōugěi to give alms; to relieve distress.¹⁴
赒人[賙人] jiü-ngĩn
zhōurén to help the needy; to bestow alms; charity.¹⁰
赒赡[賙贍] jiü-sèm
or jiü-jëm zhōushàn to give alms.¹⁴
赒恤[賙恤] jiü-xūt
zhōuxù to give to the needy.¹⁰ charitable; generous.¹⁴
礼物不赒[禮物不賙] lâi-mùt-būt-jiü
or lâi-mòt-būt-jiü lǐwùbùzhōu the presents are not adequate.¹⁴
相赒[相賙] xëng-jiü
xiāngzhōu to give one another.²⁵
jiu2 7977
159 13 jiü zhōu same as 车辕[車轅] chëh-yõn chēyuán carriage shaft.² <wr.> thill.⁶ the shaft or pole (of a cart or carriage).⁷ a round piece of wood in front of a carriage, for the horses to draw by.²⁵
t: ⿰車舟; U+8F08). (comp. s: ⿰车舟; U+8F80).
Chĩn-sẽin-võng-ài-lù-yï-jüng-hẽin, bāk-jiü.
Chén chéng huáng dà lù yú zhōng tíng, běi zhōu.
The attendant then had the team of yellow horses and the grand carriage exhibited in the central courtyard, with the front to the north.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·禮記·雜記上》, translated by James Legge).
辀张[輈張] jiü-jëng
zhōuzhāng <wr.> flurried; insolent.¹¹
梁辀[梁輈] lẽng-jiü
liángzhōu a yoke in front of a carriage, rising up until it comes to the top, when it turns downwards, like the rafters of a house.²⁵
jiu2 7978
159 15 𫐏
jiü zhōu heavy, a heavy load; also low; a carriage heavy in front.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿰車周; U+8F16). (comp. s: ⿰车周; U+2B40F).
❄{⿰车周}[軒輖] hëin-jiü xuānzhōu represents two types of carriages: those with a high front and a low rear are called 轩[軒] hëin xuān and carriages with a low front and a high rear care called 𫐏❄{⿰车周}[輖]  jiü zhōu.¹³
❄{⿰车周}[軥輖] or 軥辀[軥輈] kuĩ-jiü qúzhōu <ono.> sound of birds singing.¹⁹
jiu2 7979
162 11 jiü zhōu a week, a period; a cycle, a revolution; to revolve.⁷
周到[週到] jiü-äo zhōudào (often said of service, etc.) thoughtful; considerate.⁷
周报[週報] jiü-bäo
zhōubào a weekly paper.⁷
周刊[週刊] jiü-hōn
zhōukān a weekly periodical; a weekly.⁷
周期[週期] jiü-kĩ
zhōuqī a period; a cycle; time of a revolution or rotation.⁷
周密[週密] jiü-mìt
zhōumì careful, thorough, attentive to every detail; dense, squeezed together.⁶
周末[週末] jiü-mòt
zhōumò a weekend.⁷
周年[週年] jiü-nẽin
zhōunián a full year; an anniversary.⁷
周年纪念[週年紀念] jiü-nẽin-gī-nèm
zhōuniánjìniàn commemoration of an anniversary.⁷
周层[週層] jiü-tãng
zhōucéng perisphere.¹⁰
周全[週全] jiü-tũn
zhōuquán complete and perfect; nothing left out; to help; assistance; help.⁷
周会[週會] jiü-vòi
zhōuhuì a weekly meeting.⁷
周岁[週歲] jiü-xuï
zhōusuì a full year (especially said of a child's age).⁷
周延[週延] jiü-yẽn
zhōuyán <logic> distribution.⁶
<台> 周年旺相[週年旺相] jiü-nẽin-vòng-xëng May your entire year be prosperous.
jiu2 7980
190 18 jiü zhòu (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 䯾 hẽl tiáo with the same meaning: hairy; with lots of hair.).²
(composition: ⿱髟周; U+4BFE).
<又> hẽl; chiũ; ël.
(See 䯾 hẽl; 䯾 chiũ; 䯾 ël).
jiu2 7981
196 17 jiü zhōu 鹘鸼[鶻鵃] gūt-jiü gǔzhōu a kind of bird mentioned in ancient books.⁶ Treron permagna, a kind of pigeon.⁷  a dove.⁸
jiu2 7982
30 8 jiû zhòu 符咒 fũ-jiû fúzhòu Taoist magic figures and incantations; charm; spell.⁶
(See 咒 jiü.)
jiu5 7983
72 11 jiû zhòu (comp. t: ⿱書一; U+665D). (comp. s: ⿵尺旦; U+663C).
<台> 晏昼[晏晝] än-jiü afternoon.
<又> jiü.
(See 晝 jiü.)
jiu5 7984
85 9 jiû zhōu <台> 沙洲 sâ-jiû shoal; sandbar; sandbank.⁵
<又> jiü. (See 洲 jiü.)
jiu5 7985
170 7 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 阻 jū with same meaning: to block; to hinder; to obstruct); In spoken Hoisanva when 阻 jō is combined with a previous verb, it makes that verb a past tense.
<台> 走阻 dēo-jō <euph.> he/she/they died.
<台> 吃阻 hëk-jō I have eaten.
<台> 去阻 huï-jō he/she/they left.
<台> 仇阻 siũ-jō they are no longer on speaking terms; they have become personal enemies.
<又> jū.
(See 阻 jū).
jo1 7986
19 7 zhù to help; to assist; to aid.
帮助[幫助] böng-jò bāngzhù to help, aid, assisst, give or lend a hand.⁶
辅助[輔助] fù-jò
fǔzhù assist; supplementary, auxiliary, subsidiary.⁵
助教 jò-gäo
zhùjiào teaching assistant.
助纣为虐[助紂為虐] jò-jào-vĩ-ngèk
zhùzhòuwéinüè aid an evildoer to do evil.⁸ give support to a tyrant.¹¹
助兴[助興] jò-hëin
zhùxìng liven things up; add to the fun.⁵
助学金[助學金] jò-hòk-gïm
zhùxuéjīn stipend; grant-in-aid; financial aid (for study).
助理 jò-lî
zhùlǐ assistant; to assist.
助人为乐[助人為樂] jò-ngĩn-vĩ-lòk
zhùrénwéilè to find pleasure in helping others.
助手 jò-siū
zhùshǒu assistant; aide.
互助 vù-jò
hùzhù to help each other.
or 佑助 yiù-jò yòuzhù (said of a deity) to help (a mortal).⁷
援助 yõn-jò
yuánzhù to support; aid; assistance.

jo4 7987
30 12 jöi huì <台> 喙 jöi beak, snout, mouth. (cf <台> 咮 jôi beak; protruding part.)
<台> 扭条喙[扭條喙] niū-hẽl-jöi/ to pout (angrily).
<又> fì.
(See 喙 fì.)
joi2 7988
30 9 jôi zhòu (composition: ⿰口朱; U+54AE).
<台> 咮 jôi beak; protruding part. (Cf. <台> 喙 jöi beak, snout, mouth.)
<台> 古仔古仔有个咮[古仔古仔有個咮] gū-dōi-gū-dōi-yiü-göi-jôi Oh riddles and riddles with a beak! [Answer: (台山)糍仔.]

<又> jiü; yĩ.
(See 咮 jiü; 咮 yĩ).
joi5 7989
85 10 jōk zhuó (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 浞 dūk zhuó with same meaning.)
<又> dūk.
(See 浞 dūk.)
jok1 7990
64 10 jök zhuō to catch, to capture.
把捉 bā-jök bǎzhuō to grasp (something abstract).
捕捉 bù-jök
bǔzhuō to catch; to seize.
捉刀 jök-äo
zhuōdāo <wr.> to ghostwrite.
捉笔[捉筆] jök-bīt
zhuōbǐ to hold a pen.
捉奸 jök-gän
zhuōjiān to catch a couple in the act (adultery, illicit sexual relations).
捉住 jök-jì
zhuōzhù to catch.
捉襟见肘[捉襟見肘] jök-kïm-gëin-jāo
zhuōjīnjiànzhǒu lit. pulling on the lapels exposes the elbows (idiom); strapped for cash; unable to make ends meet.¹⁰
捉弄 jök-lùng
zhuōnòng to tease; to make fun of.
捉迷藏 jök-mãi-tõng
zhuōmícáng to play hide-and-seek.
捉摸 jök-mō
zhuōmō to predict (often uncertain); to grope (for the truth); to fathom; to ascertain.
捉拿 jök-nã
zhuōná to arrest; to catch.
捉鱼[捉魚] jök-nguî/
zhuōyú to catch fish.⁵⁴
捉贼[捉賊] jök-tàk
zhuōzéi to stop a thief; to catch a thief.
水中捉月 suī-jüng-jök-ngùt
shuǐzhōngzhuōyuè to make impractical or vain efforts.
活捉 vòt-jök
huózhuō to seize (as bird of prey), to capture (culprit, enemy).¹¹
jok2 7991
64 11 jök zhuò to give a helping hand; to support someone by holding on to him/her.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱扮手; U+39F3).
<台> 㧳紧[㧳緊] jök-gīn hold on (tight).
<又> bāi. (See 㧳 bāi).
jok2 7992
64 17 jòk zhuó to select and promote; <wr.> to pull out.
拔擢 bàt-jòk bázhuó <wr.> to select and promote the best.¹¹
超擢 chël-jòk
chāozhuó <wr.> promote somebody more than one grade at a time; promote somebody ahead of time or his peers.⁶
擢第 jòk-ài
zhuódì to pass the civil service examination.
擢发难数[擢髮難數] jòk-fāt-nãn-sū
zhuófànánshǔ lit. as difficult to count as hair pulled from somebody's head (idiom); fig. innumerable (crimes).
擢升 jòk-sëin
zhuóshēng <wr.> to promote specially (not by routine).¹¹
擢用 jòk-yùng
zhuóyòng <wr.> to promote to a post.
jok4 7993
85 17 jòk zhuó <wr.> wash.⁵ to wash; to eliminate vices; grand, magnificent; Zhuo surname.⁷
童山濯濯 hũng-sän-jòk-jòk tóngshānzhuózhuó treeless hills.⁵
濯足 jòk-dūk
zhuózú wash one's feet.⁵
濯足节[濯足節] jòk-dūk-dēik
zhuózújié Maundy Thursday.⁶
濯盥 jòk-fōn
zhuóguàn to wash oneself.¹⁰
濯锦以鱼[濯錦以魚] jòk-gīm-yî-nguî/
zhuójǐnyǐyú to make the ugly beautiful (idiom).¹⁰
濯濯 jòk-jòk
zhuózhuó <wr.> (of mounatins) bare; bald.⁵
濯身 jòk-sïn
zhuóshēn to keep oneself clean (figurative).¹⁰
濯缨濯足[濯纓濯足] jòk-yëin-jòk-dūk
zhuóyīngzhuózú  (allusion) wash hat tassels if water is clean, and wash feet if water is turbid – win people's praise or contempt by one's own choice.¹¹
洗濯 xāi-jòk
xǐzhuó wash; cleanse.⁵
jok4 7994
196 22 jòk zhuó a kind of water bird.⁷ phoenix.⁸ phoenix; river gull.¹⁰ a bird likened to a mallard, with fine plumage and red eyes; it is regarded as felicitous bird.¹⁰²
(Note: The jòk zhuó reading comes from 台山方言字典 - source 4, whereas the dùk reading comes from 康熙字典 - source 2).
(composition: ⿱族鳥; U+9DDF).
鸑鷟 ngòk-jòk
yuèzhuó or ngòk-dùk yuèzú <old> a kind of water bird recorded in ancient books.⁶ the young chicks of this phoenix mallard (or wild duck Anas platyrhynchos) are so called by some, but it may denote a beautiful species of teal (genus Anas).¹⁰²ʼ⁰
<又> dùk.
(See 鷟 dùk).
jok4 7995
18 13 jōn zhuàn finely cut the meat.⁸
(composition: ⿰專刂; U+5278).
<又> hõn; jön. (See 剸 hõn; 剸 jön).
jon1 7996
30 21 jōn zhuàn to sing sweetly (birds).⁹ to sing (of birds or insects); to warble; to chirp; to twitter.¹⁰
啭喉[囀喉] jōn-hẽo zhuànhóu trilling.¹¹
啭鸣[囀鳴] jōn-mẽin
zhuànmíng to tweedle.¹⁰
夜莺鸣啭[夜鶯鳴囀] yèh-äng-mẽin-jōn
yèyīngmíngzhuàn A nightingale warbles.³⁹
jon1 7997
39 9 jōn zhuǎn cautious, circumspect; weak, cowardly; orphan.⁸ careful; attentive; orphans deserving sympathy.²⁴
jon1 7998
130 15 jōn zhuān <topo.> gizzard.⁶ gizzard; maw of a bird.⁸
jon1 7999
159 18 jōn zhuàn to revolve; to turn; to circle about; to walk about; (<m.> for revolutions: revs, rpm); (<m.> for repeated actions).¹⁰
自转[自轉] dù-jōn zìzhuàn rotation.¹⁰
转碟[轉碟] jōn-èp
zhuàndié (acrobatic) plate-spinning.⁵
转台[轉臺] jōn-hõi
zhuàntái  rotating stage.⁵
转圈[轉圈] jōn-hūn
zhuànquān to rotate; to twirl; to run around; to encircle; rotation; <topo.> to speak indirectly; to beat about the bush.¹⁰
转来转去[轉來轉去] jōn-lõi-jōn-huï
zhuànláizhuànqù to walk back and forth; to hang around.⁷
转炉[轉爐] jōn-lũ
zhuànlú <metal.> converter.⁵
转轮手枪[轉輪手槍] jōn-lũn-siū-tëng
zhuànlún shǒuqiāng  revolver.⁵
转动[轉動] jōn-ùng
zhuàndòng turn; revolve; rotate.⁵ to rotate (about an axis); to revolve; to turn; to move in a circle; to gyrate.¹⁰
运转[運轉] vùn-jōn
yùnzhuàn revolve, turn round; work,  operate.⁵
(See 轉 [jōn, zhuǎn].)
jon1 8000
159 18 jōn zhuǎn to turn; to change direction; to transfer; to forward (mail).¹⁰
转达[轉達] jōn-àt zhuǎndá pass on; convey; relay.⁶
转变[轉變] jōn-bëin
zhuǎnbiàn to change; to transform; shift; transformation.¹⁰
转播[轉播] jōn-bö
zhuǎnbō relay (radio/TV broadcasts).⁵⁴
转嗔为喜[轉嗔為喜] jōn-chïn-vĩ-hī
zhuǎnchēnwéixǐ one's anger turns into pleasure.⁶
转告[轉告] jōn-gäo
zhuǎngào pass on (word); transmit; communicate.⁵
转机[轉機] jōn-gï
zhuǎnjī a turn for the better; change planes.⁹
转寄[轉寄] jōn-gï
zhuǎnjì to forward (a message, letter).¹⁰
转危为安[轉危為安] jōn-nguĩ-vĩ-ön
zhuǎnwēiwéi'ān take a turn for the better and be out of danger; pull through.⁵
转身[轉身] jōn-sïn
zhuǎnshēn turn around; face about.⁵
转动[轉動] jōn-ùng
zhuǎndòng turn; move; turn around.⁵
转弯[轉彎] jōn-vän
zhuǎnwān turn a corner; make a turn.⁵
转圜[轉圜] jōn-vãn
zhuǎnhuán save/retrieve (a situation); mediate; reconcile.⁶
转换[轉換] jōn-vòn
zhuǎnhuàn change; transform.⁵
转移[轉移] jōn-yĩ
zhuǎnyí shift, transfer, divert; change, transform; <med.> metastasis.⁵
(See 轉 [jōn, zhuàn].)
jon1 8001
18 13 jön zhuān (=专擅[專擅] jön-sèn zhuānshàn <wr.> usurp authority; act dictatorially.⁶ and =统领[統領] hūng-lêin tǒnglǐng lead, command; commander, leader.⁶); (=专[專] jön zhuān for a particular person, occasion, purpose; focused on one thing; special; expert; monopolize.⁵).⁸
(composition: ⿰專刂; U+5278).
Shānshǐ bu néng tuán jué.
The envoy Shan could not decide by himself.⁰ (Excerpt from 《史記·朝鮮列傳》). (Note 1: 山 refers to 衛山; Note 2: 剸 is same as 专[專] jön
Xïn-ngĩ-būt-gëin-gëin-jēh, häo-jön-hãng-yâ.
Xìn ér bùjiàn jìng zhě, hào zhuān xíng yě.
Those who believe but show no respect are prone to usurp authority.⁰ (Excerpt from 《荀子·榮辱》).
<又> hõn; jōn.
(See 剸 hõn; 剸 jōn; 專 jön).
jon2 8002
32 14 jön zhuān (<old>=砖[磚] jön zhuān brick.⁹).⁸
(composition: ⿰土; U+587C).
<又> hõn.
(See 塼 hõn; 磚 jön).
jon2 8003
41 11 jön zhuān for a particular person, occasion, purpose; focused on one thing; special; expert; monopolize.⁵ (variant: 耑 jön zhuān).
专家[專家] jön-gä
zhuānjiā expert; specialist.⁵
专政[專政] jön-jëin
zhuānzhèng dictatorship.⁵
专决[專決] jön-kūt
zhuānjué act arbitrarily or decide alone.⁸
专栏[專欄] jön-lãn
zhuānlán special column.¹⁰
专卖[專賣] jön-mài
zhuānmài monopoly.⁵
专门[專門] jön-mõn
zhuānmén special; specialized.⁵
专业[專業] jön-ngèp
zhuānyè special field of study.⁹
专擅[專擅] jön-sèn
zhuānshàn <wr.> usurp authority; act dictatorially.⁶
专心致志[專心致志] jön-xïm-jï-jï
zhuānxīnzhìzhì be wholly absorbed; be with single-hearted devotion.⁶
<台> 专登[專登] jön-äng/ intentionally; on purpose.
(See 耑 jön).
jon2 8004
98 15 jön zhuān (<old>=砖[磚] jön zhuān brick.); brick, square tile, slab.⁸
(composition: ⿰專瓦; U+750E).
(See 磚 jön).
jon2 8005
112 16 jön zhuān brick.⁹ (old variants: 甎, 磚 jön zhuān). (See 甎 jön; 磚 jön).
t: ⿰石專; U+78DA). (comp. s: ⿰石专; U+7816).
砖茶[磚茶] jön-chã
zhuānchá brick tea.⁸
砖块[磚塊] jön-fäi
zhuānkuài brick.⁹
砖头[磚頭] jön-hẽo
zhuāntóu fragment of a brick. <topo.> brick.⁸
砖墁地[磚墁地] jön-màn-ì
zhuānmàndì brick floor.¹⁹
砖墁院子[磚墁院子] jön-màn-yòn-dū
zhuānmàn yuànzi brick-floored courtyard.⁵⁴
砖瓦[磚瓦] jön-ngā
zhuānwǎ brick and tile.⁹
砖坯[磚坯] jön-põi
zhuānpī unfired brick; adobe.⁹
砖石[磚石] jön-sêk
zhuānshí brick.¹⁰
砖窑[磚窯] jön-yẽl
zhuānyáo brick kiln.⁸
<台> 一砖豆腐[一磚豆腐] yīt-jön-èo-fù a piece/cake/brick of bean curd.
jon2 8006
118 17 篿 jön zhuān an ancient method of divination.¹³
筳篿 hẽin-jön tíngzhuān or 筳篅 hẽin-chūn tíngchuán a method of divination used by the ancient people of 楚 chō chǔ Chu.¹⁹
<又> hũn.
(See 篿 hũn.)
jon2 8007
126 9 jön zhuān (=專 jön zhuān) for a particular person, occasion, purpose; focused on one thing; special; expert; monopolize.⁵
<又> ön.
(See 專 jön; 耑 ön).
jon2 8008
181 18 jön zhuān good, sedate, simple, respectful; used for 专[專] jön zhuān only, alone.¹⁴
颛兵秉政[顓兵秉政] jön-bëin-bēin-jëin
zhuānbīng bǐngzhèng to grasp at military power and usurp the government.¹⁴
颛房[顓房] jön-fông
zhuānfáng a favorite concubine.¹⁴
颛顼[顓頊] Jön-gūk
Zhuānxū Zhuan Xu, one of Five legendary Emperors 五帝 M̄-äi Wǔdì, a grandson of The Yellow Emperor 黄帝 Võng-äi Huángdì, reigned c. 2513 - c.2435 BC.⁵⁴
颛制[顓制] jön-jäi
zhuānzhì to usurp authority.¹⁴
颛颛[顓顓] jön-jön
zhuānzhuān alone; myself alone.¹⁴
颛颛独居[顓顓獨居] jön-jön-ùk-guï
zhuānzhuāndújū <wr.> living alone.¹¹
颛民[顓民] jön-mĩn
zhuānmín the good people.¹⁴
颛门[顓門] jön-mõn
zhuānmén special; expert.¹⁴
颛蒙[顓蒙] jön-mũng
zhuānméng dull; stupid; inexperienced.¹⁴
jon2 8009
195 22 jön zhuān anchovy; a kind of freshwater fish mentioned in ancient books; Zhuan surname.⁸ fish (meaning variable: mackerel, anchovy, fresh-water fish); Zhuan.¹⁰ anchovy.³⁶
(composition: ⿰魚專; U+9C44).
鱄鲋[鱄鮒] jön-fù zhuānfù a large kind of fish, found in Lake Dongting (洞庭湖 Ùng-hẽin-vũ Dòngtínghú).²⁵
鱄诸[鱄諸] jön-jï
zhuānzhū a brave soldier, a daring fellow.²⁵
青鱄 tëin-jön
qīngzhuān mackerel.⁸
黄鱄[黃鱄] võng-jön
huángzhuān (=竹䇲鱼[竹筴魚] jūk-gäp-nguî/ zhújiāyú saurel; horse mackerel.⁵  Japanese jack mackerel (Trachurus japonicus), aka 日本竹筴魚, 真鰺 jïn-sïn zhēnshēn, 巴攏, 瓜仔魚, 竹筴魚; the Japanese horse mackerel or Japanese scad.¹⁵ʼ²⁰).⁸
<又> hõn; lèin.
(See 鱄 hõn; 鱄 lèin).
jon2 8010
9 13 jòn zhuàn biography; historical narrative; commentaries.
自传[自傳] dù-jòn zìzhuàn autobiography.
传记[傳記] jòn-gï
zhuànjì biography; record.
传注[傳註] jòn-jî
zhuànzhù commentary.
立传[立傳] lìp-jòn
lìzhuàn to record somebody's achievements in writing; to write a biography enhancing the subject's image.¹⁰
树碑立传[樹碑立傳] sì-bï-lìp-jòn
shùbēilìzhuàn <derog.> to puff up somebody's public image.
<又> chõn, chũn.
(See 傳 chõn, chũn.)
jon4 8011
9 14 jöng zhuàng Zhuang ethnic minority.
(=壮[壯] jöng zhuàng). 僮 is the archaic form of 壯.
or 壮族[壯族] Jöng-dùk Zhuàngzú Zhuang (Chuang) ethnic minority in 广西[廣西] Gōng-xäi Guǎngxī Guangxi Province, 云南[雲南] Vũn-nãm Yúnnán Yunnan Province, and 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Guangdong Province.
(See 僮 hũng.)
jong2 8012
33 7 jöng zhuàng strong, robust; magnificent, grand; strengthen, make better.⁵
(comp. t: ⿰爿士; U+58EF). (comp. s: ⿰丬士; U+58EE+).
壮大[壯大] jöng-ài
zhuàngdà grow in strength; expand; strengthen.⁵
壮族[壯族] Jöng-dùk
Zhuàngzú one of the 56 recognized ethnic groups of China.⁹
壮健[壯健] jöng-gèin
zhuàngjiàn be strong and healthy; robust.⁸
壮锦[壯錦] Jöng-gīm
Zhuàngjǐn Zhuang brocade.⁵
壮图[壯圖] jöng-hũ
zhuàngtú great plan; great prospect.⁶
壮志[壯志] jöng-jï
zhuàngzhì great aspiration; lofty ideal.⁵
壮志未酬[壯志未酬] jöng-jï-mì-chiũ
zhuàngzhìwèichóu with one's lofty aspirations unrealized.⁵
壮丽[壯麗] jöng-lài
zhuànglì majestic; magnificent; glorious.⁵
壮烈[壯烈] jöng-lèik
zhuàngliè heroic; brave.⁵
壮烈牺牲[壯烈犧牲] jöng-lèik-hï-säng
zhuàngliè xīshēng  die a martyr; die a hero's death.⁶
壮猷[壯猷] jöng-yiũ
zhuàngyóu (=壮图[壯圖] jöng-hũ zhuàngtú) a great plan or undertaking.¹¹
jong2 8013
37 10 jöng zàng great.¹⁰
玄奘 Yõn-jöng  Xuánzàng Xuanzang (602-664) Tang dynasty Buddhist monk, scholar, traveler, and translator, who traveled to India 629-645. He was born 陈袆[陳褘] Chĩn Fï Chén Huī or 陈祎[陳禕] Chĩn Yï Chén Yī). He was a descendant of 陳寔 Chĩn Sìt Chén Shí (104-186). a minister of the Eastern Han Dynasty. He was also known as 唐三藏 Hõng Xäm-dòng Táng Sānzàng, 玄奘三藏 Yõn-jöng Xäm-dòng Xuánzàng Sānzàng, 玄奘大师[玄奘大師] Yõn-jöng  Ài-xü Xuánzàng Dàshī, and 唐僧 Hõng Xäng Táng Sēng.¹⁵
(See 奘 [jöng, zhuǎng].)
jong2 8014
37 10 jöng zhuǎng big, powerfully-built (person).¹¹
奘粗 jöng-tü zhuǎngcū stout, thick, coarse.¹¹
奘的細的 jöng-ēik-xäi-ēik
zhuǎngdexìde the strong (stout) and the weak (slender).¹¹
(See 奘 [jöng, zàng].)
jong2 8015
38 7 jöng zhuāng apply makeup, make up; woman's personal adornments; trousseau.⁵ (variants: 娤, 粧, 糚 jöng zhuāng).⁸
t: ⿰爿女; U+599D). (comp. s: ⿰丬女; U+5986).
化妆[化妝] fä-jöng
huàzhuāng put on makeup; make up.⁵
嫁妆[嫁妝] gä-jöng
jiàzhuang dowry; trousseau.⁵
or 红装[紅裝] hũng-jöng hóngzhuāng feminine apparel; a young woman.⁷
妆点[妝點] jöng-ēm
zhuāngdiǎn to decorate.¹⁰
妆台[妝檯] jöng-hôi
zhuāngtái dressing table.⁶
妆奁[妝奩] jöng-lẽm
zhuānglián trousseau; lady's dressing case.¹⁰  trousseau; (rare) cosmetic articles.¹¹
妆饰[妝飾] jöng-sēik
zhuāngshì adorn; dress up; deck out.⁵
妆梳[妝梳] jöng-sü
or jöng-sö zhuāngshū make up and dress up.⁶
妆新[妝新] jöng-xïn
zhuāngxīn <topo.> furnish the bride's chamber; clothes and bedding for newlyweds.⁶
梳妆[梳妝] sü-jöng
or sö-jöng shūzhuāng dress and make up.⁶
催妆[催妝] tuï-jöng
cuīzhuāng formerly, bridegroom's gift of cosmetics, etc. sent to bride on day before wedding.¹¹
卸妆[卸妝] xëh-jöng
xièzhuāng (of a female) remove one's make-up; remove ornaments or formal dress or cosmetics.⁶
(See 娤, 粧, 糚 jöng.)
jong2 8016
38 10 jöng zhuāng (<old> =妆[妝] jöng zhuāng)⁸
(See 妝 jöng.)
jong2 8017
61 25 jöng zhuàng (=戆[戇] jöng zhuàng <wr.> simple and blunt; honest and upright.⁶).¹⁹
(composition: ⿱⿰章貢心; U+6205).
<又> ngòng.
(See 戅 ngòng; 戇 jöng).
jong2 8018
61 28 jöng zhuàng <wr.> simple and blunt; honest and upright.⁶ (variant: 戅 jöng zhuàng).
t: ⿱贛心; U+6207). (comp. s: ⿱赣心; U+6206).
戆直[戇直] jöng-jèik
zhuàngzhí <wr.> blunt and tactless; simple and honest.⁵
<又> ngòng.
(See 戇 ngòng; 戅 jöng).
jong2 8019
75 15 jöng zhuāng stump; stake; pile; measure word for items.¹⁰ a post; a stake or stick; a beacon or buoy; to strike.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿰木舂; U+6A01). (comp. s: ⿰木庄; U+6869).
打桩[打樁] ā-jöng
dǎzhuāng drive piles.⁵
桩子[樁子] jöng-dū
zhuāngzi a stake, a pile.¹⁴
桩基[樁基] jöng-gï
zhuāngjī pile foundation.¹⁹
桩砦[樁砦] jöng-jài
zhuāngzhài <mil.> post obstacles.⁶
桩锥[樁錐] jöng-juï
zhuāngzhuī a hammer.⁷
桩构栈道[樁構棧道] jöng-këo-jàn-ào
zhuānggòu zhàndào pile trestle.¹⁰
木桩[木樁] mûk-jöng
mùzhuāng wooden pile; stake.¹⁰
小事一桩[小事一樁] xēl-xù-yīt-jöng
xiǎoshìyīzhuāng trivial matter; a piece of cake; incident; an ordinary incident.⁵⁴
一桩大事[一樁大事] yīt-jöng-ài-xù
yīzhuāngdàshì an important matter.⁵
一桩喜事[一樁喜事] yīt-jöng-hī-xù
yīzhuāngxǐshì a happy event.⁶
一桩买卖[一樁買賣] yīt-jöng-mäi-mài
yīzhuāngmǎimài a business transaction.⁵
jong2 8020
85 12 jöng zhuāng ➀ a tree stump in deep water.⁸  ➁ the sound of driving a pile into the water.⁸ (variant: 𣻛 jöng zhuāng).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰氵春; U+6E77).
<又> chuî; vùn.
(See 湷 chuî; 湷 vùn; 𣻛 jöng).
jong2 8021
85 14 𣻛

jöng zhuāng (=湷 jöng zhuāng ➀ a tree stump in deep water.⁸  ➁ the sound of driving a pile into the water.⁸).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰氵舂; U+23EDB).
深水立𣻛也 sïm-suī-lìp-jöng-yâ
shēn shuǐ lì zhuāng yě to install a piling in deep water.⁰
(See 湷 jöng).
jong2 8022
86 11 jöng zhuàng put rice into the retort; fumigation.¹³ to put rice into a boiler; to boil with steam; fiery.²⁴ <old> to fill a cauldron or rice pot with rice; to fumigate.³⁶
(composition: ⿱壯火; U+710B).
焋糕 jöng-gäo zhuànggāo a kind of dumpling.²⁴
jong2 8023
119 12 jöng zhuāng (<old> =妆[妝] jöng zhuāng) apply makeup, make up; woman's personal adornments; trousseau.⁵).⁸
(composition: ⿰米庄; U+7CA7).
(See 妝 jöng.)
jong2 8024
119 16 jöng zhuāng (<old> =妆[妝] jöng zhuāng)⁸
(composition: ⿰米莊; U+7CDA)
(See 妝 jöng.)
jong2 8025
140 10 jöng zhuāng village, hamlet; villa; Zhuang surname.⁸
(comp. t: ⿱艹壯; U+838A). (comp. s: ⿸广土; U+5E84).
康庄大道[康莊大道] höng-jöng-ài-ào
kāngzhuāng dàdào broad road; main road; wide free road; royal road.⁹ broad avenue, highway.¹¹
庄稼[莊稼] jöng-gä
zhuāngjia crops; standing grain.⁵
庄重[莊重] jöng-jùng
zhuāngzhòng serious; grave; solemn.⁸
庄严[莊嚴] jöng-ngẽm
zhuāngyán solemn; dignified; stately.⁸
庄园[莊園] jöng-yõn
zhuāngyuán demesne.⁸ a manor; feudal land; a villa and park.¹⁰
端庄[端莊] ön-jöng
duānzhuāng elegant; sedate; dignified.⁸ severely correct (in countenance), (of conduct) upright and correct.¹¹
村庄[村莊] tûn-jöng
cūnzhuāng village; hamlet.⁵
jong2 8026
145 13 jöng zhuāng dress, clothes; decorate; fill.⁸
装车[裝車] jöng-chëh zhuāngchē load on a truck, vehicle.⁷
装束[裝束] jöng-chūk
zhuāngshù to do packing and get ready for travel; to dress up; clothing, attire, dress.⁷
装幌子[裝幌子] jöng-fōng-dū
zhuānghuǎngzi maintain an outward show; keep up appearances/ a show.⁶
装疯卖傻[裝瘋賣傻] jöng-füng-mài-sô
zhuāngfēngmàishǎ feign madness and act like an idiot; play the fool.⁶
装甲[裝甲] jöng-gâp
zhuāngjiǎ plate armor; armored.⁷
装帧[裝幀] jöng-jëin
zhuāngzhēn binding and layout (of a book, magazine).⁶
装殓[裝殮] jöng-lêm
zhuāngliàn dress and lay a corpse in a coffin.⁵
装饰[裝飾] jöng-sēik
zhuāngshì decorate; adorn; ornament; dress/deck (up).⁶
] jöng-võng zhuānghuáng mount (a picture); decorate, dress, adorn; decoration; mounting, packaging.⁶
門面] jöng-võng-mõn-mèin zhuānghuáng ménmiàn decorate a shop front; do window dressing; put up a facade.⁶
装卸[裝卸] jöng-xëh
zhuāngxiè load and unload; assemble and disassemble.⁶
装蒜 jöng-xôn
zhuāngsuàn to pretend not to know.⁸
jong2 8027
147 18 jöng chuāng eyesight blurred, dim of sight; to look steadily at, (Cant.) to peep (through a crack).⁸ to see indistinctly; to look straight on.²⁵
(composition: ⿰舂見; U+468E).
jong2 8028
33 9 jòng zhuàng (<old>=状[狀] jòng zhuàng) form; appearance; shape; official. sturdy; to strengthen.
jong4 8029
50 15 jòng zhuàng a curtain for a carriage; <topo.> (<m.> for buildings = 座 dò zuò).
一幢房屋 yīt-jòng-fông-ūk
yīzhuàng fángwū a house.¹¹
<又> ùng, chõng.
(See 幢 ùng, chõng.)
jong4 8030
64 15 jòng zhuàng to collide, to run into.
(composition: ⿰扌童; U+649E).
撞倒 jòng-āo zhuàngdǎo to knock down by bumping; to run, to shove, to push down.
撞到 jòng-äo
zhuàngdào to run into; to meet unexpectedly.
撞车[撞車] jòng-chëh
zhuàngchē to collide (of vehicles); to have a time conflict; to clash (of opinions/interests).
撞击[撞擊] jòng-gēik
zhuàngjī ram; dash against; strike, bump.⁶
撞针[撞針] jòng-jîm/
zhuàngzhēn <mil.> firing pin.
撞伤[撞傷] jòng-sëng
zhuàngshāng to injure by bumping (as in car accidents).
撞死 jòng-xī
zhuàngsǐ to kill or be killed by a collision.
乱撞[亂撞] lòn-jòng
luànzhuàng to rush around blindly.
碰撞 püng-jòng
pèngzhuàng to collide; collision.¹⁰
横冲直撞[橫衝直撞] vãng-chüng-jèik-jòng
héngchōngzhízhuàng to elbow one's way; to barge about.
jong4 8031
94 8 jòng zhuàng form; appearance; shape; official.⁸ big, great; strong, robust, vigorous, sturdy; portly, stout; to strengthen, to make better; the prme of one's life; another name for the eighth moon of the lunar calendar.⁷ accusation; suit; state; condition; strong; great; -shaped.¹⁰
(comp. t: ⿰爿犬; U+72C0). (comp. s: ⿰丬犬; U+72B6).
状大[狀大] jòng-ài
zhuàngdà big and strong, vigorous; to grow in strength, to expand.⁷
状况[狀況] jòng-fōng
zhuàngkuàng condition (of things in school, hospital, of patient), general aspects.¹¹
状告[狀告] jòng-gäo
zhuànggào to sue; to take to court; to file a lawsuit.¹⁰
状态[狀態] jòng-häi
zhuàngtài manner or appearance; condition of things.¹¹
状元[狀元] jòng-ngũn
zhuàngyuan ➀ Number One Scholar (title confered on the one who came out first in the highest imperial examination)  ➁ the very best (in any field).⁶
状词[狀詞] jòng-xũ
zhuàngcí legal plaint.¹¹
形状[形狀] yẽin-jòng
xíngzhuàng shape.¹¹
奇形怪状[奇形怪狀] kĩ-yẽin-gäi-jòng
qíxíngguàizhuàng strange sight, badly dressed appearance.¹¹
jong4 8032
187 15 jòng zǎng fine horse; steed; courser.⁶ excellent horse, noble steed.⁸  a powerful horse; a broker; inferior; coarse.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿰馬且; U+99D4). (comp. s: ⿰马且; U+9A75).
驵骏[駔駿] jòng-dün
zǎngjùn a fine horse.¹⁴
驵货[駔貨] jòng-fö
zǎnghuò inferiior goods.¹⁴
驵阓[駔闠] jòng-gì
zǎnghuì a market place.¹⁴
驵工[駔工] jòng-güng
zǎnggōng an inferior workman.¹⁴
驵骇[駔駭] jòng-hôi
zǎnghài a fine, strong horse.²⁵ a fine large horse.¹⁰²
驵侩[駔儈] jòng-köi
zǎngkuài <wr.> horse broker, horse trader; broker (in a broad sense).⁶ a (clever, sharp) broker.¹¹ a broker.¹⁴ to get people together in a bargain; a broker.²⁵ a broker or middle man.¹⁰²
驵侩佣金[駔儈傭金] jòng-köi yùng-gïm
zǎngkuài yòngjīn broker's commission.⁵⁴
驵子[駔子] jòng-dū
zǎngzi a villain, rascal, scoundrel, ruffian, mean person.¹¹ a rascal.¹⁴ an epithet of reproach, a scheming rascal.¹⁰²
马蹲驵[馬蹲駔] mâ-dün-jòng
mǎdūnzǎng a horse crouching down.²⁵
<又> dū; tü; chõ.
(See 駔 dū; 駔 tü; 駔 chõ).
jong4 8033
30 8 jōt duō noise of rage; to cry out in anger.¹⁰
咄咄 jōt-jōt duōduō to cluck one's tongue; tut-tut.¹⁰
咄咄逼人 jōt-jōt-bēik-ngĩn
duōduōbīrén overbearing; forceful; aggressive; menacing; imperious.¹⁰
咄咄怪事 jōt-jōt-gäi-xù
duōduōguàishì strange; absurd; paradoxical; extraordinary.¹⁰
jot1 8034
30 11 jōt chuài Chuai surname.⁸
(See 啜 [jōt, chuò].)
jot1 8035
30 11 jōt chuò <wr.> sip, sup, suck; sobbing, whimpering, crying in a subdued manner.⁶ <wr.> to sip (tea, liquid).¹¹ to weep; to talk without ceasing; also to taste, to sip.²⁴  (歠 jōt chuò and 啜 jōt chuò are synonyms).¹⁰²
饭于土塯, 啜于土形.[飯於土塯, 啜於土形.]
Fàn-yï-hū-liü, jōt-yï-hū-yẽin.
Fàn yú tǔ liù, chuò yú tǔ xíng.
He ate out of an earthen 'liu' and drank out of an earthen 'xing'. (Excerpt from 《墨子·卷六·節用中·3》, translated by W. P. Mei).⁶⁰
啜酒 jōt-diū chuòjiǔ sip the wine.⁶
啜泣 jōt-hīp
chuòqì sob; whimper.⁶
啜其泣矣. Jōt-kĩ-hīp-yì. Chuò qí qì yǐ. Ever flow her tears! (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·王風·中谷有蓷·3》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ crying and weeping bitterly.¹⁰²
啜茗 jōt-mẽin chuòmíng to sip tea.²²
啜面 jōt-mẽin
chuòmiàn to kiss one's cheek.¹⁰²
啜饮[啜飲] jōt-ngīm
chuòyǐn to sip; to drink.⁶
啜茹 jōt-nguĩ
chuòrú to live on meager fare and simples.¹⁰²
啜菽饮水[啜菽飲水] jōt-sùk-ngīm-suī chuòshūyǐnshuǐ eat bean soup when you are hungry, and drink water when you are thirsty — life is hard. from 《禮記·檀弓下·172》.¹⁹
留啜 liũ-jōt liúchuò to detain a person to drink together.²⁴ to detain one to take a cup.¹⁰²
流啜 liũ-jōt
liúchuò to slobber in drinking; to swill down.¹⁰²
(See 啜 [jōt, chuài]; 餟 [jōt, chuò]; 歠 jōt).
jot1 8036
61 8 jōt chù (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 怵 chūk chù with same meaning.)
<又> chūk.
(See 怵 chūk.)
jot1 8037
61 11 jōt chuò <wr.> worried, troubled, depressed; tired, fatigued, exhausted; weak, feeble.⁶ melancholy; doleful; mournful; gloomy.⁷
惙怛 jōt-hān chuòdá mournful; doleful; rueful.⁷
惙惙 jōt-jōt
chuòchuò <wr.> worried, troubled, depressed.⁶ melancholy; gloomy.⁷
忧心惙惙[憂心惙惙] yiü-xïm-jōt-jōt
yōuxīnchuòchuò have a troubled heart; be heavy-hearted.⁶
jot1 8038
64 8 jōt zhuō awkward; clumsy; dull; inelegant; (polite) my.
笨拙 bùn-jōt bènzhuō clumsy; awkward; ungainly.⁶
稚拙 jï-jōt
zhìzhuō unadorned and childish.⁸
拙见[拙見] jōt-gëin
zhuōjiàn my humble opinion.
拙直 jōt-jèik
zhuōzhí simple and frank.
拙著 jōt-jï
zhuōzhù <humb.> my writing.
拙劣 jōt-lūt
zhuōliè clumsy; inferior.
弄巧成拙 lùng-kāo-sẽin-jōt
nòngqiǎochéngzhuō to outsmart oneself.
愚拙 nguĩ-jōt
yúzhuō clumsy and stupid.
守拙 siū-jōt
shǒuzhuō to remain honest and poor.
jot1 8039
64 11 jōt duō to pick up with both hands.¹ to pick up.⁵  to carry with both hands.⁶
提掇 hãi-jōt tíduō to help (younger people) by guidance, promotion.¹¹
掇句成章 jōt-guî-sẽin-jëng
duōjùchéngzhāng stud a composition with picked up phrases.³⁹
掇弄 jōt-lùng
duōnòng  <topo.> to fix, to repair; to order somebody about; to stir up, to incite.¹  to fix (up), to repair, to mend; to stir up, to instigate, to incite.⁶  to pick up.¹⁰  to arrange, to rearrange nicely (as with finger).¹¹
掇拾 jōt-sìp
duōshí <wr.> to tidy up; to collect; to gather.
拾掇 sìp-jōt
shíduo <topo.> to tidy up, to put in order; to repair, to fix; to punish.¹  to tidy up.⁵  to tidy up, to put in order; to repair, to mend, to fix.⁶
撺掇害人[攛掇害人] täm-jōt-hòi-ngĩn
cuānduohàirén to stir up harm for everyone.
jot1 8040
66 12 jōt duó (=敠 jōt duó)  to weigh; to cut; to come without being invited.
掂敪 ëm-jōt diānduó to estimate weight of something held in hand; to estimate and consider relative importance.¹¹ to weight; to estimate the weight of.¹⁴
(See 敠 jōt.)
jot1 8041
66 12 jōt duó (=敪 jōt duó) weigh; cut; come without being invited.
(See 敪 jōt.)
jot1 8042
75 9 jōt duò firewood.⁷ flat pieces of wood, scraps of wood; (<old>=杌 ngūt ) tree stump.⁸  log, a whole or a piece of rough wood.⁹ wood scraps.¹⁰
榾柮 gūt-jōt
gǔduò <topo.> wood block; stump.⁶ short sticks used for burning into charcoal.¹⁴
jot1 8043
75 11 jōt zhuō post or stud on the roof beam.⁶ small pillars that support the roof, those which rest on the main beam; a joist; a club or cane.¹⁴ (variant: 棳 jōt zhuō).¹⁴
or 棳杖 jōt-jèng zhuōzhàng a club or staff.¹⁴
or 山节藻棳[山節藻棳] sän-dēik-täo-jōt shānjiézǎozhuō hill-like ornamentation and representation of duckweed carved on the small pillars – extravagance.¹⁴
(See 棳 jōt.)
jot1 8044
75 12 jōt zhuō (=棁[梲] jōt zhuō) small pillars that support the roof, those which rest on the main beam; a joist; a club or cane.¹⁴
(See 梲 jōt.)
jot1 8045
76 15 𣤌

jōt chuò (=歠 jōt chuò sip, drink, suck; refers to soup.⁸ to drink, to quaff, to guzzle.²⁴ (歠 jōt chuò and 啜 jōt chuò are synonyms).¹⁰²).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰⿱叕口欠; U+2390C).
<又> chäi; chī.
(See 𣤌❄{⿰⿱叕口欠} chäi; 𣤌❄{⿰⿱叕口欠} chī).
jot1 8046
76 19 jōt chuò sip, drink, suck; refers to soup.⁸ to drink, to quaff, to guzzle.²⁴ (歠 jōt chuò and 啜 jōt chuò are synonyms).¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰⿱叕酉欠; U+6B60).
大歠 ài-jōt
dàchuò to swill down liquor.²⁴
餔歠 bü-jōt
būchuò eat and drink.⁵⁴
歠主人 jōt-jī-ngĩn
chuòzhǔrén The gruel of the chief mourner (the son).⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·檀弓下·145》, translated by James Legge).
歠粥 jōt-jūk
chuòzhōu He sips the congee.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《孟子·滕文公上·2》, translated by James Legge).
毋流歠 mũ-liũ-jōt
wúliúchuò do not swill down (the soup). (Excerpt from 《禮記·曲禮上·48》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ do not guzzle.²⁴
(See 啜 jōt).
jot1 8047
85 11 jōt chuò cry; interchangeable with 啜 jōt chuò  (<old>=啜 jōt chuò <wr.> sip, sup, suck; sobbing, whimpering, crying in a subdued manner.⁶ <wr.> to sip (tea, liquid).¹¹ to weep; to talk without ceasing; also to taste, to sip.²⁴  (歠 jōt chuò and 啜 jōt chuò are synonyms).¹⁰²).⁸
(composition: ⿰氵叕; U+6DB0).
(See 啜 jōt).
jot1 8048
86 9 jōt chù (➀ 郁 chue, the brightness of fire; firelight.²⁴ ➁ the crackling of fire.²⁴).⁸
(composition: ⿰火出; U+70AA).
(See 炪 [jōt, zhuō]).
jot1 8049
86 9 jōt zhuō (➀ incombustible to fire; fire retardant  ➁ <old>=拙 jōt zhuō awkward; clumsy; dull; inelegant; (polite) my).⁸
(composition: ⿰火出; U+70AA).
炪爩 jōt-vūt
zhuōyù smokey.²⁴
(See 炪 [jōt, chù]).
jot1 8050
120 11 jōt chù ➀ <wr.> inadequate; insufficient.⁵ ➁ (=黜 jōt chù) remove somebody from office.⁶
支绌[支絀] jï-jōt
zhīchù short of money.¹¹
or 黜陟 jōt-jèik chùzhì to promote and downgrade; promotion and demotion.¹¹
绌臣[絀臣] jōt-sĩn
chùchén banished official.¹⁹
短绌[短絀] ōn-jōt
duǎnchù be short of; fall short. short, inadequate (means, rope).¹¹
相形见绌[相形見絀] xëng-yẽin-gëin-jōt
xiāngxíngjiànchù inferior by comparison.¹¹
嬴绌[嬴絀] yẽin-jōt
yíngchù profit and loss.¹¹ to bend and straighten out again.²⁵
(See 黜 jōt).
jot1 8051
120 14 jōt chuò (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 缀[綴] juì zhuì with same meaning.) (=辍[輟] jōt chuò) <wr.> stop; cease.⁵
弦诵不缀[弦誦不綴] yẽn-dùng-būt-jōt
or 弦诵不辍 [弦誦不輟] yẽn-dùng-būt-jōt xiánsòngbùchuò continue playing instrument and reciting poems – study uninterruptedly.⁶
<又> juì.
(See 輟 jōt; 綴 juì.)
jot1 8052
140 8 jōt zhuó to display vigorous, new growth; to sprout.
茁长[茁長] jōt-jēng zhuózhǎng to thrive.
茁壮[茁壯] jōt-jöng
zhuózhuàng healthy and strong; sturdy; thriving; vigorous; robust; flourishing.
茁壮成长[茁壯成長] jōt-jöng-sẽin-jēng
zhuózhuàng chéngzhǎng to grow up strong and sturdy.
茁茁 jōt-jōt
zhuózhuó sprouting.
茁实[茁實] jōt-sìt
zhuóshi <topo.> sturdy.
萌茁 mãng-jōt
méngzhuó <topo.> to sprout; to germinate.
jot1 8053
142 11 jōt zhuō a kind of spider.⁸ the garden spider.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰虫出; U+45A6).
䖦蟱 jōt-mẽo zhuōmóu a spider.²⁵ an Epeira, otherwide called 草蜘蛛 (tāo-jï-jï cǎozhīzhū small spider Agalena limbata.⁵⁴) or grass spider, which weaves its nest on plants; its web is regarded as noxious; the garden spider makes its web on the grass, and has a door to go in and out of it.¹⁰²
<又> vūt.
(See 䖦 vūt).
jot1 8054
142 14 jōt duō a spider.²
(composition: ⿰虫叕; U+8743).
蝃蝥 jōt-mẽo duōmáo (=䵹鼄  jï-jï zhīzhū a spider).
<又> äi.
(See 蝃 äi).
jot1 8055
145 13 jōt duō ➀ mend, darn, patch ➁ loose robe worn by a Buddhist monk or a Taoist priest.⁶
补裰[補裰] bū-jōt bǔduō to mend clothes; sew and mend.⁸
直裰 jèik-jōt
zhíduō loose robe worn by a Buddhist monk or a Taoist priest.⁶
jot1 8056
159 15 jōt chuò <wr.> stop halfway; stop (in the middle of doing something); cease.⁶ (variant: 缀[綴] jōt chuò)
辍笔[輟筆] jōt-bīt
chuòbǐ stop in the middle of writing or painting.⁵
辍朝[輟朝] jōt-chẽl
chuòcháo to suspend business at the imperial court on account of a misfortune.¹⁰
辍工[輟工] jōt-güng
chuògōng stop work.⁵
辍学[輟學] jōt-hòk
chuòxué discontinue one's studies; drop out of school; quit school.⁶
辍止[輟止] jōt-jī
chuòzhǐ to stop; to leave off.¹⁰
辍业[輟業] jōt-ngèp
chuòyè  to give up work; to give up one's profession.¹⁰
辍演[輟演] jōt-yēn
chuòyǎn to stop performing a play; to interrupt a stage run.¹⁰
中辍[中輟] jüng-jōt
zhōngchuò stop (doing something) halfway; give up halfway.⁶
时作时辍[時作時輟] sĩ-dōk-sĩ-jōt
shízuòshíchuò on and off; by fits and starts.⁵
弦诵不辍[弦誦不輟] yẽn-dùng-būt-jōt
or 弦诵不缀
[弦誦不綴] yẽn-dùng-būt-jōt
xiánsòngbùchuò continue playing instrument and reciting poems – study uninterruptedly.⁶
jot1 8057
164 15 jōt zhuì <wr.> hold a memorial ceremony for; sacrifice.⁶ wine poured in a libation.¹⁴ (variants: 餟 jōt zhuì or jōt chuò; 腏 jōt).
奠醊 èin-jōt
diànzhuì to pour a libation.¹⁴
(See 餟 [jōt, zhuì]; 餟 [jōt, chuò]; 腏 jōt).
jot1 8058
164 15 jōt zhuì (<old>=餟 jōt zhuì) <wr.> hold a memorial ceremony for; sacrifice.⁶ wine poured in a libation.¹⁴
(See 餟 [jōt, zhuì].
jot1 8059
184 16 jōt chuò (=醊 jōt zhuì) <wr.> hold a memorial ceremony for; sacrifice.⁶ wine poured in a libation.¹⁴ (=啜 jōt chuò)⁸ <wr.> to sip (tea, liquid).¹¹ to drink; to eat.²²
(See 醊 jōt; 餟 [jōt, zhuì]; 啜 [jōt, chuò]).
jot1 8060
184 16 jōt zhuì (=醊 jōt zhuì) <wr.> hold a memorial ceremony for; sacrifice.⁶ wine poured in a libation.¹⁴
(See 醊 jōt; 餟 [jōt, chuò]).
jot1 8061
196 19 jōt duò a small bird, (=鵽鸠[鵽鳩] jōt-gëo duòjiū).¹⁰² (See 鵽鳩 jōt-gëo). (Note: 鵽 jōt duò may also be read as juì zhuì or ùt duó with the same meaning).
(composition: ⿰叕鳥; U+9D7D).
鵽鸠[鵽鳩] jōt-gëo
duòjiū a kind of hawk, or wild pigeon thief; it has no hinder toe, its tail is bifurcated, it flies in flocks, and is met with in the deserts of Tartary.²⁵ Pallas's sandgrouse (Syrrhaptes paradoxus).³⁶ a small bird whose cry is 'ti-ti', found in the northern deserts in flocks; it has a crest, a forked tail, and no hind claw or hallux; it is noted for its thieving, and one name is 突厥雀 ùt-kūt-dēk tūjuéquè or Turk's sparrow, because it comes down on the fields like the nomads and devours the crops; it probably belongs to the grouse or plover tribe.¹⁰²
鸣鵽[鳴鵽] mẽin-jōt
míngduò or 沙鸡[沙雞] sâ-gäi shājī sandgrouse.¹⁹
jot1 8062
203 17 jōt chù <wr.> remove somebody from office; dismiss.⁶
黜斥 jōt-chēik chùchì to rebuke (person).¹¹ dispel; reject; keep away.⁵⁴
黜革昏庸 jōt-gāk-fün-yũng
chùgéhūnyōng dismiss the stupid and the inferior.³⁹
黜退 jōt-huï
chùtuì <wr.> dismiss somebody from office.⁵⁵
or 绌陟[絀陟] jōt-jèik chùzhì to promote and downgrade; promotion and demotion.¹¹
黜逐 jōt-jùk
chùzhú dismiss and expel.⁸
黜免 jōt-mêin
chùmiǎn <wr.> dismiss (an official); remove somebody from office.⁶
黜升 jōt-sëin
chùshēng to promote and downgrade; promotion and demotion.¹¹
黜华[黜華] jōt-vã
chùhuá <wr.> proscribe luxury.⁵⁴
黜华崇实[黜華崇實] jōt-vã-sũng-sìt
chùhuáchóngshí discard flowery words and emphasize reality; reject luxury and uphold simplicity.⁵⁴
(See 絀 jōt ➁).
jot1 8063
9 9 stand used for offering rites; cutting board for meat; small table; Zu surname.
刀俎 äo-jū dāozǔ <wr.> butcher's knife and chopping block; oppressor.
尊俎 dün-jū
or 樽俎 dûn-jū zūnzǔ wine and meat containers used in ancient ceremonies; a diplomatic gathering or dinner; diplomatic activities.³⁹
折冲樽俎[折衝樽俎] jēt-chüng-dûn-jū
zhéchōngzūnzǔ  lit. to stop the enemy at the banquet table; fig. to get the better of an enemy during diplomatic functions.¹⁰ to conduct diplomatic negotiations (樽俎 “over wine. and meat” dinners).¹¹
俎豆 jū-èo
zǔdòu sacrificial vessel; sacrificial rites.
俎上肉 jū-sèng-ngùk
zǔshàngròu <wr.> meat on a chopping board; helpless victim.
ju1 8064
46 8 uneven.⁸
(composition: ⿰山且; U+5CA8).
岨峿 jū-m̃ jǔyǔ (=龃龉[齟齬] duï-nguî or duī-nguî jǔyǔ <old> lit. irregular teeth; unaligned teeth; fig. <lit.> to have discord; to disagree).³⁶).
<又> duī.
(See 岨 duī).
ju1 8065
149 12 to curse; to swear (oath); to pledge.
诅咒[詛咒] jū-jiü zǔzhòu <wr.> to curse; to revile.
诅祝[詛祝] jū-jūk
zǔzhù <wr.> an ancient official in charge of administering oaths; <wr.> to curse and swear.
诅盟[詛盟] jū-mãng
zǔméng <wr.> to vow; oath.
ju1 8066
170 7 to block; to hinder; to obstruct.
电阻[電阻] èin-jū diànzǔ <phy.>  resistance.
阻隔 jū-gäk
zǔgé separate; cut off; be widely separated by.⁸
阻击[阻擊] jū-gēik
zǔjī <mil.> to block; to check.
阻止 jū-jī
zǔzhǐ to prevent; to stop; to hold back.
阻抗[阻抗] jū-köng
zǔkàng <phy.> impedance.⁶
阻拦[阻攔] jū-lãn
zǔlán to stop; to obstruct.
阻力 jū-lèik
zǔlì obstruction; resistance; drag.
阻碍[阻礙] jū-ngòi
zǔ'ài hinder, block, impede, obstruct; block, obstruction.⁸
阻挡[阻擋] jū-ōng
zǔdǎng to stop; to resist; to obstruct.
<台> 阻处[阻處] jū-chuī too many things in the way; wasteful of space.
<台> 阻处阻晾[阻處阻晾] jū-chuī-jū-löng <emphatic> wasteful of space; everything is in the way (so that on one cannot move about).
<台> 阻手阻脚[阻手阻腳] jū-siū-jū-gëk to be very much in the way (=碍手碍脚[礙手礙腳] ngòi-siū-ngòi-gëk
àishǒuàijiǎo to be very much in the way.⁷)
<台> 该张凳到该好阻处. 搬开佢.[該張凳到該好阻處. 搬開佢.] Kôi-jëng-âng-äo-kôi-hāo-jū-chuī/. Bön-höi-kuï. This stool, placed here, is blocking the way. Take it away!
<又> jō.
(See 阻 jō.)
ju1 8067
1 5 juï (used in people's names such as 范雎 Fàn Juï Fàn Jū, also written as 范且 Fàn Juï Fàn Jū,, a famous stateman during the Warring States period.)
<又> chēh.
(See 且 chēh.)
jui2 8068
30 11 juï not honest or upright.⁸ not satisfied with one's just due.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口取; U+35A9).
𡄑❄{⿰口韱}㖩 dëm-juï jiānzū extortion; covetous.²⁴
<又> xēo; èp.
(See 㖩 xēo; 㖩 èp).
jui2 8069
75 12 juï zhuī vertebra.⁵
荐椎[薦椎] dëin-juï jiànzhuī (=骶骨 āi-gūt dǐgǔ) sacrum.⁶
颈椎[頸椎] gēng-juï
jǐngzhuī cervical vertebra.⁵
胸椎 hüng-juï
xiōngzhuī thoracic vertebra.⁵
椎间盘[椎間盤] juï-gän-põn
zhuījiānpán intervertebral disc; disci-intervertebrales.⁶
椎间盘突出症[椎間盤突出症] juï-gän-põn-ùt-chūt-jëin
zhuījiānpán tūchūzhèng herniated/slipped/protruded disc.⁶
椎骨 juï-gūt
zhuīgǔ vertebra.⁵
<又> chuĩ.
(See 椎 chuĩ.)
jui2 8070
85 16 juï suī 濉河 Juï-hõ or Xuï-hõ Suīhé SuiHe River, a river, flowing from 安徽 Ön-fï Ānhuī Anhui Province to 江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū Jiangsu Province.⁴
濉溪县[濉溪縣] Juï-käi-yòn
or Xuï-käi-yòn Suīxīxiàn Suixi County in Huaibei (淮北 Vãi-bāk Huáiběi), Anhui (安徽 Ön-fï Ānhuī) Province.¹⁰
<又> xuï.
(See 濉 xuï.)
jui2 8071
109 13 juï suī gaze at, stare at; uninhibited; name of a river in Henan Province (河南 Hõ-nãm Hénán); Sui surname.⁸
暴戾恣睢 bào-luì-xü-juï
or bào-luì-xü-xuï bàolìzìsuī <wr.> extremely cruel and despotic.⁵
睢宁县[睢寧縣] Juï-nẽin-yòn
or Xuï-nẽin-yòn Suīníngxiàn Suining County in Xuzhou (徐州 Tuĩ-jiü Xúzhōu), Jiangsu Province (江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū).¹⁰
万众睢睢[萬眾睢睢] màn-jüng-juï-juï
or màn-jüng-xuï-xuï wànzhòngsuīsuī the multitude stared – with astonishment and terror.¹⁴
恣睢 xü-juï
or xü-xuï zìsuī  <wr.> reckless; unbridled.⁵ defying control, arrogant.⁹ to do what one likes.¹¹
<又> xuï.
(See 睢 xuï.)
jui2 8072
130 11 juï zuī <topo.> male sex organ; penis.⁶ the genitals of an infant; the motion of the mouth.²⁵
(composition ⿰⺼夋; U+8127).
(Note: Distinguish 朘 dün with 月 radical from 脧 dün or 脧 juï with 肉 radical).
<又> dün.
(See 脧 dün; 朘 dün.)
jui2 8073
140 11 juï (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 菹 duï salted or pickled vegetables.⁸ <wr.> a pickle.⁹  to mince (vegetables or meat).⁹  marshland; swamp; salted or pickled vegetables; to mince; to shred; to mince human flesh and bones.¹⁰)
<又> duï.
(See 菹 duï.)
jui2 8074
142 11 juï 蝍蛆 jēik-juï jiéjū special name for a centipede or a cricket.⁸
<又> tuï.
(See 蛆 tuï.)
jui2 8075
142 19 juï zuī a species of tortoise found near the mouth of the Yellow River.⁸
(composition: ⿰虫觜; U+87D5).
蟕蠵 juï-hï zuīxī or 蟕蛦 juï-yĩ zuīyí a kind of big turtle.¹⁹ a species of tortoise, found on the seashore, with marks on its back, the shell of which is good for making ornaments; it nearly resembles the tortoise shell of commerce.²⁵
jui2 8076
162 9 juï zhuī chase after, pursue; look into; go after; reminisce.⁵
追悼 juï-ào zhuīdào to mourn; to pay last respects; mourning; memorial (service).¹⁰
追本溯源 juï-bōn-xü-ngũn
zhuīběnsùyuán trace to its source; get at the root of the matter.⁵
追查 juï-chã
zhuīchá investigate; trace; find out.⁵
追加 juï-gä
zhuījiā add (to the original amount).⁵
追根溯源 juï-gïn-xü-ngũn
zhuīgēnsùyuán trace (back) to the source of something; get to the root of something.⁶
追究 juï-giü
zhuījiū follow up a clue, probe.¹¹
追赶[追趕] juï-gōn
zhuīgǎn run after, pursue.⁵
追逐 juï-jùk
zhuīzhú pursue, chase; seek, quest.⁵
追求 juï-kiũ
zhuīqiú seek, pursue; woo, court, run after.⁵
追问[追問] juï-mùn
zhuīwèn question closely; make a detailed inquiry; examine minutely.⁵
追随[追隨] juï-tuĩ
zhuīsuí follow.⁵
追随者[追隨者] juï-tuĩ-jēh
zhuīsuízhě follower; adherent.⁵
追溯 juï-xü
zhuīsù trace back to; date from.⁵
追忆[追憶] juï-yēik
zhuīyì recollect; recall; look back.⁵
你追我赶[你追我趕] nï-juï-ngô-gōn
nǐzhuīwǒgǎn try to overtake each other in friendly emulation.⁵ leapfrog; catch up and overtake one another.⁸
jui2 8077
167 16 juï zhuī awl; awl-shaped; bore, drill; <math.> cone.⁵
锥刀之末[錐刀之末] juï-äo-jï-mòt zhuīdāozhīmò small gains; negligible profits.⁷
锥处囊中[錐處囊中] juï chuī nõng jüng
zhuīchǔnángzhōng like an awl in a bag – real talent will be discovered.⁵⁴
锥子[錐子] juï-dū
zhuīzi awl.⁶
锥股[錐股] juï-gū
zhuīgǔ <wr.> lit. to prick the thigh with an awl – to study with great determination and diligence.⁷
锥体[錐體] juï-hāi
zhuītǐ cone.⁶
锥桯[錐桯] juï-hëng
zhuītīng shaft of an awl.⁶
锥台[錐臺] juï-hõi
zhuītái frustum (of pyramid or cone).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
锥指[錐指] juï-jī
zhuīzhǐ a very limited outlook.⁷
锥孔[錐孔] juï-kūng
zhuīkǒng make a hole with an awl.⁵
锥栗[錐栗] juï-lùt
zhuīlì <bot.> chinquapin.⁵
锥栗属[錐栗屬] juï-lùt-sùk
zhuīlìshǔ <bot.> Castanopsis, commonly called chinquapin or chinkapin.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
锥面[錐面] juï-mèin
zhuīmiàn <math.> conical surface; <mineralogy> pyramidal faces.⁷
锥度[錐度] juï-ù
zhuīdù <mach.> conicity, taper; taper ratio.⁶
锥形[錐形] juï-yẽin
zhuīxíng conical contour; cone; taper; pyramid.⁶
<又> juî.
(See 錐 juî.)
jui2 8078
172 8 juï zhuī Kangxi radical 172; short-tailed birds; high and precipitous, (some give it as the blowing of the wind).¹⁴
山林之畏隹 sän-lĩm-jï-vï-juï shānlínzhīwèizhuī the forest nestles in the secluded nook of the hills –  (畏 used for 偎 vï wēi) also explained as: the mountain forest fears the gale.¹⁴
jui2 8079
172 13 juï a kind of waterfowl; (now rarely) to hesitate; to avoid.⁷ a kind of fish hawk; the osprey.¹⁴
关关雎鳩[關關雎鳩] gän-gän-juï-gëo guānguānjūjiū Guan-guan go the ospreys.⁸⁸ (First phrase of the Odes.)⁰
关雎[關雎] gän-juï
guānjū cry of the osprey; the opening words of the Odes - marriage.¹⁴ (Note: Name of the first section of the Odes).⁰
雎鸠 juï-gëo
jūjiū a kind of waterfowl which observes fideltity in sex life, probably the osprey.⁷ the male and female fish hawk, symbols of conjugal felicity.¹¹ a waterfowl, emblematical of conjugal harmony.¹⁴ the osprey.⁸⁸
次雎 xü-juï
cìjū to go through difficulties.²⁵
jui2 8080
187 18 juï zhuī piebald horse; Zhui surname.⁸
乌骓[烏騅] vü-juï wūzhuī dark stallion.⁵⁴
jui2 8081
196 19 juï zhuī (=鵻 juï zhuī pigeon; turtle-dove; a hawk.⁸ snipe; turtle-dove.¹⁰).
(composition: ⿰隹鳥; U+4CE1).
(See 鵻 juï).
jui2 8082
196 19 juï zhuī pigeon; turtle-dove; a hawk.⁸ snipe; turtle-dove.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰鳥隹; U+9D7B). (variant: 䳡 juï).
鸠鵻[鳩鵻] gëo-juï jiūzhuī a young dove; a wild pigeon. also called 鳺鴀 fü-fēo fūfǒu a (red) turtle-dove.²⁵ aka: 䳕鴀 fẽo-fēo (now called 楚鳩 chō-gëo), 祝鳩 jūk-gëo, 鵴鳩 gūk-gëo, 𪁛❄{⿰役鳥}鳩 vèik-gëo, 荊鳩  gëin-gëo, 䳕鳩 fẽo-gëo, 康鳩 höng-gëo, 𪆴❄{⿰葵鳥}鳩 kĩ-gëo, 䳭鷱 dēik-lõng, 鸊鷱 bēik-lõng, 鳻鳩 bän-gëo, 乳鳩 nguî-gëo.²ʼ²⁵
Pëin-pëin-jēh-juï, dōi-fï-dōi-hä, dàp-yï-bäo-huī.
Piānpiān zhě zhuī, zǎi fēi zài xià, jí yú bāo xǔ.
The Filial doves keep flying about,
Now soaring aloft, and now descending,
Collecting on the bushy oaks.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·鹿鳴之什·四牡》, translated by James Legge).
沙鵻 sä-juï
shāzhuī <zoo.> the sandpiper; the snipe.¹¹
青鵻 tëin-juï
qīngzhuī or 青鹪[青鷦] tëin-dël qīngjiāo a kind of dove, whose entire body is dark green, so it is also called green dove 绿鸠[綠鳩] lùk-gëo lùjiū; it makes a sound similar to a child blowing on a pipe.⁰
(See 䳡 juï).
jui2 8083
6 1 𠄌 juì zhuì halberd.³⁶
(composition: ⿰; U+2010C).
<又> kūt. (See 𠄌 kūt).
jui4 8084
29 8 juì zhuì (alternate pronunciatiion for 叕 dēk zhuó an old form of 缀[綴] juì zhuì or jōt chuò sew, stitch; put words together correctly, compose;  embellish, decorate.⁵)
(composition: ⿰㕛㕛 or ⿱双双; U+53D5).
<又> dēk.
(See 叕 dēk).
jui4 8085
32 14 juì zhuì to fall; to drop; to weigh down. (Distinguish 墬 ì ).
t: ⿱隊土; U+589C). (comp. s: ⿱队土; U+5760).
放射性坠尘[放射性墜塵] föng-sèh-xëin-juì-chĩn
fàngshèxìng zhuìchén radioactive fallout.
下坠[下墜] hä-juì
xiàzhuì <med.> tenesmus; to strain (at stool); <wr.> to fall.
坠子[墜子] juì-dū
zhuìzi weight; ear pendant; ballad.
坠毁[墜毀] juì-fī
zhuìhuǐ (of an airplane) to fall to the ground and crash.
坠地[墜地] juì-ì
zhuìdì <wr.> to be born; to decline; failure.
坠楼[墜樓] juì-lẽo
zhuìlóu to fall off a building; to commit suicide by jumping off a building.
坠落[墜落] juì-lòk
zhuìluò to fall; to drop.
坠入[墜入] juì-yìp
zhuìrù to fall into; to drop into.
耳坠子[耳墜子] ngī-juì-dū
ěrzhuìzi eardrop; earrings.
<台> 坠[墜] juì stupid.
jui4 8086
37 11 juì zhuì a tree that resembles osmanthus in ancient books.⁸
(composition: ⿱大隹; U+595E).
<又> xün, xuï. (See 奞 xün, 奞 xuï).
jui4 8087
61 12 juì zhuì <wr.> anxious and fearful.⁶ worried; afraid; anxious; apprehensive.⁷
惴惧[惴懼] juì-guì zhuìjù anxious and worried; in fear and trembling.⁷
惴恐 juì-hūng
zhuìkǒng to fear; to dread.⁷
惴惴 juì-juì
zhuìzhuì timorous; afraid; fearful; apprehensive; to feel uneasy or apprehensive.⁷
惴惴不安 juì-juì-būt-ön
zhuìzhuìbù'ān <wr.> be anxious and fearful; be alarmed and on tenterhooks.⁵
惴惴其栗[惴惴其慄] juì-juì-kĩ-lùt
zhuìzhuìqílì terrified; scared.¹⁴
惴栗[惴慄] juì-lùt
zhuìlì <wr.> tremble/shiver with fear.⁶
临其穴,惴惴其栗[臨其穴,惴惴其慄] lĩm-kĩ-yòt, juì-juì-kĩ-lùt
línqíxué, zhuìzhuìqílì (When 秦穆公 Duke Mu of Qin died in 621 BCE, 177) people who were about to be buried alive in his grave were terrified as they approach the burial grounds.⁶⁵
jui4 8088
61 16 juì
duì (=怼[懟] juì duì) <wr.> rancor; resentment.⁵ to resent; to hate; rancor.⁷ to dislike, to abhor, to hate.⁸ <wr.> hatred and resentment.¹¹ to dislike; to abhor; to hate.¹⁴
大憝 ài-juì
dàduì archenemy; chief enemy.¹⁰
元恶大憝[元惡大憝] ngũn-ōk-ài-juì
yuán'èdàduì or 元凶大憝 ngũn-hüng-ài-juì yuánxiōngdàduì arch-criminal and archenemy (idiom).¹⁰ chief sinister figure, man of iniquity.¹¹
怨憝 yön-juì
yuànduì resentment, hatred.¹⁴
(See 懟 juì).
jui4 8089
61 18 juì
duì <wr.> rancor; resentment.⁵ to resent; to hate; rancor.⁷ to dislike; to abhor; to hate.¹⁴ (variants: 憝, 譈 juì duì).¹¹ʼ¹⁴
彊御多怼[彊禦多懟] kẽng-nguì-ü-juì
qiángyùduōduì "violent oppressors who cause many dissatisfactions".¹⁴
愠怼[慍懟] vün-juì
yùnduì to resent.⁷
心存怨怼[心存怨懟] xïm-tũn-yön-juì
xīncúnyuànduì bear/have a grudge; be resentful.⁶
以怼父母[以懟父母] yî-juì-fù-mû
yǐduìfùmǔ incurring the resentment of his parents.¹⁴
怨怼[怨懟] yön-juì
yuànduì <wr.> resentment; enmity.⁵ resentment, hatred.¹⁴
怨怼横生[怨懟橫生] yön-juì-vãng-säng
yuànduìhéngshēng hatred and grudges arise from every side.⁵⁴
(See 憝 juì; 譈 juì).
jui4 8090
112 13 juì zhuì ➀=缒[縋] juì zhuì to let down with a rope  ➁ hanging ➂  to measure the weight of an object ➃ to hit with a hammer.¹³ to press down; to weight.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰石垂; U+787E).
秤硾 chêin-juì
chèngzhuì weight on a steelyard.¹⁴
千斤硾 tëin-gïn-juì
qiānjīnzhuì heavy weight for pressing.¹⁴
<又> chuĩ; ō.
(See 硾 chuĩ; 硾 ō).
jui4 8091
118 14 juì chuí (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 箠 chuĩ chuí with same meaning: a whip (for goading horses); whipping or flogging (as a punishment).⁷)
<又> chuĩ.
(See 箠 chuĩ.)
jui4 8092
120 14 juì zhuì sew, stitch; put words together correctly, compose;  embellish, decorate.⁵
缀字[綴字] juì-dù zhuìzì to spell; to compose words.¹⁰
缀字课本[綴字課本] juì-dù-fö-bōn
zhuìzìkèběn spelling book.¹⁰
缀字成文[綴字成文] juì-dù-sẽin-mũn
zhuìzìchéngwén write an essay.⁶
缀合[綴合] juì-hàp
zhuìhé put together; make up.⁶
缀扣子[綴扣子] juì-këo-dū
zhuìkòuzi sew on a button.⁶
缀旒[綴旒] juì-liũ
zhuìliú knotted tassels.¹¹
缀文[綴文] juì-mũn juì-mũn
zhuìwén compose an essay; write a composition.⁶
缀玉连珠[綴玉連珠] juì-ngùk-lẽin-jî
zhuìyùliánzhū decorated with jade beads and pearls – be beautifully written.⁶
缀饰[綴飾] juì-sēik
zhuìshì to decorate; decoration.¹⁰
缀辑[綴輯] juì-tīp
zhuìjí compile; edit.⁶
缀辑成书[綴輯成書] juì-tīp-sẽin-sï
zhuìjíchéngshū compile a book.⁶
连缀[連綴] lẽin-juì
liánzhuì join/put together; cluster.⁶
前缀[前綴] tẽin-juì
qiánzhuì prefix.⁵
<又> jōt.
(See 綴 jōt.)
jui4 8093
120 15 juì zhuì let down (with a rope).⁵
把空篮子缒下来[把空籃子縋下來] bā-hüng-lâm-dū-juì-hä-lõi bǎkōnglánzi zhuìxiàlái let down the empty basket by a rope.⁶
缒登[縋登] juì-äng
zhuìdēng to climb by a rope.¹⁹
缒城[縋城] juì-sẽin
zhuìchéng to let one's self down by a cord over a city wall.²⁵ climb down a city wall by a rope.⁵⁴
缒城而出[縋城而出] juì-sẽin-ngĩ-chūt
zhuìchéngérchū let oneself or somebody down a city wall by a rope.⁵
jui4 8094
149 19 juì
duì (=怼[懟] juì duì) <wr.> rancor; resentment.⁵ to resent; to hate; rancor.⁷ dislike.⁸ <wr.> hatred and resentment.¹¹ to dislike; to abhor; to hate.¹⁴ to complain; to hate.²⁵
凡民罔不譈 fãn-mĩn mông-būt juì fánmín wǎngbù duì
There is no ordinary man who does not hate this fierce hatred.⁵⁴
罔不譈 mông-būt juì
wǎngbù duì they invariably murmured.²⁵
(See 懟 juì).
jui4 8095
154 17 juì zhuì superfluous; redundant; cumbersome; refers to a son-in-law living with wife's family.¹⁰
不赘[不贅] būt-juì bùzhuì (in letters) will stop here (and you will understand the rest).¹¹
出赘[出贅] chūt-juì
chūzhuì to marry into a family and take bride's family name.¹¹
赘笔[贅筆] juì-bīt
zhuìbǐ a superfluous touch or stroke.⁷
赘子[贅子] juì-dū
zhuìzǐ <trad.> to sell son as slave.¹¹
赘旒[贅旒] juì-liũ
zhuìliú a figurehead, mere adornment.¹¹
赘物[贅物] juì-mùt
or juì-mòt zhuìwù something useless or superfluous.⁷
赘言[贅言] juì-ngũn
zhuìyán verbosity; repetitious or superfluous statements, word.⁷
赘生[贅生] juì-säng
zhuìshēng excrescence.⁸
赘述[贅述] juì-sùt
zhuìshù a repetitious or superfluous statement; verbosity; redundancy.⁷
赘婿[贅婿] juì-xâi
zhuìxù son-in-law living at wife's parent's house.¹⁰
赘词[贅詞] juì-xũ
zhuìcí superfluous words; redundancy; verbosity.⁶
赘疣[贅疣] juì-yiũ
zhuìyóu or 赘瘤[贅瘤] juì-liũ zhuìliú wart; anything superfluous or useless.⁶
入赘婚[入贅婚] yìp-juì-fün
rùzhuìhūn uxorilocal marriage.⁷
jui4 8096
167 16 juì chuí weight (of a steelyard or balance).¹⁰
摆锤[擺錘] bāi-juì bǎichuí pendulum bob.⁶
秤锤[秤錘] chêin-juì
chèngchuí sliding weight of a steelyard; weight.⁶
<又> chuĩ.
(See 錘 chuĩ.)
jui4 8097
170 11 juì duì group. (Distinguish 䧘 xùn zhuàn).
排队[排隊] pãi-juì
or pãi-duì páiduì to stand in line.
<又> duì.
(See 隊 duì.)
jui4 8098
167 16 juî zhuī awl; bore, drill, prick, perforate.⁶
改锥[改錐] gōi-juî gǎizhuī screwdriver.⁶
赶锥[趕錐] gōn-juî
gǎnzhuī (=改锥[改錐] gōi-juî gǎizhuī) screwdriver.⁶ (See <台> 螺丝批[螺絲批] lũ-xü-päi/)
<台> 锥仔[錐仔] juî-dōi awl.
<又> juï.
(See 錐 juï.)
jui5 8099
30 24 jūk zhǔ to enjoin, advise, urge; to entrust, commit to somebody's care.⁶ to entrust someone.¹¹ to give into one's charge, to entrust to; to tell, to order.²⁴ order, tell, instruct, leave word.³⁶ to bid, to order; to engage or ask another to do; to commit to another's charge by request or injunction; to enjoin upon.¹⁰²
(comp. t: ⿰口屬; U+56D1). (comp. s: ⿰口属; U+5631).
叮嘱[叮囑] ëin-jūk
dīngzhǔ to warn repeatedly; to urge; to exhort again and again.¹⁰
致嘱[致囑] jï-jūk
zhìzhǔ to insist on.²⁴
嘱咐[囑咐] jūk-fü
zhǔfu to tell; to exhort; injunction.¹⁰  to give instructions (to do something).¹¹ to charge one to do; to instruct.¹⁰²
嘱托[囑托] jūk-hōk
zhǔtuō to entrust a task to somebody else.¹⁰ to commission, to give in charge.¹⁰²
嘱书[囑書] jūk-sï
zhǔshū a will.²⁴ a written injunction.¹⁰²
买嘱[買囑] mäi-jūk
mǎizhǔ bribe official to order something.¹¹ to suborn.¹⁰²
赌嘱[賭囑] ū-jūk
dǔzhǔ to bribe, to fee in a case.¹⁰²
遗嘱[遺囑] vĩ-jūk
yízhǔ testament; will; dying words.⁵ a person's will or dying instructions.³⁶
<又> jük.
(See 囑 jük.)
juk1 8100
44 21 jūk zhǔ to compose (a piece of writing); to instruct, to direct.⁷ join together; fix one's attention on.¹
属托[屬托] or 属託[屬託] jūk-hōk zhǔtuō to request, instruct someone to do something.¹¹
属令[屬令] jūk-lèin
zhǔlìng give instructions, instruct that something be done.¹¹
属望[屬望] jūk-mòng
zhǔwàng <wr.> hope; look forward to; expect.⁶ (See 属望[屬望] sùk-mòng shǔwàng.)
属目[屬目] jūk-mùk
zhǔmù center attention upon (person, subject); look carefully.¹¹
属文[屬文] jūk-mũn
zhǔwén to compose a piece of prose writing.⁷
属草[屬草] jūk-tāo
zhǔcǎo to draft (a manuscript).⁷
属对[屬對] jūk-uï
zhǔduì to make or complete a literary couplet.¹¹
属和屬和] jūk-vò
zhǔhè to write poems to each other, usually on prescribed rhyme-class.¹¹
属意[屬意] jūk-yï
zhǔyì to have a preference for.⁷
属垣有耳[屬垣有耳] jūk-yõn-yiû-ngī
zhǔyuányǒu'ěr walls have ears; beware of eavedroppers!⁶
连属[連屬] lẽin-jūk
liánzhǔ <wr.> join; link.⁶
前后相属[前後相屬] tẽin-hèo-xëng-jūk
qiánhòuxiāngzhǔ (of two parts) join together.⁶
<又> sùk.
(See 屬 sùk.)
juk1 8101
72 25 jūk zhú to shine.² (<old>=烛[燭] jūk zhú to shine).⁸ʼ¹⁹ to illumine; to give light.²⁴
(composition: ⿰日屬; U+66EF).
(See 燭 jūk).
juk1 8102
75 9 jūk zhù instrument of wood used in ancient times to start the orchestra.¹⁴ a large wooden box-shaped trough, played with a pestle as a percussion instrument in Chinese ritual music.³⁶
(composition: ⿰木兄; U+67F7).
柷敔 jūk-nguî zhùyǔ or chūk-nguî chùyǔ two wooden percussion instruments in ancient times, the former to start the orchestra and the latter to stop the orchestra; it is said that the two can be used for harmony at the same time, regardless of the end and the beginning.⁸
<又> chūk.
(See 柷 chūk).
juk1 8103
86 17 jūk zhú candle, taper; shine, illuminate.⁸
(old variants: 曯 jūk; 爥 jūk).
(comp. t: ⿰火蜀; U+71ED). (comp. s: ⿰火虫; U+70DB).
火烛[火燭] fō-jūk
huǒzhú things that may cause a fire.⁸
烛花[燭花] jūk-fä
zhúhuā snuff.⁵
烛火[燭火] jūk-fō
zhúhuǒ candle flame.¹⁰
烛架[燭架] jūk-gä
zhújià a candlestick; a candlestand.⁷
烛光[燭光] jūk-göng
zhúguāng <phy.> candlepower; candlelight.⁷
烛台[燭臺] jūk-hõi
zhútái candlestick.⁸
烛照[燭照] jūk-jël
zhúzhào <wr.> illuminate; light up.⁵
烛泪[燭淚] jūk-luì
zhúlèi the guttering of a candle.⁷
烛蕊[燭蕊] jūk-luî
zhúruǐ wick of a candle.¹⁴
烛奴[燭奴] jūk-nũ
zhúnú a large wooden candlestand carved in the shape of a boy.⁷
or 烛芯[燭芯] jūk-xîm zhúxīn candlewick.⁷
蜡烛[蠟燭] làp-jūk
làzhú a candle.⁷
小心火烛[小心火燭] xēl-xïm fō-jūk
xiǎoxīnhuǒzhú guard against fire!⁵⁴
(See 曯 jūk; 爥 jūk).
juk1 8104
86 25 jūk zhú (the original character for 曯 jūk zhú shine, illumine).² <old>=烛[燭] jūk zhú shine, illuminate.⁸); simmer, cook over slow fire.⁸
(composition: ⿰火屬; U+7225).
(See 曯 jūk; 燭] jūk).
juk1 8105
109 26 jūk zhǔ gaze, look steadily.⁶ watch carefully, stare at, focus on.³⁶
(comp. t: ⿰目屬; U+77DA). (comp. s: ⿰目属; U+77A9).
高瞻远瞩[高瞻遠矚] gäo-jëm-yōn-jūk
gāozhānyuǎnzhǔ stand high and see far – be far-sighted/forward-looking.⁶
举目瞩望[舉目矚望] guī-mùk-jūk-mòng jǔmùzhǔwàng gaze at something.⁶
举世瞩目[舉世矚目] guī-säi-jūk-mùk
jǔshìzhǔmù attract worldwide attention.⁹
瞩望[矚望] jūk-mòng
zhǔwàng <wr.> look forward to; gaze at, look steadily upon.⁶
瞩目[矚目] jūk-mùk
zhǔmù <wr.> fix one's eyes upon; focus one’s attention upon.⁶
瞩视[矚視] jūk-sì
zhǔshì to eye something with purpose.¹¹
juk1 8106
113 9 jūk zhù express good wishes, wish; Zhu surname.⁵
庆祝[慶祝] hëin-jūk qìngzhù to celebrate.¹⁰
祝捷 jūk-dèp zhùjié celebrate a victory.⁵
祝酒 jūk-diū
zhùjiǔ drink a toast; toast.⁵
祝颂[祝頌] jūk-dùng
zhùsòng express good wishes.⁵
祝发[祝髮] jūk-fāt
zhùfà to cut one's hair (as part of a minority ritual or in order to become a monk).¹⁰
祝福 jūk-fūk
zhùfú blessing, benediction; new year's sacrifice (an old custom in certain parts of Zhejiang).⁵
祝贺[祝賀] jūk-hào
or jūk-hò zhùhè congratulate.⁵
祝愿[祝願] jūk-ngùn
zhùyuàn wish.⁵
祝寿[祝壽] jūk-siù
zhùshòu congratulate (an elderly person) on his or her birthday.⁵
祝词[祝詞] jūk-xũ
zhùcí congratulatory speech (at a ceremony); prayers at sacrificial rites in ancient times.⁵
祝融 jūk-yũng
zhùróng God of Fire.¹⁰
庙祝[廟祝] mèl-jūk
miàozhù acolyte in charge of incense in a temple.¹⁰
juk1 8107
118 6 jūk zhú Kangxi radical 118; bamboo; flute.⁸ bamboo; slips of bamboo for writing; Zhu surname.⁷
竹帛 jūk-bàk zhúbó bamboo and silk writing materials.¹⁰
竹板 jūk-bān
zhúbǎn bamboo clappers.⁵
竹节[竹節] jūk-dêik
zhújié bamboo joints.⁷
竹席 jūk-dèk
zhúxí bamboo mat.⁶
竹子 jūk-dū zhúzi bamboo.⁷
竹简[竹簡] jūk-gān zhújiǎn slips of bamboo for writing.⁷
竹竿 jūk-gûn
zhúgān a bamboo pole or cane.⁷
竹行 jūk-hõng
zhúháng shop selling bamboo.⁷
竹寮 jūk-lẽl
zhúliáo bamboo shack.⁶
竹篓[竹簍] jūk-lêo
zhúlǒu bamboo basket/crate.⁶
竹帘[竹簾] jūk-lẽm
zhúlián bamboo screen/curtain.⁶
竹林 jūk-lĩm
zhúlín a bamboo grove.⁷
竹编[竹編] jūk-pëin
zhúbiān articles made of bamboo.⁷
竹黄[竹黃] jūk-võng
zhúhuáng handicraft made from bamboo with green covering removed; tabasheer.⁶
竹笋[竹筍] jūk-xūn zhúsǔn bamboo shoots.⁷
<台> 竹篙 jūk-gâo a pole for hanging washed clothes to dry in the sun.

<台> 竹卡 jūk-kâk bamboo joint; a Chinese-American who is not fluent in Chinese or English.
<台> 竹升 jūk-sēin a Chinese American who is fluent in English, with very little or no knowledge of Chinese.
juk1 8108
118 6 𥫗 jūk zhú (This character, 𥫗, is called 竹字头[竹字頭] jūk-dù-hẽo/ zhúzìtóu and is used for Kangxi radical 118 when it is the upper part of a character); bamboo; flute.⁸ bamboo; slips of bamboo for writing.⁷
(composition: ⿰⿱𠂉丶⿱𠂉丶; U+2EAE).
juk1 8109
118 8 jūk zhú ancient name of India; Zhu surname.⁷ a kind of bamboo; India.¹⁴ (variant: 笁 jūk zhú).
竺经[竺經] jūk-gëin
zhújīng the Buddhist scriptures; Indian sutras.⁷
竺国[竺國] jūk-gōk
zhúguó India.¹⁴
竺学 jūk-hòk
zhúxué Buddhist doctrine (archaic); Buddhist studies.¹⁰
天竺 hëin-jūk
tiānzhú <old> India.⁶
天竺鲷[天竺鯛] hëin-jūk-ël
tiānzhúdiāo cardinal fish.⁶
天竺桂 hëin-jūk-gï
tiānzhúguì Japanese cinnamon, Cinnamomum pedunculatum.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
天竺国[天竺國] hëin-jūk-gōk
tiānzhúguó India.¹⁴
天竺葵属[天竺葵屬] hëin-jūk-kĩ-sùk
tiānzhúkuí geraniums; genus Pelargonium.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
天竺鼠 hëin-jūk-sī
tiānzhúshǔ <zoo.> guinea pig; cavy.⁶
西竺国[西竺國] xäi-jūk-gōk
xīzhúguó India.¹⁴
<又> ūk.
(See 竺 ūk; 笁 jūk).
juk1 8110
118 9 jūk zhú (<old>=竺 jūk zhú) ancient name of India.⁷
(See 竺 jūk).
juk1 8111
118 16 jūk zhù
(an ancient 13-string instrument played by striking with a bamboo stick); build, construct.⁶ build; construct; ram; hit; five-string lute; short name for 贵阳[貴陽] Gï-yẽng Guìyáng Guiyang.¹⁰
建筑[建築] gèin-jūk
jiànzhù to construct; building.¹⁰
筑巢[築巢] jūk-chão
zhùcháo to build a nest.⁷
筑堤[築堤] jūk-hãi
zhùdī to build a dike or embankment.⁷
筑坛[築壇] jūk-hãn
zhùtán to build an altar.⁷
筑起[築起] jūk-hī
zhùqǐ to build up.¹⁰
筑土[築土] jūk-hū
zhùtǔ to build an earth-fill structure.⁷
筑路[築路] jūk-lù
zhùlù to build roads.⁷
筑城[築城] jūk-sẽin
zhùchéng build a castle or city wall.⁷
筑城术[築城術] jūk-sẽin-sùt
zhùchéngshù vallation.¹⁰
筑室道谋[築室道謀] jūk-sīt-ào-mẽo
zhùshìdàomóu lit. to consult passers-by about building a house – to seek the advice of those who have little concern for one' problem.⁷
筑墙[築牆] jūk-tẽng
zhùqiáng to build walls.⁷
筑屋[築屋] jūk-ūk
zhùwū build a house.¹⁹
juk1 8112
119 12 jūk (<old>=鬻 jūk ) to sell; (<old>=育 yùk ) to bring up.⁸
or 獯鬻 Fün-jūk Xūnyù Xunyu (an ancient northern nationality of China.)⁶
(See 粥 [jūk, zhōu]; 鬻 [jūk, ], [yùk, ].)
juk1 8113
119 12 jūk zhōu congee.⁵⁵
江米粥 göng-māi-jūk jiāngmǐzhōu glutinous rice congee.
粥巴了锅了[粥巴了鍋了] jūk-bä-lēl-vö-lēl
zhōubāleguōle The porridge has stuck to the pot.⁵¹
粥饧[粥餳] jūk-chẽin
zhōuxíng sweetened congee.¹¹
粥厂[粥廠] jūk-chōng
zhōuchǎng public mess hall where rice gruel is given free to the poor.¹¹
粥澥了 jūk-hāi-lēl
zhōuxièle the porridge has lost its glueyness.⁶
粥很稠 jūk-hān-chiũ
zhōuhěnchóu porridge is very thick.⁵
粥粥 jūk-jūk
zhōuzhōu chuck-chuck sounds of hens – fig. cackling voices of women; weak.⁷
粥粥无能[粥粥無能] jūk-jūk-mũ-nãng
zhōuzhōuwúnéng (said of a person) weak and incompetent.⁷
or 粥熬得太漿了 jūk-ngão-āk-häi-dëng-lēl zhōuáodetàijiàngle the porridge is too thick.⁵
粥少僧多 jūk-sēl-xäng-ü
zhōushǎosēngduō little gruel for many monks – not enough to go around.⁶
粥会[粥會] jūk-vòi
zhōuhuì a meeting in which the attendants are served with congee and simple fare.⁷
小米粥 xēl-māi-jūk
xiǎomǐzhōu millet gruel.⁵
<台> 粥好稠 jūk-hāo-não the congee is very thick.
(See 粥 [jūk, ].)
juk1 8114
193 22 jūk (=粥 jūk ).
(composition: ⿱粥鬲; U+9B3B).
or 荤粥[葷粥] Fün-jūk Xūnyù Xunyu (an ancient northern nationality of China.)⁶
<又> yùk.
(See 鬻 yùk; 粥[jūk, ].)
juk1 8115
196 23 𪆀
jūk zhōu (composition: ⿱粥鳥; U+2A180).
𪆀❄{⿱粥鳥}鸠[𪆀❄{⿱粥鳥}鳩] jūk-gëo zhōujiū a species of dove.²⁵
juk1 8116
30 24 jük zhǔ <台> 嘱两句[囑兩句] jük-lēng-guï to leave a few words of advice.
<又> jūk. (See 囑 jūk.)
juk2 8117
38 8 jùk zhóu sisters-in-law call each other 妯娌 jùk-lì zhóuli, but not in direct address.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰女由; U+59AF).
姊妹做妯娌 dī-môi-dü-jùk-lì
zǐmèizuòzhóuli two sisters marry two brothers.¹¹
妯娌 jùk-lì
zhóuli wives of brothers; sisters-in-law.⁶
妯娌不睦 jùk-lì-būt-mùk
zhóulibùmù the sisters-in-law are not getting along well with each other.⁶
妯娌和睦 jùk-lì-võ-mùk
zhóulihémù sisters-in-law live in concord with each other/one another.⁶
两妯娌[兩妯娌] lēng-jùk-lì
liǎngzhóuli two sisters-in-law.
<又> chëo.
(See 妯 chëo).
juk4 8118
91 19 jùk (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 牍[牘] dùk with same meaning: wooden tablets or slips for writing (in ancient times); documents, archives, correspondence.⁵)
t: ⿰片賣; U+7258). (comp. s: ⿰片卖; U+724D).
尺牍[尺牘] chēik-jùk
chǐdú model of epistolary art; correspondence (of an eminent writer); letters.⁶
<又> dùk.
(See 牘 dùk.)
juk4 8119
104 13 jùk zhú (= modern 冻疮[凍瘡] üng-chông dòngchuāng) frostbite; chilblain.⁸ sores from cold.¹⁴
手足皲瘃[手足皸瘃] siū-dūk-gün-jùk
shǒuzújūnzhú both hands and feet chapped (from cold climate).⁶
冻瘃[凍瘃] üng-jùk
dòngzhú chilblain.¹⁴
juk4 8120
137 11 jùk zhú stern of a boat/ship.⁶ the after part of a vessel, the stern quarters where the steerman stands; the tiller or scull.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰舟由; U+8233).
舳舻[舳艫] jùk-lũ zhúlú <wr.> convoy of ships; fleet of boats or ships.⁶ a rectangular boat.⁷
舳舻千里[舳艫千里] jùk-lũ-tëin-lî
zhúlúqiānlǐ vast fleet.⁶ lit. formation of ships extending a thousand li – very large flotilla.⁷
舳舻相继[舳舻相繼] jùk-lũ-xëng-gäi
zhúlúxiāngjì The ships sail so close to each other that the stem of one touches the stern of another.⁶
juk4 8121
140 13 jùk zhú lamb’s hoof, an herb whose roots are used as medicine; dock (plant); edible pokeweed (Phytolacca acinosa)​.⁸  <bot.> the yellow dock, Rumex japonicus (aka 羊蹄 yẽng-hãi yángtí lamb's hoof).¹¹
(composition: ⿱艹逐; U+84EB).
蓫薚 jùk-höng
zhútāng =马尾[馬尾] mâ-mī mǎwěi horsetail;² =商陆[商陸] sëng-lùk shānglù a perrenial herb whose roots are used in medicine.⁸ a plant, also called horse-tail grass.²⁵
Ngô-hãng-kĩ-yêh, ngũn-tōi-kĩ-jùk
Wǒ xíng qí yě, yán cǎi qí zhú.
I travelled through the country,
Gathering the sheep's-foot.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·祈父之什·我行其野·2》, translated by James Legge).
juk4 8122
142 16 𧏿
jùk zhú (composition: ⿰虫逐; U+273FF).
𧏿❄{⿰虫逐}蛦 jùk-yĩ zhúyí a kind of insect or worm.¹⁰¹
❄{⿰虫逐}[馬𧏿❄{⿰虫逐}] mâ-jùk mǎzhú a sort of millipede.²⁵
juk4 8123
159 12 jùk zhóu axle, shaft; axis; spool, rod.⁵
车轴[車軸] chëh-jùk chēzhóu car axle; axle.⁵
轴衬[軸襯] jùk-chïn
zhóuchèn <mach.> axle bush, axle bushing; bouchon (a hard bush for a pivot hole in a watch or clock plate).⁶
轴子[軸子] jùk-dū
zhóuzi roller (for a scroll of calligraphy or painting); (tuning) peg/pin.⁶
轴套[軸套] jùk-häo
zhóutào <mach.> axle sleeve.⁵
轴向[軸向] jùk-hëng
zhóuxiàng <mach.> axial.⁵
轴键[軸鍵] jùk-gèin
zhóujiàn axle key; shaft key.⁵⁴
轴距[軸距] jùk-kuî
zhóujù wheelbase (of a vehicle).⁵
轴流泵[軸流泵] jùk-liũ-pēim
zhóuliúbèng axial-flow pump; axial pump.⁵
轴面[軸面] jùk-mèin
zhóumiàn axial plane/surface; <phy.> pinacoid.⁶
轴瓦[軸瓦] jùk-ngā
zhóuwǎ <mach.> axle bush; bushing.⁶
轴承[軸承] jùk-sẽin
zhóuchéng <mach.> bearing.⁵
轴对称[軸對稱] jùk-uï-chëin
zhóuduìchèn axial symmetry.⁵
轴线[軸線] jùk-xëin
zhóuxiàn <mach.> axis; spool thread;  spool cotton.⁵
轴心[軸心] jùk-xïm
zhóuxīn <mach.> axle center; axis.⁵
心轴[心軸] xïm-jùk
xīnzhóu spindle.⁵ mandrel.¹⁹
(See 軸 [jùk, zhòu].)
juk4 8124
159 12 jùk zhòu 大轴子[大軸子] ài-jùk-dū dàzhòuzi last item on a theatrical program.⁶
压轴子[壓軸子] āt-jùk-dū
yāzhòuzi present the last but one item on a theatrical program; last but one item on a theatrical program.⁶
压轴戏[壓軸戲] āt-jùk-hï
yāzhòuxì grand finale (last and best item on a theatrical program).⁶
(See 軸 [jùk, zhóu].)
juk4 8125
162 10 jùk zhú pursue, chase; drive out, expel; one by one.⁵
追逐 juï-jùk zhuīzhú pursue, chase; seek, quest.⁵
逐步 jùk-bù
zhúbù step by step; progressively.⁵
逐出门外[逐出門外] jùk-chūt-mõn-ngòi
zhúchūménwài drive out of the door.⁵
逐渐[逐漸] jùk-dèm
zhújiàn gradually; by degree.⁵
逐字 jùk-dù
zhúzì word-for-word; verbatim.⁵
逐字逐句 jùk-dù-jùk-guï
zhúzìzhújù word by word and sentence by sentence.⁵
逐个[逐個] jùk-göi
zhúgè one by one.⁵
逐客令 jùk-hāk-lèin
zhúkèlìng order for guests to leave.⁵
逐鹿 jùk-lùk
zhúlù <wr.> chase the deer – fight for the throne; bid for state power.⁵
逐鹿中原 jùk-lùk-jüng-ngũn
zhúlùzhōngyuán fight among rivals for the throne.⁵
逐年 jùk-nẽin
zhúnián year by year; year after year.⁵
逐日 jùk-ngìt
zhúrì day by day, every day.⁵
逐水 jùk-suī
zhúshuǐ <TCM> relieve edema or abdominal distention through diuresis or purgation.⁵
逐一 jùk-yīt
zhúyī one by one.⁵
笑逐颜开[笑逐顏開] xël-jùk-ngãn-höi
xiàozhúyánkāi beam with joy/smiles; (one's face) be wreathed in smiles.⁶
juk4 8126
167 21 jùk zhuó bracelet.⁶ <文读> jùk; <白读> âk.
镯子[鐲子] jùk-dū zhuózi bracelet.⁶
金镯[金鐲] gïm-jùk jīnzhuó gold bracelet.⁶
银镯[銀鐲] ngãn-jùk yínzhuó silver bracelet.⁶
玉镯[玉鐲] ngùk-jùk
yùzhuó jade bracelet.⁶
手镯[手鐲] siū-jùk
shǒuzhuó bracelet; bangle.⁶
<又> âk.
(See 鐲 âk.)
juk4 8127
15 10 jūn zhǔn to allow; to grant; to permit; to approve.
不准 būt-jūn bùzhǔn not allow; to forbid; not accurate.
照准 jël-jūn
zhàozhǔn <trad.> request granted; to aim at; <mach.> alidade; collimation.
准噶尔[准噶爾] Jūn-gōt-ngì
Zhǔngá'ěr Dzungar people, Zunghar.¹⁵
准噶尔盆地[准噶爾盆地] Jūn-gōt-ngì-pûn-ì
Zhǔngá'ěr Péndì Junggar/Dzungharian Basin (in Xinjiang, China).⁶
准许[准許] jūn-huī
zhǔnxǔ to permit; to allow.
准予 jūn-yî
zhǔnyǔ to grant; to approve; to permit.
批准 päi-jūn
pīzhǔn to ratify; to approve.
(cf. 準 jūn.)
jun1a 8128
32 11 jūn zhǔn bull's-eye; center of the target for archery.⁸
埻端 Jūn-ön Zhǔnduān a legendary state in the desert regions west of 敦煌 Ūn-võng Dūnhuáng Dunhuang.⁵⁴
jun1a 8129
85 13 jūn zhǔn level; standard; criterion; to aim; quasi-; certainly.
标准[標準] bël-jūn biāozhǔn standard; criterion.⁵
定准[定準] èin-jūn
dìngzhǔn established standard; surely; certainly.
准备[準備] jūn-bì
zhǔnbèi preparation; to prepare.
准将[準將] jūn-dëng
zhǔnjiàng <mil.> brigadier general.
准确[準確] jūn-kōk
zhǔnquè accurate; exact; precise.⁵
准平原[準平原] jūn-pẽin-ngũn
zhǔnpíngyuán <geol.> quasi-plain.
准绳[準繩] jūn-sẽin
zhǔnshéng criterion; yardstick; marking line (for carpenters).
准尉[準尉] jūn-vï
zhǔnwèi warrant officer.¹¹
准矱[準矱] jūn-vòk
zhǔnyuē <wr.> standard of conduct.⁵⁴
瞄准[瞄準] mẽl-jūn
miáozhǔn take aim at (in shooting).¹¹
水准[水準] suī-jūn
shuǐzhǔn level; standard.
(cf. 准 jūn.)
jun1a 8130
172 10 jūn sǔn falcon.⁶ (variant: 鶽 jūn sǔn).
雀隼 dēk-jūn
quèsǔn sparrow hawk.¹⁹
雌隼 dü-jūn
císǔn falcon-gentle.⁶
隼发必中[隼發必中] jūn-fāt-bēik-jüng
sǔnfābìzhòng when the hawk swoops it always hits its mark.¹⁴
隼飞戾天[隼飛戾天] jūn-fï-luì-hëin
sǔnfēilìtiān The falcon flies up to heaven.²⁵
隼悯胎[隼憫胎] jūn-mûn-höi
sǔnmǐntāi the falcon spares pregnant birds.²⁵
鹰隼[鷹隼] yëin-jūn
yīngsǔn <wr.> hawks and falcons; <metaphor> brutal/fierce people.⁶
燕隼 yên-jūn
yànsǔn hobby.⁶ Eurasian hobby (Falco subbuteo), or just simply hobby.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
游隼 yiũ-jūn
yóusǔn peregrine falcon, the peregrine, tiercel, tercel, duck hawk (Falco peregrinus), aka 花梨隼 fä-lĩ-jūn huālísǔn, 压虎[壓虎] āt-fū yāhǔ.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ʼ²⁹
(See 鶻 [gūt, ]; 鶽 jūn.)
jun1a 8131
196 21 jūn sǔn (=隼 jūn sǔn) falcon.⁶
(See 隼 jūn).
jun1a 8132
32 6 jün zhèn irrigation ditch.¹  furrow in field, small drainage.⁸  A ditch in farmlands.⁹  A ditch along farm fields; a small brook.¹¹
深圳 Sïm-jün Shēnzhèn Shenzhen a special economic zone in 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Guangdong Province.
深圳大学[深圳大學] Sïm-jün Ài-hòk
Shēnzhèn Dàxué Shenzhen University.
深圳股市指数[深圳股市指數] Sïm-jün gū-sî jī-sü
Shēnzhèn gǔshì zhǐshù Shenzhen stock market index.
<又> jûn.
(See 圳 jûn.)
jun2a 8133
32 6 jün zhūn name of an ancient place.⁸
(composition: ⿰土乇; U+572B).
<又> äo; hōk; yūk. (See 圫 äo; 圫 hōk; 圫 yūk).
jun2a 8134
45 4 jün zhūn difficulty, handicap.⁹
(composition: ⿻一⿻凵乚(GHTV) or ⿻七凵(GHTV) or ⿻丿⿻凵乚(JK); U+5C6F).
屯邅 or 迍邅 jün-jën zhūnzhān <wr.> walking with difficulty; in a tight corner, in difficulty, having difficulty, making no progress.⁶
<又> hũn, tûn, ūn, hûn.
(See 屯 hũn, tûn, ūn, hûn.)
jun2a 8135
75 14 jün zhēn hazel.⁵ hazel; filbert.⁶ the hazel nut or filibert tree; a thorny tree.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰木秦; U+699B).
榛子 jün-dū zhēnzi hazel; hazelnut.⁵
榛鸡[榛雞] jün-gäi
zhēnjī hazel grouse.⁵
榛梗 jün-gāng zhēngěng thorns – also used figuratively.¹⁴
榛果 jün-gō
zhēnguǒ filbert.⁸
榛榛 jün-jün
zhēnzhēn overgrown with grass and bushes.⁶
榛栗 jün-lùt
zhēnlì hazelnut.¹⁰
榛莽 jün-mông
zhēnmǎng <wr.> luxuriant vegetation.⁵
榛芜[榛蕪] jün-mũ
zhēnwú overgrown; neglected growth.¹⁴
榛木 jün-mûk
zhēnmù hazel.⁶
榛仁 jün-ngĩn
zhēnrén the kernel of a hazelnut.¹⁴
榛狉 jün-pï
zhēnpī <wr.> densely wooded and frequented by wild animals.⁶
榛狉未改 jün-pï-mì-gōi
zhēnpīwèigǎi appearance of primitive jungle.¹¹ primitive state.²⁹
榛色 jün-sēik
zhēnsè filbert.¹⁰
榛树[榛樹] jün-sì
zhēnshù hazel.⁶
榛实[榛實] jün-sìt
zhēnshí hazelnut.⁵
榛薮[榛藪] jün-xēo
zhēnsǒu dense wood.¹⁰
jun2a 8136
75 16 jün zhēn (<old>=榛 jün zhēn hazel.⁵ hazel; filbert.⁶ the hazel nut or filibert tree; a thorny tree.¹⁴).⁸
(composition: ⿰木孱; U+6A3C).
樼栗 jün-lùt zhēnlì (=榛栗 jün-lùt zhēnlì hazelnut.¹⁰).¹⁹
(See 榛 jün).
jun2a 8137
85 9 jün jīn ferry crossing, ford; saliva; sweat; moist, damp; (Jīn) short for Tianjin.⁵
(composition: ⿰氵聿; U+6D25).
津贴[津貼] jün-hëp
jīntiē subsidy; allowance.⁵
津津乐道[津津樂道] jün-jün-lòk-ào
jīnjīnlèdào take delight in talking about; dwell upon with great relish.⁵
津津有味 jün-jün-yiû-mì
jīnjīnyǒuwèi with relish; with gusto; with keen pleasure.⁵
津涯 jün-ngãi
jīnyá the waterside; shores.⁷
津润[津潤] jün-ngùn
jīnrùn juicy and nourishing.⁷  moisten; money fees or subsidy.¹¹
津浦铁路[津浦鐵路] Jün-Pū-hëik-lù 
Jīn-Pǔ Tiělù Jin-Pu Railway (Tianjin-Pukou).⁵⁴
津渡 jün-ù
jīndù a ferry crossing.⁵
津液 jün-yèik
or jün-yìt jīnyè <TCM> body fluid.⁵ saliva.⁵
津要 jün-yël
jīnyào key place or locations; key posts.⁷
无人问津[無人問津] mũ-ngĩn-mùn-jün
wúrénwènjīn nobody is interested in.⁵⁵
牛津 Ngẽo-jün
Niújīn Oxford.¹¹
生津止渴 säng-jün-jī-höt
shēngjīnzhǐkě produce saliva and slake thirst.⁵
<又> jùn.
(See 津 jùn.)
jun2a 8138
85 13 jün zhēn (composition: ⿰氵秦; U+6EB1).
溱溱 jün-jün zhēnzhēn <wr.> thriving (vegetation).¹¹ abundant (as a crop).¹⁴
溱水 Jün-suī
Zhēnshuǐ, old river name, in modern 河南 Hõ-nãm Hénán Henan Province).⁴
Jün-yî-vī, liũ-kĩ-tëin-yì.
Zhēn yǔ wěi, liú qí qīng yǐ.
The Zhen and Wei,
Show their deep, clear streams.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·鄭風·溱洧》, translated by James Legge). (Note: 浏[瀏] liũ
liú means 'deep').⁸
<又> Tũn.
(See 溱 tũn.)
jun2a 8139
94 13 jün zhēn jungle.⁸
獉狉 jün-pï zhēnpī (=榛狉 jün-pï zhēnpī) <wr.> densely wooded and frequented by wild animals.⁶
狉獉 pï-jün
pīzhēn <wr.> overgrown with trees and shrubs and haunted by wild animals.⁶ natural wildenness.⁸
jun2a 8140
116 9 jün zhūn a pit for the coffin.⁷
窀穸 jün-dèik zhūnxī <wr.> bury, entomb; grave, tomb.⁶
窀穸之敬 jün-dèik-jï-gëin
zhūnxīzhījìng contribution towards funeral expenses.¹⁴
窀穸未安 jün-dèik-mì-ön
zhūnxīwèi'ān The corpse is not yet interred.⁵⁴
jun2a 8141
130 8 jün zhūn gizzard (of a fowl); <wr.> sincere; genuine.⁵ <文读> jün; <白读> kîn.
鸭肫[鴨肫] äp-jün yāzhūn duck gizzard.⁵
鸡肫[雞肫] gäi-jün
jīzhūn chicken gizzard.¹¹
肫肝 jün-gön
zhūngān gizzard and liver.¹¹
肫肫 jün-jün
zhūnzhūn <wr.> sincere; sincerely.¹¹
肫挚[肫摯] jün-jï
zhūnzhì sincere.⁶
肫笃[肫篤] jün-ūk
zhūndǔ <wr.> sincere; sincerely.¹¹
肫诚[肫誠] jün-sẽin
zhūnchéng <wr.> sincere; sincerely.¹¹
(See 肫 kîn.)
jun2a 8142
133 16 jün zhēn to reach, to have arrived, to attain a high level; to gather; full; thoughtful; utmost, superior.⁸ to arrive; to reach (esp. perfection); utmost; (used in commercials).¹⁰ <wr.> to attain (a height), to realize (a high ideal).¹¹ the utmost; the highest; to reach to; to collect.¹⁴ to arive at, to reach to; to extend to the utmost; to assemble; a multitude.²⁵
(old variant: 轃 jün zhēn). (See 轃 jün).
(composition: ⿰至秦; U+81FB).)
百福骈臻[百福駢臻] bāk-fūk-pẽin-jün
bǎifúpiánzhēn May every blessing rest here.¹⁴ May all blessings join together!³⁹
臻臻 jün-jün
zhēnzhēn luxuriant; crowded.¹⁹
臻善 jün-sèn
zhēnshàn excellent; extremely good.¹⁹
臻于至善[臻於至善] jün-yï-jï-sèn
zhēnyúzhìshàn be on top; be the best.⁵⁴
臻于郅治[臻於郅治] jün-yï-jìt-jì
zhēnyúzhìzhì to attain a state of perfect governance; secure peace and prosperity.⁵⁴
臻于完善[臻於完善] jün-yï-yõn-sèn
zhēnyúwánshàn to attain perfection (idiom).⁵⁴
来臻[來臻] lõi-jün
láizhēn to arrive at.²⁵
日臻完善 ngìt-jün-yõn-sèn
rìzhēnwánshàn becoming better and approaching perfection day by day.⁵⁴
齐臻臻[齊臻臻] tãi-jün-jün
qízhēnzhēn very tidy.¹¹
jun2a 8143
140 13 jün jīn (alternate Mandarin pronunciation for 蓁 jün zhēn) to wear something on the head.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹秦; U+84C1).
(See 蓁[jün, zhēn]).
jun2a 8144
140 13 jün zhēn abundant, luxuriant vegetation; (=榛 jün zhēn) hazelnut.⁸ abundant; luxuriant, as foliage; to wear on the head.¹⁴  abundant herbage or foliage; collected together in great numbers; the name of a river; trees growing bushy.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹秦; U+84C1).
蓁椒 jün-dël
zhēnjiāo the Chinese pepper or fagara.¹¹ (See 花椒 fä-dël).
蓁蓁 jün-jün
zhēnzhēn luxuriant.⁸ overgrown underbrush.¹¹ luxuriant vegetation; clustering together.¹⁴
or 蓁莽 jün-mông zhēnmǎng overgrown underbrush.¹¹  luxuriant, growth.¹⁴
蓁莾榛榛 jün-mông-jün-jün
zhēnmǎngzhēnzhēn overgrown underbrush.¹¹
(See 蓁[jün, jīn]).
jun2a 8145
144 16 jün zhūn pure; truly is; always.⁸ true, correct, unmixed.²⁵
jun2a 8146
149 15 jün zhūn earnest; sincere; untiring; repeatedly (in giving advice).
谆嘱[諄囑] jün-jūk zhūnzhǔ to give repeated advice.
谆谆[諄諄] jün-jün
zhūnzhūn earnestly and tirelessly.
谆谆教导[諄諄教導] jün-jün-gäo-ào
zhūnzhūnjiàodǎo to teach and admonish with patience.
谆谆告诫[諄諄告誡] jün-jün-gäo-gäi
zhūnzhūngàojiè to repeatedly admonish.
jun2a 8147
159 17 jün zhēn bamboo and wood liner on the floor of an ancient cart; (<old>=臻 jün zhēn) arrive at; reach to.² the mat of a large carriage; (=臻 jün zhēn) to arrive at; to come.²⁵ seat on a chariot (made of bamboo with a soft cover).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰車秦; U+8F43).
(See 臻 jün).
jun2a 8148
162 7 jün zhūn a difficult position.⁷ falter, hesitate.³⁶
(composition: ⿺辶屯; U+8FCD).
迍邅 or 屯邅 jün-jën zhūnzhān <wr.> walking with difficulty; in a tight corner, in difficulty, having difficulty, making no progress.⁶
jun2a 8149
85 6 jùn chuàn <台> 吝汌 lùn-jùn clumsy.
<台> 吝吝汌汌 lùn-lùn-jùn-jùn clumsy.
<又> chün, jûn. (See 汌 chün, jûn.)
jun4a 8150
85 9 jùn jīn (composition: ⿰氵聿; U+6D25).
<台> 论津[論津] lùn-jùn clumsy.
<又> jün. (See 津 jün.)
jun4a 8151
32 6 jûn zhèn <台> 圳仔 or 汌仔 jùn-dōi a brooklet.
<台> 水圳 suī-jûn ditch; drain; gutter; sewer.
<又> jün. (See 圳 jün.)
jun5a 8152
85 6 jûn chuàn <台> 汌仔 or 圳仔 jùn-dōi a brooklet.
<又> chün, jùn. (See 汌 chün, jùn.)
jun5a 8153
9 11 jūng zhòng (composition: ⿰亻重; U+5045).
儱偅 lùng-jūng lòngzhòng unsteady walk (of an elderly).⁸ Also 陇种[隴種] lûng-jūng lǒngzhòng senile; decrepit.⁵⁴ and 龙钟[龍鍾] lũng-jüng lóngzhōng <lit.> decrepit; senile.⁵⁴ (=<台> 行路好吝汌 hãng-lù-hāo-lùn-jùn walking clumsily, such as an elderly person).
<又> hũng.
(See 偅 hũng).
jung1 8154
115 14 jūng zhǒng species; race; seed, strain, breed; guts, grit; kind, type.⁵
种别[種別] jūng-bèik zhǒngbié classification.⁷
种畜[種畜] jūng-chūk
zhǒngchù breeding/stud stock.⁶
or 种籽[種籽] jūng-dū zhǒngzi seed.⁵ʼ¹¹
种族[種族] jūng-dùk
zhǒngzú stock; race; ethnic group.⁸
种种[種種] jūng-jūng
zhǒngzhǒng all sorts/kinds of; a variety of.⁶
种类[種類] jūng-luì
zhǒnglèi kind; type; variety.⁵
种马[種馬] jūng-mâ
zhǒngmǎ stud.⁵
种马场[種馬場] jūng-mâ-chẽng
zhǒngmǎchǎng stud farm.⁵
种牛[種牛] jūng-ngẽo
zhǒngniú breeding bull.⁶
种仁[種仁] jūng-ngĩn
zhǒngrén kernel.⁶
种人[種人] jūng-ngĩn
zhǒngrén people of the same race.⁷
种切[種切] jūng-täi
zhǒngqiè <wr.> and so on.⁷
种姓[種姓] jūng-xëin
zhǒngxìng caste (of India); a clan.⁷
人种[人種] ngĩn-jūng
rénzhǒng race (of people).¹⁰
<又> jüng.
(See 種 jüng; 种 chũng.)
jung1 8155
115 17 jūng zhŏng (=种[種] jūng zhŏng species; race; seed, strain, breed; guts, grit; kind, type.⁵)
(composition: ⿰禾童; U+7A5C).
<又> hũng, jüng.
(See 穜 hũng, 穜 jüng).
jung1 8156
130 13 jūng zhǒng swelling; swollen.⁵
肿大[腫大] jūng-ài zhǒngdà swollen; tumescent; enlarge.⁶
肿块[腫塊] jūng-fäi
zhǒngkuài lump; mass; tumor.⁶
肿起来[腫起來] jūng-hī-lõi
zhǒngqǐlai swell up.¹¹
肿胀[腫脹] jūng-jëng
zhǒngzhàng swelling; <Ch. med.> edema and abdominal distension.⁵
肿瘤[腫瘤] jūng-liũ
zhǒngliú <med.> tumor.⁵
红肿[紅腫] hũng-jūng
hóngzhǒng red and swollen.⁶
囊肿[囊腫] nõng-jūng
nángzhǒng <med.> cyst.⁶
臃肿[臃腫] yüng-jūng
yōngzhǒng too fat to move; overstaffed.⁵ fat and clumsy.⁷
<台> 肿颈[腫頸] jūng-gēng mumps.
jung1 8157
157 16 jūng zhǒng heel; <wr.> call in person; <wr.> follow, carry on.⁶
接踵而来[接踵而來] dēp-jūng-ngĩ-lõi jiēzhǒng'érlái come one after another; arrive successfully.⁶
自顶至踵[自頂至踵] dù-ēin-jï-jūng
zìdǐngzhìzhǒng from head to foot.¹¹
举踵[舉踵] guī-jūng
jǔzhǒng to stand on tiptoe in an anticipatory mood.¹¹
踵谢[踵謝] jūng-dèh
zhǒngxiè to thank in person.⁷
踵见[踵見] jūng-gëin
zhǒngjiàn call repeatedly in person.⁷
踵至 jūng-jï
zhǒngzhì <wr.> arrive upon the heels of another; arrive immediately after another.⁶
踵决肘见[踵決肘見] jūng-kūt-jāo-gëin
zhǒngjuézhǒuxiàn lit. out at heels and elbows – tattered dress.⁷
踵门[踵門] jūng-mõn
zhǒngmén call at another's house in person.⁷
踵门道谢[踵門道謝] jūng-mõn-ào-dèh
zhǒngméndàoxiè call in person to express one's thanks.¹⁹
踵武 jūng-mû
zhǒngwǔ <wr.> follow/tread/walk in somebody's footsteps; imitate; follow suit.⁶
踵事增华[踵事增華] jūng-xù-däng-vã
to follow a precedent and add to its excellence.⁷
jung1 8158
2 4 jüng zhòng to hit (a target).
中奖[中獎] jüng-dēng zhòngjiǎng to draw the prizewinning ticket or number; to win the prize.
中的 jüng-ēik
zhòngdì to hit the target; to hit the nail on the head.¹⁰
中风[中風] jüng-füng
zhòngfēng to have a stroke.
中鹄[中鵠] jüng-gūk
zhònggǔ hit the target.⁶
中肯 jüng-hāng
zhòngkěn apropos; pertinent.⁸
中彩 jüng-tōi
zhòngcǎi win a prize (in a lottery).⁵
中毒 jüng-ùk
zhòngdú to be poisoned.
中意 jüng-yï
zhòngyì be to one’s liking; catch (take) one's fancy; meet with one's wishes.¹¹
射中 sèh-jüng
shèzhòng to hit the target; to score a hit.⁷
(See 中 [jüng, zhōng].)
jung2 8159
2 4 jüng zhōng middle; center; China; Chinese; Zhong surname.
中等 jüng-āng zhōngděng medium; middling; moderate.⁸
中间[中間] jüng-gän
zhōngjiān center, middle; between.⁸
中国[中國] Jüng-gōk
Zhōngguó China.⁸
中涓 jüng-gün
zhōngjuān a eunuch.¹⁴
中学[中學] jüng-hòk
zhōngxué middle school.
中午 jüng-m̂
zhōngwǔ noon; midday.
中文 Jüng-mũn
Zhōngwén Chinese (written) language.
or 中岳  Jüng Ngòk Zhōng Yuè Central Sacred Mountain (i.e. 嵩山 Xūng Sän Sōng Shān Mount Song in Henan Province).
中秋月饼[中秋月餅] jüng-tiü-ngùt-bēng zhōngqiūyuèbing The Mid Autumn Festival moon cakes.¹⁰
中心 jüng-xïm
zhōngxīn center; heart; hub; focus; persons holding important positions.
中药[中藥] Jüng-yêk
Zhōngyào Chinese medicine.
中央 jüng-yëng
zhōngyāng center, middle; central authorities (of a state, party).
中叶[中葉] jüng-yêp
zhōngyè middle period (of dynasty, century, reign).¹¹
中庸 jüng-yũng
zhōngyōng golden mean (Confucianism); (literary) (of person) mediocre; ordinary; the Doctrine of the Mean, one of the Four Books 四书[四書] xï-sï sìshū.¹⁰
<台> 中意 or 钟意[鍾意] jüng-yï to like, to appreciate.
(See 中 [jüng, zhòng].)
jung2 8160
4 丿 6 jüng zhòng (=众[眾] jüng zhòng) masses; people; multitude; crowd; everyone; everything; all matters.³⁶
(composition: ⿱
丿⿲⿱丿丿丨⿺乀丿 ; U+4E51).
<又> yĩm, pän.
(See 乑 yĩm; 乑 pän; 眾 jüng; 㐺 jüng).
jung2 8161
9 6 jüng zhòng <old>=众[眾] jüng zhòng masses, people, multitude, crowd, everyone, everything, all matters.³⁶
(composition: ⿲亻亻人; U+343A).
<又> yĩm.
(See 㐺 yĩm; 眾 jüng).
jung2 8162
9 6 jüng zhōng (=忪 jüng zhōng) agitated; frightened.⁷
(composition: ⿰亻公; U+4F00).
佂伀 or 怔忪 jëin-jüng
zhēngzhōng <lit.> alarmed and panicky; terrified; panic-stricken; seized with terror.⁶
(See 忪 jüng).
jung2 8163
61 7 jüng zhōng agitated; frightened.⁷ (variant: 伀 jüng).
怔忪 jëin-jüng zhēngzhōng <wr.> alarmed and panicky; terrified; panic-stricken; seized with terror.⁶
<又> xüng.
(See 忪 xüng; 伀 jüng.)
jung2 8164
61 8 jüng zhōng loyal; devoted; honest.⁵
忠告 jüng-gäo zhōnggào sincerely advise; admonish.⁵
忠肝义胆[忠肝義膽] jüng-gön-ngì-ām
zhōnggānyìdǎn having good faith, virtue, and patriotism.⁷
忠孝 jüng-häo
zhōngxiào loyalty and filial piety.⁶
忠厚 jüng-hêo
zhōnghòu honest and tolerant; sincere and kindhearted.⁶
忠贞[忠貞] jüng-jëin
zhōngzhēn loyal and dependable.¹⁰
忠贞不渝[忠貞不渝] jüng-jëin-būt-yĩ
zhōngzhēnbùyú be unswervingly loyal/faithful.⁶
忠烈 jüng-lèik
zhōngliè loyal till death; martyr.⁶
忠义[忠義] jüng-ngì
zhōngyì loyal and righteous.⁶
忠诚[忠誠] jüng-sẽin zhōngchéng loyal; faithful; staunch.⁵
忠恕 jüng-sï
zhōngshù magnanimity – a summation of Confucian teaching: "to be trure to one's principles and benevolent in their application towards others".⁷
忠臣 jüng-sĩn
zhōngchén official loyal to his sovereign.⁵
忠实[忠實] jüng-sìt
zhōngshí true; faithful.⁵
忠顺[忠順] jüng-sùn
zhōngshùn loyal and obedient.⁵
忠心 jüng-xïm
zhōngxīn loyalty; devotion.⁵
忠信 jüng-xïn
zhōngxìn faithful and honest; loyal and trustworthy.⁶
忠勇 jüng-yûng
zhōngyǒng loyal and brave.⁶

jung2 8165
61 15 jüng chōng foolish, stupid, dull, silly.⁸ simple; stupid.¹⁴ stupid.²⁴
(composition: ⿱舂心; U+6183).
憃笨 jüng-bùn or chüng-bùn chōngbèn dull; stupid.¹⁴ doltish.²⁴
or chüng-nguĩ chōngyú an idiot.¹⁴ foolish.²⁴
<又> chüng.
(See 憃 chüng).
jung2 8166
75 16 jüng zhōng classifier for woods.³⁶ measure word for house.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰木童; U+6A66).
一橦房子 yīt-jüng-fông-dū yīzhōng fángzi one house.⁵⁴
<又> hũng, chõng, chüng.
(See 橦 hũng, 橦 chõng, 橦 chüng).
jung2 8167
108 9 jüng zhōng small handleless cup.⁶
茶盅 chã-jüng cházhōng handleless teacup.⁶
酒盅 diū-jüng
jiǔzhōng small handleless wine cup.⁶
盅子 jüng-dū
zhōngzi small handleless cup.⁶
原盅鸡汤[原盅雞湯] ngũn-jüng-gäi-höng
yuánzhōngjītāng steamed chicken with broth.⁵⁴
冬瓜盅 üng-gä-jüng
dōngguāzhōng soup simmered inside a whole winter melon (Guangdong).⁵⁴
<又> jûng.
(See 盅 jûng.)
jung2 8168
109 11 jüng zhòng crowd; many. (variants: 㐺, 乑, 衆 jüng, zhòng).
t: ⿱⺫⿲人亻人; U+773E).
s: ⿱𠆢从; U+4F17).
大众[大眾] ài-jüng
dàzhòng the masses.¹¹
众叛亲离[眾叛親離] jüng-bòn-tïn-lĩ
zhòngpànqīnlí to be utterly isolated.
众口难调[眾口難調] jüng-hēo-nãn-èl
zhòngkǒunántiáo It's hard to please everyone.
众志成城[眾志成城] jüng-jï-sẽin-sẽin
zhòngzhìchéngchéng In union there is strength.
众擎易举[眾擎易舉] jüng-kẽin-yì-guī
zhòngqíngyìjǔ many hands make light work.⁸
众望所归[眾望所歸] jüng-mòng-sō-gï
zhòngwàngsuǒguī enjoy popular confidence; command popular support.⁶
众庶歙然,莫不悦喜[眾庶歙然,莫不悅喜] jüng-sï-kīp-ngẽin, mòk-būt-yòt-hī
zhòngshùxīrán, mòbùyuèxǐ. All the people were harmonious and happy.⁶
众说纷纭[眾說紛紜] jüng-sōt-fün-vũn
zhòngshuōfēnyún opinions vary.⁵
众多[眾多] jüng-ü
zhòngduō numerous.
万众一心[萬眾一心] màn-jüng-yī-xïm
wànzhòngyīxīn millions of people all of one mind (idiom); the people united; universal agreement; complete unity.
(See 㐺, 乑, 衆 jüng).
jung2 8169
115 14 jüng zhòng grow; plant; cultivate.⁵
种德[種德] jüng-āk zhòngdé to accumulate virtuous deeds; to cultivate virtues.⁷
种痘[種痘] jüng-èo/
zhòngdòu or 种牛痘[種牛痘] jüng-ngẽo-èo/ zhòng niúdòu to vaccinate; vaccination (against smallpox).⁷
种花[種花] jüng-fä
zhònghuā cultivate/grow flowers; <topo.> vaccination (against smallpox).⁵
种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆[種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆] jüng-gä-āk-gä, jüng-èo-āk-èo
zhòngguādéguā, zhòngdòudédòu plant melons and you get melons, sow beans and you get beans  – as you sow, so will you reap.⁵
种田[種田] jüng-hẽin
zhòngtián till the land; farm.⁵
种地[種地] jüng-ì
zhòngdì to farm; to cultivate the land.⁷
种植[種植] jüng-jèik
zhòngzhí plant; grow.⁵
种庄稼[種莊稼] jüng-jöng-gä
zhòngzhuāngjia till the land.⁷
种树[種樹] jüng-sì
zhòngshù to plant trees.¹⁰
种菜[種菜] jüng-töi
zhòngcài to grow vegetables.⁷
种祸[種禍] jüng-vò
zhònghuò to sow the seeds of calamity or misfortune.⁷
种因[種因] jüng-yïn
zhòngyīn <wr.> plant/sow the seeds (of conflict, suffering).⁶
<又> jūng.
(See 種 jūng; 种 chũng.)
jung2 8170
115 17 jüng zhòng (=种[種] jüng zhòng grow; plant; cultivate.⁵)
(composition: ⿰禾童; U+7A5C).
<又> hũng, jūng.
(See 穜 hũng, 穜 jūng).
jung2 8171
118 17 jüng zhōng bamboo; a chest, a box.⁸ a bamboo; a Tartar word for a box.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗終; U+423A).
jung2 8172
120 11 jüng zhōng end, finish; death, end; eventually, after all, in the end; whole, entirely, all.⁵
终场[終場] jüng-chẽng zhōngchǎng end of a performance or show; <trad.> final session in an examination.⁵
终卒[終卒] jüng-dūt
zhōngzú died.¹⁴
终点[終點] jüng-ēm
zhōngdiǎn terminal point; destination; <sport> finish.⁵
终点线[終點線] jüng-ēm-xëin
zhōngdiǎnxiàn <sport> finishing line.⁵
终伏[終伏] jüng-fùk
zhōngfú (=末伏 mòt-fùk mòfú) the last of the three ten-day periods of the hot season; the first day of the last period of the hot season.⁵
终归[終歸] jüng-gï
zhōngguī eventually.⁵⁵
终究[終究] jüng-giü
zhōngjiū after all; in the end.⁷
终古[終古] jüng-gū
zhōnggǔ <wr.> forever.⁵
终止[終止] jüng-jī
zhōngzhǐ stop; end; termination; annulment; abrogation; <mus.> cadence.⁵
终日[終日] jüng-ngìt
zhōngrì all day long; all day.⁵
终端[終端] jüng-ön
zhōngduān terminal.⁵
终身[終身] jüng-sïn
zhōngshēn lifelong; all one's life.⁵
终岁[終歲] jüng-xuï
zhōngsuì the whole year.⁵
终于[終於] jüng-yï
zhōngyú at last; in the end; finally.⁵
jung2 8173
134 11 jüng chōng pound (grain) in a mortar; pestle.⁶
舂锄[舂鋤] jüng-chũ chōngchú the white egret or paddy bird.¹⁴
舂钻[舂鑽] jüng-dön
chōngzuān churn drill.⁶
舂谷[舂穀] jüng-gūk
chōnggǔ husk grain with mortar and pestle.⁵⁴
舂米 jüng-māi
chōngmǐ or 舂粮[舂糧] jüng-lẽng chōng liáng husk rice with mortar and pestle.⁶ to hull rice.¹⁴
舂实性能[舂實性能] jüng-sìt-xëin-nãng
chōng shí xìngnéng rammability.¹⁰
舂墙[舂牆] jüng-tẽng
chōngqiáng to make mud or adobe walls.¹⁴
舂碓 jüng-uî
chōngduì a pestle (for husking grain).⁷
舂药[舂藥] jüng-yêk
chōngyào pound medicinal herbs into powder in a mortar.⁶
刑舂 yẽin-jüng
xíngchōng  to be forced to grind grain as a punishment (old).¹⁰
jung2 8174
137 10 jüng zhōng middle part of a ship.⁶
舯剖面 jüng-pāo-mèin zhōngpōumiàn midship section.¹⁹
jung2 8175
140 14 jüng zhōng 蔠葵 jüng-kĩ zhōngkuí (special name for 落葵 lòk-kĩ luòkuí) Malabar spinach (Basella alba L.)²³
jung2 8176
142 16 jüng zhōng (=钟[鍾] jüng zhōng) a kind of wine container; to concentrate, to accumulate.⁷ to love, cherish: <wr.> to gather.¹¹
(See 鍾 jüng).
jung2 8177
142 17 jüng zhōng a katydid; a long-horned grasshopper; a locust.⁷
阜螽 fèo-jüng fùzhōng <wr.> grasshoppers.¹¹
蝈螽[蟈螽] gōk-jüng
guōzhōng  insect of the Gampsocleis genus (grasshoppers and crickets); Gampsocleis sinensis.¹⁰
土螽 hū-jüng
tǔzhōng gray grasshopper.¹
螽花 jüng-fä
zhōnghuā a spikelet.⁷
螽斯 jüng-xü
zhōngsī katydid; long-horned grasshopper.⁵
螽斯衍庆[螽斯衍慶] jüng-xü-yēn-hëin
zhōngsīyǎnqìng May your offsprings be as numerous as a katydid's. (a congratulatory expression used when a son is born to a friend).⁷
蟿螽 käi-jüng
qìzhōng grasshopper.⁶
jung2 8178
143 12 jüng zhòng (=众[眾] jüng zhòng multitude, crowd; masses, public).⁸
(composition: ⿱血乑; U+8846).
(See 眾 jüng).
jung2 8179
145 9 jüng  zhōng underpants.⁸ The waist-band of the breeches, brought together in the form of an ox's head. A fold or plait.²⁵
(composition: ⿰衤公; U+8873).
𧘿❄{⿰衤正}衳 jëin-jüng zhēngzhōng a child's clothing.²
jung2 8180
145 9 jüng zhòng trousers; pants.¹³  leggings; trouser legs worn over trousers.¹⁹ the breech; a pair of breeches.²⁵
(composition: ⿰衤中; U+8876).
jung2 8181
157 19 jüng zhōng to stagger along; to fall.⁸ to walk awry.²⁵
(composition: ⿰𧾷童; U+8E71).
蹱路 jüng-lù zhōnglù to walk; to hurry on one's way.¹⁹
蹱躘 jüng-lũng
zhōnglóng not moving forward.¹⁹
躘蹱 lũng-jüng
lóngzhōng or 龙钟[龍鍾] lũng-jüng lóngzhōng or 躘踵 lũng-jūng lóngzhǒng a little child attempting to walk; unable to walk.¹³ʼ¹⁹ʼ²⁵
jung2 8182
167 17 jüng zhōng a kind of wine container; to concentrate, to accumulate.⁷ to love, cherish: <wr.> to gather; Zhong surname.¹¹ (variant: 螤 jüng zhōng).
钟馗[鐘馗] Jüng Kĩ
Zhōng Kuí Zhong Kui (mythological figure, supposed to drive away evil spirits); fig. a person with the courage to fight against evil.¹⁰
钟灵毓秀[鍾靈毓秀] jüng-lẽin-yùk-xiü
zhōnglíngyùxiù a place endowed with the fine spirits of the universe; be endowed with supernatural talents.⁸
钟爱[鍾愛] jüng-öi
zhōng'ài to treasure; be very fond of.¹⁰
钟情[鍾情] jüng-tẽin 
zhōngqíng to fall in love; to love somebody or something dearly.¹⁰
时钟[時鍾] sĩ-jüng
shízhōng clock.⁸
一见钟情[一見鍾情] yīt-gëin-jüng-tẽin
yījiànzhōngqíng love at first sight.¹¹
<台> 钟意[鍾意] or 中意 jüng-yï to like.
<台> 唔钟意[唔鍾意] m̃-jüng-yï to dislike.
(The simplified form 钟 is used for 鐘 jüng and 鍾 jüng.)
(See 螤 jüng).
jung2 8183
167 17 jüng zhōng 锺 is non-standard partially simplified form. The standard simplified form is 钟 (corresponding to both 鐘 and 鍾).¹
(See 鐘 jüng; 鍾 jüng.)
jung2 8184
167 20 jüng zhōng clock; o'clock; bell; time as measured in hours and minutes.
分钟[分鐘] fün-jüng fēnzhōng minute (of time).
警钟[警鐘] gēin-jüng
jǐngzhōng alarm bell.
钟摆[鐘擺] jüng-bāi
zhōngbǎi pendulum.
钟表[鐘錶] jüng-bël
zhōngbiǎo clock.
钟点[鐘點] jüng-ēm
zhōngdiǎn hour; <topo.> time for something to be done or happen.
钟头[鐘頭] jüng-hẽo
zhōngtóu <topo.> hour.
钟楼[鐘樓] jüng-lẽo
zhōnglóu bell tower, clock tower.
钟面[鐘面] jüng-mèin
zhōngmiàn clock face.
闹钟[鬧鐘] nào-jüng
nàozhōng alarm clock.¹⁰
三点钟[三點鐘] xäm-ēm-jüng 
sān diǎnzhōng 3 o'clock.
(The simplified form 钟 is used for 鐘 jüng and 鍾 jüng.)

jung2 8185
9 6 jùng zhòng second (month of a season); <wr.> second (among brothers); middle; intermediate.
提请仲裁[提請仲裁] hãi-tēin-jùng-tõi tíqǐng zhòngcái to institute arbitration proceedings; to submit to arbitration.
仲春 jùng-chün
zhòngchūn second month of spring.
仲夏 jùng-hà
zhòngxià second month of summer.
仲兄 jùng-hëin
zhòngxiōng second-eldest brother.
仲尼 Jùng-nãi
Zhòngní Confucius.
仲秋 jùng-tiü
zhòngqiū second month of autumn.
仲裁 jùng-tõi
zhòngcái to arbitrate.
仲冬 jùng-üng
zhòngdōng second month of winter.
贤昆仲[賢昆仲] yẽn-kün-jùng
xiánkūnzhòng (a polite expression) you and your brother.⁷
jung4 8186
166 9 jùng zhòng weight; important; considerable in amount or value; serious, solemn.
举足轻重[舉足輕重] guī-dūk-hëng-jùng jǔzúqīngzhòng to play a decisive role.
重价[重價] jùng-gä
or chüng-gä zhòngjià high price.⁵
重量 jùng-lẽng
zhòngliàng weight.⁵
重利 jùng-lì
or chüng-lì zhònglì high/exorbitant interest; hugh profit; <wr.> value material gains.⁶
重任 jùng-ngìm
zhòngrèn important task; heavy responsibility
重要 jùng-yël
zhòngyào important; significant; major.¹⁰
老成持重 lāo-sẽin-chĩ-jùng
lǎochéngchízhòng experienced and prudent.
严重[嚴重] ngẽm-jùng
yánzhòng serious; critical.
<又> chüng, chũng.
(See 重 chüng, chũng.)
jung4 8187
108 9 jûng zhōng small handleless cup.⁶
盖盅[蓋盅] köi-jûng gàizhōng a teacup with a cover.⁷
色盅 sēik-jûng
shǎizhōng dice cup.¹⁰
<台> 盅仔 jûng-dōi handleless small cup.
<台> 冚盅 kēim-jûng handleless cup with cover.
<台> 炖盅[燉盅] ùn-jûng a container (with chicken or pork) which is put into a pot with hot water to be cooked.
<又> jüng.
(See 盅 jüng.)
jung5 8188
64 11 jüt zuó <台> 捽 jüt to touch, to poke; between a heavy touch and a light poke.
<又> dūt. (See 捽 dūt.)
jut2 8189
9 7 佧佤族 Kā-Ngā-dùk  Kǎwǎzú old name for 佤族 Ngā-dùk Wǎzú the Va (Wa) nationality, living in 云南[雲南] Vũn-nãm Yúnnán Yunnan Province.
ka1 8190
25 5 to block; to stop; card; calorie.
贺卡[賀卡] hào-kā or hò-kā hèkǎ greeting card.⁶
卡癶裆[卡癶襠] kā-bôt-nòng
kǎbodāng place between the thighs.¹¹
卡车[卡車] kā-chëh
kǎchē truck; lorry.
卡拉OK kā-lā-OK
kǎlā OK karaoke (loanword).⁸
卡路里 kā-lù-lî
kǎlùlǐ <loan> calorie.
卡片 kā-pëin
kǎpiàn card.⁵
<又> kāk, käk, kâk, kāt.
(See 卡 [kā, qiǎ], kāk, käk, kâk, kāt.)
ka1 8191
25 5 qiǎ a checkpoint; a clip; a fastener; customs station; to block; to be stuck; to be wedged.
边卡[邊卡] bëin-kā biānqiǎ border checkpoint.
关卡[關卡] gän-kā
guānqiǎ checkpoint.⁹
头发卡子[頭髮卡子] hẽo-fāt-kā-dū
tóufa qiǎzi hairpin, hair fastener.
哨卡 säo-kā
shàoqiǎ frontier/strategic sentry post; checkpoint.⁶
<又> kāk, käk, kâk, kāt.
(See 卡 [kā,], kāk, käk, kâk, kāt.)
ka1 8192
30 8 咔叽[咔嘰] kā-gï kǎjī <loan>  khaki cloth.
(See 咔 [kā, ].)
ka1 8193
30 8 click.⁹
咔嚓 kā-chät kāchā <ono.> sound of breaking or snapping; cut it out; <topo.> stop it ; also written 喀嚓 q.v. hāk-chät kāchā.¹⁰
咔哒[咔噠] kā-dät
kādā cracking.³⁹
(See 咔 [kā, ].)
ka1 8194
130 9 carbylamine; isocyanide.¹⁰
ka1 8195
157 12 qiǎ to walk; to step.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰⻊可; U+8DD2).
跒倔 kā-gùt qiǎjuè stand respectfully; tower aloft.¹⁹
跁跒 pã-kā
páqiǎ walking along, unwilling to advance.²⁵ to walk without advancing, the motion of walking, but making no progress, as when drilling soldiers; it is also used to intimate reluctance to act.¹⁰²

ka1 8196
211 20 qiǎ bone chips stuck between teeth (could not be picked out).⁸ to be stuck between the teeth (said of bones that one can't pick out).³⁶
(composition: ⿰齒可; U+4D97).
<又> hä; hēip. (See 䶗 hä; 䶗 hēip).
ka1 8197
9 8 kuǎ to speak with an accent; big and clumsy.
侉大个[侉大個] kä-ài-göi kuǎdàgè big and clumsy person.
侉子 kä-dū
kuǎzi <topo.> person who speaks with an accent; hick; rube; country bumpkin; fool; simpleton.
老侉 lāo-kä
lǎokuǎ <topo.> farmer; hick; rube.
ka2 8198
30 9 kuā to revile.¹⁴
ka2 8199
32 9 kuǎ to collapse; to break or wear down; to defeat.
打垮 ā-kä dǎkuǎ to defeat; to rout.
压垮[壓垮] āt-kä
yākuǎ to collapse under pressure; to overwhelm.
冲垮[衝垮] chüng-kä
chōngkuǎ to burst; to shatter.
顶垮[頂垮] ēin-kä
dǐngkuǎ to defeat.
垮台[垮臺] kä-hõi
kuǎtái to fall from power; to come to grief.
累垮 luì-kä
lèikuǎ to collapse from fatigue.
松松垮垮[鬆鬆垮垮] xüng-xüng-kä-kä
sōngsongkuǎkuǎ baggy; sluggish.
ka2 8200
34 3 𡕒
kuà (=跨 kä kuà) to straddle, to bestride; to pass over; to surpass, to excel.¹⁴ to straddle; a stride.²⁴
(composition: ⿻匸丨, the third stroke starts below the middle of the first stroke; U+21552).

ka2 8201 21552.gif
37 6 kuā <wr.> extravagant; big; handsome.¹¹  to brag; to talk big.¹⁴
夸诞[夸誕] kä-än kuādàn boastful.¹¹
夸奢自大 kä-chëh-dù-ài
kuāshēzìdà to boast oneself.¹⁴
夸口 kä-hēo
kuākǒu to brag.¹⁴
夸克 kä-hāk
kuākè quark (particle physics).¹⁰
夸容 kä-yũng
kuāróng handsome (=姱 kä kuā).¹¹
(See 誇 kä; 姱 kä.)
ka2 8202
37 8 𡘆 kuā (=夸 kä kuā <wr.> extravagant; big; handsome.¹¹  to brag; to talk big.¹⁴).⁸
(composition: ⿱𡗜亏 or ⿱⿻大丷亏; U+21606).
(See 夸 kä).
ka2 8203
38 9 kuā excellent.¹  fascinating and pretty.¹⁴
姱节[姱節] kä-dēik kuājié refined.¹⁴
姱女 kä-nuī
kuānǚ a beautiful woman.¹
姱修 kä-xiü
kuāxiū elegant.¹⁴
(See 夸 kä; 誇 kä.)
ka2 8204
50 9 kuà a robe, a long gown; a shirt, a short gown.⁸ a riding habit; a short dress.²⁴ a riding dress; overalls to protect the trowsers from chafing.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰巾夸; U+3841).
㡁衿 kä-kïm kuàjīn a robe.²⁴  an undershirt or small vest.¹⁰²
ka2 8205
61 9 kuā to think highly of one's self; self-complacent; dissatisfied with; captious.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰忄夸; U+6057).
心中自恗 xïm-jüng-dù-kä xīnzhōngzìkuā to feel satisfied with one's doings.¹⁰²
<又> fü.
(See 恗 fü).
ka2 8206
61 12 qià covertly hiding.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰忄客; U+6118).
愘㤉 kä-ngã qiàyá full of plots and schemes.²⁴ hiding away, as children in playing hide-and-seek; bashful and keeping out of sight.
<又> kōk.
(See 愘 kōk).
ka2 8207
64 9 kuà to carry on arm or over shoulder.
挎包 kä-bâo kuàbāo satchel; <topo.> shoulder bag.
挎斗 kä-ēo
kuàdǒu sidecar.
挎兜 kä-ëo
kuàdōu satchel; backpack.
ka2 8208
64 11 guà hang, suspend; suspense.⁸ (variant: 罣 kä guà). (See 罣 kä).
挂单[掛單] kä-än
guàdān stay overnight in a temple.⁶
挂包[掛包] kä-bäo
guàbāo <topo.> satchel.⁸
挂齿[掛齒] kä-chī
guàchǐ mention.⁵
挂号[掛號] kä-hào
guàhào to register (a letter).¹⁰
挂住[掛住] kä-jì
guàzhù hang; put up.⁵⁴
挂炉鸭[掛爐鴨] kä-lũ-äp
guàlúyā roast duck.¹⁹
挂炉乳猪[掛爐乳豬] kä-lũ-nguî-jï
guàlú rǔzhū roast suckling pig.¹⁹
挂虑[掛慮] kä-luì
guàlǜ be anxious about; worry about.⁵
挂名[掛名] kä-mẽin
guàmíng titular; only in name.⁵
or 罣念 kä-nèm guàniàn to be concerned.³⁹
or 罣碍[罣礙] kä-ngòi guà'ài hindrance, obstruction; to block, to hinder.⁷
挂失[掛失] kä-sīt
guàshī report the loss of (checks).⁵
挂帅[掛帥] kä-suï
guàshuài to be in command; to assume (or take) command; to assume leadership.⁵
挂彩[掛彩] kä-tōi
guàcǎi be wounded in battle.⁵
挂心[掛心] kä-xïm
guàxīn worry about; be on one's mind.⁶
挂一漏万[掛一漏萬] kä-yīt-lèo-màn
guàyīlòuwàn for one thing cited, ten thousand may have been left out – the list is far from complete.⁵
ka2 8209
120 12 guà entangle; offend, violate, go against; constitute, form compose, make up; unique, distictive.⁸ʼ⁰ coarse silk from refuse cocoons; to fasten; anxious (interchangeable with 罣 kä guà).¹⁴ to stop; anything congealed in its course; a knot in silk; a crooked piece of wood to which to fasten a horse; to be inclosed as in a net.²⁵ to entangle; (=罣 kä guà to hinder, to obstruct); (=挂[掛] kä guà to hang).³⁶ the coarse silk obtained from refuse cocoons; a knotted cord to fasten a horse; to stop, to impede, as by a net.¹⁰²
(Note: The Taiwan Ministry of Education dictionary and some other dictionaries have only one pronunciation for 絓, which is, guà).
(composition: ⿰糹圭; U+7D53).
结絓 gēik-kä jiéguà fettered, hampered.²⁵
or 罣碍[罣礙] or 挂碍[掛礙] kä-ngòi guà'ài hindrance, obstruction; to block, to hinder.⁷ to be hindered, thus unawakened; to be obstructed.³⁶
絓于大树[絓於大樹] kä-yï-ài-sì
guàyúdàshù he was caught in a large tree – as he fell.¹⁴
骖絓而止[驂絓而止] täm-kä-ngĩ-jī
cānguà'érzhǐ he fastened the horse and stopped.¹⁰²
心结絓而不解[心結絓而不解] xïm-gēik-kä-ngĩ-būt-gāi
xīn jiéguà ér bù jiě  I am so anxious that nothing can enliven me.¹⁰²
(See 罣 kä; 掛 kä; 絓[kä, kuā]).
ka2 8210
120 12 kuā silk that has become knotted while reeling; wash silk floss or wadding in a bag; a coarse silk fabric.⁸ʼ⁰ the coarse silk, obtained from the refuse of the cocoons; to put the silk into a bag.²⁵ coarse silk.³⁶
(Note: The Taiwan Ministry of Education dictionary and some other dictionaries have only one pronunciation for 絓, which is, guà).
(composition: ⿰糹圭; U+7D53).
(See 絓[kä, guà]).
ka2 8211
122 11 guà (=挂[掛] kä guà hang, suspend; suspense.⁸; hinder, disturb, obstruct).⁸ hindrance, obstruction; a sieve; to be concened, to be worried.⁷ (=絓 kä guà to obstruct; to hinder; to entangle).³⁶ knotted threads; an impediment.¹⁰¹ an impediment, an obstacle; to fall into a snare, to hinder; not at ease, as a bird in a net; to think of.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱罒圭; U+7F63).
触罣[觸罣] chūk-kä
chùguà to rush into the net.¹⁰¹ to rush against the obstacle, to fall into the net.¹⁰²
罣误[罣誤] kä-m̀
guàwù to be remiss; to be at fault.⁷
or 挂念[掛念] kä-nèm guàniàn to be concerned.³⁹
or 挂碍[掛礙] or 絓碍[絓礙] kä-ngòi guà'ài hindrance, obstruction; to block, to hinder.⁷  to be hindered, thus unawakened; to be obstructed.³⁶
罣罳 kä-xü
guàsī a sieve.³⁹
悬罣[懸罣] yõn-kä
xuánguà much afraid lest some ill has happened.¹⁰²
(See 掛 kä; 絓 kä).
ka2 8212
122 13 guà  stumble; hinder.⁸ from《漢典•基本解释》.
the squares on a weiqi (Chinese chess, go) board.⁸ from 《漢典•國語詞典》.
(Note: Diferences in definitions and sounds exist among 《漢典•基本解释》, 《漢典•國語詞典》 and other sources).
(composition: ⿱罒卦; U+7F6B).
方罫 föng-kä
fāngguà the square of a chessboard.²⁵
<又> gāi; và.
(See 罫 gāi; 罫 và).
ka2 8213
130 10 kuà hip.⁶ space between the legs; the groin.⁷ the thighs; the legs.¹⁴
胯部 kä-bù kuàbù the crotch.⁷
胯夫 kä-fü
kuàfū a coward.¹⁴
胯骨 kä-gūt
kuàgǔ hipbone.⁶
胯下 kä-hà
kuàxià between one's legs.⁶
胯下之辱 kä-hà-jï-yùk
kuàxiàzhīrǔ crawl between somebody's legs – cup of humiliation.⁶
ka2 8214
145 11 guà (<old>=褂 kä guà) Chinese-style unlined jacket; gown.⁶
(See 褂 kä).
ka2 8215
145 13 guà Chinese-style unlined jacket; gown.⁶ (variant: 袿 kä guà).
大褂 ài-kä
dàguà unlined long gown.⁸
单褂[單褂] än-kä
dānguà light jacket.¹⁹
白大褂 bàk-ài-kä
bái dàguà lab coat.¹⁰ white gown; doctor's coat/gown.⁵⁴
褂子 kä-dū
guàzi Chinese-style unlined upper garment, short gown.⁶
褂儿[褂兒] kä-ngĩ
guàr  Chinese-style unlined jacket.⁶
马褂[馬褂] mâ-kä
mǎguà mandarin jacket (worn over a gown); men's short coat.⁶
外褂子 ngòi-kä-dū
wàiguàzi upper garment worn by Qing officials.¹⁹
袍褂 pão-kä
páoguà the full dress with long gown and jacket.¹¹
<台> 长黹马褂[長黹馬褂] chẽng-jī-mâ-kä former men's formal long gown with a short jacket.
(See 袿 kä).
ka2 8216
149 10 𧥢
kuā (<old> for 夸[誇] kä kuā to boast, to brag; to praise, to commend.¹⁴).²ʼ³⁶ to boast, to brag; a man's name.²⁵
(composition: ⿱大言; U+27962).
(See 誇 kä).
ka2 8217
149 13 詿 guà <wr.> to impose upon; to deceive; to disturb.
诖误[詿誤] or 挂误[掛誤] kä-m̀ guàwù fault; error; involvement; implication; to be punished or harmed due to implication from others; to get others involved in criminal acts by lying; to be remiss; to be at fault.
ka2 8218
149 13 kuā to boast, to brag; to praise, to commend.¹⁴
(old variant: 𧥢❄{⿱大言} kuā)
t: ⿰言夸; U+8A87). (comp. s: ⿱大亏; U+5938).
自夸[自誇] dù-kä
zìkuā self-praise; boasting.¹⁴
浮夸[浮誇] fẽo-kä
fúkuā be boastful; exaggerate.⁸
夸大[誇大] kä-ài
kuādà to swagger, to exaggerate, to boast.¹⁴
夸赞[誇贊] kä-dän
kuāzàn to praise; to speak highly of; to commend.¹⁰
夸奖[誇獎] kä-dēng
kuājiǎng to praise; to extol.¹⁴
夸口[誇口] kä-hēo
kuākǒu to boast.¹⁴
夸许[誇許] kä-huī
kuāxǔ praised; boasted of.¹⁴
夸张[誇張] kä-jëng
kuāzhāng to boast.¹⁴
夸夸[誇誇] kä-kä
kuākuā earnest, really.¹⁴
夸耀[誇耀] kä-yèl
kuāyào to brag about; to flaunt.¹⁰ to show off.¹⁴
(See 夸 kä; 姱 kä; 𧥢❄{⿱大言} kä)
ka2 8219
157 13 kuà to straddle, to bestride; to pass over; to surpass, to excel.¹⁴
跨刀 kä-äo kuàdāo carry a knife on the belt; (formerly, Chinese opera) to play a supporting role.¹¹
跨界 kä-gäi
kuàjiè to sit astride a boundary.⁷
跨过[跨過] kä-gö
kuàguò pass over (stile, threshold).¹¹
跨国公司[跨國公司] kä-gōk-güng-xü
kuàguó gōngsī a transnational company; a multinational corporation.⁷
跨行业[跨行業] kä-hãng-ngèp
kuàhángyè do intertrade.⁶
跨海 kä-hōi
kuàhǎi to cross the sea; sail across the ocean.⁷
跨鹤西去[跨鶴西去] kä-hôk-xäi-huï
kuàhèxīqù ride a crane and head westward –  (of a lady) die.⁶
跨地区[跨地區] kä-ì-kuï
kuàdìqū interregional.⁶
跨栏赛跑[跨欄賽跑] kä-lãn-söi-pāo
kuàlán sàipǎo <sport> hurdle race; the hurdles.⁵
跨马[跨馬] kä-mâ kuàmǎ to sit astride on a horse; to mount a horse.⁷
跨年度 kä-nẽin-ù
kuàniándù go beyond the year.⁵
跨党[跨黨] kä-ōng
kuàdǎng to be a member of two political parties at the same time.⁷
跨度 kä-ù
kuàdù span.⁶
跨越 kä-yòt
kuàyuè stride across; leap over; cut across.⁵
<又> kã.
(See 跨 kã.)
ka2 8220
188 14 qià the pelvis; bone stuck in the throat; the kneecap, patella; the five lowest pieces of bone of the spinal column.⁸
(composition: ⿰骨可; U+4BCA).
ka2 8221
188 18 qià the pelvis.¹⁴ the bones of the loins; the pelvis.²⁵ (Taiwan pronunciation ).⁵⁴
髂嵴 kä-dëk
qiàjí iliac crest, crista iliaca.⁹
髂棘测量计[髂棘測量計] kä-gēik-chāk-lẽng-gäi
qià jí cè liángjì iliometer.¹⁰
髂肌 kä-gï
qiàjī iliacus.⁶
髂骨 kä-gūt
qiàgǔ ilium.⁵
髂骨下部 kä-gūt-hà-bù
qiàgǔxiàbù subilium.¹⁰
髂囊 kä-nõng
qiànáng saccus iliacus.⁹
髂丛[髂叢] kä-tũng
qiàcóng iliac plexuses.⁹
髂窝[髂窩] kä-vö
qiàwō iliac fossa (anatomy); pelvic basin internal to ilium.¹⁰
腰髂肋肌 yël-kä-làk-gï
yāoqiàlèijī iliocostalis lumborum, musculus iliocostalis lumborum.⁹
ka2 8222
73 5 yuē (Cant.) cockroach.⁸
(composition: ⿻囗丅 or ⿻曰丨;U+66F1).
<台> 曱甴 kã-tât/ or <台> 蠄遢 kã-tât/ cockroach.
ka3 8223
142 18 qín <台> 蠄蟧 kã-lâo/ spider.
<台> 蠄蟧丝网[蠄蟧絲網] kã-lâo-xü-mōng spiderweb.
<台> 蠄遢 kã-tât/ or <台> 曱甴 kã-tât/ cockroach.
<又> kẽim.
(See 蠄 kẽim.)
ka3 8224
157 13 kuà <台> 跨过去[跨過去] kã-gö-huï to step over something or somebody.
<又> kä. (See 跨 kä.)
ka3 8225
30 11 kāi to open; to start, to initiate; to enlighten, to awaken; <wr.> to state, to inform; <wr.> letter, note.⁵ (variants: 啓, 啔 kāi).
启程[啟程] kāi-chẽin qǐchéng to set out on a journey.¹⁰
启椟[啟櫝] kāi-dùk
qǐdú to open a casket.²⁴
启迪[啟迪] kāi-èik
qǐdí to open mind, especially of the young, stimulate thinking.¹¹
启发[啟發] kāi-fāt
qǐfā to arouse, to inspire, to enlighten.⁵
启行[啟行] kāi-hãng
qǐxíng to start on a journey.⁵
启航[啟航] kāi-hõng
or 起航 hī-hõng qǐháng (of a ship) to set sail; (of an airplane) to take off.¹⁰
启蛰[啟蟄] kāi-jèik
qǐzhé to wake from hibernation in the spring.¹¹
启幕[啟幕] kāi-mōk
qǐmù the curtain rises.⁵ to open (a conference); to inaugurate.¹⁰
启门[啟門] kāi-mõn
qǐmén to open the door.⁵
启蒙[啟蒙] kāi-mũng
qǐméng to impart rudimentary knowledge to beginners, to initiate; to enlighten, to free somebody from prejudice or superstition.⁵
启示[啟示] kāi-sì
qǐshì enlighten, inspire, reveal.⁶
启动[啟動] kāi-ùng
qǐdòng to start (a machine); to switch on.⁵
启事[啟事] kāi-xù
qǐshì notice; announcement.⁵
(See 啓 kāi; 啔 kāi).
kai1 8226
30 11 kāi (classical form of 启[啟] kāi ) to open; to start, to initiate; to enlighten, to awaken; <wr.> to state, to inform; <wr.> letter, note.⁵
(composition: ⿱⿰戸攵口 or ⿱⿰戶攵口 or ⿱⿰户攵口; U+5553).
(See 啟 kāi).
kai1 8227
30 11 kāi (=启[啟] kāi ) to open; to start, to initiate; to enlighten, to awaken; <wr.> to state, to inform; <wr.> letter, note.⁵
(composition: ⿱⿰户戈口; U+5554).
(See 啟 kāi).
kai1 8228
75 12 kāi halberd-shaped ceremonial object carried by a guardsman before the emperor on an inspection tour.⁶ (in ancient China) a tally or wooden pass used by a messenger as his credentials in passing through a guarded gate or  checkpoint.⁷ tally or wooden pass.⁸ a kind of flag that was made of wood shaped in halberd and was carried to lead a team when an ancient official went on a long journey (archaic).⁹ tally for going through a pass.¹⁰ (ancient) military tally, in the shape of a halbert, for transmitting messages.¹¹
棨戟 kāi-gēik qǐjǐ (in ancient China) a black cloth draped over a spear used to herald the arrival of an official so that people will step aside to let him pass.⁷
棨信 kāi-xïn
qǐxìn message provided with tally.¹¹
kai1 8229
115 15 kāi to kowtow; to bow to the ground.⁷
稽首 kāi-siū qǐshǒu to kowtow – an expression of great respect.⁷
稽颡[稽顙] kāi-xông
qǐsǎng to kowtow to those who attend the funeral service of one's parent with one's forehead touching the ground.⁷
<又> käi.
(See 稽 käi.)
kai1 8230
120 14 kāi (=棨 kāi ) halberd-shaped ceremonial object carried by a guardsman before the emperor on an inspection tour.⁶  a sheath for a lance head.⁷ <wr.> embroidered banner.¹⁰ an embroided banner; sheath for a lancehaed.¹⁴  to fold silk; an embroided flag; anything serrated; a case for a spear; the handle of a spear.²⁵
綮帜遥临[綮幟遙臨] kāi-chï-yẽl-lĩm
qǐzhìyáolín the banners are approaching from afar.¹⁴
<又> hëin.
(See 綮 hëin.)
kai1 8231
130 12 kāi the calf of the legs.⁸
kai1 8232
145 11 kāi spread out one's clothes.⁸ to open up clothes.²⁵
(composition: ⿰衤多; U+88B3).
<又> chï; ū. (See 袳 chï; 袳 ū).
kai1 8233
9 12 käi (<old>=徯 käi ) to wait; name of an ancient minority; a surname.⁸ personal name; servant.⁸ (old) native of Jiangxi 江西; to wait; servant; path.¹⁰ to be; to wait on; a barbarous tribe.²⁴ (historical) an ancient ethnic group in China; (obsolete) people from Jiangxi; <old> Alternative form of 徯 (käi xī, “to wait”); <old> Alternative form of 蹊 (hãi xī, “footpath”); A surname​.³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻奚; U+5092).
傒狗 käi-gēo
xīgǒu barbarian dog.²⁴
or 傒幸 käi-hàng xīxìng be vexed; feel uncertain; make fun of; torment.¹⁹
傒语[傒語] käi-nguî
xīyǔ ancient term for Jiangxi speech.¹⁴
小傒 xēl-käi
xiǎoxī a boy servant.¹⁹
<又> hài.
(See 徯 käi; 蹊 hãi).
kai2 8234
18 6 käi to engrave; (interchangeable with 契 käi ) a written contract or agreement.⁸ (also read qià in Mandarin).
(composition: ⿰丰刀; U+34DE).
(See 契 käi).
kai2 8235
37 9 käi deed, contract, bond; to engrave.⁸
(composition: ⿱㓞大; U+5951).
团契[團契] hõn-käi tuánqì Christian association; fellowship.¹⁰
地契 ì-käi
dìqì deed (for land).¹⁰
契箭 käi-dëin
qìjiàn arrow used as a token of authority (by field commanders).¹⁰
契父 käi-fù
qìfù adopted father.⁸
契机[契機] käi-gï
qìjī opportunity; turning point; juncture.¹⁰
契据[契據] käi-guï
qìjù deed.¹⁰
契合 käi-hàp
qìhé agreement; to agree; to get on with; congenial; agreeing with; to ally oneself with somebody.¹⁰
契兄弟 käi-hëin-ài
qìxiōngdì sworn brothers.¹¹
契约[契約] käi-yēk
qìyuē agreement; contract.¹⁰
<台> 契弟 käi-ài bastard.
<台> 契仔 käi-dōi adopted son.
(See <台> 契仔 kãi-dōi).
<台> 契爷[契爺] käi-yẽh godfather.
<又> kãi, xēik.
(See 契 kãi; 契 [xēik,]; 契 [xēik, qiè]; 契 [xēik, xiè]).
kai2 8236
46 12 käi mountain in Henan; Ji surname.⁸
嵇康 Käi Höng Jī Kāng Ji Kang (223–262) was an author, poet, Taoist philosopher, musician and alchemist. He was noted as an author and famous for having been a composer and zither-player.¹⁵
嵇山 Käi-sän
Jīshān in the northwestern part of Xiuwuxian County (修武县[修武縣] Xiü Mû Yòn Xiūwǔxiàn) in 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng Henan Province. It was named in honor of 嵇康 Käi Höng Jī Kāng Ji Kang.⁸
嵇山 Käi-sän
Jīshān in 安徽省 Ön-fï Sāng  Ānhuī Shěng Anhui Province.⁸
kai2 8237
46 13 käi (<old>=溪 käi) small stream; brook; rivulet; rill.⁶ a valley with a stream in it; a gorge.¹⁴
山嵠之险[山嵠之險] sän-käi-jï-hēm
shānxīzhīxiǎn dangers of the passes.¹⁴
深嵠 sïm-käi
shēnxī a deep gorge.¹⁴
(See 溪 käi).
kai2 8238
50 9 käi kǎi (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 㡁 kä kuà with the same meaning: a robe, a long gown; a shirt, a short gown.⁸ a riding habit; a short dress.²⁴).⁸
(composition: ⿰巾夸; U+3841).
kai2 8239
60 13 käi <wr.> to wait; (=蹊 hãi ) a path, a footpath; to trample, to tread.⁶ to wait for, to expect; a narrow path, a shortcut.⁷
徯径[徯徑] käi-gèin
or 蹊径[蹊徑] hãi-gèin xījìng a narrow path; a shortcut; a snap course.⁷
徯待 käi-òi
xīdài to expect; to look forward to.⁷
kai2 8240
61 12 käi kài to idle away (time).⁷ to desire.¹⁴
愒日 käi-ngìt kàirì to idle away the days.⁷ to desire long life.¹⁴
愒生 käi-säng
kàishēng to love life.¹⁴
愒时[愒時] käi-sĩ
kàishí to idle away the time.⁷
翫愒 ngòn-käi
wànkài to trifle away one's time.¹⁴
玩岁而愒日[玩歲而愒日] ngòn-xuï-ngĩ-käi-ngìt
wánsuìérkàirì waste years frivolously, but yearn to extend their days.⁵⁴
kai2 8241
64 10 𢬿 käi xiè (Cant.) sections or wedges (as of fruit); to take in the hand; to use.⁸ to hold, to grasp.²⁴
(composition ⿰扌戒; U+22B3F).
<台> 𢬿 käi to take, to hold.³⁶
kai2 8242
64 12 käi kāi (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 揩 gäi kāi with same meaning.)
<又> gäi.
(See 揩 gäi.)
kai2 8243
85 13 käi small stream; brook; rivulet; rill.⁶ (variants: 嵠, 谿 käi ).
湴溪村 Bàn-käi-tûn
Bànxīcūn, a village in 开平[開平] Höi-Pẽin Kāipíng Kaiping, 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Guangdong Province.⁴
溪涧[溪澗] käi-gān
xījiàn mountain stream.⁵
溪谷 käi-gūk
xīgǔ ravine; valley; gorge; gully.⁶
溪口 Käi-hēo
Xīkǒu a town in Zhejiang Province.⁷
溪流 käi-liũ
xīliú brook, rivulet.⁵
溪声潺潺[溪聲潺潺] käi-sëin-sãn-sãn
xīshēngchánchán the brook warbled.⁶
溪船 käi-sõn
xīchuán boats used on rapids.¹⁴
溪水 käi-suī
xīshuǐ the water of a mountain stream; mountain streams.⁷ a freshnet; a stream.¹⁴
剡溪 Sèm-käi
Shànxī name of a river in 浙江 Jēt-göng Zhèjiāng Zhejiang Province.⁴
深溪 sïm-käi
shēnxī a deep ravine.¹⁴
索溪峪 Sōk-käi-yùk
Suǒxīyù a town in 湖南 Vũ-nãm Húnán Hunan Province.⁴
清溪 tëin-käi
qīngxī clear stream.⁶
小溪 xēl-käi
xiǎoxī brook; brooklet; stream; streamlet.⁶
小溪潆绕[小溪瀠繞] xēl-käi-yẽin-ngêl
xiǎoxīyíngrào winding stream.⁶
(See 嵠 käi; 谿 käi).
kai2 8244
115 15 käi check, examine, invesigate; <wr.> delay, procrastinate.⁵ Ji surname.¹⁰
反唇相稽 fān-sũn-xëng-käi or 反唇相讥[反唇譏] fān-sũn-xëng-gï fǎnchúnxiāngjī answer back sarcastically.⁵ mutual bickering and ridicule (idiom); sarcastic repartee.¹⁰
稽查 käi-chã
jīchá check (to prevent smuggling, tax evasion); an official engaged in such work; customs officer.⁵
稽程 käi-chẽin
jīchéng the delay in presenting documents, formal reports; to delay journey.⁷
稽古 käi-gū
jīgǔ to learn from the ancients; to study the classic texts.¹⁰
稽核 käi-hàt
jīhé to audit; to verify; to examine; auditing.¹⁰
稽考 käi-hāo
jīkǎo <wr.> ascertain; verify.⁵
稽留 käi-liũ
jīliú <wr.> delay; detain.⁵
稽留热[稽留熱] käi-liũ-ngèik
jīliúrè <med.> continued fever.⁵
稽疑 käi-ngĩ
jīyí  to solve doubt by means of divination; to examine by divination.⁷
无稽[無稽] mũ-käi
wújī nonsense.¹⁰
无稽之谈[無稽之談] mũ-käi-jï-hãm
wújīzhītán complete nonsense (idiom).¹⁰
<又> kāi.
(See 稽 kāi.)
kai2 8245
142 19 käi 蟿螽 käi-jüng qìzhōng grasshopper.⁶
kai2 8246
150 17 谿 käi ➀ (=溪 käi ) small stream; brook; rivulet; rill.⁶ a valley; a deep gorge.¹⁴ ➁ See 勃谿 bòt-käi.⁶ (variant: 豀 käi ).
or 勃豀 bòt-käi bóxī <wr.> family quarrel; tiff; squabble.⁵
妇姑勃谿[婦姑勃谿] fû-gü-bòt-käi
fùgūbóxī squabbles between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law over trivials – family/petty squabbles.⁶
or 溪涧[溪澗] käi-gān xījiàn mountain stream.⁵
谿谷 käi-gūk
xīgǔ valley, gully; vale, gorge.
谿刻 käi-hāk
xīkè <wr.> caustic; petty; sarcastic.⁶ mean and petty.¹⁴
谿卡 käi-kā
xīkǎ manor (in pre-reform Tibet).⁶
谿壑 käi-kōk
xīhè <wr.> ravine; valley; gully; gorge; canyon.⁶ "extremely avaricious," the mountain gorge can be filled, but not the covetous heart.¹⁴
(See 溪 käi; 豀 käi).
kai2 8247
150 17 käi (=谿 käi ) ➀ (=溪 käi) small stream; brook; rivulet; rill.⁶ a valley; a deep gorge.¹⁴ ➁ See 勃谿 bòt-käi.
or 勃谿 bòt-käi bóxī <wr.> family quarrel; tiff; squabble.⁵
(See 谿 käi).
kai2 8248
157 17 käi 蹊跷[蹊蹺] käi-kël qīqiāo odd; queer; fishy.¹ extraordinary; strange; queer.⁷
蹊跷古怪[蹊蹺古怪] käi-kël-gū-gäi
qīqiāogǔguài very extraordinary.¹⁴
跷蹊[蹺蹊] kël-käi
qiāoqi fishy, dubious; queer, strange.¹
<又> hãi.
(See 蹊 hãi.)
kai2 8249
37 9 kãi (composition: ⿱㓞大; U+5951).
<台> 契 kãi (of a boy) naughty.
<台> 契仔 kãi-dōi naughty boy.
<台> 契女 kãi-nuī naughty girl.
<台> 契赏[契賞] kãi-sēng (of a boy) naughty; rascal.
<又> käi, xēik. (See 契 käi; 契 [xēik, ]; 契 [xēik, qiè]; 契 [xēik, xiè]).
kai3 8250
25 5 kāk <台> 卡一个月饼[卡一個月餅] kāk-yīt-göi-ngùt-bēng. Bang or tap fiercely on all four sides of a moon cake mold to take out the moon cake prior to baking it.
<又> kā, käk, kâk, kāt. (See 卡 [kā, ], [kā, qiǎ], käk, kâk, kāt.)
kak1 8251
72 6 kāk (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 旮 gā with same meaning.)
<又> gā.
(See 旮 gā.)
kak1 8252
25 5 käk <台> 卡住 käk-jì to clog, to choke, to catch hold of.
<台> 鱼骨卡住喉咙[魚骨卡住喉嚨] nguî-gūt-käk-jì-hẽo-lũng. Yúgǔkǎzhùhóulóng A fish bone is caught in my throat.
<又> kā, kāk, kâk, kāt.
(See 卡 [kā, ], [kā, qiǎ], kāk, kâk, kāt.)
kak2 8253
25 5 kâk <台> 竹卡 jūk-kâk bamboo joint; a Chinese-American who is not fluent in Chinese nor English.
<台> a knot.
<又> kā, kāk, käk, kāt. (See 卡 [kā, ], [kā, qiǎ], kāk, käk, kāt.)
kak5 8254
30 9 kâk <台> 咯唾 kâg-tû kǎtû (sound of spitting).
(See 咯 [lōk, ], lök, lö, gōk, [lōk, luò].)
kak5 8255
14 5 kām kǎn (composition: ⿱冖山; U+519A).
<台> 冚 kām to cover.
<又> hàm; hâm; kēim; kẽim. (See 冚 hàm; 冚 hâm; 冚 kēim; 冚 kẽim).
kam1 8256
188 16 kāng gěng (=鲠[鯁] kāng gěng) <wr.> fishbone; (of a fishbone) get stuck in one's throat.⁵
or 骨鲠[骨鯁] gūt-kāng gǔgěng fishbone; upright.⁶ upright, fair and just.¹¹ outspoken.¹⁴
<台> 骾颈[骾頸] kāng-gēng to choke with food or bones.
<又> gāng.
(See 骾 gāng; 鯁 kāng.)
kang1 8257
195 18 kāng gěng <wr.> fishbone; (of a fishbone) get stuck in one's throat.⁵ (variant: 骾 kāng gěng).
or 骨骾 gūt-kāng gǔgěng fishbone; upright.⁶ upright, fair and just.¹¹ outspoken.¹⁴
骨鲠在喉[骨鯁在喉] gūt-kāng-dòi-hẽo
gǔgěngzàihóu have a fishbone caught in one's throat.⁵
骨鲠之臣 gūt-kāng-jï-sĩn
gǔgěngzhīchén upright official who does not hesitate to speak his mind.⁶
鲠直 kāng-jèik
gěngzhí honest and frank; upright.⁵
鲠讦[鯁訐] kāng-këik
gěngjié blunt of speech.¹⁴
如骨鲠在喉,不吐不快[如骨鯁在喉,不吐不快] nguĩ-gūt-kāng-dòi-hẽo, būt-tû-būt-fäi
rúgǔgěngzàihóu, bùtùbùkuài feel as if one has a fishbone in one's throat and cannot rest until one has spat it out; have an opinon one cannot suppress.⁵
如鲠在喉 nguĩ-kāng-dòi-hẽo
rúgěngzàihóu like having a fishbone stuck in the throat – it is necessary to speak out when one cannot repress one's objections any more.⁶
(See 骾 kāng).
kang1 8258
8 4 käng kàng <台> 酒好亢 diū-hāo-käng liquor (or wine) is very strong.
(composition: ⿱亠几; U+4EA2).
<又> köng. (See 亢 köng).
kang2 8259
75 10 käng kuàng to draw a frame around, circumscrib; restrain, restrict.⁶
框架 käng-gâ kuàngjià frame; framework.⁶ frame; framework; fig. pattern; outline; organizing plan.¹⁰
框框 käng-kãng/
kuàngkuang frame, circle; convention, restriction, set pattern.⁶ to frame; to circle; pattern; convention; restriction.¹⁰
<又> kãng, kâng.
(See 框 kãng, kâng).
kang2 8260
145 11 käng kèn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 裉 hāng kèn with same meaning.)
<又> hāng.
(See 裉 hāng; 褃 hāng.)
kang2 8261
75 10 kãng kuàng to put a frame around; to surround.
框框 käng-kãng/ kuàngkuang frame, circle; convention, restriction, set pattern.⁶ to frame; to circle; pattern; convention; restriction.¹⁰
<台> 框佢 kãng/ kuï to surround.
<又> käng, kâng.
(See 框 käng, kâng).
kang3 8262
37 6 kâng kuǎng low-lying land (often used in place names).⁶ low ground; hollow; depression (used in Shandong place names).¹⁰
大夼 Ài-kâng or Ài-köng Dàkuǎng Dakuang township in  Laiyang (莱阳[萊陽] Lõi-yẽng Láiyáng), Yantai (烟台[煙台] Yën-hõi Yāntái), Shandong (山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng) Province.¹⁰
刘家夼[劉家夼] Liũ-gä-kâng
or Liũ-gä-köng Liújiākuǎng Liujiakuang township in Muping district (牟平区[牟平區] Mù-pẽin-kuï Mùpíngqū), Yantai (烟台[煙台] Yën-hõi Yāntái), Shandong (山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng) Province.¹⁰
马草夼[馬草夼] Mâ-tāo-kâng
or Mâ-tāo-köng Mǎcǎokuǎng Macaokuang village in Tengjia township (滕家镇[滕家鎮] Hãng-gä-jïn Téngjiāzhèn), Rongcheng county (荣成县 [榮成縣] Vẽin-sẽin-yòn Róngchéngxiàn), Weihai (威海 Vï-hōi Wēihǎi), Shandong (山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng) Province.¹⁰
<又> köng.
(See 夼 köng.)
kang5 8263
75 10 kâng kuàng frame; case.⁶
镜框[鏡框] gëng-kâng jìngkuàng picture frame; spectacles frame; frame of glasses.⁶
装框[裝框] jöng-kâng
zhuāngkuàng to put in a frame.⁶
框子 kâng-dū
kuàngzi frame; rim.⁶
框图[框圖] kâng-hũ
kuàngtú block/skeleton diagram; block graph; schematic diagram.⁶ flowchart; block diagram.¹⁰
框儿[框兒] kâng-ngĩ
kuàngr a frame; a framework.⁷
门框[門框] mõn-kâng
ménkuàng door frame.¹⁴
窗框 töng-kâng
chuāngkuàng (window) sash; window frame.⁶
<又> käng, kãng.
(See 框 käng, kãng).
kang5 8264
1 2 kāo qiǎo component for several characters such as 号 巧 朽 兮 攷 虧 meaning breath or air seeking exit.¹⁴ air striving to free itself; original form of 巧 kāo qiǎo.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰; U+4E02).
<又> kēl.
(See 丂 kēl' 巧 kāo).
kao1 8265
32 15 kāo qiào uneven ground.²⁴
(composition: ⿰土堯; U+589D).
<又> ngẽl. (See 墝 ngẽl).
kao1 8266
48 5 kāo qiǎo skillful, ingenious, clever; cunning, deceitful, artful; opportunely, coincidentally; as it happens.⁵
巧夕 kāo-dèik qiǎoxī (=七夕 tīt-dèik qīxī) 7th evening of the 7th month of the lunar calendar (when the Herd boy (牛郎) and the Weaving girl (织女) are supposed to meet).⁶
巧妇难为无米之炊[巧婦難為無米之炊] kāo-fû-nãn-vĩ-mũ-māi-jï-chuï
qiǎofù nánwéi wúmǐzhīchuī the cleverest housewife can't cook a meal without rice – one can't make bricks without straw.⁵
巧合 kāo-hàp
qiǎohé coincidence.⁵
巧者多劳拙者闲[巧者多勞拙者閑] kāo-jēh-ü-lão-jōt-jēh-hãn
qiǎozhěduōláozhuōzhěxián The able always do more work while the clumsy stay idle.⁹
巧者为拙者之奴[巧者為拙者之奴] kāo-jēh-vĩ-jōt-jēh-jï-nũ
qiǎozhěwéizhuōzhězhīnú A clever man is a slave to the bad.¹⁹
巧妙 kāo-mèl
qiǎomiào clever; ingenious; skillful.⁶
巧遇 kāo-nguì
qiǎoyù run into by accident; chance upon.⁶
巧言耸听[巧言聳聽] kāo-ngũn-xūng-hëng
qiǎoyán sǒngtīng clever talk excites one to listen.³⁹
巧夺天工[巧奪天工] kāo-ùt-hëin-güng
qiǎoduótiāngōng  superb craftmanship.¹⁰
<又> kâo.
(See 巧 kâo.)
kao1 8267
61 9 kāo qiǎo never reveal one's feeling or emotion; (same as 巧 kāo qiǎo) false, artificial; illegal; clever; artful; pretty, cute.⁸
(composition: ⿱巧心; U+390D).
㤍㤉 kāo-ngã
qiǎoyá hiding one's face from view, as a bashful child.¹⁰²
kao1 8268
44 5 käo kāo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 尻 häo kāo) <old> buttucks; bottom; rump.⁶
<又> häo.
(See 尻 häo; 䯌 häo.)
kao2 8269
85 9 käo kào to lift water by a water wheel.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵考; U+6D18).
<又> hāo. (See 洘 hāo).
kao2 8270
86 14 käo kào to scorch.²⁴  to dry at the fire; to toast; to roast.¹⁴
( composition: ⿰火高; U+7187).
<又> häo; hùk; hôk; hēl. (See 熇 häo; 熇 hùk; 熇 hôk; 熇 hēl).
kao2 8271
93 14 käo kào (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 犒 häo kào with same meaning: reward with food and drink; entertain victorious soldiers.⁸)
<又> häo.
(See 犒 häo.)
kao2 8272
175 15 käo kào (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 靠 këo kào with same meaning: lean against/on; stand something against something else; get near/close to; depend on; trust; stage armor.⁶)
<又> këo.
(See 靠 këo.)
kao2 8273
48 5 kâo qiǎo <台> 巧 or 该[該] kâo/ this way; like this.
<台> 巧做作
or 该做作[該做作] kâo/-dü-dök  do it this way.
<又> kāo.
(See 巧 kāo.)
kao5 8274
149 13 kâo gāi <台> 该[該] or 巧 kâo/ this way.
<台> 该做作[該做作]
or 巧做作 kâo/-dü-dök  do it this way.
<台> 该倚么[該倚麼] kâo/-yī-mô? Is that so? Is it like that?
<又> köi, kôi.
(See 該 köi, kôi; 巧 kâo.)
kao5 8275
25 5 kāt 辘卡[轆卡] lūk-kāt lùkǎ to use a credit card.¹⁰
信用卡 xïn-yùng-kāt
xìnyòngkǎ credit card.⁶
<台> 卡 kāt card.
<又> kā, kāk, käk, kâk.
(See 卡 [kā, ], [kā, qiǎ], kāk, käk, kâk.)
kat1 8276
30 9 kāt <台> 贺年咭[賀年咭] hào-nẽin-kāt or hò-nẽin-kāt New Year card.
<又> gï.
(See 咭 gï.)
kat1 8277
30 9 kāt to cough.⁸
百日咳 bāk-ngìt-kāt bǎirìké whooping cough; pertussis.¹⁰
干咳[乾咳] gön-kāt
gānké tussiculation.¹⁰ a dry cough (without phlegm).¹¹
止咳 jī-kāt
zhǐké relieve a cough.⁵
咳呛[咳嗆] kāt-tëng
kéqiàng <topo.> to cough.¹⁰
咳嗽 kāt-xëo
késou to cough.¹¹
(See 咳 hāi, kät.)
kat1 8278
18 8 kät guā <台> 刮损[刮損] kät-xūn abrade, scratch, scrape.
<台> 刮脚[刮腳] kät-gëk (of new shoes) rubbing causing blisters.
<又> gät. (See 刮 gät.)
kat2 8279
30 9 kät <台> 咳脱皮[咳脫皮] kät-höt-pĩ scraped skin off.
<台> 凿咳[鑿咳] dòk-kät to waste.
(See 咳 kāt, hāi.)
kat2 8280
157 14 𨁐
kēh To tread, to step along.²⁵
(composition: ⿰𧾷弃. U+28050).
<台> 𨁐❄{⿰𧾷弃} kēh to step on.
keh1 8281
187 18 kẽh to ride (a horse); to sit astride on.⁷
(comp. t: ⿰馬奇; U+9A0E). (comp. s: ⿰马奇; U+9A91).
骑楼[騎樓] kẽh-lẽo
qílóu an arcade (a covered avenue).⁷
骑马[騎馬] kẽh-mâ
qímǎ to ride a horse.⁷
骑马找马[騎馬找馬] kẽh-mâ-jāo-mâ
qímǎzhǎomǎ look for a horse while sitting on one – hold on to one job while seeking a better one.⁵
骑驴找驴[騎驢找驢] kẽh-lũ-jāo-lũ
qílǘzhǎolǘ (=骑马找马[騎馬找馬] kẽh-mâ-jāo-mâ qímǎzhǎomǎ look for the horse one is riding – look for something that is right under one's nose.⁶
骑驴找马[騎驢找馬] kẽh-lũ-jāo-mâ
qílǘzhǎomǎ lit. to ride the donkey while looking for a horse; to keep an option open while looking for something better.¹⁰
<又> kĩ.
(See 騎 kĩ.)
keh3 8282
76 9 kèh qiè to breathe.⁸ to breathe; also to laugh.²⁴
(composition: ⿰可欠; U+3C24).
<又> hö (See 㰤 hö).
keh4 8283
9 7 kêh qié 伽陀 kêh-hõ or kêh-hũ qiétuó <Budd.> verse intercalated in prose recitation (Sanskrit: gatha).⁵⁴
伽蓝[伽藍] kêh-lãm
qiélán a Buddhist temple; a Buddhist diety (Sangharama or Sanghagara).⁷
伽蓝鸟[伽藍鳥] kêh-lãm-nêl
qiélánniǎo white pelican.⁶
伽蓝神[伽藍神] kêh-lãm-sĩn
qiélánshén <Budd.> genies guarding a monastery.³⁹
伽罗[伽羅] kêh-lõ
qiéluó a Cambodian wood, prized for its perfume, eagle wood (also called 沉香 chĩm-hëng chénxiāng).¹¹
伽南香 kêh-nãm-hëng
qiénánxiāng (=沉香 chĩm-hëng chénxiāng.⁶) a kind of wood valued for its perfume produced in Guangdong; the perfume of such wood.⁷ 
<又> gä.
(See 伽 [gä, ], [gä, jiā].)
keh5 8284
104 16 kêh qué <vern.> be lame; limp.⁵ <vern.> lame; crippled.⁶
左腿瘸了 dū-huī-kêh-lēl zuǒtuǐquéle be lame in the left leg.⁵
瘸精瞎怪[瘸精瞎怪] kêh-dëin-hàt-gäi
quéjīngxiāguài the lame and the blind often are remarkably observant or clever, responsive.¹¹
瘸子 kêh-dū
quézi <vern.> a lame person; cripple.⁵
瘸腿 kêh-huī
quétuǐ <vern.> lame; crippled.⁶
瘸腿的人 kêh-huī-ēik-ngĩn
quétuǐderén a lame person.⁵
一步一瘸 yīt-bù-yīt-kêh
yībùyīqué walk with a limp.⁵
一瘸一拐 yīt-kêh-yīt-gāi
yīquéyīguǎi limp; hobble; walk lamely.⁵⁴
keh5 8285
140 8 kêh qié eggplant.
拌茄泥 bòn-kêh-nãi bànqiéní mashed eggplant.
颠茄[顛茄] ëin-kêh
diānqié belladonna.
or 蕃茄 fän-kêh fānqié tomato.
or 蕃茄酱[蕃茄醬] fän-kêh-dëng fānqiéjiàng tomato ketchup.
or 蕃茄汁 fän-kêh-jīp fānqiézhī tomato juice.
茄子 kêh-dū
qiézi eggplant.
茄汁 kêh-jīp
qiézhī tomato juice.
茄泥 kêh-nãi
qiéní mashed steamed or toasted eggplant.
茄袋 kêh-òi
qiédài eggplant-shaped bag or pouch for cash.
茄皮紫 kêh-pĩ-dū
qiépízǐ aubergine; eggplant purple.
数葫芦,道茄子[數葫蘆,道茄子] sū-vũ-lũ, ào-kêh-dū
shǔhúlu, dàoqiézi to rattle on; to talk endlessly.
<又> gä.
(See 茄 gä.)
keh5 8286
9 5 kēik strong; brave.
仡仡 kēik-kēik yìyì strong; tall.
仡然 kēik-ngẽin
yìrán standing upright.
<又> gīt.
(See 仡 gīt.)
keik1 8287
9 8 kēik quiet.⁸ still, quiet.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻血; U+4F90).
Bï-güng-yiü-kēik, sìt-sìt-mõi-mõi.
Bì gōng yǒu xù, shí shí méi méi.
How pure and still are the solemn temples,
In their strong solidity and minute completeness!⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·頌·魯頌·閟宮》, translated by James Legge).
keik1 8288
32 6 kēik 圪垯[圪墶] kēik-äp gēda (=疙瘩 kēik-äp gēda, q.v.); mound, hilllock, knoll.⁶
圪㟷 kēik-äp
gēda (=圪垯[圪墶] kēik-äp gēda).⁶
圪节[圪節] kēik-dēik
gējie <topo.> joint (of maize stalks, bamboo); part between two joints; part of a long object.⁶
keik1 8289
39 3 kēik jié <wr.> lonely; all alone.⁵ the larvae of mosquitoes; solitary, unaccompanied, lonely.⁷
孑孑为义[孑孑為義] kēik-kēik-vĩ-ngì  jiéjiéwéiyì petty favors.⁷
孑孓 kēik-kūt
jiéjué the larvae of mosquitoes; wigglers.⁷
孑立 kēik-lìp
jiélì to stand in isolation; to be alone.⁷
孑然 kēik-ngẽin
jiérán <wr.> solitary; lonely; alone.⁵
孑然一身 kēik-ngẽin-yīt-sïn
jiérányīshēn all alone in the world.⁵
孑遗[孑遺] kēik-vĩ
jiéyí <wr.> few survivors (of a war, disaster).⁶
孑遗生物[孑遺生物] kēik-vĩ-säng-mùt
or kēik-vĩ-säng-mòt jiéyíshēngwù living fossils.⁶
茕茕孑立,形影相吊[煢煢孑立,形影相吊] kẽin-kẽin-kēik-lìp, yẽin-yēng-xëng-ël 
qióngqióngjiélì, xíngyǐngxiāngdiào  stand all by oneself, body and shadow comforting each other – be solitary.⁶
keik1 8290
42 10 𡭴
kēik (<old>隙 kēik a crack, a fissure; from which comes the meaning: – an occasion for dislike; a grudge or quarrel; a pretext; leisure; =郤 kēik name of a city in the state of Jin (晋国[晉國] dün-gōk jìnguó); to look up to.¹⁴).
(composition: ⿳小日小; U+21B74).
(See 隙 kēik; 𡭽 kēik).
keik1 8291
42 11 𡭽
kēik (=𡭴 kēik xì, which in turn means: <old> 隙 kēik a crack, a fissure; from which comes the meaning: – an occasion for dislike; a grudge or quarrel; a pretext; leisure; =郤 kēik name of a city in the state of Jin (晋国[晉國] dün-gōk jìnguó); to look up to.¹⁴).
(composition: ⿳少日小; U+21B7D).
(See 𡭴 kēik).
keik1 8292
46 6 kēik 屹㟷 kēik-äp gēda (=疙瘩 kēik-äp gēda, q.v.); mound; knoll.⁶
<又> ngàt.
(See 屹 [kēik, ], ngàt.)
keik1 8293
46 6 kēik <wr.> towering like a mountain peak.⁶
屹立 kēik-lìp or ngàt-lìp yìlì stand towering like a giant; stand erect.⁶
屹然 kēik-ngẽin
or ngàt-ngẽin yìrán towering; majestic.⁶
屹然不动[屹然不動] kēik-ngẽin-būt-ùng
or ngàt-ngẽin-būt-ùng yìránbùdòng stand firm and erect.⁶
<又> ngàt.
(See 屹 [kēik, ], ngàt.)
keik1 8294
64 10 kēik qiè (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 挈 gēik qiè with same meaning.)
<又> gēik, ngēik.
(See 挈 gēik, ngēik.)
keik1 8295
64 11 kēik cracking sound.² the noise of anything splitting.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌或; U+639D).
<又> vàk. (See 掝 vàk).
keik1 8296
64 18 kēik xié to pick, to pluck.
撷长补短[擷長補短] kēik-chẽng-bū-ōn xiéchángbǔduǎn to learn from others' strong points to offset one's weaknesses.⁵⁴
撷取[擷取] kēik-tuī
xiéqǔ to pick; to select; to take; to capture (data); to acquire; to pick up (a signal).
撷英[擷英] kēik-yëin
xiéyīng <wr.> to select the essence.
采撷[採擷] tōi-kēik
cǎixié to pick, to pluck, to gather; to quote or to take selections from.
keik1 8297
73 14 kēik qiè to leave, to go; brave and strong; an auxillary word at the beginning of a sentence.⁸ to leave, to abandon.¹⁰ʼ³⁶ <old> strong, powerful (body); to go.¹¹ to go away, to depart; martial.²⁴ to go and then return, as a carriage; to turn about; a brave martial appearance.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰去曷; U+6705).
伯兮朅兮 bāk-hãi-kēik-hãi  bó xī qiè xī My noble husband is how martial-like!⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·衛風·伯兮·1》, translated by James Legge).
朅休 kēik-hiü
qièxiū <old> go and stop.¹¹
来朅[來朅] lõi-kēik
láiqiè <old> to turn around.¹¹
庶士有朅 sï-xù-yiû-kēik
shù shì yǒu qiè Martial looked the attendant officers. (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·衛風·碩人·4》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ all the troops looked valiantly.¹⁰²
<又> hòt.
(See 朅 hòt).
keik1 8298
75 13 kēik jié tablet; a signpost.⁸ marking stake; mark.⁹ a peg; tally; score.¹⁰
楬橥[楬櫫] kēik-jï jiézhū <wr.> stick marking burial site.¹¹ a tablet for recording anything.²⁴
keik1 8299
76 12 kēik appearance of sound blowing.²
(composition: ⿰或欠; U+3C32).
<又> yūk. (See 㰲 yūk).
keik1 8300
78 10 kēik infertile.⁸ damage egg so it does not hatch.¹⁰ a bird's egg broken; to break open an egg.²⁴
(composition: ⿰歹血; U+6B88).
殰殈 dùk-kēik dúxù viviparous and oviparous animals die without being born.¹⁹
Höi-säng-jēh-būt-dùk, ngĩ-lôn-säng-jēh-būt-kēik,...
Tāishēng zhě bù dú, ér luǎnshēng zhě bù xù,…
The mammalia will have no abortions, and no eggs will be broken or addled,...⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·樂記·40》, translated by James Legge).
夭殈 yēl-kēik
yāoxù (of birds) to die prematurely, while still in the egg, possibly because the egg cracked.¹⁹
keik1 8301
85 6 kēik <wr.> dry, dried up; <wr.> almost.¹¹ (=汽 hï ) vapor, steam, gaseous; aerated; almost.⁵⁴
汔可小康 kēik-hō-xēl-höng
qìkěxiǎokāng is doing pretty well.¹¹
keik1 8302
85 9 kēik <wr.> field ditch.⁶ a ditch, a moat.⁷ a water course in the field; a ditch.⁹ a ditch, a gutter, a drain, a moat; to overflow.¹⁴
沟洫[溝洫] këo-kēik gōuxù a field ditch.¹¹ drains and ditches.¹⁴
仞沟洫[仞溝洫] yìn-këo-kēik
rèngōuxù <wr.> to measure the depth of canals, and ditches (to dredge).¹¹
keik1 8303
85 11 kēik (<old>=洫 kēik ) ditch.⁸ a moat, a ditch.²⁴
<又> vèik.
(See 洫 kēik; 淢 vèik.)
keik1 8304
104 8 kēik pimple; wart.¹⁰
宝贝疙瘩[寶貝疙瘩] bāo-böi-kēik-äp bǎobèigēda (parents') darling; apple of somebody's eye.⁶
土疙瘩 hū-kēik-äp
tǔgēda lump of earth.⁸
疙瘩 kēik-äp
gēda swelling on the skin, pimple, lump, boil; knot, lump; knot (in one's mind), misunderstanding (among people), hang-up; <topo.> (classifier); <topo.> trouble, difficulty.⁶
疙瘩汤[疙瘩湯] kēik-äp-höng
gēdatāng dough drop soup.⁶
疙疸 kēik-hān
gēda (=疙瘩 kēik-äp gēda) swelling on the skin, pimple, lump, boil; knot, lump; knot (in one's mind), misunderstanding (among people), hang-up; <topo.> (classifier); <topo.> trouble, difficulty.⁶
疙疙瘩瘩 kēik-kēik-äp-äp
gēgedādā bumpy; thorny; uneven and rough.⁶
思想疙瘩 xü-xēng-kēik-äp
sīxiǎng gēda knots in one's mind.⁶
<又> gēt.
(See 疙 gēt.)
keik1 8305
112 14 kēik jié stone tablet.⁵
碑碣 bï-kēik bēijié stone inscription.¹¹
碣石 kēik-sêk
jiéshí stone tablet.⁵⁴
墓碣 mù-kēik
mùjié tombstone.⁵
残碑断碣[殘碑斷碣] tãn-bï-òn-kēik
cánbēiduànjié broken stone tablets.¹⁹
keik1 8306
120 9 kēik a knot made of a rope or string.⁷
纥繨[紇繨] kēik-àt gēda (especially of wool, thread) knots, lump, bur.⁶ a lump of thread, a knot.¹¹ a knot.¹⁴
毛线纥繨[毛線紇繨] mão-xëin-kēik-àt
máoxiàngēda wool knot.⁶
线纥繨[線紇繨] xëin-kēik-àt
xiàngēda thread knot.⁶
<又> hàt.
(See 紇 hàt.)
keik1 8307
120 13 kēik <wr.> coarse linen/hemp cloth.⁶ coarse cloth that is made from pueraria lobata and used to make summer clothes.⁹ a coarse hempen fabric.¹⁴
絺绤[絺綌] chï-kēik
chīxì fine and coarse linen.¹⁴
Öng-sī, chīn-chï-kēik, bēik-bēl-ngĩ-chūt-jï.
Dāng shǔ, zhěn chī xì, bì biǎo ér chū zhī.
In warm weather, he had a single garment either of coarse or fine texture, but he wore it displayed over an inner garment.
keik1 8308
123 15 kēik jié (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 羯 gèik jié with same meaning.)
<又> gèik.
(See 羯 gèik.)
keik1 8309
128 14 kēik guó (=馘 kēik guó) to cut off the left ears of the slain.
(See 馘 kēik.)
keik1 8310
140 17 kēik  qiè (composition: ⿱艹䅥; U+85D2).
藒车[藒車] kēik-chëh qièchē <old> an aromatic herb used as a bug repellent.⁸
藒车香[藒車香] kēik-chëh-hëng
qièchēxiāng a kind of incense.²⁵
keik1 8311
141 15 kēik guó Dukedom of Guo, a state in Zhou Dynasty.⁶ Name of either of feudal states in the Zhou commonwealth, one being the fief (originally E Baoji, Shaanxi, later SE Shanxian, Henan) of King Wen's younger brother, the other (Xingyang, Henan) being the fief of King Wen's other younger brother.⁹ Guo, a kinship group whose members held dukedoms within the Zhou Dynasty realm, including Western Guo (西虢国) and Eastern Guo (东虢国); Guo surname.¹⁰
假途灭虢[假途滅虢] gā-hũ-mèik-kēik jiǎtúmièguó lit. a short-cut to crush Guo (idiom); fig. to connive with somebody to damage a third party, then turn on the partner.¹⁰
keik1 8312
142 12 kēik jié (dung) beetle.⁸ bettles of the families of Copridae and Scarabei, including some dorbeetles.¹⁰²
蛣蜣 kēik-gëng
jiéqiāng (=蜣螂 gëng-lõng qiāngláng) dung beetle; dung chafer.⁸ the dung beetle or Geotrupes. including also other allied genera.¹⁰²
蝎蛣 kēik-kēik
xiējié a tree grub.¹⁰²
梅雨生蛣 mõi-yî-säng-kēik
méiyǔshēngjié the summer rains bring the paddy-worm, — a caterpillar which eats the kernel of the grain.¹⁰²
keik1 8313
142 15 kēik xiē a scorpion.⁷
蝎蛣 kēik-kēik xiējié a tree grub.¹⁰²
蝎毒 kēik-ùk
xiēdú scorpion venom.⁷
<又> hòt.
(See 蝎 hòt; 蠍 kēik).
keik1 8314
142 19 kēik xiē a scorpion.⁷
蝎子[蠍子] kēik-dū xiēzi scorpion.⁷
蝎虎[蠍虎] kēik-fū
xiēhǔ a gecko; a house lizard.⁷
蝎螫[蠍螫] kēik-sēik
xiēshì sting of a scorpion.¹⁴
蛇蝎美人[蛇蠍美人] sẽh-kēik-mî-ngĩn
shéxiēměirén femme fatale.⁹
(See 蝎 kēik; 蝎 hòt).
keik1 8315
149 10 kēik <wr.> end; settle, complete.⁶
付讫] fù-kēik or fù-ngàt fùqì paid.⁵ pay off/up; pay in full.⁶
讫今[訖今} kēik-gïm or ngàt-gïm qìjīn until the present; up to date.¹⁴
讫了[訖了] kēik-lēl
or ngàt-lēl qìliǎo to end; to conclude.⁷
两讫[兩訖] lēng-kēik
or lēng-ngàt liǎngqì <econ.> goods are delivered and bill is cleared.⁶
验讫[驗訖] ngèm-kēik
or ngèm-ngàt yànqì be checked; be inspected.⁶
收讫[收訖] siü-kēik
or siü-ngàt shōuqì received in full.⁵
清讫[清訖] tëin-kēik
or tëin-ngàt qīngqì payment received; (of accounts) paid off.⁶
<又> ngàt.
(See 訖 ngàt.)
keik1 8316
162 6 kēik as yet; until.¹⁰
起迄 hī-kēik or hī-ngàt qǐqì start and end (dates); origin and destination.¹⁰
迄竟 kēik-gèin
or ngàt-gèin qìjìng still.¹¹
迄今 kēik-gïm
or ngàt-gïm qìjīn so far; to date; until now.¹⁰
迄今为止[迄今為止] kēik-gïm-vĩ-jī
or ngàt-gïmvĩ-jī qìjīnwéizhǐ up to now, until now, so far.⁹
迄至 kēik-jï
or ngàt-jï qìzhì up to (time, condition).¹¹
迄未 kēik-mì
or ngàt-mì qìwèi not until now; not yet.⁵⁴
迄未办理[迄未辦理] kēik-mì-bàn-lî
or ngàt-mì-bàn-lî qìwèibànlǐ  have not yet done it.¹¹
迄未成功 kēik-mì-sẽin-güng
or ngàt-mì-sẽin-güng qìwèichénggōng have still not succeeded.¹¹
迄无音信[迄無音信] kēik-mũ-yïm-xïn
or ngàt-mũ-yïm-xïn qìwúyīnxìn We have received no information so far.³⁹
以迄于今[以迄於今] yî-kēik-yï-gïm
or yî-ngàt-yï-gïm yǐqìyújīn up to now.¹¹
<又> ngàt.
(See 迄 ngàt.)
keik1 8317
163 8 kēik qiè Qie surname.⁸
(composition: ⿰𠫤阝; U+90C4).
(See 郄[kēik, ]).
keik1 8318
163 8 kēik (<old>=郤 kēik name of a city in the state of Jin (晋国[晉國] dün-gōk jìnguó); to look up to.¹⁴; (=隙 kēik , q.v.); Xi surname).⁸
(composition: ⿰𠫤阝; U+90C4).
(See 郄[kēik, qiè]; 郤 kēik).
keik1 8319
163 9 kēik name of a city in the state of Jin (晋国[晉國] dün-gōk jìnguó); to look up to.¹⁴ (=隙 kēik , q.v.).
(variant: 郄 kēik
(composition: ⿰谷阝; U+90E4).
郤地 kēik-ì
xìdì adjacent counties.¹⁴
批郤导窾[批卻導窾] päi-kēik-ào-fōn
pīxìdǎokuǎn make penetrating criticism (like carving joints by skillful butcher).¹¹ to get right to the heart of the matter (idiom); manage or handle a business properly; come to grips with the crux and solve the problem.⁵⁴
与臣有郤[與臣有郤] yî-sĩn-yiû-kēik
yǔchényǒuxì he has a grudge against me.¹⁴
(See 隙 kēik; 郄[kēik, ]).
keik1 8320
169 17 kēik quiet, still.⁵
空阒[空闃] hüng-kēik kōngqù <wr.> empty and quiet.⁵⁴
阒寂[闃寂] kēik-dèik
qùjì quiet, still, silent.⁶
阒静[闃靜] kēik-dèin
qùjìng <wr.> quiet, still, silent.⁶
阒其无人[闃其無人] kēik-kĩ-mũ-ngĩn
qùqíwúrén All was quiet and not a soul was to be seen.
阒无一人[闃無一人] kēik-mũ-yīt-ngĩn
qùwúyīrén All was quiet and not a soul was to be seen.⁵
阒然[闃然] kēik-ngẽin
qùrán <wr.> quiet; still.⁶
阒然无声[闃然無聲] kēik-ngẽin-mũ-sëin
qùránwúshēng very quiet; absolutely still.⁵
keik1 8321
170 12 kēik a crack, a fissure; from which comes the meaning: – an occasion for dislike; a grudge or quarrel; a pretext; leisure; =郤 kēik name of a city in the state of Jin (晋国[晉國] dün-gōk jìnguó); to look up to.¹⁴
白驹过隙[白駒過隙] bàk-guï-gö-kēik
or bàk-kuï-gö-kēik báijūguòxì a glimpse of a white colt flashing past seen through the crack in a wall – in the twinkling of an eye.⁶ fleet as a white pony's shadow flashing past a crevice; the swiftness of the lapse of time.⁸
缝隙[縫隙] fũng-kēik
fèngxì chink; crack; crevice.⁵
间隙[間隙] gän-kēik
jiànxì interval, gap, space; clearance.⁵
空隙 hüng-kēik
kòngxì crack; gap between two objects; gap in time between two events.¹⁰
隙驹[隙駒] kēik-guï
xìjū <topo.> How time flies!
隙地 kēik-ì
xìdì unoccupied place; open space.
隙罅 kēik-lâ
xìxià a crack, fissure.¹¹
隙末 kēik-mòt
xìmò ephemeral friendship.
孔隙 kūng-kēik
kǒngxì small opening; hole.⁵
墙隙[牆隙] tẽng-kēik
qiángxì a hole in the wall.
有隙 yiû-kēik
yǒuxì to harbor a grudge; there is a loophole.
有隙可乘 yiû-kēik-hō-sẽin
yǒuxìkěchéng there's a loophole to exploit; a flaw or chance for attack.
keik1 8322
185 17 kēik guó to cut off left ear of enemy.
槁项黄馘[槁項黃馘] gāo-hòng-võng-kēik gǎoxiànghuángguó withered neck and yellow face.⁵⁴
献馘[獻馘] hün-kēik
xiànguó <wr.> to present the cut-off left ears of the slain – to tender allegiance.
keik1 8323
195 19 kēik a kind of fish, small fish, fry; a large amphibious creature, something like the newt but very much larger.⁸ a commercial fish of the croaker family, found in the East China and South China Seas; <myth> four-legged fish crying like a baby.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰魚或; U+4C5B).
<又> vàk; vèik. (See 䱛 vàk;  䱛 vèik).
keik1 8324
64 12 këik jiē to tear off, to take off; to uncover, to lift (a lid); to expose, to bring to light; to proclaim.
掀天揭地 hëin-hëin-këik-ì xiāntiānjiēdì earth-shaking.
揭发[揭發] këik-fāt
jiēfā to expose; to bring to light.
揭竿 këik-gön
jiēgān to revolt; to rebel.
揭竿而起 këik-gön-ngĩ-hī
jiēgān'érqǐ raise the standard of revolt; rise in rebellion; start a mutiny(revolt).⁸
揭开[揭開] këik-höi
jiēkāi to uncover; to reveal, to open; to pull apart, to separate.
揭橥[揭櫫] këik-jï
jiēzhū to announce (goals, objectives of a movement, cause); to proclaim; to publish.⁷
揭露 këik-lù
jiēlù expose; unmask; ferret out.⁵
揭短 këik-ōn
jiēduǎn disclose somebody's shortcomings; pick out somebody's fault; rake up somebody's faults.⁸ disclose someone's shortcomings.⁹ expose shortcomings.¹¹
揭示 këik-sì
jiēshì to announce; to promulgate; to reveal; to bring to light; to delineate (characters in novels).
<台> 揭起 këik-hī to open/raise/lift (covers).
<台> 揭开[揭開] këik-höi to open (covers).
<台> 揭镬盖[揭鑊蓋] këik-vôk-gôi to lift the wok cover.
keik2 8325
115 14 këik jié ripening crops; long grains; husks, chaff, bran (of grain).⁸
the ears of corn shooting up out of the blade; corn in the ear; also chaff.²⁵
(composition: ⿰禾曷; U+4165).
keik2 8326
149 10 këik jié to reprimand; to rebuke.
耿讦直言[耿訐直言] gāng-këik-jèik-ngũn gěngjiézhíyán blunt speech.
告讦[告訐] gäo-këik
gàojié to expose (other's secrets).
攻讦[攻訐] güng-këik
gōngjié <wr.> to expose somebody's past misdeeds.
讦直[訐直] këik-jèik
jiézhí to blame somebody bluntly for his faults.
讦扬[訐揚] këik-yẽng
jiéyáng to expose somebody's faults.
keik2 8327
155 11 kèik (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 赥 hī sound of laughter, perhaps giggling; red color).²
(composition: ⿰赤欠; U+8D65).
<又> hī.
(See 赥 hī).
keik4 8328
14 5 kēim kǎn (composition: ⿱冖山; U+519A).
<台> 冚 kēim to cover.
<台> 冚被 kēim-pî to cover with a quilt or sheet.
<台> 天跌落来当被冚[天跌落來當被冚] hëin-ëik-lòk-lõi-öng-pî-kēim lit. If heaven collapses, think of it as a blanket over your body – don't worry and take it easy.
<又> hàm; hâm; kām; kẽim. (See 冚 hàm; 冚 hâm; 冚 kām; 冚 kẽim).
keim1 8329
14 5 kẽim kǎn (composition: ⿱冖山; U+519A).
<台> 冚薯 kẽim-sĩ a toad. (See <台> 蠄鲥[蠄鰣] kẽim-sĩ).
<又> hàm; hâm; kām; kēim.
(See 冚 hàm; 冚 hâm; 冚 kām; 冚 kēim).
keim3 8330
142 18 kẽim qín <台> 蠄鲥[蠄鰣] kẽim-sĩ toads. (See <台> 冚薯 kẽim-sĩ).
<台> 婪蠄 lẽim-kẽim rapacious, ravenous, voracious.
<又> kã.
(See 蠄 kã.)
keim3 8331
9 13 kēin qīng to overturn; to lean; to tend; to incline; to pour out.
(composition: ⿱亻頃;. U+50BE).
倾向[傾向] këin-hëng qīngxiàng trend; tendency; orientation.¹⁰
倾听[傾聽] kēin-hëng
qīngtīng to listen attentively.
倾吐[傾吐] kēin-hü
qīngtǔ to pour out (emotions); to unburden oneself (of strong feelings); to vomit comprehensively.¹⁰
倾轧[傾軋] këin-jät
qīngyà engage in internal strife; jostle against one another; in-fighting.⁵⁴
倾耳[傾耳] kēin-ngī
qīng'ěr to prick up one's ears.
倾圮[傾圮] kēin-pī
qīngpǐ <wr.> to collapse; to topple down.
倾盆大雨[傾盆大雨] kēin-pûn-ài-yî
qīngpéndàyǔ downpour; torrential rain; cloudburst.⁶
倾斜[傾斜] kēin-tẽh
qīngxié slanting, sloping, inclined; lay particular stress (on something); give preferences (to).⁶
倾泻[傾瀉] kēin-xëh
qīngxiè to pour down in torrents.¹⁰
倾箱倒箧[傾箱倒篋] kēin-xëng-āo-gēp
qīngxiāngdǎoqiè to exhaust all one has; to leave no stone unturned; to try one's best.
倾心[傾心] kēin-xïm
qīngxīn captivated; to admire.
<又> këin.
(See 傾 këin.)
kein1 8332
53 广 14 kēin qǐng room; small hall.¹⁰
kein1 8333
181 11 kēin qǐng a moment, an instant, just, just now; 100 mu or 6.667 hectares.⁷
公顷[公頃] güng-kēin gōngqǐng hectare.¹⁰
顷久[頃久] kēin-giū
qǐngjiǔ an instant or an eternity.⁷
顷刻[頃刻] kēin-hāk
qǐngkè in a short moment.⁷
顷刻之间[頃刻之間] kēin-hāk-jï-gän
qǐngkèzhījiān in a twinkling; in an instant.⁷
顷者[頃者] kēin-jēh
qǐngzhě just now; a short while ago.¹⁰
顷之[頃之] kēin-jï
qǐngzhī soon after.⁸
万顷碧波[萬頃碧波] màn-kēin-bēik-bö
wànqǐngbìbō vast expanse of water.³⁹
然顷[然頃] ngẽin-kēin
ránqǐng in a short time; soon; before long.¹⁰
俄顷[俄頃] ngõ-kēin
éqǐng in a short moment.⁸
(See 頃[kēin, qīng]).
kein1 8334
181 11 kēin qīng to lean toward one side; to incline.⁷
(See 頃[kēin, qǐng]).
kein1 8335
181 16 𩒵
kēin qǐng (=頃 kēin qǐng) 100 亩[畝] mêo mǔ.²
(Note: distinguish similar-looking characters 潁穎頴㯋 vèin; 熲顈 gēin; 𩒵
❄{⿰⿱匕田頁} kēin).
(composition: ⿰⿱匕田頁;. U+294B5).

kein1 8336 294B5.gif
9 13 këin qīng (composition: ⿱亻頃;. U+50BE).
<台> 倾偈[傾偈] këin-gài/ to chat.
<台> 倾偈房[傾偈房] këin-gài-fông/ chat room.
<又> kēin. (See 傾 kēin.)
kein2 8337
96 16 kẽin qióng (<old>=琼[瓊] kẽin qióng fine jade or agate; excellent; beautiful; fabulous.⁷); red jade; generally refers to fine, beautiful jade.⁸ half-circle jade ring, (red stone)​.¹⁰⁶
(composition: ⿰𤣩矞; U+749A).
丹璚  än-kẽin
dānqióng genrally refers to red and beautiful, fine jade.⁸
<又> kūt.
(See 璚 kūt; 瓊 kẽin).
kein2 8338
5 11 kẽin qián one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦 Bāt-gä Bāguà, symbolizing Heaven, The Creative; ☰.⁸⁰ Qian surname.
乾道 kẽin-ào
qiándào ways of heaven; natural law; the male principle, principle of action.
乾纲[乾綱] kẽin-göng
qiángāng sovereign's power; husband's authority over wife.
乾乾 kẽin-kẽin
qiánqián to strive ceaselessly; to be diligent.
乾坤 kẽin-kün
qiánkūn heaven and earth; the universe; male and female.
乾隆 Kẽin-lũng
Qiánlóng reign period (1736-1796) of Emperor Gāozōng.
<台> 乾成 kẽin-sẽin to keep everything clean and orderly.
<又> gön, gôn.
(See 乾 gön, gôn; 干 gön; 幹 gön.)
kein3 8339
18 10 kẽin qíng (=黥 kẽin qíng brand the face (as a kind of punishment in ancient times); tattoo.⁶); brand.⁸
(composition: ⿰京刂; U+5260).
(See 黥 kẽin).
kein3 8340
19 10 kẽin qíng <wr.> strong, powerful.⁶
勍敌[勍敵] kẽin-èik qíngdí powerful, strong, or formidable enemy.⁶
kein3 8341
38 12 𡞦
kẽin qióng (=惸 kẽin qióng)² alone; helpless.¹⁴ mournful, solitary, desolate.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女㝁; U+217A6).
kein3 8342
39 9 kẽin qióng lonely; to worship with reverence.¹⁰⁰
(composition: ⿱旬子; U+3741).
<又> vãn. (See 㝁 vãn.)
kein3 8343
39 13 𡦃
kẽin qióng alone; solitary.²⁴
(composition: ⿱𤇾子; U+21983).
kein3 8344
61 12 kẽin qióng alone; helpless.¹⁴ (variants: 㷀, 焭, 煢 kẽin qióng).
(composition: ⿰忄㝁; U+60F8).
惸惸 kẽin-kẽin
qióngqióng desolate and melancholy.¹⁴
惸嫠 kẽin-lĩ
qiónglí widow.¹¹ lonely and desolate person.¹⁴
惸独[惸獨]  kẽin-ùk
qióngdú helpless and lonely.¹⁴
(See 㷀, 焭, 煢 kẽin).
kein3 8345
64 11 kẽin qián to carry on the shoulder.
股票掮客 gū-pêl/-kẽin-häk gǔpiào qiánkè stockbroker.¹⁹
掮客 kẽin-hāk
or kẽin-häk qiánkè broker.
kein3 8346
64 15 kẽin qíng (<old>=擎 kẽin qíng) to life up.²
(<old>=檠 kẽin
qíng) device for holding or setting a crossbow in position.²
(Cant.) to guard against, take precautions.⁸
(composition: ⿰扌敬; U+64CF).
<又> gēin.
(See 擏 gēin.)
kein3 8347
64 16 kẽin qíng lift up, hold up, support.⁸
众擎易举[眾擎易舉] jüng-kẽin-yì-guī zhòngqíngyìjǔ many hands make light work.⁸
擎天柱 kẽin-hëin-chuî
qíngtiānzhù pillar of state or society; one who shoulders heavy responsibility; Optimus Prime, a character in Transformers.⁹
搜索引擎 xēo-sōk-yîn-kẽin
sōusuǒyǐnqíng Internet search engine.¹⁰
引擎 yîn-kẽin
yǐnqíng <loan> engine.¹⁰
引擎盖[引擎蓋] yîn-kẽin-köi
yǐnqínggài bonnet; hood.⁶
一柱擎天 yīt-chuî-kẽin-hëin
yīzhùqíngtiān lit. to support the sky as a single pillar (idiom); fig. to take a crucial responsibility upon one's shoulders.¹⁰
<又> kẽng.
(See 擎 kẽng.)
kein3 8348
64 16 𢶇
kẽin qióng (composition: ⿰扌煢; U+22D87).
𢶇❄{⿰扌煢}子 kẽin-dū qióngzǐ dice used in an ancient gambling game.²
kein3 8349
75 16 kẽin qíng <wr.> device for holding or setting a crossbow in position; lampstand; candlestick; light; lamp.⁶ an instrument for adjusting a bow; also a stand, a frame for putting bows and dishes on; a place for a lamp against the wall.²⁴ (variant: 㯳).
灯檠[燈檠] äng-kẽin dēngqíng lampstand; a plate with leg supports.¹¹
鬼灯檠[鬼燈檠] gī-äng-kẽin
guǐdēngqíng <bot.> edible tulip, Tulipa edulis.¹¹ Rodgersia podophylla.³²
孤檠 gü-kẽin
gūqíng lonely lamp.⁶ (=孤灯[孤燈]).¹⁹
檠枻 kẽin-xēik
qíngxiè <wr.> device for holding crossbow in position.¹¹ an instrument for adjusting a bow.²⁴
<又> kẽng.
(See 檠 kẽng; 㯳 kẽin.)
kein3 8350
75 16 kẽin qíng (=檠 kẽin qíng) <wr.> device for holding or setting a crossbow in position; lampstand; candlestick; light; lamp.⁶ an instrument for adjusting a bow; also a stand, a frame for putting bows and dishes on; a place for a lamp against the wall.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木敬; U+3BF3).
(See 檠 kẽin).
kein3 8351
75 17 kẽin qióng (composition: ⿰木煢 or ⿰木焭; U+6A69).
dice used in an ancient gambling game; a kind of tree.⁸ the name of a tree.²⁴
kein3 8352
86 11 kẽin qióng (same as 焭, 煢, 惸 kẽin qióng) solitary; alone; single; brotherless; friendless; helpless; dice - a kind of gambling game played in ancient times.⁸ (variants: 焭, 煢, 惸 kẽin qióng).
(composition: ⿱炏卂; U+3DC0).
(See 焭, 煢, 惸 kẽin).
kein3 8353
86 12 kẽin qióng orphan, alone, desolate; <old>=琼[瓊] kẽin qióng dice used in a ancient gambling game.⁸ (variants: 㷀, 煢, 惸 kẽin qióng).
(composition: ⿱𤇾几; U+712D).
(See 㷀, 煢, 惸 kẽin).
kein3 8354
86 13 kẽin qióng <wr.> ➀ lonely; solitary ➁ sad; grieved; depressed; worried.⁶  alone, no friends or relatives.⁸ (variants: 㷀, 焭, 惸 kẽin qióng).
(composition: ⿱𤇾卂 or ⿱𤇾⿹⺄𠂇; U+7162).
茕单[煢單] kẽin-än
qióngdān to be all alone in the world.¹
茕居[煢居] kẽin-guï
qióngjū to live alone.¹
or 惸惸] kẽin-kẽin qióngqióng <wr.> all alone.⁶
茕茕在疚[煢煢在疚] kẽin-kẽin-dòi-giü
qióngqióngzàijiù left desolate in his illness.¹⁴
茕茕孑立,形影相吊[煢煢孑立,形影相吊] kẽin-kẽin-kēik-lìp, yẽin-yēng-xëng-ël 
qióngqióngjiélì, xíngyǐngxiāngdiào  stand all by oneself, body and shadow comforting each other – be solitary.⁶
茕茕无告[煢煢無告] kẽin-kẽin-mũ-gäo
qióngqióngwúgào I have no friend in whom I can open my heart.¹⁴
茕嫠[煢嫠] kẽin-lĩ
qiónglí friendless widow.⁵⁴
or 惸独[惸獨]  kẽin-ùk qióngdú <wr.> all alone; lonely.⁶
(See 㷀, 焭, 惸 kẽin).
kein3 8355
93 12 kẽin qián 犍为[犍為] Kẽin-vĩ Qiánwéi Qianwei county in 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan Province.⁸
<又> gèin.
(See 犍 gèin.)
kein3 8356
96 18 kẽin qióng fine jade or agate; excellent; beautiful; fabulous.⁷
琼杯[瓊杯] kẽin-böi qióngbēi a jade wine-cup.⁷
琼浆[瓊漿] kẽin-dëng
qióngjiāng good wine.⁷
琼姿[瓊姿] kẽin-dü
qióngzī elegant/graceful appearance.⁷
琼花[瓊花] kẽin-fä
qiónghuā a rare flower said to confer immortality when eaten.⁷
琼玖[瓊玖] kẽin-giū
qióngjiǔ fine jade.⁷ beautiful jade.¹¹
琼阁[瓊閣] kẽin-gōk
qiónggé a jewelled palace.⁷
琼脂[瓊脂] kẽin-jï
qióngzhī agar; agar-agar.⁶
琼枝[瓊枝] kẽin-jï
qióngzhī the red branch – coral.¹⁴
琼枝玉叶[瓊枝玉葉] kẽin-jï-ngùk-yêp
qióngzhīyùyè lineal imperial descendants.⁷
琼州海峡[瓊州海峽] Kẽin-jiü-hōi-hèp
Qióngzhōu Hǎixiá the Hainan Strait.⁷
琼剧[瓊劇] kẽin-kēk
qióngjù Hainan opera.⁶
琼楼玉宇[瓊樓玉宇] kẽin-lẽo-ngùk-yî
qiónglóuyùyǔ richly decorated jade palace; magnificent building.⁶
琼林宴[瓊林宴] kẽin-lĩm-yën
qiónglínyàn (in the Qing Dynasty) a feast hosted by the emperor in honor of the successful candidates of the imperial examination.⁷
琼麻[瓊麻] kẽin-mã
qióngmá sisal.⁷
琼瑶[瓊瑤] kẽin-yẽl
qióngyáo fine jade; your letter; a gift or literary piece written for others.⁷
kein3 8357
109 13 kẽin qióng round; stare.¹⁰ variant of 瞏 kẽin qióng.¹⁹ ➀ to look frightenedly; ➁ used in 睘睘, an alternative form of 煢煢.³⁶
(composition: ⿱⿱⺫一⿱口𧘇
or ⿱⿱⺫一⿱口⿰⿱丿𠄌⿺乀丿); U+7758).
or 茕茕[煢煢] kẽin-kẽin qióngqióng <lit.> all alone.⁵
三睘 xäm-kẽin
sānqióng turn round three times.¹⁹
<又> vãn.
(See 睘 vãn; 瞏 kẽin.)
kein3 8358
109 15 kẽin qióng to gaze in terror; <old> lonely.¹⁰ʼ¹⁹ (=睘 kẽin qióng) round; stare.¹⁰ to look frightenedly.³⁶
(composition: ⿱⺫袁); U+778F).
<又> vãn.
(See 睘 kẽin; 瞏 vãn).
kein3 8359
140 12 kẽin qíng wild chives, used for a dye.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹勁; U+845D).
kein3 8360
140 16 𦽓
kẽin qióng (=𦾵❄{⿱艹榮} yẽin yíng)² plants curled or crumpled together.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹煢; U+26F53).
(See 𦾵❄{⿱艹榮} yẽin).
kein3 8361
140 18 kẽin qióng (composition: ⿱艹敻; U+85D1).
葍藑 fūk-kẽin fúqióng a rush with a red flower.²⁵
藑茅 kẽin-mão
qióngmáo <old> a kind of grass.⁶ (historical) a red herb used for divination in ancient times.³⁶
kein3 8362
141 10 kẽin qián pious; sincere.⁵ to act with reverence, devout, sincere; to take by force, to kill.¹⁴ (variant: 䖍 kẽin qián).
矫虔[矯虔] gēl-kẽin
jiǎoqián to oppress.¹⁴ 
虔敬 kẽin-gëin
qiánjìng reverent.⁵
虔虔 kẽin-kẽin
qiánqián reverent; worshipful; reverently; worshipfully.⁷ devout and reverent.¹⁴
虔刘[虔劉] kẽin-liũ
qiánliú to slay and ravage.¹⁴ kill; massacre.⁵⁴
虔婆 kẽin-põ
or kẽin-pũ qiánpó old hag; procuress.⁶ a low woman; a procuress.⁷ a Buddhist nun; a witch.¹⁴
虔诚[虔誠] kẽin-sẽin
qiánchéng pious, devout.⁶ devout; piety; sincerity; pious.⁷ (See <台> 虔诚[虔誠] kẽin-sẽin).
虔心 kẽin-xïm
qiánxīn piety; pious, devout.⁶ sincere reverence; piety.⁷
虔信 kẽin-xïn
qiánxìn pious.⁸
<台> 虔诚[虔誠] kẽin-sẽin clean.
(See 虔诚[虔誠] kẽin-sẽin qiánchéng).
(See 䖍 kẽin).
kein3 8363
141 10 kẽin qián (=虔 kẽin qián pious; sincere.⁵ to act with reverence, devout, sincere; to take by force, to kill.¹⁴).
(composition: ⿰; U+458D).
(See 虔 kẽin).
kein3 8364
195 18 𩷏
kẽin qíng another name for 三角鲂[三角魴] xäm-gôk-fõng sānjiǎofáng black Amur bream (Megalobrama terminalis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(composition: ⿰魚巠; U+29DCF).
kein3 8365
195 19 kẽin jīng whale.⁵
长鲸[長鯨] chẽng-kẽin chángjīng big whale; heavy drinking (of a person); greedy person.⁵⁴
鲸波[鯨波] kẽin-bö
jīngbō huge waves in the ocean.⁷
鲸仔[鯨仔] kẽin-dōi
jīngzǎi whale calf.⁵
鲸吞[鯨吞] kẽin-hün
jīngtūn swallow like a whale; annex (territory).⁵
鲸吞蚕食[鯨吞蠶食] kẽin-hün-tâm-sèik
jīngtūncánshí aggression by engulfing and nibbling processes.⁶
鲸群[鯨群] kẽin-kũn
jīngqún gam (a herd of whales).⁶
鲸蜡[鯨蠟] kẽin-làp
jīnglà spermaceti (wax).⁶
鲸目动物[鯨目動物] kẽin-mùk-ùng-mùt
or kẽin-mùk-ùng-mòt jīngmù dòngwù cetacean.⁵
鲸鲵[鯨鯢] kẽin-ngãi
jīngní whales.¹⁴
鲸鱼[鯨魚] kẽin-nguĩ
jīngyú whale.⁶
鲸肉[鯨肉] kẽin-ngùk
jīngròu whale meat.⁶
鲸鲨[鯨鯊] kẽin-sä
jīngshā whale shark.⁶
鲸须[鯨鬚] kẽin-xü
jīngxū baleen; whalebone.⁵
鲸油[鯨油] kẽin-yiũ
jīngyóu whale oil; blubber.⁵
kein3 8366
195 24 kẽin jīng (=鲸[鯨] kẽin jīng whale.
(composition: ⿰魚畺; U+4C94).
(See 鯨 kẽin).
kein3 8367
203 20 kẽin qíng brand the face (as a kind of punishment in ancient times); tattoo.⁶ ancient punishment of tattooing the face; branding.⁷ (variant: 剠 kẽin qíng).
黑黥 hāk-kẽin
hēiqíng to tattoo.¹⁴
黥墨 kẽin-màk
qíngmò tattoo.⁵⁴
黥面 kẽin-mèin
qíngmiàn ancient punishment of tattooing the face.⁷ to brand faces.¹⁴
黥面刖足 kẽin-mèin-ngūt-dūk
qíngmiànyuèzú have somebody’s kneecaps removed and his face tattooed.⁵⁴
黥首 kẽin-siū
qíngshǒu ancient punishment of tattooing the face.⁷
黥首刖足 kẽin-siū-ngūt-dūk
qíngshǒuyuèzú brand somebody's face and cut off his feet.⁵⁴
(See 剠 kẽin).
kein3 8368
64 6 kēip <台> 扱 kēip to press. (See <台> 给 kēip).
<台> 扱图章[扱圖章] kēip-hũ-jëng to stamp, to seal.
<又> chäp; hï; kīp.
(See 扱 chäp; 扱 hï; 扱 kīp.)
keip1 8369
120 12 kēip gěi <台> 给 kēip to press. (See <台> 扱 kēip).
<台> 给衣偈[給衣偈] kēip-yï-gài/ press shirt machine.
(See 給 [kīp, ]; 給 [kīp, gěi]; 扱 kēip.)
keip1 8370
18 15 kēk theatrical work; drama; play; opera; intense; acute; severe; to play; Ju surname.
哑剧[啞劇] ā-kēk yǎjù (=默剧[默劇] màk-kēk mòjù) pantomime.⁷
悲剧[悲劇] bï-kēk
bēijù tragedy.¹¹
杂剧[雜劇] dàp-kēk
zájù poetic drama set to music, flourishing in the Yuan-dynasty (1271-1368).⁵
加剧[加劇] gä-kēk
jiājù to aggravate; to intensify.
京剧[京劇] Gëin-kēk
Jīngjù Beijing opera.
喜剧[喜劇] hī-kēk
xǐjù comedy.
戏剧[戲劇] hï-kēk
xìjù drama, play; theater.
剧本[劇本] kēk-bōn
jùběn drama; play; script.
剧团[劇團] kēk-hõn
jùtuán theatrical company; troupe.
剧痛[劇痛] kēk-hüng
jùtòng severe pain.
剧烈[劇烈] kēk-lèik
jùliè strenuous; intense; fierce.
话剧[話劇] và-kēk
huàjù modern drama; stage play.
彝剧[彞劇] Yĩ-kēk
Yíjù Yi opera.¹⁰
粤剧[粵劇] Yòt-kēk
Yuèjù Guangdong opera.
kek1 8371
26 9 kēk què however; but; yet; indeed; now (in storytelling); to step back; to retreat; to drive back; to reject; to refuse.
(variant: 𨚫❄{⿰去阝} kēk què).
却病[卻病] kēk-bèng
quèbìng <wr.> to prevent or cure a disease.
却步[卻步] kēk-bù
quèbù to shrinkback; to hang back.
却是[卻是] kēk-sì
quèshì nevertheless; in fact; the fact is...
却才[卻才] kēk-tõi
quècái <wr.> just now.
冷却[冷卻] lâng-kēk
lěngquè to cool off.
了却[瞭卻] lẽl-kēk
liǎoquè settle.⁵⁵
忘却[忘卻] mõng-kēk
wàngquè forget.⁵
望而却步[望而卻步] mòng-ngĩ-kēk-bù
wàng'érquèbù to flinch.
失却[失卻] sīt-kēk
shīquè <wr.> to lose; to miss.
退却[退卻] huï-kēk
tuìquè <mil.> retreat, withdraw; hang back, shrink back; flinch.⁵
(See 𨚫❄{⿰去阝} kēk).
kek1 8372
104 12 kēk què ulcer; sore; boil.⁸
(variant: 𤷽❄{⿸疒卻} kēk què).
(composition: ⿸疒却; U+3FA1).
(See 𤷽❄{⿸疒卻} kēk).
kek1 8373
104 14 𤷽
kēk què (=㾡 kēk què ulcer; sore; boil.⁸)
(composition: ⿸疒卻; U+24DFD).
(See 㾡 kēk).
kek1 8374
163 7 𨚫
kēk què (=却[卻] kēk què however; but; yet; indeed; now (in storytelling); to step back; to retreat; to drive back; to reject; to refuse).³⁶
(composition: ⿰去阝; U+286AB).
(See 卻 kēk).
kek1 8375
9 7 kêk name of a divine being; transliteration of Sanskrit 'kh'; Qu surname.⁸ The name of an idol among the Buddhists.²⁴
➀ <lit.> alternative form of 祛 kuï to expel; ➁ name of a divine being; ➂ transliteration of Sanskrit 'kh'; ➃ A surname​.³⁶ (composition; ⿰亻去; U+4F49).
佉苴 kêk-duï
qūjū belt.
佉卢文[佉盧文] kêk-lũ-mũn
qūlúwén the Kharosthi (also called Kharoshthi or Kharoṣṭhī lit. 驴唇[驢唇] luĩ-sũn lǘchún donkey's lips) script, an ancient Indian script used in Gandhara (now Pakistan and eastern Afghanistan) to write Gandhari Prakrit and Sanskrit.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
佉沙 kêk-sä
qūshā (=疏勒 sü-lâk shūlè Shule - an ancient kingdom in Xinjiang).⁸ʼ³⁶
悉用犀革为佉苴[悉用犀革為佉苴] xēik-yùng-xäi-gāk-vĩ-kêk-duï
xī yòng xīgé wéi qūjū rhinoceros hide is always used for belts.
<台> 佉 kêk they, them.⁰
kek5 8376
30 16 kêk xué <topo.> to laugh.⁶
别摆噱头[別擺噱頭] bèik-bāi-kêk-hẽo bièbǎixuétóu Don't try any tricks!⁶
发噱[發噱] fāt-kêk
fāxué to make one laugh; to excite laghter.⁶
噱头[噱頭] kêk-hẽo
xuétóu <topo.> words or acts meant to amuse; tricks meant to deceive; funny, amusing, comical.⁶
噱头极了[噱頭極了] kêk-hẽo-gèik-lēl
xuétóujíle It is really funny.
卖弄噱头[賣弄噱頭] mài-lùng kêk-hẽo
màinong xuétóu play to the gallery.⁶
<又> gèk.
(See 噱 gèk).
kek5 8377
44 10 kêk wooden shoes; clogs; pattens.⁷
锦屐[錦屐] gīm-kêk jǐnjī <wr.> silk slippers.¹¹
屐齿[屐齒] kêk-chī
jīchǐ cleats of clogs/pattens.⁵⁴
屐痕 kêk-hân
jīhén the impression of pattens.¹⁴
屐履 kêk-lî
jīlǚ shoes.⁵⁴
屐声[屐聲] kêk-sëin
jīshēng the clatter of pattens.¹⁴
木屐 mùk-kêk
mùjī wooden clogs.¹⁰
草屐 tāo-kêk
cǎojī straw sandals.⁵
kek5 8378
1 2 kēl qiǎo (composition: ⿰; U+4E02).
<台> 奇丂 kĩ-kēl strange.
<又> kāo. (See 丂 kāo).
kel1 8379
124 18 kël qiào <vern.> stick up; hold up; bend/turn upwards.⁶
(comp. t: ⿺堯羽; U+7FF9). (comp. s: ⿺尧羽; U+7FD8).
翘板[翹板] kël-bān
qiàobǎn seesaw.⁶
翘辫子[翹辮子] kël-bîn-dū
qiàobiànzi kick the bucket; turn up one's toes; give up the ghost; snuff it; pop off.⁶
翘起[翹起] kël-hī
qiàoqǐ to stick up; to point something up.¹⁰
翘尾巴 kël-mī-bä
qiàowěiba stick one's tail up – be cocky; get stuck up; be haughty and snooty.⁶
翘舌音[翹舌音] kël-sêt-yïm
qiàoshéyīn <lg.> cacuminal; domal (sound).⁶
翠翘[翠翹] tuï-kël
cuìqiào <wr.> woman's hair decoration, studded with kingfisher feathers.¹¹
<又> gèl; kẽl.
(See 翹 gèl; 翹 kẽl).
kel2 8380
157 19 kël qiāo lift up (a leg), hold up (a finger); on tiptoe; stilts.⁵ lift up, hold up; stand/walk on tiptoe; stilts; <topo.> lame, crippled.⁶ (variant: 蹻 kël qiāo).
蹊跷[蹊蹺] käi-kël
qīqiāo odd; queer; fishy.⁵
跷辫子[蹺辮子] kël-bîn-dū
qiāobiànzi to die.⁷
跷捷[蹺捷] kël-dèp
qiāojié able to move quickly and easily; agile.⁷
跷足而待[蹺足而待] kël-dūk-ngĩ-òi
qiāozú'érdài will soon succeed; be on tiptoe with expectation; sit down cozily and wait at ease.⁵⁴
跷课[蹺課] kël-fö
qiāokè <slang> to avoid attending classes.⁷
跷家[蹺家] kël-gä
qiāojiā <slang> to run away from home.⁷
跷蹊[蹺蹊] kël-käi
qiāoqi fishy, dubious.⁵
跷跷板[蹺蹺板] kël-kël-bān
qiāoqiāobǎn seesaw.⁵
(See 蹻 kël).
kel2 8381
157 19 kël qiāo (=跷[蹺] kël qiāo) lift up (a leg), hold up (a finger); on tiptoe; stilts.⁵ lift up, hold up; stand/walk on tiptoe; stilts; <topo.> lame, crippled.⁶
蹻足 kël-dūk
jiǎozú on tiptoe, hence used for a very brief period.¹⁴
蹻脚[蹻腳] kël-gëk
qiāojiǎo to cross the legs; the stroke to the right in writing , as in 戈 fö daggar-axe.¹⁴
蹻起脚来[蹻起腳來] kël-hī-gëk-lõi
qiāoqǐjiǎolái to stand on tiptoe; to cock the legs.¹⁴
蹻蹻 kël-kël
jiǎojiǎo martial bearing; strong.¹⁴
蹻蹻王之造 kël-kël-võng-jï-dào
jiǎojiǎo wáng zhī zào What the martial king accomplished.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經···》, translated by James Legge).
蹻然不固 kël-ngẽin-būt-gü
qiāoránbùgù floating; unsettled.¹⁴
蹻勇 kël-yûng
qiāoyǒng strong; active.¹⁴
小子蹻蹻 Xēl-dū-kël-kël
Xiǎozǐ qiāoqiāo But you, my juniors, are full of pride.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·生民之什·板》, translated by James Legge).
<台> 蹻脚[蹻腳] kël-gêk/
or 翘脚[翹腳] gèl-gêk/ to cross one's legs.
<台> 蹻手 kël-siū to fold one's arms.
<又> gëk.
(See 蹺 kël; 蹻 gëk).
kel2 8382
9 14 kẽl qiáo immigrant; to reside abroad.
敌侨[敵僑] èik-kẽl díqiáo compatriots living in a hostile country.⁵⁴
海外侨胞[海外僑胞] hōi-ngòi-kẽl-bäo
hǎiwài qiáobāo Chinese residing abroad.
海外华侨[海外華僑] hōi-ngòi-vã-kẽl
hǎiwài huáqiáo overseas Chinese.
侨胞[僑胞] kẽl-bäo
qiáobāo overseas compatriots.¹¹
侨居[僑居] kẽl-guï
qiáojū to live abroad.
侨眷[僑眷] kẽl-gün
qiáojuàn dependents of overseas Chinese.⁸
侨乡[僑鄉] kẽl-hëng
qiáoxiāng home towns of overseas Chinese.
侨刊[僑刊] kẽl-hōn
qiáokān a magazine targeting the four county diaspora from Guangdong Province.
侨民[僑民] kẽl-mĩn
qiáomín alien residents.
华侨[華僑] vã-kẽl
huáqiáo overseas Chinese.
kel3 8383
30 12 kẽl qiáo tall, lofty; Qiao surname.
大乔[大喬] ài-kẽl dàqiáo Da Qiao, one of the Two Qiaos in the Three Kingdoms (三国[三國] Xäm-gōk Sānguó) period (220-280).
or 桥梓[橋梓] kẽl-dū qiáozǐ <wr.> father and son (橋 being a tall tree and 梓 a short one).¹¹
乔林[喬林] kẽl-lĩm
qiáolín high forest.
乔木[喬木] kẽl-mûk
qiáomù arbor; tall tree.
乔迁[喬遷] kẽl-tëin
qiáoqiān celebration of moving to new house or promoting to a new official post.
乔迁之喜[喬遷之喜] kẽl-tëin-jï-hī
qiáoqiānzhīxǐ congratulations on house-moving or promotion; Best wishes for your new home!
拿乔[拿喬] nã-kẽl
náqiáo <topo.> to put on airs; to strike a pose; to put up a front; pretentious.
小乔[小喬] xēl-kẽl
xiǎoqiáo Xiao Qiao, one of the Two Qiaos in the Three Kingdoms (三国[三國] Xäm-gōk Sānguó) period (220-280).
<台> 乔蛮[喬蠻] kẽl-mãn/ to cry.
kel3 8384
46 15 kẽl qiáo <wr.> (of a mountian) high and pointed.⁶
(comp. t: ⿰山喬; U+5DA0). (comp. s: ⿰山乔; U+5CE4).
or 峤嶽[嶠嶽] kẽl-ngòk qiáoyuè tall mountain.⁸
岭峤[嶺嶠] Lêin-Kẽl
Lǐngqiáo (another name for) The Five Ridges, 五岭[五嶺] M̄-Lêng Wǔlǐng.
kel3 8385
75 16 kẽl qiáo bridge.⁵
大桥[大橋] ài-kẽl dàqiáo long bridge.²³
过河拆桥[過河拆橋] gö-hõ-chäk-kẽl
guòhéchāiqiáo remove the bridge after crossing the river – ungrateful.⁸
or 乔梓[喬梓] kẽl-dū qiáozǐ <wr.> father and son (橋 being a tall tree and 梓 a short one).¹¹
桥拱[橋拱] kẽl-gūng
qiáogǒng bridge arch.⁵
桥桁架[橋桁架] kẽl-hâng-gâ
qiáohéngjià bridge truss.⁹
桥塔[橋塔] kẽl-hāp
qiáotǎ bridge tower.⁵
桥头[橋頭] kẽl-hẽo
qiáotóu either end of a bridge.⁵
桥头堡[橋頭堡] kẽl-hẽo-bāo
qiáotóubǎo <mil.> bridgehead; <archi.> bridge tower.⁵
桥台[橋臺] kẽl-hõi
qiáotái abutment.⁵
桥堍[橋堍] kẽl-hü
qiáotù either end of a bridge.⁵
桥支座[橋支座] kẽl-jï-dò
qiáozhīzuò bridge seat.⁵
桥梁[橋梁] kẽl-lẽng
qiáoliáng bridge.⁵
桥楼室[橋樓室] kẽl-lẽo-sīt
qiáolóushì bridge house.⁵
桥牌[橋牌] kẽl-pãi/
qiáopái bridge (a card game).⁵
桥式起重机[橋式起重機] kẽl-sēik-hī-chüng-gï
qiáoshì qǐzhòngjī bridge crane; overhead traveling crane.⁵
桥墩[橋墩] kẽl-ūn
qiáodūn bridge pier.⁸
小桥[小橋] xēl-kẽl
xiǎoqiáo small bridge.²³
kel3 8386
112 11 kẽl qiáo (place names).
硚口区[礄口區] Kẽl-hēo-kuï Qiáokǒuqū Qiaokou District, lying in 武汉市[武漢市] Mû-hön-sî Wǔhànshì Wuhan City, Hubei Province.⁹
硚头[礄頭] Kẽl-hẽo
Qiáotou in 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān.⁸
kel3 8387
124 18 kẽl qiáo raise (one's head); outstanding, out of the common; become warped/twisted.⁶ <又> gèl; kël (See 翹 gèl; 翹 kël).
(comp. t: ⿺堯羽; U+7FF9). (comp. s: ⿺尧羽; U+7FD8).
翘楚[翹楚] kẽl-chō
qiáochǔ <wr.> outstanding/talented person.⁶
翘足而待[翹足而待] kẽl-dūk-ngĩ-òi
qiáozú'érdài wait on tiptoe –  expect something to happen soon.⁶
翘足引领[翹足引領] kẽl-dūk-yîn-lêng
qiáozúyǐnlǐng stand on tiptoe and crane one's neck – eagerly look forward to.⁶
翘关[翹關] kẽl-gän
qiáoguān <wr.> a contest of lifting weights.¹¹
翹翹 kẽl-kẽl
qiáoqiáo <wr.> tall; hanging dangerously; distinguished.¹¹
翘企[翹企] kẽl-kï
qiáoqǐ <wr.> raise one's head and stand on tiptoe – eagerly look forward to; aspire eagerly.⁶
翘棱[翹棱] kẽl-lẽin
qiáoleng <topo.> become warped.⁶
翘望[翹望] kẽl-mòng
qiáowàng <wr.> raise one's head and look; eagerly look forward to.⁶
翘盼[翹盼] kẽl-pän qiáopàn eagerly look forward to.⁶
翘首 kẽl-siū
qiáoshǒu <wr.> raise one's head and look.⁶
连翘[連翹] lẽin-kẽl
liánqiáo forsythia; weeping forsythia.⁵⁴ (Note: perhaps the same as 連𧄍❄{⿱艹翹} lẽin-kẽl, q.v.).¹⁰¹
粗而翹之… Tü-ngĩ-kẽl-jï…
Cū ér qiáo zhī... he more proudly and clearly makes his views known…⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·儒行》, translated by James Legge).

kel3 8388
124 18 kẽl qiáo flying.⁸ to fly in a slanting directiion.²⁵
(composition: ⿰喬羽; U+4397).
翚䎗[翬䎗] fï-kẽl huīqiáo to fly about; to fly high.²⁵
kel3 8389
140 9 kẽl qiáo (➀ another name for 锦葵[錦葵] gīm-kĩ jǐnkuí mallow; common mallow; Malva sylvestris; Malva sinensis.³⁹ ➁ (<old> =蕎 kẽl qiáo) 荞麦[蕎麥] kẽl-màk qiáomài buckwheat.).⁸
(composition: ⿱艹收; U+834D).
Gūk-än-yï-sài, yòt-yî-düng-mài. Sì-ngì-nguĩ-kẽl, yĩ-ngô-äk-dël.
Gǔ dàn yú shì, yuè yǐ zōng mài. Shì ěr rú qiáo, yí wǒ wò jiāo.
The morning being good for excursion,
They all proceed together.
I look on you as the flower of the thorny mallows;
You give me a stalk of the pepper plant.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·陳風·東門之枌》, translated by James Legge).
(See 蕎 kẽl).
kel3 8390
140 15 kẽl qiáo buckwheat.⁸ (old variant: 荍 kẽl qiáo). (See 荍 kẽl).
t: ⿱艹喬; U+854E). (comp. s: ⿱艹乔; U+835E).
or 荞粑[蕎粑] kẽl-bä qiáobā buckwheat cake.¹¹
荞头[蕎頭] kẽl-hẽo
qiáotóu pickled scallion heads (eaten with preserved eggs or cold meat).⁵⁴
荞脂丸[蕎脂丸] kẽl-jï-yõn
qiáozhīwán bucket pill, used in TCM to ease menstrual pain.²⁹
荞麦[蕎麥] kẽl-màk
qiáomài or 乌麥[烏麥] vü-màk wūmài buckwheat.¹¹
荞麦酒[蕎麥酒] kẽl-màk-diū
qiáomàijiǔ wine made from buckwheat, especially beer.¹⁹
荞麦餄餎[蕎麥餄餎] kẽl-màk-hàp-lōk
qiáomàihélè malt (from buckwheat).¹⁹
荞麦面[蕎麥麵] kẽl-màk-mèin
qiáomàimiàn or 荞面[蕎麵] kẽl-mèin qiáomiàn buckwheat flour; noodles or vermicelli made with buckwheat flour.⁵⁴
荞丝[蕎絲] kẽl-xû
qiáosī vermicelli made with buckwheat flour.¹⁹
野荞麦[野蕎麥] yêh-kẽl-màk
yěqiáomài flour made from buckwheat seeds.¹⁹
kel3 8391
140 21 𧄍
kẽl qiáo (composition: ⿱艹翹; U+2710D).
连𧄍❄{⿱艹翹}[連𧄍❄{⿱艹翹}] lẽin-kẽl liánqiáo name of a plant, the seeds of which are in layers opposite each other.²⁵ (Note: perhaps the same as 連翹 lẽin-kẽl, q.v.).¹⁰¹
❄{⿱艹翹}[小連𧄍❄{⿱艹翹}] or 小连翘[小連翹] xēl-lẽin-kẽl xiǎoliánqiáo is a species, Hypericum erectum, of the genus Hypericum (金丝桃属[金絲桃屬] gïm-xû-hão-sùk jīnsītáoshǔ), of which all members may be referred to as  St. John's wort and some as goatweed; in Chinese aka 小翘, 七层兰, 瑞香草, 奶浆草, 大田基, 小瞿麦, 排草, 小对叶草, 小元宝草.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ʼ²⁵
kel3 8392
149 19 𫍤
jiǎo (=挢[撟] gēl jiǎo) to lift up, raise, curl up.¹¹ collect; gather.¹⁹ verbose.²⁵
t: ⿰訁喬; U+8B51). (comp. s: ⿰讠乔; U+2B364).
❄{⿰讠乔}[糾譑] gēl-kẽl jiūjiǎo scrape together; rake up faults.²⁵
<台> 𫍤
❄{⿰讠乔}蛮[譑蠻] kẽl-mãn/ naughty, noisy and mischievous.
kel3 8393
156 19 kẽl qiáo nimble, active; good at climbing trees; to walk on stilts.¹⁴
轻趫[輕趫] hëin-kẽl qīngqiáo (=趫捷 kẽl-dèp qiáojié) nimble; active.¹⁴
趫踔 kẽl-chēk
qiáochuō active walker; nimble person.¹⁴
趫捷 kẽl-dèp
qiáojié nimble; active.¹⁴
趫足 kẽl-dūk
qiáozú to stand on tiptoe, which cannot be done for long; hence 趫足 means: a very brief period.¹⁴
趫戏[趫戲] kẽl-hï
qiáoxì to walk on stilts.¹⁴
趫趫 kẽl-kẽl
qiáoqiáo with rapid steps.¹⁴
趫才 kẽl-tõi
qiáocái nimble; frivolous youth.¹⁴
kel3 8394
177 21 kẽl qiáo pommel and cantle of a saddle.⁶ saddlebow.⁸ part of a saddle that bumps up.⁹ mud shoe, sledge for the feet.¹⁰ a sort of sledge for travelling over marshy places;  bog shoes.²⁵
kel3 8395
140 18 kêl jiào (=薤 hài xiè) Chinese onion, Allium chinense.¹⁵
藠头[藠頭] kêl-hẽo
jiàotou Chinese onion.⁶ Chinese onion, Allium chinense.¹⁵
kel5 8396
64 7 kẽm qián foundation, base; to remember, to record; handle, bundle.⁸ to establish the fortunes of a family; to commence an undertaking; to record.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌今; U+6272).
<又> kĩm; ngãm. (See 扲 kĩm; 扲 ngãm).
kem3 8397
64 8 kẽm qián (=钳[鉗] kẽm qián) pliers; pincers; to clamp, to tie down or pin down.
拑口 kẽm-hēo
qiánkǒu to hold the tongue.
拑住 kẽm-jì
qiánzhù to hold tightly.
(See 鉗 kẽm.)
kem3 8398
96 8 kẽm qián a type of jade.²
(composition: ⿰𤣩今; U+73AA).
玪𤧜 kẽm-jīt qiánzhì a kind of fine jade.⁸
<又> gäm; ngĩm; lĩm.
(See 玪 gäm; 玪 ngĩm; 玪 lĩm).
kem3 8399
118 14 kẽm qián (=钳[鉗] kẽm qián) pincers, pliers, forceps, tongs; to grip (with pincers), clamp; to limit, restrain.⁶ tweezers, pliers, to gag.¹⁴
箝子 kẽm-dū
qiánzi tongs. tweezers; pincers.⁷
箝紧[箝緊] kẽm-gīn
qiánjǐn to clasp tightly.⁷
箝口 kẽm-hēo
qiánkǒu to keep silent.⁷ to gag.¹⁴
箝口结舌[箝口結舌] kẽm-hēo-gëik-sêt
qiánkǒujiéshé to keep silent; to be forced to keep silent.⁷
箝口无言[箝口無言] kẽm-hēo-mũ-ngũn
qiánkǒuwúyán to shut up.⁷
箝制 kẽm-jäi
qiánzhì to use pressure upon; to force; to pin down.⁷ strangulation.¹⁰
箝其口 kẽm-kĩ-hēo
qiánqíkǒu gagged him.¹⁴
箝语[箝語] kẽm-nguî
qiányǔ to restrict freedom of speech.⁷ to stop free speech.¹⁴
箝形攻势[箝形攻勢] kẽm-yẽin-gōng-säi
qiánxínggōngshì (military operations) a pincer movement.⁷
马箝[馬箝] mâ-kẽm
mǎqián a bit.¹⁴
(See 鉗 kẽm).
kem3 8400
159 11 kẽm qián (<old>=黔 kẽm qián) Qián (another name for 贵州[貴州] Gï-jiü Guìzhōu Guizhou).⁵
(See 黔 kẽm).
kem3 8401
167 12 kẽm qián a latch, a lock; a seal, a stamp, a chop.⁷
接钤任事[接鈐任事] dëp-kẽm-ngìm-xù jiēqiánrènshì accept the official seal and assume office.⁶
接钤视事[接鈐視事] dëp-kẽm-sì-xù
jiēqiánshìshì be sworn in for a new position of responsibility.⁵⁴
钤束[鈐束] kẽm-chūk
qiánshù restrain.⁶
钤键[鈐鍵] kẽm-gèin
qiánjiàn the key; the crucial point.⁷
钤记[鈐記] kẽm-gï
qiánjì official stamp; to stamp document with official seal.¹¹
钤章[鈐章] kẽm-jëng
qiánzhāng official stamp.¹¹
钤锁[鈐鎖] kẽm-xū
qiánsuǒ door lock.⁵⁴
钤印[鈐印] kẽm-yïn
qiányìn seal; affix a seal to; stamp.⁶
kem3 8402
167 13 kẽm qián pincers, pliers, forceps, tongs; to grip (with pincers), clamp; to limit, restrain.⁶ forceps, pincers, pliers, tongs; manacles; a collar put on prisoners.¹⁴ (variants: 箝, 拑 kẽm qián).
火钳[火鉗] fō-kẽm
huǒqián fire-tongs; tongs.⁶ (See <台> 火钳[火鉗] fō-kẽm).
钳子[鉗子] kẽm-dū
qiánzi pincers, pliers, forceps, tongs;  <topo.> earring.⁶
钳击[鉗擊] kẽm-gēik
qiánjī wage a converging attack; make a pincer attack/assault.⁶
钳工[鉗工] kẽm-güng
qiángōng benchwork; fitter.⁶
钳口[鉗口] kẽm-hēo
qiánkǒu force somebody into silence, prevent somebody from talking; shut up, keep silent.⁶
钳口不言[鉗口不言] kẽm-hēo-būt-ngũn
qiánkǒubùyán shut the mouth tightly and not speak.¹⁴
钳制[鉗制] kẽm-jäi
qiánzhì clamp down on; pin down; suppress.⁶
钳爪[鉗爪] kẽm-jāo
qiánzhuǎ chela (of a crab, lobster).⁶
老虎钳[老虎鉗] läo-fū-kẽm
lǎohǔqián vice; pincers, pliers.⁶
<台> 火钳[火鉗] fō-kẽm pliers.
(See 箝 kẽm; 拑 kẽm).
kem3 8403
203 16 kẽm qián <wr.> black; Qián (another name for 贵州[貴州] Gï-jiü Guìzhōu Guizhou). (variant: 軡 kẽm qián).
黔剧 Kẽm-kēk
Qiánjù Guizhou (贵州[贵州] Gï-jiü Guìzhōu) opera (one local opera in Guizhou Province).⁶
黔黎 kẽm-lãi
qiánlí (=黔首 kẽm-siū qiánshǒu) <trad.> the commoner.⁶
黔雷 kẽm-luĩ
qiánléi a Daoist god.¹⁴
黔驴技穷[黔驢技窮] kẽm-luĩ-gì-kũng
qiánlǘjìqióng the proverbial donkey in old Guizhou has exhausted its tricks.⁵
黔驴之技[黔驢之技] kẽm-luĩ-jï-gì
qiánlǘzhījì tricks of the Guizhou donkey – tricks not to be feared; cheap tricks.⁶
黔首 kẽm-siū
qiánshǒu <trad.> the commoner.⁶
黔首黎民 kẽm-siū-lãi-mĩn
qiánshǒulímín common people.⁶ black-haired people – the people.¹⁴
(See 軡 kẽm).
kem3 8404
203 17 kẽm qián a light yellowish black color.¹⁹ a yellowish black color; black; the name of a river and a district (in Hunan Province).²⁵ʼ⁵⁴ yellowish black color.³⁶ light yellowish black color; name of a river in present-day Sichuan Province.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰黑甘; U+9EDA).
黮黚 häm-kẽm tànqián deficient in brightness and purity; dark, obscure.²⁵
黚水 kẽm-suī
qiánshuǐ an ancient river.³⁶
or 黔阳[黔陽] kẽm-yẽng qiányáng former county in Hunan.³⁶
kem3 8405
85 15 kẽng qiáng name of a river in Henan province.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵强; U+6F12).
kemg3 8406
19 13 kẽng qiǎnɡ to force, to compel; intrepid, valiant, brutal.⁸
(composition: ⿱強力; U+52E5).
<又> kêng; gèng. (See 勥 kêng; 勥 gèng).
keng3 8407
57 11 kẽng qiáng strong, powerful; by force; better; slightly more than, plus.⁵ (variant: 彊 kẽng qiáng).
强大[強大] kẽng-ài
qiángdà powerful and strong.⁷
强盗[強盜] kẽng-ào
qiángdào a robber; a bandit.⁷
强暴[強暴] kẽng-bào
qiángbào violent; brutality.⁵⁶
强敌[強敵] kẽng-èik
qiángdí formidable foe or enemy.⁷
强调[強調] kẽng-èl
qiángdiào to emphasize; to stress.⁷
强化[強化] kẽng-fä
qiánghuà strengthen.⁵⁵
强风[強風] kẽng-füng
qiángfēng <met.> a strong breeze.⁷
强加[強加] kẽng-gä
qiángjiā impose; force.⁵
强奸[強姦] kẽng-gän
qiángjiān rape; forced intercourse.¹⁴
强劲[強勁] kẽng-gèin
qiángjìng powerful; forceful.⁵
强国[強國] kẽng-gōk
qiángguó powerful nation.⁵
强悍[強悍] kẽng-hòn
qiánghàn fierce; intrepid; doughty.⁶
强壮[強壯] kẽng-jöng
qiángzhuàng sturdy; strengthen.⁵⁵
强权[強權] kẽng-kũn
qiángquán power; might.⁵
强烈[強烈] kẽng-lèik
qiángliè strong; intense; violent.⁵⁵
强硬[強硬] kẽng-ngàng
qiángyìng strong; unyielding.⁵⁶
强人[強人] kẽng-ngĩn
qiángrén strong man; robber.⁵⁵
强弩之末[強弩之末] kẽng-nū-jï-mòt
qiángnǔzhīmò an arrow at the end of its flight – a spent force.⁶
强度[強度] kẽng-ù
qiángdù intensity; strength.⁵⁵
<又> kèng, kêng.
(See 強 kêng, gèng.)
keng3 8408
57 16 kẽng qiáng (=強 kẽng qiáng) strong, powerful; by force; better; slightly more than, plus.⁵
<又> kêng, gèng.
(See 強 kẽng.)
keng3 8409
64 16 kẽng qíng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 擎 kẽin qíng lift up, hold up, support.)
<又> kẽin.
(See 擎 kẽin.)
keng3 8410
75 16 kẽng qíng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 檠 kẽin qíng <wr.> device for holding or setting a crossbow in position; lampstand; candlestick; light; lamp.⁶ an instrument for adjusting a bow; also a stand, a frame for putting bows and dishes on; a place for a lamp against the wall.²⁴.)
灯檠村[燈檠村] Äng-kẽng-tûn 
Dēngqíngcūn  Dengqingcun, a village in 开平[開平] Höi-pẽin Kāipíng Kaiping county.
<又> kẽin.
(See 檠 kẽin.)
keng3 8411
140 14 kẽng qiáng (Cant. slang.) cigarette.³⁵ (Cant.) roots of plants.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿱艹強 or ⿱艹强; U+8503).
莍 kẽng-kiũ qiángqiú (=百合药材[百合藥材] bāk-hàp yêk-tõi bǎihé yàocái lily herbs, dried lily roots used as a medicine.¹⁹)
keng3 8412
19 13 kêng jiǎng strong resistance; lazy; reluctant.⁸
(composition: ⿱強力; U+52E5).
<又> kẽng; gèng. (See 勥 kẽng; 勥 gèng).
keng5 8413
57 11 kêng qiǎng make an effort; strive.⁵ (variant: 彊 kêng qiǎng).
强逼[強逼] kêng-bēik
qiǎngbī force (somebody to do something).⁵
强迫[強迫] kêng-bēik
qiǎngpò force; compel; coerce.⁵
强辩[強辯] kêng-bèin
qiǎngbiàn defend oneself by sophistry.⁵
强求[強求] kêng-kiũ
qiǎngqiú insist on; impose.⁵
强颜欢笑[強顏歡笑] kêng-ngãn-fön-xël
qiǎngyánhuānxiào put on an air of cheerfulness; try to look happy when one is sad.⁵
强人所难[強人所難] kêng-ngĩn-sō-nãn
qiǎngrénsuǒnán   try to make somebody do something which he won't or can't.⁵
强使[強使] kêng-xū
qiǎngshǐ force; compel.⁵
强词夺理[強詞奪理] kêng-xũ-ùt-lî
qiǎngcíduólǐ use lame arguments; resort to sophistry; reason fallaciously.⁵
<又> kẽng, kèng.
(See 強 kẽng, gèng.)
keng5 8414
57 16 kêng qiǎng (=強 kêng qiǎng) make an effort; strive.⁵
<又> kẽng, gèng.
(See 強 kêng.)
keng5 8415
120 17 kêng qiǎng string of copper coins; swaddling.⁸
(See 襁 kêng; 繦 kêng.)
keng5 8416
120 18 kêng qiǎng string of copper coins; swaddling.⁸
(See 襁 kêng; 繈 kêng.)
keng5 8417
130 16 kêng jiǎng callous skin on the feet.⁸ (Note: the right side of the traditional character can be 強 (15 strokes) or 强 (16 strokes). How it is rendered depends on your browser).
膙子 kêng-dū jiǎngzi <topo.> callosity; callus.⁶
keng5 8418
145 17 kêng qiǎng swaddling clothes.⁸ (variants 繦, 繈, kêng qiǎng.)⁸
襁褓 kẽng-bāo
qiǎngbǎo swaddling clothes or carrying band for an infant; infancy.⁷
襁褓中 kêng-bāo-jüng
qiǎngbǎozhōng be in one's infancy.⁵
襁负[襁負] kêng-fù
qiǎngfù to carry a child strapped on the back.¹⁴
襁抱 kêng-päo
qiǎngbào infancy.⁷
(See 繦 kêng; 繈 kêng.)
keng5 8419
167 20 kêng qiǎng <wr.> string of copper coins; string of cash.⁶
白镪[白鏹] bàk-kêng báiqiǎng silver.¹¹ ancient silver currency.³⁹
(See 鏹 [kêng, qiāng].)
keng5 8420
167 20 kêng qiāng sulfuric acid.¹⁰
镪水[鏹水] kêng-suī qiāngshuǐ <vern.> strong acid.⁶
硝镪水[硝鏹水] xël-kêng-suī
xiāoqiāngshuǐ <chem.> nitric acid.⁵
(See 鏹 [kêng, qiǎng].)
keng5 8421
9 12 këo gòu ignorant.¹⁹
(composition: ⿰亻冓; U+508B).
傋霿 këo-mũng gòuméng ignorant.¹³ʼ¹⁹
<又> gōng.
(See 傋 gōng).
keo2 8422
13 10 këo gòu old form of 构[構] këo gòu construct, form, compose; make up, fabricate; literary composition; component in 媾 㗕 溝 構 搆 遘 耩 講 購 鞲 韝 斠 觏 覯 㝤 遘 篝.
(composition: ⿳井一冉; U+5193).
keo2 8423
14 10 këo kòu (= 寇 këo kòu) bandit, invader, enemy; invade.
(composition: ⿱冖⿺元攴; U+51A6).
(See 寇 këo.)
keo2 8424
30 5 këo kòu to knock; to kowtow.
叩拜 këo-bäi kòubài to kowtow (in letter to superiors)
叩头[叩頭] këo-hẽo
kòutóu (=磕头[磕頭] hēip-hěo kētóu) kowtow.⁶
or 扣门[扣門] këo-mõn kòumén to knock on the door.
叩首 këo-siū
kòushǒu to kowtow.
叩谒[叩謁] këo-yēik
kòuyè <wr.> to pay courtesy call.
三跪九叩 xäm-gì-giū-këo
sānguìjiǔkòu to kneel down three times, each time performing three kowtows (formal etiquette on meeting the emperor); extreme form of reverence close to prostration.
keo2 8425
30 8 këo gòu ((of birds, animals or insects) call; cry.⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿰口句; U+5474).
呴呴 këo-këo gòugòu <ono.> birds screaming, clucking, clucking.⁵⁴ (cf 呴呴 huī-huī xǔxǔ).
<又> huī; hāo.
(See 呴 huī; 呴 hāo).
keo2 8426
30 13 këo gòu the cackling of a hen; the cry of a wild fowl; to sing; a loud voice.²⁴ the crowing of a pheasant.¹⁰¹ (cf. 雊 këo gòu the crow of a male pheasant.⁸)
(composition: ⿰口冓; U+35D5).
唱㗕 chëngkëo
chànggòu ➀ chaotic sounds ➁ loud sound.¹⁰¹
keo2 8427
38 9 këo gòu (=遘 këo gòu to meet; to come across; to encounter.⁷); 44th hexagram of the I Ching; good.³⁶ a pair, to meet with, to come in contact.²⁴ bigamy; meet; Meet, a diagram of the Sixty-four Diagrams; good, kind.⁹ mate; copulate; good.⁸
(composition: ⿰女后; U+59E4).
交姤 gäo-këo
jiāogòu union of the sexes; also the blending of the influences of heaven and easth.²⁴
<又> ù.
(See 姤 ù; 遘 këo).
keo2 8428
38 13 këo gòu wed; reach agreement; coition.⁵
婚媾 fün-këo hūngòu <wr.> marriage, wedding.¹¹
媾合 këo-hàp
gòuhé to copulate.¹¹
媾和 këo-võ
gòuhé make peace with a foreign country.¹¹
交媾 gäo-këo
jiāogòu (have) sexual intercourse, coitus.¹¹
keo2 8429
40 10 këo kòu (= 寇 këo kòu) bandit, invader, enemy; invade.
(composition: ⿱宀⿺元女; U+5BBC).
(See 寇 këo.)
keo2 8430
40 11 këo kòu bandit, invader, enemy; invade; Kou surname.⁸
(variants: 冦, 宼, 窛 këo kòu.)
(composition: ⿱宀⿺元攴; U+5BC7).
敌寇[敵寇] èik-këo
díkòu the (invading) enemy.⁵
海寇 hōi-këo
hǎikòu pirate.⁵
寇盗[寇盜] këo-ào
kòudào insurgents.⁷
寇边[寇邊] këo-bëin
kòubiān invade the border (areas).⁸
or 寇略 këo-lèk kòulüè to loot.⁷
寇攘 këo-ngẽng
kòurǎng to rob and steal.⁷
寇仇 këo-siũ
kòuchóu enemy; foe.⁵
蚁寇[蟻寇] ngāi-këo
yǐkòu a petty robber.⁷
蚁寇成群[蟻寇成群] ngāi-këo-sẽin-kũn
yǐkòuchéngqún petty robbers form into groups.⁷
贼寇[賊寇] tàk-këo
zéikòu rebels, bandits.⁷
草豆寇 tāo-èo-këo
cǎodòukòu or 草果 tāo-gō cǎoguǒ (Lanxangia tsaoko; formerly Amomum tsao-ko).
草寇 tāo-këo
cǎokòu robbers in the greenwood; bandits (a smear word applied by feudal rulers to peasant rebels).⁵
入寇 yìp-këo
rùkòu invade (a country).⁵
keo2 8431
40 13 këo gòu night, the dark part of a room.⁸ night; a retired part of a house.²⁴
(composition: ⿱宀冓; U+3764).
keo2 8432
57 14 këo kōu notch for bowstring on the bow; a kind of ring; a brush cap (cover); Kou surname.⁸ the nock at the end of a bow.¹⁴ the notch in a bow, to which the string is fastened; a sort of ring.²⁴
(composition: ⿰弓區; U+5F44).
彄环[彄環] këo-vãn kōuhuán archer's thumb ring.¹⁴
keo2 8433
61 8 këo kòu blind loyalty.
(composition: ⿰忄句; U+6010).
怐愗 këo-mào kòumào or këo-mèo kòumòu be stupid and ignorant.⁸ foolish, silly.²⁴
or 溝瞀 këo-mù or këo-mào kòumào <lit.> ignorant; benighted.³⁶
<又> guì.
(See 怐 guì).
keo2 8434
64 6 këo kòu button up, buckle; cover with an inverted cup or bowl; put (a label on somwbody); detain, arrest; deduct, withhold; smash or spike a ball; press or pull; button, buckle; circle of thread (on a screw), turn.⁶
不折不扣 būt-jēt-būt-këo bùzhébùkòu hundred per cent; pure and simple; without the slightest discount.⁸
解扣 gāi-këo
jiěkòu lit. unbutton; fig. solve a dispute.¹⁰
折扣 jēt-këo
zhékòu abatement; a discount in the price; a discount rate; a rebate.⁷
扣押 këo-ät
kòuyā detain, hold in custody; distrain, seize.⁶
扣除 këo-chuĩ
kòuchú deduct, subract, take out, withhold.⁶
or 釦子 këo-dū kòuzi a button.¹⁴
扣留 këo-liũ
kòuliú detain; arrest.⁶
扣人心弦 këo-ngĩn-xïm-yẽn
kòurénxīnxián exciting; thrilling; breathtaking; heart thrilling; soul stirring.⁶
扣肉 këo-ngùk
kòuròu steamed pork.¹⁰ a Sichuan specialty, a dish of richly seasoned steamed pork.¹¹ braised pork.⁸⁴
扣襻 këo-pän
kòupàn fastening; button loop.⁵⁴
扣环[扣環] këo-vãn
kòuhuán snap/clip/retaining ring.⁶
keo2 8435
64 13 këo gòu (=构[構] këo gòu)¹⁴ construct, form, compose; fabricate, make up; literary composition.⁵ to pull, to drag; to reach; to implicate; to make (war, peace), to bring (a disaster, a grudge), to incur (animosity); to compose.⁷
(composition: ⿰扌冓; U+6406).
结搆[結搆] gēik-këo
jiégòu connectiion, sequence; a composition.¹⁴
搆兵 këo-bëin
gòubīng to be at war; to move troops.¹⁴
搆不着[搆不著] këo-būt-jèk
gòubuzháo unable to reach it.⁷
搆讼[搆訟] këo-dùng
gòusòng to go to law.¹⁴
搆陷 këo-hàm
gòuxiàn to set a trap to incriminate someone; to frame up a charge against someone.⁷
搆文 këo-mũn
gòuwén tp compose literature.¹⁴
搆和 këo-võ
gòuhé to negotiate peace.¹⁴
搆祸[搆禍] këo-vò
gòuhuò to bring disaster upon oneself; to incur misfortune.⁷
搆思 këo-xü
gòusī to puzzle about; to meditate.¹⁴
搆怨 këo-yön
gòuyuàn to contract dislike.¹⁴
(See 構 këo).
keo2 8436
64 14 këo kōu to dig out; to engrave, to carve; to study meticulously.
抠得紧[摳得緊] këo-āk-gīn kōudejǐn to be very stingy.
抠鼻孔[摳鼻孔] këo-bì-kūng
kōubíkǒng to pick the nose.¹¹
抠出[摳出] këo-chūt
kōuchū to dig out.
抠字眼[摳字眼] këo-dū-ngān
kōuzìyǎn to be fastidious about phrasing, diction, or choice of words.
抠搜[摳搜] këo-xēo
kōusou to dig; to dawdle; miserly.
<台> 抠鼻屎[摳鼻屎] këo-bì-sī to pick one's nose.
keo2 8437
64 14 këo qiáo (=敲 këo qiāo knock, beat, strike; overcharge, fleece somebody.⁵).
(composition: ⿱敖手; U+646E).
<又> ngão.
(See 摮 ngão; 敲 këo).
keo2 8438
66 14 këo qiāo knock, beat, strike; overcharge, fleece somebody.⁵
敲打 këo-ā or hāo-ā qiāoda beat, rao, tap; <topo.> say something to irritate somebody.⁵
敲边鼓[敲邊鼓] këo-bëin-gū
or hāo-bëin-gū qiāo biāngǔ speak or act to assist somebody; back somebody up.⁵
敲警钟[敲警鐘] këo-gēin
or hāo-gēin qiāo jǐngzhōng sound the alarm.⁵
敲击[敲擊] këo-gēik
or hāo-gēik qiāojī to pound, to rap.¹⁰
敲金戛石 këo-gïm-āt-sêk
or hāo-gïm-āt-sêk qiāojīnjiáshí make metallic sounds, (of sonorous composition that) rings in the ears.¹¹
敲骨吸髓 këo-gūt-kīp-xōi
or hāo-gūt-kīp-xōi qiāogǔxīsuǐ break the bones and suck the marrow - suck the lifeblood.⁶
敲诈[敲詐] këo-jä
or hāo-jä qiāozhà extort, blackmail.⁵
敲锣[敲鑼] këo-lũ
or hāo-lũ qiāoluó to beat a gong.¹⁰
敲门[敲門] këo-mõn
or hāo-mõn qiāomén knock at door.¹¹
敲门砖[敲門磚] këo-mõn-jön
or hāo-mõn-jön qiāomén zhuān a brick picked up to knock on the door and thrown away when it has served its purpose – a stepping-stone to success.⁵
敲枰 këo-pẽin
or hāo-pẽin qiāopíng (=敲棋, 敲碁,下棋) to tap a chessman noisily on the table.¹¹ to play chess.¹⁰
<又> hāo.
(See 敲 hāo.)
keo2 8439
75 14 këo gòu construct, form, compose; fabricate, make up; literary composition.⁵ (variant: 搆 këo gòu).
虚构[虛構] huï-këo
xūgòu fabricate; make up.⁵
构造[構造] këo-dào
gòuzào  structure, construction; <geol.> tectonic, structural.⁵
构件[構件] këo-gèin
gòujiàn (structural) member, component; <mach.> component (part).⁵
构陷[構陷] këo-hàm
gòuxiàn frame somebody up.⁵
构图[構圖] këo-hũ
gòutú <art> composition (of a picture).⁵
构筑[構築] këo-jūk gòuzhù construct (military works); build.⁵
构成[構成] këo-sẽin
gòuchéng constitute; form; compose; make up.⁵
构树[構樹] këo-sì
gòushù <bot.> paper mulberry Broussonetia papyrifera (also known as 楮树[楮樹] chuî-sì chǔshù, 谷树[穀樹] gūk-sì gǔ-shù, 鹿仔树[鹿仔樹]) lùk-dōi-sì lùzǎishù;¹⁵ʼ²⁰ or 谷树[谷樹] gūk-sì gǔ-shù.¹⁴
构想[構想] këo-xēng
gòuxiǎng imagine; creative imagination, concept of structure in literary work; work.¹¹
构思[構思] këo-xü
gòusī (of writers or artists) work out the plot of a literary work or the composition of a painting.⁵
构词法[構詞法] këo-xũ-fāt
gòucífǎ word-building; word-formation.⁵
(See 搆 këo).

keo2 8440
85 13 këo gōu ditch, channel, trench; groove, rut, furrow; gully, ravine.⁵
开沟播种[開溝播種] höi-këo-bö-jūng kāigōubōzhǒng make furrows for sowing.⁵
沟渎[溝瀆] këo-dùk
gōudú <wr.> aqueduct; irrigation canal/ditch.⁶
沟坎[溝坎] këo-hêim
gōukǎn a ditch and a ridge.⁹
沟通[溝通] këo-hüng
gōutōng link up.⁵
沟洫[溝洫] këo-kēik
gōuxù a field ditch.¹¹ drains and ditches.¹⁴
沟沟坎坎[溝溝坎坎] këo-këo-hêim-hêim
gōugōukǎnkǎn full of gully.⁸ numerous ditches and ridges on a bumpy road; used as a metaphor to refer to various obstacles and sufferings in one's life.⁹
沟渠[溝渠] këo-kuĩ
gōuqú irrigation canals and ditches.⁵
沟瞀[溝瞀] këo-mù
or këo-mào kòumào <lit.> ignorant; benighted.³⁶
山沟[山溝] sän-këo
shāngōu gully; ravine; (mountain) valley.⁵
水沟[水溝] suī-këo
shuǐgōu ditch; drain; gutter.⁶
七沟八梁[七溝八梁] tīt-këo-bät-lẽng
qīgōubāliáng seven gullies and eight ridges; full of gullies and ridges.⁵
keo2 8441
85 14 këo kòu name of an ancient river in Hebei province.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵寇; U+6EF1).
滱水 këo-suī kòushuǐ Koushui River, name of an ancient river in today's Hebei Province.⁰
keo2 8442
86 19 këo kào a method of cooking with a small fire (Southwestern Mandarin).⁸
keo2 8443
94 14 këo qiāo troublesome.²⁴
(composition: ⿰犭翏; U+3E92).
㺒㤉 këo-ngã qiāoyá much alteration.²⁴ treacherous.⁵⁴
<又> häo; ngão.
(See 㺒 häo; 㺒 ngão).
keo2 8444
104 10 këo gōu alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 痀 guï to crouch; a hunchback.⁸ hunchback.³⁶
(composition: ⿸疒句; U+75C0).
(See 痀 guï).
keo2 8445
109 14 këo kòu stupid; ignorant.²
(composition: ⿱敄目; U+7780).
<又> mào; mẽo; mù; mùk. (See 瞀 mào; 瞀 mẽo; 瞀 mù; 瞀 mùk).
keo2 8446
109 15 këo kòu blind loyalty.
(composition: ⿰⿳士冖⿱一目殳; U+7789).
瞉霿 këo-mèo kòumòu¹⁰¹ mean, niggardly.²⁵
<又> gäi.
(See 瞉 gäi).
keo2 8447
109 16 këo kōu (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 眍[瞘] ëo kōu with same meaning.)
(See 瞘 ëo.)
keo2 8448
112 11 këo qiāo alternate pronunciation of 䂪 ngẽl qiāo with the same meaning: ((=硗[磽] ngẽl qiāo barren land; sandy soil.⁸); fields among the hills.²⁵).²
(composition: ⿰石兆; U+40AA).
<又> ngẽl; èl.
(See 䂪 ngẽl; 䂪 èl).
keo2 8449
116 12 këo kòu (=寇 këo kòu) bandit, invader, enemy; invade.
(composition: ⿱穴⿺元女; U+7A9B).
(See 寇 këo.)
keo2 8450
118 12 këo kòu reed.⁵  (a measure of width of cloth).¹⁰
(variant: 簆 këo kòu).
穿筘 chün-këo
chuānkòu denting.¹⁰
筘齿[筘齒] këo-chī
kòuchǐ dent of reed; reed dents.⁶
筘齿孔[筘齒孔] këo-chī-kūng
kòuchǐkǒng dent opening.⁶
筘痕 këo-hân
kòuhén reed mark/streak; dent cracking.⁶
(See 簆 këo).
keo2 8451
118 16 këo gōu <wr.> bamboo cage.⁶ a basket; a cage.⁷ (variant: 簼 këo gōu).
篝灯[篝燈] këo-äng
gōudēng jacklight; jack.⁶
篝火 këo-fō
gōuhuǒ bonfire; campfire.⁶
篝火节[篝火節] këo-fō-dēik
gōuhuǒjié Lag B'Omer.⁹
篝火晚会[篝火晚會] këo-fō-mân-vòi
gōuhuǒwǎnhuì campfire/bonfire party.⁶
篝火狐鸣[篝火狐鳴] këo-fō-vũ-mẽin
gōuhuǒhúmíng plot a rebellion or an uprising.⁶ to tell fox ghost stories around a bonfire and incite rebellion; an uprising is afoot (idiom).¹⁰
燃起篝火 ngẽin-hī-këo-fō
ránqǐgōugōu make/build/light a bonfire.⁶
(See 簼 këo).
keo2 8452
118 17 këo kòu (=筘 këo kòu) <weaving> reed.³⁶ healds of a loom.¹⁹
(composition: ⿱𥫗寇; U+7C06).
(See 筘 këo).
keo2 8453
118 19 këo gōu (<old>=篝 këo gōu) <wr.> bamboo cage.⁶ a basket; a cage.⁷
(See 篝 këo).
keo2 8454
140 7 këo kōu <old> another name for 葱[蔥] tûng cōng onion; leek.⁸  alternative name for the Chinese onion.⁹ <TCM> a pulse that feels weak and swells, usually after a hemorrhage occurs.⁹ hollow; scallion stalk.¹⁰
芤脉[芤脈] këo-mäk
kōumài <TCM> hollow pulse.
keo2 8455
140 14 këo kòu 白豆蔻 bàk-èo-këo báidòukòu cardamum; Elettaria cardamomum.
(composition: ⿱艹寇; U+853B).
豆蔻 èo-këo
dòukòu round cardamom; cardamun; Amomum kravanh.  a girl's teenage years; a blooming girl; a budding beauty.⁹
豆蔻年华[豆蔻年華] èo-këo-nẽin-vã
dòukòuniánhuá (of girls) age of thirteen to fourteen.⁶
蔻丹 këo-än
kòudān The transliteration of English word Cutex; oil used to dye nail.⁹
蔻蔻 këo-këo
kòukòu cocoa.⁹
蔻仁 këo-ngĩn
kòurén nutmeg, cardamon seeds.¹¹
肉豆蔻 ngùk-èo-këo
ròudòukòu nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt); mace; Myristicaceae (family of plants producing aromatic or hallucinogenic oils).⁴³
肉蔻 ngùk-këo
ròukòu nutmeg.³⁹
小豆蔻 xēl-èo-këo
xiǎodòukòu Indian cardamom (Amomum cardamomum).¹⁰
keo2 8456
147 17 këo  gòu (=遘 këo gòu) to meet.⁷
罕觏[罕覯] hōn-këo
hǎngòu or 罕见[罕見] hōn-gëin hǎnjiàn rarely seen.⁵  rarely found; rare.⁷
觏闵[覯閔] këo-mûn
gòumǐn to meet with adversity.⁷
鲜觏[鮮覯] xēin-këo
xiǎngòu seldom seen.¹⁴
(See 遘 këo.)
keo2 8457
149 12 këo gòu (composition: ⿰車句; U+8EE5).
軥槅 këo-gāk gòugé to pull a carriage.²⁵
<又> kuĩ; ngëo; gēo.
(See 軥 kuĩ; 軥 ngëo; 軥 gēo).
keo2 8458
152 17 këo gòu a pig.²⁵ to feed a pig.²
(composition: ⿰⿳士冖⿱一豕殳; U+8C70).
<又> hūk; bòk; hùk; hēl. (See 豰 hūk; 豰 [bòk, ]; 豰 [bòk, báo]; 豰 hùk; 豰 hēl).
keo2 8459
154 17 këo gòu purchase; buy.⁵
购办[購辦] këo-bàn gòubàn (business house) buy goods.¹¹
购货单[購貨單] këo-fö-än
gòuhuòdān order form; order.⁵
购置[購置] këo-jï
gòuzhì purchase (durables).⁵
购粮[購糧] këo-lẽng
gòuliáng purchase grain.⁵
购买[購買] këo-mäi
gòumǎi to purchase.¹¹
购买力[購買力] këo-mäi-lèik
gòumǎilì the purchasing power.¹¹
购物[購物] këo-mùt
or këo-mòt gòuwù go shopping.⁶
购物车[購物車] këo-mùt-chëh
or këo-mòt-chëh gòuwùchē shopping cart.¹⁰
购物天堂[購物天堂] këo-mùt-hëin-hõng
or këo-mòt-hëin-hõng gòuwù tiāntáng shoppers paradise.¹⁰
购销[購銷] këo-xël
gòuxiāo sale.¹⁰
购入[購入] këo-yìp
gòurù buy in.¹¹
收购[收購] siü-këo
shōugòu purchase; buy.⁵
keo2 8460
162 13 këo gòu (=觏[覯] këo gòu) to meet; to come across; to encounter.⁷ (variant: 姤 këo gòu).
遘疾 këo-dìp
gòují to meet with sickness.¹⁴
遘逢 këo-fũng
gòuféng a chance meeting; to fall in with.¹⁴
遘闵[遘閔] këo-mûn
gòumǐn to meet with distress; to suffer malicious accusations from hidden enemies; to suffer bereavement of a parent or parents.⁷
遘遇 këo-nguì
gòuyù a chance meeting; to fall in with.¹⁴
遘时[遘時] këo-sĩ
gòushí meet with a fine opportunity.⁶
遘患 këo-vàn
gòuhuàn to meet with misfortune or bad luck; to meet with trouble.⁷
遘会[遘會] këo-vòi
gòuhuì meet.⁶
邂遘 hâi-këo
xiègòu come across one another accidentally.¹¹
(See 覯 këo; 姤 këo.)
keo2 8461
167 11 këo kòu button; buckle, clasp; engrave.⁸
釦子 or 扣子 këo-dū kòuzi buttons.¹⁴
釦口 këo-hēo
kòukǒu a buttone-hole.¹⁴
or 纽扣[紐扣] niū-këo niǔkòu buttons.¹⁴
keo2 8462
172 13 këo gòu the crow of a male pheasant.⁸
(composition: ⿰句隹; U+96CA).
雉雊 jï-këo zhìgòu the crow of a male pheasant.⁸
keo2 8463
175 15 këo kào lean against/on; stand something against something else; get near/close to; depend on; trust; stage armor.⁶
可靠 hō-këo or hō-käo kěkào reliable, trustworthy;  dependable; true.⁸
靠得住 këo-āk-jì
or käo-āk-jì kàodezhù reliable; dependable; trustworthy.⁸
靠把 këo-bā
or käo-bā kàobǎ <thea.> stage armor.⁶
靠傍 këo-bòng
or käo-bòng kàobàng depend/rely on.⁶
靠不住 këo-būt-jì
or käo-būt-jì kàobuzhù undependable; unreliable; untrustworthy.⁸
靠垫[靠墊] këo-dëin
or käo-dëin kàodiàn throw/back cushion.⁶
靠近 këo-gìn
or käo-gìn kàojìn close, near; approach.⁶
靠耩 këo-gōng
or käo-gōng kàojiǎng overlap drill-sowing over the edge of a sown strip.⁶
靠拢[靠攏] këo-lūng
or käo-lūng kàolǒng draw close, close up; get close to, build a close relationship with.⁶
靠岸 këo-ngòn
or käo-ngòn kào'àn pull into shore.⁶
靠山 këo-sän
or käo-sän kàoshān backer; patron.⁶
卖身投靠[賣身投靠] mài-sïn-hẽo-këo
or mài-sïn-hẽo-käo màishēntóukào barter away one's honor for somebody's patronage.⁸
<又> käo.
(See 靠 käo.)

keo2 8464
177 19 këo gōu the armlet and glove of a falconer.⁷ leather arm guard.⁸ leather oversleeve; bellows.⁹ (variant: 韝 këo gōu).
(composition: ⿰革冓; U+97B2).
or 韝鞴 këo-bì gōubèi piston.⁶
or 射韝 sèh-këo shègōu arm guard of an archer; leather band worn on the left wrist of an archer.¹⁴
(See 韝 këo).
keo2 8465
178 19 këo gōu (=韝 këo gōu) the armlet and glove of a falconer.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰韋冓; U+97DD).
臂韝 bîkëo
bìgōu a defense for the arms, worn by archers; a bandage for strenghtening the arms.²⁵
射韝 sèh-këo
shègōu <wr.> leather arm band worn on left arm of archer.¹¹
(See 鞲 këo).
keo2 8466
188 15 këo qiāo the thinner part of the tibia near the foot, also refers to the foot; the thinner part of a shaft-like object.⁸ shank (the leg from knee to ankle); leg (from hip to ankle); (horse anatomy) pastern.¹⁰ calf (of leg); the thinner part of the tibia near the foot.¹³ the bone of the leg; the smal; part of the leg, near the foot; also the strong part of the arms or legs.²⁵
(composition: ⿰骨交; U+9AB9).
马骹[馬骹] mâ-këo mǎqiāo the pastern joint of a horse's foot.²⁵
<又> häo; gäo.
(See 骹 häo; 骹 gäo).
keo2 8467
196 21 këo kòu chicks, fledglings.⁸ fledglings.¹⁴ the young of any bird; little birds that must be fed from the bill of their mother are called 鷇 këo kòu, such as swallows and sparrows; while those which are able to peck for themselves are called 雏[雛] chö chú, such as the young of fowls and pheasants.²⁵ <wr.> hatchling; fledgling.³⁶ fledgelings which must be fed by the parent bird, like the young of sparrows or swallows.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰⿳士冖⿱一鳥殳; U+9DC7).
哺鷇 bù-këo
bǔkòu to feed the chicks.⁵⁴
雀鷇 dēk-këo
quèkòu sparrow chick.⁵⁴
Fú shèngrén chún jū ér kòu sì.
The sage finds his dwelling like the quail (without any choice of its own), and is fed like the fledgling.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《莊子·外篇·天地·6》, translated by James Legge).
风胎雨鷇[風胎雨鷇] füng-höi-yî-këo
fēngtāiyǔkòu they are wombed amony the winds and fed under the showers; viz. the birds of the air.¹⁰²
鷇音 këo-yïm
kòuyīn the chirping of fledgelings.¹⁴ a little chirper.²⁵ chirp of a newly hatched bird.¹⁰²
<又> hôk.
(See 鷇 hôk).
keo2 8468
85 13 𣹱
kèp xiá (composition: ⿲氵合欠; U+23E71).
𣹱❄{⿲氵合欠}濈 kèp-sèp xiáshà swift current; rapids.⁸  water gushing forth.²⁴
kep4 8469
9 6 <台> 企 kī home.
<台> 到企 äo-kī (somebody) is home.
<台> 冇企 mäo-kī (somebody) is not home.
<又> kï, kî. (See 企 kï, kî.)
ki1 8470
7 8 repeatedly, frequently.
亟来问讯[亟來問訊] kï-lõi-mùn-xïn qìláiwènxùn <wr.> to come repeatedly to ask for information.
<又> gēik.
(See 亟 gēik.)
ki2 8471
9 6 to plan a project; to stand on tiptoe.
企图[企圖] kï-hũ qǐtú to attempt; to try; attempt.¹⁰
企求 kï-kiũ
qǐqiú to seek for; to hope to gain.
企立 kï-lìp
qǐlì stand on tiptoe.
企望 kï-mòng
qǐwàng hope/yearn for; look forward to.⁶
企慕 kï-mù
qǐmù to admire.
企业[企業] kï-ngèp
qǐyè enterprise.⁸
企鹅[企鵝] kï-ngõ
or kï-ngũ qǐ'é penguin.⁹
企盼 kï-pän
qǐpàn to expect or hope with eagerness.⁷
<台> 企枱
or 企檯 kï-hôi/ waiter (at restaurant).
<台> 企堂 kï-hõng a form of punishment in which a student is made to stand in class.
<台> 企领[企領] kï-lêng turtle necked.
<台> 佢企到恁 kuï-kï-äo-nêin he or she is standing over there.
<又> kī, kî.
(See 企 kī, kî.)
ki2 8472
12 13 (=冀 kï to look forward to; to hope for; to wish.³⁶)
(composition: ⿱丷異 (G) or ⿱八異 (TJK); U+517E).
(See 冀 kï).
ki2 8473
12 16 ➀ <lit.> hope; long for; look forward to  ➁ another name for 河北 Hõ-bāk Héběi Hebei Province;  ➂ Ji surname.⁵
(composition: ⿱北異; U+5180). (variant: 兾 kï
希冀 hï-kï
xījì hope for; look forward to.⁵ to long for; to hope.¹⁴ <lit.> to hope; to wish.³⁶
冀及之 kï-gèp-jï
jìjízhī hoped to reach it.¹⁴
冀幸 kï-hàng
jìxìng to wish another good luck.¹⁴
冀图[冀圖] kï-hũ
jìtú hope/long for; desire.⁶
冀州 kï-jiü
jìzhōu one of the nine divisions of ancient China, consisted of lands north of the Yellow River, including the modern province Hebei, and the municipalities of Beijing and Tianjin.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
冀中平原 Kï-jüng-pẽin-ngũn
Jìzhōngpíngyuán Central Hebei Plain.⁶
冀其成功 kï-kĩ-sẽin-güng
jìqíchénggōng look forward to success of somebody or something.⁵
冀求 kï-kiũ
jìqiú hope to get/gain.⁶
冀望 kï-mòng
jìwàng <lit.> hope; long for.⁶
冀能有成 kï-nãng-yiü-sẽin
jìnéngyǒuchéng We hope the matter will turn out successful.⁷
无冀[無冀] mũ-kï
wújì <lit.> to be hopeless; to be without hope.³⁶
(See 兾 kï).
ki2 8474
18 10 carving or engraving knife; to carve (wood block).
剞劂 kï-kūt or gï-kūt jījué <wr.> to engrave (wood blocks); carving or engraving knife; carving block; book.
<又> gï.
(See 剞 gï.)
ki2 8475
32 9 <wr.> solod earth.⁶ tough soil.⁹ hard earth.¹⁰
ki2 8476
38 10 <trad.> complimentary term for women; concubine; <trad.> a professional female singer; Ji surname.⁵
姬伯 Kï-bāk Jībó or 姬昌 Kï-chëng Jīchāng (=周文王 Jiü-mũn-võng Zhōu Wén Wáng) King Wen of Zhou.¹⁹
姬滨鹬[姬濱鹬] kï-bïn-gūt
jībīnyù least sandpiper (Calidris minutilla).¹⁰
姬蜂 kï-füng
jīfēng ichneumon wasp.⁵
姬国[姬國] Kï-gōk
Jīguó Ji State (=Zhou Dynasty).¹⁹
姬鹬[姬鷸] kï-gūt
jīyù jack snipe (Lymnocryptes minimus).¹⁰
姬田鸡[姬田雞] kï-hẽin-gäi 
jītiánjī little crake (Porzana parva).¹⁰
姬人 kï-ngĩn
jīrén concubines.
姬侍 kï-sì
jīshì concubines.¹⁴
姬水 Kï-suī
Jīshuǐ River Ji where Huangdi was born.¹⁴
姬妾 kï-tēp
jīqiè concubine.⁶
姬松茸 kï-tũng-ngũng
jīsōngróng himematsutake mushroom (Agaricus subrufescens or Agaricus blazei Murill).¹⁰
姬易 Kï-Yèik
Jīyì (=周易 Jiü-yèik Zhōuyì) another name for The Book of Changes (易经[易經] Yèik-géin Yìjīng).¹⁰
姬媵 kï-yèin
jīyìng concubine.¹⁹
(See also 妖姬, 宠姬[寵姬], 歌姬, 舞姬, 鼓姬.)
ki2 8477
38 12 媿 kuì (=愧 kï kuì) ashamed, conscience-stricken.⁵
(See 愧 kï.)
ki2 8478
46 11 (composition: ⿰山奇; U+5D0E).
<台> 崎岖[崎嶇] kï-kuï (one's life) filled with anxieties and hardships.
(See 崎嶇 kĩ-kuï).
<又> kĩ.
(See 崎 kĩ).
ki2 8479
46 18 guī (=子规[子規] dū-kï zǐguī) cuckoo.⁸
<又> xäi.
(See 嶲 xäi; 巂 xäi.)
ki2 8480
46 24 kuí (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 巙 não kuí with same meaning.)
<又> não.
(See 巙 não.)
ki2 8481
50 11 (=𢃛❄{⿳甘大巾 or ⿱其巾} a bandage.²).¹⁹ʼ²⁴
(composition: ⿰ 巾其; U+5E3A).
<又> kĩ.
(See 帺 kĩ; 𢃛❄{⿳甘大巾 or ⿱其巾} kĩ; 𢃛❄{⿳甘大巾 or ⿱其巾} kï)
ki2 8482
50 11 𢃛
(composition: ⿳甘大巾 or ⿱其巾; U+220DB).
<又> kĩ.
(See 𢃛❄{⿳甘大巾 or ⿱其巾} kĩ).
ki2 8483
61 12 kuì ashamed; conscience-stricken.⁵ (variant: 媿 kï kuì.)
自愧不如 dù-kï-būt-nguĩ
zìkuìbùrú (=自愧弗如 dù-kï-fūt-nguĩ zìkuìfúrú) feel ashamed of one's inferiority.⁶
自愧弗如 dù-kï-fūt-nguĩ
zìkuìfúrú feel ashamed of one's inferiority.⁶
愧怍 kï-dòk
or kï-dò kuìzuò to feel shame; ashamed.⁷
愧服 kï-fùk
kuìfú to admire (another) with a feeling of shame about one's own inferiority.⁷
愧疚 kï-giü
kuìjiù to feel the discomfort of shame; to feel a sense of guilt; to suffer a guilty conscience.⁷
愧恨 kï-hàn
kuìhèn ashamed and remorseful.⁵
愧恨交集 kï-hàn-gäo-dàp
kuìhènjiāojí overcome with shame and remorse.⁵
愧赧 kï-nân
kuìnǎn to redden from shame.⁷
愧恧 kï-nūk
kuìnǜ to feel shame; ashamed.⁷
愧色 kï-sēik
kuìsè a look of shame.⁵
愧心 kï-xïm
kuìxīn a feeling of shame.⁷
当之无愧[當之無愧] öng-jï-mũ-kï
dāngzhīwúkuì be worthy of; fully deserve.⁶
当之有愧[當之有愧] öng-jï-yiû-kï
dāngzhīyǒukuì to feel undeserving of the praise or the honor.¹⁰
惭愧[慚愧] tãm-kï/
cánkuì ashamed.⁷
(See 媿 kï.)
ki2 8484
64 15 𢵅
guī Splitting silk for clothing.²
(composition: ⿰扌規; U+22D45).
ki2 8485
72 14 ➀ <old> initial appearance of sunrise ➁ (same as 臮 and 曁 kï jì; 暨 is the preferred modern form - Synonyms: 及 (gèp and; to reach; up to; in time for), 与[與] (yî with; by; in; or; and; to give to.) ➂ to attain; to reach - Synonyms: 至 (jï zhì reach, arrive; extremely, very.⁸), 到 (äo dào to (a place); until (a time); to arrive.) ➃ Ji surname.³⁶
(composition: ⿱既旦;  U+66A8).
暨今 kï-gïm
jìjīn (=至今 jï-gïm zhìjīn);⁵⁴ (=洎今 kï-gïm or gì-gïm jìjīn)⁵⁴  till now.¹¹ <lit.> up to now; so far; to date; to this day.³⁶
暨南大学[暨南大學] Kï-nãm Ài-hòk
Jìnán Dàxué Jinan University in 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Guangdong Province.
(See 曁 kï; 臮 kï).
ki2 8486
72 16 Kangxi form for modern 暨 kï ➀ <old> initial appearance of sunrise ➁ (same as 臮 and 曁 kï jì; 暨 is the preferred modern form - Synonyms: 及 (gèp and; to reach; up to; in time for), 与[與] (yî with; by; in; or; and; to give to.) ➂ to attain; to reach - Synonyms: 至 (jï zhì reach, arrive; extremely, very.⁸), 到 (äo dào to (a place); until (a time); to arrive.) ➃ Ji surname.³⁶
(composition: ⿱旣旦;  U+66C1).
(See 暨 kï).
ki2 8487
77 8 (Hoisanva vernacular pronunciation for 歧 kĩ qí, as in 歧视[歧視] kï-sì.)
<台> 歧视[歧視] kï-sì discriminate; discrimination.
<又> kĩ.
(See 歧 kĩ.)
ki2 8488
85 9 until, till, up to; soup, meat broth; to soak, to drench.⁷ to reach to; and; when; name of a river; broth or meat; meat juice.¹⁴
自古洎今 dù-gū-kï-gïm or dù-gū-gì-gïm zìgǔjìjīn from the ancient times to the present.⁶
去其肉而以洎馈[去其肉而以洎饋] huï-kĩ-ngùk-ngĩ-yî-kï-gì
or huï-kĩ-ngùk-ngĩ-yî-gì-gì qùqíròuéryǐjìkuì he took out the meat and presented the broth.¹⁴
洎乎 kï-fũ
or gì-fũ jìhū until; till; up to.⁷ and then; and when it reached to.¹⁴
洎乎近世 kï-fũ-gìn-säi
or gì-fũ-gìn-säi jìhūjìnshì <wr.> until recent times.¹¹
洎今 kï-gïm
or gì-gïm jìjīn (=暨今 kï-gïm jìjīn);⁵⁴ (=至今 jï-gïm zhìjīn)⁵⁴ till now.¹¹
<又> gì.
(See 洎 gì.)
ki2 8489
85 15 huì fester.⁵⁵
溃脓[潰膿] kï-nũng or 㱮脓[殨膿] gï-nũng huìnóng suppuration;  to ulcerate (sore), and fester.
<又> gì.
(See 潰 gì, [kï, kuì]; 殨 gï.)
ki2 8490
85 15 kuì 溃疡[潰瘍] kï-yẽng kuìyáng an ulcer.⁷
胃溃疡[胃潰瘍] vì-kï-yẽng
wèikuìyáng gastric ulcers.¹⁰
<又> gì.
(See 潰 gì, [kï, huì].)
ki2 8491
102 13 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 畸 gï with same meaning: irregular, abnormal; lopsided, unbalanced; <old> land irregular in shape; <wr.> fractional amount, remainder.⁶)
<又> gï.
(See 畸 gï.)
ki2 8492
108 11 kuī (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 盔 föi kuī with same meaning: helmet; bowl; basin.⁸)
<又> föi.
(See 盔 föi.)
ki2 8493
116 16 kuī peep, watch, spy on, pry.⁸ (variant: 闚 kï kuī).
管窥[管窺] gōn-kï
guǎnkuī look at something through a bamboo tube – have a restricted view.⁸
窥豹一斑[窺豹一斑] kï-bäo-yīt-bän
kuībàoyībān lit. to see one spot on a leopard – to have only a limited view.⁷
窥测[窺測] kï-chāk
kuīcè to watch and assess a situation.⁷
窥察[窺察] kï-chāt
kuīchá to spy on; to watch.⁷
窥见[窺見] kï-gëin
kuījiàn to catch a glimpse of; to detect.⁷
窥探[窺探] kï-häm
kuītàn to spy on; to peep; to pry into.⁷
窥器[窺器] kï-hï
kuīqì <med.> speculum.⁶
窥看[窺看] kï-hön
kuīkàn steal a glance at; spy on.⁶
窥望[窺望] kï-mòng
kuīwàng peep at; spy on.⁶
窥度[窺度] kï-òk
kuīduó surmise surreptitiously; surmise in secret.⁶
窥视[窺視] kï-sì
kuīshì peep at; spy on; watch secretly.⁷
窥伺[窺伺] kï-xù
or kï-dù kuīsì to watch and wait (for a chance to attack).⁷
窥窬[窺窬] kï-yĩ
kuīyú to watch for a weakness (of the adversary).⁷
窥园[窺園] kï-yõn
kuīyuán lit. to look out occasionally at the garden – to lack concentration while studying.⁷
(See 闚 kï).
ki2 8494
122 22 inn; lodge; travel.⁸ an inn; to lodge.¹⁴ an inn for the reception of strangers; to lodge.²⁵ (Note: Some say 羇 kï is an old variant of 羁[羈] kï ).
(composition: ⿱罒䩭); U+7F87).
羇客 kï-hāk
jīkè a lodger; a traveler.⁷ the guest at an inn.¹⁴
羇滞[羇滯] kï-jài
jīzhì to detain (an offender).⁷ (be) forced to remain at a place longer than one has expected.¹¹
羇旅 kï-luî
jīlǚ a lodger, a traveler; to be traveling.⁷ a wayfarer.¹⁴ a traveller; a wayfaring man.²⁵
羇旅之臣 kï-luî-jï-sĩn
jīlǚzhīchén a government official living in exile.⁷ʼ¹¹
羇愁 kï-sẽo
jīchóu a traveller's depression or sorrow.⁷ homesick.¹¹ the discomforts of travel.¹⁴
羇心 kï-xïm
jīxīn the melancholy feeling during travel.⁷
ki2 8495
122 24 bridle, halter; control, restrain; stay, delay, detain.⁶
(comp. t: ⿱罒⿰革馬; U+7F88). (comp. s: ⿱罒⿰革马; U+7F81).
不羁[不羈] būt-kï bùjī <wr.> unruly; uninhibited.⁶
放荡不羁[放蕩不羈] föng-òng-būt-kï
fàngdàngbùjī unconventional and unrestrained; Bohemian.⁶
羁押[羈押] kï-ät
jīyā <wr.> detain; take into custody.⁶
羁泊[羈泊] kï-bòk
jībó stay away from home; stop over.⁶
羁绊[羈絆] kï-bòn
jībàn <wr.> fetter; shackle, trammel; bind up.⁶
羁束[羈束] kï-chūk
jīshù <wr.> restrain.⁶
羁角[羈角] kï-gök
jījiǎo <old> hairstyle of children; refers to childhood in general.⁸
羁滞[羈滯] kï-jài
jīzhì <wr.> stay in a strange place for a long period of time.⁶
羁勒[羈勒] kï-làk
jīlè <wr.> tie; bind up; fetter.⁶
羁留[羈留] kï-liũ
jīliú <wr.> stop over; keep in custody.⁶
羁旅 kï-luî
jīlǚ <wr.> live in a strange place/land.⁶
羁糜[羈糜] kï-mĩ
jīmí <wr.> keep (vassal states) under control; (=羁留[羈留] kï-liũ jīliú) <wr.> stop over.⁶
羁縻[羈縻] kï-mĩ
jīmí to tie up, be tied up, by business or emotional ties; stay on (in post), continue.¹¹ comfort measures; Jimi system.¹⁹
羁愁[羈愁] kï-sẽo
jīchóu <wr.> nostalgia; homesickness.⁶
or 羁绁[羈紲] kï-xēik jīxiè be fettered; fetters.¹¹
无羁之马[無羈之馬] mũ-kï-jï-mâ
wújīzhīmǎ a wild horse.⁵⁴
ki2 8496
132 12 (<old>=暨 kï ➀ <old> initial appearance of sunrise ➁ (same as 臮 and 曁 kï jì; 暨 is the preferred modern form - Synonyms: 及 (gèp and; to reach; up to; in time for), 与[與] (yî with; by; in; or; and; to give to.) ➂ to attain; to reach - Synonyms: 至 (jï zhì reach, arrive; extremely, very.⁸), 到 (äo dào to (a place); until (a time); to arrive.) ➃ Ji surname.³⁶
(composition: ⿱自⿲人亻人; U+81EE). Alternative form: ⿱自乑 - The bottom component is written 乑 instead,
(See 暨 kï).
ki2 8497
141 17 kuī to lose (money); to fail; to damage; deficient.
功亏一篑[功虧一簣] güng-kï-yīt-gì gōngkuīyīkuì fail to build a mound for want of one final basket of earth – fall short of success for lack of a final effort; be just one step short of success.⁶
幸亏[幸虧] hàng-kï
xìngkuī fortunately; luckily.
吃痖吧亏[吃瘂吧虧] hëk-ā-bä-kï
chīyǎbākuī to suffer in silence like a dumb man.¹⁴
吃亏[吃虧] hëk-kï
chīkuī to suffer loss; to come to grief; unfortunately.
亏本[虧本] kï-bōn
kuīběn to lose money in business; to lose one's capital.
亏蚀[虧蝕] kï-sèik
kuīshí lose (money) in business.⁵
理亏[理虧] lî-kï
lǐkuī be in the wrong.⁵
月圆则亏[月圓則虧] ngùt-yõn-dāk-kï
yuèyuánzékuī lit. The moon begins to wane the moment it becomes full. – Decline inevitably follows culmination.⁷
ki2 8498
145 13 a fastening.²⁵
(composition: ⿰衤其; U+8900).
<又> kĩ. (See 褀 kĩ; 帺 kï; 𢃛❄{⿳甘大巾 or ⿱其巾} kï).
ki2 8499
146 25 (=羁[羈] kï ) bridle, halter; control, restrain; stay, delay, detain.⁶); halter; restrain, hold, control.⁸
or 执羁靮[執羈靮] jīp-kï-ēik zhíjīdí to hold the reins.²⁵
(composition: ⿱覀⿰革馬; U+898A).
(See 羈 kï).
ki2 8500
147 11 guī compasses, dividers; regulation, rule; admonish, advise; plan, map out; gauge.⁵
规避[規避] kï-bì guībì evade; dodge; avoid.⁵
规则[規則] kï-dāk
guīzé rule, regulation; regular.⁵
规定[規定] kï-èin
guīdìng regulate, prescribe; regulations.¹¹
规矩[規矩] kï-guī
guījǔ or guīju lit. compass and set square; fig. established standard; rule; customs; practices; fig. upright and honest; well-behaved.¹⁰
规行矩步[規行矩步] kï-hãng-guī-bù
guīxíngjǔbù behave correctly and cautiously; stick to established practices.⁵
规条[規條] kï-hẽl
guītiáo detailed rules or provisions for general observance.¹¹
规劝[規勸] kï-hün
guīquàn admonish; advise.⁵
规章[規章] kï-jëng
guīzhāng rules; regulations.⁵
规规矩矩[規規矩矩] kï-kï-guī-guī
guīguījǔjǔ or guīguijūjū (of persons) polite, law-abiding, (of conduct) unexceptionable.¹¹
规律[規律] kï-lùt
guīlǜ law; regular pattern.⁵
规模[規模] kï-mũ
or kï-mõ guīmó scale; scope; extent.¹⁰
or 规画[規畫] kï-vàk guīhuà  to plan (how to do something); planning; plan; program.¹⁰
规约[規約] kï-yēk
guīyuē stipulations of an agreement.⁵
圆规[圓規] yõn-kï
yuánguī compasses.¹¹
ki2 8501
147 17 covet; long for.¹¹ to desire good fortune; to covet.²⁵
下无觊觎[下無覬覦] hà-mũ-kï-yĩ xiàwújìyú the common people have nothing to hope for.²⁵
觊幸[覬幸] kï-hàng
jìxìng hope to get something by a stroke of good luck.¹¹
觊望[覬望] kï-mòng
jìwàng ardent longings.¹⁴
觊觎[覬覦] kï-yĩ
jìyú <wr.> covet; cast greedy eyes on.⁵ to covet; to desire something belonging to others.⁷ to hope for, to long for.²⁵
ki2 8502
157 11 <wr.> to stand on tiptoe.⁶
跂訾 kï-dū qìzǐ <wr.> self-opinionated.¹¹ unconventional and boastful.¹⁴
跂踵而望 kï-jūng-ngĩ-mòng
qìzhǒngérwàng to stand on tiptoe, on the lookout for; earnest expectation.¹⁴
跂望 kï-mòng
qìwàng <wr.> to stand on tiptoe looking forward to somebody or something.⁶
跂坐 kï-tü
or kï-tö qìzuò to sit with legs hanging.⁷
跂想 kï-xēng
qìxiǎng to look forward to on tiptoe.¹¹
<又> kĩ.
(See 跂 kĩ.)
ki2 8503
157 13 kuǐ <wr.> half a step; small/short step.⁶ half a pace.⁷
(variant: 蹞 kï kuǐ).
跬步 kï-bù
kuǐbù <wr.> half a step; small step.⁶
跬步不离[跬步不離] kï-bù-būt-lĩ
kuǐbùbùlí not move even a half step from; follow closely; keep close to.⁶
跬步难行[跬步難行] kï-bù-nãn-hãng
kuǐbùnánxíng difficult to move even a short step.³⁹
跬步千里 kï-bù-tëin-lî
kuǐbùqiānlǐ  one can get afar by making small steps – one can finally achieve success by making unremitting efforts; continued efforts may lead to great success.⁶
跬誉[跬譽] kï-yì
kuǐyù short-lived glory or honor.⁷
<又> xēik.
(See 跬 xēik; 蹞 kï.)
ki2 8504
157 13 𨀣 (=企 kï to stand on tiptoe.)
(composition: ⿰⻊企; U+28023).
(See 企 kï).
ki2 8505
157 18 kuǐ (<old>-跬 kï kuǐ) <wr.> half a step; small/short step.⁶ half a pace.⁷
(See 跬 kï).
ki2 8506
162 11 kuí thoroughfare, crossroads.⁸
大逵 ài-kï dàkuí a wide road.⁸
逵径[逵徑] kï-gèin
kuíjìng branch road; byroad.⁸
逵衢 kï-kuĩ
kuíqú a wide road.⁸
<又> gî.
(See 逵 gî.)
ki2 8507
169 19 kuī (=窥[窺] kï kuī peep, watch, spy on, pry.⁸) flash; flashing; steal look.⁸
(composition: ⿵門規; U+95DA).
(See 窺 kï).
ki2 8508
181 13 kuǐ to raise one's head.⁸ the way the top of the hat is pointed (for example, leaning forward); ancient hair accessories used to tie the hair and fix the crownl to raise the head.¹⁹
(composition: ⿰支頁; U+980D).
頍缨[頍纓] kï-yëin kuǐyīng the strap tied under the chin on an ancient hat.¹⁹
Yiû-kï-jēh-bèin, sìt-vĩ-yï-hõ.
Yǒu kuǐ zhě biàn, shí wéi yī hé.
Those in the leather caps, -
Who are they?⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·桑扈之什·頍弁》, translated by James Legge).
ki2 8509
187 19 kuí (of a horse) lively; vigorous; powerful; strong.⁸ʼ¹⁰ a horse walking stately along; strong without resting.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿰馬癸; U+9A24). (comp. s: ⿰马癸; U+9A99).
Gä-bī-xï-mêo, xï-mêo-kï-kï.
Jià bǐ sì mǔ, sì mǔ kuí kuí.
The four steeds are yoked,
The four steeds, eager and strong.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·鹿鳴之什·采薇》, translated by James Legge).
骙骙[騤騤] kï-kï
kuíkuí strong.²
骙瞿[騤瞿] kï-kuî
kuíqú running around very rapidly.¹⁹
<又> kūt.
(See 騤 kūt).
ki2 8510
187 26 thoroughbred horse; refined and virtuous.¹⁰
赤骥[赤驥] Chēik-kï Chìjì name of one of the eight legendary horses of 周穆王 Jiü Mùk Võng Zhōu Mù Wáng King Mu of Zhou.²³
附骥[附驥] fù-kï
fùjì follow the lead of a great man; ride on the coattails of a great man; shine in reflected glory.⁶
骥子龙文[驥子龍文] kï-dū-lũng-mũn
jìzǐlóngwén outstanding children of a family.⁵⁴
骥足[驥足] kï-dūk
jìzú a person capable of shouldering heavy responsibilities (“the hoofs of a thoroughbred”).¹¹
骥尾[驥尾] kï-mī
jìwěi coattails of a great man.⁵⁴
骥骜[驥驁] kï-ngão 
jì'ào fine horse; thoroughbred.¹⁰
老骥伏枥[老驥伏櫪] lāo-kï-fùk-lēik
lǎojìfúlì an aged steed in the stable still aspires to gallop a thousand li – an old hero still cherishes high aspirations.⁶
老骥伏枥,志在千里[老驥伏櫪,志在千里] lāo-kï-fùk-lēik, jï-dòi-tëin-lî
lǎojìfúlì, zhìzàiqiānlǐ lit. an aged steed in the stable still aspires to gallop a thousand li; fig. an old hero still cherishes high aspirations.⁶
按图索骥[按圖索驥] ön-hũ-sōk-kï
àntúsuǒjì looks for a good steed according to its picture – try to find something by following up a clue; deal with/handle a matter in a mechanical way.⁶
ki2 8511
196 15 guī (composition: ⿰夫鳥; U+9CFA).
秭鳺 dī-kï zǐguī <old>=子规[子規] dū-kï zǐguī cuckoo, (杜鹃鸟[杜鵑鳥] ù-gün-nêl dùjuānniǎo gowk.⁹ cuckoo (Cercococcyx species).¹⁰).⁸
子鳺 dū-kï
zǐguī (=子规[子規] dū-kï zǐguī cuckoo) cuckoo (bird).³⁶
<又> fü.
(See 鳺 fü).
ki2 8512
1 3 (<old> = 其 kĩ ) his; her; its; theirs; that; such.
<又> gï.
(See 丌 gï.)
ki3 8513
7 4 component; ancient variant of 其 kĩ ; Qi surname.
<wr.> his, her, its, their; that.
ki3 8514
9 9 万俟[萬俟] Màk-kĩ Mòqí Moqi compound surname.
<又> dù.
(See 俟 dù; 竢 dù.)
ki3 8515
12 8 his (her; its; their); he (she, it, they); that, such.⁵
自行其是 dù-hãng-kĩ-sì zìxíngqíshì to go one's own way, to act willfully.⁶
自牖执其手[自牖執其手] dù-yiù-jīp-kĩ-siū
zìyǒuzhíqíshǒu grasped his hand through the window.¹⁴
其间[其間] kĩ-gän
qíjiān in; among; in between; between.⁷
其廑至矣 kĩ-gīn-jï-yì
qíjǐnzhìyǐ he was so industrious.¹¹
其他 kĩ-hä
qítā the others; the rest.⁷
其状峨峨[其狀峨峨] kĩ-jòng-ngõ-ngõ
or kĩ-jòng-ngũ-ngũ qízhuàng'é'é charming shape.⁶
其中 kĩ-jüng
qízhōng among (which, them); in (which, it).⁵
其乐无穷[其樂無窮] kĩ-lòk-mũ-kũng
qílèwúqióng The joy is boundless.⁷
其貌不扬[其貌不揚] kĩ-mào-būt-yẽng
qímàobùyáng unimposing in appearance; ugly; ill-favored.⁶
其如余何 kĩ-nguĩ-yĩ-hõ
qírúyúhé what harm can they do me?¹⁴
其实[其實] kĩ-sìt
qíshí actually, in fact; as a matter of fact.⁵
其情可悯[其情可憫] kĩ-tẽin-hō-mûn
or kĩ-tẽin-hō-mêin qíqíngkěmǐn His case deserves sympathy.⁵
其次 kĩ-xü
qícì next; secondly; the next in order; besides.⁷
其事遂寝[其事遂寢] kĩ-xù-xuì-tīm
qíshìsuìqǐn The matter was then allowed to rest; No more was heard of the matter thereafter.⁵
or 其馀[其餘] kĩ-yĩ qíyú the others; the rest.⁷

ki3 8516
32 7 <wr.> border; boundary.
江圻 göng-kĩ jiāngqí <wr.> riverside.
田圻 hẽin-kĩ
tiánqí (=田野 hẽin-yêh tiányě) fields; open country.⁶
海圻 hōi-kĩ
hǎiqí <wr.> seaside.
蒲圻 pũ-kĩ
púqí Puqi, old name for 赤壁市 chēik bēik sî chì bì shì Chibi county level city in 咸宁市[咸寧市] hãm nẽin sî xián níng shì Xianning, Hubei Province.⁵⁴
<又> ngãn.
(See 圻 ngãn.)
ki3 8517
32 11 (=崎 kĩ ) headland.¹ headland.⁸ a winding bank.⁹ the top of a winding bank.²⁴ crooked (bent) bank.³⁹
(composition: ⿰土奇; U+57FC).
ki3 8518
35 21 kuí a one-legged monster in fables (depicted in Shang and Zhou bronze ware); a musical offical (during the reign of Emperor Shun).⁸ one-legged mountain demon of Chinese mythology; Chinese mythical figure who invented music and dancing; Chinese rain god; Kui surname.¹⁰ a one-legged monster; grave, respectful.¹⁴ strange monstrous appearance; fear and alarm.²⁴
(composition: ⿱丷夒; U+5914).
夔州 Kĩ-jiü Kuízhōu ancient prefecture in 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan Province.⁸
夔夔 kĩ-kĩ
kuíkuí awestruck; fearful.¹⁰ awestruck, in fear.¹¹
夔夔齐栗[夔夔齊慄] kĩ-kĩ-tãi-lùt
kuíkuíqílì he looked grave and awestruck.¹⁴
夔立 kĩ-lìp
kuílì stand upright.⁸
夔龙[夔龍] kĩ-lũng
kuílóng a dragon-shaped monster in ancient legends.⁸ an animal of lizard type in ancient bronzes.¹¹
夔纹[夔紋] kĩ-mũn
kuíwén Kui veins, dragon-like veins on ancient Chinese pottery.⁹
一夔已足 yīt-kĩ-yî-dūk
yīkuíyǐzú lit. Kui alone is enough; fig. if one has real (musical) talent, one is enough.¹⁹
ki3 8519
37 8 strange; odd; weird; wonderful; surprisingly; unusually.⁸ (variant: 竒 kĩ ).
出奇 chūt-kĩ
chūqí extraordinary; exceptional; unusual.¹⁰
奇特 kĩ-àk qítè peculiar; unusual; queer.¹¹
奇葩 kĩ-bä qípā exotic flowers; extraordinarily beautiful flower.⁶
奇葩异草[奇葩異草] kĩ-bä-yì-tāo qípāyìcǎo exotic flowers and grass.⁶
奇迹[奇跡] kĩ-dēik qíjì miracle; wonder; marvel.⁵
奇货可居[奇貨可居] kĩ-fö-hō-guï
qíhuòkějū hoard as a rare commodity.⁵
奇怪 kĩ-gäi qíguài strange; odd; to marvel; to be baffled.¹¹
奇崛 kĩ-gùt qíjué peculiar and prominent.⁸
奇珍异宝[奇珍異寶] kĩ-jïn-yì-bāo
qízhēnyìbǎo rare treasures.⁶
奇妙 kĩ-mèl  qímiào fantastic; wonderful.¹¹
奇闻[奇聞] kĩ-mũn qíwén something unheard of; thrilling or fantastic story.⁶
奇形怪状[奇形怪狀] kĩ-yẽin-gäi-jòng qíxíngguàizhuàng strange sight, badly dressed appearance.¹¹
奇异[奇異] kĩ-yì
qíyì fantastic; bizarre; odd; exotic; astonished.¹¹
<又> gï.
(See 奇 gï; 竒 kĩ.)
ki3 8520
37 9 kuí crotch.² crotch; 15th of the 28 constellations of Chinese astronomy.¹⁰ name of a constellation; Kui surname.¹¹ the stride made by a man.¹⁴ a stride.²⁴ (variant: 㚝 kĩ kuí).
(composition: ⿱大圭; U+594E).
奎踽 kĩ-guī
kuíjǔ to hop about.¹⁴
奎翰 kĩ-hòn
kuíhàn writings/paintings of the emperor.¹⁹
奎札 kĩ-jāt kuízhá imperial edict.¹⁹
奎章 kĩ-jëng
kuízhāng poetry calligraphy of the emperor.¹⁹ or föi-jëng kuǐzhāng one of the 28 constellations.¹³
奎级[奎級] kĩ-kīp
kuíjí (salted duck eggs or preserved eggs) the level between the first and the special level is called the  Kui level.¹⁹
奎墨 kĩ-màk
kuímò imperil book; imperil edict,¹⁹
奎宁[奎寧] kĩ-nẽin
kuíníng <loan> quinine C₂₀H₂₄N₂O₂.¹⁰ʼ¹⁹
奎画[奎畫] kĩ-và
kuíhuà writings/paintings of the emperor.¹⁹
奎星 kĩ-xëin
kuíxīng Kuixing, the Great Bear, one of the 28 constellations.¹⁰ the constellation of Andromeda.²⁴
奎星阁[奎星閣] kĩ-xëin-gōk
kuíxīnggé a hall devoted to the worship of the god of literature.¹⁴
奎宿 kĩ-xiü
kuíxiù Legs (Chinese constellation).⁹  the 15th constellation, which has sixteen stars, supposed to resemble a person striding.¹⁴
<又> föi.
(See 奎 föi; 㚝 kĩ).
ki3 8521
37 11 kuí (=奎 kĩ kuí crotch.² crotch; 15th of the 28 constellations of Chinese astronomy.¹⁰ name of a constellation; Kui surname.¹¹ the stride made by a man.¹⁴ a stride.²⁴); the stride made by a man, name of a star, a kind of tree.¹
(composition: ⿱大佳; U+369D).
(See 奎 kĩ).
ki3 8522
46 7 high; majestic; fork in road; Qi surname.⁸
岐黄[岐黃] Kĩ Võng Qí Huáng traditional Chinese medicine (a term made up from 岐伯 Kĩ-bāk Qíbó Qibo and 黄帝[黃帝] Võng'äi Huángdì Huangdi, legendary founders of Chinese medicine.)⁶
岐黄之术[岐黃之術] Kĩ-Võng-jï-sùt
qíhuángzhīshù traditional Chinese medical science.⁶
岐嶷 kĩ-ngĩ
qíyí outstanding; a mountian peak.¹⁴
岐山 Kĩ-sän
Qíshān name of a mountain in 陕西[陝西] Sēm-xäi Shǎnxī Shaanxi Province.⁴
石岐 Sêk-kĩ
Shíqí Shiqi is an area in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province.²⁰
ki3 8523
46 7 rocks on the side of a hill.²
(composition: ⿰山斤; U+5C93).
ki3 8524
46 11 <wr.> sloping, uneven, rugged.⁶ a steep rough path along and over mountains; precipitous, abrupt, sheer; a cape, a projecting headland.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰山奇; U+5D0E).
崎径[崎徑] kĩ-gèin qíjìng rugged path.⁶
崎岖[崎嶇] kĩ-kuï
qíqū  rugged, bumpy, rough, not smooth.⁶ rugged; rough; craggy.⁸ (of mountain paths) uneven, rough; having difficulties on the way.¹¹ rugged path among hills.²⁴ a dangerous hill-path; a rise and fall; knolls and holes, such as are left after an inundation; irregular, as a stony road; metaphor for disquieted and anxious.¹⁰² (See <台> 崎嶇 kĩ-kuï).
崎岖不平[崎嶇不平] kĩ-kuï-būt-pẽin
qíqūbùpíng rugged, bumpy, rough, uneven.⁶
山路崎岖[山崎崎嶇] sän-lù-kĩ-kuï
shānlùqíqū rugged mountain paths.⁶
<又> kï.
(See 崎 kï).
ki3 8525
50 11 (<old>=綥 kĩ dark gray; straw sandals.¹⁰ʼ³⁵).¹⁹ʼ²⁴ (=𢃛❄{⿳甘大巾 or ⿱其巾} a napkin.²).¹⁹ʼ²⁴
(composition: ⿰ 巾其; U+5E3A).
<又> kï.
(See 帺 kï; 綥 kĩ).
ki3 8526
50 11 𢃛
(composition: ⿳甘大巾 or ⿱其巾; U+220DB).
<又> kï.
(See 𢃛❄{⿳甘大巾 or ⿱其巾} kï).
ki3 8527
64 12 kuí prime minister; to guess, to estimate.¹ criterion.⁸
百揆 bāk-kĩ bǎikuí <wr.> chief minister of a state.
阁揆[閣揆] gōk-kĩ
gékuí <wr.> premier; prime minister.
揆测[揆測] kĩ-chāk
kuícè to calculate; to guess; to estimate.
揆席 kĩ-dèik
kuíxí prime minister; premier.
揆诸实际[揆諸實際] kĩ-jï-sìt-däi
kuízhūshíjì <wr.> as a matter of fact.
其揆一也 kĩ-kĩ-yīt-yâ
qíkuíyīyě the principles are the same; by the same measure or standard.¹¹
揆度 kĩ-òk
kuíduó <wr.> to observe and estimate; to conjecture.
揆情度理 kĩ-tẽin-òk-lî
kuíqíngduólǐ to appraise circumstances.
览揆[覽揆] lâm-kĩ
lǎnkuí <wr.> birthday, be born.¹¹
首揆 siū-kĩ
shǒukuí premier; prime minister.
ki3 8528
64 15 xié (=携[攜] kĩ xié lead by the hand; conduct to; take with; become disaffected; leave.¹⁴ lead by hand; take with; carry.⁸).²
(composition: ⿰扌雋; U+64D5).
(See 攜[kĩ, xié]).
ki3 8529
64 16 xié (=携[攜] kĩ xié lead by the hand; conduct to; take with; become disaffected; leave.¹⁴ lead by hand, take with; carry.⁸).² (non-classical form of 携[攜] kĩ xié) to lead by the hand; to conduct to; to take with.⁸
(composition: ⿰扌⿱崔乃; U+3A57).
(See 攜[kĩ, xié]).
ki3 8530
64 18 (=携[攜] kĩ xié) Xi surname.⁸
(composition: ⿰扌⿱隹冏; U+3A66).
(See 攜[kĩ,
xié]; 㩦[kĩ, xié]).
ki3 8531
64 18 xié (=携[攜] kĩ xié) to lead by the hand; to conduct to, to take with.⁸ (Note: As a surname, it is pronounced as , q.v. in Mandarin; but still as kĩ in Hoisanva.)
(composition: ⿰扌⿱隹冏; U+3A66).
(See 攜[kĩ,
xié]; 㩦[kĩ, ]).
ki3 8532
64 21 (alternate Mandarin pronunciation for 携[攜] kĩ xié with same meaning: to lead by the hand; to conduct to; to take with.¹⁴ lead by hand, take with; carry.⁸) (Note: xié is the speaking pronunciation whereas is the reading pronunciation).
t: ⿰扌巂; U+651C). (comp. s: ⿰扌隽; U+643A).
(See 攜[kĩ, xié]).
ki3 8533
64 21 xié lead by the hand; conduct to; take with; become disaffected; leave.¹⁴ lead by hand, take with; carry.⁸
(variant: 擕 kĩ xié). (See 攜[kĩ, ]; 擕 kĩ).
t: ⿰扌巂; U+651C). (comp. s: ⿰扌隽; U+643A).
提携[提攜] hãi-kĩ
tíxié lead (a child) by the hand; guide and support; give guidance and help (especially to younger people).⁶ to help a younger man.¹¹
携带[攜帶] kĩ-äi
xiédài to bring along with one.¹⁴
携款潜逃[攜款潛逃] kĩ-fōn-tẽm-hão
xiékuǎnqiántáo to abscond with funds.¹¹
携眷[攜眷] kĩ-gün
xiéjuàn to bring the family.¹⁴
携眷同行[攜眷同行] kĩ-gün-hũng-hãng
xiéjuàntóngxíng to travel with one's family.¹¹
携同[攜同] kĩ-hũng
xiétóng to bring along with one.¹⁴
携贰[攜貳] kĩ-ngì
xié'èr <lit.> to show disloyalty at heart.¹¹
携而讨焉无众必败[攜而討焉無眾必敗] kĩ-ngĩ-hāo-yẽn-mũ-jüng-bēik-bài
xié ér tǎo yān wú zhòng bì bài if the people of 晋[晉] Dün Jìn come over in heart to 秦 [Tũn Qín], then because their people are few, they would certainly be defeated.¹⁴
携手[攜手] kĩ-siū
xiéshǒu lead by the hand; hand in hand.¹⁴
携手同行[攜手同行] kĩ-siū-hũng-hãng
xiéshǒutóngxíng walk hand in hand; (of factions) join hands in cooperation.¹¹
ki3 8534
65 12
to incline; to lean; to slant.⁷ (variant: 敧 kĩ ).
攲倒 kĩ-āo
qīdǎo to slant and fall.⁷
攲侧[攲側] kĩ-jāk
qīcè to incline; to lean; to lurch.⁷
攲倾[攲傾] kĩ-kēin
qīqīng to slant; to incline.⁷
攲卧[攲臥] kĩ-ngò
qīwò to lie in a reclined position.⁷
攲危 kĩ-nguĩ
qīwēi tottering.⁷
攲斜 kĩ-tẽh
qīxié to slant; to incline; to lurch.⁷
(See 敧[kĩ, ]; 欹 kĩ.)
ki3 8535
66 12
(<old>=攲 kĩ )⁸ <wr.> to incline; to lean; to slant.⁷ to pick up thing with chopsticks or pincers.¹⁰
<又> gï, yî.
(See 攲 kĩ; 敧 gï, 敧 yî.)
ki3 8536
70 10 flag.⁸ formerly, a dragon flag with bells on tassels, now a flag in general (=旗 kĩ ).¹¹ a banner with bells attached, and cross dragons at the top, used for summoning the multitude.²⁴ flag attached with small bells; a dragon flag with bells on tassels.⁵⁴
其旂淠淠 kĩ-kĩ-pöi-pöi
qíqípèipèi waving in the wind (the flag).⁵⁴
(See 旗 kĩ).
ki3 8537
70 14 flag, banner, standard.⁵ (variant: 旂 kĩ ).
大张旗鼓[大張旗鼓] ài-jëng-kĩ-gū
dàzhāngqígǔ on a grand scale; in a big way.⁵
国旗[國旗] gōk-kĩ
guóqí national flag.⁸
旗标[旗標] kĩ-bël
qíbiāo flag; waif.⁵⁴
旗帜[旗幟] kĩ-chï
qízhì flag, insignia, rallying point.¹¹
旗帜鲜明[旗幟鮮明] kĩ-chï-xëin-mẽin
qízhìxiānmíng to have a clear and distinct stand.⁹
旗子 kĩ-dū
qízi flag; banner; pennant.⁵
or 旗竿 kĩ-gön qígān flagstaff; flagpole.⁵
旗鼓 kĩ-gū
qígǔ banners and drums.¹¹
旗鼓相当[旗鼓相當] kĩ-gū-xëng-öng
qígǔxiāngdāng be well-matched.⁸
旗号[旗號] kĩ-hào
qíhào banner, flag; pretext, excuse.⁶
旗开得胜[旗開得勝] kĩ-höi-āk-sëin
qíkāidéshèng win victory in the first battle; win speedy success.⁵
旗舰[旗艦] kĩ-lâm
qíjiàn flagship.⁵
旗人 kĩ-ngĩn
qírén Manchu; bannerman.¹⁰
旗语[旗語] kĩ-nguî
qíyǔ semaphore; flag signal.⁵
旗袍 kĩ-pão
qípáo a close-fitting woman's dress with high neck and slit skirt; cheongsam.⁵
旗手 kĩ-siū
qíshǒu standard-bearer.⁵
(See 旂 kĩ).
ki3 8538
72 13 kuí <wr.> separate; part.⁶ in oppostion; to separate; to part.⁷
暌别[暌別] kĩ-bèik kuíbié <wr.> (of friends) separate; leave each other.⁶
暌阔[暌闊] kĩ-föt
kuíkuò <wr.> separate; part.⁶
暌隔 kĩ-gäk
kuígé <wr.> separate; part; be apart.⁶
暌合 kĩ-hàp
kuíhé <wr.> separation and reunion.¹¹
暌离[暌離] kĩ-lĩ
kuílí <wr.> (of friends) leave each other, part.⁶
暌索 kĩ-sōk
kuísuǒ <wr.> to be dispersed.¹¹
暌违[暌違] kĩ-vĩ
kuíwéi <wr.> (used in letters) separate; part.⁶
ki3 8539
74 12 periods, times; a designated time, a time limit; to expect, to hope, to wait.⁷
期货[期貨] kĩ-fö qīhuò <econ.> futures.⁵
期间[期間] kĩ-gän
qījiān time; period; course.⁵
期限 kĩ-hàn
qīxiàn allotted time; time limit; deadline.⁵
期考 kĩ-hāo
qīkǎo final examinaton.⁶
期刊 kĩ-hōn
or kĩ-hān qīkān periodical.⁵
期许[期許] kĩ-huī
qīxǔ expect; hope.⁶
期中 kĩ-jüng
qīzhōng interim; midterm.⁶
期终[期終] kĩ-jüng
qīzhōng end of a term or semester.⁶
期期艾艾 kĩ-kĩ-ngài-ngài
qīqī'ài'ài stammer; stutter.⁶
期求 kĩ-kiũ
qīqiú hope to get; crave for; hanker after.⁶
期满[期滿] kĩ-mōn
qīmǎn expire; come to an end; run out.⁶
期望 kĩ-mòng
qīwàng hope; expectation.⁵
期待 kĩ-òi
qīdài to look forward to, await, hope for.⁹
期盼 kĩ-pän
qīpàn expect; await; look forward to.⁶
期票 kĩ-pêl
qīpiào promissory note; term bill.⁶
期于[期於] kĩ-yï
qīyú aspire to; hope to achieve; aim at.⁶
期颐[期頤] kĩ-yĩ
qīyí a 100-year-old person; a centenarian.⁷
时期[時期] sĩ-kĩ
shíqī period; phase.¹⁰
<又> gï.
(See 期 gï.)
ki3 8540
75 11 xié (composition: ⿰木肙; U+688B).
柃梋 lẽin-kĩ língxié the ancient utensils for burning wheat.⁸
<又> xün; gün.
(See 梋 xün; 梋 gün).
ki3 8541
75 12 chess; any game similar to chess.⁸ (variant: 棊 kĩ qí; Japanese variant: 碁 kĩ qí.)
将棋[將棋] dëng-kĩ
jiàngqí Japanese chess (shōgi).¹⁰
象棋 dèng-kĩ
xiàngqí Chinese chess.
国棋[國棋] gōk-kĩ
guóqí short for 国际象棋[國際象棋] gōk-däi-dèng-kĩ guójì xiàngqí (international) chess.
举棋不定[舉棋不定] guī-kĩ-būt-èin
jǔqíbùdìng to hesitate over what move to make (idiom); to waver; to shilly-shally.
下棋 hä-kĩ
xiàqí to play chess.
跳棋 hẽl-kĩ
tiàoqí checkers.
棋子 kĩ-dū
qízǐ chess piece; stones (in weiqi or go).
棋局 kĩ-gùk
qíjú situation in a chess game; arrangement of chess pieces on the chessboard; <old> chessboard.⁶
棋枰 kĩ-pẽin
qípíng chessboard.⁶
棋盘[棋盤] kĩ-põn
qípán checkerboard; chessboard.⁸
棋峙 kĩ-sì
or kĩ-chî qízhì <wr.> to match in power as rivals (as in Three Kingdoms).¹¹
围棋[圍棋] vĩ-kĩ/
wéiqí weiqi, go.⁶
(See 棊 kĩ; 碁 kĩ.)
ki3 8542
75 12 (=棋 kĩ ) chess; any game similar to chess.⁸
棊槊 kĩ-sōk
qíshuò a game of chess.¹⁴
ki3 8543
76 12
(=攲 kĩ ) <wr.> to incline; to lean; to slant.⁷ lean heavily.⁹
欹侧[欹側] kĩ-jāk
qīcè <wr.> tilt; incline; slant.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰奇欠; U+6B39).
<又> yī.
(See 欹 yī; 攲 kĩ.)
ki3 8544
77 8 fork, branch; divergent, different.⁵
分歧 fün-kĩ fēnqí difference; divergence.⁵
歧出 kĩ-chūt
qíchū (of the use of words, esp. technical terms in a book or an article) conflicting and confusing; inconsistent.⁶
歧见[歧見] kĩ-gëin
qíjiàn difference; divergent opinions; disagreement.⁶
歧管 kĩ-gōn
qíguǎn <mach.> manifold.⁵
歧途 kĩ-hũ
qítú wrong road.⁵
歧路 kĩ-lù
qílù branched road; forked road.⁵
歧路亡羊 kĩ-lù-mõng-yẽng
qílùwángyáng lit. Sheep will easily get lost when there're too many forked roads. – One who seeks truth is apt to get lost when confronted with too many choices.⁷
歧路彷徨 kĩ-lù-põng-võng
qílùpánghuáng to be hesitant or indecisive at a road junction.⁷
歧念 kĩ-nèm
qíniàn evil thoughts or ideas.⁷
歧义[歧義] kĩ-ngì
qíyì ambiguity; different meanings.⁶
歧视[歧視] kĩ-sì
qíshì discriminate against.⁵
歧异[歧異] kĩ-yì
qíyì difference; discrepancy.⁶
误入歧途[誤入歧途] m̀-yìp-kĩ-hũ
wùrùqítú go astray; be misled.⁵
<又> kï.
(See 歧 kï.)
ki3 8545
85 7 (vernacular pronunciation of 沂 yĩ with same meaning: names of four rivers originating in Shandong.⁷ Yi surname).⁴
<又> yĩ, ngï.
(See 沂 yĩ; 沂 ngï.)
ki3 8546
85 11 a river in Henan Province that enters Weihe River.⁹
冰淇淋 bëin-kĩ-lĩm bīngqílín <loan> ice cream.⁸
淇河 Kĩ-hõ
Qíhé a river in 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng Henan Province.⁴
霜淇淋 söng-kĩ-lĩm
shuāngqílín soft ice cream.⁸
ki3 8547
96 12 <wr.> fine jade; outstanding, distinguished, admirable.⁶
琦货[琦貨] kĩ-fö qíhuò a valuable or unusual article.¹⁴ a valuable commodity.²⁴
琦行 kĩ-hàng
qíxíng admirable conduct; fine virtues, noble character.⁶
琦赂[琦賂] kĩ-lù
qílù a valuable or unusual article.¹⁴
琦玮[琦瑋] kĩ-vī
qíwěi admirable, distinguished.¹¹
玩琦 ngòn-kĩ
wánqí a plaything.²⁴
ki3 8548
96 12 <wr.> fine jade.⁶ a valuable stone or gem of a white color.¹⁴
琪花 kĩ-fä qíhuā Jade Tree flower in fairyland; jade-like flower
琪花瑶草[琪花瑤草] kĩ-fä-yẽl-tāo
qíhuāyáocǎo jade flowers of fairy land.¹¹ the flowers and plants of fairyland.¹⁴
琪玕 kĩ-gön
qígān a fairy gem.¹⁴
琪树[琪樹] kĩ-sì
qíshù described a jade tree in myth; a tree whose branches hang down like willows and bear berries.⁷
安琪儿[安琪兒] ön-kĩ-ngĩ
ānqí'ér an angel.¹¹
珣玗琪 xün-yï-kĩ
xúnyúqí (old) a kind of jade.⁶ a species of gem; the name of a vessel or utensil.²⁴
瑶草琪花[瑤草琪花] yẽl-tāo-kĩ-fä
yáocǎoqíhuā jade flowers of fairyland.¹⁹
玗琪 yï-kĩ
yúqí a kind of tree.²⁴
ki3 8549
96 13 𤦺 (=琦 kĩ <wr.> fine jade; outstanding, distinguished, admirable.⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿰; U+249BA).
(See 琦 kĩ).
ki3 8550
102 11 ridge bordered plot of land in a field.⁶ land of 50 亩[畝] mêo (~3.3 hectares); a plot, piece, or parcel of land; a farmer, a laborer.⁷
町畦 ëin-kĩ
tǐngqí (=<台> 田基 hẽin-gî raised footpath between rice paddies) low bank of earth between fields.³⁹
花畦 fä-kĩ
huāqí flower beds.¹⁹ platband.³⁹
田畦 hẽin-kĩ
tiánqí parcel; small plot of land.⁵⁴
种了三畦大蒜[種了三畦大蒜] jūng-lēl-xäm-kĩ-ài-xôn
zhǒnglesānqídàsuàn grow three beds of garlic.⁶
畦畛 kĩ-chīn
qízhěn scope, range; prejudice.⁷ <wr.> field boundary; difference of opinion, dispute.¹¹
畦丁 kĩ-ëin
qídīn gardener.¹¹
畦径[畦徑] kĩ-gèin
qíjìng a bypath; a way, a method.⁷
畦灌 kĩ-gön
qíguàn border method of irrigation.⁵
畦田 kĩ-hẽin
qítián ridge-bordered plot.⁵⁵
菜畦 töi-kĩ
càiqí vegetable plot or patch.¹¹
一畦韭菜 yīt-kĩ-giū-tôi
yīqíjiǔcài a bed of leeks.³⁹
ki3 8551
109 11 huī (of eyes) piercing.⁹ deep sunken eyes.²⁴
眭盱 kĩ-huï huīxū robust; hale.²⁴
<又> xuï.
(See 眭 xuï.)
ki3 8552
109 14 kuí separated (=暌 kĩ kuí); in opposition; to squint; to stare at; unusual, strange.⁷
睽隔 kĩ-gäk
kuígé sundered; separated.⁷
睽孤 kĩ-gü
kuígū eccentric and unsociable.⁷
睽携[睽攜] kĩ-kĩ
kuíxié betray; separate, deviate, depart from.⁵⁴
睽睽 kĩ-kĩ
kuíkuí stare; gaze.⁵
睽离[睽離] kĩ-lĩ
kuílí long separation.⁷
睽疑 kĩ-ngĩ
kuíyí to suspect; to feel strange.⁷
睽违[睽違] kĩ-vĩ
kuíwéi to separate; separation.⁷
睽异[睽異] kĩ-yì
kuíyì <wr.> (of views) be in disagreement.⁶
众目睽之下[眾目睽之下] jüng-mùk-kĩ-jï-hà
zhòngmùkuízhīxià in the public eye.⁵
众目睽睽[眾目睽睽] jüng-mùk-kĩ-kĩ
zhòngmùkuíkuí all eyes are directed toward (person, object).¹¹
ki3 8553
112 13 (Japanese variant of 棋 kĩ ) any game similar to chess.
敲碁 këo-kĩ
or hāo-kĩ qiāoqí (=敲枰 këo-pẽin or hāo-pẽin qiāopíng or 敲棋 këo-kĩ or hāo-kĩ qiāoqí or 下棋 hä-kĩ xiàqí) to tap a chessman noisily on the table.¹¹ to play chess.¹⁰
囲碁 vĩ-kĩ
wéiqí the Japanese equivalent of 围棋[圍棋] vĩ-kĩ/ wéiqí weiqi, go.
ki3 8554
112 13 (=埼 kĩ headland.⁸ a winding bank.⁹ the top of a winding bank.²⁴ crooked (bent) bank.³⁹); a cape, spit, promontory.⁸
(composition: ⿰石奇; U+7895).
碕角 kĩ-gôk
qíjiǎo mountain spur.¹⁹
碕潭 kĩ-hãm
qítán curved pool.¹⁹
碕嵚[碕嶔] kĩ-hïm
qíqīn appearance of being high and steep in an unbroken chain.¹⁹
碕仄 kĩ-jēik
qízè winding and narrow.¹⁹
碕岭[碕嶺] kĩ-lêin
qílǐng rolling hills.¹⁹
碕礒 kĩ-ngāi
qíyǐ rocks are scattered unevenly.¹³ uneven rocks in the mountain; peculiar, unusual.¹⁹ stony; rocky.²⁵
碕岸 kĩ-ngòn
qí'àn winding river bank.¹⁹
碕湾[碕灣] kĩ-vän
qíwān bend in the river.¹⁹
ki3 8555
113 6 large; vast; Qi surname.
祁寒 kĩ-hõn qíhán <wr.> severely cold.
祁红[祁紅] Kĩ-hũng
Qíhóng keemun (black tea).⁵
祁剧[祁劇] Kĩ-kēk
Qíjù 湖南 Vũ-nãm Húnán Hunan Province opera.
祁祁 kĩ-kĩ
qíqí <wr.> slow; ample; numerous.
黎祁 lãi-kĩ
líqí <wr.> bean curd.¹¹
宋祁 Xüng Kĩ
Sòng Qí Song Qi (998-1061), Song dynasty poet and writer, coauthor of History of the Later Tang Dynasty 新唐书[新唐書]¹⁰ Xïn-hõng-sï Xīntángshū.
ki3 8556
113 8 the god of the earth; peace, serenity, to be at rest.⁷ the god of the earth.⁸ an earthly god, as opposed to 神 god in heaven; <wr.> peace and happiness; (in letter formula, interchangeable with 祺 kĩ ) your peace and happiness.¹¹ the spirit of the earth; rest; great.¹⁴
zhǐ; 祇 kĩ qí; zhī; zhī; zhī; 秪 jï dī.
俾我祇也 bī-ngô-kĩ-yâ
bǐwǒqíyě it would give me rest.¹⁴
地祇 ì-kĩ
dìqí earth spirit.¹⁰ earth as a god.¹⁴
祇遵 kĩ-dün
qízūn respectfully obey, request.¹¹
祇悔 kĩ-fōi
qíhuǐ great regret; deep remorse.⁷
祇仰 kĩ-ngêng
qíyǎng to look up to with respect.¹⁴
灵祇[靈祇] lẽin-kĩ
língqí gods; deities.⁵⁴
无祇悔[無祇悔] mũ-kĩ-fōi
wúqíhuǐ no great regret.¹⁴
上下神祇 sèng-hà-sĩn-kĩ
shàngxiàshénqí spirits of heaven and earth.¹⁴
神祇 sĩn-kĩ
shénqí <wr.> gods; deities; divinities.⁶ gods; 神 god of heaven; 祇 god of earth.⁵⁴
<又> jī.
(See 祇 jī.)
ki3 8557
113 8 pray; beg, entreat, plead, implore.⁶
甘雨祈祈 gäm-yî-kĩ-kĩ gānyǔqíqí <wr.> descriptive of drizzling rain.¹¹
祈福 kĩ-fūk
qífú pray for blessings.⁶
祈祷[祈禱] kĩ-hāo
qídǎo pray; say one's prayers.⁵
祈祈 kĩ-kĩ qíqí slowly.⁷
祈求 kĩ-kiũ
qíqiú earnestly hope; pray for.⁵
祈望 kĩ-mòng
qíwàng hope; wish.⁵ I dare to hope.¹¹
祈年 kĩ-nẽin
qínián pray for a good/bumper harvest.⁶
祈禳 kĩ-ngẽng
qíráng to pray for protection against calamities.⁷
祈请[祈請] kĩ-tēin
qíqǐng request; beseech.⁶
祈赐玉音[祈賜玉音] kĩ-xü-ngùk-yïm
qícìyùyīn please reply.¹¹
祈雨 kĩ-yî
qíyǔ pray for rain.⁶
<台> 千祈 tëin-kĩ one must by all means.
<台> 千祈记紧[千祈記緊] tëin-kĩ-gï-gīn Don't forget it! You must remember it!
ki3 8558
113 12 lucky, propitious, auspicious; peaceful, serene.⁷ (variant: 禥 kĩ ).
近祺不一 gìn-kĩ-būt-yīt 
jìnqíbùyī May plenteous happiness soon be yours!¹⁴
祺然 kĩ-ngẽin
qírán peaceful, without anxiety.¹⁴
祺安 kĩ-ön
qí'ān peace and happiness.¹⁴
祺祥 kĩ-tẽng
qíxiáng the best luck.¹¹
祺祜 kĩ-vü
qíhù blessings and properity.¹⁴
商祺 sëng-kĩ
shāngqí business is auspicious; conventional greeting at the foot of a letter: May your business go well!¹⁰
顺颂近祺[順頌近祺] sùn-dùng-gìn-kĩ
shùnsòngjìnqí (used at the end of a letter) wishng you the best of luck.⁶
(See 禥 kĩ).
ki3 8559
113 15 (=祺 kĩ ) lucky, propitious, auspicious; peaceful, serene.⁷
(See 祺 kĩ).
ki3 8560
117 9 (=奇 kĩ) strange; odd; weird; wonderful; surprisingly; unusually.⁸
<又> gĩ.
(See 奇 kĩ; 竒 gĩ.)
ki3 8561
119 14 a sort of cake.²⁵ a kind of cookie.⁰ (variant: 𪍀❄{⿰麥其}).
(composition: ⿰米其; U+7CB8).
(See 𪍀❄{⿰麥其} kĩ).
ki3 8562
120 14 <wr.> very; extremely.⁶ dark gray; superlative; variegated.¹⁰ straps for sandals; Qi surname.¹¹
希望綦切 hï-mòng-kĩ-tēik xīwàngqíqiè cherish ardent hopes.⁶
綦重 kĩ-chüng
qízhòng very heavy.¹¹
綦繁 kĩ-fãn
qífán <wr.> very complicated.¹¹
綦巾 kĩ-gïn
qíjīn <wr.> woman's greenish scarf.¹¹
綦难[綦難] kĩ-nãn
qínán very difficult.⁶
綦严[綦嚴]  kĩ-ngẽm
qíyán very severe.¹¹
綦切 kĩ-tēik
qíqiè <wr.> urgent, pressing, eager, ardent.⁶
綦绮[綦綺] kĩ-yī
qíqǐ a textile with crisscross surface.¹¹
念子綦切 nèm-dū-kĩ-tēik
niànzǐqíqiè miss one's son very much.⁶
言之綦详[言之綦詳] ngũn-jï-kĩ-tẽng
yánzhīqíxiáng extremely detailed description.⁶
ki3 8563
120 14 dark gray; straw sandals.¹⁰ʼ³⁵ (variants: 帺, 褀 kĩ ).
(composition: ⿰糹畀; U+7DA5).
(See 帺 kĩ; 褀 kĩ).
ki3 8564
125 10 <wr.> over sixty years old; very old.⁶
(composition: ⿱老日; U+8006).
耆旧[耆舊] kĩ-giù qíjiù <wr.> esteemed/venerable old person.⁶
耆老 kĩ-lāo
qílǎo <wr.> old/aged person; venerable person.⁶
耆腊[耆臘] kĩ-làp
qílà an aged Buddhist monk.⁷
耆年 kĩ-nẽin qínián venerable age.⁶
耆年硕德[耆年碩德] kĩ-nẽin-sêk-āk 
qíniánshuòdé of venerable age and great virtue; of advanced years and noble character.⁶
耆艾 kĩ-ngài
qí'ài old/aged person.⁶ the old; the aged; old people.⁷ aged and wise; an old, experienced man.¹⁴
耆艾之年 kĩ-ngài-jï-nẽin
qí'àizhīnián in the years of sixty and fifty respectively.⁷
耆硕[耆碩] kĩ-sêk
qíshuò a respected old person.⁷
耆绅[耆紳] kĩ-sïn
qíshēn <wr.> old gentleman.⁶
耆宿 kĩ-xūk
qísù <wr.> venerated old person (of a community).⁶
耆儒 kĩ-yĩ
qírú an aged scholar; a learned old person.⁷
黄耆[黃耆] võng-kĩ
huángqí (=黄芪[黃芪] võng-kĩ huángqí) TCM root of membranous milk vetch).⁶ (See 黄芪 võng-kĩ).
<又> sï, jī.
(See 耆 sï; 耆 jī.)
ki3 8565
137 14 a boat; a ship; vessel.⁸
(composition: ⿰舟其; U+4474).
䑴艃 kĩ-lĩ qílí a kind of vessel.²⁵
ki3 8566
140 7 (composition: ⿱艹氏; U+82AA).
黄芪[黃芪] võng-kĩ huángqí (=黄耆[黃耆] võng-kĩ huángqí TCM root of membranous milk vetch).⁶)  membranous milk vetch root; Astragalus membranaceus.⁹ (=北芪 bāk-kĩ běiqí) Astragalus propinquus (syn. Astragalus membranaceus), commonly known as Mongolian milkvetch.¹⁵
ki3 8567
140 11 beanstalk.¹¹ stalks of pulse.⁴³
豆萁 èo-kĩ or èo-gî dòuqí <topo.> beanstalk.⁸
煮豆燃萁 jī-èo-ngẽin-kĩ
or jī-èo-ngẽin-gî zhǔdòuránqí burn beanstalks to cook beans – stir up fratricidal strife.⁶
燃萁 ngẽin-kĩ
or ngẽin-gî ránqí discord between brothers leading to mutual destruction.¹¹
<又> gî.
(See 萁 gî.)
ki3 8568
140 12 kuí sunflower.¹⁰
锦葵[錦葵] gīm-kĩ jǐnkuí mallow; common mallow; Malva sylvestris; Malva sinensis.³⁹
海葵 hōi-kĩ
hǎikuí sea anemone.¹⁰
葵花 kĩ-fä
kuíhuā sunflower.¹⁰
葵藿 kĩ-kök
kuíhuò (inferiors in self-deprecation) cheap, worthless things.¹¹
葵扇 kĩ-sën
kuíshàn palm leaf fan.¹¹
落葵 lòk-kĩ
luòkuí Malabar spinach (Basella alba L.)²³
蒲葵 pũ-kĩ
púkuí Chinese fan palm, Livistona chinensis.⁴³
山葵 sän-kĩ
shānkuí wasabi; Wasabia japonica.
水葵 suī-kĩ
shuǐkuí another name for Brasenia schreberi.²⁰
蜀葵 sùk-kĩ
shǔkuí hollyhock.⁶
秋葵 tiü-kĩ
qiūkuí okra (Hibiscus esculentus); lady's fingers.¹⁰ <bot.> the hibiscus, Abelmoschous esculentus.¹¹
<台> 葵蓬 kĩ-pũng a raincoat (made of straw).
<台> 葵扇 kĩ-sën/ spades (suit in cards).
<又> kî.
(See 葵 kî.)
ki3 8569
140 19 (herb); to implore; to pray; (place name).¹⁰
蕲春[蘄春] Kĩ-chün Qíchūn Qichun a district in 湖北 Vũ-bāk Húběi Hubei Province.¹¹
蕲竹[蘄竹] kĩ-jūk
qízhú  a species of fine bamboo produced at Qichun 蕲春[蘄春] Kĩ-chün Qíchūn.¹¹
蕲求[蘄求] kĩ-kiũ
qíqiú <wr.> to pray for.³⁹
蕲艾[蘄艾] kĩ-ngài
qí'ài <bot.> Artemisia argyi, the Chinese mugwort, is a herbaceous perennial plant with a creeping rhizome.¹⁵
蕲蛇[蘄蛇] kĩ-sẽh
qíshé a mottled gray poisonous snake found at Qichun 蕲春[蘄春] Kĩ-chün Qíchūn.¹¹
蕲茝[蘄茝] kĩ-tōi
qíchǎi tender shoots of Cnidium officinale.¹ (=蘼芜[蘼蕪] mĩ-mũ míwú a fragrant herb Gracilaria confervoides.⁴³ Ligusticum wallichii Franch.²³)
ki3 8570
142 14 (<old>=蜞 kĩ grapsus.¹⁰).⁸
(See 蜞 kĩ.)
ki3 8571
142 14 grapsus.¹⁰
蟛蜞 pãng-kĩ/ péngqí or 螃蜞 põng-kĩ pángqí amphibious crab; brackish-water crab.⁶ a species of small crabs, Grapsus species.¹¹
蟛蜞菊 pãng-kĩ-gūk
péngqíjú or 螃蜞菊 põng-kĩ-gūk pángqíjú  (Wedelia chinensis).⁶ (Note: old name for 黄花蜜菜[黃花蜜菜] võng-fä-mìt-töi huánghuāmìcài (Sphagneticola calendulacea).²⁰
<台> 蟥蜞[
蜞] võng-kĩ leech.
ki3 8572
145 9 robes worn by monks and nuns.⁸ the dress of a nun, a sort of hairy surplice.²⁵
(composition: ⿰衤氏; U+8879).
衹衼 kĩ-jï qízhī robes worn by nuns and judges.⁸
<又> jī; jï.
(See 衹 jī; 衹 jï).
ki3 8573
145 13 (<old>=帺 kĩ qí, which in turn =(<old>=綥 kĩ dark gray; straw sandals.¹⁰ʼ³⁵).¹⁹ʼ²⁴).⁸ʼ¹⁹  a napkin.²⁵
(composition: ⿰衤其; U+8900).
<又> kï.
(See 褀 kï;  帺 kĩ ; 綥 kĩ).
ki3 8574
148 15 (=奇 kĩ strange; odd; weird; wonderful; surprisingly; unusually.⁸) strange; queer; rare.¹
(composition: ⿰角奇; U+89ED).
or 奇梦[奇夢] kĩ-mùng qímèng a strange dream.⁷ a dream that comes to pass.²⁵
<又> gï; yï.
(See 觭 gï; 觭 yï; 奇 kĩ).
ki3 8575
157 11 <wr.> extra toe; (of insects) to crawl.⁶ a foot with six toes; insects crawling.¹⁴
跂行 kĩ-hãng qíxíng to creep.¹⁴ to crawl.²⁵
跂行喙息 kĩ-hãng-fì-xēik
qíxínghuìxī to crawl and suck.¹⁴
跂蹻 kĩ-kël
qíqiāo <wr.> a kind of sandals.¹¹
跂跂 kĩ-kĩ
qíqí to crawl like a caterpillar.¹⁴
<又> kï.
(See 跂 kï.)
ki3 8576
157 15 (=崎 kĩ <wr.> sloping, uneven, rugged.⁶ a steep rough path along and over mountains; precipitous, abrupt, sheer; a cape, a projecting headland.¹⁰²).⁸ to lean to one side; deviate to the side, go astray.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰⻊奇; U+8E26).
踦重 kĩ-jùng
qízhòng favor (one of the sides), favor one side.⁵⁴
失言勿踦 sīt-ngũn-mòt-kĩ
shīyánwùqí don't let a poorly spoken word lead you astray.⁵⁴
<又> gī; yī.
(See 踦 gī; 踦 [kĩ, qī]; 踦 yī).

ki3 8577
157 15 a foot; lay particular stress on; one-sidedly emphasize.⁸ one-legged; crippled, halt; a defect; odd, not even; alone.¹⁴ one foot; to stand on one leg; something incomplete; some bodily defect.²⁵ having only one good leg; crippled, halt; an incomplete thing, a defect; single, alone, as the thread on which a spider lets itself down, the shinbone.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰⻊奇; U+8E26).
踦足 kĩ-dūk qīzú lame, halting.¹⁴ʼ¹⁰²
踦只[踦隻] kĩ-jëk
qīzhī single, not double.²⁵
踦跂 kĩ-kĩ
qīqí limping along.¹⁴
踦区[踦區] kĩ-kuï
qīqū hidden away.¹⁴
踦岖[踦嶇] kĩ-kuï
qīqū anything on one side.²⁵
踦门[踦門] kĩ-mõn
qīmén a single door.²⁵
踦闾[踦閭] kĩ-luĩ
qīlǘ a gate ajar, and a person within talking with one outside. ¹⁰²
相与踦闾而语[相與踦閭而語] xëng-yî-kĩ-luĩ-ngĩ-nguî
xiāng yǔ qīlǘ ér yù they spoke to each other through  the half-opened door.¹⁴
<又> gī; yī.
(See 踦 gī; 踦 [kĩ, qí]; 踦 yī).

ki3 8578
159 11 axle-tip; the part on both ends of the hub which have red leather trims.⁸ protruding part of a wheel.⁵⁴
(variant: 軝 kĩ ).
(composition: ⿰車氏; U+8EDD).
Föng-Sūk xūt-jī, yēk-kĩ-tö-hãng, bāt-lũn-dëng-dëng.
Fāng Shū shuài zhǐ, yuē qí cuò héng, bā luán qiāng qiāng.
Fang Shu led them on,
The naves of his wheels bound with leather, and his yoke ornamented.
Tinkle-tinkle went the eight bells at the horses' bits.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·彤弓之什·采芑》, translated by James Legge).
(Note: Fang Shu was a high official during the reign of King Xuan 周宣王, eleventh King of Zhou, (born 862 BCE - reign 828 BCE - died 782 BCE)​.
(See 軝 kĩ).
ki3 8579
159 12 (=軝 kĩ axle-tip; the part on both ends of the hub which have red leather trims.⁸ protruding part of a wheel.⁵⁴); wheel hub decorations.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰車氐; U+8EE7).
Yuē qí cuò héng.
With the naves of their wheels bound with leather, and their ornamented yokes.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·頌·商頌·烈祖》, translated by James Legge).
<又> āi.
(See 軧 āi; 軝 kĩ).
ki3 8580
167 16 an ancient three-legged cauldron; an ancient wood chipping tool.⁸ a kind of three-legged caldron; a kind of chisel.⁹ three legged cauldron (old); woodworking chisel (old).¹⁰  <wr.> a kind of cooking pot; a kind of drill or chisel.¹¹ pot or pan with feet.¹⁴ an iron pan; a tripod.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿰金奇; U+9321). (comp. s: ⿰钅奇; U+951C).
维锜及釜[維錡及釜] vĩ-kĩ-gèp-fū
wéiqíjífǔ in the pots and cauldrons.¹⁴ iron pans and boilers.²⁵
<又> yî.
(See 錡 yî).
ki3 8581
170 11 kuí Kui surname.
<又> vī. (See 隗 vī.)
ki3 8582
170 12 (<old>=碕 kĩ (=埼 kĩ headland.⁸ a winding bank.⁹ the top of a winding bank.²⁴ crooked (bent) bank.³⁹); a cape, spit, promontory.⁸).⁸ a winding shore.²⁵
(composition: ⿰阝豈; U+9691).
隑州 kĩ-jiü
qízhōu a province/state/prefecture with a long and crooked shoreline.¹⁹ʼ⁰
<又> köi; ngõi.
(See 碕 kĩ; 隑 köi; 隑 ngõi).
ki3 8583
181 13 <wr.> tall.⁶ tall (physical build).⁷
颀长[頎長] kĩ-chẽng qícháng <wr.> tall.⁶
颀伟[頎偉] kĩ-vī
qíwěi tall and strong in build.⁶
秀颀[秀頎] xiü-kĩ
xiùqí beautiful and tall.¹⁹
ki3 8584
185 11 kuí cheekbone; intersection; crossroads.
钟馗[鐘馗] Jüng Kĩ Zhōng Kuí Zhong Kui (mythological figure, supposed to drive away evil spirits); fig. a person with the courage to fight against evil.
ki3 8585
187 18 to ride (a horse); to sit astride on.⁷
(comp. t: ⿰馬奇; U+9A0E). (comp. s: ⿰马奇; U+9A91).
骑兵[騎兵] kĩ-bëin
qíbīng cavalryman; cavalry.⁵
骑虎难下[騎虎難下] kĩ-fū-nãn-hä
qíhǔnánxià ride a tiger and find it hard to get off – have no way to back down.⁵
骑鞠[騎鞠] kĩ-gūk
qízǔ polo.¹⁴
骑手[騎手] kĩ-siū
qíshǒu jockey.¹⁰
骑墙[騎牆] kĩ-tẽng
qíqiáng sit on the fence.⁵
<又> kẽh.
(See 騎 kẽh.)
ki3 8586
187 18 <wr.> black horse.⁵ <wr.> a thoroughbred; a piebald horse with irregular patches of black and white.¹¹
附骐攀鸿[附騏攀鴻] fù-kĩ-pän-hũng fùqípānhóng cleave to the tail of a steed and mount on a goose; become famous by putting oneself under the patronage of others.⁵⁴
骐骥[騏驥] kĩ-kï
qíjì <wr.> fine horse; steed.⁶ one of the eight horses of 周穆王 Jiü Mùk Võng Zhōu Mù Wáng King Mu of Zhou; it could do 1,000 li in a day.¹⁴
骐骥一跞,不能千里[騏驥一躒,不能千里] kĩ-kï-yīt-lèik, būt-nãng-tëin-lî
qíjìyīlì, bùnéngqiānlǐ A strong fast horse cannot cover a thousand li in one leap.⁶
人中骐骥[人中騏驥] ngĩn-jüng-kĩ-kï
rénzhōngqíjì (compliment) a very clever child.¹¹
有骍有骐[有騂有騏] yiû-xëin-yiû-kĩ
yǒuxīngyǒuqí there were bay and piebald horses.¹⁴ some were bay and some dapple-gray; a sacrificial animal of reddish color, or the color of the ground.²⁵
ki3 8587
190 20 <wr.> horse mane.⁶ the mane; fins.⁷ a horse's mane; dorsal fins.¹⁴
鬐毛物 kĩ-mão-mùt or kĩ-mão-mòt qímáowù hairy animals.²⁵
马鬐[馬鬐] mâ-kĩ
mǎqí (=马鬃[馬鬃] mâ-düng mǎzōng) horse's mane.⁵
(cf. 鳍[鰭] kĩ fin.⁶).
ki3 8588
195 19 鲯鳅[鯕鰍] kĩ-tiü/ qíqiū mahi-mahi, common dolphinfish, dorado (Coryphaena hippurus), aka  三保公鱼, 飛虎, 鬼头刀.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
ki3 8589
195 21 fin.⁶
背鳍[背鰭] böi-kĩ bèiqí dorsal fin.⁶
脊鳍[脊鰭] dëk-kĩ
jǐqí dorsal fin.⁵
腹鳍[腹鰭] fūk-kĩ
fùqí ventral/pelvic fin.⁶
臀鳍[臀鰭] hũn-kĩ
túnqí anal fin.⁶
胸鳍[胸鰭] hüng-kĩ
xiōngqí pectoral fin.⁶
脂鳍[脂鰭] jï-kĩ
zhīqí adipose fin.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鳍棘[鰭棘] kĩ-gēik
qíjí fin spine; prickly points of fins.⁵⁴
鳍脚[鰭腳] kĩ-gëk
qíjiǎo claspers.⁶
鳍脚动物[鰭腳動物] kĩ-gëk ùng-mùt
or kĩ-gëk ùng-mòt qíjiǎo dòngwù <zoo.> Pinnipedia; pinniped.⁵
鳍状肢[鰭狀肢] kĩ-jòng-jï
qízhuàngzhī flipper.¹⁰
鳍鲸[鰭鯨] kĩ-kẽin
qíjīng fin whale.⁶
鳍龙超目[鰭龍超目] kĩ-lũng-chël-mùk
qílóngchāomù Sauropterygia (extinct aquatic reptiles); aka 鳍龙总目 [鰭龍總目] kĩ-lũng-dūng-mùk qílóngzǒngmù.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鳍刺[鰭刺] kĩ-xü
qícì the part of fins closest to the skin.⁵⁴
尾鳍[尾鰭] mī-kĩ
wěiqí tail/caudal fin.⁶
黄鳍金枪鱼[黄鰭金鎗魚] võng-kĩ-gïm-tëng-nguĩ
huángqíjīnqiāngyú yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares).²⁰
黄鳍鲔[黃鰭鮪] võng-kĩ-vī
huángqíwěi (=黄鳍金枪鱼 [黄鰭金鎗魚] võng-kĩ-gïm-tëng-nguĩ huángqíjīnqiāngyú) yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares).²⁰
ki3 8590
196 19 a kind of crow, with three heads, and six tails.²⁵
(composition: ⿰奇鳥; U+9D78).
鵸鵌 kĩ-hũ qítú fairy bird with 3 heads and 6 tails.²ʼ⁵⁴
ki3 8591
196 23 𪆴 kuí (composition: ⿰葵鳥; U+2A1B4).
𪆴鳩 kĩ-gëo kuíjiū a small dove.²
ki3 8592
198 鹿 19 the male of a fabulous animal resembling a deer.⁷
麒麟 kĩ-lĩn qílín kylin; Chinese unicorn (Chinese mythological animal akin to the deer, regarded in the ancient as a mascot).⁶ Chi-lin, a fabulous animal resembling the deer said to appear only in time of peace and prosperity.⁷
麒麟座 Kĩ-lĩn-dò
Qílínzuò <astr.> Monoceros.⁵
麒麟儿[麒麟兒] kĩ-lĩn-ngĩ
qílín'ér a wonder child; an infant prodigy.⁷
麒麟菜 kĩ-lĩn-töi
qílíncài Chinese alpine rush.⁶
麒麟楦 kĩ-lĩn-xün
qílínxuàn something impressive in appearance only.⁵
ki3 8593
199 19 𪍀
(=粸 kĩ ) a sort of cake.²⁵ a kind of cookie.⁰
(composition: ⿰麥其; U+2A340).
(See 粸 kĩ).
ki3 8594
9 6 <台> 凭企[憑企] bàng-kî/ a ladder.
<台> 栋足企[棟足企] ùng-dūk-kî standing up straight.
<台> 栋企[棟企] ùng-kî vertical.
<又> kï, kī. (See 企 kï, kī.)
ki5 8595
140 12 kuí 向日葵 hëng-ngìt-kî xiàngrìkuí sunflower (Helianthus annuus).¹⁰
<又> kĩ.
(See 葵 kĩ.)
ki5 8596
9 15 kïm jìn head up in excitement; a type of music of the northern ethnic minorities in ancient China.⁸ to raise the head, to look up; songs of a northern ethnic group in ancient China.³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻禁; U+50F8).
kim2 8597
30 11 kïm jìn to shut one's mouth; to inhale.⁸ to close the mouth fast; to shut up.²⁴ to suck; to close (mouth); 56th tetragram (U+1D33D 'Closed Mouth') of the 太玄经[太玄經] häi-yõn-gëin tàixuánjīng Taixuanjing.³⁶
(Note: A tetragram is any of the 81 sets of solid lines (⚊ for Heaven), once-broken lines (⚋ for Earth) and twice-broken lines (for Man, looks like 3 dots) formed by combinations of four monograms (two digrams or bigrams, in other words) in the divination of the Taixuanjing; the 56th tetragram is composed of 'man, heaven, heaven, earth').
(composition: ⿰口金; U+552B).
闭唫[閉唫] bäi-kïm
bìjìn to close, to congeal.²⁴
万物各唫[萬物各唫] màn-mùt-gōk-kïm
wànwùgèjìn all things shut up, as in winter.²⁴
<又> ngĩm.
(See 唫 ngĩm).
kim2 8598
30 16 kïm jìn <wr.> to keep silent; to shiver.⁶
寒噤 hõn-kïm hánjìn shiver (with cold or fear).⁵
噤口 kïm-hēo
jìnkǒu to shut one's mouth.⁶
噤口不言 kïm-hēo-būt-ngũn
jìnkǒubùyán to be tongue-tied.⁶
噤若寒蝉[噤若寒蟬] kïm-ngèk-hõn-chên
jìnruòhánchán to be as silent as a cocada in cold weather – to keep quiet out of fear; to maintain a discreet silence.⁶
噤声[噤聲] kïm-sëin
jìnshēng to keep silent.⁸
kim2 8599
113 13 kïm jìn prohibit, forbid, ban, inhibit; what is forbidden by law or custom, taboo; royal residence, forbidden area; <wr.> prison; imprison, confine.⁶
禁娼 kïm-chëng jìnchāng a ban on prostitution.⁷
禁火 kïm-fō
jìnhuǒ to prohibit cooking (on third month third day in lunar calendar).⁷
禁锢[禁錮] kïm-gü
jìngù <trad.> (in feudal times) debar from holding office; keep in custody, imprison; confine.⁵
禁军[禁軍] kïm-gün
jìnjūn <trad.> imperial gurads.⁶ The Imperial Army.²³
禁地 kïm-ì
jìndì a forbidden ground; an area declared out of bounds.⁷
禁制 kïm-jäi
jìnzhì to prohibit, to forbid, to ban.⁷
禁令 kïm-lèin
jìnlìng prohibition; ban; injunction.⁶
禁城 kïm-sẽin
Jìnchéng forbidden city – imperial palace.⁶
禁书[禁書] kïm-sï
jìnshū banned book.
禁运[禁運] kïm-vùn
jìnyùn embargo.⁵
禁烟[禁煙] kïm-yën
jìnyān to prohibit opium; to prohibit cooking; smoke from the imperial palace.⁷ to ban smoking; to quit smoking; to prohibit cooking; prohibition on opium (especially in China from 1729).¹⁰
<又> gïm, gîm.
(See 禁 [gïm, jìn], [gïm, jīn], gîm, [kïm, jīn].)
kim2 8600
113 13 kïm jīn bear, stand, endure; contain/restrain oneself.⁶
禁得起 kïm-āk-hī jīndeqǐ able to endure; able to withstand; able to stand; able to avoid.⁷
禁得住 kïm-āk-jì
jīndezhù able to endure; able to withstand; able to refrain from.⁷
禁不起 kïm-būt-hī jīnbuqǐ unable to endure; unable to withstand; unable to help; unable to stand.⁷
禁不住 kïm-būt-jì jīnbuzhù unable to endure; unable to withstand; unable to stand; unable to avoid.⁷
禁穿 kïm-chün
jīnchuān durable; (of clothes) to wear well.¹¹ durable; lasting wear.¹⁴ (See 禁穿 gîm-chün jìnchuān.)
禁受 kïm-siù
jīnshòu bear; stand; endure.⁵
<台> 不禁 būt-kïm cannot last; not durable.
<台> 禁 kïm durable.
<台> 禁口 kïm-hēo avoid certain foods; be on a diet.
<又> gïm, gîm. (Note: The three pronunciations of 禁: gïm, gîm, and kïm are often interchangeable.)
(See 禁 [gïm, jìn], [gïm, jīn], gîm, [kïm, jìn].)
kim2 8601
145 9 kïm jīn (=襟 kïm jīn); belt, girdle.⁶ the front of a Chinese gown; the lapel of a Chinese dress – worn by the literati in former days.⁷
衿带[衿帶] kïm-ǎi
jīndài cloth band/ribbon/belt.⁵⁴
衿契 kïm-käi
jīnqì a good friend, with whom one sees eye to eye about everything.⁷
衿袍 kïm-pão
jīnpáo gown or robe with a band, ribbon, or belt.⁵⁴
or 连襟[連襟] lẽin-kïm liánjīn husbands of sisters; brothers-in-law.⁶
哀衿 öi-kïm
or 哀矜 öi-gëin āijīn <wr.> feel compassion or pity for; commiserate (with); pity; sympathize.⁶
or 青襟 tëin-kïm qīngjīn <trad.> young scholar's dress; scholars, intellectuals.⁶
<又> gîm, kîm.
(See 衿 gîm, kîm.)
kim2 8602
145 10 kïm qīn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 衾 gîm qīn with same meaning.)
<又> gîm.
(See 衾 gîm.)
kim2 8603
145 18 kïm jīn front of a garment; (breadth of) mind; brothers-in-law whose wives are sisters.⁶
大襟 ài-kïm or ài-kîm dàjīn the front of a Chinese garment which buttons on the right.⁵
胸襟 hüng-kïm
xiōngjīn mind, breadth of mind, aspiration; (of clothes) bosom, front.⁶
襟弟 kïm-ài/
jīndì husband of one's wife's younger sister.⁶
襟兄 kïm-hëin
jīnxiōng husband of wife's elder sister.⁶
襟兄弟 kïm-hëin-ài/
jīnxiōngdì brothers-in-law whose wives are sisters.¹¹
襟怀[襟懷] kïm-vãi
jīnhuái bosom; (breadth of) mind.⁶
襟怀坦白[襟懷坦白] kïm-vãi-hān-bàk
jīnhuáitǎnbái have largeness of mind; openhearted; open and aboveboard; unselfish and magnanimous.⁶
襟翼 kïm-yêik
jīnyì (wings) flap.⁵
or 连衿[連衿] lẽin-kïm liánjīn husbands of sisters; brothers-in-law.⁶
or 青衿 tëin-kïm qīngjīn <trad.> young scholar's dress; scholars, intellectuals.⁶
小襟 xēl-kïm
xiǎojīn the smaller or inner piece on the right side of a Chinese garment which buttons on the right.⁵
衣襟 yï-kïm
or yï-kîm yījīn front of a garment.⁶
<又> gîm, kîm.
(See 襟 gîm, kîm.)
kim2 8604
30 15 kĩm qín to hold in the mouth/eyes.⁶
嘴里噙了一口水[嘴裏噙了一口水] duī-lī-kĩm-lēl-yīt-hēo-suī zuǐli qínle yī kǒu shuǐ to have a mouthful of water.²²
眼里噙着眼泪[眼裏噙著眼淚] ngān-lī-kĩm-jëk-ngān-luì
yǎnli qínzhe yǎnlèi eyes brimming with tears.²²
kim3 8605
61 14 kĩm qín brave; worried.⁸
(composition: ⿰忄堇; U+616C).
<又> gīn, gìn. (See 慬 gīn; 慬 gìn; 懄 kĩn).
kim3 8606
64 7 kĩm qín (<old>=擒 kĩm qín to capture, to catch).⁸ to lay fast hold of, to seize, to take hold of with the finger.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌今; U+6272).
<又> kẽm; ngãm.
(See 扲 kẽm; 扲 ngãm; 擒 kĩm).
kim3 8607
64 15 kĩm qín to capture, to catch.
就擒 diù-kĩm jiùqín to be caught; to be captured.
擒拿 kĩm-nã
qínná to arrest; to capture.
擒贼[擒賊] kĩm-tàk
qínzéi to catch a thief.
擒贼擒王[擒賊擒王] kĩm-tàk-kĩm-võng
qínzéiqínwáng to catch bandits first catch the ringleader.⁸  to defeat the enemy by capturing their chief (idiom).¹⁰
擒贼先擒王[擒賊先擒王] kĩm-tàk-xëin-kĩm-võng
qínzéixiān qínwáng destroy the leader and the gang will collapse.¹¹
擒获[擒獲] kĩm-vòk
qínhuò to arrest; to capture.
生擒 säng-kĩm
shēngqín to capture alive.
生擒活捉 säng-kĩm-vòt-jök
shēngqínhuózhuō to capture alive.¹¹
围擒[圍擒] vĩ-kĩm
wéiqín to besiege and catch.¹ checkmate.¹⁰
kim3 8608
75 16 kĩm qín 林檎 lĩm-kĩm línqín Chinese pear-leaved crabapple.⁵ (=花红[花紅] fä-hûng huāhóng Chinese pear-leaved crabapple; <trad.> bonus; <trad.> gift for a wedding.⁵)
kim3 8609
85 16 澿 kĩm qín the name of a river.²ʼ⁸ʼ²⁴ʼ³⁶ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰氵禁; U+6FBF).
kim3 8610
96 12 kĩm qín a general term for certain musical instruments.⁵
琴凳 kĩm-âng qíndèng music stool.⁵
琴拨[琴撥] kĩm-bòt
qínbō plectrum.⁵
琴键[琴鍵] kĩm-gèin
qínjiàn key (on a musical instrument).⁵
琴剑飘零[琴劍飄零] kĩm-gëm-pël-lẽin
qínjiànpiāolíng (of a scholar) be homeless and wandering from place to place.⁶
琴弓 kĩm-güng
qíngōng bow; violin bow; fiddle stick.⁶
琴棋书画[琴棋書畫] kĩm-kĩ-sï-và
qínqíshūhuà music, chess, calligraphy, and painting – fine arts of the scholar.⁶
琴马[琴馬] kĩm-mâ
qínmǎ bridge of a string instrument.⁵
琴鸟[琴鳥] kĩm-nêl
qínniǎo lyrebird.⁵
琴书[琴書] kĩm-sï
qínshū story-telling, mainly in song, with musical accompaniment.⁵
琴瑟和谐[琴瑟和諧] kĩm-sīt-vö-hãi
qínsèhéxié the qin and the se are in harmony – husband and wife live in harmony; conjugal/marital harmony.⁶
琴心剑胆[琴心劍膽] kĩm-xïm-gëm-ām
qínxīnjiàndǎn have the sentiments of a musician and the spirit of a warrior – have both a cultivated mind and a chivalrous spirit.⁶
琴师[琴師] kĩm-xü
qínshī stringed-instrument player; fiddler.⁶
琴弦 kĩm-yẽn
qínxián string (of a musical instrument).⁵
琴叶栎[琴葉櫟] kĩm-yêp-lēik
or kĩm-yêp-lèik qínyèlì <bot.> overcup oak.⁵⁴
kim3 8611
114 13 kĩm qín birds, fowl; to capture; Qin surname.
飞禽[飛禽] fï-kĩm fēiqín birds.
飞禽走兽[飛禽走獸] fï-kĩm-dēo-chiü
fēiqínzǒushòu birds and beasts.
家禽 gä-kĩm
jiāqín domestic fowl; poultry; farm birds.⁶
禽兽[禽獸] kĩm-chiü
qínshòu birds and beasts.
禽流感 kĩm-liũ-gām
qínliúgǎn avian influenza, also called avian flu or bird flu.
露禽 lù-kĩm
lùqín another name for 鹤[鶴] hôk hè, crane.¹⁹
鸣禽[鳴禽] mẽin-kĩm
míngqín songbird.
kim3 8612
140 7 kĩm qín plants like reed (in ancient books).⁹
高山黄芩[高山黃芩] gäo-sän-võng-kĩm gāoshānhuángqín alpine scutellaria, Scutellaria alpina.
huángqín root of large-flowered skullcap, Scutellaria baicalensis.
<又> 芩 sẽim. (See 芩 sẽim.)
kim3 8613
38 7 kîm jìn wife of mother's brother.¹⁰
妗子 kîm-dū jìnzi aunt; wife of one's mother's brother; wife of one's wife's brother.⁶
妗母 kîm-mû
jìnmǔ <topo.> aunt; wife of one's mother's brother.⁶
<台> 阿妗 ä-kîm wife of one's mother's brother.
kim5 8614
145 9 kîm jīn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 衿 kïm jīn with same meaning: (=襟 kïm jīn); belt, girdle.⁶ the front of a Chinese gown; the lapel of a Chinese dress – worn by the literati in former days.⁷)
<又> gîm, kïm.
(See 衿 gîm, kïm.)
kim5 8615
145 18 kîm jīn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 襟 kïm jīn with same meaning.)
<又> gîm, kïm.
(See 襟 gîm, kïm.)
kim5 8616
162 7 kïn jìn <台> 好近 hāo-kïn very close by (not far).
<又> gìn. (See 近 gìn.)
kin2 8617
19 13 kĩn  qín diligent, industrious, hardworking; frequently, regularly; (office, school) attendance.⁵
考勤簿 hāo-kĩn-bù kǎoqínbù attendance record.
勤快 kĩn-fäi
qínkuai <topo.> diligent; industrious; hardworking.⁶
勤奋[勤奮] kĩn-fûn
qínfèn hardworking; diligent.¹⁰
勤俭[勤儉] kĩn-gèm
qínjiǎn industrious and thrifty.
勤恳[勤懇] kĩn-hān
qínkěn earnest and assiduous.¹¹
勤学苦练[勤學苦練] kĩn-hòk-fū-lèin
qínxuékǔliàn study and train hard.⁸ to study diligently; to train assiduously.¹⁰
勤勤恳恳[勤勤懇懇] kĩn-kĩn-hān-hān
qínqínkěnkěn  industrious and conscientious; assiduous.¹⁰
勤劳[勤勞] kĩn-lão
qínláo diligent; hardworking; assiduous.⁶
勤劳致富[勤勞致富] kĩn-lão-jï-fü
qínláozhìfù become rich through hard work.⁶
勤密 kĩn-mìt
qínmì frequent; regular; constant.
勤务[勤務] kĩn-mù
qínwù service; daily duties; non-combatant service.
勤王 kĩn-võng
qínwáng <wr.> come to the rescue of the king; do one's best to serve the throne.⁶
密勤局 mìt-kĩn-gùk
mìqínjú secret service.
辛勤 xïn-kĩn
xīnqín industrious; hardworking; assiduous.⁶
<台> 勤力 kĩn-lèik to try harder; to be diligent.
kin3 8618
53 广 14 kĩn qín (<old>=勤 kĩn qín diligent, industrious, hardworking; frequently, regularly.⁵).⁸
(composition: ⿸广堇; U+5ED1).
<又> gīn.
(See 勤 kĩn; 廑 gīn.)
kin3 8619
53 广 16 kĩn qín (=廑 kĩn qín diligent, industrious, hardworking; frequently, regularly.⁵); a hut; cottage, careful; eager; concern.⁸
(composition: ⿸广勤; U+3899).
(See 廑 kĩn).
kin3 8620
61 16 kĩn qín grief.⁸ʼ¹⁰ (<old>=慬 gīn jǐn cautious; circumspect or 慬 gìn jìn merely; nearby or 慬 kĩm qín brave; worried.⁸).⁸ʼ¹⁹ (<old>=勤 kĩn qín diligent, industrious, hardworking; frequently, regularly; (office, school) attendance.⁵).⁸ʼ¹⁹ grieved.²⁴ (alternate form for 懃 kĩn qín diligent; zealous.¹⁴).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰忄勤; U+61C4).
(See 慬 gīn; 慬 gìn; 慬 kĩm; 勤 kĩn; 懃 kĩn).
kin3 8621
61 17 kĩn qín (<old>=勤 kĩn qín diligent, industrious, hardworking; frequently, regularly; (office, school) attendance.⁵); courteous, cordial; zealous; Qin surname.⁸ diligent; zealous.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱勤心; U+61C3).
献慇懃[獻慇懃] hün-yïn-kĩn
xiànyīnqín to court a lady, to do everything to please; to pay attentions to (lady), do things to please (office chief). Also written 殷懃 or 殷勤.¹¹
懃恪 kĩn-kōk
qínkè carefully attentive.¹⁴
慇懃 yïn-kĩn
yīnqín attentive (to duty, lady, office chief).¹¹ attentive; diligent; particular about.¹⁴ anxious, diligent; zealous, fervent; to press forward in spite of difficulties.²⁴
慇慇懃懃 yïn-yïn-kĩn-kĩn
yīnyīnqínqín very careful of; attentive.¹⁴
(See 勤 kĩn).

kin3 8622
69 14 𣂷
kĩn qín (=斳 kĩn qín (<old>=芹 kĩn qín celery).⁸).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱廿⿻口土; U+230B7).
(See 斳 kĩn).
kin3 8623
69 15 kĩn qín (<old>=芹 kĩn qín celery).⁸ (=芹) celery kĩn qín (Apium graveolens).³⁶
(variant: 𣂷
❄{⿱廿⿻口土} kĩn qín).
(composition: ⿰堇斤; U+65B3).
(See 𣂷❄{⿱廿⿻口土} kĩn).
kin3 8624
110 9 kĩn qín (old word for 矛柄 mão-bêng máobǐng) shaft of spear.⁴
<又> gän, gëin.
(See 矜 gëin, gän.)
kin3 8625
140 7 kĩn qín celery.
香芹 hëng-kĩn xiāngqín parsley, Libanotis seseloides (Fisch. et Mey.) Turcz.²³
芹献[芹獻] kĩn-hün
qínxiàn “offering of celery, of warm sunshine,” (allusion) my humble gift (often of advice).¹¹
芹菜 kĩn-töi
qíncài celery, Apium graveolens L.²³
芹菜梗 kĩn-töi-gāng
qíncàigěng celery sticks.¹⁹
采芹 tōi-kĩn
cǎiqín <wr.> to get first degree in civil examinations.¹¹
毒芹 ùk-kĩn
dúqín hemlock, Cicuta virosa L.²³
药芹[藥芹] yêk-kĩn
yàoqín celery, Apium graveolens L.²³
kin3 8626
130 8 kîn zhūn gizzard (of a fowl). <白读> kîn; <文读> jün.
<台> 鸡肫[雞肫] gäi-kîn chicken gizzard.
<台> 鸭肫[鴨肫] äp-kîn duck gizzard.
(See 肫 jün.)
kin5 8627
130 9 kîn zhēn gizzard.⁹
<台> 鸭胗[鴨胗] äp-kîn duck gizzard.
<台> 鸡胗[雞胗] gäi-kîn chicken gizzard.
<又> chīn. (See 胗 chīn.)
kin5 8628
9 8 𠈶
kīp crowding; a multitude.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻岌; U+20236).
𠈶𠈶 kīp-kīp yíyí looks like a lot of people.¹⁰¹
kip1 8629
30 6 kīp to breathe; to suck in; to absorb; to inhale.¹⁰
呼吸 fü-kīp hūxī to breathe (exhale and inhale).¹¹
吸尘机[吸塵機] kīp-chĩn-gï
xīchénjī vacuum cleaner.¹⁹
吸尘器[吸塵器] kīp-chĩn-hï
xīchénqì vacuum cleaner.¹⁹
吸附剂[吸附劑] kīp-fù-jäi
xīfùjì adsorbent; adsorbing material [substance]; sorbent.³⁹
吸力 kīp-lèik
xīlì attraction (in gravitation or electrostatics); attractive force.¹⁰
吸食 kīp-sèik
xīshí to suck; to take in.¹⁰
吸收 kīp-siü
xīshōu to absorb; to assimilate; to ingest; to recruit.¹⁰
吸取 kīp-tuī
xīqǔ to absorb; to draw (a lesson, insight); to assimilate.¹⁰
吸毒 kīp-ùk
xīdú to take drugs.¹⁰
吸烟[吸煙] kīp-yën
xīyān to smoke.¹⁰
吸烟何啻自杀[吸煙何啻自殺] kīp-yën-hõ-chï-dù-sät
xīyānhéchìzìshā Smoking is no different from committing suicide.⁶
吸引 kīp-yîn
xīyǐn to attract (interest, investment).¹⁰
<台> 吸石 kīp-sêk magnet.
kip1 8630
30 15 kīp inhale, absorb, imbibe; compress; <Cant.> to talk, say, tell; a variant of 吸 kīp to inhale; an archaic variant of 歙 kīp <wr.> to inhale.⁸
<又> ngäp, ngāp.
(See 噏 ngäp, ngāp.)
kip1 8631
46 6 kīp <wr.> (of a mountain) high, lofty, towering; dangerous, perilous.⁶ a high hill, lofty; hazardous, imminent.²⁴ <wr.> lofty; towering.³⁶
(Note: total strokes in traditional Chinese and Korean is 7,  total strokes in mainland China and Japanese is 6).
(composition: ⿱山及; U+5C8C).
岌乎 kīp-fũ
jíhū dangerous, wobbly.⁵⁴
岌峇 kīp-hàp
jíkè <wr.> sound of blacksmith hammering on an anvil.⁸
岌岌 kīp-kīp
jíjí <wr.> (of a mountain) lofty, towering; dangerous, perilous.⁶ perilous.³⁶
岌岌不可终日[岌岌不可終日]  kīp-kīp-būt-hō-jüng-ngìt
jíjíbùkězhōngrì to live in constant fear; to live precariously.⁶
岌岌乎殆哉 kīp-kīp-fũ-òi-döi
jíjíhūdàizāi How dreadfully hazardous it is!¹⁰²
岌岌可危 kīp-kīp-hō-nguĩ
jíjíkěwēi in imminent/impending danger.⁶ extremely dangerous; extremely precarious.³⁶
山岌 sän-kīp
shānjí high mountains.⁵⁴
kip1 8632
64 6 kīp to gather; to collect.⁷ to receive; to collect.¹⁴
扱引高贤[扱引高賢] kīp-yîn-gäo-yẽn xīyǐn gāoxián to gather men of wisdom.⁷ <wr.> gather men of wisdom.⁵⁴ (See 扱引高賢 chäp-yîn-gäo-yẽn chāyǐngāoxián).
收扱 siü-kīp
shōuxī to collect or gather.¹⁴
<又> chäp; hï; kēip.
(See 扱 chäp; 扱 hï; 扱 kēip.)
kip1 8633
76 16 kīp <wr.> sniff, breathe in; harmonious.⁶ to suck; to inhale.⁷
众庶歙然,莫不悦喜[眾庶歙然,莫不悅喜] jüng-sï-kīp-ngẽin, mòk-būt-yòt-hī zhòngshùxīrán, mòbùyuèxǐ. All the people were harmonious and happy.⁶
歙风吐雾[歙風吐霧] kīp-füng-hü-mù
xīfēngtǔwù sniff air and puff fog.⁶
<又> sèp.
(See 歙 sèp.)
kip1 8634
85 6 kīp draw water from well; imbibe; Ji surname.⁸
绠短汲深[綆短汲深] gāng-ōn-kīp-sïm gěngduǎnjíshēn short rope for a deep well – ability inadequate for the task; beyond/out of one's depth; unqualified for a job/task.⁶  lit. the rope is short while the well is deep – unequal to the job.⁷ (self-deprecatory) unequal to a given task (lit., “my rope is so short but the well is so deep”).¹¹
汲汲 kīp-kīp
jíjí anxious; avid.⁸
汲水 kīp-suī
jíshuǐ draw water from a well.¹¹
汲取 kīp-tuī
jíqǔ to draw; to derive; to absorb.¹⁰
汲引 kīp-yîn
jíyǐn <wr.> draw water – recommend for promotion.⁶
短绠汲深[短綆汲深] ōn-gāng-kīp-sïm
duǎngěngjíshēn draw water from a deep well with a short rope; small talent in high position.⁵⁴
kip1 8635
85 12 kīp (a synonym of 潝 kīp to agree.⁸ the noise of flowing water; to follow others.¹⁴ the noise of a rapid current; water flowing along; united; improper.²⁴).¹⁴
(composition: ⿰氵急; U+3D14).
kip1 8636
85 15 kīp to agree.⁸ the noise of flowing water; to follow others.¹⁴ the noise of a rapid current; water flowing along; united; improper.²⁴ (synonym: 㴔 kīp ).
(composition: ⿰氵翕; U+6F5D).
Kīp-kīp-dū-dū, yèik-kūng-jï-öi.
Xī xī zǐ zǐ, yì kǒng zhī āi.
Now they agree, and now they defame one another; -
The case is greatly to be deplored.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·小旻之什·小旻·2》, translated by James Legge).
潝潝訾訾 kīp-kīp-dū-dū
xīxīzǐzǐ now they agree, and now they defame one another.¹⁰²
潝潝讹讹[潝潝訛訛] kīp-kīp-ngõ-ngõ
xīxī'é'é a syncophantic manner.¹⁴
潝潝 kīp-kīp
xīxī complimenting each other.⁸
<又> yèp.
(See 潝 yèp; 㴔 kīp).
kip1 8637
120 9 kīp level; grade; rank; step (of stairs); classifier: step, level.¹⁰
(variant: 𨸚❄{⿰阝及} kīp).
高级[高級] gäo-kīp
gāojí senior; high-ranking; high level; high; high grade; high quality; advanced.⁵
级别[级别] kīp-bèik
jíbié (military) rank; level; grade.¹⁰
级差[級差] kīp-chä
jíchā differential (between grades); salary differential.¹⁰
级间分离[級間分離] kīp-gän-fün-lĩ
jíjiānfēnlí (space flight) stage separation.⁶
级长[級長] kīp-jēng
jízhǎng a class leader; a monitor.⁷
级强[級強] kīp-kẽng
jíqiáng  named grade or higher; at least stated magnitude (of earthquake).¹⁰
级距[級距] kīp-kuî
jíjù numerical range; interval; taxation band.¹⁰
级联[級聯] kīp-lũn
jílián  cascade; cascading.¹⁰
级任[級任] kīp-ngìm
jírèn a class tutor.⁷
级任导师[級任導師] kīp-ngìm-ào-xü
jírèndǎoshī the homeroom teacher.¹⁹ grade counselor.⁵⁴
级数[級數] kīp-sü
jíshù  (math.) series.¹⁰
上级[上級] sèng-kīp
shàngjí higher level; higher authority; superior.⁶
(See 𨸚❄{⿰阝及} kīp).
kip1 8638
120 12 kīp gěi to give; for, for the benefit of; to let, to allow; used to indicate a passive meaning or voice; used after a verb to indicate "giving".⁷
传给[傳給] chũn-kīp chuán'gei to pass on (to somebody); to send; to pass (e.g. in football); to give directly (by hand); to deliver; to hand over; to transmit; to hand on (to the next generation).¹⁰
交给[交给] gäo-kīp
jiāogěi to give; to deliver; to hand over.¹⁰
献给[獻給] hün-kīp
xiàn'gěi present to; offer to.¹⁰
给出路[給出路] kīp-chūt-lù
gěichūlù give somebody a chance to earn a living; give somebody a way out; give somebody a chance to turn over a new leaf.⁶
给分[給分] kīp-fün
gěifēn score points.⁵⁵
给脸[給臉] kīp-lêm
gěiliǎn to save (another's) face – so as not to embarrass him; to be nice or considerate to others.⁷
给面子[給面子] kīp-mèin-dū
gěimiànzǐ to do one the honor (of coming to his party); to give face.
给颜色看[給顏色看] kīp-ngãn-sēik-hön
gěiyánsèkàn make it hot for somebody.⁶
给以[給以] kīp-yî
gěiyǐ give, grant.⁵
(See 給 [kīp, ]; kēip.)
kip1 8639
120 12 kīp supply, provide; ample, well provided for.⁵
自给自足[自給自足] dù-kīp-dù-dūk zìjǐzìzú self-sufficiency; autarchy.⁵
供给[供給] güng-kīp
gōngjǐ to furnish; to provide; supply (as in supply and demand).¹⁰
给足[給足] kīp-dūk
jǐzú sufficiency; affluence.⁷
给付[給付] kīp-fù
jǐfù pay.⁵⁵
给假[給假] kīp-gā
jǐjià to grant a leave of absence.⁷
给水[給水] kīp-suī
jǐshuǐ supply water.⁵⁵
给养[給養] kīp-yêng
jǐyǎng military provisions and supplies.⁷
给与[給與] kīp-yî
jǐyǔ to present as a gift or favor.¹¹
给予[給予] kīp-yî
jǐyǔ to accord; give; show (respect).¹⁰
配给[配給] pöi-kīp
pèijǐ to ration; to allocate.¹⁰
(See 給 [kīp, gěi]; kēip.)
kip1 8640
124 12 kīp to close; to fold; to draw together; to gather.
翕合 kīp-hàp xīhé <wr.> to join together; to put together.
翕张[翕張] kīp-jëng
xīzhāng <wr.> to open and close alternately.
翕然 kīp-ngẽin
xīrán <wr.> peace and stability.
翕动[翕動] kīp-ùng
xīdòng <wr.> to open and close (the mouth).
翕翼 kīp-yêik
xīyì <wr.> to fold the wings.
kip1 8641
149 19 𧬈
kīp   to speak rapidly.²⁵
(Note: Some say 𧬈 is read ).
(composition: ⿰言翕; U+27B08).
❄{⿰言翕}䛅 kīp-häp xīxiá the sound of conversation.²⁵
kip1 8642
169 20 kīp peacefully; quietly; an ancient weapon, a kind of halberd.¹⁴ the spears or scythes, which in ancient times were fastened to war chariots; to contain; to stand in a menacing attitude; to shut a door.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿵門翕; U+95DF).
(Note: Some say 闟 is read ).
闟戟 kīp-gēik
xìjǐ spears and halberds.¹⁴ a lance wih tassels; spears used as defense in military chariots.²⁵
闟猪车[闟豬車] kīp-jï-chēh
xìzhūchē a hunting chariot.²⁵
闟闟 kīp-kīp
xīxī spouts for leading off the water round a house.²⁵
闟闟屋摧霤 kīp-kīp-ūk-tuï-liü
xīxīwūcuīliù the gargoyles spurt their drippings fast.¹⁰²
闟然 kīp-ngẽin
xìrán standing still, resting, settling.²⁵
闟然更始 kīp-ngẽin-gäng-chī
xìrángēngshǐ peacefully inaugurated a new regime.¹⁴
闟然止 kīp-ngẽin-jī
xìránzhǐ suddenly to stand still.¹⁴
闟然止瞠然视[闟然止瞠然視] kīp-ngẽin-jī chäng-ngẽin-sì
xìránzhǐ chēngránshì to stand frmly and look at attentively.¹⁰²
<又> sēip; hāp.
(See 闟 sēip; 闟 hāp).
kip1 8643
170 5 𨸚
kīp (=级[級] kīp level; grade; rank; step (of stairs); classifier: step, level.¹⁰); series, rank, grade.⁸ used with 级[級] kīp to denote steps or states.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰阝及; U+28E1A).
❄{⿰阝及}频登[梯𨸚❄{⿰阝及}頻登] or 梯级频登[梯級頻登]  häi-kīp-pĩn-äng tījípíndēng stepped frquency.²⁹ (Note: 'step frequency' translated back to Mandarin Chinese is 步进频率[步進頻率] bù-dïn-pĩn-lùt bù jìn pín lǜ).
(See 級 kīp).
kip1 8644
9 4 kiũ qiú a spouse; Qiu surname.⁷ (=逑 kiũ qiú in the sense of 'spouse').
仇偶 kiũ-ngêo
qiú'ǒu one's spouse.⁷ <wr.> a mate.¹¹ friends having same outlook.¹⁹  (See 仇偶 siũ-ngêo chóuǒu).
<又> siũ.
(See 仇 siũ; 逑 kiũ).
kiu3 8645
9 9 kiũ qiú <wr.> respectful and submissive.
(composition: ⿰; U+).
俅俅 kiũ-kiũ qiúqiú courteous; subservient.
俅人 kiũ-ngĩn
qiúrén <old> a Chinese ethnicity ( = 独龙族[獨龍族] Ùk-lũng-dùk Dúlóngzú Derung (Drung/Tulung) ethnic minority in 云南[雲南] Vũn-nãm Yúnnán Yunnan Province).
Xü-yï-kĩ-fēo, döi-bèin-kiũ-kiũ...
Sī yī qí fóu, zài biàn qiú qiú...
In his silken robes, clear and bright,
With his cap on his head, looking so respectful,...⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·頌·周頌·閔予小子之什·絲衣·1》, translated by James Legge).
kiu3 8646
28 4 kiũ qiú a three-sided spear.²⁴
(composition: ⿱九厶; U+53B9).
Dèin-xü kūng-kũn, kiũ-mão yūk-uï.
Jiàn sì kǒng qún, qiúmáo wù duì.
His mail-covered team moves in great harmony;
There are the trident spears with their gilt ends. (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·秦風·小戎·小戎》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ The four horses are coordinated with light body and step, and the handle of the three-sided spear is inlaid with a copper sleeve.¹¹⁶
(Note 1: 俴驷[俴駟] dèin-xü jiànsì four horses not wearing chain mail.⁵⁴ Note 2: 孔羣 kūng-kũn kǒngqún perfectly matched, quite suitable (one to the other); one to one; cluster well.⁵⁴ Note 3: 鋈錞 yūk-uï  wùduì a flat metal sleeve decorated with white metal on the lower end of the spear handle.⁸ʼ⁰).
厹矛 kiũ-mão
qiúmáo, same as 三棱矛 xäm-lẽin-mão sānléngmáo a three-sided spear.⁸
厹由 kiũ-yiũ
qiúyóu name of a state during the Spring and Autumn Period; located in present-day 阳泉市[陽泉市] yẽng-tũn-sî/ yángquánshì Yangquan City in 山西省 sän-xäi-sāng shānxī shěng Shanxi Province.⁸
<又> kiũ.
(See 厹 kiũ).
kiu3 8647
48 14 kiũ qiú mercapto; hydrosulfuryl.
巯基[巰基] kiũ-gï qiújī <chem.> mercapto; thiohydroxy radical; hydrosulfuryl-; sulfhydryl-.
kiu3 8648
64 5 kiũ qiú to take; to receive; to fetch; to take hold of.⁸ to take anything with the hand.²⁴ (In Mandarin, 㧄 qiú may also be read qiǎn).
(composition: ⿰扌凵; U+39C4).
kiu3 8649
82 11 kiũ qiú (=球 kiũ qiú) <old> fine jade; <old> a jade percussion instrument; ball, globe, orb; <math> sphere; earth; ball (in sports); ball game; <m.> for spherical objects.³⁶).⁸
(variant: 𣭳
❄{⿰求毛} kiũ qiú)
(composition: ⿺毛求; U+6BEC).
(See 球 kiũ; 𣭳❄{⿰求毛} kiũ).
kiu3 8650
82 11 𣭳
kiũ qiú (=毬 kiũ qiú which in turn =球 kiũ qiú) <old> fine jade; <old> a jade percussion instrument; ball, globe, orb; <math> sphere; earth; ball (in sports); ball game; <m.> for spherical objects.³⁶).⁸ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰求毛; U+23B73).
<又> kuĩ.
(See 球 kiũ; 毬 kiũ; 𣭳❄{⿰求毛} kuĩ).
kiu3 8651
85 5 氿 kiũ qiú the banks of a stream; decayed ground.²⁴ shore.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵九; U+6C3F).
<又> gī; giū. (See 氿 gī; 氿 giū).
kiu3 8652
85 7 kiũ qiú to seek, request; to look for; demand; beseech.
求婚 kiũ-fün qiúhūn to propose marriage (by a man).
求教 kiũ-gäo
qiújiào to ask for advice.
求救 kiũ-giü
qiújiù to cry for help.
求学[求學] kiũ-hòk
qiúxué go to school, pursue studies.¹¹
求知 kiũ-jï
qiúzhī seek knowledge.⁸
求牡 kiũ-mêo
qiúmǔ a girl courts a boy.¹¹
求饶[求饒] kiũ-ngẽl
qiúráo beg for mercy.⁵
求人 kiũ-ngĩn
qiúrén to ask for help; to look for talent.
求爱[求愛] kiũ-öi
qiú'ài to pay court to; to woo.
or 求籤] kiũ-tëm qiúqiān to draw lots before the idols.¹⁴
求全责备[求全責備] kiũ-tũn-jāk-bì
qiúquánzébèi  to demand perfection (idiom).¹⁰
求凰 kiũ-võng
qiúhuáng to seek a wife.⁷
要求 yël-kiũ
yāoqiú ask, demand; request, claim, petition.⁸
kiu3 8653
85 10 kiũ qiú name of a river.² name of a stream.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵求; U+6D57).
kiu3 8654
96 5 kiũ qiú a name of a jade.³⁶
(composition: ⿰𤣩乚; U+738C).
kiu3 8655
96 11 kiũ qiú <old> fine jade; <old> a jade percussion instrument; ball, globe, orb; <math> sphere; earth; ball (in sports); ball game; <m.> for spherical objects.³⁶
(variants: 毬 kiũ; 𣭳❄{⿰求毛} kiũ)). (See 毬 kiũ; 𣭳❄{⿰求毛} kiũ).
球胆[球膽] kiũ-ām
qiúdǎn bladder (of a ball).⁵
球场[球場] kiũ-chẽng
qiúchǎng a playground for ball games.⁷
球队[球隊] kiũ-duì
qiúduì (ball game) team.⁵
球房 kiũ-fông
qiúfáng a poolroom.¹¹
球茎[球莖] kiũ-gèin
qiújīng <bot.> corm.⁵
球果 kiũ-gō
qiúguǒ (botany) a cone.⁷
球体[球體] kiũ-hāi
qiútǐ spheroid.⁵
球鞋 kiũ-hãi
qiúxié gym shoes; tennis shoes; sneakers.⁵
球菌 kiũ-kūn
qiújūn coccus.⁵
球迷 kiũ-mãi
qiúmí (ball game) fan.⁵
球面 kiũ-mèin
qiúmiàn spherical surface.⁵
球门[球門] kiũ-mõn
qiúmén <sport> goal.⁵
球网[球網] kiũ-mōng
qiúwǎng net (for ball games).⁵
球艺[球藝] kiũ-ngài
qiúyì ball skills.⁹
球拍 kiũ-päk
qiúpāi a racket.¹¹
球赛[球賽] kiũ-söi
qiúsài ball game; match.⁵
球心 kiũ-xîm
qiúxīn center of a sphere.¹¹
球形 kiũ-yẽin
qiúxíng spherical; globular; round.⁵
球员[球員] kiũ-yõn
qiúyuán player of a ball team.¹¹
环球[環球] vãn-kiũ
huánqiú round the world; =寰球.⁶

kiu3 8656
96 15 kiũ qiú beautiful jade; tinkle; (<old>=球 kiũ qiú ball).⁸ fine jade.⁹ a musical stone; a precious stone, used as a musical instrument; the sound of a gem or porcelain, when struck; a beautiful gem; same as 球 kiũ qiú ball.²⁴
璆然 kiũ-ngẽin
qiúrán jangling of jade.⁸
kiu3 8657
115 16 kiũ qiú a species of grain.²ʼ²⁵
(composition: ⿰禾翏; U+7A4B).
<又> lùk, gëo. (See 穋 lùk, 穋 gëo).
kiu3 8658
120 13 絿 kiũ qiú urgent.⁸ urgent; pressing.¹⁰ hasty, quick; to seek for, to require.²⁵ urgent, pressing one; testy, petulant, gruff.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰糹求; U+7D7F).
不竞不絿[不競不絿] būt-gèin-būt-kiũ bù jìng bù qiú not tensed up in competition, not over-anxious for honor or fame.¹¹ not assertive but not slow either.⁵⁴ remiss, easy, not contentious, festina lente (a Latin oxymoron meaning "make haste slowly" or "more haste, less speed").¹⁰²
不竞不絿, 不刚不柔[不競不絿,不剛不柔.]
Būt-gèin-būt-kiũ, būt-göng-būt-ngẽl.
Bù jìng bù qiú, bù gāng bù róu.
He was neither violent nor remiss,
Neither hard nor soft.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·頌·商頌·長發·4》, translated by James Legge).
竞絿 gèin-kiũ
jìngqiú appropriate priorities taken by the adminstration.¹⁹
絿政 kiũ-jëin
qiúzhèng political affairs are critical. ¹⁹
絿絿 kiũ-kiũ
qiúqiú rapidly.¹⁹
东絿[東絿] üng-kiũ
dōngqiú an asylum for old men.²⁵
kiu3 8659
140 7 𦬖
kiũ qiú (composition: ⿱艹仇; U+26B16).
𦬖❄{⿱艹仇}薋 kiũ-dü qiúzī is the same as 白芷 bàk-jī báizhǐ TCM root of Dahurian angelica (Angelica dahurica).⁵⁴
kiu3 8660
140 10 kiũ qiú dense verrucose glands on the outer skin of the fruit.¹³ the fruit of the wild pepper plant, growing in clusters.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹求; U+838D).
莍 kẽng-kiũ qiángqiú (=百合药材[百合藥材] bāk-hàp yêk-tõi bǎihé yàocái lily herbs, dried lily roots used as a medicine.¹⁹)
蓃莍 xēo-kiũ
sōuqiú appearance of peppers gathered together to form a house.¹⁹
kiu3 8661
142 7 kiũ qiú (=虯 kiũ qiú) a young dragon.⁷
(composition: ⿰虫乚; U+866C).
(See 虯 kiũ).
kiu3 8662
142 8 kiũ qiú a young dragon.⁷ (variant: 虬 kiũ qiú).
or 虬螑 kiũ-chiü qiúxiù a dragon extending its head up and down.⁰
虯龙[虯龍] kiũ-lũng
qiúlóng a young dragon.⁷
虯髯 kiũ-ngẽm
qiúrán whiskers twisted like the barbels of a dragon; curly whiskers.⁷
虯髯客 kiũ-ngẽm-hāk
qiúránkè Qiu Ranke, the hero of a romance written during the Tang Dynasty.⁷
虯蟠 kiũ-põn
qiúpán curled up like a dragon.⁷ curling and twisting (certain tree roots).¹¹
虯松 kiũ-tũng
qiúsōng a twisted pine.¹⁴
虯须[虯鬚] kiũ-xü
qiúxū curly beard.¹¹
(See 虬 kiũ).
kiu3 8663
145 13 kiũ qiú furs; any garments or robes of fur; Qiu surname.⁷
集腋成裘 dàp-yìt-sẽin-kiũ jíyèchéngqiú the finest fragments of fox fur sewn together will make a robe – many a little makes a mickle.⁵
轻裘肥马[輕裘肥馬] hëng-kiũ-fĩ-mâ
qīngqiúféimǎ or 轻肥 [輕肥] hëng-fĩ qīngféi <wr.> rich style of living (“light fur and well-fed horses”).¹¹
裘弊金尽[裘弊金盡] kiũ-bài-gïm-dìn
qiúbìjīnjìn destitute; to have exhausted one's means; to go broke.⁷
裘葛 kiũ-göt
qiúgé clothes, clothing, dress.⁷
裘葛屡更[裘葛屢更] kiũ-göt-luî-gäng
qiúgélǚgēng lit. many changes from furs (winter) to hemp (summer) – the lapse of many years..⁷
裘褐 kiũ-hòt
qiúhè to dress economically or simply.⁷
裘马[裘馬] kiũ-mâ
qiúmǎ furs and horses – the rich.⁷
裘马轻肥[裘馬輕肥 kiũ-mâ-hëin-fĩ
qiúmǎqīngféi wealthy; affluent; well-to-do; in good circumstances.⁷
裘衣 kiũ-yï qiúyī a fur coat.¹¹
皮裘 pĩ-kiũ
píqiú a fur coat.¹¹ (See <台> 皮鼠 pĩ-sī).
狐裘 vũ-kiũ
húqiú a robe of fox skin.¹¹
kiu3 8664
148 9 kiũ qiú (=觩 kiũ qiú strong.⁸ crooked, like a buffalo's horn; strong and crooked, like a bow of horn.¹⁰²).¹³ curved, steep (about horns).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰角丩; U+89D3).
有觓其角 yiû-kiũ-kĩ-gök
yǒu qiú qí jiǎo their horns are curved.⁵⁴
(See 觩 kiũ).
kiu3 8665
148 14 kiũ qiú strong.⁸ crooked, like a buffalo's horn; strong and crooked, like a bow of horn.¹⁰² (variant: 觓 kiũ qiú).
(composition: ⿰角求; U+89E9).
角弓其觩 gök-güng-kĩ-kiũ
jiǎo gōng qí qiú they pull their horny bows to the utmost.¹⁰²
Gök-güng-kĩ-kiũ, chūk-sī-kĩ-xēo.
Jiǎo gōng qí qiú, shù shǐ qí sōu.
How they draw their bows adorned with bone!
How their arrows whizz forth!⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·頌·魯頌·泮水·7》, translated by James Legge). (Note:
搜 xēo sōu numerous; lot.⁵⁴ 束矢其搜 chūk-sī-kĩ-xēo shù shǐ qí sōu Oh, how many arrows in bundles are tied ....⁵⁴)
兕觥其觩 xû-gäng-kĩ-kiũ
sì gōng qí qiú the carved tripod goblet of rhinoceros horn.¹⁰²
Xû-gäng-kĩ-kiũ, jī-diū-xü-ngẽl.
Sì gōng qí qiú, zhǐjiǔ sī róu.
How long is that cup of rhinoceros' horn!
Good are the spirits in it and soft.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·桑扈之什·桑扈·4》, translated by James Legge).
(See 觓 kiũ).
kiu3 8666
149 9 kiũ qiú <wr.> coerce; force; compel.⁶ to urge by raillery; to be at ease; to plan.²⁵
kiu3 8667
154 14 kiũ qiú bribe; bribery.¹¹ to seek in an underhanded way; to bribe.¹⁴
赇谢[賕謝] kiũ-dèh qiúxiè to give presents for favor-received.¹⁴
赇贿[賕賄] kiũ-hōi
qiúhuì to bribe; to give presents.¹⁴
赇免[賕免] kiũ-mêin
qiúmiǎn to purchase escape from punishment by bribes.¹⁴
赇纹[賕紋] kiũ-mũn
qiúwén take/accept a bribe.⁵⁴
受赇[受賕] siù-kiũ
shòuqiú to receive bribes.¹⁴
受赇枉法[受賕枉法] siù-kiũ-vōng-fāt
shòuqiúwǎngfǎ accept/take bribes and break the law.⁶
kiu3 8668
162 10 kiũ qiú spouse; lifemate.⁶ to collect; to pair, to match.¹⁴
(variant: 仇 kiũ qiú in the sense of 'a spouse').
君子好逑 gün-dū-häo-kiũ
jūnzǐhǎoqiú a gentleman's good mate.⁵⁴
好逑 hāo-kiũ
hǎoqiú "fortunate union;" a desirable match.¹⁴
逑合 kiũ-hàp
qiúhé to pair; to save.¹⁴
逑偶 kiũ-ngêo
qiúǒu to match; bethrothed.¹⁴
窈窕淑女, 君子好逑. yēl-èl-sùk-nuī, gün-dū-häo-kiũ.
yǎotiǎoshūnǚ, jūnzǐhǎoqiú. Graceful is the fair maiden, a fit match for a gentleman.⁰
(See 仇 kiũ).
kiu3 8669
167 15 kiũ qiú  chisel.⁸ a kind of chisel; a single headed pickaxe.²⁵ single-headed pick; stone chisel.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰⿰釒求; U+92B6).
Gï-pö-ngô-fū, yiù-kūt-ngô-kiũ.
Jì pò wǒ fǔ, yòu quē wǒ qiú.
We broke our axes,
And splintered our clubs.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·豳風·破斧·3》, translated by James Legge).
(Note: 缺 kūt
quē as in 残缺[殘缺] tãn-kūt cánquē badly damaged; shattered).⁵⁴
kiu3 8670
182 16 𩗕
kiũ qiú a gentle breeze.²⁵
(composition: ⿺風求; U+295D5).
kiu3 8671
191 26 kiũ jiū lots (to be drawn); draw lots.⁸
抓阄[抓鬮] jāo-kiũ zhuājiū draw lots.¹¹
阄分[鬮分] kiũ-fün
jiūfēn divide property/loot by drawing lots.¹
拈阄[拈鬮] nëm-kiũ
niānjiū draw lots.¹¹
kiu3 8672
209 16 kiũ qiú <wr.> having a stuffy nose; suffering from nasal congestion.⁶ clogged nose.⁸
民多鼽嚏 mĩn-ü-kiũ-chì mínduōqiútì the people were much afflicted with colds and sneezing.²⁵
鼽嚏 kiũ-chì
qiútì to have a stuffy nose and sneeze due to a cold.³⁶
kiu3 8673
75 10 kiû jiù the tallow tree; Sapium sebiferum.
桕子树[桕子樹] kiû-dū-sì jiùzǐshù the tallow tree.¹⁴
桕脂 kiû-jï
jiùzhī Chinese vegetable tallow.¹⁹ tallow tree oil.⁵⁴
桕树[桕樹] kiû-sì
jiùshù the tallow tree.¹⁴
桕油 kiû-yiũ
jiùyóu Chinese tallow.¹⁹
桕油作蜡烛[桕油作蠟燭] kiû-yiũ-dōk-làp-jūk
jiùyóuzuòlàzhú candkes are made from the fat of the tallow tree.¹⁴
乌桕[烏桕] wü-kiû
wūjiù Chinese tallow tree.⁶ Sapium sebiferum (L.) Roxb., also known as: 腊子树, 桕子树, 木子树, 乌桖, 桊子树, 桕树, 木蜡树, 木油树, 木梓树, 虹树, 蜡烛树, 油籽(子)树, 洋辣子树.¹⁹ The name of a tree, the leaves of which produce a black dye, the seeds may be pressed into oil, which when rubbed on the head will turn grey hairs black, or if burnt in a lamp will give an excellent light.²⁴
kiu5 8674
134 13 kiû jiù mother's brother; wife's brother; a woman's father-in-law; a man's father-in-law.⁷
大舅 ài-kiû dàjiù senior brother of wife.¹¹
舅父 kiû-fù/
jiùfù or 舅舅 kiû-kiû jiùjiu mother's brother.¹¹
舅母 kiû-mû/
jiùmu or 舅妈[舅媽] kiû-mā jiùmā mother's brother's wife; aunt.⁹
外舅 ngòi-kiû
wàijiù <topo.> wife's father.¹¹
kiu5 8675
1 4 köi gài <wr.> beg; beggar; give, grant, bestow.⁶ (variants: 匃 köi gài; 匄 köi gài; 乢 köi gài). (Note: distinguish 丏 mēin miǎn parapet; invisible).
乞丐 hāt-köi/
qǐgài beggar.⁹
丐饭[丐飯] köi-fàn
gàifàn to beg for food.¹⁴
丐头[丐頭] köi-hẽo
gàitóu leader of (a group of) beggars.⁷
丐助 köi-jò
gàizhù to ask for help.⁷
丐食 köi-sèik
gàishí beg one's bread.⁶
丐养[丐養] köi-yëng gàiyǎng adopt a child or children.⁵⁴
文丐 mũn-köi
wéngài unprincipled scholar who sells his literary ability.³⁹
以丐灾民[以丐災民] yî-köi-döi-mĩn
yǐgàizāimín give relief to the afflicted people.⁶
(See 匃 köi; 匄 köi; 乢 köi).
koi2 8676
5 4 köi gài (=丐 köi gài) <wr.> beg; beggar; give, grant, bestow.⁶ lid, to cover; to hide; a cover; an umbrella.⁸
(composition: ⿰山乚; U+4E62).
(See 丐 köi).
koi2 8677
9 15 köi kuài broker; go-between; middleman.
贾侩[賈儈] gū-köi gǔkuài merchants.⁷
文侩[文儈] mũn-köi
wénkuài literary prostitute.
牙侩[牙儈] ngã-köi
yákuài <wr.> middleman; broker.
书侩[書儈] sï-köi
shūkuài book dealer.
市侩[市儈] sî-köi
shìkuài <derog.> monger; broker; crafty businessman; sordid merchant; courtier.
koi2 8678
18 6 köi kuài a skin wound; some say broken; some say from a dull knife while sharpening on a whetstone.²
(composition: ⿰气刂; U+520F).
<又> gï; gì. (See 刏 gï; 刏 gì).
koi2 8679
18 12 köi kǎi sickle; thoroughly; clearly.
剀切[剴切] köi-tēik kǎiqiè <wr.> (said of statements) clearly true and pertinent, earnest and sincere.
剀切详尽[剴切詳盡] köi-tēik-tẽng-dìn
kǎiqièxiángjìn (of an explanation) true and clear in every detail; (of an explanation) thorough and exhaustive.
<又>  hōi.
(See 剴 hōi.)
koi2 8680
18 15 köi guì to amputate; to cut off.
刽子手[劊子手] köi-dū-siū guìzishǒu executioner.
koi2 8681
20 5 köi gài (=丐 köi gài) <wr.> beg; beggar; give, grant, bestow.⁶
(See 丐 köi).
koi2 8682
20 5 köi gài (=丐 köi gài) <wr.> beg; beggar; give, grant, bestow.⁶
(See 丐 köi).
koi2 8683
30 9 köi kuài <wr.> to swallow.¹¹
哙哙[噲噲] köi-köi or fäi-fäi kuàikuài <wr.> clear and fair-minded.¹¹
肿哙[腫噲] jūng-köi
or jūng-fäi zhǒngkuài <wr.> coarse and freckled.¹¹
<又> fäi.
(See 噲 fäi.)
koi2 8684
30 12 köi kǎi (old variant of 慨 köi kǎi⁸) indignant; generous; to sigh (with emotion).¹⁰
(composition: ⿰口既 or ⿰口旣; U+5605).
or 感慨 gām-köi gǎnkǎi sigh with emotion.⁵
<又> gëh.
(See 嘅 gëh.)
koi2 8685
32 9 köi gāi far and remote places; wilds beyond the frontier; boundary; limit; one hundred million; The cardinal number 10^20.
根垓 or 根荄 gïn-köi gēngāi <bot.> roots of trees and grasses; base, foundation.
垓极[垓極] köi-gèik
or gäi-gèik gāijí <wr.> the farthest corners of the country.
垓下 Köi-hà
or Gäi-hà Gāixià an ancient city now located in 安徽 Ön-fï Ānhuī Anhui Province.
垓限 köi-hàn
or gäi-hàn gāixiàn utmost limits, frontier regions.
垓心 köi-xïm
or gäi-xïm gāixīn <trad.> center of a battlefield.
<又> gäi.
(See 垓 gäi.)
koi2 8686
46 9 köi gāi a bare hill; a name of a place; (=屺 gī a bare hill).²
koi2 8687
47 2 köi kuài (=浍[澮] köi kuài <wr.> ditch in the fields.⁶ irrigation ditch, trench; river.⁸).²
(composition: ⿰𡿨𡿨; U+5DDC).
<又> fön.
(See 巜 fön; 澮 köi).
koi2 8688
61 12 köi kǎi indignant; deeply touched; generous.⁵
愤慨[憤慨] fûn-köi fènkǎi (righteous) indignation.⁵
慷慨 kōng-köi
kāngkǎi generous, unselfish, liberal; (usually said of a hero) vehement, fervent; ardent.⁷
or 感嘅 gām-köi gǎnkǎi sigh with emotion.⁵
慨乎言之 köi-fũ-ngũn-jï
kǎihūyánzhī to say it with a sigh (indicating the speaker's nostalgia, sense of regret or loss).⁷
慨愤[慨憤] köi-fûn
kǎifèn indignant; angry.⁷
慨叹[慨嘆] köi-hän
kǎitàn sigh with regret.⁵
慨恨 köi-hàn
kǎihèn indignant; angry.⁷
慨然 köi-ngẽin
kǎirán with deep feelings; generously.⁵
慨然长叹[慨然長嘆] köi-ngẽin-chẽng-hän
kǎiránchángtàn heave a sigh of regret.⁵
慨然相赠[慨然相贈] köi-ngẽin-xëng-dàng
kǎiránxiāngzèng give generously.⁵
慨诺[慨諾] köi-nòk
kǎinuò to consent generously or readily.⁷
慨允 köi-vûn
kǎiyǔn consent readily; kindly promise.⁵
慨想 köi-xēng
kǎixiǎng to think of or remember with emotion.⁷
koi2 8689
61 13 köi kài enmity; hatred; anger; wrath.⁷ anger, wrath, hatred, enmity; resentment.⁸ to be angry, angry (at somebody); get irritated, indignant; hate (somebody).⁵⁴
(comp. t: ⿰忄氣; U+613E). (comp. s: ⿰忄气; U+5FFE).
敌忾[敵愾] èik-köi
díkài hatred towards the enemy.⁵
同仇敌忾[同仇敵愾] hũng-siũ-èik-köi
tóngchóudíkài share a bitter hatred of the enemy.⁵
诸侯敌王所忾而献其功[諸侯敵王所愾而獻其功] jï-hẽo-èik-võng-sō-köi-ngĩ-hün-kĩ-güng
zhūhóu dí wáng suǒ kài ér xiàn qí gōng local princes are at enmity with those against whom the sovereign is indignant, trying their best to curry favor with him.⁵⁴
忾敌[愾敵] köi-èik
kàidí hate the enemy.⁵⁴
忾愤[愾憤] köi-fûn
kàifèn angry; to show wrath.⁷
<又> hï.
(See 愾 hï).
koi2 8690
62 13 köi gài <topo.> counterfeit something in order to make a profit.⁶ to infringe a trademark; to pledge an article.¹⁴
影戤 yēin-köi yǐnggài imitation, forgery of trademark goods.¹¹
koi2 8691
64 12 köi gài (=溉 köi gài) to irrigate; to flood water flowing; to scour.¹
(See 溉 köi; 漑 köi.)
koi2 8692
75 7 köi gài (=槪² or 概¹⁰¹ köi gài generally, approximately).²
(composition: ⿰木乞; U+675A).
<又> gūt.
(See 杚 gūt).
koi2 8693
75 13 köi gài general, approximate; without exception, categorically; the manner of carrying oneself, deportment.⁵
(variant: 槪 köi gài). (See 槪 köi).
大概 ài-köi
dàgài general idea; approximate; probably.⁹
气概[氣概] hï-köi
qìgài lofty quality; mettle; spirit.⁵
概不赊欠[概不賒欠] köi-būt-sëh-hïm
gàibùshēqiàn no credit allowed to anybody, always cash.¹¹
概况[概況] köi-fōng
gàikuàng general situation; survey.⁵
概括 köi-gāt
gàikuò summarize, generalize, epitomize; briefly, in broad outline.⁵
概括性 köi-gāt-xëin
gàikuòxìng generality.⁵
概观[概觀] köi-gön
gàiguān general survey.⁵
概览[概覽] köi-lâm
gàilǎn a general view.⁷
概略 köi-lèk
gàilüè outline; summary.⁵
概论[概論] köi-lùn
gàilùn outline; introduction.⁵
概率 köi-lùt
gàilǜ <math.> probability.⁵
概貌 köi-mào
gàimào general picture.⁵
概念 köi-nèm
gàiniàn concept; conception; notion; idea.⁵
概数[概數] köi-sü
gàishù approximate/round number.⁵
概算 köi-xön
gàisuàn budgetary estimate.⁵
概要 köi-yël
gàiyào essentials; outline.⁵
一概而论[一概而論] yīt-köi-ngĩ-lùn
yīgài'érlùn treat (different matters) as the same.⁵
koi2 8694
75 13 köi gài ➀ (=概 köi gài general, approximate; without exception, categorically; the manner of carrying oneself, deportment.⁵) a piece of wood used to strike off grain in a measure ➁ thus:--all ➂ to level ➃ to adjust ➄ generally ➅ for the most part ➆ (interchangeable 慨 köi kǎi indignant; deeply touched; generous.⁵) emotional excitement ➇ (interchangeable 溉 köi gài to water, to irrigate; to wash.⁷) to wash, to cleanse, to rinse.⁸ Gai surname.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱既木; U+3BA3).
(See 概 köi; 慨 köi; 溉 köi).
koi2 8695
75 15 köi gài (=概 köi gài generally, approximately).⁸
(composition: ⿰木旣; U+69EA).
(See 概 köi).
koi2 8696
75 17 köi guì Chinese juniper.¹  <bot.> Sabina chinensis (L.) Ant.²³
桧木[檜木] köi-mûk
guìmù timber of Chinese cypress or juniper.¹
桧柏[檜柏] köi-pāk
guìbǎi <bot.> Sabina chinensis (L.) Ant.²³  Chinese cypress.¹
桧树[檜樹] köi-sì
guìshù (also called 刺柏 xü-pāk cìbǎi) Chinese juniper.¹  <bot.> Sabina chinensis (L.) Ant.²³
(See 檜 [köi, huì].)
koi2 8697
75 17 köi huì 秦桧[秦檜] Tũn Köi Qín Huì (1090-1155). Qin Hui was a Chancellor of the Song Dynasty, who is widely regarded as a traitor to China for his part in the political execution of General Yue Fei 岳飞[岳飛] Ngòk Fï Yuè Fēi (1103-1142). Modern historians have placed as much blame (if not more) on the reigning Emperor Gaozong himself.
(See 檜 [köi, guì].)
koi2 8698
76 10 köi kài <wr.> cough.⁶ to cough; the sound of laughter; asthma and coughing.⁷
謦欬 hëin-köi qǐngkài <wr.> cough; make light conversation.⁶ talking and laughing.⁷ tone of voice – loud and soft.¹⁴ (Note: possible derived term: 倾偈[傾偈]).
欬逆 köi-ngèik
kàinì <wr.> asthma, difficult breathing.¹¹
欬唾成珠 köi-tû-sẽin-jî
kàituòchéngzhū each word a gem when one talks; words flow from the mouth as from the pen of a master.⁵⁴
koi2 8699
79 10 köi gāi a kind of ornament people wore in ancient time in order to avoid evil spirits or influences.⁸
(composition: ⿰亥殳; U+3C7E).
㱾攺 köi-yî gāiyǐ an ornament used in ancient times to drive away evil spirits.⁸ something wherewith to expel demons.²⁴
<又> höi.
(See 㱾 höi).
koi2 8700
85 12 köi gài to water, to irrigate; to wash.⁷ (variant: 漑,摡 köi gài).
涤溉[滌溉] èik-köi
dígài to scour.¹⁴
灌溉 gön-köi
guàngài irrigate.⁵
地面灌溉 ì-mèin-gön-köi
dìmiàn guàngài surface irrigation.¹⁰
溉涤[溉滌] köi-èik
gàidí to wash.⁷
溉田 köi-hẽin
gàitián to irrigate fields.⁷
(See 漑 köi; 摡 köi.)
koi2 8701
85 14 köi gài (=溉 köi gài) to water, to irrigate; to wash.⁷
(See 溉 köi; 摡 köi.)
koi2 8702
85 16 köi huì 浍河[澮河] Köi-hõ Huìhé  name of a river in 山西 Sän-xäi Shānxī Shanxi Province.⁷ Huihe river flowing from 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng Henan Province to 安徽 Ön-fï Ānhuī Anhui Province.⁸
See 檜 [köi, kuài].)
koi2 8703
85 16 köi kuài  <wr.> ditch in the fields.⁶ irrigation ditch, trench; river.⁸
畎浍[畎澮] hūn-köi quǎnkuài ditches between fields.¹⁴
沟浍[溝澮] këo-köi
gōukuài ditch by roadside or in fields.¹¹
(See 澮 [Köi, Huì].)
koi2 8704
86 17 köi huì (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 烩[燴] vòi huì with same meaning.)
<又> vòi.
(See 燴 vòi.)
koi2 8705
94 16 köi kuài sly; crafty; tricky.⁶
狡狯[狯獪] gāo-köi jiǎokuài treacherous, wily, deceitful.¹¹
狯猾[獪猾] köi-vàt
kuàihuá cunning.⁷
黠狯[黠獪] gēik-köi
or hàt-köi xiákuài cunning; crafty.³⁹
koi2 8706
104 11 köi jiē a kind of malaria mentioned in ancient books.⁶ malaria that attacks once every other day.⁹
koi2 8707
120 18 köi huì (=绘[繪] köi huì) to draw; to make a sketch of.⁷ multi-color; to draw.¹⁰ <wr.> colored silk.¹¹ to draw; to embroider; red strings for hats.¹⁴ thrum, or the ends of the thread left over in weaving; thread of a red color.²⁵
缋文[繢文] köi-mũn
huìwén the marks or lines on a mat or cloth.²⁵
缋绣[繢繡] köi-xiü
huìxiù embroidery.²⁵
缋緌[繢緌] köi-xuï
huìruí to paint; to lay on colors.²⁵
画缋[畫繢] vàk-köi
huàhuì to embroider with various colors.²⁵
(See 繪 köi.)
koi2 8708
120 19 köi huì to draw; to sketch; to paint.¹⁴ to embroider with various colors; mixed colors; to paint; to adorn.²⁵ (variant: 繢 köi huì.)
绘像[繪像] köi-dèng
huìxiàng a portrait; to draw portrait.¹¹
绘具[繪具] köi-guì
huìjù drawing materials.¹⁴
绘图[繪圖] köi-hũ
huìtú to draw; to draft; drawing; drafting.¹⁰
绘制[繪製] köi-jäi
huìzhì to draw; to draft.¹⁰
绘声绘色[繪聲繪色] köi-sëin-köi-sēik
huìshēnghuìsè vivid and colorful (idiom); true to life; lively and realistic.¹⁰
绘声绘影[繪聲繪影] köi-sëin-köi-yēin
huìshēnghuìyǐng true to life; very vivid; decribe vividly.⁸
绘画[繪畫] köi-và
huìhuà drawing; painting.¹⁰
绘事[繪事] köi-xù
huìshì <wr.> drawing as an art.¹¹  painting and drawing.¹⁴
绘事后素[繪事後素] köi-xù-hèo-xü
huìshìhòusù the laying on of the colors comes after the preparation of the plain ground.¹⁴
绘影绘声[繪影繪聲] köi-yēin-köi-sëin
huìyǐnghuìshēng vivid, lively.⁶
(See 繢 köi; 䙡 [gì, huì].)
koi2 8709
130 10 köi hǎi hydroxylamine.³⁹
<又> gōi; hãi. (See 胲 gōi; hãi.)
koi2 8710
130 17 köi kuài <wr.> meat chopped into small pieces, minced meat.⁵
脍炙[膾炙] köi-jēik kuàizhì minced and roasted – very tasty.⁷
脍炙人口[膾炙人口] köi-jēik-ngĩn-hēo
kuàizhìrénkǒu pleasant to everybody's taste – (of essays, poems) popular and much praised; win universal praise; enjoy great popularity.⁶
脍鲤[膾鯉] köi-lî
kuàilǐ minced carp.⁵⁴
koi2 8711
140 9 köi gāi roots of plants.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱艹亥; U+8344).
浮荄 fẽo-köi fúgāi floating plants, like the Hippuris.¹⁰²
or 根垓 gïn-köi gēngāi <bot.> roots of trees and grasses; base, foundation.⁵⁴ the roots of grass.¹⁰²
邪荄 tẽh-köi
xiégāi perverse roots; evil principles or doctrines.¹⁰²
koi2 8712
140 12 köi gài (=盖[蓋] köi gài to cover, to hide; a lid, a covering; to build, to construct, to erect; the affix (a seal); (an initial particle) now, then, but, because; (a particle indicating doubt) for, perhaps, possibly, about; to surpass, to excel; to brag, to boast.⁷)
(composition: ⿳艹太皿; U+8462).
(See 蓋 köi).
koi2 8713
140 13 köi gài to cover, to hide; a lid, a covering; to build, to construct, to erect; the affix (a seal); (an initial particle) now, then, but, because; (a particle indicating doubt) for, perhaps, possibly, about; to surpass, to excel; to brag, to boast.⁷
裸盖鱼[裸蓋魚] gō-köi-nguî/ luǒgàiyú sablefish, sable, butterfish (Anoplopoma fimbria) aka 銀鱈魚, 裸頭魚.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
盖饭[蓋飯] köi-fàn
gàifàn 盖浇饭[蓋澆飯] köi-hël-fàn gàijiāofàn rice served with meat and vegetables on top.⁵
盖棺论定[蓋棺論定] köi-gön-lùn-èin
gàiguānlùndìng final judgment can be passed on a person only when the lid is laid on his coffin.⁵
盖章[蓋章] köi-jëng
gàizhāng affix one's seal; stamp.⁵
盖盅[蓋盅] köi-jûng
gàizhōng a teacup with a cover.⁷
盖然性[蓋然性] köi-ngẽin-xëin
gàiránxìng probability.⁵
盖世[蓋世] köi-säi
gàishì unparalleled; matchless; peerless.⁵
盖上[蓋上] köi-sëng
gàishang to cover.⁷
盖菜[蓋菜] köi-töi
or 芥菜 gäi-töi gàicài leaf mustard.⁵
盖藏[蓋藏] köi-tõng
gàicáng wealth or commodities stored away.⁷
铺天盖地[鋪天蓋地] pü-hëin-köi-ì
pūtiāngàidì blanket the and sky and the earth – come in large quantities; flood in.⁶
<又> gôi, gōt.
(See 蓋 gôi, gōt.)
koi2 8714
149 13 köi gāi should; ought to; to deserve; <wr.> this.
本该[本該] bōn-köi běngāi basically should.
该厂[該廠] köi-chōng
gāichǎng <wr.> this factory.
该同志[該同志] köi-hũng-jï
gāitóngzhì <wr.> this comrade.
该当[該當] köi-öng
gāidāng to deserve; should.
该死[該死] köi-xī
gāisǐ <topo.> deserve death; Damn it!
活该[活該] vòt-köi
huógāi <topo.> deservedly should.
应该[應該] yëin-köi/
yīnggāi should; ought to; must.
<又> kâo, kôi.
(See 該 kâo, kôi.)
koi2 8715
154 13 köi gāi complete, full, comprehensive, all-inclusive; include, embrace.⁶
赅备[賅備] köi-bì gāibèi complete, comprehensive, all-inclusive.⁶
or 该博[該博] köi-bōk gāibó <wr.> broad and profound; learned; erudite.⁶
赅括[賅括] köi-gāt
gāikuò or 概括 köi-gāt gàikuò generalize; summarize.⁶
言简意赅[言簡意賅] ngũn-gān-yï-köi
yánjiǎnyìgāi concise and comprehensive (idiom).¹⁰
koi2 8716
163 15 köi kuài Kuai feudal state during the Zhou dynasty, in present day Henan Province (河南 Hõ-nãm Hénán); Kuai surname.
自郐以下[自鄶以下] dù-Köi-yî-hà
zìkuàiyǐxià except so-and-so, none of them was worth a dime; those following are not worthy to be commented upon.⁸
koi2 8717
167 12 köi gài calcium (Ca).⁶
钙玻璃[鈣玻璃] köi-bū-lī or köi-bō-lī gàibōli lime glass.⁶
钙化[鈣化] köi-fä
gàihuà <med.> calcify.⁶ calcification.⁷
钙质[鈣質] köi-jīt
gàizhì of calcium substance.⁶
钙片[鈣片] köi-pëin
gàipiàn calcium tablet.⁶
氯化钙[氯化鈣] lùk-fä-köi
lǜhuàgài <chem.> calcium chloride.¹⁰
koi2 8718
170 8 köi gāi ridges between plots of farm land; <wr.> order of stairs or steps.
循陔 tũn-köi xúngāi <wr.> to serve one's parents.
koi2 8719
170 12 köi gāi ladder, staircase; <demotic> rely on, depend on.⁸ steps, stairs, a ladder.²⁵
(composition: ⿰阝豈; U+9691).
<又> kĩ; ngõi. (See 隑 kĩ; 隑 ngõi).
koi2 8720
195 24 köi kuài minced fish; hash.⁸
鲙鱼[鱠魚] köi-nguĩ kuàiyú Chinese herring.⁶ Chinese herring; (=鳓鱼[鰳魚] làk-nguĩ, q.v.)⁸
koi2 8721
149 13 kôi gāi <台> 该[該] kôi this; here.
<台> 到该[到該] äo-kôi/ here.
<台> 该个[該個] kôi-göi this one.
<台> 该个狗好狼[該個狗好狼] kôi-göi-gēo-hāo-lõng/ this dog is fierce.
<台> 该乃[該乃] kôi-nâi these.
<台> 该侧[該側] kôi-sāk this side.
<台> 该时[該時] kôi-sĩ/ now; at this time.
<又> kâo, köi. (See 該 kâo, köi.)
koi5 8722
32 10 kōk què hard stone; (said of land) barren; unproductive.⁷
硗埆[磽埆] or 硗确[磽确] ngẽl-kōk qiāoquè rocky (soil, ground).¹¹
(See 确 kōk; 確 kōk).
kok1 8723
32 17 kōk ravine, gully; big pool; big pit.
冰壑 bëin-kōk bīnghè ice gully.
不忘沟壑[不忘溝壑] būt-mõng-këo-kōk
bùwànggōuhè to be determined to die for one's country.
丘壑 hiü-kōk
qiūhè wooded refuge or place for retirement; recondite scheme or design.
沟壑[溝壑] këo-kōk
gōuhè gully; ravine.
壑谷 kōk-gūk
hègǔ low-lying humid terrain.
壑沟[壑溝] kōk-këo
hègōu ditch; narrow strip of water; moat around a city wall.
岩壑 ngãm-kōk
yánhè a rocky mountain valley.
山壑 sän-kōk
shānhè gullies; valleys.
千山万壑[千山萬壑] tëin-sän-màn-kōk
qiānshānwànhè long and arduous journey.¹  innumerable mountains and valleys.¹⁶
墉壑 yũng-kōk
yōnghè the city wall and moat.¹⁴
kok1 8724
46 11 kōk guō (variant: 䧐 kōk guō).
(composition: ⿰山享; U+5D1E).
崞山 Kōk-sän
Guōshān Guoshan, a mountain in 山西 Sän-xäi Shānxī Shanxi Province.⁴
崞阳[崞陽] Kōk-yẽng 
Guōyáng Guoyang, a place in 山西 Sän-xäi Shānxī Shanxi Province.⁴
崞县[崞縣] Kōk-yòn
Guōxiàn Guoxian county in 山西 Sän-xäi Shānxī Shanxi Province.¹⁰¹
(See 䧐 kōk).
kok1 8725
61 9 kōk <wr.> scrupulous and respectful.⁶ respectful; reverent; to respect; respectfully.⁷ (archaic variant: 愙 kōk )
恪尽职守[恪盡職守] kōk-dìn-jēik-siū
kèjìnzhíshǒu fulfill one's duties scrupulously; perform one's duties honestly.⁶
恪遵 kōk-dün
kèzūn to obey or follow (orders, rules) with respect.⁷
恪勤 kōk-kĩn
kèqín cautious and industrious.⁷
恪慎 kōk-sìn
kèshèn respectful and cautious; careful; reverent.⁷
恪守 kōk-siū
or lōk-siū kèshǒu to observe (rules) strictly; scrupulously abide by (a treaty or promise); carefully obey (laws, orders, traditions).⁷
恪守不渝 kōk-siū-būt-yĩ
kèshǒubùyú firmly and faithfully abide by; strictly abide by.⁶
<又> lōk.
(See 恪 lōk; 愙 kōk.)
kok1 8726
61 12 kōk (<old>=恪 kōk <wr.> scrupulous and respectful.⁶ respectful; reverent; to respect; respectfully.⁷).
(composition: ⿰忄客; U+6118).
<又> kä.
(See 愘 kä).
kok1 8727
61 13 kōk (<old>=恪 kōk ) respectful.
(composition: ⿱客心;   U+6119).
(See 恪 kōk.)
kok1 8728
61 14 kōk què <wr.> sincerity, honesty; cautious.⁸ guileless, upright, ingenuous; conduct that is thoroughly honest.¹⁰²
(variants: 慤 kōk què; 𢡱❄{⿱殼心} kōk què).
t: ⿱𣪊❄{⿰⿳士冖一殳}心;  U+6128).
s: ⿳士冗心;  U+60AB).
Jùng-nãi-sẽng, fùng-dëin-ngĩ-dïn-kĩ-tïn-yâ-kōk, kĩ-hãng-tuï-tuï-yî-sū.
Zhòng ní cháng, fèng jiàn ér jìn qí qīn yě què, qí xíng qū qū yǐ shù.
At the autumnal sacrifice, when Zhong-ni advanced, bearing the offerings, his general appearance was indicative of simple sincerity, but his steps were short and oft repeated.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·祭義·7》, translated by James Legge).
民皆愿悫[民皆愿愨] mĩn-gäi-ngùn-kōk.
mín jiē yuàn què.
...the people would all become honest and guileless.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《商君書·定分·5》, translated by J. J. L. Duyvendak).
(See 慤 kōk; 𢡱❄{⿱殼心} kōk).
kok1 8729
61 15 kōk què (=悫[愨] kōk què) <wr.> sincerity, honesty; cautious.⁸
(composition: ⿱殻心;  U+6164).
(See 愨 kōk.)
kok1 8730
61 16 𢡱
kōk què (=悫[愨] kōk què <wr.> sincerity, honesty; cautious.⁸ guileless, upright, ingenuous; conduct that is thoroughly honest.¹⁰²).³⁶
(composition: ⿱殼心; U+22871).
(See 愨 kōk).
kok1 8731
64 13 kōk què (=榷 kōk què) to discuss; to levy; monopoly; to knock.
or 榷商 kōk-sëng quèshāng to consult; to discuss; consultation; discussion.⁷
(See 榷 kōk.)
kok1 8732
64 17 kōk kuò <台> 扩机[擴機] kōk-gï (=传呼机[傳呼機] chũn-fü-gï chuánhūjī) pager.
<又> köng.
(See 擴 köng.)
kok1 8733
64 23 kōk jué <wr.> seize; grab.⁶
攫捕 kōk-bù juébǔ to seize; to catch.
攫取 kōk-tuī
juéqǔ to seize; to grab.
攫夺[攫奪] kōk-ùt
juéduó to seize; to grab.
攫为己有[攫為己有] kōk-vĩ-gī-yiû
juéwéijǐyǒu seize possession of; appropriate.⁶
如鹰攫鸡[如鷹攫雞] nguĩ-yëin-kōk-gäi
rúyīngjuéjī like a hawk carrying off a chicken.
如鹰攫食[如鷹攫食] nguĩ-yëin-kōk-sèik
rúyīngjuéshí as swiftly as the eagle seizes its prey.
kok1 8734
75 14 kōk què discuss.⁵ to monopolize; to levy taxes.⁷
辜榷 gü-kōk gūquè monopolize.³⁹
榷茶 kōk-chã
quèchá to levy tea taxes.⁷
榷酤 kōk-gü
quègū to monopolize the sale of alcoholic beverages.⁷
榷利 kōk-lì
quèlì to enjoy a monopoly.⁷
or 搉商 kōk-sëng quèshāng to consult; to discuss; consultation; discussion.⁷
榷税[榷稅] kōk-suï
quèshuì tax levied on monopolized trades.⁶
榷盐[榷鹽] kōk-yẽm
quèyán to levy salt taxes.⁷
商榷 sëng-kōk
shāngquè discuss; deliberate over.⁵
扬榷[揚榷] yẽng-kōk
yángquè <wr.> expound briefly.⁶
扬榷古今[揚古今] yẽng-kōk-gū-gïm
yángquè gǔ-jīn make a cursory review the past and the present.⁶
(See 搉 kōk.)
kok1 8735
75 20 kōk què (non-classical form of 榷 kōk què) to monopolize; to levy taxes.⁸ a sort of orange tree, with a large fruit like the pumelo.²⁴ (Note: cf 𣒆❄{⿰木壳} hôk qiào or hôk què). (trifoliate orange tree with a fruit like the pumelo; =榷 kōk què discuss.⁵ to monopolize; to levy taxes.⁷).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰木霍; U+3C0C).
kok1 8736
79 10 𣪊
kōk què (=㱿 kōk què; 㱿 hôk ké; 㱿 hôk huò).³⁶
(composition: ⿰⿳士冖一殳; U+23A8A).
(See 㱿 kōk; 㱿 [hôk, ]; 㱿 [hôk, huò]).
kok1 8737
104 21 kōk huò (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation of 癨 fōk huò with the same meaning: cholera; quickly, suddenly; Huo surname.⁸ vomiting; disorder of the stomach.²⁴ the rapid disease, the Asiatic cholera, described as attended with vomiting, spasms of the tendons, gripes, and depression of spirits.¹⁰²)
(composition: ⿸疒霍; U+7668).
<又> fōk. (See 癨 fōk).
kok1 8738
109 20 kōk jué to look about in alarm.
矍矍 kök-kök juéjué look without paying attention.
矍然 kök-ngẽin
juérán looking around in fear.
矍铄 kök-sēk
juéshuò (of old people) hale and hearty.¹¹
矍铄老翁[矍鑠老翁] kök-sēk-lāo-yüng
juéshuòlǎowēng a man in his ripe old age.
kok1 8739
112 12 kōk què hard stone; (said of land) barren; unproductive.⁷
硗确[磽确] or 硗埆[磽埆] ngẽl-kōk qiāoquè rocky (soil, ground).¹¹
(See 確 kōk).
kok1 8740
112 15 kōk què sure, certain, secure, real, true, valid; firm, firmly.⁷
(variant: 碻 kōk què).
确保[確保] kōk-bāo
quèbǎo ensure; guarantee.⁵
确诊[確診] kōk-chīn
quèzhěn make a definite diagnosis; diagnose.⁵
确凿[確鑿] kōk-dòk
quèzuò conclusive; authentic; irrefutable.⁵
确定[確定] kōk-èin
quèdìng define; fix; determine.⁵
确乎[確乎] kōk-fũ
quèhū really; indeed.⁵
确据[確據] kōk-guï
quèjū irrefutable/definite evidence.¹¹
确系[確係] kōk-hài
quèxì actually is.¹¹
确立[確立] kōk-lìp
quèlì establish.⁵
确认[確認] kōk-ngìn
quèrèn affirm; confirm; acknowledge.⁵
确实[確實] kōk-sìt
quèshí true, reliable; really, indeed.⁵
确切[確切] kōk-tēik
quèqiè definite; exact; precise.⁵
确信[確信] kōk-xïn
quèxìn firmly believe; be convinced.⁵
明确[明確] mẽin-kōk
míngquè clear and definite, clear-cut, explicit, unequivocal; make clear.⁵
千真万确[千真萬確] tëin-jïn-màn-kōk
qiānzhēnwànquè absolutely true; as sure as a gun; incontrovertibly true.⁶
<台> 确![確!] kōk! (=岂有此理[豈有此理] hī-yiû-xū-lî
qǐyǒucǐlǐ) absurd, preposterous; how could this be?
<台> 确门[確門] kōk-mõn knock at door.
(See 确 kōk; 碻 kōk).
kok1 8741
112 15 kōk què (=确[確] kōk què sure, certain, secure, real, true, valid; firm, firmly.⁷); solid.⁸
(composition: ⿰石高; U+78BB).
碻磝 kōk-ngào
què'áo an uneven appearance produced by many rocks; name of a city 津渡 Jün-ù Jīndù (lit. a ferry crossing) in Shandong Province.⁵⁴
(See 確 kōk).
kok1 8742
142 26 kōk a black insect with six legs capable of ejecting poison for self-defense.⁷
蠼螋 kōk-xēo or kuĩ-xēo qúsōu earwig.⁸ Labidura riparia.
<又> kuĩ, kūt.
(See 蠼 kuĩ.; 蠼 kūt.)
kok1 8743
157 27 kōk jué take quick, short steps.⁸ bend; leap.¹⁰ to leap; to bend; respectful steps before a superior.¹⁴ swiftly; jump.¹⁹ to step in a respectful manner.²⁵ a short quick step, deemed to be a respectful gait in the presence of superiors; to leap; to bend as if ready to kneel.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰⻊矍; U+8EA9).
足躩如也 dūk-kōk-nguĩ-yâ zú jué rú yě his legs seemed to bend under him – of Confucius.¹⁴ legs seem to give way.⁵⁴ (Confucius') limbs seemed to bend, – as he received guests.¹⁰² and his legs to bend under him.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《論語·鄉黨·4》, translated by James Legge).
凫浴虾躩[鳧浴蝦躩] fũ-yùk-hâ-kōk
fúyùxiājué when the mallard bathes, the prawns jump out of the way.¹⁰²
蹇裳躩步 gēin-sẽng-kōk-bù
jiǎnchángjuébù he gathered up his skirts and strode across.¹⁴ lift the dress so that you can step quicker.¹⁰²
躩步 kōk-bù
juébù to walk with a rapid step.²⁵
躩走 kōk-dēo
juézǒu to walk with a long stride.¹⁴
躩跳 kōk-hẽl
juétiào to leap; to leap across.¹⁴
蝯躩 yõn-kōk
yuánjué the monkeys jumped.⁵⁴
kok1 8744
163 9 kōk hǎo ancient place name in modern 陕西省[陝西省] Sēm-xäi sāng Shǎnxī shěng Shaanxi Province.; Hao surname.
kok1 8745
170 10 kōk guō a mountain in Shanxi Province, name of a county in old times.⁸ (=崞 kōk guō name of a mountain and a county in Shanxi Province).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰阝享; U+49D0).
(See 崞 kōk).
kok1 8746
173 16 kōk huò (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 霍 fōk huò with same meaning.)
<又> fōk.
(See 霍 fōk.)
kok1 8747
30 19 kök huò oh, wow; laugh boisterously.⁶
嚯, 这座楼可真高啊![嚯, 這座樓可真高啊!] kök, jëh-dò-lẽo hō-jïn-gäo à! huò, zhèzuòlóu kězhēngāo à! Wow! This is really a tall building.⁶
嚯嚯大笑 kök-kök-ài-xël
huòhuòdàxiào guffaw.⁶
kok2 8748
53 广 13 kök kuò wide, extensive; <wr.> expand, enlarge, extend, spread; outline.⁶
空廓 hüng-kök kōngkuò open, vast, spacious.⁶
廓大 kök-ài
kuòdà broad; spacious.¹¹
廓土 kök-hū
kuòtǔ an open ground.⁷ large, vacant area.¹⁴
廓张[廓張] kök-jëng
kuòzhāng <wr.> expand; enlarge; extend; spread.⁶
廓落 kök-lòk
kuòluò <wr.> spacious and still/quiet.⁶
廓然 kök-ngẽin
kuòrán spacious; vast, boundless; unprejudiced, unbiased.⁷
廓清 kök-tëin
kuòqīng sweep away; clean up.⁵
寥廓 lẽl-kök
liáokuò <wr.> boundless, vast.⁶  broad, apparently limitless; silent and serene.¹¹
轮廓[輪廓] lũn-kök
lúnkuò outline, contour, rough sketch; general/rough idea.⁶
耳廓 ngī-kök
ěrkuò (=耳郭 ngī-kök ěrguō) auricle; external or outer ear; pinna.⁶
kok2 8749
64 19 kök huō to beckon, to urge; to turn the palm of the hand; to shovel from one place to another; to shovel; to shovel coal/ore.⁵⁴  to recall one with the hand; to move a thing back, or as when using a fan; to strike.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰扌霍; U+6509).
鞭攉[戲攉] bëin-kök biānhuō to whip, as when driving off a crowd; to flog.¹⁰²
戏攉[戲攉] hï-kök
xìhuō to make a fool of.¹⁰²
攉酒 kök-diū
huōjiǔ a patent to sell wine.¹⁹
攉土 kök-hū
huōtǔ to shovel earth.⁰
攉铜[攉銅] kök-hũng
huōtóng to steal people's money.¹⁹
攉面[攉麵] kök-mèin
huōmiàn to knead the dough.⁵⁴
攉煤机[攉煤機] kök-mõi-gï
huōméijī coal shovel machine.⁵⁴
攉煤工人 kök-mõi-güng-ngĩn
huōméigōngrén coal shoveler.⁰
攉手 kök-siū
huōshǒu to motion off; to gesticulate.¹⁰²
kok2 8750
75 12 kök guǒ an outer coffin; a brick vault.¹⁴ the outer shell of a coffin; also the name of a tree; to measure.²⁴ outer coffin; vault.³⁶ the outer coffin, the case which includes the coffin; to estimate, to measure.¹⁰²
(variant: 槨 kök guǒ). (See 槨 kök).
(Note: Some dictionaries consider this character 椁 kök guǒ to be a simplified form of 槨 kök guǒ while others consider it to be a variant).
(composition: ⿰木享; U+6901).
or 棺槨 gön-kök guānguǒ inner and outer coffins; coffin.⁶
or 椁周于棺[槨周於棺] kök-jiü-yï-gön guǒzhōuyúguān the case incloses the coffin.¹⁰²
or 石槨 sêk-kök shíguǒ a stone coffin; a sarcophagus.²⁴ a stone sarcophagus.¹⁰²
or 衣衾棺槨 yï-gîm-gön-kök yīqīn guānguǒ burial gown, coverlet, coffin and coffin case.¹¹
Yòt: "Fēo. Vì-gön-kök-yï-gîm-jï-mî-yâ."
Yuē:`Fǒu. Wèi guānguǒ yīqīn zhī měi yě.'
(The duke) said, 'No; I refer to the greater excellence of the coffin, the shell, the grave-clothes, and the shroud.'⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《孟子·梁惠王下·23》, translated by James Legge).

kok2 8751
75 14 kök guǒ (=椁 kök guǒ an outer coffin; a brick vault.¹⁴ the outer shell of a coffin; also the name of a tree; to measure.²⁴ outer coffin; vault.³⁶ the outer coffin, the case which includes the coffin; to estimate, to measure.¹⁰²).
(Note: Some dictionaries consider this character 槨 kök guǒ to be a traditional form of 椁 kök guǒ while others consider it to be a variant).
(composition: ⿰木郭; U+69E8).
(See 椁 kök).
kok2 8752
85 11 kök <wr.> dry.⁶
干涸[乾涸] gön-kök gānhé (of a river, lake) dry, dried-up.⁶
涸辙[涸轍] kök-chēt
hézhé lit. fish in a dry rut – men in dire poverty.⁷
涸辙之鲋[涸轍之鮒] kök-chēt-jï-fù
hézhézhīfù a fish trapped in a dry rut – a person in a desperate situation.⁵
涸鲋[涸鮒] kök-fù
héfù stranded; at the last gasp.¹⁴
涸竭 kök-gèik
héjié dried-up; exhausted.⁶
涸干[涸乾] kök-gön
hégān dried-up; exhausted.⁷
涸泽[涸澤] kök-jàk
hézé a dried-up lake; to dry up a lake.⁷
涸泽而渔[涸澤而漁] kök-jàk-ngĩ-nguĩ
hézé'éryú drain the pond to get the fish in it; kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.⁶
枯涸 kü-kök
kūhé dried up; exhausted.⁶
<台> 涸 kök thirsty.
<台> 我好涸欸,有水饮吗?[我好涸欸,有水飲嗎?] Ngô-hāo-kök-ë, yiü-suī-ngīm-mä? I am very thirsty. Do you have any water for me?
kok2 8753
85 13 kök kuò river in 河北 Hõ-bāk Héběi Hebei Province.⁸ clashing of two currents.¹⁰
漷河 Kök-hõ
Kuòhé Kuohe River in 河北 Hõ-bāk Héběi Hebei Province.⁵⁴
漷水 Kök-suī
Kuòshuǐ old name for 南沙河 Nãm-sâ-hõ Nánshāhé Nanshahe River in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province.⁸
漷县[漷縣] Kök-yòn
Kuòxiàn name of a village or small town in 北京 Bāk-gëin Běijīng Beijing.⁸
kok2 8754
140 19 kök huò leaves of a legume; bean sprouts.⁷ Lophanthus rugosus, betony.⁸ leaves of pulse plants.³⁹ Lophanthus rugosus, beans.⁴³
荳藿 èo-kök
dòuhuò bean leaves.¹¹
葵藿 kĩ-kök
kuíhuò (inferiors in self-deprecation) cheap, worthless things.¹¹
藿羹 kök-gäng
huògēng <wr.> coarse food.⁷
藿香 kök-hëng
huòxiāng wrinkled giant hyssop; <bot.> Agastache rugosa.¹⁰  betony, mint herb.¹¹
藿食 kök-sèik
huòshí <wr.> coarse food.⁷
鹿藿 lùk-kök
lùhuò a bean plant, Rhynchosia volubilis.¹¹
淫羊藿 yĩm-yẽng-kök
yínyánghuò <bot.> Epimedium, genus of herbaceous flowering plant, cultivated in the Far East as aphrodisiac; also called barrenwort or horny goatweed (said to resemble crushed goat's testicles).¹⁰  Epimedium macranthum var. violaceum.¹¹
kok2 8755
142 20 kök (=蜇 jēt zhē) <topo.> (of bees, wasps) sting.⁶
(See 蜇 [jēt, zhē].)
kok2 8756
163 10 kök guō outer wall of city; frame, rim.⁶ Guo surname.⁸
郛郭 fũ-kök fúguō booming suburbs outside city; shelter; shield; protect.¹ outer defense of place.¹¹
郭隗 Kök Vī
Guō Wěi (351 B.C.E.-279 B.C.E.), guest minister to 燕昭襄王 Yên-Jël-Xëng-Võng Yàn Zhāo Xiāng Wáng (335 B.C.E.-279 B.C.E.).²³ (See 请自隗始[請自隗始] tēin-dù-vī-chī.)
南郭 Nãm-kök
Nán'guō Nanguo compound surname.⁸
耳郭 ngī-kök
ěrguō or 耳廓 ngī-kök ěrkuò auricle; external or outer ear; pinna.⁶
城郭 sẽin-kök
chéngguō city walls.⁸ <old> a city wall (城: the inner wall; 郭: the outer wall); broadly: a city.⁹
东郭[東郭] Üng-kök
Dōngguō Dongguo compound surname.⁸
东郭先生[東郭先生] Üng-kök-xëin-säng
Dōngguōxiānsheng Master Dongguo (the scholar who narrowly escaped being eaten by a wolf which he had helped to hide from a hunter) – a naive person who gets into trouble through being kind to evil people.⁹
kok2 8757
177 17 kök kuò leather; tanning leather; boots.⁸ hairless animal skin.⁹ skin; leather.¹⁰ <lit.> animal hide or skin with hair removed.³⁶ skin from which the hair has been taken; soft, well curried leather; chamois-leather.¹⁰² (old variant: 鞹 kök kuò).
(composition: ⿰革享; U+979F).
or 虎豹之鞹 fū-bäo-jï-kök hǔbàozhīkuò the hides of tigers and leopards.¹⁰²
Fū-bäo-jï-kök, yiũ-hūn-yẽng-jï-kök.
Hǔ bào zhī kuò, yóu quǎn yáng zhī kuò.
The hide of a tiger or a leopard stripped of its hair, is like the hide of a dog or a goat stripped of its hair.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《論語·顏淵·8》, translated by James Legge).
or 朱鞹 jï-kök zhūkuò red leather, once used in covering carriages.¹⁰²
(See 鞹 kök).
kok2 8758
177 19 kök kuò (<old>=鞟 kök kuò leather; tanning leather; boots.⁸ hairless animal skin.⁹ skin; leather.¹⁰ <lit.> animal hide or skin with hair removed.³⁶ skin from which the hair has been taken; soft, well curried leather; chamois-leather.¹⁰²).⁸
(composition: ⿰革郭; U+97B9).
Döi-kuï-bòk-bòk, èin-fūt-jï-kök.
Zài qū báo báo, diàn fú zhū kuò.
She urges on her chariot rapidly,
With its screen of bamboos woven in squares, and its vermilion coloured leather.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·齊風·載驅·1》, translated by James Legge).
(See 鞟 kök).
kok2 8759
61 7 kōng kāng (=慷 kōng kāng) ardent, impassioned; generous, liberal, magnanimous, unselfish.⁷
(composition: ⿰忄亢; U+5FFC).
<又> hòng; köng.
(See 忼 hòng; 忼 köng; 慷 kōng).
kong1 8760
61 14 kōng kāng ardent, impassioned; generous, liberal, magnanimous, unselfish.⁷ (variant: 忼 kōng).
(composition: ⿰忄康; U+6177)
慷慨 kōng-köi kāngkǎi generous, unselfish, liberal; (usually said of a hero) vehement, fervent; ardent.⁷
慷慨悲歌 kōng-köi-bï-gô
kāngkǎibēigē sing with passionate sorrow; sing with solemn fervor.⁶
慷慨陈词[慷慨陳詞] kōng-köi-chĩn-xũ
kāngkǎichéncí present one's views vehemently; express one's opinions excitedly; speak with righteous indignaton; speak with fervor.⁶
慷慨就义[慷慨就義] kōng-köi-diù-ngì
kāngkǎijiùyì go to one's death like a hero; die a martyr's death.⁵
慷慨解囊 kōng-köi-gāi-nõng
kāngkǎijiěnáng to make generous contributions (of funds).⁷
慷慨激昂 kōng-köi-gēik-ngõng
kāngkǎijī'áng impassioned; vehement.⁶
(See 忼 kōng).
kong1 8761
85 12 kōng gǎng a harbor, a seaport; a bay, a gulf; short for Hong Kong.⁶
香港 Hëng-Kōng Xiānggǎng Hong Kong.⁷
港澳 Kōng-Äo
Gǎng-Ào Hongkong and Macau. (香港 Hëng-Kōng Xiānggǎng and 澳门[澳門] Äo-mõn Àomén).⁶
港币[港幣] Kōng-bài
Gǎngbì Hong Kong currency.⁷
港汊 kōng-chä
gǎngchà branching stream.⁶
港九 Kōng-Giū
Gǎng-Jiǔ Hong Kong-Kowloon.⁷
港口 kōng-hēo
gǎngkǒu port; harbor.⁵
港式 Kōng-sēik
Gǎngshì Hong Kong style.³⁹
港税[港稅] kōng-suï
gǎngshuì <com.> port dues.⁷
港湾[港灣] kōng-vän
gǎngwān harbor; a bay, a gulf.⁷
港元 Kōng-yõn
Gǎngyuán Hong Kong currency.⁷
kong1 8762
2 5 köng kuàng (<old>=矿[礦] köng kuàng) ore/mineral deposit; ore; mine.⁵
<又> gän.
(See 丱 gän; 礦 köng.)
kong2 8763
8 4 köng kàng ➀ high ➁ haughty ➂ <wr.>excessive; extreme ➃ the second of the twenty-eight constellations.⁶
(composition: ⿱亠几; U+4EA2).
不卑不亢 būt-bï-būt-köng bùbēibùkàng or 不亢不卑 būt-köng-būt-bï bùkàngbùbēi neither supercilious nor obsequious.⁶
高亢 gäo-köng
gāokàng  ➀ (of a sound or voice) loud and sonorous; ringing; resounding ➁ (of terrain) high ➂ <wr.> arrogant; haughty; supercilious; high and mighty.⁶
亢进[亢進] köng-dïn
kàngjìn <med.> hyperfunction.⁶
亢宗 köng-düng kàngzōng to exalt the family name; to promote the interests of the clan.¹⁴
亢奋[亢奮] köng-fûn
kàngfèn very excited; stimulated.⁶
亢气[亢 氣] köng-hï
kàngqì domineering; violent temper.¹⁴
亢旱 köng-hön
or köng-hôn kànghàn or 亢阳[亢陽] köng-yẽng kàngyáng <wr.> severe drought.⁶ hot, dry weather.¹⁴
亢直 köng-jèik
kàngzhí <wr.> upright and unyielding.⁶
亢礼[亢禮] köng-lâi kànglǐ to treat each other as equals, without regarding formal etiquette, ceremonials, etc.¹⁴
亢排 köng-pãi kàngpái a bully.¹⁴
亢宿 köng-xiü
kàngxiù the second of the twenty-eight constellations.¹⁴
<又> käng.
(See 亢 käng).
kong2 8764
9 6 köng kàng spouse.
伉俪[伉儷] köng-lài kànglì <wr.> married couple; husband and wife.
伉俪情深[伉儷情深] köng-lài-tẽin-sïm
kànglìqíngshēn married couple very much in love.
伉俍 köng-lẽng
kàngliáng or 伉浪 köng-lòng kànglàng bold, straightforward and unrestrained.¹⁹
贤伉俪[賢伉儷] yẽn-köng-lài
xiánkànglì <court.> you and your spouse.
kong2 8765
9 16 𠆲
köng kuǎng  unstable.⁸ uneven.²⁴ (also read as köng kuàng).
t: ⿰亻廣; U+5123). (comp. s: ⿰亻广; U+201B2).
❄{⿰亻广}俍[儣俍] köng-lẽng kuǎngliáng or kuàngliáng uneven.²ʼ¹⁹  irregular.²⁴ unstable, unsteady.³⁶
kong2 8766
19 8 köng kuāng flurried, be in flurry, zealous.⁸ zealous; prompt.¹⁴
(composition:  ⿰匡力; U+52BB).
劻勷 köng-ngẽng kuāngráng <wr.> anxious.⁶ <wr.> critical, hard pressed; hurriedly.¹¹ quick, hasty.¹⁴ in haste; urgent.²⁴ flustered.³⁶
kong2 8767
22 6 köng kàng (=炕 köng kàng) heatable brick or adobe bed, common in North China; <topo.> bake/dry by the heat of a fire.⁶
(See 炕 köng).
kong2 8768
22 6 köng kuāng to rectify; Kuang surname.
匡济[匡濟] köng-däi or höng-däi kuāngjì to relieve distress; to help over a difficulty.
匡扶社稷 köng-fũ-sêh-dēik
or höng-fũ-sêh-dēik kuāngfúshèjì (of states within the nation) to support the ruler in governing the country.¹⁰
匡复[匡復] köng-fūk
or höng-fūk kuāngfù <wr.> to save the state; to restore (lost territory).
匡计[匡計] köng-gäi
or höng-gäi kuāngjì to calculate roughly; to estimate.
匡时[匡時] köng-sĩ
or höng-sĩ kuāngshí to remedy evils of the times.
匡时济世[匡時濟世] köng-sĩ-däi-säi
or höng-sĩ-däi-säi kuāngshíjìshì to guide the country over a crisis and do good for the people.
<又> höng.
(See 匡 höng.)
kong2 8769
30 9 köng kuāng <ono.> crash; bang; rattle; clatter.⁹
哐哐啷啷 köng-köng-lõng-lõng kuāngkuānglānglāng <ono.> crash; clank; clatter.¹⁰
哐啷 köng-lõng
kuānglāng <ono.> clang; clatter; bang; crash; clank.¹⁰
kong2 8770
32 17 köng kuàng tomb; grave; prairie; open wilderness.
圹埌[壙埌] köng-lòng kuànglàng <wr.> boundless.
圹穴[壙穴] köng-yòt
kuàngxué open grave; coffin pit.
生圹[生壙] säng-köng
shēngkuàng tomb built by a person for himself, while living.
kong2 8771
37 6 köng kuǎng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 夼 kâng kuǎng with same meaning.)
<又> kâng.
(See 夼 kâng.)
kong2 8772
40 14 köng kǎng (Southwestern Mandarin) lid; cover.³⁶
(composition: ⿱宀康; U+3769).
<又> gēik; höng; lõng. (See 㝩 gēik; 㝩 höng; 㝩 lõng).
kong2 8773
61 7 köng kàng (=亢 köng kàng) ➀ high ➁ haughty ➂ <wr.>excessive; extreme ➃ the second of the twenty-eight constellations.⁶
(composition: ⿰忄亢; U+5FFC).
<又> hòng; kōng.
(See 忼 hòng; 忼 kōng; 亢 köng).

kong2 8774
61 9 köng kuāng fearful; scared.⁹ to fear; apprehensive.¹⁰  frightened, fearful.¹¹ to fear, to be afraid of; timid.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄匡; U+6047).
恇惧[恇懼] köng-guì kuāngjù <wr.> afraid, fearful.¹¹
恇怯 köng-hèp
kuāngqiè <wr.> timid.¹¹
恇骇[恇駭] köng-hôi
kuānghài <wr.> frightened.¹¹
恇扰[恇擾] köng-ngêl
kuāngrǎo <wr.> to harass.¹¹
恇勷 köng-ngẽng
kuāngráng <wr.> hard pressed, harassed.¹¹
kong2 8775
64 6 köng káng to lift (especially when only a single person is involved); to shoulder.
(composition: ⿰扌工; U+625B).
肩扛 gän-köng jiānkáng to carry on one's shoulders.
扛大梁 köng-ài-lẽng
kángdàliáng to take up the main task.
扛叉的 köng-chä-ēik
kángchāde person protecting prostitutes.
扛在肩上 köng-dòi-gän-sèng
kángzàijiānshàng to carry on the shoulder; shoulder.
扛鼎 köng-ēin
kángdǐng to lift a tripod (as a feat of srength); to be gifted for high office.
扛夫 köng-fü
kángfū porter; worker employed to carry loads on his shoulders.
扛活 köng-vòt
kánghuó to work as a farm laborer.
<又> göng.
(See 扛 göng.)
kong2 8776
64 7 köng kàng to resist, to oppose; to reject, to refute, to rebuke, to defy; high and virtuous; to raise, to set up; to hide, to conceal, to screen, to secrete; Kang surname. resist, oppose, defy, reject.⁸
抗暴 köng-bào
kàngbào to oppose tyranny.⁷
抗辩[抗辯] köng-bèin
kàngbiàn to speak out in one's own defense; to refute; to rebut or retort.⁷
抗病 köng-bèng
kàngbìng <agr.> disease-resistant.⁷
抗捕 köng-bù
kàngbǔ to resist arrest.⁷
抗击[抗擊] köng-gēik
kàngjī resist; fight against/back.⁶
抗体[抗體] köng-hāi
kàngtǐ antibody.⁸
抗战[抗戰] köng-jën
kàngzhàn a war of resistance.⁷
抗传[抗傳] köng-chũn
kàngchuán to refuse to answer a court sommons.⁷
抗拒 köng-kuî
kàngjù to resist; to oppose.⁷
抗涝[抗澇] köng-lâo
kànglào defenses against floods.¹⁰
抗礼[抗禮] köng-lâi
kànglǐ to equal; to treat each other as equals without regard to etiquette or formalities.⁷
抗癌 köng-ngãm
kàng’ái anti-cancer.⁸
抗议[抗議] köng-ngì
kàngyì to protest; a protest.⁷
抗原 köng-ngũn
kàngyuán antigen.⁸
抗毒素 köng-ùk-xü
kàngdúsù an antitoxin.⁷
对抗[對抗] uï-köng
duìkàng oppose, resist, counter; confront, antagonize.⁶
kong2 8777
64 17 köng kuò to enlarge.
扩大[擴大] köng-ài kuòdà to enlarge; to expand..
扩充[擴充] köng-chüng
kuòchōng to expand.
扩建[擴建] köng-gèin
kuòjiàn to expand (factory, mine).
扩军[擴軍] köng-gün kuòjūn <mil.> to expand arms.
扩张[擴張] köng-jëng
kuòzhāng to expand; to broaden.
扩展[擴展] köng-jīn
kuòzhǎn expand, spread, extend, develop.⁵
扩散[擴散] köng-xän
kuòsàn to spread; to diffuse.
扩音机[擴音機] köng-yïn-gï
kuòyīnjī audio amplifier; public address amplifier/receiver.⁶
彩扩[彩擴] tōi-köng
cǎikuò to make enlargements of color prints.⁶
<又> kōk.
(See 擴 kōk.)
kong2 8778
72 18 köng kuàng vast, spacious; free from worries and petty ideas; neglect; loose-fitting.⁵
地旷人稀[地曠人稀] ì-köng-ngĩn-hï or ì-fōng-ngĩn-hï dìkuàngrénxī a vast territory with a sparse population.⁵
旷达[曠達] köng-àt
or fōng-àt kuàngdá <wr.> broad-minded; big-hearted.⁵
旷废[曠廢] köng-fī
or fōng-fī kuàngfèi neglect.⁵
旷废学业[曠廢學業] köng-fī-hòk-ngèp
or fōng-fī-hòk-ngèp kuàngfèixuéyè neglect one's studies.⁵
旷课[曠課] köng-fö
or fōng-fö kuàngkè be absent from school without leave; cut school.⁵
旷古[曠古] köng-gū
or fōng-gū kuànggǔ from time immemorial.⁵
旷工[曠工] köng-güng
or fōng-güng kuànggōng stay away from work without leave or good reason.⁵
旷职[曠職] köng-jēik
or fōng-jēik kuàngzhí be absent from duty without leave or good reason.⁵
旷日持久[曠日持久] köng-ngìt-chĩ-giū
or fōng-ngìt-chĩ-giū kuàngrìchíjiǔ long-drawn-out; protracted; prolonged.⁵
旷世[曠世] köng-säi
or fōng-säi kuàngshì incomparable; none to compare with at that time.¹⁰
旷野[曠野] köng-yêh
or fōng-yêh kuàngyě wilderness.⁵
<又> fōng.
(See 曠 fōng.)
kong2 8779
85 7 köng hàng <wr.> endless stretch of water.⁶ mist, fog; a vast expanse of fog.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰氵亢; U+6C86).
沆瀣 köng-hài hàngxiè <lit.> evening mist.⁵ʼ³⁶ a smokey mist.¹⁴
沆瀣一气[沆瀣一氣] köng-hài-yīt-hï
hàngxièyīqì act in collusion with, wallow in the mire with; like attracts like.⁵ (to talk, think) in the same vein; the meeting of minds; to gang up for an objective.⁷
沆溉 köng-köi
hànggài <wr.> moderately flowing waters.⁷
沆茫 köng-mõng
hàngmáng an expanse of water; water everywhere.⁷ a marshy waste.¹⁴ expanse of water.⁵⁴
沆漭 köng-mông
hàngmǎng wide; boundless.⁶
沆砀[沆碭] köng-òng hàngdàng white mists.¹⁴
沆瀁 köng-yèng
hàngyàng expansove waters.⁷ deep and vast – as a great lake.¹⁴ vast and extensive.²⁴
kong2 8780
85 9 köng kuāng 洭河 Köng-hõ Kuānghé Kuang River, a river in 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Guangdong Province.⁸
kong2 8781
86 8 köng kàng heatable brick or adobe bed, common in North China; <topo.> bake/dry by the heat of a fire.⁶ (variant: 匟 köng kàng).
火炕 fō-köng
huǒkàng heated brick bed.⁵
炕单儿[炕單兒] köng-än-ngĩ
kàngdānr sheet for a kang.⁶
炕床 köng-chõng
kàngchuáng a brick bed warmed by a fire underneath.⁷
炕席 köng-dèk
kàngxí kang mat.⁶
炕头[炕頭] köng-hẽo
kàngtóu <topo.> warmer end of a kang; edge of a kang.⁶
炕桌 köng-jēk
kàngzhuō kang table (small short-legged table for use on a kang).⁶
炕梢 köng-säo
kàngshāo <topo.> colder end of a kang.⁶
炕洞 köng-ùng
kàngdòng flue of a kang.⁶
炕沿 köng-yõn
kàngyán the outer edge of a brick bed.⁷
(See 匟 köng).
kong2 8782
94 17 köng guǎng <wr.> rustic, uncouth, boorish.⁵ fierce and rude, uncivilized.⁷
粗犷[粗獷] tü-köng cūguǎng crude and uncivilized.¹¹
犷俗[獷俗] köng-dùk
guǎngsú uncivilized customs; barbarian ways.⁷
犷敌[獷敵] köng-èik
guǎngdí a savage enemy; a deadly rival.⁷
犷悍[獷悍] köng-hòn
guǎnghàn tough and intrepid.⁵ rude and brutal.⁷
kong2 8783
109 11 köng kuàng eye socket; rim of eye.⁸
高眶 gäo-köng gāokuàng deep eye-balls.²⁴
眶压计[眶壓計] köng-āt-gäi
kuàngyājì <med.> orbitonometer.⁶
眶下裂 köng-hà-lëik
kuàngxiàliè <med.> inferior orbital fissure.⁶
眶炎 köng-yèm
kuàngyán <med.> orbititis.⁶
目眶 mùk-köng
mùkuàng eye socket.¹¹
眼眶 ngān-köng
yǎnkuàng eye socket, orbit; rim of eye.⁸
眼眶大 ngān-köng-ài
yǎnkuàngdà proud; having high expectations.²⁴
眼泪夺眶而出[眼淚奪眶而出] ngān-luì-ùt-köng-ngĩ-chūt
yǎnlèiduókuàng'érchū tears starting from eye's eyes.⁵
热泪盈眶[熱淚盈眶] ngèik-luì-ngẽin-köng
rèlèiyíngkuàng one's eyes filled with tears.⁵
夺眶而出[奪眶而出] ùt-köng-ngĩ-chūt
duókuàng'érchū (tears) break out (cannot be kept back); brim over (with tears).¹¹
kong2 8784
112 9 köng kàng (composition: ⿰石亢; U+780A).
砊硠 köng-lõng kàngláng the sound of stones striking against each other.²⁵
<又> höng.
(See 砊 höng).
kong2 8785
112 13 köng kěng obstinate.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱臤石; U+787B).
<又> häng. (See 硻 häng).
kong2 8786
112 19 köng kuàng ore/mineral deposit; ore; mine.⁵ (variant: 鑛 köng kuàng; 丱 köng kuàng).
开矿[開礦] höi-köng
kāikuàng mine; exploit a mine.⁸
矿产[礦產] köng-chān
kuàngchǎn mineral products; minerals.⁵
矿井[礦井] köng-dēng
kuàngjǐng mine; pit.⁵
矿工[礦工] köng-güng
kuànggōng miner.⁵
矿溚[礦溚] köng-hāp
kuàngtǎ mineral tar.⁹
矿区[礦區] köng-kuï
kuàngqū a mining district; an ore field.⁷
矿物[礦物] köng-mùt
or köng-mòt kuàngwù mineral.⁵
矿物油[礦物油] köng-mùt-yiũ
kuàngwùyóu mineral oil.⁷
矿山[礦山] köng-sän
kuàngshān mine.⁵
矿石[礦石] köng-sèk
kuàngshí ore.⁵
矿藏[礦藏] köng-tõng
kuàngcáng mineral resources.⁵
矿泉[礦泉] köng-tũn
kuàngquán mineral spring.⁵
矿泉水[礦泉水] köng-tũn-suī
kuàngquánshuǐ mineral  water.⁵
(See 鑛 köng; 丱 köng.)
kong2 8787
118 12 köng kuāng a rectangular chest or box woven from bamboo strips (or wicker); a shallow basket.⁷
饭筐[飯筐] fàn-köng kànkuāng lunch basket.⁵⁴
筐子 köng-dū
kuāngzi a bamboo chest.⁷
筐篚 köng-fī
kuāngfěi a bamboo container: 筐 is a square one and 篚 is a round one; a gift.¹⁹
筐箧[筐篋] köng-gēp
kuāngqiè a rectangular box/chest.⁷
筐箧中物[筐篋中物] köng-gēp-jüng-mùt
or köng-gēp-jüng-mòt kuāngqièzhōngwù a commonplace thing.⁷
筐儿[筐兒] köng-ngĩ
kuāngr a bamboo chest.⁷
籧筐 kuĩ-köng
qúkuāng a frame for cultivating silkworms.¹¹
篓筐[簍筐] lêo-köng
lǒukuāng basket.¹⁹
箩筐[籮筐] lõ-köng
or lũ-köng luókuāng a large bamboo or wicker basket.⁸
kong2 8788
120 12 köng kuàng (=纩[纊] köng kuàng) <wr.> silk floss; silk wadding.⁶
(composition: ⿰糹光; U+7D56).
(See 纊 köng.)
kong2 8789
120 20 köng kuàng <wr.> silk floss; silk wadding.⁶ (variant: 絖 köng kuàng.)
t: ⿰糹廣; U+7E8A). (comp. s: ⿰纟广; U+7EA9).
纩服[纊服] köng-fùk
kuàngfú clothes filled with cotton.¹⁹
纩中引线[纊中引線] köng-jüng-yîn-xëin
kuàng zhōng yǐn xiàn to draw a thread of silk from a confused mass of floss – to bring order out of disorder.¹⁴
纩缯[纊繒] köng-däng
kuàngzēng silk floss and silk in general.¹⁹
纩緜[纊緜] köng-mẽin
kuàngmián silk floss; silk wadding.¹⁹
纩绵[纊綿] köng-mẽin
kuàngmián silk floss; silk wadding.¹⁹
纩息[纊息] köng-xēik
kuàngxī breath of a dying person.¹⁹
纩絮[纊絮] köng-xuî
kuàngxù unsorted cotton.¹⁴
纩衣[纊衣] köng-yï
kuàngyī clothes filled with cotton.¹⁹
属纩[屬纊] sùk-köng
shǔkuàng <wr.> place cotton near nostrils and mouth to determine if dying person has stopped breathing.¹¹
丝纩[絲纊] xû-köng
sīkuàng silks.¹⁴
<又> fōng.
(See 纊 fōng; 絖 köng).
kong2 8790
159 18 köng kěng strong and durable (same as 轂 gūk ) hub (of a wheel), wheel.⁸ a strong carriage; the rumbling of a cart.²⁵
(composition: ⿱殸車; U+4870).
kong2 8791
162 7 köng háng <wr.> animal track, wheel track; path.⁶ marks or tracks left by animals; road; path.⁹
鹿迒 lùk-köng lùháng deer track.⁸
kong2 8792
163 8 köng kuāng an old district name, in present day Shanxi (山西 Sän-xäi Shānxī) Province, Wenxi (闻喜县[聞喜縣] Mũn-Hī-Yòn Wénxǐxiàn) District.²ʼ⁸
(composition: ⿰匡阝; U+90BC).
kong2 8793
163 16 köng kuàng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 邝[鄺] föng kuàng influenced by Cantonese); Kuang surname.
<又> föng.
(See 鄺 föng.)
kong2 8794
167 12 köng kàng scandium (Sc).⁸
钪钇石[鈧釔石] köng-yōt-sêk kàngyǐshí thortveitite.⁹
kong2 8795
167 22 köng kuàng (=礦 köng kuàng) ore/mineral deposit; ore; mine.⁵
(See 礦 köng).
kong2 8796
169 12 köng kàng <wr.> lofty, tall.⁶
(See 閌[köng, kāng].)
kong2 8797
169 12 köng kāng 闶阆[閌閬] köng-lông kāngláng <topo.> empty space in a building.⁶
(See 閌[köng, kàng].)
kong2 8798
188 13 köng kǎng 肮葬[骯葬] köng-döng kǎngzàng fat; corpulent.²⁵
肮脏[骯髒] köng-dòng
kǎngzāng <wr.> fat; upright.¹¹
<又> öng.
(See 骯 öng.)
kong2 8799
61 11 kõng kuáng an error; a blunder; to cheat, to swindle, to defraud; confused; deceit; to deceive.⁸ʼ¹⁰ʼ³⁶
(composition: ⿱狂心; U+392E).
<又> gàng. (See 㤮 gàng).
kong3 8800
94 7 kõng kuáng mad, crazy; violent; wild, unrestrained; arrogant, overbearing.⁵
狂飙[狂飆] kõng-bël kuángbiāo hurricane; vigorous or violent trend or force.⁶
狂飙期[狂飆期] kõng-bël-kĩ
kuángbiāoqī storm-and-stress period.¹⁹
狂吠 kõng-fì
kuángfèi bark furiously; howl.⁵
狂欢[狂歡] kõng-fön
kuánghuān revelry; carnival.⁵
狂风[狂風] kõng-füng
kuángfēng whole gale; fierce wind.⁵
狂风骤起[狂風驟起] kõng-füng-jào-hī
kuángfēngzhòuqǐ a strong wind struck all of a sudden.⁷
狂瞽 kõng-gū
kuánggǔ <wr.> my humble remarks.⁵⁴
狂喜 kõng-hī
kuángxǐ wild with joy.⁵
狂犬病 kõng-hūn-bèng
kuángquǎnbìng hydrophobia; rabies.⁵
狂澜[狂瀾] kõng-lãn
kuánglán raging waves; a critical situation; a desperate situation.⁸
狂妄 kõng-mông
kuángwàng wildly arrogant.⁵
狂热[狂熱] kõng-ngèik
kuángrè fanaticism.⁵
狂人 kõng-ngĩn
kuángrén madman; maniac.⁵
kong3 8801
104 12 kõng kuáng a fever.⁸ fever; perhaps delirium.²⁴
(composition: ⿸疒狂; U+3FA0).
kong3 8802
149 13 kõng kuāng to deceive; to cheat; to swindle; hoax.
诓哄[誆哄] kõng-hüng kuānghǒng to deceive.
诓人[誆人] kõng-ngĩn
kuāngrén to cheat people by lie or threat.
诓言[誆言] kõng-ngũn
kuāngyán lie; false words.
诓骗[誆騙] kõng-pëin
kuāngpiàn to deceive; to dupe.
诓话[誆話] kõng-và
kuānghuà lie; false words.
东诓西骗[東誆西騙] üng-kõng-xäi-pëin
dōngkuāngxīpiàn to swindle on all sides.
kong3 8803
149 14 kõng kuáng to deceive; to cheat; lies; falsehood.
欺诳[欺誑] hï-kõng qīkuáng to cheat.¹¹
诳语[誑語] kõng-nguî
kuángyǔ lies; falseshood.
诳骗[誑騙] kõng-pëin
kuángpiàn to swindle; to defraud; to deceive.
kong3 8804
162 7 kõng kuāng deceive, scare.⁸
(<old>=诓[誆] kõng kuāng) to deceive; to cheat.⁸
(<old>=恇 kõng
kuāng) fearful; scared.⁹ frightened, fearful.¹¹ to fear; apprehensive.¹⁰ 
(composition: ⿺辶王; U+8FCB).
<又> vông.
(See 迋 vông; 誆 kõng; 恇 kõng).
kong3 8805
85 16 köt

huò the sound produced by the fishing nets being dropped into the water.¹⁰¹ water stopped and converted into an eddy; the noise of casting a net into the water.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵歲; U+6FCA).
濊濊 köt-köt huòhuò sound of fishing net hitting water.³⁶
施罛濊濊 Sï-gü-köt-köt.
Shī gū huò huò.
The nets are dropt into them with a plashing sound.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·衛風·碩人》, translated by James Legge).
<又> vï; vòi; vì.
(See 濊 vï; 濊 vòi; 濊 vì).
kot2 8806
150 17 köt huò clear. open, open-minded, generous; exempt, remit.⁵
超豁 chël-köt chāohuò to exempt, pardon (from duty, punishment).¹¹
关税豁免[關稅豁免] gän-suï-köt-mêin
guānshuìhuòmiǎn tariff exemption.¹⁹
豁达[豁達] köt-àt
huòdá open and clear; generous or magnanimous, open-minded.⁷
豁达大度[豁達大度] köt-àt-ài-ù
huòdádàdù generous; open-minded and magnanimous.⁷
豁亮 köt-lèng
huòliàng bright and spacious.⁷
豁免 köt-mêin
huòmiǎn exempt (from taxes or from customs inspection); remit.⁵
豁然 köt-ngẽin
huòrán open and clear.⁷
豁然贯通[豁然貫通] köt-ngẽin-gön-hüng
huòránguàntōng to dawn upon one suddenly; understnad all of a sudden.⁷
豁然开朗[豁然開朗] köt-ngẽin-höi-lông
huòránkāilǎng to become clear or visible all of a sudden; (of space) to become extensive all of a sudden.⁷
豁如 köt-nguĩ
huòrú thoroughly clear.⁷
豁荡[豁蕩] köt-òng
huòdàng unrestrained; carefree.⁷
外交豁免权[外交豁免權] ngòi-gäo-köt-mêin-kũn
wàijiāo huòmiǎnquán diplomatic immunity.¹⁰
<又> hôt, vàk.
(See 豁 hôt; 豁 [köt, huō]; 豁 vàk.)
kot2 8807
150 17 köt huō slit, break, crack; give up, sacrifice.⁵
扒豁子 bä-köt-dū bāhuōzi to spoil one's plan by revealing secrets, pointing out flaws.¹¹
豁鼻子 köt-bì-dū
huōbízi to reveal someone's secret.¹¹
豁出去 köt-chūt-huï
huōchuqu to go ahead regardless; to be ready to risk everything.⁵
豁子 köt-dū
huōzi opening, crack, breach; harelipped person.⁶
豁嘴 köt-duī
huōzuǐ <vern.> harelip; a harelipped person.⁵
豁口 köt-hēo
huōkǒu opening; break; breach.⁵
豁着[豁著] köt-jèk
huōzhe to stake all, to risk; would rather.⁶
豁命 köt-mèin
huōmìng risk one's life.⁶
豁唇 köt-sũn
huōchún harelip.³⁹
<又> hôt, vàk.
(See 豁 hôt; 豁 [köt, huò]; 豁 vàk.)
kot2 8808
18 8 cut out, dig, rip up, scoop out.⁸ to cut open, to cut in two; to rip open, to rive; to cut down.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰夸刂; U+5233).
刳刀 kü-äo kūdāo drawshave.¹⁰
刳刨器 kü-pâo-hï
kūbàoqì router gauge
刳别孕妇[刳別孕婦] kü-bèik-yìn-fû
kūbié yùnfù to rip up pregnant women.¹⁰²
刳钻[刳鑽] kü-dön
kūzuàn routing bit.¹⁰
刳木 kü-mûk
kūmù to hollow out a tree.²⁴
刳木作臼 kü-mûk-dōk-giü
kūmùzuòjiù to scoop out a block of wood for a mortar.¹⁰²
刳木为舟[刳木為舟] kü-mûk-vĩ-jiü
kūmùwéizhōu hew a tree trunk and shape it into a canoe.¹¹
刳皮 kü-pĩ
kūpí slice off the skin.¹⁰²
刳剔孕妇[刳剔孕婦] kü-tēik-yìn-fû
kūtī yùnfù to rip open women with child.²⁴
刳心 kü-xïm
kūxīn to cleanse the heart.²⁴ to make a clean breast.¹⁰²
ku2 8809
31 12 (composition: ⿴囗⿱罒方; U+5710).
圐圙 kü-lèk kūlüè (Jin 晋语[晉語] dün-nguî jìnyǔ) enclosed yard or grassland (chiefly used in placenames in Shanxi and Inner Mongolia).³⁶
ku2 8810
75 9 dried out, withered, decayed.⁸  dried up.¹⁰
枯寂 kü-dèik kūjì bored and lonely.⁵
枯瘠 kü-dëk
kūjí emaciated; skinny.⁶
枯焦 kü-dël
kūjiāo dried-up; withered; shrivelled; scorched.⁶
枯井 kü-dēng
kūjǐng dried up well.¹⁹
枯朽 kü-hiū
kūxiǔ withered and rotten.¹⁰
枯涸 kü-kök
kūhé dried up; exhausted.⁶
枯窘 kü-kün
kūjiǒng <wr.> dried-up; exhausted.⁹
枯木 kü-mûk
kūmù dead tree.¹⁰
枯木逢春 kü-mûk-fũng-chün
kūmùféngchūn lit. the spring comes upon a withered tree (idiom); fig. to get a new lease on life; to be revived; (of a difficult situation) to suddenly improve.¹⁰
枯木朽株 kü-mûk-hiū-jï
kūmùxiǔzhū withered trees and rotten stumps – senile or sick person; declining power; decadent and weak force.⁶
枯草 kü-tāo
kūcǎo withered grass; dry grass.¹⁰
枯草热[枯草熱] kü-tāo-ngèik
kūcǎorè hay fever.¹⁹
枯燥 kü-täo
kūzào (of weather, place) dry; (of composition) lifeless.¹¹
枯萎 kü-vī
kūwěi withered and dried up.¹⁴
枯黄[枯黃] kü-võng
kūhuáng withered and yellow.⁵
ku2 8811
118 18 a thin and long strip of bamboo for making baskets; thin (bamboo) laths, name of a variety of bamboo, (corrupted form of 簬 lù ) used for arrows.
(composition: ⿱𥫗軲; U+4250).
ku2 8812
122 10 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 罟 gü with same meaning: fishing net; catch fish with a net.⁶ a net.⁷ a net for birds or fish; to snare, thus: – to implicate.¹⁴ a net for catching fish.²⁵ a net for birds; a drag-net; involved, as in a net; a net full.¹⁰²)
<又> gü.
(See 罟 gü.)
ku2 8813
188 14 a human skeleton.⁷ the skeleton; bones; the shoulder blade.¹⁴
骷髅[骷髏] kü-lẽo kūlóu human skeleton; human skull, death's head.⁶
<台> 骷髅骨头[骷髏骨頭] kü-lẽo-gūt-hêo human skeleton.
ku2 8814
199 15 (=渣滓 jâ-dōi zhāzǐ residue; dregs).⁴
<台> 黄豆麸[黃豆麩] võng-èo-kü soybean residue.
<又> fü.
(See 麩 fü; 渣 jâ).
ku2 8815
118 11 (<old>=箍 kû a hoop; to bind round, to hoop.⁷).⁸ to bind anything up with twigs; to hoop with bamboo.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗瓜; U+7B1F).
(See 箍 kû).
ku5 8816
118 14 a hoop; to bind round, to hoop.⁷ (variant: 篐,笟 kû ).
金箍棒 gïm-kû-pâng
jīngūbàng Golden cudgel, weapon wielded by Sun Wukong in the novel 西游记[西遊記] Journey to the West.¹⁰
紧箍咒[緊箍咒] gīn-kû-jiü
jǐngūzhòu the Incantation of the Golden Hoop, used by the Monk in the novel 西游记 [西遊記] Journey to the West to keep Monkey King under control – inhibition.⁵
铁箍[鐵箍] hëik-kû
tiěgū iron hoop.⁵
箍带[箍帶] kû-âi/
gūdài strap.⁶
箍子 kû-dū
gūzi <topo.> ring; hoop.⁶
箍嘴 kû-duī
gūzuǐ muzzle.⁶
箍铁[箍鐵] kû-hëik
gūtiě hoop iron.⁹ ferrule.¹⁹
箍桶 kû-hūng
gūtǒng to fix hoops on a barrel.⁷
箍桶匠 kû-hūng-dèng
gūtǒngjiàng hooper; cooper.⁶
箍桶店 kû-hūng-ëm/
gūtǒngdiàn a coopery.⁷
箍桶业[箍桶業] kû-hūng-ngèp
gūtǒngyè cooperage.⁶
箍漏锅[箍漏鍋] kû-lèo-vôk
gūlòuguō to patch up a bad cauldron; tin a thin pot.⁵⁴
箍眼 kû-ngān
gūyǎn <topo.> blinkers (for animals).⁶
筲箍 säo-kû
shāogū hoop on a basket.¹⁹
(See 篐 kû; 笟 kû).
ku5 8817
118 15 (=箍 kû gū a hoop; to bind round, to hoop.⁷).⁸
(composition: ⿱𥫗⿰木匝; U+7BD0).
(See 箍 kû).
ku5 8818
9 6 kuï <台> 佢 kuï he; she.
<台> 佢识几句散口话吔[佢識幾句散口話吔] Kuï-sēik-gī-guï-xān hēo và/ yâ/. He or she only knows a few common words.
kui2 8819
9 10 kuï all; entirely; completely.
百事俱废[百事俱廢] bāk-xù-kuï-fī bǎishìjùfèi everything is going to ruin.
俱乐部[俱樂部] kuï-lòk-bù
jùlèbù <loan> club.
面面俱到 mèin-mèin-kuï-äo
miànmiànjùdào to attend to every aspect of a matter; well considered in every respect.
(See 俱 guì.)
kui2 8820
23 11 kuï area; region; district; small; distinguish.
(comp. t: ⿷匚品 or ⿷匸品; U+5340).
s: ⿷匚㐅 or ⿷匸㐅; U+533A).
特区[特區] àk-kuï
tèqū special zone.
行政区[行政區] hãng-jëin-kuï
xíngzhèngqū administrative area.
地区[地區] ì-kuï
dìqū area, district, region; prefecture.⁸
区别[區別] kuï-bèik
qūbié difference; to distinguish; to discriminate; to make a distinction.
区长[區長] kuï-jēng
qūzhǎng district magistrate.
区区之心[區區之心] kuï-kuï-jï-xïm
qūqūzhīxīn my private feelings.
区区小事[區區小事] kuï-kuï-xēl-xù
qūqū xiǎoshì trifling thing.
园区[園區] yõn-kuï
yuánqū industrial park/estate; business park.⁶
<又> Ëo.
(See 區 Ëo.)
kui2 8821
46 14 kuï 崎岖[崎嶇] kĩ-kuï qíqū  rugged, bumpy, rough, not smooth.⁶
崎岖不平[崎嶇不平] kĩ-kuï-būt-pẽin
qíqūbùpíng rugged, bumpy, rough, uneven.⁶
山路崎岖[山崎崎嶇] sän-lù-kĩ-kuï
shānlùqíqū rugged mountain paths.⁶
kui2 8822
64 8 kuï (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 拘 guï arrest, detain; restrain, restrict; limit, constrain.⁵)
<又> guï.
(See 拘 guï.)
kui2 8823
66 15 kuï (=驱[驅] kuï drive (a horse, car); expel, disperse; run quickly.⁵); expel, drive away; beat, assault.⁸ to expel; to drive away; to urge on.¹⁴ to beat; to drive away.²⁴
(composition: ⿰區攴; U+657A).
(See 驅 kuï).
kui2 8824
75 15 kuï shū (Hoisanva vernacular pronunciation for 樞 sï shū with same meaning: pivot, hub; <trad.> key government department, important position.⁶ a hinge, a pivot; a kind of tree.⁷)
<又> sï.
(See 樞 sï.)
kui2 8825
85 11 kuï <topo.> he, she.⁴ he, him.⁶
不知渠为何人[不知渠為何人] būt-jï-kuï-vì-hõ-ngĩn bùzhīqúwèihérén <topo.> Don't know who he/she is.⁴
渠们[渠們] kuï-mõn
qúmen <topo.> they.⁶
<台> (=佢 kuï) he; she.⁴
<又> kuĩ.
(See 渠 kuĩ).
kui2 8826
113 9 kuï dispel; remove; drive away.⁵
祛除 kuï-chuĩ qūchú dispel; get rid of; drive out.⁵
祛灾[祛災] kuï-döi
qūzāi ward off disaster.¹¹
祛风[祛風] kuï-füng
qūfēng <Ch. med.> dispel the wind; relieve rheumatic pains, colds.⁵
祛风去湿[祛風去濕] kuï-füng-huï-sīp
qūfēngqùshī <Ch. med.> relieve certain inflammation and arthritis.¹¹
祛风湿药[祛風濕藥] kuï-füng-sīp-yêk
qūfēngshīyào medicine for rheumatism.⁵
祛寒 kuï-hõn
qūhán <Ch. med.> dispel cold.⁶
祛祛 kuï-kuï
qūqū <wr.> in great formation.¹¹
祛疑 kuï-ngĩ
qūyí to dispel doubts.¹¹
祛暑 kuï-sī
qūshǔ drive away summer heat.⁵
祛邪 kuï-tẽh
qūxié drive away the evil factors; exorcise or dispel or banish or expel evil spirits.⁶
祛瘀活血 kuï-yī-vòt-hüt
qūyūhuóxuè <Ch. med.> remove blood stasis and promote blood circulation.⁵
<又> huï.
(See 祛 huï.)
kui2 8827
130 9 kuï flank of animal; side; to pry open; to steal.
胠箧[胠篋] kuï-gēp or huï-gēp qūqiè <wr.> to open a chest and steal.
胠箧者流[胠篋者流] kuï-gēp-jēh-liũ
or huï-gēp-jēh-liũ qūqièzhěliú thieves.
右胠 yiù-kuï
or yiù-huï yòuqū (in ancient warfare) right flank of an army.
<又> huï.
(See 胠 huï.)
kui2 8828
145 10 kuï cuffs, sleeves; to raise the sleeves, to lift up one's arms; to relieve.⁷
袪风[袪風] kuï-füng qūfēng relieve rheumatic pains, colds.⁹
袪衣请受业[袪衣請受業] kuï-yï-tēin-siù-ngèp
qūyīqǐngshòuyè lift up one's arms in salutation and ask to be received as disciple.¹¹
kui2 8829
153 18 kuï chū <old> animal resembling a tiger.¹⁰
kui2 8830
158 18 kuï the human body.⁵ (variant: 𩪍❄{⿱骨區} kuï ).
捐躯[捐軀] gün-kuï
juānqū sacrifice one's life; lay down one's life.⁶
躯干[軀幹] kuï-gön
qūgàn <bio.> trunk; torso.⁵
躯干骨[軀幹骨] kuï-gön-gūt
qūgàngǔ the bones of the trunk.⁷
躯体[軀體] kuï-hāi
qūtǐ body.⁵
躯骸[軀骸] kuï-hãi
qūhái the human body.¹⁹
躯壳[軀殼] kuï-hôk
qūqiào the body (as opposed to soul); outer form.⁵ the body (conceived as the shell of the soul).⁷
身躯[身軀] sïn-kuï
shēnqū body; stature.⁵
(See 𩪍❄{⿱骨區} kuï).
kui2 8831
187 15 kuï (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 驹[駒] guï with same meaning: colt; foal.⁵)
<又> guï.
(See 駒 guï.)
kui2 8832
187 21 kuï drive (a horse, car); expel, disperse; run quickly.⁵
(variant: 敺 kuï qū). (See 敺 kuï).
驱策[驅策] kuï-chāk
qūcè drive, whip on; order about.⁵
驱除[驅除] kuï-chuĩ
qūchú drive out; get rid of.⁵
驱虫药[驅蟲藥] kuï-chũng-yêk
qūchóngyào anthelmintic; vermifuge.⁵
驱鬼[驅鬼] kuï-gī
qūguǐ drive out evil spirits.¹¹
驱赶[驅趕] kuï-gōn
qūgǎn drive (a cart); drive away/out, banish.⁶
驱遣[驅遣] kuï-hēin
qūqiǎn <wr.> drive away, banish, expel; order about; drive.⁵
驱逐[驅逐] kuï-jùk
qūzhú drive out; expel; banish.⁵
驱逐出境[驅逐出境] kuï-jùk-chūt-gēin
qūzhúchūjìng deport; expel.⁵
驱逐舰[驅逐艦] kuï-jùk-lâm
qūzhújiàn destroyer.¹⁴
驱使[驅使] kuï-sōi
qūshǐ order about; prompt, urge, spur on.⁵
驱动[驅動] kuï-ùng
qūdòng <mach.> drive.⁵
驱役[驅役] kuï-vèik
or kuï-yèik qūyì to order (somebody) about; (by extension) to put to use.¹⁰
驱蛔灵[驅蛔靈] kuï-või-lẽin
qūhuílíng <med.> piperazine citrate.⁵
驱散[驅散] kuï-xän
qūsàn disperse; dispel; break up.⁵
kui2 8833
188 20 𩪍
kuï (=躯[軀] kuï the humand body.⁵).²
(composition: ⿱骨區 U+29A8D).
❄{⿱骨區}骨 kuï-gūt qūgǔ a skeleton; the body.²⁵
(See 軀 kuï).
kui2 8834
195 16 kuï (=鱋 kuï ) flatfish (including flounders, soles, turbot, plaice, and halibut).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(See 鱋 kuï).
kui2 8835
195 23 kuï (=比目鱼[比目魚] bī-mùk-nguĩ bǐmùyú or 扁鱼[扁魚) bēin-nguî/ biǎnyú) flatfish of the order Pleuronectiformes (鲽形目 [鰈形目] èp-yẽin-mùk diéxíngmù) (includes flounders, soles, turbot, plaice, and halibut).¹⁵ʼ²⁰ (variant: 魼 kuï ).
(See 魼 kuï).
kui2 8836
19 7 kuĩ fatigued; diligent; hardworking.
勤劬 kĩn-kuĩ qínqú <wr.> diligent; industrious; hardworking.
劬劳[劬勞] kuĩ-lão
qúláo <wr.> to labor hard (as parents for children).¹¹
kui3 8837
60 21 kuĩ (<old>=躣 kuĩ way/manner of walking.⁸ walking along.²⁵).⁸
(composition: ⿰彳瞿; U+5FC2).
<又> guï.
(See 忂 guï; 躣 kuĩ).
kui3 8838
62 22 kuĩ a halberd.⁸ a sort of spear.²⁴
(composition: ⿰瞿戈; U+6235).
kui3 8839
74 9 kuĩ yoke; harness.² the crossbar of a carriage.²⁴ U+6710. (Note: Distinguish between 朐 (U+6710) with 月 radical and 胊 (U+80CA) with 肉 radical, In some renderings, both words look exactly the same.)
kui3 8840
82 9 kuĩ a woolen blanket.⁸
(composition: ⿰句毛; U+3C92).
<又> päo. (See 㲒 päo).
kui3 8841
82 11 𣭳
kuĩ (=氍 kuĩ fine woolen cloth; a mat used by the emperor in worshipping heaven.⁸ woolen rug.¹⁰).⁸
(composition: ⿰求毛; U+23B73).
<又> kiũ.
(See 氍 kuĩ; 𣭳❄{⿰求毛} kiũ).
kui3 8842
82 22 kuĩ fine woolen cloth; a mat used by the emperor in worshipping heaven.⁸ woolen rug.¹⁰
(variants: 𣰽❄{⿺毛瞿} kuĩ ; 𣭳❄{⿰求毛} kuĩ ).
(composition: ⿰瞿毛; U+6C0D).
红氍毹[紅氍毹] hũng-kuĩ-sï
hóngqúshū stage.⁶
氍毹 kuĩ-sï
qúshū wool carpet; stage.⁶
氍毹场中[氍毹場中] kuĩ-sï-chẽng-jüng
qúshūchǎngzhōng on the stage.⁶
(See 𣰽❄{⿺毛瞿} kuĩ; 𣭳❄{⿰求毛} kuĩ).
kui3 8843
82 22 𣰽
kuĩ (=氍 kuĩ woolen rug.¹⁰)
(composition: ⿺毛瞿; U+23C3D).
❄{⿱從毛}𣰽❄{⿺毛瞿} düng-kuĩ zōngqú felt.²⁴
(See 氍 kuĩ).

kui3 8844
85 11 kuĩ canal, ditch, channel; <wr.> big, chief.⁶
通过外交渠道[通過外交渠道] hüng-gö-ngòi-gäo-kuĩ-ào tōngguòwàijiāoqúdào through diplomatic channels.³⁹
渠道 kuĩ-ào
qúdào irrigation ditch; medium of communication, channel.⁵
渠魁 kuĩ-föi
qúkuí or 渠帅[渠帥] kuĩ-suï qúshuài <trad.> leader/head (especially of a rebelious army).⁶
渠灌 kuĩ-gön
qúguàn <agr.> canal irrigation.⁵
渠首工程 kuĩ-siū-güng-chẽin
qúshǒu gōngchéng (water conservancy) headworks.⁶
渠帅[渠帥] kuĩ-suï
qúshuài or 渠魁 kuĩ-föi qúkuí <trad.> leader/head (especially of a rebelious army).⁶
渠黄[渠黃] Kuĩ-võng
Qúhuáng name of one of the eight legendary horses of 周穆王 Jiü Mùk Võng Zhōu Mù Wáng King Mu of Zhou.²³
水到渠成 suī-äo-kuĩ-sẽin
shuǐdàoqúchéng where water flows, a channel is formed – when conditions are ripe, success will come.⁵
水渠 suī-kuĩ
shuǐqú ditch; canal.⁵
<又> kuï.
(See 渠 kuï).
kui3 8845
85 21 kuĩ name of a river.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵瞿; U+7048).
灈水 kuĩ-suī qúshuǐ Qu River, ancient name of present day's Shiyang River (石羊河 sêk-yẽng-hõ shíyánghé) in Suiping County (遂平县[遂平縣] xuì-pẽin-yòn suìpíngxiàn) in Hebei Province (河南省 Hõ-bāk sāng  Héběi shěng).⁸
灈阳[灈陽] kuĩ-yẽng
qúyáng Quyang, a county in 汝南郡 Nî-nãm-gùn Rǔnánjùn Runan Prefecture during the Han Dynasty (202 BCE-9 CE; 25–220 CE).²ʼ⁰
kui3 8846
96 17 kuĩ <wr.> jade earrings.⁶ a ringed ornament – earrings, rings for fingers; Qu surname.⁷
耳璩 ngī-kuĩ ěrqú jade earrings.⁶
kui3 8847
104 23 kuĩ <wr.> thin; lean.⁶ thin; emaciated; worn; tired.⁸ (variant: 臞 kuĩ ).
癯瘦 kuĩ-sëo
qúshòu thin; emaciated.¹⁰
清癯 tëin-kuĩ
qīngqú lean; thin; spare.⁶
(See 臞 kuĩ).
kui3 8848
109 18 kuĩ shocked or scared; (said of hawks and falcons) to look around.⁷
(composition: ⿰䀠隹; U+77BF).
瞿瞿 kuĩ-kuĩ jùjù stand in awe.³⁹
瞿然 kuĩ-ngẽin
jùrán alarmed.⁷
<又> kuî.
(See 瞿 kuî; 䀠 kuî.)
kui3 8849
112 16 kuĩ 大砗磲[大硨磲] ài-guï-kuĩ or ài-chëh-kuĩ dàchēqú giant clam (Tridacna gigas).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
砗磲[硨磲] guï-kuĩ
or chëh-kuĩ chēqú tridacna.⁸ Tridacninae.⁹ Tridacna gigas.¹⁰
砗磲蛤属[硨磲蛤屬] guï-kuĩ-gēip-sùk
or chëh-kuĩ-gēip-sùk chēqúgéshǔ Genus:  Tridacna.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
无鳞砗磲[無鱗硨磲] mũ-lĩn-guï-kuĩ
or mũ-lĩn-chëh-kuĩ wúlínchēqú southern giant clam Tridacna derasa.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(See 硨 guï.)
kui3 8850
118 22 kuĩ
crude bamboo mat.⁸
籧篨 kuĩ-chuĩ qúchú a coarse bamboo mat; <wr.> a hunchback.¹¹ a coarse bamboo mat; an ugly sickness; deformity; hunchbacked.²⁵
籧筐 kuĩ-köng
qúkuāng a frame for cultivating silkworms.¹¹
籧筁 kuĩ-kūk
jǔqū bamboo mat.¹⁹
kui3 8851
124 11 https://img.zdic.net/kai/cn/20018.svg,https://img.zdic.net/kai/cn/20018.svg,https://img.zdic.net/kai/cn/20018.svg,https://img.zdic.net/kai/cn/20018.svg
kuĩ crooked feathers; a horse whose hind legs are white.² (Note: 騱 hãi a horse whose fore legs are white).² bent feathers; a horse with white hind feet.²⁵ plumes which have become crooked; a horse whose hind feet are white
(composition: ⿰羽句; U+7FD1).
<又> yì.
(See 翑 yì).
kui3 8852
130 9 kuĩ dried meat strips; far, faraway.⁷ strips of meat cut from the flank and dried in the wind; to offer dried meat in praying.¹⁴ dried meat; distant, far off; the name of a hill, a country, and a city; a region in the sea; Qu surname.²⁵
(composition: ⿰⺼句; U+80CA).
(Note: Distinguish between 朐 (U+6710) with 月 radical and 胊 (U+80CA) with 肉 radical, In some renderings, both words look exactly the same.)
脯胊 fū-kuĩ
fǔqú dried meat: that which is stretched out is called 脡 tǐng, and that which curls up, 胊 .²⁵
胊肉 kuĩ-ngùk
qúròu dried flank meat.⁷ cutlets.¹⁴
胊脯 kuĩ-fū
qúfǔ dried flank meat.⁷ slices of dried meat.¹⁴
kui3 8853
130 22 kuĩ (=癯 kuĩ ) <wr.> thin; lean.⁶ thin; emaciated; worn; tired.⁸
(See 癯 kuĩ).
kui3 8854
140 10 kuĩ used in personal names.²
(composition: ⿱艹洰 U+83C3).
北齐有宋菃[北齊有宋菃] Bāk-tãi yiü xüng kuĩ. Běiqí yǒu sòng qú. There was a Song Qu in the Northern Qi Dynasty.²
kui3 8855
140 14 kuĩ 芙蕖 fũ-kuĩ fúqú <wr.> lotus; lotus flowers.¹ the lotus; lotus fully opened.¹¹
(composition: ⿱艹渠; U+8556).
kui3 8856
142 11 kuĩ 蚼蟓 kuĩ-dèng qúxiàng a large ant (name used by the people of 鲁[魯] Lû in ancient times).²
蚼蛘 kuĩ-yẽng
qúyáng a large ant.²⁵
玄蚼 yõn-kuĩ
xuánqú a large ant.⁸
<又> gēo.
(See 蚼 gēo.)
kui3 8857
142 13 kuĩ chú toad.⁸ (variant: 蠩 kuĩ or chuĩ chú).
蟾蜍 sẽm-kuĩ
or sẽm-chuĩ chánchú toad; toad in the moon; moon. (=癞蛤蟆[癩蛤蟆] or 癞虾蟆[癩蝦蟆] lài-hā-mã làiháma) the toad.⁵ʼ⁷ (See <台> 冚薯 kẽim-sĩ a toad.)
<又> chuĩ.
(See 蜍 chuĩ; 蠩 kuĩ, chuĩ).
kui3 8858
142 21 kuĩ chú (=蜍 kuĩ chú) toad.⁸
<又> chuĩ.
(See 蠩 chuĩ; 蜍 chuĩ.)
kui3 8859
142 26 kuĩ (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 蠼 kōk with same meaning.)
<又> kōk, kūt.
(See 蠼 kōk; 蠼 kūt.)
kui3 8860
144 24 kuĩ <wr.> thoroughfare.⁵ a thoroughfare; a highway junction.⁷
街衢 gâi-kuĩ jiēqú streets, roads or lanes in a city or town.⁷
康衢 höng-kuĩ
kāngqú <wr.> broad road.⁶ a level and easy highway.⁷
通衢 hüng-kuĩ
tōngqú thoroughfare.⁵
衢道 kuĩ-ào
qúdào a side street; crossroads.⁷
衢涂[衢塗] kuĩ-hũ
qútú a side street; crossroads.⁷
衢路 kuĩ-lù
qúlù a thoroughfare.⁷
衢肆 kuĩ-xü
qúsì store beside a thoroughfare.⁷
云衢[雲衢] vũn-kuĩ
yúnqú or 云路[雲路] vũn-lù yúnlù high official ranks.⁷ the cloudy way – scholarly eminence.¹⁴
kui3 8861
152 13 kuĩ (Alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 豦 guï with same meaning: ➀ don't know why the beasts are fighting each other.¹⁹  ➁ a big pig.¹⁹  ➂ tiger standing on its two hind legs.¹⁹  ➃ an animal like a dog with monkey features described in ancient books.¹⁹  ➄ a wild boar; to fight.³⁶)
(composition: ⿸虍豕; U+8C66).
<又> guï.
(See 豦 guï).
kui3 8862
157 25 kuĩ way/manner of walking.⁸ walking along.²⁵
(variant: 忂 kuĩ ).
(composition: ⿰⻊瞿; U+8EA3).
躣躣 kuĩ-kuĩ
qúqú meandering; wriggling; zigzagging.⁵⁴
(See 忂 kuĩ).
kui3 8863
159 12 kuĩ the bow of a yoke.² yoke.⁸ the bent place under a yoke; the two sides of a yoke that press upon the horse's neck.²⁵
(composition: ⿰車句; U+8EE5).
軥𫐏❄{⿰车周}[軥輖] or 軥辀[軥輈] kuĩ-jiü qúzhōu <ono.> sound of birds singing.¹⁹
<又> ngëo; këo; gēo.
(See 軥 ngëo; 軥 këo; 軥 gēo).
kui3 8864
164 20 kuĩ (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 醵 guì with same meaning: <wr.> contribute/pool money.⁶ to pool money (for a feast).⁷ to contribute to a feast.¹⁴ to meet for drinking wine; to club together in order to drink wine.²⁵)
(composition: ⿰⿰酉豦; U+91B5).
<又> guì.
(See 醵 guì.)
kui3 8865
196 16 kuĩ a species of myna.⁷ (variant: 鸜 kuĩ ).
欧鸲[歐鴝] ëo-kuĩ
ōuqú robin; redbreast.⁶
雄歌鸲[雄歌鴝] hũng-gô-kuĩ
xiónggēqú cock robin.¹⁹
红胁蓝尾鸲[紅脅藍尾鴝] hũng-hèp-lãm-mī-kuĩ
hóng xié lánwěi qú red-flanked bluetail (Tarsiger cyanurus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鸲姬鹟[鴝姬鶲] kuĩ-kï-yüng
qújīwēng mugimaki flycatcher (Ficedula mugimaki).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鸲岩鹨[鴝岩鷚] kuĩ-ngãm-lẽl
qúyánliù robin accentor (Prunella rubeculoides).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鸲蝗莺[鴝蝗鶯] kuĩ-võng-äng
qúhuángyīng Savi's warbler (Locustella luscinioides).¹⁰
鸲鹆[鴝鵒] kuĩ-yùk
qúyù or 八哥 bät-gū or bät-gō bāgē crested myna (Acridotheres cristatellus), a species of starling native to southeastern China and Indochina.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
水鸲[水鴝] suī-kuĩ
shuǐqú water robin.⁹
鹊鸲[鵲鴝] xēk-kuĩ
quèqú magpie robin.⁶
(See 鸜 kuĩ).
kui3 8866
196 29 kuĩ (=鴝 kuĩ ) a species of myna.⁷
(See 鴝 kuĩ).
kui3 8867
205 18 kuĩ a kind of frog; a kind of sea turtle with two horns and pattern on the tortoise shell.⁸
(composition: ⿰句黽; U+4D76).
𪓷❄{⿰奚黽}䵶 hãi-kuĩ xíqú a sort of horned tortoise, found in eastern Tartary.²⁵
䵶鼊 kuĩ-bēik
qúbì a species of tortoise, with a spotted shell, and no claws on its toes; an aquatic animal, like a tortoise, with stripes on its back.¹⁹
kui3 8868
208 18 kuĩ shrew.⁹
中国鼩鼹[中國鼩鼴] Jüng-gōk kuĩ-yēn Zhōngguó qúyǎn Chinese shrew mole (Uropsilus soricipes).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鼩鼱 kuĩ-dëin
qújīng shrew.⁵
鼩鼱科 kuĩ-dëin-fö
qújīngkē aka 尖鼠科 dëm-sī-fö jiānshǔkē shrew (family Soricidae), a small mole-like mammal classified in the order Eulipotyphla.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鼩形目 kuĩ-yẽin-mùk
qúxíngmù or 鼩鼱目kuĩ-dëin-mùk qújīngmù Soricomorpha ("shrew-form"), a taxon within the class of mammals.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鼩鼹[鼩鼴] kuĩ-yēn
qúyǎn Chinese shrew-mole (Uropsilus soricipes).⁹
树鼩[樹鼩] sì-kuĩ
shùqú <zoo.> tree shrew.⁵  northern treeshrew (Tupaia belangeri).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
水鼩 suī-kuĩ
shuǐqú water shrew.³⁹
水鼩鼱 suī-kuĩ-dëin
shuǐqújīng Eurasian water shrew (Neomys fodiens); known in the United Kingdom as the water shrew.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
kui3 8869
64 7 kuî to resist; to repel; to refuse; to reject.
抵拒 āi-kuî dǐjù to resist.
撑拒[撐拒] chäng-kuî
chēngjù to resist; to struggle.
抗拒 köng-kuî
kàngjù to resist; to defy.
拒捕 kuî-bù
jùbǔ to resist arrest.
拒绝[拒絕] kuî-dùt
jùjué refuse; reject, decline.
拒付 kuî-fù
jùfù to refuse payment; to dishonor (a check).
拒腐蚀[拒腐蝕] kuî-fù-sèik
jù fǔshí to repel corrupting influences.
拒谏饰非[拒諫飾非] kuî-gän-sēik-fï
jùjiànshìfēi  to conceal one's faults and reject counsel.
拒之门外[拒之門外] kuî-jï-mõn-ngòi
jùzhīménwài to shut the door against somebody.
拒人千里 kuî-ngĩn-tëin-lî
jùrénqiānlǐ one refuses to see others at all. It is used to describe one's attitude of haughtiness towards others and one's reluctance to contact or deal with others.¹⁰
来者不拒[來者不拒] lõi-jēh-būt-kuî
láizhěbùjù to refuse nobody or no request/offer.¹ all comers welcome.¹¹
kui5 8870
85 7 kuî things in water.² numerous things in water.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰氵巨; U+6D30).
洰理 kuî-lî jùlǐ another name for 天权星[天權星] hëin-kũn-xêng tiānquánxīng Megrez, the fourth star in the Big Dipper.¹⁹ʼ²⁰
kui5 8871
109 10 kuî (=瞿 kuî .) Qu surname.
(composition: ⿰目目; U+4020).
<又> kuĩ.
(See 瞿 kuî; 瞿 kuĩ.)
kui5 8872
109 18 kuî Qu surname. (variant: 䀠 kuî qú.)
瞿昙[瞿曇] Kuî-hãm Qútán used for Gautama – the name of Buddha.¹⁴
瞿塘峡[瞿塘峽] kuî-hõng-hèp
qútángxiá Qu Tang Gorge, one of the three gorges along the Yangtze River and a gateway to Sichuan.⁷
or 蘧麦[蘧麥] kuî-màk qúmài a variety of wheat.¹¹ fringed pink; Dianthus superbus.¹⁹
<又> kuĩ.
(See 瞿 kuĩ; 䀠 kuî.)
kui5 8873
140 19 kuî a plant which resembles wheat but has no edible grain.⁸ used to describe a pleasantly surprised look.⁹ frightened.¹¹ Dianthus superbus; Qu surname.¹⁰
蘧庐[蘧廬] kuî-lũ
qúlú <wr.> humble home, dwelling place.¹¹
or 瞿麦[瞿麥] kuî-màk qúmài a variety of wheat.¹¹ fringed pink; Dianthus superbus.¹⁹
蘧然 kuî-ngẽin
qúrán <wr.> to be pleasantly surprised.¹⁰
蘧蔬 kuî-sü
qúshū a kind of mushroom.²⁵
kui5 8874
149 11 kuî <wr.> (used to introduce a rhetorical sentence); how could.
讵非所料[詎非所料] kuî-fï-sō-lèl jùfēisuǒliào to be unexpected.
讵知 kuî-jï
jùzhī  who could have expected that.
讵料[詎料] kuî-lèl
jùliào who could have expected that.
讵意[詎意] kuî-yï
jùyì who could have expected that.
kui5 8875
157 11 kuî be apart/away from; distance; spur (of a cock, pheasant).⁶ to go to, to reach, the distance, between, distant from; a bird's spur, to strike downwards with spears; great.¹⁴
等距离[等距離] āng-kuî-lĩ děngjùlí equidistance.⁶
超距 chël-kuî
chāojù to leap over; to exceed.¹⁴
鸡距[雞距] gäi-kuî
jījù a cock's spur.¹⁴
距今 kuî-gïm
jùjīn ago.⁷
距今已有二十年 kuî-gïm-yî-yiû-ngì-sìp-nẽin
jùjīn yǐyǒu èrshí nián That was twenty years ago.⁷
距国[距國] kuî-gōk
jùguó a very great kingdom.¹⁴
距战[距戰] kuî-jën
jùzhàn a great battle.¹⁴
距离[距離] kuî-lĩ
jùlí distance; be apart or away from.⁶
距水面 kuî-suī-mèin
jùshuǐmiàn above sea level.¹⁴
距四海 kuî-xü-hōi
jùsìhai  I have been all over the country.¹⁴
距跃[距躍] kuî-yèk
jùyuè to leap over.¹⁴
kui5 8876
73 6 kūk tune; song; Qu surname.
交响曲[交響曲] gäo-hēng-kūk jiāoxiǎngqǔ symphony.¹¹
歌曲 gô-kūk
gēqǔ song; melody; tune.⁶
戏曲[戲曲] hï-kūk
xìqǔ traditional Chinese opera.
曲调[曲調] kūk-èl
qǔdiào tune (of a song); melody.⁵
曲高和寡 kūk-gäo-vò-gā
qǔgāohèguǎ highbrow songs find few singers – be so highbrow that few people can enjoy or understand.⁶
曲艺[曲藝] kūk-ngài
qǔyì folk vocal art forms rich in local flavor, including ballad singing, story-telling, comic dialogues, clapper talks, cross talks.⁶
(See 曲 [kūk, ].)
kuk1 8877
73 6 kūk bent, curved, crooked; to bend, to flex, to twist; wrong, unjust; bend (of river); remote area; 曲/麴/麯/粬 yeast.⁶
酒曲 or 酒麹[酒麴] diū-kūk jiǔqū brewer's yeast.¹⁰
曲尺 kūk-chêk
qūchǐ carpenter's square.⁶
曲籍繁瀚 kūk-dèik-fãn-hòn
qūjífánhàn the canons of Buddhism are a trackless wilderness.¹⁴
曲肱而枕 kūk-gäng-ngĩ-jīm
qūgōng'érzhěn lit. to use one's bent arm as a pillow (idiom); fig. content with simple things.¹⁰
曲颈甑[曲頸甑] kūk-gēng-dâng
qūjǐngzèng <chem.> retort; U-necked distiller.⁶
曲谨[曲謹] kūk-gīn
qūjǐn fastidious about details.
曲直 kūk-jèik
qū-zhí the right and wrong (of a case).
曲轴[曲軸] kūk-jùk
qūzhóu crankshaft.⁵
是非曲直 sì-fï-kūk-jèik
shìfēiqūzhí right and wrong; truth and falsehood; merits and demerits.⁵
弯曲[彎曲] vän-kūk
wānqū crooked; curved.
(See 曲 [kūk, ]; 麴 kūk; 麯 kūk; 粬 kūk).
kuk1 8878
118 12 kūk a bamboo frame on which silkworms spin their cocoons.¹⁴ a bamboo frame called 蚕簿[蠶簿] tâm-bù cánbù having its surface made of thin splints doubled in bows, to furnish silkworms more surface on which to spin their cocoons.¹⁰²
籧筁 kuĩ-kūk
jǔqū bamboo mat.¹⁹
(cf 䒼 kūk).
kuk1 8879
119 12 kūk (=麹[麴] kūk ) yeast, leaven.⁸
(See 麴 kūk).
kuk1 8880
140 9 kūk (same as 曲 kūk ) a bamboo tray for raising silkworms.⁸ a coarse tray made of rushes on which silkworns feed and wind their cocoons; it is used in Jiangsu, and is doubtless similar to 筁 kūk made of a different material.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱艹曲; U+44BC).
蚕䒼[蠶䒼] tâm-kūk
cánqū baskets with little partitions for silkworms to form their cocoons.²⁵
(See 曲 [kūk, ]; 筁 kūk).
kuk1 8881
142 12 kūk the common earthworm.¹⁴
电蛐蛐儿[電蛐蛐兒] èin-kūk-kūk-ngĩ diànqūqur <topo.> pager; beeper.⁵⁴
听蛐蛐儿叫唤[聽蛐蛐兒叫喚] hëng-kūk-kūk-ngĩ-gël-fòn
tīng qūqur jiàohuan  <topo.> push up daisies; be dead.⁵⁴
蛐蛐儿 kūk-kūk-ngĩ
qūqur <topo.> cricket.⁶
蛐蛐儿罐儿 kūk-kūk-ngĩ-gôn-ngĩ
qūqurguànr cricket pot.⁶
蛐蟮 kūk-sên
qūshàn (=曲蟮 kūk-sên qūshàn) earthworm.⁶
kuk1 8882
199 17 kūk (=麹[麴] kūk ) yeast, leaven.⁸
(See 麴 kūk).
kuk1 8883
199 19 kūk yeast, leaven; Qu surname.⁸ (variants: 麯, 粬 kūk ).
or 酒曲 diū-kūk jiǔqū brewer's yeast.¹⁰
麹车[麴車] kūk-chëh
qūchē wine cart.¹¹
麹监[麴監] kūk-gäm
qūjiàn an official in charge of wines and liquors.⁷
麹霉[麴霉] kūk-mõi
qūméi aspergilli (especially those with enzymes capable of effectring fementation).⁷
麹蘖[麴櫱] kūk-ngēik
qūniè yeast for fermenting liquor.¹⁴
麹生[麴生] kūk-säng
qūshēng liquor; wine.¹⁴
麹钱[麴錢] kūk-tẽin
qūqián the tax paid by brewers.⁷
麹秀才[麴秀才] kūk-xiü-tõi
qūxiùcái wine; liquor.⁷
麹丸[麴丸] kūk-yõn
qūwán balls of leaven.¹⁴
麹院[麴院] kūk-yòn
qūyuàn brewery.⁷
(See 麯 kūk; 粬 kūk; 曲 [kūk, ]).
kuk1 8884
12 6 𠔉
kūn juàn a roll.⁸ (=𢍏❄{⿱釆廾} kūn juàn to roll rice into a ball).³⁶ (old form of 卷; 卷字头; phonetic in 拳券豢).¹
(composition: ⿱八夫; U+20509).
Note: In writing, the two strokes of the top component should slant in, not flare out, as shown. They should resemble the top component of 卷 kūn
(cf with 龹 {⿱丷夫}; U+9FB9} kūn-dù-hẽo juànzìtóu a component.
(See 卷 kūn; 捲 kūn; 𢍏❄{⿱釆廾} kūn).

kun1 8885 20509.gif
26 8 kūn juàn painting which can be easily folded or rolled up; a book; a division of a book, a volume; a test paper; filed documents, files.⁷ scroll; book; volume; chapter; examination paper; measure word for books, paintings: volume, scroll.¹⁰ (comp.: ⿱龹㔾; U+5377).
交卷 gäo-kūn jiāojuàn to hand in the examination paper; to complete an assignment.⁷
卷子 kūn-dū
juànzi a test paper; an examination paper.⁷
(cf 卷子[捲子] kūn-dū juǎnzi rolls; small cakes of bread.⁷)
卷宗 kūn-düng
juànzōng folder; file.²²
卷帙 kūn-èik
juànzhì <wr.> books, volume.⁶ a book; books.⁷
卷帙浩繁 kūn-èik-hâo-fãn
juànzhìhàofán numerous books; to be voluminous.⁶
卷轴[卷軸] kūn-jùk
juànzhóu a book; books.⁷ scroll; book; reel.¹⁰
问卷[問卷] mùn-kūn
wènjuàn questionnaire.¹⁰
释卷[釋卷] sēik-kūn
shìjuàn stop reading.⁸
试卷[試卷] sï-kūn
shìjuàn examination paper; test paper.²²
手不释卷[手不釋卷] siū-būt-sēik-kūn
shǒubùshìjuàn always have a book in hand – to be very studious.⁹
手卷 siū-kūn
shǒujuàn hand scroll.²²
<又> gūn.
(See 卷[kūn,juǎn]; 卷 gūn).
kun1 8886
26 8 kūn juǎn to roll up.⁷
(composition: ⿱龹㔾; U+5377).
卷土重来[卷土重來] kūn-hū-chũng-lõi juǎntǔchónglái to come back again after defeat; to make another try after failure.⁷
or 菤耳 kūn-ngī juǎn'ěr a plant in the Asteraceae family (菊科).¹³ʼ⁸ It is the same as 苍耳[蒼耳] (töng-ngī cāngěr rough cocklebur, woolgarie bur, clotbur, common cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium); other Chinese names are: 葈耳實, 羊負來, 羊帶來, 道人頭, 胡寢子, 胡蒼子.¹⁵ʼ²⁰).⁸ aka 苓耳² lẽin-ngī líng'ěr cocklebur.¹¹
Tōi-tōi-kūn-ngī, būt-ngẽin-kēin-köng.
Cǎi cǎi juǎn ěr, bù yíng qǐng kuāng.
I was gathering and gathering the mouse-ear,
But could not fill my shallow basket.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·周南·卷耳》, translated by James Legge).
<又> gūn.
(See 卷[kūn, juàn]; 卷 gūn).
kun1 8887
26 12 𠨟
kūn juàn (=卷 kūn juàn scroll; book; volume; chapter; examination paper; measure word for books, paintings: volume, scroll.¹⁰).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿳釆大㔾; U+20A1F).
(See 卷 kūn).
kun1 8888
33 13 kūn kǔn <wr.> alley/path inside a palace.⁶ palace corridor or passageway.⁸ (Note: Distinguish 壶[壺] vũ ).
t: ⿳士冖亞; U+58FC). (comp. s: ⿳士冖亚; U+58F8).
Kĩ-luì-vĩ-hõ, sīt-gä-jï-kūn. Gün-dū màn-nẽin, vêin-xēik dò-yìn.
Qí lèi wéi hé, shì jiā zhī kǔn. Jūnzǐ wàn nián, yǒng xī zuòyìn.
What will the blessings be?
That along the passages of your palace,
You shall move for ten thousand years;
And there will be granted to you for ever dignity and posterity.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·生民之什·既醉·6》, translated by James Legge).
or 阃范[閫範] kūn-fàn kǔnfàn <wr.> a paragon of feminine virtue; the code of conduct for woman.⁷
kun1 8889
55 10 𢍏
kūn juàn to roll rice into a ball.³⁶ to beat or stir up rice.²⁴
(variant: 𠔉 kūn juàn).³⁶
(composition: ⿱釆廾; U+2234F).
(See 𠔉 kūn).
kun1 8890
61 10 kūn kǔn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 悃 gūn kǔn with same meaning: <wr.> sincere.⁶)
(composition: ⿰忄困; U+6083).
<又> gūn.
(See 悃 gūn.)
kun1 8891
64 10 kūn jùn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 捃 gùn jùn with same meaning.)
<又> gùn.
(See 捃 gùn.)
kun1 8892
64 10 kūn kǔn tie, bind, bundle up; <m.> bundle.⁵ to tie up; to bundle up.³⁶ (variants: 綑, 稛 kūn kǔn).
(composition: ⿰扌困; U+6346).
柴捆 châi-kūn
cháikǔn firewood bundle; fascine.⁵⁴
割捆机[割捆機] göt-kūn-gï
gēkǔnjī <agr.> self-binder; binder.⁵⁴
捆绑[捆綁] kūn-bōng
kǔnbǎng truss up; bind; tie up.⁵
捆绑夫妻[捆綁夫妻] kūn-bōng-fü-häi
kǔnbǎng fūqī forced or unwilling collaboration.⁵⁴
捆吊 kūn-ël
kǔndiào to tie and hang up.⁵⁴
捆缚[捆縛] kūn-fòk
kǔnfù to bind; to tie up; bound.⁷
捆紧[捆緊] kūn-gīn
kǔnjǐn to bind tight; to fasten.⁵⁴
捆扎 kūn-jät
kǔnzā tie up; bundle up.⁵
梢捆 säo-kūn shāokǔn fascine.⁵⁴
手足捆绑[手足捆綁] siū-dūk-kūn-bōng
shǒuzúkǔnbǎng to tie somebody hand and foot.⁵⁴
一捆 yīt-kūn
yīkǔn a bundle of.⁵⁴
一捆 柴火 yīt-kūn-châi-fō yīkǔncháihuo a bundle of firewood.⁵⁴
一捆 铁丝[一捆 鐵絲] yīt-kūn-hëik-xû
yīkǔntiěsī a skein of wire.⁵⁴
一捆 小麦[一捆 小麥] yīt-kūn-xēl-màk
yīkǔnxiǎomài a sheaf of wheat.⁵⁴
一捆 信件 yīt-kūn-xïn-gèin
yīkǔnxìnjiàn a bunch of letters.⁵⁴
(See 綑 kūn; 稛 kūn).
kun1 8893
64 11 kūn juǎn to roll up, a roll; to curl (hair), curly hair; to sweep off.⁷
行李卷[行李捲] hãng-lī-kūn xínglijuǎn a travelling bag.¹¹
卷包儿[捲包兒] kūn-bäo-ngĩ
juǎnbāor to clear up everything and escape; to abscond with money and property.⁷
卷伴儿[捲伴兒] kūn-bòn-ngĩ
juǎnbànr to abduct a woman.⁷
卷尺[捲尺] kūn-chêk
juǎnchǐ a tape measure or tapeline.⁷
卷袖[捲袖] kūn-diù
juǎnxiù to roll up the sleeves.⁷
卷子[捲子] kūn-dū juǎnzi rolls; small cakes of bread.⁷
卷甲[捲甲] kūn-gâp
juǎnjiǎ gather the armors – stop fighting.⁷
卷堂[捲堂] kūn-hõng
juǎntáng <wr.> (of students) to go on strike; (of monks) to leave monastery en masse.¹¹
卷土重来[捲土重來] kūn-hū-hũng-lõi
juǎntǔchónglái to stage a comeback; resurgence.⁷
卷地皮[捲地皮] kūn-ì-pĩ juǎndìpí (said of public officials) to practice graft and corruption.⁷
卷帘[捲簾] kūn-lẽm
juǎnlián to roll up a screen or curtain.⁷
卷盘[捲盤] kūn-põn
juǎnpán a reel.⁷
卷云[捲雲] kūn-vũn
juǎnyún (meteorology) cirrus.⁷
卷心菜[捲心菜] kūn-xïm-töi juǎnxīncài a cabbage.⁷
卷刃[捲刃] kūn-yìn
juǎnrèn to turn the edge of a knife/sword.¹⁴
卷入[捲入] kūn-yìp
juǎnrù to be drawn into; to be involved in; to become embroiled in.⁷
(See 卷 kūn, 鬈 gūn.)
kun1 8894
75 11 kūn kǔn doorsill; doorjamb; <wr.> threshold; (<old>=阃[閫] kūn kǔn threshold; inner appartments; woman; wife (honorific).¹⁰).⁸  a movable door sill.¹⁴ the threshold of a door, which can be lifted up and removed, to admit a carriage; to advance to completion; arranged in order; to make even.²⁴
(variant: 棞 kūn
(composition: ⿰木困; U+68B1).
梱外之事 kūn-ngòi-jï-xù kǔnwàizhīshì things outside the door – none of my business.¹⁴
梱内[梱內] kūn-nuì
kǔnnèi refers to the family.¹⁹
梱心 kūn-xïm
kǔnxīn to slap one's chest (in distress or indignation).¹⁹
(See 閫 kūn; 棞 kǔn).
kun1 8895
75 12 kūn kǔn (=梱 kūn kǔn doorsill; doorjamb; <wr.> threshold.⁸  a movable door sill.¹⁴).²
(composition: ⿰木囷; U+68DE).
<又> vùn; kûn.
(See 梱 kūn; 棞 vùn; 棞 kûn).
kun1 8896
115 13 kūn kǔn bind.⁸ full.¹⁰ a bundle of rope; full.²⁵ (=捆 kūn kǔn tie, bind, bundle up; <m.> bundle.⁵ to tie up; to bundle up.³⁶); to tie (sheaf); mature, ripe.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰禾囷; U+7A1B).
稛载[稛載] kūn-döi
kǔnzài fully loaded.²⁵ to be loaded to capacity.⁵⁴
稛载而归[稛載而歸] kūn-döi-ngĩ-gï
kǔnzài'érguī I returned home after having tied the sheaves and loaded the cart to the top.⁵⁴
(See 捆 kūn).
kun1 8897
118 14 kūn jùn arrow; chess piece or stone (in weiqi or go); a thin, slender bamboo that can be used as an arrow shaft; bamboo shoots.⁸
(composition: ⿰⿱𥫗囷; U+7B98).
箘簬 kūn-lù jùnlù a type of bamboo, slender and knotless, that can be used to make bows and arrows; aka 箘簵 kūn-lù jùnlù and 箘露 kūn-lù jùnlù.⁸
<又> kün.
(See 箘 kün).
kun1 8898
120 13 kūn kǔn (=捆 kūn kǔn tie, bind, bundle up; <m.> bundle.⁵); coil, roll, bundle, tie up.⁸ to bind, to cord; to plait, to braid; to hem; a border or trimming on the edge of a garment; a coil, a roll, a bundle.¹⁴ to weave.²⁵
(composition: ⿰糹困; U+7D91).
綑倒 kūn-āo
kǔndǎo to throw down and bind.¹⁴
綑绑[綑綁] kūn-bōng
kǔnbǎng to bind.¹⁴
綑在一块[綑在一塊] kūn-dòi-yīt-fäi
kǔnzàiyīkuài tie them together.¹⁴
綑藤 kūn-hãng
kǔnténg to bind with rattans – as a chest.¹⁴
綑起来[綑起來] kūn-hī-lõi
kǔnqǐlai to bind.¹⁴
綑织[綑織] kūn-jēik
kǔnzhī to weave.¹⁴
(See 捆 kūn).
kun1 8899
120 14 kūn gǔn <wr.> braided band/pipe; <wr.> rope; hem, trim, border.⁶
(comp. t: ⿰糹昆; U+7DC4). (comp. s: ⿰纟昆; U+7EF2).
给衣服绲边[給衣服緄邊] kīp-yï-fùk-kūn-bëin
gěiyīfugǔnbiān trim a dress; hem a dress.⁶
绲边[緄邊] kūn-bëin
or 滚边[滾邊] gūn-bëin gǔnbiān to hem, to trim, to border; (embroidered/hemmed/trimmed) border.⁶
裙子的绲边[裙子的緄邊] kũn-dū-ēik-kūn-bëin
qúnzi de gǔnbiān embroidered border of a skirt.⁶
kun1 8900
120 14 kūn quǎn to make tender love.⁷ to bind.²⁵
绸缪缱绻[綢繆繾綣] chiũ-mẽo-hēin-kūn chóumóu qiǎnquǎn to bind closely and attach to.⁷
缱绻[繾綣] hēin-kūn
qiǎnquǎn entangled, inextricable, inseparable; fig. a parasite; to make tender love.⁷ inseparably connected; confederate; reiterated; not scattered about.²⁵
缱绻之情[繾綣之情] hēin-kūn-jï-tẽin
qiǎnquǎnzhīqíng deep attachment; sentimental attachment.⁵
缱绻柔情[繾綣柔情] hēin-kūn-ngẽl-tẽin
qiǎnquǎnróuqíng deep attachment; tender affection.⁶
缱绻情意[繾綣情意] hēin-kūn-tẽin-yï
qiǎnquǎnqíngyì the entangled relations between lovers or friends.⁷
绻领[綣領] kūn-lêin
quǎnlǐng leathern garments.²⁵
两情缱绻[兩情繾綣] lēng-tẽin-hēin-kūn
liǎngqíngqiǎnquǎn deeply in love with each other.⁷
<又> hün.
(See 綣 hün.)
kun1 8901
120 17 kūn juàn (<old>=卷 kūn juàn painting which can be easily folded or rolled up; a book; a division of a book, a volume; a test paper; filed documents, files.⁷ scroll; book; volume; chapter; examination paper; measure word for books, paintings: volume, scroll.¹⁰); a white fine silk.⁸
(Note: Compare 缚[縛] bòk
to bind; to tie).
t: ⿰糹專; U+7E33). (comp. s: ⿰纟专; U+4338).
<又> xùn.
(See 縳 xùn).
kun1 8902
130 12 kūn quān bent body.⁸ the body bent.²⁵
(composition: ⿰月卷; U+8143).
腃发[腃發] kūn-fät quānfā another name for 斑蝥 (or 斑蟊 bän-mẽo or bän-mão bānmáo Chinese blister beetle; cantharis.⁶ the fly which is used similarly to cantharides; a grub that eats growing grain.¹⁴), used in TCM to treat mange and scrofula.¹⁹
<又> gün, vī, kũn.
(See 腃 gün, 腃 vī, 腃 kũn).
kun1 8903
140 11 kūn juǎn (composition: ⿱艹卷; U+83E4).
菤耳 or 卷耳 kūn-ngī juǎn'ěr a plant in the Asteraceae family (菊科).¹³ʼ⁸ It is the same as 苍耳[蒼耳] (töng-ngī cāngěr rough cocklebur, woolgarie bur, clotbur, common cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium); other Chinese names are: 葈耳實, 羊負來, 羊帶來, 道人頭, 胡寢子, 胡蒼子.¹⁵ʼ²⁰).⁸ aka 苓耳² lẽin-ngī líng'ěr cocklebur.¹¹
菤葹 kūn-sï juǎnshī or 卷葹 kūn-sï juànshī or 卷施 kūn-sï juànshī or 宿莽 xūk-mông sùmǎng a grass that will never die according to legend.¹⁹
kun1 8904
140 11 kūn jūn germ; bacteria; fungus; mold.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱艹囷; U+83CC).
球菌 kiũ-kūn qiújūn coccus.⁵
微菌 mĩ-kūn
wēijūn bacterium; germ.¹⁰
弧菌 vũ-kūn
hújūn <bio.> vibrio.⁵
<又> kûn.
(See 菌 [kûn, jūn], [kûn, jùn].)
kun1 8905
169 15 kūn kǔn threshold; inner appartments; woman; wife (honorific).¹⁰
(comp. t: ⿵門困; U+95AB). (comp. s: ⿵门困; U+9603).
闺阃[閨閫] gï-kūn
guīkǔn women's quarters.¹⁰
阃德[閫德] kūn-āk
kǔndé feminine virtues.⁷
阃奥[閫奧] kūn-äo
kǔn'ào the inner part of a large building; the essence of learning.⁷
or 壸范[壼範] kūn-fàn kǔnfàn <wr.> a paragon of feminine virtue; the code of conduct for woman.⁷
阃寄[閫寄] kūn-gï
kǔnjì to appoint a commanding officer with full authority to act according to his discretion.⁷
阃令[閫令] kūn-lèin
kǔnlìng a woman's orders to her henpecked husband; one's wife's commands.⁷
阃外之任[閫外之任] kūn-ngòi-jï-ngìm
kǔnwàizhīrèn the full authority given to a commanding general.⁷
阃威[閫威] kūn-vï
kǔnwēi the overwhelming authority of a hen-pecked man's wife.⁷
阃围[閫圍] kūn-vĩ
kǔnwéi a boudoir; women's quarters.⁷
阃闱[閫闈] kūn-vĩ
kǔnwéi women's apartments.¹¹
令阃[令閫] lèin-kūn
lìngkǔn your wife (honorific).¹⁰
kun1 8906
198 鹿 16 kūn jūn <old> river deer.⁶ (=獐子 jëng-dū zhāngzi river deer.⁶) (variant: 麏 kūn jūn).
<又> kũn.
(See 麇 kũn; 麏 kūn).
kun1 8907
198 鹿 18 kūn jūn (<old>=麇 kūn jūn) <old> river deer.⁶
<又> kũn.
(See 麇 kũn; 麇 kūn).
kun1 8908
12 6 kūn


卷字头[卷字頭] kūn-dù-hẽo juànzìtóu the top component of 卷 kūn juàn. (cf with 𠔉 {⿱八夫; U+20509} kūn juàn a roll.⁸)
(composition: ⿱丷夫); U+9FB9).

8909 9FB9.gif
9 14 kün jiǒng ➀ (<old>=窘 kün jiǒng) hard-pressed, poverty-stricken; to embarass; afflicted, distressed.⁷ ➁ stooped, rickety; hunchback, humpback.⁸ cramped; hampered.²⁴
僒苦 kün-fū
jiǒngkǔ distressed.²⁴
(See 窘 kün).
kun2 8910
31 7 kün kùn to trap; to surround; hard-pressed; stranded; destitute.¹⁰
(composition: ⿴囗木; U+56F0).
陷入困境 hàm-yìp-kün-gēin xiànrù kùnjìng to fall into difficulty (e.g. facing bankruptcy).¹⁰
困苦 kün-fū
kùnkǔ deprivation; distressed; miserable.¹⁰
困境 kün-gēin
kùnjìng predicament; in difficulty.¹⁰
困窘 kün-kün
kùnjiǒng embarrassed; perplexed; impoverished.⁸
困难[困難] kün-nãn
kùnnán difficult; challenging; straitened circumstances; difficult situation.¹⁰
困扰[困擾] kün-ngêl
kùnrǎo to perplex; to disturb; to cause complications.¹⁰
困顿[困頓] kün-ùn
kùndùn tired out, exhausted; poverty-stricken, impoverished.⁸
困盹 kün-ûn
kùndǔn weary and sleepy.¹⁴
困惑 kün-vàk
kùnhuò bewildered; perplexed; confused; difficult problem; perplexity.¹⁰
贫困[貧困] pĩn-kün
pínkùn impoverished; poverty.¹⁰
(See 睏 kün.)
kun2 8911
31 8 kün qūn a granary, a pen, a bin; spiril.¹⁴ <old> an ancient round granary.³⁹
(composition: ⿴囗禾; U+56F7).
指囷 jī-kün zhǐqūn <wr.> to help a friend in need.¹¹
轮囷[輪囷] lũn-kün
lúnqūn spiril.¹⁴
kun2 8912
32 8 kün kūn one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦 Bāt-gä Bāguà, symbolizing Earth, The Receptive; ☷.⁸⁰ female principle.
(composition: ⿰土申; U+5764).
乾坤 kẽin-kün
qiánkūn heaven and earth; the universe; male and female.
坤车[坤車] kün-chëh
kūnchē sedan for ladies.
坤角 kün-gôk
kūnjué <opera> female actor.
坤伶 kün-lẽin
kūnlíng actress.⁹⁹
坤舆[坤輿] kün-yĩ
kūnyú <wr.> the earth.
扭转乾坤[扭轉乾坤] niū-jōn-kẽin-kün
niǔzhuǎn qiánkūn to change the course of events; to retrieve a situation.
kun2 8913
46 11 kün kūn the Kunlun Mountains; Kunshan, name of a county and mountain in Jiangsu (江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū).⁷ (variant: 崐 kün kūn.)
(composition: ⿱山昆; U+5D11).
崑曲 kün-kūk
kūnqǔ name of a class of tunes originating in Kunshan, Jiangsu.⁷
or 崑崙山 Kün-lũn-sän Kūnlúnshān the Kunlun Mountains (between Tibet and Xinjiang (新疆 Xïn-gëng Xīnjiāng) extending to Central China, whose highest peak is 25,000 ft.⁷
or 昆玉 kün-ngùk-ā kūnyù the jade produced in the Kunlun Mountains; a polite term used to address the brothers of other people.⁷
崑山 Kün-sän
Kūnshān a county in Jiangsu Province; a mountain in Jiangsu Province.⁷
玉出昆冈[玉出崑岡] ngùk-chūt-kün-göng
yùchūkūngāng Jade comes out of the Kunlun Mountains.⁶²
<又> gün.
(See 崑 gün; 崐 kün; 昆 kün).
kun2 8914
46 11 kün kūn (=崑 Kün Kūn the Kunlun Mountains; Kunshan, name of a county and mountain in Jiangsu (江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū).⁷).
(composition: ⿰山昆; U+5D10).
崐崘 Kün-lũn
Kūnlún the Kunlun Mountains (between Tibet and 新疆 Xïn-gëng Xīnjiāng Xinjiang extending to Central China, whose highest peak is 25,000 ft.)⁷
(See 崑 Kün.)
kun2 8915
72 8 kün kūn an elder brother; descendants, posterity; multitudes; together, in unison.⁷ (variant: 晜 kün kūn).
(composition: ⿱日比; U+6606).
昆弟 kün-ài
kūndì brothers.⁷
昆布 kün-bü
kūnbù kelp.⁹ <bot.> Laminaria japonica, an edible giant seaweed (also called 海带[海帶] hōi-äi hǎidài).¹¹ <bot.> Saccharina japonica (Dashi kombu).¹⁵
昆虫[昆蟲] kün-chũng
kūnchóng insects.⁷
昆虫学[昆蟲學] kün-chũng-hòk
kūnchóngxué entomology.¹⁴
昆季 kün-gï
kūnjì brothers (the elder and younger brothers).⁷
昆仲 kün-jùng
kūnzhòng brothers.⁷
昆曲 kün-kūk
kūnqǔ Kun opera; melodies for Kun opera.⁷
昆羣 kün-kũn
kūnqún a multitude.¹⁴
or 昆仑[崑崙] or 崐崘 Kün-lũn Kūnlún the Kunlun Mountains between Tibet and Xinjiang.⁷
昆明 Kün-mẽin
Kūnmíng Kunming, capital of Yunnan Province (云南[雲南] Vũn-nãm Yúnnán).⁷
or 崑玉 kün-ngùk-ā kūnyù (a polite expression) your  brothers.⁷
昆孙[昆孫] kün-xün
kūnsūn 6th generation descendant.¹⁴
昆裔 kün-yuì
kūnyì progeny.¹¹
<又> gün.
(See 崑 Kün; 晜 kün; 崑 gün).

kun2 8916
72 11 kün kūn (<old>=昆 kün kūn) older brother; (=昆孙[昆孫] kün-xün kūnsūn) 6th generation descendant.
(composition: ⿱日弟; U+665C).
晜孙[晜孫] kün-xün
kūnsūn 6th generation descendant.
(See 昆 kün).
kun2 8917
86 12 kün kūn fire, flames; bright, shining.⁸ bright.⁹  brilliant.¹⁰ bright, shining.¹¹ fire, flames.¹⁴ bright, luminous, splendid, fiery.²⁴ flaming, sparkling, crimson.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰火昆; U+711C).
焜炉[焜爐] kün-lũ kūnlú blazing brazier.⁵⁴
焜黄[焜黃] kün-võng
kūnhuáng purple-yellow (about autumn foliage).⁵⁴
焜燿 kün-yèl
kūnyào blazing.¹⁴
kun2 8918
96 12 kün kūn fine rocks next to jade in quality.⁷ beautiful jade, precious stones.⁸ (variant: 瑻 kün kūn).
(composition: ⿰𤣩昆; U+7428).
琨庭 kün-hẽin
kūntíng a yard dotted with white stones.⁷
琨珸 kün-m̃
kūnwú archaic name of a sword.²³ the name of a mountain, in which there are mines; a pebble, inferior to a precious stone; a beautiful stone.²⁴
瑶琨[瑤琨] yẽl-kün
yáokūn a beautiful stone.²⁴
(See 瑻 kün).
kun2 8919
96 15 kün kūn (<old>=琨 kün kūn fine rocks next to jade in quality.⁷ beautiful jade, precious stones.⁸).⁸
(composition: ⿰𤣩貫; U+747B).
(See 琨 kün).
kun2 8920
109 12 kün kùn drowsy, sleepy.⁷ to nod; to take a nap; sleep.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿰目困; U+774F). (comp. s: ⿴囗木; U+56F0).
睏觉[睏覺] kün-gäo
kùnjiào <topo.> to sleep.¹¹
睏觉了[睏覺了] kün-gäo-lēl
kùnjiàole has fallen asleep.
睏着了 kün-jèk-lēl
kùnzhele to go to sleep; fast asleep.¹⁴
睏了 kün-lēl
kùnle sleepy.¹⁴
(See 困 kün.)
kun2 8921
116 12 kün jiǒng hard-pressed, poverty-stricken; to embarass; afflicted, distressed.⁷ (variant: 僒 kün jiǒng). (See 僒 kün).
(composition: ⿱穴君; U+7A98).
窘迫 kün-bēik
jiǒngpò poverty-stricken, very poor; hard-pressed, embarrassed, in a predicament.⁵ in straits; in distress; to molest.¹⁴
窘步 kün-bù
jiǒngbù walk hurriedly.³⁹
窘乏 kün-fàt
jiǒngfá financial difficulties.⁸
窘况[窘況] kün-fōng
jiǒngkuàng awkward situation; predicament; plight; distress.⁶
窘境 kün-gēin
jiǒngjìng awkward situation; predicament; embarrassment; plight.⁶
窘匮[窘匱] kün-gì
jiǒngkuì <wr.> destitute; impoverished.
窘急 kün-gīp
jiǒngjí hard-pressed; in a predicament.⁶
窘态[窘態] kün-häi
jiǒngtài embarrassed look.⁶
窘住 kün-jì
jiǒngzhù to be embarrassed; to embarrass.¹¹
窘困 kün-kün
jiǒngkùn embarrassed; awkward; in a difficult position.⁶ miserably poor.¹⁴
窘促 kün-tūk
jiǒngcù <wr.> very poor, poverty-stricken, in dire straits; hard-pressed, in a predicament.⁶
窘相 kün-xëng
jiǒngxiàng embarrassed look.⁶
受窘 siù-kün
shòujiǒng embarrassed; bothered; in an awkward position.¹⁰

kun2 8922
118 14 kün qūn a species of osmanthus, commonly known as 箘桂.⁸
(composition: ⿰⿱𥫗囷; U+7B98).
箘桂 kün-gï qūnguì or kūn-gï jùnguì a species of osmanthus.⁸
<又> kūn.
(See 箘 kūn).
kun2 8923
142 12 kün kūn insects.⁷ insects in general.¹⁰¹ (variant: 蜫 kün kūn).
(composition: ⿰虫虫; U+45B5).
(See 蜫 kün).
kun2 8924
142 14 kün kūn (=䖵 kün kūn insects.⁷ insects in general.¹⁰¹).²
(composition: ⿰虫昆; U+872B).
(See 䖵 kün).
kun2 8925
153 13 kün kūn to gnaw; to diminish.⁸ to bite, to diminish, to gnaw away.²⁵
(composition: ⿰豸艮; U+8C87).
<又> hān. (See 貇 hān).
kun2 8926
164 15 kün kūn quinone.⁵
醌酶素 kün-mõi-xü kūnméisù kinomycin.⁶
醌醇 kün-sũn
kūnchún <chem.> quinol.⁶
醌酸 kün-xön
kūnsuān chinoic acid.⁶
萘醌 nòi-kün
nàikūn naphthoquinone (chemistry).¹⁰
kun2 8927
167 16 kün kūn (a character used for people's names).⁴ ancient treasured sword.⁸
(comp. t: ⿰釒昆; U+9315). (comp. s: ⿰钅昆; U+951F).
锟铻[錕鋙] kün-m̃
kūnwú (a mountain mentioned in ancient books); double-edged sword.⁶ name of an ancient sword.⁸
锟鋘[錕鋘] kün-m̃
kūnwú the name for a hill.²⁵
or 锟铻[錕鋙] kün-m̃-sän kūnwúshān a mountain mentioned in ancient books).¹³
kun2 8928
187 18 kün kūn fine horse.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰馬昆; U+9A09).
騉蹄 kün-hãi kūntí the name of a horse with flat hoofs, good for climbing hills.²⁵
騉駼 kün-hũ
kūntú an animal like a horse with cow's hoofs.²⁵
kun2 8929
190 12 kün kūn (=髡 kün kūn an ancient punishment of shaving the head; to shear trees.⁷ to shave off hair; lop off tree leaves; a man's name.¹¹ to shave the hair; a man's name; a lopped tree.²⁵); shave head as punishment; prune.⁸
(composition: ⿱髟几; U+9AE0).
(See 髡 kün).
kun2 8930
190 13 kün kūn an ancient punishment of shaving the head; to shear trees.⁷ to shave off hair; lop off tree leaves; a man's name.¹¹ to shave the hair; a man's name; a lopped tree.²⁵
髡头[髡頭] kün-hẽo kūntóu to shave the head; a punishment in ancient times, inflicted on the relatives of a prince, instead of castration.²⁵
髡钳[髡鉗] kün-kẽm
kūnqián ancient punishments of shaving the head and chaining the neck.⁷
留髡 liũ-kün
liúkūn singsong girl asks guest to stay for the night.¹¹ ask a patron to stay for the night (of prostitutes).⁵⁴
kun2 8931
195 19 kün kūn enormous legendary fish which could change into a roc.⁵ a sea monster, leviathan; young of fishes.¹⁴
中国鲲鹏翼龙[中國鯤鵬翼龍] Jüng-gōk-kün-pãng-yêik-lũng Zhōngguókūnpéngyìlóng (Kunpengopterus sinensis).²⁰
鲲化而为鹏[鯤化而為鵬] kün-fä-ngĩ-vĩ-pãng
kūnhuàérwéipéng the leviathan changes into the roc.¹⁴
鲲鲕[鯤鮞] kün-ngĩ
kūn'ér fish spawn.²⁵
鲲鹏[鯤鵬] kün-pãng
kūnpéng roc (an enormous legendary bird transformed from a gigantic fish).⁵
鲲鹏得志[鯤鵬得志] kün-pãng-āk-jï
kūnpéngdézhì a talented person achieves his ambition; a talented person gets a chance to display his abilities.⁶
鲲鹏展翅[鯤鵬展翅] kün-pãng-jīn-chï
kūnpéngzhǎnchì like a roc flapping its wings – taking off with tremendous power and momentum.⁶
鲲鹏翼龙属[鯤鵬翼龍屬] kün-pãng-yêik-lũng-sùk
kūnpéngyìlóngshǔ a genus (Kunpengopterus) of wukongopterid pterosaur.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鹏鲲[鵬鯤] pãng-kün
péngkūn outstanding person.⁶ the giant bird and giant fish, symbol of hugeness.¹¹
kun2 8932
196 19 kün kūn a bird resembling the crane.⁸ <old> large bird, possibly related to crane or swan; mythical monstrous bird, cf Sinbad's roc.¹⁰
(comp. t: ⿰昆鳥; U+9D7E). (comp. s: ⿰昆鸟; U+9E4D).
鹍鸡[鵾雞] kün-gäi
kūnjī <old> large bird, possibly related to crane or swan; mythical monstrous bird, cf Sinbad's roc.¹⁰
鹍鸡曲[鵾雞曲] kün-gäi-kūk
kūnjīqū long poem by 韓信 Hõn-Xïn Hán Xìn Han Xin (230 - 196 BCE).¹⁰ʼ²⁰
鹍鹏[鵾鵬] kün-pãng
kūnpéng kun and peng, large mythological birds.¹⁰
鹍弦[鵾弦] kün-yẽn
kūnxián pipa strings, made from sinews of large crane or swan 鹍鸡[鵾雞] kün-gäi kūnjī.¹⁰
kun2 8933
196 20 kün kūn (=鹍[鵾] kün kūn a bird resembling the crane.⁸ <old> large bird, possibly related to crane or swan; mythical monstrous bird, cf Sinbad's roc.¹⁰).²
(composition: ⿰軍鳥; U+9DA4).
鶤鸡[鶤雞] kün-gäi
kūnjī another name for the phoenix.²⁵
<又> vùn.
(See 鶤 vùn).
kun2 8934
30 11 kũn quán (<old>=颧[顴] kũn quán) the cheekbone.⁷
(See 顴 kũn).
kun3 8935
40 10 kũn qún live in groups; gregarious; social.⁸ to herd together.¹¹ to dwell together.²⁴ gregarious; gathering place.³⁶
(composition: ⿱宀君; U+5BAD).
kun3 8936
46 20 kũn quán (composition: ⿰山雚; U+5DCF).
巏嵍 kũn-mù quánwù the name of the mountain is in the west of Longyao County (隆尧县[隆堯縣] lũng-ngẽl-yòn lóngyáoxiàn), Hebei Province, China.⁸ the name of a hill.²⁴
kun3 8937
50 10 kũn qún (=裙 kũn qún) skirt.⁵ the skirt of a lady's dress; a petticoat.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱君巾; U+5E2C).
(See 裙 kũn; 裠 kũn).
kun3 8938
50 10 𢂽
kũn qún (=帬 kũn qún skirt.⁵)
(composition: ⿰巾君; U+220BD).
(See 帬 kũn).
kun3 8939
61 11 kũn quán sincere; candid.⁷
惓惓 kũn-kũn quánquán sincere, candid.⁷
惓惓于怀[惓惓於懷] kũn-kũn-yï-vãi
quánquányúhuái to remember something or somebody at heart constantly.⁷
kun3 8940
64 10 kũn quán to box (with fists).
(composition: ⿱龹手; U+62F3).
太极拳[太極拳] häi-gèik-kũn tàijíquán shadowboxing or Taiji, T'aichi or T'aichichuan; traditional form of physical exercise or relaxation; a martial art.
拳匪之乱[拳匪之亂] Kũn-fī-jï-lòn
Quánfěizhīluàn Boxer Rebellion (1899-1901).
拳击[拳擊] kũn-gēik
quánjī boxing, pugilism; to strike with the fist.
拳头[拳頭] kũn-hẽo
quántou fist.
拳拳 kũn-kũn
quánquán <wr.> sincere; conscientious.
拳拳之忱 kũn-kũn-jï-sẽim
quánquánzhīchén sincere intention; sincerity.⁶
拳手 kũn-siū
quánshǒu boxer; pugilist.
拳术[拳術] kũn-sùt
quánshù the art of boxing.
拳王 kũn-võng
quánwáng boxing champion.
拳师[拳師] kũn-xü
quánshī boxing coach; pugilist master.
or 豁拳 vàk-kũn huáquán play finger-guessing game (a kind of drinking game played at feasts).⁶
kun3 8941
75 21 kũn quán authority; power; right; <wr.> to weigh; expedient; temporary; Quan surname.¹⁰
权变[權變] kũn-bëin quánbiàn adaptability in tactics; tact.⁵
权柄[權柄] kũn-bêng
quánbǐng power; authority.⁵
权且[權且] kũn-chēh
quánqiě for the time being.⁷
权贵[權貴] kũn-gï
quánguì influential officials; bigwigs.⁵
权限[權限] kũn-hàn
quánxiàn limits of power or authority.⁷
权衡利弊[權衡利] kũn-hãng-lì
quánhéng lì-bì to consider; to weigh (a matter); to balance (pros and cons).¹⁰
权诈[權詐] kũn-jä
quánzhà trickery; craftiness.⁵
权力[權力] kũn-lèik
quánlì power; authority.⁵
权利[權利] kũn-lì
quánlì power; right; privilege.¹⁰
权利法案[權利法案] kũn-lì-fāt-ön
quánlìfǎ'àn Bill of Rights.⁷
权谋[權謀] kũn-mẽo
quánmóu trickery; tactics.¹⁰
权能[權能] kũn-nãng
quánnéng powers and functions.⁵
权宜[權宜] kũn-ngĩ
quányí expedient.⁵
权势[權勢] kũn-säi
quánshì power and influence.⁵
权臣[權臣] kũn-sĩn
quánchén powerful courtiers.⁷
权术[權術] kũn-sùt
quánshù political trickery.⁵
权威[權威] kũn-vï
quánwēi authority; power and prestige.¹⁰
权益[權益] kũn-yēik
quányì rights and interests.⁵
kun3 8942
123 13 kũn qún (=群 kũn qún) crowd, group; multitudinous, numerous; multitude, mass; <m.> group, flock, herd.⁶
(composition: ⿱君羊; U+7FA3).
昆羣 kün-kũn
kūnqún a multitude.¹⁴
or 羣蚁附羴[羣蟻附羴] kũn-ngāi-fù-sën qúnyǐfùshān swarms of ants attach themselves to what is rank and foul – used figuratively.¹⁴
(See 群 kũn.)
kun3 8943
123 13 kũn qún crowd, group; multitudinous, numerous; multitude, mass; <m.> group, flock, herd.⁶ (variant: 羣 kũn qún).
群岛[群島] kũn-āo
qúndǎo archipelago.¹¹
群策群力 kũn-chāk-kũn-lèik qúncèqúnlì pool the wisdom and efforts of everyone.⁵
群芳 kũn-föng qúnfāng beautiful and fragrant flowers.⁵
群婚 kũn-fün
qúnhūn group/communal marriage.⁵
群居 kũn-guï
qúnjū live in groups; gregarious; social.⁵
群体[群體] kũn-hāi qúntǐ <bio.> colony; group.⁶
群控制 kũn-hüng-jäi
qúnkòngzhì group control.⁵
群众 kũn-jüng qúnzhòng the masses.⁵
群落 kũn-lòk
qúnluò <bio.> community.⁵
群龙无首[群龍無首] kũn-lũng-mũ-siū qúnlóngwúshǒu a host of dragons without a head – a leaderless group.⁵
群氓 kũn-mãng qúnméng <wr.> the common herd.⁵
群魔乱舞[群魔亂舞] kũn-mō-lòn-mū qúnmóluànwǔ a host of demons dancing in riotous revelry – rogues of all kinds running wild.⁵
群青 kũn-tëin qúnqīng  <chem.> ultramarine.⁵
群情 kũn-tẽin qúnqíng public sentiment.⁵
群威群胆[群威群膽] kũn-vï-kũn-ām qúnwēiqúndǎn mass heroism and daring.⁵
(See 羣 kũn.)
kun3 8944
130 12 kũn quán lips; to kiss.⁸ the sides of the mouth.²⁵
(composition: ⿰月卷; U+8143).
<又> gün, vī, kūn. (See 腃 gün, 腃 vī, 腃 kūn).
kun3 8945
142 14 kũn quán creep like worm, curl one's body.⁸ (variants: 踡 kũn quán, 跧 kũn quán).
进道若蜷[進道若蜷] dïn-ào-ngèk-kũn
jìndàoruòquán entering the Way, you seem to coil back (老子 Lāo Dū Lǎo Zǐ Laozi, 道德经[道德經] Ào-āk-gëin Dàodéjīng the Book of Dao, Chap. 14); progress in the Dao can seem illusory.¹⁰
蜷作一团[蜷作一團] kũn-dōk-yīt-hõn
quánzuòyītuán curl up, huddle up, roll up.⁶
or 踡伏 kũn-fùk quánfú curl up; lie with the knees drawn up.⁸ (of worms) to curl up and sleep.¹¹
or 踡跼 kũn-gùk quánjú coil.⁸ <wr.> curled up, frustrated.¹¹ huddled and crouching.¹⁴
or 踡曲 kũn-kūk quánqū swirl; curl.⁸ to curl up, curling.¹¹
蜷面 kũn-mèin
quánmiàn helicoidal.¹⁰
or 踡卧[踡臥] kũn-ngò quánwò curl up.⁸
or 踡缩[踡縮] kũn-sük quánsuō huddle up; coil; curl up.⁸
蜷蜿 kũn-vōn
quánwān to wind round and round.⁷ encircling (like mountain range).¹¹
(See 踡 kũn; 跧 kũn).
kun3 8946
145 12 kũn qún skirt.⁵ the skirt of a lady's dress; a petticoat.¹⁴
(variants: 帬, 裠 kũn). (See 帬, 裠 kũn).
(composition: ⿰衤君; U+88D9).
裙带[裙帶] kũn-âi
qúndài belt (as part of a skirt or dress), skirt belt; connections one has with one's female relaives.⁶
裙带风[裙帶風] kũn-âi-füng
qúndàifēng petticoat influence; nepotism.⁶
裙带关系[裙帶關係] kũn-âi-gän-hài
qúndài guānxi  petticoat influence; nepotism.⁶
裙带官[裙帶官] kũn-âi-gön
qúndàiguān an official appointment obtained through the influence of one's wife or her family.⁷
裙带亲[裙帶親] kũn-âi-tïn
qúndàiqīn (said of a man) relatives by marriage (sometimes also used figuratively and sarcastically).⁷
裙钗[裙釵] kũn-chäi
qúnchāi petticoats and hairpins; female attire/clothing/dress – women.⁶
裙撑[裙撐] kũn-chäng
qúnchēng bustle.⁶
裙子 kũn-dū
qúnzi skirt.⁵
裙裤[裙褲] kũn-fû
qúnkù pantskirt; culottes; divided skirt.⁶
裙屐少年 kũn-kêk-sël-nẽin
qúnjī-shàonián fops; dandies; coxcombs.⁷
短裙 ōn-kũn
duǎnqún short skirt.⁶
kun3 8947
145 13 kũn qún (=裙 kũn qún) skirt.⁵
(See 裙 kũn; 帬 kũn).
kun3 8948
157 13 kũn quán (<old>=蜷 kũn quán) crouch.⁸
(See 蜷 kũn).
kun3 8949
157 15 kũn quán (=蜷 kũn quán) curled, coiled.⁸
踡着腿[踡著腿] kũn-jèk-huī
quánzhetuǐ drawing the legs up as when curled up in bed.¹⁴
(See 蜷 kũn).
kun3 8950
181 26 kũn quán the cheekbone.⁷ (variant: 啳 kũn quán).
颧骨[顴骨] kũn-gūt
quángǔ the cheekbone; the malar bone; the malar.⁷
颧骨高耸[顴骨高聳] kũn-gūt-gäo-xūng
quángǔgāosǒng high cheekbones – indicative of cruel character.¹⁴
颧骨突起[顴骨突起] kũn-gūt-ùt-hī
quángǔ tūqǐ prominent cheekbones.⁵⁴
颧突眼陷[顴突眼陷] kũn-ùt-ngān-hàm
quántūyǎnxiàn prominent cheekbones and sunken eyes.¹⁹
(See 啳 kũn).
kun3 8951
190 18 kũn quán (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 鬈 gūn quán fine hair; curled hair.⁷ to curl; curled.¹⁰)
<又> gūn.
(See 鬈 gūn; 卷 gūn; 捲 kūn.)
kun3 8952
198 鹿 16 kũn qún <wr.> flock together.⁵ in groups/flocks; in large numbers.⁶ (variant: 麕 kũn qún).
麇集 kũn-dàp
qúnjí <wr.> swarm; flock together.⁵
麇集周围[麇集周圍] kũn-dàp-jiü-vĩ
qúnjízhōuwéi cluster round somebody/something.⁶
麇至 kũn-jï
qúnzhì <wr.> arrive in groups/flocks.⁶
贼匪麇聚[賊匪麇聚] tàk-fī-kũn-duì
zéifěiqúnjù banding together of brigands.¹⁴
<又> kūn.
(See 麇 kūn; 麕 kũn).
kun3 8953
198 鹿 19 kũn qún (=麇 kũn qún <wr.> flock together.⁵ in groups/flocks; in large numbers.⁶)
(composition: ⿱鹿囷; U+9E95).
(See 麇 kũn.)
kun3 8954
75 12 kûn jùn a kind of tree.² a kind of tree found in ancient books.⁸
(composition: ⿰木囷; U+68DE).
<又> kūn; vùn. (See 棞 kūn; 棞 vùn).
kun5 8955
140 11 kûn jùn mushroom.
(composition: ⿱艹囷; U+83CC).
香菌 hëng-kûn xiāngjùn (=香菇 hëng-gü xiānggū q.v.) Lentinus edodes (Berk.) Pegler; shiitake; forest mushroom; black forest mushroom; dried mushroom.²³
菌柄 kûn-bêng
jùnbǐng stipe.⁹ mushroom stalk.¹⁴ (See also 菌柄 kûn-bêng jūnbǐng.)
菌子 kûn-dū
jùnzi <topo.> mushroom.⁹
菌伞[菌傘] kûn-xän
jùnsǎn the mushroom.¹⁴
<又> kūn.
(See 菌 kūn. [kûn, jūn].)
kun5 8956
140 11 kûn jūn germ; bacteria; fungus; mold.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱艹囷; U+83CC).
病菌 bèng-kûn bìngjūn pathogenic bacteria; germ.⁸
块菌[塊菌] fäi-kûn
kuàijūn truffle (edible root fungus).¹⁰
真菌 jïn-kûn
zhēnjūn fungus.⁸
菌柄 kûn-bêng
jūnbǐng prosthecae.¹⁰ (See also 菌柄 kûn-bêng jùnbǐng.)
菌褶 kûn-jêp
jūnzhě the appearance of the underside of a rmushroom.¹⁴ lamella.
菌种[菌種] kûn-jūng
jūnzhǒng mushroom spawn or spores.¹⁴
菌类[菌類] kûn-luì
jūnlèi fungi.¹¹
菌苗 kûn-mẽl
jūnmiáo vaccine.⁸
菌丝[菌絲] kûn-xü
jūnsī mushroom spores.¹⁴ mycelium; hypha.³⁵
灭菌[滅菌] mèik-kûn
mièjūn sterilization.⁸
or 黴菌 mõi-kûn méijūn fungi; germs, bacteria.⁷
杀菌[殺菌] sät-kûn
shājūn to disinfect; to sterilize.⁸
细菌[細菌] xäi-kûn
xìjūn bacterium; germ.⁸
<又> kūn.
(See 菌 kūn, [kûn, jùn].)
kun5 8957
159 15 kûn gǔn roller; roll.⁶
轧辊[軋輥] jät-kûn or jät-gûn zhágǔn <metal.> roll; roller.⁵
辊道[輥道] kûn-ào
or gûn-ào gǔndào roller bed or roller way; roll table.⁶
辊压[輥壓] kûn-āt
or gûn-āt gǔnyà roll in.⁶
辊子[輥子] kûn-dū
or gûn-dū gǔnzi <mach.> roller.⁶
辊光[輥光] kûn-göng
or gûn-göng gǔnguāng burnishing in.⁶
辊筒[輥筒] kûn-hûng
or gûn-hûng gǔntǒng roller.⁶
辊筒印花[輥筒印花] kûn-hûng-yïn-fä
or gûn-hûng-yïn-fä gǔntǒngyìnhuā roller printing.⁵
辊轧[輥軋] kûn-jät
or gûn-jät gǔnzhá rolling.⁶
辊轴[輥軸] kûn-jùk
or gûn-jùk gǔnzhóu roll shaft.⁶
辊距[輥距] kûn-kuî
or gûn-kuî gǔnjù roll(er) spacing.⁶
辊式[輥式] kûn-sēik
or gûn-sēik gǔnshì roll(er) type.⁶
辊环[輥環] kûn-vãn
or gûn-vãn gǔnhuán collars.⁶
辊铣[輥銑] kûn-xēin
or gûn-xēin gǔnxǐ surface milling.⁶
辊碎机[輥碎機] kûn-xuï-gï
or gûn-xuï-gï gǔnsuìjī rolls.⁶
辊印[輥印] kûn-yïn
or gûn-yïn gǔnyìn roll mark; roll pick-up.⁶
皮辊花[皮輥花] pĩ-kûn-fä
pígǔnhuā <txtl.> lap waste.⁵
<又> gûn.
(See 輥 gûn.)
kun5 8958
39 4 kūng kǒng hole, bore; <m.> for cave-dwellings, oil wells.⁶ ➀ hole; orifice; opening; aperture  ➁ of or pertaining to Confucius ➂ urgent; badly  ➃ very; exceedingly  ➄ Kong surname.
孔道 kūng-ào kǒngdào a narrow passage providing the only means of access to a certain place; pass.⁵
孔雀 kūng-dēk
kǒngquè peacock.¹⁰
孔雀开屏[孔雀開屏] kūng-dêk-höi-pẽin
kǒngquè kāipíng a peacock spreads its tail; be beautiful.⁵⁴
孔子 Kūng-dū
Kǒngzǐ Confucius (551-479 BC).⁶
孔夫子 Kūng-fü-dū 
Kǒngfūzǐ Confucius.⁶
孔径[孔徑] kūng-gèin
kǒngjìng aperture; bore diameter.⁵
孔隙 kūng-kēik
kǒngxì small opening; hole.⁵
孔孟 Kūng-Màng
Kǒng-Mèng Confucius and Mencius.¹⁰
孔孟之道 Kūng-Màng-jï-ào
Kǒng-Mèng zhī dào the doctrine of Confucius and Mencius.⁵
孔庙[孔廟] Kūng-mèl
Kǒngmiào Confucian temple.⁵
孔洞 kūng-ùng
kǒngdòng opening or hole in a utensil.⁵
孔型 kūng-yẽin
kǒngxíng (mining) a pass.⁵
孔穴 kūng-yòt
kǒngxué hole; cavity.⁵
无孔不入[無孔不入] mũ-kūng-būt-yìp
wúkǒngbùrù (of odors, ideas) be all-pervasive; (of persons) seize every opportunity (to do evil).⁵
三孔窑洞[三孔窯洞] xäm-kūng-yẽl-ùng
sānkǒngyáodòng three cave-dwellings.⁶

kung1 8959
61 11 kūng kǒng (composition: ⿰忄空; U+60BE).
悾愡 or 悾憁  kūng-dūng kǒngzǒng downcast, depressed.¹⁴
<又> hüng.
(See 悾 hüng).
kung1 8960
86 7 küng hōng (=烘 küng hōng) to dry in the fire.²⁴
(composition: ⿰火工; U+7074).
<又> hũng.
(See 灴 hũng; 烘 küng).
kung2 8961
86 10 küng hōng to bake; to heat by fire.¹⁰
烘干[烘乾] küng-gön hōnggān dry by fire.⁸ dry by heat.⁹
烘烤 küng-häo
hōngkǎo roast; bake.⁸
烘面包[烘麵包] küng-mèin-bäo
hōngmiànbāo bake bread.¹⁹
烘焙 hüng-pöi
hōngbèi cure (tea or tobacco leaves).⁶
烘手 küng-siū
hōngshǒu to warm hand by fire.¹¹ to dry hands.¹⁹
烘箱 küng-xëng
hōngxiāng oven.¹⁰
<又> hüng.
(See 烘 hüng.)
kung2 8962
86 12 küng qiōng to exhaust; to dry anything at the fire; to scorch; to burn.²⁴
(composition: ⿰火穹; U+712A.
kung2 8963
26 5 kũng qióng erroneous character for 邛 kũng qióng; high; to raise.⁸
properly written 邛 kũng
qióng, place name, mountain name.²⁴ erroneous character for 邛 kũng qióng; (=卬 ngõng áng high; to raise).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰工卩; U+536D).
(See 邛 kũng; 卬 ngõng).
kung3 8964
116 8 kũng qióng high, vast; arched, vaulted; deep, spacious; the sky.⁷
穹顶[穹頂] kũng-ēin qióngdǐng dome.⁶
穹谷 kũng-gūk
qiónggǔ a deep valley or ravine.⁷
穹拱 kũng-gūng
qiónggǒng arch of vault.⁶
穹丘 kũng-hiü
qióngqiū (=穹地 kũng-ì qióngdì) dome.¹⁰
穹地 kũng-ì
qióngdì an area with an elevated center (the opposite of a basin); an elevation.⁷ dome.¹⁰
穹窒 kũng-jìt
qióngzhì <wr.> rat-hole.¹¹
穹肋 kũng-làk
qiónglèi a rib of an arch.¹⁰
穹灵[穹靈] kũng-lẽin
qiónglíng gods high above.⁷
穹庐[穹廬] kũng-lũ
qiónglú <wr.> tent with domes roof (inhabited by nomadic tribes); yurt.⁶
or 穹隆 kũng-lũng qiónglóng <wr.> vaulted, domed; dome.⁶
穹隆构造[穹隆構造] kũng-lũng-këo-dào
qiónglóng gòuzào dome structure.⁶
穹冥 kũng-mẽin
qióngmíng the sky; the heavens.⁷
穹隅 kũng-nguĩ
qióngyú pendentive.⁶
穹苍[穹蒼] kũng-töng
qióngcāng the sky; the firmament; the vault of heaven.¹⁰
穹形 kũng-yẽin
qióngxíng dome-shaped.⁹
阴道穹[陰道穹] yïm-ào-kũng
yīndào qióng Fornix vaginae.¹⁰
kung3 8965
116 15 kũng qióng poor, destitute, impoverished.⁸ (variant: 竆 kũng qióng).
穷苦[窮苦] kũng-fū
qióngkǔ poverty-stricken; impoverished; poor and miserable.⁶
穷极无聊[窮極無聊] kũng-gèik-mũ-lẽl
qióngjí wúliáo to do very foolish things in desperation; to be utterly bored; absolutely senseless, disgusting.⁷
穷匮[窮匱] kũng-gì
qióngkuì to be short of something.¹⁰
穷乡僻壤[窮鄉僻壤] kũng-hëng-pēik-ngẽng
qióngxiāng pìrǎng a district shut off from the outside world.¹¹
穷途[窮途] kũng-hũ
qióngtú or 穷途末路[窮途末路] kũng-hũ-mòt-lù qióngtúmòlù extremely distressed or difficult state; in straits; at the end of one's rope.⁷
穷追不舍[窮追不捨] kũng-juï-būt-sēh
qióngzhuībùshě to pursue relentlessly; to go in hot pursuit.⁷
穷寇勿追[窮寇勿追] kũng-këo-mòt-juï
qióngkòuwùzhuī  Don't pursue a desperate enemy (from The Art of War).⁷
穷困[窮困] kũng-kün
qióngkùn poverty-stricken.⁷
穷人[窮人] kũng-ngĩn
qióngrén destitute people; the poor.⁷
穷原竞委[窮原競委] kũng-ngũn-gèin-vī
qióngyuánjìngwěi get to the bottom of the matter.⁶
无穷[無窮] mũ-kũng
wúqióng infinite; boundless; endless; inexhaustible; interminable; unending.⁷
<又> kûng.
(See 窮 kûng; 竆 kũng).
kung3 8966
116 19 kũng qióng (<archaic=窮 kũng qióng) exhausted; impoverished; poor.⁸ (Note: The traditional form of 竆 has 穴 on the top and the bottom left has 身, and the bottom right has 呂.)
t: ⿱穴⿰身呂; U+7AC6). Note: This character is displayed in Yu Gothic font to get 呂 on the bottom right side.
s: ⿱穴⿰身吕; U+7AC6). Note: Same codepoint as traditional character, but displayed in Segoe UI Semibold font. Since it is the same codepoint, if you do a search on either one, you will get both.
<又> kûng.
(See 窮 kûng; 窮 kũng).
kung3 8967
118 11 kũng qióng a kind of bamboo (used to make walking sticks).⁶ a species of bamboo from 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan; it has many knots and is of great strength; a staff of this bamboo.¹⁴ (variant: 笻 kũng qióng).
(composition: ⿱𥫗邛; U+7B47).
扶筇 fũ-kũng
fúqióng to lean on a staff.¹⁴
or 邛杖 kũng-jèng qióngzhàng bamboo cane (named after 邛州 Kũng-jiü Qióngzhōu, a district in 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan); it is of great strength and has many knots.¹¹ʼ¹⁴
(See 笻 kũng).
kung3 8968
118 11 kũng qióng (=筇 kũng qióng) a kind of bamboo (used to make walking sticks).⁶ a species of bamboo from 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan; it has many knots and is of great strength; a staff of this bamboo.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱𥫗卭; U+7B3B).
(See 筇 kũng).
kung3 8969
140 18 kũng qióng 芎䓖[芎藭] güng-kũng xiōngqióng Chinese herb, Conioselinum univitatum.¹¹  chuanxiong rhizome, also named 川芎 chün-güng chuānxiōng.⁴³
鞠䓖[鞠藭] gūk-kũng
jūqióng <bot.> the hemlock parsley, Conioselinum univitatum, (also written 芎䓖[芎藭] güng-kũng xiōngqióng).¹¹
kung3 8970
142 9 kũng jiàng <topo.> rainbow.
出虹 chūt-kũng or chūt-hũng chūjiàng <topo.> to appear in the sky (of a rainbow).
<台> 水虹 suī-kũng
or suī-hũng rainbow.
<又> hũng.
(See 虹 hũng).
kung3 8971
142 12 kũng qióng <old> cricket.⁶ a locust; a cricket.⁷
蛩唱 kũng-chëng qióngchàng the chirps of crickets.⁷
蛩螀[蛩螿] kũng-dëng
qióngjiāng crickets and cicadas.⁷
蛩蛩 kũng-kũng
qióngqióng anxious; apprehensive.⁷
蛩鸣[蛩鳴] kũng-mẽin
qióngmíng the chirps of crickets.⁷
蛩吟 kũng-ngĩm
qióngyín the chirps of crickets.⁷
蛩吟虫鸣[蛩吟蟲鳴] kũng-ngĩm-chũng-mẽin
qióngyín chóngmíng chirping of crickets and humming of insects.¹⁹
kung3 8972
157 13 kũng qióng sound of steps; footsteps.⁷ the noise of stamping, the noise of one's footsteps; to be rejoiced on hearing the approach of an individual.²⁵
足音跫然 dūk-yïm-kũng-ngẽin zúyīnqióngrán lit. excited to hear footsteps – longing to have visitors.⁷
跫跫 kũng-kũng
qióngqióng <ono.> the sound of footsteps.¹⁹
跫然 kũng-ngẽin
qióngrán <wr.> patter.⁶ the sound of footsteps.⁷
跫然足音 kũng-ngẽin-dūk-yïm
qióngránzúyīn (=足音跫然 dūk-yïm-kũng-ngẽin zúyīnqióngrán) lit. excited to hear footsteps – longing to have visitors.⁷
跫音 kũng-yïm
qióngyīn the sound of steps; footsteps.⁷
kung3 8973
163 5 kũng qióng in distress; a mound.⁸ʼ¹⁴ Qiong city; Qiong prefecture; Qionglai Mountain.⁹ hill; malaise, illness.⁵⁴ (Note: Distinguish 卭 kũng qióng erroneous character for 邛 kũng qióng).
匪其止共,惟王之邛. Fī-kĩ-jī-gùng, vĩ-võng-jï-kũng.
Fěi qí zhǐ gòng, wéi wáng zhī qióng.
They do not discharge their duties,
But only cause distress to the king.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·緇衣》, translated by James Legge).
邛筰 kũng-dôk
qióngzuó Qiongdu and Zuodu tribal associations.⁵⁴
or 筇杖 kũng-jèng qióngzhàng bamboo cane (named after 邛州 kũng-jiü qióngzhōu, a district in 四川 Sichuan); it is of great strength and has many knots.¹¹ʼ¹⁴
邛崃[邛崍] kũng-lõi
qiónglái or 邛崃市[邛崍市] kũng-lõi-sî qiónglái Shì Qionglai City, lying in Chengdu, Sichuan Province.⁹
邛崃山[邛崍山] kũng-lõi-sän
qióngláishān Qionglai Mountains in Sichuan Province.⁹
邛水 kũng-suī
qióngshuǐ Qiongshui river in Sichuan province.⁵⁴
邛都 kũng-ü
qióngdū Qiongdu (tribal union in the territory of the present Sichuan province: Han era).⁵⁴
(See 卭 kũng).
kung3 8974
167 14 kũng qióng <wr.> hole in an axe for the handle.⁶ a hole on an ax for installing a handle; broadly a hole on a farm tool for installing a handle.⁹  eye of an axe.¹⁰ the hole on axe for installing a handle.³⁹
kung3 8975
116 15 kûng qióng <台> 讲真穷句[講真窮句] gōng-jïn/-kûng-guï to tell the truth.
<台> 穷阵久[窮陣久] kûng-jìn-giū at that moment, then.
<台> 穷尼[窮尼] kûng-nāi  those; the others.
<台> 穷侧[窮側] kûng-sāk that side; the other side.
<台> 穷时[窮時] kûng-sĩ/ then, back then, at that time.
<台> 有穷句讲穷句[有窮句講窮句]  yiü/-guï-gōng/-guï to tell the truth...; say what you need to say (don't add anything extra). (Note: 窮 is replaced by "a change in tone" in both instances.
<又> kũng. (See 窮 kũng; 竆 kũng).
kung5 8976
6 1 𠄌 kūt jué hook; hook mark.³⁶
(composition: ⿰; U+2010C).
<又> juì. (See 𠄌 juì).
kut1 8977
18 14 kūt jué a gouge or a chisel for engraving.
剞劂 kï-kūt jījué <wr.> to engrave (wood blocks); carving or engraving knife; carving block; book.
kut1 8978
27 12 kūt jué to faint; to lose consciousness; <wr.> its; their; his; her.
(composition: ⿸厂欮; U+53A5).
大放厥词[大放厥詞] ài-föng-kūt-xũ dàfàngjuécí to boast or brag wildly; to talk a great deal of nonsense.
昏厥 fün-kūt
hūnjué faint; swoon.⁵
惊厥[驚厥] gëin-kūt
jīngjué faint from fear; convulsions.⁵
厥疾不瘳 kūt-dìp-būt-chëo
juéjíbùchōu his disease is incurable.¹¹
厥疾弗瘳 kūt-dìp-fūt-chëo
juéjífúchōu that disease is incurable.¹⁴
厥父 kūt-fù
juéfù his/her father.
厥后[厥後] kūt-hèo
juéhòu thereafter; afterwards.
晕厥[暈厥] vũn-kūt
yūnjué <med.> syncope; a faint; to faint.⁷
kut1 8979
30 15 kūt juē pouting.⁸
噘嘴 or 撅嘴 kūt-duī juēzuǐ to purse one's lips; to pout one's lips; to pucker up the mouth.⁹ to pout (to express anger or displeasure).¹⁰
kut1 8980
39 3 kūt jué the larvae of mosquitoes.⁷
孑孓 kēik-kūt jiéjué the larvae of mosquitoes; wigglers.⁷
kut1 8981
44 8 kūt (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 屈 vūt with same meaning.)
<又> vūt.
(See 屈 vūt.)
kut1 8982
64 7 kūt jué to pick out; to single out.
抉择[抉擇] kūt-jàk juézé <wr.> to choose; decision.
抉摘 kūt-jàk
juézhāi to choose; to select; to pick.¹  to choose the best.¹¹
抉目 kūt-mùk
juémù to gouge out an eye.
抉拾 kūt-sìp
juéshí devices used by archers to facilitate drawing a bow.
抉首 kūt-siū
juéshǒu to decapitate.
抉剔 kūt-tēik
juétī to sort out; to choose.¹  to pick out and dispose of.¹¹
抉弦 kūt-yẽn
juéxián to draw a bow.
爬罗剔抉[爬羅剔抉] pã-lõ-tēik-kūt
páluótījué to collect and select; to exploit thoroughly.
kut1 8983
64 15 kūt juē to stick up, as a tail; to break off; to strike.¹⁴
(variant: 欮 kūt jué).
直撅撅 jèik-kūt-kūt
zhíjuējuē <topo.> rigid (of body/arm).
or 噘嘴 kūt-duī juēzuǐ to purse one's lips; to pout one's lips; to pucker up the mouth.⁹ to pout (to express anger or displeasure).¹⁰
撅下来[撅下來] kūt-hä-lõi
juēxiàlai to break off.¹⁴
撅折 kūt-jēt
juēshé to break; to snap off.
撅尾巴 kūt-mī-bä
juē wěiba to stick up the tail (of bird/animal).
短撅撅 ōn-kūt-kūt
duǎnjuējuē <topo.> short.⁵⁴
(See 欮 kūt ➁).
kut1 8984
75 16 kūt jué (=橛 kūt jué) a short wooden stake; wooden pin; peg.⁵
(See 橛 kūt.)
kut1 8985
75 16 kūt jué a short wooden stake; wooden pin; peg.⁵ (variant: 橜 kūt jué).
感橛 gām-kūt
gǎnjué  scolop.¹⁰ (definition of scolop: <invertebrate zoology> The thickened, distal tip of a vibration-sensitive organ in insects).⁷⁰
or 直蹶 jèik-kūt zhíjué straight post; straight and stiff; upright; honest.⁵⁴
橛子 kūt-dū
juézi short wooden stake, wooden pin, peg.⁹
木橛 mûk-kūt
mùjué short wooden stake; wooden pin.⁶
(See 橜 kūt.)
kut1 8986
76 10 kūt jué ➀ =瘚 kūt jué to hiccup; the humors of the body.¹⁴
➁ =撅 kūt
juē to stick up, as a tail; to break off; to strike.¹⁴
➂ =蹶 kūt
jué to fall; to suffer a setback.⁶ to tread; to stumble and fall; to overturn, an overthrow; to daunt, to frustrate, to suffer a setback.⁷
(composition: ⿰屰欠; U+6B2E).
(See 瘚 kūt; 撅 kūt; 蹶 kūt).
kut1 8987
85 7 kūt jué to decide; to determine; to execute (somebody); (of a dam) to breach or burst; definitely; certainly.
处决[處決] chuī-kūt chǔjué put to death; execute.⁵
绝不[絕不] dùt-būt
juébù definitely not; absolutely not.
解决[解決] gāi-kūt jiějué solve; settle; finish off.⁵
决不[決不] kūt-būt
juébù certainly not; never.
决策[決策] kūt-chāk
juécè to make a policy decision.
决定[決定] kūt-èin
juédìng decide, resolve; make up one's mind; decision, resolution.⁵⁶
决斗[決鬥] kūt-ëo
juédòu to duel; decisive struggle.
决计[決計] kūt-gäi
juéjì to decide; definitely; certainly.
决口[決口] kūt-hēo
juékǒu to burst (of dike).
决战[決戰] kūt-jën
juézhàn decisive battle.
决明[決明] kūt-mẽin
juémíng <bot.> the fetid cassia, Cassia tora (now known as Senna tora).¹¹
决议[決議] kūt-ngì
juéyì decision; to pass a resolution.
决心[決心] kūt-xïm
juéxīn determination, resolution; to be determined to, to make up one's mind to.
kut1 8988
85 15 kūt jué 㵐水 Kūt-suī Juéshuǐ Jueshui River, a river in 湖北 Vũ-bāk Húběi Hubei Province.⁸
㵐国[㵐國] Kūt-gōk
Juéguó Jueguo, a state in ancient times.⁸
kut1 8989
85 15 kūt jué ➀ water gushing out/flowing from a spring or fountain, to bubble  ➁ land reclaimed in the middle of a stream or river; if it is habitable it is called 洲 jiü zhōu, a small 洲 is called 渚 jī zhǔ, a small 渚 is called 沚 jī zhǐ, a small 沚 is called 坻 chĩ chí; what people want is a 潏 kūt jué, a place to live in ➂ name of a river in 京兆 gëin-sêl jīngzhào, old name for 西安 xäi-ön xī'ān Xi'an.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵矞; U+6F4F).
沕潏 mìt-kūt
mìjué water gushing/flowing out from a spring or fountain.⁸
<又> lùt.
(See 潏 lùt).
kut1 8990
86 8 kūt quē alkyne; Que surname.¹⁰
炔烃[炔烴] kūt-hëin quētīng alkyne.¹⁰
乙炔 yōt-kūt
yǐquē acetylene; ethyne C₂H₂.¹⁰
乙炔焊[乙炔銲] yōt-kūt-hòn
yǐquēhàn acetylene welding.⁹
kut1 8991
94 15 kūt jué 猖獗 chëng-kūt chāngjué be rampant; run wild.⁵
猖獗一时[猖獗一時] chëng-kūt-yīt-sĩ
chāngjuéyīshí run wild for a time; be rampant for a time; go on the rampage for a time.⁶
kut1 8992
94 23 kūt juē (=蠼 kūt juē) a female monkey.⁷ legendary ape of Sichuan and Yunnan, with a penchant for carrying off girls.¹⁰ a large ape found in west China.¹⁴
玃猿 kūt-yõn
juēyuán legendary ape of Sichuan and Yunnan, with a penchant for carrying off girls.¹⁰
猿玃 yõn-kūt
yuánjuē legendary ape of Sichuan and Yunnan, with a penchant for carrying off girls.¹⁰
(See 蠼 kūt.)
kut1 8993
96 8 kūt jué penannular jade ring (worn as an ornament in ancient China).⁵ a jade ring with a segment cut off.⁷ A gem attached to the girdle; a half ring, or broken ring; used as indicative of the breaking up of a connection; an archer's thimble.²⁴
紫玉玦 dū-ngùk-kūt zǐyùjué tea.²⁴
指玦 jī-kūt
zhǐjué thumb-ring.¹⁴
佩玦 pöi-kūt
pèijué girdle pendants.¹⁴
乌玉玦[烏玉玦] vü-ngùk-kūt
wūyùjué ink.²⁴
kut1 8994
96 12 𤦄
kūt què perhaps a kind of jade.²  (Note: 𤦄❄{⿰𤣩⿱巛⿻曰乚} may also be read kūt quē).
(composition: ⿰𤣩⿱巛⿻曰乚; U+24984).
❄{⿰𤣩⿱巛⿻曰乚}采[天子賜之狗𤦄❄{⿰𤣩⿱巛⿻曰乚}采] Hëin-dū-xü-jï-gēo-kūt-tōi Tiānzǐ cì zhī gǒu què cài The dog (made of a jade-like material) was bestowed by the Emperor.²
<又> jīt.
(See 𤦄❄{⿰𤣩⿱巛⿻曰乚} jīt; 𤧜❄{⿰𤣩⿱巛⿻曰𠤎} jīt).
kut1 8995
96 16 kūt jué (<old>=玦 kūt jué penannular jade ring (worn as an ornament in ancient times).⁵ a jade ring with a segment cut off.⁷); ancient jade ring with a gap in it.⁸
(composition: ⿰𤣩矞; U+749A).
琱璚 ël-kūt
diāojué carving and engraving jade, a metaphor for modifying text.
<又> kẽin.
(See 璚 kẽin; 玦 kūt).
kut1 8996
104 15 kūt jué to hiccup; the humors of the body.¹⁴
(variant: 欮 kūt jué).
(composition: ⿸疒欮; U+761A).
气瘚[氣瘚] hï-kūt
qìjué convulsions.¹⁴
(See 欮 kūt ➀).
kut1 8997
121 10 kūt quē be short of, lack; incomplete, imperfect; be absent; vacancy, opening.⁵ deficient, lacking, short, incomplete, defective; a vacancy, an opening.⁷ (variant: 𧖫❄{⿰血夬} kūt)
缺德 kūt-āk
or hūt-āk quēdé mean; wicked; villainous.⁵ deficient in the sense of morality; to have no regard for other members of society; mischievous; wicked.⁷
缺席 kūt-dèik
quēxí to be absent (from a meeting).⁷
缺点[缺點] kūt-ēm
or hūt-ēm quēdiǎn a defect, a flsw, a shortcoming.⁷
缺乏 kūt-fàt
or hūt-fàt quēfá to lack; to be without.⁷
缺课[缺課] kūt-fö
quēkè to be absent from class.⁷
缺憾 kūt-hàm
or hūt-hàm quēhàn regrettable imperfection; regret.⁶ a flaw, a shortcoming, a defect.⁷
缺陷 kūt-hàm
quēxiàn a defect, a handicap; inadequacy. ⁷
缺口 kūt-hēo
or hūt-hēo quēkǒu an indentation, an indenture; a breach, an opening; inadequately fed.⁷
缺少 kūt-sēl
quēshǎo to be short of; to lack; to be deficient in.⁷
缺唇 kūt-sũn
quēchún a hare lip; a cleft lip.⁷
宁缺毋滥[寧缺毋濫] nẽin-kūt-mũ-làm
or nẽin-hūt-mũ-làm nìngquēwúlàn would rather go without than be contented with any thing less satisfactory.⁸ place quality over quantity.⁹
<又> hūt.
(See 缺 hūt; 𧖫❄{⿰血夬} kūt.)
kut1 8998
140 7 kūt jué a plant, Senna tora.⁰ (variant: 𦯊❄{⿱艹決} kūt jué).
(composition: ⿱艹夬; U+82B5).
芵茪 kūt-göng
juéguāng a kind of grass mentioned in ancient books.⁸ (now =决明[決明] kūt-mẽin juémíng cassia,  Senna tora).¹⁰¹
芵明 kūt-mẽin
juémíng (<old>=决明[決明] kūt-mẽin juémíng <bot.> the foetid cassia, Cassia tora (now known as Senna tora).¹¹ (=决明[決明] kūt-mẽin juémíng cassia; aka "芵光" kūt-göng juéguāng, "芵茪" kūt-göng juéguāng, "薢茩" gāi-hèo xièhòu.¹⁰¹)
(See 𦯊❄{⿱艹決} kūt).
kut1 8999
140 10 𦯊
kūt jué (=芵 kūt jué a plant, Senna tora.⁰).²
(composition: ⿱艹決; U+26BCA).
(See 芵 kūt).
kut1 9000
140 15 kūt jué Pteridium aquilinum, bracken.⁴³
狗脊蕨 gēo-dêk-kūt
gǒujíjué <bot.> Woodwardia japonica.³¹ chain fern.⁵⁴
过山蕨[過山蕨] gö-sän-kūt
guòshānjué over mountain fern; Camptosorus sibiricus Rupr.³²
铁线蕨[鐵線蕨] hëik-xëin-kūt
tiěxiànjué the Southern maidenhair fern, black maidenhair fern, and venus hair fern; Adiantum capillus-veneris L.²³
掌叶铁线蕨[掌葉鐵線蕨] jēng-yêp-hëik-xëin-kūt
zhǎngyètiěxiànjué <bot.> Adiantum pedatum; Adiantum pedatum L.; maidenhair; type of fern with fine stalks and delicate fronds.³⁹
蕨类[蕨類] kūt-luì
juélèi <bot.> fern; bracken; brake.¹⁰
蕨类植物[蕨類植物] kūt-luì-jèik-mùt
or kūt-luì-jèik-mòt juélèizhíwù <bot.> fern; Pteridophyta; pteridophyte.³⁹
蕨菜 kūt-töi
juécài brake tender leaves.⁸ bracken.⁹ fiddlehead; edible fern fronds.¹⁰
蕨叶[蕨葉] kūt-yêp
juéyè <bot.> frond.⁹
水蕨 suī-kūt
shuǐjué an edible water plant, Ceratopteris thalictroides.¹¹
阴地蕨[陰地蕨] yïm-ì-kūt
yīndìjué moonwort.¹⁰ Botrychium ternatum.
kut1 9001
142 26 kūt juē a female monkey; (=玃 kūt juē).⁷
<又> kōk, kuĩ.
(See 蠼 kōk; 蠼 kuĩ; 玃 kūt.)
kut1 9002
143 10 𧖫
kūt quē (=缺 kūt quē be short of, lack; incomplete, imperfect; be absent; vacancy, opening.⁵ deficient, lacking, short, incomplete, defective; a vacancy, an opening.⁷); ruined, worn out.²
(composition: ⿰血夬; U+275AB).
(See 缺 kūt).
kut1 9003
148 11 kūt jué <wr.> dissatisfied; discontented.⁶ to long for; dissatisfied to criticize.⁸ grievously disappointed in one's expectations, and therefore angry; to expect impatiently; dissastisfied; deficient, wanting; to criticise and tell another's faults.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰角夬; U+89D6).
自视觖如[自視觖如] dù-sì-kūt-nguĩ zìshìjuérú I am not at all satisfied with my wishes.¹⁰²
Gïm-yâ-nãm-mãn-kūt-sêt-jï-ngĩn, fï-xëin-võng-jï-ào.
Jīn yě nánmán jué shé zhī rén, fēi xiānwáng zhī dào.
Now here is this shrike-tongued barbarian of the south, whose doctrines are not those of the ancient kings.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《孟子·滕文公上·4》, translated by James Legge).
摘觖 jàk-kūt
zhāijué to disclose.¹⁰²
觖望 kūt-mòng
juéwàng <wr.> have an animus as a result of dissatisfaction.⁶ to have animus as a result of dissatisfaction; to harbor (or nurse) a grudge.⁷ to despair; to abandon hope, and give way to complaints; not satisfied; to take farewell.²⁵ to impatiently hope for.¹⁰²
kut1 9004
148 21 kūt jué buckle.⁸ buckle, clasp, ring.¹⁰ʼ⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰角夐; U+89FC).
觼軜 kūt-nàp juénà a ring with a tongue attached to the bar of a carriage for hanging the reins on - it was sometimes gilded or silvered over; any ring with a hook in it; a clasp or buckle; the ring of a Chinese lock, in front of a box.²⁵
觼舌 kūt-sêt
juéshé a ring with a tongue in it.²⁵
Wù yǐ jué nà
Gilt are the buckles for the inner reins.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·秦風·小戎》, translated by James Legge).
kut1 9005
149 11 kūt jué to bid farewell; to part.
诀别[訣別] kūt-bèik juébié to bid farewell; to part (with a little hope of meeting again).
永诀[永訣] vêin-kūt
yǒngjué <wr.> to be parted by death.
<又> gût.
(See 訣 gût.)
kut1 9006
149 12 kūt (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 詘 vūt with same meaning: to contract; to wrinkle; to crouch; to stammer.¹⁴ forced to act against one's will; to conceal; to stammer; to rumple; a fold, a wrinkle; stuttering, any impediment in the speech; to stop, as music; to exhaust; to remove from office.¹⁰²).
<又> vūt.
(See 詘 vūt.)
kut1 9007
157 11 kūt jué the gait of a horse; swift; speedy.²⁵
<lit.> to run fast; (especially of horse) to gallop.³⁶
(composition: ⿰𧾷夬; U+8DB9).
趹奔 kūt-bïn juébēn to run, as in pursuit; to trample.²⁵
突前趹后[突前趹後] ùt-tẽin-kūt-hèo
tūqiánjuéhòu to put forth the fore leg and to bring up the hind one, as a horse, which throws out the near fore leg and the off hind leg at the same time, by which means it travels quickly,²⁵
<又> gì.
(See 趹 gì).
kut1 9008
157 19 kūt jué to fall; to suffer a setback.⁶ to tread; to stumble and fall; to overturn, an overthrow; to daunt, to frustrate, to suffer a setback.⁷ (variant: 蹷, 欮 kūt jué).
跛蹶 bāi-kūt
bìjué to stumble and fall.⁷
踬蹶[躓蹶] jï-kūt
zhìjué to stumble and fall.⁷
蹶踬[蹶躓] kūt-jï
juézhì to stumble and fall.⁷
蹶然 kūt-ngẽin
juérán standing up from fright; rising suddenly from fear.⁷
蹶失 kūt-sīt
juéshī to stumble down (as from a horse).⁷
蹶角 kūt-gök
juéjiǎo kowtou.⁸
一蹶不振 yīt-kūt-būt-jīn
yījuébùzhèn  <vern.> collapse after one setback; never be able to recover after a setback.⁶
(See 蹶 [kūt, juě]; 蹷 kūt; 欮 kūt ➂).

kut1 9009
157 19 kūt jué (=蹶 kūt jué to fall; to suffer a setback.⁶ to tread; to stumble and fall; to overturn, an overthrow; to daunt, to frustrate, to suffer a setback.⁷).⁸  to kick back; to stumble, slip, fall.¹⁰
(composition: ⿸厥足; U+8E77).
(See 蹶 kūt).
kut1 9010
157 19 kūt juě to kick backward.⁷
蹶子 kūt-dū juězi (of horses, donkeys) kick (with hind legs).⁶ a horse's backward kick with its hind hoofs.⁷
蹶窝[蹶窩] kūt-vö
juěwō emaciated.¹¹
尥蹶子 lẽl-kūt-dū
liàojuězi (horse or mule) to give a backward kick.⁸ (of mules, horses) to kick backward; to kick with the hind legs; fig. to flare up in anger; to display defiance.¹⁰  (of horses, mules) kick; (fig.) (of person) to defy, to kick back.¹¹
(See 蹶 [kūt, jué].)
kut1 9011
167 20 𫔎
kūt jué <wr.> lock.⁶ a hasp for locking; lock; a ring with something resembling a tongue; to lock; to close.⁸ links with a tongue as catch.¹¹
(comp. t: ⿰釒矞; U+940D). (comp. s: ⿰钅矞; U+2B50E).
❄{⿰钅矞}[扃鐍] gēin-kūt jiōngjué a hasp for locking.⁷
❄{⿰钅矞}闭[鐍閉] kūt-bäi juébì padlocked.⁵⁴
kut1 9012
167 20 kūt jué a pick, a hoe.¹⁴ (variant: 钁 kūt jué).
镢头[鐝頭] kūt-hẽo
juétou an agricultural pickaxe like device used for plowing.⁹
(See 钁 kūt.)
kut1 9013
167 28 kūt jué <topo.> pick; pickaxe.⁶ a big hoe, to eliminate; to uproot; to clear; to dig; to excavate.¹⁰ a mattock; a billhook.¹⁴ (variant: 鐝 kūt jué).
䦆头[钁頭] kūt-hẽo
juétou <topo.> pick; pickaxe.⁶
(See 鐝 kūt.)
kut1 9014
169 18 kūt què watchtower on either side of a palace gate; palace; imperial palace.⁵
宫阙[宮闕] güng-kūt gōngquè imperial palace.⁵
阙下[闕下] kūt-hà
quèxià imperial palace; Your Majesty, His Majesty.⁵⁴
阙门[闕門] kūt-mõn
quèmén palace gate.¹¹
城阙[城闕] sẽin-kūt
chéngquè <wr.> the watch tower on either side of a city gate; imperial palace; city, capital; gate tower.⁵⁴
(See 闕 [kūt, quē].)
kut1 9015
169 18 kūt quē <wr.> (=缺 kūt quē) lack, imperfect; fault, error, mistake.⁶ Que surname.⁸
阙文[闕文] kūt-mũn
quēwén lacuna.¹⁰ a missing sentence or passage (in ancient scripts).¹¹ hiatus in a text.⁵⁴
阙疑[闕疑] kūt-ngĩ
quēyí leave the question open.⁵ uncertain point yet to be explored.¹¹
阙如[闕如] küt-nguĩ
quērú <wr.> be wanting.⁵
阙失[闕失] kūt-sīt
quēshī mistake; error.¹¹
残阙[殘闕] tãn-küt
cánquē incomplete; fragmentary.⁵⁴
(See 闕 [kūt, què].)
kut1 9016
187 14 kūt jué a hybrod horse.⁷
駃騠 kūt-hãi juétí a hybrid horse (the product of a donkey after mating a stallion).⁷ hinny, offspring of a male horse and a female donkey; steed mentioned in Chinese ancient records.⁸ a young colt, which seven days after its birth gambols about its dam; a mule.²⁵
<又> fäi.
(See 駃 fäi.)
kut1 9017
187 19 kūt jué (comp. t: ⿰馬癸; U+9A24). (comp. s: ⿰马癸; U+9A99).
骙𩧉❄{⿰馬廣}[騤𩧉❄{⿰馬廣}] or 決𩧉❄{⿰馬廣} kūt-göng juéguāng or 阕𩧉❄{⿰馬廣}[闋𩧉❄{⿰馬廣}] küt-göng quèguāng or 阕广[闋廣] küt-gōng quèguǎng curly hairs on the back of a horse.²ʼ²⁵ʼ¹⁰¹
<又> kï.
(See 騤 kï).
kut1 9018
196 15 kūt jué a shrike; a butcherbird.⁷ tailorbird (Orthotomus species); weaver bird (family Ploceidae); shrike; cuckoo.¹⁰
(variant: 鴃 kūt
鹈鴂[鵜鴂] hãi-kūt
tíjué a cuckoo.⁷
or 鴃舌 kūt-sêt juéshé languages of barbarians.⁷ difficult to understand.⁸
(See 鴃 kūt).
kut1 9019
196 15 kūt jué shrike; butcherbird; (=伯劳[伯勞] bāk-lão bóláo <zoo.> shrike.⁸
or 鶗鴂 hãi-kūt tíjué or 鹰鹃[鷹鵑] yëin-gün yīngjuān large hawk-cuckoo (Cuculus sparverioides).¹⁰
or 鴂舌 kūt-sêt juéshé languages of barbarians.⁷ difficult to understand.⁸
南蛮鴃舌[南蠻鴃舌] nãm-mãn-kūt-sêt
nánmánjuéshé (originally) a sarcastic remark by Mencius about 许行[許行] Huī Hãng Xǔ Xíng, a southerner who spoke a tongue different from others – strange language.⁷
鸋鴃 nẽin-kūt
níngjué (=鹪鹩[鷦鷯] dël-lẽl jiāoliáo) wren.⁸ Eurasian wren (Troglodytes troglodytes).¹⁰
(See 鴂 kūt).
kut1 9020
196 18 kūt shrike; Lanius species (various); (=伯劳[伯勞] bāk-lão bóláo <zoo.> shrike.⁸ (=鶪 kūt ) shrike.¹ (=鴃 kūt jué a shrike.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰貝鳥; U+9D59).
鵲鵙 xēk-kūt
quèjú shrike.¹⁹
(See 鶪 kūt).
kut1 9021
196 20 kūt an archaic form of 伯劳[伯勞] bāk-lão bóláo <zoo.> shrike.⁸
t: ⿰狊鳥; U+9DAA). (comp. s: ⿰狊鸟; U+4D17).
大鹃䴗[大鵑鶪] ài-gün-kūt
dàjuānjú large cuckooshrike (Coracina macei).¹⁰
灰燕䴗[灰燕鶪] föi-yên-kūt
huīyànjú ashy woodswallow (Artamus fuscus).¹⁰
鹊䴗[鵲鶪] xēk-kūt
quèjú magpie shrike.¹⁹
(See 鵙 kūt).
kut1 9022
169 17 küt què <wr.> end; <m.> (for songs and ci poems) a song, a ci poem; (for divisions of a ci poem) a stanza.⁶
这首词分为两阕[這首詞分為兩闋] jëh-siū-xũ-fün-vĩ-lēng-küt
zhè shǒu cí fēn wéi liǎng què This ci poem comprises two stanzas.⁶
乐阕[樂闋] ngòk-küt
yuèquè The music ended.⁶
玉殿金阕[玉殿金闋] ngùk-èin-gïm-küt
yùdiànjīnquè a temple of luxury and beauty.¹
一阕歌[一闋歌] yīt-küt-gô/
yīquègē a song.⁶
一阕词[一闋詞] yīt-küt-xũ
yīquècí a ci poem.⁶
kut2 9023
18 9 <wr.> perverse; disagreeable; absurb; unreasonable.
大剌剌 ài-lā-lā dàlàlà pompous; with a swagger; casual.
乖剌 gäi-lā
guāilà perverse; contrary to reason.
剌子 lā-dū
làzi a person hard-hearted by nature; ruby.
泼剌[潑剌] pöt-lā
pōlà <ono.> splashing sound of fish jumping out of water.
<又> làt.
(See 剌 làt.)
la1 9024
30 11 la a particle used at the end of the sentence for exclamation, question or agreement.⁹ sentence-final particle, contraction of 了啊, indicating exclamation; particle placed after each item in a list of examples.¹⁰
嘎啦 gā-lā gála <topo.> to quarrel (Northeastern Mandarin).¹⁰
天已不早,你该走啦[天已不早,你該走啦] hëin-yî-būt-dāo, nï-köi-dēo-lā
tiān yǐ bùzǎo, nǐ gāi zǒula You'd better go now, it’s getting late.⁷
您大喜啦! Nî-ài-hī-lā!
Nín dàxǐ la! Congratulations!⁹
你回来啦![你回來啦!] Nî-või-lõi-lā!
Nǐ huílái lā! Hey – you're back!⁹
哗啦[嘩啦] vã-lā
huála to collapse.¹⁰ (cf. 哗啦[嘩啦] vä-lā huālā.)
(See 啦 [lā, ].)
la1 9025
30 11 <ono.> sound of singing, cheering; (phonetic); <topo.> to chat.¹⁰
啦啦队[啦啦隊] lā-lā-duì lālāduì a cheer squad.⁷
啦啦队长[啦啦隊長] lā-lā-duì-jēng
lālāduìzhǎng a cheerleader.⁷
呼啦啦 fü-lā-lā
hūlālā flapping sound.¹⁰
哗啦[嘩啦] vä-lā
huālā <ono.> crash; rustle.⁶ (cf. 哗啦[嘩啦] vã-lā huála.)
哇啦 vä-lā
wālā hullabalboo; uproar; din.⁶
(See 啦 [lā, la].)
la1 9026
30 12 喇喇 lā-lā lǎla to drip; dripping.¹¹ (cf. 喇喇 lā-lā lāla.)
喇嘛 lā-mã
lǎma lama, spiritual teacher in Tibetan Buddhism.¹⁰
喇嘛教 Lā-mã-gäo
Lǎmajiào Lamaism.¹¹
喇嘛庙[喇嘛廟] Lā-mã-mèl
lǎmamiào lamasery; temple of Tibetan Buddhism.¹⁰
<又> lä.
(See 喇 [lā, ], [lä, ].)
la1 9027
30 12 喇喇 lā-lā lāla <topo.> drip (water).¹ (cf. 喇喇 lā-lā lǎla.)
or 哗啦[嘩啦] vä-lā huālā <ono.> crash; rustle.⁶ (cf. 哗啦[嘩啦] vã-lā huála.)
<又> lä.
(See 喇 [lā, ], [lä, ].)
la1 9028
64 8 (=曳 yài ) to pull; to drag; to draw; to chat.
拉抽屉[拉抽屜] lā-chëo-häi
lāchōutì pull out desk drawer; fig. go back on one's word; make seesaw action.¹¹
拉杂[拉雜] lā-dàp
lāzá rambling, disorganized; incoherent; messy (room).
拉家常 lā-gä-sẽng
lā jiācháng <topo.> to talk or chat about ordinary daily life.
拉拉藤 lā-lā-hãng
lālāténg (=勒草 làk-tāo lècǎo), (=葎 lùt ) <bot.> the wild hop, Humulus japonicus.¹¹
拉拉藤属[拉拉藤屬] lā-lā-hãng sùk
lālāténg shǔ Galium genus.⁹
拉萨[拉薩] Lā-xät
Lāsà Lhasa, capital of Tibet.
or 拉拽 lā-yài lāyè to drag along, to trail (skirts).¹¹
摧枯拉朽 tuï-kü-lā-hiū
cuīkūlāxiǔ (as easy as) crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood – to destroy with overwhelming force; with incredible ease.
<又> läi, làt.
(See 拉 läi, 拉 làt; 曳[yài, ].)
la1 9029
64 12 <topo.> glass bottle.
揦子 lā-dū lázi <topo.> glass bottle.
洋揦子 yẽng-lā-dū
yánglázi <topo.> glass bottle.
<台> 揦 lā to grasp; to grap.
<又> làt.
(See 揦 làt.)
la1 9030
130 9 mixed meat.⁸ʼ²⁵
(composition: ⿰⺼立; U+43E0).
<又> hīp. (See 䏠 hīp).
la1 9031
140 11 菈擸 lā-läp lālà cracking noise.¹⁹ the noise of anything falling.²⁵
❄{⿱艹遝}子 lā-àp-dū lātàzi a local term for turnip.²⁵
la1 9032
142 15 蝲蛄 lā-gū làgǔ crayfish.⁶
蝲蝲蛄 lā-lā-gū
làlàgǔ mole cricket.⁶
la1 9033
177 17 la leg warmer.⁸
靰鞡 or 乌拉[烏拉] vü-lā wùla leather boots lined with wula sedge.⁶ (See 乌拉[烏拉] vü-lā wūlā).
靰鞡草 vü-lā-tāo
wùlacǎo (=乌拉草[烏拉草] vü-lā-tāo wùlacǎo) wula sedge.⁶ Carex meyeriana.²⁰
la1 9034
30 12 (phonetic).¹⁰
低音喇叭 äi-yïm-lä-bā dīyīnlǎba woofer.¹⁰
吹喇叭 chuï lä-bā
chuīlǎba (lit.) blowing the trumpet; (fig.) to praise somebody; (slang) to give a blowjob.¹⁰
高音喇叭 gäo-yïm-lä-bā
gāoyīnlǎba tweeter.¹⁰
喇叭 lä-bā
lǎba horn (automobile); loudspeaker; brass wind instrument; trumpet; suona (锁呐[鎖吶] xū-nàp suǒnà).¹⁰
喇叭花 lä-bā-fä
lǎbahuā (=牽牛花 hëin-ngẽo-fä qiānniúhuā) picotee morning glory, ivy morning glory,  Japanese morning glory Ipomoea nil.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
伸缩喇叭[伸縮喇叭] sïn-sük-lä-bā
shēnsuōlǎba trombone.¹⁰
<又> lā.
(See 喇 [lā, ], [lā, ].)
la2 9035
30 16 xià to blame, scold, or reprimand severely.² to blame; to reprimand.⁸
(composition: ⿰口閜; U+35FF).
诟㗿[詬㗿] giū-lâ gòuxià to bluster; to bully one.¹⁰²
<又> hö; hä.
(See 㗿 hö; 㗿 hä).
la5 9036
112 16 𥕕
xià (=罅 lâ xià <wr.> crack; rift; chink.⁵ a crack, fissure.⁸ a crack in earthenware, a split; thus – a grudge.¹⁴ a rent, a cleft, a crack; a crack in an earthen vessel.²⁵).⁸ a stone splitting; a crack in a stone.²⁵ a stone split through; clefts in rocks.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰石虖; U+25555).
❄{⿰石虖}石为鱼穿[𥕕❄{⿰石虖}石爲魚穿] lâ-sêk-vì-nguî-chün xià shí wèi yú chuān the fish go in and out through the rocky fissures.¹⁰²
(See 罅 lâ).
la5 9037
121 17 xià <wr.> crack; rift; chink.⁵ a crack, a fissure; a flaw; a loophole.⁹ a crack in earthenware, a split; thus – a grudge.¹⁴
(variants: 𨻲❄{⿰阝虖}xià; 𥕕❄{⿰石虖} xià).
隙罅 kēik-lâ
xìxià a crack, fissure.¹¹
孔罅 kūng-lâ
kǒngxià a hole.¹⁴
罅缝[罅縫] lâ-fũng
xiàfèng a fissure, a loose seam.¹¹
罅口 lâ-hēo
xiàkǒu a crack (in a jar).⁵⁴
罅隙 lâ-kēik
xiàxì crack; chink; rift.⁸ a crack; a cause of offense; a grudge; a flaw; a defect.¹⁴
罅漏 lâ-lèo
xiàlòu omission, deficiency, shortcoming; neglect.⁸
裂罅 lëik-lâ
lièxià a break, a leak.¹¹ a rent or crack.¹⁴
石罅 sêk-lâ
shíxià a crack in a rock.⁵
墙罅[牆罅] tẽng-lâ
qiángxià a hole in a wall.¹⁴
云罅[雲罅] vũn-lâ
yúnxià a rift in the clouds.⁵
<台> 走法律罅 dēo-fāt-lùt-lâ to exploit legal loopholes.
<台> 走罅 dēo-lâ to exploit loopholes.
<又> lêp.
(See 罅 lêp; 𨻲❄{⿰阝虖} lâ; 𥕕❄{⿰石虖} lâ).
la5 9038
130 12 ā 腌臜[腌臢] lâ-jā āza <topo.> filthy; dirty.⁵
腌臜货[腌臢貨] lâ-jā-fö
āzahuò a filthy person; a lousy or vicious fellow.⁷
<又> yëp.
(See 腌 yëp.)
la5 9039
167 19 xià (incorrectly used for 罅 lâ xià <wr.> crack; rift; chink.⁵ crack, fissure; flaw; loophole.⁹ a crack in earthenware, a split; thus – a grudge.¹⁴).²ʼ⁸ (a variant of 罅 lâ xià).³⁶
(composition: ⿰釒虖; U+93EC).
(See 罅 lâ).
la5 9040
170 13 𨻲
xià (=罅 lâ xià) <wr.> crack; rift; chink.⁵ a crack, fissure.⁸ a crack in earthenware, a split; thus – a grudge.¹⁴ a rent, a cleft, a crack; a crack in an earthen vessel.²⁵
(composition: ⿰阝虖; U+28EF2).
(See 罅 lâ; 罅 lêp).
la5 9041
39 13 𡦌
lāi lāi (=孻 lāi lāi last.⁸ child of an old man.¹⁴).²
(composition: ⿰子晉; U+2198C).
(See 孻[lāi, lāi]).
lai1 9042
39 17 lāi lāi last.⁸ child of an old man.¹⁴ (variant: 𡦌❄{⿰子晉} lāi lāi).
(composition: ⿰子盡; U+5B7B).
<台> 孻尾 lāi-mī last.
<台> 孻仔 lāi-dōi the youngest son.
(See 𡦌❄{⿰子晉} lāi; 孻[lāi, nái]).
lai1 9043
39 17 lāi nái (alternate Mandarin pronunciation of 孻 lāi lāi with the same meaning: last.⁸ child of an old man.¹⁴).¹⁴
(composition: ⿰子盡; U+5B7B).
<台> 孻尾 lāi-mī last.
<台> 孻仔 lāi-dōi the youngest son.
(See 孻[lāi, lāi]).
lai1 9044
64 8 läi to pull; to play (a bowed instrument).
拉倒 läi-āo lādǎo <topo.>  forget about it; drop it; to pull down.
拉帮[拉幫] läi-böng
lābāng <topo.> to consort with; to enter into league with; to nurture; to rear.¹
拉帮结伙[拉幫結伙] läi-böng-gēik-fō
lābāngjiéhuǒ to form a gang; gang up; band together; clique, form a clique.⁶
拉车[拉車] läi-chëh
lāchē to pull a cart or rickshaw.
拉鋸[拉鋸] läi-guï
lājù cut with a saw; make seesaw movements.¹¹
or 拉纤[拉縴] läi-hëin lāqiàn tow (a boat); act as broker/middle man/go-between.⁶
拉链[拉鏈] läi-lèin
lāliàn zipper; guy (chain).⁸
拉网[拉網] läi-mōng
lāwǎng to pull a fishing net.
拉二胡 läi-ngì-vũ
lā èrhú to play the erhu (Chinese 2-string fiddle).
拉船 läi-sõn
lāchuán to pull a boat (upstream).
<又> lā, làt.
(See 拉 lā, làt.)
lai2 9045
104 21 läi lài <台> 癞螆[癩螆] läi-dï sores from scabies.
<又> lài. (See 癩 lài.)
lai2 9046
61 11 lãi sorrowful.¹⁰
惏悷 lĩm-lãi línlì sad, sorrowful.²³ grieve, suffer.⁵⁴
lai3 9047
64 12 𢮃
lãi   to hold anything with the hand.²⁴
(composition: ⿱⿰禾⿹丿勹手; U+22B83).

lai3 9048 22B83.gif
93 11 lãi plow; work with a plow, plow.⁵ (variant: 犂 lãi ).
(composition: ⿱利牛; U+7281).
锄犁[鋤犁] chũ-lãi
or chõ-lãi chúlí plow.¹⁰
犁底层[犁底層] lãi-āi-tãng
lídǐcéng <agr.> plow sole/pan.⁵
犁刀 lãi-äo
lídāo plow blade.⁶
犁壁 lãi-bēik
líbì or 犁镜[犁鏡] lãi-gëng líjìng moldboard.⁵
犁耕 lãi-gäng
lígēng plowing.⁶
犁田 lãi-hẽin
lítián till fields; plow a field.⁵⁴
犁庭扫穴[犁庭掃穴] lãi-hẽin-xäo-yòt
lítíngsǎoxué plow up the enemy's courtyard and destroy his hideout – wipe out/annihilate the enemy.⁶
犁头[犁頭] lãi-hẽo
lítóu or 犁刃 lãi-yìn lírèn a plowshare.⁷
犁地 lãi-ì
lídì to plow.¹⁰
犁杖 lãi-jèng
lízhàng <topo.> plow.⁶
犁牛 lãi-ngẽo
líniú a mottled cow; a cow used in plowing.⁷
犁牛之子 lãi-ngẽo-jï-dū
líniúzhīzǐ the calf of a mottled cow – fig. the wise son of a poor father.⁷
犁耙 lãi-pã
líba plow and harrow.⁵⁴
犁钯[犁鈀] lãi-pã
lípá a plow.¹⁴
犁铧[犁鏵] lãi-vã
líhuá plowshare; share.⁵
or 扒犁 pã-lãi pálí <topo.> sledge, sleigh.⁵
(See 犂 lãi.)
lai3 9049
93 12 lãi (=犁 lãi ) plow; work with a plow, plow.⁵
(composition: ⿱⿰禾⿹丿勹牛; U+7282).
(See 犁 lãi.)
lai3 9050
109 20 𥌛
lãi to look at.²ʼ²⁴ (Cant.) to gaze greedily at.⁸
(composition: ⿰目黎; U+2531B).
lai3 9051
140 15 lãi (=藜 lãi goosefoot; surname Li); kind of bramble.⁸
(composition: ⿰艹棃; U+853E).
or 蒺藜 dìp-lãi jíli <bot.> Tribulus terrester.⁹ʼ¹⁹
藜亚科[藜亞科] lãi-ä-fö
líyàkē Chenopodioideae are a subfamily of the flowering plant family Amaranthaceae.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(See 藜 lãi).
lai3 9052
140 18 lãi <bot.> lamb's-quarters, the pigweed, or goosefoot, Chenopodium album.¹¹ goosefoot; surname Li.³⁶
(variant: 蔾 lãi
蒺藜 dìp-lãi
jíli <bot.> Tribulus terrester.⁹ <bot.> thorns, the puncture vine.¹¹ Tribulus terrester; a plant that flourishes in drought.²⁵
蒺藜中毒 dìp-lãi-jüng-ùk 
jílizhòngdú tribulosis.⁹
花藜胡哨 fä-lãi-vũ-säo
huālíhúshào or 花里胡哨[花裡胡哨] fä-lī-vũ-säo huālǐhúshào showy; gaudy; garish.³⁶
杖藜 jèng-lãi
zhànglí a staff of chenopodium; to use such a staff to help an old person in walking.⁷
藜藿 lãi-kök
líhuò <wr.> coarse or rough food.⁶
藜谷[藜穀] lãi-gūk
lígǔ quinoa.⁹
藜杖 lãi-jèng lízhàng a staff of chenopodium.¹⁴
藜芦[藜蘆] lãi-lũ
lílú <bot.> black false hellebore, Veratrum nigrum.¹¹ hellebore; a surname.²⁵
青藜 tëin-lãi
qīnglí walking stick.¹¹
(See 蔾 lãi).
lai3 9053
142 21 lãi a calabash; a calabash shell serving as a dipper; a dipper.⁷ calabash shell serving as dipper.⁸ a calabash.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱彖䖵; U+8821).
蠡测[蠡測] lãi-chāk lícè to be very naive (like one trying to measure the ocean with a calabash).⁷ to measure the sea by a spoon. fig. to measure something (of deep and complicated things) by simple way.⁹ (fig., lit. or humble) to be incompetent; to be not up for the job; to lack knowledge, skills, or experience.³⁶
蠡酌管窥[蠡酌管窺] lãi-jēk-gōn-kï
lízhuóguǎnkuī lit. use a scoop to measure the seawater and see the sky from the bamboo tube; fig. knowledge/experience is limited and view is restricted.
蠡帽 lãi-mào
límào a helmet in the shape of a gourd to protect against arrows and stones (projectiles).
蠡升 lãi-sêin
líshēng a one liter ladle.
蠡勺 lãi-sēk
lísháo a ladle.
以蠡测海[以蠡測海] yî-lãi-chāk-hōi
yǐlícèhǎi to measure the ocean with a dipper – to take a very superficial view.⁷ to measure the sea with a calabash – impossible; used of a man of limited experience.¹⁴
<又> lâi; lũ.
(See 蠡 lâi; 蠡 lũ.)
lai3 9054
198 鹿 19 lãi Li place name.
金生丽水[金生麗水] gïm-säng-lãi-suī jīnshēnglìshuǐ Gold is produced in the Li River (in Yunnan).⁶²
丽水[麗水] Lãi-suī
Líshuǐ a place in 浙江 Jēt-göng Zhèjiāng Zhejiang Province.
丽洞[麗洞] Lãi-ùng
Lídòng a village northwest of Guangzhou.
<又> lài.
(See 麗 lài, lài.)
lai3 9055
202 15 lãi <wr.> multitudinous, numerous; black.⁶ Li surname.⁵
黎巴嫩 Lãi-bä-nùn Líbānèn Lebanon.⁵
黎族 Lãi-dùk
Lízú Li ethnic group; the Lis (inhabiting Hainan Province).⁶
黎豆 lãi-èo
lídòu <bot.> cowhage, Mucuna capitata.¹¹
黎锦[黎錦] lãi-gīm
líjǐn kind of brocade made by the Li nationaity.⁶
or 黧黑 lãi-hāk líhēi <wr.> (of complexion) dark.⁶
黎祁 lãi-kĩ
líqí <wr.> bean curd.¹¹
黎老 lãi-lāo
lílǎo aged person.⁷
黎明 lãi-mẽin
límíng dawn; daybreak.⁵
黎明即起 lãi-mẽin-dēik-hī
límíngjíqǐ rise at dawn.⁶
黎苗 lãi-mẽl
límiáo people; commoners.⁷
黎民 lãi-mĩn
límín <wr.> the common people; the multitude.⁵
黎元 lãi-ngũn
líyuán <wr.> common people; multitude; populace.⁶
黎庶 lãi-sï
líshù the multitude.⁵
黎首 lãi-siū
líshǒu lit. black head; fig. the people.
<台> 黎脚[黎腳] lãi-gëk crippled.
lai3 9056
203 20 lãi dark yellow, sallow.⁷ a dark sallow color.¹⁴
黧莺[黧鶯] lãi-äng líyīng a kind of oriole.⁷ the Bonin bush warbler or Japanese bush warbler, Horornis diphone syn. Cettia diphone, now known as 日本树莺[日本樹鶯] Ngìt-bōn sì-äng Rìběn shùyīng.¹¹ʼ¹⁵ʼ²⁰
黧鸡[黧雞] lãi-gäi
líjī black hen.¹¹
or 黎黑 lãi-hāk líhēi <wr.> (of complexion) dark.⁶
黧牛 lãi-ngẽo
líniú a black, yellow cow.⁷
黧黄[黧黃] lãi-võng
líhuáng dark yellow, sallow; an oriole.⁷ the Chinese oriole (also called 倉庚, 黃鶯, 黃鳥).¹¹
两眼像黧鸡[兩眼像黧雞] lēng-ngān-dèng-lãi-gäi
liǎngyǎn xiànglíjī jealous, watching eyes (like those of black hens).¹¹
<台> 黧贳[黧貰] lãi-sãi dirty.
lai3 9057
9 8 lài example; rule; regulation; case; precedent; instance.
比例 bī-lài bǐlì ratio; proportion.⁷
比例尺 bī-lài-chêk
bǐlìchǐ scale (of maps); architect's scale.
下不为例[下不為例] hà-būt-vĩ-lài
xiàbùwéilì not to be repeated or serve as a precedent.
条例[條例] hẽl-lài
tiáolì regulations; rules; ordinances.⁵
正比例 jëin-bī-lài
zhèngbǐlì <math.> direct proportion.
照例 jël-lài
zhàolì as a rule; as usual; usually.⁵
例子 lài-dū
lìzi example.
例句 lài-guï
lìjù example sentence.
例外 lài-ngòi
lìwài exception.
例如 lài-nguĩ
lìrú for instance; for example (e.g.); such as.⁵
循例 tũn-lài
xúnlì follow the usual practice; follow a precedent.⁵
事例 xù-lài
shìlì example; instance; precedent.
lai4 9058
9 21 lài a pair, a couple; husband and wife.⁷ paired, parallel; married couple, husband and wife.⁶
(composition t: ⿰亻麗; U+5137).
t: ⿰亻丽; U+4FEA).
谨颂俪安[謹頌儷安] gīn-dùng-lài-ön
jǐnsònglì'ān <wr.> With my compliments to you and your wife.
伉俪[伉儷] köng-lài
kànglì a married couple.¹⁴
俪句[儷句] lài-guï
lìjù <lit.> parallel sentences; lines that form antitheses.⁶
俪安[儷安] lài-ön
lì'ān (in letters) wishing a couple's health.¹¹
俪辞[儷辭] lài-xũ
lìcí or 俪语[儷語] lài-nguî lìyǔ <lit.> form of literary writing marked by antitheses.⁶ a form of literary writing in which sentences or words come in couplets.¹⁴
俪影[儷影] lài-yēin
lìyǐng the heart-warming sight of a couple in love; a married couple appearing in a photograph.⁷
骈俪[駢儷] pẽin-lài
piánlì parallel (sentences); parallel prose.¹⁰
失俪[失儷] sīt-lài
shīlì to lose a wife.¹⁴
lai4 9059
19 16 lài to incite; to encourage; to rouse (to action); to exert oneself; Li surname.
奖励[獎勵] dēng-lài jiǎnglì to reward; reward (as encouragement).¹⁰
激励[激勵] gēik-lài
jīlì to encourage, to impel, to urge; drive; excitation.
鼓励[鼓勵] gū-lài
gǔlì to encourage; to urge.
励精图治[勵精圖治] lài-dëin-hũ-jì
lìjīngtúzhì to exert oneself to make the country prosperous.
励行[勵行] lài-hãng
lìxíng to enforce or practice with determination.
励志[勵志] lài-jï
lìzhì to pursue a goal with determination.
lai4 9060
27 14 lài a coarse whetstone; harsh, violent, severe, stern, serious; to persuade, to urge, to encourage; bad, evil; an epidemic; to oppress; oppressive, cruel.⁷ whetstone; grind, sharpen; whet; trouble, danger; evil ghost; pestilence; side; band; favus; temper oneself; inspire; advise and encourage; wade without undressing; whip; warn; fly at high speed; harm, damage; suffer from pestilence; become a evil ghost; severe, stern; evil; violent; dangerous; Li surname.⁸
再接再厉[再接再厲] döi-dëp-döi-lài zàijiēzàilì make persistent efforts; continue to exert oneself.⁸
厉兵秣马[厲兵秣馬] lài-bëin-mòt-mâ
lìbīngmòmǎ to sharpen the weapons and feed the horses – to make preparations for war; to prepare for battle.⁹
厉鬼[厲鬼] lài-gī
lìguǐ a fierce ghost; a malicious spirit.⁷
厉行[厲行] lài-hãng
lìxíng to enforce; to practice under strong persuasion or discipline; rigorous enforcement.⁷
厉色[厲色] lài-sēik
lìsè harsh countenance.⁸
厉声[厲聲] lài-sëin
lìshēng talk harshly; shout angrily.⁷
雷厉风行[雷厲風行] luĩ-lài-füng-hãng
léilìfēngxíng carry out vigorously and speedily; enforce with thunder-like violence and windlike swiftness.⁸
严厉[嚴厲] ngẽm-lài
yánlì stern; severe.⁸
<又> lì.
(See 厲 lì.)
lai4 9061
38 10 lài lài nice looking.⁸ good looking.¹³
(composition: ⿰女束; U+5A15).
<又> dùk. (See 娕 dùk).
lai4 9062
38 22 lài (<old>=俪[儷] lài a pair, a couple; husband and wife.⁷); fine, happy, glorious.¹⁹ beautiful.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女麗; U+5B4B).
<又> lĩ.
(See 孋 lĩ).
lai4 9063
46 17 lài high.⁸ high, lofty.²⁴
(composition: ⿰山萬; U+5DC1).
<又> lèik. (See 巁 lèik).
lai4 9064
64 11 lài plectrum (for playing a plucked instrument).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰扌戾; U+6369).
插捩 chäp-lài chālì put a plectrum on one's finger.⁵⁴
插捩举琵琶[插捩舉琵琶] chäp-lài-guī-pĩ-pã
chālìjǔpípa inserted the plectrum and raised the pípa.¹⁴
捩琵琶 lài-pĩ-pã
lìpípa strumming on the pipa.
<又> lèik, luî.
(See 捩 lèik, luî.)
lai4 9065
64 19 lài lài (composition: ⿰扌賴; U+650B).
把攋 bā-lài bǎlài to discard.⁸ to throw away out of one's hands.²⁴
<台> 攋尿
or 濑尿[瀨尿] lài-nèl to wet one's pants. (Note: strictly speaking 攋 is more proper than 濑[瀨]).
<台> 攋屎 lài-sī to soil one's pants.
<又> lèo; làt.
(See 攋 lèo; 攋 làt).
lai4 9066
75 10 lài hedge.¹⁰ a kind of chestnut tree; <wr.> trees growing in a row.¹¹
(composition: ⿰木列; U+6835).
<又> lèik. (See 栵 lèik).
lai4 9067
75 16 𣛒
lài (=䚕 lài to search out; to examine into, (Cantonese dialect) to give an angry glances at somebody.⁸ to seek, to ask; to look for, to explore.¹⁰¹)
(composition: ⿰柰⿱又目; U+236D2).
(See 䚕 lài).
lai4 9068 236D2.gif
85 19 lài lài a torrent, a swift current; water flowing over shallows; name of a stream in Guangxi, also known as the River Li; name of a stream in Jiangsu.⁷  water flowing over the sand; a shallow in a river; a rapid.²⁴ swift current; rapids.³⁶
(variant: 瀬 lài lài).
湍濑[湍瀨] chūn-lài
tuānlài shallow rapids.³⁹
濑粉[瀨粉] lài-fūn
làifěn (chiefly Cantonese) lai fun (a kind of rice noodles).³⁶
濑鱼[瀨魚] lài-nguĩ
làiyú wrasse.⁷
濑水[瀨水] Lài-suī
Làishuǐ also known as the River Li (荔江 Lài-göng Lìjiāng), a stream in Guangxi (广西[廣西] Gōng-xäi Guǎngxī); name of a stream in Jiangsu (江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū).⁷
<台> 濑[瀨] lài to lose; to pour liquid slowly.
<台> 濑酒[瀨酒] lài-diū offer libation by pouring wine slowly on the ground.
<台> 濑面眼镜[瀨面眼鏡] lài-mèin-ngān-gëng misplaced or lost one's eyeglasses.
<台> 濑尿[瀨尿]
or 攋尿 lài-nèl to wet one's pants. (Note: strictly speaking 攋 is more proper than 濑[瀨]).
(See 瀬 lài).
lai4 9069
85 19 lài lài (=濑[瀨] lài lài a torrent, a swift current; water flowing over shallows; water flowing over the sand; a shallow in a river; a rapid.²⁴).⁸ Some day 瀬 lài lài is the Japanese variant of 瀨 lài lài.
(composition: ⿰涑頁; U+702C).
(See 瀨] lài).
lai4 9070
85 19 𤃀
lài ➀ to drip  ➁ cry, weep, sob; seep through, filter, strain.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿲氵⿱士示隶; U+240C0).
渧𤃀❄{⿲氵⿱士示隶} ëk-lài dīlì to ooze out, to drip.²⁴

lai4 9071 240C0.gif
104 17 lài <wr.> plague, pestilence, epidemic disease; malignant sore or ulcer.⁶
瘥疠[瘥癘] tö-lài cuólì (=瘟疫 vün-yèik wēnyì) epidemic; plague; pestilence; diseased.¹⁰
疥疠[疥癘] gäi-lài
jièlì scabies; favus.⁶
瘴疠[瘴癘] jëng-lài
zhànglì communicable subtropical diseases.⁶ tropical disease attributed to miasma; malaria.¹⁰
疠疫[癘疫] lài-yèik
lìyì <wr.> plague, pestilence, epidemic disease.⁶
毒疠[毒癘] ùk-lài
dúlì ulcer; epidemic.⁵⁴
疵疠[疵癘] xû-lài
cīlì disease; disaster; calamity.⁷
疫疠[疫癘] yèik-lài
yìlì pestilence; plague; epidemic pestilence; infectious pathogen.¹⁹
lai4 9072
104 21 lài lài <med.> leprosy; <topo.> favus of the scalp.⁵
好癞[好癩] hāo-lài hǎolài <topo.> regardless, good and bad, in any case.¹¹
癞病[癩病] lài-bèng
làibìng leprosy.⁶
癞疮[癩瘡] lài-chông
làichuāng <med.> scabies.⁷
癞子[癩子] lài-dū
làizi <topo.> person affected with favus on the head.⁵
癞瓜[癩瓜] lài-gǎ
làiguā <topo.> (=苦瓜 fū-gâ/ kǔguā) bitter melon.¹⁹
or 癞虾蟆[癩蝦蟆] lài-hā-mã làiháma the toad.⁵ʼ⁷
癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉[癩蛤蟆想吃天鵝肉] lài-hā-mã-xēng-hëk-hëin-ngõ-ngùk
làiháma xiǎngchī tiān'é ròu a toad lusting after a swan's flesh – aspiring after something one is not worthy of.⁵ ugly man hopes to marry a pretty girl.¹¹
癞头[癩頭] lài-hẽo
làitóu a favus infected head.⁷
癞头疮[癩頭瘡] lài-hẽo-chông
làitóuchuāng scabies on the head.⁷
癞皮狗[癩皮狗] lài-pĩ-gēo
làipígǒu mangy dog; loathsome creature.⁵
癞癣[癩癬] lài-xēin
làixuǎn favus; ringworm.⁷
癞仙[癩仙] lài-xëin
làixiān a scabby fellow.¹⁴
<又> läi.
(See 癩 läi.)
lai4 9073
104 24 lài carbuncle, sallow and emaciated, scrofulous swellings.¹⁰ a swelling.²⁴
(composition: ⿸疒麗; U+3FDB).
瘰㿛 luî-lài luǒlì tuberculosis in the neck in TCM, symptoms include lumps which are either small (scrofula) or large (㿛 lài ).¹⁰¹
<又> lĩ.
(See 㿛 lĩ).
lai4 9074
109 16 𥊨
lài (=䚕 lài to search out; to examine into, (Cant.) to give an angry glance at somebody.⁸ to seek, to ask; to look for, to explore.¹⁰¹)
(composition: ⿱⿰柰又目; U+252A8).
(See 䚕 lài).
lai4 9075 252A8.gif
109 20 𥌤
lài (=䚕 lài to search out; to examine into, (Cant.) to give an angry glance at somebody.⁸ to seek, to ask; to look for, to explore.¹⁰¹)
(composition: ⿲目⿱匕示隶; U+25324).
(See 䚕 lài).
lai4 9076 25324.gif
109 22 𥌿
lài (=䚕 lài to search out; to examine into, (Cant.) to give an angry glance at somebody.⁸ to seek, to ask; to look for, to explore.¹⁰¹)
(composition: ⿰目隸; U+2533F).
(See 䚕 lài).
lai4 9077 2533F.gif
112 19 lài <wr.> whetstone; <wr.> whet, sharpen; temper, steel.⁶
砥砺[砥礪] āi-lài dǐlì lit. sharpen any instrument with a cutting edge; fig. harden oneself by self-discipline.¹¹
砺戈秣马[礪戈秣馬] lài-fö-mòt-mâ
lìgēmòmǎ sharpen lances and feed horses – ger prepared/ready for war.⁶
砺剑[礪劍] lài-gëm
lìjiàn sharpen/whet a sword.⁶
砺石[礪石] lài-sêk
lìshí <wr.> whetstone; rough stone.⁶
砺刃于硎[礪刃于硎] lài-yìn-yï-yẽin
lìrènyúxíng sharpen/whet a knife on the whetstone.⁶
or 磨厉[磨厲] mũ-lài or mõ-lài mólì to sharpen on grindstone; to improve oneself by practice.¹⁰
淬励[淬勵] tuï-lài
or xuì-lài cuìlì to arouse to action; to encourage.⁷
lai4 9078
118 22 lài lài ancient musical pipe; sound, noise.⁶ the flute; sound coming from any hollow or void.¹¹
风籁[風籟] füng-lài fēnglài the sound of wind.¹⁹
天籁[天籟] hëin-lài
tiānlài <wr.> sounds of nature (such as whistling of winds, flowing of waters, calling of birds).⁶
地籟 ì-lài
dìlài sounds coming from hollows or forests.¹¹
万籁[萬籟] màn-lài
wànlài all kinds of sound in nature.⁶
万籁俱寂[萬籟俱寂] màn-lài-guì-dèik
wànlàijùjì all is quiet and still; silence reigns supreme.⁵
万籁无声[萬籟無聲] màn-lài-mũ-sëin
wànlàiwúshēng (=万籁俱寂[萬籟俱寂] màn-lài-guì-dèik wànlàijùjì) all is quiet and still; silence reigns supreme.⁹
人籁[人籟] ngĩn-lài
rénlài sounds of the human voice (opposed to 天籁[天籟] hëin-lài tiānlài the sounds of nature); sounds made by man, such as song and music.¹¹
商籁体[商籟體] sëng-lài-hāi
shānglàitǐ (=十四行诗 [十四行詩] sìp-xï-hõng-sï shísìhángshī) sonnet.⁶
lai4 9079
119 18 lài li coarse rice; unhulled, (interchangeable 糲 lài ) coarse – of grain.⁸
(composition: ⿰米萬; U+42AA).
(See 糲 lài).
lai4 9080
119 20 lài <wr.> brown/coarse/unpolished rice; coarse food grain.⁶
(composition: ⿰米厲; U+7CF2).
精粝[精糲] dëin-lài jīnglì fine and coarse.¹⁴
粝饭[糲飯] lài-fàn
lìfàn cooked unpolished rice.⁷
粝梁[糲梁] lài-lẽng
lìliáng <wr.> coarse food.⁶
粝米[糲米] lài-māi
lìmǐ <wr.> brown/coarse/unpolished rice.⁶
粝食[糲食] lài-sèik
lìshí coarse fare.⁷ coarse food.¹⁴
粗粝[粗糲] tü-lài
cūlì coarse rice.⁷
(See 䊪 lài).
lai4 9081
140 9 lài (composition: ⿱艹劦; U+8354).
大荔人 Ài-lài-ngĩn Dàlìrén <archeo.> Dali Man.¹⁵
番荔枝 fän-lài-jï
fānlìzhī custard apple; soursop.¹⁰
荔枝 lài-jï
lìzhī lychee or litchi (fruit), Litchi chinensis Sonn.
薜荔 pēik-lài
bìlì <bot.> climbing fig, Ficus pumila.
lai4 9082
140 12 lài to be missing; to omit.
丢三落四[丟三落四] èl-xäm-lài-xï diūsānlàsì forgetful; empty-headed.
落场[落場] lài-chẽng
làchǎng to fail to attend; to be absent.
落掉 lài-èl
làdiào to leave out; to omit.
落了一个字[落了一個字] lài-lēl-yīt-göi-dù
làleyīgezì (I) omited a word (character).
<又> lòk, lôk.
(See 落 [lòk, lào], [lòk, luò], lôk.)
lai4 9083
140 19 lài lài shade.⁸ (fragrant labiate plant).¹⁰ shady, umbrageous.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹賴; U+85FE).
藾蒿 lài-häo làihāo same as 艾蒿,¹⁹ where 艾蒿 ngài-häo àihāo is Chinese mugwort (Artemisia argyi).³⁶
萍藾 pẽin-lài
pínglài a kind of duckweed.²⁵
芘藾 pĩ-lài
pílài ➀ same as 荫庇[蔭庇] yîm-bï yìnpì protect, shelter; patronize  ➁ (a) same as 芘 pĩ (Malva sylvestris), (b) =庇 bï shelter; protect; shield.¹⁹
lai4 9084
140 22 lài (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 䕻 lĩ with same meaning: to join or depend on, as plants and trees depend on the earth for their support.²ʼ²⁵ to adhere to; to stick together.⁸ can be used for 蘪 mĩ millet; also written as 𡔉 lĩ and 麗 lài .²⁵)
(composition: ⿱艹麗; U+457B).
<又> lĩ.
(See 䕻 lĩ; 蘪 mĩ; 𡔉 lĩ; 麗 lài).
lai4 9085
142 20 lài an oyster.⁷
蛤蛎[蛤蠣] gēip-lài or 蛤蜊 gēip-lì gélí clam.¹⁰
蛎房[蠣房] lài-fông
lìfáng oyster shells.⁷
蛎粉[蠣粉] lài-fūn
lìfěn lime obtained by burning oyster shells.⁷
蛎鹬[蠣鷸] lài-gūt
lìyù oystercatcher.⁶
蛎奴[蠣奴] lài-nũ
lìnú the hermit crab.¹¹
蛎黄[蠣黃] lài-võng
lìhuáng the edible part of oysters.⁷
牡蛎[牡蠣] mêo-lài
mǔlì oyster.⁵
lai4 9086
147 26 lài to search out; to examine into, (Cant.) to give an angry glance at somebody.⁸ to seek, to ask; to look for, to explore.¹⁰¹ (variants: 𥊨❄{⿱⿰柰又目} lài, 𥌿❄{⿰目隸} lài, 𥌤❄{⿲目⿱匕示隶} lài, 𣛒❄{⿰柰⿱又目} là).
(composition: ⿰麗見; U+4695).
(See 𥊨❄{⿱⿰柰又目} lài; 𥌿❄{⿰目隸} lài; 𥌤❄{⿲目⿱匕示隶} lài; 𣛒❄{⿰柰⿱又目} là).
lai4 9087
154 16 lài lài to reply on, to depend on; to accuse without grounds or evidence, to put the blame on somebody else; to repudiate (a debt), to disavow, to deny something which one has said or done; to postpone or procrastinate intentionally; no good, poor, bad; lazy; Lai surname.⁷
百无聊赖[百無聊賴] bāk-mũ-lẽl-lài bǎiwúliáolài be bored; suffer from endless boredom.⁶
赖得得[賴得得] lài-āk-āk làidede very bad; roguish.¹⁴
赖得一干二净[賴得一乾-凈] lài-āk-yīt-gön-ngì-dèin
lài de yīgān'èrjìng to deny or repudiate completely.⁵
赖床[賴床] lài-chõng
làichuáng be feeling too lazy to get out of bed; linger in bed after waking up.⁶
赖子[賴子] lài-dū
làizi shameless person; rascal.⁶
赖婚[賴婚] lài-fün
làihūn repudiate a marriage contract.⁶
赖学[賴學] lài-hòk
làixué <topo.> play truant; cut class.⁶
赖债[賴債] lài-jäi
làizhài repudiate a debt.⁵
赖帐[賴帳] lài-jëng
làizhàng repudiate a debt; go back on one's word.⁵
赖皮[賴皮] lài-pĩ
làipí <topo.> rascally; shameless; unreasonable.⁵
赖词儿[賴詞兒] lài-xũ-ngĩ
làicír <topo.> lie; pack of lies.⁶
依赖[依賴] yī-lài
yīlài rely/depend on, be dependent on; can't be separated, be dependent on each other.⁶
(See 頼 lài).
lai4 9088
164 14 lài lèi <wr.> pour a libation.⁵ to pour out a libation; to sprinkle.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰酉寽; U+9179).
酹酒 lài-diū lèijiǔ pour an offering of wine.⁶
酹奠 lài-èin
lèidiàn to pour out a libation.¹⁴
酹花 lài-fä
lèihuā to water flowers.¹⁴
酹地 lài-ì
lèidì make a libation; pour wine in a libation.⁷
lai4 9089
171 8 lài Kangxi radical 171; subservient; servant.⁸
(composition: ⿱肀氺; U+96B6 or U+2FAA).
lai4 9090
171 15 𨽻
lài (=隶[隸] lài attached to; to scribe; to be subservient to; servant.)
(composition: ⿰⿱匕示隶; U+28F7B).
(See 隸 lài).

lai4 9091 28F7B.gif
171 16 lài (=隶[隸] lài attached to; to scribe; to be subservient to; servant.)
(composition: ⿰⿱士示隶; U+96B7).
(See 隸 lài).
lai4 9092
171 17 lài attached to; to scribe; to be subservient to; servant.
(variants: 𨽻❄{⿰⿱匕示隶}, 隷 lài ).
隶卒[隸卒] lài-dūt
lìzú <old> bailiffs working in feudal office.⁹ servants; slaves; government office runners; yamen runner.⁵⁴
隶人[隸人] lài-ngĩn
lìrén <wr.> a convict sentenced to hard labor.
隶圉[隸圉] lài-nguî
lìyǔ servants; underlings.¹⁰
隶书[隸書] lài-sï
lìshū official script; "scribe" style, Han style of calligraphy.
隶属[隸屬] lài-sùk
lìshǔ belonging to; under the jurisdiction of.
奴隶[奴隸] nũ-lài
núlì slave.⁵
草隶[草隸] tāo-lài
cǎolì cursive characters.
(See 𨽻❄{⿰⿱匕示隶} lài; 隷 lài).
lai4 9093
181 16 lài lài (=赖[賴] lài lài) to reply on, to depend on; to accuse without grounds or evidence, to put the blame on somebody else; to repudiate (a debt), to disavow, to deny something which one has said or done; to postpone or procrastinate intentionally; no good, poor, bad; lazy; Lai surname.⁷
(See 賴 lài).
lai4 9094
198 鹿 19 lài Li place name.
高丽[高麗] Gäo-Lài Gāolí Gaoli, old name for Korea.
高丽参[高麗參] Gäo-Lài täm
Gāolíshēn Korean ginseng.
<又> lãi.
(See 麗 lài, lãi.)
lai4 9095
198 鹿 19 lài beautiful.
风和日丽[風和日麗] füng-võ-ngìt-lài fēnghérìlì warm and sunny weather.
天生丽质[天生麗質] hëin-säng-lài-jīt
tiānshēnglìzhì be endowed with dazzling beauty; be born a beauty.⁶
壮丽[壯麗] jöng-lài
zhuànglì majestic; magnificent; glorious.⁵
丽姝[麗姝] lài-jï
lìshū <wr.> beautiful girl.¹¹
丽藻[麗藻] lài-täo
lìzǎo <wr.> beautiful scenery; flowery language; ornate diction.⁶
美丽[美麗] mî-lài
měilì beautiful.
秀丽[秀麗] xiü-lài
xiùlì beautiful; handsome; pretty.⁶
艳丽[艷麗] yèm-lài
yànlì bright-colored and beautiful; gorgeous.⁶
<又> lãi.
(See 麗 lài, lãi.)
lai4 9096
18 23 lâi a divide; to cut, to partition.⁸
(composition: ⿰蠡刂; U+5299).
lai5 9097
85 16 lâi a fountain, a spring; name of a county and a river in Hunan Province.⁵
澧水 Lâi-suī Lǐshuǐ Lishui River, a river in 湖南 Vũ-nãm Húnán Hunan Province.⁴
澧县[澧縣] Lâi-yòn
Lǐxiàn Li County, a county in Changde (常德 Sẽng-āk Chángdé), Hunan (湖南 Vũ-nãm Húnán) Province.¹⁰
lai5 9098
113 17 lâi ceremony; ethics; courtesy; gift; <wr.> respect.⁶
(comp. t: ⿰礻豊; U+79AE). (comp. s: ⿰礻乚; U+793C).
(variant: 豊 lâi
). (See 豊 lâi).
礼拜[禮拜] lâi-bäi
lǐbài attend religious service; <vern.> week; day of the week; <vern.> Sunday.⁶
礼券[禮券] lâi-hûn
lǐquàn gift certificate; gift coupons.⁹
礼貌[禮貌] lâi-mào
lǐmào courtesy; politeness; manners.⁶
礼物[禮物] lâi-mùt
or lâi-mòt lǐwù gift, present.⁶
礼让[禮讓] lâi-ngèng
lǐràng give precedence to somebody out of courtesy; practice comity.⁶
礼仪[禮儀] lâi-ngĩ
lǐyí ceremony; proprieties; etiquette.⁶
礼义廉耻[禮義廉恥] lâi-ngì-lẽm-chī
lǐ-yì-lián-chǐ propriety, righteousness, honesty, and a sense of shame (formerly, the "four social bonds" 四维[四維] xï-vĩ sìwéi in China).⁶
礼乐[禮樂] lâi-ngòk
lǐyuè (Confucianism) rites and music (the means of regulating society).¹⁰
礼遇[禮遇] lâi-nguì
lǐyù courteous reception.⁶
礼尚往来[禮尚往來] lâi-sèng-vông-lõi
lǐshàngwǎnglái courtesy demands reciprocity; give as good as one gets.⁶
礼数[禮數] lâi-sü
lǐshù <wr.> hierarchy of proprieties; courtesy, etiquette, proprieties.⁶
礼贤下士[禮賢下士] lâi-yẽn-hà-xù
lǐxiánxiàshì courteous to the wise and condescending to the scholarly.⁸
lai5 9099
135 22 𦧺 lâi/ lài <Cant.> to lick (=舔 lēm tiǎn to lick).⁸
(composition ⿰舌賴; U+269FA).
lai5 9100
142 15 lâi (=蠡 lâi ) a wood-boring insect; (of insects) to bore or eat wood; worm-eaten.⁷
(composition: ⿱彖虫; U+45CD).
(See 蠡 lâi.)
lai5 9101
142 21 lâi a wood-boring insect; (of insects) to bore or eat wood; worm-eaten.⁷ a wood-boring insect; worm-eaten.¹⁴ (variant: 䗍 lâi ).
(composition: ⿱彖䖵; U+8821).
范蠡 Fàn Lâi
Fàn Lǐ Fan Li (536-488 BC), politician of Yue state, businessman and economist.¹⁰ Fan Li, from the Spring and Autumn period, was a businessman, military strategist, writer, politician, philosopher, and philanthropist.¹⁵
蠡湖 lâi-vũ
lǐhú Lihu Lake, located in Jiangsu Province.⁸
蠡县[蠡縣] lâi-yòn
lǐxiàn Lixian County, located in central Hebei Province.⁸
<又> lãi; lũ.
(See 蠡 lãi; 蠡 lũ; 䗍 lâi.)
lai5 9102
151 13 lâi (=礼[禮] lâi ) ceremonial vessel.¹⁰
<又> füng.
(See 禮 lâi; 豊 füng).
lai5 9103
164 20 lâi <wr.> sweet wine; sweet spring water.⁶
芳醴 föng-lâi fānglǐ fragrant/sweet/excellent liquor.¹⁹
金浆玉醴[金漿玉醴] gïm-dëng-ngùk-lâi 
jīnjiāngyùlǐ good wine; marvelous medicine, panacea.⁷
醴酒 lâi-diū
lǐjiǔ sweet wine.⁶
醴酒不设[醴酒不設] lâi-diū-būt-sēt
lǐjiǔbùshè neither sweet nor alcoholic wine is set out – rudeness to a guest.¹⁴
醴泉[醴泉] lâi-tũn
lǐquán sweet spring water; timely rain.⁶
玉饔琼醴[玉饔瓊醴] ngùk-yüng-kẽin-lâi
yùyōngqiónglǐ valuable food and wine.³⁹
lai5 9104
195 24 lâi snakehead.⁸ A greenish brown, hose-shaped freshwater fish with a large mouth and sharp teeth; it preys on other fish, and is considered to be a culinary delicacy, also known as 乌鳢[烏鱧], 乌鱼[烏魚], 黑鱼[黑魚]⁹ (Note: in Taishan it is called 生鱼[生魚] säng-nguĩ shēngyú).
带鳢[帶鱧] âi-lâi
dàilǐ forest snakehead (Channa lucius), a species of snakehead.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鳢科[鱧科] lâi-fö
lǐkē snakeheads are members of the freshwater perciform fish family Channidae; aka 生魚 säng-nguĩ shēngyú or 鮕鮐 gū-hõi gǔtái.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鳢鱼[鱧魚] lâi-nguĩ
lǐyú blotched snakehead (Channa maculata) is a species of snakehead native to southern China and northern Vietnam.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鳢属[鱧屬] lâi-sùk
lǐshǔ Channa (a genus of fish in the family Channidae, commonly known as snakehead).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
眼鳢[眼鱧] ngān-lâi
yǎnlǐ bullseye snakehead or great snakehead (Channa marulius), a species of snakehead native to South and Southeast Asia, and south China.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
月鳢[月鱧] ngùt-lâi
yuèlǐ small snakehead (Channa asiatica), a species of snakehead; aka 七星鱧, 山斑鱼, 七星鱼, 点称鱼, 山花鱼, 黑鱼, 乌鱼, 乌棒, 鲈鳢.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
乌鳢[烏鱧] vü-lâi
wūlǐ snakehead; snakeheaded fish.⁶
lai5 9105
72 6 lāk 背旮旯儿[背旮旯兒] böi-gā-lāk-ngĩ or böi-kāk-lāk-ngĩ bèigālár deep recess.⁶
旮旮旯旯儿[旮旮旯旯兒] gā-gā-lāk-lāk-ngĩ
or kāk-kāk-lāk-lāk-ngĩ gāgalálár <vern.> nook and cranny.⁶
旮旯儿[旮旯兒] gā-lāk-ngĩ
or kāk-lāk-ngĩ gālár <vern.> nook, corner, cranny; out-of-the-way place, remote part.⁶
住在山旮旯儿[住在山旮旯兒] jì-dòi-sän-gā-lāk-ngĩ
or jì-dòi-sän-kāk-lāk-ngĩ zhùzài shāngālar live in a remote or lonely mountain recess.⁶
山旮旯儿[山旮旯兒] sän-gā-lāk-ngĩ
or sän-kāk-lāk-ngĩ shāngālar a mountain recess.⁵
墙旮旯儿[牆旮旯兒] tẽng-gā-lāk-ngĩ
or tẽng-kāk-lāk-ngĩ  qiánggālár corner (formed by two walls).⁶
<台> 旯嘚 lāk-dāk nimble; active.
<台> 旯瓜 lāk-gâ/
or 苦瓜 fū-gâ/ bitter melon. (See 涼瓜; 良瓜 lẽng-gä).
<台> 山头山旮旯[山頭山旮旯] sän-hẽo-sän-gā-lāk
or sän-hẽo-sän-kāk-lāk remote mountain areas without human habitation.
lak1 9106
30 14 läk 瞎嘞嘞 hàt-läk-läk xiālēlē <topo.> to run off at the mouth; to talk rubbish.¹
嘞嘞 läk-läk
lēle <topo.> to talk on and on; to chatter away.⁸
(See 嘞 [läk, lei].)
lak2 9107
30 14 läk lei (final particle, similar to 喽[嘍] lū lou or 了 lēl le indicating a completed action or used to express approval.)
好嘞,我就去 Hāo-läk, ngöi-diù-huï.
Hǎolei, wǒjiùqù. OK, I'll go.
(See 嘞 [läk, ].)
lak2 9108
118 17 läk a kind of bamboo.⁹
簕竹 läk-jūk lèzhú (=刺竹 xü-jūk cìzhú) spiny bamboo or thorny bamboo; Bambusa blumeana.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
簕欓 läk-ōng
lèdǎng ailanthus prickly ash.⁶
老鼠簕 läo-sī-läk
lǎoshǔlè holly-leaved acanthus, sea holly, holy mangrove (Acanthus ilicifolius).¹⁵ʼ²⁰ (cf 老鼠艻 läo-sī-làk lǎoshǔlè).
<台> 簕 läk thorn.
<台> 枸杞好多簕欸 gēo-gī-hāo-ü-läk-ē a goji plant (Chinese wolfberry) has a lot of thorns.
lak2 9109
130 6 läk lèi (composition: ⿰月力; U+808B).
<台> 脱至肋 höt-jï-läk naked (down to the waist).
<台> 脱至巴肋 höt-jï-bläk naked (down to the waist).
<又> làk; làt. (See 肋[làk, lèi]; 肋[làk, ]; 肋 làt).
lak2 9110
9 4 làk surplus or excess; remainder.⁸
(composition: ⿰亻力; U+4EC2).
偪仂 bēik-làk bīlè to coerce; to compel.³⁶
仂语[仂語] làk-nguî
lèyǔ <old> word group; phrase.⁸
lak4 9111
19 11 làk rein in; force, coerce; <wr.> carve, engrave; <phy.> lux, metre-candle.⁵
勒逼 làk-bēik lèbī force; coerce.⁵
勒碑 làk-bï
lèbēi carve on a stone tablet.⁵
勒兵 làk-bëin
lèbīng command troops.⁶ to check the advance of troops.¹⁴
勒交 làk-gäo
lèjiāo force somebody to hand something over.⁵
勒捐 làk-gün
lèjuān extort contributions.⁶
勒克司 làk-hāk-xü
lèkèsī <phy.> lux, metre-candle.⁵
勒诈[勒詐] làk-jä
lèzhà extort; blackmail; racketeer.⁵
勒令 làk-lèin
lèlìng compel (by legal authority); order.⁵
勒马[勒馬] làk-mâ
lèmǎ rein in the horse.⁵
勒派 làk-päi
or làk-pāi lèpài force somebody to pay levies or do corvée.⁵
勒石 làk-sêk
lèshí <wr.> engrave/carve on a stone tablet; set up/erect a stone tablet.⁶
勒索 làk-sök
lèsuǒ extort; blackmail.⁵
勒草 làk-tāo
lècǎo <bot.> the wild hop, Humulus japonicus (=葎 lùt).¹¹
勒抑 làk-yēik
lèyì compel somebody to reduce the price; extort and suppress.⁶
罗勒[羅勒] lõ-làk
luólè sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum).¹⁰ (See old equivalent 萝艻[蘿艻] lõ-làk).
<又> lâk.
(See 勒 [làk, lēi], lâk.)
lak4 9112
19 11 làk lēi tie/strap something tight; <topo.> force, compel.⁶
勒毙 làk-bài lēibì to strangle or throttle to death.
勒脚[勒腳] làk-gëk
lēijiǎo plinth.⁶
勒紧[勒緊] làk-gīn
lēijǐn to tighten.¹⁰
勒紧裤带[勒緊褲帶] làk-gīn-fû-âi
lēijǐnkùdài to tighten the belt.⁶
勒紧裤腰带[勒緊褲腰帶] làk-gīn-fû-yël-âi
lēijǐnkùyāodài  tighten (up) the belt – be thrifty to survive the financial pinch.⁶
勒掯 làk-hāng
lēikèn <topo.> force, compel; make things dificult for somebody.⁶
勒死 làk-xī
lēisǐ strangle to death.⁶
<又> lâk.
(See 勒 [làk, ], lâk.)
lak4 9113
30 5 làk 石叻 Sêk-làk Shílè Singapore (referred to by overseas Chinese). Also called 叻埠 Làk-fèo Lèbù.
<台> 叻
or 搻 làk to carry a baby in one's arms; to cradle.
(See 叻 lēk; 搻 làk).
lak4 9114
64 14 làk <台> to carry a baby in one's arms; to cradle.
(synonym: 叻 làk).
(composition: ⿱合⿰手手; U+643B).
<台> 搻 làk to carry a baby in one's arms; to cradle.
<又> nã; nèik. (See 搻 nã; 搻 nèik; 叻 làk).
lak4 9115
85 7 làk carve, engrave, inscribe; write (a letter); (of stones) break along the grains; carved characters.⁶
泐达[泐達] làk-àt lèdá to inform by letter.¹⁴
泐碑 làk-bï
lèbēi carve or inscribe on a stone tablet.⁶
泐覆 làk-fūk
lèfù to reply by letter.¹⁴
泐石 làk-sêk
lèshí inscribe characters on a stone tablet.¹¹
泐此奉覆 làk-xū-fùng-fūk
lècǐfèngfù I write this in reply to yours.¹⁴
石泐 sêk-làk
shílè splitting of rocks.¹⁴
手泐 siū-làk
shǒulè with my own hand.¹⁴ <wr.> personally handwritten article; personal letter.⁵⁴
lak4 9116
96 6 làk (=𤨕❄{⿰𤣩勒} làk a type of jade; a beautiful stone, second/inferior to jade).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰𤣩力; U+738F).
瑊玏 gäm-làk
jiānlè <wr.> a beautiful stone like jade.⁵⁴ (cf 瑊玏 jïm-làk).
瑊玏 jïm-làk
zhēnlè a pebble, next in value to a precious stone.²⁴ jasper-like gem.⁵⁴ (cf 瑊玏 gäm-làk).
(See 𤨕
❄{⿰𤣩勒} làk).
lak4 9117
96 15 𤨕
làk the original character for 𤨕❄{⿰𤣩勒} làk is 𤨙❄{⿱勒玉} làk ; a type of jade; a beautiful stone, second/inferior to jade; also called 玏 làk
(composition: ⿰𤣩勒; U+24A15).
(See 𤨙❄{⿱勒玉} làk; 玏 làk).
lak4 9118
96 16 𤨙
làk 𤨙❄{⿱勒玉} is the original character for 𤨕❄{⿰𤣩勒} làk .² a type of jade.⁸
(composition: ⿱勒玉; U+24A19).
❄{⿱勒玉} gäm-làk jiānlè =(瑊玏 gäm-làk jiānlè <wr.> a beautiful stone like jade.⁵⁴ (cf 瑊玏 jïm-làk).).⁸
(See 𤨕❄{⿰𤣩勒} làk).
lak4 9119
130 6 làk (composition: ⿰月力; U+808B).
肋脦 làk-tēik lēde <topo.> (of clothes) untidy; slovenly; sloppy.⁶
肋脦兵 làk-tēik-bëin
lēdebīng untidy/slovenly person; sloven.⁶
<又> läk; làt.
(See 肋 läk; 肋[làk, lèi]; 肋 làt; cf 褦 làk).
lak4 9120
130 6 làk lèi costa; rib.⁶
(composition: ⿰月力; U+808B).
左肋 dū-làk zuǒlèi left costa; left side of the chest.⁶
鸡肋[雞肋] gäi-làk
jīlèi <wr.> chicken ribs – things of little value or interest (yet you hesitate to throw them away).⁶
肋巴骨 làk-bä-gūt
lèibagǔ <topo.> rib; costa.⁶
肋间[肋間] làk-gän
lèijiān intercostal.⁶
肋间肌[肋間肌] làk-gän-gï
lèijiānjī intercostal muscle.⁶
肋间神经[肋間神經] làk-gän-sĩn-gëin
lèijiān shénjīng <phys.> intercostal nerves.⁶
肋骨 làk-gūt
lèigǔ rib; costa.⁶
肋条[肋條] làk-hẽl
lèitiáo <topo.> rib, costa; animal rib (as food).⁶
肋膜 làk-môk
lèimó <phys.> pleura.⁶
肋膜炎 làk-môk-yèm
lèimóyán pleurisy.⁶
肋木 làk-mûk
lèimù <sport> stall bars.⁶
肋软骨[肋軟骨] làk-ngün-gūt
lèiruǎngǔ costal cartilage.⁶
肋窝[肋窩] làk-vö
lèiwō armpit.⁶
两肋[兩肋] lēng-làk
liǎnglèi both sides of the chest.⁶
两肋插刀[兩肋插刀] lēng-làk-chäp-äo
liǎnglèichādāo risk one's life; take great risks.⁶
右肋 yiù-làk
yòulèi right costa; right side of the chest.⁶
<又> läk; làt.
(See 肋 läk; 肋[làk, ]; 肋 làt).
lak4 9121
140 5 làk (composition: ⿰; U+827B).
老鼠艻 läo-sī-làk lǎoshǔlè, Argemone mexicana (cf 薊罌粟 gäi-yëin-xūk); Spinifex squarrosus.²⁵
or (newer term) 罗勒[羅勒] lõ-làk luólè sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum).¹⁰ a fragrant herb, a sort of rush or sedge.²⁵
牛脂艻 ngẽo-jï-làk
niúzhīlè a medicine, good for checking every kind of hemorrhage.²⁵
对面艻[對面艻] uï-mèin-làk
duìmiànlè gardenia spinosa.²⁵
<又> gēik.
(See 艻 gēik).
lak4 9122
145 15 làk untidily dressed.⁷ (cf 肋 làk ).
褦襶 làk-dāk
lēde untidily dressed.⁷ (See 褦襶 nòi-äi nàidài).
褦襶兵 làk-dāk-bëin
lēdebīng a person in untidy or ill-fitting dress or overburdened with accessories.⁷
<又> nòi.
(See 褦 nòi.)
lak4 9123
195 22 làk elongate ilisha (Ilisha elongate); Chinese herring; slender shad (not a close relative of herrings or shads), a species of longfin herring.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
大眼鳓[大眼鰳] ài-ngān-làk
dàyǎnlè bigeye ilisha (Ilisha megaloptera), a species of ray-finned fish.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
長鳓[長鰳] chẽng-làk
chánglè elongate ilisha (Ilisha elongate), also known as the Chinese herring or slender shad (even though it is not a close relative of herrings and shads); aka 鳓, 曹白, 鲞鱼, 力鱼.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
光背鳓[光背鰳] göng-böi-làk
guāngbèilè raconda (Raconda russeliana), a fish of the family Clupeidae.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
锯腹鳓科[鋸腹鰳科] guï-fūk-làk-fö
jùfùlèkē the family Pristigasteridae, fish related to the herrings, including the genera Ilisha, Pellona, and Pristigaster.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鳓鱼[鰳魚] làk-nguĩ
lèyú (=長鳓[長鰳] chẽng-làk chánglè) elongate ilisha¹⁵ʼ²⁰
生鳓[生鰳] säng-làk
shēnglè another name for 鲥鱼[鰣魚] sĩ-nguĩ shíyú hilsa herring; reeves shad.⁵
西非鳓[西非鰳] xäi-fï-làk
xīfēilè West African ilisha (Ilisha africana), a species of longfin herring.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
lak4 9124
19 11 lâk <台> 老鼠咬葵篷,勒勒声[老鼠咬葵篷,勒勒聲] lāo-sī-ngāo-kĩ-pũng, lâk-lâk-sëng. The mouse makes the "lak-lak" sound while biting on the raincoat (made of large bamboo or palm leaves).
<又> làk. (See 勒 [làk, ], [làk, lēi].)
lak5 9125
64 18 lām lǎn (=揽[攬] lām lǎn to grasp, to take hold of; item or package; to monopolize, to control; to pick, to gather; to take on; to adopt; <Cant.> to hug; to embrace in the arms.³⁶); drive away, expel, oust.⁸ to grasp with the hand, to scrape together, to collect.²⁴
t: ⿱⿰臣⿳𠂉丶罒手; U+64E5).
s: ⿱⿰〢⿱𠂉丶手; U+39DB).
兜擥 ëo-lām
dōulǎn to interfere.²⁴ (cf 兜揽[兜攬] ëo-lām).
擥稻 lām-ào lǎndào to take the sheaves of corn.²⁴
擥采[擥採] lām-tōi
lǎncǎi to gather.²⁴
擥取 lām-tuī
lǎnqǔ to seize.²⁴
(See 攬 lām).
lam1 9126
64 24 lām lǎn to grasp, to take hold of; item or package; to monopolize, to control; to pick, to gather; to take on; to adopt; <Cant.> to hug; to embrace in the arms.³⁶ (variant: 擥 lām lǎn).
t: ⿰扌覽; U+652C). (comp. s: ⿰扌览; U+63FD).
大包大揽[大包大攬] ài-bäo-ài-lām
dàbāodàlǎn to undertake as much as possible; to take complete charge (idiom); <derog.> to monopolize power.⁵⁴
把揽[把攬] bā-lām
bǎlan to monopolize; to control.⁵⁴
包揽[包攬] bäo-lām
bāolǎn to undertake the whole thing; to take on everything.⁵⁴
揽货[攬貨] lām-fö
lǎnhuò to undertake to ship or market goods.¹¹
揽头[攬頭] lām-hẽo
lǎntóu main contractor; freight company.⁵⁴ the head of, as a guild.¹⁰²
揽橯[攬橯] lām-lâo
lǎnlào the last on the list of second-degree graduates under the old system of examinations.¹⁴
揽捞[攬撈] lām-lẽo
lǎnlāo (=打捞[打撈] ā-lẽo dǎlāo to salvage, dredge, fish out (person/object from the sea)​.⁸)​.⁸
揽胜[攬勝] lām-sëin
or 览胜[覽勝] lâm-sëin lǎnshèng <wr.> visit or tour scenic spots.⁶
揽取[攬取] lām-tuī
lǎnqǔ to seize all; to take up.¹⁰²
<台> 揽[攬] lām to embrace, to hug.
<又> làm.
(See 攬 làm; 擥 lām).
lam1 9127
75 25 lām lǎn olive.¹⁰
橄榄[橄欖] gäm-lām gǎnlǎn Chinese olive (Canarium album), the fruit of the canary tree; olive.⁵ (Aliases: 白榄[白欖] bàk-lām báilǎn; 山榄[山欖] sän-lām shānlǎn).²⁰
青榄[青欖] tëin-lām
qīnglǎn olive.¹¹
乌榄[烏欖] vü-lām
wūlǎn black olive Canarium pimela Leenh.²³
英式橄榄球[英式橄欖球] Yëin-sēik-gäm-lām-kiũ
Yīngshì gǎnlǎnqiú rugby.¹⁰
<台> 榄[欖] lām olive.
lam1 9128
38 11 lãm lán covetous; greedy; avarice.⁷ (variant: 惏 lĩm lán.)
贪婪[貪婪] häm-lãm
tānlán avaricious, greedy, rapacious; greedy, avid, insatiable.⁶
婪酣 lãm-hõn
lánhān gluttonous.¹¹
婪婪 lãm-lãm
lánlán insatiable; greedy.¹¹
婪尾春 lãm-mī-chün
lánwěichūn (=芍藥 sēk-yêk sháoyào) <wr.> the peony, the last of all flowers in spring.¹¹
婪尾酒 lãm-mī-diū
lánwěijiǔ the last cup of wine passed around among friends at a drinking party (=籃尾酒 lâm-mī-diū lánwěijiǔ; =闌尾酒 lãn-mī-diū lánwěijiǔ).¹¹
<又> lẽim.
(See 惏 [lĩm, lín], [lĩm, lán]; 婪 lẽim).
lam3 9129
46 12 lãm lán mountain haze/mist.⁶
夕岚[夕嵐] dèik-lãm xīlán evening mist.¹¹
晓岚[曉嵐] hēl-lãm
xiǎolán morning mists.⁶
岢岚[岢嵐] Hō-lãm
Kělán (name of a mountain and a place name, both in 山西 Sän-xäi Shānxī Shanxi Province).⁴
岚气[嵐氣] lãm-hï
lánqì misty hill atmosphere.¹¹ vapor or mists.¹⁴
山岚[山嵐] sän-lãm
shānlán mountain mists.¹¹ʼ¹⁴
烟岚[煙嵐] yën-lãm
yānlán <wr.> mists in the mountains.⁶
lam3 9130
85 24 lãm lǎn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 灠 lâm lǎn with same meaning: mix (raw fish, meat or fresh vegetables) with salt or other seasonings; soak fruits (such as persimmons) in hot water or limewater ( to remove its astringent taste.⁶). (variant: 𤂺❄{⿰氵覧} lâm lǎn).
t: ⿰氵覽; U+7060). (comp. s: ⿰氵婪; U+6F24).
<又> lâm.
(See 灠 lâm; 𤂺❄{⿰氵覧} lâm).
lam3 9131
120 20 繿 lãm lán (=襤 lãm lán) ragged garments, clothes without a hem; shabbily dressed.⁷
(See 襤 lãm).
lam3 9132
140 12 lãm lán look of grass being blown in the wind.⁸ grass acted upon by the wind.²⁵ looks of grass swaying in the wind.³⁶
(composition: ⿱艹風; U+847B).
<又> fũng. (See 葻 fũng).
lam3 9133
140 17 lãm lán blue; indigo plant; Lan surname.⁸
淡蓝[淡藍] àm-lãm dànlán light blue.⁵⁴
红胁蓝尾鸲[紅脅藍尾鴝] hũng-hèp-lãm-mī-kuĩ
hóng xié lánwěi qú red-flanked bluetail (Tarsiger cyanurus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
蓝靛[藍靛] lãm-èin
lándiàn indigo.⁵
蓝光[藍光] lãm-göng
lán'guāng Blu-ray (disc format).
蓝天[藍天] lãm-hëin
lántiān the azure sky.⁹
蓝图[藍圖] lãm-hũ
lántú blueprint.⁹
蓝鲸[藍鯨] lãm-kẽin
lánjīng blue whale; sulphur-bottom.⁶
or 褴褛[襤褸] or 蓝缕[藍縷] lãm-luî lánlǚ (said of clothes) tattered; in rags; ragged; shabby.⁷
蓝玛瑙[藍瑪瑙] lãm-mâ-não
or lãm-mâ-nâo lánmǎnǎo blue agate.⁶
蓝色[藍色] lãm-sēik
lánsè blue (color).¹⁰
蓼蓝[蓼藍] lèl-lãm
liǎolán indigo plant, Polygonum tinctorium.²³ Chinese indigo (Persicaria tinctoria).³⁶
浅蓝[淺藍] tēin-lãm
qiǎnlán light blue.⁵
青出于蓝[青出於藍] tëin-chūt-yï-lãm
qīngchūyúlán blue comes from the indigo plant but is bluer than the plant itself – the pupil surpasses the master; to know better than one's teacher.⁹
蔚蓝[蔚藍] vï-lãm
wèilán azure.⁹
蔚蓝色[蔚藍色] vï-lãm-sēik
wèilánsè azure.⁹
lam3 9134
145 19 lãm lán ragged garments, clothes without a hem; shabbily dressed.⁷ (variant: 繿 lãm lán).
筚路褴褛[篳路襤褸] or 荜路蓝缕[蓽路藍縷] bīt-lù-lãm-luî
bìlùlánlǚ be a trail blazer or pioneer in opening up virgin lands; the pioneering spirit.¹¹ riding on a firewood cart in ragged clothes – beginning life in a humble way.¹⁴
or 蓝褛[藍褸] or 蓝缕[藍縷] lãm-luî lánlǚ (said of clothes) tattered; in rags; ragged; shabby.⁷
衣衫褴褛[衣衫襤褸] yï-sâm-lãm-luî
yīshānlánlǚ be dressed in rags; shabbily dressed; out at elbows.⁵⁴
(See 繿 lãm).
lam3 9135
46 6 lãm lán (=岚[嵐] lãm lán mountain haze/mist.⁶); mountain vapor; mist.⁸
(composition: ⿱山凡; U+37A9).
(See 嵐 lãm).
lam4 9136
64 24 làm lǎn (comp. t: ⿰扌覽; U+652C). (comp. s: ⿰扌览; U+63FD).
<台> 揽[攬] làm to carry.
<台> 揽片[攬片] làm pēin  to wear diapers
<又> lām.
(See 攬 lām.)
lam4 9137
85 17 làm làn overflow, flood; excessive, indiscriminate.⁵
滥调[濫調] làm-èl làndiào hackneyed tune; worn-out theme.⁵
滥伐[濫伐] làm-fàt
lànfá <forest> denudation.⁵
滥发钞票[濫發鈔票] làm-fāt-chäo-pêl
lànfā chāopiào reckless issuing of banknotes.⁵
滥施轰炸[濫施轟炸] làm-sï-gäng-jä
lànshīhōngzhà  indiscriminate bombing; wanton bombing.⁵
滥竽 làm-yï
lànyú to pretend to play the 竽 yï – of a pretender who joined the orchestra of 齐宣王[齊宣王] Tãi Xün Võng Qí Xuān Wáng King Xuan of Qi (350 BC- 301 BC); he was unnoticed in the crowd, but discovered when the son, who preferred solos, came to the throne.¹⁴
滥竽充数[濫竽充數] làm-yï-chüng-sü
lànyúchōngshù pass oneself off as one of the players in an ensemble – (of incompetent people, shoddy goods) be there just to make up the number; fill a post without real qualifications.⁶
滥用[濫用] làm-yùng
lànyòng abuse; misuse; use indiscriminately.⁵
lam4 9138
120 22 làm lǎn (non-classical form of 缆[纜] làm lǎn hawser, mooring, cable; thick rope, cable.⁵); a hawser, a cable, a rope.⁸
(composition: ⿰糹覧; U+432B).
(See 纜 làm).
lam4 9139
120 27 làm lǎn hawser, mooring, cable; thick rope, cable.⁵
电缆[電纜] èin-làm diànlǎn power cable; cable.⁵
解缆[解纜] gāi-làm
jiělǎn cast off; set sail.⁵
钢缆[鋼纜] gông-làm
gānglǎn a steel cable.¹¹
缆道[纜道] làm-ào
lǎndào cableway.⁵
缆车[纜車] làm-chëh
lǎnchē cable car.⁵
缆柱[纜柱] làm-chuî
lǎnzhù bitt.⁶
缆舟[纜舟] làm-jiü 
lǎnzhōu moor a boat (with a hawser).⁶
缆桥[纜橋] làm-kẽl
lǎnqiáo cable bridge.⁶
缆绳[纜繩] làm-sẽin
lǎnshéng cordage; thick ropes.¹¹
缆索[纜索] làm-sōk
lǎnsuǒ thick rope; cable.⁵
缆索吊椅[纜索吊椅] làm-sōk-ël-yī
lǎnsuǒdiàoyǐ ski-lift.¹⁰
缆线[纜線] làm-xëin
lǎnxiàn cable.¹⁰
篾缆[篾纜] mêik-làm
mièlǎn a bamboo hawser.¹⁴
lam4 9140
32 16 𡒄
lâm lǎn disappointed.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿰土稟; U+58C8; KangXi: page 240, char 25).
s: ⿰土禀; U+21484).
❄{⿰土禀}[坎壈] hām-lâm kǎnlǎn to miss one's mark; to fail.¹⁴
lam5 9141
75 18 lâm jiàn banister, balustrade; cage.⁵
虎豹在于囊槛[虎豹在於囊檻] fū-bäo-dòi-yï-nõng-lâm hǔ bào zài yú náng jiàn tigers and leopards in sacks or cages.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《莊子·外篇·天地·15》, translated by James Legge).
槛车[檻車] lâm-chëh
jiànchē prisoner's van (used in ancient times).⁵
槛羊[檻羊] lâm-yẽng
jiànyáng somebody at the mercy of others, like a caged lamb.⁵⁴
栊槛[櫳檻] lûng-lâm
lóngjiàn a pen or cage for animals.⁷
<又> häm.
(See 檻 häm.)
lam5 9142
85 19 𤂺
lâm lǎn demotic character for 漤[灠] lâm lǎn mix (raw fish, meat or fresh vegetables) with salt or other seasonings; soak fruits (such as persimmons) in hot water or limewater ( to remove its astringent taste.⁶ 𤂺 may also be pronounced as lãm lǎn.
(composition: ⿰氵覧; U+240BA).
(See 灠 lâm).
lam5 9143
85 24 lâm lǎn mix (raw fish, meat or fresh vegetables) with salt or other seasonings; soak fruits (such as persimmons) in hot water or limewater ( to remove its astringent taste.⁶
(variant: 𤂺❄{⿰氵覧} lâm lǎn).
t: ⿰氵覽; U+7060). (comp. s: ⿰氵婪; U+6F24).
漤柿子[灠柿子] lâm-sî-dū
or lãm-sî-dū lǎnshìzi soak persimmons in hot water.⁶
<又> lãm.
(See 灠 lãm; 𤂺❄{⿰氵覧} lâm).
lam5 9144
118 20 lâm lán a basket.⁷
花篮[花籃] fä-lâm huālán floral basket (used as tribute on occasions); a flower basket.¹¹
提篮[提籃] hãi-lâm
tílán hand basket.⁶
竹篮[竹籃] jūk-lâm
zhúlán bamboo basket.¹⁹
篮板[籃板] lâm-bān
lánbǎn <basketball> a backboard.⁷
篮板球[籃板球] lâm-bān-kiũ
lánbǎnqiú <basketball> rebounds.⁷
篮子[籃子] lâm-dū
lánzi baskets.⁷
篮子襻儿[籃子襻兒] lâm-dū-pän-ngĩ
lánzipànr the handle of a basket.⁵
篮圈[籃圈] lâm-hūn
lánquān ring; hoop.⁷
篮球[籃球] lâm-kiũ
lánqiú basketball.⁵
篮球场[籃球場] lâm-kiũ-chẽng
lánqiúchǎng a basketball court.⁷
篮球架[籃球架] lâm-kiũ-gâ
lánqiújià basketball back stops; basketball stands.⁷
篮球赛[籃球賽] lâm-kiũ-söi
lánqiúsài a basketball game.⁷
篮框[籃框] lâm-köng
lánkuàng the rim of a basket.⁷
篮尾酒[籃尾酒] lâm-mī-diū
lánwěijiǔ the last cup of wine passed around among friends at a drinking party (=婪尾酒 lãm-mī-diū lánwěijiǔ; =闌尾酒 lãn-mī-diū lánwěijiǔ).¹¹
篮舆[籃輿] lãm-yĩ
lányú a bamboo sedan chair.¹¹
lam5 9145
122 14 lâm lǎn a kind of net used for fishing or for dredging up river sludge; dredge up.⁵
罱河泥 lâm-hõ-nãi lǎnhéní dredge up sludge from a river.⁵
罱网[罱網] lâm-mōng
lǎnwǎng an implement for inclosing fish.²⁵
罱泥船 lâm-nãi-sõn
lǎnníchuán a boat used in collecting river sludge for fertilizer.⁵
用罱捞[用罱撈] yùng-lâm-lẽo
yònglǎnlāo dredge up.⁸
lam5 9146
137 20 lâm jiàn a warship; a man-of-war; a naval vessel.⁷
军舰[軍艦] gün-lâm jūnjiàn warship; military naval vessel.¹⁰
航空母舰[航空母艦] hõng-hüng-mû-lâm
hángkōng mǔjiàn an aircraft carrier, a flattop.¹¹
战舰[戰艦] jën-lâm
zhànjiàn battleship; warship.¹⁰
舰载[艦載] lâm-döi
jiànzài carrier-borne; ship-based.⁵
舰队[艦隊] lâm-duì
jiànduì a naval squadron, fleet.¹¹
舰队司令[艦隊司令] lâm-duì-xü-lèin
jiànduì sīlìng a fleet commander.⁷
舰艇[艦艇] lâm-hêng
jiàntǐng warship; naval vessel.¹⁰
舰长[艦長] lâm-jēng
jiànzhǎng captain, commander, skipper (of a warship).¹¹
舰只[艦隻] lâm-jëk
jiànzhī naval vessels.⁷
舰桥[艦橋] lâm-kẽl
jiànqiáo the bridge (of a naval ship).⁷
舰首炮[艦首炮] lâm-siū-päo
jiànshǒupào bow chaser.⁵
舰尾炮[艦尾炮] lâm-mī-päo
jiànwěipào stern chaser.⁵
舰对空导弹[艦對空導彈] lâm-uï-hüng-ào-àn
jiànduìkōng dǎodàn ship-to-air missile.⁵
lam5 9147
147 16 lâm lǎn (=覽 lâm lǎn) look at, see, view; read.⁵
(See 覧 lâm.)
lam5 9148
147 21 lâm lǎn look at, see, view; read.⁵ (variant: 覧 lâm lǎn).
便览[便覽] bèin-lâm
biànlǎn brief guide.⁸
博览[博覽] bōk-lâm
bólǎn read extensively.⁵
博览会[博覽會] bōk-lâm-vòi
bólǎnhuì international fair.⁸
泛览[泛覽] fàn-lâm
fànlǎn browse among books.¹¹
展览[展覽] jīn-lâm
zhǎnlǎn put on display; exhibit; show.⁵
览古[覽古] lâm-gū
lǎngǔ <wr.> visit/tour historical sites; visit places of historic interest.⁶
览揆[覽揆] lâm-kĩ
lǎnkuí <wr.> birthday, be born.¹¹
or 揽胜[攬勝] lâm-sëin lǎnshèng <wr.> visit or tour scenic spots.⁶
览视[覽視] lâm-sì
lǎnshì inspect.¹¹
览悉[覽悉] lâm-xēik
lǎnxī (of letters, documents) read and learn.¹¹
or 流览[流覽] liũ-lâm liúlǎn glance over; skim through.⁵
一览无余[一覽無餘] yīt-lâm-mũ-yĩ
yīlǎnwúyú take in everything at a glance.⁵
游览[遊覽] yiũ-lâm
yóulǎn go sightseeing; tour.⁵
阅览[閱覽] yòt-lâm
yuèlǎn read.⁵
(See 覧 lâm.)
lam5 9149
159 20 𨎹
lâm lǎn (composition: ⿰車稟: U+283B9).
(variant: 𨏸❄{⿰車⿱亠⿳吅回示} lâm lǎn).
❄{⿰車稟} hām-lâm kǎnlǎn a carriage going in an irregular manner; disappointed, embarrassed; a carriage unable to advance; also a carriage on an uneven road.²⁵
(See 𨏸❄{⿰車⿱亠⿳吅回示} lâm).
lam5 9150
159 26 𨏸
lâm lǎn (=𨎹❄{⿰車稟} lâm lǎn).
(composition: ⿰車⿱亠⿳吅回示: U+283F9).
(See 𨎹❄{⿰車稟} lâm).

lam5 9151 283F9.gif
157 24 𨅬
lān lán (comp. t: ⿰⻊闌; U+8E9D). (comp. s: ⿰𧾷阑; U+2816C).
<台> 𨅬
❄{⿰𧾷阑}侧[躝側] lān-jâk to turn one's body while lying down. (Note: 侧[側] jāk becomes jâk).
<台> 地牛𨅬
❄{⿰𧾷阑}侧[地牛躝側] ì-ngẽo-lān-jâk (Hoisanva fanciful term for) earthquake. (Note: 侧[側] jāk becomes jâk).
<又> lãn.
(See 躝 lãn).
lan1 9152
38 19 län lǎn (=懶 län lǎn) lazy.¹⁴ (variant: 㦨 län).
嬾妇[嬾婦] län-fû
lǎnfù the cricket.¹⁴
(See 懶 län; 㦨 län).
lan2 9153
38 20 𫝮
län lǎn (<old>=懒[懶] län lǎn lazy.¹⁰ lazy, indolent; reluctant.¹⁴).⁸
t: ⿰女闌; U+5B44). (comp. s: ⿰女阑; U+2B76E).
❄{⿰女阑}[斒孄] bän-län bānlǎn (=斒斓[斒斕] or 斑斓[斑斕] bän-lãn bānlán gorgeous; resplendent.⁷ of variegated colors; rich in hues.¹¹)
(See 懶 län).
lan2 9154
38 23 län lǎn (<old>=懒[懶] län lǎn lazy.¹⁰ lazy, indolent; reluctant.¹⁴).²ʼ⁸
(composition: ⿰女蘭; U+5B4F).
惰孏 ò-län
duòlǎn or 惰嬾 ò-län duòlǎn or 懒惰 län-ò lǎnduò lazy.⁵
(See 懶 län).
lan2 9155
61 19 län lǎn lazy.¹⁰ lazy, indolent; reluctant.¹⁴
(variants: 嬾, 㦨 län lǎn). (old variant: 孄 län lǎn).
懒得[懶得] län-āk
lǎnde not to feel like (doing something); disinclined to.¹⁰
懒凳[懶凳] län-âng
lǎndèng formerly, a bench inside the main entrance of a house.¹¹
懒虫[懶蟲] län-chũng
lǎnchóng lazy fellow (insult); idle slob.¹⁰
懒鬼[懶鬼] län-gī
lǎnguǐ lazybones; idle bum.¹⁰
懒骨头[懶骨頭] län-gūt-hêo
lǎngǔtou lazybones.¹¹
懒人[懶人] län-ngĩn
lǎnrén lazy person.¹⁰
懒惰[懶惰] län-ò
lǎnduò lazy.⁵
懒怠[懶怠] län-òi
lǎndai lazy.¹⁰
懒散[懶散] län-xān
lǎnsǎn inactive; careless; lazy; indolent; negligent.¹⁰
懒洋洋[懶洋洋] län-yẽng-yẽng
lǎnyángyáng spiritless, take everything in a leisurely way.¹¹
身子发懒[身子發懒] sïn-dū-fät-län
shēnzifālǎn to feel tired.⁰
伸懒腰[伸懶腰] sïn-län-yël
shēnlǎnyāo to stretch oneself.¹⁰
(See 嬾 län; 孄 län; 㦨 län).
lan2 9156
61 20 län lǎn (=懒[懶] län lǎn lazy.¹⁰ lazy, indolent; reluctant.¹⁴).²
(=嬾 län
lǎn lazy.¹⁴) lazy; indolent; idle; inactive; reluctant; disinclined.⁸
(composition: ⿰忄闌; U+39A8).
(See 懶 län; 嬾 län).
lan2 9157
50 20 lãn lán (<old>=襴 lãn lán a one piece garment.⁸ <old> a full length gown.¹⁰ <lit.> a gown, combination of blouse and skirt.¹¹ gown of former graduates.¹⁴ jackets and trousers in one.²⁵); official dress.⁸ the upper and lower garments in one piece.²⁴
(composition: ⿰巾闌; U+5E71).
or 襴裙 lãn-kũn lánqún <lit.> a supporter for the stomach.¹¹
or 襴衫 lãn-sâm lánshān <lit.> a scholar's dress.¹¹ the dress of a principal scholar.²⁵
(See 襴 lãn).
lan3 9158
61 12 𢛓
lãn lán name of a place.² (Note: In general, 𢛓 lãn lán is difference from 惏 lĩm lán, 惏 lĩm lín and 婪 lãm lán; however, one source, 《字彙.心部》; published in 1615 says 𢛓 can be pronounced lãn lán meaning a 'name of a place' or pronounced as 婪 lãm lán meaning 'corrupt; greedy') but 100 years later, in Kangxi Zidian (published in 1716) the latter meaning was not recorded).
(composition: ⿱林心; U+226D3).
lan3 9159
64 20 lãn lán to bar, to block, to hold back; to flag down, to stop.
阻拦[阻攔] jū-lãn zǔlán to stop; to obstruct.
拦截[攔截] lãn-dèik
lánjié intercept.⁸
拦劫[攔劫] lãn-gēp
or lãn-gëp lánjié to intercept and rob; to mug.
or 栏柜[欄櫃] lãn-gì lánguì sales counter; inquiry desk.¹⁰ a shop counter.¹¹
拦住[攔住] lãn-jì
lánzhù to stop; to bar the way.
拦路虎[攔路虎] lãn-lù-fū
lánlùhǔ obstacle; stumbling block; highway robber.
拦网[攔網] lãn-mōng
lánwǎng to block.
拦腰[攔腰] lãn-yël
lányāo by the waist; around the middle; to cut across in the middle; <topo.> to take unawares; to do the unexpected.
挡[橫攔豎擋] vãng-lãn-sì-ōng hénglánshùdǎng to create all sorts of obstacles; to try hard to prevent.
lan3 9160
67 21 lãn lán multicolored.⁸
斑斓[斑斕] bän-lãn bānlán gorgeous; resplendent.⁷ of variegated colors; rich in hues.¹¹
斓斑[斕斑] lãn-bän
lánbān bright-colored.⁸
色彩斑斓[色彩斑斕] sēik-tōi-bän-lãn
sècǎi bānlán a riot of color.⁶ multicolored.¹⁰
lan3 9161
75 21 lãn lán fence, railing, balustrade, hurdle; pen, shed; column.⁵
栏板[欄板] lãn-bān lánbǎn raves; blocking plank; breast board; sideboard; railing panel.⁵⁴
栏栅[欄柵] lãn-chāk
lánzhà barrier.¹⁰ (See 栏栅[欄栅] lãn-sän lánshān.)
栏肥[欄肥] lãn-fĩ
lánféi barnyard manure.⁶
栏架[欄架] lãn-gâ
lánjià hurdle.¹⁰
or 拦柜[攔櫃] lãn-gì lánguì counter.⁶
栏杆[欄杆] lãn-gön
lángān railing; banisters; ballustrade.⁵
栏目[欄目] lãn-mùk
lánmù title; topic; subject.⁸ regular column or segment (in a publication or broadcast program); program (TV or radio).¹⁰
栏栅[欄栅] lãn-sän
lánshān <topo.> palisade.⁸ (See 栏栅[欄柵] lãn-chāk lánzhà).
栏楯[欄楯] lãn-sôn
lánshǔn balustrade; railing.⁸ (=栏杆[欄杆] lãn-gön lángān) a railing, of which the vertical pieces are known as 栏[欄] lãn lán and the horizontal pieces as 楯 sôn shǔn.¹¹
牛栏[牛欄] ngẽo-lãn
niúlán cattle pen.¹⁰
宣传栏[宣傳欄] xün-chũn-lãn
xuānchuánlán announcement board.¹⁰
lan3 9162
85 20 lãn lán waves; billows.⁶
波澜波[瀾] bö-lãn bōlán great/huge waves, billows.⁶
波澜壮阔[波瀾壯闊] bö-lãn-jöng-föt
bōlánzhuàngkuò surging forward in sweeping waves; surging forward with great momentum, unfolding on a magnificent scale; mighty.⁶
狂澜[狂瀾] kõng-lãn
kuánglán raging waves; a critical situation; a desperate situation.⁸
澜澜[瀾瀾] lãn-lãn
lánlán <wr.> (of tears) welling from the eyes.⁶
力挽狂澜[力挽狂瀾] lèik-vân-kõng-lãn
lìwǎnkuánglán to pull strongly against a crazy tide (idiom); fig. to try hard to save a desperate crisis.¹⁰
层澜[層瀾] tãng-lãn
cénglán rolling wave piled up one on another.¹¹
推波助澜[推波助瀾] tuï-bö-jò-lãn
tuībōzhùlán follow and hasten movement of waves – to aggravate dispute by third party, add to quarrel.¹¹
洄澜[洄瀾] või-lãn
huílán eddy.¹¹
lan3 9163
118 23 lãn lán bow case; a case for a bow and arrows.⁸ bow case; quiver.¹⁰
a case for a bow and arrows, carried on the back; in shape like a barrel; a piece.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗闌; U+7C63).
lan3 9164
130 21 lãn lán what is left over of the food (of birds and animals); (same as 爛 làn làn soft, mushy; rotten, decayed, decomposed; worn out, torn, broken; messy, disorderly, jumbled; <wr.> bright, bright-colored; thoroughly, completely, utterly.⁶); overripe; rotten, cooked soft; well cooked.⁸ well-dressed; thoroughly done.²⁵
(composition: ⿰月闌; U+444C).
(See 爛 làn).
lan3 9165
140 20 lãn lán orchid, cymbidium; fragrant thoroughwort; <wr.> lily magnolia.⁶
白兰花[白蘭花] bàk-lãn-fä báilánhuā gardenia.⁶
花木兰[花木蘭] Fä Mùk-lãn
Huā Mùlán Hua Mulan, legendary woman warrior (c. fifth century), Northern dynasties folk hero recorded in Sui and Tang literature.¹⁰
金兰[金蘭] gïm-lãn
jīnlán firm and harmonious friendship; sworn/intimate relatonship.⁶
兰臭[蘭臭] lãn-chiü
lánxiù <wr.> like-minded, on very intimate terms with someone; lit. “agreeably fragrant”.¹¹
兰花[蘭花] lãn-fä
lánhuā orchid; cymbidium; sweet-leaved cymbidium.⁶
兰薰桂馥[蘭薰桂馥] lãn-fün-gï-fūk
lánxūnguìfù (lit.) as fragrant as orchids and cassia, (fig.) a man's beautiful moral influence.¹¹
兰州[蘭州] Lãn-jiü
Lánzhōu Lanzhou (capital of Gansu Province 甘肃[甘肅] Gäm-xūk Gānsù).⁶
兰草[蘭草] lãn-tāo
láncǎo fragrant thoroughwort.⁶
兰莸[蘭蕕] lãn-yiũ
lányóu orchids and Caryopteris divaricata, a foul-smelling water plant; (fig.) a man of noble versus one of ignoble character.¹¹
木兰[木蘭] mùk-lãn
mùlán lily magnolia.⁵
玉兰[玉蘭] ngùk-lãn
yùlán a magnolia.⁷
lan3 9166
145 22 lãn lán a one piece garment.⁸ <old> a full length gown.¹⁰ <lit.> a gown, combination of blouse and skirt.¹¹ gown of former graduates.¹⁴ jackets and trousers in one.²⁵
(old variant: 幱 lãn lán). (See 幱 lãn).
(composition: ⿰衤闌; U+8974).
襴裙 lãn-kũn
lánqún <lit.> a supporter for the stomach.¹¹
襴衫 lãn-sâm
lánshān <lit.> a scholar's dress.¹¹ the dress of a principal scholar.²⁵
lan3 9167
149 24 lãn lán to slander; to make a false charge.
谰言[讕言] lãn-ngũn lányán slander; calumny; to accuse unjustly.
谰辞[讕辭] lãn-xũ
láncí calumny; fabrication.
lan3 9168
157 24 𨅬
lãn lán to pass; to step over; to creep; to twine round.⁸ʼ¹⁴ to pass over; to step.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿰⻊闌; U+8E9D). (comp. s: ⿰𧾷阑; U+2816C).
❄{⿰𧾷阑}藤[躝藤] lãn-hãng lánténg creeping plants, vines, etc.¹⁴
{⿰𧾷阑}地[躝地] lãn-ì lándì to run over the ground – as melons, etc.¹⁴
❄{⿰𧾷阑}踰[躝踰] lãn-yĩ lányú to pass over.¹⁴
<又> lān.
(See 躝 lān).
lan3 9169
167 25 lãn lán lanthanum (La).⁶
镧系元素[鑭系元素] lãn-hài-ngũn-xü lánxìyuánsù lanthanoid (rare earth series), namely: lanthanum La7 镧[鑭] lãn lán, cerium Ce8 铈[鈰] sî shì, praseodymium Pr9 镨[鐠] pū pǔ, neodymium Nd60 钕[釹] nuī nǚ, promethium Pm61 钷[鉕] pō pǒ, samarium Sm62 钐[釤] chëim shān, europium Eu63 铕[銪] yiû yǒu, gadolinium Gd64 钆[釓] gāt gá, terbium Tb65 铽[鋱] tēik tè, dysprosium Dy66 镝[鏑] ēik dī, holmium Ho67 钬[鈥] fō huǒ, erbium Er68 铒[鉺] ngī ěr, thulium Tm69 铥[銩] èl diū, ytterbium Yb70 镱[鐿] yï yì, lutetium Lu71 镏[鎦] liũ liú.¹⁰
镧石[鑭石] lãn-sêk
lánshí lanthanite.⁶
lan3 9170
169 17 lãn lán late; railing, balustrade.⁵
春意阑珊[春意闌珊] chün-yï-lãn-sän chūnyìlánshān Spring is waning.⁵
阑出[闌出] lãn-chūt
lánchū to leave impulsively; to send out (merchandise) without authorization.¹⁰
阑干[闌干] lãn-gön
lán'gān <wr.> crisscross, athwart; railing, banisters, balustrade.⁵
阑尾[闌尾] lãn-mī
lánwěi appendix.⁵
闌尾酒 lãn-mī-diū
lánwěijiǔ the last cup of wine passed around among friends at a drinking party (=籃尾酒 lâm-mī-diū lánwěijiǔ; =婪尾酒 lãm-mī-diū lánwěijiǔ).¹¹
阑尾炎[闌尾炎] lãn-mī-yèm
lánwěiyán appendicitis.⁵
阑珊[闌珊] lãn-sän
lánshān <wr.> coming to an end; waning.⁵
阑入[闌入] lãn-yìp
lánrù to trespass; to mix; to mingle.¹⁰
夜阑人静[夜闌人靜] yèh-lãn-ngĩn-dèin
yèlánrénjìng in the stillness of the night.⁵
lan3 9171
78 13 làn làn destroyed or ruined; to rot or decay; to disintegrate or decompose.⁸ destroyed; ruined.²⁴
(variant: 𣩼❄{⿰歹闌} làn làn). (See 𣩼❄{⿰歹闌} làn).
(composition: ⿰歹柬; U+3C6B).
lan4 9172
78 21 𣩼
làn làn (=㱫 làn làn destroyed or ruined; to rot or decay; to disintegrate or decompose.⁸)
(composition: ⿰歹闌; U+23A7C).
(See 㱫 làn).
lan4 9173
86 21 làn làn soft, mushy; rotten, decayed, decomposed; worn out, torn, broken; messy, disorderly, jumbled; <wr.> bright, bright-colored; thoroughly, completely, utterly.⁶
烂肠瘟[爛腸瘟] làn-chẽng-vün lànchángwēn <topo.> rinderpest; cattle plague.⁶
烂醉[爛醉] làn-duï
lànzuì dead drunk.⁶
烂货[爛貨] làn-fö
lànhuò fast woman; worthless goods.⁶
烂摊子[爛攤子] làn-hān-dū
làntānzi shambles; awful mess.⁶
烂帐[爛帳] làn-jëng
lànzhàng uncollected debts.⁶
or 烂熳[爛熳] làn-màn lànmàn bright-colored, brilliant; unaffected, natural.⁶
烂泥[爛泥] làn-nãi
lànní mud; slush; mire.⁶
烂赊恶讨[爛賒惡討] làn-sëh-ök-hū
lànshē'ètǎo indiscriminate borrowing.¹¹
烂舌头[爛舌頭] làn-sêt-hẽo
lànshétou tell tales, be fond of gossip; talebearer, scandalmonger, gossip.⁶
烂熟[爛熟] làn-sùk
lànshú (of food) thoroughly cooked; thoroughly familiar (with).⁶
烂污[爛污] làn-vü
lànwū disorder; mess.⁶
烂糊[爛糊] làn-vũ
lànhu overripe; overcooked.¹⁰
<台> 放烂[放爛] föng-làn/ make a scene; act perversely.
<台> 整烂[整爛] jēin-làn to ruin; to spoil; to break.
lan4 9174
96 21 làn làn the luster of a gem.²⁴
(composition: ⿰𤣩闌; U+74D3).
瓓玕 làn-gön  làngān ➀ white stone (building)  ➁ a beautiful jade that is round as a bead, aka 琅玕 lõng-gön or lông-gön lánggān <wr.> pearl-like stone; legendary treasure tree; fine bamboo; bamboo strip (used for writing).⁶).⁵⁴
瓓珊 làn-sän
lànshān ➀ subside, fade away; depressed. ➁ crisscross. ➂ the sound of jade pendant.¹⁹
lan4 9175
119 26 làn làn the cooked rice if soggy and kernels stick to each other (one of the three bad things about cooked rice).⁸ rice and gruel mixed.²⁵
(composition: ⿰米蘭; U+7CF7).
糷饭[糷飯] làn-fàn lànfàn the cooked rice if soggy and kernels stick to each other (one of the three bad things about cooked rice).¹³
lan4 9176
15 7 lāng lěng <台> 冷衫 lāng-sām knitted sweater (originally made of wool, now may be other materials).
<又> läng, lâng. (See 冷 läng, lâng.)
lang1 9177
15 7 läng lěng <台> 好冷 hāo-läng/ very cold.
<台> 新冷冷 xïn-läng-läng brand new.
<又> lāng, lâng. (See 冷 lāng, lâng.)
lang2 9178
121 20 läng yīng (comp. t: ⿱賏缶; U+7F4C). (comp. s: ⿱⿰贝贝缶; U+7F42).
<台> 架罂罉 gä-läng-chäng tools; utensils; equipment.
<又> äng, âng, yëin.
(See 罌 äng, âng, yëin.)
lang2 9179
157 12 läng lēng (composition: ⿰⻊令; U+8DC9).
跉䟓 läng-chäng lēngchēng to walk.² walking along; to go on without stopping; the feet rather long.²⁵
(Distinguish 跉䟓 lẽin-ëin
<又> lẽin.
(See 䟓 lẽin.)
lang2 9180
30 7 lãng yín <台> 吟 lãng to groan, moan.
<台> 呱吟呱叫 gēh-lãng-gēh-diû (loud) screaming (as from pain).
<又> ngĩm. (See 吟 ngĩm).
lang3 9181
187 18 làng lèng a horse disease.³⁶
(composition: ⿰馬夌; U+4B9A).
䮚䮴 làng-àng lèngdèng a disease of horses, arising from eating too much corn/grain.²⁵
<又> lẽin.
(See 䮚 lẽin).
lang4 9182
15 7 lâng lěng cold; cold in manner, frosty; strange, rare; shot from hiding; unfrequented, deserted; <topo.> cool; Leng surname.⁵
冷杉 lâng-chëim lěngshān (=枞树[樅樹] xüng-sì or tüng-sì cōngshù) fir.⁶
冷箭 lâng-dëin
lěngjiàn sniper's shot.⁵⁵
冷静[冷靜] lâng-dèin
lěngjìng calm[ sober.
冷气[冷氣] lâng-hï
lěngqì <topo.> air conditioning.
冷气机[冷氣機] lâng-hï-gï
lěngqìjī air conditioner.
冷战[冷戰] lâng-jën
lěngzhàn cold war; <vern.> shiver.⁵
冷漠 lâng-mōk
lěngmò cold and detached towards somebody; lack of regard; indifference; neglect.¹⁰
冷热不定[冷熱不定] lâng-ngèik-būt-èin
lěngrèbùdìng changes in temperature; changes in mood.
冷饮[冷飲] lâng-ngīm
lěngyǐn cold drink.⁷
冷言冷语[冷言冷語] lâng-ngũn-lâng-nguî
lěngyánlěngyǔ sarcastic remarks; ironical remarks.
冷僻 lâng-pēik
lěngpì deserted; out-of-the-way; rare; unfamiliar; obscure.
<台> 打发冷[打發冷] ā-fät-lâng/ to feel cold or chilly; to have a fever; malaria.
<台> 冚巴唥 or 冚巴冷 hâm-blâng everything; all; entirely. (Note: bä-lâng is pronounced blâng.)
<又> lāng, läng.
(See 冷 lāng, läng.)
lang5 9183
15 21 𠘤
lâng lěng (=冷 lâng lěng) cold; cold in manner, frosty; strange, rare; shot from hiding; unfrequented, deserted; <topo.> cool; Leng surname.⁵
(composition: ⿱凝氷; U+20624).
lang5 9184
30 10 lâng léng  <台> 冚巴唥 or 冚巴冷 hâm-blâng everything; all; entirely. (Note: bä-lâng is pronounced blâng.)
lang5 9185
9 8 lāo lǎo fellow; man; guy; vulgar person; hillbilly.
赤佬 chēik-lāo chìlǎo devil.
or 阔老[闊老] föt-lāo kuòlǎo rich/wealthy person; moneybags.⁶
仡佬族 Gīt-lāo-dùk
Gēlǎozú Gelo ethnic minority in Guizhou Province (贵州[贵州] Gï-jiü Guìzhōu).
乡巴佬[鄉巴佬] hëng-bä-lāo
xiāngbalǎo <derog.> (country) bumpkin.⁵
乡下佬[鄉下佬] hëng-hà-lāo
xiāngxialǎo <derog.> mossback, clodhopper, rube.⁹ villager; hick.¹⁰
or 和事老 võ-xù-lāo héshìlǎo peacemaker; mediator.
<台> 大佬 ài-lāo older (big) brother.
<台> 阔佬[闊佬] föt-lāo generous person.
<台> 财主佬[財主佬] tõi-jī-lāo rich person.
<台> 细佬[細佬] xâi-lāo younger (little) brother.
lao1 9186
30 9 lāo lǎo a noise; a sound.¹⁴ an alarming noise; the voice of anger; the roar of a tiger.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口老; U+54BE).
吧咾 bä-lāo bālǎo to roar and tear.²⁴
咕咾肉 gū-lāo-ngùk
gūlǎoròu sweet and sour pork.³⁶ (See 咕噜肉[咕嚕肉] gū-lāo-ngùk).
甜酸咕咾肉 hẽm-xön-gū-lāo-ngùk
tiánsuān gūlǎoròu sweet and sour pork.¹⁹
咾喘 lāo-chūn
lǎochuǎn asthma.²⁴
lao1 9187
30 18 lāo lǎo 咕噜肉[咕嚕肉] gū-lāo-ngùk gūlǎoròu sweet-and-sour pork.¹ (See 咕噜肉[咕嚕肉] gū-lū-ngùk gūlūròu.)
<又> lō, lū, lû.
(See 嚕 lō, lū, lû.)
lao1 9188
38 9 lāo lǎo maternal grandmother; midwife.⁸
姥姥 or 老老 lāo-lāo lǎolao maternal grandmother; a midwife.¹¹
姥娘 lāo-nẽng
lǎoniáng <topo.> maternal grandmother.⁸
姥鲨[姥鯊] lāo-sâ
lǎoshā basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus).¹⁰
姥爷[姥爺] lāo-yẽh
lǎoye <topo.> maternal grandfather.⁵⁴
<又> mû.
(See 姥 mû.)
lao1 9189
75 10 lāo lǎo a basket.¹⁴
栲栳 hāo-lāo kǎolǎo round-bottomed wicker basket.⁶
lao1 9190
75 16 lāo lǎo ➀ rafter ➁ the arched framework of a covered carriage  ➂ firewood ➃ a kind of herb mentioned in ancient books.⁸ʼ¹⁹ʼ⁰  ➄ a board in front of the eaves of a house; a piece of wood covering the front of a carriage in the form of a bow; a splinter.²⁴ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰木尞; U+6A51).
重橑 chũng-lāo chónglǎo double eaves houses in ancient times. (See 重轑 chũng-lāo).
Guì dòng xī lán lǎo.
Beams of cassia, rafters of tree-orchid.¹¹⁴ (Excerpt from 《楚辭·九歌·湘夫人》, translated by David Hawkes).
<又> lẽl.
(See 橑 lẽl).
lao1 9191
125 4 lāo lǎo a bent-over figure with long hair, an old man, as component of 老 and 孝; variant of Kangxi Radical 125, 老 lāo lǎo.³⁶
(composition: ⿻土丿; U+8002).
(See 老 lāo).
lao1 9192
125 6 lāo lǎo Kangxi radical 125; old, aged; experienced; Lao surname.⁸
老鸦[老鴉] lāo-ä lǎoyā <topo.> crow.⁸
老伯 lāo-bâk
lǎobó <court.> uncle; one's father's friends or friend's father.⁷
老辈[老輩] lāo-böi
lǎobèi one's senior.⁷
老抽 lāo-chëo
lǎochōu dark soy sauce.⁹
老子 Lāo Dū
LǎoZǐ Lao Zi founder of Daoism.⁹
老子 lāo-dū
lǎozi <topo.> father; I.⁹
老公 lāo-güng
lǎogong <topo.> eunuch.¹⁰
老公 lāo-gûng
lǎogōng <topo.> husband.¹⁰
老主顾[老主顧] lāo-jī-gü
lǎozhǔgù old customer/client.⁷
老婆 lāo-pũ
or lāo-põ lǎopo old woman, <topo.> wife.¹¹
老生 lāo-säng
lǎoshēng scholar of advance age; an elderly character in Chinese opera.⁸
老少 lāo-sël
lǎoshào the old and the young.¹⁰
老师[老師] lāo-xü
lǎoshī teacher.⁵
老爷[老爺] lāo-yẽh
lǎoye <court.> lord, master; <topo.> maternal grandfather.¹⁰
老鹰[老鷹] lāo-yëin
lǎoyīng the eagle.⁷
老一套 lāo-yīt-häo
lǎoyītào same old stuff.⁹
<台> 老表 lāo-bēl cousin; siblings of father's sisters or mother's brothers or sisters.
<台> 老细[老细] lāo-xäi boss, owner, shopkeeper.
<又> läo.
(See 老 läo; 耂 läo).
lao1 9193
159 19 lāo lǎo spokes; wheel axle; arched framework; rafter.² <old>=橑 lāo lǎo or lẽl liáo arched framework of a covered carriage; spoke of a wheel; rafter.¹⁹ the spokes of a wheel; an arched covering of a carriage, like the rafters of a house.²⁵
(composition: ⿰車尞; U+8F51).
or 重橑 chũng-lāo chónglǎo i.e., 复屋[復屋] fūk-ūk fùwū houses with double rafters, double ridges, and double eaves in ancient times; overlapping houses.¹⁹ʼ⁰
(Note: Double eaves were used only in palaces and temples during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The best example is the Hall of Supreme Harmony 太和殿 häi-võ-èin
tàihédiàn) in the Forbidden City 紫禁城 dū-gïm-sẽin zǐjìnchéng).
<又> lão; lẽl.
(See 轑 lão; 轑[lẽl, liáo]; 轑[lẽl, liǎo]).
lao1 9194
167 14 lāo lǎo rhodium (Rh).⁶
镍铑合金[鎳銠合金] nēik-lāo-hàp-gïm nièlǎohéjīn nickel rhodium alloy.¹⁹
lao1 9195
61 15 läo lào regret.⁸
(composition: ⿰忄勞; U+61A6).
懊憦 äo-läo àolào regret.¹⁹ to regret; to repent.²⁴
<又> lão.
(See 憦 lão).
lao2 9196
64 15 läo lāo (comp. t: ⿰扌勞; U+6488). (comp. s: ⿰扌劳; U+635E).
<台> 捞乱[撈亂] läo-lòn to confuse; to muddle; to mix up.
<台> 捞朋友[撈朋友] läo-pãng-yiû to make friends with somebody; to be friends with.
<又> lẽo, lão, lëo.
(See 撈 lẽo, lão, lëo.)
lao2 9197
125 6 läo lǎo 老虎 läo-fū lǎohǔ a tiger.⁷
老鼠 läo-sī lǎoshǔ rat; mouse.⁸
<台> 老鼠尾生大个疮[老鼠尾生大個瘡] läo-sī-mī-säng-ài-göi-chông lit. how big can an ulcer on a mouse's tail be; fig. a humiliating term that means you are limited  (in anything you try to accomplish, such as getting rich).
<又> lāo.
(See 老 lāo.)
lao2 9198
19 12 lão láo labor, toil, do manual work.⁸
劳保[勞保] lão-bāo láobǎo (abbreviation for 勞工保險 lão-güng-bāo-hēm láogōngbǎoxiǎn) labor insurance.⁶
劳资纠纷[勞資糾紛] lão-dü-gēl-fün
láozī jiūfēn labor (or industrial or trade) dispute.⁶
劳苦[勞苦] lão-fū
láokǔ toiling; hard-working.⁶
劳驾[勞駕] lão-gä
láojià Excuse me! May I trouble you?⁸
劳驾劳驾[勞駕勞駕] lão-gä-lão-gä
láojià láojià Please (help)! Thank you so much!⁵⁴
劳力[勞力] lão-lèik
láolì physical strength; labor, work force, manpower; <wr.> do manual labor.⁶
劳累[勞累] lão-luì
láolèi tired; run-down; overworked.⁵
劳模[勞模] lão-mũ
or lão-mõ láomó model worker.⁵
劳动[勞動] lão-ùng
láodòng work; toil; physical labor.¹⁰
劳役[勞役] lão-vèik
or lão-yèik láoyì penal servitude; forced labor; corvée.⁶
劳瘁[勞瘁] lão-xuì
láocuì <wr.> be exhausted from hard work.⁶
劳燕分飞[勞燕分飛] lão-yên-fün-fï
láoyànfēnfēi be like birds flying  in different directions; part, separate.⁵
<台> 炒耳劳造[炒耳勞造] chāo-ngī-lão-dào noisy.
(See 勞 [lão, lào].)
lao3 9199
19 12 lão lào to comfort or entertain (the tired).⁷
劳军[勞軍] lão-gün làojūn to cheer or entertain troops.⁷
or 劳来[勞來] lão-lõi làolái to encourage somebody and lead him on.¹
劳民[勞民] lão-mĩn
làomín to concilitate the people.⁷
唁劳[唁勞] ngèin-lão
yànlào to offer condolences.¹ to condole with.¹⁴
(See 勞 [lão, láo].)
lao3 9200
30 14 lão láo a loud and confused noise.⁸
(composition: ⿰口聊; U+35E6).
㗦嘈 lão-tão láocáo <lit.> loud and confused sounds.
<台> 㗦嘈 lão-tão noisy.
lao3 9201
30 15 lão láo to chatter.¹⁰
叨唠[叨嘮] äo-lão dāolao to be chattersome; to talk on and on without stopping; to nag.¹⁰
<台> 唠叨[嘮叨] lão-dào to prattle, to chatter, talkative.
(See 嘮 [lão, lào].)
lao3 9202
30 15 lão lào <topo.> to talk, to chat, to chit-chat ,to have a chat.⁶
唠扯[嘮扯] lão-chēh làochě <topo.> to chat, to chit-chat, to have a chat.⁶
唠嗑[嘮嗑] lão-hēip
làokē <topo.> to chat; to chit-chat; to have a chat.⁶
(See 嘮 [lão, láo].)
lao3 9203
30 22 lão luó <文读> lõ; <白读> lão.
啰唣[囉唣] or 罗唣[羅唣] <文读> lõ-dào, <白读> lão-dào luózào noisy; to pick a quarrel; to provoke.
<又> lō, lõ.
(See 囉 [[lō, luō], lõ, luó].)
lao3 9204
46 15 lão Láo 崂山[嶗山] Lão-sän Láoshān Laoshan, mountain in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province, also written 劳山[勞山] or 牢山 Lão-sän Láoshān).⁸
崂山区[嶗山區] Lão-sän-kuï
Láoshānqū Laoshan district of Qingdao city 青岛市[青島市] Tëin-āo-sî Qīngdǎoshì, Shandong.¹⁰
lao3 9205
61 15 lão láo (<old>=憥 lão láo tired and sick.² (<old=劳 lão láo labor, toil, do manual work.⁸); fatigue.¹⁹ the energies of the mind exhausted; diseased.²⁴).⁸
(composition: ⿰忄勞; U+61A6).
<又> läo.
(See 憦 läo; 憥 lão; 劳 lão).
lao3 9206
61 16 lão láo tired and sick.² (<old=劳 lão láo labor, toil, do manual work.⁸); fatigue.¹⁹ the energies of the mind exhausted; diseased.²⁴
(composition: ⿱勞心; U+61A5).
(See 劳 [lão, láo].
lao3 9207
64 15 lão lāo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 捞[撈] lẽo lāo to dredge for, to dredge up; to get by improper means.)
t: ⿰扌勞; U+6488). (comp. s: ⿰扌劳; U+635E).
<又> lẽo, läo, lëo.
(See 撈 lẽo, läo, lëo.)
lao3 9208
75 15 𣘪
lão láo name of a tree.²
(composition: ⿰木聊; U+2362A).
lao3 9209
86 16 𤎤
lão láo (composition: ⿰勞少; U+243A4).
𤎤❄{⿰勞少}𡮦❄{⿰曹少} lão-tão láocáo coarse; anything coarse.²⁴
lao3 9210
93 7 lão láo <wr.> pen, fold; sacrifice; prison, jail; firm, fast, durable.⁵
狴牢 bäi-lão bìláo prison.⁶
坐牢 dò-lão
zuòláo to be in prison.⁵
太牢 häi-lão
tàiláo sacrificial ox.⁵
土牢 hū-lão
tǔláo dungeon.¹⁰
牢不可破 lão-būt-hō-pö 
láobùkěpò unbreakable; indestructible.⁵
牢房 lão-fông
láofáng prison cell, ward; prison, gaol, jail.⁶
牢记[牢記] lão-gï
láojì keep firmly in mind,  remember well.⁵
牢固 lão-gü
láogù firm, fast, secure, solid.⁶
牢靠 lão-këo
or lão-käo láokao firm; strong; sturdy; dependable, reliable.⁵
牢牢 lão-lão
láoláo firmly; safely.⁵
牢笼[牢籠] lão-lûng
láolóng cage, bonds; trap, snare.⁵
牢狱[牢獄] lão-ngùk
láoyù prison.¹⁰
牢狱之灾[牢獄之災] lão-ngùk-jï-döi
láoyùzhīzāi imprisonment.¹⁰
牢稳[牢穩] lão-vūn
láowěn <topo.> stable; safe; secure.⁵
牢骚[牢騷] lão-xäo
láosāo discontent; grievance; complaint.⁵
豕牢 sī-lão
shǐláo pigpen.⁵
lao3 9211
104 17 lão láo consumptive disease; tuberculosis (TB); consumption.⁶
肠痨[腸癆] chẽng-lão chángláo tuberculosis of the intestines.¹¹
肺痨[肺癆] fï-lão
fèiláo tuberculosis.¹¹
干血痨[乾血癆] gön-hūt-lão
gānxuèláo <TCM> amenorrhea; anemia.¹¹
痨病[癆病] lão-bèng
láobìng tuberculosis.¹¹
痨病鬼[癆病鬼] lão-bèng-gī
láobìngguǐ <abusive> a consumptive.¹¹
痨病热[癆病熱] lão-bèng-ngèik
láobìngrè hectic fever.⁶
痨病腔子[癆病腔子] lão-bèng-höng-dū
láobìng qiāngzi a consumptive, an extremely weak person.¹¹
痨疮[癆瘡] lão-chông
láochuāng <med.> cold abscess.⁵⁴
痨虫[癆蟲] lão-chũng
láochóng tubercle bacillus.¹¹
痨瘵[癆瘵] lão-däi
láozhài tuberculosis.¹¹
痨症[癆癥] lão-jëin
láozhèng  〈med.〉 tuberculosis
馋痨[饞癆] tãm-lão
chánláo tuberculosis; hence (adjective) gluttonous for food or overindulgent in sex.¹¹
话痨[話癆] và-lão
huàláo <sarcastic> chatterbox.¹¹
<又> lâo.
(See 癆 lâo.)
lao3 9212
127 18 lão lào leveller (a kind of farm implement used to level land); to level land with a leveller.⁶ an insrument for smoothing the clods of a field.²⁵ (variant: 耱 mò ).
(See 耱 mò).
lao3 9213
159 19 lão láo scrape things with utensils to make them sound.⁸ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰車尞; U+8F51).
轑铛[轑鐺] lão-chäng
láochēng scrape the pan/wok with a spoon.¹⁹ʼ⁰
轑釜 lão-fū
láofǔ scrape the kettle/wok with a spoon.¹⁹ʼ⁰
<又> lāo; lẽl.
(See 轑 lāo; 轑[lẽl, liáo]; 轑[lẽl, liǎo]).
lao3 9214
164 18 lão láo wine with dregs, undecanted wine; mellow wine.⁶
醪糟 lão-däo láozāo fermented glutinous rice.⁶ unstrained wine.⁷
醇醪 sũn-lão
chúnláo rich wine; strong wine.⁷
lao3 9215
167 20 lão láo lawrencium (Lr).⁶
铹同位素[鐒同位素] lão-hũng-vì-xü láotóngwèisù lawrencium isotope.⁶
lao3 9216
85 14 lào lòu <台> 漏 lào/ a funnel.
<又> lèo. (See 漏 lèo).
lao4 9217
75 16 lâo lào an ancient farming implement mentioned in old books.⁸
(composition: ⿰木勞; U+6A6F).
揽橯[攬橯] lām-lâo lǎnlào the last on the list of second-degree graduates under the old system of examinations.¹⁴
lao5 9218
85 15 lâo lào waterlogging.⁹ flooded.¹⁰
旱涝保收[旱澇保收] hön-lâo-bāo-siü or hôn-lâo-bāo-siü hônlàobǎoshōu to ensure stable yields despite drought or excessive rain.⁸
抗涝[抗澇] köng-lâo
kànglào defenses against floods.¹⁰
涝灾[澇災] lâo-döi
làozāi waterlog; disaster or crop failure caused by waterlogging.⁹
涝害[澇害] lâo-hòi
làohài disaster caused by heavy rain which submerges the crops.⁹
内涝[內澇] nuì-lâo
nèilào waterlogged.¹⁰
<台> 浸涝[浸澇]
or 浸潦 dïm-lâo flood.
<台> 热涝[熱澇] ngèik-lâo prickly heat, heat rash.
lao5 9219
85 15 lâo lǎo <wr.> (of rain) heavy; puddles on the road; heavy rainfall.⁶
旱潦 hön-lâo or hôn-lâo hàn-lǎo droughts and floods.⁵⁴
旱潦之灾[旱潦之災] hön-lâo-jï-döi
or hôn-lâo-jï-döi hànlǎozhīzāi drought and flood disasters.⁵⁴
潦死 lâo-xī
lǎosǐ drowned.¹⁴
泥潦 nãi-lâo
nílǎo a marsh, swamp, morass, bog.¹¹
水潦降 suī-lâo-göng
suīlǎojiàng the rain poured down.¹⁴
淫潦 yĩm-lâo
yínlǎo floods caused by excessive rain or overflowing rivers.⁵⁴
<台> 潦水 lâo-suī flood water.
<台> 浸潦
or 浸涝[浸澇] dïm-lâo flood.
(See 潦 [lâo, liáo].)
lao5 9220
85 15 lâo liáo 潦倒 lâo-āo liáodǎo frustrated; dejected; down and out; down on one's luck.⁶
潦草 lâo-tāo
liáocǎo (of handwriting) hasty and careless, illegible; sloppy, slovenly, careless, perfunctory.⁶
(See 潦 [lâo, lǎo].)
lao5 9221
104 17 lâo láo <台> 热痨[熱癆] ngèik-lâo/ heat rash.
<又> lão. (See 癆 lão.)
lao5 9222
142 18 lâo láo (=螖蠌 vàt-jàk huázé) a kind of small crab which lives in an empty shell.⁸
<台> 蠄蟧 kã-lâo/ spider.
<台> 蠄蟧丝网[蠄蟧絲網] kã-lâo-xü-mōng spiderweb.
<又> lẽl.
(See 蟧 lẽl.)
lao5 9223
153 19 lâo lǎo a minority nationality/tribe in southwest China; Lao nationality.⁸ a tribe of foreigners in the southwest.²⁵
(composition: ⿰豸尞; U+4764).
䝤子 lâo-dū lǎozǐ aboriginal tribe in southwest China.¹⁴
䝤面 lâo-mèin lǎomiàn ugly.¹⁴
<又> lẽl.
(See 䝤 lẽl).
lao5 9224
162 13 lâo liù <台> 到乃遛啊 äo-nâi-lâo-ä? Where are you going to play (or have fun)?
<台> 遛 lâo to have fun.
<又> liü, liū, liù. (See 遛 [liü, liù], [liü, liú], [liū, liū], liù.)
lao5 9225
118 11 lāp (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 笠 lêip with same meaning.)
<又> läp, lēip, lêip.
(See 笠 läp, lēip, lêip.)
lap1 9226
64 8 läp (=擸 läp ) to hold, to grasp.¹⁴ to break; to break off.²⁴
(See 擸 [läp, ]).
lap2 9227
64 8 läp liè (=擸 läp liè) (Cant.) to glance.⁸ to hold the hair; to pull at.¹⁴ to hold and manage.²⁴
(See 擸 [läp, liè]).
lap2 9228
64 18 läp to hold, to grasp.¹⁴ to break; to break off.²⁴ (variant: 㧜 läp ).
(composition: ⿰扌巤; U+64F8).
蹋擸 hāp-läp
tàlà to shuffle.¹¹ to shuffle with the feet.¹⁴
蹋擸鞋 hāp-läp-hãi
tàlàxié cloth shoes worn with heels folded down.¹¹
菈擸 lā-läp
lālà cracking noise.¹⁹ the noise of anything falling.²⁵
拉擸 lā-läp
lālà the noise of breaking, a cracking noise.²⁴
擸擸 läp-läp
làlà sound of breaking branches.¹⁴
擸破 läp-pö
làpò to break.¹⁴
擸糁子[擸糝子] läp-xām-dū
làshēnzǐ to separate the kernels from an ear of corn.¹⁹
<台> 擸玫 läp-mõi to gather together.
(See 㧜 [läp, ]).
lap2 9229
64 18 läp liè (Cant.) to glance.⁸ to hold the hair; to pull at.¹⁴ to hold and manage.²⁴ (variant: 㧜 läp liè).
(composition: ⿰扌巤; U+64F8).
擸持 läp-chĩ
lièchí to take hold of, and maintain.²⁴
擸唆 läp-sö
làsuō to stir up trouble.¹⁹
(See 㧜 [läp, liè]).
lap2 9230
118 11 läp <台> 笠 läp the distance between the thumb and the index finger; to calculate roughly.⁴
<又> lāp, lēip, lêip. (See 笠 lāp, lēip, lêip.)
lap2 9231
130 12 läp 腊梅 or 蠟梅 or 腊梅[臘梅] làp-mõi làméi plum flower.⁷ <bot.> wintersweet; Chimonanthus praecox.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
or 腊肉[臘肉] làp-ngùk làròu salted and dried meat.⁷
or 腊月[臘月] làp-ngùt làyuè the twelfth month of the lunar year.⁷
<又> xēik.
(See 腊 xēik; 臘 làp, läp.)
lap2 9232
130 19 läp <台> 新腊腊[新臘臘] xïn-läp-läp brand new. (See <台> 新冷冷 xïn-läng-läng).
<又> làp.
(See 臘 làp; 腊 làp, xēik.)
lap2 9233
64 15 làp to break; to hold, and manage.²⁴
<又>gàt, kāt, yêp. (See 擖 gàt, 擖 gōt, 擖 yêp).
lap4 9234
86 16 𤎞
làp demotic character for 爉 làp fire-like.²ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰; U+2439C).
<又> lèp.
(See 爉❄{U+2439C} lèp).
lap4 9235
86 19 làp original character for 𤎞❄{U+2439C} làp fire-like.²ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰火巤; U+7209).
<又> lèp.
(See 爉 lèp).
lap4 9236
130 16 làp (=臘 làp ) ancient sacrificial rite conducted shortly after the winter solstice each (lunar) year; twelfth lunar month; cured fish, meat (done in the twelfth lunar month).⁶
(See 臘 làp).
lap4 9237
130 19 làp ancient sacrificial rite conducted shortly after the winter solstice each (lunar) year; twelfth lunar month; cured fish, meat (done in the twelfth lunar month).⁶ (variant: 臈 làp ).
腊鸭[臘鴨] làp-äp
làyā salted and dried duck.⁷
腊八[臘八] làp-bät
làbā 8th day of the 12th lunar month.⁶
腊八粥[臘八粥] làp-bät-jūk
làbāzhōu rice porridge with beans, nuts and dried fruit, eaten of the 8th day of the 12th lunar month.⁶
腊肠[臘腸] làp-chẽng
làcháng sausage.⁶
腊鼓[臘鼓] làp-gū
làgǔ drumbeat on the eighth day of the twelfth month (for driving off devils causing pestilence).⁷
腊味[臘味] làp-mì
làwèi cured meat, fish, etc.⁶
or 蜡梅[蠟梅] làp-mõi làméi <bot.> wintersweet; Chimonanthus praecox.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
腊日[臘日] làp-ngìt
làrì day of winter sacrifice (usually 8th day of the 12th lunar month).⁶
腊鱼[臘魚] làp-nguî/
làyú cured fish.⁶
腊肉[臘肉] làp-ngùk
làròu cured meat; bacon.⁶
腊月[臘月] làp-ngùt
làyuè twelfth month of the lunar year.⁶
<又> läp.
(See 臘 läp; 腊 làp, xēik; 臈 làp.)
lap4 9238
142 21 làp wax; a candle.⁷
地板蜡[地板蠟] ì-bān-làp dìbǎnlà floor polish (wax).⁸
or 蜡板[蠟板] làp-bān làbǎn a stencil plate.⁷
蜡笔[蠟筆] làp-bīt
làbǐ a crayon.⁷
蜡像[蠟像] làp-dèng
làxiàng a wax figure; a waxwork .⁷
蜡光纸[蠟光紙] làp-göng-jī
làguāngzhǐ glazed paper.⁷
蜡炬[蠟炬] làp-guì
làjù a candle.⁷
蜡台[蠟臺] làp-hõi
làtái a candelholder; a candlestick.⁷
蜡纸[蠟紙] làp-jī
làzhǐ wax paper; stencil paper.⁷
蜡烛[蠟燭] làp-jūk
làzhú a candle.⁷
蜡烛芯[蠟燭芯] làp-jūk-xïm
làzhúxīn candlewick.⁶
蜡烛芯子[蠟燭芯子] làp-jūk-xîm-dū
làzhúxìnzi candlewick.⁶
or 腊梅[臘梅] làp-mõi làméi <bot.> wintersweet; Chimonanthus praecox.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
蜡染[蠟染] làp-ngëm
làrǎn batik.⁷
蜡人[蠟人] làp-ngĩn
làrén a wax figure.⁷
蜡扦[蠟扦] làp-tëin
làqiān the top of a candlestick.⁷
蜡画[蠟畫] làp-và
làhuà an encaustic painting.⁷
蜡黄[蠟黃] làp-võng
làhuáng wax yellow; waxen; sallow.⁷
蜡芯儿[蠟芯兒] làp-xïm-ngĩ làxīnr candlewick.¹¹
蜡油[蠟油] làp-yiũ
làyóu melted wax.⁷
(See 蜡 jä.)
lap4 9239
167 23 làp alloy of tin and lead.⁶ an alloy composed of tin and lead used in welding.⁹ solder; tin.¹⁰
白镴[白鑞] bàk-làp báilà solder.¹¹
镴箔[鑞箔] làp-bòk
làbó tin foil for making paper money for the dead.¹¹
镴枪头[鑞鎗頭] làp-tëng-hẽo
làqiāngtóu a person putting on a bold front.¹¹
锡镴[錫鑞] xëk-làp
xīla <topo.> soldering tin; tin; pewter.⁶
lap4 9240
101 5 lāt shuǎi to swing back and forth; to throw; to leave somebody behind; to throw off; to get rid of.
甩刀 lāt-äo shuǎidāo flail knife; free-swinging knife.
甩不脱[甩不脫] lāt-būt-höt
shuǎibutuō cannot get rid of; cannot shake off.
甩掉 lāt-èl
shuǎidiào to get rid of (a follower or partner); to throw off; to cast off; to shake off.
甩掉包袱 lāt-èl bäo-fùk
shuǎidiào bāofú get a load off one's back; cast off a burden.⁵⁴
甩手 lāt-siū
shuǎishǒu to wave dismissal; to wash one's hands of; <topo.> to shake the hands (as in pain); to swing one's arms.
削价甩卖[削價甩賣] xēk-gä-lāt-mài
xuējiàshuǎimài to dump goods on the market at a fraction of their cost.
<台> 戒甩烟[戒甩煙] gäi-lāt-yën to free oneself from the smoking addiction; to kick the smoking habit.
lat1 9241
18 9 làt (=拉 làt ) to slash; to slit; to cut; to gash.
剌开[剌開] làt-höi
lákai to cut open (with a sharp knife).
剌破 làt-pö
lápò to cut slits in a (fabric, dress).
手上剌个口子[手上剌個口子] siū-sèng-làt-göi-hēo-dū
shǒushànglágèkǒuzǐ he has a gash in his hand; his hand has been cut.
<台> 下剌 hà-làt (=五花肉 m̄-fä-ngùk
wǔhuāròu streaky pork.⁵) pork belly.
<又> lā.
(See 剌 lā.)
lat4 9242
64 8 làt (=剌 làt ) to slash; to slit; to cut; to gash.
拉下一块肉[拉下一塊肉] làt-hä-yīt-fäi-ngùk
láxiàyīkuàiròu to cut a piece of meat.
拉开[拉開] làt-höi
lākaito to slash open.
拉破 làt-pö
lápò to cut.
or 邋遢鬼 làt-tät-gī lātaguǐ sloven.⁸
<又> lā, läi.
(See 拉 lā, läi; 剌 làt.)
lat4 9243
64 12 làt (<old>=攋 làt to destroy; to rip; to tear open.¹⁰)
or 攋去 làt-huï làqù to pull it off.¹⁴ to pull off, as a finger ring.¹⁰²
<又> lā.
(See 揦 lā; 攋 làt.)
lat4 9244
64 19 làt to destroy; to rip; to tear open.¹⁰ to clutch; to grab at; to rub or scrape; to tear.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰扌賴; U+650B).
拨攋[撥攋] bòt-làt bōlà to spread out with the hand.²⁴ to move a thing by pulling or turning it; to sift over, as dirt for nails.¹⁰²
or 揦去 làt-huï làqù to pull it off.¹⁴ to pull off, as a finger ring.¹⁰²
<又> lèo; lài.
(See 攋 lèo; 攋 lài).
lat4 9245
104 14 làt la 疤瘌 bä-làt bāla scar.⁶
疤瘌鬓[疤瘌鬢] bä-làt-bïn
bālabìn a birthmark at the temple (considered undesirable for a woman).⁷
疤瘌餅 bä-làt-bēng
bālabǐng cake with pitted surface.¹¹
疤瘌脸[疤瘌臉] bä-làt-lêm
bālaliǎn scarred face. ¹¹
疤瘌流星的 bä-làt-liũ-xëin-ēik
bālaliúxīngde with pitted surface.¹¹
疤瘌眼 bä-làt-ngān
bālayǎn eye with a scar on the eyelid; person who has such an eye.⁶
(See 瘌[làt, ]; 瘌[làt, ].)
lat4 9246
104 14 làt 疤疤瘌瘌 bä-bä-làt-làt bābalālā rugged; uneven.⁵⁴
(See 瘌[làt, ]; 瘌 [làt, la].)
lat4 9247
104 14 làt
瘌痢 or 鬎鬁 làt-lì làlì <topo.> favus of the scalp.⁵ favus.⁷ scabby, head suffering from scabies.¹¹
瘌痢头[瘌痢頭] làt-lì-hẽo
làlìtóu a person affected with favus on the head; affected with favus on the head.⁵ a head made bald by favus.⁷
(See 瘌[làt, ]; 瘌 [làt, la].)
lat4 9248
130 6 làt lèi (composition: ⿰月力; U+808B).
<台> 下肋 hà-làt pork belly, the cut of pork used to make crispy roast pork; literally, lower ribs, with làk changed to làt.
<又> läk; làk. (See 肋 läk; 肋[làk, lèi]; 肋[làk, ]).
lat4 9249
160 14 làt peppery, hot; (of smell or taste) burn, bite, sting; vicious, ruthless.⁵
辣椒 làt-dël làjiāo hot pepper; chili.⁵
辣椒糊 làt-dël-vũ
làjiāohù chili paste.⁶
辣酱[辣醬] làt-dëng
làjiàng thick chili sauce.⁵
辣酱油[辣醬油] làt-dëng-yiũ
làjiàngyóu pungent sauce (similar to Worcestershire sauce).⁵
辣子 làt-dū
làzi <topo.> hot pepper; cayenne pepper; chili.⁵
辣根 làt-gïn
làgēn <bot.> horseradish (Armoracia rusticana, syn. Cochlearia armoracia).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
辣蓼 làt-lèl
làliǎo (=水蓼 suī-lèl shuǐliǎo) water-pepper, water pepper or marshpepper knotweed Persicaria hydropiper (syn. Polygonum hydropiper).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
or 辣蘿蔔] làt-lõ-bàk or làt-liũ-bàk làluóbu spicy radish.¹⁹
辣手 làt-siū
làshǒu ruthless method, vicious device; <topo.> vicious, ruthless; <vern.> thorny, troublesome, knotty.⁵
辣觫觫儿的[辣觫觫兒的] làt-tūk-tūk-ngĩ-ēik
làsùsùrde somewhat but not too pungent in taste.¹¹
毒辣 ùk-làt
dúlà sinister; diabolic.⁵
<台> 下辣 hâ-làt pork belly.
(See 辣 [làt, ].)
lat4 9250
160 14 làt 热辣辣[熱辣辣] ngèik-làt-làt rèlālā burning hot; scorching; sizzling.⁶
火辣辣 fō-làt-làt
huǒlālā burning, scorching; flushed, ashamed; (of character) bold and resolute, (of Language) sharp.⁶
(See 辣 [làt, ].)
lat4 9251
162 18 làt rags.⁸
邋里邋遢的[邋裡邋遢的] làt-lī-làt-tät-ēik lālilātāde slovenly; neglected; dirty.¹⁴
邋遢 làt-tät
lāta <topo.> slovenly; sloppy.⁶
or 拉遢鬼 làt-tät-gī lātaguǐ sloven.⁸
邋遢样儿[邋遢樣兒] làt-tät-yèng-ngī
lātayàngr slovenly appearance.⁵⁴
<台> 邋遢 làt-tät dirty.
lat4 9252
190 19 làt
鬎鬁 làt-lì làlì favus.⁷ scabby, head suffering from scabies.¹¹
鬎鬁头[鬎鬁頭] làt-lì-hẽo
làlìtóu a scalp affected by favus.⁷ head bald from scabies.¹¹
lat4 9253
30 9 lêh lie <topo.> (used in the same way as 了, 啦, and 哩).⁶
车来咧[車來咧] chëh-lõi-lêh chēláilie Here comes the bus.⁶ (Note: spoken Hoisanva 车来喽哗[車來嘍嘩] chëh-lõi-lū-và Here comes the bus or car.)
<台> 咧啡 lêh-fêh sloppy, slovenly.
(See 咧 [lëik, liē], [lëik, liě].)
leh5 9254
75 19 lēik chestnut-leaved oak; oak; (Quercus serrata).⁸ʼ¹⁰ʼ¹¹ the chestnut-leaved oak (Quercus chinensis and serrata).¹⁴ the name of a useless tree, like the 樗 sï chū or shū; a wood neither good for carpentry nor fuel.²⁴ oak trees; railing; to fight with, to wrestle against; to scrape an implement to produce a sound.³⁶ (=麻櫟 mā-lèik, q.v.).⁶
t: ⿰木樂; U+6ADF). (comp. s: ⿰木乐; U+680E).
栎樗[櫟樗] lēik-sï
or lèik-sï lìchū chestnut oak and ailanthus; useless timber; useless person.¹¹
栎树[櫟樹] lēik-sì
or lèik-sì lìshù oak tree.¹⁰
栎散[櫟散] lēik-xän
or lèik-xän lìsàn useless timber/person.¹¹
麻栎[麻櫟] mã-lēik
or mã-lèik málì sawtooth oak; Quercus acutissima.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ (=栎[櫟] lēik oak).⁶
<又> lèik, ngòk.
(See 櫟 lèik, 櫟 ngòk.)
leik1 9255
75 20 lēik a stable, a manger; Quercus serrata; a wooden device used to torture a criminal by pressing his fingers.⁷
t: ⿰木歷; U+6AEA). (comp. s: ⿰木历; U+67A5).
皂枥[皁櫪] dào-lēik
zàolì a stable.⁷
伏枥[伏櫪] fùk-lēik
fúlì to be tied to stable post.¹¹
老骥伏枥,志在千里[老驥伏櫪,志在千里] lāo-kï-fùk-lēik, jï-dòi-tëin-lî
lǎojìfúlì, zhìzàiqiānlǐ lit. an aged steed in the stable still aspires to gallop a thousand li; fig. an old hero still cherishes high aspirations.⁶
枥马[櫪馬] lēik-mâ
lìmǎ stablehorse.⁷
枥㯕[櫪㯕] lēik-xäi
lìxī a wooden device used to torture a criminal by pressing his fingers.⁷
槽枥[槽櫪] tão-lēik
cáolì a stable.¹¹
leik1 9256
85 19 lēik (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 沥[瀝] lèik with same meaning: drop, trickle.)
<又> lèik.
(See 瀝 lèik.)
leik1 9257
104 21 lēik scrofulous lumps or swellings.⁸
疬瘘[癧瘻] lēik-lèo lìlǘ scrofulos swellings.¹⁴
瘰疬[瘰癧] luî-lēik
luǒlì <med.> scrofula.⁶ scrofulous swellings; a swelling of the glands; a lump.¹⁴
皮肤瘰疬[皮膚瘰癧] pĩ-fú-luî-lēik
pífūluǒlì scrofulide.¹⁰
leik1 9258
112 20 lēik gravel; shingle.⁵
<又> lèik. (See 礫 lèik.)
leik1 9259
145 12 lēik liè split; crack.
分裂 fün-lēik fēnliè split; break up.⁵
破裂 pö-lēik
pòliè burst; split; rupture; crack.⁵
四分五裂 xï-fün-m̄-lēik
sìfēnwǔliè disintegrate; fall apart; be all split up.⁶
<又> lëik, lêik.
(See 裂 [lëik, liè], [lëik, liě], lêik.)
leik1 9260
30 9 lëik liě to draw back the lips; <topo.> to talk; to speak.⁶
咧嘴 lëik-duī liězuǐ to draw back the lips.⁶
咧开嘴笑[咧開嘴笑] lëik-höi-duī-xël
liěkāizuǐxiào to give a broad smile; to smile form ear to ear.⁶
咧傻笑 lëik-sô-xël
liěshǎxiào to grin a slliy grin.⁶
胡诌八咧[胡謅八咧] vũ-jëo-bät-lëik
húzhōubāliě to fabricate wild tales; to talk nonsense.⁶
胡咧 vũ-lëik
húliě to talk nonsense.⁶
<台> 咧开口[咧開口] lëik-höi-hēo  to grin.
(See 咧 [lëik, liē], lêh.)
leik2 9261
30 9 lëik liē 大大咧咧 ài-ài-lëik-lëik dàdaliēliē carefree; offhand; casual.¹⁰
咧咧 lëik-lëik
liēlie to talk nonsense; to blabber; (of a child) to cry.⁶
骂骂咧咧[罵罵咧咧] mà-mà-lëik-lëik màmaliēliē to be foul-mouthed; to intersperse one's talk with curses.⁶
(See 咧 [lëik, liě], lêh.)
leik2 9262
85 9 lëik liè (of water, wine) crystal-clear.¹¹
香洌 hëng-lëik xiāngliè fragrant and icy clear.¹¹
寒洌 hõn-lëik
hánliè <wr.> extremely cold; icy.⁶
or 冽泉 lëik-tũn lièquán icy spring.¹¹ crystal-clear fountain/spring.⁵⁴
泠洌 lẽin-lëik
língliè cool and refreshing; pleasantly cool.⁵⁴
leik2 9263
145 12 lëik liè split; crack; rend.⁵
崩裂 bäng-lëik bēngliè to burst apart; crack, burst into pieces, tear apart.⁶
天崩地裂 hëin-bäng-ì-lëik
tiānbēngdìliè natural disasters like giant earthquakes and landslides.¹¹
裂缝[裂縫] lëik-fũng
lièfèng to crack, to fissure, to split; rift, crack, fissure, split, chink, crevice, gap, cranny.⁶
裂口 lëik-hēo
lièkǒu breach, gap, split; <geol.> vent.⁵
裂开[裂開] lëik-höi
lièkāi to split, rip or break apart.⁷
裂罅 lëik-lâ
lièxià a break, a leak.¹¹ a rent or crack.¹⁴
裂了璺了 lëik-lēl-mûn-lēl
or lëik-lēl-mùn-lēl lièlewènle <topo.> The weather seems to be improving.⁵⁴
裂璺 lëik-mûn
or lëik-mùn lièwèn crack; sign that something will split open.⁸ crack; split; fracture line.¹⁰
裂片 lëik-pëin
lièpiàn <bot.> the lobe (of a leaf).⁷
身败名裂[身敗名裂] sïn-bài-mẽin-lëik
shēnbàimíngliè lose all standing and reputation; be utterly discredited.⁵
<又> lēik, lêik.
(See 裂 lēik, [lëik, liě], lêik.)
leik2 9264
145 12 lëik liě <topo.> to crack open.
裂合 lëik-hàp liěhe <topo.> open; ajar (as a jacket).
<台> 裂揭 lëik-këik complex.
<又> lēik, lêik.
(See 裂 lēik, [lëik, liè], lêik.)
leik2 9265
15 8 lèik liè <wr.> cold; chilly.⁶
冽泉 or 洌泉 lëik-tũn lièquán icy spring.¹¹ crystal-clear fountain/spring.⁵⁴
凛冽[凜冽] lîm-lèik
lǐnliè piercingly cold.⁵
溧冽 lùt-lèik
lìliè chilly, bleak.¹¹
山高风冽[山高風冽] sän-gäo-füng-lèik
shāngāofēngliè The mountian is high and the wind cold.⁶
清冽 tëin-lèik
qīngliè (of spring water) cold and crystal-clear; (of springs) clear and cool.¹¹
leik4 9266
18 6 lèik liè column; to line up. (old variant: 𠛱❄{⿰⿱巛夕刂} lèik liè).
并列[並列] bèin-lèik
bìngliè to be juxtaposed; to stand side by side; to coordinate; coordinating; juxtaposed.
陈列[陳列] chĩn-lèik
chénliè to display; to exhibit.
列岛[列島] lèik-āo
lièdǎo archipelago.¹¹
列兵 lèik-bëin
lièbīng <mil.> private.
列车[列車] lèik-chëh
lièchē train; convoy.
列土分疆 lèik-hū-fün-gëng
liètǔfēnjiāng to enfeoff the chief lieutenants (of a dynastic founder).
排列 pãi-lèik
páiliè to arrange; permutation.
遍游列国[遍游列國] pëin-yiũ-lèik-gōk
biànyóulièguó to travel throughout the world.
(See 𠛱❄{⿰⿱巛夕刂} lèik).
leik4 9267
18 8 𠛱
lèik liè the original character for 列 lèik liè column; to line up.²
(composition: ⿰⿱巛夕刂; U+206F1)
(See 列 lèik).
leik4 9268
19 2 lèik Kangxi radical 19; <phy.> force; Li surname.
大力 ài-lèik dàlì energetically; vigorously.¹⁰
力不从心[力不從心] lèik-būt-tũng-xïm
lìbùcóngxīn less capable than desirable; the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.¹⁰
力竭 lèik-gèik lìjié exhausted.¹⁹
力矩 lèik-guī
lìjǔ <phy.> moment of force.⁵
力气[力氣] lèik-hï
lìqi physical strength; effort.
力争[力爭] lèik-jäng
lìzhēng to work hard for; to do all one can; to argue strongly; to contend vigorously.
力量 lèik-lèng
lìliang strength; force.
力挫 lèik-tö
lìcuò to win as a result of tenacious effort; to fight off tough competition.⁸
力挽狂澜[力挽狂瀾] lèik-vân-kõng-lãn
lìwǎnkuánglán to pull strongly against a crazy tide (idiom); fig. to try hard to save a desperate crisis.¹⁰
力有未逮 lèik-yiû-mì-ài
lìyǒuwèidài beyond one's reach (or power).⁵
牛大力 ngẽo-ài-lèik
niúdàlì <TCM> Millettia Speciosa Champ.²³
势力[勢力] säi-lèik shìli power; (ability to) influence.
动力[動力] ùng-lèik dònglì (motive) power; force; impetus; <phy.> power; dynamic force.
有力 yiû-lèik yǒulì strong; forceful; powerful.
用力 yùng-lèik yònglì to exert oneself (physically).
leik4 9269
19 8 lèik liè powerful; strong; forceful.²ʼ⁰ strong.²⁴
(composition: ⿱列力; U+52BD).
leik4 9270
30 19 lèik sound of splitting; cracking.¹⁰
呖呖[嚦嚦] lèik-lèik lìlì <ono.> chirping sound.¹¹
leik4 9271
32 19 lèik pit, hole, depression.
中坜[中壢] Jüng-lèik Zhōnglì Jungli or Jhongli or Zhongli or Chungli or Tionglek or Tiongliek is a city in 桃园县[桃園縣] Hão-yõn-yòn Táoyuán Xiàn Taoyuan County in 台湾[臺灣] Hõi-vän Táiwān Taiwan.
leik4 9272
46 17 lèik  liè (a surname).⁸
(composition: ⿰山萬; U+5DC1).
<又> lài. (See 巁 lài).
leik4 9273
64 11 lèik liè <wr.> to twist with hands; to snap, to tear.⁸ twist, turn; turn out, roll up; to bend, bristle, stand across, go back sharply.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰扌戾; U+6369).
关捩[關捩] gän-lèik or gän-luî guānliè an axle; crux of a problem.¹¹
转捩[轉捩] jōn-lèik
or jōn-luî zhuǎnliè to turn; to change.
转捩点[轉捩點] jōn-lèik-ēm
or jōn-luî-ēm zhuǎnlièdiǎn turning point.⁵⁴
捩颈[捩頸] lèik-gēng
or luî-gēng lièjǐng torticollis (wryneck).¹⁰
捩柁 lèik-hõ
or luî-hõ lièduò to turn the steering wheel.⁵⁴
捩转[捩轉] lèik-jōn
or luî-jōn lièzhuǎn to turn around.
捩手覆羹 lèik-siū-fūk-gäng
or luî-siū-fūk-gäng lièshǒufùgēng twist the arm and knock over the stew.⁵⁴
<又> lài, luî.
(See 捩 lài, luî.)
leik4 9274
72 16 lèik calendar.
旧历[舊曆] giù-lèik jiùlì lunar calendar.
公历[公曆] güng-lèik
gōnglì Gregorian calendar; Christian era; Common Era.
夏历[夏曆] hà-lèik
xiàlì lunar calendar.
历荚[曆荚] lèik-gâp
lìjiá (=蓂荚 mẽin-gâp míngjiá, q.v.) a kind of lucky grass.
万年历[萬年曆] màn-nẽin-lèik
wànniánlì perpetual calendar.
日历[日曆] ngìt-lèik
rìlì calendar.
农历[農曆] nũng-lèik
nónglì lunar calendar.
西历[西曆] xäi-lèik
xīlì Gregorian calendar.
阳历[陽曆] yẽng-lèik
yánglì solar calendar.
阴历[陰曆] yïm-lèik
yīnlì lunar calendar.
(Note: The simplified form 历 lèik has two traditional forms: 曆 lèik
calendar and 歷 lèik history.)
leik4 9275
75 10 lèik  liè hedge; =栭栗 ngĩ-lùt érlì (Castanea seguinii).⁸ hedge.³⁶
(composition: ⿰木列; U+6835).
<又> lài.
(See 栵 lài).
leik4 9276
75 19 lèik (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 栎[櫟] lēik with same meaning: chestnut-leaved oak; oak; (Quercus serrata).⁸ʼ¹⁰ʼ¹¹ the chestnut-leaved oak (Quercus chinensis and serrata).¹⁴ the name of a useless tree, like the 樗 sï chū or shū; a wood neither good for carpentry nor fuel.²⁴ oak trees; railing; to fight with, to wrestle against; to scrape an implement to produce a sound.³⁶ (=麻櫟 mā-lèik, q.v.).⁶)
t: ⿰木樂; U+6ADF). (comp. s: ⿰木乐; U+680E).
<又> lēik, ngòk.
(See 櫟 lēik; 櫟 ngòk.)

leik4 9277
77 14 lèik (=历[歷] lèik to experience; to undergo; to pass through; all; each; every; history.)
(composition: ⿸厂⿱林止; U+6B74).
(See 歷 lèik).
leik4 9278
77 16 lèik pass, elapse; undergo, go through, experience; things or duration that had come to pass; all previous (occasions, sessions), what has taken place; through, throughout, successive; to last (a certain period of time).⁵
简历[簡歷] gān-lèik jiǎnlì Curriculum Vitae (CV); résumé; biographical notes.
经历[經歷] gëin-lèik
jīnglì to go through, to undergo, to experience; experience.⁵
历程[歷程] lèik-chẽin
lìchéng course; process.
历届[歷屆] lèik-gäi
lìjiè all previous sessions, governments, congresses.⁶
历届毕业生[歷屆畢業生] lèik-gäi-bīt-ngèp-säng
lìjiè bìyèshēng graduates of all previous years.⁶
历历在目[歷歷在目] lèik-lèik-dòi-mùk
lìlìzàimù to come clearly into view.
历来[歷來] lèik-lõi
lìlái always; constantly; all through the ages; hitherto; till now.
历史[歷史] lèik-xū
lìshǐ history; past records.
来历[來歷] lõi-lèik
láilì origin; background; career.
(The simplified form 历 lèik has two traditional forms: 歷 lèik history and 曆 lèik calendar.)
leik4 9279
85 19 lèik drop, trickle.
沥胆[瀝膽] lèik-ām lìdǎn lay bare one’s heart.⁸ show one's loyalty.⁵⁴
沥胆披肝[瀝膽披肝] lèik-ām-pï-gön
lìdǎnpīgān absolutely sincere and loyal.⁵⁴
沥血[瀝血] lèik-hūt
lìxuè drip blood; draw blood to seal an oath.⁵⁴
沥沥[瀝瀝] lèik-lèik
lìlì (of wind) whistling, rustling; (of flowing water) babbling; dripping.¹¹
沥青[瀝青] lèik-tëin
lìqīng asphalt; bitumen; pitch.¹⁰
披肝沥胆[披肝瀝膽] pï-gön-lèik-ām
pīgānlìdǎn lit. to open one's liver and drip gall (idiom); whole-hearted loyalty.¹⁰
淅沥[淅瀝] xēik-lèik
xīlì rustle of falling leaves, snow and rain.⁸ pitter-patter.⁹ <ono.> patter of rain.¹⁰
<又> lēik.
(See 瀝 lēik.)
leik4 9280
86 10 lèik liè ardent; intense; fierce; stern; upright; to give one's life for a noble cause; exploits; achievements.¹⁰
强烈[強烈] kẽng-lèik qiángliè strong; intense; violent.⁵⁵
烈酒 lèik-diū
lièjiǔ strong/stiff drink; hard liquor, spirits.⁶
烈火 lèik-fō
lièhuǒ raging fire/flames; blazing/intense fire.⁶
烈风[烈風] lèik-füng
lièfēng strong gale.⁵
烈日 lèik-ngìt
lièrì burning/scorching sun.⁵
烈女 lèik-nuī
liènǚ <trad.> upright and principled woman; woman who dies in defense of her chastity.⁶
烈属[烈屬] lèik-sùk
lièshǔ members of a revolutionary martyr's family.⁵
烈度 lèik-ù
lièdù intensity.⁵
烈性 lèik-xëin
lièxìng spirited; strong.⁵
烈性子 lèik-xëin-dū
lièxìngzi fiery disposition; spitfire.⁵
烈士 lèik-xù
lièshì martyr; a person of high endeavor.⁵
烈焰 lèik-yèm
lièyàn blazing or raging flames.⁵
leik4 9281
86 16 lèik (=爏 lèik fiery; blazing.²⁴); fire.⁸
(composition: ⿸厤火; U+3DF4).
(See 爏 lèik).
leik4 9282
86 20 lèik fiery; blazing.²⁴ (variant: 㷴 lèik lì).
(composition: ⿰火歷; U+720F).
(See 㷴 lèik).
leik4 9283
106 20 lèik bright and shining.
的皪 or 旳皪 or 的历[的歷] ēik-lèik dìlì fresh and bright (as flowers).¹⁴ a white form, bright and shining; a bright pearl.²⁴
<又> lōk, bö.
(See 皪 lōk, 皪 bö).
leik4 9284
112 20 lèik gravel; shingle.⁵
砾土[礫土] lèik-hū lìtǔ gravel soil.⁷
砾岩[礫岩] lèik-ngãm
lìyán <geol.> conglomerate.⁷
砾岩石[礫岩石] lèik-ngãm-sêk 
lìyánshí conglomerate rock.⁶
砾石[礫石] lèik-sêk
lìshí gravel, a pebble.⁷
砾石路[礫石路] lèik-sêk-lù
lìshílù gravel road.⁶
砾石混凝土[礫石混凝土] lèik-sêk-vùn-ngẽin-hū 
lìshí hùnníngtǔ gravel concrete.⁶
瓦砾[瓦礫] ngā-lèik
wǎlì broken tiles; rubble.¹¹
or 沙砾[沙礫] sâ-lèik shālì grit; gravel.⁹
<又> lēik.
(See 礫 lēik.)
leik4 9285
115 10 lèik sparse and evenly distributed; used for 曆 lèik (calculate; count); (Cant.) excessively thin.⁸ʼ⁰  rarely met with; here and there; thin; open; astronomical calculations.²⁵ʼ⁰  sparse; thinly spread; few and scattered; few and far between.³⁶ rare, sparse (about crops).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰禾禾; U+79DD).
leik4 9286
140 19 lèik (comp. t: ⿱艹歷; U+85F6). (comp. s: ⿱艹历; U+82C8).
葶苈[葶藶] hẽin-lèik
tínglì woodland draba Draba nemorosa aka 蕇 ēin diǎn is a member of the 十字花科 sìp-dù-fä-fö shízìhuākē Brassicaceae family.¹¹ʼ¹⁵ʼ¹⁷ʼ²⁰ Its seed, called 葶苈子 hẽin-lèik-dū tínglìzǐ is used in TCM (traditional Chinese medicine).⁸
leik4 9287
142 12 lèik liè Cyrtoxiphus ritsemae.¹⁰
蜻蛚 tëin-lèik
qīngliè a cricket.²⁵ a kind of cricket.⁵⁴
leik4 9288
156 13 lèik liè falling behind, not progressing; unskillful, awkward.⁷
打趔 ā-lèik dǎliè trip; stumble; stagger.⁶
趔趄 lèik-chēh
lièqie falling behind, not progressing; awkward, unskillful; to stagger, to reel, to stumble.⁷
leik4 9289
157 22 lèik <wr.> walk; leap.⁶
跨跞古今[跨躒古今] kä-lèik-gū-gïm kuàlìgǔjīn span the past and the present; transcend time and space.⁶
骐骥一跞,不能千里[騏驥一躒,不能千里] kĩ-kï-yīt-lèik, būt-nãng-tëin-lî
qíjìyīlì, bùnéngqiānlǐ A strong fast horse cannot cover a thousand li in one leap.⁶
leik4 9290
159 22 lèik run over something with vehicle.⁸ to roll over (something) by cart; to bully by force; <wr.> to scrape pan with spoon.¹¹
欺轢 hï-lèik qīlì to bully by force.¹¹
轧轹[軋轢] jät-lèik
yàlì to crush.¹¹
or 陵轹[陵轢] lẽin-lèik línglì <wr.> bully and oppress, ride roughshod over; squeeze/push out.⁶
辚轹[轔轢] lĩn-lèik
línlì to be run over under wheels; to oppress.⁷ crush over (as by carts); trample upon.¹¹
躏轹[躪轢] lùn-lèik
lìnlì to ride roughshod over.¹¹
以富轹贫[以富轢貧] yî-fü-lèik-pĩn
yǐfùlìpín (of the rich) bully/oppress the poor.⁶
leik4 9291
159 23 lèik a pulley for drawing water; rails for vehicles.⁷ to gallop; a mule.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰車歷; U+8F63).
轣辘[轣轆] lèik-lūk lìlù a pulley for drawing water; rails for vehicles.⁷ the rut of a wheel.²⁵
leik4 9292
163 21 lèik (old Hoisanva pronunciation of 酈 lĩ , Li surname).
<又> lĩ.
(See 酈 lĩ.)
leik4 9293
173 24 lèik thunderclap, crashing thunder.⁸
霹雳[霹靂] pēik-lèik pīlì thunderbolt, thunderclap; ground discharge; thunderpeal.⁶
霹雳车[霹靂車] pēik-lèik-chëh
pīlìchē carts equipped with rock-throwing catapults for attacking fortresses in ancient times.⁷
霹雳火[霹靂火] pēik-lèik-fō
pīlìhuǒ a person with a very low boiling point; a rash and impatient person; a hotspur.⁷
霹雳舞[霹靂舞] pēik-lèik-mū
pīlìwǔ (=地板霹靂舞 ì-bān-pēik-lèik-mū dìbǎnpīlìwǔ or 地板舞 ì-bān-mū dìbǎnwǔ) breakdancing, breaking, b-boying/b-girling.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
霹雳炮[霹靂炮] pēik-lèik-päo
pīlìpào a quick-firing cannon; <slang> a quick-acting person.⁵⁴
霹雳手[霹靂手] pēik-lèik-siū
pīlìshǒu a judge capable of making fast decisions and judgments.⁷
leik4 9294
193 10 lèik ancient cooking tripod with hollow legs.
陶鬲 hõ-lèik táolì pottery cooking tripod.
鬲鼎 lèik-ēin
lìdǐng a caldron.⁷
青铜鬲[青銅鬲] tëin-hũng-lèik
qīngtónglì bronze cooking tripod.
<又> gäk.
(See 鬲 gäk.)
leik4 9295
193 17 lèik (=鬲 lèik ancient cooking tripod with hollow legs).²
(composition: ⿰鬲甫; U+9B34).
<又> fū.
(See 鬴 fū).
leik4 9296
196 17 lèik liè <wr.> woodpecker.⁶
蚁䴕[蟻鴷] ngāi-lèik yǐliè Eurasian wryneck (Jynx torquilla), a species of wryneck in the woodpecker family.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
黄腰响蜜䴕[黃腰響蜜鴷] võng-yël-hēng-mìt-lèik
huángyāo xiǎngmìliè  yellow-rumped honeyguide (Indicator xanthonotus)¹⁰
鹟䴕[鶲鴷] yüng-lèik
wēngliè jacamar.¹⁹
鹟䴕科[鹟鴷科] yüng-lèik-fö
kēwēnglièkē jacamar family (Galbulidae).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
leik4 9297
145 12 lêik liè <台> 裂 lêik a crack.
<又> lēik, lëik. (See 裂 lēik, [lëik, liè], [lëik, liě].)
leik5 9298
140 22 lëim zhàn to dip in (liquid, powder, sauce).⁶
大葱蘸酱[大蔥蘸醬] ài-tûng-lëim-dëng or ài-tûng-dàm-dëng dàcōngzhànjiàng green onions dipped in sauce.⁶
蘸笔[蘸筆] lëim-bīt
or dàm-bīt zhànbǐ to dip a writing brush in ink.⁷
蘸笔疾书[蘸筆疾書] lëim-bīt-dìp-sï
or dàm-bīt-dìp-sï zhànbǐjíshū to dip a brush in ink and write swiftly.⁷
蘸酱[蘸醬] lëim-dëng
or dàm-dëng zhànjiàng dipping sauce; to dip in sauce.
蘸火 lëim-fō
or dàm-fō zhànhuǒ <topo.> (metallurgy) to quench.⁶
蘸墨水 lëim-màk-suī
or dàm-màk-suī zhànmòshuǐ to dip in ink.⁶
蘸破 lëim-pö
or dàm-pö zhànpò to wake up due to noise.¹⁰
蘸湿[蘸濕] lëim-sīp
or dàm-sīp zhànshī to soak in.¹⁴
蘸水钢笔[蘸水鋼筆] lëim-suī-gông-bīt
or dàm-suī-gông-bīt zhànshuǐgāngbǐ a dip pen.⁶
<又> dàm; ēm.
(See 蘸 dàm; 蘸 ēm).
leim2 9299
38 11 lẽim lán <台> 婪蠄 lẽim-kẽim rapacious, ravenous, voracious.
<又> lãm. (See 婪 lãm).
leim3 9300
9 5 lēin lǐng (<m.> for a ream of paper);  (500 sheets).
(See 令 lèin.)
lein1 9301
9 7 lẽin líng <archaic> court musician; professional musician; <dated> actor or actress; clever; <old> actor; actress.⁹⁹
百伶百俐 bāk-lẽin-bāk-lì bǎilíngbǎilì very clever.
齿牙伶俐[齒牙伶俐] chī-ngã-lẽin-lì
chǐyálínglì to be eloquent; to be good at talking.
坤伶 kün-lẽin
kūnlíng actress.⁹⁹
伶仃 lẽin-ëin
língdīng alone and helpless.
伶俐 lẽin-lì
língli clever; witty; intelligent.
伶牙利齿[伶牙利齒] lẽin-ngã-lì-chī
língyálìchǐ to have a glib tongue.
伶人 lẽin-ngĩn
língrén actor; actress.
伶俜 lẽin-pëin
língpīng <wr.> lonely; solitary.
伶鼬 lẽin-yiû
língyòu least weasel; weasel (Mustela nivalis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
名伶 mẽin-lẽin
mínglíng famous actor or actress.⁹⁹
女伶 nuī-lẽin
nǚlíng actress.¹¹
<台> 伶仃 lẽin-ëin clever (older usage); now 伶俐 lẽin-lì is more often used for "clever".
lein3 9302
15 10 lẽin líng insult; approach; rise high, tower aloft; <topo.> ice; Ling surname.⁵ (old variant: 夌 lẽin líng).
冰凌 bëin-lẽin
bīnglíng <topo.> icicle.⁵
壮志凌云[壯志凌雲] jöng-jï-lẽin-vũn
zhuàngzhìlíngyún with soaring aspirations.⁵
or 陵轹[陵轢] lẽin-lèik línglì <wr.> bully and oppress, ride roughshod over; squeeze/push out.⁶
or 零乱[零亂] lẽin-lòn língluàn in disorder; in a mess.⁵
凌虐 lẽin-ngèk
língnüè persecute.¹¹
凌晨 lẽin-sĩn
língchén in the small house; before dawn.⁵
凌云[凌雲] lẽin-vũn
língyún <wr.> reach the clouds; soar to the skies.⁵
凌云志[凌雲志] lẽin-vũn-jï
língyúnzhì <wr.> ambition.⁵⁴
凌霄花 lẽin-xël-fä
língxiāohuā <bot.> Chinese trumpet vine (Campsis grandiflora).¹⁰
凌辱 lẽin-yùk
língrǔ insult; humiliate.⁵
(See 夌 lẽin).
lein3 9303
18 7 lẽin líng to split; to cleave.²⁴ (ancient form of 伶 lẽin líng) lonely, solitary; actor.³⁶
(composition: ⿰令刂; U+5222).
刢利 lẽin-lì
línglì dexterity.²⁴
(See 伶 lẽin).
lein3 9304
30 9 𠱠
lẽin líng a flock of birds; the noise of a multitude (of people).²⁴
(composition: ⿲口口口; U+20C60).

lein3 9305 20C60.gif
30 13 𪡏
lẽin lián ➀ auxiliary word, used in old songs, like today's "呀 yã ; 呼 fü ; 嗨 hāi hēi.  ➁ long-winded talking, chatter. (See 嗹喽 lẽin-lẽo). ➂ <old> 丹麦[丹麥] Än-màk Dānmài Denmark.⁸
t: ⿰口連; U+55F9). (comp. s: ⿰口连; U+2A84F).
❄{⿰口连}喽[嗹嘍] lẽin-lẽo liánlóu much talk, loquacious.²⁴
lein3 9306
31 8 lẽin líng prison, enclosure.⁸
陷身囹圄 <wr.> hàm-sïn-lẽin-nguî xiànshēnlíngyǔ <wr.> to be thrown in prison.¹¹
囹圄 lẽin-nguî
língyǔ prison.¹¹
囹圉 lẽin-nguî
língyǔ (=囹圄 lẽin-nguî língyǔ) prison.¹¹
lein3 9307
32 8 lẽin líng a precipitous cliff.² a high bank or shore.²⁴ 
羊坽 yẽng-lẽin yánglíng goats.¹⁹
lein3 9308
32 11 lẽin lèng heap; word used in name of place.⁸ mound; tomb.¹⁰
长头堎[長頭堎] Chẽng-hẽo-lẽin Chángtóulèng Changtouleng in 江西 Göng-xäi Jiāngxī Jiangxi Province.
lein3 9309
32 12 lẽin léng <topo.> a slope at the side of a field.
地塄 ì-lẽin dìléng <topo.> raised path between fields; demarcation ridge between fields.
lein3 9310
35 8 lẽin líng ➀ to dawdle.³⁶ ➁ the name of the father of Emperor Yao.³⁶ ➂ (<old>=陵 lẽin líng hill, mound, tomb; exceed; fly across.⁸ ➃ (<old>=凌 lẽin líng insult, approach, rise high, tower aloft; violate; humiliate).⁸
(composition: ⿳土八夂(G) or ⿱圥夂(HJ) or ⿱圥夊(TK); U+590C).
(See 陵 lẽin; 凌 lẽin).
lein3 9311
38 11 lẽin líng a woman's name.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女夌; U+5A48).
lein3 9312
46 11 lẽin léng hilly, steep, rugged.⁸
崚嶒 lẽin-däng léngcéng high and steep; outstanding; staunch and upright; very thin.⁸
lein3 9313
60 8 lẽin líng to walk alone.¹³
(=竛 lẽin líng).² as in 竛竮 lẽin-pẽin língpíng to walk crooked; to walk awry.²⁵ an unsteady lonely walk.⁰
(composition: ⿰彳令; U+5F7E).
彾仃 lẽin-ëin
língdīng to walk alone.⁸
lein3 9314
60 11 𢔁
lẽin líng A surname.²⁴
(composition: ⿰彳夌; U+22501).
lein3 9315
61 11 lẽin lēng to be afraid; fluttered.²ʼ²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄夌; U+3944).
(See 㥄[lẽin,líng]).
lein3 9316
61 11 lẽin líng to pity; to commiserate.²ʼ²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄夌; U+3944).
(See 㥄[lẽin,lēng]).
lein3 9317
61 12 lẽin lèng distracted, stupefied, blank; <topo.> rash, reckless, foolhardy.⁵
发愣[發愣] fāt-lẽin fālèng stare blankly; look distracted.⁵
愣劲儿[愣勁兒] lẽin-gèin-ngī
lèngjìnr <topo.> dash; pep; vigor.⁵
愣干[愣幹] lẽin-gön
lènggàn <topo.> do things recklessly or rashly; persist in going one's own way.⁵
愣头愣脑[愣頭愣腦] lẽin-hẽo-lẽin-nāo
lèngtóulèngnǎo rash; impetuous; reckless.⁵
愣头儿青[愣頭兒青] lẽin-hẽo-ngī-tëin
lèngtóurqīng <topo.> rash fellow; hothead.⁵
愣神儿[愣神兒] lẽin-sĩn-ngī
lèngshénr <topo.> stare blankly; be in a daze.⁵
愣说[愣說] lẽin-sōt
lèngshuō <topo.> insist; allege; assert.⁵
愣小子 lẽin-xēl-dū
lèngxiǎozi rash young fellow; young hothead.⁵
二愣子 ngì-lẽin-dū
èrlèngzi rash fellow.⁵
lein3 9318
61 13 lẽin lián (=㦁 lẽin lián to sob, weep.⁸ to shed tears, to weep.²⁴).²
(composition: ⿰忄連; U+6169).
<又> lèin.
(See 慩 lèin; 㦁 lẽin).
lein3 9319
61 14 lẽin lián to sob, weep.⁸ to shed tears, to weep.²⁴ (variant: 慩 lẽin lián).
(composition: ⿱連心; U+3981).
<又> lèin.
(See 㦁 lèin; 慩 lẽin).
lein3 9320
66 21 lẽin líng to beat; to attack; to strike.¹⁰ to strike.²⁴
(composition: ⿰霝攴; U+3AAE).
lein3 9321
72 9 lẽin líng <old> sunshine.¹³
(composition: ⿰日令; U+6624).
昤昽[昤曨] lẽin-lũng línglóng sunlight.¹³
lein3 9322
72 28 𣌟
lẽin líng (=昤 lẽin líng)⁸ <old> sunshine.¹³
(composition: ⿰日靈; U+2331F).
(See 昤 lẽin).
lein3 9323
75 9 lẽin líng Eurya japonica.¹⁰ a wood used in dyeing.²⁴
柃木 lẽin-mùk
língmù Japanese eurya; common eurya; rail balustrade.⁸ Eurya japonica.
榡柃 xü-lẽin
sùlíng a wood very prettily marked with veins.²⁴
lein3 9324
75 12 lẽin léng arris; edge; corrugation; ridge.⁶ squared or hewn timber; beams; an edge; angular; (variant: 稜 lẽin léng).¹⁴
棱睁[棱睜] lẽin-chäng
léngzhēng rash, rude; very cold.⁷
棱柱体[棱柱體] lẽin-chuî-hāi
léngzhùtǐ prism.¹⁰
棱子 lẽin-dū
léngzi an angle; a right angle; a corner.⁷
棱镜[棱鏡] lẽin-gëng/
léngjìng prism; prismatic lens.¹⁰
棱镜分光[棱鏡分光] lẽin-gëng-fün-göng
léngjìngfēnguāng prismatic decomposition.⁵
棱角 lẽin-gôk
léngjiǎo an angle; a corner; pointed; pointedness.⁷  a projection.¹⁴
棱角峭厉[棱角峭厲] lẽin-gôk-xël-lài
léngjiǎoqiàolì the sharp, dangerous corners of beams.¹⁴
棱起来[棱起來] lẽin-hī-lõi
léngqǐlái stand it on its edge.¹⁴
棱锥[棱錐] lẽin-juî
léngzhuī pyramid.⁸
棱锥体[棱錐體] lẽin-juî-hāi
léngzhuītǐ a pyramid.⁷
棱棱 lẽin-lẽin
léngléng chilly or frosty; awe-inspiring.⁷
棱棱睁睁[棱棱睜睜] lẽin-lẽin-chäng-chäng
léngléng zhēngzhēng rash, rude; very cold.⁷
棱儿[棱兒] lẽin-ngĩ
léngr an angle; a right angle; a corner.⁷
棱线[棱線] lẽin-xëin
léngxiàn a crest line.⁷
(See 棱 [lẽin, lēng], 棱 [lẽin, líng]; 稜 lẽin.)
lein3 9325
75 12 lẽin lēng 花不棱登 fä-būt-lẽin-äng huābulēngdēng <topo.> loud, flashy, gaudy; gaudy, repulsively colored.⁵⁴
红不棱登[紅不棱登] hũng-būt-lẽin-äng
hóngbulēngdēng <topo.> (disagreeably) reddish in color.⁶
扑棱[撲棱] pōk-lẽin
pūlēng <ono.> flap; flutter (sound of flapping of wings).⁶
扑棱[撲棱] pōk-lẽin
pūleng flutter/spread open; flap.⁶ do something over and over again.⁵⁴
刺棱 xü-lẽin
cīlēng <ono.> sound of a quick/swift movement.⁶
(See 棱 [lẽin, léng], 棱 [lẽin, líng]; 稜 lẽin.)
lein3 9326
75 12 lẽin líng 穆棱 Mùk-lẽin Mùlíng name of a place in Heilongjiang Province (黑龙江省[黑龍江省] Hāk-lũng-göng sāng Hēilóng jiāng shěng).⁸
(See 棱 [lẽin, léng], 棱 [lẽin, lēng]; 稜 lẽin.)
lein3 9327
75 13 lẽin léng (=棱 lẽin léng).⁶ (=稜 lẽin léng) corner; square beam; edge; arris (curve formed by two surfaces meeting at an edge); see 楞迦 Sri Lanka.¹⁰
楞迦 Lẽin-gä
Léngjiā Lanka, a mountain in the southeast part of Sri Lanka, now called Adam's Peak; the island of Sri Lanka.⁷ Lanka (old term for Sri Lanka, Ceylon).¹⁰ Ceylon; name of a Buddhist sutra.¹⁴
楞迦经[楞迦經] Lẽin-gä-gëin
Léngjiājīng Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra, a sutra of Mahāyāna Buddhism.¹⁵
楞严经[楞嚴經] Lẽin-ngẽm-gëin
Léngyánjīng the Surangama sutra.⁷
楞层[楞層] lẽin-tãng
léngcéng fierce; solemn.⁸
(See 楞 [lẽin, lèng], 楞 [lẽin, lēng].)
lein3 9328
75 13 lẽin lèng (=愣 lẽin lèng) stupid, imbecile, rude.⁷ (=愣 lẽin lèng); to look distracted; to stare blankly; distracted; blank.¹⁰
发楞[發楞] fāt-lẽin
fālèng become speechless; be stunned.¹¹ stare blankly; fascination; dumbfound; to stare vacantly into space.³⁹
楞严[楞嚴] lẽin-ngẽm
lèngyán one who surmounts all obstacles (Buddhism).¹⁰
(See 楞 [lẽin, léng], 楞 [lẽin, lēng]; 愣 [lẽin, léng].)
lein3 9329
75 13 lẽin lēng 二不楞 ngì-būt-lẽin èrbùlēng <topo.> simple-minded; half-witted; a simpleton/dumbbell/fathead.⁵⁴
傻不楞登 sô-būt-lẽin-äng
shǎbulēngdēng foolish.⁵⁴
横不楞子[橫不楞子] vãng-būt-lẽin-dū
héngbùlēngzi <topo.> thoughtless.¹¹
(See 楞 [lẽin, léng], 楞 [lẽin, lèng].)
lein3 9330
75 21 lẽin líng (=棂[欞] lẽin líng) (windows) lattice; latticework.⁶
(composition: ⿰木霝; U+6AFA).
(See 欞 lẽin.)
lein3 9331
75 28 lẽin líng (windows) lattice; latticework.⁶ carved or patterned window-railings, sills; the wooden planks which join eaves with a house.⁷ the lattice of a window; a sill, a lintel.¹⁴ (variant: 櫺 lẽin líng.)
or 灵床[靈床] lẽin-chõng língchuáng bier.⁵ a bed with railings.⁷
棂星门[欞星門] lẽin-xëin-mõn
língxīngmén gate of a Confucian temple.¹⁴
窻户棂子[窻戶欞子] töng-fù-lẽin-dū
chuānghulíngzi a window sill.¹⁴
窗棂[窗欞] tóng-lẽin
chuānglíng <topo.> window lattice.⁶
(See 櫺 lẽin.)
lein3 9332
78 12 lẽin líng the evil spirits come out; sick and poor; stupid, rude; inattentive, absent-minded, careless.³⁶
(composition: ⿰歹夌; U+3C65).
㱥𣩟❄{⿰歹登} lẽin-äng língdèng exhausted through sickness; sick and exhausted.²⁴
㱥㱱 lẽin-fì
línghuì ghosts, apparitions; sick.²⁴
lein3 9333
79 16 lẽin líng a lot of noise or voices.² noise.¹⁰ a multitude of voices.²⁴
(composition: ⿱殸令; U+3C86).
lein3 9334
85 8 lẽin líng <wr.> cool.⁶ Ling surname.⁸
泠风[泠風] lẽin-füng língfēng cool air; cool breeze.⁶
泠洌 lẽin-lëik
língliè cool and refreshing; pleasantly cool.⁵⁴
泠泠 lẽin-lẽin
línglíng <wr.> cool; (of sound) clear and far-reaching.⁶
泠然 lẽin-ngẽin
língrán <wr.> (of sound) clear and far-reaching.⁶
lein3 9335
85 11 lẽin líng to pass, to traverse, to cross; to intrude, to insult or bully.⁵ (erroneous variant for 凌).¹¹ to pass over, to traverse.¹⁴ distinguish 凌, which was the original form.¹⁴ Ling surname.⁵
淩山 lẽin-sän língshān to cross the mountains.¹⁴
lein3 9336
85 13 lẽin lián <wr.> ripples; continual flow (of tears).⁵
泣涕涟涟[泣涕漣漣] hīp-häi-lẽin-lẽin qìtìliánlián weep profusely.¹¹
涟涟[漣漣] lẽin-lẽin
liánlián <wr.> (of tears) flowing continuously.⁵⁵
涟栊[漣櫳] lẽin-lũng
liánlóng windows; doors and screens.⁵⁴
涟洏[漣洏] lẽin-ngĩ
lián'ér <wr.> (of tears) streaming.⁵⁵
涟洳[漣洳] lẽin-nguĩ
liánrù weeping.⁷
涟漪[漣漪] lẽin-yī
or lẽin-yï liányī <wr.> ripple, ripplet, wavelet, riffle.⁶
涟漪微漾[漣漪微漾] lẽin-yï-mĩ-yèng
liányīwēiyàng <wr.> ripples; riffles.¹⁰
lein3 9337
85 16 lẽin líng the name of a river.²⁴ the name of a body of water; <old>= 泠 lẽin líng <lit.> cool.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵零; U+6FAA).
(See 泠 lẽin).
lein3 9338
96 9 lẽin líng the tinkling of jade pendants.⁷
玲玎 lẽin-ëin
língdīng (=玲玲 lẽin-lẽin línglíng) <wr.> tinkle; jingle (sound of jade objects striking together).⁶
玲玲 lẽin-lẽin
línglíng (=玲玎 lẽin-ëin língdīng) <wr.> tinkle; jingle (sound of jade objects striking together).⁶
玲琅 lẽin-lõng
língláng the tinkling of jades.⁷
玲珑 lẽin-lũng
línglóng (of objects) exquisite; ingeniously and delicately made; (of people) clever and nimble.⁶
玲珑饰[玲瓏飾] lẽin-lũng-sēik
línglóngshì exquisite decoration.¹⁹ rice-grain decoration.⁵⁴
玲珑剔透[玲瓏剔透] lẽin-lũng-tēik-hëo
línglóngtītòu exquisitely carved; (said of a person) very bright.⁷
小巧玲珑[小巧玲瓏] xēl-kāo-lẽin-lũng
xiǎoqiǎolínglóng small and exquisite.⁵
lein3 9339
96 14 lẽin liǎn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 琏[璉] lèin liǎn with same meaning: a vessel used to hold grain offerings for the imperial sacrifice.⁷)
t: ⿰𤣩連; U+7489). (comp. s: ⿰𤣩连; U+740F).
<又> lèin.
(See 璉 lèin.)
lein3 9340
96 21 𤫊
lẽin líng (=靈 lẽin líng)⁸ quick, clever, sharp; efficacious, effective; intelligence, spirit; fairy, sprite, elf; (remains) of the deceased, bier.⁵
(composition: ⿱霝王; U+24ACA).
lein3 9341
98 9 lẽin líng <wr.> water jar.⁵ the concave channels of tiling; a bottle with a handle.⁷ upturned column of roof tiles, permitting flow of rain water; a jar with ears.¹¹
高屋建瓴 gäo-ūk-gèin-lẽin gāowūjiànlíng pour water off a steep roof – sweep down irresistibly from a commanding height; operate from a strategically advantageous position.⁵
建瓴 gèin-lẽin
jiànlíng <wr.> as easy as letting spilt water flow down the roof.¹¹
瓴甓 lẽin-pēik
língpì brick.⁷
破竹建瓴 pö-jūk-gèin-lẽin
pòzhújiànlíng lit. smash bamboo, overturn water tank; fig. irresistible force.¹⁰
lein3 9342
104 10 lẽin líng thin, meager, emaciated.²⁴ thin, lean, slim, emaciated.³⁶
(composition: ⿸疒令; U+3F89).
lein3 9343
109 13 lẽin lèng <topo.> stare in dissatisfaction.⁶ to stare straight ahead.⁸ stare blankly; stare.⁹
吓得他一睖[嚇得他一睖] häk-āk-hä-yīt-lẽin  xiàdetāyīlèng He was dumbfounded with terror.⁶
睖睁[睖睜] lẽin-chäng
lèngzheng stare blankly; be in a daze.⁸
lein3 9344
112 10 lẽin líng fragments of stones; a hole in a stone through which light may be seen.²⁵ stone; hole in stone; sound of stone.¹³ʼ³⁶
(composition: ⿰石令; U+7831).
砱砾[砱礫] lẽin-lèik línglì stone; rock.⁵⁴
lein3 9345
112 17 lẽin líng a thin stone; to become thin; used as symbol for phosphorous.¹⁴
病骨磷磷 bèng-gūt-lẽin-lẽin bìnggǔlínglíng he is reduced to a bag of bones by illness.¹⁴
<又> lĩn.
(See 磷 lĩn.)
lein3 9346
112 18 𥖟
lẽin líng (=砱 lẽin líng) fragments of stones; a hole in a stone through which light may be seen.²⁵ stone; hole in stone; sound of stone.¹³ʼ³⁶
(composition: ⿰石零; U+2559F).
(See 砱 lẽin).
lein3 9347
112 29 𥘃
lẽin líng (=砱 lẽin líng) fragments of stones; a hole in a stone through which light may be seen.²⁵ stone; hole in stone; sound of stone.¹³ʼ³⁶
(composition: ⿰石靈; U+25603).
(See 砱 lẽin).
lein3 9348
113 12 lẽin líng good fortune.¹⁰ the name of a sacrifice; also, the happiness of the gods.²⁴ <lit.> blessing; happiness.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰礻夌; U+797E).
lein3 9349
115 10 lẽin líng grain newly ripe; also a year.²⁵
(composition: ⿰禾令; U+79E2).
lein3 9350
115 13 lẽin léng arris; edge; corrugation; ridge.⁶ a corner, an angle, an edge; (=棱 lẽin léng); the awe of the gods.¹⁴
稜角 lẽin-gôk
léngjiǎo a right angle; a cornerl a person who is difficult to get on with.¹⁴
稜光 lẽin-göng
léngguāng diffracted light.¹⁴
稜锥体[稜錐體] lẽin-juï-hāi
léngzhuītǐ a pyramid.¹⁴
稜稜 lẽin-lẽin
léngléng protuberant.¹⁴
稜稜霜气[稜稜霜氣] lẽin-lẽin-söng-hï
léngléngshuāngqì thoroughly chilled by the frost.¹⁴
稜威 lẽin-vï
léngwēi or 威稜 vï-lẽin wēiléng awe, dignity.¹⁴
三稜体[三稜體] xäm-lẽin-hāi
sānléngtǐ a prism.¹⁴
(See 棱 [lẽin, léng].)
lein3 9351
115 18 𥢴
lẽin líng the stems of grass wide apart.²⁵ (variant: 𥤞❄{⿰禾靈} lẽin líng).
(composition: ⿰禾零; U+258B4).
(See 𥤞❄{⿰禾靈} lẽin),
lein3 9352
115 29 𥤞
lẽin líng (=𥢴❄{⿰禾零} lẽin líng) the stems of grass wide apart.²⁵
(composition: ⿰禾靈; U+2591E).
(See 𥢴❄{⿰禾零} lẽin),
lein3 9353
117 10 lẽin líng (composition: ⿰立令; U+7ADB).
竛竮 lẽin-pẽin língpíng to walk crooked; to walk awry.²⁵ an unsteady lonely walk.⁰
lein3 9354
118 11 lẽin líng bamboo screen.⁸ a basket attached to a carriage; a bedstead in a place covered with a mat.²⁵ (variant: 䉖 lẽin líng).
笭箐 lẽin-dëin
língjīng (=笭箵 lẽin-xëin língxīng <wr.> bamboo fish hamper.⁶) a small basket.¹¹ʼ¹⁹
笭箵 lẽin-xëin
língxīng <wr.> bamboo fish hamper.⁶  a small basket.²⁵
(See 䉖 lẽin).
lein3 9355
118 14 lẽin líng name of a variety of bamboo; (Cant.) 䈊仔 lẽin-dōi, a useless fellow.⁸
(composition: ⿱𥫗夌; U+420A).
lein3 9356
118 18 lẽin líng (same as 笭 lẽin líng) framework of a carriage, a door-screem; a railing in the front and on both sides of a carriage, a stand; frame; rack in a cabin of a ship, a bamboo cage; a bamboo basket with a narrow opening.⁸ the basket attached to a carriage.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗軨; U+4256).
(See 笭 lẽin).
lein3 9357
120 14 lẽin líng a silk fabric resembling satin but thinner; damask silk.⁵
绫子[綾子] lẽin-dū língzi damask; thin silk.¹⁰
绫锦[綾錦] lẽin-gīm
língjǐn silk and brocade.⁷
绫绢[綾絹] lẽin-gün
língjuàn fairly stiff silk.⁷
绫罗[綾羅] lẽin-lõ
língluó silk gauze.⁷
绫罗绸缎[綾羅綢緞] lẽin-lõ-chiũ-òn
língluóchóuduàn silks and satins.⁵
绫罗锦绣[綾羅錦繡] lẽin-lõ-gīm-xiü
língluójǐnxiù expensive clothes; expensive dress materials.⁵⁴
lein3 9358
121 11 lẽin líng containers for water or wine used in ancient times.⁸ (variant 𦉢❄{⿰缶霝} lẽin líng).
(composition: ⿰缶令; U+4345).
(See 𦉢❄{⿰缶霝} lẽin).
lein3 9359
121 23 𦉢
lẽin líng (=䍅 lẽin líng) containers for water or wine used in ancient times.⁸ an earthen vessel, like a jar with ears.²⁵
(composition: ⿰缶霝; U+26262).
(See 䍅 lẽin).
lein3 9360
123 11 lẽin líng antelope.⁵
瞪羚 äng-lẽin dènglíng <zoo.> gazelle.⁶
藏羚羊 dòng-lẽin-yẽng
zànglíngyáng Tibetan antelope.⁶
藏原羚 dòng-ngũn-lẽin
zàngyuánlíng (=西藏瞪羚 xäi-dòng-äng-lẽin xīzàngdènglíng goa or Tibetan gazelle (Procapra picticaudata).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
羚牛 lẽin-ngẽo
língniú takin.⁵
羚羊 lẽin-yẽng
língyáng antelope; gazelle.⁵
羚羊角 lẽin-yẽng-gök
língyángjiǎo antelope's horn.⁶
羚羊挂角[羚羊掛角] lẽin-yẽng-kä-gök
língyángguàjiǎo lit. the antelope sticks its horns among branches at night – (said of poetic works) the excellent quality or transcendental charm.⁷
伊兰羚羊[伊蘭羚羊] yï-lãn-lẽin-yẽng
yīlánlíngyáng (=巨羚 guì-lẽin jùlíng or 大羚羊 ài-lẽin-yẽng dàlíngyáng) common eland; southern eland or eland antelope (Taurotragus oryx).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
lein3 9361
123 23 𦏪
lẽin líng (=𦏰❄{⿰羊靈} lẽin líng)⁸ a kind of antelope.²⁵
(composition: ⿰羊霝; U+263EA).
(See 𦏰 lẽin).

lein3 9362 263EA.gif
123 30 𦏰
lẽin líng a kind of antelope.²⁵
(composition: ⿰羊靈; U+263F0).

lein3 9363 263F0.gif
124 11 lẽin líng plume, tail feather, quill.⁶
花翎 fä-lẽin huālíng <trad.> peacock feathers (as an adornment on the hat of an imperial official of the Qing Dynasty).⁶
雉鸡翎[雉雞翎] jï-gäi-lẽin
zhìjīlíng pheasant's tail feather used on opera stage.¹¹
孔雀翎 kūng-dēk-lẽin
kǒngquèlíng peacock plumes; peacock feathers.⁵
翎箭 lẽin-dëin
língjiàn a feathered arrow.⁷
翎子 lẽin-dū
língzi peacock feathers worn at the back of an official's hat (as an indication of his rank in the Qing Dynasty); pheasant quill worn on warriors' helmets in traditional Chinese opera.⁶
翎毛 lẽin-mão
língmáo plume; a type of classical Chinese paintings featuring birds and animals.⁶
翎毛花卉 lẽin-mão-fä-fī
língmáohuāhuì birds and flowers (in painting).³⁹
翎扇 lẽin-sën
língshàn feather fan.⁶
雁翎 ngàn-lẽin
yànlíng goose quill.⁶
lein3 9364
128 11 lẽin líng <wr.> listen; hear.⁵ <wr.> listen attentively.⁶
聆教 lẽin-gäo língjiào hear your words of wisdom (used in correspondence).⁶
聆听[聆聽] lẽin-hëng
língtīng listen (with respect).⁶
聆赏[聆賞] lẽin-sēng
língshǎng listen to a compliment.⁵⁴
聆取 lẽin-tuī
língqǔ <wr.> listen to (advice).⁶
聆悉 lẽin-xēik
língxī have learned (from letter) that.¹¹
聆悉种切[聆悉種切] lẽin-xēik-jūng-täi
língxzhǒngqiè have learned different news.¹¹
聆讯[聆訊] lẽin-xïn
língxùn hear; hearing (law).¹⁰
lein3 9365
137 11 lẽin líng <wr.> boat with windows; small boat.⁶
鹜舲[鶩舲] mù-lẽin wùlíng a small boat.⁷
lein3 9366
140 8 lẽin líng fungus; tuber.
茯苓 fùk-lẽin fúlíng   Poris cocos (Schw.) Wolf, tuckahoe (Chinese medicinal herb).
土茯苓 hū-fùk-lẽin
tǔfúlíng <TCM> the China root.¹  Smilax glabra.⁹ sarsaparilla.¹⁵
猪苓[豬苓] jï-lẽin
zhūlíng (=豕苓 sī-lẽin shǐlíng or 豕槖 sī-hōk shǐtuó) lumpy bracket, umbrella polypore (Polyporus umbellatus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰ (polyporus).²³
苓落 lẽin-lòk
língluò to wither; to shrivel; to fall (of leaves).¹
苓耳 lẽin-ngī
líng'ěr <bot.> cocklebur, Xanthium strumarium.¹¹
云茯苓[雲茯苓] Yũn-fùk-lẽin
Yúnfúlíng <TCM> Yunnan Poris cocos.
lein3 9367
140 11 lẽin líng water caltrop, Trapa bicornis. (variants: 蔆, 䔖 lẽin líng).
菱角 lẽin-gôk
língjiao water caltrop, Trapa bispinosa Roxb. Other names are: 芰 gì jì, 水菱 suī-lẽin shuǐlíng, 风菱[風菱] füng-lẽin fēnglíng, 乌菱[烏菱] vü-lẽin wūlíng, 水栗 suī-lùt shuǐlì, 菱实[菱實] lẽin-sìt língshí, 芰实[芰實] gì-sìt jìshí.²³
菱实[菱實] lẽin-sìt
língshí (=菱角 lẽin-gôk língjiao, q.v.) water caltrop, Trapa bispinosa Roxb.
菱形 lẽin-yẽin
língxíng rhombus; lozenge.
三菱 Xäm-lẽin
Sānlíng Mitsubishi.
(See 蔆 lẽin, 䔖 lẽin).
lein3 9368
140 13 lẽin lián lotus, Nelumbo nucifera (Gaertn.)
白莲[白蓮] bàk-lẽin
báilián white lotus.¹⁹
白莲教[白蓮教] Bàk-lẽin-gäo Báiliánjiào White Lotus Society, a secret sect.¹¹
红莲[紅蓮] hũng-lẽin
hónglián red lotus.¹⁰
莲座[蓮座] lẽin-dò
liánzuò lotus pedestal of a Buddha statue.
莲子[蓮子] lẽin-dū
liánzǐ lotus seed.⁸
莲子羹[蓮子羹] lẽin-dū-gäng
liánzǐgēng lotus seed soup.¹⁹
莲花[蓮花] lẽin-fä
liánhuā lotus flower; lotus.
莲炬[蓮炬] lẽin-guì
liánjù festive candles.¹¹
莲台[蓮臺] lẽin-hõi
liántái Buddha's seat in the form of lotus flower; lotus throne.
莲藕[蓮藕] lẽin-ngêo
lián'ǒu lotus root.⁸
莲蓬[蓮蓬] lẽin-pũng
liánpeng lotus seedpod, (fig.) a big fat person.
榴莲[榴蓮] liũ-lẽin
liúlián <bot.> Durio zibethinus, a durian.⁷
lein3 9369
140 13 lẽin líng (same as 菱, 蔆 lẽin líng) water caltrop.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹陵; U+4516).
(See 菱 lẽin, 蔆 lẽin).
lein3 9370
140 14 lẽin líng water caltrop. (variants: 菱, 䔖 lẽin líng).
蔆角 lẽin-gôk
língjiao (=菱角 lẽin-gôk língjiao) water caltrop, Trapa bicornis.
(See 菱 lẽin, 䔖 lẽin).
lein3 9371
140 16 lẽin léng old name for 菠菜 bü-töi or bö-töi  bōcài spinach.¹⁰
or 菠稜 bü-lẽin or bö-lẽin bōléng spinach.¹¹
or 菠稜菜 bü-lẽin-töi or bö-lẽin-töi bōléngcài spinach.¹¹
lein3 9372
140 16 lẽin líng withered (plant, herb).¹⁰ plants drooping, and shedding their leaves; used for 苓 lẽin líng, a kind of fungus.²⁵ <old> (grass) to wither.³⁶
(composition: ⿱艹零; U+8576).
or 茯苓 fùk-lẽin fúlíng    Poris cocos (Schw.) Wolf, tuckahoe (Chinese medicinal herb).
蕶苓香 lẽin-lẽin-hëng
línglíngxiāng a kind of tree, the wood of which was made into rosary beads and given as a gift (mentioned in the Dream of the Red Chamber).⁰ 木名。《红楼梦》第十五回:“此系圣上所赐蕶苓香念珠一串,权为贺敬之礼。”
草蕶 tāo-lẽin
cǎolíng herba leporina; melitot.²⁵
lein3 9373
140 17 lẽin líng (same as 苓 lẽin líng) a variety of fungus; tuckahoe, licorice, or liquorice, name of a variety of grass.⁸ the name of a plant.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹領; U+4558).
lein3 9374
140 20 lẽin líng (liquorice; <old>=零 lẽin líng as in 零落 lẽin-lōk língluò withered and fallen; decayed; scattered, sporadic.⁵).⁸ a plant called 大苦 ài-fū dàkǔ great bitterness from 《说文解字·艸部》, applied by way of contrast to liquorice; also mushrooms; used for 蕶 lẽin líng.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹霝; U+8626).
(See 蕶 lẽin).
lein3 9375
142 11 lẽin líng 白蛉 bàk-lẽin báilíng sandfly.⁶
蝍蛉 jēik-lẽin
jiélíng dragonfly.¹⁹
螟蛉 mẽin-lẽin
mínglíng corn earworm; adopted son.⁶ the larva of Chilo simplex (now Orocrambus simplex).⁷
蜻蛉 tëin-lẽin
qīnglíng damselfly; lacewing.¹⁰
蜻蛉科 tëin-lẽin-fö
qīnglíngkē skimmers or perchers and their relatives form the Libellulidae, the largest dragonfly family.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
lein3 9376
145 10 lẽin líng bright clothing; shiny dresses.
(composition: ⿰衤令; U+888A).
(See 袊[lẽin, lǐng].
lein3 9377
145 10 lẽin lǐng collar, neck; the lower part of a dress, skirt.
(composition: ⿰衤令; U+888A).
直袊 jèik-lẽin zhílǐng the outer garment of a bride. Some say, the lower part of a bridal dress.²⁵
(See 袊[lẽin, líng].
lein3 9378
145 15 lẽin lián folding purse inserted in belt.⁸ pouch hung from belt.¹⁰
褡裢[褡褳] āp-lẽin dālian (long, rectangular bag with an opening in the middle so that both ends serve as bags, usually hung over the shoulder or from one's girdle for keeping money or other articles; multi-layer cloth jacket (worn by wrestlers).⁶ a pouch worn at the girdle.⁷
钱褡裢[錢褡褳] tẽin-āp-lẽin
qiándālian a cloth bag for coins.¹¹
lein3 9379
145 18 lẽin líng shiny dresses.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰ 衤零; U+4665).
lein3 9380
145 29 𧟙
lẽin líng bright clothing.²⁵
(composition: ⿰ 衤靈; U+277D9).
lein3 9381
152 12 𧰻
lẽin líng 猪𧰻❄{⿰豕令}[豬𧰻❄{⿰豕令}] jï-lẽin zhūlíng the name of a plant, the roots of which resemble pig's dung (used in TCM).²⁵
(composition: ⿰豕令; U+27C3B).
lein3 9382
157 12 lẽin líng to walk unsteadily and irregularly.²
(composition: ⿰⻊令; U+8DC9).
跉䟓 lẽin-ëin língdīng to walk; slender feet; walking alone; walking slowly and unsteadily.¹⁹ walking about; to walk in byways; to walk slowly; irregularly.²⁵
(Distinguish 跉䟓 läng-chäng
<又> läng.
(See 䟓 läng.)
lein3 9383
158 10 𨈓
lẽin léng the body.²ʼ²⁵ <topo.> thin and small.⁸ (Sichuanese, of a body; Chengdu pronunciation: nang¹) thin; slender; skinny
(composition: ⿰身小; U+28213).
❄{⿰身小} gēin-bä-lẽin jian³ ba¹ nang¹ (Chengdu pronunciation)  jiǎn-ba-léng stutterer; stammerer.
Other forms of 'stutter, stutterer' in other dialects:
➀ Standard written form: 结巴[結巴] gēik-bä
git3 baa1 jiēba stammer, stutter; stammerer; stutterer.⁵
➁ Cantonese: 漏口佬 lèo-hēo-lāo
lau6 hau2 lou5
➂ Hoisanva: 打栗佬[打慄佬] ā-lùt-lāo.
lein3 9384
159 10 lẽin líng lattice work on front and sides; car wheel; wheel axle decoration.³⁶ cross pieces of wood on which the mat of a carriage is placed; the railing round a carriage; the end of an axletree.²⁵ (variants: 䡼, 䡿 lẽin líng).
(composition: ⿰車令; U+8EE8).
軨积[軨積] lẽin-dēik
língjī assemble; accumulate.¹
軨車 lẽin-guï
língjū a hunting chariot with small crooked bells suspended in front of it.²⁵
軨軨 lẽin-lẽin línglíng a sort of wild ox, marked like a tiger.²⁵
(See 䡼 lẽin;䡿 lẽin).
lein3 9385
159 15 lẽin líng run over by a vehicle.⁷ a car-rut; rumbling of a cart.⁸
輘輷 lẽin-gäng línghōng a great noise of wheels.²⁵
輘轹[輘轢] lẽin-lèik
línglì to conflict; to oppress.⁷
lein3 9386
159 24 lẽin líng (=軨 lẽin líng) frames on the sides and front of a carriage, wheels of a carriage.³⁶
(composition: ⿰車霝; U+487C).
(See 軨 lẽin).
lein3 9387
159 31 lẽin líng (=軨 lẽin líng) frames on the sides and front of a carriage, wheels of a carriage.³⁶
(composition: ⿰車靈; U+487F).
(See 軨 lẽin).
lein3 9388
162 10 lẽin lián join, connect; continuous; even.⁸ Lian surname.¹⁰
连接[連接] lẽin-dēp liánjiē link; join; connect.⁶
连队[連隊] lẽin-duì
liánduì <mil.> company.⁵
连续[連續] lẽin-dùk
liánxù continuous, successive, in a row; running.⁵
连续剧[連續劇] lẽin-dùk-kēk
liánxùjù serialized drama; dramatic series; show in parts.¹⁰
or 连枷[連枷] lẽin-gä liánjiā a flail.²⁵ʼ³⁶
连亘[連亘] lẽin-gāng
liángèn continuous.⁸
连同[連同] lẽin-hũng
liántóng along with; together with.⁹
连长[連長] lẽin-jēng
liánzhǎng company commander.⁵
or 连襟[連襟] lẽin-kïm liánjīn husbands of sisters; brothers-in-law.⁶
连累[連累] lẽin-luì
liánlěi involve; implicate; get somebody into trouble.⁵
连绵[連綿] lẽin-mẽin
liánmián continuous.¹¹
连忙[連忙] lẽin-mõng
liánmáng promptly, at once.⁵
连年[連年] lẽin-nẽin
liánnián in successive years; in consecutive years; over many years.⁹
连声[連聲] lẽin-sëin
liánshēng to say repeatedly.⁹
连锁[連鎖] lẽin-xū
liánsuǒ chain.⁹
连衣裙[連衣裙] lẽin-yï-kũn
liányīqún one-piece dress.⁹
连姻[連姻] lẽin-yïn
liányīn relation by marriage.¹¹
lein3 9389
163 19 lẽin líng (composition: ⿰霝阝; U+9143).
酃湖 Lẽin-vũ Línghú Ling lake in 湖南 Vũ-nãm Húnán Hunan Province.
酃县[酃縣] Lẽin-yòn
Língxiàn  Ling county in 湖南 Vũ-nãm Húnán Hunan Province.
lein3 9390
164 12 𨠎
lẽin líng (=醽 lẽin líng)² good wine.⁹ a kind of wine.³⁶
(composition: ⿰酉令; U+2880E).
(See 醽 lẽin).
lein3 9391
164 24 lẽin líng good wine.⁹ a kind of wine.³⁶ (variant: 𨠎❄{⿰酉令} lẽin líng).
(composition: ⿰酉霝; U+91BD).
醽醁 lẽin-lùk
línglù <old> name of fine wine.¹¹
(See 𨠎❄{⿰酉令} lẽin).
lein3 9392
164 31 𨤍
lẽin líng (commonly used for 醽 lẽin líng)⁸ a good wine.⁹
(composition: ⿰酉靈; U+2890D).
lein3 9393
167 13 lẽin líng bell; anything in the shape of a bell; boll, bud.⁵
哑铃[啞鈴] ā-lẽin or ā-lêng yǎlíng (gymnastics) dumbbell.⁵
风铃[風鈴] füng-lẽin
or füng-lêng fēnglíng wind bell; wind chime.⁹
金铃子[金鈴子] gïm-lẽin-dū
or gïm-lêng-dū jīnlíngzi chinaberry. (scientific name: 苦楝 fū-lèin kǔliàn chinaberry, Pride of India, bead-tree Melia azedarach).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
铃铎[鈴鐸] lẽin-dòk
or lêng-dòk língduó bell that hangs under the eaves of palace, tower or attic.⁹
铃鼓[鈴鼓] lẽin-gū
or lêng-gū línggǔ <mus.> tambourine.⁵
铃兰[鈴蘭] lẽin-lãn
or lêng-lãn línglán lily of the valley.⁵
鈴鈴 lẽin-lẽin
or lêng-lêng línglíng <wr.> rumble (of earthquake, carts).¹¹
铃铛[鈴鐺] lẽin-öng
or lêng-öng língdang small bell.⁵
铃声[鈴聲] lẽin-sëin
or lêng-sëin língshēng ring; ringtone; bell stroke; tintinnabulation.¹⁰
铃蟾科[鈴蟾科] lẽin-sẽm-fö or lêng-sẽm-fö
língchánkē fire-bellied toads Bombinatoridae.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
铃舌[鈴舌] lẽin-sêt
or lêng-sêt língshé clapper.⁹
棉铃[棉鈴] mêin-lẽin
or mêin-lêng  miánlíng cotton boll.⁵
门铃[門鈴] mõn-lẽin
or mõn-lêng/ ménlíng doorbell.⁶
银铃[銀鈴] ngãn-lẽin
or ngãn-lêng yínlíng silver bell.⁶
<又> lêng.
(See 鈴 lêng.)
lein3 9394
167 16 lẽin líng name of a metal.² a kind of metal.²⁵
(composition: ⿰金夌; U+9302).
lein3 9395
167 25 𨯻
lẽin líng a jar or vase.²⁵
(composition: ⿰金霝; U+28BFB).
lein3 9396
169 13 lẽin líng a transom or transom window, transom light.
(variant: 𨷰❄{⿵門霝} lẽin líng).
(composition: ⿵門令; U+959D).
(See 𨷰❄{⿵門霝} lẽin).
lein3 9397
169 25 𨷰
lẽin líng (=閝 lẽin líng) a transom.
(composition: ⿵門霝; U+28DF0).
(See 閝 lẽin).
lein3 9398
170 10 lẽin líng hill; mound; mausoleum.⁸ (old variant: 夌 lẽin líng).
丘陵 hiü-lẽin
qiūlíng hills.
中山陵 Jüng-sän-lẽin
Zhōngshānlíng Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum (in Nanjing).
烈士陵 lèik-xù-lẽin
lièshìlíng memorial mound; heroes' memorial.¹⁰
陵遟 lẽin-chĩ
língchí discouraged; depressed; dejected.⁵⁴
陵谷 lẽin-gūk
línggǔ hills and valleys; changes of worldly affairs.
陵谷变迁[陵谷變遷] lẽin-gūk-bëin-tëin
línggǔbiànqiān changes of worldly affairs.
or 凌轹[凌轢] lẽin-lèik línglì <wr.> bully and oppress, ride roughshod over; squeeze/push out.⁶
陵墓 lẽin-mù
língmù mausoleum; tomb.
陵寝[陵寢] lẽin-tīm
língqǐn imperial burial place; mausoleum.⁵
陵园[陵園] lẽin-yõn
língyuán cemetery; mausoleum park.
十三陵 sìp-xäm-lẽin
Shísānlíng Ming tombs.
(See 夌 lẽin).
lein3 9399
173 13 lẽin líng zero, nil, nought; fraction, remainder; flow down.⁷
零点[零點] lẽin-ēm língdiǎn zero hour; midnight.⁶
零花 lẽin-fä
línghuā incidental expenses; pocket money.⁵
零件 lẽin-gèin
língjiàn spare parts, spares.⁵
零工 lẽin-güng
línggōng odd job, short-term hired labor; odd-job person, casual laborer.⁵
零头[零頭] lẽin-hẽo
língtóu remaining sum beyond the round figure; remnant, odd bits (of cloth).⁵
零敲碎打 lẽin-këo-xuï-ā
or lẽin-hāo-xuï-ā língqiāosuìdǎ do something bit by bit; adopt a piecemeal approach.⁵
零落 lẽin-lōk
língluò withered and fallen; decayed; scattered, sporadic.⁵
or 凌乱[凌亂] lẽin-lòn língluàn in disorder; in a mess.⁵
零食 lẽin-sèik
língshí between-meal nibbles; snacks.⁵
零售 lẽin-siù
língshòu retail; sell retail.⁵
零钱[零錢] lẽin-tẽin
língqián small change; pocket money.⁵
零度 lẽin-ù
língdù zero.⁵
零活 lẽin-vòt
línghuó odd jobs.⁵
零散 lẽin-xān
língsǎn scattered.⁵
零用 lẽin-yùng
língyòng small incidental expenses; pocket money.⁵
<又> lẽng.
(See 零 lẽng.)
lein3 9400
173 17 lẽin líng (obsolete variant of 零 lẽng líng 'raindrops'; phonetic in 靈).¹ drops of rain; to fall in drops.⁸ superfluous drops of rain; same as 靈 lẽin líng; also used for 零 lẽng líng.²⁵
(composition: ⿱⻗⿲口口口; U+971D).
lein3 9401
173 24 lẽin líng quick, clever, sharp; efficacious, effective; intelligence, spirit; fairy, sprite, elf; (remains) of the deceased, bier.⁵
灵便[靈便] lẽin-bèin língbian nimble, agile; easy to handle; handy.⁵
灵车[靈車] lẽin-chëh
língchē hearse.⁵
or 棂床[欞床] lẽin-chõng língchuáng bier.⁵ a bed with railings.⁷
灵幡[靈幡] lẽin-fän
língfān a streamer borne by the eldest son of the deceased at a funeral.⁷
灵感[靈感] lẽin-gām
línggǎn inspiration.⁵
灵机一动[靈機-動] lẽin-gï-yīt-ùng
língjīyīdòng have a brainwave; have a sudden inspiration; hit upon an idea.⁶
灵柩[靈柩] lẽin-giù
or lẽin-giù língjiù a coffin containing a corpse; bier.⁵
灵官[靈官] lẽin-gön
língguān a guardian image often seen in the door of Buddhist temples, having a knotted club in one hand, and the middle finger of the other sticking up.¹⁰²
灵芝[靈芝] lẽin-jï
língzhī <TCM> glossy ganoderma.⁵
灵巧[靈巧] lẽin-kāo
língqiǎo deft; nimble; ingenious.¹⁰
灵敏[靈敏] lẽin-mêin
língmǐn sensitive; keen; agile; acute.⁵
灵验[靈驗] lẽin-ngèm
língyàn efficacious, effective; (of a predictions) right, accurate.⁶
灵活[靈活] lẽin-vòt
línghuó flexible; nimble; agile.¹⁰
灵魂[靈魂] lẽin-vũn
línghún the soul; the spirit.⁷
灵性[靈性] lẽin-xëin
língxìng intelligence (of animals).⁵
lein3 9402
173 24 lẽin líng (=龗 lẽin líng a dragon; also spiritual, excellent.²⁵)
(composition: ⿱雨龍; U+9747).
<又> lũng.
(See 龗 lẽin; 靇 lũng).
lein3 9403
177 14 𩊂
lẽin líng a lamb.²⁵ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰革令; U+29282).
lein3 9404
184 13 𩚹
lẽin líng a kind of dumpling or rice ball.²⁵
(composition: ⿰飠令; U+296B9).
lein3 9405
184 16 𩜁
lẽin líng a horse passing wind after eating corn/grain.²⁵
(composition: ⿰飠夌; U+29701).
lein3 9406
187 18 lẽin líng (=𩜁❄{⿰飠夌} lẽin líng a horse passing wind after eating corn/grain.²⁵); a horse eating corn/grain.² horse feed made of millet or other grains.³⁶
(composition: ⿰馬夌; U+4B9A).
<又> làng.
(See 䮚 làng).
lein3 9407
190 15 𩬔
lẽin líng (=𩰂❄{⿱髟霝} lẽin líng) sparse hair.² the hair thinly scattered; little hair.²⁵
(composition: ⿱髟令; U+29B14).
(See 𩰂❄{⿱髟霝} lẽin).
lein3 9408
190 27 𩰂
lẽin líng same as 𩬔❄{⿱髟令} lẽin líng the hair thinly scattered.²⁵
(composition: ⿱髟霝; U+29C02).
(See 𩬔❄{⿱髟令} lẽin).
lein3 9409
195 16 魿 lẽin líng a species of insect, walking in succession.²⁵ a kind of fish which is a delicious food in ancient books.²
(composition: ⿰魚令; U+9B7F).
lein3 9410
195 21 lẽin lián silver carp.⁶
大海鲢[大海鰱] ài-hōi-lẽin dàhǎilián Indo-Pacific tarpon (Megalops cyprinoides), aka the oxeye herring or simply herring, in Chinese aka 大眼海鰱, 海菴.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
白鲢[白鰱] bàk-lẽin
báilián another name for 鲢鱼[鰱魚] lẽin-nguĩ liányú silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
花鲢[花鰱] fä-lẽin
huālián another name for 鳙鱼[鱅魚] sũng-nguĩ yōngyú bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
黑鲢[黑鰱] hāk-lẽin
hēilián another name for 鳙鱼[鱅魚] sũng-nguĩ yōngyú bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鲢子[鰱子] lẽin-dū
liánzǐ another name for 鲢鱼[鰱魚] lẽin-nguĩ liányú silver carp.⁶
鲢鱼[鰱魚] lẽin-nguĩ
liányú silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix); in Chinese aka 白鲢, 跳鲢, 水鲢, 鲢子.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
lein3 9411
196 16 lẽin líng 鹡鸰 dëk-lẽin jílíng wagtail.
黄鹡鸰[黃鶺鴒] võng-dëk-lẽin
huángjílíng yellow wagtail.
lein3 9412
198 鹿 28 lẽin líng (<old>=羚 lẽin líng antelope⁵). a large sheep with a small horn; an antelope, the horn of which is used as medicine; it is said to be extremely hard, and will break stones and metal.
(composition: ⿱鹿霝; U+9EA2).
lein3 9413
211 20 lẽin líng age, years; length of time, duration; <bio.>instar, stadium.⁶
芳龄[芳齡] föng-lẽin fānglíng age of a girl.⁶
高龄[高齡] gäo-lẽin
gāolíng advanced/venerable age, senility; overage..⁶
教龄[教齡] gäo-lẽin 
jiàolíng length of service as a teacher; length of teaching; teaching standing.⁶
龟鹤齐龄[龜鶴齊齡] gï-hôk-tãi-lẽin
guīhèqílíng to have a long life.¹⁹
工龄[工齡] güng-lẽin
gōnglíng length of service; working years/age; seniority; standing.⁶
龆龄[齠齡] hẽl-lẽin
tiáolíng childhood.¹⁹ <wr.> childhood.⁵⁴
髫龄[髫齡] hẽl-lẽin
tiáolíng <wr.> childhood.⁵ʼ⁶
舰龄[艦齡] lâm-lẽin
jiànlíng ship's length of service.⁶
龄苗[齡苗] lẽin-mẽl
língmiáo infantile; very young.¹⁴
年龄[年齡] nẽin-lẽin
niánlíng age.⁶
蛹龄[蛹齡] ngùng-lẽin
yǒnglíng pupal instar.⁶
党龄[黨齡] ōng-lẽin
dǎnglíng party standing.⁶
适龄[適龄] sēik-lẽin
shìlíng of the right age.⁶
松鹤遐龄[松鶴遐齡] tũng-hôk-hã-lẽin
sōnghèxiálíng longevity.⁷
松鹤延龄[松鶴延齡] tũng-hôk-yẽn-lẽin
sōnghèyánlíng live as long as the pine and crane.³⁹
幼虫龄[幼蟲齡] yiü-chũng-lẽin
yòuchónglíng larval instar.⁶
lein3 9414
212 33 lẽin líng a dragon; also spiritual, excellent.²⁵ dragon; alternative form of 灵[靈] lẽin líng spirit; good.³⁶ (variant: 靇 lẽin líng).
(composition: ⿱霝龍; U+9F97).
(See 靇 lẽin).
lein3 9415
9 5 lèin lìng to order; to command; an order; writ.
发号施令[發號施令] fāt-hão-sï-lèin fāhàoshīlìng to issue orders; to order people about.
法令 fāt-lèin
fǎlìng laws, decrees, ordinance.
夏令 hà-lèin
xiàlìng summertime; summer weather.
指令 jī-lèin
zhǐlìng instruct, order; instruction.⁸
令箭 lèin-dëin
lìngjiàn formerly, military order given with an arrow..¹¹
令行禁止 lèin-hãng-gîm-jī
lìngxíngjìnzhǐ strict enforcement of orders or prohibitions.
令旗 lèin-kĩ
lìngqí formerly, flag of command.¹¹
令阃[令閫] lèin-kūn
lìngkǔn your wife (honorific).¹⁰
or 令嫒[令嬡] lèin-öi lìng'ài <court.> your daughter.¹¹
命令 mèin-lèin
mìnglìng to command; to order.
司令 xü-lèin
sīlìng commanding officer.
(See 令 lēin.)
lein4 9416
30 5 lèin lìng another, separate, other.⁸
另册[另冊] lèin-chāk lìngcè the Other List (Qing dynasty register of outlaws); a blacklist of undesirables.¹⁰
另寄 lèin-gï
lìngjì to mail separately.¹⁰
另起炉灶[另起爐灶] lèin-hī-lũ-dâo
lìngqǐlúzào start all over again; make a fresh start; make new plans.⁸
另眼相看 lèin-ngān-xëng-hön
lìngyǎnxiāngkàn to treat somebody favorably; to view in a new light.¹⁰
另外 lèin-ngòi
lìngwài additional; in addition; besides; separate; other; moreover; furthermore.¹⁰
另当别论[另當別論] lèin-öng-bèik-lùn
lìngdāngbiélùn to treat differently; another cup of tea.¹⁰
另一 lèin-yīt
lìngyī another; the other.¹⁰
另有 lèin-yiû
lìngyǒu to have some other (reason).¹⁰
lein4 9417
30 8 lèin lìng <chem.> purine; to whisper.¹⁰
呤呤 lèin-lèin línglíng to speak in a low voice.⁸
嘌呤 pël-lèin
piàolìng <chem.> purine.¹⁰
lein4 9418
61 13 lèin liǎn (=㦁 lèin liǎn to pay attention; to be careful, to take care, to exercise caution.⁸ to detain the mind on a subject.²⁴).²
(composition: ⿰忄連; U+6169).
<又> lẽin.
(See 慩 lẽin; 㦁 lèin).
lein4 9419
61 14 lèin liǎn to pay attention; to be careful, to take care, to exercise caution.⁸ to detain the mind on a subject.²⁴
(variant: 慩 lèin liǎn).
(composition: ⿱連心; U+3981).
<又> lẽin.
(See 㦁 lẽin; 慩 lèin).
lein4 9420
66 13 lèin liàn to beat; (=柬, 拣[揀] gān jiǎn) to select, to choose.⁸ to pound anything; to beat with a  hammer.²⁴
(composition: ⿰柬攴; U+3A9D).
(See 柬 gān; 揀 gān).
lein4 9421
75 13 lèin liàn Melia azedarach.  <bot.> persian lilac, chinaberry, Melia japonica.¹¹ (Note: Melia japonica is a synonym for Melia azedarach).¹⁵
苦楝 fū-lèin
kǔliàn or 苦楝树[苦楝樹] fū-lèin-sì kǔliànshù chinaberry, Pride of India, bead-tree, Cape lilac, syringa berrytree, Persian lilac, Indian lilac (Melia azedarach).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
苦楝子 fū-lèin-dū
kǔliànzǐ <TCM> chinaberry.⁶
楝树[楝樹] lèin-sì
liànshù chinaberry.⁸
楝实[楝實] lèin-sìt
liànshí (=金铃子[金鈴子] gïm-lẽin-dū jīnlíngzǐ) <bot.> chinaberry.¹¹
lein4 9422
86 13 lèin liàn smelt, refine; distill, condense.⁸ (variant: 鍊 lèin).
百炼成钢[百煉成鋼] bäk-lèin-sẽin-gông bǎiliànchénggāng be tempered into steel.⁵
炼丹[煉丹] lèin-än
liàndān to concoct pills of immortality.¹⁰
炼字[煉字] lèin-dù
liànzì to craft one's words.¹⁰
炼化[煉化] lèin-fä
liànhuà to refine; refining (oil, chemicals).¹⁰
炼钢[煉鋼] lèin-gông
liàngāng  steelmaking.¹⁰
炼句[煉句] lèin-guî
liànjù to polish a phrase.¹⁰
炼制[煉製] lèin-jäi
liànzhì <chem.> to refine.⁵⁴
炼乳[煉乳] lèin-nguî
liànrǔ condensed milk.¹¹
炼狱[煉獄] lèin-ngùk
liànyù purgatory; to work on a prisoner by long cross-examinations or torture.¹¹
炼石补天[煉石補天] lèin-sêk-bū-hëin
liànshíbǔtiān have supernatural power to remedy a situation.⁵⁴
炼油[煉油] lèin-yiũ
liànyóu refine oil.¹¹
(See 鍊 lèin).
lein4 9423
96 14 lèin liǎn a vessel used to hold grain offerings for the imperial sacrifice.⁷
(comp. t: ⿰𤣩連; U+7489). (comp. s: ⿰𤣩连; U+740F).
瑚琏[瑚璉] vũ-lèin
or vũ-lẽin húliǎn a sacrificial vessel for grains in the imperial ancestral shrine – a person of virtue and quality.⁷ a sacrificial vessel studded with gems.¹⁴
瑚琏之器[瑚璉之器] vũ-lèin-jï-hï
or vũ-lẽin-jï-hï húliǎn zhīqì <wr.> a person of high caliber.¹¹
<又> lẽin.
(See 璉 lẽin.)
lein4 9424
120 15 lèin liàn <wr.> boil and scour raw silk; <wr.> white silk; practice, exercise, train, drill; experienced, skilled, seasoned.⁶
江平如练[江平如練] göng-pẽin-nguĩ-lèin jiāngpíngrúliàn the river lies as smooth as silk.⁵
勤学苦练[勤學苦練] kĩn-hòk-fū-lèin
qínxuékǔliàn study and train hard.⁸ to study diligently; to train assiduously.¹⁰
老练[老練] lāo-lèin
lǎoliàn seasoned; experienced.⁵
练达[練達] lèin-àt
liàndá <wr.> experienced and worldly-wise.⁵
练兵[練兵] lèin-bëin
liànbīng troop training; training.⁵
练习[練習] lèin-dìp
liànxí exercise; drill; practice.¹⁰
练字[練字] lèin-dù
liànzì practice calligraphy.⁵
练队[練隊] lèin-duì
liànduì drill in formation.⁵
练巾[練巾] lèin-gïn
liànjīn white silk scarf.⁶
练功[練功] lèin-güng
liàngōng do exercises in gymnastics, wushu, acrobatics; to practice one's skill.⁵
练球[練球] lèin-kiũ
liànqiú practice a ball game.⁵
练拳[練拳] lèin-kũn
liànquán practice boxing.⁷
练武[練武] lèin-mû
liànwǔ practice martial arts.⁵
练漂[練漂] lèin-pël
liànpiǎo scouring and bleaching.⁵
练操[練操] lèin-täo
liàncāo (of troops) drill.⁵
练鹊[練鵲] lèin-xēk
liànquè long-tailed flycatcher.⁵
练丝[練絲] lèin-xû
liànsī boil and scour silk.⁶
lein4 9425
140 12 lèin liàn Ampelopsis japonica (creeper with root used in TCM); same as 白蔹[白蘞] bàk-lêm báiliǎn.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰艹柬; U+8430).
芊萰 tëin-lèin
qiānliàn lush, rich; emerald, bright green (about vegetation); green and flourishing; overgrown.⁵⁴
(See 白蘞 bàk-lêm).
lein4 9426
159 15 lèin niǎn a man-drawn carriage used in ancient time; imperial carriage.⁵ an easy chair, used as a hand carriage; the emperor's carriage; the court; to push.¹⁴ a surname.²⁵ (Note: In Mandarin, this character may also be liǎn).
步辇[步輦] bù-lèin
bùniǎn formerly, royal carriage pulled by attendants.¹¹
象辇[象輦] dèng-lèin
xiàngniǎn <wr.> carriage of empress dowager drawn by elephant.¹¹
扈辇[扈輦] fù-lèin
hùniǎn <trad.> escort the emperor in travel.⁵⁴
凤辇[鳳輦] fùng-lèin
fèngniǎn the imperial carriage; the carriage of an immortal.⁷
畿辇[畿輦] gï-lèin
jīniǎn the capital.⁷
輂辇[輂輦] gūk-lèin
júniǎn emperor's carriage.¹⁰
辇道[輦道] lèin-ào
niǎndào paths within the palace grounds; the imperial highways.¹⁴
辇夫[輦夫] lèin-fü
niǎnfū a porter.⁷
辇毂下[輦轂下] lèin-gūk-hà
niǎngǔxià imperial capital.⁵⁴
辇下[輦下] lèin-hà
niǎnxià at court; in the capital.¹⁴
辇路[輦路] lèin-lù
niǎnlù the emperor's road.⁷
辇运[輦運] lèin-vùn
niǎnyùn <wr.> to transport; to ship.¹⁰
驴辇[驢輦] luĩ-lèin
lǘniǎn donkeys as draft animals.⁷
玉辇[玉輦] ngùk-lèin
yùniǎn the imperial carriage.¹⁴
lein4 9427
163 17 lèin liǎn spoil, ruin; an ancient city/district name.⁸ a city during the Spring and Autumn period of the Zhou Dynasty.⁰
(composition: ⿰輦阝; U+913B).
lein4 9428
167 17 lèin liàn (=炼[煉] lèin liàn smelt, refine; distill, condense.⁸).
(composition: ⿰金柬; U+934A).
(See 煉 lèin).
lein4 9429
167 18 lèin liàn chain; cable length (=1/10 of a nautical mile).⁶
铰链[鉸鏈] gäo-lèin jiǎoliàn hinges.⁷
项链[項鏈] hòng-lèin
xiàngliàn necklace.⁹
拉链[拉鏈] läi-lèin
lāliàn zipper; guy (chain).⁸
链接[鏈接] lèin-dëp
liànjiē link (on a website).¹⁰
链子[鏈子] lèin-dū
liànzi chain; <topo.> bicyle chain.⁶
链烃[鏈烴] lèin-hëin
liàntīng chain hydrocarbon.⁶
链条[鏈條] lèin-hẽl
liàntiáo chain; (=链子[鏈子] lèin-dū).⁶
链球[鏈球] lèin-kiũ
liànqiú hammer, throwing the hammer.⁹
链球菌[鏈球菌] lèin-kiũ-kūn
liànqiújūn <med.> streptococcus.⁹
链霉素[鏈霉素] or 链黴素[鏈黴素] lèin-mõi-xü liànméisù <med.> streptomycin.⁹ʼ¹¹
锁链[鎖鏈] xū-lèin/
suǒliàn shackles; fetters; chains.⁶
<台> 颈链[頸鏈] gēng-lèin/ necklace.
<台> 上链[上鏈] sëng-lèin/ to wind the spring (of a mechanical clock).
lein4 9430
195 22 lèin liàn a man's name.²⁵ a person's name.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰魚專; U+9C44).
<又> jön; hõn. (See 鱄 jön; 鱄 hõn).
lein4 9431
46 8 lêin líng (=岭[嶺] lêin lǐng mountain range, mountain ridge.¹⁰); mountain ridge, mountain peak.⁸).⁸
(composition: ⿱山令; U+5CBA).
(See 嶺 lêin).
lein5 9432
46 17 lêin lǐng <文读> mountain range, mountain ridge.¹⁰
(variant: 岺 lêin lǐng).
<又> lêng.
(See 嶺 lêng; 岺 lêin).
lein5 9433
64 18 lêin niǎn to expel, to drive out, to oust; <topo.> to catch up.
撵出去[攆出去] lêin-chūt-huï niǎnchūqù to throw somebody out.
撵走[攆走] lêin-dēo
niǎnzǒu to drive (somebody or something) away or out.
撵上[攆上] lêin-sèng
niǎnshang <topo.> to catch up with; to outdo.
lein5 9434
181 14 lêin lǐng to lead; to head; to guide; to usher.⁷ neck; collar; to receive; measure word for clothes, mats, screens, etc.¹⁰
领导[領導] lêin-ào lǐngdǎo to lead, leadership; a guide.⁷
领袖[領袖] lêin-diù
lǐngxiù leader.⁵
领教[領教] lêin-gäo
lǐngjiào be much obliged, thanks; ask advice; accept somebody's request.⁸
领衔[領銜] lêin-hẽim
or lêin-hãm lǐngxián the first to sign in a list of signatures; to play the lead in a  film.⁷
领土[領土] lêin-hū
lǐngtǔ territory.⁷
领空[領空] lêin-hüng
lǐngkōng an aerial domain.⁷
领略[領略] lêin-lèk
lǐnglüè understand, taste; appreciate.⁷
领悟[領悟] lêin-m̀
lǐngwù to understand; to comprehend.⁷
领受[領受] lêin-siù
lǐngshòu to receive; enjoy (your favor).⁷
领情[領情] lêin-tẽin
lǐngqíng to appreciate favors given; to feel grateful to somebody.⁷
领域[領域] lêin-vèik
or lêin-vāk lǐngyù a domain; a realm; the territory of a nation.⁷
领会[領會] lêin-vôi
lǐnghuì understand; appreciate.⁷
领事[領事] lêin-xù
lǐngshì (diplomacy) consul.⁷
领事馆[領事館] lêin-xù-gōn
lǐngshìguǎn a consulate.⁷
<又> lêng, lëng.
(See 領 lêng, lëng.)
lein5 9435
118 11 lēip <台> 笠衫 lēip-sām T-shirt; undershirt.
<又> lāp, läp, lêip. (See 笠 lāp, läp, lêip.)
leip1 9436
32 8 lèip garbage; refuse; waste.⁸
倒垃圾 āo-lèip-xēip dào lājī to dump garbage.
核放射性垃圾 hàt-föng-sèh-xëin-lèip-xēip
héfàngshèxìng lāji nuclear or radioactive waste.
垃圾 lèip-xēip
lājī garbage.
垃圾车[垃圾車] lèip-xēip-chëh
lājīchē garbage truck.
垃圾桶 lèip-xēip-hūng
lājītǒng garbage can.
垃圾袋 lèip-xēip-òi/
lājīdài garbage bag.
垃圾邮件[垃圾郵件] lèip-xēip-yiũ-gèin
lājī yóujiàn junk mail.
leip4 9437
118 11 lêip large bamboo/straw hat with a conical crown and broad brim.⁶ a rain hat of bamboo splints worn by coolies; a basket.¹⁴
戴笠 äi-lêip dàilì to wear a bamboo hat – to be a servant.¹⁴
斗笠 ēo-lêip
dǒulì large rain hat.¹¹
竹笠 jūk-lêip
zhúlì bamboo hat.¹¹
笠帽 lêip-mào lìmào bamboo hat, a hat made of bamboo leaves, wheat ears, etc., for sun protection and rain protection.⁵⁴
草笠 tāo-lêip
cǎolì straw hat.
蓑笠 xäo-lêip
suōlì rain cape coat and hat made of tree bark or leaves.¹⁰
秧笠 yëng-lêip
yānglì baskets for rice plants when transplanting,¹⁴
一笠一瓢 yīt-lêip-yīt-pël
yīlìyīpiáo a bamboo hat and a gourd – all a man really needs.¹⁴
<又> lāp, läp, lēip.
(See 笠 lāp, läp, lēip.)
leip5 9438
30 5 lēk <台> 烂叻[爛叻] làn/-lēk to show off.
<台> 叻 lēk smart; clever; intelligent.
<台> 叻水 lēk-suī smart; clever.
<台> 叻仔 lēk-dōi smart, clever, or intelligent boy.
<台> 叻女 lēk-nuī smart, clever, or intelligent girl.
(See 叻 làk.)
lek1 9439
31 14 lèk lüè (composition: ⿴囗⿱八面; U+5719).
圐圙 kü-lèk kūlüè (Jin 晋语[晉語] dün-nguî jìnyǔ) enclosed yard or grassland (chiefly used in placenames in Shanxi and Inner Mongolia).³⁶
lek4 9440
64 11 lèk lüè to take over by force; to rob; to plunder; to brush over; to skim; to sweep; to ransack; to pass by.
榜掠 bòng-lèk or bäng-lèk bànglüè or bènglüè to whip; to flog.⁷
浮光掠影 fẽo-göng-lèk-yēin
fúguānglüèyǐng cursory, hasty and casual; superficial opinions or descriptions.
劫掠 gēp-lèk
jiélüè to plunder; to loot.
拷掠 hāo-lèk
kǎolüè <wr.> to flog; to beat; to torture.
掠过[掠過] lèk-gö
lüèguò to flit across; to sweep past; to glance (strike at an angle).
掠卖[掠賣] lèk-mài
lüèmài to press-gang somebody and sell into slavery.
掠美 lèk-mî
lüèměi to claim credit due to others.¹⁰
掠取 lèk-tuī
lüèqǔ to seize; to plunder.
掠夺[掠奪] lèk-ùt
lüèduó to rob, to plunder.
雁阵掠空[雁陣掠空] ngàn-jìn-lèk-hüng
yànzhènlüèkōng Wild geese in “V” formation fly through the azure sky.
lek4 9441
64 14 lèk liào to put down; to throw down.
撂倒 lèk-āo liàodǎo to knock down <topo> to kill.
撂荒 lèk-föng
liàohuāng to let deserted land alone and not plough it.
撂挑子 lèk-hël-dū
liàotiāozi to quit a job in disgust; <topo> to die.
撂开[撂開] lèk-höi
liàokāi to forsake; to abandon.
撂地 lèk-ì
liàodì <topo> to be relieved from worry.
撂手 lèk-siū
liàoshǒu to give up; to stop doing.
lek4 9442
102 11 lèk lüè approximate, rough; slight; to scheme; strategy; to invade; to omit; to survey the boundaries; Lue surname.⁷
(variant: 畧 lèk lüè).
略尽涓之力[略盡涓之力] lèk-dìn-gün-jï-lèik
lüèjìnjuānzhīlì do one's bit.⁶
略加 lèk-gä
lüèjiā slightly.⁹
略过[略過] lèk-gö
lüèguò pass over.⁸
略看一看 lèk-hön-yīt-hön
lüèkànyīkàn take a cursory glance.¹¹
略图[略圖] lèk-hũ
lüètú sketch map; sketch.⁵
略知一二 lèk-jï-yīt-ngì
lüèzhīyīèr know just a little.¹¹
略略 lèk-lèk
lüèlüè slightly; briefly; a little/bit.⁶
略微 lèk-mĩ
lüèwēi slightly; a little/bit; somewhat.⁶
略如从前[略如從前] lèk-nguĩ-tũng-tẽin
lüèrúcóngqián about like what it was.¹¹
略语[略語] lèk-nguî
lüèyǔ abbreviation; shortening.⁶
略言梗概 lèk-ngũn-gāng-köi
lüèyángěnggài just tell the main points.¹¹
略为[略為] lèk-vĩ
lüèwéi slightly; a little/bit; somewhat.⁶
略逊一筹[略遜一籌] lèk-xün-yīt-chiũ
lüèxùnyīchóu be a notch/cut below; slightly inferior.⁶
侵略 tïm-lèk
qīnlüè invade and loot; aggression.⁸
(See 畧 lèk).
lek4 9443
102 11 lèk lüè (=略 lèk lüè) approximate, rough; slight; to scheme; strategy; to invade; to omit; to survey the boundaries.⁷
(See 略 lèk).
lek4 9444
142 17 𧑀
lèk lüè (composition: ⿰虫巢; U+27440).
渠𧑀❄{⿰虫巢} kuĩ-lèk qúlüè an insect that is born in the morning and dies that evening.²
❄{⿰虫巢}蛣 lèk-kēik lüèjié parasites found on crabs, an inch or more long, which eats the crab's eggs.¹⁰²
lek4 9445
6 2 lēl le (modal particle intensifying preceding clause); (completed action marker).¹⁰
除了 chuĩ-lēl chúle besides; apart from (... also...); in addition to; except (for).¹⁰
走了, 走了, 不能再等了 dēo-lēl, dēo-lēl, būt-nãng-döi-āng-lēl
zǒule, zǒule, bùnéng zàiděngle Let's go. We can't wait any longer.⁵
极了[極了] gèik-lēl
jíle extremely; exceedingly.¹⁰
太好了 häi-hāo-lēl!
tàihǎole! Excellent!¹⁹ Wonderful!⁵⁵
好了 hāo-lēl
hǎole OK; all done.¹⁰
该走了[該走了] köi-dēo-lēl
gāizǒule It's time to go.⁵⁵
对了[對了] uï-lēl
duìle correct; right.⁵⁴
为了[為了] vì-lēl
wèile in order to; for the purpose of; so as to.¹⁰
算了 xön-lēl
suànle let it be; let it pass; forget about it.¹⁰
<又> lẽl.
(See 了[lēl, liǎo], 了[lẽl, liǎo]; 瞭[lẽl, liào], 瞭[lẽl, liǎo].)
lel1 9446
6 2 lēl liǎo finish; (used with 得 or 不 after a verb, indicating possibility) be able or unable to do something; <wr.> (used in the negative) completely.⁵⁵
不了了之 būt-lēl-lēl-jï bùliǎoliǎozhī settle something by leaving it unsettled.⁸
去不了 huï-būt-lēl
qùbùliǎo unable to go.⁵⁵
了得了 lēl-āk-lēl
liǎodeliǎo can be solved or settled.⁷
了不相干 lēl-būt-xëng-gön
liǎobùxiānggān be totally irrevelant.⁵⁵
了结[了結] lēl-gēik
liǎojié finish.⁵⁵
了哥王 lēl-gū-võng
liǎo gē wáng (=南岭荛花[南嶺蕘花] nãm-lêng-ngẽl-fä nánlǐngráohuā) Indian Wikstroemia²³
了债[了債] lēl-jäi
liǎozhài to pay off one's debt.⁷
了帐[了帳] lēl-jëng
liǎozhàng to settle an account.⁷
了了一桩心愿[了了一樁心願] lēl-lēl-yīt-jöng-xïm-ngùn
liǎoleyīzhuāngxīnyuàn have fulfilled a wish.⁵⁵
了案 lēl-ön
liǎo'àn to conclude a case; to close a case.⁷
了清 lēl-tëin
liǎoqīng to settle (accounts).⁷
案子了了没有?[案子了了沒有?] ön-dū-lēl-lēl-mòt-yiû?
ànzi liǎole méiyǒu? Has the case concluded yet?⁵⁵
受不了 siù-būt-lēl
shòubùliǎo be unable to bear it.⁵⁵
<又> lēl.
(See 了[lēl, le], 了[lẽl, liǎo]; 瞭[lẽl, liào], 瞭[lẽl, liǎo].)
lel1 9447
64 15 lēl liāo lift/raise a drooping part of something; sprinkle with one's hand; <topo.> shoot a glance at, dart a look at.⁶
撩起 lēl-hī liāoqǐ to raise; to lift up (curtains, clothing).⁵⁴
撩开[撩開] lēl-höi
liāokāi to push aside (clothing, curtain) to reveal something; to toss aside.¹⁰
撩水 lēl-suī
liāoshuǐ to sprinkle water with fingers.¹¹
撩痒[撩癢] lēl-yêng
liāoyǎng tickling.⁹
撩衣 lēl-yï
liāoyī hold up the lower part of a garment.⁵⁴
撩衣奋臂[撩衣奮臂] lēl-yï-fûn-bî
liāoyīfènbì hold up one's coat and raise one's arm – be ready to fight.⁶
<又> lẽl.
(See 撩 lẽl.)
lel1 9448
167 10 lēl liǎo ruthenium (Ru).⁶
钌化合物[釕化合物] lēl-fä-hàp-mùt or lēl-fä-hàp-mòt liǎohuàhéwù ruthenium compound.⁶
钌同位素[釕同位素] lēl-hũng-vì-xü
liǎotóngwèisù ruthenium isotope.⁶
钌离子[釕離子] lēl-lĩ-dū
liǎolízǐ ruthenium ion.⁶
钌酸[釕酸] lēl-xön
liǎosuān ruthenic acid.⁶
钌酸盐[釕酸鹽] lēl-xön-yẽm
liǎosuānyán ruthenate.⁶
<又> lèl.
(See 釕 lèl.)
lel1 9449
6 2 lẽl liǎo know clearly.⁵⁵ (=了[瞭] lẽl liǎo. See 瞭[lẽl, liǎo] for more examples).
简单明了[簡單明瞭] gān-än-mẽin-lẽl
jiǎndānmíngliǎo clear and simple; in simple terms.¹⁰
了如指掌[瞭如指掌] lẽl-nguĩ-jī-jēng
liǎorúzhǐzhǎng to know something like the back of one's hand (idiom); to know (a person, a place) inside out.¹⁰
明了[明瞭] mẽin-lẽl
míngliǎo understand; be clear about.⁵
一目了然[一目瞭然] yīt-mùk-lẽl-ngẽin
yīmùliǎorán be clear at a glance.⁵  understand at one glance.¹¹
<又> lēl.
(See 了[lēl, le], 了[lēl, liǎo]; 瞭[lẽl, liào], 瞭[lẽl, liǎo].)
lel3 9450
9 14 lẽl liáo a companion, a colleague; official associate; a clique.¹⁴ bureaucrat; colleague; Liao surname.¹⁰
composition: ⿰亻尞; U+50DA).
百僚 bāk-lẽl bǎiliáo all the officials.⁵⁴
官僚 gön-lẽl
guānliáo bureaucrat.⁵ officials.¹⁴ a fellow officer.²⁴
同僚 hũng-lẽl
tóngliáo  a colleague.¹⁴ of the same rank.²⁴ associate; colleague; fellow-officials.⁵⁴
僚机[僚機] lẽl-gï
liáojī wing plane; wingman.⁵⁴
僚属[僚屬] lẽl-sùk
liáoshǔ officials¹⁴.
僚壻 lẽl-xâi
liáoxù husbands of a sister.¹⁴
僚友 lẽl-yiû
liáoyǒu a comrade.¹⁴ friends and associates.²⁴
幕僚 mōk-lẽl
mùliáo aids and advisors of top officials.¹⁰
僚臣仆[僚臣僕] sĩn-lẽl-bùk
chénliáopú servant.⁵⁴
<又> lêl.
(See 僚 lêl).
lel3 9451
30 14 lẽl liáo verbose.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰口翏; U+5610).
嘐啁 lẽl-jiü liáozhāo verbose.¹⁴
<又> gäo; xël.
(See 嘐 gäo; 嘐 xël).
lel3 9452
30 15 lẽl liáo a note, a cry, a sound.¹⁴ used to describe clarity of voice; resonant.³⁶
军号嘹亮[軍號嘹亮] gün-hào-lẽl-lèng jūnhàoliáoliàng loud and clear bugle call.⁶
or 嘹喨 lẽl-lèng liáoliàng (of sound) loud and clear; resonant.⁶ (person's voice) clear, resonant.¹¹ (of sounds) loud and clear.¹⁴
嘹呖[嘹嚦] lẽl-lèik
liáolì a cry — as of a bird.¹⁴
嘹唳 lẽl-luì
liáolì cry of the heron, crane, etc.¹⁴
lel3 9453
40 14 lẽl liáo <wr.> open and spacious, broad and empty; quiet, silent, still.⁶
寥寂 lẽl-dèik liáojì or 寂寥 dèik-lẽl jìliáo <wr.> solitary; lonesome.⁶
寥廓 lẽl-kök
liáokuò <wr.> boundless, vast.⁶  broad, apparently limitless; silent and serene.¹¹
寥寥 lẽl-lẽl
liáoliáo very few; little.⁶
寥寥可数[寥寥可數] lẽl-lẽl-hō-sū
liáoliáokěshǔ very few.⁶
寥寥无几[寥寥無幾] lẽl-lẽl-mũ-gī
liáoliáowújǐ very few; sparse.⁶
寥落 lẽl-lòk
liáoluò few and far between, scanty, sparse, scattered; deserted, desolate, lonely.⁶
寥若晨星 lẽl-ngèk-sĩn-xêng
liáoruòchénxīng as sparse as the morning stars; as rare as the stars at dawn.⁶
lel3 9454
40 15 lẽl liáo hut; shack; shanty.⁶ (variant: 竂 lẽl liáo).
茶寮 chã-lẽl
cháliáo <topo.> teahouse; tea room.⁶
茶寮酒肆 chã-lẽl-diū-xü
cháliáojiǔsì teahouses and wineshops.⁵
娼寮 chëng-lẽl
chāngliáo brothel; whorehouse.⁶
竹寮 jūk-lẽl
zhúliáo bamboo shack.⁶
寮房 lẽl-fông
liáofáng monk's hut/cell; <topo.> hut; shed.⁶
寮国[寮國] Lẽl-gōk
Liáoguó <trad.> Laos.⁶ (now is known as 老挝[老撾] Lāo-vö Lǎowō Laos.)
寮棚 lẽl-pãng
liáopéng shed; hut.⁵
僧寮 xäng-lẽl
sēngliáo a monk's cell (or hut).⁵
(See 竂 lẽl).
lel3 9455
42 12 lẽl liáo (=僚 lẽl liáo bureaucrat; colleague; an ancient nationality in today's Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnan, and Guizhou provinces.); Liao surname.⁸
(composition: ⿱昚小; U+5C1E).
(See 尞[lẽl, liào]).
lel3 9456
42 12 lẽl liào (=燎 lẽl liào torches and candles; to bake; to be clear, brilliant; a sacrificial name.¹⁰¹); fuel used for sacrifices.⁸
(composition: ⿱昚小; U+5C1E).
(See 尞[lẽl, liáo]).
lel3 9457
43 6 lẽl liào (of mules, horses) to kick with the hind legs.⁹ to give a backward kick (e.g. of a horse).¹⁰
尥铞儿[尥銱兒] lẽl-ël-ngĩ liàodiàoér hasp and staple.⁸
尥蹶子 lẽl-kūt-dū
liàojuězi (horse or mule) to give a backward kick.⁸ (of mules, horses) to kick backward; to kick with the hind legs; fig. to flare up in anger; to display defiance.¹⁰  (of horses, mules) kick; (fig.) (of person) to defy, to kick back.¹¹
lel3 9458
46 15 lẽl liáo high and steep.³⁶ (variant: 嶚 lẽl liáo).
(composition: ⿰山尞; U+5D9B).
嶛峭 lẽl-xël
liáoqiào high and steep; gaunt, thin, slim.¹⁹
(See 嶚 lẽl).
lel3 9459
46 15 lẽl liáo (=嶛 lẽl liáo high and steep.³⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿱山尞; U+5D9A).
❄{⿱山巢} lẽl-chão liáocháo or lẽl-tẽl liáoqiáo high.² high, lofty; a high mountain.²⁴
嶚峭 lẽl-xël
liáoqiào a bit cold, slightly cold; skinny appearance.⁵⁴
(See 嶛 lẽl).
lel3 9460
64 15 lẽl liáo tease, tantalize; provoke, stir up.⁵
撩拨[撩撥] lẽl-bòt liáobō tease, banter; incite, provoke.⁵
撩逗 lẽl-èo
liáodòu tease, banter, tantalize, provoke, incite.⁶
撩蜂剔蝎 lẽl-füng-tēik-kēik
liáofēngtīxiē lit. to provoke the bees and vex the scorpions – to provoke a wicked being and bring trouble upon oneself.⁷
or 缭乱[繚亂 lẽl-lòn liáoluàn confused; in a turmoil.⁵
撩栗 lẽl-lùt
liáolì dreary; dismal.⁷
撩惹 lẽl-ngêh
liáorě tease, tantalize, provoke, incite.⁶
撩人 lẽl-ngĩn
liáorén stir; incite; tease.⁶ to make one excited.⁷
撩情 lẽl-tẽin
liáoqíng to flirt.⁷
撩动[撩動] lẽl-ùng
liáodòng provoke; stir.⁶
撩动肝火[撩動肝火] lẽl-ùng-gön-fō
liáodònggānhuǒ to stir up anger.⁷
清香撩人 tëin-hëng-lẽl-ngĩn
qīngxiāngliáorén The air was filled with a kind of delicate fragrance.³⁹
<又> lēl.
(See 撩 lēl.)
lel3 9461
72 16 lẽl liáo well-lit, shining, bright, clear.⁸ bright; shining.¹⁴ bright, clear.²⁴
(composition: ⿰日尞; U+66B8).
暸然而明 lẽl-ngẽin-ngĩ-mẽin liáorán'érmíng bright and splendid.¹⁴
lel3 9462
75 15 lẽl liáo name of a tree in ancient books.⁸
(composition: ⿰木翏; U+6A1B).
<又> gëo. (See 樛 gëo).
lel3 9463
75 16 lẽl liáo an arched framework.²
(Note: Kangxi has this reading lẽl liáo for 橑 only with this meaning; all other meanings are read as lāo lǎo, q.v.; other dictionaries, such as 汉典 and 百度汉语  use this reading lẽl liáo for all meanings of 橑 lāo lǎo).
(composition: ⿰木尞; U+6A51).
棼橑 fün-lẽl
fénliáo beams and rafters of a pavillion.¹⁹
兰橑[蘭橑] lãn-lẽl
lánliáo rafters made of lily magnolia, a fancy name for 'rafters'.¹⁹ʼ⁰
橑子 lẽl-dū
liáozǐ an arched framework in the shape of a bow.¹⁹ʼ⁰
橑檐 lẽl-sẽm
liáoyán eaves.¹⁹
薪橑 xïn-lẽl
xīnliáo firewood.¹⁹
<又> lāo.
(See 橑 lāo).
lel3 9464
86 16 lẽl liáo burn.⁵ burn blister.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰火尞; U+71CE).
庭燎 hẽin-lẽl tíngliáo <wr.> public square lighted by torch at night.¹¹
燎炬 lẽl-guì
liáojù torch.⁷
燎朗 lẽl-lông
liáolǎng bright; luminous.⁵⁴
燎原 lẽl-ngũn
liáoyuán set the prairie ablaze.⁵
燎原烈火 lẽl-ngũn-lèik-fō
liáoyuánlièhuǒ a blazing prairie fire.⁵
燎泡 lẽl-pâo
liáopào blister (raised by a burn or scald).⁵
(See 燎 [lẽl, liǎo]; 燎 [lẽl, liào]).
lel3 9465
86 16 lẽl liào torches and candles; to bake; to be clear, brilliant; a sacrificial name.¹⁰¹ (variant: 𥛰❄{⿰礻尞} lẽl liào).
(composition: ⿰火尞; U+71CE).
Ài-suī-būt-lâo-lâo, ài-fō-būt-lẽl-lẽl.
Dà shuǐ bù lǎo lǎo, dàhuǒ bù liào liào.
Great bodies of water do not boil and foam, and great conflagrations do not coruscate.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《墨子·卷一·親士》, translated by W. P. Mei).
Ngùt-chūt-jël-hãi, gāo-ngĩn-lẽl-hãi.
Yuè chū zhào xī, jiǎorén liào xī.
The moon comes forth and shines;
How brilliant is that beautiful lady!⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·陳風·月出·3》, translated by James Legge).
Yèh-nguĩ-hõ-kĩ, yèh-mì-yëng, hẽin-lẽl-jï-göng.
Yè rúhé qí, yè wèiyāng, tíng liào zhī guāng.
How goes the night?
It is not yet midnight.
The torch is blazing in the court-yard.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·彤弓之什·庭燎》, translated by James Legge).
(See 燎 [lẽl, liáo]; 燎 [lẽl, liǎo]; 𥛰❄{⿰礻尞} lẽl).
lel3 9466
86 16 lẽl liǎo singe.⁵ (=焚烧[焚燒] fũn-sël fénshāo burn, set on fire.⁵).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰火尞; U+71CE).
火烧火燎[火燒火燎] fō-sël-fō-lẽl
huǒshāohuǒliǎo feeling terribly hot; restless with anxiety.⁵
燎子 lẽl-dū
liáozi or 镣子[鐐子] lẽl-dū liàozi a cook.¹⁴
燎发[燎髮] lẽl-fāt
liǎofà to singe hair – a thing that can be done very easily.⁷
燎发摧枯[燎髮摧枯] lẽl-fāt-tuï-kü
liǎofàcuīkū like burning the hair and crushing dry weeds  – extremely easy.⁶
燎毛 lẽl-mão
liǎomáo to singe hair – a thing that can be done very easily.⁷
心急火燎 xïm-gīp-fō-lẽl
xīnjíhuǒliǎo burning with impatience.⁵
烟熏火燎[煙熏火燎] yën-fün-fō-lẽl
yānxūnhuǒliǎo smoke and baking fire (idiom); surrounded by flames and smoke.¹⁰
(See 燎 [lẽl, liáo]; 燎 [lẽl, liào]).
lel3 9467
94 15 lẽl liáo ➀ <lit.> to go hunting at night ➁ fierce-looking.⁶
to hunt at night by torch.¹⁴ (variant: 䝤 lẽl liáo).
(composition: ⿰犭尞; U+7360).
or 䝤猎[䝤獵] lẽl-lèp liáoliè to hunt.¹⁴
獠牙 lẽl-ngã
liáoyá long, sharp, protruding teeth.⁵ bucktooth; tusk.⁶ long, projecting teeth; fierce.¹⁴
青面獠牙 tëin-mèin-lẽl-ngã
qīngmiànliáoyá green-faced and long-toothed; have fiendish features.⁵
(See 䝤 lẽl).
lel3 9468
104 17 lẽl liáo to treat (a disease); to relieve; to heal.⁷
电疗[電療] èin-lẽl diànliáo electrotherapy.¹¹
疗程[療程] lẽl-chẽin
liáochéng course of treatment; cure.⁶
疗法[療法] lẽl-fāt
liáofǎ a cure; a therapy.⁷
疗饥[療飢] lẽl-gï
liáojī to relieve hunger.⁷
疗救[療救] lẽl-giü
liáojiù treat and cure.⁶
疗效[療效] lẽl-hào
liáoxiào curative effect.⁷
疗治[療治] lẽl-jì
liáozhì to treat (a disease).⁷
疗热草[療熱草] lẽl-ngèik-tāo
liáorècǎo feverwort.⁶
疗贫[療貧] lẽl-pĩn
liáopín to relieve the poor.⁷
疗伤[療傷] lẽl-sëng
liáoshāng treat and dress the wound.⁶
疗妒[療妒] lẽl-ù
liáodù to cure jealousy.⁷
疗毒[療毒] lẽl-ùk
liáodú to relieve poison from human body.⁷
疗养[療養] lẽl-yêng
liáoyǎng to recuperate; to convalesce.⁷
疗养院[療養院] lẽl-yêng-yòn
liáoyǎngyuàn a sanitorium; a sanitarium; a rest home.⁷
疗愈[療癒] lẽl-yì
liáoyù to heal; therapy.¹⁰
水疗[水療] suī-lẽl
shuǐliáo hydrotherapy.¹¹
lel3 9469
109 17 lẽl liào to look down from a high place.⁷ watch from a height or distance.⁵⁵
在阳台上了着点[在陽臺上瞭著點] dòi-yẽng-hõi-sèng-lẽl-jèk-ēm zài yángtáishang liàozhediǎn Keep watch from the balcony.⁵⁵
了望[瞭望] lẽl-mòng
liàowàng to look down from a higher place.⁷ look far into the distance; keep a lookout.⁵⁵
了望台[瞭望臺] lẽl-mòng-hõi
liàowàngtái observation tower; lookout tower.⁵ a watchtower; a lookout (post).⁷
了望哨[瞭望哨] lẽl-mòng-säo
liàowàngshào lookout post.⁵⁵
了哨[瞭哨] lẽl-säo
liàoshào be on patrol.⁵⁵
(See 了[lēl, le], 了[lēl, liǎo], 了[lẽl, liǎo]; 瞭[lẽl, liǎo].)
lel3 9470
109 17 lẽl liǎo to understand; clear and bright.⁷ know clearly.⁵⁵
了得[瞭得] lẽl-āk liǎode (used at the end of a sentence after 还) terrible! How dare you!; <trad.> extraordinary.⁵⁵
了不起[瞭不起] lẽl-būt-hī
liǎobuqǐ amazing; serious.⁵⁵
了解[瞭解] lẽl-gāi
liǎojiě understand; inquire about.⁵⁵
了局[瞭局] lẽl-gùk
liǎojú conclude; permanent solution.⁵⁵
了却[瞭卻] lẽl-kēk
liǎoquè settle.⁵⁵
了了[瞭瞭] lẽl-lẽl
liǎoliǎo <wr.> clear.⁵⁵
了亮[瞭亮] lẽl-lèng
liǎoliàng understand; be clear about.⁷
了悟[瞭悟] lẽl-m̀
liǎowù <wr.> understand.⁵⁵
了无惧色[瞭無懼色] lẽl-mũ-guì-sēik
liǎowújùsè show no trace of fear.⁵⁵
了无长进[瞭無長進] lẽl-mũ-jēng-dïn
liǎowúzhǎngjìn make no progress at all.⁵⁵
了然[瞭然] lẽl-ngẽin
liǎorán <wr.> clear.⁵⁵
了如指掌[瞭如指掌] lẽl-nguĩ-jī-jēng
liǎorúzhǐzhǎng to know something like the back of one's hand (idiom); to know (a person, a place) inside out.¹⁰
了愿[瞭願] lẽl-ngùn
liǎoyuàn fulfill a wish.⁵⁵
了断[瞭斷] lẽl-òn
liǎoduàn finish; settle; end; wind-up.⁶
了当[瞭當] lẽl-öng
liǎodàng frank; settled.⁵⁵
了事[瞭事] lẽl-xù
liǎoshì settle a matter.⁵⁵
(See 了[lēl, le], 了[lēl, liǎo], 了[lẽl, liǎo]; 瞭[lẽl, liào].)
lel3 9471
116 17 lẽl liáo (=寮 lẽl liáo hut; shack; shanty.⁶).⁸ to bore, to make hollow; a hole or den in which a person may dwell.²⁵
(composition: ⿱穴尞; U+7AC2).
(See 寮 lẽl).
lel3 9472
120 17 lẽl liǎo (old variant of 缭[繚] lẽl liáo) sew.
<又> mào, mèl, mẽo, mùk.
(See 繆 mào, mèl, mẽo, mùk.)
lel3 9473
120 18 lẽl liáo entangled; sew with slanting stitches.⁵ to wind round.⁷
歌声缭绕[歌聲繚繞] gô-sëin-lẽl-ngêl gēshēngliáorào the song lingered in the air.⁵
缭乱[繚亂] lẽl-lòn
liáoluàn or 撩乱[撩亂 confused; in a turmoil.⁵
缭绕[繚繞] lẽl-ngêl
liáorào winding round and round (usually referring to musical sound or incense smoke.)⁷
眼花缭乱[眼花繚亂] ngān-fä-lẽl-lòn
yǎnhuāliáoluàn be dazzled.⁵
心绪缭乱[心緒繚亂] xïm-xuî-lẽl-lòn
xīnxùliáoluàn in a confused state of mind.⁵
<又> lèl.
(See 繚 lèl.)
lel3 9474
124 11 lẽl liào fly high; phonetic component in 寥廖膠蓼謬戮穋樛嘐.
(composition: ⿰羽㐱; U+7FCF).
lel3 9475
128 11 lẽl liáo merely, just; a little, slightly; <topo.> chat.⁵
聊表 lẽl-bēl liáobiǎo to show slightly.⁹ a small way; a small way of.³⁹  give a small token of...; just to show…⁵⁴
聊表谢悃[聊表謝悃] lẽl-bēl-dèh-gūn
or lẽl-bēl-dèh-kūn liáobiǎoxièkǔn just to show (my) sincere gratitude.⁰
聊表谢意[聊表謝意] lẽl-bēl-dèh-yï
liáobiǎoxièyì just a token of gratitude; just to show my appreciation.⁵
聊且 lẽl-chēh
liáoqiě for the time being.⁷
聊陈愚见[聊陳愚見] lẽl-chĩn-nguĩ-gëin
liáochényújiàn merely express my opinion.⁷
聊天 lẽl-hëin
liáotiān to chat, to hobnob, to twiddle, to chew the fat, to shoot the breeze; to gossip.⁸
聊赖[聊賴] lẽl-lài
liáolài something to live for/rely upon.⁷
聊聊 lẽl-lẽl
liáoliao to have a chat.⁷
聊了半宿 lẽl-lēl-bön-xūk
liáolebànxiǔ chat till midnight.⁶
聊生 lẽl-säng
liáoshēng to make a living.⁷
聊胜一筹[聊勝一籌] lẽl-sëin-yīt-chiũ
liáoshèngyīchóu to surpass only a little bit.
聊以自娱[聊以自娛] lẽl-yî-dù-nguĩ
liáoyǐzìyú just to amuse oneself.⁵
无聊[無聊] mũ-lẽl
wúliáo bored; senseless, silly, stupid.⁵
lel3 9476
130 14 lẽl liáo fat on the intestines.⁸ the fat covering the intestines; the omentum.¹⁴ (old variant: 膫 lẽl liáo).
(composition: ⿱𤇾⺝(GK) or ⿱𤇾⺼(HT) or ⿱𤇾月(J); U+818B).
Jīp-kĩ-lũn-äo, yî-kāi-kĩ-mão, tuī-kĩ-hūt-lẽl.
Zhí qí luán dāo, yǐ qǐ qí máo, qǔ qí xuè liáo.
[Our lord] holds the knife with tinkling bells,
To lay open the hair of the victim,
And takes its flesh and fat.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·北山之什·信南山》, translated by James Legge).
or 膫油 lẽl-yiũ liáoyóu the fat covering the intestines.¹⁴
(See 膫 lẽl ˢᵉˢᵉ ¹).
lel3 9477
130 16 lẽl liáo ➀ <old>=膋 liáo lẽl fat on the intestines.⁸ the fat covering the intestines; the omentum.¹⁴    the genitals of a man or male animal.⁸  ➂ the name of a marquisate during the Han Dynasty.⁸
(composition: ⿰月尞; U+81AB).
or 膋油 lẽl-yiũ liáoyóu the fat covering the intestines.¹⁴
(See 膋 liáo).
lel3 9478
140 14 𦺹
lẽl liáo name of a grass.²
(composition: ⿱艹聊; U+26EB9).
lel3 9479
142 18 lẽl liáo (=蟧 lẽl liáo) a kind of big cicada.⁸
蟭蟟 dël-lẽl
jiāoliáo cicada (old).¹⁰
(See 蟧 lẽl.)
lel3 9480
142 18 lẽl liáo (<old>=蟟 lẽl liáo) a kind of big cicada.⁸
<又> lâo.
(See 蟧 lâo; 蟟 lẽl.)
lel3 9481
153 19 lẽl liáo ➀ (=獠 lẽl liáo) <wr.> wicked; fiendish ➁ nocturnal hunting.⁸ to hunt at night by torch.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰豸尞; U+4764).
䝤猎[䝤獵] lẽl-lèp
liáoliè to hunt.¹⁴
or 獠牙 lẽl-ngã liáoyá long, projecting teeth; fierce.¹⁴
<又> lâo.
(See 䝤 lâo).
lel3 9482
157 18 lẽl liáo (Cant.) to roost.¹⁰ to run.²⁴ to walk/run; to cross the legs.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰⻊翏; U+8E58).
lel3 9483
157 19 lẽl liāo <topo.> run, rush, dash; stride, walk fast; sneak off, leave stealthily, slip away.⁶
他蹽开了[他蹽開了] hä-lẽl-höi-lēl tāliāokāile He sashed off.⁶
蹽道 lẽl-ào
liāodào loiter; loaf about.¹⁹
lel3 9484
159 19 lẽl liáo (composition: ⿰車尞; U+8F51).
轑阳[轑陽] lẽl-yẽng liáoyáng Liaoyang a city in the powerful feudal state of Chu (楚 chō chǔ) during the Spring and Autumn Period.²
<又> lāo; lão.
(See 轑 lāo; 轑 lão; 轑[lẽl, liǎo]).
lel3 9485
159 19 lẽl liǎo set on fire, commit arson; create disturbance.²
(composition: ⿰車尞; U+8F51).
<又> lāo; lão. (See 轑 lāo; 轑 lão; 轑[lẽl, liáo]).
lel3 9486
162 15 lẽl liáo distant, faraway; the Liao Dynasty (916-1125); short for Liaoning Province.⁵
辽阔[遼闊] lẽl-föt liáokuò vast; extensive.⁵
辽隔[遼隔] lẽl-gäk
liáogé distantly apart.¹¹
辽辽[遼遼] lẽl-lẽl liáoliáo very distant.¹¹
辽落[遼落] lẽl-lòk
liáoluò open and spacious.⁷
辽宁[遼寧] Lẽl-nẽin
Liáoníng Liaoning (Province).⁵
辽东半岛[遼東半島] Lẽl-üng-bön-āo
Liáodōng Bàndǎo the Liáodōng peninsula.⁷
辽东豕[遼東豕] Lẽl-üng-sī
Liáodōngshǐ Liáodōng pigs – an expression similar to "carrying coals to Newcastle". Pigs in Liaodong were black, but a sow once brought forth young ones having white heads; these were regarded as a rarity and worthy of being presented to the Court, but on the way thither the owner discovered that all the pigs in the region of the Court were white, and returned home disheartened.¹⁴
辽远[遼遠] lẽl-yōn
liáoyuǎn distant; faraway.⁵
lel3 9487
167 20 lẽl liào fetters, shackles.⁶ manacles, fetters; pure silver; a furnace.¹⁴
脚镣[腳鐐] gëk-lẽl jiǎoliào fetters; shackles.⁶
镣子[鐐子] lẽl-dū
liàozi or 燎子 lẽl-dū liáozi a cook.¹⁴
镣铐[鐐銬] lẽl-hāo
liàokào manacles and leg-irons; fetters and handcuffs.¹⁰
镣锁[鐐鎖] lẽl-xū
liàosuǒ fetterlock.⁸
手铐脚镣[手銬腳鐐] siū-hāo-gëk-lẽl
shǒukàojiǎoliào handcuffs and shackles.¹¹
手镣[手鐐] siū-lẽl
shǒuliào or 手铐[手銬] siū-hāo shǒukào handcuffs.¹⁴
锁镣[鎖鐐] xū-lẽl
suǒliào chain and shackles.¹¹
lel3 9488
176 21 lẽl liǎo to look pale or pallid.⁸ a white face.²⁵
(composition: ⿰面尞; U+4A4D).
䩍䩍 lẽl-lẽl liǎoliǎo the face is pale and bloodless.¹⁰¹
lel3 9489
182 20 lẽl liáo wind in high places.⁸
(composition: ⿺風翏; U+98C2).
飂飂 lẽl-lẽl liáoliáo wind in lofty places.¹⁴
飂戾 lẽl-luì
liáolì sound of high wind.¹⁴ a boisterous wind.²⁵
<又> liũ.
(See 飂 liũ).
lel3 9490
196 22 lẽl liù pipit (genus Anthus).¹⁰
北鹨[北鷚] bāk-lẽl běiliù Pechora pipit (Anthus gustavi).¹⁰
天鹨[天鷚] hëin-lẽl
tiānliù a bird about the size of a sparrow, and the color of a quail; commonly called 告天鸟 [告天鳥] gäo-hëin-nêl gàotiānniǎo the cry-to-heaven bird, or the rain harbinger; its note is like that of a pipe, and sounds beautifully, though its appearance be not handsome; also a kind of partridge.²⁵
田鹨[田鷚] hẽin-lẽl
tiánliù Richard's pipit (Anthus richardi).¹⁰
红喉鹨[紅喉鷚] hũng-hẽo-lẽl
hónghóuliù red-throated pipit (Anthus cervinus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鸲岩鹨[鴝岩鷚] kuĩ-ngãm-lẽl
qúyánliù robin accentor (Prunella rubeculoides).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鹨属[鷚屬] lẽl-sùk
liùshǔ Anthus (genus).²⁰
领岩鹨[領岩鹨] lêng-ngãm-lẽl
lǐngyánliù alpine accentor (Prunella collaris).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
林鹨[林鷚] lĩm-lẽl
línliù tree pipit (Anthus trivialis).¹⁰
山鹨[山鷚] sän-lẽl
shānliù upland pipit (Anthus sylvanus).¹⁰
树鹨[樹鷚] sì-lẽl
shùliù olive-backed pipit (Anthus hodgsoni).¹⁰
水鹨[水鷚] suī-lẽl
shuǐliù water pipit (Anthus spinoletta).¹⁰
西草地鹨[西草地鷚] xäi-tāo-ì-lẽl
xīcǎodìliù western meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta).²⁰
鹊鹨[鵲鷚] xēk-lẽl
quèliù magpie-lark, peewee, peewit, mudlark (Grallina cyanoleuca).¹⁵ʼ²³
lel3 9491
196 23 lẽl liáo wren.⁸ eastern wren.¹⁰
鹪鹩[鷦鷯] dël-lẽl jiāoliáo wren.⁸ Eurasian wren (Troglodytes troglodytes).¹⁰
鹩凫[鷯鳧] lẽl-fũ
liáofú waterthrush.⁹
鹩哥[鷯哥] lẽl-gō
liáogē ) hill myna (Gracula religiosa).¹⁰
鹩哥属[鷯哥屬] lẽl-gō-sùk
liáogēshǔ Gracula (genus).⁹
鹩草雀[鷯草雀] lẽl-tāo-dēk
liáocǎoquè wren-like rushbird (Phleocryptes melanops).⁹
lel3 9492
53 广 14 lèl liào name of a small ancient State.¹⁴ Liao surname.⁸
廖叔安 Lèl Sūk-ön Liào Shū'ān, who lived during the Xia (夏 Hà Xià) Dynasty, was the progenitor of the Liao clan.²³
lel4 9493
68 10 lèl liào expect, anticipate; material, stuff; (grain) feed; makings.⁵
布料 bü-lèl bùliào cloth; material.¹⁰
资料[資料] dü-lèl
zīliào means; data, material.⁵
肥料 fĩ-lèl
féiliào fertilizer; manure.¹⁰
照料 jël-lèl
zhàoliào take care of; attend to.⁵
料到 lèl-äo
liàodào foresee; expect.⁵
料车[料車] lèl-chëh
liàochē <metal.> skip; skip car.⁵
料酒 lèl-diū
liàojiǔ cooking-wine.⁵
料子 lèl-dū
liàozi material for making clothes; <topo.> woolen fabric.⁵
料斗 lèl-ēo
liàodǒu <metal.> (charging) hopper.⁵
料器 lèl-hï
liàoqì glassware.⁵
料理 lèl-lî
liàolǐ arrange; manage; attend to; take care of.⁵
料峭 lèl-xël or lèl-tël
liàoqiào <wr.> chilly.⁵
料想 lèl-xēng
liàoxiǎng expect; think; presume.⁵
料事如神 lèl-xù-nguĩ-sĩn
liàoshìrúshén predict like a prophet; foretell with miraculous accuracy.⁵
原料 ngũn-lèl
yuánliào raw material.⁵
草料 tāo-lèl
cǎoliào forage; fodder.⁵
材料 tõi-lèl
cáiliào material; data; makings; stuff.⁵
预料[預料] yì-lèl
yùliào expect; predict; anticipate.⁵
<台> 料 lèl/ material, ingredient.
lel4 9494
113 16 𥛰
lèl liào (=燎 lẽl liào torches and candles; to bake; to be clear, brilliant; a sacrificial name.¹⁰¹).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰礻尞; U+256F0).
❄{⿰礻尞} yiû-lèl yǒuliào a pile fired in order to sacrifice to heaven.²⁵
(See 燎 lẽl).
lel4 9495
120 18 lèl liáo to stitch.
缭缝儿[繚縫兒] lèl-fũng-ngĩ  liáofèngr sew up seams.⁵⁴
缭裉[繚裉] lèl-hāng
or lèl-käng liáokèn to stitch a seam.¹⁴
缭贴边[繚貼邊] lèl-hëp-bëin
liáotiēbiān stitch a hem; hem.⁵
<台> 缭衫 lèl-sâm (long, temporary) stitches.
<又> lẽl.
(See 繚 lẽl.)
lel4 9496
140 14 lèl liǎo knot-weed.⁸ smartweed, polygonum.³⁶
(composition: ⿱艹翏; U+84FC).
荼蓼 hũ-lèl túliǎo a kind of bitter weed, symbolic of bitter life.¹¹
红蓼[紅蓼] hũng-lèl
hóngliǎo or 荭草[葒草] hũng-tāo hóngcǎo aka 大红蓼, 大毛蓼, 游龙, 狗尾巴花 kiss-me-over-the-garden-gate; princess-feather Persicaria orientalis.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
辣蓼 làt-lèl
làliǎo (=水蓼 suī-lèl shuǐliǎo) water-pepper, water pepper or marshpepper knotweed Persicaria hydropiper (syn. Polygonum hydropiper).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
蓼蓝[蓼藍] lèl-lãm
liǎolán indigo plant, Polygonum tinctorium.²³ Chinese indigo (Persicaria tinctoria).³⁶
水蓼 suī-lèl
shuǐliǎo water pepper. Polygonum hydropiper.²³
<又> lùk.
(See 蓼 lùk.)
lel4 9497
167 10 lèl liào hasp and staple.⁹
挂上钌铞儿,锁上门[掛上釕銱兒,鎖上門] kä-sëng-lèl-ël-ngĩ, xū-sëng-mõn guàshàng liàodiàor, suǒshàngmén fasten the hasp and lock the door.⁶
钌铞儿[釕銱兒] lèl-ël-ngĩ
liàodiàor hasp and staple.⁶
<又> lēl.
(See 釕 lēl.)
lel4 9498
9 14 lêl liǎo  happy; fine; glorious.⁸ a pretty face.¹⁴ beautiful, adorable.⁵⁴
composition: ⿰亻尞; U+50DA).
佼人僚兮 gāo-ngĩn-lêl-hãi jiǎorénliǎoxī  how pretty is that lady!¹⁴ oh, how lovely this beauty is!⁵⁴
Ngùt-chūt-gāo-hãi, gāo-ngĩn-lêl-hãi.
Yuè chū jiǎo xī, jiǎo rén liáo xī.
The moon comes forth in her brightness;
How lovely is that beautiful lady!⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·陳風·月出·1》, translated by James Legge)..
<又> lẽl. (See 僚 lẽl).
lel5 9499
135 14 lēm tiǎn to lick; to taste.⁷ (variant: 餂 lēm tiǎn).
刀口舔血 äo-hēo-lēm-hüt
dāokǒutiǎnxuè to live a dangerous life; to live a violent life.⁵⁴
舔犊之爱[舔犢之愛] lēm-dùk-jï-öi
tiǎndúzhī'ài the love of licking shown by cow for its calf; parental love.²⁹
舔掉 lēm-èl
tiǎndiào lick something off.⁵⁴
舔干净[舔乾淨] lēm-gön-dèng
tiǎn gānjìng to lick clean.⁷
舔屁股 lēm-pï-gū
tiǎn pìgu to kiss somebody's ass; to brown-nose.¹⁰
舔破了窗纸[舔破了窗紙] lēm-pö-lēl-töng-jī
tiǎn pò le chuāng zhǐ to lick a hole in a paper window.¹⁴
舔食 lēm-sèik
tiǎnshí lick.⁸
舔吮 lēm-sôn
tiǎnshǔn  to lick and suck.¹⁰
舔唇咂嘴 lēm-sũn-jāp-duī
tiǎnchúnzāzuǐ lick one's lips and smack one's tongue.⁵⁴
舔阴[舔陰] lēm-yïm
tiǎnyīn cunnilingus.¹⁰
舔一舔 lēm-yīt-lēm
tiǎnyītiǎn to taste by licking.⁷
(See 餂 lēm).
lem1 9500
184 14 lēm tiǎn alternative form of 舔 lēm tiǎn to lick.³⁶
(composition: ⿰飠舌; U+9902).
<又> hẽm; hèm.
(See 餂 hẽm; 餂 hèm; 舔 lēm).
lem1 9501
8 13 lẽm lián (=廉 lẽm lián) honest and clean; low-priced, inexpensive, cheap.⁵
(See 廉 lẽm.)
lem3 9502
22 14 lẽm lián (=籢 or 奩 lẽm lián lady's vanity case; trousseau.⁸ bridal trousseau.¹⁰).⁸ a lady's toilette.²⁴
(composition: ⿷匚⿱大品); U+5332).
(See 籢 lẽm; 奩 lẽm).
lem3 9503
22 15 lẽm lián (=奁[奩] lẽm lián lady's vanity case; trousseau.⁸ bridal trousseau.¹⁰); ladies' dressing case with mirror.⁸
(composition: ⿷匚僉; U+5333).
(See 奩 lẽm).
lem3 9504
37 14 lẽm lián lady's vanity case; trousseau.⁸ bridal trousseau.¹⁰
(variants: 籢,匲,匳 lẽm lián).
or 镜籢[鏡籢] gëng-lẽm jìnglián a woman's dressing case.¹¹ dressing box with mirror.⁵⁴
妆奁[妝奩] jöng-lẽm
zhuānglián trousseau; lady's dressing case.¹⁰  trousseau; (rare) cosmetic articles.¹¹
奁具[奩具] lẽm-guì
liánjù toiletries (toilet set) of the bride and groom.⁵⁴
陪奁[陪奩] põi-lẽm
péilián dowry.¹⁰
Xiǎonǚ shāo yǒu zhuānglián.
The girl has a small trousseau.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《三國演義·王司徒巧使連環計,董太師大鬧鳳儀亭·16》, translated by ?). (Note: 小女 is humble for 'my daughter' and refers to 貂蟬 ël-chên
diāo chán Diao Chan).
(See 籢 lẽm; 匲 lẽm; 匳 lẽm).
lem3 9505
38 16 lẽm liǎn clear and beautiful.²⁴ʼ⁰ pretty, beautiful; savory.³⁶
(composition: ⿰女; U+5B1A).
<又> lẽm. (See 嬚 lẽm).
lem3 9506
50 8 lẽm lián flag/banner as a sign of a store or shop.⁶  the flag as sign of a tavern.⁸
酒帘 diū-lẽm jiǔlián wine shop sign.¹⁰
酒帘高挑 diū-lẽm-gäo-hël
jiǔliángāotiǎo The wine banner or pennon hangs high.⁶
青帘 tëin-lẽm
qīnglián sign of wine shop.¹¹
(See 簾 lẽm.)
lem3 9507
53 广 13 lẽm lián honest and clean; cheap, low-priced, inexpensive.⁵ Lian surname.⁸ (variants: 亷,㢘 lẽm lián.)
价廉物美[價廉物美] gä-lẽm-mùt-mî
or gä-lẽm-mòt-mî jiàliánwùměi good and cheap.⁵
廉耻[廉恥] lẽm-chī
liánchǐ sense of honor; sense of shame.⁶
廉俸 lẽm-fūng
liánfèng extra allowances paid to government officials in the Qing dynasty.¹⁰
廉价[廉價] lẽm-gä
liánjià low-priced; cheap.⁵
廉洁[廉潔] lẽm-gēik
liánjié honest and clean; incorruptible.⁶
廉政 lẽm-jëin
liánzhèng make a government honest and clean.⁶
廉吏 lẽm-lì
liánlì honest official.⁸
清廉 tëin-lẽm
qīnglián honest and upright; incorruptible, free from corruption.⁶
(See 亷 lẽm.)
lem3 9508
53 广 15 lẽm lián (=廉 lẽm lián) honest and clean; low-priced, inexpensive, cheap.⁵
(See 廉 lẽm.)
lem3 9509
85 16 lẽm lián a waterfall; a river in Hunan; Lian surname.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵廉; U+6FC2).
濂江 Lẽm-göng Liánjiāng Lianjiang River, a river in 江西 Göng-xäi Jiāngxī Jiangxi Province.⁸
濂溪 Lẽm-käi
Liánxī Lianxi River, a river in 湖南 Vũ-nãm Húnán Hunan Province.⁸
(Compare 濓 ⿰氵亷 U+6FD3 with 濂 lẽm ⿰氵廉 U+6FC2 which are synonymous).¹⁰¹
lem3 9510
85 16 lẽm lián (composition: ⿰氵亷; U+6FD3).
濓江 Lẽm-göng Liánjiāng name of a river in southern Jiangxi province.³⁶
濓溪 Lẽm-käi
Liánxī name of a river in Dao County, Hunan province and also name of a river in Jiujiang, Jiangxi province.³⁶
(Compare 濂 lẽm ⿰氵廉 U+6FC2 with 濓 ⿰氵亷 U+6FD3 which are synonymous).¹⁰¹
lem3 9511
118 19 lẽm lián (hanging) screen; curtain.⁶
百叶窗帘[百葉窗簾] bāk-yêp-tóng-lẽm bǎiyèchuānglián Venetian blind.³⁹
红帘石[紅簾石] hũng-lẽm-sêk
hóngliánshí <min.> piedmontite.⁶
珠帘[珠簾] jî-lẽm 
zhūlián curtain made of strings of beads.⁶
竹帘[竹簾] jūk-lẽm
zhúlián bamboo screen/curtain.⁶
竹帘画[竹簾畫] jūk-lẽm-và
zhúliánhuà painting on a bamboo curtain.³⁹
帘布[簾布] lẽm-bü
liánbù cord fabric used in vehicle tires.¹⁰ cord fabric.³⁹
帘子[簾子] lẽm-dū
liánzi <topo.> (hanging) screen.⁶
帘栊[簾櫳] lẽm-lũng
liánlóng curtained window.⁶
帘幕[簾幕] lẽm-mōk
liánmù heavy curtain.⁶
帘栅极[簾柵極] lẽm-sän-gèik
liánshānjí <elec.> screen grid.¹⁹
帘栅管[簾柵管] lẽm-sän-gōn
liánshānguǎn <elec.> screen grid tube.¹⁹
窗帘[窗簾] tóng-lẽm
chuānglián (window) curtain/drape.⁶
(See 帘 lẽm.)
lem3 9512
118 23 lẽm lián (=奩 lẽm lián lady's vanity case; trousseau.⁸ bridal trousseau.¹⁰).⁸ (variant: 匲 lẽm lián).
(composition: ⿱𥫗斂; U+7C62).
or 镜奁[鏡奩] gëng-lẽm jìnglián a woman's dressing case.¹¹ dressing box with mirror.⁵⁴
(See 奩 lẽm; 匲 lẽm).
lem3 9513
130 17 lẽm lián shank.⁶ the calf of the leg; spleen of animals.¹⁴
(variant: 𩪬❄{⿰骨廉} lẽm lián).
(composition: ⿰⺼廉; U+81C1).
臁疮[臁瘡] lẽm-chông
liánchuāng shank ulcer; ulcer on the shank.⁶
(See 𩪬❄{⿰骨廉} lẽm).
lem3 9514
142 19 lẽm lián 蜚蠊 fï-lẽm fěilián cockroach (also called 蟑螂 jëng-lõng zhāngláng).¹⁰ (See <台> 蠄遢 kã-tât/ or <台> 曱甴 kã-tât/ cockroach).
lem3 9515
149 20 lẽm lián 譧䛁 lẽm-nãm liánnán to speak incorrectly.²⁵
(composition: ⿰言廉; U+8B67).
lem3 9516
159 20 𨎷
lẽm lián the rim of a wheel.² the circumference of a wheel.²⁵
(composition: ⿰車廉; U+283B7).
lem3 9517
167 18 lẽm lián (=鐮 lẽm lián sickle.⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿰釒兼; U+938C).
鎌刀 lẽm-äo
liándāo sickle.¹¹
(See 鐮 lẽm).
lem3 9518
167 21 lẽm lián sickle.⁶ (variant: 鎌 lẽm lián).
火镰[火鐮] fō-lẽm
huǒlián steel (for flint).⁶
火镰火石[火鐮火石] fō-lẽm-fō-sêk
huǒliánhuǒshí flint and stone.
开镰[開鐮] höi-lẽm
kāilián start harvesting (with sickles).⁶
挂镰[掛鐮] kä-lẽm guàlián put away the sickles – complete the year's harvesting.⁶
镰刀[鐮刀] lẽm-äo
liándāo sickle; scythe.⁶
镰鱼[鐮魚] lẽm-nguĩ
liányú <zoo.> Moorish idol (a fish).⁶
<台> 镰[鐮] lẽm/ sickle.
<台> 禾镰[禾鐮] võ-lẽm sickle.
(See 鎌 lẽm).
lem3 9519
188 22 𩪬
lẽm lián (=臁 lẽm lián) shank.⁶ the calf of the leg; spleen of animals.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰骨廉; U+29AAC).
(See 臁 lẽm).
lem3 9520
38 16 lêm liǎn a woman's name.²ʼ²⁴ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰女; U+5B1A).
<又> lêm. (See 嬚 lêm).
lem5 9521
66 17 lêm liǎn collect, gather, round up, bring together; <wr.> hold back, check; <wr.> restrain.⁶ (variants: 裣[襝], 歛 lêm liǎn).
敛巴[斂巴] lêm-bä
liǎnba <topo.> to gather (something).¹⁰
敛步[斂步] lêm-bù
liǎnbù or 敛足[斂足] lêm-dūk liǎnzú to hold one's steps and not go forward, to go on tiptoe.¹¹
敛迹[斂跡] lêm-dēik
liǎnjì <wr.> go into hiding, curb one's evil activities for the time being; restrain oneself; (of an official) go into retirement, retire from public life.⁶
敛聚[斂聚] lêm-duì
liǎnjù aggregate; exploit; convergent.²⁹
or 裣衽[襝衽] lêm-ngìm liǎnrèn <wr.> tidy oneself up to show respect; (of a woman) make obeisance (to somebody).⁶ (of a man or woman) formerly, salute by gathering up the folds of the coat before bowing.¹¹
敛声屏气[斂聲屏氣] lêm-sëin-bèin-hï
liǎnshēngbǐngqì keep silent and hold one's breath – be very cautious, be dreadful/fearful.⁶
敛税[斂稅] lêm-suï
liǎnshuì to levy tax.¹¹
敛钱[斂錢] lêm-tẽin
liǎnqián collect/raise money.⁶
敛财[斂財] lêm-tõi
liǎncái accumulate wealth by unfair/illegal means; extort/grab money.⁶
敛容[斂容] lêm-yũng
liǎnróng or 敛色[斂色] lêm-sēik liǎnsè <wr.> straighten/set one's face; assume a serious expression.⁶
收敛[收斂] siü-lêm
shōuliǎn restrain oneself; disappear.⁰
(See 襝 lêm; 歛 lêm).
lem5 9522
76 17 lêm liǎn (<old>=敛[斂] lêm liǎn collect, gather, round up, bring together; <wr.> hold back, check; <wr.> restrain.⁶); gather; assemble; collect.⁸ to draw back; to fold back; to collect.³⁶
(composition: ⿰僉欠; U+6B5B).
or 籍敛[籍斂] dèik-lêm jíliǎn to demand or collect illegal taxes.⁷
其籍歛厚 kĩ-dèik-lêm-hêo
qí jí liǎn hòu levying taxes they make them heavy.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《墨子·卷六·節用上·3》, translated by W.P. Mei).
(Note 1: 'they' refers to 'those who govern the empire').
(Note 2: 籍歛 = 籍斂 dèik-lêm
歛怨以为德[歛怨以為德] lêm-yön-yî-vĩ-āk
liǎn yuàn yǐwéi dé and consider the contracting of enmities a proof of virtue.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·蕩之什·蕩·4》, translated by James Legge).
而积歛无崖[而積歛無崖] ngĩ-dēik-lêm-mũ-ngãi ér jī liǎn wú yá you keep on hoarding it up to any extent.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《莊子·外篇·天道·7》, translated by James Legge).
戢歛 tīp-lêm jíliǎn lighten taxes.¹¹
<又> häm.
(See 歛 häm; 斂] lêm).
lem5 9523
78 17 lêm liàn put a body in a coffin; encoffin.⁵
殡殓[殯殮] bïn-lêm bìnliàn encoffin a corpse and bring it to the burial place.⁶
装殓[裝殮] jöng-lêm
zhuāngliàn dress and lay a corpse in a coffin.⁵
殓葬[殮葬] lêm-döng
liànzàng to shroud and bury.¹⁴
殓具[殮具] lêm-guì
liànjù articles for preparing the body for the coffin.⁷
殓埋[殮埋] lêm-mãi
liànmái to shroud and bury.⁷
殓衣[殮衣] lêm-yï
liànyī clothes for the dead.⁸
成殓[成殮] sẽin-lêm
chéngliàn encoffin; put a body in a coffin.⁶
入殓[入殮] yìp-lêm
rùliàn put a corpse in a coffin; encoffin.⁵
lem5 9524
85 20 lêm liàn (said of water) overflowing; the edge of a large body of water.⁷
潋滟[瀲灧] or 潋滟[瀲灩] lêm-yèm liànyàn <wr.> soverflowing, inundating; (of water) rippling and glistening.⁶
潋潋[瀲瀲] lêm-lêm
liànliàn overflowing; inundating.⁷
湖光潋[湖光瀲] vũ-göng-lêm
húguāngliàn rippling lake; shining lake with gentle wavelets.⁶
lem5 9525
85 20 lêm liàn (same as 潋[瀲] lêm liàn) overflowing (water); the edge of a large body of water.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵歛; U+3D91).
(See 瀲 lêm).
lem5 9526
130 17 lêm liǎn face, countenance; <topo.> front.⁵
脸红[臉紅] lêm-hũng liǎnhóng blush with shame, blush; flush with anger, get excited, get worked up.⁵
脸红脖子粗[臉紅脖子粗] lêm-hũng-bòt-dū-tü
liǎnhóng bózi cū get red in the face from anger or excitement; flush with agitation.⁵
脸盘儿[臉盤兒] lêm-põn-ngĩ
liǎnpánr the cast of one's face.⁵
脸庞[臉龐] lêm-põng
liǎnpáng <wr.> shape/contour of one's face.⁶
脸谱[臉譜] lêm-pū
liǎnpǔ types of facial makeup in operas; Facebook.¹⁰
脸盆[臉盆] lêm-pûn
liǎnpén washbasin; basin; washbowl.⁶
脸色[臉色] lêm-sēik
liǎnsè complexion, look; facial expression.⁵
脸上无光[臉上無光] lêm-sèng-mũ-göng
liǎnshàngwúguāng lose face; make somebody feel embarrased/dishonored.⁵
脸型[臉型] lêm-yẽin
liǎnxíng shape/contour of somebody's face; facial features.⁶
lem5 9527
140 16 lêm xiān vine.¹⁰
豨莶[豨薟] hï-lêm xīxiān <TCM> common St. Paul's wort; eastern St Paul's-wort (Sigesbeckia orientalis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰ a bitter and poisonous vegetable.²⁵
lem5 9528
140 20 lêm liǎn trailing plant; liana; creeper; wild vine; <bot.> Gynostemma pentaphyllum or Vitis pentaphylla.³³
(old variant: 蘝 lêm
白蔹[白蘞] bàk-lêm
báiliǎn <bot.> A perennial liana with creeping stems and a spindle shaped bulb root that is of pharmaceutical value.⁹  Ampelopsis japonica (creeper with root used in traditional Chinese medicine).¹⁰  Ampelopsis serjaniaefolia.¹¹
乌蔹莓[烏蘞莓] vü-lêm-mõi
wūliǎnméi <bot.> bushkiller; Cayratia japonica (Thunb.) Gagnep.¹⁷ Other Chinese names: 母猪藤[母豬藤] mû-jï-hãng mǔzhūténg, 红母猪藤[紅母豬藤] hûng-mû-jï-hãng hóngmǔzhūténg, 五爪龙[五爪龍] m̄-jāo-lũng wǔzhǎolóng, 五叶藤[五葉藤] m̄-yêp-hãng wǔyèténg, 五龙草[五龍草] m̄-lũng-tāo wǔlóngcǎo.¹⁸
(See 蘝 lêm).
lem5 9529
140 20 lêm liǎn (<old>=蔹[蘞] lêm liǎn trailing plant; liana; creeper; wild vine; <bot.> Gynostemma pentaphyllum or Vitis pentaphylla.³³).⁸
(composition: ⿱艹歛; U+861D).
(See 蘞 lêm).
lem5 9530
145 18 lêm liǎn (=敛[斂] lêm liǎn) collect, gather, round up, bring together; <wr.> hold back, check; <wr.> restrain.⁶
or 敛衽[斂衽] lêm-ngìm liǎnrèn <wr.> tidy oneself up to show respect; (of a woman) make obeisance (to somebody).⁶ (of a man or woman) formerly, salute by gathering up the folds of the coat before bowing.¹¹
(See 斂 lêm.)
lem5 9531
9 10 lēng liǎ two; pair; couple.
他们俩[他們倆] hä-mõn-lēng tāmenliǎ they two; those two.
咱俩[咱倆] jā-lēng
zánliǎ <topo.> we two.
我们俩[我們倆] ngô-mõn-lēng
wǒmenliǎ <topo.> the two of us.
(See 倆 [lēng, liǎng].)
leng1 9532
9 10 lēng liǎng craft; ability.
伎俩[伎倆] or 技俩[技倆] gì-lēng jìliǎng trick; intrigue; maneuver; skill; dexterity; craft; ruse.
鬼蜮伎俩[鬼蜮伎倆] gī-vèik-gì-lēng
guǐyùjìliǎng malicious intrigues; underhand trick; evil tactics.⁸
(See 倆 [lēng, liǎ].)
leng1 9533
11 7 lēng liǎng <old>=兩 lēng liǎng two; a pair; couple; both.⁸
(composition: ⿵冂⿲入丨入; U+34B3).
leng1 9534
11 8 lēng liǎng two; both sides; a few, some; liang (a unit of weight; equal to 1/10 jin or 50 grams; <old> tael.⁶ <old> 1 tael (两) =10  maces (钱) = 100 candareens (分) = 1000 cash (厘)=10000 毫 hõ háo; 16 taels is equal to 1 catty (斤).¹⁵
两处农舍[兩處農舍] lēng-chuî-nũng-sëh
liǎngchùnóngshè two farmhouses.⁶
两蔸白菜[兩蔸白菜] lēng-ëo-bàk-töi
liǎngdōubáicài two cabbages.⁶
两极[兩極] lēng-gèik
liǎngjí the two poles (of the earth or a magnet or battery); two extremes.
两妯娌[兩妯娌] lēng-jùk-lì
liǎngzhóuli two sisters-in-law.
两讫[兩訖] lēng-kēik
or lēng-ngàt liǎngqì <econ.> goods are delivered and bill is cleared.⁶
两尾鱼[兩尾魚] lēng-mī-nguî/
liǎngwěiyú two fish.⁵
两旁[兩旁] lēng-põng
liǎngpáng both sides; either side.⁶
两手[兩手] lēng-siū
liǎngshǒu both hands; dual tactics.
两栖[兩棲] lēng-täi
liǎngqī amphibious; dual-talented; able to work in two different lines.¹⁰
两情缱绻[兩情繾綣] lēng-tẽin-hēin-kūn
liǎngqíngqiǎnquǎn deeply in love with each other.⁷
两湖[兩湖] Lēng-vũ
Liǎng-Hú Hubei and Hunan.⁶
两小无猜[兩小無猜] lēng-xēl-mũ-chäi
liǎngxiǎowúcāi (of a boy and a girl) be innocent playmates.⁵
<台> 两横[兩橫] lēng-vãng twice.
<又> lẽng.
(See 兩 lẽng).
leng1 9535
19 10 lēng liǎng strong resistance; lazy, reluctant.⁸ to urge; to exert one's-self; agitation of body.²⁴
(composition: ⿱兩力; U+351D).
leng1 9536
30 11 lēng liǎng ounce (British imperial system) (old).¹⁰
leng1 9537
120 14 lēng liǎng <m.> a pair (of shoes); two strands of rope/strings braided together.⁸ the two parts of a shoe; to bind; to tie.²⁵
(composition: ⿰糹兩; U+7DC9).
五緉 m̄-lēng wǔliǎng five pairs (of shoes).¹⁹
leng1 9538
130 12 lēng liǎng dried meat; meat on the backbone of the spinal column; savory.⁸
(composition: ⿰月兩; U+813C).
膎脼 hãi-lēng xiéliǎng pickled fish; dried meat; savory.²⁵
leng1 9539
142 14 lēng liǎng (composition: ⿰虫兩; U+873D).
蛧蜽 mông-lēng wǎngliǎng a sprite or elf.²⁵ (cf 蛧蜽 mông-lēng wǎngliǎng under 蛧 mông).
leng1 9540
145 13 lēng liǎng waistcoat.⁸
裲裆[裲襠] lēng-nòng liǎngdāng waistcoat.⁸ a garment hanging down before and behind, and open at the sides.²⁵
leng1 9541
194 17 lēng liǎng a kind of monster.⁷
魑魅魍魉[魑魅魍魎] chï-mì-mōng-lēng or chï-mì-mông-lēng chīmèi-wǎngliǎng <wr.> all sorts of evil spirits, demons and devils; ghosts and spirits – all sorts of evil persons.⁶
魍魉[魍魎] mōng-lēng
or mông-lēng wǎngliǎng demons and monsters.⁶ sprites and goblins; monsters and demons.¹⁰
leng1 9542
174 15 lëng  liàng  <topo.> beautiful; pretty; handsome; good-looking.⁶
靓丽[靚麗] lëng-lài liànglì pretty; beautiful.⁶
<台> 发靓光[發靓光] fät-lëng-gông glaucoma (=青光眼 tëin-göng-ngān
qīngguāngyǎn glaucoma).
<台> 讨靓唔讨命[討靚唔讨命] hū-lëng-m̃-hū-mèng to dress up without regard for the weather in order to look good. (Compare 美丽冻人[美麗凍人] mî-lài-üng-ngĩn under 冻[凍] üng.)
<台> 铜板界豆腐两面靓[銅板界豆腐兩面靓] hũng-bān-gäi-èo-fù-lēng-mèin-lëng Slicing tofu with a copper plate makes both slices clean-cut.
<台> 靓仔[靚仔] lëng-dōi handsome young man.
<台> 靓女[靚女] lëng-nuī pretty girl; beautiful girl.
<台> 哗,好靓啊![嘩,好靚啊!] Và, häo-lëng/ ä! Oh, how beautiful!
<又> dèin.
(See 靚 dèin.)
leng2 9543
181 14 lëng lǐng to receive.⁷
领取[領取] lëng-tuī lǐngqǔ to get; to receive.⁷
领到[領到] lëng-äo
lǐngdào to receive.¹⁰
领奖[領獎] lëng-dēng
lǐngjiǎng  to receive an reward or prize.⁷
领养[領養] lëng-yëng
lǐngyǎng to adopt (a child).⁷
<台> 领[領] lëng to receive (one's portion).
<台> 领猪肉[領豬肉] lëng-jï-ngùk receive one's portion of pork in the ancestral hall.
<又> lêin, lêng.
(See 領 lêin, lêng.)
leng2 9544
9 9 lẽng liáng good, perfect; slow.⁹ good and able.¹¹ good; to do good.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻良; U+4FCD).
俍傍 lẽng-bòng
liángbàng walking unsteadily and staggering along.¹⁹
俍倡 lẽng-chëng
liángchàng walking slowly.¹⁹
or 良工 lẽng-güng liánggōng skillful workman.¹¹
leng3 9545
11 8 lẽng liàng (original form of 辆[輛] lẽng liàng <m.> for vehicles.⁶).²ʼ³⁶
t: ⿻帀⿰入入; U+5169). (comp. s: ⿱一⿻冂从; U+4E24).
Bǎi liàng yà zhī.
A hundred carriages are meeting her.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·召南·鵲巢·1》, translated by James Legge).
<又> lēng.
(See 兩 lēng).
leng3 9546
13 6 𡆨
lẽng liáng <old> good 古文良字.
(variant: 𡆨❄{⿴囗⿱二一} lẽng).
(composition: ⿵冂⿱二二; this character, U+211A8, was rendered using
Segoe UI font). This character and its variant both have the same codepoint.
(See 𡆨❄{⿴囗⿱二一} lẽng).
leng3 9547 211A8-J.gif
30 1 lẽng líng (=零 lẽng líng) zero.
〇一二三四五六七八九十 lẽng yīt ngì xäm xï m̄ lùk tīt bät giū sìp
líng-yī-èr-sān-sì-wǔ-liù-qī-bā-jiǔ-shí numbers zero through ten.
二〇〇九年 ngì-lẽng-lẽng-giū-nẽin
èrlínglíngjiǔ nián year 2009.
(See 零 lẽng).
leng3 9548
31 6 𡆨
lẽng liáng <old> good 古文良字.
(variant: 𡆨❄{⿵冂⿱二二} lẽng).
(composition: ⿴囗⿱二一, where the last stroke is the same length as the first stroke of 二; all three strokes may also be the same length, but this variant, which would be under radical 目 mù 'eye' with one extra stroke, is not in Unicode as of May 15, 2020. This character, U+211A8, was rendered using
PMingLiU-ExtB font).
(See 𡆨❄{⿵冂⿱二二} lẽng).
leng3 9549 211A8-t.gif
32 14 lẽng liáng loess mountain ridges in northwest China (also written 梁).¹ narrow hillock of yellow earth in Northwest China.⁹
leng3 9550
75 11 lẽng liáng roof beam; bridge; ridge; Liang Dynasty (502-557); Liang surname.⁵ a bridge, a stone dam for stopping up a stream; the beam of a house, that which supports the roof; the lentel of a door; the seam on the top of a cap.²⁴
(variant: 樑 lẽng liáng.)
戳脊梁骨 chök-dëk-lẽng-gūt
chuōjílianggǔ to criticize behind somebody's back; back-biting.¹⁰
房梁 fông-lẽng
fángliáng roof beam; girder.⁹
桥梁[橋梁] kẽl-lẽng
qiáoliáng bridge.⁵
梁栿 lẽng-fùk
liángfú a bridge, a small piece of wood placed across a larger one.²⁴
梁桥[梁橋] lẽng-kẽl
liángqiáo beam bridge.⁵
梁龙[梁龍] lẽng-lũng
liánglóng <paleo> diplodocus.⁵
梁上君子 lẽng-sèng-gün-dū
liáng shàng jūnzǐ lit. the gentleman on the roof beam; fig. a thief.¹⁰
鱼梁[魚梁] nguî-lẽng
yúliáng a dam for catching fish.²⁴
山梁 sän-lẽng
shānliáng mountain ridge.⁵
栋梁[棟梁] ūng-lẽng
dòngliáng ridgepole and beams; a person of great ability.⁶
横梁[橫梁] vãng-lẽng
héngliáng cross beam.⁵
(See 樑 lẽng.)
leng3 9551
75 12 lẽng liáng 欧椋鸟[歐椋鳥] ëo-lẽng-nêl/ ōuliángniǎo starling.⁵
灰椋鸟[灰椋鳥] föi-lẽng-nêl/
huīliángniǎo white-cheeked starling or grey starling (Spodiopsar cineraceus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
椋子木 lẽng-dū-mûk
liángzǐmù Cornus wood, used in TCM, comes from the heartwood of Cornus macrophylla Wall. Also called 梾木[棶木] lõi-mûk láimù.²³
椋鸟[椋鳥] lẽng-nêl/
liángniǎo <zoo.> starling.⁵  starling; gray starling (Sturnus cineraceus).¹⁰ (Note: Sturnus cineraceus is a synonym for Spodiopsar cineraceus).¹⁵
梾椋[棶椋] lõi-lẽng
láiliáng the name of a tree, the wood of which is hard, and suited for making the naves of wheels; the leaves grow opposite each other; the seeds are small, when unripe green, and when mature black; the gum when boiled is of a red color.²⁴
leng3 9552
75 15 lẽng liáng (=梁 lẽng liáng). beam of roof; bridge.¹⁰
横樑[橫樑] (=横梁[橫梁]) vãng-lẽng
héngliáng beam.¹⁰
(See 梁 lẽng.)
leng3 9553
85 11 lẽng liáng cool; cold; the five Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms.
凉席[涼席] lẽng-dèk liángxí summer sleeping mat.⁶
凉快[涼快] lẽng-fäi
liángkuai nice and cool; pleasantly or delightfully or comfortably cool.⁶
凉粉[涼粉] lẽng-fūn
liángfěn bean-starch jelly (white).⁶ʼ⁰
凉亭[涼亭] lẽng-hẽin
liángtíng wayside pavilion; summer house; kiosk.
凉棚[涼棚] lẽng-pãng
liángpéng mat awning; mat shelter.⁵
凉爽[涼爽] lẽng-sōng
liángshuǎng pleasantly cool.
凉水[涼水] lẽng-suī
liángshuǐ cold water; unboiled water.
凄凉[凄涼] täi-lẽng
qīliáng desolate; dreary.
<台> 凉粉[涼粉] lẽng-fūn black jelly, made from the leaves of 凉粉草[涼粉草] lẽng-fūn-tāo (or 仙草 xëin-tāo in Taiwan) Chinese mesona,
Platostoma palustre, a species belonging to the mint family.).
<台> 凉瓜[涼瓜] or 良瓜 lẽng-gä bitter melon.
<台> 凉鞋[涼鞋] lẽng-hãi sandals.
<台> 凉口[涼口] lẽng-hēo (=香云纱[香雲紗] hëng-vũn-sä
xiāngyúnshā) gambiered Guangdong silk; gambiered Canton gauze; originally a type of black silk which was a popular summer clothing between 1912 and 1949 in Guangdong Province.¹⁰
leng3 9554
119 13 lẽng liang 高粱 gäo-lẽng gāoliang kaoliang; Chinese sorghum.⁵
高粱酒 gäo-lẽng-diū
gāoliangjiǔ kaoliang wine.⁷
高粱秆儿[高粱稈兒] gäo-lẽng-gön-ngĩ
gāolianggǎnr kaoliang stem; stem of sorghum.⁶
高粱米 gäo-lẽng-māi
gāoliangmǐ husked kaoliang.⁵
高粱饴[高粱飴] gäo-lẽng-yĩ
gāoliangyí sorghum candy.⁵
(See 粱 [lẽng, liáng].)
leng3 9555
119 13 lẽng liáng <wr.> a fine strain of millet; fine grain; choice food.⁵
粱肉 lẽng-ngùk liángròu lit. grain and meat – a sumptuous meal.⁷
(See 粱 [lẽng, liang].)
leng3 9556
119 18 lẽng liáng grain; food; provisions; grain tax paid in kind.⁵
粮店[糧店] lẽng-ëm liángdiàn grain shop.⁵
粮库[糧庫] lẽng-fü
liángkù grain depot.⁵
粮饷[糧餉] lẽng-hēng
liángxiǎng <trad.> provisions and pay (for troops).⁶
粮站[糧站] lẽng-jàm
liángzhàn grain distribution station; grain supply center.⁵
粮栈[糧棧] lẽng-jàn
liángzhàn wholesale grain store; grain depot.⁵
粮秣[糧秣] lẽng-mòt
liángmò army provisions; rations and forage; grain and fodder.⁶
粮农[糧農] lẽng-nũng
liángnóng grain farmer.⁶
粮票[糧票] lẽng-pêl
liángpiào food/grain coupon.⁵
粮食[糧食] lẽng-sèik
liángshi grain; cereals; food.⁵
粮食囤[糧食囤] lẽng-sèik-ūn
liángshidùn grain bin.⁶
粮税[糧稅] lẽng-suï
liángshuì grain tax (paid in kind).⁶
粮草[糧草] lẽng-tāo
liángcǎo army provisions; rations and forage or fodder.⁵
粮仓[糧倉] lẽng-töng
liángcāng granary; barn.⁵
粮囤[糧囤] lẽng-ūn
liángdùn grain bin.⁶
粮艘[糧艘] lẽng-xēo
liángsōu a boat for transporting provisions.⁸
leng3 9557
120 14 𫟅
lẽng liáng cap strings.² a woven cap.²⁴ ancient silk rope for caps.⁵⁴
(comp. t: ⿰糹京; U+7DA1). (comp. s: ⿰纟京; U+2B7C5).
leng3 9558
138 7 lẽng liáng good, fine; instinctive, inborn, innate; very, very much; good people.
良弼 lẽng-bìt liángbì excellent assistant; wise aide.⁶
良久 lẽng-giū
liángjiǔ <wr.> a good while, a long time.
良好 lẽng-hāo
liánghǎo good, well, desirable.
良种[良種] lẽng-jūng
liángzhǒng improved variety; fine breed.
良朋 lẽng-pãng
liángpéng good friend.⁵
良朋益友 lẽng-pãng-yēik-yiû
liángpéngyìyǒu virtuous companions and worthy friends.¹⁰
良书乃益友[良書乃益友] lẽng-sï-nâi-yēik-yiû
liángshū nǎi yìyǒu a good book is a great friend.⁵⁴
良辰美景 lẽng-sĩn-mî-gēin
liángchénměijǐng fine moment and beautiful scene.⁶
良心 lẽng-xïm
liángxīn conscience.
良心未泯 lẽng-xïm-mì-mêin
liángxīnwèimǐn not totally heartless; still having a shred of conscience.¹⁰
良师益友[良師益友] lẽng-xü-yēik-yiû
liángshīyìyǒu good teacher and helpful friend.
良药苦口[良藥苦口] lẽng-yêk-fū-hēo
liángyàokǔkǒu good medicine tastes bitter; bitter pills have wholesome effects.⁶
良窳 lẽng-yî
liángyǔ good and bad.⁸
<台> 良瓜
or 凉瓜[涼瓜] lẽng-gä bitter melon.
leng3 9559
140 10 lẽng liáng 莨绸[莨綢] lẽng-chiũ liángchóu gambiered Guangdong silk.¹⁹
薯莨 sĩ-lẽng
shǔliáng dye yam (Dioscorea cirrhosa).⁹ Dioscorea cirrhosa Lour.²³ (The tubers have a very high tannin content and are used to dye and preserve fabrics.)³²
<台> 莨口 lẽng-hēo silk clothing, which is black on the outside and brown on the inside (worn during the summer).
(See <台> 凉口[涼口] lẽng-hēo).
<又> lõng.
(See 莨 lõng.)
leng3 9560
157 14 lẽng liáng to jump about; to hop about.⁷
跳踉 hẽl-lẽng tiàoliáng (=跳梁 hẽl-lẽng tiàoliáng)  hop and skip, leap about, jump up and down; be domineering.⁶
<又> lèng.
(See 踉 lèng.)
leng3 9561
159 15 lẽng liáng a hearse; a carriage.¹⁴ a carriage for sleeping in.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿰車京; U+8F2C). (comp. s: ⿰车京; U+8F8C).
辒辌[轀輬] vün-lẽng
wēnliáng (sleeping) carriage; hearse.¹⁰ a carriage formerly used for sleeping in, but now employed as funeral carriages, the former closed and the latter opened at the sides.²⁵
leng3 9562
159 15 lẽng liàng <m.> for vehicles.⁶
车辆[車輛] chëh-lẽng chēliàng vehicles.¹⁰
两辆坦克[兩輛坦克] lēng-lẽng-hān-hāk
liǎngliàngtǎnkè two tank.⁶
三辆马车[三輛馬車] xäm-lẽng-mâ-chëh
sānliàngmǎchē three horse-drawn carts.⁶
一辆公共汽车[一輛公共汽車] yīt-lẽng-güng-gùng-hï-chëh
yīliànggōnggòngqìchē a bus.⁵
(See 兩 lẽng, original form of 輛).
leng3 9563
166 12 lẽng liáng to measure.⁷
比量 bī-lẽng bǐliang measure roughly (with hand/stick).¹⁰
车载斗量[車載斗量] chëh-döi-ēo-lẽng
chēzàidǒuliáng by cartloads and bushelfuls – a great deal.⁷
量杯 lẽng-böi
liángbēi measuring glass; graduate.⁵
量角器 lẽng-gôk-hï
liángjiǎoqì protractor.⁵
量角规[量角規] lẽng-gôk-kï
liángjiǎoguī protractor.⁷
量具 lẽng-guì
liángjù measuring tool.⁵
量图仪[量圖儀] lẽng-hũ-ngĩ
liángtúyí map measurer.⁵
量筒 lẽng-hûng
liángtǒng graduated cylinder; graduate.⁵
量地 lẽng-ì
liángdì measure land.⁵
量规[量規] lẽng-kï
liángguī gauge.⁵
量量 lẽng-lẽng
liángliáng to measure.⁷
量热器[量熱器] lẽng-ngèik-hï
liángrèqì calorimeter.⁵
量日仪[量日儀] lẽng-ngìt-ngĩ
liángrìyí <astr.> heliometer.⁵
量瓶 lẽng-pêng
liángpíng measuring or volumetric flask.⁵
量度 lẽng-ù
liángdù measurement.⁵
量雪尺 lẽng-xūt-chêk
liángxuěchǐ <met.> snow scale.⁵
量雪器 lẽng-xūt-hï
liángxuěqì <met.> snow gauge.⁵
量雨表 lẽng-yî-bēl
liángyǔbiǎo a rain gauge.⁷
量雨筒 lẽng-yî-hûng
liángyǔtǒng precipitation gauge.⁵
量油尺 lẽng-yiũ-chêk
liángyóuchǐ oil dip rod; dipstick.⁵
(See 量 lèng.)
leng3 9564
173 13 lẽng líng zero.  (variant: 〇 lẽng líng).
二零零九年 ngì-lẽng-lẽng-giū-nẽin èrlínglíngjiǔ
nián year 2009.
<又> lẽin.
(See 零 lẽin; 〇 lẽng.)
leng3 9565
182 17 𩗬
lẽng liáng the north wind; used for 凉风[涼風] lẽng-füng liángfēng a cool wind.²⁵
(composition: ⿺風京; U+295EC).
leng3 9566
195 19 lẽng líng mud carp; dace (Cirrhinus molitorella); commonly known as: 土鲮, 雪鲮, 鲮公, 花鲮, 鯁魚, 青鱗魚.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ anteater.¹⁴
土鲮[土鯪] hū-lẽng
tǔlíng another name for 鲮[鯪] lẽng líng mud carp (Cirrhinus molitorella).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
土鲮鱼[土鯪魚] hū-lẽng-nguĩ
tǔlíngyú another name for 鲮[鯪] lẽng líng dace; mud carp (Cirrhinus molitorella).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鲮公[鯪公] lẽng-güng
línggōng another name for 鲮[鯪] lẽng líng dace; mud carp (Cirrhinus molitorella).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鲮鲤[鯪鯉] lẽng-lî
línglǐ pangolin.⁶ scaly anteater or pangolin.¹⁴
鲮鱼[鯪魚] lẽng-nguĩ
língyú dace.⁶
leng3 9567
8 9 lèng liàng bright; light; to shine; to lighten; light; lamp; candle; resonant voice; to make one's voice loud and clear; enlightened; to show; to reveal.
发亮[發亮] fät-lèng fāliàng to shine; to become bright.
高风亮节[高風亮節] gäo-füng-lèng-dēik
gāofēngliàngjié (in praise of a person's) high and upright character.
天亮 hëin-lèng
tiānliàng daybreak; dawn.
响亮[響亮] hēng-lèng
xiǎngliàng loud and clear; sonorous.⁶
亮晶晶 lèng-dëin-dëin
liàngjīngjīng shining; glittering.⁵
亮光 lèng-gông
liàngguāng bright light; flash.
亮堂 lèng-hõng
liàngtang bright; light; enlightened; clear; loud and clear (of voice).
明亮 mẽin-lèng
míngliàng light, well-lit, bright; bright, shining; become clear.⁵
月亮 ngùt-lèng
yuèliang the moon.⁵
漂亮 pël-lèng
piàoliang pretty; beautiful.¹⁰
leng4 9568
30 12 lèng liàng wail, cry, yell; neigh.
嘹喨 or 嘹亮 lẽl-lèng liáoliàng (of sound) loud and clear; resonant.⁶ (person's voice) clear, resonant.¹¹
leng4 9569
149 15 lèng liàng to forgive; to understand.
见谅[見諒] gëin-lèng jiànliàng <wr.> please forgive me.
体谅[體諒] hāi-lèng
tǐliàng to empathize; to allow (for something); to understand and forgive.
谅解[諒解] lèng-gāi
liàngjiě to understand; to make allowance for.
原谅[原諒] ngũn-lèng
yuánliàng excuse, forgive; pardon.⁵
leng4 9570
157 14 lèng liàng to walk unsteadily; to limp.⁷
踉蹡 lèng-tëng liàngqiàng (=踉跄[踉蹌] lèng-töng liàngqiàng) stagger; totter.⁶ limping; walking unsteadily.⁷)
踉踉跄跄[踉踉蹌蹌] lèng-lèng-tëng-tëng
liàngliàng qiāngqiāng limping; walking unsteadily.⁷ stumble along; stagger about.⁵⁴
踉跄[踉蹌] lèng-töng
liàngqiàng stagger; totter.⁶ limping; walking unsteadily.⁷
踉跄而行[踉蹌而行] lèng-töng-ngĩ-hãng
liàngqiàng'érxíng stagger along; walk unsteadily.⁵⁴
跄踉[蹌踉] töng-lèng
qiàngliàng to stagger.⁷
<又> lẽng.
(See 踉 lẽng.)
leng4 9571
166 12 lèng liàng capacity; quantity, amount; estimate, measure.⁵
大量 ài-lèng dàliàng a large number, a great quantity; generous, magnanimous.⁵
酒量 diū-lèng
jiǔliàng capacity for liquor.⁵
量变[量變] lèng-bëin
liàngbiàn quantitative change.⁹
量子 lèng-dū
liàngzǐ <phy.> quantum.⁸
量纲[量綱] lèng-göng
liànggāng <phy.> dimension.⁵
量体裁衣[量體裁衣] lèng-hāi-tõi-yï
liàngtǐcáiyī cut the garment according to the figure – act according to actual circumstances.⁵
量力 lèng-lèik
liànglì estimate one's own strength or ability (and act accordingly).⁵
量力而行 lèng-lèik-ngĩ-hãng
liànglì'érxíng do what one is capable of; act according to one's capabilities.⁵
量才录用[量才錄用] lèng-tõi-lùk-yùng
liàngcáilùyòng assign jobs to people according to their abilities.⁵
量才取用 lèng-tõi-tuī-yùng
liàngcáiqǔyòng to employ a person on the basis of his merits.⁷
量词[量詞] lèng-xũ
liàngcí <lg.> classifier, measure word.⁵
量刑 lèng-yẽin
liàngxíng measurement of penalty.⁵
量入为出[量入為出] lèng-yìp-vĩ-chūt
liàngrùwéichū keep expenditures within the limits of income.⁵
(See 量 lẽng.)
leng4 9572
46 17 lêng lǐng mountain range; mountain ridge.¹⁰
峻岭[峻嶺] dün-lêng jùnlǐng lofty mountain range.⁶
五岭[五嶺] M̄-Lêng
Wǔlǐng The Five Ridges, the five ranges separating Hunan and Jiangxi from south China, especially, Guangdong and Guangxi.¹⁰
岭峤[嶺嶠] Lêin-Kẽl
Lǐngqiáo (another name for) The Five Ridges, 五岭[五嶺] M̄-Lêng Wǔlǐng.⁸
岭南[嶺南] lêng-nãm
Lǐngnán south of the five ranges; old term for south China, esp. Guangdong and Guangxi.¹⁰
山岭[山嶺] sän-lêng
shānlǐng mountain ridge.¹⁰
崇山峻岭[崇山峻嶺] sũng-sän-dün-lêng
chóngshānjùnlǐng towering mountains and precipitous ridges (idiom).¹⁰
秦岭[秦嶺] Tũn-lêng
Qínlǐng Qinling mountain range in Shaanxi forming natural barrier between  关中平原 [關中平原] Gän-jüng-pẽin-ngũn Guānzhōng píngyuán Guanzhong plain and 汉水[漢水] Hànshuǐ Han River valley.¹⁰
<又> lêin.
(See 嶺 lêin.)
leng5 9573
167 13 lêng líng (Hoisanva vernacular pronunciation for 铃[鈴] lẽin líng with same meaning: bell; anything in the shape of a bell; boll, bud.⁵)
掩耳盗铃[掩耳盜鈴] yēm-ngī-ào-lêng
or yēm-ngī-ào-lẽin yǎn'ěrdàolíng plug one's ears while stealing a bell; deceive oneself; bury one's head in the sand.⁵ to cover the ears and steal a bell – to befool oneself.¹⁴
<又> lẽin.
(See 鈴 lẽin.)
leng5 9574
181 14 lêng lǐng the neck; the collar, the neckband.⁷
白领[白領] bàk-lêng/ báilǐng white collar.⁹
领带[領帶] lêng-ǎi
lǐngdài necktie; tie; cravat.⁸
领子[領子] lêng-dū
lǐngzi the collar or neck of a garment.⁷
领巾[領巾] lêng-gïn
lǐngjīn a scarf.⁷
领口[領口] lêng-hēo
lǐngkǒu the collar of a garment, the neckband.⁷
领章[領章] lêng-jëng
lǐngzhāng insignia on the collars of military uniforms; collar badges.⁷
衣领[衣領] yï-lêng
yīlǐng collar.⁸
<台> 晓领[曉領] hēl-lêng know (how to do something).
<台> 企领[企領] kï-lêng turtle necked.
<台> 领呔[領呔] lêng-tāi <loan> necktie.
<台> 识领[識領] sēik-lêng
or 晓领[曉領] hēl-lêng or 识会[識會] sēik-vôi or 晓会[曉會] hēl-vôi to know (how to do something).
<又> lêin, lëng.
(See 領 lêin, lëng.)
leng5 9575
187 20 lēo liú (comp. t: ⿰馬留; U+9A2E). (comp. s: ⿰马留; U+9A9D).
<台> 妈骝[媽骝]
or 马骝[馬騮] mā-lēo monkey.
<又> liũ.
(See 騮 liũ.)
leo1 9576
64 15 lëo lāo (comp. t: ⿰扌勞; U+6488). (comp. s: ⿰扌劳; U+635E).
<台> 捞笑[撈笑] lëo-xël to tease; to play with; to make fun of.
<又> lẽo, lão, läo.
(See 撈 lẽo, lão, läo..)
leo2 9577
140 14 lëo lóu 冲蒌[沖蔞] Chüng-lëo Chōnglóu, a town in 台山[臺山] Hõi-sän Táishān Taishan.
<又> lẽo.
(See 蔞 lẽo.)
leo2 9578
145 16 lëo <台> 大褛[大褸] ài-lëo overcoat.
<又> luî. (See 褸 luî.)
leo2 9579
9 13 lẽo lóu hunchback; Lou surname. (variant: 軁 lẽo lóu).
t: ⿰亻婁; U+50C2). (comp. s: ⿰亻娄; U+507B).
佝偻[佝僂] gëo-lẽo
gōulóu stooped; crooked.
佝偻病[佝僂病] gëo-lẽo-bèng
gōulóubìng osteoporosis; rickets.
or 偻罗[僂羅] or 偻儸[僂儸] or 喽罗[嘍羅] lẽo-lõ lóuluó followers of any leader; outlaw rank and file.
伛偻[傴僂] yī-lẽo
yǔlóu a hunchback.
<又> luî.
(See 僂 luî; 軁 lẽo.)
leo3 9580
30 14 lẽo lóu subordinates in gang of bandits.¹⁰
(comp. t: ⿰口婁; U+560D). (comp. s: ⿰口娄; U+55BD).
or 出娄子[出婁子] or 出楼子[出樓子] chūt-lẽo-dū chūlóuzi <topo.> to get into trouble.⁶
or 喽罗[嘍羅] or 偻罗[僂羅] or 偻儸[僂儸]  lẽo-lõ lóuluó followers of any leader; rank and file of a robber band.
<又> lū.
(See 嘍 lū.)
leo3 9581
32 14 lẽo lǒu small mound.¹
(composition: ⿰土婁; U+587F).
培塿 põi-lẽo péilǒu (=部娄[部婁] bù-lẽo bùlóu) <wr.> a small hillock.¹¹
leo3 9582
38 11 lẽo lóu <topo.> (of fruits and melons) overripe and unfit to eat; weak, feeble; one of the twenty-eight constellations in ancient Chinese astronomy.⁶ Lou surname.⁸
(comp. t: ⿳毋中女; U+5A41). (comp. s: ⿱米女; U+5A04).
部娄[部婁] bù-lẽo
bùlóu (=培塿 põi-lẽo péilǒu) <wr.> a small hillock.¹¹
or 出楼子[出樓子] or 出喽子[出嘍子] chūt-lẽo-dū chūlóuzi <topo.> to get into trouble.⁶
捅娄子[捅婁子] hūng-lẽo-dū
tǒnglóuzi <topo.> make a mistake/blunder.⁶
娄子[婁子] lẽo-dū
lóuzi <topo.> trouble; blunder.⁶
or 惹楼子[惹樓子] ngêh-lẽo-dū rělóuzi <topo.> stir up trouble.⁶
西瓜娄了[西瓜婁了] xäi-gä-lẽo-lēl
xīguālóule the watermelon is overripe.⁶
leo3 9583
46 14 lẽo lóu (=嵝[嶁] lẽo lóu)⁸ mountain top; summit.⁸ the peak of a hill.²⁴
(composition: ⿱山婁; U+37FA).
(See 嶁 lẽo).
leo3 9584
46 14 lẽo lǒu (comp. t: ⿰山婁; U+5D81). (comp. s: ⿰山娄; U+5D5D).
岣嵝[岣嶁] guï-lẽo
gǒulǒu peak.⁸
岣嵝[岣嶁] Guï-lẽo
Gǒulǒu Goulou Peak, one of 72 peaks of the  Heng Shan (衡山 Hãng Sän Héng Shān) mountain range in Hunan Province (湖南 Vũ-nãm Húnán) with a height of 1300 meters.⁸
(See 㟺 lẽo).
leo3 9585
61 14 lẽo lóu to be pleased.²⁴ <old> respectful, prudent; <old> happy, joyous.³⁶
(comp. t: ⿰忄婁; U+617A). (comp. s: ⿰忄娄; U+396A).
or 痀偻[痀僂] guï-lẽo gōulóu hunchback.¹⁹
㥪㥪[慺慺] lẽo-lẽo
lóulóu respectful and cautious; also diligent, solicitous.²⁴
慺诚[慺誠] lẽo-sẽin
lóuchéng respectful; respect.¹⁹
<又> luî.
(See 慺 luî).
leo3 9586
64 14 lẽo lǒu to hug; to embrace; to hold in one's arms.
搂紧[摟緊] lẽo-gīn lǒujǐn to embrace tightly.
搂住[摟住] lẽo-jì
lǒuzhù to hold in one's arms.
搂抱[摟抱] lẽo-päo
lǒubào to hug; to embrace.
(See 摟 [lẽo, lōu].)
leo3 9587
64 14 lẽo lōu to draw towards oneself; to gather; to gather up (one's gown, sleeves); to grab (money); to extort.
搂火[摟火] lẽo-fō lōuhuǒ <topo.> to pull the trigger.
搂头[摟頭] lẽo-hẽo
lōutóu <topo.> head-on; directly.
搂揽[摟攬] lẽo-lām
lōulǎn to take over everything; to monopolize.
搂草机[摟草機] lẽo-tāo-gï
lōucǎojī a rake.
搂钱[摟錢] lẽo-tẽin
lōuqián <topo.> to extort money.¹ to grab money; to rake in money.¹⁰
(See 摟 [lẽo, lǒu].)
leo3 9588
64 15 lẽo lāo to dredge for, to dredge up; to get by improper means.
(comp. t: ⿰扌勞; U+6488). (comp. s: ⿰扌劳; U+635E).
打捞[打撈] ā-lẽo
dǎlāo to salvage, to dredge, to fish out (person or object from the sea)​.⁸
大海捞针[大海撈針] ài-hōi-lẽo-jïm
dàhǎilāozhēn to look for a needle in a haystack.¹  to look for a needle in the ocean - hard to find.⁹
捞起[撈起] lẽo-hī
lāoqǐ to recover from the river/sea.
水中捞月[水中撈月] suī-jüng-lẽo-ngùt
shuǐzhōnglāoyuè fish for the moon in the water – make impractical or vain efforts.⁵
<又> lão, läo, lëo.
(See 撈 lão, läo, lëo.)
leo3 9589
68 15 lẽo lǒu to rob; to loot; to plunder.⁸
(composition: ⿰婁斗; U+3AB9).
斢㪹 hēo-lẽo tǒulǒu the military/soldiers plundering the people.²⁴
leo3 9590
75 15 lẽo lóu house with more than one story; storied building; floor; Lou surname.¹⁰
大楼[大樓] ài-lẽo dàlóu building (a relatively large, multi-storey one).¹⁰
or 出娄子[出婁子] or 出喽子[出嘍子] chūt-lẽo-dū chūlóuzi <topo.> to get into trouble.⁶
楼底下[樓底下] lẽo-āi-hà
lóudǐxià downstairs, the ground floor.¹¹
楼道[樓道] lẽo-ào
lóudào corridor; passageway (in storied building).¹⁰
楼板[樓板] lẽo-bān
lóubǎn flooring of an upper storey.¹¹
楼车[樓車] lẽo-chëh
lóuchē a chariot with a turret.¹¹
楼房[樓房] lẽo-fông
lóufáng a building of two or more stories.¹⁰
楼阁[樓閣] lẽo-gōk
lóugé a tower for enjoying distant views, often with partitions thrown open.¹¹
楼下[樓下] lẽo-hà
lóuxià downstairs.¹⁰
楼梯[樓梯] lẽo-häi
lóutī staircase.⁵
楼橹[樓櫓] lẽo-lû
lóulǔ watchtower; donjon.¹¹
楼上[樓上] lẽo-sèng
lóushàng upstairs.¹⁰
楼船[樓船] lẽo-sõn
lóuchuán formerly, a ship with an upper deck.¹¹
楼宇[樓宇] lẽo-yî
lóuyǔ a general name for a building.⁹

leo3 9591
82 15 lẽo (composition: ⿰婁毛; U+6C00).
氀毼 lẽo-hòt lǘhé a kind of woolen fabric.² a woolen fabric.¹³ a kind of felt; embroided work done by puncturing leather; net-work made of hair.²⁴ (cf 氀毼 ëo-āp).
<又> ëo.
(See 氀 ëo).
leo3 9592
85 14 lẽo lóu 溇水[漊水] Lẽo-suī Lóushuǐ Lou River, a river that rises in Hubei (湖北 Vũ-bāk Húběi) Province, flows through Hunan (湖南 Vũ-nãm Húnán) Province and empties into the Lishui (澧水 Lâi-suī Lǐshuǐ) River.²³
leo3 9593
94 14 lẽo lóu (=貗 lẽo lóu) a sow at heat.²⁴
(composition: ⿰犭婁; U+3E8F).
<又> yĩ.
(See 㺏 yĩ; 貗 lẽo).
leo3 9594
109 16 lẽo lōu <topo.> look.⁶ <topo.> glance, look at.¹¹
眍䁖[瞘瞜] ëo-lẽo or këo-lẽo kōulou (of the eyes) sink in; become sunken.⁶
䁖他一眼[瞜他一眼] lẽo-hä-yīt-ngān
lōutāyīyǎn give him a glance.¹¹
让我䁖一眼[讓我瞜一眼] ngèng-ngô-lẽo-yīt-ngān
ràngwǒ lōuyīyǎn Let me have a look.⁶
leo3 9595
116 16 lẽo lóu 瓯窭[甌窶] ëo-lẽo ōulóu a small plateau.⁵⁴
<又> guì.
(See 窶 guì.)
leo3 9596
127 17 lẽo lóu animal-drawn seed plow; drill (barrow).⁶
开耧[開耬] höi-lẽo kāilóu begin to sow with a drill.⁶
耧播[耬播] lẽo-bö
lóubō sow with a drill.⁶
耧车[耬車] lẽo-chëh
lóuchē animal-drawn seed plow; drill (barrow).⁶
摇耧[搖耬] yẽl-lẽo
yáolóu shake the drill (to make the seeds slip down smoothly and evenly).⁶
leo3 9597
137 17 lẽo lóu a type of boat/ship.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰舟婁; U+825B).
艛艓 lẽo-èp lóudié a type of small boat.¹⁹
艛舰[艛艦] lẽo-lâm
lóujiàn a warship several stories high.¹⁹
艛船 lẽo-sõn
lóuchuán a ship several stories high, usually used as a warship.¹⁹
or 艉楼[艉樓] mī-lẽo wěilóu poop.²³ʼ²⁹
leo3 9598
140 14 lẽo lóu Artemisia stelleriana.⁸ Arthemisia vulgaris; piper betel.¹⁰ A kind of artemesia; the young leaves are eaten.¹⁴
蒌蒿[蔞蒿] lẽo-gāo
lóuhāo <bot.> Artemisia vulgaris, an edible water plant.¹ the beach wormwood.¹¹ southernwood.¹⁴  Artemisia selengensis Turcz.ex Bess.²³
蒌藤[蔞藤] lẽo-hãng
lóuténg a kind of vine.¹
蒌叶[蔞葉] lẽo-yêp
lóuyè betel.⁶
<又> lëo.
(See 蔞 lëo.)
leo3 9599
142 17 lẽo lóu a mole cricket.⁷
(comp. t: ⿰虫婁; U+87BB). (comp. s: ⿰虫娄; U+877C).
蛞蝼[蛞螻] föt-lẽo
kuòlóu mole cricket.⁸
蝼蝈[螻蟈] lẽo-gōk
lóuguō another name for the frog.⁷
蝼蝈鸣[螻蟈鳴] lẽo-gōk-mẽin
lóu guō míng The green frogs croak.⁸⁸ (Excerpt from 《禮記·月令·32》).
蝼蛄[螻蛄] lẽo-gü
lóugū mole cricket.⁷ mole cricket, insect family Gryllotalpidae; aka 𧕱❄{⿱舝䖵} hàt xiá, 螲 jìt zhì, 蠹蚍 ù-pĩ dùpí, 剪柳仔(扒手的台語), 蜊蛄, 蝲蝲蛄, 香港稱土狗.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
蝼螲[螻螲] lẽo-jìt
lóuzhì a sort of insect.¹³ the cicada.²⁵ (See and compare 蟬 chên chán a cicada.)
蝼蚁[螻蟻] lẽo-ngāi
lóuyǐ mole crickets and ants – insignificant creatures.⁷
蝼蜮[螻蜮] lẽo-vèik
lóuyù mole cricket.⁷
leo3 9600
153 18 𫎌
lẽo lóu a sow at heat; a sow.⁸ʼ²⁵
(syn. 㺏 lẽo lóu).
t: ⿰豸婁; U+8C97). (comp. s: ⿰豸娄; U+2B38C).
<又> guì.
(See 貗 guì; 㺏 lẽo).
leo3 9601
158 18 lẽo lóu (=偻[僂] lẽo lóu hunchback).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰身婁; U+8EC1).
躽軁 yēn-lẽo
yǎnlóu hunchbacked.¹⁹
(See 僂 lẽo).
leo3 9602
177 20 lẽo lóu (composition: ⿰革婁); U+97BB).
鞮鞻 hãi-lẽo dīlóu or 鞮鞻氏 hãi-lẽo-sì dīlóushì Di Lou Shi was a Zhou dynasty official in charge of the music of the "Four Barbarian Tribes" on the borders.¹³
leo3 9603
188 20 lẽo lóu skull.¹⁰
(comp. t: ⿰骨婁; U+9ACF). (comp. s: ⿰骨娄; U+9AC5).
骷髅[骷髏] kü-lẽo
kūlóu human skeleton; human skull, death's head.⁶
骷髅皴[骷髏皴] kü-lẽo-dün
kūlóucūn <art> skeleton wrinkle (in painting).⁵⁴
骷髅骨[骷髏骨] kü-lẽo-gūt
kūlóugǔ skeleton.¹²
骷髅画[骷髏畫] kü-lẽo-và
kūlóuhuà death's head.⁶
髅蛄[髏蛄] lẽo-gü
lóugū the gryllotalpa, or mole cricket; it is said to dwell in the earth; it has short wings and four legs; the male animal makes a loud noise and flies about, but the female having a large belly and small wings seldom cries or flies.²⁵ (See 蝼蛄[螻蛄] lẽo-gü).
髅骨[髏骨] lẽo-gūt
lóugǔ a skull.¹⁴
髑髅[髑髏] ùk-lẽo
dúlóu <wr.> skull/head (of a dead person).⁶
<台> 骷髅骨头[骷髏骨頭] kü-lẽo-gūt-hêo human skeleton.
leo3 9604
18 9 lèo lóu <topo.> the waterway underneath a dam; a waterway across a dike.⁹
leo4 9605
44 11 lèo lòu <old>=漏 lèo lòu leak.⁸ to leak.²⁴
(composition: ⿸尸雨; U+5C5A).
(See 漏 lèo).
句屚县[句屚縣] guï-lèo-yòn
jùlòuxiàn Julouxian County was an area in today's Vietnam.²⁴
leo4 9606
64 19 lèo lài (composition: ⿰扌賴; U+650B).
<台> 攋 lèo left something somewhere accidentally; to leave behind; to lose.
<台> 我攋欸我个手机到架车.[我攋欸我個手機到架車.]
Ngöi-lèo-ë-ngöi-göi-siū-gï-äo-gâ-chēh/. I left my smartphone in the car.
<又> lài; làt. (See 攋 lài; 攋 làt).
leo4 9607
85 14 lèo lòu to leak; to divulge; to leave out by mistake; waterclock or hourglass (old).¹⁰
走漏 dēo-lèo zǒulòu leak out, divulge; smuggling and tax evasion; (of large quantity of things) be partially stolen.⁶
走漏风声[走漏風聲] dēo-lèo-füng-sëin 
zǒulòu fēngshēng divulge a secret; leak information.⁶
or 痔瘘[痔瘻] jì-lèo zhìlòu <med.> anal fistula; hemorrhoids.⁵
漏尽更残[漏盡更殘] lèo-dìn-gäng-tãn
lòujìngēngcán the small hours of the dawn.¹¹ The night is waning.¹⁹
漏掉 lèo-èl
lòudiào to be missing or left out.⁷
漏斗 lèo-ēo
lòudǒu funnel.⁵
漏杓 lèo-sēk
lòusháo a strainer, a colander.¹¹
漏水 lèo-suī
lòushuǐ to leak (of water).¹⁰
漏税[漏稅] lèo-suï
lòushuì evade taxation.¹⁰
漏洞 lèo-ùng
lòudòng leak; hole; gap; loophole.¹⁰
漏壶[漏壺] lèo-vũ
lòuhú watch clock; clepsydra.¹⁰
遗漏[遺漏] vĩ-lèo
yílòu omit; leave out.⁵
泄漏 xēik-lèo
xièlòu leak, escape; (=泄露 xēik-lù xièlòu disclose, leak, divulge).⁶
<又> lào. (See 漏 lào).
leo4 9608
104 16 lèo lòu fistula.⁵ goiter; scrofula.⁷ a purulent tumor; a running sore; an ulcer.¹⁴ anal fistula; tumor, sore.³⁶ (variant: 瘺 lèo lòu).
t: ⿸疒婁; U+763B).
肛瘻 göng-lèo
gānglòu <med.> anal fistula.⁵
or 痔漏 jì-lèo zhìlòu <med.> anal fistula; hemorrhoids.⁵
瘻管 lèo-gōn
lòuguǎn <med.> fistula.⁵
(See 瘺 lèo; 瘻[lèo, ]).
leo4 9609
104 16 lèo lòu (=瘻 lèo lòu) fistula.⁵ goiter; scrofula.⁷ a purulent tumor; a running sore; an ulcer.¹⁴ anal fistula; tumor, sore.³⁶
t: ⿸疒屚; U+763A). (comp. s: ⿸疒娄; U+7618).
(See 瘻[lèo, lòu]; 瘻[lèo, ]).
leo4 9610
104 16 lèo a hunchback; a humpback.⁷
(composition t: ⿸疒婁; U+763B).
疬瘻[癧瘻] lēik-lèo
lìlǘ scrofulos swellings.¹⁴
瘻痈[瘻癰] lèo-yüng
lǘyōng a malignant tumor.¹⁴
(See 瘻[lèo, lòu]; 瘺 lèo).
leo4 9611
167 19 lèo lòu carve, inlay, engrave, tattoo.⁸
镂冰雕朽[鏤冰雕朽] lèo-bëin-ël-hiū lòubīngdiāoxiǔ engrave ice and rotten wood – work to no avail/without result.⁶
镂尘吹影[鏤塵吹影] lèo-chĩn-chuï-yēin
lòuchénchuīyǐng carve the dust and blow the shadow – make futile efforts.⁶
镂花[鏤花] lèo-fä
lòuhuā engrave/cut designs; ornamental engraving.⁶
镂簋朱绂[鏤簋朱紱] lèo-gī-jï-fūt
or liũ-gī-jï-fūt lòuguǐ-zhūfú engraved bowl and red ribbon in hat.⁸
镂金错彩[鏤金錯彩] lèo-gïm-tö-tōi
lòujīncuòcǎi be colorfully and dazzlingly embellished – flowery language.⁶
镂骨铭心[鏤骨銘心] lèo-gūt-mẽin-xïm
lòugǔmíngxīn or 镂心刻骨[鏤心刻骨] lèo-xïm-hāk-gūt lòuxīnkègǔ (=刻骨铭心[刻骨銘心] hāk-gūt-mẽin-xïm kègǔmíngxīn) imprint on the bones and inscribe on the memory – be remembered with deep gratitude.⁶
镂刻[鏤刻] lèo-hāk
lòukè engrave, carve; impress deeply.⁶
镂空[鏤空] lèo-hüng
lòukōng hollow out.⁸
镂月裁云[鏤月裁雲] lèo-ngùt-tõi-vũn
lòuyuè-cáiyún engrave the moon and cut out the clouds – be highly skilled; posses great craftsmanship.⁶
<又> liũ.
(See 鏤 liũ.)
leo4 9612
170 8 lèo lòu ugly; humble; vulgar; corrupt; undesirable; (of knowledge) scanty; limited; shallow.
(composition: ⿰阝⿺⿱丨一丙; U+964B).
丑陋[醜陋] chiū-lèo chǒulòu ugly.
陋习[陋習] lèo-dìp
lòuxí corrupt customs; bad habits.
陋俗 lèo-dùk
lòusú undesirable customs.
陋巷 lèo-hòng
lòuxiàng a narrow alley.
陋规[陋規] lèo-kï
lòuguī objectionable practices.
陋室 lèo-sīt
lòushì <humb.> my humble room.
浅陋[淺陋] tēin-lèo
qiǎnlòu meager, mean, shallow.⁶
粗陋 tü-lèo
cūlòu coarse and crude.
leo4 9613
118 17 lêo lǒu basket made by weaving bamboo slats, wickers or twigs.⁷
背篓[背簍] böi-lêo bēilǒu a basket carried on the back.⁵
字纸篓[字紙簍] dù-jī-lêo
zìzhǐlǒu wastepaper basket.⁵
废纸篓[廢紙簍] fī-jī-lêo
fèizhǐlǒu wastepaper basket.⁶
蟹篓[蟹簍] hāi-lêo
xièlǒu crab basket.⁶
炭篓[炭簍] hän-lêo
tànlǒu charcoal basket.³⁹
炭篓子[炭簍子] hän-lêo-dū
tànlǒuzi <topo.> high empty title.¹¹
竹篓[竹簍] jūk-lêo
zhúlǒu bamboo basket/crate.⁶
篓子[簍子] lêo-dū
lǒuzi basket.⁵ a basket made of bamboo, wickers or twigs.⁷
篓筐[簍筐] lêo-köng
lǒukuāng basket.¹⁹
篓儿[簍兒] lêo-ngĩ
lǒur a basket; a kind of dumpling with stuffing.⁷
篓莴属植物[簍萵屬植物] lêo-vö-sùk-jèik-mùt
lǒuwōshǔ zhíwù mugwort.¹⁰
煤簍[煤簍] mõi-lêo
méilǒu a coal basket.¹¹
鱼篓[魚簍] nguî-lêo
yúlǒu bamboo fish hamper; creel.⁶ (See <台> 鱼篓[魚簍] nguî-luī)
油篓[油簍] yiũ-lêo
yóulǒu a willow basket covered with oilcloth for storage of liquids.⁷ oil hamper.¹¹
<又> luī.
(See 簍 luī.)
leo5 9614
195 22 lêo lóu a carp-like savory fish.⁸
<台> 田䱾 hẽin-lêo/ shuttles hoppfish or shuttles mudskipper (Periophthalmus modestus).
Scientifically it is called 广东弹涂鱼[廣東彈塗魚] Gōng-üng àn-hũ-nguî/ 
Guǎngdōng dàntúyú (Periophthalmus modestus) shuttles hoppfish or shuttles mudskipper.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ Also known as 弹涂鱼[彈塗魚] àn-hũ-nguî/ dàntúyú or 花跳 fä-hẽl huātíao or 跳跳鱼[跳跳魚] hẽl-hẽl-nguî/ tíaotíaoyú or 泥猴 nãi-hẽo níhóu (Periophthalmus modestus) mudskipper.²³
leo5 9615
47 15 lèp liè (=鬣 lèp liè mane; long beard; long whiskers; fins; bristles; the end of a broom; tuft; needles.⁵ʼ⁷ʼ¹⁴ʼ²⁵ʼ³⁶).³⁶ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿳巛龱⿲⿺𠄌⺀⿺𠄌⺀㇂ or ⿳巛囚⿲⿺𠄌𠄠⿺𠄌𠄠㇂; U+5DE4).
(See 鬣 lèp).
lep4 9616
86 16 𤎞
lèp liè demotic character for 爉 lèp liè sound of fire.²ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰; U+2439C).
<又> làp.
(See 爉❄{U+2439C} làp).
lep4 9617
86 19 lèp liè original character for 𤎞❄{U+2439C} lèp liè sound of fire.²ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰火巤; U+7209).
<又> làp.
(See 爉 làp).
lep4 9618
94 15 lèp liè (<old>=猎[獵] lèp liè to hunt).⁸
(composition: ⿰犭葛; U+7366).
<又> gût; hēik.
(See 獦 gût; 獦 hēik).
lep4 9619
94 18 lèp liè to hunt; to chase; field sports.⁷
打猎[打獵] ā-lèp dǎliè to go hunting.⁵
出猎[出獵] chūt-lèp
chūliè to go hunting.¹⁰
红旗猎猎[紅旗獵獵] hũng-kĩ-lèp-lèp
hóngqílièliè The red flag was fluttering in the wind.⁶
猎刀[獵刀] lèp-äo
lièdāo hunting knife.⁶
猎户[獵戶] lèp-fù
lièhù hunter; huntsman.⁵
猎户座[獵戶座] lèp-fù-dò
lièhùzuò <astr.> Orion.⁵
猎狗[獵狗] lèp-gēo
liègǒu hunting dog, hound.⁶
猎犬[獵犬] lèp-hūn
lièquǎn hunting dog, hound.⁶
猎奇[獵奇] lèp-kĩ
lièqí hunt for novelty; seek novelty.⁵
猎猎[獵獵] lèp-lèp
lièliè <wr.> flutter, flap.⁶
猎物[獵物] lèp-mùt
or lèp-mòt lièwù game; quarry.⁷
猎人[獵人] lèp-ngĩn
lièrén hunter.⁵
猎食[獵食] lèp-sèik
lièshí to hunt for food.⁷
猎手[獵手] lèp-siū
lièshǒu hunter.⁵
猎取[獵取] lèp-tuī
lièqǔ hunt; pursue, seek, hunt for.⁵
猎鹰[獵鷹] lèp-yëin
lièyīng a falcon.⁷
lep4 9620
157 22 lèp liè <wr.> overstep, go beyond, skip over; trample.⁵ to transgress, to overstep.⁷
躐等 lèp-āng lièděng skip over/leave out the normal steps.⁶
躐等求进[躐等求進] lèp-āng-kiũ-dïn
lièděngqiújìn try to advance by skipping necessary steps.⁵
躐席 lèp-dèik
lièxí to take a seat which one is not entitled to.⁷
躐进[躐進] lèp-dïn
lièjìn advance or get promoted by skipping necessary steps.⁶
躐级[躐級] lèp-kīp
lièjí skip over/leave out the normal steps.⁶
躐迁[躐遷] lèp-tëin
lièqiān get promoted more than one grade at a time.
lep4 9621
190 22 lèp liè (=鬣 lèp liè mane; long beard; long whiskers; fins; bristles; the end of a broom; tuft; needles.⁵ʼ⁷ʼ¹⁴ʼ²⁵ʼ³⁶).³⁶ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿳髟龱⿲⿺𠄌⺀⿺𠄌⺀㇂ or ⿳髟囚⿲⿺𠄌𠄠⿺𠄌𠄠㇂; U+9B1B).
(See 鬣 lèp).
lep4 9622
190 25 lèp liè mane; long beard; long whiskers; fins; bristles; the end of a broom; tuft; needles.⁵ʼ⁷ʼ¹⁴ʼ²⁵ʼ³⁶ (variants: 巤, 鬛 lèp liè).
(composition: ⿱髟巤; U+9B23).
发鬣[髮鬣] fāt-lèp
fāliè hairy.²⁵
刚鬣[剛鬣] göng-lèp
gāngliè a pig.²⁵
鬣鬃 lèp-düng
lièzōng mane.⁶
鬣狗 lèp-gēo
liègǒu (striped hyena).⁶ a hyena or a hyaena, also called 土狼 hū-lõng tǔláng.
鬣丘 lèp-hiü
lièqiū cuesta; escarpment; scarp.⁵⁴
鬣羚 lèp-lẽin
lièlíng serow.⁵
鬣狼 lèp-lõng
lièláng maned wolf.⁶
鬣蜥 lèp-xēik
lièxī iguana.¹⁰
马鬣[馬鬣] mâ-lèp
mǎliè mane of a horse.⁶
狮鬣[獅鬣] xü-lèp
shīliè mane of a lion.⁶
(See 巤 lèp; 鬛 lèp).
lep4 9623
195 26 lèp liè  minnow.⁶
赤鱲 chēik-lèp chìliè another name for 鲷鱼[鯛魚] ël-nguĩ diāoyú red seabream (Pagrus major).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
嘉鱲 gä-lèp
jiāliè another name for 鲷鱼[鯛魚] ël-nguĩ diāoyú red seabream (Pagrus major).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
红鱲[紅鱲] hũng-lèp
hóngliè another name for 鲷鱼[鯛魚] ël-nguĩ diāoyú red seabream (Pagrus major).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
沙鱲 sâ-lèp
shāliè another name for 鲷鱼[鯛魚] ël-nguĩ diāoyú red seabream (Pagrus major).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
lep4 9624
121 17 lêp xià <台> 罅 lêp crack, gap, fissure.
<台> 门罅[門罅] mõn-lêp the crack between the door and the door frame.
<台> 牛屎罅 ngẽo-sī-lêp lit. cow dung crack fig. A place which is a very narrow; small place.
<又> lâ. (See 罅 lâ; 𨻲❄{⿰阝虖} lâ).
lep5 9625
30 10 li final particle used to reinforce an assertion.
山上的雪还没有化哩[山上的雪還沒有化哩] sän-sèng-ēik-xūt-vãn-mòt-yiû-fä-lī shānshàngdexuěméiyǒufäli The snow on the mountain hasn't melted yet.
<又> lî.
(See 哩 lî, [lī, ].)
li1 9626
30 10 (used for sound).
哩哩啦啦 lī-lī-lā-lā līlīlālā sporadic; scattered; intermittent; at irregular intervals; on and off.⁶
哩哩啰啰[哩哩囉囉] lī-lī-lō-lō
līlīluōluō rambling and indistinct; wordy and unclear in speech.⁶
哩溜歪斜 lī-liũ-vāi-tẽh
līliūwāixié <topo.> askew; crooked; shapeless and twisted.⁶
<又> lî.
(See 哩 [lī, li], lî.)
li1 9627
30 12 grain weight.¹⁰
咖喱 gä-lī gālí <loan> curry.¹⁰
咖喱鸡[咖喱雞] gä-lī-gäi
gālíjī curry chicken.¹⁰
li1 9628
75 7 plum; Li surname.⁵ <bot.> the plum, Prunus salicina.¹¹
行李 hãng-lī
xíngli luggage, baggage.⁶
桃李满天下[桃李滿天下] hão-lī-mōn-hëin-hà
or hô-lī-mōn-hëin-hà táolǐmǎntiānxià (of a master or teacher) have pupils or disciples everywhere.⁶
中国李[中國李] Jüng-gōk-lī
Zhōngguólǐ Chinese plum; Japanese plum  (Prunus salicina).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
李亚属[李亞屬] lī-ä-sùk
lǐyàshǔ (Prunus subg. Prunus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
李白 Lī Bàk
Lǐ Bái Li Bai or Li Po (701-762) one of the greatest Chinese poets in the Tang Dynasty.⁷
李子 lī-dū
lǐzi plum tree; plum.⁶
李耳 Lī Ngī
Lǐ'ěr another name for 老子 Lāo Dū Lǎo Zǐ Lao Zi.⁷
李代桃僵 lī-òi-hão-gëng
lǐdàitáojiāng substitute one thing for another; sacrifice oneself for another person.⁵
李世民 Lī Säi-mĩn
Lǐ Shìmín (598-649 A.D.) leader of insurrection against the Sui dynasty who co-founded the Tang dynasty; reigned 626-649 as Tang Taizong.¹⁵
李漼 Lī-tuï
Lǐcuǐ Li Cui, personal name of eighteenth Tang emperor 懿宗 Yì-düng Yìzōng Yizong (833-873), reigned 859-873.¹⁰
li1 9629
89 8 scattered or dispersed and clear, to stop, to detain, a conncetion, lineage.¹ two sticks laid across each other.²⁴ <old> sparse and clear; to stop; to connect.³⁶
li1 9630
96 14 colored glaze; glass.¹⁰ (variant: 瓈 lī ).
玻璃 bū-lī
or bō-lī bōli glass; plastic.⁶
不碎玻璃 būt-xuï bū-lī
or būt-xuï bō-lī bùsuìbōli safety or shatterproof glass.¹⁰
琉璃 liũ-lī
liúli colored glaze.⁵
琉璃塔 liũ-lī-hāp
liúlítǎ glazed pagoda.⁵
琉璃球 liũ-lī-kiũ
liúliqiú (children's) glazed ball; smart (or intelligent, bright) person; foxy (or tricky, slippery) person; miser; mean/stingy person.⁶
琉璃瓦 liũ-lī-ngā
liúliwǎ glazed tile.⁵
彩色玻璃 tōi-sēik-bū-lī
or tōi-sēik-bō-lī cǎisèbōlí stained glass.¹⁰
碎玻璃 xuï-bū-lī
or xuï-bō-lī suìbōlí cullet.¹⁰
(See 瓈 lī.)
li1 9631
96 19 (=璃 lī ) colored glaze; glass.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰𤣩黎; U+74C8).
(See 璃 lī.)
li1 9632
145 12 (=里[裏] lî ) within, inside; used to indicate time of day, night, a season; the lining of clothes; used after 这[這] and 那 to mean "here" and "there", respectively.⁷
<又> lî.
(See 裏 lī; 裡 lî; 里 lî).
li1 9633
145 13 within, inside; used to indicate time of day, night, a season; the lining of clothes; used after 这[這] and 那 to mean "here" and "there", respectively.⁷  (variant: 裡 lī ).
里带[裏帶] lī-âi
lǐdài <topo.> an inner tube (of a tire).⁷
里边[裏邊] lī-bëin
lǐbian inside.¹⁴
里出外进[裏出外進] lī-chūt-ngòi-dïn
lǐchūwàijìn uneven, not neat; motley of people coming and going.⁷
里子[裏子] lī-dū
lǐzi lining of a garment, a hot or shoes.⁷
里间[裏間] lī-gän
lǐjiān an inner room.⁷
里头[裏頭] lī-hẽo
lǐtou inside.⁷
里海[裏海] Lī-hōi
Lǐ Hǎi the Caspian Sea.¹⁴
里襟[裏襟] lī-kïm
lǐjīn the inside lapel of a dress.⁷
里里外外[裏裏外外] lī-lī-ngòi-ngòi
lǐlǐwàiwài inside and outside.⁷
里面[裏面] lī-mèin
lǐmiàn inside; within.⁷
里面表面[裏面表面] lī-mèin-bēl-mèin
lǐmiànbiǎomiàn inward and outward; essential and external.¹⁴
里外受敌[裏外受敵] lī-ngòi-siù-èik
lǐwàishòudí to face opposition inside and out.⁷
里言[裏言] lī-ngũn
lǐyán confidential words; sincere talk.¹⁴
里屋[裏屋] lī-ūk
lǐwū an inner room.⁷
里衣[裏衣] lī-yï
lǐyī underwear.⁷
(See 裡 lī; 裡 lî; 里 lî).
li1 9634
13 22 a kind of turban used in ancient time.⁸ a cap.²⁴
(variant: 䍠[䍦] lĩ ).
(composition: ⿱冃離; U+34BF).
接㒿 dëp-lĩ
jiēlí a white cap.²⁴
羃㒿 mìt-lĩ
mìlí a face covering for both men and women.¹⁰¹
(See 䍦 lĩ).
li3 9635
18 6 Li surname.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱刀⿰刀刀; U+5215).
li3 9636
30 13 𠻗 (Cant.) imperative final particle.⁸
(composition: ⿰口离; U+20ED7).
咮𠻗 jiü-lĩ zhòulí (=侏離 jï-lĩ zhūlí or 吺𠻗 ëo-lĩ dōulí) used to describe foreign languages as difficult to understand.⁸
li3 9637
32 22 𡔉
(=䕻 lĩ to join or depend on, as plants and trees depend on the earth for their support.²ʼ²⁵ to adhere to; to stick together.⁸ can be used for 蘪 mĩ millet.²⁵).
(composition: ⿰土麗; U+21509).
(See 䕻 lĩ; 蘪 mĩ).
li3 9638
38 14 <wr.> widow.⁶
茕嫠[煢嫠] kẽin-lĩ qiónglí friendless widow.⁵⁴
惸嫠 kẽin-lĩ
qiónglí widow.¹¹ lonely and desolate person.¹⁴
嫠不恤纬[嫠不恤緯] lĩ-būt-xūt-vī
líbùxùwěi be concerned, worried for the country and forget one's own family.⁸
嫠节[嫠節] lĩ-dēik 
líjié <wr.> chaste widowhood.¹¹
嫠妇[嫠婦] lĩ-fû
lífù <wr.> widow.¹¹
恤嫠 xūt-lĩ
xùlí to give relief to widows.¹⁰
li3 9639
38 22 ➀ (<old>=骊[驪] lĩ historical tribe in ancient China)  ➁ name of an ancient state; ➂ Li surname.¹⁹
(composition: ⿰女麗; U+5B4B).
or 驪姬 lĩ-kï líjī Li Ji (-651 BCE) was the daughter of the monarch of the 孋戎 Lirong tribe; she later became the concubine, and then wife of the Duke Xian of Jin (晉獻公 -651 BCE); she was nicknamed as the "Witch of the Age" (一代妖姬) because of her devious acts.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(See 驪姬之亂 lĩ-kï-jï-lòn).
or 骊戎[驪戎] lĩ-yũng líróng a feudal state during the Zhou Dynasty; an ancient tribe in China.⁵⁴
<又> lài.
(See 孋 lài).
li3 9640
64 13 to spread out; to stretch out.²⁴ (variant: 攡 lĩ ).
(composition: ⿰扌离; U+645B).
<又> chï.
(See 摛 chï; 攡 lĩ).
li3 9641
64 21 (=摛 lĩ to spread out; to stretch out.²⁴).
(composition: ⿰扌離; U+6521).
(See 摛 lĩ).
li3 9642
75 7 to leave.²ʼ²⁴ same as 篱[籬] (lĩ hedge; fence.⁶).⁹ʼ¹³
(composition: ⿰木也; U+675D).
<又> hõ; jï; tõ; yĩ.
(See 杝 hõ; 杝 jï; 杝 tõ; 杝 yĩ).
li3 9643
75 9 (composition: ⿰木㐌; U+67C2).
柯柂 ö-lĩ or ü-lĩ kēlí an ancient wine name.⁸ a sort of wine.²⁴
<又> yĩ; hõ.
(See 柂 yĩ; 柂 hõ).
li3 9644
75 11 pear.⁹ (variant: 棃 lĩ lí.)
白梨 bàk-lĩ
báilí a small white pear.¹⁴
花梨木 fä-lĩ-mûk huālímù (=花榈木[花櫚木] fä-luĩ-mûk huālǘmù <bot.> 0rmosia henryi Prain).²³ rosewood.¹¹
海南黄花梨[海南黃花梨] Hōi-nãm-võng-fä-lĩ
Hǎinán huánghuālí or 降香黄檀[降香黃檀] göng-hëng-võng-hãn jiàngxiāng huángtán fragrant rosewood (Dalbergia odorifera).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
梨枣[梨棗] lĩ-dāo
lízǎo the pear and the date, whose wood is used for cutting printing blocks; printing blocks.⁷
梨子 lĩ-dū
lízi pear.¹⁴
梨花大鼓 lĩ-fä-ài-gū
líhuā dàgǔ a type of folksong in Shandong Province, usually accompanied by a drum and two brass pieces to punctuate the narrative song.⁷
梨膏 lĩ-gäo
lígāo a heavy syrup of pear juice and honey.⁷
梨糕 lĩ-gäo
lígāo malt-sugar hard sesame candy.¹⁹
梨树[梨樹] lĩ-sì
líshù the pear tree.⁷
梨涡[梨渦] lĩ-vö
líwō dimples.⁷
梨园[梨園] lĩ-yõn
líyuán pear orchard; operatic circles.⁵⁴
梨园子弟[梨園子弟] lĩ-yõn-dū-ài
líyuán zǐdì play-actors, – because a pear garden was set apart for this purpose during the Tang dynasty.¹⁴
(See 棃 lĩ.)
li3 9645
75 11 digging tools, such as a spade or shovel.⁸ a basket for removing earth; a spade.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰木里; U+68A9).
蔂梩[虆梩] lõ-lĩ léilí a basket for carrying earth.²⁴
樏梩 luĩ-lĩ
léilí a tool for removing earth.
<又> dù; gī.
(See 梩 dù; 梩 gī).
li3 9646
75 12 (=梨 lĩ lí.) pear.
冻棃[凍棃] üng-lĩ
dònglí the frosty face of an old man.²⁴
(See 梨 lĩ.)
li3 9647
82 15 a tuft of hair; a tail.¹⁴
毫牦[毫氂] hõ-lĩ háolí hair on an animal's tail; the slightest, worthless, quite insignificant, bit.⁵⁴ (=毫厘[毫釐] hõ-lĩ háolí) a modicum, tiniest bit.¹¹
牦缨[氂纓] lĩ-yëin
líyīng a chin strap made of hair, hanging (without being tied together) to signify the wearer confessing to a crime.⁵⁴
牛牦[牛氂] ngẽo-lĩ
niúlí tail of a yak used as a flybrush.¹⁴
<又> mão.
(See 氂 mão; 犛 lĩ; 犛 mão.)
li3 9648
85 21 to seep through; name of a river.¹⁰
大汗淋漓[大汗淋灕] ài-hòn-lĩm-lĩ dàhànlínlí be drenched with sweat.⁵⁵
漓江[灕江] Lĩ-göng
Líjiāng River Li, Guangxi (广西[廣西] Gōng-xäi Guǎngxī Guangxi Province).¹⁰
淋漓[淋灕] lĩm-lĩ
línlí dripping wet.⁵⁵
淋漓尽致[淋灕盡致] lĩm-lĩ-dìn-jï
línlíjìnzhì thoroughly.⁵⁵
li3 9649
93 15 (=牦牛[氂牛] or 髦牛) mão-ngẽo máoniú yak.⁶ a black ox; the yak.¹⁴
<又> mão.
(See 犛 mão; 氂 lĩ; 氂 mão.)
li3 9650
94 10 the fox; the wild-cat; the raccoon.¹⁴ (variant: 貍 lî).¹⁴
九节狸[九節狸] giū-dêik-lĩ jiǔjiélí <zoo.> zibet; large Indian civet.⁵
果子狸 gō-dū-lĩ
guǒzilí masked or gem-faced civet.⁵
河狸 hõ-lĩ
hélí beaver.⁵
海狸 hōi-lĩ
hǎilí beaver.⁵
海狸鼠 hōi-lĩ-sī
hǎilíshǔ coypu; nutria.⁵
狸子 lĩ-dū
lízi (=豹猫[豹貓] bäo-miū bàomāo) leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
狸猫[狸貓] lĩ-miū
límāo (=豹猫[豹貓] bäo-miū bàomāo) leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
狸奴 lĩ-nũ
línú cat.⁶
狸藻 lĩ-täo
lízǎo bladderwort (Utricularla vulgaris).⁵
袋狸 òi-lĩ
dàili bandicoot.⁶
<又> lî.
(See 狸 [lî, li]; 貍 lî.)
li3 9651
94 11 (=狸 lĩ the fox; the wild-cat; the raccoon.¹⁴).¹⁹ a kind of fox.²⁴
(composition: ⿰犭來; U+730D).
<又> lõi.
(See 猍 lõi).
li3 9652
104 24 a soar; an ulcer.²⁴
(composition: ⿸疒麗; U+3FDB).
<又> lài. (See 㿛 lài).
li3 9653
118 24 hedge; fence.⁶
竹篱[竹籬] jūk-lĩ zhúlí bamboo fence.⁶
篱笆[籬笆] lĩ-bä
líbā bamboo or twig fence.⁵
篱笆墙[籬笆牆] lĩ-bä-tẽng
líbaqiáng wattled wall.⁵
篱壁间物[籬壁間物] lĩ-bēik-gän-mùt
or lĩ-bēik-gän-mòt líbìjiānwù homegrown product.⁶
篱栅[籬柵] lĩ-chāk
lízhà bamboo/twig fence.⁶
篱根[籬根] lĩ-gïn
lígēn the lower part of a fence.⁷
篱菊[籬菊] lĩ-gūk
líjú chrysanthemum beside the fence.⁷
篱竹[籬竹] lĩ-jūk
lízhú fence formed by living bamboos.⁷
篱落[籬落] lĩ-lòk
líluò or 篱𥯛❄{⿱𥫗洛}[籬𥯛❄{⿱𥫗洛}] lĩ-lōk líluò <wr.> bamboo/twig fence.⁶
篱墙[籬牆] lĩ-tẽng
líqiáng wattled wall.⁶
篱垣[籬垣] lĩ-yõn
líyuán a fence; a hedge.⁷
<又> lî.
(See 籬 lî.)
li3 9654
120 16 silk veil (worn by a woman).⁶ bridal veil.¹¹ a bridal ornament.¹⁴ to bind shoes with silk; a woman's sash.²⁵
(variant: 褵 lĩ ).
结其缡[結其縭] gēik-kĩ-lĩ
jiéqílí she tied her sash.²⁵
结缡[結縭] gēik-lĩ
jiélí (of a woman) get married.⁶ to tie the bridal ornament – married.¹⁴
(See 褵 lĩ).
li3 9655
120 25 to bind, a rope.¹⁴ the fringe of a cap.²⁵
(composition: ⿰糹麗; U+7E9A).
冠纚 gön-lĩ guānlí or gön-xāi  guānxǐ cap strings.¹⁴
<又> xāi; xū.
(See 纚 xāi; 纚 xū).
li3 9656
122 16 <wr.> suffer from; meet with; undergo.⁶
(composition: ⿱罒惟; U+7F79).
遭罹 däo-lĩ zāolí <lit.> to suffer.⁵⁴
罹病 lĩ-bèng
líbìng <wr.> suffer from a disease; fall ill.⁶
罹灾[罹災] lĩ-döi
lízāi to meet a disaster; to be stricken by a calamity.⁷
罹其凶害 lĩ-kĩ-hüng-hòi
líqíxiōnghài I suffered from his malice.¹⁴
罹难[罹難] lĩ-nàn
línàn <wr.> die in a disaster or an accident; <wr.> be murdered.⁵
罹难者[罹難者] lĩ-nàn-jēh
línànzhě a victim.⁷
罹患 lĩ-vàn
líhuàn suffer from an illness; fall ill.¹⁹
罹祸[罹禍] lĩ-vò-jēh
líhuò <wr.> meet with or suffer a misfortune, suffer a disaster.⁶
罹殃 lĩ-yëng
líyāng to be victimized by a calamity; to meet a disaster.⁷
li3 9657
122 23 (=㒿 lĩ a kind of turban used in ancient time.⁸ a cap.²⁴).² <old> a kind of turban used in ancient times.¹⁰ <old> type of turban worn in antiquity.¹⁰¹
t: ⿱罒離; U+4366). (comp. s: ⿱罒离; U+4360).
接䍠[接䍦] dëp-lĩ
jiēlí a white cap.²ʼ²⁵
羃䍠[羃䍦] mìt-lĩ
mìlí turban; an ancient mask.⁸ a covering for the head.²⁵
(See 㒿 lĩ).
li3 9658
137 13 a type of boat in ancient books.⁸
(composition: ⿰舟里; U+8243).
䑴艃 kĩ-lĩ qílí a kind of vessel.²⁵
li3 9659
140 21 Gracilaria verrucosa.⁸ red algae; Gracilaria, several species, some edible; Japanese ogonori.¹⁰
or 茳蓠[茳蘺] göng-lĩ jiānglí red algae; Gracilaria, several species, some edible; Japanese ogonori.¹⁰
红江蓠[紅江蘺] hũng-göng-lĩ
hóngjiānglí Gracilaria rubra.²
li3 9660
140 22 to join or depend on, as plants and trees depend on the earth for their support.²ʼ²⁵ to adhere to; to stick together.⁸ can be used for 蘪 mĩ millet; also written as 𡔉 lĩ and 麗 lài .²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹麗; U+457B).
<又> lài.
(See 䕻 lài; 蘪 mĩ; 𡔉 lĩ; 麗 lài).
li3 9661
145 15 (=缡[縭] lĩ silk veil (worn by a woman).⁶ bridal veil.¹¹ a bridal ornament.¹⁴ to bind shoes with silk; a woman's sash.²⁵); bridal veil.⁸  bride's veil or kerchief.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰衤离; U+8935).
(See 縭 lĩ).
li3 9662
162 22 continuous and meandering (as mountains, roads).⁷ to walk in crowds; winding.¹⁴
逦迤[邐迤] or 逦迆[邐迆] lĩ-yĩ lǐyǐ (said of mountains, sand dunes) sprawling out in all directions.⁷
or 迆逦[迆邐] yĩ-lĩ yǐlǐ <wr.> winding; tortuous; meandering.⁶
li3 9663
163 21 Li surname.
<又> lèik. (See 酈 lèik.)
li3 9664
164 17 <wr.> thin/light/weak wine.⁶ dregs of wine.¹⁴
醇醨 sũn-lĩ chúnlí strong wines and light wines.⁷
li3 9665
164 26 to wash grains with water.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿰酉麗; U+91C3). (comp. s: ⿰酉丽; U+917E).
<又> säi; xü.
(See 釃 säi; 釃 xü).
li3 9666
166 18 equal to 0.001 of a 尺; equal to 0.001 of a tael 两[兩];  manage, administer; revise; tiny, small.⁷ to give; twins.¹⁴ <old> 10 厘=1 分 candareen; 厘[釐] li or cash is a traditional Chinese unit of weight.¹⁵
公厘[公釐] güng-lĩ gōnglí millimeter.¹⁴
厘孳[釐孳] lĩ-dü
lízī twins.¹⁴
厘定[釐定] lĩ-èin
lídìng to formulate (rules).⁷
厘革[釐革] lĩ-gāk
lígé to revise; to reform.⁷
厘金[釐金] lĩ-gïm
líjīn or 厘捐[釐捐] lĩ-gün líjuān transit tax levied on traders before the Republic.⁷ an internal tax on the transit of goods (formerly, spelled “likin”).¹¹
厘改[釐改] lĩ-gōi
lígǎi to revise; to correct.⁷
厘降二女嫔于虞[釐降二女嬪於虞] lĩ-göng-ngì-nuī-bïn-yï-nguĩ
líjiàngèrnǚpínyúyú he sent down his two daughters to be the wives of Yú (舜 Shùn).¹⁴
厘克[釐克] lĩ-hāk
líkè centigram (cg).⁶
厘正[釐正] lĩ-jëin
lízhèng to correct; to rectify; to reform.⁷ <wr.> to correct; to amend; to edit (texts,drafts).⁸
厘照[釐照] lĩ-jël
lízhào a "likin" pass.¹⁴
厘卡[釐卡] lĩ-kā
líkǎ a "likin" barrier.¹⁴
厘米[釐米] lĩ-māi
límǐ centimeter (cm).⁶
厘升[釐升] lĩ-sëin
líshēng centiliter (cl).⁶
li3 9667
172 18 one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦 Bāt-gä Bāguà, symbolizing Fire, The Clinging; ☲.⁸⁰ to leave; to separate; to part from; Li surname.
离别[離別] lĩ-bèik
líbié to leave (on a long journey); to part from somebody.
离子[離子] lĩ-dū
lízǐ <phy.> ion.⁶
离婚[離婚] lĩ-fün
líhūn to divorce.
离间[離間] lĩ-gän
líjiàn sow discord; drive a wedge between; set one party against another.⁵
离题[離題] lĩ-hãi
lítí stray from the subject; digress.⁵
离乡[離鄉] lĩ-hëng
líxiāng to leave one's native place.
离乡背井[離鄉背井] lĩ-hëng-böi-dēng
líxiāngbèijǐng to leave one's native place.
离休[離休] lĩ-hiü
líxiū to retire with special honors.
离开[離開] lĩ-höi
líkāi to leave; to depart.
离世[離世] lĩ-säi
líshì to pass away; to die; isolated.
离骚[離騷] Lĩ Xäo
Lí Sāo Sorrow at Parting, poem by 屈原 Vūt Ngũn Qū Yuán in 楚辞[楚辭] Chō-xũ Chǔcí Songs of Chu.¹⁰
离心泵[離心泵] lĩ-xïm-pēim
líxīnbèng centrifugal pump.⁵
分离[分離] fün-lĩ
fēnlí to separate; to sever.
距离[距離] kuî-lĩ
jùlí distance; be apart/away from.⁶
li3 9668
187 29 <wr.> pure black horse.⁶ a black horse; to drive a carriage drawn by two horses.⁷ <wr.> pure black horse; (驪山) Mount Li  in Shaanxi province; (alt. form 孋) historical tribe in ancient China; Li surname​.³⁶
骊驾[驪駕] lĩ-gä líjià to drive a carriage drawn by two horses.⁷
骊歌[驪歌] lĩ-gǒ
lígē a song of farewell (from a farewell poem entitled 骊驹[驪駒] lĩ-guï or lĩ-kuï líjū).⁷
骊驹[驪駒] lĩ-guï
or lĩ-kuï líjū a black horse; the title of a farewell poem.⁷
骊珠[驪珠] lĩ-jî
lízhū a pearl supposedly held under the jaw of a black dragon.⁷
骊姬之乱[驪姬之亂] lĩ-kï-jï-lòn
líjīzhīluàn Li Ji Rebellion in 657-651 BCE, where concubine Li Ji tried to throne her son but was eventually defeated by 晋文公[晉文公] Dün-Mũn-Güng Jìn Wén Gōng Duke Wen of Jin.¹⁰
骊龙[驪龍] lĩ-lũng
lílóng a black dragon.⁷
骊山[驪山] Lĩ-sän
Líshān Mount Li near Xi'an with the tomb of the First Emperor.¹⁰
骊山老母[驪山老母] Lĩ-sän Lāo-mû
Líshān Lǎomǔ the name of a female immortal.⁷
骊黄牝牡[驪黃牝牡] lĩ-võng-pĩn-mêo
or lĩ-võng-pîn-mêo líhuángpìnmǔ a black stallion or possibly a yellow mare (idiom); don't judge by outward appearance.¹⁰

li3 9669
195 19 another name for 鲥[鰣]⁸ sĩ shí a reeves shad; a hilsa herring.⁷ <old> alternative name for 鲥[鰣] sĩ shí, “Tenualosa reevesii”.³⁶
(composition: ⿱⿰禾⿹丿勹魚; U+9BEC).
鯬鯠 lĩ-lõi
lílái or 鲥鱼[鰣魚] sĩ-nguĩ shíyú hilsa herring; reeves shad.⁵ʼ¹³ a large whitish silure.²⁵
(See 鰣 sĩ).
li3 9670
195 30 鳗鲡[鰻鱺] mãn-lĩ mánlí common eel.⁶
t: ⿰魚麗; U+9C7A). (comp. s: ⿰鱼丽; U+9CA1).
li3 9671
196 30 the oriole.¹⁴
黑枕黄鹂[黑枕黃鸝] hāk-jīm-võng-lĩ hēizhěnhuánglí also known as 黄鹂[黃鸝] võng-lĩ huánglí; 黄莺[黃鶯] võng-äng huángyīng; 鸧鹒[鶬鶊] or 仓鹒[倉鶊] or 仓庚[倉庚] töng-gäng cānggēng; 金衣公子 gïm-yï-güng-dū jīnyīgōngzǐ; 黄鸟[黃鳥] võng-nêl huángniǎo; black-naped oriole (Oriolus chinensis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰ʼ²³
鹂子[鸝子] lĩ-dū
lízi the yellow oriole.¹⁴
黄鹂[黃鸝] võng-lĩ
huánglí the yellow oriole.¹⁴
li3 9672
203 22 𪒔
a reddish black color.²⁵
(composition: ⿰黑离; U+2A494).
li3 9673
9 9 clever; sharp; facile; easy and quick; tidy; neat.
百伶百俐 bāk-lẽin-bāk-lì bǎilíngbǎilì very clever.
口齿伶俐[口齒伶俐] hēo-chī-lẽin-lì
kǒuchǐlínglì glib and suave.
伶俐 lẽin-lì
língli clever; witty; intelligent.
or 利落 lì-lòk lìluo well-executed.
<台> 俐口花词[俐口花詞] lì-hēo-fä-xũ glib-tongued.
li4 9674
18 7 profit; benefit; advantage; gain; sharp; to benefit; to serve; Li surname. (variant: 𥝢❄{⿰禾⿹丿勹} chö, q.v.)
自私自利 dù-xü-dù-lì
zìsīzìlì selfish; self-centered; egoistic.
利比里亚[利比里亞] Lì-bī-lî-ä
Lìbǐlǐyà Liberia.
利口 lì-hēo
lìkǒu glib; tasty and refreshing.
利害 lì-hòi
lìhài advantages and disadvantages; gains and losses.⁵
or 厉害[厲害] lì-hòi lìhai terrible; formidable.⁵
fierceness, ferociousness; very (ill), serious (damage, destruction).⁷
利爪 lì-jāo
lìzhǎo sharp claw.⁶
利润[利潤] lì-ngùn
lìrùn profits.¹⁰
利息 lì-xēik
lìxī interest (on a loan).¹⁰
利益 lì-yēik
lìyì benefit, (in somebody's) interest.
利用 lì-yùng
lìyòng to use; to utilize; to take advantage of; to exploit.
龙利[龍利] lũng-lì
lónglì sole; right-eyed flounder; flatfish; see also 鲽[鰈] èp dié.¹⁰
胜利[勝利] sëin-lì
shènglì victory; triumph.⁸
<台> 大吉利是 ài-gīt-lì-sì
or 利吉大是 lì-gīt-ài-sì Auspicious wishes to you! God bless you!
<台> 利口花词[利口花詞] lì-hēo-fä-xũ a slick person who has a glib tongue and uses luring words; glib and garrulous.

li4 9675
27 14 厉害[厲害] or 利害 lì-hòi lìhai terrible; formidable.⁵ fierceness, ferociousness; very (ill), serious (damage, destruction).⁷
<又> lài.
(See 厲 lài.)
li4 9676
30 6 low-level official, clerk.
大吏 ài-lì dàlì high-ranking officer.
官吏 gön-lì
guānlì <trad.> government officials.⁵
贪官污吏[貪官污吏] häm-gön-vü-lì
tānguānwūlì corrupt officials.
酷吏 hùk-lì
kùlì oppressive (feudal) official.⁵
吏治 lì-jì
lìzhì <trad.> administration of local officials.⁶
材吏 tõi-lì
cáilì an able or capable official.⁷
li4 9677
30 10 sound, noise; <old>=哩 lī li final particle (used to reinforce an assertion).⁸
(composition: ⿰口利; U+550E).
吡唎 bī-lì
bǐlì (=觱篥 bēik-lùt bìlì), ancient wind instruments used mostly in the military.¹⁹
皤唎 põ-lì
pólì a Buddhist term, may be translated as alms to the poor, sacrifices to the gods, other sacrifices and honoring ancestors.¹⁹
li4 9678
38 10 姊妹做妯娌 dī-môi-dü-jùk-lì zǐmèizuòzhóuli two sisters marry two brothers.¹¹
妯娌 jùk-lì
zhóuli wives of brothers; sisters-in-law.⁶
妯娌不睦 jùk-lì-būt-mùk
zhóulibùmù the sisters-in-law are not getting along well with each other.⁶
妯娌和睦 jùk-lì-võ-mùk
zhóulihémù sisters-in-law live in concord with each other/one another.⁶
两妯娌[兩妯娌] lēng-jùk-lì
liǎngzhóuli two sisters-in-law.
li4 9679
85 10 noise of water; (=莅[蒞] lì to attend; to be present; to administer; to approach; to arrive).
the noise of water passing over a rapid; to come down, to approach, to behold, to overlook.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵位; U+6D96).
涖治 lì-jì
lìzhì to govern.²⁴
涖任 or 莅任[蒞任] lì-ngìm lìrèn to attend; to take office; to be present (in administrative capacity).¹⁰ to go to an office.²⁴
涖于中国[涖於中國] lì-yï-jüng-gōk
lìyúzhōngguó come down to China.²⁴
li4 9680
94 10 (composition: ⿰犭利; U+7301).
猞猁 sëh-lì shēlì lynx.⁶
li4 9681
104 12 dysentery; see 瘌痢 làt-lì làlì.⁵ dysentery; diarrhea.⁷
白痢 bàk-lì
báilì <TCM> dysentery (characterized by white mucous stool); <liv.> white diarrhea.⁶
赤痢 chēik-lì
chìlì <TCM> bloody dysentery/flux.⁶
血痢 hūt-lì
xuèlì <med.> dysentery.¹⁴
瘌痢 làt-lì
làlì <topo.> favus of the scalp.⁵
痢特灵[痢特靈] lì-àk-lẽin
lìtèlíng furazolidone.⁵
痢疾 lì-dìp
lìji dysentery.⁵
泄痢 xēik-lì
or 泻痢[瀉痢] xëh-lì xièlì have diarrhea.⁸
li4 9682
115 8 𥝢
(=利 lì benefit; advantage; interest.)³⁶ to take advantage of; sharp (of weapons); profitable; profit.⁸
(composition: ⿰禾⿹丿勹; U+25762).
<又> chö.
(See 𥝢❄{⿰禾⿹丿勹} chö).

li4 9683 25762.gif
130 11 <Cant.> tongue.⁵⁴
<台> 脷 lì/ tongue.
<台> 口咬脷抵 hēo-ngāo-lì-āi (=自作自受 dù-dōk-dù-siù zìzuòzìshòu) to suffer as a result of one’s own actions.⁹
<台> 龙脷[龍脷] lũng-lì/ sole (fish).
<台> 镬脷[鑊脷] vôk-lì/ spatula.
li4 9684
140 10 茉莉 mòt-lì mòli jasmine.
茉莉花 mòt-lì-fä
mòlihuā jasmine.
茉莉花茶 mòt-lì-fä-chã
mòli huāchá jasmine tea.
li4 9685
140 13 to attend (an official function); to be present; to administer; to approach (especially as administrator).
(variant: 涖 lì ).
莅临[蒞臨] lì-lĩm
lìlín <wr.> to arrive (especially of notable person); to visit (more formal than 光临[光臨] göng-lĩm guānglín.)¹⁰
or 涖任 lì-ngìm lìrèn to attend; to take office; to be present (in administrative capacity).¹⁰ to go to an office.²⁴
莅会[蒞會] lì-vòi
lìhuì <wr.> to be present at a meeting.¹⁰
翩然莅止[翩然蒞止] pëin-ngẽin-lì-jī 
piānránlìzhǐ  graciously come, arrive.¹¹
(See 涖 lì).
li4 9686
142 13 clam.⁸
蛤蜊 gēip-lì or 蛤蛎[蛤蠣] gēip-lài gélí clam.¹⁰
li4 9687
149 12 <wr.> scold; curse.⁶
忿詈 fûn-lì fènlì <wr.> abuse/curse out in rage.⁶
詈谤[詈謗] lì-bōng
lìbàn to slander.¹⁴
詈骂[詈罵] lì-mà
lìmà <wr.> scold; abuse.⁶
詈言 lì-ngũn
lìyán <wr.> abusive language; swearword; curse.⁶
詈辱 lì-yùk
lìrǔ to scold and insult.⁷
詈辞[詈辭] lì-xũ
lìcí <wr.> abusive language; swearword; curse.⁶
怨詈 yön-lì
yuànlì <wr.> rail fretfully (against/at).⁶
li4 9688
190 17
鬎鬁 làt-lì làlì favus.⁷ scabby, head suffering from scabies.¹¹
鬎鬁头[鬎鬁頭] làt-lì-hẽo
làlìtóu a scalp affected by favus.⁷ head bald from scabies.¹¹
li4 9689
9 9 unpolished, rustic, vulgar; popular; folk.
俚俗 lî-dùk lǐsú vulgar; unrefined.
俚歌 lî-gô
lǐgē folk songs.
俚曲 lî-kūk
lǐqǔ popular or pop song; pop.
俚语[俚語] lî-nguî
lǐyǔ slang.
俚言 lî-ngũn
lǐyán folk saying or proverb.
li5 9690
30 10 (<old> =英里 yëin-lî yīnglǐ) a mile.
<又> lī.
(See 哩 [lī, li], [lī, ].)
li5 9691
44 15 tread/walk on; shoe; experience, go through, undergo; carry out, perform, fulfil; footstep.⁶
履带[履帶] lî-âi/ lǚdài the track (of a vehicle).⁷
履冰 lî-bëin
lǚbīng lit. to walk on ice – cautious, to remain vigilant.⁷
履穿踵决[履穿踵決] lî-chün-jūng-kūt
lǚchuānzhǒngjué shoes are worn through and heels chapped – be out or down at the heels; be down and out; poverty-stricken.⁶
履行 lî-hãng
lǚxíng perform; fulfill; carry out.⁵
履险如夷[履險如夷] lî-hēm-nguĩ-yĩ
lǚxiǎnrúyí cross a dangerous pass as easily as walking on level ground – handle a crisis without difficulty.⁵
履历[履歷] lî-lèik
lǚlì antecedents; personal record (with regard to education, work experience and attainments);  curriculum vitae (CV); résumé.⁶
履历表[履歷表] lî-lèik-bēl
lǚlìbiǎo curriculum vitae (CV); résumé.⁶
履任 lî-ngĩm
lǚrèn <wr.> take up an official post; (of an official) assume office.⁶
履新 lî-xïn
lǚxīn celebrate the New Year; take up a new post; assume new duties.⁶
履约[履約] lî-yēk
lǚyuē keep a promise, pledge, contract, agreement, appointment; honor an agreement.⁶
li5 9692
61 10 sad; grieved; worried.⁷
<又> föi. (See 悝 föi.)
li5 9693
85 10 nautical mile.⁸
海浬 hōi-lî hǎilǐ  old term for 海里 hōi-lî hǎilǐ nautical mile.⁸
li5 9694
94 10 li the fox; the wild-cat; the raccoon.¹⁴ (variant: 貍 lî).¹⁴
老狐狸 lāo-vũ-lî/ lǎohúli old fox; crafty scoundrel.⁶
玉面狐狸 ngùk-mèin-vũ-lî/
yùmiànhúli a white-faced fox – a pretty woman of loose morals.¹⁴
狐狸 vũ-lî/
húli fox.⁵
狐狸精 vũ-lî-dëin
húlijīng fox-spirit – seductive woman.⁵
狐狸狗 vũ-lî-gēo
húligǒu a spitz or Pomeranian.⁷
狐狸尾巴 vũ-lî-mī-bä
húli wěiba fox's tail – something that gives away a person's real character or evil intentions; cloven hoof.⁵
<又> lĩ.
(See 狸 [lĩ, ]; 貍 lî.)
li5 9695
96 11 reason, logic; law, principle; arrange; administer, manage; respond; texture; name of a religious sect; Li surname.⁷
理发[理髮] lî-fāt lǐfà haircut; hairdressing.⁵
理科 lî-fö
lǐkē the physical sciences.¹¹
理货单[理貨單] lî-fö-än
lǐhuòdān tally sheet.⁵
理解 lî-gāi
lǐjiě understand; comprehend.⁵
理直气壮[理直氣壯] lî-jèik-hï-jöng
lǐzhíqìzhuàng with complete confidence.⁹
理智 lî-jï
lǐzhì reason; intellect.⁵
理亏[理虧] lî-kï
lǐkuī be in the wrong.⁵
理疗[理療] lî-lẽl
lǐliáo <med.> physiotherapy.⁵
理论[理論] lî-lùn
lǐlùn theory.⁵
理所当然[理所當然] lî-sō-öng-ngẽin
lǐsuǒdāngrán of course; naturally.⁵
理顺[理順] lî-sùn
lǐshùn sort out; put things in order.⁶
理睬 lî-tōi
lǐcǎi pay attention.⁹
理财[理財] lî-tõi
lǐcái manage money matters.⁵
理会[理會] lî-vòi
lǐhuì understand, comprehend; take notice of; pay attention to.⁵
理性 lî-xëin
lǐxìng reason.⁵
理想 lî-xēng
lǐxiǎng ideal.⁵
理事 lî-xù
lǐshì director; member.⁹
理由 lî-yiũ
lǐyóu reason; ground; argument.⁵
li5 9696
118 24 <台> 隔篱 gäk-lî neighbor. (See 隔离[隔離] gäk-lĩ gélí).
<台> 隔篱膏渣香 gäk-lî-gäo-jâ-hëng lit. Neighber's cracklings are more delicious – The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
<又> lĩ.
(See 籬 lĩ.)
li5 9697
145 12 鞋里[鞋裏] hãi-lî xiélǐ shoe lining.⁵
<又> lī.
(See 裏 lī; 裡 lī; 里 lî)
li5 9698
153 14 (<old> =狸 lî li) fox.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰豸里; U+8C8D).
or 狸脤 lî-sûn líshèn the name of a place.²⁵
(See 狸 [lî, ], 狸 [lî, li.)
li5 9699
166 7 Kangxi radical 166; unit of distance; village; lane.⁸ ➀ a neighborhood; a village; <old> a community of 25 families ➁ about 1/3 of a mile.⁷ Li surname.⁸
里保 lî-bāo lǐbǎo <old> the head of a neighborhood consisting of 25 families.⁷
里程 lî-chẽin
lǐchéng mileage; course of development.⁷
里程表 lî-chẽin-bēl
lǐchéngbiǎo a table of distances; odometer.⁷
里程碑 lî-chẽin-bï
lǐchéngbēi a milestone.⁷
里居 lî-guï
lǐjū to live in the country, to live in retirement; one's address.⁷
里豪 lî-hõ
or lî-hão lǐháo a village bully.⁷
里巷 lî-hōng
lǐxiàng lane; alley.¹⁰
里拉 lî-lā
lǐlā <loan> a lira.⁷
里弄 lî-lùng
lǐlòng lanes and alleys; neighborhood.⁸
里门[里門] lî-mõn
lǐmén village gate.⁷
里谚[里諺] lî-ngèin
lǐyàn proverbs.⁷
里舍 lî-sëh
lǐshè a residence.⁷
里社 lî-sêh
lǐshè a village shrine or temple.⁷
里胥 lî-xuï
lǐxū formerly, a village officer/local constable.¹¹
<台> 大乡里[大鄉里] ài-hëng-lî country bumpkin.
<台> 乡里[鄉里] hëng-lî people from the same village.
(cf 裏 lī; 裡 lī; 裡 lî).
li5 9700
167 15 lithium (Li).⁶
锂电池[鋰電池] lî-èin-chĩ lǐdiànchí lithium battery.¹⁰
锂辉石[鋰輝石] lî-fï-sêk
lǐhuīshí spodumene.¹⁰
锂云母[鋰雲母] lî-vũn-mû
lǐyúnmǔ lepidolite; lithia mica.⁶
li5 9701
195 18 a carp; letters, epistles.⁷
鲤庭[鯉庭] lî-hẽin lǐtíng <trad.> receiving instructions from one's father.⁷ to obey the instructions of a father – Li (鲤[鯉]) was the name of the son of Confucius.
鲤鱼[鯉魚] lî-nguĩ
lǐyú common carp (Cyprinus carpio).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鲤鱼跳龙门[鯉魚跳龍門] lî-nguĩ-hẽl-lũng-mõn
lǐyú tiào lóngmén a carp jumping over the Dragon Gate – climbing up the social ladder; succeed in the imperial civil service examinaton.⁶
鲤鱼钳[鯉魚鉗] lî-nguĩ-kẽm/
lǐyúqián slip-joint pliers.⁶
鲤属[鯉屬] lî-sùk lǐshǔ genus
Cyprinus typical carps.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鲤素[鯉素] lî-xü
lǐsù <wr.> correspondence; letter.⁶ a letter, – from the story of a man who found a letter inside a carp.¹⁴
鲤跃龙门[鯉躍龍門] lî-yèk-lũng-mõn
lǐ yuè lóngmén (=鲤鱼跳龙门[鯉魚跳龍門] lî-nguĩ-hẽl-lũng-mõn lǐyú tiào lóngmén a carp jumping over the Dragon Gate – climbing up the social ladder; succeed in the imperial civil service examinaton.⁶)
双鲤[雙鯉] söng-lî
shuānglǐ a letter, from the shape into which ancient letters were folded.¹⁴
li5 9702
30 11 lĩm lín 卟啉 būk-lĩm bǔlín porphyrin (organic chemical essential to hemoglobin and chlorophyll).¹⁰
喹啉 föi-lĩm
kuílín quinoline C₆H₄(CH)₃N (pharmacology).¹⁰
喹诺酮[喹諾酮] föi-nòk-hũng
kuínuòtóng quinolone (a hydroxylated quinoline, inhibiting the replication of bacterial DNA).¹⁰
lim3 9703
61 11 lĩm lán same as 婪 lãm lán in meaning, but different in Hoisanva pronunciation: avaricious; greedy.¹⁴ to covet.²⁴
贪惏无厌[貪惏無厭] häm-lĩm-mũ-yëm
tānlánwúyàn avaricious and insatiable (idiom); greedy and never satisfied.⁵⁴
(See 惏 [lĩm, lín]; 婪 lãm.)
lim3 9704
61 11 lĩm lín cold.¹⁴
惏悷 lĩm-lãi línlì sad, sorrowful.²³ grieve, suffer.⁵⁴
惏栗[惏慄] lãm-lùt
lín-lì cold; chilly.¹⁴ shivering from the cold, freeze.⁵⁴
(See 惏 [lĩm, lán]; 婪 lãm.)
lim3 9705
75 8 lĩm lín forest, woods, grove; circles; forestry; Lin surname.⁵
竹林 jūk-lĩm zhúlín bamboo grove.⁵
林带[林帶] lĩm-âi/
líndài forest belt.⁵
林场[林場] lĩm-chẽng
línchǎng forestry center (including tree nursery, lumber camp); tree farm.⁵
林子 lĩm-dū
línzi <topo.> woods; grove; forest.⁵
林分 lĩm-fün
línfēn <forest.> standing forest; stand.⁵
林冠 lĩm-gön
línguān <forest.> crown canopy/cover.⁵
林垦[林墾] lĩm-hān
línkěn forest and land reclamation.⁵
林肯 Lĩm-hāng
Línkěn Abraham Lincoln.¹¹
林海 lĩm-hōi
línhǎi immense forest.⁵
林地 lĩm-ì
líndì forest land; woodland; timberland.⁵
林檎 lĩm-kĩm
línqín (=花红[花紅] fä-hûng huāhóng, q.v.) Chinese pear-leaved crabapple.⁵
林区[林區] lĩm-kuï
línqū forest zone; forest region; forest.⁵
林龄[林齡] lĩm-lẽin
línlíng <forest.> age of a stand.⁵
林立 lĩm-lìp
línlì stand in great numbers.³⁹
林木 lĩm-mùk
línmù forest, woods; forest tree.⁵
林业[林業] lĩm-ngèp
línyè forestry.⁵
林苑 lĩm-vōn
línyuàn imperial hunting ground.⁸
林薮[林藪] lĩm-xēo
línsǒu woods and jungle.¹¹
林㹭 lĩm-yài
línyì lynx.⁵
林荫道[林蔭道] lĩm-yîm-ào
línyīndào boulevard; avenue.⁵

lim3 9706
85 11 lĩm lín to soak with water; to drip.⁷
大汗淋漓[大汗淋灕] ài-hòn-lĩm-lĩ dàhànlínlí be drenched with sweat.⁵⁵
冰淇淋 bëin-kĩ-lĩm
bīngqílín <loan> ice cream.⁸
淋巴 lĩm-bä
línbā lymph.⁷
淋漓[淋灕] lĩm-lĩ
línlí dripping wet.⁵⁵
淋漓尽致[淋灕盡致] lĩm-lĩ-dìn-jï
línlíjìnzhì thoroughly.⁵⁵
淋淋 lĩm-lĩm
línlín dripping wet; pouring (rain).⁷
淋雨 lĩm-yî
línyǔ be caught in the rain.⁵⁵
淋浴 lĩm-yùk
línyù a shower; a shower bath.⁷
日晒雨淋[日曬雨淋] ngìt-säi-yî-lĩm
rìshàiyǔlín sun-scorched and rain-drenched – exposed to the elements.⁵⁴
(See 淋 [lĩm, lìn], [lĩm, līn].)
lim3 9707
85 11 lĩm lìn to filter, to strain; gonorrhea.⁷
过淋[過淋] gö-lĩm guòlìn filtrate; filter.⁶
淋病 lĩm-bèng
lìnbìng gonorrhea.⁷
淋茶 lĩm-chã
lìnchá strain tea.⁶
淋酒 lĩm-diū
lìnjiǔ to strain wine.⁷
淋咖啡 lĩm-gä-fēh
lìnkāfēi strain coffee.⁶
淋菌 lĩm-kūn
lìnjūn gonococci.⁷
(See 淋 [lĩm, lín], [lĩm, līn].)
lim3 9708
85 11 lĩm līn 血淋淋 hüt-lĩm-lĩm xiělīnlīn <topo.> dripping with blood, bloody; grim, bitter, cruel.⁵⁴ (See 血淋淋 hüt-lĩm-lĩm xuèlīnlīn.)
血淋淋 hüt-lĩm-lĩm xuèlīnlīn bleeding, bloody, gory; down-to-earth/unvarnished (of truth/facts).⁵⁴ (See 血淋淋 hüt-lĩm-lĩm xiělīnlīn.)
湿淋淋[濕淋淋] sīp-lĩm-lĩm
shīlīnlīn drenched.¹
(See 淋 [lĩm, lín], [lĩm, lìn].)
lim3 9709
96 8 lĩm lín (<old>=琳 lĩm lín <wr.> beautiful jade.⁵); fine jade⁸
(composition: ⿰𤣩今; U+73AA).
<又> gäm; kẽm; ngĩm.
(See 玪 gäm; 玪 kẽm; 玪 ngĩm; 琳 lĩm).
lim3 9710
96 12 lĩm lín <wr.> beautiful jade.⁵
球琳 kiũ-lĩm qiúlín a previous stone.²⁴
琳宫[琳宮] lĩm-güng
língōng a Daoist monastery.⁷ Buddhist monastery.¹⁴
琳札 lĩm-jāt
línzhá valuable letters.⁷
琳琅 lĩm-lõng
or lĩm-lông línláng beautiful jade; gem.⁵
琳琅满目[琳琅滿目] lĩm-lõng-mōn-mùk
or lĩm-lông-mōn-mùk línlángmǎnmù a superb collection of beautiful things; a feast for the eyes.⁵
琳玙[琳璵] lĩm-yĩ
línyú beautiful jade.¹⁹
琳宇 lĩm-yî
línyǔ Buddhist monastery.¹⁴
lim3 9711
104 13 lĩm lín hernia; urinary hesitancy; erroneous variant of 痲[mã ].¹⁰  disease of the bladder; gravel; stone.¹⁴
痳症 lĩm-jëin
línzhèng strangury; diseases of the bladder.¹⁴
(See 痳 [lĩm, lìn].)
lim3 9712
104 13 lĩm lìn (=淋 as in 淋病 lĩm-bèng lìnbìng gonorrhea.)
痳病 lĩm-bèng
lìnbìng gonorrhea.⁷
(See 痳 [lĩm, lín].)
lim3 9713
131 17 lĩm lín face, overlook; arrive, be present; be on the point of, just before; copy (a model of calligraphy or painting).⁵
临近[臨近] lĩm-gìn línjìn close to; close on.⁵
临眺[臨眺] lĩm-hël
líntiào <wr.> ascend a height and have a distant view.⁶
临帖[臨帖] lĩm-hēp
líntiè practice calligraphy/painting after a model.⁶
临朐[臨朐] Lĩm-kuĩ
Línqú Linqu County in 潍坊[濰坊] Vĩ-fōng Wéifāng Weifang prefecture level city in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province.¹⁰
临摹[臨摹] lĩm-mũ
línmó to copy a model of calligraphy or painting.⁸
临危不惧[臨危不懼] lĩm-nguĩ-būt-guì
línwēibùjù face danger fearlessly; betray no fear in an hour of danger.⁵
临时[臨時] lĩm-sĩ
línshí at time when something happens; temporary; provisional, for a short time.⁵
临蓐[臨蓐] lĩm-yùk
línrù about to give birth; parturient.⁸
面临[面臨] mèin-lĩm
miànlín to face something; to be confronted with.¹⁰
<台> 临急临忙[臨急臨忙] lĩm-gīp-lĩm-mõng last minute, unprepared, be in a hurry.
lim3 9714
173 16 lĩm lín continuous heavy rain.⁵
春霖 chün-lĩm chūnlín spring showers.¹¹
甘霖 gäm-lĩm
gānlín good soaking rain; timely rain.⁵
霖霖 lĩm-lĩm
línlín incessant raining.⁷
霖雨 lĩm-yî
línyǔ continuous heavy rain; timely/welcome rain – favor; bounty.⁶
霖雨成川泽[霖雨成川澤] lĩm-yî-sẽin-chün-jàk
línyǔ chéng chuānzé continuous rain formed creeks and pools.⁶
霖雨为灾[霖雨為災] lĩm-yî-vì-döi
línyǔwèizāi long continuous rains bring disasters.⁷
愁霖 sẽo-lĩm
chóulín <old> refers to the incessant rain that causes people to worry.⁸
秋霖 tiü-lĩm
qiūlín autumn rains.⁶
lim3 9715
8 8 lîm lǐn (same as 廪[廩] lîm lǐn) a granary, to supply (foodstuff), to stockpile.⁸
(composition: ⿱亠回; U+342D).
(See 廩 lîm).
lim5 9716
9 14 lîm lǐn abashed, ashamed.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻粦; U+50EF).
僯居 lîm-guï lǐnjū a neighborhood.²⁴
lim5 9717
15 15 lîm lǐn cold, chilly; <wr.> afraid, scared; stern, awe-inspiring, forbidding.⁶ (variants: 澟, 癝 lîm lǐn).
t: ⿰冫稟; U+51DC). (comp. s: ⿰冫禀; U+51DB).
大义凛然[大義凜然] ài-ngì-lîm-ngẽin
dàyìlǐnrán devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence (idiom).¹⁰
寒风凛冽[寒風凜冽] hõn-füng-lîm-lèik
hánfēnglǐnliè the wind is piercingly/bitterly cold.⁶
凛兢[凜兢] lîm-gëin
lǐnjīng <wr.> shiver (from cold).⁵⁴
凛冽[凜冽] lîm-lèik
lǐnliè piercingly cold.⁵
or 懔懔[懍懍] lîm-lîm lǐnlǐn cold, chilly; (of a person) strict, stern, awe-inspiring, forbidding.⁶
or 懔然[懍然] lîm-ngẽin lǐnrán stern; awe-inspiring; forbidding.⁶
凛若冰霜[凜若冰霜] lîm-ngèk-bëin-söng
lǐnruòbīngshuāng cold as ice; icy-cold – (of people) look stern/severe; have a forbidding manner; be unapproachable.⁶
凛若霜晨[凜若霜晨] lîm-ngèk-söng-sĩn
lǐnruòshuāngchén as cold as a frosty morning.⁶
凛于夜行[凜於夜行] lîm-yï-yèh-hãng
lǐnyúyèxíng dread travelling by night.⁶
威风凛凛[威風凜凜] vï-füng-lîm-lîm
wēifēnglǐnlǐn majestic; awe-inspiring presence; impressive power.¹⁰
(See 懍 lîm; 澟 lîm; 癝 lîm).
lim5 9718
53 广 16 lîm lǐn a granary; to supply (foodstuffs); to stockpile.⁷
(variant: 㐭 lîm lǐn). (See 㐭 lîm).
饩廪[餼廩] hï-lîm
xìlǐn (in ancient China) grain allowances for salaried graduates.⁷
廪饩[廩餼] lîm-hï
lǐnxì government-supplied foodstuffs.⁷
廪人[廩人] lîm-ngĩn
lǐnrén an official in charge of government granaries.⁷
廪生[廩生] lîm-säng
lǐnshēng the scholars who live on government grants during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.⁷
廪食[廩食] lîm-sèik
lǐnshí government-supplied foodstuffs.⁷
廪膳[廩膳] lîm-sên
lǐnshàn government-supplied meals.⁷
廪仓[廩倉] lîm-töng
lǐncāng a public granary.⁷
廪粟[廩粟] lîm-xūk
lǐnsù government-supplied millet.⁷
仓廪[倉廩] töng-lîm
cānglǐn granary.⁵
lim5 9719
61 16 lîm lǐn (<old> =凛[凜] lîm lǐn) <wr.> afraid, scared; stern, awe-inspiring, forbidding.⁶ filled with awe, awe-struck; inspiring awe, awful.⁷
懔厉[懍厲] lîm-lài
lǐnlì filled with awe; terrified.⁵⁴
or 凛凛[凜凜] lîm-lîm lǐnlǐn cold, chilly; (of a person) strict, stern, awe-inspiring, forbidding.⁶
懔栗[懍慄] lîm-lùt
lǐnlì trembling with awe; fearful.⁷
or 凛然[凜然] lîm-ngẽin lǐnrán stern; awe-inspiring; forbidding.⁶
(See 凜 lîm.)
lim5 9720
75 17 lîm lǐn (=桁 hâng héng) purlin.⁵ a crossbeam in a house.⁷
房檩[房檁] fông-lîm
fánglǐn a house beam.⁷
檩子[檁子] lîm-dū
lǐnzi <topo.> purlins.⁶
檩条[檁條] lîm-hẽl
lǐntiáo purlins.⁶
lim5 9721
85 16 lîm lǐn (<old=凛[凜] lîm lǐn cold, chilly; <wr.> afraid, scared; stern, awe-inspiring, forbidding.⁶).⁸ clear and cold.²⁴ shiver with cold or fear; fearful.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵稟; U+6F9F).
(See 凜 lîm).
lim5 9722
104 18 lîm lǐn (<old>=凛 lîm lǐn cold, chilly; <wr.> afraid, scared; stern, awe-inspiring, forbidding.⁶).⁸ a disease arising from cold, a catarrh.²⁴
(composition: ⿸疒禀; U+765D).
<又> bīn.
(See 癝 bīn; 凛 lîm; 癛 lîm).
lim5 9723
104 18 lîm lǐn (=凛 lîm lǐn cold, chilly; <wr.> afraid, scared; stern, awe-inspiring, forbidding.⁶); a disease arising from cold.⁸
(composition: ⿸疒稟; U+765B).
<又> bīn. (See 癛 bīn; 凛 lîm; 癝 lîm).
lim5 9724
28 4 lĩn lín (<old>=邻[鄰] lĩn lín) neighbor; be adjacent/near.⁶
(composition: ⿰厶厶; U+53B8).
<又> mêl.
(See 鄰 lĩn; 厸 mêl).
lin3 9725
46 15 lĩn lín ranges of hills.⁸
(composition: ⿰山粦; U+5D99)
嶙嶙 lĩn-lĩn línlín (=嶙峋 lĩn-xün línxún).⁶
怪石嶙峋 gäi-sêk-lĩn-xün
guàishílínxún jagged rocks of grotesque shapes.⁶
嶙峋 lĩn-xün
línxún <wr.> (of mountain rocks, cliffs) jagged, rugged, craggy; (of a person) bony; skinny; (of a person) upright, unyielding.⁶
嶙峋的峭壁 lĩn-xün-ēik-xël-bēik
línxúndeqiàobì jagged or craggy cliff.⁶
傲骨嶙峋 ngào-gūt-lĩn-xün
àogǔlínxún to be of unyielding character; to be of moral integrity.⁶
瘦骨嶙峋 sëo-gūt-lĩn-xün
shòugǔlínxún skinny; emaciated (idiom).¹⁰
lin3 9726
61 15 lĩn lián sympathize with; pity.⁵ (variant: 𢠴 lĩn lián).
t: ⿰忄粦; U+6190). (comp. s: ⿰忄令; U+601C).
可怜[可憐] hō-lĩn
kělián pitiful; pathetic; to have pity on.¹⁰
同病相怜[同病相憐] hũng-bèng-xëng-lĩn
tóngbìng xiānglián fellow sufferers empathize with each other (idiom); misery loves company.¹⁰
怜悯[憐憫] lĩn-mûn
or lĩn-mêin or 怜闵[憐閔] or 怜愍[憐愍] lĩn-mûn liánmǐn pity; take pity on; have compassion for.⁵
怜爱[憐愛] lĩn-öi
lián'ài love tenderly; have tender affection for.⁵
怜惜[憐惜] lĩn-xēik
liánxī take pity on; have pity for.⁵
怜恤[憐恤] lĩn-xūt
liánxù pity; take pity on; have compassion for.⁵
(See 𢠴 lĩn).
lin3 9727
61 16 𢠴 lĩn lián (=怜[憐] lĩn lián sympathize with; pity.⁵).²
(composition: ⿱粦心; U+22834).
(See 憐 lĩn).
lin3 9728
85 15 lĩn lín clear water.⁸ (of water) clear.¹¹ clear water; the name of a river; water issuing out from amongst rocks.²⁴ (=𥻘❄{⿰粦巛} lĩn lín water purling among the stones of a brook.²⁵ clear (as of water).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰氵粦; U+6F7E).
金潾 gïm-lĩn
jīnlín the name of a place in Cochin-China.²⁴
潾潾 lĩn-lĩn
línlín (of water) clear, glimmering.⁹
潾涌[潾湧] lĩn-yūng
línyǒng whirlpool.¹⁹
(See 𥻘❄{⿰粦巛} lĩn).
lin3 9729
86 14 lĩn lín (=磷 lĩn lín) a will-o’-the-wisp; a flitting light; phosphorous.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱炎舛; U+3DE0).
(See 磷 lĩn; 粦 lĩn; 燐 lĩn.)
lin3 9730
86 16 lĩn lín (=磷 lĩn lín) a will-o’-the-wisp; a flitting light; phosphorous.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰火粦; U+71D0).
(See 磷 lĩn; 粦 lĩn; 㷠 lĩn.)
lin3 9731
96 16 lĩn lín luster of jade.¹¹
(composition: ⿰𤣩粦; U+7498).
璘㻞 lĩn-bïn or lĩn-bän línbiàn variegated, party-colored; variegated and ornamented.²⁴
璘彬 lĩn-bïn
línbīn the luster of a gem.²⁴
lin3 9732
109 17 lĩn lín <wr.> gaze at; look attentively at.⁶ to stare at.⁸
(composition: ⿰目粦; U+77B5).
瞵盼 lĩn-pän línpàn <wr.> gaze at; look attentively at.⁶ to look around.⁷
鹰瞵[鷹瞵] yëin-lĩn
yīnglín (of an eagle) look/watch/survey with keen /sharp eyes.⁶
鹰瞵鹗视[鷹瞵鶚視] yëin-lĩn-ngōk-sì
yīnglín'èshì stare like an eagle or a sparrow hawk – look at fiercely.⁶
lin3 9733
112 17 lĩn lín <chem.> phosphorus (P).⁵ water flowing over stones; noise of a rapid or of carts.¹⁴ water flowing among stones.²⁵ (variants: 燐 lĩn lín; 粦 lĩn lín; 㷠 lĩn lín.)
(composition: ⿰石粦; U+78F7).
磷肥 lĩn-fĩ
línféi <agr.> phosphate fertilizer.⁵
磷火 lĩn-fō
línhuǒ will-o’-the-wisp; phosphorescent light.⁵
磷酐 lĩn-gön
lín'gān phosphoric anhydride.¹¹
磷光 lĩn-göng
línguāng <phy.> phosphorescence.⁵
磷光体[磷光體] lĩn-göng-hāi
línguāngtǐ phosphor.⁵
磷虾[磷蝦] lĩn-hâ/
línxiā krill.⁶
磷脂 lĩn-jï
línzhī <chem.> phosphatide.⁵
磷矿[磷礦] lĩn-köng
línkuàng phosphate ore.¹⁰
磷矿粉[磷礦粉] lĩn-köng-fūn
línkuàngfěn <agr.> ground phosphate rock.⁵
磷烂[磷爛] lĩn-làn
línlàn bright and sparkling.²⁵
磷磷 lĩn-lĩn
línlín the sound of water and stone beating against each other; brilliance of precious stones.⁷
磷燃烧弹[磷燃燒彈] lĩn-ngẽin-sël-àn
línránshāodàn <mil.> phosphorous bomb.⁵
磷酸 lĩn-xön
línsuān <chem.> phosphoric acid.⁵
磷酸铵[磷酸銨] lĩn-xön-ön
línsuān'ǎn <chem.> ammonium phosphate.¹⁹
<又> lẽin.
(See 磷 lẽin; 燐 lĩn; 粦 lĩn; 㷠 lĩn.)
lin3 9734
119 12 lĩn lín (=磷 lĩn lín) a will-o’-the-wisp; a flitting light; phosphorous.¹⁴ an ignis fatuus, supposed to be occasioned by the discontented ghosts of murdered persons; blood shed in a place, after a long time is supposed to turn into a meteor; a glow-worm.²⁵
(composition: ⿱米舛; U+7CA6).
粦光 lĩn-göng
línguāng phosphorescence.¹⁴
粦光性的 lĩn-göng-xëin-ēik
línguāngxìngde phosphorescent.¹⁴
粦寸 lĩn-tün
líncùn matches.¹⁴
粦酸 lĩn-xön
línsuān phosphoric acid.¹⁴
粦素 lĩn-xü
línsù phosphorous.¹⁴
(See 磷 lĩn; 燐 lĩn; 㷠 lĩn.)
lin3 9735
119 14 lĩn lín water purling among the stones of a brook.²⁵ (of water) clear; shining.⁵⁴ (variant: 𥻘❄{⿰粦巛} lĩn lín).
(composition: ⿰粦巜; U+7CBC)
白石粼粼 bàk-sêk-lĩn-lĩn
báishí lín lín white stones shining.⁵⁴
粼粼 lĩn-lĩn
línlín (of water, stone) clear; crystalline.⁵ clean and pure.²⁵
粼粼碧波 lĩn-lĩn-bēik-bö
línlínbìbō clear, blue ripples.⁵ shining blue waves.⁵⁴
Yẽng-jï-suī, bàk-sêk-lĩn-lĩn.
Yáng zhī shuǐ, báishí lín lín.
Amidst the fretted waters,
The white rocks clearly show.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·唐風·揚之水·3》, translated by James Legge).
隐粼[隱粼] yîn-lĩn
yǐnlín a sort of punishment.²⁵
(See 𥻘❄{⿰粦巛} lĩn).
lin3 9736
119 15 𥻘
lĩn lín (=粼 lĩn lín water purling among the stones of a brook.²⁵ clear (as of water).⁵⁴).⁵⁴ (variant: 潾 lĩn lín).
(composition: ⿰粦巛; U+25ED8).
❄{⿰粦巛}𥻘❄{⿰粦巛} lĩn-lĩn línlín (of water) transparent, crystal clear; sparkle; (of the moon) clear, light; shine brightly.⁵⁴
(See 粼 lĩn; 潾 lĩn).
lin3 9737
130 16 lĩn lìn phosphine.⁹
(composition: ⿰月粦; U+81A6).
lin3 9738
159 19 lĩn lín noise of wheels, the rumble of vehicles; the threshold; wheels.⁷
(comp. t: ⿰車粦; U+8F54). (comp. s: ⿰车粦; U+8F9A).
车辚,马萧萧[車轔,馬蕭蕭] chëh-lĩn, mâ-xël-xël
chēlín, mǎxiāoxiāo chariots rattling, horses neighing.⁵ Trilling, trilling the chariots, and neighing, neighing the steeds.⁶
辚辚[轔轔] lĩnlĩn
línlín <wr.> rumble (sound made by a running cart or chariot).⁶ the rumble of vehicles; to rattle.⁷
辚轹[轔轢] lĩn-lèik
línlì to be run over under wheels; to oppress.⁷ crush over (as by carts); trample upon.¹¹
lin3 9739
162 15 lĩn lín <wr.> choose/select carefully.⁶
(composition: ⿺辶粦; U+9074).
遴集 or 鳞集[鱗集] lĩn-dàp línjí gather together; assemble; congregate.⁶
遴派 lĩn-päi
or lĩn-pāi línpài to dispatch or appoint a person after careful selection.⁷
遴才 lĩn-tõi
líncái choose talented people.⁶
遴选[遴選] lĩn-xūn
línxuǎn <wr.> to select somebody for post; select; choose.⁵
lin3 9740
163 14 lĩn lín neighbor; be adjacent/near.⁶ (variants: 隣 lĩn lín; 厸 lĩn lín).
t: ⿰粦阝; U+9130). (comp. s: ⿰令阝; U+90BB).
邻边[鄰邊] lĩn-bëin
línbiān adjacent sides.⁶
邻比[鄰比] lĩn-bī
línbǐ (next-door/close) neighbor.⁶
邻邦[鄰邦] lĩn-böng
línbāng neighboring country.⁶
邻接[鄰接] lĩn-dëp
línjiē be adjacent/next/contiguous to; border; adjoin.⁶
邻家[鄰家] lĩn-gä
línjiā (next-door/close) neighbor; next-door family.⁶
邻近[鄰近] lĩn-gìn
línjìn be near, be close/adjacent to, be in the neighborhood/vicinity of; neighborhood, vicinity.⁶
邻国[鄰國] lĩn-gōk
línguó neighboring country.⁶
邻角[鄰角] lĩn-gôk
línjiǎo <math.> adjacent angles.⁶
邻居[鄰居] lĩn-guï
línjū neighbor.⁵
邻里[鄰里] lĩn-lî
línlǐ neighborhood; neighbors.⁶
邻人[鄰人] lĩn-ngĩn
línrén (next-door/close) neighbor.⁶
邻舍[鄰舍] lĩn-sëh
línshè (next-door/close) neighbor.⁶
邻位[鄰位] lĩn-vì
línwèi <chem.> ortho-position.⁶
(See 隣, 厸 lĩn).
lin3 9741
167 20 lĩn lín phosphonium.⁸ hard, firm, strong.²⁵
(composition: ⿰金粦; U+93FB).
lin3 9742
170 14 lĩn lín (=邻[鄰] lĩn lín) neighbor; be adjacent/near.⁶
(composition: ⿰阝粦; U+96A3).
(See 鄰 lĩn)
lin3 9743
187 22 𬴊
lĩn lín (=麟 lĩn lín the female of a fabulous animal resembling a deer.⁷); female unicorn.¹⁰
t: ⿰馬粦; U+9A4E). (comp. s: ⿰马粦;  U+2CD0A).
❄{⿰马粦}[騏驎] kĩ-lĩn qílín an excellent steed; <old> =麒麟 kĩ-lĩn qílín an auspicious animal in the shape of a deer with a single horn and scales on its body.⁸ʼ⁰
隐驎[隱驎] yîn-lĩn
yǐnlín a piebald horse; a horse with black lips.²⁵
<又> lùn.
(See 驎 lùn; 麟 lĩn).
lin3 9744
195 16 魿 lĩn lín the scales of a fish.²⁵ (=鳞[鱗] lĩn lín) scale (of fish).²
(composition: ⿰魚令; U+9B7F).
lin3 9745
195 23 lĩn lín scale (of fish); like the scale of a fish.⁵
(comp. t: ⿰魚粦; U+9C57). (comp. s: ⿰鱼粦; U+9CDE).
鳞比[鱗比] lĩn-bī
línbǐ (of buildings) arranged like fish scales in tight rows; row upon row.⁶
鳞波[鱗波] lĩn-bö
línbō <wr.> scaly ripples; wavelets.⁶
鳞翅目[鱗翅目] lĩn-chï-mùk
línchìmù or 蝶蛾目 èp-ngõ-mùk dié'é'mù the Lepidoptera order.²⁰
or 遴集 lĩn-dàp línjí gather together; assemble.⁶
鳞介[鱗介] lĩn-gäi
línjiè <wr.> aquatic animals.⁶
鳞甲[鱗甲] lĩn-gâp
línjiǎ scale and shell (of reptiles and anthropods).⁵
鳞茎[鱗莖] lĩn-gèin
línjīng <bot.> bulb.⁵
鳞鸿[鱗鴻] lĩn-hũng
línhóng <wr.> letters, epistles.⁷
鳞爪[鱗爪] lĩn-jāo
línzhǎo <wr.> scales and nails; small bits, fragments, odd scraps.⁵
鳞片[鱗片] lĩn-pëin
línpiàn scales (of fish); <bot.> bud scale.⁵
鳞皮病[鳞皮病] lĩn-pĩ-bèng
línpíbìng psorosis.⁶
鳞伤[鱗傷] lĩn-sëng
línshāng cuts and bruises all over the body.⁶
鳞屑[鱗屑] lĩn-xēik
línxiè (skin) scale.⁶
鳞次栉比[鱗次櫛比] lĩn-xü-dēik-bī
líncìzhìbǐ (of houses) row upon row of.⁵
<台> 打鳞[打鳞] ā-lĩn to scale (a fish).

lin3 9746
198 鹿 23 lĩn lín the female of a fabulous animal resembling a deer.⁷
(old variant: 𬴊❄{⿰马粦}[驎] lĩn lín). (See 驎 lĩn).
(composition: ⿰鹿粦; U+9E9F).
麒麟 kĩ-lĩn
qílín kylin; Chinese unicorn (Chinese mythological animal akin to the deer, regarded in the ancient as a mascot).⁶ Chi-lin, a fabulous animal resembling the deer said to appear only in time of peace and prosperity.⁷
麟牒 lĩn-èp
líndié the genealogy of the royal household.⁷
麟凤[麟鳳] lĩn-fùng
línfèng rare treasures; persons of rare virtue.⁷
麟阁麟閣] lĩn-gōk
língé the place where images of meritorious subjects were displayed during the Han dynasty.⁷
麟角 lĩn-gök
línjiǎo unicorn rare things.⁷
or 麟角凤嘴[麟角鳳嘴] lĩn-gök-fùng-duī línjiǎofèngzuǐ lit. qilin’s horn, phoenix’s mouth (idiom); fig. rara avis; rarity.⁵⁴
麟台[麟臺] Lĩn-hõi
Líntái the imperial secretariat of the Tang Dynasty.⁷
麟趾 lĩn-jī
línzhǐ accomplished children.⁷
麟麟 lĩn-lĩn
línlín bright; brilliant.⁷
麟儿[麟兒] lĩn-ngĩ
lín'ér a fine son.⁷
lin3 9747
119 11 līp grain; granule; pellet.⁵
豆粒 èo-līp dòulì bean grains/pellets.⁶
基本粒子 gï-bōn-līp-dū
jīběn lìzǐ <phy.> elementary particle.⁹
粒子 līp-dū
lìzi grain; granule; pellet.⁶
粒子 līp-dū
lìzǐ <phy.> particle.⁵
粒肥 līp-fĩ
lìféi granulated fertilizer.⁵
粒状[粒狀] līp-jòng
lìzhuàng granular.⁵
粒度 līp-ù
lìdu <min.> granularity; grain fineness/size. ⁶
粒选[粒選] līp-xūn
lìxuǎn grain-by-grain seed selection.⁵
粒雪 līp-xūt
lìxuě granular snow; firn; névé.⁶
米粒 māi-līp
mǐlì a grain of rice.⁷
<台> 大粒 ài-līp (of rank, position) high level.
<台> 切粒 tēik-līp to dice.
<又> lïp.
(See 粒 lïp.)
lip1 9748
119 11 lïp <m.> for small round things (peas, bullets, peanuts, pills, grains etc).
一粒米 yīt-lïp-māi yīlìmǐ a grain of rice.
<台> 大粒 ài-lïp (of grain, grapes, beans, beads, diamonds) large size, bulky.
<台> 大粒墨 ài-līp-mâk/ a big mole; a big shot.
<又> līp.
(See 粒 līp.)
lip2 9749
112 10 lìp big rock on a mountian (usu. used in place names).⁶
砬子 lìp-dū lázi big rock on a mountian (usu. used in place names).⁶
石头砬子[石頭砬子] sêk-hẽo-lìp-dū
shítoulázi <topo.> projecting rock; crag; boulder.⁶
石砬子 sêk-lìp-dū
shílázi <topo.> projecting rock; crag; boulder.⁶
(See 砬 [lìp, ].)
lip4 9750
112 10 lìp stone medicine.⁸
(See 砬 [lìp, ].)
lip4 9751
117 5 lìp Kangxi radical 117; stand; let stand; establish, set.⁸
立场[立場] lìp-chẽng lìchǎng position; standpoint.¹⁰
立春 lìp-chün
lìchūn Beginning of Spring (1st solar term, Feb 3, 4, or 5).⁶
立即 lìp-dēik
lìjí immediately; promptly; instantly; at once.⁶
立定 lìp-èin
lìdìng halt; Halt!⁷
立方体[立方體] lìp-föng-hāi
lìfāngtǐ <math.> a cube.⁷
立功 lìp-güng
lìgōng do a deed of merit; win honor.⁵
立功赎罪[立功贖罪] lìp-güng-sùk-duì
lìgōngshúzuì perform meritorious service to atone for one's crime.⁵
立夏 lìp-hà
lìxià Beginning of Summer (7th solar term, May 5, 6, or 7).⁶
立刻 lìp-hāk
lìkè at once, immediately, right away.⁷
立宪[立憲] lìp-hëin
lìxiàn to set up a constitution.¹⁰
立正 lìp-jëin
lìzhèng stand at attention; Attention!⁷
立志 lìp-jï
lìzhì to resolve; to be determined.⁷
立锥之地[立錐之地] lìp-juï-jï-ì
lìzhuīzhīdì a place to stick an awl – a tiny bit of land.⁵
立秋 lìp-tiü
lìqiū Beginning of Autumn (13th solar term, Aug 7, 8, or 9).⁶
立冬 lìp-üng
lìdōng Beginning of Winter (19th solar term, Nov 7 or 8).⁶
<台> 立杂[立雜] lìp-dàp lìzá miscellaneous, this and that.
<台> 立乱[立亂] lìp-lòn lìluàn recklessly, arbitrarily.
lip4 9752
140 8 lìp ➀ pigsty.⁸ a pen, a yard for pigs; an open basket for carrying pigs or game.¹⁰² ➁ =白芷 bàk-jī báizhǐ or 𦬖薋 qiú TCM root of Dahurian angelica (Angelica dahurica).⁸ʼ¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(composition: ⿱艹立; U+82D9).
旣入其苙 gï-yìp-kĩ-lìp
jìrùqílì it is already in the pen.¹⁰²
猪苙[豬苙] jï-lìp
zhūlì a pig hamper.¹⁰²
<又> gèp.
(See 苙 gèp).
lip4 9753
85 13 liū liū slide, glide; stroll.⁰
溜达[溜達] or 遛达[遛達] liū-àt liūda <topo.> stroll, saunter, go for a walk.⁶
or 遛达遛达[遛達遛達] liū-àt-liū-àt liūdaliūda go for a walk; take a walk; have a short walk; stretch one’s legs; promenade.⁵⁴
or 遛遛达达[遛遛達達] <wr.>liū-liū-àt-àt  liūliūdādā to walk around a bit.¹⁰ <topo.> strolling; ambling.⁵⁴
or 遛食儿[遛食兒] liū-sèik-ngĩ liūshír take a stroll after meal.¹¹
<台> 条蛇溜诶去[條蛇溜誒去] hẽl-sẽh-liū-ë-huï the snake slid away.
<又> liü, liũ.
(See 溜 liü, liũ.)
liu1 9754
157 17 liū liū sneak away; slip off.⁶ stroll, take walk.⁸
蹓跶[蹓躂] liū-àt liūda (=溜达[溜達] liū-àt liūda) <topo.> stroll; saunter; go for a walk.⁶
<又> liü.
(See 蹓 liü.)
liu1 9755
162 13 liū liū (=溜 liū liū) slide, glide; stroll.⁰
or 溜达[溜達] liū-àt liūda <topo.> stroll, saunter, go for a walk.⁶
or 溜达溜达[溜達溜達] liū-àt-liū-àt liūdaliūda go for a walk; take a walk; have a short walk; stretch one’s legs; promenade.⁵⁴
or 溜溜达达[溜溜達達] <wr.>liū-liū-àt-àt  liūliūdādā to walk around a bit.¹⁰ <topo.> strolling; ambling.⁵⁴
or 溜食儿[溜食兒] liū-sèik-ngĩ liūshír take a stroll after meal.¹¹
<又> lâo, liü, liù.
(See 溜 liū; 遛 lâo, [liü, liù], [liü, liú], liù.)
liu1 9756
32 13 liü liù (earthenware for holding cooked rice in ancient times;  used as 馏[餾] liü liù to steam; to cook in a steamer; to reheat cold food by steaming it.¹⁰).⁸ (See 飯於土塯, 啜於土形. Fàn-yï-hū-liü, jōt-yï-hū-yẽin. under 啜 [jōt, chuò]). a beggar's clapdish to receive the food given him.¹⁰²
(old variant: 㙧 liü
(composition: ⿰土留; U+586F).
土塯 hū-liü
tǔliù earthenware for holding cooked rice.¹⁹ clay bowl.⁵⁴ an earthen clapdish.¹⁰²
(See 㙧 liü; 餾 liü).
liu2 9757
32 15 liü liù (<old>=塯 liü liù earthenware for holding cooked rice in ancient times).²ʼ⁸
(composition: ⿰土畱; U+3667).
(See 塯 liü).
liu2 9758
53 广 13 liü liù ➀ the center of the hall; the center of the main house
➁ the girders of a house  ➂ <old>=霤 liü liù rain gutter on the eaves.¹⁹
the middle of the hall, the center of the house.²⁴
(composition: ⿸广留; U+5EC7).
or 中霤 jüng-liü zhōngliù (1) the center of the room  (2) refers to window (3) one of the gods of the ancient five sacrifices (五祀), scilicet, god of the earth  (4) refers to the house god.¹⁹
杗廇 mõng-liü
mángliù the large roof beam of a house.¹⁹
a beam.²⁴
liu2 9759
85 13 liü liù rapid/swift current, torrent; rainwater from the roof; eaves gutter; <m.> line, queue, row, column; neighborhood; neighbor, vicinity; swift, rapid; <topo.> practice, exercise.⁶
大溜 ài-liü dàliù torrent.⁶
站成一溜 jàm-sẽin-yīt-liü
zhànchéngyīliù stand in a line.⁶
溜子 liü-dū
liùzi <min.> scraper-trough conveyer.⁵
溜嗓子 liü-xông-dū
liùsǎngzi <topo.> the vocal/voice exercise; exercise the voice.⁶
承溜 sẽin-liü
chéngliù <wr.> eaves gutter; gutter.⁶
水溜 suī-liü
shuǐliù rainwater pipe.⁶
随大溜[隨大溜] tuĩ-ài-liü
suídàliù follow the crowd.⁹
一溜 yīt-liü
yīliù a row, line; neighbourhood, vicinity.⁹
一溜平房 yīt-liü-pẽin-fông
yīliùpíngfáng a row of one-storied houses.⁵
一溜烟[一溜煙] yīt-liü-yën
yīliùyān like a streak of smoke – in a flash; swiftly; very quickly.⁶
一溜烟柱[一溜煙柱] yīt-liü-yën-chuî
yīliùyānzhù a column of smoke.⁶
<又> liū, liũ.
(See 溜 liū, liũ.)
liu2 9760
157 17 liü liù saunter; stroll; walk leisurely.⁶
东跑西蹓[東跑西蹓] üng-pāo-xäi-liü dōngpǎo-xīliù gad about.¹⁹
蹓大街 liü-ài-gâi
liùdàjiē go window shopping; stroll the streets.⁶
四处蹓蹓[四處蹓蹓] xü-chuî-liü-liü
sìchùliùliù stroll about/around.⁶
<又> liū.
(See 蹓 liū.)
liu2 9761
162 13 liü liú 逗遛 or 逗留 èo-liũ dòuliú stay; stop; tarry.⁶
<又> lâo, liū, liù.
(See 遛 lâo, [liü, liù], [liū, liū], liù.)
liu2 9762
162 13 liü liù walk leisurely, saunter, stroll; walk (an animal).⁶
遛大街 liü-ài-gâi liùdàjiē go window-shopping; stroll the streets.⁶
遛早儿[遛早兒] liü-dāo-ngī
liùzǎor take a morning stroll.⁶
遛街 liü-gâi
liùjiē walk around streets.¹¹
遛狗 liü-gēo
liùgǒu walk a dog.⁶
遛轴[遛軸] liü-jùk
or 碌碡 lūk-ùk liùzhou stone roller (for threshing grain, leveling ground).¹⁰
遛遛 or 溜溜 liü-liü
liùliu to take a walk.⁷
遛来遛去[遛來遛去] liü-lõi-liü-huï 
liùláiliùqù <topo.> walk back and forth.⁵⁴
遛马[遛馬] liü-mâ
liùmǎ walk a horse.⁶
遛马路[遛馬路] liü-mâ-lù
liùmǎlù walk around streets.¹¹
遛鸟[遛鳥] liü-nêl
liùniǎo (of bird keepers) go for a walk in a quiet place with caged birds.⁶
遛弯儿[遛彎兒] liü-vän-ngī
liùwānr <topo.> take a walk; go for a stroll.⁵
<又> lâo, liū, liù.
(See 遛 lâo, [liü, liú], [liū, liū], liù.)
liu2 9763
173 18 liü liù 霤 liü liù or 屋溜 ūk-liü wūliù eaves.¹¹ dripping of rain from the eaves; to drip.¹⁴ (=溜 liü liù rainwater from the roof; eaves gutter.⁶).¹⁹
(composition: ⿱雨留; U+9724).
or 长溜[長溜] chẽng-liü chángliù refers to the rain pelting on the eaves.¹⁹
or 中廇 jüng-liü zhōngliù (1) the center of the room  (2) refers to window (3) one of the gods of the ancient five sacrifices (五祀), scilicet, god of the earth  (4) refers to the house god.¹⁹
霤水 liü-suī
liùshuǐ eaves water.¹⁹
霤槽 liü-tão
liùcáo a long trough under the eaves for holding water.¹⁹
承霤 sẽin-liü
chéngliù receptacle for catching rain water from the eaves.¹¹
檐霤 sẽm-liü
yánliù trench under the eaves.¹⁹
水霤 suī-liü
shuǐliù a bamboo, clay or iron pipe, cut open, for guiding rain water down from the eaves.¹¹
屋霤 ūk-liü
wūliù eaves.¹⁴
liu2 9764
184 18 liü liù to steam; to cook in a steamer; to reheat cold food by steaming it.¹⁰
馏饭[餾飯] liü-fàn liùfàn to steam rice.¹⁴
馏馒头[餾饅頭] liü-màn-hẽo
liùmántou to reheat a cold bun.²³
馏饝[餾饝] liü-mō
liùmó to steam bread.¹⁴
<又> liũ.
(See 餾 liũ.)
liu2 9765
8 7 liũ liú ( ➀ same as 旒 liũ liú pennant; strings of jade beads; ➁ a corrupted form of 荒 föng huāng) a cup with pendants, a pennant, wild, barren, uncultivated.⁸ a component; 流字旁 liũ-dù-põng liúzìpáng.
(composition: ⿱亠𠫝(GJ) or ⿳亠厶⿲丿丨㇄(T); U+342C).
liu3 9766
18 15 liũ liú to kill; Liu surname.⁷ surname Liu, (classical)​ a type of battle-ax, to kill, to slaughter.⁸
(comp. t: ⿰⿱*金刂; U+5289). (comp. s: ⿰文刂; U+5218).
(Note: *no standard character for upper left side of 劉 liũ liú; it is exactly as shown in the character 劉 liũ liú itself and approximately as ⿰𠂎刀).
虔刘[虔劉] kẽin-liũ
qiánliú kill; massacre.⁵⁴
刘备[劉備] Liũ Bì
Liú Bèi Liu Bei (161-223), warlord at the end of the Han dynasty and founder of the Han state of Shu 蜀漢 Sùk Hön Shǔ Hàn (221-263), later the Shu Han dynasty.¹⁵
刘邦[劉邦] Liũ Böng
Liú Bāng Liu Bang (256-195 BC), founder of the 汉[漢] Hön Hàn Han Dynasty (reigned 202-195 BC).¹⁵
刘家夼[劉家夼] Liũ-gä-kâng
or Liũ-gä-köng Liújiākuǎng Liujiakuang township in Muping district (牟平区[牟平區] Mù-pẽin-kuï Mùpíngqū), Yantai (烟台[煙台] Yën-hõi Yāntái), Shandong (山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng) Province.¹⁰
刘海儿[劉海兒] liũ-hōi-ngĩ
liúhǎir Liu Hai a legendary child fairy; fringe; bangs.⁶
刘海屏[劉海屏] liũ-hōi-pẽin
liúhǎipíng (slang) notch on a screen.³⁶
刘海蟾[劉海蟾] liũ-hōi-sẽm
liúhǎichán Liu Haichan, Daoist immortal usually depicted as a young man with bangs.³⁶
liu3 9767
61 18 liũ liú melancholy.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰忄劉; U+61F0).
懰栗[懰慄] liũ-lùt liúlì sad, sorrowful, worried and grieved; stop over during a journey.⁸ melancholy.¹⁴
<又> liû.
(See 懰 liû).
liu3 9768
70 9 liũ liú (<old>=旒 liũ liú  decoration hanging down from a flag or banner, e.g. a streamer or tassel; suspended bead tassel on an imperial crown.³⁶
(composition: ⿰方⿱𠂉子; U+65BF).
or 旌旒 dëin-liũ or xëin-liũ jīngliú banner, flag.³⁶
or 九旒 giū-liũ jiǔliú or 九游 giū-yiũ jiǔyóu nine silk pendants on ancient flags; nine beads on the official crown in ancient times; star name.⁸
or 缀旒[綴旒] juì-liũ zhuìliú knotted tassels.¹¹
or 綵旒 tōi-liũ cǎiliú colorful flags.¹⁹
<又> yiũ.
(See 斿 yiũ).
liu3 9769
70 11 liũ liú (=旒 liũ liú) fringes of pearls on crowns; a pennant.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰方㐬; U+65C8).
(See 旒 liũ).
liu3 9770
70 13 liũ liú <wr.> streamer, pennant; <old> strings of jade beads hanging on a crown.⁶ a silk string used to hold a piece of jade hung on ancient ceremonial caps; a colored streamer hung on a flag.⁷ (variant: 旈 liũ liú).
(composition: ⿰方⿱𠂉㐬; U+65D2).
赘旒[贅旒] juì-liũ
zhuìliú a figurehead, mere adornment.¹¹
缀旒[綴旒] juì-liũ
zhuìliú knotted tassels.¹¹
冕旒 mêin-liũ
miǎnliú emperor's crown with tassels.⁶
辰旒 sĩn-liũ
chénliú a ceremonial pennant with the sun, moon and stars on it and 12 streamers hanging down.¹⁹
宸旒 sĩn-liũ
chénliú emperors hat; emperor.⁸
(See 旈 liũ).
liu3 9771
75 14 liũ liú pomegranite.⁵
(composition: ⿰木留; U+69B4).
火石榴 fō-sêk-liũ huǒshíliú the flowering pomegranite.¹⁰²
榴弹[榴彈] liũ-àn
liúdàn high explosive shell; grenade, fragmentation shell and shells fired by cannons.⁶
榴弹炮[榴彈炮] liũ-àn-päo
liúdànpào howitzer.⁶
榴齿[榴齒] liũ-chī
liúchǐ even teeth like the seeds of a pomegranate.¹⁴
榴火 liũ-fō
liúhuǒ <wr.> garnet (color); fiery red.⁶
榴莲[榴蓮] liũ-lẽin
liúlián <bot.> Durio zibethinus, a durian.⁷
榴月 liũ-ngùt
liúyuè the fifth lunar month.¹⁴
榴炮 liũ-päo
liúpào howitzer.⁶
榴霰弹[榴霰彈] liũ-xëin-àn
liúxiàndàn shrapnel; canister (shot); case shot.⁶
安石榴 ön-sêk-liũ
ānshíliu pomegranate.¹¹
石榴 sêk-liũ
shíliu pomegranate.¹¹
手榴弹[手榴彈] siū-liũ-àn
shǒuliúdàn grenade; hand grenade.⁶
liu3 9772
85 10 liũ liú flow; moving from place to place, drifting, wandering; spread, circulate; change for the worse, degenerate; banish, send into exile; steam of water; something resembling a stream of water, current; class, rate, grade.⁵
流行 liũ-hãng liúxíng to spread; to rage (of contagious disease); popular; fashionable; prevalent; (math.) manifold.¹⁰
流淌 liũ-hōng
liútǎng to flow.¹⁰
or 留连[留連] liũ-lẽin liúlián be reluctant to leave; linger on; tarry.⁶
流量 liũ-lèng
liúliàng rate of flow; flow; discharge.⁵
流露 liũ-lù
liúlù reveal; betray; show unintentionally.⁵
流脓[流膿] liũ-nũng
liúnóng festering boil.¹⁰
流水不腐 liũ-suī-būt-fù
liúshuǐbùfǔ activity keeps one in good health.¹ running water is never stale.⁵
流动[流動] liũ-ùng
liúdòng to flow; to circulate; to go from place to place; to be mobile; (of assets) liquid.¹⁰
流泻[流瀉] liũ-xëh
liúxiè (of light, heat) emit; (of a liquid) discharge in a jet.¹⁰
流星 liũ-xëin
liúxīng <astr.> meteor; shooting star; an ancient weapon, composed of two iron balls fixed on a long iron chain; <acro.> meteors.⁵
流苏[流蘇] liũ-xü
liúsū tassels.¹⁰
流萤[流螢] liũ-yẽin
liúyíng firefly.¹¹
liu3 9773
85 13 liũ liū slide, glide; sneak away, slip off; smooth, slippery; go along; <topo.> very; (=熘 liũ liū) sauté; quick fry.⁶
光溜溜 göng-liũ-liũ
guāngliūliū slippery, smooth, slick; bare, naked.⁶
溜冰 liũ-bëin
liūbīng skate, go skating; <topo.> roller-skate, go roller-skating.⁶ ice skating.¹⁰ (cf. 滑冰 vàt-bëin.)
溜走 liũ-dēo
liūzǒu sneak/slip away; slink off.⁶
溜缰[溜韁] liũ-gëng
liūjiāng (of horses) slip the reins and run wild.¹¹
溜过冰面[溜過冰面] liũ-gö-bëin-mèin
liūguòbīngmiàn glide across the ice.⁶
溜光 liũ-göng
liūguāng very smooth, sleek, glossy; totally bare, not a bit left.⁶
溜旱冰 liũ-hön-bëin
or liũ-hôn-bëin liūhànbīng roller-skate; go roller-skating.⁶
溜舐 liũ-sâi
liūshì <topo.> to flatter obsequiously; toady.¹⁰
溜槽 liũ-tão
liūcáo chute.⁶
溜圆[溜圓] liũ-yõn
liūyuán <topo.> perfectly round; round and smooth.⁶
滑溜 vàt-liũ
huáliu <vern.> slick; smooth; slippery.⁶
<又> liū, liü.
(See 溜 liū, liü; 熘 liũ.)
liu3 9774
85 18 liũ liú (of water) clear, limpid, transparent.⁶ clear; bright; whistling.⁸ (of wind) whistling fast; (of water) clear.¹¹ clear, limpid, deep water; the wind blowing in gusts; the soughing of wind.¹⁰²
(comp. t: ⿰氵劉; U+700F). (comp. s: ⿰氵刘; U+6D4F).
浏海[瀏海] liũ-hōi
liúhǎi or 刘海[劉海] liũ-hōi liúhǎi fringe, bangs.³⁶ (See 刘海儿[劉海兒] liũ-hōi-ngĩ).
浏其淸矣[瀏其淸矣]  liũ-kĩ-tëin-yì
liǔqíqīngyǐ (the Wei) shows its deep clear stream.¹⁰²
or 流览[流覽] liũ-lâm liúlǎn glance over; skim through.⁵
浏览器[瀏覽器] liũ-lâm-hï
liúlǎnqì browser (software).¹⁰
浏亮[瀏亮] liũ-lèng
liúliàng bright.⁸ a clear air.¹⁰²
浏莅[瀏蒞] liũ-lì
liǔlì the fitful autumnal gusts.¹⁰²
浏阳[瀏陽] Liũ-yẽng
Liúyáng Liuyang county level city in Changsha (長沙 Chẽng-sä Chángshā), Hunan.
浏阳江[瀏陽江] Liũ-yẽng-göng
Liúyángjiāng Liuyangjiang, an affluent of the River Xiang (湘江) in Hunan, on which Changsha-shi (長沙市) stands.¹⁰²
Qiūfēng liú yǐ xiāoxiāo.
The autumn wind whistles by swiftly.⁰ (from 《楚辭·劉向·九歎·逢紛》).
liu3 9775
86 14 liũ liū sauté (with thick gravy); quick-fry.⁵ quick-fry; similar to stir-frying, but with cornstarch added; (=溜 liũ liū).¹⁰
熘肝尖 liũ-gön-dëm
liūgānjiān liver sauté.⁵
熘鱼片[熘魚片] liũ-nguî-pëin
liūyúpiàn fish slices sauté.⁵
熘肉片 liũ-ngùk-pëin
liūròupiàn quick-fried pork slices.¹⁹
醋熘白菜 tü-liũ-bàk-töi
cùliūbáicài fried Chinese cabbage in vinegar sauce.⁵⁴
(See 溜 liũ).
liu3 9776
96 11 liũ liú precious stone.¹⁰ (variants: 瑠, 璢 liũ liú).
琉球国[琉球國] Liũ-kiũ-gōk
Liúqiúguó Ryūkyū kingdom 1429-1879 (on modern Okinawa).¹⁰
琉球群岛[琉球群島] Liũ-kiũ Kũn-āo
Liúqiú Qúndǎo Ryukyu Islands.⁶
琉璃 liũ-lī
liúli colored glaze.⁵
琉璃塔 liũ-lī-hāp
liúlítǎ glazed pagoda.⁵
琉璃球 liũ-lī-kiũ
liúliqiú (children's) glazed ball; smart (or intelligent, bright) person; foxy (or tricky, slippery) person; miser; mean/stingy person.⁶
琉璃瓦 liũ-lī-ngā
liúliwǎ glazed tile.⁵
(See 瑠 liũ; 璢 liũ).
liu3 9777
96 14 liũ liú (=琉 liũ liú precious stone.¹⁰).³⁶
(composition: ⿰𤣩留; U+7460).
瑠璃 liũ-lī
liúlí (=琉璃 liũ-lī liúli colored glaze.⁵).³⁶
See 琉 liũ).
liu3 9778
96 16 liũ liú (=琉 liũ liú precious stone.¹⁰).⁸
(composition: ⿰𤣩畱; U+74A2).
(See 琉 liũ).
liu3 9779
102 8 liũ liú (<old>=留 liũ liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep.⁸
(See 留 liũ.)
liu3 9780
102 10 liũ liú stop, halt; stay, detain, keep.⁸ (variants: 畄, 畱, 㽞 liũ liú).
留学[留學] liũ-hòk
liúxué to study abroad.⁷
or 流连[流連] liũ-lẽin liúlián be reluctant to leave; linger on; tarry.⁶
or 流连忘返[流連忘返] liũ-lẽin-mõng-fän liúliánwàngfǎn enjoy oneself so much as to forget to go home.⁶
留难[留難] liũ-nãn
liúnàn make things difficult for somebody; put obstacles in somebody's way.⁵
留念 liũ-nèm
liúniàn keep as a souvenir.⁵
留言 liũ-ngũn
liúyán leave one's comments or a message.⁵
留待 liũ-òi
liúdài wait till later.⁶
留神 liũ-sĩn
liúshén be careful; take care.⁵
留守 liũ-siū
liúshǒu (of ministers in ancient times) act for the emperor during his absence; stay behind to take care of things; (of husband or wife) be left at home while one's spouse is abroad.⁶
留心 liũ-xïm
liúxīn be careful; take care.⁵
留须[留鬚] liũ-xü
liúxū grow a beard.⁵
留宿 liũ-xūk
liúsù stay overnight.¹¹
留意 liũ-yï
liúyì be careful; look out; keep one's eyes open.⁵
(See 畄 liũ; 畱 liũ; 㽞 liũ.)
liu3 9781
102 11 liũ liú (abbreviated form of 留 liũ liú stop, halt; stay, detain, keep.⁸) to remain; to stay, to detain, to leave behind.⁸
(composition: ⿱吅田; U+3F5E).
(See 留 liũ).
liu3 9782
102 12 liũ liú (<old>=留 liũ liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep.⁸
(composition: ⿱丣田; U+7571).
(See 留 liũ.)
liu3 9783
104 15 liũ liú a tumor; a swelling; a lump.⁷ (variant: 癅 liũ liú).
骨瘤 gūt-liũ
gǔliú <med.> osteoma.⁵
赘瘤[贅瘤] juì-liũ
zhuìliú (=赘疣[贅疣] juì-yiũ zhuìyóu) wart; anything superfluous or useless.⁶
肿瘤[腫瘤] jūng-liũ
zhǒngliú <med.> tumor.⁵
瘤子 liũ-dū
liúzi <topo.> tumor.⁵
瘤牛 liũ-ngẽo
liúniú <zoo.> zebu.⁶
瘤胃 liũ-vì
liúwèi <bio.> rumen.⁵
瘤胃鼓胀[瘤胃鼓脹] liũ-vì-gū-jëng
liúwèigǔzhàng bloat.⁵
肉瘤 ngùk-liũ
ròuliú <med.> sarcoma.⁵
毒瘤 ùk-liũ
dúliú malignant tumor.⁵
<台> 生瘤 säng-liũ/ to have a tumor.
(See 癅 liũ).
liu3 9784
104 17 liũ liú (<old>=瘤 liũ liú) tumor.⁵
(See 瘤 liũ).
liu3 9785
112 12 liũ liú sulfur.⁹ <chem.> sulphur (S).⁵
硫化 liũ-fä liúhuà vulcanization (curing rubber using sulfur and heat).¹⁰
硫苦 liũ-fū
liúkǔ magnesium sulfate.⁵
硫分 liũ-fün
liúfēn sulfur content.⁵
硫华[硫華] liũ-vã
liúhuá sublimed sulfur.⁵
磺] or 硫黄[硫黃] liũ-võng liúhuáng sulfur.¹⁰
酸] liũ-võng-xön liúhuángsuān thionic acids.¹¹
硫酸 liũ-xön
liúsuān sulfuric acid H₂SO₄; sulfate.¹⁰
硫酸盐[硫酸鹽] liũ-xön-yẽm
liúsuānyán <chem.> sulfate.⁵
liu3 9786
115 15 𥠷
liũ liú a type of grain; rice plants growing luxuriantly.² species of grain; corn growing luxuriantly.²⁵
(composition: ⿰禾留; U+25837).
liu3 9787
140 22 liũ luó (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 蘿 lõ luó radish.)
<又> lõ, lũ.
(See 蘿 lõ.)
liu3 9788
145 12 liũ liú (composition: ⿰衤㐬; U+88D7).
衣裗 yï-liũ yīliú the lappet of a garment; the ornament of a long robe.²⁵
liu3 9789
167 18 liũ liú <wr.> fine gold; (=镏[鎦] liũ liú).⁶ gold of a high degree of purity.⁹ (used mostly in a person's name).¹³
鎏金 liũ-gïm
liújīn gold-plating.⁸ gold of fine quality.⁹ (See also 镏金[鎦金] liũ-gïm liújīn.)
(See 鎦 liũ).
liu3 9790
167 18 liũ liú lutetium; to kill; Liu surname.⁸ lutetium (chemistry) (Tw).¹⁰ (variant: 鐂 liũ liú).
镏戒指[鎦戒指] liũ-gäi-jī
liújièzhi gold-plated ring.⁶
or 鎏金 liũ-gïm liújīn gold-plating.⁸ gild; to cover with a thin layer of gold.⁹
镏器皿[鎦器皿] liũ-hï-mêin
liúqìmǐn gilded utensils.⁶
镏银器[鎦銀器] liũ-ngãn-hï
liúyínqì gilded silverware.¹⁰
(See 鎦 [liũ, liù]; 鐂 [liũ, liú], 鐂 [liũ, liù].)
liu3 9791
167 18 liũ liù a kind of cauldron used in ancient China; <topo.> a ring.⁹ (variant: 鐂 liũ liù).
钻石镏子[鑽石鎦子] dön-sèk-liũ-dū
zuànshíliùzi diamond ring.⁶
金镏子[金鎦子] gïm-liũ-dū
jīnliùzi gold ring.⁶
镏子[鎦子] liũ-dū
liùzi a kind of beat music in Tujia Nationality; <topo.> a ring.⁸ a (finger) ring.⁹
(See 鎦 [liũ, liú]; 鐂 [liũ, liú], 鐂 [liũ, liù].)
liu3 9792
167 19 liũ liú <wr.> fine gold.⁶ pure gold.⁸
liu3 9793
167 19 liũ lòu (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 镂[鏤] lèo lòu with same meaning.)
雕镂[雕鏤] ël-lèo
or ël-liũ diāolòu carve and engrave.⁵⁴
<又> lèo.
(See 鏤 lèo.)
liu3 9794
167 20 liũ liú (=鎦 liũ liú) lutetium.⁸
(See 鎦 [liũ, liù]; 鎦 [liũ, liú], 鐂 [liũ, liù].)
liu3 9795
167 20 liũ liù (=鎦 liũ liù) lutetium.⁸
(See 鎦 [liũ, liù]; 鎦 [liũ, liú], 鐂 [liũ, liú].)
liu3 9796
182 14 𩖴
liũ liú (=飗[飀] liũ liú soughing of wind; noise.⁸ the sighing of the wind.¹⁰²).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿺風卯; U+295B4).
<又> liû.
(See 𩖴❄{⿺風卯} liû).
liu3 9797
182 19 liũ liú soughing of wind; noise.⁸ the sighing of the wind.¹⁰²
(variant: 飅 liũ liú).
t: ⿺風留; U+98C0). (comp. s: ⿺风留; U+98D7).
or 飅飅 liũ-liũ liúliú <wr.> (of breeze) blowing gently.⁶ gentle waving in the breeze.²⁵ the motion of the air, as when waving a fan.¹⁰²
or 飕飅[颼飅] xēo-liũ sōuliú the sound of the wind.²ʼ²⁵ soughing; rustling.⁵⁴
(See 飅 liũ).
liu3 9798
182 20 liũ liú wind in high places; west wind; sough and sigh; <old> Liu state; Liu surname.⁸ a high wind, blowing hard.²⁵
(composition: ⿺風翏; U+98C2).
<又> lẽl. (See 飂 lẽl).
liu3 9799
182 21 liũ liú (=飗[飀] liũ liú soughing of wind; noise.⁸ the sighing of the wind.¹⁰²).²
(composition: ⿺風畱; U+98C5).
or 飗飗[飀飀]  liũ-liũ liúliú <wr.> (of breeze) blowing gently.⁶ gentle waving in the breeze.²⁵ the motion of the air, as when waving a fan.¹⁰²
or 飕飗[颼飀] xēo-liũ sōuliú the sound of the wind.²ʼ²⁵ soughing; rustling.⁵⁴
(See 飀] liũ).
liu3 9800
184 18 liũ liú to distill; to break a liquid substance up into components by boiling.¹⁰
精馏塔[精餾塔] dëin-liũ-hāp jīngliútǎ rectifying column; rectifying tower; fractionating tower.³⁹
分馏[分餾] fün-liũ
fēnliú fractional distillation.¹⁰
干馏[乾餾] gön-liũ
gānliù to carbonize; dry distillation; carbonization.¹⁰
蒸馏[蒸餾] jëin-liũ
zhēngliú to distill; distillation.¹⁰
蒸馏水[蒸餾水] jëin-liũ-suī
zhēngliúshuǐ distilled water.¹⁹
馏出油[餾出油] liũ-chūt-yiũ
liúchūyóu distillate oil.¹⁹
馏分[餾分] liũ-fùn
liúfèn fraction (of a distillate); key (one component part of a distillate).¹⁰
<又> liü.
(See 餾 liü.)
liu3 9801
187 17 liũ liú (<old>=骝[騮] liũ liú a red horse with a black mane and tail.⁹).⁸ a red horse with a black mane.²⁵
(composition: ⿰馬丣; U+99F5).
Xï-mêo-kūng-fèo, lùk-bï-dòi-siū, kĩ-liũ-sì-jüng, gä-lĩ-sì-täm, lũng-ùn-jï-hàp, yūk-yî-kūt-nàp.
Sì mǔ kǒng fù, liù pèi zài shǒu, qí liú shì zhōng, guā lí shì cān, lóng dùn zhī hé, wù yǐ jué nà.
His four horses are in very fine condition,
And the six reins are in the hand [of the charioteer].
Piebald, and bay with black mane, are the insides;
Yellow with black mouth, and black, are the outsides;
Side by side are placed the dragon-figured shields;
Gilt are the buckles for the inner reins.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·秦風·小戎》, translated by James Legge).
liu3 9802
187 20 liũ liú a red horse with a black mane and tail.⁹
(comp. t: ⿰馬留; U+9A2E). (comp. s: ⿰马留; U+9A9D).
天子居明堂左个, 乘朱路, 驾赤骝...
[天子居明堂左个, 乘朱路, 駕赤騮...]
Hëin-dū-guï-mẽin-hõng-dū-göi, sẽin-jï-lù, gä-chēik-liũ...
Tiānzǐ jū míngtáng zuǒ gè, chéng zhū lù, jià chì liú...
The son of Heaven occupies the apartment on the left of the Ming Tang (Grand Fane); rides in the vermilion carriage, drawn by the red horses with black tails...⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·月令·33》, translated by James Legge).
(Note: 路 lù is the same as 辂[輅] lù , a state carriage; an ancient heavy carriage).
骅骝[驊騮] Vã-liũ
Huáliú <wr.> name of a famous horse; characters now used chiefly in personal names.¹¹ a famous steed, one of the eight belonging to 周穆王 Jiü Mùk Võng Zhōu Mù Wáng King Mu of Zhou.¹⁴
<又> lēo.
(See 騮 lēo.)
liu3 9803
196 21 liũ liú a large horned-owl.¹⁴ a species of owl.¹⁰²
(comp. t: ⿰留鳥; U+9DB9). (comp. s: ⿰留鸟; U+9E60).
鸺鹠[鵂鶹] hiü-liũ
xiūliú the large horned owl noted for its ugliness and ominous hootings.¹⁰² (See also 领鸺鹠[領鵂鶹] lêng-hiü-liũ).
领鸺鹠[領鵂鶹] lêng-hiü-liũ
lǐngxiūliú or 鸺鹠[鵂鶹] hiü-liũ xiūliú or 小猫头鹰[小貓頭鷹] xēl-miū-hẽo-yëin xiǎo māotóuyīng collared owlet (Glaucidium brodiei), a species of owl in the family Strigidae.¹⁵ʼ²⁰

liu3 9804
208 18 𪕋
liũ liú (=䶉 liũ liú guinea pig; a kind of big rat; living in the bamboo grove.⁸ bamboo rat.³⁶ a pretty animal as large as a rabbit.¹⁰²).
(composition: ⿰鼠卯; U+2A54B).
(See 䶉 liũ).
liu3 9805
208 20 𪕚
liũ liú (=䶉 liũ liú guinea pig; a kind of big rat; living in the bamboo grove.⁸ bamboo rat.³⁶ a pretty animal as large as a rabbit.¹⁰²).
(composition: ⿰鼠丣; U+2A55A).
(See 䶉 liũ).
liu3 9806
208 20 𪕢
liũ liú (=䶉 liũ liú guinea pig; a kind of big rat; living in the bamboo grove.⁸ bamboo rat.³⁶ a pretty animal as large as a rabbit.¹⁰²).
(composition: ⿱丣鼠; U+2A562).
(See 䶉 liũ).
liu3 9807
208 23 liũ liú guinea pig; a kind of big rat; living in the bamboo grove.⁸ bamboo rat.³⁶ a pretty animal as large as a rabbit.¹⁰²
(variants: 𪕋❄{⿰鼠卯} liũ; 𪕚❄{⿰鼠丣} liũ; 𪕢❄{⿱丣鼠} liũ).
(composition: ⿰鼠留; U+4D89).
or 竹𪕋 jūk-liũ zhúliú or 竹鼠 jūk-sī zhúshǔ bamboo rat; (specifically) Chinese bamboo rat (Rhizomys sinensis); frequent in the central provinces, the Rhizomys sinensis; it feeds on the bamboo sprouts, near which it borrows; its flesh is likened in taste to that of a duck.³⁶ʼ¹⁰²
(See 𪕋❄{⿰鼠卯} liũ; 𪕚❄{⿰鼠丣} liũ; 𪕢❄{⿱丣鼠} liũ).
liu3 9808
162 13 liù liú <台> 遛 yīt-liù classifier for a nap or sleep.
<台> 一遛瞓到皓 yīt-liù-fün-äo-hào to sleep soundly through the night.
<又> lâo, liū, liü. (See 遛 lâo, [liü, liù], [liū, liū], liü.)
liu4 9809
18 7 𠛓
liû liǔ to cut.²ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰卯刂; U+206D3).
liu5 9810
61 18 liû liǔ lovely.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰忄劉; U+61F0).
佼人懰兮 gāo-ngĩn-liû-hãi jiǎorénliǔxī How lovely is that lady!¹⁴
Ngùt-chūt-hào-hãi, gāo-ngĩn-liû-hãi.
Yuè chū hào xī, jiǎo rén liǔ xī.
The moon comes forth in her splendour;
How attractive is that beautiful lady!⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·陳風·月出·2》, translated by James Legge).
<又> liũ.
(See 懰 liũ; 㚹 mâo).
liu5 9811
75 9 liû liǔ (<old>= 柳 liû liǔ) willow.⁸
(See 柳 liû; 桺 liû.)
liu5 9812
75 9 liû liǔ willow; Liu surname.¹⁰ (variants: 栁 liû liǔ; 桺 liû liǔ.)
红柳[紅柳] hũng-liû
hóngliǔ branchy tamarisk (Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb).²³
柳暗花明 liû-ām-fä-mẽin
liǔ'ànhuāmíng dense willow trees and bright flowers – feel hopeful in predicament.⁸
柳暗花明又一村 liû-ām-fä-mẽin-yiù-yīt-tûn
liǔ'àn huā míng yòu yī cūn Every cloud has a silver lining.⁵⁴
柳子戏[柳子戲] liû-dū-hï
liǔzixì Shandong opera.⁸
柳罐 liû-gôn
liǔguàn willow basket for drawing water.⁸
柳条[柳條] liû-hẽl
liǔtiáo wicker; osier; willow branch.⁸
柳陌花衢 liû-màk-fä-kuĩ
liǔmò-huāqú brothel.⁸
柳眉 liû-mĩ
liǔméi eyebrows of a beautiful woman.⁸
[柳眉踢豎] liû-mĩ-pëk-sì liǔméitīshù raise eyebrows in anger.⁸
柳眉双锁[柳眉雙鎖] liû-mĩ-söng-xū
liǔméishuāngsuǒ She knit her beautiful eyebrows.⁵⁴
柳木 liû-mùk
liǔmù willow; willow wood.⁵⁴
柳桉 liû-ön
liǔ'ān lauan.⁵⁴ Eucalyptus. saligna Sm.²³
柳编[柳編] liû-pëin
liǔbiān wickerwork.⁸
柳树[柳樹] liû-sì
liǔshù willow.⁹
柳絮 liû-xuî
liǔxù willow catkin.⁸
柳腰 liû-yël
liǔyāo soft waistline.⁸
(See 栁 liû; 桺 liû.)
liu5 9813
75 11 liû liǔ (<old>= 柳 liû liǔ) willow.¹⁹
(See 柳 liû; 栁 liû.)
liu5 9814
120 14 liû liǔ (of hair, thread) tress, lock, wisp, skein, tuft.⁶
剪绺[剪綹] dēin-liû jiǎnliǔ a pickpocket.¹¹
走绺儿[走綹兒] dēo-liû-ngĩ
zǒuliǔr walk to and fro.⁵⁴
绺子[綹子] liû-dū
liǔzi tress, lock, wisp; gang of bandits.⁶
绺儿[綹兒] liû-ngĩ
liǔr <topo.> bandit gang.⁵⁴
绺纹[綹紋] liû-mũn
liǔwén silk mark (in glaze design).⁵⁴
绺窃[綹竊] liû-tëik
liǔqiè <topo.> pick somebody's pocket; steal; pilfer.⁶
小绺[小綹] xēl-liû
xiǎoliǔ pickpocket; petty burglar.⁸
三绺毛线[三綹毛線] xäm-liû-mão-xëin
sānliǔmáoxiàn three strands of wool.⁶
丝绺[絲綹] xû-liû
sīliǔ tiny tuft of something.¹¹
一绺长髯[一綹長髯] yīt-liû-chẽng-ngẽm
yīliǔchángrán a long wisp of beard.⁶
一绺假发[一綹假髮] yīt-liû-gā-fāt
yīliǔjiǎfà a toupee.³⁹
一绺头发[一綹頭髮] yīt-liû-hẽo-fāt
yīliǔtóufa a lock or tuft or wisp or strand of hair.⁶
一绺麻[一綹麻] yīt-liû-mã
yīliǔmá a strand of hemp.⁶
一绺青丝[一綹青絲] yīt-liû-tëin-xü
yīliǔqīngsī a (long) strand of a woman’s blue-black hair; a lock; a tress.⁵⁴
一绺丝线[一綹絲線] yīt-liû-xü-xëin
yīliǔsīxiàn a skein of silk thread.⁵
<台> 绺[綹] liû a line.
<台> 画一条绺[畫一條綹] vàk-yīt-hẽl-liû to draw a line.
liu5 9815
122 15 liû liǔ fishing trap.⁸ a bent piece of wood for catching fish, said to be an old woman's mode of angling.²⁵
(old variant: 羀 liû liǔ).
(composition: ⿰罒留; U+7F76).
罛罶 gü-liû
gūliǔ fishing gear.¹⁹
鱼丽于罶,鲿鲨. 君子有酒,旨且多.
[魚麗于罶,鱨鯊. 君子有酒,旨且多.]
Nguĩ-lài-yï-liû, sẽng-sä. Gün-dū-yiû-diū, jī-chēh-ü.
Yú lì yú liǔ, cháng shā. Jūnzǐ yǒu jiǔ, zhǐ qiě duō.
The fish pass into the basket,
Yellow-jaws and sand-blowers.
Our host has spirits,
Good and abundance of them.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·白華之什·魚麗·1》, translated by James Legge).
(See 羀 liû).
liu5 9816
122 18 liû liǔ <old>=罶 liû liǔ fishing trap.⁸
(composition: ⿱网畱; U+7F80).
(See 罶 liû).

liu5 9817
167 15 liû liǔ sulphonium; matte.⁶
锍冶炼[鋶冶煉] liû-yêh-lèin liǔyěliàn matte smelting.¹
liu5 9818
182 14 𩖴
liû liǔ (composition: ⿺風卯; U+295B4).
𩖴❄{⿺風卯}𩖴❄{⿺風卯} liû-liû liǔliǔ late-season wind; lasting influence.¹⁰¹
❄{⿺風卯} yiü-liû yǒuliǔ late-season wind; lasting influence.²ʼ¹⁰¹ windy; the sound of the wind; a connected wind.²⁵
<又> liũ.
(See 𩖴 liũ).
liu5 9819
30 18 verbose, wordy; an indistinct speech sound.⁷
噜哩噜苏[嚕哩嚕蘇] lō-lī-lō-sō lūlilūsū to talk incessantly and tediously; verbosity.⁷
噜苏[嚕蘇] lō-sō
lūsū <topo.> long-winded; garrulous; wordy.⁶
<又> lāo, lū, lû.
(See 嚕 lāo, lū, lû.)
lo1 9820
30 22 luō 啰唆[囉唆] lō-sō luōsuō (=啰嗦[囉嗦] lō-sō luōsuo) long-winded; wordy; troublesome; pesky.¹⁰
啰嗦[囉嗦] lō-sō
luōsuo long-winded; wordy; troublesome; pesky.¹⁰
<又> lão, lõ.
(See 囉 [lão, luó], [lõ, luó].)
lo1 9821
64 18 luǒ to shake, to toss; to wave, to sway; to row.⁸
(composition: ⿰扌磊; U+3A61).
挜㩡[掗㩡] ā-lō yǎluǒ to agitate.²⁴ to shake, to rattle.¹⁰²
lo1 9822
94 11 luǒ old name of a tribe in Southwest China, also called 罗罗 [羅羅] Lõ-lõ Luóluó; now it is called 彝族[彞族] Yĩ-dùk Yízú Yi ethnic group.⁷
猓猓 Lō-lō
Luǒluǒ old name for a Southwest ethnic group, now called 彝族[彞族] Yĩ-dùk Yízú Yi Ethnic Group.⁸ (Note: This is a graphic pejorative. It was later changed to 倮倮 Gō-gō Luǒluǒ and again to 罗罗[羅羅] Lõ-lõ Luóluó).¹⁵
<又> gō.
(See 猓 gō).
lo1 9823
30 9 lo final particle.⁴
吃饭咯! [吃飯咯!] hëk-fàn-lö chīfànlo Time to eat!⁴
当然咯! [當然咯] öng-ngẽin-lö
dāngránlo Of course!⁴
(See 咯 [lōk,
], lök, gōk, [lōk, luò], kâg.)
lo2 9824
117 18 luò atrophy; paralysis, impotent; stand.⁸
(composition: ⿱吂⿲月立凡; U+41D4).
lo2 9825
9 21 luó bandit, daredevil.
喽啰[嘍囉] or 偻罗[僂羅] or 偻儸[僂儸] or 喽罗[嘍羅] lẽo-lõ lóuluó followers of any leader; rank and file of a robber band.
lo3 9826
30 22 luó final exclamatory particle; nag.
喽啰[嘍囉] or 喽罗[嘍羅] or 偻罗[僂羅] or 偻儸[僂儸] lẽo-lõ lóuluó followers of any leader; rank and file of a robber band.
or 罗唣[羅唣] <文读> lõ-dào; <白读> lão-dào luózào noisy; to pick a quarrel; to provoke.
<又> lão, lō.
(See 囉 [lão, luó], [lō, luō].)
lo3 9827
64 14 luò to pile, to stack; to pile up, to stack up.
说摞了[說摞了] sōt-lõ-lēl shuōluòle <topo.> to confess; to tell the truth.
lo3 9828
64 19 luó (<old>=攞 lõ luó to choose;⁸ʼ²⁴ʼ³⁶ <old>=拣[揀] gān jiǎn to choose, to select.⁷).⁸ to select.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌盧; U+650E).
<又> lũ.
(See 攎 lũ).
lo3 9829
64 22 luó to split; to rend; to choose to rub, to wipe.⁸ to rend; to tear; to choose.²⁴ <old> to split, to rend; <old> to talk nonsense; <old> to pull up, to stroke upward; <old> to gather up, to collect; <old>† to pick, to choose; (Cantonese) to take; to grasp; to get; to fetch.³⁶
(composition: ⿰扌羅; U+651E).
攞起袖子来[攞起袖子来] lõ-hī-diù-dū-lõi luó qǐ xiù zi lái to roll up one's sleeves.⁵⁴
lo3 9830
75 23 luó 桫椤[桫欏] sö-lõ suōluó <bot.> spinulose tree fern
Cyathea spinulosa).⁵ Alsophila spinulosa.⁹ the horse chestnut; Cyathea spinulosa.¹¹ the horse chestnut; the Sanskrit: – Sâla – the tree under which Buddha was born and died.¹⁴  (Note: Alsophila is a section in the subgenus Cyathea. The name was originally applied to a genus of tree ferns which is now considered to be synonymous with Cyathea).¹⁵
lo3 9831
75 25 léi the equipment used for transportation on mountain roads in ancient times; an ancient sedan.⁸  spikes in the soles of shoes, to assist in climbing mountains, used by 禹 yî Yu.²⁴ metal lining with spikes for shoes (for climbing mountains).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰木纍; U+6B19).
輴欙 chün-lõ
chūnléi in ancient times, equipment used for transportation on muddy roads and mountain climbing.¹⁹
<又> gō.
(See 欙 gō).
lo3 9832
85 22 𤄷
luó (composition: ⿰氵羅; U+24137).
汨𤄷 mèik-lõ mìluó Miluo name of a stream/river (same as today's 汨罗江[汨羅江] mèik-lõ göng mìluó jiāng Miluo River.⁸ʼ²⁴ʼ⁰
lo3 9833
94 22 luó 猓猡[猓玀] (=猓猓 Lō-lō Luǒluǒ) Gō-lõ Guǒluǒ old name for a Southwest ethnic group, now called 彝族[彞族] Yĩ-dùk Yízú Yi ethnic group.⁸ (See "Note" under 猓猓 Lō-lō.)
猪猡[豬玀] jï-lõ
zhūluó <topo.> pig, swine, hog.⁶
剥猪猡[剝豬玀] mök-jï-lõ
bāozhūluó to fleece a person.⁸
lo3 9834
118 25 luo square-bottomed bamboo basket.⁶
笸箩[笸籮] pō-lõ pǒluo shallow basket made of wicker or bamboo strips.⁶
<又> lũ.
(See 籮 [lõ, luó], 籮 lũ.)
lo3 9835
118 25 luó square-bottomed bamboo basket.⁶
簸箩[簸籮] bö-lõ or bö-lũ or bü-lõ or bü-lũ bòluó wicker basket.¹⁰
淘箩[淘籮] hõ-lõ
or hõ-lũ táoluó basket for washing rice.⁶
折箩[折籮] jēt-lõ
or jēt-lũ zhēluó leftover of a banquet, collected in a basket, chop suey.¹¹
竹箩[竹籮] jūk-lõ
or jūk-lũ zhúluó bamboo basket.⁶
柳条箩[柳條籮] liû-hẽl-lõ
or liû-hẽl-lũ liǔtiáoluó wicker or willow basket.⁶
箩筐[籮筐] lõ-köng
or lũ-köng luókuāng a large bamboo or wicker basket.⁵
箩筛[籮篩] lõ-sâi/
or lũ-sâi/ luóshāi bamboo sieve.⁶
箩息[籮息] lõ-xēik
or lũ-xēik luóxī inhabitation.¹⁰
煤炭箩[煤炭籮] mõi-hän-lõ
or mõi-hän-lũ méitànluó  corf.¹⁰
编箩[編籮] pëin-lõ
or pëin-lũ biānluó weave a bamboo basket.⁶
石箩[石籮] sêk-lõ
or sêk-lũ shíluó gabion.¹⁰
<又> lũ.
(See 籮 [lõ, luo], 籮 lũ.)
lo3 9836
122 19 luó a net for catching birds; collect; display, spread out; sieve, sift; a kind of silk gauze; 12 dozen, a gross; Luo surname.⁵
罗布[羅布] lõ-bü luóbù spread out (over a large area).⁶
罗雀掘鼠[羅雀掘鼠] lõ-dēk-gùt-sī
luóquèjuéshǔ or 罗掘[羅掘] lõ-gùt luójué net birds and dig rats for food – make every effort to scrape up money.⁶
罗汉[羅漢] lõ-hön
luóhàn <Budd.> arhat.⁵
罗汉果[羅漢果] lõ-hön-gō
luóhànguǒ monk fruit; luo han guo (Siraitia grosvenorii).¹⁵
罗縠[羅縠] lõ-hùk
luóhú a kind of gauze.²⁵
罗织[羅織] lõ-jēik
luózhī to frame a charge.⁷
罗致[羅致] lõ-jï
luózhì look for and assemble (experts).¹¹
罗列[羅列] lõ-lèik
luóliè spread out, set out; enumerate.⁵
罗马[羅馬] Lõ-mâ
Luómǎ Rome.⁶
罗面[羅麵] lõ-mèin
luómiàn sift flour.⁵
罗网[羅網] lõ-mōng
luówǎng net; trap.⁵
罗望子[羅望子] lõ-mòng-dū 
luówàngzǐ tamarind.¹⁰
罗盘[羅盤] lõ-põn
luópán compass.⁵
罗扇[羅扇] lõ-sën
luóshàn silk gauze fan.⁵
or 罗帏[羅幃] lõ-vĩ luówéi gauze curtain.⁶
罗锅儿[羅鍋兒] lõ-vö-ngĩ
luóguōr hunchback.⁵
罗衣[羅衣] lõ-yï
luóyī garment of thin silk.⁶
<台> 罗省[羅省] lõ-sāng Los Angeles.
(See 羅 [lõ, luō].)

lo3 9837
122 19 luō 哩哩罗罗[哩哩羅羅] lī-lī-lõ-lõ līliluōluō <vern.> verbose and unclear in speech; rambling and indistinct.⁵
罗嗦[羅嗦] lõ-sō
luōsuo long-winded, wordy; overelaborate, troublesome.⁵
(See 羅 [lõ, luó].)
lo3 9838
130 12 luó <wr.> fingerprint.⁶
脶纹[腡紋] lõ-mũn or lũ-mũn luówén <wr.> fingerprint.⁶
<又> lũ.
(See 腡 lũ.)
lo3 9839
140 21 léi (<old>=蔂[虆] lõ léi <wr.> basket for containing earth.⁶).⁸ a basket to hold earth.¹³
(composition: ⿱艹壘; U+8632).
(See 虆 lõ).
lo3 9840
140 22 luó radish.
白萝卜[白蘿卜 or 白蘿蔔] bàk-lõ-bàk or bàk-liũ-bàk báiluóbo white radish; daikon; Raphanus sativus var. longipinnatus.¹⁰
菠萝[菠蘿] bö-lõ
or bü-lũ bōluó pineapple.⁸
藤萝[藤蘿] hãng-lõ
or hãng-lũ téngluó <bot.> wistaria.⁷
糖萝卜[糖蘿卜] hõng-lõ-bàk
or hõng-liũ-bàk tángluóbo <coll.> beet; <topo.> preserved carrot.⁵
or 辣蘿蔔] làt-lõ-bàk or làt-liũ-bàk làluóbu spicy radish.¹⁹
or 蘿蔔] lõ-bàk or liũ-bàk luóbo radish; garden radish; turnip.⁸ radish (Raphanus sativus), especially white radish (白蘿蔔 bàk-lõ-bàk).¹⁰
or 萝蔔缨子[蘿蔔纓子] lõ-bàk-yëin-dū or liũ-bàk-yëin-dūluóboyīngzi raddish leaves.⁵
马萝卜[馬蘿卜] mâ-lõ-bàk
mǎluóbo horseradish.¹⁹
女萝[女蘿] nuī-lõ
nǚluó dodder.³⁶
or 胡萝卜[胡蘿蔔] vũ-lõ-bàk or vũ-liũ-bàk húluóbo carrot.⁵
<又> liũ. lũ.
(See 蘿 liũ, lũ.)
lo3 9841
140 24 léi <wr.> basket for containing earth.⁶ (variant: 蘲 lõ).
盈蔂[盈虆] ngẽin-lõ yíngléi full basket of earth.⁶
蓬蔂[蓬虆] pũng-lõ
péngléi Korean raspberry (Rubus crataegifolius), a species of raspberry native to East Asia; aka 牛叠肚[牛疊肚] ngẽo-èp-ū niúdiédù, 山楂叶悬钩子 [山楂葉懸鉤子] sän-chã-yêp-yõn-ngêo-dū shāncháyèxuán gōuzi, 牛凸肚 ngẽo-ùt-ū niútūdù.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(See 蘲 lõ).
lo3 9842
162 22 luó to patrol; to inspect.⁷
不合逻辑[不合邏輯] būt-hàp-lõ-tīp bùhéluóji be illogical.⁶
符号逻辑[符號邏輯] fũ-hão-lõ-tīp
fúhàoluójí symbolic logic.⁶
逻察[邏察] lõ-chāt
luóchá to cruise in search of.¹⁴
逻卒[邏卒] lõ-dūt
luózú opolice on patrol; patrolman.⁶
逻骑[邏騎] lõ-kĩ
luóqí mounted patrol.⁶
逻绕[邏繞] lõ-ngêl
luórào to surround.¹⁴
逻辑[邏輯] lõ-tīp
luóji logic.⁷
逻辑电路[邏輯電路] lõ-tīp-èin-lù
luójidiànlù logical/logic circuit.⁶
逻辑学[邏輯學] lõ-tīp-hòk
luójixué logic.⁷
巡逻[巡邏] tũn-lõ
xúnluó to patrol (police, army, navy).¹⁰
lo3 9843
167 19 luó an ancient instrument used to warm things.⁵⁴
锉镙[銼鏍] tô-lõ cuòluó <wr.> an ancient small cauldron used to warm things.⁰
lo3 9844
167 27 luó (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 锣[鑼] lũ luó with same meaning: gong.⁶)
<又> lũ.
(See 鑼 lũ.)
lo3 9845
187 21 luó (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 骡[騾] luĩ luó mule.)
<又> luĩ.
(See 騾 luĩ; 驘 luĩ.)
lo3 9846
85 14 luò 漯河市 Lô-hõ-sî Luòhéshì Luoheshi, a city in 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng Henan Province.⁴
 <又> hāp.
(See 漯 hāp.)
lo5 9847
9 8 lõi lai to come; to arrive; ever since; next.
出来[出來] chūt-lõi chūlai come out; emerge.⁵
过来[過來] gö-lõi
guòlai come over.¹¹
起来[起來] hī-lõi
qǐlai stand up; get up; rise.⁸
回来[回來] või-lõi
huílai to return; to come back.¹⁰
(See 來 [lõi, lái].)
loi3 9848
9 8 lõi lái to come; to arrive; ever since; next. (See 來 [lõi, lai].)
来得容易去得快[來得容易去得快] lõi-āk-yũng-yì-huï-āk-fäi
lái de róngyì qù de kuài Easy come, easy go.⁷
来宾[來賓] lõi-bïn
láibīn guest; visitor.⁵
来去[來去] lõi-huï
láiqù round trip; distance between two places; friendly contact.
来鸿[來鴻] lõi-hũng
láihóng incoming letter (literary).¹⁰
来临[來臨] lõi-lĩm
láilín to approach; to come closer.¹⁰
来日方长[來日方長] lõi-ngìt-föng-chẽng
láirìfāngcháng the future is long (idiom); there will be ample time for that later; We'll cross that bridge when we get there.¹⁰
来源[來源] lõi-ngũn
láiyuán source (of information); origin.¹⁰
来势汹汹[來勢洶洶] lõi-säi-hüng-hüng
láishìxiōngxiōng to move threateningly towards.¹⁰
来回[來回] lõi-või
láihuí to make a round trip; return journey; back and forth; to and fro; repeatedly.¹⁰
来往[來往] lõi-vông
láiwang social intercourse; to have contacts or dealings.
来往[來往] lõi-vông
láiwǎng to come and go; to have dealings with; to be in relation with.¹⁰
来苏[來蘇] lõi-xü
láisū <loan> lysol.
来孙[來孫] lõi-xün
láisūn 5th generation descendant.¹⁴
loi3 9849
9 10 lõi lái (=徕[徠] lõi lái) to induce to come; to encourage.¹⁴
(See 徕 lõi.)
loi3 9850
46 11 lõi lái 邛崃[邛崍] Kũng-lõi Qiónglái, a mountain in 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan Province.
崃山[崍山] (=邛崃[邛崍] Kũng-lõi
Qiónglái) Lõi-sän Láishān Laishan.
loi3 9851
60 11 lõi lái the ancient version of 来[來] lõi lái – to come; to induce (customers) to come; to solicit (customers or business); to come to buy.⁷ (variant: 俫[倈] lõi lái.)¹⁴
招徕[招徠] jël-lõi
zhāolái solicit (customers or business), canvass.⁵
招徕顾客[招徠顧客] jël-lõi-gü-hāk
or jël-lõi-gü-häk zhāoláigùkè solicit customers.⁵
or 劳来[勞來] lão-lõi làolái to encourage somebody and lead him on.¹
以广招徕[以廣招徠] yî-gōng-jël-lõi
yǐguǎngzhāolái so as to have more customers; widen the circle of customers.⁶
(See 倈 lõi.)
loi3 9852
75 12 lõi lái 梾椋[棶椋] lõi-lẽng láiliáng the name of a tree, the wood of which is hard, and suited for making the naves of wheels; the leaves grow opposite each other; the seeds are small, when unripe green, and when mature black; the gum when boiled is of a red color.²⁴
梾木[棶木] lõi-mûk
láimù large-leaved dogwood (Cornus macrophylla).¹⁰ large-leaf dogwood Swida macrophylla (Wall.) Soják.²³ʼ³⁴ (Note: Swida macrophylla (Wall.) Soják is a synonym of Cornus macrophylla Wall).³⁴
毛梾[毛棶] mão-lõi
máolái Walter's dogwood or Korean dogwood Cornus walteri Wangerin.¹⁵
loi3 9853
85 11 lõi lái 涞源[淶源] Lõi-ngũn Láiyuán a place in 河北 Hõ-bāk Héběi Hebei Province.⁴
涞水[淶水] Lõi-suī
Láishuǐ a river in 河北 Hõ-bāk Héběi Hebei Province.⁴
loi3 9854
94 11 lõi lái (<old>=来[來] lõi lái to come; to arrive; ever since; next.).⁸ one of the ethnic minorities scattered in 西隆县 Xilong County, 广西省 Guangxi Province in the 大陆 mainland.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰犭來; U+730D).
<又> lĩ.
(See 猍 lĩ).
loi3 9855
109 13 lõi lài <lit.> look at, squint, glance sideways.¹¹ <lit.> to glance at; to look sideways at; to squint at.³⁶
(comp. t: ⿰目來; U+775E). (comp. s: ⿰目来; U+7750).
眄睐[眄睞] mēin-lõi
or mēin-lòi miànlài looking concerned.⁷
明眸善睐[明眸善睞] mẽin-mẽo-sèn-lõi
or mẽin-mẽo-sèn-lòi míngmóushànlài clear-eyed with a winning look.¹¹
盼睐[盼睞] pän-lõi
or pän-lòi pànlài your favors, or consideration.⁷
青睐[青睞] tëin-lõi
or tëin-lòi qīngài to favor; to think highly of; one’s good graces.¹⁰
<又> lòi.
(See 睞 lòi.)
loi3 9856
115 13 lõi lái wheat.⁸ a local term for wheat.²⁵ (syn. 麳 lõi lái).
(composition: ⿰禾來; U+4158).
(See 麳 lõi).
loi3 9857
140 11 lõi lái pigweed, goosefoot; field covered by grass, wasteland; Lai surname.
莱菔[萊菔] or 来服[來服] lõi-fùk láifú radish; turnip.
莱菔子[萊菔子] lõi-fùk-dū
láifúzǐ <TCM> radish seed.
莱芜[萊蕪] lõi-mũ
láiwú field with dense growth of wild weeds.
莱塞[萊塞] lõi-söi
láisài <loan> laser.
莱阳[萊陽] Lõi-yẽng
Láiyáng Laiyang county level city in Yantai, Shandong (山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province, 烟台[煙臺] Yën-hõi Yāntái.)
莱衣[萊衣] lõi-yï
láiyī <trad.> filial piety.
文莱[文萊] Mũn-lõi
Wénlái Brunei.
蓬莱[蓬萊] Pũng-lõi
Pénglái Penglai, fabled island abode of immortals.
loi3 9858
147 15 lõi lái 視也 sì shì to see; to observe.⁸ to see.²⁵
(composition: ⿰來見; U+4685).
<又> lòi.
(See 䚅 lòi).
loi3 9859
154 14 𧶘 lõi lài (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 𧶘 lòi lài <wr.> grant; bestow; confer.⁵ give, present, confer; Lai surname.⁸)
(composition: ⿱夾貝; U+27D98).
<又> lòi.
(See 𧶘 lòi; 賚 lõi.)
loi3 9860
154 15 lõi lài (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 赉[賚] lòi lài <wr.> grant; bestow; confer.⁵ give, present, confer; Lai surname.⁸)
(variant: 𧶘 lõi
lài or lòi lài).
t: ⿱來貝; U+8CDA). (comp. s: ⿱来贝; U+8D49).
<又> lòi.
(See 賚 lòi; 𧶘 lòi; 𧶘 lõi).
loi3 9861
162 11 lõi lái (<old>=来[來] lõi lái to come; to arrive; ever since; next.).⁸ to come, to arrive, to approach.²⁴
(composition: ⿺辶來; U+9028).
<又> lòi.
(See 逨 lòi).
loi3 9862
167 16 lõi lái rhenium (Re).⁶
铼酸[錸酸] lõi-xön láisuān rhenic acid.⁶
铼酸盐[錸酸鹽] lõi-xön-yẽm
láisuānyán rhenate.⁶
loi3 9863
170 10 lõi lái steps leading up to a building.⁸
(composition: ⿰阝來; U+49D2).
阶䧒[階䧒] gäi-lõi jiēlái steps.²⁵
䧒隑 lõi-ngõi
lái'ái long.²
loi3 9864
187 18 lõi lái tall horse (7 or more 尺 chëk chǐ chi).² a horse six or seven feet high.²⁵ tall horse (more than 2 meters in height).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰馬來; U+9A0B).
驹騋[駒騋] guï-lõi
or kuï-lõi jūlái a strong and tall horse.¹⁹
騋牝 lõi-pĩn
láipìn lit. tall horses and mares; fig. body of a prostitute.¹⁹ large horses and mares.⁵⁴
騋牝三千 lõi-pĩn-xäm-tëin
lái pìn sān qiān His tall horses and mares amounted to three thousand.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·鄘風·定之方中》, translated by James Legge).
loi3 9865
195 19 lõi lái to confer; to bestow on an inferior; to reward; another name for 鲥[鰣]⁸ sĩ shí a reeves shad; a hilsa herring.⁷
(composition: ⿰魚來; U+9BE0).
鯬鯠 lĩ-lõi
lílái a large whitish silure.²⁵
鯬鯠 lĩ-lõi
lílái or 鲥鱼[鰣魚] sĩ-nguĩ shíyú hilsa herring; reeves shad.⁵ʼ¹³
鳗鯠[鰻鯠] mãn-lõi
mánlái a kind of eel.²⁵
(See 鰣 sĩ).
loi3 9866
199 19 lõi lái wheat.²ʼ²⁵ (syn. 䅘 lõi lái).
(composition: ⿰麥來; U+9EB3).
麳麰 lõi-mẽo
láimóu a collective term for wheat.¹⁹ wheat and barley.²⁵ (cf 來麰 or 来牟[來牟] lõi-mẽo láimóu <wr.> wheat and barley. Note: 來 lõi lái is the original form for wheat.¹⁴).
(See 䅘 lõi).
loi3 9867
109 13 lòi lài (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 睐[睞] lõi lài <lit.> look at, squint, glance sideways.¹¹  <lit.> to glance at; to look sideways at; to squint at.³⁶)
t: ⿰目來; U+775E). (comp. s: ⿰目来; U+7750).
<又> lõi.
(See 睞 lõi.)
loi4 9868
127 6 lòi lěi Kangxi radical 127; handle of plow; plow.⁸ handle of a plow-like farm implement; fork-like farm implement in ancient China.⁶
耒耜 lòi-dù lěisì plow-like farm implement; farm implement in general.⁶
耒耨 lòi-nào
or lòi-nèo lěinòu to till; to plow; to cultivate.⁷
loi4 9869
147 15 lòi lài 內視也 nuì-sì nèishì to look after home or domestic affairs, to search one's own soul.⁸ to look within.²⁵
(composition: ⿰來見; U+4685).
<又> lõi.
(See 䚅 lõi).
loi4 9870
149 13 lòi lěi <wr.> to eulogize the dead to express one's condolences; eulogy to the deceased.
铭诔[銘誄] mẽin-lòi mínglěi <wr.> tribute to a deceased person; eulogy.⁵⁴
loi4 9871
154 14 𧶘 lòi lài (=赉[賚] lòi lài <wr.> grant; bestow; confer.⁵ give, present, confer; Lai surname.⁸).
(composition: ⿱夾貝; U+27D98).
<又> lõi.
(See 𧶘 lõi; 賚 lòi.)
loi4 9872
154 15 lòi lài <wr.> grant; bestow; confer.⁵ give, present, confer; Lai surname.⁸ (variant: 𧶘 lòi lài or lõi lài).
t: ⿱來貝; U+8CDA). (comp. s: ⿱来贝; U+8D49).
褒赉[褒賚] bäo-lòi
or bäo-lõi bāolài <wr.> commend and reward.⁵⁴
赉品[賚品] lòi-bīn
or lõi-bīn làipǐn an article, item or gift bestowed by a superior.⁷
赉赠[賚贈] lòi-dàng
or lõi-dàng làizèng give as a present.⁸
赉银二百两[賚銀二百兩] lòi-ngãn-ngì-bāk-lēng
or lõi-ngãn-ngì-bāk-lēng làiyínèrbǎiliǎng grant a reward of two hundred taels of silver.⁶
赉赐[賚賜] lòi-xü
or lõi-xü làicì grant, gift; award, a gift.⁵⁴
赏赉[賞賚] sēng-lòi
or sēng-lõi shǎnglài <wr.> give a reward; bestow a favor.⁵
锡赉[錫賚] xēik-lòi
or xēik-lõi xīlài to award (by God, emperor), to bless.¹¹
<又> lõi.
(See 賚 lõi; 𧶘 lòi; 𧶘 lõi).
loi4 9873
162 11 lòi lài to encourage the meritorious and induce them to come.²⁴
(composition: ⿺辶來; U+9028).
<又> lõi. (See 逨 lõi).
loi4 9874
30 9 lōk 咯血 lōk-hüt kǎxiě haemoptysis.⁸ to spit blood.¹¹
咯痰 lōk-hãm
kǎtán to cough up phlegm.¹¹
(See 咯 lök, lö, gōk, [lōk,
luò], kâg.)
lok1 9875
30 9 lōk luò 吡咯 bī-lōk bǐluò <chem.> pyrrole (C₄H₅N).¹⁰
(See 咯 [lōk, ], lök, lö, gōk, kâg.)
lok1 9876
61 9 lōk (alternate Hoisanva vernacular pronunciation for 恪 kōk with same meaning: <wr.> scrupulous and respectful.⁶ respectful; reverent; to respect; respectfully.⁷)
<又> kōk.
(See 恪 kōk.)
lok1 9877
74 13 𣎆
lōk luò animals with short hair.⁸ʼ³⁶
(composition: ⿱吂⿰月凡; U+23386).
(Note: Distinguish 𣎆❄{⿱吂⿰} from 𦝠❄{⿱吂⿰}). The latter is usually written exactly the same as the former when it is used as a component. For exqmple: 臝 gō luǒ; 䇔 lö luò; 蠃 lũ luǒ; 羸 luĩ léi; 驘 luĩ luó; 嬴 yẽin yíng; 贏 yẽin or yẽng yíng).
(cf 𦝠❄{⿱吂⿰⺼} luĩ).
lok1 9878 23386.gif
85 9 lōk luò old name of several rivers (in Henan, Shaanxi, Sichuan and Anhui); Luo surname.¹⁰
海洛英 hōi-lōk-yëin hǎiluòyīng <loan> heroin.¹¹
海洛因 hōi-lōk-yïn
hǎiluòyīn <loan> heroin.¹¹
洛川塬 Lōk-chün Ngũn
Luòchuān Yuán Luochuan Loess Plateau, located in the northern portion of 陕西[陝西] Sēm-xäi Shǎnxī Shaanxi Province (陕北[陝北] Sēm-bāk Shǎnběi Shanbei or Shaanbei).²³
洛基 Lōk-gï
Luòjī Loki, god of fire and mischievous destroyer in Norse mythology.¹⁰
洛阳[洛陽] Lōk-yẽng
Luòyáng Luoyang prefecture level city in Henan, an old capital from pre-Han times.¹⁰
洛阳纸贵[洛陽紙貴] lōk-yẽng-jī-gï
luòyángzhǐguì sensational sale of a new book (causing paper shortage).¹¹
摩洛哥 Mö-lōk-gō
Móluògē Morocco.⁵⁴
lok1 9879
86 10 lōk lào brand, iron; bake in a pan.⁵
(old variant: 雒 lōk).
烙饼[烙餅] lōk-bēng làobǐng a kind of thick hard pancake; the baking of such a cake.⁷
烙花 lōk-fä
làohuā bronze designs or patterns on fans, wooden furniture.⁸
烙痕 lōk-hân
làohén brand.⁸
烙铁[烙鐵] lōk-hëik
làotie an iron; a branding iron.⁷
烙红[烙紅] lōk-hũng
làohóng red-hot.⁷
烙衣裳 lōk-yï-sẽng
làoyīshang to iron clothes.¹⁴
烙印 lōk-yïn
làoyìn to brand; a brand.⁷
<台> 红博烙[紅博烙] hũng-bōk-lōk
or hũng-blōk or 红博博[紅博博] hũng-bōk-bōk bright red.
(See 烙 [lōk, luò]. 雒 lōk).
lok1 9880
86 10 lōk luò to burn.⁷
炮烙 pão-lōk páoluò or 炮格 pão-gāk páogé hot bronze pillar torture (a form of cruel punishment in ancient China).⁶
(See 烙 [lōk, lào].)
lok1 9881
93 14 lōk luò <wr.> prominent; outstanding.⁵ <wr.> conspicuous, salient; prominent, outstanding, extraordinary.⁶
驳荦[駁犖] bök-lōk bóluò motley colored, such as a cow.¹¹
or 卓跞[卓躒] chēk-lōk zhuóluò <wr.> unique; superb; extraordinary.⁶ unsurpassed, eminent.¹¹
卓荦不羁[卓犖不羈] chēk-lōk-būt-kï 
zhuóluòbùjī extraordinary and unrestrained.¹⁹
卓荦不羣[卓犖不羣] chēk-lōk-būt-kũn 
zhuóluòbùqún eminent; above the average.¹⁴
荦峃[犖嶨] lōk-bòk
luòxué (=荦确[犖確] lōk-kōk luòquè) jagged rocks of grotesque shapes; hard, solid.⁸
荦确[犖確] lōk-kōk
luòquè jagged rocks of grotesque shapes; hard, solid.⁸
荦荦[犖犖] lōk-lōk
luòluò <wr.> conspicuous; apparent; obvious; manifest.⁶
荦荦大者[犖犖大者] lōk-lōk-ài-jēh
luòluòdàzhě (=荦荦大端[犖犖大端] lōk-lōk-ài-ön luòluòdàduān) major items; salient points.⁶
荦荦大端[犖犖大端] lōk-lōk-ài-ön
luòluòdàduān major items; salient points.⁶
lok1 9882
94 9 lōk (<old>=貉 lōk a badger; a raccoon dog; a foxlike animal nocturnal in habit.⁷ raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides); aka mangut, tanuki; aka in Chinese 狸 lĩ lí.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(composition: ⿰犭各; U+72E2).
or 表貉 bēl-lōk biǎohé or 表祃[表禡] bēl-mà biǎomà In ancient field hunting or expeditions, the watch was set up in front of the battlefield or camp to worship the gods, which was called the "watch raccoon dog".¹⁹
狢子 lōk-dū
hézǐ curses.¹⁹
狟狢 vān-lōk
huánhé a sort of fox.²⁴
or 狐貉 vũ-lōk húhé a fox and a badger.¹⁹
<又> hòk, màk. (See 狢 hòk, 狢 màk; 貉 lōk).
lok1 9883
96 10 lōk luò jade ornaments for the neck.⁷
珞巴族 Lōk-bä-dùk Luòbāzú the Lhoba (Lopa) nationality, living in the Xizang Autonomous Region (西藏 Xäi-dòng).⁵
珞璎[珞瓔] lōk-yëin
luòyīng brooches; a necklace.¹⁴
赛璐珞[賽璐珞] söi-lù-lōk
sàilùluò celluloid.⁵
璎珞[瓔珞] yëin-lōk
yīngluò necklace of jade and pearls.⁶
璎珞枣儿[瓔珞棗兒] yëin-lōk-dāo-ngĩ
yīngluòzǎor a kind of oblong jujube.⁷
lok1 9884
106 20 lōk luò a white color.²⁴
<又> lèik, bö. (See 皪 lèik, 皪 bö).
lok1 9885
112 11 lōk luò <wr.> hugh rock.⁶
砟硌 dòk-lōk zuòluò <wr.> (of mountain rocks) uneven; jagged; craggy; rugged.⁶
<又> gōk.
(See 硌 gōk.)
lok1 9886
118 15 𥯛
lōk luò a hedge, or name for creeping plants; a bucket, or bowl.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗洛; U+25BDB).
桮𥯛❄{⿱𥫗洛} böi-lōk bēiluò a basket for holding cups.²ʼ⁰
❄{⿱𥫗洛}[籬𥯛❄{⿱𥫗洛}] lĩ-lōk líluò or 篱落[籬落] lĩ-lòk líluò <wr.> bamboo/twig fence.⁶
lok1 9887
120 12 lōk luò net-like object; <TCM> subsidiary channels in the human body through which vital energy, blood and nutriment circulate; use a net to hold one's hair in place; wind, twist, twine.⁶
经络[經絡] gëin-lōk jīngluò veins and arteries.¹¹ <TCM> main and collateral channels, regarded as a network of passages, through which energy circulates and along which the acupuncture points are distributed.⁵⁴
连络[連絡] lẽin-lōk
liánluò to contact (nearest relatives, the police).¹⁰
络合[絡合] lōk-hàp
luòhé <chem.> complexing.⁵
络筒机[絡筒機] lōk-hûng-gï
luòtǒngjī <txtl.> (high speed) cone winder; winding machine; winder.⁵
络离子[絡離子] lōk-lĩ-dū
luòlízǐ <chem.> complex ion.⁵
络脉[絡脈] lōk-mäk
luòmài <TCM> collaterals which connect channels; branches of channels.⁵
络腮胡子[絡腮鬍子] lōk-xöi-vũ-dū
luòsāihúzi whiskers.⁷
络绎[絡繹] lōk-yèik
luòyì (of people, traffic) be in an endless stream; be in a continuous stream.⁶
络绎不绝[絡繹不絕] lōk-yèik-būt-dùt
luòyìbùjué in an endless stream.⁵
络盐[絡鹽] lōk-yẽm
luòyán <chem.> complex salt.⁵
<又> lôk.
(See 絡 lôk.)
lok1 9888
153 13 lōk (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 貉 hòk háo with same meaning: a badger; a raccoon dog; a foxlike animal nocturnal in habit.⁷ raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides); aka mangut, tanuki; aka in Chinese 狸 lĩ lí.¹⁵ʼ²⁰)
一丘之貉 yīt-hiü-jï-lōk
or yīt-hiü-jï-hòk yīqiūzhīhé <derog.> badgers of the same mound – jackals from the same lair; birds of a feather; scoundrels from the same ilk.⁶ jackals of the same tribe (idiom); fig. They are all just as bad as each other.¹⁰
<又> hòk, màk.
(See 貉 hòk, 貉 màk.)
lok1 9889
157 22 lōk luò 卓跞[卓躒] or 卓荦[卓犖] chēk-lōk zhuóluò <wr.> unique; superb; extraordinary.⁶
才华卓跞[才華卓躒] tõi-vã-chēk-lōk
cáihuázhuóluò outstanding talents.³⁹
lok1 9890
164 13 lōk lào junket; thick fruit juice, fruit jelly; sweet paste made from crushed nuts, sweet nut juice.⁵
红果酪[紅果酪] hũng-gō-lōk hóngguǒlào haw jelly.⁵
酪梨 lōk-lĩ
làolí (Taiwan) avocado.³⁶
酪氨酸 lōk-ön-xön
lào'ānsuān <chem.> tyrosine.⁶
酪酸 lōk-xön
làosuān <chem.> butyric acid.⁶
酪素 lōk-xü
làosù <chem.> casein.⁶
酪素胶[酪素膠] lōk-xü-gäo
làosùjiāo casein glue.⁵
lok1 9891
167 14 lōk chromium (Cr).⁸
铬铁[鉻鐵] lōk-hëik gètiě ferrochrome.⁷
铬铁矿[鉻鐵礦] lōk-hëik-köng
gètiěkuàng chromite.⁷
lok1 9892
172 14 lōk luò a black horse with white mane; to brand; name of a river; an owl.⁷ in ancient books, a black horse with a white mane; (<old>=烙 lōk luò) to burn; Luo surname.⁸ Black horse with white mane; interchangeable with 洛 lōk luò; a river in Henan; to read.¹⁴ the name of a river and district; Luo surname.²⁵
(composition: ⿰各隹; U+96D2).
雒诵[雒誦] lōk-dùng
luòsòng to read – as a letter.¹⁴
雒雒然 lōk-lōk-ngẽin
luòluòrán fearful and trembling.¹⁴ afraid.²⁵ʼ¹⁰²
雒马[雒馬] lōk-mâ
luòmǎ black horse with a white mane.²⁵
雒阳[雒陽] Lōk-yẽng
Luòyáng a district in Henan.²⁵
雒县[雒縣] Lōk-yòn
Luòxiàn an old name for 汉州[漢州] Hön-jiü Hànzhōu in Sichuan Province.¹⁰²
雅雒 ngâ-lōk
yǎluò a ravine.²⁵
(See 烙 lōk).
lok1 9893
184 14 lōk le 饸饹[餄餎] hàp-lōk héle hele noodles (a kind of noodles made from buckwheat or sorghum flour with a special press).⁶ vermicelli made of buckwheat.⁸
饸饹床子[餄餎床子] hàp-lōk-chõng-dū
hélechuángzi press for making hele noodles.⁶
<又> gōk.
(See 餎 gōk.)
lok1 9894
187 13 lōk luò used for 骆[駱] lōk a camel.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰馬乇; U+99B2).
馲驼[馲駝] lōk-hũ or lōk-hõ luòtuo (=骆驼[駱駝] lōk-hũ or lōk-hõ luòtuo camel.⁶).⁸
<又> jàk.
(See 馲 jàk; 駱 lōk).
lok1 9895
187 16 lōk luò camel; white horse with a black mane (archaic); Luo surname.¹⁰
单峰骆驼[單峰駱駝] än-füng-lōk-hũ or än-füng-lōk-hõ dānfēng luòtuo one-humped camel; dromedary; Arabian camel.⁶
骆驼[駱駝] lōk-hũ
or lōk-hõ luòtuo camel.⁶
骆驼队[駱駝隊] lōk-hũ-duì
luòtuoduì camel train; caravan.⁵
骆驼绒[駱駝絨] lōk-hũ-ngũng
or lōk-hõ-ngũng luòtuoróng camel hair cloth.⁶
骆驼刺[駱駝刺] lōk-hũ-xü
luòtuocì camel thorn.⁵
骆马[駱馬] lōk-mâ
luòmǎ llama.¹⁰
双峰骆驼[雙峰駱駝] söng-füng-lōk-hũ
or söng-füng-lōk-hõ shuāngfēng luòtuo two-humped camel; Bactrian camel.⁶
一峰骆驼[一峰駱駝] yīt-füng-lōk-hũ
or yīt-füng-lōk-hõ yīfēngluòtuo a camel.⁶
lok1 9896
188 15 lōk (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 骼 gāk with same meaning.)
骸骼 hãi-lōk
or hãi-gāk háigé dry bones.⁷
<又> gāk.
(See 骼 gāk.)
lok1 9897
30 9 lök lo (final particle similar to 了, indicating that something is obvious).¹⁰
是这样咯![是這樣咯!] Sì-jëh-yèng-lök! Shì zhè yàng lo This is the way it is!⁴
(See 咯 [lōk, ], lö, gōk, [lōk, luò], kâg.)
lok2 9898
75 15 lòk happy; cheerful; to laugh; Le surname.
快乐[快樂] fäi-lòk kuàilè happy.
欢乐[歡樂] fön-lòk
huānlè happy, joyous.
苦乐不均[苦樂不均] fū-lòk-būt-gün
kǔlèbùjūn joy and sorrow are not balanced.⁵⁴
乐道[樂道] lòk-ào
lèdào to take delight in talking about something; to find pleasure in following one's convictions.¹⁰
乐不可支[樂不可支] lòk-būt-hō-jï
lèbùkězhī overjoyed.
乐不思蜀[樂不思蜀] lòk-būt-xü-sùk
lèbùsīshǔ indulge in pleasure and forget home and duty.¹⁰
乐极生悲[樂極生悲] lòk-gèik-säng-bï
lèjíshēngbēi extreme joy turns to sorrow (idiom); Don't celebrate too soon, things could still go wrong!¹⁰
乐观[樂觀] lòk-gön
lèguān optimistic; hopeful.¹⁰
乐尔妻帑[樂爾妻帑] lòk-ngì-häi-nũ
lè'ěrqīnú rejoice in your wife and children.¹⁴
乐此不疲[樂此不疲] lòk-xū-būt-pĩ
lècǐbùpí to delight in a thing and never get tired of it.⁷
乐意[樂意] lòk-yï
lèyì willing; to like.
<台> 乐着[樂著] lòk-jèk happy; glad; comfortable.
<又> ngòk.
(See 樂 ngòk.)
lok4 9899
85 18 lòk luò name of a stream in Shandong Province.⁷
泺水[濼水] Lòk-suī Luòshuǐ the Luoshui River, a river in Shandong (山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng) Province.⁸
<又> bòk.
(See 濼 bòk.)
lok4 9900
140 12 lòk lào 白落 bàk-lòk báilào <topo.> to get something free.
落汗 lòk-hòn
làohàn to stop sweating.
落地 lòk-ì
làodì <topo.> to fall to the ground; to be born (of babies).
落枕 lòk-jīm
làozhěn <TCM>  stiff neck; to get a stiff neck from a bad sleeping position.
落色 lòk-sēik
làoshǎi <topo.> to fade; to discolor.
落草 lòk-tāo
làocǎo to be born (of a baby).
落叶归根[落葉歸根] lòk-yêp-gï-gïn
luòyèguīgēn lit. a falling leaf returns to the roots (idiom); fig. all things go back to their source eventually; in old age, an expatriate returns home.¹⁰
<又> lài, lôk.
(See 落 lài, [lòk, luò], lôk.)
lok4 9901
140 12 lòk luò to fall; to drop; to go down; to set; lower; to decline.
下落不明 hà-lòk-būt-mẽin xiàluòbùmíng present whereabouts is unknown.
落下 lòk-hä
luòxia to fall down; to descend; to drop.
落后[落後] lòk-hèo
luòhòu backward; to lag behind.
落空 lòk-hüng
luòkōng end up in nothing, suffer loss).¹¹ (See 落空 lòk-hüng luòkòng).
落地 lòk-ì
luòdì to fall to the ground; to be born (of babies); touching the ground.
落葵 lòk-kĩ
luòkuí Malabar spinach (Basella alba L.)²³
落莫 lòk-mòk
or 落寞 lòk-mōk or 落漠 lòk-mōk luòmò lonely; desolate.¹⁰
落色 lòk-sēik
luòshǎi or làoshǎi to fade (of color).
落草 lòk-tāo
luòcǎo to become an outlaw; <topo.> to be born (of babies); <Budd.> to decline; to decay.
落英 lòk-yëin
luòyīng fallen flowers; fallen petals; falling flowers; early blossoms.⁹
落英缤纷[落英繽紛] lòk-yëin-bïn-fün
luòyīngbīnfēn petals falling in riotous profusion; new-bloomed flowers.⁶
<台> 落车[落車] lòk-chëh to get off a train or bus; to get out of a car.
<台> 落水 lòk-suī to rain.
<又> lài, lôk.
(See 落 lài, [lòk, lào], lôk.)
lok4 9902
120 12 lôk lào 挂络[掛絡] kä-lôk or 挂落[掛落] kä-lòk guàlào involvement; implication; hanging fascia.⁵⁴
络子[絡子] lôk-dū
làozi mesh bag woven with threads; a device used to roll threads; usually made of bamboo or wood split; there is a hole in its central position, be fixed on a base with axis and rolled by hand.⁹ decorative knotting (such as those hanging from the end of a Chinese fan).¹⁰
<又> lōk.
(See 絡 lōk.)
lok5 9903
140 12 lôk luò 角落 gôk-lôk jiǎoluò corner; nook; secluded place.
<台> 角落头[角落頭] gôk-lôk-hẽo corner; nook.
<又> lài, lòk.
(See 落 lài, [lòk, lào], [lòk, luò].)
lok5 9904
5 13 lòn luàn confusion, state of chaos, revolt.⁸ (variant: 乿 lòn, q.v.)
乱迸[亂迸] lòn-bèin
luànbèng dash blindly (against something).¹¹
乱腾腾[亂騰騰] lòn-hãng-hãng
luàntēngtēng be all hot and bothered; confused; upset.⁸
乱臣贼子[亂臣賊子] lòn-sĩn-tàk-dū
luànchénzéizǐ ministers or generals who rebel against their monarch or collaborate with the enemy; rebels and traitors.⁸
乱七八糟[亂七八糟] lòn-tīt-bāt-däo
luànqībāzāo all to a hideous mess; at sixes and sevens; be a pretty kettle of fish; welter.⁸
乱动[亂動] lòn-ùng
luàndòng to fiddle with; to tamper with; to meddle with; to move randomly; to flail about.⁸
动乱[動亂] ùng-lòn
dòngluàn turmoil; disturbance; tumult; riot; uproar; upheaval; unrest; turbulence.⁶
胡乱[胡亂] vũ-lòn
húluàn carelessly; casually; at random.⁸
胡编乱造[胡編亂造] vũ-pëin-lòn-dào
húbiānluànzào cook up (a tale); fabricate; concoct.⁶
以假乱真[以假亂真] yî-gā-lòn-jïn
yǐjiǎluànzhēn take the false article for genuine ones; pass off the spurious as genuine.⁸
<台> 乱造是非[亂造是非] lòn-dào-sì-fï to spread malicious gossip; a scandalmonger.
lon4 9905
5 13 乿 lòn luàn (<old>=乱[亂] lòn luàn) confusion, state of chaos, revolt.⁸
<又> jì.
(See 亂 lòn; 乿 jì).
lon4 9906
26 7 lôn luǎn egg; ovum; spawn.
巢毁卵破[巢毀卵破] chão-fī-lôn-pö cháohuǐluǎnpò the nest is destroyed and the eggs smashed.⁶
同卵 hũng-lôn
tóngluǎn (of twins) identical.
卵巢 lôn-chão
luǎncháo ovary.⁵
卵子 lôn-dū
luǎnzǐ ovum, egg.
卵子 lôn-dū
luǎnzi <topo.> testes, testicles.
卵生 lôn-säng
luǎnshēng oviparity.
卵石 lôn-sèk
luǎnshí cobble; pebble; shingle.
鹅卵石[鵝卵石] ngõ-lôn-sèk
éluǎnshí pebbles.⁷
异卵[異卵] yì-lôn
yìluǎn (of twins) fraternal.
lon5 9907
87 7 𤓲 lôn luǎn (=卵 lôn luǎn egg; ovum; spawn.).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰爪卪
or ⿺爪卪; U+244F2).
(See 卵 lôn).
lon5 9908
72 12 löng liàng <台> 阻处阻晾[阻處阻晾] jū-chuī-jū-löng <emphatic> wasteful of space; everything is in the way (so that on one cannot move about).
<又> lòng. (See 晾 lòng.)
long2 9909
85 10 löng làng <台> 浪起 löng-hī prop up.
<又> lòng. (See 浪 lòng.)
long2 9910
140 13 löng láng 蓢 löng/ (Cant.) brake, fern.¹⁹ Used in place names such as 流蓢 (广东台山), (南蓢 (广东中山), 蓢头(广东新会).⁰
(composition: ⿱艹朗; U+84E2; not in Kangxi).
long2 9911
30 11 lõng lāng <ono.> bang; clank.¹⁰
丁零当啷[丁零當啷] ëin-lẽin-öng-lõng dīnglingdānglāng ding-a-ling; <ono.> for sound of bell.¹⁰
哐哐啷啷 köng-köng-lõng-lõng
kuāngkuānglānglāng <ono.> crash; clank; clatter.¹⁰
哐啷 köng-lõng
kuānglāng <ono.> clang; clatter; bang; crash; clank.¹⁰
当啷[當啷] öng-lõng
dānglāng clang; clank; metallic sound.⁹ <ono.> metallic sound; clanging.¹⁰
long3 9912
38 11 lõng láng the place where the supreme stores his books; library.⁸
嫏环[嫏環] lõng-vãn lánghuán mythical place where the Celestial Emperor stores his books; (fig.) library.¹⁰ the place where 天帝 Hëin-äi Tiāndì the Supreme stores his books.¹⁴ (cf. 琅嬛[瑯嬛] lõng-vãn lánghuán <wr.> library of 天帝 Hëin-äi Tiāndì Lord of Heaven in legend.⁶)
long3 9913
40 10 lõng láng empty; an empty house.²⁴
(composition: ⿱宀良; U+3757).
㝩㝗 höng-lõng kāngláng an empty house.²⁴ <lit.> spacious; expansive.³⁶
<又> köng; gēik; höng.
(See 㝩 köng; 㝩 gēik; 㝩 höng).
long3 9914
53 广 10 lõng láng high; receptacle, vessel; instrument.⁸ high, magnanimity.¹⁰ high; also a vessel.²⁴
long3 9915
53 广 11 lõng láng porch; corridor; veranda.⁵
长廊[長廊] chẽng-lõng chángláng the Long Corridor (in the Summer Palace, Beijing).⁵
柱廊 chuî-lõng
zhùláng <archi.> colonnade.⁵
走廊 dēo-lõng
zǒuláng corridor, passage, passageway.⁵
发廊[髮廊] fāt-lõng
fàláng hair salon; hairdresser's shop.¹⁰
廊子 lõng-dū
lángzi veranda; corridor.⁵
廊房 lõng-fông
lángfáng porch.¹ houses built by the government near the city towers in Beijing and leased to the people during the Ming Dynasty.⁷ bungalows.¹⁹
廊庑[廊廡] lõng-mû
lángwǔ verandah; passages or corridors.¹⁴
廊檐 lõng-sẽm
lángyán the eaves of a veranda.⁵
画廊[畫廊] và-lõng
huàláng picture gallery.⁵
回廊[迴廊] või-lõng
huíláng winding corridor.⁷
long3 9916
75 11 lõng láng palm.⁸ a species of palm, the pith of which produces a sago.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰木良; U+6879).
賓桹 bïn-lõng bīngláng (=槟榔[檳榔] bïn-lõng bīnglang <bot.> areca, betel palm; areca nut, betelnut.⁶).³⁶
枸桹 gēo-lõng
gōuláng name of a tree.¹⁹
桄桹 gōng-lõng
guāngláng (=桄榔 gōng-lõng guāngláng <bot.> Arenga pinnata (or  Arenga saccharifera), common names include sugar palm, arenga palm, areng palm, black-fiber palm, gomuti palm.¹⁵ Arenga pinnata, also called 莎木 sä-mûk, 砂糖椰子 sâ-hõng-yẽh-dū, 糖树[糖樹] hõng-sì, 糖棕 hõng-düng.²³).³⁶
桹桹 lõng-lõng
lángláng sound of wood hitting each other.⁰
or 鸣榔[鳴榔] mẽin-lõng míngláng wooden clapper used by fishermen to frighten and chase fish into net.¹¹
long3 9917
75 12 lõng lang a betel palm; a betel nut.⁷
槟榔[檳榔] bïn-lõng bīnglang <bot.> areca, betel palm; areca nut, betelnut.⁶
槟榔子[檳榔子] bïn-lõng-dū
bīnglangzi <TCM> betel (or areca) nut.⁵
槟榔屿[檳榔嶼] bïn-lõng-duì
bīnglangyǔ Penang, Malaysia.⁷
槟榔糕[檳榔糕] bïn-lõng-gäo
bīnglanggāo sweets made of betel nut and sugar.⁵⁴
槟榔树[檳榔樹] bïn-lõng-sì
bīnglangshù areca/betel palm; areca; pinang.⁶
(See 榔 [lõng, láng].)
long3 9918
75 12 lõng láng tall tree (archaic).¹⁰
榔头[榔頭] or 狼头[狼頭] lõng-hẽo lángtou hammer; large hammer; sledgehammer.¹⁰
榔槺 lõng-höng
lángkang heavy and clumsy; bulky; cumbersome.⁸ (làng-gàng in spoken Hoisanva).
榔榔 lõng-lõng
lángláng descriptive of the sound produced by beating wood against wood.¹¹
榔榆 lõng-yĩ
lángyú Chinese elm or lacebark elm Ulmus parvifolia.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
or 鸣桹[鳴桹] mẽin-lõng míngláng wooden clapper used by fishermen to frighten and chase fish into net.¹¹
(See 榔 [lõng, lang].)
long3 9919
75 14 lõng láng name of a tree.² (demotic equivalent of 桹 lõng láng palm.⁸ a species of palm, the pith of which produces a sago.¹⁴).²
(composition: ⿰桹月
or ⿰木朗; U+6A03).
<又> lông.
(See 樃 lông).
long3 9920
86 11 lõng lǎng <wr.> bright (usually used in people's names).⁶ (said of fire) bright.⁸
爣烺 hōng-lõng tǎnglǎng fiery.²⁴
long3 9921
94 10 lõng láng wolf.⁵
狼狈[狼狽] lõng-böi lángbèi in a difficult position, in a tight corner.⁵
狼狈不堪[狼狽不堪] lõng-böi-būt-häm
lángbèibùkān in an extremely awkward position; in a sorry plight.⁵
狼狈逃窜[狼狽逃竄] lõng-böi-hão-chōn
lángbèitáocuàn flee in panic; flee helter-skelter.⁵
狼狈为奸[狼狽為奸] lõng-böi-vĩ-gän
lángbèiwéijiān act in  collusion with each other.⁵
or 狼藉 lõng-dèik lángjí <wr.> in disorder; scattered about in a mess.⁵
狼狗 lõng-gēo
lánggǒu wolfhound.⁵
狼贪[狼貪] lõng-häm
lángtān greedy; avaricious.
狼嚎 lõng-hão
lángháo howl of a wolf.³⁹
狼嗥 lõng-hão
or lõng-hõ lángháo wolves howling; fig. to howl; to ululate.¹⁰
狼毫 lõng-hõ
lángháo a weasel's hair writing brush.⁵
狼吞虎咽[狼吞虎嚥] lõng-hün-fū-yēik
lángtūnhǔyàn  to gobble up; wolf down; devour ravenously.⁵
胡狼 vũ-lõng
húláng jackal, in modern use it most commonly refers to three species: the closely related black-backed jackal (黑背胡狼) and side-striped jackal (侧纹胡狼) of sub-Saharan Africa, and the golden jackal (亚洲胡狼) of south-central Eurasia.¹⁵ʼ²⁰

long3 9922
96 11 lõng láng a kind of jade; pure white.⁶ a variety of white carnelian; pure white​.³⁶ Lang surname.⁸ (variant: 瑯 lõng láng).
(composition: ⿰𤣩良; U+7405).
琅简蕊书[琅簡蕊書] lõng-gān-luî-sï
or lông-gān-luî-sï lángjiǎnruǐshū Daoist scriptures.⁷
琅玕 lõng-gön
or lông-gön lánggān <wr.> pearl-like stone; legendary treasure tree; fine bamboo; bamboo strip (used for writing).⁶
琅函 lõng-hãm
or lông-hãm lánghán a bookcase; (a polite expression) your letter.⁷
琅琅 lõng-lõng
or lông-lông lángláng <ono.> tingle, jingle, clank; (of sound) loud and clear.⁶
琅琅上口 lõng-lõng-sëng-hēo
or lông-lông-sëng-hēo lánglángshàngkǒu (=朗朗上口 lông-lông-sëng-hēo lǎnglǎngshàngkǒu)  be able to read aloud easily and fluently.⁶
琅琅书声[琅琅書聲] lõng-lõng-sï-sëin
or lông-lông-sï-sëin lánglángshūshēng the sound of reading aloud.⁷
琅璫 lõng-öng
lángdāng fetters, shackles; a tingling sound.¹¹ a lock.²⁴
琅书[琅書] lõng-sï
or lông-sï lángshū Daoist scriptures.⁷
琅嬛 lõng-vãn
lánghuán <wr.> library of 天帝 Hëin-äi Tiāndì Lord of Heaven in legend.⁶
<又> lông.
(See 琅 lông; 瑯 lõng.)
long3 9923
96 12 lõng láng (=琅 lõng láng) a stone resembling jade; pure and white.⁷ kind of white cornelian.³⁶
(composition: ⿰𤣩郎; U+746F).
or 琅琊 Lõng-ngã Lángyá or Lángyé name of an ancient region in today's eastern Shangdong; name of a mountian in Shandong.⁷
or 琅嬛 lõng-vãn lánghuán <wr.> library of 天帝 Hëin-äi Tiāndì Lord of Heaven in legend.⁶
or 琅嬛福地 lõng-vãn-fūk-ì lánghuánfúdì library of a fairyland, where rare ancient books were stored.⁷ a scenically beautiful place.³⁹
(See 琅 lõng.)
long3 9924
112 12 lõng láng (sound of water dashing against rocks) swash; dash.⁶
磅硠 põng-lõng pángláng reverberating sounds of falling rocks; descriptive of the sounds of drum-beating or of falling stones.¹¹
long3 9925
115 12 lõng láng Chinese pennisetum.⁶ weeds or grass which are particularly harmful to the growth of rice seedlings; wolf's tail grass.⁷ grass; weeds.¹⁴ weeds.³⁶
苞稂 bäo-lõng bāoláng <wr.> wild bush, undergrowth.¹¹
不稂不莠 būt-lõng-būt-yiù
bùlángbùyǒu useless; worthless; good-for-nothing.¹⁰
稂莠 lõng-yiù
lángyǒu pennisetum and green bristlegrass; weeds – bad people; evildoers.⁶ harmful weeds and tares that are growing in paddy field; they look like seedlings of cereal crops; referring to evil man.⁹ weeds, tares – worthless injurious things.¹⁴
long3 9926
118 13 lõng láng young bamboo.⁸
筤筅 lõng-xēin lángxiǎn (=狼筅 lõng-xēin lángxiǎn)¹⁹ a halberd with long bamboo handle.¹⁴
篣筤 põng-lõng
pángláng a bamboo container for holding tea leaves.¹⁹
扇筤船 sën-lõng-sõn
shànlángchuán imperial vessel.¹⁹
篬筤 tëng-lõng
qiāngláng the dark green or verdant color of bamboo; green bamboo.¹⁹
苍筤[蒼筤] töng-lõng
cāngláng young bamboo.¹³
苍筤竹[蒼筤竹] töng-lõng-jūk
cānglángzhú green bamboo shoots.¹⁴
long3 9927
140 10 lõng làng herb, Scopolia japonica.¹⁰ a kind of reed, or arundo, growing in marshy place.²⁵ Scopalia japonica maxin.³⁵
莨花艻 lõng-fä-làk
lànghuālè holly-leaved acanthus.²⁵ (See and cf 老鼠簕 läo-sī-läk).
莨菪 lõng-òng
làngdàng henbane Hyoscyamus niger (=天仙子 hëin-xëin-dū tiānxiānzi).¹⁵ʼ²⁰ consolida, or cumfrey; wallwort, or bugle (an herb); the seeds of which, if eaten, make people act wildly.²⁵
藏莨 tõng-lõng
cánglàng a kind of grass, growing in marshy grounds, and very good for cows and horses.²⁵
<又> lẽng.
(See 莨 lẽng.)
long3 9928
140 11 lõng láng (=稂 lõng láng Chinese pennisetum.⁶ weeds or grass which are particularly harmful to the growth of rice seedlings; wolf's tail grass.⁷ grass; weeds.¹⁴ weeds.³⁶)
(composition: ⿱艹郎; U+84C8).
蕫蓈 ūng-lõng
dǒngláng a grain of rice/millet with the hull/husk only, without the endosperm (white rice) or bran.⁰ an alias for Pennisetum.¹⁹
(See 稂 lõng).
long3 9929
142 13 lõng láng (=螂 lõng láng) mantis, dung beetle.⁸
(composition: ⿰虫良; U+870B).
(See 螂 lõng; 蜋[lõng, liáng]).
long3 9930
142 13 lõng liáng 蜣蜋 or 蜣螂 gëng-lõng qiāngliáng dung beetle.⁶
(composition: ⿰虫良; U+870B).
(See 螂 lõng; 蜋[lõng, láng]).
long3 9931
142 14 lõng láng mantis, dung beetle.⁸ (variant: 蜋 lõng láng).
虼螂 gīt-lõng
gèláng dung beetle.⁶
螳螂 hõng-lõng
tángláng a mantis.⁷
蟑螂 jëng-lõng
zhānglang cockroach.⁸
or 蜋蜩 lõng-hẽl lángtiáo singing cicada (Melampsalta radiator).⁵⁴
蚂螂[螞螂] mā-lõng
mālang a dragonfly.⁷
(See 蜋 lõng).
long3 9932
158 14 lõng láng tall.⁸ (variant: 𨉰❄{⿲身良阝} lõng láng).
(composition: ⿰身良; U+8EB4).
躴躿 lõng-höng
lángkāng a tall person.²⁵
(See 𨉰
❄{⿲身良阝} lõng).
long3 9933
158 15 𨉰
lõng láng (=躴 lõng láng tall.⁸)²
(composition: ⿰躴阝; U+28270).
(See 躴 lõng).
long3 9934
163 8 lõng láng an official rank in ancient times; a man; the husband; the beau; the master (as opposed to servants); Lang surname.
(variant: 郞 lõng).
薄情郎 bòk-tẽin-lõng bóqíngláng heartless lover; unfaithful husband.
伴郎 bòn-lõng
bànláng best man (at a wedding).
不郎不秀 būt-lõng-būt-xiü
bùlángbùxiù useless; good-for-nothing.
货郎[貨郎] fö-lõng
huòláng itinerant pedlar; street vendor; hawker.⁹
郎才女貌 lõng-tõi-nuī-mào
lángcáinǚmào a perfect match between a man and a woman.
牛郎 ngẽo-lõng
niúláng cowhand; herdsman; legendary Cowherd.
女郎 nuī-lõng
nǚláng young woman; maiden; girl.
才郎 tõi-lõng
cáiláng my talented husband.
<又> lông.
(See 郎 [lõng, làng], lông; 郞 lõng).
long3 9935
163 8 lõng làng 屎壳郎[屎殼郎] sī-hôk-lõng shǐkelàng <topo.> dung beetle.⁵
<又> lông.
(See 郎 [lõng, láng], lông.)
long3 9936
163 9 lõng láng (=郎 lõng láng) gentleman.³⁶
(composition: ⿰良阝; U+90DE
or U+F92C).
(See 郎 [lõng, láng]).
long3 9937
167 15 lõng láng chain; ornament.¹⁰
(comp. t: ⿰釒良; U+92C3). (comp. s: ⿰钅良; U+9512)
铁索锒铛[鐵索鋃鐺] hëik-xôk-lõng-öng
tiěsuǒlángdāng iron chains clanking.⁶
锒铛[鋃鐺] lõng-öng
lángdāng iron chains; clank, tinkling of bells; be chained.⁸
锒铛入狱[鋃鐺入獄] lõng-öng-yìp-ngùk
lángdāngrùyù lit. to get shackled and thrown in jail (idiom); fig. to be put behind bars; to get jailed.¹⁰
挡锒[擋鋃] öng-lõng
dāngláng <slang> to ask for money; to lend money.¹⁰
long3 9938
196 18 𪁜 lõng láng (composition: ⿰良鳥; U+2A05C).
𪁜鷱 lõng-gäo lánggāo a turtledove.²⁵
long3 9939
32 10 lòng làng vast, far; a grave, tomb, mound; waste.⁸ wasteland; wild.¹⁰ a cemetery.²⁴
(composition: ⿰土良; U+57CC).
墦埌 fãn-lòng fánlàng a burial place.²⁴
圹埌[壙埌] köng-lòng
kuànglàng wide and boundless field.⁹ a desert waste.²⁴
西埌镇[西埌鎮] xäi-lòng-jïn
xīlàngzhèn  a town located in the northwest of 北流市 Beiliu City, Guangxi.¹⁹
long4 9940
72 11 lòng lǎng light. bright, brilliant, clean, clever; to expose to sunlight; to dry something in an opening for ventilation area or a cool place.⁸ <topo.> to make dry by exposing or airing in the sun.⁹ clear; to dry in the sun.²⁴ [Note: cf 晾 lòng liàng to dry in the air; to air; to hang in the wind to dry; to dry in the sun.⁷]
(composition: ⿰日良; U+3AF0).
long4 9941
72 12 lòng liàng to dry in the air; to air; to hang in the wind to dry; to dry in the sun.⁷
晾干[晾乾] lòng-gön liànggān dry by airing.⁶
晾干木[晾乾木] lòng-gön-mûk
liànggānmù season timber.⁹
晾开[晾開] lòng-höi
liàngkāi to spread out to dry.⁷
晾台[晾臺] lòng-hõi
liàngtái balcony for drying clothes.⁹
晾晒[晾曬] lòng-säi
liàngshài air; air-dry; sun.⁶
晾烟[晾煙] lòng-yën/
liàngyān air-curing of tobacco leaves; air-cured tobacco.⁵
晾衣服 lòng-yï-fùk
liàngyīfu to hang clothes in the wind to dry; to dry clothes on laundry lines; to air clothes.⁷
晾衣绳[晾衣繩] lòng-yï-sẽin
liàngyīshéng clothesline.⁵
晾一晾 lòng-yīt-lòng
liàngyiliàng to dry in the air.⁷
<台> 晾衫 lòng-sâm to hang laundry on a clothesline.
<又> löng.
(See 晾 löng.)
long4 9942
85 10 lòng làng wave, billow, breaker; unrestrained; dissolute.⁵
大风大浪[大風大浪] ài-füng-ài-lòng dàfēng-dàlàng wind and waves; great storms.⁵
白浪滔滔 bàk-lòng-häo-häo
báilàngtāotāo whitecaps surging.⁵
白浪滔天 bàk-lòng-häo-hëin
báilàngtāotiān white-crested wave surging and swelling sky-high.¹¹
波浪 bö-lòng
bōlàng wave.⁶
放浪 föng-lòng
fànglàng unrestrained; dissolute.⁵
风浪[風浪] füng-lòng
fēnglàng stormy waves; storm.⁵
浪潮 lòng-chẽl
làngcháo tide; wave.⁵
浪子 lòng-dū
làngzǐ prodigal; loafer; wastrel.⁵
浪子回头[浪子回頭] lòng-dū-või-hẽo
làngzǐhuítóu return of the prodigal son.⁶
浪花 lòng-fä
lànghuā spray; spindrift.⁵
浪费[浪費] lòng-fï
làngfèi to waste; to squander.¹⁰
浪涛[浪濤] lòng-hão
làngtāo ocean wave; billows.¹⁰
浪漫 lòng-màn
làngmàn romantic; loose, lax, abandoned.⁶
麦浪[麥浪] màk-lòng
màilàng billowing wheat fields.⁵
麦浪起伏[麥浪起伏] màk-lòng-hī-fùk
màilàngqǐfú wheat rippling in the wind.⁵
<又> löng.
(See 浪 löng.)
long4 9943
140 13 lòng làng 蒗荡渠[蒗蕩渠] Lòng-òng-kuĩ Làngtàngqú (name of an ancient canal between 黄河[黃河] Võng Hõ Huáng Hé Yellow River and 淮河 Vãi Hõ Huái Hé Huai River, used from c. 361 B.C. to c. 1368 A.D.)
宁蒗[寧蒗] Nẽin-lòng
Nìnglàng, abbreviation for Ninglang Yizu autonomous county in Yunnan.¹⁰
宁蒗彝族自治县[寧蒗彞族自治縣], Nẽin-lòng Yĩ-dùk dù-jì-yòn
Nìnglàng Yízú zìzhìxiàn Ninglang Yizu autonomous county in 丽江[麗江] Lãi-göng Líjiāng Lijiang, Yunnan.¹⁰
long4 9944
156 14 𧻴
lòng làng (composition: ⿺走良; U+27EF4).
𧻴❄{⿺走良}趤 lòng-òng làngdàng to saunter about.²⁵

long4 9945
46 10 lông làng geographic name.⁹
大崀 Ài-lông Dàlàng Dalang, 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Guangdong Province.
崀山 Lông-sän
Làngshān Langshan, 湖南 Vũ-nãm Húnán Hunan Province.
long5 9946
74 10 lông lǎng light, bright; (of sound) loud and clear.⁶
朗诵[朗誦] lông-dùng lǎngsòng read aloud with expression; recite; declaim.⁶
朗朗 lông-lông
lǎnglǎng <ono.> the sound of reading aloud; bright, light.⁵
朗朗上口 lông-lông-sëng-hēo
lǎnglǎngshàngkǒu (=琅琅上口 lõng-lõng-sëng-hēo or lông-lông-sëng-hēo lánglángshàngkǒu) be able to read aloud easily and fluently.⁶
朗声[朗聲] lông-sëin
lǎngshēng (of voice, sound) loud and clear.⁶
朗读[朗讀] lông-ùk
lǎngdú read aloud; read loudly and clearly.⁵
明朗 mẽin-lông
mínglǎng bright and clear; clear, obvious; forthright, bright and cheerful.⁵
long5 9947
74 11 lông lǎng (<old>=朗 lông lǎng light, bright; (of sound) loud and clear.⁶).⁸ clear.²⁴
(composition: ⿰月良; U+6716).
or 炳朗 or 炳琅 or 炳烺 bēin-lông bǐnglǎng in shining glory.⁰
long5 9948
74 16 lông lǎng well-lit; bright; shining.
(composition: ⿱朋朋; U+6724).
long5 9949
75 14 lông lǎng name of a tree.² (demotic equivalent of 桹 lõng láng palm.⁸ a species of palm, the pith of which produces a sago.¹⁴).²
(composition: ⿰桹月
or ⿰木朗; U+6A03).
<又> lõng.
(See 樃 lõng).
long5 9950
96 11 lông láng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 琅 lõng láng with same meaning: a kind of jade; pure white.⁶ a variety of white carnelian; pure white​.³⁶)
(composition: ⿰𤣩良; U+7405).
<又> lõng.
(See 琅 lõng.)
long5 9951
140 18 lông làng henbane, poisonous, seeds for medical use, a plant which produces a brown dye.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱艹閬; U+455E).
䕞𦿆❄{⿱艹碭} lông-òng làngdàng a poisonous herb.²⁵ a poisonous medicine.¹⁰¹
long5 9952
163 8 lông láng 新郎 xïn-lông/ xīnláng bridegroom.⁶
<又> lõng.
(See 郎 [lõng, láng], [lõng, làng].)
long5 9953
169 15 lông láng 闶阆[閌閬] köng-lông kāngláng <topo.> empty space in a building.⁶
(See 閬 [lông, làng].)
long5 9954
169 15 lông làng a high door; high, tall, big; open and spacious.⁷ a high door, lofty, bright; deserts, vacant; the outlying wastes beyond the city outskirts.¹⁴
土阆[土閬] hū-lông tǔlàng the outlying wastes.¹⁴
阆中[閬中] Lông-jüng
Làngzhōng name of a county and a mountain in 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan Province.⁷
阆阆[閬閬] lông-lông
lànglàng lofty, exalted; boundless waste.¹⁴
阆苑[閬苑] lông-vōn
làngyuàn <wr.> legendary place where immortals live; imperial garden (in classic poetry).⁶ land where immortals dwell; a paradise.⁷
(See 閬 [lông, láng].)
long5 9955
64 10 löt luō to scrape off.¹⁰²
捋膏 löt-gäo luōgāo to scrape or pick off the fat.¹⁰²
捋奶 löt-nâi
luōnǎi to milk, as a cow.¹⁰²
捋镬[捋鑊] löt-vôk
luōhuò to scrape the crust from a boiler or pan.¹⁰²
手捋 siū-löt
shǒuluō to peel off, as leaves from a twig.¹⁰²
<台> 鹤脚捋肉[鶴腳捋肉] hôk-gēk-löt-ngùk lit. How much meat can you scrape from the leg of a crane? fig. limited.
<台> 捋耳屎 löt-ngī-sī to remove earwax with an earwax pick.
<台> 捋须[捋鬚] löt-xü to shave the beard.
  (cf 捋须[捋鬚] lòt-xü).
<又> lòt, lôt, lüt.
(See 捋 [lòt, ], 捋 [lòt, luō]; 捋 [lôt, luō]; 捋 lüt.)
lot2 9956
32 10 lòt liè <old> equal, alike; embankment, dike.¹ an enclosure; an embankment; a dike.⁸
富埒王侯 fü-lòt-võng-hẽo fùlièwánghóu as rich as princes and dukes.¹¹ʼ¹⁶
马埒[馬埒] mâ-lòt
mǎliè an enclosure for horses.¹¹
水埒 suī-lòt
shuǐliè a dike.¹¹
相埒 xëng-lòt
xiàngliè are comparable to each other (in ability, strength, riches).¹¹
lot4 9957
64 10 lòt smooth out with the fingers, stroke; <vern.> arrange, put in order, straighten out.⁶
虎颔捋须[虎頷捋鬚] fū-ngâm-lòt-xü hǔhànlǚxū do something to offend the powerful.¹⁹
捋平 lòt-pẽin
lǚpíng smoothing out.³⁹ to smooth (clothes or paper) with the hands.⁵⁴
捋平头发[捋平頭髮] lòt-pẽin-hẽo-fāt
lǚpíngtóufa smooth down one's hair.⁶
捋齐[捋齊] lòt-tãi
lǚqí smoothing up.³⁹ arrange neatly (cards).⁵⁴
捋胡子[捋鬍子] lòt-vũ-dū
lǚ húzi  stroke one's beard.⁵
捋胡须[捋胡鬚] lòt-vũ-xü
lǚ húxū/ to stroke one's beard.⁷
捋须[捋鬚] lòt-xü
lǚxū to stroke the beard.¹⁰²  (cf <台> 捋须[捋鬚] löt-xü).
<又> löt, lôt, lüt.
(See 捋 löt; 捋 [lòt, ], 捋 [lôt, luō]; 捋 lüt.)

lot4 9958
64 10 lòt luō rub one's palm along (something long).⁵  to rub or draw through the hand.¹⁰²
捋虎须[捋虎鬚] lòt-fū-xü luō hǔxū stroke a tiger's whiskers – do something very daring; run great risks.⁵
捋胳膊 lòt-gāk-bōk
luō gēbo roll/push up one's sleeves and show the arm – be ready to act.⁶
捋汗 lòt-hòn
luōhàn wipe off sweat.¹¹ do with great effort.¹⁹
捋奶 lòt-nâi
luōnǎi to milk (a cow, a goat).⁷
揎拳捋袖 xün-kũn-lòt-diù
xuānquánluōxiù stretch out one's hand and roll up one's sleeves.⁶
一胡捋儿[一鬍捋兒] yīt-vũ-lòt-ngĩ
yīhúluōr <topo.> a twinkling; a flash.⁵⁴
<又> löt, lôt, lüt.
(See 捋 löt; 捋 [lòt, ], 捋 [lôt, luō]; 捋 lüt.)

lot4 9959
64 10 lôt luō <台> 耳屎捋 ngī-sī-lôt/ earwax pick.
<又> löt, lòt, lüt. (See 捋 löt; 捋 [lòt, ], 捋 [lòt, luō]; 捋 lüt.)
lot5 9960
30 14 lou (final particle equivalent to 了 lēl le).¹⁰
别说喽[別說嘍] bèik-sōt-lū
biéshuōlou you don't have to say it.
<台> 够喽[夠嘍] gëo-lū enough.
<又> lẽo.
(See 嘍 lẽo.)
lu1 9961
30 18 <ono.>
咕噜肉[咕嚕肉] gū-lū-ngùk gūlūròu sweet and sour meat (pork).¹⁰ (See 咕噜肉[咕嚕肉] gū-lāo-ngùk gūlǎoròu.)
噗噜噜[噗嚕嚕] pōk-lū-lū
pūlūlū (used to describe a flood of tears rolling down the cheeks) trickle.⁶
<又> lāo, lō, lû.
(See 嚕 lāo, lō, lû.)
lu1 9962
85 14 (=鹵 lū ).¹  Salt, alkaline soil.¹⁴  Salt, bitter.¹⁴  Brine.¹⁴ Thick gravy.¹⁴
滷子 lū-dū
lǔzǐ thick gravy.¹⁴
or 卤鸡[鹵雞] lū-gäi lǔjī pot-stewed chicken with salt and five kinds of spices or in soy sauce.⁹
or 卤虾[鹵蝦] lū-hâ lǔxiā salted shrimp.⁶
滷汤子[滷湯子] lū-höng-dū
lǔtāngzǐ lye.¹⁴
滷煑肉 lū-jī-ngùk
lǔzhǔròu stewed meat with thick gravy.¹⁴
or 卤面[鹵麵] lū-mèin lǔmiàn noodles with meat and gravy.⁶
or 卤水[鹵水] lū-suī lǔshuǐ alkaline or saline ground water.⁷
滷水鸭[滷水鴨] lū-suī-äp
lǔshuǐyā marinated duck (潮州 Chẽl-jiü Cháozhōu cuisine).
(See 鹵 lū.)
lu1 9963
85 18 (=卤[鹵] lū saline soil; natural salt, rock.⁸ alkaline or saline soil; natural salt; rude, unrefined; to capture, to seize.⁷).⁸
t: ⿰氵魯; U+7002). (comp. s: ⿰氵鲁; U+6F9B).
(See 鹵 lū).
lu1 9964
149 17 oral commitment.⁸
(composition: ⿰言隻; U+8B22).
<又> vù. (See 謢 vù).
lu1 9965
197 11 Kangxi radical 197; saline soil; natural salt, rock.⁸ alkaline or saline soil; natural salt; rude, unrefined; to capture, to seize.⁷ (variant: 滷 lū ). (See 滷 lū.)
茶卤[茶鹵] chã-lū
chálǔ strong tea to be diluted before drinking.⁵⁴
卤鸭[鹵鴨] lū-äp
lǔyā stewed duck/marinated duck.
卤饼[鹵餅] lū-bēng
lǔbǐng a steamed wheaten cake.¹⁴
卤硷[鹵礆] lū-gān
lǔjiǎn or 卤盐[鹵鹽] lū-yẽm lǔyán alkali.⁷
卤地[鹵地] lū-ì
lǔdì a place which produces salt.⁷
卤汁[鹵汁] lū-jīp
lǔzhī salty sauce with spices to stew meat, fowl.⁶
卤掠[鹵掠] lū-lèk
lǔlüè to plunder; to seize; to capture.⁷
or 滷面[滷麵] lū-mèin lǔmiàn noodles with meat and gravy.⁶
卤味[鹵味] lū-mì/
lǔwèi pot-stewed fowl or meat served cold; a salty taste; saltiness.⁷
卤莽[鹵莽] lū-mông
lǔmǎng (=鲁莽[魯莽] lû-mông lǔmǎng) rash, reckless, imprudent.⁶
卤肉[鹵肉] lū-ngùk
lǔròu stewed meat.¹⁰
卤水[鹵水] lū-suī
lǔshuǐ alkaline or saline ground water.⁷
卤菜[鹵菜] lū-töi
lǔcài pot-stewed meat dush.⁶
卤获[鹵獲] lū-vòk
lǔhuò to capture; to take captive.⁷
卤素[鹵素] lū-xü
lǔsù halogen⁷
lu1 9966
64 15 <topo.> to rub one's hand along something long; to fire (an employee); to reprimand.
队长被撸了[隊長被擼了] duì-jēng-bì-lü-lēl duìzhǎngbèilūle The captain has been demoted.⁹
撸子[擼子] Lü-dū
Lūzi <topo.> small pistol.
lu2 9967
32 19 black earth/soil;⁶  <old> earthen platform for wine jars.⁶ wineshop.⁶  black clods of earth; shop, hut.⁸  black, tough soil.⁹  an earthen table for the display and storage of wine jars.⁹  An ancient Chinese bar; a bar.⁹  clay; shop.¹⁰
酒垆[酒壚] diū-lũ jiǔ-lú wineshop.
垆邸[壚邸] lũ-āi
lúdǐ wine shop.
垆土[壚土] lũ-hū
lútǔ black hardpan soil.
垆埴[壚埴] lũ-jèik
lúzhí black clay.
垆坶[壚坶] lũ-mùk
lúmǔ loam.
当垆[當壚] öng-lũ
dānglú to sell alcoholic drinks.
(See 罏 lũ.)
lu3 9968
53 广 19 hut, cottage; name of a mountain.¹⁰
庵庐[庵廬] or 菴庐[菴廬] äm-lũ ānlú a small hut.¹¹
初出茅庐[初出茅廬] chö-chūt-mão-lũ
chūchūmáolú venturing from one's thatched hut for the first time; young and inexperienced; novice; greenhorn.¹⁰
庐山[廬山] Lũ-sän
Lúshān Lushan district of 九江市 Giū-göng-sî Jiǔjiāngshì Jiujiang city, Jiangxi; Mount Lushan in Jiujiang, famous as summer holiday spot.¹⁰
庐山真面目[廬山真面目] Lũ-sän jïn-mèin-mùk
Lúshān zhēnmiànmù what Lushan Mountain really looks like – the truth about a person or a matter.⁵
庐舍[廬舍] lũ-sëh
lúshè <wr.> house; farmhouse.⁵
茅庐[茅廬] mão-lũ
máolú humble thatched house, <wr.> <court.> my humble living quarters.¹¹
lu3 9969
64 19 to take, to hold, to take hold of; to open; collect, converge, draw together, contract.⁸ʼ² to take hold of; to spread out; to lead.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌盧; U+650E).
荹攎 bù-lũ bùlú or pũ-lũ púlú to collect various mixed grass.¹⁹ to arrange disordered grass.²⁵
<又> lõ.
(See 攎 lõ).

lu3 9970
75 20 supporting block; sumac, loquat.⁸ capital (of column); smoke tree.¹⁰ the short piece of wood at the top of a pillar; the stump or stalk of a tree or plant.²⁴
欂栌[欂櫨] bòk-lũ bólú <archi.> bracket set (See explanation under 斗拱 ēo-gūng dǒugǒng).
甘栌[甘櫨] gäm-lũ
gānlú a sweet kind of fruit, the loquat.²⁴
欺栌[欺櫨] hï-lũ
qīlú bullyrag.¹⁰
栌薄[櫨薄] lũ-bòk
lúbó the square peck-shaped box half way up a staff or mast.⁷ crow's nest.⁵⁴ Note: Perhaps same as 栌欂[櫨欂] lũ-bòk lúbóor 斗拱 ēo-gūng dǒugǒng⁸ bracket set (See explanation under 斗拱 ēo-gūng dǒugǒng).
栌乱[櫨亂] lũ-lòn
lúluàn dishevelment.¹⁰
栌辱[櫨辱] lũ-yùk
lúrǔ hector.¹⁰
黄栌[黃櫨] võng-lũ
huánglú smoke tree (Cotinus coggygria Scop.)⁵  Also called 红叶树[紅葉樹] hũng-yêp-sì hóngyèshù, 烟树[煙樹] yën-sì yānshù.²⁰
杨栌[楊櫨] yẽng-lũ
yánglú a sort of willow.²⁴
lu3 9971
85 8 a river in Jiangxi province.⁵⁴
(comp. t: ⿰氵盧; U+7018). (comp. s: ⿰氵卢; U+6CF8).
泸定县[瀘定縣] Lũ-èin-yòn
Lúdìng xiàn Luding, a county of Garzê prefecture (甘孜州 gäm-dü-jiü gānzīzhōu), Sichuan.³⁶
泸州[瀘州] Lũ-jiü
Lúzhōu Luzhou (in Sichuan).
泸水[瀘水] Lũ-suī
Lúshuǐ Lushui county in 怒江 傈僳族 自治州 Nù-göng Lùt-xūk-dùk dù-jì-jiü Nùjiāng Lìsùzú zìzhìzhōu Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture in northwest 云南[雲南] Vũn-nãm Yúnnán Yunnan.
lu3 9972
86 20 stove, furnace; <m.> heat.⁵
火炉[火爐] fō-lũ huǒlú kitchen stove or factory furnace.¹¹
炭炉[炭爐] hän-lũ
tànlú charcoal stove.⁵⁴
另起炉灶[另起爐灶] lèin-hī-lũ-dâo
lìngqǐlúzào start all over again; make a fresh start; make new plans.⁸
炉栅[爐柵] lũ-chāk
lúzhà grid(melter); grate; grating.⁵⁴
炉床[爐床] lũ-chõng
lúchuáng hearth.⁶
炉灶[爐灶] lũ-dâo
lúzào kitchen range; cooking range.⁶
炉子[爐子] lũ-dū
lúzi stove, oven, furnace.⁵
炉火纯青[爐火純青] lũ-fō-sũn-tëin
lúhuǒchúnqīng pure blue flame – high degree of technical or professional proficiency.⁵
炉灰砟儿[爐灰砟兒] lũ-föi-jä-ngĩ
lúhuīzhǎr cinder.⁶
炉渣[爐渣] lũ-jâ
lúzhā furnace slag; ashes from a stove.¹⁰
一炉钢[一爐鋼] yīt-lũ-gông
yīlúgāng a heat of steel.⁵
lu3 9973
108 16 (old) rice vessel; black (color); a toss of five dice where all turned up black; to send; two place names, name of a river; Lu surname; used in transcriptions of foreign names such as: 盧森堡 lũ-sẽim-bāo Luxembourg, 滑鐵盧 vàt-hëik-lũ Waterloo, 盧布 lũ-bü ruble, 盧梭 lũ-sö Rousseau, 盧比 lũ-bī rupee, 高盧 gäo-lũ Gaul; old form 盧 which has evolved to other forms such as: 鑪爐壚矑顱櫨廬籚, q.v.
t: ⿸虍⿱田皿; U+76E7). (comp. s: ⿱⺊尸; U+5362).
卢弓一, 卢矢百. [盧弓一, 盧矢百.]
Lũ-güng-yīt, lũ-sī-bäk.
Lú gōng yī, lú shǐ bǎi.
...with a black bow, and a hundred black arrows.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《尚書·周書·文侯之命·2》, translated by James Legge).
卢沟桥[盧溝橋] Lũ-këo-kẽl
Lúgōuqiáo Marco Polo Bridge, Lugou Bridge (a bridge in Fengtai district, Beijing.³⁶
卢令令, 其人美且仁. [盧令令, 其人美且仁.]
Lũ-lèin-lèin, kĩ-ngĩn-mî-chēh-ngĩn.
Lú lìng lìng, qí rén měi qiě rén. Ling-ling go the hounds; - Their master is admirable and kind.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·齊風·盧令·1》, translated by James Legge). (Note: 盧 lũ here is a hunting dog).
or 鸬鹚[鸕鶿] lũ-xũ lúcí cormorant (black waterfowl).⁶
胡卢大笑[胡盧大笑] vũ-lũ-ài-xël
húlúdàxiào to roar with laughter.¹¹
lu3 9974
109 21 same meaning as 瞳仁 or 瞳人 hũng-ngĩn tóngrén the pupil of the eye; to see.⁸
(composition: ⿰目盧; U+77D1).
清矑 tëin-lũ
qīnglú a clear bright eye.¹⁰²
lu3 9975
118 22 a type of bamboo mention in ancient books; the handle of the spear; a lunch (cooked rice) basket; the capital (of a column).⁸ a small rush like an Arundo, from which baskets can be made; a large basket with a handle or bale; shaft of a spear.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱𥫗盧; U+7C5A).
籚篮[籚籃] lũ-lâm
lúlán baskets of different sizes.¹⁰²
lu3 9976
118 25 luó (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 箩[籮] lõ luó with same meaning: square-bottomed bamboo basket.⁶)
<台> 兜箩[兜籮] ëo-lũ
or ëo-lõ bamboo basket.
<台> 箩[籮] lũ
or lõ circular friction ridges of a finger.
<又> lõ.
(See 籮 [lõ, luó], 籮 [lõ, luo].)
lu3 9977
119 18 luó  a collection of grain.²⁵ storing grains; to store up food.³⁶ (composition: ⿱吂⿲月米几; U+42A8).
lu3 9978
120 22 to soften hemp by boiling; thread.⁸ a cloth cord; treated hemp, linen.¹¹ hempen threads; to dress flax or hemp for weaving.¹⁴ hempen threads; to hatchel and dress flax or hemp, and prepare them for weaving.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰糹盧; U+7E91).
經上:  纑,間虛也。Gëin-sëng: Lũ, gän-huï-yâ.
經說上:  纑:(間)虛也者,兩木之間,謂其無木者也。
Gëin-sōt-sëng: Lũ: gän-huï-yâ-jēh, lēng-mùk-jï-gän, vì-kĩ-mũ-mùk-jēh-yâ.
Canon I:   Lu (...?) is the interval being empty.
Exposition of Canon I:...:   'Empty': of the interval between the two pieces of wood, it refers to where there is no wood.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《墨子·卷十·經上·65》, translated by A.C. Graham).
妻辟纑 häi-pēik-lũ
qīpìlú his wives dressed the thread.¹⁰² (cf with next).
"Sì-hõ-sëng-döi? Bī-sïn-jēik-guï, häi-pēik-lũ, yî-yèik-jï-yâ."
`Shì hé shāng zāi? Bǐ shēn zhī jù, qī pì lú, yǐ yì zhī yě.'
'But,' said Zhang, 'what does that matter? He himself weaves sandals of hemp, and his wife twists and dresses threads of hemp to sell or exchange them.' ⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《孟子·滕文公下·15》, translated by James Legge).
lu3 9979
121 22 (=垆[壚]⁸ lũ ) earthen stand for wine jug.⁸  a narrow-mouthed jar.⁸  pile of earth to keep wine jars¹⁰  A squat wine jar.¹¹  A squat, wide-mouthed jar, used for wine.¹⁴  A goblet. or jar.²⁵
(See 壚 lũ.)
lu3 9980
130 12 luó (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 脶[腡] lõ luó with same meaning: <wr.> fingerprint.⁶)
<又> lõ.
(See 腡 lõ.)
lu3 9981
137 22 the stem of a boat; prow of a ship.⁶ the bow or prow (of a boat).⁷
舳舻[舳艫] jùk-lũ zhúlú <wr.> convoy of ships; fleet of boats or ships.⁶ a rectangular boat.⁷
舳舻千里[舳艫千里] jùk-lũ-tëin-lî
zhúlúqiānlǐ vast fleet.⁶ lit. formation of ships extending a thousand li – very large flotilla.⁷
舳舻相继[舳舻相繼] jùk-lũ-xëng-gäi
zhúlúxiāngjì The ships sail so close to each other that the stem of one touches the stern of another.⁶
lu3 9982
140 19
reed; rushes; gourd; Lu surname.
芦柴[蘆柴] lũ-châi lúchái reed stems.
芦席[蘆席] lũ-dèk
lúxí reed mat.⁶
芦花[蘆花] lũ-fä
lúhuā reed catkins.
芦橘[蘆橘] lũ-gūt
lújú the old name for 枇杷 pĩ-pã pípa loquat (Eriobotrya japonica).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
芦笙[蘆笙] lũ-säng
lúshēng a reed-pipe wind instrument, used by the Miao, Yao, and Deng nationalities.⁵
芦苇[蘆葦] lũ-vī
lúwěi reed.
芦荟[蘆薈] lũ-vòi
lúhuì aloe.
芦笋[蘆筍] lũ-xūn
lúsǔn asparagus.¹⁰
按下葫芦浮起瓢[按下葫蘆浮起瓢] ön-hà-vũ-lũ-fẽo-hī-pël
ànxià húlu fúqǐ piáo to solve one problem only to find another cropping up.
水葫芦[水葫蘆] suī-vũ-lũ
shuǐhúlu water hyacinth.
葫芦[葫蘆] vũ-lũ
húlu bottle gourd; calabash; (poker) full house; <trad.> sign of Chinese pharmacists or healers; symbol of certain Daoist sages.
西葫芦[西葫蘆] xäi-vũ-lũ
xīhúlu pumpkin.
lu3 9983
140 22 luó (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 蘿 lõ luó radish.)
<又> lõ, liũ.
(See 蘿 lõ.)
lu3 9984
142 17 luó spiral shell; conch; spiral.⁸
大吹法螺 ài-chuï-fāt-lũ dàchuīfǎluó expound the doctrines of Buddhism – blow one's own trumpet; talk big; boast.⁶
螺桨[螺槳] lũ-dēng
luójiǎng propeller.²⁹
螺钉[螺釘] lũ-ëng
luódīng a screw.⁷
螺髻 lũ-gâi
luójì a spiral headdress.⁷
螺钿[螺鈿] lũ-hẽin
luódiàn lacquerware with imbedded mother-of-pearl.¹¹
螺钿漆盘[螺鈿漆盤] lũ-hẽin-tīt-põn
luódiànqīpán lacquer tray inlaid with mother-of-pearl.³⁹
螺帽 lũ-mào
luómào (screw) nut.⁶
螺母 lũ-mû
luómǔ (screw) nut.⁶
螺栓 lũ-sân
luóshuān (screw) bolt.⁵
螺蛳[螺螄] lũ-xü
luósi spiral shell; snail.⁵
螺丝[螺絲] lũ-xü
luósī male screw; external screw; screw.⁷
螺丝刀[螺絲刀] lũ-xü-äo
luósīdāo a screwdriver.⁷
螺丝帽[螺絲帽] lũ-xü-mào
luósīmào nut (for screw).¹¹
螺丝拧子[螺絲擰子] lũ-xü-nèin-dū
luósī níngzi <topo.> screwdriver.⁵⁴
螺旋 lũ-xũn
luóxuán spiral, helix; screw.⁸
<台> 螺丝批[螺絲批] lũ-xü-päi/ screwdriver.
lu3 9985
142 19 luó (<old>=螺 lũ luó spiral shell; conch; spiral.⁸).³⁶
(composition: ⿱吂⿲月虫凡; U+8803).
jī hëin āk xäi mõn sèng chuï lũ hôk sëin.
zhǐ tīng dé xīmén shàng chuī luó ké shēng.
The only thing that could be heard was the sound of someone blowing a conch shell from the top of the city's western gate. (From: Romance of the Three Kingdoms, circa 14th century CE).
(See 蠃[lũ, luǒ]; 螺 lũ).
lu3 9986
142 19 luǒ the solitary wasp.⁸
(composition: ⿱吂⿲月虫凡; U+8803).
蜾蠃 gō-lũ guǒluǒ eumenid; parasitic wasp.⁶ Eumenes pomiformis.¹⁰  A kind of wasp, Eumenes pomifomis.¹¹  the wasp which imprisons caterpillars in a cell to feed its young.¹⁴ potter wasp (a member of the Eumeninae subfamily).³⁶
(See 蠃[lũ, luó]).
lu3 9987
142 21 luó eumenid; (interchangeable with 蠃 lũ luǒ solitary wasp.)⁸ a shellfish.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱彖䖵; U+8821).
田蠡 hẽin-lũ/
tiánluó or 田螺 hẽin-lũ/ tiánluó river snail.⁶
蠡蚌闭户[蠡蚌閉戶] lũ-pông-bäi-fù
luóbàngbìhù the mussel and the oyster close their doors.¹⁴
<又> lãi; lâi.
(See 蠡 lãi; 蠡 lâi; 蠃[lũ, luǒ]).
lu3 9988
159 23 lu a pulley for drawing water; a windlass; a capstan.⁷
轱轳[軲轤] gū-lũ or 轱辘[軲轆] gū-lūk gūlu a wheel; to turn; to revolve.⁷
辘轳[轆轤] lūk-lũ
lùlu well-pulley; windlass; winch.⁶ pulley.¹¹ a windlass or pulley.¹⁴ a windlass; a caster.¹⁰²
lu3 9989
167 24 𬬻
(=炉[爐] lũ stove, furnace; <m.> heat.⁵); fireplace, stove, oven, furnace.⁸ a radioactive metallic element artificially produced through nuclear reaction, symbol Rf, rutherfordium, atomic number 104; atomic weight 261.⁹ʼ⁰ a brazier; a hand stove; a stove.¹⁴ a square furnace.¹⁹  also a wine vessel; a tavern; (used for 鑢 luì file, rasp; file; polish; (Cant.) to cut.⁸).²⁵
t: ⿰金盧; U+946A). (comp. s: ⿰钅卢; U+2CB3B).
❄{⿰钅卢},造化爲工,阴阳爲炭,万物爲铜. [天地爲鑪,造化爲工, 隂陽爲炭,萬物爲銅.] hëin-ì-vĩ-lũ, dào-fä-vĩ-güng, yïm-yẽng-vĩ-hän, màn-mùt-vĩ-hũng/. tiāndìwéilú, zàohuàwéigōng, yīnyángwéitàn, wànwùwéitóng. heaven and earth are the furnace, the creative energy is the workman, the male and female principles of nature constitute the coals, and the myriad of things form the copper melted thereby (Chinese principles of cosmogony).²⁵
❄{⿰钅卢}[香鑪] hëng-lũ xiānglú a censer.²⁵
❄{⿰钅卢}捶[鑪捶] or 𬬻❄{⿰钅卢}锤[鑪錘] or 𬬻❄{⿰钅卢}椎[鑪椎] lũ-chuĩ lúchuí refers to smelting and forging.¹⁹
❄{⿰钅卢}鼎[鑪鼎] lũ-ēin lúdǐng a tripod used in temples.¹⁴
❄{⿰钅卢}炭[鑪炭] lũ-hän lútàn the coals of the furnace.²⁵
❄{⿰钅卢}冶[鑪冶] lũ-yêh lúyě just like or as if smelted.¹⁹
(See 爐 lũ; 鑢 luì).

lu3 9990
167 27 luó gong.⁶
打锣[打鑼] ā-lũ dǎluó beat a gong.⁵⁴
开锣[開鑼] höi-lũ
kāiluó to beat drum, indicating beginning of an opera.⁹
铴锣[鐋鑼] höng-lũ
tāngluó small brass gong.⁸
敲锣[敲鑼] këo-lũ
or hāo-lũ qiāoluó to beat a gong.¹⁰
锣槌 lũ-chuî
luóchuí gong hammer.⁶
锣鼓[鑼鼓] lũ-gū
luógǔ gong and drum; traditional percussion instruments.⁸
锣鼓喧天[鑼鼓喧天] lũ-gū-xün-hëin
luógǔxuāntiān a deafening sound of beating the gongs and drums.⁸
锣声锵锵[鑼聲鏘鏘] lũ-sëin-dëng-dëng
luóshēng qiāngqiāng gongs clanked.⁶
锣齐鼓不齐[锣齐鼓不齐] lũ-tãi-gū-būt-tãi
luó qí gǔ bù qí with inadequate manpower or condition.⁸ lit. the gong is ready, the drum not ready; fig. undermanned or inadequately resourced.¹⁰
<又> lõ.
(See 鑼 lõ.)
lu3 9991
181 25 the skull; the head; the forehead.⁷ (variant: 髗 lũ ).
头颅[頭顱] hẽo-lũ
tóulú head; skull.¹⁰
颅骨[顱骨] lũ-gūt
lúgǔ cranial bones; skull.⁸
颅腔[顱腔] lũ-höng
lúqiāng cranial cavity.⁸
颅盖[顱蓋] lũ-köi
lúgài braincap.⁸
额颅[額顱] ngäk-lũ
élú <wr.> head.¹¹
圆颅方趾[圓顱方趾] yõn-lũ-föng-jī
yuánlú-fāngzhǐ lit. round skull and square toes – all human beings are alike.¹¹
(See 髗 lũ).
lu3 9992
188 25 (=顱 lũ) the skull; the head; the forehead.⁷
(See 顱 lũ).
lu3 9993
195 15 (<old>=鲈[鱸] lũ ) perch; bass.⁷ sea perch; sea bass.⁸
(See 鱸 lũ).
lu3 9994
195 27 perch; bass.⁷ sea perch; sea bass.⁸ (variant: 魲 lũ ).
斑鳕鲈[斑鱈鱸] bän-xūt-lũ
bānxuělú or 鳕鲈[鱈鱸] xūt-lũ xuělú river blackfish (Gadopsis marmoratus in the family Percichthyidae), endemic to south-eastern Australia.¹⁵ʼ¹⁹ʼ²⁰
海鲈[海鱸] hōi-lũ
hǎilú sea bass.⁶
真鲈科[真鱸科] jïn-lũ-fö
zhēnlúkē family Percichthyidae.²⁰
鲈鲋[鱸鮒] lũ-fù
lúfù ruff; freshwater perch.⁵⁴
鲈鳗[鱸鰻] lũ-mãn
lúmán marbled eel.⁹
鲈鱼[鱸魚] lũ-nguĩ
lúyú perch.⁶ the sea bass.⁷
双棘鳕鲈[雙棘鱈鱸] söng-gēik-xūt-lũ
shuāngjíxuělú two-spined blackfish (Gadopsis bispinosus in the family Percichthyidae).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
莼羹鲈脍[蓴羹鱸膾] sũn-gäng-lũ-köi
chúngēnglúkuài mallow soup and minced eel (allusion: remembrance of food at home town).¹¹
莼鲈之思[蓴鱸之思] sũn-lũ-jï-xü
chúnlúzhīsī homesickness.¹¹
松江鲈[松江鱸] tũng-göng-lũ
sōngjiānglú a species of fish (Trachidermus fasciatus) in the superfamily Cottoidea, the sculpins, and the only member of the monotypic genus Trachidermus; common names: roughskin sculpin, four-gilled perch; commonly known as 媳婦魚, 四腮鱸魚.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(See 魲 lũ).
lu3 9995
196 24 luó (composition: ⿱吂⿲月鳥凡; U+9E01).
须鸁[須鸁] xuï-lũ xūluó (=䴙䴘[鷿鷉] or 䴙䴘[鸊鷈] pēik-hãi pìtī grebe (grebe order Podicipediformes).¹⁰).⁸
过鸁[過鸁] gö-lũ
guòluó (=鹪鹩[鷦鷯] dël-lẽl jiāoliáo wren.⁸ Eurasian wren, Troglodytes troglodytes.¹⁰).⁸
lu3 9996
196 27 a cormorant.⁷
白令鸕[白令鸕] bàk-lèin-lũ báilìnglú spectacled cormorant or Pallas's cormorant (Phalacrocorax perspicillatus) is an extinct marine bird of the cormorant family of seabirds.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
欧洲绿鸬鹚[歐洲綠鸕鶿] Ëo-jiü lùk-lũ-xũ
Ōuzhōu lùlúcí European shag or common shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) is a species of cormorant.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
双冠鸬鹚[雙冠鸕鶿] söng-gön-lũ-xũ
shuāngguānlúcí double-crested cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鸬鹚[鸕鶿] lũ-xũ
lúcí cormorant.⁶
鸬鹚捕鱼[鸕鶿捕魚] lũ-xũ-bù-nguî/
lúcíbǔyú cormorant fishing.¹⁹
lu3 9997
85 16 river in northern China.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵路; U+6F5E).
潞江 Lù-göng Lùjiāng Lujiang, the name of a river, aka the Nujiang River (怒江) in Yunnan Province, China.⁸
潞河 Lù-hõ
Lùhé Luhe, the name of a river, aka the North Canal, which is below Tongxian County (通县), Beijing, China. ⁸
潞水 Lù-suī
Lùshuǐ Lushui River, old name for Zhuozhenghe River (浊漳河[濁漳河] Dùk-jëng-hõ Zhuózhānghé)  in Shanxi (山西 Sän-xäi Shānxī) Province.⁸
lu4 9998
96 17 <wr.> beautiful jade; fine jade.³⁹ a beautiful gem, hung as an ornament from a girdle.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰𤣩路; U+7490).
逵似连璐[逵似連璐] kï-xû-lẽin-lù kuí sì lián lù the (frost on) the roads (glistens) like strings of gems.¹⁰² (Excerpt from 【謝惠連·雪賦】.
赛璐玢[賽璐玢] söi-lù-fün
sàilùfēn <chem.> cellophane.⁶
赛璐珞[賽璐珞] söi-lù-lōk
sàilùluò celluloid.⁵
lu4 9999
104 20 𤻱
constipated condition.²
(composition: ⿸疒慮; U+24EF1).
𤸵❄{⿸疒尃}𤻱❄{⿸疒慮} bù-lù bùlù constipation condition.²
lu4 10000
118 19 a bamboo that can be used to make arrow shafts.⁸
(old variant: 簵 lù ). (See 簵 lù).
(composition: ⿱𥫗路; U+7C2C).
箘簬 kūn-lù
jùnlù a type of bamboo, slender and knotless, that can be used to make bows and arrows; aka 箘簵 kūn-lù jùnlù and 箘露 kūn-lù jùnlù.⁸
维箘簬...[維箘簬...] vĩ-kūn-lù...
wéi jùn lù... likewise the Jun and Lu bamboos...⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《史記·夏本紀·11》.
lu4 10001
118 19 (<old>=簬 lù a bamboo that can be used to make arrow shafts.⁸).⁸ a slender, lithe sort of bamboo, fit for darts or arrows; it anciently grew in Yangzhou.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱𥫗輅; U+7C35).
惟菌,簵,楛… vĩ kūn, lù, vù...
wéi jūn, lù, hù…
and the jun and lu bamboos, with the hu tree, (all good for making arrows)...⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《尚書·夏書·禹貢·7》, translated by James Legge).
(See 簬 lù).
lu4 10002
122 18 𦌕
(composition: ⿱罒路; U+26315).
𦌕❄{⿱罒路}䍛 lù-gü lùgù an implement for catching fish.²⁵
lu4 10003
140 24 蘩虂 or 蘩露 fãn-lù fánlù (other names for 落葵 lòk-kĩ luòkuí) Malabar spinach (Basella alba L.)²³
芲虂[菕虂] lũn-lù
lúnlù a fragrant herb.²⁵
<台> 虂斗 lù-ēo sieve.
lu4 10004
154 13 <wr.> send a gift of money or goods; bribe, buy off; <wr.> gift of money or goods given as a bribe; bribe.⁶ to give a present, to bribe, to corrupt; to aid the state; a vessel used in ancestral honor.¹⁰²
(comp. t: ⿰貝各; U+8CC2). (comp. s: ⿰贝各; U+8D42).
大赂南金[大賂南金] Ài-lù-nãm-gïm
Dà lù nán jīn
And great contributions of the southern metals. (Excerpt from 《詩經·頌·魯頌·泮水·8》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ Heavy contributions of southern metals.¹⁰²
货赂[貨賂] fö-lù
huòlù corrupt with money.⁵⁴
贪污和贿赂[貪污和賄賂] häm-vü-võ-hōi-lù
tānwū hé huìlù graft and corruption.⁵⁴
贿赂[賄賂] hōi-lù
huìlù bribe; bribery.⁵ to bribe, especially an official.¹⁰²
赂遗[賂遺] lù-vì
lùwèi send gifts; bribe.⁸
财赂[財賂] tõi-lù
cáilù to sent presents to officials.¹⁰²
性贿赂[性賄賂] xëin-hōi-lù
xìnghuìlù sexual favor as a form of bribery.⁵⁴
lu4 10005
157 13 road, path, street; journey.⁸ <又> lû. (See 路 lû.)
路灯[路燈] lù-äng
lùdēng street lamp; road lamp.⁵
路不拾遗[路不拾遺] lù-būt-sìp-vĩ
lùbùshíyí no one pockets anything found on the road.⁵
路程 lù-chẽin
lùchéng distance traveled; journey; route.⁸
路费[路費] lù-fï
lùfèi traveling expenses.⁵
路过[路過] lù-gö
lùguò pass by or through (a place).⁵
路途 lù-hũ
lùtú road; journey.¹¹
路障 lù-jëng
lùzhàng roadblock.⁵
路段 lù-òn
lùduàn a section of a highway or railway.⁵
路上小心在意者! lù-sèng xēl-xïm dòi-yï  jēh
lùshàng xiǎoxīn zàiyì zhě! <trad.> Take care on the way!⁶
路滑 lù-vàt
lùhuá The road is slippery.⁵
路线[路線] lù-xëin
lùxiàn route, itinerary, course; line.⁶
<台> 过路个[過路個] gö-lù-göi traveler, passersby.
<台> 行(路) hãng(-lù) to walk on foot.
<台> 后路[後路] hèo-lù a way of escape, route of retreat, a way to back out.
<台> 起路 hī-lù to build a road.
<台> 来路货[來路貨] lõi-lù-fö imported goods.
<台> 路仔 lù-dōi a path.
<台> 路数[路數] lù-sü way, method, idea, inside track, opportunity.
lu4 10006
159 13 a heavy carriage; the horizontal front bar on a cart or carriage; a state carriage.⁷ a chariot, a state carriage; the traces of a cart.¹⁰²
(comp. t: ⿰車各; U+8F05). (comp. s: ⿰车各; U+8F82).
辂马[輅馬] lù-mâ
lùmǎ a large cart to sleep in.¹⁰²
玉辂[玉輅] ngùk-lù
yùlù the imperial carriage.¹⁰²
❄{⿰车并}辂[軿輅] pẽin-lù pínglù a curtained carriages for princesses.⁷
乘殷之辂.[乘殷之輅.] Sẽin-yïn-jï-lù.
Chéng yīn zhī hé.
Ride in the state carriage of Yin.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《論語·衛靈公·11》, translated by James Legge).
lu4 10007
173 21 lòu <vern.> reveal; show.⁵
露底 lù-āi lòudǐ reveal the inside story; let the secret out.⁶
露白 lù-bàk
lòubái unintentionally show one's valuables or wealth to others.⁶
露丑[露醜] lù-chiū
lòuchǒu make a fool of oneself.⁶
露富 lù-fü
lòufù show one's wealth.⁶
露风[露風] lù-füng
lòufēng divulge a secret; leak out information.⁶
露馅儿[露餡兒] lù-hàm-ngĩ
lòuxiànr let the cat out of the bag; give the game away; spill the beans.⁵
露头[露頭] lù-hẽo
lòutóu show one's head; appear, emerge.⁵
露脸[露臉] lù-lêm
lòuliǎn look good as a result of receiving honor or praise.⁵
露马脚[露馬腳] lù-mâ-gëk
lòumǎjiǎo give the show away; give oneself away; let the cat out of the bag.⁶
露面 lù-mèin
lòumiàn show one's face; make an appearance; appear or reappear on public occasions.⁵
露怯 lù-hèp
or lù-hēp lòuqiè <topo.> display one's ignorance; make a fool of oneself.⁵
露一手 lù-yīt-siū
lòuyīshǒu or 露两手[露兩手] lù-lēng-siū  lòuliǎngshǒu show off.⁵
(See 露 [lù, ].)
lu4 10008
173 21 ➀ dew; ➁ beverage distilled from flowers, fruit or leaves;  syrup; ➂ show; reveal; betray.⁵ ➃ Lu surname.⁷
白露 bàk-lù báilù White Dew (15th solar term, September 7, 8, or 9).⁶
春露秋霜 chün-lù-tiü-söng
chūnlùqiūshuāng the progression of seasons.¹¹
露脊鲸[露脊鯨] lù-dëk-kẽin
lùjǐjīng <bio.> right whale.⁵
露酒 lù-diū
lùjiǔ punch; alcoholic drink mixed with fruit juice.⁵
露点[露點] lù-ēm
lùdiǎn dew-point.⁵
露结为霜[露結為霜] lù-gēik-vĩ-söng lùjiéwéishuāng Dew congeals and forms frost.⁶²
露光计[露光計] lù-göng-gäi
lùguāngjì <photo.> exposure meter.⁵
露骨 lù-gūt
lùgǔ thinly veiled; undisguised; barefaced.⁵
露天 lù-hëin
lùtiān in the open (air); outdoors.⁵
露头[露頭] lù-hẽo
lùtóu <min.> outcrop; outcropping.⁵
露头角[露頭角] lù-hẽo-gök
lùtóujiǎo (of a young person) beginning to show ability or talent; budding.⁵
露珠 lù-jî
lùzhū dewdrop.⁵
露水 lù-suī
lùshui dew; transitory, ephemeral.⁶
露宿 lù-xūk
lùsù sleep in the open.⁵
露营[露營] lù-yẽin
lùyíng camp (out); encamp; bivouac.⁵
(See 露 [lù, lòu].)

lu4 10009
196 24 egret, heron.⁶ Egretta garzetta, an egret.⁷
大白鹭[大白鷺] ài-bàk-lù
dàbáilù great egret or great white egret (Ardea alba).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
白鹭[白鷺] bàk-lù
báilù or 小白鹭[小白鷺] xēl-bàk-lù xiǎobáilù little egret (Egretta garzetta).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
池鹭[池鷺] chĩ-lù
chílù pond heron.⁶
棕颈鹭[棕頸鹭] düng-gēng-lù
zōngjǐnglù reddish egret (Egretta rufescens).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鹭序[鷺序] lù-duì
lùxù orderly formation of egrets flying – distinct order of seniority in officialdom.⁷
鹭鸶[鷺鷥] lù-xü
or lù-xũ lùsī an egret.⁷
鹭鹰[鷺鷹] lù-yëin
lùyīng secretary bird.¹⁹
鹭羽[鷺羽] lù-yî
lùyǔ egret's feather.³⁹
岩鹭[岩鷺] ngãm-lù
yánlù Pacific reef heron, eastern reef heron, eastern reef egret (Egretta sacra).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
牛背鹭[牛背鷺] ngẽo-böi-lù
niúbèilù cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
琵鹭[琵鷺] pĩ-lù
pílù spoonbill (wading bird of the family Threskiornithidae).¹⁰
苍鹭[蒼鷺] töng-lù
cānglù or 灰鹭[灰鷺] föi-lù huīlù grey heron (Ardea cinerea).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
黄喉岩鹭[黃喉岩鹭] võng-hẽo-ngãm-lù
huánghóuyánlù western reef heron, western reef egret (Egretta gularis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
lu4 10010
30 18 打呼噜[打呼嚕] ā-fü-lû dǎhūlu to snore.⁹
咕噜[咕嚕] gū-lû
gūlu <ono.> to rumble (of a stomach); to coo (of a dove); rumbling; noisy drinking sound.¹⁰
嘟噜[嘟嚕] ü-lû
dūlu bunch; cluster; to hang down in a bunch; to trill.⁶
<又> lāo, lō, lū.
(See 嚕 lāo, lō, lū.)
lu5 10011
61 14 𢟧
(composition: ⿰忄鹵; U+227E7).
𢟧❄{⿰忄鹵}𢟨❄{⿰忄莽} lû-mû lǔmǔ or lū-mông lǔmǎng the mind disturbed.²⁴
lu5 10012
64 14 𢲸
violent; some say 'to shake'.² (Cant.) to shake violently, stir; to strip.⁸ violent; to shake violently.²⁴ <old> to shake, to wobble; <old>=掳[擄] lû to capture; to seize.³⁶ violent, ready to resort to force; movable, swaying.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰扌鹵; U+22CB8).
汗 lû-hòn lǔhàn to wipe off the sweat.¹⁰²
树皮[𢲸樹皮] lû-sì-pĩ lǔshùpí to peel off the bark.¹⁰²
到底 yīt-lû-äo-āi yīlǔdàodǐ stripped of all — his honors, as an officer degraded to private life.¹⁰²
(See 擄 lû).
lu5 10013
64 16 to capture; to seize. (variant: 𢲸 ).
(composition t: ⿰扌虜; U+64C4).
s: ⿰扌虏; U+63B3).
s: ⿸虍力; U+864F). 虏 second round form.
or 奸淫掳掠[姦淫擄掠] gän-yĩm-lû-lèk jiānyínlǔlüè rape and loot.⁵
掳劫[擄劫] lû-gēp
lǔjié to plunder; to rob.
or 虏掠[虜掠] lû-lèk lǔlüè to take captives and ransack (city, people).¹¹
掳人勒赎[擄人勒贖] lû-ngĩn-làk-sùk
lǔrénlèshú to hold captives for ransom.
or 虏获[虜獲] lû-vòk lǔhuò to capture; men and arms captured.⁷
撕掳[撕擄] xü-lû
sīlǔ to deal with some difficult matters; to solve (affairs); to romp and play with (a person).
(cf. 虜 lû; 虜 lû). (See 𢲸 lû).
lu5 10014
75 15 (<old>=橹[櫓] lû a scull or sweep for propelling boats; <wr.> a big shield; <wr.> a turret tower on city wall.¹¹); a lookout turret on a city wall, movable wooden tower for archers; a scull a sweep, an oar.⁸
(composition: ⿰木鹵; U+6A10).
or 楼櫓[樓櫓] lẽo-lû lóulǔ a roofless high platform for guards to watch enemy movements.¹⁹ʼ⁰
or 漂橹 pël-lû piāolǔ It is said that the blood shed floats a big shield, describing that many people have been killed or wounded.¹⁹ʼ⁰
(See 櫓 lû).
lu5 10015
75 17 (=橹[櫓] lû a scull or sweep for propelling boats; <wr.> a big shield; <wr.> a turret tower on city wall.¹¹); a lookout turret on a city wall, moveable wooden tower for archers, a scull a sweep, an oar, (in ancient warfare) a big shield; a long spear.⁸
(composition: ⿰木虜; U+3BED).
(See 櫓 lû).
lu5 10016
75 19 a scull or sweep for propelling boats; <wr.> a big shield; <wr.> a turret tower on city wall.¹¹
(variants: 艪, 樐, 㯭, 艣 lû).
扳橹[扳櫓] bän-lû bānlǔ port the helm.¹⁰²
礼义以为干橹.[禮義以為干櫓.] Lâi-ngì-yî-vĩ-gön-lû.
Lǐ yì yǐwéi gàn lǔ. ...propriety and righteousness to be his (the scholar's) shield and buckler.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·儒行·9》, translated by James Legge).
or 楼樐[樓樐] lẽo-lû lóulǔ a movable wooden watchtower.¹¹
橹子[櫓子] lû-dū
lǔzi <topo.> Luger pistol.³⁹
櫓捧 lû-pūng
lǔpěng the scull-pivot.¹⁰²
or 艣艩 lû-tãi lǔqí the part of the ship used to support the turret.⁸ the peg for resting an oar on.²⁵
城橹[城櫓] sẽin-lû
chénglǔ a lookout on a fortification.¹⁰²
谯橹[譙櫓] tẽl-lû
qiáolǔ or 谯楼[譙樓] tẽl-lẽo qiáolóu or 谯门[譙門] tẽl-mõn qiáomén drum tower; watchtower.¹¹
推橹[推櫓] tuï-lû
tuīlǔ push the scull; starboard the helm.¹⁰²
or 搖艣 yẽl-lû yáolǔ to scull (with a single oar, usually mounted on the stern of the boat).¹⁰ to scull.¹⁰²
(See 艪 lû, 樐 lû, 㯭 lû, 艣 lû).
lu5 10017
82 19 lu 氆氇[氆氌] pū-lû pǔlu woolen fabric produced in Tibet for making blankets, garments, etc.⁶ Tibetan wool fabric.⁹
lu5 10018
137 19 (=橹[櫓] lû a scull or sweep for propelling boats; <wr.> a big shield; <wr.> a turret tower on city wall.¹¹).¹¹ an oar for propelling a boat.²⁵ a scull or sweep for propelling boats.³⁶
(composition: ⿰舟虜; U+8263).
or 橹艩[櫓艩] lû-tãi lǔqí the part of the ship used to support the turret.⁸ the peg for resting an oar on.²⁵
or 摇橹[搖櫓] yẽl-lû yáolǔ to scull (with a single oar, usually mounted on the stern of the boat).¹⁰ to scull.¹⁰²
(See 櫓 lû).
lu5 10019
137 21 (=橹[櫓] lû a scull or sweep for propelling boats; <wr.> a big shield; <wr.> a turret tower on city wall.¹¹); oar, scull; row.⁸
(composition: ⿰舟魯; U+826A).
(See 櫓 lû).
lu5 10020
141 13 a captive, a prisoner; to take prisoner, to capture alive.⁷ (variant: 虜 lû ).
t: ⿸虍男; U+865C). (comp. s: ⿸虍力; U+864F), also used as second round simplified form for 擄 lû lǔ.
丑虏[醜虜] chiū-lû
chǒulǔ a term of abuse for enemy.¹¹
俘虏[俘虜] fũ-lû
fúlǔ captive, prisoner of war; prisoner; capture.⁸ (See <台> 俘虏[俘虜] fũ-lû/).
鞑虏[韃虜] hāt-lû
dálǔ Tartar (derogatory); also used as an insulting term for Manchus around 1900.¹⁰
or 掳掠[擄掠] lû-lèk lǔlüè to take captives and ransack (city, people).¹¹
or 掳获[擄獲] lû-vòk lǔhuò to capture; men and arms captured.⁷
仍执丑虏[仍執醜虜] ngẽin-jīp-chiū-lû
réng zhí chǒu lǔ
And forthwith seized a crowd of captives.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·蕩之什·常武·4》, translated by James Legge).
臣虏[臣虜] sĩn-lû
chénlǔ slave.⁸
守钱虏[守錢虜] siū-tẽin-lû
shǒuqiánlǔ miser.¹¹
胡虏[胡虜] vũ-lû
húlǔ <derog.> northern barbarians.¹¹
<台> 俘虏[俘虜] fũ-lû/ (playing cards) full house.
(See 俘虏[俘虜] fũ-lû fúlǔ).
(See 虜 lû; 擄 lû).
lu5 10021
141 13 (=虏[虜] lû ) a captive, a prisoner; to take prisoner, to capture alive.⁷
t: ⿸虍⿱⿻囗十力; U+F936).
s: ⿸虍力; U+864F). Also used as second round simplified form for 擄 lû .
(See 虜 lû; 擄 lû).
lu5 10022
142 17 luó <台> 田螺 hẽin-lû/ or hẽin-lũ/ snail.
<台> 拧螺[擰螺] nèin-lû/  top (toy); gyroscope.
lu5 10023
149 18 𧫓
(composition: ⿰言鹵; U+27AD3).
𧫓❄{⿰言鹵}𧬏 lû-mû lǔmǔ indecisive.²
❄{⿰言鹵} mû-lû mǔlǔ not enough words.¹⁰¹
<又> xïn.
(See 𧫓❄{⿰言鹵} xïn).
lu5 10024
157 13 used together with 偷 in Hoisanva to mean something done secretively, stealthily, furtively, covertly.
<台> 偷半路 hëo-bôn-lû/ secretly, stealthily, covertly.
<台> 偷路 hëo-lû/ secretly, stealthily, furtively, covertly.
<又> lù. (See 路 lù.)
lu5 10025
167 23 lutecium (Lu); lutetium.⁶
lu5 10026
195 15 stupid, dull; vulgar; rash, rough, rude; (short name for Shandong); Lu surname.⁵
鲁班[魯班] Lû Bän Lǔ Bān master carpenter in Lu kingdom during the Spring and Autumn period.⁷
鲁班尺[魯班尺] lû-bän-chêk
lǔbānchǐ carpenter's square.⁶
鲁壁[魯壁] lû-bēik
Lǔbì walls of Confucius' home.⁷
鲁殿灵光[魯殿靈光] lû-èin-lẽin-göng
lǔdiànlíngguāng the only remaining embodiment of past glory; sole survivor among elder scholars/statesmen commanding respect.⁷
鲁凯[魯凱] Lû-hōi
Lǔkǎi Rukai tribe (Taiwan aborigines).⁷
鲁直[魯直] lû-jèik
lǔzhí rash and blunt.⁶
鲁莽[魯莽] lû-mông
lǔmǎng rash, reckless, imprudent.⁶
鲁莽灭裂[魯莽滅裂] lû-mông-mèik-lëik
lǔmǎngmièliè be rash and careless; be reckless.⁶
鲁男子[魯男子] lû-nãm-dū
lǔnánzǐ men unmoved by feminine charms.⁷
鲁人[魯人] lû-ngĩn
lǔrén dullard; a native of Shandong.⁷
鲁菜[魯菜] Lû-töi
Lǔcài Shandong cuisine/food.⁶
鲁钝[魯鈍] lû-ùn
lǔdùn dull-witted; obtuse; stupid.⁵
鲁卫之政[魯衛之政] Lû-Vì-jï-jëin
Lǔ-Wèi zhī zhèng things very much alike.⁷
愚鲁[愚魯] nguĩ-lû
yúlǔ stupid; dull.⁷
lu5 10027
30 7 luī <台> 吕痰[呂痰] luī-hãm to spit; to expectorate.
<又> luî. (See 呂 luî).
lui1 10028
118 17 luī lǒu <台> 篓[簍] luī a wicker basket for holding fish.
<台> 去篓冇鳝[去簍冇鱔]  huï-luī-mäo-sên lit. went out with a basket, came back without eel; everything prepared, but came back empty-handed.
<台> 鱼篓[魚簍] nguî-luī a small bamboo fish basket.
<又> lêo. (See 簍 lêo.)
lui1 10029
118 21 luï lèi to grind, by turning a mill to get the chaff, bran or husks off, a mill.⁸ a mill for grinding rice.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗畾; U+426A).
<台> 草窦䉪[草竇䉪] tāo-êo/-luï romping, frolicking or playing in the haystacks.
lui2 10030
30 12 luĩ léi public opinion; clamour; noise; (<old>=雷) luĩ léi thunder), an organic compound (porphin); (porphyrins 卟啉 būk-lĩm bǔlín).⁸
(composition: ⿱吅吅 or ⿰吕吕; U+34CA).
<又> tīp.
(See 雷 luĩ; 㗊 tīp.)
lui3 10031
38 14 luĩ léi Lei surname.⁸
嫘祖 Luĩ-dū Léizǔ Leizu (wife of the legendary 黄帝[黃帝] Võng'äi Huángdì Yellow Emperor, and the reputed founder of sericulture).⁶
lui3 10032
64 16 luĩ léi pestle; to pound; to beat.
吹擂 chuï-luĩ chuīléi to boast; brag.
自吹自擂 dù-chuï-dù-luĩ
zìchuīzìléi to blow one's own horn.
擂钵[擂缽] luĩ-bôt
léibō mortar and pestle.
擂鼓 luĩ-gū
léigǔ to beat a drum.
擂鼓鸣金[擂鼓鳴金] luĩ-gū-mẽin-gïm 
léigǔmíngjīn to beat the drum and sound the gong (idiom); fig. to order an advance or retreat; to egg people on or to call them back.
(See 擂 [luĩ, lèi].)
lui3 10033
64 16 luĩ lèi platform for martial arts contest; ring; arena.
打擂台[打擂臺] ā-luĩ-hõi dǎ lèitái to take up a challenge in a contest.
擂鼓三通 luĩ-gū-xäm-hüng
lèigǔsāntòng three rolls of the drum.⁵
擂台[擂臺] luĩ-hõi
lèitái platform for martial arts contest; ring; arena.
擂台赛[擂臺賽] luĩ-hõi-söi
lèitáisài single-elimination open tournament (the winner stays on until he is himself defeated).
(See 擂 [luĩ, léi].)
lui3 10034
75 15 luĩ léi a vehicle to ride in while on a hike on mountain roads; a sedan.⁸
(composition: ⿰木累; U+6A0F).
樏宅 luĩ-jàk léizhái an ancient house in the mountains.¹⁹
樏梩 luĩ-lĩ
léilí a tool for removing earth.
or 食罍 sèik-luĩ shíléi multi-layered boxes for holding food.¹⁹
<又> luî.
(See 樏 luî).
lui3 10035
75 17 luĩ léi stone missiles or wooden beams used by defenders of cities against enemy attack.¹¹
檑木 luĩ-mûk léimù wooden beams swinging from city wall to attack the enemy below.¹¹
lui3 10036
75 18 luĩ a palm; the Chinese coir palm.⁷
棕榈[棕櫚] düng-luĩ zōnglǘ Chinese windmill palm, windmill palm or Chusan palm (Trachycarpus fortunei (Hook.) H. Wendl. Also called 中国扇棕[中國扇棕] Jüng-gōk-sën-düng Zhōngguó shànzōng, 唐棕 hõng-düng tángzōng, 拼棕 bëin-düng bīngzōng, 棕树[棕樹] düng-sì zōngshù, 山棕 sän-düng shānzōng.²⁰
椶榈[椶櫚] düng-luĩ
zōnglǘ a coir palm.¹⁴ (=棕榈[棕櫚] düng-luĩ zōnglǘ) Chinese windmill palm (Trachycarpus fortunei).²⁰
花榈木[花櫚木] fä-luĩ-mûk
huālǘmù <bot.> 0rmosia henryi Prain.²³ (commonly called 花梨木 fä-lĩ-mûk huālímù rosewood.)¹¹
小棕榈[小棕櫚] xēl-düng-luĩ
xiǎozōnglǘ palmetto.⁵⁴
lui3 10037
96 19 luĩ name of a kind of jade.⁸
(composition: ⿰𤣩敷; U+74B7).
<又> fù. (See 璷 fù).
lui3 10038
102 15 luĩ léi fields divided by dikes.¹⁴ the space occupied by a field; fields laid out.²⁴
lui3 10039
104 24 𤼘
luĩ léi sick and weary; lassitude.²⁴
(composition: ⿸疒羸; U+24F18).
𤼘❄{⿸疒羸}𤼃❄{⿸疒龍} luĩ-lũng léilóng lassitude; emaciation.²⁴

lui3 10040 24F18.gif
120 11 luĩ léi a nuisance.⁷
累赘[累贅] luĩ-juì léizhui a nuisance, a burden, a troublesome thing; wordy, verbose.⁷
<又> gëo, luì, näi.
(See 累 [luì, lèi], [luì, lěi]; 纍 luĩ; 壘 luî.)
lui3 10041
120 17 luĩ léi black rope (for a criminal).⁷ a black rope; a large rope.²⁵
缧绁[縲紲] or 累绁[纍紲] or 缧絏[縲絏] luĩ-xēik léixiè <wr.> thick rope for binding prisoners; prison, gaol, jail.⁶ bonds; rope for binding a criminal – (fig.) prison.⁷
lui3 10042
120 19 𦆁
luĩ luó the streaks or threads in woven silk.²⁵ =绫纹[綾紋] lẽin-mũn língwén ribbed silk fabric; sleeveless vest in rib-knit-cotton.²ʼ⁵³ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿱吂⿲月糸凡; U+26181).
lui3 10043
120 21 luĩ léi strung together; a heavy rope; to tie, to bind, to twine around, to wind around.⁷ to join, to bind; to creep, to wind about; dispirited, purposeless, emaciated; a large rope.¹⁴
弹痕累累[彈痕纍纍] àn-hân-luĩ-luĩ dànhénléiléi bullet-ridden.¹⁰
累累[纍纍] luĩ-luĩ
léiléi emaciated and weak; clusters; dejected, despondent.¹¹
累累若丧家之狗[纍纍若喪家之狗] luĩ-luĩ-ngèk-xöng-gä-jï-gēo
léiléiruòsàngjiāzhīgǒu aimless, like a dog which has lost his home.¹⁴
累臣[纍臣] luĩ-sĩn
léichén a minister thrown into prison.¹¹
累垂[纍垂] luĩ-suĩ
léichuí to hang down; to suspend.¹⁴
累囚[纍囚] luĩ-tiũ
léiqiú a bound prisoner.¹⁴
累绁[纍紲] or 缧绁[縲紲] or 缧絏[縲絏] luĩ-xēik
léixiè <wr.> thick rope for binding prisoners; prison, gaol, jail.⁶ bonds; rope for binding a criminal – (fig.) prison.⁷
丧容累累[喪容纍纍] xöng-yũng-luĩ-luĩ
sāngróngléiléi emaciated from mourning.¹⁴
以剑斫绝累[以劍斫絕纍] yî-gëm-ēk-dùt-luĩ
yǐjiànzhuójuéléi with his sword he hacked through the rope.¹⁴
(See 累 [luì, lèi], [luì, lěi]; 壘 luî.)
lui3 10044
121 21 luĩ léi large earthenware wine jar.¹⁰
樽罍 dûn-luĩ zūnléi earthen liquor jar.¹⁰
瓶罄罍耻[瓶罄罍恥] pêng-hëin-luĩ-chī
píngqìngléichǐ It is a disgrace to let one's parents live in poverty in their old age.⁵⁴
lui3 10045
123 19 luĩ léi weak, lean, emaciated, exhausted.⁸ʼ³⁶ thin, meager, hungry.²⁵ (composition:  ⿱吂⿲月羊凡; U+7FB8).
Āi-yẽng-chūk-fãn, luĩ-kĩ-gök. Dī yáng chù fān, léi qí jiǎo.
(The exercise of strength in it might be compared to the case of) a ram butting against a fence, and getting his horns entangled.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《易經·䷡大壯》, translated by James Legge).
老羸 lāo-luĩ
lǎoléi old and emaciated.²⁵
羸惫[羸憊] luĩ-bài
léibèi physically exhausted.¹¹
羸瘵 luĩ-däi
léizhài weak and consumptive.¹¹
羸瘠 luĩ-dëk
léijí haggard and thin.¹⁴
羸疾 luĩ-dìp
léijí consumption; wasting disease.¹⁴
羸角 luĩ-gök
léijiǎo to be entangled by the horns.²⁵
羸其角 luĩ-kĩ-gök
léiqíjiǎo caught by the horns.¹⁴
羸劣 luĩ-lūt
léiliè thin and weak.¹⁴
羸弱 luĩ-ngèk
léiruò haggard and weak.¹⁴ <lit.> frail; weak.³⁶
羸瘦 luĩ-sëo
léishòu emaciated.¹⁴
孱羸 sãn-luĩ
chánléi <wr.> thin and frail; emaciated.⁶
身病体羸[身病體羸] sïn-bèng-hāi-luĩ
shēnbìngtǐléi a physical wreck.¹⁴
lui3 10046
130 13 𦝠
luĩ luó (<old>=驘 or 骡[騾] luĩ luó mule.⁵).⁸
(composition: ⿱吂⿰⺼
; U+26760).
(Note: Distinguish 𣎆
❄{⿱吂⿰} from 𦝠❄{⿱吂⿰}). The latter is usually written exactly the same as the former when it is used as a component. For exqmple: 臝 gō luǒ; 䇔 lö luò; 蠃 lũ luǒ; 羸 luĩ léi; 驘 luĩ luó; 嬴 yẽin yíng; 贏 yẽin or yẽng yíng).
(See 驘 luĩ; 騾 luĩ; cf. 𣎆❄{⿱吂⿰月凡} lōk).
lui3 10047 26760T.jpg
130 15 luĩ the custom of eating and drinking while sacrificing to the gods, prevalent in some parts of China, in the second month. An offering of edible viands.²⁵
(composition: ⿰⿰⺼婁; U+81A2).
离膢[離膢] lĩ-luĩ lílǘ to pray for new corn.²⁵
lui3 10048
130 20 luĩ <wr.> set out; display; exhibit.⁶  belly; skin; to state; to pass on information; to display.¹⁰ the skin; the belly; to arrange in order, to spread out; to state; to convey orders, to intimate to, to transmit.¹⁰²
(comp. t: ⿰⺼盧; U+81DA). (comp. s: ⿰月卢; U+80EA).
胪唱[臚唱] luĩ-chëng
lúchàng or 传胪[傳臚] chũn-luĩ chuánlú to carry a message; title formerly given to candidates who graduated as the head of the second class Hanlin examinations.¹⁴
胪陈[臚陳] luĩ-chĩn
lúchén <wr.> present item by item; narrate in detail; state.⁶
胪敍[臚敍] luĩ-duì
lúxù to narrate in detail.¹⁴
胪欢[臚歡] luĩ-fön
lúhuān express joy; show pleasure.⁶
胪欢万姓[臚歡萬姓] luĩ-fön-màn-xëin
lúhuān wànxìng to cause rejoicing among the masses.¹⁴ to speak of the good qualities (of an official) among the people.¹⁰²
胪句[臚句] luĩ-guï
lújù messages — from a superior are called 臚, and from an inferior are called 句.
胪胀[臚脹] luĩ-jëng
lúzhàng dropsy.¹⁴
胪列[臚列] luĩ-lèik
lúliè <wr.> enumerate, list; display, act out, exhibit.⁶ to state seriatim; to set out in order.¹⁴
胪言[臚言] luĩ-ngũn
lúyán <wr.> rumor; hearsay.⁶
胪情[臚情] luĩ-tẽin
lúqíng <wr.> state one's case.⁶

lui3 10049
140 18 luĩ madder.⁸ʼ¹⁰ʼ¹⁴
(composition: ⿱艹慮; U+85D8).
茹藘 nguĩ-luĩ rúlǘ (=茜草 sèn-tāo qiàncǎo <bot.> madder.¹ Rubia cordifolia; Indian madder; munjeet.¹⁰ a grass whose root is used as red pigment, Rubia cordifolia.¹¹).⁸
蕠藘 nguĩ-luĩ
rúlǘ (=茹藘 nguĩ-luĩ rúlǘ) Rubia cordifolia or Rubia akane, roots used as red dye.¹⁰
lui3 10050
167 21 luĩ léi radium (Ra).⁶
镭化合物[鐳化合物] luĩ-fä-hàp-mùt or luĩ-fä-hàp-mòt léihuàhéwù radium compound.⁶
or 雷汞 luĩ-hüng léigǒng <chem.> mercury fulminate.⁵
镭系[鐳系] luĩ-hài
léixì radium family.⁶
镭同位素[鐳同位素] luĩ-hũng-vì-xü
léitóngwèisù radium isotope.⁶
镭疗[鐳療] luĩ-lẽl
léiliáo <med.> radium therapy.⁶
or 雷射 luĩ-sèh léishè <loan> laser;
Taiwanese term for 激光 gēik-göng
jīguāng laser.¹⁰
镭射光[鐳射光] luĩ-sèh-göng
léishèguāng <loan> laser.¹⁹
lui3 10051
169 14 luĩ <wr.> a community of 25 families in ancient China – a community or neighborhood; the gate of a village; to meet, to gather together; Lu surname.⁷
闾巷[閭巷] luĩ-hōng lǘxiàng <wr.> alley; lane; alleyway.⁵
闾里[閭里] luĩ-lî
lǘlǐ <wr.> alleys or lanes – one's neighbors, one's neighborhood; one's native village, one's hometown.⁷
闾伍[閭伍] luĩ-m̄
lǘwǔ neighbors; neighborhood.⁷
闾阎[閭閻] luĩ-yẽm
lǘyán <wr.> the gate of a village; the people, the rural community.⁷
倚门倚闾[倚門倚閭] yī-mõn-yī-luĩ
yǐményǐlǘ eagerly await the return of one's son.⁵⁴
lui3 10052
173 13 luĩ léi thunder; mine.⁶ (variants: 靁, 㗊 luĩ).
地雷 ì-luĩ dìléi (land) mine.⁵
雷达[雷達] luĩ-àt
léidá radar.⁵
雷暴 luĩ-bào
léibào thunderstorm.⁵
雷电[雷電] luĩ-èin
léidiàn thunder and lightning.⁵
雷击[雷擊] luĩ-gēik
léijī be struck by lightning.⁵
雷殛 luĩ-gēik
léijí be struck dead by lightning.⁵
雷管 luĩ-gōn
léiguǎn detonator; detonating cap; primer.⁵
雷公 luĩ-güng
léigōng Thunder God.⁵
雷霆 luĩ-hẽin
léitíng thunderclap, thunderbolt; thunder-like power or rage, wrath.⁶
or 镭汞[鐳汞] luĩ-hüng léigǒng mercury fulminate.⁵
雷同 luĩ-hũng
léitóng echoing what others have said; duplicate, identical.⁵
雷阵雨[雷陣雨] luĩ-jìn-yî
léizhènyǔ thunder shower.⁵
雷鸟[雷鳥] luĩ-nêl
léiniǎo white partridge.⁵
雷鸣[雷鳴] luĩ-mẽin
léimíng thunderous; thundery.⁵
or 镭射[鐳射] luĩ-sèh léishè <loan> laser;
Taiwanese term for 激光 gēik-göng
jīguāng laser.¹⁰
雷声[雷聲] luĩ-sëin
léishēng thunderclap; thunder.⁵
雷动[雷動] luĩ-ùng
léidòng thunderous.⁵
雷雨 luĩ-yî
léiyǔ thunderstorm.⁵
雷雨云[雷雨雲] luĩ-yî-vũn
léiyǔyún <met.> thundercloud.⁵
(See 靁 luĩ; 㗊 luĩ).
lui3 10053
173 23 luĩ léi (<old>=雷 luĩ léi) thunder; thick, strong.⁸ thunder; the noise of a multitude of mosquitoes in the ear; the name of a place; a kind of tortoise.²⁵
(composition: ⿱⻗畾); U+9741).
靁鼓 luĩ-gū
léigǔ to roll the drum.²⁵
(See 雷 luĩ.)
lui3 10054
187 14 馿 luĩ (=驴[驢] luĩ ) donkey, ass.⁸ (Note: formerly simplified form of 驢, now replaced by 驴).
(See 驢 luĩ.)
lui3 10055
187 16 luĩ horses kept at a courier station in former times.⁸ a kind of post horse; a fleet horse.²⁵ a post house keeper.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰馬⿱𠂉⿸⿱丿𠄌⿺乀丿; U+4B89).
䮉站 luĩ-jàm lúzhàn post house.¹⁰²
使䮉 xū-luĩ
shǐlú a courier.²⁵ the courier who carries letters for the government.¹⁰²
由䮉寄函 yiũ-luĩ-gï-hãm
yóulújìhán the letter was sent on by the post house.¹⁰²
lui3 10056
187 21 luĩ luó mule.⁵ (variant: 驘 luĩ luó).
骡车[騾車] luĩ-chëh
or lõ-chëh luóchē a mule cart.⁷
骡子[騾子] luĩ-dū
or lõ-dū luózi mule; stubborn person.⁷
骡夫[騾夫] luĩ-fü
or lõ-fü luófū a muleteer; a muleman.⁷
骡马[騾馬] luĩ-mâ
or lõ-mâ luómǎ mule and horse – draught animals; beasts of burden.⁶
骡马店[騾馬店] luĩ-mâ-ëm
or lõ-mâ-ëm luómǎdiàn an inn with sheds for carts and animals.⁵ caravansary.⁶
<台> 骡头[騾頭] luĩ-hẽo clumsy; awkward; rash.
<台> 做骡仔[做騾仔] dü-luĩ-dōi lit. to be a mule; fig. to do the hard work.
<又> lõ.
(See 騾 lõ; 驘 luĩ.)
lui3 10057
187 23 luĩ luó (=骡[騾] luĩ orluó mule.).⁸
(composition ⿱吂⿲月馬凡; U+9A58).
(See 騾 luĩ).
lui3 10058
187 26 luĩ donkey, ass.⁸ (variant: 馿 luĩ ).
驴打滚[驢打滾] luĩ-ā-gūn
lǘdǎgǔn a form of usury in the old society, the borrower having to pay interest on interest; snowballing usury.⁵
驴车[驢車] luĩ-chëh
lǘchē a donkey cart.⁷
驴子[驢子] luĩ-dū
lǘzi <topo.> donkey; ass.⁵
驴叫[驢叫] luĩ-gël
lǘjiào a donkey's bray – a loud, unpleasant voice.⁷
驴辇[驢輦] luĩ-lèin
lǘniǎn donkeys as draft animals.⁷
驴脸[驢臉] luĩ-lêm
lǘliǎn a donkey's face; a long face.⁷
驴骡[驢騾] luĩ-luĩ
or luĩ-lõ lǘluó hinny.⁵
驴鸣狗吠[驢鳴狗吠] luĩ-mẽin-gēo-fì
lǘmínggǒufèi asses braying and dogs barking – a poor style of writing.⁷
驴蒙虎皮[驢蒙虎皮] luĩ-mũng-fū-pĩ
lǘménghǔpí a donkey in a tiger's skin – an empty show of strength.⁷
驴年马月[驢年馬月] luĩ-nẽin-mâ-ngùt
lǘniánmǎyuè a time that will never come.⁷
驴生笄角[驢生笄角] luĩ-säng-gâi-gök
lǘshēngjǐjiǎo lit. a donkey growing horns – an impossibility.⁰
驴唇不对马嘴[驢唇不對馬嘴] luĩ-sũn-būt-uï-mâ-duī
lǘchún bù duì mǎzuǐ donkeys' lips don't match horses' jaws – incongruous; irrelevant.⁵
(See 馿 luĩ.)
lui3 10059
9 13 luì lěi (=儽 luì lèi lazy; tired out, worn, fatigued.¹⁴ ).²  tired, exhausted; Lei surname.³⁶
<又> näi.
(See 傫 näi.)
lui4 10060
9 23 luì lèi lazy; tired out, worn, fatigued.¹⁴ lazy, indolent; sickly.²⁴
儽得很 luì-āk-hān lèidehěn quite fatigued.¹⁴
儽得慌 luì-āk-föng
lèidehuāng quite fatigued.¹⁴
儽的发喘[儽的發喘] luì-ēik-fāt-chūn
lèidefāchuǎn so wearied that he panted.¹⁴
儽懈 luì-hâi
lèixiè weakly.¹⁴
儽了一生 luì-lēl-yīt-säng
lèileyīshēng I have wearied out my whole life.¹⁴
lui4 10061
30 11 luì cry of a crane or wild goose.¹⁰
风声鹤唳[風聲鶴唳] füng-sëin-hôk-luì fēngshēnghèlì lit. wind sighing and crane calling (idiom); fig. to panic at the slightest move; to be jittery.¹⁰
鹤唳[鶴唳] hôk-luì
hèlì the cry of a crane.⁸
lui4 10062
61 15 luì consider, ponder, think over; concern, anxiety, worry.⁵ be concerned, worry about.⁸
(comp. t: ⿸虍思; U+616E). (comp. s: ⿸虍心; U+8651).
Hào-hëin-dìp-vï, fūt-luì-fūt-hũ.
Hào tiān jí wēi, fú lǜ fú tú.
Compassionate Heaven, arrayed in terrors,
How is it you exercise no forethought, no care?⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·祈父之什·雨無正·1》, translated by James Legge).
虑到[慮到] luì-äo
lǜdào forecasting, precautionary plans.¹⁰²
虑病症[慮病症] luì-bèng-jëin
lǜbìngzhèng hypochondria.¹⁰
虑始[慮始] luì-chī
lǜshǐ be concerned about making a start.⁵⁴
虑及[慮及] luì-gèp
lǜjí concerned about (future).¹¹
虑后[慮後] luì-hèo
lǜhòu to take thought for the morrow.¹⁰²
虑患[慮患] luì-vàn
lǜhuàn apprehensive of trouble.⁷
虑事[慮事] luì-xù
lǜshì to make plans for a matter; to have misgivings about a matter.⁷
虑远[慮遠] luì-yōn
lǜyuǎn to think far ahead; to plan for the distant future.⁷
思虑[思慮] xü-luì
sīlǜ consider carefully; contemplate.⁵ to consider.⁵⁵ serious thoughts of.¹⁰²
lui4 10063
63 8 luì crime, sin; perverse, unreasonable.⁵ crooked, depraved, perverse, wicked, impenitent; to reach to, to arrive at; also to stop, to fix, to settle.²⁴
暴戾 bào-luì bàolì <wr.> ruthless and tyrannical; cruel and fierce.⁵ rebellious.²⁴
暴戾恣睢 bào-luì-xü-juï
or bào-luì-xü-xuï bàolìzìsuī <wr.> extremely cruel and despotic.⁵
罪戾 duì-luì
zuìlì <wr.> crime; evil; sin.³⁹
忿戾 fûn-luì
fènlì angry and perverseness.⁷
乖戾 gäi-luì
guāilì perverse (behavior); disagreeable (character).⁵
狠戾 hān-luì
or hàn-luì hěnlì atrocious; cruel; vicious.⁶
悍戾 hòn-luì
hànlì cruel; atrocious.⁷
戾家 luì-gä
lìjiā layman; actor or actress.⁸
戾愆 luì-hëin
lìqiān sin; crime; guilt.⁷
戾气[戾氣] luì-hï
lìqì perversity, disharmony, irregularity.⁷
戾止 luì-jī
lìzhǐ to come and stop.¹⁴
戾厥心 luì-kūt-xïm
lìjuéxīn settled his mind.²⁴
戾于天[戾於天] luì-yï-hëin
lìyútiān up to heaven.²⁴
lui4 10064
85 8 luì foul, poisonous.¹⁴
灾沴[災沴] döi-luì zāilì disasters (e.g. droughts/floods).⁵⁴
沴气[沴氣] luì-hï
lìqì miasma; poisonous exhalations.¹⁴
沴孽 luì-ngēik
lìniè evil genies.⁸ evil spirit.⁵⁴
眚沴 sāng-luì
shěnglì poisonous ecxhalations.¹⁴
lui4 10065
85 11 luì lèi tear; teardrop.⁵
泪花[淚花] luì-fä lèihuā tears in one's eyes.⁵
泪痕[淚痕] luì-hân
lèihén tear stains.⁵
泪珠儿[淚珠兒] luì-jî-ngĩ
lèizhūr teardrop.⁵
泪眼[淚眼] luì-ngān
lèiyǎn tearful eyes.⁵
泪如泉涌[淚如泉湧] luì-nguĩ-tũn-yūng
lèirúquányǒng tears welling up like a fountian.⁷
泪如雨下[淚如雨下] luì-nguĩ-yî-hä
lèirúyǔxià tears falling like rain (idiom).⁵⁴
泪潸潸[淚潸潸] luì-sän-sän
lèishānshān tears flowing incessantly; streaming tears.⁵⁴
泪涔涔[淚涔涔] luì-sẽim-sẽim
lèicéncén tears falling down abundantly.⁷
泪水[淚水] luì-suī
lèishuǐ tear; teardrop.⁵
泪汪汪[淚汪汪] luì-vōng-vōng
lèiwāngwāng (eyes) brimming with tears.⁵
泪腺[淚腺] luì-xëin
lèixiàn <phys.> lachrymal gland.⁵
泪液[淚液] luì-yèik
or luì-yìt lèiyè tear.⁵
眼泪[眼淚] ngān-luì
yǎnlèi tears, crying.⁵⁴
眼泪汪汪[眼淚汪汪] ngān-luì-vōng-vōng
yǎnlèi wāngwāng be in tears; tears well up in somebody's eyes.⁶
<又> luî.
(See 淚 luî.)
lui4 10066
85 18 luì to strain; to filter.¹⁰
过滤[過濾] gö-luì guòlǜ to filter; filter.¹⁰
滤波[濾波] luì-bö
lǜbō filter waves.⁶
滤波器[濾波器] luì-bö-hï
lǜbōqì wave filter.⁵
滤器[濾器] luì-hï
lǜqì filter; strainer.¹⁰
滤纸[濾紙] luì-jī
lǜzhǐ filter paper.¹⁰
滤水池[濾水池] luì-suī-chĩ
lǜshuǐchí filtered reservoir.¹¹
滤清[濾清] luì-tëin
lǜqīng to filter and purify.¹⁰
滤液[濾液] luì-yèik
or luì-yìt lǜyè filtrate.¹⁰
沙滤[沙濾] sâ-luì
shālǜ sand filter.¹¹
lui4 10067
112 18 luì léi to roll down huge stones from a height to crush enemies in ancient warfare; <wr.> to beat, to hit, to strike.⁶
礌石 luì-sêk léishí huge stone to be rolled from a height to crush enemies in ancient warfare.⁶
lui4 10068
112 20 luì léi roll.⁸ roll stone down hill; stone pile.¹⁰
礧石 luì-sêk léishí (=礌石 luì-sêk léishí) huge stone to be rolled from a height to crush enemies in ancient warfare.⁶
碚礧 pôi-luì
bèiléi (=蓓蕾 bòi-luî or pôi-luî bèilěi) flower bud; young flower still tightly rolled up.¹⁰
lui4 10069
120 11 luì lèi tired, fatigued, weary; tire, strain, wear out; work hard, toil.⁵
不怕苦不怕累 būt-pä-fū-būt-pä-luì bùpàkǔ bùpàlèi fear neither hardship nor fatigue.⁵
劳累[勞累] lão-luì
láolèi tired; run-down; overworked.⁵
累得慌 luì-āk-föng
lèidehuang be tired out; be dog-tired; be played out.⁵
累累 luì-luì
lèilèi tired; exhausted; wretched; dejected; disappointed.¹⁰
累坏了[累壞了] luì-vài-lẽl
lèihuàile to become ill as a result of backbreaking toil; to be tired out.⁷
累活 luì-vòt
lèihuó tiring work; heavy work.⁵
<又> gëo, luĩ, näi.
(See 累 [luì, lěi], luĩ; 纍 luĩ; 壘 luî.)
lui4 10070
120 11 luì lěi pile up, accumulate; continuous, repeated, running; involve; (=垒[壘] luî lěi) base (as in baseball).⁵
积累[積累] dēik-luì
jīlěi accumulate.⁹
连累[連累] lẽin-luì
liánlěi involve; implicate; get somebody into trouble.⁵
累积[累積] luì-dēik
lěijī gradually accumulate.¹¹
累进[累進] luì-dïn
lěijìn progression.⁵
累犯 luì-fàn
lěifàn recidivism; recidivist.⁵
累计[累計] luì-gäi
lěijì add up; accumulative/grand total.⁵
累戒不改 luì-gäi-būt-gōi
lěijièbùgǎi refuse to mend one's ways despite repeated warnings.⁵
累及 luì-gèp
lěijí implicate; involve; drag in.⁵
累卵 luì-lôn
lěiluǎn a stack of eggs – precarious.⁵
累累 luì-luì
lěilěi again and again; innumerable; countless.⁵
累年 luì-nẽin
lěinián year after year.⁵
累日 luì-ngìt
lěirì day after day, for days.¹¹
累世 luì-säi
lěishì for many generations.⁵
成千累万[成千累萬] sẽin-tëin-luì-màn
chéngqiānlěiwàn thousands upon thousands.⁵
<又> gëo, luĩ, näi.
(See 累 [luì, lèi], luĩ; 纍 luĩ; 壘 luî.)
lui4 10071
167 23 luì file, rasp; file; polish; (Cant.) to cut.⁸ a file, a rasp, a polishing tool; to burnish.¹⁴ a file; to file brass or iron in order to make them smooth; to regulate; Lu surname.²⁵ (variant: 𬬻[鑪] lũ ).
(composition: ⿰金慮; U+9462).
自鑢 dù-luì
zìlǜ to restrain oneself.¹⁴ to regulate one's self.²⁵
鑢成槽 luì-sẽin-tão
lǜchéngcáo a groove worn by friction.¹⁴
磨鑢 mũ-luì
or mõ-luì mólǜ to rub and file.²⁵
(See 鑪 lũ).
lui4 10072
181 19 luì lèi class, group, kind, category.⁸
分类[分類] fün-luì fēnlèi classify; classification.¹¹
同类[同類] hũng-luì
tónglèi same kind/type; similar.⁶
类别[類別] luì-bèik
lèibié classification; categorization.⁷
类比[類比] luì-bī
lèibǐ <log.> analogy.⁷
类聚[類聚] luì-duì
lèijù Birds of a feather flock together.⁵⁴
类化[類化] luì-fä
lèihuà <psy.> apprehension.⁷
类皆如此[類皆如此] luì-gäi-nguĩ-xū
lèijiērúcǐ similar in kind; in like way.⁷
类同[類同] luì-hũng
lèitóng similar to; alike.⁷
类书[類書] luì-sï
lèishū any reference book with entries arranged in the form of a dictionary or by subject.⁷
类属[類屬] luì-sùk
lèishǔ category.¹⁹
类推[類推] luì-tuï
lèituī to reason by analogy; to draw analogies.⁷
类似[類似] luì-xû
lèisì resemble; similar to; look like.¹¹
类似点[類似點] luì-xû-ēm
lèisìdiǎn similarities.⁷
类型[類型] luì-yẽin
lèixíng type; category; genre; form.¹⁰
物以类聚,人以群分[物以類聚,人以群分] mòt-yî-luì-duì, ngĩn-yî-kũn-fün
wùyǐlèijù, rényǐqúnfēn things of a kind come together, people of a mind fall into the same group; like attracts like; birds of a feather flock together.⁶
人类学[人類學] ngĩn-luì-hòk
rénlèixué anthropology.⁹
lui4 10073
181 21 luì lèi entangled silken knots; blemish, defect, flaw; perverse (behavior), disagreeable (character), wicked.⁸ʼ⁰ the knot on the silk; bud; shortcoming, defect, weakness, drawback, fault, flaw; lump, unease; injustice, unfairness, wrong, grievance.⁹  <wr.> perverse, wicked, unreasoning; entangled silken knots; a flaw.¹¹ a flaw; a knot.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿰⿱米糸頁; U+7E87).
s: ⿰⿱米糸页; U+98A3).
颣玭[纇玭] luì-pĩn
lèipín blemished pearls.¹⁹
无颣[無纇] mũ-luì
wúlèi flawless, without defects.¹¹
疵颣[疵纇] xû-luì
cīlèi defects.¹¹
lui4 10074
9 9 luî companion; associate.
伴侣[伴侶] bòn-luî bànlǚ companion; mate; partner.
俦侣[儔侶] chiũ-luî
chóulǚ <wr.> companion.
法侣[法侶] fāt-luî
fǎlǚ <Budd.> disciple; monk.
旧侣[舊侶] giù-luî
jiùlǚ old friend or partner.
鹤侣[鶴侶] hôk-luî
hèlǚ close companion.³⁹
爱侣[愛侶] öi-luî
àilǚ lovers; sweethearts; courting couple.⁶
情侣[情侶] tẽin-luî
qínglǚ sweethearts; lovers.
燕侣莺俦[燕侶鶯儔] yën-luî-äng-chiũ
yànlǚyīngchóu happily married couple.
lui5 10075
9 13 luî crookbacked; hunchbacked.
年老伛偻[年老傴僂] nẽin-lāo-yī-luî niánlǎoyǔlǚ <wr.> to be bowed down with years.
伛偻[傴僂] yī-luî yǔlǚ
hunchbacked; an attitude of reverence.
<又> lẽo.
(See 僂 lẽo.)
lui5 10076
9 17 luî lěi 傀儡 fäi-luî kuǐlěi puppet.
傀儡戏[傀儡戲] fäi-luî-hï
kuǐlěixì puppet show.
文化傀儡 mũn-fä-fäi-luî
wénhuà kuǐlěi cultural ignoramus.
lui5 10077
30 7 luî pitch pipe, pitch standard, one of the twelve semitones in the traditional tone system; Lu surname.¹⁰ the yin or female pitch pipe.⁶²
(comp. t: ⿳口丿口; U+5442). (comp. s: ⿱口口; U+5415).
狗咬吕洞宾[狗咬呂洞賓] gēo-ngāo Luî Ùng-bïn
gǒuyǎo Lǚ Dòngbīn to mistake a good man for a bad one.¹¹
吕不韦[呂不韋] Luî Būt-vī
Lǚ Bùwéi Lu Buwei – the prime minister of Qin State in Warring States Period (?-235 B.C.)⁸
吕剧[呂劇] Luî-kēk
Lǚjù Lü opera (Shandong opera).⁸
吕宋[呂宋] Luî-xüng
Lǚsòng Luzon.⁸  the philippines, Manila.¹¹
呂宋草帽 Luî-xüng-tāo-mào
Lǚsòng  cǎomào Manila straw hat.¹¹
吕宋烟[呂宋煙] Luî-xüng-yën
Lǚsòngyān Manila cigar or tobacco.¹¹
吕洞宾[呂洞賓] Luî Ùng-bïn
Lǚ Dòngbīn Lu Dongbin, one of the right immortals. Lu Dongbin – a famous Taoist priest in the Tang Dynasty.⁸
律吕[律呂] lùt-luî
lǜlǚ tuning; temperament.¹⁰ <wr.> twelve standard pitch pipes of musical half-tones; musical scale in classical music.¹¹
<又> luī.
(See 呂 luī).
lui5 10078
32 11 luî duī 草堆 tāo-luî cǎoduī haystack.
<台> 粪堆[糞堆] fün-luî outhouse; toilet; cesspool.
(See 粪堆[糞堆] fûn-uï).
<台> 屎粪堆[屎糞堆] sī-fün-luî outhouse; toilet; cesspool.
<又> uï, uì, uî.
(See 堆 uï, uì, uî.)
lui5 10079
32 18 luî lěi rampart, military wall; base (in baseball).
盗垒[盜壘] ào-luî dàolěi base stealing (in baseball).
堡垒[堡壘] bāo-luî
bǎolěi fortress.
壁垒[壁壘] bēik-luî
bìlěi rampart; barrier; rival camps.⁵⁴
壁垒分明[壁壘分明] bēik-luî-fün-mẽin
bìlěifēnmíng with sides clearly drawn, issues clearly stated.¹¹
本垒[本壘] bōn-luî
běnlěi <sport> home base.
块垒[塊壘] fäi-luî
kuàilěi gloom; a lump on the heart.
垒打[壘打] luî-ā
lěidǎ homerun.
垒块[壘塊] luî-fäi
lěikuài grievances.
垒球[壘球] luî-kiũ
lěiqiú softball.
垒外[壘外] luî-ngòi
lěiwài <sport> foul ball.
垒棒[壘棒] luî-pâng
lěibàng <sport> baseball or softball bat.
垒堑[壘塹] luî-tëm
lěiqiàn ramparts and moat.
满垒[滿壘] mōn-luî
mǎnlěi bases loaded (in baseball).¹⁰
二垒[二壘] ngì-luî
èrlěi <sport> second base.
对垒[對壘] uï-luî
duìlěi to be ready for battle or contest.
一垒[一壘] yīt-luî
yīlěi <sport> first base.
(See 累 [luì, lěi], 累 [luì, lèi]; 纍 luĩ.)
lui5 10080
44 14 luî frequently; repeatedly; often; time after time; time and again; again and again.⁷
屡败屡战[屢敗屢戰] luî-bài-luî-jën lǚbàilǚzhàn to fight repeately in spite of repeated setbacks.⁷
屡遭揶[屢遭揶] luî-däo-yẽh
lǚzāoyé to be repeatedly ridiculed.⁶
屡教不改[屢教不改] luî-gäo-būt-gōi
lǚjiàobùgǎi refuse to mend one's ways despite repeated admonition.⁵
屡见不鲜[屢見不鮮] luî-gëin-būt-xëin
lǚjiànbùxiān common occurrence; nothing new.⁷
屡劝[屢勸] luî-hün
lǚquàn to persist in doing wrong against repeated advice.⁷
屡战屡北[屢戰屢北] luî-jën-luî-bāk
lǚzhànlǚběi suffer repeated defeats.⁵⁴
屡战屡胜[屢戰屢勝] luî-jën-luî-sëin
lǚzhànlǚshèng to fight repeatedly and win every battle.⁷
屡屡[屢屢] luî-luî
lǚlǚ <wr.> time and again; repeatedly.⁵
屡试不爽[屢試不爽] luî-sï-būt-sōng
lǚshìbùshuǎng put to repeated tests and proved right; time-tested.⁵
屡次[屢次] luî-xü
lǚcì time and again; repeatedly.⁵
屡次三番[屢次三番] luî-xü-xäm-fän
lǚcìsānfān again and again; over and over again; many times.⁷
lui5 10081
61 12 luî ruǐ (<old> variant of 蕊 luî ruǐ) stamen; pistil.¹⁰ the pistils of a flower.²⁴
(See 蕊 luî).
lui5 10082
61 14 luî Lu surname.¹⁰¹
(comp. t: ⿰忄婁; U+617A). (comp. s: ⿰忄娄; U+396A).
<又> lẽo.
(See 慺 lẽo).
lui5 10083
64 11 luî liè (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 捩 lèik liè with same meaning: <wr.> to twist with hands; to snap, to tear.⁸ twist, turn; turn out, roll up; to bend, bristle, stand across, go back sharply.⁵⁴)
(composition: ⿰扌戾; U+6369).
<又> lèik, lài.
(See 捩 lèik, lài.)
lui5 10084
70 10 luî travel, stay away from home; brigade; troops, force.⁵
旅程 luî-chẽin lǚchéng route; itinerary.⁵
旅进旅退[旅進旅退] lu-dïn-lu-huï
lǚjìnlǚtuì <wr.> always follow the steps of others, forward or backward – have no definite views of one's own.⁵
旅店 luî-ëm
lǚdiàn inn; small hotel.¹⁰
旅馆[旅館] luî-gōn
lǚguǎn hotel.⁵
旅客 lu-hāk
lǚkè hotel guest; traveler; passenger.⁵
旅行 luî-hãng
lǚxíng to travel, make a tour, take/make a journey/trip.⁶
旅行社 luî-hãng-sêh
lǚxíngshè travel agency.¹⁰
旅途 lu-hũ
lǚtú journey; trip.⁵
旅长[旅長] lu-jēng
lǚzhǎng brigade commander.⁵
旅游 luî-yiũ
lǚyóu tour; tourism.⁵
lui5 10085
75 15 luî lěi   an ancient food-holding utensil, like a pan, with partitions in it.⁸ mountain-climbing shoes.¹⁰ a tray, with divisions in it.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木累; U+6A0F).
食垒[食壘] sèik-luî shílěi multi-layered boxes for holding food.¹⁹ (cf 食樏 or 食罍 sèik-luĩ).
<又> luĩ.
(See 樏 luĩ).
lui5 10086
75 16 luî ruǐ (<old>=蕊  luî ruǐ) stamen; pistil; pendulous.⁸ 
(composition: ⿱惢木; U+6A64).
橤橤 luî-luî
ruǐruǐ pendulous.⁸
(See 蕊 luî)
lui5 10087
85 11 luî lèi tears.
<台> 流眼泪[流眼淚] liũ-ngān-luî to shed tears.
<台> 眼泪[眼淚] ngān-luî tears.
<又> luî. (See 淚 luî.)
lui5 10088
104 16 luî luǒ <med.> scrofula.⁵ scrofula; swellings.¹⁴
瘰疬[瘰癧] luî-lēik luǒlì <med.> scrofula.⁶ scrofulous swellings; a swelling of the glands; a lump.¹⁴
瘰疬质[瘰癧質] luî-lēik-jīt
luǒlìzhì <med.> scrofulosis; scrofulism.⁶
皮肤瘰疬[皮膚瘰癧] pĩ-fú-luî-lēik
pífūluǒlì scrofulide.¹⁰
lui5 10089
112 15 luî lěi a heap of stones; great, massive.⁷
光明磊落 göng-mẽin-luî-lòk guāngmínglěiluò open and candid; straightforward and upright.⁹
胸怀磊落[胸懷磊落] hüng-vãi-luî-lòk
xiōnghuái lěiluò openhearted and upright.⁵
磊块[磊塊] luî-fäi
lěikuài one's grievances.⁷
磊落 luî-lòk
lěiluò big; stout; be open and upright.⁸
磊落大方 luî-lòk-ài-föng
lěiluòdàfāng to be generous in the extreme (idiom).¹⁰
磊磊 luî-luî
lěilěi (said of stones) innumerable; rolling.⁷
磊磊落落 luî-luî-lòk-lòk
lěilěiluòluò clear, distinct; openhearted, candid, unaffected, free and easy.⁷
lui5 10090
113 10 luî (=旅 luî travel, stay away from home; brigade; troops, force.⁵); to pray to the spirits of the mountains and streams in ancient times.⁸ to sacrifice to hills and rivers.²⁵
(composition: ⿰礻⿱𠂉⿸丿𠄌丿乀; U+7963).
季氏祣于泰山[季氏祣於泰山] gï-sì-luî-yï-häi-sän
jìshì lǚ yú tàishān Jishi sacrificed to Taishan, the Great Mountain.²⁵
祣上帝 luî-sèng-äi
lǚshàngdì to pray to the Supreme Being.⁰
lui5 10091
115 20 luî be self-sown.⁶ wild grain.⁸ natural growth (crops).⁹ rice growing spontaneously; the wild mulberry.²⁵
稆生[穭生] luî-säng lǚshēng be self-sown.⁶ spontaneous growth.²⁵
(See 穞[穭] luî).
lui5 10092
115 20 luî be self-sown.⁶ wild grain.⁸ natural growth (crops).⁹ rice growing spontaneously; the wild mulberry.²⁵
稆生[穭生] luî-säng lǚshēng be self-sown.⁶ spontaneous growth.²⁵
(See 稆[穭] luî).
lui5 10093
118 17 luî lěi a basket for earth or soil, regulations; law, model.⁸ a basket for carryng earth; a law, a rule.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗累; U+4242).
lui5 10094
120 17 luî thread; detailed, orderly; wisp, skein, strand, lock.⁶
蓝缕[藍縷] or 褴褛[襤褸] or 蓝褛[藍褸] lãm-luî lánlǚ (said of clothes) tattered; in rags; ragged; shabby.⁷
缕布[縷布] luî-bü
lǚbù to state item by item.⁷
缕陈[縷陳] luî-chĩn
lǚchén <wr.> state/narrate in detail.⁶
缕解[縷解] luî-gāi
lǚjiě to explain in detail.⁷
缕列[縷列] luî-lèik
lǚliè to itemize.⁷
缕缕[縷縷] luî-luî
lǚlǚ continuous; endlessly.⁷
缕述[縷述] luî-sùt
lǚshù <wr.> state in detail.⁶
缕析[縷析] luî-xēik
lǚxī <wr.> analyze in detail.⁶
千丝万缕[千絲萬縷] tëin-xü-màn-luî
qiānsīwànlǚ countless ties; a thousand and one links; interrelated in innumerable ways.⁶
一缕炊烟[一縷炊煙] yīt-luî-chuï-yën
yīlǚchuīyān a wisp of cooking smoke.⁶
一缕头发[一縷頭髮] yīt-luî-hẽo-fāt
yīlǚtóufa a lock of hair.⁵⁴
lui5 10095
120 18 luî ruǐ ➀ to hang down, to droop  ➁ to assemble, to meet together, to collect  ➂ soft, downy; buds, sprouts; young pilose antler  ➃ (=蘂 luî ruǐ) stamen, pistil.⁸
➄ (=橤 luî
ruǐ) stamen  ➅ (=蕊 luî ruǐ) stamen, pistil.¹³  ➆ dangle; hang loosely.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱惢糸; U+7E60).
繠宫[繠宮] luî-güng
ruǐgōng or 蕊珠宫[蕊珠宮] luî-jî-güng ruǐzhùgōng name of the Daoist Temple, which is the residence of Daiust gods.¹⁹
or 瑶蕊[瑤蕊] yẽl-luî yáoruǐ the stamen of the legendary jade tree.¹⁹
(See 蕊 luî; 橤 luî; 蘂 luî).
lui5 10096
130 14 luî backbone, spinal column.⁸ the backbone; the flesh on the back.²⁴
膂力 luî-lèik lǚlì physical strength, muscular strength, brawn.⁹ main strength.²⁴
膂力过人[膂力過人] luî-lèik-gö-ngĩn 
lǚlìguòrén physically stronger than other people.¹¹
lui5 10097
140 15 luî lěi (<old>=藟 luî lěi).⁸  A vegetable, like the mugwort.²⁵
(See 藟 lěi).
lui5 10098
140 15 luî ruǐ stamen; pistil.⁶ a flower bud, an unopened flower; the stamen or pistil of a flower.⁷ (variants: 惢橤繠蕋蘂 luî).
(composition: ⿱艹惢; U+854A).
灯蕊[燈蕊] äng-luî dēngruǐ lamp wick.¹⁰
雌蕊 dü-luî
círuǐ <bot.> pistil.⁵ʼ⁶
花蕊 fä-luî
huāruǐ stamen or pistil.¹⁴
发蕊[發蕊] fät-luî
fāruǐ to put forth buds.¹⁴
雄蕊 hũng-luî
xióngruǐ stamen.⁵ stamen; androecium.⁶
烛蕊[燭蕊] jūk-luî
zhúruǐ wick of a candle.¹⁴
蕊柱 luî-chuî
ruǐzhù <bot.> a style (part of the pistil).¹¹
蕊珠 luî-jî
ruǐzhū original name of 袭人[襲人] Dàp-ngĩn Xírén, a maid of Baoyu, 寶玉; a type of poetry invented by Qing Dynasty poet 丁澎 Ding Peng; a Daoist temple.¹⁹
蕊汁 luî-jīp
ruǐzhī viscid juice of plants.¹⁴
蕊心 luî-xïm
ruǐxīn stamens and pistils.⁷
石蕊 sêk-luî
shíruǐ reindeer moss; <chem.> litmus.¹⁰ <bot.> reindeer lichen, reindeer moss, caribou moss, Cladonia rangiferina, a plant whose leaves are used like tea, called 雲茶; <chem.> litmus.¹¹
石蕊试纸[石蕊試紙] sêk-luî-sï-jī
shíruǐshìzhǐ litmus paper.¹¹
阳蕊[陽蕊] yẽng-luî
yángruǐ stamen.¹⁴
阴蕊[陰蕊] yïm-luî
yīnruǐ pistil.¹⁴
(See 惢 luî; 橤 luî; 繠 luî; 蕋 luî; 蘂 luî).

lui5 10099
140 15 luî ruǐ (=蕊 luî ruǐ) the stamen or pistil of a flower; buds, unopened flowers.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱艹歮; U+854B).
(See 蕊 luî)
lui5 10100
140 16 luî lěi bud.¹⁰
埃蕾 äi-luî āilěi <TCM> centaury herb with flowers; Herba Centaurii altaici cum flore.¹⁰
蓓蕾 bòi-luî
or pôi-luî bèilěi flower bud; young flower still tightly rolled up.¹⁰
花蕾 fä-luî
huālěi bud; flower bud.¹⁰
味蕾 mì-luî
wèilěi taste bud(s).¹⁰
lui5 10101
140 18 luî lěi ➀ vine ➁ <wr.> twine; bind ➂ <wr.> (<old>=蕾 luî  lěi) bud.
葛藟 gût-luî
gélěi the name of a plant, with leaves like the mugwort. It is said to be like a large squash or melon; and to spread itself along the ground.²⁵
藟藤 luî-hãng 
lěiténg a kind of rattan; the name of a hill.²⁵
蓬藟 pũng-luî
pénglěi a plant resembling flax.²⁵
lui5 10102
140 19 luî ruǐ (=蕊 luî ruǐ) stamen or pistil.⁸ plants hanging down; the external parts of a flower.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹橤; U+8602).
(See 蕊 luî)
lui5 10103
140 19 luî ruǐ (<old>=蕊 luî ruǐ stamen; pistil.⁶ a flower bud, an unopened flower; the stamen or pistil of a flower.⁷).⁸
(composition: ⿳艹歮木; U+8603).
(See 蕊 luî).
lui5 10104
142 14 luî lěi a wine cup.²⁵
(composition: ⿰虫隹; U+873C).
蜼彝[蜼彞] luî-yĩ lěiyí a kind of ancient bronze sacrificial utensil.⁸
<又> vì.
(See 蜼 vì).
lui5 10105
145 16 luî the collar or lapel of a garment; (said of clothes) tattered; in rags.⁷
筚路褴褛[篳路襤褸] or 荜路蓝缕[蓽路藍縷] bīt-lù-lãm-luî bìlùlánlǚ be a trail blazer or pioneer in opening up virgin lands; the pioneering spirit.¹¹ riding on a firewood cart in ragged clothes – beginning life in a humble way.¹⁴
or 蓝褛[藍褸] or 蓝缕[藍縷] lãm-luî lánlǚ (said of clothes) tattered; in rags; ragged; shabby.⁷
衣衫褴褛[衣衫襤褸] yï-sâm-lãm-luî
yīshānlánlǚ be dressed in rags; shabbily dressed; out at elbows.⁵⁴
<又> lëo.
(See 褸 lëo.)
lui5 10106
167 14 luî aluminum (Al).⁶
铝鈑[鋁鈑] luî-bān lǚbǎn aluminum plate.⁶
铝箔[鋁箔] luî-bòk
lǚbó aluminum foil.⁶
铝锭[鋁錠] luî-èin
lǚdìng aluminum ingot/pig.⁶
铝矾土[鋁礬土] luî-fãn-hū
lǚfántǔ bauxite; aluminum ore.¹⁰
铝合金[鋁合金] luî-hàp-gïm
lǚhéjīn aluminum alloy.⁶
铝矿[鋁礦] luî-köng
lǚkuàng aluminum ore.⁶
铝窗框[鋁窗框] luî-töng-köng
lǚchuāngkuàng aluminium window frame.¹⁹
lui5 10107
75 15 lūk a pulley, a windlass, a wheel, a block.⁸ pulley, windlass, block; potter's wheel.³⁶ the rut of a wheel; a roller, a pulley, a wheel; the name of a nut-bearing tree.¹⁰²
(Note: 樚 lūk has the same meaning as 轆 lūk lù, except that 樚 lūk has the added meaning of a plant).
(composition: ⿰木鹿; U+6A1A).
樚轳[樚轤] lūk-lũ
lùlu a pulley over a draw well.²⁴
(See 辘轳[轆轤] lūk-lũ).
樚木 lūk-mùk
lùmù another name for 醉鱼草[醉魚草] duï-nguĩ-tāo zuìyúcǎo butterfly bush (Buddleja lindleyana Fortune), aka 闭鱼花, 痒见消, 鱼尾草, 五霸蔷, 阳包树, 雉尾花, 鱼鳞子, 药杆子, 防痛树, 鲤鱼花草, 药鱼子, 铁帚尾, 红鱼尾, 楼梅草, 鱼泡草, 毒鱼草, 钱线尾.¹⁵ʼ¹⁹ʼ¹⁰¹
(See 轆 lūk).
luk1 10108
112 13 lūk
liù stone roller.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰石录 or ⿰石彔; U+788C).
碌碡 lūk-ùk or 遛轴[遛軸] liü-jùk liùzhou stone roller (for threshing grain, leveling ground).¹⁰
碌碡磙 lūk-ùk-gūn
liùzhougǔn <agr.> stone roller.⁵⁴
<又> lük, lûk.
(See 碌 [lūk, ], lük, lûk.)
luk1 10109
112 13 lūk
laborious; small stone; to record; to tape; to write down; to hire; to employ.¹⁰ (composition: ⿰石录 or ⿰石彔; U+788C).
奔波劳碌[奔波勞碌] bïn-bö-lão-lūk
bēnbōláolù to rush about in haste and to experience the bitterness of hard work; to live in constant vanity and misery.⁵⁴
劳碌[勞碌] lão-lūk
láolù toil.⁹ tiring.¹⁰
碌碌 lūk-lūk
or 逯逯 lùk-lùk lùlù the appearance of some object moving or turning around.⁸ incompetent, common.¹¹ a multitude.²⁵
忙碌 mõng-lūk
mánglù be busy; bustle about.⁵
忙忙碌碌 mõng-mõng-lūk-lūk
mángmánglùlù hustle and bustle.⁸
Xū-āng-lūk-lūk-xēl-ngĩn. hõ-dūk-kä-chī!
Cǐ děng lùlù xiǎo rén, hé zú guàchǐ! Paltry people like them are not worth mentioning.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《三國演義·曹操煮酒論英雄, 關公賺城斬車胄·8》) .
庸碌 yũng-lūk
yōnglù be mediocre and unambitious.⁸
<台> 半碌路 bön-lūk-lù/ halfway.
<台> 一碌蔗 yīt-lūk-jêh a section of sugarcane.
<台> 一碌竹 yīt-lūk-jūk a section of bamboo.
<台> 一碌树[一碌樹] yīt-lūk-sì a section of a tree.
<又> lük, lûk.
(See 碌 [lūk, liù], lük, lûk.)
luk1 10110
112 16 lūk
liù (=碌 lūk liù) stone roller.¹⁰
磟碡 lūk-ùk
liùzhou stone roller (for threshing grain, leveling ground).¹⁰
(See 碌 lūk liù).
luk1 10111
159 18 lūk a wheel; a capstan.⁷ a pulley, a windlass, a wheel, a block.¹⁴ the rut of a wheel; a roller, a pulley, a wheel.¹⁰²
(variant: 樚 lük).
(comp. t: ⿰車鹿; U+8F46). (comp. s: ⿰车鹿; U+ 8F98).
辘轴[轆軸] lūk-jùk
lùzhóu reel shaft.¹⁹ windlass shaft.⁵⁴
辘卡[轆卡] lūk-kāt
lùkǎ to use a credit card.¹⁰
辘轳[轆轤] lūk-lũ
lùlu well-pulley; windlass; winch.⁶ pulley.¹¹ a windlass or pulley.¹⁴ a windlass; a caster.¹⁰²
辘轳转[轆轤轉] lūk-lũ-jōn
lùluzhuǎn to revolve; repetition.¹⁴
辘辘[轆轆] lūk-lūk
lùlù rumble (sound of cart wheels).⁶
<台> 辘[轆] lūk wheel (of a vehical); <m.> oblong objects.
<台> 车辘[車轆] chëh-lūk wheel (of a vehical).
<台> 一辘木[一轆木] yīt-lūk-mûk (personality) stiff (like a board), awkward.
<台> 圆咕辘[圓咕轆] yõn-gū-lūk round (more emphatic than just plain 'round').
<台> 圆辘辘[圓轆轆] yõn-lūk-lūk round (more emphatic than even 圓咕轆 yõn-gū-lūk).
<又> lük.
(See 轆 lük; 樚 lük).
luk1 10112
64 14 lük to shake, to wave; to get something our of water.³⁶ to move; to roll as a ball; to rock; to rattle, to shake.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰扌鹿; U+645D).
摝鼓 lük-gū lùgǔ a rattle drum, used by peddlers.¹⁰²
摝球 lük-kiũ
lùqiú to roll a ball.¹⁰²
摝来摝去[摝來摝去] lük-lõi-lük-huï
lùláilùqù rocking (or rolling) to and fro.¹⁰²
摝落地 lük-lòk-ì
lùluòdì rolled over and fell down.¹⁰²
摝墨 lük-màk
lùmò to roll ink, as in printing.¹⁰²
摝坭 lük-nãi
lùní to roll the ground smooth.¹⁰²
摝一世摝到滑 lük-yīt-säi-lük-äo-vàt
lùyīshì lùdàohuá he has been well polished for a long time; — you'll not deceive him.¹⁰²
luk2 10113
112 13 lük
(composition: ⿰石录 or ⿰石彔; U+788C).
<台> 碌落山 lük-lòk-sän to roll down the mountain.
<又> lūk, lûk. (See 碌 [lūk, ], [lūk, liù], lûk.)
luk2 10114
159 18 lük (comp. t: ⿰車鹿; U+8F46). (comp. s: ⿰车鹿; U+ 8F98).
<台> 辘[轆] lük to roll.
<台> 辘卡[轆卡] lük-kāt to use a credit card.
(cf Mandarin 辘卡[轆卡] lūk-kāt lùkǎ).
<又> lūk. (See 轆 lūk).
luk2 10115
9 13 lùk humiliate; treat with contempt; =戮 lùk to kill, to slay.⁸ to despise; to insult.¹⁰ to disgrace.²⁴ to disgrace, to bring contempt on; to act foolishly.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰亻翏; U+50C7).
大僇 ài-lùk
dàlù great disgrace.²⁴
Shì yǐ shēn wéi xíng lù.
Therefore they suffered capital punishment.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《墨子·卷十二·公孟·8》, translated by W. P. Mei).
为天下笑僇[為天下笑僇] vĩ-hëin-hà-xël-lùk
wéi tiānxià xiào lù to get the derision of everybody.¹⁰² (excerpt from 《荀子·非相·3》).
羞僇 xiü-lùk
xiūlù felling ashamed and foolish.¹⁰²
刑僇 or 刑戮 yẽin-lùk
xíng lù punishment and execution.⁸
(See 戮 lùk).
luk4 10116
12 4 lùk liù six.
六百 lùk-bāk liùbǎi six hundred.
六谷[六穀] lùk-gūk
liùgǔ or 菉谷[菉穀] lùk-gūk lǜgǔ maize.¹⁴
六翮 lùk-hàt
liùhé principal feathers of the wing.¹⁴
六六三十六 lùk-lùk-xäm-sìp-lùk
liùliùsānshíliù 6 times 6 is 36.
六月 lùk-ngùt
liùyuè June.
六月飞霜[六月飛霜] lùk-ngùt-fï-söng
liùyuè fēishuāng frost flying in the sixth moon – unjust charge/verdict; miscarriage of justice.⁶
六书[六書] lùk-sï
liùshū the six categories of Chinese characters 汉字[漢字] hön-dù hànzì Hanzi types: 象形 dèng-yẽin xiàngxíng pictograph, 指事 jī-xù zhǐshì self-explanatory characters, 会意[會意] vòi-yï huìyì associative compounds, 形声[形聲] yẽin-sëin xíng-shēng semantic-plus-phonetic, 转注[轉注] jōn-jî zhuǎnzhù figurative extension of meaning, 假借 gā-dëh jiǎjiè phonetic loan (characters).
六十 lùk-sìp
liùshí sixty.
六十有奇 lùk-sìp-yiû-gï
liùshíyǒujī 60-odd.⁶
六亲不认[六親不認] lùk-tïn-būt-ngìn
liùqīnbùrèn to refuse to have anything to do with all one's relatives; to be cold and arrogant.

luk4 10117
12 4 lùk 六安 Lùk-ön Lù'ān Lu'an a city in 安徽 Ön-fï Ānhuī Anhui Province.
luk4 10118
18 13 lùk (old variant of 戮 lùk ) to peel with a knife.¹⁰
(See 戮 lùk.)
luk4 10119
19 13 lùk (=戮 lùk ) join forces, unite.⁸
(See 戮 lùk.)
luk4 10120
32 5 lùk mushroom.⁸ (Note: 蘑菇 mão-gü or mũ-gü or mõ-gü mógu is the modern term for 'mushroom').
(composition: ⿱土儿 or ⿱十兀; U+5725).
菌圥 kûn-lùk
jūnlù ground mushroom.¹⁹
luk4 10121
32 8 lùk a clod of earth; land; Lu surname.⁸ a lump of earth, high and dry, dry land.²⁴ a clod of earth; dry land.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿳土八土(G) or ⿳土⿰丿㇄土(HT) or ⿱圥土(JK); U+5774).
坴梁 lùk-lẽng lùliáng high and woody regions.²⁴
luk4 10122
32 14 lùk (used in old place names).¹⁰
(composition: ⿰土鹿; U+5876).
塶口 lùk-hēo lùkǒu Lukou, the name of a place.²⁴
luk4 10123
58 8 lùk to carve wood.⁷
彔彔 lùk-lùk lùlù very distinct or clear.⁷ occupied with sundry affairs.¹¹
luk4 10124
62 15 lùk kill, slay; <wr.> unite, join.⁶ (variants: 勠 lùk; 剹 lùk; 僇 lùk, in the sense of "to kill").
大戮 ài-lùk
dàlù to execute.³⁹
殄戮 chīn-lùk
or hēin-lùk tiǎnlù to destroy; to slaughter.¹⁴
屠戮 hũ-lùk
túlù <wr.> slaughter; massacre.⁵
株戮 jï-lùk
zhūlù kill or be killed because of connection with criminal case.¹¹
戮诛[戮誅] lùk-jï
lùzhū <wr.> kill; put to death.⁵
戮力 lùk-lèik
lùlì join hands.⁵ united strength.¹⁰
戮力同心 lùk-lèik-hũng-xïm
lùlìtóngxīn <wr.> unite in a concerted efforts; make concerted efforts.⁵
孥戮 nũ-lùk
núlù punishment involving the death of the whole family.¹⁴
杀戮[殺戮] sät-lùk
shālù massacre; slaughter.⁵
夷戮 yĩ-lùk
yílù to slaughter, sentence to death.¹¹
刑戮 yẽin-lùk
xínglù to kill as punishment.¹¹
(See 勠 lùk; 剹 lùk; 僇 lùk).
luk4 10125
75 12 lùk a type of tree.² a type of tree mentioned in ancient books.⁸ the name of a tree.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木录; U+6902).
luk4 10126
84 12 lùk chlorine (Cl).⁶
氯丁橡胶[氯丁橡膠] lùk-ëin-dèng-gäo lǜdīng xiàngjiāo <chem.> chloroprene rubber; neoprene.⁶
氯化 lùk-fä
lǜhuà <chem.> chlorinate.⁶
氯化钾[氯化鉀] lùk-fä-gāp
lǜhuàjiǎ potassium chloride.⁶
氯化钙[氯化鈣] lùk-fä-köi
lǜhuàgài <chem.> calcium chloride.¹⁰
氯化镁[氯化鎂] lùk-fä-mî
lǜhuàměi magnesium chloride.¹¹
氯化物 lùk-fä-mùt
or lùk-fä-mòt lǜhuàwù <chem.> chloride.⁶
氯化钠[氯化鈉] lùk-fä-nàp
lǜhuànà <chem.> sodium chloride.⁶
氯化铵[氯化銨] lùk-fä-ön
lǜhuà'àn <chem.> ammonium chloride.⁶
氯仿 lùk-fōng
lǜfǎng <chem.> chloroform.⁶
氯气 lùk-hï
lǜqì <chem.> chlorine.⁶
氯纶[氯綸] lùk-lũn
lǜlún polyvinyl chloride fiber.⁶
氯噻酮 lùk-xāk-hũng
lǜsāitóng <chem.> chlorthalidone.⁵
氯酸 lùk-xön
lǜsuān <chem.> chloric acid.⁶
氯乙烯 lùk-yōt-hï
lǜyǐxī <chem.> vinyl chloride.⁶
luk4 10127
85 11 lùk clear water; to drip, to strain; name of a tributary of the Xiang River (湘江) in Hunan Province; Lu surname.⁷ Same as 漉 lùk in the sense of 'strain' or 'filter'.¹⁰¹
t: ⿰氵彔; U+6DE5). (comp. s: ⿰氵录; U+6E0C).
渌渌[淥淥] lùk-lùk
lùlù damp and wet; dripping.⁷
渌水[淥水] Lùk-suī
Lùshuǐ name of a tributary of the Xiang River (湘江 Xëng-göng Xiāngjiāng) in 湖南 Vũ-nãm Húnán Hunan Province.⁷
<台> 渌下双脚[淥下雙腳] lùk-hâ-söng-gēk to warm (massage) one's feet with hot water.
(See 漉 lùk).
luk4 10128
85 14 lùk to remove sediment by filtering; wet, dripping.⁷ filter, strain; wet, dripping.⁸ to ooze, to leak out; to exhaust; name of a river.²⁴ to ooze out, to leak; water drained off; dregs; to cleanse water.¹⁰² Same as 渌[淥] lùk in the sense of 'strain' or 'filter'.¹⁰¹ (variant: 盝 lùk). (See 淥,盝 lùk).
(composition: ⿰氵鹿; U+6F09).

漉酒 lùk-diū
lùjiǔ filter rice wine.⁵
漉浚 lùk-dün
lùjùn deep, pellucid, as a pool.¹⁰²
漉汁洒地[漉汁灑地] lùk-jīp-sā-ì
lùzhīsǎdì water leaking out and sprinkling the ground.²⁴ the drippings sprinkled the ground.¹⁰²
漉网[漉網] lùk-mōng
lùwǎng (papermaking) a vat-net.⁷
Sì-ngùt-yâ, mũ-gèik-chün-jàk, mũ-lùk-bï-chĩ, mũ-fũn-sän-lĩm.
Shì yuè yě, wú jié chuān zé, wú lù bēi chí, wú fén shānlín.
In this month (the fishermen) should not let the streams and meres run dry, nor drain off all the water from the dams and ponds, (in order to catch all the fish), nor should (the hunters) fire the hills and forests.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·月令·17》, translated by James Legge).
湿漉漉[濕漉漉] sīp-lùk-lùk
shīlùlù wet; moist; damp.⁶
水漉漉 suī-lùk-lùk
shuǐùù dripping wet.¹⁰
luk4 10129
85 16 𣿍
lùk (drain; exhaust; =淥 lùk to drip, to strain; =漉 lùk filter, strain; wet, dripping.⁸).² (=盝 lùk in the sense of 'filter, drain, drip'); 𥂖❄{⿱淥皿} lùk lù.¹⁰¹ to throw away water; to ooze out; to exhaust.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵盝; U+23FCD)
(See 淥 lùk; 漉 lùk; 盝 lùk; 𥂖❄{⿱淥皿} lùk).
luk4 10130
86 15 lùk smelt; refine.⁸ to melt, to fuse.²⁴
(composition: ⿰火鹿; U+719D).
<又> ngão. (See 熝 ngão).
luk4 10131
108 13 lùk to filter; to dry up; to drip; <old>=簏 lùk a bamboo box or a small box; =漉 lùk to dry up.⁸ box case.¹⁰ a small casket (for cosmetics).¹¹ to exhaust, to empty; to make dry; to leak, to extract water, to drain off water; to wring dry, to strain; also a small casket.²⁴ to let a thing drip; to exhaust, to empty; to strain off; a casket for holding a seal.¹⁰² (variants in the sense of 'filter, drain, drip': 𣿍❄{⿰氵盝}, 𥂖❄{⿱淥皿} lùk ).
(composition: ⿱录皿; U+76DD).
脂盝 jï-lùk
zhīlù a makeup box; also refers to makeup.¹⁹
曲盝 kūk-lùk
qǔlù a curved food box.¹⁹
盝子 lùk-dū
lùzǐ small dressing table.⁸
盝顶[盝頂] lùk-ēin
lùdǐng a roof style of ancient traditional architecture.¹⁹
帽盝 mào-lùk
màolù a hat case.¹⁰²
纳宝小盝[納寶小盝] nàp-bāo-xēl-lùk
nàbǎoxiǎolù put the seal in the small box.¹⁰²
(See 簏 lùk; 漉 lùk; 𣿍❄{⿰氵盝} lùk; 𥂖❄{⿱淥皿}  lùk).
luk4 10132
108 16 𥂖
lùk (=盝 lùk in the sense of 'filter, drain, drip'; =漉 lùk filter, strain; wet, dripping).² (=𣿍 lùk ).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱淥皿; U+25096)
(See 盝 lùk; 漉 lùk; 𣿍❄{⿰氵盝} lùk).
luk4 10133
113 12 祿 lùk official's salary in feudal China; emolument.⁵
高官厚禄[高官厚祿] gäo-gön-hêo-lùk gāoguānhòulù high position and handsome salary.⁵
禄籍[祿籍] lùk-dèik
lùjí good fortune and reputation.¹⁰
禄秩[祿秩] lùk-èik
lùzhì official rank and pay.⁶ rank.¹¹
禄俸[祿俸] lùk-fūng
lùfèng official pay.⁷
禄米[祿米] lùk-māi
lùmǐ official's pay in the form of rice.⁶
禄命[祿命] lùk-mèin
lùmìng a person's lot through life.⁷
禄饵[祿餌] lùk-nì
lù'ěr official pay as a bait (for talent).⁶
禄食[祿食] lùk-sèik
lùshí official pay.⁷
禄蠹[祿蠹] lùk-ù
lùdù <wr.> fame and wealth seeker.⁶ a sinecurist.⁷
禄位[祿位] lùk-vì
lùwèi <wr.> official salary and rank.⁷
禄星[祿星] lùk-xëin
lùxīng Star God of Rank and Affluence (Daoism).¹⁰
禄养[祿養] lùk-yëng
lùyǎng to support (dependents) with official pay.⁷
无功受禄[無功受祿] mũ-güng-siù-lùk
wúgōngshòulù get a reward without deserving it.⁵
luk4 10134
115 13 lùk (=穋 lùk late-planted early-ripening grain.¹⁰) <wr.> early-maturing variety of rice.¹¹ speedily ripe; late planted and early ripe.²⁵
(composition: ⿰禾坴; U+7A11).
穜稑 hũng-lùk
tónglù refers to grains that were planted early and ripen late and grains that were planted late and ripen early.¹⁹
稑穜 lùk-hũng
lùtóng refers to grains that ripen early and those that ripen late.¹⁹
(See 穋 lùk).
luk4 10135
115 16 lùk late-planted early-ripening grain.¹⁰ grain planted before the previous crop has been harvested.³⁶ (variant: 稑 lùk ).
(composition: ⿰禾翏; U+7A4B).
穜穋 hũng-lùk
tónglù grain soon ripe.²⁵
<又> gëo, kiũ.
(See 穋 gëo, 穋 kiũ; 稑 lùk).
luk4 10136
118 16 𥲎
lùk a kind of bamboo.²
(composition: ⿱𥫗陸; U+25C8E).
luk4 10137
118 17 lùk <wr.> bamboo trunk; wicker/bamboo basket.⁶
(variant: 盝 lùk ).
字纸簏[字紙簏] dù-jī-lùk
zìzhǐlù wastepaper basket.⁶
簏簌 lùk-tūk
lùsù <wr.> hanging down; drooping.⁶
书簏[書簏] sï-lùk
shūlù learned yet useless person.⁶
(See 盝 lùk).
luk4 10138
118 18 lùk arrow case, quiver.⁸
(composition: ⿱𥫗禄(G) or ⿱𥫗祿(TK); U+7C36).
弧簶 or 胡簶 or 胡祿 vũ-lùk húlù quiver.⁸ (literary, historical) arrow case; quiver.³⁶
luk4 10139
118 22 lùk lists or registers; a Daoist amulet or charm.⁷ book; book of prophecy, esp. regarding dynastic fortunes; Daoist amulet.⁸
(comp. t: ⿱𥫗録; U+7C59). (comp. s: ⿱𥫗录; U+7B93).
道箓[道籙] ào-lùk
dàolù <Dao> diagrams and scriptures.⁵⁴
符箓[符籙] fũ-lùk
fúlù magic figures (drawn by Taoist priests to invoke or expel spirits and bring good or ill fortune); charm.⁶
箓图[籙圖] lùk-hũ
lùtú or 图箓[圖籙] hũ-lùk túlù
or 图谶[圖讖] hũ-tëm túchèn book of prophecy; ancient augural books.⁵⁴
luk4 10140
120 14 绿 lùk 鸭绿江[鴨綠江] Äp-lùk Göng Yālù Jiāng the Yalu River.¹⁹
绿林[綠林] lùk-lĩm
lùlín greenwood – outlaws; brigrands.⁶
绿林好汉[綠林好漢] lùk-lĩm-hāo-hön
lùlínhǎohàn heroes of the greenwood; forest outlaws; a band of bandits entrenched in a mountain stronghold; brigands.⁵
or 騄駬 or 绿駬[綠駬] Lùk-ngī Lù'ěr name of one of the eight legendary horses of 周穆王 Jiü Mùk Võng Zhōu Mù Wáng King Mu of Zhou.²³
绿营[綠營] lùk-yẽin
lùyíng Green Camps (armed forces of the Han nationality identified by green banners in the Qing Dynasty).⁶
(See 綠 [lùk, ]; 緑 lùk.)
luk4 10141
120 14 绿 lùk green.⁶ (variant: 緑 lùk ).
红男绿女[紅男綠女] hũng-nãm-lùk-nuī
hóngnánlǜnǚ fashionably dressed men and women.⁷
绿灯[綠燈] lùk-äng
lǜdēng green light.¹⁰
绿宝石[綠寶石] lùk-bāo-sêk
lǜbǎoshí emerald.⁶
绿茶[綠茶] lùk-chã
lǜchá green tea.⁶
绿豆[綠豆] lùk-èo
lǜdòu green gram; mung bean.⁶
绿化[綠化] lùk-fä
lǜhuà green; afforest.⁶
绿洲[綠洲] lùk-jiü
lǜzhōu oasis.¹¹
绿卡[綠卡] lùk-kā
lǜkǎ green card – permanent residence.⁶
绿帽子[綠帽子] lùk-mào-dū
lǜmàozi green hat/turban – symbol of being a cuckold.⁶
绿茸茸[綠茸茸] lùk-ngũng-ngũng
lǜróngróng lush green.⁹
绿色[綠色] lùk-sēik
lǜsè green.¹⁰
绿草如茵[綠草如茵] lùk-tāo-nguĩ-yïn
lǜcǎorúyīn the green grass looks like a velvet carpet.⁷
绿叶甘蓝[綠葉甘藍] lùk-yêp-gäm-lãm
lǜyègānlán Chinese kale.⁷
绿衣人[綠衣人] lùk-yï-ngĩn
lǜyīrén postman; mailman.⁷
绿茵[綠茵] lùk-yïn
lǜyīn carpet of green lawn.¹¹
绿油油[綠油油] lùk-yiũ-yiũ
lǜyōuyōu bright green.⁷
<台> 绿衣[綠衣] lùk-yï/ policeman.
(See 綠 [lùk, ]; 緑 lùk.)
luk4 10142
120 14 绿 lùk (=綠 lùk ) green.⁶
(See 綠 [lùk, ]; 綠 [lùk,].)
luk4 10143
140 11 lùk <old>=绿[綠] lùk green (color).⁸
(composition: ⿱艹录; U+83C9).
瞻彼淇澳, 菉竹猗猗.
Jëm-bī-kĩ-äo, lùk-jūk-yï-yï.
Zhān bǐ qí ào, lǜ zhú yī yī.
Look at that winding course of the Qi, with the green bamboos so luxuriant!⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·大學·4》, translated by James Legge).
or 绿豆[綠豆] lùk-èo lǜdòu green beans; green grams; mung beans.⁷
菉荳芽 lùk-èo-ngã
lǜdòuyá lentil sprouts used as a vegetable.¹⁴
菉谷[菉穀] lùk-gūk
lǜgǔ or 六谷[六穀] lùk-gūk liùgǔ maize.¹⁴
or 绿竹[綠竹] lùk-jūk lǜzhú the green bamboo.⁷
菉竹猗猗 lùk-jūk-yï-yï
lǜzhúyīyī How fresh and bright are the green bamboos!¹⁴
菉笋[菉筍] lùk-xūn
lǜsǔn greenish bamboo shoots.⁷
(See 菉[lùk, ]; 綠 lùk).
luk4 10144
140 11 lùk   ➀ (=荩草[藎草] dìn-tāo jìncǎo small carpetgrass or hairy jointgrass (Arthraxon hispidus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰).⁸
➁ (<old>=录[錄] lùk
record, write down.).⁸
➂ (=彔 lùk
to carve wood.⁷).³⁶
➃ (used in placenames).³⁶
(composition: ⿱艹录; U+83C9).
苔菉镇[苔菉鎮] hõi-lùk-jïn
táilùzhèn Tailu (a town in Lianjiang, Fuzhou, Fujian).³⁶
梅菉街道 mõi-lùk-gâi-ào
méilù jiēdào  Meilu (a subdistrict of Wuchuan 吴川市, Zhanjiang 湛江市, Guangdong 广东省).³⁶
(See 菉[lùk, lǜ]; 錄 lùk; 彔 lùk).
luk4 10145
140 13 𦸐
lùk perhaps knotweed or knotgrass, a plant in the Polygonum species (萹蓄属) of the  Polygonaceae (蓼科) family or more specifically Polygonum longisetum (长鬃蓼 or 马蓼) reclassified as Persicaria longiseta.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(composition: ⿱艹陸; U+26E10).
❄{⿱艹陸} jëng-lùk zhānglù 常蓼, 馬尾.²
luk4 10146
140 14 lùk (of plants) tall.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹翏; U+84FC).
蓼蓼 lùk-lùk lùlù high; great, huge.¹  <wr.> luxuriant.¹¹
<又> lèl.
(See 蓼 lèl.)
luk4 10147
140 14 lùk (=鹿蹄草 lùk-hãi-tāo lùtícǎo Pyrola calliantha).⁹ a type of grass whose leaves resemble deer's hooves.³⁶
(composition: ⿱艹鹿; U+850D).
蔍苴 lùk-duï
lùjū coarse, crude, rough.¹⁹
蔍络[蔍絡] lùk-lōk
lùluò garments made of coarse cloth.²⁵
蔍葱[蔍蔥] lùk-tûng/
lùcōng a kind of onions.²⁵
<又> tü.
(See 蔍 tü).
luk4 10148
140 15 𦽎
lùk (composition: ⿱艹祿; U+26F4E).
𦽎❄{⿱艹祿}䔎 lùk-tūk lùsù a medicinal herb.²
luk4 10149
157 15 lùk to reverence; to respect, (same as 蹗 lùk ) to walk.⁸ walking about; respectful.²⁵ to move, walking about; to go up or down, as stairs; respectful.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰⻊彔; U+47FF).
䟿起来[䟿起來] lùk-hī-lõi
lùqǐlai  to get up.¹⁰²
䟿下去 lùk-hä-huï
lùxiàqù to go down.¹⁰²
䟿到塔顶[䟿到塔頂] lùk-äo-hāp-ēin
lùdàotǎdǐng to go up to the top of the pagoda.¹⁰²
打一个谷䟿[打一個谷䟿] ā-yīt-göi-gūk-lùk
dǎyīgègǔlù to turn a somersault (Shanghai).¹⁰²
(See 蹗 lùk).
luk4 10150
157 18 lùk to walk, walking about; respectful.⁸ walking along.²⁵
(composition: ⿰𧾷鹿; U+8E57). (variant: 蹗 lùk ).
蹗蹗 lùk-lùk
lùlù to wish another good luck.⁸ to bustle about.¹⁹
(See 䟿 lùk).
luk4 10151
162 11 lùk to go away suddenly for no particular reason.⁷ leave without reason; walk as one pleases.⁸ to walk circumspectly; Lu surname.²⁵
(composition: ⿺辶录; U+902F).
逯逯 lùk-lùk or 碌碌 lūk-lūk lùlù the appearance of some object moving or turning around.⁸ incompetent, common.¹¹ a multitude.²⁵
逯然 lùk-ngẽin
lùrán <wr.> abruptly.¹¹ to go or come without effecting anything.²⁵
逯溯 lùk-xü
lùsù <wr.> go away.⁵⁴ to walk in succession.²⁵
luk4 10152
164 15 lùk a kind of green-colored wine.⁸.
(composition: ⿰酉录; U+9181).
醽醁 lẽin-lùk línglù <old> name of a fine wine.¹¹
luk4 10153
167 16 lùk record, write down, copy; employ, hire; tape-record.⁵
(comp. t: ⿰金彔; U+9304). (comp. s: ⿱彐氺; U+5F55).
录井[錄井] lùk-dēng
lùjǐng logging; well log.³⁹
录像带[錄像帶] lùk-dèng-âi/
lùxiàngdài a videotape.⁷
录像机[錄像機] lùk-dèng-gï
lùxiàngjī videorecorder.⁵
录放[錄放] lùk-föng
lùfàng record and play back.⁶
录放影机[錄放影機] lùk-föng-yēin-gï
lùfàngyǐngjī a videocassette recorder (VCR).⁷
录供[錄供] lùk-güng
lùgòng to take down testimony.⁷
录下[錄下] lùk-hä
lùxià to record.⁷
录制[錄製] lùk-jäi
lùzhì record; video.⁶
录取[錄取] lùk-tuī
lùqǔ enroll; recruit; admit.⁵
录事[錄事] lùk-xù
lùshì a clerk whose job is to record or copy documents.⁷
录影带[錄影帶] lùk-yēin-âi/
lùyǐngdài a videotape.⁷
录影摄影机[錄影攝影機] lùk-yēin-nēp-yēin-gï
lùyǐng shèyǐngjī a video camera.⁷
录音[錄音] lùk-yïn
lùyīn sound recording.⁵
录音带[錄音帶] lùk-yïn-âi/
lùyīndài magnetic tape; tape.⁵
录音电话机[錄音電話機] lùk-yïn-èin-và-gï
lùyīndiànhuàjī telephone answering machine.⁵⁴
录音机[錄音機] lùk-yïn-gï
lùyīnjī tape recorder.⁵
录音室[錄音室] lùk-yïn-sīt
lùyīnshì a recording room.⁷
录用[錄用] lùk-yùng
lùyòng to hire (an employee).¹⁰
luk4 10154
167 16 lùk (=录[錄] lùk record, write down, copy; employ, hire; tape-record.⁵); copy.³⁶ (Note: 録 is also the Japanese Shinjitai form (新字体, "new character form") since 1946).³⁶ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰金录; U+9332).
(See 錄 lùk).
luk4 10155
170 10 lùk liù six (used for 六 lùk liù on checks, financial records).
陆佰圆[陸佰圓] lùk-bäk-yõn
liùbǎiyuán six hundred dollars (used on checks for security reasons.)
or 双六[雙六] söng-lùk shuāngliù <trad.> an ancient dice game.
yīt ngì xäm xï m̄ lùk tīt bät giū sìp
yī'èrsānsìwǔlùqībājiǔshí numbers 1 to 10 (used on checks for security purposes) same as 一二三四五六七八九十.
(See 陸 [lùk, ].)
luk4 10156
170 10 lùk land; Lu surname.
大陆[大陸] ài-lùk dàlù continent; mainland; Mainland China.¹¹
登陆[登陸] äng-lùk
dēnglù to land; to disembark.
光怪陆离[光怪陸離] göng-gäi-lùk-lĩ
guāngguàilùlí bizarre; fantastic.
陆续[陸續] lùk-dùk
lùxù one after another; in succession.⁵
陆军[陸軍] lùk-gün
lùjūn ground force; army.⁸
陆地[陸地] lùk-ì
lùdì dry land.
陆地行舟[陸地行舟] lùk-ì-hãng-jiü
lùdìxíngzhōu lit. to sail a boat on land; fig. to attempt the impossible.
陆离[陸離] lùk-lĩ
lùlí varicolored; motley.⁶
内陆[內陸] nuì-lùk
nèilù inland; interior.
双陆[雙陸] söng-lùk
shuānglù  <trad.> an ancient dice game (also written 双六[雙六] söng-lùk shuāngliù).
(See 陸 [lùk, liù].)
luk4 10157
187 18 lùk 騄駬 or 绿耳[綠耳] or 绿駬[綠駬] Lùk-ngī Lù'ěr name of one of the eight legendary horses of 周穆王 Jiü Mùk Võng Zhōu Mù Wáng King Mu of Zhou.²³
(composition: ⿰馬录; U+9A04).
or 騄耳 or 绿耳[綠耳] or 绿駬[綠駬] Lùk-ngī Lù'ěr a famous steed, one of the eight belonging to 穆王  Mùk-võng Mùwáng.²⁵ name of one of the eight legendary horses of 周穆王 Jiü Mùk Võng Zhōu Mù Wáng King Mu of Zhou.²³
luk4 10158
187 21 lùk wild horse.³⁶
(composition: ⿰馬鹿; U+9A3C).
騀騼 ngō-lùk ělù a kind of horse; some say, a wild horse; the horse kind.²⁵
luk4 10159
198 鹿 11 鹿 lùk Kangxi radical 198; Lu surname.⁸ a deer, a stag, a doe.⁷
鹿羔 lùk-gäo lùgāo fawn.⁶
鹿筋 lùk-gïn
lùjīn deer's sinew (regarded as a delicacy).⁷
鹿角 lùk-gök
lùjiǎo antlers.⁷
鹿骇[鹿駭] lùk-hôi
lùhài frightened like a deer.⁷
or 鹿寨 lùk-jài lùzhài <mil.> abatis.⁶
鹿藿 lùk-kök
lùhuò a bean plant, Rhynchosia volubilis.¹¹
鹿迒 lùk-köng
lùháng deer track.⁸
鹿鸣宴[鹿鳴宴] lùk-mẽin-yën
lùmíngyàn <trad.> a party celebrating success in civil serbvice examination.⁷
鹿尾 lùk-mī
lùwěi a deer's tail (a rare delicacy).⁷
鹿肉 lùk-ngùk
lùròu venison.⁷
鹿茸 lùk-ngũng
lùróng young antlers (regarded as a very valuable medicine).⁷
鹿皮 lùk-pĩ
lùpí deerskin.⁷
鹿埵 lùk-ū
lùduǒ <ancient topolect> defeated and dispersed in retreat.⁸
鹿苑 lùk-vōn
lùyuàn deer park.⁶
鹿死不择音[鹿死不擇音] lùk-xī-būt-jàk-yïm
lùsǐ bùzéyīn A desperate man will resort to anything.⁷
鹿死谁手[鹿死誰手] lùk-xī-suĩ-siū
lùsǐshuíshǒu lit. who is to kill the deer? –who will win?⁷
鹿犄角 lùk-yï-gôk
or lùk-gï-gôk lùjījiao antler.⁵
luk4 10160
198 鹿 19 lùk <wr.> the foot of a hill or mountain.⁵ (comp. ⿱林鹿; U+9E93).
天山北麓 Hëin Sän bāk-lùk
Tiān Shān běilù  northern foot of Tianshan Mountain.⁶
Jëm-bī-hön-lùk, jün-vù-dāi-dāi.
Zhān bǐ hàn lù, zhēn hù jǐjǐ.
Look at the foot of the Han,
How abundantly grow the hazel and the arrow-thorn!⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·文王之什·旱麓·1》, translated by James Legge).
麓坡 lùk-bö
lùpō footslope.⁹
麓原 lùk-ngũn
lùyuán pediment.⁹
麓守 lùk-siū
lùshǒu the royal forester or overseer of the woods.¹⁰²
納于大麓,烈风雷雨弗迷. [納于大麓,烈風雷雨弗迷.]
Nàp-yï-ài-lùk, lèik-füng-luĩ-yî-fūt-mãi.
Nà yú dà lù, lièfēng léi yǔ fú mí.
Being sent to the great plains at the foot of the mountains, notwithstanding the tempests of wind, thunder, and rain, he did not go astray.
(Excerpt from《孔叢子·論書·7》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ When sent to the great slopes, he (Shun) never went wrong amid violent wind, thunder and rain.¹⁰²
山麓 sän-lùk
shānlù foot of a mountain.⁵
山麓丘陵 sän-lùk-hiü-lẽin
shānlùqiūlíng foothills.⁵
luk4 10161
112 13 lûk
(composition: ⿰石录 or ⿰石彔; U+788C).
<台> 骨碌 gūt-lûk a piece of bone. (cf. 骨碌 gūt-lūk gǔlu).
<又> lūk, lük.
(See 碌 [lūk, ], [lūk, liù], lük.)
luk5 10162
61 23 lūn liàn love; long for, feel attached to.⁵
恋父情结[戀父情結] lūn-fù-tẽin-gēik liànfùqíngjié Electra complex.⁷
恋家[戀家] lūn-gä
liànjiā be reluctant to be away from home; be tied to home.⁶
恋奸情热[戀奸情熱] lūn-gän-tẽin-ngèik
liànjiānqíngrè to have an illicit and passionate love affair.⁷
恋旧[戀舊] lūn-giù
liànjiù think constantly of old country, home.⁸
恋栈[戀棧] lūn-jàn
liànzhàn be unwilling to leave one's official post; cling to official post when one should leave.⁸
恋战[戀戰] lūn-jën
liànzhàn bellicose; warlike.⁸
恋恋不舍[戀戀不捨] lūn-lūn-būt-sēh
liànliànbùshě very unwilling to part with (lover, friend).¹¹
恋慕[戀慕] lūn-mù
liànmù feel attached to; have a tender feeling (towards somebody); admire; adore.⁶
恋母情结[戀母情結] lūn-mû-tẽin-gēik
liànmǔqíngjié Oedipus complex.⁷
恋人[戀人] lūn-ngĩn
liànrén sweetheart; lover; love.⁶
恋爱[戀愛] lūn-öi
liàn'ài love; be in love; court.⁶
恋情[戀情] lūn-tẽin
liànqíng tender feeling, attachment, affection; (romantic) love, amorousness.⁶
<台> 恋公仔[戀公仔] lūn-güng-dōi to play with dolls.
lun1 10163
130 25 lūn luán carved or sliced meat.
禁脔[禁臠] gîm-lūn jìnluán exclusive property; forbidden domain.
脔割[臠割] lūn-göt
luángē <wr.> to slice or carve up.
尝鼎一脔[嘗鼎一臠] sẽng-ēin-yīt-lūn
chángdǐngyīluán to know the flavor of something by taking one sample.
lun1 10164
64 23 lün luán tangled; entwined; crooked.⁸ to curl up.⁹
(comp. t: ⿱䜌手; U+6523). (comp. s: ⿱{U+3005C}手; U+631B).
痉挛[痙攣] gèin-lün
jìngluán convulsions; spasm; cramps; a jerk.⁷
拘挛[拘攣] guï-lün
or kuï-lün jūluán cramps; muscular spasm; fig. constrained; ill at ease.¹⁰
挛躄[攣躄] lün-bēik
luánbì contracture; cannot move about because of crooked arms and legs.¹⁹
挛曲[攣曲] lün-kūk
luánqū twisted; bent.¹ curling; curving.⁹
挛缩[攣縮] lün-sük
luánsuō contracture.¹⁰
挛腰[攣腰] lün-yël
luányāo bent back.¹¹
<台> 挛枚两只脚[攣枚兩隻腳] lün-mõi-lēng-jëk-gëk to curl up both legs.
lun2 10165
9 8 lũn lún <wr.> logical consequence, coherence; Kunlun Mountains.⁶
库仑[庫侖] fü-lũn kùlún <phy.> coulomb.⁶
加仑[加侖] gä-lũn
jiālún gallon.⁸
or [崑崙] or 崐崘 Kün-lũn Kūnlún the Kunlun Mountains between Tibet and Xinjiang.⁷
or 美轮美奂[美輪美奐] mî-lũn-mî-fòn měilúnměihuàn (of a new building) gorgeous; tall and splendid; magnificent.⁶
拿破仑[拿破侖] nã-pö-lũn
ná pò lún Napoleon (name); Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), Emperor of France 1804-1815.¹⁰
lun3 10166
9 10 lũn lún normal relationship among people; comparison; classification; order; logic; regular; ordinary; to choose.
巴比伦[巴比倫] Bä-bī-lũn Bābǐlún Babylon.
不伦不类[不倫不類] būt-lũn-būt-luì
bùlúnbùlèi neither fish nor fowl; nondescript; defying classification.⁶
超伦[超倫] chël-lũn
chāolún surpassing; outstanding.
荒谬绝伦[荒謬絕倫] föng-mào-dùt-lũn
huāngmiùjuélún preposterous; absurd.
哥伦布[哥倫布] Gū-lũn-bü
Gēlúnbù Columbus.
伦理[倫理] lũn-lî
lúnlǐ ethics; moral principles.
伦匹[倫匹] lũn-pīt
lúnpǐ equal, match.¹¹
伦敦[倫敦] Lũn-ùn
Lúndūn London (capital of UK).⁶
无与伦比[無與倫比] mũ-yĩ-lũn-bī
wúyǔlúnbǐ incomparable; unique.
人伦[人倫] ngĩn-lũn
rénlún ethical relations.
彝伦[彞倫] yĩ-lũn
yílún cardinal human relationships.¹⁰
lun3 10167
31 11 lũn lún 囫囵[囫圇] fūt-lũn húlún whole.⁶
lun3 10168
37 22 lũn luán to climb, to clamber.² fence, cage; tied up.⁸ to tie up.¹³
(composition: ⿱䜌大; U+5971).
lun3 10169
38 22 lũn luán <wr.> pretty; handsome; good-looking.⁶
Dèin-nuī-kĩ-lũn, yĩ-ngô-hũng-gōn.
Jìng nǚ qí luán, yí wǒ tóng guǎn.
How handsome is the retiring girl!
She presented to me a red tube.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·邶風·靜女》, translated by James Legge).
蕃娈[蕃孌] fãn-lũn
fánluán fabulous; splendid; exceedingly pretty/charming.⁵⁴
娈童[孌童] lũn-hũng
luántóng a pederast, homosexual boy.¹¹
娈美[孌美] lũn-mî
luánměi effeminate.⁵⁴
婉娈[婉孌] vōn-lũn
wǎnluán <wr.> young and handsome; blithe.¹¹
婉娈多姿[婉孌多姿] vōn-lũn-ü-dü
wǎnluánduōzī beauty with many countenances – young and beautiful.⁶
lun3 10170
38 26 lũn liàn (=娈[孌] lũn luán <wr.> pretty; handsome; good-looking.⁶; (interchangeable 戀 lūn liàn) to admire, to remember (old days, etc.); exquisite, fine; to obey, obedient, to comply; (same as 奱 lũn luán) to bind, binding; used in girl's name.⁸
(composition: ⿰女戀; U+373B).
(See 㜻[lũn, luán]).
lun3 10171
38 26 lũn luán (Alternate Mandarin pronunciation of 㜻 lũn liàn with the same meaning: (=娈[孌] lũn luán <wr.> pretty; handsome; good-looking.⁶; (interchangeable 戀 lūn liàn) to admire, to remember (old days, etc.); exquisite, fine; to obey, obedient, to comply; (same as 奱 lũn luán) to bind, binding; used in girl's name.⁸)
(composition: ⿰女戀; U+373B).
(See 㜻[lũn, lián]).
lun3 10172
39 22 孿 lũn luán (of babies) be born at one birth; be twin-born.⁶
孪子[孿子] lũn-dū luánzǐ  twins.⁶
孪生[孿生] lũn-säng
luánshēng (of two babies) be born at one birth; be twin-born.⁶
孪生姐妹[孿生姐妹] lũn-säng-dēh-môi
luánshēngjiěmèi twin sisters.⁶
孪生子[孿生子] lũn-säng-dū
luánshēngzǐ twin children.¹¹
孪生兄弟[孿生兄弟] lũn-säng-hëin-ài
luánshēngxiōngdì twin brothers.¹¹
一卵孪生[一卵孿生] yīt-lôn-lũn-säng
yīluǎnluánshēng identical twins.⁵⁴
lun3 10173
46 11 lũn lún part of a name for Kunlun Mountains. (variant: 崘 lũn lún.).
(composition: ⿱山侖; U+5D19).
崑崙山 Kün-lũn-sän
Kūnlúnshān the Kunlun Mountains (between Tibet and Xinjiang (新疆 Xïn-gëng Xīnjiāng) extending to Central China, whose highest peak is 25,000 ft.⁷
(See 崘 lũn.)
lun3 10174
46 11 lũn lún (=崙 lũn lún) part of a name for Kunlun Mountains.
崐崘 Kün-lũn
Kūnlún the Kunlun Mountains (between Tibet and 新疆 Xïn-gëng Xīnjiāng Xinjiang extending to Central China, whose highest peak is 25,000 ft.)⁷
(See 崙 lũn.)
lun3 10175
46 22 lũn luán low but pointed hill, peak.⁶
重峦叠嶂[重巒疊嶂] chũng-lũn-èp-jëng chóngluán diézhàng range upon range of mountains (idiom).¹⁰
峰峦[峰巒] füng-lũn
fēngluán ridges and peaks.⁶
冈峦[岡巒] göng-lũn
gāngluán series of hills.⁶
冈峦起伏[岡巒起伏] göng-lũn-hī-fùk
gāngluánqǐfú undulating/rolling hills; undulation of hills.⁶
山峦[山巒] sän-lũn
shānluán chain of mountains; multipeaked mountain.⁶
山峦重叠[山巒重疊] sän-lũn-chũng-èp
shānluánchóngdié overlapping ranges of high mountains (idiom).¹⁰
山峦起伏[山巒起伏] sän-lũn-hī-fùk
shānluánqǐfú rolling hills; undulating hills.⁶
层峦叠嶂[層巒疊嶂] tãng-lũn-èp-jëng
céngluándiézhàng range upon range of hills.⁶
层峦叠翠[層巒疊翠] tãng-lũn-èp-tuï
céngluándiécuì range upon range of green hills.⁶
层峦起伏[層巒起伏] tãng-lũn-hī-fùk
céngluándiécuì range upon range of undulating/rolling hills.⁶
层峦隐现[層巒隱現] tãng-lũn-yîn-yèn
céngluányǐnxiàn Distant mountain ranges can be glimpsed through the clouds.³⁹
lun3 10176
64 11 lũn lún to select.
抡魁[掄魁] lũn-föi lúnkuí to head the list of successful candidates in the imperial civil service examination.
抡元[掄元] lũn-ngũn
lúnyuán to come out first in examinations.
or 抡材[掄材] lũn-tõi lúncái to select men of ability.
抡选[掄選] lũn-xūn
lúnxuǎn to select (competent persons, adequate materials).
(See 掄 [lũn, lūn].)
lun3 10177
64 11 lũn lūn to brandish; to swing.⁵
抡打[掄打] lũn-ā lūndǎ to take turns beating.
抡大铁锤 [掄大鐵錘] lũn-ài-hëik-chuĩ
lūndàtiěchuí to swing a sledgehammer.⁵
抡刀[掄刀] lũn-äo
lūndāo to brandish a sword.⁵
抡搭[掄搭] lũn-äp
lūnda <topo.> to take hard knocks; to bear some hardship.
抡棰[掄棰] lũn-chuĩ
lūnchuí to swing at with a fist or hammer.
抡棍[掄棍] lũn-gûn
lūngùn to swing a stick.
抡转[掄轉] lũn-jōn
lūnzhuǎn to wave; to flourish.
抡拳[掄拳] lũn-kũn
lūnquán to swing a fist.
抡动[掄動] lũn-ùng
lūndòng to swing (a pick or shovel).
抡圆[掄圓] lũn-yõn
lūnyuán to flourish (an arm, stick).
胡抡[胡掄] vũ-lũn
húlūn <topo.> to act rashly.¹⁰
(See 掄 [lũn, lún].)
lun3 10178
75 23 lũn luán goldenrain tree; Luan surname.
香栾[香欒] hëng-lũn xiāngluán (better known as 柚 yiû yòu) <bot.> Citrus maxima (pomelo).
栾树[欒樹] lũn-sì
luánshù <bot.> Koelreuteria paniculata, common names include goldenrain tree, pride of India, China tree, or varnish tree.
lun3 10179
85 11 lũn lún to sink (into ruin, oblivion); to be reduced to.¹⁰
沉沦[沉淪] chĩm-lũn chénlún sink into (bad connotation).¹⁰
沦浃[淪浹] lũn-gäp
lúnjiā to be deeply affected; moved to the core.¹⁰
沦陷[淪陷] lũn-hàm
lúnxiàn be occupied.⁹
沦落[淪落] lũn-lòk
lúnluò sink to.⁹
沦亡[淪亡] lũn-mõng
lúnwáng to be annexed, to be depraved.⁹
沦为[淪為] lũn-vĩ
lúnwéi to sink down to; be reduced to.¹⁰
沦为殖民地[淪為殖民地] lũn-vĩ-jèik-mĩn-ì
lúnwéizhímíndì to become a colony.⁵⁴
lun3 10180
85 26 lũn luán river and county in Hebei Province.¹⁰
滦河[灤河] Lũn-hõ Luánhé Luan River, in 河北 Hõ-bāk Héběi Hebei Province.¹⁰
滦县[灤縣] Lũn-yòn
Luánxiàn Luan County, in 唐山 Hõng-sän Tángshān Tangshan, Hebei (河北 Hõ-bāk Héběi) Province.¹⁰
lun3 10181
120 14 lũn lún black silk ribbon; fishing line; synthetic fiber.⁵ to classify; to twist silk; silk thread.¹⁰ Lun surname.¹¹
涤纶[滌綸] èik-lũn dílún polyester fiber.⁵
经纶[經綸] gëin-lũn
jīnglún <wr.> comb silk thread – run or manage state affairs.⁶
锦纶[錦綸] gīm-lũn
jǐnlún <txtl.> polyamide fiber.⁵
纶扉[綸扉] lũn-fï
lúnfēi palace.⁵⁴
纶绳[綸繩] lũn-sẽin
lúnshéng a fishing line.⁷
纶絮[綸絮] lũn-xuî
lúnxù a clue; a thread.⁷
纶音[綸音] lũn-yïm
lúnyīn <wr.> imperial edict/decree.⁶
纶音佛语[綸音佛語] lũn-yïm-fùt-nguî
lúnyīnfóyǔ imperial edicts and the Buddha's sayings.⁵⁴
垂纶[垂綸] suĩ-lũn
chuílún angle for fish; go fishing.⁶ let down the line in fishing.¹¹
<又> gän.
(See 綸 gän.)
lun3 10182
122 24 lũn luán a trap for a wild boar.¹³ a net for catching pigs.²⁵
(composition: ⿱罒䜌; U+7F89).
飞羉[飛羉] fï-lũn fēiluán a wide-open net¹⁹
罗羉[羅羉] lõ-lũn
luóluán net trap for birds and animals.¹⁹
羉罿 lũn-chüng
luánchōng or lũn-hũng luántóng a net or trap.¹⁹
lun3 10183
128 17 lũn lián to ally; to unite; to join; (poetry) antithetical couplet.¹⁰
联单[聯單] lũn-än liándān a document in duplicate.⁷
联保[聯保] lũn-bāo
liánbǎo a mutual guarantee (of proper conduct).⁷
联欢[聯歡] lũn-fön
liánhuān to have a get-together.⁷
联结[聯結] lũn-gēik
liánjié form an alliance; gang up.⁷
联系[聯繫] lũn-hài
liánxì connection; contact; relation; to get in touch with; to integrate; to link; to touch.¹⁰
联体别墅[聯體別墅] lũn-hāi-bèik-xuî
liántǐ biéshù townhouse.¹⁰
联合[聯合] lũn-hàp
liánhé to unite; to form an alliance.⁷
联合国[聯合國] lũn-hàp-gōk
liánhéguó United Nations.⁷
联络[聯絡] lũn-lōk
liánluò  to get in touch with; to stay in contact (with); liaison; <math.> connection.¹⁰
联袂[聯袂] lũn-mài
liánmèi <wr.> hand in hand, jointly.⁶ 
联盟[聯盟] lũn-mãng
liánméng alliance; union; coalition.¹⁰
联网[聯網] lũn-mōng
liánwǎng network.⁹
联谊[聯誼] lũn-ngĩ
liányì fellowship.¹¹
联翩而至[聯翩而至] lũn-pëin-ngĩ-jï
liánpiān'érzhì arrive one after another; come in close succession.⁶
联想[聯想] lũn-xēng
liánxiǎng by association of thought, mental association.¹¹
联姻[聯姻] lũn-yïn
liányīn be related by marriage.¹¹
lun3 10184
137 14 lũn lún a horizontal bar in front of a boat; a boat.⁸ the timbers in the head of a vessel.²⁵
(composition: ⿰舟侖; U+4473).
䑳兪 lũn-yĩ lúnyú a kind of vessel.²⁵
船䑳 sõn-lũn
chuánlún a ship;s head.²⁵
lun3 10185
140 11 lũn lún  (name of a tree found in ancient text.)⁸
芲虂[菕虂] lũn-lù lúnlù a fragrant herb.²⁵
蚖芲[蚖菕] ngũn-lũn
yuánlún (the name of a tree.)²⁵
lun3 10186
149 15 lũn lún 论语[論語] Lũn-nguî/ Lúnyǔ Analects of Confucius.
<又> lùn.
(See 論 lùn.)
lun3 10187
149 19 lũn luán (ancient form) chaos, distraction, confusion, confused; continuous, uninterrupted; to tie together; to manage.⁸ confused; some say, well-regulated; well-arranged; connected together; interminable. Name of a district. a bell; to speak incessantly.²⁵ <old> chaotic; <old> orderly; <old> continuous.³⁶ Luan surname.¹⁹
(composition: ⿲糹言糸(G) or ⿲糹言糹(T) or ⿲糸言糸(JK); U+470C).
lun3 10188
159 15 lũn lún wheel; revolve, turn; recur; Lun surname.⁸
车轮[車輪] chëh-lũn chēlún wheel (of a vehicle).⁵
海轮[海輪] hōi-lũn
hǎilún seagoing vessel.⁵
两轮[兩輪] lēng-lũn
liǎnglún two-wheeled.³⁹
轮带[輪帶] lũn-âi/
lúndài (=轮胎[輪胎] lũn-höi lúntāi) tire.⁹
轮作[輪作] lũn-dōk
lúnzuò rotate crops.⁶
轮子[輪子] lũn-dū lúnzi wheel.⁵
轮休[輪休] lũn-hiü
lúnxiū to rest by turns; to take a day off by turns.⁷
轮轴[輪軸] lũn-jùk
lúnzhóu wheel and axle; wheel axle.⁵
轮轴发涩[輪軸發澀] lũn-jùk-fāt-sēip
lúnzhóufāsè The axle doesn't work smoothly.³⁹
轮廓[輪廓] lũn-kök
lúnkuò outline, contour, rough sketch; general/rough idea.⁶
轮流[輪流] lũn-liũ
lúnliú to take turns; by turns.⁷
轮船[輪船] lũn-sõn
lúnchuán a steamship; a steamer.⁷
轮渡[輪渡] lũn-ù
lúndù (steam) ferry.⁵
轮回[輪迴] lũn-või
lúnhuí to recur successfully, to move in a cycle; transmigration (of the soul); metempsychosis; <Budd.> samsara – the process of coming into existence as a differentiated, mortal creature.⁷
轮换[輪換] lũn-vòn
lúnhuàn to alternate.⁷
轮椅[輪椅] lũn-yī
lúnyǐ wheelchair.⁸
<又> lûn.
(See 輪 lûn.)
lun3 10189
167 17 lũn luán <topo.> small tinkling bell on an imperial carriage; <wr.> imperial carriage.⁶
金銮殿[金鑾殿] gïm-lũn-èin jīnluándiàn Hall of Golden Chimes – emperor's audience hall.⁶
恭迓銮舆[恭迓鑾輿] güng-ngà-lũn-yĩ
gōngyàluányú I respectfully await your chariot – conventional phrase in invitation.¹⁴
銮驾[鑾駕] lũn-gä
luánjià imperial carriage; emperor.⁶
銮铃[鑾鈴] lũn-lẽin
luánlíng tinkling bells on a carriage.⁶
or 鸾舆[鸞輿] lũn-yĩ luányú imperial carriage; emperor.⁶
鹅銮鼻[鹅鑾鼻] ngõ-lũn-bì
éluánbí Cape Eluanbi, southernmost point of Taiwan Island.¹⁰
回銮[回鑾] või-lũn
huíluán return of the emperor.¹⁰
lun3 10190
196 30 lũn luán legendary bird in Chinese folklore of the phoenix type.⁶
鸾带[鸞帶] lũn-âi luándài dressing band worn by players in Chinese opera.⁷
鸾刀[鸞刀] lũn-äo
luándāo sword adorned with bells.⁷
鸾车[鸞車] lũn-chëh
luánchē an imperial carriage.⁷
鸾凤[鸞鳳] lũn-fùng
luánfèng married couple, husband and wife; distinguished talents.⁶
鸾凤和鸣[鸞鳳和鳴] lũn-fùng-võ-mẽin
luánfènghémíng husband and wife live in harmony; be a happy couple.⁶
鸾交凤友[鸞交鳳友] lũn-gäo-fùng-yiû
luánjiāofèngyǒu couple deeply in love.⁶
鸾枭并栖[鸞梟併棲] lũn-hël-bèin-täi
luánxiāobìngqī phoenix and owl stay together; good and bad people mixed up.⁶
鸾鹤[鸞鶴] lũn-hôk
luánhè a fabuous bird and a crane which immortals used to ride about.⁰
鸾旗[鸞旗] lũn-kĩ
luánqí an imperial flag.⁷
鸾飘凤泊[鸞飄鳳泊] lũn-pël-fùng-bòk
luánpiāofèngbó free and vigorous style of calligraphy; married couple separated from each other.⁶
鸾翔凤集[鸞翔鳳集] lũn-tẽng-fùng-dàp
luánxiángfèngjí galaxy of talents; constellation of talented people.⁶
玉鸾[玉鸞] ngùk-lũn
yùluán ➀ Firebird, Luan (also about snow flakes); ➁ bell on the carriage; ➂ sovereign crew.⁵⁴
lun3 10191
30 7 lùn lìn stingy; mean; miserly; parsimonious; mingy; closefisted.⁶
(variant: 恡 lùn lìn. old variant: 悋 lùn lìn).
不吝 būt-lùn
bùlìn not to stint; to be generous (with praise); to be prepared to (pay a fee, give of one's time).¹⁰
不吝赐教[不吝賜教] būt-lùn-xü-gäo
bùlìncìjiào please favor (or enlighten) me with your instructions; be so kind as to give me a reply.⁵
悭吝[慳吝] hän-lùn
qiānlìn stingy, niggardly, miserly.⁷
吝惜 lùn-xēik
lìnxī to stint; to be miserly.¹⁰
吝啬[吝嗇] lùn-xēik
lìnsè stingy; mean; miserly.¹⁰
吝啬鬼[吝嗇鬼] lùn-xēik-gī
lìnsèguǐ miser; penny-pincher.¹⁰
<台> 吝汌 lùn-jùn clumsy.
(See 恡 lùn; 悋 lùn).
lun4 10192
61 9 lùn lìn (=吝 lùn lìn) stingy; mean; miserly; parsimonious; mingy; closefisted.⁶
(See 吝 lùn.)
lun4 10193
61 10 lùn lìn (<old>=吝 lùn lìn) stingy; mean; miserly; parsimonious; mingy; closefisted.⁶
(composition: ⿰忄吝; U+608B).
(See 吝 lùn).
lun4 10194
120 10 lùn wěn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 紊 mùn wěn with same meaning.)
<又> mùn.
(See 紊 mùn.)
lun4 10195
140 19 lùn lìn rush used in making mats.⁸  Juncus effusus.⁴³ Lin surname.⁸
蔺草[藺草] lùn-tāo
lìncǎo rush.¹⁰
蔺因絮果[藺因絮果] lùn-yïn-xuî-gō
lìnyīnxùguǒ The union in marriage of two people is predestined.³⁹
马蔺[馬藺] mâ-lùn
mǎlìn Chinese small iris.¹⁹ Iris lactea; Iris ensata; Iris lactea var chinensis; Iris ensata thunb.³⁹
lun4 10196
149 15 lùn lùn to discuss; to discourse; to decide on; to determine; to mention; to regard; dissertation; theory.
辩论[辯論] bèin-lùn biànlùn to debate; to argue.
不论[不論] būt-lùn
bùlùn no matter how, who, or what.
就事论事[就事論事] diù-xù-lùn-xù
jiùshìlùnshì to consider something as it stands.
谈论[談論] hãm-lùn
tánlùn to discuss; discussion.
讨论[討論] hāo-lùn
tǎolùn to discuss; to talk over.
理论[理論] lî-lùn
lǐlùn theory.⁵
论处[論處] lùn-chuî
lùnchǔ to decide on somebody's punishment; to punish.
论资排辈[論資排輩] lùn-dü-pãi-böi
lùnzīpáibèi decide rank and treatment according to seniority.⁶
论治[論治] lùn-jì
lùnzhì <TCM>  to determine treatment.
论文[論文] lùn-mũn
lùnwén thesis; dissertation; paper.
无论[無論] mũ-lùn
wúlùn no matter what; regardless; <law> without being subject to prosecution.
无论如何[無論如何] mũ-lùn-nguĩ-hõ
wúlùnrúhé no matter what; anyway; in any case; come what may.⁷
<台> 论津[論津] lùn-jùn clumsy.
<又> lũn.
(See 論 lũn.)
lun4 10197
157 19 lùn lìn (<old>=躏[躪]  lùn lìn) to trample; to devastate; to overrun; to lay a place waste.⁷
(See 躪 lùn).
lun4 10198
157 26 lùn lìn to trample; to devastate; to overrun; to lay a place waste.⁷ (variant: 蹸 lùn lìn).
躏籍[躪籍] lùn-dèik
lìnjí <wr.> oppress.¹⁹
躏践[躪踐] lùn-dèin
lìnjiàn step on; tread on; trample underfoot.¹⁹
躏轹[躪轢] lùn-lèik
lìnlì to ride roughshod over.¹¹
躏蹙[躪蹙] lùn-tūk
lìncù trample underfoot; wreck; destroy; devastate.¹⁹
蹂躏[蹂躪] niū-lùn
or ngẽl-lùn róulìn trample on; ravage; make havoc of; devastate.⁵
蹂躏妇女[蹂躪婦女] niū-lùn-fû-nuī
or ngẽl-lùn-fû-nuī róulìn fùnǚ cruelly abuse/violate a woman.⁶
蹂躏人权[蹂躪人權] niū-lùn-ngĩn-kũn
or ngẽl-lùn-ngĩn-kũn róulìn rénquán grossly violate human rights.⁶
(See 蹸 lùn).
lun4 10199
187 22 𬴊
lùn lín (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation of 𬴊❄{⿰马粦}[驎] lĩn lín (the female of a fabulous animal resembling a deer.⁷); female unicorn).¹⁰
t: ⿰馬粦; U+9A4E). (comp. s: ⿰马粦;  U+2CD0A).
<又> lĩn.
(See 驎 lĩn).
lun4 10200
159 15 lûn lún <台> 第二轮[第二輪] ài-ngì-lûn the second time.
<台> 两轮[兩輪] lēng-lûn twice; two rounds (as in boxing).
<台> 轮轮[輪輪] lûn-lûn every time.
<又> lũn (See 輪 lũn.)
lun5 10201
9 18 lūng lǒng incomplete.²⁴ rude; barbarous.⁵⁴ rude and incomplete.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰亻龍; U+5131).
侗儱 hũng-lūng tónglǒng unfinished.²⁴
儱侗 lūng-hũng
lǒngtóng unpolished; rustic.¹⁴ unploished, like a rude rustic; long and straight.¹⁰²
<又> lũng; lùng.
(See 儱 lũng; 儱 lùng).
lung1 10202
64 19 lūng lǒng to approach; to reach; to add; to sum up; to hold together; to gather together; to comb (hair).
把帐拢一拢[把帳攏一攏] bā-jëng-lūng-yīt-lūng bǎzhànglǒngyīlǒng to sum up the accounts.
谈拢[談攏] hãm-lūng
tánlǒng to agree with each other; to reach an agreement.
合拢[合攏] hàp-lūng
hélǒng gather up.¹ to fold; to close.¹⁰
站拢[站攏] jàm-lūng
zhànlǒng to hold together.
靠拢[靠攏] këo-lūng
or käo-lūng kàolǒng draw close, close up; get close to, build a close relationship with.⁶
拉拢[拉攏] lā-lūng
lālong to draw somebody over to one's side; to rope in; to make persons/parties become friends.
拢子[攏子] lūng-dū
lǒngzi fine-toothed comb.
拢发[攏髮] lūng-fāt
lǒngfà to comb hair (with the fingers).
拢共[攏共] lūng-gùng
lǒnggòng altogether; all told; in all.
拢岸[攏岸] lūng-ngòn
lǒng'àn (of a ship) to come alongside the shore.⁶  (ship) lie alongside.¹¹
围拢[圍攏] vĩ-lūng
wéilǒng to crowd around, to gather around.⁶
汇拢[匯攏] or 汇拢[彙攏] vòi-lūng
huìlǒng to come together; to collect; to compile.
lung1 10203
118 22 lūng lǒng large box, chest, trunk.⁶
箱笼[箱籠] xëng-lūng xiānglǒng (traveller's) boxes and baskets; luggage.⁶
<台> 笼[籠] lūng a trunk for clothes.
<又> lũng, lûng.
(See 籠 lũng, [lûng, lóng], [lûng, lǒng].)
lung1 10204
9 18 lũng lóng rude; barbarous.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰亻龍; U+5131).
儱倲 lũng-üng lóngdōng in a cowardly manner.⁰
<又> lūng; lùng.
(See 儱 lūng; 儱 lùng).
lung3 10205
30 19 lũng lóng throat.⁸
喉咙[喉嚨] hẽo-lũng hóulóng throat; larynx.¹⁰
喉咙疼[喉嚨疼] hẽo-lũng-hüng
hóulóngténg a sore throat.¹¹
鱼骨卡住了喉咙[魚骨卡住了喉嚨] nguî-gūt-kā-jì-lēl-hẽo-lũng
yúgǔkǎzhùlehóulóng a fishbone sticks in the throat.¹¹
<台> 鱼骨卡住喉咙[魚骨卡住喉嚨] nguî-gūt-käk-jì-hẽo-lũng. A fish bone is caught in my throat.
lung3 10206
30 19 𡃡
lũng lóng a loud noise.²
(composition: ⿱龍口; U+210E1).
lung3 10207
34 9 lũng lóng abundant; plenty.²⁴
lung3 10208
43 7 lũng lóng <old>=龙[龍] lũng lóng dragon.⁸
t: ⿺尤彡; U+5C28).
s: ⿷尤彡; U+5C28). Note: Same codepoint for both forms. The traditional character is displayed in Yu Gothic font to render it correctly on a desktop using Google Chrome. The simplified character is displayed in Segoe UI font.
<又> mõng, mũng, põng.
(See 尨 mõng; 尨 mũng; 尨 põng; 龍 lũng).
lung3 10209
46 14 lũng lóng <old>=隆 lũng lóng⁸ grand; prosperous, thriving.
(composition: ⿱山隆; U+5D90).
穹嶐 kũng-lũng
qiónglóng dome.¹⁹
嶐丰[嶐豐] lũng-füng
lóngfēng the form of a hill.²⁴
嶐嶐 lũng-lũng
lónglóng (like 高耸[高聳] gäo-xūng gāosǒng stand tall and erect; tower.⁵).¹⁹
崇嶐 sũng-lũng
chónglóng (=崇隆 sũng-lũng chónglóng high, becoming higher; stern but fair; lofty and grand)
葱嶐[蔥嶐] tûng-lũng
cōnglóng scallion.¹⁹
(See 隆 lũng).
lung3 10210
46 19 lũng lóng lofty.⁸ steep; precipitous (of mountain).¹⁰ (variant: 巄 lũng lóng).
(composition: ⿱山龍; U+5DC3).
or 巃嵸 or 巄嵷 lũng-düng lóngzōng high, lofty, mountainous.²⁴ (literary, ideophonic) high and steep.³⁶
(See 巄 lũng).
lung3 10211
46 19 lũng lóng (=巃 lũng lóng) lofty.⁸ steep; precipitous (of mountain).¹⁰
(composition: ⿰山龍; U+5DC4).
or 巃嵷 or 巃嵸 lũng-düng lóngzōng high, lofty, mountainous.²⁴ (literary, ideophonic) high and steep.³⁶
(See 巃 lũng).
lung3 10212
50 16 lũng lóng (=龍 lũng lóng) dragon, or the emperor; imperial, a Chinese family name.⁸
(composition: ⿰帝⿱⺊⿷己三; U+3863).
(See 龍 lũng).
lung3 10213
61 20 𢤲
lũng lóng (composition: ⿱龍心; U+22932).
𢤲❄{⿱龍心}悤 lũng-tüng lóngcōng hasty, precipitate.²⁴
lung3 10214
64 20 𢸭
lũng lóng to strike.²⁴
(composition: ⿱龍手; U+22E2D).
lung3 10215
72 20 lũng lóng 曈昽[曈曨] hũng-lũng tónglóng <wr.> (of the rising sun) turning bright.⁶ twilight before sunrise.⁷ sun about to rise.²⁴ twilight of daybreak; twilight before sunrise.⁵⁴
曚昽[曚曨] mũng-lũng
ménglóng <wr.> dim daylight.⁵ (of sunlight) dim.⁶ sunshine which is not bright.⁹ in twilight, predawn condition; also hazy moonlight (usually written 朦朧).¹¹ the sun not yet risen.²⁴
lung3 10216
74 20 lũng lóng the moon's brightness.⁷
胧朣[朧朣] lũng-hũng lóngtóng the sound of a drum.⁷
胧胧[朧朧] lũng-lũng
lónglóng brightness of the moon.⁷
胧明[朧明] lũng-mẽin
lóngmíng the moon's brightness.⁷
lung3 10217
75 14 lũng lóng (<old>=櫳 lũng lóng) window.
<又> lûng.
(See 櫳 lũng; 櫳 lûng; 槞 lûng.)
lung3 10218
75 20 lũng  lóng <wr.> window sash; window.⁶ (archaic variant: 槞 lũng or lûng lóng.)
房栊[房櫳] fông-lũng
fánglóng house windows.¹¹
涟栊[漣櫳] lẽin-lũng
liánlóng windows; doors and screens.⁵⁴
帘栊[簾櫳] lẽm-lũng
liánlóng curtained window.⁶
栊槛[櫳檻] lûng-lâm
lóngjiàn a pen or cage for animals.⁷
门栊子[門櫳子] mõn-lũng-dū
ménlóngzi horizontal bars across door.¹¹
窗櫳 töng-lũng
chuānglóng window with bars.¹¹
<台> 门栊[門櫳] mõn-lũng horizontal bars across main (front) door.
<又> lûng.
(See 櫳 lûng; 槞 lũng; 槞 lûng.)
lung3 10219
85 12 lũng lóng high water.³⁶ (variant: 漋 lũng lóng).
(composition: ⿰氵㚅; U+6E70).
(See 漋 lũng).
lung3 10220
85 14 lũng lóng <old>=湰 lũng lóng high water.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵隆; U+6F0B).
永漋镇[永漋鎮] vêin-lũng-jïn
yǒnglóngzhèn Yonglong (a town in Jingshan, Jingmen, Hubei, China).³⁶
(See 湰 lũng).
lung3 10221
85 19 lũng lóng (used in a place-name); fast-flowing water.⁴
(comp. t: ⿰氵龍; U+7027). (comp. s: ⿰氵龙; U+6CF7).
七里泷[七里瀧] Tīt-lî-lũng
Qīlǐlóng Qililong, a place in 浙江 Zhèjiāng Zhejiang Province.⁴
<又> söng.
(See 瀧 söng.)
lung3 10222
96 20 lũng lóng jade with dragon-design carvings (used by ancient Chinese in supplicating the rain god).⁶ a clear and crisp sound; dry, parched; the rumbling of cart; the tinkling of metals or jades; dusky.⁷
娇小玲珑[嬌小玲瓏] gël-xēl-lẽin-lũng  jiāoxiǎolínglóng petite and dainty.⁵
玲珑 lẽin-lũng
línglóng (of objects) exquisite; ingeniously and delicately made; (of people) clever and nimble.⁶
玲珑剔透[玲瓏剔透] lẽin-lũng-tēik-hëo
línglóngtītòu exquisitely carved; (said of a person) very bright.⁷
珑玲[瓏玲] lũng-lẽin
lónglíng <wr.> <ono.> tinkle; jingle (sound of pieces of jade or metal striking each other); bright; shining.⁶ the sound of gold and gems.²⁴
珑璁[瓏璁] lũng-tüng
lóngcōng jangling sound of jade or metal; (of hair) fluffy; also written 茏葱[蘢蔥] lũng-tûng lóngcōng (of wood) luxuriant and green); hazy (light of dawn).¹¹
小巧玲珑[小巧玲瓏] xēl-kāo-lẽin-lũng
xiǎoqiǎolínglóng small and exquisite.⁵
lung3 10223
98 20 𤮨
lũng lóng (=礱 lũng lóng) rice huller; hull (rice).⁵ to grind; to sharpen; a mill.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱龍瓦; U+24BA8).
(See 礱 lũng).
lung3 10224
104 16 lũng lóng <wr.> infirmity; bent with age, hunchbacked; retention of urine, difficulty in urination.⁵
癃闭[癃閉] lũng-bäi lóngbì <TCM> retention of urine; difficulty in urination.⁵
癃病 lũng-bèng
lóngbìng weak and sickly.⁶ infirmity of old age.¹⁴
癃疾 lũng-dìp 
lóngjí humping of the back in old age, anuria.⁵⁴
癃老 lũng-lāo
lónglǎo feeble and old.⁶
疲癃 pĩ-lũng
pílóng bent with age.⁶ decrepit.¹¹
笃癃[篤癃] ūk-lũng
dǔlóng invalid, disabled person.⁵⁴
lung3 10225
104 21 𤼃
lũng lóng (composition: ⿸疒龍; U+24F03).
𤼘❄{⿸疒羸}𤼃❄{⿸疒龍} luĩ-lũng léilóng lassitude; emaciation.²⁴

lung3 10226
109 21 lũng lóng faint, fuzzy, blurred.⁸
(composition: ⿰目龍; U+77D3).
矇眬[矇矓] or 蒙眬[矇矓] mũng-lũng ménglóng hazy, sight-blurred; half asleep; drowsy; somnolent.⁷ (of eyes) heavy with sleep; (of vision) fuzzy; indistinct; blurred.³⁶
lung3 10227
112 16 lũng lóng sound of falling rocks.⁸
(composition t: ⿱隆石; U+40E7).
䃔䃧 hũng-lũng hónglóng the sound of a falling stone.²⁵
lung3 10228
112 21 lũng lóng rice huller; hull (rice).⁵ grind, sharpen; mill.⁸ to grind, to hull grain.¹¹ to grind; to sharpen; a mill.¹⁴ grinding; to grind.²⁴ (variant: 𤮨❄{⿱龍瓦} lũng lóng).
t: ⿱龍石; U+7931).
s: ⿱龙石; U+783B).
砻刀[礱刀] lũng-äo
lóngdāo to grind a knife.²⁵
砻坊[礱坊] lũng-fōng
lóngfáng a miller's; grain dealer's.¹⁴
砻谷[礱穀] lũng-gūk
lónggǔ to hull grain.¹⁴
砻谷机[礱穀機] lũng-gūk-gï
lónggǔjī rice huller.⁵
砻壳[礱殼] lũng-hôk
lóngké to grind corn.²⁵
砻糠[礱糠] lũng-höng
lóngkāng rice chaff.⁹ chaff.¹¹
砻利[礱利] lũng-lì
lónglì to grind sharp.¹¹
砻米[礱米] lũng-māi
lóngmǐ sift rice.⁵⁴
磨砻[磨礱] mũ-lũng
or mõ-lũng mólóng to rub or grind; to fag at study.²⁵
(See 𤮨❄{⿱龍瓦} lũng).
lung3 10229
116 16 窿 lũng long a hole; a cavity.⁷
窟窿 or 堀窿 fūt-lũng kūlong hole, cavity; deficit, debt; flaw, hole, loophole.⁶
窟窿眼儿[窟窿眼兒] fūt-lũng-ngān-ngĩ
kūlongyǎnr small hole.⁵
耗子窟窿 häo-dū-fūt-lũng hàozi
kūlong rat-hole.⁵
(See 窿[lũng, lóng]).
lung3 10230
116 16 窿 lũng lóng a hole; a cavity.⁷
窟窿户[窟窿戶] fūt-lũng-fù kūlónghù rural household with very low income which must frequently borrow money or live on handouts.¹⁹
or 穹隆 kũng-lũng qiónglóng <wr.> vaulted, domed; dome.⁶
(See 窿[lũng, long]).
lung3 10231
117 10 lũng lóng (<old>=龍 lũng lóng) dragon.
(See 龍 lũng.)
lung3 10232
118 17 𥳌
lũng lóng bamboo grove.²
(composition: ⿱𥫗隆; U+25CCC).
lung3 10233
118 22 lũng lóng <old> coop for prisoners.⁶
灯笼[燈籠] äng-lũng dēnglóng lantern.⁵
牢笼[牢籠] lão-lûng
láolóng cage, bonds; trap, snare.⁵
牢笼计[牢籠計] lão-lũng-gäi/
láolóngjì stratagem for gaining support.¹¹
囚笼[囚籠] tiũ-lũng
qiúlóng prisoner's cage.⁸
小笼包[小籠包] xēl-lũng-bäo
xiǎolóngbāo Shanghai steamed dumpling.⁹ small steamed meat-filled buns (with soup inside).⁵⁴
<台> 大笼金 ài-lũng-gïm/ cooked glutinous rice flour cake with brown sugar, peanuts and red dates (usually for weddings).
<又> lūng, lûng.
(See 籠 lūng, [lûng, lóng], [lûng, lǒng].)
lung3 10234
128 22 lũng lóng deaf; hard of hearing.⁶
聋哑[聾啞] lũng-ā lóngyǎ deaf-mute; deaf and dumb.⁹
聋哑学校[聾啞學校] lũng-ā-hòk-hào
lóngyǎ xuéxiào school for deaf-mutes.⁶
聋哑症[聾啞症] lũng-ā-jëin
lóngyǎzhèng deaf-mutism.⁶
聋哑人[聾啞人] lũng-ā-ngĩn
lóngyǎrén deaf-mute.⁶
聋子[聾子] lũng-dū
lóngzi a deaf person.⁹
聋聩[聾聵] lũng-gì
lóngkuì <wr.> deaf; ignorant.⁶
耳聋[耳聾] ngī-lũng
ěrlóng deaf.¹¹
耳聋眼花[耳聾眼花] ngī-lũng-ngān-fä
ěrlóngyǎnhuā unable to hear or see clearly (used to describe the state of being old).⁹
瘖聋[瘖聾] yïm-lũng
yīnlóng dumb and deaf.¹⁴
<台> 眼又矇耳又聋口又㾂[眼又矇耳又聾口又㾂] ngān-yiù-mũng ngī-yiù-lũng hēo-yiù-hõi a person who has poor eyesight, is hard-of-hearing and blabbers a lot; a person whose eyesight is blurry, whose hearing is impaired and whose tongue wags a lot.
lung3 10235
140 19 lũng lóng tall grass; water-weeds.⁸ name of a grass; verdant.⁹ a species of water weed (Polygonum amphibium, now known as Persicaria amphibia), otherwise called 荭草[葒草] hũng-tāo hóngcǎo, q.v.¹⁰²
茏葱[蘢蔥] lũng-tûng
lóngcōng luxuriant; lush; exuberant and verdant.⁶
蒙茏[蒙蘢] mũng-lũng
ménglóng dense (of foliage).¹⁰ overgrown with weeds, concealed, obscured by something.¹⁰²
生意葱茏[生意葱蘢] säng-yï-tûng-lũng
shēngyi cōng lóng prosperous business.¹⁰
隰有游茏[隰有游蘢] dìp-yiû-yiũ-lũng
xíyǒuyóulóng in the marshes grows the spreading smart-weed.¹⁰²
草木茏葱[蘢蔥] tāo-mùk-lũng-tûng
cǎomùlóngcōng luxuriant vegetation.⁶
葱茏[蔥蘢] tüng-lũng
cōnglóng luxuriantly green; verdant and luxuriant.⁶
lung3 10236
142 22 lũng lóng large ants with red specks.⁵⁴
蚵蠪 hõ-lũng hélóng (=蜥蜴 xēik-yèik xīyì) lizard.¹⁹
lung3 10237
145 21 lũng lóng legs of trousers; over-alls worn by workmen; trousers; crotch of a garment; skirt.⁸ The two legs of pantaloons, without the seat.²⁵
(composition: ⿰衤龍; U+8971).
lung3 10238
157 23 lũng lóng to walk.¹⁹
(composition: ⿰𧾷龍; U+8E98).
蹱躘 jüng-lũng zhōnglóng not moving forward.¹⁹
躘蹱 lũng-jüng
lóngzhōng or 龙钟[龍鍾] lũng-jüng lóngzhōng or 躘踵 lũng-jūng lóngzhǒng a little child attempting to walk; unable to walk.¹³ʼ¹⁹ʼ²⁵
lung3 10239
167 21 lũng lóng sound of drums; loud music, to beat the drum and to keep the watches at night.⁸
(composition: ⿱鼓金; U+4962).
lung3 10240
170 11 lũng lóng grand; prosperous, thriving; intense, deep; swell, bulge.⁵ (= 吉隆坡 Gīt-lũng-bö Jílóngpō Kuala Lumpur); Long surname.
昌隆 chëng-lũng
chānglóng prosperous and flourishing.⁶
兴隆[興隆] hëin-lũng
xīnglóng prosperous; thriving.
乾隆 Kẽin Lũng
Qiánlóng reign period (1736-1796) of Emperor Gāozōng.
雷声隆隆[雷聲隆隆] luĩ-sëin-lũng-lũng
léishēnglónglóng the rumble of thunder.⁵
隆贵[隆貴] lũng-gï
lóngguì <wr.> very noble; lofty in position; sumptuous (way of life).
隆厚 lũng-hêo
lónghòu profound; deep; generous (of friendship).
隆起 lũng-hī
lóngqǐ swell; bulge.
隆重 lũng-jùng
lóngzhòng grand; prosperous; solemn; ceremonious.
隆隆 lũng-lũng
lónglóng <ono.> rumble.⁵
隆爱[隆愛] lũng-öi
lóng'ài great love; great cordiality.
隆情 lũng-tẽin
lóngqíng profound affection.
隆情厚谊[隆情厚誼] lũng-tẽin-hêo-ngĩ
lóngqínghòuyì hospitality and friendship.
隆冬 lũng-üng
lóngdōng midwinter.
See 隆 [lũng, lōng].)
lung3 10241
170 11 lũng lōng 轰隆[轟隆] gäng-lũng hōnglōng rumble; roll.⁵
咕隆 gū-lũng
gūlōng rumble; rattle; roll.³⁹
or 黑骨隆咚 or 黑咕胧咚[黑咕朧咚]  or 黑骨胧咚[黑骨朧咚] or 黑咕隆东[黑咕隆東] or 黑骨隆东[黑骨隆東] or 黑骨胧东[黑骨朧東] hāk-gū-lũng-üng or hāk-gūt-lũng-üng hēigulōngdōng <topo.> pitch-dark.
(See 隆 [lũng, lóng].)
lung3 10242
173 24 lũng lóng Only used in 靇靇, alternative form of 隆隆 lũng-lũng lónglóng <ono.> rumble.⁵ the rumbling of thunder.²⁵
(composition: ⿱雨龍; U+9747).
靇靇 lũng-lũng
lónglóng <ono.> sound of thunder.¹³
<又> lẽin.
(See 靇 lẽin).
lung3 10243
177 25 lũng lóng a halter.⁸
(composition: ⿰革龍; U+4A8A).
䪊头[䪊頭] lũng-hẽo lóngtóu a horse cloth.
lung3 10244
207 24 𪔳
lũng lóng the sound of a drum.²⁵
(composition: ⿱隆鼓; U+2A533).
lung3 10245
212 16 lũng lóng Kangxi radical 212; dragon; symbolic of emperor.⁸ (variants: 竜,龒, 㡣 lũng). (comp. t: ⿰立⺼⿱⺊⿷己三; U+F9C4). (comp. s: ⿺𡯃丶; U+9F99). (See 竜 lũng; 龒 lũng; 㡣 lũng).
龙飞凤舞[龍飛鳳舞] lũng-fï-fùng-mū
lóngfēifèngwǔ like dragons flying and phoenixes dancing – (calligraphy) lively and vigorous; (mounatin ranges) grand and zigzagging.⁶
龙凤呈祥[龍鳳呈祥] lũng-fùng-chẽin-tẽng
lóng fèng chéng xiáng symbol of harmony and good fortune.⁶
龙潭虎穴[龍潭虎穴] lũng-hãm-fū-yòt
lóngtán-hǔxué dragon's pond and tiger's cave – dangerous places.¹¹
龙腾虎跃[龍騰虎躍] lũng-hãng-fū-yèk
lóngténghǔyuè lit. dragon soaring and tiger leaping (idiom); fig. prosperous and bustling; vigorous and active.¹⁰
龙争虎斗[龍爭虎鬥] lũng-jäng-fū-ëo
lóngzhēnghǔdòu fierce struggle between well-matched opponents.⁶
龙舟[龍舟] lũng-jiü
lóngzhōu dragon boat.⁵
龙卷风[龍捲風] lũng-kūn-füng
lóngjuǎnfēng tornado.⁶
龙马精神[龍馬精神] lũng-mâ-dëin-sĩn
lóngmǎ jīngshén a legendary steed – vigorous spirit (of people).⁶
龙门[龍門] lũng-mõn
lóngmén "dragon gate" (myth.) where a carp becomes transformed into a dragon.¹¹
龙眼[龍眼] lũng-ngān
lóngyǎn longan (the plant or fruit).⁶
龙船[龍船] lũng-sõn
lóngchuán dragon boat.⁶
龙师[龍師] lũng-xü
lóngshī aka 伏羲 Fùk-hï Fúxī, q.v.
lung3 10246
212 19 𪚑
lũng lóng (composition: ⿱龍巾; U+2A691).
蒙𪚑❄{⿱龍巾} mũng-lũng ménglóng (of eyes) blurry; (of vision) fuzzy; blurred.¹⁰¹
<又> hüng.
(See 𪚑❄{⿱龍巾} hüng).
lung3 10247
212 19 lũng lóng great; fat; full.¹⁴ to fill up.²⁴
(comp. t: ⿸广龍; U+9F90). (comp. s: ⿸广龙; U+5E9E).
湛恩庞洪[湛恩龐洪] jäm-yïn-lũng-hũng
zhàn'ēnlónghóng under very great obligations; great grace and favor.¹⁴
庞洪[龐洪] lũng-hũng
lónghóng complete; abundant; the name of a place.²⁴
庞庞[龐龐] lũng-lũng
lónglóng <old> sleek and tall (of horse).¹¹ (cf 龐龐 põng-põng).
四牡庞庞[四牡龐龐] xï-mêo-lũng-lũng
sìmǔlónglóng the four stallions were fat and sleek.¹⁴
<又> põng; pũng.
(See 龐 põng; 龐 pũng).
lung3 10248
212 21 lũng lóng (<old>=龍 lũng lóng) dragon.
(See 龍 lũng.)
lung3 10249
9 18 lùng lòng rude; barbarous.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰亻龍; U+5131).
儱偅 lùng- lòngzhòng unsteady walk.⁸
<又> lūng; lũng.
(See 儱 lūng; 儱 lũng).
lung4 10250
30 10 lùng lòng (of bird) sing; musical sound.⁸ chirp.⁹
(composition: ⿰口弄; U+54E2).
啽哢 ngäp-lùng ánlòng to chirp.²⁴
lung4 10251
32 10 𡋱
lùng lòng a hole.² to dig a hole; to excavate a cave.²⁴
(variant: 𡷟❄{⿰山弄} lùng).
(composition: ⿰土弄; U+212F1).
(See 𡷟❄{⿰山弄} lùng).
lung4 10252
46 10 𡷟
lùng lòng (=𡋱❄{⿰土弄} lùng lòng) a hole.² a cave.²⁴
(composition: ⿰山弄; U+21DDF).
(See 𡋱❄{⿰土弄} lùng).
lung4 10253
55 7 lùng lòng lane; alley.¹⁰
巷弄 hòng-lùng xiànglòng alley; lane.¹⁰
里弄 lî-lùng
lǐlòng lanes and alleys; neighborhood; lane neighborhoods in parts of Shanghai, with modified Chinese courtyard houses, occupied by single families in the 1930s, now crowded with multiple families.¹⁰
弄堂 lùng-hõng
lòngtáng <topo.> alley; lane.¹⁰
(See 弄 [lùng, nòng].)
lung4 10254
55 7 lùng nòng to do; to manage; to handle; to play with; to fool with; to mess with; to fix; to toy with.¹⁰ (variant: 挵 lùng nòng).
弄到 lùng-äo
nòngdào to get hold of, to obtain, to secure, to come by.⁴³
弄笔[弄筆] lùng-bīt
nòngbǐ to (love to) write as hobby.¹¹   to distort facts; to exaggerate in writing.³⁹
弄饭[弄飯] lùng-fàn
nòngfàn to cook food.⁸ <topo.> to prepare a meal; to cook.³⁹
弄璋 lùng-jëng
nòngzhāng <wr.> play with a jade tablet – birth of a son (from an early custom of giving a jade tablet, the emblem of male supremacy, to a baby boy to play with).⁶ <wr.> give birth to a boy (given jade to play with; if a girl, given tile to play with).¹¹ a son or the birth of a son.²⁴
弄璋之喜 lùng-jëng-jï-hī
nòngzhāngzhīxǐ <wr.> joy of bearing a boy.⁶
弄臣 lùng-sĩn
nòngchén court favorite.⁸
玩弄 ngòn-lùng
wánnòng dally with; play with; resort to.⁵
<台> 弄嗲仔 lùng-ēh-dōi to spoil a child.
(See 弄 [lùng, lòng]; 挵 [lùng, nòng].)
lung4 10255
61 10 𢙱
lùng lòng to impose upon; stupid.⁸
(composition: ⿰忄弄; U+22671).
𢙱❄{⿰忄弄}戆[𢙱❄{⿰忄弄}戇] lùng-jöng lòngzhuàng stupid, silly.²⁴
lung4 10256
64 10 lùng lòng to bump into; to crash into; to knock.³⁶
(composition: ⿰扌弄; U+6335).
(See 挵 [lùng, nòng].)
lung4 10257
64 10 lùng nòng (<old>=弄 lùng nòng) to play with; to play around with; to fiddle with; to fondle; to enjoy; to play.³⁶
(composition: ⿰扌弄; U+6335).
(See 挵 [lùng, lòng].)
lung4 10258
85 10 lùng lòng a river in ancient times.⁸ the name of a river.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵弄; U+3CE5).
lung4 10259
32 19 lûng lǒng (=垅[壠] lûng lǒng except in 垄断[壟斷] lûng-òn lǒngduàn) ridge or raised path in field.¹ a grave; a mound of earth; a high place in a field.⁷  (=陇[隴] lûng lǒng) rural community as in 陇亩[隴畝] lûng-mêo lǒngmǔ.
丘垄[丘壟] hiü-lûng
qiūlǒng an earthen mound.¹¹  a hill.²⁵
垄道[壟道] lûng-ào
lǒngdào ridge or path in a field.
垄脊[壟脊] lûng-dêk
lǒngjǐ ridge.
or 陇亩[隴畝] lûng-mêo lǒngmǔ rural community; farm.¹  acres or cultivated ground.²⁵
垄断[壟斷] lûng-òn
lǒngduàn a monopoly; to monopolize; to corner.⁷
垄断资本[壟斷資本] lûng-òn-dü-bōn
lǒngduàn zīběn monopoly capital.
垄断市场[壟斷市場] lûng-òn-sî-chẽng
lǒngduànshìchǎng to corner the market, to monopolize.¹¹
lung5 10260
32 19 lûng lǒng (<old> = 垄[壟] lûng lǒng except in 垄断[壟斷] lûng-òn lǒngduàn) ridge or raised path in field.¹ a grave; a mound of earth; a high place in a field.⁷
埋身垅亩[埋身壠畝] mãi-sïn-lûng-mêo
máishēnlǒngmǔ to retire from official life.
lung5 10261
75 14 lûng lóng (<old>=櫳 lûng lóng) cage.
<又> lũng.
(See 櫳 lũng; 櫳 lûng; 槞 lũng.)
lung5 10262
75 20 lûng lóng (also used for 栊[櫳] lũng lóng <lit.> window; window sash.⁶ or 栊[櫳] lûng lóng a pen or cage for animals.⁷)² <old>=龙[龍] lũng lóng dragon.²  a cage; a pen; a grating; bars; window, window frame.⁸ an open veranda, a room that may be thrown open to the wind.²⁴
(composition: ⿱龍木; U+3C0D).
房㰍 fông-lûng
fánglóng a movable screen, a blind.²⁴
lung5 10263
75 20 lûng lóng <wr.> sty, pen.⁶ a pen or cage for animals.⁷ (archaic variant: 槞 lũng or lûng lóng.)
栊槛[櫳檻] lûng-lâm
lóngjiàn a pen or cage for animals.⁷
<又> lũng.
(See 櫳 lũng; 槞 lũng; 槞 lûng.)
lung5 10264
116 21 lûng lǒng a hole; a cleft; empty.
(composition: ⿱穴龍; U+7AC9).
lung5 10265
118 16 lûng lǒng bamboo hat; <topo.> bamboo baskets; a placename in Guangdong Province.⁸
(composition: ⿱𥫗貢; U+7BE2).
织篢[織篢] jēik-lûng zhīlǒng Zhilong, name of a place in Guangdong Province.⁸
<又> güng, gōn.
(See 篢 güng, 篢 gōn).
lung5 10266
118 22 lûng lóng cage, coop; steamer.⁶
鸽笼[鴿籠] âp-lûng gēlóng (portable) pigeon cage.⁶
鸡笼[雞籠] gäi-lûng
jīlóng chicken coop.⁶
蒸笼[蒸籠] jëin-lûng/
zhēnglóng food steamer (usually made of bamboo); steam box; bamboo steamer.⁶
竹蒸笼[竹蒸籠] jūk-jëin-lûng
zhúzhēnglóng bamboo steamer.¹⁹
笼屉[籠屜] lûng-häi lóngtì bamboo/wooden food steamer.⁶ bamboo steamer (for buns or dimsum).¹⁰
笼屉盖儿[籠屜蓋兒] lûng-häi-gôi-ngĩ
lóngtìgàir steamer cover.⁶
❄{⿱⺮聚}[籠𥵫❄{⿱⺮聚}] lûng-tũng lóngcóng a basket for catching fish.²⁵
鸟笼[鳥籠] nêl-lûng
niǎolóng bird cage; aviary.⁶
鸟笼布[鳥籠布] nêl-lûng-bü
niǎolóngbù cage blind; cage cover.⁶
<台> 鸡笼[雞籠] gäi-lûng/ deep-fried dumpling made with glutinous rice flour with various stuffing.
<台> 猪笼入水[豬籠入水] jï-lûng-yìp-suī money coming from everywhere.
<台> 笼仔[籠仔] lûng-dōi a little cage.
<又> lūng, lũng.
(See 籠 lūng, lũng, [lûng, lǒng].)
lung5 10267
118 22 lûng lǒng envelope, cover, veil.⁶
笼子[籠子] lûng-dū lóngzi <topo.> chest, trunk.⁶
笼括[籠括] lûng-gāt
lǒngkuò encompass; take in.⁶
笼统[籠統] lûng-hūng
lǒngtǒng general; broad; sweeping; lacking in detail; vague.¹⁰
笼罩[籠罩] lûng-jäo
lǒngzhào envelop; shroud.⁵
笼络[籠絡] lûng-lōk
lǒngluò win somebody over; draw over; rope in.⁶
笼络者[籠絡者] lûng-lōk-jēh
lǒngluòzhě embracer.¹⁰
<又> lūng, lũng.
(See 籠 lūng, lũng, [lûng, lóng].)
lung5 10268
170 18 lûng lǒng short name for 甘肃[甘肅] Gäm-xūk Gānsù Gansu Province; name of a mountain between 甘肃[甘肅] Gäm-xūk Gānsù Gansu Province and 陕西[陝西] Sēm-xäi Shǎnxī Shaanxi Province; (=垄[壟] lûng lǒng ridge or raised path in field) a high place in a field.
陇客[隴客] lûng-hāk or lûng-häk lǒngkè <wr.> parrot.
陇剧[隴劇] Lûng-kēk
Lǒngjù Gansu opera.
or 垄亩[壟畝] lûng-mêo lǒngmǔ rural community; farm.¹  acres or cultivated ground.²⁵
lung5 10269
19 6 lūt liè inferior; mean; bad; of low quality.⁷
低劣 äi-lūt dīliè inferior; low-grade.
拙劣 jōt-lūt
zhuōliè clumsy; inferior.
劣等 lūt-āng
lièděng of inferior quality; low-grade; poor.⁷
劣迹[劣跡] lūt-dēik
lièjì the unsavory records (of a person, especially those of a pubic official); misdeed; evil doing.⁷
劣迹昭著[劣跡昭著] lūt-dēik-jël-jï
lièjìzhāozhù have a notorious record; one's misdeeds are very obvious.⁶
劣汰[劣汰] lūt-häi
liètài elimination of the weakest.¹⁰
劣质[劣質] lūt-jīt
lièzhì of poor (or low) quality; inferior.⁷
劣势[劣勢] lūt-säi
lièshì inferior strength or position .⁷
伪劣[偽劣] ngài-lūt
wěiliè false and inferior.
恶劣 ōk-lūt
èliè very bad; abominable; disgusting; foul; mean; odious; vile.⁶
优劣[優劣] yiü-lūt
yōu-liè good and bad.
优胜劣败[優勝劣敗] yiü-sëin-lūt-bài
yōushènglièbài survival of the fittest.⁸
优胜劣汰[優勝劣汰] yiü-sëin-lūt-häi
yōushèngliètài survival of the fittest (idiom).¹⁰
lut1 10270
101 6 lūt to loose, take off, get rid of; a name of a beast; another character for 角 gôk jiǎo corner.⁸
甪直 Lūt-jèik
Lùzhí a place in 苏州市[蘇州市] Xü-Jiü-Sî Sūzhōushì Suzhou City, 江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū Jiangsu Province.⁸
甪里 Lūt-lî
Lùlǐ old place name in today's southeastern part of 吴县[吳縣] M̃-yòn Wúxiàn Wu County, 江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū Jiangsu Province; Luli compound surname.⁸
甪端 Lūt-ön
Lùduān Luduan, mythical Chinese beast able to detect the truth.¹⁰
甪堰 Lūt-yēn
Lùyàn a place in 海盐县[海鹽縣] Hōi-yẽm-yòn Hǎiyánxiàn Haiyan County, 浙江 Jēt-göng Zhèjiāng Zhejiang Province.⁸
lut1 10271
102 12 lūt liè to plow the fields.² to till or to plow the fields.⁸ to plow the ground and loosen the soil.²⁴
(composition: ⿰田寽; U+3F5F).
lut1 10272
64 10 lüt luō to clutch in the fingers.¹⁰²
<台> 捋玫 lüt-mõi (of paper or clothes) to twist and crush together with a hand or both hands.
<又> löt, lòt, lôt (See 捋 löt; 捋 [lòt, ], 捋 [lòt, luō]; 捋 [lôt, luō].)
lut2 10273
9 12 lùt 傈僳族 Lùt-xūk-dùk Lìsùzú Lisu nationality in 云南[雲南] Vũn-nãm Yúnnán Yunnan Province and 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan Province.
lut4 10274
15 12 lùt cold.¹⁴
凓烈 or 栗烈 or 溧冽 lùt-lèik lìliè cold; chilly; bleak.¹⁴
惨凓[慘慄] tām-lùt
cǎnlì piercing cold.¹⁴
lut4 10275
30 12 𠷈
lùt to cry; to crow; to sing.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口律; U+20DC8).
lut4 10276
41 7 lùt   a handful; a pinch.⁸ʼ¹⁰ʼ³⁶ to take up with the fingers.²⁴ as much as can be grasped with the five fingers, especially of ears of grain.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱爫寸; U+5BFD).
(See 寽[lùt, lüè]).
lut4 10277
41 7 lùt lüè <old>=锊[鋝] lùt lüè ancient unit of weight, about 6 liang.⁶
(composition: ⿱爫寸; U+5BFD).
(See 寽[lùt, ]).
lut4 10278
46 12 lùt lofty.⁸ to rise sharply; to tower.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱山律; U+5D42).
嵂崒 lùt-dūt lǜzú (of mountains) steep and jagged.¹¹ very lofty and mountainous.²⁴
嵂嵂 lùt-lùt
lǜlǜ (of mountains) pile up, rise up steeply.⁵⁴
lut4 10279
60 9 lùt law, statute, rule; <wr.> restrain, keep under control.⁵ the yang or male bamboo pitch pipes.⁶²
法律 fāt-lùt fǎlǜ law; statute.⁷
纪律[紀律] gī-lùt
jìlǜ discipline.⁷
规律[規律] kï-lùt
guīlǜ law; regular pattern.⁵
律己 lùt-gī
lǜjǐ to restrain, to keep oneself within bounds.⁶
律吕[律呂] lùt-luî
lǜlǚ tuning; temperament.¹⁰ <wr.> twelve standard pitch pipes of musical half-tones; musical scale in classical music.¹¹
律吕调阳[律呂調陽] lùt-luî-hẽl-yẽng
lǜlǚtiáoyáng The two set of tones bring the Yang in harmony with the Yin.⁶²
律诗[律詩] lùt-sï
lǜshī a poem of eight lines, each containing five or seven characters, with a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme.⁵
律动[律動] lùt-ùng
lǜdòng regular movements; ryhthm; development or operation in a regular pattern.⁶
律师[律師] lùt-xü
lǜshī lawyer; attorney.⁵
严以律己,宽以待人[嚴以律己寬以待人] ngẽm-yî-lùt-gī, fön-yî-òi-ngĩn
yán yǐ lǜjǐ, kuān yǐ dàirén be strict with oneself and lenient toward others; be hard on oneself and merciful towards others.⁶
lut4 10280
61 13 lùt afraid; trembling.¹⁴
不寒而栗[不寒而慄] būt-hõn-ngĩ-lùt bùhán'érlì shiver all over though not cold; tremble with fear; shudder.⁵
战栗[戰慄] jën-lùt
zhànlì trembling with fear.¹⁴
栗冽[慄冽] lùt-lèik
lìliè piercingly cold; bone-chilling; chilly.⁷ cold, chilly.¹¹
栗栗[慄慄] lùt-lùt
lìlì timorours, fearful, terrified, frightful; cold, chilly.⁷ fearful; trembling with cold.¹¹
栗栗危惧[慄慄危懼] lùt-lùt-nguĩ-guì
lìlìwēijù fearful and trembling.¹⁴
栗然[慄然] lùt-ngẽin
lìrán trembling.⁹ (literary) shivering; shuddering.¹⁰
<台> 咑栗诶[咑慄誒] ā-lùt-ë stammer, stutter.
(See 栗 lùt, 慄 nùt.)
lut4 10281
75 10 lùt the chestnut tree; firm, durable; full, as grain when ripe (see 稹之栗栗, 縝密以栗); (=慄 lùt) fearful (see 戰慄); dignified (see 寬而栗); to step over; cold, chilly.¹⁴ Li surname.⁸ (old variant: 㮚 lùt ).
栗苞 lùt-bäo
lìbāo a chestnut burr.⁷
栗子 lùt-dū
lìzi or 风栗[風栗] füng-lùt fēnglì or 板栗 bān-lùt bǎnlì chestnut.¹⁴
栗犊[栗犢] lùt-dùk
lìdú a calf (whose horns are as large as chestnuts).⁷
栗房 lùt-fông
lìfáng a chestnut burr.¹⁴
栗阶不过二等[栗階不過二等] lùt-gäi-būt-gö-ngì-āng
lìjiēbùguòèrděng do not miss more than two steps – in ascending a stair.¹⁴
or 凓烈 or 溧冽 lùt-lèik lìliè cold; chilly; bleak.¹⁴
栗碌 lùt-lūk
lìlù busy; pressing official duties.⁷
栗尾 lùt-mī
lìwěi a Chinese writing brush.⁷
栗木 lùt-mûk
lìmù chestnut.⁷
栗色 lùt-sēik
lìsè chestnut brown.¹⁴
栗鼠 lùt-sī
lìshǔ squirrel.¹⁴
栗黄[栗黃] lùt-võng
lìhuáng chestnuts.⁷
麻栗木 mã-lùt-mûk
málìmù teak.¹⁴
<又> nùt (as simplified form only).
(See 㮚 lùt; 慄 nùt, 慄 lùt.)
lut4 10282
75 13 lùt (an ancient form of 栗 lùt ) the chestnut tree; a kind of metalwork in ancient times.⁸
(composition: ⿱𠧪木; U+3B9A).
(See 栗 lùt).
lut4 10283
85 13 lùt river in 安徽 Ön-fï Ānhuī Anhui Province and 江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū Jiangsu Province.⁸
溧冽 lùt-lèik
lìliè chilly, bleak.¹¹
溧凉[溧涼] lùt-lẽng
lìliáng chilly.⁵⁴
溧水[溧水] Lùtsuī
Lìshuǐ Lishui county in Nanjing (南京 Nãm-gëin Nánjīng), Jiangsu (江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū).¹⁰
溧阳[溧陽] Lùtyẽng
Lìyáng Liyang county level city in Changzhou (常州 Sẽngjiü Chángzhōu), Jiangsu (江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū).¹⁰
lut4 10284
85 15 lùt water flowing.²
(composition: ⿰氵矞; U+6F4F).
<又> kūt. (See 潏 kūt).
lut4 10285
95 11 lùt
rate; frequency.
大率 ài-lùt dàlǜ generally; nearly; approximately. (compare 大率 ài-xūt dàshuài mostly.)
百分率 bäk-fün-lùt
bǎifēnlǜ percent; percentage.
比率 bī-lùt
bǐlǜ ratio; rate; proportion.
增长率[增長率] däng-jēng-lùt
zēngzhǎnglǜ rate of increase.
效率 hào-lùt
xiàolǜ efficiency.⁶
概率 köi-lùt
gàilǜ <math.> probability.⁵
利率 lì-lùt
lìlǜ <econ.> interest rate.
频率[頻率] pĩn-lùt
pínlǜ <phy.> frequency.⁵
税率[稅率] suï-lùt
shuìlǜ tax rate; tariff rate.⁵
速率 tūk-lùt
sùlǜ speed; rate.
汇率[匯率] vòi-lùt
huìlǜ exchange rate.
圆周率[圓周率] yõn-jiü-lùt
yuánzhōulǜ <math.> π (pi).
<又> xūt.
(See 率 xūt.)
lut4 10286
110 12 lùt bore with an awl; bright, charming.⁸ auspicious colorful clouds.⁹ grand; elegant; propitious.¹⁰ to bore through with an awl; agitated; overflowing; clouds of three colors.¹⁴ to have anything through with an awl; full and running over.²⁴ (=霱 lùt auspicious colorful clouds; clouds of three colors; those of five colors are called 庆[慶] hëin qìng); using an awl to bore through; overflowing.¹¹³
(composition: ⿱矛冏; U+77DE).
飍矞 hiü-lùt
xiūyù run in horror.¹⁹
堂矞 hõng-lùt
tángyù magnificent, grandiose.¹⁹
矞矞 lùt-lùt
yùyù things growing, as in spring.²⁴
矞矞皇皇 lùt-lùt-võng-võng
yùyùhuánghuáng nature bursting into life.¹⁴
矞皇 lùt-võng
yùhuáng <lit.> splendid, magnificent.¹¹ the name of a god.²⁴
矞云[矞雲] lùt-vũn
yùyún  propitious clouds of three colors.¹⁴ felicitous clouds; clouds of three colors; some say, of two; red without, and green within.²⁴
矞雪 lùt-xūt
yùxuě timely snow.¹⁹
<又> nùt; gūt.
(See 矞 nùt; 矞 gūt; 霱 lùt).
lut4 10287
118 16 lùt bugle.
觱篥 bēik-lùt bìlì or 筚篥[篳篥] bīt-lùt bìlì <trad.> ancient bamboo pipe with a reed mouth piece.⁶ a whistle blown to frighten the enemy's horses.⁷ a whistle used by the Tartars.¹⁴
lut4 10288
120 17 lùt a bamboo rope or hawser for tracking boats; lines fo pulling up ores from a mine.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰糹率; U+7E42).
绋繂[紼繂] fūt-lùt fúlǜ a large rope, made of bamboo, for tracking boats.²⁵
繂轳[繂轤] lùt-lũ
lǜlu a pulley or windlass.¹⁰²
繂繂不坠[繂繂不墜] lùt-lùt-būt-juì
lǜlǜbùzhuì let it down without upsetting.¹⁰²
繂绕[繂繞] lùt-ngêl
lǜrào ropes for letting down a coffin into its shell, through pulleys fixed in four upright posts.²⁵ to lower a coffin into its grave.¹⁰²
or 藻率 täo-lùt zǎolǜ In ancient times, it was a cushion used for decoration of jade articles, made of leather with variegated flowers on it.⁸ a strap for birding on a gem.²⁵
lut4 10289
129 5 lùt Component form of ⾀: Kangxi radical #129, 聿 (“brush”).³⁶
(composition: ⿱肀一; U+2EBB). (Note: only two characters were found in Wenlin to have this component, ⺻,  but were changed to 𦘕❄{⿳⿱𦘒一⿵ㄇ人一; U+26615} and 𢟸❄{⿰忄⿳⿱𦘒一⿵ㄇ人一; U+227F8}, respectively upon copying and pasting. Thus no characters seem to have this component anymore).
(See ⾀ lùt).
lut4 10290
129 6 lùt Kangxi radical 129; writing brush, pencil; thereupon.⁸ a writing instrument – a pen, a writing brush; a particle, used in introducing a phrase or sentence; agile and quick, nimble.⁷ <wr.> then, and then, used in introducing phrase or sentence.¹¹ a pencil; to narrate; thereupon; suddenly.¹⁴
聿至 lùt-jï yùzhì suddenly arrive.¹⁴ arrive suddenly.¹⁹
聿来胥宇[聿來胥宇] lùt-lõi-xuï-yî
yùláixūyǔ they came and together chose their dwelling place.¹⁴
聿皇 lùt-võng
yùhuáng fleet and nimble.³⁹
聿越 lùt-yòt
yùyuè surpass; excel.⁵⁴
岁聿其暮[歲聿其暮 xuï-lùt-kĩ-mù
suìyùqímù <wr.> the year is drawing to its close.¹¹
岁聿云暮[歲聿雲暮] xuï-lùt-vũn-mù
suìyùyúnmù the year is drawing to the close.¹¹
(See ⺻ lùt).
lut4 10291
140 12 lùt <bot.> the wild hop, Humulus japonicus (also called 勒草 làk-tāo lècǎo, 拉拉藤 lā-lā-hãng lālāténg).¹¹
葎草 lùt-tāo
lǜcǎo Japanese hop, common name: 拉拉藤 lā-lā-hãng lālāténg.  hop.⁹ Humulus japonicus.¹⁰  scandent hop.¹⁹
lut4 10292
162 15 lùt to follow, to comply with; to avoid, to shun; to be perverse, to be bad; Yu surname.⁷
lut4 10293
167 15 lùt lüè ancient unit of weight, about 6 liang.⁶
(comp. t: ⿰金寽; U+92DD). (comp. s: ⿰钅寽; U+950A).
重三锊[重三鋝] chüng-xäm-lùt
zhòng sān lüè It weighs three "lue".⁵⁴
lut4 10294
173 20 lùt colorful clouds; propitious clouds.¹¹³
(composition: ⿱雨矞; U+9731).
lut4 10295
187 22 lùt black horse with white legs.⁸ a black horse with white hind quarters.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰馬矞; U+9A48).
Bòk-ngũn-gēin-jēh, yiû-lùt-yiû-võng.
Bóyán jiōng zhě, yǒu yù yǒu huáng.
Of those stallions, fat and large,
Some are black and white-breeched; some light yellow.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·頌·魯頌·駉·1》, translated by James Legge).
有驈有皇 yiû-lùt-yiû-võng
yǒu yù yǒu huáng there were black horses and cream-colored.¹⁰²
lut4 10296
196 16 lùt (<old>=鴥 lùt to swoop (birds).⁸ (of a bird) to fly swiftly; to swoop.¹⁰ to dart down, as a falcon of its prey; to fly swiftly and high.¹⁰²).⁸ erroneous character for 鴥 lùt
(composition: ⿰宂鳥; U+9D27).
(See 鴥 lùt).
lut4 10297
196 16 lùt to swoop (birds).⁸ (of a bird) to fly swiftly; to swoop.¹⁰ to dart down, as a falcon of its prey; to fly swiftly and high.¹⁰²
(old and erroneous variant: 鴧 lùt ).
(composition: ⿰鳥穴; U+9D25).
Lùt-bī-sĩn-füng, vūt-bī-bāk-lĩm.
Yù bǐ chén fēng, yù bǐ běi lín.
Swift flies the falcon,
To the thick-wooded forest in the north.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經····》, translated by James Legge).
(See  鴧 lùt).
lut4 10298
129 4 lùt


聿字头[聿字頭] lùt-dù-hẽo yùzìtóu the top component of the character 聿.
(composition: ⿻コ十; U+8080 or U+2EBA).
(See ⾀ lùt).
4 丿 2 sum, total; (Kanji) needle; to seal; SHIME: to find a place to dwell; sum; a measurement of paper; SHITE to do.⁸ "letter closed" character (from 閉める, close); sum (from 〆高, 締高, sum); measurement of paper; bundle (from 締める, fasten).³⁶
(Note: distinguish Suzhou, erroneously called Hangzhou by Unicode, numeral 4: 〤. Numeral 5 (m̄ ) is 〥. Perhaps this character should be called xï ).
(composition: ⿻㇢丶; U+4E44).
m1 10300
7 4 five.
五脏六腑[五臟六腑] m̄-dòng-lùk-fū wǔzàngliùfǔ five viscera and six bowels (TCM).¹⁰
五花大绑[五花大綁] m̄-fä-ài-bōng
wǔhuādàbǎng truss up tightly; bind the criminal hand and foot with ropes.⁸
五花八门[五花八門] m̄-fä-bät-mõn
wǔhuābāmén of a wide variety; multifarious; kaleidoscopic.⁸
五分 m̄-fün
wǔfēn fifty percent; five cents.
五金 m̄-gïm
wǔjīn metal hardware (nuts and bolts)​; the five metals: gold, silver, copper, iron and tin.⁸
五官 m̄-gön
wǔguān <TCM> the five sense organs (ears, eyes, lips, nose and tongue); facial features.⁵
五官端正 m̄-gön-ön-jëin
wǔguānduānzhèng have regular features.⁵
五内如焚[五內如焚] m̄-nuì-nguĩ-fũn
wǔnèirúfén very anxious; grief-stricken.
五彩 m̄-tōi
wǔcǎi the five colors (blue, yellow, red, white and black; multicolored.⁵
五彩缤纷[五彩繽紛] m̄-tōi-bïn-fün
wǔcǎibīnfēn colorful; blazing with color; be beautifully decorated.⁶
五湖四海 m̄-vũ-xü-hōi
wǔhúsìhǎi five lakes and four seas – all corners of the land.⁶
五星红旗[五星紅旗] m̄-xëin-hũng-kĩ
wǔxīng hóngqí Five-Starred Red Flag, the national flag of the PRC.⁹
m1 10301
9 6 five (used for 五 m̄ in checks, financial records); Wu surname.
or 伍圆[伍圓] m̄-yõn wǔyuán five dollars.
yīt ngì xäm xï m̄ lùk tīt bät giū sìp
yī'èrsānsìwǔlùqībājiǔshí numbers 1 to 10 (used on checks for security purposes) same as 一二三四五六七八九十.
<又> m̂.
(See 伍 m̂.)
m1 10302
9 9 to meet.⁸ <topo.> you; please.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰亻吾; U+4FC9).
逢俉 fũng-m̃ féngwú to come across something scary; to have a fright.¹⁰ʼ³⁵ʼ⁵⁴ (See 逢俉 fũng-m̀ féngwù).
俉到那里去?[俉到那裡去?] m̃-äo-nã-lī-huï
wúdào nàli qù where are you going?¹⁰¹
<又> m̀.
(See 俉 m̀).
m3 10303
30 7 <wr.> I, we; Wu surname. (variants: 𢓲, 𨖍 m̃ ).
吾辈[吾輩] m̃-böi
wúbèi <wr.> we; us.⁶
吾侪[吾儕] m̃-däi
wúchái <wr.> we; us; people llike us.⁶
吾子 m̃-dū
wúzǐ <wr.> you.⁸
吾人 m̃-ngĩn
wúrén <wr.> we; us.⁶
(See 𢓲 m̃; 𨖍 m̃).
m3 10304
30 7 area comprising southern Jiangsu, northern Zhejiang and Shanghai; name of states in Southern China at different historical periods; Wu surname.¹⁰
(comp. t: ⿺⿱𠃑大口; U+5433). (comp. s: ⿱口天; U+5434).
吴语[吳語] M̃-nguî
Wúyǔ Wu topolect.
吴淞江[吳淞江] M̃-tũng Göng
Wúsōng Jiāng Wusong River, in Jiangsu (江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū) and connects with the 黄浦江[黃浦江] Võng-pū-göng Huángpǔ Jiāng Huangpu River in Shanghai.⁴
东吴[東吳] Üng-m̃
Dōngwú Eastern Wu (222-280); the southern state of Wu during the Three Kingdoms period, founded by 孙权[孫權] Xün Kũn Sūn Quán Sun Quan.¹⁰
m3 10305
30 8 (interjection showing doubt) <文读> mù; <白读> m̃.
呣,你说什么[呣,你說什麼] m̃, nï-sōt-sìm-mō? ḿ, nǐshuōshénshén? Eh? What did you say?
(See 呣 m̀, [mù, ], [mù, ].)
m3 10306
30 10 to hold in mouth; to bite.⁸ (Shanghai) I, first person.¹¹ <Cant.> not.¹¹
<台> 总唔[總唔] dūng-m̃ always does not.
<台> 顶唔顺[頂唔順] ēin-m̃-sùn cannot take it anymore; cannot stand (something).
<台> 佢总唔听话![佢總唔聽話!] kuï-dūng-m̃-hëng-và lit. he doesn't listen; fig. he doesn't behave.
<台> 唔系[唔係] m̃-hài It is not.
<台> 唔好 m̃-hāo no good.
<台> 唔好惹佢 m̃-hāo-ngēh-kuï ignore him/her.
<台> 唔好嘈 m̃-hāo-tão (when spoken softly) keep quiet; (when spoken loudly or emphatically) Shut up!
<台> 唔好意思 m̃-hāo-yï-xü Oh, I'm sorry.
<台> 唔知随[唔知隨] m̃-ï-tuĩ don't know.
<台> 唔着衫[唔著衫] m̃-jëk-sâm upper body naked; not willing to put on more clothes.
<台> 唔钟意[唔鍾意] m̃-jüng-yï to dislike.
<台> 唔顺眼[唔順眼] m̃-sùn-ngān to be offensive to the eyes; cannot stand (something).
<台> 唔使钱[唔使錢]  m̃-sōi-tẽin/ (cost) free.
<台> 唔三唔四 m̃-xäm-m̃-xï do something here, do something there with nothing accomplished.
<台> 唔想 m̃-xēng not willing to.
m3 10307
30 13 ń (=嗯 m̃ ńg).
<又> m̀, m̂.
(See 嗯 [m̀, ǹ], [m̂, ň], [m̃, ńg], [m̀, ǹg], [m̂, ňg].)
m3 10308
30 13 ńg used as an interjection to express doubt or curiosity; why.
嗯,你说什么?[嗯,你說什麼?] M̃, nï-sōt-sìm-mō? Ńg or Ń, nǐshuōshénme? Huh,  what are you talking about?
<又> m̀, m̂.
(See 嗯 [m̃, ń], [m̀, ǹ], [m̂, ň], [m̀, ǹg], [m̂, ňg].)
m3 10309
30 16 hm (used to express reproach or displeasure) humph.⁶
噷,你还没起床?[噷,你還沒起床?] m̃, nï-vãn-mòt-hī-chõng hm, nǐháiméiqǐchuáng? Humph, why are you still in bed?⁶
m3 10310
46 10 the name of a hill/mountain.²⁴
(composition: ⿰山吾; U+5CFF).
岨峿 jū-m̃ or jū-nguî jǔwú or jǔyǔ appearance of a mountain.² the mountains are staggered and uneven.¹⁹ hilly.²⁴
岖峿[嶇峿] kuï-m̃
qūwú Quwu (name of a mountain/hill).²
峿台[峿臺] m̃-hõi
wútái name of a terrace in Wuxi (浯溪 m̃-käi wúxī), southwest of Qiyang County (祁阳县[祁陽縣] kĩ-yẽng-yòn qíyáng xiàn), Hunan Province (湖南 Vũ-nãm Húnán).
峿山 m̃-sän
wúshān Wushan mountain, located on the southwest of Anqiu City (安丘市 ön-hiü-sî/ ānqiū shì) in Shandong Province (山东[山東] sän-üng shāndōng).¹⁹
or 岩峿 ngãm-m̃ yánwú high and uneven mountains.¹⁹
<又> duī.
(See 砠 duī).
m3 10311
60 10 𢓲 (=吾 m̃ <wr.> I, we).
(composition: ⿰彳吾; U+224F2).
(See 吾 m̃).
m3 10312
75 11 firmiana (Firmiana platanifolia); a support, a prop; to support, to prop up; Wu surname.⁷
臭梧桐 chiü-m̃-hũng
chòuwútóng or 海州常山 hōi-jiü-sẽng-sän hǎizhōuchángshān harlequin glorybower, glorytree, peanut butter tree (Clerodendrum trichotomum).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
法国梧桐[法國梧桐] Fāt-gōk-m̃-hũng
Fǎguó wútóng (=英桐 Yëin-hũng Yīngtóng London plane¹⁵ʼ²⁰) plane tree (Platanus × acerifolia).¹⁰
梧槚[梧檟] m̃-gā
wújiǎ <wr.> two trees producing good timber.¹¹
梧桐 m̃-hũng
wútóng Chinese parasol (tree); phoenix tree.⁶ (Firmiana platanifolia or Firmiana simplex); Chinese parasol tree; wutong.¹⁵
梧桐子 m̃-hũng-dū
wútóngzǐ dryandra seeds.⁷
梧桐树[梧桐樹] m̃-hũng-sì
wútóngshù Chinese parasol tree.¹⁰
梧州 M̃-jiü
Wúzhōu Wuzhou prefecture level city in Guangxi.¹⁰
or 鼯鼠技穷[鼯鼠技窮] m̃-sī-gì-kũng wúshǔjìqióng at one's wits' end; at the end of one's rope.⁷
梧栖[梧棲] m̃-täi
wúqī Wuqi or Wuci town in Taichung county 台中县, Taiwan.¹⁰ be in a noble position.³⁹
<又> m̀.
(See 梧 m̀.)
m3 10313
85 10 name of a river in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong; name of a mountain in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong; an ancient place (=苍梧[蒼梧] Töng-m̃ Cāngwú in Guangxi.⁸
m3 10314
96 11 琨珸 kün-m̃ kūnwú archaic name of a sword.²³ the name of a mountain, in which there are mines; a pebble, inferior to a precious stone; a beautiful stone.²⁴
m3 10315
96 11 (interchangeable with 珸 m̃ ) name of a sword, fine stone which is little less valuable than jade.⁸
(composition: ⿰𤣩吴; U+3ECD).
琨㻍 kün-m̃
kūnwú beautiful stone, stone is second to jade; name of a sword.²
(See 珸 m̃).
m3 10316
142 13 centipede.¹⁰
蜈蚣 m̃-güng wúgōng centipede.⁸ (It is written as 百足 bāk-dūk in Hoisanva and read as bāk-xūk. (See <台> 百足 bàk-xūk).
蜈蚣风筝[蜈蚣風箏] m̃-güng-füng-jäng
wúgōngfēngzheng a kite made like a centipede.¹⁴
蜈蚣梯 m̃-güng-häi
wúgōngtī a single rope with rounds fastened at regular intervals for use as a ladder.¹⁴
蜈蚣草 m̃-güng-tāo
wúgōngcǎo ciliate desert-grass (Eremochloa ciliaris).⁵
m3 10317
162 14 𨖍
(=吾 m̃ <wr.> I, we).
(composition: ⿺辶⿰吾午; U+2858D).
(See 吾 m̃).
m3 10318
163 9 towns in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province.⁸ Wu surname.³⁹
(composition: ⿰吾阝; U+90DA).
鄌郚 Hõng-m̃
Tángwú a place name in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province.¹⁹
m3 10319
167 12 name of a hill from which a fine kind of steel was wrought.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿰金吾; U+92D9). (comp. s: ⿰钅吾; U+94FB).
锟铻[錕鋙] kün-m̃
kūnwú (a mountain mentioned in ancient books); double-edged sword.⁶ name of an ancient sword.⁸
<又> nguĩ; nguî.
(See 鋙 nguĩ; 鋙 nguî).
m3 10320
167 15 (composition: ⿰釒吴(G) or ⿰釒吳(THJK); U+92D8).
锟鋘[錕鋘] kün-m̃ kūnwú the name for a hill.²⁵
or 锟铻[錕鋙] kün-m̃-sän kūnwúshān a mountain mentioned in ancient books).¹³
<又> vũ; vã.
(See 鋘 vũ; 鋘 vã).
m3 10321
208 20 flying squirrel.⁸
鼯鼠 m̃-sī wúshǔ flying squirrel.⁵
or 梧鼠技穷[梧鼠技窮] m̃-sī-gì-kũng wúshǔjìqióng at one's wits' end; at the end of one's rope.⁷
蜜袋鼯 mìt-òi-m̃
mìdàiwú sugar glider (Petaurus breviceps) a small, omnivorous, arboreal, and nocturnal gliding possum.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
袋鼯 òi-m̃
dàiwú glider; flying possum/phalanger.⁶
袋鼯属[袋鼯屬] òi-m̃-sùk
dàiwúshǔ Genus Petaurus, a group of arboreal marsupials.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
松鼠小袋鼯 tũng-sī-xēl-òi-m̃
sōngshǔ xiǎodàiwú squirrel glider, Petaurus norfolcensis.¹⁵ʼ³⁹
黄腹小袋鼯[黃腹小袋鼯] võng-fūk-xēl-òi-m̃
huángfù xiǎodàiwú yellow-bellied glider, Petaurus australis.¹⁵ʼ³⁹
小袋鼯 xēl-òi-m̃
xiǎodàiwú flying opossum.¹⁹ sugar glider, Petaurus breviceps.¹⁵ʼ³⁹
m3 10322
9 9 to meet face to face.¹³ to meet with.²⁴ to go to meet; to greet, to welcome.⁵⁴ meet and welcome, now use 晤 (m̀ to meet, to see face to face; enlightened, wise.⁷).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰亻吾; U+4FC9).
魁俉 föi-m̀
kuíwù (=魁梧 föi-m̀ kuíwù stalwart, gigantic stature.¹⁴).¹⁹
逢俉 fũng-m̀
féngwù to come across something scary; to have a fright.¹⁹ʼ¹⁰¹ (See 逢俉 fũng-m̃ féngwú).
鬼哭若呼,其人逢俉 gī-hūk-ngèk-fü, kĩ-ngĩn-fũng-m̀
guǐkūruòhū, qírénféngwù if a ghost screams and cries, he/she is frightened.¹⁰¹
俉俉 m̀-m̀
wùwù appearance of being drifted apart, became estranged or alienated.¹⁹ʼ⁵⁴
<又> m̃.
(See 俉 m̃).
m4 10323
30 8 (interjection showing a response) <文读> mù; <白读> m̀.
呣,我知道了 m̀, ngô-jï-ào-lēl m̀, wǒzhīdaole Uh-huh, I see.
(See 呣 m̃, [mù, ], [mù, ].)
m4 10324
30 13 ǹ (=嗯 m̀ ǹg).
<又>  m̃, m̂.
(See 嗯 [m̃, ń], [m̂, ň], [m̃, ńg], [m̀, ǹg], [m̂, ňg].)
m4 10325
30 13 ǹg used as an interjection to express agreement or pledge.
嗯!就这么办吧.[嗯!就這麼辦吧.] M̀! Diù-jëh-mō-bàn-bä. Ǹg! or Ǹ! Jiùzhèmebànba. OK! Do it this way.
<又>  m̃, m̂.
(See 嗯 [m̃, ń], [m̀, ǹ], [m̂, ň], [m̃, ńg], [m̂, ňg].)
m4 10326
40 14 to awake from sleep.¹⁴
寤寐 m̀-mì wùmèi between sleep and wakefulness.⁷ waking and sleeping – at all times.¹⁴
寤寐不忘 m̀-mì-būt-mõng
wùmèibùwàng not to forget something, asleep or awake.⁶
寤寐求之 m̀-mì-kiũ-jï
wùmèiqiúzhī seek/look for something whether awake or asleep; long for day and night.⁶
寤梦[寤夢] m̀-mùng
wùmèng to see something during the day and dream about it at night.¹⁴
寤生 m̀-säng
wùshēng to give birth to a baby while asleep.⁷
m4 10327
61 7 disobedient; uncongenial.⁵ violate; be uncongenial, be on bad terms (with).⁶
忤俗 m̀-dùk or m̂-dùk wǔsú to defy custom.⁷
忤物 m̀-mùt
or m̂-mùt or m̀-mòt or m̂-mòt wǔwù to disagree with others; to be at odds with others; can not get along with people.⁷
忤逆 m̀-ngèik
or m̂-ngèik wǔnì disobedient (to parents).⁵
忤耳 m̀-ngī
or m̂-ngī wǔ'ěr (said of words, utterances) to grate on the ear.⁷
忤视[忤視] m̀-sì
or m̂-sì wǔshì to look at with a jaundiced eye; to look defiantly at.⁷
与人无忤[與人無忤] yî-ngĩn-mũ-m̀
or yî-ngĩn-mũ-m̂ yǔrénwúwǔ bear no ill will against anybody.⁵
<又> m̂.
(See 忤 m̂.)
m4 10328
61 10 to comprehend; to apprehend; to become aware.¹⁰
恍然大悟 fōng-ngẽin-ài-m̀ huǎngrándàwù to suddenly realize; to suddenly see the light.¹⁰
觉悟[覺悟] gōk-m̀
juéwù consciousness; awareness; Buddhist enlightenment (Sanskrit: cittotpāda).¹⁰
悟道 m̀-ào
wùdào awake to truth; attain enlightenment.⁶
悟彻[悟徹] m̀-chēik
wùchè understand thoroughly; realize completely.⁶
悟解 m̀-gāi
wùjiě understand; comprehend; grasp.⁶
悟空 m̀-hüng
wùkōng <Budd.> awake to the nihility of life; name of a fictitious monkey with supernatural powers (See 孙悟空[孫悟空] Xün M̀-hüng).⁷
悟性 m̀-xëin
wùxing perception; wits; power of understanding; comprehension.¹⁰
m4 10329
61 10 impede; neglect; delay.⁸
(composition t: ⿰忄吳; U+609E).
s: ⿰忄吴; U+60AE).
❄{⿰学攴}悮[斅悞] hào-m̀ xiàowù to arouse a person from apathy.¹⁴
m4 10330
64 10 枝捂 jï-m̀ zhīwú <wr.> to prevaricate; to equivocate; to hem and haw.
(See 捂 [m̀, ]; 摀 [m̀, ].)
m4 10331
64 10 (=摀 m̀ ) to seal, to cover, to muffle.
捂鼻子 m̀-bì-dū
wǔbízi <topo.> to cover the nose.
捂嘴 m̀-duī
wǔzuǐ to cover up one's mouth.
or 摀起来[摀起來] m̀-hī-lõi wǔqǐlai to imprison; to put food in an airtight container (for steaming or cooking).
捂着脸[捂著臉] m̀-jèk-lêm
wǔzhe liǎn <topo.> to cover the face.
捂着耳朵[捂著耳朵] m̀-jèk-ngī-ū
wǔzhe ěrduo to cover one's ears.
捂盖子[捂蓋子] m̀-köi-dū
wǔgàizi to cover up the truth.
捂捂盖盖[捂捂蓋蓋] m̀-m̀-köi-köi
wǔwǔgàigài to try to cover up; to hedge and dodge; to be secretive.
捂盘惜售[捂盤惜售] m̀-põn-xēik-siù
wǔpánxīshòu (of real estate developers) to hoard for speculation; to sell at main chance.
捂上眼睛 m̀-sèng-ngān-dëin
wǔshàng yǎnjīng to cover up one's eyes.
捂死 m̀-xī
wǔsi to suffocate; to asphyxiate.
(See 捂 [m̀, ], 摀 [m̀, ].)
m4 10332
64 13 (=捂 m̀ ) to seal, to cover, to muffle.
or 捂起来[捂起來] m̀-hī-lõi wǔqǐlai to imprison; to put food in an airtight container (for steaming or cooking).
(See 捂 [m̀, ], [m̀, ].)
m4 10333
72 11 to meet, to see face to face; enlightened, wise.⁷
晤歌 m̀-gô wùgē to sing face to face.⁷
晤谈[晤談] m̀-hãm
wùtán to meet and talk; to converse; to discuss face to face.⁷
晤面 m̀-mèin
wùmiàn to meet; to see each other.⁷
晤言 m̀-ngũn
wùyán to meet and talk.⁷
晤商 m̀-sëng
wùshāng a face-to-face negotiation; to discuss in an interview.⁷
晤对[晤對] m̀-uï
wùduì to meet face to face.⁷
会晤[會晤] vòi-m̀
huìwù meet.⁵
m4 10334
75 11 (of a man) well-built and strong.¹⁴
魁梧 föi-m̀ kuíwù stalwart, gigantic stature.¹⁴
身量魁梧 sïn-lèng-föi-m̀
shēnliangkuíwù he is a strong well-built man.¹⁴
<又> m̃.
(See 梧 m̃.)
m4 10335
86 11 to keep warm by contact.¹¹
焐热[焐熱] m̀-ngèik wùrè heat; warm (food).⁵⁴
焐热了[焐熱了] m̀-ngèik-lēl
wùrèle (topo.> heat; make warm.⁵⁴
m4 10336
104 12 痦子 m̀-dū wùzi <med.> nevus; mole.⁶
m4 10337
140 19 to oppose.²⁵ to oppose; to disobey.³⁶ to disobey, contrary, against, to go against, to violate.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿱艹噩; U+8601).
蘁立 m̀-lìp wùlì to stand up against.²⁵
蘁梦[蘁夢] m̀-mùng
wùmèng a perverse dream.²⁵
Shǐ rén nǎi yǐ xīn fú ér bù gǎn wù lì.
To make men in heart submit, and not dare to stand up in opposition to him.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《莊子·雜篇·寓言·2》, translated by James Legge).
<又> ngōk.
(See 蘁 ngōk).
m4 10338
149 14 mistake; error; to miss; to harm; to delay.
笔误[筆誤] bīt-m̀ bǐwù a slip of the pen.
舛误[舛誤] chūn-m̀
chuǎnwù <wr.> error; mishap.⁵
误解[誤解] m̀-gāi
wùjiě to misunderstand; to misread; misunderstanding.
误工[誤工] m̀-güng
wùgōng to delay one's work; loss of working time.
误了火车[誤了火車] m̀-lēl-fō-chëh
wùlehuǒchē to miss a train.
误人[誤人] m̀-ngĩn
wùrén to deceive somebody; to lead somebody astray.
误人子弟[誤人子弟] m̀-ngĩn-dū-ài
wùrénzǐdì to harm the younger generation; to lead young people astray.
误会[誤會] m̀-vòi
wùhuì to misunderstand; to mistake; misunderstanding.
误入歧途[誤入歧途] m̀-yìp-kĩ-hũ
wùrùqítú to go astray; to be misled.
失误[失誤] sīt-m̀
shīwù mistake; error.
错误[錯誤] tö-m̀
cuòwù error; blunder; mistake; wrong.⁸
m4 10339
9 6 to go against; to violate; wrong; Wu surname.
仵作 m̂-dōk wǔzuò <trad.> coroner.
m5 10340
9 6 military unit of five soldiers; the ranks (army); to associate (with a person).
部伍 bù-m̂ bùwǔ troops; army.
不以为伍[不以為伍] būt-yî-vĩ-m̂
bùyǐwéiwǔ to refuse to associate with somebody.
参伍错综[參伍錯綜] chëim-m̂-tö-düng
cēnwǔcuòzōng to be completely intermingled.
队伍[隊伍] duì-m̂
duìwǔ rank; troops.
行伍 hõng-m̂
hángwǔ <mil.> the ranks.
行伍出身 hõng-m̂-chūt-sïn
hángwǔchūshēn to be in or come from the military; to rise from the ranks (of the army).
伍长[伍長] m̂-jēng
wǔzhǎng <wr.> leader of a military unit of five soldiers.
退伍 huï-m̂
tuìwǔ be discharged from active military service.⁵⁵
羞与为伍[羞與為伍] xiü-yî-vĩ-m̂
xiūyǔwéiwǔ ashamed to be associated with somebody.⁷
入伍 yìp-m̂
rùwǔ to enter the army; to enlist.
<又> m̄.
(See 伍 m̄.)
m5 10341
24 4 7th of the 12 Earthly Branches; 11 a.m.-1 p.m.; noon.
下午 hä-m̂ xiàwǔ afternoon, P.M.
下午茶 hä-m̂-chã
xiàwǔchá afternoon tea.¹⁹
正午 jëin-m̂
zhèngwǔ high noon.
中午 jüng-m̂
zhōngwǔ noon.
午饭[午飯] m̂-fàn
wǔfàn lunch.¹¹
午间[午間] m̂-gän
wǔjiān noon.
午觉[午覺] m̂-gäo
wǔjiào siesta; afternoon nap.¹⁰
午休 m̂-hiü
wǔxiū noon break; lunch hour.
午门[午門] m̂-mõn
wǔmén main gate of the imperial palace.
午安 m̂-ön
wǔ'ān Good afternoon!
午时[午時] m̂-sĩ/
wǔshí 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
午夜 m̂-yèh
wǔyè midnight.
上午 sëng-m̂
shàngwǔ morning; A.M.
m5 10342
30 13 ň (=嗯 m̂ ňg).
<又> m̃, m̀.
(See 嗯 [m̃, ń], [m̀, ǹ], [m̃, ńg], [m̀, ǹg], [m̂, ňg].)
m5 10343
30 13 ňg used as an interjection to express surprise.
嗯,你怎么还没去?[嗯,你怎麼還沒去?] M̂, nï-dīm-mō-vãn-mòt-huï? Ňg or Ň, nǐzěnmeháiméiqù? Eh, why didn't you go?
<又> m̃, m̀.
(See 嗯 [m̃, ń], [m̀, ǹ], [m̂, ň], [m̃, ńg], [m̀, ǹg].)
m5 10344
61 7 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 忤 m̀ with same meaning: disobedient; uncongenial.⁵ violate; be uncongenial, be on bad terms (with).⁶)
<又> m̀.
(See 忤 m̀.)
m5 10345
93 11 <wr.> contradict; go against; violate.⁶ to oppose; to gore.⁷
抵牾 or 牴牾 āi-m̂ dǐwǔ conflict with.¹¹
抵牾律例 āi-m̂-lùt-lài
dǐwǔlǜlì in contradiction to a precedent.⁵⁴
牾意 m̂-yï
wǔyì go against somebody's wish.⁶
m5 10346
162 7 meet, encounter; violent, go against, run counter to.⁶ obstinate; perverse; (=忤 m̀ or) disobedient.¹⁴
乖迕 gäi-m̂
guāiwǔ stubborn; contrary; disobedient.¹⁰
迕旨 m̂-jī
wǔzhǐ to oppose the imperial will.¹⁴
迕逆 m̂-ngèik
wǔnì to go against one's superiors; delinquent in filial piety.⁷
迕于途中[迕於途中] m̂-yï-hũ-jüng
wǔyútúzhōng meet by chance on the way.⁵⁴
违迕[違迕] vĩ-m̂
wéiwǔ disobey.⁷
相迕 xëng-m̂
xiāngwǔ meet with.⁷
m5 10347
6 2 𠄐
Korean for 铁鎚[鐵鎚] hëik-chuĩ tiěchuí (archaic) an iron mallet (an ancient weapon).³⁶
(composition: ⿱乛亅; U+20110).
ma1 10348
6 3 <Korean> a person's name, a place name, a servant or slave name; (=𠄐❄{⿱乛亅} Korean for 铁鎚[鐵鎚] hëik-chuĩ tiěchuí (archaic) an iron mallet (an ancient weapon).³⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿱⺈亅(GHK) or ⿱𠂉亅(T); U+4E87).
<又> göi.
(See 亇 göi).
ma1 10349
30 13 <topo.> What?
干吗[幹嗎] gön-mā gànmá what's going on.¹⁰
<又> mä, mà, mâ.
(See 嗎 mä, mà, mâ.)
ma1 10350
38 13 ma; mom; mother.¹⁰
(comp. t: ⿰女馬; U+5ABD). (comp. s: ⿰女马; U+5988).
大妈[大媽] ài-mā
dàmā father's elder brother's wife; aunt (affectionate term for an elderly woman).¹⁰
爹妈[爹媽] ëh-mā
diē-mā <topo.> father and mother.¹¹
干妈[乾媽] gön-mā
gānmā godmother.¹⁰
姑妈[姑媽] gü-mā
gūmā or 姑母 gü-mû/ gūmǔ father's sister (married); aunt.⁵
后妈[後媽] hèo-mā
hòumā stepmother.¹¹
他妈的[他媽的] hä-mā-ēik
tāmā de <derog.> damn it; blast it; to hell with it; Gosh!; fuck.¹⁹
舅妈[舅媽] kiû-mā
jiùmā or 舅母 kiû-mû/ jiùmu mother's brother's wife; aunt.⁹
妈的[媽的] mā-ēik
māde vulgar curse word.¹¹
妈咪[媽咪] mā-māi
māmi mommy (loanword).¹⁰
妈妈[媽媽] mã-mā
māma mama; mommy; mother.¹⁰
姆妈[姆媽] mû-mā
mǔmā (Shanghai dialect) mother.⁷
婶妈[嬸媽] sīm-mā
shěnmā father's brother's wife.⁵⁴
亲妈[親媽] tïn-mā
qīnmā one's own mother; biological mother.¹⁰
<又> mã.
(See 媽 mã.)
ma1 10351
38 17 wet nurse; a form of address for an elderly woman.⁵⁴
老嬷嬷[老嬤嬤] lāo-mā-mā lǎomāma an old maidservant.¹¹
嬷嬷[嬤嬤] mā-mā
māma (=媽媽 mã-mā māma) mamma; address to wet nurse retained and respected in family; old woman relative: 刘嬷嬷[劉嬤嬤] Liũ-mā-mā;  嬷嬷爹[嬤嬤爹] Mā-mā-ëh=奶公 Nâi-güng husband of old wet nurse.¹¹
<又> mō.
(See 嬤 mō.)
ma1 10352
64 15 摩挲 mā-sä māsa or 摩撒 mā-xät māsa gently stroke.⁵ <topo.> to remove (crinkles, dirt) with the palm of the hand.¹⁰ to gently stroke; to rub, to smooth, to massage; <topo.> to do something in a slapdash way.⁵⁴ (See 摩挲 mö-sö mósuō; 摩挲 mö-sö mósā.)
<又> mö.
(See 摩 mö.)
ma1 10353
94 13 猛犸[猛獁] mâng-mā or mâng-mâ měngmǎ (=毛象 mão-dèng máoxiàng) mammoth.⁵
<又> mâ.
(See 獁 mâ.)
ma1 10354
142 16 蚂螂[螞螂] mā-lõng mālang a dragonfly.⁷
<又> mà, mâ.
(See 螞 mà, 螞 mâ.)
ma1 10355
187 10 马虎[馬虎] mā-fū mǎhu careless; sloppy.⁶
马马虎虎[馬馬虎虎] mā-mā-fū-fū
mǎmahūhū careless, casual; not so bad, so-so.⁸
<台> 马骝[馬騮]
or 妈骝[媽骝] mā-lēo monkey.
<又> mä, mâ.
(See 馬 mä, mâ.)
ma1 10356
200 11 麻麻黑 mā-mā-hāk māmahēi <topo.> (it is) dusk.⁵
麻麻亮 mā-mā-lèng
māmaliàng <topo.> (it is) just dawning; (day is) just beginning to break.⁵
<又> mã.
(See 麻 mã.)
ma1 10357
200 14 (=吗[嗎] mā ) (suffix, used to form interrogative).
or 干吗[幹嗎] gön-mā gànmá <topo.> What are you doing?; What's up? 
<又> mō, mô.
(See 幺 yël; 麼 [mō, me], [mō, ], mô.)
ma1 10358
5 8 <台> 鸭乸蹄[鸭乸蹄] äp-mä-hãi/ flatfoot; flat-footed.
<又> nā. (See 乸 nā.)
ma2 10359
30 13 ma (question particle for "yes-no" questions).¹⁰
不是吗[不是嗎] būt-sì-mä bùshìma isn't that so?¹⁰
够吗[夠嗎] gëo-mä
gòuma is that enough.¹⁰
好吗[好嗎] hāo-mä
hǎoma OK?¹⁰
是吗[是嗎] sì-mä
shìma is that so?¹⁰
多吗[多嗎] ü-mä
duōma how much; how many; how.¹⁰
<又> mā, mà, mâ.
(See 嗎 mā, mà, mâ.)
ma2 10360
39 6 <台> 孖 mä double; a pair; twin.
<台> 孖生 mä-säng/ twins.
ma2 10361
187 10 <台> 马荠[馬薺] mä-tî/ mǎqí water chestnut.
<又> mā, mâ.
(See 馬 mā, mâ.)
ma2 10362
30 7 ma (same as 嘛 mã ma) (a dialect) what?⁸
(composition: ⿰口毛; U+3570).
or 有嘛关系?[有嘛關係?] yiü-mã-gän-hài yǒumaguānxi How is this related?⁵⁴
<又> hôk;  hôk; mã.
(See  㕰 [hôk, ];  㕰 [hôk, xuè]; 㕰 mã; 嘛 mã).
ma3 10363
30 14 ma modal particle indicating that something is obvious; modal particle for emphasis; modal particle used to draw attention.
阿嘛 ä-mã à-ma (Manchu) papa.¹¹
呀嘛 à-mã
yāma sentence ending particle that indicates positive acknowledgement to a question.¹⁰
达赖喇嘛[達賴喇嘛] Àt-lài Lā-mã
Dálài Lǎma Dalai Lama.⁶
干嘛[幹嘛] gön-mã
gànmá <topo.> What are you doing? What's up; why on earth, whatever for; totally, completely.
喇嘛 lā-mã
lǎma <rel.> lama.
想干嘛干嘛[想幹嘛幹嘛] xēng-gön-mã-gön-mã
xiǎng gànma gànma do what you want?
ma3 10364
38 13 妈妈[媽媽] mã-mā māma mama; mommy; mother.¹⁰
妈妈骂马吗?[媽媽罵馬嗎?] mã-mā-mà-mâ-mä? māmamàmǎma? Does mama curse the horse?¹
<又> mā.
(See 媽 mā.)
ma3 10365
104 13 numbness; paralysis. (distinguish 痳 lĩm lín diseases of the bladder). (interchangeable with 麻 mã numb).¹⁴
贝尔氏麻痹症[貝爾氏麻痹症] böi-ngì-sì-mã-bï-jëin
bèi'ěrshì mábìzhèng Bell's palsy.²⁹
or 麻痹 mã-bï mábì paralysis; paralyzation; palsy.⁶
or 麻疹 mã-chīn mázhěn measles.¹⁰
or 麻子 mã-dū mázi pockmarks; pockmarked person.⁶
or 麻风[麻風] mã-füng máfēng leprosy.⁶
or 麻风病[麻風病] mã-füng-bèng máfēngbìng lepriasis.⁶
or 麻面 mã-mèin mámiàn <mach.> pitted skin, pitting surface; <topo.> pockmarked person.⁶
or 麻木 mã-mùk mámù numbed; without sensation of feeling.¹⁴
<台> 出痲
or 出麻 chūt-mã/ measles; to have measles.
(See 麻 mã numb, drugged).
ma3 10366
140 14 (=麻 mã ) hemp; sesame; applied to other plants furnishing textile fibres.⁸
(See 麻 mã.)
ma3 10367
142 16 frog; toad.⁸ (variant: 蟇 mã ).
or 虾蟆[蝦蟆] hā-mã háma frog; toad.⁶
蛤蟆夯 hā-mã-bùn
hámahāng power-driven rammer.⁸
虾蟆肿[蝦蟆腫] hā-mã-jūng
hámazhǒng ranula.²⁹
哈士蟆 hā-xù-mã
hàshìmǎ a kind of frog found in 吉林 Gīt-lĩm Jílín Jilin (Kirin) and used as a valuable tonic.¹¹ Chinese forest frog, Rana chensinensis.²³
蛤士蟆油 hā-xù-mã-yiũ
hàshìmǎyóu or 雪蛤膏 xūt-hā-gäo xuěhágāo Hasma, Harsmar, Hashima (pharmaceutical term: Oviductus Ranae).¹⁵ʼ²⁰ʼ²⁹
疥蛤蟆 gäi-hā-mã
jièháma toad.⁶
(See 蟇 mã).
ma3 10368
142 16 (<old> =蟆 mã ) frog; toad.⁸
(See 蟇 mã).
ma3 10369
200 11 Kangxi radical 200; hemp, jute, flax; sesame; Ma surname.⁸ hemp, flax, jute; numb, tingling.⁶ (variants: 蔴, 痲 mã ). (See 痲 mã for words meaning "numb").
麻布 mã-bü mábù hempen fabrics; gunny; linen.⁷
麻雀 mã-dēk máquè a sparrow; mahjong.⁷
麻将[麻將] mã-dëng
májiàng mahjong.⁶
麻酱[麻醬] mã-dëng
májiàng sesame paste.⁷
麻醉 mã-duï
mázuì to anesthetize.⁷
麻花 mã-fä
máhuā fried dough twist; worn-out (clothes).⁶
麻烦[麻煩] mã-fãn
máfan troublesome; trouble.⁷
麻秆[麻稈] mã-gōn
mágǎn hemp stalk.⁶
麻利 mã-lì
málì quick; swift; agile.⁷
麻栗木 mã-lùt-mûk
málìmù teak.¹⁴
麻木 mã-mùk
mámù numb, insensible; apathetic, lifeless.⁶
麻袋 mã-òi
mádài gunnysack.⁶
麻纱[麻紗] mã-sä
máshā ramie yarn; cambric, hair-cords.⁷
麻绳[麻繩] mã-sẽin
máshéng hemp cordage; hemp rope.⁷
麻糬 mã-sĩ
máshǔ (Japanese "mochi") sticky rice balls.¹⁰
麻黄[麻黃] mã-võng
máhuáng Chinese ephedra.⁶
麻药[麻藥] mã-yêk
máyào anesthetic; narcotic.⁶
麻油 mã-yiũ máyóu sesame oil.⁷
<台> 麻麻 mã-mã/ so-so.
<又> mā.
(See 麻 mā; 蔴 mã; 痲 mã.)
ma3 10370
9 12 (=罵 mà ) abuse, curse, swear, call names; condemn, rebuke, reprove, scold.⁵
(See 罵 mà.)
ma4 10371
30 13 ma (modal particle calling for agreement).
<台> 啖吗[啖嗎] àm-mà (to a baby) come on, eat.
<又> mā, mä, mâ. (See 嗎 mā, mä, mâ.)
ma4 10372
113 14 sacrifice to the god of war offered by troops on the eve of a battle.⁷ a sacrifice at the beginning of a military campaign or on the 2nd and 16th day of the lunar month.⁸ Sacrifice to the place on hill where army stops.¹¹
(compostition t: ⿰礻馬; U+79A1).
s: ⿰礻马; U+7943).
祃祭[禡祭] mà-däi
màjì the ritual of offering sacrifices to the god of war on the eve of a battle.⁷
祃牙[禡牙] mà-ngã
màyá <wr.> sacrifice to army colors before campaign.¹¹
ma4 10373
122 15 scold; curse; swear.⁵⁶ (variants: 駡, 傌 mà ).
妈妈骂马吗?[媽媽罵馬嗎?] mã-mā-mà-mâ-mä?
māmamàmǎma? Does mama curse the horse?¹
骂大街[罵大街] mà-ài-gâi
màdàjiē or 骂街[罵街] mà-gâi màjiē shout abuses in the street; swear in public.⁶
骂不绝口[罵不絕口] mà-būt-dùt-hēo màbùjuékǒu curse unceasingly; hurl a stream of abuses (at somebody).⁶
骂不回口[罵不回口] mà-būt-või-hēo màbùhuíkǒu to remain silent when verbally abused.⁷
骂题[罵題] mà-hãi màtí (of writing) contents disagreeing with the topic or title; acting against what one preaches; behavior not matching with one's social standing.⁷
骂阵[罵陣] mà-jìn
màzhèn provoke the enemy to battle with a stream of abuses.⁵⁵
骂了他一通[罵了他一通] mà-lēl-hä-yīt-hüng
màletāyītòng give him a dressing down.⁵⁶
骂骂咧咧[罵罵咧咧] mà-mà-lëik-lëik màmaliēliē to be foul-mouthed; to intersperse one's talk with curses.⁶
骂名[罵名] mà-mẽin màmíng bad name; infamy.⁵
骂娘[罵娘] mà-nẽng màniáng curse somebody's mother.⁶
骂人[罵人] mà-ngĩn màrén swear (at people).⁵
骂人话[罵人話] mà-ngĩn-và
màrénhuà abusive language.⁵⁶
(See 駡 mà; 傌 mà.)
ma4 10374
142 16 蚂蚱[螞蚱] mà-jä màzha <topo.> locust.⁵
<又> mā, mâ.
(See 螞 mā, 螞 mâ.)
ma4 10375
149 17 𧪨
talk too much.²
(composition: ⿰言馬; U+27AA8).
ma4 10376
187 16 (=罵 mà ) abuse, curse, swear, call names; condemn, rebuke, reprove, scold.⁵
(See 罵 mà.)
ma4 10377
190 20 an ornament wound around a woman's bun; a scarf wrapped around the forehead.
(composition: ⿱髟莫; U+9B15).
ma4 10378
30 13 (word used in transliterations).
吗啡[嗎啡] mä-fēh mǎfēi <loan> morphine.⁸
吗哪[嗎哪] mâ-nã
mǎnǎ manna (Israelite food).¹⁰
<又> mā, mä, mà.
(See 嗎 mā, mä, mà.)
ma5 10379
75 14 headboard.⁸
杩槎[榪槎] mâ-chã màchá or 杩杈[榪杈] mâ-châ mǎchà or 杩叉[榪叉] mâ-chä màchā three-legged wooden stand (used in constructing a small dam).²³
杩子[榪子] mâ-dū
màzi a clamp.¹⁴
杩头[榪頭] mâ-hẽo
màtou crossbar; cross member.⁶
杩桶[榪桶] mâ-hūng
màtǒng a commode.¹⁴ (See 马桶[馬桶] mâ-hūng mǎtǒng.)
(See 榪[mâ, ].)
ma5 10380
75 14 杩杈[榪杈] mâ-châ mǎchà three-legged wooden stand (used in constructing a small dam).²³
(See 榪[mâ, ].)
ma5 10381
85 13 name of a river.²
(composition: ⿰氵馬; U+6EA4).
溤水 mâ-suī mǎshuǐ Mashui, name of a river.²
ma5 10382
94 13 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 犸[獁] mā with same meaning.)
<又> mā.
(See 獁 mā.)
ma5 10383
96 14 agate; cornelian.⁷
红玛瑙[紅瑪瑙] hũng-mâ-não or hũng-mâ-nâo hóngmǎnǎo red agate; sardonyx.¹¹
血点玛瑙[血點瑪瑙] hüt-ēm-mâ-não
or hüt-ēm-mâ-nâo  xuèdiǎnmǎnǎo blood agate.⁶ hemachate.¹⁹
蓝玛瑙[藍瑪瑙] lãm-mâ-não
or lãm-mâ-nâo lánmǎnǎo blue agate.⁶
玛祖卡[瑪祖卡] mâ-dū-kā
māzǔkǎ <mus.> mazurka.⁶
玛钢[瑪鋼] mâ-gông
mǎgāng malleable (cast) iron.⁶
玛丽[瑪麗] Mâ-lài
Mǎlì Mary.⁷
玛瑙[瑪瑙] mâ-não
or mâ-nâo mǎnǎo agate; cornelian.⁷
玛瑙玻璃[瑪瑙玻璃] mâ-não-bū-lī
or mâ-nâo-bō-lī mǎnǎobōli agate glass.⁶
玛瑙器皿[瑪瑙器皿] mâ-não-hï-mêin
or mâ-nâo-hï-mêin mǎnǎoqìmǐn agateware.⁶
玛瑙杯[瑪瑙杯] mâ-não-böi
or mâ-nâo-böi mǎnǎobēi agate cup.⁶
玛雅[瑪雅] Mâ-ngâ
Mǎyǎ Maya.
玛雅文化[瑪雅文化] Mâ-ngâ-mũn-fä
Mǎyǎwénhuà Mayan Culture; Mayan Civilization.⁶
玛雅人[瑪雅人] Mâ-ngâ-ngĩn
Mǎyǎrén Maya; Mayan.⁶
云玛瑙[雲瑪瑙] vũn-mâ-não
or vũn-mâ-nâo yúnmǎnǎo clouded agate.⁶
ma5 10384
112 15 yard (a measure of length); a symbol, a code, a sign or thing indicating number.⁷
码表[碼錶] mâ-bël mǎbiǎo a stopwatch; a chronograph.⁷
码尺[碼尺] mâ-chêk
mǎchǐ yard measure; yard stick.⁶
码子[碼子] mâ-dū
mǎzi numeral, figure (See 蘇州碼子 Xü-Jiü-mâ-dū); counter, chip; <trad.> (in financial circles) cash under one's control.⁶
码头[碼頭] mâ-hẽo
mǎtou wharf, dock, quay, pier; <topo.> port city, commercial and transportation center.⁵
码头工人[碼頭工人] mâ-hẽo-güng-ngĩn
mǎtougōngrén a stevedore; a longshoreman.⁷
码头税[碼頭稅] mâ-hẽo-suï
mǎtoushuì wharfage; quayage; pier dues.⁷
草码[草碼] tāo-mâ
cǎomǎ Suzhou numerals used by old shopkeepers to mark prices.⁸ (See 蘇州碼子 Xü-Jiü-mâ-dū).
<台> 码[碼] mâ or.
<台> 你去上高码瓦下吔[你去上高碼瓦下吔] Nï-huï-sèng-gāo mâ ngā-hâ-yä? Are you going upstairs or downstairs?
ma5 10385
142 15 xiā <台> 咸虾[鹹蝦] hãm-mâ salted shrimp sauce/paste.
<台> 咸虾蒸猪肉[鹹蝦蒸豬肉] hãm-mâ-jëin-jï-ngùk steamed pork with salted shrimp sauce/paste.
<又> hā, hä, hâ. (See 蝦 [hā, ]; [hā, xiā]; hä; hâ.)
ma5 10386
142 16 蚂蜂[螞蜂] or 马蜂[馬蜂] mâ-füng mǎfēng hornet.¹⁰
蚂蚁[螞蟻] mâ-ngāi
mǎyǐ ant.⁸
蚂蚁搬泰山[螞蟻搬泰山] mâ-ngāi-bön-Häi-Sän
mǎyǐ bān Tài Shān ants removing Nount Tai – the united efforts of the masses can accomplish mighty projects.⁶
蚂蚁啃骨头[螞蟻啃骨頭] mâ-ngāi-hāng-gūt-hẽo
mǎyǐ kěn gǔtou ants gnawing at a bone – a concentration of small machines on a big job; plod away at a big job bit by bit.⁵
蚂蚁上树[螞蟻上樹] mâ-ngāi-sëng-sì
mǎyǐ shàng shù bean-thread noodles with meat.¹⁰
] mâ-võng mǎhuáng leech.⁵
<又> mā, mà.
(See 螞 mā, 螞 mà.)
ma5 10387
187 10 Kangxi radical 187; horse; Ma surname.⁸
马勃[馬勃] mâ-bòt mǎbó puffball Lasiosphaera seu Calvatia.⁵⁸
马车[馬車] mâ-chëh
mǎchē horse carriage, buggy.¹¹
马齿苋[馬齒莧] mâ-chī-hàn
mǎchǐxiàn common purslane, (Portulaca oleracea),¹⁵ʼ²⁰ (See 瓜子菜 gä-dū-töi/).
马祖林[馬祖林] mâ-dū-lĩm
mǎzǔlín marjoram.²³
马蹄[馬蹄] mâ-hãi
mǎtí horse's hoof; horseshoe; Chinese water chestnut (Eleocharis dulcis or E. congesta).¹⁰
马饩[馬餼] mâ-hï
mǎxì forage for horses.⁶
马戏[馬戲] mâ-hï
mǎxì circus.⁵
马桶[馬桶] mâ-hūng
mǎtǒng toilet bowl.¹⁰
马力[馬力] mâ-lèik
mǎlì horsepower (of engines).¹¹
马萝卜[馬蘿卜] mâ-lõ-bàk
mǎluóbo horseradish.¹⁹
马来西亚[馬來西亞] Mâ-lõi-xäi-ä
Mǎláixīyà Malaysia.⁶
马路[馬路] mâ-lù
mǎlù road, street, avenue.⁶
马蔺[馬藺] mâ-lùn
mǎlìn Chinese small iris.¹⁹ Iris lactea; Iris ensata; Iris lactea var chinensis; Iris ensata thunb.³⁹
马尾儿[馬尾兒] mâ-mī-ngĩ
mǎyǐr <topo.> horsetail.⁵⁴
马圉[馬圉] mâ-nguî
mǎyǔ a groom.¹⁴
马鞍[馬鞍] mâ-ön
mǎ'ān saddle.⁶
马上[馬上] mâ-sèng
mǎshàng at once; right away.¹⁰
<又> mā, mä.
(See 馬 mā, mä.)
ma5 10388
30 9 māi sound of cat, cat's meow; meter.⁸
妈咪[媽咪] mā-māi māmi mommy (loanword).¹⁰
咪咪 māi-māi
mīmī oboe-like musical instrument used in folk music of Gansu, Qinghai; <ono.> meow; kitty kitty!¹⁰  smilingly.³⁹
猫咪[貓咪] miū-māi
māomī kitty.¹⁰
mai1 10389
42 7 𡭝
māi <old>=米 māi hulled or husked uncooked rice.⁸
(composition: ⿱少小; U+21B5D).
(See 米 māi).
mai1 10390
61 9 𢘺
māi composed.²⁴ relaxed, peaceful; to pacify.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰忄米; U+2263A).
<又> mĩ. (See 𢘺❄{⿰忄米} mĩ).
mai1 10391
85 9 māi name of a river in Hunan Province (a tributary of the 湘江 xëng-göng xiāngjiāng Xiangjiang).⁸ name of a river in 江州 göng-jiü jiāngzhōu Jiangzhou.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵米; U+6D23).
洣水 māi-suī
mǐshuǐ Mi River in Hunan Province.¹⁹
mai1 10392
119 6 māi Kangxi radical 119; hulled or husked uncooked rice.⁸
(variant: 𡭝❄{⿱少小} māi mǐ).  (See 𡭝❄{⿱少小} māi).
米象 māi-dèng
mǐxiàng <zoo.> rice weevil.⁹
米酒 māi-diū
mǐjiǔ rice wine; rice beer.⁷
米饭[米飯] māi-fàn
mǐfàn (cooked) rice.⁵
米粉 māi-fūn
mǐfěn rice flour; rice-flour noodles.⁷
米泔水 māi-gäm-suī
mǐgānshuǐ water from washing rice.¹⁴
米缸 māi-göng
mǐgāng rice jar; rice crock.²⁹
米汤[米湯] māi-höng
mǐtang water in which rice has been cooked (spoken as 饮[飲] <台> ngīm, q.v.); thin rice or millet gruel; flattering words.⁶
米蛀虫[米蛀蟲] māi-jï-chũng
mǐzhùchóng rice worm; rice profiteer.⁶
米粥 māi-jūk
mǐzhōu congee.¹⁰
米粮[米糧] māi-lẽng
mǐliáng rice and food supplies; provisions.⁷
米粒 māi-līp
mǐlì a grain of rice.⁷
米囤 māi-ūn
mǐdùn a vessel for storing rice, woven out of bamboo strips, vitex, etc. or made from foil.⁹
<台> 米舖 māi-pü/ rice shop.
mai1 10393
130 10 māi <chem.> amidine.⁶
mai1 10394
140 14 māi Only used in 蔝子.³⁶
(composition: ⿱艹眯; U+851D).
蔝子 māi-dū mǐzǐ a type of vegetable mentioned in ancient books.⁸
mai1 10395
30 15 𪡃
mäi mǎi baa, the bleating sound of a sheep or goat.⁸ʼ⁰ to bleat, as a sheep.²⁴ the bleating of sheep.¹⁰²
(comp t: ⿰口買; U+562A). (comp. s: ⿰口买; U+2A843).
❄{⿰口买}𪡃❄{⿰口买}[嘪嘪] mäi-mäi mǎimǎi baa baa, bleating of a sheep.²ʼ⁰
mai2 10396
140 15 mäi mǎi 苦荬菜[苦蕒菜] fū-mäi-töi kǔmaicài <bot.> Ixeris denticulata (Houtt.) Stebb.³¹
苣荬菜 guì-mäi-töi
qǔmǎicài <bot.> endive; field sow-thistle; Sonchus brachyotus.¹⁰
mai2 10397
154 12 mäi mǎi to buy; to purchase; to hire.
买办[買辦] mäi-bàn mǎibàn comprador; person responsible for making purchases.
买椟还珠[買櫝還珠] mäi-dùk-vãn-jî/
mǎidúhuánzhū keep the glittering casket and give back the pearls to the seller – show lack of judgment.⁵
买空卖空[買空賣空] mäi-hüng-mài-hüng
mǎikōngmàikōng to speculate on stock market, buy on margin.
买棹[買棹] mäi-jào
mǎizhào rent a boat for a trip.⁵⁴
买櫂[買櫂] mäi-jào
mǎizhào to hire a boat.¹¹
买帐[買帳] mäi-jëng
mǎizhàng to defer to; to show respect for somebody.
买主[買主] mäi-jī
mǎizhǔ buyer, customer.
买卖[買賣] mäi-mài
mǎimài buying and selling; trade.
买鱼[買魚] mäi-nguî/
mǎiyú to buy fish.³⁹
收买[收買] siü-mäi
shōumǎi purchase, buy; bribe, buy out.⁶
寸金难买寸光阴[寸金難買寸光陰] tün-gïm-nàn-mäi-tün-göng-yïm
cùn jīn nán mǎi cùn guāngyīn Time is more precious than gold.
mai2 10398
32 10 mãi mái cover up (with earth, snow); bury.⁵
埋葬 mãi-döng máizàng to bury.¹¹
埋伏 mãi-fùk
máifu ambush; hide, lie low.⁵
埋汰 mãi-häi
máitai <topo.> dirty; to mock somebody.¹⁰
埋头[埋頭] mãi-hẽo
máitóu to immerse oneself in; engrossed in something; to lower the head (e.g. to avoid rain); countersunk (of screws, rivets).¹⁰
埋头苦干[埋頭苦幹] mãi-hẽo-fū-gön
máitóukǔgàn bury oneself in work.¹¹
埋名 mãi-mẽin
máimíng conceal one's identity.⁸
埋没[埋沒] mãi-mòt
máimò to engulf; to bury; to overlook; to stifle; to neglect; to fall into oblivion.¹⁰
埋藏 mãi-tõng
máicáng lie hidden in the earth; bury.⁵
隐姓埋名[隱姓埋名] yîn-xëin-mãi-mẽin
yǐnxìngmáimíng conceal one's identity; live incognito.⁵
(See 埋[mãi, mán]).
mai3 10399
32 10 mãi mán 埋怨 mãi-yön mányuàn blame; complain; grumble.⁵
埋三怨四 mãi-xäm-yön-xï
mánsānyuànsì <topo.> to complain about this and that.⁸
(See 埋[mãi, mái]).
mai3 10400
64 14 mãi to smite.² to hit; to strike.¹⁹ to arrange with the hand.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌戚; U+6475).
<又> sēik, sūk, chēik. (See 摵 sēik, 摵 sūk, 摵 chēik).
mai3 10401
109 11 mãi (of dust) get into one's eye.⁵ (variant: 瞇 mãi ).
眯紧 mãi-gīn
mǐjǐn squinch.⁸
眯了眼睛 mãi-lēl-ngān-dëin
mǐliǎoyǎnjing the eyes blinded – as with dust.¹⁴
眯目飞扬[眯目飛揚] mãi-mùk-fï-yẽng
mǐmùfēiyáng foreign body in the eyes.⁵⁴
<又> mï.
(See 眯 mï; 瞇 mãi; 瞇 mï.)
mai3 10402
109 14 mãi (=眯 mãi ) (of dust) get into one's eye.⁵
<又> mï.
(See 眯 mï; 瞇 mãi; 瞇 mï.)
mai3 10403
140 12 mãi (composition: ⿱艹迷; U+84BE).
荚蒾[莢蒾] gäp-mãi jiámí a shrub, or small tree, the leaves of which resemble the elm.²⁵ honeysuckle family shrub whose leaves are like elm leaves, the fruit is red, sweet and edible, the seeds can be pressed for oil, and the bark can be used as rope.¹⁰¹
mai3 10404
149 16 mãi mèi 谜儿[謎兒] mãi-ngĩ mèir <topo.> riddle.
(See 謎 [mãi, ].)
mai3 10405
149 16 mãi riddle; conundrum; enigma; mystery.
哑谜[啞謎] ā-mãi yǎmí puzzling remark; enigma.⁶
灯谜[燈謎] äng-mãi
dēngmí riddles written on lanterns.
字谜[字謎] dù-mãi
zìmí riddle involving characters.
猜谜儿[猜謎兒] chäi-mãi-ngĩ
cāimèir guess a riddle; guess.⁵
谜底[謎底] mãi-āi
mídǐ answer or solution to a riddle.
谜语[謎語] mãi-nguî
míyǔ riddle; conundrum.
(See 謎 [mãi, mèi].)
mai3 10406
162 9 mãi be confused; be crazy about; confuse; enthusiast.⁵⁵
迷迭香 mãi-èik-hëng mídiéxiāng rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis.²³
迷昏 mãi-fün
míhūn be muddleheaded; be misled.⁵⁴
迷宫[迷宮] mãi-güng
mígōng labyrinth.⁵⁵
迷航 mãi-hõng
míháng drift off course.⁵⁵
迷途 mãi-hũ
mítú lose one's way; wrong path.⁸
迷津 mãi-jün
míjīn <wr.> labyrinth.⁵⁵
迷路 mãi-lù
mílù get lost; go astray.⁵⁵
迷恋[迷戀] mãi-lūn
míliàn be infatuated with.⁵⁵
迷茫 mãi-mõng
mímáng vast and hazy; confused.⁵⁵
迷惘 mãi-mông
míwǎng  perplexed.⁵⁵
迷雾[迷霧] mãi-mù
míwù dense fog.⁵⁵
迷失 mãi-sīt
míshī lose (one's way).⁵⁵
迷彩 mãi-tōi
mícǎi camouflage color.⁵⁵
迷惑 mãi-vàk
míhuo confused; confuse.⁵⁵
迷糊 mãi-vũ
míhu confused.⁵⁵
迷幻药[迷幻藥] mãi-vân-yêk
míhuànyào hallucinogen.⁵⁵
mãi-vũn-höng míhúntāng magic potion; flattery.⁵⁵
迷魂药[迷魂藥] (=迷魂汤[迷魂湯] mãi-vũn-höng
mí hún tāng) mãi-vũn-yêk míhúnyào magic potion; flattery.⁵⁵
迷信 mãi-xïn
míxìn hold superstitious belief; have blind faith in.⁵⁵

mai3 10407
164 16 mãi <chem.> ether.⁵
麻醉乙醚 mã-duï-yōt-mãi mázuìyǐmí anesthetic ether.⁶
乙醚 yōt-mãi
yǐmí ether.⁵
mai3 10408
173 22 mãi mái haze.⁵ thick haze.⁶  blow sandstorm.¹¹ wind, rain, and dust.²⁵
灰霾 föi-mãi huīmái dust haze; dust storm.¹⁰
霾滴 mãi-ēik
máidī haze droplet.⁶
霾晦 mãi-fōi
máihuì (of sky) overcast by sandstorm.¹¹ obscure, as if covered with dust; the wind raising the dust and then letting it fall to the ground.²⁵
霾系数[霾係數] mãi-hài-sü
máixìshù coefficient of haze (COH).⁹
霾层[霾層] mãi-tãng
máicéng haze layer.⁶
霾水平 mãi-suī-pẽin
máishuǐpíng haze horizon.⁹
霾度 mãi-ù
máidù haze coefficient.⁶
霾线[霾線] mãi-xëin
máixiàn haze level; haze line.⁶
霾因子 mãi-yïn-dū
máiyīnzǐ haze factor.⁶
雾霾[霧霾] mù-mãi
wùmái haze; smog.¹⁰
烟霾[煙霾] yën-mãi
yānmái smoke; pollution.¹⁰
阴霾[陰霾] yïm-mãi
yīnmái haze.⁶
mai3 10409
198 鹿 20 mãi fawn; young of animals.¹⁰ʼ¹⁴ a fawn, or any animal just born.²⁵
(composition: ⿱鹿弭; U+9E9B).
Gōk-gün chün-hẽin būt vĩ jàk; ài-fü būt yēm kũn, xù būt tuī mãi lôn. 
Guójūn chūntián bù wéi zé; dàfū bù yǎn qún, shì bù qǔ ní luǎn.
The ruler of a state, in the spring hunting, will not surround a marshy thicket, nor will Great officers try to surprise a whole herd, nor will (other) officers take young animals or eggs.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·曲禮下·92》, translated by James Legge).
麛犊[麛犢] mãi-dùk
mídú fawns and calves.⁵⁴
麛卵 mãi-lôn
míluǎn the young and eggs.¹⁴
麛夭 mãi-yēl
míyāo a newly born fawn.¹³
士不取麛卵 xù-būt-tuī-mãi-lôn
shì bùqǔ míluǎn noble man does not take cubs [from mother] and eggs [from nest].⁵⁴
mai3 10410
9 8 mài (=敉 mài ) <wr.> pacify; soothe.⁶ to soothe, to pacify.²⁴
<台> 侎喽[侎嘍] mài-lū! Exactly! (an expression used when you are in total agreement with what someone has just said).
(See 敉 mài).
mai4 10411
19 14 mài mài to strive forward.¹¹  (书) to make an effort.¹ to put forth effort, to strive forward.⁸ to exert one's utmost strength; sedulous endeavor.²⁴
mai4 10412
66 10 mài <wr.> pacify; soothe.⁶ to soothe, to pacify.²⁴ (variant: 侎 mài ).
敉宁[敉寧] mài-nẽin
mǐníng give peace; pacify.⁵⁴
敉平 mài-pẽin
mǐpíng <wr.> put down; quell; suppress.⁶
敉平粄乱[敉平粄亂] mài-pẽin-bōn-lòn
mǐpíng bǎnluàn put down a rebellion.⁶
敉平社稷 mài-pẽin-sêh-dēik
mǐpíng shèjì tranquilize the state.¹⁹
<又> mì, nì.
(See 敉 mì, 敉 nì; 侎 mài.)
mai4 10413
145 9 mài mèi <wr.> sleeve.⁵
把袂 bā-mài bǎmèi holding sleeves, i.e., in loving friendship.¹¹
分袂 fün-mài
fēnmèi <wr.> leave each other; part (company with).⁶
联袂[聯袂] lũn-mài
liánmèi <wr.> hand in hand, jointly.⁶
攘袂 ngẽng-mài
rǎngmèi roll up one's sleeves and be ready for action.¹¹
攘袂切齿[攘袂切齒] ngẽng-mài-tēik-chī
rǎngmèiqièchǐ roll up one's sleeves and clench one's teeth – be excited and indignant.³⁹
揄袂 yĩ-mài
yúmèi walk with the hands in one's sleeves.³⁹
mai4 10414
154 15 mài mài to sell; to betray, to harm another in order to benefit oneself; to show off, to flaunt.⁷
买卖[買賣] mäi-mài mǎimài buying and selling; business; deal; transaction.⁵
卖唱[賣唱] mài-chëng
màichàng sing for a living.⁵
卖国贼[賣國賊] mài-gōk-tàk
màiguózéi traitor (to one's country).⁵
卖官鬻爵[賣官鬻爵] mài-gön-yùk-dēk
màiguānyùjué sell access to offices; sell ranks and titles.⁶
卖妻鬻子[賣妻鬻子] mài-häi-yùk-dū
màiqīyùzǐ to sell one's wife and sons (as in time of famine).⁷
卖妻鬻女[賣妻鬻女] mài-häi-yùk-nuī
màiqīyùnǚ sell one's wife and daughter.³⁹
卖主[賣主] mài-jī
màizhǔ seller.⁵
卖弄[賣弄] mài-lùng
màinong show off; parade.⁵
卖弄噱头[賣弄噱頭] mài-lùng kēk-hẽo
màinong xuétóu play to the gallery.⁶
卖儿鬻女[賣兒鬻女] mài-ngĩ-yùk-nuī
mài'éryùnǚ sell one's children.⁶
卖淫[賣淫] mài-yĩm
màiyín prostitution; to prostitute oneself.¹⁰
<台> 卖猪仔[賣豬仔] mài-jï-dōi lit. sold as piglets – betrayed Chinese immigrants to the U.S. and Canada.
mai4 10415
162 15 mài mài step, stride; advanced in years, old.⁵
发迈 fāt-mài fāmài to embark on a long journey.⁷
豪迈[豪邁] hõ-mài
háomài straightforward and carefree; generous and openminded; heroic.⁷
老迈[老邁] lāo-mài
lǎomài aged; senile.¹⁰
进步[進步] dïn-bù
jìnbù advance; progress; improve.⁵
迈出[邁出] mài-chūt
màichū step, take a step.⁹
迈进[邁進] mài-dïn
màijìn stride forward; forge ahead.⁵
迈方步[邁方步] mài-föng-bù
màifāngbù stride/walk leisurely forward; walk slowly; walk with measured steps.⁶
迈向[邁向] mài-hëng
màixiàng to march toward.⁷
迈四方步[邁四方步] mài-xü-föng-bù
màisìfāngbù at a leisurely pace.⁸
年迈[年邁] nẽin-mài
niánmài aged.⁵
<台> mài, contraction of 唔系[唔係] m̃-hài It is not.
mai4 10416
30 14 māk mark (on packaging; <loan>  from English).
mak1 10417
30 18 māk trademark;  brand.¹³
<又> màk. (See 嚜[màk, ]; 嚜[màk, me].)
mak1 10418
64 17 mäk thumb; to break, tear open, rip.⁸
巨擘 guì-mäk jùbò thumb; authority (knowledgeable person).¹⁰
擘肌分理 mäk-gï-fün-lî
bòjīfēnlǐ closely analyze.⁸
擘开[擘開] mäk-höi
bòkāi to break open.¹⁰
擘箜篌 mäk-hüng-hẽo
bòkōnghóu name of an ancient musical instrument.⁷
擘画[擘畫] mäk-vàk
bòhuà to plan; to arrange.⁸
擘窠 mäk-vö
bòkē <wr.> technique of writing huge characters.⁵⁴
<台> 擘大口 mäk-ài-hēo open the mouth wide.
<台> 擘口擘鼻 mäk-hēo-mäk-bì to yawn.
<台> 擘开副翼[擘開副翼] mäk-höi-fü-yêik to spread both wings.
<台> 擘开口[擘開口] mäk-höi-hēo open the mouth.
<台> 杀矢擘口[殺矢擘口] sät-sī-mäk-hēo (säk-sī-mäk-hēo) empty talk; boasting.
mak2 10419
130 10 mäk mài arteries and veins; pulse; vein.⁵ (variant: 衇 mäk mài).
t: ⿰⺼𠂢; U+8108). (comp. s: ⿰⺼永; U+8109).
or 脉搏[脈搏] mäk-bōk màibó pulse.⁵
脉冲[脈衝] mäk-chüng
màichōng <phy.> pulse.⁵
脉口[脈口] mäk-hēo
màikǒu location on wrist over the radial artery where pulse is taken in TCM.¹⁰
脉络[脈絡] mäk-lōk
màiluò <Ch. med.> general term for arteries and veins; vein (of a leaf); sequence of ideas.⁵
脉案[脈案] mäk-ön 
mài'àn medical record.¹⁰
脉动[脈動] mäk-ùng
màidòng pulsation.⁵
按脉[按脈] ön-mäk
ànmài to feel (take) the pulse.¹⁰
一脉相承[一脈相承] yīt-mäk-xëng-sẽin
yīmàixiāngchéng traceable to the same stock (idiom); of a common origin (of trends, ideas).¹⁰
<又> màk.
(See 脈 màk; 衇 mäk).
mak2 10420
143 11 mäk mài (non-classical form of 脈 mäk mài) the pulse, the veins or arteries.⁸
(composition: ⿰血永; U+4611).
<又> màk.
(See 脈 mäk; 䘑 màk).
mak2 10421
143 12 mäk mài (=脉[脈] mäk mài arteries and veins; pulse; vein.⁵); blood vessels, veins, arteries.⁸ the veins of blood in the human body; the pulse.²⁵
(composition: ⿰血𠂢; U+8847).
or 洪脉 hũng-mäk hóngmài TCM refers to the pulse condition of rising and falling in the syndrome of excessive evil heat.¹⁹
切衇 täi-mäk
qiēmài The method of checking the pulse condition.¹⁹
(See 脈 mäk).
mak2 10422
173 18 mäk mài dust; drizzle.⁸  drizzling rain.¹⁰ drizzle.¹¹ drizzling rain; to soak — used figuratively of favors.¹⁴ small rain; misty dew that soaks everything.¹⁰² (Note: 霡[霢] may also be read as mìt .² In Taiwan 霡[霢] is read .¹⁰¹).
t: ⿱雨脈; U+9722). (comp. s: ⿱雨脉; U+9721).
霡霂[霢霂] mäk-mûk
màimù <lit.> drizzling rain; fig. dripping sweat.¹⁰ light rain; sweaty.¹⁹ a small rain, a shower that merely moistens the branches of a tree without touching the roots, as when one bathing pours water on his head only.²⁵ a gentle shower; small rain; misty dew that soaks everything.¹⁰²
益之以霢霂. Yēik-jï-yî-mäk-mûk.
Yì zhī yǐ mài mù.
There is superadded the drizzling rain.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·北山之什·信南山·2》, translated by James Legge).
mak2 10423
13 9 màk 冒顿[冒頓] Màk-ùt Mòdú Modun, name of a chieftain of Xiongnu in the early Han Dynasty.⁶
冒顿单于[冒頓單于] Màk-ùt Sẽm-yï
Mòdú Chányú Modun Chanyu was the fourth known emperor and founder of the Xiongnu Empire (c. 234 BCE-174 BCE).¹⁵
<又> mào.
(See 冒 mào.)
mak4 10424
30 15 màk be silent; be quiet.⁸ (=默 màk silent, tacit; write from memory.⁵); to be silent; to meditate.²⁴
沉嘿(=沉默⁴) chĩm-màk
chénmò silent, wordless; reticent, taciturn.⁸
啽嘿 ngäp-màk
ánmò to be silent.²⁴
<又> hī.
(See 嘿 hī; 默 màk.)
mak4 10425
30 18 màk me final particle equivalent to 嘛[mã, ma].⁸ particle reinforcing statement (weak form of 麼).¹¹
嚜杘 màk-chì
mechī (=狡猾 gāo-vàt jiǎohuá crafty; cunning; sly.¹⁰)
我是烂熟的嚜[我是爛熟的嚜] ngô-sì-làn-sùk-ēik-màk
wǒshìlànshúdeme I am quite acquainted with it indeed.¹¹
<又> māk.
(See 嚜 māk; 嚜[màk, ].)
mak4 10426
30 18 màk be silent.⁸
嚜嚜 màk-màk mòmò unsatisfied, unhappy.⁵⁴ (=默默 màk-màk mòmò quietly, silently.⁵ and =墨墨 màk-màk mòmò dim; secretly, deserted and silent, displeased; be thwarted or frustrated or disappointed.⁸)
<又> māk.
(See 嚜 māk; 嚜[màk, me].)
mak4 10427
38 15 màk anger, rage; angry.⁰ to be angry.²⁴ to cause jealousy and anger.³⁶ Mo surname.⁵⁴ (variant: 𡣫❄{⿰女墨} màk ).
(composition: ⿰女黑; U+5AFC).
(See 𡣫❄{⿰女墨} màk).
mak4 10428
38 18 𡣫
màk (=嫼 màk anger, rage; angry.⁰ to be angry.²⁴ to cause jealousy and anger.³⁶).²
(composition: ⿰女墨; U+218EB).
(See 嫼 màk).
mak4 10429
76 16 màk (=嘿 or 默 màk to be silent; to be quiet; to meditate; to write from memory); to spit; to cough; keep quiet, to keep silence, speechless, wordless.⁸
(composition: ⿰黑欠; U+3C44).
<又> hāk.
(See 㱄 hāk; 嘿 màk, 默 màk).
mak4 10430
85 11 𣶊
màk shallow water.²⁴ shallow water; shallows, strands.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰氵陌; U+23D8A).
mak4 10431
94 9 màk (<old>=貉 màk mò Mo (an ethnic group living in northeast China in ancient times).⁶ (in ancient China) the name of a northern barbarian tribe; quiet.⁷ wild tribes of the north; to grow up silently.¹⁴)
(composition: ⿰犭各; U+72E2).
胡狢 or 胡貉 vũ-màk húmò various nationalities in northeast China in ancient times.¹⁹
<又> hòk, lōk. (See 狢 hòk, 狢 lōk; 貉 màk).
mak4 10432
94 9 màk a kind of animal (of mule tribe); (same as 貘 màk ) tapir.⁸
(composition: ⿰犭百; U+3E6E).
❄{⿰犭乇}㹮 jàk-màk zhémò the offspring of an ass and a cow.²
(See 貘 màk).
mak4 10433
94 13 màk (=貘 màk ) tapir (genus Tapirus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(See 貘 màk.)
mak4 10434
109 11 màk to gaze; to ogle; to look at.⁸ to stare with eyes wide open.¹¹ to gaze; to ogle.¹⁴ to see, to look at slightly; to look at one another.²⁴
(composition: ⿰目𠂢; U+773D).
眽眽 màk-màk mòmò to look at.¹⁴ to look at with adulterous eyes; to look awry.²⁴ (=脉脉[脈脈] màk-màk mòmò affectionately; lovingly; amorously.⁵); affectionate; loving (of expression or emotion showing in one's eyes).³⁶
眽蜴 màk-yèik
mòyì to despise.²⁴
(See 脈脈 màk-màk).
mak4 10435
130 10 màk (comp. t: ⿰⺼𠂢; U+8108). (comp. s: ⿰⺼永; U+8109).
脉脉[脈脈] màk-màk
mòmò affectionately; lovingly; amorously.⁵ (See 眽眽 màk-màk).
脉脉含情[脈脈含情] màk-màk-hẽim-tẽin
mòmòhánqíng very much enamored.¹¹
脉脉含情的精神[脈脈含情的精神] màk-màk-hẽim-tẽin-ēik-dëin-sĩn
mòmòhánqíngdejīngshen amorous looks.⁶
<又> mäk.
(See 脈 mäk.)
mak4 10436
140 12 màk 万俟[萬俟] Màk-kĩ Mòqí Moqi compound surname.
<又> màn.
(See 萬 màn.)
mak4 10437
142 12 màk 虴蛨 jäk-màk zhémò or 蛨虴 màk-jäk zhémò (=蚱蜢 jä-māng zhàměng) grasshopper.⁸
mak4 10438
143 11 màk (non-classical form of 脈 màk ) the pulse, the veins or arteries.⁸
(composition: ⿰血永; U+4611).
<又> mäk.
(See 脈 màk; 䘑 mäk).
mak4 10439
147 13 màk to inspect.⁸ to look awry; to see.²⁵
(composition: ⿰𠂢見; U+899B).
<又> mìt. (See 覛 mìt).
mak4 10440
153 13 màk Mo (an ethnic group living in northeast China in ancient times).⁶ (in ancient China) the name of a northern barbarian tribe; quiet.⁷ wild tribes of the north; to grow up silently.¹⁴ (variant: 貉 màk ).
貊其德音 màk-kĩ-āk-yïm
mòqídéyīn the fame of his virtue silently grew.¹⁴
蛮貊[蠻貊] mãn-màk
mánmò wild tribes of the south and north respectively.¹⁴
蛮貊之邦[蠻貊之邦] mãn-màk-jï-böng
mánmòzhībāng country of barbarians.³⁹
(See 貉 màk).
mak4 10441
153 13 màk (=貊 màk ) Mo (an ethnic group living in northeast China in ancient times).⁶ (in ancient China) the name of a northern barbarian tribe; quiet.⁷ wild tribes of the north; to grow up silently.¹⁴
<又> hòk, lōk.
(See 貉 hòk, 貉 lōk.)
mak4 10442
153 17 màk tapir (genus Tapirus).⁵ʼ²⁰ (variant: 獏 màk ).
中美貘 jüng-mî-màk
zhōngměimò Baird's tapir (Tapirus bairdii), aka the Central American tapir.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
卡波马尼貘[卡波馬尼貘] kā-bö-mâ-nãi-màk
kǎbōmǎnímò or 小黑貘 xēl-hāk-màk xiǎohēimò (Tapirus kabomani), aka the little black tapir or kabomani tapir.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
马来貘[馬來貘] mâ-lõi-màk
mǎláimò Malayan tapir (Tapirus indicus), aka the Asian tapir or black-and-white tapir; in Chinese also known as 亚洲貘[亞洲貘] ä-jiü-màk yàzhōumò, 印度貘 yïn-ù-màk yìndùmò.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
南美貘 nãm-mî-màk
nánměimò South American tapir (Tapirus terrestris), also commonly called the Brazilian tapir (from the Tupi tapi'ira), the maned tapir, the lowland tapir.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
山貘 sän-màk
shānmò mountain tapir or woolly tapir (Tapirus pinchaque); in Chinese aka 毛貘 mão-màk máomò, 安第斯貘 ön-ài-xü-màk āndìsīmò.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(See 獏 màk.)
mak4 10443
170 8 màk a path between fields (running east and west); road.
陌头杨柳[陌頭楊柳] màk-hẽo-yẽng-liû mòtóuyángliǔ roadside willows.
陌路 màk-lù
mòlù paths in rice field.
陌生 màk-säng
mòshēng strange; unfamiliar.
陌生人 màk-säng-ngĩn
mòshēngrén a stranger.
阡陌 tëin-màk
qiānmò crisscross of footpaths between fields (阡 running north and south, 陌 east and west).
mak4 10444
187 16 𩢷
màk (=㹮 màk a kind of animal (of mule tribe); (same as 貘 màk ) tapir.⁸).²
(composition: ⿰馬百; U+298B7).
❄{⿰馬百} jàk-màk zhémò the offspring of an ass and a cow.²
❄{⿰馬百}馲 màk-jàk mòzhé the offspring of an ass and a cow.²⁵
(See 㹮 màk; 貘 màk).
mak4 10445
187 20 màk suddenly.⁹ <wr.> to mount a horse.¹¹ <wr.> atop.¹¹ to get on a horse; to spring on horseback.²⁵ to get on a horse; to leap on a horse's back.¹⁰²
(comp. t: ⿱莫馬; U+9A40). (comp. s: ⿱莫马; U+84E6).
蓦地[驀地] màk-ì
mòdì suddenly; unexpectedly.¹⁰
蓦然[驀然] màk-ngẽin
mòrán suddenly; sudden.¹⁰
蓦越[驀越] màk-yòt
mòyuè to jump over anything.²⁵ to spring over; to pass, like a flash.¹⁰²
烟底蓦波乘一叶[煙底驀波乘一葉] yën-āi-màk-bö-sẽin-yīt-yêp
yān dǐ mò bō chéng yī yè under the fleecy clouds see that leaf (of a shallop) skipping over the waves.¹⁰²
mak4 10446
199 11 màk mài Kangxi radical 199; wheat, barley, oats; Mai surname.⁸
大麦[大麥] ài-màk dàmài barley; barleycorn.⁶
麦茬[麥茬] màk-chã
màichá wheat stubble.⁶
麦子[麥子] màk-dū
màizi wheat.⁶
麦秸[麥秸] màk-gäi
màijiē wheat straw.⁶
麦秆[麥稈] màk-gōn
màigǎn wheat straw; wheaten straw.⁶
麦莛[麥莛] màk-hẽin
màitíng stalks of wheat.⁶
麦浪[麥浪] màk-lòng
màilàng billowing wheat fields.⁵
麦浪起伏[麥浪起伏] màk-lòng-hī-fùk
màilàngqǐfú wheat rippling in the wind.⁵
麦芒[麥芒] màk-mõng
màimáng awn/beard of wheat.⁶
麦芽[麥芽] màk-ngã
màiyá malt.⁵
麦蚜[麥蚜] màk-ngã
màiyá wheat aphid.⁵
麦蛾[麥蛾] màk-ngõ
or màk-ngũ mài'é gelechiid moth.⁵
麦当劳[麥當勞] Màk-öng-lão
Màidāngláo McDonald's.⁹
麦片[麥片] màk-pëin
màipiàn oatmeal; wheat flakes.⁶
麦秋[麥秋] màk-tiü
màiqiū a wheat-harvest season.⁷
麦冬[麥冬] màk-üng
màidōng <TCM> the tuber of dwarf lilyturf Ophiopogon japonicus.
麦糊[麥糊] màk-vũ
màihú (cooked) oatmeal.⁷
麦穗[麥穗] màk-xuì
màisuì ear of wheat; wheat head.⁵
小麦[小麥] xēl-màk
xiǎomài wheat (plant/grain).⁶
燕麦[燕麥] yën-màk
yànmài oats.⁵
mak4 10447
203 15 màk ink; writing; Mo surname.⁸
墨渍[墨漬] màk-dēik mòzì ink stain.¹¹
墨子 Màk-dū
Mòzǐ Mozi.⁹ (See 墨翟 Màk Èik).
墨绖[墨絰] màk-èik
mòdié <wr.> black linen mourning cloth.¹¹
墨绖从戎[墨絰從戎] màk-èik-tũng-yũng
mòdiécóngróng go to the battlefront while still in mourning.⁵⁴
墨菊 màk-gūk
mòjú <bot.> Dendranthema morifolium cv. 'Black Chrysanthemum'.¹⁹
墨汁 màk-jīp
mòzhī prepared Chinese ink.⁵
墨汁未干[墨汁未乾] màk-jīp-mì-gön
mòzhīwèigān before the ink is dry.⁵⁴
墨墨 màk-màk
mòmò dim; secretly, deserted and silent, displeased; be thwarted or frustrated or disappointed.⁸
墨鱼[墨魚] màk-nguĩ
mòyú inkfish; cuttlefish.⁵
墨砚[墨硯] màk-ngûn
mòyàn ink slab.¹¹
墨沈未干[墨瀋未乾] màk-sīm-mì-gön
mòshěnwèigān before the ink is dry.⁵⁴
墨守成规[墨守成規] màk-siū-sẽin-kï
mòshǒu chéngguī stick to conventions; stay in a rut.⁵
墨水 màk-suī
mòshuǐ ink; book learning.⁵
墨刑 màk-yẽin
mòxíng (punishment) tattooing the face.⁸
<又> mâk.
(See 墨 mâk.)
mak4 10448
203 16 màk silent, tacit; write from memory.⁵ (variant: 嘿 màk ).
默不作声[默不作聲] màk-būt-dōk-sëin
mòbùzuòshēng keep silent.⁵
默记[默記] màk-gï
mòjì learn by heart; commit to memory.⁶
默祷[默禱] màk-hāo
mòdǎo pray in silence.⁵
默许[默許] màk-huī
mòxǔ tacitly consent to; acquiesce in.⁵
默契 màk-käi
mòqì tacit understanding; secret agreement.⁷
默剧[默劇] màk-kēk
mòjù (=哑剧[啞劇] ā-kēk) pantomime.⁷
默默 màk-màk
mòmò quietly, silently.⁵
默默无闻[默默無聞] màk-màk-mũ-mũn
mòmòwúwén unknown to the public; without attracting public attention.⁵
默念 màk-nèm
mòniàn to repeat (a passage) silently inside the mind; to ponder or think.⁷
默然 màk-ngẽin
mòrán silent; speechless.⁵
默认[默認] màk-ngìn
mòrèn tacitly approve; acquiesce in.⁵
默哀 màk-öi
mò'āi stand in silent tribute.⁵
默片 màk-pëin
mòpiàn a silent movie.⁷
默生字 màk-säng-dù
mòshēngzì write the new words from memory.⁵
默书[默書] màk-sï
mòshū write out a text from memory.⁶
默读[默讀] màk-ùk
mòdú read silently.⁵
默写[默寫] màk-xēh
mòxiě write from memory.⁵
(See 嘿 màk).
mak4 10449
32 15 mâk <台> 大粒墨 ài-līp-mâk/ a big mole; a big shot.
<台> 墨屎 mâk-sī freckles.
<台> 一个墨[一個墨] yīt-göi-mâk a mole.
<又> màk. (See 墨 màk.)
mak5 10450
142 25 mãn mán barbarians; barbarous, savage.⁸
发蛮[發蠻] fät-mãn fāmán behave unreasonably.¹⁹ (See <台> 发蛮[發蠻] fät-māng.)
蛮不讲理[蠻不講理] mãn-būt-gōng-lî
mánbùjiǎnglǐ be unreasonable.¹¹
蛮荒[蠻荒] mãn-föng
mánhuāng savage and wild; uncivilized region.⁸
蛮干[蠻幹] mãn-gön
mángàn act rashly; be foolhardy.⁸
蛮行[蠻行] mãn-hãng
mánxíng act recklessly or blindly or rashly.⁵⁴
蛮悍[蠻悍] mãn-hòn
mánhàn fierce and petulant.⁸
蛮横[蠻橫] mãn-vàng
mánhèng rude and unreasonable; arbitrary; peremptory.⁵
蛮夷[蠻夷] mãn-yĩ
mányí the marns, name for aboriginal tribes or minority nationality in ancient China.⁸
蛮有意思[蠻有意思] mãn-yiû-yï-xü
mányǒuyìsi It's quite interesting.⁵⁴
<台> 蛮[蠻] mãn rude, reckless, unreasonable, barbaric.
<台> 蛮耿[蠻耿] mãn-gāng wild (as a child).
<台> 南蛮[南蠻] nãm-mãn/ the Southern Barbarians
<derog.> the Cantonese.
<又> māng.
(See 蠻 māng.)
man3 10451
149 18 mãn mán to deceive.
谩天谩地[謾天謾地] mãn-hëin-mãn-ì mántiānmándì  to deceive everybody.
谩语[謾語] mãn-nguî
mányǔ deceitful words; lies.
<又> màn.
(See 謾 màn.)
man3 10452
169 14 mãn mǐn an ancient ethnic group that lives around present day Fujian (福建 Fūk-gèin); a river in Fujian Province; alternative name for Fujian Province.⁹ Min surname.⁷
闽江[閩江] Mãn-göng Mǐn Jiāng the Min River in Fujian province.⁷
闽侯[閩侯] Mãn-hẽo
Mǐnhòu Minhou, a county in 福州 Fūk-Jiü Fúzhōu Fuzhou, capital of 福建 Fūk-gèin Fújiàn Fujian Province.¹⁰
闽南[閩南] Mãn-nãm
Mǐnnán Minnan, lit. south Fujian; a southern Chinese dialect of Fujian and east Guangdong.¹⁰
man3 10453
190 21 mãn mán <wr.> (of hair) beautiful.⁶ (of woman's hair) beautiful; flower garland worn as an ornament.¹⁰
灰鬘螺 föi-mãn-lũ huīmánluó grey bonnet, glaucus bonnet (Phalium glaucum), a species of large sea snail.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鬘花 mãn-fä
mánhuā jasmine.¹⁹
鬘螺属[鬘螺屬] mãn-lũ-sùk
mánluóshǔ bonnet shells in the genus Phalium.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鬘华[鬘華] mãn-vã
mánhuá Buddhist term for jasmine.¹¹
man3 10454
195 22 mãn mán eel.⁵
电鳗[電鰻] èin-mãn diànmán electric eel.⁵
河鳗[河鰻] hõ-mãn
hémán river eel.⁶
鲈鳗[鱸鰻] lũ-mãn
lúmán marbled eel.⁹
鳗鲡[鰻鱺] mãn-lĩ
mánlí common eel.⁶ eel; Japanese freshwater eel (Anguilla japonica).¹⁹
鳗鱼[鰻魚] mãn-nguĩ
mányú common eel.⁶
鳗鱼苗[鰻魚苗] mãn-nguĩ-mẽl
mányúmiáo eel fry.⁶
鳗草[鰻草] mãn-tāo
máncǎo eelgrass.⁶
鳗草属[鰻草屬] mãn-tāo-sùk
or 大叶藻属[大葉藻属] ài-yêp-täo-sùk dàyèzǎoshǔ Zostera, a small genus of widely distributed seagrasses, aka marine eelgrass or eelgrass. The genus Zostera contains 15 species.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鳗冻[鰻凍] mãn-üng
mándòng jellied eels.⁶
鳗鲞[鰻鯗] mãn-xēng
mánxiǎng dried eel.⁵
盲鳗[盲鰻] mãng-mãn
mángmán hagfish.⁵
man3 10455
9 13 màn màn negligent, remiss.⁸ slowly, leisurely, remiss, megligent.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻曼; U+50C8).
且僈 chēh-màn qiěmàn stop a little.¹⁹ (See 且慢 chēh-màn).
僈楛 màn-fū
mànkǔ negligent.¹⁹
僈僈 màn-màn
mànmàn gently.²⁴
man4 10456
24 4 màn wàn swastika, one of the auspicious signs recognized (e.g. in Chinese Tathagata Buddhism) as being on the chest of Buddha (and variously seen in statuary on the chest, soles of the feet, or palms of the hands).⁸ (Note: this character is not in the Kangxi Dictionary. It is a mirror image of 卍 万[萬] màn wàn. Used as the emblem of the Nazi party and of the German state under Adolf Hitler, officially adopted in 1935.)
man4 10457
24 4 màn wàn used for 万[萬] màn wàn in canonical Buddhist texts.⁸ a mystic Buddhist emblem, the Swastika (gammadion cross or cross cramponnée); used for 萬, said to have been given the sound of wàn because all good fortune and virtue was embodied in it.¹⁴
如来从胸卍字涌出宝光[如來從胸卍字湧出寶光] Nguĩ-lõi tũng hüng màn-dù chûng-chūt bāo göng
Rúlái cóng xiōng wànzì yǒngchū bǎo guāng. From the swastika symbol on the breast of Ju lai (Buddha) issued a precious ray of light.¹⁴
man4 10458
32 14 màn màn to pave; to coat; to plaster.
砖墁地[磚墁地] jön-màn-ì zhuānmàndì brick floor.¹⁹
砖墁院子[磚墁院子] jön-màn-yòn-dū
zhuānmàn yuànzi brick-floored courtyard.⁵⁴
墁地板 màn-ì-bān
màndìbǎn to lay a board flooring.¹⁴
墁砖[墁磚] màn-jön
mànzhuān to pave with bricks.¹⁴
墁墙[墁牆] màn-tẽng
mànqiáng to plaster a wall.¹⁴
铺墁[鋪墁] pü-màn
pūmàn to pave with tiles or bricks.
man4 10459
38 14 màn màn scorn, despise; be rude, affront.⁸ insult; Man surname.¹⁰ rude.¹¹ to insult; to affront.¹⁴ to despise, to slight, to disesteem; to defile.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女曼; U+5ADA).
僭嫚 dèm-màn jiànmàn to despise.¹⁴
嫚骂[嫚罵] màn-mà
mànmà to scold rudely.¹¹
嫚嫚 màn-màn
mànmàn charmingly tender.⁵⁴
嫚惰 màn-ò
mànduò slow and lazy.¹⁹
嫚神 màn-sĩn
mànshén to insult the gods.²⁴
嫚辞[嫚辭] màn-xũ
màncí slightly insulting remarks.¹⁹
or 妙曼 mèl-màn miàomàn graceful.⁵⁴
侮嫚 mû-màn
wǔmàn disrespectful.²⁴ (See 侮慢 mû-màn).
亵嫚[褻嫚] xēik-màn
xièmàn to treat with contempt.¹⁴ contemptuous.²⁴ (See 亵慢[褻慢] xēik-màn).
<又> mõn.
(See 嫚 mõn).
man4 10460
50 14 màn màn curtain; screen.⁶
布幔 bü-màn bùmàn cotton curtain.⁶
车幔[車幔] chëh-màn
chēmàn the curtain of a carriage.¹¹
孝幔 häo-màn
xiàomàn mourning curtain (hung before the coffin of one's deceased parent).⁶
地幔 ì-màn
dìmàn (the earth's) mantle.⁶
幛幔 jëng-màn
zhàngmàn to screen off.¹⁴
幔子 màn-dū
mànzi <topo.> curtain; screen.⁶
幔帐[幔帳] màn-jëng
mànzhàng curtain; screen; canopy.⁶
幔室 màn-sīt
mànshì a kind of tent.¹⁴ tent chamber.⁵⁴
窗幔 töng-màn
chuāngmàn window curtain.⁶
帷幔 vĩ-màn
wéimàn (=帷幕 vĩ-mōk wéimù) heavy curtain.⁶
man4 10461
61 14 màn màn slow; postpone, defer; supercilious, rude.⁵
不怕慢就怕站 būt-pä-màn-diù-pä-jàm bùpàmànjiùpàzhàn Don't be afraid of slowness, just be afraid of standing still.⁵⁴
缓慢[緩慢] fòn-màn
huǎnmàn slow.⁵
慢车[慢車] màn-chëh
mànchē slow train; local train; stopping train; accommodation train.⁶
慢行 màn-hãng
mànxíng to walk slowly.⁷
慢腾腾[慢騰騰] màn-hãng-hãng
màntēngtēng sluggishly; unhurriedly; at a leisurely pace.⁸
慢条斯理[慢條斯理] màn-hẽl-xü-lî
màntiáosīlǐ leisurely; unhurriedly.⁵
慢吞吞 màn-hün-hün
màntūntūn (=慢腾腾[慢騰騰] màn-hãng-hãng màntēngtēng)  unhurriedly; sluggish.⁶
慢慢 màn-màn
mànmàn slowly; gradually.⁵
慢慢腾腾[慢慢騰騰] màn-màn-hãng-hãng
mànman tēngtēng sluggishly; unhurriedly; at a leisurely pace.⁸
慢待 màn-òi
màndài treat coldly; not be attentive enough to; treat inadequately.⁶
慢跑 màn-pāo
mànpǎo to jog; jogging.⁷
慢手慢脚[慢手慢腳] màn-siū-màn-gëk
mànshǒumànjiǎo slow in doing things; slow-moving; sluggish.⁷
慢性 màn-xëin
mànxìng chronic; slow (in taking effect).⁵
man4 10462
64 14 màn màn to pound.² to strike.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌曼; U+6471).
<又> mõn. (See 摱 mõn).
man4 10463
73 11 màn màn prolonged; graceful; handsome; large; long.
轻歌曼舞[輕歌曼舞] hëng-gô-màn-mū qīnggēmànwǔ soft music and graceful dancing.
曼谷 Màn-gūk
Màngǔ Bangkok.
曼哈坦 Màn-hā-hān 
Mànhātǎn Manhattan borough of New York City.
曼哈顿[曼哈頓] Màn-hā-ùn 
Mànhādùn Manhattan a borough of New York City.
曼丽[曼麗] màn-lãi
mànlì delicately beautiful.
曼曼 màn-màn
mànmàn long (of time or space); distant.
曼妙 màn-mèl
mànmiào <wr.> lithe and graceful.
曼辞[曼辭] màn-xũ
màncí <wr.> magnificent words; ornate language.
柔曼 ngẽl-màn
róumàn soft; gentle.¹⁰ diaphanous/sheer (of cloth); soft (of music); soft and smooth; satiny; creamy good-looking.⁵⁴
man4 10464
85 14 màn màn overflow, brim over, flood, inundate; all over the place, everywhere; free, unstrained, casual.⁵ Man surname.⁷
浪漫 lòng-màn làngmàn romantic; loose, lax, abandoned.⁶
漫步 màn-bù
mànbù stroll; ramble; roam.⁵
漫长[漫長] màn-chẽng
màncháng very long; endless.⁵
漫天 màn-hëin
màntiān filling the whole sky, all over the sky; boundless, limitless.⁵
漫漫 màn-màn
mànmàn (of time, space) very long; boundless.⁶
漫山遍野 màn-sän-pëin-yêh
mànshānbiànyě all over the mountains and plains; over hill and dale.⁵
漫画[漫畫] màn-và
mànhuà comic strip.⁹ caricature; cartoon; Japanese manga.¹⁰
漫漶 màn-vàn
mànhuàn (of script, painting) worn and torn or dampened and therefore illegible, blurred, indistinct.⁶ indecipherable; dim; indistinct.⁸ flooded, illegible (of bad print); widespread (of diease).¹¹
漫漶不可收拾 màn-vàn-būt-hō-siü-sìp
mànhuàn bùkě shōushi situation is so far gone beyond control.¹¹
漫游 màn-yiũ
mànyóu go on a pleasure trip; roam; wander.⁵
弥漫[彌漫] mĩ-màn
mímàn be suffused with; fill the air; spread everywhere; permeate; pervade.⁶
man4 10465
86 15 màn màn 烂熳[爛熳] or 烂漫[爛漫] làn-màn lànmàn bright-colored, brilliant; unaffected, natural.⁶
man4 10466
88 11 màn wàn (ancient form of 萬 màn wàn) ten thousand, all, very; extremely; absolutely.⁸
(composition: ⿳父罒丁; U+3E18).
(See 萬 màn).
man4 10467
119 17 màn mán (=馒[饅] màn mán) steamed bread; bread of any kind; steamed dumplings.¹
(See 饅 màn.)
man4 10468
120 17 màn màn plain silk; plain, unadorned; slow.⁷
缦布[縵布] màn-bü mànbù plain thin silk.⁷
缦田[縵田] màn-hẽin
màntián untilled fields.¹⁴
缦立远视[縵立遠視] màn-lìp-yōn-sì
mànlìyuǎnshì to stand and gaze afar.¹⁴
缦缦[縵縵] màn-màn
mànmàn slow-moving (clouds).⁷
缦乐[縵樂] màn-ngòk
mànyuè harmony of mingled instruments.¹⁴
缦衣[縵衣] màn-yï
mànyī a monk's robe.⁷
乘缦[乘縵] sèin-màn
shèngmàn a plain unadorned carriage.²⁵
操缦[操縵] täo-màn
cāomàn to play music in concord.²⁵
man4 10469
140 12 màn wàn ten thousand; a very great number; myriad.⁵
万紫千红[萬紫千紅] màn-dū-tëin-hũng wànzǐqiānhóng  a riot (or blaze) of color.⁵
万金油[萬金油] màn-gïm-yiũ
wànjīnyóu Tiger Balm, a very popular ointment containing menthol or peppermint.⁵
万古[萬古] màn-gū
wàn'gǔ through the ages; forever.⁵
万众睢睢[萬眾睢睢] màn-jüng-juï-juï
or màn-jüng-xuï-xuï wànzhòngsuīsuī the multitude stared – with astonishment and terror.¹⁴
万籁俱寂[萬籟俱寂] màn-lài-guì-dèik
wànlàijùjì all is quiet and still; silence reigns supreme.⁶
万马齐喑[萬馬齊喑] màn-mâ-tãi-yïm
wànmǎqíyīn ten thousand horses stand mute.⁵ (See listing under 喑 yïm).
万弩齐发[萬弩齊發] màn-nū-tãi-fāt
wànnǔqífā all the crossbows shot all at once.⁶
万世[萬世] màn-säi
wànshì all ages.⁸
万圣节前夕[萬聖節前夕] màn-sëin-dēik-tẽin-dèik
wàn shèng jié qiánxī All Saints’ Eve or Halloween, comes from (All)  hallow (s) + e (v) en.
万岁[萬歲] màn-xuï
wànsuì long live; emperor; Your Majesty; His/Her Majesty.⁶
万一[萬一] màn-yīt
wànyī just in case ("one in ten thousand"); contingency.¹¹
<又> màk.
(See 萬 màk.)
man4 10470
140 14 màn mán turnip.
蔓菁 màn-dëin or màn-tëin mánjing (=芜菁[蕪菁] mũdëin or mũ-tëin wújīng) turnip.⁶
(See 蔓 [màn, màn], [màn, wàn].)
man4 10471
140 14 màn màn creeper; to spread.
蔓草 màn-tāo màncǎo creeping weed, trailing grass, tendril.⁶
蔓生 màn-säng mànshēng to overgrow, to overrun, to trail.⁶
蔓生植物 màn-säng-jèik-mùt
or màn-säng-jèik-mòt mànshēngzhíwù trailing plant; trailer; rambler.⁶
蔓延 màn-yẽn
mànyán (of fire or disease) to spread; (of plants) to trail.⁶
蔓越莓 màn-yòt-mõi
mànyuèméi or 蔓越橘 màn-yòt-gūt mànyuèjú or 小红莓[小紅莓] xēl-hũng-mõi xiǎohóngméi cranberry (Oxycoccos).²³
(See 蔓 [màn, mán], [màn, wàn].)
man4 10472
140 14 màn wàn tendrilled vine.⁶
这棵黄瓜爬蔓了[這棵黃瓜爬蔓了] jëh-fō-võng-gâ/-pã-màn-lēl zhèkēhuángguāpáwànle This cucumber plant is climbing.³⁹
(See 蔓 [màn, màn], [màn, mán].)
man4 10473
149 18 màn màn to slander; to be disrespectful; to slight.
巴谩[巴謾] bä-màn bāmàn <trad.> an ancient head-or-tail game; to contrive a living dishonestly.
轻谩[輕謾] hëng-màn
qīngmàn to slight (person).
谩骂[謾罵] màn-mà
mànmà to hurl abuse; to deride; to gibe; to jeer; to call somebody names.
肆口谩骂[肆口謾罵] xü-hēo-màn-mà
sìkǒumànmà swear like a trooper; use profane language freely.³⁹
<又> mãn.
(See 謾 mãn.)
man4 10474
167 19 màn màn <wr.> trowel, float; <trad.> blank side of a copper coin.⁶
镘刀[鏝刀] màn-äo màndāo trowel.⁶
镘板[镘板] màn-bān
mànbǎn <civil engineering> a lute.⁸ mortarboard.³⁹
镘子[鏝子] màn-dū
mànzi trowel.⁵⁴
镘工[鏝工] màn-güng
màngōng floater.⁶
镘平[鏝平] màn-pẽin
mànpíng trowelling.¹⁰
坭镘[坭鏝] nãi-màn
nímàn a trowel for plastering.¹⁴
圬镘[圬鏝] vü-màn
wūmàn a trowel used for plastering.¹¹
man4 10475
184 19 màn mán steamed bread.¹⁰ (variant: 䊡 màn mán).
土馒头[土饅頭] hū-màn-hẽo
tǔmántou (sarcastic) grave (“earthen bun”).¹¹
馒头[饅頭] màn-hẽo
mántou steamed bun; steamed bread.⁵
馒头铺[饅頭鋪] màn-hẽo-pü
mántoupù steamed buns shop.¹⁹
馒首[饅首] màn-siū
mánshǒu <wr.> steamed bun.⁸
(See 䊡 màn.)
man4 10476
38 10 mân wǎn complaisant.⁷
娩顺[娩順] mân-sùn (or 婉顺[婉順] vōn-sùn) wǎnshùn gentle; obliging; complaisant.⁸
<又> mêin
(See 娩 mêin.)
man5 10477
72 11 mân wǎn evening, night; far on in time, late; younger, junior.⁵
(old variant: 𣆶❄{⿺免日} mân wǎn). (See 𣆶❄{⿺免日} mân).
晚报[晚報] mân-bäo
wǎnbào evening paper.⁵
晚辈[晚輩] mân-böi
wǎnbèi younger generation.⁵
晚节[晚節] mân-dēik
wǎnjié integrity in one's later years.⁵
晚饭[晚飯] mân-fàn
wǎnfàn supper; dinner.⁵
晚间[晚間] mân-gän
wǎnjiān (in the) evening; (at) night.⁵
晚近 mân-gìn
wǎnjìn in recent years.⁵
晚霞 mân-hã
wǎnxiá afterglow.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
晚年 mân-nẽin
wǎnnián old age; one's later years.⁵
晚安 mân-ön
wǎn'ān good night!⁵
晚上 mân-sèng
wǎnshang (in the) evening; (at) night.⁵
晚熟 mân-sùk
wǎnshú late-maturing.⁵
晚餐 mân-tän
wǎncān supper; dinner.⁵
晚会[晚會] mân-vòi
wǎnhuì evening entertainment/party.⁵
晚宴 mân-yën
wǎnyàn a dinner party.⁷
<台> 晚黑 mân-hāk night.
<台> 晚头[晚頭] mân-hẽo/ night.
<台> 一年到晚 yīt-nẽin-äo-mân all year long.
(See 昨晚; 今晚; 年卅晚; 成晚; 前晚; 夜晚; 夜晚黑).
man5 10478
72 11 𣆶
mân wǎn (<old>=晚 mân wǎn evening, night; far on in time, late; younger, junior.⁵).²
(composition: ⿺免日; U+231B6).
(See 晚 mân).
man5 10479
75 11 mân wǎn the name of a tree.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木免; U+689A).
man5 10480
64 11 māng mēng (composition: ⿰扌孟; U+63B9).
<台> 掹睁[掹睜] māng-jāng  irascible, irritable, impatient, quick-tempered, cranky, short-fused, hot-headed, easily provoked, excitable, explosive, impetuous, rash, volatile.
<又> mäng. (See 掹 mäng.)
mang1 10481
94 11 māng měng <台> 发猛[發猛] fät-māng convulsion; spasm.
<又> mâng, mäng. (See 猛 mâng, mäng.)
mang1 10482
142 14 māng měng 灰蚱蜢 föi-jä-māng huīzhàměng cricket.¹⁹
蚱蜢 jä-māng
zhàměng a grasshopper.⁷
螃蜢 põng-māng
pángměng grasshopper.²⁹
<台> 黑蜢蜢 hāk-māng-māng black, blackened; rather dark, dusky.
<台> 蜢 māng grasshopper.
mang1 10483
142 25 māng mán <台> 发蛮[發蠻] fät-māng raging, unreasonably rampant; epilepsy.
<台> 蛮颈[蠻頸] māng-gēng to be at odds with someone, have a spat with someone; to bicker.
<台> 蛮伥[蠻倀] māng-jāng  irascible, irritable, impatient, quick-tempered, cranky, short-fused, hot-headed, easily provoked, excitable, explosive, impetuous, rash, volatile.
<又> mãn. (See 蠻 mãn.)
mang1 10484
205 13 māng měng a toad, or the stripped frog that is found on dry ground; they resemble the frog, but have larger bellies, with green backs; their croak is very strong, and they are given to furious passions; Meng surname.²⁵
(comp. t: ; U+9EFD). (comp. s: ⿱口电; U+9EFE).
耿黾[耿黽] gāng-māng
gěngměng a toad or stripped frog that lives in water.²⁵
求黾[求黽] kiũ-māng
qiúměng a species of bamboo, good for making arrows.²⁵
<又> mêin.
(See 黽[mêin, miǎn]); 黽[mêin, mǐn]).
mang1 10485
64 11 mäng mēng <Cant.> to pull; to tug on; to pluck.³⁶ <Cant,> to pull, to stretch; to pull to and fro, or up; to tug at; to cover; to draw over for shade; coarse; a strap.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰扌孟; U+63B9).
<台> 掹 mäng to pull.
<台> 掹长[掹長] mäng-chẽng stretch it out; pull taut.¹⁰²
<台> 掹风扇[掹風扇] mäng-füng-sën pull the punka.¹⁰²
<台> 掹疏 mäng-sü to thin out, as grain.¹⁰²
<台> 掹开[掹開] mäng-höi to pull open.
<台> 掹草 mäng-tāo to weed (grass).
<又> māng. (See 掹 māng.)
mang2 10486
94 11 mäng měng <台> 风猛[風猛] füng-mäng strong wind; windy.
<台> 猛卡啦 mäng-kā-lā a big shot, a very powerful person (possibly American Hoisanva where 卡啦 is loan from collar).
<台> 日头好猛[日頭好猛] ngìt-hêo-hāo-mäng/ the sun is very bright.
<又> mâng, māng. (See 猛 mâng, māng.)
mang2 10487
120 12 mäng pēng to draw a bow. (Note: Pinyin may be bēng).
(composition: ⿰糹并 or ⿰糹幷; U+7D63).
<台> 絣支弓 mäng-jï-güng to pull the strng of a bow.
<又> bäng; bëin; päng.
(See 絣 bäng; 絣 bëin; 絣 päng).
(cf 掹 mäng; 𢏳
❄{⿰弓并} bäng).
mang2 10488
83 8 mãng méng <old> common people.
氓俗 mãng-dùk méngsú folkways.
or 民萌 mīn-mãng mínméng <wr.> the people; the common herd.
<又> mõng, mông.
(See 氓 mõng, mông.)
mang3 10489
98 14 mãng méng <wr.> rafters supporting roof tiles.⁸ ridge of a house.⁹
碧瓦朱甍 bēik-ngā-jï-mãng bìwǎzhūméng <wr.> (with) green tiles and crimson roofs.³⁹
鸱甍 chï-mãng
chīméng <wr.> roof tile with owl head.¹¹
朱甍碧瓦 jï-mãng-bēik-ngā
zhūméngbìwǎ <wr.> green tiles and crimson roofs.³⁹
甍栋[甍棟] mãng-ūng
méngdòng <wr.> rafters and beams.¹¹
mang3 10490
108 13 mãng méng alliance; league (an administrative division of the Nei Monggol Autonomous Region, corresponding to a prefecture); sworn (brothers).⁵
海誓山盟 hōi-sài-sän-mãng hǎishìshānméng a solemn pledge of love.⁸
盟邦 mãng-böng
méngbāng allied country; ally.⁵
盟机[盟機] mãng-gï
méngjī allied warplanes.⁵⁴
盟国[盟國] mãng-gōk
méngguó allied country; ally.⁵
盟军[盟軍] mãng-gün
méngjūn allied forces.⁵
盟兄弟 mãng-hëin-ài
méngxiōngdì sworn brothers; members in a secret society.¹⁴
盟长[盟長] mãng-jēng
méngzhǎng the leader in a covenant.¹⁴
盟主 mãng-jī
méngzhǔ leader of an alliance.⁵
盟誓 mãng-sài
méngshì <wr.> oath/treaty of alliance; make a pledge, take an oath.⁶
盟首 mãng-siū
méngshǒu first to sign a covenant.¹⁴
盟约[盟約] mãng-yēk
méngyuē oath/treaty of alliance.⁵
盟友 mãng-yiû
méngyǒu ally.⁵
盟员[盟員] mãng-yõn
méngyuán a member of an alliance.⁵
<台> 盟塞 mãng-xāk stubborn, close-minded.
(See 盟 [mãng, míng] ).
mang3 10491
108 13 mãng míng 盟誓 mãng-sài míngshì or 明誓 mẽin-sài míngshì take an oath; make a pledge.⁵ (See 盟誓 mãng-sài méngshì).
(See 盟 [mãng, méng] ).
mang3 10492
109 8 mãng máng blind, to blind; deluded.⁷
盲肠[盲腸] mãng-chẽng mángcháng caecum; blind gut.⁶
盲肠炎[盲腸炎] mãng-chẽng-yèm mángchángyán cecitis, typhlitis; appendicitis.⁶
盲椿象 mãng-chün-dèng
mángchūnxiàng a plant bug.⁵
盲点[盲點] mãng-ēm
mángdiǎn blind spot; scotoma.⁵
盲谷 mãng-gūk
mánggǔ blind valley.⁶
盲鳗[盲鰻] mãng-mãn
mángmán hagfish.⁵
盲目 mãng-mùk
mángmù blind.⁵
盲文 mãng-mũn
mángwén Braille.⁵
盲人瞎马[盲人瞎馬] mãng-ngĩn-hàt-mâ
mángrénxiāmǎ a blind man on a blind horse – rushing headlong to disaster.⁵
盲人摸象 mãng-ngĩn-mū-dèng
or mãng-ngĩn-mō-dèng mángrénmōxiàng like a blind man trying to size up the elephant – take a part for the whole.⁵
盲曹鱼[盲曹魚] mãng-tão-nguî/
mángcáoyú barramundi Lates calcarifer.²³ (See 盲鰽 mãng-tão).
盲从[盲從] mãng-tũng
mángcóng follow blindly.⁵
盲动[盲動] mãng-ùng
mángdòng to act blindly or rashly.⁷
青盲 tëin-mãng
qīngmáng <Ch. med.> glaucoma.⁶
<台> 盲眼 mãng-ngān blind.
<台> 盲耍耍 mãng-sā-sā totally in the dark (unawareness).
<台> 盲塞 mãng-xāk ill-informed, ignorant, uneducated.
mang3 10493
140 11 mãng méng to bud; to sprout; to germinate.²³ the budding forth of plants; herbs just springing up; to bud, to shoot forth; Meng surname.²⁵ (<old>=氓 mãng méng the people.).²⁵
萌发[萌發] mãng-fät
méngfā to sprout; to germinate; to shoot; to bud; to burgeon.²³
萌乎不震 mãng-fũ-būt-jīn
ménghūbùzhèn immoveable, as the earth.²⁵
萌茁 mãng-jōt
méngzhuó to sprout.⁸
萌芽 mãng-ngã
méngyá  to sprout, to germinate; rudiment, shoot, germ.⁸ to put forth buds.²⁵
萌孽 mãng-ngēik
méngniè to germinate.²⁵
萌生 mãng-säng
méngshēng to burgeon; to produce; to conceive; to be in the initial stage.¹⁰
萌兆 mãng-sêl
méngzhào incipient action.²⁵
萌草 mãng-tāo
méngcǎo to plow up grass.²⁵
萌动[萌動] mãng-ùng
méngdòng to sprout; (fig.) to emerge.¹⁰
杜渐防萌[杜漸防萌] ù-dèm-fõng-mãng
dùjiànfángméng to to nip (crush,check) the matter in the bud; to desteroy evils before they become apparent.⁸
(See 氓 mãng).
mang3 10494
167 15 mãng méng (<old>=萌 mãng méng to bud; to sprout; to germinate.²³).⁸
(composition: ⿰金每; U+92C2).
<又> mõi.
(See 鋂 mõi; 萌 mãng).
mang3 10495
39 8 màng mèng <wr.> eldest among brothers and sisters; first month of a season.⁶ first in series; great, eminent; Meng surname.⁸
孟德尔主义[孟德爾主義] màng-āk-ngì-jī-ngì Mèngdé'ěr zhǔyì <bio.> Mendelism.⁵
孟春 màng-chün
mèngchūn the first month of spring.⁹
孟子 Màng Dū
Mèng Zǐ Mencius.⁵
孟加拉 Màng-gä-lā
Mèngjiālā Bengal.⁵
孟仲叔季 màng-jùng-sūk-gï
mèngzhòngshūjì (of brothers) the eldest, second eldest, third eldest and the youngest.⁶
孟良崮 màng-lẽng-gü
mèngliánggù Mount Mengliang in Mengyin county (蒙阴县[蒙陰縣] mũng-yïm-yòn méngyīn xiàn), Linyi Prefecture (临沂[臨沂] lĩm-kĩ or lĩm-yĩ línyí), Shandong Province.¹⁰
孟浪 màng-lòng
mènglàng rude; rough; rash.⁷
孟买[孟買] Màng-mäi
Mèngmǎi Bombay.⁶
孟母三迁[孟母三遷] Màng-mû-xäm-tëin
Mèngmǔsānqiān Mencius' mother moves her home three times to better her son's education.³⁹
孟轲[孟軻] Màng Ö
or Màng Ü Mèng Kē Mencius.⁶
孟什维克[孟什維克] Màng-sìp-vĩ-hāk
Mèngshíwéikè Menshevik.⁵
孟什维主义[孟什維主義] Màng-sìp-vĩ-jī-ngì
Mèngshíwéi zhǔyì Menshevism.⁵
mang4 10496
140 11 màng mèng Pennisetum alopecuroides.⁸ wolf's tail grass.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹孟; U+44DD).
mang4 10497
19 10 mâng měng (=猛 mâng měng) fierce, violent, vigorous; suddenly; abruptly.⁵
勐海县[勐海縣] Mâng-hōi-yòn
Měnghǎi xiàn Menghai county in 西双版纳傣族自治州[西雙版納傣族自治州] Xäi-söng-bān-nàp Häi-dùk dù-jì-jiü Xīshuāngbǎnnà  Dǎizú zìzhìzhōu Xishuangbanna Dai autonomous prefecture, 云南[雲南] Vũn-nãm Yúnnán Yunnan Province.¹⁰
<又> mâng, mäng.
(See 猛 mâng, mäng.)
mang5 10498
94 11 mâng měng fierce, violent, vigorous; suddenly; abruptly.⁵ (variant: 勐).
猛不防 mâng-būt-fõng měngbufáng unexpectedly.⁵⁵
猛兽[猛獸] mâng-chiü
měngshòu beast of prey.⁵
猛袭[猛襲] mâng-dàp
měngxí to attack ferociously.⁷
猛将[猛將] mâng-dëng
měngjiàng valiant general.⁶
猛进[猛進] mâng-dïn
měngjìn push ahead vigorously.⁵
猛火 mâng-fō
měnghuǒ a raging fire.⁷
猛虎 mâng-fū
měnghǔ fierce tiger.⁶
猛击[猛擊] mâng-gēik
měngjī smash; slap.⁶
猛攻 mâng-güng
měnggōng a powerful or fierce attack.⁷
猛吃 mâng-hëk
měngchī devour.⁵⁴
猛地 mâng-ì
měngde suddenly.⁸
猛撞 mâng-jòng
měngzhuàng crash; smash; collide.⁵⁴
猛追 mâng-juï
měngzhuī to be in hot pursuit of.⁷
猛烈 mâng-lèik
měngliè fierce; vigorous; violent.⁵
猛犸[猛獁] mâng-mā
or mâng-mâ měngmǎ mammoth.⁶
猛然 mâng-ngẽin
měngrán suddenly; abruptly.⁵
猛拍 mâng-päk
měngpāi to attack fiercely.⁷
猛推 mâng-tuï
měngtuī thrust; give a push.⁵⁴
猛醒 mâng-xēin
měngxǐng suddenly awake to (the truth).⁶
猛士 mâng-xù
měngshì brave warrior.⁵
猛勇 mâng-yûng
měngyǒng full of vigor and valor.³⁹
<又> mäng, māng.
(See 猛 mäng, māng; 勐 mâng.)
mang5 10499
137 14 mâng měng 舴艋 jäk-mâng zéměng <wr.> a small boat.¹¹
艋舺 mâng-gāp
měngjiǎ Mengjia (also written Monga, Monka or Bangka), the pre-Japanese-era name for Wanhua (万华[萬華] màn-vã wànhuá), the oldest district of Taipei.⁵⁴
mang5 10500
167 16 mâng měng manganese (Mn).⁶
锰结核[錳結核] mâng-gēik-hàt měngjiéhé <geol.> manganese nodule; halobolite.⁶
锰钢[錳鋼] mâng-gông
měnggāng manganese steel.⁶
锰铁[錳鐵] mâng-hëik
měngtiě ferromanganese.⁶
锰铜[錳銅] mâng-hũng
měngtóng Manganin.⁶
锰酸[錳酸] mâng-xön
měngsuān manganic acid.⁶
mang5 10501
153 15 māo māo <台> 醉猫[醉貓] duï-māo a drunkard.
<又> miū. (See 貓 [miū, māo]; 貓 [miū, máo].)
mao1 10502
13 4 mäo mǎo not have.
<台> 冇穿冇烂[冇穿冇爛] mäo-chün-mäo-làn everything is fine.
<台> 冇教照 mäo-gäo-jël/ (child) not properly brought up.
<台> 冇几自然[冇幾自然] mäo-gī-dù-ngẽin/ don't feel well.
<台> 冇赚冇蚀[冇賺冇蝕] mäo-jàn-mäo-sèt breakeven.
<台> 冇啦冇啦 mäo-lã-mäo-lā or 冇劳冇啦[冇勞冇啦] or 冇唠冇啦[冇嘮冇啦] mäo-lão-mäo-lā (in doing something) disorderly or disorganized; irresponsible; scatterbrain.
<台> 冇路 mäo-lù/ hopeless, no way out.
<台> 冇问题[冇問題] mäo-mùn-hãi no problem.
<台> 冇眼界 mäo-ngān-gäi unable to discern or judge correctly.
<台> 冇眼睇 mäo-ngān-hāi wash one's hands of a matter; don't care anymore; to walk away from, to give up.
<台> 冇世做 mäo-säi-dü boring; nothing to do.
<台> 冇錢買招柄 mäo-tẽin-mäi-jël-bêng lit. Don’t have any money to buy a sign post. fig. You’re blocking my view, kindly get out of the way.
<台> 冇意 mäo-yï not on purpose; unintentionally.
mao2 10503
32 12 mão máo (composition: ⿱敄土; U+5825).
堥丘 mão-hiü máoqiū (<old>=旄丘 mão-hiü máoqiū a hill high before and low behind.²⁴) a hill where the front is higher than the back.⁸
<又> mẽo; mû.
(See 堥 mẽo; 堥 mû).
mao3 10504
38 14 mão  máo fine, beautiful.¹⁰¹ handsome, good-looking.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女黄; U+5AF9).
mao3 10505
46 12 mão máo (<old>=旄 mão máo ancient flag with yak's tail.⁶ the tail of an animal, used as a banner.¹⁴ a white cow's tail, used as a signal in the army.²⁴).⁸
(composition: ⿱敄山; U+5D4D).
or 旄丘 mão-hiü máoqiū a hill high before and low behind.²⁴
<又> mù.
(See 嵍 mù).
mao3 10506
62 9 𢦧
mão máo (<old>=矛 mão máo) lance; pike; spear.⁶
(composition: ⿰矛戈; U+229A7).
(See 矛 mão)
mao3 10507
70 10 mão máo ancient flag with yak's tail.⁶ the tail of an animal, used as a banner.¹⁴ a white cow's tail, used as a signal in the army.²⁴
节旄[節旄] dēik-mão jiémáo tassels on a tally.⁷ a tasselled staff sent with an imperial courier.¹⁴
旄车[旄車] mão-chëh
máochē an ancient war chariot.⁷
旄戈 mão-fö
máogē a spear witha tail-tassel.¹⁴
旄头[旄頭] mão-hẽo
máotóu a name for the Pleiades.¹⁴
旄头骑[旄頭騎] mão-hẽo-kẽh
or mão-hẽo-kĩ máotóuqí to ride about wildly.²⁴
旄丘 mão-hiü
máoqiū a hill high before and low behind.²⁴
旄牛 mão-ngẽo
máoniú the yak or grunting ox.¹⁴
<又> mào.
(See 旄 mào.)

mao3 10508
82 4 mão máo Kangxi radical 82; hair, fur, feathers; coarse.⁸
毛病 mão-bèng máobing fault; defect; shortcomings.¹⁰
毛笔[毛筆] mão-bīt
máobǐ writing brush; hair pencil.⁸
毛象 mão-dèng
máoxiàng mammoth.⁵
毛茛 mão-gän
máogèn buttercup.⁵
毛巾 mão-gïn
máojīn towel.¹⁰
or 毛骨耸然[毛骨聳然] mão-gūt-xūng-ngẽin máogǔsǒngrán with one's hair standing on end – absolutely terrified.⁵
毛泽东[毛澤東] Mão Jàk-üng
Máo Zédōng (1893-1976), CCP leader and founder of the PRC.⁵⁴
毛竹 mão-jūk
máozhú moso/tortoise-shell bamboo, or mao zhu Phyllostachys edulis is a giant timber bamboo.¹⁵
毛梾[毛棶] mão-lõi
máolái Walter's dogwood or Korean dogwood Cornus walteri Wangerin.¹⁵
毛毛腾腾[毛毛騰騰] mão-mão-hãng-hãng
máomao tēngtēng <topo.> flustered.⁸
毛呢 mão-nãi
máoní coarse woolens.¹¹
毛线[毛線] mão-xëin
máoxiàn knitting wool; woolen yarn.⁶
毛线纥繨[毛線紇繨] mão-xëin-kēik-àt
máoxiàngēda wool knot.⁶
毛遂自荐[毛遂自薦] mão-xuì-dù-dëin
máosuìzìjiàn to volunteer one's services.⁵
mao3 10509
82 15 mão máo 牦针[氂針] mão-jïm máozhēn curled hair needle.³⁹ needle broader at one end.⁵⁴
or 髦牛 mão-ngẽo máoniú yak.⁶
一头牦[一頭氂] yīt-hẽo-mão
yītóumáo a yak.⁶
<又> lĩ.
(See 氂 lĩ; 犛 lĩ; 犛 mão.)
mao3 10510
93 15 mão máo (<old>=牦牛[氂牛] or 髦牛) mão-ngẽo máoniú yak.⁸
<又> lĩ.
(See 犛 lĩ; 氂 lĩ; 氂 mão.)
mao3 10511
110 5 mão máo Kangxi radical 110; spear, lance.⁸ lance; pike; spear.⁶
(variant: 𢦧❄{⿰矛戈} mão máo).
长矛[長矛] chẽng-mão
chángmáo long spear; lance.⁵⁴
矛兵 mão-bëin
máobīng a lancer; a pikeman.⁷
矛柄 mão-bêng
máobǐng shaft (of spear).¹⁰
矛戟 mão-gēik
máojǐ lances and spears.⁷
矛头[矛頭] mão-hẽo
máotóu spearhead.⁶
矛枪[矛槍] mão-tëng
máoqiāng spear and javelin.⁷
矛盾 mão-ùn
or mão-hûn máodùn spear and shield; contradiction; conflict, inconsistency, problem; opposing.⁶
矛盾百出 mão-ùn-bäk-chūt
or mão-hûn-bäk-chūt máodùnbǎichū full of contradictions.⁷
矛盾律 mão-ùn-lùt
or mão-hûn-lùt máodùnlǜ the law of contradiction.⁷
(See 𢦧❄{⿰矛戈} mão).
mao3 10512
115 13 mão máo feeble; weak of the rice plant.⁸
(composition: ⿰禾苗; U+4166).
穮䅦 päo-mão pāomáo grain unformed; empty grain.²⁵
mao3 10513
140 7 mão máo grasses, etc. growing up.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱艹毛; U+82BC).
<又> mào. (See 芼 mào).
mao3 10514
140 8 mão máo reeds, rushes, grass; Mao surname.³⁶
大风茅[大風茅] ài-füng-mão dàfēngmáo (=柠檬香茅 nẽin-mūng-hëng-mão níngméngxiāngmáo or 香茅 hëng-mão xiāngmáo) lemongrass  Cymbopogon citratus (DC) Stapf.³⁹
白茅 bàk-mão
báimáo cogon grass.¹⁰
香茅 hëng-mão xiāngmáo lemongrass; citronella.⁹
茅膏菜 mão-gäo-töi
máogāocài <bot.> a kind of hazelnut.
茅庐[茅廬] mão-lũ
máolú humble thatched house, <wr.> <court.> my humble living quarters.¹¹
茅栗 mão-lùt
máolì (Castanea seguinii) aka 野栗子, 毛栗, 毛板栗.²⁰
茅舍 mão-sëh
máoshè thatched hut.⁵
茅草 mão-tāo
máocǎo <bot.> cogon grass (for thatching).
茅草棚 mão-tāo-pãng
máocǎopéng straw shed.
茅屋 mão-ūk
máowū thatched cottage.
茅塞顿开[茅塞頓開] mão-xāk-ùn-höi
máosèdùnkāi suddenly see the light.
茅蕈 mão-xïn
máoxùn a kind of edible mushroom, Hydnum olidum.¹¹
茅茨土阶[茅茨土階] mão-xũ-hū-gäi
máocítǔjiē a simple building; a simple life.
mao3 10515
140 8 mão máo water mallows.¹  species of grass, water mallows.⁸ (<old>= 茅 mão máo)⁹  thatch.¹⁰ reeds, rushes, grass.³⁶
mao3 10516
140 19 mão type of edible mushroom.⁸
口蘑 hēo-mão kǒumó a delicious mushroom with white and fat pileus; it is produced along 张家口[張家口] Jëng-gä-hēo Zhāngjiākǒu Zhangjiakou in 河北 Hõ-bāk Héběi.
蘑菇 mão-gü
or mũ-gü or mõ-gü mógu mushroom.⁸
蘑菇战术[蘑菇戰術] mão-gü-jën-sùt
mógūzhànshù the tactics of “wear and tear”.⁸
蘑菇云[蘑菇雲] mão-gü-vũn
móguyún mushroom cloud.⁸
<又> mũ, mõ.
(See 蘑 mũ, mõ.)
mao3 10517
142 15 mão máo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 蝥 mẽo máo a fly which is used similarly to cantharides; a grub that eats growing grain.¹⁴)
<又> mẽo.
(See 蟊 mão; 蟊 mẽo; 蝥 mẽo.)
mao3 10518
142 17 mão máo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 蟊 mẽo máo a fly which is used similarly to cantharides; a grub that eats growing grain.¹⁴)
<又> mẽo.
(See 蟊 mẽo; 蝥 mão; 蝥 mẽo.)
mao3 10519
142 18 𧒚
mão máo (=蝥 mão máo) a fly which is used similarly to cantharides; a grub that eats growing grain.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱艹蝥; U+2749A).
❄{⿱艹蝥} bän-mão bānmáo or 螌蟊 or 螌蝥 bän-mẽo or bän-mão bānmáo (=斑蟊 or 斑蝥 bän-mẽo or bän-mão bānmáo) the Chinese cantharides.¹⁴ cantharides or blistering fly.²⁵
(See 蝥 mão).
mao3 10520
164 11 mão máo dead drunk.⁹ very drunk; blotto; three sheets to the wind.¹⁰
酕醄 mão-hõ máotáo <wr.> dead drunk; as drunk as a fiddler.⁶
酕醄大醉 mão-hõ-ài-duï
máotáodàzuì be completely drunk.⁶
mao3 10521
167 16 mão máo anchor.⁸
(comp. t: ⿰金苗; U+9328). (comp. s: ⿰钅苗; U+951A).
起锚[起錨] hī-mão
qǐmáo lift/weigh/raise the anchor.⁶
锚泊[錨泊] mão-bòk
máobó anchor; lie/ride at anchor.⁶
锚泊地[錨泊地] mão-bòk-ì
máobódì berthage.⁸
锚定[錨定] mão-èin
máodìng anchorage.⁶
锚地[錨地] mão-ì
máodì anchorage (ground).⁶
锚爪[錨爪] mão-jāo
máozhuǎ fluke (of an anchor).⁶
锚缆[錨纜] mão-làm
máolǎn anchor cable/rope/hawser.⁶
锚索[錨索] mão-sōk
máosuǒ anchor rope.⁹
锚船[錨船] mão-sõn
máochuán anchored boat.⁵⁴
锚位[錨位] mão-vì
máowèi anchorage; anchorage position.⁶
<又> mẽo.
(See 錨 mẽo.)
mao3 10522
190 14 mão máo <trad.> bangs (of children); <wr.> handsome and talented person.⁶ a children's hair style with front hair covering the forehead; the mane; a man of talent.⁷
弁髦 bèin-mão biànmáo <wr.> worthless stuff; regard as worthless.¹¹
弁髦荣华[弁髦榮華] bèin-mão-vẽin-vã
biànmáorónghuá spurn worldly honors and comfort.¹¹
髦俊 mão-dün
máojùn a man of talent.⁷
髦俊之士 mão-dün-jï-xü
máojùnzhīshì talented scholars.¹¹ eminent person.¹⁹
髦马[髦馬] mão-mâ
máomǎ horse with a flying mane.⁵⁴
or 牦牛[氂牛] mão-ngẽo máoniú yak.⁶
髦儿戏[髦兒戲] mão-ngĩ-hï
máorxì formerly, drama played by women.¹¹
髦士 mão-xù
máoshì a man of talent; a man of superior character.⁷
时髦[時髦] sĩ-mão
shímáo fashionable; stylish; in vogue.⁵
mao3 10523
190 15 mão máo ➀ a hair style where the hair line is cut even with the eyebrows ➁ Mao nationality, a minority group in ancient south-western China.⁸
(composition: ⿱髟矛; U+9AF3).
髳茸 mão-ngũng máoróng vegetation growing profusely.¹⁹
<又> mũng.
(See 髳 mũng).
mao3 10524
5 2 mão


矛字头[矛字頭] mão-dù-hẽo máozìtóu top component of such characters as 矛, 予, 甬. (Exception: 令, which is a bottom component).⁰
(composition: ⿱㇇丶; U+9FB4).
13 4 mào mào (<old>=帽 mào mào) hat.⁴³
(composition: ⿵冂二; U+5183).
(See 帽 mào.)
mao4 10526
13 8 mào mào (=冒 mào mào to emit; to give off; to send out (or up, forth); brave; bold; to cover; to act under false pretences.¹⁰); risk, brave, dare.⁸
(composition: ⿱冃月; U+5190).
or 假冒 gā-mào jiǎmào to impersonate.
(See 冒 mào).
mao4 10527
13 9 mào mào to emit; to give off; to send out (or up, forth); brave; bold; to cover; to act under false pretences; Mao surname.¹⁰
(variant: 冐 mào mào) (See 冐 mào).
感冒 gām-mào
gǎnmào common cold.⁵
冒大不韪[冒大不韙] mào-ài-būt-vī
màodàbùwěi to disregard universal condemnation (idiom).¹⁰
冒进[冒進] mào-dïn
màojìn advance prematurely; advance rashly; premature/rash advance.⁶
冒天下之大不韪[冒天下之大不韙] mào-hëin-hà-jï-ài-būt-vī
màotiānxiàzhīdàbùwěi fly in the face of the will of the people; defy world opinion; risk universal condemnation.⁶
冒险[冒險] mào-hēm
màoxiǎn to take risks; to take chances; foray; adventure.¹⁰
冒冒失失 mào-mào-sīt-sīt
màomaoshīshī absent-minded, disorderly, reckless, recklessly.¹¹
冒名顶替[冒名頂替] mào-mẽin-ēin-häi
màomíngdǐngtì take another's place by assuming his name.⁵
冒昧 mào-mòi
màomèi <court.> bold; presumptuous; rash; take the liberty (of).⁶
冒烟[冒煙] mào-yën
màoyān (of smoke) rise; belch.⁶
冒雨 mào-yî
màoyǔ brave the rain.⁶
<又> màk.
(See 冒 màk.)
mao4 10528
38 12 mào mào be jealous of, be envious.⁸ envious, jealousy; dislike.¹⁴ to be envious, and jealous.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女冒; U+5AA2).
嫉媢 dìp-mào jímào (=嫉妒 dìp-ù jídù to be jealous; to envy; to hate.¹⁰).¹⁹
媢嫉 mào-dìp 
màojí <lit.> hatred, to hate.¹¹ envy, hatred.²⁴
媢功 mào-güng
màogōng jealous of others' contribution or credit or merit.¹⁹
媢恨 mào-hàn
màohèn jealousy and resentment.¹⁹
媢妬 mào-ù
màodù (=嫉妒 dìp-ù jídù to be jealous; to envy; to hate.¹⁰).¹⁹
媢贤[媢賢] mào-yẽn
màoxián jealous.¹⁹
媢怨 mào-yön
màoyuàn jealousy and resentment.¹⁹
mao4 10529
50 11 mào mào (=帽 mào mào) hat.¹⁰
(See 帽 mào.)
mao4 10530
50 12 mào mào hat, cap; cap-like tops.¹⁰
(variants: 㡌,冃,𧛕❄{⿰衤冒} mào). (See 㡌,冃,𧛕❄{⿰衤冒} mào).
便帽 bèin-mào
biànmào cap.¹⁰
笔帽[筆帽] bīt-mào
bǐmào cap for brush; cap of pen.¹¹
兜帽 ëo-mào
dōumào hood.¹⁰
瓜皮帽 gä-pĩ-mào
guāpímào Chinese skullcap.⁸
螺丝帽[螺絲帽] lũ-xü-mào
luósīmào nut (for screw).¹¹
绿帽子[綠帽子] lùk-mào-dū
lǜmàozi green hat/turban – symbol of being a cuckold.⁶
帽带[帽帶] mào-âi/
màodài chin strap.⁸
帽边[帽邊] mào-bëin
màobiān flap; brim (of a hat).⁶
帽子 mào-dū
màozi hat; cap; (fig.) label; bad name.¹⁰
帽徽 mào-fï
màohuī cap insignia.⁵
帽襻 mào-pän
màopàn hatband.¹⁹
帽檐 mào-sẽm
màoyán brim (of a hat).¹⁰
帽缨[帽纓] mào-yëin
màoyīng hat/cap tassel.⁶
帽沿 mào-yõn
màoyán (=帽檐 mào-sẽm màoyán) brim (of a hat).¹⁰
傻帽 sô-mào
shǎmào fool; idiot; foolish; stupid.¹⁰
草帽 tāo-mào
cǎomào straw hat.⁶
mao4 10531
61 13 mào mào (=懋 mào mào)¹⁰¹ <wr.> diligent; luxuriant, profuse, lush.⁵
(composition: ⿱敄心; U+6117).
怐愗 këo-mào
kòumào or këo-mèo kòumòu be stupid and ignorant.⁸ foolish, silly.²⁴
<又> mèo.
(See 愗 mèo; 懋 mào).
mao4 10532
61 17 mào mào <wr.> diligent; luxuriant, profuse, lush.⁵ <wr.> encourage, urge; diligent, assiduous; grand; (=茂 mào mào luxuriant, exuberant, profuse).⁶
懋绩[懋績] mào-dēik
màojì great achievements or contribution.⁷
懋典 mào-ēin
màodiǎn grand ceremony/occasion.⁶
懋勋[懋勛] mào-fün
màoxūn great contribution.⁶
懋功 mào-güng
màogōng great achievement or contribution.⁵⁴
懋勤殿 mào-kĩn-èin
màoqíndiàn Maoqin Palace – the hall building for emperor to study in Qing Dynasty.⁸
懋赏[懋賞] mào-sēng
màoshǎng to reward in order to encourage.⁷
懋迁[懋遷] mào-tëin
màoqiān trade; commerce.⁷
(See 茂 mào).
mao4 10533
64 12 𢯾
mào mào to sustain with the hand; to prop up.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌冒; U+22BFE).
mao4 10534
70 10 mào mào (=耄 mào mào) extremely aged (in one's 80s or 90s); octogenarian; nonagenarian.¹⁰
or 耄期 mào-kĩ màoqī to have reached the age of eighty or ninety.¹⁰ senile age, also venerable age.¹¹
or 耄倪 mào-ngãi màoní old and young.¹⁴
<又> mão.
(See 耄 mào; 旄 mão.)
mao4 10535
75 13 mào mào (<old>=茂 mào mào (of grass or wood) luxuriant, exuberant, profuse; excellent, fine, rich and splendid); also papaya; according to old books, a peach-like plant that ripens in the wintertime; name of plant; lush.⁸ trees growing luxuriantly, a papaya.²⁴
(composition: ⿲木矛木; U+6959).
楙木 mào-mùk
màomù an edible wood.²⁴
(See 茂 mào).
mao4 10536
75 13 mào mào a tree; winter peach.⁸ the winter peach.²⁴
(composition: ⿲木矛攵; U+3B98).
mao4 10537
82 13 mào mào restless.⁸ to moult or change the coat.²⁴
(composition: ⿰冒毛; U+6BF7).
毷氉 mào-xäo màosào restless; melancholy.¹⁴ vexed, worried.⁵⁴
mao4 10538
96 13 mào mào a very precious piece of jade worn by ancient emperors to mach tablets borne by the nobles.⁷ A royal signet, or badge of authority, held by the Emperor; it was shaped like a cap, four inches wide, with a slanting pointed incision underneath, calculated to fit on the top of the stone scepters used by the princes of the Empire, in order to ascertain whether their badges of authority were really those previously awarded by the soverreign.²⁴
玳瑁 òi-mào dàimào <zoo.> hawksbill turtle.⁶
玳瑁壳[玳瑁殼] òi-mào-hôk
dàimàoké tortoise shell.⁶
玳瑁器 òi-mào-hï
dàimàoqì turtle-shell ware.⁶
玳瑁眼镜[玳瑁眼鏡] òi-mào-ngān-gëng
dàimàoyǎnjìng hawksbill shell-rimmed eyeglasses.⁷
(See 瑁 [mào, mèi].)
mao4 10539
96 13 mào mèi a tortoise shell.⁷ (mèi is early pronunciation of mào.)
瑇瑁 òi-mào
dàimèi a kind of tortoise, with a head and tail like a parrot, and a shell adorned with variegated colors; the tortoise shell of commerce.²⁴ (cf. 玳瑁 òi-mào dàimào or dàimèi¹¹).
(See 瑁 [mào, mào].)
mao4 10540
106 9 mào mào (demotic form of 耄 mào mào extremely aged (in one's 80s or 90s); octogenarian; nonagenarian.¹⁰ an old man of eighty; aged.¹⁴); an old man of eighty, aged.⁸
(composition: ⿰白毛; U+3FDE).
(See 耄 mào).
mao4 10541
109 9 mào mào ➀ dim-sighted; dull, bewildered  ➁ (=耄 mào mào an old man of eighty; aged).¹⁴
愦眊[憒眊] gì-mào
kuìmào muddleheaded; dull-witted.⁷
眊聩[眊聵] mào-gì
màokuì weak in eyesight and hard of hearing.⁵⁴
眊眊 mào-mào
màomào unable to see clearly; dull and mixed-up; dim in vision.
眸子眊然 mẽo-dū-mào-ngẽin
móuzǐmàorán the eye will be unsteady.¹⁴
mao4 10542
109 10 mào mào insight (version) of jealousy.¹ʼ⁸ʼ¹⁰ʼ²³ʼ²⁶ʼ³⁵ʼ³⁶ʼ⁵⁴ʼ⁹⁵ (Note 1: Nine dictionaries were found to have this definition).
insight of jealousy.⁵⁷ (Note 2: This slight variation of the definition was found in one dictionary).
Mao surname.⁹⁸ (Note 3: Only one dictionary had this definition).
(composition: ⿱外目; U+4024).
䀤睮 mào-yĩ màoyú an envious person.²⁴
mao4 10543
109 14 mào mào <lit.> dizzy, dazzled; confused, bewildered; ignorant, benighted.⁶ dim-sighted, nearsighted, indistinct vision; illiterate, ignorant, feebleminded; confused, confusion; dazzled.⁷ (composition: ⿱敄目; U+7780).
昧瞀 mòi-mào mèimào stupid and ignorant.⁷
闷瞀[悶瞀] mòn-mào mènmào blurring of vision accompanied by restlessness.⁵⁴
瞀乱[瞀亂] mào-lòn màoluàn <lit.> confused, muddled; chaotic, disorderly.⁶ confused and feebleminded.⁷ (cf 瞀亂 mẽo-lòn).
瞀瞀 mào-mào màomào blindly; not daring to look straight.¹¹
瞀瞀然 mào-mào-ngẽin màomàorán stupid; being afraid of looking straight at.⁷ (cf 瞀瞀然 mẽo-mẽo-ngẽin).
瞀儒 mào-yĩ màorú ignorant scholar.⁶ a stupid or ignorant scholar.⁷
眼瞀 ngān-mào yǎnmào have an indistinct vision.⁶ (cf 眼瞀 ngān-mẽo).
予适有瞀病.[予適有瞀病.] Yĩ-sēik-yiû-mào-bèng. Yǔ shì yǒu mào bìng. and then I began to suffer from indistinct sight.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《莊子·雜篇·徐無鬼·3》, translated by James Legge).
<又> mẽo; mù; këo; mùk.
(See 瞀 mẽo; 瞀 mù; 瞀 këo; 瞀 mùk).
mao4 10544
115 9 mào mào (=眊 mào mào ➀ dim-sighted; dull, bewildered  ➁ (=耄 mào mào an old man of eighty; aged).¹⁴).⁸
(composition: ⿰禾毛; U+79CF).
秏乱[秏亂] mào-lòn
màoluàn confused, indistinct.²⁵
(See 眊 mào; 耄 mào).
mao4 10545
120 17 mào miù erroneous; preposterous; absurd; false; an error; a mistake.⁷ (=谬[謬] mào miù) wrong; false; erroneous; mistaken.⁵
缪种流传[繆種流傳] mào-jūng-liũ-chũn
miùzhǒngliúchuán people of inability become properous while the real talents live in obscurity. ⁷
缪巧[繆巧] mào-kāo
miùqiǎo tricks; wiles; ruses.⁷
or 谬论[謬論] mào-lùn miùlùn an absurd statement; a fallacious argument.⁷
缪误[繆誤] mào-m̀
miùwù an error; a mistake.⁷
or 谬说[謬說 mào-sōt miùshuō absurd statement; fallacious argument; illogical idea/opinion.⁶
纰缪[紕繆] pï-mào
pīmiù <wr.> error; mistake.⁵
<又> lẽl, mèl, mẽo, mùk.
(See 繆 lẽl, mèl, mẽo, mùk.)
mao4 10546
125 10 mào mào (=旄 mào mào) extremely aged (in one's 80s or 90s); octogenarian; nonagenarian.¹⁰ an old man of eighty; aged.¹⁴ (variants: 㿞 mào; 𦽡❄{⿳艹⿳亠口冖老} mào mào).
惛耄 fün-mào
hūnmào senile; senility.¹⁰
老耄 lāo-mào
lǎomào dim sight of the aged; doddering; senile.¹⁰
耄耋 mào-èik
màodié extremely aged; gray and venerable.¹⁰ <wr.> very advanced in age.¹¹
耄耋之年 mào-èik-jï-nẽin
màodiézhīnián  old age (in one's 80s, 90s, or more).¹⁰
or 旄期 mào-kĩ màoqī to have reached the age of eighty or ninety.¹⁰ senile age, also venerable age.¹¹
耄勤 mào-kĩn
màoqín to remain diligent in old age.⁷
耄龄[耄齡] mào-lẽin
màolíng old age; eighties, nineties, or greater (of age).¹⁰ senile age, also venerable age.¹¹
or 旄倪 mào-ngãi màoní old and young.¹⁴
谬耄[謬耄] mào-mào
miùmào feeble-minded and senile.¹⁰
(See 旄 mào; 㿞 mào; 𦽡❄{⿳艹⿳亠口冖老} mào).
mao4 10547
140 7 mào mào to choose; to select; greens.⁸ to pick, to uproot (vegetables or grass from the soil).¹⁰ vegetable; <lit.> to pick (flower, vegetable).¹¹ greens, vegetables; to select, to gather.¹⁴ overgrown with grass; to gather plants; vegetables mixed with meat in soup.²⁵ <old> to cook and present.³⁶
(composition: ⿱艹毛; U+82BC).
参差荇菜,左右芼之.[參差荇菜,左右芼之.] Chëim-chï hàng-töi, dū-yiù mào jï.
Cēncī xìngcài, zuǒyòu mào zhī.
Here long, there short, is the duckweed;
On the left, on the right, we cook and present it.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·周南·關雎》, translated by James Legge).
池沼芼 chĩ-jēl-mào
chízhǎomào edible aquatic plants.¹⁹
左右芼之 dū-yiù mào jï
zuǒyòu mào zhī both left and right we collect them (water plants).⁵⁴ (cf. ...cook and present...)
稾芼 gāo-mào
gǎomào withered grass stem.¹⁹
撷芼[擷芼] kēik-mào
xiémào to pick/pluck flowers/fruits.¹⁹
芼羹 mào-gäng
màogēng a vegetable soup.¹¹ a stew of meat and greens.¹⁴
芼之以苹藻.[芼之以蘋藻.] Mào-jï-yî-pẽin-täo.
Mào zhī yǐ píng zǎo. ...and soups made of duckweed and pondweed.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·昏義·7》, translated by James Legge).
<又> mão.
(See 芼 mão).
mao4 10548
140 8 mào mào (of grass or wood) luxuriant, exuberant, profuse; excellent, fine, rich and splendid.⁶ (old variant: 楙 mào mào).
隽茂[雋茂] dün-mào
juànmào outstanding talent.¹⁰
繁茂 fãn-mào
fánmào lush.⁵⁵
茂密 mào-mìt màomì (of grass or trees) dense; thick.⁶
茂年 mào-nẽin
màonián <wr.> (in) the prime of life.⁶
茂盛 mào-sèin
màoshèng (of plants) luxuriant, thriving; (of economy) flourishing, prospering.⁶
茂才 mào-tõi
màocái talented scholar; synonym for 秀才  xiü-tõi xiùcai B.A. degree.¹¹
(See 楙 mào).
mao4 10549
140 16 𦽡
mào mào (=耄 mào mào extremely aged (in one's 80s or 90s); octogenarian; nonagenarian.¹⁰ an old man of eighty; aged.¹⁴).²
(composition: ⿳艹⿳亠口冖老; U+26F61).
(See 耄 mào).
mao4 10550
145 11 mào mào <wr.> length; distance from north to south. (the distance from east to west is 广[廣] gōng guǎng.)
(composition: ⿳亠矛𧘇; U+88A4).
广袤[廣袤] gōng-mào
guǎngmào <wr.> length and breadth of the land; vast; unmeasurable.
延袤 yẽn-mào
yánmào <wr.> continuous; unbroken; to spread about; to stretch far and wide.
mao4 10551
145 14 𧛕
mào mào (=帽 mào mào hat, cap; cap-like tops.¹⁰).²ʼ ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰衤冒; U+276D5).
(See 帽 mào).
mao4 10552
149 18 mào miù wrong; false; erroneous; mistaken.⁵
悖谬[悖謬] böi-mào bèimiù <wr.> absurd; preposterous.⁵
差之毫厘谬以千里[差之毫釐謬以千里] chä-jï-hõ-lĩ mào-yî-tëin-lî
chāzhīháolí-miùyǐqiānlǐ an error the breadth of a single hair can lead you a thousand li astray.⁵
荒谬[荒謬] föng-mào
huāngmiù absurd; preposterous.
荒谬绝伦[荒謬絕倫] föng-mào-dùt-lũn
huāngmiùjuélún preposterous; absurd.
乖谬[乖謬] gäi-mào
guāimiù ridiculous; abnormal.
刊谬补缺[刊謬補缺] hōn-mào-bū-kūt
kānmiùbǔquē errata and supplements.
谬传[謬傳] mào-chũn
miùchuán a false report.
谬见[謬見] mào-gëin
miùjiàn false view; erroneous view; <humb.> my absurd opinion.
or 缪论[繆論] mào-lùn miùlùn an absurd statement; a fallacious argument.⁷
谬耄[謬耄] mào-mào
miùmào feeble-minded and senile.¹⁰
or 缪说[繆說] mào-sōt miùshuō absurd statement; fallacious argument; illogical idea/opinion.⁶
mao4 10553
153 14 mào mào face, looks; (of a person) appearance, aspect; (of a thing) aspect. appearance, look.⁶
礼貌[禮貌] lâi-mào lǐmào courtesy; politeness; manners.⁶
貌不惊人[貌不驚人] mào-būt-gëin-ngĩn
màobùjīngrén look medicore; have an ordinary appearance.⁶
貌丑[貌醜] mào-chiū
màochǒu ugly; ill-looking.⁷
貌合神离[貌合神離] mào-hàp-sĩn-lĩ
màohéshénlí be seemingly in agreement, but actually at odds.⁶
貌美 mào-mî
màoměi (of women) beautiful.⁷
貌寝[貌寢] mào-tīm
màoqǐn ugly; homely.⁷
貌寝不扬[貌寢不揚] mào-tīm-būt-yẽng
màoqǐnbùyáng a very ugly face.⁷
貌侵 mào-tïm
màoqīn ugly; homely.⁷
貌相 mào-xëng
màoxiàng to judge someone by his appearance only.⁷
貌似 mào-xû
màosì (of a person) to look like.⁷
面貌 mèin-mào
miànmào  face, features, looks; aspect.⁶
才貌 tõi-mào
cáimào talent and beauty; wit and charm.⁶
以貌取人 yî-mào-tuī-ngĩn
yǐmàoqǔrén to judge a person by his appearance or looks.⁷
mao4 10554
154 12 貿 mào mào trade.⁵
贸贸然[貿貿然] mào-mào-ngẽin màomàorán rashly; without forethought or consideration.⁷
贸名[貿名] mào-mẽin
màomíng to purchase fame.⁷
贸然[貿然] mào-ngẽin
màorán rashly; hastily; without careful consideration.⁵
贸易[貿易] mào-yèik
màoyì trade; to trade.⁷
贸易差额[貿易差額] mào-yèik-chä-ngäk
màoyì chā'é the balance of trade.⁷
贸易公司[貿易公司] mào-yèik-güng-xü
màoyì gōngsī a trading company or firm.⁷
贸易协定[貿易協定] mào-yèik-hèp-èin
màoyì xiédìng trade agreement.⁷
贸易额[貿易額] mào-yèik-ngäk màoyì'é a volume of trade; a turnover.⁷
贸易顺差[貿易順差] mào-yèik-sùn-chä
màoyì shùnchā favorable balance of trade.⁷
贸易逆差[貿易逆差] mào-yèik-ngèik-chä
màoyì nìchā unfavorable balance of trade.⁷
贸易商[貿易商] mào-yèik-sëng
màoyìshāng a trader; an importer; an exporter.⁷
外贸[外貿] ngòi-mào
wàimào foreign trade.⁵
mao4 10555
26 5 mâo mǎo 4th of the 12 Earthly Branches; 5 a.m. to 7 a.m.; mortise.
脱卯[脫卯] höt-mâo tuōmǎo to miss a roll call.
卯上 mâo-sèng
mǎoshàng to confront.
卯时[卯時] mâo-sĩ/
mǎoshí 5 a.m. to 7 a.m.
卯榫 mâo-xūn
mǎosǔn mortise and tenon (slot and tab forming a carpenter's joint).¹⁰
应卯[應卯] yëin-mâo
yìngmǎo (lit.) to answer roll call or sign arrival in office; (fig.) to put in a routine appearance.
寅吃卯粮[寅吃卯糧] yĩn-hëk-mâo-lẽng
yínchīmǎoliáng forced to borrow today's food against tomorrow's income; living hand-to-mouth.
mao5 10556
38 8 mâo mǎo (=媌 mẽl miáo) pretty; charming girl; (=懰 liû liǔ) exquisite; fine.⁸
(composition: ⿰女卯; U+36B9).
(See 媌 mẽl; 懰 liû).
mao5 10557
72 9 mâo mǎo 18th of the 28 constellations into which the celestial sphere was divided in ancient Chinese astronomy.⁶  the Pleiades.¹⁰ one of the 28 constellations in ancient Chinese astronomy of which Taurus/Pleiades is the European equivalent; it has 7 stars.¹⁵
昴星团[昴星團] Mâo-xêng-hõn Mǎoxīngtuán Pleiades.⁶
Ngìt-ōn, xëin-mâo, yî-jëin-jüng-üng.
Rì duǎn, xīng mǎo, yǐ zhèngzhòng dōng.
and the day being at its shortest, and the culminating star Mao (ε in Pleiades) to determine midwinter, ⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《史記·本紀·五帝本紀·12》, translated by James Legge).
mao5 10558
85 8 mâo mǎo still waters; river in Jiangsu (江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū).⁸
泖桥[泖橋] Mâo-kẽl
Mǎoqiáo a place in Shanghai.⁴
泖湖 Mâo-vũ
Mǎohú name of a lake in 江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū Jiangsu, also called 三泖 Xäm-mâo Sānmǎo.²³
三泖 (=泖湖 Mâo-vũ
Mǎohú) Xäm-mâo Sānmǎo name of a lake in 江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū Jiangsu.²³
mao5 10559
167 13 mâo mǎo fasten with a rivet, rivet; <topo.> make a sudden all-out effort.⁶
铆接[鉚接] mâo-dëp mǎojiē rivet joint.⁸
铆钉[鉚釘] mâo-ëng
mǎodīng rivet.⁸
铆劲儿[鉚勁兒] mâo-gèin-ngĩ
mǎojìnr make a sudden all-out effort.⁸
铆机[鉚機] mâo-gï
mǎojī riveter.⁶
铆工[鉚工] mâo-güng
mǎogōng riveter; holder-up.⁸
mao5 10560
50 8 màt (<old>=袜[襪] màt ) socks; stockings.⁸
(composition: ⿰巾末; U+5E13).
<又> mòt.
(See 襪 màt; 帓 mòt).
mat4 10561
107 10 𤿗
màt (=𥀯 màt socks; stockings).²
(composition: ⿰皮末; U+24FD7).
(See 𥀯, 韤, 韈, 襪, 帓 màt).
mat4 10562
107 19 𥀯
màt socks; stockings.² original character was 韤 màt ; widely used characters are: 韈 màt and 襪 màt ; demotic character is 𤿗 màt
(composition: ⿰皮蔑; U+2502F).
(See 𤿗, 韤, 韈, 襪, 帓 màt).
mat4 10563
109 9 𥄎 màt to move the eyes a little.²⁴ =瞲 nùt in meaning: to move the eyes a little; to look freightened; to view with alarm.²⁴
(composition: ⿱目攴; U+2510E).
<又> chēik.
(See 𥄎❄{⿱目攴} chēik; 瞲 nùt).
mat4 10564
145 19 màt socks; stockings.⁸ (variants: 韤 màt wà; 韈 màt wà; 帓 màt wà; 𥀯❄{⿰皮蔑} màt wà; 𤿗❄{⿰皮末} màt ).
t: ⿰衤蔑; U+896A). (comp. s: ⿰衤末; U+889C).
袜底[襪底] màt-āi
wàdǐ the soles of stockings or socks.⁷
袜带[襪帶] màt-äi/
wàdài garters.⁷
袜子[襪子] màt-dū
wàzi stockings; socks.⁷
袜裤[襪褲] màt-fû
wàkù pantyhose.³⁹
袜套[襪套] màt-häo
wàtào (ankle) socks.⁶
袜口[襪口] màt-hēo
wàkǒu the openings of stockings.⁷
袜筒[襪筒] màt-hûng
wàtǒng leg of a stocking.⁶
短袜[短襪] ōn-màt
duǎnwà socks; anklets.⁸
<台> 袜[襪] màt socks.
<台> 袜擦[襪擦] màt-chät a chubby child.
<台> 袜头[襪頭] màt-hẽo toe (of socks).
<台> 手袜[手襪] siū-màt gloves.
(See 韤 màt; 韈 màt; 帓 màt, cf. 袜 mòt; 𥀯❄{⿰皮蔑} màt; 𤿗❄{⿰皮末} màt).
mat4 10565
177 18 màt 鞨巾 màt-gïn mòjīn a turban.⁷ scarf.¹⁹
<又> hōt, sêt.
(See 鞨 hōt, 鞨 sêt.)
mat4 10566
177 23 màt (<old>=袜[襪] màt ) socks; stockings.⁸
(composition: ⿰革蔑; U+97C8).
(See 襪 màt).
mat4 10567
178 14 màt (<old>=袜[襪] màt socks; stockings.⁸).⁸
(composition: ⿰韋末; U+97CE).
<又> môi.
(See 韎 môi; 襪 màt).
mat4 10568
178 23 màt (=袜[襪] màt ) socks; stockings.⁸
(composition: ⿰韋蔑; U+97E4).
(See 襪 màt).
mat4 10569
5 2 mēh miē 乜斜 mēh-tẽh miēxie to squint; half-closed (eyes).
<又> mōt, Nēh.
(See 乜 mōt, Nēh.)
meh1 10570
30 9 mēh miē baa; the bleating of sheep.⁹ <Cant.> the bleating of sheep; final particle which transforms statements into questions that indicate doubt or surprise.¹⁰
咩咩 mēh-mēh miēmiē baa baa; the bleating of sheep.⁸
<台> 羊咩 yẽng-mēh sheep.
meh1 10571
30 10 mēh miē (<old>= 咩 mēh miē) baa; the bleating of sheep.
(See 咩 mēh.)
meh1 10572
39 10 mêh miē <台> traditionally to carry something or somebody on one's back.
<又> bêh. (See 孭 bêh.)
meh5 10573
64 9 mëik bāi split open; rend.⁸ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰扌𠂢; U+6300).
meik2 10574
64 12 mëik bāi to break off with fingers and thumb; <Cant.> to tear, to rip⁸  to break off or break open something with one's hands; (fig.) to break off (a relationship).¹⁰
掰交情 mëik-gäo-tẽin bāijiāoqing to break a friendship; sever relations.¹ break relationships.¹¹
掰开[掰開] mëik-höi
bāikāi to pull apart; to pry open with the hands.¹⁰
掰腕子 mëik-vōn-dū
bāiwànzi arm wrestling.¹⁰
meik2 10575
64 13 mëik miè (Cant.) to tear, peel, twist with the fingers.⁸ to strike with the hand, to pluck up, to beckon.²⁴ to peel; to pull out; to tear; to pinch.⁵⁴
揃搣 dēin-mëik jiǎnmiè to pluck out the hair and eyebrows, in order to remove irregularities.²⁴
<台> 搣 mëik to peel off; to open (a box).
<台> 搣开[搣開] mëik-höi to peel off; to crack (the shell of peanuts, seeds).
meik2 10576
15 12 mèik miè (<old>=灭[滅] mèik miè) (of a light, fire) go out; extinguish, put out, turn off; submerge, drown; destroy, exterminate.⁵
(See 滅 mèik).
meik4 10577
50 17 mèik miè carriage cover.⁸ʼ¹⁰ a covering; a single coverlid; a bundle; the covering of a carriage, the bench of a carriage.²⁴ the covering on the front crossbar of the ancient carriage; a kerchief, a turban.¹⁹ covering the front wall of a chariot.⁵⁴ a leather screen or canopy for a carriage, made of tiger's skin, and allowed only to grandees; also denotes a coverlet or overall.¹⁰² (Note: Sometimes synonymous with 幦 mìt ).  (old variant: 簚 mèik miè).
(composition: ⿰巾蔑; U+5E6D).
浅幭[淺幭] tēin-mèik
qiǎnmiè or 浅幦[淺幦] tēin-mìt qiǎnmì an ancient light felt covering on the crossbar of a carriage.¹⁹ covered (tiger skin) front barrier of chariots.⁵⁴
(See 幦 mìt; 簚 mèik).
meik4 10578
85 7 mèik Mi(luo) river in Hunan province where Qu Yuan drowned himself; to sink; used (erroneously) for 汩 gūt gǔ.
(composition: ⿰氵日; U+6C68).
汨罗[汨羅] mèik-lõ
mìluó Miluo or 汨罗江[汨羅江] mèik-lõ göng mìluó jiāng Miluo River, name of a river, flowing from Jiangxi Province (江西 Göng-xäi Jiāngxī)  to Hunan Province (湖南 Vũ-nãm Húnán Hunan).⁴ʼ⁸ʼ³⁶
meik4 10579
85 13 mèik miè (of a light, fire) go out; extinguish, put out, turn off; submerge, drown; destroy, exterminate.⁵ (variants: 烕, 㓕 mèik miè).
灭绝[滅絕] mèik-dùt
mièjué to extinguish; to become extinct; to die out.¹⁰
灭顶之灾[滅頂之災] mèik-ēin-jï-döi
mièdǐngzhīzāi crowning calamity; be swamped in the vast ocean.⁸
灭火[滅火] mèik-fō
mièhuǒ put out a fire; extinguish a fire.⁵
灭菌[滅菌] mèik-kûn
mièjūn sterilization.⁸
灭亡[滅亡] mèik-mõng
mièwáng be destroyed; become extinct; die out.⁵
灭失[滅失] mèik-sīt
mièshī <law> loss (of something through natural disaster, theft).¹⁰
扑灭[撲滅] pōk-mèik
pūmiè to eradicate; to extinguish.¹⁰
歼灭[殲滅] tëm-mèik
jiānmiè to wipe out; to crush; to annihilate.¹⁰
消灭[消滅] xël-mèik 
xiāomiè to put an end to; to annihilate; to cause to perish; to perish; annihilation (in quantum field theory).¹⁰
(See 烕 mèik; 㓕 mèik).
meik4 10580
86 10 mèik miè (<old>=灭[滅] mèik miè) (of a light, fire) go out; extinguish, put out, turn off; submerge, drown; destroy, exterminate.⁵
(See 滅 mèik).
meik4 10581
118 18 mèik miè (<old>=幭 mèik miè carriage cover.⁸ʼ¹⁰ also=覆苓 fūk-lẽin fùlíng² carriage cover.⁰).
(composition: ⿳𥫗罒⿹戈巾; U+7C1A).
<又> mìt.
(See 簚 mìt; 幭 mèik).
meik4 10582
140 11 mèik 菥蓂 xēik-mèik xīmì a kind of shepherd's purse (荠菜[薺菜] tãi-töi jìcài).⁹ Thlagpi arvense.
<又> mẽin.
(See 蓂 mẽin.)
meik4 10583
140 14 mèik miè small, light; not to have; to smear.⁶
轻蔑[輕蔑] hëin-mèik qīngmiè to despise.¹¹
蔑称]蔑稱] mèik-chëin
mièchēng to address somebody scornfully; to call in contempt; contemptuous name.⁶
蔑视[蔑視] mèik-sì
mièshì to despise; to show comtempt for; to scorn; to be contemptuous of somebody or something.⁶
蔑以复加[蔑以復加] mèik-yî-fùk-gä
mièyǐfùjiā could not be surpassed; to reach the limit.³⁹
蔑有 mèik-yiû
mièyǒu none at all.¹⁴
(See 衊 mèik.)
meik4 10584
142 20 mèik miè 蠛蠓 mèik-mũng mièměng <trad.> midge (recorded in the ancient books).⁶
䤈酸而蠛蠓聚焉 hï-xön-ngĩ-mèik-mũng-duì-yẽn
xīsuān ér mièměngjùyān Vinegar is sour and midges gather together.⁸
meik4 10585
143 20 mèik miè <wr.> dirty blood.¹¹ defiled with blood.¹⁴ to calumniate.¹⁴
诬蔑[誣衊] mõ-mèik wūmiè to besmear, make unjustified defamation of character.¹¹
污蔑[污衊] vü-mèik
wūmiè to smear (person's good name).¹¹
汙蔑宗室[汙衊宗室] vü-mèik-düng-sīt
wúmièzōngshì he defiled his ancestral hall.¹⁴
(See  mèik.)
meik4 10586
147 17 mèik plants growing bushy.²⁵
(composition: ⿰冥見; U+89AD).
覭髳 mèik-mũng mìméng overgrown with vegetation.⁸
<又> mẽin.
(See 覭 mẽin).
meik4 10587
118 17 mêik miè thin bamboo strip; rind of reeds or sorghum stalks.⁶
(variant: 䈼 mêik miè).
竹篾子 jūk-mêik-dū
zhúmièzi bamboo strips.⁶
篾刀 mêik-äo
mièdāo bamboo splitting knife; bamboo splitter.⁶
篾白 mêik-bàk
mièbái (=篾黄[篾黃] mêik-võng mièhuáng) inner skin of a bamboo stem.⁶
篾席 mêik-dèk
mièxí mat of thin bamboo/reed strips.⁶
篾匠 mêik-dèng
mièjiàng bamboo craftsman.⁶
篾子 mêik-dū
mièzi <topo.> thin bamboo/reed strip.⁶
篾条[篾條] mêik-hẽl
miètiáo bamboo/reed strip for weaving.⁶
篾缆[篾纜] mêik-làm
mièlǎn a bamboo hawser.¹⁴
篾篓[篾簍] mêik-luī
mièlǒu a bamboo basket.⁷
篾片 mêik-pëin
mièpiàn thin bamboo strip; <trad.> hanger-on; sycophant.⁶
篾青 mêik-tëin
mièqīng outer cuticle/skin (of green color) of a bamboo stem.⁶
篾黄[篾黃] mêik-võng
mièhuáng inner skin of a bamboo stem.⁶
<台> 篾帽 mêik-mào rain hat made of bamboo strips.
(See 䈼 mêik).
meik5 10588
118 17 mêik miè (=篾 mêik miè thin bamboo strip; rind of reeds or sorghum stalks.⁶).⁸ the skin of the bamboo, green bamboos, capable of being twisted into ropes.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗密; U+423C).
<又> mìt.
(See 䈼 mìt; 篾 mêik).
meik5 10589
1 4 mēin miǎn parapet; invisible.⁸ to block the view of someone or something.⁹ hidden from view; barrier to ward off arrows.¹⁰
curtain to ward off arrows; hidden.¹⁴ invisible; an embrasure or short wall.²⁴ hidden from view; parapet for warding off arrows; Mian surname​.³⁶
(Note: distinguish 丐 köi gài beggar).
(comp. ⿱丅⿻𠃊𠃌(GHTJV) or ⿱丅⿻𠃋𠃌(K); U+4E0F).
mein1 10590
61 12 mēin miǎn bashful; to consider; diligent; to try harder.⁸ diligent, effort; think.⁹ shy.¹⁰ bashful; to consider.¹⁴ to exert one's self; to consider.²⁴ <lit.> diligen, hardworking; <lit.> to think; to consider.³⁶
(composition: ⿰忄面; U+6110).
愐㥏 mēin-hēin miǎntiǎn (=腼腆[靦腆] mēin-ēin miǎntiǎn bashful; shy.⁷); embarrassed.¹¹ modest; bashful.¹⁴
愐念 mēin-nèm
miǎnniàn fond thoughts.¹⁴
愐怀[愐懷] mēin-vãi
miǎnhuái think of.¹¹
mein1 10591
85 7 mēin miǎn overflowing (water); a flood; name of a river.⁷
沔水 Mēin-suī Miǎnshuǐ Mian River, the old name for Han River (汉水[漢水] Hön-suī Hànshuǐ), the longest tributary of the 扬子江[揚子江] Yẽng-dū-göng Yángzǐjiāng Yangtze River.⁷
or 湛湎于酒[湛湎於酒] jäm-mēin-yï-diū zhànmiǎnyújiǔ indulge in wine.³⁹
mein1 10592
85 12 mēin miǎn be given to, be infatuated with, indulge in.⁶ flushed with drink, drunk.⁸
沉湎 chĩm-mēin chénmiǎn be given to.⁸ deeply immersed; fig. wallowing in; deeply engrossed in.¹⁰ wallow in (pleasures of drink, women).¹¹
沉湎酒色 chĩm-mēin-diū-sēik
chénmiǎnjiǔsè over-indulge oneself in wine and women.³⁹
or 湛沔于酒[湛沔於酒] jäm-mēin-yï-diū zhànmiǎnyújiǔ indulge in wine.³⁹
湎色 mēin-sēik
miǎnsè indulge in wine and lewd pursuits; be given in sensual pleasures.⁶
mein1 10593
109 9 mēin miàn to look askance at.¹⁰
眄睐[眄睞] mēin-lõi or mēin-lòi miànlài looking concerned.⁷
眄眄 mēin-mēin
miànmiàn looking askance; looking dull.⁷
眄睨 mēin-ngài
or mēin-ngãi miànnì to look askance.⁷
眄视[眄視] mēin-sì
miànshì <wr.> give a sidelong glance at something; look askance at somebody.⁶
相眄 xëng-mēin
xiāngmiàn look at each other sideways.⁶
(See 眄 [mēin, miǎn]).
mein1 10594
109 9 mēin miǎn to ogle at; to squint at.¹⁰
顾眄[顧眄] gü-mēin gùmiǎn to turn one's head and look around.¹⁰
流眄 liũ-mēin
liúmiǎn (=流盼 liũ-pän liúpàn) <wr.> cast a sideway glance.⁶
美眄 mî-mēin
měimiǎn captivating glance.¹⁰
恩眄 yïn-mēin
ēnmiǎn kind patronage.¹⁰
(See 眄 [mēin, miàn]).
mein1 10595
120 15 mēin miǎn far away; remote; Burma; Myanmar.⁶
(composition traditional: ⿰糹面; U+7DEC).
(composition simplified: ⿰纟面; U+7F05).
缅甸[緬甸] Mēin-èin Miǎndiàn Burma; Myanmar.⁶
缅茄[緬茄] mēin-gä
miǎnqié <bot.> Shan pahudia; Pahudia xylocarpa.
缅栀花[緬梔花] mēin-jï-fä
miǎnzhīhuā plumeria.¹⁹ See also 鸡蛋花[雞蛋花] gäi-àn-fä jīdànhuā frangipani (common name); plumeria (English generic name).¹⁵
缅邈[緬邈] mēin-mêl
miǎnmiǎo <wr.> far back; remote.⁶
缅文[緬文] Mēin-mũn
Miǎnwén Burmese (language, especially written).¹⁰
缅念[緬念] mēin-nèm
miǎnniàn miss; cherish the memory of.⁵⁴
缅然[緬然] mēin-ngẽin
miǎnrán distant; remote.⁷
缅怀[緬懷] mēin-vãi
miǎnhuái cherish the memory of; recall.⁵
缅想[緬想] mēin-xēng
miǎnxiǎng think of (past events); recall.⁵
缅因州[緬因州] Mēin-yïn-jiü
Miǎnyīnzhōu Maine (a US state).⁶
缅元[緬元] Mēin-yõn
Miǎnyuán Burmese kyat.⁹
mein1 10596
130 13 mēin miǎn
shy, bashful; (said of girls) quiet and graceful.⁷ (Note: The  two simplified forms of 靦 mēin miǎn are  腼 and 䩄).
(composition: ⿰月面; U+817C).
腼腆[靦腆] mēin-ēin
miǎntiǎn bashful; shy.⁷
mein1 10597
176 16 mēin miǎn
shy, timid.⁷
(composition traditional: ⿰面見; U+9766).
(composition simplified: ⿰面见; U+4A44).
䩄觍[靦覥] mēin-ēin miǎntiǎn shy, timid, bashful.⁷
<又> ēin.
(See 靦 ēin.)
mein1 10598
9 8 mẽin mǐng drunk; exhilirated.²⁴ ➀ (archaic variant of 酩 mẽin mǐng) drunk, intoxicated ➁ tipsy ➂ good, excellent, fine  ➃ to be well.³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻名; U+4F72).
(See 酩 mẽin; 姳 mẽin).
mein3 10599
9 12 𠋶
mẽin mǐng same as 酩 mẽin mǐng dead drunk.⁸
(composition: ⿰亻冥; U+202F6).
(See 酩 mẽin).
mein3 10600
14 10 mẽin míng dark; obscure; deep; stupid; the underworld.
沉冥 chĩm-mẽin chénmíng to leave without a trace.
沉思冥想 chĩm-xü-mẽin-xēng
chénsīmíngxiǎng to ponder and be lost in deep thought.
冥暗 mẽin-ām
míng'àn dim; gloomy.
冥府 Mẽin-fū
Míngfǔ Hades; nether world.
冥濛 mẽin-mũng
míngméng obscure, dark, indistinguishable; incomprehensible.⁵⁴
冥顽[冥頑] mẽin-ngãn
míngwán <wr.> thickheaded; stupid.
冥幻 mẽin-vân
mínghuàn obscure and perplexing.³⁹
míngwángxīng Pluto (dwarf planet).⁸
冥思苦想 mẽin-xü-fū-xēng
míngsīkǔxiǎng to consider from all angles (idiom); to rack one's brains.
幽冥 yiü-mẽin
yōumíng dark, shadowy; <Budd.> Hades.¹¹
mein3 10601
30 6 mẽin míng name; noun (part of speech); place (e.g. among winners); famous; measure word for people.¹⁰
名称[名稱] mẽin-chëin míngchēng name (of a thing or organization).⁶ name of person or thing.¹¹
名字 mẽin-dù
míngzi person's name.¹¹
名孚天下 mẽin-fũ-hëin-hà
míngfútiānxià one's fame has filled the world.¹⁹
名孚众望[名孚眾望] mẽin-fũ-jüng-mòng
míngfú zhòngwàng enjoy high popular respect.⁵⁴
名妓 mẽin-gì
míngjì  famous courtesan.¹⁰
名帖 mẽin-hēp
míngtiě name card; business card.¹⁰
名利 mẽin-lì
mínglì fame and wealth.¹¹
名义[名義] mẽin-ngì
míngyì name; titular; nominal; in name; ostensible purpose.¹⁰ official capacity.¹¹
名人 mẽin-ngĩn
míngrén a famous person.¹¹
名牌 mẽin-pãi
míngpái famous brand.¹⁰
名庖 mẽin-pão
míngpáo famous chef.⁵
名声大噪[名聲大噪] mẽin-sëin-ài-täo
míngshēngdàzào enjoy soaring fame.⁶
名噪一时[名噪一時] mẽin-täo-yīt-sĩ
míngzàoyīshí be very famous at the time; be a celebrity for a time.⁹
名词[名詞] mẽin-xũ
míngcí noun; substantive.⁸
(See 名 mẽng.)
mein3 10602
38 9 mẽin mǐng good, excellent.²⁴  <old> good.³⁶ (variant: 佲 mẽin mǐng, sense ➂).
(composition: ⿰女名; U+59F3).
(See 佲 mẽin, sense ➂).
mein3 10603
38 11 mẽin mián (<old>=嬵 mẽin mián ancient woman's name.⁸).⁸ a woman's name.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女帛; U+5A42).
(See 嬵 mẽin).
mein3 10604
38 13 mẽin míng goodness.⁸ʼ¹⁹
(composition: ⿰女冥; U+5AC7).
嫇奵 mẽin-ëin míngdīng or mǐngdǐng self-sustaining.³⁶
嫈嫇 yëin-mẽin
yīngmíng a young woman.²⁵
莹嫇[瑩嫇] yẽin-mẽin
yíngmíng gloomy.¹⁹
(See 嫇[mẽin, mǐng).
mein3 10605
38 13 mẽin mǐng (composition: ⿰女冥; U+5AC7).
嫇奵 mẽin-ëin míngdīng or mǐngdǐng self-sustaining.³⁶
(See 嫇[mẽin, míng).
mein3 10606
38 17 mẽin mián ancient woman's name.⁸ a woman's name.²⁴
(syn. 婂 mẽin mián).
(composition: ⿰女綿; U+5B35).
(See 婂 mẽin).
mein3 10607
40 3 mẽin mián Kangxi radical 40; "roof" radical occurring in 安, 定, 家 etc. This radical's name is 宝盖[寶蓋] bāo-gôi bǎogài <Budd.> canopy.⁸ In Hoisanva it is called 帽仔 mào-dōi hat.⁰ mein3 10608
72 8 mẽin míng bright; clear; overt; sharp-eyed; honest; sight; understand;  next (day or year); Ming Dynasty; Ming surname.⁵ (old variants: 朙 mẽin míng; 眀 mẽin míng.)
明白 mẽin-bàk
míngbai clear, obvious; frank; sensible.⁵
明澈 mẽin-chēik
míngchè bright and limpid; transparent.⁷
明倬 mẽin-chēk
míngzhuō luminous.¹⁴
明快 mẽin-fäi
míngkuài sprightly; forthright⁵
明胶[明膠] mẽin-gäo
míngjiāo gelatin.⁵
明潭 mẽin-hãm
míngtán clear pond.¹¹
明显[明顯] mẽin-hēin
míngxiǎn evident.¹¹
明天 mẽin-hëin
míngtiān tomorrow.; the near future.⁵
明知 mẽin-jï
míngzhī know perfectly well; be fully aware.⁵
明智 mẽin-jï
míngzhì sensible; sagacious; wise.⁵
明珠 mẽin-jî
míngzhū bright pearl; jewel.⁵
明了[明瞭] mẽin-lẽl
míngliǎo understand; be clear about.⁵
明明 mẽin-mẽin
míngmíng obviously.⁹ clearly.¹¹
明文 mẽin-mũn
míngwén (of laws) proclaimed in writing.⁵
明年 mẽin-nẽin
míngnián next year.⁵
明晰 mẽin-xēik
míngxī clear; lucid.⁵ clear; distinct.⁶
明星 mẽin-xëin
míngxīng movie star; star.¹¹
明喻 mẽin-yì
míngyù simile.⁵
明睿 mẽin-yuì
míngruì wise and farsighted.³⁹
(See 朙 mẽin míng; 眀 mẽin míng.)
mein3 10609
72 10 mẽin míng (non-classical form of 冥 mẽin míng) dark; obscure; dim.⁸ the sun darkened; night.²⁴
(composition: ⿰日名; U+3AE5).
mein3 10610
72 14 mẽin míng <wr.> (of the sun) set, (of the sky) grow dark; dusk, evening twilight.⁵
天已暝 hëin-yî-mẽin tiānyǐmíng Dusk has fallen.⁵
暝曚 mẽin-mũng
míngméng obscure.⁷
暝色 mẽin-sēik
míngsè dusk.³⁹
mein3 10611
74 11 mẽin míng (<old>=明 mẽin míng) bright.
(See 明 mẽin.)
mein3 10612
75 12 mẽin mián generic term for cotton or kapok; cotton; cotton-padded; quilted.⁵
棉袄[棉襖] mẽin-äo mián'ǎo cotton-padded jacket.⁶
棉豆 mẽin-èo
miándòu (Phaseolus lunatus) aka lima bean, butter bean, sieva bean, double bean, Madagascar bean, 利馬豆, 黃帝豆, 小萊豆, 觀音豆, 白扁豆, 扁豆, 雪豆, 皇帝豆, 大粒萊豆, 大萊豆, 細綿豆, 荷包豆, 金甲豆, 五色豆, 娥眉豆, 生扁豆, 炒扁豆, 帛豆, 香豆, 萊豆.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
棉花 mẽin-fä
miánhua cotton.⁵
棉纺[棉紡] mẽin-fōng
miánfǎng cotton spinning.⁵
棉纺厂[棉紡廠] mẽin-fōng-chōng
miánfǎngchǎng cotton mill.⁶
棉凫[棉鳧] mẽin-fũ
miánfú cotton teal.⁵
棉桃 mẽin-hão
or mẽin-hô miántáo cotton boll.⁵
棉被 mẽin-pî
miánbèi a quilt with cotton wadding.⁵
木棉 mùk-mẽin
mùmián silk cotton; kapok.⁵
<台> 棉胎 mẽin-höi quilt; comforter.
<台> 棉衲 mẽin-nâp cotton-padded jacket.
<又> mêin.
(See 棉 mêin.)
mein3 10613
85 9 mẽin míng river in 河北 Hõ-bāk Héběi Hebei Province.⁸
洺河 Mẽin-hõ
Mínghé Ming River, a river in 河北 Hõ-bāk Héběi Hebei Province.⁸
洺州 Mẽin-jiü
Míngzhōu Mingzhou, a place in 河北 Hõ-bāk Héběi Hebei Province.⁸
mein3 10614
85 13 mẽin míng <wr.> sea.⁵ drizzling rain; dark, obscure.⁸
溟溟 mẽin-mẽin míngmíng drizzling.¹¹
溟漭 mẽin-mông
míngmǎng vast and boundless.¹⁰
溟濛 mẽin-mũng
míngméng drizzle; heavily overcast.¹¹
沧溟[滄溟] töng-mẽin
cāngmíng the deep, blue sea.¹¹
东溟[東溟] Üng-mẽin
Dōngmíng (=东海[東海] Üng-hōi Dōng Hǎi Donghai) East China Sea.⁸
mein3 10615
109 9 mẽin míng (<old>=明 mẽin míng) bright.
(See 明 mẽin.)
mein3 10616
109 10 mẽin mián close eyes, sleep; hibernate.⁸
长眠[長眠] chẽng-mẽin chángmián long sleep; death.⁸
休眠 hiü-mẽin
xiūmián dormancy; hibernate.⁸
眠花宿柳 mẽin-fä-xūk-liû
miánhuāsùliǔ to sleep with prostitutes; to visit a brothel.⁷
眠云[眠雲] mẽin-vũn
miányún lit. to sleep in the cloud – to live in a hill or mountain.⁷
眠思梦想[眠思夢想] mẽin-xü-mùng-xēng
miánsī-mèngxiǎng to think day and night.⁸
眠舆[眠輿] mẽin-yĩ
miányú sedan chair good for taking a nap.¹¹
失眠 sīt-mẽin
shīmián to suffer from insomnia.¹⁰
睡眠 suì-mẽin
shuìmián sleep; to sleep; <comp.> to enter sleep mode.¹⁰
蚕眠[蠶眠] tâm-mẽin
cánmián torpidity of a silkworm before casting its skin.⁷
催眠 tuï-mẽin
cuīmián hypnosis; to lull (to sleep); to hypnotize; to mesmerize.⁵⁴
催眠曲 tuï-mẽin-kūk
cuīmiánqǔ lullaby.³⁹
冬眠 üng-mẽin
dōngmián to hibernate; hibernation.⁷
<台> 眠 mẽin to lie down.
<台> 眠床 mẽin-chõng to stay in bed, to lie in bed.
mein3 10617
109 15 mẽin mián (=眠 mẽin mián close eyes, sleep; hibernate.⁸) sleep, doze off.⁸ to sleep.²⁴
(composition: ⿰目冥; U+7791).
瞑弓 mẽin-güng
miángōng the name of a bow.²⁴
瞑菜 mẽin-töi
miáncài the name of a narcotic vegetable.²⁴
䀒瞑 tëin-mẽin
qiānmián to look to a distance, and to see indistinctly.²⁴
(See 瞑 [mẽin, miàn]; 瞑 [mẽin, míng]; 眠 mẽin).
mein3 10618
109 15 mẽin miàn (composition: ⿰目冥; U+7791).
瞑眩 mẽin-yõn miànxuàn <wr.> <TCM> dizziness, nausea, etc. as a side effect of drugs.⁵ confused, bewildered; causing dizziness.²⁴
(See 瞑 [mẽin, mián]; [mẽin, míng]).
mein3 10619
109 15 mẽin míng close one's eyes; dim-sighted; (of vision) blurred.⁶ to close the eyes in death; dusk, dark; dim-sighted; =暝 mẽin míng evening, night; closed eyes.²⁴ (composition: ⿰目冥; U+7791).
甘心瞑目 gäm-xïm-mẽin-mùk
gānxīnmíngmù to depart in peace.¹⁴
瞑瞑 mẽin-mẽin
míngmíng blinded; vision obscured.¹⁴ to look without examining.²⁴
瞑目 mẽin-mùk
míngmù close one's eyes; close one's eyes in death – die content.⁶
瞑目而逝 mẽin-mùk-ngĩ-sài
míngmùérshì closed one's eyes and passed away.¹¹
瞑臣 mẽin-sĩn
míngchén a blind servant.²⁴
民瞑 mĩn-mẽin
mínmíng the people scattered about.²⁴
目瞑 mùk-mẽin
mùmíng the eyes dim.²⁴
鱼目昼夜不瞑[魚目晝夜不瞑] nguî-mùk-jiü-yèh-būt-mẽin
yú mù zhòu yè bù míng fishes' eyes are closed neither by day nor night.²⁴
色中瞑瞑 sēik-jüng-mẽin-mẽin
sèzhōngmíngmíng people in love are blind.²⁴
死不瞑目 xī-būt-mẽin-mùk
sǐbùmíngmù die discontent; die with everlasting regret.⁵ to die without closing the eyes; to leave the world dissatisfied.²⁴
(See 瞑 [mẽin, mián]; [mẽin, miàn]; 暝 mẽin).
mein3 10620
113 14 mẽin míng happiness; good luck; good fortune; blessing; bliss.⁸ happiness.²⁴
(composition: ⿰礻冥; U+4119).
mein3 10621
120 14 綿 mẽin mián silk floss; continuous; soft.⁵ (variant: 緜 mẽin mián).
海绵[海綿] hōi-mẽin
hǎimián sponge.¹¹
绵薄[綿薄] mẽin-bò
miánbó (my) meagre strength; humble effort.⁵
绵长[綿長] mẽin-chẽng
miáncháng (of time) very long.⁶
or 緜䌷[緜紬] or 绵䌷[綿紬] mẽin-chiũ miánchóu silk fabric from waste silk.⁵ silk made from coarser threads of cocoons.¹¹
绵亘[綿亘] mẽin-gāng
miángèn (of mountains) stretch in an unbroken chain.⁵
绵纸[綿紙] mẽin-jī
miánzhǐ tissue paper.⁵
绵里藏针[綿裡藏針] mẽin-lī-tõng-jïm
miánlǐcángzhēn a needle hidden in silk floss; an iron hand in a velvet glove.⁵
绵辘[綿轆] mẽin-lūk
miánlù a spinning-wheel.¹⁰²
绵绵[綿綿] mẽin-mẽin
miánmián continuous; unbroken.⁵
绵绵瓜瓞[綿綿瓜瓞] mẽin-mẽin-gä-èik
miánmiánguādié <wr.> be blessed with lots of offspring.⁶
绵邈[綿邈] mẽin-mêl
miánmiǎo long (in time).⁷
绵软[綿軟] mẽin-ngün
miánruǎn soft; weak.⁵
绵纱[綿紗] mẽin-sä
miánshā cotton yarn.⁵
绵延[綿延] mẽin-yẽn
miányán be continuous; stretch long and unbroken.⁵
绵羊[綿羊] mẽin-yẽng
miányáng sheep.⁵
(See 緜 mẽin.)
mein3 10622
120 15 mẽin mián (=綿 mẽin mián) silk floss; continuous; soft.⁵
(composition: ⿰帛系; U+7DDC).
or 绵䌷[綿紬] or 绵绸[綿綢] mẽin-chiũ miánchóu silk fabric from waste silk.⁵ silk made from coarser threads of cocoons.¹¹
緜緜瓜瓞 mẽin-mẽin-gä-èik
miánmiánguādié may your family grow and prosper like spreading melon-vines!¹¹
(See 綿 mẽin.)
mein3 10623
140 9 mẽin míng tea; tender tea leaves.
品茗 bīn-mẽin pǐnmíng to sample or critically enjoy tea.¹¹
香茗 hëng-mẽin
xiāngmíng fragrant tea.
煮茗清谈[煮茗清談] jī-mẽin-tëin-hãm
zhǔmíngqīngtán to gossip over teacups.
茗茶 mẽin-chã
míngchá <wr.> tea.
茗艼 mẽin-ëin
míngdǐng (<old>=酩酊 mẽin-ëin mǐngdǐng)
blind/dead drunk.⁶
茗点[茗點] mẽin-ēm
míngdiǎn teas; refreshments.
茗坊 mẽin-fōng
míngfáng tea shop; teahouse.
茗肆 mẽin-xü
míngsì tea shop; teahouse.⁵⁴
mein3 10624
140 11 mẽin míng lucky place.⁴³
蓂菁 mẽin-dëin or mẽin-tëin míngjīng (=蔓菁 màn-dëin or màn-tëin mánjing; =芜菁[蕪菁] mũ-dëin or mũ-tëin wújīng) turnip.⁸
蓂荚[蓂莢] mẽin-gâp
míngjiá a kind of lucky grass, also known as 历荚[曆荚] lèik-gâp lìjiá.⁸ a kind of grass symbolizing auspice or luck.¹⁹ a felicitous plant, spoken of in the time of Yao.²⁵
<又> mèik.
(See 蓂 mèik.)
mein3 10625
142 16 mẽin míng the larva of Chilo simplex (now Orocrambus simplex),  a kind of moth.⁷
去其螟螣 huï-kĩ-mẽin-àk
qùqímíngtè remove the insects that eat the heart, and those that attack the leaf.¹⁴
蔗螟 jêh-mẽin
zhèmíng sugarcane borer.⁶
螟螣 mẽin-àk
míngtè locusts that devour the blade of corn.²⁵
螟虫 mẽin-chũng
míngchóng the larva of Chilo simplex (now Orocrambus simplex), a kind of moth.⁷
螟蛉 mẽin-lẽin
mínglíng corn earworm; adopted son.⁶ the larva of Chilo simplex (now Orocrambus simplex).⁷
螟蛉子 mẽin-lẽin-dū
mínglíngzǐ an adopted son.⁷
螟蛉蛾 mẽin-lẽin-ngõ
mínglíng'é (a kind of moth) Heliothis armigera.
螟蛾 mẽin-ngõ
míng'é Chilo simplex (now Orocrambus simplex),  a kind of moth.⁷
mein3 10626
147 17 mẽin míng to take a slight glance; to peep minutely into a dark place; to look at anything small and difficult of observation; small; to inspect anything minute; the place between the eyes and the eyebrows.²⁵
(composition: ⿰冥見; U+89AD).
<又> mèik. (See 覭 mèik).
mein3 10627
163 12 mẽin míng a town in Shandong province.¹⁹ the name of a city in the 虞 Nguĩ state during the Spring and Autumn period.²⁵
(composition: ⿰冥阝; U+910D).
mein3 10628
164 13 mẽin mǐng drunk; intoxicated; inebriate; inebriety; tipsy.⁷ (variants: 𠋶❄{⿰亻冥} mẽin; 佲 mẽin mǐng, senses ➀ and ➁ ).
酩子里[酩子裡] mẽin-dū-lī
mǐngzǐlǐ in the dark; in secret, surreptitiously; secretly; inwardly; on the sly.¹⁹
酩酊 mẽin-ëin
mǐngdǐng blind/dead drunk.⁶ (ideophonic) heavily intoxicated; inebriated; dead drunk.³⁶ (See 茗艼 mẽin-ëin míngdǐng).
酩酊大醉 mẽin-ëin-ài-duï
mǐngdǐngdàzuì be dead drunk.⁵
(See 𠋶❄{⿰亻冥} mẽin; 佲 mẽin, senses ➀ and ➁).
mein3 10629
167 14 mẽin míng inscribe, engrave; inscription.⁸
铭谢[銘謝] mẽin-dèh míngxiè to show gratefulness.⁷
铭感[銘感] mẽin-gām
mínggǎn to remember with gratitude.⁷
铭记[銘記] mẽin-gï
míngjì engrave on one's mind, always remember; inscription, epigraph.⁶
铭肌镂骨[銘肌鏤骨] mẽin-gï-lèo-gūt
míngjīlòugǔ to feel deep gratitude.⁷
铭刻[銘刻] mẽin-hāk
míngkè to engrave; to imprint.⁷
铭志[銘志] mẽin-jï
míngzhì to record, or commemorate with an engraved inscription.⁷
铭诔[銘誄] mẽin-lòi
mínglěi <wr.> tribute to a deceased person; eulogy.⁵⁴
铭文[銘文] mẽin-mũn
míngwén an inscription; an epigraph.⁷
铭佩[銘佩] mẽin-pöi
míngpèi to remember with admiration.⁷
铭心[銘心] mẽin-xïm
míngxīn to imprint on one's mind.⁷
铭篆[銘篆] mẽin-xùn
míngzhuàn to remember with deep gratitude.⁷
mein3 10630
181 19 mẽin míng between the eyebrows and eyes; general facial appearance.⁸ the place between the eyes and eyebrows.²⁵
(composition: ⿰冥頁; U+4AE4).
mein3 10631
196 14 mẽin míng to cry (of birds, animals and insects).¹⁰
百家争鸣[百家爭鳴] bāk-gä-jäng-mẽin bǎijiāzhēngmíng a hundred schools of thought contend (idiom); refers to the classical philosophic schools of the Warring States period 475-221 BC.¹⁰
不平则鸣[不平則鳴] būt-pẽin-dāk-mẽin
bùpíngzémíng where there is injustice, there will be an outcry; man will cry out against injustice.¹⁰
鸣谢[鳴謝] mẽin-dèh
míngxiè to express gratitude (esp. in public); vote of thanks.¹⁰
鸣蜩嘒嘒[鳴蜩嘒嘒] mẽin-hẽl-fì-fì
míngtiáohuìhuì buzz, buzz, the cicadas hum.¹⁴
鸣笛[鳴笛] mẽin-èk
míngdí sound a siren.⁶
鸣放[鳴放] mẽin-föng
míngfàng to fire; airing of views.⁹
鸣叫[鳴叫] mẽin-gël
míngjiào (of birds, animals or insects) call; cry.⁶
鸣玉[鳴玉] mẽin-ngùk míngyù "singing jade" - a jade jewelry worn on the belt that made a sound from bumps while walking).⁵⁴
鸣冤[鳴冤] mẽin-yön
míngyuān cry for redress of wrong.¹¹
一鸣惊人[一鳴驚人] yīt-mẽin-gëin-ngĩn
yīmíngjīngrén (of an obscure person) to amaze the world with a single brilliant feat; to set the world on fire.⁶
mein3 10632
30 8 mèin mìng life; lot; fate; destiny; order; instruction; to order; to command; to assign.
革命 gāk-mèin gémìng to revolt; revolution.
命途 mèin-hũ
mìngtú the course of one's life; one's fate.¹⁰
命途多舛 mèin-hũ-ü-chūn
mìngtúduōchuǎn suffer many a setback during one's life.⁵
命蒂 mèin-î
mìngdì special name for the umbilical cord (脐带[臍帶] tî-âi qídài.)⁸
命令 mèin-lèin
mìnglìng to command; to order; order.
命运[命運]  mèin-vùn
mìngyùn destiny; fate.
生命 säng-mèin
shēngmìng life.
(See 命 mèng.)
mein4 10633
75 13 mèin mián (=棉 mêin mián) cotton; (Cant.) a kind of fruit.⁸
𣏴㮌 ngĩn-mèin
rénmián (Garcinia tinctoria W.F.Wight) aka 大叶藤黄, 戈吗啦, 人面果, 歪脖子果, 仁稔, 銀稔, 人面子 ngĩn-mèin-dū rénmiànzi (Dracontomelon duperreanum).²⁰ (See <台> 仁面 or 人面 ngẽo-mèin/).
mein4 10634
119 15 mèin miàn variant of 麵 mèin miàn; rice noodles; rice fragments.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰米面; U+7CC6).
(See 麵 mèin).
mein4 10635
139 16 mèin mìng dark blue color; without color; to close the eyes.³⁶
(composition: ⿰冥色; U+448C).
䒌靘 䒌靘 mèin-hëin mìngqìng a black color; to shut the eyes.²⁵
mein4 10636
176 8 mèin miàn (=面 mèin miàn face; surface; plane; side, dimension.⁸).
(composition:  ⿱丆回; U+9763).
(See 面 mèin).
mein4 10637
176 9 mèin miàn Kangxi radical 176; face; surface; plane; side, dimension.⁸
(variant: 靣 mèin miàn). (See 靣 mèin).
面斥 mèin-chēik
miànchì to scold a person to his face.⁷
面积[面積] mèin-dēik
miànji surface area.¹¹
面责[面責] mèin-jāk
miànzé to scold a person to his face.⁷
面孔 mèin-kūng
miànkǒng face.¹⁰
面面俱到 mèin-mèin-kuï-äo
miànmiànjùdào (idiom) take care of everything; handle everything.¹⁰
面无惧色[面無懼色] mèin-mũ-guì-sēik
miànwújùsè look undaunted.⁵ show no sign of fear.⁶
面目 mèin-mùk
miànmù appearance, face, features; look; colors; self-respect.⁸
面目可憎 mèin-mùk-hō-däng
miànmùkězēng repulsive in appearance.⁵
面皮厚 mèin-pĩ-hêo
miànpíhòu brazen; thick-skinned.⁶
面庞[面龐] mèin-põng
miànpáng face.⁵
面前 mèin-tẽin
miànqián presence; before; in front of.⁸
面对[面對] mèin-uï
miànduì to face; to confront.⁵
面影 mèin-yēin
miànyǐng face (in one's memory); mental image of somebody.³⁶
面有不愉之色 mèin-yiû-būt-yĩ-jï-sēik
wear an annoyed expression; looked displeased.⁵
mein4 10638
199 15 mèin miàn (=麵 mèin miàn) flour, dough, noodles.⁸
or 麪豉 mèin-sì miànchǐ mianchi, fermented soy product made with white soybeans.¹⁵ (See <台> 麪豉 or 面豉[麵豉] mêin-sì).
<又> mêin.
(See 麵 mèin.)
mein4 10639
199 16 mèin miàn (=面[麵] mèin miàn) flour, dough, noodles.
(See 麵 mèin).
mein4 10640
199 20 mèin miàn flour, dough, noodles. (variants: 麪,麪,麺,糆 mèin)
长寿面[長壽麵] chẽng-siù-mèin chángshòumiàn longevity noodles, birthday noodles.¹⁹
空心面[空心麵] hüng-xïm-mèin
kōngxīnmiàn macaroni.
拉面[拉麵] läi-mèin
lāmiàn noodles made by pulling the dough by hand.
面包[麵包] mèin-bäo
miànbāo bread.¹⁹
面包车[麵包車] mèin-bäo-chëh
miànbāochē van for carrying people; taxi minibus.
面包渣[麵包渣] mèin-bäo-jâ
miànbāozhā breadcrumbs.¹⁰
面包屑[麵包屑] mèin-bäo-xēik
miànbāoxiè breadcrumb.⁵⁵
面粉[麵粉] mèin-fūn
miànfěn wheat flour.
面筋[麵筋] mèin-gïn
miànjin gluten.⁶
面酵[麵酵] mèin-häo
miànjiào yeast.¹⁴
面条[麵條] mèin-hẽl
miàntiáo noodles.
面团[麵糰] mèin-hõn
miàntuán dough.¹⁰
or 麪豉 mèin-sì miànchǐ mianchi, fermented soy product made with white soybeans.¹⁵ (See <台> 面豉[麵豉] or 麪豉 mêin-sì).
寿面[壽麵] siù-mèin
shòumiàn birthday noodles (for longevity).¹⁰
<又> mêin.
(See 面 mèin; 麵,麪 mêin; 麪,麺,糆 mèin).
mein4 10641
9 9 mêin miǎn to make an effort.¹⁴
僶俛 mêin-mêin mǐnmiǎn (=黾勉[黽勉] mêin-mêin mǐnmiǎn) <wr.> exert oneself; strive; try hard.⁶
<又> fū.
(See 俛 fū).
mein5 10642
9 15 mêin mǐn 僶俛 mêin-mêin mǐnmiǎn (=黾勉[黽勉] mêin-mêin mǐnmiǎn) <wr.> exert oneself; strive; try hard.⁶
mein5 10643
10 7 mêin miǎn to excuse somebody; to remove from office; to exempt; to avoid; to avert; to escape; to be prohibited.
罢免[罷免] bà-mêin bàmiǎn dismiss from office; oust; remove.⁶
避免 bì-mêin
bìmiǎn avoid; refrain from; avert.⁶
不免 būt-mêin
bùmiǎn unavoidably.
在所难免[在所難免] dòi-sō-nãn-mêin
zàisuǒnánmiǎn to be unavoidable.
矜免 gëin-mêin
jīnmiǎn to commute the sentence of a criminal for humanitarian reasons.⁷
or 閒人免进[閒人免進] hãn-ngĩn-mêin-dïn xiánrénmiǎnjìn Admittance to staff only.⁵
脱免[脫免] höt-mêin
tuōmiǎn to evade; to escape from.
免得 mêin-āk
miǎnde so as not to; so as to avoid.
免除 mêin-chuĩ
miǎnchú to prevent; to avoid; to remit; to exempt; to relieve.
免费[免費] mêin-fï
miǎnfèi free of charge; free; gratis.⁵
免试[免試] mêin-sï
miǎnshì to be excused from an exam.
免小费[免小費] mêin-xēl-fï
miǎnxiǎofèi no tipping.⁰
免疫 mêin-yèik
miǎnyì <med.> immunize.⁶
未免 mì-mêin
wèimiǎn rather; truly.
难免[難免] nãn-mêin
nánmiǎn hard to avoid.
mein5 10644
13 11 mêin miǎn royal crown, official hat; championship, first place.⁶
加冕 gä-mêin jiāmiǎn to crown.⁶
加冕礼[加冕禮] gä-mêin-lâi
jiāmiǎnlǐ coronation.⁵
冠冕 gön-mêin
guānmiǎn royal crown; official hat.⁵
冠冕堂皇 gön-mêin-hõng-võng
guānmiǎntánghuáng of dignified bearing; ostentatious.⁸  dignified; pompous.¹⁰
轩冕[軒冕] hëin-mêin
xuānmiǎn chariot and crown (symbols of important people); fig. royals and dignitaries.¹⁰
冕雀 mêin-dēk
miǎnquè (bird species of China) sultan tit (Melanochlora sultanea).¹⁰
冕服 mêin-fùk
miǎnfú official costume.¹¹
冕旒 mêin-liũ
miǎnliú emperor's crown with tassels.⁶
日冕 ngìt-mêin
rìmiǎn (solar) corona.⁶
卫冕[衛冕] vì-mêin
wèimiǎn defend one's championship; defend one's title.⁶
mein5 10645
18 6 mêin wěn to cut one's throat.⁶ to cut across.¹⁴ to cut; to cut the throat.²⁴ (variant: 歾 mêin wěn).
(composition: ⿰勿刂; U+520E).
拔剑自刎[拔劍自刎] bàt-gëm-dù-mêin
bájiànzìwěn draw (take) one’s sword to slay oneself.⁵⁴
自刎 dù-mêin
zìwěn to commit suicide by cutting one's own throat.⁶ to cut one's throat.¹⁴ (See 自刭[自剄] dù-gēin)
刎颈交[刎頸交] mêin-gēng-gäo
wěnjǐngjiāo a friendship that would lead persons to die for each other.¹⁴
刎颈之交[刎頸之交] mêin-gēng-jï-gäo
wěnjǐngzhījiāo friends who are ready to die for each other; friends sworn to death; devoted friends.⁶
刎颈以见[刎頸以見] mêin-gēng-yî-yèn
wěnjǐngyǐxiàn (I am ready) to cut my throat to show that I am in earnest.¹⁴
刎喉 mêin-hẽo
wěnhóu to cut one's throat.¹⁴
刎死 mêin-xī
wěnsǐ to cut one's throat.¹⁴
(See 歾 mêin).
mein5 10646
18 7 mêin mǐn to scrape; to pare.¹⁴ to scrape; to brush.²⁴
(composition: ⿰民刂; U+5221).
刡子 mêin-dū mǐnzi or 油刡 yiũ-mêin yóumǐn a narrow spatula of horn used by women in dressing their hair.¹⁴
刡削 mêin-xëk mǐnxiāo to pare off.²⁴
mein5 10647
19 9 mêin miǎn to make an effort; to exhort.
自勉 dù-mêin zìmiǎn to encourage oneself.
规勉[規勉 kï-mêin
guīmiǎn <wr.> persuade and encourage.
勉旃! mêin-jën!
miǎnzhān! Do it as best you can!⁶
勉强[勉強] mêin-kêng
miǎnqiǎng manage with an effort, do with difficulty; reluctantly, grudgingly; force somebody to do something; inadequate, unconvincing, strained, farfetched; barely enough.⁵
勉励[勉勵] mêin-lài
miǎnlì to encourage; to urge.
勉力 mêin-lèik
miǎnlì exert oneself; make great efforts; try hard; endeavor; strive.⁶
勉力为之[勉力為之] mêin-lèik-vĩ-jï
miǎnlìwéizhī to do one's best.
勉为勉难[勉為勉難] mêin-vĩ-mêin-nãn
miǎnwéiqínán to undertake to do a difficult job as best one can.
敦勉 ùn-mêin
dūnmiǎn honest and diligent.⁷
互勉 vù-mêin
hùmiǎn to encourage each other.
mein5 10648
30 7 mêin wěn kiss; to kiss; mouth.¹⁰
接吻 dēp-mêin or dēp-mûn jiēwěn kiss.⁵
飞吻[飛吻] fï-mêin
or fï-mûn fēiwěn to blow a kiss.¹⁰
口吻 hēo-mêin
or hēo-mûn kǒuwěn tone of voice; connotation in intonation; accent (regional); snout; muzzle; lips; protruding portion of an animal's face.¹⁰
吻别[吻別] mêin-bèik
or mûn-bèik wěnbié to kiss goodbye.¹⁰
吻技 mêin-gì
or mûn-gì wěnjì kissing technique.¹⁰
吻痕 mêin-hân
or mûn-hân wěnhén hickey; love bite.¹⁰
吻合 mêin-hàp
or mûn-hàp wěnhé to be a good fit; to be identical with; to adjust oneself to; to fit in.¹⁰
<又> mûn.
(See 吻 mûn.)
mein5 10649
38 10 mêin miǎn child birth; delivery; parturition.⁵ (variant: 㝃 mêin miǎn).
产娩[產娩] chān-mêin
chǎnmiǎn parturition.¹¹
分娩 fün-mêin
fēnmiǎn child delivery.¹¹
娩出 mêin-chūt
miǎnchū <wr.> be delivered of a baby.⁶
娩出死胎 mêin-chūt-xī-höi
miǎnchūsǐtāi abort.¹⁹
娩后[娩後] mêin-hèo
miǎnhòu puerperium.⁸
娩痛 mêin-hüng
miǎntòng labor pains.⁷
娩息 mêin-xēik
miǎnxī propagate; breed.⁵⁴
<又> mân
(See 娩 mân; 㝃 mêin.)
mein5 10650
39 10 mêin miǎn (same as 娩 mêin miǎn child birth; delivery; parturition.⁵) to bear a son; to give birth.⁸ to bring forth a child.²⁴
(composition: ⿰子免; U+3743).
(See 娩 mêin).
mein5 10651
61 7 mêin mǐn (<old>=忞 mêin mǐn strong; robust; vigorous.)
(composition: ⿰忄文; U+5FDF).
<又> mũn; mĩn.
(See 忟 mũn; 忟 mĩn).
mein5 10652
61 8 mêin mǐn (<old>=暋 mêin mǐn strong; robust; vigorous.¹⁴).⁸
(composition: ⿱文心; U+5FDE).
<又> mũn; mĩn.
(See 忞 mũn; 忞 mĩn).
mein5 10653
61 15 mêin mǐn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 悯[憫] mûn mǐn with same meaning: commiserate with, pity; <wr.> sorrow.⁵ to sympathize with; to pity; to grieve.¹⁴.)
<又> mûn.
(See 憫 mûn.)
mein5 10654
61 15 mêin mǐn bright and nimble; (<old>=愍 mûn mǐn commiserate with, pity; <wr.> sorrow.⁵ have pity on somebody.⁸ to sympathize with; to pity; to grieve.¹⁴).⁸ intelligent.²⁴
(composition: ⿱敏心; U+615C).
怜慜[憐慜] lĩn-mêin
liánmín pity; have compassion for.¹⁹
慜顾[慜顧] mêin-gü
mǐngù pity or have compassion for and take loving care of or treasure.¹⁹
慜念 mêin-nèm
mínniàn pity.¹⁹
聪慜[聰慜] tüng-mêin
cōngmǐn (=聪敏[聰敏] tüng-mêin cōngmǐn clever and intelligent.⁷).¹⁹
(See 愍 mûn).
mein5 10655
64 8 mêin mǐn to smooth (the hair) with a (wet) brush; to close lightly; to purse (lips), to tuck in; to sip.
抿茶 mêin-chã mǐnchá to sip tea.⁶
抿子 mêin-dū
mǐnzi small hairbrush.
抿嘴 mêin-duī
mǐnzuǐ to purse one's lip.
抿嘴忍笑 mêin-duī-ngîn-xël
mǐnzuǐrěnxiào to purse one's lips to suppress laughter.
抿发[抿髮] mêin-fāt
mǐnfà to brush the hair.
抿头[抿頭] mêin-hẽo
mǐntóu to smooth one's hair.
抿住 mêin-jì
mǐnzhù to close (the lips) lightly.
<又> mīn.
(See 抿 mīn.)
mein5 10656
66 11 mêin mǐn quick; nimble; agile.⁵ quick, agile, speedy, clever, smart, nimble, sensitive; diligent, industrious, earnest, eager.⁷
敏捷 mêin-dèp mǐnjié quick; nimble; agile.⁵
敏化 mêin-fä
mǐnhuà <phy.> sensibilization; sensitization.⁵
敏慧 mêin-fì
mǐnhuì bright; clever; intelligent; smart; brainy.⁶
敏感 mêin-gām
mǐngǎn sensitive, susceptible; <med.> allergic.⁷
敏力 mêin-lèik
mǐnlì to apply oneself diligently.⁷
敏而好古 mêin-ngĩ-häo-gū
mǐn'érhàogǔ to imitate the ancients diligently.⁶
敏而好学[敏而好學] mêin-ngĩ-häo-hòk
mǐn'érhàoxué be bright and fond of studying.⁵⁴
敏度 mêin-ù
mǐndù susceptibility.⁵
敏锐[敏銳] mêin-yuì
mǐnruì acute; keen; sharp.⁶
mein5 10657
72 13 mêin mǐn strong; robust; vigorous.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱敃日; U+668B).
暋不畏死 mêin-būt-vï-xī mǐnbùwèisǐ brave men do not fear death.¹⁴
<又> mĩn.
(See 暋 mĩn).
mein5 10658
75 12 mêin mián generic term for cotton or kapok; cotton; cotton-padded; quilted.⁵
棉布 mêin-bü miánbù cotton cloth; cotton.⁵
棉籽 mêin-dū
miánzǐ cottonseed.⁵
棉裤[棉褲] mêin-fû
miánkù cotton padded pants.¹¹
棉铃[棉鈴] mêin-lẽin
or mêin-lêng  miánlíng cotton boll.⁵
棉毛衫 mêin-mão-sâm
miánmáoshān cotton (interlock) jersey (worn as underwear); sweatshirt.⁹
棉纱[棉紗] mêin-sä
miánshā cotton yarn.⁵
棉衣 mêin-yï
miányī cotton-padded clothes.⁵
<又> mẽin.
(See 棉 mẽin.)
mein5 10659
78 8 mêin wěn (=刎 mêin wěn to cut one's throat.⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿰歹勿; U+6B7E).
(See 刎 mêin).
mein5 10660
85 8 mêin mǐn to vanish; to die out; to obliterate.¹⁰
童心未泯 hũng-xïm-mì-mêin tóngxīnwèimǐn still retaining child's innocence; still preserve traces of childishness.⁸
良心未泯 lẽng-xïm-mì-mêin
liángxīnwèimǐn not totally heartless; still having a shred of conscience.¹⁰
泯灭[泯滅] mêin-mèik
mǐnmiè to obliterate; to die out; to disappear.¹⁰
泯没[泯沒] mêin-mòt
mǐnmò to sink into oblivion; to be lost to memory; to vanish.¹⁰
消泯 xël-mêin
xiāomǐn to eliminate; to obliterate.¹⁰
mein5 10661
85 16 mêin
miǎn 渑池[澠池] Mêin-chĩ Miǎnchí a place in Henan.⁸
渑池县[澠池縣] Mêin-chĩ-yòn
Miǎnchíxiàn a district in west Henan.¹⁴
<又> sẽin.
(See 澠 sẽin.)
mein5 10662
108 5 mêin mǐn Kangxi radical 108; shallow container.⁸ a shallow container (such as a dish, plate, saucer).⁷
器皿 hï-mêin qìmǐn household utensils; containers.⁵
皿锥[皿錐] mêin-juï
mǐnzhuī countersink.¹⁰
mein5 10663
118 11 mêin mǐn green bamboo splints.⁹ a small brush (=抿子 mêin-dū mǐnzi small hairbrush); bamboo slat.¹¹ the outer part of bamboo; the grain of the bamboo; to oil and comb the hair.²⁴
(composition: ⿱𥫗民; U+7B22).
or 抿子 mêin-dū mǐnzi small hairbrush.¹⁹
笢笏 mêin-fūt
mǐnhù the holes in a bamboo flute.¹⁹ the fingers moving over the holes of a pipe.²⁴
mein5 10664
195 18 mêin miǎn slate cod croaker.⁵ slate cod croaker; Miichthys miiuy.⁸ (Miichthys miiuy); aka 鰧, 鮸仔魚, 免鱼, 勉魚, 敏鱼.²⁰
鮸鱼[鮸魚] mêin-nguĩ
miǎnyú slate cod croaker; Miichthys miiuy.
mein5 10665
195 22 mêin mǐn slate cod croaker.⁶ codfish; (=鮸 mêin miǎn) slate cod croaker; Miichthys miiuy; common name for 鱈 xūt, q.v.⁸ In classical literature, a fish of genus Sciaena (See 鮸 mêin) in the family Sciaenidae 石首鱼科, 硬头鱼 or 鯼).⁹
鳘姑[鰵姑] mêin-gü
or mūn-gü mǐngū a small slate cod croaker or a small codfish.¹⁹
鳘鱼[鰵魚] mêin-nguĩ
or mūn-nguĩ mǐnyú slate cod croaker.⁶
<又> mūn.
(See 鰵 mūn.)
mein5 10666
199 15 mêin miàn <台> 麪豉 or 面豉[麵豉] mêin-sì mianchi, fermented soy product made with white soybeans.¹⁵
<又> mèin.
(See 麵 mèin.)
mein5 10667
199 20 mêin miàn <台> 面豉[麵豉] or 麪豉 mêin-sì mianchi, fermented soy product made with white soybeans.¹⁵
<又> mèin.
 (See 麵 mèin.)
mein5 10668
205 13 mêin miǎn (<old>=渑[澠] mêin miǎn) name of a river in Henan.¹⁴
t: ; U+9EFD). (comp. s: ⿱口电; U+9EFE).
<又> māng.
(See 黽 māng; 黽[mêin, mǐn]; 澠 mêin).
mein5 10669
205 13 mêin mǐn Kangxi radical 205.⁸ to strive; to endeavor.⁷ a toad, a tree-frog; to put forth an effort.¹⁴
(comp. t: ; U+9EFD). (comp. s: ⿱口电; U+9EFE).
黾勉[黽勉] mêin-mêin
mǐnmiǎn <wr.> exert oneself; strive; try hard.⁶
黾勉从事[黽勉從事] mêin-mêin-tũng-xù
mǐnmiǎncóngshì do one's best; exert oneself to the utmost.⁶
水黾[水黽] suī-mêin
shuǐmǐn <zoo.> Hydrotrechus remigator, an insect which lives and moves on water surface.¹¹ Gerridae, a family of insects in the order Hemiptera, commonly called water striders, water skeeters, water bugs, pond skaters, water skippers, or jesus bugs; other common Chinese names are 水马[水馬] suī-mâ shuǐmǎ, 水蜘蛛 suī-jï-jï shuǐzhīzhū, 水较剪[水較剪] suī-gäo-dēin shuǐjiàojiǎn.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ (Note: 水较剪[水較剪] should probably be 水铰剪[水鉸剪] suī-gäo-dēin shuǐjiǎojiǎn.)
蛙黾[蛙黽] vä-mêin
wāmǐn frogs and toads.¹⁴
<又> māng.
(See 黽 māng; 黽[mêin, miǎn]).
mein5 10670
30 11 mẽl miāo <ono.> meow.
mel3 10671
38 11 mẽl miáo handsome, good-looking.²⁴ fine, glorious, happy; (Min Nan) prostitute.³⁶
(composition: ⿰女苗; U+5A8C).
(See 㚹 mâo).
mel3 10672
64 11 mẽl miáo to trace, to copy; to touch up, to retouch.
暗面描写[暗面描寫] ām-mèin-mẽl-xēh ànmiàn miáoxiě a realistic description of the seamy side of life.
白描 bàk-mẽl
báimiáo to sketch in traditional ink and brush style or descriptive writing; simple straightforward style of writing.
电子色彩扫描器[電子色彩掃描器] èin-dū-sēik-tōi-xäo-mẽl-hï
diànzǐ sècǎi sǎomiáoqì color scanner.
轻描淡写[輕描淡寫] hëng-mẽl-àm-xēh
qīngmiáodànxiě  touch on lightly; mention casually.⁵
蚯蚓描 hiü-yîn-mẽl
qiūyǐnmiáo earthworm stroke (in painting).⁵⁴
描红[描紅] mẽl-hũng
miáohóng to trace over red characters (as a method of learning to write).¹⁰
描绘[描繪] mẽl-köi
miáohuì to describe; to portray.¹⁰
描摹 mẽl-mũ
miáomó to describe; to portray.¹⁰
描述 mẽl-sùt
miáoshù describe.⁵
描写[描寫] mẽl-xēh
miáoxiě to describe, to depict, to portray; description.
扫描[掃描] xäo-mẽl
sǎomiáo to scan.
扫描机[掃描機] xäo-mẽl-gï
sǎomiáojī scanner.
mel3 10673
109 13 mẽl miáo concentrate one's gaze on; take aim.⁵ to aim at; to take aim; to look at attentively.⁷
瞄靶子 mẽl-bä-dū miáobǎzǐ take aim at the target.⁶
瞄准[瞄準] mẽl-jūn miáozhǔn take aim at (in shooting).¹¹
瞄准靶心[瞄準靶心] mẽl-jūn-bä-xïm
miáozhǔn bǎxīn aim at the bull's eye.⁵
瞄准点[瞄準點] mẽl-jūn-ēm
miáozhǔndiǎn aiming point; aim dot.⁶
瞄准具[瞄準具] mẽl-jūn-guì
miáozhǔnjù sighting device; (gun) sight.⁶
瞄准器[瞄準器] mẽl-jūn-hï
miáozhǔnqì a sighting device; gun sights.⁷
瞄准手[瞄準手] mẽl-jūn-siū
miáozhǔnshǒu pointer.⁷
瞄准线[瞄準線] mẽl-jūn-xëin
miáozhǔnxiàn aiming line; sighting line.⁶
扫瞄[掃瞄] xäo-mẽl
sǎomiáo to scan; a scan copy.¹²
<台> 瞄 mẽl to peek.
mel3 10674
140 8 mẽl miáo sprouts; Miao ethnic group.⁸ sprout; Hmong or Miao ethnic group of southwest China; Miao surname.¹⁰
火苗 fō-mẽl huǒmiáo  a tongue of flame; flame.⁵
谷苗[穀苗] gūk-mẽl
gǔmiáo young plant; seedling.⁵⁴
苗户[苗戶] Mẽl-fù
Miáohù naturalized Miao people.
苗条[苗條] mẽl-hẽl
miáotiao svelte.
苗头[苗頭] mẽl-hẽo
miáotou symptom of a trend; clue.
苗而不秀 mẽl-ngĩ-būt-xiü
miáo'érbùxiù crop that doesn't mature; unfulfilled promise; to show great potentialities but fail to fulfil.
苗人 Mẽl-ngĩn
Miáorén Miao nationality.
苗圃 mẽl-pū
miáopǔ plant nursery; seedbed; Miao Pu (1977-), PRC actress.¹⁰
禾苗 võ-mẽl
hémiáo seedling (of rice or other grain).¹⁰
疫苗 yèik-mẽl
yìmiáo vaccine.⁷
mel3 10675
196 19 mẽl miáo 鸸鹋[鴯鶓] ngĩ-mẽl érmiáo emu.⁸
mel3 10676
38 7 mèl miào exquisite and ingenious; excellent, wonderful, fantastic; clever, miraculous, subtle.⁶ (variant: 玅 mèl miào).¹⁰
妙品 mèl-bīn
miàopǐn fine quality goods; fine work of art.⁵
妙笔[妙筆] mèl-bīt
miàobǐ ingenious or exquisite writing.⁶
妙笔生花[妙筆生花] mèl-bīt-säng-fä
miàobǐshēnghuā gifted or skillful writing.²¹
妙不可言 mèl-būt-hō-ngũn
miàobùkěyán too wonderful for words; ingenious beyond description.⁹
妙处[妙處] mèl-chuī
miàochù pleasant place; subtlety.⁹
妙计[妙計] mèl-gäi
miàojì excellent plan; brilliant scheme.⁵
妙诀[妙訣] mèl-gût
miàojué knack; clever way of doing something; valuable formula (secret).⁸
妙招 mèl-jël
or 妙着[妙著] mèl-jēk miàozhāo clever move.⁶
妙棋 mèl-kĩ
miàoqí clever (chess) move.⁶
妙语[妙語] mèl-nguî
miàoyǔ witty remark; witticism.⁵
妙手 mèl-siū
miàoshǒu highly skilled person.⁶
妙手回春 mèl-siū-või-chün
miàoshǒuhuíchūn (of a doctor) effect a miraculous cure and bring the dying back to life.⁵
妙趣横生[妙趣橫生] mèl-tuï-vãng-säng
miàoqùhéngshēng full of wit and humor; very witty.⁵
妙药[妙藥] mèl-yêk
miàoyào wonder drug.⁶
妙用 mèl-yùng
miàoyòng magical effect.⁵
(See 玅 mèl.)
mel4 10677
53 广 15 mèl miào temple, shrine; <wr.> royal imperial court; posthumous title of an emperor; (temple) fair.⁶
拜庙[拜廟] bäi-mèl bàimiào worship at a temple.¹
Dū-yìp-ài-mèl, môi-xù-mùn.
Zǐ rù dà miào, měi shì wèn.
The Master, when he entered the grand temple, asked about everything.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《論語·八佾》, translated by James Legge).
寺庙[寺廟] dù-mèl
sìmiào temple; monastery; shrine.¹⁰
家庙[家廟] gä-mèl
jiāmiào ancestral temple.⁸
赶庙会[趕廟會] gōn-mèl-vòi
gǎnmiàohuì go to a temple fair.⁶
庙讳[廟諱] mèl-fï
miàohuì name of a deceased emperor.⁶
庙号[廟號] mèl-hào
miàohào posthumous title of an emperor (a title given to a deceased emperor to be honored in the Imperial Ancestrial Temple).⁶ʼ⁰
庙堂[廟堂] mèl-hõng
miàotáng temple; <lit.> imperial court.⁶
庙主[廟主] mèl-jī
miàozhǔ head priest of a temple.¹⁰
庙祝[廟祝] mèl-jūk
miàozhù acolyte in charge of incense in a temple.¹⁰
庙会[廟會] mèl-vòi
miàohuì (temple) fair.⁶
庙宇[廟宇] mèl-yî
miàoyǔ temple.⁶
mel4 10678
95 9 mèl miào (=妙 mèl miào) clever; wonderful.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰玄少; U+7385).
<又> yël.
(See 妙 mèl; 玅 yël).
mel4 10679
106 16 𤾛
mèl miào white (color).²ʼ¹⁰¹ a white color.²⁴
(composition: ⿰白票; U+24F9B).
mel4 10680
120 17 mèl miào mu (Greek letter Μμ); Miao surname.
<又> lẽl, mào, mẽo, mùk. (See 繆 lẽl, mào, mẽo, mùk.)
mel4 10681
9 6 mêl miǎo (<old>=眇 mêl miǎo blind (in one eye or both); very small, tiny.⁶ tiny, fine, small, unimportant; blind in one eye.⁷ having one eye smaller than the other; one-eyed; gazing into distance; to take aim.¹⁴; blind in one eye.⁸
(composition: ⿰亻少; U+4EEF).
<又> chäo.
(See 仯 chäo).
mel5 10682
28 4 mêl miǎo to open the mouth.
<又> lĩn. (See 厸 lĩn).
mel5 10683
75 8 mêl miǎo <wr.> tip of a twig on a tree; end (of a year, month or season).⁶
杪杪 mêl-mêl miǎomiǎo very tiny.⁷
杪末 mêl-mòt
miǎomò the endpoint; the tip.⁷
杪冬 mêl-üng
miǎodōng the end of the winter.⁷
or 渺小 mêl-xēl miǎoxiǎo tiny.⁷
月杪 ngùt-mêl
yuèmiǎo end of a month.⁶
树杪[樹杪] sì-mêl
shùmiǎo treetop.⁵
岁杪[歲杪] xuï-mêl
suìmiǎo the end of the year; year-end.⁵
mel5 10684
75 8 mêl yǎo <wr.> distant and out of sight.⁵ distant, profound and dim.⁶
杳窱 mêl-hẽl
miǎotiǎo or yêl-hẽl yǎotiǎo profound; deep; full.²⁵
杳冥 mêl-mẽin
miǎomíng or yêl-mẽin yǎomíng deep, dark and obscure.⁷
or 杳眇 mêl-mêl miǎomiǎo or yêl-mêl yǎomiǎo <wr.> deep and remote.⁶
杳茫 mêl-mõng
miǎománg or yêl-mõng yǎománg distant and out of sight.¹⁰
杳无踪迹[杳無蹤跡] mêl-mũ-düng-dēik
miǎowúzōngjì or yêl-mũ-düng-dēik yǎowúzōngjì disappear without a trace; vanish.⁵
杳无音信[杳無音信] mêl-mũ-yïm-xïn
miǎowúyīnxìn or yêl-mũ-yïm-xïn yǎowúyīnxìn without any news of someone for a long time.⁷
杳然 mêl-ngěin
miǎorán or yêl-ngěin yǎorán quiet and silent; without a trace.⁶
杳如黄鹤[杳如黃鶴] mêl-nguĩ-võng-hôk
miǎorúhuánghè or yêl-nguĩ-võng-hôk yǎorúhuánghè disappear like the yellow crane – nowhere to be found.⁵
杳远[杳遠] mêl-yōn
miǎoyuǎn or yêl-yōn yǎoyuǎn distant and obscure.¹⁴
西穷乎杳冥之党[西窮乎杳冥之黨] Xäi-kũng-fũ-mêl-mẽin-jï-ōng
Xī qióng hū yǎo míng zhī dǎng I proceed west to the "Obscure Hamlet".⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《論衡·道虛》, translated by Albert Forke).
<又> yêl.
(See 杳 yêl).

mel5 10685
85 11 mêl miǎo (said of water) extensive or overwhelming.⁷ a flood; infinity.¹⁰ a large sheet of water.²⁴
碧波淼淼 bēik-bö-mêl-mêl bìbōmiǎomiǎo vast expanse of viridescent waves.
or 浩渺 hâo-mêl hàomiǎo (of water) extending into the distance; vast.⁵
淼茫 mêl-mõng
miǎománg or 渺茫 mêl-mõng miǎománg or 淼漫 mêl-màn miǎomàn or 淼淼 mêl-mêl miǎomiǎo (said of an expanse of water) stretch as far as the eye can see.⁷
or 烟波浩渺[煙波浩渺] yën-bö-hâo-mêl yānbōhàomiǎo a vast expanse of misty, rolling waters; mists and ripples (of a lake or a river).⁶
mel5 10686
85 12 mêl miǎo endlessly long or vast, far; tiny, infinitessimal; indistinct, blurred.⁷
浩渺 or 浩淼 hâo-mêl hàomiǎo (of water) extending into the distance; vast.⁵
渺子 mêl-dū
miǎozǐ muon (particle physics).
渺乎其微 mêl-fũ-kĩ-mĩ
miǎohūqíwēi remote and insignificant (idiom).
渺渺 or 眇眇 mêl-mêl miǎomiǎo <wr.> of remote or distant past; blurred; indistinct.
渺茫 mêl-mõng
miǎománg or 淼茫 mêl-mõng miǎománg or 淼漫 mêl-màn miǎomàn or 淼淼 mêl-mêl miǎomiǎo (said of an expanse of water) stretch as far as the eye can see.⁷
or 眇小 or 藐小 mêl-xēl miǎoxiǎo very small.¹¹
or 邈远[邈遠] mêl-yōn miǎoyuǎn distant; faraway; remote.⁶
or 缥缈[縹緲] pël-mêl piāomiǎo dimly discernible; misty.⁵
or 烟波浩淼[煙波浩淼] yën-bö-hào-mêl yānbōhàomiǎo a vast expanse of misty, rolling waters; mists and ripples (of a lake or a river).⁶
(See 眇 mêl; 藐 mêl.)
mel5 10687
109 9 mêl miǎo blind (in one eye or both); very small, tiny.⁶ tiny, fine, small, unimportant; blind in one eye.⁷ having one eye smaller than the other; one-eyed; gazing into distance; to take aim.¹⁴
眇乎其小 mêl-fũ-kĩ-xēl miǎohūqíxiǎo How small it is! How insignificant it is!.⁷ infinitesimal.¹⁹
眇准[眇準] mêl-jūn
miǎozhǔn to sight a gun; to aim.¹⁴
or 渺渺 mêl-mêl miǎomiǎo tiny; far, distant, high.⁷
眇眇忽忽 mêl-mêl-fūt-fūt
miǎomiǎohūhū indistinct; too small to identify.⁷
眇目 mêl-mùk
miǎomù minutely eyed.²⁴ mono-anopia.⁵⁴
眇少 mêl-sēl
miǎoshǎo dwarf; short.¹⁴
or 渺小 or 藐小 mêl-xēl miǎoxiǎo very small.¹¹
眇一目 mêl-yīt-mùk
miǎoyīmù one-eyed.¹⁴
目眇耳聋[目眇耳聾] mùk-mêl-ngī-lũng
mùmiǎoěrlóng be both blind and deaf; be hard of sight and hearing.⁶
(See 渺 mêl; 藐 mêl.)
mel5 10688
115 9 mêl miǎo second (a unit of time equal to 1/60 of a minute); second (a unit of angular measure equal to 1/60 of a minute of arc); second (a unit for measuring longitude and latitude equal to 1/60 of a minute.⁶
分秒必争[分秒必爭] fün-mêl-bēik-jäng fēnmiǎobìzhēng to seize every minute and second – every moment counts; time is very important.⁹
秒摆[秒擺] mêl-bāi
miǎobǎi seconds/royal pendulum.⁶
秒表[秒錶] mêl-bël
miǎobiǎo chronograph; stopwatch.⁸
秒差距 mêl-chä-kuî
miǎochājù <astr.> parsec.⁶ parallax second or parsec or pc, astronomic unit of distance, approximately 3.26 light years.¹⁰
秒忽 mêl-fūt
miǎohū an infinitesimal number.⁷
秒针[秒針] mêl-jîm
miǎozhēn second hand (of clock or watch).⁶
秒钟[秒鐘] mêl-jüng 
miǎozhōng (time) second.¹⁰
秒立方米 mêl-lìp-föng-māi
miǎo lìfāngmǐ (of water flow) cubic meters per second.⁶
mel5 10689
120 15 mêl miǎo indistinct; minute; infinitesimal.¹⁴
虚无缥缈[虛無縹緲] huï-mũ-pël-mêl xūwúpiāomiǎo purely imaginary; utterly illusory/visionary; entirely unreal.⁶
or 飘渺[飄渺] pël-mêl piāomiǎo dimly discernible; misty.⁵
缈微[緲微] mêl-mĩ
miǎowēi infinitesimal.¹⁴
mel5 10690
140 17 mêl miǎo to treat with contempt; small.⁹
藐法 mêl-fāt miǎofǎ to disregard the law.¹¹
藐孤 mêl-gü
miǎogū small orphan.¹⁰
藐藐 mêl-mêl
miǎomiǎo contemptuous (of manner); high and distant, mysterious; grand, magnificent.¹⁰
藐视[藐視] mêl-sì
miǎoshì to look down upon (person); disregard (laws, regulations).¹¹
or 眇小 or 渺小 mêl-xēl miǎoxiǎo very small.¹¹
(See 渺 mêl; 眇 mêl.)
mel5 10691
149 11 mêl miǎo graceful; cunning, high.¹⁴
訬婧 mêl-dèin miǎojìng slender-waisted; graceful.¹⁴
<又> chāo.
(See 訬 chāo.)
mel5 10692
162 17 mêl miǎo <wr.> faraway; remote.⁶
绵邈[綿邈] mẽin-mêl miánmiǎo long (in time).⁷
邈冥冥 mêl-mẽin-mẽin
miǎomíngmíng far off; distant.¹⁰
邈邈 mêl-mêl
miǎomiǎo  distant, remote; sad, melancholy.⁷
邈然 mêl-ngẽin
miǎorán distant; remote.⁶
or 渺远[渺遠] mêl-yōn miǎoyuǎn distant; faraway; remote.⁶
mel5 10693
30 6 mẽng míng 报名[報名] bäo-mẽng bàomíng to register (for school, organization).¹¹
<台> 你嘅名 nï-gëh-mẽng your name.
(See 名 mẽin.)
meng3 10694
30 8 mèng mìng life.
薄命 bòk-mèng bómìng born under an unlucky star ((usually of women); short-lived.⁵⁴
亡命 mõng-mèng
wángmìng flee, seek refuge, go into exile; desperate.⁵
寿命[壽命] siù-mèng
shòumìng life span; life expectancy.¹⁰
<台> 尽命[盡命] dìn-mèng  to try very hard to.
<台> 甘命 gäm-mèng No wonder!
<台> 好命 hāo-mèng destined to good life.
<台> 命好 mèng-hāo destined to good life.
<台> 命滞[命滯] mèng-jài bad luck.
<台> 命运[命運] mèng-vùn destiny, fate.
<台> 亡命 mõng-mèng to try very hard to.
<台> 拼命 pön-mèng to try very hard to.
<台> 拼死命 pön-xī-mèng to risk life to.
<台> 生命 säng-mèng life.
(See 命 mèin.)
meng4 10695
149 13 mèng mìng ➀ <old>=名 mẽin míng or mẽng míng name; give a name, take a name ➁ Identify the name of the object
➂ straightforward, true meaning.¹⁹
(composition: ⿰言名; U+8A7A).
詺侮 mèng-mû
mìngwǔ to insult or insult.¹⁹
詺目 mèng-mùk
mìngmù to make out a list of things; to distinguish and denominate.²⁵
(See 名 mẽin; 名 mẽng).
meng4 10696
104 12 mēo <台> 地痞 ì-mēo local ruffian. (See 地痞 ì-pī dìpǐ).
<又> pī.
(See 痞 pī.)
meo1 10697
9 8 mẽo móu <wr.> equal; match; similar; alike.
两者各不相侔[兩者各不相侔] lēng-jēh-gōk-būt-xëng-mẽo liǎngzhěgèbùxiāngmóu the two don't match; the two are not identical.
meo3 10698
19 8 mẽo móu exhortation and encouragement; strong.³⁶ (劺=勉力 mêin-lèik miǎnlì exert oneself; make great efforts; try hard; endeavor; strive.⁶)
(composition: ⿰牟力; U+52BA).
meo3 10699
30 9 mẽo mōu (the sound made by a cow) moo; low; bellow.⁹
meo3 10700
30 12 mẽo móu (=谋[謀] mẽo móu) stratagem, plan, scheme; work for, seek, plot.⁵
(composition: ⿰口某; U+35BC).
(See 謀 mẽo).
meo3 10701
32 12 mẽo móu earthen vessel; clay pot.¹⁰¹ (variant: 牟 mẽo móu).
(composition: ⿱敄土; U+5825).
堥敦 mẽo-ùn
móudūn a little hill.⁸
<又> mão; mû.
(See 堥 mão; 堥 mû; 牟 mẽo: sense 9c).
meo3 10702
61 9 mẽo móu to hanker after; to desire; to covet.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄牟; U+6048).
恈恈 mẽo-mẽo móumóu greedy.¹⁹
恈恈然 mẽo-mẽo-ngẽin
móumóurán to think only of gain.²⁴
meo3 10703
66 9 mẽo móu (<old>=劺 mẽo móu) exhortation and encouragement; strong.³⁶ (劺=勉力 mêin-lèik miǎnlì exert oneself; make great efforts; try hard; endeavor; strive.⁶)
(composition: ⿰矛攵; U+6544).
<又> mù.
(See 務 mù; 敄 mù).
meo3 10704
82 10 mẽo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 毪 mũ serge from Tibet.⁸ a Tibetan woolen textile.⁹)
<又> mõ, mũ.
(See 毪 mõ, mũ.)
meo3 10705
93 6 mẽo móu ➀ <ono.> the sound of cattle: moo (alt. forms: 哞 mẽo mōu) ➁ to seek; to obtain ➂ <old> to exceed; to increase
➃ <old> broad; great ➄ <old> longlasting ➅ (Han dynasty, Sòng-Lǔ dialect) to love ➆ <old> look; appearance
➇ <old>spear ➈ a. <old>=麰 mẽo
móu barley; b. <old>=眸 mẽo móu eyeball; c. <old>=堥 mẽo móu earthen pot; d. <old>=侔 mẽo móu to be equal; e. <old>=鍪 mẽo móu helmet ➉ a surname​.³⁶
(composition: ⿱厶牛; U+725F).
百八牟尼 bäk-bät-mẽo-nãi
bǎibāmóuní <Budd.> the 108 beads of a rosary.⁵⁴
牟大利 mẽo-ài-lì
móudàlì to make large profits in trade.¹⁴
牟国[牟國] mẽo-gōk
móuguó Mou State (an ancient state in modern-day Shandong, China).³⁶
牟利 mẽo-lì
móulì to seek profit.⁵
牟尼 mẽo-nãi móuní <Budd.> muni; peace.⁷ from Sanskrit, muni, a hermit, an ascetic; used for Shakyamuni.¹⁴
or 谋取[謀取] mẽo-tuī móuqǔ to try to gain; seek; obtain.⁵
牟取暴利 mẽo-tuī bào-lì
móuqǔ bàolì to seek exorbitant profits.⁵
<又> mù.
(See 牟 mù.)
meo3 10706
109 11 mẽo móu the pupil of the eye; eye.⁸
黑眸 hāk-mẽo hēimóu black pupil of the eye.³⁹
明眸皓齿[明眸皓齒] mẽin-mẽo-hào-chī
or mẽin-mẽo-hâo-chī míngmóuhàochǐ (of a woman) have clear bright eyes and gleaming white teeth.⁶
明眸善睐[明眸善睞] mẽin-mẽo-sèn-lõi
or mẽin-mẽo-sèn-lòi míngmóushànlài clear-eyed with a winning look.¹¹
眸子 mẽo-dū
móuzi <wr.> pupil of the eye.¹¹
凝眸 ngẽin-mẽo
níngmóu <wr.> fix/focus one's eyes on; gaze; look with a fixed gaze.⁶
凝眸远望[凝眸遠望] ngẽin-mẽo-yōn-mòng
níngmóu yuǎnwàng gaze into the distance.⁶
回眸 või-mẽo
huímóu (of woman) glance back.¹¹
meo3 10707
109 14 mẽo móu to look at closely; nearsighted; dim; indistinct vision.¹⁴ to put down the head and inspect carefully; disshevelled hair.²⁴ to look at closely; to go with the head low, as near-sighted people do; to look down; dim, indistinct vision; disheveled, as hair; dull, ignorant.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱敄目; U+7780).
泪目矇瞀[淚目矇瞀] luî-mùk-mũng-mẽo lèi mù méng móu eyes obscured with tears.¹⁰²
瞀乱[瞀亂] mẽo-lòn móuluàn confusion — as of right and wrong.¹⁴ (cf 瞀亂 mào-lòn).
瞀瞀然 mẽo-mẽo-ngẽin
móumóurán bashful.¹⁴ not daring to look directly at any one.²⁴ timid, bashful, afraid to look in the face.¹⁰² (cf 瞀瞀然 mào-mào-ngẽin).
瞀视[瞀視] mẽo-sì
móushì confused sight; to see dimly.¹⁴ to look at, till the sight becomes dark and bewildered.²⁴ sight confused and wearied.¹⁰²
瞀芮 mẽo-yuì
móuruì a small kind of gnat.²⁴
眼瞀 ngān-mẽo
yǎnmóu  the eyes dim.²⁴ (cf 眼瞀 ngān-mào).
是非瞀乱[是非瞀亂] sì-fï mẽo-lòn
shìfēi móuluàn to confront right and wrong.¹⁰²
<又> mào; mù; këo; mùk.
(See 瞀 mào; 瞀 mù; 瞀 këo; 瞀 mùk).

meo3 10708
120 17 mẽo móu precautions; preparations.⁷
绸缪[綢繆] chiũ-mẽo chóumóu <wr.> sentimentally attached, affectionate; repair.⁶
绸缪束薪[綢繆束薪] Chiũ-mẽo chūk xïn.
Chóumóu shù xīn.
Round and round the firewood is bound.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·唐風·綢繆·1》, translated by James Legge).
绸缪缱绻[綢繆繾綣] chiũ-mẽo-hēin-kūn
chóumóu qiǎnquǎn to bind closely and attach to.⁷
缪篆[繆篆] mẽo-xùn
móuzhuàn one of the six styles of characters begun in the reign of 王莽 Võng Mông Wáng Mǎng Wang Mang (33 BC - 23 AD).⁷
未雨绸缪[未雨綢繆] mì-yî-chiũ-mẽo
wèiyǔchóumóu repair the house before it rains; provide for a rainy day; take precautions.⁵ lit. before it rains, bind around with silk (a contraction from 迨天之, 徹彼桑土, 綢繆牖戶. in the Book of Songs 《詩經·國風·豳風·鴟鴞·2》)​; fig. to plan ahead, to prepare for a rainy day.⁸ʼ⁰
<又> lẽl, mào, mèl, mùk.
(See 繆 lẽl, mào, mèl, mùk.)
meo3 10709
130 10 mẽo móu the spine; the spinal column; the ridge.⁸
(composition: ⿰月牟; U+43EC).
meo3 10710
140 9 𦭷
mẽo móu (=麰 mẽo móu⁹⁸ʼ¹⁰¹ barley.⁸)
(composition: ⿱艹牟; U+26B77).
(See 麰 mẽo).
meo3 10711
142 12 mẽo móu a marine crab.⁸
蝤蛑 yiũ-mẽo yóumóu swimming crab.⁶
蝤蛑科 yiũ-mẽo-fö
yóumóukē or 梭子蟹科 sö-dū-hāi-fö suōzixièkē Portunidae, a family of crabs which contains the swimming crabs.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
meo3 10712
142 15 mẽo máo (=蟊 mẽo or mão) a fly which is used similarly to cantharides; a grub that eats growing grain.¹⁴
or 斑蟊 bän-mẽo or bän-mão bānmáo Chinese blister beetle; cantharis.⁶ the fly which is used similarly to cantharides; a grub that eats growing grain.¹⁴
or 蟊贼[蟊賊] mẽo-tàk or mão-tàk máozéi  grain eating insect; lit. and fig. vermin; a person harmful to the country and the people.¹⁰ grubs which eat grain; the former eats the roots, the latter the joints – injurious persons.¹⁴ social vermin.⁵⁵
or 蟊弧 mẽo-vũ or mão-vũ máohú the name of a fly.²⁵
<又> mão.
(See 蟊 mão; 蟊 mẽo; 蝥 mão.)
meo3 10713
142 17 mẽo máo a fly which is used similarly to cantharides; a grub that eats growing grain.¹⁴ (variant: 蝥 mẽo or mão.)
or 斑蝥 bän-mẽo or bän-mão bānmáo Chinese blister beetle; cantharis.⁶ the fly which is used similarly to cantharides; a grub that eats growing grain.¹⁴
or 蝥贼[蝥賊] mẽo-tàk or mão-tàk máozéi  grain eating insect; lit. and fig. vermin; a person harmful to the country and the people.¹⁰ grubs which eat grain; the former eats the roots, the latter the joints – injurious persons.¹⁴ social vermin.⁵⁵
or 蝥弧 mẽo-vũ or mão-vũ máohú the name of a fly.²⁵
<又> mão.
(See 蟊 mão; 蝥 mão; 蝥 mẽo.)
meo3 10714
142 18 mẽo móu a species of spider.¹⁰²
(Note: some say 蟱 is read in Mandarin.)
(composition: ⿰虫無; U+87F1).
䖦蟱 jōt-mẽo
zhuōmóu a spider.²⁵ an Epeira, otherwide called 草蜘蛛 (tāo-jï-jï cǎozhīzhū small spider Agalena limbata.⁵⁴) or grass spider, which weaves its nest on plants; its web is regarded as noxious.¹⁰²
❄{⿰虫禺} mẽo-nguĩ móuyú = 青蚨 tëin-fũ qīngfú, a water beetle – according to the books, if the blood of the mother is smeared on 81 copper cash, and the blood of the young one is also smeared on another 81 cash, then cash will always come together, no matter how they are circulated, – from the 搜神记[搜神記] Xēo-sĩn-gï Sōushénjì.¹⁴
meo3 10715
149 16 mẽo móu stratagem, plan, scheme; work for, seek, plot.⁵ (variant: 㖼 mẽo móu). (See 㖼 mẽo).
谋反[謀反] mẽo-fān
móufǎn plot a rebellion.⁵
谋国[謀國] mẽo-gōk
móuguó <wr.> work for the interests of one's country; seek ways to benefit the state.⁶
谋害[謀害] mẽo-hòi
móuhài plot a murder; plot a frame-up against.⁵
谋求[謀求] mẽo-kiũ
móuqiú seek; strive for; be in quest of.⁵
谋略[謀略] mẽo-lèk
móulüè strategy; astuteness and resourcefulness.⁵
谋面[謀面] mẽo-mèin
móumiàn to meet/see each other.⁷
谋生[謀生] mẽo-säng
móushēng make a living.⁵
谋杀[謀殺] mẽo-sät
móushā murder.⁵
谋臣[謀臣] mẽo-sĩn
móuchén imperial counsellor.⁶
谋财害命[謀財害命] mẽo-tõi-hòi-mèin
móucáihàimìng murder somebody for his money.⁵
谋取[謀取] mẽo-tuī
móuqǔ try ti gain; seek; obtain.⁵
谋划[謀劃] mẽo-vàk
móuhuà plan; scheme; try to find a solution.⁵
谋和[謀和] mẽo-võ
móuhé strive for peace; pursue peace.⁶
谋刺[謀刺] mẽo-xü
móucì plot to assassinate.⁶
谋士[謀士] mẽo-xù
móushì adviser; counsellor.⁵
谋事[謀事] mẽo-xù
móushì plan matters; look for a job.⁵
meo3 10716
167 16 mẽo máo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 锚[錨] mão máo with same meaning.)
<又> mão.
(See 錨 mão.)
meo3 10717
167 17 mẽo móu an iron pan; a metal cap.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱敄金; U+936A).
兜鍪 ëo-mẽo dōumóu helmet (worn in ancient battles).⁶
meo3 10718
195 17 𩶢
mẽo móu name of a fish.²ʼ²⁵ʼ³⁶
(composition: ⿰魚牟; U+29DA2).
meo3 10719
199 17 mẽo móu barley.⁸ (variants: 牟 mẽo; 𦭷❄{⿱艹牟} mẽo).
(composition: ⿰麥牟; U+9EB0).
or 来牟[來牟] lõi-mẽo láimóu <wr.> wheat and barley. Note: 來 lõi lái is the original form for wheat.¹⁴
or 牟麦[牟麥] mẽo-màk móumài barley.¹⁴
(See 牟 mẽo : sense 9a; 𦭷❄{⿱艹牟} mẽo).
meo3 10720
61 13 mèo mòu (=霿¹⁰¹ mèo mòu half-witted, stupid; hookwink, deceive.⁵⁴)
(composition: ⿱敄心; U+6117).
怐愗 këo-mèo
kòummòu or këo-mào kòumào be stupid and ignorant.⁸ foolish, silly.²⁴
<又> mào.
(See 愗 mào; 霿 mèo).
meo4 10721
173 21 mèo mòu half-witted, stupid; hookwink, deceive.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿱雨⿰矛⿱攵目; U+973F).
瞉霿 këo-mèo kòumòu¹⁰¹ mean, niggardly.²⁵
<又> mũng.
(See 霿 mũng).
meo4 10722
28 2 mêo mǒu  (<old> = 某 mêo mǒu) certain, some.
(composition: ⿰𠃋丶; U+53B6).
<又> xü.
(See 厶 xü.)
meo5 10723
46 8 mêo mǎo loess hill.⁶ yellow dirt mount.⁸ a round-topped, steep hill common in northwestern China; broadly: a small mound.⁹ round yellow dirt mount (in the Northwest of China).¹⁰
石峁 sêk-mêo shímǎo Shimao is a Neolithic site in 神木市 Shenmu County, 陕西省 Shaanxi, China.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
meo5 10724
75 9 mêo mǒu some; a certain; somebody or something indefinite; such-and-such.¹⁰ (archaic variant: 厶 mêo mǒu.)
某甲某乙 mêo-gāp-mêo-yōt
mǒujiǎmǒuyǐ Mr. X and Mr. Y.¹⁹
某种[某種] mêo-jūng
mǒuzhǒng some kind (of).¹⁰
某某 mêo-mêo
mǒumǒu so-and-so; such-and-such.¹⁰
某某先生夫人 mêo-mêo-xëin-säng-fü-ngĩn
mǒumǒu xiānsheng fūren Mr. & Mrs. So-and-so.¹¹
某人 mêo-ngĩn
mǒurén someone; a certain person; some people; I (self-address after one's surname).¹⁰
某时[某時] mêo-sĩ
mǒushí sometime.¹⁰
某些 mêo-xëh
mǒuxiē some; certain (things).¹⁰
某些人 mêo-xëh-ngĩn
mǒuxiērén certain persons.¹¹
(See 厶 mêo.)
meo5 10725
93 7 mêo male.⁵
求牡 kiũ-mêo qiúmǔ a girl courts a boy.¹¹
牡丹 mêo-ǎn
mǔdan tree peony; peony.⁵
牡齿[牡齒] mêo-chī
mǔchǐ lower teeth.⁷
牡荆[牡荊] mêo-gëin
mǔjīng Chinese Vitex; Vitex negundo.
牡荆属[牡荊屬] mêo-gëin-sùk
mǔjīngshǔ the genus Vitex.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
牡桂 mêo-gï
mǔguì <bot.> cinnamon tree.⁵⁴ (See 肉桂 ngùk-gï ròuguì.)
牡雉 mêo-jï
mǔzhì male pheasant.⁶
牡竹 mêo-jūk
mǔzhú male bamboo.⁶
牡蛎[牡蠣] mêo-lài
mǔlì oyster.⁵
牡驴[牡驢] mêo-luĩ
mǔlǘ <zoo.> jackass.⁵⁴
牡鹿 mêo-lùk
mǔlù buck; stag.⁶
牡麻 mêo-mã
mǔmá <bot.> male plant of hemp.⁵⁴
牡马[牡馬] mêo-mâ
mǔmǎ stallion.⁶
牡牛 mêo-ngẽo
mǔniú bull; ox.⁷
牡羊 mêo-yẽng
mǔyáng ram.¹¹
四牡彭彭 xï-mêo-pãng-pãng
sìmǔpéngpéng handsome four horses (of a noble's carriage).¹¹ my four steeds never halt.¹⁴
meo5 10726
102 10 mêo <m.> for fields; unit of area equal to one fifteenth (0.066667) of a hectare.
公亩[公畝] güng-mêo
gōngmǔ 100 square meters; 0.0247105 acres; 1/100 hectare.
田亩[田畝] hẽin-mêo
tiánmǔ field; farmland; cropland.⁶
地亩[地畝] ì-mêo
dìmǔ area of farmland.
亩产[畝產] mêo-chān
mǔchǎn yield per mu.
市亩[市畝] sî-mêo
shìmǔ (0.066667 hectares).
英亩[英畝] Yëin-mêo
Yīngmǔ acre.
[Notes: 1 hectare = 10,000 square meters (100 m by 100 m) = 2.47105 acres. An acre = 4,840 square yards (about 4,047 square meters) =  43,560 square feet (about 0.4047 hectare).]
meo5 10727
102 10 mêo (<old>=亩[畝] mêo ) <m.> for fields; unit of area equal to one fifteenth (0.066667) of a hectare.
(composition: ⿸⿹十田久; U+755E).
meo5 10728
8 22 wěi diligent; beautiful.⁸ indefatigable; unwearied; resolute.¹⁴ unwearied; indefatigable exertion.²⁴ diligent, assiduous; beautiful.⁴⁰
(composition: ⿱亠舋; U+4EB9).
亹斐 mī-fī wěifěi diligent; assiduous.¹⁹
亹亹 mī-mī
wěiwěi  tireless.² diligently; relentlessly; pressing forward.¹⁰ <wr.> busy, untiring, progressing.¹¹
亹亹不倦 mī-mī-būt-gùn
wěiwěibùjuàn willing and unwearied.¹⁴
亹亹文王 mī-mī-mũn-võng
wěiwěi wén wáng earnest and energetic was Wén Wáng, King Wen of Zhou.¹⁴
亹焕[亹煥] mī-fòn
wěihuàn glorious, honorable and beautiful.¹⁹
<又> mõn.
(See 亹 mõn.)
mi1 10729
38 10 wěi complying, subservient; beautiful, attractive, pleasant; diligent and tireless.⁷
娓娓 mī-mī wěiwěi tireless in talking.⁶
娓娓不倦 mī-mī-būt-gùn
wěiwěibùjuàn talk tirelessly.⁵
娓娓而谈[娓娓而談] mī-mī-ngĩ-hãm
wěiwěi'értán talk in a kindly and informal fashion.⁶
娓娓动听[娓娓動聽] mī-mī-ùng-hëin
wěiwěidòngtīng (of speech and talk) interesting and pleasing; pleasant to the ear.⁶
mi1 10730
44 7 wěi tail; end; remaining part, remnant; <m.> (for fish).⁵
两尾鱼[兩尾魚] lēng-mī-nguî/ liǎngwěiyú two fish.⁵
尾大不掉 mī-ài-būt-èl
wěidàbùdiào (of an organization) too cumbersome to be effective.⁵⁵
尾灯[尾燈] mī-äng
wěidēng tail light; tail lamp.⁵
尾巴 mī-bä
wěiba tail; tail-like part; servile adherent, appendage; a person shadowing somebody.⁵
尾子 mī-dū
wěizi tail; end; small change; odd sum remaining after large round number.¹⁰
尾击[尾擊] mī-gēik
wěijī attack from the rear.¹⁰
尾骨 mī-gūt
wěigǔ coccyx; tail bone.⁶
尾梢 mī-säo
wěishāo the tip; the end; the very end.¹⁰
尾声[尾聲] mī-sëin
wěishēng coda; epilogue; end.¹⁰
尾数[尾數] mī-sü
wěishù remainder (after rounding a number); decimal part (of number after the decimal point); mantissa (fractional part of common logarithm in math.); small change; balance (of an account).¹⁰
收尾 siü-mī
shōuwěi wind up; ending (of an article).⁵
有头无尾[有頭無尾] yiü-hẽo-mũ-mī
yǒutóuwúwěi to leave a job incomplete; to quit doing something halfway.⁷
<台> 屎头硬屎尾稀[屎頭硬屎尾稀] sī-hẽo-ngàng sī-mī-hï to do something halfway; to leave something unfinished.
(See 尾 [mī,].
mi1 10731
44 7 hairs on a horse's tail; spikelets on a cricket's tail.⁵
后尾[後尾] hèo-mī hòuyǐ <topo.> end; behind.⁵⁴
马尾儿[馬尾兒] mâ-mī-ngĩ
mǎyǐr <topo.> horsetail.⁵⁴
尾巴 mī-bä
yǐba <topo.> tail (of an animal).¹⁰
(See 尾 [mī, wěi].
mi1 10732
137 13 wěi <wr.> stern of a boat or ship.⁹
艉板 mī-bān wěibǎn stern trimming flap.⁶
艉楼[艉樓] mī-lẽo
wěilóu poop.²³
艉楼甲板[艉樓甲板] mī-lẽo-gāp-bān
wěilóujiǎbǎn poop deck.⁹
艉锚[艉錨] mī-mão
or mī-mẽo wěimáo stern anchor.⁶
艉门[艉門] mī-mõn
wěimén stern door.⁶
mi1 10733
140 10 wěi name of a grass.² a kind of grass mentioned in ancient books.⁸ name of an herb.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱艹尾; U+8371).
<又> mì. (See 荱 mì).
mi1 10734
140 23 𧄸
wěi name of a grass.² the name of a plant.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹舋; U+27138).
<又> mõn. (See 𧄸❄{⿱艹舋} mõn).
mi1 10735
109 11 to narrow one's eyes; to squint; <topo.> to take a nap.¹⁰ (variant: 瞇 mï ).
眯缝[眯縫] mï-fũng
mīfeng narrow (one's eyes).⁸
眯着眼睛笑[眯著眼睛笑] mï-jèk-ngān-dëin-xël
mīzhe yǎnjing xiào narrow one's eyes into a smile.⁵
眯盹儿[眯盹兒] mï-ûn-ngĩ
mīdǔnr have short winks;have a nap.⁸ <topo.> doze off; take a nap.⁵⁴
眯糊 mï-vũ
mīhu narrow one's eyes; have a nap.⁸
笑眯眯 xël-mï-mï
xiàomīmī smilingly; with a smile on one's face.⁵⁴
<又> mãi.
(See 眯 mãi; 瞇 mãi; 瞇 mï.)
mi2 10736
109 14 (=眯 mï ) to narrow one's eyes; to squint; <topo.> to take a nap.¹⁰
<又> mãi.
(See 眯 mãi; 瞇 mãi; 瞇 mï.)
mi2 10737
38 12 mèi charming, attractive; flatter.
(In Hoisanva 媚 is read as mĩ when used as a feminine name. It is read as mì when used as a verb or adjective.)
<又> mì. (See 媚 mì.)
mi3 10738
46 12 méi 峨嵋山 Ngõ-mĩ-sän or Ngũ-mĩ-sän Éméi Shān Emei Mountain, Mount Emei in 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan Province, one of the Four Sacred Mountains and Bodhimanda of Samantabhadra 普贤[普賢] Pū-yẽn Pǔxián, the Buddhist Lord of Truth.¹⁰
mi3 10739
57 17 full, overflowing; cover, fill; more, even more, still more.⁶
弥补[彌補] mĩ-bū míbǔ make up; remedy; make good.⁵
弥封[彌封] mĩ-füng
mífēng seal the examinee's name on an exam paper so as to prevent fraudulence.⁶
弥缝[彌縫] mĩ-fũng
míféng fill cracks; plug up holes – cover up mistakes; gloss over faults.⁶
弥合[彌合] mĩ-hàp
míhé close; bridge.⁵
弥天[彌天] mĩ-hëin
mítiān monstrous; huge.⁶
弥天大罪[彌天大罪] mĩ-hëin-ài-duì
mítiāndàzuì monstrous crime; heinous crime.⁵
弥天大谎[彌天大謊] mĩ-hëin-ài-föng
mítiāndàhuǎng  monstrous lie; outrageous lie; downright falsehood.⁶
弥勒[彌勒] Mĩ-làk
Mílè <Budd.> Maitreya.⁵
弥留[彌留] mĩ-liũ
míliú <wr.> be dying.⁵
弥漫[彌漫] mĩ-màn
mímàn be suffused with; fill the air; spread everywhere; permeate; pervade.⁶
弥蒙[彌蒙] mĩ-mũng
míméng fill the air.⁶
弥月[彌月] mĩ-ngùt
míyuè <wr.> (of a baby) completion of its first month of life; full month.⁶
弥生人[彌生人] mĩ-säng-ngĩn
míshēngrén (Japanese: Yayoi jin), an ancient ethnic group who migrated to Japan from China and Korea between 300 BCE and 300 CE.¹⁵
弥撒[彌撒] mĩ-xät
mísa Catholic mass.¹¹
mi3 10740
60 13 wēi minute, tiny; profound, abstruse; decline; one millionth part of, micro-.⁵
微波 mĩ-bö wēibō microwave.⁵
微积分[微積分] mĩ-dēik-fün
wēijīfēn calculus.⁷
微风[微風] mĩ-füng
wēifēng gentle breeze.⁵
微机[微機] mĩ-gï
wēijī microcomputer.⁹
微旨 mĩ-jī
wēizhǐ a deep or abstruse meaning or idea.⁷
微菌 mĩ-kūn
wēijūn bacterium; germ.¹⁰
微米 mĩ-māi
wēimǐ micron.⁵
微微 mĩ-mĩ
wēiwēi slight; faint; micromicro-; pico-.⁵
微茫 mĩ-mõng
wēimáng hazy; blurred.⁸
微弱 mĩ-ngèk
wēiruò faint; feeble; weak.⁵
微生物 mĩ-säng-mùt
or mĩ-säng-mòt wēishēngwù microorganism; microbe.⁵
微忱 mĩ-sẽim
wēichén my little token of remembrance.¹¹ slight token of my regard.⁵⁴
微疴[微痾] mĩ-ü
or mĩ-ö wēikē slight illness.⁶
微小 mĩ-xēl
wēixiǎo small, tiny.⁵
微笑 mĩ-xël
wēixiào smile; to smile.¹⁰
微肖 mĩ-xël
wēixiào a slight resemblance.¹⁴
微型 mĩ-yẽin
wēixíng miniature; mini-.⁵
无微不至[無微不至] mũ-mĩ-būt-jï
wúwēibùzhì meticulous.¹
细微[細微] xäi-mĩ
xìwēi minute, tiny.⁵
mi3 10741
60 14 wēi (=微 mĩ wēi minute, tiny; profound, abstruse; decline; one millionth part of, micro-.⁵).
(composition: ⿲彳⿱山⿱一口攵; U+38F2).
(See 微 mĩ).
mi3 10742
61 9 𢘺
the mind misled; bewildered.²⁴ perplexed; baffled; confused.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰忄米; U+2263A).
<又> māi. (See 𢘺❄{⿰忄米} māi).
mi3 10743
75 13 méi lintel (over a door).⁵
倒楣 āo-mĩ dǎoméi unlucky, run into bad luck.¹¹ (obsolete variant of 倒霉 āo-mõi dǎoméi unlucky).⁹
败坏门楣[敗壞門楣] bài-vài-mõn-mĩ
bàihuàiménméi to shame the name of the house.¹¹
光耀门楣[光耀門楣] göng-yèl-mõn-mĩ
guāngyàoménméi bring honor to the family name.¹¹
楣式 mĩ-sēik
méishì <archi.> the lintel style.⁷
楣窗 mĩ-töng
méichuāng fanlight; transom (window).⁶
门楣[門楣] mõn-mĩ
ménméi lintel (of a door); fig. family's social status.¹⁰
有辱门楣[有辱門楣] yiû-yùk-mõn-mĩ
yǒurǔménméi a disgrace to the house.¹¹
mi3 10744
85 12 méi shore; bank; the margin (of the water).⁷ (variant: 麋 mĩ ).
湄公河 Mĩ-güng-hõ
Méigōnghé Mekong River.⁸
湄洲 Mĩ-jiü
Méizhōu an island in Fujian.⁴
湄南河 Mĩ-nãm-hõ
Méinánhé Chao Phraya (major waterway of central Thailand.)⁶
湄湖 Mĩ-vũ
Méihú a lake in Hunan.¹⁴
(See 麋 mĩ).
mi3 10745
85 13 wēi light rain.⁶
浽溦 xuï-mĩ suīwēi drizzle; fine rain.¹⁰
mi3 10746
85 20 overflow.⁸ brimming or overflowing.¹⁰ overflow.¹¹ a watery expanse.¹⁴  full.³⁶  (See "Note 1" under 瀰 mî ).
(composition: ⿰氵彌; U+7030).
战云瀰漫[戰雲瀰漫] jën-vũn-mĩ-màn
zhànyúnmímàn war clouds hang over the horizon.¹¹
渺瀰 mêl-mĩ
miǎomí limitless; vague, imprecise, indistinct.¹ the vast expanse of water.² a watery waste.¹⁴ water wide and distant.²⁴
瀰漫 mĩ-màn
mímàn to flood, overflow; spread all over (of snow, atmosphere).¹¹
有瀰 yiû-mĩ
yǒumí full of water.²⁴
<又> mî.
(See 瀰 mî).
mi3 10747
94 12 méi 猸子 mĩ-dū méizi crab-eating mongoose.⁶
mi3 10748
94 20 macaque.¹⁰
中华猕猴桃[中華獼猴桃] jüng-vã-mĩ-hẽo-hõ zhōnghuá míhóutáo golden kiwifruit, Actinidia chinensis Planch.³²
猕猴[獼猴] mĩ-hẽo
míhóu macaque, rhesus monkey.⁶
猕猴桃[獼猴桃] mĩ-hẽo-hõ
míhóutáo kiwifruit (shortened to kiwi in North America), aka Chinese gooseberry, in Chinese aka 奇異果、猕猴梨、藤梨、毛梨.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
美味猕猴桃[美味獼猴桃] mî-mì-mĩ-hẽo-hõ
měiwèi míhóutáo fuzzy kiwifruit.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(See 猱 ngẽl).
mi3 10749
96 22 name of a jade.² name of a gem.²⁴
(composition: ⿱彌玉; U+74D5).
<又> xāi. (See 瓕 xāi).
mi3 10750
109 9 méi eyebrow, brow; top margin of a page.⁶
眉睫 mĩ-dèp méijié (as close to the eye as) eyebrows and eyelashes – very close; imminent; urgent.⁶
眉豆 mĩ-èo
méidòu black-eyed pea.⁹
眉飞色舞[眉飛色舞] mĩ-fï-sēik-mū
méifēisèwǔ beam with joy; be as cheerful as a lark; be enraptured; be exuberant.⁶
眉头[眉頭] mĩ-hẽo
méitóu brows.⁶
眉开眼笑[眉開眼笑] mĩ-höi-ngān-xël
méikāiyǎnxiào be alll smiles; be radiant with smiles; beam with joy.⁶
眉来眼去[眉來眼去] mĩ-lõi-ngān-huï
méiláiyǎnqù cast sheep's eyes at somebody; exchange amorous glances.⁶
眉毛 mĩ-mão
méimao eyebrow; brow.⁶
眉目 mĩ-mùk
méimù features, looks; arrangement, logic (of writing), sequence of ideas; prospect of a solution, sign of a positive outcome.⁶
眉目传情[眉目傳情] mĩ-mùk-chũn-tẽin
méimùchuánqíng flash amorous glances; make eyes at somebody.⁶
眉目娟秀 mĩ-mùk-gün-xiü
méimùjuānxiù have delicate features; be good-looking.⁶
眉批 mĩ-päi
méipī comments at the top of the page.⁶
眉清目秀 mĩ-tëin-mùk-xiü
méiqīngmùxiù have delicate features; have finely chiselled features.⁶
<台> 头眉[頭眉] hẽo-mĩ head band for old people.
mi3 10751
109 12 méi (<old>=眉 mĩ méi eyebrow).
(composition: ⿱⿰仌丨⿸厂目; U+7742).
(See 眉 mĩ).
mi3 10752
119 17 congee, porridge, rice gruel; mashed, rotten, corrupted; to waste.⁷  rice gruel, congee; mashed, Mi surname.⁸
羁糜[羈糜] kï-mĩ jīmí <wr.> keep (vassal states) under control; (=羁留[羈留] kï-liũ jīliú) <wr.> stop over.⁶
or 靡费[靡費] mĩ-fï mífèi extravagant or wasteful; to waste.⁷
糜沸 mĩ-fï
mífèi in a turmoil.¹¹
糜粥 mĩ-jūk
mízhōu congee; porridge.⁷
or 靡烂[靡爛] mĩ-làn mílàn rotten, corrupt, debauchery; to oppress and destroy the people (through devious means).⁷
糜烂其民[糜爛其民] mĩ-làn-kĩ-mĩn
mílànqímín trample upon the people.¹¹
糜散 mĩ-xān
mísǎn scattered, wasted, as money.²⁵
乳糜 nguî-mĩ
rǔmí <phys.> chyle.⁶
肉糜 ngùk-mĩ
ròumí <topo.> meat paste; ground meat.⁶
<又> mõi.
(See 糜 mõi.)
mi3 10753
120 12 𥿫
a cow's halter; to bind, to tie up.²⁵ (=縻 mĩ <wr.> to fasten; to tie.⁶ halter for ox; to harness.¹¹).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰糹多; U+25FEB).
<又> yì; vī; yuì.
(See 𥿫❄{⿰糹多} yì; 𥿫❄{⿰糹多} vī; 𥿫❄{⿰糹多} yuì; 縻 mĩ).
mi3 10754
120 17 <wr.> to fasten; to tie.⁶ halter for ox; to harness.¹¹
(variant: 麿 mĩ ; 𥿫❄{⿰糹多}).
拘縻 guï-mĩ
jūmí put under restraint.¹¹
羁縻[羈縻] kï-mĩ
jīmí to tie up, be tied up, by business or emotional ties; stay on (in post), continue.¹¹ comfort measures; Jimi system.¹⁹
縻系[縻繫] mĩ-hài
míxì arrest; tie up.¹⁹
(See 麿 mĩ; 𥿫❄{⿰糹多} mĩ).
mi3 10755
123 8 (sound of a sheep) baa; bleat; Mi surname.
mi3 10756
140 16 wēi Osmunda regalis, a kind of fern.⁷
白薇 bàk-mĩ
báiwēi <bot.> Cynanchum atratum.¹¹ blackend swallowwort root.⁴⁵
紫薇 dū-mĩ
zǐwēi <bot.> crape myrtle.¹⁰
蔷薇[薔薇] tẽng-mĩ
qiángwēi the roses.⁷ multiflora rose, baby rose, Japanese rose, many-flowered rose, seven-sisters rose, Eijitsu rose; rambler rose (Rosa multiflora syn. Rosa polyantha).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
蔷薇科[薔薇科] tẽng-mĩ-fö
qiángwēikē Rosaceae; rose family.⁶
蔷薇战争[薔薇戰爭] tẽng-mĩ jën-jäng
qiángwēi zhànzhēng Britain's "War of the Roses" (1455-1485).⁷
蔷薇露[薔薇露] tẽng-mĩ-lù
qiángwēilù rose water; a kind of wine.⁷
蔷薇水[薔薇水] tẽng-mĩ-suī
qiángwēishuǐ rose water.¹¹
采薇[採薇] tōi-mĩ
cǎiwēi let us gather the thorn-ferns.¹⁴
野蔷薇[野薔薇] yêh-tẽng-mĩ
yěqiángwēi a wild rose.⁶
mi3 10757
140 20 (<old>=蘼 mĩ millet.¹⁰); an aquatic plant mentioned in ancient books.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹麋; U+862A).
mi3 10758
140 22 millet.¹⁰
蘼芜[蘼蕪] mĩ-mũ
míwú javenile leaf.⁹ Gracilaria confervoides (a fragrant herb).¹⁰ Ligusticum wallichii Franch.²³
荼蘼 hũ-mĩ
túmí <bot.> Rosa rubus H. Lév. & Vaniot.²³
mi3 10759
140 22 name of a variety of grass.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹彌; U+4573).
mi3 10760
147 20 𫌭
wéi to peep; to spy.²⁵ <old> to peep.¹⁰¹
(comp. t: ⿰見微; U+89B9). (comp. s: ⿰见微; U+2B32D).
mi3 10761
163 11 méi county in 陕西省[陝西省] Sēm-xäi sāng Shǎnxī shěng Shaanxi Province.⁸
mi3 10762
164 24 酴醾 hũ-mĩ túmí wine brewed for the second time; a kind of shrub (=荼蘼 hũ-mĩ túmí, q.v.).⁷
酴醾酒 hũ-mĩ-diū
túmíjiǔ wine brewed for the second time.⁷
mi3 10763
167 17 méi americium (Am).⁶
mi3 10764
175 19 to waste; extravagant.⁷
靡费[靡費] or 糜费[糜費] mĩ-fï mífèi extravagant or wasteful; to waste.⁷
or 糜烂[糜爛] mĩ-làn mílàn rotten, corrupt, debauchery; to oppress and destroy the people (through devious means).⁷
<又> mî.
(See 靡 mî.)
mi3 10765
196 20 méi babbler.⁵
棕头钩嘴鹛[棕头鉤嘴鶥] düng-hẽo-gêo-duī-mĩ zōngtóu gōuzuǐméi red-billed scimitar babbler (Pomatorhinus ochraceiceps), a species of bird in the Timaliidae family.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
钩嘴鹛[鉤嘴鶥] gêo-duī-mĩ
gōuzuǐméi scimitar babbler.⁵
钩嘴鹛属[鉤嘴鶥屬] gêo-duī-mĩ-sùk
gōuzuǐméishǔ Pomatorhinus (genus) of scimitar babbler.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
红嘴钩嘴鹛[紅嘴鉤嘴鶥] hũng-duī-gêo-duī-mĩ
hóngzuǐ gōuzuǐméi coral-billed scimitar babbler (Pomatorhinus ferruginosus), a species of bird in the Timaliidae family.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
红顶鹛[紅頂鶥] hũng-ēng-mĩ
hóngdǐngméi red-crown babbler.⁶ chestnut-capped babbler (Timalia pileata), a passerine bird of the Timaliidae family. It is monotypic within the genus Timalia.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
噪鹛[噪鶥] täo-mĩ
zàoméi laughing thrush.⁶
小黑领噪鹛[小黑領噪鶥] xēl-hāk-lêin-täo-mĩ
xiǎohēilǐng zàoméi lesser necklaced laughingthrush (Garrulax monileger), a species of bird in the Leiothrichidae family.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
mi3 10766
198 鹿 17 elk; Mi surname; (=湄 mĩ méi bank (of waters)).⁸
(variant: 麊 mĩ
). (composition: ⿸鹿米; U+9E8B).
彼何人斯、居河之麋。Bī-hõ-ngĩn-xü, guï-hõ-jï-mĩ.
Bǐ hérén sī, jū hé zhī mí. Who are they? They [are like men who] dwell on the banks of the river.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·小旻之什·巧言·6》, translated by James Legge).
口麋 hēo-mĩ
kǒumí thrush (disease).⁵⁴
麋沸 mĩ-fï
mífèi disturbance; chaos; unrest.⁷
麋沸之乱[麋沸之亂] mĩ-fï-jï-lòn
mífèizhīluàn social or political turmoil.¹¹
麋角解. Mĩ-gök-gāi.
Mí jiǎo jiě.
The moose-deer shed their horns.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·月令·101》, translated by James Legge).
麋黎 mĩ-lãi
mílí old; aged.⁷
麋羚 mĩ-lẽin
mílíng hartebeest.⁵ (=狷羚 gün-lẽin juànlíng hartebeest, kongoni (Alcelaphus buselaphus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰)
麋鹿 mĩ-lùk
mílù (animal) the elk and the deer; a David's deer; fig. a rude person.⁷ Père David's deer (Elaphurus davidianus).²⁰
麋腥 mĩ-xëng
míxīng raw elk flesh.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·內則·33》, translated by James Legge).
(See 麊 mĩ; 湄 mĩ).
mi3 10767
198 鹿 17 (<old>=麋 mĩ ) elk.⁵
(composition: ⿱米鹿; U+9E8A).
(See 麋 mĩ).
mi3 10768
200 17 麿 (<old>=縻 mĩ ) <wr.> to fasten; to tie.⁶ halter for ox; to harness.¹¹
<又> möt.
(See 縻 mĩ; 麿 möt).
mi3 10769
30 8 wèi taste, smell, odor; delicacy.⁸
乡味[鄉味] hëng-mì xiāngwèi country style (of food flavor or cooking).¹ home-grown product.¹¹
气味[氣味] hï-mì
qìwèi smell, scent, flavor; smack, taste.⁶
味道 mì-ào
wèidao flavor; smell; hint of.¹⁰
味道嗲 mì-ào-ēh
wèidaodiǎ taste good.⁶
味精 mì-dëin
wèijīng monosodium glutamate (MSG).
味觉[味覺] mì-gōk
wèijué sense of taste.¹¹
味同嚼蜡[味同嚼蠟] mì-hũng-dēk-làp
wèitóngjiáolà tastes like chewing candle – completely flat.¹¹
味蕾 mì-luî
wèilěi taste bud(s).¹⁰
回味 või-mì
huíwèi aftertaste; to recall something and ponder it.
回味无穷[回味無窮] või-mì-mũ-kũng
huíwèiwúqióng something delicious has a lasting aftertaste.¹⁰
<台> 上味 sèm-mì/ salt. (note: 上 sèng is pronounced sèm here; sèm-mì/  is spoken only.)
<台> 一味 yīt-mì one dish (of a meal).
<台> 一味 yīt-mì/ continuously; constantly.
mi4 10770
38 12 mèi fawn on, curry favor with, flatter, toady to; charming, fascinating, enchanting.⁵
春光明媚 chün-göng-mẽin-mì chūnguāngmíngmèi beautiful, bright spring days.¹¹
明媚 mẽin-mì
míngmèi (of scenery) bright and beautiful, radiant and enchanting; (of eyes) bright, shining.⁶
媚俗 mì-dùk
mèisú pander to public opinion.⁹
媚敌[媚敵] mì-èik
mèidí curry favor with the enemy.⁵
媚骨 mì-gūt
mèigǔ obsequiousness.⁵
媚态[媚態] mì-häi
mèitài charming, seductive manner.¹¹
媚眼 mì-ngān
mèiyǎn a soft glance; an ogle.⁷
媚人 mì-ngĩn
mèirén attractive, winsome (appearance or manners); fascinating; enchanting.⁷
媚外 mì-ngòi
mèiwài try to flatter foreigners.¹¹
媚世 mì-säi
mèishì court favor of public.¹¹
媚上骄下[媚上驕下] mì-sèng-gël-hà
mèishàngjiāoxià obsequious to one's superiors and arrogant to one's inferiors.⁶
or 魅惑 mì-vàk mèihuò bewitch; captivate.⁶
媚悦[媚悅] mì-yòt
mèiyuè butter up somebody.⁵⁴
<又> mĩ.
(See 媚 mĩ.)
mi4 10771
40 12 mèi <wr.> sleep.⁶
长夜不寐[長夜不寐] chẽng-yèh-būt-mì chángyèbùmèi  lie sleepless all night on one's pillow; have slept a sleepless night.³⁹
假寐 gā-mì
jiǎmèi <wr.> catnap; doze.⁶
喜而不寐 hī-ngĩ-būt-mì
xǐérbùmèi too happy and excited to fall asleep.⁶
寤寐 m̀-mì
wùmèi between sleep and wakefulness.⁷ waking and sleeping – at all times.¹⁴
寐息 mì-xēik
mèixī to sleep, to rest.¹⁴
梦寐[夢寐] mùng-mì
mèngmèi dream; sleep.⁶
梦寐以求[夢寐以求] mùng-mì-yî-kiũ
mèngmèiyǐqiú crave something so that one even dreams about it; long/yearn for something day and night.⁶
失寐 sīt-mì
shīmèi insomnia.¹¹
夙興夜寐 xūk-hëin-yèh-mì
sùxìngyèmèi rise early and retire late – be hardworking/industrious.⁶
入寐 yìp-mì
rùmèi fall asleep; go to sleep.⁶
mi4 10772
66 10 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 敉 mài <wr.> pacify; soothe.⁶ to soothe, to pacify.²⁴)
<又> mài, nì.
(See 敉 mài, 敉 nì.)
mi4 10773
75 5 wèi 8th of the 12 Earthly Branches. not yet, did not, have not, not; 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
未必 mì-bēik wèibì not necessarily, maybe not.
未婚 mì-fün
wèihūn unmarried; single.
未婚夫 mì-fün-fü
wèihūnfū fiancé.
未婚妻 mì-fün-häi
wèihūnqī fiancée.
未知臧否 mì-jï-döng-pī
wèizhīzāngpǐ don't know whether it's good or bad.¹¹
未来 mì-lõi
wèilái future; time to come.
未免 mì-mêin
wèimiǎn unavoidable.
未尝轩轾于其[未嘗軒輊於其] mì-sẽng-hëin-jï-yï-kĩ
wèicháng xuānzhì yú qí no difference between them (from 軒 the front high part of cart and 輊 the low back part).¹¹
未时[未時] mì-sĩ/
wèishí 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
未遂 mì-xuì
wèisuì fail to accomplish.⁶
未雨绸缪[未雨綢繆] mì-yî-chiũ-mẽo
wèiyǔchóumóu repair the house before it rains; provide for a rainy day; take precautions.⁵ lit. before it rains, bind around with silk (idiom, from Book of Songs 诗经); fig. to plan ahead; to prepare for a rainy day.¹⁰
未有 mì-yiû
wèiyǒu have never had; have never been; can never be.
mi4 10774
85 6 cuān quick-boil; small, cylindrical metal pot which can be thrust into a fire to boil water quickly.⁶ (cooking) to boil (food).⁷ to parboil; hot water kettle; to boil.⁸
(composition: ⿰入水; U+6C46). (Distinguish 氽 hün tǔn).
汆子 mì-dū
cuānzi small, cylindrical metal pot which can be thrust into a fire to boil water quickly.⁶
汆汤[汆湯] mì-höng
cuāntāng quick-boiled soup.⁶
汆水 mì-suī
cuānshuǐ a cooking method where food is put into boiling water and cook for a short while; quick-boil.¹⁹
氽黄瓜片[氽黃瓜片] mì-võng-gâ-pëin
tǔn huángguā piàn quick-boiled cucumber slices.
汆丸子 mì-yõn-dū
cuānwánzi quick-boiled meatballs with soup.⁷
生汆 säng-mì
shēngcuān refers to raw, half-raw, or semi-finished food poured into boiling water.¹⁹
<台> 汆躬头[汆躬頭] mì-güng-hêo to stoop.
<台> 汆水 mì-suī to go under water.
(See 氽 hün).
mi4 10775
109 14 mèi eyes closed, to close the eyes; (Cant.) to close, shut.⁸ to close the eyes.²⁴
(composition: ⿰目眉; U+7778).
(See <台> 抿枚只眼[抿枚隻眼] mīn-mõi-jëk-ngān).
mi4 10776
140 10 wèi grass bent down.²ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱艹尾; U+8371).
<又> mī. (See 荱 mī).
mi4 10777
140 11 wèi (=荎藸 chĩ-chuĩ chíchú a medicinal herb; also called 五味子 m̄-mì-dū wǔwèizǐ.¹³).²ʼ²⁵ a plant the seeds of which are said to possess all the five tastes.²⁵ (See 荎藸 chĩ-chuĩ).
(composition: ⿱艹味; U+83CB).
mi4 10778
194 12 mèi (=魅 mì mèi) demon, evil spirit; entice, attract.⁶
(See 魅 mì).
mi4 10779
194 14 mèi <wr.> demon, evil spirit; entice, attract.⁶ (variant: 鬽 mì mèi).
鬼魅 gī-mì
guǐmèi demon; monster.⁶ ghosts and goblins; forces of evil.⁸
魅力 mì-lèik
mèilì glamor; enchantment; fascination; charm.⁵ magic power.¹¹
魅人 mì-ngĩn
mèirén enchanting; fascinating.⁶ to attract.⁹
or 媚惑 mì-vàk mèihuò bewitch; captivate.⁶
魅惑力 mì-vàk-lèik 
mèihuòlì attractiveness; charm.⁶
魅影 mì-yēin
mèiyǐng phantom (esp. of Western fantasy).¹⁰
艺术魅力[藝術魅力] ngài-sùt-mì-lèik
yìshù mèilì artistic charm.⁵
(See 鬽 ).
mi4 10780
38 13 měi (<old>=美 mî měi) beautiful).⁸ a slight, elegant woman; handsome, similar to 美 mî měi.¹⁴ good, excellent; a young woman; virtuous principles.²⁴
(composition: ⿰; U+5ABA).
嗣媺 dù-mî
sìměi inheriting the virtues of one's predecessors.¹⁹
媺宫[媺宮] mî-güng
měigōng a beautiful palace.²⁴
媺人 mî-ngĩn
měirén a beautiful woman.¹⁹
媺言 mî-ngũn
měiyán beautiful words.¹⁹
媺恶[媺惡] mî-ōk
měi'è good and evil; good and bad.¹⁹ good and evil, (mental) beauty and (mental) ugliness.⁵⁴
粹媺 xuì-mî
cuìměi exquisite; elegant.¹⁹
懿媺 yì-mî
yìměi friendly and good.¹⁹
mi5 10781
57 9 to stop, to end; the ends of a bow.⁷ Mi surname.⁸
弭兵 mî-bëin or nì-bëin mǐbīng <wr.> have a truce; stop a war.⁶
弭兵之会[弭兵之會] mî-bëin-jï-vòi
or nì-bëin-jï-vòi mǐbīngzhīhuì cease-fire meeting; armistice talks.⁵⁴
弭谤[弭謗] mî-bōng
or nì-bōng mǐbàng <wr.> stop slanders.⁶
弭除 mî-chuĩ
or nì-chuĩ mǐchú <wr.> clear up; dispel; eliminate; remove.⁶
弭灾[弭災] mî-döi
or nì-döi mǐzāi to end disaster.⁷
弭辄[弭輒] mî-jīp
or nì-jīp mǐzhé to travel very fast.⁷
弭乱[弭亂] mî-lòn
or nì-lòn mǐluàn <wr.> put down a rebellion; stop a civil war.⁶
弭患 mî-vàn
or nì-vàn mǐhuàn <wr.> eliminate trouble; remove the source of trouble.⁶
弭患未萌 mî-vàn-mì-mãng
or nì-vàn-mì-mãng mǐhuànwèiméng nip trouble in the bud.⁵⁴
消弭 xël-mî
or xël-nì xiāomǐ <wr.> put an end to; prevent; terminate.⁶
<又> nì.
(See 弭 nì.)
mi5 10782
85 20 overflow.⁸ overflowing.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰氵彌; U+7030).
(Note 1: With reference to the two different pronunciations of 瀰 mĩ and 瀰 mî in both Hoisanva and Mandarin, Kangxi (康熙字典) and Mathew's distinguish them with different meanings whereas 國語詞典 via 汉典 (zdic.net) and Ministry of Education's online dictionary say they are alternate pronunciations with the same meaning).
河水瀰瀰 hõ-suī mî-mî
héshuǐ mǐmǐ the river is overflowing.¹⁴ On the waters of the He, wide and deep.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·邶風·新臺·1》, translated by James Legge). (Note 2: James Legge's rendition is different from Mathew's).
瀰瀰 mî-mî
mǐmǐ water flowing.² water flowing along.²⁴
<又> mĩ.
(See 瀰 mĩ).
mi5 10783
123 9 měi beautiful. (variant: 羙 mî měi). (See 羙 mî).
中美洲 Jüng-mî-jiü
Zhōngměizhōu Central America.¹⁰
美德 mî-āk
měidé virtue; moral excellence.⁵
美国[美國]  Mî-gōk
Měiguó United States; USA; US.¹⁰
美观[美觀] mî-gön
měiguān pleasing to the eye.⁸
美洲 Mî-jiü
Měizhōu America.⁸
美洲椴木 Mî-jiü òn-mûk
Měizhōu duànmù basswood, American basswood, lime, linden, Tilia americana.²³
美洲狮[美洲獅] mî-jiü-xü
měizhōushī cougar; mountain lion; puma.¹⁰
or 美轮美奂[美輪美奐] mî-lũn-mî-fòn měilúnměihuàn (of a new building) gorgeous; tall and splendid; magnificent.⁶
美满姻缘[美滿姻緣] mî-mōn-yïn-yõn
měimǎnyīnyuán happy marriage; conjugal felicity.⁶
美髯 mî-ngẽm
měirán <wr.> beautiful beard.⁵⁴
美髯公 mî-ngẽm-güng
měirángōng man with well-trimmed beard and moustache.⁶
美人蕉 mî-ngĩn-dêl
měirénjiāo <bot.> canna or Indian shot (genus Canna).¹⁰
美妞 mî-niū
měiniū <topo.> beautiful girl.⁵⁴
美术[美術] mî-sùt
měishù the fine arts.⁵
<台> 黄美[黃美] võng-mî/ dragonfly.
mi5 10784
123 10 měi (=美 mî měi) beautiful.
(See 美 mî; 羙 gäo).
mi5 10785
167 17 měi magnesium (Mg).⁶
镁弹[鎂彈] mî-àn měidàn <mil.> magnesium bomb.⁶
镁粉[鎂粉] mî-fūn
měifěn magnesium dust.⁶
镁光[鎂光] mî-göng
měiguāng magnesium light.¹⁰
镁光灯[鎂光燈] mî-göng-äng
měiguāngdēng magnesium lamp.⁶
镁光照明弹[鎂光照明彈] mî-göng-jël-mẽin-àn
měiguāng zhàomíngdàn magnesium flare.⁶
镁合金[鎂合金] mî-hàp-gïm
měihéjīn magnesium alloy.⁶
镁砖[鎂磚] mî-jön
měizhuān magnesia brick .⁶
镁砂[鎂砂] mî-sâ
měishā <metal.> magnesia; magnesite.⁶
mi5 10786
175 19 to disperse, to scatter, to divide, blown away by the wind; to lean with pressure; not, no, negative; tiny, petty, small; wonderful, good, excellent.⁷
靡敝 mî-bài mǐbì decline, to get weak, emaciated.⁷
靡不有初 mî-būt-yiû-chö
mǐbùyǒuchū there is none that has not a beginning – good in the beginning but usually bad in the end.⁶
靡足 mî-dūk
mǐzú insufficient.¹⁴
靡丽[靡麗] mî-lài
mǐlì <wr.> extravagant; luxurious.⁶
靡曼 mî-màn
mǐmàn beautiful, charming.¹¹
靡靡 mî-mî
mǐmǐ lewd, licentious; delayed, procrastinating; slowly.⁷
靡靡之音 mî-mî-jï-yïm
mǐmǐzhīyīn decadent music.⁵
靡眼腻理[靡眼膩理] mî-ngān-nì-lî
mǐyǎnnìlǐ beautiful and fair-skinned.⁷
靡然 mî-ngẽin
mǐrán leaning to one side.⁶ emphatic negative.¹⁴
靡衣玉食 mî-yï-ngùk-sèik
mǐyīyùshí extravagant clothing and luxurious food.⁶
靡衣婾食 mî-yï-yĩ-sèik
mǐyīyúshí living in luxurious extravagance.¹⁴
靡有孑遗[靡有孑遺] mî-yiû-kēik-vĩ
mǐyǒujiéyí not a person left; all have died off; no survivor.⁷
<又> mĩ.
(See 靡 mĩ.)
mi5 10787
64 8 mīn mǐn <台> 抿眼 mīn-ngān  to wink; to blink.
<台> 抿眼眨鼻 mīn-ngān-säp-bì  involuntary twitching of the eyes (blinking motor tic).
<台> 抿枚只眼[抿枚隻眼] mīn-mõi-jëk-ngān  to close both eyes. (Note: Even though 只[隻] jëk means one or single, here it means both). (See the Kangxi term: 睸 mì).
<又> mêin.
(See 抿 mêin.)
min1 10788
83 5 mīn mín <台> 老民 lāo-mīn old man.
<台> 老诶民[老誒民] lāo-ë-mīn he died (of old age).
<台> 老民公 lāo-mīn-gūng old man.
<台> 三民仔 xäm-mīn-dōi a child.
<台> 三民女 xäm-mīn-nuī little girl.
<又> mĩn. (See 民 mĩn.)
min1 10789
46 8 mĩn mín mountains in northwest Sichuan.¹⁴
岷江 Mĩn-göng Mínjiāng a river in 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan Province.⁹
岷山 Mĩn-sän
Mínshān a mountain between Sichuan Province and Gansu Province.⁹
岷县[岷縣] Mĩn-yòn
Mínxiàn a county in Gansu Province.⁹
min3 10790
61 7 mĩn mín (<old>=忞 mĩn mín to strive for improvement or progress.⁷ self-improvement.⁸ force, constraint, perseverace of mind.²⁴); (Cant.) impatient, restless.⁸
(composition: ⿰忄文; U+5FDF).
<又> mêin; mũn
(See 忟 mêin; 忟 mũn).
min3 10791
61 8 mĩn mín to strive for improvement or progress.⁷ self-improvement.⁸ force, constraint, perseverace of mind.²⁴
(composition: ⿱文心; U+5FDE).
<又> mêin; mũn. (See 忞 mêin; 忞 mũn).
min3 10792
72 13 mĩn mín sorry, anxious.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱敃日; U+668B)
慰暋沉屯 vï-mĩn-chĩm-jün wèimínchénzhūn soothe my anxious distress.¹⁴
<又> mêin.
(See 暋 mêin).
min3 10793
83 5 mĩn mín people, nationality, citizen; Min surname.
国民[國民] gōk-mĩn guómín the people of the country.¹¹
国民党[國民黨] gōk-mĩn-ōng
Guómíndǎng Kuomintang (KMT); Nationalist Party.
民兵 mĩn-bëin
mínbīng people's militia.
民族 mĩn-dùk
mínzú nation; nationality; people; race.⁸
民族魂 mĩn-dùk-vũn
mínzúhún national spirit.⁵
民间[民間] mĩn-gän
mínjiān among the people, popular, folk; nongovernmental, people-to-people.⁵
民庭 mĩn-hẽin
míntíng a civil court.⁵
民主 mĩn-jī
mínzhǔ democracy.⁸
民脂民膏 mĩn-jï-mĩn-gäo
mínzhīmíngāo flesh and blood of the people.⁵
民主党[民主黨] mĩn-jī-ōng 
mínzhǔdǎng Democratic Party.
民瘼 mĩn-mōk
mínmò sufferings of the people.⁶
人民 ngĩn-mĩn
rénmín the people (of a nation).
爱民如子[愛民如子] öi-mĩn-nguĩ-dū
àimínrúzǐ (of an emperor) love one's subjects as one loves one's children.⁶
贫民[貧民] pĩn-mĩn pínmín poor people; pauper.⁸
<又> mīn.
(See 民 mīn.)
min3 10794
96 8 mĩn mín <wr.> (=珉⁴ mĩn mín) jade-like stone.⁶
(variant: 珉 mĩn
(old variant: 琝 mĩn
<又> mũn.
(See 玟 mũn; 珉 mĩn; 琝 mĩn).
min3 10795
96 9 mĩn mín a stone resembling jade.⁷ alabaster, jade-like stone.¹⁰ a beautiful stone; an inferior pebble, like a gem, but false.²⁴ (variants: 砇 mĩn mín; 䃉 mĩn mín).¹⁴
(old variant: 琝 mĩn
白珉 bàk-mĩn
báimín white pebbles.²⁴
珉玉 mĩn-ngùk
mínyù good and bad; expensive and cheap.¹⁰ a pure white stone of very fine texture.¹⁴
珉玉杂淆[珉玉雜淆] mĩn-ngùk-dàp-ngão
mínyùzáxiáo other stones and jade mixed together – scholars of various talents.¹⁴
珉石 mĩn-sêk
mínshí common alabaster.¹⁴
玉珉 ngùk-mĩn
yùmín jade and jade-like stone; impossible to distinguish the genuine from the fake.¹⁰
(See 砇 mĩn; 䃉 mĩn; 琝 mĩn).
min3 10796
96 12 mĩn mín (<old>=珉 mĩn mín a stone resembling jade.⁷ alabaster, jade-like stone.¹⁰ a beautiful stone; an inferior pebble, like a gem, but false.²⁴).⁸ (<old>=玟 mĩn mín <wr.> (=珉⁴ mĩn mín) jade-like stone.⁶).¹⁰
(composition: ⿰𤣩旻; U+741D).
(See 珉 mĩn; 玟 mĩn).
min3 10797
104 13 mĩn mín to suffer.⁸ to be ill.¹⁰ sudden loss of consciousness.¹³ a faint spell.¹⁹ sick; a disease.²⁴ (variant: 𤸅❄{⿸疒昬} mĩn mín).
(composition: ⿰疒昏; U+75FB).
觏痻[覯痻] këo-mĩn
gòumín (=觏闵[覯閔] këo-mûn gòumǐn to meet with adversity.⁷).¹⁹
多我觏痻.[多我覯痻.] Ü-ngô-këo-mĩn.
Duō wǒ gòu mín.
Many are the distresses I meet with.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·蕩之什·桑柔》, translated by James Legge).
(See 𤸅❄{⿸疒昬} mĩn).
min3 10798
104 14 𤸅
mĩn mín (=痻 mĩn mín to suffer.⁸ to be ill.¹⁰ sudden loss of consciousness.¹³ a faint spell.¹⁹ sick; a disease.²⁴).²
(composition: ⿸疒昬; U+24E05).
(See 痻 mĩn).
min3 10799
112 9 mĩn mín (=珉 mĩn mín) a stone resembling jade.⁷
(See 珉 mĩn.)
min3 10800
112 14 mĩn mín (=珉 mĩn mín) a stone resembling jade.⁷
(See 珉 mĩn.)
min3 10801
120 15 mĩn mín <wr.> cord used to string holed coins together in ancient times; string of 1,000 coins.⁶ <wr.> a string of cash; fishing line.¹¹
钓缗[釣緡] ël-mĩn diàomín a fishing line.²⁵
缗合[緡合] mĩn-hàp
mínhé united.²⁵
缗纶[緡綸] mĩn-lũn
mínlún a string, a cord.²⁵
缗被[緡被] mĩn-pî
mínbèi to take off one's clothes and use them for a coverlet.²⁵
缗城[緡城] mĩn-sẽin
mínchéng the name of a city.²⁵
缗盛[緡盛] mĩn-sèin
mínshèng full, exuberant.²⁵
缗钱[緡錢] mĩn-tẽin
mínqián stringed coins.⁶
一缗钱[一緡錢] yīt-mĩn-tẽin
yīmínqián a string of 1,000 coins.⁶
<又> mūn.
(See 緡 mūn.)
min3 10802
140 8 mĩn mín (of crops) to grow more slowly and ripen later.¹ Having a long growth period, and late maturity (crops).⁹  multitude; skin of bamboo.¹⁰
黄谷子比白谷子苠[黃穀子比白穀子苠] võng-gūk-dū-bī-bàk-gūk-dū-mĩn huánggǔzibǐbáigǔzimín Yellow millet ripens later than white millet.
min3 10803
154 16 mĩn mín capital; calculate taxes.⁸
(composition: ⿰貝㝁; U+8CEF).
<又> hüng. (See 賯 hüng.)
min3 10804
14 2 mìt Kangxi radical 14, cover; (<old>=幂[冪] mìt ) cover-cloth, cover with cloth.⁸ "cover" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 14), occurring in 军, 写, 冠, etc.; It is called 秃宝盖[禿寶蓋] tūk-bāo-gôi tū bǎogài or 平宝盖 [平寶蓋] pẽin-bāo-gôi píng bǎogài.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰丿乛; U+5196).
<台> The component, 冖, is commonly called 帽仔冇点 [帽仔冇點] mào-dōi-mäo-ēm.
mit4 10805
14 15 mìt <wr.> cloth cover; <wr.> to cover with cloth; <math.> exponent, power.⁶ (variant: 羃 mìt).
幂级数[冪級數] mìt-kīp-sü mìjíshù <math.> power series.⁶
幂零[冪零] mìt-lẽin
mìlíng <math.> nilpotent.⁶
二乘幂[二乘冪] ngì-sẽin-mìt
èrchéngmì (=二次方 ngì-xü-föng èrcìfāng <math.> square, the product of a number multiplied by itself.¹¹
乘幂[乘冪] sẽin-mìt
chéngmì <math.> power.¹¹
云幂[雲冪] vũn-mìt
yúnmì <met.> ceiling.⁶ <met.> cloud ceiling.⁵⁴
三次幂[三次冪] xäm-xü-mìt
sāncìmì cube (third power).
Example: 2的8次幂得256. [2的8次冪得256].
Èr de bācì mì dé èrbǎiwǔshíliù. 2 to the 8th power is 256.⁶
(See 羃 mìt).
mit4 10806
30 14 mìt <chem.> -idine¹⁰
嘧啶 mìt-èin mìdìng <chem.> pyrimidine C₄H₄N₂.¹⁰
mit4 10807
40 8 mìt <wr.> tranquil, quiet; Mi surname.⁵
静宓[靜宓] dèin-mìt jìngmì (=安静[安靜] ön-dèin ānjìng)⁴  <wr.> quiet; peaceful.⁵
安宓 ön-mìt
ānmì quiet, silent.¹¹
<又> fùk.
(See 宓 fùk.)
mit4 10808
40 10 mìt (=密 mìt dense, close, thick; close, intimate; meticulous; secret.⁵⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿳宀⿻又丷山; U+5BBB).
(See 密 mìt).
mit4 10809
40 11 mìt dense, close, thick; close, intimate; meticulous; secret.⁵⁶
秘密 bï-mìt mìmì secret; clandestine; in secret; classified.⁸
稠密 chiũ-mìt
chóumì dense.⁵ close-woven (texture).¹¹
密布 mìt-bü
mìbù densely covered.⁵
密集 mìt-dàp
mìjí concentrated; crowded together.⁵
密封 mìt-füng
mìfēng to seal up.¹⁰
密件 mìt-gèin
mìjiàn confidential paper or letter; classified matter, classified material.⁵
密探 mìt-häm
mìtàn secret agent; spy.⁵
密谈[密談] mìt-hãm
mìtán secret (or confidential) talk; talk behind closed doors.⁵
密植 mìt-jèik
mìzhí close planting.⁵
密林 mìt-lĩm
mìlín thick (or dense) forest.⁵
密码[密碼] mìt-mâ
mìmǎ cipher; cipher code; secret code.⁵
密谋[密謀] mìt-mẽo
mìmóu conspire; plot; scheme.⁵
密纹唱片[密紋唱片] mìt-mũn-chëng-pëin
mìwén chàngpiàn extended play record (EP); long-playing record (LP).⁵⁴
密切 mìt-tēik
mìqiè close, intimate; carefully, closely.⁵⁶
密度 mìt-ù
mìdù density; thickness.¹⁰
密使 mìt-xū
mìshǐ secret emissary; secret envoy.⁵
密钥[密鑰] mìt-yèk
mìyuè key secret code.⁶
密友 mìt-yiû
mìyǒu close (or fast) friend; bosom friend.⁵
mit4 10810
50 16 mìt varnished cloth; the covering on the front crossbar of an ancient carriage; covered wagon.⁸ chariot canopy.¹⁰ a leather screen or canopy for a carriage, made of tiger's skin, and allowed only to grandees.¹⁰² (Note: Sometimes synonymous with 幭 mèik miè).
(composition: ⿱辟巾; U+5E66).
君羔幦虎犆; 大夫齐车, 鹿幦豹犆, 朝车;
[君羔幦虎犆; 大夫齊車, 鹿幦豹犆, 朝車.]
Gün-gäo-mìt-fū-jèik; ài-fü-jäi-chëh, lùk-mìt-bäo-jèik, chẽl-chëh.
Jūn gāo mì hǔ zhí; dàfū zhāi chē, lù mì bào zhí, cháo chē;
(The cross-board in front of) the ruler was covered with lambskin, edged with tiger's fur; for his sacred carriage and court-carriage a Great officer had a covering of deer skin, edged with leopard's fur; ⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《禮記·玉藻·6》, translated by James Legge). (Note: 犆 → 緣也 and one of the meanings of 緣 yõn yuán is 'edge' or 'fringe').²ʼ⁰
鹿幦 lùk-mìt
lùmì a 覆苓 (fūk-lẽin fùlíng carriage cover) made of deerskin to keep out dust.¹⁹
(See 幭 mèik).
mit4 10811
85 7 mìt deep; <Cant.> to dive.⁸ to dive deep; recondite, a small particle of dust.²⁴ to go into hiding, to be in hiding.⁵⁴ covered with dust, dirty and dusty; to dive or hide deep. ¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰氵勿; U+6C95).
沕潏 mìt-kūt mìjué water gushing out/flowing from a spring or fountain.⁸
沕深潜以自珍[沕深潛以自珍] mìt-sïm-tẽm-yî-dù-jïn
mì shēn qián yǐ zì zhēn he dived to the depth, to show the estimation he held himself in, — speaking of Qu Yuan's (屈原 Vūt Ngũn Qū Yuán) drowning himself.¹⁰²
<又> mùt.
(See 沕 mùt).
mit4 10812
118 17 mìt a small type of bamboo with pulp.⁸ a species of bamboo, the hollow of which is small.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗密; U+423C).
<又> mêik. (See 䈼 mêik).
mit4 10813
118 18 mìt the covering on the front crossbar of an ancient carriage.²³
(composition: ⿳𥫗罒⿹戈巾; U+7C1A).
素簚 xü-mìt sùmì canopy (top) of white silk.⁵⁴
<又> mèik.
(See 簚 mèik). (See also 幦 mìt)
mit4 10814
122 18 mìt (=幂[冪] mìt <wr.> cloth cover; <wr.> to cover with cloth.⁶)
(composition: ⿱罒幕; U+7F83).
羃䍠[羃䍦] mìt-lĩ
mìlí turban; an ancient mask.⁸
(See 冪 mìt).
mit4 10815
142 14 mìt honey; nectar (in a flower); sweet, syrupy, honeyed.⁷
花蜜 fä-mìt huāmì <bot.> nectar.⁵
蜂蜜 fúng-mìt
fēngmì honey.⁵
蜜枣[蜜棗] mìt-dāo
mìzǎo candied date or jujube.⁵
preserved dates.¹⁴
蜜饯[蜜餞] mìt-dèin
mìjiàn candy fruit; preserved fruit.⁵
蜜饯海棠[蜜餞海棠] mìt-dèin-hōi-hõng
mìjiànhǎitáng sweetened crab apple.⁶
蜜饯砒霜[蜜餞砒霜] mìt-dèin-päi-söng
mìjiànpīshuāng sugar-coated arsenic, deceptive sweet words.¹¹
蜜蜂 mìt-fúng
mìfēng honeybee; bee.⁵
蜜瓜 mìt-gä
mìguā honeydew melon.¹⁹ muskmelon;
(chiefly Hong Kong) honeydew melon.³⁶
蜜柑 mìt-gâm/
mìgān tangerine.¹¹
蜜桃 mìt-hão
mìtáo honey peach; juicy peach.¹⁰
蜜蜡[蜜蠟] mìt-làp
mìlà beeswax.⁵
蜜蜡琥珀[蜜蠟琥珀] mìt-làp-fū-pāk
mìlàhǔpò cloudy amber.⁵⁴
蜜月 mìt-ngùt
mìyuè honeymoon.⁵
蜜丸子 mìt-yõn-dū
mìwánzi <TCM> bolus made of powdered Chinese medicine and honey.⁵
<台> 蜜糖 mìt-hõng honey.
mit4 10816
147 11 mìt to seek; to search or look for.⁷ (variant: 覔 mìt ).
虎口觅食[虎口覓食] fū-hēo-mìt-sèik
hǔkǒumìshí snatch food from the tiger’s mouth; come to poach the tiger’s litter; engaged in a hazardous task.⁵⁴
觅得[覓得] mìt-āk
mìdé or 觅见[覓見] mìt-gëin mìjiàn have sought and found.¹¹
觅保[覓保] mìt-bāo
mìbǎo to find a guarantor.⁷
觅句[覓句] mìt-guî
mìjù to find a good line (for a poem).⁷
觅致人才[覓致人才] mìt-jï-ngĩn-tõi
mìzhì réncái on the lookout for proper personnel.¹¹
觅求[覓求] mìt-kiũ
mìqiú look for; seek.⁶
觅食[覓食] mìt-sèik
mìshí (animals) look for food.¹¹
觅取[覓取] mìt-tuī
mìqǔ hunt/look for; seek.⁶
觅索[覓索] mìt-xôk
mìsuǒ to seek or search for.⁷
寻觅[尋覓] tĩm-mìt
xúnmì to look for.¹¹
(See 覔 mìt.)
mit4 10817
147 11 mìt (=覓 mìt ) to seek; to search or look for.⁷
(See 覓 mìt.)
mit4 10818
147 13 mìt (look askance, squint; look, inspect; =觅[覓] mìt to seek; to search or look for.⁷).⁸ to look at one another; to examine minutely.²⁵
(composition: ⿰𠂢見; U+899B).
覛土 mìt-hū
mìtǔ  to inspect the country; constant joy.²⁵
<又> màk.
(See 覛 màk; 覓 mìt).
mit4 10819
149 17 mìt silent; quiet; tranquil; peaceful; still.
静谧[靜謐] dèin-mìt jìngmì <wr.> quiet; still; tranquil.⁵
恬谧[恬謐] hèm-mìt
tiánmì quiet; peaceful.
谧静[謐靜] mìt-dèin
mìjìng <wr.> quiet; still; tranquil.
谧谧[謐謐] mìt-mìt
mìmì quiet; tranquil; serene; still.
宁谧[寧謐] nẽin-mìt
níngmì tranquil.
安谧[安謐] ön-mìt
ānmì <wr.> peaceful; tranquil.
mit4 10820
153 15 miū máo 猫腰[貓腰] miū-yël máoyāo <topo.> to arch one's back.⁵
<又> māo.
(See 貓 [miū, māo]; 貓 māo.)
miu1 10821
153 15 miū māo cat.⁵
白猫[白貓] bàk-miū báimāo white cat.¹⁰
熊猫[熊貓] (=猫熊[貓熊]) hũng-miū xióngmāo panda.⁸
雄猫[雄貓] hũng-miū
xióngmāo tomcat.⁵
猫叫[貓叫] miū-gël
māojiào the meowing of a cat.⁷
猫头鹰[貓頭鷹] miū-hẽo-yëin
māotóuyīng owl.⁵
猫哭老鼠[貓哭老鼠] miū-hūk-lāo-sī
māokūlǎoshǔ the cat weeping over the dead mouse – shed crocodile tears.⁵
猫熊[貓熊] miū-hũng
māoxióng panda; giant panda.⁵
猫爪[貓爪] miū-jāo
māozhuǎ a cat's claws.⁵
猫狸[貓狸] miū-lĩ
māolí (animal) wildcat.⁷
猫咪[貓咪] miū-māi
māomī kitty.¹⁰
猫眼石[貓眼石] miū-ngān-sêk
māoyǎnshí <min.> cat's eye.⁵
猫鼠同眠[貓鼠同眠] miū-sī-hũng-mẽin
māoshǔtóngmián lit. The cat and the rat sleep together. fig. Corrupt officials collude with rascals exploiting common people.⁵
山猫[山貓] sän-miū
shānmāo lynx; bobcat; leopard cat.¹⁰
藏猫儿[藏貓兒] tõng-miū-ngĩ
cángmāor to play hide-and-seek.⁹
小猫[小貓] xēl-miū
xiǎomāo kitten.⁵
<又> māo.
(See 貓 [miū, máo]; 貓 māo.)
miu1 10822
38 17 <topo.> (a term of address to an old lady), granny; wet nurse; sister/nun (of the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthdox Churches).⁶
嬷嬷[嬤嬤] mō-mō mómo <topo.> address for an old  woman; wet nurse.⁵⁴
<又> mā.
(See 嬤 mā.)
mo1 10823
42 9 (<old>=麽[麼] mō )⁸ as in 幺麽[幺麼] yël-mō yāomó petty, insignificant, small; vile person.⁶ tiny, diminutive, minute.⁷
mo1 10824
64 13 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 摸 mū with same meaning.)
<又> mū, mōk.
(See 摸 mū, mōk.)
mo1 10825
64 14 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 摹 mũ with same meaning.)
<又> mũ.
(See 摹 mũ.)
mo1 10826
184 18 <topo.> (=馒头[饅頭] màn-hẽo mántou⁸) steamed bun; steamed bread.⁵  baked cake of wheat flour.⁶ (variant: 饝 mō ¹⁰).
白面馍[白麵饃] bàk-mèin-mō
báimiànmó <topo.> baked cake of wheat flour.⁶
蒸馍[蒸饃] jëin-mō
zhēngmo <topo.> steamed bun.¹ steamed bread.¹⁹
馍馍[饃饃] mō-mō
mómo <topo.> baked cake of wheat flour.⁶ steamed bun.¹⁰
(See 饝 mō.)
mo1 10827
184 24 (variant of 饃 mō ¹⁰) to feed an infant by hand steamed bread.¹
馏饝[餾饝] liü-mō
liùmó to steam bread.¹⁴
(See 饃 mō.)
mo1 10828
194 20 demon, devil, evil spirit, monster; fiend, wicked force; magic, mystic.⁶
魔弹[魔彈] mō-àn módàn <med.> magic bullet.⁶
魔毯 mō-dëin
mótǎn magic carpet.⁶
魔法 mō-fāt
mófǎ conjuring; sorcery; black magic; witchcraft; wizardry.⁶
魔方 mō-föng
mófāng Rubik's cube.⁶
魔鬼 mō-gī
móguǐ demon; devil; monster.⁶
魔君 mō-gün
mójūn brute; fiend; satan.⁶
魔宫[魔宮] mō-güng
mógōng lit. devils' castle; place occupied by sinister forces.¹⁰
魔爪 mō-jāo
mózhǎo claws; devil's talons; tentacles.⁶
魔杖 mō-jèng
mózhàng magic wand.⁶
魔咒 mō-jiü
mózhòu (magical) spell; curse.¹⁰
魔力 mō-lèik
mólì charm; magic; magic power.⁶
魔女 mō-nuī
mónǚ witch; sorceress; enchantress.¹⁰
魔术[魔術] mō-sùt
móshù magic; sleight of hand.⁵
魔幻 mō-vân
móhuàn magic; magical; mysterious.⁹
魔王 mō-võng
mówáng Prince of the Devils, Arch-enemy, the Devil, Satan; fiend, despot.⁶
魔芋 mō-vû
móyù or 蒟蒻 guī-ngèk jǔruò konjac (foul-smelling plant grown in Asia, Amorphophallus konjac).³⁶
<台> 魔猓叉 mō-lō-chā
Indian doorman (in old Hong Kong).
mo1 10829
200 14 me (suffix, used to form interrogative).
怎么[怎麼] dīm-mō zěnme how, what; however; somewhat; how could.⁸
怎么样[怎麼樣] dīm-mō-yèng
zěnmeyàng how? how about? how was it? how are things?¹⁰
这么[這麼] jëh-mō
zhème such, this way, like this, so.⁶
没什么[沒什麼] mòt-sìm-mō
méishénme it doesn't matter; it's nothing; that's all right; never mind.⁵
那么[那麼] nã-mō
nàme like that; so, so very much; then, in that case.
什么[什麼] (=什麽[什麼]
or 甚麽[甚麼]) sìm-mō shénme what?
多么[多麼] ü-mō
duōme how; no matter how.⁹
为什么[為什麼] vì-sìm-mō
wèishénme why?; why is it that?
<又> mā, mô.
(See 么 yël; 吆 yël; 麼 mā, [mō, ], mô.)
mo1 10830
200 14 幺麽[幺麼] yël-mō yāomó petty, insignificant, small; vile person.⁶ tiny, diminutive, minute.⁷
幺麽小丑[幺麼小醜] yël-mō-xēl-chiū
yāomóxiǎochǒu a petty skunk, a despicable wretch.⁷ a petty, low blackguard.¹⁴
<又> mā, mô.
(See 幺 yël; 麼 mā, [mō, me], mô.)
mo1 10831
64 15 rub, scour, grind; friction.⁸ to feel with the hand, polish, rub.⁶²
摩登 mö-äng módēng <loan> modern; fashionable.
摩擦 mō-chät
mócā friction; rubbing; chafing; fig. disharmony; conflict.
摩肩接踵 mö-gän-dēp-jūng
mójiānjiēzhǒng to jostle each other in a crowd.
摩托 mö-hōk
mótuō <loan> motor.
摩托车[摩托車] mö-hōk-chëh
mótuōchē <loan> motorcycle; motorbike.
摩卡 mö-kā
mókǎ <loan> mocha.
摩洛哥 Mö-lōk-gō
Móluògē Morocco.⁵⁴
摩挲 mö-sö
mósā to smooth out (with one's hand).¹⁰
(See 摩挲 mö-sö mósuō; 摩挲 mā-sä māsa.)
摩娑 mö-sö
or mö-sü mósuō stroke; caress.⁵ (See 摩挲 mā-sä māsa; 摩挲 mö-sö mósā.)
摩挲 mö-sö
or mö-sü mósuō stroke; caress.⁵ (See 摩挲 mā-sä māsa; 摩挲 mö-sö mósā.)
摩莎 mö-sö
or mö-sü mósuō stroke; caress.⁵ (See 摩挲 mā-sä māsa; 摩挲 mö-sö mósā.) 
按摩 ön-mō
ànmó massage.
<又> mā.
(See 摩 mā.)
mo2 10832
64 18 (<old>=摩 mö rub, scour, grind; friction.⁸ to feel with the hand, polish, rub.⁶²); to touch, feel with the hand.⁸
Note 1: In the sense 'to grind',
see 磨 mũ, which is more commonly used now.
Note 2: In the sense 'to touch or feel with the hand',
see 摸 mū, which is more commonly used now.
(composition: ⿰扌摩; U+64F5).
(See 摩 mö).
mo2 10833
18 21 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 劘 mũ to make into mince.¹ to pare, to cut; to rub; to grind, to sharpen; to admonish, to advise.⁹ make into mince.¹⁰ to pare off, to divide, to cut in pieces.²⁴)
<又> mũ.
(See 劘 mũ)
mo3 10834
38 13 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 嫫 mũ a character used in a lady's name.⁶)
<又> mũ.
(See 嫫 mũ.)
mo3 10835
75 14 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 模 mũ pattern, standard; imitate; model.⁵)
<又> mũ.
(See 模 [mũ, ], [mũ, ], [mõ, ].)
mo3 10836
75 14 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 模 mũ mold; matrix; pattern.⁵)
<又> mũ.
(See 模 [mũ, ], [mũ, ], [mõ, ].)
mo3 10837
82 10 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 毪 mũ serge from Tibet.⁸ a Tibetan woolen textile.⁹)
<又> mẽo, mũ.
(See 毪 mẽo, mũ.)
mo3 10838
112 16 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 磨 mũ ) to dawdle, waste time, while away; to rub, grind, polish, wear; sufferings, obstacles, setbacks.⁷
<又> mò, mũ.
(See 磨 mò, mũ.)
mo3 10839
140 19 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 蘑 mão type of edible mushroom.⁸)
<又> mão, mũ.
(See 蘑 mão, mũ.)
mo3 10840
149 14 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 诬[誣] mũ to accuse falsely.)
<又> mũ.
(See 誣 mũ.)
mo3 10841
112 16 a mill; to turn around; to grind (grain).⁷
风磨[風磨] füng-mò fēngmò windmill.¹⁹
磨豆腐 mò-èo-fù
mòdòufu to grind beans to make bean curd.⁷
磨烦[磨煩] mò-fãn
mòfan to pester; to bother constantly.⁷
磨坊 mò-föng
or 磨房 mò-fông mòfáng a mill (referring to the building).⁷
磨盘[磨盤] mò-põn
mòpán lower millstone; tray of a mill.¹⁰
推磨 tuï-mò
tuīmò turn the grindstone; fig. pass the bucket, shirk duty.¹¹
<又> mõ, mũ.
(See 磨 mõ, mũ.)
mo4 10842
127 22 (=耢[耮] lão lào) leveller (a kind of farm implement used to level land); to level land with a leveller.⁶
(See 耮 lão).
mo4 10843
200 14 me (suffix, used to form interrogative).
<台> 系该么[係該麼] hài-kôi-mô  Is this the right place?
(Note: You believe you are in the right place, and you are trying to confirm that it is the right place.)
<又> mā, mō.
(See 么 yël; 吆 yël; 麼 mā, [mō, me], [mō, ].)
mo5 10844
38 8 mōi mèi a younger sister.⁷
妹妹 mõi-mōi mèimei a younger sister.⁷
<又> mõi, môi.
(See 妹 mõi, môi.)
moi1 10845
32 7 mõi méi (<old>=梅 mõi méi plum.⁵ Prunus mume.²⁰ Chinese plum.⁵⁵).⁸
(composition: ⿰土攵; U+5746).
(See 梅 mõi).
moi3 10846
38 8 mõi mèi a younger sister.⁷
妹妹 mõi-mōi mèimei a younger sister.⁷
<又> mōi, môi.
(See 妹 mōi, môi.)
moi3 10847
38 12 mõi méi matchmaker; go-between; intermediary.⁵
虫媒花[蟲媒花] chũng-mõi-fä chóngméihuā <bot.> entomophilous flowers.⁷
媒媪[媒媼] mõi-äo
or mõi-ëo méi'ǎo marriage broker.⁵⁴
媒介 mõi-gäi
méijiè intermediary; medium.⁸
媒体[媒體] mõi-hāi
méitǐ media, especially news media.¹⁰
媒合 mõi-hàp
méihé to match up (employers and jobseekers, men and women seeking a partner, blind people and guide dogs).¹⁰
媒染 mõi-ngëm
méirǎn mordant dyeing.⁵
媒染剂[媒染劑] mõi-ngëm-jäi
méirǎnjì <chem.> mordant, substance used to fix dyeing colors.¹¹
媒染染料 mõi-ngëm-ngëm-lèl 
méirǎnrǎnliào mordant dye.⁵
媒孽其短 mõi-ngēik-kĩ-ōn
méinièqíduǎn point out his mistakes.¹¹
媒人 mõi-ngĩn
méirén matchmaker; go-between.⁶
媒婆 mõi-põ
or mõi-pũ méipó woman matchmaker.⁵
媒妁 mõi-sēk
méishuò <wr.> matchmaker.⁶
媒妁之言 mõi-sēk-jï-ngũn
méishuòzhīyán matchmaker's remarks/descriptions (leading to arranged marriages).⁶
moi3 10848
75 8 mõi méi ➀ the stalk; the trunk as opposed to branches    <m.> for coins, fruits, stamps, bombs  ➂ a gag for troops marching at night when silence means a lot  ➃ Mei surname.⁷
枚卜功臣 mõi-būk-güng-sĩn
méibǔgōngchén <lit.> cast lot among ministers.¹¹ severallly to cast lots about meritorious servants.²⁴
or 枚臯 mõi gäo méi gāo Mei Gao (153 BC - ) was the son of 枚乘 Mei Cheng; he was a witty person, usually compared to 东方朔[東方朔] üng föng sōk dōng fāng shuò Dong Fang Shuo (154-93 BC), a Han writer.⁸
枚纪[枚紀] mõi-gī
méijì to record one by one.¹⁹
枚举[枚舉] mõi-guī
méijǔ <lit.> to enumerate.⁶
枚枚 mõi-mõi 
méiméi  <lit.> fine; meticulous.³⁶ <lit.> complete in minute detail.⁵⁴
枚筮 mõi-sâi
méishì a convenient form of 筮法 (sâi-fāt).¹⁹
枚乘 mõi sẽin
méi chéng Mei Cheng (-c. 140 BC)​, Han Dynasty poet.⁸
枚数[枚數] mõi-sū
méishǔ to enumerate.⁷
一枚 yīt-mõi
yīméi one (of something).¹⁹
一枚铜版, 三枚李子[一枚銅版, 三枚李子] yīt-mõi-hũng-bān, xäm-mõi-lī-dū
yīméitóngbǎn, sānméilǐzi one copper coin, three plums.¹¹
<台> 屏枚
or 屏玫 or 窉玫 bëng-mõi to hide something.
<台> 讨枚该个[討枚該個] hū-mõi-kôi-göi I'll also take this one.
<台> 枚单[枚單]
or 玫单[玫單] mõi-än/ Check, please!
moi3 10849
75 11 mõi méi plum.⁵ Prunus mume.²⁰ Chinese plum.⁵⁵ Mei surname.⁸ (variants: 楳, 槑 mõi méi). (old variant: 坆 mõi méi).
梅子 mõi-dū
méizi plum.¹⁰
梅花 mõi-fä
méihuā plum blossom; clubs ♣ (a suit in card games); wintersweet (dialect).¹⁰
梅花鹿 mõi-fä-lùk
méihuālù sika (deer); spotted deer.⁶
or 霉天 mõi-hëin méitiān (=黄梅季[黃梅季] võng-mõi-gï huángméijì) rainy season.⁶
梅香 mõi-hëng
méixiāng common name for maidservant, especially on stage.¹¹
梅童鱼[梅童魚] mõi-hũng-nguî/
méitóngyú baby croaker.⁶
梅红色[梅紅色] mõi-hũng-sēik
méihóngsè plum (color).⁶
梅兰竹菊[梅蘭竹菊] mõi-lãn-jūk-gūk
méilánzhújú plum blossoms, orchid, bamboo and  chrysanthemum (four main subjects in traditional painting).⁶
梅月 mõi-ngùt
méiyuè fourth month of the lunar year.⁶
梅菜 mõi-töi/
méicài preserved vegetable.²⁹
or 霉毒 mõi-ùk méidú syphilis.⁶
or 霉雨 mõi-yî méiyǔ intermittent drizzles (in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtse River).⁶
梅雨季节[梅雨季節] mõi-yî-gï-dëik
méiyǔ jìjié rainy season.⁶
黄梅戏[黃梅戲] võng-mõi-hï
huángméixì Huangmei opera popular in Anhui Province.⁸
(See 楳 mõi; 槑 mõi; 坆 mõi).
moi3 10850
75 13 mõi méi (=梅 mõi méi) plums; prunes; Mei surname.⁸
(See 梅 mõi; 槑 mõi.)
moi3 10851
75 14 mõi méi (=梅 mõi méi) plums; prunes; Mei surname.⁸
(See 梅 mõi; 楳 mõi.)
moi3 10852
78 13 𣨴 mõi méi (=湈 mõi méi bad; evil.²)
(composition: ⿰歹某; U+23A34).
(See 湈 mõi).
moi3 10853
85 12 mõi méi bad; evil.² (variant: 𣨴❄{⿰歹某} mõi méi).
(composition: ⿰氵某; U+6E48).
(See 𣨴❄{⿰歹某} mõi).
moi3 10854
86 13 mõi méi coal.⁵
节煤[節煤] dēik-mõi jiéméi economize on coal.⁵⁶
煤焦 mõi-dël
méijiāo coke, coking coal.¹¹
煤焦油 mõi-dël-yiũ
méijiāoyóu coal tar.¹¹
煤矸石 mõi-gön-sêk
méigānshí gangue.⁵
煤炭 mõi-hän
méitàn coal.⁸
煤溚 mõi-hāp
méitǎ coal tar.⁸
煤田 mõi-hẽin
méitián coalfield.⁵
煤气[煤氣] mõi-hï
méiqì coal gas; gas.⁵
煤气灯[煤氣燈] mõi-hï-äng
méiqìdēng gas lamp/light.⁵
煤气中毒[煤氣中毒] mõi-hï-jüng-ùk
méiqìzhōngdú gas poisoning; carbon monoxide poisoning.⁶
煤炱 mõi-hõi
méitái soot, lampblack.¹¹
煤渣[煤渣] mõi-jâ
méizhā coal cinder.⁵
煤砖[煤磚] mõi-jön
méizhuān briquet.⁵
煤球[煤球] mõi-kiũ
méiqiú (egg-shaped) briquet.⁵
煤矿[煤礦] mõi-köng
méikuàng coal mine; colliery.⁵
煤层[煤層] mõi-tãng
méicéng coal seam; coal bed.⁵
煤仓[煤倉] mõi-töng
méicāng coal bunker.⁵
煤屑 mõi-xēik
méixiè coal dust; coal splinters.⁷
煤窑[煤窯] mõi-yẽl
méiyáo coal pit.⁵ a coal mine.¹⁰²
煤烟[煤煙] mõi-yën
méiyān smoke from burning coal; coal soot, soot.⁶
煤油 mõi-yiũ
méiyóu kerosene.¹⁰
moi3 10855
96 8 mõi méi <wr.> a kind of jade.⁶
玫瑰 mõi-gï méigui rose (the tree); rugosa rose; rose (the flower).⁶ a fiery red gem; a red pearl; red coral.²⁴
玫瑰紫 mõi-gï-dū
méiguizǐ rose purple.¹¹
玫瑰花 mõi-gï-fä
méiguihuā rose.¹⁰ the rose.²⁴
玫瑰果 mõi-gï-gō
méiguiguǒ rose hip.⁶
玫瑰红[玫瑰紅] mõi-gï-hũng
méiguihóng rosy; rose-red.⁶
玫瑰露 mõi-gï-lù
méiguilù rose essence, rose wine.¹¹
玫瑰色 mõi-gï-sēik
méiguisè rose; rosy color.⁶
玫瑰油 mõi-gï-yiũ
méiguiyóu attar of rose petals.¹¹
黄刺玫[黃刺玫] võng-xü-mõi
huángcìméi <bot.> yellow rose (Rosa xanthina).⁵
<台> 玫 mõi to move closer to.
<台> 玫单[玫單]
or 枚单[枚單] mõi-än/ Check, please!
<台> 玫窦[玫竇] mõi-êo (animals) to return to the pen.
<台> 玫黑 mõi-hāk dusk, sundown.
<台> 玫口 mõi-hēo (wound) to heal.
<台> 玫来[埋来] mõi-lõi come closer.
<台> 玫年 mõi-nẽin the last day of the year.
<台> 玫岸 mõi-ngòn (boat) to make a landing.
moi3 10856
119 17 mõi méi 糜子 mõi-dū méizi broom corn millet.⁶
<又> mĩ.
(See 糜 mĩ.)
moi3 10857
130 11 mõi méi tenderloin; meat at the back of an animal.⁸
脢子肉 mõi-dū-ngùk méizǐròu loin; tenderloin.⁶
<台> 背脢头[背脢頭] böi-mõi-hẽo back of the shoulder right below the neck (of a person).
moi3 10858
140 8 mõi méi (=莓 mõi méi) berries.⁷
(See 莓 mõi.)
moi3 10859
140 10 mõi méi certian kinds of berries.⁶ (variant: 苺 mõi méi).
黑莓 hāk-mõi
hēiméi black raspberry, Rubus occidentalis.²⁰
香莓 hëng-mõi
xiāngméi thimbleberry.¹⁹ Rubus pungens var. oldhamii.²⁰
蓝莓[藍莓] lãm-mõi
lánméi blueberry.¹⁰ Cyanococcus.²⁰
莓苔 mõi-hõi
méitāi moss, lichen.¹¹
蛇莓 sẽh-mõi
shéméi <bot.> mock strawberry, Indian strawberry, or false strawberry (Duchesnea indica).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
树莓[樹莓] sì-mõi
shùméi raspberry; Rubus idaeus.²⁰
草莓 tāo-mõi
cǎoméi strawberry; Fragaria × ananassa.²⁰
乌蔹莓[烏蘞莓] vü-lêm-mõi
wūliǎnméi <bot.> bushkiller; Cayratia japonica (Thunb.) Gagnep.¹⁷ (See entry under 蘞).
野草莓 yêh-tāo-mõi
yěcǎoméi wild strawberry; Fragaria vesca.⁹
野黄莓[野黃莓] yêh-võng-mõi
yěhuángméi cloudberry.⁵⁴
洋莓 yẽng-mõi
yángméi strawberry.⁵⁴
(See 苺 mõi.)
moi3 10860
164 14 mõi méi enzyme; ferment.⁵ enzymes; (Cant.) soft.⁸
蛋白酶 àn-bàk-mõi dànbáiméi protease; proteinase.⁶
酶蛋白 mõi-àn-bàk
méidànbái enzyme protein.⁶
酶病 mõi-bèng
méibìng enzymopathy.⁶
酶解 mõi-gāi
méijiě enzymolysis.⁶
酶学[酶學] mõi-hòk
méixué enzymology.⁶
酶制剂[酶製劑] mõi-jäi-jäi
méizhìjì enzyme preparation.⁶
酶菌 mõi-kūn
méijūn ferment.¹⁹
酶原 mõi-ngũn
méiyuán zymogen; fermentogen.⁵
酶谱[酶譜] mõi-pū
méipǔ zymogram.⁶
酶催化 mõi-tuï-fä
méicuīhuà enzyme catalysis.⁶
moi3 10861
167 15 mõi méi one big ring runs through two smaller rings.¹³ a large lock; one ring with two locks put through it.²⁵ a door ring having two locks bolting the door in it; a dog chain.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰金每; U+92C2).
卢重鋂[盧重鋂] lũ-jùng-mõi lúzhòngméi the double ring on a shepherd's dog.¹⁰²
Lũ-jùng-mõi, kĩ-ngĩn-mî-chēh-chäi.
Lú zhòng  méi, qí rén měi qiě cāi.
There go the hounds with their triple rings; -
Their master is admirable and able.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·齊風·盧令》, translated by James Legge).
门鋂[門鋂] mõn-mõi
ménméi a door ring; a door lock with rings on the bolt.¹⁰²
<又> mãng.
(See 鋂 mãng).
moi3 10862
173 15 mõi méi mold; mildew.⁵ (cf. 黴 mõi méi).
触霉头[觸霉頭] chūk-mõi-hẽo
chùméitóu <topo.> have a stroke of bad luck; be unfortunate; come to grief.⁶
发霉[發霉] fät-mõi
fāméi go moldy; become mildewed.⁵
黑根霉 hāk-gïn-mõi
hēigēnméi black bread mold Rhizopus stolonifer, originally named Mucor stolonifer.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
霉变[霉變] mõi-bëin
méibiàn become mildewy; go moldy.⁶
霉病 mõi-bèng
méibìng <agr.> mildew.⁶
or 梅天 mõi-hëin méitiān (=黄梅天[黃梅天] võng-mõi-hëin huángméitiān or 黄梅季[黃梅季] võng-mõi-gï huángméijì) rainy season.⁶
霉头[霉頭] mõi-hẽo
méitóu <topo.> bad luck.⁶
霉气[霉氣] mõi-hï
méiqì a moldy smell, musty; <topo.> bad luck or fortune.⁷
or 黴菌 mõi-kûn méijūn fungi; germs, bacteria.⁷
霉菌病 mõi-kûn-bèng
méijūnbìng mycosis.⁵
霉烂[霉爛] mõi-làn
méilàn moldy and rotten.⁷
霉蠹 mõi-ù
méidù to become mildewed and worm-eaten (of books); to mildew and rot.¹⁰
or 梅雨 mõi-yî méiyǔ intermittent drizzles (in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River).⁶
or 青黴素 tëin-mõi-xü qīngméisù penicillin.⁶ʼ³⁶
<台> 霉肉 mõi-ngùk/ salted fish, fermented fish.

moi3 10863
196 20 𪃏 mõi méi to decoy birds.²⁵
(composition: ⿰某鳥; U+2A0CF).
moi3 10864
203 19 mõi méi dark complexion.⁸
黯黣 ām-mõi ànměi gloomy.¹⁹
皯黣 gōn-mõi
gǎnméi dark and disfigured through sorrow.²⁴
黣黑 mõi-hāk
méihēi black.¹⁹
moi3 10865
203 23 mõi méi mold, mildew, must; germs, bacteria; fungi; dirty, dingy.⁷ moldy and black; dirty; to rot; bacteria; lichens.¹⁴ mold, mildew, must; (alt. form 霉) to become moldy; (of one's face) dirty, dingy, dark.³⁶ (composition: ⿰彳𪑛; U+9EF4).
白黴 bàk-mõi báiméi white mold on bread.¹¹
or 金霉素 gïm-mõi-xü jīnméisù or 氯四环素 [氯四環素] lùk-xï-vãn-xü lǜsìhuánsù an antibiotic Chlortetracycline (trade name: Aureomycin).¹¹ʼ²⁰
or 链霉素[鏈霉素] lèin-mõi-xü liànméisù <med.> streptomycin.⁹ʼ¹¹
黴瘠 mõi-dëk
méijí swarthy and emaciated from hunger.¹⁴
黴黑 mõi-hāk
méihēi grimy; dark-complexioned.¹⁴
or 霉菌 mõi-kûn méijūn fungi; germs, bacteria.⁷
黴烂[黴爛] mõi-làn
méilàn decaying and mildew-covered.⁷
or 梅毒 or 霉毒 mõi-ùk méidú syphilis; syphilitic virus.⁶ʼ⁷ʼ¹⁴
青黴菌 tëin-mõi-kûn
qīngméijūn Penicillium (blue mould).³⁶
青黴素 or 青霉素 tëin-mõi-xü
qīngméisù penicillin.⁶ʼ³⁶
(cf. 霉 mõi.)
moi3 10866
72 9 mòi mèi <wr.> dim, dark, obscure; ignorant (of); have hazy notions about; conceal, hide, go against; <wr.> take the liberty of; offend.⁶
昏昧 fün-mòi hūnmèi half-witted, stupid.¹¹
昧旦 mòi-än
mèidàn or 昧爽 mòi-sōng mèishuǎng dawn; daybreak.⁷
昧下 mòi-hà
mèixià to hide another person's things.⁷
昧良心 mòi-lẽng-xïm
mèi liángxīn ignore or outrage one's conscience; go against one's conscience.⁶
昧昧 mòi-mòi
mèimèi dark, obscure; stupid, ignorant; (now rarely) deep and profound.⁷
昧瞀 mòi-mù
mèimào stupid and ignorant.⁷
昧视[昧視] mòi-sì
mèishì to watch or inspect in secret.⁷
昧死 mòi-xī
mèisǐ <wr.> risk one's life; deserve death for daring to speak to Your Majesty this way (an expression used by officials when submitting a memorial to emperor).⁶
昧心 mòi-xïm
mèixīn ignore one's conscience; go against one's conscience.⁶
昧心钱[昧心錢] mòi-xïm-tẽin
mèixīnqián money obtained by dishonest or evil means.⁷
昧于[昧於] mòi-yï
mèiyú be ignorant of; fail to understand.⁶
moi4 10867
104 12 mòi mèi ill.⁸ break down from anxiety.⁹ <wr.> sick.¹¹ disease caused by worry, anxiety.¹⁴
(composition: ⿸疒每; U+75D7).
疢痗 chïn-mòi chènmèi sickness arising from vexation.²⁴
痗气[痗氣] mòi-hï
mèiqì bad luck.¹⁴
Ngùn-ngũn-xü-bâk, xū-ngô-xïm-mòi.
Yuàn yán sī bó, shǐ wǒ xīn mèi.
Longingly I think of my husband,
And my heart is made to ache.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·衛風·伯兮》, translated by James Legge).
心痗 xïm-mòi
xīnmèi heartache.¹⁴ sick at heart.²⁴
使我心痗 Xū-ngô-xïm-mòi
Shǐ wǒ xīn mèi makes my heart ache (with anxiety).¹¹
moi4 10868
109 10 mòi mèi color-blindness.¹⁴
眛于本国情形[眛於本國情形] mòi-yï-bōn-gōk-tẽin-yẽin mèiyúběnguóqíngxíng blind as to the conditions of one's nation.¹⁴
眛于事实[眛於事實] mòi-yï-xù-sìt
mèiyúshìshí blind as to facts.¹⁴
moi4 10869
38 8 môi mèi a younger sister.⁷
表妹 bēl-môi biǎomèi daughter of one's father's sister or of one's mother's brother or sister, who is younger than oneself; younger female cousin.⁶
姐妹 dēh-môi
jiěmèi sisters; brothers and sisters, siblings.⁶
姊妹 dī-môi
zǐmèi elder and younger sisters; sisters.⁶
兄妹 hëin-môi
xiōngmèi (elder) brother and (younger) sister.⁶
妹子 môi-dū
mèizi a younger sister.⁷
妹夫 môi-fü
mèifu the husband of one's younger sister; a brother-in-law.⁷
妹丈 môi-jèng
mèizhàng the husband of one's younger sister; a brother-in-law.⁷
妹婿 môi-xâi
mèixù younger sister's husband.⁵
舍妹 sëh-môi
shèmèi <humb.> my younger sister.⁷
<台> 妹女 môi-nuī young female servants.
<又> mōi, mõi.
(See 妹 mōi, mõi.)
moi5 10870
80 7 môi měi every; each; frequently; often; whenever.
每到 môi-äo měidào whenever; every time; wherever.
每处[每處] môi-chuî
měichù everywhere.
每饭不忘[每飯不忘] môi-fàn-būt-mõng
měifànbùwàng remember all the time.
每逢 môi-fũng
měiféng whenever; every time.⁶
每天 môi-hëin
měitiān every day.
每年 môi-nẽin
měinián every year.
每人 môi-ngĩn
měirén everybody; each person.
每常 môi-sẽng
měicháng habitually in the past.
每次 môi-xü
měicì every time.
moi5 10871
85 8 môi mèi ➀ (<old>=昧 mòi mèi <wr.> dim, dark, obscure; ignorant (of); have hazy notions about; conceal, hide, go against; <wr.> take the liberty of; offend.⁶); dimness.⁸  ➁ old place name in present day southern part of 淇县[淇縣] Kĩ-yòn Qíxiàn county in 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng Henan Province.⁸ ➂ dusk; Mei river; Zhou dynasty place-name; (Cant.) to go underwater, to dive.⁸  ➃ dawn; place name.¹⁰
  to wash one's face.⁹  ➅ the capital of the Shang dynasty, south of present day Tangyin, Henan Province, also 朝歌 jël-gô
(composition: ⿰氵未; U+6CAC).
沬血 môi-hüt
mèixuè <lit.> bleeding on the face.¹¹ <lit.> (of the face) covered in blood.³⁶
洿沬 vü-môi
wūmèi tear drops streaming down the face.¹⁹
幽沬 yiü-môi
yōumèi gloomy, unclear; mysterious, secret.⁵⁴
moi5 10872
85 10 môi měi contaminate, soil, stain; entrust, request.⁶
避之若浼 bì-jï-ngèk-môi bìzhīruòměi avoid a person like a plague.¹¹
河水浼浼 hõ-suī-môi-môi
héshuǐměiměi <wr.> smooth-flowing river.¹¹
浼托 môi-hōk
měituō to soil your hand – to ask someone to do something; to ask a kindness (of).⁷
浼求 môi-kiũ
měiqiú to implore.⁷
浼人说项[浼人說項] môi-ngĩn-sōt-hòng
měirénshuōxiàng to request one to say a good word for.⁷
浼我 môi-ngô
měiwǒ to defile me.⁷
浼污 môi-vü
měiwū ruin somebody's reputation.⁶
央浼 yëng-môi
yāngměi go and ask somebody a favor.⁶
moi5 10873
85 15 𫞗
môi měi (<old>=浼 môi měi contaminate, soil, stain.⁶; dirty.).⁸  to pollute, contaminate.¹⁰
t: ⿰氵閔; U+6F63). (comp. s: ⿰氵闵; U+2B797).
<又> mûn.
(See 潣 mûn).
moi5 10874
109 9 môi mèi to look far with the eyes half-closed (to narrow the eyes); to look at for a long time; daybreak, dawn; to look not straight forward; to distrub, to dizzy; dark; to look at ferocious.⁸ the eyes darkened (through age,) but able to see far; one says, a long time; the morning light.²⁴
(composition: ⿰目勿; U+401B).
䀛盺 môi-hïm mèixīn to awake and look upwards thinking.²⁴
䀛䀛 môi-môi
mèimèi to behold.²⁴
䀛眼 môi-ngān
mèiyen, to look at a long time.²⁴

moi5 10875
109 9 môi mèi down; to see obscurely; (same as U+401B 䀛 môi mèi to look far with the eyes half-closed (to narrow the eyes); to look at for a long time; daybreak, dawn; to look not straight forward; to distrub, to dizzy; dark; to look at ferociously.⁸).⁸
(composition: ⿱勿目 U+401C).

moi5 10876
178 14 môi mèi grass that gives red dye.⁸  a kind of leather buskin of soldiers; a plant used to dye purple.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰韋末; U+97CE).
韎韐 môi-âp mèigé or môi-gäp mèijiá dyed red-yellow leather, used as a knee pad.⁸ the name of a plant, used in dyeing, producing a color between red and yellow; and used in dyeing coverings for the knees; a kind of music, played by eastern foreigners.²⁵
<又> màt.
(See 韎 màt).
moi5 10877
18 10 mōk to peel; to skin; to flay; to shuck.
剥啄[剝啄] mōk-dēk or mōk-ēk bōzhuó to tap (on a door or window).¹⁰
剥蕉抽茧[剝蕉抽繭] mōk-dêl-chëo-gān
or mōk-dêl-chëo-gēin bōjiāochōujiǎn like peeling banana plant or unwinding cocoon, i.e., press inquiry step by step, investigate deeper and deeper.¹¹
剥极必复[剝極必復] mōk-gèik-bēik-fùk
bōjíbìfù Fortune goes from one extreme to another.
剥苔[剝苔] mōk-hõi
bōtāi <TCM> lacked and cracked coating (of tongue).
剥离[剝離] mōk-lĩ
bōlí  to peel; to strip; to peel off; to come off (of tissue, skin, covering).
剥夺[剝奪] mōk-ùt
bōduó to deprive; to expropriate; to strip (somebody of his property).
剥削[剝削] mōk-xēk
bōxuē to exploit; exploitation.
生吞活剥[生吞活剝] säng-hün-vòt-mōk
shēngtūnhuóbō  to swallow whole (idiom); fig. to apply uncritically; to interpret text, passage crudely without real understanding (“eat it alive”).
<又> mök.
(See 剝 mök.)
mok1 10878
40 13 mōk lonely; deserted.⁵ still, silent, quiet, lonely.⁷
不甘寂寞 būt-gäm-dèik-mōk bùgānjìmò unwilling to be left out, overlooked.¹⁰
寂寞 dèik-mōk
jìmò lonely; lonesome.⁵
落寞 lòk-mōk
or 落莫 lòk-mòk or 落漠 lòk-mōk luòmò lonely; desolate.¹⁰
索寞 sōk-mōk
or 索莫 sōk-mòk suǒmò (said of one's looks) despondent, discouraged or crestfallen.⁷
mok1 10879
46 13 𡻟
mōk (=漠 mōk a desert; indifferent, unconcerned; quiet, silent.⁷).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰山莫; U+21EDF).
❄{⿰山莫}岶 mōk-päk mòpò secret; retired; recluse.²⁴ thick; dense; perhaps the same as 漠泊 (mōk-bòk mòbó lush appearance.⁸).¹⁰¹
mok1 10880
50 13 mōk curtain or screen; canopy or tent; headquarters of a general; act (of a play).¹⁰ (old variant: 幙 mōk ).
(composition: ⿱莫巾; U+5E55).
闭幕[閉幕] bäi-mōk
bìmù the curtain falls; to lower the curtain; to come to an end (of a meeting).¹⁰
闭幕式[閉幕式] bäi-mōk-sēik
bìmùshì closing ceremony.¹¹
黑幕 hāk-mōk
hēimù inside story of a plot, shady deal.⁵
启幕[啟幕] kāi-mōk
qǐmù the curtain rises.⁵ to open (a conference); to inaugurate.¹⁰
开幕式[開幕式] höi-mōk-sēik
kāimùshì opening ceremony.¹¹
幕后交易[幕後交易] mōk-hèo-gäo-yèik
mùhòu jiāoyì backstage deal.³⁹
幕僚 mōk-lẽl
mùliáo aids and advisors of top officials.¹⁰
银幕[銀幕] ngãn-mōk
yínmù the movie screen.¹¹
内幕[內幕] nuì-mōk
nèimù inside story; non-public information; behind the scenes; internal.¹⁰
屏幕 pẽin-mōk
píngmù screen (TV, computer or movie).¹⁰
帷幕 vĩ-mōk
wéimù heavy curtain.⁶
(See 幙 mōk).
mok1 10881
50 13 mōk <old>=幕 mōk a curtain, a screen.⁸
(composition: ⿰巾莫; U+5E59).
(See 幕 mōk).
mok1 10882
64 13 mōk (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 摸 mū with same meaning.)
<又> mō, mū.
(See 摸 mō, mū.)
mok1 10883
85 13 mōk a desert; indifferent, unconcerned; quiet, silent.⁷
荒漠 föng-mōk huāngmò barren.¹⁰
广漠[廣漠] gōng-mōk
guǎngmò vast and bare.⁵
冷漠 lâng-mōk
lěngmò cold and detached towards somebody; lack of regard; indifference; neglect.¹⁰
落漠 lòk-mōk
or 落莫 lòk-mòk or 落寞 lòk-mōk luòmò lonely; desolate.¹⁰
漠北 Mōk-bāk
Mòběi north of the Gobi Desert – Outer Mongolia.⁷
漠不关心[漠不關心] mōk-būt-gän-xïm
mòbùguānxīn indifferent; unconcerned.⁵
漠不相关[漠不相關] mōk-būt-xëng-gän
mòbùxiāngguān totally unrelated.⁷
漠漠 mōk-mōk
mòmò misty, foggy; vast and lonely.⁵
漠南 Mōk-nãm
Mònán south of the Gobi Desert – Inner Mongolia.⁷
漠然 mōk-ngẽin
mòrán indifferent, unaffected, unmoved; completely ignorant, at a loss.⁷
漠视[漠視] mōk-sì
mòshì treat with indifference; ignore; overlook; pay no attention to.⁵
茫漠 mõng-mōk
mángmò open; spacious.⁵⁴
沙漠 sä-mōk
shāmò desert.⁸
mok1 10884
104 15 mōk disease, illness, an ailment; suffering, hardship, privation.⁷
关心民瘼[關心民瘼] gän-xïm-mĩn-mōk guānxīn mínmò concerned with people's hardships, distress.¹¹
民瘼 mĩn-mōk
mínmò sufferings of the people.⁶
mok1 10885
130 14 mōk membrane; film, thin coating.⁶
隔膜 gäk-mōk gémó diaphragm (anatomy); distant (socially aloof); divided by lack of mutual comprehension; nonexpert.¹⁰
膜拜 mōk-bäi
móbài to prostrate oneself in worship.⁶
<又> môk.
(See 膜 môk.)
mok1 10886
18 4 𠚪
mök bāo (<old>=剥[剝] mök bāo to cut apart; to peel; to skin; to shell.)³⁶
(composition: ⿰刀刀; U+206AA).
<又> tũng.
(See 剝 mök; 𠚪❄{⿰刀刀} tũng).
mok2 10887
18 4 𠚩
mök bāo (=剥[剝] mök bāo to peel; to skin; to shell; to shuck).²
(composition: ⿰卜刂; U+206A9).
(See 剝 mök).
mok2 10888
18 8 𠛧
mök bāo (=剥[剝] mök bāo to peel; to skin; to shell; to shuck).²
(composition: ⿰⿵冂仌刂; U+206E7).
(See 剝 mök).
mok2 10889
18 10 mök bāo to peel; to skin; to shell; to shuck.
(variants: 𠚪❄{⿰刀刀} mök; 𠛧❄{⿰⿵冂仌刂} mök; 𠚩❄{⿰卜刂} mök).
剥花生[剝花生] mök-fä-säng
bāohuāshēng to shell peanuts.
剥开[剝開] mök-höi
bāokāi to strip the covering off.
剥皮[剝皮] mök-pĩ
bāopí to skin; to peel off the skin.
<又> mōk.
(See 剝 mōk; 𠚪❄{⿰刀刀} mök; 𠛧❄{⿰⿵冂仌刂} mök; 𠚩❄{⿰卜刂} mök).
mok2 10890
32 13 mòk dust.¹³ dust; to dust.²⁴
(composition: ⿰土莫; U+587B).
mok4 10891
140 10 mòk <wr.> no one, none, nothing; not; don't; (indicating a guess or a rhetorical question).⁶ Mo surname.⁸
闲人莫入[閑人莫入] hãn-ngĩn-mòk-yìp xiánrénmòrù no admittance except on business.⁵⁴
落莫 lòk-mòk
or 落漠 lòk-mōk or 落寞 lòk-mōk luòmò lonely; desolate.¹⁰
莫大 mòk-ài
mòdà greatest; utmost.⁶
莫不 mòk-būt
mòbù there is no one who doesn't or isn't; everybody does or is.⁶
莫衷一是 mòk-chüng-yīt-sì
mòzhōngyīshì There is no agreement of opinion at all.⁷
莫非 mòk-fï
mòfēi can it be that; is it possible that.⁶
莫可言状[莫可言狀] mòk-hō-ngũn-jòng
mòkěyánzhuàng indescribable; unspeaknabel; inexpressible.⁷
莫名 mòk-mẽin
mòmíng be impossible to explain/express; be indescribable/inexpressible.⁶
莫名其妙 mòk-mẽin-kĩ-mèl
mòmíngqímiào unfathomable mystery (idiom); subtle and ineffable; unable to make head or tail of it; boring (e.g. movie).¹⁰
or 镆䥺[鏌釾] or 镆铘[鏌鋣] or 镆䥺[鏌鋣] Mòk-yẽh Mòyé name of a legendary sword.⁸
mok4 10892
163 12 mòk place in today's 河北省 Hõ-bāk sāng  Héběi shěng Hebei Province; Mo surname.⁸
mok4 10893
167 18 mòk sword.⁸
镆䥺[鏌釾] or 镆铘[鏌鋣] or 莫邪 or 镆䥺[鏌鋣] Mòk-yẽh Mòyé name of a legendary sword.⁸
mok4 10894
130 14 môk membrane; film, thin coating.⁶
薄膜 bòk-môk bómó membrane, film.¹⁰
处女膜[處女膜] chuī-nuī-môk
chǔnǚmó hymen.⁵
角膜 gôk-môk
jiǎomó cornea.⁶
肋膜 làk-môk
lèimó <phys.> the  pleura.¹¹
膜片 môk-pëin
mópiàn diaphragm.⁶
脑膜炎[腦膜炎] nāo-môk-yèm
nǎomóyán meningitis.⁶
眼角膜 ngān-gôk-môk
yǎnjiǎomó <phys.> cornea.⁵⁴
眼膜 ngān-môk
yǎnmó sclerotic.¹⁴
牛膜 ngẽo-môk
niúmó beef membrane.
耳膜 ngī-môk
ěrmó tympanic membrane, eardrum.⁶
横膈膜[橫膈膜] vãng-gäk-môk
hénggémó diaphragm.⁶
<又> mōk.
(See 膜 mōk.)
mok5 10895
85 14 滿 mōn mǎn full, filled; plentiful, abundant; proud, haughty; to expire; completely, entirely, perfectly; Manchu; Man surname.⁵
自满[自滿] dù-mōn zìmǎn complacent; self-satisfied.⁵
满座[滿座] mōn-dò
mǎnzuò capacity house; full house.⁵
满足[滿足] mōn-dūk
mǎnzú satisfied, contented; meet.⁵
满族[滿族] Mōn-dùk
Mǎnzú Man/Manchu ethnic group.⁶
满天星[滿天星] mōn-hëin-xêng
mǎntiānxīng <bot.> baby's breath Gypsophila paniculata.²³
满腔热情[滿腔熱情] mōn-höng-ngèik-tẽin
mǎnqiāngrèqíng be full of enthusiasm; be wholehearted.⁶
满堂灌[滿堂灌] mōn-hõng-gön
mǎntáng guàn spoonfeed.⁵
满垒[滿壘] mōn-luî
mǎnlěi bases loaded (in baseball).¹⁰
满面春风[滿面春風] mōn-mèin-chün-füng
mǎnmiàn chūnfēng radiant with happiness.⁵
满拧[滿擰] mōn-nèin
mǎnnǐng <topo.> be completely opposite (to); totally inconsistent (with); contradict.⁶
满月[滿月] mōn-ngùt
mǎnyuè full moon; whole month; baby's one-month old birthday.¹⁰
满怀[滿懷] mōn-vãi
mǎnhuái have one's heart filled with; (collide) full on; (farm animals) heavy with young.¹⁰
满心[滿心] mōn-xïm
mǎnxīn have one's heart filled with.⁵
满意[滿意] mōn-yï
mǎnyì satisfied; pleased.⁵
mon1 10896
142 17 mōn mǎn mite; acarid; acarus.²⁹
尘螨[塵蟎] chĩn-mōn chénmǎn dust mite.¹⁰
疥螨[疥蟎] gäi-mōn
jièmǎn itch-mite; sarcoptid; sarcoptic mite.⁵⁴
螨虫[蟎蟲] mōn-chũng
mǎnchóng  mite (zoology).¹⁰
沙螨[沙蟎] sâ-mōn
shāmǎn chigger.²⁹
山楂叶螨[山楂葉蟎] sän-jä-yêp-mōn
shānzhāyèmǎn  <zoo.> hawthorn red spider mite, fruit tree spider mite Tetranychus viennensis.⁶⁹
蛘螨[蛘蟎] yẽng-mōn
yángmǎn meal mite.⁹
恙螨[恙蟎] yèng-mōn
yàngmǎn chigger.⁶
蝓螨器[蝓蟎器] yĩ-mōn-hï
yúmǎnqì ereynetal organ.⁹
mon1 10897
8 22 mõn mén gate.⁸ the part of a valley where there are cliffs on both sides of the banks facing each other like a gate.⁹ mountain pass; defile (archaic).¹⁰ gorge.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱亠舋; U+4EB9).
凫鹥在亹[鳧鷖在亹] fũ-yï-dòi-mõn fúyīzàimén The wild ducks and widgeons are in the gorge.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·生民之什·鳧鷖·5》, translated by James Legge).
亹源 mõn-ngũn
ményuán a county in Qinghai Province.⁴⁰ (now called 门源[門源] mõn-ngũn ményuán).⁵⁴
<又> mī.
(See 亹 mī.)
mon3 10898
9 10 mõn men (pluralizing suffix).
他们[他們] hä-mõn tāmen they.
她们[她們] hä-mõn
tāmen they (female).
它们[它們] hä-mõn
tāmen they (for inanimate objects).¹⁰
咱们[咱們] jā-mõn
zánmen we or us (including both the person speaking and the person or persons spoken to); <topo.> I or me.
人们[人們] ngĩn-mõn
rénmen people; public; humanity.
我们[我們] ngô-mõn
wǒmen we.
你们[你們] nî-mõn
nǐmen you (plural).
您们[您們] nî-mõn
nínmen <court.> you (plural).¹⁰
mon3 10899
38 14 mõn mān (dialect) a girl.⁹
(composition: ⿰女曼; U+5ADA).
嫚子 mõn-dū mānzi a girl.⁹
小嫚 xēl-mõn
xiǎomān intimate name for a little girl; referring to young girls.¹⁹
<又> màn.
(See 嫚 màn).
mon3 10900
64 11 mõn mén to touch; to stroke.
扪椟估珠[捫櫝估珠] mõn-dùk-gū-jî/ méndúgūzhū buy a pig in a poke.¹⁹
扪舌[捫舌] mõn-sêt
ménshé to hold one's tongue.
扪心自问[捫心自問] mõn-xïm-dù-mùn
ménxīnzìwèn to examine one's conscience.
扪心无愧[捫心無愧] mõn-xïm-mũ-kï
ménxīnwúkuì to examine oneself and find nothing to be ashamed of.
mon3 10901
64 14 mõn mán to lead.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌曼; U+6471).
<又> màn. (See 摱 màn).
mon3 10902
109 16 mõn mán conceal something from; hide the truth from.⁶
瞒报[瞞報] mõn-bäo mánbào give a false report; make a deceptive report.⁶
瞒天大谎[瞞天大謊] mõn-hëin-ài-föng
mántiāndàhuǎng monstrous lie; outrageous lie; downright falsehood.⁶
瞒天过海[瞞天過海] mõn-hëin-gö-hōi
mántiānguòhǎi cross the sea by camouflage; practice deception.⁶
瞒哄[瞞哄] mõn-hüng
mánhǒng deceive; hoodwink; pull the wool over somebody's eyes.⁶
瞒骗[瞞騙] mõn-pëin
mánpiàn to deceive.⁹
瞒上欺下[瞞上欺下] mõn-sèng-hï-hà
mánshàngqīxià to hoodwink those above and bully those below.¹¹
瞒心昧己[瞞心昧己] mõn-xïm-mòi-gī
mánxīnmèijǐ do evil against one's conscience.⁸
隐瞒[隱瞞] yîn-mõn
yǐnmán hide secret (from person).¹¹
<台> 瞒紧[瞞緊] mõn-gīn to conceal (something from somebody).
mon3 10903
140 23 𧄸
mõn mén demotic character for 虋 mõn mén asparagus; a variety of red-stalked millet.²
(composition: ⿱艹舋; U+27138).
❄{艹舋}冬 mõn-üng méndōng a kind of flower.²⁵
<又> mī.
(See 𧄸❄{⿱艹舋} mī; 虋 mõn).
mon3 10904
140 29 mõn mén (=𧄸❄{艹舋} mõn mén) asparagus; a variety of red-stalked millet.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹釁; U+864B).
虋冬 mõn-üng
méndōng refers to 天门冬 and 麦门冬.¹⁹
Note 1: 天门冬[天門冬] hëin-mõn-üng
tiānméndōng lucid asparagus (Asparagus cochinchinensis or Asparagus lucidus or Asparagus sinicus). The roots and stems are used in TCM.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
Note 2: 麦门冬[麥門冬] màk-mõn-üng
màiméndōng dwarf lilyturf, aka mondo grass, fountainplant, monkeygrass (Ophiopogon japonicus). The plant and tubers are used in TCM.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(See 𧄸❄{艹舋} mõn).
mon3 10905
157 18 mõn mán to jump over (a wall).¹⁴
蹣墙[蹣牆] mõn-tẽng mánqiáng to jump over a wall.²⁵
<又> põn.
(See 蹣 [mõn, pán]; 蹣 põn.)
mon3 10906
157 18 mõn pán (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 蹒[蹣] põn pán with same meaning.)
<又> põn.
(See 蹣 [mõn, mán]; 蹣 põn.)
mon3 10907
167 16 mõn mén mendelevium (Md).⁸
钔化合物[鍆化合物] mõn-fä-hàp-mùt or mõn-fä-hàp-mòt ménhuàhéwù mendelevium compound.⁶
钔同位素[鍆同位素] mõn-hũng-vì-xü
méntóngwèisù mendelevium isotope.⁶
mon3 10908
169 8 mõn mén Kangxi radical 169; entrance, door, gate; valve, switch; way to do something, knack; family; (religious) sect, school (of thought); class, category; phylum; <m.> (a kind of); gate; Men surname.⁵
门诊[門診] mõn-chīn ménzhěn outpatient service.⁵
门阀[門閥] mõn-fàt
ménfá rich and powerful family.¹⁰
门户[門戶] mõn-fù
ménhù door; gateway, important passageway; faction, sect; family status.⁵
门岗[門崗] mõn-gông
méngǎng gate sentry.⁵
门庭若市[門庭若市] mõn-hẽin-ngèk-sî
méntíngruòshì the courtyard is as crowded as a market place – a much-visited house.⁵
门口[門口] mõn-hēo
ménkǒu entrance, doorway.⁵
门铃[門鈴] mõn-lẽin
or mõn-lêng/ ménlíng doorbell.⁶
门帘[門簾] mõn-lẽm
ménlián door curtain, portière; fly.⁶
门栊子[門櫳子] mõn-lũng-dū
ménlóngzi horizontal bars across door.¹¹
门牌[門牌] mõn-pãi
ménpái (house) number plate; house number.⁵
门票[門票] mõn-pêl
ménpiào entrance ticket, admission ticket.⁵
门阈[門閾] mõn-vèik
ményù threshold.⁶
门锁[門鎖] mõn-xū
ménsuǒ door lock.¹⁰
<台> 门地伏[門地伏] mõn-ì-fûk threshold; doorsill.
mon3 10909
177 16 mõn mán <wr.> upper (of shoe), shoe; to mount hide on a drum; to cover the upper of a shoe with cloth.⁶ sides or uppers of shoes; to stretch a skin on a frame for a drum.¹⁴ the hollow part of a shoe; to cover.²⁵
鞔鞮 mõn-äi mándī leather shoes.¹⁹ leather boots.⁵⁴
鞔革 mõn-gāk
mángé shoe leather.⁵⁴
鞔鼓 mõn-gū
mángǔ to pull the skin over the drum.⁵⁴
鞔鞋 mõn-hãi
mánxié to cover the upper of a shoe with cloth or leather.⁶
鞔靴 mõn-hëh
mánxuē boots and shoes.²⁵ to cover boots with linen (in mourning).⁵⁴
mon3 10910
181 20 mõn mān foolish, stupid; muddle-headed and careless.⁶ carelessss, ignorant and stupid.⁷
颟顸[顢頇] mõn-hõn mānhān thoughtless, sometimes shameless, stupid and confused.¹¹ dawdling, dilatory; vacillating.¹⁴
颟里颟顸[顢裡顢頇] mõn-lī-mõn-hõn
mānlimānhan thoughtless, sometimes shameless, stupid and confused.¹¹
mon3 10911
61 18 mòn mèn <wr.> depressed and discontented, unhappy; indignant, resentful.⁶
烦懑[煩懣] or 烦闷[煩悶] fãn-mòn fánmèn uncomfortable, out of sorts; vexed, worried.¹¹
忿懑[忿懣] fûn-mòn
fènmèn anger; a grudge; animus; indignation.⁷
愤懑[憤懣] fûn-mòn
fènmèn indignant, resentful;  depressed and discontented.⁷
懑然[懣然] mòn-ngẽin
mènrán dejectedly.¹⁰
mon4 10912
78 12 mòn mèn breathe one's last; faint.⁸
(composition: ⿰歹昏; U+6B99).
<又> fün. (See 殙 fün).
mon4 10913
78 13 mòn mèn to breathe one's last.⁸ (Note: original form of 殙 mòn mèn).
(composition: ⿰歹昬; U+3C6A).
<又> fün.
(See 㱪 fün; 殙 mòn).
mon4 10914
86 16 mòn mèn braise; stew.⁶ simmer, cook over slow fire; braise; cook in a covered pot over a slow fire.⁸
红焖[紅燜] hũng-mòn hóngmèn stew in soy sauce.⁶
焖饭[燜飯] mòn-fàn
mènfàn cook rice over a slow fire.⁶
焖雞[燜雞] mòn-gäi
mènjī braised chicken.¹⁹
焖茄子[燜茄子] mòn-kêh-dū
mènqiézi braise eggplant.⁶
焖芹菜[燜芹菜] mòn-kĩn-töi
mènqíncài braise celery.⁶
焖肉[燜肉] mòn-ngùk
mènròu cook meat over a slow fire.⁶
焖烧锅[燜燒鍋] mòn-sël-vö
mènshāoguō to casserole; to stew; vacuum flask; cooker.¹⁰
焖锅[燜鍋] mòn-vö
mènguō stew pot; marmite.⁶
焖羊肉[燜羊肉] mòn-yẽng-ngùk
mènyángròu stewed mutton; mutton stew.⁶
黄焖鸡翅[黃燜雞翅] võng-mòn-gäi-chï
huángmènjīchì braised chicken wings.⁶
mon4 10915
169 12 mòn mèn bored, depressed, in low spirits; tightly closed, sealed.⁵
烦闷[煩悶] or 烦懑[煩懣] fãn-mòn fánmèn uncomfortable, out of sorts; vexed, worried.¹¹
解闷[解悶] gāi-mòn
jiěmèn divert oneself (from boredom).⁵
闷气[悶氣] mòn-hï
mènqì sulk; a mood or display of sullen aloofness or withdrawal.⁹
闷闷不乐[悶悶不樂] mòn-mòn-būt-lòk
mènmènbùlè depressed; in low spirits.⁵
闷瞀[悶瞀] mòn-mù
mènmào blurring of vision accompanied by restlessness.⁵⁴
闷葫芦[悶葫蘆] mòn-vũ-lũ
mènhúlu enigma; puzzle; riddle.⁵
(See 悶 [mòn, mēn].)
mon4 10916
169 12 mòn mēn stuffy, close; cover tightly; <topo.> (of a sound) muffled; shut oneself or somebody indoors.⁵
发闷[發悶] fāt-mòn fāmēn  close, stuffy, oppressive, stifling.⁶
闷茶[悶茶] mòn-chã
mēnchá to brew tea in a closed container.¹
闷气[悶氣] mòn-hï
mēnqì stuffy; close; airless.⁹
闷热[悶熱] mòn-ngèik
mēnrè hot and suffocating; sultry; muggy.⁵
闷声不响[悶聲不響] mòn-sëin-būt-hēng
mēnshēng bùxiǎng remain silent.⁵
闷声闷气[悶聲悶氣] mòn-sëin-mòn-hï
mēnshēngmēnqì muffled; throaty.⁶
(See 悶 [mòn, mèn].)
mon4 10917
14 4 mōng wǎng a net; net-like; variant radical of 网 mōng wǎng, number 122.³⁶ʼ⁰
(composition ⿱冖儿(J) or ⿱冖⿰丿㇄(H); U+34C1 or U+2EB3).
mong1 10918
120 14 mōng wǎng net; network.⁸
冲决罗网[衝決羅網] chüng-kūt-lõ-mōng chōngjuéluówǎng to break through all snares and traps.
拦网[攔網] lãn-mōng
lánwǎng to block.
联网[聯網] lũn-mōng
liánwǎng network.⁹
网吧[網吧] mōng-bä
wǎngbā internet café.¹⁰
网开一面[網開一面] mōng-höi-yīt-mèin wǎngkāiyīmiàn to give a wrongdoer a way out; to be lenient.
网球[網球] mōng-kiũ
wǎngqiú tennis; tennis ball.
网球肘[網球肘] mōng-kiũ-jāo
wǎngqiúzhǒu tennis elbow.⁹
网络[網絡] mōng-lōk
wǎngluò network (computing, telecommunications, transport); Internet.¹⁰
网杓[網杓] mōng-sēk
wǎngsháo skimmer (kitchen utensil).¹⁰
网上订购[網上訂購] mōng-sèng-èin-këo
wǎngshàng dìnggòu order online.⁵⁵
鱼网[魚網] nguî-mōng
yúwǎng fishing net.⁵
爱网[愛網] öi-mōng
àiwǎng <Budd.> net of love.⁵⁴
上网[上網] sëng-mōng
shàngwǎng to be on the internet.
视网膜[視網膜] sì-mōng-mōk
shìwǎngmó retina.
mong1 10919
122 5 mōng wǎng variant Kangxi radical 122, same as 网 mōng wǎng.¹⁰²ʼ⁰ (Note: This character is often referred to as 四字头[四字頭] xï-dù-hẽo sìzìtóu ("four character-head") due to its resemblance to 四 xï sì, although it is etymologically related to 网).¹⁰²
(composition: ⿴囗⿰丨丨; U+7F52).
Distinguish 罒 mōng wǎng (U+7F52); ⺲ mōng wǎng (U+2EB2); ⺫ mùk (U+2EAB).
mong1 10920
122 5 mōng wǎng (component form of ⽹ mōng wǎng; Kangxi radical 122; net; network.⁸).¹⁰² (Note: Although this character ⺲ (U+2EB2) is the correct form to be used as a component, it is not used as much as 罒 (U+7F52) in the composition descriptions).
(composition: ⿴囗⿰丨丨; U+2EB2).
Distinguish 罒 mōng wǎng (U+7F52); ⺲ mōng wǎng (U+2EB2), the two lines in the middle slant in when written; ⺫ mùk mù (U+2EAB).
mong1 10921
122 6 mōng wǎng Kangxi radical 122; net; network.⁸ variant radicals are  U+7F52 罒 (used mostly in composition descriptions),  U+2EB2 ⺲ (the correct form as a top component) and  U+34C1 or U+2EB3 㓁 (seldom used).⁰
(See 網 mōng).
mong1 10922
159 15 mōng wǎng exterior rim of wheel, felly.⁸ʼ³⁶ the felloe of a wheel; a tire.¹⁴ a wrapping round the circumference of a wheel; the emperor's hunting chariot had a double wrapping, to prevent its slipping.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿰車罔; U+8F1E). (comp. s: ⿰车罔; U+8F8B).
轮辋[輪輞] lũn-mōng
or lũn-mông lúnwǎng the rim of a wheel; a felly; a felloe.⁷
辋板[輞板] mōng-bān
or mông-bān wǎngbǎn felloe plate.⁹
辋川[輞川] Mōng-chün
or Mông-chün Wǎngchuān name of a river in 陕西[陝西] Sēm-xäi Shǎnxī Shaanxi Province.⁷
<又> mông.
(See 輞 mông.)
mong1 10923
194 17 mōng wǎng a kind of monster.⁷
(composition: ⿺鬼罔; U+9B4D).
魍魉[魍魎] mōng-lēng or mông-lēng wǎngliǎng demons and monsters.⁶ sprites and goblins; monsters and demons.¹⁰
魍魉魑魅[魍魎魑魅] mōng-lēng-chï-mì
or mông-lēng-chï-mì wǎngliǎng-chīmèi monsters and goblins; evil spirits.⁶
魍魅 mōng-mì
or mông-mì wǎngmèi evil spirits.¹⁹
魍魍儿[魍魍兒] mōng-mōng-ngĩ
or mông-mông-ngĩ wǎngwǎngr <topo.> legendary ghost.⁵⁴
<又> mông.
(See 魍 mông.)
mong1 10924
75 7 möng máng mango (Mangifera indica).⁸ (variant: 𣙷 möng máng).
杧果 or 芒果 möng-gō
mángguǒ mango.⁸
(See 芒 möng; 𣙷 möng.)
mong2 10925
75 14 𣙷 möng máng (=杧 möng máng) a mango.⁷
(See 杧 möng.)
mong2 10926
140 6 möng máng (composition: ⿱艹亡; U+8292).
芒果 or 杧果 möng-gō mángguǒ mango.⁸
or 杧果汁 möng-gō-jīp mángguǒzhī mango juice.
<又> mõng.
(See 芒 mõng).
mong2 10927
8 3 mõng wáng ➀ flee; run away ➁ lose; be gone ➂ die; perish ➃ deceased ➄ conquer; subjugate.⁵ (variant: 亾,兦 mõng, q.v.). (composition: ⿱亠𠃊(GV) or ⿱亠㇄(HTJK); U+4EA1).
齿亡舌存[齒亡舌存] chī-mõng-sêt-tũn
chǐwángshécún the tongue remains when the teeth are gone – the soft and flexible lasts longer than the hard.⁶
自取灭亡[自取滅亡] dù-tuī-mèik-mõng
zìqǔmièwáng o court disaster (idiom); to dig one's own grave.¹⁰
流亡 liũ-mõng
liúwáng go into exile; be exiled.⁶
亡国[亡國] mõng-gōk
wángguó subjugate a nation, let a state perish; conquered nation.⁵
亡故 mõng-gü
wánggù die; pass away; decease.⁵
亡灵[亡靈] mõng-lẽin
wánglíng the soul of a departed person; ghost; specter.⁵
亡命 mõng-mèng
wángmìng flee, seek refuge, go into exile; desperate.⁵
亡羊补牢[亡羊補牢] mõng-yẽng-bū-lão
wángyángbǔláo lit. to mend the pen after sheep are lost (idiom); fig. to act belatedly; better late than never.¹⁰
亡佚 mõng-èik
or mõng-yìt wángyì lost to the ages.¹⁰
伤亡[傷亡] sëng-mõng
shāngwáng injury and death; casualties.⁵
<台> 亡命 mõng-mèng to try very hard to.

mong3 10928
9 3 mõng wáng (=亡 mõng wáng ➀ flee; run away ➁ lose; be gone ➂ die; perish ➃ deceased ➄ conquer; subjugate).⁵ death; destroyed; lose; perish.⁸
(composition: ⿺𠃊人; U+4EBE).
(See 亡 mõng).
mong3 10929
9 3 mõng wáng (=亡 mõng wáng ➀ flee; run away ➁ lose; be gone ➂ die; perish ➃ deceased ➄ conquer; subjugate.⁵); destruction).⁸
(composition: ⿺𠃊入; U+5166).
(See 亡 mõng).
mong3 10930
27 9 mõng máng bulky; thick and large; confused.⁸ the big stone; <old>=尨 mõng máng; rich, thick; have, possess; messy; long-haired dog, long-haired dog also refers to dogs in general.⁸ huge.¹⁰ a large rock; bulky; large; abundant.²⁴
(composition: ⿸厂尨; U+5396).
厖大 mõng-ài
mángdà vast; large-scale.¹⁹
厖杂[厖雜] mõng-dàp
mángzá chaos.¹⁹
厖厚 mõng-hêo
mánghòu generous, kind, magnanimous; thich and broad.¹⁹
厖洪 mõng-hũng
mánghóng great, massive, vast.¹⁹
厖鸿[厖鴻] mõng-hũng
mánghóng ➀ great, massive, vast ➁ tall; lofty ➂ refers to the state of chaos before the formation of the universe, meaning the vastness of it.¹⁹
厖眉 mõng-mĩ
mángméi gray eyebrows, refering to how old people are; (=尨 mõng máng shaggy haired dog.³⁶).¹⁹
厖昧 mõng-mòi
mángmèi barbaric, uncivilized; ignorant, benighted; (=蒙 mũng méng cover; meet with; illiterate).¹⁹
厖蒙 mõng-mũng
mángmēng ignorant; fatuous.¹⁹
厖淆 mõng-ngão
mángxiáo mixed; disorderly; pell-mell.¹⁹
厖然 mõng-ngẽin
mángrán honest and sincere.¹⁹
厖错[厖錯] mõng-tö
mángcuò disorderly; pell-mell.¹⁹
mong3 10931
30 10 mõng máng mixed, disordered; jargon.⁹ strange words; mixed discourse.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口尨; U+54E4).
哤杂[哤雜] or 哤襍 mõng-dàp mángzá disorderly.¹⁹ʼ⁰
哤聒 mõng-gāt
mángguō noisy sounds and the making of noisy sounds.¹⁹ʼ⁰
哤异之言[哤異之言] mõng-yì-jï-ngũn
mángyìzhīyán confusion of different dialects.¹⁹ʼ⁰
mong3 10932
43 7 mõng máng shaggy haired dog.³⁶
(composition t: ⿺尤彡; U+5C28).
s: ⿷尤彡; U+5C28). Note: Same codepoint for both forms. The traditional character is displayed in Yu Gothic font to render it correctly on a desktop using Google Chrome. The simplified character is displayed in Segoe UI font.
雜] mõng-dàp mángzá mixed; variegated.
眉] mõng-mĩ mángméi long white eyebrows.
<又> lũng, mũng, põng.
(See 尨 lũng; 尨 mũng; 尨 põng).
mong3 10933
61 6 mõng máng busy, fully occupied; hurry, hasten, make haste.⁵
帮忙[幫忙] böng-mõng bāngmáng to help, assist, to do a favor or service, to give or lend a hand.⁶
连忙[連忙] lẽin-mõng
liánmáng promptly, at once.⁵
忙不迭 mõng-būt-èik
mángbudié hasten (to do something).⁵
忙合 mõng-hàp
mánghe <vern.> be busy; bustle about.⁵
忙里偷闲[忙裡偷閑] mõng-lī-hëo-hãn
mánglǐtōuxián snatch a little leisure from a busy life.⁵
忙乱[忙亂] mõng-lòn
mángluàn be in a rush and a muddle; tackle a job in a hasty and disorderly manner.⁵
忙碌 mõng-lūk
mánglù be busy; bustle about.⁵
忙忙碌碌 mõng-mõng-lūk-lūk
mángmánglùlù hustle and bustle.⁸
忙人 mõng-ngĩn
mángrén busy person.⁵
<台> 临急临忙[臨急臨忙] lĩm-gīp-lĩm-mõng last minute, unprepared, be in a hurry.
<台> 狼忙 lõng-mõng in a hurry, hasty.
mong3 10934
61 7 mõng wáng 忘八 mõng-bät wángba or 王八 võng-bät wángba tortoise; cuckold; man who owns a brothel.⁶ a turtle, a tortoise; a cuckold; a man who works in a brothel; an s.o.b.⁷
忘八蛋 mõng-bät-àn/
wángbadàn a bastard; a son of a bitch.⁷
(See 忘 [mõng, wàng].)
mong3 10935
61 7 mõng wàng forget; overlook, neglect.⁵
忘本 mõng-bōn wàngběn forget one's past suffering; forget where one's happiness comes from.⁶
忘不了 mõng-būt-lēl
wàngbuliǎo cannot forget.¹⁰
忘掉 mõng-èl
wàngdiào forget; let slip from one's mind.⁵
忘乎所以 mõng-fũ-sō-yî
wànghūsuǒyǐ forget oneself.⁵
忘记[忘記] mõng-gï
wàngjì forget; overlook, neglect.⁵
忘机[忘機] mõng-gï
wàngjī free of worldly concerns.¹⁰
忘却[忘卻] mõng-kēk
wàngquè forget.⁵
忘年交 mõng-nẽin-gäo
wàngniánjiāo friendship between generations; good friends despite great difference in age.⁵
忘我 mõng-ngô
wàngwǒ oblivious of oneself; selfless.⁵
忘食 mõng-sèik
wàngshí forget one's meals.¹¹
忘餐 mõng-tän
wàngcān lit. to forget one's meals – dedicatiion; devotion; deep absorption.⁷
忘怀[忘懷] mõng-vãi
wànghuái forget; dismiss from one's mind.⁵
忘性 mõng-xëin
wàngxing forgetfulness.⁵
忘恩 mõng-yïn
wàng'ēn to be ungrateful.¹⁰
忘恩负义[忘恩負義] mõng-yïn-fù-ngì
wàng'ēnfùyì be ungrateful, turn on one's friend.¹¹
忘忧[忘憂] mõng-yiü
wàngyōu forget cares and worries.⁷
(See 忘 [mõng, wáng].)
mong3 10936
61 9 mõng máng panicked; anxious.² alarmed.²⁴  panic; sad, grieved; grief, melancholy.³⁶
(composition: ⿰忄芒; U+607E).
㤺恾 föng-mõng huǎngmáng agitated.²⁴
mong3 10937
74 11 mõng máng (=忙 mõng máng busy, fully occupied; hurry, hasten, make haste.⁵).⁸  hasty; sudden.²⁴
(composition: ⿱亡明; U+671A).
<又> föng.
(See 朚 föng).
mong3 10938
75 7 mõng máng ridge-pole in a roof.¹⁴ ridgepole.²⁹ beam.³⁵
(composition: ⿱亡木; U+6757).
杗廇 mõng-liü mángliù the large roof beam of a house.¹⁹
a beam.²⁴
杗栋[杗棟] mõng-ūng
mángdòng a pillar used for supporting the roof of a house.²⁴
mong3 10939
83 8 mõng máng vagrant; ruffian.
地痞流氓 ì-pī-liũ-mõng dìpǐliúmáng local bullies and loafers.⁶
流氓 liũ-mõng
liúmáng hoodlum; rogue; gangster; immoral behavior.
耍流氓 sā-liũ-mõng
shuǎliúmáng behave like a hoodlum; act indecently; take liberties with women.⁶
<又> mãng, mông.
(See 氓 mãng, mông.)
mong3 10940
85 6 mõng máng (<old>=茫 mõng máng ➀ boundless and indistinct ➁ ignorant; in the dark.⁵)
(composition: ⿰氵亡; U+6C52).
(See 茫 mõng).
mong3 10941
93 7 mõng māng 芝加哥牤牛 Jï-gä-gō mõng-ngẽo or Jï-gä-gū mõng-ngẽo Zhījiāgē māngniú Chicago Bulls.²⁹
牤子 mõng-dū
māngzi <topo.> bull.⁶
牤牛 mõng-ngẽo
māngniú <topo.> bull.⁶
牤牛队[牤牛隊] mõng-ngẽo-duì
māngniúduì Chicago Bulls.²⁹
牤牛皮 mõng-ngẽo-pĩ
māngniúpí bull hide.²⁹
一头牤牛[一頭牤牛] yīt-hẽo-mõng-ngẽo
yītóumāngniú a bull.⁶
mong3 10942
94 10 mõng máng blend; variegated; striped.⁸ (<old>=尨 mõng máng shaggy-haired multicolored dog).⁸ a shaggy-haired dog.²⁴
(composition: ⿰犭尨; U+72F5).
<又> dēk.
(See 狵 dēk).
mong3 10943
112 11 mõng máng sodium sulphate.⁷ crude saltpeter.¹⁰
硭硝 mõng-xël mángxiāo mirabilite; Glauber's salt.⁵ sodium sulphate.⁷ saltpeter.¹⁴
mong3 10944
140 6 mõng máng Miscanthus sinensis,  a kind of grass whose leaves can be used to make sandals  ➁ a sharp point  ➂ <bot.> an awn; an arista; beards of wheat  ➃ rays (of stars)  ➄ Mang surname.⁷
(composition: ⿱艹亡; U+8292).
芭芒 bä-mõng
bāmáng <bot.> Miscanthus sinensis, used in hedges.
锋芒[鋒芒] füng-mõng
fēngmáng cutting edge, spearhead; talent displayed, abilities.⁵
光芒 göng-mõng
guāngmáng rays of light; radiance.
麦芒[麥芒] màk-mõng
màimáng awn/beard of wheat.⁶
芒种[芒種] mõng-jūng
mángzhòng Grain in Ear (9th solar term, Jun 5, 6, or 7).⁶
芒草 mõng-tāo
mángcǎo maiden silvergrass, Chinese silver grass, Eulalia grass, maiden grass, zebra grass, Susuki grass, and porcupine grass (Miscanthus sinensis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
芒刺 mõng-xü
mángcì awn; thorn; prickle.⁵⁴
芒刺在背 mõng-xü-dòi-böi
mángcìzàibèi feeling brambles and thorns in one's back (idiom); to feel nervous and uneasy; to be on pins and needles.
<又> möng.
(See 芒 möng).
mong3 10945
140 9 mõng máng ➀ boundless and indistinct ➁ ignorant; in the dark.⁵
(variant: 汒 mõng). (See 汒 mõng).
(composition: ⿱艹⿰氵亡; U+832B).
白茫茫 bàk-mõng-mõng
báimángmáng (of mist, snow, floodwater) a vast expanse of whiteness.⁵
茫昧 mõng-mòi
mángmèi <wr.> indistinct; uncertain; vague.⁶ unfathomably dark.⁷
茫漠 mõng-mōk
mángmò open; spacious.⁵⁴
茫茫 mõng-mõng
mángmáng boundless and indistinct; vast.⁵
茫茫大海 mõng-mõng-ài-hōi
mángmángdàhǎi the boundless ocean.⁷
茫茫然 mõng-mõng-ngẽin
mángmángrán utterly ignorant; in the dark; at a loss.
茫茫烟水[茫茫煙水] mõng-mõng-yën-suī
mángmáng yānshuǐ great expanse of hazy water.
茫无头绪[茫無頭緒] mõng-mũ-hẽo-xuî
mángwútóuxù (of a thing) like a tangle of flax; (of a person) not know where to begin.⁵
茫然 mõng-ngẽin
mángrán ignorant; in the dark; at a loss.⁵
茫然不知 mõng-ngẽin-būt-jï
mángránbùzhī helplessly ignorant; completely in the dark; completely at a loss.⁷
mong3 10946
140 10 mõng wáng a kind of thatch-like grass in ancient books.¹⁹ (=芒草 mõng-tāo mángcǎo Chinese silver grass, maiden grass, porcupine grass, Susuki grass (Miscanthus sinensis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(composition: ⿱艹忘; U+83A3).
莣草 mõng-tāo
wángcǎo similar to thatch, and the skin can be used as a rope.¹⁰¹
mong3 10947
163 5 mõng máng (composition: ⿰亡阝; U+9099).
Mount Mang at 洛阳[洛陽] Lōk-yẽng Luòyáng Luoyang in 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng Henan Province, with many Han, Wei and Jin dynasty royal tombs.¹⁰
北邙山 Bāk-mõng-sän
Běimángshān Mount Mang. Also called 北芒 Bāk-mõng Běimáng, 邙山 Mõng-sän Mángshān, 北山 Bāk-sän Běishān, 平逢山 Pẽin-fũng-sän, Píngféngshān, 太平山 Häi-pẽin-sän Tàipíngshān, 郏山[郟山] Gäp-sän Jiáshān.²³
mong3 10948
167 14 mõng máng sharp point; point of sword.¹⁰ edge of weapon.¹¹
(comp. t: ⿰釒芒; U+92E9). (comp. s: ⿰钅芒; U+94D3).
or 锋芒[鋒芒] füng-mõng fēngmáng cutting edge, spearhead; talent displayed, abilities.⁵ tip (of pencil, spear); sharp point; cutting edge; spearhead; vanguard.¹⁰
铓锣[鋩鑼] mõng-lũ
mángluó a small round brass musical instrument (similar to a gong) with a raised nipple in the center used by the minorities in Yunnan Province.²³
mong3 10949
187 17 mõng máng black horse with a white face.⁸ a black horse freckled wih white hair; a horse with a white face; any animal of a dapple, or mixed color; name of a country, and a river.²⁵ (1) black and white horse  (2) greenish-blue horse  (3) mixed color horse.¹³
(composition: ⿰馬尨; U+99F9).
駹水 mõng-suī mángshuǐ name of a river.²
冉駹 ngëm-mõng
rǎnmáng two minority nationalities who lived in the southwest border of China during the Han Dynasty; name of a country.¹⁹
青駹马[青駹馬] tëin-mõng-mâ
qīngmángmǎ bluish gray horse with a white face.¹⁹
mong3 10950
203 19 mõng máng dark, dim, obscure; personal secrets.⁸
(composition: ⿰黑尨; U+4D68).
黮䵨 häm-mõng tànmáng private; selfish.²⁵
mong3 10951
9 9 𠈵
mòng mǎng unpleasing.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻尨; U+20235).
傋𠈵❄{⿰亻尨} gōng-mòng jiǎngmǎng without flattery.²⁴
❄{⿰亻尨}傋 mòng-gōng mǎngjiǎng not flattering.²⁴ʼ³⁶ʼ¹⁰¹
mong4 10952
74 11 mòng wàng to expect; to hope; to look towards; to gaze at; to face; the full moon; (archaic variant: 朢 mòng wàng).¹⁴
望子成龙[望子成龍] mòng-dū-sẽin-lũng
wàngzǐchénglóng long to see one's son succeed in life.⁶
望族 mòng-dùk
wàngzú <wr.> distinguished family; prominent family.⁵
望风[望風] mòng-füng
wàngfēng be on the lookout (while conducting secret activities); keep watch.⁵
望见[望見] mòng-gëin
wàngjiàn to have seen; to see.⁷
望楼[望樓] mòng-lẽo
wànglóu belvedere; watchtower; lookout tower.⁸
望梅止渴 mòng-mõi-jī-höt
wàngméizhǐkě quench one's thirst by thinking of plums – console oneself with false hopes; feed on fancies.⁵ wishful thinking.¹¹
望而生畏 mòng-ngĩ-säng-vï
wàng'érshēngwèi inspire awe even from a distance.¹¹
望月 mòng-ngùt
wàngyuè full moon.⁵
望云[望雲] mòng-vũn
wàngyún gaze at the clouds and think of distant friends.¹¹
望远镜[望遠鏡] mòng-yōn-gëng
wàngyuǎnjìng telescope.⁵
一望无际[一望無際] yīt-mòng-mũ-däi
yīwàngwújì stretch as far as the eye can see; stretch to the horizon.⁵
(See 朢 mòng.)
mong4 10953
74 14 mòng wàng (<old>=望 mòng wàng) to expect; to hope; to look towards; to gaze at; to face; the full moon.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱⿰臣月王; U+6722).
(See 望 mòng.)
mong4 10954
38 6 mông wàng absurd, preposterous; presumptuous, rash.⁵
妄作 mông-dōk wàngzuò act wildly and illegally.⁷
妄自尊大 mông-dù-dün-ài
wàngzìzūndà self-importance; conceited; self-important.⁷
妄自菲薄 mông-dù-fī-bòk
wàngzìfěibó improperly belittle oneself; inferiority complex; look down upon oneself; think lightly of oneself.³⁹
妄费[妄費] mông-fï
wàngfèi to waste (money); to lavish; a waste.⁷
妄图[妄圖] mòng-hũ
wàngtú try in vain; vainly attempt.⁵
妄求 mông-kiũ
wàngqiú inappropriate request; presumptuous demand.⁵
妄念 mông-nèm
wàngniàn wild fancy; improper thought.⁵
妄人 mông-ngĩn
wàngrén presumptuous and ignorant person.¹⁰
妄语[妄語] mông-nguî/
wàngyǔ a wild talk; a lie.⁷
妄取 mông-tuī
wàngqǔ to take something without permission.¹⁰
妄动[妄動] mông-ùng
wàngdòng reckless or rash actions.⁷
妄为[妄為] mông-vĩ
wàngwéi reckless acts.⁷
妄想 mòng-xēng
wàngxiǎng vain hope; wishful thinking.⁵
妄想狂 mòng-xēng-kõng
wàngxiǎngkuáng paranoia; megalomaniac.¹⁰
mong5 10955
61 11 mông wǎng feel frustrated; feel disappointed.⁵
(composition: ⿰忄罔; U+60D8).
怅惘[悵惘] chēng-mông chàngwǎng distracted; listless.⁵ anxious and in low spirits.⁶
迷惘 mãi-mông
míwǎng perplexed.⁵⁵
惘惘 mông-mông
wǎngwǎng disappointed; disconcerted.⁵⁴
惘然 mông-ngẽin
wǎngrán frustrated, disappointed.⁵ in a daze; at a loss; stupefied.⁷
惘然若失 mông-ngẽin-ngèk-sīt
wǎngránruòshī feel lost.⁵
mong5 10956
83 8 mông máng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 氓 mõng máng with same meaning: vagrant; ruffian.)
<又> mãng, mõng.
(See 氓 mãng, mõng.)
mong5 10957
85 13 mông mǎng vast; expansive (of water).¹⁰
(composition: ⿰氵莽; U+6F2D).
沆漭 köng-mông hàngmǎng wide, boundless.⁶
溟漭 mẽin-mông
míngmǎng vast and boundless.¹⁰
漭漭 mông-mông
mǎngmǎng <wr.> (of water) boundless, vast.⁶
漭漭沧沧[漭漭滄滄] mông-mông-töng-töng
mǎngmǎng cāngcāng (of water) vast and blue.⁶
mong5 10958
112 12 mông mǎng stone-like.⁸
<又> pông. (See 硥 pông.)
mong5 10959
122 8 mông wǎng <wr.> to deceive; n, not.⁵ <wr.> deceive; no; not.⁶ a net; a negative, in vain, not, without; to deceive, to befool.¹⁴
(composition: ⿵冂⿳丷一亡; U+7F54).
付诸罔闻[付諸罔聞] fù-jï-mông-mũn fùzhūwǎngwén give no heed to; put a matter off as if one had not heard about it; turn a deaf ear to.¹⁹
昊天罔极[昊天罔極] hào-hëin-mông-gèik
hàotiānwǎngjí (said of parental love) as vast as the boundless heavens.⁷
欺罔 hï-mông
qīwǎng <wr.> deceive; cheat.⁵ʼ⁶ʼ⁵⁴
置若罔闻[置若罔聞] jï-ngèk-mông-mũn
zhìruòwǎngwén turn a deaf ear to; pay no heed to.⁵
罔不 mông-būt
wǎngbù all; without exception.¹¹
罔极[罔極] mông-gèik
wǎngjí boundless; endless.⁶
罔极之恩[罔極之恩] mông-gèik-jï-yïn
wǎngjízhī'ēn kindness of one's parents.
罔见[罔見] mông-gëin
wǎngjiàn to see nothing.¹⁴
罔替 mông-häi wǎngtì <wr.> not to change; not to be replaced.⁶
罔然 mông-ngẽin
wǎngrán irresolute and undecided.¹⁴
罔上 mông-sèng
wǎngshàng to deceive one's superiors.¹⁴
罔水行舟 mông-suī-hãng-jiü
wǎngshuǐxíngzhōu lit. to sail a boat without water.¹⁴ fig. impossible.⁵⁴
mong5 10960
140 10 mông mǎng ➀ rank grass; thick weeds ➁ (of grass) rank, thick
➂ <lit.> big; huge; large; vast.⁶  thicket, underbrush; poisonous; luxuriant growth, Illicium anisatum, impertinent; (Sichuan) silly, foolish.³⁶ (variant: 莾 mông).
(composition: ⿳艹犬廾; U+83BD).
莽夫 mông-fü
mǎngfū boor; boorish fellow.⁶
莽汉[莽漢] mông-hön
mǎnghàn boor; boorish fellow.⁶
莽撞 mông-jòng
mǎngzhuàng crude and impetuous; rash; reckless.⁶
莽莽 mông-mông
mǎngmǎng ➀ (of plant growth) lush; luxuriant; rank ➁ (of fields, plains, mountains) boundless, vast.⁶
莽原 mông-ngũn
mǎngyuán wilderness overgrown with grass.⁶
莽草 mông-tāo
mǎngcǎo Chinese anise (Ilicium anisatum, a shrub with poisonous leaves).¹⁰ a poisonous plant.¹⁴
莽苍[莽蒼] mông-töng
mǎngcāng ➀ (of scenery) blurred; misty ➁ wilderness.⁶ the blue indefinite atmosphere of wide spaces.¹⁴
草莽 tāo-mông
cǎomǎng rank/thick growth of grass; uncultivated land, wilderness; common people.⁶ grass and weeds; rustic, clownish.²⁵ <lit.> wild grass; brush.³⁶
(See 莾 mông).
mong5 10961
140 10 mông méng same as 贝母[貝母] böi-mû bèimǔ <Ch. med.> the bulb of fritillary Fritillaria thunbergii.⁵
(composition: ⿱艹囧; U+8394).
(See 貝母 böi-mû).
mong5 10962
140 11 mông mǎng (=莽 mông mǎng ➀ rank grass; thick weeds ➁ (of grass) rank, thick ➂ <lit.> big; huge; large; vast.⁶  thicket, underbrush; poisonous; luxuriant growth, Illicium anisatum, impertinent; (Sichuan) silly, foolish.³⁶ ).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱艹奔; U+83BE).
(See 莽 mông).
mong5 10963
142 9 mông méng ➀ horse-flies or horseflies (sometimes referred to as gadflies¹⁵).⁸ ➁ horsefly wings.⁸  ➂ a type of arrow.⁸    fast.⁸ ➄ =蝱 mông méng a gadfly.⁷ ➅ a flying insect that bites people.²⁵  ➆ a stinging fly that infects animals; a pretty plant, for which 䖟 is now used.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰虫亡; U+867B).
花虻 fä-mông
huāméng small bee-like insect.¹⁹
or 蜚虻 fï-mông  fēiméng a gadfly.²⁵
鹬虻[鷸虻] gūt-mông
yùméng Rhagionidae or snipe flies.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
or 鹿蝱 lùk-mông lùméng name of a bug.¹⁹
闽虻[閩虻] mãn[mông
mǐnméng refers to mosquitoes.¹⁹
虻虫[虻蟲] mông-chũng
méngchóng gadfly.⁹
虻矢 mông-sī
méngshǐ a type of arrow.⁸
虻飞[虻飛] mông-fï
méngfēi a type of arrow.⁸
文虻 mũn-mông
wénméng or 文氓 mũn-mõng wénmáng a cultured hoodlum (as a wolf dressed in sheepskin).¹⁹ʼ⁰
蚊虻 mûn-mông
wénméng mosquitoes and gadfly.⁵⁴
蚊虻噆膚 mûn-mông-täm-fü
wénméngzǎnfū bitten by mosquitos and gnats.¹¹
牛虻 ngẽo-mông
niúméng gadfly.⁸ horsefly, gadfly.¹¹
(See 蝱 mông; 䖟).
mong5 10964
142 9 mông méng (a demotic character for 蝱 mông méng (horse-flies or horseflies (sometimes referred to as gadflies)¹⁵).⁸).² Same as 虻 mông méng; also a species of bird with one eye and one wing, two of which when joined together are able to fly.²ʼ²⁵
(composition: ⿱亡虫; U+459F).
(See 蝱 mông; 虻 mông).
mong5 10965
142 12 mông wǎng (<old>=魍 mōng or mông wǎng a kind of monster.⁷).⁸ (variant: 蝄 mông wǎng).
(composition: ⿰虫网; U+86E7).
蛧蜽 mông-lēng
wǎngliǎng a sprite, or elf in the shape of an infant, of a dark red color, with red eyes, long ears, and flowing hair. It is fond of imitating the human voice, and misleading people.²⁵
(See 魍 mōng; 魍 mông; 蝄 mông).
mong5 10966
142 14 mông wǎng (=蛧 mông wǎng a kind of monster.⁷).²
(composition: ⿰虫罔; U+8744).
蝄像 mông-dèng
wǎngxiàng the legendary sea god.¹⁹
or 蛧蜽 mông-lēng wǎngliǎng (<old>=魍魉[魍魎] mōng-lēng or mông-lēng wǎngliǎng demons and monsters.⁶ sprites and goblins; monsters and demons.¹⁰).⁸
(See 蛧 mông).
mong5 10967
142 15 mông méng (=虻 mông méng horse-flies or horseflies (sometimes referred to as gadflies)¹⁵).⁸ a stinging fly that infects animals; a pretty plant, for which 䖟 is now used.¹⁰² (demotic variant: 䖟 mông méng).²
(composition: ⿱亡䖵; U+8771).
飞蝱[飛蝱] fï-mông
fēiméng a kind of barbed dart fired like a rocket.¹⁰²
蜚蝱 or 𧓊蝱 fï-mông
fēiméng a gadfly.²⁵ a breeze or gadfly; the fly that bites cattle.¹⁰²
蝱虫[蝱蟲] mông-chũng/
méngchóng or 蚊蝱 mûn-mông wénméng gadflies and mosquitoes.¹⁰²
木蝱 mûk-mông
mùméng a kind of fly like a bee, found in grass and on trees.¹⁰²
牛蝱 ngẽo-mông
niúméng horsefly.¹⁰²
言采其蝱 ngũn-tōi-kĩ-mông
yáncǎiqíméng And gather the mother-of-pearl lilies. (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·鄘風·載馳·3》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ I will gather the fritillarias (貝母).¹⁰² (See 貝母 böi-mû).
黄蝱[黃蝱] võng-mông
huángméng a fly that infests catttle.¹⁰²
(See 虻 mông; 䖟 mông).
mong5 10968
142 16 mông mǎng python, boa constrictor; ceremonial robes worn by mandarins.⁸ (variant: 蠎 mông mǎng).
(composition: ⿰虫莽; U+87D2).
球蟒 kiũ-mông
qiúmǎng ball python; royal python; (Python regius).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
蟒袍 mông-pão
mǎngpáo official robe worn for ministers during the Ming and Qing dynasties, embroidered with boa design.⁹
蟒山 Mông-Sän
Mǎng Shān Python Mountain.¹⁰
蟒蛇 mông-sẽh
mǎngshé python; boa.¹⁰
蟒衣 mông-yï
mǎngyī former official costume of ministers, decorated with gold-thread boa constrictor design.¹¹
(See 蠎 mông).
mong5 10969
142 17 mông mǎng (<old>=蟒 mông mǎng) python, boa constrictor.⁸
(composition: ⿰虫莾; U+880E).
(See 蟒 mông).
mong5 10970
149 15 mông wǎng to accuse falsely.²ʼ²⁵ to deceive; cheat; dupe.⁸ deception.¹⁹
(composition: ⿰訁罔; U+8AB7).
诋誷[詆誷] āi-mông dǐwǎng slander and deceive.¹⁹
誷冒 mông-mào
wǎngmào falsify and mess with the real.¹⁹
诬誷[誣誷] (=诬罔[[誣罔] ) mũ-mông
wūwǎng deception; frame up, slander.¹⁹ false; deceiful.²⁵
mong5 10971
159 15 mông wǎng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 辋[輞] mōng wǎng with same meaning: exterior rim of wheel, felly.⁸ʼ³⁶ the felloe of a wheel; a tire.¹⁴  a wrapping round the circumference of a wheel; the emperor's hunting chariot had a double wrapping, to prevent its slipping.²⁵)
(comp. t: ⿰車罔; U+8F1E). (comp. s: ⿰车罔; U+8F8B).
<又> mōng.
(See 輞 mōng.)
mong5 10972
167 18 mông mǎng 钴䥈[鈷䥈] gū-mông gǔmǎng a warming pan or hand stove.²⁵ kettle (for cooking food), pan.⁵⁴
<又> mû.
(See 䥈 mû.)
mong5 10973
194 17 mông wǎng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 魍 mōng wǎng with same meaning: a kind of monster.⁷)
(composition: ⿺鬼罔; U+9B4D).
<又> mōng.
(See 魍 mōng.)
mong5 10974
5 2 mōt miē <台> 乜 mōt what.
<台> 乜头路[乜頭路] mōt-hẽo-lù What is going on? What happened?
<台> 乜人? mōt-ngĩn? who are you? what kind of person?
<台> 你做乜耶? nï-dü-mōt-yëh? what are you doing?
<又> mēh, Nēh. (See 乜 mēh, Nēh.)
mot1 10975
64 8 möt to slip something off; <topo.> to wipe.
抹搭 möt-äp māda <topo.> half close (of eyelids); to droop.
抹搭 möt-äp
mādā <topo.> to wipe.
抹搭脸[抹搭臉] möt-äp-lêm
māda liǎn <topo.> to pull a long face.
抹布 möt-bü
mābù rag for wiping.
抹不下 möt-būt-hä
mābuxià to be ashamed; to be unwilling to lose face or dignity.
抹不下脸[抹不下臉] möt-būt-hä-lêm
mābuxià liǎn <topo.> to be unable to lose face.
抹下脸[抹下臉] möt-hä-lêm
māxiàliǎn to become angry.
抹脸[抹臉] möt-lêm
māliǎn <topo.> to wipe one's face; to become stern.
抹澡 möt-täo
māzǎo <topo.> to rub oneself down with a wet towel; to take a sponge bath.⁵⁴
(See 抹 [möt, ], [möt, ].)
mot2 10976
64 8 möt to daub, to plaster; to skirt, to bypass.
转弯抹角[轉彎抹角] jōn-vän-möt-gôk zhuǎnwānmòjiǎo full of twists and turns; to beat around the bush.
抹灰 möt-föi
mòhuī to plaster.
抹灰工 möt-föi-güng
mòhuīgōng plasterer.
抹角 möt-gôk
mòjiǎo to make a turn.
抹腿 möt-huī
mòtuǐ to break one's leg.
抹老瞎 möt-lāo-hàt
mòlǎoxiā blind man's buff.
抹面 möt-mèin
mòmiàn to plaster (a surface).
抹墙[抹牆] möt-tẽng
mòqiáng to plaster a wall.
抹回 möt-või
mòhuí to turn back (the head).
(See 抹 [möt, ], [möt, ].)
mot2 10977
64 8 möt to put on, to apply, to smear, to plaster; to wipe; to cross out, to erase.
淡妆浓抹[淡妝濃抹] àm-jöng-nũng-möt dànzhuāngnóngmǒ woman's light and heavy makeup.
擦抹 chät-möt
cāmǒ to wipe.
抹刀 möt-äo
mǒdāo trowel.
抹掉 möt-èl
mǒdiào to erase; to wipe away.
抹稀泥 möt-hï-nãi
mǒxīní to plaster on mud; to gloss things over; <topo.> to sidestep issue.
抹去 möt-huï
mǒqù to wipe out; to erase; to expunge.
抹上 möt-sèng
mǒshàng to put on; to apply; to smear; to spread something on.
抹眼泪[抹眼淚] möt-ngān-luì
mǒyǎnlèi to wipe one's tears.
抹杀[抹殺] or 抹煞 möt-sät
mǒshā to blot out; to obliterate; to write off.
抹销[抹銷] möt-xël
mǒxiāo to erase; to cross off.
涂脂抹粉[塗脂抹粉] hũ-jï-möt-fūn
túzhīmǒfěn apply facial make-up.¹¹
涂抹[塗抹] hũ-möt
túmǒ daub, smear, paint; scribble, scrawl.⁵⁶
(See 抹 [möt, ], [möt, ].)
mot2 10978
200 17 麿 möt I, personal name marker; Japanese word for a personal name.⁸
<又> mĩ. (See 麿 mĩ).
mot2 10979
20 4 mòt do not!
得占勿药[得占勿藥] āk-jëm-mòt-yêk dézhānwùyào to recover from illness in good time.
勿忘我 mòt-mõng-ngô
wùwàngwǒ forget-me-not, the official state flower of Alaska.⁹
请勿吸烟[請勿吸煙] tēin-mòt-kīp-yën
qǐngwùxīyān No smoking.
请勿动手[請勿動手] tēin-mòt-ùng-siū
qǐngwùdòngshǒu Don't touch! Hands off!
mot4 10980
32 7 mòt (<old>=殁[歿] mòt <wr.> die.⁵).⁸ to die.²⁴ regarded as a synonym for 殁[歿] mòt <wr.> die.⁵, and also used for 埋 mãi mái to bury.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰土勿; U+573D).
tōu hé qǔ róng yǐ dào mò shēn
to contract underhand liaisons in order to let affairs go as they list, will just bury you in their ruins.¹⁰²
(See 歿 mòt; 埋 mãi).
mot4 10981
38 8 mòt wife of 桀 Gèik Jié, the last ruler of the Xia dynasty.¹⁴  a word used in a person's name (especially a girl's name).¹⁹ (Note: Distinguish from 妹 môi mèi a younger sister.⁷)
妺 Mòt
or 妺喜 Mòt Hī Mò Xǐ or 妺嬉 Mòt Hï Mò Xī wife of 桀 Gèik Jié, the last ruler of the Xia dynasty.¹⁴
mot4 10982
50 8 mòt a napkin; a headkerchief; a girdle.²⁴
(composition: ⿰巾末; U+5E13).
巾帓 gïn-mòt jīnmò scarf.¹⁹
帓首 mòt-siū
mòshǒu headkerchief.¹⁹
<又> màt.
(See 帓 màt; cf. 袜 mòt).
mot4 10983
75 5 mòt end; final stage; latter part; powder; dust.
本末 bōn-mòt běnmò ins and outs; the fundamental and the incidental; the whole story; the beginning and the end.
本末倒置 bōn-mòt-āo-jï
běnmòdàozhì to take the incidental for the fundamental.
粉末 fūn-mòt
fěnmò powder.⁵
锯末[鋸末] guï-mòt
jùmò sawdust.⁶
末伏 mòt-fùk
mòfú the last of the three ten-day periods of the hot season; the first day of the last period of the hot season.⁵
末尾 mòt-mī
mòwěi end; ending.
末梢 mòt-säo
mòshāo tip; end; last few days.¹⁰
年末 nẽin-mòt
niánmò end of the year.
mot4 10984
78 8 歿 mòt <wr.> die.⁵ (variants: 圽, 歾 mòt ).
or 病没[病沒] bèng-mòt bìngmò die of illness.⁵
歿世[歿世] mòt-säi
mòshì die; pass away.⁵⁴
殁世不忘[歿世不忘] mòt-säi-būt-mõng
mòshìbùwàng shall never forget.⁷
殁存均感[歿存均感] mòt-tũn-gün-gām
mòcúnjūngǎn Both the dead and the living shall be grateful.⁷
殁于阵[歿於陣] mòt-yï-jìn
mòyúzhèn died in battle.¹⁴
存殁[存歿] tũn-mòt
cúnmò question of remaining in existence or not, of life or death.¹¹
(See 圽 mòt, 歾 mòt).
mot4 10985
78 8 mòt (=殁[歿] mòt <wr.> die.⁵).⁸ to terminate, to die a natural death; to exhaust.²⁴ to die early; to come to the end of life.¹⁰²
(Note: Some say 歾 means 'drown', which is very likely spurious).
(composition: ⿰歹勿; U+6B7E).
楚王其不歾乎 chō-võng-kĩ-būt-mòt-fũ
chǔ wáng qí bù mò hū Is not the Prince of Chu near his end when young?
(See 歿 mòt).
mot4 10986
85 7 mòt méi (negative prefix for verbs); have not; not.¹⁰
病没[病沒] or 病殁[病歿] bèng-mòt bìngmò die of illness.⁵
没病没灾[沒病沒災] mòt-bèng-mòt-döi
méibìngméizāi good health and good luck.⁵
没法子[沒法子] mòt-fāt-dū
méifǎzi can do nothing about it; can't help it.⁵
没法没天[沒法沒天] mòt-fāt-mòt-hëin
méifǎméitiān run wild; become absolutely lawless.⁵⁴
没关系[沒關係] mòt-gän-hài
méiguānxi it doesn't matter; it's nothing; that's all right; never mind.⁵
没来[沒來] mòt-lõi
méilái to have not come.¹⁰
没落儿[沒落兒] mòt-lòk-ngĩ
méilàor be helpless; have no way out.⁵⁴
没什么[沒什麼] mòt-sìm-mō
méishénme it doesn't matter; it's nothing; that's all right; never mind.⁵
没说的[沒說的] mòt-sōt-ēik
méishuōde be really good; be perfect; it goes without saying.⁵⁴
没有 mòt-yiû
méiyǒu not have, there is not, be without; not so...as; less than; already or have in negative sense.⁵
我今早没有见到他[我今早沒有見到他] ngô-gïm-dāo-mòt-yiû-gëin-äo-hä
wǒjīnzǎoméiyǒujiàndàotā I didn't see him this morning.⁵⁴
(See 沒 [mòt, ].)
mot4 10987
85 7 mòt sink, submerge; overflow, rise beyond; disappear, hide; confiscate, take possession of; till the end.⁵
沉没[沉沒]  chĩm-mòt chénmò sink, founder; remain obscure and insignificant.⁵⁴
覆没[覆沒] fūk-mòt
fùmò <wr.> capsize and sink; be overwhelmed, be annihilated.⁵
吞没[吞沒] hün-mòt
tūnmò embezzle, appropriate; swallow up, engulf.⁵
埋没[埋沒] mãi-mòt
máimò to engulf; to bury; to overlook; to stifle; to neglect; to fall into oblivion.¹⁰
没奈何[沒奈何] mòt-nòi-hõ
mònàihé to have no way out; to have no alternative.³⁶
没收[沒收] mòt-siü
mòshōu confiscate; expropriate.⁵
神出鬼没[神出鬼沒] sĩn-chūt-gī-mòt
shénchūguǐmò come and go like a shadow; appear and disappear mysteriously.⁵
淹没[淹沒] yēm-mòt
yānmò submerge, flood, inundate, drown.⁵
(See 沒 [mòt, méi].)
mot4 10988
85 8 mòt foam, froth; saliva, spittle.⁶
白沫 bàk-mòt báimò froth; foam (coming from the mouth).¹⁰
肥皂沫儿[肥皂沫兒] fĩ-dào-mòt-ngĩ
féizàomòr soap bubbles, foam.¹¹
沫子 mòt-dū
mòzi foam; froth; scum.⁶
泡沫 päo-mòt
pàomò foam; (soap) bubble; (economic) bubble.¹⁰
唾沫 tû-mòt
tuòmo spittle; saliva.¹⁰
相濡以沫 xëng-yĩ-yî-mòt
xiāngrúyǐmò to moisten with spittle (idiom); sharing meager resources; mutual help in humble circumstances.¹⁰
mot4 10989
93 8 mòt (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 物 mùt with same meaning: thing; object; matter; abbr. for physics 物理 mùt-lî.)
<又> mùt. (See 物 mùt.)
mot4 10990
109 15 mòt beautiful eyes; deep eyes (perhaps sunken); beautiful appearance.²
mot4 10991
115 10 mòt fodder; feed animals.⁶
刍秣[芻秣] chö-mòt chúmò <wr.> hay; fodder; forage.⁶
厉兵秣马[厲兵秣馬] lài-bëin-mòt-mâ
lìbīngmòmǎ to sharpen the weapons and feed the horses – to make preparations for war; to prepare for battle.⁹
粮秣[糧秣] lẽng-mòt
liángmò army provisions; rations and forage; grain and fodder.⁶
秣陵 mòt-lẽin
mòlíng name of an old city near Nanjing.⁷
秣马[秣馬] mòt-mâ
mòmǎ to feed a horse.¹⁴
秣马厉兵[秣馬厲兵] mòt-mâ-lài-bëin
mòmǎlìbīng to feed the horses and sharpen the weapons – to make preparations for war; to prepare for battle.⁹
秣草 mòt-tāo
mòcǎo stover.¹⁰
秣槽 mòt-tão
mòcáo fodder trough.¹⁹
稍秣 sāo-mòt
shāomò feed for horses.¹¹
mot4 10992
140 7 mòt <chem.> fluorene; a grass or herb that can be used as a  vegetable (also called 宿菜 xūk-töi sùcài, q.v.)
mot4 10993
140 8 mòt white jasmine.⁸ jasmine.¹⁰
茉乔栾那[茉喬欒那] mòt-kẽl-lũn-nã mòqiáoluánnà sweet marjoram.⁹  (=马祖林[馬祖林] mâ-dū-lĩm mǎzǔlín marjoram.²³)
茉莉 mòt-lì
mòli jasmine.
茉莉花 mòt-lì-fä
mòlihuā jasmine.
mot4 10994
145 10 mòt girdle; kerchief.¹⁴
袜腹 mòt-fūk mòfù a stomacher.¹⁴
袜胸 mòt-hüng
mòxiōng a stomacher; tight garment worn over the breasts.¹⁴
(cf. 襪 màt; cf. 帓 mòt).
mot4 10995
177 14 mòt stockings; the Tungusic tribe.⁷ socks, stockings; a tribe.¹⁴
靺鞨 Mòt-hōt Mòhé Mohe (an ethnic group living in northeast China in ancient times).⁶ the Tungusic tribe in ancient China; name of a precious stone.⁷ a tribe which occupied Manchuria; Tunguses, variously known as 肃愼[肅愼] Xūk-sìn Sùshèn, 勿吉 Mòt-gīt Wùjí.¹⁴ a tribe of foreigners living in the northwest. Also the name of a country producing precious stones as large as chestnuts, which are called 靺鞨 Mòt-hōt Mòhé.²⁵
mot4 10996
181 14 𩑷
mòt healthy; strong.²
(composition: ⿰末頁; U+29477).
𩑷❄{⿰末頁}䫘 mòt-hòt mòhé a flat nose and face; also hale and strong.²⁵
mot4 10997
188 23 mòt tiny bone.⁸
䯦骱 mòt-gäi màjiè a tiny bone; some say: hard, firm.²⁵
mot4 10998
64 13 to feel, to touch, to grope for; to feel out, to sound out.
触摸[觸摸] chūk-mū or chūk-mō or chūk-mōk chùmō to touch.
抚摸[撫摸] fū-mū
or fū-mō or fū-mōk fǔmō to touch and stroke gently; to fondle.
偷鸡摸狗[偷雞摸狗] hëo-gäi-mū-gēo
or hëo-gäi-mō-gēo or hëo-gäi-mōk-gēo tōujīmōgǒu to steal; to engage in under-the-table dealings; to engage in extramarital sex.
捉摸 jök-mū
or jök-mō or jök-mōk zhuōmō to fathom; to ascertain.
摸底 mū-āi
or mō-āi or mōk-āi mōdǐ to know the real situation; to sound somebody out; to test.
摸黑 mū-hāk
or mō-hāk or mōk-hāk mōhēi <topo.> to grope in the dark.
摸索 mū-sōk
or mō-sōk or mōk-sōk mōsuo to grope, to do things slowly.
<又> mō, mōk.
(See 摸 mō, mōk.)
mu1 10999
136 14 to dance; to flourish; to play tricks; to juggle; to get.
笔飞墨舞[筆飛墨舞] bīt-fï-màk-mū bǐfēimòwǔ to write quickly.
鼓舞 gū-mū
gǔwǔ heartening (news); to inspire; to boost (morale); to dance for joy; to rejoice.
跳舞 hël-mū
tiàowǔ to dance; dancing.⁷
舞蹈 mū-ào
wǔdǎo dance.⁵
舞弊 mū-bài
wǔbì fraudulent practices; malpractices; irregularities; embezzlement.⁵
舞抃 mū-bèin
wǔbiàn to dance for joy.
舞姿 mū-dü
wǔzī dancer's posture and movements.⁵
舞姬 mū-kï
wǔjī professional female dancer.⁶
舞文弄墨 mū-mũn-lùng-màk
wǔwénnòngmò to engage in phrase-mongering.⁹  (of lawyers, shysters) to play with the letter of the law – unscrupulous or pedantic writing.¹¹
手舞足蹈 siū-mū-dūk-ào
shǒuwǔzúdǎo dance for joy – gesticulate merrily; be in raptues; be beside oneself with joy; leap for joy.⁶
mu1 11000
16 4 𠘩
(<old>=无 or 无[無] mũ ) negative, no, not.⁸
(composistion: ⿱匕几; U+20629)
(See 无 mũ; 無 mũ).
mu3 11001
18 21 to make into mince.¹ to pare, to cut; to rub; to grind, to sharpen; to admonish, to advise.⁹ make into mince.¹⁰ to pare off, to divide, to cut in pieces.²⁴
劘灭[劘滅] mũ-mèik or mõ-mèik mómiè (=磨灭[磨滅] mũ-mèik or mõ-mèik mómiè) to obliterate; to erase.¹⁰
劘牙 mũ-ngã
or mõ-ngã móyá (=磨牙 mũ-ngã or mõ-ngã móyá) to grind one's teeth (during sleep); pointless arguing.¹⁰
<又> mõ.
(See 劘 mõ.)
mu3 11002
30 15 <topo.>  not have (short for 没有[沒有] mòt-yiû méiyǒu); be without.⁶
呒没[嘸沒] mũ-mòt
ḿméi (topolect = 没有[沒有] mòt-yiû méiyǒu) to be without.¹⁰
呒啥[嘸啥] mũ-sëh
ḿshá <topo.> not have; there is not; be without.⁶ (topolect =没什么[沒什麼] mòt-sìm-mō méishénme¹⁰) it doesn't matter; it's nothing; that's all right; never mind.⁵
<又> vũ.
(See 嘸 [mũ, ], [vũ, ], [vũ, ].)
mu3 11003
30 15 <台> 喃呒佬[喃嘸佬] nãm-mũ-lāo or nãm-vũ-lāo Daoist priest.
<又> . (See 嘸 [mũ, ], [vũ, ], [vũ, ].)
mu3 11004
38 13 a character used in a lady's name.⁶
嫫母 Mũ-mû or Mõ-mû Mómǔ fourth wife of Yellow Emperor, chosen for her ugliness in appearance, but purity in heart.²³
<又> mõ.
(See 嫫 mõ.)
mu3 11005
48 7 shaman, witch, wizard, Wu surname.
巫蛊[巫蠱] mũ-gū wūgǔ witchcraft.¹⁰
巫婆 mũ-pũ
or mũ-põ wūpó a sorceress.
巫术[巫術] mũ-sùt
wūshù witchcraft; sorcery.
巫妪[巫嫗] mũ-yī
or mũ-ëo wūyù sorceress.⁵⁴
男巫 nãm-mũ
nánwū wizard; warlock.¹⁰
女巫 nuī-mũ
nǚwū witch; sorceress.
小巫见大巫[小巫見大巫] xēl-mũ-gëin-ài-mũ
xiǎowūjiàndàwū to feel dwarfed.
mu3 11006
61 13 𢜯
<old>=謨 mũ ¹⁰¹ a plan; a course of action; to imitate; false.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱某心; U+2272F).
(See 謨 mũ).
mu3 11007
64 14 to copy; to trace; to duplicate; pattern.⁸
指摹 or 指模 jī-mũ zhǐmó fingerprint; thumbprint.¹⁰
临摹[臨摹] lĩm-mũ
línmó to copy a model of calligraphy or painting.⁸
描摹 mẽl-mũ
miáomó to describe; to portray.¹⁰
or 模仿 mũ-fōng mófǎng to imitate; to copy; to emulate; to mimic; model.¹⁰
<又> mō.
(See 摹 mō.)
mu3 11008
71 4 Kangxi radical 71; negative, no, not.⁸ (variant: 𠘩❄{⿱匕几}).
(See 𠘩❄{⿱匕几} mũ; see 無 mũ).
mu3 11009
75 14 pattern, standard; imitate; model.⁵
模本 mũ-bōn or mõ-bōn móběn calligraphy or painting model.⁵
模范[模範] mũ-fàn
or mõ-fàn mófàn an exemplary person or thing; model; mold.⁸
or 摹仿 mũ-fōng mófǎng to imitate; to copy; to emulate; to mimic; model.¹⁰
or 模稜 mũ-lẽin or mõ-lẽin móléng vacillating, undecided.¹⁴
模棱两可[模棱兩可] mũ-lẽin-lēng-hō
or mõ-lẽin-lēng-hō móléngliǎngkě double-talk; ambiguous.⁸
模拟[模擬] mũ-ngì
or mõ-ngì mónǐ imitate; simulate.⁵
模数[模數] mũ-sü
or mõ-sü móshù <math.> modulus; <phy.> modulus; module; modulo; mod.⁵⁴
模糊 mũ-vũ
or mõ-vũ mohū or 模模糊糊 mũ-mũ-vũ-vũ or mõ-mõ-vũ-vũ mómohūhū blurred, unclear, hazy.¹¹
模型 mũ-yẽin
or mõ-yẽin móxíng model; mold; matrix; pattern.¹⁰
<又> mõ.
(See 模 [mũ, ], [mõ, ], [mõ, ].)
mu3 11010
75 14 mold; matrix; pattern.⁵
冲模[衝模] chüng-mũ or chüng-mõ chòngmú <mach.> die.⁵
锭模[錠模] èin-mũ
or èin-mõ dìngmú ingot mold.⁵
模压[模壓] mũ-āt
or mõ-āt múyā mold pressing.⁵
模板 mũ-bān
or mõ-bān múbǎn <archi.> shuttering; formwork; <mach.> pattern plate.⁵
模子 mũ-dū
or mõ-dū  múzi mold; matrix; pattern; die.⁵
模具 mũ-guì
or mõ-guì mújù mold; matrix; pattern; die.⁵
模锻[模鍛] mũ-òn
or mõ-òn múduàn <metal.> die forging.⁶
模样[模樣] mũ-yèng
or mõ-yèng múyàng appearance; look; approximately; about; around.⁵
<又> mõ.
(See 模 [mũ, ], [mõ, ], [mõ, ].)
mu3 11011
80 4 Kangxi radical 80; do not; not.⁸ <wr.> no, not.⁶ (imperative) do not; no; Wu surname.⁷
不自由, 毋宁死 būt-dù-yiũ, mũ-nẽin-xī bùzìyóu, wúnìngsǐ. Give me liberty, or give me death.⁶
毋临渴而掘井[毋臨渴而掘井] mũ-lĩm-höt-ngĩ-gùt-dēng
wúlínkěérjuéjǐng Don't wait till you are thirsty to dig a well.⁵
毋乃 mũ-nâi
wúnǎi Is it not...?⁷
毋宁[毋寧] mũ-nẽin
wúnìng rather... (than); (not so much...) as.⁵
毋须[毋須] mũ-xuï
wúxū (auxiliary) need not.⁷
毋庸 mũ-yũng
wúyōng need not; be unnecessary.⁶
毋庸讳言[毋庸諱言] mũ-yũng-fï-ngũn
or mũ-yũng-vī-ngũn wúyōnghuìyán there is no need for reticence; be frank/honest.⁶
<台> 贪毋爽[貪毋爽] häm-mũ-sōng for fun.⁷
<又> mû.
(See 毋 mû.)
mu3 11012
82 10 serge from Tibet.⁸ a Tibetan woolen textile.⁹
毪子 mũ-dū múzǐ a kind of woolen fabric made in Tibet of China.⁶
<又> mẽo, mõ.
(See 毪 mẽo, mõ.)
mu3 11013
82 14 a woolen fabric.¹⁹ hairy silken stuff.²⁴ thick and shiny wool fabric.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿺毛莫; U+6C01).
氁毼 mũ-hòt múhé a woolen fabric.¹⁹
氁衫 mũ-sâm
múshān a light and thin sweater.⁹
mu3 11014
86 12 南无[南無] nãm-mũ nāmó Buddhist salutation or expression of faith <loan> from Sanskrit.
(See 無 [mũ, ].)
mu3 11015
86 12 without; nothingness.
无不覆焘[無不覆燾] mũ-būt-fūk-ào wúbùfùdào (=无不覆帱[無不覆幬] mũ-būt-fūk-ào) (from 中庸 jüng-yũng) all fall under the canopy (of moral laws).¹¹
无精打采[無精打采] mũ-dëin-ā-tōi
wújīngdǎcǎi dispirited.⁸
无菑无害[無菑無害] mũ-döi-mũ-hòi
wúzāiwúhài free from any visitations of nature or calamity.¹¹
无家可归[無家可歸] mũ-gä-hō-gï
wújiākěguī homeless; to wander about.
无可救药[無可救藥] mũ-hō-giü-yêk
wúkějiùyào terminal; be incurable/hopeless/incorrigible; past/beyond remedy.⁶
无知[無知] mũ-jï
wúzhī unacquaintance; ignorant.⁸
无奇不有[無奇不有] mũ-kĩ-būt-yiû
wúqíbùyǒu there is no lack of strange things; nothing is too strange in the world; strange things of every description.⁶
无论[無論] mũ-lùn
wúlùn no matter what; regardless; <law>  without being subject to prosecution.
无微不至[無微不至] mũ-mĩ-būt-jï
wúwēibùzhì meticulous.¹
无名指[無名指] mũ-mẽin-jī
wúmíngzhǐ ring finger.¹¹
无为[無為] mũ-vĩ
wúwéi the Daoist doctrine of inaction.¹⁰
无以复加[無以復加] mũ-yî-fūk-gä
wúyǐfùjiā the last word; be in the extreme; beat everything.⁵⁴
<台> 无情白事[無情白事] mũ-tẽin-bàk-xù for no reason.
(See 無 [mũ, ].)
mu3 11016
112 16 to dawdle, waste time, while away; to rub, grind, polish, wear; sufferings, obstacles, setbacks.⁷
折磨 jēt-mũ or jēt-mõ zhémo to submit to an ordeal; trials and afflictions; grillings; torment.⁷
磨刀 mũ-äo
or mõ-äo módāo to sharpen a knife.⁷
磨蹭 mũ-dàng
or mõ-dàng móceng dawdle, idle at work.¹¹
磨镜[磨鏡] mũ-gëng
or mõ-gëng mójìng lit. grind/polish  metal into mirrors – refers to lesbians.²³
磨菇 mũ-gü
or mõ-gü mógu (=蘑菇) mushroom.¹⁰
or 磨厉[磨厲] mũ-lài or mõ-lài mólì to sharpen on grindstone; to improve oneself by practice.¹⁰
磨练[磨練] mũ-lèin
or mõ-lèin móliàn to forge or temper (metal); to train, harden, discipline.⁷
磨墨 mũ-màk
or mõ-màk mómò to prepare liquid ink from an ink stick; to rub down an ink stick.⁷
磨灭[磨滅] mũ-mèik
or mõ-mèik mómiè to obliterate; to erase.¹⁰
磨牙 mũ-ngã
or mõ-ngã móyá to grind one's teeth (during sleep); pointless arguing.¹⁰
磨损[磨損] mũ-xūn
or mõ-xūn mósǔn wear and tear.⁸
<台> 磨糖 mũ-hõng/
or mõ-hõng/ candy
<又> mõ, mò.
(See 磨 mõ, mò.)
mu3 11017
122 17 ringed pheasant net.² a net for catching wild fowl.²⁵ a net for birds or fish.¹⁰¹
(variants: 𦌬❄{⿱罒舞} mũ; 𦌬❄{⿱罒舞} mû; 𦌳❄{⿱网舞} mũ; 𦌳❄{⿱网舞} mû). (See 𦌬❄{⿱罒舞} mũ; 𦌬❄{⿱罒舞} mû; 𦌳❄{⿱网舞} mũ; 𦌳❄{⿱网舞} mû).
(composition: ⿱罒無; U+4362).
<又> mû.
(See 䍢 mû).
mu3 11018
122 19 𦌬
(=䍢 mũ ringed pheasant net.² a net for catching wild fowl.²⁵ a net for birds or fish.¹⁰¹).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱罒舞; U+2632C).
<又> mû.
(See 𦌬❄{⿱罒舞} mû; 䍢 mũ).
mu3 11019
122 20 𦌳
(=䍢 mũ ringed pheasant net.² a net for catching wild fowl.²⁵ a net for birds or fish.¹⁰¹).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱网舞; U+26333).
<又> mû.
(See 𦌳❄{⿱网舞} mû; 䍢 mũ).
mu3 11020
140 15 overgrown with weeds; disorderly.
繁芜[繁蕪] or 蕃芜[蕃蕪] fãn-mũ fánwú wordy; verbose; prolix; convoluted.⁶
荒芜[荒蕪] föng-mũ
huāngwú left to return to unchecked growth; overgrown; grown wild.
莱芜[萊蕪] lõi-mũ
láiwú field with dense growth of wild weeds.
芜俚[蕪俚] mũ-lî
wúlǐ coarse and vulgar.
芜累[蕪累] mũ-luì
wúlěi mixed-up and superfluous.
芜劣[蕪劣] mũ-lūt
wúliè muddled and inferior (of writing).
芜菁[蕪菁] mũ-dëin
or mũ-tëin wújīng turnip.
芜秽[蕪穢] mũ-vï
or mũ-vöi  wúhuì overgrown with weeds.⁹
芜湖[蕪湖] Mũ-vũ
Wúhú Wuhu (river port in Anhui).
芜词[蕪詞] mũ-xũ
wúcí superfluous words.
平芜[平蕪] pẽin-mũ
píngwú <wr.> open grassland.
mu3 11021
140 19 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 蘑 mão type of edible mushroom.⁸)
<又> mão, mõ.
(See 蘑 mão, mõ.)
mu3 11022
149 14 to accuse falsely.
诬告[誣告] mũ-gäo or mõ-gäo wūgào to accuse falsely; to frame.
诬陷[誣陷] mũ-hàm
or mõ-hàm wūxiàn to frame a case against; to frame somebody.
诬害[誣害] mũ-hòi
or mõ-hòi wūhài to calumniate; to malign.
诬赖[誣賴] mũ-lài
or mõ-lài wūlài to falsely incriminate.
诬蔑[誣蔑] mũ-mèik
or mõ-mèik wūmiè to slander; to smear; to vilify; to calumniate; to defile.
<又> mõ.
(See 誣 mõ.)
mu3 11023
149 17 a plan; a course of action; to imitate; false.¹⁴
(variant: 𢜯❄{⿱某心}).
t: ⿰言莫; U+8B28). (comp. s: ⿰讠莫; U+8C1F).
不谟士[不謨士] būt-mũ-xù
bù mó shì they did not lay plans to attain those ends.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《莊子·內篇·大宗師·1》, translated by James Legge).
fãng-mũ hóngmó a grand plan; a great project.⁵⁴
嘉谟[嘉謨] gä-mũ
jiāmó sage counsel.¹¹
𬣙谟定命[訏謨定命] Huï-mũ-èin-mèin.
Xū mó dìngmìng. With great counsels and determinate orders...⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·蕩之什·抑·2》, translated by James Legge).
谟明弼谐.[謨明弼諧.] Mũ-mẽin-bìt-hãi.
Mó míng bì xié.
...the counsels (offered to him) will be intelligent, and the aids (of admonition that he receives) will be harmonious.
⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《尚書·虞書·皋陶謨·1》, translated by James Legge).
僞谟[僞謨] ngài-mũ
wěimó false.¹⁴
Pī-hēin-döi, mũn-võng-mũ!
Pī xiǎn zāi, wénwáng mó!
Great and splendid were the plans of king Wen! ⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《孟子·滕文公下·14》, translated by James Legge).
圣谟[聖謨] sëin-mũ
shèngmó the plan of the sages.¹⁴
(See 𢜯❄{⿱某心} mũ).
mu3 11024
19 10 affair, business; be engaged in, devote one's efforts to.⁵
务必[務必] mù-bēik wùbì must; be sure to.⁵
务本[務本] mù-bōn
wùběn to attend to fundamentals.⁷
务工[務工] mù-güng
wùgōng be engaged in industrial or engineering work; put in labor and effort.⁶
务希[務希] mù-hï
wùxī Please be sure to...⁷
务虚[務虛] mù-huï
wùxū discuss principles or ideological guidelines.⁵
务虚务实[務虛務實] mù-huï-mù-sìt
wùxūwùshí lay emphasis on both theory and practice.¹
务正[務正] mù-jëin
wùzhèng take up an honest job.⁶
务期[務期] mù-kĩ
wùqī certainly must; be sure to.⁶
务农[務農] mù-nũng
wùnóng to be engaged in farming.⁷
务求[務求] mù-kiũ
wùqiú to strive for.⁷
务实[務實] mù-sìt
wùshí to strive for thoroughness; pragmatism, pragmatic.⁷
务请[務請] mù-tēin
wùqǐng  please (formal).¹⁰
务心[務心] mù-xïm
wùxīn to apply the mind to.¹⁴
务使[務使] mù-xū
wùshǐ make sure; ensure.⁵
务须[務須] mù-xuï
wùxū (=务必[務必] mù-bēik wùbì) must; be sure to.⁵
务要[務要] mù-yël
wùyào by all means; must positively; it is absolutely necessary.¹⁴
mu4 11025
19 12 to raise; to collect; to enlist; recruit.
筹募[籌募] chiũ-mù
chóumù to raise; to collect (funds).⁷
征募[徵募] jëin-mù
zhēngmù to enlist; to recruit.
招募 jël-mù
zhāomù to recruit; to enlist.
募兵 mù-bëin
mùbīng to recruit soldiers.
募集 mù-dàp
mùjí to raise; to collect.
募化 mù-fä
mùhuà <rel.> to collect alms; to beg for alms.
募款 mù-fōn
mùkuǎn to raise money.
募捐 mù-gün
mùjuān contributions; donations.
募缘[募緣] mù-yõn
mùyuán to ask for subscriptions for a Buddhist festival.
mu4 11026
30 8 (interjection showing doubt) <文读> mù; <白读> m̃.
呣,你说什么[呣,你說什麼] mù, nï-sōt-sìm-mō? ḿ, nǐshuōshénshén? Eh? What did you say?
(See 呣 m̃, m̀, [mù, ].)
mu4 11027
30 8 (interjection showing a response) <文读> mù; <白读> m̀.
呣,我知道了 mù, ngô-jï-ào-lēl m̀, wǒzhīdaole Uh-huh, I see.
(See 呣 m̃, m̀, [mù, ].)
mu4 11028
32 13 grave; tomb.
盗墓[盜墓] ào-mù dàomù to rob a tomb.¹⁰
拜墓 bäi-mù
bàimù to worship at a tomb.
坟墓[墳墓] fũn-mù
fénmù grave; tomb.
封墓 füng-mù
fēngmù to build a tumulus over a grave.
公墓 güng-mù
gōngmù public cemetery; <trad.> tomb of a high dignitary.
烈士墓 lèik-xù-mù
lièshìmù revolutionary martyr's grave.⁵⁴
墓碑 mù-bï
mùbēi gravestone; tombstone.¹⁰
墓志铭[墓志銘] mù-jï-mẽin
mùzhìmíng epitaph on a memorial tablet.
墓碣 mù-kēik
mùjié tombstone.⁵
洞穴墓 ùng-yòt-mù
dòngxuémù catacomb.⁵⁴
mu4 11029
38 12 beautiful; charming.⁷ a star.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱敄女; U+5A7A).
季冬之月, 日在婺女. Gï-üng-jï-ngùt, ngìt-dòi-mù-nuī.
Jì dōng zhī yuè, rì zài wùnǚ. In the third month of winter the sun is in Wu-nu.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·月令·104》, translated by James Legge).
婺江 Mù-göng
Wùjiāng Wujiang, a river in 江西 Göng-xäi Jiāngxī Jiangxi Province.⁶
婺州 Mù-jiü
Wùzhōu Wuzhou, old prefecture in and around present-day Jinhua (金华[金華]) in Zhejiang.⁶
婺剧[婺劇] Mù-kēk
Wùjù Wuju opera (local opera popular in Jinhua Prefecture (金华府[金華府]), Zhejiang Province).⁶ Wu Opera, one of the local operas in Zhejiang Province.⁸
婺绿[婺綠] mù-lùk
wùlǜ superior green tea produced in Jiangxi Province.⁶
婺女 mù-nuī
wùnǚ name of a star.¹⁴ ancient constellation name, same as 女宿 Nuī-xiü Nǚxiù The Girl Mansion, one of the 28 Mansions of the Chinese constellations; it is one of the northern mansions of the Black Tortoise.⁸ʼ¹⁵
婺水 mù-suī
wùshuǐ Wushui, name of a river in Jiangxi Province, China.⁸
孀婺 söng-mù
shuāngwù a widow.¹⁴
mu4 11030
46 12 (composition: ⿱敄山; U+5D4D).
巏嵍 kũn-mù quánwù the name of the mountain is in the west of Longyao County (隆尧县[隆堯縣] lũng-ngẽl-yòn lóngyáoxiàn), Hebei Province, China.⁸
<又> mão.
(See 嵍 mão).
mu4 11031
61 14 to long for, to desire; to admire.⁸
慕名 mù-mẽin mùmíng admiration for others' reputation; out of admiration for a famous person.⁸
慕名而来[慕名而來] mù-mẽin-ngĩ-lõi
mùmíng'érlái to be attracted to a place by its reputation as a scenic spot.⁸
慕尼黑 Mù-nãi-hāk
Mùníhēi Munich.
慕膻逐臭 mù-sën-jùk-chiü
mùshānzhúchòu long for the rank odor and pursue bad smell – be after fame and gain.⁵⁴
慕仙 mù-xēin
mūxiàn the evening before 七夕 tīt-dèik (q.v.) during which girls layout seven cups of tea with a combination of seven fruits and grass jelly on the evening of 7/6 (七月六日) to pray to the Weaver Maiden. The girl who is the first to drink from these seven cups on the morning of 7/7 (七月七日) will be the most intelligent.⁰
慕悦[慕悅] mù-yòt
mùyuè mutual liking.
仰慕 ngêng-mù
yǎngmù to admire; to respect.⁸
思慕 xü-mù
sīmù to think of somebody with respect.⁸
羡慕 xùn-mù
xiànmù to envy; to admire; one's heart warms towards somebody.⁸
mu4 11032
62 5 the fifth of the ten Heavenly Stems.⁵
戊戌 mù-xūt wùxū 35th year of the Sexagenary Cycle (1898, 1958, 2018 etc.)⁵⁴
戊戌变法[戊戌變法] Mù-xūt Bëin-fāt
Wùxū Biànfǎ Hundred Days' Reform, a failed 104-day national cultural, political and educational reform movement from 11 June to 21 September 1898 in late Qing Dynasty China.⁹
戊夜 mù-yèh
wùyè the predawn hours.⁷
mu4 11033
66 9 (=务[務] mù ) affair, business; be engaged in, devote one's efforts to.⁵ to put forth effort.⁸ strong, violent; to encourage one another to the exertion of effort.²⁴
(composition: ⿰矛攵; U+6544).
<又> mẽo.
(See 務 mù; 敄 mẽo).
mu4 11034
72 14 evening, dusk, sunset; ending.⁸
薄暮 bòk-mù bómù <wr.> at dusk.⁸
薄暮之年 bòk-mù-jï-nẽin
bómùzhīnián <wr.> old age; the sunset of life.¹
朝三暮四 jël-xäm-mù-xï
zhāosānmùsì lit. say three in the morning but four in the evening (idiom); to change something that is already settled upon; indecisive.¹⁰
暮年 mù-nẽin
mùnián declining years; evening of one's life; old age.⁸
暮色 mù-sēik
mùsè dusk; gloaming; twilight.⁸
暮云叆叇[暮雲靉靆] mù-vũn öi-òi
mùyún àidài evening clouds blocked out the sun.⁶
mu4 11035
93 6 中牟 Jüng-mù Zhōngmù a place in 河南 Hõ-nãm Hénán Henan Province.
牟平区[牟平區] Mù-pẽin-kuï
Mùpíngqū Muping district of Yantai City (烟台市[煙台市] Yën-hõi-sî Yāntáishì), Shandong (山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng) Province.¹⁰
<又> mẽo.
(See 牟 mẽo.)
mu4 11036
109 14 (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciations for 瞀 mào mào or mẽo móu with the same meaning).
(composition: ⿱敄目; U+7780).
<又> mào; mẽo; këo; mùk.
(See 瞀 mào; 瞀 mẽo; 瞀 këo; 瞀 mùk).
mu4 11037
173 13 (<old>=雾[霧] mù )⁸ fog, mist; fine spray.⁶ fog; mist; vapor; fine spray; to gush upwards.³⁶
(composition: ⿱雨矛; U+96FA).
(See 霧 mù).
mu4 11038
173 17 (<old>=雾[霧] mù fog, mist; fine spray.⁶).¹⁹ a mist, a fog.²⁵
(composition: ⿱雨敄; U+971A).
(See 霧 mù).
mu4 11039
173 18 fog, mist; fine spray.⁶ (variants: 雺, 霚 mù). (See 雺, 霚 mù).
大雾[大霧] ài-mù
dàwù dense fog.⁶
雾灯[霧燈] mù-äng
wùdēng fog lamp/light.⁶
雾豹[霧豹] mù-bäo
wùbào to retire from public life; to live as a recluse.⁷
雾标[霧標] mù-bël
wùbiāo fog buoy.⁵
雾鬓风鬟[霧鬢風鬟] mù-bïn-füng-vãn
wùbìnfēnghuán beautiful tresses of a woman.⁷
雾沉沉[霧沉沉] mù-chĩm-chĩm
wùchénchén misty; foggy.⁶
雾滴[霧滴] mù-ēik
wùdī fog drop/drip.⁶
雾堤[霧堤] mù-hãi
wùdī fog bank.⁶
雾合[霧合] mù-hàp
wùhé gather together like the mists.¹⁴
雾气[霧氣] mù-hï
wùqì fog or mist.⁷
雾縠[霧縠] mù-hùk
wùhú gossamer; a piece of extremely thin silk.⁷
雾里看花[霧裡看花] mù-lī-hön-fä/
wùlǐkànhuā lit. to look at flowers in a fog – failing eyesight of the aged.⁷
雾霾[霧霾] mù-mãi
wùmái haze; smog.¹⁰
雾霭[霧靄] mù-ōi
wù'ǎi fog; mist; haze; vapor.⁶
霧水[霧水] mù-suī
wùshuǐ fog; water condensed from fog.⁹
雾塞[霧塞] mù-xāk
wùsāi obscured; mentally blinded.⁷
雾散[霧散] mù-xän
wùsàn to disperse like mist or fog.⁷
<台> 霞雾[霞霧] hã-mù fog; mist.
mu4 11040
187 19 move about freely and quickly, sweep through the length and breadth; go after, seek for.⁶ to run swiftly, to gallop at full speed; to prance about.²⁵
驰骛[馳騖] chĩ-mù chíwù <wr.> speed; go swiftly.⁶ to run after (empty fame, power, money).¹¹
贪高骛远[貪高騖遠] häm-gäo-mù-yōn
tāngāowùyuǎn run after high position or far-off things.¹¹
or 好高务远[好高務遠] häo-gäo-mù-yōn hàogāowùyuǎn reach for what is beyond one's grasp; aim too high; bite off more than one can chew.⁵
骛外[騖外] mù-ngòi
wùwài to depart from one's proper roll.⁷  be derelict in duty and run about irrelevant business.¹¹
骛远[騖遠] mù-yōn
wùyuǎn impractically ambitious; overambitious.⁷
mu4 11041
196 20 <wr.> duck.⁵ wild duck.⁶  ducks, either wild or tame.¹⁴
鸡鹜[雞鶩] gäi-mù jīwù chickens and ducks –  mediocre people.⁶
鹄不成尚类鹜[鵠不成尚類鶩] hùk-būt-sẽin-sèng-luì-mù
húbùchéngshànglèiwù failing in carving a stork, you have produced only a duck.²⁵
刻鹄类鹜[刻鵠類鶩] hāk-hūk-luì-mù
kèhúlèiwù set out to carve a swan but get a duck in the end; aim reasonably high and you won't fall far short; fail to attain what one set out to.⁶
鹜舲[鶩舲] mù-lẽin
wùlíng a small boat.⁷
旁鹜[旁鶩] põng-mù
pángwù <wr.> inattentive; seeking something other than one's profession, work; having one's interest drawn to other subjects.⁶
庶人执鹜[庶人執鶩] sï-ngĩn-jīp-mù
shùrénzhíwù a common man held a duck as a present of ceremony.²⁵
趋之若鹜[趨之若鶩] tuï-jï-ngèk-mù
qūzhī ruòwù go after something like a flock of ducks – scramble for something.⁶
心无旁鹜[心無旁鶩] xïm-mũ-põng-mù
xīn wú pángwù no distraction.¹⁹
mu4 11042
9 6 𠆸
According to Kangxi, this character, 𠆸❄{⿰亻攴} was the "large seal" script for 侮 mû meaning to strike someone during a play and it is different from 伎 gì skill, ability.²
(composition: ⿰亻攴; U+201B8).
<又> gì, yiũ.
(See 侮 mû; 𠆸❄{⿰亻攴} gì; 𠆸❄{⿰亻攴} yiũ).
mu5 11043
9 7 (<old>=侮 mû insult; bully.⁵ insult, ridicule, disgrace.⁸ to insult, to despise; to ridicule, to make fun of good things; contempt of; neglect, disrespect; chagrined, disappointed; to deal summarily with.¹⁰²); to insult, to ridicule.⁸ neglect; disrespect.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻母; U+3444).
(See 侮 mû).

mu5 11044
9 9 insult; bully.⁵ insult, ridicule, disgrace.⁸ to insult, to despise; to ridicule, to make fun of good things; contempt of; neglect, disrespect; chagrined, disappointed; to deal summarily with.¹⁰² (variant: 㑄 mû ).
(composition: ⿰亻每; U+4FAE).
不狎侮 būt-äp-mû
bùxiáwǔ not to treat things with levity; to show complaisance.¹⁰²
启宠纳侮[啟寵納侮] kāi-chüng-nàp-mû
qǐchǒngnàwǔ to show kindness and receive neglect; to be treated with ingratitude.¹⁰²
侮狎 mû-äp
wǔxiá to annoy; to treat with undue familiarity.¹⁴
侮弄 mû-lùng
wǔnòng to bully; to make a fool of.⁵⁴ to make game of; humbugged.¹⁰²
侮骂[侮罵] mû-mà
wǔmà to insult with words.
侮慢 mû-màn
wǔmàn slight; treat disrespectfully.⁵ to insult; to be rude to.¹⁴ to lord it over one.¹⁰²
侮蔑 mû-mèik
wǔmiè to disgrace; to slight.
侮上 mû-sèng
wǔshàng to be arrogant.¹⁴
侮辱 mû-yùk
wǔrǔ insult; humiliate; subject somebody  to indignities.⁵ to make a fool of; to insult; to disgrace.¹⁴
外侮 ngòi-mû
wàiwǔ foreign aggression.⁸
(See 㑄 mû).
mu5 11045
32 12 pottery for decoction.⁸ an earthen vessel, a furnace for decocting medicine.²⁴
(composition: ⿱敄土; U+5825).
黄堥[黃堥] võng-mû huángwǔ a boiler made of yellow earth.²⁴
<又> mão; mẽo.
(See 堥 mão; 堥 mẽo).
mu5 11046
38 8 姆妈[姆媽] m̄mā (Shanghai dialect), term for mother.¹¹
(See 姆 [mû, ].)
mu5 11047
38 8 child's governess; matron.⁸
保姆 or 保母 or 褓姆 or 褓母 bāo-mû bǎomǔ (children's) nurse; housekeeper.⁵
欧姆[歐姆] ëo-mû
ōumǔ <elec.> ohm.¹¹
姆欧[姆歐] mû-ëo
mǔ'ōu <elec.> mho.⁵
姆姆 mû-mû
mǔmǔ <topo.> wife of husband's elder brother.⁵⁴
<台> 阿姆 ä-mû aunt; wife of a brother older than one's father.
(See 姆 [mû, ].)
mu5 11048
38 9 old woman.
公姥 güng-mû gōngmǔ husband's parents.⁵⁴
<又> lāo.
(See 姥 lāo.)
mu5 11049
38 11 (<old>=嫵 mû ) attractive; lovely.⁷
妩媚[娬媚] mû-mì
wǔmèi very attractive or lovely.⁷
(See 嫵 mû.)
mu5 11050
38 15 attractive; lovely.⁷ to cajole.²⁴
妩媚[嫵媚] mû-mì wǔmèi (of a woman) lovely; charming; attractive.⁶
妩媚迷人的笑容[嫵媚迷人的笑容] mû-mì-mãi-ngĩn-ēik-xël-yũng
wǔmèimíréndexiàoróng enticing/winsome smile.⁶
妩媚多姿[嫵媚多姿] mû-mì-ü-dü
wǔmèiduōzī  enchanting.²¹
妩媚动人[嫵媚動人] mû-mì-ùng-ngĩn
wǔmèidòngrén be charming and enchanting.⁶
(See 娬 mû.)
mu5 11051
53 广 15 <wr.> side room or building in a traditional compound house; wing; roofed corridors around a principal room.⁶
堂庑[堂廡] hõng-mû tángwǔ buildings and rooms surrounding main hall or temple.¹¹
廊庑[廊廡] lõng-mû
lángwǔ verandah; passages or corridors.¹⁴
庑殿[廡殿] mû-èin
wǔdiàn hip roof.¹⁹
屋庑[屋廡] ūk-mû
wūwǔ <wr.> buildings and covered walks.¹¹
西庑[西廡] xäi-mû
xīwǔ west wing.⁶
mu5 11052
61 13 𢟨
perturbed, disquieted, and therefore unable to attend to business.¹⁰² (Note: Some say 𢟨 is read mông mǎng).¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰忄莽; U+227E8).
❄{⿰忄鹵}𢟨❄{⿰忄莽} lû-mû lǔmǔ or lū-mông lǔmǎng the mind disturbed.²⁴
❄{⿰忄莽}[鹵𢟨❄{⿰忄莽}] lū-mû lǔmǔ or lū-mông lǔmǎng heedless, careless; inattentive and unrtrustworthy.¹⁰²
mu5 11053
61 15 <wr.> caress, fondle; <wr.> disappointed, frustrated.⁶
怃然[憮然] mû-ngẽin wǔrán disappointed; frustrated; melancholy.⁶
怃然兴叹[憮然興嘆] mû-ngẽin-hëin-hän
wǔránxìngtàn gave a sigh of disappointment.¹¹
情极怃然[情極憮然] tẽin-gèik-mû-ngẽin
qíngjíwǔrán look very disappointed.⁶
mu5 11054
64 8 thumb; big toe.
大拇指 ài-mû-jī dàmuzhǐ thumb.
中拇指 jüng-mû-jī
zhōngmuzhǐ middle finger.
拇战[拇戰] mû-jën
mǔzhàn finger-guessing game.
拇指 mû-jī
mǔzhǐ thumb; big toe.⁶
拇趾 mû-jī
mǔzhǐ big toe.
拇印 mû-yïn
mǔyìn thumbprint.
二拇指 ngì-mû-jī
èrmǔzhǐ (=食指 sèik-jī shízhǐ) index finger; forefinger.
竖起大拇指[豎起大拇指] sì-hī-ài-mû-jī
shùqǐ dàmǔzhǐ hold up one's thumb in approval; thumbs up.⁶
三拇指 xäm-mû-jī
sānmuzhǐ  <topo.> middle finger.
小拇指 xēl-mû-jī
xiǎomǔzhǐ pinky; little finger.
四拇指 xï-mû-jī
sìmuzhǐ (=无名指[無名指] mũ-mẽin-jī wúmíngzhǐ) <topo.> ring finger.
mu5 11055
72 16 𣊲
(=膴 mû ) a rule, a law or guide; fertile; generous; large; many, numerous.¹⁰¹ʼ¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰日無; U+232B2).
<又> fü.
(See 𣊲❄{日無} fü; 膴 mû).
mu5 11056
77 8 military.
不文不武 būt-mũn-būt-mû bùwénbùwǔ to have neither literary talent nor military talent; incompetent; incapable.
满朝文武[滿朝文武] mōn-chẽl-mũn-mû
mǎncháowénwǔ all the ministers and generals in the imperial court.
武殄暴通 mû-chīn-bào-hüng
or mû-hēin-bào-hüng wǔtiǎnbàotōng get rid of the rebels by force.⁶
武则天[武則天] Mû Dāk-hëin
Wǔ Zétiān (17 February 624 - 16 December 705) <hist.> Empress Regnant (16 October 690 – 22 February 705).
武库[武庫] mû-fü
wǔkù armory; arsenal.⁶
武器 mû-hï
wǔqì weapons, arms, weaponry.⁶
武装[武裝] mû-jöng
wǔzhuāng to arm; arms; military equipment or uniform; armed forces; armed.
武力 mû-lèik
wǔlì armed force.
武术[武術] mû-sùt
wǔshù martial arts.¹⁹
文武 mũn-mû
wén-wǔ  literary (or civil) and military.
文武双全[文武雙全] mũn-mû-söng-tũn
wénwǔshuāngquán versed in both military and civilian or literary matters.
mu5 11057
80 4 <台> 毋 mû or; instead.
<台> 你吃肉毋吃菜啊? Nï-hëk-ngùk-mû-hëk-töi-ä? Do you prefer meat or vegetables?
<又> mũ. (See 毋 mũ.)
mu5 11058
80 5 mother; female elders; female.⁸
母子 mû-dū mǔzǐ mother and son; principal and interest.⁷
母校 mû-hào
mǔxiào alma mater.¹¹
母猪[母豬] mû-jï
mǔzhū sow.⁸ female pig.¹¹
母仪天下[母儀天下] mû-ngĩ-hëin-hà
mǔyítiānxià be a model mother for the nation.⁵⁴
母乳 mû-nguî
mǔrǔ mother's milk.¹⁰
母语[母語] mû-nguî
mǔyǔ native language; mother tongue; (linguistics) parent language.¹⁰
母女 mû-nuī
mǔnǚ mother and daughter.⁷
母爱[母愛] mû-öi
mǔ'ài maternal love.¹¹
母数[母數] mû-sü
mǔshù <math.> denominator of a fraction.¹¹
母亲[母親] mû-tïn
mǔqin mother.¹⁰
母亲节[母親節] mû-tïn-dēik
mǔqinié  Mother's Day.¹¹
母性 mû-xëin
mǔxìng maternal instinct.¹¹
母音 mû-yïm
mǔyīn vowel.⁵
mu5 11059
96 12 an inferior gem; jade-like stone.⁸ a pebble, resembling a precious stone.²⁴ (variant: 碔 mû ).
(composition: ⿰𤣩武; U+73F7).
珷玞 mû-fü
wǔfū beautiful jade-like stone.⁹ a stone, like veined jasper, resembles a gem, but inferior in hardness and luster.¹⁰²
珷征商隹甲子朝 Mû jëin Sëng vĩ gāp-dū jël.
Wǔ zhēng Shāng wéi Jiǎzǐ zhāo.
King Wu's campaign against Shang, on the morning of the Jia-Zi day.³⁶ (Note 1: 珷 is a ligature of 武 and 王 in a bronze inscription.  Note 2: 隹 juï
zhuī is perhaps the predecessor of 惟 vĩ wéi, which means 'on' when placed in front of a date such as a year, month or day).
(See 碔 mû).
mu5 11060
112 13 (<old>=珷 mû an inferior gem; jade-like stone.⁸ a pebble, resembling a precious stone.²⁴).
(composition: ⿰石武; U+7894).
碔砆 mû-fü
wǔfū a jade-like stone.¹¹ a pebble resembling a gem, with a red ground and a white streak.²⁴
or 碔玞乱玉[碔玞亂玉] mû-fü-lòn-ngùk wǔfūluànyù the pebbles are mingled in with gems — the vile and the good are confounded.¹⁰²
(See 珷 mû).
mu5 11061
122 17 (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 䍢 mũ with the same meaning: ringed pheasant net.²).² center network in a lattice window.¹⁰¹
(variants: 𦌬
❄{⿱罒舞} mũ; 𦌬❄{⿱罒舞} mû; 𦌳❄{⿱网舞} mũ; 𦌳❄{⿱网舞} mû). (See 𦌬❄{⿱罒舞} mũ; 𦌬❄{⿱罒舞} mû; 𦌳❄{⿱网舞} mũ; 𦌳❄{⿱网舞} mû).
(composition: ⿱罒無; U+4362).
<又> mũ.
(See 䍢 mũ; ).
mu5 11062
122 19 𦌬
(=䍢 mû ringed pheasant net.² network in a lattice window.¹⁰¹)
(composition: ⿱罒舞; U+2632C).
<又> mũ.
(See 𦌬❄{⿱罒舞} mũ; 䍢 mû).
mu5 11063
122 20 𦌳
(=䍢 mû ringed pheasant net.² network in a lattice window.¹⁰¹)
(composition: ⿱网舞; U+26333).
<又> mũ.
(See 𦌳❄{⿱网舞} mũ; 䍢 mû).
mu5 11064
130 16 ➀ fertile  ➁ thick  ➂ abundant; numerous.⁸ a rule, a law or guide; fertile; generous; large; many, numerous.¹⁰²
(variant: 𣊲❄{⿰日無}).
(composition: ⿰月無; U+81B4).
周原膴膴. Jiü-ngũn-mû-mû.
Zhōu yuán wǔ wǔ.
The plain of Zhou looked beautiful and rich. (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·文王之什·緜·2》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰  At the beginning of the Zhou dynasty the country was fertile.¹⁰²
民虽靡膴,...[民雖靡膴,...] Mĩn-xuï-mî-mû,...
Mín suī mǐ wǔ,...
Although the people may not be numerous,... (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·小旻之什·小旻·5》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰  though the people had no guide.¹⁰²
膴膴 mû-mû
wǔwǔ fine, hearty; elegant; substantial, fat.¹⁰²
膴仕 mû-xù
wúwǔ an important and profitable post.⁵⁴
Xū-xū-yïn-ä, dāk-mũ-mû-xù.
Suǒ suǒ yīn yà, zé wú wǔ shì.
And his mean relatives,
Would not be in offices of importance. (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·祈父之什·節南山·4》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ His petty relatives could not be put in fat offices.¹⁰²
<又> fü.
(See 膴 fü; See 𣊲❄{⿰日無} mû).
mu5 11065
149 17 𧬏 (composition: ⿰言莽; U+27B0F).
𧫓❄{⿰言鹵}𧬏 lû-mû lǔmǔ indecisive.²
❄{⿰言鹵} mû-lû mǔlǔ not enough words.¹⁰¹
mu5 11066
167 13 钴鉧[鈷鉧] gū-mû gǔmǔ <wr.> clothes iron.¹⁰ a warming pan; a smoothing iron.²⁵
mu5 11067
167 18 the symbol for Cobalt; an iron (for pressing clothes).⁸
<又> mông. (See 䥈 mông.)
mu5 11068
196 16 (=鵡 mû species of parrot.⁸ parrot.¹⁰); parrot.⁸ the parrot, regarded as still a bird even if it can talk; many varieties are described.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰母鳥; U+4CC7).
(See 鵡 mû).
mu5 11069
196 19 species of parrot.⁸ parrot.¹⁰ (variant: 䳇 mû ).
t: ⿰武鳥; U+9D61). (comp. s: ⿰武鸟; U+9E49).
珍珠鹦鹉螺[珍珠鸚鵡螺] jïn-jî-yëin-mû-lũ
zhēnzhū yīngwǔluó chambered nautilus (Nautilus pompilius).²³
鹦鹉[鸚鵡] yëin-mû
yīngwǔ parrot.⁶
鹦鹉螺[鸚鵡螺] yëin-mû-lũ
yīngwǔluó nautilus, a pelagic marine mollusc of the cephalopod family Nautilidae (can also be called chambered nautilus.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
Yīngwǔ néng yán.
The parrot can speak.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·曲禮上·9》, translated by James Legge).
(See 䳇 mû).
mu5 11070
25 2 mūk <台> to tighten up.
<台> 卜起条喙[卜起條喙] mūk-hī-hẽl-jöi (=收紧嘴唇[收緊嘴唇] siü-gīn-duī-sũn shōujǐn zuǐchún) to tighten up one's lips.
<又> bàk, būk, mük.
(See 卜 bàk, būk, mük.)
muk1 11071
25 2 mük <台> 卜卦 mük-gä to divine using the fingers to represent the trigrams.
<又> bàk, būk, mūk. (See 卜 bàk, būk, mūk.)
muk2 11072
9 5 mùk 仫佬族 Mùk-lāo-dùk Mùlǎozú the Mulam (Mulao) ethnic minority (in 广西[廣西] Gōng-xäi Guǎngxī Guangxi Province).
muk4 11073
32 8 mùk 垆坶[壚坶] lũ-mùk lúmǔ loam.
轻质垆坶[輕質壚坶] hëng-jīt-lũ-mùk
qīngzhìlúmù light loam.⁹
坶野 (also known as 牧野 mùk-yêh
mùyě) mùk-yêh mǔyě Muye, an ancient battleground where 周武王 Jiü Mû Vòng Zhōu Wǔ Wàng (c. 1087 BC- 1043 BC) and 殷纣王 Yïn Jào Vòng Yīn Zhòu Wàng (ascended throne in 1075 BC, died 1046 BC)  fought.²³
黏质垆坶[黏質壚坶] nẽm-jīt-lũ-mùk
niánzhìlúmù clay loam.⁹
muk4 11074
59 11 mùk fine text.² fine (material) and delicate (workmanship) decorative design or pattern.⁸ fine stripes; small veins.²⁴
(composition: ⿳白小彡; U+38CE).
muk4 11075
64 5 mùk mulberry tree.² 日乘⁸ (perhaps 'ride during the day' or 'take advantage of daylight hours' or 'everyday, I ride').⁰
(composition: ⿰扌刀; U+39C5).
<又> äo. (See 㧅 äo).
muk4 11076
75 4 mùk Kangxi radical 75; tree; wood, lumber; wooden.⁸
木瓜 mùk-gâ/ mùguā papaya.¹¹
木鱼[木魚] mùk-nguî/
mùnyú wooden fish used for beating rhythm during Buddhist incantations.¹¹
木夯 mùk-hāng
mùhāng wooden rammer.⁹
木匣 mùk-hâp
mùxiá small wooden box.¹⁹
木屐 mùk-kêk
mùjī wooden clogs.¹⁰
木兰[木蘭] mùk-lãn
mùlán lily magnolia.⁵
木偶 mùk-ngêo
mù'ǒu carved figure; puppet.⁵
木偶戏[木偶戲] mùk-ngêo-hï
mù'ǒuxì puppet show.⁸
木薯 mùk-sĩ
mùshǔ cassava, a tropical tuber plant.¹⁰
木蒴藋 mùk-sōk-ël
mùshuòdiào red elderberry.¹¹
or 木樨 mùk-xäi mùxi sweet-scented osmanthus;  eggs beaten and then cooked.⁶
or 木樨饭[木樨飯] mùk-xäi-fàn mùxifàn fried rice with scrambled eggs.⁶
or 木樨汤[木樨湯] mùk-xäi-höng mùxitāng eggdrop soup.⁵
木星 mùk-xëin
mùxīng the planet Jupiter.²⁴
木须肉[木鬚肉] mùk-xü-ngùk
mùxūròu moo shu pork,¹⁹ <台> 木虱 mùk-sēt bedbug.
<台> 木独[木獨] mùk-ùk honest but dull and inarticulate.
<又> mûk.
(See 木 mûk.)
muk4 11077
93 8 mùk herd; tend.⁵
牧场[牧場] mùk-chẽng mùchǎng grazing land; pasture.⁵
牧畜 mùk-chūk
mùxù livestock breeding; animal husbandry.⁵
牧放 mùk-föng
mùfàng herd; tend; put out to pasture.⁵
牧歌 mùk-gô
mùgē pastoral song; pastoral; madrigal.⁵
牧工 mùk-güng
mùgōng hired herdsman.⁵
牧犬 mùk-hūn
mùquǎn shepherd dog; sheep dog.⁵
牧童 mùk-hũng
mùtóng shepherd boy; buffalo boy.⁵
牧主 mùk-jī
mùzhǔ herd owner.⁵
牧区[牧區] mùk-kuï
mùqū pastoral area.⁵
牧马[牧馬] mùk-mâ
mùmǎ herd horses.⁵
牧民 mùk-mĩn
mùmín herdsman.⁵
牧业[牧業] mùk-ngèp
mùyè animal husbandry; stock raising.⁵
牧人 mùk-ngĩn
mùrén herdsman.⁵
牧圉 mùk-nguî
mùyǔ <wr.> horse breeder.¹¹
牧草 mùk-tāo
mùcǎo herbage; forage grass.⁵
牧师[牧師] mùk-xü
mùshi pastor; minister; clergyman.⁵
牧羊 mùk-yẽng
mùyáng tend sheep.⁵
牧羊人 mùk-yẽng-ngĩn
mùyángrén shepherd.⁵
muk4 11078
109 5 mùk Kangxi radical 109; eye; look, see; division, topic.⁸ eye; <bio.> order.⁵
目瞪口呆 mùk-äng-hēo-ngõi mùdèngkǒudāi dumbstruck.⁵
目标[目標] mùk-bël
mùbiāo objective, target; goal, aim.⁵
目不暇给[目不暇給] mùk-būt-hà-kīp
mùbùxiágěi or 目不暇接 mùk-būt-hà-dëp mùbùxiájiē so many things come into sight that the eyes are kept fully occupied.⁷
目不转睛[目不轉睛] mùk-būt-jōn-dëin
mùbùzhuǎnjīng gaze steadily; look attentively.⁶
目的 mùk-ēik
mùdì purpose; aim; goal; objective; end.⁵
目击[目擊] mùk-gēik
mùjī see with one's own eyes; witness.⁶
目光 mùk-göng
mùguāng sight, vision, view; gaze, look.⁵
目中无人[目中無人] mùk-jüng-mũ-ngĩn
mùzhōngwúrén be supercilious.⁵⁵
目录[目錄] mùk-lùk
mùlù catalog; table of contents; directory.⁵⁵
目眇耳聋[目眇耳聾] mùk-mêl-ngī-lũng
mùmiǎoěrlóng be both blind and deaf; be hard of sight and hearing.⁶
目语[目語] mùk-nguî
mùyǔ to converse with the eyes.⁷
目前 mùk-tẽin
mùqián at present; at the moment.⁵
目睹 mùk-ū
mùdǔ see with one's own eyes; witness.⁵
目眩神迷 mùk-yõn-sĩn-mãi
mùxuànshénmí to be dazzled and stunned (idiom).¹⁰
muk4 11079
109 5 mùk eye, CJK radical eye (form used at top). Note that it looks exactly like ⺲ (net, U+2EB2), and almost exactly like 罒 (net, U+7F52) but it is semantically different. Examples: 睪 gäo gāo; 睾 gäo gāo; 睪 jāk zé; 眾 jüng zhòng; 睘 kẽin qióng; 瞏 kẽin qióng; 睘 vãn huán; 瞏 vãn huán; 睪 yèik yì; 蜀 sùk shǔ.
(composition: ⿴囗⿰丨丨; U+2EAB).
Distinguish 罒 mōng wǎng (U+7F52); ⺲ mōng wǎng (U+2EB2); ⺫ mùk mù (U+2EAB).
muk4 11080
109 13 mùk friendly, amiable, peaceful; Mu surname.⁸
睦邻[睦鄰] mùk-lĩn mùlín to remain on friendly terms with the neighbors (often referring to neighboring countries.⁷
睦邻政策[睦鄰政策] mùk-lĩn-jëin-chāk
mùlín zhèngcè  good-neighbor policy.⁶
睦邻友好[睦鄰友好] mùk-lĩn-yiû-hāo
mùlínyǒuhǎo be on good terms with neighboring countries.⁶
睦谊[睦誼] mùk-ngĩ
mùyì cordiality or friendship (usually referring to that between nations).⁷
睦亲[睦親] mùk-tïn
mùqīn close relatives.⁷
和睦 võ-mùk
hémù harmony; concord; amity.⁵
敦睦 ùn-mùk
dūnmù to promote friendly relations.¹⁰
muk4 11081
109 14 mùk (of people) hard to see at night.²ʼ¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱敄目; U+7780).
雀瞀 dêk-mùk quèmù (of people) night blindness.¹⁰²
<又> mào; mẽo; mù; këo.
(See 瞀 mào; 瞀 mẽo; 瞀 mù; 瞀 këo).
muk4 11082
115 16 mùk majestic, solemn, reverent; calm; Mu surname.⁸
穆卜 mùk-būk mùbǔ to consult the oracle reverently.⁷
穆罕默德 Mùk-hōn-màk-āk
Mùhǎnmòdé Mohammed.⁵
穆棱市 Mùk-lẽin-sî
Mùlíngshì a city in Heilongjiang Province (黑龙江省[黑龍江省] Hāk-lũng-göng-sāng).⁸
穆民 mùk-mĩn
mùmín believers in Islam.⁵
穆穆 mùk-mùk
mùmù profound; respectable, majestic, very admirable.⁷
穆然 mùk-ngẽin
mùrán peaceful and respectful; meditative.⁷
穆如清风[穆如清風] mùk-nguĩ-tëin-füng
mùrúqīngfēng be as gentle as a breeze.⁶
穆清 mùk-tëin
mùqīng the Heaven; peaceful and orderly world.⁷
穆王八骏[穆王八駿] Mùk-Võng-bāt-dün
Mùwángbājùn the eight legendary horses of 周穆王 Jiü Mùk Võng Zhōu Mù Wáng King Mu of Zhou are: (1) 赤骥[赤驥] Chēik-kï Chìjì, (2) 盗骊[盜驪] Ào-lĩ Dàolí, (3) 白义[白義] Bàk-ngì Báiyì, (4) 逾轮[逾輪] Yĩ-lũn Yúlún, (5) 山子 Sän-dū Shānzǐ, (6) 渠黄[渠黃] Kuĩ-võng Qúhuáng, (7) 华骝[華騮] Vã-liũ Huáliú and (8) 绿耳[綠耳] or 绿駬[綠駬] or 騄駬 Lùk-ngī Lù'ěr.²³
穆斯林 Mùk-xü-lĩm
Mùsīlín Muslim.⁵
muk4 11083
120 17 mùk (old variant of 穆 mùk ) solemn; reverent.⁵ beautiful; harmonious; silent.⁷
<又> lẽl, mào, mèl, mẽo.
(See 繆 lẽl, mào, mèl, mẽo; 穆 mùk.)
muk4 11084
140 8 mùk clover.¹⁴
早花苜蓿 dāo-fä-mùk-xūk zǎohuā mùxu Mediterranean medick, early medick (Medicago praecox).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
紫花苜蓿 dū-fä-mùk-xūk
zǐhuā mùxu alfalfa, lucerne (Medicago sativa), aka 紫苜蓿, 牧蓿, 苜蓿, 路蒸.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
紫苜蓿 dū-mùk-xūk
zǐ mùxu <bot.> alfalfa; alsike, (Medicago sativa).³⁹
天蓝苜蓿[天藍苜蓿] hëin-lãm-mùk-xūk
tiānlán mùxu black medick, nonesuch, hop clover (Medicago lupulina).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
褐斑苜蓿 hòt-bän-mùk-xūk
hèbān mùxu spotted medick, spotted burclover, heart clover (Medicago arabica).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
苜蓿 mùk-xūk
mùxu or 苜蓿属[苜蓿屬] mùk-xūk-sùk mùxushǔ medick, burclover, genus Medicago.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
苜蓿生涯 mùk-xūk-säng-ngãi
mùxu shēngyá the hard life of teachers.¹⁹ʼ⁵⁴ the poor but honest life of a tutor in a private or family school.²³
南苜蓿 nãm-mùk-xūk
nán mùxu California burclover, toothed bur clover, toothed medick, burr medic (Medicago polymorpha).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
小苜蓿 xēl-mùk-xūk
xiǎo mùxu bur medick, little bur-clover, little bur medick, little medick, small medick, woolly bur medick (Medicago minima).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
muk4 11085
167 13 mùk molybdenum (Mo).⁶
辉钼矿[輝鉬礦] fï-mùk-köng huīmùkuàng <min.> molybdenite.⁶
钼钢[鉬鋼] mùk-gông
mùgāng molybdenum steel.⁶
钼酸[鉬酸] mùk-xön
mùsuān molybdic acid.⁶
muk4 11086
75 4 mûk tree; timber; wooden; coffin; numb.⁵
木板 mûk-bān mùbǎn plank; board.⁵
木厂[木廠] mûk-chōng
mùchǎng timber mill; sawmill.⁶
木匠 mûk-dèng
mùjiàng carpenter.⁵
木铎[木鐸] mûk-dòk
mùduó bell with wooden clapper, said of Confucius that he was like a clarion call to his times; hence 木鐸 refers to teacher's profession.¹¹
木僵 mûk-gëng
mùjiāng numb; stiff; inflexible.⁶
木槿 mûk-gīn
mùjǐn rose of Sharon.⁵ Hibiscus syriacus.²⁰ (spoken Hoisanva: 凭篱[憑籬] bàng-lĩ.)
木炭 mûk-hän
mùtàn wood charcoal; carbo ligni.⁸
木头[木頭] mûk-hẽo
mùtou a block of wood.²⁴
木橛 mûk-kūt
mùjué short wooden stake; wooden pin.⁶
木料 mûk-lèl
mùliào timber.²⁴
木片 mûk-pëin
mùpiàn chips of wood.²⁴
木锉[木銼] mûk-tô
mùcuò wood file; wood rasp.⁶
木材 mùk-tõi
mùcái timber; lumber.⁵
木屑 mûk-xēik
mùxiè wood shavings; sawdust.¹⁰
木已成舟 mûk-yî-sẽin-jiü
mùyǐchéngzhōu the wood is already made into a boat – what's done can't be undone.⁶
<台> 木工 mûk-güng woodwork; carpentry; carpenter.
<台> 一辘木 yīt-lùk-mûk (personality) rigid, inflexible.
<又> mùk.
(See 木 mùk.)
muk5 11087
75 13 mûk in ancient times, the decoration was made by tying and reinforcing the chariot with leather belts; a band.⁸ ornaments on chariot shaft.¹⁰ the bindings about a carriage, used both for strength and ornament.²⁴ ornaments on chariot shaft; band.³⁶ leather bands on the drawbar (decoration).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿱敄木; U+6958).
五楘 m̄-mûk wǔmù five decorative bunches of leather on the carriage shaft.¹⁹
五楘梁辀[五楘梁輈] m̄-mûk-lẽng-jiü
wǔmùliángzhōu five decorative leather bands on the carriage shaft that resembles the a roof beam.⁰
Xēl-yũng-dèin-siü, m̄-mûk-lẽng-jiü.
Xiǎo róng jiàn shōu, wǔ mù liáng zhōu.
[There is] his short war carriage; -
With the ridge-like end of its pole, elegantly bound in five places.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·秦風·小戎·1》, translated by James Legge).
muk5 11088
85 7 mûk wash one's hair; <wr.> receive from high above.⁶
栉风沐雨[櫛風沐雨] dēik-füng-mûk-yî zhìfēngmùyǔ be combed by the wind and washed by the rain; travel/work despite wind and rain; work very hard.⁶
风栉雨沐[風櫛雨沐] füng-dēik-yî-mûk
fēngzhìyǔmù  travel/work very hard (despite wind and rain).⁵⁴
沐日 mûk-ngìt
mùrì a day of rest (every 5 days during Han dynasty 206 BC - 220 AD); holiday; sunbathing.⁵⁴
沐雨栉风[沐雨櫛風] mûk-yî-dēik-füng
mùyǔzhìfēng be combed by the wind and washed by the rain; travel/work despite wind and rain; work very hard.⁶
沐恩 mûk-yïn
mù'ēn <wr.> receive favor.⁶
沐浴 mûk-yùk
mùyù have/take a bath; bathe, immerse.⁶
沐浴乳 mûk-yùk-nguî
mùyùrǔ body wash (liquid soap).⁵⁴
雨沐风餐[雨沐風餐] yî-mûk-füng-tän
yǔmùfēngcān lit. to bathe in the rain and eat meals in the wind – to toil rain or shine.⁷
muk5 11089
173 15 mûk fine rain, drizzle.⁸ʼ¹⁰ʼ³⁶ a light rain; drizzle.²⁹ fine rain.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱雨沐; U+9702).
霡霂[霢霂] mäk-mûk màimù <lit.> drizzling rain; fig. dripping sweat.¹⁰ light rain; sweaty.¹⁹ a small rain, a shower that merely moistens the branches of a tree without touching the roots, as when one bathing pours water on his head only.²⁵ a gentle shower; small rain; misty dew that soaks everything.¹⁰²
望霂滋生 mòng-mûk-dü-säng
wàngmùzīshēng to hope for the soft rains to cause the herbage to grow.¹⁰²
霂霖 mûk-lĩm
mùlín lit. rain — fig. favor bestowed by emperor or officials.¹⁹
益之以霢霂. Yēik-jï-yî-mäk-mûk.
Yì zhī yǐ mài mù.
There is superadded the drizzling rain.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·北山之什·信南山·2》, translated by James Legge).
muk5 11090
86 8 mūn wén <topo.> cook/heat food on a slow fire; simmer.⁶ (Cant.) to simmer, cook over a slow fire.⁸
肉不够烂,最好再炆一会儿[肉不夠爛,最好再炆一會兒] ngùk-būt-gëo-làn, duï-hāo-döi-mūn-yīt-vòi-ngĩ ròubùgòulàn, zuìhǎo zàiwényīhuìr The meat is a bit too rare, we'd better simmer it a little while more.⁶
mun1 11091
120 15 mūn mín <台> 一缗[一緡] yīt-mūn one dollar.
<又> mĩn. (See 緡 mĩn.)
mun1 11092
195 22 mūn mǐn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 鳘[鰵] mêin mǐn with same meaning.)
<又> mêin.
(See 鰵 mêin.)
mun1 11093
59 7 mũn wén mixed patterns or colors; literary talent.¹⁹ a mixture of blue and red; purple.²⁴
(composition: ⿰文彡; U+5F63).
彣彰 mũn-jëng wénzhāng refers to gorgeous rhetoric.¹⁹
彣彣彧彧 mũn-mũn-yūk-yūk
wénwényùyù filled with literary embellishments/talents.¹⁹ʼ⁰
mun3 11094
61 7 mũn wěn (<old>=忞 mũn wěn chaos; chaotic.⁸ ).
(composition: ⿰忄文; U+5FDF).
<又> mêin; mĩn.
(See 忟 mêin; 忟 mĩn).
mun3 11095
61 8 mũn wěn chaos; chaotic.⁸
(composition: ⿱文心; U+5FDE).
忞忞 mũn-mũn wěnwěn confused.²⁴
<又> mêin; mĩn.
(See 忞 mêin; 忞 mĩn).
mun3 11096
64 7 mũn wěn <wr.> to wipe.
抆泪[抆淚] mũn-luì wěnlèi to wipe one's tears.¹ a literary convention for prescribed degree of sorrow in obituary notices apparently wiping tears more energetically for close cousins (by pressing knuckles on eye socket) than 拭泪[拭淚] sēik-luì shìlèi merely brushing or flicking tears away for more distant cousins.¹¹
抆拭 mũn-sēik
wěnshì to wipe away.¹
mun3 11097
67 4 mũn wén Kangxi radical 67; language; culture; writing; formal; literary; gentle; (old) <m.> for coins; Wen surname.¹⁰
文字 mũn-dù wénzì character, script, writing; written language; writing (as regards form or style).⁵
文化 mũn-fä wénhuà culture; civilization; literacy.⁸
文法 mũn-fāt
wénfǎ grammar.⁵
文风[文風] mũn-füng wénfēng style of writing.⁵
文稿 mũn-gāo
wéngǎo manuscript; draft.⁵
文件 mũn-gèin
wénjiàn documents; papers; instruments.⁵
文具 mũn-guì
wénjù writing materials; stationery.⁵
文学[文學] mũn-hòk wénxué literature.¹⁰
文献[文獻] mũn-hün wénxiàn document; literature.⁵
文章 mũn-jëng
wénzhāng essay; implication.⁹
文质彬彬[文質彬彬] mũn-jīt-bïn-bïn
wénzhìbīnbīn gentle; suave.⁵
文明 mũn-mẽin wénmíng civilized; civilization; culture.¹⁰
文艺[文藝] mũn-ngài wényì literature and art.⁵
文言 mũn-ngũn
wényán classical Chinese.⁹
文凭[文憑] mũn-pãng wénpíng diploma.⁵
文书[文書] mũn-sï
wénshū official document; secretary.⁹
文才 mũn-tõi wéncái literary talent; aptitude for writing.⁵
文思 mũn-xü wénsī the train of thought in writing.¹⁰
<又> mùn.
(See 文 mùn.)
mun3 11098
85 7 mũn wèn <台> 汶村 Mũn-tûn Wèncūn name of a town in 台山[臺山] Hõi-sän Táishān Taishan.⁴
<又> mûn.
(See 汶 mûn.)
mun3 11099
96 8 mũn wén <wr.> veins of jade.⁴ the veins of a gem.²⁴
<又> mĩn. (See 玟 mĩn.)
mun3 11100
96 11 mũn wén (<old>=玟 mũn wén <wr.> veins of jade.⁴ the veins of a gem.²⁴); the veins of a gem.²⁴
(composition: ⿰𤣩彣; U+73F3).
(See 玟 mũn).
mun3 11101
104 14 mũn wén (=痴[癡] chï chī idiotic, silly, foolish, stupid, senseless, crazy, insane; besot.⁷).² (=痴呆[癡呆] chï-ngõi chīdāi dull-witted, stupid; dementia.⁷).⁸
(composition: ⿸疒軍; U+7612).
瘒瘃 mũn-jùk
wénzhú the skin suffers from frostbite.¹⁹
(See 癡 chï).
mun3 11102
120 10 mũn wén stripes, lines, streaks, veins; ripples (of water); (finger) prints; wrinkles (on the face); to tattoo.⁷
稻纹枯病[稻紋枯病] ào-mũn-kü-bèng dàowénkūbìng sheath and culm blight of rice.⁵
or 文风不动[文風不動] mũn-füng-būt-ùng wénfēng bùdòng absolutely still.⁶
纹章[紋章] mũn-jëng
wénzhāng  coat of arms.¹⁰ crest.¹¹
纹章学[紋章學] mũn-jëng-hòk
wénzhāngxué heraldry.⁶
纹理[紋理] mũn-lî
wénlǐ lines; stripes; veins; grain.⁷
纹路[紋路] mũn-lù
wénlu lines; grain.⁷
纹缕[紋縷] mũn-luî
wénlü veined pattern; wrinkles; vein lines (in marble or fingerprint); grain (in wood).¹⁰
纹银[紋銀] mũn-ngãn
wényín <trad.> fine silver.⁶
纹儿[紋兒] mũn-ngĩ
wénr stripes; streaks; lines; grain.⁷
纹饰[紋飾] mũn-sēik
wénshì engraved/painted pattern (usually on utensils); figure.⁶
纹身[紋身] mũn-sïn
wénshēn tattoo; to tattoo the body.⁷
纹丝[紋絲] mũn-xü
wénsī  tiny bit; a jot; whisker.¹⁰
纹丝儿不动[紋絲兒不動] mũn-xü-ngĩ-būt-ùng
wénsīr bùdòng not to make even the slightest move.⁷
纹样[紋樣] mũn-yèng
wényàng decorative patterns.⁶
mun3 11103
128 13 mũn wén (<old>=闻[聞] mũn wén to hear; news; well-known; famous; reputation; fame; to smell; to sniff at.¹⁰); to hear, to learn, to convey, to smell.⁸
(composition: ⿱釆耳; U+43B9).
mun3 11104
128 14 mũn wén to hear; news; well-known; famous; reputation; fame; to smell; to sniff at; Wen surname.¹⁰ (old variant: 䎹 mũn).
不闻不问[不聞不問] būt-mũn-būt-mùn bùwénbùwèn neither care to inquire nor to hear.¹¹
举世闻名[舉世聞名] guī-säi-mũn-mẽin
jǔshìwénmíng world-famous (idiom).¹⁰
好闻[好聞] hāo-mũn
hǎowén pleasant smell.⁸
喜闻乐见[喜聞樂見] hī-mũn-lòk-gëin
xǐwénlèjiàn a delight to see (idiom); an attractive spectacle.¹⁰
闻出[聞出] mũn-chūt
wénchū to identify by smell; to detect a scent; to sniff out.¹⁰
闻名[聞名] mũn-mẽin
wénmíng well-known; famous; renowned; eminent.¹⁰
闻名遐迩[聞名遐邇] mũn-mẽin-hã-ngì
wénmíngxiá'ěr be well-known; far and wide; enjoy widespread renown.⁶
闻所未闻[聞所未聞] mũn-sō-mì-mũn
wénsuǒwèiwén unheard of; an extremely rare and unprecedented event.¹⁰
难闻[難聞] nãn-mũn
nánwén ill-smelling, stinking.¹¹
新闻[新聞] xïn-mũn/
xīnwén news.¹⁰
要闻[要聞] yël-mũn/
yàowén important news.⁸
(See 䎹 mũn).
mun3 11105
140 7 mũn wén a kind of plant.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹文; U+82A0).
芒芠 mõng-mũn mángwén confused chaos.²⁵
mun3 11106
169 16 mũn wén to look at closely.¹⁴ (old variant: 闅 mũn wén).
阌乡[閿鄉] Mũn-hëng
Wénxiāng Wenxiang (an old county in 河南 Hõ-nãm Hénán Henan.)⁵⁴
(See 闅 mũn.)
mun3 11107
169 17 mũn wén look with lowered eyes.¹ (<old> =阌[閿] mũn wén) place name.⁸
(See 閿 mũn.)
mun3 11108
173 12 mũn wén cloud patterns, coloring of cloud.⁸ veins or streaks in the clouds.²⁵
赤雯 chēik-mũn chìwén (of clouds) rosy-tinted.¹⁴
雯华[雯華] mũn-vã
wénhuá multicolored clouds.⁸
月云素雯[月雲素雯] ngùt-vũn-xü-mũn
yuèyúnsùwén when the moon is obsecured by the clouds white streaks appear.²⁵
青雯 tëin-mũn
qīngwén high altitude, metaphorically used for high position.¹⁹
晴雯 tẽng-mũn
qíngwén one of Baoyu's senior maids (Skybright).¹⁰
素雯 xü-mũn
sùwén (of clouds) white.¹⁴
mun3 11109
195 15 mũn wén the flying fish.⁸ʼ¹⁰ the name of a fish, with small scales and spotted; a sort of flying fish.²⁵ the flying fish; <old> skate, ray; <old> snakehead fish.³⁶ the 'pictured' fish; a fish beautifully striped with blue, and having a white head.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰魚文; U+9B70).
魰鱼[魰魚] mũn-nguî/ wényú a gold fish (Shanghai topolect).¹⁰²
魰鳐鱼[魰鰩魚] mũn-yẽl-nguî/
wényáoyú flying fish, found along the coast; its body is bluish white, with stripes and having a white head; it is liken it to the carp; and is perhaps allied to the flying gurnards.¹⁰²
(cf 文鰩魚 mũn-yẽl-nguî/; See also 飛魚 fï-nguî/).
mun3 11110
67 4 mùn wén to cover up; to conceal.
文饰[文飾] mùn-sēik wénshì rhetoric; cover up (one’s mistake).⁸  to polish a text; rhetoric; ornate language; to use florid language to conceal errors; to gloss over.¹⁰
<又> mũn.
(See 文 mũn.)
mun4 11111
96 20 mùn wèn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 璺 mûn wèn with same meaning.)
<又> mûn.
(See 璺 mûn.)
mun4 11112
120 10 mùn wěn disorderly; confused.⁵
步履紊乱[步履紊亂] bù-lî-mùn-lòn bùlǚwěnluàn walk out of step – in great confusion; in disorder.⁵⁴
秩然不紊 èik-ngẽin-būt-mùn
zhìránbùwěn orderly; shipdhape.⁵ to be in complete order (idiom).¹⁰
紊流 mùn-liũ
wěnliú <phy.> turbulence; turbulent flow.⁵
紊乱[紊亂] mùn-lòn
wěnluàn disorder; chaos; confusion.⁵
紊动[紊動] mùn-ùng
wěndòng <phy.> turbulent fluctuation; turbulent motion.⁶
有条不紊[有條不紊] yiû-hẽl-būt-mùn
yǒutiáobùwěn in an orderly way; methodically; systematically.⁵
<又> lùn.
(See 紊 lùn.)
mun4 11113
169 11 mùn wèn ask, inquire; ask after, inquire after; interrogate, examine; hold responsible.⁵
不闻不问[不聞不問] būt-mũn-būt-mùn bùwénbùwèn neither care to inquire nor to hear.¹¹
不问青红皂白[不問青紅皁白] būt-mùn-tëin-hũng-dào-bàk
bù wèn qīnghóngzàobái make no distinction between right and wrong; not distinguish black from white; indiscriminately.⁶
问答[問答] mùn-āp
wèn-dá questions and answers.⁸
问题[問題] mùn-hãi
wèntí question; problem; issue; topic.¹⁰
问好[問好] mùn-hāo
wènhǎo to say hello to; to send one's regards to.¹⁰
问候[問候] mùn-hèo
wènhòu to give one's respects; to send a greeting.¹⁰
问卷[問卷] mùn-kūn
wènjuàn questionnaire.¹⁰
问心无愧[問心無愧] mùn-xïm-mũ-kï
wènxīnwúkuì have a clear conscience; have nothing on one's conscience.⁵
mun4 11114
30 7 mûn wěn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 吻 mêin wěn with same meaning.)
<又> mêin.
(See 吻 mêin.)
mun5 11115
61 13 mûn mǐn (=憫 mûn mǐn) commiserate with, pity; <wr.> sorrow.⁵ to sympathize with; to pity; to grieve.¹⁴
(See 憫 mûn).
mun5 11116
61 15 mûn mǐn commiserate with, pity; <wr.> sorrow.⁵ to sympathize with; to pity; to grieve.¹⁴ (variant: 愍 mûn mǐn).
悲天悯人[悲天憫人] bï-hëin-mûn-ngĩn
or  bï-hëin-mêin-ngĩn bēitiānmǐnrén bemoan the state of the universe and pity the fate of mankind.⁵
其情可悯[其情可憫] kĩ-tẽin-hō-mûn or kĩ-tẽin-hō-mêin qíqíngkěmǐn His case deserves sympathy.⁵
怜悯[憐憫] lĩn-mûn or lĩn-mêin
or 怜闵[憐閔] or 怜愍[憐愍] lĩn-mûn liánmǐn pity; take pity on; have compassion for.⁵ to befriend; to pity.¹⁴
悯恻[憫惻] mûn-chāk
or mêin-chāk mǐncè <wr.> feel compassion for; pity; commiserate with.⁶
悯其不幸[憫其不幸] mûn-kĩ-būt-hàng
or mêin-kĩ-būt-hàng mǐnqíbùxìng show sympathy/pity for somebody's misfortune.⁶
悯惜[憫惜] mûn-xēik
or mêin-xēik mǐnxī take pity on; have pity for/on.⁶
悯恤[憫恤] mûn-xūt or mêin-xūt
or 闵恤[閔恤] or 愍恤 mûn-xūt mǐnxù feel compassion for; pity.⁶ to befriend; to pity.¹⁴
<又> mêin.
(See 憫 mêin; 愍 mûn.)
mun5 11117
72 8 mûn mín <wr.> autumn; sky.⁶ the appearance of the sky in autumn; merciful.¹⁴ autumn; the period of the fall of the leaf; melancholy feelings suggested by such.²⁴
号泣于旻天[號泣于旻天] hão-hīp-yï-mûn-hëin hàoqìyú míntiān cried with tears to the compassionate Heaven – God.¹⁴
旻序 mûn-duì
mínxù autumn festivals.⁷
旻天 mûn-hëin
míntiān <wr.> autumn; sky.⁶ autumn; compassionate Heaven as overshadowing all things below – Heaven pities the fall of all things into winter decay.¹⁴
苍旻[蒼旻] töng-mûn
cāngmín blue sky.⁶
mun5 11118
72 8 mûn mín (<old>=旻 mûn mín <wr.> autumn; sky.⁶ autumn; fall.⁹ the appearance of the sky in autumn; merciful.¹⁴ autumn; the period of the fall of the leaf; melancholy feelings suggested by such.²⁴); gentle and affable.⁸
(composition: ⿰日文; U+65FC).
旼旼 mûn-mûn
mínmín kind appearance.⁸ being kind and amiable.⁹ harmony, concord.²⁴
旼旼穆穆 mûn-mûn-mùk-mùk
mínmínmùmù the demeanor of a gentleman.⁸
mun5 11119
85 7 mûn wèn 汶河 Mûn-hõ Wènhé a river in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province.⁴
<又> Mũn.
(See 汶 Mũn.)
mun5 11120
85 12 mûn mǐn (<old>=閔 mûn mǐn) usually used in a posthumous title.
<又> fün.
(See 湣 fün.)
mun5 11121
85 15 𫞗
mûn mǐn the gentle flow of water.⁸ water flowing gently.²⁴
(comp. t: ⿰氵閔; U+6F63). (comp. s: ⿰氵闵; U+2B797).
<又> môi.
(See 潣 môi).
mun5 11122
96 20 mûn wèn crack on jade; crack(on glasswares or earthenwares).⁸ a fissure on ceramics, glassware.⁹
茶杯上有一道璺 chã-böi-sèng-yiü-yīt-ào-mûn or chã-böi-sèng-yiü-yīt-ào-mùn chábēishàngyǒuyīdàowèn There is a crack in this cup.⁷
裂了璺了 lëik-lēl-mûn-lēl
or lëik-lēl-mùn-lēl lièlewènle <topo.> The weather seems to be improving.⁵⁴
裂璺 lëik-mûn
or lëik-mùn lièwèn crack; sign that something will split open.⁸ crack; split; fracture line.¹⁰
<又> mùn.
(See 璺 mùn.)
mun5 11123
142 10 mûn wén a mosquito; a gnat.⁷
中华疟蚊[中華瘧蚊] Jüng-vã-ngēk-mûn Zhōnghuánüèwén
Anopheles sinensis).²⁰
蚊虫[蚊蟲] mûn-chũng
wénchóng mosquito.⁶
蚊睫 mûn-dèp
wénjié a mosquito's eyelash – a very tiny thing.⁷
蚊子 mûn-dū
wénzi  mosquito.⁶
蚊叮虫咬[蚊叮蟲咬] mûn-ëin-chũng-ngāo
wéndīng chóngyǎo mosquito and insect bites.⁰
蚊负蚁运[蚊負蟻運] mûn-fù-ngāi-vùn
wénfùyǐyùn lit. mosquitoes carry and ants transport – to bear a heavy load with little strength.⁷
蚊香 mûn-hëng
wénxiāng a mosquito coil/incense.⁷
蚊帐[蚊帳] mûn-jëng
wénzhàng mosquito net.⁶
蚊阵[蚊陣] mûn-jìn
wénzhèn swarms of mosquitoes.⁷
蚊力 mûn-lèik
wénlì the strength of a mosquito – limited strength.⁷
蚊雷 mûn-luĩ
wénléi the buzz of a swarm of mosquitoes.⁷
蚊市 mûn-sî
wénshì swarms of mosquitoes found at dusk.⁷
按蚊 ön-mûn
ànwén anopheles; malarial mosquito.⁶
<台> 蚊𪙛 mûn-nāk tiny mosquito.
<台> 蚊𧕴 mûn-nân mosquito bite – swelling and lumps caused by mosquito bite.
mun5 11124
142 10 mûn wén (<old>=蚊 mûn wén a mosquito; a gnat.⁷).⁸
(composition: ⿱文虫; U+8689).
(See 蚊 mûn).
mun5 11125
142 17 mûn wén (<old>=蚊 mûn wén a mosquito; a gnat.⁷).⁸
(composition: ⿱民⿰虫虫; U+87C1).
(See 蚊 mûn).
mun5 11126
169 12 mûn mǐn to mourn, to pity, to commiserate or be sympathetic with, to condole; to urge, to encourage; trouble, distress; to be grieved; Min surname.⁷ (<old> =悯[憫] mûn or mêin mǐn to sympathize; to pity; to feel compassion for); Min surname.¹⁰
闵凶[閔凶] mûn-hüng
mǐnxiōng sorrow, affliction; the death of one's parents.⁷
闵闵[閔閔] mûn-mûn
mǐnmǐn worried and scared; grieved; sad.⁷
mun5 11127
61 16 mūng měng (<archaic = 懵 mūng měng) dull, stupid, doltish.⁸ obscure, dull, unintelligent; sorrowful.²⁴
懜懜 mūng-mūng
měngměng ignorant, ashamed.²⁴
(See 懵 mūng.)
mung1 11128
61 16 mūng měng (=懵 mūng měng) muddled; ignorant.⁵
(composition: ⿰忄蒙; U+61DE).
<又> mũng.
(See 懞 mũng).
mung1 11129
61 18 mūng měng muddled; ignorant.⁵
大懵 ài-mūng dàměng muddle-headed.⁵⁴
惛懵 fün-mūng
hūnměng dim-eyed.⁵⁴
懵懵无知[懵懵無知] mūng-mūng-mũ-jï
měngměngwúzhī quite ignorant.⁷
懵懵懂懂 mūng-mūng-dūng-dūng
měngměngdǒngdǒng muddled.⁹ confused; ignorant.¹⁰
懵然 mūng-ngẽin
měngrán ignorant.⁷
懵懂 mūng-dūng
měngdǒng muddled; ignorant.⁵
(See 懜 mūng.)
mung1 11130
75 17 mūng méng lemon.¹⁰
柠檬[檸檬] nẽin-mūng níngméng lemon.¹¹
柠檬鸡[檸檬雞] nẽin-mūng-gäi
níngméngjī chicken in lemon sauce (Guangdong).⁵⁴
柠檬香茅[檸檬香茅] nẽin-mūng-hëng-mão
níngméng xiāngmáo lemongrass Cymbopogon citratus.
柠檬水[檸檬水] nẽin-mūng-suī
níngméngshuǐ lemonade.¹⁰
柠檬草[檸檬草] nẽin-mūng-tāo
níngméngcǎo lemongrass.⁹
柠檬酸[檸檬酸] nẽin-mūng-xön
níngméngsuān citric acid.²³
青柠檬[青檸檬] tëin-nẽin-mūng
qīngníngméng lime (fruit).¹⁰
<又> mũng.
(See 檬 mũng.)
mung1 11131
205 23 mūng měng <old> a type of insect.⁸
句鼆 Guï-mūng Jùměng a county name in the State of 鲁[魯] Lû during the Spring and Autumn Period.⁸
<台>黑鼆鼆hāk-mūng-mūng very dark.
mung1 11132
14 10 mũng méng (<old>=蒙 mũng méng) to cover.
(composition: ⿳冖一豕; U+51A1).
(See 蒙 mũng).
mung3 11133
30 16 𡁏
mũng méng ➀ (Cant.) soft rice or food for a baby.⁸    ➁ (=𧭊❄{⿰言蒙} mũng méng ) to speak indistinctly.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口蒙; U+2104F).
(See 𧭊❄{⿰言蒙} mũng).
mung3 11134
43 7 mũng méng Only used in 尨茸[茸].³⁶
t: ⿺尤彡; U+5C28).
s: ⿷尤彡; U+5C28). Note: Same codepoint for both forms. The traditional character is displayed in Yu Gothic font to render it correctly on a desktop using Google Chrome. The simplified character is displayed in Segoe UI font.
茸] mũng-ngũng méngróng <lit.> fluffy; puffy.⁵⁴
<又> lũng, mõng, põng.
(See 尨 lũng; 尨 mõng; 尨 põng).
mung3 11135
50 16 mũng méng a cover, a screen; to cover.⁷
麻麦幪幪[麻麥幪幪] mã-màk-mũng-mũng mámài méngméng <wr.> the hemp and wheat are beautiful (grow well).¹¹
幪幪 mũng-mũng
méngméng lush or luxuriant (growth of vegetation).⁷
幪上 mũng-sèng
méngshang to cover up.¹⁴
帡幪 pẽin-mũng
píngméng shelter, tent.¹¹
mung3 11136
61 16 mũng méng sincere, kind, honest; <old>=蒙 mũng méng to cover.⁸ sincere, liberal.²⁵
(composition: ⿰忄蒙; U+61DE).
懞直 mũng-jèik méngzhí loyal and honest.
<又> mūng. (See 懞 mūng).
mung3 11137
72 17 mũng méng twilight before dawn.¹⁰
暝曚 mẽin-mũng míngméng obscure.⁷
曚昽[曚曨] mũng-lũng
ménglóng <wr.> dim daylight.⁵ (of sunlight) dim.⁶ sunshine which is not bright.⁹ in twilight, predawn condition; also hazy moonlight (usually written 朦朧).¹¹ the sun not yet risen.²⁴
曚昧 mũng-mòi
méngmèi dull; obscure; stupid.²⁴
暡曚 yüng-mũng
wěngméng twilight before dawn.¹⁰ the sun not yet risen; the weather not clear.²⁴
mung3 11138
74 17 mũng méng the state of the moon just before setting; dim, vague, hazy; to deceive, to swindle.⁷
朦胧[朦朧] mũng-lũng ménglóng dim moonlight; hazy moonlight.⁵ (of moonlight) hazy; dim, hazy, obscure.⁶
朦胧诗[朦朧詩] mũng-lũng-sï
ménglóngshī obscure poem.⁶
朦胧诗人[朦朧詩人] mũng-lũng-sï-ngĩn
ménglóngshīrén obscure poet.⁶
<台> 朦 mũng blurry.
mung3 11139
75 17 mũng méng <台> white flower vegetation.⁴
<又> mūng. (See 檬 mūng.)
mung3 11140
82 17 mũng méng (composition: ⿰蒙毛; U+6C0B).
氃氋 hũng-mũng tóngméng disheveled; ruffle feathers.⁵⁴ dishevelled hair.¹⁰¹
氋氃 mũng-hũng
méngtóng dishevelled hair; hairy.²⁴
disheveled; ruffle feathers.⁵⁴
mung3 11141
85 16 mũng méng drizzling, fine rain; mist.¹⁴ (variant: 靀 mũng).
空濛 hüng-mũng kōngméng hazy; misty.⁸ in fine drizzle.¹¹
鸿濛[鴻濛] hũng-mũng
hóngméng primordial world, before the universe was formed.¹¹ nebulous, misty.¹⁴
冥濛 mẽin-mũng
míngméng obscure, dark, indistinguishable; incomprehensible.⁵⁴
溟濛 mẽin-mũng
míngméng drizzle; heavily overcast.¹¹
濛鸿[濛鴻] mũng-hũng
ménghóng descriptive of the primeval world; in drunken state.¹¹ nebulous, misty.¹⁴
濛濛 mũng-mũng
méngméng drizzly; misty.⁵
濛濛小雨 mũng-mũng-xēl-yî
méngméngxiǎoyǔ misty rain; mist.¹⁴
濛雨 mũng-yî
méngyǔ misty rain; mist.¹⁴
(See 靀 mũng).
mung3 11142
94 16 mũng měng mongoose.⁵
灰獴 föi-mũng huīměng Indian grey mongoose, common grey mongoose (Herpestes edwardsi), a mongoose species mainly found in West Asia and on the Indian subcontinent.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
蟹獴 hāi-mũng
xièměng crab-eating mongoose.¹⁰
红頰獴[紅頰獴] hũng-gäp-mũng
hóngjiáměng Javan mongoose (Herpestes javanicus), a species of mongoose found in the wild in South and Southeast Asia.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
獴科 mũng-fö
měngkē mongoose family Herpestidae..¹⁰
食蟹獴 sèik-hāi-mũng
shíxièměng crab-eating mongoose (Herpestes urva); aka 棕簑猫[棕簑貓] düng-xäo-miū zōngsuōmāo.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
狐獴 vũ-mũng
húměng meerkat, suricate (Suricata suricatta), a small carnivoran belonging to the mongoose family (獴科 Herpestidae ). It is the only member of the genus 細尾獴屬 Suricata.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
mung3 11143
109 15 mũng méng <wr.> (of eyes) not quick; not sharp.⁶
目光瞢然 mùk-göng-mũng-ngẽin mùguāng méngrán have dim eyesight.¹⁹
瞢懂 mũng-dūng
méngdǒng muddled; confused.⁸
瞢腾[瞢騰] mũng-hãng
méngténg half drunk; unconscious.⁵⁴
瞢瞢 mũng-mũng
méngméng darkened and obscured.¹⁴
瞢眩 mũng-yõn
méngxuàn dizziness.⁹
瞢容 mũng-yũng
méngróng to look ashamed; conscious of loss of face.¹⁴
mung3 11144
109 15 𥉕
mũng méng (=矇 mũng méng blind; fig. ignorant, stupid and obstinate.⁷)
(composition: ⿰目冡; U+25255).
❄{⿰目冡}䁓 mũng-dūng méngzǒng looking.²⁴
mung3 11145
109 18 mũng méng blind; fig. ignorant, stupid and obstinate.⁷
矇蔽 mũng-bäi méngbì to hide the truth from a superior.⁷
矇聩[矇聵] mũng-gì
méngkuì blind and deaf; ignorant and stupid.⁷
矇眬[矇矓] mũng-lũng
ménglóng hazy, sight-blurred; half asleep; drowsy; somnolent.⁷
矇昧 mũng-mòi
méngmèi stupid and obstinate; dim-sighted.⁷
矇矇 mũng-mũng
méngméng obscure and dim; unclear.⁷
矇瞍 mũng-xēo
méngsǒu a blind person; blind musicians in ancient China.⁷
<台> 眼矇 ngān-mũng blurry vision.
<台> 眼又矇耳又聋口又㾂[眼又矇耳又聾口又㾂] ngān-yiù-mũng ngī-yiù-lũng hēo-yiù-hõi a person who has poor eyesight, is hard-of-hearing and blabbers a lot; a person whose eyesight is blurry, whose hearing is impaired and whose tongue wags a lot.
(See 矇[mũng, mēng]; 蒙[mũng, méng], 蒙[mũng, měng], 蒙 büng).
mung3 11146
112 18 mũng méng 礞石 mũng-sêk méngshí chlorite schist, a traditional Chinese medicine used to eliminate phlegm and to relieve a cough; lapis chloriti.⁹
mung3 11147
137 19 mũng méng 艨艟 mũng-hũng méngtóng or mũng-chüng méngchōng <old> war vessel protected with cowhide.⁶ an ancient warship.⁷ war junks.¹⁴
mung3 11148
140 13 mũng méng to cover, wrap; naive, childish; ignorant, gullible, stupid; to cheat, deceive, fool; to bear, take, suffer; Meng surname.⁷ (variants: 冡, 懞 mũng méng).
蒙尘[蒙塵] mũng-chĩn
méngchén (said of the emperor) to flee the capital, or to be taken prisoner.⁷
蒙馆[蒙館] mũng-gōn
méngguǎn a village school.⁷
蒙太奇 mũng-häi-kĩ
méngtàiqí montage.⁹
蒙头[蒙頭] mũng-hẽo
méngtóu to cover one's head.⁵⁵
蒙哄 mũng-hüng
ménghǒng to deceive, swindle; cheat.⁷
蒙童 mũng-hũng
méngtóng ignorant child.⁷
蒙雉 mũng-jï
méngzhì childish; naive; ignorant.⁷
蒙面盗[蒙面盜] mũng-mèin-ào méngmiàndào a masked bandit/robber/burglar.⁷
蒙难[蒙難] mũng-nãn méngnàn <wr.> (of a well-known person or a person of high position) suffer a catastrophe.⁵⁵
蒙上 mũng-sëng méngshàng to deceive one's elders; to hide the truth from superiors.⁷
蒙受 mũng-siù méngshòu to suffer; to sustain.⁷
蒙师[蒙師] mũng-xü
méngshī a village school teacher.⁷
蒙恩 mũng-yïn méng'ēn to receive favor; to be indebted for favors granted.⁷
<又> büng.
(See 矇[mũng, méng], 矇[mũng, mēng]; 蒙[mũng, měng], 蒙 büng; 靀 mũng; 冡 mũng; 懞 mũng).
mung3 11149
140 13 mũng měng short for Mongolia.⁷
蒙胞 Mũng-bäo Měngbāo Mongolian compatriot.¹⁹
蒙古 Mũng-gū
Měnggǔ Mongolia; Mongolian.⁷
蒙古大夫 Mũng-gū-ài-fü
Měnggǔ dàifu <topo.> medical quack.⁷
蒙古包 Mũng-gū-bäo
Měnggǔbāo a yurt.⁷
蒙古族 Mũng-gū-dùk
Měnggǔzú or 蒙族 Mũng-dùk Měngzú the Mongolian nationality.⁹
蒙古症 mũng-gū-jëin
měnggǔzhèng <med.> mongoloid.⁷
蒙古文 Mũng-gū-mũn
Měnggǔwén Mongolian language.⁷
蒙古牛肉 Mũng-gū-ngẽo-ngùk
Měnggǔ niúròu sautéed Mongolian beef.³⁹
蒙古人 Mũng-gū-ngĩn
Měnggǔrén Mongols, Mongolians.⁷
蒙古西征 Mũng-gū-xäi-jëin
Měnggǔxīzhēng Mongol Western Epedition - referring to the three invasions into Central Asia and Europe by Mongolian forces from 1218-1289).⁷
蒙医[蒙醫] Mũng-yï
Měngyī Mongolian traditional medicine; doctor of Mongolian traditional medicine.⁵⁴
<又> büng. (See 矇[mũng, méng], 矇[mũng, mēng]; 蒙[mũng, méng], 蒙 büng).
mung3 11150
140 13 mũng mēng to deceive, to cheat; lucky.⁷
白蒙 bàk-mũng báimēng <med.> dealbate.³⁹
白蒙蒙 bàk-mũng-mũng
báimēngmēng misty, marked by whitish smoke or fog.⁹
发蒙[發蒙] fät-mũng
fāmēng get confused/perplexed; get into a muddle.⁶
蒙着[矇著] mũng-jèk
méngzhe to obtain or achieve something through sheer luck.⁷
蒙住[矇住] mũng-jì
méngzhù to hide the truth and deveive others; to get confused or befuddled.⁷
蒙骗[矇騙] mũng-pëin
mēngpiàn to deceive and cheat.⁷
蒙混[矇混] mũng-vùn
mēnghùn to fake and cheat.⁷
(See 矇[mũng, méng], 蒙[mũng, méng], 蒙[mũng, měng], 蒙 büng).
mung3 11151
142 19 mũng měng (biting) midge.⁶
蠓虫儿[蠓蟲兒] mũng-chũng-ngĩ měngchóngr (biting) midge.⁶
蠛蠓[蠛蠓] mèik-mũng
mièměng <trad.> midge (recorded in the ancient books).⁶
蠓䖰 mũng-pāi
měngpài a sort of midge.²⁵
mung3 11152
149 20 𧭊
mũng méng ➀ to speak indistinctly; ➁ a man's name.²⁴
(variant: 𡁏❄{⿰口蒙} mũng).
(composition: ⿰言蒙; U+27B4A).
(See 𡁏❄{⿰口蒙} mũng).
mung3 11153
152 13 mũng méng (=蒙 mũng méng) to cover, wrap; naive, childish; ignorant, gullible, stupid; to cheat, deceive, fool; to bear, take, suffer.⁷
(composition: ⿳业(without bottom stroke)冖豕; U+4749).
蓎䝉 hõng-mũng
tángméng the name of a culinary vegetable.²⁵

mung3 11154
173 13 mũng méng (<old>=⁸ 霿 mũng méng mist, vapors descending.²⁵ fog, mist; dim, obscure, gloomy.¹⁰¹) heavy fog.¹¹
(composition: ⿱雨矛; U+96FA).
雺淞 mũng-tũng
méngsōng In cold weather, white ice particles formed by water vapor condensing on objects or on the ground.⁸ thick fog.¹¹
(See 霿 mũng).
mung3 11155
173 21 mũng méng (<old>=濛 mũng méng) drizzling, fine rain; mist.⁸ (<old>=蒙 mũng méng) to cover.⁸
(composition: ⿱雨蒙; U+9740).
靀靀 mũng-mũng
méngméng rain, small rain.²⁵
(See 濛 mũng; 蒙[mũng, méng].)
mung3 11156
173 21 mũng méng mist, vapors descending.²⁵ fog, mist; dim, obscure, gloomy.¹⁰¹ (variant: 雺 mũng).
(composition: ⿱雨⿰矛⿱攵目; U+973F).
傋霿 këo-mũng gòuméng ignorant.¹³ʼ¹⁹
霿淞 mũng-tũng
méngsōng or 雾淞[霧淞] mù-tũng wùsōng or 雺淞 mũng-tũng méngsōng or 霿凇 mũng-xūng méngsōng In cold weather, white ice particles formed by water vapor condensing on objects or on the ground.⁸
<又> mèo. (See 霿 mèo; 雺 mũng).
mung3 11157
184 21 mũng méng to fill a vessel full.²⁵ container full of food.³⁶
(composition: ⿰飠蒙; U+995B).
有饛簋飧, 有捄棘匕.
yiû-mũng-gī-xün, yiû-giü-gēik-bï.
yǒu méng guǐ sūn, yǒu jiù jí bǐ.
Well loaded with millet were the dishes,
And long and curved were spoons of thorn-wood.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·小旻之什·大東·一》, translated by James Legge).

mung3 11158
190 15 mũng méng luxuriant vegetation.⁸
(composition: ⿱髟矛; U+9AF3).
覭髳 mèik-mũng mìméng overgrown with vegetation.⁸
<又> mão.
(See 髳 mão).
mung3 11159
36 13 mùng mèng a dream; to dream.
梦笔生花[夢筆生花] mùng-bīt-säng-fä mèngbǐshēnghuā to see one's writing brush blooming in a dream – to begin to show one's literary brilliance.⁶
梦见[夢見] mùng-gëin
mèngjian dream about.⁵⁴
梦寐[夢寐] mùng-mì
mèngmèi dream; sleep.⁶
梦寐以求[夢寐以求] mùng-mì-yî-kiũ
mèngmèiyǐqiú crave something so that one even dreams about it; long/yearn for something day and night.⁶
梦兆熊罴[夢兆熊羆] mùng-sêl-hũng-bï
mèngzhàoxióngpí a sign of giving birth to a baby boy.³⁹
梦话[夢話] mùng-và
mènghuà somniloquy; words uttered in one's dream.⁸
梦幻[夢幻] mùng-vân
mènghuàn dream; illusion; reverie.¹⁰
梦幻曲[夢幻曲] mùng-vân-kūk
mènghuànqǔ <mus.> reverie.⁶ Traumerei.¹⁹
梦幻泡影[夢幻泡影] mùng-vân-päo-yēin
mènghuàn pàoyǐng pipe dream; bubble; illusion.⁵
梦想[夢想] mùng-xēng
mèngxiǎng to dream of; to daydream.⁸  to hope and dream, to have illusions.¹¹
<台> 发开口梦[發開口夢] fät-höi-hēo-mùng to talk in one's sleep.
<台> 发梦[發夢] fät-mùng to dream.
mung4 11160
36 14 mùng mèng demotic word for 夢 mùng mèng a dream; to dream.² a dream; to dream; visionary; stupid.⁸
(composition: ⿱𠫓⿳罒冖夕; U+5923).
(See 夢 mùng).
mung4 11161
173 18 mùng mèng sound of thunder.²ʼ⁸ʼ¹³
(composition: ⿱雨冡; U+9725).
(Differentiate 霥 mùng mèng sound of thunder from 靀 mũng méng drizzling, fine rain; mist.)
mung4 11162
30 8 𠰌 müt <Cant.> to pout.
<台> 𠰌 müt to turn one's lips up; slow, sluggish.
<台> 𠰌欸条喙[𠰌欸條喙] müt-e-hẽl-joi/ to pout (sadly).
<台> 𠰌欸𠰌欸 müt-e-müt-e to do things slowly, sluggishly.
mut2 11163
85 7 mùt abstruse; profound.¹⁰ abstruse; distant.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰氵勿; U+6C95).
沕穆 mùt-mùk wùmù deep and abstruse, unlimited, inexhaustible.²⁴ recondite and vague, inexhaustible, limitless.¹⁰²
<又> mùt.
(See 沕 mùt).
mut4 11164
93 8 mùt thing; object; matter; abbr. for physics 物理 mùt-lî.
物品 mùt-bīn or mòt-bīn wùpǐn article; goods.⁵
物资[物資] mùt-dü
or mòt-dü wùzī matter, substance; materials.⁶
物价[物價] mùt-gä
or mòt-gä wùjià (commodity) prices.⁵
物极必反[物極必反] mùt-gèik-bēik-fān
or mòt-gèik-bēik-fān wùjíbìfǎn things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme.⁵
物件 mùt-gèin
or mòt-gèin wùjiàn <topo.> thing; article.⁵
物归原主[物歸原主] mùt-gï-ngũn-jī
or mòt-gï-ngũn-jī wùguīyuánzhǔ things return to their proper owners.⁷
物质[物質] mùt-jīt
or mòt-jīt wùzhì matter.¹¹
物理 mùt-lî
or mòt-lî wùlǐ the law of nature; physics.⁷
物美价廉[物美價廉] mùt-mî-gä-lẽm
or mòt-mî-gä-lẽm wùměijiàlián excellent quality and reasonable price.⁷
物换星移[物換星移] mùt-vòn-xëin-yĩ
or mòt-vòn-xëin-yĩ wùhuànxīngyí change of the seasons.⁵
人物 ngĩn-mùt
or ngĩn-mòt rénwù figure, personage; person in literature, character.⁵
言之有物 ngũn-jï-yiü-mùt
or ngũn-jï-yiü-mòt yánzhīyǒuwù (said of a speech or writing) having substance; convincing.⁷
<又> mòt.
(See 物 mòt.)
mut4 11165
5 8 <台> 鸡乸[雞乸] gäi-nā hen.
<台> 老婆乸 lāo-pũ-nā women.
<台> 两仔乸[兩仔乸] lēng-dōi-nā mother and son.
<台> 牛乸 ngẽo-nā cow.
<又> mä. (See 乸 mä.)
na1 11166
112 10 𥑒
(composition: ⿰石尒; U+25452).
䃎𥑒❄{⿰石尒} chēik-nā zhǎnǎ stones falling down.²⁵
<又> häng.
(See 𥑒❄{⿰石尒} häng).
na1 11167
163 6 <台> 那枚 nä-mõi together with.
<又> nã, näk, nàk, nõ.
(See 那 [nã,], [nã, nèi], [nã, ], nõ, nàk, näk.)
na2 11168
184 14 䬷 nä to have enough (food).²⁵
(composition: ⿰飠多; U+4B37).
<又> sēh; sêh.
(See 䬷 sēh; 䬷 sêh.)
na2 11169
30 9 which?; what?; how?
哪个[哪個] nã-göi nǎge which? <topo.> who?
哪里[哪裡] nã-lī
nǎli where? wherever; where.
哪能 nã-nãng
nǎnéng  how is it possible that...? how can?
哪儿[哪兒] nã-ngĩ
nǎr <topo.> where; wherever; anywhere.
or 那怕 nã-pä nǎpà even; even if; even though; no matter how.¹⁰
(See 哪 nâi, nà, [nã, ].)
na3 11170
30 9 哪吒 Nã-jä Nézhā Nezha, powerful boy deity and third son of 托塔李天王 (Pagoda-wielding Heavenly King).
(See 哪 [nã, ], nâi, nà.)
na3 11171
38 9 (phonetic na); used especially in girl's names such as 安娜 Ön-nã Ānnà Anna or 黛安娜 Òi-ön-nã Dài'ānnà Diana.¹⁰
<又> nõ.
(See 娜 nõ.)
na3 11172
64 8 zhǎ grope, press, span.⁸ handspan.
<台> 拃 nã handspan (a measure of outstretched hand from tip of thumb to tip of little pinky).
<台> 两拃长[兩拃長] lēng-nã-chẽng two handspans long.
<又> jä. (See 拃 jä.)
na3 11173
64 9 ( = 拿 nã ) to hold; to take; to seize; to capture.
(See 拿 nã.)
na3 11174
64 10 to hold in one's hand, to grasp, to take; to arrest, to apprehend, to capture; to use, to employ (a method), device; with, in; (now rarely) to be confined or restrained.⁷
大拿 ài-nã dàná boss; person with power; authority; expert; person with high skill or rich experience.
白拿 bàk-nã
báiná to take without paying; to get something for free.
捕拿 bù-nã
bǔná to arrest; to capture.
拿得住 nã-āk-jì
nádezhù to be able to hold or keep; to be able to control or manage.
拿破仑[拿破侖] nã-pö-lũn
ná pò lún Napoleon (name); Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), Emperor of France 1804-1815.¹⁰
拿去 nã-huï
náqù to take away.
拿主意 nã-jī-yï
ná zhǔyi to make a decision.
拿给[拿給] nã-kīp
nágěi to take and give to; to hand over.
拿来[拿來] nã-lõi
nálái to bring.
拿捏 nã-nēp
nánie to grasp; <topo.> affecting shyness; coy; to create difficulties.¹⁰
拿手 nã-siū
náshǒu adept; expert; good at; confident (in); one's special skill.
拿手好戏[拿手好戲] nã-siū-hāo-hï
náshǒu hǎoxì a game one is good at; one's specialty.
na3 11175
64 10 (=拿 nã ) to take; to hold; to grasp; to seize; to capture.³⁶
(composition: ⿱如手; U+6310).
<又> nguĩ.
(See 挐 nguĩ).
na3 11176
64 14 (<old>=拿 nã to hold in one's hand, to grasp, to take; to arrest, to apprehend, to capture; to use, to employ (a method), device; with, in; (now rarely) to be confined or restrained.⁷).⁸
(composition: ⿱合⿰手手; U+643B).
<又> nèik; làk.
(See 搻 nèik; 搻 làk; 拿 nã).
na3 11177
140 13 (composition: ⿱艹挐; U+8498).
藸蒘 jï-nã zhūná name of a grass.¹³
<又> nguĩ.
(See 蒘 nguĩ).
na3 11178
149 11 (=詉 nã ) a wrangling; a noise.²⁵
(composition: ⿰訁爻; U+8A24).
<又> ngão.
(See 訤 ngão; 詉 nã).
na3 11179
149 12 a wrangling; a noise.²⁵
(composition: ⿰訁奴; U+8A49).
讙詉 fön-nã huānná a bother.²⁵
or 譇拏 jä-nã zhā'ná inexplicable jargon.²⁵ the language used is obscure and difficult to understand.
<又> não; nù.
(See 詉 não; 詉 nù).
na3 11180
163 6 that, that one, those.
那边[那邊] nã-bêin nàbian over there; yonder.¹⁰
那里[那裡] nã-lī
nàli there; that place; over there.
那么[那麼] nã-mō
nàme like that; so, so very much; then, in that case.
那儿[那兒] nã-ngĩ
nàr <topo.>  that place or time.
那样[那樣] nã-yèng
nàyàng that kind of; like that; such; so; in that case.
<又> nä, näk, nàk, nõ.
(See 那 [nã, nèi], [nã, ], nõ, nä, nàk, näk.)
na3 11181
163 6 Na surname.
<又> nä, näk, nàk, nõ.
(See 那 [nã, ], [nã, nèi], nõ, nä, nàk, näk.)
na3 11182
163 6 nèi 那个[那個] nã-göi nèige <topo.>  that one.
那三年 nã-xäm-nẽin
nèisānnián those three years.
那些 nã-xëh
nèixiē those.
<又> nä, näk, nàk, nõ.
(See 那 [nã, ], [nã, ], nõ, nä, nàk, näk.)
na3 11183
167 18 neptunium (Np).⁶
镎系[鎿系] nã-hài náxì neptunium series.⁹
镎合金[鎿合金] nã-hàp-gïm
náhéjīn neptunium alloy.⁶
镎离子[鎿離子] nã-lĩ-dū
nálízǐ neptunium ion.⁶
镎酰[鎿酰] nã-xëin
náxiān neptunyl.⁹
镎酸[鎿酸] nã-xön
násuān neptunic acid.⁶
镎酸盐[鎿酸鹽] nã-xön-yẽm
násuānyán neptunate.⁶
na3 11184
30 9 na (formed by linking syllable ending in n with the particle a 啊.)
天哪 hëin-nà
tiān na Good lord!
(See 哪 [nã,
], nâi, [nã, ].)
na4 11185
120 11 (composition: ⿱奴糸; U+42C8).
䋾䋈 jä-nà zhǎ'nǎ coming in contact.²⁵
<又> nguĩ.
(See 䋈 nguĩ).
na4 11186
202 18 𪐀
<Cant.> relationship; together.⁸
(composition: ⿰黍多; U+2A400).
䵙𪐀❄{⿰黍多} jä-nà zhā'nǎ sticking together; adhesive.²⁵ stick together.⁵⁴
na4 11187
104 11 𤶸 <Cant.> a scar.⁸ <Cant.> scar; patch (on clothing) (Cantonese classifier: 笪).³⁶
(composition: ⿸疒那; U+24DB8).
<台> 𤶸 nâ scar; patch (on clothing) (classifer: 个[個] göi).
<台> 个乞米仔件衫有三个𤶸[個乞米仔件衫有三個𤶸] göi-hāt-māi-dōi-gèin-sâm-yiü-xäm-göi-nâ The beggar's clothes have three patches.
<台> 我个手仔有个𤶸[我個手仔有個𤶸] ngöi-göi-siū-dōi-yiü-göi-nâ my finger has a scar on it.
na5 11188
145 9 <台> 补衲[補衲] bū-nâ patch; to patch.
<台> 衲 nâ scar.
<又> nàp, nâp. (See 衲 nàp, nâp.)
na5 11189
44 5 nāi <台> 好尼 hāo-nāi better.
<台> 尼 nāi some, a few, a bit.
<台> 有尼 yiü-nāi some.
<又> nãi. (See 尼 nãi.)
nai1 11190
9 13 näi lěi <台> 傫 näi tired.
<台> 傫细[傫細] näi-xäi tired out.
<又> luì. (See 傫 luì.)
nai2 11191
9 7 nãi (<old> = 你 nï ) you; <topo.>  (Shanghainese equivalent to 我们[我们]) we.
nai3 11192
30 8 nãi whispering; twittering; woolen cloth.⁸
毛呢 mão-nãi máoní coarse woolens.¹¹
呢子 nãi-dū
nízi woollen cloth (for heavy clothing).⁸
呢喃 nãi-nãm
nínán (of swallows) to twitter; to mumble; to whisper.⁹ <ono.> twittering of birds; whispering; murmuring.¹⁰
呢绒[呢絨] nãi-ngũng
níróng wool fabric; woollen goods.⁸
耳语呢喃[耳語呢喃] ngī-nguî-nãi-nãm
ěryǔnínán to whisper in the ear.³⁹
(See 呢 nēh.)
nai3 11193
32 8 nãi (=泥 nãi ) mud, clay; mashed vegetables or fruit.
白坭镇[白坭鎮] Bàk-nãi-jïn
Báinízhèn Bainizhen, a town in 三水区[三水區] Xäm-suī-kuï Sānshuǐqū Sanshui District, 佛山市 Fùt-sän-sî Fóshānshì Foshan City, 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Guangdong Province.
赤坭镇[赤坭鎮] Chēik-nãi-jïn
Chìnízhèn Chinizhen, a town in 花都区[花都區] Fä-ü-kuï Huādūqū Huadu District, 广州市[廣州市] Gōng-jiü-sî Guǎngzhōushì Guangzhou City,  广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Guangdong Province.
坭镘[坭鏝] nãi-màn
nímàn a trowel for plastering.¹⁴
(See 泥 [nãi, ].)
nai3 11194
38 8 nãi a maid; a little girl, a little darling.⁷
妮子 nãi-dū nīzi <topo.> girl; lass.⁵
妮儿 nãi-ngĩ
nīr <topo.> girl; lass.⁵
妮婢 nãi-pî
nībì a maidservant.⁷
小妮子 xēl-nãi-dū
xiǎonīzi <topo.> girl; maiden; girlie.⁶
nai3 11195
44 5 nãi Buddhist nun.⁵
尼亚加拉大瀑布[尼亞加拉大瀑布] nãi-ä-gä-lā-ài-bùk-bü níyàjiālādàpùbù Niagara Falls.⁷
or 尼庵 nãi-äm ní'ān Buddhist nunnery.⁵
尼泊尔[尼泊爾] Nãi-bòk-ngì
Níbó'ěr Nepal.⁵
尼加拉瓜 Nãi-gä-lā-gä
Níjiālāguā Nicaragua.⁵
尼古丁 nãi-gū-ëin
nígǔdīng <loan> nicotine.⁵
尼姑 nãi-gǔ
nígū Buddhist nun.⁵
or 尼姑庵 nãi-gǔ-äm nígū'ān a nunnery.¹¹
尼罗口孵非鲫[尼羅口孵非鯽] nãi-lõ hēo-fũ-fï-dāk
níluó kǒufūfēijì Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
尼罗河[尼羅河] Nãi-lõ-hõ
Níluóhé the Nile.⁵
尼龙[尼龍] nãi-lũng
nílóng <loan>  nylon.⁵
尼日尔[尼日爾] Nãi-ngìt-ngì
Nírì'ěr Niger.⁵
尼日利亚[尼日利亞] Nãi-ngìt-lì-ä
Nírìlìyà Nigeria.⁵
<又> nāi.
(See 尼 nāi.)
nai3 11196
61 8 nãi 忸怩 niū-nãi or nük-nãi niǔní or nǜní bashful; coy; demure.⁶ to blush.¹⁴
忸怩作态[忸怩作態] niū-nãi-dōk-häi
or nük-nãi-dōk-häi niǔnízuòtài or nǜnízuòtài behave coyly/in an affected way; be affectedly shy; make an affected pose.⁶
羞怩 xiü-nãi
xiūní embarrassed; bashful.⁶
nai3 11197
70 11 nãi (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 旎 nî with same meaning.)
<又> nî.
(See 旎 nî.)
nai3 11198
85 8 nãi mud, mire; mashed vegetables or fruit.⁵
枣泥[棗泥] dāo-nãi zǎoní jujube paste, used as stuffing for pastry or dumplings.⁷
土豆泥 hū-èo-nãi
tǔdòuní mashed potato.¹⁰
泥刀 nãi-äo
nídāo trowel.¹⁰
泥巴 nãi-bä
níbā mud; mire.⁸
泥浆[泥漿] nãi-dëng
níjiāng slurry; mud.⁵
泥土 nãi-hū
nítǔ earth; soil; mud; clay.¹⁰
泥潦 nãi-lâo
nílǎo a marsh, swamp, morass, bog.¹¹
泥淖 nãi-nào
nínào mire; bog; morass.⁶ mud; muddy swamp; sump; fig. a sticky predicament.¹⁰
泥泞[泥濘] nãi-nẽin
nínìng muddy, mud.¹⁰
泥沙 nãi-sâ
níshā silt.
泥沙俱下 nãi-sâ-kuï-hä
níshājùxià mud and sand are carried along – there is a mingling of good and bad.⁵
水泥 suī-nãi
shuǐní cement.¹⁰
印泥 yïn-nãi
yìnní red ink paste used for seal.¹⁰
<台> 老泥 lāo-nãi body dirt.
<台> 泥鳅[泥鰍] nãi-tiü/ catfish.
<台> 软泥[軟泥] ngün-nãi-eh weak, tired, soft.
<又> nài.
(See 泥 [nãi, ], nài.)
nai3 11199
85 8 nãi plaster, putty, cover/daub with plaster; bigoted, obstinate, stubborn.⁶
泥酒 nãi-diū nìjiǔ be addicted to liquor.¹¹
泥子 nãi-dū
nìzi putty.⁶
泥古 nãi-gū
nìgǔ stick-in-the-mud; to stick to old ways; stubbornly conservative.¹⁰
泥古不化 nãi-gū-būt-fä
nìgǔbùhuà be bigoted and follow old ways; inflexible.⁹
<又> nài.
(See 泥 [nãi, ], nài.)
nai3 11200
104 10 nãi 疤痆 bä-nãi bānì scar.¹⁹
瘢痆 bän-nãi
bānnì <wr.> a sore, abscess, skin ulcer.¹¹
nai3 11201
140 8 nãi a plant, resembling the ginseng.²⁵
荞苨[蕎苨] kẽl-nãi qiáonǐ Also called 甜桔梗 (q.v.) hẽm-gīt-gāng tiánjiégěng, a Chinese medicinal herb.⁸
苨苨 nãi-nãi
nǐnǐ luxuriant.²⁵ luxuriant; flourishing; exuberant.²
nai3 11202
140 18 nãi (<old>=苨 nãi ) herb medicine; Chinese bellflower family; Platycodon grandiforus.⁸
(See 苨 nã).
nai3 11203
167 13 nãi niobium (Nb).⁶
铌的同位素[鈮的同位素] nãi-ēik-hũng-vì-xü nídetóngwèisù isotopes of niobium.⁹
铌铁矿[鈮鐵礦] nãi-hëik-köng
nítiěkuàng columbite.⁶
铌镁矿[鈮鎂礦] nãi-mî-köng
níměikuàng magnonibite.¹⁰
铌钇矿[鈮釔礦] nãi-yōt-köng
níyǐkuàng samarskite.¹⁰
nai3 11204
85 8 nài 拘泥 guï-nài or kuï-nài jūnì be a stickler for; rigidly adhere to.⁸
<又> nãi.
(See 泥 [nãi, ], [nãi, ].)
nai4 11205
206 14 nài nài incense tripod.
鼎鼐 ēin-nài dǐngnài office of prime minister.
鼐鼎 nài-ēin
nàidǐng large three-legged cauldron.
<台> 老鼠拖鼐 läo-sī-hü-nài/ lit. mouse hauling a cauldron; fig. a tugboat pulling a motorless big passenger boat.
<又> nâi.
(See 鼐 nâi.)
nai4 11206
4 丿 2 nâi nǎi to be; but, however; and also, moreover; so, therefore; you, your; then; if.⁷
(composition: ⿹㇡丿; U+4E43).
良书乃益友[良書乃益友] lẽng-sï-nâi-yēik-yiû liángshū nǎi yìyǒu a good book is a great friend.⁵⁴
毋乃 mũ-nâi
wúnǎi Is it not...?⁷
无乃[無乃] mũ-nâi
wúnǎi <wr.> (used in rhetorical questions) wouldn't that be.⁶
乃祖 nâi-dū
nǎizǔ your grandfather.⁷
乃夫 nâi-fü
nǎifū <wr.> your husband.¹¹
乃父 nâi-fù
nǎifù <wr.> I, your father.¹¹
乃至 nâi-jï
nǎizhì so that, so... as to, leading to; hence, consequently; even.⁷
乃尔[乃爾] nâi-ngì
nǎi'ěr thus; like this.¹⁰
乃是 nâi-sì
nǎishì but; which is..., to be, really is (are).⁷
乃翁 nâi-yüng
nǎiwēng <wr.> I, your father.¹¹
时穷节乃见[時窮節乃見] sĩ-kũng-dëik-nâi-gëin
shíqióngjié nǎijiàn integrity/loyalty shines out in time of adversity.⁶
西乃 Xäi-nâi
Xīnǎi Sinai.¹⁰
<台> 乃个[乃個] nâi-göi which one?
<台> 到乃啊 äo-nâi-ä? where is it?
(See 迺 nâi; 廼 nâi.)
nai5 11207
30 9 nâi něi <topo.> which?; what?; how?
哪个[哪個] nâi-göi něige <topo.> which one?
(See 哪 [nã, ], nà, [nã, ].)
nai5 11208
38 5 nâi nǎi breasts; milk; suckle, breast-feed.⁵ (variant: 嬭 nâi).
奶茶 nâi-chã nǎichá tea with milk.⁵
奶疮[奶瘡] nâi-chông
nǎichuāng mastitis.⁵
奶嘴 nâi-duī
nǎizuǐ nipple (of a feeding-bottle).⁵
奶粉 nâi-fūn
nǎifěn powdered milk; dried milk.⁵
奶糕 nâi-gäo
nǎigāo a baby food made of rice-flour.⁵
奶孩子 nâi-hãi-dū
nǎiháizi suckle (or breast-feed) a baby.⁵
奶头[奶頭] nâi-hẽo
nǎitóu the nipples.⁷
奶糖 nâi-hõng
nǎitáng toffee.⁵
奶罩 nâi-jâo
nǎizhào brassière; bra.⁹
奶汁 nâi-jīp
nǎizhī milk from a woman's breast.
奶酪 nâi-lōk
nǎilào cheese.¹⁰
奶妈[奶媽] nâi-mā
nǎimā wet nurse.⁵
奶名 nâi-mẽng
nǎimíng a child's pet name; infant name.⁵
奶奶 nâi-nâi
nǎinai <topo.> (paternal) grandmother, grandma; a respectful form of address for an old woman.⁵
奶牙 nâi-ngã
nǎiyá milk tooth.⁵
奶牛 nâi-ngẽo
nǎiniú milch cow; milk cow; cow.⁵
奶瓶 nâi-pêng
nǎipíng nursing bottle; baby's bottle.⁵
奶羊 nâi-yẽng
nǎiyáng milch goat.⁵
奶油 nâi-yiũ
nǎiyóu cream.⁵
<台> 奶樽 nâi-dûn/ feeding bottle.
<又> nêin.
(See 奶 nêin; 嬭 nâi).
nai5 11209
38 17 nâi nǎi the breast, nipples, milk; a common term for mother and elder sister.²⁴ (=奶 nâi nǎi) milk; suckle; breasts.³⁶
(composition: ⿰女爾; U+5B2D).
嬭头[嬭頭] nâi-hẽo
nǎitóu the nipple.²⁴
嬭妈[嬭媽] nâi-mā
nǎimā a wet nurse.²⁴
牛嬭 ngẽo-nâi
niúnǎi cow's milk.²⁴
黄嬭[黃嬭] võng-nâi
huángnǎi an afternoon's nap.²⁴
(See 奶 nâi).
nai5 11210
54 8 nâi nǎi (=乃 nâi nǎi) to be; thus; so; therefore; then; only; thereupon.¹⁰ Nai surname.⁸
(See 迺 nâi; 乃 nâi.)
nai5 11211
84 6 nâi nǎi neon (Ne).⁶ (variants: 氝 nuì nèi, 氞 nuì nèi).
氦氖激光器 hòi-nâi-gēik-göng-hï
hàinǎijīguāngqì helium neon laser.¹⁹
氖灯[氖燈] nâi-äng
nǎidēng neon lamp; neon light; neon.⁶
氖管 nâi-gōn
nǎiguǎn neon tube.⁶
氖气[氖氣] nâi-hï
nǎiqì <vern.> neon.⁶
(See 氝 nuì; 氞 nuì.)
nai5 11212
104 7 nâi nǎi sick; want, desire, wish; fatigued; (Cant.) paralysis of the foot.⁸
(composition: ⿸疒乃; U+7593).
nai5 11213
113 18 nâi Mi surname.⁷ʼ¹¹
<又> nï, nî. (See 禰 nï, 禰 nî).
nai5 11214
140 5 nâi nǎi 芋艿 vû-nâi yùnǎi taro.
<又> ngẽin.
(See 艿 ngẽin.)
nai5 11215
162 9 nâi nǎi (=乃 nâi nǎi) to be; thus; so; therefore; then; only; thereupon.¹⁰ Nai surname.⁸
(See 廼 nâi; 乃 nâi.)
nai5 11216
206 14 nâi nài (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 鼐 nài nài incense tripod.)
<又> nài.
(See 鼐 nài.)
nai5 11217
104 5 nāk Kangxi radical 104; sick.⁸ 病字头[病字頭] bèng-dù-hẽo bìngzìtóu.¹
nak1 11218
119 11 nāk zhān to glue; to stick; to paste.
<台> 粘信封 nāk-xïn-füng seal the envelope.
<又> jëm, nëm, nẽm. (See 粘 jëm, nëm, nẽm; 黏 nẽm, nāk.)

nak1 11219
202 17 nāk nián glutinous; sticky; to stick; to adhere.
<台> 黐黐黏黏 chï-chï-nāk-nāk very sticky.
<台> 黏唔黏 nāk-m̃-nāk Is it sticky or not? Do you want to post it here or not?
<台> 黏糊糊 nāk-vũ-vũ sticky; glutinous; pasty.
<又> nẽm. (See 粘 nëm, nẽm, jëm, nāk; 黏 nẽm.)
nak1 11220
211 25 𪙛 nāk (Cant.) decayed teeth; tongue-tied.⁸
<台> 蚊𪙛 mûn-nāk tiny mosquito.
<台> 𪙛脷 nāk-lì/  tongue-tied.
<台> 𪙛牙 nāk-ngã something stuck to one's teeth.
nak1 11221
163 6 näk <台> 心那那 xïm-näk-näk worrying and brooding over and over.
<又> nä, nã, nàk, nõ.
(See 那 [nã, ], [nã, nèi], [nã, ], nõ, nä, nàk.)
nak2 11222
163 6 nàk <台> 那市 nàk-sî bad business.
<又> nä, nã, näk, nõ.
(See 那 [nã, ], [nã, nèi], [nã, ], nõ, nä, näk.)
nak4 11223
64 12 nām nǎn to hold in the hand.² <Cant.> to measure a distance with the extended thumb and forefinger or middle finger.⁸ to take hold of with the hand.²⁴ (obsolete) to hold in one hand; <Cant.> to measure a short distance by spreading one's fingers; <Cant.> handspan; distance from the tip of one's thumb to the tip of one's little finger on an outstretched hand.³⁶ to grasp with the hand; <Cant.> to measure by spanning the fingers; a span, a finger's length; to thwack, to beat.¹⁰² (cf <台> 拃 nã).
(composition: ⿰扌南; U+63C7).
两揇一尺[兩揇一尺] lēng-nām-yīt-chëk
liǎng nǎn yī chǐ two spans make a foot.¹⁰²
揇倒 nām-āo
nǎndǎo to push down.¹⁰²
一篙竹揇一船人 yīt-gäo-jūk-nām-yīt-sõn-ngĩn
yī gāo zhú nǎn yī chuán rén to lame a whole crew with one stick — to rail at a class for the fault of one.¹⁰²
nam1 11224
149 15 nām shěn <台> 谂[諗] nām to think; to think carefully.
<台> 谂计[諗計] nām-gài/ to think of or devise ways of doing something.
<台> 谂水[諗水] nām-suī to ladle water.
<又> sīm. (See 諗 sīm.)
nam1 11225
164 13 nām nǎn soy, pickle.²⁵
(composition: ⿱任酉; U+48F8).
<又> ngëm; näm. (See 䣸 ngëm; 䣸 näm).
nam1 11226
130 13 näm nǎn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 腩 nëim nǎn with same meaning.)
<又> nëim, nâm.
(See 腩 nëim, nâm.)
nam2 11227
164 13 näm nàn  satiated.²⁵
(composition: ⿱任酉; U+48F8).
<又> ngëm; nām. (See 䣸 ngëm; 䣸 nām).
nam2 11228
24 9 nãm 南无[南無] nãm-mũ nāmó Buddhist salutation or expression of faith <loan>  from Sanskrit.
南无阿弥陀佛[南無阿彌陀佛] nãm-mũ Ö-mĩ-hõ-fūt
nāmó Ēmítuófó I put my trust in Amida Buddha.
<又> nẽim.
(See 南 [nãm, nán], nẽim.)
nam3 11229
24 9 nãm nán south; Nan surname.⁵
南方 nãm-föng nánfāng south; the southern part of the country; the South.⁵
南极洲[南極洲] Nãm-gèik-jiü
Nánjízhōu Antarctica.¹¹
南京 Nãm-gëin
Nánjīng Nanjing.⁵
南腔北调[南腔北調] nãm-höng-bāk-èl
nánqiāngběidiào with mixed accents.⁶
南征北战[南征北戰] nãm-jëin-bāk-jën
nánzhēngběizhàn  to fight up and down the country; to fight north and south on many fronts.⁶
南郭 Nãm-kök
Nán'guō Nanguo compound surname.⁸
南麓 nãm-lùk
nánlù foothill on south side.¹¹
南美洲 Nãm-mî-jiü
Nánměizhōu South America.⁸
or 南岳 Nãm Ngòk Nán Yuè Mount Heng 衡山 Hãng Sän Héng Shān in Hunan, one of the 五岳 or 五嶽 M̄-ngòk Wǔyuè Five Sacred Mountians.¹⁰
南山峨峨 nãm-sän-ngõ-ngõ
or nãm-sän-ngũ-ngũ nánshāné'é towering southerm mountains.⁶
南湾[南灣] Nãm-vän
Nánwān Nanwan (Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China).⁹
<台> 南南 nãm-nãm
or nẽim-nẽim soft (=松软[鬆軟] xüng-ngün sōngruǎn soft; spongy; loose.⁵).
<又> nẽim.
(See 南 [nãm, ], nẽim.)
nam3 11230
30 10 𠲸
nãm nán (=喃 nãm nán to keep talking, chattering; to mumble; to mumble in repetition.¹⁰).²
(composition: ⿰口男; U+20CB8).
(See 喃 nãm).
nam3 11231
30 12 nãm nán to keep talking, chattering; to mumble; to mumble in repetition.¹⁰ incessant talking; gabble.¹⁰² (interchangeable with: 䛁, 諵 nãm nán).
(variant: 𠲸
❄{⿰口男} nãm nán).
(composition: ⿰口南; U+5583).
喃喃 nãm-nãm
nánnán <ono.>  to mutter; to mumble; to murmur.¹⁰
喃喃自语[喃喃自語] nãm-nãm-dù-nguî
nánnánzìyǔ to mumble to oneself.¹¹
喃喃菓 nãm-nãm-gō
nánnánguǒ a name given in the Archipelago to the fruit of the Cynometra cauliflora, the Malay puki-andjing (puki-anjing) 浮渠安靜[浮渠安静] fẽo-kuĩ-ön-dèin fú qú ān jìng.¹⁰²
喃字 nãm-dù
nánzì Vietnam characters (like Chinese characters but native to Vietnam).¹⁰
xäm-ngït-būt-nãm  hēo-säng-gëin-gēik
sān rì bù nán kǒu shēng jīng jí
If you stop study for three days, thistles will grow in yoiur mouth — continual study is necessary to attain rank.¹⁰²
<台> 喃呒佬[喃嘸佬] nãm-mũ-lāo
or nãm-vũ-lāo Daoist priest.
(See 䛁 nãm; 諵 nãm; 𠲸❄{⿰口男} nãm).
nam3 11232
31 6 nãm nān <topo.> child; daughter.⁶ <topo.> girl.⁸
阿囡 ä-nãm ānān honey (endearment in addressing a little girl).¹⁰
他们家只有一个囡[他們家只有一個囡] hä-mõn-gä-jī-yiû-yīt-göi-nãm
tāmenjiāzhǐyǒuyīgènān They have only one daughter in the family.⁶
or 囝囝 nãm-nãm nānnān <topo.> little darling (used as a term dearment for a child or a baby).⁸
男小囡 nãm-xēl-nãm
nánxiǎonān little boy.⁶
女小囡 nuī-xēl-nãm
nǚxiǎonān little girl.⁶
小囡 xēl-nãm
xiǎonān little child, kiddie.⁶
孙囡[孫囡] xün-nãm
sūnnān son's daughter; granddaughter.⁸
洋囡囡 yẽng-nãm-nãm
yángnānnān <topo.> doll.⁸
nam3 11233
31 6 nãm nān child; pet; (=囡 nãm nān).¹⁰
or 囡囡 nãm-nãm nānnān <topo.> little darling (used as a term dearment for a child or a baby).⁸
<又> dōi.
(See 囝 dōi.)
nam3 11234
75 8 nãm nán (=楠 nãm nán Machilus nanmu, a variety of evergreen tree, commonly known as cedar, with elliptical leaves, light green blossoms and dark, purplish fruit, even-grained, yellowish, fine wood, used for furniture or coffins which can last for hundreds of years.⁷)
(See 楠 nãm; 柟 nãm.)
nam3 11235
75 9 nãm nán (=楠 nãm nán Machilus nanmu, a variety of evergreen tree, commonly known as cedar, with elliptical leaves, light green blossoms and dark, purplish fruit, even-grained, yellowish, fine wood, used for furniture or coffins which can last for hundreds of years.⁷)
Gëin-yiû-chẽng-tũng, mũn-dū, pẽin-nãm, yì-jëng.
Jīng yǒu zhǎng sōng, wén zǐ, pián nán, yù zhāng.
In Jing there are tall pines, spruces, cedars and camphor trees.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《墨子·卷十三·公輸·2》, translated by W. P. Mei.
(See 楠 nãm; 枏 nãm.)
nam3 11236
75 13 nãm nán Machilus nanmu, a variety of evergreen tree, commonly known as cedar, with elliptical leaves, light green blossoms and dark, purplish fruit, even-grained, yellowish, fine wood, used for furniture or coffins which can last for hundreds of years.⁷ (variants: 枏 nãm nán; 柟 nãm nán.)
滇楠 ëin-nãm
diānnán <bot.> Phoebe nanmu or Phoebe nanmu (Oliv.) Gamble.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
香楠木 hëng-nãm-mûk
xiāngnánmù a fine hardwood often used for furniture.¹¹ fragrant cedar.⁵⁴
楠竹 nãm-jūk
nánzhú (=毛竹 mão-jūk máozhú) mao bamboo; moso bamboo.⁶ Phyllostachys edulis, moso bamboo, or tortoise-shell bamboo, or mao zhu is a temperate species of giant timber bamboo.¹⁵
or 枏木 nãm-mûk nánmù nanmu, a type of wood that was frequently used for boat building, architectural woodworking and wood art; nanmu may come from several species of trees including Phoebe nanmu.¹⁵
石楠 sêk-nãm
shínán <bot.> Chinese photinia (Photinia serrulata).⁵
(See 枏 nãm; 柟 nãm.)
nam3 11237
102 7 nãm nán man, male; son, boy.⁵
男扮女装[男扮女裝] nãm-bàn-nuī-jöng nánbànnǚzhuāng a man dressed like a woman.¹¹
男子 nãm-dū
nánzǐ man; male.⁵
男耕女织[男耕女織] nãm-gäng-nuī-jēik
nángēngnǚzhī The men plough and the women weave.⁹
男妓 nãm-gì
nánjì male prostitute; (old) pimp.¹⁰
男孩 nãm-hãi
nánhái boy; male child.⁶
男人 nãm-ngĩn
nánrén man, menfolk; <topo.> husband.⁵
男女 nãm-nuī
nán-nǚ men and women.⁵
男女老少 nãm-nuī-lāo-sēl
nán-nǚ-lǎo-shào men and women, old and young.⁵
男女平等 nãm-nuī-pẽin-āng
nán-nǚ píngděng equality of men and women; equality of the sexes.⁵
男女授受不亲[男女授受不親] nãm-nuī-siù-siù-būt-tïn
nánnǚshòushòubùqīn men and women should not touch hands when they give or receive things (from Mencius).⁵⁴
男生 nãm-säng
nánshēng man/boy student; schoolboy.⁵
男双[男雙] nãm-söng
nánshuāng <sport> men's doubles.⁹
男性 nãm-xëin
nánxìng the male sex; male; male gender.⁶
男厕所[男廁所] nãm-xü-sō
náncèsuǒ men's room.⁷
男士 nãm-xù
nánshì gentleman.¹¹
<台> 男仔 nãm-dōi boy.
nam3 11238
102 10 nãm nán ten 亩[畝] mêo is one 畘 nãm nán.² a field containing 10 亩[畝] mêo .²⁴ (See Note under 畝 mêo).
(composition: ⿰田冉; U+7558).
nam3 11239
142 11 nãm rán (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 蚺 ngẽm rán with same meaning: a boa constrictor.⁸)
<又> ngëm; ngẽm; ngêm.
(See 蚺 ngëm; 蚺 ngẽm; 蚺 ngêm; 蚦 ngẽm.)
nam3 11240
142 15 nãm nǎn immature locusts.⁸
跳蝻 hẽl-nãm tiàonǎn the nymph of a locust.¹⁹
蝻子 nãm-dū
nǎnzi unfledged locusts.¹⁴
蝗蝻 võng-nãm
huángnǎn nymph of a locust.⁶
nam3 11241
149 11 nãm nán (=諵 nãm nán or 喃 nãm nán) to keep talking, chattering; to mumble; to mumble in repetition.
(See 諵 nãm; 喃 nãm).
nam3 11242
149 16 nãm nán (=喃 nãm nán) to keep talking, chattering; to mumble; to mumble in repetition.¹⁰ incessant talking; gabble; the noise of general conversation; to sing out, to call over; to mutter, to perform incantations.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰訁南; U+8AF5).
諵过他听[諵過他聽] nãm-gö-hä-hëng
nánguòtātīng call them over in his hearing.¹⁰²
諵諵 nãm-nãm
nánnán incessant talking.¹⁰²
諵谀[諵諛] nãm-yĩ
nányú to grumble at another.¹⁰²
(See 喃 nãm; 䛁 nãm).
nam3 11243
130 13 nâm nǎn <Cant.> fatty meat on a cow's belly; abdomen; to boil meat.⁸ brisket; belly beef; spongy meat from cow's underside and neighboring ribs; see 牛腩 ngẽo-nâm niúnǎn esp. Cantonese; erroneously translated as sirloin.¹⁰
红烧牛腩[紅燒牛腩] hũng-sël-ngẽo-nâm
hóngshāo niúnǎn braised beef.¹⁰
腩炙 nâm-jēik
nǎnzhì stewed brisket.¹⁰
牛腩 ngẽo-nâm
niúnǎn belly beef; spongy beef.¹⁰
鱼腩[魚腩] nguî-nâm
yúnǎn meaty flesh from the underbelly of the carp.¹⁰
肚腩 ū-nâm
dùnǎn belly.¹⁰
<又> nëim, näm.
(See 腩 nëim, näm.)
nam5 11244
64 15 nān niǎn to tease; to toy with.
(composition: ⿰扌然; U+649A).
<台> 撚花 nān-fä/ to tease; to make fun of.
<又> nēin; nëm. (See 撚 nēin; 撚 nëm).
nan1 11245
172 19 nãn nán difficult; hard; troublesome; disagreeable; unpleasant.
艰难[艱難] gän-nãn jiānnán difficult.
困难[困難] kün-nãn
kùnnan difficulty, problem.
难道[難道] nãn-ào
nándào Is it possible that...?
难缠[難纏] nãn-chẽn
nánchán (of a person) unreasonable and hard to deal with; importunate; ticklish.⁶
难分[難分] nãn-fün
nánfēn difficult ot distinguish.
难解[難解] nãn-gāi
nánjiě hard to solve.
难解难分[難解難分] nãn-gāi-nãn-fün
nánjiěnánfēn to be inextricably locked together.
难关[難關] nãn-gän
nánguān difficulty; crisis.¹⁰
难过[難過] nãn-gö
nánguò to have a hard time; to feel sad.
难吃[難吃] nãn-hëk
nánchī unpalatable.
难看[難看] nãn-hön
nánkàn ugly; unsightly; embarrassing.
难闻[難聞] nãn-mũn
nánwén ill-smelling, stinking.¹¹
难耐[難耐] nãn-nòi
nánnài intolerability.¹⁰
难受[難受] nãn-siù
nánshòu to feel unwell; to suffer pain; to be difficult to bear.¹⁰
难为[難為] nãn-vĩ
nánwéi difficult to manage.
为难[為難] vĩ-nãn
wéinán embarrassed; to create difficulties (for somebody).
<又> nàn.
(See 難 nàn.)
nan3 11246
172 19 nàn nàn disaster; calamity; adversity; to take to task; to blame.
大难[大難] ài-nàn dànàn great catastrophe.
大难临头[大難臨頭] ài-nàn-lĩm-hẽo
dànànlíntóu to be faced with imminent catastrophe.
避难[避難] bì-nàn
bìnàn take refuge; seek asylum.⁶
灾难[災難] döi-nãn
zāinàn suffering; calamity; disaster; catastrophe.⁵
非难[非難] fï-nàn
fēinàn to blame; to censure; to reproach.
逃难[逃難] hão-nàn
táonàn to flee from calamity.
海难[海難] hōi-nàn
hǎinàn perils of the sea; shipwreck.
难民[難民] nàn-mĩn
nànmín refugee.
难民营[難民營] nàn-mĩn-yẽin
nànmínyíng refugee camp.
<台> 走难[走難] dēo-nàn to flee from a calamity, to be a refugee.
<又> nãn.
(See 難 nãn.)
nan4 11247
61 15 𢟻
nân nǎn (demotic character for 赧 nân nǎn blushing.⁵ to blush; to turn red.¹⁴).²
(composition: ⿱赦心; U+227FB).
(See 赧 nân).
nan5 11248
61 16 𢠱
nân nǎn (=赧 nân nǎn blushing.⁵ to blush; to turn red.¹⁴); embarrased.²
(composition: ⿱⿰赤皮心; U+22831).
(See 赧 nân).
nan5 11249
61 23 nân nǎn fear.⁸ stand in awe.¹⁰ reverend, respectful; <wr.> ashamed.¹¹
to stand in awe of; to reverence.¹⁴ to respect; to fear; to venerate.²⁴ <lit.> terrified; scared.³⁶
(composition: ⿱難心; U+6201).
不戁不竦 būt-nân-būt-xūng bùnǎnbùsǒng neither terrified nor excited.¹⁴
Fù-dëo-kĩ-yûng, būt-jīn-būt-ùng; būt-nân-būt-xūng, bāk-lùk-sì-dūng.
Fū zòu qí yǒng, bù zhèn bù dòng; bù nǎn bù sǒng, bǎi lù shì zǒng.
He displayed everywhere his valour,
Unshaken, unmoved,
Unterrified, unscared:
All dignities were united in him.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·頌·商頌·長發·5》, translated by James Legge).
惭戁[慚戁] tãm-nân
cánnǎn ashamed.¹⁹
nan5 11250
142 25 𧕴 nân nán (Cant.) a pimple, an insect bite.⁸
<台> 蚊𧕴 mûn-nân mosquito bite – swelling and lumps caused by a mosquito bite.
nan5 11251
155 11 nân nǎn blushing.⁵ to blush; to turn red.¹⁴
(variants: 𧹞❄{⿰赤皮} nân nǎn; 𢠱❄{⿱⿰赤皮心} nân nǎn); 𢟻❄{⿱赦心} nân nǎn).
(composition: ⿰赤𠬝(GHTV) or ⿰赤㞋(JK); U+8D67).
愧赧 kï-nân
kuìnǎn to redden from shame.⁷
赧愧 nân-kï
nǎnkuì <wr.> to blush; to be ashamed.⁷
赧赧然 nân-nân-ngẽin
nǎnnǎnrán blushing.¹⁴
赧颜[赧顏] nân-ngãn
nǎnyán <wr.> blush; be ashamed.⁵
赧颜汗下[赧顏汗下] nân-ngãn-hòn-hä
nǎnyánhànxià be so ashamed that one flushes and sweats; be extremely ashamed.⁵⁴
赧然 nân-ngẽin
nǎnrán <wr.> blushing.⁵
惭赧[慚赧] tãm-nân
cánnǎn to redden from shame.⁷
羞赧 xiü-nân
xiūnǎn to blush; to redden; blush.⁷
<台> 赧 nân itchy bump on the skin caused by a mosquito bite.
(See 𧹞❄{⿰赤皮} nân; 𢠱❄{⿱⿰赤皮心} nân); 𢟻❄{⿱赦心} nân).
nan5 11252
155 12 𧹞
nân nǎn (=赧 nân nǎn blushing.⁵ to blush; to turn red.¹⁴).²
(composition: ⿰赤皮; U+27E5E).
(See 赧 nân).
nan5 11253
9 16 nãng néng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 儜 nẽin níng weak; wearied; in distress.⁸ weak and distressed.²⁵ <old> cowardly, weak; alternative form of 您 (nî nín).³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻寧; U+511C).
<又> nẽin.
(See 儜 nẽin).
nang3 11254
130 10 nãng néng can; be able to; be capable of; (usually used in the negative) to have the possibility of; Neng surname.
本能 bōn-nãng běnnéng instinct; faculty; native ability; instinctive; intuitive.
技能 gì-nãng
jìnéng technical ability; mastery of a skill or technique; skills.
功能 güng-nãng
gōngnéng function; competence.
可能 hō-nãng
kěnéng possible; probable; maybe.
能够[能夠] nãng-gëo
nénggòu to be capable of.
能干[能幹] nãng-gön
nénggàn ability to have things done; able; capable; competent; ingenious; clever.
能者为师[能者為師] nãng-jēh-vĩ-xü
néngzhěwéishī let those who know teach (others).
能力 nãng-lèik
nénglì ability; capacity; competence.
能量 nãng-lèng
néngliàng <phy.> energy; capabilities.
能源 nãng-ngũn
néngyuán energy; energy sources.
or 材能 tõi-nãng cáinéng ability; capability.⁷
性能 xëin-nãng
xìngnéng natural capacity; function (of a machine); performance; property.⁶
<台> 能持 nãng-chĩ capable.
nang3 11255
149 21 𧭈
nãng néng (composition: ⿰言寧; U+27B48).
譻𧭈❄{⿰言寧} yëin-nãng yīngnéng a small voice.²⁵
<又> nẽin.
(See 𧭈 nẽin).
nang3 11256
167 20 nàng dèng (comp. t: ⿰金登; U+9419). (comp. s: ⿰钅登; U+956B).
<台> 镫[鐙] nàng something used to help one get up.
<又> äng.
(See 鐙 äng.)
nang4 11257
32 12 nāo nǎo (方) small hill (mostly used in in place names).
(comp. t: ⿰土⿱巛囟; U+5816). (comp. s: ⿰土㐫; U+57B4).
南垴[南堖] Nãm-nāo
Nánnǎo Naonao, a place in 山西 Sän-xäi Shānxī Shanxi Province.⁹
nao1 11258
38 13 nāo nǎo frolic; play with; flirt with.⁸ to tease; to play around with.¹⁰ to dally with; lewd gambols; wanton behavior.²⁴ to make fun of.³⁶
(composition: ⿲女男女; U+5AD0).
嫐嬲 nāo-nêl nǎoniǎo  ➀ to entangle, to disturb  ➁ to tease   ➂ refers to the unfortunate emotional state of men and women.¹⁹
nao1 11259
47 9 𡿺
nāo nǎo (=腦 nāo nǎo brain; head).³⁶ brain.⁸ hairy head.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰⿱巛囟; U+21FFA).
(See 腦 nāo).
nao1 11260
86 13 𤊲
nāo nǎo hot.²⁴
(composition: ⿰火⿱巛囟; U+242B2).

nao1 11261
104 14 𤷻
nāo nǎo illness, sickness, disease.⁸ disease.²⁴
(composition: ⿸疒⿱巛囟; U+24DFB).

nao1 11262
130 13 nāo nǎo brain.⁵ (variant: 𡿺❄{⿰⿱巛囟} nāo). (See 𡿺❄{⿰⿱巛囟} nāo).
t: ⿰月⿱巛囟; U+8166). (comp. s: ⿰月; U+8111).
大脑[大腦] ài-nāo
dànǎo cerebrum; great brain.⁶
脑子[腦子] nāo-dū
nǎozi brains, mind, head; <vern.> brain.⁵
脑子生锈[腦子生銹] nāo-dū-säng-säo
nǎozi shēngxiù  lit. brains rusty; ossified thinking.¹⁰
脑筋[腦筋] nāo-gïn
nǎojīn brains, mind, head; ideas.⁵
脑海[腦海] nāo-hōi
nǎohǎi brain; mind.⁵
脑壳[腦殼] nāo-hôk
nǎoké skull; <topo.> head.⁵
脑血栓[腦血栓] nāo-hüt-tũn
nǎoxuèshuān cerebral thrombus.⁶
脑汁[腦汁] nāo-jīp
nǎozhī brains.⁸
脑膜炎[腦膜炎] nāo-môk-yèm
nǎomóyán meningitis.⁶
脑袋[腦袋] nāo-òi
nǎodài <vern.> head.⁵
脑勺[腦勺] nāo-sēk
nǎosháo back of the head.¹⁰
脑杓[腦杓] nāo-sēk
nǎosháo the spoon shape slope on the nape.¹⁰
脑水肿[腦水腫] nāo-suī-jūng
nǎoshuǐzhǒng or 螅头[螅頭] xēik-hẽo xītou hydrocephalus.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ʼ²⁹
脑溢血[腦溢血] nāo-yìt-hūt
nǎoyìxuè cerebral hemorrhage.⁶
nao1 11263
149 16 𧩣
nāo nǎo to use insulting expressions; to provole in conversation.²⁵
(composition: ⿰言⿱巛囟; U+27A63).

nao1 11264
30 8 não náo clamor; <ono.> "look!"¹⁰  To cry out.⁹ <wr.> to shout; to clamor.³⁹
呶呶 não-não náonáo to talk endlessly, annoying everyone.¹⁰
呶呶不休 não-não-būt-hiü
náonáobùxiū <wr.> to talk on and on foolishly or tediously; an endless stream of words;  babbling without stopping; to chatter away.³⁹
呶让于道{呶讓於道] não-ngèng-yï-ào
náoràngyúdào to brawl in the street.¹⁴
喧呶 xün-não
xuānnáo to talk boisterously.¹
(See 呶 nū.)
nao3 11265
46 24 não kuí used in people's name in ancient times.⁸ (=峱 ngẽl náo) ancient name of a mountain in Shandong.⁹
<又> kï.
(See 巙 kï.)
nao3 11266
96 10 𤤼
não nǎo (=瑙 não nǎo agate, cornelian.⁸).²
(composition: ⿰𤣩⿱巛山; U+2493C).

(See 瑙 não).
nao3 11267
96 13 não nǎo agate; cornelian.⁸ (variants: 碯,𤤼❄{⿰𤣩⿱巛山} não nǎo).
(composition: ⿰𤣩⿱巛囟; U+7459).
红玛瑙[紅瑪瑙] hũng-mâ-não
or hũng-mâ-nâo hóngmǎnǎo red agate; sardonyx.¹¹
蓝玛瑙[藍瑪瑙] lãm-mâ-não
or lãm-mâ-nâo lánmǎnǎo blue agate.⁶
龙脑[龍腦] lũng-não
lóngnǎo <chem.> borneol; camphol; borneo camphor.⁵⁴
玛瑙[瑪瑙] mâ-não
or mâ-nâo mǎnǎo agate; cornelian.⁷
瑙鲁[瑙魯] Não-lû
or Nâo-lû Nǎolǔ Nauru, island of Micronesia in the southwest Pacific.¹⁰
多瑙 Ũ-não
or Ũ-nâo Duōnǎo the Danube.¹⁰
<又> nâo.
(See 瑙 nâo; 碯 não; 𤤼❄{⿰𤣩⿱巛山}  não).
nao3 11268
112 11 não náo 硇洲 não-jiü náozhōu Nao Island (in Guangdong Province).⁸
硇砂 não-sâ
náoshā sal ammoniac.⁸
nao3 11269
112 14 não nǎo (=瑙 não nǎo agate, cornelian.⁸).⁸ʼ¹⁰
(composition: ⿰石⿱巛囟; U+78AF).
or 码瑙[码瑙] mâ-não mǎ'nǎo the cornelian.²⁵
(See 瑙 não).
nao3 11270
115 13 não chóu <台> 粥好稠 jūk-hāo-não the congee is very thick.
<又> chiũ. (See 稠 chiũ.)
nao3 11271
130 13 não róu (Cant.) greasy, oily.⁸ excellent meat; fat and good.²⁵
腬盛 não-sèin róushèng full; abundant.²⁵
<台> 腬颈[腬頸] não-gēng (food) greasy; feel sick after eating a lot of greasy food.
nao3 11272
149 12 não náo gibberish; to wrangle; <old>=呶 não náo clamor; <ono.> "look!"¹⁰  to cry out.⁹ <wr.> to shout; to clamor.³⁹
(composition: ⿰訁奴; U+8A49).
<又> nã; nù.
(See 詉 nã; 詉 nù).
nao3 11273
9 6 𠆴
nào nào (=闹[鬧] nào nào noisy; cacophonous; to make noise; to disturb; to vent (feelings); to fall ill; to have an attack (of sickness); to go in (for some activity); to joke.¹⁰)
(composition: ⿱巿人; U+201B4).
(See 鬧] nào).
nao4 11274
61 8 nào náo confused; disorderly.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄奴; U+6013).
惛怓 or 惽怓 fün-nào hūnnáo confusion of mind.²⁴
怓怓 nào-nào
náonáo babble, babbling.¹¹
<又> ngẽo.
(See 怓 ngẽo).
nao4 11275
64 15 nào náo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 挠[撓] nẽo náo to scratch; to hinder; to bend; to yield, to flinch; to give in.⁶)
<又> nẽo.
(See 撓 nẽo.)
nao4 11276
75 16 nào náo bent; to distort, to misinterpret, to twist; to treat unjustly, to wrong; to disturb, to disrupt; to weaken, to cripple.³⁶
桡万物[橈萬物] nào-màn-mùt or nào-màn-mòt náowànwù to scatter things here and there.
<又> ngẽl.
(See 橈 ngẽl.)
nao4 11277
75 18 nào nòu a kind of tree in ancient texts.⁸
木檽 mùk-nào mùnòu another name for 黑木耳 hāk-mùk-ngī hēimùěr Jew's ear, wood ear, jelly ear (Auricularia auricula-judae).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
nao4 11278
85 11 nào nào <wr.> mire; bog.⁶ slush; mud; Nao surname.¹⁰
巴彦淖尔[巴彥淖爾] bä-ngèin-nào-ngì bāyàn nào ěr Bayan Nur prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia.¹⁰
泥淖 nãi-nào
nínào mire; bog; morass.⁶ mud; muddy swamp; sump; fig. a sticky predicament.¹⁰
淖泞[淖濘] nào-nẽin
nàonìng full of mud and slush.¹¹
淖尔[淖爾] nào-ngì
nào'ěr nur; (Mongolian for “lake”).⁵
泞淖[濘淖] nẽin-nào
nìngnào (of road) filled with mud.¹¹
nao4 11279
94 18 nào nǎo a frightened dog.⁸ a dog frightened.²⁴ (of a dog) scared, frightened; barking of a frightened dog.³⁶
(composition: ⿰犭憂; U+7376).
獶杂子女[獶雜子女] nào-dàp-dū-nuī nǎozá zǐnǚ  to frighten boys and girls.²⁴
獶㺒 nào-häo
nǎoxiāo or 獿㺒 nào-häo náoxiāo the barking or yelping of a dog.²⁴ʼ³⁶
<又> ngẽl; yiü; nẽo.
(See 獶 ngẽl; 獶 yiü; 獶 nẽo).
nao4 11280
94 22 nào náo  barking of a dog.²
(composition: ⿰犭夒; U+737F).
獿㺒 nào-häo náoxiāo the barking or yelping of a dog.²⁴
<又> ngẽl.
(See 獿 ngẽl).
nao4 11281
127 16 nào nòu a weeding hoe; to weed.⁶
(composition: ⿰耒辱; U+8028).
锄耨[鋤耨] chũ-nào or chõ-nào or chũ-nèo or chõ-nèo chúnòu to clear away weeds.²⁵
耕耨 gäng-nào
or gäng-nèo gēngnòu to plow and hoe.¹¹
耒耨 lòi-nào
or lòi-nèo lěinòu to till; to plow; to cultivate.⁷
耨草 nào-tāo
or nèo-tāo nòucǎo to hoe up weeds.⁷
深耕易耨 sïm-gäng-yì-nào
or sïm-gäng-yì-nèo shēngēngyìnòu plow deeply and weed thoroughly.³⁹
铫耨[銚耨] yẽl-nào
or yẽl-nèo yáonòu a big hoe and weeding implement.⁵⁴
<又> nèo.
(See 耨 nèo.)
nao4 11282
167 18 nào nòu (=耨 nào nòu a weeding hoe; to weed.⁶) a small hoe or weeder, the head of which is six inches, and the handle a foot long.²⁵
(composition: ⿰金辱; U+9392).
or 铫耨[銚耨] yẽl-nào or yẽl-nèo yáonòu a big hoe and weeding implement.⁵⁴
<又> nèo.
(See 鎒 nèo).
nao4 11283
167 20 nào náo cymbals; ancient musical instrument used in the army, resembling a small tongueless bell.⁶
铙钹[鐃鈸] nào-bòt náobó big cymbals.⁶
铙歌[鐃歌] nào-gô
náogē an ancient military song.¹¹
铙鼓[鐃鼓] nào-gū
náogǔ kind of military drum.¹¹
nao4 11284
169 13 nào nào (=闹[鬧] nào nào noisy; cacophonous; to make noise; to disturb; to vent (feelings); to fall ill; to have an attack (of sickness); to go in (for some activity); to joke.¹⁰)
(composition: ⿵門市; U+9599).
(See 鬧] nào).
nao4 11285
191 15 nào nào noisy; cacophonous; to make noise; to disturb; to vent (feelings); to fall ill; to have an attack (of sickness); to go in (for some activity); to joke.¹⁰ (variants: 閙, 𠆴❄{⿱巿人} nào).
吵吵闹闹[吵吵鬧鬧] chāo-chāo-nào-nào
chǎochǎonàonào to make a noise; to make to raise a racket; to kick up a row/din.⁶
吵闹[吵鬧] chāo-nào
chǎonào noisy.¹⁰
闹病[鬧病] nào-bèng
nàobìng to fall ill; to be sick.⁹
闹气[鬧氣] nào-hï
nàoqì to get angry with somebody.⁹ petulance.¹⁰ look for trouble in a fit of anger.¹¹
闹钟[鬧鐘] nào-jüng
nàozhōng alarm clock.¹⁰
闹市[鬧市] nào-sî
nàoshì busy shopping center; downtown area; busy streets.¹⁹
闹事[鬧事] nào-xù
nàoshì to cause trouble; to create a disturbance.¹⁰
嘈闹[嘈鬧] tão-nào
cáonào tumultuous; turbulent.¹¹
喧闹[喧鬧] xün-nào
xuānnào to make a noise; noisy.¹⁰
闹羊花[鬧羊花] nào-yẽng-fä
nàoyánghuā rhododendron; a.k.a. 羊踯躅[羊躑躅] yẽng-jàk-dùk yángzhízhú.¹¹
<台> 闹交[鬧交] nào-gâo/ to quarrel; quarrel.
<台> 闹人[鬧人] nào-ngĩn to swear or curse (at people).
(See 閙 nào; 𠆴❄{⿱巿人} nào).
nao4 11286
38 12 nâo nǎo (=恼[惱] nâo nǎo angry, irritated, annoyed; unhappy, worried.⁵); to anger; to annoy; to irritate.⁸ dislike, vexation, anger.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女⿱巛囟; U+36F4).
(See 惱 nâo).
nao5 11287
61 12 nâo nǎo angry, irritated, annoyed; unhappy, worried.⁵
懊恼[懊惱] äo-nâo àonǎo annoyed; vexed; upset.⁵
烦恼[煩惱] fãn-nâo
fánnǎo vexed; worried.⁵
恼火[惱火] nâo-fō
nǎohuǒ annoyed; irritated; vexed.⁵
恼恨[惱恨] nâo-hàn
nǎohèn resent; hate.⁵
恼人[惱人] nâo-ngĩn
nǎorén irritating; annoying.⁵
恼人春色[惱人春色] nâo-ngĩn-chün-sēik
nǎorénchūnsè suffering from love in  spring.⁷
恼怒[惱怒] nâo-nù
nǎonù angry; indignant; furious.⁵
恼羞成怒[惱羞成怒] nâo-xiü-sẽin-nù
nǎoxiūchéngnù fly into a rage from shame; be shamed into anger.⁵
娆恼[嬈惱] ngêl-nâo
rǎonǎo disturbing, troublesome.¹¹
nao5 11288
96 13 nâo nǎo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 瑙 não nǎo with same meaning: agate; cornelian.⁸)
<又> não.
(See 瑙 não.)
nao5 11289
30 7 nàp battle cry.¹⁰ to shout.³⁶
呐喊[吶喊] nàp-häm nàhǎn shout loudly; cry out.⁶ shout; rallying cry; cheering; to shout.¹⁰
呐喊助威[吶喊助威] nàp-häm jò-vï
nàhǎn zhùwēi shout encouragement; cheer loudly (in order to boost morale).⁶
呐喊声[吶喊聲] nàp-häm-sëin
nàhǎnshēng hubbub.¹⁰
呐呐[吶吶] nàp-nàp
nànà slow of speech.¹¹
声呐[聲吶] sëin-nàp
shēngnà sonar.¹⁰
唢呐[嗩吶] xū-nàp
suǒnà suona, Chinese shawm (oboe), used in festivals and processions or for military purposes; also written 锁呐[鎖吶] xū-nàp suǒnà; also called 喇叭 lä-bā lǎba horn.¹⁰
摇旗呐喊[搖旗吶喊] yẽl-kĩ-nàp-häm
yáoqínàhǎn to wave flags and shout battle cries (idiom); to egg somebody on; to give support to.¹⁰
<又> nẽh; nùt.
(See 吶 [nàp, ]; 吶 nẽh; 吶 nùt).
nap4 11290
30 7 nàp <lit.>=讷[訥] nàp to stammer.³⁶
呐呐[吶吶] nàp-nàp
or nùt-nùt nènè to stammer.³⁶
<又> nẽh; nùt.
(See 吶 [nàp, nà]; 吶 nẽh; 吶 nùt).
nap4 11291
30 7 nàp (=呐 nàp nè <lit.>=讷[訥] nàp nè to stammer.³⁶).²
(=讷[訥] nàp (of speech) slow); slow-tongued, to stammer; to shout in triumph, the noise of shouting in battle.⁸ no; difficulty of utterance; an impediment of speech.²⁴
(composition: ⿵內口; U+356F).
<又> nùt.
(See 㕯 nùt; 呐 [nàp, ] ; 訥 [nàp, ]).
nap4 11292
64 13 nàp to hit; to strike.⁸ to beat; to strike.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌納; U+3A25).
nap4 11293
78 8 𣧍
nàp (composition: ⿰歹內; U+239CD).
殟𣧍❄{⿰歹內} vün-nàp wēnnè to be upset; to be distracted.² the mind confused.²⁴
nap4 11294
120 10 nàp receive, admit; enjoy; pay, offer; saw close stitches (ocer a patch).⁵ Na surname.¹⁰
出纳[出納] chūt-nàp chūnà cashier; to receive and hand over payment; to lend and borrow books.¹⁰
纳币[納幣] nàp-bài
nàbì present betrothal gifts.⁵⁴
纳福[納福] nàp-fūk
nàfú enjoy ease and comfort.⁵⁴
纳降[納降] nàp-hõng
nàxiáng accept surrender.⁵⁴
纳贿[納賄] nàp-hōi
nàhuì accept bribes; offer bribes.¹¹
纳罕[納罕] nàp-hōn
nàhǎn be surprised; marvel.⁵
纳凉[納涼] nàp-lẽng
nàliáng enjoy the cool (in open air).⁵
纳米[納米] nàp-māi
nàmǐ <loan> nanometer.¹⁰
纳秒[納秒] nàp-mêl
nàmiǎo nanosecond, ns, 10⁻⁹ s (PRC); Taiwan equivalent: 奈秒 nòi-mêl nàimiǎo nanosecond.¹⁰
纳闷[納悶] nàp-mòn
nàmèn  puzzled; bewildered.¹⁰
纳税[納稅] nàp-suï
nàshuì pay taxes.⁵
纳妾[納妾] nàp-tēp
nàqiè take a concubine.⁶
纳新[納新] nàp-xïn
nàxīn take in the fresh, new members.⁵
纳粹[納粹] Nàp-xuì
Nàcuì <loan> Nazi.⁵
纳入[納入] nàp-yìp
nàrù bring (or channel) into.⁵ receive (a sum of money) and enter it in the ledger.¹¹
<台> 纳[納] nàp to hit; to strike.
<台> 一竹篙纳通船[一竹篙納通船] yīt-jūk-gâo-nàp-hüng-sõn carping maliciously in one fell swoop.
nap4 11295
145 9 nàp patch up; Buddhist monk's (patchwork) robe; Buddhist monk.⁶
百衲衣 bāk-nàp-yï bónàyī monk's ragged robe; ragged dress made of patches.⁸
老衲 lāo-nàp
lǎonà an old monk.⁹
衲袄[衲襖] nàp-äo
nà'ǎo robe; Buddhist robe.⁵⁴
衲子 nàp-dū
nàzi a polite self-reference of a Buddhist monk.⁷
衲鞋底 nàp-hãi-āi nà
xiédǐ sew the cloth soles of shoes.⁷
衲头[衲頭] nàp-hẽo
nàtóu monk's clothes made of rags.⁷
衲被 nàp-pî
nàbèi patched quilt; <trad.> collection of cards with literary allusions.⁵⁴
衲衣 nàp-yï
nàyī monk's robe.³⁹
<又> nâ, nâp.
(See 衲 nâ, nâp.)
nap4 11296
149 11 nàp slow (of speech).
木讷[木訥] mùk-nàp mùnè <wr.> simple and slow (of speech); inarticulate.
讷口[訥口] nàp-hēo
nèkǒu slow of speech.
讷口少言[訥口少言] nàp-hēo-sēl-ngũn
nèkǒushǎoyán to be slow of speech and reticent.
讷讷[訥訥] nàp-nàp
nènè <wr.> to speak slowly or with difficulty.
讷于言而敏于行[訥於言而敏于行] nàp-yï-ngũn-ngĩ-mêin-yï-hãng
nè yú yán ér mǐn yú xíng slow in speech but quick in deeds.⁵⁴
<又> nùt.
(See 訥 nùt.)
nap4 11297
159 11 nàp reins.⁸  the inner reins of a four-horse team.¹⁴ the inner reins of a team of four horses driven abreast, which were generally tied to the crossbar in front of the carriage.²⁵ the inner ornamental reins of a team of four horses, used in olden times; they were tied to the carriage front.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰車内 or ⿰車內 (font dependent); U+8EDC).
觼軜 kūt-nàp
juénà a ring with a tongue attached to the bar of a carriage for hanging the reins on - it was sometimes gilded or silvered over; any ring with a hook in it; a clasp or buckle; the ring of a Chinese lock, in front of a box.²⁵
Wù yǐ jué nà
Gilt are the buckles for the inner reins.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·秦風·小戎》, translated by James Legge).
nap4 11298
167 12 nàp sodium (Na).⁶ to sharpen wood; to hammer iron to a point; used for Na, the chemical symbol for Sodium.¹⁴
苛性钠[苛性鈉] hõ-xëin-nàp or hô-xëin-nàp kēxìngnà sodium hydroxide; caustic soda.⁸
钠玻璃[鈉玻璃] nàp-bū-lī
or nàp-bō-lī nàbōli soda glass.⁶
钠长石[ 鈉長石] nàp-chẽng-sêk
nàchángshí albite.⁶
钠泵[鈉泵] nàp-pēim
nàbèng sodium pump.⁶
钠钙玻璃[鈉鈣玻璃] nàp-köi-bū-lī
or nàp-köi-bō-lī nàgàibōli soda-lime glass.⁶
钠离子[鈉離子] nàp-lĩ-dū
nàlízǐ sodium ion.⁶
钠盐[鈉鹽] nàp-yẽm
nàyán sodium salt.⁶
<台> 钠[鈉] näp to hook.
<台> 钠[鈉] nâp/ hook.
<台> 秤钠[秤鈉] chêin-nâp/ hook at the end of a steelyard.
<台> 髻钠[髻鈉] gâi-nâp
or gâi-nâp/ hairpin.
nap4 11299
177 13 nàp (<old>=䪏 nàp weak, feeble, tender, delicate, soft.⁸ soft; flexible.²⁵ soft soil.¹⁰¹).¹⁹ <Japanese> archer's arm protector.³⁶ <Japanese> leather sleeve (for archery).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰革內; U+9779).
(See 䪏 nàp).
nap4 11300
178 13 nàp weak, feeble, tender, delicate, soft.⁸ soft; flexible.²⁵ soft soil.¹⁰¹ (old variant: 靹 nàp ).
(composition: ⿰韋內; U+4A8F).
<又> āp.
(See 䪏 āp; 靹 nàp).
nap4 11301
145 9 nâp <台> 棉衲 mẽin-nâp cotton-padded jacket.
<又> nâ, nàp. (See 衲 nâ, nàp.)
nap5 11302
23 10 nät <台> 匿 nät to hide oneself.
<台> 匿鸡[匿雞] nät-gäi/ to play hide-and-seek (=捉迷藏 jök-mãi-tõng zhuō mícáng to play hide-and-seek.)
<又> nèik, nēik.
(See 匿 nèik, nēik.)
nat2 11303
64 11 nät to press down, to restrain.
按捺 ön-nät ànnà to restrain; to control.
按捺不住 ön-nät-būt-jì
ànnàbuzhù unable to hold back.
捺着性子[捺著性子] nät-jēk-xëin-dū
nàzhe xìngzi to endure patiently.
捺手印 nät-siū-yïn
nàshǒuyìn to press one's thumbprint on a document.
<又> nât.
(See 捺 nât.)
nat2 11304
86 11 nät ruò (<old>=爇 nät ruò) to burn, to heat.¹⁰
<台> 焫 nät to scald, to burn (by high temperature); (slang) to shoot; boiling hot, scalding.
<台> 焫鸡[焫雞] nät-gäi a soldering iron; an electric soldering iron.
<台> 焫手 nät-siū  (feels) hot.
<台> 佢只手畀滚水焫蕉[佢隻手畀滾水焫蕉] kuï-jëk-siū-ī-gūn-suī-nät-dêl the hot water scald his hand.
<又> ngùt.
(See 爇 nät; 焫 ngùt).
nat2 11305
86 18 nät ruò to burn, to heat.¹⁰ (old variant: 焫 nät ruò).
爇茶 nät-chã
ruòchá to heat tea.¹⁴
爇烛[爇燭] nät-jūk
ruòzhú <wr.> to light a candle.³⁹
<台> 爇 nät to burn (by heat such as a radiator or iron).
(See 焫 nät).
nat2 11306
64 11 nât right falling stroke in calligraphy.
一捺 yīt-nât yīnà a right falling stroke.
一撇一捺 yīt-pët-yīt-nât
yīpiěyīnà one stroke to the left and another to the right.
<台> 捺捺 nät-nât a right falling stroke.
<又> nät.
(See 捺 nät.)
nat5 11307
5 2 nēh niè Nie surname.
<又> mēh, mōt. (See 乜 mēh, mōt.)
neh1 11308
30 8 nēh ne 1. used at the end of a special, alternative, or rhetorical question to denote interrogation: 怎么办呢?[怎麼辦呢?] Dīm-mō-bàn-nēh? Zěnme bàn ne? How is it to be done?
2. used to reinforce an assertion: 还没有来呢.[還沒有來呢.] Vãn mòt-yiû lõi nēh.
Hái méiyǒu lái ne. (He) hasn't come yet.
3. used to indicate continued state or action: 他睡觉呢.[他睡覺呢.] Hä suì-gäo nēh.
Tā shuìjiào ne. He is still sleeping.
4. used to mark a deliberate pause in a sentence: 喜欢呢,就买下;不喜欢呢,就不买. [喜歡呢,就買下;不喜歡呢,就不買.] Hī-fön nēh,  diù mäi-hä; būt  hī-fön nēh,  diù būt mäi.
Xǐhuān ne, jiù mǎixia; bù xǐhuān ne, jiù bù mǎi. If you like it, buy it; if you don't, don't buy it.
(See 呢 nãi.)
neh1 11309
166 11 nëh <台> 田野 hẽin-nëh a thing. (See 田野 hẽin-yêh tiányě).
<又> yëh, yêh.
(See 野 yëh; 野 yêh.)
neh2 11310
30 7 nẽh ne (=呢 nēh ne) used to reinforce an assertion).
<又> nàp; nùt.
(See 吶 [nàp, nà]; 吶 [nàp, nè]; 吶 nùt).
neh3 11311
23 10 nēik <台> bitter.
<台> 苦瓜好匿 fū-gä hāo-nēik bitter melon is very bitter.
<又> nèik, nät. (See 匿 nèik, nät.)
neik1 11312
167 18 nēik niè nickel (Ni).⁶
镍币[鎳幣] nēik-bài nièbì nickel (coin).⁶
镍箔[鎳箔] nēik-bòk
nièbó nickel foil.⁶
镍钢[鎳鋼] nēik-gông
niègāng nickel steel.⁸
镍合金[鎳合金] nēik-hàp-gïm
nièhéjīn nickel alloy.⁶
镍矿[鎳礦] nēik-köng
nièkuàng nickel ore.⁹
镍铑合金[鎳銠合金] nēik-lāo-hàp-gïm
nièlǎohéjīn nickel rhodium alloy.¹⁹
neik1 11313
64 10 nëik niē <台> 捏 nëik to pinch; to pinch with fingernails.
<台> 捏一下 nëik-yīt-hâ to pinch; a pinch.
<又> nēp, nīt, nêik.
(See 捏 nēp, nīt, nêik.)
neik2 11314
64 11 nëik
qiā to pinch; to dig nails into; to pick (flowers); to cut off, to nip; to choke.
掐把 nëik-bā qiābǎ to hold fast; to treat harshly.
掐花 nëik-fä
qiāhuā to pluck flowers with the fingernails.
掐头去尾[掐頭去尾] nëik-hẽo-huï-mī
qiātóuqùwěi to break off or leave out both ends; remove the superfluous parts.
掐指一算 nëik-jī-yīt-xön
qiāzhǐyīsuàn to count by bending the fingers.
掐断[掐斷] nëik-òn
qiāduàn to cut off; to disconnect.
掐菜 nëik-töi
qiācài mung-bean sprouts with both ends chopped off (a Chinese dish); to prepare vegetables by ripping off the roots and rotten leaves.
掐死 nëik-xī
qiāsǐ to choke to death by strangling with hands.
掐算 nëik-xön
qiāsuàn to count with one's fingers; on the spot calculation.
neik2 11315
23 10 nèik to hide; to conceal.
匿名 nèik-mẽin nìmíng anonymous.
匿名信 nèik-mẽin-xïn
nìmíngxìn anonymous letter.
匿藏 nèik-tõng nìcáng to hide.
舍匿 sëh-nèik
shènì to harbor (a criminal).⁷
藏匿 tõng-nèik
cángnì to conceal; to hide; to squirrel something away; to go into hiding.
隐匿[隱匿] yîn-nèik
yǐnnì <wr.> to lie low; to conceal.
隐匿犯人[隱匿犯人] yîn-nèik-fàn-ngĩn
yǐnnì fànrén to conceal a criminal.
<又> nät, nēik.
(See 匿 nät, nēik.)
neik4 11316
38 13 nèik (<old>=昵 nèik close; intimate.⁵ familiar; intimate; to approach.¹⁴).⁸ a woman's name; lascivious, to take indecent liberties.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女匿; U+5ADF).
燕嫟之私 yën-nèik-jï-xü
yànnìzhīsī conjugal happiness.⁵⁴
(See 昵 nèik).
neik4 11317
61 12 nèik long for; hungry.⁸ sad; disappointed.⁹ distressed; famished.¹⁰ to think of with sorrow; to feel hunger.¹⁴ to be hungry; to hunger after; to be sad.²⁴
(composition: ⿱叔心; U+60C4).
惄然 nèik-ngẽin nìrán worry about.¹⁹
惄思 nèik-xü
nìsī to think of with fondness.¹⁴ to think on with a longing desire; anxious thought.²⁴
or 惄焉如搗 nèik-yẽn-nguĩ-āo nìyānrúdǎo <lit.> my heart is greatly disturbed (lit., 'pounding').¹¹
neik4 11318
61 13 nèik mortified; ashamed.⁸ to be ashamed of.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄匿; U+397E).
内㥾[內㥾] nuì-nèik nèinì inward shame.²⁴
neik4 11319
64 13 nèik nuò <wr.> hold in the hand.⁵ hold; challenge, provoke.⁶ to hold, to seize; to challenge; to incite; to suppress, to restrain.⁷ to seize; to take hold of.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰扌弱; U+6426).
抽搦 chëo-nèik chōunuò <med.> tic; twitch.⁵
搦笔[搦筆] nèik-bīt
nuòbǐ to take up a pen (to write).¹⁴
搦管 nèik-gōn
nuòguǎn (=执笔[執筆] jīp-bīt zhíbǐ) <wr.> hold a writing brush or pen.⁶ to take up a pen (to write).¹⁴
搦棹 nèik-jào
nuòzhào to take up the oars to row.⁵⁴
搦战[搦戰] nèik-jën
nuòzhàn <wr.> (as found in early vernacular) challenge to a fight; provoke somebody into fighting.⁶ to challenge to battle.⁷
搦秦起赵[搦秦起趙] nèik-Tũn-hī-Jèl
nuò Qín qǐ Zhào lit. to hold Qín's power in check and encourage Zhào; fig. to hold the strong power in check and encourage the weak.⁵⁴
neik4 11320
64 14 nèik nuò (<old>=搦 nèik nuò <wr.> hold in the hand.⁵ hold; challenge, provoke.⁶ to hold, to seize; to challenge; to incite; to suppress, to restrain.⁷ to seize; to take hold of.¹⁴).⁸
(composition: ⿱合⿰手手; U+643B).
<又> nã; làk.
(See 搻 nã; 搻 làk; 搦 nèik).

neik4 11321
72 9 nèik close; intimate.⁵ familiar; intimate; to approach.¹⁴
(variant: 暱 nèik nì.)
(composition: ⿰日尼; U+6635).
狎昵 äp-nèik
or hâp-nèik xiánì be intimate in a frivolous way; be improperly familiar/close (with).⁶
昵比罪人 nèik-bī-duì-ngĩn
nìbìzuìrén associate with criminals.¹¹ to be familiar with wicked persons.²⁴
昵称[昵稱] nèik-chëin
nìchēng pet name; term of endearment.⁶
昵就 nèik-diù
nìjiù draw near to.¹⁴
昵交 nèik-gäo
nìjiāo close friendship.⁷
昵爱[昵愛] nèik-öi
nì'ài close; intimate.⁶ familiarity.¹⁴
昵嫌 nèik-yẽm
nìxián a personal grudge.⁷
昵友 nèik-yiû
nìyǒu close/intimate/bosom friend.⁶
爱昵[愛昵] öi-nèik
àinì intimate; loving; doting.⁵⁴
亵昵[褻昵] xēik-nèik
xiènì familiar (i.e. rude); irreverent.¹⁰
私昵 xü-nèik
sīnì intimate with.¹⁴
(See 暱 nèik.)
neik4 11322
72 14 nèik (=昵 nèik nì.) close; intimate.⁵ familiar; intimate; to approach.¹⁴
(See 昵 nèik.)
neik4 11323
85 6 nèik (=㲻 nèik =溺 nèik ).² (=溺 nèik to drown; to indulge; addicted to; to spoil a child); to sink; to drown; to be given over to.⁸ to be drowned.²⁴
(composition: ⿱水𠆢; U+6C3C).
(See 溺 nèik).
neik4 11324
85 6 nèik (<old>=溺 nèik to drown; to indulge; addicted to; to spoil a child); sunk; perished, drowned; infatuated.⁸ to sink into the water; to be drowned.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻水; U+3CBB).
(See 溺 nèik).
neik4 11325
85 13 nèik to drown; to indulge; addicted to; to spoil (a child).
(variants: 㲻, 氼 nèik ).
耽溺 äm-nèik
dānnì to indulge in (evil ways); unable to free oneself from (bad habits).⁷
便溺 bèin-nèik
biànnì to to urinate or defecate; to relieve oneself. (See 便溺 bèin-nèl biànniào.)
沉溺 chĩm-nèik
chénnì to wallow in (vices); to sink and submerge in water.
溺爱[溺愛] nèik-öi
nì'ài to spoil (a child); to dote on.
溺水 nèik-suī
nìshuǐ to drown.
溺死 nèik-xī
nìsǐ to be drowned.
溺信 nèik-xïn
nìxìn credulousness.
溺婴[溺嬰] nèik-yëin
nìyīng to drown a newborn baby (as method of infanticide).
<又> nèl.
(See 溺 nèl; 㲻 nèik; 氼 nèik)
neik4 11326
109 10 nèik small eyes; (<old>=昵 nèik nì close; intimate.⁵ familiar; intimate; to approach.¹⁴); intimate; to be on intimate terms with.⁸
(composition: ⿰目尼; U+7724).
(See 昵 nèik).
neik4 11327
109 15 nèik to blink, to half-close the eyes; small eyes; (=昵 nèik close; intimate.⁵); very dear; very intimate; very much in love.⁸ small eyes.²⁴
(composition: ⿰目匿; U+4065).
neik4 11328
64 10 nêik niē <台> 手捏的痕迹[手捏的痕跡] siū-nêik-ēik-hân-dēik a pinch mark.
<又> nēp, nëik, nīt. (See 捏 nēp, nëik, nīt.)
neik5 11329
130 12 nëim rèn  soft.⁸
<台> 軟腍腍 ngün-nëim-nëim very soft.
neim2 11330
130 13 nëim nǎn <台> 腩 nëim rotten fish or meat.
<又> näm, nâm. (See 腩 näm, nâm.)
neim2 11331
24 9 nẽim nán <台> 南南 nẽim-nẽim or nãm-nãm soft (=松软[鬆軟] xüng-ngün sōngruǎn soft; spongy; loose.⁵).
<又> nãm.
(See 南 [nãm, ], [nãm, nán].)
neim3 11332
64 8 nēin līn to lift; to carry in one's hand.⁵⁴ carry or hold with a hand; lift up.⁷⁵ (Note: Pronounced  līng in Taiwan).³⁶
ning1 or ling1 take away/out, bring over; make use of somebody/something.⁷⁵ to take; to hold.
拎包 nēin-bäo
līnbāo handbag; shopping bag; bag.
拎起 nēin-hī
līnqǐ to pick up (from the ground with one's hands).
<粵> 帮我拎住个袋[幫我拎住個袋]
bong1 ngo5 ling1 zyu6 go3 doi6-2 Hold on to the bag for me.³⁶
<粵> 佢拎走咗我张纸[佢拎走咗我張紙]
keoi5 ling1 zau2 zo2 ngo5 zoeng1 zi2 He took away my sheet of paper.³⁶
<台> 拎住 nēin-jì
ning1 zyu6 or ling1 zyu6 to hold.⁷⁵
nein1 11333
64 15 nēin niǎn (composition: ⿰扌然; U+649A).
<台> 撚 nēin to squeeze.
<台> 一手撚死只蚊[一手撚死隻蚊] yīt-siū-nēin-xī-jëk-mûn He squeezed the mosquito to death with his hand.
<台> 一手撚死欸只蚊[一手撚死欸隻蚊] yīt-siū-nēin-xī-ë-jëk-mûn He squashed the mosquito to death with his hand. (Note: by adding 欸 ë makes the sentence more emphatic).
<又> nān; nëm. (See 撚 nān; 撚 nëm).
nein1 11334
9 16 nẽin níng weak; wearied; in distress.⁸ weak and distressed.²⁵ <old> cowardly, weak; alternative form of 您 (nî nín).³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻寧; U+511C).
儜弱 nẽin-ngèk
níngruò cowardly; weak.¹³ʼ⁵⁴
儜奴 nẽin-nũ
níngnú (cursed) worthless slave.¹³ʼ⁵⁴
傖儜 töng-nẽin
cāngníng disorderly; pell-mell; uncouth; rough; boorish.¹³ʼ⁵⁴
<又> nãng.
(See 儜 nãng).
nein3 11335
30 17 nẽin níng to enjoin, to instruct; to charge.⁸
叮咛[叮嚀] or 丁宁[丁寧] ëin-nẽin dīngníng to warn; to urge; to exhort; to give instructions carefully and insistently.¹⁰ to give advice repeatedly.¹¹
nein3 11336
40 12 nẽin níng (=寧 nẽin níng) peaceful; wlling to, want to; hope for.⁸
(See 寧 [nẽin, níng].)
nein3 11337
40 12 nẽin níng (<old>=寧 nẽin níng peaceful, tranquil.⁵)
(composition: ⿳宀心皿; U+5BCD).
(See 寧 [nẽin níng]; 寧 [nẽin nìng]).
nein3 11338
40 12 nẽin nìng (=寧 nẽin nìng) Ning surname.⁸
(See 寧 [nẽin, nìng].)
nein3 11339
40 12 nẽin nìng (<old>=寧 nẽin nìng) repose, serenity, peace; peaceful.⁸
(See 寧 [nẽin, nìng].)
nein3 11340
40 12 nẽin nìng (<old>=寧 nẽin nìng rather, would prefer, better; <wr.> could there be.⁵)
(composition: ⿳宀心皿; U+5BCD).

(See 寧 [nẽin
níng]; 寧 [nẽin nìng]).
nein3 11341
40 13 nẽin níng (<old>=寧 nẽin níng peaceful, tranquil.⁵)
(composition: ⿳宀心⿱皿亅; U+5BDC).
(See 寧 [nẽin níng]; 寧 [nẽin nìng]).
nein3 11342
40 13 nẽin nìng (<old>=寧 nẽin nìng rather, would prefer, better; <wr.> could there be.⁵)
(composition: ⿳宀心⿱皿亅; U+5BDC).

(See 寧 [nẽin
níng]; 寧 [nẽin nìng]).
nein3 11343
40 14 nẽin níng peaceful, tranquil; short for the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region; another name for Nanjing 南京.⁵ (variant: 甯 nẽin níng).
t: ⿱寍丁; U+5BE7). (comp. s: ⿱宀丁; U+5B81).
宁静[寧靜] nẽin-dèin
níngjìng  peaceful; tranquil; quiet.⁵
宁夏 [寧夏] Nẽin-hà
Níngxià Ningxia.⁵
宁夏回族自治区[寧夏回族自治區] Nẽin-hà-või-dùk-dù-jì-kuï
Níngxiàhuízúzìzhìqū Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.⁵
安宁[安寧] ön-nẽin
ānníng peaceful; tranquil; calm; composed; free from worry.⁵
坐卧不宁[坐臥不寧] dò-ngò-būt-nẽin
zuòwòbùníng be unable to sit down or sleep at ease; feel restless; be on tenterhooks.⁵
辽宁[遼寧] Lẽl-nẽin
Liáoníng Liaoning (Province).⁵
息事宁人[息事寧人] xēik-xù-nẽin-ngĩn
xīshìníngrén  patch up a quarrel and reconcile the parties concerned; make concessions to avoid trouble; gloss things over to stay on good terms.⁵
(See 寧 [nẽin, nìng]; 甯 nẽin.)
nein3 11344
40 14 nẽin nìng rather, would prefer, better; <wr.> could there be; Ning surname.⁵ (variant: 寕 nẽin nìng).
t: ⿱寍丁; U+5BE7). (comp. s: ⿱宀丁; U+5B81).
宁肯[寧肯] nẽin-hāng
nìngkěn would rather.⁵
宁可[寧可] nẽin-hō
nìngkě would rather; better.⁵
宁缺毋滥[寧缺毋濫] nẽin-kūt-mũ-làm
or nẽin-hūt-mũ-làm nìngquēwúlàn would rather go without than be contented with any thing less satisfactory.⁸ place quality over quantity.⁹
宁蒗[寧蒗] Nẽin-lòng
Nìnglàng, abbreviation for Ninglang Yizu autonomous county in Yunnan.¹⁰
宁蒗彝族自治县[寧蒗彞族自治縣], Nẽin-lòng Yĩ-dùk dù-jì-yòn
Nìnglàng Yízú zìzhìxiàn Ninglang Yizu autonomous county in 丽江[麗江] Lãi-göng Líjiāng Lijiang, Yunnan.¹⁰
宁愿[寧願] nẽin-ngùn
nìngyuàn would rather; would sooner.⁷
宁死[寧死] nẽin-xī
nìngsǐ would rather die.⁷
宁死不屈[寧死不屈] nẽin-xī-būt-vūt
nìngsǐbùqū would rather die than submit (or surrender).⁷
(See 寧 [nẽin, níng]; 寕 nẽin.)
nein3 11345
51 6 nẽin nián year; New Year; age; era; harvest; annual.⁹ Nian surname.⁸
长年[長年] chẽng-nẽin chángnián all the year around.¹⁰
长年[長年] jēng-nẽin
zhǎngnián shipowner; boatman; the aged.⁸
年资[年資] nẽin-dü
niánzī age and years or service;  seniority.⁶
年富力强[年富力強] nẽin-fü-lèik-kẽng
niánfùlìqiáng in one's prime.
年糕 nẽin-gäo
niángāo New Year cake, made of glutinous rice.⁵
年纪[年紀] nẽin-gī
niánjì a person's age.¹¹
年光荏苒 nẽin-göng-ngìm-ngëm
niánguāngrěnrǎn to elapse gradually and imperceptibly (of time); to pass quickly (of time).¹ the quick passing of time.⁹
年号[年號] nẽin-hão
niánhào emperor's reign title.
年禧 nẽin-hī
niánxǐ New Year's greetings.⁷
年级[年級] nẽin-kīp
niánjí grade; year.⁵
年腊[年臘] nẽin-làp
niánlà <Budd.> duration of a monk's profession of faith.⁵⁴
年龄[年齡] nẽin-lẽin
niánlíng age.⁶
年迈[年邁] nẽin-mài
niánmài aged.⁵
安度晚年 ön-ù-mân-nẽin
āndùwǎnnián to spend one's remaining years in peace and comfort.⁵⁴
nein3 11346
75 18 nẽin níng lemon.¹⁰
柠檬[檸檬] nẽin-mūng níngméng lemon.¹¹
柠檬茶[檸檬茶] nẽin-mūng-chã
níngníngchá lemon tea..⁶
柠檬鸡[檸檬雞] nẽin-mūng-gäi
níngméngjī chicken in lemon sauce (Guangdong).⁵⁴
柠檬香茅[檸檬香茅] nẽin-mūng-hëng-mão
níngméng xiāngmáo lemongrass Cymbopogon citratus.⁹
柠檬汽水[檸檬汽水] nẽin-mūng-hï-suī
níngméngqìshuǐ lemon squash; lemonade.⁶
柠檬汁[檸檬汁] nẽin-mūng-jīp
níngméngzhī lemon juice.⁶
柠檬水[檸檬水] nẽin-mūng-suī
níngméngshuǐ lemonade.⁷
柠檬草[檸檬草] nẽin-mūng-tāo
níngméngcǎo lemongrass.⁹
柠檬醛[檸檬醛] nẽin-mūng-tũn
níngméngquán <chem.> citral.⁶
柠檬黄[檸檬黃] nẽin-mūng-võng
níngménghuáng lemon-yellow.⁶
柠檬酸[檸檬酸] nẽin-mūng-xön
níngméngsuān citric acid.²³
柠檬素[檸檬素] nẽin-mūng-xü
níngméngsù citrin; vitamin P.⁶
青柠[青檸] tëin-nẽin
qīngníng lime (fruit).¹⁰
青柠檬[青檸檬] tëin-nẽin-mūng
qīngníngméng lime (fruit).¹⁰
nein3 11347
85 17 nẽin nìng mud; miry, muddy, stagnant.⁸
泥泞[泥濘] nãi-nẽin nínìng muddy, mud.¹⁰
泞滞[濘滯] nẽin-jài
nìngzhì muddy roads that make traveling difficult.⁵⁴
泞淖[濘淖] nẽin-nào
nìngnào (of road) filled with mud.¹¹
泞滑[濘滑] nẽin-vàt
nìnghuá muddy and slippery.⁸
nein3 11348
89 16 𤕦
nẽin níng in confusion; blended, exchanged.²⁴
(composition: ⿱⿰口口⿰⿻己工爻; U+24566).

nein3 11349 24566.gif
94 17 nẽin níng ferocious; hideous.⁵
狰狞[猙獰] jäng-nẽin zhēngníng malevolent; fierce; sinister.¹⁰ hideous, repulsive; ferocious, vicious (beast).¹¹
狞恶[獰惡] nẽin-ōk
níng'è hideous and wicked.⁸
狞视[獰視] nẽin-sì
níngshì gaze at hideously.⁸
狞笑[獰笑] nẽin-xël
níngxiào grin hideously; peal of blustering laughter.⁸ sardonic smile; to laugh maliciously.¹⁰ a hideous, hypocritical smile.¹¹
nein3 11350
128 20 nẽin níng 耵聍[耵聹] ëin-nẽin dīngníng cerumen; earwax.⁸
nein3 11351
140 17 nẽin níng limonene.¹
(composition traditional: ⿱艹寧; U+85B4).
(composition simplified: ⿱艹宁; U+82E7).
(Note: 苧 chuî zhù is also a traditional form, whose simplified form is 苎 ramie (Bœhmeria nivea).³⁶
苧烯[薴烯] nẽin-hï
níngxī (organic chemistry) limonene.³⁶
nein3 11352
149 21 𧭈
nẽin nìng to flatter.²⁵
(composition: ⿰言寧; U+27B48).
<又> nãng. (See 𧭈❄{⿰言寧}  nãng).
nein3 11353
190 24 nẽin níng 鬇鬡 jäng-nẽin zhēngníng <wr.> (of hair) dishevelled; fluffy.⁶ the hair in disorder; dishevelled hair.²⁵
nein3 11354
196 25 nẽin níng 鸋鴃 nẽin-kūt níngjué (=鹪鹩[鷦鷯] dël-lẽl jiāoliáo) wren.⁸ Eurasian wren (Troglodytes troglodytes).¹⁰
nein3 11355
9 7 nèin nìng given to flattery.; <lit.> wise; witty.⁶ eloquent, persuasive, gifted with a glib tongue; obsequious, fawning; to believe (in superstition); one given to flattery.⁷
(variant: 𧦣❄{⿰言⿱亠女} nèin nìng).
不佞 būt-nèin
bùnìng (rather formal, in writing and speech) I, yours truly.¹¹
谗佞[讒佞] chãm-nèin
chánnìng <wr.> calumniator; slanderer.
奸佞[姦佞] gän-nèin
jiānnìng crafty and fawning; crafty and fawning people.⁸
佞妇[佞婦] nèin-fû
nìngfù a glib-tongued woman.⁷
佞佛 nèin-fùt
nìngfó praise (“flatter”) Buddha; (sarcastic) be devout Buddhist.¹¹
佞幸 nèin-hàng
nìngxìng flattering courtiers; favorite of king.¹¹
佞人 nèin-ngĩn
nìngrén obsequious person who flatters others by his glib tongue in order to gain favors; bootlicker.⁷
佞臣 nèin-sĩn
nìngchén flattering courtier.⁷
嬛佞 vãn-nèin
xuānnìng <wr.> sycophant, given to flattery.¹¹
(See 𧦣❄{⿰言⿱亠女} nèin).
nein4 11356
64 17 nèin níng to twist, to wring.
螺丝拧子[螺絲擰子] lũ-xü-nèin-dū luósī níngzi <topo.> screwdriver.⁵⁴
拧子[擰子] nèin-dū
níngzi screwdriver; wrench.
拧紧[擰緊] nèin-gīn
níngjǐn to turn or screw tightly (of lids/nuts).
拧眉瞪眼[擰眉瞪眼] nèin-mĩ-äng-ngān
níngméidèngyǎn <wr.> to raise one's eyebrows and stare in anger.
拧绳子[擰繩子] nèin-sẽin-dū
níng shéngzi to twist a rope.
拧手巾[擰手巾] nèin-siū-gïn
níng shǒujin  to wring a wet towel. (See <台> 扭手巾 niū-siū-gïn).
(See 擰 [nèin, nǐng], [nèin, nìng].)
nein4 11357
64 17 nèin nìng <topo.> stubborn; obstinate; pigheaded.
这人很拧[這人很擰] jëh-ngĩn-hān-nèin zhèrénhěnnìng the guy is rather headstrong.
拧劲[擰勁] nèin-gèin
nìngjìn <topo.> stubbornness.
拧种[擰種] nèin-jūng
nìngzhǒng stubborn person.
拧脾气[擰脾氣] nèin-pĩ-hï
nìngpíqi <topo.> willful disposition.
拧性[擰性] nèin-xëin
nìngxìng doggedness; stubbornness.
(See 擰 [nèin, nǐng], [nèin, níng].)
nein4 11358
64 17 nèin nǐng to screw; to differ, to disagree; wrong, mistaken.
满拧[滿擰] mōn-nèin mǎnnǐng <topo.> be completely opposite (to); totally inconsistent (with); contradict.⁶
拧咕[擰咕] nèin-gū
nǐnggu twisted, screwed, askew; to disagree, to be at cross purposes; to turn, to twiddle.⁶
拧开[擰開] nèin-höi
nǐngkāi to open (a lid); to unscrew (a nut); to turn on (a water tap); to wrench apart.
拧螺丝钉[擰螺絲釘] nèin-lũ-xü-ëng
nǐng luóxüdīng to screw; to twist a screw.
拧痧[擰痧] nèin-sä
nǐngshā scraping and pinching therapy.³⁹
拧葱[擰蔥] nèin-tûng
nǐngcōng <topo.> to make mistakes.
(See 擰 [nèin, níng], [nèin, nìng].)
nein4 11359
149 12 𧦣
nèin nìng (=佞 nèin nìng)² given to flattery.; <lit.> wise; witty.⁶ eloquent, persuasive, gifted with a glib tongue; obsequious, fawning; to believe (in superstition); one given to flattery.⁷
(composition: ⿰言⿱亠女; U+279A3).
(See 佞 nèin).
nein4 11360 279A3.gif
38 5 nêin nǎi <台> 奶 nêin/ breast.
<台> 奶嘴 nêin-duī nipple.
<又> nâi. (See 奶 nâi.)
nein5 11361
61 10 nêin nèn that, like this, thus, so, such.⁸
天气恁热[天氣恁熱] hëin-hï-nêin-ngèik tiānqìnènrè What a hot day!⁶
恁大胆[恁大膽] nêin-ài-ām
nèndàdǎn How reckless! or What audacity!⁵
恁般 nêin-bön
nènbān to such an extent.⁷
恁地 nêin-ì
nèndì or 恁的 nêin-ēik nèndì in this way, to such an extent; how, why.⁷
恁么[恁麼] nêin-mō
nènme in this way, like this; what, which.⁷
恁时节[恁時節] nêin-sĩ-dēik
nènshíjié when that time comes; at that time.⁷
<台> 到恁 äo-nêin/ over there.
<台> 恁个[恁個] nêin-göi that one.
<台> 恁好 nêin-hāo/ in that way; like that.
<台> 恁尼 nêin-nāi those.
<台> 恁时[恁時] nêin-sî/ at that time.
(See 恁 [nêin, nín].)
nein5 11362
61 10 nêin nín <wr.> (=您 nî nín) polite form of you.
(See 恁 [nêin, nèn].)
nein5 11363
9 10 nēk ruò <台> 偌 nēk someone else.
<台> 畀偌打欸 ī-nēk-ā-ë to be beaten by someone.
<台> 人偌 ngĩn-nēk someone else.
<台> 人偌梆梆起,自己梆那髀. Ngĩn-nēk-bông-bông-hī, dù-gī-bông-nä-bī. While everyone else is advancing, I am not.
<又> nëk, nêk, ngèk. (See 偌 nëk, nêk, ngèk.)
nek1 11364
9 10 nëk ruò <台> 实偌偌[實偌偌] sìt-nëk-nëk firm (not soft).
<又> nēk, nêk, ngèk. (See 偌 nēk, nêk, ngèk.)
nek2 11365
9 10 nêk ruò thus, so, like, such.⁸
<台> 偌 nêk you (plural).⁰
<台> 偌个[偌個] nêk-göi yours (plural).
<又> nēk, nëk, ngèk. (See 偌 nēk, nëk, ngèk.)
nek5 11366
30 15 nêk ruò (Hakka dialect variant) you.³⁶
(composition: ⿰口惹; U+3603).
<又> ngêh. (See 㘃 ngêh).
nek5 11367
44 7 尿 nèl niào to urinate; urine.¹⁰
糖尿病 hõng-nèl-bèng tángniàobìng <med.> diabetes.⁶
尿布 nèl-bü
niàobù diaper.¹¹
尿床 nèl-chõng
niàochuáng wet the bed.⁶
尿急 nèl-gīp
niàojí urinary urgency.¹⁰
尿缸 nèl-göng
niàogāng a receptacle for urine.¹¹
尿桶 nèl-hūng
niàotǒng wooden pail for urine.¹¹
尿血 nèl-hūt
niàoxuè hematuria.⁸
尿潴留[尿瀦留] nèl-jï-liũ
niàozhūliú retention of urine.⁶
尿尿 nèl-nèl
niàoniào to pee.¹⁰
尿毒症 nèl-ùk-jëin
niàodúzhèng <med.> uremia.⁶
尿壶[尿壺] nèl-vũ
niàohú urinal; chamber pot, night pot.⁶
尿素 nèl-xü
niàosù carbamide; urea (NH₂)₂CO.¹⁰
尿素酶 nèl-xü-mõi
niàosùméi urease; urase.⁶
撒尿 xät-nèl
sāniào <topo.> piss; pee; wee.⁹
<台> 懒人屎尿多[懶人屎尿多] län-ngĩn-sī-nèl-ü lazy people go to the toilet a lot – fig. lazy people make excuses to avoid work.
<台> 尿瓮 nèl-ûng chamber pot.
<台> 屙尿 ü-nèl to urinate. (The polite form is 小便 xēl-bèin to urinate.)
(See 尿 [nèl, suī].)
nel4 11368
44 7 尿 nèl suī (more commonly read as nèl niào); to urinate; urine.
尿脬 nèl-päo
suīpao <topo.> bladder.⁵ urine bladder.¹¹
(See 尿 [nèl, niào].)
nel4 11369
85 13 nèl niào (=尿 nèl niào) to urinate; urine.
便溺 bèin-nèl
biànniào to urinate or defecate; to relieve oneself. (See 便溺 bèin-nèik biànnì.)
拉溺 or 拉尿 lā-nèl
lāniào to urinate; to pass water.
溺器 or 尿器 nèl-hï
niàoqì urinal; bedpan; chamber pot.
遗溺[遺溺] vĩ-nèl
yíniào incontinence (of urine).
<又> nèik.
(See 溺 nèik.)
nel4 11370
130 11 nèl niào urea.⁸ (=尿素 nèl-xü niàosù) carbamide; urea (NH₂)₂CO.¹⁰
脲酶 nèl-mõi
niàoméi (=尿素酶 nèl-xü-mõi niàosùméi) urease; urase.⁶
nel4 11371
38 13 nêl niǎo (=嬝 nêl niǎo) slender and delicate.⁵ʼ⁸
(composition: ⿰女弱; U+5ACB).
(See 嬝 nêl).
nel5 11372
38 16 nêl niǎo (=袅[裊] nêl niǎo slender and delicate.⁵).
(variant: 嫋 nêl niǎo).

(composition: ⿰女裊; U+5B1D).
(See 裊 nêl; 嫋 nêl).
nel5 11373
38 17 nêl niǎo <wr.> tease; pester.⁶ to dally with; to flirt with.⁷ to tease, to flirt with.¹¹ to dally with; obscene.¹⁴ to make fun of; to pester.³⁶
(composition: ⿲男女男; U+5B32).
嫐嬲 nāo-nêl nǎoniǎo  ➀ to entangle, to disturb  ➁ to tease   ➂ refers to the unfortunate emotional state of men and women.¹⁹
<又> niü.
(See 嬲 niü.)
nel5 11374
140 14 nêl niǎo bird vine and viscum.¹⁹  the convolvulus; parasitic plants such as mistletoe; Ribes ambiguum.³⁶
忝附茑萝[忝附蔦蘿] hèm-fù-nêl-lõ
tiǎnfùniǎoluó I'm honored to be related to you (by marriage).⁵⁴
茑萝[蔦蘿] nêl-lõ
niǎoluó cypress vine (Quamoclit pennata).⁹ Quamoclit Mill.²³ cyprus vine; ivy; dependent relatives.⁵⁴
茑与女萝[蔦與女蘿] nêl-yî-nuī-lõ
niǎoyǔnǚluó <wr.> brothers, sisters, and other relatives interrelated and dependent upon one another.⁵⁴
岂伊异人,兄弟匪他. 茑与女萝,施于松柏.
[豈伊異人,兄弟匪他. 蔦與女蘿,施于松柏.]
Hī-yï-yì-ngĩn, hëin-ài-fī-hä. Nêl-yî-nuī-lõ, sï-yï-tũng-pāk.
Qǐ yī yì rén, xiōngdì fěi tā. Niǎo yǔ nǚluó, shī yú sōngbǎi.
How can they be strangers?
They are your brethren, and no others.
[They are like] the mistletoe and the dodder.
Growing over the pine and the cypress.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·桑扈之什·頍弁》, translated by James Legge).
nel5 11375
145 13 nêl niǎo slender and delicate.⁵ curling up (as smoke), wavering gently; all around (as sound of music or voices of spring).⁷
(variants: 褭,嬝,嫋 nêl niǎo). (See 褭,嬝,嫋 nêl).
(comp. t: U+88CA). (comp. s: U+8885).
袅袅[裊裊] nêl-nêl
niǎoniǎo curl upwards; wave in the wind.⁵ curling up; continuous (sound of music).⁷
袅袅婷婷[裊裊婷婷] nêl-nêl-hẽin-hẽin
niǎoniǎotíngtíng (of a lady's gait) graceful; lissome.⁶
袅袅娜娜[裊裊娜娜] nêl-nêl-nõ-nõ
niǎoniǎonuónuó (of a woman) delicate and graceful; slender.⁵⁴
袅袅上升[裊裊上升] nêl-nêl-sëng-sëin
niǎoniǎo shàngshēng curled upwards.⁹ <wr.> roll up.⁵⁴
袅袅素女[裊裊素女] nêl-nêl-xü-nuī
niǎoniǎosùnǚ <wr.> delicate and graceful as a fairy.⁵⁴
袅绕[裊繞] nêl-ngêl
niǎorào <wr.> linger in the air.⁶
袅娜[裊娜] nêl-nõ
niǎonuó <wr.> slender and graceful; willowy.⁵
nel5 11376
145 16 nêl niǎo (=袅[裊] nêl niǎo slender and delicate.⁵); tie the horse with a silk ribbon.⁸
(composition: ⿳亠馬𧘇; U+892D).
or 袅蹄[裊蹄] nêl-hãi niǎotí or 褭蹏 nêl-hãi niǎodì cast gold into a horseshoe shape.⁸
(See 裊 nêl).
nel5 11377
196 11 nêl niǎo Kangxi radical 196; bird.⁸
鸟道[鳥道] nêl-ào niǎodào dangerously narrow hill path.⁸
鸟巢[鳥巢] nêl-chão
niǎocháo bird's nest.⁶
鸟兽[鳥獸] nêl-chiü
niǎoshòu birds and beasts.⁸
鸟铳[鳥銃] nêl-chüng
niǎochòng old kind of fowling piece.⁶
鸟喙[鳥喙] nêl-fì
niǎohuì beak of a bird.⁶
鸟粪[鳥糞] nêl-fûn
niǎofèn (of birds) mute; birds' droppings; guano.⁸
鸟机[鳥機] nêl-gï
niǎojī fowling (birding) piece.⁸
鸟官[鳥官] nêl-gön
niǎoguān aka 少昊 Sēl Hào Shǎohào (c. 2600 BC).
鸟瞰[鳥瞰] nêl-häm
niǎokàn get a bird's-eye view.⁸
鸟类[鳥類] nêl-luì
niǎolèi birds.⁶
鸟笼[鳥籠] nêl-lûng
niǎolóng bird cage; aviary.⁶
鸟媒花[鳥媒花] nêl-mõi-fä
niǎoméihuā ornithophilous flowers.⁷
鸟儿[鳥兒] nêl-ngĩ
niǎor bird.¹⁰
鸟语花香[鳥語花香] nêl-nguî-fä-hëng
niǎoyǔhuāxiāng birds sing and flowers give forth their fragrance – characterizing a fine spring day.⁸
鸟帑[鳥帑] nêl-nũ
niǎonú tail of a bird.⁸
鸟枪[鳥鎗] nêl-tëng
niǎoqiāng fowling piece; air gun.⁸
鸟篆[鳥篆] nêl-xùn
niǎozhuàn form of ancient script so called because it looked like birds’ footprints.¹¹
nel5 11378
64 11 nēm niǎn <台> 捻 nēm (classifier or measure word for leaves).
<台> 一捻叶[一捻葉] yīt-nēm-yèp a leaf.
<又> nëm, nêm. (See 捻 nëm, 捻 nêm).
nem1 11379
64 8 nëm niān to pick up with the thumb and one or two finger(s).
拈花惹草 nëm-fä-ngêh-tāo niānhuārěcǎo lit. to pick the flowers and trample the grass (idiom); fig. to womanize; to frequent brothels; to sow one's wild oats.
拈弓搭箭 nëm-güng-äp-dëin
niāngōngdājiàn <wr.> to string one's bow and fit an arrow
拈香 nëm-hëng
niānxiāng to offer incense at a temple; to burn joss sticks.
拈轻怕重[拈輕怕重] nëm-hëng-pä-chüng
niānqīng pàzhòng prefer the light to the heavy – pick easy jobs and shirk hard ones.⁵
拈阄[拈鬮] nëm-kiũ
niānjiū draw lots.¹¹
nem2 11380
64 11 nëm niǎn to twist or twirl with the fingers; to pick up something with one's fingers.
捻香 or 撚香 nëm-hëng niǎnxiāng to burn incense sticks before the altar.
or 撚起 nëm-hī niǎnqǐ to twist.
捻手捻脚[捻手捻腳] nëm-siū-nëm-gëk
niǎnshǒuniǎnjiǎo stealthily; clandestinely.
or 撚钱[撚錢] nëm-tẽin niǎnqián to spin a coin.
捻线[捻線] nëm-xëin
niǎnxiàn to twist thread.
or 撚须[撚鬚] nëm-xü niǎnxū to stroke one's own beard in peace and satisfaction.
<又> nēm, nêm.
(See 捻 nēm, 捻 nêm; 撚 nëm).
nem2 11381
64 15 nëm niǎn (=捻 nëm niǎn. Generally written as "捻" now.⁹) to twist or twirl with the fingers; to pick up something with one's fingers.
(composition: ⿰扌然; U+649A).
or 捻香 nëm-hëng niǎnxiāng to burn incense sticks before the altar.¹¹
or 捻起来[捻起來] nëm-hī-lõi niǎnqǐlái to pick something up with one's fingers.¹¹
or 捻钱[捻錢] nëm-tẽin niǎnqián to spin a coin.¹¹
or 捻须[捻鬚] nëm-xü niǎnxū to stroke one's own beard in peace and satisfaction.¹¹
<又> nēin; nān.
(See 撚 nēin; 撚 nān; 捻 nëm).
nem2 11382
119 11 nëm zhān to paste up; to attach to; to stick up; to glue.⁷
粘合 nëm-hàp zhānhé to bind; agglutination.¹⁰
粘合剂[粘合劑] nëm-hàp-jäi
zhānhéjì adhesive.⁶
粘贴[粘貼] nëm-hëp
zhāntiē to stick; to affix; to adhere; to paste (as in "copy and paste"); also written 黏貼.¹⁰
粘地 nëm-ì
zhānde viscidly.¹⁰
粘连[粘連] nëm-lẽin
zhānlián <med.> adhesion; synechia.⁶
粘木 nëm-mùk
zhānmù amonang tree (Ixonanthes chinensis).¹⁰
粘涎 nëm-yẽn
zhānxián saliva; slobber; (colloquial) useless talk; drivel.¹⁰
<又> jëm, nāk, nẽm.
(See 粘 jëm, nāk, nẽm; 黏 nẽm, nāk.)
nem2 11383
119 11 nẽm nián (=黏 nẽm nián) sticky; glutinous; viscid; gluey.⁶
粘稠性 nëm-chiũ-xëin
niánchóuxìng viscidity.⁹
<又> jëm, nāk, nëm.
(See 粘 jëm, nāk, nëm; 黏 nẽm, nāk.)
nem3 11384
195 16 nẽm nián (=鲇[鯰] nẽm nián) catfish.⁵ Silurus asotus, a kind of slippery long fish.⁷
鲇鱼[鮎魚] nẽm-nguĩ
niányú a catfish.⁷
(See [鯰,鲇] nẽm; [鯰,鲶] nẽm).
nem3 11385
195 19 nẽm nián catfish.⁵ Silurus asotus, a kind of slippery long fish.⁷ (variant: 鮎 nẽm nián).
海鲇[海鯰] hōi-nẽm
hǎinián sea catfish.⁵
鲇鱼[鯰魚] nẽm-nguĩ
niányú catfish.⁵
or 鲇形目[鮎形目] nẽm-yẽin-mùk niánxíngmù or 鲇鱼[鯰魚] or 鲇鱼鮎魚] catfish (Siluriformes).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(See [鯰,鲶] nẽm; 鮎 nẽm).
nem3 11386
195 19 nẽm nián (=鲇[鯰] nẽm nián) catfish.⁵ Silurus asotus, a kind of slippery long fish.⁷
(See [鯰,鲇] nẽm; 鮎 nẽm).
nem3 11387
202 17 nẽm nián sticky; glutinous; viscid; gluey.⁶
黏附 nẽm-fù niánfù adhere.⁵
黏胶[黏膠] nẽm-gäo
niánjiāo <chem.> viscose.⁷
黏结[黏結] nẽm-gēik
niánjié to cohere.⁷
黏合 nẽm-hàp
niánhé to bind; to adhere.¹⁰
黏贴[黏貼] nẽm-hëp
niántiē to glue to; to paste onto; to stick on; also written 粘贴[粘貼] nëm-hëp zhāntiē.¹⁰
黏土 nẽm-hū
niántǔ clay.⁵
黏着[黏著] nẽm-jëk
niánzhuó stick together; adhere.⁵
黏住 nẽm-jì
niánzhù cling.¹⁰
黏质垆坶[黏質壚坶] nẽm-jīt-lũ-mùk
niánzhìlúmù clay loam.⁹
黏菌 nẽm-kūn
niánjūn slime mold (or fungus).⁵
黏连[黏連] nëm-lẽin
niánlián (of two things) be stuck together.¹¹
黏米 nẽm-māi
niánmǐ glutinous rice.⁵
黏膜 nẽm-mōk
niánmó mucous membrane; mucosa.⁵
黏儿[黏兒] nẽm-ngĩ
niánr <topo.> gum; resin.¹⁰
黏度 nẽm-ù
niándù viscosity.¹⁰
黏糊 nẽm-vũ
niánhu sticky; languid, slow-moving.⁵
黏性 nẽm-xëin
niánxìng viscosity.¹⁰
黏液 nẽm-yèik
or nẽm-yìt niányè mucus.⁵
<又> nāk.
(See 粘 nëm, nẽm, jëm, nāk; 黏 nāk.)
nem3 11388
30 11 nèm niàn to read; to chant; to recite.⁷
念珠[唸珠] nèm-jî niànzhū prayer beads; rosary; rosary beads.¹⁰
念念有词[唸唸有詞] nèm-nèm-yiû-xũ
niànniànyǒucí to mumble to oneself.⁷
(See 念 nèm.)
nem4 11389
32 11 nèm niàn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 埝 ëm niàn with same meaning.)
<又> ëm.³
(See 埝 ëm.³)
nem4 11390
61 8 nèm niàn to think of, to miss, to remember (someone); to read out loud, to chant, to intone, to mumble; to study, to attend school; twnety; Nian surname.⁷
纪念[紀念] gī-nèm jìniàn to commemorate; to remember.¹⁰
观念[觀念] gön-nèm
guānniàn notion; thought; concept; sense; views; ideology; general impressions.¹⁰
概念 köi-nèm
gàiniàn concept; idea.¹⁰
留念 liũ-nèm
liúniàn keep as a souvenir.⁵
念叨 nèm-äo
niàndao to talk about often; to discuss; to reminisce about.¹⁰
念佛 nèm-fùt
niànfó to pray to Buddha; to chant the names of Buddha.¹⁰
念头[念頭] nèm-hẽo
niàntou thought; idea; intention.¹⁰
念力 nèm-lèik
niànlì psychokinesis; telekinesis.¹⁰
念虑[念慮] nèm-luì
niànlǜ anxiously thinking on.¹⁰²
念念不忘 nèm-nèm-būt-mõng
niànniànbùwàng lasting memory of; to have (somebody or something) always in one's mind; to bear in mind constantly.⁷
念书[念書] nèm-sï
niànshū to rea; to study.¹⁰
念熟 nèm-sùk
niànshú learn by heart.⁵⁴
想念 xēng-nèm
xiǎngniàn remember with longing; miss.⁵
(See 唸 nèm.)
nem4 11391
115 13 nèm rěn (of crops) ripen; year; familiar (with).⁶
(composition: ⿰禾念; U+7A14).
大稔 ài-nèm dàrěn (year of) bumper crops.¹¹
丰稔[豐稔] füng-nèm
fēngrěn good harvest.¹¹
五稔 m̄-nèm
wǔrěn five years.⁶
稔知 nèm-jï
rěnzhī to know someone quite well.¹¹
稔乱[稔亂] nèm-lòn
rěnluàn <wr.> sow the seeds of social discontent.¹¹
稔年 nèm-nẽin
rěnnián bumper harvest year.⁸
稔腻[稔膩] nèm-nì
rěnnì <wr.> (of a woman) plump and smooth-skinned.¹¹
稔色 nèm-sēik
rěnsè <wr.> a beautiful woman, a pretty face; be fond of feminine beauty.¹¹
稔熟 nèm-sùk
rěnshú familiar; mature.⁸
稔悉 nèm-xēik
rěnxī to know someone quite well.¹¹
熟稔 sùk-nèm
shúrěn quite familiar with something.¹⁰
素稔 xü-nèm
sùrěn <wr.> have long been familiar with somebody.³⁹
<又> nîm
(See 稔[nîm, rěn].)
nem4 11392
120 14 𦁤
nèm niàn bamboo strips woven into a rope for pulling boats upstream.²ʼ⁰ a rope for pulling a boat.¹⁰¹ the painter of a boat, a towline or tracking-rope; some say, to caulk seams.¹⁰²
(Note: 𦁤❄{⿰糹念} nèm niàn is synonymous with 艌 nèm niàn).¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰糹念; U+26064).
❄{⿰糹念}舟 nèm-jiü niànzhōu to pull a boat along.¹⁰²
❄{⿰糹念}索 nèm-xôk niànsuǒ a boat hawser.¹⁰²
(See 艌 nèm).
nem4 11393
137 14 nèm niàn to caulk.⁸ the painter of a boat, a towline or tracking-rope; some say, to caulk seams.¹⁰²
(Note: 艌 nèm niàn is synonymous with 𦁤❄{⿰糹念} nèm niàn).¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰舟念; U+824C).
艌舟 nèm-jiü
niànzhōu to pull a boat along.¹⁰²
艌船 nèm-sõn
niànchuán to pull a boat; a boat rope, a tow rope.²⁵
艌索 nèm-xôk
niànsuǒ a boat hawser.¹⁰²
(See 𦁤❄{⿰糹念} nèm).
nem4 11394
64 11 nêm niǎn something twisted.
纸捻[紙捻] jī-nêm zhǐniǎn spill of rolled paper used to light a pipe; (paper) spill; lampligher.⁶
捻子 nêm-dū
niǎnzi a spill; a wick; a braid.
药捻子[藥捻子] yêk-nêm-dū
yàoniǎnzi <TCM> medicated paper or gauze (for insertion into wounds).
<又> nēm, nëm.
(See 捻 nēm, 捻 nëm).
nem5 11395
38 10 nẽng niang mother; young lady.¹⁰
姑娘 gü-nĩang gūniang girl; young woman; young lady; daughter; paternal aunt (old).¹⁰
娘娘 nẽng-nẽng
niángniang empress or imperial concubine of the first rank; goddess.⁵
娘娘腔 nẽng-nẽng-höng
niángniangqiāng sissy; womanish.⁶
娘娘庙[娘娘廟] nẽng-nẽng-mèl
niángniangmiào a temple dedicated to the worship of a goddess.⁵
(See 娘 [nẽng, niáng]; 孃 nẽng.)
neng3 11396
38 10 nẽng niáng ma, mum, mother; a form of address for an elderly married woman; a young lady.⁵
娘子 nẽng-dū
niángzǐ <topo.> form of address for one's wife; polite form of address for a woman.¹⁰
娘子军[娘子軍] nẽng-dū-gün
niángzǐjūn detachment of women; women soldiers.⁵
娘家 nẽng-gä
niángjia married woman's parents' home.¹⁰
娘家姓 nẽng-gä-xëin
niángjiaxìng maiden name; nee.¹⁹
娘胎 nẽng-höi
niángtāi mother's womb.⁵
娘舅 nẽng-kiû
niángjiù <topo.> brother of one's mother; uncle.⁵
or 孃惹 nẽng-ngêh niángrě (=峇峇娘惹 or 峇峇孃惹 bā-bā-nẽng-ngêh bābāniángrě) Peranakan Chinese (Baba-Nyonya), an ethnic group of Chinese residing in the Malay peninsula (also known as Straits Chinese).¹⁰
娘泡 nẽng-päo
niángpào sissy.¹⁹
娘炮 nẽng-päo
niángpào (slang) effeminate man; sissy; effeminate.¹⁹
娘亲[娘親] nẽng-tïn
niángqīn mother (used in Peking Opera).⁶
娘姨 nẽng-yĩ
niángyí <topo.> maidservant.⁵
(See 娘 [nẽng, niang]; 孃 nẽng.)
neng3 11397
38 20 nẽng niáng (=娘 nẽng niáng) mother; young lady.¹⁰
or 娘惹 nẽng-ngêh niángrě (=峇峇孃惹 or 峇峇娘惹 bā-bā-nẽng-ngêh bābāniángrě) Peranakan Chinese (Baba-Nyonya), an ethnic group of Chinese residing in the Malay peninsula (also known as Straits Chinese).¹⁰
(See 娘 [nẽng, niáng], [nẽng, niang].)
neng3 11398
64 15 nẽo náo to scratch; to hinder; to bend; to yield, to flinch; to give in.⁶
百折不挠[百折不撓] bāk-jēt-būt-nẽo or bāk-jēt-būt-nào bǎizhébùnáo to keep fighting in spite of all setbacks.
不屈不挠[不屈不撓] būt-vūt-būt-nẽo
or būt-vūt-būt-nào bùqūbùnáo to keep on fighting in spite of all setbacks; to be undaunted by repeated setbacks; to be indomitable.
阻挠[阻撓] jū-nẽo
or jū-nào zǔnáo to thwart; to obstruct; to prevent.
挠头[撓頭] nẽo-hẽo
or nào-hẽo náotóu to scratch one's head; difficult to tackle.
挠屈[撓屈] nẽo-vūt
or nào-vūt náoqū to yield; to submit; to give way.
挠痒痒[撓癢癢] nẽo-yêng-yêng
or nào-yêng-yêng náo yǎngyang to tickle; <topo.> scratch an itchy spot.⁵⁴
<又> nào.
(See 撓 nào.)
neo3 11399
94 18 nẽo nòu (composition: ⿰犭憂; U+7376).
獶𤟫 nẽo-xēo nòusōu Vietnamese name for a dog.⁸
<又> ngẽl; nào; yiü.
(See 獶 ngẽl; 獶 nào; 獶 yiü).
neo3 11400
127 16 nèo nòu (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 耨 nào nòu a weeding hoe; to weed.⁶)
(composition: ⿰耒辱; U+8028).
<又> nào.
(See 耨 nào.)
neo4 11401
167 18 nèo nòu (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 鎒 nào nòu a weeding hoe; to weed.⁶) a small hoe or weeder, the head of which is six inches, and the handle a foot long.²⁵
(composition: ⿰金辱; U+9392).
or 铫耨[銚耨] yẽl-nào or yẽl-nèo yáonòu a big hoe and weeding implement.⁵⁴
<又> nào.
(See 鎒 nào).
neo4 11402
30 21 nēp niè move lips as when speaking; hesitation.⁸ move the mouth as in speaking.¹⁰ move the lips in speaking.¹¹
嗫嚅[囁嚅] nēp-yĩ nièrú <wr.> to speak haltingly; to hesitate in speech.⁶
呫嗫[呫囁] tēp-nēp
chèniè to whisper.¹¹
nep1 11403
32 7 nēp niè (<old>=㘿 nēp niè) to fill up.⁸
nep1 11404
32 10 nēp niè (=涅 nēp niè) to fill up, as a hole, black mud; slime, to stop up; to block; to cork.⁸
nep1 11405
37 8 nēp niè instrument of torture used in ancient times; loud; an evil doer all the time.⁸ any thing alarming; some say, unceasing depradations; others, repeated sins.²⁴
(composition: ⿱大𢆉; U+3694).
<又> hàng. (See 㚔 hàng).
nep1 11406
61 21 nēp shè afraid; be feared; to fear; to frighten; to intimidate.¹⁰
核威慑[核威懾] hàt-vï-nēp héwēishè nuclear deterrence.¹⁰
震慑[震懾] jīn-nēp
zhènshè to awe; to intimidate.¹⁰
慑服[懾服] nēp-fùk
shèfú to overawe; to be scared into submission.¹⁰
威慑[威懾] vï-nēp
wēishè terrorize with military force; deter.⁵
nep1 11407
64 9 𢫻
nēp  niè to pluck; to gather.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌丟; U+22AFB).
nep1 11408
64 10 nēp niē to pinch (with one's fingers); to knead; to make up.¹⁰
拿捏 nã-nēp nánie to grasp; <topo.> affecting shyness; coy; to create difficulties.¹⁰
捏造 nēp-dào
niēzào to make up; to fabricate.¹⁰
捏积[捏積] nēp-dēik
niējī <TCM> chiropractic.¹⁰
捏脊疗法[捏脊療法] nēp-dëk-lẽl-fāt
niējǐ liáofǎ the therapy of pinching the skin along the spinal column.³⁹
捏饺子[捏餃子] nēp-gāo-dū
niējiǎozi to make dumplings.³⁹ use fingers to seal a dumpling by crimping the edges together.
捏咕 nēp-gū
niēgu <topo.> to give secret counsel; to goad secretly; to act as a go-between.¹
捏合 nēp-hàp
niēhé to bring together; (old) to concoct, to fabricate, to cook/make up.⁶
捏塑 nēp-sōk
niēsù to mold (clay figures).¹¹
<又> nëik, nīt, nêik.
(See 捏 nëik, nīt, nêik.)
nep1 11409
64 12 nēp niē (variant of 捏 nēp niē) to pinch.
(See 捏 nēp niē.)
nep1 11410
64 21 nēp shè to take in; to absorb; to assimilate; to act for; to take a photo; photo shoot; photo; to conserve (one's health).¹⁰
摄像机[攝像機] nēp-dèng-gï shèxiàngjī video camera.¹⁰
摄政[攝政] nēp-jëin
shèzhèng regent.¹⁰
摄政王[攝政王] nēp-jëin-võng
shèzhèngwáng prince regent.⁸
摄氏[攝氏] Nēp-sì
Shèshì Celsius; centigrade.¹⁰
摄取[攝取] nēp-tuī
shèqǔ absorb (nutrition); take a photo.¹⁰
摄影[攝影] nēp-yēin
shèyǐng to take a photograph; photography; to shoot (a movie).¹⁰
拍摄[拍攝] päk-nēp
pāishè to film; to shoot (a picture).¹⁰
nep1 11411
85 10 nēp niè to blacken, to dye black; to block up.⁷
涅白 nēp-bàk nièbái opaque.⁷
涅齿[涅齒] nēp-chī
nièchǐ to blacken the teeth.⁷
涅字 nēp-dù
nièzì tattooed letters or characters.⁷
涅面 nēp-mèin
nièmiàn to tattoo the face.⁷
涅盘[涅盤] nēp-põn
nièpán Nirvana.⁷
涅槃 nëp-põn
nièpán <Budd.> Nirvana.¹¹
nep1 11412
85 12 nēp niè (=涅 nēp niè) to blacken, to dye black; to block up.⁷
nep1 11413
85 21 nēp shè river in Hubei Province.⁸
滠口 Nēp-hēo Shèkǒu Shekou, name of a place in 湖北 Vũ-bāk Húběi Hubei Province.⁴
nep1 11414
120 19 nēp niè to sew, to stitch, to suture, to mend, to patch a garment, dresses; to twist, to tie up with ropes.⁸ to sew, to mend clothes; to tie anything with a string.²⁵ to overstitch a seam.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰糹業; U+431C).
𦀖❄{⿰糹劫}䌜 gēp-nēp jiéniè to mend (clothes), to patch, to sew.²⁵ to bind a seam.¹⁰²
䌜缚[䌜縛] nēp-bòk
nièfù to tie up with a cord, as the hair.¹⁰²
nep1 11415
128 18 nēp niè <wr.> to whisper something to someone.¹¹ Nie surname.¹¹ to whisper; to pick up one's skirt.¹⁴
聂许[聶許] nēp-huī nièxǔ coordination.¹⁴
聂耳[聶耳] Nēp Ngī
Niè Ěr Nie Er (1912-1935), musician and composer of 义勇军进行曲[義勇軍進行曲] ngì-yûng-gün-dïn-hãng-kūk yìyǒngjūn jìnxíngqǔ March of the Volunteer Army (PRC National Anthem).¹⁰
聂耳语[聶耳語] nēp-ngī-nguî
niè'ěryǔ whispers.¹⁴
聂荣臻[聶榮臻] Nēp Vẽin-jün
Niè Róngzhēn Nie Rongzhen (December 29, 1899 - May 14, 1992) was a prominent Chinese Communist military leader, and one of ten Marshals in the People's Liberation Army of China. He was the last surviving PLA officer with the rank of Marshal.¹⁵
nep1 11416
140 12 nēp shè an area of land during the Spring and Autumn Period in Chu State (楚國), located in present-day 30 li (里) south of Yexian county (葉縣) in Henan Province (河南省).⁸
(comp. t: ⿱艹枼; U+8449). (comp. s: ⿰口十; U+53F6).
<又> yèp; yêp.
(See 葉 yèp; 葉 yêp; 叶 hèp).
nep1 11417
149 25 nēp niè alternate pronunciation for 讘 jēt zhé garrulous.
(composition: ⿰訁聶; U+8B98).
讘䛟 nēp-gäp
nièjiá or jēt-gäp zhéjiá garrulous; wild talk, ranting, tell lies, talk nonsense.
<又> jēt.
(See 讘 jēt).
nep1 11418
157 25 nēp niè to walk quietly or stealthily, to sneak, to tiptoe; to follow, to track; <wr.> to tread, to trample, to step on.⁶
阔蹑[闊躡] föt-nēp kuòniè <wr.> to stride.¹⁰
蹑足[躡足] nēp-dūk
nièzú to walk quietly or stealthily, to sneak, to tiptoe; <wr.> to join; to participate in.⁶
蹑踪[躡蹤] nēp-düng
nièzōng <wr.> to follow the track or trail of; track; trail.⁶
蹑屩担簦[躡屩擔簦] nēp-gëk-äm-äng
nièjuēdāndēng lit. to get into straw sandals and take an umbrella on your shoulder; fig. to embark on a long journey.⁵⁴
蹑跷担簦[躡蹺擔簦] nēp-kël-äm-äng
nièqiāodāndēng on tiptoe.¹⁹
蹑手蹑脚[躡手躡腳] nēp-siū-nēp-gëk
nièshǒunièjiǎo to walk stealthily or gingerly; to sneak; to tiptoe.⁶
蹑悄悄[躡悄悄] nēp-tēl-tēl
nièqiāoqiāo softly; quietly.⁶
nep1 11419
170 11 nēp niè dangerous.¹⁰
杌陧[杌隉] or 阢陧[阢隉] or 兀陧[兀隉] ngūt-nëp wùniè (of a situation) unsettled, unstable; (of state of mind) uneasy; disturbed; restless.⁶
阢陧不安[阢隉不安] ngūt-nëp-būt-ön
wùnièbù'ān unpeaceful, uneasy.³⁹
nep1 11420
178 18 nēp shè archer's thumb ring.⁸ archer's thumb-ring of leather.¹⁴ an archer's thimble.²⁵ thimble (for pulling the bowstring).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰韋枼; U+97D8).
能射带韘[能射帶韘] nãng-sèh-äi-nēp néngshèdàishè those who could shoot carried an archer's thimble.²⁵
<又> xēik.
(See 韘 xēik).
nep1 11421
181 27 nēp niè the temple.⁷ the temporal bone.⁸
颞部[顳部] nēp-bù nièbù temples.⁵⁴
颞脊[顳脊] nēp-dëk
nièjǐ temporal ridge.¹⁹
颞骨[顳骨] nēp-gūt
niègǔ temporal bone.⁶
颞叶[顳葉] nēp-yêp
nièyè temporal lobe.⁶
颞颥[顳顬] nēp-yĩ nièrú temple.⁶ a rumbling in the orifice of the ear; the bones on the side of the face; the front part of the ear moving.²ʼ²⁵
颞颥筋[顳顬筋] nēp-yĩ-gïn
nièrújīn the temporal muscles.¹⁴
颞颥骨[顳顬骨] nēp-yĩ-gūt
nièrúgǔ the temporal bones.¹⁴
nep1 11422
140 8 nëp nié weary, tired, listless. (variant: 薾 nëp).
发苶[發苶] fät-nëp fānié <topo.> to be listless, to be spiritless.
苶呆呆 nëp-ngõi-ngõi
niédāidāi <topo.> absent-minded; dumb-looking; looking blank.
苶屁 nëp-pï
niépì <topo.> noiseless fart.⁵⁴
(See 薾 nëp).
nep2 11423
140 11 nëp niè <old> a type of grass.
地菍 ì-nëp dìniè³² <bot.> Melastoma dodecandrum Lour.²⁰ No (English) vernacular names known!³⁰  Chinese common names include 紫茄子, 山辣茄(浙江), 库卢子(江西), 土茄子, 地蒲根(湖南), 地脚菍(广东), 地樱子, 地枇杷(广西).³¹
<又> nîm.
(See 菍 nîm.)
nep2 11424
140 17 nëp nié (=苶 nëp nié weary, tired, listless.).¹⁰¹ tired, fatigued, sleepy.¹³ (Note: Baidu 汉语 pronounced 薾 in all the following compounds as ěr).
(composition: ⿱艹爾; U+85BE).
薾敝 nëp-bài
niébì exhausted; sleepy.¹⁹
薾靡 nëp-mĩ
niémí still depressed, listless, dispirited.¹⁹
薾然 nëp-ngẽin
niérán tired appearance, weak appearance; malaise.¹⁹
薾弱 nëp-ngèk
niéruò weak; frail.¹⁹
疲薾 pĩ-nëp
pínié tired, sleepy; restless, lethargic.¹⁹
<又> ngì.
(See 薾 ngì; 苶 nëp).
nep2 11425
167 26 nêp niè tweezers, pincers, forceps; a hairpin.¹¹ to pick up something with tweezers.³⁹
镊子[鑷子] nêp-dū nièzi tweezers; nippers; pliers.¹⁰
nep5 11426
9 6 ngā 佤族 Ngā-dùk Wǎzú the Va (Wa) nationality, living in  (云南[雲南] Vũn-nãm Yúnnán) Yunnan Province .
nga1 11427
98 4 ngā cover (a roof) with tiles; tile.⁵
瓦刀 ngā-äo wàdāo (bricklayer's) cleaver.⁶
瓦瓦 ngā-ngā
wàwǎ put tiles on roof.¹¹
(See 瓦 [ngā, ], [ngā, ].)
nga1 11428
98 4 ngā Kangxi radical 98; tile; earthenware pottery.⁸ tile; made of baked clay; <elec.> watt.⁵
瓦特 ngā-àk wǎtè <elec.> watt.⁵
瓦匠 ngā-dèng
wǎjiang bricklayer; tiler; plasterer.⁵
瓦房 ngā-fông
wǎfáng tile-roofed house.⁵
瓦解 ngā-gāi
wǎjiě disintegrate; collapse; crumble.⁵
瓦解冰泮 ngā-gāi-bëin-pön
wǎjiěbīngpàn earthenware broken and ice melted.⁸ complete disintegration.¹⁰
瓦工 ngā-güng
wǎgōng bricklaying, tiling or plastering; bricklayer, tiler, plasterer.⁵
瓦圈 ngā-hūn
wǎquān rim (of a bicycle/cart wheel).⁶
瓦砾[瓦礫] ngā-lèik
wǎlì broken tiles; rubble.¹¹
瓦楞 ngā-lẽin
wǎléng rows of tiles on a roof; corrugated.⁵
瓦垄[瓦壟] ngā-lûng
wǎlǒng rows of tiles on a roof.⁵
瓦垄子[瓦壟子] ngā-lûng-dū
wǎlǒngzi blood clam.⁸
瓦当[瓦當] ngā-öng
wǎdāng eaves-tile.⁵
瓦片 ngā-pëin
wǎpiàn broken pieces of tiles.⁶
瓦时[瓦時] ngā-sĩ
wǎshí <elec.> watt-hour.⁵
瓦全 ngā-tũn
wǎquán live in dishonor.⁶
瓦斯 ngā-xü
wǎsī gas.⁵
千瓦 tëin-ngā
qiānwǎ kilowatt (KW).⁵ (Note: The two characters may be combined: 瓩 tëin-ngā qiānwǎ, q.v.)
<台> 瓦下 ngā-hâ under; below; downstairs.
(See 瓦 [ngā, wà], [ngā, wā].)
nga1 11429
98 4 ngā 蓝瓦瓦[藍瓦瓦] lãm-ngā-ngā lánwāwā dazzling blue.¹⁰
(See 瓦 [ngā, ], [ngā, ].)
nga1 11430
9 6 ngã <topo.> child; kid.
伢子 ngã-dū yázi <topo.> child; kid.
伢崽 ngã-dōi
yázǎi <topo.> child; kid.
nga3 11431
46 7 ngã (composition: ⿰山牙; U+5C88).
嵖岈 Chã-ngã Cháyá (a mountain in 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng Henan Province.)⁸
<又> hä.
(See 岈 hä).
nga3 11432
61 7 ngã fear, dread, fright; scare; crafty; low cunning.⁸ to prostrate one's self; to fear.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰忄牙; U+3909).
㤍㤉 kāo-ngã qiǎoyá hiding one's face from view, as a bashful child.¹⁰²
㺒㤉 këo-ngã
qiāoyá much alteration.²⁴ treacherous.⁵⁴
nga3 11433
75 8 ngã disorderly growth of twigs.⁷
枒杈 ngã-châ yāchà crotches; disorderly growth of twigs.⁷
杈枒 châ-ngã
chàyā a forked branch.⁷
<又> à.
(See 枒 à.)
nga3 11434
92 4 ngã Kangxi radical 92; tooth, molars, teeth; serrated.⁸
(old variant: 𤘈❄{⿱牙臼} ngã ).
齿牙余论[齒牙餘論] chī-ngã-yĩ-lùn
chǐyáyúlùn to praise others.⁷
虫牙[蟲牙] chũng-ngã
chóngyá a decayed tooth.⁷
门牙[門牙] mõn-ngã
ményá front tooth; incisor.
牙齿[牙齒] ngã-chī
yáchǐ tooth.⁵
牙筷 ngã-fäi
yákuài ivory chopsticks.⁶
牙科 ngã-fö
yákē dentistry.
牙疳 ngã-gäm
yágān cancrum oris.⁶ pyorrhea, alveolus.¹
牙膏 ngã-gäo
yágāo toothpaste.⁶
or 牙籤] ngã-têm yáqiān toothpick; ivory bookmark.⁶
牙医[牙醫] ngã-yï
yáyī dentist.
咬牙 ngāo-ngã
yǎoyá to clench one's teeth; to grind the teeth; to gnaw.¹⁰
以牙还牙[以牙還牙] yî-ngã-vãn-ngã
yǐyáhuányá an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth; to repay evil with evil.⁷
(See 𤘈❄{⿱牙臼} ngã).
nga3 11435
92 10 𤘈
ngã (<old>=牙 ngã Kangxi radical 92; tooth, molars, teeth; serrated.⁸).²
(composition: ⿱牙臼; U+24608).
(See 牙 ngã).
nga3 11436
96 10 ngã (used in place names).
琅琊[瑯琊] Lõng-ngã Lángyá or Lángyé or 琅邪 Lõng-yẽh Lángyé name of an ancient region in today's eastern Shangdong; name of a mountian, 琅琊山[瑯琊山] Lõng-ngã-sän  Lángyáshān, in Shandong.⁷
(Note: Archaically written as 琅邪 Lõng-yẽh
Lángyé referring to 琅邪邑, a district; later changed to 琅玡 Lõng-yẽh Lángyá; now is 琅琊 Lõng-ngã Lángyá, referring to a state 琅琊国, a prefecture 琅琊郡, and a road 琅琊道); all are names referring to an area in Shandong.²³
(See 玡 yẽh ).
nga3 11437
96 10 ngã alternate Mandarin (Taiwan) pronunciation for 琊 ngã with same meaningL (used in place names).
(See 琊 [ngã, ].)
nga3 11438
96 12 ngã (=琊 ngã ) this character is used in place names.²
(<old>=琊 ngã
) this character is used in place names.⁸
(composition: ⿰𤣩耶; U+7458).
(See 琊 [ngã, ]).
nga3 11439
118 10 ngã bud, sprout, shoot.² bamboo shoots.⁸ʼ²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗牙; U+7B0C).
nga3 11440
140 7 ngã bud, sprout, shoot; (edible) bean sprouts.
豆芽 èo-ngã dòuyá bean sprout.
发芽[發芽] fät-ngã
fāyá to germinate; to sprout
萌芽 mãng-ngã
méngyá sprout; germ of a plant.
芽孢 ngã-bäo
yábāo gemma of a fungus; sorus.⁸
芽虫[芽蟲] ngã-chũng
yáchóng budworm.¹  zooid.¹⁰
芽体[芽體] ngã-hāi
yátǐ sprout; bud.
芽儿[芽兒] ngã-ngĩ
yár shoot; sprout; bud.
芽菜 ngã-töi
yácài bean sprouts.
or 月牙 ngùt-ngã yuèyá <topo.> crescent moon.
催芽 tuï-ngã
cuīyá to accelerate germination of seeds.
nga3 11441
142 10 ngã plant louse; aphid; aphis.⁷
棉蚜 mêin-ngã miányá cotton aphid.⁶
棉蚜虫[棉蚜蟲] mêin-ngã-chũng
miányáchóng cotton aphid.⁵
蚜虫[蚜蟲] ngã-chũng
yáchóng plant louse; aphid; aphis.⁷
苹果蚜虫[蘋果蚜蟲] pẽin-gō-ngã-chũng
píngguǒyáchóng apple aphid.⁵
nga3 11442
144 13 ngã a government office; to meet, to gather, to congregate; (Tang Dynasty) a front hall of the palace; Ya surname.⁷
官衙 gön-ngã guānyá a government agency.⁷
衙门[衙門] ngã-mõn
yámen yamen; government office in feudal China.⁵
衙门口[衙門口] ngã-mõn-hēo
yámenkǒu gate of yamen.⁶
衙内[衙內] ngã-nuì
yánèi <trad.> sons of high-ranking feudal officials; imperial bodyguard.⁶
衙署 ngã-sì
or ngã-sï yáshǔ <trad.> (=衙门[衙門] ngã-mõn yámen) yamen; government office in feudal China.⁵
衙役 ngã-vèik
or ngã-yèik yáyi yamen runner.⁵
nga3 11443
27 6 ngà disagreeing.²⁴ to be inconsistent.⁰
(composition: ⿸厂牙; U+538A).
<台> 厊厏 ngà-jà or 厊厊厏厏 ngà-ngà-jà-jà is the same as <台> 阻处阻晾[阻處阻晾] jū-chuī-jū-löng <emphatic> wasteful of space; everything is in the way (so that on one cannot move about); a lot of obstructions or objections.⁰
nga4 11444
60 12 ngà to meet.⁸
(composition: ⿰彳卸; U+5FA1).
Jï-dū-yï-gï, bāk-lẽng-ngà-jï.
Zhī zǐ yú guī, bǎi liàng yà zhī.
This young lady is going to her future home;
A hundred carriages are meeting her.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·召南·鵲巢·1》, translated by James Legge).
<又> nguì.
(See 御 nguì). cf 𨓴❄{⿺辶卸} ngà yà.
nga4 11445
112 9 ngà press and smooth (leather, cloth, paper); calender; mangle.⁶ to grind, to calender, to polish; to roll with a stone roller.⁸
砑光 ngà-göng or 轧光[軋光] jät-göng yàguāng <txtl.>, <mach.> calendering.⁵ to roll even and give a shine.¹¹
砑光机[砑光機] ngà-göng-gï
or 轧光机[軋光機] jät-göng-gï yàguāngjī calendar.⁵  a calender, a mangling machine for pressing paper, silks.¹¹
nga4 11446
149 11 ngà to be surprised; to be astonished; to be shocked.
怪讶[怪訝] gäi-ngà guàiyà surprised; amazed.
惊讶[驚訝] gëin-ngä
jīngyà be surprised, alarmed.¹¹
讶然失色[訝失色] ngà-ngẽin-sīt-sēik
yàránshīsè <wr.> to turn pale with fright.
讶异[訝異] ngà-yì
yàyì to be surprised at.
nga4 11447
162 7 ngà <wr.> welcome; meet.⁵ (variant: 𨓴❄{⿺辶卸} ngà ).
迓衡 ngà-hãng
yàhéng to secure the establishment of order.¹⁴
迓迎 ngà-ngẽin
yàyíng to meet, to welcome.¹⁴
迎迓 ngẽin-ngà
yíngyà <wr.> meet; welcome.⁶
(See 𨓴❄{⿺辶卸} ngà).
nga4 11448
162 12 𨓴
ngà to welcome.² to go out to meet.²⁵ (=迓 ngà <wr.> welcome; meet.⁵).⁹⁸
(composition: ⿺辶卸; U+284F4).
(See 迓 ngà).
nga4 11449
103 5 ngâ <wr.> same as 雅 ngâ as in 风雅[風雅] füng-ngâ fēngyǎ <wr.> literary pursuits, culture; elegant, graceful, refined.⁶
<又> pīt, sü.
(See 疋 pīt, sü.)
nga5 11450
104 9 ngâ 痄疨 jä-ngâ zhàyǎ unhealed wound.⁸
<又> hâ.
(See 疨 hâ).
nga5 11451
172 12 ngâ acquaintance, friendship; usually.⁶
风雅[風雅] füng-ngâ fēngyǎ <wr.> literary pursuits, culture; elegant, graceful, refined.⁶
文雅 mũn-ngâ
wényǎ elegant; graceful; refined; cultured.⁶
雅淡 ngâ-àm
yǎdàn simple and tasteful; quietly elegant.⁶
雅座 ngâ-dò
yǎzuò private room (in a restaurant); booth.⁶
雅俗共赏[雅俗共賞] ngâ-dùk-gùng-sēng
yǎsúgòngshǎng suit both refined and popular tastes.⁵
雅典 Ngâ-ēin
Yǎdiǎn Athens (capital of Greece).⁶
雅虎 ngâ-fū
yǎhǔ Yahoo, internet portal.¹⁰
雅观[雅觀] ngâ-gön
yǎguān tasteful; refined.⁶
雅兴[雅興] ngâ-hëin
yǎxìng aesthetic mood.⁵
雅正 ngâ-jëin
yǎzhèng <wr.> correct, standard; upright, righteous; <court.> please point out any inadequacy that you may find in my work.⁶
雅致[雅緻] ngâ-jï
yǎzhì refinement; fine, delicate, tasteful.⁷
雅量 ngâ-lèng
yǎliàng magnanimity, generosity; great capacity for liquor.⁵
雅鲁藏布江[雅魯藏布江] Ngâ-lû-dòng-bü-göng 
Yǎlǔ zàngbù jiāng Yarlung Zangbo (Yalu Tsangpo) River.⁵
雅意 ngâ-yï
yǎyì <court.> your kindness; your kind offer.⁵
nga5 11452
75 17 ngāi (=舣[艤] ngāi ) to moor a boat to the bank.⁸
(See 艤 ngāi).
ngai1 11453
112 18 ngāi a rocky precipice.²⁵
(composition: ⿰石義; U+7912).
碕礒 kĩ-ngāi qíyǐ rocks are scattered unevenly.¹³ uneven rocks in the mountain; peculiar, unusual.¹⁹ stony; rocky.²⁵
ngai1 11454
137 19 ngāi to moor a boat to the bank.⁸ (variant: 檥 ngāi ).
舣舟登岸[艤舟登岸] ngāi-jiü-äng-ngòn
yǐzhōudēng'àn to pull a boat to shore and disembark.⁶
(See 檥 ngāi).
ngai1 11455
142 16 ngāi (<old>=蟻 ngāi ant.¹¹)
(composition: ⿰虫豈; U+8798).
(See 蟻 ngāi).
ngai1 11456
142 19 ngāi an ant.⁷
蚁巢[蟻巢] ngāi-chão yǐcháo ant nest.⁵
蚁聚[蟻聚] ngāi-duì
yǐjù swarm to a place from all sides.⁷
蚁附[蟻附] ngāi-fù
yǐfù <wr.> gather around like ants.⁶
蚁封[蟻封] ngāi-füng
yǐfēng an anthill; a formicary.⁷
蚁结[蟻結] ngāi-gēik
yǐjié to band together.⁷
蚁溃[蟻潰] ngāi-gì
yǐkuì to disperse like ants.⁷
蚁溃四方[蟻潰四方] ngāi-gì-xü-föng
yǐkuìsìfāng scattering like ants in all directions.⁷
蚁合[蟻合] ngāi-hàp
yǐhé to swarm to a place from all sides.⁷
蚁丘[蟻丘] ngāi-hiü
yǐqiū an anthill.⁷
蚁民[蟻民] ngāi-mĩn
yǐmín <trad.> formerly, self-reference of common people.¹¹
蚁慕[蟻慕] ngāi-mù
yǐmù to yearn for; to long for.⁷
蚁壤[蟻壤] ngāi-ngẽng
yǐrǎng ants' nest.⁷
蚁视[蟻視] ngāi-sì
yǐshì to despise.⁷
蚁术[蟻術] ngāi-sùt
yǐshù the technique or art of the ant – diligence or industry.⁷
蚁蚕[蟻蠶] ngāi-tâm
yǐcán newly-hatched silkworm.⁶
蚁动[蟻動] ngāi-ùng
yǐdòng swarm like ants; formicate.⁷
蚁王[蟻王] ngāi-võng
yǐwáng a queen ant.⁷
蚁穴[蟻穴] ngāi-yòt
yǐxué ant hole.⁵
ngai1 11457
85 11 ngäi the brink of a stream.²⁴ edge or boundary of a body of water.³⁶ 水的邊際.¹³
(composition: ⿰氵兒; U+6DE3).
<又> ngãi. (See 淣 ngãi).
ngai2 11458
9 10 ngãi beginning; origin.⁶ Ni surname.
俾倪 bī-ngãi bǐní <wr.> to glance sideways.
or 耄倪 mào-ngãi màoní old and young.¹⁴
端倪 ön-ngãi
duānní boundary, clue, inkling; to predict.¹⁰
端倪毫无[端倪毫無] ön-ngãi-hõ-mũ
duānníháowú have not the least clue.
ngai3 11459
26 6 ngãi wēi (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 危 nguĩ wēi with same meaning: danger; to endanger; dying; high; <wr.> proper; Wei surname.)
<又> nguĩ.
(See 危 nguĩ.)
ngai3 11460
27 8 ngãi (=崖 ngãi edge of a precipice or cliff; precipitous; <wr.> limit, margin, boundary.⁶); (<old>=涯 ngãi water's edge, waterfront, a bank; a limit; faraway places.⁷); (<old>=睚 ngãi <wr.> the corner of the eye.⁵); precipice, shore, bank; surname.⁸  cliff (崖);  waterside (涯); canthus; the corner of the eye (睚); limit, bound; a surname.⁹ the side of a hill; precipice.²⁴
(composition: ⿸厂圭; U+5393).
ngai3 11461
30 11 ngãi ái gnaw; (Cant.) to shout, yell, scold.⁸ to growl (of dog); to bare fangs.¹⁰ a dog wanting to bite; dogs fighting.²⁴ (Taiwan pronunciation: yái). (variant: 嘊 ngãi ái).
(composition: ⿰口厓; U+5540).
哜啀[嚌啀] jäi-ngãi
zhāi'ái appearance with smile; smiling face.
啀喍 ngãi-châi
áichái dogs fighting.⁸ (啀喍 ngãi-châi áichái can also be written as 喍啀 châi-ngãi chái'ái, 崖柴 ngãi-châi yáchái and 嘊喍 ngãi-châi áichái).
(See 嘊 ngãi)
ngai3 11462
30 14 ngãi ái (=啀 ngãi ái) gnaw; (Cant.) to shout, yell, scold.⁸ to growl (of dog); to bare fangs.¹⁰ a dog wanting to bite; dogs fighting.²⁴ (Taiwan pronunciation: yái).
(See 啀 ngãi).
ngai3 11463
32 11 ngãi ái used in placenames.⁸
(composition: ⿰土厓; U+5810).
洛河堐 lōk-hõ-ngài luòhé'ái a place in 沂水县[沂水縣] yĩ-suī-yòn yíshuǐxiàn county in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Province.⁸
(See 堐[ngãi, ]).
ngai3 11464
32 11 ngãi used in placenames.⁸
(composition: ⿰土厓; U+5810).
洛河堐 lōk-hõ-ngài luòhéyá name of a place in Shandong Province.⁸
(See 堐[ngãi, ái]).
ngai3 11465
38 11 ngãi a new-born child; the whimper of an infant.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰女兒; U+5A57).
嫛婗 yï-ngãi yì'ní a baby.¹⁴
ngai3 11466
46 11 ngãi edge of a precipice or cliff; precipitous; <wr.> limit, margin, boundary.⁶
崖壁 ngãi-bēik yábì escarpment; precipice; cliff.¹⁰
崖检[崖檢] ngãi-gēm
yájiǎn <wr.> austere (conduct), stiff (exterior).¹¹
崖谷 ngãi-gūk
yágǔ ravine.¹¹
崖刻 ngãi-hāk
yákè rock carving; cliff carving.¹⁰
崖州 ngãi-jiü
yázhōu ancient name for Hainan Island.¹⁰
崖壑 ngãi-kōk
yáhè valley; gully.¹⁰
崖略 ngãi-lèk
yálüè outline; essential points.¹¹
崖岸 ngãi-ngòn
yá'àn cliff; steep slope; fig. arrogant and difficult person.¹⁰
崖柏 ngãi-pāk
yábǎi arborvitae.⁶
崖石 ngãi-sêk
yáshí rocky cliff.¹¹
崖画[崖畫] ngãi-và
yáhuà (岩画[岩畫] ngãm-và yánhuà) cliff painting, rock painting, petroglyph.⁶
崖异[崖異] ngãi-yì
yáyì <wr.> maintaining a rigid front to be different from others..¹¹
ngai3 11467
46 12 ngãi wéi (=嵬 nguĩ wéi) <wr.> lofty, towering.⁶
(present Hoisanva pronunciation of 嵬 is ngãi.)
<又> nguĩ (original pronunciation)
(See 嵬 nguĩ.)
ngai3 11468
46 20 ngãi wēi (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 巍 nguĩ wēi with same meaning: high, lofty, majestic, eminent.⁸)
(Note: present Hoisanva pronunciation of 巍 is ngãi.)
<又> nguĩ (original pronunciation).
(See 巍 nguĩ.)
ngai3 11469
64 10 ngãi ái to suffer; to endure; to pull through (hard times); to delay; to stall; to play for time; to dawdle; (=捱 ngãi ái).
挨打 ngãi-ā
áidǎ to take a beating; to get thrashed; to come under attack.
挨打受气[挨打受氣] ngãi-ā-siù-hï
áidǎshòuqì to suffer beating and insults.
挨打受饿[挨打受餓] ngãi-ā-siù-ngù
áidǎshòu'è be beaten and starved.³⁹
挨板子 ngãi-bān-dū
ái bǎnzi to suffer criticism or punishment; to “get the shaft”.
挨揍 ngãi-dëo
áizòu to take a beating.
挨克 ngãi-hāk
áikēi <topo.> to get told off; to get licked.
挨饿[挨餓] ngãi-ngù
ái'è suffer from hunger; go hungry.⁵
挨批 ngãi-päi
áipī to be criticized.
挨推 ngãi-tuï
áituī to delay (matters).¹¹
<又> äi.
(See 挨 äi; 捱 ngãi.)
ngai3 11470
64 11 ngãi ái (=挨 ngãi ái) to suffer; to endure; to delay.
or 挨打 ngãi-ā áidǎ to take a beating; to get thrashed; to come under attack.
or 挨不住 ngãi-būt-jì áibuzhù cannot bear any more.
or 挨苦 ngãi-fū áikǔ to endure hardships.
or 挨一会[挨一會] ngãi-yīt-vòi ái yīhuǐ to delay a moment.
(See 挨 ngãi.)
ngai3 11471
85 11 ngãi water's edge, waterfront, a bank; a limit; faraway places.⁷
天涯 hëin-ngãi tiānyá the end of the world; the remotest corner of the earth.⁵
天涯海角 hëin-ngãi-hōi-gôk
tiānyáhǎijiǎo the ends of the earth; the remotest corners of the earth.⁵
地角天涯 ì-gôk-hëin-ngãi
dìjiǎotiānyá the ends of the earth.¹⁰
津涯 jün-ngãi
jīnyá the waterside; shores.⁷
涯际[涯際] ngãi-däi
yájì boundary; limit.⁶
涯岸 ngãi-ngòn
yá'àn riverbank; embankment.⁶ <wr.> river bank, sea beach.¹¹
生涯 säng-ngãi
shēngyá career, profession.⁵
一望无涯[一望無涯] yīt-mòng-mũ-ngãi
yīwàngwúyá stretching beyond the horizon; boundless.⁵
ngai3 11472
85 11 ngãi the utmost verge.²⁴ 極際.¹³
(composition: ⿰氵兒; U+6DE3).
<又> ngäi. (See 淣 ngäi).
ngai3 11473
85 14 ngãi (<old>=涯 ngãi yá¹⁹ bank; shore; limit; boundary; marginwater's edge, waterfront, a bank; a limit; faraway places.⁷)  the bank of a stream; the brink of water.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵崖; U+6F04).
ngai3 11474
94 11 ngãi the lion; a wild beast or wild horse.⁷
金猊 gïm-ngãi jīnní incense burner shaped like a lion's head.¹
猊座 ngãi-dò
nízuò a lion's den.¹⁴
猊糖 ngãi-hõng
nítáng sugar made into the shape of a lion's den.¹⁴
玉狻猊 ngùk-xön-ngãi
yùsuānní a jade incense burner made in the shape of a lion.⁸
or 狻猊 xön-ngãi suānní a kind of fierce animal in legend.⁶ lion.⁸ a lion; a wild horse which can do 500 li in a day.¹⁴ legendary beast of prey.⁵⁴
ngai3 11475
109 13 ngãi (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 睨 ngài look askance at, glare at; squint.⁸)
<又> ngài.
(See 睨 ngài.)
ngai3 11476
109 13 ngãi <wr.> the corner of the eye.⁵
睚眦[睚眥] ngãi-xû yázì angry stare; small grievance.⁸
睚眦必报[睚眥必報] ngãi-xû-bēik-bäo
yázìbìbào seek revenge for the smallest grievance.⁵ would seek revenge for even an angry look.¹¹
睚眦之怨[睚眥之怨] ngãi-xû-jï-yön
yázìzhīyuàn petty grievance; trifling injury.⁶
睚眦杀人[睚眥殺人] ngãi-xû-sät-ngĩn
yázìshārén kill for trifles.¹¹
眦睚[眥睚] xû-ngãi
zìyá stare in anger; a look of hatred.¹⁰
ngai3 11477
142 14 ngãi (=霓 ngãi ) secondary rainbow.⁵ cicada; reflection of rainbow; secondary rainbow.⁸ a species of black or red cicada; used for 霓 a red mist.²⁵
or 虹霓 hũng-ngãi hóngní rainbow; secondary rainbow.⁵⁴
虹蜺为缳[虹蜺為繯] hũng-ngãi-vĩ-vãn
hóngníwéihuán the rainbow encircles the heavens.²⁵
雌蜺 dü-ngãi
cíní secondary rainbow.⁸
婴蜺[嬰蜺] yëin-ngãi
yīngní an insect, that in the close of summer, infests the ears of deer.²⁵
(See 霓 ngãi ).
ngai3 11478
159 15 𫐐
ngãi the crossbar at the end of a carriage pole.¹¹ʼ¹⁴ a yoke.²⁵ the crossbar used for yoking on an oxcart.³⁶
(comp. t: ⿰車兒; U+8F17). (comp. s: ⿰车兒; U+2B410).
❄{⿰车兒}[大車無輗] ài-chëh-mũ-ngãi dàchēwúní a large carriage without a yoke to draw with.²⁵
❄{⿰车兒}𫐄❄{ ⿰车兀}[輗軏] ngãi-yòt níyuè, essential parts of a carriage for alignment of wheels and changing direction without which it cannot move, hence, fig. a man's vital convictions.¹¹ lit. the crossbar used on a carriage, essential for the alignment of the wheels and changing direction, without which it cannot move; fig. a person's vital convictions; (fig., attributive) large and small, significant and trivial.³⁶
ngai3 11479
173 16 ngãi secondary rainbow.⁵ a rainbow; a colored cloud.⁷ (variant: 蜺 ngãi).
or 虹蜺 hũng-ngãi hóngní rainbow; secondary rainbow.⁵⁴
霓旌 ngãi-dëin
níjīng a banner of multicolored feathers.¹¹
霓虹 ngãi-hũng
níhóng secondary rainbow; neon.⁹
霓虹灯[霓虹燈] ngãi-hũng-äng
níhóngdēng neon lamp; neon light.⁶
霓虹灯下的哨兵[霓虹燈下的哨兵] ngãi-hũng-äng hà-ēik-säo-bëin
níhóngdēng xiàdeshàobīng sentry/guard under the neon lamp.⁶
霓裳舞 ngãi-sẽng-mū
níshangwǔ name of a dance in the Tang Dynasty; a dance in which the female dancers wear colorful costumes.⁷
霓裳羽衣曲 ngãi-sẽng-yî-yï-kūk
níshangyǔyīqǔ name of a tune composed by Emperor Ming of the Tang Dynasty.⁷
霓现雨止[霓現雨止] ngãi-yèn-yî-jī
níxiànyǔzhǐ when the rainbow appears the rain ceases.¹⁴
彩霓 tōi-ngãi
cǎiní variegated.¹⁴
云霓[雲霓] vũn-ngãi
yúnní rain clouds; clouds and secondary rainbow.⁶
(See 蜺 ngãi).
ngai3 11480
195 19 ngãi salamander.⁵ giant salamander; Cryptobranchus japonicus.⁸ commonly known as 娃娃鱼[娃娃魚] vā-vā-nguî/ wáwayú giant salamander.⁸
大鲵[大鯢] ài-ngãi
dàní giant salamander.⁵ Andrias, a genus of giant salamanders (Andrias).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
大鲵鱼[大鯢魚] ài-ngãi-nguî/
dàníyú giant salamander.¹⁴
中國大鯢[中國大鯢] Jüng-gōk ài-ngãi
Zhōngguó dàní Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus syn. Megalobatrachus davidianus) is the largest salamander and largest amphibian in the world.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鲸鲵[鯨鯢] kẽin-ngãi
jīngní whales.¹⁴
鲵鲋[鯢鮒] ngãi-fù
nífù small fry.¹⁴
日本大鲵[日本大鯢] Ngìt-bōn-ài-ngãi
Rìběndàní Japanese giant salamander (Andrias japonicus syn. Megalobatrachus japonicus); commonly known as 大山椒鱼.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
取其鲸鲵而封之[取其鯨鯢而封之] tuī-kĩ-kẽin-ngãi-ngĩ-füng-jï
qǔqíjīngjīngérfēngzhī take these oppressors – who swallow up small States like great monsters – and slay them, burying their bodies.¹⁴
隐鳃鲵科[隱鰓鯢科] yîn-xöi-ngãi-fö
yǐnsāiníkē Cryptobranchidae are a family of fully aquatic salamanders commonly known as the giant salamanders.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
ngai3 11481
198 鹿 19 ngãi a young deer; a fawn.⁷
麑裘 ngãi-kiũ níqiú fawn's furs.⁷
麑鹿 ngãi-lùk
nílù a young deer; a fawn.⁷
or 狻猊 xön-ngãi suānní a kind of fierce animal in legend.⁶ lion.⁸ a lion; a wild horse which can do 500 li in a day.¹⁴ legendary beast of prey.⁵⁴
ngai3 11482
4 丿 2 ngài ài
interchangeable with 艾¹¹ ngài ài Chinese mugwort.
(See 乂 [ngài, ].)
ngai4 11483
4 丿 2 ngài <wr.> to administer⁶; stable⁶; interchangeable with 艾¹¹ ngài to redress; ancient variant of 刈 ngài to mow; to cut.¹¹ original form of 刈 (yì, “to weed; to mow”); to govern, to control, to manage; to nurture.³⁶ able men, regulate, aid.⁶²
俊乂在官 dün-ngài-dòi-gön
jùnyìzàiguān men of eminence will hold office.¹⁴
乂安 ngài-ön yì'ān all is well.⁸
安乂 ön-ngài
ānyì peaceful.¹⁴
(See 乂 [ngài, ài].)
ngai4 11484
9 11 ngài wěi false, counterfeit, fake, bogus; illegal, puppet, collaborationist.⁶ (variant: 僞 ngài wěi).
真伪[真偽] jïn-ngài
zhēn-wěi question of truth (of story).¹¹
伪币[偽幣] ngài-bài
wěibì counterfeit money, spurious coin; money issued by a puppet government.⁶
伪钞[偽鈔] ngài-chäo
wěichāo a counterfeit banknote.⁷
伪造[偽造] ngài-dào
wěizào forge; fabricate; counterfeit.⁵
伪足[偽足] ngài-dūk
wěizú pseudopodium.⁵
伪顶[偽頂] ngài-ēin
wěidǐng <min.> false roof.⁵
伪军[偽軍] ngài-gün
wěijūn puppet army or soldier.⁵
伪君子[偽君子] ngài-gün-dū
wěijūnzǐ hypocrite.⁵
伪托[偽托] ngài-hōk
wěituō forge ancient literary or art works or pass off modern works as ancient ones.⁵
伪证[偽證] ngài-jëin
wěizhèng perjury.⁷
伪政府[偽政府] ngài-jëin-fū
wěizhèngfǔ a government dominated by a usurper or traitor; a bogus government.⁷
伪装[偽裝] ngài-jöng
wěizhuāng pretend, feign, disguise; guise, disguise, mask; camouflage.⁶
伪满[偽滿] ngài-mōn
wěimǎn Manchukuo.⁷
伪善[偽善] ngài-sèn
wěishàn hypocritical.⁵
伪书[偽書] ngài-sï
wěishū ancient books of dubious authenticity.⁶
<又> nguì.
(See 偽 nguì; 僞 ngài).
ngai4 11485
9 14 ngài wěi (=伪[偽] ngài wěi) false, counterfeit, fake, bogus; illegal, puppet, collaborationist.⁶
(composition: ⿰亻爲; U+50DE).
(See 偽 ngài.)
ngai4 11486
18 4 ngài mow; cut down.⁵ <wr.> cut down, mow.⁶ to reap.⁷
刈稻 ngài-ào yìdào to cut down rice.¹
刈包 ngài-bäo
yìbāo cut open a bag (in order to steal).¹ name of a Taiwanese snack food (often called 割包 guà bāo in Taiwan) made with 2 pieces of steamed bun with pork belly and one half of a small cucumber inside with other condiments.²³
刈除 ngài-chuĩ
yìchú weed/root out; eradicate.⁶
刈幅 ngài-fūk
yìfú swath.¹
刈捆机[刈捆機] ngài-kūn-gï
yìkǔnjī <agr.> binder.⁶
刈麦[刈麥] ngài-màk
yìmài mow wheat.⁶
刈草 ngài-tāo
yìcǎo mow grass.⁶
刈草机[刈草機] ngài-tāo-gï
yìcǎojī mowing machine; mower.⁵ a lawn mower; a mowing machine; a mower.⁷
刈禾机[刈禾機] ngài-võ-gï
yìhéjī a reaping machine.¹⁴
刈获[刈穫] ngài-vòk
yìhuò to reap.¹⁴
收刈 siü-ngài
shōuyì to harvest.³⁹ reap; harvest.⁵⁴
ngai4 11487
30 21 ngài to talk in one's sleep.¹⁰
媕呓[媕囈] äm-ngài ānyì somniloquy.⁸
梦呓[夢囈] mùng-ngài
mèngyì talking in one's sleep; delirious ravings; nonsense; sheer fantasy.¹⁰ somniloquy.¹¹
呓语[囈語] ngài-nguî
yìyǔ to talk in one's sleep; crazy talk.¹⁰
啽呓[啽囈] ngäp-ngài
ányì to breathe hard in sleep.²⁴
ngai4 11488
32 11 ngài parapet (wall).⁸ a parapet on a wall; an embrasure.²⁴
埤堄 bï-ngài pìnì parapet.¹ <wr.> small peepholes in city wall.¹¹ parapet (wall).³⁹
ngai4 11489
32 11 ngài (=艺[藝] ngài art; skill; talent; craft; dexerity.⁷)  (<old>=艺[藝] ngài   to grow; skill; talent.³⁶)
(composition: ⿰坴丸; U+57F6).
<又> säi.
(See 埶 säi; 藝 ngài).
ngai4 11490
36 5 ngài wài <台> 出外 chūt-ngài or chūt-ngòi to go abroad.
<台> 外底 ngài-dāi outside.
<又> ngòi.
(See 外 ngòi.)
ngai4 11491
72 12 ngài
sunset; bright.⁸ the sun declining to the west.²⁴
(composition: ⿰日兒; U+6672).
ngai4 11492
75 10 ngài (composition: ⿰木旨; U+683A).
枍栺 yài-ngài yìyì the name of a tree, also called 檍树[檍樹] yēik-sì yìshù (See Note under 檍 yēik). It is also the name of a palace during the Han dynasty.¹³ the name of a palace; a kind of tree.²⁴
<又> jï.
(See 栺 jï).
ngai4 11493
79 15 ngài resolute, decisive, firm, persist.⁸
沉毅 chĩm-ngài chényì steady and strong; determined; resolute.⁹
坚毅[堅毅] gëin-ngài
jiānyì resolute, with firm determination.¹¹
毅志 ngài-jï
yìzhì determination, ambition.¹¹
毅力 ngài-lèik
yìlì moral strength, stamina, perseverance.¹¹
毅然 ngài-ngẽin
yìrán resolute; determined; firm.⁶
毅然决然[毅然決然] ngài-ngẽin-kūt-ngẽin
yìránjuérán resolutely and determinedly.⁶
毅勇 ngài-yûng
yìyǒng courage, courageous.¹¹
ngai4 11494
109 13 ngài look askance at, glare at; squint.⁸
嗔睨 chïn-ngài or chïn-ngãi chēnnì to look askance at somebody in anger.¹⁰
眄睨 mēin-ngài
or mēin-ngãi miànnì to look askance.⁷
睨视[睨視] ngài-sì
or ngãi-sì nìshì <wr.> look askance; look sideways; cast a sideway glance; squint.⁶
傲睨 ngào-ngài
or ngào-ngãi àonì to look down upon.¹⁰
睥睨 pî-ngài
or pî-ngãi pìnì or bìnì to look disdainfully out of the corner of one's eye.¹⁰
斜睨 tẽh-ngài
or tẽh-ngãi xiénì to cast sidelong glances at somebody.¹⁰
<又> ngãi.
(See 睨 ngãi.)
ngai4 11495
112 10 ngài astatine (At).
ngai4 11496
115 8 ngài (=艺[藝] ngài art; skill; talent; craft; dexerity.⁷) skill, ability in handicraft a craft, an art, a calling; a trade; an accomplishment.³⁶
(composition: ⿰禾丸; U+79C7).
(See 藝 ngài).
ngai4 11497
124 9 羿 ngài legendary archer; Yi surname.⁸
后羿 Hèo-Ngài Hòuyì Houyi or 羿 Ngài Houyi, mythological Chinese archer whose wife was 嫦娥 Sẽng-ngõ Cháng'é Chang'e.⁰
后羿射 Hèo-Ngài-sèh
Hòuyì shè I was clever at archery.¹⁴
后羿射日 Hèo-Ngài sèh-ngìt
Hòuyì shèrì During Houyi's time there were ten suns and Houyi shot nine of them down, leaving one sun in the sky.⁰
羿圣[羿聖] ngài-sëin
yìshèng expert at 围棋[圍棋] vĩ-kĩ/ wéiqí weiqi, go.⁰
ngai4 11498
140 5 ngài ài Chinese mugwort or wormwood; <wr.> to stop, to end, to stop; abbreviation for 艾滋病 AIDS; Ai surname.
方兴未艾[方興未艾] föng-hëin-mì-ngài fāngxīngwèi'ài be just unfolding; be in the ascendant.⁸
艾滋 ngài-dü
àizī <loan> AIDS.
艾滋病 ngài-dü-bèng
àizībìng <loan> AIDS.
艾灸 ngài-giü
àijiǔ  moxibustion (TCM).¹⁰
艾蒿 ngài-häo
àihāo Chinese mugwort (Artemisia argyi).³⁶ (another name for 艾草 ngài-tāo, q.v.)
艾炷 ngài-jï
àizhù moxa cone.⁶ stick of artemisia, used for cauterizing.¹¹
艾艾 ngài-ngài
ài'ài stuttering; stammering.
艾艾难言[艾艾難言] ngài-ngài-nãn-ngũn
ài'àinányán to speak with reluctance or difficulty.
艾绒[艾絨] ngài-ngũng
àiróng <TCM> moxa.⁶
艾绒灸[艾絨灸] ngài-ngũng-giü
àiróngjiǔ to cauterize with moxa.¹⁴
艾焙 ngài-pöi
àibèi to cauterize with end of artemisia.¹¹
艾草 ngài-tāo
àicǎo <bot.> Chinese mugwort.¹ Artemisia argyi H. Lév. & Vaniot.²³
少艾 sël-ngài
shào'ài <wr.> the young and handsome.
<台> 老鼠艾 lāo-sī-ngài Chinese mugwort.
(See 艾 [ngài, .)
ngai4 11499
140 5 ngài to mow; to cut; to reap; to redress.
惩艾[懲艾] chẽin-ngài chéngyì <wr.> to punish; to mete out punishment to.
自怨自艾 dù-yön-dù-ngài
zìyuànzìyì to repent and redress one's errors;  to blame and censure oneself.¹ to be full of remorse.¹⁰ to be contrite and reform oneself, to regret one's past mistakes and try to do better in the future.¹¹
怨艾 yön-ngài
yuànyì <wr.> resentment; grudge.⁵
(See 艾 [ngài, ài.)
ngai4 11500
140 14 ngài (=艺[藝] ngài art; skill; talent; craft; dexerity.⁷  art; talent, ability; craft.⁸ <wr.> to plant, to grow, to cultivate.⁶ )
(composition: ⿱艹埶; U+84FA).
(See 藝 ngài.)
ngai4 11501
140 18 ngài art; skill; talent; craft; dexerity.⁷ (variants: 埶,秇,蓺 ngài).
文艺复兴[文藝復興] Mũn-ngài Fùk-hëin Wényì Fùxīng the Renaissance.⁵
艺高胆大[藝高膽大] ngài-gäo-ām-ài
yìgāodǎndà the talented or skilled are generally bold.⁷
艺妓[藝妓] ngài-gì
yìjì a geisha.⁷
艺徒[藝徒] ngài-hũ
yìtú an apprentice.⁷
艺龄[藝齡] ngài-lẽin
yìlíng length of an artistic career.⁵
艺林[藝林] ngài-lĩm
yìlín art circles.⁵
or 艺林瑰宝[藝林瑰寶] ngài-lĩm-gï-bāo yìlín guībǎo a collection of art treasures.⁷
艺名[藝名] ngài-mẽin
yìmíng stage name (of an actor).⁵
艺文[藝文] ngài-mũn
yìwén literature and fine arts.⁷
艺能[藝能] ngài-nãng
yìnéng artistic skill; art; skill.⁷
艺人[藝人] ngài-ngĩn
yìrén actor or artist (in local drama, storytelling, acrobatics); artisan, handicraftsman.⁵
艺术[藝術] ngài-sùt
yìshù art; skill, craft.⁵
艺术家[藝術家] ngài-sùt-gä/
yìshùjiā an artist.⁷
艺术界[藝術界] ngài-sùt-gäi yìshùjiè the world of art.⁷
艺术歌曲[藝術歌曲] ngài-sùt gô-kūk
yìshù gēqǔ a lied.⁷
艺苑[藝苑] ngài-vōn
yìyuàn the realm of art and literature; art and literary circles.⁵
(See 埶 ngài; 秇 ngài; 蓺 ngài).
ngai4 11502
140 18 ngài Zanthoxylum ailanthoides, also called ailanthus-like prickly ash, (椿叶花椒[椿葉花椒] chün-yêp-fä-dël chūnyèhuājiāo lit. "Ailanthus-leaved pepper", 越椒 yòt-dël yuèjiāo lit. "Yue pepper", 食茱萸 sèik-jï-yĩ shízhūyú lit. "edible shān zhū yú").¹⁰ʼ¹⁵ʼ¹⁹ʼ²⁰ boiled pepper.²⁵ dogwood.³⁶
(composition: ⿱艹毅; U+85D9).
蓎藙 hõng-ngài
tángyì another name for 蜀椒¹⁹ Sùk-dël Shǔjiāo a wild pepper grown of Sichuan.¹¹
ngai4 11503
149 13 ngài to visit, to go to; attainments.
造诣[造詣] dào-ngài zàoyì (academic or artistic) attainments.⁵
躬诣[躬詣] güng-ngài
gōngyì to go in person.¹⁴
苦心孤诣[苦心孤詣] fū-xïm-gü-ngài
kǔxīngūyì makes extraordinary painstaking efforts.⁵
诣阙[詣闕] ngài-kūt
yìquē to go to the palace to see the emperor.
诣门[詣門] ngài-mõn
yìmén <court.> to visit somebody.
诣谒[詣謁] ngài-yēik
yìyè to pay a visit to.
ngai4 11504
152 12 𧰿
ngài ài a boar.²⁵ old pig.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰豕艾; U+27C3F).
𧰿豭 ngài-gä àijiā (=艾豭 ngài-gä àijiā <wr.> old male pig.¹¹ old but fine pig.¹³); 𧰿,通作艾.⁸
ngai4 11505
194 17 ngài wèi State of Wei (403-225 BCE), one of the Warring States; Kingdom of Wei (220-266 CE), aka as 曹魏 Tão Ngài Cáo Wèi, one of the Three Kingdoms); Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534 CE).⁶ Wei surname.⁸
北魏 Bāk Ngài
Běi Wèi Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534), one of the Northern Dynasties.⁶
魏碑 Ngài-bï
Wèibēi tablet inscriptions of Northern Dynasties (386-581); model calligraphy represented by the aforesaid inscriptions.⁶
魏晋[魏晉] Ngài Dün
Wèi-Jìn Wei (220-265) and Jin (265-420) dynasties.¹⁰
魏国[魏國] Ngài Gōk
Wèi Guó Wei State (403-225 BCE).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
魏征[魏徵] Ngài Jëin
Wèi Zhēng (580-643), Tang chancellor and lead editor of 隋书[隋書] Tuĩ Sï History of Sui Dynasty.¹⁵
魏阙[魏闕] ngài-kūt
wèiquè <trad.> gate of the imperial palace where imperial edicts were issued; imperial court.⁶
曹魏 Tão Ngài Cáo Wèi the Wei state of the Three-Kingdoms Period (Dec. 10, 220 to Feb. 8, 266).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
东魏[東魏] Üng Ngài
Dōng Wèi Eastern Wei Dynasty (534-550), one of the Northern Dynasties.⁶
西魏 Xäi Ngài
Xī Wèi Western Wei Dynasty (535-557), one of the Northern Dynasties.⁶
<又> ngùi.
(See 魏 ngùi.)
ngai4 11506
209 16 ngài to cut off the nose; one of the 五刑 m̄-yẽin wǔ-xíng five ancient mutilating punishments: 墨 màk tattooing the face, 劓 ngài cutting off the nose, 剕 fï fèi cutting off the feet, 宮[宫] güng gōng castration, and 大辟 ài-pēik dàpì decapitation.
ngai4 11507
30 7 ngāk è (composition: ⿰口厄; U+5443).
<台> 呃人 ngāk-ngĩn to deceive or swindle someone.
<台> 三民仔好呃 xäm-mīn-dōi hāo-ngāk the child is very thin (emaciated).
(See 呃 āk.)
ngak1 11508
181 15 ngäk é (=额[額] ngäk é the forehead; a fixed amount, value, number; a quota; a horizontal tablet.⁷); the forehead; a fixed number.⁸ the forehead, the front; the place between the hair and the eyebrows; the name of a place.²⁵
(composition: ⿰各頁; U+981F).
頟頟 ngäk-ngäk
é'é incessant, the noise of pushing along a chariot.²⁵ the creaking of a cart; incessant.¹⁰²
頟鄂 ngäk-ngōk
é'è a bank; a boundary.²⁵
(See 額 ngäk).
ngak2 11509
181 18 ngäk é the forehead; a fixed amount, value, number; a quota; a horizontal tablet; E surname.⁷ (variant: 頟 ngäk é).
名额[名額] mẽin-ngäk
míng'é quota of people.⁸
额定[額定] ngäk-èin
édìng rated; specified (numbers).⁷
额定人数[額定人數] ngäk-èin-ngĩn-sü
édìng rénshù the maximum number of persons allowed.⁷
额驸[額駙] ngäk-fù
éfù (Manchu) husband of princess.¹¹
额角[額角] ngäk-gôk
éjiǎo the temples.⁷
额骨[額骨] ngäk-gūt
égǔ the frontal bone.⁷
额头[額頭] ngäk-hẽo
étóu the forehead.⁷
额颅[額顱] ngäk-lũ
élú <wr.> head.¹¹
额面[額面] ngäk-mèin
émiàn face value (of a banknote).⁷
额外[額外] ngäk-ngòi
éwài extra; beyond the set quota.⁷
额内[額內] ngäk-nuì
énèi within the quota/fixed amount.⁷
额手[額手] ngäk-siū
éshǒu to raise the hand to the forehead – a gesture of respect or congratulations.⁷
额手称庆[額手稱慶] ngäk-siū-chëin-hëin
éshǒuchēngqìng to put one's hand on one's forehead; to be overjoyed.⁷
额数[額數] ngäk-sü
éshù the fixed amount, number.⁷
额黄[額黃] ngäk-võng
éhuáng <trad.> (of women) to paint the forehead yellow as makeup.⁷
前额[前額] tẽin-ngäk
qián'é forehead; front; pate.⁹
(See 頟 ngäk).
ngak2 11510
30 11 ngām yán <台> 啱 ngām correct, right.
<台> 讲得啱[講得啱] gōng-āk-ngām what you have said is correct.
<台> 啱啱爽 ngām-ngām-sōng exactly.
ngam1 11511
9 16 ngãm án discouraged, downhearted.³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻㬎; U+5111).
<又> ngäp. (See 儑 ngäp).
ngam3 11512
32 22 ngãm yán (<old>=岩 ngãm yán cliff, crag; rock, stone.⁶).⁸
(=地穴 ì-yòt
dìxué a primitive dugout.⁰ pit; burrow; crypt.¹⁰).²
(composition: ⿰土嚴; U+58E7).
(See 岩 ngãm).
ngam3 11513
46 8 ngãm yán cliff, crag; rock, stone.⁶ (variant forms: 嵒嵓碞巖巗礹壧.)
花岗岩[花崗岩] fä-göng-ngãm huāgāngyán granite; granite-like, incorrigibly obstinate.⁶
岩壁 ngãm-bēik
yánbì palisade.⁶
岩浆[岩漿] ngãm-dëng
yánjiāng <geol.> magma.⁵
岩栎[岩櫟] ngãm-lēik
or ngãm-lèik yánlì rock chestnut oak.⁵⁴ Quercus acrodonta.
岩石 ngãm-sêk
yánshí rock.⁶
岩层[岩層] ngãm-tãng
yáncéng rock stratum, rock formation, rock layer.⁶
岩洞 ngãm-ùng
yándòng grotto; rock cave.⁶
岩画[岩畫] ngãm-và
yánhuà cliff painting, rock painting, petroglyph.⁶
岩屑 ngãm-xēik
yánxiè <geol.> detritus; debris.⁶
岩芯 ngãm-xîm
yánxìn core; drill core.⁶ core of rock.⁹
岩溶 ngãm-yũng
yánróng <geol.> karst.¹⁰
砂岩 sâ-ngãm
shāyán sandstone.¹¹
七星岩 Tīt-xëin-ngãm
Qīxīngyán Seven-Star Cliff (in Guangdong Province.)⁶
熔岩 yũng-ngãm
róngyán lava.⁶
ngam3 11514
46 12 ngãm yán (=岩 ngãm yán) cliff, crag; rock, stone.⁶
<台> 嵓 ngãm <slang> to dig deep into (something).
<台> 嵓你个袋睇有钱唔呀[嵓你個袋睇有錢唔呀] Ngãm-nï-göi-òi/-hāi-yiü-tẽin-m̃-yã. <slang> Dig into your pocket to see if you have any money there.
(See 岩 ngãm.)
ngam3 11515
46 12 ngãm yán (=岩 ngãm yán) cliff, crag; rock, stone.⁶
(See 岩 ngãm.)
ngam3 11516
46 22 ngãm yán (=岩 ngãm yán) cliff, crag; rock, stone.⁶
(composition: ⿱山嚴; U+5DD6).
Häi-sän-ngãm-ngãm, lû-böng-sō-jëm.
Tàishān yán yán, lǔ bāng suǒ zhān.
The mountain of Tai is lofty,
Looked up to by the State of Lu.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·頌·魯頌·閟宮·6》, translated by James Legge).
or 岩芯 ngãm-xîm yánxìn core; drill core.⁶ core of rock.⁹
(See 岩 ngãm.)
ngam3 11517
46 22 ngãm yán (=岩 ngãm yán) cliff, crag; rock, stone.⁶
(See 岩 ngãm.)
ngam3 11518
64 7 ngãm qián <Cant.> ngam4 to pull out.⁸ʼ³⁶ʼ⁷⁵
(Note: Distinguish 拎 nēin līn to lift; to carry in one's hand.⁵⁴ carry or hold with a hand; lift up.⁷⁵).
(composition: ⿰扌今; U+6272).
<台> 扲 ngãm
ngam4 to pull out (to remove something from a container) (especially from pockets or bags).³⁶
<台> 扲袋 ngãm-òi/
ngam4 doi6-2 to pull out or to remove something from a pocket or bag).³⁶
<台> 扲钱[扲錢] ngãm-tẽin ngam4 cin2 to pull out money from one's pocket.³⁶
<台> 扲荷包 ngãm-hõ-bäo
ngam4 ho4 baau1 <lit.> to pull one's wallet out; <fig.> to contribute money.³⁶
<又> kẽm; kĩm.
(See 扲 kẽm; 扲 kĩm).
ngam3 11519
104 17 ngãm ái carcinoma; cancer.⁶
壁癌 bēik-ngãm bì'ái persistent mold on the wall; efflorescence.¹⁰
肠癌[腸癌] chẽng-ngãm
cháng'ái cancer of the intestine.⁹
肝癌 gön-ngãm
gān'ái <med.> cancer of the liver.⁵
血癌 hüt-ngãm
xuè'ái  leukemia.⁸
痣癌 jï-ngãm
zhìái <med.> nevocarcinoma.⁶
癌变[癌變] ngãm-bëin
áibiàn  to become cancerous; transformation to malignancy (of body cells).¹⁰
癌病 ngãm-bèng
áibìng cancer; carcinomatosis.¹⁰
癌化 ngãm-fä
áihuà cancerate.¹⁰
癌学[癌學] ngãm-hòk
áixué cancerology.¹⁰
癌症 ngãm-jëin
áizhèng cancer.⁷
癌肿[癌腫] ngãm-jūng
áizhǒng (=癌 ngãm ái) carcinoma; cancer.⁶
癌扩散[癌擴散] ngãm-köng-xän
áikuòsàn spread or proliferation or metastasis of cancer.⁶
癌瘤 ngãm-liũ
áiliú (=癌 ngãm ái) carcinoma; cancer.⁶
癌棒 ngãm-pâng
áibàng lit. cancer stick; <slang> cigarette.⁵⁴
癌细胞[癌細胞] ngãm-xäi-bäo
áixìbāo cancer cells.⁷
乳癌 nguî-ngãm
rǔ'ái breast cancer.¹¹
胃癌 vì-ngãm
wèi'ái stomach cancer.¹¹
ngam3 11520
112 14 ngãm yán (=岩 ngãm yán) cliff, crag; rock, stone.⁶
(See 岩 ngãm.)
ngam3 11521
112 24 ngãm yán (=岩 ngãm yán) cliff, crag; rock, stone.⁶
(See 岩 ngãm.)
ngam3 11522
149 16 ngãm yán (=𧬌❄{⿰訁嵒} ngãm yán harmonious; a joke; a person's name.² words of sport, a joke; cordial agreement; a man's name.²⁵).² To laugh; to ridicule.²⁵ (Note: Also read gán in Mandarin - to tease).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰訁咸; U+8AF4).
<又> hãm.
(See 諴 hãm; 𧬌❄{⿰訁嵒} ngãm).
ngam3 11523
149 19 𧬌
ngãm yán harmonious; a joke; a person's name.² words of sport, a joke; cordial agreement; a man's name.²⁵
(composition: ⿰訁嵒; U+27B0C).
希𧬌 Hï Ngãm Xī Yán a person mentioned in 【宋史·宗室表】.²
ngam3 11524
181 16 ngâm hàn the chin, the jaws; a slight nod of the head.⁷
下颔骨[下頷骨] hà-ngâm-gūt xiàhàngǔ mandible.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
颔下[頷下] ngâm-hà
chànxià under one's chin.¹⁰
颔下腺[頷下腺] ngâm-hà-xëin
hànxiàxiàn submaxillary glands (biology).¹⁰
颔联[頷聯] ngâm-lũn
hànlián (in a poem of eight lines)  third and fourth lines which form a couplet.⁷
颔首[頷首] ngãm-siū
hànshǒu to nod the head – a sign of approval.⁷
颔首之交[頷首之交] ngãm-siū-jï-gäo
hànshǒuzhījiāo nodding acquaintance.⁶
颔首微笑[頷首微笑] ngãm-siū-mĩ-xël
hànshǒu wēixiào nod smilingly.⁵
颔首示意[頷首示意] ngâm-siū-sì-yï
hànshǒushìyì to give a nod as a signal.⁷
上颔骨[上頷骨] sèng-ngâm-gūt
shànghàngǔ maxilla.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
ngam5 11525
109 11 ngān yǎn eye; small hole, aperture; trap; <m.> (for wells, springs, cave-dwellings); insight; salient/weighted point.⁶
眼睛 ngān-dëin yǎnjing eye.⁸
眼花 ngān-fä
yǎnhuā dim in vision.¹¹
眼高手低 ngān-gäo-siū-äi
yǎngāoshǒudī have high standards but little ability; be fastidious but incompetent.⁶
眼镜[眼鏡] ngān-gëng
yǎnjìng eyeglasses, spectacles.¹¹
眼光 ngān-göng
yǎn'guāng gaze; insight; foresight; vision; way of looking at things.¹⁰
眼红[眼紅] ngān-hũng
yǎnhóng to be jealous; furious.⁰
眼泪[眼淚] ngān-luì
yǎnlèi tears, crying.¹⁰
眼明手快 ngān-mẽin-siū-fäi
yǎnmíngshǒukuài be quick of eye and deft of hand; be sharp-eyed and quick-moving.⁶
眼膜 ngān-môk
yǎnmó sclerotic.¹⁴
眼珠 ngān-jî
yǎnzhū eyeballs.⁷
眼馋[眼饞] ngān-tãm
yǎnchán to covet; to envy.¹⁰
眼前 ngān-tẽin
yǎnqián before one's eyes; at present.¹⁰
<台> 跌眼镜[跌眼鏡] ëik-ngān-gëng lit. to drop one's eyeglasses – to misjudge.
<台> 眼仁 ngān-ngîn eyeball.
<台> 眼霎霎 ngān-säp-säp blinking the eyes in amazement; don’t know what’s going on.
<台> 眼濕濕 ngān-sīp-sīp about to cry/weep.
<台> 圆眼[圓眼] yõn-ngān <bot.> longan.
ngan1 11526
112 11 ngān yán (=研 ngān yán grind; pestle.⁵ to grind; to powder.⁷ grind, rub.⁸).⁸ to pulverize in a grinding trough.²⁵
(composition: ⿰石幵; U+784F).
<又> ngãn; ngëin; ngẽin.
(See 硏 ngãn; 硏 ngëin; 硏 ngẽin).
ngan1 11527
112 9 ngān yán grind; pestle.⁵ to grind; to powder.⁷ grind, rub.⁸
研钵[研缽] ngān-bôt or ngãn-bôt yánbō mortar.⁶
研杵 ngān-chuî
or ngãn-chuî yánchǔ pestle; pounder; grinder.⁶
研墨 ngān-màk
or ngãn-màk yánmò rub an ink stick on an ink slab (to prepare ink for brush writing).⁵
研磨 ngān-mũ
or ngãn-mõ yánmó grind, pestle; abrade, polish.⁵
研磨粉 ngān-mũ-fūn
or ngãn-mõ-fūn yánmófěn abrasive powder.⁷
研磨机[研磨机] ngān-mũ-gï
or ngãn-mõ-gï yánmójī a grinder.⁷
研棒 ngān-pâng
or ngãn-pâng yánbàng pestle.¹⁹
研碎 ngān-xuï
or ngãn-xuï yánsuì grind up.¹¹
<又> ngëin, ngẽin, ngãn.
(See 研 ngëin, ngẽin, ngãn.)
30 15 ngãn yán original character for 龂[齗] ngãn yín gums; gingiva.⁶ gums (of the teeth); to dispute.⁸).² dogs fighting; to go to the law; an indictment.⁸ to snarl; dogs snarling at each other.²⁴ dogs fighting; accusing each other in disputes; 㗴 ngãn yán = 齗齗 ngãn-ngãn yínyín = 争讼[爭訟] jäng-dùng zhēngsòng to contest a lawsuit. .¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰口閒; U+35F4).
ngan3 11529
30 18 ngãn yín stupid and stubborn; fraudulent, crafty.⁶ argumentative, talkative.⁸ insincere; stupid.¹⁴ the sound of conversation; stupid.²⁴
父顽母嚚[父頑母嚚] fù-ngãn-mû-ngãn fùwánmǔyín ignorant father, dishonest mother.⁵⁴
母嚚 mû-ngãn
mǔyín his mother was stupid.²⁴
嚚喑 ngãn-yïm
yínyīn dumb.⁵⁴
ngan3 11530
30 21 ngãn yán to make a disturbance; to quarrel; to wrangle.⁸
Wrangling, and quarreling.
(composition: ⿰口顏; U+3616).
㘖㘖 ngãn-ngãn yányán fighting.¹⁰¹
ngan3 11531
32 7 ngãn yín (old variant of 垠 ngãn yín) boundary; limit.
or 江垠 göng-ngãn jiāngyín <wr.> riverside.
<又> kĩ.
(See 圻 kĩ.)
ngan3 11532
32 9 ngãn yín the bank (of a stream); a boundary, a limit.⁷
(variant: 泿 ngãn yín). (See 泿 ngãn).
九垠 giū-ngãn
jiǔyín the utmost limits of the sky.
无垠[無垠] mũ-ngãn
wúyín boundless; vast.⁵
垠际[垠際] ngãn-däi
yínjì limit.
一望无垠[一望無垠] yīt-mòng-mũ-ngãn
yīwàngwúyín stretch to the horizon.
ngan3 11533
69 8 ngãn yín two axes.¹⁹ two catties, or pounds; a stone for beating clothes on.²⁵ base for beating or chopping.³⁶
(composition: ⿰斤斤; U+65A6).
<又> jīt. (See 斦 jīt).
ngan3 11534
85 9 泿 ngãn yín (<old>=垠 ngãn yín the bank (of a stream); a boundary, a limit.⁷).⁸ the name of a river; the banks of a stream.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵艮; U+6CFF).
泿水 ngãn-suī
yínshuǐ the name of an ancient river in today's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.⁸
(See 垠 ngãn).
ngan3 11535
94 10 ngãn yín snarling of dogs.¹⁰
狺狺 ngãn-ngãn yínyín <wr.> yap; yelp.⁵
狺狺狂吠 ngãn-ngãn-kõng-fì
yínyínkuángfèi bark frenziedly.⁵
ngan3 11536
96 10 ngãn yín a pebble resembling a precious stone.²⁴
璎珢[瓔珢] yëin-ngãn yīngyín a pebble resembling a gem.²⁴
<又> hāng.
(See 珢 hāng.)
ngan3 11537
104 18 𤻆
ngãn wán (=痹病 bï-bèng bìbìng arthralgia; bi disease or syndrome in TCM.)²  Benumbed.²⁴
(composition: ⿸疒頑; U+24EC6).
ngan3 11538
112 11 ngãn yán (=研 ngãn yán grind; pestle.⁵ to grind; to powder.⁷ grind, rub.⁸).⁸ to pulverize in a grinding trough.²⁵
(composition: ⿰石幵; U+784F).
<又> ngān; ngëin; ngẽin.
(See 硏 ngān; 硏 ngëin; 硏 ngẽin).
ngan3 11539
149 15 ngãn yín speak gently; respectful.⁸ to speak gently; agreeable; respectful.¹⁴  debating amicably and fair-mindedly; Yin surname.²³  to reprove gently; agreeable, respectful, correct; to speak affably; Yin surname.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿵門言; U+8ABE). (comp. s: ⿵门言; U+8A1A).
Chẽl,... yî-sèng-ài-fü-ngũn, ngãn-ngãn-nguĩ-yâ.
Cháo,... yǔ shàng dàfū yán, yín yín rú yě.
When he was waiting at court,...in speaking with those of the higher grade, he did so blandly, but precisely.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《論語·鄉黨》, translated by James Legge).
Mûn-dū-sì-jāk, ngãn-ngãn-nguĩ-yâ.
Mǐnzi shì cè, yín yín rú yě.
The disciple Min was standing by his side, looking bland and precise.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《論語·鄉黨·先進》, translated by James Legge).
訚訚[誾誾] ngãn-ngãn
yínyín ➀ friendly.¹¹ so gentle and courteous.¹⁴ blandly, but precisely.⁶⁰  ➁ fragrant aroma.²³
訚訚如也[誾誾如也] ngãn-ngãn-nguĩ-yâ
yínyínrúyě <wr.> friendly.¹¹ so gentle and courteous.¹⁴
ngan3 11540
163 13 ngãn yín 鄞州区[鄞州區] Ngãn-jiü-kuï Yínzhōuqū Yinzhou county in 宁波市[寧波市] Nẽin-bö-sî Nìngbōshì Ningbo sub-provincial city in the northeast of 浙江 Jēt-göng Zhèjiāng Zhejiang Province.
ngan3 11541
167 14 ngãn yín silver, argentum (Ag); money, currency; silver-colored.⁶
白银[白銀] bàk-ngãn báiyín silver.⁶
银币[銀幣] ngãn-bài
yínbì silver coin.⁶
银杯[銀杯] ngãn-böi
yínbēi silver cup.⁸
银辉[銀輝] ngãn-fï
yínhuī radiance; silver white sheen.¹⁰
银锞[銀錁] ngãn-fö
yínkè a silver ingot.⁵
银杏[銀杏] ngãn-hàng
yínxìng ginkgo; maidenhair.⁶
银河[銀河] ngãn-hõ
yínhé the Milky Way.⁸
银行[銀行] ngãn-hõng
yínháng bank; banking house.⁶
银硃[銀硃] ngãn-jï
yínzhū cinnabar, mercuric sulfide, used as bright red pigment.¹¹
银铃[銀鈴] ngãn-lẽin
or ngãn-lêng yínlíng silver bell.⁶
银幕[銀幕] ngãn-mōk
yínmù the movie screen.¹¹
银耳[銀耳] ngãn-ngī
yín'ěr or 雪耳 xūt-ngī xuě'ěr snow ear, silver ear fungus (Tremella fuciformis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
银屏[銀屏] ngãn-pẽin
yínpíng TV screen; silver screen.⁶
银盾[銀盾] ngãn-ùn
or ngãn-hûn yíndùn silver shield.⁹
] Ngãn-võng Yínhuáng <wr.> the Milky Way.¹¹
银狐[銀狐] ngãn-vũ
yínhú silver fox.⁶
银鞘[銀鞘] ngãn-xël
yínqiào a wooden box for silver ingots.¹¹
银枞[銀樅] ngãn-xüng
or ngãn-tüng yíncōng silver fir (Abies alba).¹⁰
ngan3 11542
181 13 ngãn wán stupid, dull, ignorant; obstinate, stubborn; recalcitrant, unruly, defiant; to play; naughty or impish.⁷
顽敌[頑敵] ngãn-èik wándí stubborn enemy; inveterate foe.⁶
顽梗[頑梗] ngãn-gāng
wángěng obstinate; persistent.¹⁰
顽固[頑固] ngãn-gü
wángù obstinate; stubborn; bitterly opposed to change; die-hard; bigotry.³⁹
顽固不化[頑固不化] ngãn-gü-būt-fä
wángùbùhuà incorrigibly obstinate.⁶
顽童[頑童] ngãn-hũng
wántóng unruly children; urchin.⁷
顽强[頑强] ngãn-kẽng
wánqiáng stubborn; tenacious.⁷
顽抗[頑抗] ngãn-köng
wánkàng to resist stubbornly.⁷
顽劣[頑劣] ngãn-lūt
wánliè stubborn and stupid; good-for-nothing.⁷
顽民[頑民] ngãn-mĩn
wánmín unruly or ungovernable people; refractory people.⁷
顽皮[頑皮] ngãn-pĩ
wánpí naughty or impish (children).⁷
顽癣[頑癬] ngãn-xēin
wánxuǎn <TCM> stubborn dermatitis (e.g. neurodermatitis).⁵
ngan3 11543
181 18 ngãn yán face (physically), countenance, features; reputation, prestige, (figuratively) face; dyes, colors; Yan surname.⁷
(variant: 顔 ngãn yán). (See 顔 ngãn).
颜筋柳骨[顏筋柳骨] ngãn-gïn-liû-gūt yánjīnliǔgǔ the sinews of 颜真卿[顏真卿] and the bones of 柳公权[柳公權] (both were famous calligraphers in the Tang Dynasty – calligraphy of the highest order.⁷
颜厚[顏厚] ngãn-hêo
yánhòu thick-skinned; shame-faced.⁷
颜料[顏料] ngãn-lèl
yánliào dyestuffs; pigments.⁷
颜面 ngãn-mèin
yánmiàn face, honor; countenance, face.⁷
颜面扫地[顏面掃地] ngãn-mèin-xäo-ì
yánmiànsǎodì lose face altogether; be thoroughly discredited.⁵
颜色[顏色] ngãn-sēik
yánsè color; countenance, facial expression.⁵
颜色[顏色] ngãn-sēik
yánshai <vern.> pigment; dyestuff.⁵
颜色自若[顏色自若] ngãn-sēik-dù-ngèk
yánsèzìruò to be composed with the face unchanged.⁷
颜色相称[顏色相稱] ngãn-sēik-xëng-chëin
yánsèxiāngchèn well-matched in color.⁵
颜回[顏回] ngãn-või
yánhuí Yan Hui (521-481 BC), disciple of Confucius, also known as 顏淵 Ngãn Yön Yán Yuān.¹⁰
ngan3 11544
181 18 ngãn yán (=颜[顏] ngãn yán face (physically), countenance, features; reputation, prestige, (figuratively) face; dyes, colors; Yan surname.⁷)
(composition: ⿰彦頁; U+9854).
(See 顏 ngãn).
ngan3 11545
211 19 ngãn yín (<old>=龈[齦] ngãn yín) gums; gingiva.⁶ gums (of the teeth); to dispute.⁸
龂龂[齗齗] ngãn-ngãn
yínyín (wr.> squabbling.⁶  disputing.⁷
ngan3 11546
211 21 ngãn yín gums; gingiva.⁶
齿龈[齒齦] chī-ngãn chǐyín <phys.> gums; gingiva.⁶
牙龈[牙齦] ngã-ngãn
yáyín gum, gingiva.⁶
龈出血[齦出血] ngãn-chūt-hüt
yínchūxuè <med.> gingivorrhagia (bleeding from the gum).⁰
龈增生[齦增生] ngãn-däng-säng
yínzēngshēng gimgival hyperplasia.⁶
龈缝[齦縫] ngãn-fũng
yínféng gingival crevice.⁶
龈口炎[齦口炎] ngãn-hēo-yèm
yínkǒuyán <med.> gingivostomatitis.⁶
龈沟[齦溝] ngãn-këo
yíngōu gingival sulcus.⁶
龈瘤[齦瘤] ngãn-liũ
yínliú <med.> epulis.⁶
龈脓肿[齦膿腫] ngãn-nũng-jūng
yínnóngzhǒng gum boil.⁶
龈袋[齦袋 ngãn-òi
yíndài gingival pocket.⁶
龈切除术[齦切除術] ngãn-tëik-chuĩ-sùt
yínqiēchúshù <med.> gingivectomy.⁶
龈炎[齦炎] ngãn-yèm
yínyán gingivitis.⁶
<又> hāng.
(See 齦 hāng.)
ngan3 11547
112 9 ngãn yán (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 研 ngān yán with same meaning: grind; pestle.⁵ to grind; to powder.⁷ grind, rub.⁸)
<又> ngëin, ngẽin, ngān.
(See 研 ngëin, ngẽin, ngān.)
154 22 ngàn yàn false; counterfeit.
真赝[真贗] jïn-ngàn zhēnyàn true or false; genuine or fake.
赝币[贗幣] ngàn-bài
yànbì <wr.> counterfeit money.
赝品[贗品] ngàn-bīn
yànpǐn counterfeit; fake; sham.
赝本[贗本] ngàn-bōn
yànběn spurious copy/edition.
赝鼎乱真[贗鼎亂真] ngàn-ēin-lòn-jïn
yàndǐngluànzhēn a spurious tripod rivals a genuine one.
赝真难辩[贗真難辯] ngàn-jïn-nãn-bèin
yànzhēnnánbiàn It is hard to distinguish the false from the authentic (of painting).
ngan4 11549
172 12 ngàn yàn wild goose.⁸ (variant: 鴈 ngàn).
大雁 ài-ngàn dàyàn wild goose.
白雁 bàk-ngàn
báiyàn white wild goose.
沉鱼落雁[沉魚落雁] chĩm-nguĩ-lòk-ngàn
chényúluòyàn extremely beautiful.
头雁[頭雁] hẽo-ngàn
tóuyàn leading wild goose.
鸿雁[鴻雁] hũng-ngàn
hóngyàn swan goose.⁵ swan goose (Anser cygnoides).¹⁰ the wild goose, reputed in literary tradition as messenger carrying letters.¹¹
雁过拔毛[雁過拔毛] ngàn-gö-bàt-mão
yànguòbámáo to seize any opportunity; to squeeze whenever possible.
雁阵掠空[雁陣掠空] ngàn-jìn-lèk-hüng
yànzhènlüèkōng Wild geese in “V” formation fly through the azure sky.
雁翎 ngàn-lẽin
yànlíng goose quill.⁶
(See 鴈 ngàn).
ngan4 11550
196 15 ngàn yàn (=雁 ngàn yàn wild goose.⁸); goose; wild goose; fake or "pseudo"; Yan surname.⁸
(composition: ⿸厂⿰亻鳥; U+9D08).
(See 雁 ngàn).
ngan4 11551
112 12 ngāng yìng <台> 硬痂 or 生痂 ngāng-gâ or säng-gâ form a scab.
<又> gāng, ngàng.
(See 硬 gāng, ngàng.)
ngang1 11552
112 12 ngàng yìng hard, firm, strong; obstinate.⁸
硬币[硬幣] ngàng-bài yìngbì coin, specie.⁵
硬撑[硬撐] ngàng-chäng
yìngchēng hold up by force.¹¹
硬化 ngàng-fä
yìnghuà harden; <med.> sclerose.⁵
硬块[硬塊] ngàng-fäi
yìngkuài <med.> scleroma.⁵⁴
硬件 ngàng-gèin
yìngjiàn hardware.⁵
硬干[硬幹] ngàng-gön
yìnggàn continue to do something in spite of opposition or difficulties.¹¹
硬汉[硬漢] ngàng-hön
yìnghàn a man of iron.⁵
硬着头皮[硬著頭皮] ngàng-jèk-hẽo-pĩ
yìngzhe tóupí toughen one's scalp – brace oneself; force oneself to do something against one's will.⁵
硬仗 ngàng-jëng
yìngzhàng tough battle; formidable task.⁵
硬纸板[硬紙板] ngàng-jī-bān
yìngzhǐbǎn cardboard; hardboard.⁵
硬朗 ngàng-lông
yìnglang <topo.> hale and hearty.⁵
硬生生 ngàng-säng-säng
yìngshēngshēng stiff; rigid; inflexible; forcibly.¹⁰
硬度 ngàng-ù
yìngdù <phy.> hardness.⁵
<台> 硬颈[硬頸] ngàng-gēng stubborn.
<台> 硬係 ngàng/-hài all the time, just, insist upon.
<又> gāng, ngāng.
(See 硬 gāng, ngāng.)
ngang4 11553
30 9 ngāo yǎo to bite, to nip.¹⁰
虫咬[蟲咬] chũng-ngāo chóngyǎo insect bite.³⁹
反咬 fān-ngāo
fǎnyǎo to make/trump up a false countercharge against one's accuser.⁶
反咬一口 fān-ngāo-yīt-hēo
fǎnyǎoyīkǒu to make/trump up a false countercharge against one's accuser; to turn around and charge the victim.⁶
咬合 ngāo-hàp
yǎohé (of uneven surfaces) to fit together; (of gear wheels) to mesh; (dentistry) occlusion; bite.¹⁰
咬住牙绷住劲[咬住牙繃住勁] ngāo-jì-ngã-bäng-jì-gèin 
ǎozhùyáběngzhùjìn clench one's teeth and strain one's muscles.⁵
咬文嚼字 ngāo-mũn-dēk-dù
yǎowénjiáozì to bite words and chew characters (idiom); punctilious about minutiae of wording.¹⁰
咬牙 ngāo-ngã
yǎoyá to clench one's teeth; to grind the teeth; to gnaw.¹⁰
咬牙切齿[咬牙切齒] ngāo-ngã-tēik-chī
yǎoyáqièchǐ gnashing one's teeth (idiom); displaying extreme anger; fuming with rage between gritted teeth.¹⁰
咬啮[咬嚙] ngāo-ngàt
yǎoniè gnaw/nibble (at); bite.⁶
咬伤[咬傷] ngāo-sëng
yǎoshāng bite (e.g. snake bite, mosquito bite).¹⁰
ngao1 11554
211 21 ngāo yǎo (=咬 ngāo yǎo) to bite.¹⁰
(See 咬 ngāo.)
ngao1 11555
9 10 ngão yáo stab/fight with swords; to moan, to groan; sound of pained voice.¹⁹
(composition: ⿰亻肴; U+5004).
ngao3 11556
46 11 ngão xiáo 崤山 ngão-sän xiáoshān Mount Xiao (a mountain in 河南 Hõ-nãm Hénán Henan); also called 崤陵 ngão-lẽin xiáolíng.
ngao3 11557
53 广 13 ngão áo <wr.> granary; barn.⁶
廒间[廒間] ngão-gän áojiān granary.¹ granary room.¹⁹
仓廒[倉廒] töng-ngão
cāng'áo granary; barn.⁶
ngao3 11558
61 13 ngão áo (composition: ⿰忄敖; U+6160).
<old> only used in 慠慠 ngão-ngão áo'áo worried mind; troubled heart.³⁶
<又> ngào.
(See 慠 ngào).
ngao3 11559
64 13 𢳆
ngão áo (=摮 ngão áo to pound.⁸ to rattle; to shake; to smite.⁸ʼ¹⁰ʼ¹⁴ beat; strike; knock.⁵⁴)
(composition: ⿰扌敖; U+22CC6).
<又> ngào.
(See 𢳆❄{⿰扌敖} ngào; 摮 ngão).
ngao3 11560
64 14 ngão áo to pound.⁸ to rattle; to shake; to smite.⁸ʼ¹⁰ʼ¹⁴ beat; strike; knock.⁵⁴ (variant: 𢳆❄{⿰扌敖} ngão áo).
(composition: ⿱敖手; U+646E).
or 𢳆❄{⿰扌敖}炼[𢳆❄{⿰扌敖}煉] ngão-lèin áoliàn to shake up the divining slips.¹⁴
摮而杀之[摮而殺之] ngão-ngĩ-sät-jï
áo'érshāzhī to hit and kill (him).⁵⁴
or 𢳆❄{⿰扌敖}杀[𢳆❄{⿰扌敖}殺] ngão-sät áoshā to smite to death.¹⁴
or 𢳆❄{⿰扌敖}骰子 ngão-sēik-dū áoshǎizi to shake dice.¹⁴
<又> këo.
(See 摮 këo; 𢳆❄{⿰扌敖} ngão).
ngao3 11561
66 10 ngão áo (<old>=遨 ngào áo) stroll, saunter.⁵ leisurely, idle; to make fun of.⁷ Ao surname.⁵
敖包 ngão-bäo
or ngào-bäo áobāo <Mongolian loan> obo; cairn.¹ (a pile of stones, earth, grass used by Mongolians as a road or boundary sign and in the old days regarded as the dwelling place of a god where sacrifices were offered.)⁶
敖戏[敖戲] ngão-hï
or ngào-hï áoxì to play; to frolic.⁷
敖弄 ngão-lùng
or ngào-lùng áonòng to make fun of; to poke fun at.⁷
敖民 ngão-mĩn
or ngào-mĩn áomín loafers; idlers.⁷
敖敖 ngão-ngão
or ngào-ngào áo'áo tall; long.⁷
敖荡[敖蕩] ngão-òng
or ngào-òng áodàng to loaf about; to frisk or play about; to idle away one's time.⁷
<又> ngào.
(See 敖 ngào; 遨 ngào.)
ngao3 11562
79 12 ngão xiáo to eat, to use as food, viands; mixed, confused.¹⁴ (=淆 ngão xiáo) confused and disorderly; mixed.¹⁰ (=肴[餚] ngão yáo) meat and fish dishes.⁵ mixed, blended; to mix, as metals; to confuse, to put into disorder; meat with the bones in it; pulse food or diet; to use as food; viands, sauces.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰肴殳; U+6BBD.
嘉殽 gä-ngão
jiāxiáo or jiāyáo delicacies.¹⁴
殽杂[殽雜] ngão-dàp
xiáozá or yáozá mixed, miscellaneous.¹⁴ not perspicuous; miscellaneous; muddy.¹⁰²
殽列 ngão-lèik
xiáoliè or yáoliè to set out, as dishes on a table.¹⁴ to set out in order, arranged properly.¹⁰²
殽乱[殽亂] ngão-lòn
xiáoluàn or yáoluàn in confusion.¹⁴
混殽 vùn-ngão
hùnxiáo or hùnyáo all mixed up.¹⁰²
又有嘉殽 yiù-yiû-gä-ngão
yòuyǒujiāxiáo or yòuyǒujiāyáo and they had their nice dishes too.¹⁰²
<又> hào.
(See 殽[ngão, yáo]; 殽 hào; 淆 ngão; 餚 ngão).
ngao3 11563
79 12 ngão yáo (=肴[餚] ngão yáo meat and fish dishes.⁵ meat; cooked food eaten with rice.⁸ (old pronunciation: xiáo) meat or fish dishes.²²).⁸
(composition: ⿰肴殳; U+6BBD.
嘉殽 gä-ngão
jiāyáo or jiāxiáo delicacies.¹⁴
殽杂[殽雜] ngão-dàp
yáozá or xiáozá mixed, miscellaneous.¹⁴ not perspicuous; miscellaneous; muddy.¹⁰²
殽列 ngão-lèik
yáoliè or xiáoliè to set out, as dishes on a table.¹⁴ to set out in order, arranged properly.¹⁰²
殽乱[殽亂] ngão-lòn
yáoluàn or xiáoluàn in confusion.¹⁴
混殽 vùn-ngão
hùnyáo or hùnxiáo all mixed up.¹⁰²
又有嘉殽 yiù-yiû-gä-ngão
yòuyǒujiāyáo or yòuyǒujiāxiáo and they had their nice dishes too.¹⁰²
<又> hào.
(See 殽[ngão, xiáo]; 殽[ngão, yáo]; 餚 ngão).
ngao3 11564
85 9 ngão xiáo river in 河北 Hõ-bāk Héběi Hebei Province.⁸
洨河 Ngão-hõ
Xiáohé Xiao River, a river in 河北 Hõ-bāk Héběi Hebei Province.⁸
ngao3 11565
85 11 ngão xiáo confuse; mix.⁵  confused and disorderly; mixed.¹⁰ (variant: 殽 ngão).¹⁰
淆杂[淆雜] ngão-dàp xiáozá mixed; mingled.⁶
淆乱[淆亂] ngão-lòn
xiáoluàn confuse; befuddle.⁵
淆乱视听[淆亂視聽] ngão-lòn-sì-hëin
xiáoluànshìtīng befuddle the minds of the public.⁵
淆惑 ngão-vàk
xiáohuò <wr.> confuse; bewilder; mislead.⁶
混淆 vùn-ngão
hùnxiáo mix up; confuse; obscure.⁵
混淆是非 vùn-ngão-sì-fï
hùnxiáoshìfēi confuse right and wrong.⁶
(See 殽 ngão.)
ngao3 11566
85 13 ngão áo name of an ancient river that has its source in Henan province.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵敖; U+6EF6).
滶水 ngão-suī áoshuǐ  name of an ancient river, now known as 石河 Sêk-hõ Shíhé Shihe River whose source is in today's 鲁山县[魯山縣] Lû-sän-yòn Lǔshānxiàn Lushanxian County in 河南省 Hõ-nãm-sāng Hénánshěng Henan Province.⁵⁴
ngao3 11567
86 14 ngão áo to cook; to stew or simmer; to extract by heating; to decoct; to endure.
熬膏 ngão-gäo áogāo to simmer (raw opium) to paste, readying it for smoking; to prepare (herbal medicine) in paste form (mostly for external use).⁵⁴
熬粥 ngão-jūk
áozhōu to cook congee or portridge by simmering.
熬夜 ngão-yèh
áoyè to work (or gamble) late into the night; to burn the midnight oil.
熬药[熬藥] ngão-yêk
áoyào to decoct medicinal herbs.
熬油 ngão-yiũ
áoyóu to waste lamp oil by staying up late; to extract oil (such as lard) by heating.
受尽熬煎[受盡熬煎] siù-dìn-ngão-dëin
shòujìn'áojiān to be subjected to all kinds of suffering.
<又> ngào.
(See 熬 [ngào, áo], [ngão, āo].)
ngao3 11568
86 14 ngão āo to stew in water.
熬白菜 ngão-bàk-töi āobáicài stewed cabbage.
熬豆腐 ngão-èo-fù
āodòufu stewed tofu; stewed bean curd.
<又> ngào.
(See 熬 [ngão, áo], [ngào, áo].)
ngao3 11569
86 15 ngão āo (<old>=熬 ngão āo to stew in water; =煮 jī zhǔ boil; cook.); <Cant.> to scald with steam.⁸ a cooking method, similar to modern  "pot-stewed meat/fowl".
(composition: ⿰火鹿; U+719D).
<又> lùk.
(See 熝 lùk).
ngao3 11570
89 4 ngão yáo Kangxi radical 89; diagrams for divination.⁸ lines on a trigram; diagrams for divination.
(composition: ⿱乂乂; U+723B).
爻辞[爻辭] ngão-xũ yáocí explanations of diagrams for divination.
阳爻[陽爻] yẽng-ngão
yángyáo unbroken line of trigram (☰).
阴爻[陰爻] yïm-ngão
yīnyáo broken line of trigram (☷).
(See all eight trigrams under 卦 gä guà.)
ngao3 11571
94 14 ngão áo a large fierce dog; a mastiff.⁷
藏獒 dòng-ngão zàng'áo (also called 西藏獒犬 Xäi-dòng-ngão-hūn Xīzàng áoquǎn) Tibetan mastiff.¹⁰
獒犬 ngão-hūn
áoquǎn mastiff; Molosser.¹⁹
西藏獒犬 Xäi-dòng-ngão-hūn
Xīzàng áoquǎn a Tibetan mastiff.⁷
ngao3 11572
94 14 ngão yáo to disturb; confusion.²⁴ cunning, artful, crafty.³⁶
(composition: ⿰犭翏; U+3E92).
<又> häo; këo. (See 㺒 häo; 㺒 këo).
ngao3 11573
118 10 ngão xiáo  a small pipe, the smallest of the 16 tubes in orphean pipe.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗爻; U+7B05).
<又> gāo. (See 笅 gāo).
ngao3 11574
124 16 ngão áo <wr.> take wing.⁶ (variants: 翶, 翺 ngão áo).
翱翱 ngão-ngão
áo'áo circling in the air; hovering.¹⁹
翱翔 ngão-tẽng
áoxiáng hover; soar.⁵
翱翔机[翱翔機] ngão-tẽng-gï
áoxiángjī soaring glider; sailplane.⁶
翱游 ngão-yiũ
áoyóu roam; saunter.⁵⁴
翱游四海 ngão-yiũ-xü-hōi
áoyóusìhǎi roam/travel around the world.⁵⁴
迎风翱翔[迎風翱翔 ngẽin-füng-ngão-tẽng
yíngfēng áoxiáng ride/fly on the wind.³⁹
如鹰翱翔[如鷹翱翔] nguĩ-yëin-ngão-tẽng
rúyīng'áoxiáng soar like an eagle.³⁹
(See 翶 ngão; 翺 ngão).
ngao3 11575
124 17 ngão áo (=翱 ngão áo) <wr.> take wing.⁶
(See 翱 ngão).
ngao3 11576
124 18 ngão áo (=翱 ngão áo) <wr.> take wing.⁶
(See 翱 ngão).
ngao3 11577
128 16 ngão áo bent and twisted; too complicated.⁸ perverse; involved and abstruse.⁹
佶屈聱牙 or 诘屈聱牙[詰屈聱牙] gīt-vūt-ngão-ngã jíqū áoyá be full of difficult, unpronounceable words; be awkward reading.⁶
聱牙 ngão-ngã
áoyá <wr.> jaw-breaking; difficult to read.⁶
ngao3 11578
130 8 ngão yáo <wr.> food served at table.¹¹ (variant: 餚 ngão yáo).¹¹ cooked or prepared meat in general.¹¹ savory food; sacrificial meats; inter. 餚.¹⁴
酒肴 diū-ngão
jiǔyáo wine and delicacies, a feast; wine and meat at dinner.¹¹
佳肴 gäi-ngão
jiāyáo (court.) good dinner; delicacies.¹¹
肴饌 ngão-jàn
yáozhuàn delicate food.¹¹ table delicacies.¹⁴
肴肉 ngão-ngùk
yáoròu freshly salted pork.¹¹
肴蔌 ngão-tūk
yáosù meat and vegetables.¹⁴
山肴 sän-ngão
shānyáo mountain food; exotic food from mountains.⁸
(See 餚 ngão; 餚 ngão, where 肴 is the simplified version.)
ngao3 11579
142 16 ngão áo chela; pincers.¹⁰
持螯 chĩ-ngão or chĩ-ngào chí'áo eating crabs.⁵⁴
持螯把酒 chĩ-ngão-bā-diū
or chĩ-ngào-bā-diū  chí'áobǎjiǔ enjoy a cup of wine eating crabs.¹¹
持螯对菊[持螯對菊] chĩ-ngão-uï-gūk
or chĩ-ngào-uï-gūk  chí'áoduìjú eating crabs and looking at chrysanthemums – a leisurely life.²⁹
蟹螯 hāi-ngão
or hāi-ngào xiè'áo crab's big claws.¹¹
<又> ngào.
(See 螯 ngào.)
ngao3 11580
149 11 ngão xiáo (=誵 ngão xiáo) rude words; not respectful words.
(composition: ⿰訁爻; U+8A24).
<又> nã.
(See 訤 nã; 誵 ngão).
ngao3 11581
149 15 ngão xiáo rude words; not respectful words. (variant: 訤 ngão xiáo)
(composition: ⿰訁肴; U+8AB5).
(See 訤 ngão).
ngao3 11582
162 13 ngão áo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 遨 ngào áo with same meaning: stroll; saunter.⁵ to travel for pleasure, to ramble.⁷ ramble, roam; travel for pleasure.¹⁰)
<又> ngào.
(See 遨 ngào.)
ngao3 11583
163 10 ngão xiáo ➀ ancient placename  ➁ (<old>=崤 ngão xiáo) a mountain in Henan (河南 Hõ-nãm Hénán).⁸
(composition: ⿰肴阝; U+90E9).
<又> äo.
(See 郩 äo).
ngao3 11584
167 18 ngão ào a griddle.⁶ <wr.> a flat iron plate for making cakes.¹¹
鏊子 ngão-dū àozi griddle.⁶
ngao3 11585
167 19 ngão áo <wr.> engage in fierce battle.⁵ to fight hard.⁷ (variant: 䥝 ngão áo).
鏖兵 ngão-bëin
áobīng to engage in hard fighting.⁷
鏖糟 ngão-däo
áozāo to fight a fierce battle; filthy, dirty; to be stubborn and unpleasant.⁷
鏖战[鏖戰] ngão-jën
áozhàn <wr.> fight hard; engage in fierce battle.⁵
鏖战疆场[鏖戰疆場] ngão-jën-gëng-chẽng
áozhàn jiāngchǎng engage in fierce fighting on the battlefield.⁶
(See 䥝 ngão).
ngao3 11586
167 19 ngão áo (<old>=鏖 ngão áo) <wr.> engage in fierce battle.⁵ to fight hard.⁷
(See 鏖 ngão).
ngao3 11587
184 16 ngão yáo meat and fish dishes.⁵ (old pronunciation: xiáo) meat or fish dishes.²² (variant: 殽 ngão).
酒肴[酒餚] diū-ngão
jiǔyáo wine and dainties.²²
佳肴[佳餚] gäi-ngão
jiāyáo delicacies.²²
美酒佳肴[美酒佳餚] mî-diū-gäi-ngão
měijiǔjiāyáo good liquor and food.¹
肴馔[餚饌] ngão-jàn
yáozhuàn sumptuous courses at a meal.⁵ delicate food.¹¹ table delicacies.¹⁴
肴蔌俱有[餚蔌俱有] ngão-tūk-guì-yiû
yáosùjùyǒu There are both meat and vegetables.¹⁹
残肴[殘餚] tãn-ngão
cányáo leftovers; remains of a meal.¹
菜肴[菜餚] töi-ngão
càiyáo <wr.> cooked food; food eaten with rice or alcoholic drinks.⁵⁴
(See 肴 ngão; 殽 ngão; 餚 ngão is the traditional version only, although some dictionaries disagree about this. Examples are 酒肴[酒餚] diū-ngão jiǔyáo; 佳肴[佳餚] gäi-ngão jiāyáo; 肴馔[餚饌] ngão-jàn yáozhuàn.)
ngao3 11588
184 16 ngão yáo prepared meat; food.⁸ (variant: 肴 ngão yáo).¹¹ meats; rich food; a feast; inter. 肴.¹⁴
嘉餚 gä-ngão
jiāyáo choice food, dainty dishes.¹¹
餚核 ngão-hàt
yáohé meats and fruits – as arranged for an offering.¹⁴
餚饌 ngão-jàn
yáozhuàn dressed meats; delicacies.¹⁴
(See 肴 ngão; 餚 ngão, where 肴 is the simplified version.)
ngao3 11589
187 20 ngão ào steed, charger; an uncontrollable wild horse, mustang.¹¹
桀骜[桀驁] gèik-ngão jié'ào brutal and arrogant.¹¹
桀骜不驯[桀驁不馴] gèik-ngão-būt-sũn
jié'àobùxùn <wr.> stubborn and intractable; obstinate and unruly.⁵
悍骜[悍驁] hòn-ngão
hàn'ào <wr.> untamable.⁵⁴
骜放[驁放] ngão-föng
àofàng proud and disdainful of conventions.¹¹
骜蹇[驁蹇] ngão-gēin
àojiǎn stubborn and undisciplined.¹⁴
ngao3 11590
195 21 ngão áo a huge legendary turtle.⁵ huge legendary green sea-turtle.⁶ a sea tortoise.⁷ (variant: 鼇 ngão áo).
鳌戴[鰲戴] ngão-äi
áodài  expression of gratitude – I bear the weight (of favors) like the 鳌[鰲] ngão áo.¹⁴
鳌抃[鰲抃] ngão-bèin
áobiàn clapping and dancing with delight.¹⁴
鳌背负山[鰲背負山] ngão-böi-fù-sän
áobèifùshān one's gratitude to his benefactor is as great as the load of a mountain to a turtle – feel greatly indebted to somebody.⁶
鳌足[鰲足] ngão-dūk
áozú legs of a huge turtle used as supports for the earth.¹⁴
鳌峯[鰲峯] ngão-füng
áofēng or 鳌禁[鰲禁] ngão-gïm áojìn ancient names for Hanlin Academy.¹⁴
鳌头[鰲頭] ngão-hẽo
áotóu turtle head (carved on a stone block in front of the imperil palace and reseved only for the scholar who came out first in the highest imperial examination to step on) – first place; champion.⁶
鳌鱼[鰲魚] ngão-nguĩ
áoyú a legendary animal with dragon head and fish tail.²³
鳌山[鰲山] ngão-sän
áoshān <old> turtle-shaped mountain (made up of colorful lanterns for celebations of the Lantern Festival).⁶
(See 鼇 ngão).

ngao3 11591
196 21 ngão áo a bird of ill-omen to the state; the legendary ominous bird, aka 黄鷔[黃鷔] võng-ngão huáng'áo, with a white body, red beak, like a wild goose.⁸
(composition: ⿱敖鳥; U+9DD4).
<又> ngào.
(See 鷔 ngào).
ngao3 11592
205 23 ngão áo (=鳌[鰲] ngão áo) a huge legendary turtle.⁵ huge legendary green sea-turtle.⁶ a sea tortoise.⁷
(See 鰲 ngão).
ngao3 11593
9 12 ngào ào arrogant, haughty; proud and unyielding; to despise, to look down on.⁶
谄上傲下[諂上傲下] chēm-sëng-ngào-hà chǎnshàng'àoxià to fawn on superiors and despise inferiors.
傲骨嶙峋 ngào-gūt-lĩn-xün
àogǔlínxún to be of unyielding character; to be of moral integrity.⁶
傲气[傲氣] ngào-hï
àoqì arrogance; haughtiness.
傲气十足[傲氣十足] ngào-hï-sìp-dūk
àoqìshízú to be full of arrogance.
傲慢 ngào-màn
àomàn arrogant; haughty.
傲睨 ngào-ngài
or ngào-ngãi àonì to look down upon.¹⁰
傲然 ngào-ngẽin
àorán lofty; proud; unyielding.
傲然挺立 ngào-ngẽin-hêin-lìp
àorántǐnglì to stand proudly.
傲岸 ngào-ngòn
ào'àn <wr.> proud; haughty.⁶
生而富者骄,生而贵者傲. [生而富者驕,生而貴者傲.]
Säng-ngĩ-fü-jēh-gël, säng-ngĩ-gï-jēh-ngào.
Shēng ér fù zhě jiāo, shēng ér guì zhě ào.
Those who are born into a rich family are arrogant.
Those who are born into a noble family are conceited.
(From 范晔[范曄] fàn-yêp fàn yè Fan Ye 398-445 CE.⁰
ngao4 11594
30 13 ngào áo loud clamor; the sound of wailing.¹⁰ (variant: 嗸 ngào áo).
(composition: ⿰口敖; U+55F7).
嗷嗷 ngào-ngào
áo'áo <ono.> (used to describe the sound of animal or human being's cry).⁹
嗷嗷待哺 ngào-ngào-òi-bù
áo'áodàibǔ to cry piteously for food; waiting to be fed with cries of hunger.⁸
(See 嗸 ngào).
ngao4 11595
30 13 ngào áo (=嗷 ngào áo loud clamor; the sound of wailing.¹⁰); noisy.⁸
(composition: ⿱敖口; U+55F8).
(See 嗷 ngào).
ngao4 11596
37 12 ngào ào arrogant.⁸  haughty; vigorous.¹⁴
(composition: ⿳一自夰; U+5961).
奡荡舟.[奡盪舟.] Ngào hõng jiü. Ào tāng zhōu.
Ao could move a boat along upon the land.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《論語·憲問》, translated by James Legge).
排奡 pãi-ngào
pái'ào strong and vigorous.⁸
ngao4 11597
46 13 ngào áo rubbly; name of mountains.⁸ (variants: 磝,㟼 ngào áo).
(composition: ⿱敖山; U+5D85).
嶅山 Ngào-sän
Áoshān, a mountian in the southeastern part of 新泰县[新泰縣] Xïn-Häi-Yòn Xīntàixiàn Xintai County in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province.
嶅山 Ngào-sän
Áoshān, a mountian in the northern part of 龙川县[龍川縣] Lũng-Chün-Yòn Lóngchuānxiàn Longchuan County in 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Guangdong Province.
(See 磝,㟼 ngào).
ngao4 11598
46 13 ngào áo (=嶅 ngào áo rubbly; name of mountains.⁸); name of a place in Shandong Province, mountain with lots of small rocks.⁸
(composition: ⿱山敖; U+37FC).
(See 嶅 ngào).
ngao4 11599
61 13 ngào ào (<lit.> alternative form of 傲 ngào ào arrogant, haughty; proud and unyielding; to despise, to look down on.⁶).³⁶ proud.⁹
(composition: ⿰忄敖; U+6160).
<又> ngão.
(See 慠 ngão; 傲 ngào).
ngao4 11600
61 14 㥿 ngào ào (=慠 ngào ào arrogant, haughty; proud and unyielding; to despise, to look down on.⁶).²
(composition: ⿱敖心; U+397F).
(See 慠 ngào).
ngao4 11601
64 13 𢳆
ngào ào to move.²ʼ³⁶ (Cant. ngou4 ) shake; rattle; rock; sway.⁷⁵
(composition: ⿰扌敖; U+22CC6).
<又> ngão. (See 𢳆❄{⿰扌敖} ngão).
ngao4 11602
66 10 ngào áo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 敖 ngão áo with same meaning: (<old>=遨 ngào áo) stroll, saunter.⁵ leisurely, idle; to make fun of.⁷ Ao surname.⁵)
<又> ngão.
(See 敖 ngão; 遨 ngào.)
ngao4 11603
86 14 ngào áo to cook; to stew or simmer; to decoct.
熬茶 ngào-chã áochá to boil tea; gifts for the common people given by lamas.
熬粥 ngào-jūk
áozhōu to cook congee or portridge by simmering.
熬药[熬藥] ngào-yêk
áoyào to decoct medicinal herbs.
<又> ngão.
(See 熬 [ngão, áo], [ngão, āo].)
ngao4 11604
112 15 ngào áo (=嶅 ngào áo rubbly; name of mountains.⁸).² a hill with many pebbles.¹³
(composition: ⿰石敖; U+78DD).
碻磝 kōk-ngào
què'áo an uneven appearance produced by many rocks; name of a city 津渡 Jün-ù Jīndù (lit. a ferry crossing) in Shandong Province.⁵⁴
<又> ngẽl.
(See 磝 ngẽl; 嶅 ngào).
ngao4 11605
142 16 ngào áo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 螯 ngão áo with same meaning.)
<又> ngão.
(See 螯 ngão.)
ngao4 11606
162 13 ngào áo stroll; saunter.⁵ to travel for pleasure, to ramble.⁷ ramble, roam; travel for pleasure.¹⁰
遨嬉 ngào-hï or ngão-hï áoxī to ramble; to travel for pleasure; to make merry.⁷
遨游 ngào-yiũ
or ngão-yiũ áoyóu to ramble, to travel.⁷ to travel; to go on a tour; to roam.¹⁰
游遨 yiũ-ngào
or yiũ-ngão yóu'áo <wr.> to roam.¹
<又> ngão.
(See 遨 ngão.)
ngao4 11607
196 21 ngào ào (➀ 鷔鳦 ngào-yōt àoyǐ (aka 聱耴 ngào-jēt (ngào-ngàt) àozhé (àoyì) numerous sounds; state of birds and fish; earlobe.¹³ resembling birds and fishes; the noise of a multitude.²⁵); flocks of fish and birds sing together. ➁ used for 傲 ngào ào arrogant, haughty; proud and unyielding; to despise, to look down on.⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿱敖鳥; U+9DD4).
<又> ngão.
(See 鷔 ngão; 傲 ngào).
ngao4 11608
30 15 ngāp <台> 夹噏[夾噏] gäp-ngāp armpit.
<台> 夹噏底[夾噏底] gäp-ngāp-āi armpit.
<又> kīp, ngäp. (See 噏 kīp, ngäp.)
ngap1 11609
9 16 ngäp àn foolish; wanting intellegence.²⁴ to joke, to kid, to make a joke, to joke around.³⁶ devoid of intelligence; not at ease; foolish gibes, jokes, raillery.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰亻㬎; U+5111).
傝儑 häm-ngäp tàn'àn cannot do anything properly due to lack of intelligence.⁰
<又> ngãm.
(See 儑 ngãm).
ngap2 11610
30 12 ngäp án 啽 to snore in sleep.²⁴ (Jyutping: am1, ngam4, ngap1) to speak.³⁶ (Compare with 噏 ngäp to talk, say, tell, yack.)
(composition: ⿰口弇; U+557D).
啽呓[啽囈] ngäp-ngài
ányì to breathe hard in sleep.²⁴
啽嘿 ngäp-màk
ánmò to be silent.²⁴
ngap2 11611
30 15 ngäp to talk, say, tell, yack.
<台> 乱噏[亂噏] lòn-ngäp to talk nonsense.
<台> 噏 ngäp yack.
<台> 噏屎口, 粪堆门[噏屎口, 糞堆門] ngäp-sī-hēo, fün-luî-mõn <derog.> descriptive of a person who speaks complete nonsense.
<台> 噏三噏四 ngäp-xäm-ngäp-xï to talk nonsense.
<又> kīp, ngāp. (See 噏 kīp, ngāp.)
ngap2 11612
64 11 ngäp <台> 掖高 ngäp-gäo to roll up.
<台> 掖起 ngäp-hī to roll up.
<台> 掖起裤爪[掖起褲爪] ngäp-hī-fû-jāo (dog catching) to roll up one leg of a pair of trousers.
<台> 掖起衫袖 ngäp-hī-sâm-diù roll up the sleeves.
<台> 掖屎片 ngäp-sī-pēin to put a diaper on.
<又> yìt. (See 掖 [yìt, ]; 掖 [yìt, ].)
ngap2 11613
130 10 ngät àn <chem.> amine.⁶
<又> ön. (See 胺 ön.)
ngat2 11614
130 17 ngät sāo <台> 臊 ngät smell of urine.
<又> xäo. (See 臊 [xäo, sāo], [xäo, sào].)
ngat2 11615
30 18 ngàt niè <wr.> to gnaw, to nibble.⁶ (variant: 齧, 囓 ngàt niè).
虫咬鼠啮[蟲咬鼠嚙] chũng-ngāo-sī-ngàt
chóngyǎoshǔniè to be eaten by worms and gnawed by mice.⁶
咬啮[咬嚙] ngāo-ngàt
yǎoniè to gnaw/nibble (at); to bite.⁶
啮齿动物[嚙齒動物] ngàt-chī-ùng-mòt
nièchǐdòngwù rodent.⁶
啮合[嚙合] ngàt-hàp
nièhé to clench the teeth; (of gears) to mesh, to engage.⁶
啮咬[嚙咬] ngàt-ngāo
nièyǎo to gnaw.¹⁰
<台> 啮[嚙] ngàt to chew.
<台> 啮牙[嚙牙] ngàt-ngã/ to grind one's teeth during sleep.
(See 齧 ngàt; 囓 ngàt).
ngat4 11616
30 24 ngàt niè (=嚙 ngàt niè <wr.> to gnaw, to nibble.⁶)
(composition: ⿰口齧; U+56D3).
(See 嚙 ngàt).
ngat4 11617
46 6 ngàt (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 屹 kēik with same meaning: <wr.> towering like a mountain peak.⁶)
<又> kēik.
(See 屹 [kēik, ], [kēik, ].)
ngat4 11618
149 10 ngàt (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 讫[訖] kēik with same meaning: <wr.> end; settle, complete.⁶)
<又> kēik.
(See 訖 kēik.)
ngat4 11619
162 6 ngàt (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 迄 kēik with same meaning: as yet; until.¹⁰)
<又> kēik.
(See 迄 kēik.)
ngat4 11620
211 18 ngàt (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 龁[齕] hāt with same meaning: to gnaw, to bite, to nibble.⁸)
<又> hāt.
(See 齕 hāt.)
ngat4 11621
211 21 ngàt niè (=啮[嚙] ngàt niè) <wr.> to gnaw, to nibble.⁶
(See 嚙 ngàt).
ngat4 11622
61 12 ngēh <台> 唔好惹佢 m̃-hāo-ngēh-kuï ignore him/her.
<又> ngêh. (See 惹 ngêh.)
ngeh1 11623
30 11 ngêh to salute; make one's curtsy.¹⁰
唱喏 chëng-ngêh chàngrě to chant out answer to a teacher; "Please sir, yes sir".¹⁰
<又> nòk.
(See 喏 nòk.)
ngeh5 11624
30 15 ngêh respectful reply of assent to superiors.³⁶
(composition: ⿰口惹; U+3603).
<又> nêk. (See 㘃 nêk).
ngeh5 11625
61 12 ngêh to provoke; to irritate; to vex; to stir up; to anger; to attract (troubles); to cause (problems).¹⁰
峇峇娘惹 or 峇峇孃惹 bā-bā-nẽng-ngêh bābāniángrě (=娘惹 or 孃惹 nẽng-ngêh niángrě) Peranakan Chinese (Baba-Nyonya), an ethnic group of Chinese residing in the Malay peninsula (also known as Straits Chinese).¹⁰
不好惹 būt hāo-ngêh
bù hǎorě not to be pushed around; not to be trifled with.⁸
缠惹[纏惹] chẽn-ngêh
chánrě to annoy.¹¹
招惹 jël-ngêh
zhāore to provoke; to tease.⁸ to invite.⁹ to provok, to flirt with; to tempt, to allure, to entice.¹¹
惹娄子[惹婁子] or 惹楼子[惹樓子] ngêh-lẽo-dū
rělóuzi <topo.> stir up trouble.⁶
惹麻烦[惹麻煩] ngêh-mã-fãn
rěmáfan to be in trouble.⁹ to create difficulties; to invite trouble; to be troublesome.¹⁰
惹是生非 ngêh-sì-säng-fï
rěshìshēngfēi to make trouble.⁸ to stir up trouble.⁹
惹事 ngêh-xù
rěshì to stir up trouble.⁸ to cause trouble.⁹
<台> 而耳惹惹 ngĩ-ngī-ngêh-ngêh whining.
<又> ngēh.
(See 惹 ngēh.)
ngeh5 11626
39 19 ngēik niè (=孽 ngēik niè) son born of a concubine; disaster; sin; evil.¹⁰
(See 孽 ngēik.)
ngeik1 11627
39 19 ngēik niè son born of a concubine; disaster; sin; evil.¹⁰
孤臣孽子 gü-sĩn-ngēik-dū gūchénnièzǐ a minister without support at court and a concubine-born prince fallen from grace, sometimes used of someone nobly espousing a lost cause.¹¹
孽报[孽報] ngēik-bäo
nièbào bad karma¹⁰
孽畜 ngēik-chūk
nièchù evil creature (multipurpose curse); evil domestic animal.¹⁰
孽子 ngēik-dū
nièzǐ unfilial son; unworthy son; illegitimate son; concubine's son.¹⁰
孽债[孽債] ngēik-jäi
nièzhài a sin that one has committed, but hasn't been punished for.⁹
孽障 ngēik-jëng
nièzhàng (a term of abuse formerly used by the elders of a family cursing their juniors) an evil creature; vile spawn; wicked children; <Budd.> karmic obstruction; retribution for the evil one is supposed to have committed.⁷
孽种[孽種] ngēik-jūng
nièzhǒng bane of one's existence; vile spawn.¹⁰
(See 孼 ngēik.)
ngeik1 11628
46 9 𡶫
ngēik niè high; imminent; hazardous.²⁴
(composition: ⿱山𠂤; U+21DAB).
ngeik1 11629
46 11 𡸢
ngēik niè high hill/mountain. (variant: 𡸣 ngēik).
(composition: ⿱山兒; U+21E22).
(See 𡸣 ngēik).
ngeik1 11630
46 11 𡸣
ngēik niè (=𡸢 ngēik niè high hill/mountain.)
(composition: ⿰山兒; U+21E23).
𫶇𡸣[嵽𡸣] èik-ngēik
diéniè a high hill.²⁴
峌𡸣 èik-ngēik
diéniè a solitary pavilion on a hill.²⁴
(See 𡸢 ngēik).
ngeik1 11631
46 13 ngēik niè (composition: ⿰山臬; U+5D72).
𫶇嵲[嵽嵲] èik-ngēik diéniè <lit.> high; towering.¹ mountainous; an abrupt projection.²⁴ (<lit.>, of a mountain) high; lofty.³⁶
ngeik1 11632
64 10 ngēik qiè (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 挈 gēik qiè with same meaning.)
<又> gēik, kēik.
(See 挈 gēik, kēik.)
ngeik1 11633
64 15 ngēik niè not firm, not sturdy.
(composition: ⿱埶手; U+6470).
<又> chēik. (See 摰 chēik).
谌摰[諶摰] sẽim-ngēik
chénniè honest and sincere.¹⁹
ngeik1 11634
75 20 ngēik niè yeast; leaven for making liquors.⁸ a new sprout from the tree that has already fell.⁹ new shoot growing from cut branch or stump.¹⁰ sprout from chopped branch.¹¹ the stump of a tree.¹⁴ the shooting forth of a tree after it is cut down.²⁴ stump, sprout.³⁵
(comp. t: ⿱辥木(GJK) or ⿱⿰𡶫辛𣎳(HT); U+6AF1).
s: ⿱薛木(GHJK) or ⿱薛𣎳(T); U+8616).
分蘖[分櫱] fün-ngēik
fēnniè tiller (stem at the base of grass plants).¹⁰
蘖枝[櫱枝] ngēik-jï
nièzhī branch stem.⁶
蘖木[櫱木] ngēik-mùk
nièmù a large tree, from the bark of which a yellow dye is produced.¹⁴
生蘖[生櫱] säng-ngēik
shēngniè shoots from an old stump.¹⁴
秫蘖[秫櫱] sùt-ngēik
shúniè glutinous millet and yeast used in wine making.¹⁹
ngeik1 11635
119 22 ngēik niè fermenting grain; grain which has sprouted; yeast.¹⁴ (=糱 ngēik niè grain that can be sprouted; yeast for wine; to lead to, to cause.³⁶).³⁶
(composition: ⿱薛米; U+7CF5).
(See 糱 ngēik).
ngeik1 11636
119 22 ngēik niè grain that can be sprouted; yeast for wine; to lead to, to cause.³⁶ (variant: 糵 ngēik niè).
(composition: ⿱辥米; U+7CF1).
(See 糵 ngēik).
ngeik1 11637
120 12 ngēik xié measure the circumference (of); measure.⁶ a marking line; to adjust; to regulate; also 'pure' similar to 洁[潔] gēik jié.¹⁴ a species of hemp; also pure, clear, fine.²⁵
(composition: ⿱㓞糸; U+7D5C).
絜静[絜靜] ngēik-dèin
xiéjìng tranquil.¹⁴
絜矩 ngēik-guī
xiéjǔ to examine oneself and think of the others so that each will get what he wants.⁷
絜矩之道 ngēik-guī-jï-ào
xiéjǔzhīdào rules of proper behavior; mutual obligation – the golden rule.¹⁴
絜齐[絜齊] ngēik-tãi
xiéqí to make even; to regulate.¹⁴
絜度 ngēik-ù
xiédù to adjust; to limit.¹⁴ restricted by rule; to restrain the overflowing of a river.²⁵
<又> gēik.
(See 絜 gēik.)
ngeik1 11638
132 10 ngēik niè <wr.> arrow target; gnomon (shadow-surveying pole used in ancient times); criterion; norm; standard.⁶ a rule, a law; a limit; a small post.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱自木; U+81EC).
奉为圭臬[奉為圭臬] fùng-vĩ-gï-ngēik fèngwéiguīniè hold up as a model; look up to as the standard.⁶
臬限 ngēik-hàn
nièxiàn an impediment; a boundary.¹⁴
or 臲卼 ngēik-ngūt nièwù uneasy, perturbed, anxious.¹¹
臬司 ngēik-xü
nièsī  former designation of a provincial judge..¹⁴
兀臬 ngūt-ngēik
or 兀陧[兀隉] or 杌陧[杌隉] or 阢陧[阢隉] ngūt-nēp wùniè <wr.> (of a situation) unsettled, unstable; (of state of mind) uneasy; disturbed; restless.⁶
ngeik1 11639
132 16 ngēik niè jumpy; jittery; worried; to grasp.⁸ unsteady.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱臬危; U+81F2).
臲卼 ngēik-ngūt nièwù or 臬兀 ngēik-ngūt nièwù uneasy, perturbed, anxious.¹¹ tottering; dizzy; unsteady; anxious.¹⁴
臲靰 ngēik-vü
nièwù unstable.¹⁹
Sèng-lùk: Kün-yï-gût-luî, yï-ngēik-ngūt.
Shàng liù: Kùn yú gé lěi, yú niè wù.
The sixth SIX, divided, shows its subject straitened, as if bound with creepers; or in a high and dangerous position.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《周易·易經·䷮困·7》, translated by James Legge).
ngeik1 11640
142 22 ngēik niè (=孽 ngēik niè son born of a concubine; disaster; sin; evil.¹⁰); worry, grieve; suffering, misery, solicitude, concern.⁸ monsters among birds, beast, or insects; also sorrowful.²⁵  alternative form of 孽 ngēik niè; worry; concern.³⁶
(composition: ⿱辥虫; U+8825).
离蠥[離蠥] lĩ-ngēik
líniè distressed.²⁵
(See 孽 ngēik).
ngeik1 11641
169 16 ngēik (same as 阋[鬩] ngēik <wr.> quarrel, strife, argue, fight.⁶  domestic quarrels, litigations; mutual contentions, animosities, resentments, incessant recriminations.¹⁰²); to quarrel, to conflict; contention, animosity, resentment, recriminations.⁸
(composition: ⿵門兒; U+49A7).
(See 鬩 ngēik).
ngeik1 11642
169 18 𫔶
ngēik niè a door peg; a gate at the outer wall of a city; the doorsill.⁸ vertical divider of a door way.¹⁰ the threshold of a door; the corners of a door; the door itself, an impediment, an obstruction in the doorway; (the threshold being high, so that one must step over it.).²⁵ the threshold, which is often so high as to obstruct the entrance; a small door cut in the large gateway for convenience; a side door; a post in a gateway; an impediment.¹⁰²
t: ⿵門臬; U+95D1). (comp. s: ⿵门臬; U+2B536).
❄{⿵门臬}[拂闑] fūt-ngēik fúniè to brush the threshold — <metaphor> to do menial services.¹⁰²
Gün-yìp-mõn, gäi-fūt-ngēik.
Jūn rù mén, jiè fú niè.
When a ruler, (visiting another ruler), was about to enter the gate, the attendant dusted the low post (at the middle of the threshold).⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·玉藻·51》, translated by James Legge).
❄{⿵门臬}[門闑] mõn-ngēik ménniè threshold.¹⁰²
❄{⿵门臬}内[闑內] ngēik-nuì niènèi all within the threshold, domestic affairs.²⁵
❄{⿵门臬}西[闑西] ngēik-xäi nièxī the west postern gate.¹⁰²
❄{⿵门臬}以内寡人制之[闑以內寡人制之] ngēik-yî-nuì-gā-ngĩn-jäi-jï niè yǐ nèi guǎrén zhì zhī I (the emperor) will manage my domestic affairs myself.¹⁰²
ngeik1 11643
191 18 ngēik <wr.> quarrel, strife, argue, fight.⁶ domestic quarrels, litigations; mutual contentions, animosities, resentments, incessant recriminations.¹⁰²
兄弟阋墙[兄弟鬩牆] hëin-ài-ngēik-tẽng xiōngdìxìqiáng brothers squabble inside the walls – brothers fight at home; infighting among the brothers; quarrel between brothers; internal dispute/strife.⁶
Hëin-ài-ngēik-yï-tẽng, ngòi-nguì-kĩ-mù.
Xiōngdì xì yú qiáng, wài yù qí wù.
Brothers may quarrel inside the walls,
But they will oppose insult from without.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·鹿鳴之什·常棣·4》, translated by James Legge).
盱阋[盱鬩] huï-ngēik
xūxì <wr.> knit one's brow in disapproval.¹¹
阋恨[鬩恨] ngēik-hàn
xìhèn mutual hatred.¹⁰²
阋衅[鬩釁] ngēik-hïm
xìxìn causes of strife.¹⁰²
阋讼[鬩訟] ngēik-dùng
xìsòng family litigations.¹⁰²
阋神星[鬩神星] ngēik-sĩn-xëin
xìshénxīng Eris, another dwarf planet in the Solar System, discovered in 2005; named after the Greek goddess of strife and discord (Roman: Discordia).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
阋墙[鬩牆] ngēik-tẽng
xìqiáng to quarrel within the family; an intramural fight.⁷

ngeik1 11644
30 17 ngèik able to take a correct view of things; to response correctly (said of small children), sound; echo.⁸ʼ¹⁰ a precocious child; a fine figure; a sound; to laugh.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口疑; U+3608).
<又> ngì. (See 㘈 ngì).
ngeik4 11645
45 6 ngèik old form of 逆 ngèik <wr.> welcome; go against; disobey; adverse; traitor; in advance.⁵⁵
(composition: ⿱䒑屮; U+5C70).
(See 逆 ngèik).
ngeik4 11646
85 11 ngèik 渃城 Ngèik-sẽng Rèchéng an old place name in Sichuan.¹⁹
<又> ngèk.
(See 渃 ngèk.)
ngeik4 11647
86 15 ngèik hot; heat; fever; restless; zeal.⁸
热带[熱帶] ngèik-äi rèdài the tropics; tropical.¹⁰
热腾腾[熱騰騰] ngèik-hãng-hãng
rètēngtēng steaming hot; be excited.⁸
热胀冷缩[熱脹冷縮] ngèik-jëng-lâng-sūk
rèzhànglěngsuō expand when heated and contract when cooled.⁵
热力[熱力] ngèik-lèik
rèlì <mach.> heating power; <phy.> thermodynamics.⁵
热烈[熱烈] ngèik-lèik
rèliè enthusiastic; ardent; warm.¹⁰
热泪盈眶[熱淚盈眶] ngèik-luì-ngẽin-köng
rèlèiyíngkuàng one's eyes filled with tears.⁵
热闹[熱鬧] ngèik-nào
rènao bustling with noise and excitement; lively.¹⁰
热饮[熱飲] ngèik-ngīm
rèyǐn hot drinks.⁷
热爱[熱愛] ngèik-öi
rè'ài to love ardently; to adore.¹⁰
热忱[熱忱] ngèik-sẽim
rèchén zeal, enthusiasm.¹¹
热诚[熱誠] ngèik-sẽin
rèchéng warm and sincere.⁹
热水瓶[熱水瓶] ngèik-suī-pẽin
or ngèik-suī-pêng rèshuǐpíng thermos bottle.¹⁰
热情[熱情] ngèik-tẽin
rèqíng enthusiasm, zeal, warmth; warm, fervent, enthusiastic, warmhearted.⁵
热心[熱心] ngèik-xïm
rèxīn enthusiastic; warm-hearted.⁸
<台> 热天[熱天] ngèik-hèin summer.
ngeik4 11648
86 18 𤑄
ngèik (composition: ⿱賏灬; U+24444).

ngeik4 11649 24444.gif
162 9 ngèik <wr.> welcome; go against; disobey; adverse; traitor; in advance.⁵⁵
逆子 ngèik-dū nìzǐ unfilial son.⁵
逆反 ngèik-fān
nìfǎn rebellious behavior; opposite; ob-.¹⁰
逆风[逆風] ngèik-füng
nìfēng against the wind; contrary wind, headwind.⁵
逆境 ngèik-gēin
nìjìng adverse conditions.⁵⁵
逆光 ngèik-göng
nìguāng <photo.> backlight.⁵⁵
逆行 ngèik-hãng
nìxíng go against the traffic.⁵⁵
逆知 ngèik-jï
nìzhī to know beforehand; to foresee.⁷
逆转[逆轉] ngèik-jōn
nìzhuǎn take a turn for the worse; reverse; become worse; deteriorate.⁵
逆流 ngèik-liũ
nìliú adverse current; countercurrent.⁵
逆流而上 ngèik-liũ-ngĩ-sèng
nìliú'érshàng go upstream.⁵⁵
逆旅 ngèik-luî
nìlǚ <wr.> inn; hotel.⁵
逆伦[逆倫] ngèik-lũn
nìlún incestuous; unfilial towards one's parents.¹¹
逆时针[逆時針] ngèik-sĩ-jïm
nìshízhēn counterclockwise.⁵⁵
逆水行舟 ngèik-suī-hãng-jiü
nìshuǐxíngzhōu sail against the current.⁵⁵
逆运算[逆運算] ngèik-vùn-xön
nìyùnsuàn <math.> inverse operation.⁵⁵
ngeik4 11650
37 7 ngēin ēn <Cant.> skinny, tiny; to jerk, dangle; thin; (used in names).
ngein1 11651
112 9 ngëin yán (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 研 ngẽin yán with same meaning: study, research.⁸)
(Note: <re. pr.> ngẽin; <sp. pr.> ngëin).
<又> ngẽin, ngān, ngãn.
(See 研 ngẽin, ngān, ngãn.)
ngein2 11652
112 11 ngëin yán (=研 ngëin yán study, research.⁸).⁸ to examine thorougly.²⁵
(Note: <re. pr.> ngẽin; <sp. pr.> ngëin).
(composition: ⿰石幵; U+784F).
<又> ngān; ngãn; ngẽin.
(See 硏 ngān; 硏 ngãn; 硏 ngẽin).
ngein2 11653
9 4 ngẽin réng still; yet; <wr.> to remain; <wr.> frequent.
仍旧[仍舊] ngẽin-giù réngjiù to remain the same; (=仍然 ngẽin-ngẽin réngrán) still, yet.
仍然 ngẽin-ngẽin
réngrán still, yet.
仍是 ngẽin-sì
réngshì to still be; still.
or 礽孙[礽孫] ngẽin-xün réngsūn the eighth generation descendant starting from oneself.⁸ a descendant of the seventh generation below oneself.¹⁴
頻仍 pĩn-ngẽin
pínréng frequent; continuous; uninterrupted.
一仍 yīt-ngẽin
yīréng still; as ever.
一仍旧贯[一仍舊貫] yīt-ngẽin-giù-gön
yīréngjiùguàn to  follow the old routine; to keep the status quo.
ngein3 11654
15 16 ngẽin níng congeal, curdle, coagulate; with fixed attention.⁵
冷凝 lâng-ngẽin lěngníng <phy.> condensation.⁵
凝冰 ngẽin-bëin
níngbīng  to freeze.¹⁰
凝聚 ngẽin-duì
níngjù (of vapor) condense; <chem.> coacervation.⁵
凝聚力 ngẽin-duì-lèik
níngjùlì cohesive force.³⁹
凝结[凝結] ngẽin-gēik
níngjié coagulate; congeal; condense.⁵
凝固 ngẽin-gü
nínggù solidify, coagulate, clot, set; unchanged, static.⁶
凝汞温度[凝汞溫度] ngẽin-hüng-vün-ù
nínggǒngwēndù <phy.> mercury condensation temperature.¹⁰
凝滞[凝滯] ngẽin-jài
níngzhì stagnate; move sluggishly.⁵
凝脂 ngẽin-jï
níngzhī congealed fat.⁹
凝重 ngẽin-jùng
níngzhòng dignified; imposing.⁵
凝视[凝視] ngẽin-sì
níngshì gaze fixedly; stare.⁵
凝神 ngẽin-sĩn
níngshén with concentrated attention.⁵
凝神静听[凝神靜聽] ngẽin-sĩn-dèin-hëng
níngshén-jìngtīng listen attentively and silently.⁵⁴
ngein3 11655
30 15 ngẽin rán (<old>=然 ngẽin rán right, correct; so, like that; but, nevertheless, however; suddenly, all of a sudden.⁵); responding with a sound; expressing affirmation, which is equivalent to "yes". ⁸ the noise of speaking; to reply.²⁴
interjection, expresses confirmation, agreement: yes, yes!, right!⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰口然; U+562B).
(See 然 ngẽin).
ngein3 11656
38 7 ngẽin yán <wr.> beautiful.⁵ (variant: 姸 ngẽin yán).
百花争妍[百花爭妍] bāk-fä-jäng-ngẽin
bǎihuāzhēngyán a hundred flowers contend in beauty.⁵
不辨妍媸 būt-bèin-ngẽin-chï
bùbiànyánchī be unable to distinguish the beautiful from the ugly.⁶
or 妍蚩 ngẽin-chï yánchī beautiful and ugly.⁶
妍丽[妍麗] ngẽin-lài
yánlì beautiful.⁶
妍雅 ngẽin-ngâ
yányǎ beautiful and elegant.⁶
妍艳[妍艷] ngẽin-yèm
yányàn bright-colored and beautiful.⁶
容貌妍丽[容貌妍麗] yũng-mào-ngẽin-lài
róngmàoyánlì beautiful looks.⁶
(See 姸 ngẽin).
ngein3 11657
38 9 ngẽin yán (=妍 ngẽin yán <wr.> beautiful.⁵)
(composition: ⿰女幵; U+59F8).
(See 妍 ngẽin).
ngein3 11658
75 13 ngẽin yíng a pillar; a column.⁷ principal columns/pillars of a hall; <wr.> room.⁶ column, pillar; numerary adjunct.⁸
桓楹 yõn-ngẽin huányíng supports for a coffin at a grave.⁷
楹柱 ngẽin-chuî
yíngzhù a pillar; a column.⁷
楹鼓 ngẽin-gū
yínggǔ a large drum strengthened with a crossbar.⁵⁴
楹联[楹聯] ngẽin-lũn
yínglián couplet written on  scrolls and hung on the pillars of a hall.⁵
三楹房间[三楹房間] xäm-ngẽin-fông-gän
sānyíngfángjiān three rooms.¹¹
ngein3 11659
86 12 ngẽin rán right, correct; so, like that; but, nevertheless, however; suddenly, all of a sudden.⁵ (old variant: 嘫 ngẽin rán).
不以为然[不以為然] būt-yî-vĩ-ngẽin
bùyǐwéirán object to; take exception to; not approve.⁵
哂然 chīn-ngẽin
shěnrán with a smiling face/expression.⁸
自然 dù-ngẽin
zìrán nature; naturally; of course; at ease.⁵
忽然 fūt-ngẽin
hūrán suddenly; all of a sudden.¹⁰
固然 gü-ngẽin
gùrán admittedly; no doubt.⁹
然则[然則] ngẽin-dāk
ránzé <wr.>in that case; then.⁵
然乎 ngẽin-fũ
ránhū Isn't it so?³⁹
然后[然後] ngẽin-hèo
ránhòu then; after that; afterwards.⁵
然顷[然頃] ngẽin-kēin
ránqǐng in a short time; soon; before long.¹⁰
然而 ngẽin-ngĩ
rán'ér yet; but; however.⁵
然诺[然諾] ngẽin-nòk
ránnuò <wr.> promise; pledge.⁵
巍然 nguĩ-ngẽin
or ngãi-ngẽin wēirán towering, lofty, majestic, imposing.⁶
当然[當然] öng-ngẽin
dāngrán of course; certainly.⁸
哗然[嘩然] vã-ngẽin
huárán in uproar; commotion; causing a storm of protest; tumultuous.¹⁰
虽然[雖然] xuï-ngẽin
suīrán though, although.¹¹
<台> 冇几自然[冇幾自然] mäo-gī-dù-ngẽin/
do not feel well.
(See 嘫 ngẽin).
ngein3 11660
86 16 ngẽin rán burn; ignite; light.⁵
自燃 dù-ngẽin zìrán <chem.> spontaneous combustion or ignition.⁵
燃点[燃點] ngẽin-ēm
rándiǎn ignite, kindle, set fire to, light; <chem> ignition (burning, kindling) point.⁵
燃放 ngẽin-föng
ránfàng set off (fireworks).⁵
燃气轮机[燃氣輪機] ngẽin-hï-lũn-gï
ránqìlúnjī gas turbine.⁵
燃起篝火 ngẽin-hī-këo-fō
ránqǐgōugōu make/build/light a bonfire.⁶
燃料 ngẽin-lèl
ránliào fuel.⁵
燃眉之急 ngẽin-mĩ-jï-gīp
ránméizhījí as pressing as a fire singeing one's eyebrows – a matter of extreme urgency; a pressing need.⁵
燃烧[燃燒] ngẽin-sël
ránshāo burn, kindle; <chem.> combustion, inflammation.⁵
燃油泵 ngẽin-yiũ-pēim
rányóubèng fuel pump.⁵
ngein3 11661
94 12 𤟣
ngẽin yíng an animal like a fox, of a yellow color.²⁴
(composition: ⿰犭盈; U+247E3).
ngein3 11662
108 9 ngẽin yíng fill; full, overflowing; surplus.⁸
盈亏[盈虧] ngẽin-kï yíngkuī profit and loss; waxing and waning of the moon, lunation; loss or gain.⁸
盈利 ngẽin-lì
or 赢利[贏利] yẽin-lì yínglì profit; gain.⁶
盈满[盈滿] ngẽin-mōn
yíngmǎn filled, full; to limits.⁸
盈门[盈門] ngẽin-mõn
yíngmén lit. fill the door; fill the house (at a wedding or auspicious occasion).¹⁰
盈盈 ngẽin-ngẽin
yíngyíng limpid; good manners; plentiful; lissome; fifteen years old.⁸
盈盈秋水 ngẽin-ngẽin-tiü-suī
yíngyíng-qiūshuǐ young lady’s sad look.⁸
盈余[盈餘] ngẽin-yĩ
or 赢余[贏餘] yẽin-yĩ yíngyú surplus, superfluous; profit, surplus, gain.⁸
盈溢 ngẽin-yìt
yíngyì brim over.⁸
ngein3 11663
112 9 ngẽin yán study, research.⁸ (Note: <re. pr.> ngẽin; <sp. pr.> ngëin).
科研 fö-ngẽin or fö-ngëin kēyán scientific research.⁵
研习[研習] ngẽin-dìp
or ngëin-dìp yánxí research and study.⁶ to research and study; to examine and study.⁷
研究 ngẽin-giü
or ngëin-giü yánjiū study, research; consider, discuss, deliberate.⁶
研究生 ngẽin-giü-säng
or ngëin-giü-säng yánjiūshēng postgraduate; graduate.⁶ a graduate student.⁷
研究所 ngẽin-giü-sō
or ngëin-giü-sō yánjiūsuǒ research institute.⁶
研考 ngẽin-hāo
or ngëin-hāo yánkǎo study and inspect.⁸
研讨[研討] ngẽin-hāo
or ngëin-hāo yántǎo deliberate; discuss.⁶
研核 ngẽin-hàt
or ngëin-hàt yánhé to examine with great care.⁷
研覈 ngẽin-hàt
or ngëin-hàt yánhé <wr.> to examine.¹¹
研覈是非 ngẽin-hàt-sì-fï
or ngëin-hàt-sì-fï  yánhéshìfēi to weigh the pros and cons.¹¹
研制[研製] ngẽin-jäi
or ngëin-jäi yánzhì develop; prepare.⁶
研求 ngẽin-kiũ
or ngëin-kiũ yánqiú study carefully.⁶
研判 ngẽin-pön
or ngëin-pön yánpàn  to study and come to a conclusion; to judge; to determine.¹⁰
<又> ngëin, ngān, ngãn.
(See 研 ngëin, ngān, ngãn.)
ngein3 11664
112 11 ngẽin yán (=研 ngẽin yán study, research.⁸).⁸ to examine thorougly.²⁵
(Note: <re. pr.> ngẽin; <sp. pr.> ngëin).
(composition: ⿰石幵; U+784F).
<又> ngān; ngãn; ngëin.
(See 硏 ngān; 硏 ngãn; 硏 ngëin).
ngein3 11665
113 6 ngẽin réng blessings, happiness.⁸
礽孙[礽孫] or 仍孙[仍孫] ngẽin-xün réngsūn the eighth generation descendant starting from oneself.⁸ a descendant of the seventh generation below oneself.¹⁴
or 云仍[雲仍] vũn-ngẽin yúnréng one's distant great-grandchildren or progeny.¹⁹
ngein3 11666
130 13 𦝚
ngẽin yíng fat.²⁵
(composition: ⿰月盈; U+2675A).
ngein3 11667
140 5 ngẽin rèng weeds.⁸
<又> nâi. (See 艿 nâi.)
ngein3 11668
140 7 ngẽin rèng grass which has been cut and regrown; wild grass.
<又> nâi. (See 艿 nâi.)
ngein3 11669
149 9 ngẽin réng thicker; heavy; still, yet.⁸
(composition: ⿰言乃; U+46AE).
(See 𧥰❄{⿰言乃} ngẽin).
ngein3 11670
149 11 𧥰
ngẽin réng (=䚮 ngẽin réng)² thicker; heavy; still, yet.⁸
(composition: ⿰言仍; U+27970).
(See 䚮 ngẽin).
ngein3 11671
162 5 ngẽin réng to go; to arrive at.²⁵
(composition: ⿺辶乃; U+8FB8).
ngein3 11672
162 7 ngẽin yíng go to meet, greet, welcome, receive; move (towards), meet face to face.⁵ to meet; to come in contact with; to oppose.²⁵
迎春 ngẽin-chün yíngchūn winter jasmine.⁵
迎接 ngẽin-dēp
yíngjiē to welcome (with open arms).¹¹
迎风[迎風] ngẽin-füng
yíngfēng facing the wind.⁵
迎风翩跹[迎風翩躚] ngẽin-füng-pëin-tëin
yíngfēng piānxiān fluttering up and down in the gentle wind.³⁹
迎睇 ngẽin-hāi
yíngdì <wr.> welcome.³⁹
迎客松 ngẽin-hāk-tũng
or ngẽin-häk-tũng yíngkèsōng  Greeting Pine, symbol of Mount Huang.¹⁰
迎合 ngẽin-hàp
yínghé to cater to; to pander to.¹⁰
迎头赶上[迎頭趕上] ngẽin-hẽo-gōn-sëng
yíngtóu gǎnshàng try hard to catch up.⁵
迎来[迎來] ngẽin-lõi
yínglái to invite.¹⁰
迎面 ngẽin-mèin
yíngmiàn directly; head-on (collision); in one's face (of wind).¹⁰
迎迓 ngẽin-ngà
yíngyà <wr.> meet; welcome.⁶
迎娶 ngẽin-tuī
yíngqǔ (of a groom) to escort the bride to the wedding ceremony; fig. to take as one's wife; to marry.¹⁰
迎刃而解 ngẽin-yìn-ngĩ-gāi
yíngrèn'érjiě (of a bamboo) split all the way down once it's been chopped open – (of a problem) be readily solved.⁵

<又> ngèin.
(See 迎 ngèin).
ngein3 11673
167 12 ngẽin xíng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 钘[鈃] yẽin xíng with same meaning.)
<又> yẽin.
(See 鈃 yẽin.)
ngein3 11674
170 11 ngẽin réng sound of stonemason's shovel.¹⁰ the noise made in building a mud wall.²⁵
(composition: ⿰阝耎; U+967E).
陾陾 ngẽin-ngẽin réngréng many (people).²⁵
ngein3 11675
30 10 ngèin yàn <wr.> to offer condolences.¹¹ (variant: 喭 ngèin yàn).
吊唁 ël-ngèin
diàoyàn to offer condolences (for the deceased); to condole.¹⁰
弔唁 ël-ngèin
diàoyàn to offer condolences.¹¹
唁电[唁電] ngèin-èin
yàndiàn a telegram of condolence.¹⁰
唁函 ngèin-hãm
yànhán a message of condolence.¹⁰
or 喭劳[喭勞] ngèin-lão yànlào to condole with.¹⁴  to offer condolences.⁵⁴
唁信 ngèin-xïn
yànxìn a letter of condolence.¹⁰
慰唁 vï-ngèin
wèiyàn to console (the bereaved).¹¹
(See 喭 ngèin).
ngein4 11676
30 12 ngèin yàn (<old>=谚[諺] ngèin yàn proverb); condole with; coarse.⁸ (=唁 ngèin yàn <wr.> to offer condolences.¹¹); rude; boorish.⁹ condole with.¹⁰ <wr.> (AC) stubborn, rude.¹¹ to condole with.¹⁴ condole with; coarse.³⁶
(composition: ⿰口彦; U+55AD).
or 唁劳[唁勞] ngèin-lão yànlào to condole with.¹⁴  to offer condolences.⁵⁴
(See 諺 ngèin; 唁 ngèin).
ngein4 11677
59 9 ngèin yàn <wr.> a man of virtue and ability.⁵ a man of ability and virtue; an erudite scholar.⁷ elegant; handsome; accomplished.¹⁴
俊彦 dün-ngèin jùnyàn preeminently talented person.⁸ elegant; refined.¹⁴
美彥 mî-ngèin
měiyàn handsome.¹⁴
彦会[彥會] ngèin-vòi
yànhuì a gathering of distinguished personalities.⁷
彦士[彥士] ngèin-xù
yànshì a refined and accomplished scholar.⁷
硕彦[碩彥] sêk-ngèin
shuòyàn a man of great talent; a learned scholar.⁷
ngein4 11678
149 16 ngèin yàn proverb. (variant: 喭 ngèin yàn).
俗谚[俗諺] dùk-ngèin
súyàn common saying; proverb.
古谚[古諺] gū-ngèin
gǔyàn ancient proverbs.
民谚[民諺] mīn-ngèin
mínyàn folk or common proverb.
谚语[諺語] ngèin-nguî
yànyǔ proverb; saying; adage.
农谚[農諺] nũng-ngèin
nóngyàn farmers' proverb.
西谚[西諺] xäi-ngèin
xīyàn Western proverb.
(See 喭 ngèin).
ngein4 11679
149 27 ngèin yàn <wr.> to criminate; to sentence.
(comp. t: ⿰訁獻; U+8B9E). (comp. s: ⿰讠献; U+8C33).
定讞 èin-ngèin
dìngyàn to pass a verdict; to pronounce a sentence.
ngein4 11680
162 7 ngèin yìng to go in person to meet.¹⁴ to go out to meet.²⁵ <old> to prepare to greet a guest before their arrival; 42nd tetragram of the Taixuanjing (太玄经[太玄經] Häi-yõn-gëin Tàixuánjīng, literally “Canon of Supreme Mystery”).³⁶
亲迎[親迎] tïn-ngèin
qīnyìng to go out and meet in person.²⁵
亲迎于渭[親迎於渭] tïn-ngèin-yï-vì
qīnyìngyúwèi In person he met her on the Wei (River).¹⁴
<又> ngẽin.
(See 迎 ngẽin).
ngein4 11681
104 14 ngēk nüè malaria.⁷
瘅疟[癉瘧] än-ngēk dānnüè malaria.⁸
疟疾[瘧疾] ngēk-dìp
nüèji malaria.⁷
疟疾原虫[瘧疾原蟲] ngēk-dìp-ngũn-chũng
nüèji yuánchóng; a plasmodium⁷
疟蚊属[瘧蚊屬] ngēk-mûn-sùk nüèwénshǔ (学名: Anopheles).²⁰
(See 瘧 [ngēk, yào].)
ngek1 11682
104 14 ngēk yào 发疟子[發瘧子] fät-ngēk-dū fāyàozi <topo.> to have an attack of malarial fever.¹⁴
疟子[瘧子] ngēk-dū
yàozi <topo.>  malaria.¹¹
(See 瘧 [ngēk, nüè].)
ngek1 11683
9 10 ngèk ruò thus; so; such.
偌大 ngèk-ài ruòdà of such a size.
偌大年纪[偌大年紀] ngèk-ài-nẽin-gī
ruòdà niánjì so old; so much advanced in years.
偌多 ngèk-ü
ruòduō so much.
<又> nēk, nëk, nêk.
(See 偌 nēk, nëk, nêk.)
ngek4 11684
29 6 ngèk ruò (<old>=若 ngèk ruò) if; obedient; ancient mythical tree.¹⁰  obedient; united.¹⁴ the rising sun; the name of a tree; that which grows towards the rising sun; obedient, similar, united.²⁴
叒木 ngèk-mùk
ruòmù a tree, supposed to grow in 扶桑 Fũ-xông Fúsāng the extreme east; sunrise.¹⁴
ngek4 11685
38 11 ngèk chuò be not obedient to; used as a personal name.⁸ uneven.⁹ recalcitrant.¹⁰ be not obedient to; disobey; Chuo surname.³⁹
(See 婼 [ngèk, ruò])
ngek4 11686
38 11 ngèk nüè (composition: ⿰女岸; U+5A69).
婩斫 ngèk-dēk nüèzhuó incomprehensible.²
<又> ngòn.
(See 婩 ngòn).
ngek4 11687
38 11 ngèk ruò The name of a country in the western region of China during the Han Dynasty.⁹
婼羌 Ngèk-gëng Ruòqiāng name of a country in the western region of China during the Han Dynasty; name of a place in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, now is called 若羌 Ngèk-gëng Ruòqiāng (a county in Xinjiang).¹⁹
(See 婼 [ngèk, chuò])
ngek4 11688
57 10 ngèk ruò weak; feeble; inferior.
强弱[強弱] kẽng-ngèk
qiáng-ruò strong and weak.
老弱残兵[老弱殘兵] lāo-ngèk-tãn-bëin
lǎoruòcánbīng motley troops unfit for combat duty, (fig.) incompetent persons for a given job.¹¹
微弱 mĩ-ngèk
wēiruò faint; feeble; weak.⁵
弱不禁风[弱不禁風] ngèk-būt-gïm-füng
ruòbùjīnfēng too weak to withstand the wind; fragile.
弱点[弱點] ngèk-ēm
ruòdiǎn weak point; weakness.
弱笄 ngèk-gâi
ruòjī (of a girl) tie one's hair in a bun with a hair clasp (at the age of 15 to show that she has come of age).⁰ʼ⁵⁴
弱肉强食[弱肉強食] ngèk-ngùk-kẽng-sèik
ruòròuqiángshí lit. the weak are prey to the strong (idiom); fig. predatory behavior; the law of the jungle.¹⁰
弱小 ngèk-xēl
ruòxiǎo small and weak.
软弱[軟弱] ngün-ngèk
ruǎnruò weak; feeble; flabby.⁵
ngek4 11689
85 11 ngèk ruò 渃溪 Ngèk-käi Ruòxī a tributary of the Yangtze River in Hubei.¹⁹
渃水 Ngèk-suī
Ruòshuǐ name of a river in Sichuan.¹⁹
<又> ngèik.
(See 渃 ngèik.)
ngek4 11690
118 14 ngèk ruò the bamboo cuticle; a kind of bamboo with broad leaves which are often used to make various coverings.⁷ (variant: 篛 ngèk ruò).
箬下 ngèk-hà
ruòxià name of a wine during the Song dynasty.¹⁹
箬鳎鱼[箬鰨魚] ngèk-hāp-nguĩ 
ruòtǎyú (Usinosta japonica).⁵⁴
箬壳[箬殼] ngèk-hôk
ruòké scale-like outer skin of a bamboo shoot.¹⁹
箬竹 ngèk-jūk
ruòzhú indocalamus.⁵ a variety of bamboo, with broad leaves that are often used to make hats.⁷
箬篓{箬簍} ngèk-lêo
ruòlǒu a basket made from indocalamus.¹⁹
箬笠 ngèk-lēip
ruòlì or 箬帽 ngèk-mào ruòmào a wide, conical bamboo hat.⁷
or 篛笼[篛籠] ngèk-lûng ruòlóng a container made from indocalamus leaves and strips of bamboo.¹⁹
箬帽芒鞋 ngèk-mào-mõng-hãi
ruòmàomángxié a bamboo hat and straw sandals – the clothing of a farmer or hermit.⁷
箬篷 ngèk-pũng
ruòpéng a hood, or top, made of bamboo leaves (usually for boats).⁷
(See 篛 ngèk).
ngek4 11691
118 16 ngèk ruò (=箬 ngèk ruò) the bamboo cuticle; a kind of bamboo with broad leaves which are often used to make various coverings.⁷
篛席 ngèk-dèk
ruòxí indocalamus mat.³⁹
or 箬笼 ngèk-lûng ruòlóng a container made from indocalamus leaves and strips of bamboo.¹⁹
(See 箬 ngèk).
ngek4 11692
140 8 ngèk ruò if, supposing, assuming; similar; to seem; like; as.
不若 būt-ngèk bùruò not as good as; not equal to; inferior.
自若 dù-ngèk
zìruò self-composed, serene, unruffled.¹¹
假若 gā-ngèk
jiǎruò if; supposing; in case.
倘若 hōng-ngèk
tǎngruò if, supposing; in case.
若辈[若輩] ngèk-böi
ruòbèi <wr.> you, your.
若虫[若蟲] ngèk-chũng
ruòchóng <zoo.> nymph.
若即若离[若即若離] ngèk-dēik-ngèk-lĩ
ruòjíruòlí be neither close nor distant; have a lukewarm relationship with somebody; play fast and loose with somebody.⁶
若父 ngèk-fù
ruòfù your father.
若羌 Ngèk-gëng
Ruòqiāng name of a county in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.¹⁵
若干 ngèk-gön
ruògān how much.
若无其事[若無其事] ngèk-mũ-kĩ-xù
ruòwúqíshì as if nothing had happened.
若是 ngèk-sì
ruòshì if.
若有所思 ngèk-yiû-sō-xü
ruòyǒusuǒsī as if lost in thought.
如若 nguĩ-ngèk
rúruò (conjunction) if.⁵
ngek4 11693
140 13 ngèk ruò young rush (Typha japonica), a kind of cattail; konnyaku (in Japanese cooking), solidified jelly made from the rhizome of devil's tongue.¹⁰ a water plant, a wild arum.¹⁴
蒟蒻 guī-ngèk
jǔruò or 魔芋 mō-vû móyù <bot.> konjac, konjak, konjaku, konnyaku potato, devil's tongue, voodoo lily, snake palm, or elephant yam,  Amorphaphalus konjac (=A. rivieri); aka 妖芋, 菎蒻, 蒻头, 鬼芋, 花梗莲, 虎掌, 花伞把, 蛇头根草, 花杆莲, 麻芋子, 野魔芋, 花杆南星, 土南星, 南星, 天南星, 花麻蛇.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ (See 魔芋 mō-vû móyù).
ngek4 11694
141 8 ngèk nüè (=虐 ngèk nüè brutal; cruel; savage.⁶); cruel; ferocious; atrocious.⁸
(composition: ⿸虍匕; U+4588).
(See 虐 ngèk).
ngek4 11695
141 9 ngèk nüè brutal; cruel; savage.⁶
(variant: 䖈 ngèk nüè).
暴虐 bào-ngèk
bàonüè brutal; tyrannical.⁵
虐打 ngèk-ā
nüèdǎ maltreatment.¹⁴
虐俘 ngèk-fũ
nüèfú abused prisoner.¹⁰
虐政 ngèk-jëin
nüèzhèng tyrannical rule; tyranny.⁷
虐恋[虐戀] ngèk-lūn
nüèliàn sadomasochism.¹⁰
虐民 ngèk-mĩn
nüèmín to oppress the masses.¹⁴
虐待 ngèk-òi
nüèdài abuse; ill-treat; mistreat; tyrannize.⁶ (usually of servants) treat badly.¹¹
虐待罪 ngèk-òi-duì
nüèdàizuì crime of maltreatment.⁶
虐待狂 ngèk-òi-kõng
nüèdàikuáng sadist; sadism.⁶
虐杀[虐殺] ngèk-sät
nüèshā to cause someone's death by maltreating him.⁷
虐暑 ngèk-sī
nüèshǔ oppressively hot weather.³⁹
虐囚 ngèk-tiũ
nüèqiú abused captive.¹⁰
虐取 ngèk-tuī
nüèqǔ to extort unjustly; to fleece.¹⁴
虐心 ngèk-xïm
nüèxīn heartbreaking; tear-jerking.¹⁰
虐刑 ngèk-yẽin
nüèxíng cruel punishment.⁵⁴
贼虐[賊虐] tàk-ngèk
zéinüè terrorize, ill-treat.¹¹
(See 䖈 ngèk).
ngek4 11696
149 16 ngèk xuè to crack a joke; to banter; to tease; to ridicule.
谐谑[諧謔] hãi-ngèk xiéxuè banter; wisecrack.⁶
调谑[調謔] hẽl-ngèk tiáoxuè to make fun of; to tease.
戏谑[戲謔] hï-ngèk
xìxuè banter; crack jokes.⁵
嘲谑[嘲謔] jäo-ngèk
cháoxuè to make fun of; to poke fun at.
谑称[謔稱] ngèk-chëin
xuèchēng playful name.
谑而不虐[謔而不虐] ngèk-ngĩ-būt-ngèk
xuè'érbùnüè to tease; to mock somebody without offending; to banter.
ngek4 11697
163 10 ngèk ruò place names; Ruo surname.⁸ a small feudal state, situated within the present district of 宜城县[宜城縣] ngĩ-sẽin-yòn yíchéngxiàn Yicheng County in the north of 湖北省 Vũ-bāk-sāng Húběishěng Hubei Province.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰若阝; U+9100).
下鄀 hà-ngèk
xiàruò Xiaruo a city in present day southwest of the left bank of the 丹江 än-göng dānjiāng Dan River in 淅川县[淅川縣] xēik-chün-yòn xīchuānxiàn Xichuan County in 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng Henan Province.⁸
上鄀 sèng-ngèk
shàngruò Shangruo, the capital of 楚 chō chǔ Chu during the Spring and Autumn Period, now southeast of 宜城县[宜城縣] ngĩ-sẽin-yòn yíchéngxiàn Yicheng County in 湖北省 Vũ-bāk-sāng Húběishěng Hubei Province.⁸
ngek4 11698
167 16 ngèk nuò nobelium (No).⁶
<又> nòk. (See 鍩 nòk.)
ngek4 11699
9 14 ngẽl yáo 僬侥[僬僥] Dël Ngẽl Jiāo Yáo legendary dwarf.
<又> hēl, hël.
(See 僥 hēl, hël.)
ngel3 11700
32 9 ngẽl yáo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 垚 yẽl yáo with same meaning.)
<又> yẽl.
(See 垚 yẽl.)
ngel3 11701
32 12 ngẽl yáo Yao, the legendary sage king in ancient China whose reign is said to have extended from 2357 to 2255 BCE (dates vary in Shiji and Bamboo Annals); high, eminent, lofty; a surname.⁷
t: ⿱垚兀; U+582F). (comp. s: ⿱⿻*兀; U+5C27). (Note: * has 3 strokes, similar to 弋, without the dot, and 丿).
尧天舜日[堯天舜日] Ngẽl-hëin Sün-ngìt Yáotiān Shùnrì an era of blissful peace as in the reigns of Yao and Shun.⁷
尧舜[堯舜] Ngẽl-Sün
Yáo Shùn Yao anbd Shun, two of the most celebrated sage kings in ancient China.⁷
ngel3 11702
32 15 ngẽl qiāo (=硗[磽] ngẽl qiāo barren land; sandy soil.⁸).¹¹ (of land) rocky, unproductive. stony soil.¹⁴ barren land, a poor soil.²⁴ hard, stony, infertile.³⁶
(composition: ⿰土堯; U+589D).
墝埆 ngẽl-kōk
qiāoquè barren land.¹⁹ (=硗确[磽确] or 硗埆[磽埆] ngẽl-kōk qiāoquè rocky (soil, ground).¹¹).
Ngẽl-kōk-jēh kĩ-ì-būt-yùk.
Qiāo què zhě qí dì bù yù.
And the barren land does not bear fruits.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《墨子·卷一·親士》, translated by W. P. Mei).
<又> kāo.
(See 墝 kāo).
ngel3 11703
35 19 ngẽl náo (<old>=猱 ngẽl náo a kind of monkey mentioned in ancient literature.⁵ a yellowed-haired monkey; to scratch.⁷); macaque.³⁶ (Synonym: 猕猴[獼猴] mĩ-hẽo míhóu macaque, rhesus monkey.⁶).³⁶
(composition: ⿱⿳一⿲止自巳八夂(GH) or ⿱⿳丆⿲止目巳八夂(GH) or ⿱⿳一⿲止自巳八夊(T) or ⿱⿳丆⿲止目巳八夊(T) or ⿱⿳一⿲止自巳儿夂(J) or ⿱⿳丆⿲止目巳儿夂(J) or ⿳丆⿲止見巳夂(J) or ⿱⿳一⿲止自㔾八夂(K) or ⿱⿳丆⿲止目㔾八夂(K) or ⿳丆⿲止貝㔾夂(K); U+5912).
(See 猱 ngẽl).
ngel3 11704
38 15 ngẽl ráo graceful.⁹
娇娆[嬌嬈] gël-ngẽl jiāoráo <wr.> enchantingly beautiful.⁶
江山妖娆[江山妖嬈] göng-sän-yēl-ngẽl
jiāngshānyāoráo The landscape is beautiful.⁴
体态娇娆[體態嬌嬈] hāi-häi-gël-ngẽl
tǐtàijiāoráo charming and beautiful carriage.⁶
妖娆[妖嬈] yēl-ngẽl
yāoráo <wr.> enchanting; bewitching; fascinating.⁶
<又> ngêl.
(See 嬈 ngêl.)
ngel3 11705
46 10 ngẽl náo  峱山 Ngẽl-sän Náoshān Naoshan, ancient name of a mountain in Shandong.⁹
(composition: ⿰犭⿱丑山; U+5CF1).
ngel3 11706
46 15 ngẽl yáo high or tall.³⁶
(comp. t: ⿰山堯; U+5DA2). (comp. s: ⿰山尧; U+5CE3).
嶕峣[嶕嶢] dël-ngẽl
jiāoyáo mountainous; lofty.²⁴
峣关[嶢關] ngẽl-gän
yáoguān Yao Pass, its former site is located in the south of Lantian county (蓝田县[藍田縣), Xi'an City (西安市), named after Yao Mountain (峣山[嶢山]); since ancient times, it has been the main traffic pass from Guanzhong Plain (关中平原[關中平原]) to the Nanyang Basin (南阳盆地[南陽盆地]).²³
峣崎[嶢崎] ngẽl-kĩ
yáoqí ragged,  rough (mountain roads).¹¹
峣峣[嶢嶢] ngẽl-ngẽl
yáoyáo rising straight up; straightforward, upright (character).¹¹
ngel3 11707
64 12 ngẽl róu to rub, to knead.
掰开揉碎[掰開揉碎] mëik-höi-ngẽl-xuï bāikāiróusuì <topo.> to break open and knead to bits; to rehash in infinite detail; minutely; meticulously; earnestly; sincerely.
揉面[揉麵] ngẽl-mèin
róumiàn to knead dough.
揉眼睛 ngẽl-ngān-dëin
róuyǎnjīng to rub the eyes.
揉揉 ngẽl-ngẽl
róurou to rub.
揉搓 ngẽl-tö
or ngẽl-tü róucuo <topo.> to rub with the hands; to knead; to hold in suspense; to keep on tenterhooks; to tease or play jokes on.
揉和黏土 ngẽl-vö-nẽm-hū
róuhuóniántǔ to knead clay.⁵⁴
搓揉 tö-ngẽl
or tü-ngẽl cuōróu to rub with the hands.
ngel3 11708
75 9 ngẽl róu soft; flexible; supple; yielding; rho (Greek letter Ρρ).¹⁰
柔道 ngẽl-ào róudào soft approach.⁸
柔肠[柔腸] ngẽl-chẽng
róucháng tender heart.⁸
柔肠百结[柔腸百結] ngẽl-chẽng-bāk-gēik
róucháng-bǎijié deeply sorrowed.⁸
柔肠寸断[柔腸寸斷] ngẽl-chẽng-tün-òn
róucháng-cùnduàn broken hearted.⁸
柔佛 ngẽl-fùt
róufó Johor (state of Malaysia).¹⁰
柔光 ngẽl-göng
róuguāng sheen.⁸
柔荑 ngẽl-hãi
róutí <wr.> sprout; shoot; woman's hands; slender and white (of a woman's hands).⁵⁴
柔荑花序 ngẽl-hãi-fä-duì
róutíhuāxù <bot.> catkin.¹⁹
柔麻 ngẽl-mã
róumá soften hemp in water.⁸
柔媚 ngẽl-mì
róumèi gentle and lovely; charming.¹⁰
柔弱 ngẽl-ngèk
róuruò  weak; delicate.¹⁰
柔韧[柔韌] ngẽl-ngïn
róurèn pliable; pliant; supple.⁶
柔软[柔軟] ngẽl-ngün
róuruǎn soft; lithe.⁵
柔嫩 ngẽl-nùn
róunèn tender; delicate (texture).¹⁰
柔术[柔術] ngẽl-sùt
róushù jujitsu.⁸
柔情 ngẽl-tẽin
róuqíng tender feelings; tenderness.⁶
柔和 ngẽl-võ
róuhé soft; gentle; mild.⁸
以柔克刚[以柔克剛] yî-ngẽl-hāk-göng
yǐróukègāng to use softness to conquer strength (idiom).¹⁰
ngel3 11709
75 16 ngẽl ráo an oar, a paddle.¹¹
(comp. t: ⿰木堯; U+6A48). (comp. s: ⿰木尧; U+6861).
桡骨[橈骨] ngẽl-gūt
ráogǔ radius; bone of the forearm.⁵⁴
栋桡[棟橈] ūng-ngẽl
dòngráo  the beam has become bent.¹¹
枉桡[枉橈] vōng-ngẽl
wǎngráo <old> to fail to carry out justice.¹¹
Vōng-ngẽl-būt-öng, fān-siù-kĩ-yëng.
Wǎng ráo bù dàng, fǎn shòu qí yāng.
Excess or defect out of such proportion will bring on itself the judgment (of Heaven).⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·月令》, translated by James Legge).
<又> nào.
(See 橈 nào.)
ngel3 11710
85 15 ngẽl jiāo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 浇[澆] hël jiāo with same meaning: pour liquid on, sprinkle water on; irrigate, water; cast.⁵)
<又> hël.
(See 澆 hël.)
ngel3 11711
94 12 ngẽl náo a kind of monkey mentioned in ancient literature.⁵ a yellowed-haired monkey; to scratch.⁷ macaque.³⁶ (variants: 夒, 獿 ngẽl; synonym: 猕猴[獼猴] mĩ-hẽo, q.v.).
(composition: ⿰犭柔; U+7331).
猱杂[猱雜] ngẽl-dàp
náozá noisily and cynically; comical and restless.⁷
猱犬 ngẽl-hūn
náoquǎn dhole; red dog.⁵
猱儿[猱兒] ngẽl-ngĩ
náo'ér prostitutes.⁷
猱升 ngẽl-sëin
náoshēng <wr.> climb a tree as nimbly as a monkey.⁵
(See 夒 ngẽl; 獿 ngẽl; 獼 mĩ).
ngel3 11712
94 18 ngẽl náo (<old>=猱 ngẽl náo a kind of monkey mentioned in ancient literature.⁵ a yellowed-haired monkey; to scratch.⁷ macaque.³⁶); a painter (of walls).⁸
(composition: ⿰犭憂; U+7376).
獶人 or  獿人 ngẽl-ngĩn náorén people who were good at painting walls in ancient times.¹⁹
<又> nào; yiü; nẽo.
(See 獶 nào; 獶 yiü; 獶 nẽo).
ngel3 11713
94 22 ngẽl náo  <old>=(獶, 猱 ngẽl náo) macaque.³⁶ the name of an animal, a species of monkey; to plaster a wall.²⁴
(composition: ⿰犭夒; U+737F).
or 獶人 ngẽl-ngĩn náorén people who were good at painting walls in ancient times.¹⁹
獿獀 ngẽl-xēo
náosōu a famous dog in south Vietnam.²
<又> nào.
(See 獿 nào; 獶 ngẽl;猱 ngẽl).
ngel3 11714
96 13 ngẽl róu name of a jade.² the name of a gem.²⁴ a kind of jade.³⁶
(composition: ⿰𤣩柔; U+7448).
ngel3 11715
112 11 ngẽl qiāo ((=硗[磽] ngẽl qiāo barren land; sandy soil.⁸); fields among the hills.²⁵).²
(composition: ⿰石兆; U+40AA).
<又> këo; èl.
(See 䂪 këo; 䂪 èl).
ngel3 11716
112 15 ngẽl qiāo (<old>=磽 ngẽl qiāo barren land; sandy soil.⁸).⁸
(composition: ⿰石敖; U+78DD).
<又> ngào.
(See 磽 ngẽl; 磝 ngào).
ngel3 11717
112 17 ngẽl qiāo barren land; sandy soil.⁸
(old variant: 磝 ngẽl qiāo). (variant: 墝 ngẽl qiāo).
硗薄[磽薄] ngẽl-bòk
qiāobó (of land) hard and infertile.⁹
硗瘠[磽瘠] ngẽl-dëk
qiāojí (of land) hard and infertile; barren; unproductive.⁹
or 硗埆[磽埆] ngẽl-kōk qiāoquè rocky (soil, ground).¹¹
硗地[磽地] ngẽl-ì
qiāodì barren land.¹⁹
(See 磝 ngẽl; 墝 ngẽl).
ngel3 11718
114 4 ngẽl róu Kangxi radical 114; trample.¹⁰ (<old>=蹂 ngẽl or niū) trample under foot; tread on.⁸ a footprint.¹⁴ the foot of a wild beast treading on the ground; the footsteps of foxes and bears; a paw, the marks of a paw in the ground.²⁵
ngel3 11719
119 10 ngẽl róu (<old>=糅 ngẽl róu) mix; mingle.⁵ mixed; assorted.¹⁴
(See 糅 ngẽl).
ngel3 11720
119 15 ngẽl róu mix; mingle.⁵ mixed; assorted.¹⁴ (variant: 粈 ngẽl róu).
杂糅[雜糅] dàp-ngẽl
záróu mix; mingle; blend.⁶
古今杂糅[古今雜糅] gū-gïm-dàp-ngẽl
gǔjīnzáróu blending of the ancient and the modern.⁶
良莠杂糅[良莠雜糅] lẽng-yiù-dàp-ngẽl
liángyǒuzáróu intermingling of the good and the bad.⁶
糅杂[糅雜] ngẽl-dàp
róuzá mix; make a hotchpotch.⁶
糅合 ngẽl-hàp
róuhé mix; form a mixture (usually of things which don't blend well).⁵
(See 粈 ngẽl).
ngel3 11721
140 15 ngẽl ráo grass, stubble; fuel.
刍荛[芻蕘] chö-ngẽl chúráo <wr.> to cut grass and firewood; woodcutter; <humb.> I; me.
南岭荛花[南嶺蕘花] nãm-lêng-ngẽl-fä
nánlǐngráohuā (=了哥王 lēl-gū-võng  liǎo gē wáng) Indian Wikstroemia²³ Wikstroemia indica (L.) C. A. Mey., also known as tie bush, Indian stringbush, bootlace bush, or small-leaf salago.¹⁵
荛花[蕘花] ngẽl-fä
ráohuā stringbush, Wikstroemia canescens (Wall.) Meisn.²³
ngel3 11722
142 18 ngẽl náo 蛲虫[蟯蟲] ngẽl-chũng náochóng pinworm.⁶
蛲虫病[蟯蟲病] ngẽl-chũng-bèng
náochóngbìng   enterobiasis; oxyuriasis.⁶
ngel3 11723
157 16 ngẽl róu (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 蹂 niū róu to tread upon, to trample; to tread out grain.⁷ trample under foot; tread on.⁸ to tread out grain; to trample.¹⁴)
<又> niū.
(See 蹂 niū.)
ngel3 11724
159 16 𫐓
ngẽl róu the felloe of a wheel.¹⁴ wheel band.¹⁰ the outer rim of a wheel.¹¹ a soft wrapping round the circumference of a wheel; also, pliant, to knead with the foot.²⁵ exterior rim of wheel, felly.³⁶ (<old>=揉 ngẽl róu to rub, to knead).  (<old>=蹂 ngẽl róu or niū róu to tread upon, to trample; to tread out grain.⁷ trample under foot; tread on.⁸ to tread out grain; to trample.¹⁴)
t: ⿰車柔; U+8F2E). (comp. s: ⿰车柔; U+2B413).
❄{⿰车柔}蹈[輮蹈] ngẽl-ào róudǎo tread on; trample underfoot.¹⁹
❄{⿰车柔}轹[輮轢] ngẽl-lèik róulì trample over.¹⁹
❄{⿰车柔}以为轮[輮以為輪] ngẽl-yî-vĩ-lũn róuyǐwéilún to heat wood by fire to make it bend.¹⁹
(See 揉 ngẽl; 蹂 ngẽl or niū).
ngel3 11725
167 17 ngẽl róu soft iron, i.e., wrought iron.⁸ soft, malleable iron.²⁵
(variant: 鑐 ngẽl róu).
(composition: ⿰金柔; U+9352).
鍒颖[鍒穎] ngẽl-vèin
róuyǐng docile, compliant, meek but smart, quick-witted.⁵⁴
(See 鑐 ngẽl).
ngel3 11726
167 22 ngẽl róu (=鍒 ngẽl róu soft iron, i.e., wrought iron.⁸ soft, malleable iron.²⁵).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰金需; U+9450).
<又> xuï; yĩ.
(See 鑐 xuï; 鑐 yĩ; 鍒 ngẽl).
ngel3 11727
177 18 ngẽl róu to tan.⁶
锆鞣[鋯鞣] gäo-ngẽl gàoróu zirconium tanning.⁶
鞣革 ngẽl-gāk
róugé tannage.¹⁰
鞣制[鞣製] ngẽl-jäi
róuzhì tan (hides).⁶
鞣料 ngẽl-lèl
róuliào tanning material.⁵
鞣皮子 ngẽl-pĩ-dū
róu pízi tan hides.⁵
鞣酸 ngẽl-xön
róusuān <chem.> tannic acid.⁵
粗鞣革 tü-ngẽl-gāk
cūróugé rough-tanned leather; crust leather.⁵
ngel3 11728
178 18 ngẽl  róu tan, soften.⁸ soft, dry leather; wash leather.²⁵
(composition: ⿰韋柔; U+97D6).
ngel3 11729
184 20 ngẽl ráo rich, plentiful, abundant; give something extra; let somebody off, forgive, pardon, spare; <topo.> though, even though, despite.⁶
宽饶[寬饒] fön-ngẽl kuānráo to forgive; to spare.¹⁰
富饶[富饒] fü-ngẽl
fùráo fertile; richly provided.¹⁰
告饶[告饒] gäo-ngẽl
gàoráo to beg for mercy.¹⁰
求饶[求饒] kiũ-ngẽl
qiúráo beg for mercy.⁵
饶命[饒命] ngẽl-mèng
ráomìng spare somebody's life.⁵
饶人[饒人] ngẽl-ngĩn
ráorén forgive somebody.⁶
饶舌[饒舌] ngẽl-sêt
ráoshé too talkative, garrulous; say more than is proper, shoot off one's mouth.⁵
饶恕[饒恕] ngẽl-sï
ráoshù forgive; pardon.⁵
饶有风趣[饒有風趣] ngẽl-yiû-füng-tuï
ráoyǒufēngqù full of wit and humor.⁵
饶沃[饒沃] ngẽl-yūk
ráowò (of soil) fertile, rich.⁵
ngel3 11730
196 20 ngẽl róu (composition: ⿰柔鳥; U+9D94).
鶝鶔 fūk-ngẽl fúróu a legendary bird similar to a magpie with a short tail; very agile, with its mouth it can catch an arrow shot at it and spit it back at the person who shot it.⁸
❄{⿰复鳥}鶝 fùk-fūk fúfú aka 戴胜[戴勝] äi-sëin dàishèng Eurasian hoopoe (Upupa epops); other Chinese names include 墓壙鳥 (金門話:bōng-khòng-tsiáu), 鵀, 鶝, 鴔鵖, 鵖鴔.²ʼ¹⁵ʼ²⁰ a kind of created bird.²⁵
ngel3 11731
38 15 ngêl rǎo <wr.> harass; disturb.⁶
娆恼[嬈惱] ngêl-nâo rǎonǎo disturbing, troublesome.¹¹
<又> ngẽl.
(See 嬈 ngẽl.)
ngel5 11732
64 18 ngêl rǎo to harass; to bother; to trouble; to harass.
打扰[打擾] ā-ngêl dǎrǎo to disturb; to trouble.
吵扰[吵擾] chāo-ngêl
chǎorǎo  to make a noisy disturbance.
缠扰[纏擾] chẽn-ngêl
chánrǎo to bother persistently.⁷
烦扰[煩擾] fãn-ngêl
fánrǎo bother, disturb; feel disturbed.⁸
干扰[干擾] gön-ngêl
gānrǎo to disturb; to interfere; <elec.> interference; jam.
扰乱[擾亂] ngêl-lòn
rǎoluàn to throw into disorder.
骚扰[騷擾] xäo-ngêl
sāorǎo disturb; cause a commotion; harass.¹⁰
喧扰[喧擾] xün-ngêl
xuānrǎo to disturb by noise.¹⁰
ngel5 11733
120 18 ngêl rào wind, coil; move round, circle, revolve; make a detour, bypass, go round.⁵
绕道[繞道] ngêl-ào ràodào make a detour; go by a roundabout route.⁵
绕脖子[繞脖子] ngêl-bòt-dū
ràobózi tricky; involved; to beat about the bush.¹⁰
绕场一周[繞場一周] ngêl-chẽng-yīt-jiü
ràochǎng yīzhōu to go round the stadium.³⁹
绕嘴[繞嘴] ngêl-duī
ràozuǐ (of a sentence) not be smooth; be difficult to articulate.⁵
绕口令[繞口令] ngêl-hēo-lèin
ràokǒulìng tongue twister.⁵
绕开[繞開] ngêl-höi
ràokāi to avoid.¹⁰ bypass.¹⁹
绕圈子[繞圈子] ngêl-hūn-dū
ràoquānzi circle, go round and round; take a circuitous route, make a detour; beat about the bush.⁵
绕射[繞射] ngêl-sèh
ràoshè (=衍射 yēn-sèh yǎnshè) <phy.> diffraction.⁶
绕弯[繞彎] ngêl-vän
ràowān go for a stroll; beat around the bush.⁵⁴
绕弯子[繞彎子] ngêl-vän-dū
ràowānzi talk in a roundabout way; beat about the bush.⁵
绕线[繞線] ngêl-xëin
ràoxiàn coiling; wind, coil, wire wrapping.⁵⁴
ngel5 11734
9 22 ngëm yǎn majestic; dignified; (to act, talk, appear) as if; like.
俨然[儼然] ngëm-ngẽin yǎnrán <wr.> solemn; dignified; neatly arranged; just like.
俨然一色[儼然一色] ngëm-ngẽin-yīt-sēik
yǎnrányīsè exactly the same in color.
俨如[儼如] ngëm-nguĩ
yǎnrú to be just like.
俨如白昼[儼如白晝] ngëm-nguĩ-bàk-jiü
yǎnrúbáizhòu as bright as day.
ngem2 11735
13 5 ngëm rǎn <wr.> slowly; (of tree branches) hanging down loosely; Ran surname.
渐冉[漸冉] dèm-ngëm jiànrǎn <wr.> little by little; slowly; gradually.
or 苒弱 ngëm-ngèk rǎnruò <wr.> weak; delicate; (of plants) drooping.
冉冉 ngëm-ngëm
ránrǎn <wr.> slowly; gradually; to hang down softly (of hair or twigs).
冉冉上升 ngëm-ngëm-sèng-sëin
rǎnrǎn shàngshēng  to rise slowly and gradually.
<又> ngêm.
(See 冉 ngêm.)
ngem2 11736
37 6 ngëm yǎn shaped like an inverted cone.²⁴
(composition: ⿱大小; U+5935).
<又> häo. (See 夵 häo).
ngem2 11737
75 9 ngëm rǎn to dye; to soil, to pollute; to get infected; to have an affair with; (in painting and calligraphy) to make strokes.⁷
染病 ngëm-bèng rǎnbìng to get infected; to catch a disease[ to fall ill.⁷
染布 ngëm-bü
rǎnbù to dye cloth.⁷
染坊 ngëm-fōng
rǎnfáng dyehouse; dyeworks.⁵
染房 ngëm-fông
rǎnfáng dyehouse.⁸
染缸 ngëm-göng
rǎngāng dye jigger.⁸ dyeing vessel; dye jar; a dye vat.¹⁹
染指 ngëm-jī
rǎnzhǐ take a share of something one is not entitled to.⁸
染指甲 ngëm-jī-gâp rǎn
zhǐjia color one's nails.⁵⁴
染料 ngëm-lèl
rǎnliào dyestuff; dye.⁵
染色 ngëm-sēik
rǎnsè dyeing; coloring.⁵
染色体[染色體] ngëm-sēik-hāi
rǎnsètǐ chromosome.⁸
染色质[染色質] ngëm-sēik-jīt
rǎnsèzhì chromatin.⁵
染毒 ngëm-ùk
rǎndú to be infected with venereal disease; to use narcotics.⁷
染污 ngëm-vü
rǎnwū to stain; to smear; to make dirty; to contaminate.⁷
染印法 ngëm-yïn-fāt
rǎnyìnfǎ dye-transfer process.⁵
<又> ngêm.
(See 染 ngêm.)
ngem2 11738
86 15 ngëm rǎn to respect.¹⁴ʼ²⁴ <lit.> deferential; respectful.³⁶
(composition: ⿰火𦰩; U+71AF).
我孔熯矣 ngô-kūng-ngëm-yì wǒkǒngrǎnyǐ I have great respect for.¹⁴
Ngô-kūng-ngëm-yì, sēik-lâi-mòk-hëin.
Wǒ kǒng rǎn yǐ, shì lǐ mò qiān.
We are very much exhausted,
And have performed every ceremony without error.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·北山之什·楚茨》, translated by James Legge).
<又> hòn.
(See 熯 hòn).
ngem2 11739
140 8 ngëm rǎn luxuriant growth; passing (of time).
光阴荏苒[光陰荏苒] göng-yïm-ngìm-ngëm guāngyīnrěnrǎn Time passes very quickly.¹ Time flies.
年光荏苒 nẽin-göng-ngìm-ngëm
niánguāngrěnrǎn to elapse gradually and imperceptibly (of time); to pass quickly (of time).¹ the quick passing of time.⁹
苒苒 ngëm-ngëm
rǎnrǎn (of grasses) luxuriantly, lushly.
苒荏 ngëm-ngìm
rǎnrěn to pass gradually (of time).
荏苒 ngìm-ngëm
rěnrǎn <wr.> to slip by imperceptibly.¹ gradually, little by little (time passes).¹¹
<又> ngêm.
(See 苒 ngêm.)
ngem2 11740
142 11 ngëm rán (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 蚺 ngẽm rán with same meaning: a boa constrictor.⁸)
<又> nãm; ngẽm; ngêm.
(See 蚺 nãm; 蚺 ngẽm; 蚺 ngêm; 蚦 ngẽm.)
ngem2 11741
164 13 ngëm rǎn tasteless; light; food in the form of paste; to dislike.⁸
(composition: ⿱任酉; U+48F8).
䤔䣸 dëm-ngëm jiānrǎn or dèm-ngëm zǎnrǎn insipid, little taste, almost tasteless.² a poor insipid taste.²⁵
䭕䣸 dèm-ngëm
jiànrǎn a briny taste.²⁵
<又> nām; näm.
(See 䣸 nām; 䣸 näm).
ngem2 11742
30 19 ngẽm yán severe, stern, Yan surname.
严饬[嚴飭] ngẽm-chēik or ngẽm-sēik yánchì <wr.> issue strict orders.⁵
严峻[嚴峻] ngẽm-dün
yánjùn grim; severe; rigorous.¹⁰
严格[嚴格] ngẽm-gâk
yán'gé strict; stringent; rigorous.
严禁[嚴禁] ngẽm-gïm
yánjìn strictly forbid/prohibit.⁶
严檄诸将[嚴檄諸將] ngẽm-hàt-jï-dëng
yánxízhūjiāng strictly enlist and instruct some generals.⁶
严苛[嚴苛] ngẽm-hõ
or ngẽm-hô yánkē harsh (administration of law).⁷
严寒[嚴寒] ngẽm-hõn
yánhán severe cold; bitter cold.⁵
严阵以待[嚴陣以待] ngẽm-jìn-yî-òi
yánzhènyǐdài to be or remain in combat readiness.
严重[嚴重] ngẽm-jùng
yánzhòng serious; critical.
严酷[嚴酷] ngẽm-hùk
yánkù harsh, grim; cruel, ruthless.⁵
严厉[嚴厲] ngẽm-lài
yánlì stern; severe.⁸
严戢吏弊[嚴戢吏弊] ngẽm-tīp-lì-bài
yánjílìbì put a stop to official abuses.¹¹
严密[嚴密] ngẽm-mìt
yánmì strict (rules); confidential.
严肃[嚴肅] ngẽm-xūk
yánsù solemn; serious; grave.⁵
严以律己,宽以待人[嚴以律己寬以待人] ngẽm-yî-lùt-gī, fön-yî-òi-ngĩn
yán yǐ lǜjǐ, kuān yǐ dàirén be hard or strict with oneself and lenient or merciful toward others.⁶
ngem3 11743
142 10 ngẽm rán (=蚺 ngẽm rán) a boa constrictor.⁸
(See 蚺 ngẽm).
ngem3 11744
142 11 ngẽm rán a boa constrictor.⁸ (variant: 蚦 ngẽm rán).
蚺蛇 ngẽm-sẽh
or nãm-sẽh ránshé (=蟒蛇 mông-sẽh mǎngshé) boa; python.⁶
蚺蛇尖 ngẽm-sẽh-dëm
or nãm-sẽh-dëm ránshéjiān Sharp Peak or Nam She Tsim, a hill in 西贡半岛[西貢半島] Xäi-güng Bön-āo Xīgòng Bàndǎo Sai Kung Peninsula, Hong Kong.
森蚺 sẽim-ngẽm
or sẽim-nãm sēnrán green anaconda, common anaconda, water boa (Eunectes murinus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
<又> nãm; ngëm; ngêm.
(See 蚺 nãm; 蚺 ngëm; 蚺 ngêm; 蚦 ngẽm.)
ngem3 11745
190 14 ngẽm rán (=髯 ngẽm rán) whiskers; beard.⁵
(See 髯 ngẽm.)
ngem3 11746
190 15 ngẽm rán whiskers; beard.⁵ (variant: 髥 ngẽm rán.)
白发苍髯[白髮蒼髯] bàk-fāt-töng-ngẽm báifàcāngrán having white hair and a hoary beard.⁵⁴
美髯 mî-ngẽm
měirán <wr.> beautiful beard.⁵⁴
美髯公 mî-ngẽm-güng
měirángōng man with well-trimmed beard and moustache.⁶
髯鹫[髯鷲] ngẽm-diù
ránjiù lammergeier.⁶ (See 胡兀鹫 [鬍兀鷲] vũ-ngūt-diù).
髯狗 ngẽm-gēo
rángǒu schnauzer.⁶
髯口 ngẽm-hēo
ránkou <opera> false beard and whiskers (worn in traditional opera performances).⁶
髯海豹 ngẽm-hōi-bäo
ránhǎibào <zoo.> bearded seal.⁶
髯奴 ngẽm-nũ
ránnú a heavily bearded fellow.⁷
髯蛇 ngẽm-sẽh
ránshé (=蟒蛇 mông-sẽh mǎngshé) python; boa.¹⁰
髯叟 ngẽm-xēo
ránsǒu a bearded old man; an old man.⁷
髯苏[髯蘇] Ngẽm-xü
Ránsū a nickname of the Song Dynasty poet 苏轼[蘇軾] Xü Sēik Sū Shì Su Shi who was heavily bearded.⁷
髯翁 ngẽm-yüng
ránwēng an old man.¹⁴
玉髯 ngùk-ngẽm
yùrán bean sprouts as a vegetable.⁵⁴
(See 髥 ngẽm.)
ngem3 11747
164 26 ngèm yàn (of tea) thick; strong.⁵  strong, as a liquid; rich, as gravies.¹⁴
茶太酽[茶太釅] chã-häi-ngèm chátàiyàn the tea is too strong.⁵
茶是后来酽[茶是後來釅] chã-sì-hèo-lõi-ngèm
chá shì hòulái yàn <topo.> improve with age/experience.⁵⁴
酽茶[釅茶] ngèm-chã
yànchá strong tea.⁹
酽酒[釅酒] ngèm-diū
yànjiǔ fine liquor/wine.¹⁹
ngem4 11748
187 18 ngèm yàn (=验[驗] ngèm yàn examine, check, test; prove effective, produce the expected result.⁵); to verity, to fulfil; to examine, to hold an inquest.⁸
(composition: ⿰馬念; U+9A10).
(See 驗 ngèm).
ngem4 11749
187 23 ngèm yàn examine, check, test; prove effective, produce the expected result.⁵
屡试屡踬[屢試屢躓] luî-sï-luî-jï lǚshìlǚzhì fail at each trial; try repeatedly but in vain.⁶
屡试屡验[屢試屢驗] luî-sï-luî-ngèm
lǚshìlǚyàn prove successful in every test.⁵
验潮器[驗潮器] ngèm-chẽl-hï
yàncháoqì tide gauge.⁵
验定[驗定] ngèm-èin
yàndìng to examine; to assay.¹⁰
验电器[驗電器] ngèm-èin-hï
yàndiànqì electroscope.⁵
验方[驗方] ngèm-föng
yànfāng <中医> proved recipe.⁵
验关[驗關] ngèm-gän
yànguān customs examination.⁵
验光[驗光] ngèm-göng
yànguāng optometry.⁵
验血[驗血] ngèm-hüt
yànxuè blood test.⁵
验证[驗證] ngèm-jëin
yànzhèng test and verify.⁵
验讫[驗訖] ngèm-kēik
yànqì be checked/inspected.⁶
验伤[驗傷] ngèm-sëng
yànshāng to examine wounds.¹¹
验尸[驗屍] ngèm-sï
yànshī postmortem; autopsy.⁵
验收[驗收] ngèm-siü
yànshōu check upon delivery.⁵
验枪[驗槍] ngèm-tëng
yànqiāng <mil> inspect arms.⁵
验护照[驗護照] ngèm-vù-jël
yànhùzhào examine (or check) a passport.⁵
验算[驗算] ngèm-xön
yànsuàn checking computations.⁵
ngem4 11750
13 5 ngêm rǎn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 冉 ngëm rǎn with same meaning: <wr.> slowly; (of tree branches) hanging down loosely; Ran surname.)
<又> ngëm.
(See 冉 ngëm.)
ngem5 11751
75 9 ngêm rǎn catch (a disease); acquire (a bad habit); soil; contaminate.⁵ be contagious; infect.⁸
传染[傳染] chũn-ngêm chuánrǎn infect; be contagious.⁸
渐染[漸染] dëm-ngêm
jiānrǎn <wr.> be imperceptibly influenced.⁶
习染[習染] dìp-ngêm
xírǎn contract a bad habit; fall into a bad habit (of).⁶
沾染 jëm-ngêm
zhānrǎn be infected with; be contaminated by; be tainted with.⁵
染病 ngêm-bèng
rǎnbìng be infected with a disease.⁸
染疴[染痾] ngêm-ü
or ngêm-ö rǎnkē contact an illness.⁶
染毒 ngêm-ùk
rǎndú contamination.⁸
污染 vü-ngêm
wūrǎn pollution; contamination.¹⁰
一尘不染[一塵不染] yīt-chĩn-būt-ngêm
yīchénbùrǎn untainted by even a speck of dust (idiom); selfless and incorruptible; spotless.¹⁰
<又> ngëm.
(See 染 ngëm.)
ngem5 11752
140 8 ngêm rǎn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 苒 ngëm rǎn with same meaning: luxuriant growth; passing (of time).)
<又> ngëm.
(See 苒 ngëm.)
ngem5 11753
142 11 ngêm rán (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 蚺 ngẽm rán with same meaning: a boa constrictor.⁸)
<又> nãm; ngëm; ngẽm.
(See 蚺 nãm; 蚺 ngëm; 蚺 ngẽm; 蚦 ngẽm.)
ngem5 11754
149 20 ngèm yàn to testify, to verify.²⁵
(composition: ⿰訁僉; U+8B63).
<又> hēm; tïm; xëin. (See 譣 hēm; 譣 tïm; 譣 xëin).
ngem5 11755
142 23 ngēng rǎng (=土螽 hū-jüng tǔzhōng) gray grasshopper.¹⁹
or 蠰溪 ngēng-käi rǎngxī grasshopper.¹⁹
<又> ngẽng, nõng, sèng, söng.
(See 蠰 ngẽng, nõng, sèng, söng.)
ngeng1 11756
19 19 ngẽng ráng  haste.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰⿰襄力; U+52F7).
恇勷 köng-ngẽng kuāngráng <wr.> hard pressed, harassed.¹¹
劻勷 köng-ngẽng
kuāngráng <wr.> anxious.⁶ <wr.> critical, hard pressed; hurriedly.¹¹ quick, hasty.¹⁴ in haste; urgent.²⁴ flustered.³⁶
<又> xëng.
(See 勷 xëng).
ngeng3 11757
32 20 ngẽng rǎng soil; loam; earth; area.
接壤 dëp-ngẽng jiērǎng to have a common border.
接壤地区[接壤地區] dëp-ngẽng-ì-kuï
jiērǎngdìqū contiguous areas.
皋壤 gäo-ngẽng
gāorǎng land by a marsh or swamp.⁷
天壤 hëin-ngẽng
tiān-rǎng <wr.> heaven and earth.
天壤之别[天壤之別] hëin-ngẽng-jï-bèik
tiānrǎngzhībié to be as far removed as heaven and earth; to be vastly different; poles apart.
天壤王郎 hëin-ngẽng-võng-lõng
tiānrǎngwángláng to be married to a bad husband.
土壤 hū-ngẽng
tǔrǎng soil.
穷乡僻壤[窮鄉僻壤] kũng-hëng-pēik-ngẽng
qióngxiāng pìrǎng a district shut off from the outside world.¹¹
壤土 ngẽng-hū
rǎngtǔ loam.
沃壤 yūk-ngẽng
wòrǎng fertile soil.¹⁰
ngeng3 11758
64 20 ngẽng rǎng <wr.> to reject; to resist; to seize; to grab; to push up one's sleeves.
攘臂 ngẽng-bî rǎngbì <wr.> to push up one's sleeves and bare one's arms (in excitement or agitation).
攘除 ngẽng-chuĩ
rǎngchú <wr.> to get rid of; to weed out; to reject.
攘袂 ngẽng-mài
rǎngmèi roll up one's sleeves and be ready for action.¹¹
攘袂切齿[攘袂切齒] ngẽng-mài-tēik-chī
rǎngmèiqièchǐ roll up one's sleeves and clench one's teeth – be excited and indignant.³⁹
攘外 ngẽng-ngòi
rǎngwài to resist foreign aggression.
攘夺[攘奪] ngẽng-ùt
rǎngduó <wr.> to seize; to grab.
ngeng3 11759
85 20 ngẽng ráng (of dew) a lot; water silt.⁸ heavily bedewed.¹⁴ <old> dewy, heavy with dew, misty.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵襄; U+703C).
零露瀼瀼 lẽin-lù-ngẽng-ngẽng línglùrángráng heavily wet with dew.¹⁴
瀼河 ngẽng-hõ
ránghé Rang River (a river in Henan, China).⁸ʼ³⁶
瀼瀼 ngẽng-ngẽng
rángráng waves heaving up and down, opening and closing.⁸
<又> nõng.
(See 瀼 nõng).
ngeng3 11760
86 21 ngẽng rǎng fire.²⁴ fire, sparks.³⁶
(composition: ⿰火襄; U+7219).
ngeng3 11761
113 21 ngẽng ráng <wr.> avert (a misfortune or disaster) by prayers.⁵ sacrifice for avoiding calamity.¹⁰
祈禳 kĩ-ngẽng qíráng to pray for protection against calamities.⁷
禳除 ngẽng-chuĩ
rángchú exorcise, drive away or out (demon, devil).¹¹
禳除疠殃[禳除癘殃] ngẽng-chuĩ-lài-yëng
rángchúlìyāng to pray or sacrifice for the removal of pestilence.¹⁴
禳谢[禳謝] ngẽng-dèh
rángxiè (of superstitious people) pray to gods to avert a misfortune.⁸
禳灾[禳災] ngẽng-döi
rángzāi make effort to avert calamity by sacrifices.¹¹
禳解 ngẽng-gāi
rángjiě to pray the gods for the avoidance of a misfortune.¹⁰ exorcise evil spirits.¹¹
ngeng3 11762
115 18 ngẽng ráng (<old>=穰 ngẽng ráng) stalks of grain; lush; abundant.⁸ the number 1x10^28 or 1x10²⁸, i.e., 1 followed by 28 zeros.
(See 穰 ngẽng ráng).
ngeng3 11763
115 22 ngẽng ráng <topo.> grain stalks after threshing; <wr.> (of harvest)
abundant; bumper; (=瓤 nõng ráng) pulp, interior part.⁶ (variant: 穣 ngẽng ráng).
豆穰子 èo-ngẽng-dū
dòurángzi bean stalks after thrashing.⁶
降福穰穰 göng-fūk-ngẽng-ngẽng
jiàngfúrángráng sending down blessings in abundance.¹⁴
穰年 ngẽng-nẽin
rángnián a bumper harvest year.⁷
穰穰 ngẽng-ngẽng
rángráng  (of a harvest) rich; abundant.⁶
穰穰满家[穰穰滿家] ngẽng-ngẽng-mōn-gä
rángráng mǎnjiā with stores at home filled with a bumper grain harvest.⁶
穰草 ngẽng-tāo
rángcǎo rice or wheat straw.⁶
穰岁[穰歲] ngẽng-xuï
rángsuì bearing/good year; bumper harvest.⁶
盛穰 sèin-ngẽng
shèngráng prosperous; flourishing.¹⁴
(See 穰 [ngẽng rǎng]; 穣 ngẽng; 瓤 nõng).
ngeng3 11764
115 22 ngẽng rǎng crowded; confusing, mixed up, disturbed (mind).⁷ (=禳 ngẽng ráng) to sacrifice.¹⁴
穰田 ngẽng-hẽin
rǎngtián to offer sacrifices to gods for a good harvest.⁷ sacrifices to beseech a good harvest.¹⁴
(See 穰 [ngẽng ráng]; 禳 ngẽng).
ngeng3 11765
120 23 ngẽng rǎng ➀ to roll up one's sleeves to reveal one's arms ➁ a cord used to tie up the sleeves ➂ silk raveled.⁸
(composition: ⿰糹襄; U+7E95).
纕臂 ngẽng-bî rǎngbì roll up your sleeves.⁵⁴
纕冠 ngẽng-gön
rǎngguān a hat worn during mourning.¹⁹
<又> xëng; xông.
(See 纕 xëng; 纕 xông).
ngeng3 11766
140 20 ngẽng ráng a kind of wild ginger.⁸
蘘荷 ngẽng-hõ ránghé <bot.> mioga ginger, Zingiber mioga.¹¹
ngeng3 11767
142 23 ngẽng ráng 蟷蠰 öng-ngẽng or öng-nõng dāngráng or dāngnáng
(=螳螂⁸ hõng-lõng tángláng) a mantis.⁷
<又> ngēng, nõng, sèng, söng.
(See 蠰 ngēng, nõng, sèng, söng.)
ngeng3 11768
30 20 ngèng rǎng to shout, yell, make an uproar, hawl; to make a noise/row, make an uproar, row, bawl; <topo.> scold, dress down, bawl somebody out, rebuke.⁶
大嚷大叫 ài-ngèng-ài-gël dàrǎngdàjiào to rant and rave.⁹
吵吵嚷嚷 chāo-chāo-ngèng-ngèng
chǎochǎorǎngrǎng to make an (unnecessary) racket (idiom).¹⁰
吵嚷 chāo-ngèng
chǎorǎng to make a racket; clamour; uproar.¹⁰
嚷叫 ngèng-gël
rǎngjiào to shout/yell loudly, make an uproar, hawl.⁶
(See 嚷 [ngèng, rāng].)
ngeng4 11769
30 20 ngèng rāng 嚷嚷 ngèng-ngèng rāngrang <topo.> to yell, bawl, shout, make a noise/row, make an uproar; to make widely known, noise about.⁶
(See 嚷 [ngèng, rǎng].)
ngeng4 11770
149 24 ngèng ràng to allow; to yield; to offer; to transfer ownership of.
谦让[謙讓] hïm-ngèng qiānràng to modestly decline.
转让[轉讓] jōn-ngèng
zhuǎnràng to transfer the ownership of.
让枣推梨[讓棗推梨] ngèng-dāo-tuï-lĩ
ràngzǎotuīlí show brotherly love.¹⁹
让步[讓步] ngèng-bù
ràngbù to make concessions.
让茶[讓茶] ngèng-chã
ràngchá to offer somebody tea.
让路[讓路] ngèng-lù
rànglù to step aside to let someone else pass.
让人[讓人] ngèng-ngĩn
ràngrén to be conciliatory or concessive; to yield to others.
让我瞅瞅[讓我瞅瞅] ngèng-ngô-chẽl-chẽl
ràngwǒ chǒuchǒu Let me have a look.⁵
让位[讓位] ngèng-vì
ràngwèi to abdicate; to yield to.
让雨浞透了[讓雨浞透了] ngèng-yî-dūk-hëo-lēl
or ngèng-yî-jōk-hëo-lēl ràngyǔzhuótòule  <topo.> be soaked or drenched to the skin with rain.⁶
当仁不让[當仁不讓] öng-ngĩn-būt-ngèng
dāngrénbùràng to yield to nobody when doing what is right; not leave to others what one ought to do oneself.
退让[退讓] huï-ngèng
tuìràng step aside; concede.⁵⁵
ngeng4 11771
164 20 ngèng niàng (<old>=酿[釀] ngèng niàng) to brew, to ferment; to take shape or form slowly; wine.⁷
(See 釀 ngèng).
ngeng4 11772
164 24 ngèng niàng to brew, to ferment; to take shape or form slowly; wine.⁷ (variant: 醸 ngèng niàng).
酒酿[酒釀] diū-ngèng
jiǔniàng fermented rice or barley for brewing wine or liquor.⁷
酿造[釀造] ngèng-dào
niàngzào to brew.⁷
酿酒[釀酒] ngèng-diū
niàngjiǔ to brew wine.⁷
酿蜜[釀蜜] ngèng-mìt
niàngmì (of bees) to make honey.⁷
酿酶[釀酶] ngèng-mõi
niàngméi zymase.¹⁰
酿母菌[釀母菌] ngèng-mû-kûn
niàngmǔjūn yeast.¹⁰
酿热物[釀熱物] ngèng-ngèik-mùt
or ngèng-ngèik-mòt niàngrèwù ferment material.⁶
酿脓[釀膿] ngèng-nũng
niàngnóng suppuration.¹⁴
酿成[釀成] ngèng-sẽin
niàngchéng to bring about slowly; to breed; to lead slowly to; to form gradually.⁷
酿成大祸[釀成大禍] ngèng-sẽin-ài-vò
niàngchéngdàhuò to lead to catastrophe.¹⁰
酿成事故[釀成事故] ngèng-sẽin-xù-gü
niàngchéng shìgù to fester into a problem.¹⁰
酿祸[釀禍] ngèng-vò
niànghuò to brew mischief.⁷
酿酝[釀醞] ngèng-vün
niàngyùn to foster.¹⁰
(See 醸 ngèng).
ngeng4 11773
9 6 ngêng yǎng raise the head to look; look up to, rely on, admire.⁸
(composition: ⿰亻卬; U+4EF0).
俯仰自得 fū-ngêng-dù-āk fǔyǎngzìdé be contented and happy wherever one may be.¹¹
久仰 giū-ngêng
jiǔyǎng <court.> pleased to meet you.
瞻仰 jëm-ngêng
zhānyǎng or 瞻拜 jëm-bäi zhānbài look at with reverence.⁶
仰天长啸[仰天長嘯] ngêng-hëin-chẽng-xël
or ngêng-hëin-chẽng-säo yǎngtiānchángxiào to look up to the sky and utter a long and mournful cry.⁶
仰赖[仰賴] ngêng-lài
yǎnglài rely on.⁶
仰慕 ngêng-mù
yǎngmù to admire; to respect.⁸
仰人鼻息 ngêng-ngĩn-bì-xēik
yǎngrénbíxī to be at somebody's beck and call.
仰食 ngêng-sèik
yǎngshí to sponge (on others).
仰泳 ngêng-vèin
yǎngyǒng backstroke.¹⁰
信仰 xïn-ngêng
xìnyǎng (religious) faith; to believe.
ngeng5 11774
26 4 ngêng yǎng (<old>=仰 ngêng yǎng raise the head to look; look up to, rely on, admire.⁸)
(composition: ⿰⿱丿𠄌卩; U+536C).
<又> ngõng.
(See 卬 ngõng).
ngeng5 11775
93 4 ngēo niú <台> 牛头[牛頭] ngēo-hêo inside.
<又> ngẽo. (See 牛 ngẽo, ngèo.)
ngeo1 11776
20 4 ngëo gòu to manage; business affairs.⁷
勾当[勾當] ngëo-öng gòudàng an underhand job; a dirty business; a plot; an intrigue; hush-hush activities.⁷
(See 勾 [ngëo, gōu], gêo.)
ngeo2 11777
20 4 ngëo gōu to mark, to put a check, to mark on; to cancel, to cross out; to join, to connect; to evoke; to entice, to seduce.⁷
勾搭 ngëo-äp gōuda gang up with; seduce.⁵
勾除 ngëo-chuĩ
gōuchú to eliminate; to cancel; to delete.⁷
勾出 ngëo-chūt
gōuchū to delineate; to articulate; to evoke; to draw out; to tick off.¹⁰
勾结[勾結] ngëo-gēik
gōujié gang up with.⁵⁵
勾股定理 ngëo-gū èin-lî
gōugǔ dìnglǐ <math.> the  Pythagorean theorem.⁵
勾芡 ngëo-hïm
gōuqiàn thicken by adding starch.⁵⁵
勾通 ngëo-hüng
gōutōng collude with.⁵⁵
勾勒 ngëo-làk
gōulè sketch; outline.⁵⁵
勾栏[勾欄] ngëo-lãn
gōulán a brothel.⁷
勾画[勾畫] ngëo-vàk
gōuhuà to sketch.⁵⁵
勾魂 ngëo-vũn
gōuhún to bewitch; enchant; fascinate.⁷
勾引 ngëo-yîn
gōuyǐn tempt; entice; seduce.⁵
一笔勾销[一筆勾銷] yīt-bīt-ngëo-xël
yībǐ gōuxiāo to write off at one stroke; to cancel.⁹
(See 勾 [ngëo, gòu], gêo.)
ngeo2 11778
30 5 ngëo gōu (=勾 gêo gōu); (=鈎 ngêo gōu) a hook.¹¹ Surname Gou.⁷
(composition: ⿹勹口; U+53E5).
句践[句踐] Ngëo-dèin
Gōujiàn the King of 越 Yòt Yuè during the Epoch of Warring States.⁷ (Now his name is usually written 勾践[勾踐] Ngëo-dèin Gōujiàn). (See 越王勾践[越王勾踐] Yòt-võng Ngëo-dèin).
<又> guï, guî.
(See 句 guï, guî.)
ngeo2 11779
159 12 ngëo gōu yoke beam.²
(composition: ⿰車句; U+8EE5).
车軥[車軥] guï-ngëo jūgōu the central piece of wood in a carriage.²⁵
軥辂[軥輅] ngëo-lù
gōulù the carriages used during the Xia dynasty.²⁵
<又> kuĩ; këo; gēo.
(See 軥 kuĩ; 軥 këo; 軥 gēo).
ngeo2 11780
167 13 ngëo gōu to hook, to catch; crochet; sew wth large stitches; <wr.> investigate, explore, search (after/for).⁶
钩沉[鉤沉] ngëo-chĩm gōuchén search for abstruse principles lost.⁶
钩摭[鉤摭] ngëo-jēik
gōuzhí <wr.> audit (accounts).⁵⁴
钩住[鉤住] ngëo-jì
gōuzhù to hook onto; to hitch onto;
to catch onto.¹⁰
钩针[鉤針] ngëo-jïm/
gōuzhēn crochet hook.⁶
钩稽[鉤稽] ngëo-käi
gōujī to explore and check.⁹
钩心斗角[鉤心鬥角] ngëo-xïm-ëo-gök
gōuxīndòujiǎo intrigue/scheme against each other; jocky for position.⁶
钩玄[鉤玄] ngëo-yõn
gōuxuán <wr.> seek abstruse principles.⁶
<又> ngêo.
(See 鉤 ngêo; 鈎 ngêo; 鈎 gêo.)
ngeo2 11781
61 8 ngẽo niú to worry.⁸
(composition: ⿰忄奴; U+6013).
<又> nào. (See 怓 nào).
ngeo3 11782
93 4 ngẽo niú Kangxi radical 93; cow, ox, bull.⁸
牛鞭 ngẽo-bëin niúbiān pizzle.⁸
牛蒡 ngẽo-bōng
niúbàng great burdock (Arctium lappa).¹⁰
牛仔裤[牛仔褲] ngẽo-dōi-fû
niúzǎikù jeans.⁹
牛轧糖[牛軋糖] ngẽo-gāt-hõng
niúgátáng nougat.⁹
牛头马面[牛頭馬面] ngẽo-hẽo-mâ-mèin
niútóumǎmiàn devils in animal forms.¹¹
牛津 Ngẽo-jün
Niújīn Oxford.¹¹
牛柳 ngẽo-liû
niúliǔ beef tenderloin.⁹ sirloin.¹⁰
牛郎织女[牛郎織女] ngẽo-lõng-jēik-nuī
niúlángzhīnǚ the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid who meet once a year on the seventh day of the seventh moon.⁷
牛尾 ngẽo-mī
niúwěi oxtail.⁵
牛腩 ngẽo-nâm
niúnǎn belly beef; spongy beef.¹⁰
牛奶 ngẽo-nâi
niúnǎi cow's milk.⁶
牛肉 ngẽo-ngùk
niúròu beef.¹¹
牛肉干[牛肉乾] ngẽo-ngùk-gôn/
niúròugān beef jerky.³⁹
牛肉汁 ngẽo-ngùk-jīp
niúròuzhī beef extract.⁶
牛排 ngẽo-pãi/
niúpái steak.¹⁰
牛蛙 ngẽo-vä
niúwā bullfrog.¹⁰
牛衣对泣[牛衣對泣] ngẽo-yï-uï-hīp
niúyīduìqì lit. to weep together in coarse clothes – (said of a married couple) to live in extreme poverty.⁷
<又> ngēo.
(See 牛 ngēo, ngèo.)
ngeo3 11783
140 7 ngẽo niú name of a variety of grass, a kind of herb.⁸
the name of a plant; a kind of grain, that grows two or three feet high, the leaves are round and tapering, like spoons, and disposed in pairs opposite each other; they have knots at certain intervals, like cow's knees, and on the knots flowers bud forth, which produce ears, and yield fruit.²⁵ amaranthus budentata B1 in the Amaranthaceae Family.¹⁰³
(composition: ⿱艹牛; U+449C).
䒜膝 ngẽo-xīp
niúxī the name of a medicinal herb.¹⁰¹
ngeo3 11784
30 7 ngèo niú <台> 吽 or 牛 ngèo crazy; stupid; ignorant; mad.
<台> 吽鬼 or 牛鬼 ngèo-gī idiot.
<又> hüng.
(See 吽 hüng).
ngeo4 11785
93 4 ngèo niú <台> 牛 or 吽 ngèo crazy; stupid; ignorant; mad.
<台> 牛鬼
or 吽鬼 ngèo-gī idiot.
<又> ngẽo.
(See 牛 ngẽo, ngēo.)
ngeo4 11786
9 11 ngêo ǒu ➀ idol, image; ➁ even (number), in pairs; mate, spouse; ➂ by change/accident, accidentally; once in a while, occasionally.⁶
佳偶 gäi-ngêo jiā'ǒu <wr.>perfectly matched couple; well-matched couple; ideal spouse.⁶
佳偶自天成 gäi-ngêo-dù-hëin-sẽin
jiā'ǒuzìtiānchéng ideal marriage is divinely arranged.⁶
奇偶 gï-ngêo
jī'ǒu odd-even; parity.⁶
无独有偶[無獨有偶] mũ-ùk-yiû-ngêo
wúdúyǒu'ǒu it is not unique; do not come singly, but in pairs.⁸
偶像 ngêo-dèng
ǒuxiàng idol; image.⁶
偶然 ngêo-ngẽin
ǒurán accidental, fortuitous; accidentally, by chance, once in a while, occasionally.⁶
偶尔[偶爾] ngêo-ngì
ǒu'ěr once in a while, occasionally.⁶
or 耦数[耦數] ngêo-sü ǒushù an even number.⁷
配偶 pöi-ngêo
pèi'ǒu spouse.⁵
对偶[對偶] uï-ngêo
duì'ǒu dual; duality; antithesis; coupled phrases (as rhetorical device); spouse.¹⁰
对偶婚[對偶婚] uï-ngêo-fün
duì'ǒuhūn dual marriage.¹⁹ (primitive) paired marriage.⁵⁴
<台> 两口偶[兩口偶] lēng-hēo-ngêo/ speak with a forked tongue.
ngeo5 11787
30 7 ngêo ǒu to accord.²⁴ (same as 和) and; harmony, peace; peaceful, calm; an ancient mouth organ similar to the sheng (笙 säng shēng), but smaller; no longer used.³⁶
(composition: ⿰口午; U+5418).
和吘 võ-ngêo
hé'ǒu harmonious; concordant.
ngeo5 11788
85 12 ngêo ǒu (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 湡 nguĩ with same meaning: the ancient name of Shahe (沙河), Hebei Province (河北省).⁸ ancient swamp name.⁸ʼ¹³ the name of a river.²⁴ ancient name of Shahe in Xingtai, Hebei; ancient swamp name.³⁶).²
(composition: ⿰氵禺; U+6E61).
<又> nguĩ.
(See 湡 nguĩ).
ngeo5 11789
93 10 ngêo ǒu a bull.⁸
(composition: ⿰牜后; U+3E38).
<又> hāo; hēo. (See 㸸 hāo; 㸸 hēo).
ngeo5 11790
127 15 ngêo ǒu ➀ <wr.> (of two persons) plow side by side ➁ (=偶² ngêo ǒu) even (number), in pairs; mate, spouse.⁶
机械耦合[機械耦合] gï-hài-ngêo-hàp
jīxiè'ǒuhé mechanical coupling.⁶
耦耕 ngêo-gäng
ǒugēng to plow side by side.⁷
耦居 ngêo-guï
ǒujū to dwell together as husband and wife.⁷
耦合 ngêo-hàp
ǒuhé <phy.> coupling.⁶
耦合电路[耦合電路] ngêo-hàp-èin-lù
ǒuhédiànlù coupled circuit or coupling circuit.⁶
耦合系数[耦合係數] ngêo-hàp-hài-sü
ǒuhéxìshù coupling coefficient.⁶
耦语[耦語] ngêo-nguî
ǒuyǔ to have a tete-à-tete; to whisper to each other.⁷
or 偶数[偶數] ngêo-sü ǒushù an even number.⁷
(See 偶² ngêo).
ngeo5 11791
140 18 ngêo ǒu lotus root.⁸
莲藕[蓮藕] lẽin-ngêo lián'ǒu lotus root.⁸
藕花 ngêo-fä
ǒuhuā lotus flower.¹¹
藕粉 ngêo-fūn
ǒufěn lotus root starch.³⁹
藕荷 ngêo-hõ
ǒuhé pinkish and light purple color.⁹
藕断丝连[藕斷絲連] ngêo-òn-xü-lẽin
ǒuduànsīlián lit. lotus roots may break, but the fiber remains joined (idiom); lovers part, but still long for one another.¹⁰
藕色 ngêo-sēik
ǒusè pale pinkish gray color.¹⁹
ngeo5 11792
167 12 ngêo gōu a hook; to hook.⁷ (=鉤 ngêo gōu) hook, barb; sickle; stroke with.⁸
<又> gêo. (See 鉤 ngêo; 鉤 ngëo; 鈎 gêo.)
ngeo5 11793
167 13 ngêo gōu catch/hook; hooked stroke (in Chinese characters); tick, check mark.⁶ (variant: 钩[鈎]).
秤钩[秤鉤] chêin-ngêo or chêin-gêo chènggōu steelyard hook.⁸
钓钩[釣鉤] ël-ngêo
diàogōu fishhook; hook.⁹
钩虫[鉤蟲] ngêo-chũng
gōuchóng hookworm.⁶
钩子[鉤子] ngêo-dū
gōuzi a hook; hook-like object.⁸
钩爪[鉤爪] ngêo-jāo
gōuzhǎo talons.¹¹
钩爪[鉤爪] ngêo-jāo
gōuzhuǎ knuckle.⁹ falcula.¹⁰
钩形的[鉤形的] ngêo-yẽin-ēik
gōuxíng de falcular.⁹ hook- shaped.¹⁹
鱼钩[魚鉤] nguî-ngêo
or nguî-gêo yúgōu a fishing hook.⁹
<又> ngëo.
(See 鉤 ngëo; 鈎 ngêo; 鈎 gêo.)
ngeo5 11794
46 16 ngèp towering.⁸ <lit.> tall; high; towering (of buildings, mountains).³⁶ tall, steep.⁵⁴ (variant: 嶫 ngèp ).
(composition: ⿰山業; U+5DAA).
岌嶪 kīp-ngèp
jíyè high and steep; towering; perilous.¹⁰ mountainous, lofty.²⁴
(See 嶫 ngèp).
ngep4 11795
46 16 ngèp (=嶪 ngèp yè towering.⁸ <lit.> tall; high; towering (of buildings, mountains).³⁶ tall, steep.⁵⁴).²ʼ⁸
(composition: ⿱山業; U+5DAB).
(See 嶪 ngèp).
ngep4 11796
75 13 ngèp profession, business, trade; Ye surname.⁸
业大[業大] ngèp-ài yè-dà part-time college (abbreviation for 业余大学).¹⁰
业报[業報] ngèp-bäo
yèbào <Budd.> retribution (for karma or sins); karma.⁶
业绩[業績] ngèp-dēik
yèjì outstanding achievement.⁵
业精于勤[業精於勤] ngèp-dëin-yï-kĩn
yèjīngyúqín Excellence in work is possible only with diligence.⁷
业经[業經] ngèp-gëin
yèjīng already.⁸
业障[業障] ngèp-jëng
yèzhàng <Budd.> the past sin as a present obstacle; karma.⁷
业主[業主] ngèp-jī
yèzhǔ proprietor.⁶
业务[業務] ngèp-mù
yèwù professional work; business.⁸
业师[業師] ngèp-xü
yèshī <trad.> my (former) teacher.⁶
业医[業醫] ngèp-yï
yèyī to practice medicine.⁷
or 业馀[業餘] ngèp-yĩ yèyú amateur; spare time.⁷
业余大学[業餘大學] ngèp-yĩ-ài-hòk
yèyú dàxué college for people who attend after work (lit. spare-time college).¹⁰
业已[業已] ngèp-yî
yèyǐ already.⁶
业缘[業緣] ngèp-yõn
yèyuán a cause which produces effects in another state of existence.⁷
ngep4 11797
85 16 ngèp a plank laid across a stream.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵業; U+6FB2).
ngep4 11798
163 15 ngèp an ancient place name; Ye surname.
邺架[鄴架] ngèp-gâ yèjià <trad.> library.
ngep4 11799
187 23 ngèp strong; robust.²⁵ <old> big and tall horse.³⁶
(composition: ⿰馬業; U+9A5C).
驜驜 ngèp-ngèp yèyè a large tall horse.²⁵
ngep4 11800
10 8 ngī ér 乞儿[乞兒] hāt-ngī qǐ'ér beggar.⁸
<台> 大种乞儿乞米唔乞蕃薯[大種乞兒乞米唔乞蕃薯] ài-jūng-hāt-ngī hāt-māi m̃ hāt fän-sį/ lit. Ungrateful beggar begs for rice, not sweet potatoes (pig feed); fig. Give someone an inch and he'll take a mile.
(See 兒 [ngĩ, ér], [ngĩ, r], 儿 ngĩn.)
ngi1 11801
85 9 ngī ěr 洱海 Ngī-hōi Ěrhǎi Erhai Lake in 云南[雲南] Vũn-nãm Yúnnán Yunnan Province.⁸
<又> nì.
(See 洱 nì.)
ngi1 11802
96 10 ngī ěr earring made of jade or pearl.⁵ an earring; to stick into anything; a halo by the side of the sun; the rays of the sun; to take game by the left ear; to attach to.²⁴
簪珥 däm-ngī zāněr hairpins and earrings.²⁴
剑珥[劍珥] gëm-ngī
jiàněr the hilt of a sword.²⁴
日珥 ngìt-ngī
rì'ěr <astr.> solar prominence.⁶
<又> nì.
(See 珥 nì.)
ngi1 11803
128 6 ngī ěr Kangxi radical 128; ear; merely, only; handle.⁸ ear; handle (archaeology); and that is all (classical Chinese).¹⁰
耳背 ngī-böi ěrbèi <topo.> hard of hearing.⁸
耳垢 ngī-gēo
ěrgòu cerumen.⁸ earwax; wax.⁹
耳机[耳機] ngī-gï
ěrjī earphone, headphone.⁶
耳郭 ngī-kök
ěrguō or 耳廓 ngī-kök ěrkuò auricle; pinna.⁶
耳璩 ngī-kuĩ
ěrqú jade earrings.⁶
耳膜 ngī-môk
ěrmó tympanic membrane, eardrum.⁶
耳目之娱[耳目之娛] ngī-mùk-jï-nguĩ
ěrmùzhīyú pleasures of the senses.⁵
耳目一新 ngī-mùk-yīt-xïn
ěrmùyīxīn find everything fresh and new; find oneself in an entirely new world.⁶
耳珰[耳璫] ngī-öng
ěrdāng earring, esp. pendant type.¹¹
耳朵 ngī-ū
or ngī-ō ěrduo ears.⁷
耳朵软[耳朵軟] ngī-ū-ngün
or ngī-ō-ngün ěrduo ruǎn  credulous; easily influenced; susceptible to flattery.⁵
耳环[耳環] ngī-vân/
ěrhuán earring.⁵
耳挖子 ngī-vät-dū
ěrwāzi earpick; curette.⁵⁴
耳挖勺 ngī-vät-sēk
ěrwāsháo <topo.> earpick; curette.¹⁰
耳孙[耳孫] ngī-xün
ěrsūn 9th generation descendant.¹⁴
耳濡目染 ngī-yĩ-mùk-ngêm
ěrrúmùrǎn be unconsciously influenced by what one frequently hears and sees.⁸
<台> 耳屎 ngī-sī earwax. 耳屎捋 ngī-sī-lôt/ earwax pick.
ngi1 11804
143 12 ngī ěr a name given to the sacrifice of a fowl, when the book of punishments is opened; also the blood of the ear, alluding to the ancients cutting of the hairs of a victim's ears before they sacrificed them, intimating that they wished the gods to hear; to consecrate by smearing blood.²⁵  the blood of a sacrificial fowl which was sprinkled on doors and vessels; <TCM> bleeding of the eyes and ears.³⁶
(composition: ⿰血耳; U+8848).
ngi1 11805
167 14 ngī ěr erbium (Er).⁶
(comp. t: ⿰釒耳; U+927A). (comp. s: ⿰钅耳; U+94D2).
ngi1 11806
187 16 ngī ěr (composition: ⿰馬耳; U+99EC).
騄駬 or 騄耳 or 绿耳[綠耳] or 绿駬[綠駬] Lùk-ngī Lù'ěr a famous steed, one of the eight belonging to 穆王  Mùk-võng Mùwáng.²⁵ name of one of the eight legendary horses of 周穆王 Jiü Mùk Võng Zhōu Mù Wáng King Mu of Zhou.²³
ngi1 11807
30 11 ngï <台> ngï/ a forced smile (with teeth showing).
(composition: ⿰口兒; U+5532).
<台> 唲副确 ngï/-fü-kōk a foolish smile. (Note: 确 kōk is used for teeth).
<又> ngĩ, vā. (See 唲 ngĩ; 唲 vā).
ngi2 11808
85 7 ngï (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 沂 yĩ yí with the same meaning: names of four rivers originating in Shandong; Yi surname.)
<又> yĩ, kĩ. (See 沂 yĩ; 沂 kĩ.)
ngi2 11809
9 15 ngĩ appearance; manners; demeanor; ceremonies; rule; standard; regulation; customs; instruments; Yi surname.
半圆仪[半圓儀] bön-yõn-ngĩ bànyuányí protractor.
程仪[程儀] chẽin-ngĩ
chéngyí gift for journey, voyage.¹¹
贺仪[賀儀] hào-ngĩ
or hò-ngĩ hèyí <wr.> gift on a happy occasion.⁶
陀螺仪[陀螺儀] hũ-lũ-ngĩ
tuóluóyí gyroscope.
仪表[儀表] ngĩ-bēl
yíbiǎo appearance; deportment; meter; gauge; model; example.
仪表堂堂[儀表堂堂] ngĩ-bēl-hõng-hõng
yíbiǎotángtáng impressive-looking; to be noble and dignified in apperance.
仪器[儀器] ngĩ-hï
yíqì instrument; apparatus.
仪式[儀式] ngĩ-sēik
yíshì ceremony; rite.
ngi3 11810
9 16 ngĩ (interch. 疑 ngĩ doubt, disbelieve, suspect; doubtful, uncertain.⁵).¹¹
(composition: ⿰亻疑; U+5117).
<又> ngì.
(See 儗 ngì).
ngi3 11811
10 7 ngĩ ér
(=儿[兒] ngĩ ér child).
(=儿[兒] ngĩ
r non-syllabic diminutive suffix; retroflex final.)
(=儿[兒] ngī
ér as in 乞儿[乞兒] hāt-ngī qǐ'ér beggar.⁸).
(composition: ⿰; U+5150).
(See 兒 [ngĩ, ér]; 兒 [ngĩ, r]; 兒 [ngī, ér]).
ngi3 11812
10 8 ngĩ ér child.
花儿[花兒] fä-ngĩ huā'ér style of folk song popular in 甘肃 [甘肅] Gäm-xūk Gānsù Gansu, 青海 Tëin-hōi Qīnghǎi Qinghai, and 宁夏[寧夏] Nẽin-hà Níngxià Ningxia.
儿子[兒子] ngĩ-dū
érzi son.¹⁰
儿童[兒童] ngĩ-hũng
értóng children.⁵
儿马[兒馬] ngĩ-mâ
érmǎ a male horse; stallion.
儿孙[兒孫] ngĩ-xün
érsūn children and grandchildren; descendants; posterity.
女儿[女兒] nuī-ngĩ
nǚ'ér daughter; girl.⁵
(See 兒 [ngĩ, r], [ngī, ér]; 儿 ngĩn.)
ngi3 11813
10 8 ngĩ r non-syllabic diminutive suffix; retroflex final.
花儿[花兒] fä-ngĩ huār flowers.
一会儿[一會兒] yīt-vòi-ngĩ
yīhuìr a little while; in a while/an instant, presently, soon; now...now then.⁶
(See 兒 [ngĩ, ér], [ngī, ér]; 儿 ngĩn.)
ngi3 11814
14 7 ngĩ (<old>=宜 ngĩ proper; should; suitable; appropriate.¹⁰); suitable, right, fitting, proper.⁸
(composition: ⿱冖且; U+519D).
(See 宜 ngĩ).
ngi3 11815
30 11 ngĩ ér forced laughter.¹⁴ unwilling compliance.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口兒; U+5532).
嚅唲 or 儒儿[儒兒] yĩ-ngĩ rú'ér <wr.> make a forced smile.¹¹ forced laughter.¹⁴ to force a smile.²⁴
<又> ngï, vā.
(See 唲 ngï; 唲 vā).
ngi3 11816
40 8 ngĩ yi 便宜 pẽin-ngĩ piányi cheap; small advantages, petty gains; let somebody off lightly.⁵ (See 便宜 bèin-ngĩ biànyí.)
(See 宜 [ngĩ, ].)
ngi3 11817
40 8 ngĩ proper; should; suitable; appropriate; Yi surname.¹⁰
(variant: 冝 ngĩ ).
便宜 bèin-ngĩ
biànyí convenient.¹⁰ (See 便宜 pẽin-ngĩ piányi cheap.)
景物宜人 gēin-mùt-ngĩ-ngĩn
or gēin-mòt-ngĩ-ngĩn jǐngwùyírén delightful scenery.⁵
宜乎 ngĩ-fũ
yíhū <lit.> it is natural (that something happens).¹¹ fittingly; rightly.⁵⁴
宜男 ngĩ-nãm
yínán (said of a woman) prolific of male children.⁷
宜然 ngĩ-ngẽin
yírán suitable.⁷
宜人 ngĩ-ngĩn
yírén pleasant; delightful.⁵
宜室宜家 ngĩ-sīt-ngĩ-gä
yíshìyíjiā to make a harmonious and orderly home (congratulatory message on weddings).⁷
宜于[宜於] ngĩ-yï
yíyú to be suitable for.⁷
适宜[適宜] sēik-ngĩ
shìyí suitable; appropriate.¹⁰
四季宜人 xï-gï-ngĩ-ngĩn
sìjìyírén (The view) was delightful in all seasons.³⁹
事宜 xù-ngĩ
shìyí matters concerned; arrangement.⁵
(See 宜 [ngĩ, yi]; 冝 ngĩ).
ngi3 11818
46 17 ngĩ a range of mountains in Hunan Province.⁸
(composition: ⿱山疑; U+5DB7).
九嶷 Giū-ngĩ Jiǔyí Jiuyi, a mountain in Hunan Province.⁸
岐嶷 kĩ-ngĩ
qíyí outstanding; a mountian peak.¹⁴
其色郁郁, 其德嶷嶷.
(Note: 其 refers to 帝喾[帝嚳] äi-gūk Di Ku or Emperor Ku).
Kĩ-sēik-yūk-yūk, kĩ-āk-ngĩ-ngĩ.
Qí sè yùyù, qí dé yí yí.
His appearance was elegant, and his virtue eminent.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《史記·本紀·五帝本紀》).
ngi3 11819
61 17 ngĩ have experience and knowledge; be sensible.
(composition: ⿰忄疑; U+61DD).
懠懝 tãi-ngĩ qíyì suspicious; one says, sad and hurried.²⁴
<又> ngòi; ngì.
(See 懝 ngòi; 懝 ngì).
ngi3 11820
75 10 ngĩ ér king post; "wood ear" (edible fungus); (=斗拱 ēo-gūng dǒugǒng dougong, a system of brackets in Chinese building); (=茅栗 mão-lùt máolì (Castanea seguinii) aka 野栗子, 毛栗, 毛板栗.²⁰).⁸  king post; tree mushroom (Volvariella bombycina).³⁶
(composition: ⿰木而; U+682D).
栭栗 ngĩ-lùt
érlì or 茅栗 mão-lùt máolì (Castanea seguinii).¹⁹
ngi3 11821
85 9 ngĩ ér tears; tearful.
涟洏[漣洏] lẽin-ngĩ lián'ér <wr.> (of tears) streaming.⁵⁵
ngi3 11822
103 14 ngĩ doubt, disbelieve, suspect; doubtful, uncertain.⁵
不容置疑 būt-yũng-jï-ngĩ bùróngzhìyí be indubitable.⁶
疑兵 ngĩ-bëin
yíbīng decoy force.⁵
疑病 ngĩ-bèng
yíbìng hypochondriasis.⁵
疑点[疑點] ngĩ-ēm
yídiǎn doubtful or questionable point.⁵
疑窦[疑竇] ngĩ-èo
yídòu cause for suspicion; suspicion.⁵
疑惧[疑懼] ngĩ-guì
yíjù apprehensions; misgivings.⁵
疑团[疑團] ngĩ-hõn
yítuán doubts and suspicions.⁵
疑阵[疑陣] ngĩ-jìn
yízhèn <mil.> a feint attack.¹⁰
疑虑[疑慮] ngĩ-luì
yílǜ misgiving; doubt.⁵
疑问[疑問] ngĩ-mùn
yíwèn quwey; question; doubt.⁵
疑难[疑難] ngĩ-nãn
yínán difficult; knotty.⁵
疑义[疑義] ngĩ-ngì
yíyì doubt; doubtful point.⁵
疑案 ngĩ-ön
yí'àn an unsettled/uncertain/puzzling case.⁷
疑神疑鬼 ngĩ-sĩn-ngĩ-gī
yíshényíguǐ be terribly suspicious; be even afraid of one's own shadow.⁵
疑惑 ngĩ-vàk
yíhuò feel uncertain; not be convinced.⁵
疑云[疑雲] ngĩ-vũn
yíyún misgivings/suspicions clouding one's mind.⁵
疑心 ngĩ-xïm
yíxīn suspicion.⁵
疑心病 ngĩ-xïm-bèng
yíxīnbìng suspicious frame of mind.⁵
疑信参半[疑信參半] ngĩ-xïn-täm-bön
yíxìncānbàn half in belief and half in doubt.⁶

ngi3 11823
126 6 ngĩ ér Kangxi radical 126; and; and then; and yet; but.⁸ and; and yet; as well as; and so; but (not); yet (not); <wr.>  you, your (related 汝 nî , 女 nî   archaic form of 汝).
反而 fān-ngĩ
fǎn'ér on the contrary; instead.
久而久之 giū-ngĩ-giū-jï
jiǔ'érjiǔzhī  in the course of time; as time passes.
然而 ngẽin-ngĩ
rán'ér yet; but; however.⁵
而毖后患[而毖後患] ngĩ-bï-hèo-vàn
érbìhòuhuàn provide against future troubles.¹¹
而且 ngĩ-chēh
érqiě furthermore; moreover.
而况[而況] ngĩ-fōng
érkuàng besides, furthermore.¹¹
因而 yïn-ngĩ
yīn'ér therefore; as a result; with the result that.⁶
<台> 而耳惹惹 ngĩ-ngī-ngêh-ngêh whining.
<台> 而耳我我 ngĩ-ngī-ngô-ngô mumbling complaints incessantly.
ngi3 11824
126 9 ngĩ ér whiskers.⁸ the whiskers; a very hairy animal; shaggy; Er surname.²⁵
(composition: ⿰而彡; U+800F).
髬耏 pī-ngĩ pī'ér (=髬髵 pī-ngĩ pī'ér a wild beast bristling up its hair.²⁵).¹⁹
<又> nòi.
(See 耏 nòi).
ngi3 11825
130 10 ngĩ ér cooked; well-done.⁸  overcooked; soft.¹⁰ boiled to rage; thoroughly done.²⁵ <old> cooked, done; to boil.³⁶
(composition: ⿰月而; U+80F9).
调胹[调胹] hẽl-ngĩ tiáo'ér cooking dishes, an anology to governing political affairs.¹⁹
胹鳖[胹鱉] ngĩ-bèik
érbiē name of a dish mentioned in 《楚辞·招魂·29》:“胹鳖炮羔,有柘浆些。¹⁹
胹羔 ngĩ-gäo
érgāo broiled lamb.⁵⁴
胹合 ngĩ-hàp
érhé reconcile.¹⁹
胹熊蹯不熟 ngĩ-hũng-fãn-būt-sùk
érxióngfánbù boiled a bear paw but still undercooked.⁵⁴
ngi3 11826
140 9 ngĩ ér another name for 木耳 mùk-ngī mùěr Jew's ear, wood ear, jelly ear (Auricularia auricula-judae). cf. 䓴 ngün ruǎn.
(composition: ⿱艹而; U+834B).
芝荋 jï-ngĩ
zhī’ér or 芝栭 jï-ngĩ zhī’ér or 芝檽 jï-nào zhīnòu edible wood mushrooms; decorations on the beam of the house (in the form of a glossy ganoderma with wood ears or black fungus).⁵⁴
ngi3 11827
149 15 ngĩ friendship.
交谊[交誼] gäo-ngĩ jiāoyì <wr.> friendship; friendly relations.
交谊厅[交誼廳] gäo-ngĩ-hëng
jiāoyìtīng ballroom.
交谊舞[交誼舞] gäo-ngĩ-mū
jiāoyìwǔ ballroom dancing.
联谊[聯誼] lũn-ngĩ
liányì fellowship.¹¹
谊同手足[誼同手足] ngĩ-hũng-siū-dūk
yìtóngshǒuzú to be as close as brothers.
世谊[世誼] säi-ngĩ
shìyì friendship spanning many generations.
深情厚谊[深情厚誼] sïm-tẽin-hêo-ngĩ
shēnqínghòuyì long and close friendship.
情谊[情誼] tẽin-ngĩ
qíngyì friendly feelings.
友谊[友誼] yiû-ngĩ
yǒuyì friendship.
友谊商店[友誼商店] yiû-ngĩ-sëng-ëm
yǒuyì shāngdiàn friendship store specifically catering to foreign visitors.
<又> ngì.
(See 誼 ngì.)
ngi3 11828
154 10 ngĩ to move, to remove, to turn.⁷ a series; steps, grades; to promote, to reward.¹⁴
貤赠[貤贈] ngĩ-dàng yízèng a request to the throne to transfer a title one was conferred upon to a senior member of one's family who is already dead.⁷ to present; to bestow.¹⁴
貤封 ngĩ-füng
yífēng (Qing Dynasty) a request to the throne to transfer a title one was conferred upon to the most senior member of one's family.⁷
貤封三代 ngĩ-füng-xäm-òi
yífēngsāndài ennobled his ancestors for three generations.¹⁴
益貤 yēik-ngĩ
yìyí gradually increasing.¹⁴
一貤 yīt-ngĩ
yīyí a grade; a step.¹⁴
ngi3 11829
159 13 ngĩ ér hearse.⁸ a hearse.¹⁴ a funeral carriage; a hearse.²⁵
(variant: 轜 ngĩ ér).
(composition: ⿰車而; U+8F00).
灵輀反里[靈輀反里] lẽin-ngĩ-fān-lî
língérfǎnlǐ the remains were returned to his native place.¹⁴
龙輀[龍輀] lũng-ngĩ
lóngér imperial funeral chariot.⁵⁴
輀车[輀車] ngĩ-chëh
érchē a hearse.¹⁹
輀轩[輀軒] ngĩ-hëin
érxuān a hearse.¹⁹
輀翣 ngĩ-säp
érshà feathers, as decorations on a hearse.¹⁹
(See 轜 ngĩ).
ngi3 11830
159 21 ngĩ ér (=輀 ngĩ ér a hearse.¹⁴).³⁵
(composition: ⿰車需; U+8F5C).
龙轜[龍轜] lũng-ngĩ
lóngér imperial funeral chariot.⁵⁴
轜车[轜車] ngĩ-chëh
érchē a hearse.¹⁹
轜轩[轜軒] ngĩ-hëin
érxuān a hearse.¹⁹
轜翣 ngĩ-säp
érshà feathers, as decorations on a hearse.¹⁹
(See 輀 ngĩ).
ngi3 11831
170 8 ngĩ ér an ancient place name in present Shanxi Province.⁸ the name of a place.²⁵
(composition: ⿰阝而; U+9651).
陑山 ngĩ-sän érshān name of a mountain in 山西省 Shanxi Province, south of 永济县[永濟縣] vêin-däi-yòn yǒngjǐxiàn county.¹³
ngi3 11832
190 16 ngĩ ér whiskers, bristles on the jaws of an animal.⁸ the hair on the cheeks; whiskers; hairy.²⁵
(composition: ⿱髟而; U+9AF5).
髵髵 ngĩ-ngĩ ér'ér appearance of abundant hair.¹⁹
髬髵 pī-ngĩ
pī'ér the angry beast's mane is bristling; refers to the beast; the hair is standing on its end.¹⁹ a wild beast bristling up its hair.²⁵
ngi3 11833
195 17 ngĩ ér fry; roe.⁸ caviar; fish roe.¹⁰
鲲鲕[鯤鮞] kün-ngĩ kūn'ér fish spawn.²⁵
鲕状岩[鮞狀岩] ngĩ-jòng-ngãm
érzhuàngyán oolite.⁸
鲕粒灰岩[鮞粒灰岩] ngĩ-līp-föi-ngãm
érlìhuīyán egg stone.²⁰
鲕粒岩[鮞粒岩] ngĩ-līp-ngãm
érlìyán oolite.⁸
鲕石[鮞石] ngĩ-sêk
érshí oolith.⁹
ngi3 11834
196 17 ngĩ ér swallow.⁸
鸸鹋[鴯鶓] ngĩ-mẽl érmiáo emu.⁸
鷾鸸[鷾鴯] yï-ngĩ
yì'ér a black kind of bird, said to be exceedingly wise.²⁵ special name for a swallow.⁵⁴
ngi3 11835
196 24 ngĩ (=鷩雉 bèik-jï bìzhì golden pheasant. Chinese pheasant, or rainbow pheasant); similar to Reeves's pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesii), but smaller.² (variant: 䴊 ngĩ ).
(composition: ⿰鳥義; U+9E03).
鷩鸃 bèik-ngĩ
bìyì the golden pheasant.²⁵
or 鵕鸃 dün-ngĩ jùnyí or xùn-ngĩ xùnyí the gold pheasant, with yellow spots, red legs, and a straight bill; it is spoken of also as a fabulous bird, like the phoenix, which illumines the heavens in its flight.²⁵
鵔鸃冠 dün-ngĩ-gön
jùnyíguān or xùn-ngĩ-gön xùnyíguān, the name of a cap.²⁵
鸃冠 ngĩ-gön
yíguān the name of a cap.¹⁹
(See 䴊 ngĩ).
ngi3 11836
196 24 ngĩ (=鸃 ngĩ ) golden pheasant.
(composition: ⿰義鳥; U+4D0A).
(See 鸃 ngĩ).
ngi3 11837
7 2 ngì èr Kangxi radical 7; two, second, different, binary; di-
二者必居其一 ngì-jēh-bēik-guï-kĩ-yīt èrzhě bìjū qíyī It must be either of the two.⁶
二愣子 ngì-lẽin-dū
èrlèngzi rash fellow.⁵
二月 ngì-ngùt
èryuè February.
[二豎] ngì-sì èrshù <wr.> evil spirit responsible for illness (<allusion> two boys hiding in body).¹¹
二十八宿 Ngì-sìp-bät Xiü
Èrshíbā Xiù Twenty-Eight Mansions which are  EastAzure Dragon (青龍): Horn (角) Neck (亢) Root (氐) Room (房) Heart (心) Tail (尾) Winnowing Basket (箕); SouthVermilion Bird (朱雀): Well (井) Ghost (鬼) Willow (柳) Star (星) Extended Net (張) Wings (翼) Chariot (軫); WestWhite Tiger (白虎): Legs (奎) Bond (婁) Stomach (胃) Hairy Head (昴) Net (畢) Turtle Beak (觜) Three Stars (參); NorthBlack Tortoise (玄武): Dipper (斗) Ox (牛) Girl (女) Emptiness (虛) Rooftop (危) Encampment (室) Wall (壁); CenterYellow Dragon (黃龍): Earth.¹⁵
三心二意 xäm-xïm-ngì-yï
sānxīn'èryì <topo.>  to be of two minds, irresolute, halfhearted.
<台> 二埠 ngì-fèo Sacramento, California.
(See 二 ngî.)
ngi4 11838
9 6 𠇍 ngì ěr (=尔[爾] ngì ěr <lit.> or <topo.> you, your; <lit.> so; this way; <lit.> this; that; <old> (of flowers) exuberant; final particle.³⁶
(composition: ⿱𠆢㣺; U+201CD).
(See 爾 ngì).
ngi4 11839
9 8 ngì èr second; assistant.
佴次 ngì-xü èrcì assistant.
<又> nòi.
(See 佴 nòi.)
ngi4 11840
9 16 ngì compare with, draw analogy with.⁸ compare with, draw an analogy between.¹¹ to compare, to assort; false, doubtful.²⁴ draw up; draft; intend; plan; imitate; copy.²⁹
(composition: ⿰亻疑; U+5117).
儗于不伦[儗於不倫] ngì-yï-būt-lũn nǐyúbùlún the analogy is ill-drawn, the comparison is not apt.¹¹
<又> ngĩ.
(See 儗 ngĩ).
ngi4 11841
30 17 ngì (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 㘈 ngèik with the same meaning:  able to take a correct view of things; to response correctly (said of small children), sound; echo.⁸ʼ¹⁰ a precocious child; a fine figure; a sound; to laugh.²⁴)
(composition: ⿰口疑; U+3608).
<又> ngèik.
(See 㘈 ngèik).
ngi4 11842
56 5 ngì èr (variant of 二 ngì èr) two.
ngi4 11843
61 17 ngì <old>=拟[擬] ngì to draw up, to draft; to intend, to plan; to imitate.
(composition: ⿰忄疑; U+61DD).
<又> ngòi; ngĩ.
(See 懝 ngòi; 懝 ngĩ).
ngi4 11844
64 17 ngì draw up, draft; intend, plan; imitate.⁵ compare; imitate; plan, intend; design, devise, draft, draw up; suppose.⁶
比拟[比擬] bī-ngì bǐnǐ compare to; such comparison.¹¹
虚拟[虛擬] huï-ngì
xūnǐ unreal; fictitious, invented.⁸
模拟[模擬] mũ-ngì
or mõ-ngì mónǐ imitate; simulate; copy.⁵
拟作[擬作] ngì-dōk
nǐzuò a work done in the manner of a certain author.⁵ imitation works (of literature and art)..⁶
拟定[擬定] ngì-èin
nǐdìng draft, draw up, work out; guess, conjecture, conclude.⁶
拟订[擬訂] ngì-èng
nǐdìng draw up; draft; work out.⁵
拟稿[擬稿] ngì-gāo
nǐgǎo make/prepare/produce a draft; draft.⁶
拟古[擬古] ngì-gū
nǐgǔ model one's literary or artistic style on that of the ancients.⁵
拟态[擬態] ngì-häi
nǐtài <bio.> mimicry; imitation.⁵
拟妥[擬妥] ngì-hô
nǐtuǒ to have drawn up (a plan, a draft).⁷
拟议[擬議] ngì-ngì
nǐyì proposal, recommendation; draw up, draft.⁵
拟人[擬人] ngì-ngĩn
nǐrén personification.⁵
拟请[擬請] ngì-tēin
nǐqǐng to intend to asl or request.⁷
拟音[擬音] ngì-yïm
nǐyīn <film> sound effect.⁶
ngi4 11845
75 16 ngì èr jujube.⁸  acid variety of the jujube-plum.¹⁴ a sour date.²⁴ wild jujube.²⁹
(composition: ⿰木貳; U+6A32).
荆樲[荊樲] gëin-ngì jīngèr thistles and thorns; brambles.¹⁹
樲棘 ngì-gēik
èrjí (=酸枣[酸棗] xön-dāo suānzǎo wild jujube; a jujube.⁹ sour date (Ziziphus jujuba var. spinosa).¹⁰ a wild date, Zizyphus vulgaris.¹¹).²
<又> jì.
(See 樲 jì).
ngi4 11846
82 10 ngì èr use down and wool to make ornaments.¹³
愦毦不渫[憒毦不渫] gì-ngì-būt-xēik kuìèrbùxiè dull and stupid.¹⁴
ngi4 11847
89 14 ngì ěr <lit. or topo.> you, your; <lit.> so; this way; <lit.> this; that; <old> (of flowers) exuberant; final particle; Er surname​.³⁶ (variant: 𠇍 ngì ěr).
t: ⿻不巾爻爻; U+723E). (comp. s: ⿱⺈小; U+5C14).
出尔反尔[出爾反爾] chūt-ngì-fān-ngì
chū'ěrfǎn'ěr old: to reap the consequences of one's words (idiom, from Mencius); modern: to go back on one's word.¹⁰
古戈尔普勒克斯[古戈爾普勒克斯] gū-fö-ngì-pū-làk-hāk-xü 
gǔgē'ěrpǔlèkèsī googolplex.⁹
古高尔[古高爾] gū-gäo-ngì 
gǔgāo'ěr (=古戈尔[古戈爾] gū-fö-ngì  gǔgē'ěr googol.¹⁹) googol.⁹
尔等[爾等] ngì-āng
ěrděng <wr.> you (plural).¹¹
尔后[爾後] ngì-hèo
ěrhòu henceforth; thereafter; subsequently.¹⁰
尔雅[爾雅] ngì-ngâ
ěryǎ  Erya, the oldest extant Chinese dictionary, c. 3rd century BCE, with glossaries on classical texts.¹⁰ʼ³⁶ elegant; refined; cultured.⁵⁴
尔虞我诈[爾虞我詐] ngì-nguĩ-ngô-jä
ěryúwǒzhà lit. you hoodwink me and I cheat you (idiom); fig. mutual deception; each tries to outwit the other; dog eats dog and devil take the hindmost.¹⁰
尔汝[爾汝] ngì-nî
ěrrǔ <wr.> to be on very intimate terms.⁸
(See 𠇍 ngì).
ngi4 11848
123 13 ngì justice; righteousness; meaning.
白义[白義] Bàk-ngì Báiyì name of one of the eight legendary horses of 周穆王 Jiü Mùk Võng Zhōu Mù Wáng King Mu of Zhou.²³
不义之财[不義之財] būt-ngì-jï-tõi
bùyìzhīcái ill-gotten wealth
正义[正義] jëin-ngì
zhèngyì justice; orthodox interpretation (of ancient texts); just; righteous.
主义[主義] jī-ngì
zhǔyì doctrine.
义愤填膺[義憤填膺] ngì-fûn-hẽin-yëin
yìfèntiányīng be filled with righteous indignation.⁵
义气[義氣] ngì-hï
yìqi honor; integrity; code of brotherhood; spirit of justice.
or 义正词严[義正詞嚴] ngì-jëin-xũ-ngẽm yìzhèngcíyán speak sternly out of a sense of justice.⁹
义务[義務] ngì-mù
yìwù duty, obligation; voluntary.⁶
意义[意義] yï-ngì
yìyì meaning; sense; significance.⁵
ngi4 11849
140 17 ngì ěr luxuriant growth of flower.⁸ flowers blooming.¹³ flowers blooming.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹爾; U+85BE).
彼薾惟何 bī-ngì-vĩ-hõ bǐ'ěrwéihé or 彼爾維何 bī-ngì-vĩ-hõ bǐ'ěrwéihé what is it [growing up] there?⁵⁴ "What is that so gorgeous?"⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·鹿鳴之什·采薇》, translated by James Legge).
<又> nëp.
(See 薾 nëp).
ngi4 11850
140 17 ngì flower; growing vigorously.⁸ growing vigorously, luxuriant, flourishing.¹¹ luxuriant.²⁵
(composition: ⿰; U+).
薿薿 ngì-ngì nǐnǐ growing profusely.²⁵
Shǔ jì nǐ nǐ.
The millets look luxuriant.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·北山之什·甫田》, translated by James Legge). How vigorously the millet grows! (Translation by Lin Yutang).¹¹
ngi4 11851
149 15 ngì (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 谊[誼] ngĩ with same meaning: friendship.)
<又> ngĩ.
(See 誼 ngĩ.)
ngi4 11852
149 20 ngì to confer; to discuss.
刍议[芻議] chö-ngì chúyì my humble opinion.
集议[集議] dàp-ngì
jíyì to hold a meeting to exchange views.
建议[建議] gèin-ngì
jiànyì to make recommendations; to offer suggestions; proposal; resolution.
议题[議題] ngì-hãi
yìtí topic for or under discussion
议论[議論] ngì-lùn
yìlùn to debate; to discuss.
议论文[議論文] ngì-lùn-mũn
yìlùnwén argumentation; argumentative writing.
议案[議案] ngì-ön
yì'àn proposal; motion.
议会[議會] ngì-vòi
yìhuì parliament; legislative body.
议员[議員] ngì-yõn
yìyuán member of a legislative body.
商议[商議] sëng-ngì
shāngyì to confer; to discuss.
会议[會議] vòi-ngì
huìyì conference; meeting; council.
疵议[疵議] xû-ngì
cīyì to criticize, object, find fault with.¹¹
ngi4 11853
149 21 ngì discussion; bullying; speculate (same as 拟[擬] (ngì imitate; compare; plan, intend; design, devise, draft, draw up; suppose.⁶).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰言疑; U+8B7A).
<又> yèik.
(See 譺 yèik).
ngi4 11854
154 10 ngì to pile one upon another, to superimpose; to extend, to prolong.⁷
ngi4 11855
154 12 ngì èr two (used for 二 ngì èr on checks, financial records).
不贰[不貳] būt-ngì
bù'èr loyal (to one master only).¹¹
贰言[貳言] ngì-ngũn
èryán dissident talk or opinion.¹¹
贰臣[貳臣] ngì-sĩn
èrchén turncoat official.¹⁰ a disloyal minister who collaborates with conqueror.¹¹
贰心[貳心] or 二心 ngì-xïm
èrxīn disloyalty of heart.¹¹
yīt ngì xäm xï m̄ lùk tīt bät giū sìp
yī'èrsānsìwǔlùqībājiǔshí numbers 1 to 10 (used on checks for security purposes) same as 一二三四五六七八九十.
ngi4 11856
162 17 ngì ěr <lit.> near.⁵ lately, recently; near, or close to.⁷ be near, be close; recently.⁸ recently; near; close.¹⁰ near; close; proximate.¹⁴ near.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿺辶爾; U+9087).
s: ⿺辶尔 (GTK) or ⿺辶尓 (J); U+8FE9).
不可向迩[不可嚮邇] būt-hō-hëng-ngì
bùkěxiàng'ěr keep at arm's length.³⁹
父母孔迩[父母孔邇] fù-mû-kūng-ngì
fùmǔkǒngěr our parents are very near (... very close to us).²⁵ (Note: 孔 means 'very' in this phrase.)
名驰遐迩[名馳遐邇] mẽin-chĩ hã-ngì
míngchí xiá'ěr to have one's fame spread far and wide. (idiom).¹⁰
名闻遐迩[名聞遐邇] mẽin-mũn hã-ngì
míngwén xiá'ěr be known far and wide.⁵
闻名遐迩[聞名遐邇] mũn-mẽin hã-ngì
wénmíng xiá'ěr be well-known far and wide; enjoy widespread renown.⁶
迩近[邇近] ngì-gìn
ěrjìn near; close at hand.¹⁴
迩来[邇來] ngì-lõi
ěrlái <wr.> lately; recently.⁶
迩日[邇日] ngì-ngìt
ěrrì recently.¹⁹
迩言[邇言] ngì-ngũn
ěryán shallow words.¹⁴
迩远[邇遠] ngì-yōn
ěryuǎn far and near.¹⁹
由迩及远[由邇及遠] yiũ-ngì-gèp-yōn
yóu'ěrjíyuǎn from the near to the distant.²⁵
ngi4 11857
7 2 ngî èr <台> 阿二 ä-ngî the wife of the second oldest of two or more (male) siblings.
(See 二 ngì.)
ngi5 11858
76 15 ngīm yǐn (<old>=飲 ngīm yǐn) to drink.
(See 飲 ngīm.)
ngim1 11859
164 11 ngīm yǐn (=饮[飲] ngīm yǐn to drink; drinks; to swallow (insult, anger); to be hit (by a bullet, an arrow).⁷).⁸
(composition: ⿱今酉; U+9153).
<又> yëm.
(See 酓[yëm, yǎn]; 酓[yëm, yàn]; 飲 ngīm).
ngim1 11860
184 12 ngīm yìn give (animals) water to drink; to water.⁵
(variant: 飮 ngīm yìn).
t: ⿰飠欠; U+98F2). (comp. s: ⿰饣欠; U+996E).
饮冰茹檗[飲冰茹檗] ngīm-bëin-nguĩ-pāk
yǐnbīngrúbò the hard life of a widow; be in straitened circumstances.⁵⁴
饮场[飲場] ngīm-chẽng
yìnchǎng <old> (of opera singers) drink water to moisten one's throat (while playing on stage).⁶
饮马[飲馬] ngīm-mâ
yìnmǎ water a horse.⁵
饮牲口[飲牲口] ngīm-säng-hēo
yìn shēngkou to water farm animals.¹
(See 飲 [ngīm,
yǐn]; 飮 [ngīm, yìn]).
ngim1 11861
184 12 ngīm yǐn to drink; drinks; to swallow (insult, anger); to be hit (by a bullet, an arrow).⁷ (variants: 㱃, 酓, 飮 ngīm yǐn).
饮弹[飲彈] ngīm-àn
yǐndàn to be hit by bullets.⁷
饮品[飲品] ngīm-bīn
yǐnpǐn drinks; beverage.⁷
饮茶[飲茶] ngīm-chã
yǐnchá to drink tea; (in Guangdong) to drink tea along with refreshments.⁷
饮酒[飲酒] ngīm-diū
yǐnjiǔ to drink wine or liquor.⁷
饮恨[飲恨] ngīm-hàn
yǐnhèn to swallow grievances, to harbor a grudge; to be defeated in a competition or contest.⁷
饮鸩[飲鴆] ngīm-jìm
yǐnzhèn take poison.¹¹
饮料[飲料] ngīm-lèl
yǐnliào beverage; drinks (usually referring to soft drinks).⁷
饮食[飲食] ngīm-sèik
yǐnshí to drink and eat; drink and food.⁷
饮水[飲水] ngīm-suī
yǐnshuǐ drinking water; to drink water.⁷
饮水思源[飲水思源] ngīm-suī-xü-ngũn
yǐnshuǐsīyuán lit. When one drinks water, one thinks of its source. – grateful for favors received; not to forget one's origin.⁷
<台> 饮[飲] ngīm (=米汤[米湯] māi-höng
mǐtang) water in which rice has been cooked.
<台> 饮紧茶[飲緊茶] ngīm-gīn-chã drinking tea.
(See 飲 [ngīm, yìn]; 㱃 ngīm; 酓 ngīm).
ngim1 11862
184 13 ngīm yìn (=饮[飲] ngīm yìn give (animals) water to drink; to water.⁵).⁸
(composition: ⿰⿱亼⿸𠁣𠄠欠; U+98EE).
(See 飮 [ngīm, yǐn]; 飲 [ngīm, yìn]).
ngim1 11863
184 13 ngīm yǐn (=饮[飲] ngīm yǐn to drink; drinks; to swallow (insult, anger); to be hit (by a bullet, an arrow).⁷).⁸
(composition: ⿰⿱亼⿸𠁣𠄠欠; U+98EE).
(See 飮 [ngīm, yìn]; 飲 [ngīm, yǐn]).
ngim1 11864
9 6 ngĩm rén Ren surname.
任弼时任弼時] Ngĩm Bìt-sĩ Rén Bìshí (1904-1950) a close associate of Mao Zedong.
<又> ngìm.
(See 任 ngìm.)
ngim3 11865
30 7 ngĩm yín chant, recite; song (a type of classical poetry); <wr.> groan, lament, sigh.⁶ (variants: 訡, 䪩, 唫 ngĩm yín).
龙吟虎啸[龍吟虎嘯] lũng-ngĩm-fū-xël
or lũng-ngĩm-fū-säo lóngyínhǔxiào dragons singing and tigers roaring – waves roaring and wind howling.⁶
吟唱 ngĩm-chëng
yínchàng to chant; to recite.¹⁰
吟风弄月[吟風弄月] ngĩm-füng-lùng-ngùt
yínfēngnòngyuè lit. singing of the wind and the moon; fig. vacuous and sentimental (of poetry or art).¹⁰
吟哦 ngĩm-ngõ
yín'é to recite with a cadence; to chant.⁹
吟诗[吟詩] ngĩm-sï
yínshī to recite poetry.¹⁰
吟咏[吟詠] ngĩm-vèin
yínyǒng recite (a poem).⁵
呻吟 sïn-ngĩm
shēnyín to groan; to moan; to sigh.⁸
笑吟吟 xël-ngĩm-ngĩm
xiàoyínyín a kindly smile.⁹
<又> lãng.
(See 吟 lãng; 訡 ngĩm; 䪩 ngĩm; 唫 ngĩm).
ngim3 11866
30 11 ngĩm yín (=吟 ngĩm yín chant, recite; song (a type of classical poetry); <wr.> groan, lament, sigh.⁶); to hum; to intone; to close, to shut.⁸
(composition: ⿰口金; U+552B).
or 沉吟 chĩm-ngĩm chényín to ponder; to hum to one's self.¹⁰²
or 鸾吟[鸞吟] lũn-ngĩm luányín the notes of a phoenix; <metaphor> a concert of music.¹⁰²
or 吟风弄月[吟風弄月] ngĩm-füng-lùng-ngùt yín fēng nòng yuè to sing and play – in the evening breeze.¹⁰²
or 吟诗[吟詩] ngĩm-sï yínshī to hum poetry.¹⁰²
or 吟秋 ngĩm-tiü yínqiū to make sonnets upon the autumn.¹⁰²
or 水底龙吟[水底龍吟] suī-āi-lũng-ngĩm shuǐ dǐ lóng yín the dragon howls under the deep.¹⁰²
or 笑口吟吟 xël-hēo-ngĩm-ngĩm xiàokǒuyínyín smiling and humming.¹⁰²
<又> kïm.
(See 唫 kïm; 吟 ngĩm).
ngim3 11867
33 4 ngĩm rén Ninth of the Ten Heavenly Stems.
壬人 ngĩm-ngĩn rénrén crafty deceiver.
佥壬[僉壬] tïm-ngĩm
qiānrén <wr.> a despicable (mean) person (opposite 君子 gün-dū jūnzǐ gentleman; man of noble character; a man of culture).
ngim3 11868
38 7 ngĩm rèn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 妊 ngìm rèn with same meaning: be pregnant.⁶)
<又> ngìm.
(See 妊 ngìm; 姙 ngìm, ngĩm.)
ngim3 11869
38 9 ngĩm rèn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 姙 ngìm rèn with same meaning: be pregnant.⁶)
<又> ngìm.
(See 妊 ngìm, ngĩm; 姙 ngìm.)
ngim3 11870
46 11 ngĩm yín high; rugged mountains; steep.¹⁰
嵚崟[嶔崟] hïm-ngĩm qīnyín (of a mountain) high and steep.⁶
崟崟 ngìm-ngìm
yínyín towering; luxuriant, lush.¹
ngim3 11871
87 8 ngĩm rén (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 㸒 yĩm yín with the same meaning: (=淫 yĩm yín excessive; loose, wanton; licentious, lewd, lascivious; obscene, pornographic.⁵); thirst after; covet.¹⁹ to approach and ask.²⁴ to wish, desire, long for (to an extreme degree).³⁶ presumptuously take or snatch.¹⁰¹).
(composition: ⿱爫壬; U+3E12).
<又> yĩm; gëin.
(See 㸒 yĩm; 㸒 gëin; 淫 yĩm).
ngim3 11872
96 8 ngĩm yín a type of jade.²
(composition: ⿰𤣩今; U+73AA).
<又> gäm; kẽm; lĩm. (See 玪 gäm; 玪 kẽm; 玪 lĩm).
ngim3 11873
149 11 ngĩm yín (<old>=吟 ngĩm yín chant, recite; song (a type of classical poetry); <wr.> groan, lament, sigh.⁶); to chant, to moan, to sigh.⁸  to groan, to murmur, to hum a song; to chant.²⁵
(composition: ⿰訁今; U+8A21).
(See 吟 ngĩm).
ngim3 11874
149 13 ngĩm rén to think of, to remember (someone); to read out aloud; loquacious; guttural sound; noise, uproar, turmoil.⁸
(composition: ⿰言任; U+46D8).
<又> nïm. (See 䛘 nïm).
ngim3 11875
167 14 ngĩm rén to steep, to soak; leather curled or rolled up.²⁵
(composition: ⿰釒任; U+928B).
<又> nîm. (See 銋 nîm).
ngim3 11876
180 13 ngĩm yín (same as 吟 ngĩm yín) to chant; to intone; to sing; to recite; to moan; to sigh
(composition: ⿰音今; U+4AA9).
(See 吟 ngĩm).
ngim3 11877
9 6 ngìm rèn appoint; no matter.
责任[責任] jāk-ngìm zérèn duty, responsibility; blame.⁸
主任 jī-ngìm
zhǔrèn director; head; chair.
任何 ngìm-hõ
rènhé any, whatever (person, place, thing).¹¹
任咎 ngìm-giü
rènjiù <wr.> to take the blame.¹⁰
任重道远[任重道遠] ngìm-jùng-ào-yōn
rènzhòngdàoyuǎn to shoulder heavy responsibilities over a long period ahead.
任命 ngìm-mèin
rènmìng to appoint.
任务[任務] ngìm-mù
rènwu assignment; mission; task; job.⁶
任人唯贤[任人唯賢] ngìm-ngĩn-vĩ-yẽn
rènrénwéixián appoint people on their merits; appoint people according to their political integrity and ability.⁵
<又> Ngĩm.
(See 任 ngĩm.)
ngim4 11878
38 7 ngìm rèn be pregnant.⁶ (variant: 姙 ngìm rèn).¹⁰
避妊 bì-ngìm
or bì-ngĩm bìrèn contraception.¹⁹
妊妇[妊婦] ngìm-fû
or ngĩm-fû rènfù pregnant woman.⁶
妊娠 ngìm-sĩn
or ngĩm-sĩn rènshēn gestation; pregnancy.⁶
妊娠期 ngìm-sĩn-kĩ
or ngĩm-sĩn-kĩ rènshēnqī gestation (period).⁶
妊娠期的 ngìm-sĩn-kĩ-ēik
or ngĩm-sĩn-kĩ-ēik rènshēnqīde gravidic.⁹
妊娠试验[妊娠試驗] ngìm-sĩn-sï-ngèm
or ngĩm-sĩn-sï-ngèm rènshēnshìyàn pregnancy test.⁶
妊孕 ngìm-yìn
or ngĩm-yìn rènyùn pregnancy.¹⁹
怀妊[懷妊] vãi-ngìm
or vãi-ngĩm huáirèn gestation; pregnancy.¹⁰
<又> ngĩm.
(See 妊 ngĩm; 姙 ngìm, ngĩm.)
ngim4 11879
38 9 ngìm rèn (=妊 ngìm rèn) be pregnant.⁶
<又> ngĩm.
(See 妊 ngìm, ngĩm; 姙 ngĩm.)
ngim4 11880
51 5 𢆉
ngìm rěn 【說文】,㨖也。言稍甚也。⁸ to stab.⁸ somewhat like 'to speak too strongly'.²⁴ʼ⁰ <old> to pierce.³⁶
(composition: ⿱丷干 or ⿱䒑十; U+22189).
ngim4 11881
118 12 ngìm rèn a bamboo mat used in ancient times, (interchangeable with U+887D 衽 ngìm rèn) a sleeping mat.⁸ a single mat; a mat for sleeping on.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗任; U+41EE).
(See 衽 ngìm).
ngim4 11882
120 10 ngìm rèn to lay the warp; to weave.⁷ to weave; to lay warp for weaving; silk thread for weaving; variant of 纫[紉] yìn rèn, to sew; to stitch; thread.¹⁰ weave, especially silken fabrics.¹¹
t: ⿰糹壬; U+7D1D). (comp. s: ⿰纟壬; U+7EB4).
织纴[織紝] jēik-ngìm
zhīrèn spinning and weaving.¹⁰ make by weaving.¹¹ to weave cloth, or silk.²⁵
纴织[紝織] ngìm-jēik
rènzhī to weave.¹⁰
ngim4 11883
120 15 ngìm rèn (same as U+7D1D 紝 ngìm rèn) to lay the warp, to weave.⁸ (Note:  䌾 may also be read as rén in Mandarin).⁸
t: ⿰糹南; U+42FB). (comp. s: ⿰纟南; U+433E).
<又> nïm.
(See 䋻 nïm).
ngim4 11884
140 9 ngìm rěn beans; soft, pliable; herb.¹ Perilla ocimoides; soft.¹⁰
光阴荏苒[光陰荏苒] göng-yïm-ngìm-ngëm
guāngyīnrěnrǎn Time passes very quickly.¹ Time flies.
荏弱 ngìm-ngèk
rěnruò <wr.> weak; timid.
荏苒 ngìm-ngëm
rěnrǎn <wr.> to slip by imperceptibly.¹ gradually, little by little (time passes).¹¹
荏菽 ngìm-sùk
rěnshū large beans; the garden pea, Pisum sativum.¹¹
内荏[內荏] nuì-ngìm
nèirěn weak (of character).
色厉内荏[色厲內荏] sēik-lài-nuì-ngìm
sèlìnèirěn fierce of mien but faint of heart; be weak inside though fierce in countenance; appear severe but weak inside.⁵⁴
ngim4 11885
145 9 ngìm rèn one or two pieces making up the front of a Chinese gown; sleeping mat.⁵ the lapel or collar of a garment; sleeves; to arrange (one's lapel); a sleeping mat.⁷ lapel; hidden lapel of coat.⁸ the lapel of a coat, buttoned under the right arm.¹⁴ (variant: 袵 ngìm rèn).
(composition: ⿰衤壬; U+887D).
or 扱袵 chäp-ngìm chārèn to tuck the skirts of a garment into the girdle.⁷ to tuck the skirts into the girdle.¹⁴
左衽 dū-ngìm
zuǒrèn <wr.> following the barbarian custom of fastening garment on the left side.¹¹
or 裣衽[襝衽] lêm-ngìm liǎnrèn <wr.> tidy oneself up to show respect; (of a woman) make obeisance (to somebody).⁶ (of a man or woman) formerly, salute by gathering up the folds of the coat before bowing.¹¹
衽席 ngìm-dèik
rènxí a sleeping mat.⁷
衽金革 ngìm-gïm-gāk
rènjīngé lie down to sleep fully armed.¹¹
四夷左衽 xï-yĩ-dū-ngìm
sìyízuǒrèn the barbarian tribes whose garments fasten on the left side.¹⁴
(See 袵 ngìm).
ngim4 11886
145 11 ngìm rèn (=衽 ngìm rèn) lapels; collars; sleeves; bedding.⁷
(composition: ⿰衤任; U+88B5).
(See 衽 ngìm).
ngim4 11887
154 13 ngìm lìn rent; hire.⁵
出赁[出賃] chūt-ngìm chūlìn for rent.¹⁹
赁车[賃車] ngìm-chëh lìnchē hire/lease a car.⁶
赁借[賃借] ngìm-dëh
lìnjiè to hire; to borrow.⁷
赁租[賃租] ngìm-dü
lìnzū to rent.⁷
赁费[賃費] ngìm-fï
lìnfèi rent; rental.⁵
赁房子[賃房子] ngìm-fông-dū
lìnfángzi rent a room¹¹
赁金[賃金] ngìm-gïm
lìnjīn rental, rent money.¹¹
赁工[賃工] ngìm-güng
lìngōng hire(d) help.¹¹
赁书[賃書] ngìm-sï
lìnshū one who is hired to write; to borrow books (with rental) for reading.⁷
赁钱[賃錢] ngìm-tẽin
lìnqián rent; rental; hire.⁶
赁屋[賃屋] ngìm-ūk
lìnwū rent a house.¹¹
ngim4 11888
184 12 ngìm rèn cook.
中式烹饪[中式烹飪] Jüng-sēik-päng-ngìm Zhōngshì pēngrèn Chinese cooking; Chinese cuisine.⁶
烹饪[烹飪] päng-ngìm
pēngrèn cooking; culinary art.⁵
ngim4 11889
149 10 ngīn rèn hesitate to say, reluctant to speak.⁸ <lit.> (literary) slow in speech.¹⁰ (of speech) deliberately hesitating, reluctant to speak out.¹¹ slow of speech; to hesitate in speech; cautious in speech.¹⁴ to bow, to stumble; to stammer, blunt, difficult, hard of utterance; benevolent.²⁵ (=认[認] ngìn rèn) to confess, to place a matter in the right light, which is sometimes difficult..²⁵
t: ⿰訁刃; U+8A12). (comp. s: ⿰讠刃; U+8BB1).
讱讷[訒訥] ngīn-nàp
rènnè slow of speech; to stammer.¹⁴
仁者其言也讱[仁者其言也訒] ngĩn-jēh-kĩ-ngũn-yâ-ngīn
rénzhěqíyányěrèn a true man is slow to talk.¹¹ The man of perfect virtue is cautious and slow in his speech.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《論語·顏淵》, translated by James Legge).
言讱[言訒] ngũn-ngīn
yánrèn words expressed with diffficulty.²⁵
ngin1 11890
30 9 ngïn gěn (=艮 ngïn gěn) <topo.> (of food) tough, leathery; straightforward, forthright, blunt.⁵
<又> gïn.
(See 哏 gïn.)
ngin2 11891
61 7 ngïn rěn endure, tolerate.
<台> 忍肉 ngïn-ngûk shiver, shudder.
<又> ngîn. (See 忍 ngîn.)
ngin2 11892
138 6 ngïn gěn <topo.> (of food) tough, leathery; straightforward, forthright, blunt.⁵
艮萝卜不好吃[艮蘿蔔不好吃] ngïn-lõ-bàk būt-hāo-hëk gěnluóbobùhǎochī (hard to chew) tough turnip is not good to eat.
<又> gän.
(See 艮 gän.)
ngin2 11893
177 12 ngïn rèn (=韧[韌] ngïn rèn) pliable but strong; tenacious; tough.⁵
(composition: ⿰革刃; U+976D).
(See 韌 ngïn; 肕 ngîn.)
ngin2 11894
178 12 ngïn rèn pliable but strong; tenacious; tough.⁵ (variant: 靭 ngïn rèn; old variant: 肕 ngîn rèn).
t: ⿰韋刃; U+97CC). (comp. s: ⿰韦刃; U+97E7).
韧带[韌帶] ngïn-âi/
rèndài ligament.⁵
韧劲[韌勁] ngïn-gèin
rènjìn tenacity.⁸
韧体[韌體] ngïn-hāi
rèntǐ firmware.¹⁹
韧挺[韌挺] ngïn-hêin
rèntǐng tough and strong.⁵⁴
韧力[韌力] ngïn-lèik
rènlì tenacious and persistent will.⁸
韧硬兼蓄[韌硬兼蓄] ngïn-ngàng-gëm-chūk
rènyìngjiānxù have both the quality of tenacity and hardness.⁵⁴
韧皮部[韌皮部] ngïn-pĩ-bù
rènpíbù <bot.> bast; phloem.⁵
韧皮纤维[韌皮纖維] ngïn-pĩ-tïm-vĩ
rènpíxiānwéi bast fiber.⁵
韧度[韌度] ngïn-ù
rèndù tenacity.⁶
韧性[韌性] ngïn-xëin
rènxìng toughness; tenacity.⁵
<台> 韧麻亚[韌麻亞] ngïn-mã
'a very tough (meat).
<台> 韧肉[韌肉] ngïn-ngûk/ feel sick; feel nauseated.
(See 靭 ngïn; 肕 ngîn.)
ngin2 11895
4 丿 2 𠂉 ngĩn rén person radical, similar to 亻 and 人.³⁶
(composition: ⿰丿一; U+20089).
(See 人 ngĩn).
ngin3 11896
9 2 ngĩn rén Kangxi radical 9; person; man; people.
(variant: 𠆢 ngĩn rén). (See 𠆢 ngĩn).
人浮于事[人浮於事] ngĩn-fẽo-yï-xù
rénfúyúshì more personnel or candidates than work available.¹¹
人家 ngĩn-gä
rénjia human abode or residence; home; other people; I (used by females).
人间[人間] ngĩn-gän
rénjiān the human world; the earth.¹⁰
人口 ngĩn-hēo
rénkǒu population.¹¹
人类[人類] ngĩn-luì
rénlèi mankind, humanity.⁸
人民 ngĩn-mĩn
rénmín the people (of a nation).
人们[人們] ngĩn-mõn
rénmen people.
人情 ngĩn-tẽin
rénqíng human feelings; feelings; favor; courtesy; gift.⁵⁵
or 人材 ngĩn-tõi réncái talent; talented person; looks; attractive looks.¹⁰
人才济济[人才濟濟] ngĩn-tõi-dāi-dāi
réncáijǐjǐ a galaxy of talent (idiom); a great number of competent people.¹⁰
人才荟萃[人才薈萃] ngĩn-tõi-vòi-xuì
réncáihuìcuì galaxy of talent; gathering of distinguished people.⁹
人皇 ngĩn-võng
rénhuáng refers to 黃帝 Huangdi (2711-2598 BCE).
人影幢幢[人影幢幢] ngĩn-yēng-chõng-chõng
rényǐng chuángchuáng shadows of people moving about.⁶
<台> 人 ngĩn or 阿人 ä-ngĩn paternal grandmother.
ngin3 11897
9 2 ngĩn rén (radical 9, component: 'person', same as 人 ngĩn rén; 单人旁[單人旁] än-ngĩn-põng dānrénpáng or in Hoisanva 企人边[企人邊] kï-ngĩn-bein5/).
(composition: ⿱丿丨; U+4EBB).
(See 人 ngĩn).
ngin3 11898
9 2 𠆢 ngĩn rén (=人 ngĩn rén person; man; people.).³⁶
(composition: ⿰丿㇏; U+201A2). Used as a top component in such characters as: 个仑仒㐱仺仝企会佘禽.
(See 人 ngĩn).
ngin3 11899
9 2 𠆢 ngĩn rén (=人 ngĩn rén Kangxi radical 9; person; man; people.)
(composition: ⿰丿㇏; U+201A2).
(Note: 𠆢 renders correctly in iOS 14.8 as of 10/23/2021).
(See 人 ngĩn).
ngin3 11900
9 4 ngĩn rén <wr.> benevolence; humane; compassionate; kernel; nut.
不仁 būt-ngĩn bùrén not benevolent; heartless; numb.¹⁰
花生仁 fä-säng-ngĩn
huāshēngrén shelled peanut.
虾仁[蝦仁] hâ-ngĩn
xiārén or 虾仁儿[蝦仁兒] hâ-ngĩn-ngĩ  xiārénr a shrimp with its shell removed.⁷
杏仁 hàng-ngĩn
xìngrén almond.
核桃仁 hàt-hão-ngĩn
or hàt-hô-ngĩn hétaorén walnut kernel.¹⁰
同仁 (=同人) hũng-ngĩn
tóngrén colleagues, fellow workers.
瞳仁 or 瞳人 hũng-ngĩn
tóngrén pupil (of the eye).⁶
仁至义尽[仁至義盡] ngĩn-jï-ngì-dìn
rénzhìyìjìn fulfillment of moral obligations.
仁爱[仁愛] ngĩn-öi
rén'ài kind-heartedness; benevolence; humanity.⁶
仁慈 ngĩn-xũ
réncí benevolent; kindness; merciful.
杀身成仁[殺身成仁] sät-sïn-sẽin-ngĩn
shāshēnchéngrén to die for a just cause.
一视同仁[一視同仁] yīt-sì-hũng-ngĩn
yīshìtóngrén to treat equally without discrimination.
<台> 仁面
or 人面 ngĩn-mèin/ dracontomelon. (仁面 or 人面 is usually spoken as 牛面 ngẽo-mèin/).
<又> ngîn.
(See 仁 ngîn.)
ngin3 11901
9 4 𠆧
ngĩn rén (Min Dong 閩東語 nè̤ng) Alternative form of 侬[儂] nũng nóng person; a person associated with a particular identity or trait; physical, psychological or moral quality or condition; others; I; pronoun suffix.³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻人; U+201A7).
<又> hũ, fä.
(See 𠆧❄{⿰亻人} hũ, 𠆧❄{⿰亻人} fä; 儂 nũng).
ngin3 11902
10 2 ngĩn rén Kangxi radical 10; (<old>=人 ngĩn rén).⁸ variant of 人 "person" radical in Chinese characters, occurring in 兒, 兀, 兄 etc.³⁵
(See 兒 [ngĩ, ér], [ngĩ, r], [ngī, ér].)
ngin3 11903
61 6 ngĩn rén (<old>=仁 ngĩn rén <wr.> benevolence; humane; compassionate; kernel; nut.); kind-heartedness; benevolence; humanity; intimate; parent; relative.⁸
(composition: ⿱二心; U+5FC8).
(See 仁 ngĩn).
ngin3 11904
61 7 ngĩn rén (<old>=仁 ngĩn rén <wr.> benevolence; humane; compassionate; kernel; nut.).⁸
(composition: ⿱千心; U+5FCE).
(See 仁 ngĩn).
ngin3 11905
75 8 𣏴 ngĩn rén 𣏴 ngĩn rén (Cant.) a kind of fruit.⁸
(composition: ⿰木仁; U+233F4).
𣏴㮌 ngĩn-mèin
rénmián (Garcinia tinctoria W.F.Wight) aka 大叶藤黄, 戈吗啦, 人面果, 歪脖子果, 仁稔, 銀稔, 人面子 ngĩn-mèin-dū rénmiànzi (Dracontomelon duperreanum).²⁰ (See <台> 仁面 or 人面 ngẽo-mèin/).
ngin3 11906
140 7 ngĩn rén the name of a plant.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹仁; U+82A2).
"芢" is the answer to the riddle:
两个小人躲猫猫, 草下二人静悄悄. (打一字).
[兩個小人躲貓貓, 草下二人靜悄悄.] (打一字).
Lēng-göi-xēl-ngĩn-ū-miū-miū, tāo-hà-ngì-ngĩn-dèin-tēl-tēl. (Ā-yīt-dù).
Liǎng gè xiǎo rén duǒmāomāo, cǎo xià èr rén jìngqiāoqiāo. (Dǎ yī zì).
The two villains play hide-and-seek very quietly under the grass (one character/word).¹⁹
薏芢 yï-ngĩn
yìrén Job's tears (Coix lacryma).²⁹ (See 薏苡 yï-yî).
ngin3 11907
149 14 ngìn rèn to recognize; to know; to admit.
否认[否認] fēo-ngìn fǒurèn to deny; to repudiate.
公认[公認] güng-ngìn
gōngrèn publicly known (to be); accepted (as).
确认[確認] kōk-ngìn
quèrèn affirm; confirm; acknowledge.⁵
认得[認得] ngìn-āk
rènde to recognize; to remember something (or somebody) on seeing it; to know.
认不是[認不是] ngìn-būt-sì
rènbùshì admit one's wrong.
认真[認真] ngìn-jïn
rènzhēn serious; earnest; conscientious; to take seriously; to take to heart.
认识[認識] ngìn-sēik
rènshi to recognize; to know; to be familiar with; to get acquainted with somebody; knowledge; understanding; awareness; cognition.
认贼作父[認賊作父] ngìn-tàk-dōk-fù
rènzéizuòfù lit. to treat a thief as one's father – to give allegiance to an usurper or invader; to mistake an enemy for one's friend.⁶
认为[認為] ngìn-vĩ
rènwéi to think that; to believe that.
承认[承認] sẽin-ngìn
chéngrèn to admit; to acknowledge; to give diplomatic recognition.
ngin4 11908
9 4 ngîn rén <台> 眼仁 ngān-ngîn eyeball.
<又> ngĩn. (See 仁 ngĩn.)
ngin5 11909
61 6 ngîn rěn (=忍 ngîn rěn) to endure, to bear; to forbear; to repress.⁸
(composition: ⿰忄刃; U+38FC).
(See 忍 ngîn).
ngin5 11910
61 7 ngîn rěn bear, endure, tolerate, put up with; be hardhearted enough to, have the heart to.⁵
不忍 būt-ngîn bùrěn cannot bear to; disturbed.¹⁰
忍不住 ngîn-būt-jì
rěnbuzhù unable to bear.⁵
忍悛不禁 ngîn-dün-būt-gïm
or ngîn-xũn-būt-gïm rěnquānbùjìn cannot help laughing.⁵
忍气吞声[忍氣吞聲] ngîn-hï-hün-sëin
rěnqìtūnshēng suffer indignities without a protest.¹¹
忍痛 ngîn-hüng
rěntòng very reluctancely.⁵
忍鸷[忍鷙] ngîn-jï
rěnzhì brutal, cruel, heartless.⁵⁴
忍让[忍讓] ngîn-ngèng
rěnràng exercise forbearance; be forbearing and concilatory.⁵
忍耐 ngîn-nòi
rěnnài to show restraint; to repress (anger); to exercise patience.¹⁰
忍受 ngîn-siù
rěnshòu to bear; to endure.¹⁰
忍冬 ngîn-üng
rěndōng (=金银花[金銀花] gïm-ngãn-fä jīnyínhuā) <bot.> honeysuckle.¹¹
忍心 ngîn-xïm
rěnxīn have the heart to; be hardhearted enough to.⁵
忍辱含垢 ngîn-yùk-hẽim-gēo
rěnrǔhángòu silently endure all the disgrace and humiliations.¹¹
<又> ngïn.
(See 忍 ngïn.)
ngin5 11911
130 7 ngîn rèn (<old>=韧[韌] ngïn rèn) pliable but strong; tenacious; tough.⁵ tough, strong, hard.⁸ʼ¹⁴
(composition: ⿰月刃; U+8095).
铁肕[鐵肕] hëik-ngîn
tiěrèn as hard as iron.¹⁴
肕皮 ngîn-pĩ
rènpí tough skin or hide.¹⁴
肕心肠[肕心腸] ngîn-xïm-chẽng
rènxīncháng obdurate; hard-hearted.¹⁴
<台> 肕 ngîn tendon.
<台> 噍肕 dèl-ngîn chewing on tendon.
<台> 龁肕[齕肕] ngàt-ngîn gnawing on tendon.
(See 韌 ngïn; 靭 ngïn.)
ngin5 11912
130 11 ngîn rěn a kind of insect; earthworm; durable; strong and soft; pliable yet tough.⁸
(composition: ⿰月忍; U+43F0).
𦚧❄{⿰月旬}䏰 chūn-ngîn chǔnrěn or chūn-ngùn chǔnrùn name of a county.² the name of a village; a kind of insect; also a place where such insects abound.²⁵ earthworm; Han dynasty county name, which received this name because its grounds were very wet and has many earthworms.¹⁰¹
<又> ngùn.
(See 䏰 ngùn).
ngin5 11913
24 3 ngìp niàn (=廿 ngìp niàn (二十 ngì-sìp èrshí) twenty.
(composition: ⿻十丨 or ⿻丨十; U+5344).
卄三 ngìp-xäm
niànsān twenty-three.
卄四 ngìp-xï
niànsì twenty-four.
(See 廿 ngìp).
ngip4 11914
55 4 廿 ngìp niàn (=二十 ngì-sìp èrshí) twenty. (variant: 卄 ngìp)
(composition: ⿵卄一; U+5EFF).
廿二 ngìp-ngì
niànèr twenty-two.
廿一 ngìp-yīt
niànyī twenty-one.
(See 卄 ngìp).
ngip4 11915
72 4 ngït sun; day.
<台> 递日[遞日] ài-ngït (=<台> 天早 hèin-dāo) tomorrow.
<台> 大日子 ài-ngït-dū holiday.
<台> 今晚唔得闲. 遞日先啦.[今晚唔得閑. 遞日先啦.] gïm-mân-mäkãn, ài-ngït-xëin-lā. I'm busy today. How about tomorrow?
<台> 两日[兩日] lēng-ngït two days.
<台> 日头[日頭] ngìt-hêo sun.
<台> 日日 ngït-ngït every day.
<台> 一日 yīt-ngït one day.
<又> ngìt, ngît. (See 日 ngìt, ngît.)
ngit2 11916
31 8 ngìt (=日 ngìt sun; daytime; day; daily, everyday).⁵
(composition: ⿴囗正; U+56F8).
(See 日 ngìt).
ngit4 11917
72 4 ngìt Kangxi radical 72.⁸ sun; daytime; day; daily, everyday.⁵
(variant: 囸 ngìt ). <又> ngït, ngît. (See 日 ngït, 日 ngît; 囸 ngìt).
日薄西山 ngìt-bòk-xäi-sän
rìbóxīshān the sun is setting beyond the western hills – nearing one's end; approaching death; declining rapidly.⁹
日薄崦嵫 ngìt-bòk Yēm-dü
rìbó Yānzī lit. the sun sets in Yanzi (idiom); fig. the last days (of a person, a dynasty).¹⁰
日本 Ngìt-bōn
Rìběn Japan.⁵
日本马醉木[日本马醉木] Ngìt-bōn-mâ-duï-mûk
Rìběn mǎzuìmù Japanese andromeda Pieris japonica.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ʼ²³
日积月累[日積月累] ngìt-dēik-ngùt-luì
rìjīyuèlěi accumulate day by day and month by month.⁵
日子 ngìt-dū
rìzi day; a (calendar) date; days of one's life.¹⁰
日记[日記] ngìt-gï
rìjì diary.⁵
日光 ngìt-göng
rìguāng sunlight; sunbeam.⁵
日期 ngìt-kĩ
rìqī date.⁵
日珥 ngìt-ngī
rì'ěr <astr.> solar prominence.⁶
日晒雨淋[日曬雨淋] ngìt-säi-yî-lĩm
rìshàiyǔlín sun-scorched and rain-drenched – exposed to the elements.⁵⁴
or 日食 ngìt-sèik rìshí a solar eclipse.⁷
日前 ngìt-tẽin
rìqián a few days ago; the other day.⁵
日新月异[日新月異] ngìt-xïn-ngùt-yì
rìxīnyuèyì change with each passing day.⁵
ngit4 11918
84 8 ngìt old name for 氦 hòi hài, helium.¹⁰
<又> yẽng.
(See 氜 yẽng).
ngit4 11919
187 14 ngìt post horse, relay horse.⁸ horse for relaying dispatches.¹⁰ formerly, horses for courier service.¹¹ mounted couriers formerly used for carrying despatches.¹⁴ aka 传车[傳車] jòn-chëh zhuànchē a cart/car/carriage used to deliver mail at an ancient post station.¹⁹ a post horse, a courier, a fast horse for the conveyance of intelligence; when attached to a carriage such a horse is call 传[傳] jòn zhuàn, and in the saddle 驲[馹] ngìt rì.²⁵
t: ⿰馬日; U+99B9). (comp. s: ⿰马日; U+9A72).
楚子乘驲[楚子乘馹] chō-dū-sẽin-ngìt
chǔzǐchéngrì the Prince of Chu, mounted a fleet horse.²⁵
<又> yèik.
(See 馹 yèik).
ngit4 11920
72 4 ngît <台> 今日 gïm-ngît today.
<又> ngït, ngìt. (See 日 ngït, ngìt.)
ngit5 11921
187 17 ngō ě (composition: ⿰馬我; U+9A00).
騀騼 ngō-lùk ělù a kind of horse; some say, a wild horse; the horse kind.²⁵
駊騀 pō-ngō
pǒ'ě a horse shaking its head; a horse with an ugly gait.²⁵
(See 𩣣❄{⿰我馬} ngō).
ngo1 11922
187 17 𩣣
ngō ě a horse going along.²⁵ a horse shaking its head.¹⁰⁰
(composition: ⿰我馬; U+298E3).
(See 騀 ngō).
ngo1 11923
190 17 𩭝
ngō ě (composition: ⿱髟我; U+29B5D).
髲𩭝❄{⿱髟我} pō-ngō pǒ'ě (=駊騀 pō-ngō pǒ'ě) a horse shaking its head; a horse with an ugly gait.²⁵
ngo1 11924
9 9 ngõ é very soon; suddenly; Russian.
白俄 Bàk-ngõ Bái'é White Russian.
俄顷[俄頃] ngõ-kēin
éqǐng in a short moment.⁸
俄文 Ngõ-mũn
Éwén Russian writing or language.
俄然 ngõ-ngẽin
érán suddenly; all of a sudden.
俄而 ngõ-ngĩ
é'ér <wr.> after a while; presently.
俄尔[俄爾] ngõ-ngì
é'ěr <wr.> very soon; before long.¹⁰  in a short moment, very soon.¹¹
俄语[俄語] Ngõ-nguî
Éyǔ Russian (language).
俄罗斯[俄羅斯] Ngõ-lõ-xü
Éluósī Russia.
俄延 ngõ-yẽn
éyán to delay; to retard; to put off.
ngo3 11925
30 7 ngõ é action; help to change by persuasion, setting an example; death of a 鸾[鸞] lũn luán 'phoenix-like mythical bird' and a 凤[鳳] fùng fèng phoenix; (<old>=讹[訛] ngõ é to blackmail; <wr.> erroneous.); (<old>=哦 ö ó to act.⁹); move.⁸ to rouse, to wake up, to reform; also a mistake, false.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口化; U+542A).
凤靡鸾吪[鳳靡鸞吪] fùng-mî-lũn-ngõ
fèng mǐ luán é phoenices die, metaphor for people dying; later, it means elegy.²³ (Note: specifically 靡 mî is death of a 凤[鳳] fùng fèng phoenix and 吪 ngõ é is death of a 鸾[鸞] lũn luán 'phoenix-like mythical bird').
吪言 ngõ-ngũn
éyán false words.²⁴
(See 訛 ngõ; 哦 ö).
ngo3 11926
30 10 ngõ é to chant.¹⁰
吟哦 ngĩm-ngõ yín'é to recite with a cadence; to chant.⁹ to chant; to recite rhythmically; to polish verse.¹⁰
<又> ö; ò.
(See 哦 ö; 哦 ò).
ngo3 11927
31 7 ngõ é decoy bird, medium (intermediary), birth by transformation (to become something from nothing).⁸ to inveigle; to decoy; to transform (used for 化 fä huà).¹⁴
囮子 ngõ-dū
or ngũ-dū ézi a decoy bird.¹⁴
囮鸟[囮鳥] ngõ-nêl
éniǎo stool (as in stool pigeon).⁸
囮育 ngõ-yùk
or ngũ-yùk éyù produced and nurtured.¹⁴
鸟囮[鳥囮] nêl-ngõ
or nêl-ngũ niǎo'é a decoy bird.¹⁴
<又> ngũ.
(See 囮 ngũ; 𡈙❄{⿴囗鳥} ngõ; 㘥 yiũ.)
ngo3 11928
31 14 𡈙
ngõ é (=囮 ngõ é).¹⁴ decoy bird, medium (intermediary), birth by transformation (to become something from nothing).⁸ to inveigle; to decoy; to transform (used for 化 fä huà).¹⁴
(composition: ⿴囗鳥; U+21219).
(See 囮 ngõ, ngũ; 㘥 yiũ.)
ngo3 11929
38 10 ngõ é good, beautiful; a common name for a girl; E surname.⁷
宫娥[宮娥] güng-ngõ gōng'é palace maid; maid of honor.⁵
姮娥 Hãng-ngõ
Héng'é the goddess of the moon in Chinese myth; Lady in the Moon.⁵⁴
or 蛾眉 ngõ-mĩ éméi lit. beautiful eyebrows – a  beautiful girl or woman.⁷
or 蛾眉月 ngõ-mĩ-ngùt éméiyuè crescent moon; waxing moon; crescent.⁶
娥娥 ngõ-ngõ
é'é <wr.> pretty.¹¹
娥皇 Ngõ-võng
Éhuáng one of Emperor Shun's wives, the other being Ngõ-võng's sister 女英 Nuī-yëin Nǚyīng both of whom were Emperor Yao's daughters.²⁰
ngo3 11930
46 10 ngõ é (=峨 ngõ é) high.⁶ lofty; name of a mountain.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱山我; U+5CE9).
济济辟王. 左右奉璋. 奉璋峩峩. 髦士攸宜.
[濟濟辟王. 左右奉璋. 奉璋峩峩. 髦士攸宜.]
Dāi-dāi bēik-võng. Dū-yiù fùng jëng. Fùng jëng ngõ ngõ. Mão xù yiũ ngĩ.

Jǐjǐ bì wáng. Zuǒyòu fèng zhāng. Fèng zhāng é é. Máo shì yōu yí.
Elegant and dignified was our prince and king;
On his left and his right they bore their half-mace
[libation-cups]; -
They bore their instruments with solemn gravity,
As beseemed such eminent officers.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·文王之什·棫樸》, translated by James Legge).

(See 峨 ngõ.)
ngo3 11931
46 10 ngõ é high.⁶ lofty; name of a mountain.¹⁰
其状峨峨[其狀峨峨] kĩ-jòng-ngõ-ngõ or kĩ-jòng-ngũ-ngũ qízhuàng'é'é charming shape.⁶
南山峨峨 nãm-sän-ngõ-ngõ
or nãm-sän-ngũ-ngũ nánshāné'é towering southerm mountains.⁶
巍峨 nguĩ-ngõ
or nguĩ-ngũ or ngãi-ngõ or ngãi-ngũ wēi'é lofty; towering; majestic.¹⁰
峨冠博带[峨冠博帶] ngõ-gön-bōk-âi
or ngũ-gön-bōk-âi éguānbódài high hat and broad waistband (attire for imperial Chinese scholar official).⁶
峨嵋山 Ngõ-mĩ-sän
or Ngũ-mĩ-sän Éméi Shān Emei Mountain, Mount Emei in 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan Province, one of the Four Sacred Mountains and Bodhimanda of Samantabhadra 普贤[普賢] Pū-yẽn Pǔxián, the Buddhist Lord of Truth.¹⁰
峨峨 ngõ-ngõ
or ngũ-ngũ é'é high, lofty, towering; solemn; charming, fine, lovely.⁶
嵯峨 tö-ngõ
or tü-ngũ cuó'é <wr.> (of mountains) precipitous; towering and steep.⁶
<又> ngũ.
(See 峨 ngũ.)
ngo3 11932
96 11 ngõ é holding a 珪璋 gï-jëng guīzhāng Guizhang (q.v.) with both hands.² holding the scepter in the hand.²⁴
(composition: ⿰𤣩我; U+73F4).
ngo3 11933
112 12 ngõ flat stone/iron rammer with ropes attached at the sides.⁵
打硪 ā-ngõ dǎwò operate a rammer.⁵ ram with rammer.¹⁹
石硪 sêk-ngõ
shíwò punner.⁸ flat stone with ropes attached, used to ram the ground.¹⁰
ngo3 11934
140 10 ngõ é artemisia.⁸ zedoary (Curcuma zedoaria), plant rhizome similar to turmeric.⁴³
莪蒿 ngõ-häo
éhāo A perennial herb which grows by water with needle-shaped leaves. Its tender stems and leaves are edible.
ngo3 11935
142 13 ngõ é a moth.⁷
飞蛾[飛蛾] fï-ngõ fēi'é flying moth.⁶
飞蛾投火[飛蛾投火] fï-ngõ-hẽo-fō
fēi'étóuhuǒ a moth darting into a flame – incur destruction upon oneself; seek one's own doom.⁶
飞蛾扑火[飛蛾撲火] fï-ngõ-pōk-fō
fēi'épūhuǒ a moth darting into a flame – incur destruction upon oneself; seek one's own doom.⁶
蛾子 ngõ-dū
ézi moth.⁶
蛾兰[蛾蘭] ngõ-lãn
élán moth orchid.⁶
蛾螺 ngõ-lũ
éluó whelk.⁶
蛾绿[蛾綠] ngõ-lùk
élǜ <trad.> dark-green coloring material for eyebrows.⁷
or 娥眉 ngõ-mĩ éméi lit. beautiful eyebrows – a  beautiful girl or woman.⁷
蛾眉粉黛 ngõ-mĩ-fūn-òi
éméifěndài beautiful women.⁵⁴
or 娥眉月 ngõ-mĩ-ngùt éméiyuè crescent moon; waxing moon; crescent.⁶
蛾蛾 ngõ-ngõ
é'é <wr.> huge; giant.⁵⁴
蛾翠 ngõ-tuï
écuì dark-green coloring for women's eyebrows.¹⁹
<又> ngũ.
(See 蛾 ngũ.)
ngo3 11936
149 11 ngõ é to blackmail; <wr.> erroneous. (variants: 譌, 吪 ngõ é)
传讹[傳訛] chũn-ngõ
chuán'é to pass on wrong reports.
讹舛[訛舛] ngõ-chūn
échuǎn <wr.> erroneous, absurd.¹¹
讹传[訛傳] ngõ-chũn
échuán false rumor.
讹字[訛字] ngõ-dù
ézì wrong character; misprint.
讹火[訛火] ngõ-fō
éhuǒ will-o-the-wisp; wildfire.
讹诈[訛詐] ngõ-jä
ézhà to extort under false pretenses; to blackmail; to bluff; to defraud.¹⁰
讹言[訛言] ngõ-ngũn
éyán <wr.> rumor; wild talk; raving.
以讹传讹[以訛傳訛] yî-ngõ-chũn-ngõ
yǐ'échuán'é (said of rumors) to convey incorrectly what is already incorrect.⁷
(See 譌 ngõ; 吪 ngõ).
ngo3 11937
149 19 ngõ é (=讹[訛] ngõ é to blackmail; <lit.> erroneous.)
(composition: ⿰言爲; U+8B4C).
(See 訛 ngõ).
ngo3 11938
167 15 ngõ é osmium (Os).⁶
锇酐[鋨酐] ngõ-gön égān perosmic anhydride.⁹
锇黑[鋨黑] ngõ-hāk
éhēi osmium black.⁶
锇酸[鋨酸] ngõ-xön
ésuān osmic acid.⁶
锇酸盐[鋨酸鹽] ngõ-xön-yẽm
ésuānyán osmate.⁶
锇丝灯[鋨絲燈] ngõ-xû-äng
ésīdēng osmium lamp.⁶
ngo3 11939
172 15 𨿍
ngõ é (=鹅[鵝] ngõ é goose.⁶).²
(composition: ⿰我隹; U+28FCD).
(See 鵝 ngõ).
ngo3 11940
196 18 ngõ é goose.⁶ (variants: 䳘 ngõ é; 鵞 ngõ é; 𨿍❄{⿰我隹} ngõ é).
白鹅[白鵝] bàk-ngõ
or bàk-ngũ bái'é white goose.¹⁹
天鹅[天鵝] hëin-ngõ
or hëin-ngũ tiān'é swan.⁹
鹅蛋[鵝蛋] ngõ-àn/
or ngũ-àn/ édàn goose's egg.⁶
鹅蛋脸[鵝蛋臉] ngõ-àn-lêm
édànliǎn oval face.⁶
鹅膏蕈[鵝膏蕈] ngõ-gäo-xïn
or ngũ-gäo-xïn égāoxùn Amanita (genus of deadly mushrooms).¹⁰
鹅叫[鵝叫] ngõ-gël
éjiào cackles of geese.⁷
鹅颈管[鵝頸管] ngõ-gēng-gōn
or ngũ-gēng-gōn éjǐngguǎn <mach.> gooseneck.⁶
鹅口疮[鵝口瘡] ngõ-hēo-chông
or ngũ-hēo-chông ékǒuchuāng <med.> thrush; mycotic stomatitis.⁵⁴
鹅掌楸[鵝掌楸] ngõ-jēng-tiü
ézhǎngqiū Chinese tulip poplar or Chinese tulip tree, Liriodendron chinense.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鹅梨[鵝梨] ngõ-lĩ
élí a kind of pear grown in Anhui.⁷
鹅銮鼻[鹅鑾鼻] ngõ-lũn-bì
or ngũ-lũn-bì éluánbí Cape Eluanbi, southernmost point of Taiwan Island.¹⁰
鹅毛[鵝毛] ngõ-mão
or ngũ-mão émáo goose feather; featherlight things.⁶
鹅绒[鵝絨] ngõ-ngũng
or ngũ-ngũng éróng goose down.⁶
鹅黄[鵝黃] ngõ-võng
or ngũ-võng éhuáng light yellow.⁶
烧鹅[燒鵝] sël-ngõ
or sël-ngũ shāo'é roast goose.¹⁰
<又> ngũ.
(See 鵝 䳘 鵞 ngũ; 䳘 鵞 𨿍❄{⿰我隹} ngõ).
ngo3 11941
196 18 ngõ é (=鵝 ngõ é) goose.⁶
<又> ngũ.
(See 鵝 ngõ; 鵝 ngũ; 䳘 ngõ; 䳘 ngũ; 鵞 ngũ.)
ngo3 11942
196 18 ngõ é (=鵝 ngõ é) goose.⁶
<又> ngũ.
(See 鵝 ngõ; 鵝 ngũ; 䳘 ngũ; 鵞 ngõ; 鵞 ngũ.)
ngo3 11943
198 鹿 18 ngõ a buck, the male of the antelope.²⁵ stag, herd; <old> male water deer.³⁶
麀鹿麌麌 yiü-lùk-ngõ-ngõ or yiü-lùk-nguĩ-nguĩ  yōulùwúwú or yōulùyǔyǔ the bucks and does herding together.²⁵
麌麌 ngõ-ngõ
or nguĩ-nguĩ wúwú or yǔyǔ herding together.²⁵
<又> nguĩ.
(See 麌 nguĩ.)
ngo3 11944
131 8 ngò to lie down.
伏卧[伏臥] fùk-ngò fúwò to lie prostrate or prone; to lie on one's stomach.
仰卧起坐[仰臥起坐] ngêng-ngò-hī-tü
or ngêng-ngò-hī-tö yǎngwò-qǐzuò <sport> sit-up.
卧车[臥車] ngò-chëh
wòchē sleeping car or carriage.
卧箜篌[臥箜篌] ngò-hüng-hẽo
wòkōnghóu a kind of 箜篌 hüng-hẽo kōnghóu, an ancient Chinese stringed instrument played by plucking.⁰
卧铺[臥鋪] ngò-pü
wòpù sleeping berth; couchette.⁸
卧室[臥室] ngò-sīt
wòshì bedroom.¹⁰
卧薪尝胆[臥薪嘗膽] ngò-xïn-sẽng-ām
wòxīnchángdǎn the King of Yueh (越王勾践[越王勾踐] yòt-võng-gêo-dèin yuèwánggōujiàn King Gou Jian of Yue c. 470 BC) slept on firewood for mattress and had a gall hung over his bed to remind him of the bitterness (gall) of his defeat and prepare for a comeback.
安卧[安臥] ön-ngò
ānwò to rest; to go to sleep.
被卧[被臥] pî-ngò
bèiwo cover(s); quilt.
ngo4 11945
196 19 ngò è (<old>=鶂 ngò è cackling of geese.¹⁴).
(composition: ⿰鳥兒; U+9D83).
or 鶂鶂 ngò-ngò è'è cackling of geese.¹⁴ the honking of a goose.⁰
<又> yēik.
(See 鶃 yēik; 鶂 ngò).
ngo4 11946
196 19 ngò è cackling of geese.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰兒鳥; U+9D82).
鶂鶂 or 鶃鶃 ngò-ngò è'è cackling of geese.¹⁴ the honking of a goose.⁰
<又> yēik.
(See 鶂 yēik).
ngo4 11947
62 7 ngô I. me, my; we, us, our; (used coordinately with 你 in parallel structures) one, anyone; self.⁶
大家你一言,我一语,献计献策.[大家你一言我一語獻計獻策] ài-gä-nï-yīt-ngũn, ngô-yīt-nguî, hün-gài-hün-chāk. dàjiā nǐyīyán, wǒyīyǔ, xiànjìxiàncè. With everyone joining us, we had a brainstorming session.⁶
自我牺牲[自我犧牲] dù-ngô-hï-säng
zìwǒxīshēng self-sacrifice.⁵
自我批评[自我批評] dù-ngô-päi-pẽin
zìwǒpīpíng self-criticism.⁶
我等 ngô-āng
wǒděng we; us (archaic).¹⁰
我辈[我輩] ngô-böi
wǒbèi <wr.> we; us.⁶
我的 ngô-ēik
wǒde my, mine.¹⁰
我方 ngô-föng
wǒfāng our side; we.⁵
我家 ngô-gä
wǒjiā my home; my house; my family.⁷
我见[我見] ngô-gëin
wǒjiàn my opinion/idea/view.⁶
我国[我國] ngô-gōk
wǒguó our country; China.¹⁰
我军[我軍] ngô-gün
wǒjūn our army.⁵
我躬 ngô-güng
wǒgōng I, myself.²⁵
我行我素 ngô-hãng-ngô-xü
wǒxíngwǒsù persist in one's old habit; stick to one's old way of doing things.⁶
我们[我們] ngô-mõn
wǒmen we.⁵
<又> ngöi.
(See 我 ngöi; 偔 ngôi.)
ngo5 11948
9 10 𠊎
ngöi ngài I, me.³⁶ (Read as ái in Mandarin).
(composition: ⿰亻厓; U+2028E).
❄{⿰亻厓}等 ngöi-āng <Hakka> ngài-tén or ngài-tên or ngài-nên or ngai² dên¹; (=<台> 偔 ngôi we, us.); we, us.³⁶
ngoi2 11949
62 7 ngöi <台> 我 ngöi I, me.
<台> 我几何知随啊[我幾何知隨啊] Ngöi gī-hâo/ ï-tuĩ ä? How would I know?
<台> 我个[我個] ngöi-göi my, mine.
<又> ngô. (See 我 ngô; 偔 ngôi.)
ngoi2 11950
30 7 ngõi ái (alternate Mandarin pronunciation for 呆 ngõi dāi with same meaning: dull, dumb, idiotic, silly; blank; to stay.⁶)
(See 呆 [ngõi, dāi]; 獃 [ngõi, dāi], [ngõi, ái].)
ngoi3 11951
30 7 ngõi dāi dull, dumb, idiotic, silly; blank; to stay.⁶ (variant: 獃 ngõi dāi).
痴呆[癡呆] chï-ngõi
chīdāi dull-witted, stupid; dementia.⁷
痴呆症[癡呆症] chï-ngõi-jëin
chīdāizhèng dementia.⁹
发呆[發呆] fāt-ngõi
fādāi or fā'ái stunned, nonplussed.¹¹
老呆 lāo-ngõi
lǎodāi an old fool.⁷
呆板 ngõi-bān
dāibǎn or áibǎn stiff; inflexible.¹⁰
呆子 ngõi-dū
dāizi fool; sucker.¹⁰
呆头鹅[呆頭鵝] ngõi-hẽo-ngõ
or ngõi-hẽo-ngũ dāitóu'é idiot; simpleton; blockhead.⁵⁴
呆头呆脑[呆頭呆腦] ngõi-hẽo-ngõi-nāo
dāitóudāinǎo  looking like an idiot.¹⁴
呆滞[呆滯] ngõi-jài
dāizhì dull; lifeless; sluggish.¹⁰
呆帐[呆帳] ngõi-jëng
dāizhàng or áizhàng bad debt.¹⁰
呆若木鸡[呆若木雞] ngõi-ngèk-mùk-gäi
dāiruòmùjī to be dumb as a wooden chicken – to be dumb-struck or transfixed (with fear or amazement).⁶
呆一宿 ngõi-yīt-xūk
dāiyīxiǔ <topo.> stay for the night.⁵⁴
(See 呆 [ngõi, ái]; 獃 [ngõi, dāi], [ngõi, ái].)
ngoi3 11952
61 17 ngõi dāi be frustrated, be disappointed, feel dejected; (<old>=呆 ngõi dāi dull, dumb, idiotic, silly; blank; to stay.⁶); alarmed, scared; stupid.⁸
(composition: ⿰忄臺; U+61DB).
懛子 ngõi-dū
dāizǐ a dullard; an idiot.⁰
懛剴 ngõi-köi
dāikǎi be frustrated, be disappointed, feel dejected.⁸ lost will/aspiration.¹⁰¹
懛獃 ngõi-ngõi
dāidāi disappointed, frustrated, disheartened.²
(See 呆 ngõi).
ngoi3 11953
94 14 ngõi ái (alternate Mandarin pronunciation for 獃 ngõi dāi with same meaning: (=呆 ngõi dāi) dull, dumb, idiotic, silly; blank; to stay.⁶)
(See 呆 [ngõi, dāi], [ngõi, ái]; 獃 [ngõi, dāi].)
ngoi3 11954
94 14 ngõi dāi (=呆 ngõi dāi) dull, dumb, idiotic, silly; blank; to stay.⁶
or 痴呆[癡呆] chï-ngõi chīdāi or chī'ái stupid, dull.¹¹
or 呆板 ngõi-bān dāibǎn or áibǎn stiff; inflexible.¹⁰
(See 呆 [ngõi, dāi], [ngõi, ái]; 獃 [ngõi, ái].)
ngoi3 11955
106 15 ngõi ái (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 皑[皚] hōi ái with same meaning.)
<又> hōi.
(See 皚 hōi.)
ngoi3 11956
170 12 ngõi ái stand on tiptoe; tall and thin.² long.⁸
(composition: ⿰阝豈; U+9691).
䧒隑 lõi-ngõi lái'ái long.²
隑隑 ngõi-ngõi
ái'ái stand on tiptoe.¹⁹ʼ⁵⁴
<又> kĩ; köi.
(See 隑 kĩ; 隑 köi).
ngoi3 11957
187 17 𫘤
ngõi ái
(alternate Mandarin pronunciation for 騃 ngõi dāi dull, dumb, idiotic, silly.)
t: ⿰馬矣; U+9A03).
s: ⿰马矣; U+2B624).
(See 騃 [ngõi, dāi], [ngõi, ].)
ngoi3 11958
187 17 𫘤
ngõi dāi (variant of 呆 ngõi dāi) dull, dumb, idiotic, silly.
t: ⿰馬矣; U+9A03).
s: ⿰马矣; U+2B624).
❄{⿰马矣}板[騃板] ngõi-bān dāibǎn or áibǎn stiff; inflexible.¹⁰
❄{⿰马矣}[癡騃] chï-ngõi chīdāi or chī'ái stupid, dull.¹¹
(See 騃 [ngõi, ái], [ngõi, ].)
ngoi3 11959
187 17 𫘤
ngõi a horse going along in a robust manner.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿰馬矣; U+9A03). (comp. s: ⿰马矣; U+2B624).
❄{⿰马矣}[駓騃] pī-ngõi pīsì a wild animal prowling along.²⁵
(See 騃 [ngõi, dāi], [ngõi, ái].)
ngoi3 11960
36 5 ngòi wài outside; other; foreign; (relative) of one's mother, sisters or daughters; not closed related; besides; unofficial.⁵
外边[外邊] ngòi-bêin wàibian outside; outer surface; abroad; place other than one's home.¹⁰
外宾[外賓] ngòi-bïn
wàibīn foreign guest (or visitor).⁵
外藩 ngòi-fãn
wàifān prince's domain in border province.¹¹
外科 ngòi-fö
wàikē surgical department; surgery.⁸
外分泌 ngòi-fün-bï
wàifēnmì exocrine; external secretion.⁵
外界 ngòi-gäi
wàijiè outsiders, those who are not in the know; the outside; one's environment.⁷
外交 ngòi-gäo
wàijiāo diplomacy; foreign affairs.⁵
外国[外國] ngòi-gōk
wàiguó foreign country.⁵
外公 ngòi-güng
wàigōng <topo.> maternal grandfather.⁵
外套 ngòi-häo
wàitào coat; jacket.¹⁰
外地 ngòi-ì
wàidì other places.⁶
外面 ngòi-mèin
wàimian outside; out.⁵
外祟 ngòi-xuì
wàisuì ghosts of strangers, not of one's own relatives; person who is a pest.¹¹
外孙[外孫] ngòi-xün
wàisūn daughter's son.¹⁴
外孙女[外孫女] ngòi-xün-nuī
wàisūnnǚ daughter's daughter; granddaughter.¹⁴
外援 ngòi-yõn
wàiyuán foreign aid; external assistance.⁵
<又> ngài.
(See 外 ngài.)
ngoi4 11961
41 8 ngòi ài (<old>=碍[礙] ngòi ài to obstruct; to hinder; to block; to deter.³⁶
(composition: ⿱旦寸; U+3775).
<又> āk.
(See 㝵 āk; 礙 ngòi).
ngoi4 11962
61 17 ngòi ài dull-witted, stupid; terrified; suspended.
(composition: ⿰忄疑; U+61DD).
<又> ngĩ; ngì. (See 懝 ngĩ; 懝 ngì).
ngoi4 11963
75 4 𣎴
ngòi ài a bent tree does not grow straight up.⁸ʼ¹⁰¹ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿻丅𠆢; U+233B4).
<又> ūn. (See 𣎴❄{⿻丅𠆢} ūn).
ngoi4 11964
112 11 ngòi ài (<old>=碍[礙] ngòi ài to obstruct, hinder, be in the way; harmful, detrimental.⁷).⁸ an obstruction; a stone used for stopping up anything; a stumbling stone.²⁵
(composition: ⿰石亥; U+784B).
云雾不硋其视[雲霧不硋其視] vũn-mù-būt-ngòi-kĩ-sì
yún wù bù ài qí shì clouds and fog did not prevent him from seeing.⁹⁴
(See 礙 ngòi).
ngoi4 11965
112 15 ngòi wèi a mill; to grind; to break to pieces.¹⁴ to grind; a mill for grinding.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿰石豈; U+78D1). (comp. s: ⿰石岂; U+7859).
水硙[水磑] suī-ngòi
shuǐwèi a water mill.¹⁴
风硙[風磑] füng-ngòi
fēngwèi a windmill.¹⁴
<又> hōi; nguĩ.
(See 磑 hōi; 磑 nguĩ).
ngoi4 11966
112 19 ngòi ài to obstruct, hinder, be in the way; harmful, detrimental.⁷
碍口[礙口] ngòi-hēo àikǒu unpleasant to talk about.⁷
碍面子[礙面子] ngòi-mèin-dū
àimiànzi be afraid of hurting others' feelings; not to embarass somebody.⁶
碍目[礙目] ngòi-mùk
àimù an eyesore.⁷
碍难[礙難] ngòi-nãn
àinán <wr.> finding it difficult (to do something); <topo.> feeling embarassed/awkward.⁶
碍难照准[礙難照准] ngòi-nãn-jël-jūn
àinánzhàozhǔn It is impossible for this office to grant the permission (a conventional phrase in official communications).⁷
碍眼[礙眼] ngòi-ngān
àiyǎn unpleasant to the eye; to offend the eye; to be an eyesore.⁷
碍手碍脚[礙手礙腳] ngòi-siū-ngòi-gëk
àishǒuàijiǎo to be very much in the way.⁷
碍事[礙事] ngòi-xù
àishì to be in the way, to be an obstacle to work; to be a problem.⁷
碍于情面[礙於情面] ngòi-yï-tẽin-mèin
àiyúqíngmiàn for fear of hurting somebody's feelings.⁷
ngoi4 11967
9 11 ngôi è numerous, many.²⁴
<台> 偔 ngôi we, us.⁰ [Used to replace 我 (ngôi) (Note: this entry is no longer in this dictionary) which may be mistaken in written form as 我 (ngöi) I, me; (singular first person)].
<台> 偔今晚唔得闲[偔今晚唔得閒] Ngôi gïm mân mäk kãn We are busy today.
(Note 1: 唔得闲[唔得閒]  m̃-äk-hãn  is contracted to mäk kãn or mäkãn).
(Note 2: The character, 闲, is  the simplified form of 閒 or 閑).

<台> 偔个[偔個] ngôi-göi ours.
<台> 偔个古仔[偔個古仔] ngôi-göi-gū-dōi our story.
ngoi5 11968
30 9 ngōk è sound; drumming.⁸ beat a drum; startle.¹⁰ to argue, contend, debate; to drum and sing.¹⁹ to alarm, a frightful noise.²⁴  to beat the drum; to be afraid, get lost, take aback, to be amazed; roof edge, ridge; =愕 ngōk è to be afraid, surprised; =锷[鍔] ngōk è blade (edge) of a sword; =谔[諤] ngōk è unpleasant speech, honest (direct, impartial) speech.⁵⁴ to strike the drum in interludes of singing; to startle; <Cant.> to lift up, or stretch out the neck.¹⁰² (composition: ⿱吅亏; U+54A2).
飞担舒咢, 似翔鹏之矫翼[飛擔舒咢, 似翔鵬之矯翼] fï-äm-sï-ngōk, xû-tẽng-pãng-jï-gēl-yêik
fēi dān shū è, sì xiáng péng zhī jiǎo yì soaring edges and the ridge of a sloping roof are like the outstretched wings of a soaring vulture.⁵⁴
咢布 ngōk-bü
è bù It is said that yin and yang are in harmony and spread everywhere.¹⁹
咢高头[咢高頭] ngōk-gäo-hẽo
ngok6 gou1 tau4 <Cant.> to perk up the head.¹⁰²
咢咢 ngōk-ngōk
è'è words to the point.²⁴
或歌或咢 vàk-gô-vàk-ngōk
huò gē huò è With singing to lutes, and with drums. (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·生民之什·行葦·2》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ some of them were singing and some of them drumming.¹⁰²
(See 愕 ngōk; 鍔 ngōk; 諤] ngōk).
ngok1 11969
30 16 ngōk è bad, ill-omened, unlucky.⁸ startling; serious.¹⁴ frightening; startling; shocking; ill-omened.³⁶ a grave and serious manner; startling, awe-struck.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿻王㗊; U+5669).
噩电[噩電] ngōk-èin
èdiàn telegram with fatal news (notice of death).⁵⁴
噩耗 ngōk-häo
èhào heavy news of the death of one's beloved.⁸ devasting news.⁹
噩梦[噩夢] ngōk-mùng
èmèng nightmare.⁸ nightmare, dreadful dream, horrible dream.⁹ a dreadful dream.¹⁴
噩噩 ngōk-ngōk
è'è solemn in countenance.¹¹
噩兆[噩兆] ngōk-sêl
èzhào ill or bad omen.⁸ an omen which makes people feel worried and afraid.⁹
噩运[噩運] ngōk-vùn
èyùn bad luck.⁸
噩事 ngōk-xù
èshì a dreadful dream.¹⁰²
噩音 ngōk-yïm
èyīn startling news — as of a death.¹⁴
浑噩[渾噩] vùn-ngōk
hún'è completely naive, innocent.¹¹
浑浑噩噩[渾渾噩噩] vùn-vùn-ngōk-ngōk
húnhún'è'è simple-minded; muddle-headed; muddle along without an aim.⁸ (universe) in nebulous state; (child's mind) yet undeveloped.¹¹
一场噩梦[一場噩夢] yīt-chẽng-ngōk-mùng
yīcháng èmèng all like a bad dream.¹¹
ngok1 11970
46 12 崿 ngōk è cliff; lofty; frightening; precipitous.⁸ a steep bank; an abrupt declivity.²⁴ a cliff, a precipice.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰山咢; U+5D3F).
崖崿 ngãi-ngōk yá'è a steep ledge.¹⁰²
岩崿 ngãm-ngōk
yán'è rocky cliff.⁵⁴
垠崿 ngãn-ngōk
yín'è a beach or slope at the foot of a cliff.¹⁰²
崿嵝[崿嶁] ngōk-lẽo
è'lǒu high peak.⁵⁴
崿崿 ngōk-ngōk
è'è appearance of being tall, sharp and frightful.¹⁹
ngok1 11971
46 12 ngōk è (=崿 ngōk è cliff; lofty; frightening; precipitous.⁸ a steep bank; an abrupt declivity.²⁴ a cliff, a precipice.¹⁰²); a cliff; a precipice.⁸
(composition: ⿱山咢; U+37E7).
(See 崿 ngōk).
ngok1 11972
46 15 ngōk è same as 崿 ngōk è a lofty mountain peak.⁸
(composition: ⿳山品亏 or ⿳山口咢; U+380B).
(See 崿 ngōk).
ngok1 11973
61 12 ngōk è stunned; astounded.⁵ startled; astonished; amazed.⁷
卒愕异物[卒愕異物] dūt-ngōk-yì-mùt zú è yì wù to be afraid of a strange creature, to be amazed by a strange object.⁵⁴
惊愕[驚愕] gëin-ngōk
jīng'è <wr.> stunned; stupefied.⁵
or 咢顾[咢顧] ngōk-gü ègù to look in amazement.⁷ look around in fear.⁵⁴
愕然 ngōk-ngẽin
èrán stunned; astounded.⁵
愕愕 ngōk-ngōk
è'è startled; astonished; amazed; stunned; astounded.⁷
愕视[愕視] ngōk-sì
èshì to stare in astonishment.⁷
ngok1 11974
75 20 ngōk è (<old>=萼 ngōk è calyx.⁵); appearance of magnificent flowers.⁸ʼ⁰ flowery, exuberant.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木噩; U+6AEE).
ngok1 11975
112 14 𥔲
ngōk è used in place names.³⁶ stones piled up in a dangerous way.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰石咢; U+25532).
碪𥔲❄{⿰石咢} îm-ngōk zhēn-è the form of a hill; a meteoric stone.²⁵
❄{⿰石咢}嘉 Ngōk-gä Èjiā the name of a place in Yunnan.³⁶
❄{⿰石咢}嘉县[𥔲❄{⿰石咢}嘉縣] Ngōk-gä-yòn Èjiāxiàn (present-day 𥔲嘉鎮) lies on the headwaters of the Meikon River (Mĩ-güng-hõ Méi gōng hé Mekong River) south of Tsu-hiung fu (楚雄市) in Yunnan. ¹⁰²
ngok1 11976
140 12 ngōk è calyx.⁵ the stem and calyx of a flower; a younger brother - one who helps the older brother as the calyx helps the flower.¹⁴ (variant: 蕚 ngōk è).
or 棣鄂 ài-ngōk dì'è love of brothers, from allusion to ancient poem 唐棣之华[唐棣之華] hõng-ài-jï-vã tángdìzhīhuá celebrating brothers’ reunion.¹¹
花萼 fä-ngōk
huā'è <bot.> calyx.⁶
or 跗蕚 fü-ngōk fū'è a plant's calyx and ovary.¹⁹
萼片 ngōk-pëin
èpiàn <bot.> sepal.⁶
(See 蕚 ngōk).
ngok1 11977
140 15 ngōk è (=萼 ngōk è) calyx.⁵ the stem and calyx of a flower; a younger brother - one who helps the older brother as the calyx helps the flower.¹⁴
(composition: ⿳艹品亏; U+855A).
or 跗萼 fü-ngōk fū'è a plant's calyx and ovary.¹⁹
(See 萼 ngōk).
ngok1 11978
140 19 ngōk è (to be panic-stricken; (interchangeable with 噩 ngōk è bad, ill-omened, unlucky.⁸ startling, serious.¹⁴ frightening, startling, shocking, ill-omened.³⁶ a grave and serious manner, startling, awe-struck.¹⁰²)).⁸ the corolla of a flower.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹噩; U+8601).
<又> m̀.
(See 蘁 m̀).
ngok1 11979
149 16 ngōk è honest speech, straightforward.⁸
(comp. t: ⿰訁咢; U+8AE). (comp. s: ⿰讠咢; U+8C1).
謇谔[謇諤] gēin-ngōk
jiǎn'è <wr.> outspoken; frank; candid.¹¹
忠谔[忠諤] jüng-ngōk
zhōng'è honest and impartial speech, directness.⁵⁴
谔谔[諤諤] ngōk-ngōk
è'è honest criticism.⁸
一士之谔谔[諤諤] yīt-xù-jï-ngōk-ngōk yī shì zhī è'è the honest criticism of a scholar.¹⁴
ngok1 11980
163 11 ngōk è (abbreviated name for 湖北 Vũ-bāk Húběi Hubei Province)²⁰;  E surname.²⁰ (Note: original form: 䣞 ngōk è).
(composition: ⿰咢阝; U+9102).
鄂国[鄂国] Ngōk-gōk
Èguó Eguo, name of a feudal state.²⁰
(See 䣞 ngōk).
ngok1 11981
163 14 ngōk è (standard form of 鄂 ngōk è) name of an ancient State which occupied the site of the present province of Hubei, short for Hubei Province.⁸
(composition: ⿰⿱吅屰阝; U+48DE).
(See 鄂 ngōk).
ngok1 11982
167 17 ngōk è high, lofty; edge of knife; blade of a sword.⁸ protrusion; <wr.> knife edge.¹¹ the sharp point of a spear; edge of a sword.¹⁰²
(comp. t: ⿰釒咢; U+9354). (comp. s: ⿰钅咢; U+9537).
剑锷[劍鍔] gëm-ngōk
jiàn'è blade of a sword.⁵⁴ the point of a sword.¹⁰²
锷锷[鍔鍔] ngōk-ngōk
è'è towering; lofty.⁷
锷锷列列[鍔鍔列列] ngōk-ngōk-lèik-lèik
è'è liè liè the peaks and aiguilles, — as of mountains.¹⁰²
齐岱为锷.[齊岱為鍔]. Tãi-òi-vĩ-ngōk.
Qí dài wéi è.
Qi and (Mount) Dai for its edge.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《莊子·雜篇·說劍·4》, translated by James Legge). (Note: Maybe should be "Mount Dai in the State of Qi for its edge."; 莊子 Zhuangzi discussing the Son of Heaven's sword with the King of Zhao; 齊 refer to the ancient state of Qi in what is now Shandong; 岱 is the anothe name for 泰山 häi-sän
tàishān Mount Tai in western Shandong Province, north of the city of 泰安 häi-ön tài'ān Tai'an).
ngok1 11983
195 20 ngōk è (=鳄[鱷] ngōk è) crocodile; alligator.⁵ crocodile, alligator; rapacious, cruel.¹⁴
(See 鱷 ngōk).
ngok1 11984
195 27 ngōk è crocodile; alligator.⁵ crocodile, alligator; rapacious, cruel.¹⁴ (variant: 鰐 ngōk è).
t: ⿰魚噩; U+9C77). (comp. s: ⿰鱼咢; U+9CC4).
大鳄[大鱷] ài-ngōk
dà'è lit. big crocodile; fig. major figure; big shot; top boss (esp. criminal).¹⁰
掉鳄鱼眼泪[掉鱷魚眼淚] èl-ngōk-nguĩ ngān-luì
diào èyú yǎnlèi shed crocodile tears.⁶
鳄梨[鱷梨] ngōk-lĩ
èlí or <粵> 牛油果 ngẽo-yiũ-gō ngau4 jau4 gwo2 niúyóuguǒ an avocado.⁷ʼ³⁶ (See 酪梨 lōk-lĩ).
鳄鱼[鱷魚] ngōk-nguĩ
èyú crocodile; alligator.⁶
鳄鱼眼泪[鱷魚眼淚] ngōk-nguĩ ngān-luì
èyú yǎnlèi crocodile tears – hypocrisy.⁶
鳄绅劣吏[鱷紳劣吏] ngōk-sïn-lūt-lì
èshēnlièlì rapacious gentry and unscrupulous underlings.¹⁴
鳄蜥[鱷蜥] ngōk-xēik
èxī alligator lizard.⁶
扬子鳄[揚子鱷] yẽng-dū-ngōk
yángzǐ'è or 鼍[鼉] hõ tuó or 中华短吻鳄[中華短吻鳄] Jüng-vã ōn-mêin-ngōk Zhōnghuá duǎnwěn'è Chinese alligator, Yangtze alligator (Alligator sinensis), commonly known as 豬婆龍, 鼍龍.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(See 鰐 ngōk).
ngok1 11985
196 20 ngōk è osprey (Pandion haliaetus), sea hawk, river hawk, fish hawk; =䲹 pī péi; =鱼鹰[魚鷹] nguĩ-yëin yúyīng.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
雕鹗[雕鶚] ël-ngōk
diāo'è hawk; person of extraordinary strength.¹¹
鹗表[鶚表] ngōk-bēl
èbiǎo a letter of recommendation.⁷
鹗眙[鶚眙] ngōk-chï
èchì <wr.> frightened; scared.⁷
鹗荐[鶚薦] ngōk-dëin
èjiàn <wr.> recommend (a person).⁷
鹗科[鶚科] ngōk-fö
èkē Pandionidae (family).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鹗展鹏程[鶚展鵬程] ngōk-jīn-pãng-chẽin
èzhǎnpéngchéng the osprey has spread his wings to follow the roc on his journey – of a successful graduate.¹⁴
鹗立[鶚立] ngōk-lìp
èlì to wait patiently – as the osprey does for his prey.¹⁴
鹗书[鶚書] ngōk-sï
èshū a letter of recommendation.⁷
鹗视[鶚視] ngōk-sì
èshì <wr.> to look fiercely.⁷
鹗属[鶚屬] ngōk-sùk
èshǔ Pandion (genus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鹰瞵鹗视[鷹瞵鶚視] yëin-lĩn-ngōk-sì
yīnglín'èshì stare like an eagle or a sparrow hawk – look at fiercely.⁶
(See 䲹 pī; 魚鷹 nguĩ-yëin).
ngok1 11986
30 12 ngòk è (same as 腭[齶] ngòk è palate.⁵ the roof of the mouth; the palate.⁷); the roof of the mouth, the palate.⁸
(composition: ⿰口咢; U+35C1).
(See 齶 ngòk).
ngok4 11987
46 8 ngòk yuè (interchangeable with 嶽 ngòk yuè in the sense of "a  mountain peak"); a mountain peak.¹⁴ wife's parents.⁶ Yue surname.⁸
or 五嶽 M̄-ngòk Wǔyuè Five Sacred Mountains:
   东岳[東岳] or 泰山 Üng-ngòk or Häi-sän in Shandong,
   南岳 or 衡山 Nãm-ngòk or Hãng-sän in Hunan,
   西岳 or 华山[華山] Xäi-ngòk or Vã-sän in Shaanxi,
   北岳 or 恒山[恆山] Bāk-ngòk or Hãng-sän in Shanxi, and
   中岳 or 嵩山 Jüng-ngòk or Xūng-sän in Henan.¹⁴
岳飞[岳飛] Ngòk Fï
Yuè Fēi Yue Fei (1103-1142), Song dynasty patriot and general.¹⁰
岳父 ngòk-fù
yuèfù wife's father; father-in-law.⁸
岳家 ngòk-gä
yuèjiā the family or home of the parents of one's wife.³⁹
岳丈 ngòk-jèng
yuèzhàng father-in-law (wife's father).¹⁰
岳母 ngòk-mû
yuèmǔ wife's mother; mother-in-law.⁸
<台> 岳起头[岳起頭] ngòk-hī-hẽo to raise one's head.
(See 嶽 ngòk.)
ngok4 11988
46 17 ngòk yuè (interchangeable with 岳 ngòk yuè in the sense of "a  mountain peak").¹⁴ a high mountain peak.¹⁴ Yue surname.⁸
or 五岳 M̄-ngòk Wǔyuè Five Sacred Mountains:
   东嶽[東嶽] or 泰山 Üng-ngòk or Häi-sän in Shandong,
   南嶽 or 衡山 Nãm-ngòk or Hãng-sän in Hunan,
   西嶽 or 华山[華山] Xäi-ngòk or Vã-sän in Shaanxi,
   北嶽 or 恒山[恆山] Bāk-ngòk or Hãng-sän in Shanxi, and
   中嶽 or 嵩山 Jüng-ngòk or Xūng-sän in Henan.¹⁴
or 山岳 sän-ngòk shānyuè mountain; hill; lofty mountain.¹⁰
or 河岳 hõ-ngòk héyuè the Yellow River and the Five Sacred Mountains.¹⁴
or 西岳 Xäi Ngòk Xī Yuè Mount Hua 华山[華山] Vã Sän Huá Shān in Shaanxi, one of the Five Sacred Mountains.¹⁰
(See 岳 ngòk.)
ngok4 11989
75 15 ngòk yuè music; Yue surname.
奏乐[奏樂] dëo-ngòk zòuyuè play music.
交响乐[交響樂] gäo-hēng-ngòk
jiāoxiǎngyuè symphony.¹¹
乐府[樂府] Ngòk-fū
Yuèfǔ Music Bureau (a government office set up during the Han dynasty to collect folk songs and their music for ceremonial occasions at court); such ballads, folk songs and their imitations by literary men.⁶
乐团[樂團] ngòk-hõn
yuètuán philharmonic orchestra.
乐者惇和[樂者惇和] ngòk-jēh-ùn-võ
yuèzhědūnhé in music they value harmony.⁵⁴
乐章[樂章] ngòk-jëng
yuèzhāng movement (of a symphony).¹⁰
乐谱[樂譜] ngòk-pū
yuèpǔ music score; music.
声乐[聲樂] sëin-ngòk
shēngyuè vocal music.
音乐[音樂] yïm-ngòk
yīnyuè music.⁵
<又> lòk.
(See 樂 lòk.)
ngok4 11990
75 19 ngòk yuè 栎阳[櫟陽] Ngòk-Yẽng Yuèyáng an ancient district in today's 临潼[臨潼] Lĩm-Hũng Líntóng, a district in Shaanxi Province (陕西[陝西] Sēm-xäi Shǎnxī).
t: ⿰木樂; U+6ADF). (comp. s: ⿰木乐; U+680E).
<又> lēik, lèik.
(See 櫟 lēik; 櫟 lèik.)
ngok4 11991
181 18 ngòk è mandibles (of arthropods); (=腭[齶] ngòk è) palate.⁶
t: ⿰咢頁; U+984E). (comp. s: ⿰咢页; U+989A).
下颚[下顎] hà-ngòk
xià'è lower jaw.⁶ maxill; mandible.⁹
颚骨[顎骨] ngòk-gūt
ègǔ jawbone.⁶
上颚[上顎] sèng-ngòk
shàng'è mandibles (of certain arthropods); maxilla (of vertebrates), upper jaw.⁶
(See 齶 ngòk).
ngok4 11992
196 25 ngòk yuè a large, duck-like waterfowl with red eyes; a young phoenix.⁸ a felicitous bird.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱獄鳥; U+9E11).
鸑鷟 ngòk-jòk yuèzhuó <old> a kind of water bird recorded in ancient books.⁶ described as larger than a mallard, with red eyes; its description allies with the rails; it appeared when Wen Wang got the empire.¹⁰²
鸑鷟鸣于岐阳[鸑鷟鳴於岐陽] ngòk-jòk-mẽin-yï-Kĩ-yẽng
yuèzhuó míng yú Qíyáng the mallard-phoenix sung in Qiyang.¹⁰²
鸑鸑 ngòk-ngòk
yuèyuè name of an aquatic bird.¹⁹
ngok4 11993
211 24 ngòk è palate.⁵ the roof of the mouth; the palate.⁷
(variants: 顎, 㗁 ngòk è).
硬腭[硬齶] ngàng-ngòk
yìng'è hard palate.⁵
腭骨[齶骨] ngòk-gūt
ègǔ palatine bone.¹⁹
腭裂[齶裂] ngòk-lëik
èliè cleft palate.⁵
腭垂[齶垂] ngòk-suĩ
èchuí uvula.⁹
软腭[軟齶] ngün-ngòk
ruǎn'è soft palate.⁵
(See 顎 ngòk; 㗁 ngòk).
ngok4 11994
38 11 ngòn àn a woman with fine decorum.⁸ʼ⁰ a woman of correct morals.²⁴ a well-dressed elegant woman.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰女岸; U+5A69).
婩嫧 ngòn-jāk ànzé fresh and good-looking.²⁴
<又> ngèk.
(See 婩 ngèk).
ngon4 11995
46 5 ngòn àn (<old>=岸 ngòn àn bank, shore, coast; high, tall and big; proud, haughty, lofty.⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿱山厂; U+5C75).
(See 岸 ngòn).
ngon4 11996
46 8 ngòn àn (=岸 ngòn àn) shore; bank; beach; coast.⁸
(See 岸 ngòn.)
ngon4 11997
46 8 ngòn àn bank, shore, coast; high, tall and big; proud, haughty, lofty.⁶ (variants: 㟁, 屵 ngòn àn).
彼岸 bī-ngòn
bǐ’àn other side/bank (of a river, lake), opposite bank/shore; <Budd.> Paramita, life beyond; dreamland, paradise.⁶
魁岸 föi-ngòn
kuí'àn <wr.> big, tall and burly, stalwart.⁶
江岸 göng-ngòn
jiāng'àn bank of a river; river bank.⁶
河岸 hõ-ngòn
hé'àn bank of a river; river bank.⁶
海岸 hōi-ngòn
hǎi'àn seacoast, coast, seashore.⁶
傲岸 ngào-ngòn
ào'àn <wr.> proud; haughty.⁶
岸边[岸邊] ngòn-bëin
ànbiān shore.¹⁰
岸标[岸標] ngòn-bël
ànbiāo shore beacon.⁶
岸然 ngòn-ngẽin
ànrán <wr.> in a solemn manner.⁶
上岸 sëng-ngòn
shàng'àn to go ashore.⁶
伟岸[偉岸] vī-ngòn
wěi'àn tall and sturdy, strapping.⁶
右岸 yiù-ngòn
yòu'àn right bank.⁶
沿岸 yõn-ngòn
yán'àn coastal area; littoral or riparian.¹⁰
(See 㟁 ngòn, 屵 ngòn).
ngon4 11998
61 7 ngòn wán (alternate Mandarin pronunciation of 忨 ngòn wàn with the same meaning: (to love passionately; to covet (somebody), to love.⁵⁴ and to live in a fool's paradise, to seek temporary peace.¹¹); seek momentary ease.⁸ to covet; to desire; to hanker after.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄元; U+5FE8).
(See 忨[ngòn, wàn]).
ngon4 11999
61 7 ngòn wàn (to love passionately; to covet (somebody), to love.⁵⁴ and to live in a fool's paradise, to seek temporary peace.¹¹); seek momentary ease.⁸ to covet; to desire; to hanker after.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄元; U+5FE8).
忨愒 ngòn-käi
wánkài (=苟且偷安 gēo-chēh-hëo-ön gǒuqiě tōu’ān to live in a fool's paradise, to seek temporary peace.¹¹).
(See 忨[ngòn, wàn]).
ngon4 12000
96 8 ngòn wán play with, joke, enjoy; (variants: 翫,貦 ngòn wán).⁸
好玩儿 hāo-ngòn-ngĩ
hǎowánr amusing.⁸ interesting.⁹
玩法 ngòn-fāt
wánfǎ trifle with the law.⁵
玩火 ngòn-fō
wánhuǒ play with fire.⁵
玩火自焚 ngòn-fō-dù-fũn 
wánhuǒzìfén whoever plays with fire will perish by fire.⁵
玩忽 ngòn-fūt
wánhū neglect; trifle with.⁵
玩具 ngòn-guì
wánjù toy; plaything.⁵
玩乐[玩樂] ngòn-lòk
wánlè play around; disport oneself.¹⁰
玩弄 ngòn-lùng
wánnòng dally with; play with; resort to.⁵
玩味 ngòn-mì
wánwèi relish; ponder; ruminate.⁶
玩偶 ngòn-ngêo
wán'ǒu doll; toy figurine.⁵
玩儿命[玩兒命] ngòn-ngĩ-mèng
wánrmìng <topo.> gamble or play with one's life; risk one's life needlessly.⁵
玩月 ngòn-ngùt
wányuè enjoy looking at the moon.⁵
玩耍 ngòn-sā
wánshuǎ play; have fun; amuse oneself.⁵
玩世 ngòn-säi
wánshì not take anything seriously.
玩世不恭 ngòn-säi-būt-güng
wánshìbùgōng be cynical.⁵
玩赏[玩賞] ngòn-sēng
wánshǎng enjoy; take delight in.⁵
玩手段 ngòn-siū-òn
wánshǒuduàn resort to crafty maneuvers; play tricks.⁵
玩笑 ngòn-xël
wánxiào joke; jest.⁵
玩意儿[玩意兒] ngòn-yï-ngĩ
wányìr toy, plaything; thing.⁵
(See 翫[ngòn, wán]; 貦[ngòn, wán]).
ngon4 12001
124 15 ngòn wán (alternate Mandarin pronunciation of 翫 ngòn wàn with the same meanng: careless or casual due to familiarity; to play.⁷ careless, play; a legendary archer.⁸ to play with; interchangeable with 玩 ngòn wán.¹⁴ to be thoroughly versed in; to study.²⁵
(See 玩[ngòn, wán]; 貦[ngòn, wán]; 翫[ngòn, wàn]).
ngon4 12002
124 15 ngòn wàn careless or casual due to familiarity; to play.⁷ careless, play; a legendary archer.⁸ to play with; interchangeable with 玩 ngòn wán.¹⁴ to be thoroughly versed in; to study.²⁵
狎翫 äp-ngòn
or hâp-ngòn xiáwàn to regard familiarly and cheaply (also written 狎玩 äp-ngòn xiáwán).¹¹
翫愒 ngòn-käi
wànkài to trifle away one's time.¹⁴
(See 玩[ngòn, wán]; 貦[ngòn, wán]; 翫[ngòn, wán]).
ngon4 12003
154 11 ngòn wán (=玩 ngòn wán play with, joke, enjoy).⁸
(See 玩 ngòn wán; 翫 ngòn wán.)
ngon4 12004
72 8 ngōng áng <台> 昂 ngōng to lie in a supine position.
<台> 打昂瞓 ā-ngōng-fün to sleep in a supine position.
<又> ngõng. (See 昂 ngõng.)
ngong1 12005
26 4 ngõng áng <wr.> I - first person; (=昂 ngõng áng) high-priced.¹¹ high; to raise; used for the pronoun I; interchangeable with 昂 ngõng áng to rise; to raise prices; lofty; bold; pompous.¹⁴ I; (=昂 ngõng áng high); Ang surname.¹⁹ I, as used by females; great, high, dear, strenuous.²⁴ <lit.> I; (=昂 ngõng áng to raise; high); a surname.³⁶
(composition: ⿰⿱丿𠄌卩; U+536C).
自卬 dù-ngõng
zì'áng to exert one's self.²⁴
卬自 ngõng-dù
ángzì myself.¹⁴
卬贵[卬貴] ngõng-gï
ángguì high, or rising in price.¹⁴
卬卬 ngõng-ngõng
áng'áng dignified appearance.¹⁴ princely virtue.²⁴
<又> ngêng.
(See 卬 ngêng; 昂 ngõng; 卭 kũng).
ngong3 12006
72 8 ngõng áng hold one's head high; high, soaring.⁵ raise (one's head) high; expensive, costly; excited, inspired, high-spirited.⁶
斗志昂扬[鬥志昂揚] ëo-jï-ngõng-yẽng dòuzhì'ángyáng have high morale; be full of fight; be militant.⁵
激昂 gēik-ngõng
jī'áng excited and indignant; roused.⁵
昂奋[昂奮] ngõng-fûn
ángfèn inspired; excited.⁶
昂贵[昂貴] ngõng-gï
ángguì expensive; costly.⁵
昂然 ngõng-ngẽin
ángrán upright and unafraid.⁵
昂昂 ngõng-ngõng
áng'áng high-spirited; brave-looking.⁵
昂首 ngõng-siū
ángshǒu raise/hold one's head high.⁶
昂首阔步[昂首闊步] ngõng-siū-föt-bù
ángshǒukuòbù stride forward with one's chin up; stride proudly ahead.⁵
昂首挺胸 ngõng-siū-hêin-hüng
ángshǒutǐngxiōng hold up one's head and throw out one's chest; chin up and chest out; square one's shoulders and throw back one's head.⁶
昂藏 ngõng-tõng
ángcáng <wr.>dignified; imposing; impressive.⁶
昂藏六尺之躯[昂藏六尺之軀] ngõng-tõng-lùk-chëk-jï-kuï
ángcáng liùchǐzhīqū a man (connoting pride and dignity).⁷
昂扬[昂揚] ngõng-yẽng
ángyáng high-spirited.⁵
昂扬的歌声[昂揚的歌聲] ngõng-yẽng-ēik-gô-sëin
ángyáng de gēshēng spirited singing.⁵
<又> ngōng.
(See 昂 ngōng.)
ngong3 12007
187 14 ngõng áng movement of a horse, a horse with enormous speed and staying power, a horse with white abdominal region.⁸
(composition: ⿰馬卬; U+4B79).
䭹䭹 ngõng-ngõng áng'áng a horse enraged; a prancing horse; a fleet steed; a horse with a white belly.²⁵
<又> òng.
(See 䭹 òng).
ngong3 12008
61 25 ngòng gàng (=戆[戇] ngòng gàng <topo.> crude, rash, brainless, dull, silly.⁶).¹⁹
(composition: ⿱⿰章貢心; U+6205).
<又> jöng.
(See 戅 jöng; 戇 ngòng).
ngong4 12009
61 28 ngòng gàng <topo.> crude, rash, brainless, dull, silly.⁶ (variant: 戅 ngòng gàng).
t: ⿱贛心; U+6207). (comp. s: ⿱赣心; U+6206).
戆大[戇大] ngòng-ài
gàngdà <topo.> fool; blockhead; simpleton; idiot.⁶
戆头[戇頭] ngòng-hẽo
gàngtóu <topo.> fool; blockhead; simpleton; idiot; nitmit.⁶
戆头戆脑[戇頭戇腦] ngòng-hẽo-ngòng-nāo
gàngtóugàngnǎo be crude and rash; be slow-witted; be thick-skulled; moronic.⁶
<台> 戆[戇] ngòng stupid.
<台> 跳戆[跳戇] hël-ngòng supercilious.
<又> jöng.
(See 戇 jöng; 戅 ngòng).
ngong4 12010
31 7 ngũ é (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 囮 ngõ é with same meaning.)
<又> ngõ.
(See 囮 ngõ; 𡈙❄{⿴囗鳥} ngõ; 㘥 yiũ.)
ngu3 12011
46 10 ngũ é (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 峨 ngõ é with same meaning.)
<又> ngõ.
(See 峨 ngõ.)
ngu3 12012
142 13 ngũ é (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 蛾 ngõ é with same meaning.)
<又> ngõ.
(See 蛾 ngõ.)
ngu3 12013
196 18 ngũ é (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 鵝 ngõ é with same meaning: goose.⁶)
<又> ngõ.
(See 鵝 ngõ; 䳘 ngõ; 䳘 ngũ; 鵞 ngõ; 鵞 ngũ.)
ngu3 12014
196 18 ngũ é (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 鵞 ngõ é with same meaning: goose.⁶)
<又> ngõ. (See 鵝 ngõ; 鵝 ngũ; 䳘 ngõ; 䳘 ngũ; 鵞 ngõ.)
ngu3 12015
196 18 ngũ é (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 䳘 ngõ é with same meaning: goose.⁶)
<又> ngõ. (See 鵝 ngõ; 鵝 ngũ; 䳘 ngõ; 鵞 ngõ; 鵞 ngũ.)
ngu3 12016
184 15 饿 ngù è hungry, hunger; greedy, covetous; to starve.⁷
饥饿[饑餓] or 饥饿[飢餓] gï-ngù jī'è hunger; starvation.⁵
挨打受饿[挨打受餓] ngãi-ā-siù-ngù
áidǎshòu'è be beaten and starved.³⁹
饿得慌[餓得慌] ngù-āk-föng
èdehuāng <topo.> be awfully hungry.⁶
挨饿[挨餓] ngãi-ngù
ái'è suffer from hunger; go hungry.⁵
饿倒[餓倒] ngù-āo
èdǎo to collapse from hunger.⁷
饿不死[餓不死] ngù-būt-xī
èbùsǐ won't starve; cannot be starved to deah.⁷
饿饭[餓飯] ngù-fàn
èfàn <topo.> go hungry; go without food.⁵
饿虎扑食[餓虎撲食] ngù-fū-pōk-sèik
èhǔpūshí like a hungry tiger pouncing on its prey.⁵
饿鬼[餓鬼] ngù-gī
èguǐ a person who is always hungry; a person who eats piggishly.⁷
饿狼[餓狼] ngù-lõng
èláng hungry wolf – hungry person; greedy person.⁶
饿殍[餓殍] ngù-pêl
èpiǎo <wr.> bodies of the starved.⁵
饿殍遍野[餓殍遍野] ngù-pêl-pëin-yêh
èpiǎobiànyě strewn with bodies of the starved everywhere.⁵
饿死[餓死] ngù-xī
èsǐ to die of hunger; to be starved to death.⁷
ngu4 12017
211 22 𪘐
ngù è (composition: ⿰齒我; U+2A610).
䶗𪘐 hēip-ngù kè'è  like the teeth.²⁵ tooth appearance.¹⁰¹
ngu4 12018
9 8 nguĩ to submit/yield to.⁸ to equalize, to tranquilize; even, plain, level.²⁴
ngui3 12019
9 8 𠈌 nguĩ (<old>=虞 nguĩ expect; anticipate; worry; cheat.¹⁰).⁸
(=虞人 nguĩ-ngĩn
yúrén <trad.> an official in charge of forests, lakes, and imperial gardens.⁷).¹⁰¹
(Note: 𠈌 is rendered properly by iOS as of 10/17/2021).
(composition: ⿱从从 or ⿰仌仌; U+2020C).
(See 虞 nguĩ).
ngui3 12020
26 6 nguĩ wēi danger; to endanger; dying; high; <wr.> proper; Wei surname.
兵凶战危[兵凶戰危] bëin-hüng-jën-nguĩ bīngxiōngzhànwēi In war everybody loses.
病危 bèng-nguĩ
bìngwēi to be critically ill.
倾危[傾危] kēin-nguĩ
qīngwēi mean; treacherous; crooked; precarious; highly dangerous.
危在旦夕 nguĩ-dòi-än-dèik
wēizàidànxī on the verge of death or destruction; in imminent danger.⁵
危及 nguĩ-gèp
wēijí to endanger; to imperil.
危机[危機] nguĩ-gï
wēijī crisis.
危急 nguĩ-gīp
wēijí critical; in imminent danger; in a desperate situation.⁸
危险[危險] nguĩ-hēm
wēixiǎn danger; dangerous.
危害 nguĩ-hòi
wēihài to jeopardize; to harm; to endanger.¹⁰
危言 nguĩ-ngũn
wēiyán <wr.> cautionary words; deliberate alarm; to exaggerate; to overstate.
危言耸听[危言聳聽] nguĩ-ngũn-xūng-hëng
wēiyánsǒngtīng say frightening things just to raise an alarm; exaggerate things just to scare people.⁵
危殆 nguĩ-òi
wēidài <wr.> in great danger; in jeopardy.⁵
<又> ngãi.
(See 危 ngãi.)
ngui3 12021
27 15 nguĩ wēi a lofty peak; a mountain peak.⁸ the summit of a hill.²⁴
(composition: ⿸厂義; U+3552).
厜㕒 suĩ-nguĩ chuíwēi high and steep mountain.³⁶
ngui3 12022
30 12 nguĩ 喁喁 nguĩ-nguĩ yúyú <wr.> to whisper, to murmur; to speak in an undertone.⁶  (cf. 喁喁 ngũng-ngũng yóngyóng.)
喁喁私语[喁喁私語] nguĩ-nguĩ-xü-nguî
yúyúsīyǔ to whisper.⁶ bill and coo.³⁹
<又> ngũng, yũng.
(See 喁 ngũng, yũng.)
ngui3 12023
30 16 nguĩ many.⁸ a herd of deer; deer in great numbers.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口虞; U+5673).
噳噳 nguĩ-nguĩ yǔyǔ the appearance of a group, such as the deer group or deer herd or rangale; laughing.¹⁹
ngui3 12024
38 6 nguĩ in compliance with; like, as, as if; can compare with, as good as; for instance, such as, as; if; <wr.> go to.⁵
如胶似漆[如膠似漆] nguĩ-gäo-xû-tīt rújiāosìqī inseparable, closely bound together (“like glue and varnish”) between lovers.¹¹
(composition: ⿰女口; U+5982).
如今 nguĩ-gïm
rújīn nowadays; now.⁵
如果 nguĩ-gō
rúguǒ if; in case; in the event of.⁵
如天之福 nguĩ-hëin-jï-fūk
rútiānzhīfú as good as the blessing of Heaven.¹⁹
如何 nguĩ-hõ
rúhé how; what.⁵
如履薄冰 nguĩ-lî-bòk-bëin
rúlǚbáobīng as dangerous as treading on thin ice.⁶
如命 nguĩ-mèin
rúmìng in compliance with your instructions.⁵
如若 nguĩ-ngèk
rúruò (conjunction) if.⁵
如来[如來] Nguĩlõi
Rúlái <Budd.> Tathagata; Buddha.⁵
如愿[如願] nguĩ-ngùn
rúyuàn if willing; as one wishes.¹¹
如此 nguĩ-xū
rúcǐ so; such; in this way; like this.⁵
如厕[如廁] nguĩ-xü
rúcè <wr.> go to the toilet.⁵
如意 nguĩ-yï
rúyì as one wishes; ruyi, an S-shaped ornamental object, usually made of jade, formerly a symbol of good luck.⁸
ngui3 12025
38 10 nguĩ pleasure, enjoyment, amusement.⁸
自娱[自娛] dù-nguĩ zìyú please/amuse/divert oneself.⁶
娱乐[娛樂] nguĩ-lòk
yúlè amusement, entertainment; to amuse, to entertain.⁷
娱乐场[娛樂場] nguĩ-lòk-chẽng
yúlèchǎng entertainment establishments; public places of entertainment.⁷
娱乐活动[娛樂活動] nguĩ-lòk-vòt-ùng
yúlèhuódòng recreational activities.⁷
娱乐园[娛樂園] nguĩ-lòk-yõn
yúlèyuán amusement park.³⁹
娱人[娛人] nguĩ-ngĩn
yúrén to make someone happy.⁷
娱亲[娛親] nguĩ-tïn
yúqīn to please one's parents.⁷
娱悦[娛悅] nguĩ-yòt
yúyuè to please somebody; pleased.⁷
ngui3 12026
46 12 nguĩ wéi <wr.> lofty, towering.⁶
嵬然不动[嵬然不動] nguĩ-ngẽin-būt-ùng wéiránbùdòng stand loftity and firmly.⁸
嵬峨 nguĩ-ngõ
wéi'é towering; lofty.³⁹
嵬嵬 nguĩ-nguĩ
wéiwéi <wr.> lofty; towering.⁶
崔嵬 tuï-nguĩ
cuīwéi <wr.> rocky mound; high, lofty, towering, tall and imposing.⁶
崴嵬 vï-nguĩ
wēiwéi lofty; towering.³⁹
(Note: original Hoisanva pronunciation of 嵬 was nguĩ.)
<又> ngãi (present pronunciation)
(See 嵬 ngãi.)
ngui3 12027
46 20 nguĩ wēi high, lofty, majestic, eminent.⁸
岿巍[巋巍] gï-nguĩ or gï-ngãi kuīwēi  <wr.> towering; lofty.⁶
巍然 nguĩ-ngẽin
or ngãi-ngẽin wēirán towering, lofty, majestic, imposing.⁶
巍然不动[巍然不動] nguĩ-ngẽin-būt-ùng
or ngãi-ngẽin-būt-ùng wēiránbùdòng to stand firm, not easily moved.⁶
巍峨 nguĩ-ngõ
or nguĩ-ngũ or ngãi-ngõ or ngãi-ngũ wēi'é lofty; towering; majestic.¹⁰
巍巍 nguĩ-nguĩ
or ngãi-ngãi wēiwēi towering; lofty.⁶
崔巍 tuï-nguĩ
or tuï-ngãi cuīwēi <wr.> (of mountains, buildings) lofty,  towering, tall and imposing.⁶
(Note: original Hoisanva pronunciation of 巍 was nguĩ.)
<又> ngãi (present pronunciation).
(See 巍 ngãi.)
ngui3 12028
61 9 nguĩ wéi to stand alone.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄危; U+6051).
<又> gī. (See 恑 gī).
ngui3 12029
61 13 nguĩ foolish, stupid; make a fool of, fool; <humb.> I.⁵
大智若愚 ài-jï-ngèk-nguĩ dàzhìruòyú a man of great wisdom often appears slow-witted.⁵
愚笨 nguĩ-bùn
yúbèn foolish; stupid; clumsy.⁵
愚不可及 nguĩ-būt-hō-gèp
yúbùkějí be hopelessly stupid.⁶
愚蠢 nguĩ-chūn
yúchǔn stupid, foolish; silly.⁵
愚夫愚妇[愚夫愚婦] nguĩ-fü-nguĩ-fû
yúfūyúfù the uneducated public.¹¹
愚见[愚見] nguĩ-gëin
yújiàn my humble opinion/view.⁶
愚公移山 nguĩ-güng-yĩ-sän
yúgōngyíshān like the Foolish Old Man who removed the mountains – do seemingly impossible things with dogged perseverence and succeed eventually.⁶
愚忠 nguĩ-jüng
yúzhōng blind loyalty.⁶
愚弄 nguĩ-lùng
yúnòng deceive; make a fool of; dupe.⁵
愚民 nguĩ-mĩn
yúmín try to keep the people in ignorance; try to prevent people from knowing the truth; ignorant people.⁶
愚昧 nguĩ-mòi
yúmèi or 愚蒙 nguĩ-mũng yúméng ignorant.⁶
愚昧无知[愚昧無知] nguĩ-mòi-mũ-jï
yúmèiwúzhī be stupid and ignorant.⁶
愚人 nguĩ-ngĩn
yúrén fool; simpleton; idiot; silly person.⁶
愚懦 nguĩ-nù
yúnuò ignorant and timid.⁶
ngui3 12030
64 10 nguĩ ➀ <old> to pull, to draw  ➁ <old> to continue, to be uninterrupted  ➂ <old> to mix  ➃ <old> (Min Nan) chaotic, messy  ➄ (Quanzhou, Taiwanese Hokkien) to make trouble without reason, nagging unreasonably ➅ A surname​.³⁶
(composition: ⿱如手; U+6310).
<又> nã. (See 挐 nã).
ngui3 12031
85 9 nguĩ damp; boggy; marshy.¹⁰ (name of a river in Hebei).¹¹
(composition: ⿰氵如; U+6D33).
沮洳 duï-nguĩ jùrù damp, low-lying land; bog; mire.⁶
ngui3 12032
85 12 nguĩ the ancient name of Shahe (沙河), Hebei Province (河北省).⁸ ancient swamp name.⁸ʼ¹³ the name of a river.²⁴ ancient name of Shahe in Xingtai, Hebei; ancient swamp name.³⁶
(Note: Also pronounced ngêo ǒu, with same meaning).
(composition: ⿰氵禺; U+6E61).
湡水 nguĩ-suī
yúshuǐ name of a river in 河北 hõ-bāk héběi Hebei, now known as 沙河 sâ-hõ shāhé Shahe River.¹⁹
<又> ngêo.
(See 湡 ngêo).
ngui3 12033
85 14 nguĩ fishing; take something one is not entitled to.⁵ (variant: 䱷 nguĩ ).
渔夫[漁夫] nguĩ-fü
yúfū fisherman; fisher.⁶
渔歌[漁歌] nguĩ-gô
yúgē fisherman's song.⁵
渔利[漁利] nguĩ-lì
yúlì reap unfair gains, profit at others' expense; easy gains, spoils.⁵
渔民[漁民] nguĩ-mĩn
yúmín fishermen; fisherfolk.⁶
渔业[漁業] nguĩ-ngèp
yúyè fishery.⁵
渔人[漁人] nguĩ-ngĩn
yúrén fisherman.¹⁰
渔人之利[漁人之利] nguĩ-ngĩn-jï-lì
yúrénzhīlì fisherman's gains – profit reaped by a third party.⁶
渔船[漁船] nguĩ-sõn
or 鱼船[魚船] nguî-sõn yúchuán fishing boat.⁵
渔樵耕读[漁樵耕讀] nguĩ-tẽl-gäng-ùk
yúqiáogēngdú <trad.> fisherman, woodcutter, farmer, scholar (the four respectable occupations).⁵⁴
渔汛[漁汛] nguĩ-xïn
yúxùn fishing season.¹¹
渔阳掺[漁陽摻] nguĩ-yẽng-täm
yúyángcàn drum music in olden times.⁹
(See 䱷 nguĩ).
ngui3 12034
112 15 nguĩ wéi (comp. t: ⿰石豈; U+78D1). (comp. s: ⿰石岂; U+7859).
硙硙[磑磑] nguĩ-nguĩ
wéiwéi of high and stable appearance.¹⁰ (Note: cf 硙硙[磑磑] hōi-hōi ái'ái).
<又> hōi; ngòi.
(See 磑 hōi; 磑 ngòi).
ngui3 12035
114 9 nguĩ legendary monkey of ancient China; to begin; name of a mountain in 浙江 Jēt-göng Zhèjiāng Zhejiang.
禺中 nguĩ-jüng
yúzhōng from 9 to 11 A.M.
禺渊[禺淵] nguĩ-yön
yúyuān the place where the sun sets.
禺谷 nguĩ-gūk
yúgǔ the valley where the sun sets.
端禺 ön-nguĩ
duānyú the beginning; inception; origin.¹⁴
番禺 Pön-nguĩ
Pānyú Panyu county in Guangdong.
ngui3 12036
118 12 nguĩ thin outside skin of bamboo.¹⁰ oakum for caulking vessels, it is made of the skin of bamboos.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗如; U+7B4E).
ngui3 12037
120 11 nguĩ to bind loose hemp; old yarn; to stuff, to fill; waste silk or cotton and silk to be laid and attached each other, to padding; cushioning.⁸ a species of hemp; spoiled hemp; to wear a flaxen dress; to stop up.²⁵
(composition: ⿱奴糸; U+42C8).
<又> nà. (See 䋈 nà).
ngui3 12038
140 9 nguĩ <wr.> eat.⁶ roots; vegetables; eat; bear; Ru surname.⁸
拔茅连茹[拔茅連茹] bàt-mão-lẽin-nguĩ bámáoliánrú Promoting persons who bring along their associates.¹ lit. to pull up a plant and the roots follow (idiom); fig. also involving others; inextricably tangled together; Invite one and he'll tell all his friends.¹⁰
含辛茹苦 hẽim-xïn-nguĩ-fū
hánxīnrúkǔ endure all kinds of hardships; suffer untold hardships.⁶
竹茹 jūk-nguĩ
zhúrú bamboo shavings (Bambusa tuldoides) used in Chinese medicine.¹⁰
茹苦含辛 nguĩ-fū-hẽim-xïn
rúkǔhánxīn (=含辛茹苦) endure all kinds of hardships; suffer untold hardships.⁶
茹痛 nguĩ-hüng
rútòng to endure (suffering or sorrow).
茹毛饮血[茹毛飲血] nguĩ-mão-ngīm-hüt
rúmáoyǐnxuè to eat uncooked game; live a primitive life.⁶ to eat birds and animals raw.⁸ to eat the raw meat and drink the blood – to live the life of a savage.⁹
茹鱼[茹魚] nguĩ-nguî/
rúyú putrid fish.
茹荤[茹葷] nguĩ-vũn
rúhūn to eat meat.
茹素 nguĩ-xü
rúsù eat no meat; be a vegetarian.⁶
ngui3 12039
140 13 nguĩ (composition: ⿱艹挐; U+8498).
蘮蒘 gäi-nguĩ jìrú a plant mentioned in ancient books; it resembles celery, is edible, and its seeds are as big as grains of wheat, commonly known as 鬼麦[鬼麥] "ghost wheat".⁸
<又> nã.
(See 蒘 nã).
ngui3 12040
140 15 nguĩ (=茹 nguĩ <wr.> eat.⁶ roots; vegetables; eat; bear; Ru surname.⁸).¹⁰
(composition: ⿱艹絮; U+8560).
蕠藘 nguĩ-luĩ
rúlǘ (=茹藘 nguĩ-luĩ rúlǘ) Rubia cordifolia or Rubia akane, roots used as red dye.¹⁰
(See 茹 nguĩ).
ngui3 12041
141 13 nguĩ supposition, prediction; anxiety, worry; deceive, cheat, fool.⁵ to expect; to anticipate; to worry; to cheat.¹⁰ Yu surname.⁵ʼ¹⁰
不虞 būt-nguĩ bùyú unexpected; eventuality, contingency; do not worry about.⁷
不虞之誉[不虞之譽] būt-nguĩ-jï-yì
bùyúzhīyù unexpected praise.³⁹
无虞[無虞] mũ-nguĩ
wúyú  not to be worried about; all taken care of.¹⁰ without any accident.¹¹
虞犯 nguĩ-fàn
yúfàn suppositional criminal.⁹
虞侯 nguĩ-hẽo
yúhóu <hist.> official in charge of royal woods or hunting fields.⁵⁴
虞姬 Nguĩ Kï
Yú Jī the mistress of 项羽[項羽] Hòng Yî Xiàng Yǔ Xiang Yu (232-202 BCE), who ended the Qin (秦) Dynasty by defeating its army.⁷
虞美人 nguĩ-mî-ngĩn
yúměirén a corn poppy; the mistress of 项羽[項羽] Hòng Yî Xiàng Yǔ Xiang Yu (232-202 BCE), also known as 虞姬 Nguĩ Kï Yú Jī.
虞人 nguĩ-ngĩn
yúrén <trad.> an official in charge of forests, lakes, and imperial gardens.⁷
虞舜 Nguĩ-sün
Yúshùn Yu Shun, a legendary emperor of great wisdom, believed to have ruled around 2,200 BCE.⁷
有虞 yiû-nguĩ
yǒuyú aka Emperor Shun 舜 (2233-2184 BC).
ngui3 12042
142 15 𧍪
nguĩ a water beetle.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰虫禺; U+2736A).
𧑒❄{⿰虫敦}𧍪❄{⿰虫禺} hün-nguĩ tūnyú = 青蚨 tëin-fũ qīngfú, a water beetle – according to the books, if the blood of the mother is smeared on 81 copper cash, and the blood of the young one is also smeared on another 81 cash, then cash will always come together, no matter how they are circulated, – from the 搜神记[搜神記] Xēo-sĩn-gï Sōushénjì.¹⁴ Its appearance is described like a cicada, and the eggs are glued by the mother to leaves, especially of the sweetflag, in rows of eights and nines; it is also called
鱼父[魚父] nguî-fù
yúfù and answers to a Hyrophilus.¹⁰²
ngui3 12043
145 11 nguĩ (occurs in 易经[易經) Yèik-géin Yìjīng Book of Changes.¹   clothes.⁸ old rags.¹⁰ old rags, old clothing; caulking.¹⁴
袾袽 jï-nguĩ
zhūrú tattered garments.²⁵
衣袽 yï-nguĩ
yīrú rags used for stopping the leaks of vessels.²⁵
ngui3 12044
167 12 nguĩ a hoe.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿰金吾; U+92D9). (comp. s: ⿰钅吾; U+94FB).
锄铻[鋤鋙] chõ-nguĩ
or chũ-nguĩ chúyú a hoe; unsuitable; irregular; not well-matched.¹⁴
<又> m̃; nguî.
(See 鋙 m̃; 鋙 nguî).
ngui3 12045
167 14 nguĩ rubium (Rb).⁶
ngui3 12046
170 11 nguĩ corner, nook; outlying place, border.
向隅 hëng-nguĩ xiàngyú lit. to face the corner (idiom); fig. to miss out on something.¹⁰
向隅而泣 hëng-nguĩ-ngĩ-hīp
xiàngyú'érqì to weep all alone in a corner; to weep from loneliness.⁵⁴
海隅 hōi-nguĩ
hǎiyú a corner or small town by the sea¹¹.
陬隅之地 jëo-nguĩ-jï-ì
zōuyúzhīdì <wr.> a remote place.
yúmù angry eyes.
城隅 sẽin-nguĩ
chéngyú corner of a city wall.
独处一隅[獨處一隅] ùk-chuī-yīt-nguĩ
dúchǔyīyú to be alone in a corner.
四隅 xï-nguĩ
sìyú four corners.
ngui3 12047
187 23 𩦢
nguĩ to provide for; anxious; danger.⁸ (a variant of 虞 nguĩ ).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰馬
; U+299A2).
驺𩦢[騶𩦢] jëo-nguĩ
zōuyú (=驺虞[騶虞] jëo-nguĩ zōuyú a legendary benevolent beast with strips on its body and a long tail.).⁸ a righteous animal, which only appears when drawn forth by a man of extreme virtue; a kind of horse, with a tail longer than its body; it is found in western regions, and does not tread on living grass, but eats only that which has died of itself; it is said that one appeared when Confucius was about to die.²⁵
(See 虞 nguĩ).
ngui3 12048
195 11 nguĩ fish; Yu surname.⁵
(composition: ⿳⺈田灬; U+9B5A).
大比目鱼[大比目魚] ài-bī-mùk-nguĩ dàbǐmùyú Halibut – Hippoglossus stenolepis (right-eyed).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
扁口鱼[扁口魚] bēin-hēo-nguĩ
biǎnkǒuyú Olive flounder – Paralichthys olivaceus (left-eyed); aka 牙鮃, 褐牙鮃, 比目魚, <台> 左口魚.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
罗非鱼[羅非魚] lõ-fï-nguĩ
luófēiyú tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus); in Chinese aka 非洲鲫鱼[非洲鯽魚], 非鲫[非鯽], 越南鱼[越南魚], 南洋鲫[南洋鯽].¹⁹
金鱼[金魚] gïm-nguĩ/
jīnyú goldfish.⁵ Carassius auratus auratus.²⁰
鱼翅[魚翅] nguĩ-chï
yúchì shark's-fin, a delicacy.¹⁴
鱼贯而入[魚貫而入] nguĩ-gön-ngĩ-yìp
yúguàn'érrù to enter in single file; to file in.⁹
鱼瞰[魚瞰] nguĩ-häm
yúkàn open-eyed.¹⁴
鱼陷阱[魚陷阱] nguĩ-hàm-dèin
or nguĩ-hàm-dēng yúxiànjǐng fish snare.⁹ fish trap.³⁹
鱼雷[魚雷] nguĩ-luĩ
yúléi torpedo.⁵
鱼目混珠[魚目混珠] nguĩ-mùk-vùn-jî/
yúmùhùnzhū pass off fish eyes as pearls – pass off the sham as the genuine.⁵
鱼鹰[魚鷹] nguĩ-yëin
yúyīng fish hawk; cormorant.⁶
<又> nguî.
(See 魚 nguî.)
ngui3 12049
195 21 nguĩ (=渔 [漁] nguĩ ) fishing; take something one is not entitled to.⁵ to fish; to seize.¹⁴
(See 漁 nguĩ).
ngui3 12050
198 鹿 18 nguĩ a buck, the male of the antelope.²⁵ stag, herd; <old> male water deer.³⁶
麀鹿麌麌 yiü-lùk-ngõ-ngõ or yiü-lùk-nguĩ-nguĩ  yōulùwúwú or yōulùyǔyǔ the bucks and does herding together.²⁵
麌麌 ngõ-ngõ
or nguĩ-nguĩ wúwú or yǔyǔ herding together.²⁵
<又> ngõ.
(See 麌 ngõ.)
ngui3 12051
9 11 nguì wěi false, counterfeit, fake, bogus; illegal, puppet, collaborationist.⁶
<文读> nguì; <白读> ngài; (same meaning as 偽 ngài wěi).
(See 偽 ngài.)
ngui4 12052
40 12 nguì reside, live; residence, abode; imply, contain; (variant: 庽 nguì yù.)⁵
公寓 güng-nguì
gōngyù flats, apartment house; <trad.> lodging house.⁵
公寓大楼[公寓大樓] güng-nguì-ài-lẽo
gōngyùdàlóu apartment building.⁶
寓居 nguì-guï
yùjū make one's home in (a place other than one's native place.⁵
寓公 nguì-güng
yùgōng <old> vassal or aristocrat living in a foreign country; bureaucrats or gent in exile.⁶
寓目 nguì-mùk
yùmù <wr.> look over.⁵
寓言 nguì-ngũn
yùyán fable; allegory; parable.⁶
寓所 nguì-sō
yùsuǒ residence; abode; dwelling place.⁵
寓意 nguì-yï
yùyì implication; allusion; moral; message; implied meaning.⁶
寓意深刻 nguì-yï-sïm-hāk
yùyìshēnkè be pregnant with meaning.⁵
寓意深长[寓意深長] nguì-yï-sïm-jēng
yùyìshēnzhǎng to have profound import (idiom); to be deeply significant.¹⁰
ngui4 12053
53 广 12 nguì (=寓 nguì)
(See 寓 nguì.)
ngui4 12054
60 12 nguì to drive a chariot or carriage; a driver, an attendnat; to control, to tame (a shrew); imperial; to wait on, to set before (as food). to offer or present to; Yu surname.⁷ drive, ride; chariot; manage.⁸
(composition: ⿰彳卸; U+5FA1).
驾御[駕御] or 驾驭[駕馭] gä-nguì jiàyù drive (a cart or horse); control; master.⁵
御宝[御寶] nguì-bāo
yùbǎo the imperial seal.⁷
御笔[御筆] nguì-bīt
yùbǐ the handwriting or painting of the emperor.⁷
御制[御製] nguì-jäi
yùzhì poems and writings authorized by the emperor; vessels produced in the imperial kiln.⁷
御者 nguì-jēh
yùzhě the driver of a carriage or chariot; an attendant.⁷
御旨 nguì-jī
yùzhǐ an imperial decree.⁷
御妻 nguì-häi
yùqī to control one's wife; (formerly) a female official title.⁷
御食 nguì-sèik
yùshí the food for the emperor; to attend on the senior at the table.⁷
御膳 nguì-sên
yùshàn the imperial cuisine.⁷
御师[御師] nguì-xü
yùshī a court physician; the emperor's physician.⁷
<又> ngà.
(See 御 ngà; 禦 nguì).
ngui4 12055
60 12 𢔴
nguì the name of a 鄕 hëng xiāng (=乡[鄉] hëng xiāng) country; rural; village.²ʼ⁰ the name of a village.²⁴
(composition: ⿰彳郚; U+22534).
ngui4 12056
113 17 nguì to guard against; to take precautions against.⁷
抵御[抵禦] āi-nguì dǐyù to resist; to withstand.⁷
防御[防禦] fõng-nguì
fángyù defend; guard against.⁶
御敌[禦敵] nguì-èik
yùdí to guard against the enemy.⁷
御寒[禦寒] nguì-hõn
yùhán to protect oneself from cold; to take precautions against cold.⁷
御寇[禦寇] nguì-këo
yùkòu to guard against bandits; to take precautions against invaders.⁷
御侮[禦侮] nguì-mû
yùwǔ to guard against the insults of foreign powers.⁷
(See 御 nguì.)
ngui4 12057
162 12 nguì meet; treat, receive; chance, opportunity.⁵ Yu surname.⁸
不期而遇 būt-kĩ-ngĩ-nguì bùqī'éryù meet by chance.⁵
遇到 nguì-äo
yùdào run into.⁵⁵
遇敌[遇敵] nguì-èik
yùdí to encounter the enemy.⁷
遇见[遇見] nguì-gëin
yùjiàn to meet.¹⁰
遇救 nguì-giü
yùjiù be rescued.⁹
遇合 nguì-hàp
yùhé get along together.⁸
遇险[遇險] nguì-hēm
yùxiǎn run into danger.⁵⁵
遇害 nguì-hòi
yùhài be murdered.⁵
遇着[遇著] nguì-jèk
yùzháo to meet; to encounter.⁷
遇难[遇難] nguì-nàn
yùnàn to perish; to be killed.¹⁰
遇难船员[遇難船員] nguì-nàn-sõn-yõn
yùnànchuányuán shipwrecked sailers.⁶
遇人不淑 nguì-ngĩn-būt-sùk
yùrénbùshū to marry the wrong guy; to have married to a bad husband.⁷
遇时[遇時] nguì-sĩ
yùshí to catch the right opportunity.⁷
遇刺 nguì-xü
yùcì be attacked by an assassin.⁶
遇刺身亡 nguì-xü-sïn-mõng
yùcìshēnwáng be assassinated.⁶
遇事 nguì-xù
yùshì when anything crops (or comes) up.⁵
遇事生风[遇事生風] nguì-xù-säng-füng
yùshìshēngfēng sow discord whenever possible.⁵
遇有 nguì-yiû
yùyǒu in the event of; in case of.⁵
ngui4 12058
187 12 nguì drive (a carriage).⁵
驾驭[駕馭] or 驾御[駕御] gä-nguì jiàyù drive (a cart or horse); control; master.⁵
鹤驭兴悲[鶴馭興悲] hôk-nguì-hëin-bï
hèyùxīngbēi condolences.⁵⁴
驭兽术[馭獸術] nguì-chiü-sùt
yùshòushù  animal training; taming wild beast (e.g. lion-taming).¹⁰
驭手[馭手] nguì-siū
yùshǒu person in charge of pack animals; chariot driver.¹⁰
炮车驭手[炮車馭手] päo-chëh-nguì-siū pàochēyùshǒu gun-carriage driver.⁵
ngui4 12059
194 17 nguì wèi original pronunciation of 魏 in 台山話 Hoisanva with same meaning as 魏 ngài wèi.
<又> ngài.
(See 魏 ngài.)
ngui4 12060
5 8 nguî breast, nipples; milk, suckle.
哺乳 bù-nguî bǔrǔ breast feeding; to suckle; to nurse.¹⁰
豆乳 èo-nguî
dòurǔ soybean milk.
腐乳 fù-nguî
fǔrǔ fermented bean curd.⁵
钟乳石[鐘乳石] jüng-nguî-sêk
zhōngrǔshí stalactite.
乳媪[乳媼] nguî-äo
or nguî-ëo rǔ'ǎo wet nurse.¹¹
乳鸽[乳鴿] nguî-âp
rǔgē a squab.¹¹
乳白 nguî-bàk
rǔbái cream colored; milky white.
乳臭未干[乳臭未乾] nguî-chiü-mì-gön
rǔxiùwèigān still smell of one's mother's milk – not yet dry behind the ears; be wet behind the ears; be young and inexperienced.⁶
乳雀啁 nguî-dēk-jiü
rǔquèzhōu little birds chatter.⁶
乳房 nguî-fông
rǔfáng breast; udder.
乳柑 nguî-gâm/
rǔgān <bot.> a kind of orange with thin peel and no seeds.¹¹
乳头[乳頭] nguî-hẽo
rǔtóu nipple, teat, papilla.
乳猪[乳豬] nguî-jï
rǔzhū suckling pig.¹⁰
乳汁 nguî-jīp
rǔzhī milk.⁶
乳酪 nguî-lōk
rǔlào cheese.⁸ curds; cheese.¹¹
乳癌 nguî-ngãm
rǔ'ái breast cancer.¹¹
乳牛 nguî-ngẽo
rǔniú dairy cow.
乳妪[乳嫗] nguî-yī
or nguî-ëo rǔyù wet nurse.¹¹
ngui5 12061
9 21 nguî big.
俣俣[俁俁] nguî-nguî yǔyǔ <wr.> (of a person) big and tall.
ngui5 12062
31 10 nguî prison, jail.⁸
陷身囹圄 <wr.> hàm-sïn-lẽin-nguî xiànshēnlíngyǔ <wr.> to be thrown in prison.¹¹
囹圄 lẽin-nguî
língyǔ prison.¹¹
ngui5 12063
31 11 nguî <wr.> to stable/keep a horse; horse stable.⁶ a stable, corral, enclosure; <wr.> border territory.¹¹
疆圉 gëng-nguî jiāngyǔ the frontiers.¹⁴
隶圉[隸圉] lài-nguî
lìyǔ servants; underlings.¹⁰
囹圉 lẽin-nguî
língyǔ (=囹圄 lẽin-nguî língyǔ) prison.¹¹
马圉[馬圉] mâ-nguî
mǎyǔ a groom.¹⁴
牧圉 mùk-nguî
mùyǔ <wr.> horse breeder.¹¹
圉限 nguî-hàn
yǔxiàn boundary; limit.¹⁰
圉人 nguî-ngĩn
yǔrén <wr.> horse trainer; groom.¹⁰
圉守 nguî-siū 
yǔshǒu to guard the frontiers.¹⁴
守圉 siū-nguî
shǒuyǔ to guard the frontiers.¹⁴
豢圉 vàn-nguî
huànyǔ a pen for animals; an animal barn or stable.⁷
ngui5 12064
46 10 峿 nguî (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciations for 峿 m̃ ).
(composition: ⿰山吾; U+5CFF).
岨峿 jū-nguî
jǔyǔ appearance of a mountain.²
ngui5 12065
46 12 nguî <wr.> hill/mountain recess.⁶  a mountain range.¹⁴
嵎夷 Nguî-yĩ Yúyí the eastern extremity of the ancient empire under 尧[堯] Ngẽl Yáo Yao.¹⁴
ngui5 12066
66 11 nguî percussion instrument shaped as a hollow wooden tiger, with serrated strip across the back, across which one runs a drumstick.¹⁰ an ancient percussion musical instrument which was used to give the signal to cease playing.¹⁴ to forbid; a musical instrument, like a wooden tiger, with 27 notches on the back, along which a stick is drawn, in order to produce a noise, at the sound of which the music stops.²⁴
(composition: ⿰吾攵; U+6554).
柷敔 jūk-nguî zhùyǔ or chūk-nguî chùyǔ two wooden percussion instruments in ancient times, the former to start the orchestra and the latter to stop the orchestra; it is said that the two can be used for harmony at the same time, regardless of the end and the beginning.⁸
ngui5 12067
149 14 nguî to tell to.
(comp. t: ⿰言吾; U+8A9E). (comp. s: ⿰讠吾; U+8BED).
不可以语人[不可以語人] būt-hō-yî-nguî-ngĩn 
bùkěyǐyùrén must not tell others.
语人[語人] nguî-ngĩn
yùrén  <wr.> to tell others.
(See 語 [nguî, ].)
ngui5 12068
149 14 nguî dialect; language; speech.
(comp. t: ⿰言吾; U+8A9E). (comp. s: ⿰讠吾; U+8BED).
口语[口語] hēo-nguî
kǒuyǔ colloquial speech; spoken language; vernacular language; slander; gossip.¹⁰
汉语[漢語] Hön-nguî
Hànyǔ Chinese (language).⁵
旗语[旗語] kĩ-nguî
qíyǔ semaphore; flag signal.⁵
谚语[諺語] ngèin-nguî
yànyǔ proverb; saying; adage.
外语[外語] ngòi-nguî
wàiyǔ foreign language.
语法[語法] nguî-fāt
yǔfǎ grammar.
语重心长[語重心長] nguî-jùng-xïm-chẽng
yǔzhòng xīncháng meaningful and heartfelt words (idiom); sincere and earnest wishes.
语言[語言] nguî-ngũn
yǔyán language.⁶
语汇[語彙] nguî-vòi
yǔhuì (=字汇[字彙] dù-vòi; =词汇[詞彙] xũ-vòi) <linguistics, semantics> vocabulary; lexicon.³⁶
成语[成語] sẽin-nguî
chéngyǔ set phrase; idiom.
(See 語 [nguî, ].)
ngui5 12069
167 12 nguî discordant, disharmonious; a kind of muscial instrument.⁷ a muscial instrument.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿰金吾; U+92D9). (comp. s: ⿰钅吾; U+94FB).
<又> m̃; nguĩ.
(See 鋙 m̃; 鋙 nguĩ).
ngui5 12070
195 11 nguî Kangxi radical 195.¹⁴ fish; Yu surname.⁵
鱼子[魚子] nguî-dū yúzǐ spawn; roe.⁷
鱼子酱[魚子醬] nguî-dū-dëng
yúzǐjiàng caviar.⁷
鱼竿[魚竿] nguî-gön
yúgān fishing rod; fish pole.³⁹
鱼缸[魚缸] nguî-göng
yúgāng fish globe/tank.⁶
鱼罟[魚罟] nguî-gü
or nguî-kü yúgǔ a fishing net.¹¹
鱼塘[魚塘] nguî-hõng
yútáng a fishpond.⁷
鱼篓[魚簍] nguî-lêo
yúlǒu bamboo fish hamper; creel.⁶ (See <台> 鱼篓[魚簍] nguî-luī)
鱼鳞[魚鱗] nguî-lĩn
yúlín fish scales; scale.⁵
鱼网[魚網] nguî-mōng
yúwǎng fishing net.⁵
鱼腩[魚腩] nguî-nâm
yúnǎn meaty flesh from the underbelly of the carp.¹⁰
鱼钩[魚鉤] nguî-ngêo
or nguî-gêo yúgōu a fishing hook.⁹
鱼饵[魚餌] nguî-nì
yú'ěr fish bait.¹⁰
鱼鳔[魚鰾] nguî-pël
yúbiào air bladder of fish.⁸
鱼船[魚船] nguî-sõn
or 渔船[漁船] nguĩ-sõn yúchuán fishing boat.⁵
鱼肚[魚肚] nguî-ū
yúdǔ fish maw (as food).⁶
<台> 鱼蛋 nguî-àn/ spawn; roe.
<台> 鱼篓[魚簍] nguî-luī a small bamboo fish basket.
<又> nguĩ.
(See 魚 nguĩ.)
ngui5 12071
211 22 nguî uneven teeth; to disagree.⁸ irregular teeth.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿰齒吾; U+9F6C). (comp. s: ⿰齿吾; U+9F89).
龃龉[齟齬] duï-nguî
or duī-nguî jǔyǔ <wr.> the upper and lower teeth not meeting properly – disagreement; discord.⁵ be in disagreement.⁶ irregular teeth; to have discord, to disagree.⁷ irregular; uneven; friction; like teeth that do not meet properly; locked tightly – a difference of opinion.¹⁴
ngui5 12072
10 3 ngük <台> to move.
<台> 唔好兀 or 唔好郁 or 唔好喐 m̃-hāo-ngük don't move.
<又> ngūt.
(See 兀 [ngūt, ]; 兀 [ngūt, ]; 郁 ngük; 喐 ngük).
nguk2 12073
30 11 ngük (=<台> 兀 ngük to move; =<台> 郁 ngük to move).
(composition: ⿰口郁; U+5590).
<台> 唔好喐 or 唔好兀 or 唔好郁 m̃-hāo-ngük don't move.
<台> 喐下 ngük-hà move a little.
<台> 喐手 ngük-siū to start (work).
<台> 喐手喐脚[喐手喐腳] ngük-siū-ngük-gëk to come to blows (fighting); to take liberties (with women).
<又> yūk.
(See 兀 ngük; 郁 ngük; 喐  yūk).
nguk2 12074
163 8 ngük <台> 郁 ngük to move.
<台> 唔好郁 or 唔好兀 or 唔好喐  m̃-hāo-ngük don't move.
<又> yūk.
(See 郁 yūk; 兀 ngük; 喐 ngük).
nguk2 12075
31 17 𡈭
ngùk (<old>=狱[獄] ngùk yù prison, jail; lawsuit, case.⁵).²
(composition: ⿴囗獄; U+2122D).
(See 獄 ngùk).
nguk4 12076
40 7 ngùk ròu (<old>=肉 ngùk ròu flesh; meat).⁸
(composition: ⿱宀六; U+5B8D).
(See 肉 ngùk).
nguk4 12077
94 14 ngùk prison, jail; lawsuit, case.⁵ (variant: 𡈭❄{⿴囗獄} ngùk ).
狴狱[狴獄] bäi-ngùk
bìyù prison.⁶
监狱[監獄] gäm-ngùk
jiānyù prison, jail.⁵
监狱长[監獄長] gäm-ngùk-jēng
jiānyùzhǎng warden.⁵
锒铛入狱[鋃鐺入獄] lõng-öng-yìp-ngùk
lángdāngrùyù lit. to get shackled and thrown in jail (idiom); fig. to be put behind bars; to get jailed.¹⁰
狱卒[獄卒] ngùk-dūt
yùzú <trad.> warder, prison officer; jailer.⁵
狱警[獄警] ngùk-gēin
yùjǐng prison guard.⁹
狱吏[獄吏] ngùk-lì
yùlì <trad.> prison officer; jailer.⁵
断狱[斷獄] òn-ngùk
duànyù hear and pass judgment on a case.⁵
越狱[越獄] yòt-ngùk
yuèyù escape from prison.⁵
(See 𡈭❄{⿴囗獄} ngùk).
nguk4 12078
96 5 ngùk Kangxi radical 96;  jade, precious stone, gem.⁸ jade; <wr.> pure, fair, beautiful; <court.> your.⁵
玉帝 Ngùk-äi Yùdì <Dao.> the Jade Emperor.³⁹
玉帛 ngùk-bàk
yùbó <wr.> jade objects and silk fabrics (presented as state gifts in ancient China); wealth.⁶
玉簪 ngùk-däm
or 玉篸 ngùk-chām yùzān jade hairpin.⁸
玉茭 ngùk-gäo
yùjiāo <topo.> maize; corn.⁵
玉器 ngùk-hï
yùqì jade article; jade object; jadeware.⁵
玉照 ngùk-jël
yùzhào your photograph.⁵
玉兰[玉蘭] ngùk-lãn
yùlán a magnolia.⁷
玉轮[玉輪] ngùk-lũn
yùlún (poetry) the moon.⁷
玉米 ngùk-māi
yùmǐ corn; maize.¹⁰
玉米吐缨了[玉米吐纓了] ngùk-māi-tû-yëin-lẽl
yùmǐ tùyīngle the maize is putting forth tassels.⁶
玉米芯 ngùk-māi-xïm
yùmǐxīn corncob; cob.⁵
玉面狐狸 ngùk-mèin-vũ-lî/
yùmiànhúli a white-faced fox – a pretty woman of loose morals.¹⁴
玉髯 ngùk-ngẽm
yùrán bean sprouts as a vegetable.⁵⁴
玉成 ngùk-sẽin
yùchéng <court.> kindly help secure the success of something.⁵
玉石 ngùk-sêk
yùshí jade.⁵
玉敦 ngùk-uï
yùduì jade vessel used to hold blood during the oath-taking ceremony.³⁹
玉玺[玉璽] ngùk-xāi
yùxǐ imperial jade seal.⁵

nguk4 12079
96 6 𤣪 ngùk (<old>=玉 ngùk jade, precious stone, gem.⁸ jade; <wr.> pure, fair, beautiful; <court.> your.⁵).²
(composition: ⿻王丿乚; U+248EA).
(See 玉 ngùk).
nguk4 12080
130 6 ngùk ròu Kangxi radical 130; flesh; meat.⁸ As a component, 肉 is usually written 月 ngùt yuè moon. Traditionally the component is ⺼ U+2EBC meat. (old variant: 宍 ngùk).
猪肉[豬肉] jï-ngùk
zhūròu pork.⁵
牛肉 ngẽo-ngùk
niúròu beef.
牛肉干[牛肉乾] ngẽo-ngùk-gôn/
niúròugān beef jerky.
肉搏 ngùk-bōk
ròubó to fight hand-to-hand.
肉丁 ngùk-ëin
ròudīng diced meat.⁸
肉疔 ngùk-ëin
ròudīng a boil, an ulcer.¹¹
肉钉儿[肉钉兒] ngùk-êng-ngĩ
ròudīngr diced meat.⁷
肉桂 ngùk-gï
ròuguì Chinese cassia, Chinese cinnamon
Cinnamomum cassia (Aliases: 玉桂 ngùk-gï yùguì; 牡桂 mêo-gï mǔguì).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
肉体[肉體] ngùk-hāi
ròutǐ the human body.
肉馅[肉餡] ngùk-hàm
ròuxiàn ground meat; mincemeat.¹⁰
肉瘤 ngùk-liũ
ròuliú <med.> sarcoma.⁵
肉痿 ngùk-vī
ròuwěi <TCM> muscular insensitivity.¹¹
肉蕈 ngùk-xïn
ròuxùn white mushrooms.¹¹
肉丝[肉絲] ngùk-xü
ròusī shredded meat.
肉丸 ngùk-yõn
ròuwán meatballs.¹¹
羊肉 yẽng-ngùk
yángròu mutton; lamb.⁹
<台> 古老肉 gū-lāo-ngùk sweet and sour pork.
<又> ngûk.
(See 肉 ngûk; 宍 ngùk).
nguk4 12081
145 15 ngùk cotton-padded mattress.⁶
产褥[產褥] or 产蓐[產蓐] chān-ngùk or chān-yùk chǎnrù child delivery.¹¹
褥单[褥單] ngùk-än
or yùk-än rùdān a bed sheet.⁷
褥疮[褥瘡] ngùk-chông
or yùk-chông rùchuāng bedsore; pressure sore; decubitus ulcer.⁶
褥子 ngùk-dū
or yùk-dū rùzi cotton-padded mattress.⁶
褥套 ngùk-häo
or yùk-häo rùtào bedding sack; mattress cover.⁶
褥草 ngùk-tāo
or yùk-tāo rùcǎo hay used as bedding.⁷
被褥 pî-ngùk
or pî-yùk bèirù bedding; bedclothes.⁸
<又> yùk.
(See 褥 yùk.)
nguk4 12082
167 13 ngùk <wr.> treasure.⁶ a hard variety of gold.⁷ precious, valuable; hard metal.²⁵
nguk4 12083
167 32 𨰻 ngùk Used in personal names in Taiwan.³⁶ Pronounced 宝[寶] bāo bǎo or 玉 ngùk yù.² Possible meanings include 宝[寶] bāo bǎo treasure or 玉 ngùk jade.³⁶
<又> bāo.
(See 𨰻 bāo.)
nguk4 12084
130 4 ngùk


the side radical of 肉 ngùk ròu, not to be confused with radical 74, the moon radical, 月.¹⁵ component form of ⾁; Kangxi radical #130, 肉 (“meat”).³⁶
(composition: ⿵冂冫; U+2EBC).
<台> 肉字边[肉字邊] ngùk-dù-bêin/ the side radical of 肉 ngùk ròu meat.
130 6 ngûk ròu <台> 枕头肉[枕頭肉] jīm-hẽo-ngûk pillow filling.
<又> ngùk. (See 肉 ngùk.)
nguk5 12086
38 12 ngün ruǎn appearance of being gentle and beautiful.⁸
(composition: ⿰女耎; U+5A86).
<又> nùn. (See 媆 nùn).
ngun2 12087
61 12 ngün ruǎn weak.² timid; apprehensive.¹⁴ weak, feeble, fearful, cowardly.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄耎; U+611E).
愞弱 ngün-ngèk ruǎnruò timid and weak.¹⁴ weak.²⁴
畏愞 vï-ngün wèiruǎn timorous.²⁴ (cf 畏愞 vï-nò).
<又> nù; nò.
(See 愞 nù; 愞 nò).
ngun2 12088
126 9 ngün ruǎn (<old>=软[軟] ngün ruǎn soft, flexible, pliable; weak); weak, pliable, soft, yielding.⁸ soft; weak.³⁶
(composition: ⿱而大; U+800E).
(See 軟 ngün).
ngun2 12089
140 12 ngün ruǎn another name for 黑木耳 hāk-mùk-ngī hēimùěr Jew's ear, wood ear, jelly ear (Auricularia auricula-judae).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
ngun2 12090
158 19 𨉿
ngün ruǎn (=软[軟] ngün ruǎn soft, flexible, pliable; weak.⁸).²ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰身⿱而而; U+2827F).
(See 軟 ngün).
ngun2 12091
159 11 ngün ruǎn soft, flexible, pliable; weak.⁸
(variants: 輭, 𨉿❄{⿰身⿱而而}). (See 輭, 𨉿❄{⿰身⿱而而} ngün.)
软刀子[軟刀子] ngün-äo-dū
ruǎndāozi soft knife – a way of harming people imperceptibly.⁵
软包[軟包] ngün-bäo
ruǎnbāo soft (bread) roll; <topo.> coward.⁵⁴
软化[軟化] ngün-fä
ruǎnhuà soften (up); persuade by soft tactics; bate (leather).⁶
软风[軟風] ngün-füng
ruǎnfēng <met> light air.⁵
软膏[軟膏] ngün-gäo
ruǎngāo ointment; paste.⁵
软件[軟件] ngün-gèin
ruǎnjiàn software.⁵
软骨[軟骨] ngün-gūt ruǎngǔ cartilage.⁵
软焊[軟銲] ngün-hòn
ruǎnhàn soft soldering; soldering.⁵
软绵绵[軟綿綿] ngün-mẽin-mẽin
ruǎnmiánmián soft; weak; (of music and literature) sentimental and mushy.⁶
软硬[軟硬] ngün-ngàng
ruǎnyìng software and hardware.⁹ degree of softness/hardness; both carrot and stick.⁵⁴
软硬兼施[軟硬兼施] ngün-ngàng-gëm-sï
ruǎnyìngjiānshī use both hard and soft tactics; use both the carrot and the stick; couple threats with promises.⁶
软弱[軟弱] ngün-ngèk
ruǎnruò weak; feeble; flabby.⁵
软玉[軟玉] ngün-ngùk
ruǎnyù nephrite.⁵
软和[軟和] ngün-vö
ruǎnhuó soft; gentle, kind, soft.⁶
<台> 軟腍腍 ngün-nëim-nëim very soft.
ngun2 12092
159 16 ngün ruǎn (=软[軟] ngün ruǎn) soft, flexible, pliable; weak.⁸
(composition: ⿰車耎; U+8F2D).
踹輭索 chāi-ngün-xôk
chuàiruǎnsuǒ to walk the slack rope.¹⁴
輭弱 ngün-ngèk
ruǎnruò weak; feeble.²⁵
安车輭轮[安車輭輪] ön-guï-ngün-lũn
ānjūruǎnlún an easy carriage, with muffled wheels, i.e., with rushes bound round the wheels to make them go easily.²⁵
(See 軟 ngün.)
ngun2 12093
10 4 ngũn yuán primary; first; the Yuan dynasty (1279-1368); Yuan surname.¹⁰ the first cause, origin, principal, chief; great.²⁴
金元宝[金元寶] gïm-ngũn-bāo jīnyuánbǎo 银元宝[銀元寳] ngãn-ngũn-bāo yínyuánbǎo boat-shaped goldbar⁵⁴ or gold coin and a boat-shaped silver ingot,¹⁹ respectively.
元旦 ngũn-än
yuándàn or 元日 ngũn-ngìt yuánrì New Year's Day.¹⁰ʼ¹⁰²
元宝[元寳] ngũn-bāo
yuánbǎo a silver or gold ingot; mock ingot (burnt in honor of the deceased); a name for ancient currency; a rare genius.⁵⁴ʼ⁰
元宝枫[元寳楓] ngũn-bāo-füng
yuánbǎofēng Shantung Maple (Acer truncatum Bunge).²³
元气[元氣] ngũn-hï
yuánqì <TCM> strength; vigor; vitality; original vital breath.¹⁰
元凶 ngũn-hüng
yuánxiōng prime culprit; archcriminal.⁶
元年 ngũn-nẽin
yuánnián the first year of a reign.¹⁰²
元朝 Ngũn-chẽl
Yuáncháo the Yuan dynasty (1279-1368).¹⁰
元恶[元惡] ngũn-ōk
yuán'è the chief culprit.⁷
元帅[元帥] ngũn-suï
yuánshuài marshal; supreme commander.⁸
元宵 Ngũn-xël
Yuánxiāo or 元夜 Ngũn-yèh Yuányè festival on 15th day of first lunar month, also dumplings eaten at this festival.¹¹
<又> yõn.
(See 元 yõn).
ngun3 12094
27 10 ngũn yuán primary, original, former; unprocessed, raw; excuse, pardon; level, open country; plain; Yuan surname.⁵
(variant: 𠫐❄{⿸厂灥} ngũn). (See 𠫐❄{⿸厂灥} ngũn).
原璧归赵[原璧歸趙] ngũn-bēik-gï-Jèl
yuánbì guī Zhào to return the jewel to the State of Zhao – to return a thing to its rightful owner.¹⁴ (=完璧归赵[完璧歸趙] yõn-bēik-gï-Jèl wánbì guī Zhào, q.v.).
原本 ngũn-bōn
yuánběn original manuscript, master copy; the original (from which a translation is made); originally; formerly.⁵
or 元始 ngũn-chī yuánshǐ original, firsthand; primeval, primitive.⁶
原子 ngũn-dū
yuánzǐ atom.⁵
原子弹[原子彈] ngũn-dū-àn
yuánzǐdàn atomic bomb.⁵
原稿 ngũn-gāo
yuángǎo original manuscript; master copy.⁵
原料 ngũn-lèl
yuánliào raw material.⁵
原谅[原諒] ngũn-lèng
yuánliàng excuse, forgive; pardon.⁵
原来[原來] ngũn-lõi
yuánlái original, former; as a matter of fact, as it turns out.⁶
or 源委 ngũn-vī yuánwěi ins and outs; whole story.⁶
or 元素 ngũn-xü yuánsù <chem.> elements.⁷
原因 ngũn-yïn
yuányīn cause; origin; root cause; reason.¹⁰
原宥 ngũn-yiù
yuányòu pardon; forgive.⁵
ngun3 12095
27 29 𠫐
ngũn yuán (<old>=源 ngũn yuán a spring; source.⁸ source, origin, root; spring.³⁶).⁸ a fountain; a spring of water.²⁴
(=原 ngũn
yuán primary, original, former; unprocessed, raw; excuse, pardon; level, open country; plain.⁵).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿸厂灥; U+20AD0).
(See 源❄{⿸厂灥} ngũn).
ngun3 12096
27 30 ngũn yuán (=源 ngũn yuán) a spring; source.⁸ source, origin, root; spring; Yuan surname​.³⁶
(composition: ⿱原⿰原原; U+53B5).
(See 源 ngũn).
ngun3 12097
32 13 ngũn yuán A landform of the Loess Plateau (黄土高原[黃土高原] võng-hū-gäo-ngũn huángtǔgāoyuán Huangtu Gaoyuan) in northwest China that has ravines around, formed by flowing water, steep edges and a relatively flat top.  For example, Luochuanyuan of Shanbei, Dongzhiyuan of Longdong.⁹  plateau, especially Loess Plateau of northwest China, 黄土高原.¹⁰
洛川塬 Lōk-chün Ngũn
Luòchuān Yuán Luochuan Loess Plateau, located in the northern portion of 陕西[陝西] Sēm-xäi Shǎnxī Shaanxi Province (陕北[陝北] Sēm-bāk Shǎnběi Shanbei or Shaanbei).²³
塬地 ngũn-ì 
yuándì fertile arable soil of loess plateau.¹⁰
董志塬 Ūng-Jï-Ngũn
Dǒngzhì Yuán Dongzhiyuan of Longdong (陇东[隴東] Lûng-üng Lǒngdōng).⁹
ngun3 12098
38 13 ngũn yuán Used in people's names such as Jiang Yuan, the mother of Houji (后稷 Hèo-dēik Hòujì) in the Zhou Dynasty legend.⁹
(composition: ⿰女原; U+5AC4).
姜嫄 Gëng Ngũn
Jiāng Yuán was the first consort of Emperor Ku (帝嚳 Äi Gūk Dìkù), according to Sima Qian (司马迁[司馬遷] Xü-mâ Tëin Sīmǎ Qiān).¹⁵
ngun3 12099
85 7 ngũn yuán 沅江 Ngũn-göng Yuánjiāng Yuanjiang, name of a river flowing from 贵州[貴州] Gï-jiü Guìzhōu Guizhou Province to 湖南 Vũ-nãm Húnán Hunan Province.⁴
ngun3 12100
85 13 ngũn yuán spring; source, head; Yuan surname.⁸ (variants: 厵 ngũn yuán, 𠫐❄{⿸厂灥} ngũn yuán).
资源[資源] dü-ngũn
zīyuán natural resource (water or minerals); resource (manpower or tourism).¹⁰
根源 gïn-ngũn
gēnyuán origin; root (cause).¹⁰
or 起原 hī-ngũn qǐyuán origin; to come from.¹⁰
来源[來源] lõi-ngũn
láiyuán source (of information); origin.¹⁰
源头[源頭] ngũn-hẽo
yuántóu source of a river.⁸
源地 ngũn-ì
yuándì source region.⁸
源流 ngũn-liũ
yuánliú origin and development.⁸
源源 ngũn-ngũn
yuányuán in a steady stream.⁸
源泉 ngũn-tũn
yuánquán fountainhead; well-spring; water source; fig. origin.¹⁰
or 原委 ngũn-vī yuánwěi ins and outs; whole story.⁶
源于[源於] ngũn-yï
yuányú has its origins in.¹⁰
源远流长[源遠流長] ngũn-yōn-liũ-chẽng
yuányuǎnliúcháng of long standing and well established as a stream runs a long course from a remote source; long history.⁸
水源 suī-ngũn
shuǐyuán the source of a river, headwaters, waterhead; source of water.⁵
(See 厵 ngũn).
ngun3 12101
93 12 ngũn rún (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 犉 sũn chún with the same meaning: an ox with yellow hair and black lips (黃牛黑脣曰犉); seven-foot bovine (牛七尺).²ʼ⁸ʼ⁰ an ox with black lips; an ox, seven cubits high.²⁴ yellow cattle with black lips.³⁶ an ox, seven ancient cubits high, yellow, and having black lips.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰牜享; U+7289).
<又> sũn. (See 犉 sũn).
ngun3 12102
94 13 ngũn
yuán swine; an animal like an ox with three feet.²⁴
(composition: ⿰犭原; U+7342).
乾山... 有兽焉, 其状如牛而三足,其名曰獂.
[乾山... 有獸焉, 其狀如牛而三足,其名曰獂.] 
Kẽin-sän... yiû-chiü-yẽn, kĩ-jòng-nguĩ-ngẽo-ngĩ-xäm-dūk, kĩ-mẽin-yòt-ngũn 
Qiánshān... yǒu shòu yān, qí zhuàng rú niú ér sān zú, qí míng yuē yuán.
In Mount Qian there are beasts, which are three-legged; they are like cows, and their name is Yuan (獂 ngũn
yuán).⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《山海經 (Classic of Mountains and Seas)·北山經·85》
<又> yõn.
(See 獂 yõn).
ngun3 12103
142 9 ngũn yuán (=蚖 ngũn yuán such as 蝾蚖[蠑蚖] vẽin-ngũn róngyuán a mountain lizard.²⁵).²
(non-classical form of 螈 ngũn
yuán salamander; newt.¹⁰; such as 蝾螈[蠑螈] vẽin-ngũn róngyuán salamander, newt.⁹ fire-bellied salamander (Cynops orientalis David).¹⁰ a mountain lizard.²⁵);  a kind of lizard found in damp places; Diemyctylus pyrrhogaster, a kind of amphibious reptile.⁸
(composition: ⿰虫凡; U+45A0).
(See 蚖 ngũn; 螈 ngũn; 蝾螈[蠑螈] vẽin-ngũn; 蠑螈屬] vẽin-ngũn sùk).
ngun3 12104
142 10 ngũn yuán  a small venemous snake, a foot long.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰虫元; U+8696).
蝮蚖 fūk-ngũn fùyuán vipers and asps.¹⁰²
龙蟠于泥蚖其肆矣[龍蟠於泥蚖其肆矣] lũng-põn-yï-nãi ngũn-kĩ-xü-yì
lóng pán yú ní yuán qí sì yǐ when the dragon curls up in the mud, the boa disports itself; i.e. when the cat's away, the mice will play.¹⁰²
蚖芲[蚖菕] ngũn-lũn
yuánlún (the name of a tree).²⁵
蝾蚖[蠑蚖] vẽin-ngũn
róngyuán a mountain lizard.²⁵ a lizard found in damp places.¹⁰²
(See 蝾螈[蠑螈] vẽin-ngũn).
ngun3 12105
142 16 ngũn yuán salamander; newt.¹⁰
大蝾螈[大蠑螈] ài-vẽin-ngũn dàróngyuán Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus).¹⁰
螈蚕[螈蠶] ngũn-tâm
yuáncán yearly silkworms.²⁵ a silkworm which produces silk very late and only once in the season.¹⁰²
蝾螈[蠑螈] vẽin-ngũn
róngyuán salamander, newt.⁹ fire-bellied salamander (Cynops orientalis David).¹⁰ a mountain lizard.²⁵
蝾螈属[蠑螈屬] vẽin-ngũn sùk
róngyuán shǔ Cynops.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
蚓螈 yîn-ngũn
yǐnyuán caecilian.⁶
ngun3 12106
147 10 ngũn yàn 觃口[覎口] Ngũn-hēo Yànkǒu name of a market.²⁵ name of a market in the southern part of 富阳县[富陽縣] Fü-yẽng-yòn Fùyángxiàn Fuyang County in 浙江省 Jēt-göng-sāng Zhèjiāng shěng Zhejiang Province.¹⁹
ngun3 12107
149 7 ngũn yán Kangxi radical 149. 言 becomes 讠as in 话 và huà.¹ speech, words; to talk; a languae, a dialect; Yan surname.⁷
言传[言傳] ngũn-chũn
yánchuán to explain in words.⁷
言传身教[言傳身教] ngũn-chũn-sïn-gäo
yánchuánshēnjiào teach by precept and example.⁶
言教 ngũn-gäo yánjiào to teach by words, as distinct from by setting an example; to give verbal directions.⁷
言及 ngũn-gèp
yánjí to talk about; to touch on; to mention.⁷
言官 ngũn-gön yánguān imperial censors.¹⁰
言谈[言談] ngũn-hãm yántán words and speech; conversation.⁷
言之成理 ngũn-jï-sẽin-lî
yánzhīchénglǐ to present in a reasonable way; to talk sense; to sound reasonable.⁷
言重 ngũn-jùng
yánzhòng speak seriously; exaggerate.⁹
言路 ngũn-lù yánlù the channel by which one's words can reach the government.⁷
言论[言論] ngũn-lùn yánlùn open discussion; speech.⁷
言明 ngũn-mẽin yánmíng to state clearly; to declare.⁷
言外 ngũn-ngòi
yánwài beyond the words spoken; between the lines.⁷
言语[言語] ngũn-nguî yányǔ spoken language; speech; or ngũn-nguî yányu <topo.> to report, talk, tell, speak.⁷
言和 ngũn-võ
yánhé to make peace; to make it up.⁷
or 言词[言詞] ngũn-xũ yáncí one's words; what one says.⁶
ngun3 12108
170 6 ngũn ruǎn a plucked string instrument; Ruan surname.
阮咸 ngũn-hãm ruǎnxián Ruanxian, a four or three-stringed plucked musical instrument named after Ruan Xian, a musician of the Western Jin Dynasty, looking roughly like the Yueqin; its shortened form is 阮.⁹
阮囊羞涩[阮囊羞澀] ngũn-nõng-xiü-sēip
ruǎnnángxiūsè lacking sufficient funds to meet necessary expenses.
ngun3 12109
61 14 ngùn yuàn <wr.> honest and prudent.³⁶
(composition: ⿸原心(G) or ⿱原心(HTJKV); U+613F).
乡愿[鄉愿] hëng-ngùn xiāngyuàn (wr.> hypocrite.³⁶
(cf 願 ngùn).
ngun4 12110
64 15 ngùn ruán to rub between the hands.⁸ʼ¹⁴ demolish, destroy; rub with both hands.¹¹ to rumple anything.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌閏; U+648B).
烦撋[煩撋] fãn-ngùn fánruán to rub and wash (clothes).¹⁹
撋就 ngùn-diù
ruánjiù to accommodate to (something); to adjust to each other; to toil; leisurely and comfortably; warm and considerate.¹⁹
撋纵[撋縱] ngùn-düng
ruánzòng to indulge in tenderness.¹⁹
撋拭 ngùn-sēik
ruánshì to wipe/scrub and wash (clothes).¹⁹
撋挱 ngùn-sö
ruánsuō or ngùn-sâ ruánshā to rub in the hands.¹⁴
<又> nõ.
(See 撋 nõ).
ngun4 12111
85 15 ngùn rùn moisten; lubricate; embellish; moist; glossy; sleek.¹⁰
滋润[滋潤] dü-ngùn zīrùn moist; moisten.⁵
红润[紅潤] hũng-ngùn
hóngrùn ruddy; rosy.⁶
珠圆玉润[珠圓玉潤] jî-yõn-ngùk-ngùn
zhūyuányùrùn round as pearls and smooth as jade – excellent singing or polished writing.⁵
利润[利潤] lì-ngùn
lìrùn profits.¹⁰
润笔[潤筆] ngùn-bīt
rùnbǐ remuneration for literary or artistic work.¹⁰
润格[潤格] ngùn-gāk
rùngé scale of professional fees charged by painters, writers or calligraphers.¹¹
润泽[潤澤] ngùn-jàk
rùnzé  moist.¹⁰  to polish (style); polished, lustrous, supple; smooth and soft.¹¹
润色[潤色] ngùn-sēik
rùnsè to polish (a piece of writing); to add a few finishing touches to (a piece of writing, painting).¹⁰
润湿[潤濕] ngùn-sīp
rùnshī moist; soak; infiltrate.¹⁰
润滑[潤滑] ngùn-vàt
rùnhuá smooth; oily; sleek; lubricate.¹⁰
湿润[濕潤] sīp-ngùn
shīrùn moist.¹⁰
ngun4 12112
130 11 ngùn rùn (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 䏰 ngîn rěn with the same meaning: a kind of insect; earthworm; durable; strong and soft; pliable yet tough.⁸)
(composition: ⿰月忍; U+43F0).
<又> ngîn.
(See 䏰 ngîn).
ngun4 12113
169 12 ngùn rùn intercalary.⁵
闰年[閏年] ngùn-nẽin rùnnián leap or intercalary year.⁵
闰日[閏日] ngùn-ngìt
rùnrì  leap or intercalary day.⁵
闰月[閏月] ngùn-ngùt
rùnyuè intercalary month in the lunar calendar; leap month.⁵
闰余成岁[閏餘成歲] ngùn-yĩ-sẽin-xuï
rùnyúchéngsuì the intercalary surplus completes the year.⁶²
ngun4 12114
181 19 ngùn yuàn hope, wish, desire; be willing, be ready; vow (made before Buddha or a god); <wr.> honest and cautious.⁵
(old variant: 𩕾❄{⿰⿸⿱罒厂⿱罒大頁} ngùn yuàn).
t: ⿰原頁; U+9858).
s: ⿸原心(G) or ⿱原心(HTJKV); U+613F).
愿景[願景] ngùn-gēin
yuànjǐng vision (of the future).¹⁰
愿海[願海] ngùn-hōi
yuànhǎi a profound wish.⁷
愿望[願望] ngùn-mòng
yuànwàng desire; wish.¹⁰
愿你快乐[願你快樂] ngùn-nï-fäi-lòk
yuànnǐkuàilè wish you happiness.¹¹
愿心[願心] ngùn-xïm
yuànxīn a wish; a request (to a deity).¹⁰
愿意[願意] ngùn-yï
yuànyi be willing; be ready.⁵
<台> 誓愿[誓願] sài-ngùn to swear; to vow an oath.
(See 𩕾❄{⿰⿸⿱罒厂⿱罒大頁} ngùn; cf 愿 ngùn).
ngun4 12115
181 24 𩕾
ngùn yuàn (<old>=愿[願] ngùn yuàn hope, wish, desire; be willing, be ready; vow (made before Buddha or a god); <wr.> honest and cautious.⁵).²  the top of the head; to desire.²⁵
(composition: ⿰𡙷
❄{⿸⿱罒厂⿱罒大}頁 or ⿰⿸⿱罒厂⿱罒大頁; U+2957E).
(See 願] ngùn).
ngun4 12116
74 8 ngûn ruǎn protein; pudendum.⁸ private parts, pudenda; protein.¹³
朊病毒 ngûn-bèng-ùk ruǎn bìng dú virino; prion.⁹ (composition ⿰月元).
(Note: Distinguish 朊 ngûn with 月 radical from 䏓 gōn with 肉 radical).
ngun5 12117
112 12 ngûn yàn inkstone.⁸
笔墨纸砚[筆墨紙硯] bīt-màk-jī-ngûn bǐmòzhǐyàn writing brush, ink stick, paper and inkstone.⁶
笔砚[筆硯] bīt-ngûn
bǐyàn writing brush and inkstone.¹⁰
同砚[同硯] hũng-ngûn
tóngyàn classmate.¹¹
墨砚[墨硯] màk-ngûn
mòyàn ink slab.¹¹
砚弟[硯弟] ngûn-ài
yàndì  younger fellow student.¹⁰
砚席[硯席] ngûn-dèik
yànxí <wr.> inkslab and sitting mat; place where one studies and teaches.
砚耕[硯耕] ngûn-gäng
yàngēng <wr.> to make a living by writing.
砚兄[硯兄] ngûn-hëin
yànxiōng senior classmate.¹¹
砚田[硯田] ngûn-hẽin
yàntián ink stone; writing as a livelihood.¹⁰
砚台[硯臺] ngûn-hõi
yàntai an inkstone.¹¹
砚室[硯室] ngûn-sīt
yànshì case for an inkslab.¹⁰
砚友[硯友] ngûn-yiû
yànyǒu classmate.¹¹
ngun5 12118
30 12 ngũng yóng <wr.> fish sticking its mouth out of the water.⁶
喁喁 ngũng-ngũng or yũng-yũng yóngyóng <wr.> everyone looking up to somebody; respectful.⁶ (cf. 喁喁 nguĩ-nguĩ yúyú.)
<又> yũng, nguĩ.
(See 喁 yũng, nguĩ.)
ngung3 12119
64 12 ngũng róng to receive.²ʼ¹⁹ʼ²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌茸; U+6411).
<又> yūng; nũng; nōng. (See 搑 yūng; 搑 nũng; 搑 nōng).
ngung3 12120
82 10 ngũng róng (=绒[絨] ngũng róng); fur, hair, down; camel hair.⁸  (interchangeable with 羢 ngũng róng, 絨 ngũng róng) woolen goods.¹¹ fine, soft fur or hair, down; felt, camel's hair.¹⁴
(composition: ⿺毛戎; U+6BE7).
鸭毧被[鴨毧被] äp-ngũng-pî
yāróngbèi a duck down quilt.¹³
驼毧[駝毧] hũ-ngũng
or hõ-ngũng tuóróng camel's hair; camel's haircloth.¹³
毧毯 ngũng-dëin
róngtǎn felt rugs.¹⁴
毧鞋 ngũng-hãi
róngxié felt shoes.¹⁴
毧帽 ngũng-mào
róngmào felt caps.¹⁴
(See 絨 ngũng; 羢 ngũng; 氄 ngũng).
ngung3 12121
82 16 𣭲
ngũng rǒng  (of hair or feathers) fine and soft.⁶ fine hair; fine, soft.⁷ down or fine hair; nap; floss; used for 毧 ngũng rǒng.¹⁴ the smaller feathers of birds, down; one says, full of feathers.²⁴
t: ⿰矞毛; U+6C04). (comp. s: ⿰甬毛; U+23B72).
❄{⿰甬毛}[子氄] dū-ngũng zǐrǒng (of hair or feathers) fine and soft; today (1716 CE) 紫茸 dū-ngũng zǐróng is mistakely used for 子氄 dū-ngũng.² (See 紫茸 dū-ngũng).
❄{⿰甬毛}[頭髮發氄] hẽo-fāt-fät-ngũng tóufafārǒng  the hair is fine and soft.¹¹
❄{⿰甬毛}[鵝氄] or 鹅绒[鵝絨] ngõ-ngũng or ngũ-ngũng éróng goose down.⁶).¹⁹ʼ⁰
❄{⿰甬毛}鸡[氄雞] ngũng-gäi rǒngjī newly hatched chicks.¹⁴
❄{⿰甬毛}毛[氄毛] ngũng-mão rǒngmáo fine and soft hair or feathers.⁶ fine, soft fur.¹⁴ down, near the skin, to defend the animal against the cold.²⁴
❄{⿰甬毛}毛儿[氄毛兒] ngũng-mãongĩ rǒngmáor fine hair.⁷ fine soft hair.¹¹
❄{⿰甬毛}刺[氄刺] ngũng-xü rǒngcì fine fishbones.⁷
❄{⿰甬毛}羽[氄羽] ngũng-yî rǒngyǔ down.¹⁴
(See 毧 ngũng).
ngung3 12122
85 16 ngũng nóng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 浓[濃] nũng nóng with same meaning.)
<又> nũng.
(See 濃 nũng.)
ngung3 12123
115 18 ngũng nóng thick, lush, in clusters.⁸ (of flowers, trees) growing in clusters.¹¹ thickly clustered, as blossoms or plants and trees; stout.¹⁴ flowers and shrubs growing thick and luxurianty.²⁵ luxuriant; resplendent; abundant, fat; strong, deep.³⁶
(composition: ⿰禾農; U+7A60).
秾密[穠密] ngũng-mìt nóngmì dense vegetation.¹⁴
秾纤[穠纖] ngũng-tïm
nóngxiān stout and slender.¹⁴
秾纤得中[穠纖得中] ngũng-tïm-āk-jüng
nóngxiāndézhōng right proportions.¹¹
秾纤合度[穠纖合度] ngũng-tïm-hàp-ù
nóngxiānhédù well-proportioned (of a girl's figure).⁵⁴
秾饰[穠飾] ngũng-sēik
nóngshì splendid attire.¹⁹
秾华[穠華] ngũng-vã
nónghuá the beauty of young women; pertaining to a princess; the beauty of bountiful flower blossoms.⁵⁴
秾豔[穠豔] ngũng-yèm
nóngyàn gorgeous, resplendent.¹¹
夭桃秾李[夭桃穠李] yēl-hão-ngũng-lī
yāotáonónglǐ <wr.> (allusion) pretty girls.¹¹
ngung3 12124
120 12 ngũng róng fine hair, down; cloth with a soft nap or pile on one or either side; fine floss for embroidery.⁵ (variants: 毧, 羢 ngũng).
绒鸭[絨鴨] ngũng-äp róngyā eider (duck).⁶
绒布[絨布] ngũng-bü
róngbù flannelette; cotton flannel.⁵
绒毯[絨毯] ngũng-dëin
róngtǎn flannelette blanket.⁵
绒花[絨花] ngũng-fä
rónghuā <art> velvet flowers/birds.⁶
绒花树[絨花樹] ngũng-fä-sì
rónghuāshù <bot.> silk tree.¹¹
绒裤[絨褲] ngũng-fû
róngkù sweat pants.⁶
绒鞋[絨鞋] ngũng-hãi
róngxié felt shoes.¹¹
绒毡[絨氈] ngũng-jën
róngzhān blanket.¹¹
绒球[絨球] ngũng-kiũ
róngqiú pompom; pompon; bobble.⁶
绒毛[絨毛] ngũng-mão
róngmáo fine hair, down, villus; <txtl.> nap, pile.⁵
绒帽[絨帽] ngũng-mào
róngmào felt cap.¹¹
绒面革[絨面革] ngũng-mèin-gāk
róngmiàngé suede.⁶
绒绳[絨繩] ngũng-sẽin
róngshéng yarn.¹¹
绒鼠[絨鼠] ngũng-sī
róngshǔ <zoo.> chinchilla.¹¹
绒线[絨線] ngũng-xëin
róngxiàn crewel, floss for embroidery; <topo.> knitting wool.⁶
绒绣[絨繡] ngũng-xiü
róngxiù woollen needlepoint tapestry; woolen embroidery.⁵
绒衣[絨衣] ngũng-yï
róngyī sweatshirt; warm up sweater.⁶
(See 毧 ngũng, 羢 ngũng).
ngung3 12125
123 12 ngũng róng (=绒[絨] ngũng róng); fine woolen fabrics.⁸ the wool of sheep.¹⁴ the wool or soft clothing of a sheep.²⁵
(composition: ⿰羊戎; U+7FA2).
(See 絨 ngũng).
ngung3 12126
140 9 ngũng róng soft, downy; buds, sprouts; young pilose antler.
紫茸 dū-ngũng zǐróng ➀ purple velvet flower ➁ soft fluff.⁸
鹿茸 lùk-ngũng
lùróng young antlers (regarded as a very valuable medicine).⁷
绿茸茸[綠茸茸] lùk-ngũng-ngũng
lǜróngróng lush green.⁹
毛茸茸 mão-ngũng-ngũng
máoróngróng hairy; downy.⁸
蒙茸 mũng-ngũng
méngróng hairy, furry; growing profusely (of plants).¹¹
茸角 ngũng-gök
róngjiǎo antler.
茸毛 ngũng-mão
róngmáo fuzz.
茸母 ngũng-mû
róngmǔ <bot.> cudweed.¹ (=鼠曲草 sī-kūk-tāo shǔqūcǎo affine cudweed Gnaphalium affine D. Don.)²³
茸茸 ngũng-ngũng
róngróng soft and thick; pilose antlers.
蓬茸 pũng-ngũng
péngróng lush; luxuriant (of grass or hair); soft lush hair.
参茸[參茸] täm-ngũng
shēnróng <TCM> ginseng and young deer antler.¹⁰
松茸 tũng-ngũng
sōngróng pine mushrooms.¹  matsutake Tricholoma matsutake (lto et lmai) Singer.²³ (It is a highly sought-after mycorrhizal mushroom, mostly in Japan.)
ngung3 12127
145 18 ngũng nóng fine clothes.⁸ <lit.> heavy (of clothing); resplendent (of color).¹¹ thick clothes; abundantly clothed.²⁵ heavy clothing; gorgeous; plump.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰衤農; U+895B).
襛华[襛華] ngũng-vã nónghuá <lit.> gorgeous.¹¹
ngung3 12128
164 20 ngũng nóng concentrated; strong wine.¹⁰ generous, as wine; strong, rich.¹⁴
肥醲 fĩ-ngũng féinóng thick/strong, good wine.¹⁹
醯醲 hï-ngũng
xīnóng highly flavored.¹⁴
醲酒 ngũng-diū
nóngjiǔ strong wines.¹⁴
醲绿[醲緑] ngũng-lùk
nónglǜ dark green color.¹⁹
醲醅 ngũng-põi
nóngpēi good liquor with a marked flavor.¹⁹
醲赏[醲賞] ngũng-sēng
nóngshǎng reward generously.¹⁹
醲酝[醲醞] ngũng-vün
or ngũng-vūn nóngyùn thick/strong and good wine.¹⁹
醲醑 ngũng-xuï
nóngxǔ thick/strong and good wine.¹⁹
醲于用赏[醲于用賞] ngũng-yï-yùng-sēng
nóng yú yòngshǎng liberal in bestowing rewards.¹⁴
醲郁 ngũng-yūk
nóngyù rich, strong - as wines.¹⁴
醇醲 sũn-ngũng
chúnnóng wine of old vintage; (fig.) mellow character of a people.¹¹
or 鲜浓[鮮濃] xëin-ngũng xiānnóng rich and thick/strong.¹⁹
ngung3 12129
181 18 ngũng yóng admire, look up to; big, large.⁶
颙望[顒望] ngũng-mòng yóngwàng admire, look up to.⁶
颙仰[顒仰] ngũng-ngêng
yóngyǎng admire, look up to.⁶
颙颙[顒顒] ngũng-ngũng
yóngyóng admiring; turbulent; dignity, solemnity.⁵⁴
ngung3 12130
142 13 ngùng yǒng a chrysalis; a pupa.⁷
蝶蛹 èp-ngùng diéyǒng chrysalis.¹⁹
蛹化 ngùng-fä
yǒnghuà pupation.⁷
蛹壳[蛹殼] ngùng-hôk
yǒngqiào puparium.⁷
蛹期 ngùng-kĩ
yǒngqī pupa stage.
蛹卧[蛹臥] ngùng-ngò
yǒngwò to live in seclusion.(like a chrysalis in the cocoon).⁷
蚕蛹[蠶蛹] tâm-ngùng
cányǒng chrysalis of silkworm.¹¹
9 5 ngūt high and level on the top.⁸ agitated.²⁴ (=兀 ngūt to cut off the feet; high and flat on the top; this; ignorant-looking.⁷ towering; bald.³⁶); (=卼 ngūt unsteady; dangerous.⁸ uncomfortable; unsteady.¹⁰ unsteady; dangerous.³⁶).³⁶ disquieted; hazardous.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰亻兀; U+3433).
跛㐳 or 跛𠨜
❄{⿰危兀} bāi-ngūt bǒwù to limp, to halt in walking.¹⁰²
臲㐳 or 臲𠨜
❄{⿰危兀} ngēik-ngūt nièwù alarmed, as when on a giddy height; apprehensive, anxious.¹⁰²
㐳困 or 𠨜
❄{⿰危兀}困 ngūt-kün wùkùn wearied out.¹⁰²
(See 兀 [ngūt, ]; 卼 ngūt).
ngut1 12132
10 3 ngūt to cut off the feet; high and flat on the top; this; ignorant-looking.⁷
(composition: ⿱一儿; U+5140).
兀鹫[兀鷲] ngūt-diù wùjiù griffon vulture, Eurasian griffon (Gyps fulvus). (See 西域兀鹫[西域兀鹫] xäi-vèik-ngūt-diù).
兀自 ngūt-dù wùzì still.⁷
兀自一人 ngūt-dù-yīt-ngĩn
wùzìyīrén all alone by oneself; a person alone.
兀趾 ngūt-jī
wùzhǐ to have the feet cut off.
兀傲 ngūt-ngào
wù'ào proud.⁷
兀立 ngūt-lìp
wùlì to stand rigidly without motion.⁷
兀臬 ngūt-ngēik
or 兀陧[兀隉] or 杌陧[杌隉] or 阢陧[阢隉] ngūt-nēp wùniè <wr.> (of a situation) unsettled, unstable; (of state of mind) uneasy; disturbed; restless.⁶
兀然不动[兀然不動] ngūt-ngẽin-būt-ùng
wùránbùdòng immovable and steadfast; very determined.
兀鹰[兀鷹] ngūt-yëin
wùyīng a vulture (Gyps fulvus).⁷
突兀 ùt-ngūt
tūwù lofty and steep; suddenly, abruptly.⁷
<又> ngük.
(See 兀 ngük; 兀 [ngūt, ]).
ngut1 12133
10 3 ngūt (composition: ⿱一儿; U+5140).
捽兀 dūt-ngūt zuówū supercilious; haughty.⁸
兀秃 ngūt-tūk
wūtu (=乌涂[烏塗] vü-hũ wūtu) (of drinking water) lukewarm, tepid; tardy, sluggish, indecisive.⁶ (of water) not hot but not cold; beating about the bush.⁸
<又> ngük.
(See 兀 ngük; 兀 [ngūt, ]).
ngut1 12134
18 6 ngūt yuè to cut off the feet as a punishment.
断手刖足[斷手刖足] òn-siū-ngūt-dūk duànshǒuyuèzú to cut off somebody's hands and feet.
ngut1 12135
26 9 ngūt unsteady; dangerous.⁸ uncomfortable; unsteady.¹⁰ dangerous.²⁴ (variant: 𠨜❄{⿰危兀} ngūt wù).
(composition: ⿺兀危; U+537C).
臲卼 ngēik-ngūt
nièwù or 臬兀 ngēik-ngūt nièwù uneasy, perturbed, anxious.¹¹ tottering; dizzy; unsteady; anxious.¹⁴ agitated.²⁴
(See 𠨜❄{⿰危兀} ngūt).
ngut1 12136
26 9 𠨜
ngūt (=卼 ngūt unsteady; dangerous.⁸ uncomfortable; unsteady.¹⁰ dangerous.²⁴).²
(=㐳 ngūt
high and level on the top.⁸ agitated.²⁴ disquieted; hazardous.¹⁰²).¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰危兀; U+20A1C).
(See 卼 ngūt; 㐳 ngūt).
ngut1 12137
64 6 ngūt torment; commotion; to thrust; to move; Wu surname.⁸ to shake; to sway.¹⁰ to move; to disturb.²⁴ <Cant.> ngat1 to forcefully shove something into a small space (Syn: 塞 xāk sāi); <Cant.> ngat1 to forcefully try to persuade someone to do something; to push someone to do something (Syn: 强迫[強迫] kêng-bēik qiǎngpò.³⁶ to move, to sway to and fro; to rack; to stuff in, to fill in gap.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰扌兀; U+6264).
天之扤我 hëin-jï-ngūt-ngô
tiān zhī wù wǒ the sky shakes me (puts me to the test).⁵⁴
天之扤我、如不我克。Hëin-jï-ngūt-ngô, nguĩ-būt-ngô-hāk.
Tiān zhī wù wǒ, rú bù wǒ kè.
[But] Heaven moves and shakes me,
As if it could not overcome me.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·祈父之什·正月·7》, translated by James Legge).
扤开的[扤開的] ngūt-höi-ēik
wùkāide move off a little.¹⁰²
扤满[扤滿] ngūt-mōn
wùmǎn stuff it full.¹⁰²
扤扤下 ngūt-ngūt-hà
wùwùxià to rock; to swing from side to side.¹⁰²
扤膝 ngūt-xīp
wùxī stingy, giving the least trifle; <Cant.> uneasy, fidgetty.¹⁰²
摇扤[搖扤] yẽl-ngūt
yáowù inconstant, uncertain, as the wind.¹⁰²
ngut1 12138
75 7 ngūt a tree without a branch; the stump of a tree; a square stool; worried and anxious.⁷
(composition: ⿰木兀; U+674C).
Böng-jï-ngūt-nëp, yòt-yiũ-yīt-ngĩn; böng-jï-vẽin-vãi, yèik-sèng-yīt-ngĩn-jï-hëin.
Bāng zhī wù niè, yuē yóu yī rén; bāng zhī róng huái, yì shàng yī rén zhī qìng.
The decline and fall of a state may arise from one man. The glory and tranquillity of a state may also arise from the goodness of one man.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《尚書·周書·秦誓·秦誓·4》, translated by James Legge).
杌凳 ngūt-âng
wùdèng square stool.⁶
杌子 ngūt-dū
wùzi square stool.⁶
or 阢陧[阢隉] or 兀陧[兀隉] ngūt-nëp wùniè (of a situation) unsettled, unstable; (of state of mind) uneasy; disturbed; restless.⁶
ngut1 12139
112 8 ngūt toil, slave away; busy.⁸
孜孜矻矻 dü-dü-ngūt-ngūt or dü-dü-fūt-fūt zīzīkūkū diligently.¹⁰
终日矻矻[終日矻矻] jüng-ngìt-ngūt-ngūt
or jüng-ngìt-fūt-fūt zhōngrìkūkū busily occupied all day.¹¹
矻蹬蹬 ngūt-àng-àng
or fūt-àng-àng kūdēngdēng stamp (sound).⁸
矻矻 ngūt-ngūt
or fūt-fūt kūkū busily.⁸ assiduously.⁹ <wr.> diligent; industrious; assiduous.⁵⁴
<又> fūt.
(See 矻 fūt.)
ngut1 12140
137 8 𦨉
ngūt unsmooth sailing.² the motion of a vessel under sail.²⁵
(composition: ⿰舟刂; U+26A09).
ngut1 12141
170 5 ngūt uneasy; apprehensive.
or 兀陧[兀隉] or 杌陧[杌隉] ngūt-nēp or 兀臬 ngūt-ngēik wùniè <wr.> (of a situation) unsettled, unstable; (of state of mind) uneasy; disturbed; restless.⁶
阢陧不安[阢隉不安] ngūt-nëp-būt-ön
wùnièbù'ān unpeaceful, uneasy.³⁹
ngut1 12142
46 7 ngùt yuè name of a mountain.²ʼ⁸ the name of a hill.²⁴
(composition: ⿰山月; U+5C84).
ngut4 12143
64 7 ngùt yuè to bend.¹⁴ to break to pieces; to move.²⁴ to break off; to shake.²⁹
抈过来[抈過來] ngùt-gö-lõi yuèguòlái to bend a thing over.¹⁴
yuèzhéle to snap in bending.¹⁴
ngut4 12144
74 4 ngùt yuè Kangxi radical 74; moon; month.⁸
天狗食月 hëin-gēo-sèik-ngùt tiāngǒushíyuè lunar eclipse.¹⁹
明月 mẽin-ngùt
míngyuè bright moon; a legendary luminous pearl.⁸
月桂树[月桂樹] ngùt-gï-sì
yuèguìshù laurel; bay tree.⁵
月光 ngùt-göng
yuèguāng moonlight; moonbeam.⁵
月刊 ngùt-hōn
or ngùt-hān yuèkān monthly magazine.⁵
月琴 ngùt-kĩm
yuèqín four-stringed plucked instrument with a full-moon-shaped sound box.¹⁹
月球 ngùt-kiũ
yuèqiú <astr.> the moon.⁵
月亮 ngùt-lèng
yuèliang the moon.⁵
月里嫦娥[月裏嫦娥] ngùt-lī Sẽng-ngõ
yuèli Cháng'é fabled lady who ran to the moon to escape from her husband.¹¹
月落乌啼[月落烏啼] ngùt-lòk-vü-hãi
yuèluòwūtí the crows caw when the moon goes down.³⁹
月杪 ngùt-mêl
yuèmiǎo end of a month.⁶
月堕[月墮] ngùt-ò
yuèduò the setting moon.²⁴
or 月食 ngùt-sèik yuèshí a lunar eclipse.⁷
月晕[月暈] ngùt-vũn
yuèyùn lunar halo.⁵
月相 ngùt-xëng
yuèxiàng <astr.> phase of the moon.⁵
月薪 ngùt-xïn
yuèxīn monthly pay.⁵
月圆则亏[月圓則虧] ngùt-yõn-dāk-kï
yuèyuánzékuī Decline inevitably follows culmination.⁷
<又> ngût.
(See 月 ngût.)
ngut4 12145
86 11 ngùt ruò <wr.> light, kindle, ignite; burn.⁸ stimulating therapy with hot needles.⁵⁴
焫萧[焫蕭] ngùt-xël ruòxiāo burn wormwood.⁵⁴
<又> nät.
(See 焫 nät).
ngut4 12146
96 8 ngùt yuè <old> legendary magic pearl.⁶ mysterious gem; pearl.⁸ pearl used in sacrifice.¹⁰ a divine pearl.²⁴ a legendary supernatural pearl in ancient China.³⁹
ngut4 12147
74 4 ngût yuè the moon; month; full-moon shaped, round.⁵
月饼[月餅] ngût-bēng yuèbǐng moon cake.¹⁹
<台> 该个月[該個月] kôi-göi-ngût this month.
<台> 一个月[一個月] yīt-göi-ngût one month.
<又> ngùt.
(See 月 ngùt.)
ngut5 12148
9 7 you.
迷你 mãi-nï mínǐ  <loan> mini.
你等 nï-āng
nǐděng <old> you (plural).
你好 nï-hāo
nǐhǎo How are you? Hello; Hi.
你追我赶[你追我趕] nï-juï-ngô-gōn
nǐzhuīwǒgǎn try to overtake each other in friendly emulation.⁵ leapfrog; catch up and overtake one another.⁸
你来得了还是来不了?[你來得了還是來不了?] nï-lõi-āk-lēl-vãn-sì-lõi-būt-lēl?
nǐ lái de liǎo háishi lái bù liǎo? Will you be able to come or not?⁵⁵
你没有他高[你沒有他高] nï-mòt-yiû-hä-gäo
nǐméiyǒutāgāo You are not as tall as he.⁵⁴
你无妨试一试[你無妨試一試] nï-mũ-fõng-sï-yīt-sï
nǐwúfāngshìyīshì There's no harm in having a try.⁵
你多积点德吧![你多積點德吧!] nï-ü-dēik-ēm-āk-bà 
nǐduōjīdiǎndéba (admonition to be kind) please do not be so harsh, sharp, or cutting.¹¹
<台> 你估乜名啊 Nï-gū-mōt-mẽng-ä? What is your name?
<台> 你系谁啊[你係誰啊] Nï-hài-suĩ-ä? Who are you?
<又> nî.
(See 你 nî.)
ni2 12149
9 16 (<old>=你 nï ) you.³⁶ (composition: ⿰亻爾; U+511E).
ni2 12150
38 8 you (female).³⁶ (composition: ⿰女尔; U+59B3).
妳们[妳們] nî-mõn nǐmen you (female plural).
ni2 12151
113 18 (second person pronoun for a divine being); Thou. (composition: ⿰礻爾; U+79B0).
祢们[禰們] nî-mõn nǐmen (second person pronoun for devine beings).
<又> nâi, nî.
(See 禰 nâi, 禰 nî).
ni2 12152
57 9 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 弭 mî with same meaning.)
<又> mî.
(See 弭 mî.)
ni4 12153
66 10 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 敉 mài <wr.> pacify; soothe.⁶ to soothe, to pacify.²⁴)
<又> mài, mì.
(See 敉 mài, 敉 mì.)
ni4 12154
85 9 ěr 普洱茶 Pū-nì-chã  Pǔ'ěrchá Pu'er tea from the Pu'er region of 云南[雲南] Vũn-nãm Yúnnán Yunnan Province.¹⁰
<又> ngī.
(See 洱 ngī.)
ni4 12155
96 10 ěr (Hoisanva vernacular pronunciation for 珥 ngī ěr with same meaning: earring made of jade or pearl.⁵ an earring; to stick into anything; a halo by the side of the sun; the rays of the sun; to take game by the left ear; to attach to.²⁴)
<又> ngī.
(See 珥 ngī.)

ni4 12156
184 14 ěr cakes, pastry; bait; <wr.> entice.⁵
饼饵[餅餌] bēng-nì bǐng'ěr cakes; pastry.¹⁰
钓饵[釣餌] ël-nì
diào'ěr bait.⁶
果饵[果餌] gō-nì
guǒ'ěr candies and cakes; confectionery.⁵
香饵[香餌] hëng-nì
xiāng'ěr a bait for hunting, fishing or insect-killing; something for trapping.⁹
禄饵[祿餌] lùk-nì
lù'ěr official pay as a bait (for talent).⁶
鱼饵[魚餌] nguî-nì
yú'ěr fish bait.¹⁰
饵子[餌子] nì-dū
ěrzi (fishing) bait.⁶
饵敌[餌敵] nì-èik
ěrdí to lure the enemy; to trap.¹⁰
饵钓[餌釣] nì-ël
ěrdiào bait fishing.⁶
饵料[餌料] nì-lèl
ěrliào fish feed; fishing bait; poison bait (used to entice and kill mice.)⁶
饵以重利[餌以重利] nì-yî-chüng-lì
or nì-yî-jùng-lì ěryǐzhònglì entice with huge profits; use great wealth as a bait.⁶
诱饵[誘餌] yiù-nì
yòu'ěr bait.¹⁰
(See 𩚵❄{⿰飠甘} gäm).
ni4 12157
130 16 greasy; soft; unctuous; intimate; tired of.¹⁰
肥腻[肥膩] fĩ-nì féinì (of foods) fatty; greasy.¹⁰
腻子[膩子] nì-dū
nìzi putty (same as 泥子 nãi-dū nìzi); frequent caller; hanger-on.¹⁰
腻烦[膩煩] nì-fãn
nìfan bored; to be fed up with; sick and tired of something.¹⁰
腻味[膩味] nì-mì
nìwei tired of something; fed up with.¹⁰
腻人[膩人] nì-ngĩn
nìrén greasy; boring.¹⁰
腻友[膩友] nì-yiû
nìyǒu a very close friend.¹¹
细腻[細膩] xäi-nì
xìnì exquisite; meticulous.¹⁰  dainty, beautiful (needlework, style, description).¹¹
油腻[油膩] yiũ-nì
yóunì grease; greasy food; oily; rich (of food); fatty; greasy and dirty; a slippery character.¹⁰
<台> 落腻[落膩] lòk-nì to apply fertilizer.
9 7 you.
你方受益 nî-föng-siù-yēik nǐfāngshòuyì in your favor.
你们[你們] nî-mõn
nǐmen you (plural).
你死我活 nî-xī-ngô-vòt
nǐsǐwǒhuó lit. you die, I live (idiom); irreconcilable adversaries; two parties cannot coexist; to fight to the death.
<又> nï.
(See 你 nï.)
ni5 12159
61 11 nín you (courteous).¹⁰
您大喜啦! Nî-ài-hī-lā! Nín dàxǐ la! Congratulations!⁹
您贵姓[您貴姓] nî-gï-xëin
nínguìxìng What's your (honorable) surname?¹⁰
您好! Nî-hāo!
Nínhǎo! <court.> How do you do? / Hello!⁶
您慢慢吃 nî-màn-màn-hëk
nínmànmànchī bon appetit.¹⁰
您们[您們] nî-mõn
nínmen <court.> you (plural).¹⁰
您是我的老朋友 Nî-sì-ngô-ēik-lāo-pãng-yiû
Nínshìwǒdelǎopéngyou You are my old friend.⁷
ni5 12160
70 11 fluttering of flag; romantic.⁸
风光旖旎[風光旖旎] füng-göng-yī-nî or füng-göng-yī-nãi fēngguāngyǐnǐ an exquisite scenery; a charming sight; lovely scenes.⁵⁴
旖旎 yī-nî
or yī-nãi yǐnǐ charming and gentle.¹⁰ charming, graceful (female figure); charming, enticing, glorious (landscape).¹¹
旖旎风光[旖旎風光] yī-nî-füng-göng
or yī-nãi-füng-göng yǐnǐfēngguāng an exquisite scenery, lovely scenes.¹¹
旖旎从风[旖旎從風] yī-nî-tũng-füng
or yī-nãi-tũng-füng yǐnǐcóngfēng fluttering with the wind.¹¹
<又> nãi.
(See 旎 nãi.)
ni5 12161
85 6 <wr.> you, your; Ru surname.¹¹ (variant: 女 nî ).
(composition: ⿰氵女; U+6C5D).
尔汝[爾汝] ngì-nî
ěrrǔ <wr.> to be on very intimate terms.⁸
汝辈[汝輩] nî-böi
rǔbèi (plural) you, used by elders in speaking to children.¹¹ <wr.> you people; you.⁵⁴
汝水 Nî-suī
Rǔshuǐ, name of a river in 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng Henan Province.⁴
汝曹 nî-tão
rǔcáo <wr.> you (plural).¹¹
汝窑[汝窯] Nî-yẽl
Rǔyáo a rare variety of chinaware of the Song Dynasty, so called from the place 汝州 Nî-jiü Rǔzhōu in Henan where it was made.¹¹
(See 女 nî).
ni5 12162
85 6 (=汝 nî <lit.> you, your).
(composition: ⿻𡿨丆(GJKV) or ⿻𡿨𠂇(HT); U+5973).
Wú yǐ rǔ wéi sǐ yǐ.
I thought you had died.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《論語·先進·23》, translated by James Legge).
<又> nuī.
(See 女 nuī; 汝 nî).
ni5 12163
113 18 the shrine where one's father's sacred tablet is kept.⁷ One's deceased father whose tablet is preserved in the ancestral temple; such tablet carried in travel.¹¹ a term applied to a deceased father after his tablet has been placed in the ancestral temple.¹⁴ A temple dedicated to a deceased parent; also the title given to a parent when enshrined in such a temple; when a parental tablet is removed, it is also called 禰, as 公禰, the tablet of a parent carried about on a march.²⁵
公祢[公禰] güng-nî gōngnǐ the tablet of a parent carried about on a march.²⁵
祢其祖[禰其祖] nî-kĩ-dū
nǐqízǔ treated his ancestor's tablet as if it were his father's.¹⁴
<又> nâi, nï. (See 禰 nâi, 禰 nï).
ni5 12164
120 15 nïm nín to spin and weave; equal, uniform.⁸ to weave; to make even.²⁵
(composition: ⿰糹南; U+42FB).
<又> ngìm. (See 䋻 ngìm).
nim2 12165
149 13 nïm nín (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 䛘 ngĩm rén with the same meaning: to think of, to remember (someone); to read out aloud; loquacious; guttural sound; noise, uproar, turmoil.⁸).
(composition: ⿰言任; U+46D8).
<又> ngĩm.
(See 䛘 ngĩm).
nim2 12166
85 11 nĩm niàn fish; still; (Cant.) thoroughly soaked; a deep sleep.⁸ <wr.> a dredge.¹¹
淰淰 nĩm-nĩm niànniàn <wr.> (of water) placid, calm.¹¹
<台> 甜淰淰 hẽm-nĩm-nĩm pleasantly sweet; quite pleased, happy.
nim3 12167
75 12 nîm rěn jujube tree.¹ hill guava; rose myrtle.¹⁵
(composition: ⿰木念; U+68EF).
山棯子 sän-nîm-dū shānrěnzǐ (Chinese scientific name) <bot.> Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Ait.) Hassk. Common English names include Ceylon hill gooseberry, Downy myrtle, Downy rose myrtle, Hill gooseberry, Hill guava, Isenberg bush, and Rose myrtle.¹⁵ Common Chinese names include: 桃金娘, 金丝桃山菍, 桃娘, 水刀莲, 江棯, 岗棯, 当梨, 棯子, 山棯, 仲尼, 当泥.²³
<台> 棯 nîm/ rose myrtle fruit.
<台> 花棯 fä-nîm/  guava.
<台> 山棯 sän-nîm/ rose myrtle fruit.
(See 棯[nîm, shēn]; 稔 nîm.)
nim5 12168
75 12 nîm shēn 棯丽[棯麗] nîm-lãi shēnlí lush.²³
(composition: ⿰木念; U+68EF).
(See 棯[nîm, rěn].)
nim5 12169
115 13 nîm rěn 稔子 nîm-dū rěnzi a common name for 桃金娘 hão-gïm-nẽng or hô-gïm-nẽng táojīnniáng myrtle Rhodomyrtus tomentosa. Other common names include 哆尼, 岗菍, 山菍, 多莲, 当梨根, 稔子树, 豆稔, 仲尼, 乌肚子, 桃舅娘, 当泥.²³
(composition: ⿰禾念; U+7A14).
<台> 稔 nîm/ rose myrtle fruit.
<台> 花稔 fä-nîm/ guava.
(See 棯[nîm, rěn].)
nim5 12170
140 11 nîm rěn (<old> = 棯 nîm rěn).¹⁵
<又> nëp.²⁶
(See 棯 nîm; 棯 nëp.²⁶)
nim5 12171
167 14 nîm nǐn (Note: Some say that 銋 is read rěn in Mandarin).
(composition: ⿰釒任; U+928B).
鍖銋 chīm-nîm
chěnnǐn making no progress; impeded; embarrassed.²⁵  soothing sound.⁸ʼ⁵⁴
<又> ngĩm.
(See 銋 ngĩm).
nim5 12172
17 5 nïp āo indented, an indention; hollow, concave.⁷
凹版 nïp-bān āobǎn intaglio; gravure.⁵
凹镜[凹鏡] nïp-gëng
āojìng a concave mirror.⁷
凹陷 nïp-hàm
āoxiàn (said of a place) a hollow or depression.⁷
凹透镜[凹透鏡] nïp-hëo-gëng
āotòujìng a concave lens.⁷
凹头苋[凹頭莧] nïp-hẽo-hàn
āotóuxiàn purple amaranth; Guernsey pigweed (Amaranthus blitum).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
凹地 nïp-ì
āodì hollow ground.⁷
凹面 nïp-mèin
āomiàn concave.⁷
凹面镜[凹面鏡] nïp-mèin-gëng
āomiànjìng a concave mirror.⁷
凹槽 nïp-tão
āocáo recess; notch; groove; fillister.¹⁰
凹凸 nïp-ùt
āotū uneven, bumpy, rugged; <optics, mathematics> concavo-convex.³⁶
凹凸轧花[凹凸軋花] nïp-ùt-jät-fä
āotūyàhuā embossing.⁶
凹凸有致 nïp-ùt-yiü-jï
āotūyǒuzhì (idiomatic) having a full figure; shapely; curvaceous; voluptuous.³⁶
凹洼[凹窪] nïp-vä
āowā concavity; calix.²⁹
<台> 凹 nïp concave.
<台> 凹落去 nïp-lòk-huï sunken.
<台> 凹凹凸凸 nïp-nïp-ùt-ùt very uneven.
<又> âo, nîp, vä.
(See 凹 âo, nîp, vä.)
nip2 12173
17 5 nîp āo a depression, indentation.
<台> 酒凹 diū-nîp dimple.
<台> 一个凹[一個凹] yīt-göi-nîp a depression.
<又> âo, nïp, vä. (See 凹 âo, nïp, vä.)
nip5 12174
176 23 nîp a dimple.¹¹
(comp. t: ⿸厭面; U+9768). (comp. s: ⿸厂⿱犬面; U+9765).
酒靥[酒靨] diū-nîp
jiǔyè <topo.> dimple.¹
杏靥[杏靨] hàng-nîp
xìngyè apricot blossom; beauty of a girl; beautiful oval face.¹ a woman's oval face.¹¹
笑靥[笑靨] xël-nîp
xiàoyè <wr.> dimple; smiling face.⁵
靥子[靨子] nîp-dū
yèzi birthmark on cheek.¹¹
靥辅[靨輔] nîp-fù
yèfǔ <wr.> dimpled cheek.¹¹
靥钿[靨鈿] nîp-hẽin
yèdiàn <wr.> woman's decoration on cheek.¹¹
靥靥[靨靨] nîp-nîp
yèyè <wr.> twinkling (of stars at dawn).¹ <wr.> twinkling (stars).¹¹
nip5 12175
42 4 nīt jié few, little, small.⁸
(composition: ⿰小乀; U+5C10).
<台> 尐 nīt a little bit. (=捏 nīt niē a little bit).
<台> 尐尐多 nīt-nīt-ü/ a little bit.
<台> 你识讲英语吗? 识尐尐多.[你識講英語嗎> 識尐尐多.] Nï-sēik-gōng-Yëin-nguî-mä? Sēik-nīt-nīt-ü/. Question: Do you speak English? Answer: A little bit.
<又> dēik.
(See 捏 nīt; 尐 dēik).
nit1 12176
64 10 nīt niē <台> 捏 nīt a little bit.
<台> 捏欸多 nīt-ë-ü/ a little bit.
<台> 捏大个[捏大個] nīt-ài-göi very small.
<台> 畀捏我 ī-nīt-ngöi give me a little bit.
<又> nēp, nëik, nêik. (See 捏 nēp, nëik, nêik.)
nit1 12177
28 4 niū róu (<old>=蹂 niū or ngẽl róu to tread upon, to trample; to tread out grain.⁷ trample under foot; tread on.⁸ to tread out grain; to trample.¹⁴).
(composition: ⿱九厶; U+53B9).
<又> niũ.
(See 厹 niũ).
niu1 12178
38 7 niū niū girl.¹⁰ <topo.> girl; lass.²²
大妞儿 ài-niū-ngĩ dàniūr grown-up girl; one's oldest daughter.⁵⁴
柴火妞儿[柴火妞兒] châi-fō-niū-ngĩ
cháihuoniūr <slang> a girl from the countryside.⁵⁴
柴禾妞 châi-võ-niū
cháihéniū skinny and unsophisticated girl.¹⁰
柴禾妞儿[柴禾妞兒] châi-võ-niū-ngĩ
cháiheniūr <derog.> country girl.⁵⁴
老大妞 lāo-ài-niū
lǎodàniū (court.) my dear sister.¹¹
美妞 mî-niū
měiniū <topo.> beautiful girl.⁵⁴
妞子 niū-dū
niūzi <topo> little girl.⁶
妞儿[妞兒] niū-ngĩ
niūr <topo.> a little girl.¹¹
妞妞 niū-niū
niūniu <topo.>little girl.⁶
泡妞 päo-niū
pàoniū to pick up girls; to play around with girls; to chase after girls.¹⁰
小妞 xēl-niū
xiǎoniū little girl.⁶
洋妞 yẽng-niū
yángniū young foreign girl.¹⁰
niu1 12179
61 7 niū niǔ perverse, obstinate; to blush, to be ashamed.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰忄丑; U+5FF8).
Ngãn-hêo-yiû-niū-nãi. or Ngãn-hêo-yiû-nük-nãi.
Yán hòu yǒu niǔní.
Thick as are our faces, they are covered with blushes.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《尚書·夏書·五子之歌·6》, translated by James Legge).
忸怩 niū-nãi
or nük-nãi niǔní or nǜní bashful; coy; demure.⁶ to blush.¹⁴ At the same time, he blushed deeply.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《孟子·萬章上·2》, translated by James Legge). ('he' refers to Xiang 象, the younger brother of Emperor Shun 舜).
忸怩作态[忸怩作態] niū-nãi-dōk-häi
or nük-nãi-dōk-häi niǔnízuòtài or nǜnízuòtài behave coyly/in an affected way; be affectedly shy; make an affected pose.⁶
忸恶[忸惡] niū-ōk
or nük-ōk niǔ'è or nǜ'è the mind set on evil.¹⁴
忸忕 niū-sì
or nük-sì niǔshì or nǜshì to be accustomed to.⁷
<又> nük.
(See 忸 nük.)

niu1 12180
64 7 niū niǔ to twist; to wrench; to sway (one's body); to seize.
别扭[別扭] bèik-niū bièniu awkward; difficult; not to one's liking; exasperated; vexed; frustrated; hard to please; difficult to deal with; perverse; quarrelsome; can't see eye to eye.
扭转[扭轉] niū-jōn
niǔzhuǎn to turn round; to turn back; to reverse; to remedy (a situation); to wring; to wrench; to twist.
扭转乾坤[扭轉乾坤] niū-jōn-kẽin-kün
niǔzhuǎn qiánkūn to change the course of events; to retrieve a situation.
扭亏[扭虧] niū-kï
niǔkuī to stop the slump (of an enterprise); to check the losses; to turn around a deficit (to profit).
扭力 niū-lèik
niǔlì <phy.> twisting force; torsion.
扭断[扭斷] niū-òn
niǔduàn to break by twisting or wrenching; to twist and break.
扭伤[扭傷] niū-sëng
niǔshāng to sprain; to wrench.
扭秧歌 niū-yëng-gô
niǔ yāngge to do the yāngge (rice-transplantation song, accompanied by dance).
锁扭[鎖扭] xū-niū
suǒniǔ deadbolt.
<台> 扭手巾 niū-siū-gïn to wring a wet towel.
(See 扭 [niū, niū].)
niu1 12181
64 7 niū niū 吱扭 jī-niū zīniū <ono.> squeak; sound of friction when an object turns around.
(See 扭 [niū, niǔ].)
niu1 12182
75 8 niū niǔ a kind of tree mentioned in ancient books.⁸ aka 檍 yēik
(composition: ⿰木丑; U+677B).
Sän-yiû-hāo, dìp-yiû-niū.
Shān yǒu kǎo, xí yǒu niǔ.
On the mountains is the Kao,
In the low wet grounds is the Niu.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·山有樞·2》, translated by James Legge).
<又> chiū.
(See 杻 chiū; 檍 yēik).
niu1 12183
94 7 niū niǔ be bound by; be constrained by.⁵ <wr.> be a stickler for; adhere rigidly to; hold fast to.⁶ to covet; to be accustomed to; to hold the post of; avaricious, greedy.⁷
(composition: ⿰犭丑; U+72C3).
狃于习俗[狃於習俗] niū-yï-dìp-dùk niǔyúxísú  be bound by custom.⁵ to be constrained by custom.⁷
狃于陋习[狃於陋習] niū-yï-lèo-dìp
niǔyúlòuxí rigidly adhere to corrupt customs.⁶ to be accustomed to bad habits.⁷
狃于成见[狃於成見] niū-yï-sẽin-gëin
niǔyúchéngjiàn be deeply prejudiced.⁶ to be a slave of preconceived ideas; opinionated.⁷
niu1 12184
120 10 niū niǔ handle, knob; buttons; bond, tie; key position, pivot; newly grown fruit of melons, gourds.⁶ to turn; to wrench; button; nu (Greek letter Νν).¹⁰
纽带[紐帶] niū-âi niǔdài bond, link, tie.⁶
纽子[紐子] niū-dū
niǔzi <topo.> button.⁶
纽结[紐結] niū-gēik
niǔjié knot; kink.⁶
or 钮釦[鈕釦] niū-këo niǔkòu button.¹¹
纽眼[紐眼] niū-ngān
niǔyǎn <topo.> buttonhole.⁶
纽襻[紐襻] niū-pän
niǔpàn cloth loops for buttons.¹¹
纽襻儿[紐襻兒] niū-pän-ngĩ
niǔpànr button loop.⁵
纽西兰鹌鹑[紐西蘭鵪鶉] niū-xäi-lãn-ëim-sûn
niǔxīlán ānchún New Zealand quail, koreke (Coturnix novaezelandiae), extinct since 1875.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
纽约[紐約] Niū Yēk
Niǔ Yuē New York.¹¹
<台> 则纽[則紐] dāk-niū snap fastener.
<台> 纽[紐] niū button.
<台> 纽英崙[紐英崙] niū-yëin-lũn New England.
niu1 12185
157 16 niū róu to tread upon, to trample; to tread out grain.⁷ trample under foot; tread on.⁸ to tread out grain; to trample.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰𧾷柔; U+8E42). (old variant: 厹 niū róu).
蹂踏 niū-àp
róutà trample.¹⁹
蹂践[蹂踐] niū-dèin
or ngẽl-dèin róujiàn to trample.⁷ to trample under foot.¹⁴
蹂去粃糠 niū-huï-bï-höng
or ngẽl-huï-bï-höng róuqùbǐkāng to tread the grain from the chaff.¹⁴
蹂躏[蹂躪] niū-lùn
or ngẽl-lùn róulìn trample on; ravage; make havoc of; devastate.⁵ the trampling of animals; oppressive exactions; the desvastations of the military.¹⁴
蹂躏妇女[蹂躪婦女] niū-lùn-fû-nuī
or ngẽl-lùn-fû-nuī róulìn fùnǚ cruelly abuse/violate a woman.⁶
蹂躏正义[蹂躪正義] niū-lùn-jëin-ngì
or ngẽl-lùn-jëin-ngì róulìn zhèngyì trample on justice.⁶
蹂躏人权[蹂躪人權] niū-lùn-ngĩn-kũn
or ngẽl-lùn-ngĩn-kũn róulìn rénquán grossly violate human rights.⁶
蹂若 niū-ngèk
or ngẽl-ngèk róuruò to trample under foot.¹⁴
<又> ngẽl.
(See 蹂 ngẽl; 厹 niū).
niu1 12186
167 12 niū niǔ (=纽[紐] niū niǔ) button, knob; Niu surname.⁹
电钮[電鈕] èin-niū
diànniǔ electric button.¹¹
揿纽[撳紐] gìm-niū
qìnniǔ <topo.> snap fastener.⁸ press a button, a bell.¹¹
钮子[鈕子] niū-dū
niǔzi a button.¹¹
钮扣[鈕扣] niū-këo
niǔkòu a button.¹¹
按钮[按鈕] ön-niū
ànniǔ push-button; button.⁶
按按钮[按按鈕] ön-ön-niū
àn'ànniǔ to push a button.⁶
or 旋纽[旋紐] xũn-niū xuánniǔ <mach.> knob.⁵
<台> 结钮[結鈕] gëik-niū to button.
niu1 12187
38 17 niü niǎo <台> 嬲 niü angry.
(composition: ⿲男女男; U+5B32).
<又> nêl. (See 嬲 nêl.)
niu2 12188
61 9 niü <台> 怒 niü angry.
<台> 好怒 hāo-niü very angry.
(See 怒 nù.)
niu2 12189
9 21 nuó <wr.> a festival to exorcize the devil causing any plague.
傩戏[儺戲] Nõ-hï Nuóxì 安徽 Ön-fï Ānhuī Anhui provincial drama.
傩神[儺神] nõ-sĩn
nuóshén a god who drives away pestilence, plague, or evil spirits.
or 婀娜 ö-nõ  ēnuó (of a woman's bearing) graceful.⁵
no3 12190
38 9 nuó elegant, graceful, delicate.⁸
袅娜[裊娜] nêl-nõ niǎonuó <wr.> slender and graceful; willowy.⁵
娜檀 nõ-hãn
nuótán <bot.> rhatany.¹⁹
娜娜 nõ-nõ
nuónuó pretty and delicate.¹¹
or 猗傩[猗儺] ö-nõ  ēnuó (of a woman's bearing) graceful.⁵
婀娜多姿 ö-nõ-ü-dü
ēnuóduōzī be pretty and charming.⁶ graceful; well-poised.⁷
<又> nã.
(See 娜 nã.)
no3 12191
64 9 nuó to move; to shift.
搬挪 bön-nõ bānnuó to move (home/grave).
挪亚[挪亞] Nõ-ä
Nuóyà  Noah.
挪借 nõ-dëh
nuójiè to get a short-term loan.
挪垫[挪墊] nõ-dëin
nuódiàn to borrow from public funds for private use.
挪蹭 nõ-dàng
nuócèng draggle; drag one's feet.⁵⁴
挪动[挪動] nõ-ùng
nuódong to move; to shift.
挪威 Nõ-vï
Nuówēi Norway.
挪用 nõ-yùng
nuóyòng to divert (funds); to misappropriate, to embezzle.
东挪西借[東挪西借] üng-nõ-xäi-dëh
dōngnuó-xījiè to borrow all around.
no3 12192
64 10 ruó (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 挼 nũ nuó with the same meaning: to rub, stroke with hands; crumple.⁸ to rub; to crumple.¹⁴ to rub with the hand, in order to make anything round.²⁴).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰扌妥; U+633C).
<又> nũ.
(See 挼 nũ; fī).
no3 12193
64 11 ruó (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 捼 nũ nuó with the same meaning: to push, to rub the hands together; to rub anything with the hand.²⁴)
(composition: ⿰扌委; U+637C).
<又> nũ; yẽh; vī.
(See 捼 nũ; 捼 yẽh; 捼 vī).
no3 12194
64 15 nuó (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 撋 ngùn ruán with the same meaning: to rub between the hands.⁸ʼ¹⁴ demolish, destroy; rub with both hands.¹¹  to rumple anything.²⁴).
(composition: ⿰扌閏; U+648B).
<又> ngùn.
(See 撋 ngùn).
no3 12195
70 12 𣃽
nuǒ banner appearance or (=旎 nãi orfluttering of flag; romantic.⁸).²
(composition: ⿰方⿱𠂉多; U+230FD).
❄{⿰方⿱𠂉多} ō-nõ ě'nuǒ a sort of banner.²⁴ banner appearance.¹⁰¹
no3 12196
145 12 nuǒ (composition: ⿳亠多𧘇 or ⿳亠多⿰⿱丿𠄌⿺㇏丿; U+88B2).
𧙃袲 ö-nõ
ě'nuǒ clothed, dressed; weak.²⁵ well-dressed, good looking clothes.¹⁰¹
<又> chï; yĩ.
(See 袲 chï; 袲 yĩ).
no3 12197
163 6 那扶 Nõ-fû Nàfú a town in Taishan City (formerly District).
<又> nä, nã, näk, nàk.
(See 那 [nã, ], [nã, nèi], [nã, ], nä, nàk, näk.)
no3 12198
61 12 nuò (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation of 愞 nù nuò with the same meaning: timid; cowardly.² (=懦 nò ornuò timid; cowardly; weak.⁷); timid, apprehensive.⁸).
(composition: ⿰忄耎; U+611E).
<又> nù; ngün.
(See 愞 nù; 愞 ngün).
no4 12199
61 17 nuò (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation of 懦 nù nuò with the same meaning: timid; cowardly; weak.⁷
(composition: ⿰忄需; U+61E6).
<又> nù.
(See 懦 nù).
no4 12200
115 14 nuò (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation of 稬 nù nuò with the same meaing: (=糯 nù nuò) glutinous.⁶ glutinous rice.⁷).
(composition: ⿰禾耎; U+7A2C).
<又> nù.
(See 糯 nù; 稬 nù).
no4 12201
115 19 nuò (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation of 穤 nù nuò with the same meaning: (=糯 nù nuò) glutinous.⁶ glutinous rice.⁷).
(composition: ⿰禾需; U+7A64).
<又> nù.
(See 糯 nù; 穤 nù).
no4 12202
119 15 𥻟
nuò (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation of 𥻟❄{⿰米耎}nuò with the same meaning: (=糯 nù nuò) glutinous.⁶ glutinous rice.⁷).
(composition: ⿰米耎; U+25EDF).
<又> nù.
( See 糯 nù; 𥻟❄{⿰米耎} nù).
no4 12203
119 18 nuò (alternate Hoisanva pronunciaiton of 糥 nù nuò with the same meaning: (=糯 nù nuò) glutinous.⁶ glutinous rice.⁷).
(composition: ⿰米𦓔; U+7CE5).
<又> nù.
(See 糯 nù; 糥 nù).
no4 12204
119 20 nuò (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 糯 nù nuò with same meaning: glutinous.⁶ glutinous rice.⁷)
<又> nù.
(See 糯 nù.)
no4 12205
104 11 nõi nái diseases, sticking up or protruding of the big bottom.⁸ disease, illness; wearied; protruding buttocks.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿸疒而; U+3F8D).
noi3 12206
9 8 nòi nài Nai surname.
<又> ngì. (See 佴 ngì.)
noi4 12207
37 8 nòi nài but, how; to bear, to stand, to endure.⁸
怎奈 dīm-nòi zěnnài except that, but for.¹¹
无可奈何[無可奈何] mũ-hō-nòi-hõ
wúkěnàihé to have no way out; to have no alternative; abbreviated to 无奈.¹⁰
无奈[無奈] mũ-nòi
wúnài helpless; without choice; for lack of better option; grudgingly; willy-nilly; nolens volens; abbreviation for 无可奈何[無可奈何].¹⁰
or 耐烦[耐煩] nòi-fãn nàifán patient (not impatient).¹⁰
奈何 nòi-hõ
nàihé to do something to somebody; to deal with; to cope; how?; to no avail.¹⁰
奈秒 nòi-mêl
nàimiǎo nanosecond, ns, 10⁻⁹ s (Taiwan); PRC equivalent: 纳秒[納秒] nàp-mêl nàmiǎo ns.¹⁰
noi4 12208
75 9 nòi nài crabapple.¹¹
果珍李柰 gō-jïn-lī-nòi guǒzhēnlǐnài Of fruits, plums and crabapples are greatly prized. (Note: Line 15 of 千字文 tëin-dù-mũn qiānzìwén Thousand Character Classic).⁶²
柰子 nòi-dū
nàizi <bot.> Chinese pear-leaved crabapple.⁶
柰花 nòi-fá
nàihuā apple blossoms.⁷
柰苑 nòi-vōn nàiyuàn Buddhist temple.⁷
柰园[柰園] nòi-yõn
nàiyuán Buddhist temple.⁷
山柰 sän-nòi
shānnài <bot.> Kaempferia galanga.¹¹ (Note: commonly known as kencur, aromatic ginger, sand ginger, cutcherry, or resurrection lily and sold in Chinese grocery stores as 沙姜[沙薑] sâ-gëng shājiāng).¹⁵
noi4 12209
126 9 nòi nài to endure, to bear; to resist; patient.⁸
不耐烦[不耐煩] būt-nòi-fãn bùnàifán impatience, impatient.⁴³
吃苦耐劳[吃苦耐勞] hëk-fū-nòi-lão
chīkǔnàiláo hardworking and enduring hardships (idiom).⁴³
难耐[難耐] nãn-nòi
nánnài intolerability.¹⁰
忍耐 ngîn-nòi
rěnnài to show restraint; to repress (anger); to exercise patience.¹⁰
or 奈烦[奈煩] nòi-fãn nàifán patient (not impatient).¹⁰
耐力 nòi-lèik
nàilì endurance.¹⁰
耐人寻味[耐人尋味] nòi-ngĩn-tĩm-mì
nàirénxúnwèi thought-provoking, worth thinking over, to provide food for thought.⁴³
耐心 nòi-xïm
nàixīn to be patient; patience.¹⁰
耐用 nòi-yùng
nàiyòng durable.¹⁰
noi4 12210
126 9 nòi nài to shave off the whiskers, used as a light form of punishment.²⁵ used for 耐 (nòi nài) to endure.²⁵
(composition: ⿰而彡; U+800F).
罪不至耏 duì-būt-jï-nòi
zuìbùzhìnài his crime does not even deserve the shaving of the whiskers.²⁵
<又> ngĩ.
(See 耏 ngĩ; 耐 nòi).
noi4 12211
140 11 nòi nài <chem.> naphthalene; naphthaline.⁶
萘酚 nòi-fün nàifēn naphthol.⁶
萘球 nòi-kiũ
nàiqiú mothball; naphthalene ball.⁶
萘醌 nòi-kün
nàikūn naphthoquinone (chemistry).¹⁰
萘胺 nòi-ön
nài àn naphthylamine.⁹
萘油 nòi-yiũ nàiyóu naphthalene oil.⁶
萘丸 nòi-yõn
nàiwán mothball; naphthalene ball.⁶
noi4 12212
145 15 nòi nài ignorant, stupid, naïve; a palmleaf hat worn in summer for shading the sun or rain.⁷
褦襶 nòi-äi nàidài a light-weight hat of palm leaves or bamboo for shading the sun or rain; ignorant, naïve, unsophisticated.⁷ (See 褦襶 làk-dāk lēde).
褦襶子 nòi-äi-dū
nàidàizi a stupid fellow.²⁵
<又> làk.
(See 褦 làk.)
noi4 12213
30 11 nòk nuò (indicating agreement) yes; all right; (drawing attention to) look! here! hey!¹⁰
<又> ngêh. (See 喏 ngêh.)
nok4 12214
149 15 nòk nuò to promise; to consent.
许诺[許諾] huī-nòk xǔnuò a promise; to promise.
诺贝尔奖[諾貝爾獎] nòk-böi-ngì-dēng
nuòbèi'ěrjiǎng Nobel Prize.
诺奖[諾獎] nòk-dēng
nuòjiǎng Nobel Prize; abbreviation for 诺贝尔奖[諾貝爾獎] nòk-böi-ngì-dēng nuòbèi'ěrjiǎng Nobel Prize.
诺言[諾言] nòk-ngũn
nuòyán a promise.
诺诺[諾諾] nòk-nòk
nuònuò Yes, yes.
诺诺连声[諾諾連聲] nòk-nòk-lẽin-sëin
nuònuòliánshēng to keep on saying “yes”.
承诺[承諾] sẽin-nòk
chéngnuò to promise to do something; commitment.
千金一诺[千金一諾] tëin-gïm-yīt-nòk
qiānjīnyīnuò (=一诺千金[一諾千金] yīt-nòk-tëin-gïm yīnuòqiānjīn) a promise is worth a thousand ounces of gold; a solemn promise; to be sure to keep one's promise.
允诺[允諾] vûn-nòk
yǔnnuò to promise.
一诺千金[一諾千金] yīt-nòk-tëin-gïm
yīnuòqiānjīn (=千金一诺[千金一諾] tëin-gïm-yīt-nòk qiānjīnyīnuò.) a promise is worth a thousand ounces of gold; a solemn promise; to be sure to keep one's promise.
nok4 12215
167 16 nòk nuò (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 锘[鍩] ngèk nuò with same meaning.)
<又> ngèk.
(See 鍩 ngèk.)
nok4 12216
72 13 nön nuǎn warm, genial; warm up.⁵ (old variant: 㬉 nön nuǎn; variants: 煖 nön nuǎn; 煗 nön nuǎn.)
暖调[暖調] nön-èl
nuǎndiào warm color tone; warm tone.⁵
暖房 nön-fông/
nuǎnfáng <topo.> greenhouse, hothouse; call on somebody who has moved into a new home to congratulate him.⁵
暖风[暖風] nön-füng
nuǎnfēng genial breezes.¹¹
暖帘[暖簾] nön-lẽm
nuǎnlián quilted door curtain.⁵
暖色 nön-sēik
nuǎnsè warm color.⁵
暖肚 nön-ū
nuǎndù cram oneself with food, become full; to warm one's belly; a waistband used to keep warm.⁹
暖和 nön-vö
nuǎnhuo warm, nice and warm; warm up.⁵
暖一暖手 nön-yīt-nön-siū
nuǎnyīnuǎnshǒu warm one's hands.⁵
<台> 等你暖暖 āng-nï-nön-nön/ to keep you warm (as a mother would say while covering her child with a blanket).
<台> 暖 nön warm.
<台> 暖核暖核 nön-vût-nön-vût/ lukewarm.
<台> 好暖 hāo-nön very warm.
<又> nûn.
(See 暖 nûn.)
non2 12217
72 13 nön nuǎn (<old> =暖 nön nuǎn) warm, genial; warm up.⁵
(See 暖 nûn; 暖 nön; .煖 nûn; 煗 nûn)
non2 12218
86 13 nön nuǎn (=暖 nön nuǎn) warm, genial; warm up.⁵
(See 暖 nûn; 暖 nön; .㬉 nûn; 煗 nûn)
non2 12219
86 13 nön nuǎn (=暖 nön nuǎn) warm, genial; warm up.⁵
(See 暖 nûn; 暖 nön; .㬉 nûn; 煖 nûn)
non2 12220
184 17 nön nuǎn feast.⁸ to send a present of a feast.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰飠耎; U+992A).
餪席 nön-dèik nuǎnxí a bridal feast.¹⁴
餪房 nön-fông
nuǎnfáng merrymaking (by guests) in the bridal chamber; the old custom of entertaining a new couple before and after the marriage.¹⁹
餪女 nön-nuī
nuǎnnǚ feast sent to a daughter three days after her wedding.¹⁴ to give a feast to a daughter three days after her marriage.²⁵
餪盘[餪盤] nön-põn
nuǎnpán to return gifts (usually cooked meat) from the bride's family to the groom's family three days after their marriage.⁰
餪生 nön-säng
nuǎnshēng the old demotic name for the feast on the eve of a birthday.¹⁹
餪餫 nön-vũn
nuǎnhún food presented to superiors.²⁵
送餪 xüng-nön
sòngnuǎn <topo.> refers to a bride's family's gifts to the groom's family after the bride and groom are married for three days.¹⁹
non2 12221
72 13 nôn nuǎn warm, genial; warm up.⁵
暖锋[暖鋒] nôn-füng nuǎnfēng <met.> warm front.⁵
暖气[暖氣] nôn-hï
nuǎnqì steam heat, hot central heating; central heating equipment; warm air/current.⁶
暖气团[暖氣團] nôn-hï-hõn
nuǎnqìtuán <met.> warm air mass.⁵
暖烘烘 nôn-hüng-hüng
nuǎnhōnghōng nice and warm.⁵
暖流 nôn-liũ
nuǎnliú <met.> warm current.⁵
暖耳 nôn-ngī
nuǎn'ěr earmuffs.⁷
暖暖姝姝 nôn-nõn-jï-jï
nuǎnnuǎnshūshū be very pleased with oneself.¹⁹
暖水瓶 nôn-suī-pêng
nuǎnshuǐpíng thermos flask/bottle.⁵
暖壶[暖壺] nôn-vũ
nuǎnhú thermos flask, thermos bottle; teapot with a cozy; metal or earthen hot-water bottle.⁵
温暖[溫暖] vün-nôn
wēnnuǎn warm.⁵
<台> 暖水壶[暖水壺] nûn-suī-vũ thermos bottle.
<台> 和暖和暖 vö-nûn-vö-nûn/  lukewarm.
<又> nön.
(See 暖 nön.)
non5 12222
30 13 𠺘 nōng làng (Cant.) hard to get along with; to rinse, spread thin.⁸
<台> 𠺘口 nōng-hēo to rinse one's mouth.
nong1 12223
30 25 nōng nāng <台> 囔口 nōng-hēo to rinse the mouth; to gargle.
<又> nõng. (See 囔 nõng.)
nong1 12224
64 12 nōng nǎng  (=擃 nōng nǎng q.v.); to collide, to run into; to stab, to irritate.¹⁹
(composition: ⿰扌茸; U+6411).
<又> ngũng; yūng; nũng.
(See 搑 ngũng; 搑 yūng; 搑 nũng; 擃 nōng).
nong1 12225
64 16 nōng nǎng (<old>=攮 nōng nǎng to stab; <topo.> to plunge into, to stick into.); to ward off; to stab, prick.⁸
(variant: 搑 nōng
(composition: ⿰扌農; U+64C3).
(See 攮 nōng; 搑 nōng).
nong1 12226
64 25 nōng nǎng to stab; <topo.> to plunge into, to stick into.
攮子 nōng-dū nǎngzi <topo.> dagger.
攮人一刀 nōng-ngĩn-yīt-äo
nǎngrényīdāo <topo.> to stab a person.
攮死人 nōng-xī-ngĩn
nǎngsǐrén to stab (somebody) to death.
nong1 12227
9 24 nõng nàng slow, dull; irresolute; (<old>=齉 nõng nàng) to have a stuffy nose.
(composition: ⿰亻囊; U+513E).
nong3 12228
30 22 nõng náng bag; pocket; purse; bladder; pouch; to put in bag.
背囊 böi-nõng bèináng backpack; knapsack; rucksack.¹⁰
臭皮囊 chiü-pĩ-nõng
chòupínáng <Budd.> the vile skin-bag; the human body; this mortal flesh.⁵
探囊取物 häm-nõng-tuī-mòt
tànnángqǔwù to feel in one's pocket and take something (idiom); as easy as pie; as easy as stealing candy from a baby.
智囊 jï-nõng
zhìnáng brain truster.⁵
智囊团[智囊團] jï-nõng-hõn
zhìnángtuán brain trust; think tank.
囊括 nõng-gāt
nángkuò to include; to embrace; <sport> to win all.
囊肿[囊腫] nõng-jūng
nángzhǒng <med.> cyst.⁶
囊萤映雪[囊螢映雪] nõng-yẽin-yēin-xūt
nángyíngyìngxuě (allu.) to study hard in spite of poverty (lit., to read by the light of bagged fireflies or the reflected light of snow).¹¹
皮囊 pĩ-nõng
pínáng leather bag; <derog.> human body.⁶
窝里窝囊[窩裡窩囊] vö-lī-vö-nõng
wōliwōnang stupid and cowardly.⁷
窝囊[窩囊] vö-nõng
wōnang feel vexed, be annoyed; good-for-nothing; hopelessly stupid.⁵
嗉囊 xü-nõng
sùnáng crop of a bird.⁸
<又> nông.
(See 囊 [nõng, nāng], nông.)
nong3 12229
30 22 nõng nāng 鼓鼓囊囊 gū-gū-nõng-nõng gǔgunāngnāng (of things fully stuffed) bulging out.
囊膪 nõng-chāi
nāngchuài flabby meat from a pig's belly and breast.⁶
囊揣 nõng-chūn
nāngchuài <trad.> cowardly; weak; feeble; (=囊膪 nõng-chāi nāngchuài flabby meat from a pig's belly and breast).⁶
<又> nông.
(See 囊 [nõng, náng], nông.)
nong3 12230
30 25 nõng nang 囔囔 nõng-nõng nāngnang to murmur; to speak in a low voice.¹⁰
嘟囔 ü-nõng
dūnang to mutter/mumble to oneself.⁶
嘟嘟囔囔 ü-ü-nõng-nõng
dūdunāngnang to mumble in whispers, mutter to oneself.¹¹
<又> nōng.
(See 囔 nōng.)
nong3 12231
72 21 nõng nǎng <wr.> former; past.⁵ in fomer times; of old; previously.¹⁴
畴曩[疇曩] chiũ-nõng or chiũ-nông chóunǎng (in) former days; (in) by-gone days.⁷
曩者 nõng-jēh
or nông-jēh nǎngzhě in the past; in former times.⁶ old times; ancient events.¹⁴
曩日 nõng-ngìt
or nông-ngìt nǎngrì bygone days.⁶
曩时[曩時] nõng-sĩ
or nông-sĩ nǎngshí in olden days; of yore.⁵
曩昔 nõng-xēik
or nông-xēik nǎngxī in the past; in former times.⁶
<又> nông.
(See 曩 nông.)
nong3 12232
75 26 nõng náng the name of a tree; a vessel for holding things.²⁴
(variant: 𣡪❄{⿳⿱⿻一中冖⿱⿰口口⿰⿻己工爻木} nõng náng).
(composition: ⿰木囊; U+6B1C).
(See 𣡪❄{⿳⿱⿻一中冖⿱⿰口口⿰⿻己工爻木} nõng).
nong3 12233
75 27 𣡪
nõng náng (original character for 欜 nõng náng), the name of a tree; a vessel for holding things.²⁴
(composition: ⿳⿱⿻一中冖⿱⿰口口⿰⿻己工爻木
; U+2386A).
(See 欜 nõng).
nong3 12234 2386A.gif
85 11 nõng náng Nang surname.
<又> hüng. (See 涳 hüng).
nong3 12235
85 20 nõng nǎng <old> (of water) flowing.³⁶ (variant: 㶞 nõng nǎng).
(composition: ⿰氵襄; U+703C).
泱瀼 yëng-nõng
yāngnǎng (of water) vast and flowing.³⁶
<又> ngẽng.
(See 㶞 nõng; 瀼 ngẽng).
nong3 12236
85 24 nõng nǎng (=瀼 nõng nǎng) water flowing along; the name of a river.²ʼ²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵曩; U+3D9E).
(See 瀼 nõng; 瀼 ngẽng).
nong3 12237
85 25 nõng nǎng muddy; thick, muddy water.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰氵囊; U+7062).
精灢 dëin-nõng jīngnǎng very muddy.¹⁴
灢泥 nõng-nãi
nǎngní sloppy mud.¹⁴
泱灢 yëng-nõng
yāngnǎng muddy water.²⁴
nong3 12238
97 22 nõng ráng pulp, flesh, pith; interior part of certain things; <topo.> weak; <vern.> (of texture) loose, soft, spongy.⁶
(composition: ⿰襄瓜; U+74E4).
瓜瓤 gä-nõng guāráng the flesh surrounding seeds under the peel that is edible, such as the flesh of watermelon and cantaloupe.⁹
瓤子 nõng-dū
rángzi pulp, flesh, pith; interior part of certain thing.⁶
瓤儿[瓤兒] nõng-ngĩ
rángr the pulp of a fruit; a section of an orange/tangerine.⁷
nong3 12239
142 23 nõng náng 蟷蠰 öng-nõng or öng-ngẽng dāngnáng or dāngráng (=螳螂⁸ hõng-lõng tángláng) a mantis.⁷
<又> ngēng, ngẽng, sèng, söng.
(See 蠰 ngēng, ngẽng, sèng, söng.)
nong3 12240
184 30 nõng náng crusty pancake (staple food of the Uygur and Kazak ethnic groups).⁶
(See 饢 [nõng, nǎng].)
nong3 12241
184 30 nõng nǎng cram food into one's mouth.⁶
(See 饢 [nõng, náng].)
nong3 12242
209 36 nõng nàng to have a stuffy nose; snuffling.
发齉[發齉] fāt-nõng fānàng to speak with a stuffed nose.
齉鼻子 nõng-bì-dū
nàngbízi stuffed nose; somebody who can't breath easily through the nose.¹ nose blocked up.¹¹
齉鼻儿[齉鼻兒] nõng-bì-ngĩ
nàngbír to snuffle; to speak through the nose; person who speaks with a twang.¹ nose blocked up.¹¹
nong3 12243
17 6 nòng dàng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 凼 hêim dàng with same meaning.)
<又> hâm, hêim.
(See 凼 hâm, hêim.)
nong4 12244
145 18 nòng dāng crotch; seat of a pair of trousers.⁹
裤裆[褲襠] fû-nòng kùdāng crotch (of trousers).⁵
裈裆[褌襠] gün-nòng
kūndāng <wr.> seat of pants.¹¹ the waist band of breeches.²⁵
开裆裤[開襠褲] höi-nòng-fû
kāidāngkù open-seat or split pants (for children).⁸
卡癶裆[卡癶襠] kā-bôt-nòng
kǎbodāng place between the thighs.¹¹
裆部[襠部] nòng-bù
dāngbù crotch.⁹
裲裆[裲襠] lēng-nòng
liǎngdāng waistcoat.⁸ a garment hanging down before and behind, and open at the sides.²⁵
nong4 12245
30 22 nông náng <台> 脚髀囊[腳髀囊] gëk-bī-nông calf (leg).
<又> nõng. (See 囊 [nõng, náng], [nõng, nāng].)
nong5 12246
72 21 nông nǎng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 曩 nõng nǎng with same meaning: <wr.> former; past.⁵ in fomer times; of old; previously.¹⁴)
<又> nõng.
(See 曩 nõng.)
nong5 12247
19 7 to exert; to strive.
白努力 bàk-nū-lèik báinǔlì to waste one's energy or breath; to try in vain.
努出 nū-chūt
nǔchū to extend; to push out (hands as a gesture); to pout (i.e. push out lips).
努嘴 nū-duī
nǔzuǐ to pout; to signal with one's lips, usually pointing to some object.
努力 nū-lèik
nǔlì strive, endeavor.¹¹
努目 nū-mùk
nǔmù to stare as if the eyes would pop out.
<台> 努条喙[努條喙] nū-hẽl-jöi/ to pout.
nu1 12248
30 8 to bulge; to move, to shift.⁸ (=努 nū ) to pout.⁴
or 努嘴 nū-duī nǔzuǐ to pout; to stick out one's lips.
(See 呶 não.)
nu1 12249
57 8 crossbow.⁵
(composition: ⿱奴弓; U+5F29).
方弩 föng-nū fāngnǔ to shoot a crossbow.¹⁰²
强弩之末[強弩之末] kẽng-nū-jï-mòt
qiángnǔzhīmò an arrow at the end of its flight – a spent force.⁶
万弩齐发[萬弩齊發] màn-nū-tãi-fāt
wànnǔqífā all the crossbows shot all at once.⁶
弩箭 nū-dëin
nǔjiàn crossbow arrow.⁶
弩箭离弦[弩箭離弦] nū-dëin-lĩ-yẽn
nǔjiànlíxián as fast as the arrow flies off the string.⁷
弩机[弩機] nū-gï
nǔjī trigger of a crossbow.⁶
弩弓 nū-güng
nǔgōng crossbow.⁵
弩张剑拔[弩張劍拔] nū-jëng-gëm-bàt
nǔzhāngjiànbá lit. with bows drawn and swords unsheathed – war is likely to start at any moment.⁷
弩末 nū-mòt
nǔmò powerless because of exhaustion; weakened; exhausted; spent.⁷
弩牙 nū-ngã
nǔyá the trigger of a crossbow.⁷
弩炮 nū-päo
nǔpào slingshot; catapult; ballista.⁵⁴
弩手 nū-siū
nǔshǒu an archer; a crossbowman.⁷
石弩 sêk-nū
shínǔ catapult; onager; bricole.¹⁹
nu1 12250
130 11 granulations, as in the eyelids; the healthy granulations on a sore; salt-rheum, pustules. roughened skin; psora.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱奴肉; U+80EC).
专去胬肉不用刀针[專去胬肉不用刀針] jön-huï-nū-ngùk-būt-yùng-äo-jïm zhuān qù nǔròu bù yòng dāo zhēn a special skill in curing granulation tissue (or proud flesh), without using the knife or needle.¹⁰²ʼ⁰
胬肉 nū-ngùk
nǔròu pterygium; triangular mass of mucous membrane growing from the inner corner of the eye.⁵⁴
nu1 12251
38 5 slave, bondservant; <trad.> I; me (self-reference of girls); enslave, treat as a slave; flunkey, servile follower.⁶
奴仆[奴僕] nũ-bùk núpú servant; lackey.⁵
奴化 nũ-fä
núhuà enslave.⁵
奴家 nũ-gä
nújiā <trad.> (self-address of a young woman) I, me.⁶
奴工 nũ-güng
núgōng slave labor; slave laborer.⁷
奴工营[奴工營] nũ-güng-yẽin
núgōngyíng a slave-labor camp; a concentration camp.⁷
奴隶[奴隸] nũ-lài
núlì slave.⁵
奴颜媚骨[奴顏媚骨] nũ-ngãn-mì-gūt
núyánmèigǔ sycophancy and obsequiousness; servility.⁶
奴颜婢膝[奴顏婢膝] nũ-ngãn-pî-xīp
núyánbìxī servile behavior; fawning.⁷
奴婢 nũ-pî
núbì slave, servant; I (self-reference of eunuchs when speaking to an emperor or empress.⁶
奴视[奴視] nũ-sì
núshì to scorn someone like a slave.⁷
奴才 nũ-tõi
núcai slave, serf, bond-man; I (self-reference of an official when addressing the emperor especially in the Ming and Qing dynasties); flunky, lackey.⁶
奴役 nũ-vèik
or nũ-yèik núyì enslave; keep in bondage.⁵
奴性 nũ-xëin
núxìng servility; slavishness.⁵
nu3 12252
39 8 sons and daughters, children; wife and children.⁵
罪不及妻孥 duì-būt-gèp-häi-nũ zuìbùjíqīnú a wife and children are not punished for crimes of the husband and father.¹¹
or 妻帑 häi-nũ qīnú <wr.> wife and children.¹¹
孥稚 nũ-jï
núzhì a young child.¹⁴
孥戮 nũ-lùk
núlù punishment involving the death of the whole family.¹⁴
or 收帑 siü-nũ shōunú try an offender's family along with him.⁵⁴
nu3 12253
50 8 (<old>=孥 nũ ) children.⁸ children of a legal wife.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱奴巾; U+5E11).
or 妻孥 häi-nũ qīnú <wr.> wife and children.¹¹
乐尔妻帑[樂爾妻帑] lòk-ngì-häi-nũ
lè'ěrqīnú rejoice in your wife and children.¹⁴
鸟帑[鳥帑] nêl-nũ
niǎonú tail of a bird.⁸
or 收孥 siü-nũ shōunú try an offender's family along with him.⁵⁴
<又> hōng.
(See 帑 hōng.)
nu3 12254
64 10 nuó to rub, stroke with hands; crumple.⁸ to rub; to crumple.¹⁴ to rub with the hand, in order to make anything round.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌妥; U+633C).
挼沙 nũ-sâ or nõ-sâ nuóshā to rub the hands with sand, in order to cleanse them; to strike.²⁴
挼手 nũ-siū
or nõ-siū nuóshǒu to rub the hands.¹⁴
挼挲 nũ-sö nuósuō
or nõ-sö ruósuō stroke gently.¹¹ to crumple up in the hands.¹⁴ stroke; fondle; rub.⁵⁴
挼搓 nũ-tö
or nõ-tö nuócuo stroke and rub.¹¹ <wr.> press and rub, knead; crumple.⁵⁴
挼穗 nũ-xuì
or nõ-xuì nuósuì to rub ears of corn between the hands.¹⁴
挼油 nũ-yiũ
or nõ-yiũ nuóyóu to rub on paint – as Chinese do in painting houses.¹⁴
<台> 挼圆[挼圓] nũ-yõn/ to hand-roll spherical glutinous rice balls. The balls are called 圆[圓] yõn/ in Hoisanva an in Cantonese they are called 汤圆[湯圓]
tong1 jyun4*2. These balls are usually served during the Winter Solstice Festival and their consumption symbolizes reunion and completeness to ensure a peaceful and smooth new year.
<又> nõ; fī.
(See 挼 nõ; fī).
nu3 12255
64 11 nuó to push, to rub the hands together; to rub anything with the hand.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌委; U+637C).
捼挱 nũ-sâ or nõ-sâ nuóshā or ruóshā to rub in the hands.²⁴
<又> nõ; yẽh; vī.
(See 捼 nõ; 捼 yẽh; 捼 vī).
nu3 12256
187 15 <wr.> inferior horse, jade; (of a person) dull, incompetent.⁵
驽下[駑下] nũ-hà núxià dull (person).¹¹
驽骀[駑駘] nũ-hõi
nútái inferior horse; fig. a good-for-nothing person.¹¹
驽骀竭力[駑駘竭力] nũ-hõi-gèik-lèik
nútáijiélì I am but a jaded horse, but I'll do my best.¹⁴
驽骀下驷[駑駘下駟] nũ-hõi-hà-xü nútáixiàsì a worn-out, old and inferior horse; a stupid person.⁵⁴
驽马[駑馬] nũ-mâ
númǎ old worn-out horse, jade, hack.⁷
驽马恋栈豆[駑馬戀棧豆] nũ-mâ-lūn-jàn-èo
númǎ liàn zhàndòu lit. a jaded horse hankering after its stall; fig. an incompetent man clinging to a good position.⁷
驽马铅刀[駑馬鉛刀] nũ-mâ-yõn-äo
númǎqiāndāo inferior horse and blunt knife – incompetent people.⁶
驽钝[駑鈍] nũ-ùn
núdùn incompetent; incapable.⁷
驽散[駑散] nũ-xān
núsǎn inferior; mediocre.⁷
驽铅[駑鉛] nũ-yõn
núqiān a worn out horse and a lead (knife) – not of much use.¹⁴
nu3 12257
61 9 anger, rage, passion; angry.⁸
怒不可遏 nù-būt-hō-āt nùbùkě'è boil with rage.⁸
怒潮 nù-chẽl
nùcháo angry tide.⁸
怒火 nù-fō
nùhuǒ flames of fury; fury.⁸
怒火冲天[怒火沖天] nù-fō-chüng-hëin
nùhuǒchōngtiān a surge of great fury.¹¹
怒火中烧[怒火中燒] nù-fō-jüng-sël
nùhuǒzhōngshāo burning with anger.¹¹
怒号[怒號] nù-hão
nùháo scream aloud.¹¹
怒涛[怒濤] nù-hão
nùtāo violent wave; raging billows.⁹
怒气[怒氣] nù-hï
nùqì anger; rage; wrath.⁹
怒气冲冲[怒氣沖沖] nù-hï-chüng-chüng
nùqìchōngchōng in a great rage.¹¹
怒气填胸[怒氣填胸] nù-hï-hẽin-hüng
nùqìtiánxiōng filled with fury.¹¹
怒马[怒馬] nù-mâ
nùmǎ spirited horse.¹¹
怒目 nù-mùk
nùmù glaring eyes; fierce stare.⁸
怒目而视[怒目而視] nù-mùk-ngĩ-sì
nùmù'érshì glare at.¹⁰
怒猊渴骥[怒猊渴驥] nù-ngãi-höt-kï
nùníkějì forceful and vigorous (of calligraphy).⁵⁴
怒色 nù-sēik
nùsè angry countenance.¹¹
怒容 nù-yũng
nùróng angry countenance.¹¹
<又> niü.
(See 怒 niü.)
nu4 12258
61 12 nuò timid; cowardly.² (=懦 nù ornuò timid; cowardly; weak.⁷); timid, apprehensive.⁸
(composition: ⿰忄耎; U+611E).
Hëin-hön ngì nẽin, häi-siū yî vï-nù hï sî.
Hëin-hön ngì nẽin, häi-siū yî vï-nò hï sî.
Tiānhàn èr nián, tàishǒu yǐ wèi nuò qì shì.
In the second year of Tian Han (99 BCE), the prefect feared for his life and have his corpse publicly exposed in the marketplace.⁰
疲愞 pĩ-nù
or pĩ-nò pínuò procrastinate and incompetent.¹⁹
畏愞 vï-nù
or vï-nò wèinuò weak; feeble.¹⁹ (cf 畏愞 vï-ngün).
<又> nò; ngün.
(See 愞 nò; 愞 ngün).
nu4 12259
61 17 nuò timid; cowardly; weak.⁷
(composition: ⿰忄需; U+61E6).
暗懦 ām-nù ànnuò stupid and weak in character, ignorant and timid.⁵⁴
怯懦 hèp-nù
or hēp-nù qiènuò timid and overcautious.⁵
愚懦 nguĩ-nù
yúnuò ignorant and timid.⁶
懦夫 nù-fü
nuòfū a coward.⁷
懦怯 nù-hèp
or nù-hēp nuòqiè coward; timid.⁷
懦弱 nù-ngèk
nuòruò weak; cowardly.⁷
懦艮 nù-ngïn
nuògěn dugong.¹⁰
<又> nò.
(See 懦 nò).
nu4 12260
115 14 nuò (=糯 nù nuò) glutinous.⁶ glutinous rice.⁷
(composition: ⿰禾耎; U+7A2C).
<又> nò.
(See 糯 nù; 稬 nò).
nu4 12261
115 19 nuò (=糯 nù nuò) glutinous.⁶ glutinous rice.⁷
(composition: ⿰禾需; U+7A64).
<又> nò.
(See 糯 nù; 穤 nò).
nu4 12262
119 15 𥻟
nuò (=糯 nù nuò) glutinous.⁶ glutinous rice.⁷
(composition: ⿰米耎; U+25EDF).
<又> nò.
(See 糯 nù; 𥻟❄{⿰米耎} nò).
nu4 12263
119 18 nuò (=糯 nù nuò) glutinous.⁶ glutinous rice.⁷
(composition: ⿰米𦓔; U+7CE5).
<又> nò.
(See 糯 nù; 糥 nò).
nu4 12264
119 20 nuò glutinous.⁶ glutinous rice.⁷
(variants: 𥻟. 糥, 稬❄{⿰禾耎}, 穤 nù ornuò).
糯稻 nù-ào
or nò-ào nuòdào unhusked glutinous rice.⁷
糯米 nù-māi
or nò-māi nuòmǐ polished glutinous rice.⁵
糯米酒 nù-māi-diū
or nò-māi-diū nuòmǐjiǔ sweet wine made from glutinous rice.⁷
糯米粉 nù-māi-fūn
or nò-māi-fūn nuòmǐfěn glutinous rice powder.⁷
糯米糕 nù-māi-gäo
or nò-māi-gäo nuòmǐgāo cake made from glutinous rice.⁷
糯米臀 nù-māi-hũn
or nò-māi-hũn nuòmǐtún epithet for a lazy man who sticks to his seat.¹⁴ lazy bones.¹⁹
糯米纸[糯米紙] nù-māi-jī
or nò-māi-jī nuòmǐ zhǐ glutinous rice paper (used as inner wrapper for candies, cakes and other edibles).⁶
糯米糍 nù-māi-tĩ/
or nò-māi-tĩ/ nuòmǐcí rice cake dumpling; sticky rice cake; mochi cake.¹⁰ (called 出糍 chūt-tî/, q.v., in Hoisanva.)
糯米鸡[糯米雞] nù-māi-gäi
or nò-māi-gäi nuòmǐjī chicken with sticky-rice stuffing.
糯米鸡[糯米雞] nù-māi-gäi/
nuòmǐjī sticky rice and chicken/pork pieces wrapped in lotus leaf and steamed.
<又> nò.
(See 糯 nò; 𥻟 nù; 糥 nù; 稬❄{⿰禾耎} nù; 穤 nù).
nu4 12265
149 12 vile language.²⁵ abusive language; vicious remarks.
(composition: ⿰訁奴; U+8A49).
譇詉 jä-nù zhā'nù ashamed because of poverty.
<又> nã; não. (See 詉 nã; 詉 não).
nu4 12266
38 3 nuī Kangxi radical 38. woman, female; daughter, girl.⁵
(composition: ⿻𡿨丆(GJKV) or ⿻𡿨𠂇(HT); U+5973).
女扮男装[女扮男裝] nǚbànnánzhuāng girl dressed as boy; woman in man's clothing.⁸
女子 nuī-dū
nǚzǐ a girl or woman.¹¹
女宗 nuī-düng
nǚzōng model woman, worthy of honors.⁵⁴
女高音 nuī-gäo-yïm
nǚgāoyīn <mus.> soprano.¹¹
女记者[女記者] nuī-gï-jēh
nǚjìzhě female reporter.¹¹
女孩 nuī-hãi
nǚhái girl.⁵
Nuī-hũng-dū-gün Nǚtóngzǐjūn Girl Scouts.¹¹
女主人 nuī-jī-ngĩn
nǚzhǔrén hostess, mistress of home.¹¹
女伶 nuī-lẽin
nǚlíng actress.¹¹
女儿[女兒] nuī-ngĩ
nǚ'ér daughter; girl.⁵
女人 nuī-ngĩn
nǚrén woman; womenfolk.⁵
女人 nuī-ngĩn
nǚren <topo.> wife.⁵
女朋友 nuī-pãng-yiû
nǚpéngyou girlfriend.¹¹
女生 nuī-säng
nǚshēng woman student; schoolgirl.⁵
女青年会[女青年會] Nuī-tëin-nẽin-vòi
Nǚ Qīngniánhuì Young Women's Christian Association (Y.W.C.A.).¹¹
女士 nuī-xù
nǚshì lady; madam.⁵
女英雄 nuī-yëin-hũng
nǚyīngxióng heroine.¹¹
女阴[女陰] nuī-yïm
nǚyīn vulva; pudenda.¹⁰
<又> nî.
(See 女 nî).
nui1 12267
167 11 nuī neodymium (Nd).⁶ neodymium, a rare-earth metallic chemical element found in cerite and various other rare minerals.⁷
钕玻璃[釹玻璃] nuī-bū-lī or nuī-bō-lī nǚbōli neodymium glass.⁹
氧化钕[氧化釹] yêng-fä-nuī
yǎnghuànǚ neodymia.¹⁰
nui1 12268
11 4 nuì nèi inside; within; inner; interior; wife; the palace of the emperor.
内孢子[內孢子] nuì-bäo-dū
nèibāozǐ endospore.¹⁰
内边[內邊] nuì-bêin
nèibian the inside.¹⁰
内部[內部] nuì-bù
nèibù inside, interior; restricted.
内脏[內臟] nuì-dòng
nèizàng internal organs; viscera.⁶
内科[內科] nuì-fö
nèikē internal medicine.
内分泌[內分泌] nuì-fün-bï
nèifēnmì endocrine (internal secretion, e.g. hormone).¹⁰
内阁[內閣] nuì-gōk
nèigé  (government) cabinet.¹⁰
内涵[內涵] nuì-hãm
nèihán <log.> intension; connotation.⁷
内廷[內廷] nuì-hẽin
nèitíng the grand hall where the emperor holds audience.¹¹
内战[內戰] nuì-jën
nèizhàn civil war.
内阻[內阻] nuì-jū
nèizǔ <phy.> internal/inherent resistance.⁶
内涝[內澇] nuì-lâo
nèilào waterlogged.¹⁰
内幕[內幕] nuì-mōk
nèimù inside story; non-public information; behind the scenes; internal.¹⁰
内蒙古[內蒙古] nuì-mũng-gū
nèiměnggǔ Inner Mongolia.⁹
内荏[內荏] nuì-ngìm
nèirěn weak (of character).
内人[內人] nuì-ngĩn
nèiren <humb.> my wife.
内外交困[內外交困] nuì-ngòi-gäo-kün
nèiwài jiāokùn to beset with difficulties at home and abroad.
内容[內容] nuì-yũng
nèiróng content, substance.⁵
nui4 12269
64 10 nuì nèi within; Nei surname.² inside, within, inner; Nei surname.³⁶
<又> yuì. (See 㨅 yuì.)
nui4 12270
84 8 nuì nèi (=氖 nâi nǎi) neon (Ne).⁶
(See 氖 nâi; 氞 nuì.)
nui4 12271
84 9 nuì nèi (=氖 nâi nǎi) neon (Ne).⁶
(See 氖 nâi; 氝 nuì.)
nui4 12272
184 15 nuî něi hungry, famished; disheartened, dispirited; <wr.> (of fish) putrid.⁵ hungry, famished; feeble; putrid fish.¹⁴
(variant: 餧 nuî něi). (See 餧 nuî).
不慊于心则馁矣[不慊於心則餒矣] būt-hïm-yï-xïm-dāk-nuî-yì
bùqiànyúxīnzéněiyǐ if the mind does not feel complacency in the conduct, the nature becomes starved.¹⁴
自馁[自餒] dù-nuî
zìněi have one’s heart in one's boots, be greatly discouraged.¹¹
气馁[氣餒] hï-nuî
qìněi lose heart, be disheartened.⁵
民气馁[民氣餒] mĩn-hï-nuî
mínqìněi the spirit of the masses is cowed; the morale is low.¹⁴
无是馁也[無是餒也] mũ-sì-nuî-yâ
wúshìněiyě without it – man – is in a state of starvation.¹⁴
馁在其中[餒在其中] nuî-dòi-kĩ-jüng
něizàiqízhōng hunger will be found therein – when the crops fail.¹⁴
馁怯[餒怯] nuî-hèp
or nuî-hēp něiqiè lose heart / courage / one's nerve.⁶ disheartened and cowardly.⁸ weak and timid.¹⁴
馁烂[餒爛] nuî-làn něilàn putrid; rotten.¹⁴
胜不骄败不馁[勝不驕敗不餒] sëin-būt-gël-bài-būt-nuî
shèng bù jiāo bài bù něi not be dizzy with success, nor discouraged by failure.⁵
冻馁[凍餒] üng-nuî
dòngněi suffer from cold and hunger.¹¹
nui5 12273
184 16 nuî něi (=馁[餒] nuî něi hungry, famished; disheartened, dispirited; <wr.> (of fish) putrid.⁵ hungry, famished; feeble; putrid fish.¹⁴).
(composition: ⿰飠委; U+9927).
<又> vï.
(See 餧 vï; 餒 nuî).
nui5 12274
195 18 nuî něi rotten fish.²⁵ spoiled fish meat.³⁶ spoil, decompose (about fish).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰魚妥; U+9BBE).
nui5 12275
19 11 nūk (=勖 nūk ) to encourage; to exhort; to stimulate; to excite.
(variant: 朂 nūk
(composition: ⿱曰助; U+52D7).
(See 勗 yūk; 勖 nūk; 勖 yūk; 朂 nūk).
nuk1 12276
19 11 nūk to encourage; to exhort; to stimulate; to excite.
(variant: 朂 nūk ).
(composition: ⿰冒力; U+52D6).
勖励[勖勵] nūk-lài
xùlì <wr.>  to encourage; to urge.⁶
勖勉 nūk-mêin
xùmiǎn <wr.> to encourage; to urge.⁶
or 勗哉勗哉 nūk-döi nūk-döi xùzāi xùzāi Rouse yourselves!¹⁴
or 勗哉夫子 nūk-döi fü-dū xùzāi fūzǐ Exert yourselves, my heroes!¹⁴
<又> yūk.
(See 勖 yūk; 勗 nūk 勗 yūk; 朂 nūk).
nuk1 12277
61 10 nūk <wr.> ashamed.⁶ ashamed; a feeling of shame.²⁴ ashamed, mortified.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱而心; U+6067).
愧恧 kï-nūk kuìnǜ to feel shame; ashamed.⁷
莫吾知而不恧 mòk-m̃-jï-ngĩ-būt-nūk
mòwúzhī'érbùnǜ I am not ashamed because nobody appreciates me.¹⁰²
恧缩[恧縮] nūk-sük
nǜsuō to recoil on account of shame.⁷
or 慙恧 tãm-nūk cánnǜ to feel shame; ashamed.⁷ chagrined.¹⁰²
nuk1 12278
73 12 nūk (=勗 nūk or 勖 nūk ) to encourage; to exhort; to stimulate; to excite.
(composition: ⿱曰⿸耳力; U+6702).
<又> duï; yūk.
(See 朂 duï; 朂 yūk).
nuk1 12279
61 7 nük (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 忸 niū niǔ with same meaning: perverse, obstinate; to blush, to be ashamed.¹⁴).
(composition: ⿰忄丑; U+5FF8).
<又> niū.
(See 忸 niū.)
nuk2 12280
64 9 nük àn <台> 按住佢 nük-jì-kuï to restrain him/her.
<台> 按电铃[按電鈴] nük-èin-lêng/ to ring an electric bell/buzzer.
<又> ön. (See 按 ön.)
nuk2 12281
74 10 nük new moon as seen in the east; insufficiency, deficit, lose; sprain, wrench.⁸
nuk2 12282
143 10 nùk (demotic character for 衄 nùk ) to bleed at the nose, to damage; a setback; a failure.⁸
(Note: 衂 in Yu Gothic is
, both versions have the same codepoint).
(composition: ⿰血刃 or ⿰血刄; U+8842).
(See 衄 nùk.)
nuk4 12283
143 10 nùk <wr.> nosebleed; be defeated in battle.⁵ epistaxis, nosebleed; to be defeated.⁸ to bleed from the nose (or from the ears, gums); fig. to be defeated.¹⁰ to bleed at the nose; a check in battle; to damp ardor; to shrink from; to treat harshly.¹⁴ (variants: 衂, 䘐, 䶊 nùk ).
(composition: ⿰血丑; U+8844).
败衄[敗衄] bài-nùk
bàinǜ <wr.> be defeated in war.¹¹
鼻衄 bì-nùk
bínǜ rhinorrhagia; nosebleed.⁶
齿衄[齒衄] chī-nùk
chǐnǜ bleeding from the gum; gingival hemorrhage.⁵⁴
惊衄[驚衄] gëin-nùk
jīngnǜ scared to death.¹⁴ blood flowing from the nose through fright.²⁵
祝衄 jūk-nùk
zhùnǜ may we not be routed.²⁵
牙衄 ngã-nùk
yánǜ odontorrhagia.¹⁹ gingival hemorrhage.⁵⁴
衄鼻 nùk-bì
nǜbí to bleed at the nose.¹⁴
衄血 nùk-hüt
nǜxuè <med.> nosebleed; bleed from the five sense organs or subcutaneous tissue.⁵⁴
舌衄 sêt-nùk
shénǜ hemorrhage on the tongue.¹¹
挫衄 tö-nùk
cuònǜ to be damped; to suffer defeat.¹⁴
小衄 xēl-nùk
xiǎonǜ a slight check in battle.¹⁴ a slight defeat.²⁵
(See 衂 nùk; 䘐 nùk; 䶊 nùk).
nuk4 12284
143 10 nùk (demotic character for 衄 nùk ) to bleed at the nose, to damage; a setback; a failure.⁸
(composition: ⿰血刅; U+4610).
(See 衄 nùk.)
nuk4 12285
209 18 nùk (=衄 nùk ) nosebleed; to be defeated.
(See 衄 nùk.)
nuk4 12286
38 12 𡞾
nùn nèn (=嫩 nùn nèn tender, delicate; light; inexperienced, unskilled.⁵).¹⁰¹ soft, delicate.⁸
(composition: ⿰女耍; U+217BE).
(See 嫩 nùn).
nun4 12287
38 12 nùn nèn (<old>=嫩 nùn nèn tender, delicate; light; inexperienced, unskilled.⁵); young, tender, soft, delicate.⁸
(composition: ⿰女耎; U+5A86).
<又> ngün.
(See 嫩 nùn; 媆 ngün).
nun4 12288
38 14 nùn nèn tender, delicate; light; inexperienced, unskilled.⁵
(variants: 媆,嫰,𡞾❄{⿰女耍},𤯦❄{⿱初生},𦠫❄{⿰⿱初生肉} nùn).
嫩精 nùn-dëin
nènjīng tenderizer.¹⁹
嫩豆腐 nùn-èo-fù
nèndòufu tender bean curd.⁷
嫩骨头[嫩骨頭] nùn-gūt-hẽo
nèngǔtou cartilage; a weak-minded person.⁷
嫩气[嫩氣] nùn-hï
nènqi delicate/dainty looks, youthfulness; dainty-looking.⁶
嫩寒 nùn-hõn
nènhán chilly; slightly cold.⁷
嫩枝 nùn-jï
nènzhī a sprig.⁷
嫩绿[嫩綠] nùn-lùk
nènlǜ light green; soft green.⁵
嫩绿娇红[嫩綠嬌紅] nùn-lùk-gël-hũng
nènlǜjiāohóng tender blossoms and delicate leaves.⁵⁴
嫩芽 nùn-ngã
nènyá a tender shoot.⁷
嫩弱 nùn-ngèk
nènruò delicate; tender.⁶
嫩肉 nùn-ngùk
nènròu tender meat.⁷
嫩生生 nùn-säng-säng
nènshēngshēng <vern.> very tender.⁶
嫩色 nùn-sēik
nènsè light color; soft color; pastel shade.⁵
嫩手 nùn-siū
nènshǒu raw hand; new hand.⁵
嫩晴 nùn-tẽng
nènqíng fine weather after a long period of rain.⁷
嫩黄[嫩黃] nùn-võng
nènhuáng light yellow.⁵
嫩叶[嫩葉] nùn-yêp
nènyè tender leaves.⁵
(See 媆,嫰,𡞾❄{⿰女耍},𤯦❄{⿱初生},𦠫❄{⿰⿱初生肉} nùn).
nun4 12289
38 14 nùn nèn (<old>=嫩 nùn nèn tender, delicate; light; inexperienced, unskilled.⁵).⁸
(composition: ⿰女欶; U+5AF0).
(See 嫩 nùn).
nun4 12290
86 8 nùn nèn warm.⁸
(composition: ⿰火内; U+3DA7).
煴㶧[熅㶧] vūn-nùn wěnnèn hot.⁸
nun4 12291
100 12 𤯦
nùn nèn (=嫩 nùn nèn tender, delicate; light; inexperienced, unskilled.⁵).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱初生; U+24BE6).
(See 嫩 nùn).
nun4 12292
130 18 𦠫
nùn nèn (=嫩 nùn nèn tender, delicate; light; inexperienced, unskilled.⁵).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰⿱初生肉; U+2682B).
(See 嫩 nùn).
nun4 12293
86 17 nüng nóng (Cant.) to scorch, burn.⁸
<台> 饭㶶诶咯[飯燶誒咯] fàn-nüng-ë-lö the rice (while cooking) is burned (or scorched).
<台> 㶶[燶] nüng (of plants) to die of dehydration.
<又> nûng. (See 燶 nûng.)
nung2 12294
9 15 nũng nóng he; she; <wr.> I, me; <topo.> you; Nong surname. (Min Dong variant: 𠆧❄{⿰亻人} ngĩn rén).
谢谢浓[謝謝濃] dèh-dèh-nũng
xièxienóng <topo.> thank you.
侬人[儂人] nũng-ngĩn
nóngrén Zhuangs inhabiting the adjoining areas of 广西[廣西] Gōng-xäi Guǎngxī Guangxi Province and 云南[雲南] Vũn-nãm Yúnnán Yunnan Province.
(See 𠆧❄{⿰亻人} ngĩn).
nung3 12295
30 16 nũng nóng to whisper.⁸ long-winded, wordy; strong; to murmur, in a whisper.⁸ garrulous.¹⁰
咕哝[咕噥] gū-nũng gūnong to mumble; to grumble; to whisper.⁸
哝哝[噥噥] nũng-nũng
nóngnong talking in a low tone.¹¹
嘟哝[嘟噥] ü-nũng
dūnong (=嘟囔 ü-nõng dūnang) to mutter/mumble to oneself.⁶
嘟嘟哝哝[嘟嘟噥噥] ü-ü-nũng-nũng
dūdūnóngnóng to mumble in whispers; to mutter to oneself.¹⁰
nung3 12296
64 12 nũng náng to block; to obstruct.¹⁹
(composition: ⿰扌茸; U+6411).
<又> ngũng; yūng; nōng. (See 搑 ngũng; 搑 yūng; 搑 nōng).
nung3 12297
85 16 nũng nóng dense; (of drinks) thick, strong, heavy, concentrated; (of colors) deep, dark; (of smell) strong, heavy.
浓茶[濃茶] nũng-chã or ngũng-chã nóngchá strong tea.
浓淡[濃淡] nũng-häm
or ngũng-häm nóngdàn shading (of color); strength (of drinks); heaviness (of make-up).
浓厚[濃厚] nũng-hèo
or ngũng-hèo nónghòu dense; thick; strong; pronounced.
浓烈[濃烈] nũng-lèik
or ngũng-lèik nóngliè thick and strong; intense.
浓眉大眼[濃眉大眼] nũng-mĩ-ài-ngān
or ngũng-mĩ-ài-ngān nóngméidàyǎn bushy eyebrows and big eyes.
浓愁[濃愁] nũng-sẽo
or ngũng-sẽo nóngchóu deep anxiety or grief.
浓缩[濃縮] nũng-sūk
or ngũng-sūk nóngsuō <chem.> concentrate, enrich; condense, inspissate.⁶
浓度[濃度] nũng-ù
or ngũng-ù nóngdù consistency; density; potency.
浓萃[濃萃] nũng-xuì
or ngũng-xuì nóngcuì <chem.> quintessence.⁹
浓郁[濃郁] nũng-yūk
or ngũng-yūk nóngyù (of fragrance of flowers) rich, strong; dense, thick; keen, strong, intense.⁶
<又> ngũng.
(See 濃 ngũng.)
nung3 12298
130 17 nũng nóng pus.⁵
脓包[膿包] nũng-bäo nóngbāo <med.> pustule; worthless fellow, good-for-nothing.⁵
脓疮[膿瘡] nũng-chông
nóngchuāng running sore.⁵
脓胸[膿胸] nũng-hüng
nóngxiōng <med.> pyothorax.⁵
脓血[膿血] nũng-hūt
nóngxuè bloody pus.¹¹
脓肿[膿腫] nũng-jūng
nóngzhǒng <med.> abcess.⁵
脓尿[膿尿] nũng-nèl
nóngniào pyuria.⁹
脓疱[膿皰] nũng-päo
nóngpào pimple containing pus.¹⁰
脓水[膿水] nũng-suī
nóngshuǐ pus.¹¹
脓疡[膿瘍] nũng-yẽng
nóngyáng abscess.¹⁹
nung3 12299
140 10 nũng nóng (<old>=农[農] ) to farm; a farmer; agriculture.²ʼ⁸
(composition: ⿱艹辰; U+8380).
<又> sĩn. (See 莀 sĩn; 農 nũng).
nung3 12300
161 13 nũng nóng agriculture, farming; peasant, farmer; Nong surname.
(old variant: 莀 nũng nóng). (See 莀 nũng).
工农[工農] güng-nũng
gōngnóng <PRC> workers and peasants.
农户[農戶] nũng-fù
nónghù peasant household.⁸
农贷[農貸] nũng-häi
nóngdài agricultural loans.⁵
农历[農曆] nũng-lèik
nónglì lunar calendar.
农民[農民] nũng-mĩn
nóngmín peasant, farmer.
农业[農業] nũng-ngèp
nóngyè agriculture.
农神[農神] nũng-sĩn
nóngshén god of agriculture.
农神火箭[農神火箭] nũng-sĩn fō-dëin
nóngshén huǒjiàn Saturn rocket.
农村[農村] nũng-tûn
nóngcūn village, countryside.¹¹
农药[農藥] nũng-yêk
nóngyào pesticide; farm chemical.⁶
神农[神農] Sĩn-nũng
Shénnóng Shennong or Farmer God (c. 2000 BC), first of the legendary Flame Emperors, 炎帝 Yèm-äi Yándì and creator of agriculture.¹⁰
亦工亦农[亦工亦農] yèik-güng-yèik-nũng
yìgōngyìnóng to be both worker and peasant.
nung3 12301
86 17 nûng nóng <台> 吃㶶[吃燶] hëk-nûng/ to eat the rice crust on the bottom of the cooking pot.
<台> 㶶[燶] nûng slightly scorched rice crust on the bottom of the cooking pot.
<台> 㶶粥[燶粥] nûng-jūk slightly scorched rice congee (may also add other ingredients).
<台> 㶶疙[燶疙] nûng-gēt rice ball.¹²
<又> nüng. (See 燶 nüng.)
nung5 12302
64 7 nūt to put something in the water; to dip, to immerse.²⁴ (U+6290;  composition: ⿰扌內).
<又> nüt. (See 抐 nüt.)
nut1 12303
130 9 nūt pàng <台> 胖 nūt chubby.
<台> 好胖 hāo-nūt very chubby.
<又> bòn, põn. (See 胖 bòn, põn.)
nut1 12304
64 7 nüt to use one's fingers or hands to clean something; to rub; to massage. (U+6290;  composition: ⿰扌內).
<台> 抐脱尼饿鬼奶[抐脫尼餓鬼奶] Nüt höt nāi ngù gī nâi/. To remove a layer of dirt from one’s skin by rubbing on it with one’s fingers. The result looks like 禾苔 võ-hõi/, q.v.
<又> nūt. (See 抐 nūt.)
nut2 12305
30 7 nùt (=呐[吶] nàp ) to stammer.³⁶
<又> nàp; nẽh.
(See 吶 [nàp, nà]; 吶 [nàp, nè]; 吶 nẽh).
nut4 12306
30 7 nùt (=呐 nùt nè, in turn =呐[吶] nàp nè) to stammer.³⁶).² (=讷[訥] nùt (of speech) slow); slow-tongued, to stammer; to shout in triumph, the noise of shouting in battle.⁸ no; difficulty of utterance; an impediment of speech.²⁴
(composition: ⿵內口; U+356F).
<又> nàp.
(See 㕯 nàp; 呐 [nùt, ]; 訥] [nùt, ]).
nut4 12307
61 7 𢗉
nùt <dialectal Cantonese - Taishan, Kaiping, Enping> to fear; to be afraid of.³⁶
(Note: Interchangeable with <台> 栗[慄] nùt afraid.)
(composition: ⿰忄內; U+225C9).
愠𢗉[慍𢗉] vün-nùt
yùnnè sorry; grieved.²⁴
nut4 12308
61 13 nùt <台> 栗[慄] nùt afraid. (cf 𢗉❄{⿰忄內} nùt).
<台> 好栗[好慄] hāo-nùt/ very afraid.
<又> lùt.
(See 栗 lùt, 慄 lùt; 獝 nùt.)
nut4 12309
94 15 nùt (of birds) frightened into flight.¹¹³ (variant: 矞 nùt ).
(composition: ⿰犭矞; U+735D).
壁水獝 bēik-suī-nùt
bìshuǐxù or 壁水貐 bēik-suī-yĩ bìshuǐyǔ or 壁宿 bēik-xiü bìxiù the seventh constalleation in the seven northern constellations (out of a total of 28 constellations in old astronomy).²³ʼ¹¹³ (See 宿 xiü).
Fùng-yî-vĩ-chūk, gü-nêl-būt-nùt
Fèng yǐwéi chù, gù niǎo bù xù.
When the phoenix becomes so
(a domestic animal), the birds do not fly from them in terror.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·禮運》, translated by James Legge).
獝狘 nùt-hüt xùxuè or nùt-yòt xùyuè refers to birds frightened into flight and beasts running from being frightened.¹⁹
獝狂 nùt-kõng
xùkuáng <old> vicious ghost; devil.¹¹³
(See 矞 nùt; 慄 nùt).
nut4 12310
109 17 nùt look of surprise.¹ startled; look at in surprise.⁸ to look freightened; to view with alarm.²⁴ (variant: 𥄎❄{⿱目攴} màt).
(Note: Some say
xuè in Mandarin).
(composition: ⿰目矞; U+77B2).
(See 𥄎❄{⿱目攴} màt).
nut4 12311
110 12 nùt (=獝 nùt birds startled into flight and beasts scamper quickly; also scared, scatter in fear).⁵⁴ flying, hurried, agitated; to flutter; horses galloping about.²⁴ (of birds) startled into flight; terrified, panic-stricken: “凤以为畜, 故鸟不矞.”¹¹³ (See "鳳以為畜,故鳥不獝." under the entry 獝 nùt).
(composition: ⿱矛冏; U+77DE).
<又> lùt; gūt.
(See 矞 lùt; 矞 gūt; 獝 nùt).
nut4 12312
130 8 nùt 腽肭[膃肭] vūt-nùt wànà <wr.> obese; fat; corpulent.⁶ fur seal or its blubber.¹⁰
腽肭兽[膃肭獸] vūt-nùt-chiü
wànàshòu fur/ursine seal.⁶
腽肭脐[膃肭臍]  vūt-nùt-tî
wànàqí <TCM> penis and testes of an ursine seal.⁶ [<vern.> =海狗肾[海狗腎] hōi-gēo-sûn hǎigǒushèn ursine seal's penis and testes.]⁵⁴
nut4 12313
149 11 nùt alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 讷[訥] nàp with the same meaning: slow (of speech).
<又> nàp.
(See 訥 nàp.)
nut4 12314
18 8 ō duò <re. pr.> to chop (meat); to cut.
剁烂[剁爛] ō-làn duòlàn mashed.¹¹
剁肉 ō-ngùk
duòròu to mince meat.
剁碎 ō-xuï
duòsuì to mince.
<又> ēk.
(See 剁 ēk.)
o1 12315
70 11 ō ě flags waving in the wind.²⁴ (interchangeable with 𧙃 ö ě).
(composition: ⿰方⿱𠂉可; U+3ACA).
❄{⿰方⿱𠂉多} ō-nõ ě'nuǒ a sort of banner.²⁴ banner appearance.¹⁰¹
(See 𧙃 ö).
o1 12316
75 6 ō duǒ (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 朵 ū duǒ with same meaning: <m.> (of flowers, clouds).⁶ a flower, a cluster of flowers, a bud; a lobe of the ear.⁷)
<又> ū.
(See 朵 [ū, duǒ]; 朵 [ū, duo].)
o1 12317
75 15 ō tuǒ (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 椭[橢] hô tuǒ with same meaning.)
<又> hô, ū.
(See 橢 hô, ū.)
o1 12318
112 13 ō duǒ stones, rocks.⁸ stony.²⁵ (also read ū duǒ, same meaning).
(composition: ⿰石垂; U+787E).
<又> juì; chuĩ.
(See 硾 juì; 硾 chuĩ).
o1 12319
30 10 ö ó oh (interjection indicating doubt or surprise).¹⁰
哦,是这样的吗?[哦,是這樣的嗎?] Ö, sì jëh-yèng ēik mä? Ó, shì zhèyàng de ma? Oh, Is that so?
哦呀 ö-
(à)  óya (surprise) Oh, my! (Note: In spoken Hoisanva hold the ö a little longer and skip the à sound to express surprise.)
哦呀!又杀人了![哦呀!又殺人了!] ö-
(à)! yiù-sät-ngĩn-lēl.  óya! yòushārénle Oh, my! Again another murder.¹¹
<又> ngõ; ò.
(See 哦 ngõ; 哦 ò; 吪 ngõ).
o2 12320
30 15 ö ō (interjection expressing realization) oh.
噢,原来是你[噢,原來是你] ö, ngũn-lõi-sì-nï ō, yuánláishìnǐ Oh, it's you!⁶
o2 12321
38 8 ö ē (=妿 ö ē) a lady teacher; to teach the proper rules of female behavior in ancient times.¹
(See 妿 ö).
o2 12322
38 8 妿 ö ē a lady teacher; to teach the proper rules of female behavior in ancient times.¹ (variant: 㚳 ö ē)
(See 㚳 ö).
o2 12323
38 8 ö ē the original character for 娿 ö ē graceful, elegant.² used in female given names; variant of 婀 ö ē.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰女可; U+59B8).
or 媕婀 or 媕娿 äm-ö ān'ē <wr.> indecisive; hesitant.⁶
or 婀娜 ö-nõ ēnuó (of a woman's bearing) graceful.⁵
揜妸 yēm-ö
yǎn'ē undecided, wavering, not having an opinion of one's own.⁰
(See 娿 ö; 婀 ö).
o2 12324
38 10 娿 ö ē (=婀 ö ē) graceful, elegant.⁷ (old variant: 妸 ö ē).
(See 婀 ö; 妸 ö).
o2 12325
38 10 ö ē graceful, elegant.⁷ (variant: 娿 ö ē.). (old variant: 妸 ö ē).
or 媕娿 äm-ö ān'ē <wr.> indecisive; hesitant.⁶
or 猗傩[猗儺] ö-nõ  ēnuó (of a woman's bearing) graceful.⁵
婀娜多姿 ö-nõ-ü-dü
ēnuóduōzī be pretty and charming.⁶ graceful; well-poised.⁷
(See 娿 ö; 妸 ö).
o2 12326
75 9 ö (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 柯 ü with same meaning: Pasania cuspidata, a tall evergreen tree; the handle of an ax; the stalk or the trunk of a plant; Ke surname.⁷)
<又> ü.
(See 柯 ü.)
o2 12327
94 11 ö ē gentle, soft and pliant.⁷
(composition: ⿰犭奇; U+7317).
猗傩[猗儺] or 婀娜 ö-nõ  ēnuó (of a woman's bearing) graceful.⁵ gentle, soft and pliant.⁷
<又> yï.
(See 猗 yï.)
o2 12328
104 12 ö ē (<old>= 屙 ü ē) discharge (excrement or urine).⁸
<又> ü.
(See 痾 [ü, ], [ö, ], [ü, ē].)
o2 12329
104 12 ö (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 疴[痾] ü with same meaning: <wr.> illness.⁶)
<又> ü.
(See 痾 [ü, ], [ü, ē], [ö, ē].)
o2 12330
137 11 ö barge.⁵ <wr.> barge; ship; boat.⁶
走舸 dēo-ö or dēo-ü zǒugě <wr.> a fast-sailing boat.¹¹ a quick boat.¹⁹
轻舸[輕舸] hëin-ö
or hëin-ü qīnggě a small fast boat.¹⁹
龙舸[龍舸] lũng-ö
or lũng-ü lónggě (=龙舟[龍舟] lũng-jiü lóngzhōu) dragon boat.¹⁹
画舸[畫舸] và-ö
or và-ü huàgě gaily-painted pleasure-boat.⁵⁴
<又> ü.
(See 舸 ü.)
o2 12331
145 11 𧙃
ö ě weak.² (also used for 㫊 ō ě flags waving in the wind.).²⁴
(composition: ⿳亠可𧘇 or ⿳亠可⿰⿱丿𠄌⿺㇏丿; U+27643).
𧙃袲 ö-nõ
ě'nuǒ clothed, dressed; weak.²⁵ well-dressed, good looking clothes.¹⁰¹
(See 㫊 ō).
o2 12332
149 12 ö (=呵 hö ) to scold.
诃斥[訶斥] ö-chēik
or ü-chēik hēchì to berate; to excoriate.
诃子[訶子] ö-dū
or ü-dū hēzǐ <bot.>Terminalia chebula Retz. Yellow Myrobalan or Chebulic Myrobalan.
(the dried young fruit is called 藏青果 dòng-tëin-gō
zàngqīngguǒ or 西青果 xäi-tëin-gō xīqīngguǒ myrobalan.)
诃求[訶求] ö-kiũ
hēqiú to find fault.
诃难[訶難] ö-nãn
hēnán (abstruse term) to scold.
<又> ü.
(See 訶 ü.)
o2 12333
159 12 ö (=坷 hō as in 坎坷 häm-hō kǎnkě bumpy; rough).
轗軻 (=坎坷 hām-hō
kǎnkě) hām-ö or hām-ü kǎnkě (of a road) bumpy; (of life) rough; to be down on one's luck; to be full of frustrations and dashed hopes.
<又> ü.
(See 軻 [ü, ], [ö, ], [ü, ].)
o2 12334
159 12 ö axletree; axle; (used in names); lofty.
荆轲[荊軻] Gëin Ö or Gëin Ü Jīng Kē (d. 227 B.C.) failed assassin of king of Qin, who later became First Emperor.
孟轲[孟軻] Màng Ö
or Màng Ü Mèng Kē (372-289 B.C.) Mencius, Confucian philosopher.
轲峨[軻峨] ö-ngõ
or ü-ngõ kē'é lofty.
<又> ü.
(See 軻 [ü, ], [ü, ], [ö, ].)
o2 12335
170 7 ö ē ➀ big mound; mountain  ➁ hillside  ➂ fine silks  ➃ (<lit.> of a mountain or stream) bend; corner  ➄ waterside  ➅ nearby; near  ➆ to flatter; to pander to  ➇ to be unfairly partial to  ➈ =屙 ü ē to excrete  ➉ E surname​.³⁶
太阿 Häi-ö
Tài'ē name of a famous ancient sword.
刚直不阿[剛直不阿] göng-jèik-būt-ö
gāngzhíbù'ē to be upright and not given to flattery.
阿弥陀佛[阿彌陀佛] Ö-mĩ-hõ-fūt
Ēmítuófó Amitabha, Amitayus Buddha; may Buddha preserve us; Buddha be praised; merciful Buddha.⁶
阿房宫[阿房宮] Ö Põng Güng
Ē Páng Gōng Epang Palace in Xi'an (西安 Xäi-ön Xī'ān), started by 秦始皇 Tũn-Chī-Võng Qín Shǐ Huáng Qin Shi Huang but never completed.¹⁵
阿谀逢迎[阿諛逢迎] ö-yĩ-fũng-ngẽin
ēyúféngyíng fawn on/over/upon; flatter and toady to; act the yes man; curry favor with; butter up.⁶
阿谀奉承[阿諛奉承] ö-yĩ-fùng-sẽin
ēyúfèngchéng flattering and fawning; sweet-talking.³⁶
<又> ä.
(See 阿 [ä, à], ä.)

o2 12336
30 10 ò ò oh (interjection indicating that one has just learned something).¹⁰
哦哟[哦喲] ò-yö òyo oh.¹⁰
哦,我明白了 ò, ngô mẽin-bàk lēl. 
ò, wǒ míngbai le. Oh, now I understand.⁹
<又> ngõ; ö.
(See 哦 ngõ; 哦 ö).
o4 12337
32 14 ò duò fall; sink.⁵ to fall, to fall into ruins; to be destroyed.²⁴ (variant:𡐦❄{⿰土隋} ò duò).
花堕[花墮] fä-ò
huāduò falling flowers.²⁴
堕甑不顾[墮甑不顧] ò-dâng-būt-gü
duòzèngbùgù Don't cry over spilt milk.⁵⁴
堕胎[墮胎] ò-höi
duòtāi induced abortion; have an (induced) abortion.⁵ an abortion.²⁴
堕地[墮地] ò-ì
duòdì to fall to the ground.
堕落 ò-lòk
duòluò degenerate; sink low.⁵ dilapidated.²⁴
堕落风尘[墮落風塵] ò-lòk-füng-chĩn
duòluòfēngchén to be driven to prostitution; to become a prostitute.
堕马[墮馬] ò-mâ
duòmǎ <wr.> to fall off a horse.
堕倭[墮倭] ò-vī
duòwēi a pendant cue.²⁴
堕入[墮入] ò-yìp
duòrù sink/;apse into; land oneself in.⁵
堕入泥坑[墮入泥坑] ò-yìp-nãi-häng
duòrùníkēng to sink into a quagmire or pit of.
堕入水中[墮入水中] ò-yìp-suī-jüng
duòrùshuǐzhōng to fall into the water.
(See 𡐦❄{⿰土隋} ò).
o4 12338
32 14 𡐦
ò duò (=墮 ò duò fall; sink.⁵ to fall, to fall into ruins; to be destroyed.²⁴ )
(composition: ⿰土隋; U+21426).
(See 墮 ò).
o4 12339
32 15 ò duò (<old>=堕[墮] ò duò fall; sink.⁵ to fall, to fall into ruins; to be destroyed.²⁴).²ʼ⁸
(<old> interchangeable with 惰 ò
duò lazy; idle; indolent.⁷).⁸
(composition: ⿱惰土; U+58AF).
<又> fī.
(See 墯 fī; 墮 ò; 惰 ò).
o4 12340
46 14 ò duò (of a hill/mountain) long and narrow.¹³ʼ³⁶
(composition: ⿱隋山; U+5D9E).
Jēik-kĩ-gäo-sän, ò-sän-kẽl-ngòk.
Zhì qí gāo shān, duò shān qiáo yuè.
We ascend the high hills,
Both those that are long and narrow, and the lofty mountains.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·頌·周頌·閔予小子之什·般》, translated by James Legge).
o4 12341
61 12 ò duò lazy; idle; indolent.⁷
懒惰 län-ò lǎnduò lazy.⁵
惰懈 ò-hâi
duòxiè to be negligent or neglectful.⁷
惰力 ò-lèik
duòlì inertia; momentum.⁷
惰轮[惰輪] ò-lũn
duòlún idler; idle pulley; idle gear; idle wheel.⁵⁴
惰民 ò-mĩn
duòmín a caste of people in Zhejiang-Jiangsu area formerly barred from officialdom and believed to be descendants of prisoners under the Song dynasty.⁷
惰性 ò-xëin
duòxìng sloth, laziness; <phys.> inertia.¹¹
惰性组[惰性組] ò-xëin-dū
duòxìngzǔ inertinite.¹⁰
惰性气体[惰性氣體] ò-xëin-hï-hāi
duòxìngqìtǐ inert gas.⁵
惰性元素 ò-xëin-ngũn-xü
duòxìngyuánsù inert element; lazy element.⁶
o4 12342
79 16 ò duò (Alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 毈 òn duàn with the same meaning: infertile egg.¹⁰ʼ¹⁴ eggs not yet hatched; an addled egg.²⁴). (literary, of a bird's egg) will not hatch.³⁶
(composition: ⿰卵段; U+6BC8).
<又> òn.
(See 毈 òn).
o4 12343
145 14 ò duò sleeveless clothes.⁸ a garment without sleeves.²⁵
(composition: ⿰衤⿱左月; U+4643).
o4 12344
30 16 ōi ǎi (interjection of disapproval).
嗳,别那么说[噯,別那麼說] Ōi, bèik-nã-mō-sōt. Ǎi, biénàmeshuō. Ah, don't say that.
嗳气[噯氣] ōi-hï
ǎiqì belching.³⁹
<又> ài, āi.
(See 噯 ài, āi.)
oi1 12345
72 17 ōi ài <wr.> (of daylight) dim.⁵ dim, indistinct; ambiguous, vague.⁷
暧昧 ōi-mòi àimèi (of attitude) ambiguous, equivocal, indefinite, indistinct, obscure, unclear; (of behavior) dubious; murky; shady.⁶
暧昧关系[暧昧關係] ōi-mòi gän-hài
àimèi guānxi dubious relationship.⁵
暧昧行为[曖昧行為] ōi-mòi hãng-vĩ
àimèi xíngwéi scandals (especially illicit affairs).⁷
暧暧 ōi-ōi
ài'ài  dim; obscure; dark.⁷
oi1 12346
140 19 ōi ǎi friendly; amiable; gentle; <wr.> luxuriant.³⁹
蔼甘[藹甘] ōi-gäm
ǎigān sweet and pleasant in manner of speech.¹¹
蔼然[藹然] ōi-ngẽin
ǎirán gentle.⁸
蔼然可亲[藹然可親] ōi-ngẽin-hō-tïn
ǎiránkěqīn kindly;  amiable; affable; friendly.³⁹
蔼蔼[藹藹] ōi-ōi
ǎi'ǎi <wr.> luxuriant (forest), numerous (guests).¹¹
和蔼[和藹] võ-ōi
hé'ǎi kindly; affable; amiable.⁵
oi1 12347
173 24 ōi ǎi <wr.> fog; haze; mist.⁶ cloud, haze, mist; Ai surname.⁷
暮霭[暮靄] mù-ōi mù'ǎi evening haze/mist..⁶
雾霭[霧靄] mù-ōi
wù'ǎi fog; mist; haze; vapor.⁶
霭滴[靄滴] ōi-ēik
ǎidī <wr.> mist droplet.¹⁰
霭气[靄氣] ōi-hï
ǎiqì haze over the country.¹¹ fair clouds; a beautiful sky.¹⁴
霭霭[靄靄] ōi-ōi
ǎi'ǎi <wr.> foggy; hazy; misty.⁶ luxuriant growth, numerous, cloudy – thick and dusky.⁷
霭霭暮云[靄靄暮雲] ōi-ōi-mù-vũn
ǎi'ǎimùyún misty evening clouds.⁶
云霭[雲靄] vũn-ōi
yún'ǎi floating clouds.⁸
瑞霭[瑞靄] xuì-ōi
ruì'ǎi auspicious pink clouds⁸
烟霭[煙靄] yën-ōi
yān'ǎi <wr.> mist and clouds.⁵ mist (over valley).¹¹
oi1 12348
9 15 öi ài like.⁸ʼ²⁴ indistinct; hazy; misty; to seem; to appear.¹⁰ <lit.> like; seem; appear to be <lit.> breathing with difficulty.³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻愛; U+50FE).
Nguĩ-bī-xü-füng, yèik-kūng-jï-öi.
Rú bǐ sù fēng, yì kǒng zhī ài.
[The state of things] is like going in the teeth of the wind,
Which makes one quite breathless.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·蕩之什·桑柔》, translated by James Legge).
僾逮 öi-ài
àidài another name for convex mirror and glasses.⁸
僾然 öi-ngẽin
àirán as if.²⁴
僾唈 öi-yīp
àiyì difficulty of breathing.²⁴
oi2 12349
30 9 öi āi grief, sorrow; mourning; pity.⁵
哀悼 öi-ào āidào to grieve over somebody's death; to lament somebody's death; mourning.¹⁰
哀兵必胜[哀兵必勝] öi-bëin-bēik-sëin
āibīngbìshèng an army burning with righteous indignation is bound to win.
哀哉 öi-döi
āizāi <wr.> Alas!¹¹
哀叹[哀嘆] öi-hän
āitàn to sigh; to lament; to bewail.¹⁰
or 哀嚎 öi-hão āiháo to cry piteously; anguished wailing.¹⁰
哀哭 öi-hūk
āikū to weep in sorrow.¹⁰
哀痛 öi-hüng
āitòng deep sorrow; profound grief.
哀衿 öi-kïm
or 哀矜 öi-gëin āijīn <wr.> feel compassion or pity for; commiserate (with); pity; sympathize.⁶
哀求 öi-kiũ
āiqiú to entreat; to implore.
哀怜[哀憐] öi-lĩn
āilián to feel compassion for; to pity.
哀乐[哀樂] öi-lòk
āilè grief and joy.
哀鸣[哀鳴] öi-mẽin
āimíng plaintive whine; wail.¹⁰
哀乐[哀樂] öi-ngòk
āiyuè funeral music; dirge.
哀恸[哀慟] öi-ùng
āitòng to be deeply grieved.¹⁰
oi2 12350
38 16 öi ài complimentary term for a daughter.¹⁴
令嫒[令嬡] or 令爱[令愛] lèin-öi lìng'ài <court.> your daughter.¹¹
oi2 12351
61 13 öi ài love, affection; like, be fond of; cherish; be apt to.⁵
爱戴[愛戴] öi-äi àidài love and esteem.⁵
爱不释手[愛不釋手] öi-būt-sēik-siū
àibùshìshǒu love something too much to part with it.⁶
爱称[愛稱] öi-chëin
àichēng term of endearment; pet name; diminutive.⁵
爱憎[愛憎] öi-däng
àizēng love and hate.¹⁰
爱憎分明[愛憎分明] öi-däng-fün-mẽin
àizēngfēnmíng be clear about what to love and what to hate.⁵
爱抚[愛撫] öi-fū
àifǔ show tender care for.⁵
爱国[愛國] öi-gōk
àiguó love one's country; be patriotic.⁵
爱好[愛好] öi-häo
àihào love, like; be fond of, be keen on;  interest; hobby.⁵
爱怜[愛憐] öi-lĩn
àilián show tender affection for.⁵
爱慕[愛慕] öi-mù
àimù adore; admire.⁵
爱慕虚荣[愛慕虛榮] öi-mù-huï-vẽin
àimùxūróng be vain.⁵
爱昵[愛昵] öi-nèik
àinì intimate; loving; doting.⁵⁴
爱尔兰[愛爾蘭] Öi-ngì-lãn
Ài'ěrlán Ireland.¹⁰
爱情[愛情] öi-tẽin
àiqíng love (between man and woman).⁵
爱护[愛護] öi-vù
àihù cherish; treasure; take good care of.⁵
爱惜[愛惜] öi-xēik
àixī cherish, treasure; use sparingly.⁵
爱心[愛心] öi-xïm
àixīn loving heart; affection; compassion; love; sympathy.⁶
oi2 12352
96 17 öi ài fine jade.⁶
瑷珲[璦琿] or 爱珲[愛琿] Öi-fï Àihuī (formerly written as 瑗珲[瑗琿] Yõn-fï Yuànhuī), a district in Heiheshi (黑河市 Hāk-hõ-sî Hēihéshì) in Heilongjiang Province (黑龙江省[黑龍江省] Hāk-lũng-göng-sāng Hēilóng jiāng shěng). (Note: 瑗珲[瑗琿] is pronounced Öi-fï Àihuī when it refers to the district in Heiheshi in Heilongjiang Province).⁸
or 瑗珲条约[瑗琿條約] Öi-fï-hẽl-yēk  Àihuītiáoyuē Treaty of Aihui (unequal treaty imposed on the Qing government by tsarist Russia,1858).⁶
oi2 12353
140 16 öi ài to cover, to hide, to conceal; (of grass or trees) dense, lush; fragrant.⁸ <lit.> hidden, covered; lush; luxuriant (=馤 öi ài scented; fragrant.³⁶
(composition: ⿱艹愛; U+8586).
晻薆 ām-öi
àn'ài a fragrant odor.²⁵
薆薱 öi-duì
àiduì herbs and plants growing luxuriantly.²⁵
薆障 öi-jëng
àizhàng overgrown and obscure.²⁵
薆然 öi-ngẽin
àirán thick, dense; tightly hidden, hidden away.⁵⁴
薆薆 öi-öi
ài'ài lush, thick; shady; hidden.⁵⁴
蓊薆 yüng-öi
wěng'ài dense and shady vegetation.⁵⁴
oi2 12354
167 17 öi āi einsteinium (Es).⁶
oi2 12355
173 25 öi ài a cloudy sky; cloudy; obscure.¹⁴
宽叆[寬靉] fön-öi kuān'ài the name of a country.²⁵
暮云叆叇[暮雲靉靆] mù-vũn öi-òi
mùyún àidài evening clouds blocked out the sun.⁶
叆叆[靉靉] öi-öi
àiài <wr.> (of plants) luxuriant, exuberant, lush.⁶ cloudy and dull; luxuriant growth.¹⁴
叆叇[靉靆] öi-òi
àidài <wr.> (of clouds) dense, thick.⁶ cloudy; glasses or spectacles; unclear, obscure, indistinct.⁷ heavy clouds and mists (formal writing).¹⁰ cloudy; spectables.¹⁴ cloudy; the clouds obscuring the sun; spectables used by old persons to enable them to read; it is said that spectacles were brought from the west, from a country called 满剌加[滿剌加] mōn-lā-gä mǎnlàjiā Malacca.²⁵
暡叆[暡靉] yüng-öi
wěngài dim; dusky.⁵⁴
oi2 12356
186 18 öi ài <old> fragrance; aroma.³⁶
(composition: ⿰香曷; U+99A4).
oi2 12357
9 5 òi dài to substitute; to act on behalf of others; to replace; generation; dynasty; age; period; (historical) era; (geological) eon.
代表 òi-bēl dàibiǎo representative; delegate; to represent; to stand for; on behalf of; in the name of.
代替 òi-häi
dàitì replace; substitute for; take the place of.⁵
代理 òi-lî
dàilǐ to act on behalf of somebody in a responsible position; to act as an agent or proxy; surrogate.
代名詞 òi-mẽin-xũ
dàimíngcí pronoun.¹¹
代庖 òi-pão
dàipáo <wr.> do what is somebody else's job; act in somebody's place.⁵
时代[時代] sĩ-òi
shídài age, era, epoch; period in one's life.⁶
现代[現代] yèn-òi
xiàndài modern times; modern age; modern era; Hyundai, South Korean company.¹⁰
一代 yīt-òi
yīdài generation; dynasty; all one's life.

oi4 12358
32 11 òi dài <topo.>  (used in place names) dam; levee.¹
钟埭[鍾埭] Jüng Òi Zhōngdài Zhongdai, a place in 浙江 Jēt-göng Zhèjiāng Zhejiang Province.
石埭 sêk-òi
shídài stone dike; stone embankment.
oi4 12359
46 8 òi dài another name for Mount Tai 泰山.⁶
(composition: ⿱代山; U+5CB1).
岱宗 Òi-düng Dàizōng (=泰山 Täi-sän Tài Shān Taishan).⁶
岱岳 Òi-ngòk
Dàiyuè (=泰山 Täi-sän Tài Shān Taishan).⁶
oi4 12360
50 8 òi dài (<old>-袋 òi dài) a bag, a sack; a case; a pocket, a pouch.⁸
(composition: ⿱代巾; U+5E12).
(See 袋 òi).
oi4 12361
60 9 òi dài to treat, to entertain; to await; need; until; Dai surname.⁷
接待 dëp-òi jiēdài to receive (a visitor); to admit (allow somebody to enter).¹⁰
自不待言 dù-būt-òi-ngũn
zìbùdàiyán to be self-evident; that goes without saying; that is taken for granted.⁹
招待 jël-òi zhāodài to receive (guests); to entertain; to serve (customers).⁵
待哺 òi-bù dàibǔ to wait for feeding (as babies).⁷
待价而沽[待價而沽] òi-gä-ngĩ-gü
dàijià'érgū wait to sell at a good price; wait for the highest bid.⁵
待命 òi-mèin
dàimìng to be on call; to be on standby.¹⁰
待业[待業] òi-ngèp
dàiyè to await job assignment (term used only in mainland China).¹⁰
待人 òi-ngĩn
dàirén to treat people (politely, harshly).¹⁰
待人接物 òi-ngĩn-dëp-mùt
or òi-ngĩn-dëp-mòt dàirénjiēwù people skills.⁹ the way one conducts oneself in relation to others.¹¹
待遇 òi-nguì
dàiyù treatment; pay; salary; status; rank.¹⁰
对待[對待] uï-òi
duìdài to treat; treatment.¹⁰
(See 待 [òi, dāi].)
oi4 12362
60 9 òi dāi (=呆 ngõi dāi) to stay; later.⁷
or 呆不住 òi-būt-jì dāibuzhù can't or won't stay long.⁷
待在家里[待在家裡] òi-dòi-gä-lī
dāizàijiālǐ to stay at home; to stay in.⁷
待一会儿[待一會兒] òi-yīt-vòi-ngĩ
dāiyīhuir moments later; just a little while.⁷
(See 待 [òi, dài]; 呆 [ngõi, dāi].)
oi4 12363
61 9 òi dài idle; remiss; slack; disrespectful, slighting.⁶
怠忽 òi-fūt
dàihū to neglect (duty).¹¹
怠倦 òi-gùn
dàijuàn indolent and listless; languid and idle.⁶
怠工 òi-güng
dàigōng go slow; slow down; dawdle over work; loiter along.⁶
怠慢 òi-màn
dàimàn slight, cold shoulder, snub, show indifference (to somebody); (usually used by a host to show modesty) neglect.⁶
or 怠堕[怠墮] òi-ò dàiduò idle; lazy, indolent.⁵ remiss and idle.²⁴
怠遑 òi-võng
dàihuáng indolence.⁵⁴
oi4 12364
78 9 òi dài <wr.> danger; nearly, almost.⁵
百战不殆[百戰不殆] bāk-jën-būt-òi bǎizhànbùdài  to come unscathed through a hundred battles (idiom, from Sunzi's "The Art of War" 孙子兵法 Xün Dū bëin-fāt Sūnzǐ bīngfǎ); to win every fight.¹⁰
危殆 nguĩ-òi
wēidài <wr.> in great danger; in jeopardy.⁵
殆不可能 òi-būt-hō-nãng
dàibùkěnéng almost impossible.⁷
殆尽[殆盡] òi-dìn
dàijìn nearly exhausted; practically nothing left.¹⁰ be almost wiped out.³⁹
殆哉 òi-döi
dàizāi perilous indeed!¹⁴
殆及 òi-gèp
dàijí nearly; drawing near; until.¹⁴ bring danger to.³⁹
殆无其匹[殆無其匹] òi-mũ-kĩ-pīt
dàiwúqípǐ There is no equal.¹⁹
殆以无望[殆以無望] òi-yî-mũ-mòng
dàiyǐwúwàng nearly hopeless.⁷
存款殆尽[存款殆盡] tũn-fōn-òi-dìn
cúnkuǎndàijìn cash is almost exhaused.¹¹
oi4 12365
96 9 òi dài the tortoise shell.⁷ (variant: 瑇 òi dài.)
玳瑁 òi-mào
dàimào <zoo.> hawksbill turtle.⁶
玳瑁壳[玳瑁殼] òi-mào-hôk
dàimàoké tortoise shell.⁶
玳瑁器 òi-mào-hï
dàimàoqì turtle-shell ware.⁶
玳瑁眼镜[玳瑁眼鏡] òi-mào-ngān-gëng
dàimàoyǎnjìng hawksbill shell-rimmed eyeglasses.⁷
(See 瑇 òi.)
oi4 12366
96 12 òi dài a kind of jade.⁸
(composition: ⿰; U+3ED6).
oi4 12367
96 13 òi dài (=玳 òi dài) tortoise shell.
瑇瑁 òi-mào dàimèi a kind of tortoise, with a head and tail like a parrot, and a shell adorned with variegated colors; the tortoise shell of commerce.²⁴ (cf. 玳瑁 òi-mào dàimào or dàimèi¹¹).
(See 玳 òi.)
oi4 12368
99 8 òi dài 糖甙 hõng-òi or hõng-gäm tángdài <chem.> glucoside.⁵
<又> gäm.
(See 甙 gäm.)
oi4 12369
118 14 òi dài (composition: ⿱𥫗拐; U+7B89).
筛谷箉[篩穀箉] säi-gūk-òi shāigǔdài sifting grain basket — a bamboo agricultural implement.⁸
<又> gāi.
(See 箉 gāi).
oi4 12370
120 11 紿 òi dài <wr.> cheat; fool.⁶ to mock at; to fool; to pretend; to cheat; to bind.¹⁴ ravelled silk; to doubt; to deceive.²⁵
公子之绐[公子之紿] güng-dū-jï-òi gōngzǐzhīdài the young gentleman's deception.²⁵
乃绐为谒[乃紿為謁] nâi-òi-vĩ-yēik
nǎidàiwéiyè pretended to make a call on him.¹⁴
绐之[紿之] òi-jï
dàizhī fooled him.¹⁴
丝劳即绐[絲勞即紿] xü-lão-dēik-òi
sīláojídài silk thread if much handled becomes tangled.¹⁴
予昔绐若[予昔紿若] yĩ-xēik-òi-ngèk
yǔxīdàiruò I was only fooling you.¹⁴
oi4 12371
140 8 òi dài grassy.⁸ (Note - Distinguish this character, 䒫 òi dài grassy from the following three characters: 笩 pöi pèi fly upward, rise; 茷 fàt lush, luxuriant, also pronounced pöi pèi swallow-tailed pennant, flutter; 筏 fàt raft).
(composition: ⿱艹代; U+44AB).
(See 笩 pöi; 茷 fàt; 茷 pöi; 筏 fàt).
oi4 12372
145 11 òi dài a bag, a sack, a pocket, a pouch.⁷ (variant: 帒 òi dài).
袋兽[袋獸] òi-chiü
dàishòu marsupial.⁶
袋子 òi-dū
dàizi a bag, a sack, a pocket.⁷
袋獾 òi-fön
dàihuān Tasmanian devil.⁶
袋猴 òi-hẽo
dàihóu cuscus.⁶
袋熊 òi-hũng
dàixióng wombat.⁶
袋装[袋裝] òi-jöng
dàizhuāng in bags.⁷
袋狸 òi-lĩ
dàili bandicoot.⁶
袋狸鼠 òi-lĩ-sī
dàilishǔ bandicoot rat.⁶
袋狼 òi-lõng
dàiláng Tasmanian wolf.⁶
袋鼯 òi-m̃
dàiwú glider; flying possum/phalanger.⁶
袋猫[袋貓] òi-miū
dàimāo marsupial cat.⁶
袋儿[袋兒] òi-ngĩ
dàir a purse; a pocket.⁷
袋泡茶 òi-päo-chã
dàipàochá teabag.⁶
袋鼠 òi-sī
dàishǔ the kangaroo.⁷
袋蛙 òi-vä
dàiwā marsupial frog.⁶
袋鼹[袋鼴] òi-yēn
dàiyǎn marsupial mole.⁶
袋鼹鼠[袋鼴鼠] òi-yēn-sī
dàiyǎnshǔ marsupial mole.⁶
袋鼬 òi-yiû
dàiyòu marsupial mouse.⁶
<台> 袋好 òi-hāo place or store properly.
(See 帒 òi).
oi4 12373
162 8 òi dài <wr.> when.⁶ until; up until; by the time when; to wait till.⁷
迨今 òi-gïm dàijīn until now.⁷
迨天之未阴雨[迨天之未陰雨] òi-hëin-jï-mì-yïm-yî
dàitiānzhīwèiyīnyǔ before it rains.⁵
桃夭迨及 hão-yēl-òi-gèp
or 桃夭迨吉 hão-yēl-òi-gīt táoyāodàijí the right age for marriage.⁵⁴
oi4 12374
173 20 òi dài (<old>=叇[靆] òi dài cloudy sky; not clear; dark.⁸ dark; obscure.²⁵).⁸ cloudy.²⁵
(composition: ⿰雲隶; U+9734).
(See 靆 òi).
oi4 12375
173 23 òi dài cloudy sky; not clear; dark.⁸ dark; obscure.²⁵
(variant: 霴 òi dài).
叆叇[靉靆] öi-òi
àidài <wr.> (of clouds) dense, thick.⁶ cloudy; glasses or spectacles; unclear, obscure, indistinct.⁷ heavy clouds and mists (formal writing).¹⁰ cloudy; the clouds obscuring the sun.²⁵
(See 霴 òi).
oi4 12376
187 15 òi dài 春风骀荡[春風駘蕩] chün-füng-òi-òng chūnfēngdàidàng refreshing spring breeze.⁶
骀荡[駘蕩] òi-òng
dàidàng <wr.> refreshing; <wr.> loose, immoral, licentious.⁶
<又> hõi.
(See 駘 hõi.)
oi4 12377
203 17 òi dài a black pigment used by women in ancient times to paint their eyebrows.⁵ a bluish-black material used by ancient women to blacken their eyebrows; a beauty.⁷
粉白黛黑 fūn-bàk-òi-hāk fěnbáidàihēi or 粉红黛绿 [粉紅黛綠] fūn-bàk-òi-lùk fěnhóngdàilǜ (of a woman) with face powdered and eyebrows darkened – dress up.⁶
粉黛 fūn-òi
fěndài <wr.> face powder and eyebrow pigment; make-up; beautiful women; beauties.⁶
蛾眉粉黛 ngõ-mĩ-fūn-òi
éméifěndài beautiful women.⁵⁴
黛黑 òi-hāk
dàihēi to blacken the eyebrows; blackened eyebrows of women.⁷
黛螺 òi-lũ
dàiluó a green paint in Chinese painting; woman's blackened eyebrows and spiral headdress.⁵⁴
黛绿[黛綠] òi-lùk
dàilǜ beauty in full dress; dark green.⁷
黛眉 òi-mĩ
dàiméi blacken the eyebrows.¹⁹
黛蛾 òi-ngõ
dài'é woman's beautiful eyebrows.¹⁹
黛鬟 òi-vãn
dàihuán glossy dark hair of women.⁷
翠黛 tuï-òi
cuìdài formerly, eyebrow pencil; painted eyebrows.¹¹
铅黛[鉛黛] yõn-òi
qiāndài <wr.> white lead and black pigment (used as cosmetics in old times).⁶
oi4 12378
9 14 ōk è (<old>=恶[惡] ōk è evil, vice, wickedness; fierce, ferocious; bad, evil, wicked.⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿰亻惡; U+50EB).
<又> vü.
(See 僫 vü).
ok1 12379
30 15 ōk ě (=恶[惡] ōk ě) nausea.
or 恶心[惡心] ōk-xïm ěxīn nausea; to feel sick; disgust; nauseating; to embarrass (deliberately).¹⁰
(See 惡 [ōk, ě]).
ok1 12380
32 11 ōk è to daub with white mud; white earth fitted for making porcelain; a mud wall, an unplastered wall; to plaster; chalk, plaster, whitewash; bleach, bleached (color of mourning), plastered; colored earths.⁸ʼ²⁴ʼ⁵⁴ʼ¹⁰²ʼ⁰
(comp. t: ⿱亞土; U+580A). (comp. s: ⿰亚土; U+57A9).
Ài-fü guï-lũ, xù-guï-ōk-sīt.
Dàfū jū lú, shì jū è shì.
A Great officer occupied the mourning shed; another officer, the unplastered apartment.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《禮記·雜記上·5》, translated by James Legge).
白垩[白堊] bàk-ōk
bái'è <min.> chalk.¹¹
白垩纪[白堊紀] Bàk-ōk-gī
Bái'èjì <geol.> Cretaceous period (geological period 140-65m years ago).⁵⁴
白垩系[白堊系] bàk-ōk-hài
bái'èxì <geol.> cretaceous system.¹¹
垩壁[堊壁] ōk-bēik
èbì to whitewash walls.¹⁴
垩笔[堊筆] ōk-bīt
èbǐ chalk.⁵⁴
垩车[堊車] ōk-chēh
èchē whitewashed wagon (during mourning).⁵⁴
垩化[堊化] ōk-fä
èhuà cretify; chalking.⁵⁴
垩灰[堊灰] ōk-föi
èhuī lime, whitewash.⁵⁴
垩粉[堊粉] ōk-fūn
èfěn whitewash powder.¹¹
垩土[堊土] ōk-hū
ètǔ white clay for porcelain.¹⁴
垩帚[堊帚] ōk-jāo
èzhǒu brush for whitewashing.¹¹
ok1 12381
61 12 ōk è evil, vice, wickedness; fierce, ferocious; bad, evil, wicked.⁶
作恶[作惡] dōk-ōk zuò'è do evil; moody; melancholy.¹¹ (See 作恶[作惡] dōk-ōk zuò'ě).
恶霸[惡霸] ōk-bä
èbà local tyrant/despot.⁶
恶俗[惡俗] ōk-dùk
èsú ugly and vulgar; evil customs, bad or evil practices.⁶
恶化[惡化] ōk-fä
èhuà worsen; grow corrupt; extort alms.⁶
恶棍[惡棍] ōk-gûn
ègùn ruffian; scoundrel; bully.⁵
恶劣 ōk-lūt
èliè very bad; abominable; disgusting; foul; mean; odious; vile.⁶
恶魔[惡魔] ōk-mō
èmó demon; devil; evil spirit.⁶
恶人先告状[惡人先告狀] ōk-ngĩn-xëin-gäo-jòng
èrénxiāngàozhuàng the guilty party files the suit; the thief cries thief.
恶毒[惡毒] ōk-ùk
èdú vicious; malicious; venomous.⁶
恶性[惡性] ōk-xëin
èxìng malignant; pernicious; vicious.⁶
恶心[惡心] ōk-xïm
èxīn wicked thought.¹¹ bad habit; vicious habit; vice.⁵⁴ (See 恶心[惡心] ōk-xïm ěxīn.)
恶事[惡事] ōk-xù
èshì evil deed; ill news.⁶
恶意[惡意] ōk-yï
èyì evil/ill intentions; ill will; malice.⁶
<又> ök, vü.
(See 惡 [ōk, ě], ök, [vü, ], [vü, ].)
ok1 12382
61 12 ōk ě 恶心[惡心] or 噁心 ōk-xïm ěxīn nausea; to feel sick; disgust; nauseating; to embarrass (deliberately).¹⁰ (See 恶心[惡心] ōk-xïm èxīn.)
作恶[作惡] dōk-ōk
zuò'ě be nauseated.⁵⁴ (See 作恶[作惡] dōk-ōk zuò'è).
<又> ök, vü.
(See 惡 [ōk, è], ök, [vü, ], [vü, ].)
ok1 12383
61 12 ök è <台> 恶抵[惡抵] ök-āi difficult to bear.
<台> 恶刮[惡刮] ök-gät mean, cruel, spiteful, malicious.
<台> 恶吃[惡吃] ök-hëk/ awful taste; unpalatable.
<台> 恶死[惡死] ök-xī difficult to deal with; mischievous.
<又> ōk, vü. (See 惡 [ōk, è], [ōk, ě], [vü, ], [vü, ].)
ok2 12384
53 广 9 òk duó <wr.> surmise; estimate.⁵ (variant: 𢜬❄{⿰忄度} òk duó).
猜度 chäi-òk
cāiduó surmise; conjecture.⁵
揣度 chūn-òk
chuǎiduó to speculate; to conjecture; to appraise; to make an intelligent guess.⁷
度德量力 òk-āk-lẽng-lèik
duódéliànglì estimate one's own moral and material strength; make an appraisal of one's own position.⁵
<台> 度 òk to measure.
<又> ù.
(See 度 ù; 𢜬❄{⿰忄度} òk).
ok4 12385
61 12 𢜬
òk duó (same as 度 òk duó <wr.> surmise; estimate.⁵).² to estimate, calculate.⁸ A synonym of 度 òk duó; 10 guess; to calculate.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰忄度; U+2272C).
❄{⿰忄度} or 忖度 chūn-òk cǔnduó to suppose; to consider; to gauge what's on another's mind; to presume; to surmise.⁷ to calculate; to consider.²⁴
(See 度 òk).
ok4 12386
149 16 𧩧
òk duó to deceive.²⁵ to delude by false representations.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰言度; U+27A67).
僞𧩧❄{⿰言度} ngài-òk wěiduó to deceive by falsehoods.¹⁰²
ok4 12387
157 16 òk duó pace; stroll.⁵ to stroll; to walk slowly.⁷
跮踱 chì-òk chìduó to walk to and fro; to pass in and out.¹⁴ to advance and retire suddenly or hastily, as in paying compliments; some say, enraged.²⁵
閒踱 hãn-òk
xiánduó to stroll.¹⁴
踱步 òk-bù
duóbù pace; stroll; walk slowly.⁶
踱方步 òk-föng-bù
duófāngbù walk with measured or posturing steps.⁶
踱来踱去[踱來踱去] òk-lõi-òk-huï
duóláiduóqù pace to and fro; pace up and down.⁵
信步闲踱[信步閑踱] xïn-bù-hãn-òk
xìnbùxiánduó walk about aimlessly.³⁹
一步一踱 yīt-bù-yīt-òk
yībùyīduó pace slowly along.³⁹
ok4 12388
167 21 òk duó <台>  佢好铎欸[佢好鐸欸] kuï-hāo-òk/-ë She is very skillful with her hands.
<又> dòk (See 鐸 dòk.)
ok4 12389
111 12 ōn duǎn short (in distance/length); short (in duration), brief; lack, want, in need of; weak point, shortcoming; shallow.⁶
短打 ōn-ā duǎndǎ <thea.> hand-to-hand fight in tights; Chinese-style jacket and trousers; bunt (in baseball).⁵⁴
短兵相接 ōn-bëin-xëng-dëp
duǎnbīngxiāngjiē fight at close quarters; engage in close combat.⁶
短波 ōn-bö
duǎnbō shortwave.⁶
短处[短處] ōn-chuî
duǎnchu shortcomings; failings, faults.⁶
短暂[短暫] ōn-dèm
duǎnzàn of short duration, brief.⁵
短裤[短褲] ōn-fû
duǎnkù shorts.¹¹
短见[短見] ōn-gëin
duǎnjiàn shortsighted view; suicide.⁶
短工 ōn-güng
duǎngōng casual/short-term labor/laborer.⁸
短期 ōn-kĩ
duǎnqī short term/time.⁶
短缺 ōn-kūt
or ōn-hūt duǎnquē fall short; shortage.⁸
短路 ōn-lù
duǎnlù <elec.> short circuit; to have a short circuit; <topo.> waylay; hold up.⁶
短命 ōn-mèin
duǎnmìng be short-lived; ephemeral.⁶
短文 ōn-mũn
duǎnwén short article; essay.⁶
短篇 ōn-pëin
duǎnpiān short article; a short story.⁹
短视[短視] ōn-sì
duǎnshì shortsighted; myopia.⁶
短浅[短淺] ōn-tēin
duǎnqiǎn narrow and shallow.¹⁰
❄{⿰钅 从}[短鏦] ōn-tüng duǎncōng short ax.⁵⁴
短信 ōn-xïn
duǎnxìn text message; short message.⁶
on1 12390
30 15 ön dăn afraid; trembling.⁸
(comp. t: ⿰口單; U+563D).  (comp. s: ⿰口单; U+5574).
<又> hön; chên; chẽn; hõ. (See 嘽 hön; 嘽 chên; 嘽 chẽn; 嘽 hõ).
on2 12391
40 6 ön ān safe; calm; comfortable; to calm; feel satisfied (with); find a place for; fit; cherish; bestow.⁵⁵ An surname.⁸
安静[安靜] ön-dèin ānjìng quiet, peaceful.⁵
安葬 ön-döng
ānzàng to bury in grave.¹¹
安定 ön-èin
āndìng stable; stabilize; <med.> diazepam.⁵⁵
安徽 Ön-fï  Ānhuī Anhui (Province).⁵
安居乐业[安居樂業] ön-guï-lòk-ngèp ānjūlèyè live a peaceful life and enjoy one's work.⁵⁵
安康 ön-höng
ānkāng good health.⁵
安宁[安寧] ön-nẽin
ānníng peaceful; tranquil; calm; composed; free from worry.⁵
安人 ön-ngĩn
ānrén title conferred upon wife of an official in feudal times; <trad.> Madame, Mrs.; pacify the people.⁶
安排 ön-pãi ānpái arrange; arrangement.⁵⁵
安贫[安貧] ön-pĩn ānpín to be content with poverty.⁶
安贫乐道[安貧樂道] ön-pĩn-lòk-ào
ānpínlèdào to be content with poverty and strive for virtue (idiom).¹⁰
安全 ön-tũn ānquán safe.⁵⁵
安全岛[安全島] ön-tũn-āo ānquándǎo refuge; safety island; pedestrian island.⁸
安慰 ön-vï ānwèi to comfort; comforting; comfort.⁵⁵
安心 ön-xïm
ānxīn feel at ease; set one's mind at rest.⁵⁶
<台> 安人 ön-ngĩn husband's mother; mother-in-law.
on2 12392
64 9 ön àn to press, to push down; to leave aside, to shelve; to restrain; to keep one's hand on; <wr.> to check, to refer to; note, notation; according to, in accordance with.
按辔[按轡] ön-bï ànpèi to draw up a horse.¹¹
按下 ön-hà
ànxia to press down.
按图索骥[按圖索驥] ön-hũ-sōk-kï
àntúsuǒjì looks for a good steed according to its picture – try to find something by following up a clue; deal with/handle a matter in a mechanical way.⁶
按照 ön-jël
ànzhào according to.
按住 ön-jì
ànzhù hold down.⁹
按期 ön-kĩ
ànqī on schedule/time.
按劳分配[按勞分配] ön-lão-fün-pöi
ànláofēnpèi to distribute according to work done.
按摩 ön-mö
ànmó massage.
按钮[按鈕] ön-niū
ànniǔ push-button; button.⁶
按按钮[按按鈕] ön-ön-niū
àn'ànniǔ to push a button.⁶
按时[按時] ön-sĩ
ànshí on time/schedule; regularly.
按说[按說] ön-sōt
ànshuō in the ordinary course of events; ordinarily.
按需分配 ön-xuï-fün-pöi
ànxūfēnpèi to distribute according to need.
<又> nük.
(See 按 nük.)
on2 12393
64 13 ön èn to press with hand, to press with fingertip.
摁电铃[摁電鈴] ön-èin-lêng èn diànlíng to press an electric bell.
摁钉儿[摁釘兒] ön-ëng-ngĩ
èndīngr <topo.> thumbtack; drawing pin;  thumbtack.
摁扣儿[摁扣兒] ön-këo-ngĩ
ènkòur <topo.> snap fastener.
摁铃儿[摁鈴兒] ön-lêng-ngĩ
ènlíngr (press to) ring the bell.
on2 12394
75 10 ön àn table, desk; case, law case; record, file; a plan submitted for consideration, proposal.⁵
办案[辦案] bàn-ön bàn'àn handle a case.⁵
方案 föng-ön
fāng'àn scheme; plan; program.⁵
条案[條案] hẽl-ön
tiáo'àn a long narrow table.⁵
红案[紅案] hũng-ön
hóng'àn meat or vegetable cooking.⁵⁵
案板 ön-bān
ànbǎn kneading or chopping board.⁵
案子 ön-dū
ànzi long table; counter; case; law case; legal case; judicial case.¹⁰
案牍[案牘] ön-dùk
or ön-jùk àndú <wr.> official documents or correspondence.⁶
案件 ön-gèin
ànjiàn law case; case.⁵
案卷 ön-kūn
ànjuàn records; files; archives.⁵
案例 ön-lài
ànlì case (law).¹⁰
案情 ön-tẽin
ànqíng details of a case; case.⁵
档案[檔案] öng-ön
dàng'àn files; archives; record; dossier.⁵
拍案而起 päk-ön-ngĩ-hī
pāi'àn'érqǐ smite the table and rise to one's feet.⁵
破案 pö-ön
pò'àn solve a case; crack a criminal case.⁵
草案 tāo-ön
cǎo'àn draft (of a plan, of law).⁵
on2 12395
75 10 ön ān Eucalyptus robusta Smith; other names are: 桉树, 大叶桉, and 大叶有加利.²³
大桉 ài-ön
dà'ān flooded gum or rose gum, Eucalyptus grandis.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
蓝桉[藍桉] lãm-ön
lán'ān Tasmanian bluegum, southern blue-gum or blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
柳桉 liû-ön
liǔān lauan.⁵⁴ Eucalyptus. saligna Sm.²³
尾巨桉 mī-guì-ön
wěijù'ān <bot.> trade name "Lyptus", eucalyptus urophylla×e.grandis.¹⁵ʼ³⁹
桉木 ön-mûk
ānmù messmate.⁹
桉树[桉樹] ön-sì
ānshù or 尤加利樹 yiũ-gä-lì-sì yóujiālìshù eucalyptus.²⁰
桉叶油[桉葉油] ön-yêp-yiũ
ānyèyóu eucalyptus oil.¹⁰
斜叶桉[斜葉桉] tẽh-yêp-ön
xiéyè'ān Tasmanian oak, stringybark, messmate.¹⁵ (Eucalyptus. obliqua L. Herit.)²³
on2 12396
84 10 ön ān ammonia; hydrogen nitride.⁶
氨基 ön-gï ānjī <chem.> amino; amino group.⁶
氨基酸 ön-gï-xön
ānjīsuān <chem.> amino acid.⁶
氨伦[氨倫] ön-lũn
ānlún spandex.⁶
氨水 ön-suī
ānshuǐ ammonia solution; ammonia (water); aqua ammonia.⁶
on2 12397
117 14 ön duān end; extremity; item; port; to hold something level with both hands; to carry; regular.¹⁰ (variant: 耑 ön duān).
端底 ön-āi
duāndǐ after all; in the long run; ultimately.⁷
端坐 ön-dò
duānzuò to sit properly; to sit straight.⁷
端的 ön-ēik
duāndì indeed, actually, as expected; after all, in the long run.⁷
端方 ön-föng
duānfāng upright; righteous.⁷
端正 ön-jëin
duānzhèng upright; regular; rectify, correct; decent, honest, upright.⁸
端庄[端莊] ön-jöng
duānzhuāng sober; dignified.⁷
端量 ön-lẽng
duānliang look somebody up and down.⁵
端午节[端午節] Ön-m̂-dēik
Duānwǔjié Dragon Boat Festival (5th day of the 5th lunar month).¹⁰
端倪 ön-ngãi
duānní boundary, clue, inkling; to predict.¹⁰
端禺 ön-nguĩ
duānyú the beginning; inception; origin.¹⁴
端视[端視] ön-sì
duānshì to look steadily.⁷
端详[端詳] ön-tẽng
duānxiáng details; the whole story; to scrutinize; to study or examine something in detail.⁷
端菜 ön-töi
duāncài to serve food.¹⁰
端相 ön-xëng
duānxiāng to look at carefully.⁷
端阳竞渡[端陽競渡] Ön-yẽng-gèin-ù
Duānyáng jìngdù a dragon-boat race on the Dragon Boat Festival.⁷
(See 耑 ön).
on2 12398
126 9 ön duān (<old>=端 ön duān) end; extremity; item; port; to hold something level with both hands; to carry; regular.¹⁰
<又> jön.
(See 端 ön; 耑 jön).
on2 12399
130 10 ön àn <chem.> amine.⁶
组胺[組胺] dū-ön zǔ'àn <chem.> histamine.⁵
胺化 ön-fä
ànhuà aminate.⁶
胺盐[胺鹽] ön-yẽm
ànyán amine salt.⁶
胺] võng-ön huáng'àn sulfanilamide.⁵
胺藥類] võng-ön-yêk-luì huáng'ànyàolèi sulfa drugs.⁹
<又> ngät.
(See 胺 ngät.)
on2 12400
140 9 ön àn grass; herbs.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹安; U+834C).
大刺芫荌 ài-xü-yõn-ön dàcìyán'àn Miss Willmott's ghost, giant sea holly, Eryngium giganteum.²⁹
on2 12401
167 14 ön ǎn ammonium.⁶
铵矾[銨礬] ön-fãn ǎnfán ammonium alum.⁶
铵离子[銨離子] ön-lĩ-dū
ǎnlízǐ ammonium ion.⁶
铵盐[銨鹽] ön-yẽm
ǎnyán ammonium salt.⁶
磷酸铵[磷酸銨] lĩn-xön-ön
línsuān'ǎn <chem.> ammonium phosphate.¹⁹
on2 12402
177 15 ön ān saddle.⁵ (variant: 鞌 ön ān). (See 鞌 ön).
见鞍思马[見鞍思馬] gëin-ön-xü-mâ
jiàn'ānsīmǎ When one sees the saddle he thinks of the horse – one thing leads to another.³⁹
人配衣服马配鞍[人配衣服馬配鞍] ngĩn-pöi-yï-fùk-mâ-pöi-ön
rén pèi yīfu mǎ pèi ān Clothes make the man.⁵⁴
鞍辔[鞍轡] ön-bï
ānpèi saddle and rein.⁶
鞍鼻 ön-bì
ānbí <med.> saddlenose.⁶
鞍部 ön-bù
ānbù the saddle (of a hill or mountain).⁵
鞍子 ön-dū
ānzi saddle.⁵
鞍点[鞍點] ön-ēm
āndiǎn <math.> saddle point.⁶
鞍钢宪法[鞍鋼憲法] Ön-gông hëin-fāt
Ān-Gāng xiànfǎ the Charter of the Anshan Iron and Steel Company (a set of principles approved by Chariman Mao for running socialist enterprises.⁵
鞍韂 ön-jëm
ānchàn saddle and saddle blanket.⁶
鞍马[鞍馬] ön-mâ
ānmǎ <sport> pommelled horse, side horse; <wr.> saddle and horse.⁵
鞍马劳顿[鞍馬勞頓] ön-mâ-lão-ùn
ānmǎláodùn be fatigues by a long journey; be travel-worn; be battle-fatigues.⁶
鞍马生活[鞍馬生活] ön-mâ säng-vòt
ānmǎ shēnghuó life on horseback.⁵
鞍突 ön-ùt
āntū clinoid.⁶
on2 12403
177 15 ön ān (=鞍 ön ān) <wr.> saddle.⁶
(See 鞌 ön).
on2 12404
32 12 òn duàn large area of flat land.⁸
田心塅 Hẽin-xïm-òn Tiánxīnduàn Tianxinduan, in 湖南 Vũ-nãm Húnán Hunan Province.⁸
on4 12405
69 18 òn duàn break; break off; decide; <wr.> absolutely.⁹
不断[不斷] būt-òn búduàn unceasing; continuous.⁵
断肠[斷腸] òn-chẽng
duàncháng heartbroken.⁵
断绝[斷絕] òn-dùt
duànjué break off; cut off; sever.⁵
断定[斷定] òn-èin
duàndìng conclude; form a judgment.⁵
断交[斷交] òn-gäo
duànjiāo break off a friendship; sever diplomatic relations.⁵
断机杼[斷機杼] òn-gï-chuî
duànjīzhù cut the web from the loom – as the mother of Mencius did, in grief at her son's inattention to study.¹⁴
断气[斷氣] òn-hï
duànqì breathe one's last; die.⁶
断裂[斷裂] òn-lëik
duànliè crack; rife; break apart; split.⁶
断奶[斷奶] òn-nâi
duànnǎi weaning.⁵
断念[斷念] òn-nèm
duànniàn give up/abandon the idea (of something); despair (of); desist (from).⁶
断崖[斷崖] òn-ngãi
duànyá steep cliff; crag; precipice.¹⁰
断语[斷語] òn-nguî
duànyǔ conclusion; judgment; verdict.⁶
断言[斷言] òn-ngũn
duànyán assert categorically; affirm.⁵
断代史[斷代史] òn-òi-xū
duàndàishǐ dynastic history.⁵
断断续续[斷斷續續] òn-òn-dùk-dùk
duànduànxùxù intermittent; on and off, once in a while.⁶
断送[斷送] òn-xüng
duànsòng forfeit (life/future); ruin.⁵
<又> hön.
(See 斷 hön.)
on4 12406
75 13 òn duàn Chinese linden (Tilia chinensis).¹⁰
白椴 bàk-òn
báiduàn white basswood.³⁶
欧椴[歐椴] Ëo-òn
Ōuduàn large-leaved linden Tilia platyphyllos Scop. or Tilia grandifolia Ehrh.¹⁵ʼ²³
美洲椴木 Mî-jiü òn-mûk
Měizhōu duànmù basswood, American basswood, lime, linden, Tilia americana.²³
椴木 òn-mûk
duànmù basswood.¹⁰
椴树[椴樹] òn-sì
duànshù Chinese linden Tilia chinensis.¹⁵
椴杨[椴楊] òn-yẽng
duànyáng <bot.> Hebei poplar (Populus hopeiensis Hu et Chou).⁵⁴
华椴[华椴] vã-òn
huáduàn Chinese linden Tilia chinensis.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
on4 12407
78 13 òn duàn (=毈 òn duàn infertile egg.¹⁰ʼ¹⁴ eggs not yet hatched; an addled egg.²⁴ (literary, of a bird's egg) will not hatch.³⁶).
(composition: ⿰歹段; U+3C6D).
(See 毈 òn).
on4 12408
79 9 òn duàn <wr.> break, separate; <m.> (used of a section or segment of something that is long); stage, phase, division; grade, administrative unit/department under an enterprise; rank (according to the skill of the player of go or weiqi).⁶
阶段[階段] gäi-òn jiēduàn stage of development.¹¹
九段棋手 giū-òn-kĩ-siū
jiǔduànqíshǒu 9th grade weiqi master. ⁶
两段木头[兩段木頭] lēng-òn-mûk-hẽo
liǎngduànmùtou two logs.⁶
段子 òn-dū
duànzi short performance; a piece of folk art such as cross talk or story telling that can be finished once at a time.⁶
段落 òn-lòk
duànluò paragraph; phase, stage.⁶
段位 òn-vì
duànwèi grade; rank (according to the skill of the player of go or weiqi.⁶
身段 sïn-òn
shēnduàn stature, body figure (of man or woman) including movement.¹¹
手段 siū-òn
shǒuduàn method; trick.⁹
一段路 yīt-òn-lù
yīduànlù a length of road.⁶
on4 12409
79 16 òn duàn infertile egg.¹⁰ʼ¹⁴ eggs not yet hatched; an addled egg.²⁴ (literary, of a bird's egg) will not hatch.³⁶
(variant: 㱭 òn duàn).
(composition: ⿰卵段; U+6BC8).
不毈 būt-òn
bùduàn not infertile, that is, the bird's eggs are hatched into chicks. ¹⁹
Chiü-höi-būt-ùk, nêl-lôn-būt-òn,...
Shòu tāi bù dú, niǎo luǎn bù duàn,...
The fetus of the beast is not stillborn, and the egg of the bird is not infertile,...⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《淮南子·原道訓·2》).
Dü-jï-būt-tõi, kĩ-lôn-òn-yì; gün-jï-būt-tõi, kĩ-mĩn-yêh-yì.
Cí zhī bù cái, qí luǎn duàn yǐ; jūn zhī bù cái, qí mín yě yǐ.
A hen's lack of skill is revealed in the eggs that do not hatch. A ruler's lack of skill is revealed in people who are uncultivated.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《揚子法言·先知卷第九》, translated by Jeffrey S. Bullock).
其卵毈矣 kĩ-lôn-òn-yì
qíluǎnduànyǐ her eggs are infertile.⁵⁴
<又> ò.
(See 毈 ò; 㱭 òn).
on4 12410
86 13 òn duàn (=锻[鍛] òn duàn forge metal; temper, refine.⁸
(Note: Distinguish 煆 hä xiā or à ⿰火叚; U+7146).
(composition: ⿰火段; U+7145).
煅苦土 òn-fū-hū
duànkǔtǔ calcined magnesia.¹¹
煅铁场[煅鐵場] òn-hëik-chẽng
duàntiěchǎng bloomary.¹⁰
煅炼[煅煉] òn-lèin
duànliàn to forge; to toughen; to temper.¹⁰
煅炉[煅爐] òn-lũ
duànlú forge; fig. extremely hot environment.¹⁰
煅成末 òn-sẽin-mòt
duànchéngmò to calcine (purify by heating).¹⁰
煅石膏 òn-sêk-gäo
duànshígāo plaster of Paris; calcined gypsum.¹⁰
煅烧[煅燒] òn-sël
duànshāo to calcine (purify by heating).¹⁰
(See 鍛 òn).
on4 12411
112 14 òn duàn (=锻[鍛] òn duàn forge metal; temper, refine.⁸).¹⁰¹ coarse-grained stone (used for sharpening); anvil; stone.⁸ anvil; stone.⁹ coarse stone (used for whetstone).¹⁰ <lit.> whetstone.¹⁹ <lit.> grindstone; whetstone.³⁶
(composition: ⿰石段; U+78AB).
以碫投卵 yî-òn-hẽo-lôn
yǐduàntóuluǎn lit. use a grindstone to smash an egg; fig. to attack the weak with the strong, sure to win.¹⁹
(See 鍛 òn).
on4 12412
118 24 òn duàn bamboo weir (for catching fish, shrimps, crabs, etc.).⁶
on4 12413
120 15 òn duàn satin.⁵
绸缎[綢緞] chiũ-òn chóuduàn silks and satins.⁵
锦缎[錦緞] gīm-òn
jǐnduàn brocade.⁵
缎带[緞帶] òn-âi
duàndài a satin ribbon.⁷
缎布[緞布] òn-bü
duànbù cotton damasks.¹⁴
缎子[緞子] òn-dū
duànzi satin.⁵
缎花[緞花] òn-fä
duànhuā <bot.> honesty.⁶
缎面[緞面] òn-mèin
duànmiàn satin covering.⁶
缎纹[緞紋] òn-mũn
duànwén satin weave.⁵
素缎[素緞] xü-òn
sùduàn a white damask.⁹ plain satin.³⁹
羽缎[羽緞] yî-òn
yǔduàn sateen.⁶ camlet; lasting.¹⁴
on4 12414
130 13 òn duàn meat.⁸  dried meat.¹⁰ to cure meat with ginger and other spices, and then to dry it.²⁵ (use for 锻[鍛] òn duàn forge metal; temper, refine.⁸).²⁵
(composition: ⿰; U+8176).
腶脯 òn-fū
duànfǔ (=腶脩 òn-xiü duànxiū mashed dried meat with ginger and cinnamon.¹⁹ dried spiced meat.²⁵).¹⁹
腶脩 òn-xiü
duànxiū mashed dried meat with ginger and cinnamon.¹⁹ dried spiced meat.²⁵
腶修 òn-xiü
duànxiū mashed dried meat with ginger and cinnamon.¹⁹
(See 鍛 òn).
on4 12415
167 17 òn duàn forge metal; temper, refine.⁸ (variants: 煅,碫 òn duàn).
锻压机[鍛壓機] òn-āt-gï
duànyājī forging press.⁵
锻锤[鍛錘] òn-chuĩ
duànchuí forging hammer.⁵
锻造[鍛造] òn-dào
duànzào forgin; smithing.⁵
锻接[鍛接] òn-dëp
duànjiē forge welding.⁵
锻件[鍛件] òn-gèin
duànjiàn forging.⁵
锻工[鍛工] òn-güng
duàngōng forging; forger, blacksmith.⁵
锻铁[鍛鐵] òn-hëik
duàntiě wrought iron.⁵
锻砧[鍛砧] òn-îm
duànzhēn (smith) anvil.⁶
锻炼[鍛煉] òn-lèin
duànliàn take exercise, have physical training; temper, steel, toughen.⁵
锻炉[鍛爐] òn-lũ
duànlú forge.⁵
锻模[鍛模] òn-mũ
or òn-mõ duànmú forging die.⁵
取厉取锻.[取厲取鍛.] Tuī-lài-tuī-òn.
Qǔ lì qǔ duàn.
And gathered whetstones and iron.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·生民之什·公劉》, translated by James Legge).
(See 煅 òn; 碫 òn).
on4 12416
64 16 ōng dàng to arrange; to put in order.¹⁰
搭挡[搭擋] äp-ōng dādàng  to cooperate; partner.¹⁰
空挡[空擋] hüng-ōng
kōngdàng neutral gear; vacancy in cinema schedule; free/spare time.⁵⁴
摒挡[摒擋] pẽin-ōng
or bëin-ōng bìngdàng clean up and put in order (as before departure).¹¹
<又> dōng.
(See 擋 [ōng, dǎng], dōng.)
ong1 12417
64 16 ōng dǎng to resist; to obstruct; to hinder; to keep off; to block (a blow); to get in the way of; cover.¹⁰
阻挡[阻擋] jū-ōng zǔdǎng to stop.⁹
挡道[擋道] ōng-ào
dǎngdào to block the way.⁹
挡箭牌[擋箭牌] ōng-dëin-pãi
dǎngjiànpái shield;(fig) pretect; excuse.⁸
挡风[擋風] ōng-füng
dǎngfēng shelter something from (keep out) the wind.⁵⁴
挡驾[擋駕] ōng-gä
dǎngjià turn away a visitor with some excuse; decline to receive a guest.⁵
挡住[擋住] ōng-jì
dǎngzhù block off; ward off (blow).¹¹
势不可挡[勢不可擋] säi-būt-hō-ōng
shìbùkědǎng be irresistible.⁸
<又> dōng.
(See 擋 [ōng, dàng], dōng.)
ong1 12418
75 24 𣗋 ōng dǎng a cross-piece, as the round of a ladder, the rail of a chair; shelves; pigeonholes; (=食茱萸  sèik-jï-yĩ shízhūyú ailanthus prickly ash; (=木桶 mùk-hūng mùtǒng) wooden bucket.⁸
簕𣗋[簕欓] läk-ōng
lèdǎng ailanthus prickly ash.⁶
ong1 12419
85 23 ōng dǎng the name of a river.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵黨; U+7059).
灙漭 ōng-mông dǎngmǎng or 漭灙 mông-ōng mǎngdǎng (of water) vast and boundless.⁸
灙水 ōng-suī
dǎngshuǐ Dangshui, name of a river in Shaanxi Province.⁸
<又> hōng.
(See 灙 hōng).
ong1 12420
98 9 ōng àng (same as 盎 ōng àng) a basin, pot, bowl or dish; sleek, well-favored; abundant; a musical instrument.⁸ an earthenware vessel, a dish.²⁴
(composition: ⿱央瓦; U+3F1C).
甕㼜 ûng-ōng
wèng'àng a large swelling.²⁴
ong1 12421
108 10 ōng àng ancient vessel with a big belly and a small mouth; <wr.> abundant, brimming/overflowing (with).⁶
(composition: ⿱央皿; U+76CE).
盎格鲁撒克逊人[盎格魯撒克遜人] ōng-gāk-lû-xät-hāk-xün-ngĩn ànggélǔ sākèxùn rén Anglo-Saxon.⁶
盎然 ōng-ngẽin
àngrán abundant; plentiful; exuberant.⁶ (of portrait, description) full of life, interesting, alive.¹¹
盎盎 ōng-ōng
àngàng vigorous, full of life.¹¹
or 盎斯 ōng-xü àngsī ounce (oz.).⁶
<又> òng.
(See 盎 òng.)
ong1 12422
112 18 ōng dàng the lowest level.¹³ the bottom.²⁵
(composition: ⿰石當; U+7911).
娑婆礑溪 Sö-põ-ōng-käi Suōpódàngxī (also called 沙婆礑 Sâ-põ-ōng Shāpódàng) a river in 水源村 Shuiyuan Village, 秀林鄉 Xiulin Township, 花蓮縣 Hualien County, 臺灣 Taiwan.
ong1 12423
149 27 ōng dǎng honest; unbiased (of advice or comment)
谠论[讜論] ōng-lùn dǎnglùn <wr.> outspoken criticism.
谠言[讜言] ōng-ngũn
dǎngyán <wr.> outspoken remarks; proper words.
谠言高论[讜言高論] ōng-ngũn-gäo-lùn
dǎngyán-gāolùn honest and wise counsel.
谠辞[讜辭] ōng-xũ
dǎngcí outspoken words.
ong1 12424
159 12 ōng yǎng distant and obscure.²⁵
(composition: ⿰車央; U+8EEE).
軮轧[軮軋] ōng-jät yǎngyà a vast appearance; multitudinous, numerous.¹⁹ a noise.²⁵ a vast appearance; noise.¹⁰¹
<又> .
(See 軮 ).
ong1 12425
203 20 ōng dǎng (political) party.
国民党[國民黨] Gōk-mĩn-ōng Guómíndǎng Kuomintang (KMT); Nationalist Party.
共产党[共產黨] Gùng-chān-ōng
Gòngchǎndǎng Communist Party.
共和党[共和黨] Gùng-võ-ōng
Gònghédǎng Republican Party.
民主党[民主黨] Mĩn-jī-ōng
Mínzhǔdǎng Democratic Party.
党锢[黨錮] ōng-gü
dǎnggù <trad.> restrictions on certain cliques or factions forbidding their members to hold official posts or take part in certain activities.⁶
党支部[黨支部] ōng-jï-bù
dǎngzhībù party branch.
党人[黨人] ōng-ngĩn
dǎngrén partisan.
党派[黨派] ōng-päi
or ōng-pāi dǎngpài political party and groups.⁶
党参[黨參] ōng-täm
dǎngshēn TCM poor man's ginseng Codonopsis pilosula; codonopsis root; aka 防风党参, 黄参, 防党参, 上党参, 狮头参, 中灵草, 黄党.¹⁰ʼ²³
党委[黨委] ōng-vī
dǎngwěi Party commitee.⁸
党员[黨員] ōng-yõn
dǎngyuán political party member.¹⁰
社会党[社會黨] Sêh-vòi-ōng
Shèhuìdǎng Socialist Party.¹⁰
贼党[賊黨] tàk-ōng
zéidǎng band of rebels, gang of thieves (robbers).¹¹
ong1 12426
9 15 öng dāng (composition: ⿰亻當; U+5105).
伄儅 ël-öng diàodāng seldom.⁹ unusual.²⁴
ong2 12427
30 16 öng dāng ding-dong; clang.
当当车[噹噹車] öng-öng-chëh dāngdāng chē <topo.> tram, especially Beijing trams during period of operation 1924-1956; also written 铛铛车[鐺鐺車] öng-öng-chëh dāngdāng chē.¹⁰
(Compare 噹 öng with 當 öng. Both have 当 as simplified form.)
ong2 12428
75 17 öng dàng official records; grade (of goods); file; records; shelves for files; cross-piece (of a bed, table).
低档[低檔] äi-öng dīdàng of low grade.
车档[車檔] chëh-öng
chēdàng car bumper.
高档[高檔] gäo-öng
gāodàng <topo.> top grade.
文档[文檔] mũn-öng
wéndàng document; archives.⁶
档册[檔冊] öng-chāk
dàngcè records; archives.¹⁴
档卷[檔卷] öng-kūn
dàngjuàn archives.¹⁴
档案[檔案] öng-ön
dàng'àn files; archives; record; dossier.⁵
档次[檔次] öng-xü
dàngcì grade; class; quality.
横档[橫檔] vãng-öng
héngdàng crosspiece (of a bed, table).
<又> döng.
(See 檔 döng.)
ong2 12429
96 17 öng dāng richly ornamented; pearls for filling up ear punctures to prevent the holes from closing; ancient headgear.⁷ a hat ornament worn by eunuchs during the Han dynasty, used as a periphrastic for their designation; an earring.⁹ pendant ornaments; earrings; a name for eunuchs in the Latter Han dynasty.¹⁴ Flowery ornaments; an earring.²⁴ <wr.> pendant ornament; earring; eunuch.³⁵
璧珰[璧璫] bēik-öng bìdāng a cornice.⁷ ornaments for the head.²⁴
or 丁当[丁當] or 叮当[叮當] ëin-öng dīngdāng <ono.> ding-dong; jingle; clatter.⁵
貂珰[貂璫] ël-öng
diāodāng eunuch's gold headdress.¹¹ furs and jewels – wealth.¹⁴
金银珰[金銀璫] gïm-ngãn-öng
jīnyíndāng golden bells, which ring when agitated by the wind.²⁴
琅璫 lõng-öng
lángdāng fetters, shackles; a tingling sound.¹¹ a lock.²⁴
耳珰[耳璫] ngī-öng
ěrdāng earring, especially pendant type.¹¹ earrings; the name of a plant.²⁴ ear pendants.⁵⁴
ong2 12430
102 13 öng dàng proper; to pawn; to regard as; the very same (place, time).⁷
你当我不知道[你當我不知道] Nï-öng-ngô-būt-jï-ào? Nǐ dàng wǒ bù zhīdào? Do you think I have no idea?¹
or 当作[當作] öng-dü or öng-dōk dàngzuò to regard as; to treat as.⁷
当局[當局] öng-gùk
dāngjú authorities.¹⁰
当天[當天] öng-hëin
dàngtiān on the same day; on that very day.⁷
当真[當真] öng-jïn
dàngzhēn true, real, really; to be serious, no joking.⁷
当盧[當盧] öng-lũ
dànglú a dramshop.¹⁰²
当年[當年] öng-nẽin
dàngnián that year; the year in question.⁷ (cf 当年[當年] öng-nẽin dāngnián).
当耳边风[當耳邊風] öng-ngī-bëin-füng
dàng ěrbiānfēng lit. to regard as nothing but a wind blowing past the ear – to take no serious heed to (advice).⁷
当当[當當] öng-öng
dàngdàng to pawn something at a pawnshop.⁷
or 当舖[當舖 öng-pü dàngpù a pawnshop.⁷
当成[當成] öng-sẽin
dàngchéng to consider as.¹⁰
当时[當時] öng-sĩ
dàngshí at the very moment; immediately.⁷ (cf. 当时[當時] öng-sĩ dāngshí.)
(cf. 噹 öng with 當 öng. Both have 当 as simplified form.)
(See 當 [öng,
dāng], [öng, dǎng].)
ong2 12431
102 13 öng dǎng to mistake something for another.⁷
当是[當是] öng-sì dǎngshìdàngshìdāngshì⁹ to mistake something for another; to think that.⁷
当戗[當戧] öng-tëng
dǎngqiàng useful, practicable.¹¹
(cf. 噹 öng with 當 öng. Both have 当 as simplified form.)

(See 當 [öng,
dāng], [öng, dàng].)
ong2 12432
102 13 öng dāng to undertake or assume responsibility, to accept; to face; equal, well-matched; ought to, should, must; just at (a time or a place); to work as, to serve as.⁷
当兵[當兵] öng-bëin dāngbīng to serve in the army; to be a soldier.⁷
当归[當歸] öng-gï
dāngguī <bot.> Angelica sinensis <TCM> Chinese angelica, "female ginseng".¹⁵
当机立断[當機立斷] öng-gï-lìp-òn dāngjīlìduàn to make quick decisions in the face of problems.⁷
当堂对质[當堂對質] öng-hõng-uï-jīt
dāngtángduìzhì confrontation of the accused with his accuser in court.³⁹
当地[當地] öng-ì
dāngdì locality; the place (named or mentioned).
当中[當中] öng-jüng
dāngzhōng in the middle; in the center; among.
当年[當年] öng-nẽin dāngnián bygone years; in those days.⁷ (cf 当年[當年] öng-nẽin dàngnián).
当然[當然] öng-ngẽin
dāngrán of course; certainly.⁸
当然咯! [當然咯] öng-ngẽin-lö
dāngránlo Of course!⁴
当时[當時] öng-sĩ
dāngshí at that time; then; in those days.⁷  (cf. 当时[當時] öng-sĩ dàngshí.)
(See 當 [öng, dǎng],  [öng, dàng].)
ong2 12433
118 19 öng dāng tall bamboo.¹³
(comp. t: ⿱𥫗當; U+7C39). (comp. s: ⿱𥫗当; U+7B5C).
筜篁[簹篁] öng-võng
dānghuáng general term for bamboo.¹⁹
ong2 12434
137 19 öng dāng (composition: ⿰舟當; U+8261).
𦨢艡 äi-öng dìdāng a ship of war.²⁵
ong2 12435
142 19 öng dāng mantis.⁸
螲蟷 èik-öng diédāng trap-door spider.⁸ a species of spider living in underground caves.⁹ the burrowing spider, that constructs a covering for its hole.²⁵
蟷蠰 öng-ngẽng
or öng-nõng dāngráng or dāngnáng (=螳螂⁸ hõng-lõng tángláng) a mantis.⁷
ong2 12436
167 21 öng dāng the sound of striking a gong; shackles.⁷
铁索锒铛[鐵索鋃鐺] hëik-xôk-lõng-öng tiěsuǒlángdāng iron chains clanking.⁶
铃铛[鈴鐺] lêng-öng
língdang small bell.⁶
锒铛[鋃鐺] lõng-öng
lángdāng iron chains; clank, tinkling of bells; be chained.⁸
锒铛入狱[鋃鐺入獄] lõng-öng-yìp-ngùk
lángdāngrùyù lit. to get shackled and thrown in jail (idiom); fig. to be put behind bars; to get jailed.¹⁰
铛铛[鐺鐺] öng-öng
dāngdāng the sound of a striking a gong.⁷
铛铛车[鐺鐺車] öng-öng-chëh
dāngdāng chē <topo.> tram, especially Beijing trams during period of operation 1924-1956; also written 当当车[噹噹車] öng-öng-chëh dāngdāng chē.¹⁰
<又> chäng.
(See 鐺 chäng.)
ong2 12437
188 13 öng āng dirty; filthy; foul.⁷
肮脏[骯髒] öng-dòng āngzāng dirty, filthy, squalid; vile, mean, foul, dirty.⁶ dirty, filthy.¹¹
<又> köng.
(See 骯 köng.)
ong2 12438
40 8 òng dàng <wr.> free and easy, unrestrained; procrastinate; put off.⁶ a quarryman; to delay, procrastinate; to dissolute.⁷
(composition: ⿱宀石; U+5B95).
跌宕 ëik-òng diēdàng <wr.> (of disposition) free and easy; bold and unrestrained.⁶
跌宕不羁[跌宕不羈] ëik-òng-būt-kï
diēdàngbùjī be free and unrestrained.⁶
流宕 liũ-òng
liúdàng moving freely; (character, composition) undisciplined, ebullient; spread or meander like river's course.¹¹
宕户[宕戶] òng-fù
dànghù a quarryman.⁷
宕账[宕賬] òng-jëng
dàngzhàng debt long overdue; outstanding debt.⁶
推宕 tuï-òng
tuīdàng put off; delay; procrastinate.⁶
延宕 yẽn-òng
yándàng to procrastinate; to put off.⁷
ong4 12439
61 12 òng dàng ➀ debauchery; dissolute ➁ peaceful ➂ without worry.¹⁹
(composition: ⿰忄昜; U+6113).
愓悍 òng-hòn dànghàn licentious.¹³ overbearing.²⁴
<又> hõng; sëng; yẽng.
(See 愓 hõng; 愓 sëng; 愓 yẽng).
ong4 12440
75 8 òng àng hitching post; dougong (斗拱 ēo-gūng dǒugǒng a system of bracket in Chinese building).⁸ to tie a horse to a stake; hard; strong.²⁵ <lit.> hitching post.³⁶
(composition: ⿰木卬; U+678A).
櫼枊 dëm-òng
jiān'àn (=斗拱 ēo-gūng dǒugǒng) a system of bracket in Chinese building.¹⁹
飞枊[飛枊] fï-òng
fēi'àng the four corners of the house stretch out to support the eaves.¹⁹
马枊[馬枊] mâ-òng
mǎ'àng horse post.²⁵
ong4 12441
108 10 òng àng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 盎 ōng àng with same meaning: ancient vessel with a big belly and a small mouth; <wr.> abundant, brimming/overflowing (with).⁶)
(composition: ⿱央皿; U+76CE).
<又> ōng.
(See 盎 ōng.)
ong4 12442
108 17 òng dàng ➀ to move; to disturb ➁ great ➂ to allay ➃ vain, empty ➄ to withstand; to resist ➅ a tailor's chalk line.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿱湯皿; U+76EA). (comp. s: ⿱艹汤; U+8361).
跳荡[跳盪] hẽl-òng
tiàodàng troops sent to throw the enemy into disorder before the actual battle commences.¹⁴
直荡[直盪] jèik-òng
zhídàng the name of an office and a flag.²⁴
震荡[震盪] jīn-òng
zhèndàng to startle.¹⁴
求之荡荡[求之盪盪] kiũ-jï-òng-òng
qiúzhīdàngdàng besought him in vain – like grasping the wind..¹⁴
廓荡荡其亡双[廓盪盪其亡雙] kök-òng-òng-kĩ-mõng-söng
kuò dàng dàng qí wáng shuāng vast, great and matchless – of Heaven and Earth.¹⁴
荡子[盪子] òng-dū
dàngzǐ a chalk marking line.¹⁴
荡风[盪風] òng-füng
dàngfēng to keep out the wind - by taking a stiff dram.¹⁴
荡激[盪激] òng-gēik
dàngjī to agitate; to disturb.¹⁴
荡寒[盪寒] òng-hõn
dànghán to keep out the cold.¹⁴
荡荡[盪盪] òng-òng
dàngdàng depraved, licentious.²⁴
荡漾[盪漾] or 荡漾[蕩漾] òng-yèng
dàngyàng ripple; undulate.⁶
荡意[盪意] òng-yï
dàngyì to compose one's thoughts.²⁴
推荡[推盪] tuï-òng
tuīdàng to push and shove.²⁴
<又> hõng; höng.
(See 盪 hõng; 盪 höng; 蕩 òng).
ong4 12443
112 14 òng dàng brilliantly colored stone with veined patterns in it; suddenly.⁸ the name of a mountain in Anhui Province.⁹
砀山[碭山] òng-sän dàngshān or 砀山县[碭山]縣 òng-sän-yòn dàngshānxiàn Dangshan County, situated in Suzhou of Anhui Province.⁹
ong4 12444
140 11 òng dàng 莨菪 lõng-òng làngdàng henbane Hyoscyamus niger (=天仙子 hëin-xëin-dū tiānxiānzi).¹⁵ʼ²⁰ consolida, or cumfrey; wallwort, or bugle (an herb); the seeds of which, if eaten, make people act wildly.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹宕; U+83EA).
ong4 12445
140 15 òng dàng swing, sway, wave; loaf; rinse; clear away, sweep off; loose in morals; shallow lake, marsh.⁵ (variant: 盪 òng, q.v.)
荡产[蕩產] òng-chān dàngchǎn to become bankrupt.¹¹ to squander one's inheritance.¹⁴
荡产倾家[蕩產傾家] òng-chān-kēin-gä
dàngchǎnqīngjiā to squander inherited property and ruin the family.⁷
荡侈逾检[蕩侈逾檢] òng-chï-yĩ-gēm
dàngchǐyújiǎn lead a dissolute extravagant life.¹
荡除[蕩除] òng-chuĩ dàngchú eliminate, get rid of.⁶
荡子[蕩子] òng-dū
dàngzǐ a vagrant; a traveler to a distant land having no thought of returning home.⁷
荡子[蕩子] òng-dū
dàngzi <topo.> shallow lake.⁶
荡涤[蕩滌] òng-èik
dàngdí to clean up.¹⁰
荡妇[蕩婦] òng-fû
dàngfù slut; floozy; prostitute.⁸
荡然无存[蕩然無存] òng-ngẽin-mũ-tũn dàngránwúcún <wr.> all gone; nothing left.⁵
荡荡[蕩蕩] òng-òng dàngdàng vast; great; straight.³⁹
荡荡悠悠[蕩蕩悠悠] òng-òng-yiũ-yiũ dàngdàngyōuyōu  swinging; moving to and fro; to shake and move.⁷
荡船[蕩船] òng-sõn dàngchuán swingboat.⁵ <topo.> to row a boat.⁶
荡漾[蕩漾/盪漾] òng-yèng dàngyàng ripple; undulate.⁶
<台> 荡失路[蕩失路] òng-sīt-lù to lose one's way, to stray.
ong4 12446
140 17 𦿆
òng dàng (composition: ⿱艹碭; U+26FC6).
䕞𦿆❄{⿱艹碭} lông-òng làngdàng a poisonous herb.²⁵ a poisonous medicine.¹⁰¹
ong4 12447
156 15 òng dàng (composition: ⿺走宕; U+8DA4).
𧻴❄{⿺走良}趤 lòng-òng làngdàng sauntering about.²⁵
ong4 12448
157 16 òng dàng (same meaning as 踼 hõng táng to fall flat; to fall on the face.¹⁴ some say, to snatch.²⁵)
(Distinguish 踢 pëk
to kick).
(composition: ⿰𧾷昜; U+8E3C).
<又> hōng; höng; hõng.
(See 踼 hōng; 踼 höng; 踼 hõng).
ong4 12449
164 17 òng àng muddy wine.² clear wine (clear on top, muddy at bottom).⁸ thick, muddy wine.²⁵
(composition: ⿰酉盎; U+91A0).
春醠 chün-òng chūn'àng liquor prepared in the spring season.⁰
ong4 12450
187 14 òng àng a horse tossing its head; a horse freightened.²⁵
(composition: ⿰馬卬; U+4B79).
<又> ngõng. (See 䭹 ngõng).
ong4 12451
61 8 to be afraid; to fear; to dread; to be unable to endure; perhaps; Pa surname.¹⁰
可怕 hō-pä kěpà awful; dreadful; fearful; formidable; frightful; scary; hideous; horrible; terrible; terribly.¹⁰
害怕 hòi-pä
hàipà to be afraid; to be scared.¹⁰
恐怕 hūng-pä
kǒngpà fear; to dread; I'm afraid that...; perhaps; maybe.¹⁰
or 那怕 nã-pä nǎpà even; even if; even though; no matter how.¹⁰
怕羞 pä-xiü
pàxiū shy; bashful.⁷ (See <台> 怕丑 pä-chiū.)
怕生 pä-säng
pàshēng (said of a child) to be shy with strangers.⁷
怕臊 pä-xäo
pàsào bashful.¹¹
怕事 pä-xù
pàshì to be timid and overcautious.⁷
怕痒[怕癢] pä-yêng
pàyǎng to be afraid of tickling.⁷
怕人 pä-ngĩn
pàrén terrifying, frightening, horrible; (saidof wild beasts and birds) to shum human beings.⁷
生怕 säng-pä
shēngpà for fear that; so as not to; lest.⁶
<台> 你怕酸吗[你怕酸嗎] nï-pä-xön-mä? Are you ticklish?
<台> 怕丑 pä-chiū shy; bashful.
pa2 12452
75 10 component parts of a loom.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰木𠂢; U+3B5B).
<又> päi.
(See 㭛 päi).
pa2 12453
18 6 huá paddle; row; <vern.> be to one's profit, pay.⁶
划桨[划槳] pã-dēng huájiǎng paddle.⁶
划船 pã-sõn
huáchuán row; paddle (a boat); go boating.⁶
划算 pã-xön
huásuàn calculate, weigh; be to one's profit, be worthwhile, be profitable.⁶
(划 in simplified form can be used for traditional forms 畫 or 劃.)
<又> vàk, vâk, và.

(See 划 vàk; 劃 [vàk,
huá]; [vàk, huà]; vâk; 畫 và; vàk; vâk.)
pa3 12454
64 5 gather up, rake up; stew, braise.⁵
连偷带扒[連偷帶扒] lẽin-hëo-äi-pã liántōudàipá to steal by all means.
牛扒 ngẽo-pã/
niúpá beefsteak.
扒带[扒帶] pã-âi/
pádài <vern.> pirate an audiotape or a videotape.⁶
扒出 pã-chūt
páchū to rake out.
扒鸡[扒雞] pã-gäi
pájī braised chicken.⁵
扒糕 pã-gäo
págāo buckwheat cake served cold with sweet sauce.⁶
扒起 pã-hī
páqǐ to rake up.
扒开[扒開] pã-höi
pákāi pull down.⁵⁴ (See 扒开[扒開] bä-höi.)
or 爬犁 pã-lãi pálí <topo.> sledge, sleigh.⁵
扒手 pã-siū
páshǒu pickpocket.⁵
扒窃[扒竊] pã-tëik páqiè to steal; to pick pockets; to frisk.
扒羊肉 pã-yẽng-ngùk páyángròu stewed mutton.⁵
<台> 下扒 hà-pã lower jaw; chin.
<又> bä.
(See 扒 bä.)
pa3 12455
64 12 (=扒手 pã-siū páshǒu) a pickpocket.⁸
掱手 pã-siū
páshǒu a pickpocket.⁸
pa3 12456
75 8 loquat.⁸ Pa surname.³⁶
(composition: ⿰木巴; U+6777).
枇杷 pĩ-pã pípa loquat (Eriobotrya japonica), 芦橘[蘆橘] lũ-gūt lújú is the old name, aka 金丸, 蘆枝, 琵琶果.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
枇杷膏 pĩ-pã-gäo
pípágāo a cough mixture made with the loquat as the main ingredient.¹¹
枇杷露 pĩ-pã-lù
pípálù diluted loquat extract.⁵⁴
枇杷门巷[枇杷門巷] pĩ-pã-mõn-hōng
pípáménxiàng red-light district.¹¹
(See 杷 bā).
pa3 12457
87 8 to crawl; to creep; to climb; to scramble.
吃里爬外[吃裡爬外] or 吃里扒外[吃裡扒外] hëk-lī-pã-ngòi chīlǐpáwài  live off one person while secretly helping another; turn against one's supporters; be traitorous.⁶
爬虫[爬蟲] pã-chũng
páchóng reptile.⁵
爬竿 pã-gön
págān <sport> climb a pole⁵
爬行 pã-hãng
páxíng crawl; creep.⁵
爬起来[爬起來] pã-hī-lõi
pá qǐlai to get up.⁷
or 扒犁 pã-lãi pálí <topo.> sledge, sleigh.⁵
爬山 pã-sän
páshān to climb mountains.⁷
爬山虎 pã-sän-fū
páshānhǔ <topo.> sedan chair or litter (for carrying a person up a mountain).⁶ Virginia creeper.¹⁴
爬山靴 pã-sän-hëh
páshānxuē hiking boots.⁵⁴
爬升 pã-sëin
páshēng (of an airplane, rocket) gain altitude, mount, climb, ascend; climb, go up.⁶
爬上 pã-sëng
páshàng to climb up.⁷
爬树[爬樹] pã-sì
páshù climb a tree.¹⁹
爬墙[爬牆] pã-tẽng
páqiáng to climb a wall; (fig.) to be unfaithful.¹⁰
爬墙虎[爬牆虎] pã-tẽng-fū
pāqiánghǔ Virginia creeper.¹⁴
爬泳 pã-vèin
páyǒng crawl (swimming stroke).¹⁰
(See 爬 [pã, ].)
pa3 12458
87 8 矮爬爬 āi-pã-pã ǎipāpā <topo.> to squat; short.⁵⁴
(See 爬 [pã, ].)
pa3 12459
96 12 pa 弹琵琶[彈琵琶] hãn-pĩ-pã tánpípa play the pipa.⁵⁴
琵琶 pĩ-pã
pípa pipa; pi-pa, a plucked string instrument with a fretted fingerboard.⁸
琵琶鸭[琵琶鴨] pĩ-pã-äp
pípayā pipa duck.⁰
琵琶别抱[琵琶別抱] pĩ-pã-bèik-päo
pípabiébào said of woman who remarries.¹¹
琵琶拨[琵琶撥] pĩ-pã-bòt
pípabō a plectrum.⁷
琵琶虫[琵琶蟲] pĩ-pã-chũng
pípachóng a louse (shaped like guitar).¹¹
琵琶記 pĩ-pã-gï
pípajì name of well-known drama.¹¹
琵琶骨 pĩ-pã-gūt
pípagǔ <topo.> collar bone.⁵⁴
琵琶行 pĩ-pã-hãng
pípaxíng Song of the Pipa Player, long poem by Tang poet Bai Juyi (白居易 Bàk Guï-yì Bái Jūyì 772-846).¹⁰
琵琶桶 pĩ-pã-hūng
pípatǒng wooden barrel.⁶
琵琶襟 pĩ-pã-kïm
or pĩ-pã-kîm pípajīn a former woman's costume, where the front buttons come down not from armpit, but near the right chest.¹¹
琵琶鱼[琵琶魚] pĩ-pã-nguĩ/
pípayú anglerfish.¹⁰
琵琶魦 pĩ-pã-sä
pípashā the spotted ray.¹⁴
洋琵琶 yẽng-pĩ-pã
yángpípa mandolin.³⁹
(See 琶 [pã, ].)
pa3 12460
96 12 琶音 pã-yïm páyīn <mus.> arpeggio.⁵
铜琶铁板[銅琶鐵板] hũng-pã-hëik-bān
tóngpátiěbǎn bold and vehement language (in writing).⁵⁴
(See 琶 [pã, pa].)
pa3 12461
118 13 a bamboo rake with teeth.¹⁴ a rake with five teeth, used for raking straws out of mud.²⁵
筢子 pã-dū pázi or 九齿竹筢[九齒竹筢] giū-chī-jūk-pã jiǔchǐzhúpá a bamboo rake.¹⁴
pa3 12462
127 10 harrow; to harrow.⁶
钉齿耙[釘齒耙] ëng-chī-pã dīngchǐbà spike-tooth harrow.⁶
钉子耙[釘子耙] ëng-dū-pã
dīngzibà a spiked harrow.⁵⁴
停犁搁耙[停犁擱耙] hẽin-lãi-gōk-pã
tínglígēbà put away the plows and harrows after the harvest season.¹⁹
犁耙 lãi-pã
líba plow and harrow.⁵⁴
牛耙 ngẽo-pã
niúbà ox harrow.³⁹
耙齿[耙齒] pã-chī
bàchǐ spikes of a harrow; harrow spikes.⁶ (See 耙齿[耙齒] pã-chī páchǐ).
耙土 pã-hū
bàtǔ rake the soil.¹⁹ harrow a field.⁵⁴
耙地 pã-ì
bàdì to harrow.¹⁴ (See 耙地 pã-ì pádì).
耙片 pã-pëin bàpiàn disc (of a disc harrow).⁶
(See 耙 [pã,
pa3 12463
127 10 rake, harrow; level with a rake; move something together with a rake; remove (ashes, grass).⁶
打耙 ā-pã dǎpá <topo.> change one's mind; rake.⁸
倒打一耙 āo-ā-yīt-pã
dàodǎyīpá recriminate; make false countercharges; put the blame on the victim.⁸
钉耙[釘耙] ëng-pã
dīngpá iron-tooth rake; spiked rake.⁶
粪耙[糞耙] fûn-pã
fènpá manure rake.¹⁰
木耙 mùk-pã
mùpá wooden rake.³⁹
耙齿[耙齒] pã-chī
páchǐ rake teeth; rabble blade.⁶ (See 耙齿[耙齒] pã-chī bàchǐ).
耙锄[耙鋤] pã-chũ
or pã-chõ páchú a harrow; to plow with a harrow.⁷
耙子 pã-dū
pázi a harrow, a drag; a clue (to a matter).⁷
耙地 pã-ì
pádì level the ground with a rake; rake the soil; harrow a field.⁷ (See 耙地 pã-ì bàdì).
耙地机[耙地機] pã-ì-gï
pádìjī raker.⁶
耙料机[耙料機] pã-lèl-gï
páliàojī scraper.⁶
耙草 pã-tāo
pácǎo to rake weeds.⁷
草耙 tāo-pã
cǎopá pitchfork.⁹
(See 耙 [pã, ].)
pa3 12464
157 9 lie on one's stomach, lie prone; bend over, lean on.⁵
趴蛋 pã-àn/ pādàn <topo.> break down, collapse, drop, be unable to move.⁶
趴在地下 pã-dòi-ì-hà/
pāzàidìxia to crawl on the ground.¹⁴
趴伏 pã-fùk
pāfú lie prone; lie on one's stomach; lie prostrate.⁶
趴架 pã-gä
pājià <topo.> (of a house) collapse, fall apart; (of a person) fall from power; collapse.⁶
趴下 pã-hä
pāxia lie on one's stomach.⁶
趴坑 pã-häng
pākēng flop down out of exhaustion, for rest.¹¹
趴着[趴著] pã-jèk
pāzhe lie flat on the ground; prostrate.⁷
趴山 pã-sän
pāshān to climb a mountain.¹⁴
趴墙[趴牆] pã-tẽng
pāqiáng to climb a wall.¹⁴
趴窝[趴窩] pã-vö
pāwō <topo.> (of a hen) be sitting or brooding, hatch; (of a female animal) lie on the ground ready to give birth; (of a person) be broken in health; (of a machine, vehicle) break down; be unable to move; be out of order.⁶
pa3 12465
157 11 the crawling of infants; later 跁 pã became interchangeable with 爬 pã to crawl.⁵⁴ to squat, to crouch down; to grovel; dwarfish.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰⻊巴; U+8DC1).
跁行 pã-hãng
páxíng a child crawling along.²⁵ to crawl  on all fours.¹⁰²
跁跒 pã-kā
páqiǎ walking along, unwilling to advance.²⁵ to walk without advancing, the motion of walking, but making no progress, as when drilling soldiers; it is also used to intimate reluctance to act.¹⁰²
<又> bā; bà.
(See 跁 bā; 跁 bà).
pa3 12466
167 12 (=耙 pã ) rake.⁹ a military weapon; to guard a chariot; a rake with five teeth for levelling the ground; a harrow; the point of an arrow, broad and long, with a sharp edge.²⁵
钉钯[釘鈀] ëng-pã
dīngpá rake.¹⁰
镋钯[钂鈀] hōng-pã
tǎngpá ancient many-bladed long weapon.⁸
钯子拳[鈀子拳] pã-dū-kũn
páziquán another name for 八极拳[八極拳] bāt-gèik-kũn bājíquán.⁵⁴  (See 八極拳 bāt-gèik-kũn).
<又> bä.
(See 鈀 bä; 耙 pã).
pa3 12467
30 9 pāi pài (composition: ⿰口𠂢; U+54CC).
哌嗪 pāi-tũn pàiqín piperazine (medicine).¹⁰
pai1 12468
85 9 pāi 派司 pāi-xü pāsi <loan> pass; to pass (a test, exam, checkpoint).⁶
<又> päi.
(See 派 [päi, pài], [pāi, pài].)
pai1 12469
85 9 pāi pài (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 派 päi pài clique; school; group; faction; to dispatch; to send; to assign; to appoint; pi (Greek letter Ππ); the circular ratio pi = 3.1415926; (loanword) pie.¹⁰.)
<又> päi.
(See 派 [päi, pài], [pāi, ].)
pai1 12470
140 12 pāi pài <chem.> pinane.⁹
蒎烯 pāi-hï pàixī <chem.> pinene.⁹
蒎酸 pāi-xön
pàisuān <chem.> pinic acid.⁹
pai1 12471
142 12 pāi pài a kind of gnat; a small flying insect.⁸
(composition: ⿰虫𠂢; U+45B0).
蠓䖰 mũng-pāi měngpài a sort of midge.²⁵
pai1 12472
4 丿 6 𠂢 päi pài to branch off into streams.²⁴ original form of 派 (päi pài, “tributary of a river”).³⁶ the original form represents the headwaters of a stream joining the main trunk; others say it is altered from 一 one and 水 water, or from 反 back and 水 water combined – to branch off; occurs only as a primitive in combination.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿸𠂆⿸⿱丿𠄌⿺乀丿
{same as right component of 派, but may render slightly differently on iOS devices. See Image.}; U+200A2).
(characters with component 𠂢: 哌挀派脈㭛眽䖰衇覛䤨... ).
(See 派 päi).
pai2 12473 200A2-j.gif
18 10 𠜱 päi (=削 xëk xiāo to cut, to pare, to shave, to whittle; to deprive).⁷ to peel, pare.⁸
pai2 12474
64 7 päi comment, criticize; wholesale.⁸ to smite with the hand; to push, to turn, to scrape; to assist, to compare, and decide, to reply.²⁴
大批 ài-päi dàpī large quantities of; mass criticism.
报批[報批] bäo-päi
bàopī to report for criticism; to submit for approval to higher authority.
分批 fün-päi
fēnpī in batches.
批驳[批駁] päi-bök
pībó veto an opinion or a request from a subordinate body; refute; criticize; rebut.⁵
批发[批發] päi-fāt
pīfā wholesale.
批改 päi-gōi
pīgǎi to correct (student papers).
批准 päi-jūn
pīzhǔn to ratify; to approve; sanction.
批评[批評] päi-pẽin
pīpíng criticize.
批判 päi-pön
pīpàn criticize, castigate, censure; critique, criticism.⁶
批示 päi-sì
pīshì memo from a superior to an inferior.
pai2 12475
75 10 päi pài a kind of climbing plant; rattan; bark can be used to weave cloth.¹⁰ a kind of rattan, with which the people in the west (蜀人 in Sichuan) make cloth; the bark of a tree.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木𠂢; U+3B5B).
<又> pä.
(See 㭛 pä).
pai2 12476
85 9 päi pài clique; school; group; faction; to dispatch; to send; to assign; to appoint; pi (Greek letter Ππ); the circular ratio pi = 3.1415926; (loanword) pie.¹⁰ (variant: 𠂢 päi pài).
分派 fün-päi
or fün-pāi fēnpài to assign (to different persons or groups); (=分摊[分攤] fün-hān fēntān) to share.⁶
学派[學派] hòk-päi
or hòk-pāi xuépài school of thought.⁶
正派 jëin-päi
or jëin-pāi zhèngpài upright, honest, decent.⁶
党派[黨派] ōng-päi
or ōng-pāi dǎngpài political party and groups.⁶
派别[派別] päi-bèik
or pāi-bèik pàibié group, school, sect, faction.⁶
派出 päi-chūt
or pāi-chūt pàichū to send out, to dispatch.⁶
派遣 päi-hēin
or pāi-hēin pàiqiǎn to send, to dispatch.⁶
派头[派頭] päi-hẽo
or pāi-hẽo pàitóu style, manner.⁶
派性 päi-xëin
or pāi-xëin pàixìng factionalism, sectarian partiality, factious spirit.⁶
一派胡言 yīt-päi-vũ-ngũn
or yīt-pāi-vũ-ngũn yīpàihúyán complete  nonsense.⁶
右派 yiù-päi
or yiù-pāi yòupài the Right; right wing; Rightist.⁶
<又> pāi.
(See 派 [pāi, pài], [pāi, ]; 𠂢 päi)
pai2 12477
112 9 päi <old> arsenic (As); arsenic trioxide.⁶ (variant: 磇 päi ).
白砒 bàk-päi
báipī (=砒霜 päi-söng pīshuāng) white arsenic; arsenic trioxide As₂O₃.⁶
蜜饯砒霜[蜜餞砒霜] mìt-dèin-päi-söng
mìjiànpīshuāng sugar-coated arsenic, deceptive sweet words.¹¹
砒石 päi-sêk
pīshí <Ch. med.> arsonolite or arsenopyrite or realgar or orpiment.¹⁹
砒霜 päi-söng
pīshuāng white arsenic; arsenic trioxide As₂O₃.⁶ (Brand name: Trisenox).¹⁵
砒毒 päi-ùk
pīdú arsenical poison.⁶
砒酸 päi-xön
pīsuān arsenic acid.⁷
(See 磇 päi).
pai2 12478
112 15 päi (=砒 päi ) <old> arsenic (As); arsenic trioxide.⁶
(See 砒 päi).
pai2 12479
9 10 pãi pái <old> comic performance or performer.
诙俳[詼俳] föi-pãi huīpái to joke; to jest; to ridicule.
俳赋[俳賦] pãi-fü
páifù <wr.> a light, ornate literary form.
俳句 pãi-guï
páijù haiku.
俳体诗[俳體詩] pãi-hāi-sï
páitǐshī light, comic poetry.
俳谐[俳諧] pãi-hãi
páixié funny talk; banter.
pai3 12480
60 11 pãi pái hesitating, irresolute, indecisive; to walk to and fro, to move around, to linger around, to pace up and down.⁷
不要徘徊 būt-yël-pãi-või bùyào páihuái do not loiter.¹⁰
徘徊 pãi-või
páihuái to linger, to walk to and fro, to move around without purpose; hesitating, irresolute; to fluctuate.⁷
徘徊街头[徘徊街頭] pãi-või-gâi-hẽo
páihuáijiētóu to roam the streets; to wander about/up and down the streets.⁶
徘徊观望[徘徊觀望] pãi-või-gön-mòng
páihuáiguānwàng to take an observer's seat; to see but cannot make up one's mind; to wait and see; to wait for the dust to settle.⁷
徘徊歧路 pãi-või-kĩ-lù
páihuáiqílù to linger around the wrong (or evil) path; to hesitate at the crossroads.⁷
徘徊流连[徘徊流連] pãi-või-liũ-lẽin
páihuáiliúlián to walk to and fro hesitatingly with reluctance to leave.⁷
pai3 12481
64 11 pãi pái a row; a line; to set in order; to arrange; to line up; to eliminate; to drain; platoon; raft; <m.> for lines, rows.
放排 föng-pãi fàngpái set a raft going downstream; rafting.⁶
排八字 pãi-bāt-dù
páibāzì divination using the Eight Characters.
排摈[排擯] pãi-bïn
páibìn <wr.> push aside and discard.⁶
排斥 pãi-chēik
páichì repel; exclude; reject.⁵
排除 pãi-chuĩ
páichú to get rid of; to eliminate.
排队[排隊] pãi-duì or pãi-juì
páiduì stand in line.
排灌 pãi-gön
páiguàn irrigation and drainage.⁵
排闼直入[排闥直入] pãi-hāt-jèik-yìp
páitàzhírù push the door open and stride in without knocking.⁵
排行 pãi-hõng
páiháng seniority among brothers, sisters.¹¹
排挤[排擠] pãi-jäi
páijǐ to push aside; to push/elbow out.
排轧[排軋] pãi-jät
páiyà squeeze out; jostle against each other.⁶
排长[排長] pãi-jēng
páizhǎng platoon leader.
排球 pãi-kiũ
páiqiú volleyball.⁵
排列 pãi-lèik
páiliè to arrange; permutation.
排山倒海 pãi-sän-āo-hōi
páishāndǎohǎi overwhelming.
排水沟[排水溝] pãi-suī-këo
páishuǐgōu drainage ditch; drain.⁵
排泄 pãi-xēik
páixiè to excrete; to discharge; excretion.⁷
排箫[排簫] pãi-xël
páixiāo a form of ancient panpipes.³⁶
(See 排 [pãi, pǎi].)
pai3 12482
64 11 pãi pǎi 排子车[排子車] pãi-dū-chëh pǎizichē large hand-cart.
(See 排 [pãi, pái].)
pai3 12483
75 12 pãi pái raft; shield; stern of junk.¹⁰ a raft; a float; also a shield.²⁴ (variant: 𥱼 pãi pái;¹⁴ pãi pái.¹ 箄 pãi pái.⁸)
or 竹排 jūk-pãi zhúpái bamboo raft.⁶
<又> bài, pöi.
(See 棑 bài, pöi; 𥱼 pãi.)
pai3 12484
91 12 pãi pái ➀ board; plate; tablet ➁ make; brand; trade-mark ➂ cards, dominos, mahjong, etc. ➃ shield ➄ tunes in poems or plays.⁶ mahjong tile; playing card; game pieces; signboard; plate; tablet; medal.¹⁰ (variant: 𤗋❄{⿰片非} pãi pái).
牌匾 pãi-bēin
páibiǎn signboard over shop, hall or door.¹¹
牌匾兒 pãi-bēin-ngĩ
páibiǎnr one's prestige.¹¹
牌榜 pãi-bōng
páibǎng notice board; signboard.¹¹
牌子 pãi-dū
páizi sign; trademark; brand.¹⁰  label, trademark; (fig.) a man's reputation.¹¹
牌坊 pãi-fōng
páifāng memorial arch.¹¹
牌价[牌價] pãi-gä
páijià list price.¹⁰
牌九 pãi-giū
páijiǔ game of dominoes.¹¹
牌局 pãi-gùk
páijú gambling house or party, esp. at singsong house.¹¹
牌照 pãi-jël
páizhào license, license plate.¹¹
牌楼[牌樓] pãi-lẽo
páilóu a stone or wooden arch or archway either permanent or temporary.¹¹
牌示 pãi-sì
páishì public notice on signboard.¹¹
牌位 pãi-vì
páiwèi memorial tablet.¹⁰ spirit tablet.¹¹
<台> 神主牌 sĩn-jī-pãi ancestor's spirit tablet (with the name, birthday, etc. inscribed on it).
(See 𤗋❄{⿰片非} pãi).
pai3 12485
91 12 𤗋
pãi pái (=牌 pãi pái) ➀ board; plate; tablet ➁ make; brand; trade-mark ➂ cards, dominos, mahjong, etc. ➃ shield ➄ tunes in poems or plays.⁶ mahjong tile; playing card; game pieces; signboard; plate; tablet; medal.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰片非; U+245CB).
(See 牌 pãi).
pai3 12486
118 14 pãi pái (=簰 pãi pái) big raft.⁸
(composition: ⿱𥫗卑; U+7B84).
(See 排 pãi; 簰 pãi.)
pai3 12487
118 17 𥱼 pãi pái (=棑 pãi pái) a raft; the stern of a junk; shield.¹⁴
(See 棑 pãi.)
pai3 12488
118 18 pãi pái (=排 pãi pái)¹ bamboo raft.⁸ (=箄 pãi pái) big raft.⁸
(See 排 pãi; 箄 pãi.)
pai3 12489
85 14 pài fish swimming in the water.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵敝; U+6F4E).
<又> pët. (See 潎 pët).
pai4 12490
115 13 pâi bài barnyard grass; weeds that look  like rice plants; trivial, insignificant, unofficial.⁶ (variant: 粺 pâi bài).
稗子 pâi-dū
bàizi barnyard grass/millet; seed of barnyard grass/millet.⁶
稗贩[稗販] pâi-fân
bàifàn peddler, petty vendor; model after/copy/repeat indiscriminately.⁶
稗记[稗記] pâi-gï
bàijì (=稗官野史 pâi-gön-yêh-xū bàiguānyěshǐ) book of anecdotes; unofficial or anecdotal history.⁶
稗官 pâi-gön
bàiguān a low-rank official in the sovereign's court whose job is to inform about public opinion and talk about customs: used as an epithet for a folklorist or a story-teller.⁹
稗官野史 pâi-gön-yêh-xū
bàiguānyěshǐ book of anecdotes; unofficial or anecdotal history.⁶
稗麦[稗麥] pâi-màk
bàimài tare.⁶
稗沙门[稗沙門] pâi-sä-mõn
bàishāmén <Budd.> a wicked monk
稗说[稗說] pâi-sōt
bàishuō (rare) novel.¹¹
稗草 pâi-tāo
bàicǎo <bot.> barnyard grass/millet.
稗史 pâi-xū
bàishǐ unofficial history; anecdotal book; book of oral history.⁶
(See 粺 pâi).
pai5 12491
119 14 pâi bài (=稗 pâi bài) barnyard grass; weeds that look  like rice plants; trivial, insignificant, unofficial.⁶
(See 稗 pâi).
pai5 12492
75 9 pāk bǎi cypress; cedar; Bai surname.¹¹ (variant: 栢 pāk bǎi).
侧柏[側柏] jāk-pāk
cèbǎi <bot.> Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco.²³ (variant: 𣐩❄{⿱白木} pāk bǎi).
崖柏 ngãi-pāk
yábǎi arborvitae.⁶
柏树[柏樹] pāk-sì
bǎishù <bot.> cypress; cedar.⁹ Sabina chinensis (L.) Ant.²³  Sabina chinensis (L.) Antoine is a synonym of Juniperus chinensis L.³⁴
柏油路 pāk-yiũ-lù
bǎiyóulù tarred road; asphalt road.¹⁰
松柏 tũng-pāk
sōng-bǎi pine and cypress; fig. chaste and undefiled; fig. tomb.¹⁰
刺柏 xü-pāk
cìbǎi <bot.> Sabina chinensis (L.) Ant.²³
圆柏[圓柏] yõn-pāk
yuánbǎi <bot.> Sabina chinensis (L.) Ant. Other common Chinese names: 刺柏 xü-pāk cìbǎi, 柏树[柏樹] pāk-sì bǎishù, 桧[檜] köi guì, 桧柏[檜柏] köi-pāk guìbǎi.²³
(See 柏 [pāk, ], [pāk, ]; 栢 pāk; 𣐩❄{⿱白木} pāk).
pak1 12493
75 9 𣐩
pāk bǎi (=柏 pāk bǎi cypress; cedar.¹¹).⁸
(composition: ⿱白木; U+23429).
(See 柏 pāk).
pak1 12494
75 9 pāk 柏林 Pāk-lĩm Bólín Berlin, capital of Germany.¹¹
柏林围墙[柏林圍牆] Pāk-lĩm-vĩ-tẽng
Bólín Wéiqiáng Berlin Wall.¹¹
(See 柏 [pāk, bǎi], [pāk, ].)
pak1 12495
75 9 pāk <bot.> Phellodendron amurense Rupr. Common name: Amur cork tree.¹⁵
黄柏[黃柏] võng-pāk
huángbò Amur cork tree Phellodendron amurense; cork-tree bark (Chinese medicine).¹⁰ (Also called:
   关黄柏[關黃柏] gän-võng-pāk
   元柏 ngũn-pāk
   檗木 pāk-mûk
   黄波椤树[黃波欏樹] võng-bö-lõ-sì
   黄檗[黃檗] võng-pāk
   黄伯栗[黃伯栗] võng-pāk-lùt
   黄檗木[黃檗木] võng-pāk-mûk
(See 柏 [pāk, bǎi], [pāk, ].)
pak1 12496
75 10 pāk bǎi (=柏 pāk bǎi) cypress; cedar.
(See 柏 [pāk, bǎi]).
pak1 12497
75 17 pāk cork tree.⁸ Phellodendron amurense.¹⁰
饮冰茹檗[飲冰茹檗] ngīm-bëin-nguĩ-pāk
yǐnbīngrúbò the hard life of a widow; be in straitened circumstances.⁵⁴
黄檗[黃檗] võng-pāk
huángbò Amur cork tree Phellodendron amurense; cork-tree bark (Chinese medicine).¹⁰ (Also called:
   关黄柏[關黃柏] gän-võng-pāk
   元柏 ngũn-pāk
   檗木 pāk-mûk
   黄波椤树[黃波欏樹] võng-bö-lõ-sì
黄柏[黃柏] võng-pāk huángbò;
   黄伯栗[黃伯栗] võng-pāk-lùt
   黄檗木[黃檗木] võng-pāk-mûk
血红小檗[血紅小檗] hüt-hũng-xēl-pāk
xuèhóngxiǎobò barberry, common barberry, European barberry Berberis vulgaris (Syn. Berberis sanguinea).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
日本小檗 Ngìt-bōn-xēl-pāk
Rìběnxiǎobò Japanese barberry, Thunberg's barberry, Red barberry Berberis thunbergii (Also called: 红叶小檗[紅葉小檗] hũng-yêp-xēl-pāk hóngyèxiǎobò; 紫叶小檗[紫葉小檗] dū-yêp-xēl-pāk zǐyèxiǎobò).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
pak1 12498
96 9 pāk amber.⁵
琥珀 fū-pāk hǔpò amber.¹¹
琥珀玻璃 fū-pāk-bū-lī
or fū-pāk-bō-lī hǔpòbōli amber glass.⁶
琥珀鱼[琥珀魚] fū-pāk-nguĩ/
hǔpòyú amberfish.⁶
琥珀色 fū-pāk-sēik
hǔpòsè amber.⁶
琥珀树脂[琥珀樹脂] fū-pāk-sì-jï
hǔpòshùzhī kochenite.⁶
琥珀酸 fū-pāk-xön
hǔpòsuān <chem.> succinic acid.⁶
琥珀油 fū-pāk-yiũ
hǔpòyóu amber oil.⁵
血珀 hüt-pāk
xuèpò dark red amber.¹¹
蜜蜡琥珀[蜜蠟琥珀] mìt-làp-fū-pāk
mìlàhǔpò cloudy amber.⁵⁴
珀伽索斯 pāk-gä-sōk-xü
pòjiāsuǒsī (Ancient Greek: Πήγασος, Pégasos, Latin Pegasus), also called 佩格索斯 pöi-gāk-sōk-xü  pèigésuǒsī; (<vern.> 天马[天馬] hëin-mâ tiānmǎ or 飞马[飛馬] fï-mâ fēimǎ Pegasus.²⁹).²⁰
pak1 12499
194 14 pāk soul; vigor, spirit.⁶
工作有魄力 güng-dōk-yiû-pāk-lèik gōngzuòyǒupòlì be bold and resolute in one's work.⁵
体魄[體魄] hāi-pāk
tǐpò physique; physical health.⁶
气魄[氣魄] hï-pāk
qìpò boldness of vision; spiritedness.⁵
落魄 lòk-pāk
luòpò <wr.> frustrated. dejected, down and out, down on one's luck; unconventional, unrestrained by convention; panic-stricken, frightened out of one's wits.⁶
魄力 pāk-lèik
pòlì boldness; daring and resolution.⁶
魄门[魄門] pāk-mõn
pòmén the anus.¹⁴
魄散 pāk-xän
pòsàn unnerved; unmanned.⁷
魄散九霄 pāk-xän-giū-xël
pòsànjiǔxiāo <wr.> one's spirit flees to the ninth heaven; die; be scared to death.⁵⁴
魄散魂飞[魄散魂飛] pāk-xän-vũn-fï
pòsànhúnfēi (=魂飞魄散[魂飛魄散] vũn-fï-pāk-xän húnfēipòsàn) be frightened out of one's wits/senses; be half dead with fright.⁶
失魂落魄 sīt-vũn-lòk-pāk
shīhúnluòpò be driven to distraction; be panic striken; be scared out of one's wits; be hopeless and despondent.⁶
魂魄 vũn-pāk
húnpò soul.⁵
<又> bòk; hōk. (See 魄 bòk; 魄 hōk.)
pak1 12500
30 11 päk <ono.> bang, crack, clap.³⁹
啪嗒 päk-āp pāda <ono.> patter.⁹
啪嚓 päk-chät
pāchā <ono.> crash; clash.⁹
啪哒[啪噠] päk-dät
pādā <ono.> sound of object falling into water; plop.¹⁰
啪啦 päk-lā
pālā <ono.> crack.⁸ thwack; indicating the slapping sound of a strike.⁹
劈啪 pëk-päk
pīpā <ono.> crack, slap, clap, clatter.¹⁰
pak2 12501
46 8 päk lush, dense appearance.¹³ dense, thick (of vegetation).¹⁹
(composition: ⿰山白; U+5CB6). (variant: 𣶎❄{⿰氵岶} päk).
❄{⿰山莫}or 𡻟❄{⿰山莫}𣶎❄{⿰氵岶} mōk-päk mòpò secret; retired; recluse.²⁴ thick; dense; perhaps the same as 漠泊 (mōk-bòk mòbó lush appearance.⁸).¹⁰¹
(See 𣶎❄{⿰氵岶} päk).
pak2 12502
50 8 päk to wrap; kerchief; handkerchief; headscarf; pascal (SI unit: Pa).¹⁰
帕子 päk-dū pàzi a kerchief, often used for carrying a package.¹¹
帕金森病 päk-gïm-sẽim-bèng
pàjīnsēnbìng Parkinson's disease; shaking palsy; parkinsonism.⁶
帕米尔高原[帕米爾高原] päk-māi-ngì-gäo-ngũn
pàmǐ’ěrgāoyuán Pamirs.⁶
帕斯卡 päk-xü-kā
pàsīkǎ pascal (Pa) [unit of pressure equal to one newton per square meter.]⁶
手帕 siū-päk
shǒupà handkerchief.¹¹
pak2 12503
64 8 päk pāi to clap, to pat; to take pictures, to shoot film; to send telegrams; to flap (the wings); to beat, to lash; <topo.> to lick somebody's boots; to fawn on; <slang> to put money down; <slang> to defeat, to beat.
乒乓球拍 bīn-bōng-kiũ-päk pīngpāng qiúpāi table tennis paddle.
波涛拍岸[波濤拍岸] bö-hão-päk-ngòn
bōtāopāi'àn waves beating on the bank.⁵⁴
吹牛拍马[吹牛拍馬] chuï-ngẽo-päk-mâ
chuīniúpāimǎ to boast and flatter.
合拍 hàp-päk
hépāi in time with (i.e. same rhythm); to keep in step with; fig. to cooperate.
拍打 päk-ā
pāida to pat; to slap.
拍子 päk-dū
pāizi <sport> paddle, racket; <mus.> beat.
拍照 päk-jël
pāizhào to take (a picture); shoot (a film).
拍卖[拍賣] päk-mài
pāimài to auction; to sell at a reduced price.
拍摄[拍攝] päk-nēp
pāishè to film; to shoot (a picture).¹⁰
拍案而起 päk-ön-ngĩ-hī
pāi'àn'érqǐ smite the table and rise to one's feet.⁵
拍手 päk-siū
pāishǒu to clap one's hands; to applaud.
苍蝇拍[蒼蠅拍] töng-yẽin-päk
cāngyingpāi fly swatter.⁹
pak2 12504
85 11 𣶎
päk (=岶 päk lush, dense appearance.¹³ dense, thick (of vegetation).¹⁹).²
(composition: ⿰氵岶; U+23D8E).
❄{⿰山莫}or 𡻟❄{⿰山莫}𣶎❄{⿰氵岶} mōk-päk mòpò secret; retired; recluse.²⁴ thick; dense; perhaps the same as 漠泊 (mōk-bòk mòbó lush appearance.⁸).¹⁰¹
(See 岶 päk).
pak2 12505
119 11 päk (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 粕 pōk <wr.> dregs of grain after distillation.⁶)
<又> pōk.
(See 粕 pōk.)
pak2 12506
124 11 päk flying.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰白羽; U+4385).
pak2 12507
167 10 päk polonium (Po).
<又> pōk. (See 釙 pōk.)
pak2 12508
64 16 𢶉
pàk sound of an arrow hitting something.²ʼ⁰ the noise made in shooting.²⁴ the thud of an arrow; the noise it makes when striking, as if it was a haitstone. the thud of an arrow; the noise it makes when striking, as if it was a haitstone.
(composition: ⿰扌雹; U+22D89).
pak4 12509
4 丿 6 pän pān (=攀 pän pān) to climb; to pull.³⁶
(composition: ⿱
丿⿲⿱丿丿丨⿺乀丿 ; U+4E51).
<又> jüng, yĩm.
(See 乑 jüng; 乑 yĩm; 攀 pän).
pan2 12510
30 15 pän pēn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 喷[噴] pün pēn with same meaning: to spurt; to spray.²² to vociferate, to blow the nose, to blow out the breath, to speak rapidly.²⁴)
t: ⿰口賁; U+5674). (comp. s: ⿰口贲; U+55B7).
<又> pün.
(See 噴 [pün, pēn], 噴 [pün, pèn].)
pan2 12511
64 7 pän pān  (=攀 q.v. pän pān)  to climb, to clamber; to seek connections in high places; to involve, to implicate.
or 牵丝攀藤[牽絲攀藤] hëin-xü-pän-hãng qiānsīpānténg to harass or annoy persistently; to drag out an affair or argument.
<又> bān, bän.
(See 扳 bān, bän; 攀 pän.)
pan2 12512
64 19 pän pān to climb, to clamber; to seek connections in high places; to involve, to implicate. (variant: 乑 pän).
高不可攀 gäo-būt-hō-pän gāobùkěpān unreachable; unattainable.
高攀 gäo-pän
gāopān make friends or claim ties of kinship with somebody of higher social position; climb up.
or 牵丝扳藤[牽絲扳藤] hëin-xü-pän-hãng qiānsīpānténg to harass or annoy persistently; to drag out an affair or argument.
攀登 pän-äng pāndēng clamber, climb, scale.
攀比 pän-bī
pānbǐ to make invidious comparisons; to emulate others.
攀跻[攀躋] pän-däi
or pän-dāi pānjī to climb up.²⁴
攀隮 pän-däi
pānjī (=攀跻[攀躋] pän-däi or pän-dāi pānjī.¹⁹) to climb up.²⁴
攀附 pän-fù
pānfù to attach oneself to somebody powerful; to climb (of an attached plant).
攀亲[攀親] pän-tïn
pānqīn to claim kinship; to seek a match; to seek marriage with a higher-class family.
攀缘[攀緣] pän-yõn
pānyuán  climb, clamber; climb the social ladder through pull.⁶  to climb up socially; <Budd.> to be distracted by material world.¹¹
攀援 pän-yõn
pānyuán climb, clamber; climb the social ladder through pull.⁶ to seek help from those on top.¹¹
(See 扳 pän; 乑 pän.)
pan2 12513
109 9 pän pàn hope for, long for, expect; look.⁵
左顾右盼[左顧右盼] dū-gü-yiù-pän zuǒgùyòupàn glance right and left; look around.⁵
顾盼[顧盼] gü-pän
gùpàn <wr.> look around.⁵
流盼 liũ-pän
liúpàn (=流眄 liũ-mēin liúmiǎn) <wr.> cast a sideway glance.⁶
盼复[盼復] pän-fūk
pànfù I await your reply.⁵
盼祷[盼禱] pän-hāo
pàndǎo (a conventional phrase in formal letters) to hope.⁷ <court.> my sincere hope, request.¹¹
盼头[盼頭] pän-hẽo
pàntou something hoped for an dlikely to happen; good prospects.⁵
盼睐[盼睞] pän-lõi
or pän-lòi pànlài your favors, or consideration.⁷
盼望 pän-mòng
pànwàng to hope; to wish.⁷
盼慕 pän-mù
pànmù to admire (a person).⁷
盼念 pän-nèm
pànniàn expect and miss; long to see.⁶
盼星星盼月亮 pän-xëin-xëin-pän-ngùt-lèng
pàn xīngxing pàn yuèliang long for something day and night; look forward to something impatiently.⁶
盼想 pän-xēng
pànxiǎng to hope.⁷
pan2 12514
109 9 pän pān supercilious look, disdain, contempt; in the blink of an eye.⁸ an eye with much white in it; to turn or roll the eyes.²⁴
(composition: ⿰目反; U+7705).
眅睛 pän-dëin pānjīng a cataract.²⁴
眅眼 pän-ngān
pānyǎn supercilious look, disdain, contempt.¹⁹
pan2 12515
145 10 pän pàn ➀ (=襻 pän pàn) a loop for fastening a button; something shaped like a button loop or used for a similar purpose; fasten with a rope, string; tie.⁵  ➁ See 袷袢 gäp-pän.⁵
袷袢 gäp-pän
qiāpàn Uygur or Tajik robe buttoning down the front.⁶
or 襻儿[襻兒] pän-ngĩ pànr loop for fastening a button.¹⁹
(See 襻 pän).
pan2 12516
145 24 pän pàn a loop for fastening a button; something shaped like a button loop or used for a similar purpose; fasten with a rope, string; tie.⁵ (variant: 袢 pän pàn).
鞋襻儿[鞋襻兒] hãi-pän-ngĩ
xiépànr shoe strap.⁵
扣襻 këo-pän
kòupàn fastening; button loop.⁵⁴
篮子襻儿[籃子襻兒] lâm-dū-pän-ngĩ
lánzipànr the handle of a basket.⁵
帽襻 mào-pän
màopàn hatband.¹⁹
纽襻[紐襻] niū-pän
niǔpàn cloth loops for buttons.¹¹
纽襻儿[紐襻兒] niū-pän-ngĩ
niǔpànr button loop.⁵
or 袢儿[袢兒] pän-ngĩ pànr loop for fastening a button.¹⁹
襻上 pän-sèng
pànshang fasten with a rope or string.⁵⁴
襻上几针[襻上幾針] pän-sèng-gī-jïm
pànshangjǐzhēn put in a few stitches.⁵
用绳子襻上[用繩子襻上] yùng-sẽin-dū-pän-sèng 
yòng shéngzipànshang fasten with a rope.⁵
(See 袢 pän).
pan2 12517
167 15 pän pàn handle (of an object); strap; loop handle.⁶ a handle found on an appliance.⁹
桶鋬 hūng-pän tǒngpàn handle of a bucket.⁰
壶鋬[壺鋬] vũ-pän
húpàn handle of a kettle.⁶
pan2 12518
181 13 pän bān (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 颁[頒] bän bān with same meaning: promulgate; issue.⁵)
t: ⿰分頁; U+9812). (comp. s: ⿰分页; U+9881).
<又> bän.
(See 頒 bän.)
pan2 12519
8 7 päng pēng <old> used for 烹 päng pēng boil; cook; fry quickly in hot oil and stir in sauce.⁵
(composition: ⿳亠口了; U+4EA8).
亨熟 päng-sùk
pēngshú to boil till thoroughly cooked.¹⁴
谁能亨鱼?[誰能亨魚?] Suĩ-nãng-päng-nguî/?
Shuí néng pēng yú? Who can cook fish?⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·檜風·匪風·3》, translated by James Legge).
Qī yuè pēng kuí jí shū.
In the seventh (month), they cook the Kui and pulse.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·豳風·七月·6》, translated by James Legge).
采之亨之. Tōi-jï-päng-jï.
Cǎi zhī pēng zhī.
Some are taken and boiled.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·都人士之什·瓠葉·1》, translated by James Legge).
<又> häng. (See 亨 häng; 烹 häng).
pang2 12520
30 15 päng pēng ( the sound of things bumping against each other or of knocking at a door ) bang.⁶
嘭的一声,气球爆炸了[嘭的一聲,氣球爆炸了] päng-ēik-yīt-sëin, hï-kiũ-bäo-jä-lēl pēngdeyīshēng, qìqiúbàozhàle The balloon burst with a bang.⁶
pang2 12521
66 10 𢼩
päng  pēng the noise of striking a board.²⁴ the noise of striking boards together.¹⁰² (variant: 𢼶❄{⿰并攵} päng pēng).
(composition: ⿰并攴; U+22F29).
(See 𢼶❄{⿰并攵} päng).
pang2 12522
66 10 𢼶
päng  pēng same as 𢼩 päng pēng the sound of striking a board.¹⁰¹ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰并攵; U+22F36).
<又> bïn.
(See 𢼶❄{⿰并攵} bïn; 𢼩❄{⿰并攴} päng).
pang2 12523
85 8 päng pēng roar; splashing water.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵平; U+6CD9).
泙湃 päng-bäi pēngpài or 泙派 päng-päi pēngpài the pounding sound of waves smashing against any object.⁰
泙濞 päng-bì
pēngbì sound of water splashing.⁰
泙泙 päng-päng
pēngpēng sound of splashing water.⁸ʼ⁰
<又> pẽin.
(See 泙 pẽin).
pang2 12524
85 14 päng pēng roar; sound of waves breaking.⁸ noise of dashing waves.¹⁰ the noise of dashing water.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰氵崩; U+6F30).
漰湃 päng-bäi pēngpài noise of waters.¹⁴
漰奔 päng-bïn
pēngbēn or 漰渀 päng-bùn pēngbèn water flowing fiercely.¹⁹
漰渤 päng-bòt
pēngbó the noise of water dashing against anything.²⁵ the noise of billows.¹⁰²
漰口 päng-hēo
pēngkǒu ancient name of a place in the south of Shaanxi.¹⁰²
漰泙 päng-päng
pēngpēng sound of torrential rain; sound of rushing water or waves clapping.¹⁹ʼ⁰
漰沛 päng-pöi
pēngpèi sound of flowing water.¹⁹
<又> bïn.
(See 漰 bïn).
pang2 12525
86 11 päng pēng boil; cook; fry quickly in hot oil and stir in sauce.⁵
(composition: ⿱亨灬; U+70F9).
兔死狗烹 hü-xī-gēo-päng tùsǐgǒupēng the hounds are killed for food once the hares are bagged – trusted aids are eliminated when they have outlived their usefulness.⁶
中国式烹调[中國式烹調] Jüng-gōk-sēik-päng-hẽl
Zhōngguó shì pēngtiáo Chinese cooking; Chinese cuisine.⁵
中式烹饪[中式烹飪] Jüng-sēik-päng-ngìm
Zhōngshì pēngrèn Chinese cooking; Chinese cuisine.⁶
烹茶 päng-chã
pēngchá brew tea; make tea.⁵
烹调[烹調] päng-hẽl
pēngtiáo cook (dishes).⁵
烹煮 päng-jī
pēngzhǔ to cook; to boil.⁵⁴
烹饪[烹飪] päng-ngìm
pēngrèn cooking; culinary art.⁵
烹对虾[烹對蝦] päng-uï-hâ
pēnduìxiā quick-fried prawn in brown sauce.⁵
(See 亨 päng, which may be used for 烹 päng).
pang2 12526
112 13 päng pēng <ono.> a loud sound; alternative form of 碰 (püng pèng "collide, bump into"); alternative form of 蹦 (bäng bèng “to jump”).³⁶ to bump into; to collide; to strike.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰石朋; U+787C).
磕硼 hēip-päng
kēpēng or 磕碰 hēip-püng kēpèng traces of bumps on the utensil; mutually bumping against each other and causing breakage; metaphor for setbacks; small amount of friction; conflicts.¹⁹
硼磕 päng-hēip
pēngkē sound of crashing water.¹¹ <ono.> sound of music; <ono.> sound of thunder.¹⁹
硼砰 päng-pâng
pēngpēng surging sound of water.¹⁹
硼隱[硼隱] päng-yîn
pēngyǐn very loud sound.¹⁹
<又> pãng.
(See 硼 pãng).
pang2 12527
112 16 päng pēng to strike a stone.²⁵
(composition: ⿰石崩; U+78DE).
磞硠 päng-lõng pēngláng a great noise.²⁵
<又> püng.
(See 磞 püng).
pang2 12528
112 17 𥕱
päng pēng (=硼 päng pēng <ono.> a loud sound.³⁶).²
(=磞 päng
pēng to strike a stone.²⁵).²
(composition: ⿰石彭; U+25571).
<又> püng.
(See 𥕱❄{⿰石彭} püng; 硼 päng; 磞 päng).
pang2 12529
120 12 päng pēng to draw a bow; a patternless silk fabric.⁸
(composition: ⿰糹并 or ⿰糹幷; U+7D63).
絣纮[絣紘] päng-fãng pēnghóng the sound of shooting an arrow.¹⁹
<又> bäng; bëin; mäng.
(See 絣 bäng; 絣 bëin; 絣 mäng).
pang2 12530
167 19 päng pēng to smelt; to refine the gold; alchemy.⁸ʼ¹⁰ to melt or work metals.²⁵
(composition: ⿰金烹; U+494B).
pang2 12531
169 13 päng pēng the creaking of a door; the noise of shutting a door.²⁵ the sound a door makes when it closes.³⁶
(composition: ⿵門平; U+959B).
閛閛 päng-päng pēngpēng sound of knocking on a door.¹⁹
<又> püng.
(See 閛 püng).
pang2 12532
169 13 𨳵
päng pēng (=閛 päng pēng)⁹⁸ the creaking of a door; the noise of shutting a door.²⁵ the sound a door makes when it closes.³⁶
(composition: ⿵門丙; U+28CF5).
(See 閛 päng).
pang2 12533
9 10 pãng péng (<old>=朋 pãng péng friend.⁵); to entrust, to delegate; to assist, to aid; Peng surname.⁸ to associate with; to assist, to help; to recommend or bespeak.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰亻朋; U+5017).
or 邦朋 böng-pãng bāngpéng people who collude with each other to break the law; cronies.¹⁹
倗国[倗國] pãng-gōk
péng guó there is no historical record of this vassal state of Western Zhou but was estimated to have existed approximately 2,200 years ago in present-day Jiangxian County (绛县[絳縣] göng-yòn jiàng xiàn), Shanxi Province (山西省 Sän-xäi sāng Shānxī shěng).¹⁹
or 朋友 pãng-yiû péngyǒu friend.¹⁹
(See 朋 pãng).
pang3 12534
15 11 𠗦
pãng píng (=冯[馮]⁹⁸ʼ¹⁰¹ pãng píng to wade; to gallop.) to lean on; to trust in.⁸
(composition: ⿰冫⿹⿺㇉⿻三丨廾; U+205E6).
<又> fũng.
(See 𠗦❄{⿰冫⿹⿺㇉⿻三丨廾} fũng; 馮 pãng).

pang3 12535 205E6.gif
16 14 pãng píng (=凭[憑] pãng píng to lean against; to rely on; on the basis of; no matter (how, what); proof.)
(composition: ⿱馮几; U+51F4).
(See 憑 pãng).
pang3 12536
32 11 pãng péng low wall separating archery lanes.¹  A watershed dike created by 李冰 Lī Bëin Lǐ Bīng Li Bing of the Warring States Period when building the 都江堰 Ü-göng Yēn  Dōujiāng Yàn Dujiang Weirs.⁹  <wr.> target.¹¹
堋地 pãng-ì
péngdì target.¹
射堋 sèh-pãng
shèpéng archery target.⁸
<又> bèin.
(See 堋 bèin.)
pang3 12537
57 11 pãng péng tensely drawn, drawn to the full (of bow).¹¹ a strong bow; full; stretched out.²⁴ a bow stretched to its furthest extent; tensely drawn.³⁶ (composition: ⿰弓朋; U+5F38).
弸彋 pãng-fãng pénghóng the sound that curtains make when wind is being blown on them.⁰ the sounding of a bow.²⁴
or 弸弓子 or 弸弓兒 pãng-güng pénggōng or pãng-güng-dū pénggōngzǐ or pãng-güng-ngĩ pénggōngr automatic spring device for closing door.¹¹
弸中彪外 pãng-jüng-bël-ngòi
péngzhōngbiāowài <lit.> smooth, beautiful appearance resulting from solid worth.¹¹
pang3 12538
59 12 pãng péng big; longevity; proud; Peng surname.⁷ to be strong and handsome' to be numberous; unceasing.¹⁴ to go, to travel; a way; abundant; near, on one side; powerful; to fix the spears in a war chariot.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰壴彡; U+5F6D).
行人彭彭 hãng-ngĩn-pãng-pãng xíngrénpéngpéng a great congregation of people.¹¹
彭祖 Pãng Dū
Péng Zǔ or 老彭 Lāo Pãng/ Lǎo Péng name of a legendary official in the reign of Emperor Yao (2358 B.C.) who was said to have lived 800 years.⁷ (Note: aka 篯铿[籛鏗] Dëin Häng Jiān Kēng, q.v. Later generations equate 彭祖 Pãng Dū Péng Zǔ with Longevity.).
彭亨 pãng-häng
pénghēng potbellied; proud and smug.⁷ proud, contemptuous.¹⁴ full of one's self.¹⁰²
彭年 pãng-nẽin péngnián an advanced age.¹⁴
彭彭 pãng-pãng
péngpéng busy (of traffic).¹¹ the exciting beating of drums; numerous; a crashing noise; handsome, strong; grand, as an array.¹⁰²
彭殇[彭殤] pãng-sëng
péngshāng longevity and early death.⁷
以车彭彭[以車彭彭] yî-chëh-pãng-pãng
yǐchēpéngpéng rumbling go the carriages.¹⁴ (the horses) pranced grandly in their cars.¹⁰²
pang3 12539
61 16 pãng píng to lean against; to rely on; on the basis of; no matter (how, what); proof. (variant: 凴 pãng píng).
口说无凭[口說無憑] hēo-sōt-mũ-pãng
kǒushuōwúpíng an oral agreement is not binding.
真凭实据[真憑實據] jïn-pãng-sìt-guï
zhēnpíngshíjù  conclusive proof.
文凭[文憑] mũn-pãng
wénpíng diploma.
任凭[任憑] ngìm-pãng
rènpíng no matter what; despite; to allow (somebody to act arbitrarily).
人凭衣装马凭鞍[人憑衣裝馬憑鞍] ngĩn-pãng-yï-jöng-mâ-pãng-ön
rénpíngyīzhuāngmǎpíngān Clothes make a man.
凭据[憑據] pãng-guï
píngjù evidence, proof.
凭证[憑證] pãng-jëin
píngzhèng voucher; proof.
凭轼结辙[憑軾結轍] pãng-sēik-gēik-chēt
píngshìjiézhé to drive non-stop as fast as one can (idiom).¹⁰
<又> bàng.
(See 憑 bàng; 凴 pãng).
pang3 12540
64 9 pãng péng (=搒 pãng péng <wr.> to beat with a rod.⁶ hide, cover; touch; flog with stick or bamboo split.⁸ to beat, to pound.²⁴ cudgel.¹⁰¹).¹⁹ to beat.⁸
(composition: ⿰扌邦; U+6337).
<又> bòng.
(See 挷 bòng; 搒 pãng).
pang3 12541
64 13 pãng péng <wr.> to beat with a rod.⁶ hide, cover; touch; flog with stick or bamboo split.⁸ to beat, to pound.²⁴ cudgel.¹⁰¹ (variant: 挷 pãng).
(composition: ⿰扌旁; U+6412).
<又> bòng. (See 搒 bòng; 挷 pãng.)
pang3 12542
74 8 pãng péng friend.⁵ (old variant: 倗 pãng péng).
(composition: ⿰月月; U+670B).
良朋 lẽng-pãng
liángpéng good friend.⁵
良朋益友 lẽng-pãng-yēik-yiû
liángpéngyìyǒu virtuous companions and worthy friends.¹⁰
朋比为奸[朋比為奸] pãng-bī-vĩ-gän
péngbǐwéijiān gang up to do evil; conspire together for evil ends.⁶
朋辈[朋輩] pãng-böi
péngbèi the friends of the same generation; peers.⁹
朋俦[朋儔] pãng-chiũ
péngchóu <wr.> friends and associates.¹¹
朋党[朋黨] pãng-ōng
péngdǎng clique; cabal.⁵
朋朋 pãng-pãng
péngpéng <ono.> sound of wind.¹¹
朋友 pãng-yiû
péngyǒu friend; boy friend or girl friend.⁵
(See 倗 pãng).
pang3 12543
75 12 pãng péng canopy or awning of reed mats; shed; shack.⁵
自行车棚[自行車棚] dù-hãng-chëh-pãng zìxíngchēpéng bicycle shed.⁵
天棚 hëin-pãng
tiānpéng ceiling; awning or canopy.⁵ (See <台> 天棚 hëin-pãng).
帐棚[帳棚] jëng-pãng
or 帐篷[帳篷] jëng-pũng zhàngpeng tents for soldiers; mat-sheds.¹⁴
牛棚 ngẽo-pãng
niúpéng cowshed; holding-place for the educated during the Cultural Revolution.⁵⁴
棚车[棚車] pãng-chëh
péngchē boxcar; covered truck.⁵
棚匠 pãng-dèng
péngjiàng a person who erects tents or mat awnings as a profession.⁷
棚子 pãng-dū
péngzi <topo.> shed; shack.⁵
棚户[棚戶] pãng-fù
pénghù <topo.> slum-dwellers; shack-dwellers.⁵
棚架 pãng-gâ
péngjià trellis; scaffolding.¹⁰
棚铺[棚鋪] pãng-pü
péngpù a tent shop.⁷
<台> 天棚 hëin-pãng rooftop terrace.
pang3 12544
78 16 pãng péng a swellen corpse, swell.⁸ swollen corpse, swell.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰歹彭; U+3C76).
㱶𣨉❄{⿰歹亨} päng-häng pēnghēng dead person's abdomen distended.¹⁰¹
<又> bäng.
(See 㱶 bäng).
pang3 12545
85 15 pãng péng sound of waves.¹⁰ to swell up (balloon, stomach).¹¹
汹涌澎湃[洶湧澎湃] hüng-yūng-pãng-bäi xiōngyǒng péngpài surging; turbulent; tempestuous.⁵
澎湃 pãng-bäi
péngpài the roaring of billows; to surge.⁷
Pénghú Lièdǎo Penghu Islands (once called Pescadores by the Portuguese).⁶
澎湖湾[澎湖灣] Pãng-vũ-vän
Pénghúwān Penghu Bay, located in the middle of the Taiwan Straits.³⁹
心潮澎湃 xïm-chẽl-pãng-bäi
xīncháopéngpài feel an upsurge of emotion.⁵
(See 澎 [pãng, pēng].)
pang3 12546
85 15 pãng péng (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 澋 vàng hèng with same meaning.)
Composition: ⿰氵景
<又> vàng, yēin.
(See 澋 vàng, 澋 yēin).
pang3 12547
85 15 pãng pēng <topo.> splash, spatter, splatter.⁶
澎了一身水 pãng-lēl-yīt-sïn-suī pēngleyīshēnshuǐ splash water all over one's body.⁴
(See 澎 [pãng, péng].)
pang3 12548
86 12 pãng píng fiery.²⁴ (appearance of) fire.³⁶
(composition: ⿰火朋; U+7129).
pang3 12549
86 14 pãng péng (composition: ⿰火逢; U+71A2).
熢㶿 pãng-bòt péngbó the appearance of dense smoke.⁰
<又> füng.
(See 熢 füng).
pang3 12550
98 16 pãng bèng <topo.> earthen jar.⁶ a squat jar for holding wine or sauce.¹⁴ a pitcher or jar.²⁴
酒甏 diū-pãng jiǔbèng wine jar.⁶
pang3 12551
104 13 pãng péng a swollen abdomen.⁸ dropsical swellings of the abdomen; any fullness or swelling.²⁴ a puffy or dropical swelling of the flesh.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿸疒朋; U+75ED).
<又> bäng. (See 痭 bäng).
pang3 12552
112 13 pãng péng boron (B).⁹ borax, boron.⁸
(composition: ⿰石朋; U+787C).
甲硼烷 gāp-pãng-yõn jiǎpéngwán borane.³⁶
硼玻璃 pãng-bū-lī
or pãng-bō-lī péngbōli boron glass.⁸
硼化 pãng-fä
pénghuà <metal.> boriding; <metal.> to go through boriding.³⁶
硼钢[硼鋼] pãng-gông
pénggāng boron steel; steel boride.³⁶
硼铁[硼鐵] pãng-hëik
péngtiě ferroboron.¹⁰
硼砂 pãng-sä
péngshā <min.> borax.¹¹
硼酸 pãng-xön
péngsuān boric acid H₃BO₃.⁹
硼酸酯 pãng-xön-jī péngsuānzhǐ boric acid ester.²⁹
硼酸盐[硼酸鹽] pãng-xön-yẽm
péngsuānyán borate.⁹
硼烷 pãng-yõn péng
péngwán borane.³⁶
三氟化硼 xäm-fūt-fä-pãng
sānfúhuàpéng (inorganic chemistry) boron trifluoride.³⁶
<又> päng.
(See 硼 päng).
pang3 12553
112 17 𥕽
pãng pèng (composition:  ⿱彭石; U+2557D).
𥖬❄{⿰石凴}𥕽❄{⿱彭石} bèin-pãng bìngpèng the noise of stones.²
pang3 12554
118 16 pãng péng bamboo cage; (<old>=搒 pãng péng) to beat/flog with a bamboo stick or whip.⁸ bamboo cage; to flog, beat, torture a (prisoner).¹³
<又> põng.
(See 篣 põng.)
pang3 12555
130 16 pãng péng to swell; swollen, bloated, inflated.⁸
膨大 pãng-ài péngdà inflate; expand; swell.⁶
膨化食品 pãng-fä-sèik-bīn
pénghuà shípǐn puffed food; heat-expanded food (e.g., popcorn).⁵⁴
膨脝 pãng-häng
pénghēng <wr.> potbellied; <topo.> bulky; unwieldy.⁵
膨胀[膨脹] pãng-jëng 
péngzhàng expand; swell; dilate; inflate.⁵
膨胀系数[膨脹係數] pãng-jëng-hài-sū 
péngzhàngxìshǔ <phy.> coefficient of expansion.¹¹
pang3 12556
142 14 𧌇
pãng péng (Cant.) a large butterfly.⁸ name of an insect.²ʼ²⁵
(composition: ⿰虫朋; U+27307).
pang3 12557
142 18 pãng péng a small land crab.⁸ a land crab, common in the rice-fields, or on seaside beaches.¹⁰² (variant: 蟚 pãng péng).
(composition: ⿰虫彭; U+87DB).
无爪蟛蜞[無爪蟛蜞] mũ-jāo-pãng-kĩ
wúzhǎo péngqí a clawless crab; — an inefficient, lazy lout.¹⁰²
蟛蜞 pãng-kĩ/
péngqí or 螃蜞 põng-kĩ pángqí amphibious crab; brackish-water crab.⁶ a species of small crabs, Grapsus species.¹¹
蟛蜞子 pãng-kĩ-dū
péngqízǐ crab's eggs.¹⁰²
蟛蜞菊 pãng-kĩ-gūk
péngqíjú or 螃蜞菊 põng-kĩ-gūk pángqíjú  (Wedelia chinensis).⁶ (Note: old name for 黄花蜜菜[黃花蜜菜] võng-fä-mìt-töi huánghuāmìcài (Sphagneticola calendulacea).²⁰
蟛螖 pãng-vàt
pénghuá a small crab.⁵⁴
(See 蟚 pãng).
pang3 12558
142 18 pãng péng (=蟛 pãng péng) a small land crab.⁸
(composition: ⿱彭虫; U+87DA).
(See 蟛 pãng).
pang3 12559
159 15 pãng péng an ancient war chariot.⁸ a war chariot; a tower on a city wall.²⁵
(composition: ⿰車朋; U+8F23).
冲輣[衝輣] chüng-pãng chōngpéng in general, war chariots such as battering ram chariot and turret chariot.¹⁹
䡴輣 chüng-pãng
chōngpéng to rush against the tower with a battering ram.²⁵
輣车[輣車] pãng-chēh
péngchē ancient war vehicle with a turret.¹⁹
輣冲[輣衝] pãng-chüng
péngchōng appearance of cascading water in a waterfall.¹⁹
輣轧[輣軋] pãng-jät
péngyà <ono.> the sound of a torrent of water gushing forth.⁵⁴
云輣[雲輣] vũn-pãng
yúnpéng (same as 輣车[輣車] pãng-chēh péngchē) ancient war vehicle with a turret.¹⁹
pang3 12560
173 52 pãng bèng roar of thunders; thunderpeal, very loud sounds.¹⁰ The sound of thunder.²⁵ roar of thunder; thunderclaps, very loud sounds.³⁶
铳䨻[銃䨻] chüng-pãng chòngbèng the noise of thunder (a local term).²⁵
pang3 12561
187 12 pãng píng to cross a stream without a boat; to mount; to ascend; a horse galloping; to insult; to rely on (used for 凭[憑] pãng píng).¹⁴
暴虎冯河[暴虎馮河] bào-fū-pãng-hõ
bàohǔpínghé to attempt to fight a tiger with bare hands and cross a river without a boat – to be foolishly brave; to take great risks with reckless courage.⁶
冯河[馮河] pãng-hõ
pínghé <wr.> lit. to cross a river without a boat; fig. to be reckless.
冯陵[馮陵] pãng-lẽin
pínglíng to rely on power to insult another.¹⁴
冯怒[馮怒] pãng-nù
píngnù very angry.¹⁴
冯冯[馮馮] pãng-pãng
píngpíng galloping like a fast horse.¹⁴
<又> Füng.
(See 馮 Füng.)
pang3 12562
190 18 pãng péng (of hair) fluffy; puffy.⁶ dishevelled hair hanging down the back.¹⁴
鬅头垢面[鬅頭垢面] pãng-hẽo-gēo-mèin péngtóugòumiàn dirty head and dirty face.¹⁹
鬅头散发[鬅頭散髮] pãng-hẽo-xān-fāt
péngtóusànfà with dishevelled hair; with hair dishevelled; with hair in disarray.⁶
鬅松[鬅鬆] pãng-tũng
péngsōng (of hair) fluffy.⁶ fluffy (hair); more commonly wr. 蓬鬆 pũng-tũng péngsōng.¹¹
鬅鬙 pãng-xäng
péngsēng dishevelled hair.²⁵
首发鬅鬙[首髮鬅鬙] siū-fāt-pãng-xäng
shǒusànpéngsēng his hair all unkempt and dishevelled.¹⁴
pang3 12563
196 19 pãng péng fabulous bird of enormous size.⁸ The roc, a mythical bird of giant size and terrific flying power.¹¹
鵬鷃 pãng-än péngyàn the giant bird and the tiny bird in the bush – contrast of size.¹¹
鹏程万里[鵬程萬里] pãng-chẽin-màn-lî
péngchéngwànlǐ make a roc's flight of ten thousand li at one jump – have a bright future;  have a brilliant career.⁶
鹏飞[鵬飛] pãng-fï
péngfēi soaring flight.¹¹
鹏举[鵬舉] pãng-guī
péngjǔ great start.¹¹
鹏抟[鵬摶] pãng-hõn
péngtuán to strive for greatness.¹⁰
鹏图[鵬圖] pãng-hũ
péngtú any great (esp. commercial) plan for expansion.¹¹
鹏鲲[鵬鯤] pãng-kün
péngkūn outstanding person.⁶ the giant bird and giant fish, symbol of hugeness.¹¹
鹏鸟[鵬鳥] pãng-nêl
péngniǎo a buzzard; a vulture.⁷
鹏翼[鵬翼] pãng-yêik
péngyì man of outstanding talent.⁶
pang3 12564
75 12 pâng bàng stick, club, cudgel; <topo.> good, fine, excellent, strong; measure word for legs of a relay race.¹⁰
木棒 mûk-pâng mùbàng a wooden stick.⁹ wooden staff.¹¹
棒冰 pâng-bëin
bàngbīng popsicle.¹⁰
棒疮[棒瘡] pâng-chông
bàngchuāng wound (from floggings with bamboo stick).⁶
棒棰 pâng-chuĩ
or 棒槌 pâng-chuî bàngchui battledore; wooden club used to beat clothes in washing.⁸
棒杵 pâng-chuî
bàngchǔ a club used to pound clothes.⁷
棒子 pâng-dū
bàngzi stick, club, cudgel; <topo.> maize, corn; ear of maize or corn; corncob.⁵
or 棒子茬 pâng-dū-chã bàngzichá cornstalk.⁵⁴
棒坛[棒壇] pâng-hãn
bàngtán baseball circles.¹⁰
棒糖 pâng-hõng
bàngtáng sucker; lollipop.⁵
棒喝 pâng-höt
bànghè serve a severe/sharp warning.⁶
棒针[棒針] pâng-jïm
bàngzhēn big/heavy knitting needle.⁶
棒球 pâng-kiũ
bàngqiú baseball.⁵
棒棒鸡[棒棒雞] pâng-pâng-gäi
bàngbangjī boneless chicken with heavy seasoning (a specialty in Sichuan).⁷
棒棒糖 pâng-pâng-hõng
bàngbangtáng a lollipop.⁷
棒小伙子 pâng-xēl-fō-dū
bàngxiǎohuǒzi strong young man.⁶
<台> 搅屎棒[攪屎棒] gāo-sī-pâng troublemaker.
pang5 12565
75 12 pâng bàng (<old>=棒 pâng bàng stick, club, cudgel); flail; name of a constellation; root.⁸ a flail; a stick.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰木咅; U+68D3).
or 棍棒 gûn-pâng gùnbàng club; staff; stick.¹⁰
天棓 hëin-pâng
tiānbàng name of a star.²⁴
or 棒子 pâng-dū bàngzi stick, club, cudgel; <topo.> maize, corn; ear of maize or corn; corncob.⁵
<又> pāo; pôi; böi; põi.
(See 棒 pâng; 棓 pāo; 棓 pôi; 棓 böi; 棓 põi).
pang5 12566
112 10 pâng pēng the sound of crashing stones; Bang! a loud sound; deafening.⁷
砰磅 pâng-bòng pēngbāng Bing-bang! – the sound of falling stones; the roars of raging water.⁷
or 砰轰[砰轟] pâng-gäng pēnghōng loud or deafening.⁷
砰轰之声[砰轟之聲] pâng-gäng-jï-sëin
pēnghōngzhīshēng the roaring sound – of the cataract.¹⁴
砰訇一声[砰訇一聲] pâng-gäng-yīt-sëin
pēnghōngyīshēng with a mighty crash.¹⁴
砰磕 pâng-hēip pēngkē <wr.> crackle of thunder.¹¹
砰磷 pâng-lĩn
pēnglín high and steep; thunder.⁷
砰然 pâng-ngẽin
pēngrán loud; deafening; roaring; banging.⁷
砰然如雷 pâng-ngẽin-nguĩ-luĩ
pēngránrúléi with a crash like thunder.¹⁴
砰宕 pâng-òng
pēngdàng sound of water lapping against ships.¹¹
砰砰 pâng-pâng
pēngpēng the sound of drumbeats; Bang! Bang! – the sound of gunfire.⁷
<又> bīn, pẽin.
(See 砰 bīn, pẽin.)
pang5 12567
115 13 pâng bàng <topo.> maize; corn.¹⁹
稖头[稖頭] pâng-hẽo bàngtóu <topo.> maize; corn.⁶
pang5 12568
18 10 pāo pōu to cut open; to split open.
豆剖瓜分 èo-pāo-gä-fün dòupōu-guāfēn to divide up something just as one separates pea-pods or cuts melons into slices.
解剖 gāi-pāo
jiěpōu to cut open, dissect.¹¹
剖腹生产[剖腹生產] pāo-fūk-säng-chān
pōufùshēngchǎn Caesarean section or operation.
剖腹藏珠 pāo-fūk-tõng-jî
pōufùcángzhū lit. cutting one's stomach to hide a pearl (idiom); fig. wasting a lot of effort on trivialities or sacrificing life for the sake of gain.
剖面 pāo-mèin
pōumiàn cross section; sectional view.
剖断如流[剖斷如流] pāo-òn-nguĩ-liũ
pōuduànrúliú quick in deciding lawsuits (of a judge).
剖肚掏心 pāo-ū-hão-xïm
pōudùtāoxīn to rip somebody open and tear out his heart.⁵⁴
剖析 pāo-xēik
pōuxī to analyze; to dissect.
pao1 12569
30 8 pāo pǒu (=㕻 pāo pǒu) to spit out.³⁶ (now used only as a component as in 部 陪 倍 菩 瓿...)
(composition: ⿱立口; U+5485).
(See 㕻 pāo).
pao1 12570
30 8 pāo pǒu to spit out; to refuse, to repel.⁸
(composition: ⿱丶否; U+357B).
<又> pāo. (See 㕻 pāo).
pao1 12571
64 11 pāo pǒu  to hit, to strike, to break to split.⁶
掊斗折衡 pāo-ēo-jēt-hãng pǒudǒuzhéhéng to break the measure and destroy the scales so as to prevent wrangling (a political philosophy advocated by 庄子[莊子] Jöng-dū Zhuāngzǐ  (c. 369-286 B.C) Daoist philosopher.⁶
掊击[掊擊] pāo-gēik
pǒujī <wr.> to lash out, to attack.⁶
掊击权贵[掊擊權貴] pāo-gēik-kũn-gï
pǒujīquánguì to lash out at the bigwigs.⁶
<又> põi, pão.
(See 掊 [põi, póu], [põi, pǒu], pão.)
pao1 12572
75 12 pāo pǒu a springboard placed over uneven surfaces; a kind of tree mentioned in ancient books.⁸ to strike.¹⁴ an elevated plank, for the purpose of looking out; a board.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木咅; U+68D3).
<又> pâng; pôi; böi; põi. (See 棓 pâng; 棓 pôi; 棓 böi; 棓 põi).
pao1 12573
98 12 pāo pǒu (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 瓿 põi <wr.> vase.⁵ <wr.> small earthen jar.⁶ a jar; a pot.⁷)
(composition: ⿰咅瓦; U+74FF).
<又> põi.
(See 瓿 põi.)
pao1 12574
157 12 pāo pǎo to run; to run away, to flee.⁷
跑单帮[跑單幫] pāo-än-böng pǎodānbāng to smuggle goods on a small scale by a single individual.⁷
跑道 pāo-ào
pǎodào <avi.> runway; <sports> track.⁷
跑表[跑錶] pāo-bël
pǎobiǎo stopwatch.⁵
跑步 pāo-bù
pǎobù to run; on the double.⁷
跑不掉 pāo-būt-èl
pǎobudiào unable to run away.⁷
跑不了 pāo-būt-lēl
pǎobuliǎo not likely to run away.⁷
跑不动[跑不動] pāo-būt-ùng
pǎobudòng too tired to run.⁷
跑车[跑車] pāo-chëh
pǎochē racing bike.⁵
跑电[跑電] pāo-èin
pǎodiàn leakage of electricity.⁵
跑街 pāo-gâi
pǎojiē to act as a traveling salesman.⁷
跑江湖 pāo-göng-vũ
pǎojiānghú to wander from place to place, making a living as a fortuneteller, acrobat.⁷
跑鞋 pāo-hãi
pǎoxié running shoes; track shoes.⁵
跑堂 pāo-hõng
pǎotáng <trad.> act as a waiter (in a restaurant, wineshop).⁶
跑腿 pāo-huī
pǎotuǐ <topo.> run errands; do legwork.⁵
跑垒[跑壘] pāo-luî
pǎolěi <sports> base-running.⁶
跑龙套[跑龍套] pāo-lũng-häo
pǎolóngtào play a bit role.⁵
跑马[跑馬] pāo-mâ
pǎomǎ a horse ride; horse race.⁵
跑跑颠颠[跑跑顛顛] pāo-pāo-ëin-ëin
pǎopaodiāndiān bustle about; be on the go.⁵
(See 跑 pão.)
pao1 12575
20 4 päo bào (synonymous with 勽 päo bào: 菢, 㲒, 𣭀 to hatch eggs; to incubate).²⁴ʼ¹⁰²
(Note: alternate Hoisanva pronunciation: bù to hatch, to incubate.)
(composition: ⿹勹人; U+52FD).
(See 菢 päo; 㲒 päo; 𣭀❄{⿰包毛} päo).
pao2 12576
30 8 päo páo to roar.¹⁰
咆哮 päo-häo páoxiào to roar; to thunder; to snarl; to bluster (of wind, waves); <ono.> crashing waves; to rage (of a person).¹⁰
咆哮如雷 päo-häo-nguĩ-luĩ
páoxiàorúléi to be in a thundering rage (idiom).¹⁰
pao2 12577
37 8 päo pào ➀ empty and big ➁ <Cant.> a braggart ➂ <old>=炮石 päo-sêk artillery stone.⁸ harvest; to boast, to brag over people.²⁴
奢大奅 chëh-ài-päo shēdàpào (=<台> 车大炮[車大炮] chēh-ài-päo) to brag.⁸
车大奅[車大奅] chēh-ài-päo
chēdàpào to brag.
<台>大奅佬 ài-päo-lāo a braggart.
pao2 12578
64 8 päo bào to hold; to carry (in one's arms); to hug; to embrace; to surround; to cherish.
拱抱 gūng-päo gǒngbào to surround.
携抱[攜抱] kĩ-päo
xiébào to carry in one's arms.
搂抱[摟抱] lẽo-päo
lǒubào to hug; to embrace.
搂搂抱抱[摟摟抱抱] lẽo-lẽo-päo-päo
lǒulǒubàobào to cuddle and embrace.
抱定 päo-èin
bàodìng to hold fast.
抱负[抱負] päo-fù
bàofù aspiration; ambition.
抱紧[抱緊] päo-gīn
bàojǐn to hold tightly in one's arms.
抱憾 päo-hàm
bàohàn feel regretful/remorseful; regret.⁶
抱恨终身[抱恨終身] päo-hàn-jüng-sïn
bàohènzhōngshēn feel bitter regret for the rest of one's life; harbor an eternal regret.⁶
抱头鼠窜[抱頭鼠竄] päo-hẽo-sī-chōn
bàotóushǔcuàn flee helter-skelter; scurry off like a frightened rat.⁸
抱歉 päo-hēp
bàoqiàn be sorry; feel apologetic; regret.⁶
抱首而遁 päo-siū-ngĩ-ùn
bàoshǒu'érdùn hide one’s face and beat a retreat.⁵⁴
抱瓮灌圃 päo-ûng-gön-pū
bàowèngguànpǔ water the garden with a jar; do things in an unimaginative (inefficient) way; expend much effort with little results.⁵⁴
抱冤 päo-yön
bàoyuān feel wronged; nurse a grievance.⁶
抱怨 päo-yön
bàoyuàn complain; grumble.⁵
pao2 12579
64 8 päo pāo to cast, to throw, to throw away, to reject; to deduct.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿰扌⿺尢力; U+62CB).
s: ⿰扌⿺九力; U+629B).
抛出[拋出] päo-chūt
pāochū to throw out, to cast away; to sell short (esp. in stock market).⁵⁴ selling margin.¹⁴
抛光[拋光] päo-göng
pāoguāng polishing; buffing.⁵
抛头露面[拋頭露面] päo-hẽo-lù-mèin
pāotóulòumiàn  (of a woman in feudal society) to show one's face in public.⁵
抛弃[拋棄] päo-hï
pāoqì abandon; forsake; cast aside.⁵
抛砖引玉[拋磚引玉] päo-jön-yîn-ngùk
pāozhuānyǐnyù cast a brick to attract jade – give a few commonplace remarks by way of introduction so that others may come up with valuable opinions.⁶
抛锚[拋錨] päo-mão
pāomáo drop anchor, cast anchor; (of vehicles) breal down.⁵
抛物线[拋物線] päo-mùt-xëin
or päo-mòt-xëin pāowùxiàn parabola.⁶
抛射体[拋射體] päo-sèh-hāi
pāoshètǐ projectile.⁵
抛售[拋售] päo-siù
pāoshòu sell in large quantities and/or at low prices; dump; undersell; close out; disboard.⁶
pao2 12580
82 9 päo bào (same as 菢 päo bào to incubate; to brood; to hatch.⁸); to incubate; to brood; to hatch; to sit on a nest.⁸
(Note: alternate Hoisanva pronunciation: bù to hatch, to incubate.)
(composition: ⿰句毛; U+3C92).
<又> kuĩ.
(See 菢 päo; 𣭀❄{⿰包毛} päo; 勽 päo).
pao2 12581
82 9 𣭀
päo bào (=㲒 päo bào to hatch eggs; to incubate).²⁴
(Note: alternate Hoisanva pronunciation: bù to hatch, to incubate.)
(composition: ⿰包毛; U+23B40).
(See 㲒 päo; 菢 päo; 勽 päo).
pao2 12582
85 8 päo pào bubbles, suds, froth, foam; a blister; to steep, to soak, to dip, to infuse; <slang> to dawdle, to fool around (especially with women).⁷
灯泡[燈泡] äng-päo dēngpào light bulb.¹⁰
泡茶 päo-chã
pàochá make tea.⁵
泡饭[泡飯] päo-fàn
pàofàn to heat cooked rice with boiling water for eating.⁷
泡汤[泡湯] päo-höng
pàotāng come to nothing; fall flat/through; soak in water; dawdle; dillydally.⁵⁴
泡沫 päo-mòt
pàomò foam; (soap) bubble; (economic) bubble.¹⁰
泡磨菇 päo-mũ-gü
or päo-mõ-gü pàomógu to use delaying strategy, play for time; importune, pester.⁷
泡妞 päo-niū
pàoniū to pick up girls; to play around with girls; to chase after girls.¹⁰
泡泡糖 päo-päo-hõng
pàopàotáng bubble gum.⁷
泡泡纱[泡泡紗] päo-päo-sä
pàopaoshā <txtl.> seersucker.⁵
泡水 päo-suī
pàoshuǐ to soak in water.⁷
泡菜 päo-töi
pàocài pickled vegetables; pickles.⁵
泡漩 päo-xũn
pàoxuán eddy; whirlpool.¹⁰
泡影 päo-yēin
pàoyǐng lit. soap bubble; pie in the sky; nothing.¹⁰
<又> pâo, pōk.
(See 泡 [päo, pāo], pâo, pōk.)
pao2 12583
85 8 päo pāo loose and soft, spongy; an amount of excrement or urine.⁷
白花泡桐 bàk-fä-päo-hũng báihuāpāotóng <bot.> Paulownia fortunei (Seemann) Hemsley.³²
泡桐[泡桐] päo-hũng
pāotóng paulownia Paulownia fortunei (=白花泡桐 bàk-fä-päo-hũng báihuāpāotóng).³¹
<又> pâo, pōk.
(See 泡 [päo, pào], pâo, pōk.)
pao2 12584
86 9 päo pào cannon; firecracker. (interch. with: 砲,礟,礮 päo pào).¹⁴
(composition: ⿰火包; U+70AE).
大炮 ài-päo
dàpào cannon, heavy artillery; braggart.⁶
高射炮 gäo-sèh-päo
gāoshèpào antiaircraft gun.⁶
炮弹[炮彈] päo-àn
pàodàn cannon ball; (artillery) shell.c
炮兵 päo-bëin
pàobīng artillery soldier; gunner.¹⁰
炮车[炮車] päo-chëh
pàochē gun-carriage.⁶
炮铳[炮銃] päo-chüng
pàochong <topo.> firecracker.⁸
炮火 päo-fō
pàohuǒ artillery fire; gunfire.⁵
炮火支援 päo-fō-jï-yõn
pàohuǒzhīyuán artillery support.⁵
炮灰 päo-föi
pàohuī cannon fodder.⁵
炮架 päo-gâ
pàojià gun carriage; gun mount.⁵
炮轰[炮轟] päo-gäng
pàohōng bombard; shell.⁵
炮击[炮擊] päo-gēik
pàojī bombard; shell.⁵
炮塔 päo-hāp
pàotǎ gun turret; turret.⁵
炮战[炮戰] päo-jën
pàozhàn artillery action/engagement.⁶
炮仗 päo-jèng/
pàozhang firecracker.⁶
炮台[炮臺] päo-hõi
pàotái fort; battery.⁵
炮舰[炮艦] päo-lâm
pàojiàn gunboat.⁵
炮楼[炮樓] päo-lẽo
pàolóu blockhouse.⁵
<又> bäo; pão.
(See 炮 bäo; 炮 pão; 砲,礟,礮 päo).
pao2 12585
86 19 päo bào crackle, pop, burst, explode.
爆竹 päo-jūk bàozhú (=炮仗 päo-jèng/ pàozhang) firecracker.⁵
<又> bäo.
(See 爆 bäo.)
pao2 12586
107 10 päo pào pimple; acne; blister; boil; ulcer.¹⁰
带状疱疹[帶狀皰疹] ǎi-jòng-päo-chīn dàizhuàng pàozhěn shingles; herpes zoster (medicine).¹⁰
脓疱[膿皰] nũng-päo
nóngpào pimple containing pus.¹⁰
疱疹[皰疹] päo-chīn
pàozhěn bleb; herpes.⁶
疱状斑病[皰狀斑病] päo-jòng-bän-bèng
pàozhuàng bānbìng blister spot.¹⁹
<又> pōk.
(See 皰 pōk.)
pao2 12587
112 10 päo pào (=炮 päo pào) cannon; firecracker.
(composition:  ⿰石包; U+7832).
回回砲 või-või-päo
huíhuípào Huihui trebuchet.¹⁵
襄阳砲[襄陽砲] xëng-yẽng-päo
xiāngyángpào Xiangyang trebuchet (=回回砲 või-või-päo huíhuípào).¹⁵
(See 炮 päo; 炮 bāo; 炮 pão; 礟,礮 päo.)
pao2 12588
112 19 päo pào (=炮 päo pào) cannon; firecracker.
(composition: ⿰石駁; U+791F).
(See 炮 päo; 炮 bāo; 炮 pão; 砲,礮 päo.)
pao2 12589
112 21 päo pào (=炮 päo pào) cannon; firecracker.
(composition: ⿰石駮; U+792E).
(See 炮 päo; 炮 bāo; 炮 pão; 砲,礟 päo.)
pao2 12590
115 20 päo pāo empty grain.¹⁹ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰禾麃; U+7A6E).
穮䅦 päo-mão pāomáo grain unformed; empty grain.²⁵
<又> bël.
(See 穮 bël).
pao2 12591
130 11 päo pāo the bladder.⁷
尿脬 nèl-päo suīpao <topo.> bladder.⁵ urine bladder.¹¹
pao2 12592
140 11 päo bào to incubate; to brood; to hatch; (=抱 päo bào) to embrace, to hold in arms, to enfold.⁸
(Note: alternate Hoisanva pronunciation: bù to hatch, to incubate.)
(composition: ⿱艹抱; U+83E2).
or 窝抱[窩抱] vö-päo wōbào brood.¹⁹
(See 㲒 päo; 𣭀❄{⿰包毛} päo; 勽 päo).
pao2 12593
140 18 päo pāo (composition: ⿱艹麃; U+85E8).
割田藨 göt-hẽin-päo gētiánpāo or göt-hẽin-bël gētiánbiāo another name for 蓬蔂[蓬虆] pũng-lõ péngléi Korean raspberry (Rubus crataegifolius).⁸ʼ³⁶
<又> bël; pêl.
(See 藨 bël; 藨 pêl).
pao2 12594
145 11 päo bào (=抱 päo bào to hold; to carry (in one's arms); to hug; to embrace; to surround; to cherish.); the front of a garment; a court garment.⁸ a bundle, a wrapper; the front lapel of a garment; also a court-dress hanging down.²⁵
(composition: ⿳亠包𧘇
❄{⿰⿱丿𠄌⿺㇏丿}; U+888C).
<又> pão.
(See 袌 pão; 袌 [päo, pào]).
pao2 12595
145 11 päo pào (composition: ⿳亠包𧘇❄{⿰⿱丿𠄌⿺㇏丿}; U+888C).
袌囊 päo-nõng
pàonáng warm soft clothing.²⁵
<又> pão.
(See 袌 [päo, bào]; 袌 pão).
pao2 12596
18 7 pão bào to plane something down, to plane; plane, planer, planing machine.⁵ (variant: 铇[鉋] pão bào).
(composition: ⿰包刂; U+5228).
刨冰 pão-bëin
bàobīng shaved ice dessert.³⁶
刨床 pão-chõng
bàochuáng planer; planing machine.
刨子 pão-dū
bàozi carpenter's plane.
刨花 pão-fä
bàohuā wood shavings.
<台> 刨铰剪刨刀[刨鉸剪刨刀] pão-gäo-dēin-pão-äo/ a traveling service for sharpening scissors and knives.
<又> pâo.
(See 刨 [pão, páo], pâo; 鉋 pão).
pao3 12597
18 7 pão páo to dig, to excavate; to eliminate.
(composition: ⿰包刂; U+5228).
刨花生 pão-fä-säng páohuāshēng to dig for peanuts.
刨根 pão-gïn
páogēn to dig out the truth.
刨坑 pão-häng
páokēng to dig a pit or hole.
刨去 pão-huï
páoqù <topo.> to take away; to remove.
刨挖 pão-vät
páowā to dig; to excavate.
<又> pâo.
(See 刨 [pão, bào], pâo).
pao3 12598
20 11 pão páo gourd; musical instrument.⁸ bottle gourd; Lagenaria vulgaris.¹⁰  Bottle-shaped gourd; one of eight categories of ancient music, using gourd shell as resonance box.¹¹
(composition: ⿺瓜包; U+74DF).
匏尊 pão-dün/
páozūn <wr.> gourd shell as wine cup.¹¹
匏瓜 pão-gä
páoguā gourd, calabash.¹¹ the bitter gourd.¹⁴
匏系[匏繫] pão-hài
páoxì (literary language allusion) hanging gourd shell, a useless or unemployed person.¹¹ a hanging gourd – a useless fellow.¹⁴
匏瓠 pão-vù
or pão-vũ páohù gourds and calabashes.¹⁴
(See 瓟 pão).
pao3 12599
53 广 8 pão páo <wr.> kitchen;  cook.⁵
名庖 mẽin-pão míngpáo famous chef.⁵
代庖 òi-pão
dàipáo <wr.> do what is somebody else's job; act in somebody's place.⁵
庖厨[庖廚] pão-chuĩ
páochú <wr.> kitchen.⁵
庖丁 pão-ëin
páodīng <wr.> cook.⁵
庖丁解牛 pão-ëin-gāi-ngẽo
páodīngjiěniú work expertly like a skilled butcher cutting up an ox carcass – do something with great facility.⁵
庖人 pão-ngĩn
páorén <wr.> cook.⁵
庖代 pão-òi
páodài (=代庖 òi-pão dàipáo) <wr.> do what is somebody else's job; act in somebody's place.⁵
Sì-yî gün-dū yōn pão-chuĩ yâ.
Shìyǐ jūnzǐ yuǎn páochú yě.
Therefore he keeps away from his slaughter-house and cook-room.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《孟子·梁惠王上·7》, translated by James Legge).
pao3 12600
64 11 pão póu (of a government or officials) to amass wealth by heavy taxation, to exact.⁶
掊克 pão-hāk póukè <wr.> to exact high taxes from the  people.⁷
掊敛[掊斂] pão-lêm
póuliǎn <wr.> amass wealth by unfair means.⁶
<又> põi, pāo.
(See 掊 [põi, póu], [põi, pǒu], pāo.)
pao3 12601
86 9 pão páo <TCM> prepare herbal medicine by roasting or parching it in a pan; <lit.> roast (food).⁶
(composition: ⿰火包; U+70AE).
炮姜 pão-gëng páojiāng roasted ginger.⁶
炮制[炮製] pão-jäi
or 炮炙[炮炙] pão-jēik páozhì <TCM> the process of preparing Chinese medicine, as by roasting, baking, simmering; <derog.> concoct; cook up.⁵
炮炼[炮煉] pão-lèin
páoliàn <TCM> remove the moisture and impurity from the Chinese medical herbs by heating; parch and refine medical herbs.⁶
炮烙 pão-lōk
páoluò or 炮格 pão-gāk páogé hot bronze pillar torture (a form of cruel punishment in anient China).⁶
炮烙借口 pão-lōk-dèik-hēo
páoluòjièkǒu concoct or invent an excuse.⁶
如法炮制[如法炮製] nguĩ-fāt-pão-jäi
rúfǎpáozhì prepare herbal medicine by the prescribed method – act after the same fashion; follow a set pattern; follow suit.⁶
<又> päo; bäo.
(See 炮 päo; 炮 bäo).
pao3 12602
86 9 pão páo (=炮 pão páo) <TCM> prepare herbal medicine by roasting or parching it in a pan; <lit.> roast (food).⁶ roast, broil; bake.³⁶
(composition: ⿱包灬; U+70B0).
炰燔 pão-fãn
páofán to barbecue; the food that was barbecued.¹⁹
炰羔 pão-gäo
páogāo roast suckling lamb.¹⁹
炰烋 pão-häo
páoxiāo (=彭亨 pãng-häng pénghēng potbellied; proud and smug.⁷).²  arrogant, overbearing; to rage and roar; (<old>=咆哮 päo-häo páoxiào to roar; to thunder; to snarl; to bluster (of wind, waves); <ono.> crashing waves; to rage (of a person).¹⁰).¹¹ angry roar of a beast.¹⁹ to boast and swagger.²⁴
炰哮 pão-häo
páoxiào (=炰烋 päo-häo páoxiāo) angry roar of a beast.¹⁹
炰虓 pão-häo
páoxiāo (=炰烋 päo-häo páoxiāo) angry roar of a beast.¹⁹
炰燖 pão-tĩm
páoxún to barbecue.¹⁹
炰羞 pão-xiü
páoxiū elegant and sumptuous food.¹⁹
<又> bäo; fèo.
(See 炰 bäo; 炰 fèo).
pao3 12603
97 10 pão páo (=匏 pão páo gourd; musical instrument.⁸ bottle gourd; Lagenaria vulgaris.¹⁰  Bottle-shaped gourd; one of eight categories of ancient music, using gourd shell as resonance box.¹¹).¹³ the bottle-gourd.¹⁴
(composition: ⿺瓜包; U+74DF).
瓟瓜 pão-gä
páoguā the bitter gourd.¹⁴
瓟系[瓟繫] pão-hài
páoxì a hanging gourd – a useless fellow.¹⁴
瓟瓠 pão-vù
or pão-vũ páohù gourds and calabashes.¹⁴
<又> bòk.
(See 瓟 bòk; 匏 pão).
pao3 12604
145 10 pão páo a long gown; a robe.⁷
同袍 hũng-pão tóngpáo comrades in arms.¹¹
袍子 pão-dū
páozi a robe; a long gown.⁷
袍服 pão-fùk
páofú robe; gown.⁸
袍笏 pão-fūt
páohù official clothing and tablet held before the breast by officials when received in audience by the emperor.⁸
袍笏登场[袍笏登場] pão-fūt-äng-chẽng
páohùdēngchǎng  (Chinese opera) to go on stage and perform; (of rebels or traitors) to establish a bogus government and claim legality.⁷
袍哥 Pão-gū
or Pão-gō Páogē member of secret society in Sichuan.¹¹
袍泽[袍澤] pão-jàk
páozé one's buddies in the army; comrades in arms.⁷
袍泽之谊[袍澤之誼] pão-jàk-jï-ngĩ
páozézhīyì (a term of friendship) fellow soldiers; comrades in arms.⁷
袍仗 pão-jëng
páozhàng military dress and arms.³⁹
袍褂 pão-kä
páoguà the full dress with long gown and jacket.¹¹
pao3 12605
145 11 pão páo (=袍 pão páo a long gown; a robe.⁷).⁸ʼ²⁵
(composition: ⿳亠包𧘇
❄{⿰⿱丿𠄌⿺㇏丿}; U+888C).
<又> päo.
(See 袌 [päo, bào]; 袌 [päo, pào]).
pao3 12606
145 12 pão póu (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 裒 bäo póu to collect, to gather, to scrape together; to reduce, to deduct.⁷).
<又> bäo.
(See 裒 bäo.)
pao3 12607
157 12 pão páo (of animals) paw (the ground).⁶
虎跑泉 Fū-pão-tũn Hǔpáoquán Tiger-dug Spring (in Hangzhou).⁶
跑地 pão-ì
páodì paw the ground; paw at the ground.⁶
跑槽 pão-tão
páocáo animal digs base of the trough.¹⁹
(See 跑 pāo.)
pao3 12608
167 13 pão bào (=刨 pão bào to plane something down, to plane; plane, planer, planing machine.⁵)
t: ⿰金包; U+924B). (comp. s: ⿰钅包; U+94C7).
or 刨冰 pão-bëin bàobīng shaved ice dessert.³⁶
铇刷[鉋刷] pão-chät
bàoshuā a carry comb.²⁵
or 刨子 pão-dū bàozi a plane for shaving wood.²⁵
(See 刨 [pão, bào]).
pao3 12609
182 14 pão biāo squall.⁶ storm whirlwind.⁸ a violent gale; sound of wind.²⁵
飑飑[颮颮] pão-pão biāobiāo <lit.> many; numerous; <lit.> falling from sky.³⁶
飑云[颮雲] pão-vũn biāoyún squall cloud.⁶
飑线[颮線] pão-xëin
biāoxiàn squall line.⁶
威利瓦飑[威利瓦颮] vï-lì-ngā-pão
wēilìwǎbiāo williwaw.¹⁰
pao3 12610
190 17 𩭍 pão póu (=䯽 bāo, 䯽 fū, 䯽 pão) fine hair; beautiful hair, short hair, a coiffure with a topknot.⁸ hairy; beautiful hair; short hair.²⁵
(composition: ⿱髟否; U+29B4D).
<又> bāo, fū. (See 𩭍❄{⿱髟否} bāo; 䯽 bāo; 𩭍❄{⿱髟否} fū; 䯽 fū; 䯽 pão).
pao3 12611
190 18 pão póu fine hair; beautiful hair, short hair, a coiffure with a topknot.⁸ hairy; beautiful hair; short hair.²⁵
(composition: ⿱髟咅; U+4BFD).
<又> bāo, fū. (See 𩭍❄{⿱髟否} bāo; 䯽 bāo; 𩭍❄{⿱髟否} fū; 䯽 fū; 𩭍❄{⿱髟否} pão).
pao3 12612
18 7 pâo bào (composition: ⿰包刂; U+5228).
<台> 刨 pâo/ or 鉋 pão/ a (carpenter's) plane.
<台> 刨口 pâo-hēo wood shavings.
<又> pão.
(See 刨 [pão, páo], [pão, bào]; 鉋 pão).
pao5 12613
85 8 pâo pào <台> 番枧泡[番梘泡] fän-gān-pâo soap bubble.
<台> 泡沫 pâo-mòt foam, froth.
<台> 水泡 suī-pâo bubble; blister.
<又> päo, pōk. (See 泡 [päo, pào], [päo, pāo], pōk.)
pao5 12614
115 9 pât <台> 谷秕[穀秕] gūk-pât rice grains not fully grown.
<又> bï, bī. (See 秕 bï; 秕 bī.)
pat5 12615
104 10 pêh <台> 好疲 hāo-pêh very tired.
<又> pĩ. (See 疲 pĩ.)
peh5 12616
9 9 𠈳
pēik   (=辟 pēik   ➀ open up (territory, land); break (ground) ➁ penetrating; incisive;  ➂ refute; repudiate; counter; renounce.⁶).²ʼ¹⁰¹
(<old>=僻 pēik
secluded; remote.).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰亻灵 or ⿰亻⿱⼹火 or ⿰亻⿱⺔火; U+20233).
(See 辟 pēik; 僻 pēik pì).
peik 12617
9 15 pēik secluded; remote.
(varinat: 𠈳❄{⿰亻灵} pēik ). (See 𠈳❄{⿰亻灵} pēik).
静僻[靜僻] dèin-pēik
jìngpì <wr.> quiet or secluded.
荒僻 föng-pēik
huāngpì desolate and remote.
孤僻 gü-pēik
gūpì unsociable and eccentric.⁵
穷乡僻壤[窮鄉僻壤] kũng-hëng-pēik-ngẽng
qióngxiāng pìrǎng a district shut off from the outside world.¹¹
僻静[僻靜] pēik-dèin
pìjìng secluded; lonely.
偏僻 pëin-pēik
piānpì remote; out-of-way; rare.
peik1 12618
18 11 pēik to divide, separate; to split wood.² to split open.³⁶
(composition: ⿰畐刂; U+526F).
Būt-chäk-būt-pēik, mũ-döi-mũ-hòi.
Bù chè bù pì, wú zāi wú hài.
There was no bursting, nor rending,
No injury, no hurt.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·生民之什·生民·2》, translated by James Legge).
Vì-hëin-dū-xēk-gä-jēh-pēik-jï, gïn-yî-chï.
Wèi tiānzǐ xuē guā zhě pì zhī, jīn yǐ chī.
He who pares a melon for the son of Heaven should divide it into four parts and then into eight, and cover them with a napkin of fine linen.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《禮記·曲禮上·54》, translated by James Legge).
<又> fü; fūk.
(See 副 fü; 副 fūk).
peik1 12619
30 16 pēik 噼里啪啦[噼裡啪啦] pēik-lī-päk-lā or 劈里啪啦[劈裡啪啦] pëk-lī-päk-lā pīlipālā <ono.> crack, crackle, splutter, clatter.⁶
噼啪 pēik-päk
or 劈啪 pëk-päk  pīpā <ono.> snap, crack.⁶
peik1 12620
61 17 pēik (Cant.) to rush.⁸ hurried; rash.²⁴
(composition: ⿱辟心; U+61B5).
憵朴 pēik-pōk pīpò very fast; at high speed; rapidly.⁸ swiftly.⁵⁴
peik1 12621
64 16 pēik to break off (with the fingers and thumb); <wr.> to neat one's breasts.⁶
擗玉米棒子 pēik-ngùk-māi-pâng-dū pǐyùmǐbàngzi to break off corncobs; to pick corns.⁶
擗摽 pēik-pẽl
pǐbiào <wr.> to hammer one's breast in fright.¹ to be frightened.¹¹
擗菜叶子[擗菜葉子] pēik-töi-yêp-dū
pǐcàiyèzi to strip off vegetable leaves.
擗踊[擗踴] pēik-yūng
pǐyǒng <wr.> to beat one's breast and stamp one's feet in sorrow; to be grief-stricken.⁶
peik1 12622
98 17 pēik glazed tiles, bricks.⁸
瓴甓 lẽin-pēik língpì brick.⁷
甓砖[甓磚] pēik-jón
pìzhuān a large kind of brick or flat tile.²⁴
peik1 12623
104 18 pēik chronic swelling of the spleen; addiction; a habitual inclination.⁷ craving, weakness for; indigestion.⁸
痼癖 gü-pēik gùpǐ addiction; inveterate habit; deep-rooted habit; confirmed habit.⁶
癖习[癖習] pēik-dìp
pǐxí old/incurable habit.⁶
癖痼 pēik-gü
pǐgù <wr.> chronic/intractable/incurable and lasting illness.⁶
癖好 pēik-häo
pǐhào favorite hobby; habitual inclination.⁶
癖嗜 pēik-sï
pǐshì favorite hobby, special liking (for s.t.).¹¹
癖性 pēik-xëin
pǐxìng natural/habitual inclination (for); proclivity (to/for/towards something); propensity; bias.⁶
嗜酒成癖 sï-diū-sẽin-pēik
shìjiǔchéngpǐ be addicted to drinking.⁵
烟癖 yën-pēik
yānpǐ smoking as a favorite hobby.⁸
<台> 矫癖[矯癖] gēl-pēik loneliness; solitude.
peik1 12624
130 9 pēik bié fat meat.⁸
(composition: ⿰⺼必; U+43DF).
䏟𡘐❄{⿳大亠日} pēik-häi biéxì fat.²
<又> bìt; fï.
(See 䏟 bìt; 䏟 fï).
peik1 12625
140 16 pēik climbing fig, creeping fig.⁸  Ficus pumila.¹⁰  Bi surname.
薜荔 pēik-lài
bìlì <bot.> climbing fig, Ficus pumila.
peik1 12626
160 13 pēik <wr.> fight/ward off; keep away; exorcise.⁶
复辟[復辟] fūk-pēik or fūk-bēik fùbì to recover one's power or authority; restoration (of a past regime).¹⁰
辟谷[辟穀] pēik-gūk
bìgǔ (of a Daoist) refuse to eat grain (so as to become immortal).⁶
辟举[辟舉] pēik-guī
bìjǔ appoint or recommend somebody to an office.⁶
辟邪 pēik-tẽh
bìxié ward off/exorcise evil spirits.⁶
辟邪之物 pēik-tẽh-jï-mùt
or pēik-tẽh-jï-mòt bìxiézhīwù talisman.⁶
<又> bēik. (See 辟 bēik, [pēik, ]; 闢 pēik.)
peik1 12627
160 13 pēik ➀ open up (territory, land); break (ground) ➁ penetrating; incisive;  ➂ refute; repudiate; counter; renounce.⁶
(varinat: 𠈳❄{⿰亻灵} pēik ). (See 𠈳❄{⿰亻灵} pēik).
大辟 ài-pēik
dàpì capital punishment; sentence of death; crime punishable by death.⁸
or 精辟[精闢] dëin-pēik³ jīngpì penetrating; incisive; sharp.⁶
or 开辟[開闢] höi-pēik kāipì open up; set up; establish.¹⁰
or 透辟[透闢] hëo-pēik tòupì sharp; penetrating; incisive; thorough.⁶ penetrating; incisive.¹⁰
or 辟地[闢地] pēik-ì pìdì open up land for cultivation.⁷
辟地垦荒[辟地墾荒] pēik-ì-hān-föng
pìdìkěnhuāng open up a field and reclaim wasteland.⁶
辟设[辟設] pēik-sēt
pìshè open up; establish; set up.⁶
辟邪说[辟邪說] pēik-tẽh-sōt
pìxiéshuō refute heresy.⁶
辟谣[辟謠] pēik³-yẽl
pìyáo or 辟谣[闢謠] pēik-yẽl pìyáo  deny/refute/spike a rumor; give the lie to a rumor.⁶ refute rumors; to clarify rumored reports.⁷
<又> bēik.
(See 辟 bēik, [pēik, ]; 闢 pēik.)
peik1 12628
167 12 pēik rupture, burst; analysis; name of a farm implement in ancient times; rich and bright colors that appeared on a sword.⁸ farmer's hoeing fork.¹⁰ to cut up wood into various vessels; to chop; the veins in a sword; also broken.²⁵
(composition: ⿰金爪; U+91FD).
<又> jël. (See 釽 jël).
peik1 12629
169 21 pēik to open up, to develop; to rid, to do away with; to refute.⁷ to split open; to cleave; to burst forth; to develop.¹⁴
精辟[精闢] dëin-pēik or 精辟 jīngpì penetrating; incisive; sharp.⁶
or 透辟 hëo-pēik tòupì sharp; penetrating; incisive; thorough.⁶ penetrating; incisive.¹⁰
开天辟地[開天闢地] höi-hëin-pēik-ì
kāitiānpìdì the creation of the universe.¹⁴
开辟[開闢] höi-pēik
kāipì open up; set up; establish.¹⁰
辟处海滨[闢處海濱] pēik-chuī-hōi-bïn
pìchǔhǎibīn retired to the seashore.¹⁴
辟户[闢戶] pēik-fù
pìhù to open the door.¹⁴
辟佛老[闢佛老] pēik-fùt-lāo
pìfólǎo to expose the fallacies of Buddhism and Daosim.¹⁴
辟垦[闢墾] pēik-hān
pìkěn to open up land for farming.⁷
辟田[闢田] pēik-hẽin
pìtián to develop farmland.⁷
or 辟地 pēik-ì pìdì open up land for cultivation.⁷
辟谬[闢謬] pēik-mào
pìmiù to refute absurdities.⁷
辟邪[闢邪] pēik-tẽh
pìxié to expose heretical teachings.¹⁴ (cf. 辟邪 bēik³-tẽh; 避邪 bì-tẽh; 辟邪 [pēik-tẽh, bìxié]).
辟谣[闢謠] pēik-yẽl
pìyáo or 辟谣[辟謠] pēik³-yẽl pìyáo to refute rumors; to clarify rumored reports.⁷
(See 辟 [pēik,], [pēik, ], bēik.)
peik1 12630
173 21 pēik thunders; a sudden peal of thunder.⁷
霹雳[霹靂] pēik-lèik pīlì thunderbolt, thunderclap; ground discharge; thunderpeal.⁶
霹雳车[霹靂車] pēik-lèik-chëh
pīlìchē carts equipped with rock-throwing catapults for attacking fortresses in ancient times.⁷
霹雳火[霹靂火] pēik-lèik-fō
pīlìhuǒ a person with a very low boiling point; a rash and impatient person; a hotspur.⁷
霹雳舞[霹靂舞] pēik-lèik-mū
pīlìwǔ (=地板霹靂舞 ì-bān-pēik-lèik-mū dìbǎnpīlìwǔ or 地板舞 ì-bān-mū dìbǎnwǔ) breakdancing, breaking, b-boying/b-girling.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
霹雳炮[霹靂炮] pēik-lèik-päo
pīlìpào a quick-firing cannon; <slang> a quick-acting person.⁵⁴
霹雳手[霹靂手] pēik-lèik-siū
pīlìshǒu a judge capable of making fast decisions and judgments.⁷
霹雷 pēik-luĩ
pīléi <vern.> (=霹雳[霹靂] pēik-lèik pīlì) thunderbolt, thunderclap; ground discharge; thunderpeal.⁶
peik1 12631
64 8 pëik bié to twist, to turn.
(composition: ⿰扌必; U+39D9).
<又> bēik; bīt. (See 㧙 bēik; 㧙 bīt).
peik2 12632
109 16 pëik piē to have a casual and short glance; to catch a glimpse of.⁷
瞥见[瞥見] pëik-gëin piējiàn get a glimpse/vision of; catch sight of.⁶
瞥地 pëik-ì
piēdì suddenly.⁷
瞥了一眼 pëik-lẽl-yīt-ngān
piēleyīyǎn to cast a casual and glance.⁷
瞥眼 pëik-ngān
piēyǎn <wr.> very brief period of time; twinkling of an eye; twinkling; instant; flash.⁶
瞥然 pëik-ngẽin
piērán suddenly.⁷
瞥视[瞥視] pëik-sì
piēshì cast a quick glance at.⁶
瞥一眼 pëik-yīt-ngān
piēyīyǎn take/cast a glimpse at something; have a glimpse of something.⁶
一瞥 yīt-pëik
yīpiē glimpse; brief survey.⁵⁴
peik2 12633
142 17 pëik bié (composition: ⿱敝虫; U+87DE).
蟞蜉 pëik-fẽo biéfú (=蚍蜉 pĩ-fẽo pífú <wr.> ant.⁶ a large ant described in ancient books.⁹).⁸ a large ant.²⁵ a kind of ant.¹⁰¹
<又> bèik.
(See 蟞 [bèik, biē]; 蟞 [bèik, piē]).
peik2 12634
157 18 pëik bié <topo.> (of one's ankle or wrist) sprain.⁶
跛蹩 bāi-pëik bǒbié lame.¹⁴
蹩脚 pëik-gěk
biéjiǎo <topo.> inferior, shoddy; poor.⁶ <Wu-dial.> inferior in skill or quality.¹⁴
蹩脚货 pëik-gěk-fö
biéjiǎohuò inferior/substandard goods; cheap/poor stuff, shoddy work/merchandise.⁶
蹩蹩蹁蹁 pëik-pëik-pëin-pëin
biébiépiánpián limping along; going round and round.¹⁴
or 蹩𨇨❄{⿰⻊薛} pëik-xēik biéxiè to turn the foot in walking; to walk round.²⁵
蹩躠为仁[蹩躠為仁] pëik-xēik-vĩ-ngĩn
biéxièwéirén limping and wheeling about in (the exercise of) benevolence.⁸⁶
peik2 12635
85 9 pēim bèng <loan> pump.⁵ (In Hoisanva 泵 may be pronounced as pēim, bēim, dēim, būng, and dām.)
抽水泵 chëo-suī-pēim chōushuǐbèng water pump.¹⁰
气泵[氣泵] hï-pēim
qìbèng air pump.¹⁰
泵房 pēim-fông
bèngfáng pump house/room.⁶
泵排量 pēim-pãi-lèng
bèngpáiliàng pumpage; pump delivery/output.⁶
离心泵[離心泵] lĩ-xïm-pēim
líxīnbèng centrifugal pump.⁵
手泵 siū-pēim
shǒubèng hand pump.⁹
水泵 suī-pēim
shuǐbèng  water pump.¹⁰
水窝泵[水窩泵] suī-vö-pēim
shuǐwōbèng sump pump.⁶
油泵 yiũ-pēim
yóubèng pil pump.¹⁰
<台> 泵水 pēim-suī to pump water.
<又> bēim, dēim, būng, dām.
(See 泵 bēim, dēim, būng, dām.)
peim1 12636
91 4 pēin piàn <台> 片 pēin diaper.
<台> 肚脐浅装瓦片[肚臍淺裝瓦片] ū-tî-tēin-jöng-ngā-pēin (part of a nursery rhyme) a shallow navel holds pieces of tile.
<又> pëin. (See 片 [pëin, piàn], [pëin, piān].)
pein1 12637
9 9 pëin pīng to let go; to trust to; to send a message.
伶俜 lẽin-pëin língpīng <wr.> lonely; solitary.
俜停 pëin-hẽin
pīngtíng graceful; fine.
pein2 12638
9 11 pëin piān inclined one side; slanting.⁸
偏见[偏見] pëin-gëin piānjiàn prejudice; bias.
偏瘫[偏癱] pëin-hān
piāntān <med.> hemiplegia; hemiparalysis.⁶
偏向 pëin-hëng
piānxiàng to be partial to; to load the dice; to tend to; proclivity; erroneous tendency.
偏听[偏聽] pëin-hëng
piāntīng to listen with half an ear.
偏振 pëin-jīn
piānzhèn <phy.> polarization.⁶
偏爱[偏愛] pëin-öi
piān'ài to be partial towards something; to favor; to prefer; preference; favorite.¹⁰
偏偏 pëin-pëin
piānpiān just; but; only; wilfully; insistently; persistently; contrary to expectations; unfortunately; perversely.
偏颇[偏頗] pëin-pö
piānpō <wr.> biased; partial; unfair.⁶
偏旁 pëin-põng
piānpáng the right and left parts of a character, but more especially the right (phonetic) part, against the left (radical).¹¹
偏食 pëin-sèik
piānshí partial eclipse; partiality for certain kinds of food; limited diet; preferential treatment; to be particular with food.
偏心 pëin-xïm
piānxīn partial; biased.
pein2 12639
38 9 pëin pīn have illicit relations with.⁵
搭姘头[搭姘頭] äp-pëin-hẽo dāpīntou man and woman live together without marriage.¹¹
轧姘头[軋姘頭] gāt-pëin-hẽo
gápīntou <topo.> (of a married man or woman) have an affair; knock/fool/mess about.⁶
姘夫 pëin-fü
pīnfū lover (of a woman); illicit partner; paramour.¹⁰
姘妇[姘婦] pëin-fû
pīnfù woman one cohabits with out of wedlock, mistress.¹¹
姘居 pëin-guï
pīnjū live illicitly as husband and wife; cohabit.⁵
姘头[姘頭] pëin-hẽo
pīntou a lover, a paramour.⁷
姘识[姘識] pëin-sēik
pīnshí <wr.> become paramours after getting acquainted with each other.⁶
姘度 pëin-ù
pīndù <derog.> cohabit like a married couple.⁵⁴
pein2 12640
38 10 pëin pīng good-looking; elegant; graceful; charming.⁷
举止娉婷[舉止娉婷] guī-jī-pëin-hẽin jǔzhǐpīngtíng have a graceful manner.⁶
体态娉婷[體態娉婷] hāi-häi-pëin-hẽin
tǐtàipīngtíng have a graceful carriage.⁶
娉婷 pëin-hẽin
pīngtíng <wr.> (of the demeanor of a woman) slender and elegant; graceful and charming.⁶
娉婷玉貌 pëin-hẽin-ngùk-mào
pīngtíngyùmào slender, beautiful figure.¹¹
娉娉袅袅[娉娉裊裊] pëin-pëin-nêl-nêl
pīngpīngniǎoniǎo (of the demeanor of a woman) graceful, slender and beautiful, slim and supple; beautiful women.⁶
pein2 12641
38 12 pëin piān slim; lithe; lissome.³⁶
(composition: ⿰女扁; U+5AA5).
媥姺 pëin-xëin piānxiān  ➀ (ideophonic, of clothes) to quickly swirl around  ➁ (ideophonic, of people) having a lithe body.³⁶
pein2 12642
60 12 pëin biàn (=遍 pëin biàn) everywhere.
or 溥徧 or 普遍 or 溥遍 pū-pëin pǔbiàn pervading everywhere.⁷
(See 遍 pëin.)
pein2 12643
63 9 pëin piān 扁袒一方 pëin-hān-yīt-föng piāntǎnyīfāng be biased/inclined to one side.⁵⁴
扁舟 pëin-jiü
piānzhōu <wr.> small boat, skiff.⁵
扁度 pëin-ù
piāndù skewness, measure of skewness; compression, flattening.⁵⁴
<又> bēin.
(See 扁 bēin.)
pein2 12644
64 8 pëin pīn (=拼 pëin pīn) put together, piece together; be ready to risk one's life (in fighting, work), go all out in work.⁵ (original form of 拼 pëin pīn).³⁶
(composition: ⿰扌弁; U+62DA).
or 血拼 hüt-pëin xuèpīn to fight a bloody battle, to fight or compete fiercely; (slang) to go on a spending spree; to go shopping.³⁶
拚体力[拚體力] pëin-hāi-lèik
pīn tǐlì to muster all of one's physcial strength.
拚烂[拚爛] pëin-làn
pīnlàn to act recklessly; to venture.¹⁴
首字母拚音词[首字母拚音詞] siū-dù-mû pëin-yïm-xũ
shǒuzìmǔ pīnyīncí acronym.⁵⁴
新式拚法 xïn-sēik pëin-fāt
xīnshì pīnfǎ new spelling (linguistics).⁵⁴
<又> pön, fän, fûn, bèin.
(See 拚 pön, 拚 fän, 拚 fûn, 拚 bèin; 拼 pëin).
pein2 12645
64 9 pëin pīn put together, piece together; be ready to risk one's life (in fighting, work), go all out in work.⁵ (variant: 拚 pëin pīn).
拼版 pëin-bān
pīnbǎn <printing> make up.⁵
拼搏 pëin-bōk
pīnbó struggle hard; exert oneself to the utmost; go all out; set at something with a will.⁶
拼合 pëin-hàp
pīnhé piece/put/join together.⁶
拼命 <文读> pëin-mèin
pīnmìng risk one's life, defy death, go all out regardless of danger to one's life; exerting the utmost strength, with all one's might, desperately.⁵
拼盘[拼盤] pëin-põn
pīnpán assorted cold dishes.⁵
拼凑[拼湊] pëin-tëo
pīncòu piece together; knock together; rig up.⁵
拼写[拼寫] pëin-xēh
pīnxiě spell; transliterate.⁵
拼死 <文读> pëin-xī
pīnsǐ risk one's life; defy death; fight desperately.⁵
拼刺 pëin-xü
pīncì bayonet drill/practice; bayonet charge.⁵
拼音 pëin-yïm
pīnyīn combine sounds into syllables; spell,  phoneticize.⁵
拼音字母 pëin-yïm-dù-mû
pīnyīnzìmǔ phonetic alphabet; phonetic letters.⁵
七拼八凑[七拼八湊] tīt-pëin-bät-tëo
qīpīnbācòu rig up; piece/knock/scrape together.⁶
<又> pön.
(See 拼 pön; 拚 pëin).
pein2 12646
75 13 pëin piān ➀ short square rafters ➁ a horizontal inscribed board ➂ the bottom plate of wooden clogs ➃ a kind of tree mentioned in ancient books.⁸
(composition: ⿰木扁; U+6944).
禁楄 gîm-pëin jìnpiān a short rafter.²⁴
楄部 pëin-bù
piānbù a square piece of wood.²⁴
<又> bëin; pẽin.
(See 楄 bëin; 楄 pẽin).
pein2 12647
85 10 pëin pīng the appearance of water.²⁴  water.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵甹; U+6D84).
pein2 12648
91 4 pëin piàn Kangxi radical 91; slice, splinter, strip.⁸ flat, thin piece; film; part of a place; <m.> tablet, slice, stretch (of land), expanse (of water), scene.⁵⁵
片子 pëin-dū piànzi flat, thin piece; slice; flake; scrap.⁵
片甲不存 pëin-gâp-būt-tũn
piànjiǎbùcún the army is completely wiped out.⁶
片刻 pëin-hāk
piànkè short period of time; a moment.¹⁰
片剂[片劑] pëin-jäi
piànjì <med.> tablet.⁵
片纸只字[片紙隻字] pëin-jī-jëk-dù
piànzhǐzhīzì fragments of writing.⁵
片麻岩 pëin-mã-ngãm
piànmáyán <geol.> gneiss.⁵
片面 pëin-mèin
piànmiàn unilateral; one-sided.¹⁰
片瓦无存[片瓦無存] pëin-ngā-mũ-tũn
piànwǎwúcún not a single tile remains – be razed to the ground.⁵
片岩 pëin-ngãm
piànyán <geol.> schist.⁵
片言 pëin-ngũn
piànyán a few words; a phrase or two.⁵
片段 pëin-òn
piànduàn part; passage; extract; fragment.⁵
片断[片斷] pëin-òn
piànduàn part, fragment; odds and ends; bits and pieces.¹⁹
片时[片時] pëin-sĩ
piànshí short while; a moment.⁵
] pëin-võng piànhuáng <mach.> leaf spring.⁵
片艳纸[片艷紙] pëin-yèm-jī
piànyànzhǐ a machine-glazed paper (glossy on one side).⁵
<又> pēin.
(See 片 [pëin, piān], pēin.)
pein2 12649
91 4 pëin piān disk; sheet.¹⁰
片子 pëin-dū piānzi film; movie; film reel; phonograph record; X-ray image.¹⁰
片盒 pëin-hâp
piānhé film magazine.⁵
片名 pëin-mẽng
piānmíng movie title.¹⁰
片儿[片兒] pëin-ngĩ
piānr  sheet; thin film.¹⁰
<又> pēin.
(See 片 [pëin, piàn], pēin.)
pein2 12650
93 13 pëin piān 犏牛 pëin-ngẽo piānniú offspring of a bull and a female yak.⁵
pein2 12651
94 12 pëin piàn (composition: ⿰犭扁; U+7335).
猵狙 pëin-duï piànjū or 猵狚 pëin-än piàndàn or 獦牂 gût-dòng gézāng an ape-like beast with a head like a dog in ancient books .² mythical beast similar to an ape with dog's head.⁸
<又> bëin.
(See 猵 bëin).
pein2 12652
96 8 pëin pián (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 玭 pĩn pín with the same meaning: a pearl from the 淮河 Vãi Hõ Huáihé Huai River.² pearl; name of freshwater mussel; Pin surname.⁸).²
(composition: ⿰𤣩比; U+73AD).
<又> pĩn; pĩ.
(See 玭 pĩn; 玭 pĩ).
pein2 12653
96 18 pëin pián the name of a pearl.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰𤣩賓; U+74B8).
<又> bïn. (See 璸 bïn).
pein2 12654
102 7 pëin pīng chivalrous knight.¹⁰ hasty speech; a giving away to feeling; a following one's own inclination; to lead one another on to wickedness.²⁴ chivalrous knight; to manifest one's feelings.³⁶
(composition: ⿱由丂; U+7539).
甹蘖[甹櫱] pëin-ngēik pīngniè tiller (botany).¹⁹ germinating or tillering.⁵⁴
甹丰[甹豐] pëin-füng
pīngfēng sudden gust of wind.⁵⁴
pein2 12655
109 12 pëin pìng to look; to regard; to inspect.⁸ to look at; a man's name.²⁴
(composition: ⿰目甹; U+403B).
pein2 12656
112 10 pëin  pīng sound of water on rocks.¹ to make a loud sound.⁸ the sound of water rushing out from rocks, or dashing over a precipice.²⁵ <ono.> the sound of water splashing on stones.³⁶
(composition: ⿰石氷; U+782F).
砯碣 pëin-kēik pīngjié a loud noise produced upon impact.¹⁹
砯砯 pëin-pëin
pīngpīng <ono.>sound caused by water flowing over cracks in rocks.¹⁹
砯砰 pëin-pẽin
pīngpēng <ono.> sound caused by rolling, friction or impact.¹⁹
pein2 12657
118 15 pëin piān a numerary adjunct for compositions, poems; a chapter, a section, a part; a page; books, volumes.⁷
类篇[類篇] luì-pëin lèipiān one of the oldest and largest dictionaries in China compiled by 司马光[司馬光] sīmǎ guāng Sima Guang and others; containing 53,165 characters.⁷
玉篇 Ngùk-Pëin
Yùpiān Yupian, Chinese dictionary compiled by Gu Yewang (顾野王[顧野王] Gü Yêh Võng Gù Yěwáng) in 6th century AD.¹⁰
篇什 pëin-dàp
piānshí orig. each ten poems in the Book of Poetry taken as a unit; now used for poetry; poem.¹¹
篇籍 pëin-dèik
piānjí books.⁷
篇子 pëin-dū
piānzi <vern.> sheet (of paper).³⁹
篇幅 pëin-fūk
piānfu length (of a piece of writing); space (on a printed page).⁶
篇章 pëin-jëng
piānzhāng books; literary compositions; poems.⁷
篇目 pëin-mùk
piānmù titles; headings.⁷
篇儿[篇兒] pëin-ngĩ
piānr a piece (of poetry); a page.⁷
篇韵[篇韻] pëin-vùn
piānyùn abbreviation for Yupian (玉篇 Ngùk Pëin Yùpiān, q.v.) and Guangyun (广韵[廣韻] Gōng Vùn Guǎngyùn, q.v.).¹⁰
篇页[篇頁] pëin-yêp
piānyè sections and pages.⁸
pein2 12658
120 15 pëin biān braid; arrange; edit; volume; compose; fabricate.⁶
编菅[編菅] pëin-gän biānjiān a straw mat.¹⁴
编号[編號] pëin-hào
biānhào number; serial number.⁶
编制[編制] pëin-jäi
biānzhì weave, plait, braid; work out, draw up; authorized strength; establishment.⁵
编者[編者] pëin-jēh
biānzhě compiler; editor.⁶
or 编者案[編者案] pëin-jēh-ön biānzhě'àn editorial comment/note; editor's note.⁶
编织[編織] pëin-jēik
biānzhī weave; knit; plait; braid.⁵
编剧[編劇] pëin-kēk
biānjù write a play or scenario; playwright; screenwriter, scenarist.⁵
编码[編碼] pëin-mâ
biānmǎ coding.⁵
编舞[編舞] pëin-mū 
biānwǔ choreography; choreographer.⁵
编年史[編年史] pëin-nẽin-xū
biānniánshǐ annals; chronicle.⁵
编外人员[編外人員] pëin-ngòi-ngĩn-yõn
biānwàirényuán  personnel not on the regular payroll; non-staff personnel.⁶
编排[編排] pëin-pãi
biānpái arrange; lay out.⁵
编审[編審] pëin-sīm
biānshěn read and edit; copy editor.⁵
编辑[編輯] pëin-tīp
biānjí edit; editor.⁶
编写[編寫] pëin-xēh
biānxiě compile; write. compose.⁶
编次[編次] pëin-xü
biāncì order of arrangement.⁵
pein2 12659
120 15 pëin pián <topo.> sew up.⁸ to sew up; to braid together (loose hemp fibres) into a rope.¹¹
<又> bëin. (See 緶 bëin.)
pein2 12660
124 15 pëin piān <wr.> fly swiftly and lightly.⁶
浮想联翩[浮想聯翩] fẽo-xēng-lũn-pëin fúxiǎngliánpiān with thoughts flooding one's mind.⁶ thoughts flash across one's mind.⁸ to let one's imagination roam.¹⁰
翩舞 pëin-mū
piānwǔ dance for joy.¹⁹
翩然 pëin-ngẽin
piānrán <wr.> lightly; trippingly.⁶
翩然莅止[翩然蒞止] pëin-ngẽin-lì-jī 
piānránlìzhǐ  graciously come, arrive.¹¹
翩然而至 pëin-ngẽin-ngĩ-jï
piānrán'érzhì come trippingly.⁶
翩翩 pëin-pëin
piānpiān lightly (dance, flutter); <wr.> (usually referring to young men) elegant; genteel.⁶
翩翩起舞[翩翩起舞] pëin-pëin-hī-mū
piānpiānqǐwǔ dance lightly and gracefully.⁶
翩跹[翩躚] pëin-tëin
piānxiān <wr.> lightly; trippingly.⁵ flying or dancing gracefully.¹¹
翩跹起舞[翩躚起舞] pëin-tëin-hī-mū
piānxiānqǐwǔ dance with quick, light steps; dance trippingly.⁶
翩翾 pëin-xün
piānxuān flying or dancing gracefully.¹¹
pein2 12661
128 13 pëin pìn to invite for service, to employ, to engage; to be engaged, to be bethrothed; to pay respect by sending an envoy; to ask, to inquire; to give (a daughter in marriage).⁷
聘金 pëin-gïm pìnjīn money paid (to the parents of the prospective bride) at a bethrothal.⁷
聘姑娘 pëin-gü-nĩang
pìngūniang to give a daughter in marriage.⁷
聘君 pëin-gün
pìnjūn a capable scholar recruited by the imperial court for public service.⁷
聘妻 pëin-häi
pìnqī a fiancée.⁷
聘召 pëin-jël
pìnzhào to invite someone for service (usually with presents).⁷
聘礼[聘禮] pëin-lâi
pìnlǐ a gift for inviting one's service; presents for bethrothal sent to a girl's family.⁷
聘问[聘問] pëin-mùn
pìnwèn international exchange of visits.⁷
聘物 pëin-mùt
or pëin-mòt pìnwù  presents for betrothal (sent to the parents of prospective bride).⁷
聘任 pëin-ngìm
pìnrèn to employ or engage for a post.⁷
聘书[聘書] pëin-sï
pìnshū formal letter of employment.⁷
聘请[聘請] pëin-tēin
pìnqǐng to invite someone for service; to engage; to appoint.⁷
聘用 pëin-yùng
pìnyòng to employ; to engage.⁷
pein2 12662
130 8 pëin piàn half of the body, (non-classical form of 胖) fat; obese.¹⁰ half of anything.²⁵
pein2 12663
130 10 pëin pián callus, calluses.⁸ callosities on the hand or feet.¹⁴ callosity; <lit.> firm; <lit.> abdominal distension.²⁹ʼ⁵⁴
(variant: 腁 pëin pián).
(Note: Hoisanva term for callus is <台> 砧 îm, q.v.).
胼胝 pëin-chĩ
or pẽin-jï piánzhī callosity; callus; tylosis.⁶ calluses on the hands and feet – to toil or work hard.⁷
胼胝体[胼胝體] pëin-chĩ-hāi
or pẽin-jï-hāi piánzhītǐ corpus callosum.⁵
胼钉[胼釘] pëin-êng
or pẽin-êng piándīng <med.> corn.⁵⁴
胼挛[胼攣] pëin-lün
or pẽin-lün piánluán calloused and twisted hands.⁵⁴
胼手胝足 pëin-siū-chĩ-dūk or pẽin-siū-chĩ-dūk piánshǒuzhīzú calloused hands and feet – a life of toil.⁶ calluses on the hands and feet – to toil or work hard.⁷
<又> pẽin. (See 胼 pẽin; 腁 pëin; <台> 砧 îm).
pein2 12664
130 12 pëin pián (=胼 pëin pián) callus, calluses.⁸ callosities on the hand or feet.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰月幷; U+8141).
(See 胼 pëin.)
pein2 12665
140 9 pëin pīng unattainable, to cause.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹并 or ⿱艹幷; U+8353).
(See 荓[pẽin píng]).
pein2 12666
149 16 pëin piǎn to brag; to boast; to quibble; <topo.> to show off.
谝阔[諞闊] pëin-föt piǎnkuò  to show off; to be boastful.
谝能[諞能] pëin-nãng
piǎnnéng to show off (one's abilities, skills).
<又> bèin.
(See 諞 bèin.)
pein2 12667
157 13 pëin pián 跰胝 or 胼胝 pëin-chĩ or pẽin-jï piánzhī callosity; callus; tylosis.⁶ calluses on the hands and feet – to toil or work hard.⁷
跰跹[跰躚] pëin-tëin
or pẽin-tëin piánxiān (=蹁跹[蹁躚] pëin-tëin piánxiān; 翩跹[翩躚] pëin-tëin piānxiān, q.v.).¹⁹ <wr.> walk haltingly; limp; hobble.⁵⁴
<又> bèin, pẽin.
(See 跰 bèin; 跰 pẽin).
pein2 12668
157 16 pëin pián walking unsteadily; limping.⁷
蹩蹩蹁蹁 pëik-pëik-pëin-pëin biébiépiánpián limping along; going round and round.¹⁴
蹁跹[蹁躚] pëin-tëin
piánxiān <wr.> whirling about (in dancing).⁵ to walk unsteadily; to walk with a dancing gait.⁷ (walk, dance) with a swing or in a sidling manner.¹¹
蹁跹起舞[蹁躚起舞] pëin-tëin-hī-mū
piánxiānqǐwǔ dance trippingly.⁶
pein2 12669
158 13 𨉂
pëin pìn (=聘 pëin pìn)⁹⁸ʼ¹⁰¹ to invite for service, to employ, to engage; to be engaged, to be bethrothed; to pay respect by sending an envoy; to ask, to inquire; to give (a daughter in marriage).⁷
(composition: ⿰身⿱中丂; U+28242).
(See 聘 pëin)
pein2 12670 28242.gif
158 17 𨉯
pëin pìn (=聘 pëin pìn)⁹⁸ʼ¹⁰¹ to invite for service, to employ, to engage; to be engaged, to be bethrothed; to pay respect by sending an envoy; to ask, to inquire; to give (a daughter in marriage).⁷
(composition: ⿰身⿱𦥔丂; U+2826F).
(See 聘 pëin)
pein2 12671 2826F.gif
162 12 pëin biàn all over, all around, everywhere; <m.> (for actions) once through, one time.⁶ (variant: 徧 pëin biàn). (See 徧 pëin).
满山遍野[滿山遍野] mōn-sän-pëin-yêh
mǎnshānbiànyě all over the mountains and plains; over hill and dale.⁶
遍布 pëin-bü
biànbù spread all over; stretch widely.⁶
遍及 pëin-gèp
biànjí extend (or spread) all over.⁵
遍体鳞伤[遍體鱗傷] pëin-hāi-lĩn-sëng
biàntǐlínshāng whole body covered with wounds.¹¹
遍体生津[遍體生津] pëin-hāi-säng-jün
biàntǐshēngjīn perspire all over.⁵
遍地 pëin-ì
biàndì all over the place; everywhere.⁶
遍地开花[遍地開花] pëin-ì-höi-fä
biàndìkāihuā blossom or bloom everywhere.⁶
遍历[遍歷] pëin-lèik
biànlì to traverse; to travel throughout; <math.> ergodic.¹⁰
遍身 pëin-sïn
biànshēn over the whole body.¹⁰
遍野 pëin-yêh
biànyě all over the open country.⁶
踏遍 àp-pëin
tàbiàn to traverse the length and breadth of (some place).⁷
请再说一遍[請再說一遍] tēin-döi-sōt-yīt-pëin
qǐng zàishuō yībiàn Can you say that again please?⁹
一遍 yīt-pëin
yībiàn one time (all the way through); once through.¹⁰

pein2 12672
167 14 pëin bǐng a thin plate of gold or silver, formerly used as money in offerings.¹⁴ golden plates, used in sacrificing to the five emperors; gold or silver beaten into plates; a flat board used as a badge of office.²⁴
(composition: ⿰釒并 or ⿰釒幷; U+927C).
赐金一鉼[賜金一鉼] xü-gïm-yīt-pëin cìjīnyībǐng give me a piece of gold.
<又> bēng, pẽin. (See 鉼 bēng, 鉼 pẽin).
pein2 12673
167 16 pëin piān an ancient musical instrument.⁸
pein2 12674
181 15 pëin pīng the change of color of the face when one is angry; fair and beautiful complexion.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱并頁 or ⿱幷頁; U+9829).
pein2 12675
187 17 pëin
chěng <wr.> gallop; give free rein to.⁵ (of a horse) gallop; hasten, hurry; give free rein to, free from constraints.³⁶
(variant: 𩧢❄{⿲馬馬馬} chēin or pëin chěng).
骋[騁] <白读> pëin
chěng; <文读> chēin chěng.
(composition: ⿰馬甹; U+9A01).
<又> chēin.
(See 騁 chēin; 𩧢❄{⿲馬馬馬} chēin; 𩧢❄{⿲馬馬馬} pëin).
pein2 12676
187 19 pëin piàn deceive, fool, hookwink; cheat, swindle.⁵
招摇撞骗[招搖撞騙] jël-yẽl-jòng-pëin zhāoyáozhuàngpiàn to swindle by false pretenses.¹¹
骗子[騙子] pëin-dū
piànzi swindler.⁵⁶
骗局[騙局] pëin-gùk
piànjú fraud; hoax; swindle.⁵
骗供[騙供] pëin-güng
piàn'gòng  to cheat somebody into confessing; to induce a confession.¹⁰
骗腿儿[騙腿兒] pëin-huī-ngĩ
piàntuǐr mount horse or carriage with one leg first.¹¹
骗马[騙馬] pëin-mâ
piànmǎ <wr.> circus horse.¹¹
骗人[騙人] pëin-ngĩn
piànrén deceive people.⁵
骗案[騙案] pëin-ön
piàn'àn a case of swindling.¹¹
骗术[騙術] pëin-sùt
piànshù deceitful trick; ruse; hoax.⁵
骗钱[騙錢] pëin-tẽin
piànqián to defraud money.¹⁰
骗取[騙取] pëin-tuī
piànqǔ to gain by cheating.¹⁰
受骗[受騙] siù-pëin
shòupiàn be taken in; be deceived.⁵
pein2 12677
187 30 𩧢
pëin chěng (<old>=騁 pëin or chēin chěng) <wr.> gallop; give free rein to.⁵ (of a horse) gallop; hasten, hurry; give free rein to, free from constraints.³⁶
❄{⿲馬馬馬} <白读> pëin chěng; <文读> chēin chěng.
(composition: ⿲馬馬馬; U+299E2).
Distinguish from 骉[驫] bël
biāo <lit.> gallop of horses.
<又> chēin.
(See 𩧢❄{⿲馬馬馬} chēin; 騁 chēin; 騁 pëin).
pein2 12678
9 7 pẽin bēng messenger, emissary; send emissary.⁸ to send, to cause; a messenger.¹⁴ to order; to cause.²⁴ <lit.> messenger; emissary; <lit.> to send (someone).³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻平; U+4F3B).
pein3 12679
9 9 便 pẽin pián cheap; advantageous.
占便宜[佔便宜] jëm-pẽin-ngĩ
zhàn piányi to be in an advantageous position; to take advantage (of a person).⁷
便宜 pẽin-ngĩ
piányi cheap; small advantages, petty gains; let somebody off lightly.⁵ (See 便宜 bèin-ngĩ biànyí.)
小便宜 xēl-pẽin-ngĩ
xiǎopiányi petty gains.¹¹
<又> bèin.
(See 便 bèin.)
pein3 12680
32 8 pẽin píng level ground; a plain.
停机坪[停機坪] hẽin-gï-pẽin tíngjīpíng aircraft parking area; apron.
土坪 hū-pẽin
tǔpíng level stretch of land.
地坪 ì-pẽin
dìpíng terrace.
坪坝[坪壩] pẽin-bä
píngbà <topo.> level ground.
草坪 <文读> tāo-pẽin; <白读> tāo-pêng
or tāo-pēng cǎopíng lawn.
操坪 täo-pẽin
cāopíng drill ground.¹⁰
<又> pêng.
(See 坪 pêng.)
pein3 12681
44 9 pẽin píng screen; a set of scrolls; shield somebody or something.⁵
开屏[開屏] höi-pẽin kāipíng (a peacock) spreads its tail.¹⁰
孔雀开屏[孔雀開屏] kūng-dêk-höi-pẽin
kǒngquè kāipíng a peacock spreads its tail; be beautiful.⁵⁴
银屏[銀屏] ngãn-pẽin
yínpíng TV screen; silver screen.⁶
屏蔽 pẽin-bäi
píngbì shield; screen.⁵
屏风[屏風] pẽin-füng
píngfēng screen.⁵
屏障 pẽin-jëng
píngzhàng protective screen; shield; <wr.> to protect, shield, guard, provide a protective screen for.⁶
屏幕 pẽin-mōk
píngmù screen (TV, computer or movie).¹⁰
屏门[屏門] pẽin-mõn
píngmén screen door (between the  outer and inner courtyards of an old-style residence).⁵
画屏[畫屏] và-pẽin
huàpíng painted screen.⁵
<又> bēin, bèin, bëng.
(See 屏 bēin, bèin, bëng.)
pein3 12682
50 9 pẽin píng shelter, screen, awning.⁸ shelter; to shelter.¹¹
帡幪 pẽin-mũng píngméng shelter, tent.¹¹
pein3 12683
50 12 pẽin píng (=屏 pẽin píng) screen.⁹
(See 屏 pẽin.)
pein3 12684
51 5 pẽin píng flat, level, even; peaceful; Ping surname.⁸
平等 pẽin-āng píngděng equal; equality.¹⁰
平川 pẽin-chün
píngchuān flat and open land; open country; plain.⁶
平定 pẽin-èin
píngdìng to calm down; to suppress.
平籴[平糴] pẽin-èk
píngdí (see under 糴 èk).
平房 pẽin-fông
píngfáng one-storied house, bungalow.¹¹
平侷 pẽin-gùk
píngjú draw; tie.⁶
平衡 pẽin-hãng
pínghéng balanced, not lopsided, even; to bring into equilibrium, to balance, to maintain equilibrium; balance, equilibrium.⁶
平粜[平糶] pẽin-hël
píngtiào (see under 糶 hël).
平面 pẽin-mèin
píngmiàn flat surface; plane.
平安 pẽin-ön
píng'ān safe and sound; without mishap; well.⁵
平常 pẽin-sẽng
píngcháng ordinary; common; usually; ordinarily.¹⁰
平时[平時] pẽin-sĩ
píngshí ordinarily; in peacetime.
平峒 pẽin-ùng
píngdòng <min.> tunnel.¹
平稳[平穩] pẽin-vūn
píngwěn smooth; steady; stable.⁵
平息 pẽin-xēik
píngxī quiet down.⁹
平素 pẽin-xü
píngsù usually; ordinarily; customarily.⁶
平庸 pẽin-yũng
píngyōng mediocre; indifferent; commonplace.¹⁰
<又> pẽng.
(See 平 pẽng.)
pein3 12685
57 9 𢏳
pẽin pēng to shoot (as with a catapult); ball, pellet, bullet.⁸ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰弓并; U+223F3).
<又> bäng. (See 𢏳❄{⿰弓并} bäng).
pein3 12686
61 8 pẽin pēng (of the heart) thump; pound.⁶ eager; anxious; impulsive.⁷
怦然 pẽin-ngẽin pēngrán with a sudden shock; palpitating (with excitement).⁷
怦然心动[怦然心動] pẽin-ngẽin-xïm-ùng
pēngránxīndòng one's heart goes pit-a-pat.⁶
怦怦 pẽin-pẽin
pēngpēng eager and anxious (to do something); faithful and upright; with quick beating; pit-a-pat.⁷
心怦怦跳 xïm-pẽin-pẽin-hẽl
or 心砰砰跳 xïm-bīn-bīn-hẽl xīnpēngpēngtiào The heart thumps wildly (idiom).¹⁰
pein3 12687
64 8 pẽin pēng to attack; to impeach.
抨击[抨擊] pẽin-gēik pēngjī to attack (in speech or writing); to assail.
抨弹[抨彈] pẽin-hãn
pēngtán to attack (in speech or writing); to assail.
抨劾 pẽin-hàt
pēnghé to impeach; to censure.
pein3 12688
64 12 pẽin
bìng to get rid of, to expel, to remove, to dismiss, to brush aside; to arrange in order.⁷
摒除 pẽin-chuĩ or bëin-chuĩ bìngchú to get rid of; to dismiss.
摒绝[摒絕] pẽin-dùt
or bëin-dùt bìngjué to get rid of; to dismiss; to brush aside.
摒弃[摒棄] pẽin-hï
or bëin-hï bìngqì to abandon; to get rid of.
摒挡[摒擋] pẽin-ōng
or bëin-ōng bìngdàng <wr.> to arrange; to get ready.
<又> bëin.
(See 摒 bëin.)
pein3 12689
75 9 pẽin píng <wr.> chessboard.⁶ even, flat, level; a kind of chess.²⁴
敲枰 këo-pẽin or hāo-pẽin qiāopíng (=敲棋 këo-kĩ or hāo-kĩ qiāoqí or 敲碁 këo-kĩ or hāo-kĩ qiāoqí or 下棋 hä-kĩ xiàqí) to tap a chessman noisily on the table.¹¹ to play chess.¹⁰
棋枰 kĩ-pẽin
qípíng chessboard.⁶
楸枰 tiü-pẽin
qiūpíng a chessboard of catalpa wood.¹¹
pein3 12690
75 13 pẽin pián a type of tree mentioned in ancient books, also called 黄楩木[黃楩木] võng-pẽin-mûk huángpiánmù.⁸
(composition: ⿰木便; U+6969).
pein3 12691
75 13 pẽin pián a kind of tree.⁸ basket-couch in coffin.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰木扁; U+6944).
天楄 hëin-pẽin tiānpián the name of a tree.²⁴
楄柎 pẽin-fü
piánfū a mat or board at the bottom of a coffin.²⁴
<又> bëin; pëin.
(See 楄 bëin; 楄 pëin).
pein3 12692
85 8 pẽin píng an ancient valley name; an ancient river name.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵平; U+6CD9).
<又> päng. (See 泙 päng).
pein3 12693
98 10 pẽin píng bottle, vase, jar, flask.⁵ (variant: 缾 pẽin or pêng píng.)
花瓶 fä-pẽin
or fä-pêng huāpíng flower vase.⁵
拖油瓶 hü-yiũ-pẽin
or hü-yiũ-pêng tuōyóupíng children of preceding marriage living with mother in second marriage.¹¹
两瓶牛奶[兩瓶牛奶] lēng-pẽin-ngẽo-nâi
or lēng-pêng-ngẽo-nâi liǎngpíngniúnǎi two bottles of milk.⁵
热水瓶[熱水瓶] ngèik-suī-pẽin
or ngèik-suī-pêng rèshuǐpíng thermos bottle.¹⁰
瓶胆[瓶膽] pẽin-ām
or pêng-ām píngdǎn glass liner (of a thermos bottle).⁵
瓶子 pẽin-dū
or pêng-dū píngzi bottle.⁵
瓶颈[瓶頸] pẽin-gēng
or pêng-gēng píngjǐng bottleneck.¹⁰
瓶盖[瓶蓋] pẽin-köi
or pêng-gôi pínggài bottlecap.¹⁰
瓶塞 pẽin-xāk
or pêng-ît píngsāi bottle stopper.¹¹
瓶装[瓶裝] pẽin-jöng
or pêng-jöng píngzhuāng bottled.⁵
守口如瓶 siū-hēo-nguĩ-pẽin
or siū-hēo-nguĩ-pêng  shǒukǒurúpíng keep one's mouth shut; be tight-mouthed.⁵
油瓶 yiũ-pẽin
or yiũ-pêng yóupíng oil bottle.⁵⁴
<又> pêng.
(See 瓶 pêng; 缾 pẽin, pêng.)
pein3 12694
112 10 pẽin pēng the sound of crashing stones; Bang! a loud sound; deafening.⁷
砰石 Pẽin-sêk Pēngshí a place in Guangdong.⁴
<又> bīn, pâng.
(See 砰 bīn, pâng.)
pein3 12695
117 14 pẽin píng an unsteady walk.¹³
(composition: ⿰立屏; U+7AEE).
竛竮 lẽin-pẽin língpíng to walk crooked; to walk awry.²⁵ an unsteady lonely walk.⁰
pein3 12696
118 15 pẽin píng bamboo mat used to protect carriage passengers from dust (demotic form).⁸ (variant: 簈 pẽin píng).
(composition: ⿱𥫗屏; U+7BB3).
(See 簈 pẽin).
pein3 12697
118 17 pẽin píng (=箳 pẽin píng) bamboo mat used to protect carriage passengers from dust.⁸
(composition: ⿱𥫗屛; U+7C08).
(See 箳 pẽin).
pein3 12698
118 20 𥵪
pẽin píng a frame used in rearing silkworms.²⁵
(composition: ⿱⺮竮; U+25D6A).
(See synonyms at 蠶曲] tâm-kūk).
pein3 12699
121 12 pẽin píng (=瓶 pẽin píng) bottle, vase, jar, flask.
<又> pêng.
(See 瓶 pẽin, pêng; 缾 pêng.)
pein3 12700
130 10 pẽin pián (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 胼 pëin pián with the same meaning: callus, calluses.⁸ callosities on the hand or feet.¹⁴ callosity; <lit.> firm; <lit.> abdominal distension.²⁹ʼ⁵⁴)
<又> pëin.
(See 胼 pëin; 腁 pëin).
pein3 12701
140 9 pẽin píng a plant like the milfoil, that can be used for brooms. A man's name.²⁵ aka 铁扫帚[鐵掃帚] hëik-xäo-jāo tiěsǎozhǒu.
(composition: ⿱艹并 or ⿱艹幷; U+8353).
(See 荓[pẽin pīng]).
pein3 12702
140 11 pẽin píng duckweed; wandering, traveling.⁸
浮萍 fẽo-pẽin fúpíng duckweed; symbol of uncertain life, chance meetings.¹¹
萍踪[萍蹤] pẽin-düng
píngzōng tracks of a wanderer.⁸
萍踪靡定[萍蹤靡定] pẽin-düng-mî-èin
píngzōngmǐdìng  person's uncertain movements, constant travel.¹¹
萍水相逢 pẽin-suī-xëng-fũng
píngshuǐxiāngféng (of strangers) to meet by chance like patches of drifting duckweed; to have a chance encounter.⁹ strangers coming together by chance (idiom).¹⁰ casual, temporary meeting.¹¹

pein3 12703
140 12 pẽin píng demotic character for 𦶊❄{⿱艹涄}⁸ pẽin píng plants floating on the surface of water; duckweed.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹洴; U+84f1).
(See 𦶊 pẽin).
pein3 12704
140 13 𦶊
pẽin píng plants floating on the surface of water; duckweed.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹涄; U+26D8A).
(See 蓱 pẽin).
pein3 12705
140 19 pẽin píng apple.
苹果[蘋果] pẽin-gō píngguǒ apple.
苹果酱[蘋果醬] pẽin-gō-dëng
píngguǒjiàng apple sauce.¹⁹
苹果酒[蘋果酒] pẽin-gō-diū
píngguǒjiǔ cider.
苹果机[蘋果機] Pẽin-gō-gï
Píngguǒjī Apple computer.
苹果汁[蘋果汁] pẽin-gō-jīp
píngguǒzhī apple juice.
苹果绿[蘋果綠] pẽin-gō-lùk
píngguǒlǜ color of unripe apple (green), name of type of porcelain.¹¹
苹苹[蘋蘋] pẽin-pẽin
píngpíng luxuriant; lush (of grass).
苹婆[蘋婆] pẽin-põ
píngpó or 频婆[頻婆] pĩn-põ pínpó  Chinese chestnut, Thai chestnut, seven sisters' fruit (七姐果), phoenix eye fruit (凤眼果[鳳眼果]), Sterculia monosperma; <old> another name for 苹果[蘋果] pẽin-gō píngguǒ apple.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ʼ³⁶
野苹果[野蘋果] yêh-pẽin-gō
yěpíngguǒ crabapple.¹⁰
<又> pĩn.
(See 蘋 pĩn).
pein3 12706
142 12 pẽin píng (=金龟子[金龜子]⁸ gïm-gï-dū jīnguīzǐ)  scarab (Scarabeus sacer); beetle.¹⁰ scarab.³⁶
(composition: ⿰虫并
or ⿰虫幷; U+86E2).
蛢] võng-pẽin huángpíng a coleopterous insect, of a green color, that makes a noise with its wings.²⁵
pein3 12707
149 12 pẽin píng to discuss; to comment; to criticize; to judge.
自我批评[自我批評] dù-ngô-päi-pẽin zìwǒpīpíng self-criticism.⁶
定评[定評] èin-pẽin
dìngpíng accepted opinion; agreed.
短评[短評] ōn-pẽin
duǎnpíng brief comment.⁶
批评[批評] päi-pẽin
pīpíng to criticize.
评比[評比] pẽin-bī
píngbǐ to compare and assess.
评价[評價] pẽin-gä
píngjià to appraise; to evaluate.
评功摆好[評功擺好] pẽin-güng-bāi-hāo
pínggōngbǎihǎo to extol.
评骘[評騭] pẽin-jēt
or pẽin-jīt píngzhì <wr.> pass judgment on; evaluate.⁵⁴
评剧[評劇] pẽin-kēk
píngjù a local opera of northern China.⁶
评论[評論] pẽin-lùn
pínglùn to comment; to review (magazines); critical opinion.
评语[評語] pẽin-nguî
píngyǔ critical comment, remarks.
评断[評斷] pẽin-òn
píngduàn to judge; to arbitrate.
评书[評書] pẽin-sï
píngshū story-telling at teahouses.¹¹
pein3 12708
157 13 pẽin pián (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 跰 pëin pián with same meaning.)
<又> bèin, pëin.
(See 跰 bèin; 跰 pëin).
pein3 12709
159 13 軿 𫐌
pẽin píng a curtained carriage (for women).⁷ a light carriage.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿰車并; U+8EFF). (comp. s: ⿰车并; U+2B40C).
❄{⿰车并}[輜軿] dü-pẽin zīpíng <wr.> a covered wagon.¹¹
❄{⿰车并}车[軿車] pẽin-chëh píngchē a curtained carriage.⁷ A carriage shut up on all sides, for the conveyance of women.²⁵
❄{⿰车并}輷[軿輷] pẽin-gäng pínghōng the noise of carriages and horses.²⁵
❄{⿰车并}辂[軿輅] pẽin-lù pínglù a curtained carriage for princesses.⁷
pein3 12710
163 8 pẽin píng during the time of the Spring and Autumn period, the name of a city in present day Shandong Province; Ping surname.⁸ the name of an ancient territory in the canton of 东莞[東莞] üng-fōn dōngwǎn Dongwan.²⁵
(composition: ⿰并阝; U+90F1).
pein3 12711
167 14 pẽin píng <old>=瓶 (pêng or pẽin píng bottle, vase, jar, flask.⁵) The name of a state.²⁴
(composition: ⿰釒并 or ⿰釒幷; U+927C).
<又> bēng, pëin.
(See 鉼 bēng, 鉼 pëin).
pein3 12712
187 16 pẽin pián parallel, antithetical; stand side by side.⁶ (variant: 騈 pẽin)
百福骈臻 bāk-fūk-pẽin-jün bǎifúpiánzhēn May all blessings join together!³⁹
骈比[駢比] pẽin-bī
piánbǐ be next to each other.⁵⁵
骈肩[駢肩] pẽin-gän
piánjiān (of people) crowded together shoulder to shoulder.⁵⁵
骈句[駢句] pẽin-guî
piánjù parallel sentences.⁵
骈体[駢體] pẽin-hāi
piántǐ rhythmical prose style marked by parallelism and ornateness.⁵
骈阗[駢闐] pẽin-hẽin
piántián <wr.> gather.⁵⁵
骈枝[駢枝] pẽin-jï
piánzhī <wr.> extra toe/finger/thumb; superfluous, extraneous, redundant.⁶
骈枝机构[駢枝機構] pẽin-jï-gï-këo
piánzhījīgòu superfluous structure.⁵
骈俪[駢儷] pẽin-lài
piánlì art of parallelism.⁵
骈拇枝指[駢拇枝指] pẽin-mû-jï-jī
piánmǔzhīzhǐ extra thumb or finger – redundant things.⁶
骈文[駢文] pẽin-mũn
piánwén parallel prose.⁵⁵
骈四俪六[駢四儷六] pẽin-xï-lài-lùk
piánsìlìliù <wr.> parallel construction of pairs of four and six-character sentences (characteristic of parallel prose).⁶
(See 騈 pẽin.)
pein3 12713
187 18 pẽin pián (=駢 pẽin pián) a pair of horses; to stand side by side.⁷
(See 駢 pẽin.)
pein3 12714
188 15 骿 pẽin pián <old>=胼 pẽin or pëin pián callus, calluses.⁸ (Cant.) ribs, particularly in reference to back ribs; (Min Nan, Min Dong) back of the body.³⁶
(composition: ⿰骨并 (or ⿰骨幷 in Kangxi); U+9ABF).
尻脊骿 häo-dëk-pẽin
or käo-dëk-pẽin kāojǐpián or 胛脊𩩍❄{⿰骨甹} gāp-dëk-pêng jiǎjǐpīng (Hokkien) back (of a human being or any other vertebrate).³⁶
骿胝 pẽin-chĩ
or pẽin-jï piánzhī (=胼胝¹³ pẽin-chĩ or pëin-chĩ or pẽin-jï or pëin-jï piánzhī callosity; callus; tylosis.⁶ calluses on the hands and feet – to toil or work hard.⁷) calluses on the palms of hands and feet due to long-term work.¹⁹
骿胁[骿脅] pẽin-hèp
piánxié the ribs, the whole range of the ribs.²⁵
<又> pêng.
(See 骿 pêng; 胼 pẽin; 胼 pëin).
pein3 12715
195 16 pẽin píng left-eyed flounder.⁶
大菱鲆[大菱鮃] ài-lẽin-pẽin dàlíngpíng turbot (left-eyed)¹⁰
大西洋牙鲆[大西洋牙鮃] ài-xäi-yẽng-ngã-pẽin
dàxīyáng yápíng Summer flounder (also known as fluke) – Paralichthys dentatus (left-eyed).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
白点牙鲆[白點牙鮃] bàk-ēm-ngã-pẽin
báidiǎnyápíng Gulf flounder – Paralichthys albigutta (left-eyed).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
褐牙鲆[褐牙鮃] hòt-ngã-pẽin
hèyápíng another name for Olive flounder – Paralichthys olivaceus (left-eyed).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
漠斑牙鲆[漠斑牙鮃] mōk-bän-ngã-pẽin
mòbānyápíng Southern flounder – Paralichthys lethostigma (left-eyed).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
牙鲆[牙鮃] ngã-pẽin
yápíng another name for Olive flounder – Paralichthys olivaceus (left-eyed).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鲆科[鮃科] pẽin-fö
píngkē Lefteye flounders, a family, Bothidae, of flounders.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
pein3 12716
18 15 pëk to split; to chop.⁷
劈叉 pëk-chä pǐchà to do the splits (in acrobatics  or gymnastics or on a slippery road).
劈柴 pëk-châi
pǐchai firewood.⁷ʼ¹⁹ kindling, firewood.¹¹ (Note: In Hoisanva 柴 châi is firewood; 劈柴 pëk-châi is to split a large piece of wood into smaller pieces to make firewood).
劈腿 pëk-huī
pǐtuǐ trestle.
劈成两段[劈成兩段] pëk-sẽin-lēng-òn
pīchéng liǎng duàn to split into two halves.
劈一字腿 pëk-yīt-dù-huī
pǐ “yī” zì tuǐ to do the splits.
<又> pêk.
(See 劈 [pëk, ], pêk.)
pek2 12717
18 15 pëk to cleave, to split, to rive, to rend; a wedge.⁷
尖劈 dëm-pëk jiānpī wedge.
雷劈 luĩ-pëk
léipī to be struck by lightning.
雷劈天打 luĩ-pëk-hëin-ā
léipītiāndǎ to be killed by lightning.
劈板斧 pëk-bān-fū
pībǎnfǔ froe; frow.
劈波斩浪[劈波斬浪] pëk-bö-jām-lòng
pībōzhǎnlàng to cleave through the waves.
劈柴 pëk-châi
pīchái to split or chop firewood.⁷ to split firewood.¹⁹
劈头[劈頭] pëk-hẽo
pītóu ➀ straight on the head; direct in the face; ➁ at the very beginning; at the outset.⁶
劈头盖脸[劈頭蓋臉] pëk-hẽo-köi-lêm
pītóugàiliǎn right in the face; straight on the head.⁶
劈里啪啦[劈裡啪啦] pëk-lī-päk-lā
or 噼里啪啦[噼裡啪啦] pēik-lī-päk-lā pīlipālā <ono.> crack, crackle, splutter, clatter.⁶
劈啪 pëk-päk
or 噼啪 pēik-päk  pīpā <ono.> snap, crack.⁶
劈柈子 pëk-põn-dū
pībànzi cut firewood.⁶
对股劈[對股劈] uï-gū-pëk
duìgǔpī to go halves; split fifty-fifty.
<台> 好心着雷劈[好心著雷劈] hāo-xïm-jëk-luĩ-pëk I was struck by lightning for my good intentions.
<又> pêk.
(See 劈 [pëk, ], pêk.)
pek2 12718
157 15 pëk kick; play (football).⁵ (Distinguish 踼 hõng táng to fall flat; to fall on the face.)
(composition: ⿰⻊易; U+8E22).
踢蹬 pëk-àng
tīdeng kick at random.⁵
踢踏舞 pëk-àp-mū
tītàwǔ tap dance.¹⁹
踢跶[踢躂] pëk-àt
tīdā (sound of footsteps) tap; patter.⁶
踢跶[踢躂] pëk-àt
tīda kick at random; spend freely or extravagantly; squander.⁶ (See 踢跶[踢躂] pëk-àt tīdā).
踢跶舞[踢躂舞] pëk-àt-mū
tīdāwǔ (=踢踏舞 pëk-àp-mū tītàwǔ) tap dance.³⁹
踢足球 pëk-dūk-kiũ
tīzúqiú to play football (soccer).⁵
踢毽子 pëk-gèin-dū
tījiànzi play/kick the shuttlecock (as a game).⁶
踢脚板[踢腳板] pëk-gëk-bān
tījiǎobǎn baseboard; skirting board; skirtboard.⁵⁴
踢拳 pëk-kũn
tīquán kickboxing.²⁰
踢皮球 pëk-pĩ-kiũ
tīpíqiú kick a ball, play children's football; kick something back and forth like a ball, pass the buck.⁵
pek2 12719
167 14 pëk to split; to slash or rip open (by means of a knife); jewels or ornaments on a sword; to analyze, to study, to investigate.⁸
(composition: ⿰金𠂢; U+4928).
观其䤨, 烂如列星.[觀其䤨, 爛如列星.]
Gön-kĩ-pëk, làn-nguĩ-lèik-xëin.
Guān qí pì, làn rú liè xīng.
Take a look at these decorations on the sword, they sparkle like stars/constellations.⁵⁴
Pëk: kï, tõi-yâ. Lẽng-Yēik-jï-gän tõi-mûk-vĩ-hï yòt pëk; lëik-bàk-vĩ-yï yòt kï. Pëk yiù ēk-yâ, Dün-Jèl-jï-gän vì-jï pëk-pëk.
Pì: guī, cái yě. Liáng-Yì zhī jiàn cái mù wéi qì yuē pì; liè bó wéi yī yuē guī. Pì yòu zhuó yě, Jìn-Zhào zhī jiàn wèi zhī pì-pì.
Definition for 䤨 pëk
: spliting silk for clothing; cutting wood for utensils. During the time between Liang and Yi, cutting wood into utensils is called 䤨 pëk ; splitting silk for clothing is called 𢵅❄{⿰扌規}guī. Also means to chop/hew. During the time between Jin and Zhao, it was called 䤨䤨 pëk-pëk pìpì.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《字書·方言·第二》, Yang Xiong 揚雄; 53 BC–18 AD),
pek2 12720
18 15 pêk <台> 成劈劈 sẽng-pêk-pêk  one large (flat) scoop after another.
<又> pëk. (See 劈 [pëk, ], [pëk, ].)
pek5 12721
64 11 pēl biào to distribute, to scatter; to disperse.⁸
<台> 㧼 pēl to tear (paper, cloth).
<台> 㧼开[㧼開] pēl-höi to tear open (a box).
pel1 12722
9 13 pël piāo (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 僄 pèl  piào <lit.> quick and nimble; frivolous, flippant.⁶ agile (body), smart-looking.¹¹ light; airy.¹⁴ vigorous and agile, brisk; rash; extremely, frivolous; <old> contempt; <old> nimble, agile.³⁶)
(composition: ⿰亻票; U+50C4).
or 轻剽[輕剽] hëin-pël qīngpiāo or 轻佻[輕佻] hëin-hël qīngtiāo frivolous.¹¹
pel2 12723
18 13 pël piāo to plunder, to rob, to steal; agile, fast.⁷
(old variants: 勡,慓 pël piāo). (See 勡 pël; 慓 pël).
(composition: ⿰票刂; U+527D).
剽袭[剽襲] pël-dàp
piāoxí plagarize; lift.⁵⁴
剽疾 pël-dìp
piāojí fierce and nimble (of fighters).¹⁹ʼ⁰
剽轻[剽輕] pël-hëin
piāoqīng fierce/intrepid and agile.¹⁹ʼ⁰
剽悍 pël-hòn
piāohàn agile and fierce; warlike.⁷
剽悍善战[剽悍善戰] pël-hòn-sèn-jën
piāohànshànzhàn swift, daring and skillful at fighting.⁷
剽掠 pël-lèk
piāolüè to plunder; to rob.⁷
剽贼[剽賊] pël-tàk
piāozéi steal other people’s property or works for yourself.⁵⁴
剽窃[剽竊] pël-tëik
piāoqiè to steal, to purloin; to plagiarize.⁷ plagiarize; plunder.¹⁴
pel2 12724
19 13 pël piāo (<old>=剽 pël piāo to plunder, to rob, to steal; agile, fast.⁷).⁸ to rob; to plunder.²⁴ Taiwan pronunciation: piào.
(composition: ⿰票力; U+52E1).
pel2 12725
30 14 pël piào <wr.> passing swiftly.¹¹
(composition: ⿰口票; U+560C).
Fī-füng-pël-hãi, fī-chëh-pël-hãi...
Fěi fēng piāo xī, fěi chëh piào xī...
Not for the whirlwind;
Not for the irregular motion of a chariot; -.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·檜風·匪風》, translated by James Legge).
嘌唱 pël-chëng
piàochàng <wr.> popular ditties.¹¹
嘌呤 pël-lèin
piàolìng <chem.> purine.¹⁰
嘌嘌 pël-pël
piàopiào <wr.> rolling along swiftly (of carriage).¹¹
pel2 12726
61 14 pël piāo (<old>=剽 pël piāo to plunder, to rob, to steal; agile, fast.⁷).⁸ hasty, urgent.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄票; U+6153).
or 剽悍 pël-hòn piāohàn agile and fierce; warlike.⁷
慓慓 pël-pël
piāopiāo appearance of being very fast.¹⁹ʼ⁰
慓士 pël-xù
piāoshì knight-errant; assassin.¹⁹ʼ⁰
慓勇 pël-yûng
piāoyǒng brisk and brave.¹⁹ʼ⁰
(See 剽 pël).
pel2 12727
64 14 pël biāo <wr.> wave off; abandon.⁶ sign; to signal.¹⁰
摽榜 pël-bōng biāobǎng <wr.> boast; brag about.⁶
摽旗 pël-kĩ
biāoqí to signal with a flag.¹⁴
摽末 pël-mòt
biāomò <trad.> the edge of a sword.
摽牌 pël-pãi
biāopái <trad.> rattan war shield.
<又> pẽl.
(See 摽 pẽl.)
pel2 12728
70 15 𣄔
pël piāo (demotic character for 旚 pël piāo fluttering flags.⁸ the waving of a flag or banner.²⁴).
(composition: ⿰方票; U+23114).²
(See 旚 pël).
pel2 12729
70 17 pël piāo fluttering flags.⁸ the waving of a flag or banner.²⁴
(composition: ⿰方⿱𠂉票; U+65DA).
(See 𣄔❄{⿰方票} pël).
pel2 12730
72 15 pël piào to expose to sunlight; to sun.⁸ to dry anything in the sun.²⁴
(composition: ⿰日票; U+3B13).
pel2 12731
85 14 pël piào elegant; polished.¹⁰
漂亮 pël-lèng piàoliang pretty; beautiful.¹⁰
(See 漂 [pël, piāo], [pël, piǎo].)
pel2 12732
85 14 pël piǎo bleach; rinse.⁵
漂白 pël-bàk piǎobái bleach.⁵
漂白水 pël-bàk-suī
piǎobáishuǐ bleach (liquid).¹⁰
漂染 pël-ngëm
piǎorǎn bleach and dye.⁶
漂洗 pël-xāi
piǎoxǐ to rinse (clothes).¹⁰
(See 漂 [pël, piāo], [pël, piào].)
pel2 12733
85 14 pël piāo float; drift.⁵
漂泊 or 飘泊[飄泊] pël-bòk piāobó float, drift; lead a wandering life, drift aimlessly, roam, ramble, go aimlessly.⁶
or 飘浮[飄浮] pël-fẽo piāofú float, go adrift; hover before one's eyes, float in the mind; (of style of work) superficial, shallow, frivolous.⁶
or 飘流[飄流] pël-liũ piāoliú floating a river, rafting; white water rafting; be driven by the current, drift about; lead a wandering life, drift aimlessly.⁶
漂移 pël-yĩ
piāoyí <elec.> drift.⁵
漂游[漂游] pël-yiũ
piāoyóu float slowly and gently; lead a wandering life.⁶
四处漂流[四處漂流] xü-chuî-pël-liũ
sìchùpiāoliú drift aimlessly about the world.⁶
四处漂游[四處漂游] xü-chuî-pël-yiũ
sìchùpiāoyóu wander aimlessly from place to place; roam/drift aimlessly.⁶
(See 漂 [pël, piǎo], [pël, piào].)
pel2 12734
97 16 pël piáo ladle made from dried gourd.⁸
大雨瓢泼[大雨瓢潑] ài-yî-pël-bōt dàyǔpiáopō The rain came down with a splash; the rain spilled down in spurts.⁶
瓢泼[瓢潑] pël-bōt
piáopō (of rain) pour down; rain cats and dogs.⁶
瓢泼大雨[瓢潑大雨] pël-bōt-ài-yî
piáopōdàyǔ heavy rain; torrential rain; downpour.⁵
瓢虫[瓢蟲] pël-chũng
piáochóng ladybug; ladybird.¹⁰
瓢桨[瓢槳] pël-dēng
piáojiǎng hollow oar; oar with scoop-like blade.⁶
瓢子 pël-dū
piáozi <topo.> gourd ladle; spoon.⁶
瓢瓜 pël-gä
piàoguā bottle gourd.⁶
瓢儿[瓢兒] pël-ngĩ
piáor a ladel (often made of a dried calabash or gourd); (jocular usage) human head.⁷
瓢儿菜[瓢兒菜] pël-ngĩ-töi
piáorcài Eruca.⁸
瓢葫苹[瓢葫蘋] pël-vũ-pẽin
piáohúpín moonflower.⁸
pel2 12735
109 16 pël piǎo look sidelong/askance at; cast a sidelong glance at; glance sideways at.⁶
瞟见[瞟見] pël-gëin piǎojiàn glimpse.¹⁹
瞟了他一眼 pël-lēl-hä-yīt-ngān
piǎoletāyīyǎn to give him a side glance.⁷
瞟了一眼 pël-lēl-yīt-ngān
piǎoleyīyǎn give a contemptuous look, glance quickly at.¹¹ to cast a glance; to give a wink.¹⁴
瞟眇 pël-mêl
piǎomiǎo obscure and indistinct; very unreliable; having little chance.¹⁰ to see indistinctly.¹⁴
瞟一眼 pël-yīt-ngān
piǎoyīyǎn flash one's eyes at somebody/something.⁶
pel2 12736
120 17 pël piǎo <wr.> pale-green; light blue; pale-green/light-blue silk.⁶
缥白[縹白] pël-bàk piǎobái pure white.⁷
缥帙[縹帙] pël-èik
piǎozhì books.⁷
缥囊[縹囊] pël-nõng
piǎonáng a silk book for holding books.⁷
缥瓦[縹瓦] pël-ngā
piǎowǎ glossy tiles.⁷
缥玉[縹玉] pël-ngùk
piǎoyù pale-green jade.⁶
缥缃[縹緗] pël-xëng
piǎoxiāng valuable books.⁷
(See 縹 [pël, piāo].)
pel2 12737
120 17 pël piāo dim; misty; indistinct.⁷
虚无缥缈[虛無縹緲] huï-mũ-pël-mêl xūwúpiāomiǎo purely imaginary; utterly illusory/visionary; entirely unreal.⁶
or 飘渺[飄渺] pël-mêl piāomiǎo dimly discernible; misty.⁵
缥缥[縹縹] pël-pël
piāopiāo wafting lightly.⁷
(See 縹 [pël, piǎo].)
pel2 12738
142 17 pël piāo a chrysalis.⁸
海螵蛸 hōi-pël-xël hǎipiāoxiāo TCM cuttlebone.⁶ dried central part of cuttlefish.¹¹
螵蛸 pël-xël
piāoxiāo egg capsule of a mantis.⁶ egg case of a praying mantis (used in TCM); cuttlebone.¹⁰ bag of grasshopper's eggs.¹¹
pel2 12739
182 20 pël piāo wave to and fro; float (in the air); flutter.⁵ to blow, to float (in the air), to waft, to move with the wind; a cyclone, a whirling wind; to floatm to drift (on the water).⁷ whirlwind, cyclone; floating.⁸ (variant: 飃 pël piāo). (See 飃 pël).
or 漂泊 pël-bòk piāobó float, drift; lead a wandering life, drift aimlessly, roam, ramble, go aimlessly.⁶
or 漂浮 pël-fẽo piāofú float, go adrift; hover before one's eyes, float in the mind; (of style of work) superficial, shallow, frivolous.⁶
or 漂流 pël-liũ piāoliú floating a river, rafting; white water rafting; be driven by the current, drift about; lead a wandering life, drift aimlessly.⁶
or 缥缈[縹緲] pël-mêl piāomiǎo dimly discernible; misty.⁵
or 漂荡[漂蕩] pël-òng piāodàng to drift; to wave; to float on the waves; to flutter in the wind.⁵⁴
飘飘然[飄飄然] pël-pël-ngẽin
piāopiāorán pleasantly, joyfully, lightheartedly.¹¹
飘蓬[飄蓬] pël-pũng
piāopéng to float in the wind; by extension, to lead a wandering life.¹⁰
or 飘飖[飄颻] pël-yẽl piāoyáo sway; shake; totter.⁵ drift about.¹¹
or 飘飏[飄颺] pël-yẽng piāoyáng wave; flutter;  fly.⁶ flutter in the wind (of flag).¹¹
pel2 12740
182 20 pël piāo (=飘[飄] pël piāo wave to and fro; float (in the air); flutter.⁵ to blow, to float (in the air), to waft, to move with the wind; a cyclone, a whirling wind; to floatm to drift (on the water).⁷ whirlwind, cyclone; floating.⁸); whirlwind, cyclone; floating.⁸ fly in the air; fall; drift about; blow; whirlwind; swift, rapid.³⁶
(composition: ⿺風票; U+98C3).
(See 飄 pël).
pel2 12741
187 21 pël piào <wr.> (of horses) fast, swift; brave, valiant.⁶ Piao State, name of an ancient country, now eastern Myanmar.¹¹
骠悍[驃悍] pël-hòn piàohàn intrepid; doughty.⁶
骠骑[驃騎] pël-kĩ
piàoqí title of generals during the Han Dynasty.⁸
骠骑兵[驃騎兵] pël-kĩ-bëin
piàoqíbīng Hussar.³⁹ cavalry.⁵⁴
骠勇[驃勇] pël-yûng
piàoyǒng brave; gallant; valiant.⁶
<又> bël.
(See 驃 bël.)
pel2 12742
195 22 pël biào swim/air bladder (of fish); (topo.> stick with fish glue.⁶ swim bladder, gas bladder, air bladder; (commercial term) fish maw; in Chinese aka 鱼胶, 鱼肚, 白鳔, 鱼泡.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
白鳔[白鰾] bàk-pël báibiào another name for 鳔[鰾] pël biào swim bladder, gas bladder, air bladder.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鱼鳔[魚鰾] nguî-pël
yúbiào air bladder of fish.⁸
鳔胶[鰾膠] pël-gäo
biàojiāo isinglass; fish glue.⁶
pel2 12743
38 14 pẽl piáo visit prostitutes; whore; go whoring; wench; letch.⁶
嫖婊子 pẽl-bēl-dū piáobiǎozi to visit prostitutes, to frequent brothels.¹¹
嫖娼 pẽl-chëng
piáochāng to visit prostitutes, to frequent brothels.¹¹
嫖资[嫖資] pẽl-dü
piáozī prostitute's fee for service.¹⁰
嫖妓 pẽl-gì
piáojì to visit a prostitute.¹⁰
嫖客 pẽl-hāk
or pẽl-häk piáokè visitor of brothels¹¹
嫖赌饮[嫖賭飲] pẽl-ū-ngīm
piáodǔyǐn frequenting brothels, gambling and drinking.¹¹
嫖宿 pẽl-xūk
piáosù to spend the night at a brothel.¹⁰
嫖友 pẽl-yiû
piáoyǒu friend in visiting prostitutes.¹¹
pel3 12744
64 14 pẽl biào fasten together, tie fast; be arm in arm; attach to; exert oneself to emulate or excel, compete in doing something.⁶
擗摽 pēik-pẽl pǐbiào <wr.> to hammer one's breast in fright.¹ to be frightened.¹¹
摽在一起 pẽl-dòi-yī-hī
biàozàiyīqǐ <topo.> to band together.
摽劲儿[摽勁兒] pẽl-gèin-ngĩ
biàojìnr <topo.> to compete in doing something; to be at odds with.
摽梅 pẽl-mõi
biàoméi <wr.> the fruit of a plum tree that is ripe and about to fall – (said of girls) marriageable age.
摽上 pẽl-sèng
biàoshang <topo.> lock horns.
<又> pël.
(See 摽 pël.)
pel3 12745
75 16 pẽl piáo Piao surname.⁵
<又> pōk. (See 樸 pōk; 朴 [pōk, ], [pōk, ].)
pel3 12746
140 10 pẽl piǎo (=殍 pêl piǎo <wr.> to die from starvation; exposed bodies of those who died from starvation.¹⁹); starved  to death.¹⁴
Hũ-yiû-ngù-pẽl ngĩ-būt-jï-fāt.
Tú yǒu è piǎo ér bù zhī fā.
There are people dying from famine on the roads, and you do not issue the stores of your granaries for them.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《孟子·梁惠王上》, translated by James Legge).
饿莩[餓莩] ngù-pẽl
èpiǎo (=饿殍[餓殍] ngù-pêl èpiǎo) <wr.> corpses of those starved to death.¹¹
野有饿莩.[野有餓莩.] Yêh-yiû-ngù-pẽl.
Yě yǒu è piǎo.
And on the wilds there are those who have died of famine. (Excerpt from 《孟子·梁惠王上》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ in the fields there were people starved to death.¹⁴
<又> fũ.
(See 莩 fũ; 殍 pêl)
pel3 12747
140 17 pẽl piáo duckweed.⁸
大薸 ài-pẽl dàpiáo water lettuce Pistia stratiotes.²³
薸萍 pẽl-pẽin
piáopíng duckweed.¹⁴
pel3 12748
9 13 pèl piào <lit.> quick and nimble; frivolous, flippant.⁶ agile (body), smart-looking.¹¹ light; airy.¹⁴ vigorous and agile, brisk; rash; extremely, frivolous; <old> contempt; <old> nimble, agile.³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻票; U+50C4).
僄狡 pèl-gāo piàojiǎo smart, prompt, alert, roguish.¹⁴
僄悍 pèl-hòn
piàohàn ferocious, warlike.¹¹ supercilious and hasty.¹⁴
僄遬 pèl-tūk
piàosù alert, prompt in action.¹⁴
pel4 12749
94 14 pèl piào (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 㺓 jāk (interchangeable with 僄 pèl piào light; airy).¹⁰
(composition: ⿰犭責; U+3E93).
<又> jāk.
(See 㺓 jāk; 僄 pèl).
pel4 12750
78 11 pêl piǎo <wr.> to die from starvation; exposed bodies of those who died from starvation.¹⁹ (variant: 莩 pêl piǎo).
(composition: ⿰歹孚; U+6B8D).
饿殍[餓殍] ngù-pêl
èpiǎo <wr.> bodies of the starved.⁵
饿殍遍野[餓殍遍野] ngù-pêl-pëin-yêh
èpiǎobiànyě strewn with bodies of the starved everywhere.⁵
殍殣 pêl-gīn
piǎojìn to die of starvation.¹⁴
Yòng qí èr ér mín yǒu piǎo.
If he require[s] two of them at once, then the people [will] die of hunger.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《孟子·盡心下》, translated by James Legge).
(See 莩 pêl).
pel5 12751
113 11 pêl piào ticket; note; bill; amateur performance.⁹
车票[車票] chëh-pêl chēpiào a train or bus ticket.¹¹
票霸 pêl-bä piàobà scalper.³⁹
票子 pêl-dū
piàozi bank note; paper money; bill.⁵
票房 pêl-fông
piàofáng booking office; box office; <trad.> a club for amateur performers of Beijing opera.⁵
票价[票價] pêl-gä
piàojià ticket price; fare; admission fee.¹⁰
票根 pêl-gïn
piàogēn counterfoil; stub.⁵
票据[票據] pêl-guï
piàojù bill; note; voucher.⁹
票号[票號] pêl-hão
piàohào <trad.> a firm for exchange and transfer of money; exchange shop.⁵
票券 pêl-hûn
piàoquàn voucher; share; share certificate.¹⁰
票面 pêl-mèin
piàomiàn face/par/nominal value.⁵
票额[票額] pêl-ngäk
piào'é the sum stated on a check or bill; denomination; face value.⁵
票汇[票匯] pêl-vòi
piàohuì draft remittance.¹⁰
票箱 pêl-xêng
piàoxiāng ballot box.⁵
票选[票選] pêl-xūn
piàoxuǎn elect/vote by ballot.⁵
票姚 pêl-yẽl
piàoyáo <wr.> vigorous and lively.⁵⁴
票友 pêl-yiû
piàoyǒu an amateur actor  (in Chinese opera).¹⁰
pel5 12752
118 17 pêl piǎo a hard and thick kind of bamboo that can be used as spears, bows, crossbows; aka "tendon bamboo"; bamboo shoots; bamboo door.⁸ a species of bamboo, as large as a spear, it is solid and very hard, when sharpened it is very dangerous.²⁵ This species of bamboo comes from 韶州 Sẽl-jiü Sháozhōu, located in Guangdong Province.² (Note: Some dictionaries have two pronunciations for 篻 pêl piǎo and bël biāo while some have only one, such as Ministry of Education (MoE) have only one: pêl piǎo. Those with two pronunciations, by themselves, have distinct meanings; but, when compared with other dictionaries, their meanings are intertwined. MoE has all meanings in pêl piǎo. The Kangxi Dictionary notes that the one read pêl piǎo comes from 韶州 Sẽl-jiü Sháozhōu whereas the one read bël biāo comes from 九眞 Giū-jïn Jiǔzhēn).
(composition: ⿱𥫗票; U+7BFB).
<又> bël.
(See 篻 bël).
pel5 12753
140 18 pêl piǎo (composition: ⿱艹麃; U+85E8).
藨莓 pêl-mõi piǎoméi a raspberry, or brambleberry.²⁵
<又> bël; päo.
(See 藨 bël; 藨 päo).
pel5 12754
32 8 pēng píng 草坪 <文读> tāo-pẽin; <白读> tāo-pêng or tāo-pēng cǎopíng lawn.
<台> 轻坪吖[輕坪吖] hëng-pēng-ä  very light (weight).
<又> pẽin.
(See 坪 pẽin.)
peng1 12755
51 5 pẽng píng <台> cheap, inexpensive.
<台> 平葜吖 pẽng-hät-ä  very cheap (inexpensive).
<台> 全市最平 tũn-sî-duï-pẽng the cheapest in town.
<又> pẽin. (See 平 pẽin.)
peng3 12756
30 8 pêng píng (Cant.) onomatopoetic, the sound of a gong.⁸ a sound.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口平; U+546F).
呯呯 pêng-pêng píngpíng a noise.²⁴
peng5 12757
32 8 pêng píng 草坪 <文读> tāo-pẽin; <白读> tāo-pêng or tāo-pēng cǎopíng lawn.
<又> pẽin.
(See 坪 pẽin.)
peng5 12758
98 10 pêng píng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 瓶 pẽin píng.)
瓶罄罍耻[瓶罄罍恥] pêng-hëin-luĩ-chī
píngqìngléichǐ It is a disgrace to let one's parents live in poverty in their old age.⁵⁴
<台> 瓶 pêng bottle, vase, jar, flask.
<台> 油瓶仔 yiũ-pêng-dōi <derog.> step-son (wife's son by an ex-husband).
<台> 油瓶女 yiũ-pêng-nuī <derog.> step-daughter (wife's daughter by an ex-husband).
<又> pẽin.
(See 瓶 pẽin; 缾 pẽin, pêng.)
peng5 12759
121 12 pêng píng (=瓶 pêng píng) bottle, vase, jar, flask.
<又> pẽin.
(See 瓶 pẽin, pêng; 缾 pẽin.)
peng5 12760
188 15 骿 pêng pián (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation of 骿 pẽin pián with same meaning: <old>=胼 pẽin or pëin pián callus, calluses.⁸ (Cant.) ribs, particularly in reference to back ribs.³⁶
<台> 骿仔骨 pêng-dōi-gūt small ribs.
<台> 骿骨 pêng-gūt ribs.
<又> pẽin.
(See 骿 pẽin; 胼 pẽin; 胼 pëin).
peng5 12761
188 16 𩩍
pêng pīng (Cant.) ribs, rib-cage.⁸
(composition: ⿰骨甹; U+29A4D).
胛脊𩩍❄{⿰骨甹} gāp-dëk-pêng jiǎjǐpīng or 尻脊骿 häo-dëk-pẽin or käo-dëk-pẽin kāojǐpián (Hokkien) back (of a human being or any other vertebrate).³⁶
❄{⿰骨甹}骨 (Cantonese, Taiwanese Hokkien, Puxian Min) pêng-gūt pīnggǔ rib.³⁶
peng5 12762
64 14 pēt piě 撇脚[撇腳] pēt-gēk/ piějiǎo to walk splay-footed.
<又> pët, pêt.
(See 撇 [pët, piē], [pët, piě], pêt.)
pet1 12763
157 12 pēt <台> 跛 pēt lame; crippled; to limp.
<台> 跛脚 pēt-gëk lame person.
<又> bāi. (See 跛 [bāi, ]; 跛 [bāi, ].)
pet1 12764
18 13 𠟈
pët piē to pare, to scrape; to trim; to whittle.⁰
(composition: ⿱敝刀; U+207C8).
pet2 12765
64 14 pët piě to throw; to fling; to cast; to curl the lips; left-slanting downward brush stroke in calligraphy(丿).
撇耻[撇恥] pët-chī piěchi <topo.> to make fun of; to laugh at.
撇嘴 pët-duī
piězuǐ  to curl the lips (in contempt); to resist an impulse to cry.
撇号[撇號] pët-hào
piěhào <punct.> apostrophe ('); accent mark; prime symbol (math.)
一撇一捺 yīt-pët-yīt-nât
yīpiěyīnà one stroke to the left and another to the right.
<又> pēt, pêt.
(See 撇 pēt, [pët, piě], pêt.)
pet2 12766
64 14 pët piē discard, abandon, throw away.⁸ to tap, to strike; to brush off, to wipe; to skim off; to divide;  to lead; gently, someehat; a down-stroke or dash to the left in writing; in rhetoric, the figure of preterition, or pretending to pass over; a classifier of mustaches.¹⁰²
抛撇[拋撇] päo-pët pāopiē to abandon; to throw away.
or 撆开[撆開] pët-höi piēkāi to set aside.²⁴ to set aside, to push away, to end a matter.¹⁰²
撇开不谈[撇開不談] pët-höi-būt-hãm
piēkāibùtán to cast aside an issue.
撇去 pët-huï
piēqù to skim off.
or 撆清 pët-tëin piēqīng to show or plead innocence; to pretend.⁵⁴ to leave off, as smoking.¹⁰²
撇油 pët-yiũ
piēyóu to seek petty gains.
<又> pēt, pêt.
(See 撇 pēt, [pët, piě], pêt.)
pet2 12767
64 15 pët piē (=撇 pët piē discard, abandon, throw away).⁸ to divide; to strike, to tap gently; a little; to lead; to brush away, to wipe; to draw a line from right to left.²⁴ to tap, to strike; to brush off, to wipe; to skim off; to divide;  to lead; gently, someehat; a down-stroke or dash to the left in writing; in rhetoric, the figure of preterition, or pretending to pass over; a classifier of mustaches.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱敝手; U+6486).
or 做事撇脱[做事撇脫] dü-xù-pët-höt zuòshìpiētuō to do things promptly.¹⁰²
or 撇开[撇開] pët-höi piēkāi to set aside.²⁴ to set aside, to push away, to end a matter.¹⁰²
or 撇清 pët-tëin piēqīng to show or plead innocence; to pretend.⁵⁴ to leave off, as smoking.¹⁰²
or 撇回 pët-või piēhuí to pull around.²⁴
or 撇回马头[撇回馬頭] pët-või-mâ-hẽo piēhuímǎtóu to turn the horse's head.¹⁰²
or 撇雨入来[撇雨入來] pët-yî-yìp-lõi piēyǔrùlái a dash of rain drove in, as at the window.¹⁰²
(See 撇 [pët, piē]).
pet2 12768
84 5 pët piē protium.
pet2 12769
85 14 pët piē rippling; pure.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰氵敝; U+6F4E).
潎淨了 pët-dèin-lēl piējìngle pure, as water.¹⁴
潎洌 pët-lëik
piēliè dancing, like rippling waves.¹⁴
<又> pài.
(See 潎 pài).
pet2 12770
4 丿 1 丿 pêt piě Kangxi radical 4, left curving stroke; 撇 piě.
<台> The component, 丿, is more commonly called 撇撇 pët-pêt a left-slanting downward stroke.
pet5 12771
64 14 pêt piě 八字没一撇[八字沒一撇] bät-dù-mòt-yīt-pêt  bāzìméiyīpiě  There's not the slightest sign of anything happening yet.¹  lit. there is not even the first stroke of the character 八; fig. things have not even begun to take shape; no sign of success yet.¹⁰
or 两撆胡子[兩撆鬍子] lēng-pêt-vũ-dū liǎngpiěhúzi mustache with points.¹⁰²
<台> 撇撇 pët-pêt a left-slanting downward stroke.
<又> pēt, pët.
(See 撇 pēt, [pët, piě], [pët, piē].)
pet5 12772
1 5 great, grand, glorious, distinguished.⁸ unequaled; first, distinguished; to receive with respect, as orders; an expletive or intensive particle, adding elegance to the style.¹⁰² (composition: ⿱不一; U+4E15).
丕变[丕變] pī-bëin pībiàn <lit.> big change; great change; radical change.⁵⁴
丕绩[丕績] pī-dēik
pījì a vast achievement.¹⁴
丕子 pī-dū
pīzǐ the emperor.¹⁴ the eldest son of a king.¹⁰²
丕基 pī-gï
pījī a great heritage.¹⁴
丕显考[丕顯考] pī-hēin-hāo
pīxiǎnkǎo your great and illustrious ancestors.¹⁰²
丕著声名[丕著聲名] pī-jï-sëin-mẽin
pīzhùshēngmíng an unsurpassed reputation.¹⁰²
丕业[丕業] pī-ngèp
pīyè great cause; great enterprise (esp. referring to the throne).⁵⁴
丕丕 pī-pī
pīpī vast.¹⁴
丕承 pī-sẽin
pīchéng to receive; to inherit.⁵⁴
丕承哉武王烈 pī-sẽin-döi-mû-võng-lèik
pīchéng zāi wǔwáng liè great in the carrying out of these plans was the brilliant work of King Wu.¹⁴
丕时[丕時] pī-sĩ
pīshí a time of grat poperity.¹⁴
pi1 12773
30 7 clogged; evil.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱不口; U+5426).
臧否 döng-pī zāngpǐ <wr.>pass judgment on; make comments on; appraise; review; comment on.⁶ good or bad; yes or no; criticize, speak well or ill of.¹¹
未知臧否 mì-jï-döng-pī
wèizhīzāngpǐ don't know whether it's good or bad.¹¹
否极泰来[否極泰來] pī-gèik-täi-lõi
pǐjítàilái extreme sorrow turns to joy (idiom).¹⁰ after extreme bad luck comes good luck.¹¹
唯唯否否 vĩ-vĩ-pī-pī
wěiwěipǐpǐ to be obsequious.⁸ to say “yes” or “no” – to change answer unpredictably.¹¹
一臧一否 yīt-döng-yīt-pī
yīzāngyīpǐ one good and the other bad.¹¹
<又> fēo.
(See 否 fēo.)
pi1 12774
30 8 pēi expressing disdain, annoyance or stern disapproval.⁶ pah!; bah!; pooh!; to spit (in contempt).¹⁰
圣诞节? 呸! 都是骗人的![聖誕節? 呸! 都是騙人的!] Sëin-än-dēik? Pī! Ũ-sì-pëin-ngĩn-ēik Shèngdànjié? Pēi! Dōushìpiànrénde Christmas? Bah! Humbug!³⁹
pi1 12775
30 11 stingy; rural or remote area.⁸ low, mean.¹⁰ (=鄙 pī I, my; vulgar; low; base; mean; to despise; to scorn.).¹⁹
(composition: ⿳口十回(GV) or ⿱口㐭(TJK); U+555A).
<又> hũ.
(See 啚 hũ).
pi1 12776
30 19 <wr.> big; large; huge.⁶ mound, lump; stealthily; (used as personal name).⁸ big.⁹ great; great fortune.¹⁰
嚭嚭 pī-pī pǐpǐ the heartbeat is still vigorous.⁰
pi1 12777
32 6 <lit.> collapse; fall apart; be destroyed.⁶ to destroy; to subvert.²⁴ Distinguish 圯 yĩ (U+572F) and 𡉏 (U+2124F, not in this dictionary). (variant: 䤏 pī).
(composition: ⿰土己; U+572E).
肝心圮裂 gön-xïm-pī-lëik
gānxīnpǐliè one's heart is broken; be heart-broken.⁶
坍圮 hän-pī
tānpǐ <lit.> collapse; fall; cave in; give way; crumple; tumble.⁶
颓圮[頹圮] huĩ-pī
tuípǐ <wr.> collapse; fall into decay.⁶
雉堞圮毁[雉堞圮毀] jï-èp-pī-fī
zhìdiépǐhuǐ the battlements on the city wall collapsed.⁶
倾圮[傾圮] kēin-pī
qīngpǐ <lit.> collapse; topple down.⁶ to cast down.²⁴
圮毁[圮毀] pī-fī
pǐhuǐ <lit.> collapse; topple down.⁶
圮裂 pī-lëik
pǐliè <lit.> be broken; break.⁶
(See 䤏 pī; 圯 yĩ).
pi1 12778
46 8 péi (alternate Mandarin pronunciation of 岯 pī . )
Note: pronounced
pēi in Taiwan.
(composition: ⿰山丕; U+5CAF)
(See 岯[pī, ]).
pi1 12779
46 8 hills on hills.²⁴ (Note: Pronounced pēi in Taiwan).
(composition: ⿰山丕; U+5CAF).
大岯 ài-pī
dàpī or dàpéi the name of a hill/mountain in Henan.¹³ʼ²⁴
岯崲湖 pī-võng-vũ
pīhuánghú or péihuánghú or 休崲湖 hiü-võng-vũ  xiūhuánghú name of a place in present day southwest of Shang Yu City (上虞市 sèng-nguĩ-sî shàngyúshì) in Zhejiang Province (浙江 Jēt-göng Zhèjiāng).¹³
(See 岯[pī, péi]).
pi1 12780
46 15 (<old>=圮 pī destroy).⁸
(composition: ⿸屵配 or ⿱山⿸厂配; U+5D8F).
<又> pöi.
(See 嶏 pöi).
pi1 12781
50 8 pèi short embroidered cape  (worn over a woman's shoulders).⁶
凤冠霞帔[鳳冠霞帔] fùng-gön-hã-pī fèngguānxiápèi <trad.> the headgear and dress of a lady or bride.⁷
霞帔 hã-pī
xiápèi (in ancient China) embroidered shawl or cape of a noble woman.⁶
pi1 12782
104 12 lump in the abdomen; scoundrel, ruffian, riffraff, villain, yob, bully; rascally, knavish.⁶ a stoppage or constipation; a stitch in the side, palpitation or sudden fainting.¹⁰²
(variant: 脴 pī ). <又> mēo. (See 痞 mēo; 脴 pī.)
地痞 ì-pī
dìpǐ local ruffian.⁵ (See <台> 地痞 ì-mēo).
地痞流氓 ì-pī-liũ-mõng
dìpǐliúmáng local bullies and loafers.⁶
痞积[痞積] pī-dēik
pǐjī <TCM> a lump in the abdomen.⁵ marasmus, general debility.¹⁰²
痞子 pī-dū
pǐzi a rascal; a ruffian; a scoundrel.⁷
痞子话[痞子話] pī-dū-và
pǐzihuà <topo.> vulgar or coarse language; four-letter words.⁶
痞块[痞塊] pī-fäi
pǐkuài <TCM> a lump in the abdomen.⁵ a swelling from obstructed bowels.¹⁰²
痞棍 pī-gûn
pǐgùn a rascal; a ruffian; a scoundrel.⁷
痞匪 pī-fī
pǐfěi rebels or marauders who interfere with the communicaton; obstructives, disturbers.¹⁰²
痞里痞气[痞里痞氣] pī-lî-pī-hï
pǐlǐpǐqì unconcerned and happy-go-lucky; frivolous and disrespectful; fooling around.⁶
痞满[痞滿] pī-mōn
pǐmǎn indigestion.¹⁰²
痞话[痞話] pī-và
pǐhuà <topo.> vulgar or coarse language; four-letter words.⁶

pi1 12783
130 11 (=痞 pī ) lump in the abdomen; scoundrel, ruffian, riffraff, villain, yob, bully; rascally, knavish.⁶
(See 痞 pī; 痞 mēo.)
pi1 12784
140 8 piě 苤蓝[苤藍] pī-lãm piělan kohlrabi.¹ kohlrabi (the plant and its edible bulblike stem).⁹ Brassica oleracea; kohlrabi.¹⁰   Brassica oleracea var. caulorapa.²³  Brassica oleracea: kale, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kai-lan 芥兰[芥蘭] gäi-lãn gàilán or jièlán, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi.¹⁵
pi1 12785
163 7 péi (alternate Mandarin pronunciation in Taiwan of 邳 pī ).
(composition: ⿰丕阝; U+90B3).
(See 邳[pī, ]).
pi1 12786
163 7 a department in the State of Lu (鲁[魯] lû ), in what is now Shandong (山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng) or north Jiangsu 江苏[江蘇]).¹⁴ Pi or Pei surname.⁸
(composition: ⿰丕阝; U+90B3).
大邳 ài-pī
dàpī or dàpéi the name of a hill/mountain.¹⁹ʼ²⁵
下邳 hà-pī
xiàpī or xiàpéi <old> Xiapi or Xiapei, a city in Jiangnan (江南 göng-nãm jiāngnán) province.²⁵ a (county-level) city in present day Xuzhou City 徐州市 tuĩ-jiü-sî xúzhōushì  (aka Pengcheng 彭城 pãng-sẽin péngchéng in ancient times) in Jiangsu Province 江苏省[江蘇省].³⁶
邳州 Pī-jiü
Pīzhōu or Péizhōu or 邳州市 Pī-jiü-sî Pīzhōushì or Péizhōushì Pizhou City or Peizhou City, a city in Jiangsu Province (江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū).¹⁰
邳县[邳縣] pī-yòn
pīxiàn or péixiàn  name of a district.¹¹
上邳 sèng-pī
shàngpī or shàngpéi, the name of an ancient city.²⁵
(See 邳[pī, péi]).
pi1 12787
163 13 I, my; vulgar; low; base; mean; to despise; to scorn.
卑鄙 bï-pī bēibǐ base; contemptible; despicable.
卑鄙无耻[卑鄙無恥] bï-pī-mũ-chī
bēibǐwúchǐ contemptible and shameless.
嗤鄙 chï-pī
chībǐ to sneer at with contempt.¹¹
可鄙 hō-pī
kěbǐ despicable; mean.
鄙薄 pī-bòk bǐbó <wr.> to despise; to scorn.⁵⁴
鄙俗 pī-dùk
bǐsú vulgar; philistine.
鄙弃[鄙棄] pī-hï
bǐqì feel contempt for; scorn; spurn; loathe.⁶
鄙俚 pī-lî
bǐlǐ <wr.> vulgar; philistine.
鄙吝 pī-lùn
bǐlìn stingy, mean, miserly; <wr.> vulgar, philistine.⁶
鄙劣 pī-lūt
bǐliè mean; inferior (of goods).
鄙人 pī-ngĩn
bǐrén <humb.> your humble servant; I.
鄙视[鄙視] pī-sì
bǐshì to despise; to look down upon.
粗鄙 tü-pī
cūbǐ vulgar; crude.⁷
pi1 12788
164 17 𨢙

(=䤏 pī ) ruined, destroyed; wine and women – sensual pleasures.⁸
(composition: ⿰酉⿱兆手; U+28899).
(See 䤏 pī).
pi1 12789
164 19 (=圮 pī <lit.> collapse; fall apart; be destroyed.⁶); ruined, destroyed; wine and women – sensual pleasures.⁸
(composition: ⿰酉⿱非手; U+490F).
(See 圮 pī; 𨢙❄{⿰酉⿱兆手} pī).
pi1 12790
187 15 to gallop.⁸ a horse with white and yellow hairs mixed; a horse of the color of peach blossoms.²⁵
逐人駓駓 jùk-ngĩn-pī-pī zhúrénpīpī everyone was running.²⁵
❄{⿰马矣}[駓騃] pī-ngõi pīsì a wild animal prowling along.²⁵
駓駓 pī-pī
pīpī running along.²⁵
(See 騃 [ngõi, dāi], [ngõi, ái].)
pi1 12791
190 14 (said of wild beasts) the hair stands up; walk with one's hair hanging down; hairy; hair.⁸
(composition: ⿱髟不; U+4BF1).
<又> fū; põi. (See 䯱 fū; 䯱 põi).
pi1 12792
190 15 long hair flowing pass the shoulders.³⁶
(composition: ⿱髟丕; U+9AEC).
髬髵 pī-ngĩ pī'ér the angry beast's mane is bristling; refers to the beast; the hair is standing on its end.¹⁹ a wild beast bristling up its hair.²⁵
髬耏 pī-ngĩ
pī'ér (=髬髵 pī-ngĩ pī'ér a wild beast bristling up its hair.²⁵).¹⁹
pi1 12793
195 16 devil catfish, dwarf goonch or goonch (Bagarius bagarius).³⁶
(composition: ⿰魚丕; U+9B7E).
pi1 12794
196 16 péi (=鶚 ngōk è) ospery; water hawk.⁸
(See 鶚 ngōk).
pi1 12795
9 7 (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 伾 pöi pēi mighty.⁸ mighty; powerful.⁹ multitudinous; powerful.¹⁰ <wr.> moving (herd); powerful.¹¹ strong, numerous.²⁴),
(composition: ⿰亻丕; U+4F3E).
<又> pöi. (See 伾 pöi).
pi2 12796
44 7 wind (from bowels).⁵ fart; flatulence.⁰
放屁 föng-pï fàngpì break wind, fart; talk nonsense.⁵
狗屁 gēo-pï
gǒupì bullshit; nonsense.¹⁰
苶屁 nëp-pï
niépì <topo.> noiseless fart.⁵⁴
热脸碰着冷屁股[熱臉碰著冷屁股] ngèik-lêm-püng-jëk-lâng-pï-gū
rèliǎn pèngzháo lěng pìgu hot face meets cold butt.¹⁹
屁股 pï-gū
pìgu the hip; the buttocks; the rump; the bottom.⁷
屁股眼 pï-gū-ngān
pìguyǎn <topo.> anus; asshole.⁶
屁滚尿流[屁滾尿流] pï-gūn-nèl-liũ 
pìgǔnniàoliú wet one's pants (in terror); piss in one's pants (out of fright).⁶
屁话[屁話] pï-và
pìhuà shit, nonsense, rubbish.⁵
屁事 pï-xù
pìshì trifling matter; a mere nothing.⁶
<台> 放屁 föng-pï to fart; to break wind; to pass gas.
<台> 屙屁 ü-pï to fart; to break wind; to pass gas.
pi2 12797
64 8 to drape over one's shoulders; to open; to unroll; to split open; to spread out.¹⁰
披枷带锁[披枷帶鎖] pï-gä-äi-xū pījiādàisuǒ in cangue and shackles.¹¹
披巾 pï-gïn
pījīn shawl.⁶
披肝沥胆[披肝瀝膽] pï-gön-lèik-ām
pīgānlìdǎn lit. to open one's liver and drip gall (idiom); whole-hearted loyalty.¹⁰
披头[披頭] pï-hẽo
pītóu the Beatles or their hair style.¹¹
披头散发[披頭散髮] pï-hẽo-xän-fāt
pītóusànfà have one's hair hang loose; be umkempt; with one's hair in disarray.⁶
披红[披紅] pï-hũng
pīhóng to put on red robe (as bride, old lady on birthday).¹¹
披挂[披掛] pï-kä
pīguà to put on a suit of armor; to put on a dress; to wear.¹⁰
披露 pï-lù
pīlù to reveal; to publish; to make public; to announce.¹⁰
披靡 pï-mî
pīmǐ be swept by the wind; be routed; flee.⁵
披上 pï-sëng
pīshàng don; toss; address; drape; take on.³⁹
披读[披讀] pï-ùk
pīdú open (a book) and read.⁶
披星戴月 pï-xëin-äi-ngùt
pīxīngdàiyuè (=戴月披星 äi-ngùt-pï-xëin dàiyuèpīxīng) go to work before dawn and come home when the moon is up – work from before dawn till after dark; travel/work outdoors by night.⁶
pi2 12798
94 8 fox cub.⁸ (place) alive with wild animals.⁹ a small species of fox.¹¹ a young fox.²⁴
獉狉 jün-pï zhēnpī (=榛狉 jün-pï zhēnpī) <wr.> densely wooded and frequented by wild animals.⁶
榛狉 jün-pï
zhēnpī <wr.> densely wooded and frequented by wild animals.⁶
榛狉未改 jün-pï-mì-gōi
zhēnpīwèigǎi appearance of primitive jungle.¹¹ primitive state.²⁹
狉獉 pï-jün
pīzhēn <wr.> overgrown with trees and shrubs and haunted by wild animals.⁶ natural wildenness.⁸
狉狉 pï-pï
pīpī <wr.> (of beasts) roaming about.⁶ (place) alive with wild animals.⁸
pi2 12799
120 10 (of cloth, thread) become unwoven or untwisted, be spoilt; <wr.> error, mistake, slip.⁶
纰漏 pï-lèo pīlòu careless mistake; small accident.⁵
纰缪[紕繆] pï-mào
pīmiù <wr.> error; mistake.⁵
pi2 12800
145 10 to put on or throw on (garments without buttoning up; to open; to disperse or spread out; to read desultorily or to thumb through.⁷ to wear on the back.¹⁴
被发[被髮] pï-fāt pīfà the hair hanging dishevelled down the back.¹⁴
被发文身[被髮文身 pï-fāt-mũn-sïn
pīfàwénshēn (said of a barbarian) hair disheveled and body tattooed.⁷
被发佯狂[被髮佯狂] pï-fāt-yẽng-kõng
pīfàyángkuáng with hair disheveled, one pretends to be a lunatic.⁷
被发入山[被髮入山] pï-fāt-yìp-sän
pīfàrùshān to go and live in the mountains with hair disheveled – to become a hermit.⁷
被坚执锐[被堅執銳] pï-gëin-jīp-yuì
jiānzhíruì to wear armor and hold sharp weapons ready to defend the country.⁷
被衣 pï-yï
pīyī to carry the clothes on one's back.¹⁴
<又> bì, pî.
(See 被 bì; 被 pî.)
pi2 12801
149 20 make an analogy; example, analogy.⁶
譬况[譬況] pï-fōng pìkuàng analogize.¹¹
譬方 pï-föng
pìfāng analogy; instance.⁶
譬方说[譬方說] pï-föng-sōt
pìfāngshuō for example; for instance.⁶
譬解 pï-gāi
pìjiě try to persuade; explain.⁶
譬若 pï-ngèk
pìruò <wr.> (=譬如 pï-nguĩ pìrú), q.v.⁶
譬如 pï-nguĩ
pìrú take for example; for example; for instance; such as.⁶ suppose; for instance; for example.⁷
譬语[譬語] pï-nguî
pìyǔ words said by way of analogy.
譬说[譬說] pï-sōt
pìshuō <wr.> persuade somebody by analogy.⁶
譬喻 pï-yì
pìyù use metaphor; metaphorize; use simile; use analogy.⁶ a simile or metaphor.⁷
pi2 12802
18 7 to peel, to pare, to trim; to split; (non-classical form) to open; to unroll; to spread out.⁸ to cut; to chop; to pare off the skin of anything.²⁴
(composition: ⿰皮刂; U+34DF).
pi3 12803
38 16 take as favorite, dote on; be in somebody's good graces, be in high favor (with); favorite.⁶
便嬖 bèin-pĩ biánbì <wr.> favorite mistress.¹¹
宠嬖[寵嬖] chüng-pĩ
chǒngbì a court favorite (man or woman).¹¹
内嬖[內嬖] nuì-pĩ
nèibì a concubine, a court favorite.¹¹
嬖幸 pĩ-hàng
bìxìng or 嬖御 pĩ-nguì bìyù (said of concubines and sycophants) to be favored by the ruler.⁷
嬖童 pĩ-hũng
bìtóng a catamite.¹⁴
嬖人 pĩ-ngĩn
bìrén <wr.> emperor's favorite (courtier or concubine).⁶
嬖爱[嬖愛] pĩ-öi
bì'ài make a pet (of).⁶
嬖臣 pĩ-sĩn
bìchén <trad.> (emperor's) favorite minister.⁵⁴
嬖妾 pĩ-tēp
bìqiè a favorite concubine.¹⁴
pi3 12804
46 11 (composition: ⿰山卑; U+5D25).
崥崹 pĩ-hãi pítí (of mountains) gradually flatenned.⁸ hilly, the form of a hill gradually sloping off.²⁴
<又> bî.
(See 崥 bî).
pi3 12805
75 8 loquat.⁸
枇杷 pĩ-pã pípa loquat (Eriobotrya japonica), 芦橘[蘆橘] lũ-gūt lújú is the old name, aka 金丸, 蘆枝, 琵琶果.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
枇杷膏 pĩ-pã-gäo
pípágāo a cough mixture made with the loquat as the main ingredient.¹¹
枇杷露 pĩ-pã-lù
pípálù diluted loquat extract.⁵⁴
枇杷门巷[枇杷門巷] pĩ-pã-mõn-hōng
pípáménxiàng red-light district.¹¹
pi3 12806
96 8 (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 玭 pĩn pín with the same meaning: a pearl from the 淮河 Vãi Hõ Huáihé Huai River.² pearl; name of freshwater mussel; Pin surname.⁸).²
(composition: ⿰𤣩比; U+73AD).
<又> pĩn; pëin.
(See 玭 pĩn; 玭 pëin).
pi3 12807
96 12 琵嘴鸭[琵嘴鴨] pĩ-duī-äp pízuǐyā northern shoveler (Anas clypeata).¹⁰
琵鹭[琵鷺] pĩ-lù
pílù spoonbill (wading bird of the family Threskiornithidae).¹⁰
琵琶 pĩ-pã
pípa pipa; pi-pa, a plucked string instrument with a fretted fingerboard.⁸
琵琶别抱[琵琶別抱] pĩ-pã-bèik-päo
pípabiébào said of woman who remarries.¹¹
琵琶拨[琵琶撥] pĩ-pã-bòt
pípabō a plectrum.⁷
琵琶虫[琵琶蟲] pĩ-pã-chũng
pípachóng a louse (shaped like guitar).¹¹
琵琶記 pĩ-pã-gï
pípajì name of well-known drama.¹¹
琵琶骨 pĩ-pã-gūt
pípagǔ <topo.> collar bone.⁵⁴
琵琶行 pĩ-pã-hãng
pípaxíng Song of the Pipa Player, long poem by Tang poet Bai Juyi (白居易 Bàk Guï-yì Bái Jūyì 772-846).¹⁰
琵琶桶 pĩ-pã-hūng
pípatǒng wooden barrel.⁶
琵琶襟 pĩ-pã-kïm
or pĩ-pã-kîm pípajīn a former woman's costume, where the front buttons come down not from armpit, but near the right chest.¹¹
琵琶鱼[琵琶魚] pĩ-pã-nguĩ/
pípayú anglerfish.¹⁰
琵琶魦 pĩ-pã-sä
pípashā the spotted ray.¹⁴
pi3 12808
104 10 feel tired, be exhausted; weak.⁸
乐此不疲[樂此不疲] lòk-xū-būt-pĩ lècǐbùpí to delight in a thing and never get tired of it.⁷
疲惫[疲憊] pĩ-bài
píbèi tired out; exhausted.⁵
疲惫不堪[疲憊不堪] pĩ-bài-būt-häm
píbèibùkān extremely tired; about to collapse from exhaustion.⁷
疲敝 pĩ-bài
píbì (of manpower, resources) be running low; become inadequate.⁷
疲乏 pĩ-fàt
pífá weary; tired.⁷
疲匮[疲匱] pĩ-gì
píkuì tired; weary.¹⁰
疲倦 pĩ-gùn
píjuàn tired; weary.⁷
疲塌 pĩ-hāp
píta slack; negligent.⁵
疲劳[疲勞] pĩ-lão
píláo tired, fatigued, weary; fatigue, tiredness, weariness, exhaustion.⁶
疲癃 pĩ-lũng
pílóng bent with age.⁶ decrepit.¹¹
疲软[疲軟] pĩ-ngün
píruǎn or 疲弱 pĩ-ngèk píruò limp, having no energy (of body, limbs); weak in trading (of stock prices).¹¹
疲于奔命[疲於奔命] pĩ-yï-bïn-mèin
píyúbēnmìng be kept constantly on the run; be tired out by too much running around; be wrighed down with work.⁵
<又> pêh.
(See 疲 pêh.)
pi3 12809
107 5 Kangxi radical 107; skin, hide, fur, feather; outer; Pi surname.⁸
皮带[皮帶] pĩ-âi/ pídài leather belt.¹¹
皮袄[皮襖] pĩ-äo
pí'ǎo a fur coat.⁵
皮包 pĩ-bäo
píbāo a leather handbag or purse.⁷
皮弁 pĩ-bèin
píbiàn an ancient cap made of a deer's hide.⁷
皮槌 pĩ-chuî
píchuí rawhide mallet.⁶
皮子 pĩ-dū
pízi skin, rind; leather, hide; jacket (of a book).⁷
皮肤[皮膚] pĩ-fú
pífū skin.¹¹
皮肤瘰疬[皮膚瘰癧] pĩ-fú-luî-lēik
pífūluǒlì scrofulide.¹⁰
皮傅 pĩ-fù
pífù give a strained, superficial interpretation.⁶
皮革 pĩ-gāk
pígé leather.⁷
皮下 pĩ-hà
píxià under the skin; subcutaneous (injection).¹⁰
皮鞋 pĩ-hãi
píxié leather shoes.⁷
皮开肉绽[皮開肉綻] pĩ-höi-ngùk-jàn
píkāiròuzhàn badly bruised from flogging, skin and flesh torn.¹¹
皮脂腺 pĩ-jï-xëin
pízhīxiàn <phys.> sebaceous glands.⁵
皮辊花[皮輥花] pĩ-kûn-fä
pígǔnhuā <txtl.> lap waste.⁵
皮肉 pĩ-ngùk
píròu the flesh.¹¹
皮囊 pĩ-nõng
pínáng leather bag; <derog.> human body.⁶
皮影戏[皮影戲] pĩ-yēin-hï
píyǐngxì shadow show.⁷
<台> 皮喼 pĩ-gēp suitcase.
<台> 皮鼠 pĩ-sī fur coat.
<台> 水皮 suī-pĩ (of skill, quality) inferior, bad, poor.
pi3 12810
130 8
(<old>=膍 pĩ ) (Cant.) gizzard and liver of domestic animals; cow's stomach; tripe of ox; thick.⁸ the tripe of a cow; the stomach of a bird.²⁵
肶胵 pĩ-chï
pĩchī the gizzard.²⁵
肶股 pĩ-gū
pígǔ the posteriors.²⁵
肶厚 pĩ-hêo
pĩhòu thick, substantial.²⁵
肶脐[肶臍] pĩ-tî/
píqí (=肚脐[肚臍] ū-tî/ dùqí) navel.¹⁹
<又> bī, bï. (See 膍 pĩ; 肶 bī; 肶 bï).
pi3 12811
130 12 spleen.⁵
脾气[脾氣] pĩ-hï píqi temperament, disposition; bad temper.⁵
脾肿大[脾腫大] pĩ-jūng-ài
pízhǒngdà splenomegaly.⁵
脾切除 pĩ-tëik-chuĩ
píqiēchú <med.> splenectomy.⁵
脾胃 pĩ-vì
píwèi taste, temperament, appreciation, inclination, preference, style; spleen and stomach – appetite.⁶
脾性 pĩ-xëin
píxìng <topo.> temperament; disposition; nature; habits and characteristics.⁵
<又> pî.
(See 脾 pî.)
pi3 12812
130 14
(Cant.) gizzard and liver of domestic animals; cow's stomach; tripe of ox; thick.⁸ (variant: 肶 pĩ ).
膍胵 pĩ-chï
píchī the stomach of ruminants or gizzard of birds.⁸
(See 肶 pĩ)
pi3 12813
140 7 Malva sylvestris.¹⁰ <chem.> pyrene, C₁₆H₁₀.²³
藜芘 lãi-pĩ
lípí a bamboo fence or trap for catching shrimps.¹¹
芘芣 pĩ-fẽo
pífú Chinese mallow,¹ Malva verticillata.¹⁵ Also known as 荆葵[荊葵] gëin-kĩ jīngkuí, 锦葵[錦葵] gīm-kĩ jǐnkuí, 荍 kẽl qiáo.²³
乙烯基芘 yōt-hï-gï pĩ
yǐxījī pí vinylpyrene.¹⁰
pi3 12814
142 10 a species of big ants.¹¹ (variant: 螕 pĩ ).
撼树蚍蜉[撼樹蚍蜉] hàm-sì-pĩ-fẽo
hànshùpífú an ant trying to shake a tree – ridiculously overrating oneself.⁸
蚍蜉 pĩ-fẽo
pífú <wr.> ant.⁶ a large ant described in ancient books.⁹
蚍蜉撼大树[蚍蜉撼大樹] pĩ-fẽo-hàm-ài-sì
pífúhàndàshù an ant trying to topple a giant tree – ridiculously overrate one's own ability or stength; throw straws against the wind.⁶
蚍蜉撼树[蚍蜉撼樹] pĩ-fẽo-hàm-sì
pífúhànshù lit. an ant trying to shake a tree; to overrate oneself (idiom).¹⁰
(See 螕 pĩ).
pi3 12815
142 14 tick.⁶
蜱鸟[蜱鳥] pĩ-nêl/ píniǎo tickbird.⁶
蜱热[蜱熱] pĩ-ngèik
pírè <med.> tick fever.⁶
pi3 12816
142 16 (=蚍 pĩ ) a species of big ants.¹¹
<又> bì.
(See 蚍 pĩ; 螕 bì).
pi3 12817
145 13 secondary, subordinate.⁶ small.¹⁴
裨将[裨將] pĩ-dëng píjiàng <trad.> subordinate/lower-ranking general, especially one under a commander-in-chief.⁶
裨贩[裨販] pĩ-fân
pífàn small traders; peddlers.¹⁴
裨官野史 pĩ-gön-yêh-xū
píguānyěshǐ fictitious stories purporting to be history.¹⁴ Cf. 稗官野史 pâi-gön-yêh-xū.
裨海 pĩ-hōi
píhǎi a small sea.¹⁴
裨冕 pĩ-mêin
pímiǎn a little cap.¹⁴
裨王 pĩ-võng
píwáng a petty ruler.¹⁴
<又> bï.
(See 裨 bï.)
pi3 12818
153 17 <wr.> a mythical bearlike wild animal.⁵ a fierce animal of the panther family.⁷ a white fox; a kind of leopard.¹⁴
貔虎 pĩ-fū píhǔ <wr.> brave troops; fierce warriors.⁶ fierce and courageous soldiers.⁷
貔貅 pĩ-hiü
píxiū <wr.> a mythical wild animal; brave troops.⁵ fierce and courageous soldiers; a kind of fierce wild beast.⁷ the male and female respectively, of a fabulous fierce beast like a leopard – used as descriptive of brave troops.¹⁴
pi3 12819
163 10 郫筒 Pĩ-hûng Pítǒng <trad.> a section of the huge bamboo produced in Pixian used to hold liquor.
郫县[郫縣] Pĩ-yòn
Píxiàn Pixian a county in 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan Province.
pi3 12820
167 13 beryllium (Be).⁸
铍中毒[鈹中毒] pĩ-jüng-ùk pízhòngdú berylliosis.⁹
铍石[鈹石] pĩ-sêk
píshí bromellite.⁹
pi3 12821
170 7 inclined; uneven.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰阝皮; U+9642).
偏陂 pëin-pĩ piānpí biased.¹⁴
陂曲 pĩ-kūk
píqū bent; crooked.¹⁴
黄陂[黃陂] Võng-pĩ
Huángpí Huangpi (a county in 湖北 Vũ-bāk Húběi Hubei Province).⁵⁴
<又> bï, bö.
(See 陂 bï, bö.)
pi3 12822
170 10 <wr.> a parapet on a city wall.
登陴 äng-pĩ dēngpí to guard the city wall.
陴墙[陴牆] pĩ-tẽng
píqiáng (=女墙[女牆] nuī-tẽng nǚqiáng) parapet.
pi3 12823
177 17 <old>=鼙 pĩ drum carried on horseback.⁸
(composition: ⿰革卑; U+979E).
<又> bèin, bīt, bï.
(See 鞞 bèin, 鞞 bīt, 鞞 bï; 鼙 pĩ).

pi3 12824
195 16 鳑鲏[鰟鮍] põng-pĩ pángpí bitterling (a fish).⁵
pi3 12825
207 21 drum carried on horseback.
鼙鼓 pĩ-gū pígǔ <trad.> army drum; warfare.
pi3 12826
38 11 a maidservant, a female slave; (in old China) a humble term used by a girl to refer to herself.⁷
婢作夫人 pî-dōk-fü-ngĩn bìzuòfūren the maid acts the mistress – subordinate taking first place.¹⁴
婢子 pî-dū
bìzǐ a maidservant; a concubine; a humble term used by a woman to refer to herself.⁷
婢仆[婢僕] pî-fü
bìpú servants.¹⁹
婢学夫人[婢學夫人] pî-hòk-fü-ngĩn
bìxuéfūrén the maid copies her mistress – a poor attempt to be somebody.¹⁴
婢奴似地 pî-nũ-xû-ì
bìnúsìde trucklingly.¹⁹
婢女 pî-nuī
bìnǚ maidservant; slave girl.¹¹
pi5 12827
109 13 look askance at, glare at.⁸
睥睨 pî-ngài or pî-ngãi pìnì or bìnì to look disdainfully out of the corner of one's eye.¹⁰
睥睨一切 pî-ngài-yīt-täi
or pî-ngãi-yīt-täi pìnìyīqiè or bìnìyīqiè consider everyone and everything beneath one's notice; be overweening.⁵⁴
睥睨一世 pî-ngài-yīt-säi
or pî-ngãi-yīt-säi pìnìyīshì or bìnìyīshì wear a proud, arrogant look, feeling on top of the world.¹¹
(See 睥 [pî, ]).
pi5 12828
109 13 (alternate Mandarin pronunciation for 睥 pî with same meaning.)
(See 睥 [pî, ]).
pi5 12829
130 12 脾脏[脾臟] pî-dòng pízàng spleen; splenic organ.⁶
<台> 脾 pî spleen.
<又> pĩ.
(See 脾 pĩ.)
pi5 12830
145 10 bèi a coverlet, a quilt; a scarf.¹⁴
被单[被單] pî-än
bèidān sheets (for a bed).¹⁴
被服 pî-fùk
bèifú bedding and clothing.⁸
被服儒行 pî-fùk-yĩ-hãng
bèifúrúxíng  <wr.> keep Confu-cian conduct every moment (like personal clothing).¹¹
被面 pî-mèin
bèimiàn the cover side of a comforter.⁹
被窝儿[被窩兒] pî-vö-ngĩ
bèiwōr a quilt folded to form a sleeping bag.⁵
被褥 pî-ngùk
or pî-yùk bèirù bedding; bedclothes.⁸
<台> 天跌落来当被冚[天跌落來當被冚] hëin-ëik-lòk-lõi-öng-pî-kēim lit. If heaven collapses, think of it as a blanket over your body – don't worry and take it easy.
<台> 被窦[被竇] pî-êo a comforter folded to form a sleeping bag.
<又> bì, pï.
(See 被 bì; 被 pï.)
pi5 12831
30 19 pĩn pín (=顰 pĩn pín) <wr.> frown; knit the brows; look worried; look displeased or pained or .impatient.⁶
(See 顰 pĩn.)
pin3 12832
40 7 𡧋
pĩn pín (<old>=贫[貧] pĩn pín poor; inadequate; deficient; garrulous.¹⁰).²
(composition: ⿱宀分; U+219CB).
(See 貧 pĩn).
pin3 12833
75 20 pĩn pín a kind of fruit tree; betel nut; the areca nut.⁸ an apple is called 㰋婆 pĩn-põ pínpó, which is a Sanskrit word, meaning to long after, because when placed by the pillow at night, it sets a person a longing.²⁴ (cf. 苹[蘋] pẽin píng).
(composition: ⿰木頻; U+3C0B).
㰋菓 pĩn-gō
pín guǒ the apple.²⁴
㰋婆 pĩn-põ
pín pó apple.²⁴
pin3 12834
85 19 pĩn bīn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 濒[瀕] bïn bīn with same meaning.)
<又> bïn.
(See 瀕 bïn.)
pin3 12835
93 6 pĩn pìn female (of some birds and animals).⁵
牝朝 Pĩn-chẽl or Pîn-chẽl Pìncháo the Female Era (the reign of Empress Wu from 690 to 705 CE.
牝犊[牝犢] pĩn-dùk
or pîn-dùk pìndú female calf; heifer.⁷
牝户[牝戶] pĩn-fù
or pîn-fù pìnhù vagina.¹¹
牝鸡[牝雞] pĩn-gäi
or pîn-gäi pìnjī hen.⁵
牝鸡司晨[牝雞司晨] pĩn-gäi-xü-sĩn
or pîn-gäi-xü-sĩn pìnjīsīchén <trad.> hen crows to herald the break of day – woman rules the roost; a woman usurps man's power.⁶
牝猪[牝豬] pĩn-jï
or pîn-jï pìnzhū sow.⁶
牝期 pĩn-kĩ
or pîn-kĩ pìnqī (of animals) in heat.¹¹
牝鹿 pĩn-lùk
or pîn-lùk pìnlù female deer; doe.⁶
牝马[牝馬] pĩn-mâ
or pîn-mâ pìnmǎ mare.⁵
牝牡 pĩn-mêo
or pîn-mêo pìnmǔ male and female.¹⁰
牝牡骊黄[牝牡驪黃] pĩn-mêo-lĩ-võng
or pîn-mêo-lĩ-võng pìnmǔlíhuáng a black stallion or possibly a yellow mare (idiom); don't judge by outward appearance.¹⁰
牝猫[牝貓] pĩn-miū
or pîn-miū pìnmāo queen.¹⁵
牝牛 pĩn-ngẽo
or pîn-ngẽo pìnniú cow.⁵
牝鹅[牝鵝] pĩn-ngǔ
or pîn-ngǔ or pĩn-ngõ or pîn-ngõ pìn'é (female) goose.⁶
牝羊 pĩn-yẽng
or pîn-yẽng pìnyáng ewe.⁶
<又> pîn.
(See 牝 pîn.)
pin3 12836
96 8 pĩn pín a pearl from the 淮河 Vãi Hõ Huáihé Huai River.² pearl; name of freshwater mussel; Pin surname.⁸
(composition: ⿰𤣩比; U+73AD).
揙玭 bēin-pĩn biǎnpín flat and shrivelled (bead/pearl).¹⁹ʼ⁰
颣玭[纇玭] luì-pĩn
lèipín blemished pearls.¹⁹
玭珠 pĩn-jî
pínzhū (=珍珠 jïn-jî zhēnzhū pearl.⁵).⁸ mussel pearl.¹⁹
环玭[環玭] vân-pĩn
huánpín jade rings and pearls; refers to jewelry in general.¹⁹ʼ⁰
<又> pëin; pĩ.
(See 玭 pëin; 玭 pĩ).
pin3 12837
109 19 pĩn pín (=顰 pĩn pín) <wr.> frown; knit the brows; look worried; look displeased or pained or .impatient.⁶
(See 顰 pĩn.)
pin3 12838
140 19 pĩn pín four leaf clover; European waterclover, European water clover  (Marsilea quadrifolia).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
<又> pẽin.
(See 蘋 pẽin).
pin3 12839
142 20 pĩn pín (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 蠙 bïn bīn <old> a kind of oyster.³⁶).²
(composition: ⿰虫賓; U+8819).
<又> bïn.
(See 蠙 bïn).
pin3 12840
154 11 pĩn pín poor; inadequate; deficient; garrulous.¹⁰
(old variant: 𡧋❄{⿱宀分} pĩn pín).
安贫[安貧] ön-pĩn
ānpín to be content with poverty.⁶
安贫乐道[安貧樂道] ön-pĩn-lòk-ào
ānpínlèdào to be content with poverty and strive for virtue (idiom).¹⁰
贫贱[貧賤] pĩn-dèin
pínjiàn poor and lowly.⁵
贫贱不移[貧賤不移] pĩn-dèin-būt-yĩ
pínjiànbùyí  (of one's determination, integrity) not to be shaken by poverty or destitution; poor but with lofty ideals.⁶
贫瘠[貧瘠] pĩn-dëk
pínjí barren; infertile; wanting; poor.⁶
贫嘴[貧嘴] pĩn-duī
pínzuǐ garrulous; loquacious.³⁹
贫嘴薄舌[貧嘴薄舌] pĩn-duī-bòk-sêt
pínzuǐbóshé garrulous and sharp-tongued.⁸
贫乏[貧乏] pĩn-fàt
pínfá poor; short; lacking.⁸
贫苦[貧苦] pĩn-fū
pínkǔ poverty-stricken.⁹
贫血[貧血] pĩn-hūt
or pĩn-hüt pínxuè anemia.⁹
贫困[貧困] pĩn-kün
pínkùn impoverished; poverty.¹⁰
贫困潦倒[貧困潦倒] pĩn-kün-lâo-āo
pínkùnliáodǎo to be broke and out of a job; to be penniless and frustrated.³⁹
贫穷[貧窮] pĩn-kũng
pínqióng poor; needy; impoverished.⁸
贫民[貧民] pĩn-mĩn
pínmín poor people; pauper.⁸
(See 𡧋❄{⿱宀分} pĩn).
pin3 12841
181 16 pĩn pín frequently, repeatedly; <phy.> frequency.⁵
(comp. t: ⿰步頁; U+983B). (comp. s: ⿰步页; U+9891).
捷报频传[捷報頻傳] dèp-bäo-pĩn-chũn
jiébàopínchuán Reports of new victories keep pouring in.⁵
频带[頻帶] pĩn-âi
píndài <phy.> frequency band.⁵
频道[頻道] pĩn-ào
píndào frequency channel.⁵
频繁[頻繁] pĩn-fãn
pínfán frequently; often.⁵
频率[頻率] pĩn-lùt
pínlǜ <phy.> frequency.⁵
频仍[頻仍] pĩn-ngẽin
pínréng <wr.> frequent.⁵
频频[頻頻] pĩn-pĩn
pínpín again and again; repeatedly.⁵
频婆[頻婆] pĩn-põ
pínpó or 苹婆[蘋婆] pẽin-põ píngpó Chinese chestnut, Thai chestnut, seven sisters' fruit (七姐果), phoenix eye fruit (凤眼果[鳳眼果]), Sterculia monosperma; <old> another name for 苹果[蘋果] pẽin-gō píngguǒ apple.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ʼ³⁶
频数[頻數] pĩn-sōk
pínshuò frequency (numbers); <wr.> frequent and successive.⁶
频蹙[頻蹙] pĩn-tūk
píncù knit one's brows; frown; look worried.⁶ to knit the brows.¹⁴
音频[音頻] yïm-pĩn
yīnpín audio frequency.⁵
pin3 12842
181 24 pĩn pín <wr.> frown; knit the brows; look worried; look displeased or pained or .impatient.⁶ (archaic variants: 矉 pĩn pín; pĩn pín.)
颦眉 pĩn-mĩ
pínméi knit one's brows.⁶
颦蹙[顰蹙] pĩn-tūk
píncù knit the brows – be gloomy.⁶
颦笑不苟[顰笑不苟] pĩn-xël-būt-gēo
pínxiàobùgǒu do not frown or smile to order.¹⁴
or 东施效矉[東施效矉] üng-sï-hào-pĩn dōngshīxiàopín Dongshi (东施[東施], an ugly woman, trying to imitate the famous beauty Xishi (西施 Xäi Sï Xī Shī) by knitting her brows, only to make herself uglier – blind imitation with ludicrous effect; imitate awkwardly; copy blindly and make a fool of oneself.⁶
(See 矉 pĩn.)
pin3 12843
75 4 𣎳
pìn pìn <old> to strip off the skin or outer covering of the hemp stalk.¹⁰¹ (Pictogram (象形): a hemp stalk (屮) with skin (八) being stripped off.)¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿻十儿(G) or ⿻十⿰丿㇄(T); U+233B3).

pin4 12844 233B3.jpg
75 4 pìn pìn (=𣎳❄{⿻十儿} pìn pìn <old> to strip off the skin or outer covering of the hemp stalk.¹⁰¹).³⁶
(composition: ⿻一小 ; U+6729).
<又> āng.
(See 朩 āng).
pin4 12845
93 6 pîn pìn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 牝 pĩn pìn with same meaning.)
<又> pĩn.
(See 牝 pĩn.)
pin5 12846
23 4 pīt be equal to, be a match for; <m.> for mules, horses, bolts of cloth.⁵
马匹[馬匹] mâ-pīt mǎpǐ horses.⁸
匹俦[匹儔] pīt-chiũ
pǐchóu <wr.> match; equal.⁶
匹敌[匹敵] pīt-èik
pǐdí be equal to; be well-matched.⁶
匹夫 pīt-fü
pǐfū ordinary man; impertinent fellow.⁶
匹夫匹妇[匹夫匹婦] pīt-fü-pīt-fû
pǐfūpǐfù ordinary people; commoners; people without resources or influence.⁶
匹夫有责[匹夫有責] pīt-fü-yiû-jāk
pǐfūyǒuzé every common man has his obligation.⁸
匹练[匹練] pīt-lèin
pǐliàn unrolled bolt of white silk (often used as a metaphor for waterfall).⁶
匹马[匹馬] pīt-mâ
pǐmǎ <old> alone; by oneself.¹⁹ʼ³⁶
匹马单枪[匹馬單槍] pīt-mâ-än-tëng
(=单枪匹马[單槍匹馬] än-tëng-pīt-mâ
dānqiāngpǐmǎ) single-handed; all by oneself.⁶
匹鸟[匹鳥] pīt-nêl
pǐniǎo mandarin ducks which always go in pairs.³⁹
匹染 pīt-ngëm
pǐrǎn <txtl.> piece dyeing.⁶
匹配 pīt-pöi
pǐpèi <wr.> well-matched, compatible, commensurate with; mate, marry, be equal.⁶
三匹马[三匹馬] xäm-pīt-mâ
sānpǐmâ three horses.⁵
or 一疋布 yīt-pīt-bü yīpǐbù a bolt of cloth.⁵
pit1 12847
103 5 pīt Kangxi radical 103; roll, bolt of cloth; foot.⁸ (=匹 pīt ) be equal to, be a match for; <m.> for mules, horses, bolts of cloth.⁵ (used as left component for radical 103 疋: 𤴔 pīt).
or 布匹 bü-pīt bùpǐ cloth; piece goods.⁸
or 两匹骡子[兩匹騾子] lēng-pīt-luĩ-dū or lēng-pīt-lõ-dū  liǎngpǐluózi two mules.⁶
or 匹头[匹頭] pīt-hẽo pǐtou <topo.> ➀ piece goods/fabrics; cloth; soft/dry goods; drapery; yardage goods; bolt (of cloth) ➁ cut pieces; cut parts.⁶
or 一匹布 yīt-pīt-bü yīpǐbù a bolt of cloth.⁵
<又> ngâ, sü.
(See 疋 ngâ, sü; 𤴔 pīt).
pit1 12848
103 5 𤴔 pīt (=疋 pīt Kangxi radical 103; roll, bolt of cloth; foot.⁸) and used as a left component.
(composition: ⿱乛止; U+24D14).
(See 疋 pīt).
pit1 12849
130 8 pīt (alternate Mandarin pronunciation for 䏘 pīt pǐ with the same meaning: a big abdomen, a female animal with a fat belly.⁸ʼ³⁶  a fat belly; the increase in size of a female.²⁵)
(composition: ⿰⺼匹; U+43D8).
(See 䏘[pīt, ]).
pit1 12850
130 8 pīt a big abdomen, a female animal with a fat belly.⁸ʼ³⁶ a fat belly; the increase in size of a female.²⁵
(variant: 𦙬❄{⿰⺼疋} pīt ).
(composition: ⿰⺼匹; U+43D8).
(See 䏘[pīt, ]; 𦙬❄{⿰⺼疋} pīt).
pit1 12851
130 9 𦙬
pīt the male organ of generation.²⁵ (=䏘 pīt or a big abdomen, a female animal with a fat belly.⁸ʼ³⁶ a fat belly; the increase in size of a female.²⁵).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰⺼疋; U+2666C).
(See 䏘 pīt or ).
pit1 12852
140 7 pīt picene (C₂₂H₁₄).¹⁰
pit1 12853
30 5 <lit.> impossible.⁵ impossible, improbably; at once, right away.⁶ unable; improbable.⁷ not, cannot; them, forthwith; following.¹⁴ (variant: 尀 pō ). (See 尀 pō).
居心叵测[居心叵測] guï-xïm-pō-chāk
jūxīnpǒcè with hidden intent.⁵
叵测[叵測] pō-chāk
pǒcè unfathomable, unpredictable.⁵ʼ⁶ʼ⁷
unfathomable, unexpected.¹⁴
叵罗[叵羅] pō-lõ
pǒluó <old> shallow wine vessel.⁶
or 叵奈 pō-nòi pǒnài <old> intolerable, hard to bear; cannot help but.⁶ it is an unfortunate fact that...⁷
叵耐心烦[叵耐心煩] pō-nòi-xïm-fãn
pǒnàixīnfán I cannot bear the inconvenience.¹⁴
叵平诸国[叵平諸國] pō-pẽin-jï-gōk
pǒpíngzhūguó therefore he reduced the feudal barons to subjection.¹⁴
叵信 pō-xïn
pǒxìn <wr.> cannot believe; unreliable; not trustworthy.⁷ unworthy of belief.¹⁴
叵欲讨之[叵欲討之] pō-yùk-hāo-jï
or pō-yùk-hō-jï pǒyùtǎozhī he thereupon wished to reduce him.¹⁴
心怀叵测[心懷叵測] xïm-vãi-pō-chāk
xīnhuáipǒcè to harbor dark designs; nurse evil intentions.⁵
po1 12854
41 8 (<old>=叵 pō <lit.> impossible.⁵ impossible, improbably; at once, right away.⁶ unable; improbable.⁷ not, cannot; them, forthwith; following.¹⁴); cannot; thereupon.⁸
(composition: ⿰叵寸; U+5C00).
or 叵耐 or 叵奈 pō-nòi pǒnài <old> intolerable, hard to bear; cannot help but.⁶ it is an unfortunate fact that...⁷).¹⁹
(See 叵 pō).

po1 12855
75 15 (Cant.) classifier for plants or trees; a tree-trunk (Cant. Jyutping transpcription po1; =棵 fō <m.> plants/trees; =<台> 蔸 ëo dōu <m.> (for trees, grass).
(composition: ⿱合柯; U+6A16).
(See 棵 fō; <台> 蔸 ëo).
po1 12856
118 11 a flat basket-tray for grain.¹⁴
针线笸箩[針線笸籮] jïm-xëin-pō-lõ zhēnxiàn pǒluo sewing basket.⁶
笸篮[笸籃] pō-lâm
pǒlán basket made of wicker or bamboo strips.⁶
笸箩[笸籮] pō-lõ
pǒluo shallow basket made of wicker or bamboo strips.⁶
po1 12857
167 13 promethium (Pm).⁶
钷电池[鉕電池] pō-èin-chĩ pǒdiànchí promethium cell.⁶
钷化合物[鉕化合物] pō-fä-hàp-mùt
or pō-fä-hàp-mòt pǒhuàhéwù promethium compound.⁶
钷合金[鉕合金] pō-hàp-gïm
pǒhéjīn promethium alloy.⁶
po1 12858
181 14 <wr.> quite, fairly, rather, considerably.⁶
颇丰[頗豐] pō-füng pōfēng rather good.⁸
颇佳[頗佳] pō-gäi
pōjiā quite good.⁵
颇久[頗久] pō-giū
pōjiǔ for quite a while.¹⁹
颇好[頗好] pō-häo
pōhào rather fond of.¹⁴
颇多[頗多] pō-ü
pōduō too much; very many.¹⁴
颇为[頗為] pō-vĩ
pōwéi rather; to a considerable extent.⁶
<又> pö.
(See 頗 pö.)
po1 12859
187 15 𫘟
high, lofty.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿰馬皮; U+99CA). (comp. s: ⿰马皮; U+2B61F).
❄{⿰马皮}騀[駊騀] pō-ngō pǒ'ě a horse shaking its head; a horse with an ugly gait.²⁵
po1 12860
190 15 髲𩭝❄{⿱髟我} pō-ngō pǒ'ě (=駊騀 pō-ngō pǒ'ě) a horse shaking its head; a horse with an ugly gait.²⁵
(composition: ⿱髟皮; U+9AF2).
<又> bì.
(See 髲 bì).
po1 12861
112 10 broken, torn, worn-out; split, cleave; get rid of, destroy, break with; defeat, capture (a city); expose the truth of.⁵
破产[破產] pö-chān pòchǎn go bankrupt.⁹
破除 pö-chuĩ
pòchú do away with; eradicate.⁵
破釜沉舟 pö-fū-chĩm-jiü
pòfǔchénzhōu break the cauldrons and sink the boats (after crossing) – cut off all means of retreat; burn one's boats.⁵
破解 pö-gāi
pòjiě explain; dismiss.⁸
破镜重圆[破鏡重圓] pö-gëng-chũng-yõn
pòjìngchóngyuán (of husband and wife) get back together.⁹
破旧[破舊] pö-giù
pòjiù old and shabby; worn-out.⁵
破晓[破曉] pö-hēl
pòxiǎo dawn, daybreak.⁶
破绽[破綻] pö-jàn
pòzhàn a burst seam; flaw, weak point.⁵
破绽百出[破綻百出] pö-jàn-bāk-chūt
pòzhànbǎichū full of flaws.⁸
破竹建瓴 pö-jūk-gèin-lẽin
pòzhújiànlíng lit. smash bamboo, overturn water tank; fig. irresistible force.¹⁰
破烂[破爛] pö-làn
pòlàn ragged, tattered; junk, scrap.⁶
破裂 pö-lēik
pòliè burst; split; rupture; crack.⁵
破案 pö-ön
pò'àn solve a case; crack a criminal case.⁵
破财[破財] pö-tõi
pòcái suffer unexpected financial loss.⁸
破坏[破壞] pö-vài
pòhuài destroy, wreck; change (a social system) completely; break an agreement.⁵
又 pü.
(See 破 pü).
po2 12862
181 14 <wr.> inclined one side, tilted, oblique.⁶
偏颇[偏頗] pëin-pö piānpō <wr.> biased; partial; unfair.⁶
<又> pō.
(See 頗 pō.)
po2 12863
38 11 old woman; a woman in a certain occupation; husband's mother; mother-in-law.⁵
外婆 ngòi-põ or ngòi-pũ wàipó <topo.> (maternal) grandmother.⁶
婆家 põ-gä
or pũ-gä pójia husband's family.⁵
婆罗门[婆羅門] Põ-lõ-mõn
or Pũ-lõ-mõn Póluómén Brahman.⁵
婆娘 põ-nẽng
or pũ-nẽng póniáng <topo.> young married woman; wife.⁵
婆婆 põ-põ
or pũ-pũ pópo husband's mother, mother-in-law; <topo.> maternal grandmother; old woman (of an earlier generation).⁵⁴
婆婆妈妈[婆婆媽媽] põ-põ-mā-mā
or pũ-pũ-mā-mā pópomāmā womanishly fussy; sentimental, mawkish, maudlin.⁵
婆娑 põ-sö
or pũ-sü pósuō dancing; whirling; hovering.¹⁰
婆娑起舞 pö-sö-hī-mū
or pü-sü-hī-mū pósuōqǐwǔ start dancing.⁵
婆姨 põ-yĩ
or pũ-yĩ póyí <topo.> young married woman; wife.⁵
老太婆 lāo-häi-põ
or lāo-häi-pũ lǎotàipó old woman.⁶
<又> pũ, pû.
(See 婆 pũ, pû.)
po3 12864
38 13 (=婆 põ ) an old woman; (=奢 chëh shē) extravagant.¹⁴
<又> põn.
(See 媻 põn.)
po3 12865
64 14 clean up, sweep away; scatter, disperse; converge.⁸ to exclude, to abolish; also to scatter, and to gather.²⁴
(composition: ⿱般手; U+642B).
<又> põn; bön. (See 搫 põn; 搫 bön).
po3 12866
106 17 <wr.> white; (of the belly) big.⁶ white; grey.¹⁴
白发皤然[白髮皤然] bàk-fāt-põ-ngẽin báifàpórán white-haired.⁶
皤腹 põ-fūk
pófù corpulent.¹⁴
皤其腹 põ-kĩ-fūk
póqífù be pot-bellied.⁶
皤然 põ-ngẽin
pórán white; hoary.⁷ white, silvery.¹⁴
皤皤 põ-põ
pópó <wr.> (of hair, snow) white; big-bellied, paunchy.¹¹
皤皤雪 põ-põ-xūt
pópóxuě snowy white.¹⁴
<又> bö, pũ.
(See 皤 bö, pũ.)
po3 12867
120 17 Po surname.
<又> fãn. (See 繁 fãn.)
po3 12868
140 14 (composition: ⿱艹婆; U+8522).
蔢䓾 põ-sö pósuō plants and trees growing luxuriantly.²⁵
<又> bòk.
(See 蔢 bòk).
po3 12869
9 6 pöi pèi (=沛 pöi pèi <wr.> (of rivers, waters) vast, expansive, grand; abundant, plentiful.⁶ copious, abundance, full of, much; quickly, rapidly, sudden; to fall prostrate; to reserve water for irrigation; tall, high, great.⁷).⁸
(composition: ⿰亻巿; U+4F02).
(See 沛 pöi).
poi2 12870
9 7 pöi pēi mighty.⁸ mighty; powerful.⁹ multitudinous; powerful.¹⁰ <wr.> moving (herd); powerful.¹¹ strong, numerous.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻丕; U+4F3E).
大伾 ài-pöi dàpēi or ài-pï dàpī the name of a place.²⁴ the name of a mountain.¹⁰¹
伾文 pöi-mũn
pēiwén or pï-mũn  pīwén 指唐顺宗时领导政治改革的王叔及其同党王 zhǐ tángshùnzōng shí lǐngdǎo zhèngzhì gǎigé de wángshūwén jí qí tóng dǎng wáng pī refers to Wang Shuwen and his colleague Wang Pi, who led the political reform during the Shunzong era of the Tang Dynasty.¹⁹
伾伾 pöi-pöi
pēipēi or pï-pï pīpī powerful.¹³
<又> pï.
(See 伾 pï).
poi2 12871
9 8 pöi pèi to respect, to wear (belt).
带牛佩犊[帶牛佩犢] äi-ngẽo-pöi-dùk dàiniúpèidú to take to farming after discarding arms; to abandon armed struggle and return to raising cattle (idiom).
钦佩[欽佩] hïm-pöi
qīnpèi admire; esteem; feel admiration for; look up to.⁶
可佩 hō-pöi
kěpèi admirable.
玉佩 ngùk-pöi
yùpèi <trad.> jade pendant or personal ornament hung from the waist, chest, or shoulder.
佩带[佩帶] pöi-âi
pèidài to wear (as accessories).
佩服 pöi-fùk
pèifu to admire.
佩格索斯 pöi-gāk-sōk-xü
pèigésuǒsī (Ancient Greek: Πήγασος, Pégasos, Latin Pegasus), also called 珀伽索斯 pāk-gä-sōk-xü pòjiāsuǒsī; (<vern.> 天马[天馬] hëin-mâ tiānmǎ or 飞马[飛馬] fï-mâ fēimǎ Pegasus.²⁹).²⁰
佩玦 pöi-kūt
pèijué girdle pendants.¹⁴
佩兰[佩蘭] pöi-lãn
pèilán orchid, fragrant thoroughwort, <bot.> Eupatorium fortunei, Herba Eupatorii (used in Chinese medicine).⁴³
佩玉 pöi-ngùk
pèiyù a jade adornment.⁷
佩韦[佩韋] pöi-vī
pèiwéi wear a girdle of leather – restrain his ardor – used to illustrate friendly admonitions.¹⁴
poi2 12872
38 9 pöi pèi  (used in female names).² a woman's name.²⁴  ancient woman's personal name.³⁶
(composition: ⿰女⿵⺇帀; U+59F5).
poi2 12873
46 15 pöi pèi the sound of landslides; the sound of falling stones.⁸ the noise of a falling mountain, or of stones dashing against each other.²⁴
(composition: ⿸屵配 or ⿱山⿸厂配; U+5D8F).
<又> pī. (See 嶏 pī).
poi2 12874
70 9 pöi pèi (=旆 pöi pèi <trad.> swallow-tailed pennant; banner, flag, pennant.⁶); pennant; banner.¹⁰ a pennant; a streamer.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰方⿱𠂉巾; U+65BE).
旌斾飞扬[旌斾飛揚] dëin-pöi-fï-yẽng
jīngpèifēiyáng the flags are waving.¹⁴
or 旆旆 pöi-pöi pèipèi (descriptive of flags) flying in the wind; (said of plants) growing luxuriantly.⁷ waving, as a flag in the wind.¹⁴
旟斾 yĩ-pöi
yúpèi flags and banners in general.¹⁹
(See 旆 pöi).
poi2 12875
70 10 pöi pèi <trad.> swallow-tailed pennant; banner, flag, pennant.⁶ (variant: 斾 pöi pèi).
酒旆 diū-pöi
jiǔpèi (=酒旗 diū-kĩ jiǔqí) a streamer hanging in front of a wine shop.¹¹
反旆 fān-pöi
fǎnpèi turn back the banner; to return the troops back from the trek.⁵⁴
整旆 jēin-pöi
zhěngpèi (=整装就道[整裝就道] jēin-jöng-diù-ào zhěngzhuāngjiùdào) dress up and prepare for journey.¹¹
征旆 jëin-pöi
zhēngpèi pennant used on expedition; war pennant.¹⁰
文旆 mũn-pöi
wénpèi (=文生 mũn-säng wénshēng) formerly, a student, one of the scholar class.¹¹
or 旆旆 pöi-pöi pèipèi (descriptive of flags) flying in the wind; (said of plants) growing luxuriantly.⁷ waving, as a flag in the wind.¹⁴
羽旆 yî-pöi
yǔpèi flag decorated with feathers.¹¹
(See 斾 pöi).
poi2 12876
75 12 pöi pèi a thwart piece at the bow of a boat.⁰ʼ⁸
<又> pãi, bài. (See 棑 pãi, bài.)
poi2 12877
85 7 pöi pèi <wr.> (of rivers, waters) vast, expansive, grand; abundant, plentiful.⁶ copious, abundance, full of, much; quickly, rapidly, sudden; to fall prostrate; to reserve water for irrigation; tall, high, great.⁷ (variant: 伂 pöi). (See 伂 pöi).
充沛 chüng-pöi
chōngpèi plentiful; abundant; full of.⁶
精力充沛 dëin-lèik-chüng-pöi
jīnglìchōngpèi be full of energy.⁵
颠沛[顛沛] ëin-pöi
diānpèi to fall; figuratively to be desperate, to fail in one's attempt.⁷
or 沣沛[灃沛] füng-pöi fēngpèi copious; plentiful (of water); surging (of waves); refers to home village of first Han emperor Liu Bang; fig. majestic.¹⁰
沛公 Pöi-güng
Pèigōng Liu Bang (刘邦[劉邦] Liũ Böng Liú Bāng), the founding emperor of the Han Dynasty, who started his uprising at his native town of 沛 Pöi Pèi.
or 霈然 pöi-ngẽin pèirán (said of rain) copious; great or vast.⁷ <wr.> copious; abundant.⁵⁴
沛然降雨 pöi-ngẽin-göng-yî
pèiránjiàngyǔ a copious rain began to fall.⁵
沛沛 pöi-pöi
pèipèi a great flow of water; flowing copiously.⁷
雨水丰沛[雨水豐沛] yî-suī-füng-pöi
yǔshuǐfēngpèi have plenty of rain; with abundant precipitation.⁶
poi2 12878
85 11 pöi pèi to move.²⁴
其旂淠淠 kĩ-kĩ-pöi-pöi
qíqípèipèi waving in the wind (the flag).⁵⁴
淠淠 pöi-pöi
pèipèi full, abundant; a boat sailing along.²⁴
<又> bï.
(See 淠 bï.)
poi2 12879
86 12 pöi bèi bake over a slow fire.⁶ dry or heat near a fire; toast; bake.⁷
焙茶 pöi-chã bèichá to dry tea leaves by fire.⁷
焙粉 pöi-fūn
bèifěn baking powder.⁶
焙干[焙乾] pöi-gön
bèigān dry over a fire.⁵
焙烤 pöi-häo
bèikǎo bake; roast.⁶
焙制[焙製] pöi-jäi
bèizhì cure something by drying it over a fire.⁵
焙辣椒 pöi-làt-dël
bèilàjiāo dry hot pepper over a slow fire.⁶
焙烧[焙燒] pöi-sël
bèishāo roast, bake.⁶
焙烧炉[焙燒爐] pöi-sël-lũ
bèishāolú roasting furnace; roaster.⁶
<又> bòi.
(See 焙 bòi.)
poi2 12880
96 10 pöi pèi jade pendants.
霞珮 hã-pöi xiápèi <wr.> ladies' pendants.
poi2 12881
118 11 pöi pèi (Note: Distinguish 筏 fàt ; This character 笩 (U+7B29) is often erroneously written for 茷 (U+8337) pöi pèi also pronounced fàt ).
(composition: ⿰; U+7B29).
笩笩 pöi-pöi
pèipèi fly upward; rise.²
poi2 12882
130 8 pöi pèi 肺肺 pöi-pöi pèipèi exuberant.²⁵ lush, dense (of vegetation).⁵⁴
<又> fï.
(See 肺 fï.)
poi2 12883
130 9 pöi pēi embryo.⁵
胚子 pöi-dū pēizi silkworm embryo; breed, strain.⁶
胚根 pöi-gïn
pēigēn <bot.> radicle.⁵
胚胎 pöi-höi
pēitāi <bio.> embryo.⁵
胚珠 pöi-jî
pēizhū <bot.> ovule.⁵
胚芽 pöi-ngã
pēiyá <bot.> plumule.⁵
胚乳 pöi-nguî
pēirǔ <bot.> endosperm.⁵
胚囊 pöi-nõng
pēináng embryo sac; blastocyst.⁶
胚盘[胚盤] pöi-põn
pēipán <bio.> blastodisc; germinal disc; embryonic disc.⁶
胚层[胚層] pöi-tãng
pēicéng <phys.> germinal layer.⁵
poi2 12884
140 9 pöi pèi (=旆 pöi pèi <trad.> swallow-tailed pennant; banner, flag, pennant.⁶); flutter.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹伐; U+8337).
Kĩ-kĩ-pöi-pöi, lũn-sëin-vï-vï.
Qí qí pèi pèi, luán shēng huì huì.
His banner waves in the wind,
And the bells of his horses tinkle harmoniously.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·頌·魯頌·泮水》, translated by James Legge).
茷茷 pöi-pöi
pèipèi in order; well-arranged, as colors and standards.²⁵ fluttering (about vegetation, banners, pennants).⁵⁴
<又> fàt.
(See 茷 fàt).
poi2 12885
164 10 pöi pèi marry; mate; mix; allocate; match; fit; spouse.⁹
配备[配備] pöi-bì pèibèi allocate, provide, fit out; dispose (troops), deploy; outfit, equipment.⁵
配殿 pöi-èin
pèidiàn (of a palace building) a wing.⁷
配货[配貨] pöi-fö
pèihuò to prepare goods for delivery according to an order.⁷
配方 pöi-föng
pèifāng fill a prescription; directions for producing chemicals or metallurgical products.⁵
配婚 pöi-fün
pèihūn arrange a marriage for somebody.⁶
配件 pöi-gèin
pèijiàn accessory part, fitting, component, subassembly; replacement.⁶
配角 pöi-gôk
pèijué supporting role; minor role.⁸
配套 pöi-häo
pèitào form a complete set.⁵
配合 pöi-hàp
pèihé coordinate; cooperate; concert.⁵
配制[配製] pöi-jäi
pèizhì make up; compound; concoct.⁶
配置 pöi-jï
pèizhì dispose (troops); deploy.⁵
配给[配給] pöi-kīp
pèijǐ to ration; to allocate.¹⁰
配料 pöi-lèl
pèiliào <metal.> burden.⁷
配额[配額] pöi-ngäk
pèi'é quota.⁶
配偶 pöi-ngêo
pèi'ǒu spouse.⁵
配对[配對] pöi-uï
pèiduì a pair; <vern.> (of animals) mate.⁵
配药[配藥] pöi-yêk
pèiyào fill a prescription.¹¹
poi2 12886
173 15 pöi pèi <wr.> heavy rain; (of rain or snow) profuse; carefree and contented.⁶ rains, torrential rains; favors, good graces.⁷
甘霈 gäm-pöi gānpèi timely/welcome rain.⁶
甘霈之流 gäm-pöi-jï-liũ
gānpèizhīliú sweet rains flowing down – used also for beneficence.¹⁴
or 沛然 pöi-ngẽin pèirán (said of rain) copious; great or vast.⁷ <wr.> copious; abundant.⁵⁴
霈霈 pöi-pöi
pèipèi the sound of colliding waters.¹⁴
云油雨霈[雲油雨霈] vũn-yiũ-yî-pöi
yúnyóuyǔpèi the clouds gathered darkly; and the rain came in torrents.¹⁴
poi2 12887
32 11 põi péi to bank up a plant or a wall with earth; to foster; to train; to cultivate; culture.
岗位培训[崗位培訓] gông-vì-põi-fün gǎngwèi péixùn on-the-job training.
代培 òi-põi
dàipéi to train on contract.
代培生 òi-põi-säng/
dàipéishēng student enrolled on contract with a work unit.
安培 ön-põi
ānpéi <loan> ampere.
培训[培訓] põi-fün
péixùn to cultivate; to train; training.
培土 põi-hū
péitǔ <agr.> to hill up; to earth up.
培植 põi-jèik
péizhí to cultivate (plants); to foster; to train.
培塿 põi-lẽo
péilǒu (=部娄[部婁] bù-lẽo bùlóu) <wr.> a small hillock.¹¹
培养[培養] põi-yêng
péiyǎng foster, train, develop; cultivate, culture.⁸
培育 põi-yùk
péiyù to cultivate; to foster; to breed; to bring up; to rear.
poi3 12888
64 7 põi póu to hold in cupped hands.
抔土 põi-hū póutǔ double handful of earth; grave.¹ To hold, catch (soil) by cupped hands.¹¹
抔饮[抔飲] põi-ngīm
póuyǐn to drink out of the hands.
抔水而饮[抔水而飲] põi-suī-ngĩ-ngīm
póushuǐ'éryǐn to drink from cupped hands.
抔钱济贫[抔錢濟貧] põi-tẽin-däi-pĩn
póuqiánjìpín to give generously to help the poor.
poi3 12889
64 11 põi póu (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 掊 pāo póu with same meaning.)
<又> pão, pāo.
(See 掊 [põi, pǒu], pão, pāo.)
poi3 12890
64 11 põi pǒu  (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 掊 pāo pǒu with same meaning.)
<又> pão, pāo.
(See 掊 [põi, póu], pão, pāo.)
poi3 12891
75 12 põi péi Pei surname.
(composition: ⿰木咅; U+68D3).
<又> pâng; pāo; pôi; böi. (See 棓 pâng; 棓 pāo; 棓 pôi; 棓 böi).
poi3 12892
98 12 põi <wr.> vase.⁵ <wr.> small earthen jar.⁶ a jar; a pot.⁷
(composition: ⿰咅瓦; U+74FF).
酱瓿[醬瓿] dëng-põi or dëng-pāo jiàngbù or jiàngpǒu earthen jar for soy sauce.⁶
覆瓿 fūk-põi
or fūk-pāo fùbù or fùpǒu (modest) my worthless writing (“useful for covering condiment jars”).¹¹
瓦瓿 ngā-põi
or ngā-pāo wǎbù or wǎpǒu an earthenware jar.¹⁴
安瓿 ön-põi
or ön-pāo ānbù or ānpǒu <loan> ampoule.¹⁰
以供覆瓿 yî-güng-fūk-põi
or yî-güng-fūk-pāo yǐgòngfùbù or yǐgòngfùpǒu (contemptuous of writing) good enough to serve as cover wrapping for a jar.¹¹
<又> pāo.
(See 瓿 pāo.)
poi3 12893
145 14 põi péi the look of a flowing gown; Pei surname.⁷ long robes; to walk.¹⁴ (variant: 裵 põi péi).
裴回 põi-või
péihuí flying to and fro like swallows; to walk up and down.¹⁴ (Cf. 徘徊 pãi-või páihuái).
<又> fï.
(See 裴 fï; 裵 põi).
poi3 12894
145 14 põi péi (<old>=裴 põi péi) the look of a flowing gown; Pei surname.⁷ long robes; to walk.¹⁴
(See 裴 põi).
poi3 12895
154 15 põi péi compensate, pay for; lose money in business transactions.⁵
赔本[賠本] põi-bōn péiběn sustain losses in business; run a business at a loss.⁵
赔补[賠補] põi-bū
péibǔ to compensate and make up for the deficiency.⁷
赔不起[賠不起] põi-būt-hī
péibùqǐ cannot afford to pay (for the loss); unable to pay for compensation.⁷
赔不是[賠不是] põi-būt-sì
péibùshi apologize.⁵
赔罪[賠罪] põi-duì
péizuì apologize.⁵
赔款[賠款] põi-fōn
péikuǎn pay an indemnity; pay reparations; indemnity; reparations.⁵
赔光[賠光] põi-göng
péiguāng to lose all the capital in a business adventure.⁷
赔帐[賠帳] põi-jëng
péizhàng pay for the loss of cash or goods entrusted to one.⁵
赔礼[賠禮] põi-lâi
péilǐ offer an apology; apologize.⁵
赔礼道歉[賠禮道歉] põi-lâi-ào-hēp
péilǐdàoqiàn apologize; make a formal and sincere apology; offer an apology.⁶
赔偿[賠償] põi-sẽng
péicháng compensate; pay for.⁵
赔钱[賠錢] põi-tẽin
péiqián to make a pecuniary compensation; to lose money in business.⁷
赔笑[賠笑] põi-xël
péixiào smile placatingly or apologetically; smile a fawning smile.⁶
poi3 12896
164 15 põi pēi <wr.> unfiltered unstrained wine.⁶ unstrained spirits.¹⁴
酦醅[醱醅] pöt-põi pōpēi <wr.> make wine; brew beer.⁶
poi3 12897
167 16 põi péi berkelium (Bk).⁶
poi3 12898
170 10 põi péi to accompany; to keep somebody company; to assist; to compensate.
陪拜 põi-bäi péibài to accompany somebody in bowing or kneeling.
陪伴 põi-bòn
péibàn to accompany; keep somebody company.
陪绑[陪綁] põi-bōng
péibǎng to take to the execution ground to intimidate but not kill; to punish (somebody innocent) along with the guilty.
陪衬[陪襯] põi-chïn
péichèn to enhance by contrast; to set off; to serve as a background in order to bring out the subject with greater brilliance; to serve as a prop; a foil.¹⁰
陪嫁 põi-gä
péijià <topo.> dowry.⁶
陪同 põi-hũng
péitóng to accompany.
陪练[陪練] põi-lèin
péiliàn sparring or practice partner.
陪奁[陪奩] põi-lẽm
péilián dowry.¹⁰
陪审[陪審] põi-sīm
péishěn serve in a jury.¹⁰
少陪 sēl-põi
shǎopéi I'm afraid I must be going now.
失陪 sīt-põi
shīpéi <court.> sorry to have to leave.
poi3 12899
190 14 põi pēi to run along with disheveled hair.²⁵
(composition: ⿱髟不; U+4BF1).
䯱䰄 põi-xöi or põi-xü pēisāi or pēisī a bushy beard.²⁵
<又> fū; pī.
(See 䯱 fū; 䯱 pī).
poi3 12900
75 9 pòi pèi growth (of branches and leaves).⁸
(composition: ⿰木犮; U+67ED).
<又> bāt; bèik; bòk; fūt. (See 柭 bāt; 柭 bèik; 柭 bòk; 柭 fūt).

poi4 12901
9 10 pôi bèi double; to double; (joined to a numeral)-times; -fold.
百倍 bäk-pôi bǎibèi hundredfold; a hundred times.
加倍 gä-pôi
jiābèi double; redouble.
倍增 pôi-däng
bèizēng redouble (courage).
倍尝甘苦[倍嘗甘苦] pôi-sẽng-gäm-fū
bèichánggānkǔ to have tasted the sweet and the bitter.
倍数[倍數] pôi-sū
bèishù <math.> a multiple.
倍蓰 pôi-xāi
bèixǐ <wr.> many times; multiple.⁶
双倍[雙倍] söng-pôi
shuāngbèi twofold; double.
事半功倍 xù-bôn-güng-pôi
shìbàngōngbèi to get twice the result with half the effort.
poi5 12902
32 8 pôi base; semifinished product; blank; unfired brick; adobe.
脱坯[脫坯] höt-põi tuōpī mold adobe blocks.
土坯 hū-põi
tǔpī sun-dried mud brick; adobe.
砖坯[磚坯] jön-põi
zhuānpī unfired brick; adobe.⁹
毛坯 mão-põi
máopī semifinished product; <mach.> blank.
坯布 põi-bü
pībù <textl.> gray cloth.
坯子 põi-dū
pīzi blank; base; semifinished product.
坯革 põi-gāk
pīgé crust leather.
坯件 põi-gèin
pījiàn blank (for a coin); breed or strain.
poi5 12903
75 12 pôi bèi (composition: ⿰木咅; U+68D3).
五棓子 or 五倍子 m̄-pôi-dū wǔbèizǐ galls (used as a medicine and dyes).¹⁴ʼ¹⁹
五棓子虫[五棓子蟲] m̄-pôi-dū-chũng
wǔbèizǐchóng the gall fly.¹⁴
棓酸 pôi-xön
bèisuān gallic acid, aka 五倍子酸 m̄-pôi-dū-xön wǔbèizǐsuān and 没食子酸[沒食子酸] mòt-sèik-dū-xön méishízisuān (C₆H₂(OH)₃COOH).¹⁹ʼ²⁰
<又> pâng; pāo; böi; põi.
(See 棓 pâng; 棓 pāo; 棓 böi; 棓 põi).
poi5 12904
112 13 pôi bèi suburb; (used in place names).⁸
北碚区[北碚區] Bāk-pôi Kuï Běibèi Qū Beibei District is a district in the Chongqing Municipality (重庆市[重慶市] Chũng-hëin Sî Chóngqìng Shì).¹⁵
蛤蟆碚 Hā-mã-pôi
Hámabèi Hamabei, a place in Hubei Province.⁹
碚礧 pôi-luì
bèiléi (=蓓蕾 bòi-luî or pôi-luî bèilěi) flower bud; young flower still tightly rolled up.¹⁰
碚磊 pôi-luî
bèilěi a pile of rocks.¹⁹
poi5 12905
115 10 pôi ancient name for a black millet with two grains within one husk; chaff.⁸ ancient name for a dark kind of millet used to make a spirituous liquor used in sacrifices.¹⁴ a sort of black millet, consisting of grain 2/3 cleaned and 1/3 in the husk, used in making wine for the service of the ancestorial temple.²⁵ double-kernelled black millet.⁶⁰
(composition: ⿰禾丕; U+79E0).
秬秠 guì-pôi jùpī black millet and double-kernelled black millet.⁶⁰
恒之秬秠[恆之秬秠] Hãng-jï-guì-pôi.
Héng zhī jù pī.
They planted extensively the black and the double-kernelled (millet).⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·生民之什·生民·6》, translated by James Legge).
poi5 12906
140 12 pôi bèi grass.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹負; U+842F).
萯阳[萯陽] pôi-yẽng bèiyáng name of a palace during the Qin and Han Dynasties.⁸
<又> fû.
(See 萯 fû).
poi5 12907
140 13 pôi bèi (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 蓓 bòi bèi with same meaning: (flower) bud.¹⁰ a bud.¹⁴)
<又> bòi.
(See 蓓 bòi.)
poi5 12908
30 15 pōk (sound of blowing air or spurting water) puff.⁶
噗嗵 pök-hūng or 噗通 pök-hüng or 扑通[撲通] pök-hüng pūtōng to flop, thump; splash; pit-a-pat.⁶
噗噜噜[噗嚕嚕] pōk-lū-lū
pūlūlū (used to describe a flood of tears rolling down the cheeks) trickle.⁶
泉水噗噗地往上冒 tũn-suī-pōk-pōk-ì-vông-sëng-mào
quánshuǐpūpūdewǎngshàngmào Water kept gushing from the fountain.⁶
pok1 12909
64 15 pōk pound; beat; strike; attack.⁸
反扑[反撲] fān-pōk fǎnpū launch a counterattack.⁹
扑打[撲打] pōk-ā
pūdǎ to swat; to beat; to pat.
扑鼻[撲鼻] pōk-bì
pūbí to assail the nostrils.
扑哧[撲哧] pōk-chēik
pūchī <ono.> sounds of laughter.⁸
扑哧一笑[撲哧一笑] pōk-chēik-yīt-xël
pūchīyīxiào to titter; to snigger; to chuckle to oneself.
扑嗤[撲嗤] pōk-chï
pūchī descriptive of burst of laughter, or guffaw.¹¹
扑克[撲克] pōk-hāk
pūkè <loan>  poker; playing-cards.
扑腾[撲騰] pōk-hãng
pūtēng <ono.> thud.⁸
扑腾[撲騰] pōk-hãng
pūteng throb; flop; move about.⁸
扑通[撲通] pök-hüng
or 噗通 pök-hüng or 噗嗵 pök-hūng  pūtōng to flop, thump; splash; pit-a-pat.⁶
扑通一声[撲通一聲] pōk-hüng-yīt-sëin
pūtōngyīshēng flop; thump; splash; pit-a-pat.
扑拉[撲拉] pōk-lā
pūlā to flutter/flap/spread the wings; to pat; to slap; to whisk; to roll/trickle down (of tears/sweat).
扑棱[撲棱] pōk-lẽin
pūlēng <ono.> flap; flutter (sound of flapping of wings).⁶
扑棱[撲棱] pōk-lẽin
pūleng flutter/spread open; flap.⁶ do something over and over again.⁵⁴
扑灭[撲滅] pōk-mèik
pūmiè to eradicate; to extinguish.¹⁰
pok1 12910
66 4 pōk Kangxi radical 66; to tap; to knock lightly;  (<old>=扑[撲] pōk ) to throw oneself at; to pounce on; to devote one's energies; to flap; to flutter; to dab; to pat; to bend over.¹⁰ a gentle tap.²⁴ (variant: 攵 pōk ). (Note: Almost all characters with this radical appears as 攵, as in 收 改攻放故政效敢教救敏; but some retain 攴 as in 敁敲).
(See 攵 pōk).
pok1 12911
66 4 pōk (=攴 pōk ) Kangxi radical number 66; to rap; to tap.¹⁴
(See 攴 pōk).
pok1 12912
75 6 pōk Chinese hackberry (Celtis sinensis).⁵ saltpeter; a kind of oak (Quercus dentata).⁷
厚朴 hèo-pōk
hòupò <TCM> the bark of official magnolia (Magnolia officinalis).⁷
朴树[朴樹] pōk-sì
pòshù the hackberry.⁷
朴硝 pōk-xël
pòxiāo (impure) mirabilite, Na₂SO₄·10H₂O (used in TCM).¹⁰ sodium sulfate or Glauber's salt.¹¹
<又> Pẽl.
(See 樸 Pẽl, pōk; 朴 [pōk, ].)
pok1 12913
75 6 pōk 朴刀 pōk-äo pōdāo a sword with a long blade and a short hilt wielded with both hands.⁵
<又> Pẽl.
(See 樸 Pẽl, pōk; 朴 [pōk, ].)
pok1 12914
75 16 pōk (said of dress, clothing, literary style) plain, simple; the substance of things, things in the rough; honest, sincere, simple; Aphananthe aspera, a tree of the elm family.⁷
朴厚[樸厚] pōk-hêo
pǔhòu simple and honest.⁶
朴学[樸學] pōk-hòk
pǔxué textual study of the Chinese classics, advocated by scholars during the Han Dynasty.⁷
朴直[樸直] pōk-jèik
pǔzhí honest and straightforward.⁵
朴质[樸質] pōk-jï
pǔzhì simple and unadorned; natural.⁵
朴拙[樸拙] pōk-jōt
pǔzhuō simple and naive.⁷
朴陋[樸陋] pōk-lèo
pǔlòu simple and worn out; crude.⁶
朴茂[樸茂] pōk-mào
pǔmào <wr.> simple and honest.⁶
朴朴实实[樸樸實實] pōk-pōk-sìt-sìt
pǔpǔshíshí (of dresses, style) simple, plain; honest, sincere, simple in taste.⁷
朴实[樸實] pōk-sìt
pǔshí simple, plain; guileless, sincere and honest.⁵
朴钝[樸鈍] pōk-ùn
pǔdùn (said of tools, knives) blunt; (said of one's natural endowments) dull; slow; stupid.⁷
朴素[樸素] pōk-xü
pǔsù (of dresses) simple and plain.⁷
朴野[樸野] pōk-yêh
pǔyě simple; rustic.⁷
<又> Pẽl.
(See 樸 Pẽl; 朴 [pōk, ], [pōk, ].)
pok1 12915
75 18 pōk dates; a kind of oak, Quercus dentata; (same as 樸 pōk ) a shrub (plant), thicket; strong and durable; a county in ancient times.⁸ the date tree; also hard; bushy; a bush.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木僕; U+3BF7).
pok1 12916
85 8 pōk pāo <台> 灯泡[燈泡] äng-pōk light bulb.
<台> 豆腐泡 èo-fù-pōk fried tofu.
<又> päo, pâo. (See 泡 [päo, pào], [päo, pāo], pâo.)
pok1 12917
86 10 pōk crackling sound.⁸ sound of an explosion.³⁶
(composition: ⿰火朴; U+70DE).
爆烞 bäo-pōk bàopò <ono.> the crackling sound of bamboo or wood burning.¹⁹
熚熚烞烞 bēik-bēik-pōk-pōk
bìbìpòpò <ono.> sound of bamboo or wood burning.¹⁹
烞熚 pōk-bēik
pòbì <ono.> the crackling or popping sound of bamboo or wood burning.¹⁹ the noise of bamboo burning.²⁴
pok1 12918
107 10 pōk pào (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 疱[皰] päo pào with same meaning: pimple; acne; blister; boil; ulcer.¹⁰)
<台> 穿个疱[穿個皰] chün-göi-pōk the blister broke.
<台> 个疱穿欸[個皰穿欸] göi-pōk-chün-ë the blister broke.
<又> päo.
(See 皰 päo.)
pok1 12919
112 7 𥐚
pōk (Note: read in Taiwan).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰石卜; U+2541A).
❄{⿰石卜}硝 pōk-xël pǔxiāo saltpeter.²⁵
pok1 12920
119 11 pōk <wr.> dregs of grain after distillation.⁶
糟粕 däo-pōk or däo-päk zāopò waste matter; dross; dregs; draff.⁶
糟粕电影[糟粕電影] däo-pōk-èin-yēin
or däo-päk-èin-yēin zāopò diànyǐng trash movie.⁶
豆粕 èo-pōk
or èo-päk dòupò dregs of bean.⁶
粕酒 pōk-diū
or päk-diū pòjiǔ arack; arrack.¹⁹ʼ⁵⁴
<又> päk.
(See 粕 päk.)
pok1 12921
157 19 pōk web (that connects the digits of ducks, frogs).⁶ webbed feet of waterfowl.⁸
足蹼 dūk-pōk zúpǔ web-footed.²⁵
蹼足 pōk-dūk
pǔzú webfoot; palmate foot.⁶
蹼趾 pōk-jī
pǔzhǐ webbed toe.⁶
蹼轮[蹼輪] pōk-lũn
pǔlún paddle wheel.⁵³
蹼泳 pōk-vèin
pǔyǒng <sport> finswimming.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
pok1 12922
164 12 𨠘
pōk (=粕 pōk or päk )² <wr.> dregs of grain after distillation.⁶
(composition: ⿰酉白; U+28818).
❄{⿰酉白}醟 pōk-yẽin pòyíng infuriated with wine; to err with wine, to imagine one's self great and glorious when in liguor.²⁵ drink heavily.⁵⁴
(See 粕 pōk; 粕 päk).
pok1 12923
164 19 pōk mold (on the surface of soy sauce, vinegar).⁵ white specks of mildew.⁷
白醭 bàk-pōk báibú mold (on the surface of soy sauce, vinegar).⁵
醭苔 pōk-hõi
bútái white mildew on the surfaces of things.¹⁹
醭儿[醭兒] pōk-ngĩ
búr white spots on surface of vinegar, soy sauce.¹¹
pok1 12924
167 10 pōk (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 钋[釙] päk with same meaning.)
<又> päk.
(See 釙 päk.)
pok1 12925
96 16 pök uncut jade.⁵
报璞[報璞] bäo-pök bàopú possess unrecognized talent.⁵⁴
返璞归真[返璞歸真] fän-pök-gï-jïn
fǎnpúguīzhēn to return to one's true self; to regain the natural state.¹⁰
荆璞[荊璞] gëin-pök
jīngpú unpolished precious jade.⁵⁴
璞玉 pök-ngùk
púyù uncut jade.⁵⁴
璞玉浑金[璞玉渾金] pök-ngùk-vùn-gïm
púyùhúnjīn uncut jade and unrefined gold – unadorned beauty.⁵
pok2 12926
18 7 pön pàn to judge; to conclude.⁷ (composition: ⿰半刂; U+5224).
判处[判處] pön-chuī pànchǔ to sentence; to condemn.⁷
判罪 pön-duì
pànzuì to declare someone guilty.⁶
判牍[判牘] pön-dùk
or pön-jùk pàndú a document containing a judge's verdict.⁷
判定 pön-èin
pàndìng to judge; to decide.⁷
判官 pön-gön
pànguān a fierce-looking judge in the afterlife court of law.⁷
判决[判決] pön-kūt
pànjué a verdict; a sentence.⁷
判决书[判決書] pön-kūt-sï
pànjuéshū a verdict or sentence in writing.⁷
判例 pön-lài
pànlì (of court decisions) a precedent.⁷
判明 pön-mẽin
pànmíng to distinguish.⁷
判然 pön-ngẽin
pànrán obviously; noticeably.⁶
判若两人[判若兩人] pön-ngèk-lēng-ngĩn
pànruòliǎngrén to become completely a different person/unrecognizable.⁷
判若水火 pön-ngèk-suī-fō
pànruòshuǐhuǒ lit. to be as different as water is to fire; fig. to be completely different.⁶
判断[判斷] pön-òn
pànduàn to judge; to decide; to conclide.⁷ to judge; to determine; judgment.¹⁰
判词[判詞] pön-xũ
pàncí a court verdict; the text of a court's decision.⁷
判刑 pön-yẽin
pànxíng pass sentence (on); to sentence.⁶
pon2 12927
64 8 pön pàn to go all out; to try very hard to; at the risk of, to disregard; to reject, to abandon, to discard.⁷
(composition: ⿰扌弁; U+62DA).
打拚 ā-pön dǎpàn or 打拼 ā-pëin dǎpīn to work to one's full ability; to work hard; to strive.³⁶
拚除 pön-chuĩ
pànchú to reject; to abandon.⁷
拚弃[拚棄] pön-hï
pànqì to reject; to abandon.⁷
拚去 pön-huï
pànqù to reject; to abandon.⁷
拚命 pön-mèng
pànmìng or 拚死 pön-xī pànsǐ to go all out (for a cause) even at the risk of one's life; (to do something) with all one's heart and soul.⁷ to risk one's life; to go to great lengths to accomplish something as if one's life depended on it.³⁶
拚财[拚財] pön-tõi
pàncái to make rash speculations.⁷
<又> pëin, fän, fûn, bèin.
(See 拚 pëin, 拚 fän, 拚 fûn, 拚 bèin).
pon2 12928
64 9 pön pīn <白读> pön pīn; <文读> pëin pīn put together, piece together; be ready to risk one's life (in fighting, work), go all out in work.⁵
<台> 拼命 pön-mèng to try very hard to.
<台> 拼死命 pön-xī-mèng to risk life to.
<又> pëin.
(See 拼 pëin.)
pon2 12929
85 8 pön pàn <old> an institution of higher learning; <now, rarely> to dissolve; to melt.⁷ <wr.> (of ice) to melt.⁸ <wr.> to melt; to dissolve.¹⁰ Pan surname.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵半; U+6CEE).
泮池 pön-chĩ pànchí pool in front of school in ancient times.⁸
泮涣[泮渙] pön-fòn
pànhuàn dissolve (like floes).¹¹
泮宫[泮宮] pön-güng
pàngōng <old> an institution of higher learning..⁷ name of school in ancient times.⁸ <wr.> name of banquet hall, now symbolic of academy of scholars.¹¹
泮汗 pön-hòn
pànhàn expansive (of flooding waters).¹¹
泮水 pön-suī
pànshuǐ  <old> a semicircular pool on the premises of an institution of higher learning.⁷
瓦解冰泮 ngā-gāi-bëin-pön
wǎjiěbīngpàn earthenware broken and ice melted.⁸ complete disintegration.¹⁰
入泮 yìp-pön
rùpàn <wr.> (formerly, of young boys) be admitted to study in a government school.¹¹
pon2 12930
85 15 pön pān Pan River, old river name.⁸ <obsolete> liquid in which rice has been washed.¹¹ Pan surname.⁸
彼得潘 Bī-āk Pön Bǐdé Pān Peter Pan, novel written by J. M. Barrie.¹⁰
潘通 Pön-hüng
Pāntōng Pantone color system.¹⁰
潘山 Pön-sän
Pānshān Mount Pan, in Guangdong.⁸
沈腰潘鬓[沈腰潘鬢] sīm-yël-pön-bïn
shěnyāopānbìn <wr.> slender frame and graying temples.⁵⁴
pon2 12931
102 12 pön pān Pan surname.¹⁰
番禺 Pön-nguĩ Pānyú Panyu county in Guangdong.
<又> fän.
(See 番 fän.)
pon2 12932
118 21 pön pān Pan surname.⁸
(composition: ⿱⺮潘; U+7C53).
<又> fän; bëin. (See 籓 fän; 籓 bëin).
pon2 12933
38 13 põn pán to move.¹⁴
媻珊 or 媻姗[媻姍] or 媻跚 or 蹒跚[蹣跚] or 盘跚[盤跚] põn-sän pánshān walk haltingly; limp; hobble.⁵
媻姗孛窣[媻姍孛窣] põn-sän-böi-xūt
pánshānbèisū to crawl slowly forward on hands and knees.¹⁴
媻媻 põn-põn
pánpán going to and fro.¹⁴
<又> põ.
(See 媻 põ.)
pon3 12934
64 14 põn pán bad/devious/dishonest/crooked people.⁸
(composition: ⿱般手; U+642B).
搫斗[搫鬪] põn-ëo pándòu to bicker and strive.²⁴
搫弄 põn-lùng
pánnòng to carry tales.²⁴
搫擭 põn-vòk
pánhuò incorrect; irregular.²⁴ bad, devious, dishonest, crooked people.¹⁰¹
搫移 põn-yĩ
pányí to remove.²⁴
<又> bön; põ.
(See 搫 bön; 搫 põ).
pon3 12935
75 9 põn bàn <topo.> big pieces of firewood.⁶
干柈子[乾柈子] gön-põn-dū gānbànzi <topo.> dry firewood.¹⁹
木柈子 mûk-põn-dū mùpànzi <topo.> firewood.⁵⁴
劈柈子 pëk-põn-dū
pībànzi cut firewood.⁶
柈子 põn-dū
bànzi <topo.> big pieces of firewood.⁶  big kindling.⁹
(See 柈 [põn, pán].)
pon3 12936
75 9 põn pán  (<old>=盘[盤] põn pán) plate; tray.⁸ The name of a book, and of a tree.²⁴
(See 柈 [põn, bàn]; 盤 põn.)
pon3 12937
75 14 põn pán (=盘[盤] põn pán) tray.¹  <wr.> wooden tub or tray.¹¹
涅槃 nëp-põn
nièpán <Budd.> Nirvana.¹¹
槃才 põn-tõi
páncái a person of great talent.
槃匜 põn-yĩ
pányí basin; washing bowl.
(See 盤 põn).
pon3 12938
85 9 põn pán (<old>=盘[盤] põn pán plate; dish; tray; board; to build; to coil; to check; to examine; to transfer (property); to make over; to coil); to turn round and round; to circle.⁸ winding about.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵舟; U+6D00).
洀桓 põn-yõn
pánhuán stay; linger; wind round and round; pace back and forth.¹⁹
<又> jiü.
(See 洀 jiü).
pon3 12939
108 15 põn pán plate; dish; tray; board; <comp.> hard drive; to build; to coil; to check; to examine; to transfer (property); to make over; <m.> for food: dish, helping; to coil; <m.> for coils of wire; <m.> for games of chess.¹⁰ Pan surname.⁸
盘查[盤查] põn-chã pánchá interrogate and examine.⁶
盘子[盤子] põn-dū
pánzi plate, dish, saucer; market rate.⁶
盘桓[盤桓] põn-yõn
pánhuán to pace; to linger; to stay over; to spiral; to hover.¹⁰ loiter, linger around.¹¹ difficult to enter; the knot of hair worn by a woman; a prince who exercises great control over his people; a tree with leaves like the willow, yellow bark, and white wood.²⁴
盘桓片刻[盤桓片刻] põn-yõn-pëin-hāk
pánhuánpiànkè spend a little idle time.⁵⁴
盘桓数日[盤桓數日] põn-yõn-sü-ngìt
pánhuánshùrì stay/relax for a few days in a place.⁵⁴
盘问[盤問] põn-mùn
pánwèn cross-examine; interrogate.⁶
盘算[盤算] põn-xön
pánsuan calculate; figure; consider.⁶
盘飧[盤飧] põn-xün
pánsūn dishes; the food in a dish.⁷
盘旋[盤旋] põn-xũn
pánxuán to spiral; to circle; to go around; to hover; to orbit.¹⁰
盘茓[盤茓] põn-yòt
pánxué reed container for storing grain.
<台> 车盘[車盤] chëh-põn/ steering wheel.
<台> 洗盘碗[洗盤碗] xāi-põn-vōn to wash dishes (esp. in a restaurant).
pon3 12940
112 15 põn pán a massive rock; to linger around; to league together.⁷
风雨如磐]風雨如磐] füng-yî-nguĩ-põn fēngyǔrúpán wind and rain sweeping across a gloomy sky – a grim and grave situation; dark society or difficult position.⁸
坚如磐石[堅如磐石] gëin-nguĩ-põn-sêk
jiānrúpánshí as solid/firm as a rock.⁶
磐礴 põn-bòk
pánbó extensive; vast; imposing; great.⁷
磐桓 põn-yõn
pánhuán hesitating.¹⁴
or 盘牙[盤牙] põn-ngã pányá to league together (as bandits).⁷
磐石 põn-sêk
pánshí monolith; huge rock.⁸
磐石之安 põn-sêk-jï-ön
pánshízhī'ān as stable and secure as a massive rock.⁷
pon3 12941
112 17 põn pán
a tributary of the River Wei in Shaanxi.¹⁴
磻溪 põn-käi pánxī name of a brook where 姜太公 (Jiang Taigong) used to fish.²⁵
磻溪 or 磻谿 põn-käi pánxī name of a river in 陕西[陝西] Sēm-xäi Shǎnxī Shaanxi Province.⁸
pon3 12942
130 9 põn pán <wr.> easy and comfortable.⁵
心宽体胖[心寬體胖] xïm-fön-hāi-põn xīnkuāntǐpán broad-mindeness brings health.⁹  big-hearted and serene (idiom); contented and easy-going.¹⁰
心广体胖[心廣體胖] xïm-gōng-hāi-põn
xīnguǎngtǐpán carefree and contented; fit and happy.⁵
<又> bòn, nūt.
(See 胖 bòn, nūt.)
pon3 12943
142 18 põn pán coil; coiling, curling; occupy.⁸
蟠螭纹[蟠螭紋] põn-chï-mũn pánchīwén (of pillars) with carved curving dragons or lizards.¹¹
蟠桃 põn-hâo
pántáo ➀ The peach of immortality in Chinese mythology. ➁ the donut peach; the flat peach; a kind of peach which is flat, round in shape and sweet in taste with a small kernel.⁹
蟠桃会[蟠桃會] Põn-hâo-vòi
Pántáohuì the third of third month, birthday of 西王母 Queen Mother of Heaven; (fig.) birthday celebration for aged people.¹¹
蟠曲 põn-kūk
pánqū or 盤曲 põn-kūk pánqū ➀ tortuous ➁ flat peach; peach of immortality in Chinese mythology.⁸ coiled; entwined; tortuous.¹⁰
蟠屈 põn-vūt
or põn-kūt pánqū twisting (of tree trunks); (of emotions) suppressed.¹¹
pon3 12944
157 17 𨃞
põn pán to sit cross-legged.⁸ the feet bent.²ʼ²⁵ the feet bent; cross-legged.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱般足; U+280DE).
pon3 12945
157 17 𨃟
põn pán ➀ (=𨃞❄{⿱般足} põn pán to sit cross-legged.⁸ the feet bent.²ʼ²⁵ the feet bent; cross-legged.¹⁰¹).¹⁰¹
➁ (=蹒[蹣] põn
pán to limp.⁷ʼ¹⁴).²
➂ (=蹒[蹣] mõn
pán or mõn mán to jump over (a wall).²ʼ²⁵).²
(composition: ⿰⻊般; U+280DF).
❄{⿰⻊般}跚 põn-sän pánshān to limp.¹⁰¹
(See 𨃞❄{⿱般足} põn)
pon3 12946
157 18 põn pán to limp.⁷ʼ¹⁴
步态蹒跚[步態蹣跚] bù-häi-põn-sän bùtài pánshān walk with unsteady/tottering steps; walk with a faltering pace; walk haltingly.⁶
步履蹒跚[步履蹣跚] bù-lî-põn-sän
bùlǚ pánshān walk haltingly; hobble along; stumble forward; stagger along; totter.⁶
蹒跚[蹣跚] põn-sän
pánshān walk haltingly; limp; hobble.⁵
蹒跚的走[蹣跚的走] põn-sän-ēik-dēo pánshāndezǒu to limp around; to walk with a waddle.¹⁴
蹒跚而行[蹣而行] põn-sän-ngĩ-hãng
pánshān'érxíng stumble about/along/around.⁶
<又> mõn.
(See 蹣 [mõn, mán]; 蹣 [mõn, pán].)
pon3 12947
190 20 põn pán dressed hair in a horizontal way.⁸ a sleeping knot.²⁵
(composition: ⿱髟般; U+4C09).
䰉头[䰉頭] põn-hẽo pántóu an ornament made of curled hair.²⁵
<又> bän.
(See 䰉 bän).
pon3 12948
9 7 pôn bàn <台> 冇伴 mäo-pôn have no companion; by oneself; lonely.
<又> bòn. (See 伴 bòn.)
pon5 12949
149 17 pōng bàng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 谤[謗] bōng  bàng with same meaning: <wr.> slander; defame; vilify.⁵  slander; libel; condemn.⁷)
t: ⿰訁旁; U+8B17). (comp. s: ⿰讠旁; U+8C24).
<又> bōng.
(See 謗 bōng.)
pong1 12950
9 12 põng páng by the side of, the side; to depend on; (=旁 põng páng).¹⁴
(composition: ⿰亻旁; U+508D).
傍边的人[傍邊的人] põng-bëin-ēik-ngĩn
pángbiānderén a bystander.¹⁴
傍不相干 põng-būt-xëng-gön
pángbùxiānggān nothing to do with anyone else.¹⁴
傍处[傍處] põng-chuī
pángchù another neighborhood or place.¹⁴
傍系 põng-hài
pángxì collateral descent.¹⁴
傍立 põng-lìp
pánglì standing by the side.¹⁴
傍人 põng-ngĩn
pángrén a bystanders; to depend on a person.¹⁴
傍徨 põng-võng
pánghuáng walking back and forth; irresolute.¹⁴
<又> bäng, bòng.
(See 傍 bäng, 傍 bòng.)
pong3 12951
30 13 põng pǎng <topo.> to brag, to boast, to exaggerate, to blow one's own trumpet, to sing one's own praises, to talk big.⁶
开嗙[開嗙] höi-põng kāipǎng to brag.¹¹
胡吹乱嗙[胡吹亂嗙] vũ-chuï-lòn-põng
húchuīluànpǎng to boast outregeously, to talk big, to shoot one's mouth off.⁶
pong3 12952
43 7 põng páng variegated; untidy; (=庞[龐] põng páng huge; innumerable and disordered; face; Pang surname.⁵)
t: ⿺尤彡; U+5C28).
s: ⿷尤彡; U+5C28). Note: Same codepoint for both forms. The traditional character is displayed in Yu Gothic font to render it correctly on a desktop using Google Chrome. The simplified character is displayed in Segoe UI font.
<又> lũng, mõng, mũng.
(See 尨 lũng; 尨 mõng; 尨 mũng; 龐 põng).
pong3 12953
60 7 põng páng
hesitating; unsettled.⁷
彷徨 or 旁皇 põng-võng pánghuáng to pace back and forth; to hesitate; to be indecisive.¹⁰ undecided; agitated.¹⁴
彷徨不定 põng-võng-būt-èin
pánghuángbùdìng to feel hesitant, to be wavering.⁶
彷徨歧途 põng-võng-kĩ-hũ
pánghuángqítú to hesitate at the crossroads.⁶
彷徨歧路 põng-võng-kĩ-lù
pánghuángqílù (=彷徨歧途 põng-võng-kĩ-hũ pánghuángqítú) to hesitate at the crossroads.⁶
彷徨无家[彷徨無家] or 徬徨无家[徬徨無家] põng-võng-mũ-gä
pánghuángwújiā in doubt, not knowing where to go, not having a home.¹⁴
彷徉 põng-yẽng
pángyáng <wr.> to loiter, roam, wander, linger, hang around, loaf about.⁶ unsettled, doubtful; to roam about.⁷ unsettled; doubtful.¹⁴
<又> fōng.
(See 彷 fōng.)
pong3 12954
60 13 põng páng
(=彷 põng páng hesitating; unsettled.¹⁴ to wander about; to walk along side of.¹³ to walk by the side, as the driver of a cart.²⁴
(composition: ⿰彳旁; U+5FAC).
or 旁皇 põng-võng pánghuáng to hesitate, be hesitant.¹¹
徬徨无家[徬徨無家] põng-võng-mũ-gä
pánghuángwújiā in doubt, not knowing where to go, not having a home.¹⁴
徬徨无计[徬徨無計] põng-võng-mũ-gäi
pánghuángwújì agitated; not knowing what to do.¹⁴
(See 彷 põng.)
pong3 12955
61 13 põng páng fear; dread; fright; scare.⁸
(composition: ⿰忄旁; U+396C).
㥬惶 põng-võng pánghuáng alarmed, afraid.²⁴
pong3 12956
63 8 põng páng 阿房宫[阿房宮] Ö Põng Güng Ē Páng Gōng Epang Palace in Xi'an (西安 Xäi-ön Xī'ān), started by 秦始皇 Tũn-Chī-Võng Qín Shǐ Huáng Qin Shi Huang but never completed.¹⁵
房皇 põng-võng
pánghuáng (=徬徨 or 彷徨 põng-võng pánghuáng) to pace back and forth; to hesitate; to be indecisive.¹⁰
<又> fông.
(See 房 fông.)
pong3 12957
70 8 põng páng (=旁 põng páng) side, by the side of; nearby.⁸  everywhere diffused.²⁴
(composition: ⿱亠⿹勹方 or ⿱二⿹勹方; U+3AC4).
(See 旁 põng).
pong3 12958
70 10 põng páng side; other; the right-hand side of split Chinese character, often the phonetic.
旁边[旁邊] põng-bëin pángbiān side.⁵
旁观[旁觀] põng-gön
pángguān spectator.
旁系 põng-hài
pángxì collateral branch –  of a family.¹⁴
旁敲侧击[旁敲側擊] põng-hāo-jāk-gēik
pángqiāocèjī to attack by innuendo.
旁听[旁聽] põng-hëng
pángtīng to audit a class.
旁鹜[旁鶩] põng-mù
pángwù <wr.> inattentive; seeking something other than one's profession, work; having one's interest drawn to other subjects.⁶
旁若无人[旁若無人] põng-ngèk-mũ-ngĩn
pángruòwúrén self-assured; supercilious.
旁人 põng-ngĩn
pángrén a bystanders; an outsider.¹⁴
旁魄 põng-pāk
pángpò (=旁礡 or 旁薄 põng-bòk pángbó expansive, expanding, free (of air, manner), bold (art style).¹¹ (See also 磅礴 põng-bòk pángbó).
or 彷徨 põng-võng pánghuáng to pace back and forth; to hesitate; to be indecisive.¹⁰
一旁 yīt-põng
yīpáng one side.
pong3 12959
85 13 põng pāng <wr.> (of the momentum of water) great; (of water) gushing, pouring, rushing.⁶ heavy rain.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰氵旁; U+6EC2).
大雨滂沱 ài-yî-põng-hõ or ài-yî-põng-hũ dàyǔpāngtuó It's raining in torrents.⁵
涕泗滂沱 häi-xü-põng-hõ
or häi-xü-põng-hũ tìsìpāngtuó  be drenched with tears and snivel.⁶
滂湃 põng-bäi
pāngpài (of water) roaring and rushing.⁵
or 滂浡 põng-bòt pāngbó <wr.> convulsed, agitated (of air under pressure).¹¹ turbulent (of moving water).⁵⁴
滂沱 põng-hõ
or põng-hũ pāngtuó ➀ (of rain) pouring; torrential; raining heavily ➁ (of tears) streaming down; in streams; crying profusely ➂ (literary) vast; plentiful; overflowing  ➃ (literary) rich in variety; sumptuous; lavish    (literary, of water) flowing far and wide.³⁶
滂沱大雨 põng-hũ-ài-yî
or põng-hõ-ài-yî pāngtuódàyǔ pouring/torrential rain.⁶ copious rain.¹⁴
滂沛 põng-pöi
pāngpèi <wr.> (of rain) torrential, pouring, pelting.⁶ copious rain.¹⁴
滂洋 põng-yẽng
pāngyáng extensive; vast.¹⁴
pong3 12960
93 11 põng máng black and white cow.⁹ a piebald ox.²⁴
牻牛儿烯[牻牛兒烯] põng-ngẽo-ngĩ-hï mángniúérxī Germacrenes, a class of volatile organic hydrocarbons, specifically, sesquiterpenes.¹⁵ʼ²⁹
牻牛儿糖[牻牛兒糖] põng-ngẽo-ngĩ-hõng
mángniúértáng or 牻牛儿醇[牻牛兒醇] põng-ngẽo-ngĩ-sũn mángniúérchún or 香叶醇[香葉醇] hëng-yêp-sũn xiāngyèchún Geraniol, a monoterpenoid and an alcohol. It is the primary component of rose oil.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ʼ²⁹
牻牛儿苗科[牻牛兒苗科] põng-ngẽo-ngĩ-mẽl-fö
mángniúérmiáokē Geraniaceae, a family of flowering plants placed in the order Geraniales. The family name is derived from the genus Geranium.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
牻牛儿酸[牻牛兒酸] põng-ngẽo-ngĩ-xön
mángniúérsuān geranic acid, or 3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadienoic acid, a pheromone used by some organisms.¹⁵ʼ²⁹
pong3 12961
112 15 põng páng (composition: ⿰石旁; U+78C5).
大气磅礴[大氣磅礴] ài-hï-põng-bòk dàqìpángbó of great momentum; grand and magnificent.³⁹
气势磅礴[氣勢磅礴] hï-säi-põng-bòk
qìshìpángbó of great momentum; grand and magnificent; powerful.⁹
磅礴 põng-bòk
pángbó boundless, majestic; extensive; fill, permeate.⁵
磅硠 põng-lõng
pángláng reverberating sounds of falling rocks; descriptive of the sounds of drum-beating or of falling stones.¹¹
<又> bòng.
(See 磅 [bòng, bàng]; 磅 [bòng, bāng].)
pong3 12962
115 15 põng páng a variety of panicled millet, a small coarse grain resembling sorghum.⁸
(composition: ⿰禾旁; U+416D).
䅭䅣 põng-võng pánghuáng another name for 穄 däi panicled millet.⁷
pong3 12963
118 16 põng páng bamboo dustpan; a species of bamboo.⁸
篣筤 põng-lõng pángláng a bamboo container for holding tea leaves.¹⁹
<又> pãng.
(See 篣 pãng.)
pong3 12964
119 16 𥻭
põng páng panicled millet.⁸
(composition: ⿰米旁; U+25EED).
𥻭❄{⿰米旁}䊗 põng-võng pánghuáng sacrificial rice.²⁵
pong3 12965
130 10 põng páng to swell.⁹ (cf 肨 bòn pàng).
(composition: ⿰月夅; U+80EE).
胮不起来[胮不起來] põng-būt-hī-lõi
pángbùqǐlai it will not swell.¹⁴
胮肛 põng-göng
pánggāng to swell, as with a tumor.¹⁴ swelled up large.²⁵
胮胀[胮脹] põng-jëng
pángzhàng dropical.¹⁴
胮肿[胮腫] põng-jūng pángzhǒng to swell up.¹⁴
pong3 12966
130 14 põng bǎng wing.⁶
翅膀 chï-põng chìbǎng wing; ability; wing-like thing.⁶
膀儿[膀兒] põng-ngĩ
bǎngr <topo.> the wings of a bird.⁵⁴
(See 膀 bōng, [põng, páng].)
pong3 12967
130 14 põng páng the bladder.⁷
膀胱 põng-göng pángguāng urinary bladder.⁹
膀胱结石[膀胱結石] põng-göng-gēik-sêk
pángguāng jiēshí stone in the bladder.¹¹
膀胱癌 põng-göng-ngãm
pángguāng'ái bladder cancer.⁷
膀胱炎 põng-göng-yèm
pángguāngyán inflammation of the bladder.¹¹
(See 膀 bōng, [põng, bǎng].)
pong3 12968
137 12 põng páng (composition: ⿰舟夅; U+823D).
舽舡 põng-hëng pángxiāng a local term for a vessel; a vessel used on the east of China; anything large and stupid.²⁵
舽艭 põng-söng
pángshuāng a ship.²⁵
pong3 12969
140 13 põng páng (composition: ⿱艹旁; U+84A1)
蒡葧 põng-bòt pángbó <old>=茼蒿 hũng-häo or tũng-häo tónghāo crown daisy; garland chrysanthemum (Glebionis coronaria, formerly called Chrysanthemum coronarium).¹⁵ʼ¹⁹ʼ²⁰ the stamen of a flower.²⁵
<又> bōng.
(See 蒡 bōng).
pong3 12970
142 16 põng páng crab.⁸
(composition: ⿰虫旁; U+8783).
螃蟹 põng-hāi pángxiè crab.¹¹
螃蜞 põng-kĩ
pángqí or 蟛蜞 pãng-kĩ/ péngqí amphibious crab; brackish-water crab.⁶ a species of small crabs, Grapsus species.¹¹
螃蜞菊 põng-kĩ-gūk
pángqíjú or 蟛蜞菊 pãng-kĩ-gūk péngqíjú (Wedelia chinensis).⁶ (Note: old name for 黄花蜜菜[黃花蜜菜] võng-fä-mìt-töi huánghuāmìcài (Sphagneticola calendulacea).²⁰
螃蜢 põng-māng
pángměng grasshopper.²⁹
pong3 12971
162 9 põng páng Pang surname.
逄逄 põng-põng pángpáng sound of drums.⁸
pong3 12972
162 10 põng páng A surname​.³⁶
(composition: ⿺辶夆; U+9022).
<又> fũng; pũng. (See 逢 fũng; 逢 pũng).
pong3 12973
173 12 põng pāng (=滂 põng pāng heavy rain.¹⁴); snowing heavily.⁸ heavy(when refering to snowfall).⁹ heavy fall of rain or snow.¹⁰ (of clouds) immense.¹¹ (of snow) heavy; (of rain) pouring.²⁹
(composition: ⿱雨方; U+96F1).
雱雱 põng-põng
pāngpāng rain and snow in abundance.¹⁹
雨雪其雱 yî-xūt-kĩ-põng
yǔxuěqípāng it snows-and it is heavy snow.¹¹ rain and snow in abundance.²⁵
<又> föng.
(See 雱 föng; 滂 põng, in the sense of torrential, heavy).
pong3 12974
173 21 põng pāng (=滂 põng pāng <wr.> (of the momentum of water) great; (of water) gushing, pouring, rushing.⁶).² downpouring of rain.⁸ heavy rain.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱雨滂;  U+9736).
霶飙[霶飆] põng-bël
pāngbiāo torrential rain and fierce winds.¹⁹
or 滂浡 põng-bòt pāngbó (of  waves) surging powerfully.⁵⁴
or 滂沲 or 滂沱 põng-hõ or põng-hũ pāngtuó
➀ (
of rain) pouring; torrential; raining heavily ➁ (of tears) streaming down; in streams; crying profusely ➂ (literary) vast; plentiful; overflowing  ➃ (literary) rich in variety; sumptuous; lavish    (literary, of water) flowing far and wide.³⁶
霶霈 põng-pöi
pāngpèi a downpour of rain.⁸
pong3 12975
180 15 𩐨
põng páng the sound of a drum.²ʼ²⁵
(composition: ⿰音夅 U+29428).
pong3 12976
195 21 põng páng 鳑鲏[鰟鮍] põng-pĩ pángpí bitterling (a fish).⁵
pong3 12977
207 17 𪔍
põng páng the sound of a drum.²ʼ³⁶
(composition: ⿱鼓丰 U+2A50D).
pong3 12978
207 19 𪔔
põng páng the sound of a drum.²ʼ²⁵
(composition: ⿱鼓夅; U+2A514).
pong3 12979
212 18 põng páng (=庞[龐] põng páng huge; innumerable and disordered; face; Pang surname.⁵ a high house; confused.¹⁴ disorderly, messy; huge, big; large house; face; shrine of the dragon god, house for dragon.³⁶
t: ⿸厂龍; U+9F8E). (comp. s: ⿸厂龙; U+5390).
or 敦庞[敦龐] ùn-põng dūnpáng rich and abundant.¹⁹
pong3 12980
212 19 põng páng huge; innumerable and disordered; face; Pang surname.⁵ a high house; confused.¹⁴ disorderly, messy; huge, big; large house; face; shrine of the dragon god, house for dragon.³⁶
(comp. t: ⿸广龍; U+9F90). (comp. s: ⿸广龙; U+5E9E).
脸庞[臉龐] lêm-põng
liǎnpáng face.¹⁰
面庞[面龐] mèin-põng
miànpáng face.⁵
庞大[龐大] põng-ài
pángdà huge; enormous; colossal; gigantic.⁵
庞杂[龐雜] põng-dàp
pángzá numerous and jumbled.⁵ disorderly; confused; not observing proper distinctions.¹⁴
庞克[龐克] põng-hāk
pángkè (music) punk (loanword).¹⁰
庞眉皓发[龐眉皓髮] põng-mĩ-hào-fāt
pángméihàofà white hair and long eyebrows (of old person).¹¹ shaggy eyebrows and hoary head – aged.¹⁴
庞然大物[龐然大物] põng-ngẽin-ài-mùt
or põng-ngẽin-ài-mòt pángrándàwù huge monster; colossus; giant.⁵
庞儿[龐兒] põng-ngĩ
pángr face.¹¹
庞庞[龐龐] põng-põng pángpáng large and fat appearance; sound of drums.⁸
庞错[龐錯] põng-tö
pángcuò disorderly; confused.⁷  in disorder – used of the times.¹⁴
<又> lũng; pũng.
(See 龐 lũng; 龐 pũng).

pong3 12981
127 16 pòng pǎng loosen soil with a hoe.⁵
耪地 pòng-ì pǎngdì hoe the soil.⁵ hoe the field.⁶
耪玉米 pòng-ngùk-māi
pǎngyùmǐ hoe the maize/corn.⁶
pong4 12982
96 8 pông bàng a kind of gem inferior to jade; a ancient placename in present Henan province.⁸
(composition: ⿰𤣩丰; U+73A4).
pong5 12983
112 12 pông bàng (<old>=蚌 pông bàng) freshwater mussel; clam.⁶
<又> mông.
(See 蚌 [pông, bàng]; 硥 mông.)
pong5 12984
142 10 pông bàng freshwater mussel; clam.⁶ (variants: 蜯, 蛖, 蚄, 硥 pông bàng).
老蚌生珠 lāo-pông-säng-jî
lǎobàngshēngzhū an old clam yielding a pearl – having a son born in one's old age.⁶
蚌胎 pông-höi
bàngtāi the conception of an oyster – a pearl.⁷
蚌壳[蚌殼] pông-hôk
bàngké clamshell.⁶ mother-of-pearl.¹¹
蚌珠 pông-jî
bàngzhū a pearl.⁷
蚌类[蚌類] pông-luì
bànglèi mussel.¹⁰
蚌线[蚌線] pông-xëin
bàngxiàn <math.> conchoid.⁷
(See 蚌 [Pông, Bèng]; 蜯 pông; 蛖 pông; 蚄 pông; 硥 pông.)
pong5 12985
142 10 pông bàng (<old>=蚌 pông bàng) freshwater mussel; clam.⁶
<又> föng. (See 蚌 [pông, bàng]; 蚄 föng.)
pong5 12986
142 10 pông bèng 蚌埠 Pông-fèo Bèngbu Bengbu, prefecture level city in Anhui (安徽 Ön-fï Ānhuī) Province.
(See 蚌 [pông, bàng].)
pong5 12987
142 13 pông bàng (<old>=蚌 pông bàng) freshwater mussel; clam.⁶
(See 蚌 [pông, bàng].)
pong5 12988
142 14 pông bàng (=蚌 pông bàng) freshwater mussel; clam.⁶
(See 蚌 [pông, bàng].)
pong5 12989
64 7 pöt to push; to expel, to shirk; to decline, to row, to wipe and clean, to strike; to beat, to be rampant in defiance of authority.¹⁰ to strike with the hand; to smite; to push.²⁴
pot2 12990
85 15 pöt <台> 泼扇[潑扇] pöt-sën to fan.
<台> 泼水[潑水] pöt-suī to toss the water out (of a bucket or pan).
<又> bōt. (See 潑 bōt.)
pot2 12991
164 19 pöt make (wine); brew wine.⁶ to brew for the second time.⁷
酦醅[醱醅] pöt-põi pōpēi <wr.> make wine; brew beer.⁶
<又> fät.
(See 醱 fät.)
pot2 12992
167 20 pöt farm tool; blade in both side with a long handle used to cut weeds, to exterminate; to settle disorders.⁸
pot2 12993
31 10 garden, cultivated field.⁸
(composition: ⿴囗甫; U+5703).
花圃 fä-pū huāpǔ flowerbed; parterre.¹⁰
折柳樊圃, 狂夫瞿瞿.
Jēt-liû-fãn-pū, kõng-fü-kuĩ-kuĩ.
Zhé liǔ fán pǔ, kuáng fū qú qú.
You fence your garden with branches of willow,
And the reckless fellows stand in awe.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·齊風·東方未明·3》, translated by James Legge).
苗圃 mẽl-pū
miáopǔ plant nursery; seedbed; Miao Pu (1977-), PRC actress.¹⁰
抱瓮灌圃 päo-ûng-gön-pū
bàowèngguànpǔ water the garden with a jar; do things in an unimaginative (inefficient) way; expend much effort with little results.⁵⁴
菜圃 töi-pū
càipǔ vegetable field; vegetable bed.¹⁰
pu1 12994
72 12 common; Pu surname.
科普 fö-pū kēpǔ science popularization.⁶
甘霖普降 gäm-lĩm-pū-göng
gānlínpǔjiàng <wr.> Seasonable rain has fallen everywhere.
吉普 gīt-pū
jípǔ <loan> Jeep.
普查 pū-chã
pǔchá general investigation or survey; reconnaissance survey.
普及 pū-gèp
pǔjí to popularize; to disseminate; to spread; universal; popular.
普天下 pū-hëin-hà
pǔtiānxià throughout the world.
普陀山 Pūhõsän
or  Pūhũsän Pǔtuóshān Mount Putuo in Zhejiang Province (浙江 Jēt-göng Zhèjiāng).²³
普通 pū-hüng
pǔtōng ordinary; common; average.⁵
普通话[普通話] Pū-hüng-và
Pǔtōnghuà Putonghua; common speech; standard language; Mandarin Chinese.
普通秧鸡[普通秧雞] pū-hüng-yëng-gäi
pǔtōngyāngjī water rail (Rallus aquaticus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
or 普遍 or 溥徧 or 溥遍 pū-pëin pǔbiàn pervading everywhere.⁷
pu1 12995
82 16 a thick, rough sege from Tibet.¹⁴
氆氇[氆氌] pū-lû pǔlu woolen fabric produced in Tibet for making blankets, garments, etc.⁶ Tibetan wool fabric.⁹
pu1 12996
85 10 riverside, river mouth; Pu surname.⁵
(composition: ⿰氵甫; U+6D66).
浦口 Pū-hēo or Pũ-hēo Pǔkǒu Pukou district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu (江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū).¹⁰
浦东 Pū-üng
or Pũ-üng Pǔdōng Pudong, subprovincial district of Shanghai.¹⁰
黄浦江[黃浦江] Võng-pū-göng
Huángpǔ Jiāng Huangpu River.⁶
截彼淮浦 Dèik-bī-vãi-pū.
Jié bǐ huái pǔ.
Securely kept was the country about the bank of the Huai.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·蕩之什·常武·4》, translated by James Legge).
<又> pũ.
(See 浦 pũ.)
pu1 12997
85 13 great, wide, vast; universal.⁷ Pu surname.¹⁰ extensive; pervading; universal.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰氵尃; U+6EA5).
溥被 pū-bì pǔbèi to spread widely.⁷
溥博 pū-bōk
pǔbó inclusive and extensive.⁷ extensive and vast; all embracing.¹⁴
溥博如天 Pū-bōk-nguĩ-hëin.
Pǔ bó rú tiān.
All-embracing and vast, he is like Heaven.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·中庸·32》, translated by James Legge).
or 普天同庆[普天同慶] pū-hëin-hũng-hëin pǔtiāntóngqìng simultaneously celebrated everywhere under the sun; universally celebrated.⁷
溥天之下 pū-hëin-jï-hà
pǔtiānzhīxià everywhere under the sun.⁷
溥漠 pū-mōk
pǔmò vast — as the sea.¹⁴
溥仪[溥儀] Pū Ngĩ
Pǔ Yí, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty.⁷
溥仁 pū-ngĩn
pǔrén universal benevolence.¹⁴
溥原 pū-ngũn
pǔyuán an extensive plain; a prairie.⁷
or 溥遍 or 普徧 or 普遍 pū-pëin pǔbiàn pervading everywhere.⁷ to extend on all sides.¹⁴
pu1 12998
101 7 甫里 pū-lî pǔlǐ toponymy; rites and music from Emperor Yao; southeastern.⁸² (Cf. 甫里 fū-lî).
<又> fū, pü.
(See 甫 fū; 甫 pü.)
pu1 12999
130 11 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 脯 fū with same meaning: dried meat; preserved fruit.⁵)
<又> fū.
(See 脯 fū; 脯 [pū, pú]).
pu1 13000
130 11 chest; breast.⁵
鸡脯[雞脯] gäi-pū jīpú chicken breast.⁵
胸脯 hüng-pū
xiōngpú chest.⁵
脯子[脯子] pū-dū
púzi breast meat (of chicken, duck).⁵
<又> fū.
(See 脯 fū; 脯 [pū, fǔ]).
pu1 13001
149 19 table, chart; register; manual; guide; music score; to set to music; to compose (music).
低音谱号[低音譜號] äi-yïm-pū-hào dīyīnpǔhào <mus.> bass clef; F clef.
族谱[族譜] dùk-pū
zúpǔ genealogical record; family history; lineage.¹⁰
家谱[家譜] gä-pū
jiāpǔ family tree; genealogy.
高音谱号[高音譜號] gäo-yïm-pū-hào gāoyīnpǔhào <mus.> treble clef; G clef.
歌谱[歌譜] gô-pū
gēpǔ music of a song.⁶
光谱[光譜] göng-pū
guāngpǔ spectrum.
棋谱[棋譜] kĩ-pū
qípǔ chess manual.
离谱[離譜] lĩ-pū
lípǔ <topo.> beyond reasonable limits; excessive; irregular.
谱表[譜表] pū-bēl
pǔbiǎo <mus.> stave; staff; musical notation.
谱子[譜子] pū-dū
pǔzi music score; music.
谱牒[譜牒] pū-èp
pǔdié <wr.> family/genealogical tree; genealogy.⁶
谱号[譜號] pū-hào
pǔhào <mus.> clef.
谱写[譜寫] pū-xēh
pǔxiě to compose (music).
食谱[食譜] sèik-pū
shípǔ recipes; cookbook; menu.
pu1 13002
167 20 praseodymium (Pr).⁶
pu1 13003
64 8 disseminate; scatter; diffuse.⁸ to spread.³⁶ to hold, to loosen. to scatter, as dust; to strike.²⁴
(General note about 抪: sources 8, 24, and 102 do not agree on the reading or meaning; this confusion may have arisen because the Kangxi reading of pü pū, 'to hold; some say to relax; scattered; covered with dust; to strike or to hit' quoting from 【唐韻】 【集韻】 【說文】 【前漢·中山靖王傳】 and【王莽傳】 has another reading of bü on the next line, quoting from 【唐韻】 【集韻】 【韻會】 【正韻】 and states that it has the same meaning).
(composition: ⿰扌布; U+62AA).
抪摆[抪擺] pü-bāi
pūbǎi to injure a person.²⁴
<又> bü.
(See 抪 bü).
pu2 13004
101 7 a distance of ten li.⁸
一甫路 yīt-pü-lù yīpùlù a unit of measurement equivalent to ten li (里 lî ) or 5 kilometers.¹³ (cf. <台> 一舖路 yīt-pü-lù).
<又> fū, pū.
(See 甫 fū; 甫 pū.)
pu2 13005
104 12 a disease; an ailment.⁸ sickness.²⁴ sickness, weakness; atrophy, wasting; internal obstruction.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿸疒甫; U+75E1).
我仆痡矣[ 我僕痡矣] ngô-bùk-pü-yì wǒpúpūyǐ And my servants were [also] disabled.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·周南·卷耳·》, translated by James Legge). my servants are disabled.¹⁰²
毒痡四海 ùk-pü-xï-hōi
dúpūsìhǎi he has poisoned and sickened all within the four seas. (Excerpt from 《尚書·周書·泰誓下·泰誓下》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ he grievously afflicted (poisoned and sickened) the whole empire.¹⁰²
<又> fù; bù.
(See 痡 fù; 痡 bù).
pu2 13006
112 10 to split.
破柴 pü-châi or pö-châi pòchái to split firewood.
又 pö.
(See 破 pö).
pu2 13007
135 15 (=铺[鋪] pü ) a shop, a store.¹⁴ (variant: 舗 pü ).
(composition: ⿰舍甫; U+8216).
杂货舖[雜貨舖] dàp-fö-pü
záhuòpù a general store.¹⁴
开舖子[開舖子] höi-pü-dū
kāipùzi to open a shop.¹⁴
舖底 pü-āi
pùdǐ shop fixtures.¹⁴
舖保 pü-bāo
pùbǎo guarantee for a person, given by a shopkeeper.¹⁴
舖子 pü-dū
pùzi a shop or place of business.¹⁴
舖店 pü-ëm
pùdiàn a shop or an inn.¹⁴
舖伙 pü-fō
pùhuǒ a clerk; a waiter.⁷
舖夥 pü-fō
pùhuǒ shop assistants.¹⁴
舖户[舖戶] pü-fù
pùhù shopkeepers.¹⁴
舖家 pü-gä
pùjiā tradesmen.¹⁴
舖规[舖規] pü-kï
pùguī shop rules.¹⁴
舖面 pü-mèin
pùmiàn shop front.¹⁴
舖东[舖東] pü-üng
pùdōng or 财东[財東] tõi-üng cáidōng the moneyed partner.¹⁴
<台> 金舖 gïm-pü a gold jewelry store.
<台> 开舖头[開舖頭] höi-pü-hẽo/ to open a store/shop.
<台> 舖头[舖頭] pü-hẽo/ store; shop.
<台> 一舖路 yīt-pü-lù ten li (里 lî
) or 5 kilometers.
(cf. 一甫路 yīt-pü-lù
(See 鋪 [pü, ]; 舗 pü).
pu2 13008
135 15 (<old>=舖 pü store, shop).⁸
(composition: ⿰舎甫; U+8217).
(See 舖 pü  ⿰舍甫; U+8216).
pu2 13009
167 15 shop, store; plank bed; courier station in old times, now often used in place names.⁶
床铺[床鋪] chõng-pü chuángpù bed.¹⁰
店铺[店鋪] ëm-pü
diànpù store; shop.¹⁰
卧铺[臥鋪] ngò-pü
wòpù sleeping berth; couchette.⁸
当铺[當鋪] öng-pü
dàngpù a pawnshop.⁷
铺保[鋪保] pü-bāo
pùbǎo shop guarantee.⁶
铺子[鋪子] pü-dū
pùzi store; shop.¹⁰
铺面[鋪面] pü-mèin
pùmiàn shop/store front; sales area.⁶ (See 铺面[鋪面] pü-mèin pūmiàn pavement).
铺位[鋪位] pü-vì
pùwèi bunk; berth.⁶
<台> 铺[鋪] pü (1 鋪 = 10 市里 or 里 = 5 公里) five kilometers.
<台> 铺头[鋪頭] pü-hẽo a shop; a store.
<台> 收铺[收鋪] siü-pü to close the store for the day.
(See 鋪 [pü, ]; 舖 pü.)
pu2 13010
167 15 spread, extend, unfold; pave, lay; <topo> <m.> for 炕 köng kàng.⁶
铺陈[鋪陳] pü-chĩn
pūchén arrange, decorate; narrate in detail, elaborate; <topo.> bedclothes, bedding.⁶
铺床[鋪床] pü-chõng
pūchuáng make the bed; spread bedding on the bed.⁶
铺垫[鋪墊] pü-dëin
pūdiàn bedding; to spread; foreshadow.⁶
铺叙[鋪敘] pü-duì
pūxù narrate in detail.⁶
铺天盖地[鋪天蓋地] pü-hëin-köi-ì
pūtiāngàidì blanket the  sky and the earth – come in large quantities; flood in.⁶
铺张[鋪張] pü-jëng
pūzhāng extravagant; exaggerated.⁶
铺张扬厉[鋪張揚厲] pü-jëng-yẽng-lài
pūzhāngyánglì praise extravagantly; indulge in extravagance and ostentation.⁶
铺盖[鋪蓋] pü-köi
pūgai bedding; bedclothes.⁶
铺盖[鋪蓋] pü-köi
pūgài spread out a sheet; cover with something; spread (evenly) over.⁶
铺面[鋪面] pü-mèin
pūmiàn paving; pavement.¹⁰
铺平[鋪平] pü-pẽin
pūpíng smooth out; spread something out smoothly; pave.⁶
(See 鋪 [pü, ]; 舖 pü.)
pu2 13011
20 9 crawl; lie prostrate.⁸
(composition: ⿹勹甫; U+530D).
匍匐 or 匍伏 pũ-bàk or pũ-fùk púfú to crawl; to creep.
匍匐救之 Pũ-fùk-giü-jï
Púfú jiù zhī I crawled on my knees to help them.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·邶風·谷風·4》, translated by James Legge).
匍匐植物 pũ-bàk-jèik-mùt
or pũ-bàk-jèik-mòt or pũ-fùk-jèik-mùt or pũ-fùk-jèik-mòt púfúzhíwù creeper.
匍匐前进[匍匐前進] pũ-bàk-tẽin-dïn
or pũ-fùk-tẽin-dïn púfú qiánjìn to crawl forward.
pu3 13012
38 11 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 婆 põ with same meaning.)
<台> 老婆仔 lāo-pũ-dōi old woman. (cf <台> 老婆 lāo-pû wife.)
<又> põ, pû.
(See 婆 põ, pû.)
pu3 13013
64 10 (composition: ⿰扌步; U+6357).
捗攎 pũ-lũ púlú to collect mixed grass.¹³ʼ¹⁹ʼ⁵⁴ to gather, to pick up straws.²⁴
<又> bù; jēik.
(See 捗 bù; 捗 jēik).
pu3 13014
85 10 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 浦 pū with same meaning: riverside, river mouth; Pu surname.⁵)
(composition: ⿰氵甫; U+6D66).
<又> pū.
(See 浦 pū.)
pu3 13015
106 17 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 皤 põ with the same meaning: <wr.> white; (of the belly) big.⁶ white; grey.¹⁴)
<又> bö, põ.
(See 皤 bö, põ.)
pu3 13016
112 10 https://img.zdic.net/kai/cn/20018.svg,https://img.zdic.net/kai/cn/20018.svg
tuó (=鉈 pũ tuó;tuó) sliding weight of a steelyard.⁶
秤砣 chêin-pũ
or chêin-hõ chèngtuó (=秤锤[秤錘] chêin-juì chèngchuí) sliding weight of a steelyard; weight.⁶
<又> hõ.
(See 砣 hõ; 𥓿❄{⿰石⿱左⺝} hõ; 𥓿❄{⿰石⿱左⺝} pũ; 鉈 hõ; 鉈 pũ.)
pu3 13017
112 14 𥓿
tuó (=砣 pũ tuó;tuó) sliding weight of a steelyard.⁶ a stone roller; a heavy stone; a weight; a plummet.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰石⿱左⺝; U+254FF)
❄{⿰石⿱左⺝} chêin-pũ or chêin-hõ chèngtuó (=秤锤[秤錘] chêin-juì chèngchuí) sliding weight of a steelyard; weight.⁶
<又> hõ.
(See 砣 pũ tuó; 𥓿❄{⿰石⿱左⺝} hõ.)
pu3 13018
140 10 short for Putian county; a kind of legendary tree; Pu surname.⁸
莆田 Pũ-hẽin Pútián Putian, a county in 福建 Fūk-gèin Fújiàn Fujian Province.⁸
莆仙戏[莆仙戲] Pũ-xëin-hï
Púxiānxì a Fujian local opera.⁸
pu3 13019
140 10 (composition: ⿱艹步; U+8379).
荹攎 pũ-lũ púlú or bù-lũ bùlú  to collect various mixed grass.¹⁹ to arrange disordered grass.²⁵
<又> bù.
(See 荹 bù).
pu3 13020
140 11 Bodhisattva.³⁵ a herb; transliteration of a Sanskrit sound.¹⁴
观音菩萨[觀音菩薩] Gön-yïm Pũ-xät Guānyīn púsà A Bodhisattva in Chinese Mahayana, also called 观音大士[觀音大士] Gön-yïm ài-xù Guānyīn dàshì.⁹  Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion or Goddess of Mercy (Sanskrit Avalokiteśvara).¹⁰
菩达[菩達] pũ-àt
púdá bitter melon.⁰ (See 蒲达[蒲達] pũ-àt).
菩提 pũ-hãi
pútí intellignece; enlightenment; Sanskrit: bôdhi.¹⁴
菩提子 pũ-hãi-dū
pútízǐ beads of a rosary,¹⁴
菩提树[菩提樹] pũ-hãi-sì
pútíshù the Ficus religiosa, often called the 'Bo' tree; also used for the linden.¹⁴ pipal tree (Ficus religiosa); 'bo' fig tree; Bodhi tree (sacred to Buddhism and Hinduism).³⁵
菩提画[菩提畫] pũ-hãi-và
pútíhvà leaf pictures.¹⁴
菩萨[菩薩] Pũ-xät
Púsà or 菩提薩埵 Pũ-hãi-xät-ū Pútísàduǒ bodhisattva.⁹ bodhisattva — "he whose essence is intelligence"; one who has become ready for Nirvana, but who refrains from the next step in order to remain and benefit mankind — commonly used for idols.¹⁴
小菩萨[小菩薩] xēl-pũ-xät
xiǎopúsà doll, term of endearment for baby.¹¹
pu3 13021
140 12 grape.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱艹匍; U+8461).
白葡萄酒 bàk-pũ-hão-diū báipútaojiǔ white wine.⁹
葡萄 pũ-hão pútao grape,
Vitis vinifera.⁹ (Grape in spoken Hoisanva is pãi-dū.)
葡萄酒 pũ-hão-diū
pútaojiǔ wine.⁸
葡萄干[葡萄乾] pũ-hão-gôn
pútaogān raisin.⁸ (Raisin in spoken Hoisanva is pãi-dū-gôn.)
葡萄藤 pũ-hão-hãng
pútáoténg grapevine; vine.⁹
葡萄糖 pũ-hão-hõng
pútaotáng glucose; grape sugar; dextrose.⁹
葡萄牙 Pũ-hão-ngã
Pútáoyá Portugal.⁹ (Portugal in spoken Hoisanva is Pũ-lũ-ngã/.)
葡萄园[葡萄園] pũ-hão-yõn
pútáoyuán vineyard.¹⁰
pu3 13022
140 13 refers to various monocotyledonous flowering plants including Acorus calamus and Typha orientalis; common cattail; bullrush; old place name; Pu surname.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱艹浦; U+84B2).
菖蒲 chëng-pũ
chāngpú sweet flag, sway or muskrat root.¹⁵ calamus; flag; flagleaf; Acorus calamus L.²³
香蒲 hëng-pũ
xiāngpú bulrush, bullrush, cumbungi, raupō (Typha orientalis Presl), aka 水蠟燭, 東方香蒲, 蒲黃, 蒲草, 蒲菜.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ <bot.> Typha orientalis, broadleaf cumbungi, bulrush, cattail.⁴³
蒲达[蒲達] pũ-àt
púdá 围头话[圍頭話] vĩ-hẽo-và/ wéitóu huà Weitou dialect for 苦瓜 fū-gä kǔguā bitter melon.⁰ (See 菩达[菩達] pũ-àt).
蒲公英 pũ-güng-yëin
púgōngyīng dandelion, Taraxacum mongolicum.⁴³
蒲葵 pũ-kĩ
púkuí Chinese fan palm, Livistona chinensis.⁴³
蒲圻 pũ-kĩ
púqí Puqi, old name for 赤壁市 chēik bēik sî chì bì shì Chibi county level city in 咸宁市[咸寧市] hãm nẽin sî xián níng shì Xianning, Hubei Province.⁵⁴
蒲草 pũ-tāo
púcǎo the stem or leaf of cattail; cattail; Typha angustifolia.³⁹
蒲苇[蒲葦] pũ-vī
púwěi pampas grass; cattail and reed; Cortaderia selloana; Phragmits communis.³⁹
pu3 13023
162 10 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 逋 bù <wr.> flee; fall into arrears.⁵⁵)
<又> bù.
(See 逋 bù.)
pu3 13024
164 14 <wr.> meet and drink together.⁶ drink with others; drink heavily.⁸ a drink fest.¹¹ to drink heavily; to drink in company.¹⁴ to drink largely; jolly, in high spirits, as from drink.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰酉甫; U+917A).
大酺 ài-pũ dàpú to quaff.¹⁰²
天下大酺 hëin-hà-ài-pũ
tiānxiàdàpú the country is greatly exhilirated or joyous.¹⁰²
酺五日 pũ-m̄-ngït
púwǔrì they drank for five days.¹⁰²
酺会[酺會] pũ-vòi
púhuì drink feast.¹⁹
酺燕 pũ-yên
púyàn drink with one's subjects or vassals.⁷
酺宴 pũ-yën
púyàn (=酺燕 pũ-yên púyàn) drink with one's subjects or vassals.⁷
pu3 13025
167 13 tuó (=砣 pũ tuó) sliding weight of a steelyard.⁶
秤铊[秤鉈] chêin-pũ
or chêin-hõ chèngtuó (=秤锤[秤錘] chêin-juì chèngchuí) sliding weight of a steelyard.⁵⁴
<又> hä; hõ.
(See 鉈 hä; 鉈 hõ; 砣 hõ; 砣 pũ.)
pu3 13026
38 11 old lady.
老婆 lāo-pû lǎopo old woman, <topo.> wife.¹¹
<台> 讨老婆[討老婆] hū-lāo-pû
or hō-lāo-pû to take a wife; to marry (a woman).
<台> 老婆 lāo-pû wife. (cf <台> 老婆仔 lāo-pũ-dōi old woman.)
<台> 老婆乸 lāo-pû-nā a married woman.
<又> põ, pũ.
(See 婆 põ, pũ.)
pu5 13027
9 4 pūk (composition: ⿰亻卜; U+4EC6).
仆街  pūk-gâi puk1 gaai1 pūjiē <Cant.> drop dead!; go to hell!¹⁰
<台> pūk to lie in a prone or prostate position.
<台> 打仆瞓 ā-pūk-fün to sleep in a prostrate position.
<又> fü, pük, pûk.
(See 仆 fü, pük, pûk, 僕 bùk.)
puk1 13028
9 4 pük (composition: ⿰亻卜; U+4EC6).
to fall forward; to fall prostrate.
<台> 仆反 pük-fān to fall forward; to fall flat on one's face.
<又> fü, pūk, pûk. (See 仆 fü, pūk, pûk, 僕 bùk.)
puk2 13029
9 4 pûk (composition: ⿰亻卜; U+4EC6).
<台> 起个仆[起個仆] hī-göi-pûk to develop a protuberance; swelling up.
<又> fü, pūk, pük. (See 仆 fü, pūk, pük, 僕 bùk.)
puk5 13030
30 11 𠴮
pün pēn to be angry; the same as 噴 pün pēn (to spurt; to spray.²² to vociferate, to blow the nose, to blow out the breath, to speak rapidly.²⁴).²⁴
(composition: ⿰口忿; U+20D2E).
(See 噴 [pün, pēn]).
pun2 13031
30 15 pün pèn (of smells) strong; (of vegetables, melons, fruits, fish) busy season; peak period/season; crop.⁶ fragrant, delicious.²²
(comp. t: ⿰口賁; U+5674). (comp. s: ⿰口贲; U+55B7).
香喷喷[香噴噴] hëng-pün-pün
xiāngpènpèn fragrant; delicious.²²
二喷棉花[二噴棉花] ngì-pün-mẽin-fä
èrpènmiánhua second crop of cotton.⁶
喷鼻儿香[噴鼻兒香] pün-bì-ngĩ-hëng
pènbírxiāng It smells sweet.²²
喷香[噴香] pün-hëng
pènxiāng extremely fragrant; delicious smelling; appetizing.⁶
喷红[噴紅] pün-hũng
pènhóng crimson.⁶
西瓜正在喷儿上[西瓜正在噴儿上] xäi-gä-jëin-dòi-pün-ngĩ-sèng
xīguāzhèngzàipènrshang Watermelons are in season now.
<又> pän.
(See 噴 pän, 噴 [pün, pēn].)
pun2 13032
30 15 pün pēn to spurt; to spray.²² to vociferate, to blow the nose, to blow out the breath, to speak rapidly.²⁴ (var: 𠴮❄{⿰口忿} pün).
t: ⿰口賁; U+5674). (comp. s: ⿰口贲; U+55B7).
喷嚏[噴嚏] pün-chì
pēntì to sneeze.²²
喷火山[噴火山] pün-fō-sän
pēnhuǒshān (=火山 fō-sän huǒshān) volcano.¹¹
喷气[噴氣] pün-hï
pēnqì to fret and rage.²⁴ jet; blast of air; spurt of gas.¹⁰
喷气式飞机[噴氣式飛機] pün-hï-sēik-fï-gï
pēnqìshì fēijī jet plane; jet aircraft.²²
喷雾[噴霧] pün-mù
pēnwù spraying.⁵
喷雾器[噴霧器] pün-mù-hï
pēnwùqì sprayer; atomizer.⁵
喷洒[噴灑] pün-sā
pēnsǎ to spray; to sprinkle.¹⁰
喷射机[噴射機] pün-sèh-gï
pēnshèjī jet (plane, engine); spraying machine.¹⁰
喷水[噴水] pün-suī
pēnshuǐ to spurt water from the mouth.²⁴
喷水池[噴水池] pün-suī-chĩ
pēnshuǐchí a fountain.¹⁰
喷漆[噴漆] pün-tīt
pēnqī to spray paint/lacquer; lacquer.¹⁰
喷泉[噴泉] pün-tũn
pēnquán fountain.⁵
喷壶[噴壺] pün-vũ
pēnhú watering can.²²
<又> pän.
(See 噴 pän, 噴 [pün, pèn]; 𠴮❄{⿰口忿} pün).
pun2 13033
85 15 pün pēn surge; spurt.⁸ to spurt water.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵賁; U+6FC6).
濆沸 pün-fï pēnfèi water surging in a billowing manner.⁸
濆泉 pün-tũn
pēnquán spring water (from the ground).⁸
<又> fũn.
(See 濆 fũn.)
pun2 13034
85 12 pûn pén <wr.> (of water) gush forth.⁶
湓溢 pûn-yìt pényì <wr.> overflow.⁶
湓涌[湓湧] pûn-yūng
pényǒng <wr.> gush; surge.⁶
pun5 13035
108 9 pûn pén basin; flower pot; unit of volume equal to 12 斗 and 8 升, approx 128 liters.¹⁰
花盆 fä-pûn huāpén flowerpot.⁶
盆栽 pûn-döi
pénzāi grow in a pot; potted flowers or plants, bonsai; potting, pot culture.⁶
盆子 pûn-dū
pénzi basin; bowl.⁶
盆花 pûn-fä
pénhuā potted flower/plant.⁶
盆景 pûn-gēin
pénjǐng potted landscape; miniature trees and rockery in a pot; bonsai.⁶
盆腔 pûn-höng
pénqiāng pelvic cavity.⁶
盆汤[盆湯] pûn-höng
péntāng bathtub cubicle.⁶
盆地 pûn-ì
péndì (of land) basin.⁶
盆菜 pûn-töi
péncài <topo.> ready-to-cook dish.⁶
盆浴 pûn-yùk
pényù tub (bath); bath in a tub.⁶
<台> 冲凉盆[沖涼盆] chüng-lẽng-pûn bathing basin.
<台> 面盆 mèin-pûn washbasin.
<台> 面盆架 mèin-pûn-gä stand for wash basin.
<台> 洗脚盆[洗腳盆] xāi-gëk-pûn basin for washing the feet.
pun5 13036
64 11 pūng pěng to hold up in both hands; to offer respectfully; to scoop up.¹⁴
吹嘘捧场[吹噓捧場] chuï-huï-pūng-chẽng chuīxūpěngchǎng to sing the praise of others; to laud.⁵⁴
捧场[捧場] pūng-chẽng
pěngchǎng to applaud, cheer or show interest in a performance.¹⁴
捧腹 pūng-fūk
pěngfù have a belly laugh (with hands holding the sides).¹¹ to hold the sides with laughter.¹⁴
捧腹大笑 pūng-fūk-ài-xël
pěngfùdàxiào to be convulsed with laughter.
捧哏 pūng-gïn
pěnggén fall-guy; supporting role in comic dialog 对口相声[對口相聲] uï-hēo-xëng-sëin duìkǒu xiàngshēng.¹⁰
捧住 pūng-jì
pěngzhù grasp it carefully; hold it firmly.¹⁴
捧托 pūng-hök
pěngtuō to hold up with both hands.¹⁴
捧水饮[捧水飲] pūng-suī-ngīm
pěngshuǐyǐn to drink out of the hands.¹⁴
捧读[捧讀] pūng-ùk
pěngdú to hold up and read; to read carefully.¹⁴
<又> būng.
(See 捧 būng.)
pung1 13037
64 11 pūng pěng (<old>=捧 pūng pěng¹⁰¹ to hold up in both hands; to offer respectfully; to scoop up.¹⁴)
(composition: ⿰扌夆; U+6340).
<又> füng; fūng.
(See 捀 füng; 捀 fūng).
pung1 13038
64 13 pūng pěng (=捀 pūng pěng.¹³ to hold up in both hands; to offer respectfully; to scoop up.¹⁴)
(composition: ⿰扌逢; U+6453).
<又> fũng. (See 摓 fũng).
pung1 13039
85 11 pūng pěng name of a river.¹⁹
(composition: ⿰氵奉; U+6DCE).
pung1 13040
64 11 püng pèng (=碰 püng pèng) collide, bump into.⁸
(See 碰 püng).
pung2 13041
112 13 püng pèng collide, bump into.⁸ (variants: 掽, 踫 püng pèng).
碰倒 püng-āo
pèngdǎo to knock something over.¹⁰
碰到 püng-äo
pèngdào to come across; to run into.¹⁰
碰壁 püng-bēik
pèngbì run one's head against a wall.⁶
碰钉子[碰釘子] püng-ëng-dū
pèngdīngzi be snubbed.⁶
碰击[碰擊] püng-gēik
pèngjī to strike; impact.⁹
碰见[碰見] püng-gëin
pèngjiàn meet by chance; run into.⁶
碰头[碰頭] püng-hẽo
pèngtóu meet and discuss; put (our, your, their) heads together.⁵
碰撞 püng-jòng
pèngzhuàng to collide; collision.¹⁰
碰巧 püng-kāo
pèngqiǎo by chance; by coincidence.⁵
碰面 püng-mèin
pèngmiàn meet.⁶
碰伤[碰傷] püng-sëng
pèngshāng bruise.⁹
碰坏[碰壞] püng-vài
pènghuài knock and break (bowl).¹¹
<台> 碰啱 püng-ngām by chance, by luck.
<台> 碰伤[碰傷] püng-sëng
or 扻伤[扻傷] hēim-sëng to knock against something and get hurt
(See 掽 püng; 踫 püng).
pung2 13042
112 16 püng pèng (<old>=碰 püng pèng collide, bump into.⁸).⁸
(composition: ⿰石崩; U+78DE).
<又> päng.
(See 磞 päng).
pung2 13043
112 17 𥕱
püng pèng (=磞 püng pèng collide, bump into.⁸).²ʼ⁸
(=碰 püng
pèng collide, bump into.⁸).²
(composition: ⿰石彭; U+25571).
<又> päng.
(See 𥕱❄{⿰石彭} päng; 磞 püng; 碰 püng).
pung2 13044
157 15 püng pèng (=碰 püng pèng) collide, bump into.⁸
(See 碰 püng).
pung2 13045
169 13 püng pèng  to open or shut a door.⁸
(composition: ⿵門平; U+959B).
<又> päng. (See 閛 päng).
pung2 13046
32 13 pũng péng <old>=塳 pũng péng dusty, dirt.⁸
(composition: ⿰土冡; U+585C).
(See 塳 pũng).
pung3 13047
32 13 pũng péng <Cant.> classifier for walls; covered (with dust); to scatter (like dust).⁸ dust blown about by the wind.²⁴ (old variant: 塜 pũng  péng).
(composition: ⿰土逢; U+5873).
<又> fùng.
(See 塜 pũng; 塳 fùng).
pung3 13048
85 13 pũng péng (composition: ⿰氵逢; U+6F28).
漨浡 pũng-bòt péngbó thick; dense; profuse; abundant (e.g. of clouds).³⁶ (cf. 漨浡 or 漨渤 fũng-bòt féngbó).
漨滃 pũng-yüng
péngwěng water stirred up.²⁴
<又> fũng.
(See 漨 fũng).
pung3 13049
118 13 𥭗
pũng péng (=篷 pũng péng) covering or awning (on a car, boat); sail.⁶ the hood of a carriage; mat of a boat.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗夆). (U+25B57).
<又> göng.
(See 𥭗❄{⿱𥫗夆} göng; 篷 pũng).
pung3 13050
118 16 pũng péng covering or awning (on a car, boat); sail.⁶
(variants: 𦪪❄{⿰舟⿱𥫗夆} pũng péng; 𥭗❄{⿱𥫗夆} pũng péng).
车篷[車篷] chëh-pũng
chēpéng awning for a vehicle.⁶
篷布 pũng-bü
péngbù tarpaulin; tarp.⁶
篷车[篷車] pũng-chëh
péngchē or 棚车[棚車] pãng-chëh péngchē box wagon, covered goods van/wagon, boxcar; covered truck; <old> horse-drawn carriage with a covering.⁶
篷厂[篷廠] pũng-chōng
péngchǎng a mat shed.⁷
篷子 pũng-dū
péngzi awning (for protection from the sun, rain, wind).⁶
篷帆 pũng-fãn
péngfān sails; sail-cloth.¹⁴
篷帐[篷帳] pũng-jëng
péngzhàng tent; tentage.⁶
篷寮 pũng-lẽl
péngliáo mat-huts or shanties.¹⁴
篷茅 pũng-mão
péngmáo a thatched hut.¹⁴
篷船 pũng-sõn
péngchuán a houseboat covered with bamboo matting.⁷
篷窗 pũng-töng
péngchuāng windows in a boat.⁷
(See 𦪪❄{⿰舟⿱𥫗夆} pũng; 𥭗❄{⿱𥫗夆} pũng).
pung3 13051
118 19 𥴣
pũng péng (=蓬 pũng péng)² type of raspberry; Korean mugwort (Artemisia princeps); fleabane; disheveled; flourishing, vigorous; <topo.> fluffy, soft; Classifier for clumps of items; A surname​.³⁶
(composition: ⿱𥫗艂; U+25D23).
Note: Distinguish this character 𥴣
❄{⿱𥫗艂} (pũng péng) from 𦪪❄{⿰舟⿱𥫗夆} (pũng péng), a covering or awning on a car or boat.
pung3 13052
137 19 𦪪
pũng péng (=篷 pũng péng) covering or awning (on a car, boat); sail.⁶ a mat for covering a boat.²⁵
(composition: ⿰舟⿱𥫗夆; U+26AAA).
Note: Distinguish this character 𦪪
❄{⿰舟⿱𥫗夆} (pũng péng) from 𥴣❄{⿱𥫗艂} (pũng péng), type of raspberry; Korean mugwort (Artemisia princeps); fleabane; disheveled; flourishing, vigorous; <topo.> fluffy, soft; Classifier for clumps of items; A surname​.³⁶
(See 篷 pũng).
pung3 13053 26AAA.gif
140 6 pũng péng luxuriant growth; fluffy, loose, dishevelled animal hair; lush and luxuriant vegetation; a plant mentioned in ancient books; a surname.⁸ dense or thick.⁹
(composition: ⿱艹凡; U+8283).
芃芃 or 蓬蓬 pũng-pũng péngpéng (of grass) luxuriant.¹¹
pung3 13054
140 10 pũng péng (<old>=蓬 pũng péng) type of raspberry; Korean mugwort (Artemisia princeps); fleabane; disheveled; flourishing, vigorous; <topo.> fluffy, soft; Classifier for clumps of items; A surname​.³⁶
(composition: ⿱艹夆 U+8391).
<又> füng.
(See 莑 füng).
pung3 13055
140 11 pũng péng (=蓬 pũng péng type of raspberry; Korean mugwort (Artemisia princeps); fleabane; disheveled; flourishing, vigorous; <topo.> fluffy, soft; Classifier for clumps of items; A surname​.³⁶); luxuriant; a surname.⁸ luxuriant.⁹ grass growing luxuriantly.²⁵
(composition: ⿰艹奉; U+83F6).
菶菶 pũng-pũng
péngpéng luxuriant growth; fruitful, loaded with fruit.²⁵
<又> fũng.
(See 菶 fũng).
pung3 13056
140 13 pũng péng type of raspberry; Korean mugwort (Artemisia princeps); fleabane; disheveled; flourishing, vigorous; <topo.> fluffy, soft; Classifier for clumps of items; A surname​.³⁶
蓬荜[蓬蓽] pũng-bīt
péngbì house of the poor.⁸
蓬勃 pũng-bòt
péngbó  vigorous; flourishing; full of vitality.⁵
蓬户瓮牖[蓬戶瓮牖] pũng-fù-ûng-yiù
pénghùwèngyǒu thatched house, broken urn windows (idiom); poor person's house; humble home.¹⁰
蓬头垢面[蓬頭垢面] pũng-hẽo-gēo-mèin
péngtóugòumiàn unkempt appearance, dishevelled hair and dirty face.¹¹
蓬乱[蓬亂] pũng-lòn
péngluàn matted (of straw or hair); unkempt; overgrown; scraggly; thatch.¹⁰
蓬茸 pũng-ngũng
péngróng lush; luxuriant (of grass or hair); soft lush hair.¹⁰
蓬蓬 pũng-pũng
péngpéng luxuriant (of grass); booming (sound of wind).¹¹
蓬蓬勃勃 pũng-pũng-bòt-bòt
péngpéngbóbó full of vitality (to be luxuriant and flourishing).¹⁶
蓬松[蓬鬆] pũng-tũng
péngsōng loose, fluffy (hair).¹¹
<台> 葵蓬 kĩ-pũng a raincoat (made of straw).
(See 蓬 [pũng, pēng.)
pung3 13057
140 13 pũng pēng 乱蓬蓬[亂蓬蓬] lòn-pũng-pũng luànpēngpēng disheveled; tangled.¹⁰
(See 蓬 [pũng, péng.)
pung3 13058
162 10 pũng péng <old> used in 逢逢 (“sound of drums”); <old> alternative form of 蓬 (péng).³⁶
(composition: ⿺辶夆; U+9022).
逢逢 pũng-pũng péngpéng sound of drums.³⁶
<又> fũng; põng
(See 逢 fũng; 逢 põng; 蓬 [pũng, péng]).
pung3 13059
190 17 pũng péng (composition: ⿱髟夆; U+9AFC).
髼䯳 or 髼松[髼鬆] pũng-xüng péngsōng dischevelled hair.²⁵
pung3 13060
212 19 pũng péng filled to the full.²⁴
(comp. t: ⿸广龍; U+9F90). (comp. s: ⿸广龙; U+5E9E).
<又> lũng; põng.
(See 龐 lũng; 龐 põng).
pung3 13061
85 22 to sprinkle; to spray; to spill; to shed.¹⁰
风姿潇洒[風姿瀟灑] füng-dü-xël-sā fēngzīxiāosǎ have natural and unrestrained bearing.⁶
风流潇洒[風流瀟灑] füng-liũ-xël-sā
fēngliúxiāosǎ graceful but not showy, gay and lighthearted; unconventional young dandy.⁵⁴
喷洒[噴灑] pün-sā
pēnsǎ to spray; to sprinkle.¹⁰
洒脱[灑脫] sā-höt
sǎtuo free and at ease; unaffected.¹⁰
洒落[灑落] sā-lòk
sǎluò shower; free and easy; be generous and not inhibited; blame.⁸
洒泪[灑淚] sā-luì
sǎlèi shed tears.¹¹
洒水[灑水] sā-suī
sǎshuǐ to sprinkle.¹⁰
潇洒[瀟灑] xël-sā
xiāosǎ free, emancipated, unhampered by conventions; (person, writing) spirited, wayward, forthright; (character) pure, noble.¹¹
<台> 乱洒[亂灑] lòn-sā blindly looking for something.
<台> 盲洒洒[盲灑灑] mãng-sā-sā to know nothing about what is going on; to be unaware of everything.
<台> 洒[灑] sā to look for something.
sa1 13062
126 9 shuǎ <topo.> play; play with, flourish; play (tricks).⁵
耍刀 sā-äo shuǎdāo give a performance of swordplay.⁵
耍笔杆[耍筆桿] sā-bīt-gön
shuǎbǐgǎn wield a pen; be skilled in literary tricks.⁵
耍花招 sā-fä-jël
shuǎhuāzhāo display showy movements in wushu (武术[武術] mû-sùt wǔshù); play tricks.⁵
耍鬼把戏[耍鬼把戲] sā-gī-bā-hï
shuǎguǐbǎxì play dirty tricks.⁵
耍猴 sā-hẽo
shuǎhóu put on a monkey show.⁵
耍赖[耍賴] sā-lài
shuǎlài act shamelessly; be perverse.⁵
耍两面派[耍兩面派] sā-lēng-mèin-päi
shuǎliǎngmiànpài resort to double dealing; be double-faced.⁵
耍流氓 sā-liũ-mõng
shuǎliúmáng behave like a hoodlum; act indecently; take liberties with women.⁶
耍弄 sā-lùng
shuǎnòng make fun of; deceive.⁵
耍脾气[耍脾氣] sā-pĩ-hï
shuǎpíqi to lose one's temper.⁷
or 耍频嘴[耍頻嘴] sā-pĩn-duī shuǎpínzuǐ <topo.> be garrulous.⁵
耍盘子[耍盤子] sā-põn-dū
shuǎpánzi perform plate-spinning; disc-spinning.⁷
耍滑 sā-vàt
shuǎhuá act in a slick way; shirk work or responsibility.⁶
<台> 耍 sā to fumble around (for something).
<台> 耍盲公 sā-mãng-gūng blind man's buff.
sa1 13063
64 10 𢬰
  (=挲 sä  ).
(composition: ⿰扌⿱少女; U+22B30).
<又> sâ; sö.
(See 𢬰❄{ ⿰扌⿱少女} sâ; 𢬰❄{ ⿰扌⿱少女} sö and see 挲 sä for compound definitions).
sa2 13064
64 11   (composition: ⿱沙手; U+6332). (variant: 𢬰❄{⿰扌⿱少女} sä).
摩挲 mā-sä
or 摩撒 mā-xät māsa gently stroke.⁵ <topo.> to remove (crinkles, dirt) with the palm of the hand.¹⁰ to gently stroke; to rub, to smooth, to massage; <topo.> to do something in a slapdash way.⁵⁴ (See 摩挲 mö-sö mósuō; 摩挲 mö-sö mósā.)
摩挲 mö-sö mósā to smooth out (with one's hand).¹⁰
(See 摩挲 mö-sö mósuō; 摩挲 mā-sä māsa.)
<又> sö, sâ.
(See 挲 sö, sâ; 挱 sö, sâ; 𢬰❄{⿰扌⿱少女} sä)
sa2 13065
75 11 shā pear and other trees.⁸ a valuable timber tree.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱沙木; U+686C).
梌桬 hũ-sä túshā name of a timber tree.¹⁰²
桬棠 sä-hõng
shātáng name of a tree with yellow flowers and red fruit.¹⁹ a tree found in the Kunlun Mountains (崐崘 Kün-lũn Kūnlún).¹⁰¹ (a tree) brought from Tibet, whose soft, berry-shaped fruit tastes like a plum.¹⁰²
桬梨 sä-lĩ/
shālí a russet pear.¹⁰²
桬木 sä-mùk
shāmù a species of pine from Nganhwui, which furnishes a valuable light wood, highly prized for coffins.¹⁰²
sa2 13066
82 11 shā (=裟 sä shā.) long hair.⁸ a Buddhist cassock.¹⁴
(See 裟 sä.)
sa2 13067
85 7 shà <topo.> sift; sieve; screen.⁶
把米里的沙子沙一沙[把米裏的沙子沙一沙] bā-māi-lī-ēik-sâ-dū-sä-yīt-sä bǎ mǐ lǐ de shāzi shà yī shà sift the rice and sort out the sand.⁶
<又> sâ.
(See 沙 [sä, shā], sâ.)
sa2 13068
85 7 shā (of voice) hoarse, husky; bean paste; sand; Sha surname.⁵
长沙[長沙] Chẽng-sä Chángshā Changsha (capital of Hunan Province).⁶
豆沙 èo-sä
dòushā bean paste.⁶
久经沙场[久經沙場] giū-gëin-sä-chẽng
jiǔjīngshāchǎng undergo war for a long time (沙场: war ground); fig. One has a lot of knowledge and experience.⁹
沙哑[沙啞] sä-ā
shāyǎ hoarse; husky; raucous.⁸
沙场[沙場] sä-chẽng
shāchǎng battlefield; battleground.⁶
沙尘[沙塵] sä-chĩn
shāchén dust.⁹
沙渚 sâ-jī
shāzhǔ a sandy islet; a sand bar.³⁹
沙其马[沙其馬] or 沙琪瑪 sä-kĩ-mâ  shāqímǎ  fried dough strips with sesame, sugar, and raisins.⁵⁴
沙梨 sä-lĩ
shālí a small pear which has sand-like specks in its flesh.¹⁴
沙弥[沙彌] sâ-mĩ
shāmí Buddhist novice.⁶
沙漠 sä-mōk
shāmò desert.⁸
or 鲨鱼[鯊魚] sä-nguĩ/ shāyú a shark.⁷
<台> 沙尘[沙塵] sä-chĩn sand dust; conceited.
<台> 沙尘滚滚,荷包冇一缗[沙塵滾滾,荷包冇一緡] sä-chĩn-gūn-gūn, hõ-bäo-mǎo-yīt-mūn Without a dime in his pocket he has a pompous demeanor.
<又> sâ.
(See 沙 sâ, [sä, shà].)
sa2 13069
93 11 shā a cow; female of certain animals.⁸ a cow (adult female cattle).³⁶
(composition: ⿱沙牛; U+3E3A).
sa2 13070
104 12 shā <TCM> acute diseases such as cholera and sunstroke.⁵ cholera; measles.⁷
丹痧 än-sä dānshā scarlet fever.⁵⁴
瘪螺痧[癟螺痧] bèik-lũ-sä
biěluóshā <TCM> cholera (referring to sunken finger pads due to dehydration).⁶
发痧[發痧] fät-sä
fāshā <topo.> have a heatstroke.⁵
绞肠痧[絞腸痧] gāo-chẽng-sä
jiǎochángshā <TCM> dry cholera.⁵
刮痧 gät-sä
guāshā <TCM> a popular treatment for sunstroke by scraping the patient's neck, chest or back.¹¹
喉痧 hẽo-sä
hóushā scarlet fever.¹⁰ diphtheria.¹¹
拧痧[擰痧] nèin-sä
nǐngshā scraping and pinching therapy.³⁹
痧子 sä-dū
shāzi <topo.> measles.⁵
痧气丸[痧氣丸] sä-hï-yõn
shāqìwán cholera pills.¹⁴
<台> 挦痧[撏痧] tẽm-sä <TCM> a popular medical treatment for headache, dizziness, arthritic pain by scraping the patient's neck, chest or back.
sa2 13071
120 10 shā yarn; gauze, sheer.⁵
纱灯[紗燈] sä-äng shādēng gauze lantern.⁵
纱包线[紗包線] sä-bäo-xëin
shābāoxiàn cotton-covered wire.⁵
纱布[紗布] sä-bü
shābù gauze.⁵
纱厂[紗廠] sä-chōng
shāchǎng cotton mill.⁵
纱幮[紗幮] sä-chuĩ
shāchú curtained cabinet; ancient style bed with posts, cabinets and curtains.¹¹
纱锭[紗錠] sä-èin
shādìng <txtl.> spindle.⁵
纱巾[紗巾] sä-gïn
shājīn gauze kerchief.⁵
纱縠[紗縠] sä-hùk
shāhú a species of crape.²⁵
纱罩[紗罩] sä-jâo
shāzhào gauze or screen covering (over food); mantle (of a lamp).⁵
纱帐[紗帳] sä-jëng
shāzhàng a mosquito net.⁷
纱罗[紗羅] sä-lõ
shāluó gauze.⁵
纱笼[紗籠] sä-lũng
shālóng <loan> sarong.⁵
纱帽[紗帽] sä-mào
shāmào gauze hat worn by officials in feudal society – public office; gauze hat worn in summer.⁶
纱门[紗門] sä-mõn
shāmén screen door.⁶
纱窗[紗窗] sä-töng
shāchuāng screen window.⁵
纱线[紗線] sä-xëin
shāxiàn yarn.⁵
sa2 13072
140 10 shā (used in place names and people's names).
莎车县[莎車縣] Sä-chëh-yòn Shāchēxiàn Shache (Yarkant) County or Yarkand County, a county in the 新疆 Xïn-gëng Xīnjiāng Xinjiang.
莎鸡[莎雞] sä-gäi
shājī variously interpreted as <wr.> a species of grasshopper or a species of cicada, Mecopoda niponensis (=纺织娘[紡織娘] fōng-jēik-nẽng fǎngzhīniang).¹¹
莎士比亚[莎士比亞] Sä-xù-bī-ä
Shāshìbǐyà Shakespeare (1564-1616).
<又> sö.
(See 莎 sö.)
sa2 13073
142 13 𧋊
shā (=莎 sä shā used in place names and people's names).² (Cant.) a large butterfly.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱沙虫; U+272CA).
or 莎鸡[莎雞] sä-gäi shājī variously interpreted as <wr.> a species of grasshopper or a species of cicada, Mecopoda niponensis (=纺织娘[紡織娘] fōng-jēik-nẽng fǎngzhīniang).¹¹ the name of an insect.²⁵ʼ¹⁰¹
<又> sö.
(See 𧋊❄{⿱沙虫} sö).
sa2 13074
145 13 shā Buddhist monk's robe.¹⁰ a Buddhist cassock.¹⁴ (variant: 㲚 sä shā.)
白袈裟 bàk-gä-sä
báijiāshā surplice.¹⁰
袈裟 gä-sä
jiāshā kasaya (patchwork outer vestment worn by a Buddhist monk).⁶
(See 㲚 sä.)
sa2 13075
167 15 shā (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciations for 䤬 sö suō a small gong; a sieve, a sifter, a strainer.⁸).
(composition: ⿰釒沙; U+492C).
䤬锣[䤬鑼] sö-lũ
or sö-lõ or sä-lũ or sä-lõ suōluó or shāluó, a brazen vessel; a wash-hand basin.²⁵
<又> sö.
(See 䤬 suō).
sa2 13076
195 15 𩵮
shā (=魦 sä shā; now (from 1716 CE on) =鯊 sä shā).² a shark.
(composition: ⿱少魚; U+29D6E).
(See 鯊 sä; 魦 sä; 鯋 sä).
sa2 13077
195 15 shā the shark family; it includes some rays and skates.¹⁴ a shark; also a small kind of fish that is supposed to be able to blow sand at people.²⁵ (variants: 𩵮 sä; 鯊 sä; 鯋 sä.)
锯魦[鋸魦] guï-sä jùshā a sawfish.¹⁴
琵琶魦 pĩ-pã-sä
pípashā the spotted ray.¹⁴
魦绿色[魦綠色] sä-lùk-sēik
shālǜsè a bright slate blue.¹⁴
魦鱼[魦魚] sä-nguĩ
shāyú a shark; a small freshwater fish with a round body and a large head, which buries itself in the mud.¹⁴
魦鱼皮[魦魚皮] sä-nguĩ-pĩ
shāyúpí shagreen.¹⁴
(See 鯊 sä; 𩵮❄{⿱少魚} sä; 鯋 sä).
sa2 13078
195 18 shā a shark.⁷ (variants: 魦 sä shā; 𩵮❄{⿱少魚}shā; 鯋 sä shā).
长尾鲨[長尾鯊] chẽng-mī-sä
chángwěishā thresher.¹⁰
毯鲨[毯鯊] dëin-sä
tǎnshā carpet shark.¹⁹
虎鲨[虎鯊] fū-sä
hǔshā bullhead shark.⁵
角鲨[角鯊] gôk-sä
jiǎoshā spiny dogfish.⁵
鲸鲨[鯨鯊] kẽin-sä
jīngshā whale shark.⁶
or 沙鱼[沙魚] sä-nguĩ/ shāyú a shark.⁷
鲨鱼皮[鯊魚皮] sä-nguĩ-pĩ
shāyúpí sharkskin.⁹
鲨鱼油[鯊魚油] sä-nguĩ-yiũ
shāyúyóu shark oil.⁹
鲨皮[鯊皮] sä-pĩ
shāpí sharkskin.⁵⁴
鲨鮀[鯊鮀] sä-hũ
or sä-hõ shātuó a small fish that blows out the sand, having a round body, marked with spots; another account says that the 鮀 is found near the banks of lakes, where it burrows in the mud; its form is like a lizard upwards to ten feet long, and its back and tail are covered with scales.²⁵
沙鲨[沙鯊] sâ-sä
shāshā sand shark.⁶
僧鲨[僧鯊] xäng-sä
sēngshā monkfish.¹⁹
星鲨[星鯊] xëin-sä
xīngshā <zoo.> gummy shark.⁵
鼬鲨[鼬鯊] yiû-sä
yòushā tiger shark.¹⁰ Galeocerdo.⁹
(See 魦 sä; 𩵮❄{⿱少魚} sä; 鯋 sä).
sa2 13079
195 18 shā (=鯊 sä shā) a shark.
(composition: ⿰魚沙; U+9BCB).
(See 鯊 sä; 魦 sä; 𩵮❄{⿱少魚} sä).
sa2 13080
64 10 shā (=挲 sâ shā) to feel or fondle with the fingers.⁸ to finger; to feel.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰扌沙; U+6331).
撋挱 ngùn-sâ
ruánshā or ngùn-sö ruánsuō to rub in the hands.¹⁴
<又> sö.
(See 挲 sâ, sö; 挱 sö.)
sa5 13081
64 10 𢬰
shā (=挲 sâ  shā to feel or fondle with the fingers.⁸ to finger; to feel.¹⁴)
(composition: ⿰扌⿱少女; U+22B30).
<又> sä; sö.
(See 𢬰❄{ ⿰扌⿱少女} sä; 𢬰❄{ ⿰扌⿱少女} sö and see 挲 sâ for compound definitions).
sa5 13082
64 11 shā (variant: 挱 sö suō orshā) to feel or fondle with the fingers.⁸ to finger; to feel.¹⁴ (variant: 𢬰❄{⿰扌⿱少女} sâ).
(composition: ⿱沙手; U+6332).
挓挲 jä-sâ
zhāshā <topo.> (of hands, branches) spread; stretch out; (of hair) stand on end.⁶
挓挲双臂[挓挲雙臂] jä-sâ-söng-
zhāshāshuāngbì spread out one's arms.⁶
<又> sä, sö.
(See 挲 sä, sö; 挱 sö, sâ; 𢬰❄{⿰扌⿱少女} sâ).
sa5 13083
85 7 shā sand; granulated, powdered.⁵
沙蚤 sâ-dāo shāzǎo sand hopper; beach flea.⁵⁴
沙碛[沙磧] sâ-dēik
shāqì <wr.> desert dunes.¹¹
or 砂子 sâ-dū shāzi sand, grit; small grains, pellets.⁵
沙躅 sâ-dùk
shāzhú lugworm.¹⁰
沙獾 sâ-fön
shāhuān sand badger.⁵⁴
沙家浜 Sâ-gä-böng
shājiābāng "Sha Family's Creek", a Beijing opera classified as model theater 样板戏[樣板戲] yèng-bān-hï yàngbǎn xì.¹⁰
沙颈岬[沙頸岬] sâ-gēng-gāp
shājǐngjiǎ tombolo.⁹
沙滩[沙灘] sâ-hān
shātān beach; sandy shore.¹⁰
or 砂田 sâ-hẽin shātián farmland reclaimed from sand flats; sandy land.⁶
沙田 Sâ-hẽin
Shātián Sha Tin town in New Territories, Hong Kong.⁵⁴
沙丘 sâ-hiü
shāqiū (sand) dune.⁵
or 砂土 sâ-hū shātǔ sandy soil.⁶
沙滤[沙濾] sâ-luì
shālǜ sand filter.¹¹
沙鲨[沙鯊] sâ-sä
shāshā sand shark.⁶
<台> 沙洲 sâ-jiû shoal; sandbar; sandbank.⁵
<又> sä.
(See 沙 [sä, shā], [sä, shà].)
sa5 13084
112 9 shā sand; grit.⁵ (for 砂子, 砂田, 砂土, see 沙子, 沙田, 沙土).
砂布 sâ-bü
shābù emery cloth; abrasive cloth.⁵
砂浆[砂漿] sâ-dëng
shājiāng mortar
砂糖 sâ-hõng
shātáng granulated sugar.⁵
砂纸[砂紙] sâ-jī
shāzhǐ abrasive paper; sandpaper.⁵
砂质岩[砂質岩] sâ-jīt-ngãm
shāzhìyán arenaceous rock.⁵
砂矿[砂礦] sâ-köng
shākuàng placer deposit, placer.⁵
or 沙砾[沙礫] sâ-lèik shālì grit; gravel.⁹
or 沙粒 sâ-līp shālì sand grains.⁵⁴
砂轮[砂輪] sâ-lũn
shālún <mach.> emery/grinding wheel.⁵
砂轮机[砂輪機] sâ-lũn-gï
shālúnjī grinder.⁵
砂岩 sâ-ngãm
shāyán sandstone.¹¹
砂眼 sâ-ngān
shāyǎn sand holes; blowholes; <med.> trachoma; <art> pore or pitting (in porcelain).⁵⁴
砂仁 sâ-ngĩn
shārén Amomom (fructus Amomi), plant used in Chinese medicine.¹⁰
砂囊 sâ-nõng
shānáng the gizzard of a fowl.¹¹
or 沙石 sâ-sêk shāshí sandstone; sand and stone; aggregate.¹⁰
or 沙层[沙層] sâ-tãng shācéng <geol.> sand stratum.⁵⁴
or 沙锅[沙鍋] sâ-vö shāguō casserole; earthenware pot.¹⁰

sa5 13085
1 4 säi shì (=世 säi shì) lifetime, life; generation; age, era; world; epoch.⁵
(See 世 säi).
sai2 13086
1 5 säi shì lifetime, life; generation; age, era; world; epoch.⁵ Shi surname.⁸ (variants: 丗, 卋 säi shì).
世伯 säi-bāk
shìbó uncle (affectionate name for a friend older than one's father); old friend.¹⁰
世袭[世襲] säi-dàp
shìxí be hereditary.⁶
世俗 säi-dùk
shìsú common customs; secular, worldly.⁵
世界 säi-gäi
shìjiè world.⁹
世间[世間] säi-gän
shìjiān world; earth; society.⁶
世纪[世紀] säi-gī
shìjì century.¹¹
世局 säi-gùk
shìjú world/international situation.⁶
世态[世態] säi-häi
shìtài the ways of the world.⁵
世态炎凉[世態炎涼] säi-häi-yèm-lẽng
shìtàiyánliáng fickleness of human friendships (“blow hot and cold”).¹¹
世外桃源 säi-ngòi-hão-ngũn
or säi-ngòi-hô-ngũn shìwàitáoyuán the Lord of Peach Blossoms – a fictitious land of peace, away from the turmoil of the world; a haven of peace.⁵
世运[世運] säi-vùn
shìyùn the course of events, rise and fall of nations; the Olympic Games (from 世界運動大會).¹¹
世事 säi-xù
shìshì world affairs.⁹
(See 丗 säi; 卋 säi).
sai2 13087
19 13 säi shì power, force, influence; momentum, tendency; outward appearance of a natural object; trend; situation, state of affair, circumstances; sign, gesture; male genitals.⁵ (var. 埶)
势必[勢必] säi-bēik shìbì certainly; to be bound to.⁷
势不两立[勢不兩立] säi-būt-lēng-lìp
shìbùliǎnglì mutually exclusive; extremely antagonistic; irreconcilable.⁵
势在必行[勢在必行] säi-dòi-bēik-hãng
shìzàibìxíng be imperative (under the circumstances).⁵
势家[勢家] säi-gä
shìjiā <trad.> influential family.⁶
势均力敌[勢均力敵] säi-gün-lèik-èik
shìjūnlìdí evenly matched; well matched.⁷
势力[勢力] säi-lèik
shìli force; power; influence.⁵
势力范围[勢力範圍] säi-lèik-fàn-vĩ
shìli fànwéi sphere of influence.⁶
势利[勢利] säi-lì
shìli snobbish.⁵
势难从命[勢難從命] säi-nãn-tũng-mèin
shìnáncóngmìng circumstances make it difficult for me to comply with your request.⁵
势如破竹[勢如破竹] säi-nguĩ-pö-jūk
shìrúpòzhú like splitting a bamboo; with irresistible force.⁵
势所必然[勢所必然] säi-sō-bēik-ngẽin
shìsuǒbìrán inevitably; as a matter of course.⁶
山势[山勢] sän-säi
shānshì mountain features.⁶
(See 埶 säi).

sai2 13088
24 6 säi shì (=世 säi shì) lifetime, life; generation; age, era; world; epoch.⁵
(See 世 säi).
sai2 13089
32 11 säi shì <old>=势[勢] säi shì power; position.³⁶
(composition: ⿰坴丸; U+57F6).
<又> ngài.
(See 埶 ngài; 藝 ngài).
sai2 13090
72 23 säi shài (of the sun) shine upon; dry in the sun, bask.⁵
晒不透[曬不透] säi-būt-hëo shàibutòu impervious to sunshine.⁷
晒场[曬場] säi-chẽng
shàichǎng a drying yard.⁶
晒簟[曬簟] säi-èin
shàidiàn sun mat.⁸
晒垡[曬垡] säi-fàt
shàifá <agr.> sun the upturned soil.⁵
晒干[曬乾] säi-gön
shàigān to dry in the sun.⁷
晒太阳[曬太陽] säi-häi-yẽng
shài tàiyáng bask in the sun.⁷
晒黑[曬黑] säi-hāk
shàihēi to make public (something illegal or unfair).⁹ sunburnt.¹⁴
晒客[曬客] säi-hāk
shàikè person who shares their experiences and thoughts with others on the Internet.¹⁰
晒台[曬臺] säi-hõi
shàitái flat roof (for drying clothes).⁵
晒图[曬圖] säi-hũ
shàitú make a blueprint; blueprint.⁵
晒暖儿[曬暖兒] säi-nön-ngĩ
shàinuǎnr to bask in the sun.⁷
晒棚[曬棚] säi-pãng
shàipéng a drying stand or rack.⁷
晒坪[曬坪] säi-pẽin
shàipíng sunning ground.⁵
晒被子[曬被子] säi-pî-dū
shàibèizi air a quilt.⁵
晒伤[曬傷] säi-sëng
shàishāng sunburn; to get sunburn.¹⁰
晒盐[曬鹽] säi-yẽm
shàiyán to sun seawater to obtain salt.⁷
晒衣[曬衣] säi-yï
shàiyī to air clothes.²⁴
<台> 晒牙[曬牙] säi-ngã/ buckteeth.
<台> 晒衫[曬衫] säi-sâm to sun dry the laundry.
sai2 13091
118 16 säi shāi a sieve, a screen, a sifter, a strainer; to sieve, to screen, to sift, to strain.⁷ (variants: 簁 säi shāi, 籭 säi shāi, 簛 säi shāi).
过筛子[過篩子] gö-säi-dū
guòshāizi sift (out), sieve (out), filter (out); choose.⁶
筛查[篩查] säi-chã
shāichá <med.> screening.⁶
筛酒[篩酒] säi-diū
shāijiǔ strain wine; pour out liquor.¹⁴
筛子[篩子] säi-dū
shāizī a sieve; a sifter.⁷
筛法[篩法] säi-fāt
shāifǎ <math.> sieve method.⁵
筛分[篩分] säi-fün
shāifēn screening; sieving; sifting.⁷
筛管[篩管] säi-gōn
shāiguǎn <bot.> sieve tube.⁵
筛骨[篩骨] säi-gūt
shāigǔ ethmoid bone.⁶
筛号[篩號] säi-hào
shāihào screen size; screen mesh; mesh number.⁵
筛糠[篩糠] säi-höng
shāikāng <vern.> shiver from fear or cold – shudder.⁶
筛孔[篩孔] säi-kūng
shāikǒng sieve meshes.⁷
筛锣[篩鑼] säi-lũ
or säi-lõ shāiluó a small gong; to beat a gong.⁷
筛选[篩選] säi-xūn
shāixuǎn screening; sieving; sifting.⁷
筛选机[篩選機] säi-xūn-gï
shāixuǎnjī screening machine.⁷
<又> sâi.
(See 篩 sâi; 簁 säi; 簛 säi; 籭 säi)
sai2 13092
118 17 säi shāi (=筛[篩] säi shāi¹⁴ a sieve, a screen, a sifter, a strainer; to sieve, to screen, to sift, to strain.⁷)  sieve; to sift, to strain.³⁶ (variant: 籭 säi shāi).
(See 篩 säi; 籭 säi.)
sai2 13093
118 18 säi shāi (=筛[篩] säi shāi)¹⁴ a sieve, a screen, a sifter, a strainer; to sieve, to screen, to sift, to strain.⁷
(See 篩 säi.)
sai2 13094
118 25 säi shāi (<old>=筛[篩] säi shāi⁸ a sieve, a screen, a sifter, a strainer; to sieve, to screen, to sift, to strain.⁷). a sieve for separating the fine from the coarse.²⁵ (=簁 säi shāi) sieve; to sift, to strain.³⁶
(composition: ⿱𥫗麗; U+7C6D).
<又> dōi.
(See 籭 dōi; 篩 säi; 簁 säi.)
sai2 13095
154 12 säi shì hire out, let; <wr.> buy on credit; <wr.> pardon.⁶
贳酒[貰酒] säi-diū shìjiǔ to buy wine on credit.⁷
贳酒款客[貰酒款客] säi-diū-fōn-hāk
shìjiǔkuǎnkè get wine on credit in order to entertain friends.⁵⁴
贳贷[貰貸] säi-häi
shìdài to borrow.¹⁴ to give credit.²⁵
贳器店[貰器店] säi-hï-ëm
shìqìdiàn <topo.> shop with utensils for hire.⁶
贳器皿[貰器皿] säi-hï-mêin
shìqìmǐn to rent household utensils or containers.⁰
贳船[貰船] säi-sõn
shìchuán to rent a boat.⁰
贳赦[貰赦] säi-xëh
shìshè to pardon a criminal offense.⁷
贳赦不究[貰赦不究] säi-xëh-būt-giü
shìshèbùjiū to pardon and not to inquire into.¹⁹
<又> sãi.
(See 貰 sãi.)
sai2 13096
164 26 säi shāi (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 酾[釃] xü shī with same meaning: <wr.> filter (wine), filtrate (wine); pour (wine); dredge (rivers and canals).⁶)
t: ⿰酉麗; U+91C3). (comp. s: ⿰酉丽; U+917E).
<又> xü; lĩ.
(See 釃 xü; 釃 lĩ).
sai2 13097
154 12 sãi shì <台> 黧贳[黧貰] lãi-sãi dirty.
<又> säi. (See 貰 säi.)
sai3 13098
149 12 sài shì (interchangeable 誓 sài shì) to vow; to swear; to take an oath.⁸ a fixed determination; the will.²⁵
(See 誓 sài).
sai4 13099
149 14 sài shì swear, vow, pledge; oath, vow.⁵ (variant: 䤱 sài shì).
誓不罢休[誓不罷休] sài-būt-bà-hiü
shìbùbàxiū swear not to stop; swear not to rest.⁵
誓不甘休 sài-būt-gäm-hiü
shìbùgānxiū swear to fight to the finish.¹⁹
誓不两立[誓不兩立] sài-būt-lēng-lìp
shìbùliǎnglì  swear not to coexist with one's enemy; resolve to destroy the enemy or die in the attempt; be irreconcilable.⁵
誓同生死 sài-hũng-säng-xī
shìtóngshēngsǐ pledge to live and die together.⁸
誓言 sài-ngũn
shìyán oath; pledge.⁵
誓死 sài-xī
shìsǐ dare to die; pledge one's life.⁸
誓死不二 sài-xī-būt-ngì
shìsǐbù'èr swear to be loyal forever; swear to die rather than submit.⁸
誓师[誓師] sài-xü
shìshī a rally to pledge resolution before going to war; take a mass pledge.⁸
誓词[誓詞] sài-xũ
shìcí oath.⁸
誓约[誓約] sài-yēk
shìyuē vow; pledge; solemn promise.⁵
<台> 誓愿[誓願] sài-ngùn to swear; to vow an oath.
(See 䤱 sài).
sai4 13100
162 10 sài shì (of time) to pass; to die.¹⁰
病逝 bèng-sài bìngshì die of illness.⁵
长逝[長逝] chẽng-sài
chángshì pass away; be gone forever.⁵
光阴飞逝[光陰飛逝] göng-yïm-fï-sài
guāngyīnfēishì time flies.³⁹
逝去 sài-huï
shìqù to pass away; to be gone; to depart.⁷
逝者 sài-jēh
shìzhě the dead or departed.¹⁰
逝止 sài-jī
shìzhǐ going and staying.⁷
逝世 sài-säi
shìshì pass away; die.⁵
时光易逝[時光易逝] sĩ-göng-yì-sài
shíguāngyìshì time passes quickly.⁵
消逝 xël-sài
xiāoshì die or fade away; vanish; elapse.⁵
sai4 13101
167 15 sài shì (=誓 sài shì) swear, vow, pledge; oath, vow.⁵
(See 誓 sài).
sai4 13102
30 16 sâi shì <wr.> to bite.⁶ (variant: 簭 sâi shì).
搏噬 bōk-sâi
bóshì (of animals) fall/pounce on and bite.⁶
反噬 fān-sâi
fǎnshì <wr.> coin a false countercharge against one's accuser; make up a false countercharge.⁶
吞噬 hün-sâi
tūnshì to swallow, engulf, gobble up.⁶
噬菌体[噬菌體] sâi-kūn-hāi
shìjūntǐ bacteriophage; phage.⁶
噬人鲨[噬人鯊] sâi-ngĩn-sä
shìrénshā great white shark; man-eater.⁵⁴ Carcharodon carcharias.
噬脐何及[噬臍何及] sâi-tî-hõ-gèp
shìqíhéjí (=噬脐莫及[噬臍莫及] sâi-tî-mòk-gèp shìqímòjí).⁶
噬脐莫及[噬臍莫及] sâi-tî-mòk-gèp
shìqímòjí it is impossible for one to bite his own navel – it is too late to repent.⁶
(See 簭 sâi).
sai5 13103
94 9 sâi shì (=舐 sâi shì) <wr.> lick.⁶ to lick; to lap (up).¹⁰ to take up anything with the tongue.²⁵
(See 舐 sâi).
sai5 13104
118 13 sâi shì to divine by means of the stalks of the milfoil.⁷ divination with stalks of plants; divining rod.⁸ to tell the future using yarrow stalks (蓍草 sï-tāo shīcǎo yarrow plant).¹
(variant: 簭 sâi
(composition: ⿱⺮巫; U+7B6E).
卜筮 būk-sâi
bǔshì to divine by tortoise shell or straw, now used as general term for fortunetelling.¹¹
龟筮[龜筮] gï-sâi
guīshì to divine by tortoise shell.⁰
筮䇲[筮筴] sâi-chāk
shìjiā to divine by means of straws.¹⁴
筮法 sâi-fāt
shìfǎ method of divination.
筮人 sâi-ngĩn
shìrén a diviner; the name of a hill and a book.¹⁴
筮草 sâi-tāo
shìcǎo straws used in divination.²⁵
筮仕 sâi-xù
shìshì to be appointed by lot to an official post.¹⁴
(See 簭 sâi).
sai5 13105
118 16 sâi shāi 箩筛[籮篩] lõ-sâi/ or lũ-sâi/ luóshāi bamboo sieve.⁶
<台> 筛仔[篩仔] sâi-dōi (=<台> 虂斗 lù-ēo) sieve.
<又> säi.
(See 篩 säi.)
sai5 13106
118 18 sâi shì ➀ (=筮 sâi shì) divine by means of the stalks of the milfoil.⁷ ➁ (=噬 sâi shì) <wr.> to bite.⁶
(See 筮 sâi; 噬 sâi).
sai5 13107
135 9 𦧇
sâi shì (=舐 sâi shì) <wr.> lick.⁶ to lick; to lap (up).¹⁰ to take up anything with the tongue.²⁵
(composition: ⿰舌也; U+269C7).
(See 舐 sâi).
sai5 13108
135 10 sâi shì <wr.> lick.⁶ to lick; to lap (up).¹⁰ to take up anything with the tongue.²⁵ (variants: 𦧇❄{⿰舌也}, 舓, 狧, 䑛 sâi shì).
老牛舐犊[老牛舐犢] lāo-ngẽo-sâi-dùk
lǎoniúshìdú lit. an old ox licking its calf (idiom); fig. (of parents) to dote on one's children.¹⁰
舐犊[舐犢] sâi-dùk
shìdú (mother cow) licks the calf.¹¹ to lick her calf – parental love.¹⁴
舐犊情深[舐犢情深] sâi-dùk-tẽin-sïm
shìdúqíngshēn deep mother love.¹¹
舐痔 sâi-jì
shìzhì <wr.> lick piles (of VIPs) – be obsequious; show sycophancy; lick somebody's boots.⁶
舐窗以窥[舐窗以窺] sâi-töng-yî-kï
shìchuāngyǐkuī to lick a hole in a paper window and peep through.¹⁴
<台> 舐枚个迹[舐枚個跡] sâi-mõi-göi-dêk wipe away all evidence.
(See 𦧇❄{⿰舌也}, 舓, 狧, 䑛 sâi).
sai5 13109
135 11 sâi shì (standard form of 舐 sâi shì) to lick.⁸
(composition: ⿰舌氐; U+445B).
(See 舐 sâi).
sai5 13110
135 14 sâi shì (=舐 sâi shì) <wr.> lick.⁶ to lick; to lap (up).¹⁰ to take up anything with the tongue.²⁵
梦舓天[夢舓天] mùng-sâi-hëin
mèngshìtiān he dreamed that he licked the heavens.²⁵
(See 舐 sâi).
sai5 13111
9 11 sāk <台> 该侧[該側] kôi-sāk this side.
<台> 恁侧[恁側] nêin-sāk that side.
(See 側 [jāk, ].)
sak1 13112
30 13 sāk suō <台> 牙交打嗦 ngã-gäo-ā-sāk one's teeth are chattering.
<又> sō. (See 嗦 sō.)
sak1 13113
64 13 𢱢 sāk to select; <Cant.> a wedge of a fruit such as an orange.
(composition: ⿰扌索; U+22C62).
sak1 13114
167 18 säk iron stick-shaped utensil used in grilling.⁵⁴ iron grill.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰釒索; U+938D).
<又> xôk. (See 鎍 xôk).
sak2 13115
64 14 sām shǎn <wr.> to grasp; to hold (hand).
掺手[摻手] sām-siū shǎnshǒu to shake hands.
<又> täm, tïm.
(See 摻 [täm, chān], [täm, càn], tïm.)
sam1 13116
145 8 sām shān <台> 笠衫 lēip-sām T-shirt; undershirt.
<台> 裇衫 or 恤衫 sōt-sām shirt.
<又> sâm.
(See 衫 sâm; 衫 xäm.)
sam1 13117
59 3 sâm shān Kangxi radical 59, hair.⁸ hairs or feathers used as ornament; to adorn with feathers; long feathers.²⁴ "bristle" radical in Chinese characters.³⁵
(composition: ⿳丿丿丿; U+5F61 or U+2F3A).
sam5 13118
115 16 sâm shān (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciations for 䅟[穇] täm cǎn with same meaning.)
<又> täm.
(See 穇 täm.)
sam5 13119
120 17 縿 sâm shān a streamer.⁸ʼ³⁶ decorations, festoons (usually on banners).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰⿰糹參; U+7E3F).
<又> xël. (See 縿 xël).
sam5 13120
145 8 sâm shān unlined upper garment.⁵ shirt; robe; gown; jacket.⁸
长衫[長衫] chẽng-sâm chángshān long gown.⁸
衬衫[襯衫] chïn-sâm
chènshān a shirt.⁷
汗衫 hòn-sâm
hànshān undershirt; T-shirt.⁵
衫袍 sâm-pão
shānpáo one of the robes worn by the emperor of the Song Dynasty when he was in court; shirts and gowns; also refers to clothes in general.⁸
<台> 车衫[車衫] chëh-sâm to make clothes with a sewing machine.
<台> 做衫 dü-sâm to make clothes.
<台> 衫 sâm clothes.
<台> 衫袖 sâm-diù sleeves.
<台> 衫袖口 sâm-diù-hēo mouth of a sleeve.
<台> 衫架 sâm-gâ clothes hanger.
<台> 衫脚 sâm-gëk hem.
<台> 衫夹[衫夾] sâm-gâp clothespin.
<台> 收衫 siü-sâm to collect the laundry from clothes line.
<台> 裁衫 tõi-sâm to tailor.
<又> sām.
(See 衫 sām; 衫 xäm.)
sam5 13121
177 26 sâm shān (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin⁵⁴ pronunication of 䪌 chãm zhàn cushion for saddle; the weeping decorations of banners and flags, the ends of banners and flags, the weeping decorations of saddles.⁸ a saddle cloth.²⁵
(composition: ⿰革毚; U+4A8C).
<又> chãm.
(See 䪌 chãm).
sam5 13122
18 7 sän shān to delete; to take out; to erase.
删除[刪除] sän-chuĩ shānchú to delete; to leave out.
删节[刪節] sän-dēik
shānjié to delete and revise; to abridge; to abbreviate; to condense.
删繁补缺[刪繁補缺] sän-fãn-bū-kūt
shānfánbǔquē to cut out repetition and fill in gaps.
删繁就简[刪繁就簡] sän-fãn-diù-gān
shānfánjiùjiǎn simplify something by cutting out the superfluous.⁵
删改[刪改] sän-gōi
shāngǎi to delete and revise; to abridge.
san2 13123
32 9 sän shān <wr.> to make mud; to make pottery moulds.¹  Molded clay tile.¹¹
(composition: ⿰土延; U+57CF).
埏埴 sän-jèik shānzhí (potter) to mix water with clay to shape molds.¹¹
<又> yẽn.
(See 埏 yẽn.)
san2 13124
38 8 sän shān to ridicule, to laugh at; (said of a woman) to walk slowly.⁷
姗姗[姍姍] sän-sän shānshān leisurely; slow (in walking, coming).⁶
姗姗来迟[姍姍來遲] sän-sän-lõi-chĩ
shānshānláichí be slow in coming; be late.⁵
姗笑[姍笑] sän-xël
shānxiào or 讪笑[訕笑] sän-xël shànxiào to ridicule.⁷
san2 13125
46 3 sän shān Kangxi radical 46; mountain; hill; bundled straw in which silkworms spin cocoons; gable; Shan surname.¹⁰
山坡 sän-bö shānpō mountainside; hillside.⁸ slope of a hill.¹⁴
山雀 sän-dēk
shānquè <zoo.> tit.¹⁰
山峰 sän-füng
shānfēng (mountain) peak.¹⁰
山谷 sän-gūk
shāngǔ mountain valley.⁵
山楂 sän-jä
shānzhā haw.⁶ Crataegus pinnatifida.
山茱萸 sän-jï-yĩ
shānzhūyú <TCM> Cornus officinalis; sour mountain date; herb associated with longevity.¹⁰
山竹 sän-jūk
shānzhú mangosteen.¹⁰
山葵 sän-kĩ
shānkuí wasabi; Wasabia japonica.
山峦[山巒] sän-lũn
shānluán chain of mountains; multipeaked mountain.⁶
山峦重叠[山巒重疊] sän-lũn-chũng-èp
shānluánchóngdié overlapping ranges of high mountains (idiom).¹⁰
山脉[山脈] sän-mäk
shānmài mountain range.¹⁰
山明水秀 sän-mẽin-suī-xiü
shānmíngshuǐxiù lit. verdant hills and limpid water (idiom); fig. enchanting scenery.¹⁰
山崖 sän-ngãi
shānyá cliff.¹⁰
山肴[山餚] sän-ngão
shānyáo mountain food; exotic food from mountains.⁸
山芋 sän-vû
shānyù sweet potato.⁸
山羊 sän-yẽng
shānyáng goat.⁹
san2 13126
64 9 sän shuān (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 拴 ūn shuān to tie, to fasten.)
<又> ūn, xùn.
(See 拴 ūn, xùn.)
san2 13127
75 9 sän shān 光栅[光柵] göng-sän guāngshān <elec.> raster; optical grating; grating; pattern; raster display.³⁹
帘栅极[簾柵極] lẽm-sän-gèik
liánshānjí  <elec.> screen grid.¹⁹
帘栅管[簾柵管] lẽm-sän-gōn
liánshānguǎn <elec.> screen grid tube.¹⁹
栅极[柵極] sän-gèik
shānjí <elec.> grid.¹⁰
柵漏[栅漏] sän-lèo
shānlòu <elec.> a grid leak.⁷
叶栅[葉柵] yêp-sän
yèshān (vane) cascade; blade cascade; blade lattice; blade grid.³⁹ louver.⁵⁴
<又> chāk.
(See 柵 chāk.)
san2 13128
84 7 sän xiān xenon (Xe).⁶ (variant: 氥 xäi ).
氙灯[氙燈] sän-äng
xiāndēng xenon arc lamp.⁶
氙光[氙光] sän-göng
xiānguāng xenon light.⁶
氙激光器 sän-gēik-göng-hï
xiānjīguāngqì xenon laser.⁶
氙气[氙氣] sän-hï
xiānqì xenon.¹⁰
氙中毒 sän-jüng-ùk
xiānzhòngdú xenon poisoning.⁶
(See 氥 xäi.)
san2 13129
85 6 sän shàn short for 汕头[汕頭] Sän-hẽo Shàntóu.⁶ <wr.> a bamboo fish trap, a weir.¹¹
汕头[汕頭] Sän-hẽo
Shàntóu Shantou (a city in Guangdong Province, one of China's special economic zones).⁶
san2 13130
85 11 sän shuàn to rinse (a container); to boil in a chafing pot; to cheat with lies.⁷
把这瓶子涮一下[把這瓶子涮一下] bā-jëh-pêng-dū-sän-yīt-hâ bǎzhèpíngzǐshuànyīxià give the bottle a rinse.⁷
涮锅子[涮鍋子] sän-vö-dū
shuànguōzi instant-boil slices of meat and vegetables in a chafing pot.⁵
涮羊肉 sän-yẽng-ngùk
shuànyángròu mutton cooked in a chafing pot.⁷
涮洗 sän-xāi
shuànxǐ to rinse.⁷
洗洗涮涮 xāi-xāi-sän-sän xǐxǐshuànshuàn wash; do laundry.⁵⁴
san2 13131
85 15 sän shān <wr.> in tears; tearfully.⁵
泪潸潸[淚潸潸] luì-sän-sän lèishānshān tears flowing incessantly; streaming tears.⁵⁴
潸然 sän-ngẽin
shānrán <wr.> full of tears; tearful.⁶
潸然泪下[潸然淚下] sän-ngẽin-luì-hä
shānránlèixià tears trickling down one's cheeks.⁵
潸潸 sän-sän
shānshān <wr.> full of tears; copiously tearful; (of rain) unceasing.⁶
潸泫 sän-yõn
shānxuàn tears flowing; weeping.⁷
san2 13132
96 9 sän shān coral; the tinkling of pendants.⁷
珊珊 sän-sän shānshān the tinkling of jade pendants.⁷
珊瑚 sän-vũ
shānhú coral.⁷
珊瑚岛[珊瑚島] sän-vũ-āo
shānhúdǎo coral island.⁵
珊瑚虫[珊瑚蟲] sän-vũ-chũng
shānhúchóng anthozoan.¹⁰ coral polyp.⁵⁵
珊瑚礁 sän-vũ-dël
shānhújiāo coral reef.⁵
珊瑚潭 sän-vũ-hêim
shānhútán coral lake.¹⁰
珊瑚红[珊瑚紅] sän-vũ-hũng
shānhúhóng coral (color).⁵⁴
珊瑚泥 sän-vũ-nãi
shānhúní coral mud.⁷
珊瑚树[珊瑚樹] sän-vũ-sì
shānhúshù a kind of evergreen tree (Viburnum odoratissimum).⁷
san2 13133
104 8 sän shàn hernia, rupture.⁸
疝气[疝氣] sän-hï shànqì hernia.⁸
疝痛 sän-hüng
shàntòng colic.¹⁰
san2 13134
118 16 sän cuàn to seize (power, the throne); to usurp.⁷ (variant: 簒 sän cuàn).
篡改 sän-gōi
cuàngǎi to alter a piece of writing with an evil intent; to tamper (with a document).⁷
篡军[篡軍] sän-gün
cuànjūn usurp/seize military power; usurp the leadership of the army.⁶
篡汉称帝[篡漢稱帝] sän-hön-chëin-äi
cuànhànchēngdì rebelled against the Han Dynasty and proclaimed himself emperor.¹⁴
篡权[篡權] sän-kũn
cuànquán usurp power.⁵
篡立 sän-lìp
cuànlì to become an unlawful ruler.⁷
篡逆 sän-ngèik
cuànnì to rebel; to revolt.⁷
篡党[篡黨] sän-ōng
cuàndǎng usurp the highest leadership of the party.⁸
篡党夺权[篡黨奪權] sän-ōng-ùt-kũn
cuàndǎngduóquán usurp Party leadershipand seize state power.⁶
篡弑[篡弒] sän-sï
cuànshì to commit regicide.⁷
篡贼[篡賊] sän-tàk
cuànzéi a usurper.⁷
篡夺[篡奪] sän-ùt
cuànduó to seize (power, the throne); to usurp.⁷
篡位 sän-vì
cuànwèi to seize the throne..⁷
(See 簒 sän).
san2 13135
118 17 sän cuàn (<old>=篡 sän cuàn) to seize (power, the throne); to usurp.⁷
(See 篡 sän).
san2 13136
137 9 sän shān 舢舨 or 舢板 sän-bān shānbǎn sampan.⁵
san2 13137
140 7 sän shān to cut down; to mow; to eliminate; scythe.¹⁰ a big sickle.¹¹
芟除 sän-chuĩ shānchú to mow; to delete.⁹
芟除样方[芟除樣方] sän-chuĩ-yèng-föng
shān chú yàng fāng <bio.> denuded quadrat.⁹
芟秋 sän-tiü
shānqiū to weed farmland and loosen the soil after the beginning of autumn in order to quicken and improve the ripening process of a farm crop and prevent weeds from bearing seeds.⁹
or 芟夷 sän-yĩ shānyí <wr.> to uproot wild grass. to weed; to eliminate, to exterminate.⁶
or 芟夷叛乱[芟夷叛亂] sän-yĩ-bòn-lòn shānyípànluàn to exterminate a rebellion.⁶
san2 13138
140 8 sän shàn to cover something, especially with straw mat or fabric covering.
拿蓆苫上点[拿蓆苫上點] nã-dèk-sän-sèng-ēm náxíshànshàngdiǎn cover it with a straw mat.
苫单[苫單] sän-än
shàndān manta.
苫背 sän-böi
shànbèi thatch.
苫布 sän-bü
shànbù tarpaulin; manta.
苫席 sän-dèik
shànxí mat cover.
<又> sëin.
(See 苫 sëin.)
san2 13139
149 10 sän shàn to mock; to ridicule; to slander.¹⁰
搭讪[搭訕] äp-sän dāshàn to hit on someone; to strike up a conversation; to start talking to end an awkward silence or embarrassing situation.¹⁰
讪脸[訕臉] sän-lêm
shànliǎn impudent.¹⁰
讪骂[訕罵] sän-mà
shànmà <topo.> to abuse; to vilify.⁵⁴
讪讪[訕訕] sän-sän
shànshàn embarrassed.¹⁰
讪上[訕上] sän-sèng
shànshàng slander one's superiors.⁵⁴
讪笑[訕笑] sän-xël
shànxiào or 姗笑[姍笑] sän-xël shānxiào to ridicule.⁷
san2 13140
157 12 sän shān to walk unsteadily; to stagger.⁷
(composition: ⿰⻊册; U+8DDA).
步态蹒跚[步態蹣跚] bù-häi-põn-sän bùtài pánshān walk with unsteady tottering steps; walk with a faltering pace; walk haltingly.⁶
步履蹒跚[步履蹣跚] bù-lî-põn-sän
bùlǚ pánshān walk haltingly; hobble along; stumble forward; stagger along; totter.⁶
or 盘跚[盤跚] or 媻珊 or 媻姗[媻姍] or 媻跚 põn-sän pánshān walk haltingly; limp; hobble.⁵
蹒跚而行[蹣而行] põn-sän-ngĩ-hãng
pánshān'érxíng stumble about/along/around.⁶
san2 13141
169 9 sän shuān bolt, latch; fasten with a bolt or latch.⁵
(composition: ⿵門一; U+9582).
把门闩好[把門閂好] bā-mõn-sän-hāo bǎménshuānhǎo bolt the door.⁵
门闩[門閂] mõn-sän
or 门栓[門栓] mõn-sân ménshuān (door) bolt; (door) bar.⁵
闩门[閂門] sän-mõn
shuānmén lock the door.¹⁰
<又> sân.
(See 閂 sân.)
san2 13142
9 14 sãn chán to revile; to abuse.⁸
(composition: ⿰亻孱; U+50DD).
僝僽 sãn-jào chánzhòu or jàn-jào zhuànzhòu to revile.¹⁴ abusive language.²⁴
(See also 僝 jàn).
san3 13143
39 12 sãn càn 孱头[孱頭] sãn-hẽo càntou <topo.> weakling; coward.⁵
(See 孱 [sãn, chán].)
san3 13144
39 12 sãn chán frail; weak; feeble.⁶
孱夫 sãn-fü chánfū a cowardly person; a weakling.⁷
孱羸 sãn-luĩ
chánléi <wr.> thin and frail; emaciated.⁶
孱微 sãn-mĩ
chánwēi <wr.> lowly; humble.⁶
孱弱 sãn-ngèk
chánruò <wr.> (of physique) frail, feeble, delicate; weak and incompetent, incapable, impotent; insubstantial; thin.⁶
(See 孱 [sãn, càn].)
san3 13145
85 15 sãn chán sound of flowing water.⁸ flow; trickle (of water).¹⁰
潺沄 sãn-vũn chányún refers to sluggish flow of water.¹⁹
潺潺 sãn-sãn
chánchán murmur; gurgle; babble.⁸ murmur; babble (sound of water).¹⁰
潺潺流水 sãn-sãn-liũ-suī
chánchánliúshuǐ the murmuring of running water; a murmuring stream.⁵⁴
潺潺声[潺潺聲] sãn-sãn-sëin
chánchánshēng purl.¹⁰
潺湲 sãn-yõn
chányuán flow slowly.⁸  sound of gurgling or babbling (brook).¹¹
<台> 潺 sãn slimy, viscous mucus.
<台> 黄鳝有潺[黃鱔有潺] võng-sên-yiü-sãn the eel is slimy.
san3 13146
85 15 sãn chán (<old>=潺 sãn chán sound of flowing water.⁸ flow; trickle (of water).¹⁰).⁸
(composition: ⿰氵森; U+6F79).
(See 潺 sãn).
san3 13147
187 22 sãn chǎn <wr.> ride bareback.⁶ a horse without saddle or bridle.²⁵
骣骑[驏騎] sãn-kĩ chǎnqí ride bareback, ride a horse without a saddle or bridle; bare-back rider and horse.⁶
骣骑蕃马[驏騎蕃馬] sãn-kĩ-fän-mâ
chǎnqífānmǎ to ride a wild horse without saddle or bridle (an instance of daring folly).²⁵
san3 13148
75 10 sân shuān bolt, plug; stopper, cork.⁵
螺栓 lũ-sân luóshuān (screw) bolt.⁵
栓缚[栓縛] sân-bòk
or sân-fòk shuānfù bind.¹⁹
栓绑[栓綁] sân-bōng
shuānbǎng tie up; bind up.⁵⁴
栓子 sân-dū
shuānzǐ <med.> embolus.⁵
栓剂[栓劑] sân-jäi
shuānjì <med.> suppository.⁵
栓牢 sân-lão
shuānláo tie up firmly.¹⁹
栓皮 sân-pĩ
shuānpí <forest.> cork.⁵
栓皮栎[栓皮櫟] sân-pĩ-lēik
or sân-pĩ-lèik shuānpílì <bot.> Quercus variabilis oriental oak.⁵ Chinese cork oak.¹⁵
栓塞 sân-xāk
shuānsè <med.> embolism.⁵
枪栓[槍栓] tëng-sân
qiāngshuān rifle bolt.⁵
消火栓 xël-fō-sân
xiāohuǒshuān fire hydrant.⁵
<又> tũn.
(See 栓 tũn.)
san5 13149
78 12 sân cán <台> 口水残[口水殘] hēo-suī-sân or hēo-suī-tân phlegm; spittle.
<又> tãn, tân.
(See 殘 tãn, tân.)
san5 13150
169 9 sân shuān <台> 门闩[門閂] or 门栓[門栓] mõn-sân (door) bolt; (door) bar.
<又> sän.
(See 閂 sän.)
san5 13151
40 12 𡨽
sāng shěng the court magistrate's office.⁰
(composition: ⿱宀省; U+21A3D).
sang1 13152
85 12 sāng shěng deficient; a water gate; the name of a stream and of a hill.²⁴  to reduce, to simplify; water gate; a surname​.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵省; U+6E3B).
<又> xēin. (See 渻 xēin.)
sang1 13153
100 9 𤯝
sāng shěng (➀ =眚 sāng shěng cataract; error, fault; disaster.⁶ ➁ to free oneself from distracting thoughts).³⁶
(composition: ⿱生月; U+24BDD).
<又> tëin.
(See 𤯝❄{⿱生月} tëin).
sang1 13154
109 9 sāng shěng to save; to economize; to do without; to omit; to leave out; province.¹⁰
节省[節省] dēik-sāng jiéshěng saving; to save; to use sparingly; to cut down on.¹⁰
省得 sāng-āk
shěngde to avoid; so as to save (money or time).¹⁰
省吃俭用[省吃儉用] sāng-hëk-gèm-yùng
shěngchījiǎnyòng to live frugally; to economize on food and clothing; to scrimp and save.¹⁰
省长[省長] sāng-jēng
shěngzhǎng governor of a province.¹⁰
省略 sāng-lèk
shěnglüè to leave out; an omission.¹⁰
省穑[省穡] sāng-sēik
shěngsè to be sparing.²⁵
省城 sāng-sẽin
shěngchéng provincial capital.¹⁰
省钱[省錢] sāng-tẽin
shěngqián to save money.¹⁰
省委 sāng-vī
shěngwěi  provincial Party committee.¹⁰
省会[省會] sāng-vòi
shěnghuì provincial capital.¹⁰ (cf. 省会[省會] xēin-vòi xǐnghuì.)
省事 sāng-xù
shěngshì to simplify matters; to save trouble.¹⁰  (cf. 省事 xēin-xù xǐngshì.)
<又> xēin.
(See 省 xēin.)
sang1 13155
109 10 sāng shěng cataract; error, fault; disaster.⁶ (variant: 𤯝❄{⿱生月} sāngˢᵉˢᵉ¹).
(composition: ⿱生目; U+771A).
不以一眚掩大德 būt-yî-yīt-sāng-yēm-ài-āk
bùyǐyīshěng yǎndàdé do not allow one error to obscure great merits.¹⁴
除眚 chuĩ-sāng
chúshěng eliminate errors, malpractices.¹¹
眚病 sāng-bèng
shěngbìng a disease in which the hands, nails, and lips turn green; to be possessed by demons.¹⁴
眚灾[眚災] sāng-döi
shěngzāi faults and misfortunes.⁷
眚灾肆赦[眚災肆赦] sāng-döi-xü-xëh
shěngzāisìshè inadvertencies and crimes caused by misfortune might be forgiven.¹⁴
眚沴 sāng-luì
shěnglì poisonous ecxhalations.¹⁴
(See 𤯝❄{⿱生月} sāngˢᵉˢᵉ¹)
sang1 13156
142 15 𧍖
sāng shěng an insect.²⁵
(composition: ⿰虫省; U+27356).
sang1 13157
154 15 sāng shǎng <台> 赏月[賞月] sāng-ngùt/-ā admire the full moon (on the 15th day of the eighth moon).
<又> sēng. (See 賞 sēng.)
sang1 13158
163 11 𨜜
sāng shěng the name of an ancient territory.²⁵
(composition: ⿰省阝; U+2871C).
sang1 13159
85 8 säng shēng water rising high; water deep and wide.²ʼ²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵生; U+6CE9).
sang2 13160
93 9 säng shēng domestic animal; animal sacrifice.⁵
畜牲 or 畜生 chūk-säng chùsheng livestock, or specifically the six farm animals cow, horse, sheep, cock, dog, pig; an insult, You animal!¹⁰ the  beasts; (severe abuse of person) dog, beast, vermin, contemptible cur.¹¹
牺牲[犧牲] hï-säng
xīshēng sacrificial beast, sacrifice; make the ultimate/supreme sacrifice, die a martyr's death, lay down one's life (for a just cause), sacrifice oneself; give up (something as a means of gaining something more desirable), sacrifice.⁶
牲畜 säng-chūk
shēngchù livestock; domestic animals.⁵
牲畜车[牲畜車] säng-chūk-chëh
shēngchùchē (of railroads) livestock wagon, stock wagon, stock car.⁵
牲粉 säng-fūn
shēngfěn <chem.> animal starch; glycogen.⁵
牲豭 säng-gä
shēngjiā sacrificial boar.¹⁹
牲口 säng-hēo
shēngkou draught animals; beasts of burden.⁵
牲口棚 säng-hēo-pãng
shēngkoupéng stock barn; livestock shed.⁵
sang2 13161
94 8 säng shēng (<old>=鼪 säng shēng) weasel.⁸
<又> xëin.
(See 狌 xëin.)
sang2 13162
100 5 säng shēng Kangxi radical 100; life, living, lifetime; birth.⁸ (var. 𤯓❄).
生病 säng-bèng shēngbìng fall ill; get sick.⁹
生产[生產] säng-chān
shēngchǎn produce; give birth to.⁹
生抽 säng-chëo
shēngchōu light soy sauce.⁹
生态[生態] säng-häi
shēngtài ecology.⁹
生气[生氣] säng-hï shēngqì get angry; vitality.⁹
生地 säng-ì
shēngdì virgin soil; dried rhizone of rehmannia.⁵
生殖 säng-jèik
shēngzhí reproduce.⁹
生长[生長] säng-jēng
shēngzhǎng grow; grow up.⁹
生灵[生靈] säng-lẽin
shēnglíng the people; living things.⁸
生理 säng-lî
shēnglǐ physiology.⁹
生命 säng-mèin
shēngmìng life.⁹
生物 säng-mùt
or säng-mòt shēngwù living things.⁹
生日 säng-ngìt
shēngrì birthday.¹⁰
生怕 säng-pä
shēngpà for fear that; so as not to; lest.⁶
生前 säng-tẽin
shēngqián (of a deceased) during one's life; while living.¹⁰
生菜 säng-töi
shēngcài lettuce.⁹
生存 säng-tũn shēngcún subsist; exist; live.⁵
生动[生動] säng-ùng
shēngdòng lively.⁹
生活 säng-vòt shēnghuó life; activity; to live; livelihood.¹⁰
生意 säng-yï
shēngyi business.⁹
<台> 生仔 säng-dōi to give birth to a male child.
<又> sâng.
(See 生 sâng; 𤯓❄{⿻屮二} säng).
sang2 13163
100 5 𤯓
säng shēng (<old>=生 säng shēng life, living, lifetime; birth.⁸).²
(composition: ⿻屮二; U+24BD3).
(See 生 säng).
sang2 13164
100 12 säng shēng sister's child.⁸ sister's son; nephew.¹⁰ sister's child (nephew or niece).¹¹
Hõn-hẽo-tuī-häi, fũn-võng-jï-säng, kūt-fū-jï-dū.
Hán hóu qǔ qī, fén wáng zhī shēng, jué fǔ zhīzǐ.
The marquis of Han took to himself a wife, -
A niece of king Fen,
The daughter of Jue-fu.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·蕩之什·韓奕·4》, translated by James Legge).
外甥 ngòi-säng
wàisheng sister's son; nephew.¹¹
外甥女 ngòi-säng-nuī
wàishengnǚ sister's daughter; niece.¹¹
甥兒 säng-ngĩ
shēng'ér nephew, sister's son.¹¹
甥女 säng-nuī
shēngnǚ niece; sister's daughter.¹¹
sang2 13165
118 11 säng shēng a reed pipe wind instrument.⁵ a kind of panpipe with 13 reeds.⁷
芦笙[蘆笙] lũ-säng lúshēng a reed-pipe wind instrument, used by the Miao, Yao, and Deng nationalities.⁵
笙歌 säng-gô
shēnggē <wr.> playing and singing.⁵ music and singing.⁶
笙管 säng-gōn
shēngguǎn pipes of a panpipe.⁷
笙磬同音 säng-hëin-hũng-yïm
shēngqìngtóngyīn work together in perfect harmony; be on intimate terms.⁶
笙珊瑚 säng-sän-vũ
shēngshānhú oran-pipe coral.⁶
] säng-võng shēnghuáng reeds of a panpipe.⁷
迭作] säng-võng-èik-dōk shēnghuángdiézuò the music struck up.¹⁴
笙箫[笙簫] säng-xël
shēngxiāo reed-pipe wind instrument and vertical bamboo flute.¹⁰
笙镛[笙鏞] säng-yũng
shēngyōng flute and large bell.⁵⁴
sang2 13166
130 9 säng shēng (chemistry, dated) Synonym of 肽 (häi tài, “peptide”).
(composition: ⿰⺼生; U+80DC).
Note: the simplified form of 勝 sëin
shèng looks the same as 胜. This character 胜 (⿰⺼生 with the "meat" radical) and 胜 (⿰月生 with the "moon" radical) are rendered exactly the same with the same Unicode codepoint.
<又> xëin, hëin.
(See 胜 xëin; 胜 hëin; 胜[勝] sëin).
sang2 13167
208 18 säng shēng weasel.⁸ (=鼬鼠 yiû-sī yòushǔ) or (=黄鼠狼[黃鼠狼] võng-sī-lõng huángshǔláng) yellow weasel.⁶ Siberian weasel.³⁶ (variant: 狌 säng shēng).
(composition: ⿰鼠生; U+9F2A).
(See 狌 säng).
sang2 13168
100 5 sâng shēng <台> 后生[後生] hẽo-sâng/ young men.
<台> 后生仔[後生仔] hẽo-sâng-dōi a young man.
<又> säng. (See 生 säng.)
sang5 13169
147 14 sâng <wr.> a wizard.⁶
巫觋[巫覡] mũ-sâng wūxí witches and wizards.¹⁴
觋公[覡公] sâng-güng
xígōng a wizard.¹⁴
<台> 觋婆[覡婆] sâng-põ
or sâng-pũ sorceress.
sang5 13170
115 12 sāo shào (composition: ⿰禾肖; U+7A0D).
稍息 sāo-xēik shàoxī stand at ease.⁶
稍息! Sāo-xēik!
Shàoxī! (word of command) At ease!⁶
(See 稍 [sāo, shāo].)
sao1 13171
115 12 sāo shāo somewhat; a little.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰禾肖; U+7A0D).
稍等 sāo-āng shāoděng to wait a moment.¹⁰
稍后[稍後] sāo-hèo
shāohòu later on.⁸
稍候 sāo-hèo
shāohòu to wait for a moment.⁹
稍许[稍許] sāo-huī
shāoxǔ a trifle.⁸ a little bit.⁹
稍微 sāo-mĩ
shāowēi a little, a bit, a trifle.⁸
稍秣 sāo-mòt
shāomò feed for horses.¹¹
稍稍 sāo-sāo
shāoshāo just a little; gradually.⁸
稍为[稍為] sāo-vĩ
shāowéi a little; rather.⁹
稍逊一筹[稍遜一籌] sāo-xün-yīt-chiũ
shāoxùnyīchóu be slightly inferior.⁵
(See 稍 [sāo, shào].)
sao1 13172
182 18 sāo sōu to air-dry; effect of wind.
<台> 飕[颼] sāo to air-dry.
<台> 飕着[颼著] sāo-jèk to catch a cold.
<台> 飕凉[颼涼] sāo-lẽng to enjoy coolness.
<台> 飕干[颼乾] sāo-gön to hang up something to dry.
<又> xēo. (See 颼 xēo.)
sao1 13173
30 10 säo shào a whistle; to patrol; an outpost; a guard station.⁷
(composition: ⿰口肖; U+54E8).
打呼哨 ā-fü-säo dǎhūshào give a whistle; to whistle.⁶
吹哨 chuï-säo
chuīshào to blow a whistle; to whistle.¹⁰
呼哨 fü-säo
hūshào a whistle.⁶
忽哨 fūt-säo
hūshào to whistle (with fingers in one's mouth); nowadays written 呼哨 fü-säo hūshào.¹⁰
口哨 hēo-säo
kǒushào whistling sound made through rounded lips.⁶
哨兵 säo-bëin
shàobīng a sentinel or sentry.⁷
哨子 säo-dū
shàozi a whistle.⁷
哨卡 säo-kā
shàoqiǎ frontier/strategic sentry post; checkpoint.⁶
哨所 säo-sō
shàosuǒ a sentry post; a post.⁷
哨船 säo-sõn
shàochuán a patrol boat.⁷
前哨 tẽin-säo
qiánshào outpost.¹⁰
sao2 13174
30 16 säo xiào (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 啸[嘯] xël xiào (of humans) to whistle, to scream; (of some birds or animals) to cry, to howl, to roar; (of the wind, the sea) to howl, to roar; (of a bullet, plane) to whirr, to whiz, to whistle.⁶)
<又> xël.
(See 嘯 xël.)
sao2 13175
57 10 säo shāo a bow sending forth an arrow; the end of a bow.²⁴
(composition: ⿰弓肖; U+5F30).
鞭弰 or 鞭梢 bëin-säo biānshāo whiplash.⁵ tip of a whip.¹¹
or 弓梢 güng-säo gōngshāo the ends of a bow; refers to a bow in general.¹⁹
sao2 13176
64 10 säo shào 捎色 säo-sēik shàosè or shàoshǎi <topo.> to fade (of color).
(composition: ⿰扌肖; U+634E).
(See 捎 [säo, shāo].)
sao2 13177
64 10 säo shāo to bring something to somebody, to deliver.
(composition: ⿰扌肖; U+634E).
捎带[捎帶] säo-äi shāodài <topo.> to carry along, to take with; in addition, besides, furthermore; as occasion permits; while one is at it, in passing.
捎带脚[捎帶腳] säo-äi-gëk
shāodàijiǎo <topo.> involuntarily; incidentally, in passing; to take the occasion.
捎办[捎辦] säo-bàn
shāobàn to do something for somebody on one's way to somewhere.
捎间[捎間] säo-gän
shāojiān a backroom, usually connected with parlor and smaller.
捎脚[捎腳] säo-gëk
shāojiǎo to pick up passengers or goods on the way.
捎来[捎來] säo-lõi
shāolái to bring to somebody; to take along something to somebody.
捎马子[捎馬子] säo-mâ-dū
shāomǎzi <topo.> saddlebag.
捎话[捎話] säo-và
shāohuà to ask somebody to deliver a message.
捎信 säo-xïn
shāoxìn to ask somebody to deliver a message.
(See 捎 [säo, shào].)
sao2 13178
70 13 säo shāo serrated edges on a Chinese flag.⁸ flowing streamers; a swallow's tail.²⁴ a decorative object such as a streamer on a flag; also refers to banners in general.²⁹
(composition: ⿰方⿱𠂉肖; U+65D3).
长旓[長旓] chẽng-säo chángshāo refers to long banners or flags hanging down.¹⁹
sao2 13179
75 11 säo shāo tip; the thin end of a twig; end.³⁹
(composition: ⿰木肖; U+68A2).
梢长大汉[梢長大漢] säo-chẽng-ài-hön shāocháng dàhàn a tall and big fellow.⁷
梢子 säo-dū
shāozi long, slender end, tip; a boatman; a hand-rotated small drum (toy); <topo.> short pants.¹¹
or 艄公 säo-güng shāogōng a helmsman; a boatman; a rudder.⁷
or 艄公水手 säo-güng-suī-siū shāogōngshuǐshǒu helmsman and crew of a boat.¹⁴
梢条[梢條] säo-hẽl
shāotiáo branch, twig.⁶
梢头[梢頭] säo-hẽo
shāotóu <wr.> top of tree; end (of street, things).¹¹
梢沟[梢溝] säo-këo
shāogōu trench made by running water.⁵⁴
梢孔 säo-kūng
shāokǒng pinholes.³⁹
梢马[梢馬] säo-mâ
shāomǎ trace horse.⁸
梢门[梢門] säo-mõn
shāomén gate.⁸
梢末 säo-mòt
shāomò the extreme end of a thing.⁷
or 艄婆 säo-põ or säo-pũ shāopó a boatwoman.⁷
梢梢 säo-säo
shāoshāo sousing, whistling, rustling sound of wind.¹¹
sao2 13180
85 15 säo shào (of rain) fall slantwise, slant in; <vern.> sprinkle, spray; <topo.> slops, swill.⁶
(composition: ⿰氵稍; U+6F72).
猪潲[豬潲] jï-säo zhūshào hogwash.⁶
潲缸 säo-göng
shàogāng hogwash vat.⁶
潲桶 säo-hūng
shàotǒng <topo.> bucket for hogwash.⁶
潲水 säo-suī
shàoshuǐ <topo.> hogwash; slops, swill.⁶ hogwash; sprinkle.⁸
潲雨 säo-yî
shàoyǔ rain slanted by the wind; get wet by the slanting rain.⁶
sao2 13181
118 13 säo shāo pail made of bamboo/wood strips, basket; <m.> pailful, bucketful.⁶ a basket for holding cooked rice.⁷
(composition: ⿱𥫗肖; U+7B72).
斗筲 ēo-säo dǒushāo containers of small capacity – narrow-mindedness; poor understanding; small ability.⁶
斗筲之辈[斗筲之輩] ēo-säo-jï-böi
dǒushāozhībèi person of little ability and knowledge; narrow-minded and short-sighted person.⁶
斗筲之人 ēo-säo-jï-ngĩn
dǒushāozhīrén (from 论语[論語] lũn-nguî/ lúnyǔ Lun Yu, Analects, also equal to 斗筲小器 ēo-säo-xēl-hï; 斗筲之輩 ēo-säo-jï-böi; 斗筲之徒 ēo-säo-jï-hũ; 斗筲之器 ēo-säo-jï-hï; 斗筲之才 ēo-säo-jï-tõi; 斗筲之材 ēo-säo-jï-tõi).⁸ a small-minded person; a bean-counter.¹⁰ a rice-bag, Confucius' description of officials of his times.¹¹
两筲水[兩筲水] lēng-säo-suī
liǎngshāoshuǐ two buckets or pails of water.⁶
筲箕 säo-gî
shāojī bamboo basin (bamboo utensil for washing rice or vegetables.⁶
筲箍 säo-kû
shāogū hoop on a basket.¹⁹
水筲 suī-säo
shuǐshāo pail; bucket.⁶
sao2 13182
127 10 säo chào a harrow-like implement for pulverizing soil; level land with such an implemnet.⁵ to plow a field over again; an implemnet of husbandry, like a harrow, with long teeth, for breaking the clods smaller.²⁵
(composition: ⿰耒少; U+8016).
sao2 13183
137 13 säo shāo the stern (of a boat); a rudder, a helm.⁷
(composition: ⿰舟肖; U+8244).
or 艄工 or 梢公 säo-güng shāogōng a helmsman; a boatman; a rudder.⁷ʼ¹⁴
or 梢公水手 säo-güng-suī-siū shāogōngshuǐshǒu helmsman and crew of a boat.¹⁴
or 梢婆 säo-põ or säo-pũ shāopó a boatwoman.⁷
sao2 13184
142 13 säo shāo a long-legged spider.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰虫肖; U+86F8).
蟏蛸[蠨蛸] xël-säo xiāoshāo a kind of spider.⁸
蟏蛸满室[蠨蛸滿室] xël-säo-mōn-sīt
xiāoshāomǎnshì The room is filled with cobwebs.¹⁰
<又> xël.
(See 蛸 xël.)
sao2 13185
167 15 säo xiù (=锈[鏽] säo xiù) rust; to rust; incrustation.⁶
锈斑[銹斑] säo-bän
or xëng-bän xiùbān rust stains.⁷
<又> xëng.
(See 銹 xëng; 鏥 säo; 鏥 xëng; 鏽 säo; 鏽 xëng).
sao2 13186
167 19 säo xiù (=锈[鏽] säo xiù) rust; to rust; incrustation.⁶
<又> xëng.
(See 銹 säo; 銹 xëng; 鏥 xëng; 鏽 säo; 鏽 xëng).
sao2 13187
167 21 säo xiù rust; to rust; incrustation.⁶ (variants: 銹, 鏥 säo xiù).
不锈钢[不鏽鋼] būt-säo-gông
bùxiùgāng stainless steel.¹⁰
铁锈[鐵鏽] hëik-säo
tiěxiù (iron) rust.⁶
铜锈[銅鏽] hũng-säo
tóngxiù verdigris.¹⁴
脑子生锈[腦子生銹] nāo-dū-säng-säo
nǎozi shēngxiù  lit. brains rusty; ossified thinking.¹⁰
生锈[生鏽] säng-säo
shēngxiù rust; become rusty; oxidize.⁹
锈斑[鏽斑] säo-bän
xiùbān rust spot/patch.⁶
锈病[鏽病] säo-bèng
xiùbìng rust (disease).⁶
锈金[鏽金] säo-gïm
xiùjīn rusty gold.⁶
锈住[鏽住] säo-jì
xiùzhù rusted in; rusted together.¹⁴
锈菌[鏽菌] säo-kūn
xiùjūn rust fungus.⁶
锈毛黄猄草[鏽毛黃猄草] säo-mão võng-gëng-tāo
xiùmáo huángjīngcǎo (Championella fulvihispida).²⁰
锈色[鏽色] säo-sēik
xiùsè rust (color).⁶
锈蚀[鏽蝕] säo-sèik
xiùshí corrode; rust.⁶
锈坏[鏽壞] säo-vài
xiùhuài corroded; spoilt by rust.¹⁴
水锈[水鏽] suī-säo
shuǐxiù scale, incrustation; watermark (in water vessels), water stain.⁶
<又> xëng.
(See 銹 säo; 銹 xëng; 鏥 säo; 鏥 xëng; 鏽 xëng).
sao2 13188
177 16 säo shāo whiplash.⁵
鞭鞘 bëin-säo biānshāo whiplash.⁶ a whip.²⁵
鞘鸣[鞘鳴] säo-mẽin
shāomíng the crack of a lash.¹⁴
<又> xël.
(See 鞘 xël.)
sao2 13189
182 16 säo shāo the sound of the wind.²⁵
(composition: ⿺風肖; U+98B5).
颵颵 säo-säo or xël-xël shāoshāo or xiāoxiāo sound of the wind.¹⁹
<又> xël.
(See 颵 xël).
sao2 13190
190 17 säo shāo end of hair; ancient ornament on lady's clothing in the form of a swallow's tail; feathers hanging on a banner/flag.⁸ tail of a comet; long hair.¹⁴ a tail of hair, a cue, hair hanging down; a swallow's tail; the tail of a comet; the hairs hanging loose from banners.²⁵
(composition: ⿱髟肖; U+9AFE).
飞髾[飛髾] fï-säo fēishāo feathers on a banner fluttering (in the wind).¹⁹
垂髾 suĩ-säo
chuíshāo buns in the shape of a swallow's tail; pertaining to the tail of clothing.¹⁹
sao2 13191
64 5 sào rēng to throw, to toss.
<台> 扔诶佢[扔誒佢] sào-ë-kuï throw it out.
<又> vèin. (See 扔 vèin.)
sao4 13192
76 13 sāp shà (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 歃 chäp shà with same meaning: drink; smear one's mouth with blood of a victim when taking an oath.⁸)
<又> chäp.
(See 歃 chäp.)
sap1 13193
173 16 sāp shà a very short time; moment; instant.⁵ light rain, drizzle; an instant; passing.⁸
霎霎 sāp-sāp shàshà the sound of falling rain; chilly air, cold winds.⁷ <ono.> of sound of drizzling rain.¹¹
霎时[霎時] sāp-sĩ
shàshí very short time; instant; moment.⁶
霎时间[霎時間] sāp-sĩ-gän
shàshíjiān in a twinkling; in a split second; in a jiffy.⁵
霎雨即晴 sāp-yî-dēik-tẽng
shàyǔjíqíng The weather clears up after a passing shower.⁵⁴
一霎 yīt-sāp
yīshà in a moment.⁵
<台> 铰剪霎[鉸剪霎] gäo-dēin-sāp praying mantis.
<又> säp.
(See 霎 säp.)
sap1 13194
30 11 säp shà (of water birds, fish) to eat or suck noisily.⁶
唼血 säp-hüt or 歃血 chäp-hüt or sāp-hüt shàxuè to smear the blood of a sacrifice on the mouth (an ancient form of swearing an oath).⁶
唼喋 säp-jâp
shàzhá sound of a school of fish or a flock of waterbirds feeding.⁶
sap2 13195
77 14 säp shà the feathers which adorn a coffin.²⁵
(composition: ⿰⿱刃止⿱刃止; U+6B70).
<又> sēip; gëp. (See 歰 sēip; 歰 gëp).
sap2 13196
109 9 säp zhǎ (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 眨 jām zhǎ with same meaning: blink; wink; bat (the eyes).⁶)
<又> jām.
(See 眨 jām; 䁪 jām; 霎 säp; 抿 mīn.)
sap2 13197
124 14 säp shà feathers adorning a coffin.⁷ wooden fan carried in procession.¹⁰
璧翣 bēik-säp bìshà frame for hanging bells and musical stones.¹¹
翣舌 säp-sêt
shàshé a disease of swollen tongue which could be fatal.¹¹
翣舌风[翣舌風] säp-sêt-füng
shàshéfēng a disease in which the patient lolls his tongue continuously.¹¹
sap2 13198
173 16 säp shà 霎眼 säp-ngān shàyǎn twinkle; very short  time; wink.⁶
<台> 天霎 hëin-säp (=闪电[閃電] sēm-èin
shǎndiàn) lightning.
<台> 眼霎霎 ngān-säp-säp blinking the eyes in amazement; don’t know what’s going on.
<又> sāp.
(See 霎 sāp; 眨 säp; 眨 jām; 䁪 jām.)
sap2 13199
86 7 𤆣
sàp xiá (Cant.) saap6 to cook in boiling water.⁸
(composition: ⿰火及; U+241A3).
sap4 13200
86 10 sàp xiá fire-like.² (Cant.) hot; to argue, wrangle, rail at (i.e., to flame).⁸
(Note 1: 烚 sàp v. lùk in Hoisanva: sàp still has fire going whereas lùk has not).
(Note 2: There is no standard Cantonese word for 烚 'to boil'. Some Cantonese dictionaries list 熠 yìp jap6, saap6, jap1 and 煠 jä saap6 zhá for 烚 sàp saap6 xiá while Unihan lists both 炠 äp saap6 xiá and 𤆣❄{⿰火及} sàp saap6 xiá).
(composition: ⿰火合; U+70DA).
zhāng yú yòng rè shuĭ xiá zhì bàn shú
Scald octopus in hot water until half done.¹⁰
<台> 烚猪糁[烚豬糝] sàp-jï-xām to cook pig feed.
<粤> 烚蛋
saap6 daan6*2  hard-boiled eggs.
<粤> 烚热狗头[烚熟狗頭]
saap6 suk6 gau2 tau4 lit. boiled dog's head; fig. a person who smiles foolishly, thus showing his teeth. (Note: Hoisanva: 唲副确 ngï/-fü-kōk, q.v.).
sap4 13201
86 12 sàp zhǔ to cook.
<台> 煮糁[煮糝] sàp-xām to cook food for pigs.
<又> jī. (See 煮 jī; 煑 jī.)
sap4 13202
18 9 sāt chà Buddhist monastery, temple, or shrine; an instant.
宝刹[寶剎] bāo-sāt bǎochà Buddhist temple or monastery; the pagoda of a temple.
梵刹[梵剎] Fãn-sāt
Fànchà Buddhist temple; monastery.¹⁰
古刹[古剎] gū-sāt
gǔchà ancient temple.
刹那[剎那] sāt-nã
chànà instant; split second.
刹那间[剎那間] sāt-nã-gän
chànàjiān in the twinkling of an eye.
(See 剎 sät.)
sat1 13203
18 9 sät shā to brake.
刹把[剎把] sät-bā shābǎ brake lever; crank handle for stopping or turning off machinery.
刹车[剎車] sät-chëh
shāchē to brake a car; to turn off a machine; immediately stop a matter; brakes.
刹住[剎住] sät-jì
shāzhù to stop short.
刹住歪风[剎住歪風] sät-jì-vāi-füng
shāzhù wāifēng to stop an unhealthy tendency or practice.
(See 剎 sāt.)
sat2 13204
64 13 𢫬
sät shā mix in; get tangled.⁵⁴ to mix, to intertwine in disorder; mixing, mixture.¹⁰¹
(comp. t: ⿰扌殺; U+644B). (comp. s: ⿰扌杀; U+22AEC).
❄{⿰扌杀}[拔摋] bàt-sät báshā to separate.¹¹
❄{⿰扌杀}[抹摋] or 抹杀[抹殺] möt-sät mǒshā  to annihilate.¹¹
❄{⿰扌杀}[弊摋] or 弊杀[弊殺] bài-sät bìshā to mingle.⁵⁴
<又> xät.
(See 摋 xät).
sat2 13205
75 7 𣏂
sät shā (=杀[殺] sät shā ➀ to kill; to put to death; to slaughter; to destroy ➁ exceedingly; extremely; ➂ to weaken; to deflate ➃ to fight.⁷) to kill; to take a club in the hand, and strike people. (Note: not to be confused with visually similar 杀 (U+6740), which is the simplified form of 殺 sät shā to kill.)
(composition: ⿱㐅术(G) or ⿱㐅朮(T); U+233C2).
(See 殺 sät).
sat2 13206 233C2.gif
75 15 sät shā like a dogwood, its fruit is red, comes from 淮南 Vãi-Nãm  Huáinán; a wooden wedge, a wood slip, a shim; some say, a mountain peach.²ʼ⁰ ailanthus-like prickly ash (Zanthoxylum ailanthoides) 食茱萸, aka 茱萸, 红刺楤, 红刺葱, 大叶刺葱, 仁刺葱, 刺江某, 越椒. 毛越椒, 鸟不踏, '樧', '艾子', 椿叶花椒.¹⁰ʼ¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(composition: ⿰木殺; U+6A27).
<又> xēik.
(See 樧 xēik).
sat2 13207
79 10 sät shā ➀ to kill; to put to death; to slaughter; to destroy ➁ exceedingly; extremely; ➂ to weaken; to deflate ➃ to fight.⁷
(variants: 𣏂 sät shā; 煞 [sät, shā]).
t: ⿰杀殳; U+6BBA). (comp. s: ⿱㐅木; U+6740).
暗杀[暗殺] ām-sät
ànshā assassinate.⁵
自杀[自殺] dù-sät
zìshā commit suicide.⁵
杀虫药[殺蟲藥] sät-chũng-yêk
shāchóngyào anthelmintic (against intestinal parasites).⁷
杀敌[殺敵] sät-èik
shādí to fight the enemy.⁷
杀敌致果[殺敵致果] sät-èik-jï-gō
shādízhìguǒ (of a soldier) fight gallantly to win glory on the battlefield.⁶
杀虎斩蛟[殺虎斬蛟] sät-fū-jām-gäo
shāhǔzhǎnjiaō lit. to kill the tiger and behead the scaly dragon.¹⁰
杀害[殺害] sät-hòi
shāhài to murder; to kill.⁷
杀菌[殺菌] sät-kûn
shājūn to disinfect; to sterilize.⁸
杀戮[殺戮] sät-lùk
shālù massacre; slaughter.⁵
杀伤[殺傷] sät-sëng
shāshāng to kill and wound; to inflict wounds upon.⁷
杀青[殺青] sät-tëin
shāqīng (of films, books) to be completed.⁷
<台> 杀世[殺世] sät-säi exaggerated.
(See 𣏂 sät; 煞 [sät, shā]).
sat2 13208
85 14 𣻑
sät shā water; cold.²ʼ²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵殺; U+23ED1).
sat2 13209
86 13 sät shà fiend; demon; very; (Tw) SARS (loanword).¹⁰
避煞 bì-sät bìshà to avoid evil spirits.
冲煞[沖煞] chüng-sät
chōngshà to provoke bad influences.
凶煞 hüng-sät
xiōngshà demon.
恶煞[惡煞] ōk-sät
èshà devil; fiend; a fiendish person.
煞白 sät-bàk
shàbái deathly pale.
煞费苦心[煞費苦心] sät-fï-fū-xïm
shàfèi kǔxīn to take great pains.
煞是 sät-sì
shàshì very.
煞神 sät-sĩn
shàshén evil spirit; demon; <topo.> hooligan; hoodlum.
煞有介事 sät-yiû-gäi-xù
shàyǒujièshì to pretend to be serious about doing something.
回煞 või-sät
huíshà to return a soul to its own home a few days after death.
(See 煞[sät, shā].)
sat2 13210
86 13 sät shā to terminate; to cut short; to bring to a stop; to squeeze; to tighten; to damage; (=杀[殺] sät shā) to kill.¹⁰
or 大杀风景[大殺風景] ài-sät-füng-gēin dàshāfēngjǐng to spoil the fun; to be a wet blanket.
or 急杀[急殺] gīp-sät jíshā to be worried but helpless.
or 折杀[折殺] jēt-sät zhéshā to feel undeserving; to overwhelm somebody with special favor.
or 抹杀[抹殺] möt-sät mǒshā to blot out; to obliterate; to write off.
煞笔[煞筆] sät-bīt
shābǐ to stop one's pen; to break off writing; final remarks (at the end of a book or article).
煞车[煞車] sät-chëh
shāchē to brake (when driving).
煞裉 sät-hāng
or sät-käng shākèn measurement from the shoulder to the armpit.⁶
煞气[煞氣] sät-hï
shāqì to vent one's anger on an innocent party.
or 刹住[剎住] sät-jì shāzhù to stop short; to forbid.
煞尾 sät-mī
shāwěi to finish off; to wind up.
or 一笔抹杀[一筆抹殺] yīt-bīt-möt-sät yībǐ mǒshā to blot out at one stroke; to reject out of hand; to deny without a hearing.
(See 煞[sät, shà]; 殺 sät.)
sat2 13211
130 10 sät
<chem.> osazone.⁵ sat2 13212
167 18 sät shā ancient spear; <wr.> destroy, injure, wound.⁶ a long spear.¹¹
铩羽[鎩羽] sät-yî shāyǔ <wr.> having had one's wings clipped – be frustrated; be defeated; be disheartened.⁶
铩羽而归[鎩羽而歸] sät-yî-ngĩ-gï
shāyǔérguī come back crestfallen; return with one's wings clipped.⁶
sat2 13213
64 11 sēh shě abandon, give up; give alms, dispense charity.⁶
舍得[捨得] sēh-āk shěde be willing to part with.⁵
舍本逐末[捨本逐末] sēh-bōn-jùk-mòt
shěběnzhúmò attend to trifles to the  neglect of essentials.⁵
舍不得[捨不得] sēh-būt-āk
shěbude hate to part with or use; grudge.⁵
舍己为公[捨己為公] sēh-gī-vì-güng
shějǐwèigōng sacrifice one's own interests for the sake of the public.⁶
舍己为人[捨己為人] sēh-gī-vì-ngĩn
shějǐwèirén sacrifice one's own interests for the sake of others.⁵
舍车保帅[捨車保帥] sēh-guï-bāo-suï
shějūbǎoshuài give up the rook to save the king (in chess) – make minor sacrifices to safeguard major interests.⁵
舍弃[捨棄] sēh-hï
shěqì give up; abandon.⁵
舍命[捨命] sēh-mèin
shěmìng at the risk of one's life.¹¹
舍生取义[捨生取義] sēh-säng-tuī-ngì
shěshēngqǔyì die for a just cause.
舍身[捨身] sēh-sïn
shěshēn <Budd. and general> risk one's life to (save others, country).¹¹
舍死忘生[捨死忘生] sēh-xī-mõng-säng
shěsǐwàngshēng risk one's life.⁵
舍入[捨入] sēh-yìp
shěrù <math.> rounding off.⁵
(See 舍 sëh.)
seh1 13214
184 14 sēh shě 䬷 sēh shě well-feed; to glut; to eat to one's heart's content.⁸ to be fully satisfied.²⁵
(composition: ⿰飠多; U+4B37).
<又> sêh; nä.
(See 䬷 sêh; 䬷 nä.)
seh1 13215
27 9 sëh shè <topo.> village; hamlet. She surname.
seh2 13216
30 11 sëh shá <topo.> (Sūzhōu) (=甚么[甚麼] sìm-mō shénme) what?¹¹
干啥[幹啥] gön-sëh
gànshá <topo.> do what?¹⁰
呒啥[嘸啥] mũ-sëh
ḿshá quite good, fair.¹¹
你说啥?[你說啥?] nï-sōt-sëh?
nǐshuōshá? What did you say?⁶
啥子 sëh-dū
sházi <topo.> what?⁶
啥也不会[啥也不會] sëh-yâ-būt-vòi
sháyěbùhuì to be able to do nothing.¹⁰
为啥[為啥] vì-sëh
wéishá <topo.> why.¹⁰
有啥说啥[有啥說啥] yiû-sëh-sōt-sëh
yǒusháshuōshá call a spade a spade (idiom).¹⁰
seh2 13217
94 11 sëh shē 猞猁 sëh-lì shēlì lynx.⁶
seh2 13218
135 8 sëh shè house; (an ancient unit equal to 30 里 lî ); <humb.> my place; (used before relatives younger than oneself) my; fold, pen, sty.⁶ She surname.⁸ (variant: 舎 sëh shè).
(composition: ⿳𠆢一古; U+820D).
校舍 hào-sëh
xiàoshè school house; school building.⁵
寒舍 hõn-sëh
hánshè my humble house.¹¹
茅舍 mão-sëh
máoshè thatched hut.⁵
牛舍 ngẽo-sëh 
niúshè cowshed.⁵
舍弟 sëh-ài
shèdì <humb.> my younger brother.⁵
舍监[舍監] sëh-gäm
shèjiān a dormitory superintendent.⁷
舍间[舍間] sëh-gän
shèjiān my humble abode/house.⁵
舍下 sëh-hà
shèxià <humb.> my humble abode/house.⁵
舍侄 sëh-jìt
shèzhí <humb.> my nephew.⁵
舍利 sëh-lì
shèlì Buddhist relics.⁵
舍利塔 sëh-lì-hāp
shèlìtǎ stupa; pagoda.⁵
舍妹 sëh-môi
shèmèi <humb.> my younger sister.⁷
舍匿 sëh-nèik
shènì to harbor (a criminal).⁷
舍人 sëh-ngĩn
shèrén <hist.> a palace secretary.⁷
舍亲[舍親] sëh-tïn
shèqīn <humb.> my relative.⁵
舍营[舍營] sëh-yẽin
shèyíng <mil.> billeting.⁵
宿舍 xūk-sëh
sùshè hostel; living quarters; dormitory.⁵
<台> 舍路 sëh-lù Seattle, Washington.
(See 捨 sēh; 舎 sëh.)
seh2 13219
135 8 sëh
shè house; (an ancient unit of distance equal to 30 里 lî ); <humb.> my place; (used before relatives younger than oneself) my; fold, pen, sty.⁶ She surname.⁸
(composition: ⿱𠆢𠮷; U+820E).
(See 舍 sëh.)
seh2 13220
154 14 sëh shē to buy or sell on credit; distant; long (time); to forgive.¹⁰
(comp. t: ⿰貝佘; U+8CD2). (comp. s: ⿰贝佘; U+8D4A).
(variants: 賖, 𧶟
❄{⿰貝舍} sëh shē).
概不赊欠[概不賒欠] köi-būt-sëh-hïm
gàibùshēqiàn no credit allowed to anybody, always cash.¹¹
赊贷[賒貸] sëh-häi
shēdài get credit for goods.⁹
赊贷无门[賒貸無門] sëh-häi-mũ-mõn
shēdàiwúmén no way of getting a credit.⁷
赊账[賒賬] or 赊帐[賒帳] sëh-jëng
shēzhàng buy or sell on credit.⁸
赊购[賒購] sëh-këo
shēgòu buy on credit.⁸
赊买[賒買] sëh-mäi
shēmǎi buy something on credit.¹⁴
赊欠[賒欠] sëh-hïm
shēqiàn buy or sell on credit; give credit.⁸
赊售[賒售] sëh-siù
shēshòu sell on credit.⁶
赊三不如现二[賒三不如現二] sëh-xäm-būt-nguĩ-yèn-ngì
shēsān bùrú xiàn'èr A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.⁵⁴
赊销[賒銷] sëh-xël
shēxiāo sell on credit.⁵
(See 賖 sëh; 𧶟❄{⿰貝舍} sëh).
seh2 13221
154 14 sëh shē (=赊[賒] sëh shē to buy or sell on credit; distant; long (time); to forgive.¹⁰).⁸ to buy on credit; near.²⁵ (used for 奢 chëh shē extravagant.⁹).²⁵
(composition: ⿰貝余; U+8CD6).
迟賖[遲賖] chĩ-sëh
chíshē slow.²⁵
近賖 gìn-sëh
jìnshē near and distant.²⁵
mũ-fö-dāk-sëh, säi-ngĩ-yî-jï 
wú huò zé shē, shì ér yǔ zhī
when people have no money, then give them the goods on trust.²⁵
(See 賒 sëh; 奢 chëh).
seh2 13222
154 15 𧶟
sëh shē to give anything without an equivalent; to give on credit; to trust.²⁵ (=赊[賒] sëh shē to buy or sell on credit; distant; long (time); to forgive.¹⁰).³⁶ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰貝舍; U+27D9F).
(See 賒 sëh).
seh2 13223
9 7 sẽh shé She surname.
(composition: ⿱人示; U+4F58).
seh3 13224
102 12 sẽh shē to slash and burn; to burn the grass in a field and use the ashes for fertilizer.
(not to be confused with 畲 sẽh shē She ethnic minority.)
<又> yï.
(See 畬 yï; 畲 sẽh.)
seh3 13225
102 12 sẽh shē 畲族 Sẽh-dùk Shēzú She ethnic group; the Shes (inhabiting Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangxi and Guangdong provinces). (<archaic variant: 輋 sẽh shē).
(not to be confused with 畬 sẽh
shē to slash and burn.)
(See 畬 sẽh;  畬 yï; 輋 sẽh.)
seh3 13226
140 10 𦯬
sẽh shé She surname.²ʼ⁸
(Note 1: Distinguish 荼 (⿱艹余; U+837C) hũ a bitter vegetable).
(Note 2: Distinguish 茶 (⿳艹𠆢朩; U+8336) chã
chá tea).
(composition: ⿱艹佘; U+26BEC).
seh3 13227
142 9 sẽh shé (=蛇 sẽh shé) a snake; a serpent.⁷
(See 蛇 sẽh.)
seh3 13228
142 11 sẽh shé a snake; a serpent.⁷ (variant: 虵 sẽh shé).
人蛇 ngĩn-sẽh
rénshé <topo.>  illegal immigrant.⁶
蛇胆[蛇膽] sẽh-ām
shédǎn snake gallbladder.⁶
蛇足 sẽh-dūk
shézú feet added to a snake by an ignorant artist – something superfluous.⁵
蛇行 sẽh-hãng
shéxíng to crawl forward.¹¹
蛇丘 sẽh-hiü
shéqiū  <geol.> esker.⁵
蛇蜕[蛇蛻] sẽh-huï
shétuì <Ch. med.> snake slough.⁵
蛇吞象 sẽh-hün-dèng
shétūnxiàng very greedy.⁷
蛇蝎 sẽh-kēik
shé-xiē snakes and scorpions – things to be dreaded; vicious people.⁷
蛇舅母 sẽh-kiû-mû
shéjiùmǔ a long-tailed lizard.⁷
蛇麻 sẽh-mã
shémá <bot.> hop.⁵
sẽh-mũn-sêk shéwénshí <min.> serpentine.⁵
蛇皮 sẽh-pĩ
shépí a snake's skin.⁷
蛇皮管 sẽh-pĩ-gōn
shépíguǎn <elec.> flexible metal conduit.⁵
蛇芯子 sẽh-xîm-dū
shéxìnzi <topo.> snake's tongue.¹¹
蛇形 sẽh-yẽin
shéxíng snakelike; S-shaped.⁵
<台> 蛇虫鼠蚁[蛇蟲鼠蟻] sẽh-chũng-sī-ngāi House pests.
<台> 蛇头鼠尾[蛇頭鼠尾] sẽh-hẽo-sī-mī Start to do something but never finish.
<又> yĩ.
(See 蛇 yĩ; 虵 sẽh.)
seh3 13229
159 13 sẽh shē (<old>=畲 sẽh shē as in 畲族 Sẽh-dùk Shēzú) She ethnic group; the Shes (inhabiting Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangxi and Guangdong provinces).
(See 畲 sẽh.)
seh3 13230
169 16 sẽh shé (used in Buddhist transliterations).¹⁴
毗舍阇[毗舍闍] bï-sëh-sẽh píshèshé vampire-like demons, <Budd.> from the Sanskrit, pisatcha.¹⁴
阿阇梨[阿闍梨] ö-sẽh-lĩ
ēshélí a pastor; a Buddhist priest (from Sanskrit āchārya).¹⁴
阇黎[闍黎] sẽh-lãi
shélí Buddhist teacher (Sanskrit transliteration) also written 阇梨[闍梨] sẽh-lĩ shélí.¹⁰
阇梨[闍梨] sẽh-lĩ
shélí Buddhist monk (Sanskrit: jala).¹⁰
阇维[闍維] sẽh-vĩ
shéwéi or 阇鼻多[闍鼻多] sẽh-bì-ü shébíduō or 阇毗[闍毗] sẽh-bï shépí or 茶毗 chã-bï chápí <Budd.> cremation, from Sanskrit jhapita.¹¹ cremation of Buddhist priests, from djapita, burnt.¹⁴
瞽阇[瞽闍] gū-sẽh
gǔshé blind monk; refers to famous blind historian 左丘明 Dū Hiü-mẽin Zuǒ Qiūmíng.¹⁰
<又> ü.
(See 闍 ü.)
seh3 13231
41 10 sèh shè shoot, fire; discharge in a jet; send out (light, heat).⁵ (variant: 䠶 sèh shè). (See 䠶 sèh).
射弹[射彈] sèh-àn
shèdàn projectile.⁵
射程 sèh-chẽin
shèchéng range (of fire).⁵
射箭 sèh-dëin
shèjiàn shoot an arrow; archery.⁵
射界 sèh-gäi
shèjiè area or field of fire; firing area.⁵
射击[射擊] sèh-gēik
shèjī shoot, fire; shooting.⁵
射角 sèh-gôk
shèjiǎo angle of fire.⁵
射干 sèh-gön
shègān <bot.> blackberry lily.⁵
射侯 sèh-hẽo
shèhóu archery target.¹¹
射中 sèh-jüng
shèzhòng to hit the target; to score a hit.⁷
射孔 sèh-kūng
shèkǒng <petroleum> perforation.⁵
射猎[射獵] sèh-lèp
shèliè hunt with bow and arrow.⁶
射流 sèh-liũ
shèliú <phy.> efflux.⁵
射门[射門] sèh-mõn
shèmén <sport> shoot (at the goal).⁵
射堋 sèh-pãng
shèpéng archery target.⁸
射频[射頻] sèh-pĩn
shèpín <elec.> radio frequency.⁵
射石饮羽[射石飲羽] sèh-sêk-ngīm-yî
shèshíyǐnyǔ to have the strong will power that can make an arrow pierce even a stone.⁷
射手 sèh-siū
shèshǒu shooter, marksman.⁵
射速 sèh-tūk
shèsù firing rate.⁵
射线[射線] sèh-xëin
shèxiàn <phy.> ray.⁵
seh4 13232
158 12 sèh shè (=射 sèh shè) shoot, fire; discharge in a jet; send out (light, heat).⁵
(composition: ⿰身矢; U+4836).
(See 射 sèh).
seh4 13233
198 鹿 21 sèh shè musk deer; musk.⁵
麝馥兰香 sèh-fūk-lãn-hëng shèfùlánxiāng a breath of musk and the scent of orchids.³⁹
麝龟[麝龜] sèh-gï
shèguī musk turtle.⁶
麝香 sèh-hëng
shèxiāng musk.⁷
麝香兰[麝香蘭] sèh-hëng-lãn
shèxiānglán musk orchid; grape hyacinth.⁶
麝香石竹 sèh-hëng-sêk-jūk
shèxiāngshízhú grenadine; carnation; clove pink; <bot.> Dianthus caryophyllus.¹⁰ carnation.³⁹
麝香草 sèh-hëng-tāo
shèxiāngcǎo thyme.¹⁹
麝香蔷薇[麝香薔薇] sèh-hëng-tẽng-mĩ
shèxiāngqiángwēi musk rose.⁶
麝雉 sèh-jï
shèzhì hoatzin, reptile bird, skunk bird, stinkbird, Canje pheasant (Opisthocomus hoazin).⁶ʼ¹⁵ʼ²⁰
麝墨 sèh-màk
shèmò sweet-smelling ink.⁷
麝牛 sèh-ngẽo
shèniú a musk ox.⁷
麝月 sèh-ngùt
shèyuè the moon.⁷
麝囊 sèh-nõng
shènáng musk bag/gland.⁶
麝鼠 sèh-sī
shèshǔ muskrat.⁵
麝腺 sèh-xëin
shèxiàn (=麝囊 sèh-nõng shènáng) musk bag/gland.⁶
麝鼹[麝鼴] sèh-yēn
shèyǎn desman.⁶
seh4 13234
113 7 sêh shè organized body, agency, society; people's commune; god of the land, sacrifices to him or altars for such sacrifices.⁵
公社 güng-sêh gōngshè commune; people's commune; primitive commune.⁹
社办企业[社辦企業] sêh-bàn-kï-ngèp
shèbànqǐyè <PRC>  commune-managed enterprises.⁵⁴
社稷 sêh-dēik
shèjì the god of the land and the god of grain – the state; the country.⁵
社交 sêh-gäo
shèjiāo social intercourse; social contact.⁵
社工 sêh-güng
shègōng social work; social worker.¹⁰
社团[社團] sêh-hõn
shètuán mass organization.⁵
社长[社長] sêh-jēng
shèzhǎng director (of a company); executive officer.⁹
社区[社區] sêh-kuï
shèqū community.¹⁰
社论[社論] sêh-lùn
shèlùn editorial; leading article; leader.⁵
社会[社會] sêh-vòi
shèhuì society.⁵
社会渣滓[社會渣滓] sêh-vòi-jâ-dōi
shèhuì zhāzi scum of society.⁵⁴
社会主义[社會主義] sêh-vòi-jī-ngì
shèhuìzhǔyì socialism.⁵
<台> 社坛[社壇] sêh-hân
or sì-hân a small outdoor altar at the beginning of a village.
<又> sì.
(See 社 sì.)
seh5 13235
184 14 sêh shě 䬷 sêh shě well-feed; to glut; to eat to one's heart's content.⁸ to be fully satisfied.²⁵
(composition: ⿰飠多; U+4B37).
<又> sēh; nä.
(See 䬷 sēh; 䬷 nä.)
seh5 13236
64 9 sēik to select, to pick and choose, to take, to assist.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌朿; U+62FA).
<又> chāk, tūk. (See 拺 chāk, 拺 tūk).
seik 13237
5 5 sēik variant of 色 sēik color.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱𠂉也; U+340C).
<又> hä; yĩ.
(See 㐌 hä; 㐌 yĩ; 色 sēik).
seik1 13238
37 15 sēik shì full; abundant; red; flushed with anger.²⁴ red; to be angry; Shi surname.⁷
Mĩn-būt-nãng-hī-hõn-sēik. Mín bùnéng xǐ hān shì.
The people are unable to enjoy drinking bouts.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《商君書·墾令·10》, translated by J. J. L. Duyvendak).
奭然 sēik-ngẽin
shìrán in a free manner; in utter freedom.⁷
seik1 13239
38 17 𡣪
sēik shì to go home with a husband.²⁴ to marry; (=适[適] sēik shì to fit; suitable; proper; just (now); comfortable; well; to go; to follow or pursue.¹⁰).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰女適; U+218EA).
(See 適 sēik).
seik1 13240
56 6 sēik shì style; type; pattern; form; ceremony; ritual; formula.
等式 āng-sēik děngshì an equation; equality.⁷
程式 chẽin-sēik
chéngshì modality; form, pattern; program.⁸
方式 föng-sēik
fāngshì way; fashion; pattern.
分子式 fün-dū-sēik
fēnzǐshì <chem.> molecular formula.
旧式[舊式] giù-sēik
jiùshì old type; old style.
各式各样[各式各樣] gōk-sēik-gōk-yèng
gèshìgèyàng (of) all kinds and sorts; various.¹⁰
公式 güng-sēik
gōngshì formula; form; -ation.
or 合适[合適] hàp-sēik héshì suitable.¹¹
开幕式[開幕式] höi-mōk-sēik
kāimùshì opening ceremony.
正式 jëin-sēik
zhèngshì formal; official.
仪式[儀式] ngĩ-sēik
yíshì ceremony; rite.
式子 sēik-dū
shìzi posture; formula; equation.
式微 sēik-mĩ
shìwēi <wr.> decline (of a dynasty or family).
式样[式樣] sēik-yèng
shìyàng style; type; model.
式样美观[式樣美觀] sēik-yèng-mî-gön
shìyàngměiguān graceful-looking; stylish.¹  aesthetic appearance; attractive fashion; fair in style.²⁹
新式 xïn-sēik
xīnshì new style.
形式 yẽin-sēik
xíngshì form, shape.⁵
seik1 13241
64 9 sēik shì to wipe, to rub.
擦拭 chät-sēik cāshì to wipe away; to wipe clean.
拂拭 fūt-sēik
fúshì to whisk or wipe off; to brush.
膏唇拭舌 gäo-sũn-sēik-sêt
gāochúnshìshé to be eager to speak one's mind; to be eager to please others.
拭泪[拭淚] sēik-luì
shìlèi to wipe tears.
拭目倾耳[拭目傾耳] sēik-mùk-kēin-ngī
shìmùqīng'ěr to watch and listen attentively.
拭目以待 sēik-mùk-yî-òi
shìmùyǐdài to wait and see.
seik1 13242
64 14 sēik to fall down, to decay, to die.⁸ to bring something to somebody, to deliver; <old>=槭 tēik a maple tree with bare branches and withered leaves.¹⁹ to fall down, as the lead.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌戚; U+6475).
摵摵 sēik-sēik
sèsè the sound of wind blowing on the falling leaves.¹⁹
搀摵[攙摵] täm-sēik
chānsè vying to be first.¹⁹
萧摵[蕭摵] xël-sēik
xiāosè or 萧槭[蕭槭] xël-tēik xiāoqī withered, fallen and scattered about; the sound of wind blowing on trees.¹⁹
<又> mãi, sūk, chēik.
(See 摵 mãi, 摵 sūk, 摵 chēik; 槭 tēik).
seik1 13243
75 10 sēik a kind of wood with a red bark, and a coarse grain, used in making the naves of wheels.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木朿; U+681C).
(See Note under 桋 yĩ).
seik1 13244
77 12 sēik (<old>=涩[澀] sēip ) unsmooth.
(composition: ⿱止⿰止止; U+6B6E).
seik1 13245
85 9 sēik sporadic drizzle.¹⁹ʼ⁰ sporadic light rain.³⁶
(Note: Distinguish 涑 (⿰氵束; U+6D91) tūk a river in Shanxi Province that enters the Yellow River.⁹)
(composition: ⿰氵朿; U+6D13)
<又> tēik; dēik.
(See 洓 tēik; 洓 dēik).
seik1 13246
109 13 sēik shì a flash.⁸
(composition: ⿰目易; U+7757).
忘其所睗 mõng-kĩ-sō-sēik wàngqísuǒshì to forget that at which one glanced.²⁴
睒睗 sēm-sēik
shǎnshì a flash of the eyes, to dart a glance.²⁴
seik1 13247
115 18 sēik to harvest grain, to gather in the harvest, to reap; (=啬[嗇] xēik ) thrifty, stingy, tight-fisted.⁵ grain that may be gathered in; to reap, to gather in the harvest; to be careful and sparing, as people ought to be with the fruits of the earth.²⁵ (variant: 𥢺❄{⿱秝㐭} sēik ). (See 𥢺❄{⿱秝㐭} sēik).
稼穑[稼穡] gä-sēik
jiàsè <wr.> sowing and reaping – farming; farm work.⁶
俭穑[儉穡] gèm-sēik
jiǎnsè to be economical.²⁵
吝穑[吝穡] lùn-sēik
lìnsè avaricious.²⁵ (See 吝啬[吝嗇] lùn-xēik lìnsè).
省穑[省穡] sāng-sēik
shěngsè to be sparing.²⁵
穑夫[穡夫] sēik-fü
sèfū a farmer.⁷
穑人[穡人] sēik-ngĩn
sèrén a farmer.⁷
穑臣[穡臣] sēik-sĩn
sèchén <trad.> official in charge of agriculture.⁷
穑事[穡事] sēik-xù
sèshì farming; husbandry.⁷
先穑[先穡] xëin-sēik
xiānsè same as 神农[神農] Sĩn-nũng Shénnóng Shennong, who was deified, as the inventor of agriculture.²⁵
seik1 13248
115 18 𥢺
sēik (demotic character for 穑[穡] sēik to gather in the harvest.⁵).²
(composition: ⿱秝㐭; U+258BA).
(See 穡 sēik).
seik1 13249
139 6 sēik Kangxi radical 139; color, tint, hue, shade; form, body; beauty, desire for beauty.⁸ color; look; appearance; sex.¹⁰
春色 chün-sēik chūnsè spring scenery; a joyful appearance or expression; sensual or carnal scenes.⁷
出色 chūt-sēik
chūsè remarkable; outstanding.¹⁰
好色 häo-sēik
hàosè  to want sex; given to lust; lecherous; lascivious; horny.¹⁰
面色 mèin-sēik
miànsè complexion; expression.⁹
色泽[色澤] sēik-jàk
sèzé color and luster.¹⁰
色痣 sēik-jï
sèzhì pigmented mole.⁵
色厉内荏[色厲內荏] sēik-lài-nuì-ngìm
sèlìnèirěn fierce of mien but faint of heart; be weak inside though fierce in countenance; appear severe but weak inside.⁵⁴
色情 sēik-tẽin
sèqíng erotic; pornographic.¹⁰
色彩 sēik-tōi
sècǎ color, hue, tint, shade.⁵
色彩斑斓[色彩斑斕] sēik-tōi-bän-lãn
sècǎi bānlán a riot of color.⁶ multicolored.¹⁰
<又> sēt.
(See 色 [sēik, shǎi], sēt.)
seik1 13250
139 6 sēik shǎi color; dice.
本色布 bōn-sēik-bü běnshǎibù undyed cloth.
掉色 èl-sēik
diàoshǎi to lose color; to fade.
套色 häo-sēik
tàoshǎi color process; chromatography.
落色 lòk-sēik
luòshǎi or làoshǎi to fade (of color).
色子 sēik-dū
shǎizi dice.
色盅 sēik-jûng
shǎizhōng dice cup.¹⁰
上色 sëng-sēik
shàngshǎi to color (a picture; to dye (fabric); to stain (furniture).¹⁰
<又> sēt.
(See 色 [sēik, ], sēt.)
seik1 13251
142 17 sēik shì <wr.> to sting.⁶ a poisonous insect, scorpion; to sting.⁷
蝎螫[蠍螫] kēik-sēik xiēshì sting of a scorpion.¹⁴
螫针[螫針] sēik-jïm
shìzhēn stinger; sting (of a bee).⁶
螫刺 sēik-xü
shìcì aculeus.¹⁰
螫蠅[螫蝇] sēik-yẽin
shìyíng stable fly; biting flies.²⁹
辛螫 xïn-sēik
xīnshì painfully sting; suffering from punishment.⁵⁴
seik1 13252
145 20 sēik shì raincoat.⁸ʼ¹⁴
(composition: ⿰衤奭; U+896B).
袯襫[襏襫] bòt-sēik bóshì (=蓑衣 xäo-yï suōyī straw rain cape coat.⁸).⁸ woven rush raincoat.¹⁰ farmer's raincoat; workman's jacket.¹¹ a rain coat.¹⁴ a rain cloak.²⁵ straw raincoat worn by peasants in ancient times.³⁶ straw raincoat, raincoat.⁵⁴
seik1 13253
149 19 sēik shí to know; to recognize; knowledge.
(comp. t: ⿰言戠; U+8B58). (comp. s: ⿰讠只; U+8BC6).
知识[知識] jï-sēik
zhīshi knowledge.¹¹
认识[認識] ngìn-sēik
rènshi to recognize.
识字[識字] sēik-dù
shízì to learn to read; to be literate.
识阈[識閾] sēik-vèik
shíyù <psy.> field of awareness.⁵⁴
常识[常識] sẽng-sēik
chángshí elementary knowledge; common sense.⁸
相识[相識] xëng-sēik
xiāngshí to be acquainted with each other; an acquaintance.
有识之士[有識之士] yiû-sēik-jï-xù
yǒushízhīshì a person with breadth of vision.
<台> 识字识墨[識字識墨] sēik-dù-sēik-màk erudite, learned, scholarly.
<台> 识弹唔识唱[識彈唔識唱] sēik-hãn-m̃-sēik-chëng lit. Can play (an instrument), but can’t sing. This is a play on the character 弹[彈], which means “play” but also means “criticize” in Hoisanva. This phrase is used to  describe a person who can persistently point out all the issues (problems) but cannot provide a solution for them.
<台> 识领[識領] sēik-lêng
or 识会[識會] sēik-vôi to know (how to do something).
<又> jï.
(See 識 jï.)
seik1 13254
159 13 sēik shì the horizontal front bar on a cart or carriage.⁷ a stretcher in a sedan chair to lean on when bowing.¹⁴ the front part of a carriage, on which a person leans, to pay his compliments, by a slight nod of the head.²⁵
伏轼致敬[伏軾致敬] fùk-sēik-jï-gëin fúshìzhìjìng to pay respects by bending over the stretcher.⁰
凭轼结辙[憑軾結轍] pãng-sēik-gēik-chēt
píngshìjiézhé to drive non-stop as fast as one can (idiom).¹⁰
苏轼[蘇軾] Xü Sēik
Sū Shì Su Shi (1037-1101), also known as Su Dongpo 苏东坡[苏东坡] Xü Üng-bö Sū Dōngpō, northern Song Dynasty writer and calligrapher; one of the Three Su father and sons 三苏[三蘇] Xäm Xü Sān Sū and one of the 唐宋八大家 Hõng-Xüng bāt-ài-gä Táng Sòng bādàjiā Eight Giants of Tang and Song Prose.¹⁰
seik1 13255
162 14 sēik shì to fit; suitable; proper; just (now); comfortable; well; to go; to follow or pursue; Shi surname.¹⁰
(variant: 𡣪❄{⿰女適} sēik shì). (See 𡣪❄{⿰女適} sēik; 适 gāt).
(comp. t: ⿺辶啇; U+9069). (comp. s: ⿺辶舌; U+9002).
or 合式 hàp-sēik héshì suitable.¹¹
适得其反[適得其反] sēik-āk-kĩ-fān
shìdéqífǎn to produce the opposite of the desired result.¹⁰
适合[適合] sēik-hàp
shìhé to fit; to suit.¹⁰
适口[適口] sēik-hēo
shìkǒu agreeable to the taste; palatable.⁵
适值[適值] sēik-jèik
shìzhí just when.⁵
适宜[適宜] sēik-ngĩ
shìyí suitable; appropriate.¹⁰
适当[適當] sēik-öng
shìdàng suitable; appropriate.¹⁰
适时[適時] sēik-sĩ
shìshí at the right moment; timely.⁵⁴
适才[適才] sēik-tõi
shìcái <topo.> just now.⁵
适纔[適纔] sēik-tõi
shìcái then, at that time.²⁵ (Compare 适才[適才] sēik-tõi shìcái <topo.> just now.⁵)
适度[適度] sēik-ù
shìdù appropriate measure; moderate degree.⁵
适应[適應] sēik-yëin
shìyìng to adapt; to fit; to suit.¹⁰
适用[適用] sēik-yùng
shìyòng to be applicable.¹⁰
舒适[舒適] sï-sēik
shūshì cozy; snug.¹⁰
seik1 13256
165 20 sēik shì explain, elucidate; clear up, dispel; let go, be relieved of; release, set free; (short for) Sakyamuni; Buddhism.⁵
释藏[釋藏] Sēik-dòng Shìzàng Tripitaka; Buddhist canon.⁶
释子[釋子] sēik-dū
shìzǐ monk; Buddhist follower.⁶
释俗[釋俗] sēik-dùk
shìsú explain in simple language.⁶
释典[釋典] sēik-ēin
shìdiǎn Buddhist scripture.⁶
释放[釋放] sēik-föng
shìfàng release, set free.⁵
释迦牟尼[釋迦牟尼] Sēik-gä-mẽo-nãi
Shìjiāmóuní Sakyamuni (founder of Buddhism 565-486 BCE).⁶
释教[釋教] Sēik-gäo
Shìjiào Buddhism.⁶
释卷[釋卷] sēik-kūn
shìjuàn stop reading.⁸
释老[釋老] Sēik-Lāo
Shì-Lǎo Buddhism and Daoism.⁶
释文[釋文] sēik-mũn
shìwén annotations, interpreting words; to explain the meaning of old scripts.⁹
释然[釋然] sēik-ngẽin
shìrán feel relieved; feel at ease.⁵
释疑[釋疑] sēik-ngĩ
shìyí remove doubt; dispel suspicion.⁶
释义[釋義] sēik-ngì
shìyì paraphrase; explain the meaning.⁶
释手[釋手] sēik-siū
shìshǒu loosen one's grip; let go.⁶
释读[釋讀] sēik-ùk
shìdú conduct research on and explain the texts of ancient writings.⁶
释怀[釋懷] sēik-vãi
shìhuái dispel from one's bosom; dismiss from one's mind.⁶
seik1 13257
167 14 sēik cesium (Cs).⁶
铯光电池[銫光電池] sēik-göng-èin-chĩ sèguāngdiànchí caesium photocell.⁶
铯钟[銫鐘] sēik-jüng
sèzhōng caesium clock.⁶
seik1 13258
184 12 sēik chì (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 饬[飭] chēik chì with same meaning.)
<又> chēik.
(See 飭 chēik.)
seik1 13259
184 13 sēik shì decorations, ornaments; adorn, dress up, polish, cover up; play the role of, act the part of, impersonate.⁵
(old variant: 餝 sēik shì). (See 餝 sēik).
文过饰非[文過飾非] mũn-gö-sēik-fï
wénguòshìfēi cover up one's mistakes.⁵
饰边[飾邊] sēik-bëin
shìbiān frill.⁶
饰品[飾品] sēik-bīn
shìpǐn ornaments; jewels.⁶
饰面板[飾面板] sēik-mèin-bān
shìmiànbǎn veneer.⁶
饰物[飾物] sēik-mùt
or sēik-mòt shìwù articles for personal adornment, jewelry; ornaments, decorations.⁵
or 饰辞[飾辭] sēik-xũ shìcí excuse; pretext.⁵
饰演[飾演] sēik-yēn
shìyǎn play the role/part of; act the part of; play; act.⁶
首饰[首飾] siū-sēik
shǒushi head ornaments; jewels, jewelry; finery.⁶
窗饰[窗飾] töng-sēik
chuāngshì window decorations.⁵
修饰[修飾] xiü-sēik
xiūshì decorate; adorn; embellish; make up and dress up; polish (a piece of writing); qualify, modify.⁶
掩饰[掩飾] yēm-sēik
yǎnshì cover up (mistakes, faults); gloss over, conceal.⁶
seik1 13260
184 15 sēik shì (<old>=饰[飾] sēik shì decorations, ornaments; adorn, dress up, polish, cover up; play the role of, act the part of, impersonate.⁵).²ʼ⁸
(composition: ⿰飠芳; U+991D).
(See 飾 sēik).
seik1 13261
188 13 sēik shǎi dice; to dice.⁷
骰子 sēik-dū shǎizi dice.⁷
骰花儿[骰花兒] sēik-fä-ngĩ
shǎihuār spots on dice.⁷
骰盅 sēik-jûng
tóuzhōng dice cup.¹⁰
骰儿[骰兒] sēik-ngĩ
shǎir dice.⁷
<台> 的骰 dēik-sēik small and exquisite, delicate, fine, nifty; meticulous.
<台> 骰仔 sēik-dōi dice.
<又> hẽo.
(See 骰 hẽo, 色[sēik, shǎi].)
seik1 13262
142 14 sèik shí lose; (of moths) eat into; erode, corrode; (=食 sèik shí) eclipse.⁶
腐蚀[腐蝕] fù-sèik
fǔshí corrosion; to corrode (degrade chemically); to rot; corruption.¹⁰
亏蚀[虧蝕] kï-sèik
kuīshí lose (money) in business.⁵
or 日食 ngìt-sèik rìshí a solar eclipse.⁷
or 月食 ngùt-sèik yuèshí a lunar eclipse.⁷
蚀本[蝕本] sèik-bōn
shíběn lose one's capital.⁵ (See <台> 折本 sèt-bōn and 折本 jēt-bōn.)
蚀刻[蝕刻] sèik-hāk
shíkè etching.⁵
蚀财[蝕財] sèik-tõi
shícái lose money/property.⁶
蚀损[蝕損] sèik-xūn
shísǔn to suffer losses in (funds, capital).⁷
侵蚀[侵蝕] tïm-sèik
qīnshí to erode; to corrode.¹⁰
<又> sèt.
(See 蝕 sèt.)
seik4 13263
184 9 sèik shí Kangxi radical 184.⁸ to eat; food, meal; livelihood, living; (an old usage) salary, pay; (=蚀[蝕] sèik shí) eclipse.⁷
食品 sèik-bīn
shípǐn foodstuff; food; provisions.¹⁰
食不语寝不言[食不語寢不言] sèik-būt-nguî-tīm-būt-ngũn
shíbùyǔqǐnbùyán When eating, he did not converse. When in bed, he did not speak.⁹ (From Analects: Book X, Chapter VIII, Verse 9 James Legge translation.)
食堂 sèik-hõng
shítáng dining hall; mess hall; canteen.⁶
食指 sèik-jī
shízhǐ index finger; mouths to feed (in a family).⁶
食茱萸 sèik-jï-yĩ
shízhūyú ailanthus prickly ash; Zanthoxylum ailanthoides.
食其肉,龁其骨[食其肉,齕其骨] sèik-kĩ-ngùk, hāt-kĩ-gūt
or  sèik-kĩ-ngùk, ngàt-kĩ-gūt shíqíròu, héqígǔ eat the flesh and munch the bones.⁶
食物 sèik-mùt
or sèik-mòt shíwù food; foodstuff.⁶
食言 sèik-ngũn
shíyán go back on one's word.⁶
食采 sèik-tōi
shícài to enjoy the revenue of such a (采邑 tōi-yīp càiyì) district.¹⁴
食油 sèik-yiũ
shíyóu edible/cooking oil.⁶
食欲 sèik-yùk
shíyù appetite.⁵
食用 sèik-yùng
shíyòng eat, consume; be edible.⁶
<又> dù.
(See 食 dù.)
seik4 13264
64 7 sëim qìn to stick into.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌心; U+628B).
seim2 13265
85 7 sëim qìn soak into, seep in, percolate.⁸
沁透  sëim-hëo qìntòu (of music, mood, atmosphere) penetrate; (of air, cold, fragrance) seep in; (of political enemies) infiltrate.¹¹
沁人心脾 sëim-ngĩn-xïm-pĩ
qìnrénxīnpí (of music, good writing) touch one's heart.¹¹
沁入 sëim-yìp
qìnrù to seep.¹⁰
seim2 13266
85 10 sëim shèn (<old>=渗[滲] sëim shèn to seep; to ooze; to horrify.¹⁰).⁸
(composition: ⿰氵杉; U+6D81).
(See 滲 sëim).
seim2 13267
85 14 sëim shèn to seep; to ooze; to horrify.¹⁰
渗出[滲出] sëim-chūt shènchū to seep out; to exude.¹⁰
渗坑[滲坑] sëim-häng
shènkēng sewage pit.¹⁰
渗透[滲透] sëim-hëo
shèntòu to permeate; to infiltrate; to pervade; osmosis.¹⁰
渗流[滲流] sëim-liũ
shènliú seepage flow.⁸
渗人得慌[滲人得慌] sëim-ngĩn-āk-föng
shènréndéhuāng  be horrified.⁵⁴
渗水[滲水] sëim-suī
shènshuǐ seep through; percolate.⁵⁴
渗析[滲析] sëim-xēik
shènxī dialysis.¹⁰
渗入[滲入] sëim-yìp
shènrù to permeate.¹⁰
seim2 13268
122 13 sëim shèn a heap, lump; by piling firewood (branches and leaves included) into the water to catch fish.⁸ (Note: alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciations of 罧 sëim shèn are sẽim shēn respectively with the same meaning).
(variant: 𦌀
❄{⿱罒參} sëim shèn).
(composition: ⿱罒林; U+7F67).
(See 𦌀❄{⿱罒參} sëim).
seim2 13269
122 16 𦌀
sëim shèn (=罧 sëim shèn a heap, lump; by piling firewood (branches and leaves included) into the water to catch fish.⁸).²
(composition: ⿱罒參; U+26300).
(See 罧 sëim).
seim2 13270
46 7 sẽim cén high hill; (cliffy) shore.⁶ Cen surname.⁸
岑寂 sẽim-dèik cénjì quiet, far removed from the hustle of life.¹¹
岑楼[岑樓] sẽim-lẽo
cénlóu sharp and slender tower.¹¹
岑岑 sẽim-sẽim
céncén <wr.> dizzy.¹¹
seim3 13271
61 7 sẽim chén sincere feeling; true sentiment.⁵
(<old> variant: 愖 sẽim chén).
(variant: 𢗐
❄{⿱冘心} sẽim chén).
(composition: ⿰忄冘; U+5FF1).
丹忱 än-sẽim
dānchén pure loyalty of heart.¹¹ pure and sincere.¹⁴
谢忱[謝忱] dèh-sẽim
xièchén gratitude.¹¹
血忱 hüt-sẽim
xuèchén sincerity from the heart.¹¹
拳拳之忱 kũn-kũn-jï-sẽim
quánquánzhīchén sincere intention; sincerity.⁶
微忱 mĩ-sẽim
wēichén my little token of remembrance.¹¹ slight token of my regard.⁵⁴
热忱[熱忱] ngèik-sẽim
rèchén zeal, enthusiasm.¹¹
忱悃 sẽim-gūn
chénkǔn genuine feelings; sincere sentiments.⁵⁴
忱辞[忱辭] sẽim-xũ
chéncí <wr.> sincere remarks.⁶
(See 愖 sẽim; 𢗐❄{⿱冘心} sẽim).
seim3 13272
61 8 𢗐
sẽim chén demotic character for 忱 sẽim chén sincere feeling; true sentiment.⁵).²
(composition: ⿱冘心; U+225D0).
(See 忱 sẽim).
seim3 13273
61 12 sẽim chén (<old>=忱 sẽim chén) sincere feeling; true sentiment.⁵
斟愖 jïm-sẽim
zhēnchén to hesitate; hesitating.⁷
(See 忱 sẽim).
seim3 13274
75 12 sẽim sēn full of trees; <wr.> multitudinous; dark, gloomy.⁵
森列 sẽim-lèik sēnliè (of mountain peaks) rising in ranks.⁷
森林 sẽim-lĩm
sēnlín forest.¹⁰
森林资源[森林資源] sẽim-lĩm-dü-ngũn
sēnlínzīyuán forest reserves.⁷
森罗殿[森羅殿] Sẽim-lõ-èin
Sēnluódiàn (in Chinese mythology) the palace of the ruler of the underworld; the palace of the King of Hell.⁷
森罗万象[森羅萬象] sẽim-lõ-màn-dèng
sēnluówànxiàng myriads of things; everything under the sun.⁵
森然 sẽim-ngẽin
sēnrán (said of tall trees) dense; thick; awe-inspiring; trembling.⁷
森严[森嚴] sẽim-ngẽm
sēnyán stern; strict; forbidding.⁵
森严壁垒[森嚴壁壘] sẽim-ngẽm-bēik-luî
sēnyánbìlěi strongly fortified.⁵
森森 sẽim-sẽim
sēnsēn luxuriant growth of vegeatation; dense; thick; trembling; fearful; dark.⁷
森森蹜蹜 sẽim-sẽim-sūk-sūk
sēnsēnsùsù in awe.¹⁹
森竖[森豎] sẽim-sì
sēnshù one's hair standing on end – for fear.⁷
森卫[森衛] sẽim-vì
sēnwèi closely guarded.⁷
森郁[森鬱] sẽim-vūt
sēnyù thickly overgrown; dense.⁷
森耸[森聳] sẽim-xūng
sēnsǒng to rise high and majestic.⁷
阴森[陰森] yïm-sẽim
yīnsēn gloomy; grim.⁵
seim3 13275
85 10 sẽim cén <wr.> rainwater in puddles.⁵ a puddle; tearful.⁷
汗涔涔 hòn-sẽim-sẽim hàncéncén sweaty.¹⁰
汗涔涔下 hòn-sẽim-sẽim-hä
hàncéncénxià sweat streaming down; dripping with sweat.⁵
泪涔涔[淚涔涔] luì-sẽim-sẽim
lèicéncén tears falling down abundantly.⁷
涔涔 sẽim-sẽim
céncén rainful; tearful; sweatily; swollen; dark.⁸ dripping (sweat, rain).¹¹
涔涔泪下[涔涔淚下] sẽim-sẽim-luì-hä
céncénlèixià in tears.⁷
seim3 13276
86 13 sẽim chén an ancient portable stove; hearth.⁸ brazier.¹⁰ a portable furnace; a three-cornered stove.²⁵ a brazier or portable furnace, such as are used to warm rooms; some have three corners.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰火甚; U+7141).
烘于煁[烘於煁] hüng-yï-sẽim hōngyúchén to warm at the stove.²⁵ to warm one's self at the furnace.¹⁰²
Tẽl-bī-xöng-xïn, ngõng-hüng-yï-sẽim.
Qiáo bǐ sāng xīn, áng hōng yú chén.
They gather firewood of branches of the mulberry trees,
And I burn them [only] in a [small] furnace.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·都人士之什·白華·4》, translated by James Legge).
seim3 13277
140 7 sẽim qín (vernacular Hoisanva pronunciation for 芩 kĩm qín with same meaning: plants like reed (in ancient books).⁹)
<又> 芩 kĩm.
(See 芩 kĩm.)
seim3 13278
149 16 sẽim chén <wr.> to have faith (in somebody or something); to believe (in somebody or something); indeed; truly; admittedly; sincere; honest; Chen surname.
(In Mandarin the surname 谌[諶] Chén may also be read as Shèn.)
(See 諶[sẽim, shèn].)
seim3 13279
149 16 sẽim shèn Shen surname.
(In Mandarin, the surname 谌[諶] Shèn may also be read as Chén.)
(See 諶[sẽim, chén].)
seim3 13280
24 4 sēin shēng <台> 竹升 jūk-sēin (used to refer to) a Chinese American who is fluent in English, with very little or no knowledge of Chinese.
<又> sëin, sêin. (See 升 sëin, sêin.)
sein1 13281
8 12 𠅫
sëin shèng <old>=胜[勝] sëin shèng ➀ to be able to bear; to be able to withstand ➁ to be equal to; to match ➂ exhaustively; entirely; completely ➃ Alternative form of 升 (sëin shēng, “unit of measure for grain volumes”). ➄ Alternative form of 伸 (sïn shēn, “to stretch”).³⁶
(composition: ⿳亠㸚几: U+2016B).
(See 勝 sëin).
sein2 13282 2016B.gif
16 12 𠙟
sëin shèng <old>=胜[勝] sëin shèng ➀ to be able to bear; to be able to withstand ➁ to be equal to; to match ➂ exhaustively; entirely; completely ➃ Alternative form of 升 (sëin shēng, “unit of measure for grain volumes”). ➄ Alternative form of 伸 (sïn shēn, “to stretch”).³⁶
(composition: ⿱效几; U+2065F).
(See 勝 sëin).
sein2 13283
19 12 sëin shèng victory; excel, be better than.⁸ (variants: 𠅫❄{⿳亠㸚几}, 𠙟❄{⿱效几}, 𡕲❄{⿱⿻土𠈌夂}, 𤳔❄{⿰舟⿱龹田} sëin).
t: ⿰月劵; U+52DD). (comp. s: ⿰月生; U+80DC).
不可胜数[不可勝數] būt-hō-sëin-sū
bùkěshèngshǔ  countless; innumerable; beyond compute.⁹
不胜[不勝] būt-sëin
bùshèng cannot bear or stand; be unequal to; very; extremely.¹⁰
不胜其烦[不勝其煩] būt-sëin-kĩ-fãn
bùshèngqífán to be pestered beyond endurance.¹⁰
不胜枚举[不勝枚舉] būt-sëin-mõi-guī
bùshèngméijǔ too many to enumerate piece by piece.¹¹
胜不骄败不馁[勝不驕敗不餒] sëin-būt-gël-bài-būt-nuî
shèng bù jiāo bài bù něi not be dizzy with success, nor discouraged by failure.⁵
胜负[勝負] sëin-fù
shèngfù victory or defeat; outcome.⁹
胜境[勝境] sëin-gēin
shèngjìng scenic spot.⁸
胜地[勝地] sëin-ì
shèngdì famous scenic spot.⁸
胜利[勝利] sëin-lì
shènglì victory; triumph.⁸
胜任[勝任] sëin-ngìm
shèngrèn competent; qualified; be adequate to.⁸
引人入胜[引人入勝] yîn-ngĩn-yìp-sëin
yǐnrénrùshèng (of scenery, literary works) fascinating; enchantng.⁵
(See 𠅫❄{⿳亠㸚几}, 𠙟❄{⿱效几}, 𡕲❄{⿱⿻土𠈌夂}, 𤳔❄{⿰舟⿱龹田} sëin).
sein2 13284
24 4 sëin shēng to ascend; to rise to the rank of; to promote; to hoist; liter; measure for dry grain equal to one-tenth 斗 ēo dǒu.¹⁰ (variants: 陞, 昇, 阩 sëin shēng)
旭日东升[旭日東升] gūk-ngìt-üng-sëin
xùrìdōngshēng the sun rising in the east – display of youthful vigor and vitality; be in the ascendant.⁶
公升 güng-sëin
gōngshēng metric liter.
升降机[升降機] sëin-göng-gï
shēngjiàngjī elevator.
升遐 sëin-hã
shēngxiá <wr.> pass away (of emperor).¹¹
升起 sëin-hī
shēngqǐ to rise.
升堂入室 sëin-hõng-yìp-sīt
shēngtángrùshì lit. to reach the main room and enter the chamber (idiom); fig. to gradually attain proficiency; to attain a higher level.¹⁰
升汞 sëin-hüng
shēnggǒng <chem.> mercuric chloride.⁶
升旗 sëin-kĩ
shēngqí to raise a flag.
一升 yīt-sëin
yīshēng measure for dry grain equal to one-tenth of 斗 ēo dǒu.
<又> sēin, sêin.
(See 升 sēin, sêin; 陞 sëin; 昇 sëin; 阩sëin.)
sein2 13285
35 14 𡕲
sëin shèng <old>=胜[勝] sëin shèng ➀ to be able to bear; to be able to withstand ➁ to be equal to; to match ➂ exhaustively; entirely; completely ➃ Alternative form of 升 (sëin shēng, “unit of measure for grain volumes”). ➄ Alternative form of 伸 (sïn shēn, “to stretch”).³⁶
(composition: ⿱⿻土𠈌夂(the second component lies between the two horizontal strokes of 土 and split in half by the vertical stroke); U+21572).
(See 勝 sëin).
sein2 13286 21572.gif
72 8 sëin shēng (=升 sëin shēng) the sun risen up high; to rise, ascend; tranquil. (composition: ⿱日升; U+6607).
昇平 sëin-pẽin
shēngpíng peaceful.²⁴
(See 升 sëin).
sein2 13287
75 17 sëin chēng 柽柳[檉柳] sëin-liû chēngliǔ (=三春柳 xäm-chün-liû sānchūnliǔ) <bot.> Tamarix chinensis Lour.²³
sein2 13288
93 15 sëin shèng a cow.⁸
(composition: ⿰牜產 or ⿰牜産; U+3E4C).
<又> chān. (See 㹌 chān).
sein2 13289
96 13 sëin shèng (<old>=圣[聖] sëin shèng) holy.
(composition: ⿱明玉; U+741E).
(See 聖 sëin).
sein2 13290
102 17 𤳔
sëin shèng <old>=胜[勝] sëin shèng ➀ to be able to bear; to be able to withstand ➁ to be equal to; to match ➂ exhaustively; entirely; completely ➃ Alternative form of 升 (sëin shēng, “unit of measure for grain volumes”). ➄ Alternative form of 伸 (sïn shēn, “to stretch”).³⁶
(composition: ⿰舟⿱龹田; U+24CD4).
(See 勝 sëin).
sein2 13291
128 13 sëin shèng holy. (variant: 琞 sëin shèng).
亚圣[亞聖] ä-sëin
yàshèng the lesser sage (Mencius).
大圣[大聖] ài-sëin
dàshèng great sage; Confucius.
圣诞[聖誕] Sëin-än
Shèngdàn Christmas; birthday of sages (Buddha, Confucius).
圣诞节[聖誕節] Sëin-än-dëik
Shèngdànjié Christmas.
圣地[聖地] sëin-ì
shèngdì sacred shrine; the Holy Land.
圣战[聖戰] sëin-jën
shèngzhàn holy war; crusade.
圣旨[聖旨] sëin-jī
shèngzhǐ imperial edict.⁶
圣人[聖人] sëin-ngĩn
shèngrén sage; wise man; the Sage (a title of respect for Confucius); the emperor (post-Tang term); <Budd.> enlightened individual; Buddha; bodhisattva.
圣贤[聖賢] sëin-yẽn
shèngxián sages and man of virtue; saint.⁶
书圣[書聖] sï-sëin
shūshèng calligraphic prodigy.
神圣[神聖] sĩn-sëin
shénshèng sacred; holy.⁵
入圣[入聖] yìp-sëin
rùshèng <Budd.> to become an arhat.
(See 琞 sëin).
sein2 13292
128 17 sëin shēng sound, voice, noise; tone; music.⁸
大声疾呼[大聲疾呼] ài-sëin-dìp-fü dàshēngjíhū cry as loud as possible; loudly appeal to the public.⁸
声调[聲調] sëin-èl
shēngdiào tone, note; the tone of a Chinese character.⁵
声泪俱下[聲淚俱下] sëin-luì-guì-hä
shēnglèijùxià to weep while speaking; to make a pitiful plea.
声名[聲名] sëin-mẽin
shēngmíng reputation.⁵
声明[聲明] sëin-mẽin
shēngmíng to state; to announce; to make clear; Buddhist chanting.
声母[聲母] sëin-mû
shēngmǔ initial of a syllable (usually a consonant).⁶
声速[聲速] sëin-tūk
shēngsù speed of sound.
声嘶力竭[聲嘶力竭] sëin-xü-lèik-gèik
shēngsīlìjié to shout oneself hoarse, shout oneself blue in the face.⁶
声誉鹊起[聲譽鵲起] sëin-yì-xēk-hī
shēngyùquèqǐ gain mushroom popularity; rise to fame quickly.⁶
声音[聲音] sëin-yïm
shēngyīn sound; voice.⁶
声援[聲援] sëin-yõn
shēngyuán to support (a cause).
有声有色[有聲有色] yiü-sëin-yiü-sēik
yǒushēngyǒusè having sound and color (idiom); vivid; dazzling.¹⁰
<又> sëng, sêng.
(See 聲 sëng, sêng.)
sein2 13293
140 8 sëin shān straw mat; thatch.
在苫 dòi-sëin zàishān to stay home during the period of mourning for one's parents.
苫块[苫塊] sëin-fäi
shānkuài <wr.> to mourn for a parent.¹ to observe parent's mourning by sleeping on grass mat on ground (苫) and using clod (塊) as pillow, now used only as literary convention “at the grass mat” (so claimed)-in mourning.¹¹
苫次 sëin-xü
shāncì <wr.> mourning for one's parents.
草苫子 tāo-sëin-dū
cǎoshānzi straw mat.
<又> sän.
(See 苫 sän.)
sein2 13294
142 19 sëin chēng a razor clam; a sazor shell.⁷
蛏埕[蟶埕] sëin-chẽin chēngchéng fields on the seashore where razor clams are cultivated.⁷
蛏子[蟶子] sëin-dū
chēngzi a razor clam; a sazor shell.⁷
蛏干[蟶乾] sëin-gön
chēnggān a dried razor clam.⁷
蛏田[蟶田] sëin-hẽin
chēngtián fields on the seashore where razor clams are cultivated.⁷
蛏油[蟶油] sëin-yiũ
chēngyōu a delicious, concentrated liquid from drying razor clams, used as a dressing.⁹
竹蛏[竹蟶] jūk-sëin
zhúchēng razor clam; razor shell.⁵
sein2 13295
154 12 sëin shèng wealth; riches.²ʼ⁸ wealth; rich, opulent.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰貝生; U+8CB9).
sein2 13296
170 6 sëin shēng (<old>=升 sëin shēng) to ascend; to mount.²⁵
(composition: ⿰⻖升; U+9629).
(See 升 sëin).
sein2 13297
170 9 sëin shēng (=升 sëin shēng) to ascend; to promote; to hoist; to rise; to elevate; Sheng surname.⁷ <wr.> according to.¹¹ to ascend; to rise (as in office).¹⁴ to ascend, to advance, to mount.²⁵ (composition ⿰⻖⿱升土; U+965E).
步步高陞 bù-bù-gäo-sëin
bùbùgāoshēng rise step by step¹¹
陞赋[陞賦] sëin-fü
shēngfù to enter for taxation – waste lands, etc.¹⁴
陞轿[陞轎] sëin-gèl
shēngjiào to get into a sedan chair.¹⁴
陞官 sëin-gön
shēngguān to be promoted.¹⁴
陞启[陞啟] sëin-kāi
shēngqǐ to be handed to...; to open – put at the bottom of an envelope beneath the name of the addressee.¹⁴
陞上 sëin-sëng
shēngshàng to go up.²⁵
需次陞用 xuï-xü-sëin-yùng
xūcìshēngyòng will be promoted according to qualifications, status.¹¹
(See 升 sëin.)
sein2 13298
1 6 sẽin chéng assistant; deputy.
左丞相 dū-sẽin-xëng zuǒchéngxiàng <trad.> official rank, roughly equivalent to vice premiership.
府丞 fū-sẽin
fǔchéng <trad.> official title.
辅丞[輔丞] fù-sẽin
fǔchéng high minister.
伏丞 fùk-sẽin
fúchéng to help; to support.
郡丞 gùn-sẽin
jùnchéng deputy to the chief of a prefecture.
丞相 sẽin-xëng
chéngxiàng the most senior minister of many kingdoms or dynasties (with varying roles); prime minister.¹⁰
县丞[縣丞] yòn-sẽin
xiànchéng magistrate of county.
sein3 13299
4 丿 10 sẽin chéng to ride (a vehicle); to mount; to take advantage of; to multiply (mathematics); Cheng surname.
乘槎 sẽin-chã chéngchá (legend) to ride on a raft and reach the Milky Way.¹¹
乘车[乘車] sẽin-chëh
chéngchē to ride a bus/train.
乘车戴笠[乘車戴笠] sẽin-chëh-äi-lēip
chéngchēdàilì sincere friendship between rich and poor.
乘法 sẽin-fāt
chéngfǎ multiplication.
乘桴 sẽin-fũ
chéngfú to float on a raft.¹⁴ retire from worldly affairs.⁵⁴
乘桴浮于海[乘桴浮於海] sẽin-fũ-fẽo-yï-hōi
chéngfúfúyúhǎi float out to sea on a raft.¹¹
乘坚策肥[乘堅策肥] sẽin-gëin-chāk-fĩ
chéngjiāncèféi lit. to ride a solid carriage pulled by fat horses; fig. to live in luxury.
乘机[乘機] sẽin-gï
chéngjī to seize the chance.
乘龙快婿[乘龍快婿] sẽin-lũng-fäi-xâi
chénglóngkuàixù ideal son-in-law.⁸
乘马[乘馬] sẽin-mâ
chéngmǎ to ride a horse.
乘人之危 sẽin-ngĩn-jï-nguĩ
chéngrénzhīwēi to take advantage of somebody when he is not in a position to resist.
<又> sèin.
(See 乘 sèin.)
sein3 13300
32 9 sẽin chéng castle; city, town; municipality.¹⁰
长城[長城] Chẽng-sẽin Chángchéng Great Wall.
众志成城[眾志成城] jüng-jï-sẽin-sẽin
zhòngzhìchéngchéng In union there is strength.
城关[城關] sẽin-gän
chéngguān area outside a city gate.⁹
or 城濠 sẽin-hõ or sẽin-hão chéngháo moat.⁶
城郭 sẽin-kök
chéngguō city walls.⁸ <old> a city wall (城: the inner wall; 郭: the outer wall); broadly: a city.⁹
城阙[城闕] sẽin-kūt
chéngquè <wr.> the watch tower on either side of a city gate; imperial palace; city, capital; gate tower.⁵⁴
城市 sẽin-sî
chéngshì town (versus country).¹¹
城狐社鼠 sẽin-vũ-sêh-sī
chénghúshèshǔ city foxes and rats in temples – corrupt officials and gentry (educated rascals) who prey upon the common people.¹¹
<又> sẽng.
(See 城 sẽng.)
sein3 13301
32 12 sẽin chéng (<old>=塍 sẽin chéng) <topo.> path between fields; boundary path of rice fields.⁶
(See 塍 sẽin.)
sein3 13302
32 13 sẽin chéng <topo.> path between fields; boundary path of rice fields.⁶ a raised path between fields; a dike.⁸
(variants: 堘, 塖, 𣎒❄{⿰月⿱龹田} sẽin chéng).
(composition; ⿰月⿱龹土; U+584D).
田塍 hẽin-sẽin
tiánchéng <topo.> ridge between fields; low bank of earth between fields.⁶
横塍村[橫塍村] vàng-sẽin-tûn
hèngchéngcūn Hengcheng (a village in Tailu, Lianjiang, Fuzhou, Fujian, China).
(See 堘 sẽin; 塖 sẽin; 𣎒❄{⿰月⿱龹田} sẽin.)
sein3 13303
32 13 sẽin chéng (<old>=塍 sẽin chéng) a raised path between paddy fields.²⁴ (composition: ⿰土乘; U+5856).
(See 塍 sẽin).
sein3 13304
38 9 sẽin chéng a woman's name.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女成; U+5A0D).
<又> sèin. (See 娍 sèin.)
sein3 13305
40 9 sẽin chéng A room where books are kept; specifically: the royal library of Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1616-1911) dynasties.⁹ library stack / storage.³⁵ archives; Cheng surname.⁸
(composition: ⿱宀成; U+5BAC).
sein3 13306
62 6 sẽin chéng to succeed; finish; complete; accomplish; become; turn into; be all right; OK!; one tenth; Cheng surname.¹⁰
成绩[成績] sẽin-dēik chéngjì scholastic records; result; military accomplishments.¹¹
成诵[成誦] sẽin-dùng
chéngsòng <wr.> be able to recite; be able to repeat from memory.⁶
成分 sẽin-fün
chéngfen composition, component part; ingredient, element;  one's class/professional status.⁶
成见[成見] sẽin-gëin
chéngjiàn preconceived idea; prejudice.⁵
成功 sẽin-güng
chénggōng succeed; success.¹¹
成套 sẽin-häo
chéngtào forming a complete set; complementing one another.¹⁰
成龙配套[成龍配套] sẽin-lũng-pöi-häo
chénglóngpèitào to link up the parts to form a whole.⁸
成山岬 Sẽin-sän-gāp
Chéngshānjiǎ Chengshanjia (in Shandong Provimce).⁶
成千累万[成千累萬] sẽin-tëin-luì-màn
chéngqiānlěiwàn thousands upon thousands.⁵
成千上万[成千上萬] sẽin-tëin-sèng-màn
chéngqiān shàngwàn thousands upon thousands (of).⁶
成宿 sẽin-xūk
chéngxiǔ all night.⁹
<又> sẽng.
(See 成 sẽng.)
sein3 13307
62 9 𢦩
sẽin chéng (<old>=成 sẽin chéng) completed, finished, fixed.
(composition: ⿵戊午; U+229A9).

sein3 13308 229A9.gif
64 8 sẽin chéng receive, inherit; hold, contain, support; continue, carry on, as a theme; contract for, undertake; please, flatter, meet; confess, acknowledge.¹⁴ Cheng surname.¹⁰
(composition: ⿲㇇⿻了三⿱丿乀; U+627F).
承宠 sẽin-chüng chéngchǒng Thank you for your kindness and favors.⁷ to receive royal favor.¹¹
承欢[承歡] sẽin-fön
chénghuān <wr.> <old> behave with filial piety; cater to somebody's desires.⁶
承欢膝下[承歡膝下] sẽin-fön-xīp-hà
chénghuānxīxià please one's parents by living with them.⁵⁴
承继[承繼] sẽin-gäi
chéngjì be adopted as heir to one's uncle; adopt one's brother's son (as one's heir).⁵
承溜 sẽin-liü
chéngliù <wr.> eaves gutter; gutter.⁶
承明 sẽin-mẽin
chéngmíng possibly the name of a hall.
承蒙 sẽin-mũng
chéngméng be honored/granted; be obliged/indebted (to somebody for something).⁷
承认[承認] sẽin-ngìn
chéngrèn to admit; to acknowledge; to recognize.
承诺[承諾] sẽin-nòk
chéngnuò  to promise to do something; commitment.
承前启后[承前啟後] sẽin-tẽin-kāi-hèo
chéngqiánqǐhòu to inherit the past and usher in the future; forming a bridge between earlier and later stages.
sein3 13309
72 10 sẽin chéng Cheng surname.⁸ (variant: 晠 sẽin chéng).
<又> sèin.
(See 晟 sèin; 晠 sẽin; 晠 sèin.)
sein3 13310
72 10 sẽin chéng (=盛 sẽin chéng) put in a container; fill, ladle; hold, take, contain, have a capacity (of).⁶
or (=晟 sẽin chéng) Cheng surname.⁸
<又> sèin.
(See 晟 sẽin; 晟 sèin; 晠 sèin; 盛 sẽin.)
sein3 13311
74 15 𣎒
sẽin chéng commonly used for 塍 sẽin chéng, which is a path between fields or a boundary path in rice fields.
(composition: ⿰月⿱龹田; U+23392).
(See 塍 sẽin).
sein3 13312
85 9 sẽin chéng (=没[沒] mòt sink, submerge; overflow, rise beyond; disappear, hide; confiscate, take possession of; till the end.⁵) ➀ to drown; to sink; to submerge; to inundate ➁ to end; to finish ➂ to die; to pass away.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵丞; U+6D06).
潜洆[潛洆] tẽm-sẽin
qiánchéng to sink in the water.²⁴
sein3 13313
85 16 sẽin shéng ancient river in modern 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province.⁸
<又> mêin.
(See 澠 mêin.)
sein3 13314
96 10 sẽin chéng type of jade; pearl.⁸ the name of a gem; a sort of pearl.²⁴
(composition: ⿰𤣩成; U+73F9).
sein3 13315
102 14 sẽin shéng the ridge that separates rice fields.²⁴
(composition: ⿰田⿱龹土; U+757B).
sein3 13316
108 11 sẽin chéng put in a container; fill, ladle; hold, take, contain, have a capacity (of).⁶ to put in container; to hold, to contain.³⁶ (variant: 晠 sẽin chéng).
盛饭[盛飯] sẽin-fàn
chéngfàn fill a bowl with rice.⁶
盛器 sẽin-hï
chéngqì vessel; receptacle; container.⁶
盛殓[盛殮] sẽin-lêm
chéngliàn encoffin.⁶
盛菜 sẽin-töi
chéngcài dish out food.¹⁹
盛液筒 sẽin-yèik-hûng
or sẽin-yìt-tǒng chéngyètǒng container for liquid.¹⁹
<又> sèin.
(See 盛 sèin; 晠 sèin.)
sein3 13317
118 12 sẽin chéng ➀ reed of a loom ➁ name of a bamboo.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱𥫗成; U+7B6C).
筬筐 sẽin-köng chéngkuāng reed of a loom (usually known as 钢扣[鋼扣] gông-këo gāngkòu.¹⁰¹
sein3 13318
120 15 sẽin shéng (Japanese shinjitai for 绳[繩] sẽin shéng rope, cord, string; restrict, restrain.⁵).³⁶
(composition: ⿰糹⿱田电(GHTV) or ⿰糸⿱田电(JK); U+7E04).
文 sẽin-mũn shéngwén (Japanese: Jōmon) rope-patterned.¹⁵
文土器 sẽin-mũn-hū-hï shéngwéntǔqì (Japanese: Jōmon doki) Jōmon pottery, a type of ancient earthenware pottery which was made during the Jōmon period in Japan (10,500–300 BCE).¹⁵
(See 繩 sẽin).
sein3 13319
120 19 sẽin shéng rope, cord, string; restrict, restrain.⁵
跳绳[跳繩] hẽl-sẽin tiàoshéng skip rope.¹¹
麻绳[麻繩] mã-sẽin
máshéng hemp cord.¹¹
绳鞭技[繩鞭技] sẽin-bëin-gì
shéngbiānjì (doing) tricks with a whip; (performing) feats with a whip.⁵
绳子[繩子] sẽin-dū
shéngzi cord; rope; string.⁵
繩伎 sẽin-gì
shéngjì tightrope walking.¹¹
绳锯木断[繩鋸木斷] sẽin-guï-mùk-òn
shéngjùmùduàn lit. a rope can cut through a log.⁶ perseverance will prevail.⁸
绳梯[繩梯] sẽin-häi
shéngtī rope ladder.⁵
绳套[繩套] sẽin-häo
shéngtào noose; harness.¹⁰
绳之以法[繩之以法] sẽin-jï-yî-fāt
shéngzhīyǐfǎ punish someone according to law.¹¹
绳桥[繩橋] sẽin-kẽl
shéngqiáo a rope bridge.¹¹
绳捆索绑[繩捆索綁] sẽin-kūn-xōk-bōng
shéngkǔnsuǒbǎng tie or truss somebody up with a rope.⁶
绳墨[繩墨] sẽin-màk
shéngmò carpenter's line marker;  <wr.> rules and regulations.⁵
绳操[繩操] sẽin-täo
shéngcāo rope exercise, a type of rhythmic gymnastics, using a rope to swing, twist, jump.⁹
绳索[繩索] sẽin-xôk
shéngsuǒ rope; cord.⁵
sein3 13320
140 9 sẽin chéng a kind of grass; a bamboo shuttle used in weaving.¹³
(composition: ⿱艹成; U+837F).
sein3 13321
149 13 sẽin chéng honest; sincere; true.
赤诚[赤誠] chēik-sẽin chìchéng absolute sincerity.
忠诚[忠誠] jüng-sẽin
zhōngchéng loyal; faithful; staunch.⁵
抱诚守真[抱誠守真] päo-sẽin-siū-jïn
bàochéngshǒuzhēn honest and truthful.
诚哉斯言[誠哉斯言] sẽin-döi-xü-ngũn
chéngzāisīyán What sincere remarks you've made!²²
诚恳[誠懇] sẽin-hān
chéngkěn sincere; honest; cordial.¹⁰
诚挚[誠摯] sẽin-jï 
chéngzhì sincere; cordial.
诚朴[誠樸] sẽin-pōk
chéngpǔ honest; sincere and simple.⁵
诚实[誠實] sẽin-sìt
chéngshí honest; honesty; truthful.
诚心诚意[誠心誠意] sẽin-xïm-sẽin-yï
chéngxīnchéngyì earnestly and sincerely.
诚壹[誠壹] sẽin-yīt
chéngyī single-minded; single-hearted.
sein3 13322
163 8 sẽin chéng a vassal state during the Zhou Dynasty in present-day area of Fan District in Henan Province (河南省范縣); name of an area/district in present-day Shandong Province; a surname.⁸ the name of an ancient state in Shandong province; the name of a place to the south of Huai (懷) District.²⁵
(composition: ⿰成阝; U+90D5).
sein3 13323
167 14 sẽin chéng (used in the name of a person).⁹
(composition traditional: ⿰釒成; U+92EE).
(composition simplified: ⿰钅成; U+94D6).
sein3 13324
167 21 𨭘
sẽin shéng (=绳[繩] sẽin shéng) rope, string, cord.⁸
(composition: ⿰金黽; U+28B58).
sein3 13325
170 8 𨹚
sẽin chéng the name of a place among the hills.²⁵
(composition: ⿰阝成; U+28E5A).
sein3 13326
170 10 sẽin chéng (ancient form of 城 sẽin chéng) a city; a town.⁸
(composition: ⿰阝或; U+49D5).
<又> vèik.
(See 䧕 vèik).
sein3 13327
181 15 sẽin chéng the front and back of the neck.⁸
𩔚❄{⿰翁頁}䫆 yüng-sẽin wēngchéng nape (of the neck).⁸
(composition: ⿰成頁; U+4AC6).
sein3 13328
187 20 sẽin chéng corrupted form of 騬 sẽin chéng to geld a horse or ass.⁸
(composition: ⿰馬桀; U+4BAA).
(See 騬 sẽin).
sein3 13329
187 20 sẽin chéng removal of a horse's testes; removal of domestic animal's testes or ovaries.¹³ to geld a horse.²⁵ gelded horse.³⁶ to geld a stallion.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰馬乘; U+9A2C).
攻特谓騬之[攻特謂騬之] güng-àk-vì-sẽin-jï gōng tè wèi chéng zhī to operate on the stallion is called to geld him.¹⁰²
騬猪[騬豬] sẽin-jï
chéngzhū castrated pigs.¹⁹
騬马[騬馬] sẽin-mâ
chéngmǎ castrated horse.¹⁹
(See 䮪 sẽin, corrupted form of 騬 sẽin).
sein3 13330
4 丿 10 sèin shèng <old> four horse military chariot; <old> four; generic term for history books.
乘马[乘馬] sèin-mâ shèngmǎ <wr.> a team of four horses.
乘缦[乘縵] sèin-màn
shèngmàn a plain unadorned carriage.²⁵
千乘之国[千乘之國] tëin-sèin-jï-gōk
qiānshèngzhīguó a state with 1,000 chariots.
<又> sẽin.
(See 乘 sẽin.)
sein4 13331
30 12 sèin shàn Shan surname.¹⁴
<又> än, Sẽm. (See 單 än, sẽm.)
sein4 13332
38 9 sèin shèng tall and slender; beautiful.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女成; U+5A0D).
<又> sẽin. (See 娍 sẽin.)
sein4 13333
46 13 sèin shèng 嵊山 Sèin-sän Shèngshān Shengshan mountain in Sheng County (嵊县[嵊縣] Sèin-yòn Shèngxiàn) in 浙江 Jēt-göng Zhèjiāng Zhejiang Province.⁸
嵊县[嵊縣] Sèin-yòn
Shèngxiàn Sheng County in 浙江 Jēt-göng Zhèjiāng Zhejiang Province.⁸
sein4 13334
72 10 sèin shèng bright; flourishing, prosperous.⁶ clear, bright; splendor, brightness.⁸ clear, the full brightness of the sun; light; splendor; a cupboard for rice.²⁴ (variant: 晠 sèin shèng).
<又> sẽin.
(See 晟 sẽin; 晠 sẽin; 晠 sèin.)
sein4 13335
72 10 sèin shèng (=盛 sèin shèng) exuberant; abundant; great; magnificent; widespread; profund; vigorous.⁶
or (=晟 sèin shèng) bright; flourishing, prosperous.⁶ clear, bright; splendor, brightness.⁸ clear, the full brightness of the sun; light; splendor; a cupboard for rice.²⁴
<又> sẽin.
(See 晟 sẽin; 晟 sèin; 晠 sẽin; 盛 sèin.)
sein4 13336
108 11 sèin shèng exuberant; abundant; great; magnificent; widespread; profound; vigorous.⁶ Sheng surname. (variant: 晠 sèin).
盛大 sèin-ài shèngdà grand; magnificent; majestic.⁶
盛赞[盛贊] sèin-dän
shèngzàn highly praise.⁵
盛典 sèin-ēin
shèngdiǎn grand ceremony/occasion.⁶
盛况空前[盛況空前] sèin-fōng-hüng-tẽin
shèngkuàng kōngqián unprecedentedly grand occasion.⁶
盛极一时[盛極一時] sèin-gèik-yīt-sĩ
shèngjíyīshí be in fashion for a time; be all the rage at the moment.⁵
盛举[盛舉] sèin-guī
shèngjǔ great deeds/undertaking; worthy project.⁶
盛气凌人[盛氣凌人] sèin-hï-lẽin-ngĩn
shèngqìlíngrén domineering; arrogant and aggressive; high and mighty.⁶
盛馔[盛饌] sèin-jàn
shèngzhuàn sumptuous feast.⁶
盛装[盛裝] sèin-jöng
shèngzhuāng splendid attire.⁶
盛世 sèin-säi
shèngshì prosperous period; flourishing age.⁶
盛衰荣辱[盛衰榮辱] sèin-suï-vẽin-yùk
shèngshuāiróngrǔ prosperity and decline, glory and humiliation – rise and fall; ups and downs; vicissitudes of life.⁶
盛宴 sèin-yën
shèngyàn grand banquet; luxurious feast.⁶
盛德遗范[盛德遺範] sèin-āk-vĩ-fàn shèngdéyífàn great moral virtue and good examples (set by predecessors).⁵⁴
<又> sẽin.
(See 盛 sẽin; 晠 sẽin.)
sein4 13337
130 10 𦛙
sèin shèng fat, corpulent.²⁵
(composition: ⿰月成; U+266D9).

sein4 13338
24 4 sêin shēng <台> 米升 māi-sêin a cup (no handle, cylindrical or rectangular solid) for measuring rice.
<又> sēin, sëin. (See 升 sēin, sëin.)
sein5 13339
9 16 sēip loquacious.⁸ʼ¹⁰ loquacious, talkative.³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻歰; U+348A).
㒊譶 sēip-àp sètà to speak without stopping; a multitude of voices mixed together.²⁵
seip1 13340
75 18 𣚟
sēip luxuriant growth of plants (wood).²
(composition: ⿰木歰; U+2369F).
seip1 13341
77 14 sēip (<old>=涩[澀] sēip ) rough, not smooth); rough; an impediment in speech; too shallow for a boat to float or sail; difficult to turn around.²⁵ʼ¹⁰²ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰⿱刃止⿱刃止; U+6B70).
<又> gëp; säp.
(See 歰 gëp; 歰 säp; 澀 sēip).
seip1 13342
85 15 sēip (<old>=涩[澀] sēip unsmooth; hard-going).
(composition: ⿰氵歮; U+6F81).
<又> gëp.
(See 澁 gëp; 澀 sēip).
seip1 13343
85 16 sēip (=涩[澀] sēip rough, not smooth).
(composition: ⿰氵嗇; U+6FC7).
<又> gëp.
(See 濇 gëp; 澀 sēip).
seip1 13344
85 17 sēip unsmooth; hard-going.⁵ astringent, acerbic, tart; (of writing) hard to understand, obscure, not flowing; (of surfaces) rough, unsmooth; (Min Nan) stingy, miserly.³⁶ Note: for specific meanings, see 澀 sīp, 澀 gëp.
(variants: 澁, 歰, 濇 sēip ).⁸
(comp. t: ⿰氵歰; U+6F80). (comp. s: ⿰氵⿱刃止; U+6DA9).
发涩[發澀] fāt-sēip
fāsè to not be smooth; to meet a great deal of friction.⁹ unsmooth, puckery.²⁹
干涩[乾澀] gön-sēip
gānsè dry and coarse.⁸
轮轴发涩[輪軸發澀] lũn-jùk-fāt-sēip
lúnzhóufāsè The axle doesn't work smoothly.³⁹
涩滞[澀滯] sēip-jài
sèzhì (of writing) not smooth; rough going.⁶
涩脉[澀脈] sēip-mäk
sèmài weak, thready, uneven pulse.⁶
涩呐[澀吶] sēip-nàp
sènè slow of tongue.⁷
涩讷[澀訥] sēip-nàp
sènè slow of tongue.⁷ slow of speech.¹¹
涩奈[澀奈] sēip-nòi
sènài <wr.> uneasy.¹¹
涩缩[澀縮] sēip-sūk
sèsuō <wr.> dillydallying, undecided, vacillating.¹¹
羞涩[羞澀] xiü-sēip
xiūsè shy; bashful; embarrassed.⁵
<又> sīp, gëp.
(See 澀 sīp, 澀 gëp; 澁 sēip; 歰 sēip; 濇 sēip).
seip1 13345
167 11 sēip ➀ a small spear with iron handle, used as a weapon or agricultural implement in ancient times ➁ halberd ➂ utensils inlaid with gold and silver.⁵⁴ to engrave; to inlay, to enchase on metal; to sprinkle, to scatter.¹⁰²
(comp. t: ⿰金及; U+9212). (comp. s: ⿰钅及; U+9491).
钑镂[鈒鏤] sēip-lèo
sèlòu to inlay with silver thread; to enchase on.¹⁰²
<又> jàp; gèp.
(See 鈒 jàp; 鈒 gèp).
seip1 13346
169 20 sēip (<old>=钑[鈒] sēip utensils inlaid with gold and silver.⁵⁴ to engrave; to inlay, to enchase on metal; to sprinkle, to scatter.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿵門翕; U+95DF).
<又> kīp; hāp.
(See 闟 kīp; 闟 hāp).
seip1 13347
20 3 sēk sháo ladle, spoon, scoop.
公勺 güng-sēk gōngsháo serving spoon; centiliter (=10 ml), abbreviated to 勺.
汤勺[湯勺] höng-sēk
tāngsháo soup ladle or spoon.
马勺[馬勺] mâ-sēk
mǎsháo wooden ladle.
脑勺[腦勺] nāo-sēk
nǎosháo back of the head.
or 杓子 sēk-dū sháozi a wooden ladle.⁷ dip-iron.⁸ scoop.¹⁰
勺子星 Sēk-dū-xêng
Sháozixīng the seven stars of the Big Dipper.
水勺 suī-sēk
shuǐsháo bailer; dipper.
sek1 13348
38 6 sēk shuò matchmaker.¹¹
父母之命,媒妁之言 fù-mû-jï-mèin, mõi-sēk-jï-ngũn fùmǔzhīmìng, méishuòzhīyán <wr.> make match by parents’ order and on matchmaker's word – old-fashioned marriage.¹¹
媒妁 mõi-sēk
méishuò <wr.> matchmaker.⁶
媒妁之言 mõi-sēk-jï-ngũn
méishuòzhīyán matchmaker's remarks/descriptions (leading to arranged marriages).⁶
sek1 13349
75 7 sēk sháo a receptable or container, as a cup, ladle, spoon; the handle of such.⁷ ladle.¹⁰
后脑杓子[後腦杓子] hèo-nāo-sēk-dū hòunǎosháozi back of the head.¹¹
漏杓 lèo-sēk
lòusháo a strainer, a colander.¹¹
网杓[網杓] mōng-sēk
wǎngsháo skimmer (kitchen utensil).¹⁰
脑杓[腦杓] nāo-sēk
nǎosháo the spoon shape slope on the nape.¹⁰
or 勺子 sēk-dū sháozi a wooden ladle.⁷ dip-iron.⁸ scoop.¹⁰
杓球场[杓球場] sēk-kiũ-chẽng
sháoqiúchǎng golf course.¹⁰
<又> bël.
(See 杓 bël.)
sek1 13350
86 7 sēk zhuó burn, scorch; bright, luminous.⁵ (variant: 燋 sēk zhuó).
目光灼灼 mùk-göng-sēk-sēk
mùguāngzhuózhuó with keen, sparkling eyes.⁵
灼见[灼見] sēk-gëin
zhuójiàn profound view; penetrating view.⁵
灼急 sēk-gīp
zhuójí worried.¹⁰
灼烤 sēk-häo
zhuókǎo bake; scorch; scald.⁶
灼痛 sēk-hüng
zhuótòng burn (i.e. wound); burning pain.¹⁰
灼亮 sēk-lèng
zhuóliàng bright; shining.⁶
灼热[灼熱] sēk-ngèik
zhuórè scorching hot.⁵
灼然 sēk-ngẽin
zhuórán quite obvious; fairly clear.⁶
灼然无疑[灼然無疑] sēk-ngẽin-mũ-ngĩ
zhuóránwúyí ndisputable; irrefutable; unquestionable.⁵⁴
灼烁[灼爍] sēk-sēk
zhuóshuò brightly colored, scintillating.¹¹ luminous; brilliant.¹⁴
灼灼 sēk-sēk
zhuózhuó <wr.> shining; brilliant.⁵
灼伤[灼傷] sēk-sëng
zhuóshāng burn.⁵
(See 燋 sēk).
sek1 13351
86 16 sēk zhuó (=灼 sēk zhuó burn, scorch; bright, luminous.⁵).⁸
(composition: ⿰火焦; U+71CB).
<又> dël; tẽl; dēk.
(See 燋 dël; 燋 tẽl; 燋 dēk; 灼 sēk).
sek1 13352
86 19 sēk shuò bright; shining.⁶ shine, glitter, sparkle.⁸ twinkling.⁹ to sparkle; to embellish; to forge metals.²⁴
众口烁金[眾口爍金] jüng-hēo-sēk-gïm zhòngkǒushuòjīn people's gossip is enough to melt metals –  destroy anybody.¹¹
烁金[爍金] sēk-gïm
shuòjīn shining, glittering, glistening; melt metal; slander that hurts others.⁵⁴
烁金以为刀[爍金以為刀] sēk-gïm-yî-vĩ-äo
shuòjīnyǐwéidāo to forge metal in order to make swords.²⁴
烁亮[爍亮] sēk-lèng
shuòliàng bright; shining; brilliant.⁶
or 铄铄[鑠鑠] sēk-sēk shuòshuò glittering; sparkling.⁶
烁石流金[爍石流金] sēk-sêk-liũ-gïm
shuòshíliújīn (The sun shone) so hot on stones that gold might have melted there.⁵⁴
灼烁[灼爍] sēk-sēk
zhuóshuò brightly colored, scintillating.¹¹ luminous; brilliant.¹⁴
or 闪铄[閃鑠] sēm-sēk shǎnshuò twinkle; glimmer; glisten.⁵
闪烁其词[閃爍其詞] sēm-sēk-kĩ-xũ
shǎnshuòqící dodge; equivocate; hedge; speak evasively/vaguely.⁶
熠烁[熠爍] yìp-sēk
yìshuò to twinkle; glimmer; glisten.¹⁰
sek1 13353
120 19 sēk zhuó <wr.> silk string tied to an arrow for shooting birds.⁶ a string made of raw silk fastened to an arrow.⁷
缯缴[繒繳] däng-sēk zēngzhuó a string made of raw silk fastened to an arrow.⁷
矰缴[矰繳] däng-sēk
zēngzhuó a bird-shooting device.⁷ an arrow with a silk streamer attached to it.¹¹
缴绳[繳繩] sēk-sẽin
zhuóshéng <trad.> raw silk string on an arrow; steel cable (semi-modern use).⁰
<又> gēl.
(See 繳 gēl.)
sek1 13354
140 6 sēk sháo Chinese peony; Paeonia albiflora or Paeonia lactiflora.²¹
白芍 bàk-sēk
báisháo <TCM> root of herbaceous peony (Paeonia Lactiflora).
赤芍 chēik-sēk
chìsháo <TCM> root of the herbaceous peony.
赠芍[贈芍] dàng-sēk
zèngsháo to give peonies; fig. exchange of gifts between lovers.¹⁰
木芍药[木芍藥] mùk-sēk-yêk
mùsháoyào <bot.> paeonia.
芍药[芍藥] sēk-yêk
sháoyào a small variety of peony.¹ Chinese peony; Paeonia lactiflora.²¹  common herbacrous peony.²¹ Peony used in TCM.²¹
采兰赠芍[采蘭贈芍] tōi-lãn-dàng-sēk
cǎilánzèngsháo to pick orchids and present peonies (idiom); presents between lovers.²¹
sek1 13355
167 23 sēk shuò <wr.> melt; weaken, cripple; (=烁[爍] sēk shuò).⁶
or 震古烁今[震古爍今] jīn-gū-sēk-gïm zhèngǔshuòjīn surpassing the ancients and amazing the contemporaries; earthshaking; galvanizing the world.⁶
众口铄金[眾口鑠金] jüng-hēo-sēk-gïm
zhòngkǒushuòjīn public clamor melts metals – public clamor can confound right and wrong; if you throw enough mud, some of it will stick.⁶
矍铄 kök-sēk
juéshuò (of old people) hale and hearty.¹¹
流金铄石[流金鑠石] liũ-gïm-sēk-sêk
liújīnshuòshí hot enough to make rocks and metals melt – extremely hot.⁶
铄铄[鑠鑠] or 烁烁[爍爍] sēk-sēk
shuòshuò glittering; sparkling.⁶
铄石流金[鑠石流金] sēk-sêk-liũ-gïm
shuòshíliújīn hot enough to make rocks and metals melt – extremely hot.⁶
or 闪烁[閃爍] sēm-sēk shǎnshuò twinkle; glimmer; glisten.⁵
(See 爍 sēk).
sek1 13356
85 17 湿 sëk shī wet.
<台> 湿毛巾 sëk-mão-gïn wet bath towel.
<台> 落水湿西一身[落水濕西一身] lòk-suī sëk-xäi yīt-sïn I was soaked in the rain.
<又> sīp. (See 濕 sīp.)
sek2 13357
112 5 sèk dàn a unit of dry measure for grain (= 1 hectoliter).⁵
公石 güng-sèk gōngdàn hectoliter.⁵  (See 公担[公擔] güng-äm gōngdàn.)
<又> sêk.
(See 石 sêk, [sèk, shí].)
sek4 13358
112 5 sèk shí 钻石[鑽石] dön-sèk/ zuànshí diamond; jewel (used in a watch).⁵
<又> sêk.
(See 石 sêk, [sèk, dàn].)
sek4 13359
86 9 sêk shí stoneware.⁶ a kind of china.⁸
炻器 sêk-hï shíqì ceramics like both pottery and porcelain.⁸
sek5 13360
112 6 sêk shí
(=石 sêk shí) stone, rock.⁵
(See 石 sêk).
sek5 13361
112 14 sêk shuò large.⁵
硕大[碩大] sêk-ài shuòdà big; huge; large.⁶
硕大无朋[碩大無朋] sêk-ài-mũ-pãng
shuòdàwúpéng of unparalleled size; gigantic.⁵
硕果[碩果] sêk-gō
shuòguǒ rich fruits; great achievements.⁵
硕果仅存[碩果僅存] sêk-gō-gīn-tũn
shuòguǒjǐncún one of the few still left; sole/rare survival.⁶
硕老[碩老] sêk-lāo
shuòlǎo a learned elder; an old venerable scholar.⁷
碩望 sêk-mòng
shuòwàng a much respected man; a man of great fame.⁷
硕彦[碩彥] sêk-ngèin
shuòyàn a man of great talent; a learned scholar.⁷
硕言[碩言] sêk-ngũn 
shuòyán boastful talks; grand words.⁷
硕士[碩士] sêk-xù/
shuòshì a wise man; a holder of the master's degree.⁷
硕士学位[碩士學位] sêk-xù-hòk-vì
shuòshìxuéwèi a master's degree.⁷
硕士生[碩士生] sêk-xù-säng
shuòshìshēng Master's degree candidate.¹⁰
sek5 13362
113 9 sêk shí shrine; stone casket.⁸ stone shrine in a family temple.¹⁴ a stone niche for the reception of the parental tablet, in the ancestorial temple; it was made of stone, in order to provide against the calamity of fire.²⁵
sek5 13363
115 10 sêk shí (=石 sêk shí) stone, rocks; a measurement (in ancient times) equal to 120 catty (Chinese pound).⁸
(See 石 sêk).
sek5 13364
208 18 sêk shí <old> flying squirrel.⁶ the long-tailed marmot.¹⁴
鼫鼠 sêk-sī shíshǔ a squirrel.¹⁴
鼫鼠五技 sêk-sī-m̄-gì
shíshǔwǔjì a kind of field squirrel with five capabilities: it can fly but cannot go over a house; it can climb but cannot go to the utmost extremety of a tree; it can swim but cannot cross a ravine; it can burrow but cannot hide its own body; it can run but cannot run away before people. It is about the size of a large rat with a rabbit's head and a bushy tail; it is of a greyish yellow color and loves to be in the fields and eat corn and pulse; it can stand upright with its paws crossed before it and dance.²⁵
sek5 13365
112 5 sêk shí Kangxi radical 112; stone, rock, mineral; Shi surname.⁸ (variants: 䂖, 䄷 sêk shí).
火石 fō-sêk
huǒshí flint.¹¹
石菖蒲 sêk-chëng-pũ
shíchāngpú grass-leaf sweetflag.⁶
石沉大海 sêk-chĩm-ài-hōi
shíchéndàhǎi disappear forever.⁸
石雕 sêk-ël
shídiāo stone carving/sculpture; carved stone.⁶
石窟 sêk-fūt
shíkū rock cave; grotto.⁶
石刻 sêk-hāk
shíkè carved stone; stone inscription.⁶
石炭 sêk-hän
shítàn coal.¹⁰ anthracites.¹¹
石头[石頭] sêk-hẽo
shítou stone, rock.⁶
石桥[石橋] sêk-kẽl
shíqiáo a stone bridge.⁹
石岐 Sêk-kĩ
Shíqí Shiqi a place in Guangdong Province.⁴
石泐 sêk-làk
shílè splitting of rocks.¹⁴
石榴 sêk-liũ
shíliu pomegranate.⁶
石蕊 sêk-luî
shíruǐ reindeer moss; <chem.> litmus.¹⁰
石蕊试纸[石蕊試紙] sêk-luî-sï-jī
shíruǐshìzhǐ litmus paper.¹¹
石墨 sêk-màk
shímò graphite.⁶
石棉 sêk-mẽin
shímián asbestos.⁵
石弩 sêk-nū
shínǔ catapult; onager; bricole.¹⁹
石破天惊[石破天驚] sêk-pö-hëin-gëin
shípòtiānjīng remarkably original and forceful (of writing).⁵⁴
石英 sêk-yëin
shíyīng quartz.⁸
石油 sêk-yiũ
shíyóu oil; petroleum.¹⁰
<又> sèk.
(See 石 [sèk, dàn], [sèk, shí]; 䂖 sêk; 䄷 sêk.)
42 4 sēl shǎo few; less; to lack; to be missing; to stop (doing something); seldom.¹⁰
少不了 sēl-būt-lēl shǎobuliǎo cannot do without; to be unavoidable; to be bound to.⁸
少刻 sēl-hāk
shǎokè a short while; soon.¹⁰
少许[少許] sēl-huī
shǎoxǔ <wr.> a little; a bit/modicum of.⁶
少礼[少禮] sēl-lâi
shǎolǐ to leave out excessive courtesy.⁸
少量 sēl-lèng
shǎoliàng a smidgen; a little bit; a few.¹⁰
少来[少來] sēl-lõi
shǎolái refrain (from doing something); (coll.) Come on!; Give me a break!; Save it!¹⁰
少失怙恃 sēl-sīt-gü-sî
or sēl-sīt-fù-sî shǎoshīhùshì become an orphan; lose one's parents when young.⁶
少数[少數] sēl-sü
shǎoshù small number; few; minority.¹⁰
少数民族[少數民族] sēl-sü-mĩn-dùk
shǎoshùmínzú national minority; ethnic group.¹⁰
(See 少 sël.)
sel1 13367
42 4 sël shào young.¹⁰
老老少少 lāo-lāo-sël-sël lǎolǎoshàoshào a crowd of people of all ages.⁹
老来少[老來少] lāo-lõi-sël
lǎoláishào old but young at heart.¹⁰
老少 lāo-sël
lǎoshào the old and the young.¹⁰
老少咸宜 lāo-sēl-hãm-ngĩ
lǎoshàoxiányí suit young and old alike; be good for young and old alike.⁶
老少平安 lāo-sël-pẽin-ön
lǎoshàopíng'ān bean curd roll & vegetable; peace to young and old; steamed mashed tofu patty; blended tofu with vegetarian meat paste.³⁹
少妇[少婦] sël-fû
shàofù young married woman.⁵
少林寺 Sël-lĩm-dù
Shàolín Sì Shaolin Temple, Buddhist monastery famous for its kung fu monks.¹⁰
少年 sël-nẽin
shàonián youngster; juvenile.¹⁰
少年先锋队[少年先鋒隊] sël-nẽin xëin-füng-duì
shàonián xiānfēngduì Young Pioneers of China; abbreviated to 少先队[少先隊] Sël-Xëin-duì Shào-Xiān-duì.¹⁰
少女 sël-nuī
shàonǚ girl; young lady.¹⁰
少尉 sēl-vï
shàowèi second lieutenant.¹¹
<台> 些少 xëh-sël a liitle bit.
(See 少 sēl.)
sel2 13368
86 9 sël shāo (=烧[燒] sël shāo burn; bake; heat; roast.⁸)
(composition: ⿱丙火; U+3DAE).
(See 燒 sël).
sel2 13369
86 16 sël shāo burn; bake; heat; roast.⁸
发高烧[發高燒] fät-gäo-sël fāgāoshāo suffer from a fever.⁸
红烧[紅燒] hũng-sël
hóngshāo braise in soy sauce.⁵
烧鸭[燒鴨] sël-äp
shāoyā roast duck.
烧饼[燒餅] sël-bēng
shāobing sesame seed (flat) cake.⁶
烧杯[燒杯] sël-böi
shāobēi beaker.⁵
烧掉[燒掉] sël-èl
shāodiào to burn; cremate; incinerate.¹⁰
烧化[燒化] sël-fä
shāohuà cremate; burn off.⁹
烧饭[燒飯] sël-fàn
shāofàn <topo.> cook food, do the cooking, prepare a meal.⁶
or 烧燬[燒燬] sël-fī shāohuǐ burn down.⁸
烧火[燒火] sël-fō
shāohuǒ light a fire.⁸
烧鸡[燒雞] sël-gäi
shāojī roast chicken.⁹
烧烤[燒烤] sël-häo
shāokǎo barbecue.⁶
烧焊[燒銲] sël-hòn
shāohàn weld, solder; freeze, burn-in.⁵⁴
烧猪[燒豬] sël-jï
shāozhū roast pig.¹¹
烧卖[燒賣] sël-mài/
shāomai pork dumpling.¹⁹
烧灼[燒灼] sël-sēk
shāozhuó burn; scorch; singe.⁵
烧伤[燒傷] sël-sëng
shāoshāng burn (injury).¹⁰
烧水[燒水] sël-suī
shāoshuǐ boil water.⁹
烧死[燒死] sël-xī
shāosǐ burn to death.⁹
烧心[燒心] sël-xïm
shāoxīn <med.> heartburn; <topo.> (of cabbage) turn yellow at the heart.⁵
sel2 13370
140 8 sẽl sháo 红苕[紅苕] hũng-sẽl hóngsháo <topo.> sweet potato.⁶
<又> hẽl.
(See 苕 hẽl.)
sel3 13371
180 14 sẽl sháo <wr.> splendid; beautiful.⁶ the music during the time of the sage emperor Shun (舜 Sün Shùn); beautiful, excellent, harmonious; continuous.⁷
(composition: ⿰音召; U+97F6).
Dū-vì-sẽl, "dìn-mî-yì, yiù-jìn-sèn-yâ."
Zǐ wèi sháo,“jìn měi yǐ, yòu jìn shàn yě.”
The Master said of the Shao that it was perfectly beautiful and also perfectly good.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《論語·八佾·25》, translated by James Legge).
(Note: 韶 music created by Di Shun).
丰采韶秀[豐采韶秀] füng-tōi-sẽl-xiü
fēngcǎisháoxiù be of a most refined and prepossessing appearance.⁵³
韶光 sẽl-göng
sháoguāng <wr.> beautiful time, beautiful springtime; time; glorious youth.⁶
韶光易逝 sẽl-göng-yì-sài
sháoguāngyìshì Youth passes quickly.⁶
韶山 Sẽl-sän
Sháoshān Shaoshan (a county town in Hunan Province, noted as the birthplace of Mao Zedong).⁶
韶华[韶華] sẽl-vã
sháohuá <wr.> springtime; youth.⁶
韶秀 sẽl-xiü
sháoxiù good-looking and handsome.⁷
箫韶[簫韶] xël-sẽl
xiāosháo the name of the music created by Emperor Shun (舜 Sün Shùn) 2255 B.C.⁷
sel3 13372
19 7 sèl shào to encourage; to excel; excellent.⁸ to stimulate to effort; excellent; admirable.¹⁴ stimulate, encourage; gorgeous, beautiful; outstanding.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰召力; U+52AD).
年高德劭 nẽin-gäo-āk-sèl niángāodéshào of venerable age and respected character.¹¹
劭劝[劭勸] sèl-hün
shàoquàn urge and encourage; advise and encourage.¹⁹
劭美 sèl-mî
shàoměi fine, happy.¹⁹
劭农[劭農] sèl-nũng
shàonóng to encourage husbandry.¹⁴ to encourage the development of agriculture.⁵⁴
劭才 sèl-tõi
shàocái fine talents.¹⁴
sel4 13373
30 5 sèl shào the name of a city; Shao surname.²⁴
(composition: ⿱刀口; U+53EC).
<又> diü, jël. (See 召 diü, jël.)
sel4 13374
70 12 sèl zhào an embroidered pennant.⁸ a flag with pictures of tortoises and snakes.⁹ banner.¹⁰ <wr.> a long, square flag, with design of tortoise or snake.¹¹ snakes and tortoises intertwined, to represent certain superstitious ideas.²⁴
(composition: ⿰方⿱𠂉兆; U+65D0).
旐旌 sèl-dëin or sèl-xëin zhàojīng pertaining to 铭旌[銘旌] mẽin-dëin or mẽin-xëin míngjīng funeral streamer bearing the titles of the deceased.
Võng-mèin-nãm-jùng, vông-sẽin-yï-föng. Chūt-chëh-pãng-pãng, kĩ-sèl-yëng-yëng.
Wáng mìng nánzhòng, wǎng chéng yú fāng. Chū chē péng péng, qí zhào yāng yāng.
The king charged Nan Zhong,
To go and build a wall in the [disturbed] region.
How numerous were his chariots!
How splendid his dragon, his tortoise and serpent flags!⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·鹿鳴之什·出車·3》, translated by James Legge).
sel4 13375
120 11 sèl shào <wr.> carry on/forward, inherit, continue; introduce.⁵
介绍[介紹] gäi-sèl jièshào introduce, present; recommend, suggest; let known, brief.⁶
绍酒[紹酒] Sèl-diū
Shàojiǔ (=绍兴酒[紹興酒] Sèl-hëin-diū Shàoxīngjiǔ) Shaoxing rice wine.⁵
绍介[紹介] sèl-gäi
shàojiè introduce.⁶
绍兴酒[紹興酒] Sèl-hëin-diū
Shàoxīngjiǔ Shaoxing rice wine.⁵
绍兴师爷[紹興師爺] Sèl-hëin xü-yẽh
Shàoxīng shīye expert in legal briefs.¹¹
绍剧[紹劇] Sèl-kēk
Shàojù Shaoxing opera (a local opera popular in Shaoxing 绍兴[紹興], Zhejiang Province.)⁶
绍述[紹述] sèl-sùt
shàoshù to continue; to follow.⁷
绍菜[紹菜] sèl-töi
shàocài celery cabbage, napa cabbage.
sel4 13376
129 14 sèl zhào start, commence, initiate; cause (trouble).⁵
肇始 sèl-chī zhàoshǐ <wr.> start; commence; initiate.⁵
肇造 sèl-dào
zhàozào to found; to first establish.⁷
肇建 sèl-gèin
zhàojiàn to found.⁷
肇基 sèl-gï
zhàojī lay/build up/erect the foundation.⁶
肇国[肇國] sèl-gōk
zhàoguó found a state.⁶
肇庆[肇慶] sèl-hëin
zhàoqìng Zhaoqing a prefecture-level city in Guangdong Province.¹⁵
肇衅[肇釁] sèl-hïm
zhàoxìn to incite trouble, cause a break in relations; create an accident.¹¹
肇乱[肇亂] sèl-lòn
zhàoluàn create trouble/riot; start a rebellion.⁶
肇端 sèl-ön
zhàoduān <wr.> beginning.⁵
肇祸[肇禍] sèl-vò
zhàohuò cause trouble/an accident.⁵
肇事 sèl-xù
zhàoshì cause trouble; create a disturbance.⁵
肇因 sèl-yïn
zhàoyīn cause; origin.¹⁰
sel4 13377
129 14 sèl zhào (=肇 sèl zhào start, commence, initiate; cause (trouble).⁵); to commence; to found; to devise; at first; to originate; to strike.⁸
(composition: ⿱⿰户戈聿; U+8088).
(See 肇 sèl).
sel4 13378
163 7 sèl shào various place names; Shao surname.
(composition: ⿰召阝; U+90B5).
邵阳[邵陽] Sèl-yẽng Shàoyáng a prefecture-level city in southwestern 湖南 Vũ-nãm Húnán Hunan Province.
邵逸夫 Sèl-Yìt-Fü
Shào Yì-fū Sir Run Run Shaw (1907-2014) -  born with the name of 邵仁楞 Sèl-Ngĩn-Lẽin Shào Rén Léng; was  a Hong Kong entertainment mogul and philanthropist.
sel4 13379
10 6 sêl zhào omen; portent; to foretell; million; mega-; trillion (10^12); billion (Taiwam); Zhao surname.
京兆 gëin-sêl jīngzhào capital of a country.
吉兆 gīt-sêl
jízhào good omen; propitious sign.
征兆[徵兆] jëin-sêl
zhēngzhào a sympton; an omen, symptomatic.⁷
梦兆熊罴[夢兆熊羆] mùng-sêl-hũng-bï
mèngzhàoxióngpí a sign of giving birth to a baby boy.³⁹
兆焦 sêl-dël
zhàojiāo megajoule.
兆字节[兆字節] sêl-dù-dēik
zhàozìjié megabyte (MB).
兆赫 sêl-hāk
zhàohè <elec.> megahertz (MHz).⁵
兆朕 sêl-jìm
zhàozhèn omen, foreboding, augury.¹¹
兆米 sêl-māi
zhàomǐ megameter.
兆民 sêl-mĩn
zhàomín common people.
兆位 sêl-vì
zhàowèi megabit (Mb).
瑞雪兆丰年[瑞雪兆豐年] xuì-xūt-sêl-füng-nẽin
ruìxuě zhào fēngnián a timely snow promises a good harvest.⁵
预兆[預兆] yì-sêl
yùzhào omen; presage; sign; harbinger.⁵
sel5 13380
64 13 sēm shǎn swift, rapid, quick, speedy; (same as 掞 in meaning: sèn shàn easy, smooth; quiet; suave.⁸) easy, smooth, suave, comfortable.⁸
(composition: ⿰扌閃; U+3A1B).
sem1 13381
72 12 sēm shǎn a flash of lightning.²⁴ electricity, electric, electro-; lightning; sparkling and translucent.³⁶ cf 闪[閃] sēm shǎn.
(composition: ⿰日炎; U+6671).
晱电[晱電] sēm-èin
shǎndiàn a flash of lightning.²
晱晱 sēm-sēm
shǎnshǎn shimmering; twinkling rays of light.¹⁹
晱艳[晱艷] sēm-yèm
shǎnyàn resplendent and dazzling the eyes.¹⁹
sem1 13382
109 12 sēm shǎn blink; twinkle.⁵ blink; wink.⁶ (same as 眨 jām zhǎ; säp zhǎ) wink, blink; (same as 睫 dèp jié) eyelashes; lash.⁶ <Cant.> to peep at; to blink; to wink.⁸ (Note: original form has 目 on the left and 㚒 sēm shǎn, not 夾 gäp jiā, on the right [from Kangxi].) 䀹 may be pronounced in pinyin as shǎn, jiá, shè, or jié.
别䀹眼睛[別䀹眼睛] bèik-sēm-ngān-dëin
biéshǎnyǎnjing Do not blink.⁶
sem1 13383
109 13 sēm shǎn to glance at; to peep; glittering; to shine.⁸ to glance at; to peep; glittering; flashing.¹⁴ to look at for a short time, to glance at; to peep; to gaze; to dart, as a flash of lightning; glistening as crystal.²⁴ to glance at; to peep; to dart; to flash.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰目炎; U+7752).
太白睒睒 häi-bàk-sēm-sēm tàibáishǎnshǎn How brightly Venus shines!
目微睒 mùk-mĩ-sēm
mùwēishǎn the glance of an eye.¹⁰²
睒目 sēm-mùk
shǎnmù to take a look at.¹⁴ʼ¹⁰²
睒睗 sēm-sēik shǎnshì a flash of the eyes, to dart a glance.²⁴
睒睒 sēm-sēm
shǎnshǎn lustrous; glittering.¹⁴ lustrous, glittering like a quartz crystal.¹⁰²
<又> häm.
(See 睒 häm).
sem1 13384
169 10 sēm shǎn dodge, get out of the way; twist, sprain; lightning; flash, sparkle, shine; leave behind.⁵
快闪族[快閃族] fäi-sēm-dùk kuàishǎnzú flash mob.⁹
忽闪[忽閃] fūt-sēm
hūshǎn flash; sparkle.⁶
忽闪[忽閃] fūt-sēm
hūshan (of eyes, stars) twinkle, blink.⁶
闪避[閃避] sēm-bì
shǎnbì dodge; sidestep.⁵
闪族[閃族] sēm-dùk
shǎnzú the Semites.¹⁰
闪电[閃電] sēm-èin
shǎndiàn lightning.⁵
闪下[閃下] sēm-hà
shǎnxià leave behind.¹
闪开[閃開] sēm-höi
shǎnkai dodge quickly; avoid (a hit).⁷
闪亮儿[閃亮兒] sēm-lèng-ngĩ
shǎnliàngr <topo.> dawn.⁷
or 闪铄[閃鑠] sēm-sēk shǎnshuò twinkle; glimmer; glisten.⁵
闪烁其词[閃爍其詞] sēm-sēk-kĩ-xũ
shǎnshuòqící dodge; equivocate; hedge; speak evasively/vaguely.⁶
闪闪[閃閃] sēm-sēm
shǎnshǎn sparkle; glisten; glitter.⁵
闪腰[閃腰] sēm-yël
shǎnyāo <topo.> strain the back.¹
闪耀[閃耀] sēm-yèl
shǎnyào glitter; shine; radiate.⁵
闪熠[閃熠] sēm-yìp
shǎnyì glitter; shine; radiate.⁵⁴
躲闪[躲閃] ū-sēm
duǒshǎn dodge; evade.⁵
一闪而过[一閃而過] yīt-sēm-ngĩ-gö
yīshǎn'érguò to flash past; to flit by.¹⁰
<又> sëp.
(See 閃 sëp.)
sem1 13385
170 9 sēm shǎn ➀ place name, in present-day 陕县[陝縣] sēm-yòn shǎn xiàn Shanxian County, 河南省 hõ-nãm sāng hénán shěng Henan Province; at the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty it was the boundary between 周公 jiü-güng zhōu gōng the Duke of Zhou and 召公 jël-güng zhào gōng the Duke of Zhao    abbreviation for 陕西[陝西] sēm-xäi shǎnxī Shaanxi Province, such as: 陕北[陝北] sēm-bāk shǎn běi Northern Shaanxi  ➂ Shan surname, in the Ming Dynasty, there was a 陕通[陝通] sēm-hüng shǎn tōng Shan Tong.⁸
t: ⿰阝㚒; U+965D). (comp. s: ⿰阝夹; U+9655).
(Note: Differentiate 陜 hèp xiá, q.v.)
陕西[陝西] Sēm-xäi
Shǎnxī Shaanxi Province.
陕西省[陝西省] Sēm-xäi sāng
Shǎnxī shěng Shaanxi Province.
sem1 13386
9 15 sẽm chán indecisive; irresolute.¹⁰ form, manner.²⁴
儃儃 sẽm-sẽm chánchán easy; leisurely.²⁴
儃佪 sẽm-või
chánhuái (=徘徊 pãi-või páihuái) hang about, pace up and down; hesitate; teeter on.⁸
儃徊 sẽm-või
chánhuái irresolute.²⁴
sem3 13387
30 12 sẽm chán name of a chief of the Huns; a chieftain.¹⁴
单于[單于] Sẽm-yï Chányú Chanyu was the title used by the nomadic supreme rulers of Middle and Central Asia for eight centuries and was superseded by the title "Khagan" in 402 CE.¹⁵
<又> än, Sèin.
(See 單 än, Sèin.)
sem3 13388
38 15 sẽm chán graceful; lady-like; attractive; beautiful; pretty.⁷
婵娟[嬋娟] sẽm-gün chánjuān <wr.> (of a woman) fair, lovely; moon.⁶
婵媛[嬋媛] sẽm-yõn
chányuán (=婵娟[嬋娟] sẽm-gün chánjuān) <wr.> (of a woman) fair, lovely; moon; <wr.> linked, joined.⁶
sem3 13389
75 17 sẽm yán eaves; edge, brim.⁶ (variant: 簷 sẽm yán).
飞檐[飛檐] fï-sẽm
fēiyán upturned eaves.⁵
飞檐走壁[飛檐走壁] fï-sẽm-dēo-bēik
fēiyánzǒubì  (of swordsmen in old Chinese novels) leap onto roofs and vault over walls.⁵
廊檐 lõng-sẽm
lángyán the eaves of a veranda.⁵
帽檐 mào-sẽm
màoyán or 帽沿 mào-yõn màoyán brim (of a hat).¹⁰
檐柱 sẽm-chuî
yánzhù peripheral column.⁶
檐子 sẽm-dū
yánzi eaves.⁵
檐口 sẽm-hēo
yánkǒu cornice.⁶
檐砖[檐磚] sẽm-jön
yánzhuān coping brick; capping brick.⁶
檐沟[檐溝] sẽm-këo
yángōu eaves gutter.⁵
檐溜 sẽm-liü
yánliù rain or snow water flowing along the eaves.⁸
檐马[檐馬] sẽm-mâ
yánmǎ wind bell hung on the eaves.⁸
檐瓦 sẽm-ngā
yánwǎ verge tile.⁸
檐牙 sẽm-ngã
yányá projecting tiles on the eaves.³⁹
檐椽 sẽm-yõn
yánchuán eave rafter.⁹
屋檐 ūk-sẽm
wūyán eaves.⁵
(See 簷 sẽm.)
sem3 13390
113 16 sẽm chán Zen Buddhism; meditation, intense contemplation.⁷
禅床[禪床] sẽm-chõng chánchuáng a seat for meditation.⁷
禅寂[禪寂] sẽm-dèik
chánjì the ideal peace of mind.⁷
禅寺[禪寺] sẽm-dù
chánsì Buddhist temple/monastery.⁶
禅宗[禪宗] sẽm-düng
chánzōng Zen sect (of Buddhism).¹¹
禅定[禪定] sẽm-èin
chándìng the utter calm of mind attained by purging the mind of all thoughts.¹¹
禅房[禪房] sẽm-fông
chánfáng a hermitage, a monastery.⁷
禅偈[禪偈] sẽm-gäi c
hánjì utterances of a Zen master; in the form of verse, often a recapitulation of what he has just said.⁷
禅机[禪機] Sẽm-gï
Chánjī subtleties of Zen principles.⁷
禅客[禪客] sẽm-hāk
chánkè monk who practices meditation.⁷
禅堂[禪堂] sẽm-hõng
chántáng a meditation hall/room.⁷
禅杖[禪杖] sẽm-jèng
chánzhàng a cane with a padded head for knocking on the head of the meditating monk who falls asleep; a Buddhist cane.⁷
禅林[禪林] sẽm-lĩm
chánlín Buddhist temple/monastery.⁶
禅心[禪心] sẽm-xïm
chánxīn mind at peace.⁶
禅师[禪師] sẽm-xü
chánshī Zen master (honorific title for a Buddhist monk).⁶
<又> sèn.
(See 禪 sèn.)
sem3 13391
118 19 sẽm yán (=檐 sẽm yán) eaves; edge, brim.⁶
or 屋檐 ūk-sẽm wūyán eaves.⁵
(See 檐 sẽm.)
sem3 13392
142 18 sẽm chán 蝉联[蟬聯] sẽm-lũn or chên-lũn chánlián to keep on without interruption; to stay on a position for another term, to continue to hold a post or title.⁷
<又> chên.
(See 蟬 chên.)
sem3 13393
142 19 sẽm chán a toad (especially the one supposed to live on the moon).⁷
蟾魄 sẽm-bòk chánpò the moon.⁷
蟾桂 sẽm-gï
chánguì the shades on the moon.⁷
蟾光 sẽm-göng
chánguāng moonlight.⁷
蟾宫[蟾宮] sẽm-güng
chángōng the moon.⁷
蟾宫折桂[蟾宮折桂] sẽm-güng-jēt-gï
chángōngzhéguì to emerge in success from a civil service examination.⁷
蟾兔 sẽm-hü
chántù the hare supposed to live on the moon.⁷
蟾蜍 sẽm-kuĩ
or sẽm-chuĩ chánchú toad; toad in the moon; moon. (=癞蛤蟆[癩蛤蟆] or 癞虾蟆[癩蝦蟆] lài-hā-mã làiháma) the toad.⁵ʼ⁷ (See <台> 冚薯 kẽim-sĩ a toad.)
蟾轮[蟾輪] sẽm-lũn
chánlún the moon.⁷
蟾彩 sẽm-tōi
cháncǎi moonlight.⁷
蟾毒 sẽm-ùk
chándú toad venom.⁹
sem3 13394
167 14 sẽm chán short spear with iron handle.⁸
(composition: ⿰金延; U+92CB).
鋋鈶 sẽm-xû chánsì a small kind of spear.²⁵
sem3 13395
18 10 sèm shàn (name of a river in Zhejiang).
剡溪 Sèm-käi Shànxī name of a river in 浙江 Jēt-göng Zhèjiāng Zhejiang Province.⁴
<又> yèm.
(See 剡 yèm.)
sem4 13396
154 20 sèm shàn support, provide for; <wr.> sufficient, abundant.⁵
赈赡[賑贍] jīn-sèm or jīn-jëm zhènshàn gifts in kind for relief purposes.¹⁴
赡足[贍足] sèm-dūk
or jëm-dūk shànzú abundant; plenty.⁷
赡费[贍費] sèm-fï
or jëm-fï shànfèi alimony.⁵
赡家养口[贍家養口] sèm-gä-yëng-hēo
or jëm-gä-yëng-hēo shànjiāyǎngkǒu support a family.⁵
赡恤[贍恤] sèm-xūt
or jëm-xūt shànxù contribute money to charity.⁶
赡养[贍養] sèm-yêng
or jëm-yêng shànyǎng support; provide for.⁵
赡养费[贍養費] sèm-yêng-fï
or jëm-yêng-fï shànyǎngfèi support payment (for one's parents).⁶ alimony.⁷
赡养父母[贍養父母] sèm-yêng-fù-mû
or jëm-yêng-fù-mû shànyǎng fùmǔ  support one's parents.⁵
<又> jëm.
(See 贍 jëm.)
sem4 13397
9 12 sën shān (<old>=煽 sën shān fan a fire; incite, instigate, stir up, agitate.⁶); vigorous, exuberant.⁸
(composition: ⿰亻扇; U+5093).
(See 煽 sën).
sen2 13398
63 10 sën shàn fan; leaf; <m.> leaf (for doors, windows); a piece of electrical equipment resembling a fan in function.⁶
电扇[電扇] èin-sën diànshàn electric fan.⁸
风扇[風扇] füng-sën
fēngshàn fan; electric fan.⁹
扇贝[扇貝] sën-böi
shànbèi <zoo.> scallop; fan shell.⁶
扇车[扇車] sën-chëh
shànchē winnowing machine; winnower.⁶
扇子 sën-dū
shànzi fan.⁶
扇骨 sën-gūt
shàngǔ framework/ribs/mount of a folding fan.⁶
扇状[扇狀] sën-jòng
shànzhuàng form/shape of a fan.⁶
扇坠[扇墜] sën-juì
shànzhuì fan pendant.⁶
扇筤船 sën-lõng-sõn
shànlángchuán imperial vessel.¹⁹
扇面 sën-mèin
shànmiàn covering of fan.⁶
扇舞 sën-mū
shànwǔ fan dance.⁶
扇形 sën-yẽin
shànxíng form of a fan; <math.> sector.⁶
一扇门[一扇門] yīt-sën-mõn
yīshànmén a door.¹¹
(See 扇 [sën, shān].)
sen2 13399
63 10 sën shān to fan; to incite, instigate, fan up, stir up.⁵ (variant: 搧 sën shān).
or 煽火 sën-fō shānhuǒ fan a fire/blaze.⁶
or 煽风点火[煽風點火] sën-füng-ēm-fō shānfēngdiǎnhuǒ fan the flames; inflame and agitate people; stir up trouble.⁵
扇风机[扇風機] sën-füng-gï
shānfēngjī ventilating fan.⁶
扇风耳[扇風耳] sën-füng-ngī
shānfēngěr protruding or flappy ears.⁶
扇耳光 sën-ngī-göng
shāněrguāng slap.¹⁹ box the ears.⁵⁴
扇扇子 sën-sën-dū
shānshànzi fan oneself; use a fan.⁵
扇动[扇動] sën-ùng
shāndòng to fan, flap; to instigate, incite, stir up, whip up.⁵
or 煽惑 sën-vàk shānhuò incite; agitate.⁵
扇扬[扇揚] sën-yẽng
shānyáng (of fame) spread about.¹¹
扇阴风[扇陰風] sën-yïm-füng
shānyīnfēng fan up an evil wind; secretly stir up trouble.⁵
<台> 泼扇[潑扇] pöt-sën to fan.
(See 扇 [sën, shàn]; 搧 sën.)
sen2 13400
64 9 sën shān long (as opposed to "short"); initiate, extend; disaster, chaos; to take; knead and blend.⁸ long; to draw out, to protract, to take; to flee away; to strike with the palm of the hand, to slap; soft, agreeabel, gentle.²⁴ long, oblong; involve (in collusion), involve (into the case); take, capture, take away;  knead (clay, earth).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰扌延; U+633B).
主上有败,则因而挻之矣[主上有敗,則因而挻之矣] jī-sèng-yiû-bài, dāk-yïn-ngĩ-sën-jï-yì zhǔshàngyǒubài, zéyīn'érshānzhīyǐ if the sovereign fails, we will take advantage of this and capture him.⁵⁴
朋挻 pãng-sën
péngshān to collude/collaborate with.¹⁹
挻灾[挻災] sën-döi
shānzāi to attract misfortune.¹⁹
挻埴 sën-jèik
shānzhí knead clay.¹⁹ (See 揉和黏土 ngẽl-vö-nẽm-hū róuhuóniántǔ).
挻埴以为器[挻埴以為器] sën-jèik-yî-vĩ-hï
shān zhí yǐwéi qì knead clay and make dishes out of it.⁵⁴
挻乱[挻亂] sën-lòn
shānluàn trigger a disastrous disorder.¹⁹
松桷有挻 tũng-gôk-yiû-sën
sōngjuéyǒushān the pine beams were long there.⁵⁴ (Note: 松桷 tũng-gôk sōngjué fir rafters.²⁴)
相挻为乱[相挻為亂] xëng-sën-vĩ-lòn
xiāngshānwèiluàn pull each other into confusion.⁵⁴
<又> yẽn.
(See 挻 yẽn).
sen2 13401
64 13 sën shān (=扇 sën shān) to fan.
(See 扇 [sën, shān]).
sen2 13402
72 10 𣆴
sën shān more.²ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰日延; U+231B4).
sen2 13403
86 14 sën shān fan a fire; incite, instigate, stir up, agitate.⁶
(old variant: 傓 sën shān).
or 扇火 sën-fō shānhuǒ fan a fire/blaze.⁶
or 扇风点火[扇風點火] sën-füng-ēm-fō shānfēngdiǎnhuǒ fan the flames; inflame and agitate people; stir up trouble.⁵
煽情 sën-tẽin
shānqíng arouse somebody's enthusiasm or fervor; moving, touching.⁶
煽动[煽動] sën-ùng
shāndòng instigate; incite; arouse; foment; provoke.⁸
煽动者[煽動者] sën-ùng-jēh
shāndòngzhě agitator.¹⁰
or 扇惑 sën-vàk shānhuò incite; agitate.⁵
煽惑人心 sën-vàk-ngĩn-xïm
shānhuòrénxīn undermine popular morale by spreading unfounded rumors.¹¹
煽阴风,点鬼火[煽陰風,點鬼火] sën-yïm-füng, ēm-gī-fō 
shānyīnfēng, diǎnguǐhuǒ fan the winds of evil and spread the fires of turmoil – foment troubles; stir up evil winds.⁶
煽诱[煽誘] sën-yiù
shānyòu incite.⁸
(See 傓 sën).
sen2 13404
123 18 sën shān a flock of sheep (or goats).¹⁰ the rank odor of sheep or goats; frowsy.¹⁴ (<old>=膻 sën shān) having the smell of mutton.⁶  (<old>=羶 sën shān) the rank odor of sheep or goats; frowsy.¹⁴
(See 膻 sën; 羶 sën).
sen2 13405
123 19 sën shān the rank odor of sheep or goats; frowsy.¹⁴
羣蚁附羶[羣蟻附羶] or 羣蚁附羴[羣蟻附羴] kũn-ngāi-fù-sën qúnyǐfùshān swarms of ants attach themselves to what is rank and foul – used figuratively.¹⁴
or 羴气[羴氣] sën-hï shānqi musty; a rank odor.¹⁴
or 羴腥 sën-xëng shānxīng the rank odor of fresh meat or fish.¹⁴
(See 羴 sën; 膻 sën.).
sen2 13406
130 17 sën shān having the smell of mutton.⁶ (variant: 羴 sën shān).
慕膻逐臭 mù-sën-jùk-chiü
mùshānzhúchòu long for the rank odor and pursue bad smell – be after fame and gain.⁵⁴
膻气[膻氣] sën-hï
shānqi smell of mutton.⁶
膻味 sën-mì
shānwèi smell of mutton.⁶
膻腥 sën-xëng
shānxīng odor of mutton.⁵⁴
膻羊肉 sën-yẽng-ngùk
shānyángròu mutton with a strong smell.⁶
腥膻 xëng-sën
xīngshān smelling of fish or mutton.⁵
(See 羴 sën; 羶 sën).
sen2 13407
140 13 sën qiàn lush vegetation, luxuriant growth.⁸
蒨蒨 sën-sën qiànqiàn fresh and clear; luxuriant.¹⁴
蒨蔚 sën-vï
qiànwèi vigorous growth.¹⁴
俏蒨 tël-sën
qiàoqiàn <wr.> handsome.¹¹
sen2 13408
187 20 sën shàn castrate (an animal); geld (a male animal); spay (a female animal).⁶ to geld.¹⁰
骟鸡[騸雞] sën-gäi shànjī a capon.¹¹
骟猪[騸豬] sën-jï
shànzhū castrated male pig; a barrow.⁰
骟马[騸馬] sën-mâ
shànmǎ castrated a stud; geld a horse.⁶ a gelding.¹¹
骟羊[騸羊] sën-yẽng
shànyáng castrate a ram.⁶ a wether.¹¹
sen2 13409
9 10 sèn qiàn beautiful; to ask a favor.
倩装[倩裝] sèn-jöng qiànzhuāng beautiful make-up and stylish clothes.
倩人代笔[倩人代筆] sèn-ngĩn-òi-bīt
qiànréndàibǐ to ask somebody to write on one's behalf.
倩倩 sèn-sèn
qiànqiàn pleasing; attractive.
倩影 sèn-yēin
qiànyǐng beautiful image of a woman.
sen4 13410
30 12 sèn shàn good; satisfactory, good; make a success of, perfect; kind, friendly; be good at, be expert in; properly; be apt to.⁵
改善 gōi-sèn gǎishàn to make better; to improve.¹⁰
妥善 hô-sèn
tuǒshàn appropriate; proper; well-arranged.⁶
善始善终[善始善終] sèn-chī-sèn-jüng
shànshǐshànzhōng start well and end well; do well from start to finish; see something through.⁵
善哉 sèn-döi
shànzāi fine.⁸ excellent; kind.⁹ good, good!¹¹
善终[善終] sèn-jüng
shànzhōng die a natural death; die in one's bed.⁵
善良 sèn-lẽng
shànliáng good and honest; kindhearted.¹⁰
善人 sèn-ngĩn
shànrén philanthropist; charitable person; well-doer.⁵
善善恶恶[善善惡惡] sèn-sèn-ōk-ōk
shànshàn'è'è love the good and shun the evil.⁸
善事 sèn-xù
shànshì good deeds.¹⁰
善意 sèn-yï
shànyì goodwill; benevolence; kindness.¹⁰
善于 sèn-yï
shànyú to be good at; to be adept at.¹⁰
慈善 xũ-sèn
císhàn charitable; benevolent; philanthropic.⁵
完善 yõn-sèn
wánshàn perfect; consummate.⁵
<台> 善 sèn lowly death (used for dogs, beggars).
sen4 13411
32 15 sèn shàn white clay; chalk.⁸
白墡 bàk-sèn báishàn (=白垩[白堊] bàk-ōk bái'è) <min.> chalk.¹¹
sen4 13412
32 15 sèn shàn a smooth hard spot made level for sacrifices.¹⁴ a wild region; also a terrace for sacrificing, a level space at the foot of an alter.²⁴
(composition: ⿰土單; U+58A0).
东门之墠,茹藘在阪. 其室则迩,其人甚远.
[東門之墠,茹藘在阪. 其室則邇,其人甚遠.]
Üng-mõn-jï-sèn, nguĩ-luĩ-dòi-bān.
Kĩ-sīt-dāk-ngì, kĩ-ngĩn-sìm-yōn.
Dōng mén zhī shàn, rú lǘ zài bǎn.
Qí shì zé ěr, qí rén shén yuǎn.

Near the level ground at the east gate,
Is the madder plant on the bank.
The house is near there,
But the man is very far away.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·鄭風·東門之墠》, translated by James Legge).
sen4 13413
38 16 sèn shàn <wr.> transform; transmute.⁶
递嬗[遞嬗] ài-sèn dìshàn to change progressively.¹⁰ to change in succession.¹¹
自然嬗变[自然嬗變] dù-ngẽin-sèn-bëin
zìranshànbiàn natural transmutation.⁵
感生嬗变[感生嬗變] gām-säng-sèn-bëin
gǎnshēng shànbiàn induced transmutation.⁵
嬗变[嬗變] sèn-bëin
shànbiàn <wr.> change, evolute; <phy.> transmutation.⁶
嬗替 sèn-häi
shàntì <wr.> changed and be replaced; evolve.⁶
sen4 13414
64 11 sèn shàn easy, smooth; quiet; suave.⁸
掞舒 sèn-sï shànshū comfortable; in repose.¹⁴
sen4 13415
64 15 sèn shàn (comp. t: ⿰扌單; U+64A3). (comp. s: ⿰扌单; U+63B8).
掸族[撣族] Sên-dùk
Shànzú an ethnic group in Myanmar (formerly Burma).
<又> àn; häm.
(See 撣 àn; 撣 häm).
sen4 13416
64 16 sèn shàn unauthorized, unilateral, arbitrary; to monopolize, to take exclusive possession; to be good at, to be expert in.⁷
擅兵 sèn-bëin shànbīng maintain an army without authorization.⁷
擅便 sèn-bèin
shànbiàn <wr.> act at one's own authority.⁶
擅长[擅長] sèn-chẽng
shàncháng be good at, be expert in.⁶
擅场[擅場] sèn-chẽng
shànchǎng <wr.> dominate the scene – be the supreme arbiter; surpass all others in skill..⁶
擅作主张[擅作主張] sèn-dōk-jī-jëng
shànzuòzhǔzhāng make a decision without authorization.⁶
擅自 sèn-dù
shànzì act without authorization/prior consent.⁶
擅自行动[擅自行動] sèn-dù-hãng-ùng
shànzìxíngdòng act presumptuously.⁵
擅自决定[擅自決定] sèn-dù-kūt-èin
shànzìjuédìng make arbitrary decisions.⁶
擅权[擅權] sèn-kũn
shànquán have the sole power; monopolize power.⁶
擅离职守[擅離職守] sèn-lĩ-jēik-siū
shànlízhíshǒu take an unauthorized departure from office; be absent without leave (AWOL); desert/forsake one's post.⁶
擅美 sèn-mî
shànměi to get all (the) credit.⁷
擅于辞令[擅於辭令] sèn-yï-xũ-lèin
shànyúcílìng be refined in speech; be good at speech.⁶
sen4 13417
78 16 𣩧
sèn shàn Hoisanva slang for "to die".
(composition: ⿰歹善; U+23A67).
<台> 𣩧 sèn to die.
<台> 作𣩧 dōk-sèn Are you trying to die? Do you want to die?
sen4 13418
85 15 sèn shàn water dashing about.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵單; U+6F6C).
涴潬 vōn-sèn wǎnshàn or 宛潬 vōn-sèn wǎnshàn or 宛亶 vōn-hān wǎndǎn circling around, spiraling.¹⁹ wriggle; circling.⁵⁴
<又> hān; àn.
(See 潬 hān; 潬 àn).
sen4 13419
112 17 sèn shàn (<old>=墡 sèn shàn white clay; chalk.⁸).⁸
(composition: ⿰石善; U+78F0).
sen4 13420
113 16 sèn shàn abdicate the throne in favor of another person.⁶ to level an area for an alter; to sacrifice to the hills and the fountains; to abdicate.¹⁴
封禅[封禪] füng-sèn fēngshàn grand ceremony of worship of heaven on mountain top (Taishan) to pray and say thanks for peace and prosperity.¹¹
禅让[禪讓] sèn-ngèng
shànràng abdicate the crown to another person.⁶ to abdicate.¹⁴
禅代[禪代] sèn-òi
shàndài the succession to the throne.¹⁴
禅位[禪位] sèn-vì
shànwèi abdicate the throne.⁶ to resign the throne.¹⁴
禅以帝位[禪以帝位] sèn-yî-äi-vì
shànyǐdìwèi to abdicate.¹⁴
受禅[受禪] siù-sèn
shòushàn accept the abdicated throne.⁶
<又> sẽm.
(See 禪 sẽm.)
sen4 13421
140 9 sèn qiàn alizarin red; madder (plant).
茜裸鼻雀 sèn-gō-bì-dēk qiànluǒbíquè western tanager.
茜茜 sèn-sèn
qiànqiàn bright and clear; luxuriant growth.
茜草 sèn-tāo
qiàncǎo <bot.> madder.¹  Rubia cordifolia; Indian madder; munjeet.¹⁰ a grass whose root is used as red pigment, Rubia cordifolia.¹¹
茜素 sèn-xü
qiànsù <bot.> alizarin.
茜素染料 sèn-xü-ngëm-lèl
qiànsùrǎnliào alizarin dyes.
茜紫 sèn-dū
qiànzǐ sage (herb).
<又> xäi.
(See 茜 xäi.)
sen4 13422
149 20 sèn shàn (=善 sèn shàn good; satisfactory, good; make a success of, perfect; kind, friendly; be good at, be expert in; properly; be apt to.⁵).⁸ lucky, propitious, good.¹⁴
(composition: ⿻羊誩; U+8B71).
莫譱于礼[莫譱於禮] mòk-sèn-yï-lâi
mò shàn yú lǐ there is nothing better than ceremony.¹⁴
譱祥 sèn-tẽng
shànxiáng an auspicious sign.¹⁹
sen4 13423
159 15 sèn qiàn a pall to cover the hearse, a decorative covering on ancient hearses; to carry a hearse.⁸
(composition: ⿰車青; U+8F24).
其輤有裧 Kĩ-sèn-yiû-chẽn Qí qiàn yǒu chān
(For the carriage with the bier) there was a pall, and attached to it a fringe made of black cloth.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·雜記上·1》, translated by James Legge).
Jï-hẽo-jï-sèn-yiû-chẽn, ài-fü-yî-bü, xù-yî-vī-dèk.
Zhūhóu zhī qiàn yǒu chān, dàfū yǐ bù, shì yǐ wěi xí.
The pall of the Feudal Lords are made of cloth with a decorative fringe of black cloth, those of Great Officers are made of cloth, and those of the Ordinary Officers are made of reed mats.²
sen4 13424
163 14 sèn shàn (name of a district in Xinjiang.)
鄯善 Sèn-sèn Shànshàn Piqan county or Pichan nahiyisi in 吐鲁番地区[吐魯番地區] Hü-lû-fän-ì-kuï Tǔlǔfān Dìqū Turpan prefecture, 新疆 Xïn-gëng Xīnjiāng Xinjiang.¹⁰
sen4 13425
75 16 樿 sên shàn a hardwood with white grains; the timber can be used to make combs and ladles.¹⁹ a wood with a white grain, useful for making combs and spoons; one side of a coffin.²⁴
(comp. t: ⿰木單; U+6A3F). (comp. s: ⿰木单; U+692B).
椫傍[樿傍] sên-bòng
shànbàng or 椫旁[樿旁] sên-põng shànpáng coffin.¹⁹
椫栉[樿櫛] sên-dēik
shànzhì a comb made from 椫木[樿木] sên-mùk shànmù.¹⁹
椫木[樿木] sên-mùk
shànmù or 白理木 bàk-lî-mùk báilǐmù name of a tree (a hardwood with white grains).
椫杓[樿杓] sên-sēk
shànsháo a ladle or spoon made from a hardwood called 椫木[樿木] sên-mùk shànmù.¹⁹
<又> jīn.
(See 樿 jīn).
sen5 13426
120 18 sên shàn fix, mend, repair; copy, write out.⁶
缮补[繕補] sên-bū shànbǔ to mend.⁷
缮发[繕發] sên-fāt
shànfā copy and send out.⁶
缮校[繕校] sên-gäo
shànjiào to copy and proofread (a manuscript).⁷
缮甲兵[繕甲兵] sên-gâp-bëin
shànjiǎbīng keep army in good condition.¹¹
缮正[繕正] sên-jëin
shànzhèng to copy neatly; to write a neat copy.⁷
缮录[繕錄] sên-lùk
shànlù transcribe.⁷
缮生[繕生] sên-säng
shànshēng <wr.> to cultivate life and health.¹¹
缮城郭[繕城郭] sên-sẽin-kök
shànchéngguō repair city walls for defense.¹¹
缮清[繕清] sên-tëin
shànqīng make a fair copy.⁶
缮写[繕寫] sên-xēh
shànxiě to transcribe; to copy neatly.⁷
缮性[繕性] sên-xëin
shànxìng <wr.> cultivate man's original nature.¹¹
缮修[繕修] sên-xiü
shànxiū to repair; to mend.⁷
修缮[修繕] xiü-sên
xiūshàn repair; renovate.⁶
sen5 13427
130 16 sên shàn meals; board.⁶ (variant: 饍 sên shàn).
早膳 dāo-sên
zǎoshàn breakfast.¹¹
午膳 m̂-sên
wǔshàn lunch.¹¹
晚膳 mân-sên
wǎnshàn supper.¹¹
膳费[膳費] sên-fï
shànfèi board expenses.⁶
膳房 sên-fông/
shànfáng the imperial kitchen; a kitchen.⁷
膳夫 sên-fü
shànfū the chief cook in charge of the royal family's victuals; a cook.⁷
膳堂 sên-hõng
shàntáng mess hall.¹¹
膳馔[膳饌] sên-jàn
shànzhuàn cuisine.⁷
膳食 sên-sèik
shànshí food; borad; meals.⁶
or 膳羞 sên-xiü shànxiū <wr.> high-quality food; delicacies.⁵⁴
膳宿 sên-xūk
shànsù board and lodging; accommodation.⁶
用膳 yùng-sên
yòngshàn eat one's meal.⁶
(See 饍 sên).
sen5 13428
142 18 sên shàn type of earthworm.⁸ (variant: 蟺 sên shàn).
曲蟮 kūk-sên
qūshàn <topo.> earthworm.⁶
(See 蟺 sên).
sen5 13429
142 19 sên shàn (=蟮 sên shàn) type of earthworm.⁸
蟺蜎 sên-gün
shànyuān the deep and profound appearance of carvings inside a palace.⁸
蜿蟺 vōn-sên
wānshàn a name for the earthworm.¹⁴
(See 蟮 sên).
sen5 13430
167 20 sên shàn (=钐[釤] chëim shàn) big sickle with a long handle, scythe; cut with a sickle or scythe.⁶
䦅刀[鐥刀] sên-äo
or 钐刀[釤刀] chëim-äo shàndāo big sickle with a long handle, scythe.⁶
䦅镰[鐥鐮] sên-lẽm
or 钐镰[釤鐮] chëim-lẽm shànlián big sickle with a long handle, scythe.⁶
䦅麦子[鐥麥子] sên-màk-dū
or 钐麦子[釤麥子] chëim-màk-dū shànmàizi cut wheat with a big sickle.⁶
䦅草[鐥草] sên-tāo
or 钐草[釤草] chëim-tāo shàncǎo cut grass with a scythe.⁶
(See 釤 [chëim, shàn].)
sen5 13431
184 20 sên shàn (=膳 sên shàn) meals; board.⁶
(See 膳 sên).
sen5 13432
195 16 sên shàn (=鳝[鱔] sên shàn eel; finless eel.⁵).
(composition: ⿰魚旦; U+4C47).
(See 鱔 sên).
sen5 13433
195 23 sên shàn eel; finless eel.⁵ (variants: 鱓, 䱇 sên shàn).
白鳝[白鱔] bàk-sên
báishàn white eel.⁶
or 曲蟮 kūk-sên qūshàn earthworm.¹¹
鳝笼[鱔籠] sên-lûng
shànlóng an eel pot.¹⁴
鳝鱼[鱔魚] sên-nguĩ shànyú eel.¹⁰
黄鳝[黃鱔] võng-sên
huángshàn ricefield eel; finless eel.⁵
<台> 去篓冇鳝[去簍冇鱔]  huï-luī-mäo-sên lit. went out with a basket, came back without eel; everything prepared, but came back empty-handed.
<台> 黄鳝焗饭[黃鱔有飯] võng-sên-guk-fan steamed rice with eel.
<台> 黄鳝上沙滩[黃鱔上沙灘] võng-sên-sëng-sâ-hān lit. yellow eel goes on sandy beach; fig. a dangerous situation – if it doesn't die, it will lose its slimy, viscous mucus.
<台> 黄鳝有潺[黃鱔有潺] võng-sên-yiü-sãn the eel is slimy.
(See 鱓 sên; 䱇 sên).
sen5 13434
195 23 sên shàn (=鳝[鱔] sên shàn eel; finless eel.⁵).
(composition: ⿰魚單; U+9C53).
(See 鱔 sên).
sen5 13435
195 24 sên shàn (=鳝[鱔] sên shàn) an eel.⁷
鳣序[鱣序] sên-duì
shànxù <wr.> school.¹⁹
<又> jën.
(See 鱣 jën.)
sen5 13436
154 15 sēng shǎng grant or bestow a reward, award; reward, award; admire. enjoy, appreciate.⁵ (variant: 𧶜❄{⿳⿱亠丷⿱冖八貝} sēng shǎng).
赏罚[賞罰] sēng-fàt
shǎngfá rewards and punishments.⁵
赏罚分明[賞罰分明] sēng-fàt-fün-mẽin
shǎngfá fēnmíng dispense reward and punishment impartially.⁸
赏封[賞封] sēng-füng
shǎngfēng gift monry (red packet).⁶
赏格[賞格] sēng-gāk
shǎnggé  the size of a reward.⁵
赏金[賞金] sēng-gïm
shǎngjīn money reward.⁵
赏菊[賞菊] sēng-gūk
shǎngjú to admire the beauty of chrysanthemum; to appreciate chrysanthemums.³⁹
赏识[賞識] sēng-sēik
shǎngshí recognize the worth of.⁵
赏赉[賞賚] sēng-lòi
or sēng-lõi shǎnglài <wr.> give a reward; bestow a favor.⁵
赏玩[賞玩] sēng-ngòn
shǎngwán delight in; enjoy.⁵
赏月[賞月] sēng-ngùt
shǎngyuè admire the full moon.⁵
赏钱[賞錢] sēng-tẽin
shǎngqian tip (for waiter, servant).⁷
赏心[賞心] sēng-xïm
shǎngxīn to please the heart (as a beautiful sight).⁷
赏心悦目[賞心悅目] sēng-xïm-yòt-mùk
shǎngxīnyuèmù be pleasing to both the eye and the mind.⁶
赏赐[賞賜] sēng-xü
shǎngcì grant a reward, award.⁵
<又> sāng.
(See 賞 sāng; 𧶜❄{⿳⿱亠丷⿱冖八貝} sēng)
seng1 13437
154 15 𧶜
sēng shǎng (=賞 sēng shǎng grant or bestow a reward, award; reward, award; admire. enjoy, appreciate.⁵).⁸ʼ¹⁰²
(composition: ⿳⿱亠丷⿱冖八貝; U+27D9C).
<又> 𧶜❄{⿳⿱亠丷⿱冖八貝} sëng.
(See 賞 sēng; 𧶜❄{⿳⿱亠丷⿱冖八貝} sëng.).
seng1 13438
184 19 𩞧
sēng shǎng to eat by day; to eat when the sun is setting.²⁵
(variant: 𩞃❄{⿰飠⿱𠂉昜} sēng shǎng).
(composition: ⿰飠象; U+297A7).
(See 𩞃❄{⿰飠⿱𠂉昜} sēng).
seng1 13439
184 19 𩞃
sēng shǎng (=𩞧❄{⿰飠象} sēng shǎng to eat by day; to eat when the sun is setting.²⁵); to present food.²⁵ to provide food for.⁰
(composition: ⿰飠⿱𠂉昜; U+29783). (Note: the right side of this character is the same as the right side of 傷).
(See 𩞧❄{⿰飠象} sēng).
seng1 13440
1 3 sëng shàng to go up.
上班 sëng-bän shàngbān go to work/class; be on duty.⁵⁴
上课[上課] sëng-fö 
shàngkè to go to class.
上去 sëng-huï
shàngqu to go up; (indicating upward movement away from one); (indicating outward or forward direction); (indicating a rise in level); to attend (class).
上楼[上樓] sëng-lẽo
shànglóu to go upstairs.
上来[上來] sëng-lõi
shànglái  to come up; to approach; (verb complement indicating success).¹⁰
上岸 sëng-ngòn
shàng'àn to go ashore.⁶
上山 sëng-sän
shàngshān to go up a hill; to go to the mountains; <topo.> to die and be buried; to be placed on small straw bundles to spin cocoons (of silkworms).
上色 sëng-sēik
shàngsè top-quality; top-grade.¹⁰
上色 sëng-sēik
shàngshǎi to color (a picture; to dye (fabric); to stain (furniture).¹⁰
上映 sëng-yēin
shàngyìng to show (a movie); to screen.¹⁰
上弦 sëng-yẽn
shàngxián wind up a clock or watch.⁵
<又> sèng.
(See 上 [sèng, shang];  [sèng, shàng]; [sèng, shǎng].)
seng2 13441
9 13 sëng shāng wound, injury; to injure; grief; to grieve; to hurt (feelings); to make sick. (old variant: 慯 sëng shāng). (See 慯 sëng).
暗箭伤人[暗箭傷人] ām-dëin-sëng-ngĩn
ànjiànshāngrén to stab somebody in the back.
出口伤人[出口傷人] chūt-hēo-sëng-ngĩn
chūkǒushāngrén to speak bitingly.
无伤大雅[無傷大雅] mũ-sëng-ài-ngâ
wúshāngdàyǎ not matter much; not affect the whole.
咬伤[咬傷] ngāo-sëng
yǎoshāng bite (e.g. snake bite, mosquito bite).¹⁰
伤疤[傷疤] sëng-bä
shāngbā scar; past mistake or humiliation; unmentionable past.⁶
伤风[傷風] sëng-füng
shāngfēng to catch a cold.
伤口[傷口] sëng-hēo
shāngkǒu wound; cut.⁵
伤害[傷害] sëng-hòi
shānghài to injure; to harm.
伤心[傷心] sëng-xïm
shāngxīn to be sad; to be grieved; to hurt one's feelings.
伤痍[傷痍] sëng-yĩ
shāngyí knife wound.⁸ <wr.> the sufferings of the people from war.¹¹
伤痍者[傷痍者] sëng-yĩ-jēh
shāngyízhě the wounded.²⁴
伤员[傷員] sëng-yõn
shāngyuán the wounded.
有伤风化[有傷風化] yiû-sëng-füng-fä
yǒushāng fēnghuà harmful to society's morals.¹¹
seng2 13442
30 11 sëng shāng commerce, trade; a merchant, a businessman; to discuss; quotient; the second note in the pentatonic scale; the Shang dynasty; Shang surname.⁷ʼ⁰
(variants: 謪, 𧶜❄{⿳⿱亠丷⿱冖八貝} sëng, q.v.).
商飙徐起[商飆徐起] sëng-bël-tuĩ-hī
shāngbiāoxúqǐ the autumn breeze comes gently (idiom); a chilly wind began to blow.⁵⁴
商品 sëng-bīn
shāngpǐn good; commodity; merchandise.¹⁰
商朝 Sëng-chẽl
Shāngcháo Shang dynasty (c. 1600 BC - c.1046 BC).
商场[商場]  sëng-chẽng
shāngchǎng shopping mall; shopping center; department store.¹⁰
商店 sëng-ëm
shāngdiàn store; shop.¹⁰
商号[商號] sëng-hào
shānghào a shop.¹¹
商行 sëng-hõng
shāngháng commercial firm.¹¹
商纣王[商紂王] Sëng-Jào-Võng
Shāngzhòuwáng King Zhou of Shang; his surname was 子 Dū ; his given name was 受 Siù Shòu or 受德 Siù-āk Shòudé; his posthumous name was 帝辛 Äi-xïn Dìxīn.¹⁵
商榷 sëng-kōk
shāngquè discuss; deliberate over.⁵
商量 sëng-lẽng
shāngliang consult; discuss; talk over.⁵
商务[商務] sëng-mù
shāngwù business affairs.
商业[商業] sëng-ngèp
shāngyè commerce.⁹
商董 sëng-ūng
shāngdǒng board of directors of chamber of commerce.¹¹
seng2 13443
32 14 sëng shāng soil moisture.
底墒 āi-sëng dǐshāng soil moisture (before sowing or planting).⁹
保墒 bāo-sëng
bǎoshāng <agr.> to preserve soil moisture.¹  preservation of soil moisture.¹⁰
趁墒 chïn-sëng
chènshāng to sow while there is enough moisture in the soil.¹
跑墒 pāo-sëng
pǎoshāng <agr.> evaporation of water in soil.¹  loss of moisture in soil.⁹
墒土 sëng-hū
shāngtǔ newly tilled moist soil.¹  the moisture content of the soil.
墒情 sëng-tẽin
shāngqíng soil moisture content.¹  the state of moisture in the soil (and whether it can support a crop).¹⁰
seng2 13444
61 12 sëng shāng straight-forwward, and hasty.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄昜; U+6113).
愓愓 sëng-sëng shāngshāng when walking, the body is straight and the feet are fleet.¹⁹
<又> hõng; òng; yẽng.
(See 愓 hõng; 愓 òng; 愓 yẽng).
seng2 13445
61 14 sëng shāng (<old>=伤[傷] sëng shāng wound, injury; to injure; grief; to grieve; to hurt (feelings); to make sick.).⁸ to be grieved, to be pained.²⁴ grieve; worry; torment mentally.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰忄⿱𠂉昜; U+616F).
(See 傷 sëng).
seng2 13446
78 15 sëng shāng <wr.> die young; a person who dies in fighting (especially for his country).⁶
(comp. t: ⿰歹⿱𠂉昜; U+6BA4).
s: ⿰歹⿱𠂉𠃓; U+6B87).
长殇[長殤] chẽng-sëng
chángshāng die between 16 and 19 (years of age).⁸
嫁殇[嫁殤] gä-sëng
jiàshāng to marry an espoused wife after her death.²⁴
国殇[國殤] gōk-sëng 
guóshāng <wr.> national martyr.⁶
下殇[下殤] hà-sëng
xiàshāng die between 8 and 11.⁸
中殇[中殤] jüng-sëng
zhōngshāng die between 12 and 15.⁸
无服之殇[無服之殤] mũ-fùk-jï-sëng
wúfúzhīshāng to die under 7 years.²⁴
彭殇[彭殤] pãng-sëng
péngshāng longevity and early death.⁷
夭殇[夭殤] yēl-sëng
yāoshāng <wr.> die young.⁶
seng2 13447
85 12 sëng shāng (said of water) flowing.⁷
汤汤[湯湯] sëng-sëng shāngshāng (said of water) flowing turbulently.⁷
<又> höng.
(See 湯 höng.)
seng2 13448
85 14 sëng shāng (<old>=汤[湯] sëng shāng (said of water) flowing.⁷).⁸ water flowing along.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵⿱𠂉昜; U+6F21).
漡漡 sëng-sëng
shāngshāng water flowing along.²
<又> höng.
(See 漡 höng; 湯 sëng).
seng2 13449
86 15 sëng shāng entropy.⁸
熱力熵 ngèik-lèik-sëng rèlìshāng thermodynamic entropy.¹⁹
内熵[內熵] nuì-sëng
nèishāng <phy.> internal entropy.¹⁰
熵产生[熵產生] sëng-chān-säng
shāngchǎnshēng entropy production.⁶
熵定律 sëng-èin-lùt
shāngdìnglǜ entropy law.¹⁹
熵功率 sëng-güng-lùt
shānggōnglǜ entropy power.⁶
熵常数[熵常數] sëng-sẽng-sü
shāngchángshù entropy constant.⁶
熵污染 sëng-vü-ngêm
shāngwūrǎn entropy pollution.⁶
信息熵 xïn-xēik-sëng 
xìnxīshāng information entropy.¹⁹
seng2 13450
128 17 sëng shēng 好声好气[好聲好氣] hāo-sëng-hāo-hï hǎoshēnghǎoqì <topo.> in a kindly manner; gently.
<又> sëin, sêng.
(See 聲 sëin, sêng.)
seng2 13451
140 14 sëng shāng (composition: ⿱艹商; U+850F).
蔏藋 sëng-ël shāngdiào a plant like the orach or golden herb.²⁵
蔏蒌[蔏蔞] sëng-lẽo
shānglóu (Artemisia sphaerocephala).¹⁹
<又> jëng.
(See 蔏 jëng).
seng2 13452
148 18 sëng shāng drinking vessel; wine cup.⁶ a general name of all sorts of wine vessels; to offer drinks to others.⁷
(variant: 𨢩❄{⿰酉⿱𠂉昜} sëng). (See 𨢩❄{⿰酉⿱𠂉昜} sëng).
t: ⿰角⿱𠂉昜; U+89F4).
s: ⿰角⿱𠂉𠃓; U+89DE).
称觞[稱觴] chëin-sëng
chēngshāng to propose a toast.¹¹
举觞称贺[舉觴稱賀] guī-sëng-chëin-hào
or guī-sëng-chëin-hò jǔshāngchēnghè raise one's wine cup to present compliments to somebody.⁶
觞豆 sëng-èo
shāngdòu wine vessels and food containers – wine and food.⁷
觞政[觴政] sëng-jëin
shāngzhèng wine-drinking games conducted by an elected leader.⁷
觞令[觴令] sëng-lèin
shānglìng wine-drinking games conducted by an elected leader.⁷
觞咏[觴詠] sëng-vèin
shāngyǒng compose a poem while drinking.⁶ to compose or chant poems while drinking.⁷
瑶觞[瑤觴] yẽl-sëng
yáoshāng a jade wine cup.⁷
seng2 13453
149 18 sëng shāng (<old>=商 sëng shāng commerce, trade; a merchant, a businessman; to discuss, to confer; quotient; the second note in the pentatonic scale; the Shang dynasty; Shang surname.⁷ʼ⁰); to consult; to deliberate; commerce.⁸
(composition: ⿰言商; U+8B2A).
(See 商 sëng).
seng2 13454
154 15 𧶜
sëng shāng (=商 sëng shāng commerce, trade; a merchant, a businessman; to discuss; quotient; the second note in the pentatonic scale.⁷ʼ⁰).⁸ʼ¹⁰²
(composition: ⿳⿱亠丷⿱冖八貝; U+27D9C).
<又> 𧶜❄{⿳⿱亠丷⿱冖八貝} sēng.
(See 商 sëng; 𧶜❄{⿳⿱亠丷⿱冖八貝} sēng).
seng2 13455
164 18 𨢩
sëng shāng (=觞[觴] sëng shāng drinking vessel; wine cup.⁶ a general name of all sorts of wine vessels; to offer drinks to others.⁷).²
(composition: ⿰酉⿱𠂉昜; U+288A9).
(See 觴 sëng).
seng2 13456
9 10 sẽng cháng 倘佯 sẽng-yẽng chángyáng (=徜徉 sẽng-yẽng chángyáng) <wr.> to wander/walk about in a leisurely manner, to stroll.⁶
<又> hōng.
(See 倘 hōng.)
seng3 13457
9 17 sẽng cháng to repay; to compensate; to make restitution; to fulfill (a wish); to offset.
得不偿失[得不償失] āk-būt-sẽng-sīt débùchángshī not worth the effort; the gains do not make up for the losses.
得偿夙愿[得償夙願] āk-sẽng-xūk-ngùn
déchángsùyuàn to realize one's long-cherished hope.⁵⁴
补偿[補償] bū-sẽng
bǔcháng to compensate; to make up; compensation.⁷
赔偿[賠償] põi-sẽng
péicháng compensate; pay for.⁵
偿付[償付] sẽng-fù
chángfù to pay back.
偿命[償命] sẽng-mèng
chángmìng to pay with one's life; a life for a life.
偿愿[償願] sẽng-ngùn
chángyuàn to fulfil one's wish.
or 偿清宿债[償清宿債] sẽng-tëin-xūk-jäi chángqīngsùzhài to get square with one's creditors; satisfy all demands.⁵⁴
偿还[償還] sẽng-vãn
chánghuán to repay; to pay back.
所得不偿所失[所得不償所失] sō-āk-būt-sẽng-sō-sīt
suǒdébùchángsuǒshī gains cannot offset losses.
seng3 13458
30 14 sẽng cháng taste; experience, experiment.⁸ to taste, to try; the autumnal sacrifice, the first fruits.²⁴
(variants: 甞 sẽng cháng; 𡮢❄{⿳尚亠日} sẽng cháng).
何尝[何嘗] hõ-sẽng
hécháng (rhetorical question) when?; how?; it's not that...¹⁰
未尝[未嘗] mì-sẽng
wèicháng not yet.²⁴
尝到[嘗到] sẽng-äo
chángdào to taste; to savor.³⁹
尝察[嘗察] sẽng-chāt
chángchá to examine.²⁴
尝尽心酸[嘗盡心酸] sẽng-dìn-xïm-xön
chángjìnxīnsuān to experience one's full share of sorrows (idiom).¹⁰
尝味[嘗味] sẽng-mì
chángwèi gustation.¹⁰
尝味道[嘗味道] sẽng-mì-ào
chángwèidao to taste the flavor.¹¹
尝尝[嘗嘗] sẽng-sẽng
chángchang to taste.¹⁰
尝试[嘗試] sẽng-sï
chángshì to try; to attempt.¹⁰
尝鲜[嘗鮮] sẽng-xëin
chángxiān to taste fresh food.⁸
尝新[嘗新] sẽng-xïn
chángxīn have a taste of what is just in season.⁵
尝一尝[嘗一嘗] sẽng-yīt-sẽng
chángyīcháng just have a taste (of food).¹¹
试尝[試嘗] sï-sẽng
shìcháng to essay, to prove.²⁴
(See 甞 sẽng; 𡮢❄{⿳尚亠日} sẽng.)
seng3 13459
32 9 sẽng chéng castle; city, town; municipality.¹⁰
京城 gëin-sẽng  jīngchéng capital of a country.
台城[臺城] Hõisẽng
Táichéng Taicheng, county seat of Taishan District (now Taishan City).
省城 sāng-sẽin
shěngchéng provincial capital.¹⁰
县城[縣城] yòn-sẽng
xiànchéng county seat.
<又> sẽin.
(See 城 sẽin.)
seng3 13460
38 14 sẽng cháng 嫦娥 Sẽng-ngõ Cháng'é name of the Lady in the Moon, originally 姮娥 Hãng-ngõ Héng'é, changed because of taboo in name of 汉文帝刘恒[漢文帝劉恆).¹¹
嫦娥奔月 Sẽng-ngõ-bïn-ngùt
Cháng'ébènyuè Chang'e flew to the moon (with the elixir of life, chased by her famous archer-husband, 后羿 Hèo-ngài Hòuyì Houyi).¹¹
嫦娥下凡 Sẽng-ngõ-hä-fãn
Cháng'éxiàfán The goddess of the moon has left the moon and come down to the world of men – very beautiful woman.⁶
嫦娥一号卫星[嫦娥一號衛星] Sẽng-ngõ-yīt-hào-vì-xëin 
Cháng'éyīhàowèixīng satellite Chang'e One.¹⁰
seng3 13461
42 14 𡮢
sẽng cháng (=尝[嘗] sẽng cháng taste; experience, experiment.⁸ to taste, to try; the autumnal sacrifice, the first fruits.²⁴).
(composition: ⿳尚亠日; U+21BA2).
(See 嘗 sẽng).
seng3 13462
50 11 sẽng cháng always; ever; often; frequently; common; general; constant.¹⁰
好景不常 hāo-gēin-būt-sẽng or 好景不长[好景不長] hāo-gēin-būt-chẽng hǎojǐngbùcháng good times don't last long; pleasant hours fly fast.⁶
知足常乐[知足常樂] jï-dūk-sẽng-lòk
or 知足长乐[知足長樂] jï-dūk-chẽng-lòk zhīzúchánglè contentment brings happiness; enough is as good as a feast.⁶ he who is contented is always happy.¹¹
人之常情 ngĩn-jï-sẽng-tẽin
rénzhīchángqíng such is human nature (idiom); only natural.¹⁰ it's only human, our common humanity.¹¹
平常 pẽin-sẽng
píngcháng ordinary; common; usually; ordinarily.¹⁰
常服 sẽng-fùk
chángfú daily wear; informal clothes.⁶
常客 sẽng-hāk
or sẽng-häk chángkè frequent visitor; fig. something that crops up frequently.¹⁰
常来常往[常來常往] sẽng-lõi-sẽng-vông
chángláichángwǎng frequently see each other.¹¹
常识[常識] sẽng-sēik
chángshí elementary knowledge; common sense.⁸
常常 sẽng-sẽng
chángcháng often; frequently; usually.⁸
时常[時常] sĩ-sẽng
shícháng often; frequently.⁶
seng3 13463
60 11 sẽng cháng 徜徉 sẽng-yẽng chángyáng (=倘佯 sẽng-yẽng chángyáng) <wr.> to wander/walk about in a leisurely manner, to stroll.⁶ seng3 13464
61 15 sẽng cháng (<old>=常 sẽng cháng always; ever; often; frequently; common; general; constant.¹⁰).²
(composition: ⿱常心; U+3982).
(See 常 sẽng).
seng3 13465
62 6 sẽng chéng 变成[變成] bëin-sẽng biànchéng change into; become.⁵
造成 dào-sẽin
zàochéng create; cause; give rise to; bring about.⁵
or 成年家 sẽng-nẽin-gä chéngniánjia for a whole year.¹¹ <topo.> all year long.⁵⁴
成日 sẽng-ngït
chéngrì <topo.> the whole day; all day long.⁸
<台> 成晚 sẽng-mân all night long.
<台> 成日做到黑 sẽng-ngït-dü-äo-hāk to work all day long.
<又> sẽin.
(See 成 sẽin.)
seng3 13466
96 15 sẽng cháng name of a type of jade.²
(composition: ⿰𤣩常; U+747A).
seng3 13467
99 13 sẽng cháng (archaic =尝[嘗] sẽng cháng taste; experience, experiment.⁸ to taste, to try; the autumnal sacrifice, the first fruits.²⁴).⁴³
(composition: ⿱尚甘; U+751E).
(See 嘗 sẽng.)
seng3 13468
145 14 sẽng cháng an archaic term for the lower piece of a garment worn by both men and women, resembling a skirt.⁹ clothes; skirt; beautiful.¹⁰
(composition: ⿳龸口衣; U+88F3).
衣裳 yï-sẽng yīcháng jacket and petticoat.¹¹
玄裳 yõn-sẽng
xuáncháng <wr.> black dress of mourning.¹¹
(See 裳 [sẽng, shāng].)
seng3 13469
145 14 sẽng shāng (Note: In Mandarin, 裳 by itself is pronounced cháng (See 裳 [sẽng, cháng].) but also may be pronounced shāng, but in the compound 衣裳, meaning dress or clothing in general, it is pronounced shang).¹¹
(composition: ⿳龸口衣; U+88F3).
衣裳 yï-sẽng
yīshang clothing, clothes, suit.⁶ dress, clothing in general.¹¹
(See 裳 [sẽng, cháng].)
seng3 13470
195 25 鲿 sẽng cháng (comp. t: ⿰魚嘗; U+9C68). (comp. s: ⿰鱼尝; U+9CBF).
疯鲿[瘋鱨] füng-sẽng
fēngcháng another name for 黄颡鱼 [黃顙魚] võng-xông-nguî/ huángsǎngyú yellowhead catfish; Korean bullhead (Tachysurus fulvidraco syn. Pelteobagrus fulvidraco), delicious taste with little bone among muscle, and high nutritional value.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
seng3 13471
1 3 sèng shang 晚上 mân-sèng wǎnshang (in the) evening; (at) night.⁵
<台> 上高 sèng-gāo above; upstairs.
<又> sëng.
(See 上 sëng, [sèng, shàng]; [sèng, shǎng].)
seng4 13472
1 3 sèng shàng on top; above; upper; previous; to climb.
上边[上邊] sèng-bêin shàngbian above; servants’ or subordinates’ reference to master(s).¹¹
上将[上將] sèng-dëng
shàngjiàng general; admiral.⁷
上浣 sèng-fōn
shànghuàn first ten days of lunar month.¹⁰
上下 sèng-hà
shàngxià up and down.
上下左右 sèng-hà-dū-yiù
shàngxiàzuǒyòu everywhere.
上调[上調] sèng-hẽl
shàngtiáo to raise (prices); to adjust upwards.¹⁰ (See 上调[上調] sèng-èl shàngdiào.)
上海 Sèng-hōi
Shànghǎi Shanghai.
上面 sèng-mèin
shàngmian on top of; above-mentioned.¹⁰
上唇 sèng-sũn
shàngchún upper lip.⁵
上述 sèng-sùt
shàngshù above-mentioned.⁵
上情下达[上情下達] sèng-tẽin-hà-àt
shàngqíngxiàdámake transmit an order from above; what is going on at higher levels is made known to lower levels.³⁹
上吐下泻[上吐下瀉] sèng-tû-hà-xëh
shàngtùxiàxiè vomit and have diarrhea at the same time.⁵⁴
上蔡 Sèng-töi
Shàngcài Shangcai, a county in Henan.
上苍[上蒼] sèng-töng
shàngcāng Heaven; God.
上尉 sèng-vï
shàngwèi captain (military rank).¹⁰
上弦 sèng-yẽn
shàngxián first quarter of the moon.⁵
<又> sëng.
(See 上 sëng, [sèng, shang]; [sèng, shǎng].)
seng4 13473
1 3 sèng shǎng 上声[上聲] sèng-sëin shǎngshēng third tone in Mandarin.
<又> sëng.
(See 上 sëng, [sèng, shang];  [sèng, shàng].)
seng4 13474
42 8 sèng shang 花和尚 fä-võ-sěng/ huāhéshang monks who violate religious discipline.⁷
和尚 võ-sěng/
héshang Buddhist monk.⁵
和尚头[和尚頭] võ-sěng-hẽo
héshangtóu shaven head.⁹
三个和尚没水吃[三個和尚沒水吃] xäm-göi-võ-sěng/ mòt-suī-hëk
sāngehéshangméishuǐchī  When one monk lives in the temple, he fetches water single-handedly; when two, they fetch it together; and when three, no one would do it, for everyone is waiting for the other two to do it.⁴⁹ (Also see note under 挑 hël.)
(See 尚 [sèng,
shàng], 尙 sèng.)
seng4 13475
42 8 sèng shàng (variant of 尚 sèng shàng) still; yet; to value; to esteem.¹⁰
(See 尚 [sèng, shàng], [sèng, shang].)
seng4 13476
42 8 sèng shàng still, yet; to value, to esteem; Shang surname.¹⁰
风尚[風尚] füng-sèng fēngshàng current custom; current way of doing things.¹⁰
高尚 gäo-sèng
gāoshàng noble; lofty; refined; exquisite.¹⁰
尚且 sèng-chēh
shàngqiě (not) even; yet; still.¹⁰
尚希 sèng-hï
shàngxī still hopes…¹⁴
尚希见宥[尚希見宥] sèng-hï-gëin-yiù
shàngxījiànyòu Please accept my apologies.⁵
尚未 sèng-mì
shàngwèi not yet; still not.⁷
尚武 sèng-mû
shàngwǔ to attach importance to military affairs or martial arts; to encourage a military or martial spirit.⁷
尚书[尚書] sèng-sï
shàngshū <wr.> minister (1368-1911).⁷
时尚[時尚] sĩ-sèng
shíshàng fashion; fad; vogue.⁶
崇尚 sũng-sèng
chóngshàng to hold up (as a model); to hold in esteem; to revere; to advocate.¹⁰
为时尚早[為時尚早] vĩ-sĩ-sèng-dāo
wèishíshàngzǎo too early.³⁹
现在下结论为时尚早[現在下結論為時尚早] yèn-dòi-hà-gēik-lùn-vĩ-sĩ-sèng-dāo
xiànzàixiàjiélùnwèishíshàngzǎo It's still too early to draw a conclusion at the moment.⁷
(See 尚 [sèng, shang], 尙 sèng.)
seng4 13477
142 23 sèng shàng Cerambyx rugicollis.¹⁰ capricorn beetle (Cerambyx rugicollis).⁹⁰
蠰齧桑 sèng-ngàt-xông
shàngnièsāng or söng-ngàt-xông shuāngnièsāng capricorn beetle nibbling on mulberry leaves.⁰
<又> ngēng, ngẽng, nõng, söng.
(See 蠰 ngēng, ngẽng, nõng, söng.)
seng4 13478
177 17 sèng shàng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 绱[鞝] jēng shàng with same meaning.)
<又> jēng.
(See 鞝 jēng.)
seng4 13479
128 17 sêng shēng <台> 声[聲] sêng local or regional accent.
<台> 老余声[老余聲] lāo Yĩ sêng the accent of the Yĩ family.
<又> sëin, sëng. (See 聲 sëin, sëng.)
seng5 13480
104 14 sëo shòu thin; lean; slim; meager; scrawy; emaciated.⁷ (variant: 膄 sëo).
瘦巴 sëo-bä shòuba skinny; lean.⁷
瘦长[瘦長] sëo-chẽng
shòucháng skinny and tall.⁷
瘦瘠 sëo-dëk
shòují (said of soil) unproductive; barren.⁷
瘦子 sëo-dū
shòuzi a thin person; a living skeleton.⁷
瘦金书[瘦金書] sëo-gïm-sï
shòujīnshū  a style of Chinese calligraphy, featuring thin and sturdy strokes.⁷
瘦筋巴骨 sëo-gïn-bä-gūt
shòujīnbāgǔ skinny; very lean; emaciated.⁷
瘦果 sëo-gō
shòuguǒ an achene.⁷
瘦骨伶仃 sëo-gūt-lẽin-ëin
shòugǔlíngdīng emaciated; scrawny.¹⁰
瘦骨嶙峋 sëo-gūt-lĩn-xün
shòugǔlínxún skinny; emaciated (idiom).¹⁰
瘦马[瘦馬] sëo-mâ
shòumǎ a lean horse.⁷
瘦硬 sëo-ngāng
shòuyìng (handwriting) fine and forceful.⁷
瘦弱 sëo-ngèk
shòuruò thin and feeble.¹¹
瘦肉 sëo-ngùk
shòuròu lean meat.⁷
瘦身 sëo-sïn
shòushēn to lose weight (intentionally); to slim down; (Tw) to downsize (a business).¹⁰
瘦削 sëo-xēk
shòuxuē slim.⁷
瘦小 sëo-xēl
shòuxiǎo thin and small.⁷
(See 膄 sëo).
seo2 13481
130 13 sëo shòu (<old>=瘦 sëo shòu) to became emaciated.⁸
(composition: ⿰月叟; U+8184).
(See 瘦 sëo).
seo2 13482
61 13 sẽo chóu worry; be anxious.⁵
悲愁 bï-sẽo bēichóu sad and worried.⁶
发愁[發愁] fät-sẽo
fāchóu worry; be anxious.⁵
愁肠[愁腸] sẽo-chẽng
chóucháng pent-up feelings of sadness.⁵
愁苦 sẽo-fū
chóukǔ anxiety; distress.⁵
愁眉 sẽo-mĩ
chóuméi knitted brows; worried look.⁵
愁眉不展 sẽo-mĩ-būt-jīn
chóuméibùzhǎn with a worried frown.⁵
愁眉苦脸[愁眉苦臉] sẽo-mĩ-fū-lêm
chóuméikǔliǎn have a worried look; pull a long face.⁵
愁闷[愁悶] sẽo-mòn
chóumèn feel gloomy; be in low spirits.⁵
愁云[愁雲] sẽo-vũn
chóuyún depressing clouds; heavy clouds (often used figuratively).⁷
愁云惨雾[愁雲慘霧] sẽo-vũn-tām-mù
chóuyúncǎnwù the atmosphere which makes people feel gloomy, depressed.¹⁰
愁思 sẽo-xü
chóusī sorrowful thoughts.⁷
愁绪[愁緒] sẽo-xuî
chóuxù <wr.> gloomy mood.⁵
愁悒 sẽo-yīp
chóuyì anxious; sad.⁵⁴
愁容 sẽo-yũng
chóuróng worried look; anxious expression.⁵
<台> 愁死 sẽo-xī to be afraid of.
seo3 13483
169 10 sëp shǎn <台> 天闪[天閃] hëin-sëp a flash of light in the sky.
<又> sēm. (See 閃 sēm.)
sep2a 13484
64 9 sèp shè <wr.> to ascend in light steps.
拾级[拾級] sèp-kīp shèjí to go up a flight of steps.
拾级而登[拾級而登] sèp-kīp-ngĩ-äng
shèjí'érdēng to walk up the stairs
拾级而上[拾級而上] sèp-kīp-ngĩ-sèng
shèjí'érshàng  to mount a flight of steps.
<又> sìp.
(See 拾 sìp.)
sep4a 13485
76 16 sèp shè 歙县[歙縣] Sèp-yòn Shèxiàn Shexian County, lying in Huangshan of Anhui Province.⁹
<又> kīp.
(See 歙 kīp.)
sep4a 13486
85 10 sèp shè ford stream, wade across.⁸ (variant: 渉 sèp shè).
交涉 gäo-sèp
jiāoshè to negotiate; negotiation.⁷
干涉 gön-sèp
gānshè to interfere.¹¹
涉足 sèp-dūk
shèzú to set foot in; to step in.⁹
涉及 sèp-gèp
shèjí to involve; to touch upon (a topic).¹⁰
涉外 sèp-ngòi
shèwài concerning foreign affairs.⁸
涉世 sèp-säi
shèshì have experience of life.⁹
涉世不深 sèp-säi-būt-sïm
shèshìbùshēn have scanty experience of life.⁵⁴
涉水 sèp-suī
shèshuǐ wade through water.⁵⁵
涉想 sèp-xēng
shèxiǎng to imagine; to consider.¹⁰
涉嫌 sèp-yẽm
shèxián be a suspect.⁵⁵
(See 渉 sèp).
sep4a 13487
85 11 sèp shè (<old>=涉 sèp shè) ford stream, wade across.⁸
(See 涉 sèp).
sep4a 13488
85 15 sèp shà (composition: ⿰氵戢; U+6FC8).
𣹱❄{⿲氵合欠}濈 kèp-sèp xiáshà swift current; rapids.⁸ water gushing forth.²⁴
<又> tīp.
(See 濈 tīp).
sep4a 13489
118 14 sèp xié a mode of writing, the running hand.²⁵
<又> dèp. (See 箑[dèp, jié]; 箑[dèp, shà].)
sep4a 13490
140 11 sèp shà lucky plant; lucky grass.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹疌; U+8410).
萐莆 sèp-pũ shàpú a tree whose leaves can be used as fans.⁸
萐蒲 sèp-pũ
shàpú a legendary shrub, regarded as a good omen.
sep4a 13491
173 15 sèp zhá thunder; thunderous cheers; glistning; Zha surname.⁸
霅川 sèp-chün or dèp-chün zháchuān (=霅溪 sèp-käi or dèp-käi zháxī) Zha Creek or Zha River in 浙江 Jēt-göng Zhèjiāng Zhejiang Province.⁸
霅晃 sèp-fōng
or dèp-fōng zháhuǎng bright.⁸
霅溪 sèp-käi
or dèp-käi zháxī Zha creek or Zha River in  Zhejiang Province (浙江 Jēt-göng Zhèjiāng).⁸
霅霅 sèp-sèp
or dèp-dèp zházhá lightning accompanied by peals of thunder.⁸
霅水 sèp-suī
or dèp-suī zháshuǐ (=霅溪 sèp-käi or dèp-käi zháxī) Zha Creek or Zha River in 浙江 Jēt-göng Zhèjiāng Zhejiang Province.⁸
<又> dèp.
(See 霅 dèp.)
sep4a 13492
139 6 sēt shǎi dice.
<台> 色仔 sēt-dōi die, dice.
<又> sēik. (See 色 [sēik, ], [sēik, shǎi].)
set1 13493
142 8 sēt shī louse; bug; parasite.⁸ (old variant: 蝨 sēt shī).
壁虱 bēik-sēt
bìshī tick; <topo.> bedbug.⁸ tick; bedbug.¹⁰
扁虱 bēin-sēt
biǎnshī tick (zoology); lice.⁵⁴
床虱 chõng-sēt
chuángshī bedbug.¹⁹
龙虱[龍虱] lũng-sēt
lóngshī a water beetle; predacious diving beetle (Cybister chinensis species in the Dytiscidae family).⁵⁴
木虱 mùk-sēt
mùshī woodlouse.¹⁰ (See <台> 木虱 mùk-sēt.)
or 蝨处裈中[蝨處褌中] sēt-chuī-gün-jüng shīchǔkūnzhōng a bedbug in trousers – sarcasm against Confucian doctrinaires who follow a “straight path” as bugs follow trousers’ seams.¹¹
虱子 sēt-dū
shīzi louse.
虱官 sēt-gön
shīguān <wr.> corrupt official.
<台> 狗虱 gēo-sēt flea.
<台> 塘虱 hõng-sēt mud fish, catfish.
<台> 木虱 mùk-sēt bedbug.
<台> 虱乸 sēt-nā louse.
<台> 生虱乸 säng-sēt-nā to have lice.
(See 蝨 sēt.)
set1 13494
142 15 sēt shī (=虱 sēt shī) louse; bed bug.⁸
or 虱处裈中[虱處褌中] sēt-chuī-gün-jüng shīchǔkūnzhōng a bedbug in trousers – sarcasm against Confucian doctrinaires who follow a “straight path” as bugs follow trousers’ seams.¹¹
(See 虱 sēt.)
set1 13495
149 11 sēt shè to set up; to found; to establish; <math.> hypothesis; suppose; if.
假设[假設] gā-sēt jiǎshè to suppose; to assume; to grant; to presume; hypothesis; postulate; if; in case; supposing.
建设[建設] gèin-sēt
jiànshè to build; to construct.
设备[設備] sēt-bì
shèbèi equipment; facilities; defense works; to provide (facilities); to get prepared militarily.
设法[設法] sēt-fāt
shèfǎ to try; to think up a method.
设防[設防] sēt-fõng
shèfáng to set up defenses.
设计[設計] sēt-gäi
shèjì to design; to plan.
设立[設立] sēt-lìp
shèlì to establish; to found.
设身处地[設身處地] sēt-sïn-chuī-ì
shèshēnchǔdì put oneself in somebody else's position; be considerate.⁵
设想[設想] sēt-xēng
shèxiǎng to imagine; to assume; to have consideration for; tentative plan.
设宴[設宴] sēt-yën
shèyàn give a banquet; fête.⁵
想方设法[想方設法] xēng-föng-sēt-fāt
xiǎngfāngshèfǎ to think up every possible method (idiom); to devise ways and means; to try this, that and the other.¹⁰
set1 13496
195 19 sēt shī carp louse; fish louse.⁶
鲺类[鯴類] sēt-luì shīlèi family Argulidae, contains the carp lice or fish lice.⁶ʼ¹⁵
set1 13497
64 7 sèt shé loss (money).
<台> 折本 sèt-bōn (=折本 jēt-bōn shéběn) lose money in business.⁵ (See 蚀本[蝕本] sèik-bōn and 折本 jēt-bōn.)
<又> jët, jëp, jēt.
(See 折 [jēt, zhé], [jēt, zhē], [jēt, shé], jëp, jët.)
set4 13498
142 14 sèt shí <台> 偷鸡唔到, 蚀楂米.[偷雞唔到, 蝕楂米.] hëo-gäi-m̃-āo, sèt-jä-māi. Lit. not able to steal the chicken and lost a fistful of rice. Fig. not worth the effort; the gains do not make up for the losses. (=得不偿失[得不償失] āk-būt-sẽng-sīt débùchángshī not worth the effort; the gains do not make up for the losses.)
<台> 冇赚冇蚀[冇賺冇蝕] mäo-jàn-mäo-sèt breakeven.
<台> 蚀[蝕] sèt to lose (money).
<台> 蚀钱[蝕錢] sèt-tẽin/ to lose money.
<又> sèik.
(See 蝕 sèik.)
set4 13499
64 12 sêt shé to count yarrow stalks for divination.¹  to sort out the divining stalks.¹⁴
占揲 jëm-sêt zhānshé to divine.¹⁴
<又> èp.
(See 揲 èp.)
set5 13500
135 6 sêt shé Kangxi radical 135; tongue; clapper of bell.⁸ the tongue.⁷
口舌 hēo-sêt kǒushé dispute or misunderstanding caused by gossip; talking.⁶
舌淡苔白 sêt-àm-hõi-bàk
shédàntāibái <TCM> pale tongue with whitish coating.¹⁹
舌敝唇焦 sêt-bài-sũn-dël
shébìchúnjiāo The tongue is weary and the lips are dry (from taling too much) or to talk oneself hoarse.⁷
舌本 sêt-bōn
shéběn the root/back of the tongue.⁷
舌尖 sêt-dëm
shéjiān tongue tip; tip/apex of the tongue.⁶
舌耕 sêt-gäng
shégēng <wr.> make a living by teaching.⁶
舌剑唇枪[舌劍脣槍] sêt-gëm-sũn-tëng
shéjiànchúnqiāng (=唇枪舌剑[脣槍舌劍]) with one's tongue like a spear and lips like swords; cross vebal swords; have a heated verbal exhange/debate.⁶ battle of wits, repartee.¹¹
舌头[舌頭] sêt-hẽo
shétou tongue; enemy soldier captured to extract information.⁶
舌苔 sêt-hõi
shétāi tongue coating/fur.⁶
舌战[舌戰] sêt-jën
shézhàn argue heatedly/vehemently; have a verbal battle.⁶
舌癌 sêt-ngãm
shé'ái <med.> tongue cancer.⁷
舌痈[舌癰] sêt-yüng
shéyōng glossanthrax.¹⁰
<台> 讲舌[講舌] gōng-sêt/ to gossip.
set5 13501
177 18 sêt shé to dress leather.²⁵
<又> hōt, màt. (See 鞨 hōt, 鞨 màt.)
set5 13502
40 9 shǐ (<old>=屎 sī shǐ excrement, feces, dung, droppings; secretion (of the eye, ear).⁵).⁸
(composition: ⿱宀米; U+5BA9).
(See 屎 sī).
si1 13503
44 9 shǐ excrement, feces, dung, droppings; secretion (of the eye, ear).⁵ (old variant: 宩 sī).
鸡屎[雞屎] gäi-sī jīshǐ chicken droppings.⁵
拉屎 lā-sī
lāshǐ <topo.> empty the bowels; shit.⁵
眼屎 ngān-sī
yǎnshǐ gum in the eyes.⁸ sleep.¹⁵
牛屎 ngẽo-sī
niúshǐ cow dung.⁵
屎坑 sī-häng
shǐkēng dung pit.⁶
屎壳郎[屎殼郎] sī-hôk-lõng
shǐkelàng <topo.> dung beetle.⁵
<台> 结屎[結屎] gēik-sī
or 谷屎 gūk-sī constipated.
<台> 紧屎[緊屎] gīn-sī need to go poo.
<台> 滞屎[滯屎] jài-sī picky; fussy.
<台> 牛屎罅 ngẽo-sī-lêp lit. cow dung crack fig. A place which is a very narrow; small place.
<台> 耳屎 ngī-sī earwax.
<台> 耳屎捋 ngī-sī-löt/ earwax pick.
<台> 屎忽孔 sī-fūt-kūng <derog.> anus.
<台> 屎片 sī-pēin diaper.
<台> 屙屎 ü-sī to defecate. (The polite form is 大便 ài-bèin.)
(See 宩 sī).
si1 13504
72 12 shǔ heat; hot weather.⁵ hot, summer heat.²⁴
大暑 ài-sī dàshǔ Great Heat (12th solar term, Jul 22, 23, or 24).⁶
处暑[處暑] chuī-sī
chǔshǔ (See under 处[處] chuī and chuî).
寒来暑往[寒來暑往] hõn-lõi-sī-vông
hánláishǔwǎng lit. The cold comes and the heat departs – a lapse of time.⁷
寒暑 hõn-sī
hánshǔ cold and heat; winter and summer.⁶
寒暑表 hõn-sī-bēl
hánshǔbiǎo or 温度计[溫度計] vün-ù-gäi wēndùjì thermometer.¹¹
中暑 jüng-sī
zhòngshǔ get sunstroke, get heatstroke.⁵
暑伏 sī-fùk
shǔfú the hottest days of summer.¹¹
暑假 sī-gā
shǔjià summer vacation.⁵
暑天 sī-hëin
shǔtiān hot summer days; dog days.⁵
暑气[暑氣] sī-hï
shǔqì summer heat; heat.⁵
暑期 sī-kĩ
shǔqī summer vacation time.⁵
暑热[暑熱] sī-ngèik
shǔrè hot summer weather.⁵ sultry,²⁴
暑瘟 sī-vün
shǔwēn <TCM> febrile diseases in  summer.⁵
暑暍 sī-yēik
shǔyè sunstroke, heat prostration.¹¹
暑溽 sī-yùk
shǔrù hot and steamy; hot and humid.⁵⁴
小暑 xēl-sī
xiǎoshǔ Slight Heat (11th solar term,  Jul 6, 7, or 8).⁶
<台> 天时暑热[天時暑熱] hëin-sĩ-sī-ngèik the weather is hot.
si1 13505
104 18 shǔ <wr.> fall ill from worry and distress.⁶ melancholic disease; fistula; ill.⁸ a mental disease with the symptoms of depression, slow reactions or anxiety, followed by insomnia and loss of appetite; fistula.⁹ illness caused by worry.¹⁰ sick with sorrow.²⁴
(composition: ⿰; U+).
癙忧[癙憂] sī-yiü shǔyōu melancholy, vexation, trouble; a running sore.²⁴
si1 13506
111 5 shǐ Kangxi radical 111; arrow, dart; vow, swear.⁸
放矢 föng-sī fàngshǐ shoot an arrow.³⁹
鸡矢藤[雞矢藤] gäi-sī-hãng
jīshǐténg or 鸡屎藤[雞屎藤] gäi-sī-hãng jīshǐténg or 乌芹藤[烏芹藤] vü-kĩn-hãng wūqínténg skunkvine, Chinese fever vine (Paederia foetida).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
矢车菊[矢車菊] sī-chëh-gūk
shǐchējú <bot.> cornflower; bachelor's button; Centaurea cyanus.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
矢镞[矢鏃] sī-dùk
shǐzú metal arrowhead.³⁹
矢口 sī-hēo
shǐkǒu state categorically; insist emphatically; assert positively.⁶
矢口否认[矢口否認] sī-hēo-fēo-ngìn
shǐkǒufǒurèn to deny flatly.¹⁰
矢志 sī-jï
shǐzhì pledge one's devotion (to a cause).⁶
矢志不移 sī-jï-būt-yĩ
shǐzhìbùyí swear will never change.¹¹
矢量 sī-lèng
shǐliàng vector.⁸
矢言 sī-ngũn
shǐyán oath; solemn vow; make a vow.⁵⁴
矢誓 sī-sài
shǐshì take an oath.¹¹
矢石 sī-sêk
shǐshí arrows and stones (used as weapons in ancient times).⁶ projectiles.⁵⁴
矢以天日 sī-yî-hëin-ngìt
shǐyǐtiānrì swear by the sun and the sky.¹¹
si1 13507
151 15 shù (comp. t: ⿱臤豆; U+8C4E). (comp. s: ⿱⿰〢又立; U+7AD6).
<台> 竖
[豎] sī (hair, tree branch, flag) to stick out, to poke out, to raise.
<台> 竖
起支旗[豎起支旗] sī-hī-jï-kĩ raise the flag.
<又> sì.
(See 豎 sì.)
si1 13508
152 7 shǐ Kangxi radical 152; a pig, boar.⁸ <wr.> pig; hog; swine.⁶
封豕长蛇[封豕長蛇] füng-sī-chẽng-sẽh fēngshǐchángshé big hogs and long snakes – rapacious person; <wr.> wild boars and snakes – fiends of society.¹¹
亥豕 hòi-sī
hàishǐ <wr.> handwriting/typographical errors due to confusion of similar words.⁵⁴
鹿豕 lùk-sī
lùshǐ  boorish, ignorant.⁵⁴
豕鬃 sī-düng
shǐzōng pig's bristles.¹⁴
豕喙 sī-fì
shǐhuì (of a person's mouth) shaped like that of a pig.⁷
豕交兽畜[豕交獸畜] sī-gäo-chiü-chūk
shǐjiāoshòuchù to treat people like beasts.⁷
豕牢 sī-lão
shǐláo pigpen.⁵
豕苓 sī-lẽin
shǐlíng (=猪苓[豬苓] jï-lẽin zhūlíng or 豕槖 sī-hōk shǐtuó) lumpy bracket, umbrella polypore (Polyporus umbellatus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰ (polyporus).²³
豕奴 sī-nũ
shǐnú a swineherd.⁷
豕突 sī-ùt
shǐtū to run wild.⁷
豕突狼奔 sī-ùt-lõng-bïn
shǐtūlángbēn (=狼奔豕突 lõng-bïn-sī-ùt lángbēnshǐtū) run like wolves and rush like boars – (of evil people) tear about like wild beasts; flee in panic; flee helter-skelter; flee hurry-scurry.⁶
豕心 sī-xïm
shǐxīn greedy; avaricious.⁷
si1 13509
170 5 shǐ to break, to destroy.²⁵
(composition: ⿰阝也; U+9624).
颓阤[頹阤] huĩ-sī tuíshǐ to be ruined.²⁵
<又> chï; hõ; hũ; yĩ.
(See 阤 chï; 阤 hõ; 阤 hũ; 阤 yĩ).
si1 13510
202 12 shǔ Kangxi radical 202; glutinous millet.⁸ broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum).⁵ aka proso millet, broomcorn millet,  common millet, hog millet, Kashfi millet, red millet, and white millet.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
角黍 gôk-sī
jiǎoshǔ rice dumplings shaped like a pointed cylinder.¹¹ rice dumpling.³⁹
玉蜀黍 ngùk-sùk-sī
yùshǔshǔ (=玉米 ngùk-māi yùmǐ) corn; maize.¹⁰
黍稷 sī-dēik
shǔjì a variety of millet.⁷
黍子 sī-dū
shǔzi broomcorn millet.⁶ (It is called 黄米[黃米] võng-māi huángmǐ after the bran is removed;⁴ glutinous millet.)⁵
黍鲱[黍鯡] sī-fï
shǔfēi bristling.⁶
黍谷生春[黍穀生春] sī-gūk-säng-chün
shǔgǔshēngchūn the advent of spring in the Shugu Hills – a change for the better of a needy life.⁷
黍类[黍類] sī-luì
shǔlèi millet.⁶
黍米 sī-māi
shǔmǐ millet grain.¹¹
蜀黍 sùk-sī
shǔshǔ sorghum; kaoliang.
禾黍 võ-sī
héshǔ millet, corn.⁵⁴
si1 13511
208 8 shǔ (=鼠 sī shǔ) rat, mouse.⁸
(See 鼠 sī).
si1 13512
208 11 shǔ (a non-classical abbreviated form of 鼠 sī shǔ) a rat, a mouse, squirrels, moles.⁸
(See 鼠 sī).
si1 13513
208 13 shǔ Kangxi radical 208; rat, mouse.⁸ (variants: 鼡, 䑕 sī shǔ).
鼠胆[鼠膽] sī-ām
shǔdǎn cowardly; chicken-hearted.⁶
鼠标[鼠標] sī-bël
shǔbiāo mouse (computer).¹⁰
鼠辈[鼠輩] sī-böi
shǔbèi mean creature; scoundrel.⁶
鼠窜[鼠竄] sī-chōn
shǔcuàn scamper off like a rat.⁶
鼠疮[鼠瘡] sī-chông
shǔchuāng <Ch. med.> scrofula.⁶
鼠害 sī-hòi
shǔhài plague of rats; damage by rats.⁶
鼠目寸光 sī-mùk-tün-göng
shǔmùcùnguāng lacking foresight; shortsighted.⁷
鼠年 sī-nẽin
shǔnián Year of the Rat.⁹
鼠眼 sī-ngān
shǔyǎn small, protruding eyes; no foresight.⁷
鼠牛虎兔龙蛇马羊猴鸡狗猪[鼠牛虎兔龍蛇馬羊猴雞狗豬] sī ngẽo fū hü lũng sẽh mâ yẽng hẽo gäi gēo jï
shǔ niú hǔ tù lóng shé mǎ yáng hóu jī gǒu zhū Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Sheep Monkey Rooster Dog Pig, 12 animals corresponding to the 12 Earthly Branches: 子丑寅 卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥 dū chiū yĩn mâo sĩn dù m̂ mì sïn yiû xūt hòi zǐ chǒu yín mǎo chén sì wǔ wèi shēn yǒu xū hài.
鼠肚鸡肠[鼠肚雞腸] sī-ū-gäi-chẽng
shǔdùjīcháng lit. a rat's stomach and a chicken's bowels – narrow-minded.⁷
鼠疫 sī-yèik
or sī-vèik shǔyì bubonic plague; pestilence.⁷
(See 鼡 sī; 䑕 sī).
si1 13514
9 9 shù (=腧 sï shù) insertion point in acupuncture; acupoint.
<又> yĩ.
(See 俞 yĩ; 腧 sï.)
si2 13515
9 9 shū (placename).²
(composition: ⿰亻余; U+4FC6).
俆州 sï-jiü shūzhōu name of a town during the Spring and Autumn Period; it is now southeast of 滕县[滕县] hãng-yòn téngxiàn Teng County, 山东[山東] sän-üng shāndōng Shandong Province.¹⁹ʼ¹⁰¹
<又> tuĩ.
(See 俆 tuĩ).
si2 13516
9 15 shì no righteousness, no sincerity; in small broken bits.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰亻塞; U+50FF).
<又> xü; söi. (See 僿 xü; 僿 söi).
si2 13517
30 13 shì be fond of, have weakness for.⁸ addicted to; fond of; stem corresponding to -phil or -phile.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰口耆; U+55DC).
嗜酒 sï-diū shìjiǔ to be addicted to wine.¹¹
嗜酒成癖 sï-diū-sẽin-pēik
shìjiǔchéngpǐ be addicted to drinking.⁵
嗜痂成癖 sï-gâ-sẽin-pēik
shìjiāchéngpǐ <wr.> have an addiction for (stamps and the like), (allusion from one who likes to lick his scabs).¹¹
嗜好 sï-häo
shìhào hobby; indulgence; habit; addiction.¹⁰
嗜血 sï-hüt
shìxuè blood-thirsty; blood-sucking; hemophile.¹⁰
or 耆欲 sï-yùk shìyù sensory pleasures; sensual desires.⁷ lust.¹⁰
si2 13518
30 15 shī (used to stop somebody from doing something, or to drive somebody or something away) hush; shh.⁶ shush.⁹ Ugh! (exclamation of distaste).¹¹
嘘,小点声[噓,小點聲] Sï, xēl-ēm-sëng Shī, xiǎodiǎnshēng Sh! Keep quiet; Hush! Keep quiet.⁶
<又> huï, xêh.
(See 噓 huï; 噓 xêh.)
si2 13519
31 13 tuān contraction of the three characters of 图书馆[圖書館] hũ-sï-gōn túshūguǎn library. (Note: Some say túshūguǎn³⁶ in Mandarin; read syu1⁸ in Cantonese).¹⁰
(composition: ⿴囗書; U+5715).
si2 13520
44 3 shī Kangxi radical 44; a corpse; to preside, to direct.⁷
尸解 sï-gāi shījiě <Dao.> One's soul leaves his remains and becomes an immortal after death.⁷
尸谏[尸諫] sï-gän
shījiàn to admonish (one's master, lord) at the cost of one's own life.⁷
尸居余气[尸居餘氣] sï-guï-yĩ-hï
shījūyúqì at the point of death.¹⁴
尸骨 sï-gūt
shīgǔ a corpse.¹⁴
尸祝代庖 sï-jūk-òi-pão
shīzhùdàipáo to perform a duty on behalf of another without authorization.⁷
尸禄[尸祿] sï-lùk
shīlù to draw the salary but neglect the duty.¹⁴
尸身 sï-sïn
shīshēn a dead body.⁷
尸首 sï-siū
shīshou a corpse.⁷
尸位 sï-vì
shīwèi to hold a sinecure.⁷
尸位素餐 sï-vì-xü-tän 
shīwèisùcān to neglect the duties of an office while taking the pay; redundant.⁷
(See 屍 sï.)
si2 13521
44 9 shī a corpse; a carcass.⁷
尸格[屍格] sï-gāk shīgé a printed form enumerating the parts of a corpse – used at inquests.¹⁴
尸骨[屍骨] sï-gūt
shīgǔ bones of the dead, skeleton; corps, remains, dead body.⁶
尸体[屍體] sï-hāi
shītǐ a corpse; remains.⁷
尸体解剖[屍體解剖] sï-hāi-gāi-pāo
shītǐjiěpōu autopsy.¹¹
尸骸[屍骸] sï-hãi
shīhái (=尸骨[屍骨] sï-gūt shīgǔ) bones of the dead, skeleton; corps, remains, dead body.⁶
尸身[屍身] sï-sïn
shīshēn a corpse; a dead body; remains.⁷
尸首[屍首] sï-siū
shīshou dead body (in an accident, or after execution).¹¹
尸亲[屍親] sï-tïn
shīqīn relatives of the deceased.¹⁴
尸横遍野[屍橫遍野] sï-vãng-pëin-yêh
shīhéngbiànyě a field littered with corpses.⁷
(See 尸 sï.)
si2 13522
53 广 11 shù multitudinous, numerous; <trad.> of or by the concubine (as distinguished from the legal wife).⁵ (variant: 庻 sï shù).
(composition: ⿸广⿱廿灬; U+5EB6).
富庶 fü-sï
fùshù rich and populous.⁵
庶民 sï-mĩn
shùmín <wr.> common people; the multitude.⁵
庶务[庶務] sï-mù
shùwu <trad.> general affairs, business matters; a person in charge of business matters.⁵
庶母 sï-mû
shùmǔ concubine of one's father.⁵
庶人 sï-ngĩn
shùrén <wr.> common people.⁶
庶人执鹜[庶人執鶩] sï-ngĩn-jīp-mù
shùrénzhíwù a common man held a duck as a present of ceremony.²⁵
(See 庻 sï.)
si2 13523
53 广 11 shù (=庶 sï shù) numerous, various; multitude.⁸
(composition: ⿸广⿱廿从; U+5EBB).
(See 庶 sï.)
si2 13524
56 13 shì <lit.> murder (one's sovereign or parent).⁶ to kill or murder one's superior, senior.⁷
(comp. t: ⿰𣏂式; U+5F12). (comp. s: ⿰杀式; U+5F11).
弑父[弒父] sï-fù
shìfù patricide; to commit patricide.⁷
弑君[弒君] sï-gün
shìjūn regicide; to commit regicide.⁷ murder one's sovereign.⁶
弑兄[弒兄] sï-hëin
shìxiōng fraticide (murder of one's own elder brother).⁷
弑母[弒母] sï-mû
shìmǔ matricide; to commit matricide.⁷ murder one's mother.⁶
弑逆者 sï-ngèik-jēh
shì'nìzhě one who commits patricide or regicide.⁷
si2 13525
61 10 shù forgive, excuse, show mercy.⁸
恕道 sï-ào shùdào the principle of reciprocity, do unto others as you wish others to do unto you.¹¹
恕不奉陪 sï-būt-fùng-põi
shùbùfèngpéi please pardon my inability to attend.¹¹
恕不一一 sï-būt-yīt-yīt
shùbùyīyī I am sorry I cannot go into details. (a phrase common in correspondence).⁷
恕不远送[恕不遠送] sï-būt-yōn-xüng
shùbùyuǎnsòng I am sorry I cannot escort you farther. Excuse my inability to escort you farther.⁷
恕罪 sï-duì
shùzuì to forgive offense, sin or crime.¹¹
恕过[恕過] sï-gö
shùguò pardon the mistake.¹¹
恕我眼拙 sï-ngô-ngān-jōt
shùwǒyǎnzhuō I beg to differ (“excuse my stupid view”).¹¹
恕邀 sï-yël
shùyāo Excuse my/our informality in requesting your presence. (a conventional phrase on an invitation card).⁷
恕宥 sï-yiù
shùyòu to forgive; to excuse.⁷
si2 13526
62 6 shù defend; garrison.⁵
戍边[戍邊] sï-bëin shùbiān garrison the frontiers.⁵
戍卒 sï-dūt
shùzú garrison soldiers (at the frontiers).⁶
戍角 sï-gök
shùjiǎo bugle call of garrison soldiers.⁸
戍鼓 sï-gū
shùgǔ garrison drums.¹¹
戍楼[戍樓] sï-lẽo
shùlóu garrison watchtower.⁶
戍人 sï-ngĩn
shùrén frontier guard.¹¹
戍守 sï-siū
shùshǒu to set up frontier garrison.¹¹
戍役 sï-vèik
or sï-yèik shùyì military service at border regions, often a punishment as exile.¹¹
戍卫[戍衛] sï-vì
shùwèi to set up frontier garrison.¹¹
屯戍 tûn-sï
túnshù garrison; defend.⁶
卫戍[衛戍] vì-sï
wèishù garrison.⁵
si2 13527
64 7 shū to express; to convey.
各抒己见[各抒己見] gōk-sï-gī-gëin gèshūjǐjiàn each airs his own views.
抒发[抒發] sï-fāt
shūfā to express (an emotion); to voice.
抒情 sï-tẽin
shūqíng to express one's emotions.
抒情诗[抒情詩] sï-tẽin-sï
shūqíngshī lyric poetry; ode.
抒怀[抒懷] sï-vãi
shūhuái to express feeling; to unburden one's heart.
抒写[抒寫] sï-xēh
shūxiě to express (emotions in prose); a written description (of emotions).
si2 13528
64 14 chū an ancient game similar to dice.⁹ dice.¹⁴
摴蒲 sï-pũ chūpú or shūpú kind of dice gambling.¹¹ dice; gambling.¹⁴
(See 摴 [sï, shū].)
si2 13529
64 14 shū (alternate Mandarin pronunciation for 摴 sï chū with same meaning: an ancient game similar to dice.⁹ dice.¹⁴)
(See 摴 [sï, chū].)
si2 13530
64 18 shū (=抒 sï shū to express; to convey) to express; to vent; to gallop; to prance.
发摅[發攄] fāt-sï
fāshū to bring into full play.
略摅己意[略攄己意] lèk-sï-gī-yï
lüèshūjǐyì to offer a few of one's humble opinions; to pass a remark.⁶
摅愤[攄憤] sï-fûn
shūfèn to vent one's indignation.
摅诚[攄誠] sï-sẽin
shūchéng to be frank.
摅怀[攄懷] sï-vãi
shūhuái to express one's feelings.
摅意[攄意] sï-yï
shūyì to give expression to one's feelings.
si2 13531
66 7 𢻫
shī execute, carry out, bestow, grant; apply, lay out; far.²ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰也攴; U+22EEB).
si2 13532
70 9 shī execute, carry out; bestow, grant, hand out; exert, impose; use, apply; Shi surname.⁵
(composition: ⿰方㐌; U+65BD).
施压[施壓] sï-āt shīyā to pressure.¹⁰
施肥 sï-fĩ
shīféi to spread manure; to apply fertilizer.¹⁰
施加 sï-gä
shījiā exert (on); inflict (on); impose (on).⁶
施教 sï-gäo
shījiào teach, educate, instruct.⁶
施工 sï-güng
shīgōng construction; to carry out construction or large-scale repairs.¹⁰
施行 sï-hãng
shīxíng put in place, execute, apply; perform.⁵
施政 sï-jëin
shīzhèng administration.⁵
施展 sï-jīn
shīzhǎn put to good use; give free play to.⁵
施舍[施捨] sï-sēh
shīshě give alms; give in charity.⁵
施药[施藥] sï-yêk
shīyào give free medicine to the poor.⁶
西施 Xäi Sï
Xī Shī Xishi (name of a beauty in the State of Yue (越 Yòt Yuè) during the late Spring and Autumn Period; beautiful woman; beauty.⁶

si2 13533
72 12 shǔ (=曙 sï shǔ bright, luminous; the light of the rising sun.¹⁴); daybreak; dawn.⁸ʼ¹⁰¹ (Note 1: Some people think 暏 sï shǔ is a variant of 暑 sī shǔ 'summer heat, hot', but this definition is not in Kangxi). (Note 2: Some definitions of this reading, 暏 sï shǔ overlap with the reading of 暏 ū ).
(composition: ⿰日者; U+668F).
<又> ū.
(See 暏 ū; 曙 sï).
si2 13534
72 17 shǔ bright, luminous; the light of the rising sun.¹⁴
(variant: 暏 sï shǔ).
方曙 föng-sï
fāngshǔ day was breaking.¹¹
天方曙 hëin-föng-sï
tiānfāngshǔ day was just breaking.¹¹
曙光 sĩ-göng
shǔguāng the light of dawn – hopeful conditions.¹⁴
曙光照 sĩ-göng-jël
shǔguāngzhào  the light of dawn is shining.¹⁰
曙后星孤[曙後星孤] sï-hèo-xëin-gü
shǔhòuxīnggū after dawn there shines a solitary star – to die and leave an only daughter.¹⁴
曙曦 sï-hï
shǔxī sunlight at dawn.⁶
曙红[曙紅] sï-hũng
shǔhóng eosine.⁹
曙暮辉[曙暮輝] sï-mù-fï
shǔmùhuī crepuscular ray.⁸
曙日 sï-ngìt
shǔrì in the morning.⁷
曙色 sĩ-sēik
shǔsè light at daybreak; the light of early dawn; the gray of the morning.⁷
<又> sĩ, sì.
(See 曙 sĩ; 曙 sì; 暏 sï).
si2 13535
73 10 shū book, letter, document; writings.⁸ (variant: 𦘠 sï shū).
大书特书[大書特書] ài-sï-àk-sï
dàshūtèshū record in letters of gold; write volumes about.⁸ it is clearly written.¹¹
书包[書包] sï-bäo
shūbāo schoolbag.⁸
书本[書本] sï-bōn
shūběn book.⁸
书橱[書櫥] sï-chuĩ
shūchú bookcase.¹⁰
书籍[書籍] sï-dèik
shūjí books; works; literature.⁵
书帙[書帙] sï-èik
shūzhì casing of books.¹¹
书店[書店] sï-ëm
shūdiàn bookshop; bookstore.⁵
书法[書法] sï-fāt
shūfǎ calligraphy.⁸
书房[書房] sï-fông/
shūfáng study (room); studio.¹⁰
书架[書架] sï-gâ
shūjià bookshelf; bookcase.⁵⁴
or 书简[書簡] or 书𥳑❄{⿱𥫗閒}[書𥳑❄{⿱𥫗閒}] sï-gān shūjiǎn letters; correspondence.⁷ <wr.> a letter.¹¹
书记[書記] sï-gï
shūji a secretary; <wr.> official recorder; <wr.> records.¹¹
书柜[書櫃] sï-gì
shūguì bookcase.⁵
书声琅琅[書聲琅琅] sï-sëin-lõng-lõng
or sï-sëin-lông-lông shūshēnglángláng ringing sound of reading books.⁶
书帷[書帷] sï-vĩ
shūwéi “a curtain of books” surrounding a teacher; heaps of books in which a scholar buries himself.¹¹
书肆[書肆] sï-xü
shūsì <wr.> bookshop; bookstore.⁶
(See 𦘠 sï).
si2 13536
75 15 chū (=臭椿 chiü-chün chòuchūn) the stinking cedar, a tree of useless timber, Ailanthus altissima.¹¹ tree of heaven; ailanthus; Ailanthus altissima.¹⁵
栎樗[櫟樗] lēik-sï
or lèik-sï lìchū chestnut oak and ailanthus; useless timber; useless person.¹¹
樗栎[樗櫟] sï-lēik
or sï-lèik chūlì <wr.> a good-for-nothing.⁵⁴
樗栎之材[樗櫟之材] sï-lēik-jï-tõi
or sï-lèik-jï-tõi chūlìzhīcái timber of ailanthus and chestnut oak – useless person.¹¹
樗栎庸材[樗櫟庸材] sï-lēik-yũng-tõi
or sï-lèik-yũng-tõi chūlìyōngcái a man of inferior and ordinary ability.³⁹
樗树[樗樹] sï-sì
chūshù tree of heaven Ailanthus glandulosa.⁷ (A. glandulosa is a synonym for A. altissima.)
樗材 sï-tõi
chūcái <wr.> useless person.¹¹ a good-for-nothing; <humb.> my limited ability.⁵⁴
樗散 sï-xān
chūsǎn to have talent without being recognized or employed.⁷
(See 樗 [sï, shū].)
si2 13537
75 15 shū (alternate Mandarin pronunciation for 樗 sï chū with same meaning: (=臭椿 chiü-chün chòuchūn) the stinking cedar, a tree of useless timber, Ailanthus altissima.¹¹ tree of heaven; ailanthus; Ailanthus altissima.¹⁵)
(See 樗 [sï, chū].)
si2 13538
75 15 shū pivot, hub; <trad.> key government department, important position.⁶ a hinge, a pivot; a kind of tree.⁷
门枢[門樞] mõn-sï or mõn-kuï ménshū door hinge; crux; essential point.⁵⁴
枢奥[樞奧] sï-äo
or kuï-äo shū'ào confidential information or affairs.⁷
枢府[樞府] sï-fū
or kuï-fū shūfǔ (=枢密院[樞密院] sï-mìt-yòn or kuï-mìt-yòn shūmìyuàn) the Privy Council, or Cabinet, of the late Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty.⁷
枢机[樞機] sï-gï
or kuï-gï shūjī the vital element; important government posts.⁷
枢机主教[樞機主教] sï-gï-jī-gäo
or kuï-gï-jī-gäo shūjī zhǔjiào a cardinal of the Catholic Church.⁷
枢轴[樞軸] sï-jùk
or kuï-jùk shūzhóu the center of administration.⁷  pivot; fulcrum.¹⁰
枢密院[樞密院] sï-mìt-yòn
or kuï-mìt-yòn shūmìyuàn the Privy Council, or Cabinet, of the late Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty.⁷
枢纽[樞紐] sï-niū
or kuï-niū shūniǔ the vital point; the key; the pivot.⁷
枢臣[樞臣] sï-sĩn
or kuï-sĩn shūchén a chief courtier; a prime minister; a premier.⁷
<又> kuï.
(See 樞 kuï.)
si2 13539
82 13 shū 红氍毹[紅氍毹] hũng-kuĩ-sï hóngqúshū stage.⁶
氍毹 kuĩ-sï
qúshū wool carpet; stage.⁶
氍毹场中[氍毹場中] kuĩ-sï-chẽng-jüng
qúshūchǎngzhōng on the stage.⁶
<又> yĩ.
(See 毹 yĩ.)
si2 13540
120 10 shū <wr.> comfortably off, well-to-do; make somebody better off, make circumstances easier; <wr.> relieve, remove, alleviate.⁶
毁家纾难[毀家紓難] fī-gä-sï-nàn huǐjiāshūnàn offer all one has to help in charity.¹¹
纾缓[紓緩] sï-fòn
shūhuǎn to relax; relaxed.¹⁰
纾解[紓解] sï-gāi
shūjiě to relieve; to ease (pressure); to alleviate; to remove; to get rid of.¹⁰
纾革[紓革] sï-gēik
shūjí <wr.> get rid of evil.⁵⁴
纾困[紓困] sï-kün
shūkùn to provide financial relief.⁷
or 抒难[抒難] sï-nàn shūnàn to allay troubles, settle difficulties, give relief.¹¹
纾祸[紓禍] sï-vò
shūhuò relieve disaster.¹¹
纾忧[紓憂] sï-yiü
shūyōu to remove worries.⁷
si2 13541
120 11 shī rough, indelicate silk.⁸ʼ¹⁰ a coarse silk fabric.¹¹
(composition: ⿰糹㐌; U+7D41).
白絁 bàk-sï báishī white crude silk.¹⁹
绫絁[綾絁] lẽin-sï
língshī a species of silk.²⁵
絁布 sï-bü
shībù thick silk fabric.¹⁹
絁䌷[絁紬] sï-chiũ
shīchóu coarse silk.¹⁹
絁巾 sï-gïn
shījīn coarse silk scarf.¹⁹
絁绢[絁絹] sï-gün
shījuàn inferior silk.¹⁹
絁缦[絁縵] sï-màn
shīmàn rough silk without patterns.¹⁹
絁袍 sï-pão
shīpáo robe made of coarse silk fabric.¹⁹
絁繻 sï-yĩ
shīrú coarse color silk.¹⁹
黄絁[黃絁] võng-sï
huángshī Taoist priest's robe of coarse silk.¹¹
si2 13542
122 13 shǔ (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 署 sì shǔ with same meaning: government office; make arrangements for; handle by proxy, act as deputy; sign, put one's signature to.⁵.)
(composition: ⿱罒者; U+7F72).
<又> sì.
(See 署 sì.)
si2 13543
125 10 shì (<old>=嗜 sï shì) be fond of, have weakness for.⁸
(composition: ⿱老日; U+8006).
or 嗜欲 sï-yùk shìyù sensory pleasures; sensual desires.⁷ lust.¹⁰
<又> kĩ, jī.
(See 耆 kĩ; 耆 jī.)
si2 13544
129 14 𦘠
shū (<old, original character>=书[書] sï shū book, letter, document; writings.⁸) (Note: 14 total strokes, new; 15 total strokes, old).
(composition: ⿱聿者; U+26620).
(See 書 sï).
si2 13545
130 13 shù insertion point in acupuncture; acupoint.¹⁰
腧穴 sï-yòt shùxué <Ch. Med.> acupuncture point; acupoint.⁶
si2 13546
135 12 shū to unfold; to relax; to stretch; leisurely; Shu surname.
舒畅[舒暢] sï-chēng shūchàng happy; worry-free.
or 舒迟[舒遲] sï-chĩ shūchí slow; unhurried; leisurely.⁵⁴
舒缓[舒緩] sï-fòn
shūhuǎn slow; relaxed; leisurely; gentle; gradual (of a slope).⁵⁴
舒服 sï-fùk
shūfu comfortable.
舒展 sï-jīn
shūzhǎn to limber up; to unfold; to relax; to stretch.
舒眉展眼 sï-mĩ-jīn-ngān 
shūméizhǎnyǎn lit. to relax the brows and stretch the eyes – to beam with happiness; to show pleasure.
舒适[舒適] sï-sēik
shūshì cozy; snug.¹⁰
si2 13547
140 12 shī kind of chrysanthemum, xanthium; Siberian cocklebur.⁸ a cocklebur (genus Xanthium), especially the Siberian cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium subsp. sibiricum or Xanthium sibiricum).³⁶
(composition: ⿱艹施; U+8479).
or 卷施 kūn-sï juànshī or 宿莽 xūk-mông sùmǎng a grass that will never die according to legend.¹⁹
si2 13548
140 13 shī milfoil, plant used in divination.⁸ Achillea millefolium.⁹ yarrow (Achillea millefolium).¹⁰
蓍龟[蓍龜] sï-gï
shīguī the stalks and the tortoise shell used in divination.¹¹
蓍草 sï-tāo
shīcǎo yarrow.⁸
si2 13549
142 15 shī a weevil found in rice.⁸
(composition: ⿱施虫; U+45D0).
蛄䗐 gü-sï gūshī a kind of cricket.²⁵
si2 13550
149 13 shì to try; to test.
测试[測試] chāk-sï cèshì to test (machinery); to test (students); test; quiz; exam; beta (software).¹⁰
春试[春試] chün-sï
chūnshì or 春闱[春闈] chün-vĩ chūnwéi <trad.> imperial examinations held in spring (in the Ming and Qing dynasties).⁶
考试[考試] hāo-sï
kǎoshì examination; test; quiz.⁷
尝试[嘗試] sẽng-sï
chángshì to attempt; to try.
试管[試管] sï-gōn
shìguǎn test tube.
试题[試題] sï-hãi
shìtí examination question.
试探[試探] sï-häm
shìtàn to sound out; to probe.
试卷[試卷] sï-kūn
shìjuàn examination paper; test paper.²²
试验[試驗] sï-ngèm
shìyàn trial; experiment; test.⁵
试试又何妨[試試又何妨] sï-sï-yiù-hõ-fõng
shìshìyòuhéfāng What harm is there in trying?⁵
秋试[秋試] tiü-sï
qiūshì <trad.> imperial examinations held in autumn at the provincial level in the Ming and Qing dynasties.⁶
以身试法[以身試法] yî-sïn-sï-fāt
yǐshēnshìfǎ  to defy or challenge the law personally.⁶
si2 13551
149 13 shī poem; poetry; verse; hymn.
唐诗[唐詩] Hõng-sï Tángshī Tang poetry.¹⁰
唐诗三百首[唐詩三百首] Hõng-sï-xäm-bäk-siū
Tángshī Sānbǎi Shǒu Three hundred Tang dynasty poems, a stable anthology collected around 1763 by 孙诛[孫誅] Xün Jï Sūn Zhū Sun Zhu.¹⁰
吟诗[吟詩] ngĩm-sï
yínshī to recite poetry.¹⁰
诗经[詩經] Sï-gëin
Shījīng The Book of Songs.⁵
诗歌[詩歌] sï-gô
shīgē poems and songs; poetry.
诗人[詩人] sï-ngĩn
shīrén poet.
诗篇[詩篇] sï-pëin
shīpiān poem; epic.⁸ Book of Psalms.¹¹
诗书[詩書] Sï-sï
Shī-Shū Book of Songs and Book of History; the classics.
诗情画意[詩情畫意] sï-tẽin-và-yï
shīqínghuàyì idyllic (landscape); poetic charm.
诗魂[詩魂] sï-vũn
shīhún theme/soul of a poem.⁶
诗词[詩詞] sï-xũ
shī-cí the collective name for poem and prose.⁹ verse.¹⁰ poetry.¹⁹
诗词歌赋[詩詞歌賦] sï-xũ-gô-fü
shīcígēfù the four forms of Chinese poetry.
si2 13552
149 16 shì (=谥[謚] sï shì posthumous name or title; to confer a posthumous title.)⁹  the traces of walking, footsteps; the memoir of a person drawn up after his decease; an epitaph referring to the traces of a person's conduct, with the view of admonishing the age.²⁵
(composition: ⿰言㿽; U+8AE1).
制諡 jäi-sï
zhìshì to make an epitaph.²⁵
諡号[諡號] sï-hão
shìhào posthumous name and title.²⁹
(See 謚 sï).
si2 13553
149 17 shì posthumous title (formerly bestowed on a ruler, a nobleman, or an eminent official after his death for his achievements); to call, to name.⁶ posthumous name or title; to confer a posthumous title.⁹ posthumous title (of emperor, distinguished minister).¹¹ a posthumous title conferred upon emperors and eminent officials; to confer a postumous title.¹⁴ (variant: 諡 sï shì). (See 諡 sï).
t: ⿰言益; U+8B1A). (comp. s: ⿰讠益; U+8C25).
追谥[追謚] juï-sï zhuīshì
to confer a posthumous title upon.⁷
谥碑[謚碑] sï-bï
shìbēi the stele engraved with the posthumous title.¹⁹
or 諡策 or 谥册[謚冊] sï-chāk shìcè a brief book engraved with the postumous edict for the emperor.¹⁹
谥典[謚典] sï-ēin
shìdiǎn postumous code.¹⁹
谥法[謚法] sï-fāt
shìfǎ code by which postumous titles are conferred.¹¹ rule for conferring posthumous titles.¹⁴
谥号[謚號] sï-hão
shìhào the posthumous title.¹⁴
谥名[謚名] sï-mẽin
shìmíng the posthumous title.¹⁴
赐谥[賜謚] xü-sï
cìshì (said of a high minister) to have an honorary title conferred posthumously.⁷
私谥[私謚] xü-sï
sīshì posthumous title conferred unofficially by people or relatives.¹¹
si2 13554
159 16 shū transport, convey; <wr.> contribute money, donate; lose, be beaten, be defeated.⁵
输出[輸出] sï-chūt shūchū export; <elec.> output.⁵
输精管[輸精管] sï-dëin-gōn
shūjīngguǎn <bio.> spermatic duct; deferent duct.⁵
输电[輸電] sï-èin
shūdiàn transmit electricity.⁵
输血[輸血] sï-hüt
shūxuè <med.> blood transfusion; give aid and support, bolster up.⁵
输理[輸理] sï-lî
shūlǐ be in the wrong.⁵
输卵管[輸卵管] sï-lôn-gōn
shūluǎnguǎn <bio.> oviduct; fallopian tube.⁵
输尿管[輸尿管] sï-nèl-gōn
shūniàoguǎn <bio.> ureter.⁵
输沙率[輸沙率] sï-sâ-lùt
shūshālǜ silt discharge.⁵
输送[輸送] sï-xüng
shūsòng carry, transport; convey.⁵
输液[輸液] sï-yèik
or sï-yìt shūyè intravenous infusion; to get an IV.¹⁰
输赢[輸贏] sï-yẽng
shūyíng victory or defeat; (of gambling) gains and losses.⁶
输氧[輸氧] sï-yêng
shūyǎng oxygen therapy.⁵
输入[輸入] sï-yìp
shūrù import; <elec.> input.⁵
输入法[輸入法] sï-yìp-fāt
shūrùfǎ input method.⁹
输油管[輸油管] sï-yiũ-gōn
shūyóuguǎn petroleum pipeline.⁵
si2 13555
164 11 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 酗 huī to lose one's temper when drunk.⁷)
<又> huī.
(See 酗 huī.)
si2 13556
196 8 shī turtledove, cuckoo.⁸ the brown pigeon, or turtledove.²⁵
the turtledove or wood pigeon.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿰尸鳥; U+9CF2). (comp. s: ⿰尸鸟; U+9E24).
鸤鸠[鳲鳩] sï-gëo
shījiū cuckoo.⁸ the turtledove; wood pigeon.¹¹ the cuckoo; the wood pigeon.¹⁴ (=尸鸠[尸鳩] sï-gëo shījiū cuckoo.¹⁹
鳲鳩氏 sï-gëo-sì
shī jiū shì Shi Jiu Shi, Minister of Public Works (from 左傳 Zuo Zhuan, 昭公 Zhao Gong 17th year).⁶⁰
鸤枭[鳲梟] sï-hël
shīxiāo (=鸱枭[鴟梟] chï-hël chīxiāo an owl.⁷)
si2 13557
21 11 chí spoon.⁵ (variant: 㔭 sĩ chí).
(composition: ⿺是匕; U+5319).
茶匙 chã-sĩ
cháchí teaspoon.⁶
羹匙 gäng-sĩ
gēngchí soupspoon; tablespoon.⁶
汤匙[湯匙] höng-sĩ
tāngchí soupspoon; tablespoon.⁶
匙子 sĩ-dū
chízi spoon.⁵
一满匙[一滿匙] yīt-mōn-sĩ
yīmǎnchí a spoonful.¹⁹
一汤匙[一湯匙] yīt-höng-sĩ
yītāngchí tablespoonful.⁵⁴
<台> 匙羹 sĩ-gäng/ spoon.
(See 匙 [sĩ, shi]; 㔭[sĩ, chí).
si3 13558
21 11 chí (=匙 sĩ chí) spoon.
(composition: ⿰匕是; U+352D).
(See 匙 [sĩ, shi]; 㔭[sĩ, shi).
si3 13559
21 11 shi key. (variant: 㔭 sĩ shi).
(composition: ⿺是匕; U+5319).
钥匙[鑰匙] yèk-sĩ
yàoshi key.⁶
<台> 锁匙[鎖匙] xū-sĩ key.
(See 匙 [sĩ, chí]; 㔭[sĩ, shi)
si3 13560
21 11 shi (=匙 sĩ shi) key.
(composition: ⿰匕是; U+352D).
(See 匙 [sĩ, chí]; 㔭[sĩ, chí).
si3 13561
30 12 𠸭
shí bird call.⁸ the singing of birds.²⁴ bird singing; (same as 啼) cry, mourn; to howl; to twitter; to crow.³⁶ (variant: 㖷 sĩ shí).
(composition: ⿺是口; U+20E2D).
(See 㖷 sĩ).

si3 13562 20E2D.gif
30 12 shí (=𠸭❄{⿺是口} sĩ shí) bird call.⁸ the singing of birds.²⁴ bird singing; (same as 啼) cry, mourn; to howl; to twitter; to crow.³⁶
(composition: ⿰口是; U+35B7).
<又> hãi.
(See 㖷 hãi; 𠸭❄{⿺是口} sĩ).
si3 13563
32 9 (<old>=堲 sĩ to raise a road, by throwing up earth.²⁴).²
(composition: ⿱次土; U+5790).
(See 堲 sĩ).
si3 13564
32 10 to raise a road, by throwing up earth.²⁴ (variant: 垐 sĩ ).
(composition: ⿱即土; U+5832).
<又> dēik.
(See 堲 dēik; 垐 sĩ).
si3 13565
32 13 shí a hole dug in a wall for chickens to nest in.¹  A chicken roost.¹¹
(comp. t: ⿰土時; U+5852). (comp. s: ⿰土时; U+57D8).
si3 13566
72 8 shí (<archaic=时[時] sĩ shí) time.
(composition: ⿱㞢日; U+65F9).
(See 時 sĩ.)
si3 13567
72 10 shí o'clock; time; when; hour; season; period; Shi surname.¹⁰ (archaic variant: 旹 sĩ shí).
时节[時節] sĩ-dēik
shíjié season; time.⁵
时作时辍[時作時輟] sĩ-dōk-sĩ-jōt
shízuòshíchuò on and off; by fits and starts.⁵
时乖命蹇[時乖命蹇] sĩ-gäi-mèin-gēin
shíguāimìngjiǎn bad times, adverse fate (idiom).¹⁰
时间[時間] sĩ-gän
shíjiān time, period.¹⁰
时光易逝[時光易逝] sĩ-göng-yì-sài
shíguāngyìshì time passes quickly.⁵
时候[時候] sĩ-hèo
shíhou (duration of) time; (a point in) time; moment.⁶
时穷节乃见[時窮節乃見] sĩ-kũng-dëik-nâi-gëin
shí qióng jié nǎi jiàn integrity/loyalty shines out in time of adversity.⁶
时来运转[時來運轉] sĩ-lõi-vùn-jōn
shíláiyùnzhuǎn to get a break (after a long period of bad luck).⁷
时代[時代] sĩ-òi
shídài age, era, epoch; period in one's life.⁶
时常[時常] sĩ-sẽng
shícháng often; frequently.⁶
时尚[時尚] sĩ-sèng
shíshàng fashion; fad; vogue.⁶
时绥[時綏] sĩ-xuï
shísuí peace all year round (old letter closing).¹⁰
<台> 亦好时[亦好時] yèk-hāo-sĩ  It ought to be fine.
(See 旹 sĩ; 時 sî.)

si3 13568
72 17 shǔ (Hoisanva vernacular pronunciation for 曙 sï shǔ with same meaning.) <wr.> daybreak; dawn.⁵
<又> sï, sì.
(See 曙 sï.)
si3 13569
75 8 shū (=殳 sĩ shū) to kill; a spear.⁸
(composition: ⿰木殳; U+6778).
(See 殳 sĩ.)
si3 13570
78 10 shū die; different; outstanding, special, remarkable; <wr.> very much, extremely; <wr.> cut off, sever.⁶
殊绩[殊績] sĩ-dēik shūjì (=殊功 sĩ-güng shūgōng, q.v.)⁶
殊勋[殊勛] sĩ-fün
shūxūn <wr.> outstanding merit; distinguished service.⁶
殊觉歉然[殊覺歉然] sĩ-gōk-hēp-ngẽin
shūjuéqiànrán feel very regretful.⁶
殊功 sĩ-güng
shūgōng outstanding contribution; special achievement; distinguished service.⁶
殊效 sĩ-hào
shūxiào <wr.> special effect; remarkable efficacy.⁶
殊途同归[殊途同歸] sĩ-hũ-hũng-gï
shūtútóngguī reach the same goal by different means; all roads lead to Rome.⁶
殊难相信[殊難相信] sĩ-nãn-xëng-xïn
shūnánxiāngxìn very difficult to believe; most unbelievable.⁶
殊遇 sĩ-nguì
shūyù special treatment; special kindness.⁶
殊深轸念[殊深軫念] sĩ-sïm-chīn-nèm
shūshēnzhěnniàn express deep solicitude for; feel deeply concerned about.⁶
殊荣[殊榮] sĩ-vẽin
shūróng special honor.⁶
殊死 sĩ-xī
shūsǐ desperate, life-and-death; <old> penalty of decapitation.⁶
殊异[殊異] sĩ-yì
shūyì entirely different; quite separate.¹⁰
殊誉[殊譽] sĩ-yì
shūyù special honor.⁶
si3 13571
79 4 shū Kangxi radical 79; <(archaic> a weapon made of bamboo or wood that at one end has one bladeless pointed end with edges.⁹ name of old weapon; kill; Shu surname.⁸ (variant: 杸 sĩ shū).
殳书[殳書]  sĩ-sï
shūshū a style of handwriting in the Qin dynasty (used for inscriptions on weapons).⁷
(See 杸 sĩ.)
si3 13572
119 19 shǔ 麻糬 mã-sĩ máshǔ (transliteration of Japanese "mochi") sticky rice balls; mochi.¹⁰
si3 13573
140 9 <台> 茨菰 or 茨菇 or 慈姑 sĩ-gü/ Sagittaria sagittifolia (also called arrowhead due to the shape of its leaves).  On the Internet 茨菰 is also called 薯菇 sĩ-gü/; 芽菇, 牙姑 ngã-gü/.
<又> xũ.
(See 茨 xũ.)
si3 13574
140 13 shí 莳萝[蒔蘿] sĩ-lõ shíluó <bot.> Anehum graveolens (a kind of spice).¹ the dill.¹¹
(See 蒔 [sĩ, shì].)
si3 13575
140 13 shì to transplant; to cultivate, to grow, to plant.
莳花[蒔花] sĩ-fä shìhuā to grow flowers.
(See 蒔 [sĩ, shí].)
si3 13576
140 16 shǔ yam, tuber, potato.⁸ (variant: 藷 sĩ shǔ). (See 藷 sĩ.)
(composition: ⿱艹署; U+85AF).
白薯 bàk-sĩ
báishǔ sweet potato.¹⁰
or 蕃薯 fän-sĩ fānshǔ <topo.> sweet potato.⁸
甘薯 gäm-sĩ
gānshǔ sweet potato.⁸
红薯[紅薯] hũng-sĩ
hóngshǔ sweet potato.⁸
马铃薯[馬鈴薯] mâ-lẽin-sĩ
mǎlíngshǔ potato.¹⁰
木薯 mùk-sĩ
mùshǔ cassava, a tropical tuber plant.¹⁰
木薯淀粉[木薯澱粉] mùk-sĩ-èin-fūn
mùshǔdiànfěn tapioca.¹⁰
薯饼[薯餅] sĩ-bēng
shǔbǐng hash browns; croquette.¹⁰
薯仔 sĩ-dōi
shǔzǐ potato.¹⁰
薯条[薯條] sĩ-hẽl
shǔtiáo French fries; chips.¹⁰
薯蓣[薯蕷] sĩ-yì
shǔyù Chinese yam; cinnamon-vine (Dioscorea polystachya), better known as 山药[山藥] sän-yêk shānyao or 淮山 vãi-sän huáishān.²⁰  (Note: Dioscorea opposita is an obsolete synonym of two species of yams: (1) Chinese yam (Dioscorea polystachya), a widely cultivated yam native to China. (2) Dioscorea oppositifolia, a yam native to the Indian subcontinent).¹⁵
参薯[參薯] täm-sĩ/
shēnshǔ purple yam, ube, greater yam, Guyana arrowroot, ten-months yam, water yam, white yam, winged yam, violet yam, or yam (Dioscorea alata).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
si3 13577
140 18 shǔ (=薯 sĩ shǔ) potato, yam.¹⁰
(See 藷 sĩ.)
si3 13578
159 11 shū car pole/rod.²
(composition: ⿰車殳; U+8ED7).
si3 13579
167 11 shi key.²
(composition: ⿰金是; U+9349).
钥鍉[鑰鍉] yèk-sĩ yàoshi key.² a key.²⁵
锁鍉[鎖鍉] xū-sĩ
suǒshi a key.²⁵
<又> äi; hãi; ēik.
(See 鍉 äi; 鍉 hãi; 鍉 ēik).
si3 13580
195 21 shí a reeves shad; a hilsa herring.⁷ (Syn. 鯬 lĩ ).
t: ⿰魚時; U+9C23).
s: ⿰鱼时; U+9CA5; 15 strokes total).
美洲鲥[美洲鰣] mî-jiü-sĩ
měizhōushí shad.¹⁰
鲥鱼[鰣魚] sĩ-nguĩ
shíyú hilsa herring; reeves shad.⁵ (Tenualosa reevesii) aka 迟鱼, 生鰳, 三來, 錫箔魚.²⁰
云鲥[雲鰣] vũn-sĩ
yúnshí ilish, hilsa, hilsa herring or hilsa shad (Tenualosa ilisha), a species of fish related to the herring, in the Clupeidae family.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
<台> 蠄鲥[蠄鰣] kẽim-sĩ toads.
(See 鯬 lĩ).
si3 13581
9 8 shì to wait upon; to attend to; to serve.
服侍 or 伏侍 fùk-sì fúshì to wait upon; to attend on.
侍奉 sì-fùng
shìfèng <wr.> to attend upon; to serve; to support and wait upon (one's elders).
侍候 sì-hèo
shìhòu to wait upon; to attend to; to serve.
侍者 sì-jēh
shìzhě <wr.> attendant; servant; waiter; <Budd.> monks as attendants to Buddha.
侍立 sì-lìp
shìlì to wait upon elders or superiors.
侍立两旁[侍立兩旁] sì-lìp-lēng-põng
shìlìliǎngpáng to stand on either side in attendance.
侍立一旁 sì-lìp-yīt-põng
shìlìyīpáng to stand by waiting to serve.
侍御 sì-nguì
shìyù king's servants and charioteers.⁵⁴
侍妾 sì-tēp
shìqiè concubine.¹⁰
侍卫[侍衛] sì-vì
shìwèi (imperial) military bodyguard.
<又> xù.
(See 侍 xù.)
si4 13582
38 12 shì astute, shrewd; intelligent, bright; an old term for mother along the Yangtze and Huai rivers.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰女是; U+5A9E).
<又> hãi. (See 媞 hãi).
si4 13583
41 12 shù (phonetic in 㕑廚樹澍).⁰
standing (something) up; Shu surname.⁸
(=树[樹] sì shù as in 树立[樹立] sì-lìp shùlì to set up; to establish.).⁸
(=竖[豎] sì
shù erect, set upright, stand; vertical, upright, perpendicular.⁶)
(composition: ⿰壴寸; U+5C0C).
<又> jî.
(See 尌 jî).
si4 13584
46 9 shì 繁峙 Fãn-sì Fánshì a county in 山西 Sän-xäi Shānxī Shanxi Province.⁸
<又> chî.
(See 峙 chî; [sì, zhì].)
si4 13585
46 9 zhì <wr.> to stand erect, to tower.⁶ to stand erect like a mountain.⁷ to stand erect, to stand up; to pile up.⁸
鼎峙 ēin-sì or ēin-chî dǐngzhì <wr.> a tripartite balance; compromise between three rivals.¹⁰
棋峙 kĩ-sì
or kĩ-chî qízhì <wr.> to match in power as rivals (as in Three Kingdoms).¹¹
峙棘 sì-gēik
or chî-gēik zhìjí opposing spine.⁹
峙立 sì-lìp
or chî-lìp zhìlì to stand towering/erect.⁶
峙立不摇[峙立不搖] sì-lìp-būt-yẽl
or chî-lìp-būt-yẽl zhìlìbùyáo firm and unmoved.¹⁴
峙峪文化 Sì-yùk Mũn-fä
or Chî-yùk Mũn-fä Zhìyù Wénhuà <archeo.> Zhiyu Culture.¹ Small stone fragments (from 26,000 to 30,000 years ago) were found in Shanxi Province in 1963.²³
对峙[對峙] uï-sì
or uï-chî duìzhì to face each other; to confront each other.⁷
耸峙[聳峙] xūng-sì
or xūng-chî sǒngzhì (said of mountains) to rise up high above; to soar skyward; to stab deep into the sky.⁷
<又> chî.
(See 峙 chî; [sì, shì].)
si4 13586
53 广 9 zhì to prepare.⁸ to store; to reserve.⁹ to provide; to have in the house; prepared, having a supply.²⁴ (old variant: 畤 sì zhì).
(composition: ⿸广寺 U+5EA4).
庤乃钱镈[庤乃錢鎛] sì-nâi-dēin-bōk
zhìnǎi jiǎnbó get or take out your shovels and small hoes for weeding.⁵⁴ʼ⁰
(See 畤 sì sense ➃).
si4 13587
61 6 shì accustomed to; habit.¹⁰
苛忕 hõ-sì or hô-sì kēshì delve into the details of the matter, thoughtful approach to business.⁵⁴
忸忕 niū-sì
or nük-sì niǔshì or nǜshì to be accustomed to.⁷
<又> häi.
(See 忕 häi.)
si4 13588
61 12 shì <old>=諟 sĩ shì to examine; to consider; honest.⁸ to examine; to judge.¹⁰ʼ²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄是; U+60FF).
<又> hãi.
(See 惿 hãi; 諟 sĩ).
si4 13589
64 11 zhì to throw; to hold (in the hand).⁸ to cast into; to hold.²⁴ to throw, to pitch; to send; to stay.³⁶
(composition: ⿰扌直; U+3A01).
<又> jèik. (See 㨁 jèik).
si4 13590
72 9 shì is; are; am; yes; to be.¹⁰ (variant: 昰 sì shì)
不是 būt-sì
bùshì no; is not; not.¹⁰
自以为是[自以為是] dù-yî-vĩ-sì
zìyǐwéishì be opinionated.⁵
是的 sì-ēik
shìde yes; right; that's it.⁵
是否 sì-fēo
shìfǒu whether (or not); if; is or isn't.¹⁰
是非 sì-fï
shìfēi right or wrong, right and wrong, yes and no; gossip, scandal; discord.⁷
是非曲直 sì-fï-kūk-jèik
shìfēiqūzhí right and wrong; truth and falsehood; merits and demerits.⁵
是故 sì-gü
shìgù therefore; so; consequently.¹⁰
是正 sì-jëin
shìzhèng to correct (an error), to put right (oft. court., used in submission of writing).¹¹
请求是正[請求是正] tēin-kiũ-sì-jëin
qǐngqiú shìzhèng please point out any errors.¹¹
是以 sì-yî
shìyǐ therefore; thus; so.¹⁰
实事求是[實事求是] sìt-xù-kiũ-sì
shíshìqiúshì seek truth from facts; be practical and realistic.⁵
还是[還是] vãn-sì
háishi or; still; nevertheless; had better.¹⁰
<台> 乱造是非[亂造是非] lòn-dào-sì-fï to spread malicious gossip; a scandalmonger.
(See 昰 sì.)
si4 13591
72 9 shì (=是 sì shì) is; are; am; yes; to be; (used in given names).¹⁰
(See 是 sì.)
si4 13592
72 17 shǔ (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 曙 sï shǔ with same meaning.) <wr.> daybreak; dawn.⁵
<又> sï, sĩ.
(See 曙 sï.)
si4 13593
75 16 shù tree.
白果树[白果樹] bàk-gō-sì báiguǒshù ginkgo tree.
树倒猢狲散[樹倒猢猻散] sì-āo-vũ-xün-xän
shùdǎo húsūnsàn monkeys disperse when tree falls – members run away when family or institution falls.¹¹
树碑立传[樹碑立傳] sì-bï-lìp-jòn
shùbēilìzhuàn lit. to erect a stele and write a biography (idiom); to monumentalize; to glorify; to sing the praises of; <derog.> to puff up somebody's public image.
树杈[樹杈] sì-châ
shùchà crotch (of a tree).⁶
树干[樹幹] sì-gön
shùgàn tree trunk.
树梃[樹梃] sì-hêin
shùtǐng tree trunk.¹¹
树枝[樹枝] sì-jï
shùzhī branch; bough; twig.⁹
树脂[樹脂] sì-jï
shùzhī resin.⁸
树篱[樹籬] sì-lĩ
shùlí hedgerow; hedge.⁶
树林[樹林] sì-lĩm
shùlín woods; grove; forest.
树立[樹立] sì-lìp
shùlì to set up; to establish.
树杪[樹杪] sì-mêl
shùmiǎo treetop.⁵
树木[樹木] sì-mùk
shùmù trees; to plant trees.
树皮[樹皮] sì-pĩ
shùpí bark (of a tree).
树梢[樹梢] sì-säo
shùshāo the tip of a tree; treetop.¹⁰
树蛙[樹蛙] sì-vä
shùwā tree frog.¹⁰
树叶[樹葉] sì-yêp
shùyè tree leaves.¹¹
si4 13594
83 4 shì Kangxi radical 83; clan, family; mister.⁸ clan name; maiden name.¹⁰ a family, a clan; a woman's maiden name, a female.¹⁴
开氏温度[開氏温度] Höi-sì vün-ù Kāishì wēndù degree Kelvin.⁹
该氏[該氏] köi-sì
gāishì the said female.¹⁴
摄氏[攝氏] Nēp-sì
Shèshì Celsius; centigrade.¹⁰
氏族 sì-dùk
shìzú clan.⁶
氏族制度 sì-dùk-jäi-ù
shìzúzhìdù the clan system.⁷
氏族社会[氏族社會] sì-dùk-sêh-vòi
shìzúshèhuì clan society.⁶
氏谱[氏譜] sì-pū
shìpǔ a family tree; lineage; a genealogy.⁷
华氏[華氏] Vã-sì
Huáshì Fahrenheit.⁶
王马氏[王馬氏] Võng-Mâ-Sì
Wáng Mǎ Shì Mrs. Wang, née Ma.¹⁴
姓氏 xëin-sì
xìngshì surname.⁸
<又> jï.
(See 氏 jï.)
si4 13595
85 15 shù <wr.> timely rain; to give life like rain to fields.¹¹
(composition: ⿰氵尌; U+6F8D).
澍生万物[澍生萬物] sì-säng-màn-mùt or sì-säng-màn-mòt shùshēngwànwù rain causes all thing to grow.¹⁴
澍濡 sì-yĩ
shùrú saturated; enriched.¹⁴
澍雨 sì-yî
shùyǔ timely rain.⁶
si4 13596
102 11 zhì ➀ place for worshipping the heaven; a fixed place for worshipping the five emperors of heaven and earth in ancient times.⁸  ➁ field boundary.⁸  ➂ where the land is higher.⁸  ➃ <old>=庤 sì zhì to reserve.⁸  ➄ <old>=沚 jī zhǐ an islet in a stream; a small sandbar.⁸  ➅ a terrace for sacrificing on, because the spirits are supposed to settle there.²⁴  ➆ a tumulus.²⁴  ➇ the name of a place.²⁴
(composition: ⿰田寺; U+7564).
(See 庤 sì; 沚 jī).
si4 13597
109 10 shì (Cant.) blurred sight.⁸ <old>=視 sì shì to see; to look; to view; to inspect; to examine.³⁶
(composition: ⿰目氐; U+7721).
(See 視 sì).
si4 13598
109 10 shì <old>=視 sì shì to see; to look; to view; to inspect; to examine.³⁶ (Cant.) blurred sight.⁸
(composition: ⿰目氐; U+7721).
or 瞪视[瞪視] äng-sì dèngshì outface; stare.⁸
眇眡 mêl-sì
miǎoshì to watch carefully.¹⁹
or 视听[視聽] sì-hëin shìtīng seeing and hearing; what is seen and heard.⁶
or 视事[視事] sì-xù shìshì (of officials) attend to business after assuming office; assume office.⁵
or 俯视[俯視] fū-sì fǔshì to look down at; to overlook.⁵
(See 視 sì).
si4 13599
109 10 shì (=視 sì shì to see; to look; to view; to inspect; to examine.³⁶) look at, inspect, observe, see.⁸
(composition: ⿰目示; U+770E).
or 视听[視聽] sì-hëin shìtīng seeing and hearing; what is seen and heard.⁶
or 视事[視事] sì-xù shìshì (of officials) attend to business after assuming office; assume office.⁵
(See 視 sì).
si4 13600
113 4 shì a variant of Kangxi radical 113 示 sì shì show, manifest; demonstrate, used as a left component.⁰
(See 示 sì).
si4 13601
113 5 shì Kangxi radical 113; show, manifest; demonstrate (often written as 礻as in 神 sĩn shén).⁸ show; notify; instruct.⁶
表示 bēl-sì
biǎoshì express, show; indicate; expression.⁶
示寂 sì-dèik
shìjì (Buddhist monk) to pass away.¹¹
示范[示範] sì-fàn
shìfàn set an example; demonstrate.⁶
示范农场[示範農場] sì-fàn-nũng-chẽng
shìfànnóngchǎng demonstration farm.¹¹
示警 sì-gēin
shìjǐng to give warning.¹¹
示众[示眾] sì-jüng
shìzhòng publicly expose.⁶ punish by parading through streets and as warning to others.¹¹
示例 sì-lài
shìlì to illustrate; typical example.¹⁰
示弱 sì-ngèk
shìruò give the impression of weakness; take something lying down.⁵
示威 sì-vï
shìwēi demonstrate; put on a show of force.⁵
示威游行[示威遊行] sì-vï-yiũ-hãng
shìwēi yóuxíng protest parade.¹¹
示悉 sì-xēik
shìxī (short for 来示敬悉[來示敬悉] lõi-sì-gëin-xēik láishìjìngxī) your letter duly received.¹¹
示信 sì-xïn
shìxìn demonstrate one's sincerity.¹¹
示意 sì-yï
shìyì signal; hint; motion.⁵
示意图[示意圖] sì-yï-hũ
shìyìtú sketch; schematic diagram; graph.¹⁰
(See 礻sì, used as a component).
si4 13602
113 7 shè <台> 社坛[社壇] sì-hân or sêh-hân a small outdoor altar at the beginning of a village.
<又> sêh.
(See 社 sêh.)
si4 13603
122 13 shǔ government office; make arrangements for; handle by proxy, act as deputy; sign, put one's signature to.⁵
(composition: ⿱罒者; U+7F72).
部署 bù-sì or bù-sï or 布署 bü-sì or bü-sï bùshǔ dispose; deploy.⁵
公署 güng-sì
or güng-sï gōngshǔ government office.⁵
署办[署辦] sì-bàn
or sï-bàn shǔbàn to act as a deputy.⁷
署字 sì-dù
or sï-dù shǔzì to sign on a document.⁷
署款 sì-fōn
or sï-fōn shǔkuǎn to sign one's name; to put down one's signature.⁷
署理 sì-lî
or sï-lî shǔlǐ handle by proxy, act as deputy.⁶
署名 sì-mẽin
or sï-mẽin shǔmíng sign, put one's signature to.⁵
署签[署簽] sì-tïm
or sï-tïm shǔqiān to inscribe a title label on a book.⁷
署事 sì-xù
or sï-xù shǔshì to deal with public affairs; public affairs.⁷
签署[簽署] tïm-sì
or tïm-sï qiānshǔ sign.⁵
<又> sï.
(See 署 sï.)
si4 13604
147 11 shì look at; regard, look upon; inspect, watch.⁵
(varinets: 眡, 眎 sì shì). (See  眡 sì; 眎 sì).
视差[視差] sì-chä
shìchā <phy.> parallax.⁵
视察[視察] sì-chāt
shìchá inspect.⁵
视唱[視唱] sì-chëng
shìchàng sightsinging.⁵
视觉[視覺] sì-gōk
shìjué vision; sense of sight.⁵
视角[視角] sì-gôk
shìjiǎo <phy.> visual angle.¹¹
视听[視聽] sì-hëin
shìtīng what is seen and heard.⁶
视学[視學] sì-hòk
shìxué formerly, provincial inspector of schools.¹¹
视力[視力] sì-lèik
shìlì vision; sight.⁵
视如敝屣[視如敝屣] sì-nguĩ-bài-xāi
shìrúbìxǐ regard as worn-out shoes; cast aside as worthless.⁵
视财如命[視財如命] sì-tõi-nguĩ-mèng
shìcáirúmìng worship money like his life; as tight as a drum; miserly.⁵⁴
视窗[視窗] sì-töng
shìchuāng a window (on a computer screen); Windows (the Microsoft operating system).¹⁰
视阈[視閾] sì-vèik
shìyù visual threshold.⁵ visual range.⁶
视线[視線] sì-xëin
shìxiàn line of vision.¹¹
视死如归[視死如歸] sì-xī-nguĩ-gï
shìsǐrúguī look upon death as going home; face death unflinchingly.⁵
视事[視事] sì-xù
shìshì (of officials) attend to business after assuming office; assume office.⁵

si4 13605
149 16 shì to examine; to consider; honest.⁸ to examine; to judge.¹⁰ʼ²⁴
(composition: ⿰言是; U+8ADF).
諟正 sì-jëin shìzhèng (somewhat archaic, pompous) to examine for approval,¹¹ (cf 是正 sì-jëin).

si4 13606
151 11 chǐ fermented beans; pickled black beans.⁷ (variant: 䜻 sì chǐ).
豆豉 èo-sì
dòuchǐ douchi, a type of fermented and salted black soybean; a.k.a. fermented black soybeans, salted black beans (黑豆豆豉 hāk-èo-èo-sì hēidòu dòuchǐ).¹⁵
蚝豉 hõ-sǐ
or hão-sǐ háochǐ dried oyster meat.¹⁹
豉虫[豉蟲] sì-chũng
chǐchóng whirligig beetle.⁹ Gyrinus curtus.⁵⁴
豉油 sì-yiũ
chǐyóu soy sauce.¹⁹
豉油鸡[豉油雞] sì-yiũ-gäi
chǐyóujī soy sauce chicken.¹⁹
豉油街 sì-yiũ-gâi
chǐyóujiē Soy Street, a street in Hong Kong.¹⁰
(See 䜻 sì).
si4 13607
151 12 chǐ non-classical form of 豉 sì chǐ fermented beans.⁸
(See 豉 sì).
si4 13608
151 15
shù erect, set upright, stand; vertical, upright, perpendicular; vertical stroke "|" in Chinese characters.⁶ Shu surname.² (variant: 䜿 sì).
t: ⿱臤豆; U+8C4E). (comp. s: ⿱⿰〢又立; U+7AD6).
竖井[豎井] sì-dēng
shùjǐng <min.> vertical/rising shaft.⁶
竖子[豎子] sì-dū
shùzǐ <wr.> children in general; also a  term of abuse, like “young rascal.”¹¹
竖笛[豎笛] sì-èk
shùdí <mus.> recorder; clarinet.⁶
竖起[豎起] sì-hī
shùqǐ erect; set upright; stick up.⁶
竖起大拇指[豎起大拇指] sì-hī-ài-mû-jī
shùqǐ dàmǔzhǐ hold up one's thumb in approval; thumbs up.⁶
竖琴[豎琴] sì-kĩm
shùqín <mus.> harp.⁶
竖立[豎立] sì-lìp
shùlì erect; set upright; stand.⁶
竖毛[豎毛] sì-mão
shùmáo piloerection.⁶
竖眼[豎眼] sì-ngān
shùyǎn an angry look.¹¹
竖臣[豎臣] sì-sĩn
shùchén small palace attendant.⁶
竖蜻蜓[豎蜻蜓] sì-tëin-hẽin
shùqīngtíng <topo.> do a handstand.⁶
竖宦[豎宦] sì-vàn
shùhuàn eunuchs.¹¹
竖心旁[豎心旁] sì-xïm-põng
shùxīnpáng "忄", one of the Chinese character components.³⁹
<台> 竖心边[豎心邊] sì-xïm-bëin/ vertical heart side element: 忄.
<又> sī.
(See 豎 sī; 䜿 sì).
si4 13609
151 16 chǐ (=豉 sì chǐ) fermented beans; pickled black beans.⁷
(See 豉 sì).
si4 13610
151 16 shù (=竖}[豎] sì shù erect, set upright, stand; vertical, upright, perpendicular; vertical stroke "|" in Chinese characters.⁶)
(composition: ⿰; U+473F).
(See 豎 sì).
si4 13611
157 13 zhì stand up; tower aloft; confront each other; prepare; stock up; stop.⁸ to squat; to stop.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰𧾷寺; U+8DF1).
储跱[儲跱] chuî-sì chǔzhì prepared.²⁵
跱䠧 sì-chuĩ
zhìchú unable to advance; embarrassed.²⁵
跱蓄 sì-chūk
zhìxù store up; keep in reserve.¹⁹
跱衡 sì-hãng
zhìhéng (of birds) perching on the yoke of a cart.⁰ʼ¹⁹
si4 13612
50 5 shì market; city; <wr.> to buy or sell; Shi surname.
海市 hōi-sî hǎishì mirage (lit. or fig.).¹⁰
买方市场[買方市場] mäi-föng-sî-chẽng
mǎifāngshìchǎng buyer's market.
卖方市场[賣方市場] mài-föng-sî-chẽng
màifāngshìchǎng seller's market.
市舶司 sî-bòk-xü
shìbósī <trad.> maritime trade bureau; maritime trade supervisor.³⁶
市尺 sî-chëk
shìchǐ (of length equal to 1/3 meter).
市廛 sî-chẽn
shìchán <topo.> business district; store in a market area.¹ marketplace.⁶
市场[市場] sî-chẽng
shìchǎng market place.¹¹
市长[市長] sî-jēng
shìzhǎng mayor.
市镇[市鎮] sî-jïn
shìzhèn small town; town.
市里 sî-lî
shìlǐ a length equal to 500 meters (standardized in 1984).
市民 sî-mĩn
shìmín townspeople.
市委 sî-vī
shìwěi municipal committee.¹⁰
<台> 市德頓 sî-āk-ùn Stockton, California.
<台> 晓市顿[曉市頓] hēl-sî-ùn Houston, Texas.
si5 13613
61 9 shì to rely on, to depend on, to presume upon.⁷
怙恃 gü-sî or fù-sî hùshì parents; rely on, count on, depend on.⁶
恃宠[恃寵] sî-chüng
shìchǒng to presume on being a favorite (of a high-placed personality).⁷
恃刁 sî-ël
shìdiāo to rely on crooked ways and violence.⁷
恃贵[恃貴] sî-gï
shìguì to presume on one's high position or blue blood.⁷
恃众[恃眾] sî-jüng
shìzhòng to presume on numbers; to take advantage of superiority in numbers (to commit an act of violence).⁷
恃强凌弱[恃強凌弱] sî-kẽng-lẽin-ngèk
shìqiánglíngruò to use one's strength (or power) to bully the weak.⁷
恃力 sî-lèik
shìlì to rely on one's power; to rely on force.⁷
恃论平允[恃論平允] sî-lùn-pẽin-vûn
shìlùnpíngyǔn to pass a fair opinion.⁷
恃爱[恃愛] sî-öi
shì'ài (usually used in polite correspondence) to presume on your kindness and affection.⁷
恃势[恃勢] sî-säi
shìshì to presume on one's position or influence.⁷
恃才傲物 sî-tõi-ngào-mùt
or sî-tõi-ngào-mòt shìcái'àowù to be arrogant because one's talents or ability.⁷
si5 13614
72 10 shí <台> 该时[該時] kôi-sî/ now; at this time.
<台> 恁时[恁時] nêin-sî/ at that time.
(See 時 sĩ; 旹 sĩ.)
si5 13615
75 8 shì (<old>=柿 sî shì) persimmon.
(See 柿 sî.)
si5 13616
75 9 shì persimmon.⁸ (old variant: 柹 sî shì).
柿饼[柿餅] sî-bēng
shìbǐng preserved persimmon.¹¹
柿子 sî-dū
shìzi persimmon, sharon fruit.⁹
柿子椒 sî-dū-dël
shìzijiāo pimento pepper (Capsicum spp.); bell pepper.¹⁰
柿霜 sî-söng
shìshuāng powder on the surface of a dried persimmon; “frosted” preserved persimmon.⁵⁴
西红柿 xäi-hũng-sǐ
xīhóngshì (=番茄 or 蕃茄 fän-kêh fānqié) tomato.¹⁰
(See 柹 sî.)
si5 13617
167 13 shì cerium (Ce).⁶
铈铁[鈰鐵] sî-hëik shìtiě ferrocerium.⁹
si5 13618
9 6 sīm xǐn nervous, fearful.⁸ timorous.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻心; U+4F08).
伈伈 sīm-sīm xǐnxǐn fearing.⁸ timid, timorous, easily worried.¹¹
sim1 13619
38 18 sīm shěn wife of father's younger brother.¹⁰
大婶[大嬸] ài-sīm dàshěn auntie, as familiar address of woman of elder generation, not necessarily related.¹¹
婶子[嬸子] sīm-dū
shěnzi <topo.> father's younger brother's wife; aunt.¹⁰
婶妈[嬸媽] sīm-mā
shěnmā father's brother's wife.⁵⁴
婶母[嬸母] sīm-mû
shěnmǔ wife of father's younger brother; aunt.¹⁰
婶娘[嬸娘] sīm-nẽng
shěnniáng <topo.> wife of one's father's younger brother; aunt.⁵
婶婆[嬸婆] sīm-põ
or sīm-pũ shěnpó wife of husband's uncle who is younger than his father; familiar address of elder woman.¹¹
婶婶[嬸嬸] sīm-sīm
shěnshen wife of father's younger brother; aunt.¹⁰
sim1 13620
40 15 sīm shěn to examine; to investigate; carefully; to try (in court).¹⁰
陪审[陪審] põi-sīm péishěn serve in a jury.¹⁰
审谛[審諦] sīm-äi
shěndì to look at something carefully; to examine.¹⁰
审查[審查] sīm-chã
shěnchá to examine; to investigate; to censor out; censorship.¹⁰
审计[審計] sīm-gäi
shěnjì to audit; to examine finances.¹⁰
审核[審核] sīm-hàt
shěnhé to audit; to investigate thoroughly; to examine and verify; to check; to review.³⁶
审理[審理] sīm-lî
shěnlǐ to hear (a case).¹⁰
审问[審問] sīm-mùn
shěnwèn interrogate.⁵
审议[審議] sīm-ngì
shěnyì deliberation; pondering; due consideration.¹⁰
审批[審批] sīm-päi
shěnpī to examine and approve; to endorse.¹⁰
审判[審判] sīm-pön
shěnpàn a trial; to try somebody.¹⁰
审讯[審訊] sīm-xïn
shěnxùn inquest; trial; interrogation; to try; to interrogate.¹⁰
审阅[審閱] sīm-yòt
shěnyuè to review or peruse.¹⁰
sim1 13621
85 7 sīm shěn Shen surname.⁷
沈周 Sīm Jiü Shěn Zhōu (1472-1509), a noted landscape painter in the Ming Dynasty.⁷
沈约[沈約] Sīm Yēk
Shěn Yuē (441-513), an official and scholar of the Liang Dynasty, best remembered for his Sishengpu (四声谱[四聲譜] Xü-sëin-pū Sìshēngpǔ), an epoch-making work in phonology.⁷ writer and historian during Liang of Southern dynasties 南朝梁 Nãm-chẽl-lẽng Náncháoliáng, compiler of 宋书[宋書] Xüng-sï Sòngshū History of Song of the Southern dynasties; author of an epoch-making work in phonology.⁵⁴
沈腰 Sīm-yël
shěnyāo slender waist – refrring to 沈约[沈約] Sĩm Yēk Shěn Yuē.⁷
沈腰潘鬓[沈腰潘鬢] sīm-yël-pön-bïn
shěnyāopānbìn to have a slender waist and hoary hair, referring to 沈约[沈約] Sĩm Yēk Shěn Yuē and 潘岳 Pön Ngòk Pān Yuè.⁷<wr.> slender frame and graying temples.⁵⁴
<又> chĩm.
(See 沉 chĩm; 沈 chĩm; 沈[瀋] sīm; 渖[瀋] sīm.)
sim1 13622
85 18 sīm shěn <wr.> juice, fluid, liquid; (non-standard simplified form of 瀋.)¹
墨渖未干[墨瀋未乾] (=墨沈未干[墨瀋未乾]) màk-sīm-mì-gön mòshěnwèigān before the ink is dry.⁵⁴
(See 沉 chĩm; 沈 chĩm; 沈 sīm; 沈[瀋] sīm.)
sim1 13623
85 18 sīm shěn <wr.> juice, fluid, liquid; another name for Shenyang.⁶
沈阳[瀋陽] Sīm-yẽng Shěnyáng Shenyang  (capital city of Liaoning Province).⁶ (standard simplified form of 瀋 is 沈 which is also the original way of writing the surname Shěn);
(non-standard simplified form of 瀋 is 渖)¹
沈阳事变[瀋陽事變] Sīm-yẽng Xù-bëin
Shěnyáng Shìbiàn the Shenyang (Mukden) Incident of September 18, 1931.⁵⁴
墨沈[墨瀋] màk-sīm
mòshěn ink on paper.⁵⁴
墨沈未干[墨瀋未乾] màk-sīm-mì-gön
mòshěnwèigān before the ink is dry.⁵⁴
(See 沉 chĩm; 沈 chĩm; 沈 sīm; 渖[瀋] sīm.)
sim1 13624
149 15 sīm shěn <wr.> know, be aware of; advise, urge.⁶ to think of; to let know, to tell, to announce; to remonstrate; to hide, to conceal.⁷
谂知[諗知] sīm-jï shěnzhī <wr.> know; learn; receive information.⁵⁴
谂熟[諗熟] sīm-sùk
shěnshú know well; be familiar with; have an intimate knowledge of.⁶
谂悉[諗悉] sīm-xēik
shěnxī know, be aware of.⁶
<又> nām.
(See 諗 nām.)
sim1 13625
149 22 sīm shěn to know; to be aware.⁷ to investigate; to try (in court).¹⁰
谉知[讅知] sīm-jï shěnzhī or 谉悉[讅悉] sīm-xēik shěnxī <wr.> (chiefly in correspondence) to learn from your letter.¹¹
sim1 13626
195 15 sīm shěn the young of fish.²ʼ⁸
(composition: ⿰魚冘; U+9B6B).
(Note: Distinguish  𩵫❄{⿰冘魚} jìm zhěn from 魫 sīm shěn).
sim1 13627
53 广 14 𢊖
sïm shèn a large deep house.²⁴
(composition: ⿸广深; U+22296).
sim2 13628
85 11 sïm shēn deep; difficult, profound; thoroughgoing, penetrating; close, intimate; dark, deep; late; very, greatly, deeply.⁵
(variant: 㴱 sïm shēn). (See 㴱 sïm).
or 深暗 sïm-ām shēn'àn dark; dark and obscure.⁵⁴
深奥[深奧] sïm-äo
shēn'ào abstruse; profound; recondite.⁵
深造 sïm-dào
shēnzào pursue advanced studies.⁵
深闺[深閨] sïm-gï
shēnguī boudoir.⁵
深刻 sïm-hāk
shēnkè deep; profound.⁶
深海烟囱[深海煙囱] sïm-hōi-yën-hüng
shēnhǎi yāncōng deep-sea vent; black smoker.¹⁰
深宅大院 sïm-jàk-ài-yòn
shēnzháidàyuàn imposing dwellings with spacious courtyards; big mansion.⁶
深谋远虑[深謀遠慮] sïm-mẽo-yōn-luì
shēnmóuyuǎnlǜ think deeply and plan carefully; be circumspect and farsighted.⁵
深山野岙[深山野嶴] sïm-sän-yêh-äo
shēnshānyě'ào deep in the mountains and fields (idiom).¹⁰
深浅[深淺] sïm-tēin
shēnqiǎn depth; (of color) shade, hue; proper limits (for speech or action), sense of propriety.⁶
深度 sïm-ù
shēndù degree of depth; depth.⁵
深夜 sïm-yèh
shēnyè late at night.⁸
深入浅出[深入淺出] sïm-yìp-tēin-chūt
shēnrùqiǎnchū deep-going but easy to understand – explain the profound in simple terms.⁶
深渊[深淵] sïm-yön
shēnyuān a deep pool; abyss.⁵
sim2 13629
85 13 sïm shēn (<old>=深 sïm shēn deep; difficult, profound; thoroughgoing, penetrating; close, intimate; dark, deep; late; very, greatly, deeply.⁵); deep, profound, far, very; extremely.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵⿱穴⿻大丷; U+3D31).
(See 深 sïm).
sim2 13630
96 12 sïm chēn <wr.> treasure.⁵ a precious thing.²⁴
天琛 hëin-sïm tiānchēn natural curiosities.²⁴
琛宝[琛寶] sïm-bāo
chēnbǎo treasures, valuables.²⁴
sim2 13631
163 10 sïm chēn 郴州 Sïm-jiü Chēnzhōu Chenzhou a city in the southeastern part of 湖南 Vũ-nãm Húnán Hunan Province.
sim2 13632
9 4 sìm shén what.
什么[什麼] sìm-mō  shénme what?
什么地方[什麼地方] sìm-mō-ì-föng
shénme dìfang where?
什么话[什麼話] sìm-mō-và
shénme huà What nonsense!; Bosh! How can you say that?; How can you do this?
什么事[什麼事] sìm-mō-xù
shénme shì What's the matter? no matter what; whatever it is.
为什么[為什麼] vì-sìm-mō
wèishénme why?; why is it that?
<又> dàp, sìp.
(See 什 dàp, sìp.)
sim4 13633
30 7 𠯕
sìm shèn (<old>=甚 sìm shèn very; extremely; any; great extent; considerably).
(composition: ⿱口匹; U+20BD5).
(See 甚 [sìm, shèn].)
sim4 13634
75 13 sìm shèn (=葚 sìm shèn) the berry of mulberry.¹¹
桑椹 xông-sìm sāngshèn (now usually written as 桑葚 xông-sìm sāngshèn) mulberry; a dried mulberry which can be used as medicine.⁹
<又> îm.
(See 椹 îm; 葚 sìm.)
sim4 13635
99 9 sìm shén (=什 sìm shén) what.
甚么[甚麼] sìm-mō
shénme what.
(See 甚 [sìm,
sim4 13636
99 9 sìm shèn very; extremely; any; great extent; considerably.
(old variant: 𠯕❄{⿱口匹} sìm shèn).
逼人太甚 bēik-ngĩn-häi-sìm
bīréntàishèn push somebody too hard; put too much pressure (on somebody).⁶
知之甚少 jï-jï-sìm-sēl 
zhīzhīshènshǎo little is known.
日甚一日 ngìt-sìm-yīt-ngìt
rìshènyīrì with increasing intensity.
甚至 sìm-jï
shènzhì even; so much so that.⁶
(See 甚 [sìm, shén]; 𠯕❄{⿱口匹} sìm).
sim4 13637
140 12 sìm rèn mulberry.
桑葚儿[桑葚兒] xông-sìm-ngĩ sāngrènr (=桑子 xông-dū sāngzi) vernacular for the fruit of mulberry trees.
sim4 13638
140 12 sìm shèn the fruit of mulberry trees that is dark purple or white when ripe, sweet and edible.⁹
桑葚 xông-sìm sāngshèn (=桑子 xông-dū sāngzi) <TCM> mulberry, morus fruit, (pharmaceutical name: fructus mori); Morus alba L.⁶⁷
sim4 13639
203 21 sìm shèn (<old>=葚 sìm shèn the fruit of mulberry trees that is dark purple or white when ripe, sweet and edible.⁹).⁸ very black.²⁵ used for 葚 sìm shèn because of the deep black of ripe mulberries.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰黑甚; U+9EEE).
<又> àm; häm.
(See 黮 àm; 黮 häm).
sim4 13640
9 7 sïn shēn to stretch; to extend; to straighten; to report.
拉伸 lā-sïn lāshēn <textiles> to draw out; to stretch.
能屈能伸 nãng-kūt-nãng-sïn
néngqūnéngshēn to be adaptable to circumstances.
伸欠 sïn-hïm
shēnqiàn to stretch and yawn.
伸展 sïn-jīn
shēnzhǎn spread, extend, stretch.⁵
伸懒腰[伸懶腰] sïn-län-yël
shēnlǎnyāo to stretch oneself.¹⁰
伸手 sïn-siū
shēnshǒu to stretch or hold out one's hand; to ask for help; to put one's hand to; to apply oneself to; <derog.> to meddle in.
伸缩[伸縮] sïn-sük
shēnsuō to expand and contract; to lengthen and shorten; flexible; elastic; adjustable; magnification.
延伸 yẽn-sïn
yánshēn to extend; to stretch.
or 引申 yîn-sïn yǐnshēn extend the meaning of a word.⁸
sin2 13641
9 9 sïn shēn name of a deity; <old> pregnant; Shen surname.⁸
(composition: ⿰亻身; U+3457).
sin2 13642
30 8 sïn shēn to groan, to moan; to recite with intonation.⁸
(variant: 𠲳 sïn shēn).
长呻短吟[長呻短吟] chẽng-sïn-ōn-lãng
chángshēnduǎnyín groaning heavily and sighing deeply.³⁹
呻吟 <文读> sïn-ngĩm; <白读> sïn-lãng
shēnyín to groan; to moan; to sigh.⁸
(See 𠲳 sïn).
sin2 13643
30 10 𠲳 sïn shēn (=呻 sïn shēn to groan, to moan; to recite with intonation.⁸).²
(composition: ⿰口身; U+20CB3).
(See 呻 sïn).
sin2 13644
64 8 sïn chēn <vern.> to pull/draw out; to stretch.⁶ (variant: 捵 sïn chēn).
(composition: ⿰扌申; U+62BB).
把脸捵平[把臉捵平] bā-lêm-sïn-pẽin
bǎliǎnchēnpíng to make a straight face; to straighten one's face.⁶
抻长[抻長] sïn-chẽng
chēncháng to lengthen by stretching.⁶
or 捵练[捵練] sïn-lèin chēnliàn to embarrass, put (someone) on the spot (by difficult questions).¹¹
抻面[抻麵] sïn-mèin
chēnmiàn hand-pulled/hand=stretched noodles; make noodles by drawing out the dough by hand.⁶
抻衣服 sïn-yï-fùk
chēn yīfu to stretch the clothing.⁶
(See: 捵 sïn).
sin2 13645
64 11 sïn chēn (=抻 sïn chēn <vern.> to pull/draw out; to stretch.⁶); (Cant.) to hold between the fingers and thumb.⁸ stretch; punt, propel; protrude, thrust out; on light feet.⁹ to stretch out anything with the hand, in order to make it straight.²⁴ (Cant.) to hold between the fingers and thumb; (dialectal Mandarin) to pull, to extend; <old> lightly.³⁶
or 抻练[抻練] sïn-lèin chēnliàn to embarrass, put (someone) on the spot (by difficult questions).¹¹
(composition: ⿰扌典; U+6375).
<又> ēin.
(See 捵 ēin; 抻 sïn).
sin2 13646
75 9 sïn shēn tree that has died by itself and fallen down.⁸ tree that dies of itself.²⁴ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰木申; U+67DB).
sin2 13647
96 9 sïn shēn a kind of a jade.³⁵
和珅 Võ-sïn Héshēn Heshen (1746-1799), Manchu official of the Qing Dynasty who openly practiced various forms of corruption on a grand scale.¹⁰
sin2 13648
102 5 sïn shēn 9th of the 12 Earthly Branches; to explain; to extend; to state; special name for Shanghai; 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.; Shen surname.
申旦 sïn-än shēndàn <wr.> toward daybreak.¹¹ from night till morning.³⁹
申报[申報] sïn-bäo
shēnbào to report to a higher body; to declare (to customs).
申时[申時] sïn-sĩ/
shēnshí 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
申请[申請] sïn-tēin
shēnqǐng apply for; make official request.⁸
申诉[申訴] sïn-xü
shēnsù appeal.⁵
申冤 sïn-yön
shēnyuān to appeal for justice.
三令五申 xäm-lèin-m̄-sïn
sānlìngwǔshēn to have repeatedly issued orders (to people).
or 引伸 yîn-sïn yǐnshēn extend the meaning of a word.⁸
sin2 13649
112 10 sïn shēn arsenic.⁸
砷粉 sïn-fūn shēnfěn arsenic powder.¹⁹
砷中毒 sïn-jüng-ùk
shēnzhòngdú arsenic poisoning.¹⁰
sin2 13650
120 11 sïn shēn sash; girdle (worn by ancient officials and literary men); gentry, gentlemen.⁶
土豪劣绅[土豪劣紳] hū-hõ-lūt-sïn or hū-hão-lūt-sïn tǔháolièshēn local tyrants and evil gentry.⁵
绅耆[紳耆] sïn-kĩ
shēnqí the gentry, officials out of office; educated classes.¹⁴
绅衿[紳衿] sïn-kïm
shēnjīn the gentry, officials out of office; educated classes.¹⁴
绅粮[紳糧] sïn-lẽng
shēnliáng big landlord.⁸
绅商[紳商] sïn-sëng
shēnshāng gentleman and businessman.⁶
绅董[紳董] sïn-ūng
shēndǒng the gentry, officials out of office; educated classes.¹⁴
绅宦[紳宦] sïn-vàn
shēnhuàn retired government officials.⁷
绅士[紳士] sïn-xù
shēnshì gentleman; gentry.⁶
绅士风度[绅士風度] sïn-xù-füng-ù
shēnshì fēngdù gentility.⁸
绅士协定[紳士協定] sïn-xù-hèp-èin
shēnshì xiédìng (=君子协定[君子协定] gün-dū-hèp-èin jūnzǐ xiédìng) gentlemen's agreement.⁶
绅士气[绅士氣] sïn-xù-hï
shēnshìqì gentility.⁸
绅士派头[绅士派頭] sïn-xù-päi-hẽo
or sïn-xù-pāi-hẽo shēnshì pàitóu gentility.⁸
sin2 13651
130 9 sïn shèn arsine.³⁹
sin2 13652
158 7 sïn shēn Kangxi radical 158; body; trunk, hull.⁸ body; life; oneself, personally; one's moral character and conduct; the main part of a structure, body; <m.> suit.⁵
身边[身邊] sïn-bëin shēnbiān at or by one's side; (have something) on one; with one.⁵
or 身份 sïn-fùn shēnfen one's status or position.⁷
or 身份证[身份證] sïn-fùn-jëin shēnfen zhèng a citizenship card; an identity card; an ID card.⁷
身价[身價] sïn-gä
shēnjià social status; the selling-price of a slave.⁵
身价百倍[身價百倍] sïn-gä-bäk-pôi
shēnjiàbǎibèi rise suddenly in social status; (of price) rise sharply.⁸
身故 sïn-gü
shēngù die.⁵
身体[身體] sïn-hāi
shēntǐ body; health.⁵
身体力行[身體力行] sïn-hāi-lèik-hãng
shēntǐlìxíng to practice what one preaches (idiom).¹⁰
身躯[身軀] sïn-kuï
shēnqū body; stature.⁵
身临其境[身臨其境] sïn-lĩm-kĩ-gēin
shēnlínqíjìng to experience personally; to be personally on the scene.⁷
身世 sïn-säi
shēnshì one's life experience; one's lot.⁵
身材 sïn-tõi
shēncái stature; figure.⁵
身心 sïn-xïm
shēn-xīn body and mind.⁵
身孕 sïn-yìn
shēnyùn pregnancy; pregnant.¹⁰
<又> gün; sîn.
(See 身 gün; sîn.)
sin2 13653
195 22 sïn shēn a horse mackerel.⁸ carangid (zoology).¹⁰
(comp. t: ⿰魚參; U+9C3A). (comp. s: ⿰鱼参; U+9CB9).
真鰺 jïn-sïn
zhēnshēn (=竹䇲鱼[竹筴魚] jūk-gäp-nguî/ zhújiāyú or 黄鱄[黃鱄] võng-jön huángzhuān saurel; horse mackerel.⁵  Japanese jack mackerel (Trachurus japonicus), aka 日本竹筴魚, 巴攏, 瓜仔魚, 竹筴魚; the Japanese horse mackerel or Japanese scad.¹⁵ʼ²⁰).⁸
sin2 13654
38 10 sĩn shēn to be pregnant; to contain; female slave; horse-breeder.⁸
妊娠 ngìm-sĩn or ngĩm-sĩn rènshēn gestation; pregnancy.⁶
妊娠期 ngìm-sĩn-kĩ
or ngĩm-sĩn-kĩ rènshēnqī gestation (period).⁶
妊娠期的 ngìm-sĩn-kĩ-ēik
or ngĩm-sĩn-kĩ-ēik rènshēnqīde gravidic.⁹
妊娠试验[妊娠試驗] ngìm-sĩn-sï-ngèm
or ngĩm-sĩn-sï-ngèm rènshēnshìyàn pregnancy test.⁶
sin3 13655
40 10 sĩn chén <wr.> great mansion; abode/residence of the emperor; imperial palace.⁶
枫宸[楓宸] füng-sĩn fēngchén an emperor's residence.⁷
宸衷 sĩn-chüng
chénzhōng imperial heart.¹¹
宸䨾 sĩn-fī
chénfěi <wr.> gate of the imperial palace or residence.⁶
宸极[宸極] sĩn-gèik
chénjí celestial abode of emperor; also the North Star.¹¹
宸翰 sĩn-hòn
chénhàn imperial pen or writing.¹¹
宸旒 sĩn-liũ
chénliú emperors hat; emperor.⁸
宸虑[宸慮] sĩn-luì
chénlǜ imperial consideration.¹¹
宸断[宸斷] sĩn-òn
chénduàn imperial decision.¹¹
宸聪[宸聰] sĩn-tüng
chéncōng imperial wisdom.¹¹
宸算 sĩn-xön
chénsuàn imperial judgment.¹¹
宸游 sĩn-yiũ
chényóu emperor on tour.⁵⁴
宸垣 sĩn-yõn
chényuán <wr.> national capital.¹¹
sin3 13656
72 11 sĩn chén morning.⁵
晨报[晨報] sĩn-bäo chénbào morning newspaper/report.⁶
晨炊 sĩn-chuï
chénchuī morning cooking; breakfast.⁷
晨昏 sĩn-fün
chénhūn or 晨夕 sĩn-dèik chénxī morning and evening.⁷
sĩn-fün-ëin-āo chénhūndiāndǎo  confused.⁷
晨昏定省 sĩn-fün-èin-xēin
chénhūndìngxǐng pay respects to one's parents in the morning and in the evening.⁶
晨风[晨風] sĩn-füng
chénfēng morning breeze; name of a bird, perhaps a falcon or sparrow hawk.⁸ʼ⁰
晨鸡[晨雞] sĩn-gäi
chénjī crowing of cocks at daybreak.⁷
晨间[晨間] sĩn-gän
chénjiān in the morning.⁷
晨光 sĩn-göng
chénguāng light of the early morning sun; first light of day; first glimmerings of dawn.⁶
晨曦 sĩn-hï
chénxī first rays of the morning sun.⁵
晨钟暮鼓[晨鐘暮鼓] sĩn-jüng-mù-gū
chénzhōngmùgǔ lit.
morning bells and evening drums – bells and drums used in Buddhist temples in announcing time and arousing people to renewed faith.⁷
晨操 sĩn-täo
chéncāo morning exercises/calisthenics.⁷
晨星 sĩn-xëin
chénxīng stars at dawn; morning star.⁵
清晨 tëin-sĩn
qīngchén early morning; dawn.⁵
<台> 晨运[晨運] sĩn-vùn morning exercises.
sin3 13657
113 9 sĩn shén god, deity; magical; spirit; expression; <topo.> clever.⁵
神父 sĩn-fù shénfù father, priest; honest official.⁸
神交 sĩn-gäo
shénjiāo be spiritually attracted to a friend one has not met.¹¹
神经[神經] sĩn-gëin
shénjīng nerve.⁵
神汉[神漢] sĩn-hön
shénhàn sorcerer.⁵
神气[神氣] sĩn-hï
shénqi manner; impressive.⁹
神庥 sĩn-hiü
shénxiū divine blessings.¹⁴
神童 sĩn-hũng
shéntóng child prodigy.⁸
神智 sĩn-jï
shénzhì mind; intellect.⁶
神州 sĩn-jiü
shénzhōu Divine Land (poetic for China).⁵
神奇 sĩn-kĩ
shénqí magical; mystical; miraculous.¹¹
神妙 sĩn-mèl
shénmiào wonderful; marvellous; ingenious.⁸
神社 sĩn-sêh
shénshè shrine; altar.⁹
神圣[神聖] sĩn-sëin
shénshèng sacred; holy.⁵
神神道道 sĩn-sĩn-ào-ào
shénshendāodāo odd; bizarre.⁶
神采 sĩn-tōi
shéncǎi expression; look.⁵
神话[神話] sĩn-và
shénhuà mythology; myth; fairy tale.⁵
神位 sĩn-vì
shénwèi spirit tablet; memorial tablet.⁹
神往 sĩn-vông
shénwǎng be carried away/rapt/charmed.⁵
神韵[神韻] sĩn-vùn
shényùn romantic charm and grace.⁹
神仙 sĩn-xëin
shénxiān supernatural being, immortal.⁵
神似 sĩn-xû
shénsì be alike in spirit; close resemblance.⁵⁴
sin3 13658
131 6 sĩn chén Kangxi radical 131; minister, statesman, official.⁸ ➀ official under a feudal ruler; minister; subject ➁ your servant (a form of self-address used by officials when speaking to a king/emperor ➂ <wr.> I, yours faithfully.⁶
大臣 ài-sĩn dàchén minister of a monarchy.⁸
乱臣贼子[亂臣賊子] lòn-sĩn-tàk-dū
luànchénzéizǐ ministers or generals who rebel against their monarch or collaborate with the enemy; rebels and traitors.⁸
臣子 sĩn-dū
chénzǐ feudal official/minister.⁶
臣服 sĩn-fùk
chénfú <wr.> submit oneself to the rule of somebody; acknowledge allegiance to somebody.⁶
臣工 sĩn-güng
chéngōng <wr.> court official.⁶
臣僚 sĩn-lẽl
chénliáo body of civil and military officials in feudal times.⁶
臣虏[臣虜] sĩn-lû
chénlǔ slave.⁸
臣民 sĩn-mĩn
chénmín officials and subjects of a feudal ruler.⁶
臣属[臣屬] sĩn-sùk
chénshǔ feudal official; (=臣服 sĩn-fùk chénfú).⁶
臣妾 sĩn-tēp
chénqiè your servant woman (a term of self-address used by a woman, especially a concubine when speaking to the emperor).⁶
sin3 13659
140 10 sĩn chén <old> grassy, lots of grass.²
(composition: ⿱艹辰; U+8380).
<又> nũng. (See 莀 nũng).
sin3 13660
161 7 sĩn chén Kangxi radical 161; early morning; 5th terrestrial branch.⁸ the fifth of the twelve Terrestrial Branches; 7:00 to 9:00 in the morning, early morning; a time; fortune, luck; a heavenly body – the sun the moon and stars.⁷
生不逢辰 säng-būt-fũng-sĩn shēngbùféngchén to be born at a wrong time; luckless; unlucky.⁷
生辰 säng-sĩn
shēngchén birthday.⁷
时辰[時辰] sĩ-sĩn
shíchen the 12 divisions of a day named after the 12 Terrestrial Branches; the time for..., an opportunity.⁷
辰昏 sĩn-fün
chénhūn <wr.> morning and evening; dawn and dusk.⁶
辰驾[辰駕] sĩn-gä
chénjià an imperial carriage.⁷
辰光 sĩn-göng
chénguāng light of the early morning sun; first glimmering of dawn.⁶ (Shanghai dialect) time.¹¹
辰旒 sĩn-liũ
chénliú a ceremonial pennant with the sun, moon and stars on it and 12 streamers hanging down.¹⁹
辰砂 sĩn-sâ
chénshā cinnabar; vermilion.⁵
辰时[辰時] sĩn-sĩ/
chénshí the period of the day from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m.⁷
辰星 sĩn-xêng
chénxīng the morning star; the planet Mercury (水星 suī-xêng shuǐxīng).⁷
sin3 13661
61 13 sìn shèn cautious; careful; scrupulous; prudent.⁷ (variant: 愼,眘 sìn).
(composition: ⿰忄真; U+614E).
慎始 sìn-chī shènshǐ careful/cautious about the beginning (of an activity).⁵⁴
慎之又慎 sìn-jï-yiù-sìn
shènzhīyòushèn erxercise maximum caution.⁶
慎终追远[慎終追遠] sìn-jüng-juï-yōn
shènzhōngzhuīyuǎn carefully attend the funeral rites of parents and follow them when gone with due sacrifices.⁸
慎重 sìn-jùng
shènzhòng cautious; careful; prudent; discreet.⁶
慎重其事 sìn-jùng-kĩ-xù
shènzhòngqíshì do something in a serious manner; take careful precautions.⁶
慎默 sìn-màk
shènmò cautious and reticent.⁵⁴
慎微 sìn-mĩ
shènwēi be careful about minute details.⁵⁴
慎密 sìn-mìt
shènmì cautious and meticulous.⁶
慎言慎行 sìn-ngũn-sìn-hàng
shènyánshènxíng be cautious in speech and conduct.⁶
慎独[慎獨] sìn-ùk
shèndú be careful of oneself when alone; exerise caution about one's conduct when alone.⁶
慎思明辨 sìn-xü-mẽin-bèin
shènsīmíngbiàn discriminate wisely; think carefully and distinguish clearly.⁵⁴
(See 愼, 眘 sìn).
sin4 13662
61 13 sìn shèn (=慎 sìn shèn) cautious; careful; scrupulous; prudent.⁷
(composition: ⿰忄眞; U+613C).
(See 慎 sìn).
sin4 13663
109 10 sìn shèn (<old>=慎 sìn shèn) cautious; careful; scrupulous; prudent.⁷
(See 慎 sìn).
sin4 13664
120 16 sìn zhěn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 缜[縝] chīn zhěn with same meaning.)
<又> chīn.
(See 縝 chīn.)
sin4 13665
158 7 sîn shēn <台> 侧身[側身] jāk-sîn on the side; beside.
<又> sïn; gün. (See 身 sïn; gün.)
sin5 13666
85 13 sīp shī (=湿[濕] sīp shī) ➀ wet; damp; moist; humid ➁ to wet; to dampen ➂ <TCM> delayed; impassable.³⁶
Composition: ⿰氵𡌥
or 霑湿[霑濕] or 沾湿[沾濕] jëm-sīp zhānshī to wet (clothing, etc. as by rain).¹¹
(See 濕 sīp.)
sip1 13667
85 17 sīp
hoarse (Hoisanva only).
(comp. t: ⿰氵歰; U+6F80). (comp. s: ⿰氵⿱刃止; U+6DA9).
<台> 涩声[澀聲] sīp-sëng hoarse (voice).
<又> sēip, gëp.
(See 澀 sēip, 澀 gëp).
sip1 13668
85 17 湿 sīp shī wet; damp; humid.⁵ ➀ wet; damp; moist; humid ➁ <TCM> delayed; impassable ➂ to wet; to dampen.³⁶ (variant: 溼 sīp).
潮湿[潮濕] chẽl-sīp cháoshī moist; damp.⁵
风湿[風濕] füng-sīp
fēngshī rheumatism.⁵
下湿[下濕] hà-sīp
xiàshī the terrain is low and damp.²³
湿淋淋[濕淋淋] sīp-lĩm-lĩm
shīlīnlīn dripping wet; drenched.⁵
湿漉漉[濕漉漉] sīp-lùk-lùk
shīlùlù wet; moist; damp.⁶
湿热[濕熱] sīp-ngèik
shīrè damp and hot.⁵
湿润[濕潤] sīp-ngùn
shīrùn moist.⁵
湿度[濕度] sīp-ù
shīdù humidity.⁵
湿衣服搁在热坑上,一会儿就炮干了.[濕衣服擱在熱坑上,一會兒就炮乾了.] sīp-yï-fùk-gök-dòi-ngèik-häng-sèng, yīt-vòi-ngĩ-diù-bäo-gön-lēl
shīyīfu gēzàirèkēngshàng, yíhuìr jiù bāogān le Put the damp clothes on a hot kang and they'll soon dry.⁵
<台> 咸湿[鹹濕] hãm-sīp lit. salty and wet; fig. indulgent in sex and sexual matters; over-sexed; obscene.
<台> 眼濕濕 ngān-sīp-sīp about to cry/weep.
<又> sëk.
(See 濕 sëk; 溼 sīp.)
sip1 13669
9 4 sìp shí ( = 十 sìp shí) ten (for writing checks).
<又> dàp, sìm.
(See 什 dàp, sìm.)
sip4 13670
24 2 sìp shí Kangxi radical 24; ten; 10.¹⁰
十字 sìp-dù shízì cross road; cross-shaped; crucifix; the character ten.¹⁰
十足 sìp-dūk
shízú ample; complete; hundred percent; a pure shade (of some color).¹⁰
十分 sìp-fün
shífēn to divide into ten equal parts; very; hundred percent; completely; extremely; utterly; absolutely.¹⁰
十分之一 sìp-fün-jï-yīt
shífēnzhīyī one tenth.¹⁰
十万火急[十萬火急] sìp-màn-fō-gīp
shíwànhuǒjí most urgent; post-haste; express.¹⁰
十拿九稳[十拿九穩] sìp-nã-giū-vūn
shínájiǔwěn 90 percent sure; practically certain; in the bag.⁵
十月 Sìp-ngùt
Shíyuè October; tenth month (of the lunar year).¹⁰
十吋口炮 sìp-tün-hēo-päo
shícùnkǒupào ten inch caliber canon.¹⁰
十寸为尺[十寸為尺] sìp-tün-vĩ-chëk
shícùnwéichǐ there are ten "cùn" in a "chǐ".¹⁵
十全 sìp-tũn
shíquán perfect; complete.¹⁰
十全十美 sìp-tũn-sìp-mî
shíquánshíměi complete and beautiful; to be perfect (idiom).¹⁰
sip4 13671
64 9 sìp shí to pick up (from the ground), to collect; to put in order; ten (used for 十 sìp shí on checks, financial records).
道不拾遗[道不拾遺] ào-būt-sìp-vĩ
dàobùshíyí no one pockets anything found on the road – honesty prevails throughout society.⁵
拾芥 sìp-gäi
shíjiè to pick up cress; fig. something easy to do; a piece of cake.
拾金不昧 sìp-gïm-būt-mòi
shíjīnbùmèi not pocket the money one picks up.⁶
拾掇 sìp-jōt
shíduo <topo.> to tidy up, to put in order; to repair, to fix; to punish.
拾人涕唾 sìp-ngĩn-häi-tû
shíréntìtuò to plagiarize (idiom).¹⁰
拾取 sìp-tuī
shíqǔ to pick up; to collect.
拾穗 sìp-xuì
shísuì glean.¹⁹
收拾 siü-sìp
shōushi put in order, tidy up; repair, mend; <vern.> settle with, punish; <vern.> wipe out, kill.⁶
yīt ngì xäm xï m̄ lùk tīt bät giū sìp
yī'èrsānsìwǔlùqībājiǔshí numbers 1 to 10 (used on checks for security purposes) same as 一二三四五六七八九十.
<又> sèp.
(See 拾 sèp.)
sip4 13672
37 5 sīt shī to lose; to miss; to fail; to break a promise.
失败[失敗] sīt-bài shībài be defeated, lose (a war); fail.⁵
失败是成功之母[失敗是成功之母] sīt-bài-sì-sẽin-güng-jï-mû
shībài shì chénggōngzhīmǔ Failure is the mother of success.
失宠[失寵] sīt-chüng
shīchǒng to lose favor; in disfavor; disgraced.¹⁰
失掉 sīt-èl
shīdiào to lose; to miss.
失怙 sīt-gü
or sīt-fù shīhù have lost one's father.⁶
失学[失學] sīt-hòk
shīxué to be deprived of education.
失去 sīt-huï
shīqù to lose.
失控 sīt-hüng
shīkòng to lose control.
失眠 sīt-mẽin
shīmián to suffer from insomnia.¹⁰
失寐 sīt-mì
shīmèi insomnia.¹¹
失望 sīt-mòng
shīwàng lose hope; disappointed.⁵
失业[失業] sīt-ngèp
shīyè unemployment; lose one's job.¹⁰
失恃 sīt-sî
shīshì to lose one's mother.¹¹
失措 sīt-tü
shīcuò to be disconcerted.
失信 sīt-xïn
shīxìn to break one's promise.
失意 sīt-yï
shīyì have one's aspirations, plans thwarted; be frustrated/disappointed.⁶
<台> 静静失[靜靜失] dèin-dèin-sīt very quiet (after being scolded).
sit1 13673
40 9 sīt shì room; work unit; grave; scabbard; family or clan; one of the 28 constellations of Chinese astronomy; Shi surname.¹⁰
办公室[辦公室] bàn-güng-sīt bàngōngshì office; business premises; bureau.¹⁰
咖啡室 gä-fēh-sīt
kāfēishì coffee shop.¹⁰
教室 gäo-sīt
jiàoshì classroom.¹⁰
妻室 häi-sīt
qīshì <wr.> legal wife.¹⁰
卧室[臥室] ngò-sīt
wòshì bedroom.¹⁰
升堂入室 sëin-hõng-yìp-sīt
shēngtángrùshì lit. to reach the main room and enter the chamber (idiom); fig. to gradually attain proficiency; to attain a higher level.¹⁰
室外 sīt-ngòi
shìwài outdoors.¹¹
室女 sīt-nuī
shìnǚ <wr.> unmarried girl.¹¹
室内[室內] sīt-nuì
shìnèi indoors.¹¹
] sīt-nuì-jöng-võng shìnèizhuānghuáng interior decorating.¹⁰
] sīt-nuì-jöng-võng shìnèizhuānghuáng upholstering.¹⁰
室温[室溫] sīt-vün
shìwēn room temperature.¹⁰
峒室 ùng-sīt
dòngshì underground mine storage room; mine passage.¹⁰
浴室 yùk-sīt
yùshì bathroom (room used for bathing).¹⁰
sit1 13674
96 11 sīt (<old>=瑟 sīt a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument).² (ancient form of 瑟) a large horizontal musical instrument, usually have 25 strings which pass over bridges for tuning; anciently this instrument had 50 strings, but the number varies.⁸
(composition: ⿻大玨; U+3ECE).
(See 瑟 sīt).
sit1 13675
96 13 sīt a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument, somewhat similar to the zither; many; numerous; majestic; bright and clear.³⁹ (old variant: 㻎 sīt ).
鼓瑟 gū-sīt
gǔsè play the sè.
琴瑟 kĩm-sīt
qínsè qin and se, two string instruments that play in perfect harmony; marital harmony.¹⁰
瑟调[瑟調] sīt-èl
sèdiào a form in Chinese "Collection of Tunes" (乐府[樂府] Ngòk-fū Yuèfǔ) consisting of 38 tunes, played with seven musical instruments.⁷
瑟居 sīt-guï
sèjū live alone.⁵⁴
瑟瑟 sīt-sīt
sèsè <ono.> (of the wind) rustle; (of a person) trembling.⁶ the sound of wind; a turquoise.¹⁴
瑟瑟缩缩[瑟瑟縮縮] sīt-sīt-sūk-sūk
sèsèsuōsuō soughing of the wind and trembling of the body.⁵⁴
瑟索 sīt-sōk
sèsuǒ tremble with cold.⁸
瑟缩[瑟縮] sīt-sūk
sèsuō curl up and shiver with cold; cower.⁶ stiff and numb – as from cold; timid and trembling; to shrink as from fear; the heaving sound of wind.⁷
萧瑟[蕭瑟] xël-sīt
xiāosè to rustle in the air; desolate.⁸
disconsolate, gloomy; (business) dull.¹¹
(See 㻎 sīt).
sit1 13676
96 17 sīt bright (of jade).¹⁰ a gem, beautiful and shining; pure and clear, as a jewel.²⁴ the fresh and clean complexion of a newly cut jade.³⁶ the pure, bright look of lustrous gem.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰𤣩瑟; U+74B1).
近而视之璱若也[近而視之璱若也] gìn-ngĩ-sì-jï-sīt-ngèk-yâ jìn ér shì zhī sè ruò yě come near and see how bright it is.¹⁰²
璱璱 sīt-sīt
sèsè amber beads.²⁴
sit1 13677
182 22 𫗋
sīt the sound of wind; autumn breezes.⁸
(comp. t: ⿺風瑟; U+98CB). (comp. s: ⿺风瑟; U+2966B).
❄{⿺风瑟}𫗋❄{⿺风瑟}[飋飋] sīt-sīt sèsè the sound of wind; autumn breezes.⁸
颾飋 xäo-sīt
sāosè the wind.²⁵
sit1 13678
40 8 sìt shí (=实[實] sìt shí) real, true; honest, sincere.⁸
(See 實 sìt.)
sit4 13679
40 10 sìt shí (=实[實] sìt shí solid; true, real; reality, fact; fruit, seed.⁵).¹⁰²
(composition: 宀呆; U+5BB2).
<又> bāo.
(See 宲 bāo).
sit4 13680
40 12 sìt shí ➀ lay up, lay aside, dispose ➁ this ➂ (=实[實] sìt shí) real, true, solid, honest.⁸
(composition: ⿱宀是; U+5BD4).
陈寔遗盗[陳寔遺盜] chĩn-sìt-vĩ-ào
chénshíyídào lit. Chen Shi rehabilitates a thief. This is an anecdote about how Chen Shi (陳寔,104-187 CE, a righteous, generous and without prejudice official of the Eastern Han dynasty) rehabilitated a petty thief hiding in the roof beams of his house. The petty thief became known as 梁上君子 lẽng-sèng-gün-dū liáng shàng jūnzǐ Gentleman in the Roof Beam.
<又> jèik.
(See 實 sìt; 寔 jèik).
sit4 13681
40 14 sìt shí solid; true, real; reality, fact; fruit, seed.⁵ (variants: 寔, 実)
果实[果實] gō-sìt guǒshí fruit; gains, fruits.⁵
老实[老實] lāo-sìt
lǎoshi honest; sincere; well-behaved; open and guileless; naïve.¹⁰
实弹[實彈] sìt-àn
shídàn live shell; live ammunition.⁵
实际[實際] sìt-däi
shíjì reality, practice; practical; realistic.⁵
实践[實踐] sìt-dèin
shíjiàn practice; carry out.⁵⁶
实在[實在] sìt-dòi
shízài true, real, honest, dependable; indeed, really, honestly; in fact, as a matter of fact.⁵
实干[實幹] sìt-gön
shígàn get right on the job; do solid work.⁵
实行[實行] sìt-hãng
shíxíng put into practice or effect.⁵
实地[實地] sìt-ì
shídì on the spot.⁵
实力[實力] sìt-lèik
shílì actual strength; strength.⁵
实验[實驗] sìt-ngèm
shíyàn experiment; test.⁵
实业[實業] sìt-ngèp
shíyè industry.⁸
实施[實施] sìt-sï
shíshī put into effect; implement.⁵⁴
实话[實話] sìt-và
shíhuà truth.⁵
实心[實心] sìt-xïm
shíxīn sincere; solid.⁵
实事求是[實事求是] sìt-xù-kiũ-sì
shíshìqiúshì seek truth from facts; be practical and realistic.⁵
<台> 实偌偌[實偌偌] sìt-nëk-nëk firm (not soft).
(See 寔 sìt; 実 sìt).
sit4 13682
40 6 siū shǒu guard, defend; keep watch; observe, abide by; close to.⁵
守备[守備] siū-bì shǒubèi be on garrison duty; garrison.⁵
守车[守車] siū-chëh
shǒuchē guard's van; caboose.⁵
守节[守節] siū-dēik
shǒujié to remain a widow forever although one is still young; to stick to principle.⁷
守法 siū-fāt
shǒufǎ to abide by the law.⁷
守旧[守舊] siū-giù
shǒujiù adhere to past practices; stick to old ways; be conservative.⁵
守军[守軍] siū-gün
shǒujūn defending troops; defenders.⁵
守口如瓶 siū-hēo-nguĩ-pẽin
or siū-hēo-nguĩ-pêng  shǒukǒurúpíng keep one's mouth shut; be tight-mouthed.⁵
守株待兔 siū-jï-òi-hü/
shǒuzhūdàitù stand by a stump waiting for more hares to come and dash themselves against it – trust in chance and windfalls.⁵
守门[守門] siū-mõn
shǒumén be on duty at the door or gate; <sport> keep goal.⁵
守圉 siū-nguî
shǒuyǔ to guard the frontiers.¹⁴
守城 siū-sẽin
shǒuchéng defend a city.⁵
守成 siū-sẽin
shǒuchéng <wr.> maintain the achievements of one's predecessors.⁵
守财奴[守財奴] siū-tõi-nũ
shǒucáinú miser.⁵
守卫[守衛] siū-vì
shǒuwèi guard; defend.⁵
守护[守護] siū-vù
shǒuhù guard; defend.⁵

siu1 13683
64 3 siū shǒu variant form of Kangxi radical 64, 手 siū shǒu, commonly called 提手旁 hãi-siū-põng tíshǒupáng.
<台> 扌 , called 才手边[才手邊] tõi-siū-bêin/, variant form of Kangxi radical 64,  手 siū
siu1 13684
64 4 siū shǒu Kangxi radical 64; hand.⁸
手足 siū-dūk shǒuzú <wr.> brothers.¹¹
手续[手續] siū-dùk
shǒuxù procedures; formalities.⁵
手拣[手揀] siū-gān
shǒujiǎn to sort by hand.⁵⁴
手脚[手腳] siū-gëk
shǒu-jiǎo movement of hands or feet; motion; <topo.> underhand method; trick.⁶
手巾 siū-gïn
shǒujīn towel; handkerchief.⁸
手工 siū-güng
shǒugōng manual labor; handicraft.¹¹
手套 siū-häo
shǒutào gloves.¹¹
手掣 siū-jäi
shǒuchè <Cant.> hand brake; hand switch.⁷⁵
手闸[手閘] siū-jàp
shǒuzhá handbrake.¹⁰
手札 siū-jāt
shǒuzhá <wr.> personal letter.⁵
手掌 siū-jēng
shǒuzhǎng palm of hand.¹¹
手指 siū-jī
shǒuzhǐ finger.⁵
手卷 siū-kūn
shǒujuàn hand scroll.²²
手艺[手藝] siū-ngài
shǒuyì craftsmanship; handicraft, trade.⁵
手段 siū-òn
shǒuduàn method; trick.⁹
手帕 siū-päk
shǒupà handkerchief.¹¹
手势[手勢] siū-säi
shǒushì gesture; sign; signal.⁵
手术[手術] siū-sùt
shǒushù (surgical) operation; surgery.¹⁰
手枪[手槍] siū-tëng
shǒuqiāng pistol; handgun.⁶
手印 siū-yïn
shǒuyìn fingerprint; impression of the hand.⁸
<台> 手仔 siū-dōi finger.    <台> 手甲 siū-gâp fingernail.
<台> 手赆[手贐] siū-xîm small present.
siu1 13685
94 9 siū shòu (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 狩 siü shòu with same meaning: hunt (especially in winter); make an inspection tour.⁶)
<又> siü.
(See 狩 siü.)
siu1 13686
132 7 𦣻
siū shǒu (<old>=首 siū shǒu head; chief; leader).³⁶
(composition: ⿱一自; U+268FB).
(See 首 siū).
siu1 13687
137 15 siū shǒu (of a ship) bow; stem.⁶
破冰型艏 pö-bëin-yẽin-siū pòbīngxíngshǒu icebreaker bow.³⁹
艏楼[艏樓] siū-lẽo
shǒulóu forecastle.⁸
艏摇[艏搖] siū-yẽl
shǒuyáo yawing.³⁹
船艏 sõn-siū
chuánshǒu (of a ship) bow.⁸
艗艏 yèik-siū
yìshǒu bow of junk.⁸
siu1 13688
185 9 siū shǒu Kangxi radical 185; head; first; leader, chief; a poem.⁸ head; leader; chief; first; to bring a charge against somebody; to confess; <m.> for poems/songs.
(composition: ⿳丷一自; U+9996).
出首 chūt-siū chūshǒu <lit.> to report an offense to the authorities.³⁶
首府 siū-fū
shǒufǔ capital.⁵
首肯 siū-hāng
shǒukěn nod approval/assent; consent.⁶
首铠[首鎧] siū-hōi
shǒukǎi (steel) helmet.⁶
首长[首長] siū-jēng
shǒuzhǎng senior officer; leading cadre; chief.
首脑[首腦] siū-nāo
shǒunǎo head; leader.⁶
首当其冲[首當其衝] siū-öng-kĩ-chüng
shǒudāngqíchōng to bear the brunt.
首饰[首飾] siū-sēik
shǒushi head ornaments; jewels, jewelry; finery.⁶
首都 siū-ü
shǒudū capital (of a country).
首位 siū-vì
shǒuwèi first place; place of honor.
首先 siū-xëin
shǒuxiān first; in the first place; first of all.
贼首[賊首] tàk-siū
zéishǒu a rebel chief, the leader of a gang of thieves (robbers).¹¹
为首[為首] vĩ-siū
wéishǒu with somebody as the leader; headed by or led by.⁵
siu1 13689
185 10 𩠐
siū shǒu (<old>=首 siū shǒu head; chief; leader).³⁶
(composition: ⿳巛一自; U+29810).
(See 首 siū).
siu1 13690
9 8 𠈅
siü shōu <hist.> name of a county in Changsha (长沙[長沙] Chẽng-sä Chángshā).³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻收; U+20205).
siu2 13691
66 6 siü shōu to receive; to accept; to collect; to put away; to restrain; to stop; in care of (used on address line after name).¹⁰
收到 siü-äo shōudào receive; get; achieve; obtain.⁵
收场[收場] siü-chẽng
shōuchǎng wind up, end up, stop; end, ending, denounced.⁵
收发[收發] siü-fāt
shōufā receive and dispatch.⁵
收监[收監] siü-gäm
shōujiān put in prison; imprison.⁶
收工 siü-güng
shōugōng stop work for the day; pack up.⁵
收条[收條] siü-hẽl
shōutiáo receipt.⁵
收听[收聽] siü-hëng
shōutīng listen in.⁵
收支 siü-jï
shōuzhī revenue and expenditure.⁵
收留 siü-liũ
shōuliú take sb. in; have sb. in one's care.⁶
收罗[收羅] siü-lõ
shōuluó collect; gather; enlist.⁵
收录[收錄] siü-lùk
shōulù <trad.> employ, recruit, take on; include; listen in and take down, take down, record.⁵
收盘[收盤] siü-põn
shōupán closing exchange quotation.⁵
收成 siü-sẽin
shōucheng harvest; crop.⁵
收审[收審] siü-sīm
shōushěn detain for interrogation.⁶
收存 siü-tũn
shōucún receive and keep.⁵
收回 siü-või
shōuhuí take back, call in; withdraw, retract.⁶
收益 siü-yēik
shōuyì income; profit; earnings; proceeds.⁶
收音机[收音機] siü-yïn-gï
shōuyīnjī radio.⁸
收入 siü-yìp
shōurù income, earnings, receipts.¹¹
收容 siü-yũng
shōuróng take in; accept; house.⁵
siu2 13692
94 9 siü shòu hunt (especially in winter); make an inspection tour.⁶
狩猎[狩獵] siü-lèp or siū-lèp shòuliè hunt.⁶
狩猎场[狩獵場] siü-lèp-chẽng
or siū-lèp-chẽng shòuliè chǎng hunting ground; game land.⁶
巡狩 tũn-siü
or tũn-siū xúnshòu go on an inspection tour.⁶
<又> siū.
(See 狩 siū.)
siu2 13693
9 4 siũ chóu enemy, foe; hatred, enmity.⁵
报仇[報仇] bäo-siũ bàochóu revenge; avenge.⁵
报仇雪恨[報仇雪恨] bäo-siũ-xūt-hàn
bàochóuxuěhèn avenge oneself; take revenge; pay off old scores.⁶
or 雠敌[讎敵] siũ-èik chóudí foe; enemy.⁵
or 雠家[讎家] siũ-gä chóujiā foe; enemy.⁶
仇恨 siũ-hàn
chóuhèn hatred; enmity; hostility.⁵
仇隙 siũ-kēik
chóuxì <wr.> bitter quarrel; feud.⁵
仇偶 siũ-ngêo
chóuǒu rival.¹¹ (See 仇偶 kiũ-ngêo qiú'ǒu).
仇人 siũ-ngĩn
chóurén personal enemy.⁵
仇外 siũ-ngòi
chóuwài be anti-foreign.⁶
or 雠杀[讎殺] siũ-sät chóushā kill in revenge.⁵
or 雠视[讎視] siũ-sì chóushì regard as an enemy; look upon with hatred; be hostile to.⁵
仇雠[仇讎] siũ-siũ
chóuchóu <wr.> enemy; foe.⁶
仇冤 siũ-yön
chóuyuān enmity; rancour; hatred.⁶
仇怨 siũ-yön
chóuyuàn grudge; hatred; enmity.⁶
恩将仇报[恩將仇報] yïn-dëng-siũ-bäo
ēnjiāngchóubào requite kindness with enmity.⁵
有仇 yiû-siũ
yǒuchóu have a score to settle.⁵
<台> 仇阻 siũ-jō they are no longer on speaking terms; they have become personal enemies.
<又> kiũ.
(See 仇 kiũ; 讎 siũ.)
siu3 13694
30 11 siũ shòu (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 售 siù shòu with same meaning.)
<又> siù.
(See 售 siù.)
siu3 13695
149 23 siũ chóu proofread; collate; (=仇 siũ chóu) enemy, foe; hatred, enmity.⁵ an enemy, a rival, a foe; to collate, to compare; to toast; an answer.⁷
校雠[校讎] gäo-siũ
jiàochóu collate or proofread (books).⁷
or 仇敌[仇敵] siũ-èik chóudí foe; enemy.⁵
雠定[讎定] siũ-èin
chóudìng to correct or revise while proofreading.⁷
or 仇家 siũ-gä chóujiā foe; enemy.⁶
雠校[讎校] siũ-gäo
chóujiào to collate; to proofread.⁷
雠问[讎問] siũ-mùn
chóuwèn to ask difficult questions.⁷
or 仇杀[仇殺] siũ-sät chóushā kill in revenge.⁵
or 仇视[仇視] siũ-sì chóushì regard as an enemy; look upon with hatred; be hostile to.⁵
仇雠[仇讎] siũ-siũ
chóuchóu <wr.> enemy; foe.⁶
(See 仇 siũ).
siu3 13696
194 23 siũ chóu (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 魗 chiū chǒu with the same meaning: to discard, abandon, throw away; evil, wicked.²).²
(composition: ⿰壽鬼; U+9B57).
<又> chiū.
(See 魗 chiū).
siu3 13697
29 8 siù shòu receive, accept; suffer, be subjected to; stand, endure, bear; <topo.> be pleasant.⁵ (old var: 𡬳❄{⿳爫罒寸} siù, q.v.)
受得了 siù-āk-lēl
shòudeliǎo able to bear it.¹⁰
受到 siù-äo
shòudào to be subjected to.⁶
受压迫[受壓迫] siù-āt-bēik
shòuyāpò suffer oppression.⁵⁴
受不了 siù-būt-lēl
shòubuliǎo be unable to bear it.⁵⁵
受宠若惊[受寵若驚] siù-chüng-ngèk-gëin
shòuchǒng ruòjīng be overwhelmed by an unexpected favor.⁵
受罪 siù-duì
shòuzuì endure hardship or torture.⁵
受教育 siù-gäo-yùk
shòujiàoyù receive an education.⁵
受惊[受驚] siù-gëin
shòujīng be frightened; be startled.⁵
受听[受聽] siù-hëng
shòutīng be pleasant to hear.⁵
受气[受氣] siù-hï
shòuqì be bullied; suffer wrong.⁵
受害 siù-hòi
shòuhài suffer injury; fall victim; be affected.⁵
受看 siù-hön
shòukàn pleasant to look at.⁵
受礼[受禮] siù-lâi
shòulǐ accept gifts.⁵
受累 siù-luì
shòulěi get involved; be incriminated.⁵⁶
受累 siù-luì
shòulèi be put to much trouble.⁵⁶
受热[受熱] siù-ngèik
shòurè be heated; have sunstroke.⁵
受伤[受傷] siù-sëng
shòushāng be injured; be wounded.⁵
受挫 siù-tö
shòucuò baffled; thwarted; suffer a setback.⁵
受损失[受損失] siù-xūn-sīt
shòusǔnshī suffer losses.⁵
受揶 siù-yẽh
shòuyé to be in derision.⁶
受孕 siù-yìn
shòuyùn become pregnant.⁸
siu4 13698
30 11 siù shòu sell; <wr.> make something work; carry out intrigues.⁶
售出 siù-chūt shòuchū to sell; to succeed in selling (a car, a house).⁷
售货[售貨] siù-fö
shòuhuò sell goods.⁶
售货单[售貨單] siù-fö-än
shòuhuòdān sales slip.⁶
售货机[售貨機] siù-fö-gï
shòuhuòjī vending machine.⁵
售货员[售貨員] siù-fö-yõn
shòuhuòyuán shop assistant; salesclerk.⁵
售价[售價] siù-gä
shòujià selling price; price.⁵
售罄 siù-hëin
shòuqìng completely sold out; to sell out.⁷
售后服务[售後服務] siù-hèo-fùk-mù
shòuhòufúwù after-sale service.⁶
售卖[售賣] siù-mài
shòumài sell.⁵
售票 siù-pêl
shòupiào sell tickets.⁶
售票处[售票處] siù-pêl-chuî
shòupiàochù a ticket office; a box office.⁷
售票口 siù-pêl-hēo
shòupiàokǒu ticket window.⁶ wicket.⁷
售票亭 siù-pêl-hẽin
shòupiàotíng box office; ticket kiosk.⁵⁴
售票员[售票員] siù-pêl-yõn
shòupiàoyuán ticket seller.⁵
以售其奸 yî-siù-kĩ-gän
yǐshòuqíjiān in order to achieve one's treacherous purpose.⁶
<又> siũ.
(See 售 siũ.)
siu4 13699
33 14 寿 siù shòu longevity.
长寿[長壽] chẽng-siù chángshòu A long life to you! longevity; ability to live long; long lived.¹⁰
做寿[做壽] dü-siù
zuòshòu to celebrate a birthday (of an elderly person).¹⁰
祝寿[祝壽] jūk-siù
zhùshòu congratulate (an elderly person) on his or her birthday.⁵
寿诞[壽誕] siù-än
shòudàn birthday anniversary.¹¹
寿幢[壽幢] siù-chõng
shòuchuáng embroidered flag (at a senior's birthday celebration).¹
寿恺[壽愷] siù-hōi
shòukǎi <wr.> enjoying long life and happiness.¹¹
寿幛[壽幛] siù-jëng
shòuzhàng birthday banner.⁶
寿面[壽麵] siù-mèin
shòumiàn birthday noodles (for longevity).¹⁰
寿命[壽命] siù-mèng
shòumìng life span; life expectancy.¹⁰
寿辰[壽辰] siù-sĩn
shòuchén (elderly people) birthday.⁶
寿终正寝[壽終正寢] siù-jüng-jëin-tīm
shòuzhōngzhèngqǐn die in bed of old age; die a natural death.⁵
寿星[壽星] siù-xëin
shòuxing god of longevity; elderly person whose birthday is being celebrated.¹⁰
寿司[壽司] siù-xü
shòusī sushi.¹⁰
寿筵[壽筵] siù-yẽn
shòuyán a birthday banquet.⁸
siu4 13700
41 12 𡬳
siù shòu (<old>=受 siù shòu receive, accept; suffer, be subjected to; stand, endure, bear.⁵).²
(composition: ⿳爫罒寸; U+21B33).
<又> xün.
(See 受 siù; 𡬳 xün).
siu4 13701
64 11 siù shòu to award, to give; to teach.
传授[傳授] chũn-siù chuánshòu to pass on; to teach.
教授 gäo-siù
jiàoshòu professor; instruct, teach.⁵
讲授[講授] gōng-siù
jiǎngshòu to lecture; to teach (a college course).
函授 hãm-siù
hánshòu to teach by correspondence.
男女授受不亲[男女授受不親] nãm-nuī-siù-siù-būt-tïn
nánnǚshòushòubùqīn men and women should not touch hands when they give or receive things (from Mencius).⁵⁴
授课[授課] siù-fö
shòukè to give lessons.
授粉 siù-fūn
shòufěn <bot.> to pollinate.
授旗 siù-kĩ
shòuqí to give the national flag to a sports team leaving for competitions abroad.
授受 siù-siù
shòu-shòu to give and accept.
授予 siù-yî
shòuyǔ to confer, to award.
私相授受 xü-xëng-siù-siù
sīxiāngshòushòu to transfer illicitly.
siu4 13702
120 14 siù shòu silk ribbon attached to an official seal or a medal.⁶
解绶[解綬] gāi-siù jiěshòu to resign from public office.⁷
解绶去职[解綬去職] gāi-siù-huï-jēik
jiěshòuqùzhí to return the office seal and resign.⁷
解绶而去[解綬而去] gāi-siù-ngĩ-huï
jiěshòuérqù return the office seal and resign.¹¹
绶带[綬帶] siù-âi/
shòudài ribbon (attached to an official seal or medal); cordon.⁶
绶带鸟[綬帶鳥] siù-âi-nêl
shòudàiniǎo paradise flycatcher.⁵
绶章[綬章] siù-jëng
shòuzhāng cordon.¹⁹
绶草[綬草] siù-tāo
shòucǎo aka 盘龙参[盤龍參] põn-lũng-täm pánlóngshēn, 鹝[鷊] yēik yì,  虉綬 yēik-siù yìshòu, 龙抱柱[龍抱柱] lũng-päo-chuî lóngbàozhù, 红龙盘柱[紅龍盤柱] hũng-lũng-põn-chuî hónglóngpánzhù, 双瑚草[雙瑚草] söng-vũ-tāo shuānghúcǎo, 猪鞭草[豬鞭草] jï-bëin-tāo zhūbiāncǎo, 一线香[一線香] yīt-xëin-hëng yīxiànxiāng, 猪辽参[豬遼參] jï-lẽl-täm zhūliáoshēn, 猪潦子[猪潦子] jï-lâo-dū zhūlǎozǐ, 胜杖草[勝杖草] sëin-jèng-tāo shèngzhàngcǎo, 盘龙箭[盤龍箭] põn-lũng-dëin pánlóngjiàn, 反皮索[反皮索] fān-pĩ-xôk fǎnpísuǒ Chinese spiranthes (Spiranthes sinensis) is a species of orchid occurring in eastern and southeastern Asia; the root as well as the entire plant can be used in TCM.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
siu4 13703
145 13 𧚯
siù  shòu clothes.²ʼ²⁵
(composition: ⿰衤受; U+276AF).
siu4 13704
30 10 suō 啰唆[囉唆] lō-sō luōsuō (=啰嗦[囉嗦] lō-sō luōsuo) long-winded; wordy; troublesome; pesky.¹⁰
<又> sö.
(See 唆 sö).
so1 13705
30 13 suō 啰嗦[囉嗦] lō-sō luōsuo long-winded; wordy; troublesome; pesky.¹⁰
哆嗦 ü-sō
duōsuo to tremble, to shiver.⁸ to tremble; to shiver; uncontrolled shaking of the body.¹⁰ to cringe, to tremble.¹¹
<又> sāk.
(See 嗦 sāk.)
so1 13706
63 8 suǒ place, location; numerary adjunct. (old var: 𢨷❄{⿸戶且} sō, q.v.).
所得 sō-āk
suǒdé income; earnings; gains.⁵
所得税[所得稅] sō-āk-suï
suǒdéshuì income tax.⁵
所长[所長] sō-chẽng
suǒcháng what one is good at; one's strong point; one's forte.⁵
所在 sō-dòi
suǒzài place; location.⁵
所在地 sō-dòi-ì
suǒzàidì location; seat; site.⁵
所作所为[所作所為] sō-dōk-sō-vĩ
suǒzuòsuǒwéi one's behavior/conduct.⁶
所见所闻[所見所聞] sō-gëin-sō-mũn
suǒjiànsuǒwén what one sees and hears.⁶
所及 sō-gèp
suǒjí to reach as far as; within reach.¹⁰
所幸 sō-hàng
suǒxìng <wr.> fortunately.¹⁰
所向披靡 sō-hëng-pï-mĩ
suǒxiàngpīmǐ <mil.> carry all before one; sweep away all obstacles.⁵
所长[所長] sō-jēng
suǒzhǎng director; leader; head.⁶
所之 sō-jï
suǒzhī <lit.> where.¹¹ʼ⁰
所谋不遂[所謀不遂] sō-mẽo-būt-xuì
suǒmóubùsuì fail in an attempt.⁵
所言辄听[所言輒聽] sō-ngũn-jīp-hëin
suǒyánzhétīng always heed somebody's advice.⁵
所谓[所謂] sō-vì
suǒwèi what is called; so-called.⁵
所以 sō-yî
suǒyǐ so; therefore; as a result.⁵
所有 sō-yiü
suǒyǒu own, possess; possessions; all.⁵

so1 13707
63 9 𢨷
suǒ (<old>=所 sō suǒ place, location; numerary adjunct.⁸).²
(composition: ⿸戶且; U+22A37).
(See 所 sō).
so1 13708
140 19 噜哩噜苏[嚕哩嚕蘇] lō-lī-lō-sō lūlilūsū to talk incessantly and tediously; verbosity.⁷
噜苏[嚕蘇] lō-sō
lūsū <topo.> long-winded; garrulous; wordy.⁶
<又> xü.
(See 蘇 xü.)
so1 13709
9 11 suō unsteady; uneven, unstable;⁸ uneven; unsteady (in dancing).¹⁰ to play frolics and gambol, as a drunken man.²⁴ (<old>=龇[齜] dü <vern.> bare/show (one's teeth).⁶).³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻差; U+509E).
Lǚ wǔ suō suō.
They keep dancing and will not stop.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·桑扈之什·賓之初筵》, translated by James Legge).
傞牙俫嘴[傞牙倈嘴] sö-ngã-lõi-duī
suōyáláizuǐ still grinning.¹⁹
傞俄 sö-ngõ
suō'é appearance of bobbing up and down and tilting left and right, such as drunken movements and dancing.¹⁹ʼ⁰
傞傞 sö-sö
suōsuō the appearance of dancing after being drunk; a jagged appearance.¹⁹ <lit.> appearance of dancing.³⁶
(See 齜 dü).
so2 13710
30 10 suō to make mischief, to incite, to instigate.¹⁰
教唆 gäo-sö jiàosuō to instigate; to incite; to abet.¹⁰
调唆[調唆] hẽl-sö
tiáosuō to provoke; to stir up (trouble); to instigate.¹⁰ to make fun of, tease (person).¹¹
调唆是非[調唆是非] hẽl-sö-sì-fï
tiáosuōshìfēi to stir up trouble.³⁹
唆使 sö-sōi
suōshǐ to abet.¹⁰
<又> sō.
(See 唆 sō.)
so2 13711
38 10 suō to dance.⁷
摩娑 mö-sö or mö-sü mósuō stroke; caress.⁵ (See 摩挲 mā-sä māsa; 摩挲 mö-sö mósā.)
摩挲 mö-sö or mö-sü mósuō stroke; caress.⁵ (See 摩挲 mā-sä māsa; 摩挲 mö-sö mósā.)
摩莎 mö-sö
or mö-sü mósuō stroke; caress.⁵ (See 摩挲 mā-sä māsa; 摩挲 mö-sö mósā.)
婆娑 põ-sö
or pũ-sü pósuō dancing; whirling; hovering.¹⁰
婆娑起舞 pö-sö-hī-mū
or pü-sü-hī-mū pósuōqǐwǔ start dancing.⁵
娑罗子[娑羅子] sö-lõ-dū
or sü-lõ-dū suōluózǐ buckeye.⁶
娑罗树[娑羅樹] sö-lõ-sì
or sü-lõ-sì suōluóshù śāl, sakhua or shala tree (Shorea robusta).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
娑罗双树[娑羅雙樹] sö-lõ-söng-sì
or sü-lõ-söng-sì  suōluó shuāngshù or 沙罗双树[沙羅雙樹] sâ-lõ-söng-sì shāluó shuāngshù sal tree (Shorea robusta).⁵ʼ²⁰
娑娑 sö-sö
or süsü  suōsuō loose, loosely; flying, fluttering.⁷
杨柳婆娑[楊柳婆娑] yẽng-liû-põ-sö
or yẽng-liû-põ-sü yángliǔpósuō The willows dance in the breeze.⁵
<又> sü.
(See 娑 sü.)
so2 13712
64 10 suō (=挲 sö suō) to feel or fondle with the fingers.⁸ to finger; to feel.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰扌沙; U+6331).
撋挱 ngùn-sö
ruánsuō or ngùn-sâ ruánshā to rub in the hands.¹⁴
<又> sâ.
(See 挲 sâ, sö; 挱 sâ.)
so2 13713
64 10 𢬰
suō (=挲 sö  suō to feel or fondle with the fingers.⁸ to finger; to feel.¹⁴).
(composition: ⿰扌⿱少女; U+22B30).
<又> sä; sâ.
(See 𢬰❄{ ⿰扌⿱少女} sä; 𢬰❄{ ⿰扌⿱少女} sâ and see 挲 sö for compound definitions).
so2 13714
64 11 suō (variant: 挱 sö suō or shā) to feel or fondle with the fingers.⁸ to finger; to feel.¹⁴ (variant: 𢬰❄{⿰扌⿱少女} sö).
(composition: ⿱沙手; U+6332).

摩挲 mö-sö or mö-sü mósuō to stroke; to caress.¹⁰ to grope; to toy with; to stroke; to fondle.¹⁴ (See 摩挲 mā-sä māsa; 摩挲 mö-sö mósā.)
挼挲 nũ-sö
nuósuō or nõ-sö ruósuō stroke gently.¹¹ to crumple up in the hands.¹⁴ stroke; fondle; rub.⁵⁴
<又> sä, sâ.
(See 挲 sä, sâ; 挱 sö, sâ; 𢬰❄{⿰扌⿱少女} sö).
so2 13715
75 11 shū (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 梳 sü shū a comb; to comb.¹⁰)
<又> sü.
(See 梳 sü.)
so2 13716
75 11 suō a weaver's shuttle; to move to and fro; to shuttle; swift.⁷
(variant: 𥭟❄{⿱𥫗夋} sö).
(composition: ⿰木夋; U+68AD).
穿梭 chün-sö
chuānsuō shuttle back and forth.⁸
or 梭镖[梭鏢] sö-bël suōbiāo spear.⁵
梭标队[梭標隊] sö-bël-duì
suōbiāoduì spear corps.⁵
梭子 sö-dū
suōzi <textl.> shuttle; cartridge clip; <m> a clip.⁵
梭子蟹 sö-dū-hāi
suōzixiè swimming crab.⁵
梭子蟹科 sö-dū-hāi-fö
suōzixièkē Portunidae, a family of crabs which contains the swimming crabs.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
梭子鱼[梭子魚] sö-dū-nguî/
suōziyú barracuda.⁵
梭哈 sö-hā
suōhā a kind of card game.⁷
梭鱼[梭魚] sö-nguĩ
suōyú red-eye mullet.⁵
梭鱼属[梭魚屬] sö-nguĩ-sùk
suōyúshǔ barracuda (genus Sphyraena), aka 魣屬, 金梭魚, 馬哥魚, 梭子魚, 海狼, 麻雀錦.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
梭梭 sö-sö
suōsuō <bot.> sacsaoul (Holoxylon ammodendron).⁵
梭巡 sö-tũn
suōxún <wr.> move around to watch and guard; patrol.⁵
<又> sô.
(See 梭 sô; 𥭟❄{⿱𥫗夋} sö).
so2 13717
75 11 suō a horse chestnut.¹⁴
桫椤[桫欏] sö-lõ suōluó <bot.> spinulose tree fern
Cyathea spinulosa).⁵ Alsophila spinulosa.⁹ the horse chestnut; Cyathea spinulosa.¹¹ the horse chestnut; the Sanskrit: – Sâla – the tree under which Buddha was born and died.¹⁴  (Note: Alsophila is a section in the subgenus Cyathea. The name was originally applied to a genus of tree ferns which is now considered to be synonymous with Cyathea).¹⁵
阴桫[陰桫] yïm-sö
yīnsuō <bot.> a hard wood.¹¹
so2 13718
109 12 𥆝
suō to steal a glance; to peep.²⁴ (variant: 𥇇❄{⿰目沙}suō).
(composition: ⿱沙目; U+2519D).
(See 𥇇❄{⿰目沙} sö).
so2 13719
109 12 𥇇
suō (=𥆝❄{⿱沙目}suō to steal a glance; to peep.²⁴).²ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰目沙; U+251C7).
(See 𥆝❄{⿱沙目} sö).
so2 13720
118 13 𥭟
suō (=梭 sö suō a weaver's shuttle; to move to and fro; to shuttle; swift.⁷).⁸
(composition: ⿱𥫗夋; U+25B5F).
(See 梭 sö).
so2 13721
123 13 suō <chem.> carboxyl.⁵
羧化酶 sö-fä-mõi suōhuàméi <chem> carboxylase.⁶
羧基 sö-gï
suōjī carboxyl; carboxyl (group).⁵
羧肽酶 sö-häi-mõi
suōtàiméi <chem> carboxypeptidase.⁶
羧酶 sö-mõi
suōméi <chem> carboxylase.⁶
羧酸 sö-xön
suōsuān <chem.> carboxylic acid.⁵
so2 13722
140 10 suō 纸莎草[紙莎草] jī-sö-tāo zhǐsuōcǎo paper reed; papyrus.¹⁹
莎草 sö-tāo
suōcǎo nutgrass (coco-grass or nut sedge), a perennial herb with three-sided stems and yellowish-brown flowers; its root tuber is called "香附子 hëng-fù-dū xiāngfùzǐ (Cyperus rotundus)" and is used as medicine.
<又> sä.
(See 莎 sä.)
so2 13723
140 13 suō lush; luxuriant of grass and trees.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹娑; U+44FE).
蔢䓾 põ-sö pósuō plants and trees growing luxuriantly.²⁵
so2 13724
140 13 suō (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 蓑 xäo suō rain coat made of straw, coir.⁸).
(composition: ⿱艹衰; U+84D1).
<又> xäo.
(See 蓑 xäo).
so2 13725
142 13 𧋊
suō a disease.²
(composition: ⿱沙虫; U+272CA).
呼𧋊 fü-sö hūsuō a kind of disease.²⁵ʼ¹⁰¹
<又> sä.
(See 𧋊❄{⿱沙虫} sä).
so2 13726
167 15 suō a small gong; a sieve, a sifter, a strainer.⁸
(composition: ⿰釒沙; U+492C).
䤬锣[䤬鑼] sö-lũ or sö-lõ or sä-lũ or sä-lõ suōluó or shāluó, a brazen vessel; a wash-hand basin.²⁵
<又> sä.
(See 䤬 sä).
so2 13727
195 18 suō soiuy, redeye mullet.²³ so-iuy mullet (Liza haematocheilus, previously Mugil soiuy), also known as the haarder, redlip mullet, a species of fish in the family Mugilidae; aka 西鱼, 赤眼鲻, 黄鲻, 泥鲻, 梭鱼, 红目鲢, 红目呆.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ so2 13728
109 12 suō look askance at.⁵ look askance/obliquely at.⁶ <topo.> to look at; to squint at.⁹
睃了某人一眼 sò-lēl-mêo-ngĩn-yīt-ngān suōlemǒurényīyǎn give somebody an oblique look.⁶
睃巡 sò-tũn
suōxún (eyes) to scan; to glance left and right; to scrutinize.¹⁰
巡睃 tũn-sò
xúnsuō (eyes) to scan; to glance left and right; to scrutinize.¹⁰
so4 13729
9 13 shǎ stupid; idiotic.
吓傻[嚇傻] häk-sô xiàshǎ to terrify; to scare somebody.¹⁰
装疯卖傻[裝瘋賣傻] jöng-füng-mài-sô
zhuāngfēngmàishǎ feign madness and act like an idiot; play the fool.⁶
傻子 sô-dōi
shǎzi idiot; fool.
傻瓜 sô-gä
shǎguā idiot.
傻干[傻幹] sô-gön
shǎgàn to act foolishly; to pursue something determinedly.
傻帽 sô-mào
shǎmào fool; idiot; foolish; stupid.¹⁰
卖傻[賣傻] mài-sô
màishǎ to act stupidly.
<台> 傻傻耿耿 sô-sô-gāng-gāng stupid and ignorant.
so5 13730
75 11 suō cartridge clip; <m.> for bullet clips and bursts of gunfire.
一梭子弹[一梭子彈] yīt-sô dū-àn yīsuō zǐdàn a clip of bullets.
<台> 梭仔 sô-dōi <textl.> shuttle.
<又> sö.
(See 梭 sö.)
so5 13731
9 8 使 sōi shǐ to use; to instruct somebody to do something.
好使 hāo-sōi hǎoshǐ easy to use.
唆使 sö-sōi
suōshǐ to abet.¹⁰
使唤[使喚] sōi-fòn
shǐhuan to order somebody about; to use somebody.¹⁰
使鬼推磨 sōi-gī-tuï-mò
shǐguǐtuīmò to ask somebody to do something for someone.
使用 sōi-yùng
shǐyòng to use; to employ; to apply.
<台> 唔使客气[唔使客氣] m̃-sōi-hāk-hï You're welcome.
<台> 使车[使車] sōi-chëh to drive a car.
<台> 使好多钱[使好多錢] sōi-hāo-ü-tẽin to use a lot of money.
<台> 使钱[使錢] sōi-tẽin/ to spend money.
<又>  xū.
(See 使 xū.)
soi1 13732
187 15 sōi shǐ (of a vehicle) to run; (said of vessels) to sail; fast; fleeting.⁷
驾驶[駕駛] gä-sōi jiàshǐ drive (a vehicle); pilot (a plane or ship).⁶
行驶[行駛] hãng-sōi
xíngshǐ (of vehicles or boats) go; run.⁶
驶车[駛車] sōi-chëh
shǐchē drive a vehicle.⁵⁴
驶近[駛近] sōi-gìn
shǐjìn (said of vehicles or vessels) to approach.⁷
驶行[駛行] sōi-hãng
shǐxíng (said of vessels or vehicles) to go; to run; to sail.⁷
驶船[駛船] sōi-sõn
shǐchuán to sail a ship.⁷
驶回[駛回] sōi-või
shǐhuí (said of vessels or vehicles) to return; to sail back; to go back.⁷
抢风行驶[搶風行駛] tēng-füng-hãng-sōi
qiāngfēngxíngshǐ tack (against the wind).⁵⁴
<台> 驶田[駛田] sōi-hẽin to plow the field.
<台> 驶舵[駛舵] sōi-hõ
or sōi-hũ shǐduò  to steer the rudder.
soi1 13733
9 15 söi sài small, minute; lacking sincerity.⁸ʼ³⁶ insincere; simple and unadorned, coarse.¹⁹ insincere.²⁹
(composition: ⿰亻塞; U+50FF).
<又> xü; sï. (See 僿 xü; 僿 sï).
soi2 13734
30 16 söi sāi (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 噻 xāk sāi with same meaning.)
<又> xāk.
(See 噻 xāk.)
soi2 13735
32 13 söi sài strategic pass; tactical border position.
(variant: 𡩿❄{⿳宀叕土} söi sài)
边塞[邊塞] bëin-söi
biānsài frontier fortress.
塞北 söi-bāk
sàiběi the region north of the Great Wall; (loosely) Mongolian region.
塞拉利昂 Söi-lā-lì-ngõng
Sàilā Lì'áng Sierra Leone.
塞外 söi-ngòi
sàiwài beyond the Great Wall.
塞翁失马[塞翁失馬] söi-yüng-sīt-mâ
sàiwēngshīmǎ The old man lost his mare, but it all turned out for the best (idiom); fig. a blessing in disguise; It's an ill wind that blows no-one any good.
要塞 yël-söi
yàosài a fortress; a strategic point.⁷
<又> xāk, ït, ît.
(See 塞 [xāk, sāi], [xāk, ], ït, ît; 𡩿❄{⿳宀叕土} söi).
soi2 13736
40 14 𡩿
söi sài (same as 塞 söi sài strategic pass; tactical border position.).²
(composition: ⿳宀叕土; U+21A7F).
<又> xāk.
(See 𡩿❄{⿳宀叕土} xāk; 塞 söi).
soi2 13737
64 12 söi sāi to strike; to shake.²³
揌锣[揌鑼] söi-lũ sāiluó (=敲锣[敲鑼]²³ këo-lũ or hāo-lũ qiāoluó) to beat a gong.³⁵
(See 揌 tï, xāk.)
soi2 13738
118 19 söi sài an ancient gambling game, aka 格五 gâk-m̄ géwǔ; a fence made of bamboo and wood for fishing by letting the water flow through but not the fish.¹⁹ to play at chess; to contend in a game; a palisade, or row of stakes for intercepting fish.²⁵ an ancient gambling game
bamboo fish-catching device.³⁶ to beat in the large game of chess of 360 pieces by confining an opponent within four squares; a fish weir made of interlaced bamboo strips.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱𥫗塞; U+7C3A).
soi2 13739
154 17 söi sài match, competition, game, contest; be comparable to, surpass.⁵
比赛[比賽] bī-söi bǐsài match; competition.⁵
竞赛[競賽] gèin-söi
jìngsài a race; a contest.⁷
赛车[賽車] söi-chëh
sàichē cycle racing; motorcycle race; automobile race; racing bicycle.⁵
赛场[賽場] söi-chẽng
sàichǎng racetrack; field (for athletics competition).¹⁰
赛季[賽季] söi-gï
sàijì season (sports).¹⁰
赛过[賽過] söi-gö
sàiguò to surpass; to be better than.⁷
赛璐玢[賽璐玢] söi-lù-fün
sàilùfēn <chem.> cellophane.⁶
赛璐珞[賽璐珞] söi-lù-lōk
sàilùluò celluloid.⁵
赛马[賽馬] söi-mâ
sàimǎ horse race.⁵
赛跑[賽跑] söi-pāo
sàipǎo race; run; running.³⁹
赛船[賽船] söi-sõn
sàichuán to run a boat race.⁷
赛事[賽事] söi-xù
sàishì sports competition; match; game.⁶
soi2 13740
30 11 sōk shuò hubbub (of a crowd).²
(composition: ⿰口卓; U+5545).
<又> dēk; jâo. (See 啅 dēk; 啅 jâo).
sok1 13741
32 13 sōk model in clay, sculpt; plastics.⁸ (variant: 塐 xü ).
(composition: ⿱朔土; U+5851).
雕塑 ël-sōk
or ël-xü diāosù sculpture.⁸ carve (wood) and mold (plaster) figures; sculpture.¹¹
雕塑家 ël-sōk-gä/
or ël-xü-gä/ diāosùjiā sculptor.¹⁹
木雕泥塑 mûk-ël-nãi-sōk
mùdiāonísù (person like) clay or wooden statue, blockhead.¹¹
泥塑 nãi-sōk
nísù clay figure.¹¹
泥塑木雕 nãi-sōk-mûk-ël
nísùmùdiāo “an idol,” a simpleton who does not move a finger to work.¹¹
塑造 sōk-dào
or xü-dào sùzào to model; to mold; <fig.> to create (a character, a market, an image etc); (literature) to portray (in words).⁵⁴
塑像 sōk-dèng
or xü-dèng sùxiàng (make) plastic figure, statue; clay statue.¹¹ to make an idol.¹⁴ sculpt a statue; sculpture, statue, figurine.⁵⁴
塑胶[塑膠] sōk-gäo
or xü-gäo sùjiāo plastic; synthetic resin; plastic cement.¹⁰ plastics; plastic (tubes, utensils, etc.), polyester.¹¹
塑绘[塑繪] sōk-köi
sùhuì to model and paint.¹⁴
塑料 sōk-lèl
or xü-lèl sùliào plastics.¹¹
塑性 sōk-xëin
or xü-xëin sùxìng plasticity; ductility.⁵⁴
<又> xü.
(See 塑 xü; 塐 xü).
sok1 13742
40 13 𡩡
sōk suǒ to search upon entry; to seek, to explore; to demand, to exact; good; lonely, solitary, cold and still.⁸ (=索 sōk suǒ to search; to inquire; isolated.).³⁶
(composition: ⿱宀索; U+21A61).
(See 索 sōk).
sok1 13743
61 14 sōk shuò  fear; dread; be afraid of
愬愬 sōk-sōk shuòshuò afraid.¹⁹
<又> xü.
(See 愬 xü.)
sok1 13744
64 13 sōk shuò (usually used in early vernacular) to thrust; to stab.
用剑搠敌人胸膛[用劍搠敵人胸膛] yùng-gëm-sōk-èik-ngĩ-hüng-hõng yòngjiànshuòdírénxiōngtáng to thrust one's sword through an enemy's chest.
sok1 13745
64 13 sōk shuò a man with long handsome arms; delicate long fingers; to kill little ones; small tapering end of wood.⁵⁴ long and beautiful arms; small and tapering.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱削手; U+63F1).
辐揱而纤[輻揱而纖] fūk-sōk-ngĩ-tïm fúshuò'érxiān or fūk-xël-ngĩ-tïm fúxiāo'érxiān the fellies are long and slender.¹⁰² (Note: 'fellies' should be 'spokes').
<又> xël.
(See 揱 xël).
sok1 13746
66 15 sōk shuò <wr.> frequently; repeatedly.⁶
(comp. t: ⿰婁攵; U+6578). (comp. s: ⿰娄攵; U+6570).
频数[頻數] pĩn-sōk
pínshuò frequency (numbers); <wr.> frequent and successive.⁶
数见不鲜[數見不鮮] sōk-gëin-būt-xëin
shuòjiànbùxiān be no rare sight; very common; be a frequent sight.⁶
数脉[數脈] sōk-mäk
shuòmài <Ch. med.> rapid pulse (of more than 90 beats per minute).⁵
数欠[數欠] sōk-hïm
shuòqiàn frequent yawning.⁵⁴
数数[數數] sōk-sōk
shuòshuò frequently; often.⁷
数四[數四] sōk-xï
shuòsì <wr.> over and over again; repeatedly.⁷
<又> chūk; sū; sü. (See 數 chūk; 數 sū; 數 sü).
sok1 13747
74 10 sōk shuò new moon; the first day of the lunar month; north.⁵
朔风[朔風] sōk-füng shuòfēng <wr.> north wind.⁶
朔风凛冽[朔風凜冽] sōk-füng-lîm-lèik
shuòfēnglǐnliè chill and cold north wind.⁶
朔望 sōk-mòng
shuòwàng first and the fifteen days of each lunar month; <astr.> syzygy; new moon and full moon.⁶
朔望月 sōk-mòng-ngùt
shuòwàngyuè <astr.> lunation; lunar/synodic month.⁶
朔日 sōk-ngìt
shuòrì the first day of the lunar month.⁵
朔月 sōk-ngùt/
shuòyuè new moon.⁵
sok1 13748
75 14 sōk shuò ancient spear.⁶ a long lance, described as being 18 ft. (Chinese) in length; a kind of checkers or chess.¹⁴
握槊 äk-sōk or āk-sōk wòshuò to play checkers or chess, also defined as playing dice.¹⁴
棊槊 kĩ-sōk
qíshuò a game of chess.¹⁴
横槊赋诗[橫槊賦詩] vãng-sōk-fü-sï
héngshuòfùshī indulge in literary pursuits while in war.⁵⁴
sok1 13749
76 11 sōk shuò to suck; to drink.¹⁴ to suck in; inhale.³⁶
(composition: ⿰束欠; U+6B36).
<又> xëo. (See 欶 xëo).
sok1 13750
120 10 sōk suǒ to search; to inquire; isolated. (variant: 𡩡❄{⿱宀索} sōk suǒ).
探索 häm-sōk
tànsuǒ to explore; to probe.
求索 kiũ-sōk
qiúsuǒ to seek; to quest; to explore.
离群索居[離群索居] lĩ-kũn-sōk-guï
líqúnsuǒjū live in solitude.
摸索 mū-sōk
mōsuo to grope; to feel about; to fumble; to do things slowly.
摸索 mū-sōk
mōsuǒ to try to find out.
索格特 Sōk-gāk-àk
Suǒgétè another name for 粟特 Xūk-àk Sùtè Sogdia or Sogdiana.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
索溪峪 Sōk-käi-yùk
Suǒxīyù a town in 湖南 Vũ-nãm Húnán Hunan Province.⁴
索寞 sōk-mōk
or 索莫 sōk-mòk suǒmò (said of one's looks) despondent, discouraged or crestfallen.⁷
索然无味[索然無味] sōk-ngẽin-mũ-mì
suǒránwúwèi flat and insipid.
索赔[索賠] sōk-põi
suǒpéi claim compensation against; lodge a claim (for compensation) against; make a claim (for compensation).⁶
索取 sōk-tuī
suǒqǔ to ask; to demand.
索引 sōk-yîn
suǒyǐn index.⁶
<又> sōt, xōk, xôk.
(See 索 sōt, xōk, xôk; 𡩡❄{⿱宀索} sōk).
sok1 13751
120 16 sōk suǒ demotic character for 索 sōk suǒ a thick rope; a cable, alone, to tighten; to squeeze, to need, to demand.⁸
(composition: ⿰; U+4307).
(See 索 sōk).
sok1 13752
140 13 sōk shuò seed (capsule).⁸  <bot.> a capsule of seeds.¹¹
木蒴藋 mùk-sōk-ël mùshuòdiào red elderberry.¹¹
蒴苞 sōk-bäo
shuòbāo perianth.⁸
蒴藋 sōk-ël
shuòdiào <bot.> the Chinese elder (=接骨草).¹¹ dëp-gūt-tāo jiēgǔcǎo <bot.> Sambucus thunbergiana.¹⁹
蒴果 sōk-gō
shuòguǒ <bot.> capsule.⁸
蒴周层[蒴週層] sōk-jiü-tãng
shuòzhōucéng amphithecium.¹⁰
蒴轴[蒴軸] sōk-jùk
shuòzhóu columella.⁸
蒴壶[蒴壺] sōk-vũ
shuòhú urn.⁹
sok1 13753
30 13 sök suō to suck.⁶ to suck using the lips and tongue.⁹
嗍奶头[嗍奶頭] sök-nâi-hẽo  suōnǎitóu to suck the breast.⁶
嗍手指头[嗍手指頭] sök-siū-jī-hẽo
suōshǒuzhǐtou to suck one's fingers.⁶
<台> 嗍 sök to fool somebody.
<台> 嗍鼻 sök-bì/ sniffling or sucking back nasal mucus.
<台> 嗍三民仔 sök-xäm-mīn-dōi to fool a child.
<台> 嗍油 sök-yiũ sexual harassment.
sok2 13754
137 9 sõn chuán (=船 sõn chuán) boat, ship.¹¹ a boat.²⁵
(composition: ⿰舟工; U+8221).
㠶舡 fãn-sõn
fānchuán a sailing vessel.²⁵
<又> hëng.
(See 船 sõn; 舡 hëng).
son3 13755
137 10 sõn chuán (=船 sõn chuán) boat, ship.¹¹
(composition: ⿰舟公; U+8229).
(See 船 sõn).
son3 13756
137 11 sõn chuán boat, ship.¹¹ (variant: 舡, 舩 sõn chuán).
撑船[撐船] chäng-sõn
chēngchuán punt a boat; move a boat with a pole.⁸
哨船 säo-sõn
shàochuán a patrol boat.⁷
船到桥头自然直[船到橋頭自然直] sõn-äo-kẽl-hẽo-dù-ngẽin-jèik
chuán dào qiáotóu zìrán zhí lit. when the boat gets to the pier-head, it will go straight with the current (proverb); fig. everything will be all right.¹⁰
船舶 sõn-bòk
chuánbó boats and ships; shipping.³⁶
船沉了 sõn-chĩm-lēl
chuánchénle the boat has sunk.⁵
船桨[船槳] sõn-dēng
chuánjiǎng oar; paddles; quant; three way hull-propeller-rudder interactions.⁵³
船帆 sõn-fãn
chuánfān sail.¹⁰
船闸[船閘] sõn-jàp
chuánzhá lock gate.⁵
船篷 sõn-pũng
chuánpéng roofing of a boat, awning; sail.⁶
船艄 sõn-säo
chuánshāo stern of boat.¹⁰
船艏 sõn-siū
chuánshǒu (of a ship) bow.⁸
船舱[船艙] sõn-töng
chuáncāng berth; ship's hold.¹¹
船蛆 sõn-tuï
chuánqū shipworm.¹⁰
渡船 ù-sõn
dùchuán ferryboat; ferry.⁵
宇宙飞船[宇宙飛船] yî-jào-fï-sõn
yǔzhòufēichuán spaceship; spacecraft.⁵
(See 舡 sõn; 舩 sõn).
son3 13757
30 7 sôn shǔn to suck.¹⁰
含毫吮墨 hẽim-hõ-sôn-màk hánháoshǔnmò to moisten tip of writing brush with lips (to pause to think while writing).¹¹
吸吮 kīp-sôn
xīshǔn to suck in.¹⁰
吮吸 sôn-kīp
shǔnxī to suck.¹⁰
吮乳 sôn-nguî
shǔnrǔ to suck the breast.³⁹
<台> 吮手仔 sôn-siū-dōi to suck one's fingers.
<台> 吮手公 sôn-siū-gûng to suck one's thumb.
son5 13758
75 13 sôn shǔn 栏楯[欄楯] lãn-sôn lánshǔn balustrade; railing.⁸ (=栏杆[欄杆] lãn-gön lángān) a railing, of which the vertical pieces are known as 栏[欄] lãn lán and the horizontal pieces as 楯 sôn shǔn.¹¹
<又> ùn.
(See 楯 ùn.)
son5 13759
32 14 sōng shuǎng plateau; a high and clear place.⁸ a high postion that is exposed to the sun.⁹ elevated prominent ground.¹⁰ a high wide-open ground.¹¹ a high and clear part of the country.²⁴
(composition: ⿰土爽; U+587D).
塽垲[塽塏] or 爽垲[爽塏] sōng-hōi shuǎngkǎi (of terrain) high and dry.⁵⁴
song1 13760
61 14 sōng shuǎng an intelligent mind.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄爽; U+6161).
song1 13761
75 15 sōng shuǎng the name of a tree; luxuriant trees.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木爽; U+6A09).
song1 13762
85 14 sōng shuǎng to cleanse; cold; to rub down with bricks and water; to float.²⁴
Also pronounced chuǎng in Mandarin.
(composition: ⿰氵爽; U+6F3A).
song1 13763
89 11 sōng shuǎng bright; clear; crisp; frank; straightforward; open-hearted; feeling well; comfortable; to deviate.
(composition: ⿻大㸚; U+723D).
不爽 būt-sōng bùshuǎng in a bad mood; not well.¹⁰
直爽 jèik-sōng
zhíshuǎng forth right; frank.⁸
凉爽[涼爽] lẽng-sōng
liángshuǎn nice and cool.
爽快 sōng-fäi
shuǎngkuai refreshed; comfortable; frank; straight-forward; outright; with alacrity; readily.
爽口 sōng-hēo
shuǎngkǒu tasty and refreshing.
爽垲[爽塏] sōng-hōi
shuǎngkǎi high and dry (of terrain).
爽直 sōng-jèik
shuǎngzhí frank; straightforward; candid.⁸
爽朗 sōng-lông
shuǎnglǎng bright and clear; hearty, candid, frank and open, straightforward.⁵
爽约[爽約] sōng-yēk
shuǎngyuē <wr.> to break an appointment.
<台> 啱啱爽 ngām-ngām-sōng exactly.
<台> 爽唔爽 sōng-m̃-sōng Is it nice?
song1 13764
140 14 sōng shuǎng the name of a plant.²⁵ name of a grass; the appearance of sparse vegetation.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱艹爽; U+452A).
song1 13765
38 20 söng shuāng  widow; live in widowhood.⁶
(composition: ⿰女霜; U+5B40).
富孀 fü-söng fùshuāng rich widow.¹¹
孤孀 gü-söng
gūshuāng widow; widow and her children.⁶
孀妇[孀婦] söng-fû
shuāngfù <wr.> widow.⁶
孀闺[孀閨] söng-gï
shuāngguī the chamber of a widow.⁷
孀居 söng-guï
shuāngjū <wr.> live as a widow; live in widowhood.⁶
孀婺 söng-mù
shuāngwù a widow.¹⁴
遗孀[遺孀] vĩ-söng
yíshuāng widow; relict.⁵
song2 13766
38 21 söng shuāng a woman's name.²⁵
(composition: ⿰女雙; U+5B47).
song2 13767
85 19 söng shuāng 泷水[瀧水] Söng-suī Shuāng-shuǐ a river in Guangdong, now called 双水[雙水] Söng-suī Shuāng-shuǐ.
t: ⿰氵龍; U+7027). (comp. s: ⿰氵龙; U+6CF7).
<又> lũng.
(See 瀧 lũng.)
song2 13768
112 22 söng shuāng arsenic.¹⁴ used in geographic names, such as the Sishuang Liedao 四礵列島, which consists of Beishuang Island 北礵島, Nanshuang Island 南礵島, Xishuang Island 西礵島,  Dongshuang Island 東礵島 and 14 other islands and 17 reefs, all of which are in Fujian Province.²³
(composition: ⿰石霜; U+7935).
砒礵 or 砒霜¹⁰¹ päi-söng pīshuāng arsenic.¹⁴
song2 13769
118 24 söng shuāng a sail; the name of a reed, in the southern regions, of which sails are made: the stems and leaves resemble the sugar cane.²⁵ a sail (of a boat), a utensil made of bamboo used to filter or to strain out wine.³⁶ (composition: ⿱𥫗雙). (U+4276).
𥭗❄{⿱𥫗夆}䉶 göng-söng jiàngshuāng a strainer for liquor.²⁵
song2 13770
137 24 söng shuāng ship.⁸ boat.¹⁰ a boat.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰女雙; U+5B47).
舽艭 põng-söng pángshuāng a ship.²⁵
song2 13771
142 23 söng shuāng Cerambyx rugicollis.¹⁰ capricorn beetle (Cerambyx rugicollis).⁹⁰
蠰齧桑 söng-ngàt-xông
shuāngnièsāng or sèng-ngàt-xông shàngnièsāng capricorn beetle nibbling on mulberry leaves.⁰
<又> ngēng, ngẽng, nõng, sèng.
(See 蠰 ngēng, ngẽng, nõng, sèng.)
song2 13772
172 18 söng shuāng two, twin, both, dual; pair; even; double, twofold.⁷ Shuang surname. (variant: 䨇 söng shuāng). (See 䨇 söng).
天下无双[天下無雙] hëin-hà-mũ-söng
tiānxiàwúshuāng unique; without equal; matchless.⁵⁴
女双[女雙] nuī-söng
nǚshuāng <sport> women's doubles.
双打[雙打] söng-ā
shuāngdǎ <sport> doubles.
双胞胎[雙胞胎] söng-bäo-höi
shuāngbāotāi twins.
双边[雙邊] söng-bëin
shuāngbiān bilateral.
双重[雙重] söng-chũng
shuāngchóng double; twofold.
双方[雙方] söng-föng
shuāngfāng both sides; two parties.
双幅[雙幅] söng-fūk
shuāngfú double width.⁶
双峰骆驼[雙峰駱駝] söng-füng-lōk-hũ
or söng-füng-lōk-hõ shuāngfēng luòtuo two-humped (Bactrian) camel.⁶
双杠[雙杠] söng-göng
shuānggàng <sport> parallel bars.⁸  a double line placed at the side of a row of characters to indicate names of persons.¹⁴
双喜[雙喜] söng-hī
shuāngxǐ double happiness; marriage.
双人床[雙人床] söng-ngĩn-chõng
shuāngrénchuáng double bed.
双倍[雙倍] söng-pôi
shuāngbèi double; twofold.
双双[雙雙] söng-söng
shuāngshuāng pairs.
双数[雙數] söng-sū
shuāngshù even numbers; dual.
双水[雙水] Söng-suī
Shuāng-shuǐ a river in Guangdong.⁴
双亲[雙親] söng-tïn
shuāngqīn (both) parents.⁵
song2 13773
172 20 söng shuāng (=双[雙] söng shuāng) two, twin, both, dual; pair; even; double, twofold.⁷
䨇烝酒 söng-jëin-diū
shuāngzhēngjiǔ doubled distilled liquor.²⁴
(See 雙 söng).
song2 13774
173 17 söng shuāng frost; frostlike powder; white, hoar.⁵
结霜[結霜] gēik-söng jiéshuāng form frost.⁵⁴
冷若冰霜 lâng-ngèk-bëin-söng
lěngruòbīngshuāng be as cold as ice; have a frigid manner.⁶
霜鬓[霜鬢] söng-bïn
shuāngbìn temples with gray hair.⁶
霜点[霜點] söng-ēm
shuāngdiǎn <met.> frost point.⁶
霜花 söng-fä
shuānghuā frostwork.⁶
霜降 Söng-göng
Shuāngjiàng Frost's Descent (18th solar term).⁵
霜天 söng-hëin
shuāngtiān frosty sky; cold weather.⁶
霜条[霜條] söng-hẽl
shuāngtiáo popsicle.⁶
霜害 söng-hòi
shuānghài frostbite; frost injury.⁶
霜期 söng-kĩ
shuāngqī <met.> frost season.⁶
霜淇淋 söng-kĩ-lĩm
shuāngqílín soft ice cream.⁸
霜霉病 söng-mõi-bèng
shuāngméibìng downy mildew.⁵
霜月 söng-ngùt
shuāngyuè seventh moon in the lunar calendar.⁷
霜晨 söng-sĩn
shuāngchén frosty morning.⁶
霜冻[霜凍] söng-üng
shuāngdòng frost.⁵
霜威 söng-vï
shuāngwēi gravity and severity; awe.⁷
霜叶[霜葉] söng-yêp
shuāngyè red leaves; autumn maple leaves.⁵
<台> 霜柜[霜櫃] söng-gì <lvk> icebox; refrigerator.
song2 13775
187 21 söng shuāng (=骦[驦] söng shuāng horse.⁸)²
Also pronounced
shuǎng in Mandarin.
or 骕骦[驌驦] xūk-söng sùshuāng or 肅爽 xūk-sōng sùshuǎng <wr.> name of famous horse.¹¹ a famous horse of antiquity.²⁵
(composition: ⿰馬爽; U+9A3B).
song2 13776
187 27 söng shuāng horse.⁸
(comp. t: ⿰馬霜; U+9A66). (comp. s: ⿰马霜; U+9AA6).
骕骦[驌驦] xūk-söng
sùshuāng or 肅爽 xūk-sōng sùshuǎng <lit.> good horse.¹⁰ name of famous horse.¹¹ a famous horse of antiquity.²⁵
song2 13777
196 22 söng shuāng the turquoise kingfisher.¹⁴ (<old> =鹴[鸘] söng shuāng eagle).
(composition: ⿰爽鳥; U+9DDE).
鹔鷞[鷫鷞] xūk-söng
sùshuāng (=鹔鹴[鷫鸘] xūk-söng sùshuāng) a kind of bird mentioned in ancient books.⁶ variously described as a water bird, like the crane, also a mythic bird.¹¹
(See 鸘 söng).
song2 13778
196 28 söng shuāng eagle.⁸
(comp. t: ⿰霜鳥; U+9E18). (comp. s: ⿰霜鸟; U+9E74).
鹔鹴[鷫鸘] xūk-söng
sùshuāng a kind of bird mentioned in ancient books.⁶ green, long-necked mythical bird.¹⁰
(See 鷞 söng).
song2 13779
61 9 sōt <台> 恤衫  or 裇衫 sōt-sām shirt.
<又> xūt.
(See 恤 xūt.)
sot1 13780
120 10 sōt suǒ <台> 索索板 sōt-sōt-bān a slide.
<台> 索索溜 sōt-sōt-liũ very smooth surface.
<又> sōk, xōk, xôk. (See 索 sōk, xōk, xôk.)
sot1 13781
145 11 sōt (Cant.) a shirt (English loanword).⁸
<台> 裇衫 sōt-sām shirt.
sot1 13782
149 14 sōt shuō to speak; to talk; to explain; theory; doctrine; to scold.
(comp. t: ⿰言兌; U+F96F). (comp. s: ⿰讠兑; U+8BF4).
听说[聽說] hëin-sōt
tīngshuō listen and speak; hear/learn of/about, be told; <topo.> obedient; docile.⁶
说服[說服] sōt-fùk
shuōfú to persuade; to convince; to bring around; to talk somebody over.
说客[說客] sōt-hāk
or sōt-häk shuōkè persuasive talker; <derog.> lobbyist; person sent to persuade somebody; <trad.> professional intermediary hired by one ruler to persuade another.¹ (See 说客[說客] suï-häk shuìkè.)
说好[說好] sōt-hāo shuōhǎo to come to an agreement, to complete negotiations.⁸
说文[說文] Sōt-mũn Shuōwén (See 说文解字[說文解字].)
说文解字[說文解字] Sōt-mũn Gāi-dù Shuōwén Jiězì, the original Han Dynasty Chinese character dictionary with 10,516 entries, authored by 許慎 Huī Sìn Xǔ Shèn in 100 CE and presented by his son to the Emperor in 121 CE.
说戗[說戧] sōt-tëng
shuōqiāng clash verbally.⁵⁴
说话[說話] sōt-vǎ
shuōhuà to speak; to talk; to say.
说三道四[說三道四] sōt-xäm-ào-xï
shuōsāndàosì to make thoughtless remarks (idiom); to gossip.
小说[小說] xēl-sōt
xiǎoshuō a novel.¹¹
<又> suï; yòt; höt.
(See 說 suï; 說 yòt; 說 höt).
sot1 13783
149 14 sōt shuō (=说[說] sōt shuō to speak; to talk; to explain; theory; doctrine; to scold.)
(composition: ⿰言兑; U+8AAC).
<又> suï.
(See 説 suï; 說 sōt).
sot1 13784
66 15 shǔ count; be reckoned as; enumerate, list; scold, rebuke.⁶
(comp. t: ⿰婁攵; U+6578). (comp. s: ⿰娄攵; U+6570).
数不胜数[數不勝數] sū-būt-sëin-sū
shǔbùshèngshǔ innumerable; incalculable; countless; be beyond count.⁶
数不清[數不清] sū-būt-tëin
shǔbuqīng countless.⁹
数典忘祖[數典忘祖] sū-ēin-mõng-dū
shǔdiǎnwàngzǔ count the records but forget the ancestors – forget one's origins; be ignorant of the history of one's own country.⁶
数九寒天[數九寒天] sū-giū-hõn-hëin
shǔjiǔhántiān coldest days of the year; mid-winter.⁶
数落[數落] sū-lòk
shǔluo rebuke, reprove, reprimand, reproach; list, enumerate.⁶
数米而炊[數米而炊] sū-māi-ngĩ-chuï
shǔmǐ'érchuī count the grains of rice before cooking them; fuss over small things; be extremely poor, impoverished; be extremely stingy/miserly.⁶
数说[數說] sū-sōt
shǔshuō to reprove (someone for his mistakes).¹¹
数往知来[數往知來] sū-vông-jï-lõi
shǔwǎngzhīlái draw inference about the future from the past.⁶
数一数[數一數] sū-yīt-sū
shǔyīshǔ count one by one.⁸
数一数二[數一數二] sū-yīt-sū-ngì
shǔyīshǔ'èr count among the best; rank very high (among); count at the top.⁶
<又> chūk; sōk; sü.
(See 數 chūk; 數 sōk; 數 sü).
su1 13785
38 10 suō (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 娑 sö suō with same meaning.)
<又> sö.
(See 娑 sö.)
su2 13786
64 10 shū (non-classical form of 梳 sü orshū a comb; to comb.¹⁰) a comb; a coarse comb; to comb.⁸
(composition: ⿰扌㐬; U+39E7).
(See 梳 sü, 梳 sö).
su2 13787
66 15 shù number, figure; a few, several; (used after numbers or measures) about, around; fate, destiny.⁶ a number, several; fate, destiny; an art.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿰婁攵; U+6578). (comp. s: ⿰娄攵; U+6570).
数字[數字] sü-dù
shùzì numeral; figure; digit.⁸
数据[數據] sü-guï
shùjù data; numbers; digital.¹⁰
数据库[數據庫] sü-guï-fü
shùjùkù database; data bank.⁶
数学[數學] sü-hòk
shùxué mathematics; mathematical.¹⁰
数控[數控] sü-hüng
shùkòng <mach.> numerical control.⁶
数值[數值] sü-jèik
shùzhí numerical value.⁸
数列[數列] sü-lèik
shùliè ordered series of numbers.⁶
数量[數量] sü-lèng
shùliàng quantity; amount.⁵
数理[數理] sü-lî
shùlǐ mathematical.¹⁹
数理化[數理化] sü-lî-fä
shù-lǐ-huà abbreviation for mathematics, physics and chemistry.¹⁰
数码[數碼] sü-mâ
shùmǎ number; numerals; figures; digital; amount; numerical code.¹⁰
数目[數目] sü-mùk
shùmù amount; number.¹⁰
数额[數額] sü-ngäk
shù'é number; amount; quotient.⁶
数以万计[數以萬計] sü-yî-màn-gäi
shùyǐwànjì tens of thousands; numerous.¹⁰
心中有数[心中有數] xïm-jüng-yiû-sü
xīnzhōngyǒushù have a clear idea of; have sized up the situation.⁶
<又> chūk; sōk; sū.
(See 數 chūk; 數 sōk; 數 sū).
su2 13788
75 9 𣐌
shū (=梳 sü orshū a comb; to comb.¹⁰).⁸
(composition: ⿰木疋; U+2340C).
(See 梳 sü, 梳 sö).
su2 13789
75 11 shū a comb; to comb.¹⁰ (variants: 㧧, 𣐌❄{⿰木疋}shū).
自梳女 dù-sü-nuī
zìshūnǚ a girl who puts up her own bun to show she would never marry; aka 梳起 (demotic); 自梳.⁰
木梳 mûk-sü
or mûk-sö mùshū wooden comb.⁵
梳篦 sü-bì
or sö-bì shūbì thick-toothed and fine-toothed comb.⁶ to dress up one's hair.⁷
梳齿[梳齒] sü-chī
or sö-chī shūchǐ the teeth of a comb.⁷
梳子 sü-dū
or sö-dū shūzi comb.¹⁰
梳裹 sü-gō
or sö-gō shūguǒ <trad.>to comb the hair and bind the feet (referring to women's small feet).⁷
梳头[梳頭] sü-hẽo
or sö-hẽo shūtóu to comb one's hair.⁷
梳妆[梳妝] sü-jöng
shūzhuāng dress and make up.⁶
梳妆打扮[梳妝打扮] sü-jöng-ā-bàn
or sö-jöng-ā-bàn shūzhuāngdǎbàn to dress smartly; to be dressed up.⁷
梳妆台[梳妝檯] sü-jöng-hôi
shūzhuāngtái dressing table.⁶
梳理 sü-lî
or sö-lî shūlǐ <txtl.> carding.⁵ (lit.) to comb hair, (fig.) straighten out or arrange (things) in proper order.¹¹
梳拢[梳攏] sü-lūng
or sö-lūng shūlǒng (said of a maiden sold to a whorehouse) to receive patron for the first time.⁷
梳棉机[梳棉機] sü-mẽin-gï
shūmiánjī <txtl.> carding machine.¹¹
梳洗 sü-xāi
or sö-xāi shūxǐ wash and dress.⁵
<又> sö.
(See 梳 sö; 㧧 sü; 𣐌❄{⿰木疋} sü).
su2 13790
103 5 shū <wr.> same as 疏 sü shū as in 注疏[註疏] jî-sü zhùshū explanatory notes or commentaries.⁴
<又> ngâ, pīt.
(See 疋 ngâ, pīt.)
su2 13791
103 12 shū dredge; clear away obstruction; thin; sparse; scanty; distant (relation); not close; neglect; present a memorial to the Emperor; commentary; annotation; Shu surname.¹⁰
人地生疏 ngĩn-ì-säng-sü réndìshēngshū be a stranger to somewhere; unfamiliar with environment.⁹
疏导[疏導] sü-ào
shūdǎo dredge.⁵ channel; enlighten.⁷
疏导河道[疏導河道] sü-ào-hõ-ào
shūdǎohédào dredge a channel.⁶
疏浚 sü-dün
shūjùn dredge.⁵
疏放 sü-föng
shūfàng careless; lax; loose.⁷
疏阔[疏闊] sü-föt
shūkuò lacking precision, inaccurate, rough; (of relations) distant, cold; to estrange; to alienate.⁷
疏忽 sü-fūt
shūhu carelessness; overlook.⁸
疏通 sü-hüng
shūtōng to clean or dredge (a waterway); to improve (relations), to bridge different views.⁷
疏狂 sü-kõng
shūkuáng unrestrained; uninhibited.⁷
疏勒 sü-lâk
shūlè Shule - an ancient kingdom in Xinjiang.³⁶
疏密 sü-mìt
shūmì looseness and density, neglect and watchfulness.⁷
疏浅[疏淺] sü-tēin
shūqiǎn meager; crude and superficial; not close/intimate.⁵⁴
疏散 sü-xän
shūsàn to disperse; dispersion.⁷
疏远[疏遠] sü-yōn
shūyuǎn (of relations) not close; cold; to make a stranger of; to alienate or estrange.⁷

su2 13792
103 12 shū (variant of 疏 sü shū) careless; distant, sparse; dredge; to neglect, to alienate; A surname​.³⁶
(composition: ⿰𤴔束; U+758E).
枎疎 fũ-sü
fúshū (<old>=枎疏 or 扶疏 fũ-sü fúshū luxuriant and well-organized).⁹
(See 疏 sü).
su2 13793
120 13 shū a kind of sackcloth.⁸ a kind of cloth; to spin coarse threads.²⁵ to weave coarse thread; a kind of sackcloth.³⁶ canvas.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰糹束; U+7D80).
花綀 fä-sü huāshū colored canvas.⁵⁴
葛綀 gût-sü
géshū kudzu fiber canvas.⁵⁴
綀布 sü-bü
shūbù coarse hemp fabric.¹⁹
綀子 sü-dū
shūzǐ coarse hemp fabric.¹⁹
綀服 sü-fùk
shūfú coarse hemp clothes.¹⁹
綀囊 sü-nõng
shū'náng coarse hemp bag.¹⁹
綀裳竹笥 sü-sẽng-jūk-xü
shū cháng zhú sì coarse hemp clothes and bamboo boxes.¹⁹
綀衣 sü-yï
shūyī coarse hemp clothing.¹⁹
su2 13794
140 15 shū vegetables, greens.⁸ (variant: 䔫 sü shū).
(composition: ⿱艹疏; U+852C).
布衣蔬食 bü-yï-sü-sèik
bùyīshūshí coarse clothes and simple fare.¹⁹
蔬饭[蔬飯] sü-fàn
shūfàn vegetables with rice.
蔬果 sü-gō
shūguǒ vegetables and fruits.¹⁰
蔬食 sü-sèik
shūshí vegetarian meal; vegetarian diet.¹⁰
蔬菜 sü-töi
shūcài vegetables; produce.¹⁰
(See 䔫 sü).
su2 13795
140 15 shū (=蔬 sü shū vegetables, greens.⁸).²
(composition: ⿱艹疎; U+452B).
(See 蔬 sü).
su2 13796
85 4 suī shuǐ Kangxi radical 85.⁸ water; a general term for seas, rivers, lakes; liquid, juice; flood disaster, flood; Shui surname.⁷
水电[水電] suī-èin shuǐdiàn water and electricity.⁷
水果 suī-gō
shuǐguǒ fruit.⁵
水土 suī-hū
shuǐtǔ natural environment; water and soil.⁷
水中捞月[水中撈月] suī-jüng-lẽo-ngùt
shuǐzhōnglāoyuè fish for the moon in the water – make impractical efforts.⁵
水兰[水蘭] suī-lãn
shuǐlán <bot.> Caldesia reniformis.²³
水力 suī-lèik
shuǐlì hydraulic power; water power.⁷
水蓼 suī-lèl
shuǐliǎo water-pepper, water pepper or marshpepper knotweed Persicaria hydropiper (syn. Polygonum hydropiper).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
水利 suī-lì
shuǐlì water conservancy.⁷
水流 suī-liũ
shuǐliú watercurrent; water flow.⁷
水落石出 suī-lòk-sêk-chūt
shuǐluòshíchū stones will appear as the water ebbs – everything comes to light.⁶
水龙头[水龍頭] suī-lũng-hẽo
shuǐlóngtóu (water) tap; faucet; bibcock.⁵
水母 suī-mû shuǐmǔ jellyfish; medusa.¹⁰
水银[水銀] suī-ngãn
shuǐyín mercury (an element).⁷
水牛 suī-ngẽo/
shuǐniú (water) buffalo.⁵
水平 suī-pẽin
shuǐpíng level; horizontal.⁵⁵
水藻 suī-täo
shuǐzǎo algae.⁶
<台> 水鞋 suī-hãi rain boots.
sui1 13797
85 5 suī shuǐ (<old>=水 suī shuǐ water; a general term for seas, rivers, lakes; liquid, juice; flood disaster, flood.⁷).²
(composition: ⿻亅⿱丷八 or ⿲冫亅⿱丿丶; U+6C3A).
(See 水 suī).
sui1 13798
149 15 suī shuí <台> 阿谁阿[阿誰阿] ä-suī-ä who is it?
<又> suĩ, suî. (See 誰 [suĩ, shéi], [suĩ, shuí], suî.)
sui1 13799
50 9 suï shuài commander-in-chief; handsome.⁹ Shuai surname.⁸
将帅[將帥] dëng-suï jiàngshuài commander-in-chief, the equivalent of king in Chinese chess.¹⁰
统帅[統帥] hūng-suï
tǒngshuài commander-in-chief; commander; to command.¹¹
主帅[主帥] jī-suï
zhǔshuài commander-in-chief; chief commander.⁸
挂帅[掛帥] kä-suï
guàshuài to be in command; to take leadship; to assume command.⁸
元帅[元帥] ngũn-suï
yuánshuài marshal; supreme commander.⁸
帅哥[帥哥] suï-gū
shuàigē handsome boy/lad.⁶
帅气[帥氣] suï-hï
shuàiqi handsome; smart; dashing.⁶
帅旗[帥旗] suï-kĩ
shuàiqí flag of a commander-in-chief.⁶
帅令[帥令] suï-lèin
shuàilìng the orders of the commander-in-chief.⁷
帅领[帥領] suï-lêin
shuàilǐng to command, commander.¹¹
帅才[帥才] suï-tõi
shuàicái born commander.⁶
帅印[帥印] suï-yïn
shuàiyìn seal of a commander-in-chief.⁶
sui2 13800
50 10 suï shuì handkerchief, kerchief, shawl.⁸ <old> a square towel worn at the waist, like a handkerchief used now.⁹ a handkerchief.¹⁴
a napkin attached to a girdle.²⁴
(composition: ⿰巾兑 or ⿰巾兌; U+5E28).
设帨之辰[設帨之辰] sēt-suï-jï-sĩn shè shuì zhī chén a woman's birthday (derived from expression below).¹⁴
设帨于门右[設帨于門右] sēt-suï-yï-mõn-yiù
shè shuì yú mén yòu to hang a handkerchief at the the right of the door - when a girl was born.¹⁴
Sï-ngĩ-höt-höt-hãi, mũ-gām-ngô-suï-hãi, mũ-xū-põng-yâ-fì.
Shū ér tuō tuō xī, wú gǎn wǒ shuì xī, wú shǐ máng yě fèi.
[She says], Slowly; gently, gently;
Do not move my handkerchief;
Do not make my dog bark.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·召南·野有死麕》, translated by James Legge).
sui2 13801
115 12 suï shuì taxes, revenue, duty; tax; Shui surname.⁸
税单[稅單] suï-än shuìdān a transit pass for imports; a tax invoice; a tax form.⁷
税则[稅則] suï-dāk
shuìzé tax regulations.⁵
税法[稅法] suï-fāt
shuìfǎ tax law.⁷
税课[稅課] suï-fö
shuìkè taxation; a levy.⁷
税款[稅款] suï-fōn
shuìkuǎn tax payment; taxation.⁵
税关[稅關] suï-gän
shuìguān customhouse; the Customs.⁷
税金[稅金] suï-gïm
shuìjīn tax money; tax dues.⁷
税捐[稅捐] suï-gün
shuìjuān taxes and surtaxes.⁷
税制[稅制] suï-jäi
shuìzhì tax system; taxation.⁵
税种[稅種] suï-jūng
shuìzhǒng categories of taxes.⁵
税契[稅契] suï-käi
shuìqì receipts for taxes paid on deeds.⁷
税吏[稅吏] suï-lì
shuìlì tax collectors; tax officials.⁷
税率[稅率] suï-lùt
shuìlǜ tax rate; tariff rate.⁵
税务[稅務] suï-mù
shuìwù taxation affairs.⁸
税务局[稅務局] suï-mù-gùk
shuìwùjú tax bureau.⁵
税务员[稅務員] suï-mù-yõn
shuìwùyuán tax collector.⁵
税目[稅目] suï-mùk
shuìmù tax items; taxable items.⁵
税额[稅額] suï-ngäk
shuì'é amount of tax to be paid.⁵
税票[稅票] suï-pêl
shuìpiào receipt for taxes paid.⁷
税收[稅收] suï-siü
shuìshōu tax revenue.⁵
<台> 走税[走稅] dēo-suï tax evasion.
sui2 13802
145 10 suï shuāi to decline; weakening; failing (in health); debility; declining or falling (nations). (comp. t, s ⿳亠⏛𧘇; U+8870).
(Note:⏛ (fuse U+23DB) is not a Chinese character).
年老力衰 nẽin-lāo-lèik-suï niánlǎolìshuāi aged and failing in strength; old and weak.
人生盛衰 ngĩn-säng-sèin-suï
rénshēngshèngshuāi vicissitudes of life; life has its ups and downs (idiom).
盛衰 sèin-suï
shèng-shuāi rise and fall; ups and downs.
衰败[衰敗] suï-bài
shuāibài decline, wane; be at low ebb.⁵
衰绖[衰絰] suï-èik
shuāidié hemp cloth of mourning.¹¹
衰朽 suï-hiū
shuāixiǔ <wr.> feeble and decaying.⁶
衰老 suï-lāo
shuāilǎo to become old, advanced in age.
衰陵 suï-lẽin
shuāilíng to decline and fall (of a nation or dynasty).
衰微 suï-mĩ
shuāiwēi <wr.> (of a country, a nation) decline; wane.⁶
衰亡 suï-mõng
shuāiwáng to decline and fall; to wither away; to die out.
衰弱 suï-ngèk
shuāiruò weak; feeble; to weaken; to diminish in strength.
衰退 suï-huï
shuāituì fail; decline.⁵
<台> 衰鬼 suï-gī son of a gun; contemptible person.
<台> 衰公 suï-güng/ this term can be used in jest (oh, man) or derogatorily (son of a bitch).
<又> tuï.
(See 衰 tuï.)
sui2 13803
149 14 suï shuì to try to persuade.
(comp. t: ⿰言兌; U+F96F). (comp. s: ⿰讠兑; U+8BF4).
说客[說客] suï-hāk
or suï-häk shuìkè political adviser.⁹  a person often sent to win somebody over or enlist his support through persuasion.⁹  (See 说客[說客] sōt-häk shuōkè.)
四出游说[四出游說] xï-chūt-yiũ-suï
sìchūyóushuì to barnstorm.
游说[游說] yiũ-suï
yóushuì to go around urging rulers to adopt one's political views; to go about selling an idea; to go about drumming up support for an idea; to go cavassing.
游说团[游說團] yiũ-suï-hõn
yóushuìtuán lobby group.
<又> sōt; yòt; höt.
(See 說 sōt; 說 yòt; 說 höt).
sui2 13804
149 14 suï shuì (=说[說] suï shuì to try to persuade.).
(composition: ⿰言兑; U+8AAC).
<又> sōt.
(See 説 sōt; 說 suï).
sui2 13805
184 15 suï shuì wine poured in a libation, a little drink or a few drinks, cakes; pastry. (syn. 䭨 suï shuì).
(composition: ⿰飠兑; U+4B3D).
(See 䭨 suï).
sui2 13806
184 26 suï shuì (=䬽 suï shuì) wine poured in a libation, to have a little drink or a few drinks..⁸ to take a little sip.²⁵
(composition: ⿰飠巂; U+4B68).
(See 䬽 suï ).
sui2 13807
4 丿 10 𠂹
suĩ chuí (<old>=垂 suĩ chuí to hang down, to droop.).²
(composition: ⿱丿⿲仌丨仌 or ⿻亻𠈌; U+200B9).
(See 垂 suĩ).
sui3 13808
9 10 suĩ chuí name of a craftsman in ancient times.¹⁹ heavy; the name of an ingenious man.²⁴
(composition: ⿰; U亻垂+5015).
班倕 bän-suĩ bānchuí (=般倕 bön-suĩ bānchuí. q.v.).¹⁹
般倕 bön-suĩ
bānchuí a combination of two names of people who were skilled craftsmen; they were  (鲁班[魯班] lû-bän lǔbān aka 公输般[公輸般] güng-sï-bön gōngshūbān Lu Ban c. 507–444 BCE and 舜臣倕 sün-sĩn-suĩ shùnchénchuí a skilled craftsman and official who lived during the time of Emperor Shun 帝舜 Äi Sün Dìshùn (2294-2184 BCE); later, this term 般倕 became synonymous with "master craftsmen".¹⁵ʼ¹⁹ʼ¹⁰¹
工倕 güng-suĩ
gōngchuí <old> skilled artisans/craftsmen.¹⁹
巧倕 kāo-suĩ
qiǎochuí a skilled crasftman during the reign of Emperor Yao (尧[堯] ngẽl yáo (traditionally c. 2356 – 2255 BCE).¹⁵ʼ¹⁹
输倕[輸倕] sï-suĩ
shūchuí (=般倕 bön-suĩ bānchuí, q.v.).¹⁹
心倕 xïm-suĩ
xīnchuí <old> general term for skilled artisans/crasftmen.¹⁹
<又> xuì.
(See 倕 xuì).
sui3 13809
27 10 suĩ chuí a mountain peak.³⁶
(composition: ⿸厂垂;  U+539C).
厜㕒 suĩ-nguĩ chuíwēi high and steep mountain.³⁶
sui3 13810
31 12 suĩ chuí name of a mountain located 60 li northeast of Zhenjiang City (镇江市), Jiangsu Province (江苏省).⁸
(composition: ⿴囗耑; U+570C).
<又> chūn.
(See 圌 chūn).
sui3 13811
32 8 suĩ chuí to hang down, to droop.
下垂 hä-suĩ xiàchuí to droop; prolapse.
垂白 suĩ-bàk
chuíbó touched with gray (of hair).
垂钓[垂釣] suĩ-ël
chuídiào to angle for fish.¹¹
垂櫜 suĩ-gäo
chuígāo <wr.> carry bow case downward, to show one is unarmed.¹¹
垂头丧气[垂頭喪氣] suĩ-hẽo-xöng-hï
chuítóusàngqì to be dejected.
垂直 suĩ-jèik
chuízhí perpendicular; vertical.
垂纶[垂綸] suĩ-lũn
chuílún angle for fish; go fishing.⁶ let down the line in fishing.¹¹
垂危 suĩ-nguĩ
chuíwēi to be critically ill.
垂爱[垂愛] suĩ-öi
chuí'ài have gracious concern (for me); provide tender care (for me).⁶
垂披 suĩ-pï
chuípī (shawl, hair) hang down in a spread.¹¹
垂手可得 suĩ-siū-hō-āk
chuíshǒukědé easy to get.
垂死 suĩ-xī
chuísǐ to be dying.
垂涎 suĩ-yẽn
chuíxián to water at the mouth; to drool.¹⁰
垂涎三尺 suĩ-yẽn-xäm-chëk
chuíxiánsānchǐ to drool (over) (idiom); to yearn for; to covet; to crave.¹⁰
<台> 垂头垂脑[垂頭垂腦] suĩ-hẽo-suĩ-nāo dejected.
sui3 13812
140 18 𧀣
suĩ shuí articles woven of straw.² a vessel made of grass.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹誰; U+27023).
sui3 13813
149 15 suĩ shéi who? whom? whose? anyone?
谁知[誰知] suĩ-jï shéizhī lit. who knows; who would have thought; unexpectedly; unpredictably.
谁人[誰人] suĩ-ngĩn
shéirén who.
<又> suī, suî.
(See 誰 suī, [suĩ, shuí], suî.)
sui3 13814
149 15 suĩ shuí who? whom? whose? anyone?
鹿死谁手[鹿死谁手] lùk-xī-suĩ-siū lùsǐshuíshǒu lit. who is to kill the deer? –who will win?⁷
谁知[誰知] suĩ-jï
shuízhī lit. who knows; who would have thought; unexpectedly; unpredictably.
谁人[誰人] suĩ-ngĩn
shuírén who.
谁是谁非[誰是誰非] suĩ-sì-suĩ-fï
shuíshìshuífēi Who is right and who is wrong?
谁欤知[誰歟知] suĩ-yĩ-jï
shuíyúzhī Who knows?¹⁴
<又> suī,  suî.
(See 誰 suī, [suĩ, shéi], suî.)
sui3 13815
170 10 suĩ chuí <wr.> frontiers, borders.
边埵[邊埵] bëin-ū biānduǒ border area; frontier.⁸
谪戍边陲[謫戍邊陲] jàk-sï-bëin-suĩ
zhéshùbiānchuí to banish to the frontier.
西陲 xäi-suĩ
xīchuí western frontier.
or 四垂 xï-suĩ sìchuí <wr.> on all frontiers.
sui3 13816
109 13 suì shuì to sleep.⁵
睡觉[睡覺] suì-gäo shuìjiào sleep.⁵
睡莲[睡蓮] suì-lẽin
shuìlián water lily (Nymphaea tetragona).⁵ʼ²⁰
睡莲属[睡蓮屬] suì-lẽin-sùk
shuìliánshǔ water lily Nymphaea.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
睡帽 suì-mào
shuìmào nightcap.⁵
睡眠 suì-mẽin shuìmián sleep; to sleep; <comp.> to enter sleep mode.¹⁰
睡梦[睡夢] suì-mùng
shuìmèng sleep; dream; slumber.⁶
睡眼 suì-ngān
shuìyǎn sleepy eyes.³⁹
睡眼惺忪 suì-ngān-xëin-xüng
shuìyǎnxīngsōng have a drowsy look; be sleepy-eyed or bleary-eyed.⁶
睡袋 suì-òi
shuìdài sleeping bag.⁸
睡醒 suì-xēng
shuìxǐng to wake up from sleep.⁷
睡狮[睡獅] suì-xü
shuìshī lit. a sleeping lion – a big country lacking vitality.⁷
睡衣 suì-yï
shuìyī pajamas; a sleeping gown; night clothes.⁷
睡意 suì-yï
shuìyì sleepiness; drowsiness.⁷
sui4 13817
149 15 suî shuí <台> 阿谁[阿誰] ä-suî/ who is it?
<又> suī, suĩ. (See 誰 suī, [suĩ, shéi], [suĩ, shuí].)
sui5 13818
9 10 sūk shū suddenly.²⁴ sudden, abrupt; hastily, suddenly, abruptly.³⁶ hastily, quickly, as a dog running off; a change.¹⁰²
(variant: 倐 sūk shū; 𢞣❄{⿱倐心} sūk). (Note: Of the two forms 倏 sūk shū and 倐 sūk shū, 倏 is the proper form while 倐 is more often used).
(composition: ⿲亻丨⿱夂犬(GJK) or ⿲亻丨⿱攵犬(HT); U+500F).
倏忽 sūk-fūt
shūhū suddenly, abruptly.¹¹ hastily.²⁴ <lit.> suddenly; in a flash.³⁶ suddenly.¹⁰²
倏忽不见[倏忽不見] sūk-fūt-būt-gëin
shūhūbùjiàn <wr.> suddenly disappear; quickly disappear.⁵⁴ suddenly diappeared.¹⁰²
倏地 sūk-ì
shūde swiftly; suddenly.⁵⁴
倏然 sūk-
ngẽin shūrán suddenly, abruptly.¹¹
倏尔[倏爾] sūk-ngì
shū'ěr suddenly, abruptly.¹¹
(See 倐 sūk; 𢞣❄{⿱倐心} sūk).
suk1 13819
9 10 sūk shū (=倏 sūk shū suddenly.²⁴ sudden, abrupt; hastily, suddenly, abruptly.³⁶ hastily, quickly, as a dog running off; a change.¹⁰²); hastily; suddenly.⁸
(composition: ⿲亻丨⿱夂火; U+5010).
(See 倏 sūk).

suk1 13820
29 8 sūk shū father's younger brother; uncle; address for a man about one's father's age.
(variants: 𡬧❄{⿰尗寸}, 尗 sūk shū in the sense of 'uncle').
大叔 ài-sūk
dàshū eldest of father's younger brothers; uncle (address for a man about one's father's age).
伯仲叔季 bāk-jùng-sūk-gï
bó-zhòng-shū-jì order of seniority among brothers.
叔伯 sūk-bāk
shūbai first or second cousins (on one's father's side); paternal uncles.
叔父 sūk-fù
shūfù uncle; father's younger brother.⁹
叔公 sūk-güng
shūgōng grandfather's younger brother.
叔叔 sūk-sūk
shūshu uncle.
(See 𡬧❄{⿰尗寸} sūk; 尗 sūk both in the sense of 'uncle').
suk1 13821
41 9 𡬧
sūk shū (=叔 sūk shū father's younger brother; uncle; address for a man about one's father's age.); to pick up; to collect.² to collect.²⁴
(composition: ⿰尗寸; U+21B27).
(See 叔 sūk ).
suk1 13822
42 6 sūk shū (=叔 sūk shū father's younger brother; uncle; address for a man about one's father's age.).² younger of brothers; father's younger brother; younger brother of a husband.⁸
(composition: ⿱上小; U+5C17).
<又> sùk.
(See 尗 sùk; 叔 sūk in the sense of 'uncle').
suk1 13823
61 14 𢞣
sūk shū the original character is 跾 sūk shū walk quickly, long-term, long-range, quick, rapid, long.² ((=倏 sūk shū suddenly.²⁴ sudden, abrupt; hastily, suddenly, abruptly.³⁶ hastily, quickly, as a dog running off; a change.¹⁰²); hastily; suddenly.⁸).⁸ hasty; sudden.²⁴
(composition: ⿱倐心; U+227A3).
(See 跾 sūk; 倏 sūk).
suk1 13824
64 14 sūk to arrive, to reach.²ʼ¹⁹ to arrive at.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌戚; U+6475).
<又> mãi, sēik, chēik. (See 摵 mãi, 摵 sēik, 摵 chēik).
suk1 13825
78 15 𣩐
sūk <文读> (=缩[縮] sūk .).
(composition: ⿰歹宿; U+23A50).
<又> sük.
(See 𣩐❄{⿰歹宿} sük; 縮[sūk, ]).
suk1 13826
120 17 sūk (縮:  <文读> sūk ; <白读> sük suō.)
(variant: 𣩐
❄{⿰歹宿} sūk sù, q.v.).
缩砂密[縮砂密] sūk-sâ-mìt
sùshāmì <bot.> Amomum villosum Lour. var. xanthioides.²³
<又> sūk, sük, sûk.
(See 縮 [sūk, suō], sük, sûk.)
suk1 13827
120 17 sūk suō (縮:  <文读> sūk ; <白读> sük suō.); contract, shrink; draw back, withdraw, recoil.⁵
(Note: In the following two examples, a mixture of <文读> and  <白读> is used. Hoisanva uses <文读> sūk, but Mandarin uses <白读>
浓缩[濃縮] nũng-sūk
or ngũng-sūk nóngsuō <chem.> concentrate, enrich; condense, inspissate.⁶
收缩[收縮] siü-sūk
shōusuō to pull back; to shrink; to contract; <phys.> systole.¹⁰
<又> sūk, sük, sûk.
(See 縮 [sūk, ], sük, sûk.)
suk1 13828
157 14 sūk shū walk quickly.⁸ long-term; long-range.¹³ quick, rapid; long.²⁵
(composition: ⿱攸足; U+8DFE). (Note: This character, 跾 sūk shū is the original character for 𢞣❄{⿱倐心} sūk shū).
跾跾 sūk-sūk
shūshū distant; (of time) long.
<又> chëo.
(See 跾 chëo; 𢞣❄{⿱倐心} sūk).
suk1 13829
157 18 sūk walk carefully.⁸ to walk carefully.¹⁴ to contract the feet; to lift up the toes and draw the heels along the ground; to walk as if in a narrow way.²⁵ to shuffle along, to walk with short steps; to walk carefully, as in a narrow way.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰⻊宿; U+8E5C).
足蹜蹜 dūk-sūk-sūk zúsùsù to walk and see where one steps.¹⁰²
足蹜蹜,如有循. Dūk-sūk-sūk, nguĩ-yiû-tũn.
Zú sù sù, rú yǒu xún. and he dragged his feet along as if they were held by something to the ground. (Excerpt from 《論語·鄉黨·5》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰
举前曳踵, 蹜蹜如也. [舉前曳踵, 蹜蹜如也.] Guī-tẽin-yài-jūng, sūk-sūk-nguĩ-yâ.
Jǔ qián yè zhǒng, sù sù rú yě.
They raised their toes and trailed their heels, presenting an appearance of carefulness.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·玉藻·52》, translated by James Legge).
蹜蹜 sūk-sūk
sùsù walking fast with small steps.¹⁹ walking slowly in small steps.³⁶ <lit.> running with half steps.⁵⁴ (Note: These definitions agree about 'small steps' but not 'fast' or 'slow').
蹜蹜如有循 sūk-sūk-nguĩ-yiû-tũn
sù sù rú yǒu xún
(Confucius) dragged his feet as if they were attached to the ground — when carrying his official token.¹⁴
<又> sük.
(See 蹜 sük).
suk1 13830
78 15 𣩐
sük suō <白读> (=缩[縮] sük suō contract, shrink; draw back, withdraw, recoil.⁵).
(composition: ⿰歹宿; U+23A50).
<又> sūk.
(See 𣩐❄{⿰歹宿} sūk; 縮 sük).
suk2 13831
120 17 sük suō (縮:  <文读> sūk ; <白读> sük suō.); contract, shrink; draw back, withdraw, recoil.⁵ (variant: 𣩐❄{⿰歹宿} sük, q.v.).
缩尺[縮尺] sük-chêk
suōchǐ reduced scale; scale.⁵
缩放仪[縮放儀] sük-föng-ngĩ
suōfàngyí pantograph.⁵
缩减[縮減] sük-gām
suōjiǎn reduce; cut.⁵
缩合[縮合] sük-hàp
suōhé <chem.> condensation.⁵
缩头虫[縮頭蟲] sük-hẽo-chũng
suōtóuchóng <zoo.> bamboo worm.⁵
缩头缩脑[縮頭縮腦] sük-hẽo-sük-nāo
suōtóusuōnǎo be timid; be fainthearted; shrink from responsibility.⁵
缩短[縮短] sük-ōn
suōduǎn shorten; curtail; cut down.⁵
缩手[縮手] sük-siū
suōshǒu draw back one's hand; shrink from doing something.⁵
缩手缩脚[縮手縮腳] sük-siū-sük-gëk
suōshǒusuōjiǎo shrink from cold, be pinched with cold; be overly cautions.⁶
缩水[縮水] sük-suī
suōshuǐ (of cloth by wetting) shrink.⁵
缩写[縮寫] sük-xēh
suōxiě abbreviation; abridge.⁵
缩小[縮小] sük-xēl
suōxiǎo reduce; lessen; narrow; shrink.⁵
缩影[縮影] sük-yēin
suōyǐng epitome; miniature.⁵
缩印[縮印] sük-yïn
suōyìn reprint books in a reduced format.⁵
<台> 返缩[返縮] fan-sük shrink in height; walk backwards.
<又> sūk, sük, sûk.
(See 縮 [sūk, suō], [sūk, ], sûk).
suk2 13832
157 18 sük suō (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 蹜 sūk with the same meaning: walk carefully.⁸ to walk carefully.¹⁴ to contract the feet; to lift up the toes and draw the heels along the ground; to walk as if in a narrow way.²⁵ to shuffle along, to walk with short steps; to walk carefully, as in a narrow way.¹⁰²).
(composition: ⿰⻊宿; U+8E5C).
<又> sūk.
(See 蹜 sūk).
suk2 13833
8 12 𠅩
sùk shú (=孰 sùk shú <wr.> who; which; what.).²
(composition: ⿰亯丸; U+20169).
(See 孰 sùk).
suk4 13834
9 15 sùk shǔ to shake one's head.²
(composition: ⿰亻蜀; U+3494).
㒔㑛 sùk-tūk shǔsù (=摇头晃脑[搖頭晃腦] yẽl-hẽo-fōng-nāo yáotóuhuàngnǎo wag one's head – look pleased with oneself.⁶; assume an air of self-conceit by wagging one's head; look pleased with oneself).⁸
<又> ùk. (See 㒔 ùk).
suk4 13835
32 14 sùk shú private school.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱孰土; U+587E).
家塾 gä-sùk jiāshú <trad.> family school.¹  school at home with private tutor.¹¹
乡塾[鄉塾] hëng-sùk
xiāngshú private village school.⁶
门塾[門塾] mõn-sùk
ménshú family school.
蒙塾 mũng-sùk
méngshú <trad.> elementary school.⁸
义塾[義塾] ngì-sùk
yìshú <trad.> private/community free schools.¹  formerly, private school charging no tuition.¹¹
塾师[塾師] sùk-xü
shúshī tutor in a private school or family school.
村塾 tûn-sùk
cūnshú <trad.> village private school.⁶
私塾 xü-sùk
sīshú <trad.> private school.
suk4 13836
39 11 sùk shú <wr.> who; which; what. (variant: 𠅩❄{⿰亯丸} sùk shú).
(composition: ⿰享丸; U+5B70).
ngĩn-fï-sëin-yẽn, sùk-nãng-mũ-gö
rénfēishèngxián, shúnéngwúguò As people are not saints, how can they be free from faults – to err is human.
是可忍,孰不可忍 sì-hō-ngîn, sùk-būt-hō-ngîn
shìkěrěn, shúbúkěrěn from "The Analects of Confucius." Often translated as "If he can bear to do this, what may he not bear to do?"; If this can be endured, what else cannot be endured?
孰知 sùk-jï
shúzhī <wr.> Who knows?
孰若 sùk-ngèk
shúruò <wr.> What is better than...; It would be better to...
孰是孰非 sùk-sì-sùk-fï
shúshìshúfēi Which is right and which is wrong?
孰謂 sùk-vì
shúwèi  Who says?
(See 𠅩❄{⿰亯丸} sùk).
suk4 13837
42 6 sùk shū (=菽 sùk shū beans and peas, collectively.⁸ pulse; luguminous plants.¹⁴).²
(composition: ⿱上小; U+5C17).
<又> sūk.
(See 尗 sūk; 菽 sùk).
suk4 13838
44 21 sùk shǔ category; genus (taxonomy); family members; dependents; to belong to; subordinate to; affiliated with; be born in the year of (one of the 12 animals); to be; to prove to be; to constitute.¹⁰
属虎[屬虎] sùk-fū shǔhǔ be born in the year of the tiger.⁶
属国[屬國] sùk-gōk
shǔguó vassal state.¹⁰
属下[屬下] sùk-hà
shǔxià subordinate; affiliated to; subsidiary.¹⁰
属地[屬地] sùk-ì
shǔdì a territory; a dependent domain; a colony.⁷
属吏[屬吏] sùk-lì
shǔlì subordinate officials.⁷
属僚[屬僚] sùk-lẽl
shǔliáo colleagues under an official.¹¹
属望[屬望] sùk-mòng
shǔwàng (said of a person) popular.⁷ (See 属望[屬望] jūk-mòng zhǔwàng.)
属实[屬實] sùk-sìt
shǔshí to turn out to be true; verified; true.¹⁰
属性[屬性] sùk-xëin
shǔxìng attribute; property; quality.⁶
属于[屬於] sùk-yï
shǔyú to be classified as; to belong to; to be part of.¹⁰
属员[屬員] sùk-yõn
shǔyuán a staff member or staffer (of a government agency).⁷
<又> jūk.
(See 屬 jūk.)
suk4 13839
85 11 sùk shū good, pure, virtuous; (said of woman) beautiful or charming; clear.⁷
贞淑[貞淑] jëin-sùk zhēnshū <wr.> chaste and gentle.⁶
淑德 sùk-āk
shūdé female virtue – especially chastity.⁷
淑静[淑靜] sùk-dèin
shūjìng (of a woman) refined and gentle.⁶
淑问[淑問] sùk-mùn
shūwèn <wr.> be skillful at questioning; skillful interrogator/investigator.⁵⁴
淑人 sùk-ngĩn
shūrén <wr.> a good man, a virtuous man; an honorary title bestowed on wives of ranking officials.⁵⁴
淑人君子 sùk-ngĩn-gün-dū
shūrénjūnzǐ gentleman.⁸
淑女 sùk-nuī
shūnǚ <wr.> a fair maiden.⁵
淑清 sùk-tëin
shūqīng (said of the sun, moon, sky) clear and bright.⁷
淑郁 sùk-yūk
shūyù aromatic.¹⁹
贤淑[賢淑] yẽn-sùk
xiánshū (of a woman) virtuous; kind-hearted.⁶
suk4 13840
86 15 sùk shóu <vern.> cooked; done.⁶
饭熟了[飯熟了] fàn-sùk-lēl fànshóule the food is done.⁶
(See 熟[sùk, shú]).
suk4 13841
86 15 sùk shú cooked, done; (of fruit, rice) ripe; processed; familiar, well-aquainted; skilled, experienced; deep, thorough.⁶
成熟 sẽin-sùk chéngshú ripe; mature; opportune.⁸
熟谙[熟諳] sùk-ām
shú'ān (=谙熟[諳熟] ām-sùk ānshú) well-learned, expert.¹¹
熟化 sùk-fä
shúhuà <agr.> cultivate; till.⁶
熟铁[熟鐵] sùk-hëik
shútiě wrought iron.⁶
熟地 sùk-ì
shúdì cultivated/tilted land; (=熟地黄[熟地黃]).⁶
熟地黄[熟地黃] sùk-ì-võng
shúdìhuáng <Ch. med.> prepared rhizome of rehmannia.⁶
熟知 sùk-jï
shúzhī know very well; know intimately.⁶
熟练[熟練] sùk-lèin
shúliàn skilled; practiced; proficient.⁶
熟能生巧 sùk-nãng-säng-kāo
shúnéngshēngqiǎo practice makes perfect; skill comes from practice.⁶
熟稔 sùk-nèm
shúrěn <wr.> be quite familiar with.⁶
熟人 sùk-ngĩn
shúrén acquaintance.⁶
熟视无睹[熟視無睹] sùk-sì-mũ-ū
shúshìwúdǔ turn a blind eye to (what one sees everyday); pay no attention/heed to a familiar sight; ignore.⁶
熟睡 sùk-suì
shúshuì asleep.⁸
熟悉 sùk-xēik
shúxī to be familiar with; to know well.¹⁰
<台> 熟落 sùk-lòk to be acquainted with someone.
(See 熟[sùk, shóu]).
suk4 13842
140 11 sùk shū beans and peas, collectively.⁸ pulse; luguminous plants.¹⁴
不辨菽麦[不辨菽麥] būt-bèin-sùk-màk bùbiànshūmài ignorant of common things (“cannot tell wheat from beans”).¹¹
荏菽 ngìm-sùk
rěnshū large beans; the garden pea, Pisum sativum.¹¹
菽火承欢[菽火承歡] sùk-fō-sẽin-fön
shūhuǒchénghuān poor but filial (serve parents with simple meals).¹¹
菽麻 sùk-mã
shūmá (Crotalaria juncea).
菽乳 sùk-nguî
shūrǔ bean curd.¹⁴
菽水 sùk-suī
shūshuǐ pulse and water – poor fare.¹⁴
禾菽 võ-sùk
héshū rice and beans.¹¹
戎菽 yũng-sùk
róngshū the garden pea.¹¹
suk4 13843
140 19 𧁿
sùk shǔ name of a vegetable.²ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱艹獨; U+2707F).
<又> ùk. (See 𧁿❄{⿱艹獨} ùk).
suk4 13844
142 13 sùk shǔ Shu (a state in the Zhou Dynasty); short for Kingdom of Shu Han; Shu (another name for Sichuan Province).⁶ (=蠋 sùk zhú) a caterpillar.⁸ʼ¹⁴
(composition: ⿱⺫⿹勹虫;  U+8700).
乐不思蜀[樂不思蜀] lòk-būt-xü-sùk
lèbùsīshǔ indulge in pleasure and forget home and duty.¹⁰
玉蜀黍 ngùk-sùk-sī
yùshǔshǔ (=玉米 ngùk-māi yùmǐ) corn; maize.¹⁰
蜀道 Sùk-ào
Shǔdào roads connecting Sichuan with the outside.⁵⁴
蜀椒 Sùk-dël
Shǔjiāo wild pepper of Szechuan.¹¹
蜀锦[蜀錦] Sùk-gīm
Shǔjǐn Sichuan brocade.⁶
蜀汉[蜀漢] Sùk-hön
Shǔ Hàn kingdom of Shu Han (221-263).⁶
蜀犬吠日 sùk-hūn-fì-ngìt
shǔquǎnfèirì a Sichuan dog barking at the sun (because it is a rare sight in that misty region) – an ignorant person making a fuss about something which he alone finds strange.⁶
蜀葵 sùk-kĩ
shǔkuí hollyhock.⁶
蜀黍 sùk-sī
shǔshǔ sorghum; kaoliang.
蜀绣[蜀繡] Sùk-xiü
Shǔxiù Sichuan embroidery.⁶
(See 蠋 sùk).
suk4 13845
142 19 sùk zhú larva (of a butterfly or a moth).⁶ a large, green caterpillar, originally written 蜀 sùk shǔ.¹⁴ (variant: 蠾 sùk zhú).
沙蠋 sâ-sùk
shāzhú lugworm (Arenicola marina).¹⁵ʼ¹⁹
蠋蝓 sùk-yĩ
zhúyú another name for a spider.⁵⁴
(See 蠾 sùk; 蜀 sùk).
suk4 13846
142 27 sùk zhú (<old>=蠋 sùk zhú) larva (of a butterfly or a moth).⁶ a large, green caterpillar, originally written 蜀 sùk shǔ.¹⁴
(See 蠋 sùk; 蜀 sùk).
suk4 13847
145 18 sùk shǔ a long coat, covering the loins.²⁵ a tunic or frock reaching to the knees.¹⁰² (old variant: 襩 sùk shǔ).
(composition: ⿰衤蜀; U+8961).
袿襡 kä-sùk
guàshǔ a long tunic, worn by females.²⁵ a tunic or frock reaching to the knees, such as loose women wore in ancient times.¹⁰²ʼ⁰
<又> ùk; ēo; èo.
(See 襡 ùk; 襡 ēo; 襡 èo; 襩 sùk).
suk4 13848
145 20 sùk shǔ (<old>=襡 sùk shǔ a long coat, covering the loins.²⁵ a tunic or frock reaching to the knees.¹⁰²).⁸
(composition: ⿰衤賣; U+8969).
(See 襡 sùk).
suk4 13849
154 22 sùk shú redeem, ransom; atone for (a crime).⁵
立功赎罪[立功贖罪] lìp-güng-sùk-duì lìgōngshúzuì perform meritorious service to atone for one's crime.⁵
赎出[贖出] sùk-chūt
shúchū get back from pawn; redeem.⁷
赎罪[贖罪] sùk-duì
shúzuì atone for one's crime.⁵
赎罪日[贖罪日] Sùk-duì-ngìt
Shúzuìrì Yom Kippur; Day of Atonement.⁵
赎款[贖款] sùk-fōn
shúkuǎn ransom (money).⁶
赎价[贖價] sùk-gä
shújià ransom price; ransom.⁵
赎金[贖金] sùk-gïm
shújīn ransom (money).⁶
赎职[贖職] sùk-jēik
shúzhí dereliction of duty.³⁹
赎买[贖買] sùk-mäi
shúmǎi redeem, buy out.⁵
赎当[贖當] sùk-öng
shúdàng redeem something pawned.⁵
赎身[贖身] sùk-sïn
shúshēn (of slaves, prostitutes) redeem or ransom oneself; buy back one's freedom.⁵
赎回[贖回] sùk-või
shúhuí redeem; ransom.⁶
赎刑[贖刑] sùk-yẽin
shúxíng redeem somebody from punishment by paying a ransom.⁶
suk4 13850
120 17 sûk suō withdraw.
<台> 敦缩[敦縮] ūn-sûk walk backwards.
<又> sūk, sük, sûk. (See 縮 [sūk, suō], [sūk, ], sük.)
suk5 13851
64 14 sün sùn to wipe off, to wipe away; to direct; to command (an army); to scatter, to disperse; to squander (money).² to choose or select.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰扌產 or ⿰扌産; U+644C).
<又> chān. (See 摌 chān).

sun2 13852
136 12 sün shùn Shun, the name of a legendary monarch in ancient China.⁵ name of a lengendary Chinese ruler; wise, good.¹⁴
帝舜 Äi Sün Dìshùn Emperor Shun (ca. 2294 - 2184 BCE; reign 2233 BCE - 2184 BCE).¹⁵
虞舜 Nguĩ-sün
Yúshùn Yu Shun, a legendary emperor of great wisdom, believed to have ruled around 2,200 BCE.⁷
舜日尧年[舜日堯年] sün-ngìt-ngẽl-nẽin
shùnrìyáonián lit. the reign of the legendary emperors Yao and Shun, supposedly noted for peace and order – the golden age.⁷
sun2 13853
30 10 sũn chún lip.⁵ (variant: 脣 sũn chún). (See 脣 sũn).
唇齿[唇齒] sũn-chī
chúnchǐ lips and teeth – be closely related and mututally dependent.⁶
唇齿相依[唇齒相依] sũn-chī-xëng-yī
chúnchǐxiāngyī be as close as lips and teeth; be closely related and mutually dependent.⁵
唇齿音[唇齒音] sũn-chī-yïm
chúnchǐyīn <lg.> labiodental (sound).⁵
唇膏 sũn-gäo
chúngāo lipstick.⁵
唇红齿白[唇紅齒白] sũn-hũng-chī-bàk
chúnhóngchǐbái red lips and white teeth – very handsome or beautiful.⁷
唇裂 sũn-lëik
chúnliè <med.> harelip; cleft lip.⁶
唇亡齿寒[唇亡齒寒] sũn-mõng-chī-hõn
chúnwángchǐhán if the lips are gone, the teeth will be cold; if one (of two interdependent things) falls, the other is in danger; share a common lot.⁵
唇舌 sũn-sêt
chúnshé lips and tongue – argument; debate; explanation; persuasion; eloquence.⁶
唇枪舌战[唇槍舌戰] sũn-tëng-sêt-jën
chúnqiāngshézhàn cross verbal swords; engage in a battle of words.⁵
唇读[唇讀] sũn-ùk
chúndú lip reading.⁷
唇音 sũn-yïm
chúnyīn <lg.> labial sound.⁵
唇印 sũn-yïn
chúnyìn lips-mark; hickey.¹⁰

sun3 13854
85 10 sũn chún (<old>=漘 sũn chún bank; by the riverside; the cliffs facing the river.⁸ marshes.¹⁴ the bank of a stream²⁴ bank; shore.³⁶).¹⁹ʼ³⁶ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰氵辰; U+6D71).
(See 漘 sũn).
sun3 13855
85 11 sũn chún <wr.> pure; honest; simple.⁶
淳风[淳風] sũn-füng chúnfēng simple, unsophisticated (customs).¹¹
淳古 sũn-gū
chúngǔ unsophisticated, with primitive simplicity.¹¹
淳厚 sũn-hêo
chúnhòu pure and honest; simple and kind.⁶
淳良 sũn-lẽng
chúnliáng simple and honest.⁶
淳美 sũn-mî
chúnměi pure and sweet/fine.⁶
or 纯朴[純樸] sũn-pök chúnpǔ honest; modest; simple, unsophisticated.⁶
淳于 Sũn-yï
Chúnyú compound surname.
(See 純 sũn; 醇 sũn.)
sun3 13856
85 14 sũn chún bank; by the riverside; the cliffs facing the river.⁸ marshes.¹⁴ the bank of a stream²⁴ bank; shore.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵脣; U+6F18).
江漘 göng-sũn jiāngchún riverside.¹⁹
河漘 hõ-sũn héchún riverside.¹⁹
海漘 hōi-sũn hǎichún seashore.¹⁹
溪漘 käi-sũn xīchún streamside.¹⁹
sun3 13857
86 12 sũn chún clear, bright, the color of fire.²⁴
(composition: ⿰火享; U+711E).
<又> hün, tuï. (See 焞 hün,  焞 tuï).
sun3 13858
93 12 sũn chún an ox with yellow hair and black lips (黃牛黑脣曰犉); seven-foot bovine (牛七尺).²ʼ⁸ʼ⁰ an ox with black lips; an ox, seven cubits high.²⁴ yellow cattle with black lips.³⁶ an ox, seven ancient cubits high, yellow, and having black lips.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰牜享; U+7289).
Giū-sìp-kĩ-sũn or Giū-sìp-kĩ-ngũn. Jiǔshí qí chún or Jiǔshí qí rún.
There are ninety, which are black-lipped. (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·祈父之什·無羊》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ ninety great oxen.¹⁰²
犉牡 sũn-mêo
chúnmǔ or ngũn-mêo rúnmǔ yellow bull with black lips.⁵⁴
<又> ngũn.
(See 犉 ngũn).
sun3 13859
120 10 sũn chún pure, unmixed, unadulterated; purely, entirely, utterly, completely; skillful, practiced, well versed.⁶
纯净[純凈] sũn-dèin chúnjìng pure, clean; purify, cleanse.⁶
纯碱[純鹼] sũn-gān
chúnjiǎn soda (ash).⁵
纯洁[純潔] sũn-gēik
chúnjié innocent; pure; pure and clean; sincere and faithful; purify.⁶
纯正[純正] sũn-jëng
chúnzhèng pure; unadulterated; standard; pure and genuine; upright; honest.⁶
纯良[純良] sũn-lẽng
chúnliáng kind and honest; pure and good.⁶
纯美[純美] sũn-mî
chúnměi pure and fine.⁶
or 淳朴[淳樸] sũn-pök chúnpǔ honest; modest; simple, unsophisticated.⁶
纯熟[純熟] sũn-sùk
chúnshú skillful/skilled; practiced (in); proficient (in/at); well versed (in).⁶
纯属[純屬] sũn-sùk
chúnshǔ completely; perfectly; absolutely.⁶
纯属虚构[純屬虛構] sũn-sùk-huï-këo
chúnshǔxūgòube or
纯属捏造[純屬捏造] sũn-sùk-nēp-dào
chúnshǔniēzào a sheer/pure fabrication; be pure invention; be made/cut out of (the) whole cloth.⁶
纯素[純素] sũn-xü
chúnsù plain; ordinary; vegetarian.¹⁰
纯粹[純粹] sũn-xuì
chúncuì pure, unadulterated; genuine.⁶
(See 淳 sũn; 醇 sũn.)
sun3 13860
130 11 sũn chún (=唇 sũn chún) lip.⁵
(See 唇 sũn).
sun3 13861
140 13 sũn chún edible water plant.¹⁰ Brasenia schreberi aka 莼菜[蓴菜] sũn-töi chúncài, 水葵 suī-kĩ shuǐkuí.²⁰
莼菜[蒓菜] sũn-töi
chúncài water shield.¹⁹ Brasenia schreberi.³⁵
(See 蓴 sũn.)
sun3 13862
140 14 sũn chún edible water plant.¹⁰ Brasenia schreberi aka 莼菜[蓴菜] sũn-töi chúncài, 水葵 suī-kĩ shuǐkuí.²⁰
莼菜[蓴菜] sũn-töi
chúncài water shield.¹⁹  Brasenia schreberi.³⁵
(See 蒓 sũn.)
sun3 13863
164 15 sũn chún <wr.> mellow wine, good wine; <wr.> pure, unmixed; <chem.> alcohol.⁵
醇酒 sũn-diū chúnjiǔ mellow/rich/full-bodied wine.¹⁴
醇酒美人 sũn-diū-mî-ngĩn
chúnjiǔměirén indulgence in wine and women – sensual pleasures.⁷
醇化 sũn-fä
chúnhuà refine, purify, perfect; <chem.> alcoholization.⁵
醇化物 sũn-fä-mùt
or sũn-fä-mòt chúnhuàwù alcoholate.⁵
醇香 sũn-hëng
chúnxiāng sweet-smelling; aromatic.⁶
醇厚 sũn-hêo
chúnhòu mellow, rich; (=淳厚 sũn-hêo chúnhòu) pure and honest; simple and kind.⁶
醇醪 sũn-lão
chúnláo rich wine; strong wine.⁷
醇醨 sũn-lĩ
chúnlí strong wines and light wines.⁷
醇美 sũn-mî
chúnměi pure and fair/sweet; mellow.⁶
醇酶 sũn-mõi
chúnméi alcoholase.⁶
醇朴[醇樸] sũn-pök
chúnpǔ honest and simple.⁶
醇醛 sũn-tũn
chúnquán alcohol aldehyde.⁵
醇和 sũn-võ
chúnhé (of taste, quality) pure and mild.⁶
醇酸 sũn-xön
chúnsuān <chem.> alcohol/alcoholic acid.⁵
醇酸树脂[醇酸樹脂] sũn-xön-sì-jï
chúnsuānshùzhī alkyd resin.⁵
醇粹 sũn-xuì
chúncuì pure; unadulterated.⁷
(See 淳 sũn; 純 sũn; 鶉 sûn).
sun3 13864
167 16 𬭚
sũn chún an ancient musical instrument.⁸ʼ³⁶ copper drum.⁹
(comp. t: ⿰金享; U+931E) (comp. s: ⿰钅享; U+2CB5A)
❄{⿰钅享}于[錞于] sũn-yï chúnyú ancient musical instrument.⁶
<又> uï.
(See 錞 uï).
sun3 13865
187 13 sũn xùn tame, docile; domesticate.⁶ tame; obedient; gradually.¹¹
驯兽师[馴獸師] sũn-chiü-xü xùnshòushī animal trainer.⁶
驯化[馴化] sũn-fä
xùnhuà domesticate; tame; acclimate.⁶
驯虎[馴虎] sũn-fū
xùnhǔ tame a tiger.¹⁹
驯服 sũn-fùk
xùnfú docile, tame, tractable, meek; tame, break in, domesticate.⁶
驯至[馴至] sũn-jï
xùnzhì to reach to gradually.¹⁴
驯良[馴良] sũn-lẽng
xùnliáng tractable; docile.⁶
驯鹿[馴鹿] sũn-lùk
xùnlù reindeer.⁶
驯马[馴馬] sũn-mâ
xùnmǎ break in a horse.⁶
驯熟[馴熟] sũn-sùk
xùnshú obedient, tamed; skilled.⁶
驯顺[馴順] sũn-sùn
xùnshùn tame; docile; tractable.⁶
驯从[馴從] sũn-tũng
xùncóng tame; docile.⁶
驯养[馴養] sũn-yêng
xùnyǎng raise and train (animals); domesticate.⁶
sun3 13866
181 12 sùn shùn obey; follow; arrange; make reasonable; along; favorable.¹⁰
顺便[順便] sùn-bèin shùnbiàn conveniently; in passing.¹⁰
顺差[順差] sùn-chä
shùnchā favorable balance; surplus.⁷
顺风[順風] sùn-füng
shùnfēng to move with the wind; good luck; a favorable wind, a tail wind.⁷
顺利[順利] sùn-lì
shùnlì smoothly; without a hitch.¹⁰
顺理成章[順理成章] sùn-lî-sẽin-jëng
shùnlǐchéngzhāng logical; as a matter of course.⁷
顺眼[順眼] sùn-ngān
shùnyǎn pleasant to the eye.⁷
顺耳[順耳] sùn-ngī
shùn'ěr pleasing to the ear.¹¹
顺手[順手] sùn-siū
shùnshǒu easily; without trouble; while one is at it; in passing; handy.¹⁰
顺手牵羊[順手牽羊] sùn-siū-hëin-yẽng
shùnshǒuqiānyáng to take something that doesn't belong to oneself.¹¹
顺从[順從] sùn-tũng
shùncóng to obey, to comply,  obedient; <psy.> submission.⁷
顺遂[順遂] sùn-xuì
shùnsuì smooth; satisfactory.⁶
顺应[順應] sùn-yëin
shùnyìng to adjust (to changes).⁷
顺延[順延] sùn-yẽn
shùnyán to postpone for one day, and another day, and so on, in case of necessity.⁷
<台> 顺[順] sùn/ straight (playing cards); to follow.
<台> 顺手发财[順手發財] sùn-siū-fāt-tõi to get rich as a consequence of doing something easily.
sun4 13867
109 17 sûn shùn wink, blink; <wr.> wink, twinkle, twinkling.⁶ to blink, wink or twinkle; a very short time, in the twinkling of an eye.⁷
转瞬[轉瞬] jōn-sûn zhuǎnshùn twinkle, flash.⁶
转瞬之间[轉瞬之間] jōn-sûn-jï-gän
zhuǎnshùnzhījiān in a wink (of time).¹¹
瞬子 sûn-dū
shùnzǐ <phy.> instanton.⁶
瞬间[瞬間] sûn-gän
shùnjiān in a twinkling.¹¹
瞬态[瞬態] sûn-häi
shùntài <phy.> transient state.⁶
瞬目 sûn-mùk
shùnmù to flash a glance.¹¹
瞬霎 sûn-säp
shùnshà in a blink; in a twinkling.¹⁰
瞬时[瞬時] sûn-sĩ
shùnshí instantaneous.¹⁰
瞬华[瞬華] sûn-vã
shùnhuá the rapid passing of time.¹¹
瞬息 sûn-xēik
shùnxī in a flash; twinkling; ephemeral.¹⁰
瞬息万变[瞬息萬變] sûn-xēik-màn-bëin
shùnxīwànbiàn lit. ten thousand changes in the twinkling of an eye – many changes within a short time.⁷
瞬心 sûn-xïm
shùnxīn <mechanics> instantaneous center; instant center.⁶
sun5 13868
130 11 sûn shèn raw meat for sacrifice.⁸ sacrificial flesh, bestowed by the emperor on those of the same surname.²⁵
(composition: ⿰月辰; U+8124).
貍脤 or 狸脤 lî-sûn líshèn the name of a place.²⁵
无脤[無脤] mũ-sûn
wúshèn a man's name.²⁵
脤膰 sûn-fãn
shènfán the flesh of a victim, offered in the ancestorial temple, or at the shrine of the gods of land and grain; it was offered up in a large shell.²⁵
sun5 13869
130 12 sûn shèn kidney.⁵
雕肝琢肾[雕肝琢腎] ël-gön-dēk-sûn diāogānzhuóshèn polish painstakingly (essays, poems).⁵⁴
肾脏[腎臟] sûn-dòng
shènzàng kidney.⁵
肾结石[腎結石] sûn-gēik-sêk
shènjiéshí <med.> kidney stone; renal calculus,⁵
肾亏[腎虧] sûn-kï
shènkuī <Ch. med.> renal weakness.⁶
肾上腺[腎上腺] sûn-sèng-xëin
shènshàngxiàn <phys.> adrenal gland.⁶
肾炎[腎炎] sûn-yèm
shènyán nephritis.⁵
肾盂[腎盂] sûn-yĩ
shènyú renal pelvis.⁵
洗肾[洗腎] xāi-sûn
xǐshèn <med.> dialysis.¹⁰
sun5 13870
142 13 sûn shèn (big) clam.⁶ (variant: 蜄 sûn shèn).
海市蜃楼[海市蜃樓] hōi-sî-sûn-lẽo
hǎishìshènlóu a mirage.⁷ image of towns and markets in mirage; mirage, something imaginary.¹¹
蜃车[蜃車] sûn-chëh
shènchē a hearse.⁷
蜃景 sûn-gēin
shènjǐng mirage.⁶
蜃蛤 sûn-gēip
shèngé a clam.⁷
蜃炭 sûn-hän
shèntàn clam shells burnt to lime.¹⁴
蜃气[蜃氣] sûn-hï
shènqì a mirage.⁷
蜃楼[蜃樓] sûn-lẽo
shènlóu a mirage.⁷
蜃楼海市[蜃樓海市] sûn-lẽo-hōi-sî
shènlóuhǎishì mirage (lit./fig.).⁵⁴
蜃市 sûn-sî
shènshì mirage.¹¹
(See 蜄 sûn).
sun5 13871
142 13 sûn shèn (<old>=蜃 sûn shèn) (big) clam.⁶
(See 蜃 sûn).
sun5 13872
196 19 sûn chún quail; Turnix species (various); legendary 赤鳳 Red Phoenix; general name of the Southerm Seven Constellations; abbr. for 鶉衣 sûn-yï chúnyī; inter. with 醇 sũn (<lit.> mellow wine, good wine; <wr.> pure, unmixed; <chem.> alcohol.⁵).⁸ (See 醇 sũn).
鹑蛋[鶉蛋] sûn-àn/
chúndàn quail egg.¹⁹
鹑笛[鶉笛] sûn-èk
chúndí quail call; quail pipe.⁸
鹑居[鶉居] sûn-guï
chúnjū uncertain lodging.¹¹
鹑鹬[鶉鷸] sûn-gūt
chúnyù <zoo.> sharp-tailed sandpiper (Tringa acuminata).⁷
鹑之賁賁,天策焞焞.[鶉之賁賁,天策焞焞] Sûn-jï-bï-bï, hëin-chāk hün-hün
Chún zhī bì bì, tiān cè tūntūn.
Grandly appears the Chun star,
And the Tianze is dim.¹⁰⁵
(Excerpt from 《春秋左傳·僖公·僖公五年》, translated by James Legge). (Note: 鶉 sûn chún Chun is a group of constellations; 天策 hëin-chāk tiān cè Tiance is a legendary star.)
鹑哨[鶉哨] sûn-säo
chúnshào quail call; quail pipe.⁸
鹑衣[鹑衣] sûn-yï
chúnyī or 鹑服[鶉服] sûn-fùk chúnfú <lit.> ragged and patched clothing (as a beggar's).⁶ʼ¹¹
鹑衣百结[鶉衣百結] sûn-yï-bäk-gēik
chúnyībǎijié be dressed in rags and tatters.⁶
衣若悬鹑[衣若懸鶉] yï-ngèk-yõn-sûn
yīruòxuánchún <wr.> bedraggled dress like a beggar's (like a “quail hung upside down”).¹¹
sun5 13873
18 13 sũng chóng a kind of farm tool; iron spade; spade.⁸ to pierce, to stick in, a stick for digging into the ground.²⁴
(composition: ⿰崇刂; U+34FD).
sung3 13874
38 14 sũng yōng lazy/indolent woman; a name used by woman.⁸
(composition: ⿰女庸; U+5ADE).
<又> yùng. (See 嫞 yùng).
sung3 13875
46 11 sũng chóng high, lofty, sublime; esteem, worship; Chong surname.⁵ (variant: 崈 sũng chóng).
(composition: ⿱山宗; U+5D07).
崇拜 sũng-bäi
chóngbài to worship; adoration.¹⁰
崇高 sũng-gäo
chónggāo lofty; sublimel high.⁵ exalted.¹¹
崇敬 sũng-gëin
chóngjìng to revere; to venerate; high esteem.¹⁰
崇山峻岭[崇山峻嶺] sũng-sän-dün-lêng
chóngshānjùnlǐng towering mountains and precipitous ridges (idiom).¹⁰
崇尚 sũng-sèng
chóngshàng uphold; advocate.⁵ to hold up (as a model); to hold in esteem; to revere; to advocate.¹⁰
(See 崈 sũng).
sung3 13876
46 11 sũng chóng (=崇 sũng chóng high, lofty, sublime; esteem, worship.⁵)
(composition: ⿱宗山; U+5D08).
(See 崇 sũng).
sung3 13877
195 22 sũng yōng variegated carp; bighead.⁶
鳙鱼[鱅魚] sũng-nguĩ yōngyú bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) in Chinese aka 花鲢, 黑鰱, 大头鰱, 胖头鱼, 大头鱼.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
sung3 13878
75 5 sùt shù (=术[術] sùt shù) art, skill, technique; method, tactics.⁵
(composition: ⿺𣎳丶; U+672E).
(See 朮 [sùt zhú]).
sut4 13879
75 5 sùt zhú (=术[術] sùt zhú) various genera of flowers of Asteracea family (daisies and chrysanthemums), including Atractylis lancea.¹⁰
(composition: ⿺𣎳丶; U+672E).
(See 朮 [sùt shù]).
sut4 13880
85 8 sùt shù 沭河 Sùt-hõ Shùhé Shu River, river in Shantung.⁸
sut4 13881
115 10 sùt shú a glutinous variety of millet; kaoliang; sorghum.⁷
(composition: ⿰禾术(G) or ⿰禾朮(HTJKV); U+79EB).
秫酒 sùt-diū shújiǔ wine made from glutinous rice.⁷
秫秸 sùt-gäi
shújiē sorghum stalk; kaoliang stalk.⁹
秫米 sùt-māi
shúmǐ husked sorghum.⁵
秫蘖[秫櫱] sùt-ngēik
shúniè glutinous millet and yeast used in wine making.¹⁹
秫秫 sùt-sùt
shúshu <topo.> sorghum.⁸
sut4 13882
144 11 sùt shù art, skill, technique; method, tactics.⁵
(comp. t: ⿲彳术亍 or ⿲彳朮亍; U+8853).
s: ⿺木丶; U+672F).
不学无术[不學無術] būt-hòk-mũ-sùt
bùxuéwúshù have neither learning nor skill.⁵
武术[武術] mû-sùt wǔshù martial arts.¹⁹
艺术[藝術] ngài-sùt
yìshù art; skill; artistic.⁹
手术[手術] siū-sùt
shǒushù (surgical) operation; surgery.¹⁰
术科[術科] sùt-fö
shùkē technical courses offered in military or physical training.⁶
术智[術智] sùt-jï
shùzhì clear and skillful.⁷
术愧长房[術愧長房] sùt-kï-jēng-fông
shùkuìzhǎngfáng to regret that one cannot make the space shrink so as to meet a dear friend far away.⁷
术语[術語] sùt-nguî
shùyǔ technical term; terminology.⁵
术语学[術語學] sùt-nguî-hòk
shùyǔxué terminology; orismology.⁵⁴
术数[術數] sùt-sü
shùshù the art of government; the art of divination.¹¹
术士[術士] sùt-xù
shùshì Confucian scholar; alchemist.⁶
(See 術 [sùt, zhú].)
sut4 13883
144 11 sùt zhú various genera of flowers of Asteracea family (daisies and chrysanthemums), including Atractylis lancea.¹⁰
t: ⿲彳术亍 or ⿲彳朮亍; U+8853).
s: ⿺木丶; U+672F).
白术[白術] bàk-sùt
báizhú <Ch, med.> the rhizome of large-headed atractylodes (Atractylodes macrocephala).⁵
术酒[術酒] sùt-diū
zhújiǔ medicinal wine.⁵⁴
苍术[蒼術] töng-sùt
cāngzhú <Ch, med.> the rhizome of Chinese atractylodes (Atractylodes chinensis).⁵
(See 術 [sùt, shù].)
sut4 13884
162 8 sùt shù state; relate; narrate.⁵
叙述[敘述] duì-sùt xùshù narrate; recount; relate.⁵
口述 hēo-sùt
kǒushù oral account.⁵
描述 mẽl-sùt
miáoshù describe.⁵
上述 sèng-sùt
shàngshù above-mentioned.⁵
述职[述職] sùt-jēik
shùzhí report on one's work; report.⁵
述而不作 sùt-ngĩ-būt-dōk
shù'érbùzuò expound the works of one's predecessors without adding anything new to it.⁶
述评[述評] sùt-pẽin
shùpíng review; commentary.⁵
述说[述說] sùt-sōt
shùshuō state; recount; narrate.⁵
述怀[述懷] sùt-vãi
shùhuái pour out one's feelings; unburden one's heart.⁶
sut4 13885
167 13 𬬸

sùt shù <wr.> long needle.⁶ a long needle.²⁴ <old> long needle; <old> to pierce; to prick; a surname​.³⁶
(comp. t: ⿰釒术 or ⿰釒朮; U+9265). (comp. s: ⿰钅术; U+2CB38).
❄{⿰钅术}[古鉥] gū-sùt gǔshù ancient seal.¹
<又> xūt.
(See 鉥 xūt).
sut4 13886
30 7 tāi tǎi <topo.> speaking with a non-local accent.⁶
老呔 lāo-tāi lǎotǎi (láotǎi after tone sandhi) a person who speaks with a heavy non-local accent.⁶
<台> 领呔[領呔] lêng-tāi <loan> necktie.
<台> 车呔[車呔] chëh-tāi <loan> tire.
<又> dāi.
(See 呔 dāi.)
tai1 13887
167 15 tāi (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 锑[銻] häi with same meaning.)
<又>  häi.
(See 銻  häi.)
tai1 13888
15 10 täi bitter cold, miserable, dreary.⁸ (variants: 淒, 悽 täi ).
风雨凄凄[風雨凄凄] füng-yî-täi-täi
fēngyǔqīqī the wind and the rain are cold; sad situation; wretched situation.
凄恻[凄惻] täi-chāk
qīcè <wr.> sad; sorrowful; mournful; grieved.⁶
凄风[凄風] täi-füng
qīfēng cold wind.
凄风苦雨[凄風苦雨] täi-füng-fū-yî
qīfēngkǔyǔ wailing wind and pattering rain; wretched circumstances.
凄冷 täi-lâng
qīlěng dreary; desolate; miserable; bleak; cold; frigid.
凄凉[凄涼] täi-lẽng
qīliáng desolate; dreary.
凄然泪下[凄然淚下] täi-ngẽin-luì-hä
qīránlèixià shed tears in sadness.⁵⁴
凄惨[凄慘] täi-tām
qīcǎn wretched; miserable; tragic.⁵
凄切 täi-tēik
qīqiè to be pathetic, saddening, grievous, or mournful; bitter and sorrowful.
凄沧[凄滄] täi-töng
qīcāng cold; dreary; desolate.
凄怆[凄愴] täi-töng
qīchuàng <wr.> wretched; miserable; sad.⁶
(See 淒 täi, 悽 täi)
tai2 13889
18 4 täi qiè all; everything.
不顾一切[不顧一切] būt-gü-yīt-täi bùgùyīqiè regardless of everything.
恺切[愷切] hōi-täi
kǎiqiè gently and sincerely.⁷
目空一切 mùk-hüng-yīt-täi
mùkōngyīqiè to be supercilious or arrogant.
or 砌末 täi-mòt qièmo <Chinese opera> stage equipment.¹¹
洞察一切 ùng-chāt-yīt-täi
dòngcháyīqiè have a keen insight into matters; see through with great insight.⁶
<又> tēik, tëik.
(See 切 tēik, tëik.)
tai2 13890
61 11 täi (=凄 täi ) sad; mournful, dolorous.¹¹ grieved, pained; to pity, to commiserate.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄妻; U+60BD).
晚景悽涼 mân-gēin-täi-lẽng
wǎnjǐngqīliáng lonely and poor in old age.¹¹
悽恻[悽惻] täi-chāk
qīcè (of sounds, feelings) mournful, disconsolate.¹¹
悽惘 täi-mông
qīwǎng sadly disappointed.¹¹
悽悽 täi-täi
qīqī sad, desolate.¹¹ hungry and sick; to hate.²⁴
悽悽惶惶 täi-täi-võng-võng
qīqīhuánghuáng rushing about in distress.¹¹
悽怆[悽愴] täi-töng
qīchuàng in a sad circumstance.¹¹ to compassionate.²⁴
悽婉 täi-vōn
qīwǎn (of music) sadly moving.¹¹
悽惶 täi-võng
qīhuáng distressed, forlorn.¹¹
(See 凄 täi, 淒 täi.)
tai2 13891
75 12 täi ➀ to rest; to stay; to perch; to settle  ➁ the place one stays in  ➂ (now rarely) a bed.⁷ <又> xäi. (See 棲 xäi.)
t: ⿰木妻; U+68F2). (comp. s: ⿰木西; U+6816).
栖泊[棲泊] täi-bòk
qībó to come to anchor; to stay temporarily.⁷
栖迟[棲遲] täi-chĩ
qīchí to sojourn; to travel and rest.⁷
栖处[棲處] täi-chuī
qīchǔ to stay (at a place).⁷
栖处[棲處] täi-chuî
qīchù an abode (usually temporarily).⁷
栖苴[棲苴] täi-duï
qījū floating weeds.¹¹
栖居[棲居] täi-guï
qījū to dwell; to live.⁷
栖地[棲地] täi-ì
qīdì cache.⁸
栖止[棲止] täi-jī
qīzhǐ to settle (at a place).⁷
栖禽[棲禽] täi-kĩm
qīqín percher.⁸ roosting birds.¹⁴
栖流所[棲流所] täi-liũ-sō
qīliúsuǒ a refuge for vagrants or the homeless (mostly for women).⁷
栖木[棲木] täi-mûk
qīmù roost; perch.¹⁰
栖身[棲身] täi-sïn
qīshēn to dwell, obtain shelter.¹¹
栖神[棲神] täi-sĩn qīshén <Dao.> a way to discipline one's mind.⁷
栖遁[棲遁] täi-ùn
qīdùn to live in seclusion.⁷
栖息[棲息] täi-xēik
qīxī to rest; to stay; to perch.⁷
栖息地[棲息地] täi-xēik-ì
qīxīdì a habitat.⁷
栖宿[棲宿] täi-xūk
qīsù to rest or stay for the night.⁷

tai2 13892
75 12 täi (said of birds) to roost, to perch; to settle, to live, to stay.⁷
栖迟[栖遲] täi-chĩ qīchí to take a rest.⁷
(composition: ⿰木西; U+6816).
<又> xäi.
(See 栖 xäi.)
tai2 13893
85 7 täi to infuse.⁷
沏茶 täi-chã qīchá to infuse tea; to make tea.⁷
tai2 13894
85 11 täi (=凄 täi ) cold. (variants: 凄, 悽 täi ).
(See 凄 täi, 悽 täi.)
tai2 13895
112 9 täi build by laying bricks or stones; step.⁵
石砌 sêk-täi shíqì stone steps.⁶
砌灶 täi-dâo
qìzào build a kitchen range.⁶
砌井壁 täi-dēng-bēik
qìjǐngbì build shaft lining.⁵
砌块[砌塊] täi-fäi
qìkuài building blocks.⁸
砌砖[砌磚] täi-jön
qìzhuān to lay bricks; bricklaying.¹⁰
砌砖工人[砌磚工人] täi-jön-güng-ngĩn
qìzhuān gōngrén a bricklayer.⁷
砌路 täi-lù
qìlù to build or pave a road.⁷
砌墙[砌牆] täi-tẽng
qìqiáng to build a wall.⁷
砌词捏控[砌詞捏控] täi-xũ-nēp-hüng
qìcíniēkòng to fabricate or trump up charges; to frame.⁷
砌烟囱[砌煙囱] täi-yën-hüng
qìyāncōng build a chimney.⁶
堆字砌句 uï-dù-täi-guï
duīzìqìjù pile up words and phrases in writing.⁵⁴
堆砌 uï-täi
duīqì piling up of phrases and allusions in composition, like piling up bricks (as against simple style).¹¹
(See 砌 [täi, qiè].)
tai2 13896
112 9 täi qiè 砌末 or 切末 täi-mòt qièmo <Chinese opera> stage equipment.¹¹
(See 砌 [täi, ].)
tai2 13897
120 14 täi ➀ (<old>=萋 täi ⁸ of many numbers; luxuriant.⁹ Celosia argentea; luxuriant.¹⁰ <wr.> thriving (plants). rumbling (clouds).¹¹ luxuriant foliage; crowded.³⁶) the stripes in cloth or silk.²⁵ ➁ common name for sewing.⁸  ➂ patterned, delicately ornamented (about silk fabric).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰糹妻; U+7DC0).
tai2 13898
140 11 täi of many numbers; luxuriant.⁹ Celosia argentea; luxuriant.¹⁰ <wr.> thriving (plants). rumbling (clouds).¹¹ luxuriant foliage; crowded.³⁶
萋萋 täi-täi
qīqī <wr.> luxuriant; lavish; abundant.¹⁰
tai2 13899
210 25 𪗏
täi a kind of fish, like the carp, but smaller.²⁵
(composition: ⿵齊魚; U+2A5CF).

tai2 13900 2A5CF.gif
7 8 tãi (<old>=齐[齊] tãi even, regular, uniform; all alike; to arrange.⁸)
(composition: ⿱厽二; U+4E9D).
<又> jäi.
(See 亝 jäi).
tai3 13901
61 17 tãi angry.²⁴ <wr.> furious.¹¹
(composition: ⿰忄齊; U+61E0).
天之方懠 hëin-jï-föng-tãi tiānzhīfāngqí  Heaven is greatly angered.¹¹
天懠 hëin-tãi
tiānqí Heaven was enraged.²⁴
懠懝 tãi-ngĩ
qíyì suspicious; one says, sad and hurried.²⁴
<又> dāi; däi.
(See 懠 dāi; 懠 däi).
tai3 13902
137 20 tãi tholepin.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰舟齊; U+8269).
艣艩 or 橹艩[櫓艩] lû-tãi lǔqí the parts used to support the scull; tholepin.⁸ the peg for resting an oar on.¹³ʼ²⁵
tai3 13903
140 17 tãi 荠菜[薺菜] tãi-töi jìcài shepherd's purse, Capsella bursa-pastoris.
(composition: ⿱艹齊; U+85BA).
<又> tî.
(See 薺 tî.)
tai3 13904
142 20 tãi maggots, grubs.⁸
蛴螬[蠐螬] tãi-tão qícáo grub; grubworm.⁹
蝤蛴[蝤蠐] yiũ-tãi
qiúqí longicorn's larva 天牛的幼虫 [天牛的幼蟲]; used to describe skin of women's neck appears bright and white.⁹ (天牛 hëin-ngẽo tiānniú longicorn beetles, family Cerambycidae; also known as long-horned beetle).⁸¹
tai3 13905
210 14 tãi Kangxi radical 210; even, uniform, of equal length.⁸
(composition: ⿳亠⿲刀丫⿸⿱丿𠄌乀⿲丿二丨; U+9F4A).
齐白石[齊白石] Tãi Bàk-sêk Qí Báishí Qi Baishi (1864-1957), famous Chinese painter.¹⁰
齐备[齊備] tãi-bì
qíbèi all ready; available; complete.¹⁰
qíbùzǒu quick march; Quick time, march!⁵
齐唱[齊唱] tãi-chëng
qíchàng sing in unison.¹¹
齐楚[齊楚] tãi-chō
qíchǔ neat and smart.⁵
齐奏[齊奏] tãi-dëo
qízòu to play (instruments) in unison.⁹
齐头并进[齊頭並進] tãi-hẽo-bèin-dïn
qítóubìngjìn advance side by side; do two or more things at once.⁵
齐整[齊整] tãi-jēin
qízhěng neat; uniform.⁵
齐名[齊名] tãi-mẽin
qímíng equally famous.¹⁰
齐明[齊明] tãi-mẽin
qímíng <phy.> aplanatic.⁵
齐射[齊射] tãi-sèh
qíshè <mil.> salvo; volley.⁵
齐声[齊聲] tãi-sëin
qíshēng in chorus; in unison.⁵
齐全[齊全] tãi-tũn
qíquán complete; all in readiness.⁵
齐心[齊心] tãi-xïm
qíxīn be of one mind.⁵
齐心协力[齊心協力] tãi-xïm-hèp-lèik
qíxīnxiélì work as one; make concerted efforts.⁵
齐肃[齊肅] tãi-xūk
qísù neat, (army) in splendid form.¹¹
齐一[齊一] tãi-yīt
qíyī uniform; equal.⁷
一齐[一齊] yīt-tãi
yìqí simultaneous.⁵ together.¹¹
<又> dü, jäi, jài.
(See 齊 dü, jäi, jài.)
tai3 13906
142 19 tàk zéi an insect that devours the joints of the stalks of grain.²⁵ a pest which eats seedlings.³⁶ the "thief-worm" is the larva of a kind of Hessian fly which eats the joints of rice; in Cantonese it is called 黄虫[黃蟲] võng-chũng huángchóng the yellow insect.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱賊虫; U+8808).
tak4 13907
154 13 tàk zéi thief; traitor; crooked, wicked, furtive; crafty, sly; <wr.> injure, harm, murder; <topo.> extremely, disagreeably.⁵
贼兵[賊兵] tàk-bëin zéibīng enemy forces, rebel troops.¹¹
贼子[賊子] tàk-dū zéizi a young rascal.¹¹
贼店[賊店] tàk-ëm
zéidiàn an inn run by a member of the underworld.¹¹
贼骨頭[賊骨頭] tàk-gūt-hêo
zéigǔtou a petty thief.¹¹
贼喊捉贼[賊喊捉賊] tàk-häm-jök-tàk
zéihǎnzhuōzéi a thief crying “Stop thief!”⁵
贼头贼脑[賊頭賊腦] tàk-hẽo-tàk-nāo
zéitóuzéinǎo behaving stealthy like a thief; stealthy; furtive.⁵
贼去关门[賊去關門] tàk-huï-gän-mõn
zéiqùguānmén lock the door after the thief has gone.⁵
贼冷[賊冷] tàk-lâng
zéilěng <topo.> bitterly cold.⁵
贼类[賊類] tàk-luì
zéilèi robbers, rebels, brigands.¹¹
贼眉鼠眼[賊眉鼠眼] tàk-mĩ-sī-ngān
zéiméishǔyǎn shifty-eyed; thievish-looking.⁵
贼眼[賊眼] tàk-ngān
zéiyǎn shifty eyes; furtive glance.⁵
贼船[賊船] tàk-sõn
zéichuán pirate ship.⁵
贼性难改[賊性難改] tàk-xëin-nãn-gōi
zéixìngnángǎi the habitual criminal is incorrigible.¹¹
贼相[賊相] tàk-xëng
zéixiàng criminal looks.¹¹
贼心[賊心] tàk-xïm zéixīn wicked heart; evil designs.⁵
tak4 13908
195 20 tàk zéi
乌鲗[烏鰂] or 乌贼[烏贼] vü-tàk wūzéi cuttlefish; inkfish.⁶
tak4 13909
28 11 tām cān <台> 参[參] tām capable, competent, powerful.
<台> 参人[參人] tām-ngĩn superior, powerful, capable, competent people.
<又> chëim, täm.
(See 參 chëim; [täm,
cān]; [täm, shēn]; 叅 täm.)
tam1 13910
61 14 tām cǎn miserable, pitiful, tragic; cruel, savage; to a serious degree, disastrously.⁵ (comp. t: ⿰忄參; U+6158).
s: ⿰忄参(GHJK) or ⿰忄叁(T); U+60E8).
or 惨澹[慘澹] tām-àm cǎndàn gloomy, dismal, bleak.⁵
惨败[慘敗] tām-bài
cǎnbài crushing or disastrous defeat.⁵
惨白[慘白] tām-bàk
cǎnbái pale.⁵
惨不忍睹[慘不忍睹] tām-būt-ngîn-ū
cǎnbùrěndǔ too horrible to look at.⁵
惨遭[慘遭] tām-däo
cǎnzāo suffer (disaster/death).¹⁰
惨遭不幸[慘遭不幸] tām-däo-būt-hàng
cǎnzāobùxìng die a tragic death.⁵
惨遭横祸[慘遭橫禍] tām-däo-vàng-vò
cǎnzāohènghuò to meet a tragic accident.⁷
惨沮[慘沮] tām-duī
cǎnjǔ <wr.> miserable in heart.¹¹
惨兮兮[慘兮兮] tām-hãi-hãi
cǎnxīxī sad-looking.⁵⁴
惨怛[慘怛] tām-hān
cǎndá <wr.> grieved; grief-stricken;  heartbroken.⁶
惨重[慘重] tām-jùng
cǎnzhòng disastrous.¹⁰
惨剧[慘劇] tām-kēk
cǎnjù tragedy; calamity.⁵
惨凓[慘慄] tām-lùt
cǎnlì piercing cold.¹⁴
惨无人道[慘無人道] tām-mũ-ngĩn-ào
cǎnwúréndào inhuman; brutal.⁵
惨案[慘案] tām-ön
cǎn'àn massacre; tragedy.¹⁰
tam1 13911
61 15 tām cǎn already; nevertheless; a particle similar to 曾 tãng céng; to be sorrowful.¹⁴ alternative form of 惨[慘] tām cǎn; sad,
sorrowful; already, nevertheless.³⁶
(composition: ⿰忄朁; U+61AF).
兵莫憯于志[兵莫憯於志] bëin-mòk-tām-yï-jï
bīng mò cǎn yú zhì there is no weapon more powerful than the will.⁵⁴
憯不知其故 tām-būt-jï-kĩ-gü
cǎnbùzhīqígù I cannot ascertain the cause of it.¹⁴
or 朁不畏明 tām-būt-vï-mẽin cǎnbùwèimíng "Who have no fear of the clear will (of Heaven)".¹⁴
憯恻[憯惻] tām-chāk
cǎncè pained; grieved.¹⁴
憯怛 tām-hān
cǎndá distressed in mind.¹⁴
憯酷 tām-hùk
cǎnkù cruel and oppresive.¹⁴
憯痛于心[憯痛於心] tām-hüng-yï-xïm
cǎntòngyúxīn extremely distressed in mind.¹⁴
憯懔[憯懍] tām-lîm
cǎnlǐn sad and afraid.³⁶
憯莫惩嗟[憯莫懲嗟] tām-mòk-chẽin-dèh
cǎnmòchéngjiē "And yet you do not correct nor bemoan yourself!".¹⁴
憯憯日瘁 tām-tām-ngìt-xuì
cǎncǎnrìcuì day by day I am full of grief and pain.¹⁴
憯于骨髓[憯於骨髓] tām-yï-gūt-xōi
cǎnyúgǔsuǐ feel pain in every cell of the body.⁵⁴
(See 朁 tām).
tam1 13912
73 12 tām cǎn if; supposing; nevertheless (a particle similar to 曾 tãng céng); interchangeable with 憯 tām cǎn.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱兓曰; U+6701).
or 憯不畏明 tām-būt-vï-mẽin cǎnbùwèimíng "Who have no fear of the clear will (of Heaven)".¹⁴
<又> tẽm; dèm.
(See 朁 tẽm; 朁 dèm; 憯 tām).
tam1 13913
203 23 tām cǎn <wr.> dark; dismally dim; bleak.⁶ mottled grey; speckled; black and white; mildewed.¹⁴ a light greenish black color; a dark color; injured; destroyed.²⁵ <lit.> dark gray; <lit.> dark; dim.³⁶ a mottled gray; white with black spots or vice versa; turbid; speckled, stained, as a decayed or moldy thing.¹⁰²
(comp. t: ⿰黑參; U+9EF2). (comp. s: ⿰黑参; U+9EEA).
黑黪黪的[黑黲黲的] hāk-tām-tām-ēik
hēicǎncǎnde blackened; grimy; dirty.¹⁴ grimed, blackened, sordid.¹⁰²
颜色黪黪[顏色黲黲] ngãn-sēik-tām-tām
yánsècǎncǎn the color faded; appearance of impending rain.²⁵
黪白 tām-bàk
cǎnbái gray.⁷ grey – as hair.¹⁴
黪白胡子[黲白鬍子] tām-bàk-vũ-dū
cǎnbáihúzi a grisly beard.¹⁰²
黪淡 tām-häm
cǎndàn gloomy; dull.⁷ gloomy; dark.¹⁴
阴阴黪黪[陰陰黲黲] yïm-yïm-tām-tām
yīnyīncǎncǎn dark, gloomy; clouded, as a dark day.¹⁰²
tam1 13914
9 13 täm cān fine, handsome, a man's name.²⁴ <old> alternative form of 掺[摻] täm chān “good”; <old> bad.³⁶ good; fine-looking.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰亻參; U+50AA).
陆傪[陸傪] lùk-täm
lùcān Lu Can, a noted man in the Tang Dynasty.²ʼ¹⁰²
傪悴 täm-xuì
cāncuì bleak and haggard.¹⁹
tam2 13915
28 9 𠫵
täm cān demotic character for 叅 or 參 täm cān to counsel; to consult together; to take part in, to intervene.).
(composition: ⿳厶大⺗; U+20AF5).
(See 叅 täm; 參 täm).
tam2 13916
28 11 täm cān join, enter, take part in; refer, consult; call to pay one's respects to; impeach an official before the emperor.⁵ (variants: 叅, 𠫵❄{⿳厶大⺗ } täm cān).
疑信参半[疑信參半] ngĩ-xïn-täm-bön
yíxìncānbàn half in belief and half in doubt.⁶
参加[參加] tām-gä
cānjiā join; attend; take part in.⁵
参观[參觀] täm-gön
cānguān visit; look around.⁵
参劾[參劾] täm-hàt
cānhé to accuse; to impeach; (in imperial China) to level charges against an official.¹⁰
参考[參考] täm-hāo
cānkǎo consult, refer to; reference.⁵
参谋[參謀] täm-mẽo
cānmóu staff officer; give advice.⁵
参议[參議] täm-ngì
cānyì counsellor, adviser; <wr.> counsel, advise, participate in policy-making discussion.⁶
参预[參預] täm-yì
or 参与[參與] täm-yî cānyù participate in; have a hand in.⁵
<又> chëim, tām.
(See 參 chëim; tām; [täm, shēn]; 叅 täm; 𠫵❄{⿳厶大⺗ } täm).
tam2 13917
28 11 täm shēn one of the 28 constellations into which the celestial sphere was divided in ancient Chinese astronomy; ginseng; trepang, sea cucumber, sea slug.⁶
(old variant: 蔘 täm).
海参[海參] hōi-täm hǎishēn sea cucumber.¹⁰
人参[人參] ngïn-täm
rénshēn ginseng.¹⁰
参茸[參茸] täm-ngũng
shēnróng <TCM> ginseng and young deer antler.¹⁰
参商[參商] täm-sëng
shēn-shāng <wr.> animosity between two brothers; the morning and evening stars; fig. separated.⁷
参薯[參薯] täm-sĩ/
shēnshǔ purple yam, ube, greater yam, Guyana arrowroot, ten-months yam, water yam, white yam, winged yam, violet yam, or yam (Dioscorea alata).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
西洋参[西洋參] xäi-yẽng-täm
xīyángshēn root of American ginseng.⁸
刺参[刺參] xü-täm
cìshēn beche-de-mer with spike.⁵⁴ Apostichopus japonicus (Japanese spiky sea cucumber or the Japanese sea cucumber); Stichopus japonicus; sea cucumber; A. japonicus Selenka.³⁹
<台> 花旗参[花旗參] fä-kĩ-täm American ginseng.
<又> chëim, tām.

(See 參 chëim; tām; [täm,
cān]; 叅 täm; 蔘 täm.)
tam2 13918
28 12 täm cān (=參 täm cān) to counsel; to consult together; to take part in, to intervene.¹⁴ (variant: 𠫵❄{⿳厶大⺗ } täm cān).
<又> chëim, tām.

(See 參 chëim; tām; [täm,
cān]; [täm, shēn]; 𠫵❄{⿳厶大⺗ } täm).
tam2 13919
30 14 täm càn a sound.⁸
(composition: ⿰口參; U+5607).
<又> xäm. (See 嘇 xäm).
tam2 13920
30 15 täm zǎn to carry (food) in mouth, like birds; to bite.¹¹
蚊虻噆膚 mûn-mông-täm-fü wénméngzǎnfū bitten by mosquitos and gnats.¹¹
tam2 13921
64 14 täm càn a kind of ancient drum music.
渔阳掺[漁陽摻] nguĩ-yẽng-täm yúyángcàn name of an ancient drum music composition.
<又> sām, tïm.
(See 摻 [täm, chān], sām, tïm.)
tam2 13922
64 14 täm chān to dilute; to interrupt; (=搀[攙] täm chān) to mix; to adulterate.
or 搀杂[攙雜] täm-dàp chānzá to mix, to mingle; to adulterate, to make impure.
or 搀假[攙假] täm-gā chānjiǎ to adulterate.
or 搀合[攙合] täm-hàp chānhé to mix together; mixture; blend.
掺言[摻言] täm-ngũn
chānyán to interrupt a conversation; to offer one's views; to put in one's two cents worth.
掺水[摻水] täm-suī
chānshuǐ  to dilute; to fill with half truth.
or 搀和[攙和] täm-võ chānhuo to mix; to disturb, to cause trouble.
<又> sām, tïm.
(See 摻 [täm, càn], sām, tïm.)
tam2 13923
64 20 täm chān to assist by the arm; to mix; to support; to sustain.
搀杂[攙雜] or 掺杂[摻雜] täm-dàp chānzá to mix; to blend; to dilute; to adulterate; to make impure.
搀扶[攙扶] täm-fũ
chānfú to assist (aged or invalid) to walk; to lend an arm to support somebody.
or 掺假[摻假] täm-gā chānjiǎ to dilute; to debase (by mixing with fake material).
or 掺合[摻合] täm-hàp chānhé to mix together; mixture; blend.
搀兑[攙兌] täm-uï
chānduì mix (different substances); adulterate.⁶
or 掺和[摻和] täm-vö chānhuo to mix; to mingle; to interfere; to meddle; to cause trouble.
tam2 13924
104 16 täm shèn to terrify.¹⁰ to tremble (from fever, fright).⁵⁴
瘆得慌[瘮得慌] täm-āk-föng shèndehuāng be horrifying.⁸
瘆人[瘮人] täm-ngĩn
shènrén making one’s flesh creep.⁸
tam2 13925
115 16 täm cǎn
billion-dollar grass.⁶ varieties of millet; panicled millet, ear of grain producing no fruit, short grains.⁸
䅟子[穇子] täm-dū cǎnzi billion-dollar grass.⁶ Eleusine coracana, or finger millet.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
<又> sâm.
(See 穇 sâm.)
tam2 13926
140 14 täm shēn (<old>=参[參] täm shēn) ginseng; huge.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹參; U+8518).
人蔘 or 人参[人參] ngĩn-täm
rénshēn ginseng.¹⁰
蔘鸡汤[蔘雞湯] täm-gäi-höng
shēnjītāng samgyetang, popular Korean chicken soup with ginseng, spices etc.³⁵
蔘汤[蔘湯] or 参汤[參湯] täm-höng
shēntāng ginseng soup.³⁶
蔘茸 or 参茸[參茸] täm-ngũng
shēnróng TCM ginseng and velvet antler; (by extension) any expensive Chinese medicine.³⁶
<又> xäm.
(See 蔘 xäm; 參 täm).
tam2 13927
167 19 täm càn hoe; work with a hoe, to hoe; uproot, eradicate, wipe out.⁶
(composition: ⿰⿰釒參; U+93D2).
<又> xām; tẽl. (See 鏒 xām; 鏒 tẽl).
tam2 13928
187 21 täm cān (in ancient times) outside two of a team of three or four horses that draw a carriage.⁶
停骖[停驂] hẽin-täm tíngcān to stop the horses; to put up at.¹⁴
骖乘[驂乘] täm-sẽin
cānshèng (in ancient China) three persons sat in one chariot, the driver sits in the middle, the one on the left was a senior or the director, the one on the right was called 骖乘[驂乘].⁷ the Imperial carriage.¹⁴
tam2 13929
61 14 tãm cán ashamed; mortified; humiliated.⁷ (variant: 慙 tãm).
(comp. t: ⿰忄斬; U+615A). (comp. s: ⿰忄斩; U+60ED).
大言不惭[大言不慚] ài-ngũn-būt-tãm
dàyánbùcán to boast shamelessly; to talk big.¹⁰
自惭形秽[自慚形穢] dù-tãm-yẽin-vï
or dù-tãm-yẽin-vöi zìcánxínghuì feel unworthy (of other's company); have a sense of inferiority or inadequacy.⁵
惭德[慚德] tãm-āk
cándé ashamed of being defective in morality.⁷
惭怍[慚怍] tãm-dòk
or tãm-dò cánzuò to feel ashamed; to feel shame.⁷
惭沮[慚沮] tãm-duī
cánjǔ ashamed and depressed.⁷
惭凫企鹤[慚鳧企鶴] tãm-fũ-kï-hôk
cánfúqǐhè ashamed of one's inadequacy while envying another's competence.⁷
惭恨[慚恨] tãm-hàn
cánhèn mortified; humiliated; feel hurt.⁷
惭愧[慚愧] tãm-kï/
cánkuì ashamed.⁷
惭赧[慚赧] tãm-nân
cánnǎn to redden from shame.⁷
惭恧[慚恧] tãm-nūk
cánnǜ to feel shame; ashamed.⁷
惭色[慚色] tãm-sēik
cánsè a shamefaced look.⁷
惭惶[慚惶] tãm-võng
cánhuáng ashamed and bewildered; embarrassed.⁷
羞惭[羞慚] xiü-tãm
xiūcán ashamed.⁶
(See 慙 tãm).
tam3 13930
61 15 tãm cán (=惭[慚] tãm cán ashamed; mortified; humiliated.⁷).²
(composition: ⿱斬心; U+6159).
(See 慚 tãm).
tam3 13931
64 14 tãm cán (Note: 摲 tãm cán is spoken like 暂[暫] dèm zàn).¹⁹
(composition: ⿰扌斬; U+6472).
<又> tëm; chëim.
(See 摲 tëm; 摲 chëim).
tam3 13932
64 15 tãm cán to cut, to kill, to behead.⁸
(composition: ⿱斬手; U+3A3B).
<又> tëm; chëim. (See 㨻 tëm; 㨻 chëim).
tam3 13933
75 21 tãm chán sandalwood; a comet.⁷ a tree called 欃檀 tãm-hãn chántán, which grew near the grave of Confucius.¹⁴ (variant:
天欃 hëin-tãm
tiānchán a comet.¹⁴
欃枪星[欃槍星] tãm-chäng-xëin
chánchēngxīng a comet; a rebel leader.¹⁴
欃檀 tãm-hãn
chántán (another name for 檀木 hãn-mûk tánmù²³) sandalwood.¹⁹
tam3 13934
149 24 tãm chán (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 谗[讒] chãm chán with same meaning: false words; to flatter; to slander; to backbite.)
<又> chãm.
(See 讒 chãm.)
tam3 13935
184 25 tãm chán greedy; gluttonous.⁵
嘴馋[嘴饞] duī-tãm zuǐchán greedy; fond of good food.⁵
贪馋[貪饞] häm-tãm
tānchán greedy (for food); gluttonous; insatiably greedy.¹
馋嘴[饞嘴] tãm-duī
chánzuǐ gluttonous.⁵
馋鬼[饞鬼] tãm-gī
chánguǐ glutton; greedy eater.⁶
馋痨[饞癆] tãm-lão
chánláo tuberculosis; hence (adjective) gluttonous for food or overindulgent in sex.¹¹
馋獠生涎[饞獠生涎] tãm-lẽl-säng-yẽn
chánliáoshēngxián be greedy.⁵⁴
馋猫[饞貓] tãm-miū
chánmāo glutton; greedy guts.⁶
馋涎欲滴[饞涎欲滴] tãm-yẽn-yùk-ēik
chánxiányùdī  mouth drooling with greed.⁵
眼馋[眼饞] ngān-tãm
yǎnchán <topo.> covet; be envious of; cast covetous eyes at; eye something covetously.⁶
眼馋肚饱[眼饞肚飽] ngān-tãm-ū-bāo
yǎnchándùbǎo have eyes bigger than the stomach/belly; order more food than one can eat.⁶ (See <台> 肚饱眼唔饱[肚飽眼唔飽] ū-bāo-ngān-m̃-bāo).
又懒又馋[又懶又饞] yiù-län-yiù-tãm
yòulǎnyòuchán be both lazy and greedy.³⁹
<又> chãm.
(See 饞 chãm.)
tam3 13936
142 24 tâm cán a silkworm.⁷
蚕虫[蠶蟲] tâm-chũng cánchóng silkworm.¹⁹
蚕子[蠶子] tâm-dū
cánzǐ  the eggs of silkworms.⁷
蚕豆[蠶豆] tâm-èo/
cándòu broad beans.¹¹
蚕茧[蠶繭] tâm-gān
or tâm-gēin cánjiǎn the cocoon of the silkworm.⁷
蚕曲[蠶曲] tâm-kūk
cánqū (synonymous with 蚕箔[蠶箔] tâm-bòk cánbó 薄曲 bòk-kūk bóqǔ; 曲簿 kūk-bòk qūbù) bamboo tray for raising silkworms; reed mat for silkworm culture; screen used to raise silkworms.
蚕蛾[蠶蛾] tâm-ngõ
cán'é a silkworm moth.⁷
蚕沙[蠶沙] tâm-sâ
cánshā dung of silkworms.¹¹
蚕山[蠶山] tâm-sän
cánshān silkworm nest (bundle of straw provided for silkworm to spin their cocoons).¹⁰
蚕食[蠶食] tâm-sèik
cánshí to nibble.⁷
蚕食鲸吞[蠶食鯨吞] tâm-sèik-kẽin-hün
cánshíjīngtūn (of the aggressive expansion of a nation) now nibbling like a silkworm, now engulfing like a whale.⁷
蚕蔟[蠶蔟] tâm-tūk
cáncù silkworm nest (bundle of straw  provided for silkworm to spin their cocoons).¹⁰
蚕桑[蠶桑] tâm-xông
cánsāng a silkworm mulberry.⁷
蚕丝[蠶絲] tâm-xû
cánsī natural silk; silk.⁷
蚕蓐[蠶蓐] tâm-yùk
cánrù grass mats for raising silkworms.¹¹

tam5 13937
38 10 tān càn beautiful; three women (one wife, two concubines); can be used for 粲 tān càn radiant; beautiful, splendid, excellent.² three women; beautiful things.⁸
(composition: ⿱⿰歺又女; U+36D1).
tan1 13938
39 16 𡦞
tān càn two daughters or two women.²
(composition: ⿰子粲; U+2199E).
tan1 13939
59 16 tān càn literary in taste; elegant; ornamental; beautiful and gorgeous.⁸ abundantly, splendid, brilliant.²⁴
(composition: ⿰粲彡; U+38D3).
tan1 13940
85 16 tān càn (of water) clear.⁸ clear limpid.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵粲; U+6FAF).
澯瀾[澯澜] tān-lãn cànlán the clearness of water.²⁴
漼澯 tuï-tān
cuǐcàn the water is deep and clear.¹⁹
tan1 13941
86 17 tān càn bright; brilliant; resplendent.⁷
灿烂[燦爛] tān-làn cànlàn glorious; resplendent; splendid; bright.⁸
灿然[燦然] tān-ngẽin
cànrán resplendent; bright; brilliant.⁶
灿若繁星[燦若繁星] tān-ngèk-fãn-xëin
cànruòfánxīng bright as a multitude of stars (idiom); extremely able talent.¹⁰
灿若明霞[燦若明霞] tān-ngèk-mẽin-hã
cànruòmíngxiá be shining with a subdued pinkish hue like light morning clouds.⁵⁴
灿灿[燦燦] tān-tān
càncàn glittering.¹⁴
绮灿[綺燦] yī-tān
qǐcàn enchanting; gorgeous.¹⁰
tan1 13942
96 17 tān càn fine jade or its luster; bright; radiant; brilliant.⁶ bright and brilliant; lustrous and luminous.⁷
璨美 tān-mî cànměi resplendent.¹⁹
璨玉 tān-ngùk
cànyù lustrous jade.⁷
璨璨 tān-tān
càncàn very bright.⁷
璀璨 tuï-tān
cuǐcàn <wr.> bright, resplendent.⁵
璀璨明珠 tuï-tān-mẽin-jî
cuǐcànmíngzhū lustrous or bright pearl.⁶
璀璨夺目[璀璨奪目] tuï-tān-ùt-mùk
cuǐcànduómù dazzling.⁵
tan1 13943
119 13 tān càn bright and clear, radiant; beautiful, splendid, excellent; smiling, laughing; well-polished rice.⁷ materials for a feast; bright, splendid, clear, excellent, beautiful; laughing.¹⁴
粲花 tān-fä cànhuā good at speech; skilled in talking.⁷
粲者 tān-jēh
cànzhě a beauty; a pretty girl.⁷
粲夸克 tān-kä-hāk
càn kuākè (particle physics) charm quark.¹⁰
粲烂[粲爛] tān-làn
cànlàn brilliant; sparkling; radiant; bright.⁷
粲然 tān-ngẽin 
cànrán bright and radiant; smiling brightly.⁷
粲然而笑 tān-ngẽin-ngĩ-xël
cànránérxiào He laughed boisterously.¹⁴
粲然一笑 tān-ngẽin-yīt-xël
cànrányīxiào give a beaming smile; grin with delight.⁵
粲粲 tān-tān
càncàn (of dresses) bright, splendid and eye-catching.⁷
粲粲衣服 tān-tān-yï-fùk
càncànyīfu in brilliant array.¹⁴
还予授子之粲兮[還予授子之粲兮] vãn-yî-siù-dū-jï-tān-hãi
huányǔshòuzǐzhīcànxī When we return we will send you a feast.¹⁴
三英粲兮 xäm-yëin-tān-hãi
sānyīngcànxī How bright are its three ornaments!¹⁴
tan1 13944
140 16 tān càn a type of grass mentioned in ancient books which can be used to make mats.²
(composition: ⿱艹粲; U+8592).
tan1 13945
30 14 tän tàn <台> 叹世界[嘆世界] tän-säi-gäi to relax and enjoy life.
<又> hän. (See 嘆 hän.)
tan2 13946
30 22 tän cān (<old>=餐 tän cān eat; food, meal; <m.> for meals.⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿰口贊; U+56CB).
<又> dàp; dän.
(See 囋 dàp; 囋 dän; 餐 tän).
tan2 13947
85 12 tän cān (=餐 tän cān) eat; food, meal.⁶ a meal; to eat.⁷
(See 餐 tän; 飡 tän).
tan2 13948
118 18 tän cān bamboo slips; crude, coarse bamboo mats.⁸ a bamboo basket; a slip of bamboo for a mark.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗殘; U+4254).
竹䉔 jūk-tän zhúcān bamboo slips (used as markers).⁰
䉔笭 tän-lẽin
cānlíng a bamboo basket.⁰
tan2 13949
184 11 tän cān (=餐 tän cān) eat; food, meal.⁶ a meal; to eat.⁷
(See 餐 tän; 湌 tän).
tan2 13950
184 16 tän cān eat; food, meal; <m.> for meals.⁶ (Note: the simplified form was one of the Second round of simplified  characters which was rescinded on 24 June 1986).¹⁵ (variants: 飡 tän cān; 湌 tän cān; 囋 tän cān).
餐车[餐車] tän-chëh
cānchē restaurant car; dining car; diner.⁵
餐费[餐費] tän-fï
cānfèi boarding expense; a food bill.⁷
餐风宿露[餐風宿露] tän-füng-xūk-lù
cānfēngsùlù eat in the wind and sleep in the dew – endure the hardships of an arduous journey or fieldwork.⁵
餐巾 tän-gïn
cānjīn table napkin.⁵
餐巾纸[餐巾紙] tän-gïn-jī
cānjīnzhǐ paper napkin.⁵
餐馆[餐館] tän-gōn
cānguǎn restaurant.⁶
餐具 tän-guì
cānjù tableware; dinner service/set.⁵
餐厅[餐廳] tän-hëng
cāntīng dining room/hall; restaurant.⁶
餐券 tän-hûn
cānquàn a meal coupon; a meal ticket.⁷
餐桌 tän-jēk
cānzhuō dining table.⁶
餐饮[餐飲] tän-ngīm
cānyǐn food and beverages.⁶
餐饮业[餐飲業] tän-ngīm-ngèp
cānyǐnyè restaurants, bars, coffee houses, and tearooms.⁷
餐盘[餐盤] tän-põn
cānpán service/dinner plate.⁶
餐室 tän-sīt
cānshì dining room.⁶
餐会[餐會] tän-vòi
cānhuì dinner party.⁶
(See 歺 āi; 飡 tän; 湌 tän; 囋 tän).
tan2 13951
195 18 tän cān another name for 条鰶[條鰶] hẽl-däi tiáojì sharpbelly or wild carp, Korean sharpbelly, or common sawbelly (Hemiculter leucisculus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
tan2 13952
78 12 tãn cán incomplete, deficient; remnant, remaining; injure, damage; savage, barbarous, ferocious.⁵
败兵残卒[敗兵殘卒] bài-bëin-tãn-dūt bàibīngcánzú a crushed and broken army; defeated broken ranks.⁵⁴
残暴[殘暴] tãn-bào
cánbào ruthless; brutal; savage.⁵
残喘[殘喘] tãn-chūn
cánchuǎn one's last breath.⁸
残疾[殘疾] tãn-dìp cánjí deformity.⁵
残花败柳[殘花敗柳] tãn-fä-bài-liû
cánhuābàiliǔ withered flowers and dead willows – fallen woman; faded beauty.⁶
残废[殘廢] tãn-fī
cánfèi maimed, crippled, disabled; a maimed person, cripple.⁵
残酷[殘酷] tãn-hùk
cánkù cruel; brutal; ruthless.⁵
残渣余孽[殘渣餘孽] tãn-jâ-yĩ-ngēik
cánzhāyúniè evil elements from the old society; dregs of the old society.¹⁰
残缺[殘缺] tãn-kūt
cánquē incomplete; fragmentary; segmented; broken.⁶
残缺不全[殘缺不全] tãn-kūt-būt-tũn
cánquēbùquán (set of books) incomplete; (person) crippled.¹¹
残忍[殘忍] tãn-ngîn
cánrěn cruel; ruthless.⁵
残杀[殘殺] tãn-sät
cánshā murder; massacre; slaughter.⁵
残余[殘餘] tãn-yĩ
cányú remnants; remains; vestiges.⁵
<又> tân, sân.
(See 殘 tân, sân.)
tan3 13953
78 12 tân cán <台> 口水残[口水殘] hēo-suī-tân or hēo-suī-sân phlegm; spittle.
<又> tãn, sân.
(See 殘 tãn, sân.)
tan5 13954
40 15 𡪠
tãng céng a large wide house.²⁴
(composition: ⿱宀曾; U+21AA0).
𡪠宏 tãng-fãng cénghóng a large house.² (cf 䆵宖 chãng-fãng).
tang3 13955
44 15 tãng céng a layer, a stratum; a story (of a building).⁷
层压玻璃[層壓玻璃] tãng-āt-bū-lī or tãng-āt-bō-lī céngyā bōli laminated glass.⁶
层报[層報] tãng-bäo céngbào report to the higher authorities level by level.⁶
层出不穷[層出不窮] tãng-chūt-būt-kũng céngchūbùqióng appear one after another.⁵⁵
层出叠见[層出疊見] tãng-chūt-èp-gëin céngchūdiéjiàn occur repeatedly.⁵⁵
层积云[層積雲] tãng-dēik-vũn céngjīyún stratocumulus⁶
层叠[層疊] tãng-èp céngdié pile on top of another.⁵⁵
层级[層級] tãng-kīp céngjí levels and ranks.⁶
层林[層林] tãng-lĩm cénglín <wr.> row upon row of trees.⁶
层峦叠嶂[層巒疊嶂] tãng-lũn-èp-jëng céngluándiézhàng range upon range of hills.⁶
层面[層面] tãng-mèin céngmiàn range/scope of a certain level; aspect, respect, field; bedding (surface).⁶
层层[層層] tãng-tãng céngcéng layer upon layer.¹⁰
层云[層雲] tãng-vũn céngyún <met.> stratus.⁵
层次[層次] tãng-xü céngcì arrangement of ideas; administrative level; level.⁵⁵
层次分明[層次分明] tãng-xü-fün-mẽin céngcìfēnmíng be well-organized; be well-arranged; have distinct gradation.⁶
tang3 13956
73 12 tãng céng once; already; ever (in the past); previously.
不曾 būt-tãng bùcéng <wr.>  never (in the past); not yet.
可曾 hō-tãng
kěcéng ever.
何曾 hõ-tãng
hécéng <wr.> when (in the past)? whenever...?
未曾 mì-tãng
wèicéng never before; not yet. (See <台> 未曾 mẽng)
曾经[曾經] tãng-gëin
céngjīng once; in the past.
曾经沧海[曾經滄海] tãng-gëin-töng-hōi
céngjīngcānghǎi have wide experience.
曾几何时[曾幾何時] tãng-gī-hõ-sĩ
céngjǐhéshí <wr.> not long ago.
<台> 佉未曾返来[佉未曾返來] kêk-mẽng-fän-lõi They have not yet returned.
<台> 唔曾 mẽng
or mêng not yet. (Contraction of 唔 m̃ and 曾 tãng). Same as <台> 未曾 mẽng or mêng.
<台> 未曾 mẽng
or mêng not yet. (Contraction of 未 mì and 曾 tãng).
<台> 还未曾[還未曾] vãn-mẽng
or vãn-mêng still not yet.
<又> däng.
(See 曾 däng.)
tang3 13957
130 16 𦠇
tãng céng fat.²
(composition: ⿰月曾; U+26807).
tang3 13958
45 3 tāo cǎo (<old>=草 tāo cǎo) grass.⁸
(composition: ⿻凵丨; U+5C6E).
<又> chēik.
(See 草 tāo; 屮 chēik).
tao1 13959
61 12 tāo cǎo (=懆 tāo cǎo anxious, apprehensive.⁸).¹³ sad; worried; depressed.²⁹ grieve; washed, cleaned.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰忄蚤; U+6145).
劳心慅兮![勞心慅兮!] lão-xïm-tāo-hãi
láoxīncǎoxī! how a weary heart grieves!⁵⁴
Sï-yēl-siù-hãi, lão-xïm-tāo-hãi.
Shū yǒu shòu xī, láoxīn cǎo xī.
O to have my anxieties about her relieved!
How agitated is my toiled heart!⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·陳風·月出·2》, translated by James Legge).
慅婴[慅嬰] tāo-yëin
cǎoyīng In ancient times, a grass belt was placed on the crown of criminals to show humiliation.¹⁹ headdress ribbons made of washed cloth.⁵⁴
<又> xäo.
(See 慅 xäo; 懆 tāo).
tao1 13960
61 16 tāo cǎo anxious, apprehensive.⁸
(variant: 𢥼❄{⿰忄竈} tāo). (See 𢥼❄{⿰忄竈} tāo}
(composition: ⿰忄喿; U+61C6).
惼懆 bēin-tāo
biǎncǎo (=急躁 gīp-täo jízào irritable, testy, irascible, hot-tempered; impetuous, rash, impatient.⁶).¹⁹
懆懆 tāo-tāo
cǎocǎo looks worried, sad and uneasy.⁵⁴
tao1 13961
61 24 𢥼
tāo cǎo (=懆 tāo cǎo anxious, apprehensive.⁸).²
(composition: ⿰忄竈; U+2297C).
(See 懆 tāo).
tao1 13962
140 3 tāo cǎo (non-classical form of 艸 tāo cǎo grass); grass; straw; herbs; weeds.⁸
(composition: ⿱丷一; U+4491).
(See 艸 tāo).
tao1 13963
140 6 tāo cǎo Kangxi radical 140; (=草 tāo cǎo) grass.⁸ (old form of 艹).
(See 草 tāo).
tao1 13964
140 9 tāo cǎo grass, straw, thatch, herbs.⁸ (variant: 艸 tāo). (See 艸 tāo).
草本 tāo-bōn
cǎoběn herbaceous.⁵
草场[草場] tāo-chẽng
cǎochǎng pastureland.¹⁰
草荐[草薦] tāo-dëin
cǎojiàn pallet; straw mattress.
草席 tāo-dèk
cǎoxí straw mat.⁶
草字 tāo-dù
cǎozì a character written in the cursive hand.⁸
草芥 tāo-gäi
cǎojiè trifle; mere nothing.
or 草藁 tāo-gāo cǎogǎo rough draft of a document.²⁵
草果 tāo-gō
cǎoguǒ aka 草豆寇 tāo-èo-këo; Lanxangia tsaoko; <topo.> 草莓 tāo-mõi cǎoméi strawberry.
草菇 tāo-gü
cǎogū straw mushroom (Volvariella volvacea).⁵
草鞋 tāo-hãi
cǎoxié straw sandals; sandal.⁹
草炭 tāo-hän
cǎotàn peat.⁶
草地 tāo-ì
cǎodì grassland; meadow; lawn.
草履[草履] tāo-lî
cǎolǚ straw sandals.⁶
草履虫[草履蟲] tāo-lî-chũng
cǎolǚchóng paramecium.¹⁰
草帽 tāo-mào
cǎomào straw hat.⁶
草莓 tāo-mõi
cǎoméi strawberry; Fragaria × ananassa.²⁰
草莽 tāo-mông
cǎomǎng rank/thick growth of grass.⁶
草木皆兵 tāo-mùk-gäi-bëin
cǎomùjiēbīng imaginary fears.
草原 tāo-ngũn
cǎoyuán grasslands; prairie.⁵
草案 tāo-ön
cǎo'àn draft (of a plan, of law).⁵
草率 tāo-xūt
cǎoshuài rash; sloppy.

tao1 13965
30 16 täo zào <wr.> (of birds, insects) chirp, chatter, chirrup; make an uproar, clamour, kick up/raise a racket; (of sound) noisy and confused, clamorous.⁶
蝉噪[蟬噪] chên-täo chánzào chirping of cicadas.⁶
鼓噪 gū-täo
gǔzào clamour, make an uproar, raise a hubbub.⁶
名声大噪[名聲大噪] mẽin-sëin-ài-täo
míngshēngdàzào enjoy soaring fame.⁶
名噪一时[名噪一時] mẽin-täo-yīt-sĩ
míngzàoyīshí enjoy fame for a time; gain fleeting fame; have one's brief moment of fame; be all the vogue.⁶
噪杂[噪雜] täo-dàp
zàozá noisy, loud and confused.⁶
噪聒 täo-gāt
zàoguō make loud, confused noise; irritatingly noisy.¹¹
噪鹃[噪鵑] täo-gün
zàojuān koel.⁶ Asian koel (Eudynamys scolopaceus), a member of the cuckoo order of birds; a.k.a. 嫂鳥, 鬼郭公, 哥好雀, 婆好, 叫春鳥.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
噪声[噪聲] täo-sëin
zàoshēng noise.⁶
噪音 täo-yïm
zàoyīn rumble; noise; static (in a signal).¹⁰
鹊噪[鵲噪] xēk-täo
quèzào chattering of magpies.⁶
tao2 13966
64 16 täo cāo grasp, hold; act, do, operate; speak (a language or dialect); drill, exercise; conduct, behavior.⁵
早操 dāo-täo zǎocāo morning exercises.⁵
操刀 täo-äo
cāodāo hold a sword, cleaver, in one's hand.⁵
操办[操辦] täo-bàn
cāobàn make arrangements or preparations (for something); handle; deal with.⁶
操场[操場] täo-chẽng
cāochǎng playground; sports ground; drill ground.⁵
操持 täo-chĩ
cāochi manage; handle.⁵
操作 täo-dōk
cāozuò operate; manipulate.⁵
操纵[操縱] täo-düng
cāozòng operate, control; rig, manipulate.⁵
操典 täo-ēin
cāodiǎn <mil.> drill regulations; drill book; drill manual.⁶
操行 täo-hàng
cāoxíng behavior or conduct of a student.⁵
操舵 täo-hõ
or täo-hũ cāoduò steer; con; pilot.⁶
操之过急[操之過急] täo-jï-gö-gīp
cāozhīguòjí to act precipitately or impulsively.¹¹
操劳[操勞] täo-lão
cāoláo work hard; take care, look after.⁵
操练[操練] täo-lèin
cāoliàn drill; practice.⁵
操缦[操縵] täo-màn
cāomàn to play music in concord.²⁵
操心 täo-xïm
cāoxīn worry about; trouble about; take pains.⁵
tao2 13967
82 17 täo zào (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 氉 xäo sào with the same meaning: hair; restless, melancholy.⁸ restless.¹⁴ hair, stiff hair.²⁴ vexed; worried; restless; melancholy.²⁹).
(composition: ⿰喿毛; U+6C09).
<又> xäo.
(See 氉 xäo).
tao2 13968
85 16 täo zǎo bath.⁵
擦澡 chät-täo cāzǎo to rub oneself down with a wet towel; to take a sponge bath.⁵
抹澡 möt-täo
māzǎo <topo.> to rub oneself down with a wet towel; to take a sponge bath.⁵⁴
澡堂 täo-hõng
zǎotáng public baths; bathhouse.⁵
澡塘 täo-hõng
zǎotáng common bathing pool (in a bathhouse).⁵
澡盆 täo-pûn
zǎopén bathtub.⁵
洗澡 xāi-täo
xǐzǎo take a bath; bathe.⁵
洗澡塘 xāi-täo-hõng
xǐzǎotáng public baths; bathhouse; bath pool.⁵⁴
tao2 13969
86 17 täo zào dry, parched, arid; quick-tempered.⁸
干燥[乾燥] gön-täo gānzào arid, dry; dull, insipid, dry, boring.⁶ (weather) dry.¹¹ dried up; drought.¹⁴
枯燥 kü-täo
kūzào (of weather, place) dry; (of composition) lifeless.¹¹
燥子 täo-dū
zàozi (=臊子 xäo-dū sàozi) finely cut meat.¹¹
燥渴 täo-höt
zàokě parched with thirst.¹¹
燥热[燥熱] täo-ngèik
zàorè hot and dry.¹¹
燥脾 täo-pĩ
zàopí invigorating, refreshing, stimulating.¹¹
燥灼 täo-sēk
zàozhuó dreadfully anxious, worried.¹¹
燥湿[燥濕] täo-sīp
zàoshī degree of dryness or wetness; <Ch. med.> eliminating dampness.⁵⁴
tao2 13970
107 14 täo cāo (=糙 täo cāo) rough; coarse; inferior unpolished rice, goose flesh.⁸
(See 糙 täo).
tao2 13971
119 16 täo cāo rough; coarse.⁵ coarse; rough; crude; unsmooth.⁶ coarse, harsh, rough, unpolished rice.⁸ (variant: 㿷 täo cāo).
糙纸[糙紙] täo-jī
cāozhǐ rough paper.⁵
糙粮[糙糧] täo-lẽng
cāoliáng <topo.> coarse or unrefined food grain.⁶
糙米 täo-māi
cāomǐ brown rice; unpolished rice.⁵
糙米饭[糙米飯] täo-māi-fàn
cāomǐfàn brown rice.⁹ (cooked) coarse rice.⁵⁴
糙皮病 täo-pĩ-bèng
cāopíbìng pellagra.⁵
糙度 täo-ù
cāodù coarseness.⁹ asperity; rugosity.⁵⁴
粗糙 tü-täo
cūcāo (of a surface) coarse; rough; unpolish.⁷
(See 㿷 täo).
tao2 13972
140 19 täo zǎo algae; rich color; literary embellishment.⁶
水藻 suī-täo shuǐzǎo algae.⁶
藻井 täo-dēng
zǎojǐng sunk panel; caisson ceiling; coffer.⁶
藻翰 täo-hòn
zǎohàn a beautiful feather; fig. elegant writing.⁷
藻绘[藻繪] täo-köi
zǎohuì magnificence; splendor; elegance.⁷
藻类[藻類] täo-luì
zǎolèi or 藻类植物[藻類植物] täo-luì-jèik-mùt or täo-luì-jèik-mòt zǎolèizhíwù algae.⁷
藻类学[藻類學] täo-luì-hòk
zǎolèixué algology.⁶
藻类学家[藻類學家] täo-luì-hòk-gä
zǎolèixuéjiā algologist.⁶
藻丽[藻麗] täo-lãi
zǎolì <wr.> flowery or ornate (langage).⁶
藻煤 täo-mõi
zǎoméi boghead coal.⁶
藻雅 täo-ngâ
zǎoyǎ refined and elegant.⁷
藻雅芬芳 täo-ngâ-fün-föng
zǎoyǎfēnfāng refined and fragrant.⁷
藻玉 täo-ngùk
zǎoyù multicolored jade.⁷
藻饰[藻飾] täo-sēik
zǎoshì to polish writings; literary decorativeness; embellishment in writing.⁷
藻饰其非[藻飾其非] täo-sēik-kĩ-fï
zǎoshìqífēi to gloss over one's faults with flowery words.⁷
藻思 täo-xü
zǎosī a fine or elegant inspiration (in writing).⁷
(See 繅 xäo.)
tao2 13973
149 20 täo zào (=噪 täo zào <wr.> (of birds, insects) chirp, chatter, chirrup; make an uproar, clamour, kick up/raise a racket; (of sound) noisy and confused, clamorous.⁶); clamor, noise, din; slander.⁸ the noise of a crowd; a disturbance.¹⁴ to disturb, a multitude of people calling out together; a clamor; a disturbance.²⁵
(composition: ⿰言喿; U+8B5F).
or 鼓噪 gū-täo gǔzào raise a hue and cry; argue noisily, create a commotion.¹¹
鼓譟而起 gū-täo-ngĩ-hī
gǔzào'érqǐ they rose in mutinuous clamor.¹⁴ they beat the alarm and made a clamor.²⁵
车徒皆譟[車徒皆譟] guï-hũ-gäi-täo
jūtújiēzào the chariots and footmen all made a noise together.²⁵
or 噪扰[噪擾] täo-ngêl zàorǎo make trouble, cause disturbance.¹¹ to disturb.¹⁴
譟让[譟讓] täo-ngèng
zàoràng altercation; a row.¹⁴
(See 噪 täo).
tao2 13974
156 20 täo zào (=躁 täo zào) rash, impetuous, restless.⁶
(See 躁 täo).
tao2 13975
157 20 täo zào rash, impetuous, restless.⁶ (variant: 趮 täo zào).
不骄不躁 būt-gël-būt-täo 
bùjiāobùzào free from arrogance and impetuosity (rashness); neither arrogant nor rash.⁵⁴
急躁 gīp-täo
jízào irritable, irascible, testy, hot-tempered; impetuous, rash, impatient.⁶
躁暴 täo-bào
zàobào cruel; irascible.¹⁴
躁急 täo-gīp
zàojí restless; uneasy.⁶
躁狂 täo-kõng
zàokuáng <med.> mania.⁶
躁狂者 täo-kõng-jēh
zàokuángzhě maniac; manic.⁶
躁妄 täo-mông
zàowàng or 躁率 täo-xūt zàoshuài reckless, hasty, light, impetuous.¹⁴
躁闹[躁鬧] täo-nào
zàonào to raise a row; to bluster.¹⁴
躁扰[躁擾] täo-ngêl
zàorǎo to trouble; to annoy.¹⁴
躁动[躁動] täo-ùng
zàodòng move restlessly; keep moving up and down, beat incessantly.⁶
(See 趮 täo).
tao2 13976
30 14 tão cáo noisy; clamorous; booming; <Ch  med.> epigastric upset.⁶
哑咤嘈杂[啞吒嘈雜] ā-jä-tão-dàp yǎzhàcáozá the noisy sound of a crowd.³⁹
哜哜嘈嘈[嚌嚌嘈嘈] däi-däi-tão-tão
jìjicáocáo <ono.> to talk noisily and confusingly; clatter.⁶ noisy.⁸
人声嘈杂[人聲嘈雜] ngĩn-sëin-tão-dàp
rénshēngcáozá a hubbub of voices; din of the crowd.⁶
嘈杂[嘈雜] tão-dàp
cáozá noisy, rackety, clamorous.⁶
嘈闹[嘈鬧] tão-nào
cáonào tumultuous; turbulent.¹¹
嘈嘈 tão-tão
cáocáo noisy; loud and jarring.⁸
<台> 嘈嘈卑 tão-tão-bï noisy.
tao3 13977
38 14 tão cáo exquisite; fine.⁸ good, excellent.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女曹; U+3716).
tao3 13978
42 15 𡮦
tão cáo of poor quality; cheap; shoddy; worn out; spoiled.⁸ rough.²⁴
(composition: ⿰曹少; U+21BA6).
𤎤❄{⿰勞少}𡮦❄{⿰曹少} lão-tão láocáo coarse; anything coarse.²⁴
tao3 13979
73 11 tão cáo <wr.> people of the same kind; <trad.> department of government under the monarch; a vassal state in the Zhou Dynasty.⁶ Cao surname.⁵
彼曹 bī-tão bǐcáo <wr.> they.¹¹
官曹 gön-tão
guāncáo officers of government generally.²⁴
六曹 lùk-tão
liùcáo the six ministries.¹¹
吾曹 m̃-tão
wúcáo <wr.> we.¹¹
儿曹[兒曹] ngī-tão
ércáo <wr.> children; you children.¹¹
尔曹[爾曹] ngì-tão
ěrcáo <wr.> you (plural).¹¹
我曹 ngô-tão
wǒcáo we.²⁴
汝曹 nî-tão
rǔcáo <wr.> you (plural).¹¹
曹白鱼[曹白魚] tão-bàk-nguî/
cáobáiyú Chinese herring.⁵
曹魏 Tão Ngài
Cáo Wèi the Wei state of the Three-Kingdoms Period (Dec. 10, 220 to Feb. 8, 266).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
曹操 Tão Täo
Cáo Cāo Cao Cao (155 - 220 C.E.) was a warlord and the penultimate Chancellor of the Eastern Han Dynasty who rose to great power in the final years of the dynasty.
阴曹[陰曹] yïm-tão
yīncáo nether world; Hades.⁶
tao3 13980
75 15 tão cáo trough; groove, slot.⁵
河槽 hõ-tão hécáo riverbed; channel.¹⁰
马槽[馬槽] mâ-tão
mǎcáo manger.⁵
水槽 suī-tão
shuǐcáo gutter; water trough.⁶ sink.¹⁰
槽车[槽車] tão-chëh
cáochē tank car; tank wagon.⁶
槽子 tão-dū
cáozi a trough; a manger.⁷
槽坊 tão-fōng
cáofang brewery, distillery; paper mill.⁶
槽糕 tão-gäo
cáogāo cake made with wooden molds.⁷
槽钢[槽鋼] tão-gông
cáogāng <metal.> channel (iron).⁵
槽谷 tão-gūk
cáogǔ <geog.> trough valley.⁵
槽口 tão-hēo
cáokǒu <mach.> notch; rabbet.⁶
槽头[槽頭] tão-hẽo
cáotóu trough (in a livestock shed).⁵
槽枥[槽櫪] tão-lēik
cáolì a stable.¹¹
槽牙 tão-ngã
cáoyá molar tooth.¹⁰
槽儿[槽兒] tão-ngĩ
cáor a depression or groove in a surface; a term for addressing the wine waiter.⁷
槽碓 tão-uî
cáoduì a mortar for husking rice by waterpower.¹¹
滑水槽 vàt-suī-tão
huáshuǐcáo water chute.²⁹
tao3 13981
85 14 tão cáo transport grain by water (to the capital of the country in former times).⁶
漕河 tão-hõ cáohé canal or waterway for transporting grain.⁶
漕粮[漕糧] tão-lẽng
cáoliáng grain transported by water.⁶
漕米 tão-māi
cáomǐ <trad.> rice transported by water.⁶
漕船 tão-sõn
cáochuán boat for transporting grain.⁶
漕运[漕運] tão-vùn
cáoyùn <trad.> transport grain by water to supply the capital or meet military demands.⁶
tao3 13982
137 17 tão cáo <wr.> a kind of wooden boat.⁶
艚子 tão-dū cáozi big wooden cargo boat with a cabin before the helm.⁶
tao3 13983
140 14 tão cáo (a kind of herb).¹⁰ grass; herbs.²⁵ a kind of grass.³⁶
(composition: ⿱艹曹; U+84F8).
tao3 13984
142 17 tão cáo 蛴螬[蠐螬] tãi-tão qícáo grub; grubworm.⁹
螬型蚴 tão-yẽin-yiü
cáoxíngyòu scarabaeiform larva.²⁹
tao3 13985
167 19 tão cáo to wear.² to bore.²⁵
(composition: ⿰金曹; U+93EA).
tao3 13986
167 21 tão cáo steel broken in two.²⁵ broken steel; the scoria of iron or other ores.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰金喿; U+9430).
<又> tël; xäo. (See 鐰 tël; 鐰 xäo).
tao3 13987
195 22 tão qiú 盲鰽 mãng-tão mángqiú barramundi, Asian sea bass (Lates calcarifer), aka 尖吻鲈[尖吻鱸] dëm-mêin-lũ or dëm-mûn-lú jiānwěnlú and 金目鲈[金目鱸] gïm-mùk-lũ jīnmùlú in Taiwan.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
tao3 13988
64 15 tāt 蛋挞[蛋撻] àn-tāt dàntà egg tart.⁹ (Note: 挞[撻] is a transliteration of the English word tart.)
<又> ät, hāt.
(See 撻 ät; 撻 hāt.)
tat1 13989
123 9 tät a little lamb.⁸
tat2 13990
157 15 tät <台> 踏 tät to rush.
<台> 我踏出去 ngöi-tät-chūt-huï I rush out.
<又> àp, èip. (See 踏 [àp, ]; 踏 [àp, ]; 踏 èip.)
tat2 13991
162 13 tät (alternate Mandarin pronunciation for 遢 tät with same meaning: untidy; slipshod; careless or negligent.⁷)
<又> hāp, tât.
(See 遢 hāp, [tät ], tât).
tat2 13992
162 13 tät untidy; slipshod; careless or negligent.⁷
(composition: ⿺辶𦐇❄{⿱日羽 (G) or ⿱冃羽 (T)}; U+9062).
邋里邋遢的[邋裡邋遢的] làt-lī-làt-tät-ēik
lālilātāde slovenly; neglected; dirty.¹⁴
邋遢 làt-tät
lāta <topo.> slovenly; sloppy.⁶
or 拉遢鬼 làt-tät-gī lātaguǐ sloven.⁸
邋遢样儿[邋遢樣兒] làt-tät-yèng-ngī
lātayàngr slovenly appearance.⁵⁴
遢拉鞋 tät-lā-hãi
tālaxié slippers.⁵⁴
<台> 邋遢 làt-tät dirty.
<又> hāp, tât.
(See 遢 hāp, [tät ], tât).
tat2 13993
169 18 tät (comp. t: ⿵門𦐇❄{⿱日羽 (G) or ⿱冃羽 (T)}; U+95D2).
s: ⿵门𦐇❄{⿱日羽 (G) or ⿱冃羽 (T)}; U+9618).
剌闒 làt-tät
látà dirty, untidy, slovenly (=邋遢 làt-tät lāta <topo.> slovenly; sloppy.⁶).¹¹
辣闒 làt-tät
látà untidy, slovenly (=邋遢 làt-tät lāta <topo.> slovenly; sloppy.⁶).¹¹
<又> hāp.
(See 闒 hāp).
tat2 13994
102 5 tât zhá (Cant.) cockroach.⁸
(xomposition: ⿻囗丄 or ⿻日丨;U+7534).
<台> 曱甴 kã-tât/ or <台> 蠄遢 kã-tât/ cockroach.
<又> yiũ.
(See 甴 yiũ).
tat5 13995
162 13 tât <台> 蠄遢 kã-tât/ or <台> 曱甴 kã-tât/ cockroach.
<又> hāp, tät.
(See 遢 hāp, [tät ], [tät ]).
tat5 13996
68 11 tẽh xié inclined; tilted; oblique; slanting; sloping; askew.⁶
斜边[斜邊] tẽh-bëin xiébiān <math.> hypotenuse; <mach.>  bevel edge.⁶
斜坡 tẽh-bö
xiépō slope; inclination.⁶ a slope (land).¹¹
斜晖[斜暉] tẽh-fï
xiéhuī the slanting sunlight.¹¹
斜风细雨[斜風細雨] tẽh-füng-xäi-yî
xiéfēngxìyǔ breeze and drizzle.⁶
斜汉[斜漢] tẽh-hön
xiéhàn the Milky Way.¹⁴ (=银河[銀河] ngãn-hõ yínhé).⁸
斜照 tẽh-jël
xiézhào shine sideways; setting sun.⁶
斜路 tẽh-lù
xiélù ramp; wrong path/track.⁶
斜眼 tẽh-ngān
xiéyǎn to look askance; cross/wall-eyed.¹⁰
斜视[斜視] tẽh-sì
xiéshì strabismus; look sideways; cast sidelong glances; look askance.⁸
斜对[斜對] tẽh-uï
xiéduì catty-corner; to be diagonally opposite to.¹⁰
斜对面[斜對面] tẽh-uï-mèin
xiéduìmiàn diagonally opposite.¹⁰
斜线[斜線] tẽh-xëin
xiéxiàn oblique line; diagonal.⁶
斜阳[斜陽] tẽh-yẽng
xiéyáng setting/sinking sun.⁶
目不斜视[目不斜視] mùk-būt-tẽh-sì
mùbùxiéshì not look sideways; refuse to be distracted; look steadily forward.⁶
teh3 13997
145 10 tẽh xié (=邪 tẽh xié evil; monstrous; strange); slit in garment to aid movement.⁸ awry, crooked; carnal thoughts.²⁵ (=斜 tẽh xié tilted; sloping; inclined; oblique; slanting; to slant; to tilt; to slope).³⁶ bad, vile, low; vicious; heretical; cunning, evil.⁵⁴ a garment like a buskin that wraps around the leg; awry; out of fashion or not becoming; vicious, lewd.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿳亠牙𧘇; U+887A).
奇衺 kĩ-tẽh
qíxié strange, uncouth fellows.²⁵ slanderous, lewd, uncouth, said of common people; a depreciating term.¹⁰²
衺人 tẽh-ngĩn
xiérén wicked persons.²⁵ evil (mean) person.⁵⁴
塞衺道 xāk-tẽh-ào
sè xié dào suppress heretical teachings.⁵⁴
(See 邪 tẽh; 斜 tẽh).
teh3 13998
163 6 tẽh xié demonic; iniquitous; nefarious; evil; <TCM>  unhealthy influences that cause disease.
表邪 bēl-tẽh biǎoxié <TCM> outside pathogenic factors.
病邪 bèng-tẽh
bìngxié <TCM> pathogenic evil.
除邪 chuĩ-tẽh
chúxié to do away with evil; to exorcise.
改邪归正[改邪歸正] gōi-tẽh-gï-jëin
gǎixiéguīzhèng give up an evil way of life and reform.¹¹
邪气[邪氣] tẽh-hï
xiéqì evil influence; perversity; shocking behavior; <TCM> pathogenic factor; pathogen.
邪魅 tẽh-mì
xiémèi demon.¹⁹
邪佞 tẽh-nèin
xiénìng flatterer, scheming or sycophant (person).¹¹
邪念 tẽh-nèm
xiéniàn evil thought; wicked idea.
邪恶[邪惡] tẽh-ōk
xié'è evil; sinister; wicked; vicious.⁶
邪说[邪說] tẽh-sōt
xiéshuō heresy; fallacy.
<又> yẽh.
(See 邪 yẽh.)
teh3 13999
9 9 𠈸
tēik foolish.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻忒; U+20238).
僋𠈸❄{⿰亻忒} hän-tēik tàntè silly.²⁴
teik1 14000
9 10 tēik magnanimous.⁹ energetic; exalted; magnanimous.¹⁰ unrestrained; unoccupied.¹⁴
风流倜傥[風流倜儻] füng-liũ-tēik-hōng fēngliútìtǎng unconventional and romantic.⁶
倜傥[倜儻] tēik-hōng
tìtǎng <wr.> (of manner) free and easy; unrestrained; unconventional.⁶ elegant, free and easy, untrammeled.⁹ elegant; casual; free and easy.¹⁰  energetic; masterful; unrestrained; free and easy of manner.¹⁴
倜傥不羁[倜儻不羈] tēik-hōng-būt-kï
tìtǎngbùjī unconventional and unrestrained.⁶ untrammeled, free, romantic (in character)..¹¹
倜傥不群[倜儻不群] tēik-hōng-būt-kũn
tìtǎngbùqún a handsome dandy.¹ untrammeled.⁸
倜然 tēik-ngẽin
tìrán <wr.> aloof, detached, outstanding;  estranged.⁶ <wr.> aloof, unattached.¹¹
倜倜 tēik-tēik
tìtì <wr.> aloof, unattached.¹¹
teik1 14001
9 10 tēik (=倜 tēik ) unrestrained.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰亻叔; U+4FF6).
俶傥[俶儻] tēik-hōng
tìtǎng energetic; masterful; unhesitating; easy and free.¹⁴ (See 倜傥[倜儻] tēik-hōng).
<又> chūk.
(See 俶 [chūk, chù]; 俶 [chūk, shù]; 倜 tēik).
teik1 14002
18 4 tēik qiè definitely; to grind; to be close to; to correspond to.
白切鸡[白切雞] bàk-täi-gäi báiqiējī chicken poached in fragrant soup stock, served cold.⁵⁴
不切实际[不切實際] būt-tēik-sìt-däi
bùqièshíjì not correspond to reality; unrealistic; impractical.⁵
反切 fān-tēik
fǎnqiè  pronunciation method used by joining initial of one character to final of another.
确切[確切] kōk-tēik
quèqiè definite; exact; precise.⁵
密切 mìt-tēik
mìqiè close, intimate; carefully, closely.⁵⁶
切齿[切齒] tēik-chī
qièchǐ to gnash one's teeth (in anger).¹⁰
切中 tēik-jüng
qièzhòng to hit the mark.
切中要害 tēik-jüng-yël-hòi
qièzhòng yàohài to be right to the point.
切莫 tēik-mòk
qièmò you must not; Please don’t...; be sure not to; on no account (do it).¹⁰
切勿 tēik-mòt
qièwù be sure not to; by no means.
切身 tēik-sïn
qièshēn personal.
切实[切實] tēik-sìt
qièshí feasible, practical.
<又> täi, tëik.
(See 切 täi, tëik.)
teik1 14003
18 10 tēik clean with a pointed instrument, pick; pick out and throw away, reject; rising stroke (in Chinese characters).⁵
百般挑剔 bāk-bön-hël-tēik bǎibāntiāotī nitpick.⁵⁴
晶莹剔透[晶瑩剔透] dëin-yẽin-tēik-hëo
jīngyíngtītòu glittering and translucent.⁶
挑剔 hël-tēik
tiāoti nitpick; be hypercritical; be fastidious.⁵
剔灯[剔燈] tēik-äng/
tīdēng pick the wick.⁶
剔刀 tēik-äo
tīdāo a scraping knife.⁷
剔除 tēik-chuĩ
tīchú eliminate; reject; get rid of.⁶
剔出去 tēik-chūt-huï
tīchūqù to pick out; to eliminate.⁷
剔骨 tēik-gūt
tīgǔ to scrape meat off bone.¹¹
剔骨头[剔骨頭] tēik-gūt-hẽo
tīgǔtou to scrape meat off bone.¹¹
剔骨肉 tēik-gūt-ngùk
tīgǔròu bonesless meat.¹⁹
剔透 tēik-hëo
tītòu bright and limpid; transparent.⁶ (of writings) well-expressed; (of persons) keen and perceptive.⁷
剔红[剔紅] tēik-hũng
tīhóng carved lacquerware.⁶
剔庄货[剔莊貨] tēik-jöng-fö
tīzhuānghuò goods (usually general merchandise of clothing) sold at reduced prices; shopworn/substandard goods.⁶
剔牙 tēik-ngã
tīyá pick one's teeth.⁵
teik1 14004
30 14 tēik whispering sound.¹⁰ used to imitate sounds.³⁶
(composition: ⿰口戚; U+5601).
嘁嘁喳喳 tēik-tēik-jā-jā or jī-jī-jā-jā qīqīchāchā buzz.⁸ the sound of chatter; chatter away; twitter.⁹ chattering.¹⁰ (a low sibilant sound) whispering, hissing.¹¹ chatter away; jabber; babble; abuzz.³⁹
<又> jī; jāp.
(See 嘁 jī; 嘁 jāp).
teik1 14005
61 7 tēik nervous, apprehensive; indecisive.⁷
忐忑 hām-tēik or hān-tēik tǎntè perturbed; mentally disturbed.⁵ indecisive, vacillating; apprehensive; a fidget; to fidget; honesty.⁷
忐忑不安 hām-tēik-būt-ön
or hān-tēik-būt-ön tǎntèbù'ān uneasy; fidgety.⁵
teik1 14006
61 7 tēik <wr.> mistake; error.⁶
差忒 chä-tēik chātè <wr.> to make a mistake.¹¹
愆忒 hëin-tēik
qiāntè <wr.> sin; fault; transgression.¹¹
忒煞 tēik-sät
tèshā <wr.> too.¹¹
忒煞情多 tēik-sät-tẽin-ü
tèshāqíngduō <wr.> too romantic, sentimental.¹¹
(See 忒 [tēik, tuī], [tēik, tēi].)
teik1 14007
61 7 tēik tēi <topo.> (of wings) to flap.⁶
忒楞楞 tēik-lẽin-lẽin tēilènglèng <wr.> descriptive of sound of wind or flight of birds.¹¹
忒儿的飞[忒兒的飛] tēik-ngĩ-ēik-fï
tēirdefēi suddenly fly away.¹¹
小鸟忒忒声就飞了[小鳥忒忒聲就飛了] xēl-nêl-tēik-tēik-sëng-diù-fï-lēl
xiǎo'niǎotēitēishēngjiùfēile With a flap of its wings, the little bird flew away.⁶
(See 忒 [tēik, ], [tēik, tuī].)
teik1 14008
61 7 tēik tuī <topo.> too; very.⁶
那件裙子忒贵[那件裙子忒貴] nã-gèin-kũn-dū-tēik-gï nàjiànqúnzituīguì That skirt is too expensive.⁶
忒小 tēik-xēl
tuīxiǎo <topo.> too small.¹⁴
忒甚 tēik-sìm
tuīshèn too much.¹¹
(See 忒 [tēik, ],  [tēik, tēi].)
teik1 14009
61 11 tēik cautious; watchful.⁵ (variant: 惖 tēik ). (See 惖 tēik).
怵惕 chūk-tēik
or jōt-tēik chùtì <wr.> feel apprehensive and alert.⁶
高度警惕 gäo-ù-gēin-tēik
gāodù jǐngtì a high degree of alertness.
警惕 gēin-tēik
jǐngtì to be on the alert; to watch out.⁵
提高警惕 hãi-gäo-gēin-tēik
tígāo jǐngtì to raise the level of alertness.
or 惕励[惕勵] tēik-lài tìlì to exercise caution and discipline; to be on guard.
惕然 tēik-ngẽin
tìrán to be afraid, fearful of.
惕惕 tēik-tēik
tìtì apprehensive; fearful.
惕息 tēik-xēik
tìxī to pant from fear or anxiety.
teik1 14010
61 12 tēik (=惕 tēik cautious; watchful.⁵); respect; fear.⁸
(composition: ⿱易心; U+60D6).
(See 惕 tēik).
teik1 14011
61 14 tēik (=慼 tēik ) sorrowful, mournful; sorrow.⁸
(See 戚 tēik; 慼 tēik.)
teik1 14012
61 14 tēik <wr.> evil; wickedness.⁶ evil; to do evil in secret.¹⁴
民乃作慝 mĩn-nâi-dōk-tēik mínnǎizuòtè the people proceeded to do evil.¹⁴
匿慝 nèik-tēik
nìtè to conceal one's wickedness.¹⁴
淫慝 yĩm-tēik
yíntè wanton and debauching.³⁹
or 引慝 yîn-tēik yǐntè <wr.> hidden evil thoughts, concealed wickedness.⁵⁴
teik1 14013
61 15 tēik (=戚 tēik ) sorrowful, mournful; sorrow.⁸
(See 戚 tēik; 慽 tēik.)
teik1 14014
62 11 tēik relatives by marriage; sad, mournful, woeful, sorrow, woe; a battle-axe; Qi surname.⁷ (variants: 慼 tēik qī; 慽 tēik qī.)
悲戚 bï-tēik
bēiqī doleful; mournful; sad.⁶
休戚 hiü-tēik
xiūqī weal and woe; joys and sorrows.⁵
外戚 ngòi-tēik
wàiqī relatives of a king or emperor on the side of his mother or wife.⁵
戚继光[戚繼光] Tēik Gäi-göng
Qī Jìguāng, a general of the Ming Dynasty credited with repelling the invasion of Japanese pirates.⁷
戚旧[戚舊] tēik-giù
qījiù relatives and old friends.⁷
戚里 tēik-lî
qīlǐ an exclusive village for imperial relatives by marriage.⁷
戚然 tēik-ngẽin
qīrán melancholy; distressed; depressed.⁷
戚谊[戚誼] tēik-ngĩ
or tēik-ngì qīyì the ties between relatives.⁷
戚戚 tēik-tēik
qīqī woeful, mournful; moved, touched.⁷
戚容 tēik-yũng
qīróng a sad look; a sorrowful expression.⁷
皇亲国戚[皇親國戚] võng-tïn-gōk-tēik huángqīnguóqī relatives of an emperor.⁷
(See 慼 tēik; 慽 tēik.)
teik1 14015
64 11 tēik to strike with fists; to strike; to blow.⁸ to smite with the fist; to thump.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌㝵; U+39F9).
teik1 14016
64 11 tēik (<old>=剔 tēik clean with a pointed instrument, pick; pick out and throw away, reject; rising stroke (in Chinese characters).⁵); to take up; to put by.⁸ to stir up with the hand.²⁴ (archaic variant of 剔 tēik) picky, fussy; to take up; to put by.³⁶
(composition: ⿰扌易; U+63A6).
(See 剔 tēik).
teik1 14017
64 17 tēik pock; incite, stir up; throw (a stone).²ʼ⁰ to select; to pick out from; to discard.¹⁴ to stir up; to agitate.²⁴ʼ⁰ to select; to break up; to agitate, as by close examination.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰扌適; U+64FF).
发奸擿伏如神[發姦擿伏如神] fāt-gän-tēik-fùk-nguĩ-sĩn fā jiān tī fú rú shén he discovered traitors, and detected intriguers with the sagacity of a god.¹⁰²
擿巢探卵 tēik-chão-häm-lôn
tī cháo tàn luǎn (he forbid) disturbing nests and seeking eggs (in the spring and summer).¹⁰²ʼ⁰
擿伏 tēik-fùk
tīfú to bring to light the inner workings of a case at law; to expose evil.¹⁴
擿抉 tēik-kūt
tījué to extract.¹⁴
擿耳俛首 tēik-ngī-fū-siū
tī'ěrfǔshǒu to cleanse the ears and incline the head – to listen intently.¹⁴
<又> jàk.
(See 擿 jàk).
teik1 14018
75 15 tēik maple.⁸
鸡爪槭[雞爪槭] gäi-jāo-tēik jīzhǎoqī or 鸡爪枫[雞爪楓] gäi-jāo-füng jīzhǎofēng <bot.> Acer palmatum Thunb.²³
糖槭 hõng-tēik
tángqī sugar maple (Acer saccharum).³⁹
槭浆[槭漿] tēik-dëng
qījiāng maple syrup.¹⁹
槭糖浆[槭糖漿] tēik-hõng-dëng
qītángjiāng maple syrup.¹⁰
槭蜜 tēik-mìt
qīmì maple honey.¹⁹
槭木 tēik-mûk
qìmù maple (timber).¹⁰
槭树[槭樹] tēik-sì
qīshù a maple.⁷
槭叶蛾[槭葉蛾] tēik-yêp-ngõ
or tēik-yêp-ngũ qīyè'é <zoo.> magpie moth.⁵⁴
teik1 14019
85 9 tēik   ancient river name in present-day Gansu Province.¹⁹
(Note: Distinguish 涑 (⿰氵束; U+6D91) tūk a river in Shanxi Province that enters the Yellow River.⁹)
(composition: ⿰氵朿; U+6D13)
<又> sēik; dēik.
(See 洓 sēik; 洓 dēik).
teik1 14020
130 11 tēik de 肋脦 làk-tēik lēde <topo.> (of clothes) untidy; slovenly; sloppy.⁶
肋脦兵 làk-tēik-bëin
lēdebīng untidy/slovenly person; sloven.⁶
teik1 14021
140 13 tēik to whisper.²ʼ²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹敇; U+84DB).
  (Note: Distinguish
    ➀ 蔌 (U+850C) tūk
    ➁ 蓛 (U+84DB) chāk
cè; 蓛 tēik qī;
    ➂ 䔩 (U+4529) tūk
sù; 䔩 chāk cè; 䔩 tēik qī.)
<又> chāk.
(See 蓛 chāk).
teik1 14022
140 14 tēik (=蓛 tēik to whisper.²ʼ²⁵).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱艹敕; U+4529).
(Note: Distinguish
蔌 (U+850C) tūk sù;
    ➁ 蓛 (U+84DB) chāk
cè; 蓛 tēik qī;
    ➂ 䔩 (U+4529) tūk
sù; 䔩 chāk cè; 䔩 tēik qī.)
<又> tūk; chāk.
(See 蓛 tēik; 䔩 tūk; 䔩 chāk).
teik1 14023
145 13 tēik unbutton or divest one's upper garment; have the upper body fully or partially naked.⁶
(composition: ⿰衤易; U+88FC).
袒裼 hān-tēik tǎnxī to bare one's chest and arms.⁷ʼ⁰
袒裼裸裎 hān-tēik-gō-chẽin
tǎnxīluǒchéng be stark naked; not have a stitch on one's body – be vulgar/unrefined.⁶
徒裼 hũ-tēik
túxī barefooted and barebreasted.¹⁰
<又> häi.
(See 裼 häi).
teik1 14024
149 13 tēik qiè (=𧫕❄{⿰言祭} tēik qiè wholesome talk).⁸
(composition: ⿱言; U+8A67).
<又> chāt.
(See 詧 chāt; 𧫕❄{⿰言祭} tēik).
teik1 14025
149 18 𧫕
tēik qiè wholesome talk; speak in a low voice; used as a personal name, such as in History of Song, Volume 223: 希𧫕 Hï-Tēik Xīqiè.²ʼ⁰ (variant: 詧 tēik qiè).
(composition: ⿰言祭; U+27AD5).
(See 詧 tēik).
teik1 14026
154 10 tēik (=忒 tēik <wr.> mistake; error.⁶).² to follow after people seeking for anything; to borrow.²⁵ to beg; to be mistaken.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿱弋貝; U+8CA3).
行貣而食 hãng-tēik-ngĩ-sèik
xíngtè'érshí to be fed by begging for alms.⁵⁴ (from 《荀子·儒效·11》).
乞貣 hāt-tēik
qǐtè to seek; to borrow.²⁵
貣谷[貣穀] tēik-gūk
tègǔ to borrow corn.²⁵
衍貣 yēn-tēik
yǎntè to insist on one's mistake, to aggravate one's mistake, to deepen one's error.⁵⁴
teik1 14027
156 21 tēik <wr.> to jump; to leap.⁶  the upward stroke in Chinese calligraphy, written from bottom left to top right, as in the third stroke of the character 扌 siū shǒu, variant form of Kangxi radical 64, 手 siū shǒu. (variant: 䢰 tēik ).
(composition: ⿺走翟; U+8DAF).
趯趯 tēik-tēik
tìtì <wr.> jumping about (like crickets).¹¹
趯趯阜螽 tēik-tēik-fèo-jüng
tìtì fùzhōng jumping about like grasshoppers.⁸
喓喓草虫, 趯趯阜螽. 未见君子, 忧心忡忡.
[喓喓草蟲, 趯趯阜螽. 未見君子, 憂心忡忡.]
Yël-yël-tāo-chũng, tēik-tēik-fèo-jüng.
Mì-gëin-gün-dū, yiü-xïm-chüng-chüng.
Yāo yāo cǎochóng, tì tì fù zhōng
Wèi jiàn jūnzǐ, yōuxīnchōngchōng.

Yao-yao went the grass-insects,
And the hoppers sprang about.
While I do not see my lord,
My sorrowful heart is agitated.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·召南·草蟲》, translated by James Legge).
<又> yèk, ëk.
(See 趯 yèk; 趯 ëk; 䢰 tēik).
teik1 14028
162 17 tēik (=趯 tēik <wr.> to jump; to leap.⁶); to jump; to leap; to hop.⁸ to leap; to jump.²⁵
(composition: ⿺辶翟; U+48B0).
(See 趯 tēik).
teik1 14029
167 15 tēik terbium (Tb).⁶
铽合金[鋱合金] tēik-hàp-gïm tèhéjīn terbium alloy.⁶
teik1 14030
18 4 tëik qiē to cut, to slice; tangent.
切点[切點] tëik-ēm qiēdiǎn <math.> point of tangency or contact.
切开[切開] tëik-höi
qiēkāi to cut open.
切成片 tëik-sẽin-pëin
qiēchéngpiàn slicing; slabbing.
切磋 tëik-tö
qiēcuō to study and learn by mutual discussion.¹¹
切菜 tëik-töi
qiēcài to cut vegetables.
切线[切線] tëik-xëin
qiēxiàn <math.> tangent.
切削 tëik-xëk
qiēxiāo cutting; chipping.
<又> täi, tēik.
(See 切 täi, tēik.)
teik2 14031
116 23 tëik qiè to steal; secretly; <humb.> I.¹⁰
窃盗狂[竊盜狂] tëik-ào-kõng qièdàokuáng kleptomania.¹⁴
窃柄[竊柄] tëik-bêng
qièbǐng to usurp authority.¹⁴
窃犯[竊犯] tëik-fàn
qièfàn a thief.¹⁴
窃国[竊國] tëik-gōk
qièguó usurp state power.⁸
窃据[竊據] tëik-guï
qièjù usurp.⁸
窃号[竊號] tëik-hào
qièhào to usurp imperial titles.¹⁴
窃听[竊聽] tëik-hëng
qiètīng eavesdrop; wiretap; tap; bug.⁶
窃窥[竊窺] tëik-kï
qièkuī to steal a glance.¹⁴
窃密[竊密] tëik-mìt
qièmì steal secret information.⁸
窃案[竊案] tëik-ön
qiè'àn a case of theft.¹⁴
窃视[竊視] tëik-sì
qièshì to steal a glance.¹⁴
窃贼[竊賊] tëik-tàk
qièzéi a thief.¹⁴
窃窃[竊竊] tëik-tëik
qièqiè in low voice; whispering; in secret, stealthily.⁹
tëik-tëik-xü-nguî/ qièqièsīyǔ whisper; talk privately or secretly.⁹
窃取[竊取] tëik-tuī
qièqǔ to take with stealth.¹⁴
窃夺[竊奪] tëik-ùt
qièduó usurp.⁸
窃位[竊位] tëik-vì
qièwèi or 窃命[竊命] tëik-mèin qièmìng to usurp authority; to assume authority.¹⁴
窃笑[竊笑] tëik-xël
qièxiào snicker; titter.⁸
窃思[竊思] tëik-xü
qièsī My humble opinion is that...¹⁴

teik2 14032
85 11 tēin qiǎn shallow; simple, easy; superficial; not intimate; not close; (of color) light.⁵
深浅[深淺] sïm-tēin shēnqiǎn depth; (of color) shade, hue; proper limits (for speech or action), sense of propriety.⁶
深入浅出[深入淺出] sïm-yìp-tēin-chūt
shēnrùqiǎnchū deep-going but easy to understand – explain the profound in simple terms; treat a difficult matter in a simple and explicit way.⁶
浅淡[淺淡] tēin-àm
qiǎndàn (of colors) light, pale; (of feelings) vague, faint.⁶
浅薄[淺薄] tēin-bòk
qiǎnbó shallow, superficial; meager.⁵
浅绛[淺絳] tēin-göng
qiǎnjiàng light purple-red.⁵⁴
浅显[淺顯] tēin-hēin
qiǎnxiǎn plain; easy to read and understand.⁵
浅蓝[淺藍] tēin-lãm
qiǎnlán light blue.⁵
浅陋[淺陋] tēin-lèo
qiǎnlòu meager, mean, shallow.⁶
浅色[淺色] tēin-sēik
qiǎnsè light color.⁶
浅尝辄止[淺嘗輒止] tēin-sẽng-jīp-jī
qiǎnchángzhézhǐ be content with just a smattering of something; stop studying once one gets some superficial knowledge of/about something.⁶
浅水[淺水] tēin-suī
qiǎnshuǐ shallow water; shoal water.⁵
<又> dëin.
(See 淺 dëin.)
tein1 14033
149 15 tēin qǐng ask, request; invite; please.⁸
请再说一遍[請再說一遍] tēin-döi-sōt-yīt-pëin qǐng zàishuō yībiàn Can you say that again please?⁹
请假[請假] tēin-gā
qǐngjià to ask for leave.
请柬[請柬] tēin-gān
qǐngjiǎn <wr.> invitation card.⁷
请君入瓮[請君入瓮] tēin-gün-yìp-ûng
qǐngjūnrùwèng kindly step inside the vat scorched by burning coal, designed by yourself – have a taste of what you intended for others; give somebody a taste/dose of his own medicine.⁶
请求[請求] tēin-kiũ
qǐngqiú to request.
请问[請問] tēin-mùn
qǐngwèn Excuse me, may I ask...?¹⁰
请问贵庚[請問貴庚] tēin-mùn-gï-gäng
qǐngwènguìgēng May I ask your age?⁵
请问台甫[請問台甫] tēin-mùn-hõi-fū
qǐngwèntáifǔ May I have your name?⁶
请示[請示] tēin-sì
qǐngshì to ask for instructions.
请辞[請辭] tēin-xũ
qǐngcí to ask somebody to resign from a post.¹⁰
<又> tēng.
(See 請 tēng.)
tein1 14034
9 5 tëin qiān thousand (same as 千); 1000 (form used on checks).
三千元 or 叁仟圆[叄仟圓] xäm-tëin-yõn sānqiānyuán three thousand dollars.
tein2 14035
24 3 tëin qiān thousand.
千方百计[千方百計] tëin-föng-bāk-gäi qiānfāngbǎijì lit. thousand ways, a hundred plans (idiom); by every possible means.¹⁰ by hook or by crook.¹⁹
千呼万唤[千呼萬喚] tëin-fü-màn-fòn
qiānhūwànhuàn invite somebody time and again; call again and again; urge repeatedly.³⁹
千金 tëin-gïm
qiānjīn a thousand pieces of gold; a lot of money; <court.> (your) daughter.
千金一掷[千金一擲] tëin-gïm-yīt-jàk
qiānjīnyīzhì lit. stake a thousand pieces of gold on one throw; extravagant.
千克 tëin-hāk
qiānkè kilogram. (The two characters may be combined: 兛 tëin-hāk qiānkè or just 千 tëin qiān kilo.)
千里迢迢 tëin-lî-hẽl-hẽl
qiānlǐtiáotiáo from a thousand li away; from afar.⁵
千里马[千里馬] tëin-lî-mâ
qiānlǐmǎ a winged steed.⁸
千万[千萬] tëin-màn
qiānwàn ten million; countless; many; one must by all means.
千瓦 tëin-ngā
qiānwǎ kilowatt (KW).⁵ (Note: The two characters may be combined: 瓩 tëin-ngā qiānwǎ, q.v.)
千穗谷[千穗穀] tëin-xuì-gūk
qiānsuìgǔ aka 千穗莧, 籽粒莧, 籽粒芡, 莧米 Prince-of-Wales feather or prince's-feather (Amaranthus hypochondriacus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
tein2 14036
31 11 tëin qīng lavatory.⁸ <wr.> a toilet.⁹
(composition: ⿴囗青 or ⿴囗靑; U+570A).
圊肥 tëin-fĩ qīngféi <topo.> barnyard manure.³⁹
圊桶 tëin-hūng
qīngtǒng night pot.¹¹
圊圂 tëin-vùn
qīnghùn lavatory.⁰
圊溷 tëin-vùn
qīnghùn manure pit in countryside.¹¹
圊牏 tëin-yì
qīngyú lavatory; toilet; restroom.¹⁹
tein2 14037
32 6 tëin qiān ➀ a field 3 li 里 (about 1 mile) in extent.²⁴  ➁ <old>=阡 tëin qiān path between fields running north and south.⁸
(composition: ⿰千土; U+5731).
<又> dùk. (See 圱 dùk).
tein2 14038
32 6 tëin qiān (<old>=圱 tëin qiān ➀ a field 3 li 里 (about 1 mile) in extent.²⁴  ➁ <old>=阡 tëin qiān path between fields running north and south.⁸).⁸
(composition: ⿰土千; U+5732).
(See 圱 tëin).
tein2 14039
64 6 tëin qiān metal or bamboo skewer; to bolt (a door); to arrange (flowers in a vase); to graft (tree); to pedicure; to peel.
花扦儿[花扦兒] fä-tëin-ngĩ huāqiānr to cut flowers; artificial flowers for a vase.
蜡扦[蠟扦] làp-tëin
làqiān the top of a candlestick.⁷
扦子 tëin-dū
qiānzi skewer; probe.
扦脚[扦腳] tëin-gëk
qiānjiǎo <topo.> pedicure; to trim one toenails.
扦门[扦門] tëin-mõn
qiānmén to bolt a door.
扦手 tëin-siū
qiānshǒu customs examiner.
tein2 14040
84 12 tëin qíng cyanogen.⁶
氰化 tëin-fä qínghuà <chem.> cyaniding.⁶
氰化物 tëin-fä-mùt
or tëin-fä-mòt qínghuàwù <chem.> cyanide; prussiate.⁶
氰化钠[氰化鈉] tëin-fä-nàp
qínghuànà sodium cyanide.⁶
氰基 tëin-gï
qíngjī cyan; cyanide radical -CN, stable triple bond with chemical properties like halogens.¹⁰
氰酸 tëin-xön
qíngsuān <chem.> cyanic acid.⁶
tein2 14041
85 11 tëin qīng (=清 tëin qīng) clear; distinct, clarified; quiet; thoroughly; settle, clear up, clean up; count; Qing Dynasty.⁵
(See 清 tëin.)
tein2 14042
85 11 tëin qīng clear; distinct, clarified; quiet; thoroughly; settle, clear up, clean up; count; Qing Dynasty.⁵ (variant: 淸 tëin qīng).
清楚 tëin-chō
qīngchu clear, distinct; be clear about.⁵
清静[清靜] tëin-dèin
qīngjìng quiet.⁵
清浊[清濁] tëin-dùk
qīngzhuó (some water) clear and turbid; (said of people) honest and dishonest.⁷
清苦 tëin-fū
qīngkǔ poor and honest.⁹ hard up.¹¹
清芬 tëin-fün
qīngfēn soothing aroma; virtues.⁷
清风[清風] tëin-füng
qīngfēng cool/refreshing breeze.⁵
清洁[清潔] tëin-gēik
qīngjié clean.⁵
清谈[清談] tëin-hãm
qīngtán idle talk; empty talk.⁵
清闲[清閑] tëin-hãn
qīngxián leisurely.⁹
清真 tëin-jïn
qīngzhēn Islamic; Muslim.⁵
清冽 tëin-lèik
qīngliè <wr.> cool; chilly.⁵
清廉 tëin-lẽm
qīnglián honest; free from corruption.⁷
清理 tëin-lî
qīnglǐ reason; sense.⁶ to settle (accounts); clearance (of sales); to arrange; to tidy up.⁷
清明 tëin-mẽin
qīngmíng Pure Brightness (5th solar term, Apr 4, 5, or 6);⁶ clear and bright.⁵
清洗 tëin-xāi
qīngxǐ rinse, wash, clean; purge, comb out.¹⁰
一清二楚 yīt-tëin-ngì-chō
yīqīng'èrchǔ perfectly clear; be very clear about something.⁹
(See 淸 tëin.)
tein2 14043
100 9 𤯝
tëin qīng (=青 tëin qīng green; blue; black).³⁶
(composition: ⿱生月; U+24BDD).
<又> sāng.
(See 𤯝❄{⿱生月} sāng).
tein2 14044
109 8 tëin qiān gloomy; dark; obscure.⁸
(composition: ⿰目千; U+4012).
䀒瞑 tëin-mẽin qiānmián to look to a distance, and to see indistinctly.²⁴
tein2 14045
118 14 tëin qìng <topo.> bamboo groves in mountain valleys (often used in place names).⁶ to draw a bamboo bow or crossbow; large groove of bamboo on a mountain; mountain valley with clumps of trees and bamboos.⁸ to draw a bamboo crossbow; bamboo groves in Yunnan or Guizhou.¹⁴
杉木箐村 Chëim-mûk-tëin-tûn Shānmùqìngcūn a village in Guizhou (贵州遵义绥阳县枧坝镇).²³
蛮箐[蠻箐] mãn-tëin
mánqìng a crossbow made by a minority group in the south.¹⁹
梅子箐村 Mõi-dū-tëin-tûn
Méiziqìngcūn a village in Yunnan (云南省玉龙县石头白族乡).²³
箐道 tëin-ào
qìngdào a mountain path/road inside a grove of trees and bamboo.¹⁹
箐鸡[箐雞] tëin-gäi
qìngjī birds raised in a grove of bamboo .¹⁹
箐谷 tëin-gūk
qìnggǔ mountain valley with clumps of trees and bamboo.³⁹
箐砦 tëin-jài
qìngzhài a mountain stronghold inside a grove of trees and bamboo.¹⁹
箐峒 tëin-ùng
qìngdòng cave inside a grove of bamboo.¹⁹
<又> dëin.
(See 箐 dëin.)
tein2 14046
140 6 tëin qiān exuberant and vigorous foliage.
芊萰 tëin-lèin qiānliàn lush, rich; emerald, bright green (about vegetation); green and flourishing; overgrown.⁵⁴
芊绵[芊綿] tëin-mẽin
qiānmián (=芊緜 tëin-mẽin).
芊緜 tëin-mẽin
qiānmián <wr.> lush, brightly green, also written as 芊眠 or 芊绵[芊綿] tëin-mẽin qiānmián.¹¹
芊眠 tëin-mẽin
qiānmián <wr.> archaic variant of 芊緜.¹¹
芊芊 tëin-tëin
qiānqiān <wr.> luxuriant, exuberant, flourishing, lush; verdant, emerald green.
郁郁芊芊[鬱鬱芊芊] vūt-vūt-tëin-tëin
yùyùqiānqiān luxuriantly green.¹⁹
tein2 14047
140 11 tëin jīng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 菁 dëin jīng lush, luxuriant; essence, cream.⁵)
<又> dëin.
(See 菁 dëin.)
tein2 14048
142 14 tëin qīng dragonfly.⁸
蜻蜓 tëin-hẽin qīngtíng dragonfly.⁵ (called 黄美[黃美] võng-mî/ in Hoisanva).
蜻蜓点水[蜻蜓點水] tëin-hẽin-ēm-suī
qīngtíngdiǎnshuǐ like a dragonfly skimming the surface of the water – touch on something without going into it deeply.⁵
蜻蜓掠水 tëin-hẽin-lèk-suī
qīngtínglüèshuǐ The dragonflies skimmed over the water.³⁹
蜻蛚 tëin-lèik
qīngliè a cricket.²⁵ a kind of cricket.⁵⁴
蜻蛉 tëin-lẽin
qīnglíng damselfly; lacewing.¹⁰
蜻蛉科 tëin-lẽin-fö
qīnglíngkē skimmers or perchers and their relatives form the Libellulidae, the largest dragonfly family.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
tein2 14049
146 9 tëin qiān (=遷 tëin qiān to move, to remove; to change.).
(composition: ⿱覀大; U+4672).
(See 遷 tëin).
tein2 14050
146 11 tëin qiān to soar as a bird, (ancient form of U+9077 遷 tëin qiān) to move, to change.⁸ to mount high.²⁵
(composition: ⿱䙲㔾(GT) or ⿳襾大㔾(J); U+4674).
tein2 14051
157 18 tëin xiān (<old>=跹[躚] tëin xiān) to walk round and round.¹⁴
蹮蹮 (=跹跹[躚躚]) tëin-tëin
xiānxiān turning round and round.³⁹
(See 躚 tëin).
tein2 14052
157 21 tëin xiān to walk round and round.¹⁴ (variant: 蹮 tëin xiān).
迎风翩跹[迎風翩躚] ngẽin-füng-pëin-tëin
yíngfēng piānxiān fluttering up and down in the gentle wind.³⁹
翩跹[翩躚] pëin-tëin
piānxiān <wr.> lightly; trippingly.⁵ flying or dancing gracefully.¹¹
蹁跹[蹁躚] pëin-tëin
piánxiān <wr.> whirling about (in dancing).⁵ to walk unsteadily; to walk with a dancing gait.⁷ (walk, dance) with a swing or in a sidling manner.¹¹
跰跹[跰躚] pëin-tëin
or pẽin-tëin piánxiān (=蹁跹[蹁躚] pëin-tëin piánxiān; 翩跹[翩躚] pëin-tëin piānxiān, q.v.).¹⁹ <wr.> walk haltingly; limp; hobble.⁵⁴
跹跹[躚躚] tëin-tëin
xiānxiān turning round and round.³⁹
(See 蹮 tëin).
tein2 14053
162 15 tëin qiān move; change.⁵
(comp. t: ⿺辶䙴; U+9077). (comp. s: ⿺辶千; U+8FC1).
变迁[變遷] bëin-tëin
biànqiān vicissitude; changes.⁸
搬迁[搬遷] bön-tëin
bānqiān move; relocate; removal.¹⁰
迁就[遷就] tëin-diù
or 牵就[牽就] hëin-diù qiānjiù to yield; to adapt to; to accommodate to (something).¹⁰
迁逡[遷逡] tëin-dün
qiānqūn hesitate; waver.⁵⁴
迁居[遷居] tëin-guï
qiānjū change residence.¹¹
迁谪[遷謫] tëin-jàk
qiānzhé to go into exile.¹¹
迁怒于人[遷怒於人] tëin-nù-yï-ngĩn
qiānnùyúrén to vent one's anger on an innocent party (idiom).¹⁰
迁都[遷都] tëin-ü
qiāndū to move the capital (city).¹⁰
迁徙[遷徙] tëin-xāi
qiānxǐ to migrate; to move.¹⁰
迁移[遷移] tëin-yĩ
qiānyí move; remove; migrate.⁵
迁入[遷入] tëin-yìp
qiānrù to move in (to new lodging).¹⁰
事过境迁[事過境遷] xù-gö-gēin-tëin
shìguòjìngqiān events have passed and times have changed.¹¹
tein2 14054
163 10 tëin qīng the name of an ancient territory.²⁵
(composition: ⿰青阝; U+90EC).
tein2 14055
167 11 tëin qiān drill rod; drill steel; borer.⁵ a drill (for boring through rock).¹⁰
打钎[打釺] ā-tëin dǎqiān make a hole in rock with a drill.⁶
钢钎[鋼釺] gông-tëin
gāngqiān drill rod/steel; hammer or rock drill.⁶
钎子[釺子] tëin-dū
qiānzi hammer drill (for making holes in rock); rock drill.⁵
tein2 14056
170 5 tëin qiān path between fields running north and south.
阡表 tëin-bēl qiānbiǎo gravestone.
阡陌 tëin-màk
qiānmò crisscross of footpaths between fields  (阡 running north and south, 陌 east and west).
tein2 14057
174 8 tëin qīng green; blue; black; Qing surname.⁷ (variant: 𤯝❄{⿱生月} tëin)
青春 tëin-chün
qīngchūn youth; youthfulness.⁵
青春期 tëin-chün-kĩ
qīngchūnqī puberty.⁵
青出于蓝[青出於藍] tëin-chūt-yï-lãm
qīngchūyúlán the pupil surpasses the master.⁵
青花瓷 tëin-fä-xũ
qīnghuācí blue-and-white porcelain.⁵
青光眼 tëin-göng-ngān
qīngguāngyǎn <med.> glaucoma.⁵
青天 tëin-hëin
qīngtiān blue sky; <trad.> a just judge, an upright magistrate.⁵
青铜[青銅] tëin-hũng
qīngtóng bronze.⁵
青睐[青睞] tëin-lõi
qīnglài <wr.> favor; good graces.⁵
青年 tëin-nẽin
qīngnián youth; young people.⁵
青色 tëin-sēik
qīngsè cyan.⁶
青少年 tëin-sël-nẽin
qīng-shàonián teenager; youngster.⁵
青草 tëin-tāo
qīngcǎo green grass.⁶
青菜 tëin-töi
qīngcài green vegetables; Chinese cabbage.⁵
青翠 tëin-tuï
qīngcuì verdant; fresh and green.⁵
青葱[青蔥] tëin-tüng
qīngcōng verdant; fresh green.⁵
青蛙 tëin-vä
qīngwā frog; (slang) ugly guy.¹⁰
青丝[青絲] tëin-xü
qīngsī <wr.> black hair (of a woman or girl); willow branches; shredded green plums.⁶
<台> 青春 tëin-chün/ (sarcastic) young.
<又> tëng
(See 青 tëng; 𤯝❄{⿱生月} tëin).
tein2 14058
174 8 tëin qīng Kangxi radical 174; blue.⁸ (=青 tëin qīng).
(See 青 tëin).
tein2 14059
174 14 tëin qīng (composition: ⿰青色; U+9758).
<old> only used in 䒌靘 mèin-tëin mìngqīng <lit.> without color; colorless.³⁶
<又> dèin, hëin.
(See 靘 dèin, 靘 hëin).
tein2 14060
177 23 tëin qiān (=千 as in 秋千 tiü-tëin qiūqiān) swing.¹⁰
or 秋千 tiü-tëin qiūqiān the swing (a children's or ladies’ pastime.¹⁰
tein2 14061
195 19 tëin qīng mackerel.⁵ʼ⁶
白腹鲭[白腹鯖] bàk-fūk-tëin báifùqīng chub mackerel, Pacific mackerel, or Pacific chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus); in Chinese aka 日本鯖 Ngìt-bōn-tëin Rìběnqīng, <topo.> 花輝, <topo.> 青輝, <topo.> 青花.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
尖吻鲭鲨[尖吻鯖鯊] dëm-mêin-tëin-sä
jiānwěnqīngshā shortfin mako shark, aka blue pointer or bonito shark (Isurus oxyrinchus); in Chinese aka 灰鯖鯊, 馬加鯊, 煙仔沙.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
科利鲭[科利鯖] fö-lì-tëin
kēlìqīng Atlantic chub mackerel (Scomber colias); synonymous with Pneumatophorus japonicus marplatensis López.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
金带花鲭[金帶花鯖] gïm-äi-fä-tëin
jīndàihuāqīng another name for Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta), in Chinese aka 羽鰓鮐、鐵甲、媽鱟.²⁰
黑鲭[黑鯖] hāk-tëin
hēiqīng another name for 黑鲩 hāk-vân hēihuàn black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus).¹⁰
鲭鱼[鯖魚] tëin-nguĩ
qīngyú mackerel.¹⁰
鲭鲨[鯖鯊] tëin-sä
qīngshā mackerel shark.⁶
乌鲭[烏鯖] vü-tëin
wūqīng another name for 黑鲩 hāk-vân hēihuàn black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus).¹⁰
<又> jëin.
(See 鯖 jëin.)
tein2 14062
10 10 tëin-
qiānkè kilogram. (Note: 兛 is a combination of the two characters 千 tëin qiān and 克 hāk kè.  千 tëin qiān by itself can also be used for kilogram.)
98 7 tëin
qiānwǎ (composed of 千 and 瓦) kilowatt.
18 9 tẽin qián before; front.
前边[前邊] tẽin-bêin qiánbian the front; in front.¹¹
前辈[前輩] tẽin-böi
qiánbèi senior; elder; predecessor.⁶
前不巴村后不着店[前不巴村後不著店] tẽin-būt-bä-tûn hèo-būt-jèk-ëm
qiánbùbācūn hòubùzháodiàn with no village ahead and no inn behind – be stranded in a desolate place.⁶
前夕 tẽin-dèik
qiánxī eve.⁶
前进[前進] tẽin-dïn
qiánjìn to go forward; to forge ahead; to advance; onward.¹⁰
前仆后继[前仆後繼] tẽin-fü-hèo-gäi
qiánpūhòujì others take up position as soldiers fall on the battlefield.¹¹
前后左右[前後左右] tẽin-hèo-dū-yiù
qiánhòuzuǒyòu on all sides, in every direction.
前途 tẽin-hũ
qiántú the road ahead – the future.¹⁴
前途无量[前途無量] tẽin-hũ-mũ-lèng
qiántúwúliàng have boundless prospects; have unlimited possibilities.⁵⁶
前面 tẽin-mèin
qiánmian in front, at the head, ahead;  above, preceding.⁵
前哨 tẽin-säo
qiánshào outpost.¹⁰
前往 tẽin-vông
qiánwǎng leave for; proceed towards; go.¹⁰
前沿 tẽin-yõn
qiányán front line.⁸
<台> 前晚 tẽin-mân/ night of the day before yesterday.
<台> 前日 tein-ngìt/ day before yesterday
(obs. ereyesterday).
tein3 14065
61 11 tẽin qíng feelings, emotions, sentiments; fact, detail, situation, condition; love, affection, passion; nature, reason.⁷
情报[情報] tẽin-bäo qíngbào intelligence; information.⁵
情不自禁 tẽin-būt-dù-gîm
qíngbùzìjìn cannot help.⁵⁵
情节[情節] tẽin-dēik
qíngjié plot; circumstances.⁵
情况[情況] tẽin-fōng
qíngkuàng circumstances.⁷
情感 tẽin-gām
qínggǎn emotion; feeling.⁵
情奸 tẽin-gän
qíngjiān adultery from mutual attraction.⁵⁴
情景 tẽin-gēin
qíngjǐng circumstances; situation; scene.¹⁰
情境 tẽin-gēin
qíngjìng circumstances.⁵⁵
情投意合 tẽin-hẽo-yï-hàp
qíngtóuyìhé hit it off perfectly.⁵⁴
情人 tẽin-ngĩn
qíngrén lover.⁵⁵
情愿[情願] tẽin-ngùn
qíngyuàn be willing; preferably.⁵⁵
情爱[情愛] tẽin-öi
qíng'ài love.⁵⁵
情势[情勢] tẽin-säi
qíngshì situation.⁵⁵
情愫 tẽin-xü
qíngsù innermost feelings.⁷
情绪[情緒] tẽin-xuî
qíngxù mood; moodiness.⁵⁵
情形 tẽin-yẽin
qíngxing situation; state of affairs.⁵
情意绸缪[情意綢繆] tẽin-yï-chiũ-mẽo
qíngyìchóumóu be head over heels in love.⁵
情有可原 tẽin-yiû-hō-ngũn
qíngyǒukěyuán excusable.⁵⁵
情有独钟[情有獨鍾] tẽin-yiû-ùk-jüng
qíngyǒudúzhōng show special preference to.⁵⁵
tein3 14066
140 12 tẽin qián ➀ <bot.> raspberry finger (Rubus palmatus Thunb.).⁵⁴
➁ cochia (a plant suitable for making brooms).⁵⁴
➂ wild strawberries; a kind of birch used in making brooms.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹前; U+8465).
or 车前[車前] chëh-tẽin chēqián a perennial grass with fibrous roots and clustering leaves and seeds; the whole plant is collected to make medicine and as food for pigs.⁹ <bot.> plantain (Plantago), especially the Chinese plantain (Plantago asiatica).³⁶
車前草 chëh-tẽin-tāo
chēqiáncǎo (Plantago asiatica)  aka 蕮 xēik , 薘 àt , 車輪菜子, 豬耳朵棵子, 五更草, 田灌草, 牛舌草子, 車軲轆草子 chëh-gū-lūk-tāo-dū chēgūlucǎozǐ. 詩經中稱之爲芣苢 fẽo-yî fúyǐ.²⁰ (Note: In Hoisanva it is known as 田灌草 hẽin-gön-tāo).
tein3 14067
154 15 tẽin qíng <wr.> receive a reward; <vern.> inherit; take.⁶ to bestow, to confer upon; to grant to.⁸ to give; to receive a gift.²⁵
䞍等[䝼等] tẽin-āng qíngděng <topo.> sit and wait (for criticism, punishment); sit idle and enjoy the fruits of others' work.⁶
䞍受[䝼受] tẽin-siù
qíngshòu inherit, succeed.⁶
䞍受财产[䝼受財產] tẽin-siù-tõi-chān
qíngshòucáichǎn inherit a property/legacy.⁶
tein3 14068
167 16 tẽin qián copper coin, cash; money; fund, sum; a unit of weight (equal to 5 grams); Qian surname.⁵ <old> 1/10 of a tael (两[兩]), a mace; a mace (錢) is equal to 10 candareen (分).¹⁵
t: ⿰釒戔; U+9322). (comp. s: ⿰钅戋; U+94B1).
钱褡裢[錢褡褳] tẽin-āp-lẽin
qiándālian a cloth bag for coins.¹¹
钱币[錢幣] tẽin-bài
qiánbì coin; money.⁹
钱包[錢包] tẽin-bäo
qiánbāo wallet; purse.⁵
钱串[錢串] tẽin-chün
qiánchuàn formerly, a string of cash (in units of 100, or 1000); the string running through the square holes in cash.¹¹
钱幌子[錢幌子] tẽin-fōng-dū
qiánhuǎngzi formerly, shop sign of money shop in the form of a string of big coins.¹¹
钱柜[錢櫃] tẽin-gì
qiánguì money-locker; money-box; till.⁵
钱庄[錢莊] tẽin-jöng
qiánzhuāng old-style Chinese private bank.⁸
钱粮[錢糧] tẽin-lẽng
qiánliáng <trad.> land tax; revenue.⁵
钱票[錢票] tẽin-pêl/
qiánpiào <topo.> paper money; vouchers used in canteens in place of cash.⁵
钱财[錢財] tẽin-tõi
qiáncái wealth; money.⁵
<台> 钱罂[錢罌] tẽin-âng piggy bank.
<台> 钱八[錢八] tẽin-bät <loan> two-bits (25¢; quarter of a dollar).
<又> dēin.
(See 錢 dēin).
tein3 14069
104 10 tëk téng <台> 疼 tëk pain; ache; painful; to love dearly (=赤 tëk chì).
<台> 阿妈疼尾仔[阿媽疼尾仔]
or 阿妈赤尾仔[阿媽赤尾仔] ä-mā-tëk-mī-dōi Mom favors the youngest son.
<台> 颈疼[頸疼]
or 颈赤[頸赤] gēng-tëk greedy for food.
<台> 头疼[頭疼]
or 头赤[頭赤] hẽo-tëk (to have) a headache.
<台> 眼疼
or 眼赤 ngān-tëk to be jealous.
<台> 肚疼
or 肚赤 ū-tëk stomachache.
<又> hüng, hũng.
(See 疼 hũng, hüng; 赤 tëk.)
tek2 14070
155 7 tëk chì <台> 赤 tëk pain; ache; painful; to love dearly (=疼 tëk téng).
<台> 阿妈赤尾仔[阿媽赤尾仔] or 阿妈疼尾仔[阿媽疼尾仔] ä-mā-tëk-mī-dōi Mom favors the youngest son.
<台> 颈赤[頸赤] or 颈疼[頸疼] gēng-tëk greedy for food.
<台> 头赤[頭赤]
or 头疼[頭疼] hẽo-tëk (to have) a headache.
<台> 牙肉赤,煲粥吃.一吃一好,唔等天早. ngã-ngùk-tëk, bäo-jūk-hëk, yīt-hëk-yīt-hāo, m̃-āng-hèin-dāo. When your gums are sore, cook some congee. As soon as you eat it, you will get better; no need to wait for tomorrow.
<台> 肚赤
or 肚疼 ū-tëk stomachache.
<又> chä, chēik, chëk.
(See 赤 chä, 赤 chēik, 赤 chëk).
tek2 14071
61 10 tēl qiǎo quiet, silent; <wr.> sad, worried, grieved.⁵
低声悄语[低聲悄語] äi-sëin-tēl-nguî dīshēngqiǎoyǔ speak in a low voice.⁶
悄静[悄靜] tēl-dèin
qiǎojìng quiet; still; silent.⁶
悄无人迹[悄無人跡] tēl-mũ-ngĩn-dēik
qiǎowúrénjì without a soul in sight.⁶
悄然 tēl-ngẽin
qiǎorán sorrowfully, sadly; quietly, softly.⁵
悄然离开[悄然離開] tēl-ngẽin-lĩ-höi
qiǎoránlíkāi leave quietly.⁶
悄然泪下[悄然淚下] tēl-ngẽin-luì-hä
qiǎoránlèixià shed tears in sorrow; shed sad tears.⁵
悄然无声[悄然無聲] tēl-ngẽin-mũ-sëin
qiǎoránwúshēng absolutely quiet.¹⁰
悄语[悄語] tēl-nguî
qiǎoyǔ to talk in a low voice; to speak softly; to whisper.⁷
悄声[悄聲] tēl-sëin
qiǎoshēng quietly; in a low voice.⁵
悄悄 tēl-tēl
qiǎoqiǎo <wr.> silently; sorrowfully.¹¹
(See 悄[tēl, qiāo].)
tel1 14072
61 10 tēl qiāo 静悄悄[靜悄悄] dèin-tēl-tēl jìngqiāoqiāo very quiet.⁶
蹑悄悄[躡悄悄] nēp-tēl-tēl
nièqiāoqiāo softly; quietly.⁶
悄悄 tēl-tēl
qiāoqiāo quietly; on the quiet.⁵
悄悄离开[悄悄離開] tēl-tēl-lĩ-höi
qiāoqiāolíkāi slip away.⁶
悄悄话[悄悄話] tēl-tēl-và
qiāoqiāohuà confidential whisper; whisperings; whisper in private.⁶
(See 悄[tēl, qiǎo].)
tel1 14073
61 12 tēl qiǎo <wr.> becoming stern or displeased.⁶ anxious-looking, sorrowful looking; to show a sudden change of expression.⁷
孔子愀然作色而对曰... [孔子愀然作色而對曰... ]
Kūng-dū tēl-ngẽin dōk-sēik ngĩ uï yòt...
Kǒngzǐ qiǎorán zuòsè ér duì yuē...
Confucius looked startled, changed countenance, and replied...⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·哀公問·7》, translated by James Legge).
孔子愀然而叹... [孔子愀然而歎...]
Kūng-dū tēl-ngẽin ngĩ hän...
Kǒngzǐ qiǎorán ér tàn...
Confucius looked sorrowful and sighed...⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《莊子·雜篇·漁父·4》, translated by James Legge).
愀然 tēl-ngẽin
qiǎorán sorrowful looking; stern; grave-looking.⁵ showing a sudden change of expression, turning pale or red suddenly; anxious, sorrowful.⁷
愀然变色[愀然變色] tēl-ngẽin-bëin-sēik
qiǎoránbiànsè change countenance suddenly.⁵⁴
愀惨[愀慘] tēl-tām
qiǎocǎn sorrowful.⁷
愀怆[愀愴] tēl-töng
qiǎochuàng rueful; doleful; sad; sorrowful.⁷
tel1 14074
9 9 tël qiào pretty, smart-looking, good-looking; salable, marketable, fast-selling; <topo.> flavor (with), season (with).⁶
打情骂俏[打情罵俏] ā-tẽin-mà-tël dǎqíngmàqiào (of man and woman) fool around and banter; flirt (with sb.).⁶
俏货[俏貨] tël-fö
qiàohuò salable/marketable goods; goods in great demand; fast-selling goods.⁶
俏头[俏頭] tël-hẽo
qiàotou flavoring, seasoning, condiments; <thea.> trick to gain applause (such as gestures, remarks or episodes in operas to make the performance more intriguing.⁶
俏丽[俏麗] tël-lài
qiàolì pretty; good-looking.⁶
俏媚 tël-mì
qiàomèi charming; attractive.⁶
俏美 tël-mî
qiàoměi pretty; good-looking.⁶
俏皮 tël-pĩ
qiàopi good-looking, smart-looking; witty, clever.⁶
俏皮话[俏皮話] tël-pĩ-và
qiàopihuà ➀ sarcastic/ironical  remark ➁ witty remarks, witticism; wisecrack ➂ (=歇后语[歇後語] hēik-hèo-nguî xiēhòuyǔ).⁶
俏色 tël-sēik
qiàosè stylish color.⁶
俏式 tël-sēik
qiàoshi <topo.> pretty and charming.⁶
俏销[俏銷] tël-xël
qiàoxiāo sell well; be in great demand.⁶
tel2 14075
9 11 tël qiào stupid.⁹ disabled.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰亻秋; U+5062).
傻偢 sô-tël shǎqiào heartless, not benevolent; benumbed.²
傻偢不仁 sô-tël-būt-ngĩn
shǎqiàobùrén paralyzed.¹⁴
<又> chẽl.
(See 偢 chẽl).
tel2 14076
46 10 tël qiào (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 峭 xël qiào with same meaning: (of a mountain) steep; precipitous; <wr.> stern, severe.⁶)
<又> xël.
(See 峭 xël.)
tel2 14077
149 14 tël qiào <wr.> to censure; to blame; to ridicule; to jeer at.
(variant: 譙 tël qiào).
讥诮[譏誚] gï-tël
jīqiào <wr.> to ridicule, to jeer at.
诮呵[誚呵] tël-hō
qiàohē <wr.> to blame; to reproach; to berate.
诮让[誚讓] tël-ngèng
qiàoràng <wr.> to condemn; to denounce; to censure; to blame; to reproach.
(See 譙 tël).
tel2 14078
149 19 tël qiào (=诮[誚] tël qiào <wr.> to censure; to blame; to ridicule; to jeer at.); to scold; to ridicule; to blame.¹⁴
t: ⿰言焦; U+8B59). (comp. s: ⿰讠焦; U+8C2F).
谯呵[譙呵] tël-hö
qiàohē scolding.¹⁴
谯责[譙責] tël-jāk
qiàozé to scold; to blame.¹⁴
谯让[譙讓] tël-ngèng
qiàoràng scolding.¹⁴
<又> tẽl.
(See 譙 tẽl; 誚 tël).
tel2 14079
167 17 tël qiāo shovel; spade.¹⁰ (variant: 鍫(tël qiāo).
铁锹[鐵鍬] hëik-tël
tiěqiāo spade; shovel.¹⁰
香锹[香鍬] hëng-tël
xiāngqiāo garden shovel.⁵⁴
锹形虫[鍬形蟲] tël-yẽin-chũng
qiāo xíngchóng stag beetle (generic term for the beetles in the family of lucanidae).¹¹
圓锹[圓鍬] yõn-tël
yuánqiāo shovel.¹⁹
<台> 颈渴广锹井[頸渴廣鍬井] gēng-höt-gōng-tël-dēng lit. Dig a well only when one is thirsty; fig. to be unprepared and look for solutions at the last minute. Note: May use 古多 gū-ü or 广当[廣當] gōng-öng in place of 广[廣] gōng then.
(See 临渴掘井[臨渴掘井] lĩm-höt-gùt-dēng.)
(See 鍫 tël).
tel2 14080
167 17 tël qiāo (=鍬 tël qiāo) shovel; spade.¹⁰
(See 鍬 tël).
tel2 14081
167 21 tël qiāo (=锹[鍬] tël qiāo shovel; spade.¹⁰).⁵⁴ a spade.²⁵ʼ¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰金喿; U+9430).
<又> xäo; tão.
(See 鐰 xäo; 鐰 tão).
tel2 14082
46 14 𡻝
tẽl qiáo (composition: ⿱山巢; U+21EDD).
嶚𡻝❄{⿱山巢} lẽl-tẽl liáoqiáo or lẽl-chão liáocháo high.² high, lofty; a high mountain.²⁴
<又> chão.
(See 𡻝❄{⿱山巢} chão).
tel3 14083
61 15 tẽl qiáo be worn-out, emaciated, haggard.⁸ (variants: 癄, 顦, 燋 tẽl qiáo).
憔悴 tẽl-xuì
qiáocuì wan and sallow; thin and pallid; (of plants) withered.⁵
憔虑[憔慮] tẽl-luì
qiáolǜ impatient and anxious.⁷
(See 癄 tẽl; 顦 tẽl; 燋 tẽl).
tel3 14084
75 16 tẽl qiáo <wr.> firewood; gather wood; woodcutter; woodman.⁶
砍樵 hām-tẽl kǎnqiáo (=砍柴 hām-châi kǎnchái)  cut firewood.³⁹
渔樵耕读[漁樵耕讀] nguĩ-tẽl-gäng-ùk
yúqiáogēngdú <trad.> fisherman, woodcutter, farmer, scholar (the four respectable occupations).⁵⁴
樵子 tẽl-dū
qiáozǐ woodcutter.¹⁰
樵夫 tẽl-fü
qiáofū woodcutter.¹¹
樵户[樵戶] tẽl-fù
qiáohù woodcutter.¹¹
樵歌 tẽl-gô/
qiáogē woodcutter's songs.¹¹
樵姑 tẽl-gü
qiáogū female woodcutter.³⁹
樵客 tẽl-hāk
or tẽl-häk qiáokè woodcutter.¹¹
樵苏[樵蘇] tẽl-xü
qiáosū gather wood and grass for fuel.¹¹
樵隐[樵隱] tẽl-yîn
qiáoyǐn retire and live like a woodcutter.¹¹
tel3 14085
85 15 tẽl qiáo the name of a river.²⁴ʼ¹⁰¹ name of an ancient river.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰氵焦; U+6F50).
潐水 tẽl-suī qiáoshuǐ Qiaoshui, name of an ancient river.³⁶
<又> dël; dēl.
(See 潐 dël; 潐 dēl).
tel3 14086
86 16 tẽl qiáo (=憔 tẽl qiáo as in 憔悴 tẽl-xuì qiáocuì wan and sallow; thin and pallid.⁵).⁸
(composition: ⿰火焦; U+71CB).
其色燋然 kĩ-sēik-tẽl-ngẽin
qísèqiáorán his color turned pale.⁸
<又> dël; dēk; sēk.
(See 燋 dël; 燋 dēk; 燋 sēk; 憔 tẽl).
tel3 14087
104 17 tẽl qiáo (<old> =憔 tẽl qiáo) be worn-out, emaciated, haggard.⁸
(composition: ⿸疒焦; U+7644).
癄瘁 tẽl-xuì
qiáocuì.¹⁹ (See 癄瘁 dël-xuì jiàocuì²)
<又> dël. (See 癄 dël; 憔 tẽl).
tel3 14088
109 17 tẽl qiáo (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 瞧 chẽl qiáo with same meaning: look, see; (of a patient) see a doctor, (of a doctor) see a patient; visit, call on somebody.⁶)
<又> chẽl; dẽl.
(See 瞧 chẽl; 瞧 dẽl.)
tel3 14089
149 19 tẽl qiáo a lookout; a drum tower.¹⁴ tower; Qiao surname.⁸
(comp. t: ⿰言焦; U+8B59). (comp. s: ⿰讠焦; U+8C2F).
谯车[譙車] tẽl-chëh
qiáochē a high turret set on wheels for the use of archers.¹⁴
谯楼[譙樓] tẽl-lẽo
qiáolóu drum tower; watchtower.¹¹
谯橹[譙櫓] tẽl-lû
qiáolǔ drum tower; watchtower.¹¹
谯门[譙門] tẽl-mõn
qiáomén drum tower; watchtower.¹¹
谯谯[譙譙] tẽl-tẽl
qiáoqiáo the feathers (of a bird) are scattered and ruined.⁸
Yĩ-yî-tẽl-tẽl, yĩ-mī-xël-xël.
Yú yǔ qiáo qiáo yú wěi xiāoxiāo.
My wings are all-injured;
My tail is all-broken.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·豳風·鴟鴞》, translated by James Legge).
<又> tël.
(See 譙 tël).
tel3 14090
167 19 tẽl qiāo to draw silk from cocoons; a method for sewing buttons.⁸
(composition: ⿰⿰釒參; U+93D2).
<又> xām; täm. (See 鏒 xām; 鏒 täm).
tel3 14091
181 21 tẽl qiáo (=憔 tẽl qiáo) be worn-out, emaciated, haggard.⁸
(See 憔 tẽl.)
tel3 14092
9 19 tëm chàn irregular.²⁴ <old> to interject, to interrupt, to cut in; <old> to insert; <old> short, quick, convenient; <old> careless, rash.³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻毚; U+5133).
Jēng-jēh-būt-gèp, mũ-tëm-ngũn.
Zhǎng zhě bùjí, wú chán yán.
If there be any subject on which the elder has not touched, let him not introduce it irregularly.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·曲禮上·31》, translated by James Legge).
儳道 tëm-ào
chàndào <lit.> shortcut.³⁶
儳羼 tëm-chān
chànchàn <lit.> mix.³⁶
儳言 tëm-ngũn
chànyán <lit.> to interrupt; to cut in; to butt in; to chime in.³⁶
儳和 tëm-võ
chànhè <lit.> to interrupt; to chip in; to chime in.³⁶
儳互 tëm-vù
chànhù irregular; improper.¹⁴
tem2 14093
61 20 tëm chàn repent.⁵
拜忏[拜懺] bäi-tëm bàichàn (of Buddhist monks or Taoist priests) recite scriptures on a (dead) person's behalf as an expression of repentance and for redemption of his sins.⁶
忏悔[懺悔] tëm-fōi
chànhuǐ repent, be penitent; <rel.> confess (one's sins).⁵
忏悔自新[懺悔自新] tëm-fōi-dù-xïn
chànhuǐzìxīn repent one's sins and make a fresh start; repent and start anew; turn over a new leaf.⁶
忏悔者[懺悔者] tëm-fōi-jēh
chànhuǐzhě penitent.⁶
忏悔录[懺悔錄] tëm-fōi-lùk
chànhuǐlù confessions.⁹ Confessiions by St. Augustine (354-430), bishop of Hippo (in present-day Algeria); Les Confessions by French Enlightenment scholar Jean-Jacques Rosseau (1712-1778), published after author's death.⁶
忏礼[懺禮] tëm-lâi
chànlǐ <Budd.> ceremony of penance or penitence.¹¹
忏七[懺七] tëm-tīt
chànqī <Budd.> saying of mass for the dead on the seventh day and multiples of seventh.¹¹
忏事[懺事] tëm-xù
chànshì <Budd.> ceremony of penance or penitence.¹¹
tem2 14094
64 14 tëm chàn to cast into; to throw planks into the water; to exclude.²⁴ to eliminate; to attack.⁵⁴ to strike; to raise up; a turn or time; temporarily; to cut in two; to throw into; to exclude; to place [lanks for crossing water.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰扌斬; U+6472).
<又> tãm; chëim. (See 摲 tãm; 摲 chëim).
tem2 14095
64 15 tëm zàn to lift, to raise; to strike, to beat; to throw, to pitch, to deliver.⁸
(composition: ⿱斬手; U+3A3B).
<又> tãm; chëim. (See 㨻 tãm; 㨻 chëim).
tem2 14096
72 15 tëm xiān (of the sun) rise; advance, go forward.⁸
暹罗[暹羅] Tëm-lõ Xiānluó Siam (old word for Thailand); Siamese.¹⁰
tem2 14097
78 21 tëm jiān annihilate; wipe out; destroy.⁵
歼敌[殲敵] tëm-èik jiāndí annihilate the enemy.¹¹
歼击[殲擊] tëm-gēik
jiānjī attack and wipe out.⁶
歼击机[殲擊機] tëm-gēik-gï
jiānjījī fighter plane; fighter.⁵
歼灭[殲滅] tëm-mèik
jiānmiè annihilate; wipe out; destroy.⁵
歼灭战[殲滅戰] tëm-mèik-jën
jiānmièzhàn war or battle of annihilation.⁶
歼灭射击[殲滅射擊] tëm-mèik-sèh-gēik
jiānmiè shèjī annihilation fire.⁶
tem2 14098
118 19 tëm qiān bamboo slips used for drawing lots or divination.⁷
抽签[抽簽 or 抽籤] chëo-tëm or chëo-têm chōuqiān to draw lots.¹⁴
or 求籤] kiũ-tëm qiúqiān to draw lots before the idols.¹⁴
or 書籤] sï-tëm shūqiān bookmark; title label on the cover of an ancient Chinese book.⁶
or 籤捐] tëm-gün qiānjuān a lottery.¹⁴
or 籤筒] tëm-hûng/ or  têm-hûng/ qiāntǒng bamboo tube for lots.¹⁴
or 籤兒] tëm-ngĩ or têm-ngĩ qiānr a gambling slip of bamboo engraved with spots to determine the winner; sticks with pointed end, used to pierce into bags to find out the contents therein; a label.⁷
or 籤語] tëm-nguî or têm-nguî qiānyǔ or 签诗[簽詩 or 籤詩] tëm-sï or têm-sï qiānshī a doggerel poem or quote foretelling one's fortune as denoted by a divination lot drawn by oneself.⁷
or 籤譜] tëm-pū or têm-pū qiānpǔ a book on divination by the lot.¹⁴
<又> têm; tïm.
(See 簽 têm; 籤 têm; 籖 têm; 簽 tïm.)
tem2 14099
120 13 tëm xiān textiles with black warp and white weft.⁸ <old> black-and-white textile.¹¹ a kind of check with black and white streaks.²⁵
(composition: ⿰糹⿳彐冖又; U+7D85).
綅冠 tëm-gön xiānguān hat made of black and white fabric.⁵⁴
<又> tïm.
(See 綅 tïm).
tem2 14100
149 24 tëm chàn (=忏[懺] tëm chàn repent.⁵).⁸
t: ⿰言韱; U+8B96). (comp. s: ⿰讠韱; U+8C36).
(See 懺 tëm; 讖[tëm, chèn]).
tem2 14101
149 24 tëm chèn <wr.> augury; prophecy; foreboding.
(comp. t: ⿰言韱; U+8B96). (comp. s: ⿰讠韱; U+8C36).
图谶[圖讖] hũ-tëm
túchèn ancient augural books.
谶语[讖語] tëm-nguî
chènyǔ a prophecy believed to have been fulfilled.
谶书[讖書] tëm-sï
chènshū <wr.> augury.
谶纬[讖緯] tëm-vī
chènwěi divination combined with mystical Confucianist belief (prevalent during the Eastern Han Dynasty 25-220 A.D.).
(See 讖[tëm, chàn]).
tem2 14102
64 15 tẽm xián to pull out (hair); to pluck feather); <wr.> to take passages; to make extracts; to quote out of context.⁶
挦扯[撏扯] or 挦撦[撏撦]¹¹ tẽm-chēh xiánchě to pick here and there.¹  to get hold of (some trifle, minor defect).¹¹
挦鸡毛[撏雞毛] tẽm-gäi-mão
xián jīmáo to pluck (feathers of) a chicken.⁶
<台> 挦痧[撏痧] tẽm-sä <TCM> a popular medical treatment for headache, dizziness, arthritic pain by scraping the patient's neck, chest or back.
(See 撏 [tẽm, xún].)
tem3 14103
64 15 tẽm xún (alternate Mandarin pronunciation for 挦[撏] tẽm xián to pull out (hair); to pluck feather); <wr.> to take passages; to make extracts; to quote out of context.⁶)
(See 撏 [tẽm, xián].)
tem3 14104
73 12 tẽm qián (composition: ⿱兓曰; U+6701).
於朁[于朁] or 於潜[于潛] Yï-tẽm Yúqián the name of an ancient county, in present-day Hangzhou City (杭州市), Zhejiang Province (浙江省).⁸
<又> tām; dèm.
(See 朁 tām; 朁 dèm).
tem3 14105
85 15 tẽm qián latent, hudden; stealthily, secretly, on the sly.⁵
(comp. t: ⿰氵朁; U+6F5B). (comp. s: ⿰氵替; U+6F5C).
反潜机[反潛機] fān-tẽm-gï
fǎnqiánjī antisubmarine plane.⁵
潜在[潛在] tẽm-dòi
qiánzài latent; potential.⁵
潜藏[潛藏] tẽm-dòng
qiáncáng hide; go into hiding.⁵
潜伏[潛伏] tẽm-fùk
qiánfú hide, conceal, lie low.⁵
潜逃[潛逃] tẽm-hão
qiántáo abscond.⁵
潜力 tẽm-lèit
qiánlì latent capacity; potential; potentiality.⁵
潜水[潛水] tẽm-suī
qiánshuǐ go under water, dive; <geol.> phreatic water.⁵
潜水艇[潛水艇] tẽm-suī-hêng
qiánshuǐtǐng submarine.⁵
潜泳[潛泳] tẽm-vèin
qiányǒng underwater swimming.⁵
Tẽm-xuï-fùk-yì, yèik-kūng-jï-jël!
Qián suī fú yǐ, yì kǒng zhī zhāo!
Although the fish sink and lie at the bottom, it is still quite clearly seen.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·中庸·33》, translated by James Legge).
潜移默化[潛移默化] tẽm-yĩ-màk-fä
qiányí mòhuà influence imperceptibly or unconsciously; exert a subtle influence on somebody's character or thinking.⁶
tem3 14106
86 16 tẽm qián (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 燂 hãm tán with the same meaning: to heat up; to roast; smoke, fumes; tobacco, opium; (Cant.) to singe.⁸ to dry at the fire; to scorch; to burn; to heat.¹⁴).
(composition: ⿰火覃; U+71C2).
悇燂 hũ-tẽm
túqián distressed.²⁴
<又> hãm, tĩm.
(See 燂 hãm, 燂 tĩm).
tem3 14107
32 14 têm qiàn moat; chasm. (old variant: 壍 têm qiàn).
长江天堑[長江天塹] chẽng-göng-hëin-têm
chángjiāng tiānqiàn The Yangtze River is a natural barrier.⁵⁴
天堑[天塹] hëin-têm
tiānqiàn natural moat; natural chasm.³⁹
吃一堑长一智[吃一塹長一智] hëk-yīt-têm-jēng-yīt-jï
chīyīqiàn-zhǎngyīzhì to learn from mistakes.¹⁰
or 濠堑[濠塹] hõ-têm or hão-têm háoqiàn <mil.> trench; entrenchment.⁶
or 濠堑战[濠塹戰] hõ-têm-jën or hão-têm-jën háoqiànzhàn trench warfare.⁶
沟堑[溝塹] këo-têm
gōuqiàn ditch.⁸
垒堑[壘塹] luî-têm
lěiqiàn ramparts and moat.⁵⁴
or 堑濠[塹濠] têm-hõ or têm-hão qiànháo <mil.> trench; entrenchment.⁶
or 堑濠战[塹濠戰] têm-hõ-jën or têm-hão-jën qiànháozhàn <mil.> trench warfare.¹⁰
(See 壍 têm).
tem5 14108
32 17 têm qiàn (<old>=堑[塹] têm qiàn moat; chasm); moat around a city; a channel (waterway).⁸
(composition: ⿱漸土; U+58CD).
(See 塹 têm).
tem5 14109
38 14 têm qiàn beautiful; pretty, used in girl's name.⁸ (variant: 嬱 têm qiàn),
(composition: ⿱斬女; U+371E).
(See 嬱 têm).

tem5 14110
38 18 têm qiàn (=㜞 têm qiàn beautiful; pretty, used in girl's name.⁸).
(composition: ⿱漸女; U+5B31).
嬮嬱 yèm-têm
yànqiàn beauty (girl).³⁶ handsome, beautiful, voluptuous, enticing.¹⁰²
(See 㜞 têm).
tem5 14111
46 14 têm qiàn (=堑[塹] têm qiàn moat; chasm); the moat around a city, a pit; a hole or cavity in the ground.⁸
(composition: ⿱斬山; U+37FB).
<又> jām
or chãm. (See 㟻 jām; 塹 têm).
tem5 14112
50 20 têm qiān to record; to make a note.² a sign, a mark, a label, a tag.⁸ to signalize; to make a note of, to record; a slip; a form; a model; a label; a title of a book.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰巾韱; U+3868).
薄面题㡨[薄面題㡨] bòk-mèin-hãi-têm bómiàntíqiān write a lable on the cover of the blank book.¹⁰²
法帖㡨 fāt-hēp-têm
fǎtièqiān label on copy slips.¹⁰²
贴㡨子[貼㡨子] hëp-têm-dū
tiēqiānzǐ paste on a label.¹⁰²
垂㡨 suĩ-têm
chuíqiān a slip pasted to a book or roll, stating the name and price.¹⁰²
<又> dëm.
(See 㡨 dëm).
tem5 14113
61 16 têm qiàn violent, litigious.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄僉; U+61B8),
㤿憸 yëm-têm yānqiàn numerous plans; the mind exercised about anything.²⁴
㤿憸 yëm-têm
yānqiàn or 奄尖 yēm-dëm yǎnjiān (Cantonese) picky; choosy; fussy.³⁶
<又> xëin.
(See 憸 xëin).
tem5 14114
75 15 têm qiàn a board which is used to make records; an edition of a book or a wood-block book; a letter.⁹ memorandum tablets; boards for cutting blocks for printing.¹⁴
简椠[簡槧] gān-têm jiǎnqiàn writing tablets.¹⁴
元椠[元槧] ngũn-têm
yuánqiàn Yuan Dynasty blockprinted edition.⁶
椠本[槧本] têm-bōn
qiànběn a book printed by engravings.⁷ wood-block edition.⁸ printing blocks.¹⁴
宋椠[宋槧] xüng-têm
sòngqiàn a Song (wood-block) edition.¹¹
tem5 14115
118 19 têm qiān bamboo slips used for drawing lots or divination.⁷
抽签[抽簽 or 抽籤] chëo-têm or chëo-tëm chōuqiān to draw lots.¹⁴
or 牙籤] ngã-têm yáqiān toothpick; ivory bookmark.⁶
or 籤掣] têm-chēik qiānchè or 掣签[掣簽 or 掣籤] chēik-têm chèqiān select places for officials by lot.¹⁴
签筒[簽筒 or 籤筒] têm-hûng/ or  tëm-hûng/ qiāntǒng bamboo tube for lots.¹⁴
or 籤兒] têm-ngĩ or tëm-ngĩ qiānr a gambling slip of bamboo engraved with spots to determine the winner; sticks with pointed end, used to pierce into bags to find out the contents therein; a label.⁷
or 籤語] têm-nguî or tëm-nguî qiānyǔ or 签诗[簽詩 or 籤詩] têm-sï or tëm-sï qiānshī a doggerel poem or quote foretelling one's fortune as denoted by a divination lot drawn by oneself.⁷
or 籤票] têm-pêl qiānpiào a warrant.¹⁴
or 籤譜] têm-pū or tëm-pū qiānpǔ a book on divination by the lot.¹⁴
<又> tëm; tïm.
(See 簽 tëm; 籤 têm; 籖 têm; 簽 tïm.)
tem5 14116
118 21 têm qiān (=籤 têm qiān) a slip of bamboo engraved with signs to be used in gambling or divination; a lot; a label; a small sharp-pointed stick.⁷
<又> tëm; tïm.
(See 簽 tëm; 簽 têm; 籤 têm; 簽 tïm.)
tem5 14117
118 23 têm qiān a slip of bamboo engraved with signs to be used in gambling or divination; a lot; a label; a small sharp-pointed stick.⁷ (variant: 籖 têm qiān).
or 抽簽] chëo-têm or chëo-tëm chōuqiān to draw lots.¹⁴
or 簽掣] têm-chēik qiānchè or 掣签[掣籤 or 掣簽] chēik-têm chèqiān select places for officials by lot.¹⁴
签筒[籤筒 or 簽筒] têm-hûng/ or tëm-hûng/ qiāntǒng bamboo tube for lots.¹⁴
签儿[籤兒 or 簽兒] têm-ngĩ or tëm-ngĩ qiānr a gambling slip of bamboo engraved with spots to determine the winner; sticks with pointed end, used to pierce into bags to find out the contents therein; a label.⁷
签票[籤票 or 簽票] têm-pêl qiānpiào a warrant.¹⁴
<又> tëm; tïm. (See 簽 tëm; 簽 têm; 籖 têm; 簽 tïm.)
tem5 14118
64 13 tēng qiǎng to pillage; to loot; to snatch; to grab; to vie for (work); to scrape (a pot); to sharpen (a kitchen knife).
打砸抢[打砸搶] ā-jät-tēng dǎzáqiǎng beating, smashing, and looting.
把锅底抢一抢[把鍋底搶一搶] bā-vö-āi-tēng-yīt-tēng
bǎguōdǐqiǎngyīqiǎng to scrape the bottom of the pot.
双抢[雙搶] söng-tēng
shuāngqiǎng to rush planting and harvesting.
抢劫[搶劫] tēng-gēp
or tēng-gëp qiǎngjié rob; loot;  plunder.⁵
抢救[搶救] tēng-giü
qiǎngjiù to rush to save.
抢官夺权[搶官奪權] tēng-gön-ùt-kũn
qiǎngguānduóquán to grab official posts and seize power.
抢生意[搶生意] tēng-säng-yï
qiǎngshēngyi to undercut; to hustle (for business).
抢上[搶上] tēng-sëng
qiǎngshàng to be the early bird.
抢上前去[搶上前去] tēng-sëng-tẽin-huï
qiǎngshàngqiánqù to step quickly forward.
抢收[搶收] tēng-siü
qiǎngshōu to rush a harvest.
抢夺[搶奪] tēng-ùt
qiǎngduó to rob; to loot.
抢先[搶先] tēng-xëin
qiǎngxiān to vie to be first.
抢修[搶修] tēng-xiü
qiǎngxiū to do rush repairs.
(See 搶 [tēng, qiāng].)
teng1 14119
64 13 tēng qiāng 呼天抢地[呼天搶地] fü-hëin-tēng-ì hūtiānqiāngdì to utter cries of extreme anguish.
抢风[搶風] tēng-füng
qiāngfēng headwind; to go against the wind.
抢风行驶[搶風行駛] tēng-füng-hãng-sōi
qiāngfēngxíngshǐ tack (against the wind).⁵⁴
抢天呼地[搶天呼地] tēng-hëin-fü-ì
qiāngtiānhūdì to call to heaven and earth.
(See 搶 [tēng, qiǎng].)
teng1 14120
149 15 tēng qǐng to invite; to treat (to a meal).
请帖[請帖] tēng-hēp qǐngtiě invitation.⁸
<台> 请客[請客] tēng-häk to invite guests; to entertain guests; to treat somebody (to a meal or a show).
<台> 请人[請人] tēng-ngĩn to hire someone.
<又> tēin.
(See 請 tēin.)
teng1 14121
30 13 tëng qiàng to irritate (respiratory organs).⁵
尘土呛人[塵土嗆人] chĩn-hū-tëng-ngĩn chéntǔqiàngrén dust chokes.¹¹ the dust irritates the throat.¹⁴
or 够戗[夠戧] gëo-tëng gòuqiàng <topo.> unbearable; terrible; enough; unlikely.¹⁰
几乎被烟呛死[幾乎被煙嗆死] gï-fũ-bì-yën-tëng-xī
jīhūbèiyānqiàngsǐ to be almost suffocated by smoke.⁶
咳呛[咳嗆] kāt-tëng
kéqiàng <topo.> to cough.¹⁰
呛鼻子[嗆鼻子] tëng-bì-dū
qiàngbízi (smoke) irritates the nose.¹¹
呛了嗓子[嗆了嗓子] tëng-lēl-xông-dū
qiànglesǎngzi violent coughing from irritation in the throat.¹⁴
呛死人[嗆死人] tëng-xī-ngĩn
qiàngsǐrén to suffocate.¹¹
(See 嗆 [tëng, qiāng].)
teng2 14122
30 13 tëng qiāng to choke (because of swallowing the wrong way).¹⁰
他喝得太猛,呛着了[他喝得太猛,嗆著了] hä-höt-āk-häi-mäng, tëng-jèk-lēl tāhēdetàiměng, qiāngzhele He took a big gulp and almost choked.⁵
吃饭呛了[吃飯嗆了] hëk-fàn-tëng-lēl
chīfànqiāngle to choke over one's food.⁶
呛哼[嗆哼] tëng-häng
qiānghēng stupid.⁷
(See 嗆 [tëng, qiàng].)
teng2 14123
62 14 tëng qiàng prop up, brace, shore up; to endure, bear, stand; prop.⁶
够戗[夠戧] or 够呛[夠嗆] gëo-tëng gòuqiàng <topo.> unbearable; terrible; enough; unlikely.¹⁰
当戗[當戧] öng-tëng
dǎngqiàng useful, practicable.¹¹
戗柱[戧柱] tëng-chuî
qiàngzhù a side support (for a falling house).⁷
戗金[戧金] tëng-gïm
qiàngjīn gold jewelry; to sprinkle gold (on furniture).⁷
戗面[戧麵] tëng-mèin
qiàngmiàn knead dry flour into a dough; leavened dough so mixed with flour.⁶
戗银[戧銀] tëng-ngãn
qiàngyín silver jewelry.⁷
戗上[戧上] tëng-sëng
qiàngshàng <topo.> prop/bolster up; support with a post.⁵⁴
央戗[央戧] yëng-tëng
yāngqiàng to drag on (of business, illness).¹¹
(See 戧 [tëng, qiāng].)
teng2 14124
62 14 tëng qiāng in an opposite direction; clash, be at loggerheads with.⁵
戗风[戧風] tëng-füng qiāngfēng go against the wind.⁶
戗风行船[戧風行船] tëng-füng-hãng-sõn
qiāngfēng xíngchuán sail against the wind.⁵
戗行[戧行] tëng-hõng
qiāngháng <topo.> snatch/take away from somebody.⁵⁴
戗顺不吃[戧順不吃] tëng-sùn-būt-hëk
qiāngshùnbùchī <topo.> yield neither to coercion nor to persuasion.⁵⁴
说戗[說戧] sōt-tëng
shuōqiāng clash verbally.⁵⁴
(See 戧 [tëng, qiàng].)
teng2 14125
69 8 tëng qiāng

axe.⁸ʼ¹⁰ a kind of ax with a quadrate hole for installing a handle (archaic).⁹ to cut, and hack; a kind of hatchet.²⁴
(composition: ⿰爿斤; U+65A8).
teng2 14126
75 14 tëng qiāng a spear or lance; a gun.¹⁴
步枪[步槍] bù-tëng bùqiāng rifle.¹⁹
机关枪[機關槍] gï-gän-tëng
jīguānqiāng machine gun.¹¹
机枪[機槍] gï-tëng
jīqiāng machine gun.⁸
金枪鱼[金槍魚] gïm-tëng-nguî/
jīnqiāngyú tuna.¹⁰
投枪[投槍] hẽo-tëng
tóuqiāng a javelin; javelin throw.¹⁴
手枪[手槍] siū-tëng
shǒuqiāng pistol; handgun.⁶
枪刀剑戟[槍刀劍戟] tëng-äo-gëm-gēik
qiāngdāojiànjǐ weapons of war.¹⁴
枪笆[槍笆] tëng-bä
qiāngbā  a bamboo fence.¹⁴
枪毙[槍斃] tëng-bài
qiāngbì execute by shooting.⁶
枪尖[槍尖] tëng-dëm
qiāngjiān the point of the spear.¹⁴
枪法[槍法] tëng-fāt
qiāngfǎ spear drill; art of using weapons.¹⁴
枪杆[槍桿] tëng-gön
qiānggǎn barrel of a gun.⁶
枪头儿[槍頭兒] tëng-hẽo-ngĩ
qiāngtóur head of a spear.¹⁴
枪林弹雨[槍林彈雨] tëng-lĩm-àn-yî
qiānglíndànyǔ bullets showered down like rain.⁹ a hail of bullets.¹⁹
枪栓[槍栓] tëng-sân
qiāngshuān rifle bolt.⁵
枪手[槍手] tëng-siū
qiāngshǒu or 枪替[槍替] tëng-häi qiāngtì a substitute who takes an examination instead of the candidate.¹⁴
<又> chäng. 
(See 槍 chäng; 鎗 tëng).
teng2 14127
90 14 tëng qiāng (=跄[蹌] tëng qiāng) walking rapidly.⁷
(See 蹌 tëng).
teng2 14128
96 14 tëng qiāng the sound of gems; the sound of music.²⁴ <ono.> tinkling of gems.³⁵ jingling sound of jade.³⁹
(comp. t: ⿰𤣩倉; U+7472). (comp. s: ⿰𤣩仓; U+73B1).
玱玱[瑲瑲] tëng-tëng
qiāngqiāng descriptive of jingling sound of jade.¹¹
teng2 14129
118 16 tëng qiāng a species of bamboo.⁸
篬筤 tëng-lõng qiāngláng the dark green or verdant color of bamboo; green bamboo.¹⁹
<又> töng.
(See 篬 töng.)
teng2 14130
157 17 tëng qiāng walking rapidly.⁷ (variant: 牄 tëng qiāng).
t: ⿰⻊倉; U+8E4C). (comp. s: ⿰⻊仓; U+8DC4).
踉踉跄跄[踉踉蹌蹌] lèng-lèng-tëng-tëng
liàngliàng qiāngqiāng limping; walking unsteadily.⁷ stumble along; stagger about.⁵⁴
跄捍[蹌捍] tëng-hòn
qiānghàn <wr.> (horses) galloping fast.¹¹
跄跄[蹌蹌] tëng-tëng
qiāngqiāng to walk in rhythmic manner up to certain requirements.⁶ walking rapidly; dancing.⁷
跄跄济济[蹌蹌濟濟] tëng-tëng-dāi-dāi
qiāngqiāngjǐjǐ bustling about.¹⁴
<又> tōn, töng.
(See 蹌 tōn; 蹌 töng; 牄 tëng.)
teng2 14131
157 18 tëng qiàng to limp.⁷ to walk awry.²⁵
踉蹡 lèng-tëng liàngqiàng (=踉跄[踉蹌] lèng-töng liàngqiàng) stagger; totter.⁶ limping; walking unsteadily.⁷)
(See 蹡 [tëng, qiāng].)
teng2 14132
157 18 tëng qiāng walking; in motion.⁷ walking along.²⁵
蹡蹡 tëng-tëng qiāngqiāng walking.⁷ collected together.²⁵ (= 跄跄[蹌蹌] tëng-tëng qiāngqiāng to walk in rhythmic manner up to certain requirements.⁶ walking rapidly; dancing.⁷)
(See 蹡 [tëng, qiàng].)
teng2 14133
167 16 tëng qiāng the color of a mineral.⁸
锖色[錆色] tëng-sēik qiāngsè tarnish.⁸
teng2 14134
167 18 tëng qiāng firearms; small arms; guns; pistols; rifles.⁷ (See 槍 tëng).
枪弹[鎗彈] tëng-àn
qiāngdàn bullets.⁷
枪把[鎗把] tëng-bā
qiāngbà  a rifle butt.⁷
枪靶[鎗靶] tëng-bä
qiāngbǎ the target for shooting.⁷
枪毙[鎗斃] tëng-bài
qiāngbì execute by shooting.⁷
枪架[鎗架] tëng-gâ
qiāngjià a rifle rack.⁷
枪杆[鎗桿] tëng-gön
qiānggǎn rifles; firearms.⁷
枪口[鎗口] tëng-hēo
qiāngkǒu the muzzle of a gun.⁷
枪托[鎗托] tëng-hök
qiāngtuō a gun stock; a rifle butt.⁷
枪膛[鎗膛] tëng-hõng
qiāngtáng the barrel (of a rifle, pistol).⁷
枪筒[鎗筒] tëng-hûng
qiāngtǒng the barrel (of a rifle).⁷
枪战[鎗戰] tëng-jën
qiāngzhàn gun battle; exchamge of rifle or pistol fire.⁷
枪决[鎗決] tëng-kūt
qiāngjué to execute by shooting.⁷
枪林弹雨[鎗林彈雨] tëng-lĩm-àn-yî
qiānglíndànyǔ a hail of bullets; heavy gunfire.⁷
枪眼[鎗眼] tëng-ngān
qiāngyǎn an embrasure (in a parapet); a crenel. ⁷
枪炮[鎗炮] tëng-päo
qiāng-pào rifles and artillery pieces.⁷
枪手[鎗手] tëng-siū
qiāngshǒu a gunman.⁷
枪手[鎗手] tëng-siū
qiāngshou a substitute writer in an examination.⁷

teng2 14135
167 25 tëng xiāng inlay, set, mount; rim, edge, border, lace.⁶
金镶玉嵌[金鑲玉嵌] gïm-tëng-ngùk-hàm jīnxiāngyùqiàn inlaid with gold and jade.⁵⁴
镶板[鑲板] tëng-bān
xiāngbǎn panel.⁶
镶边[鑲邊] tëng-bëin
xiāngbiān to edge or hem (dress).⁷
镶补[鑲補] tëng-bū
xiāngbǔ to make a decorative square patch on mandarin gown; such embroidered squares.¹¹
镶金[鑲金] tëng-gïm
xiāngjīn inlaid gold.⁶
镶工[鑲工] tëng-güng
xiānggōng a craftsman engaged in fixing insets on jewelry.⁷
镶嵌[鑲嵌] tëng-hàm
xiāngqiàn or 嵌镶[嵌鑲] hàm-tëng qiànxiāng to inlay; to set (jewel).⁷
镶满[鑲滿] tëng-mōn
xiāngmǎn be inlayed all over with.⁵⁴
镶牙[鑲牙] tëng-ngã
xiāngyá put in a false tooth; insert an artificial tooth.⁶
<又> xëng.
(See 鑲 xëng.)
teng2 14136
174 8 tëng qīng 青布 tëng-bü qīngbù black cloth.⁶
青筋 tëng-gïn
qīngjīn blue veins.⁶
青苔 tëng-hõi
qīngtái moss.⁶
青砖[青磚] tëng-jön
qīngzhuān blue/grey brick.⁶
一层青苔[一層青苔] yīt-tãng-tëng-hõi
yīcéngqīngtái a cushion of moss.⁶
<又> tëin (See 青 tëin.)
teng2 14137
32 16 tẽng qiáng (=墙[牆] tẽng qiáng) wall.
(See 牆 tẽng.)
teng3 14138
38 16 tẽng qiáng woman court official (in ancient China).⁶
嫔嫱[嬪嬙] bïn-tẽng pínqiáng woman court official in ancient China.⁶
嫱媛 tẽng-yõn
qiángyuàn ladies-in-waiting.⁷
teng3 14139
53 广 9 tẽng xiáng <trad.> <wr.> country school.⁶
庠序 tẽng-duì xiángxù <wr.> school.⁶ country school.⁸
庠序之教 tẽng-duì-jï-gäo
xiángxùzhījiào public education.⁶
庠生 tẽng-säng
xiángshēng <trad.> <wr.> student.⁶
teng3 14140
53 广 16 tẽng qiáng (=墙[牆] tẽng qiáng) wall.
(See 牆 tẽng.)
teng3 14141
59 10 𢒑
tẽng xiáng (=祥 tẽng xiáng auspicious; propitious; favorable.⁷).¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰⿱从干彡; U+22491).
<又> yẽng
(See 祥 tẽng; 𢒑❄{⿰⿱从干彡} yẽng).
teng3 14142
62 8 tẽng qiāng kill.⁵ to slay, to kill, to destroy; to be injurious.⁷
自戕 dù-tẽng zìqiāng kill oneself; commit suicide.⁵
自戕身体[自戕身體] dù-tẽng-sïn-hāi
zìqiāngshēntǐ be harmful to somebody's health; undermine or ruin somebody's health.⁶
戕害 tẽng-hòi
qiānghài injure; harm.⁶ to slay.⁷
戕杀[戕殺] tẽng-sät
qiāngshā to kill.¹¹
戕杀生民[戕殺生民] tẽng-sät-säng-mĩn
qiāngshāshēngmín to butcher the people.¹¹
戕伤[戕傷] tẽng-sëng
qiāngshāng to wound (as with a knife).⁷
戕贼[戕賊] tẽng-tàk
qiāngzéi injure; undermine.⁵
戕贼身体[戕賊身體] tẽng-tàk-sïn-hāi
qiāngzéishēntǐ undermine (or ruin) one's health.⁵
teng3 14143
72 12 tẽng qíng (of the weather) fine, fair, bright, clear, not raining; when the rain stops.⁷
晴好 tẽng-hāo qínghǎo fine and clear.⁶
晴天 tẽng-hëin
qíngtiān a fine day; a cloudless day.⁷
晴天霹雳[晴天霹靂] tẽng-hëin-pēik-lèik
qíngtiānpīlì a bolt from the blue.⁷
晴空 tẽng-hüng
qíngkōng a clear sky; a cloudless sky.⁷
晴空万里[晴空萬里] tẽng-hüng-màn-lî
qíngkōngwànlǐ the clear sky stretches thousands of miles – a clear and boundless sky.⁷
晴虹 tẽng-hũng
qínghóng (special name for) a lamp.¹⁹
晴霁[晴霽] tẽng-jäi
qíngjì (of weather) fair and clear.¹¹
晴朗 tẽng-lông
qínglǎng (of the sky) fine and cloudless.⁷
晴雯 tẽng-mũn
qíngwén one of Baoyu's senior maids (Skybright).¹⁰
晴爽 tẽng-sōng
qíngshuǎng dry and pleasant weather.⁷
晴和 tẽng-vö
qínghé mild weather.¹⁴
晴雨 tẽng-yî
qíngyǔ all weather; rain or shine; barometer.¹⁰
晴雨表 tẽng-yî-bēl
qíngyǔbiǎo weatherglass; barometer.⁵
晴雨无阻[晴雨無阻] tẽng-yî-mũ-jū
qíngyǔwúzǔ rain or shine.⁵ do something rain or shine.⁵⁴
<台> 晴 tẽng (rain) has stopped.
<台> 晴水 tẽng-suī the rain stopped.
teng3 14144
72 13 tẽng qíng (<old>=晴 tẽng qíng) (of the weather) fine, fair, bright, clear, not raining; when the rain stops.⁷
(composition: ⿰日星; U+6692).
teng3 14145
75 17 tẽng qiáng a mast; a yard-arm or boom.¹⁴ (variant: 艢 tẽng qiáng.)
帆樯 fãn-tẽng
fānqiáng the mast of a ship.⁷
帆樯如林 fãn-tẽng-nguĩ-lĩm
fānqiángrúlín a forest of masts.⁵¹
樯帆林立[檣帆林立] tẽng-fãn-lĩm-lìp
qiángfānlínlì sails and masts crowd like a forest; forest of sails and masts.⁶
樯倾楫摧[檣傾楫摧] tẽng-kēin-tīp-tuï
qiángqīngjícuī a totally wrecked boat.⁷
桅樯[桅檣] vĩ-tẽng
wéiqiáng a boom.¹⁴
(See 艢 tẽng.)
teng3 14146
90 4 tẽng pán strip/piece of split bamboo or chopped wood.⁶
柴爿 châi-tẽng cháipán kindling; firewood.⁶
竹爿 jūk-tẽng
zhúpán split bamboo.⁶
<又> bàn.
(See 爿 bàn.)
teng3 14147
90 17 tẽng qiáng wall. (variants: 墻 tẽng qiáng; 廧 tẽng qiáng.)
隔墙有耳[隔牆有耳] gäk-tẽng-yiû-ngī
géqiángyǒu'ěr the walls have ears; beware of eavesdroppers.
哭墙[哭牆] hūk-tẽng
kūqiáng Wailing Wall, or Western Wall (Jerusalem).¹⁰
红墙[紅牆] hũng-tẽng
hóngqiáng red wall.⁶
女儿墙[女儿牆] nuī-ngĩ-tẽng
nǚrqiáng parapet.
女墙[女牆] nuī-tẽng
nǚqiáng parapet.
城墙[城牆] sẽin-tẽng
chéngqiáng city wall.
墙报[牆報] tẽng-bäo
qiángbào wall newspaper.
墙壁[牆壁] tẽng-bēik
qiángbì wall.⁸
墙根[牆根] tẽng-gïn
qiánggēn foot of a wall.
墙角[牆角] tẽng-gôk
qiángjiǎo corner (formed by two walls).
墙罅[牆罅] tẽng-lâ
qiángxià a hole in a wall.¹⁴
墙垣[牆垣] tẽng-yõn
qiángyuán wall; city wall.¹¹
围墙[圍牆] vĩ-tẽng
wéiqiáng enclosing wall.
(See 墻 tẽng; 廧 tẽng.)
teng3 14148
113 10 tẽng xiáng auspicious; propitious; favorable.⁷
(variant: 𢒑❄{⿰⿱从干彡} tẽng xiáng).
不祥 būt-tẽng
bùxiáng ominous; inauspicious.⁵
吉祥 gīt-tẽng
jíxiáng lucky; auspicious; propitious.⁵
祥麟 tẽng-lĩn
xiánglín a legendary horse-like animal resembling the unicorn, whose appearance was regarded in ancient times as an auspicious omen.⁷
祥兆 tẽng-sêl
xiángzhào a good omen.⁷
祥和 tẽng-võ
xiánghé peaceful and auspicious; knidly, affable, amiable.⁶
祥云[祥雲] tẽng-vũn
xiángyún auspicious clouds.⁷
祥瑞 tẽng-xuì
xiángruì good omen; auspicious sign; propitious omen.⁶
慈祥 xũ-tẽng
cíxiáng kindly.⁵
(See 𢒑❄{⿰⿱从干彡} tẽng).
teng3 14149
123 9 tẽng xiáng (=翔 tẽng xiáng) soar, glide, hover; detailed.⁸
<又> yẽng.
(See 羏 yẽng; 翔 tẽng.)
teng3 14150
124 12 tẽng xiáng soar, glide, hover; detailed.⁸
(variants: 羏, 鴹 tẽng xiáng). (See 羏, 鴹 tẽng).
翔步 tẽng-bù
xiángbù <wr.> pace about (in the room).¹¹
翔集 tẽng-dàp
xiángjí to hover and then alight – used to illustrate reading many books and getting the essence of their teachings.¹⁴
翔尽[翔盡] tẽng-dìn
xiángjìn detailed and complete.⁷
翔贵[翔貴] tẽng-gï
xiángguì <wr.> (of prices) soar; spiral.⁶
翔空 tẽng-hüng
xiángkōng to wheel around in the air.¹⁴
翔鸾[翔鸞] tẽng-lũn
xiángluán or 翔凤[翔鳳] tẽng-fùng xiángfèng the soaring phoenix – rising talent.¹⁴
翔舞 tẽng-mū
xiángwǔ (said of birds) to fly and hop.⁷
翔而后集[翔而後集] tẽng-ngĩ-hèo-dàp
xiángérhòují It flies around and by and by it settles.¹⁴
or 详实[詳實] tẽng-sìt xiángshí full and accurate.⁵
翔翔 tẽng-tẽng
xiángxiáng grave and sedate.¹⁴
翔泳 tẽng-vèin
xiángyǒng birds and fish.⁷
翔泳归仁[翔泳歸仁] tẽng-vèin-gï-ngĩn
xiángyǒngguīrén When goodness flourishes it reaches even to the birds and the fishes.¹⁴
回翔 või-tẽng
huíxiáng to hover and wheel in the air.¹⁴
teng3 14151
137 19 tẽng qiáng (=樯[檣] tẽng qiáng) a mast; a yard-arm or boom.¹⁴
(See 檣 tẽng.)
teng3 14152
140 13 tẽng xiáng a kind of vegetable.
(composition: ⿱艹祥; U+4517).
teng3 14153
140 16 tẽng qiáng wild rose.¹⁰
蔷薇[薔薇] tẽng-mĩ qiángwēi the roses.⁷ multiflora rose, baby rose, Japanese rose, many-flowered rose, seven-sisters rose, Eijitsu rose; rambler rose (Rosa multiflora syn. Rosa polyantha).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
蔷薇科[薔薇科] tẽng-mĩ-fö
qiángwēikē Rosaceae; rose family.⁶
蔷薇战争[薔薇戰爭] tẽng-mĩ jën-jäng
qiángwēi zhànzhēng Britain's "War of the Roses" (1455-1485).⁷
蔷薇露[薔薇露] tẽng-mĩ-lù
qiángwēilù rose water; a kind of wine.⁷
蔷薇水[薔薇水] tẽng-mĩ-suī
qiángwēishuǐ rose water.¹¹
野蔷薇[野薔薇] yêh-tẽng-mĩ
yěqiángwēi a wild rose.⁶
teng3 14154
149 13 tẽng xiáng detailed; minute; comprehensive.
不厌其详[不厭其詳] būt-yëm-kĩ-tẽng bùyànqíxiáng to go into details; to dwell on at great length.
内详[內詳] nuì-tẽng
nèixiáng (written on envelope) for contents please see inside.
安详[安詳] ön-tẽng
ānxiáng (manner of speech or behavior) leisurely, unhurried.
详尽[詳盡] tẽng-dìn
xiángjìn thorough and detailed; exhaustive; the tedious details in full.
详图[詳圖] tẽng-hũ
xiángtú detailed map or figure.
详明[詳明] tẽng-mẽin
xiángmíng full and clear.
详密[詳密] tẽng-mìt
xiángmì detailed; meticulous.
or 翔实[翔實] tẽng-sìt xiángshí full and accurate.⁵
详述[詳述] tẽng-sùt
xiángshù to describe in detail.
详情[詳情] tẽng-tẽin
xiángqíng detailed information; details; particulars.
详细[詳細] tẽng-xäi
xiángxì detailed; in detail; minute.¹⁰
<又> têng.
(See 詳 têng.)
teng3 14155
196 17 tẽng xiáng (=翔 tẽng xiáng soar, glide, hover; detailed.⁸); to fly back.² mostly round and round.²⁵
(composition: ⿰羊鳥; U+9D39).
<又> yẽng.
(See 鴹 yẽng).
teng3 14156
149 13 têng xiáng <台> 撒详[撒詳] xāt-têng absolutely silent; not a sound heard.
<又> tẽng. (See 詳 tẽng.)
teng5 14157
174 8 têng qīng <台> moss (=青苔 tëng-hõi qīngtái moss.⁶)
teng5 14158
75 13 tëo còu a kind of orange.²⁴
<又> dëo. (See 楱 dëo.)
teo2 14159
85 12 tëo
còu to gather together, to pool or collect; to happen by chance; to move close to; to take advantage of.
帮凑[幫湊] böng-tëo bāngcòu to contribute money.⁸
紧凑[緊湊] gīn-tëo
jǐncòu compact; terse; well-knit.⁵
凑份子[湊份子] tëo-fùn-dū
còufènzi to pool resources.
凑合[湊合] tëo-hàp
còuhe to gather together; to collect; to improvise; to make do; passable.
凑空儿[湊空兒] tëo-hüng-ngĩ
còukòngr to take advantage of one's leisure to do something.
凑巧[湊巧] tëo-kāo
còuqiǎo fortuitously; luckily; as chance has it.¹⁰
凑拢[湊攏] tëo-lūng
còulǒng to move close to; to press near; to manage to collect.
凑钱[湊錢] tëo-tẽin
còuqián to raise enough money to do something; to pool money; to club together (to do something).¹⁰ (See <台> 凑钱[湊錢] tiü-tẽin).
<又> tiü.
(See 湊 tiü).
teo2 14160
118 17 tëo còu to bud; to burst forth.¹⁴
composition: ⿱𥫗族; U+7C07).
太簇 häi-tëo tàicòu the third of a standard pitch-pipe.¹⁴ one of the twelve notes (the third one) in an ancient Chinese chromatic scale (not tempered).¹⁵ʼ²⁰ʼ⁰
万物簇生[萬物簇生] màn-mùt-tëo-säng wànwùcòushēng all things burst into life – as in the spring.¹⁴
<又> tūk.
(See 簇 tūk).
teo2 14161
140 14 tëo còu (composition: ⿱艹族; U+851F).
太蔟 or 太簇 häi-tëo tàicòu one of the twelve notes in an ancient Chinese chromatic scale.²ʼ⁸ʼ⁰
<又> tūk.
(See 蔟 tūk).
teo2 14162
159 16 tëo còu <wr.> converge (as spokes of wheel do at the hub).⁶
车马辐辏[車馬輻輳] chëh-mâ-fūk-tëo chēmǎfúcòu Carts and horses are clustered like spokes of a wheel.⁶
or 辐凑[輻湊] fūk-tëo fúcòu <wr.> converge like the spokes of a wheel at the hub.⁶
辏集[輳集] tëo-dàp
còují converge; assemble; crowd or gather together.⁶
辏力[輳力] tëo-lèik
còulì <phy.> central force.⁶
财源辐辏[財源輻輳] tõi-ngũn-fūk-tëo
cáiyuánfúcòu The sources of wealth flow into one place as the spokes of a wheel do at the hub.⁵⁴
四方辐辏[四方輻輳] xü-föng-fūk-tëo
sìfāngfúcòu the center of things –  "the hub of the universe".¹⁴
teo2 14163
18 16 tẽo cǒu (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 㔌 jëo zòu to cut small, as wood for fuel.¹⁴ to cut off; to mince; to cut up firewood.⁸)
(composition: ⿰聚刂; U+350C).
<又> jëo; jào.
(See 㔌 jëo; 㔌 jào).
teo3 14164
30 8 tēp chè to whisper.¹⁴
呫嗫[呫囁] tēp-nēp chèniè to whisper.¹¹
呫嗫耳语[呫囁耳語] tēp-nēp-ngī-nguî
chènièěryǔ to whisper in the ear.¹⁴
呫嚅 tēp-yĩ
chèrú to whisper in the ear.¹⁴
<又> hēp, jëm.
(See 呫 hēp, jëm.)
tep1 14165
38 8 tēp qiè <trad.> concubine;  <humb.> I, me.⁵
纳妾[納妾] nàp-tēp nàqiè take a concubine.⁶
侍妾 sì-tēp
shìqiè concubine.¹⁰
妾妇[妾婦] tēp-fû
qièfù a concubine referring to herself;  <derog.> a common person; an inferior person.⁷
妾侍 tēp-sì
qièshì concubine and maidservant.⁵⁴
妾身 tēp-sïn
qièshēn <trad.> <humb.> I, me (used by a woman).⁶
<台> 妾侍 tēp-sì concubine.
tep1 14166
157 15 tēp qiè to walk with small steps.¹⁰
蹀踥 èp-tēp diéqiè walk in small steps.¹⁹
踥蹀 tēp-èp
qièdié walking; in motion.¹⁰ <wr.> in sidling manner.¹¹
踥踥 tēp-tēp
qièqiè moving back and forth.¹⁰
tep1 14167
64 12 sāi to stuff.
<台> 揌入皮箱 tï-yìp-pĩ-xëng to throw something into the suitcase.
(See 揌 söi, xāk.)
ti2 14168
119 12 rice cakes.⁷ (cf 餈 tĩ and 糍 tĩ ).
粢饭[粢飯] tĩ-fàn
cīfàn <topo.> steamed rice made from glutinous and round rice.⁶
<又> dü.
(See 粢 dü.)
ti3 14169
119 15 food made of crushed and cooked rice.⁸ (variant: 餈 tĩ ).
糯米糍 nù-māi-tĩ
or nò-māi-tĩ nuòmǐcí rice cake dumpling; sticky rice cake; mochi cake.¹⁰ (called 出糍 chūt-tĩ/, q.v., in Hoisanva.)
糍粑 tĩ-bä
cíbā cooked glutinous rice pounded into paste; glutinous rice cake.⁶ (See <台> 糍 tĩ).
糍糕 tĩ-gäo
cígāo cooked glutinous rice pounded into paste; glutinous rice cake.⁶
<台> 糍 tĩ glutinous or non-glutinous rice cake.
<台> 白糖糍 bàk-hõng-tĩ white sponge cupcake made from non-glutinous rice flour wth white sugar. It is especially good when eaten together with roast pig.
<台> 出糍 chūt-tĩ/ sticky rice cake; mochi.
<台> 发糍[發糍] fät-tĩ/ yellow sponge cupcake made from non-glutinous rice flour with brown sugar, whose top breaks out like a flower, traditionally served during Chinese New Year.
<台> 整糍 jēin-tĩ to make pastry.
<台> 糍仔 tĩ-dōi fried sweet dumpling made with glutinous rice flour and stuffed with ground peanuts.
<又> tî.
(See 糍 tî; 餈 tĩ).
ti3 14170
184 15 (<lit.>=糍 tĩ and 糍粑 tĩ-bä cíbā) cooked glutinous rice pounded into paste; glutinous rice cake.⁶ food made of crushed and cooked rice.⁸
(See 糍 tĩ).
ti3 14171
9 6 shì <台> 似 tî to be alike; similar.
<台> 似唔似 tî-m̃-tî Is it similar?
<台> 好似 hāo-tî to look very much like; very similar.
<又> xû. (See 似 [xû, ], [xû, shì].)
ti5 14172
119 15 <台> 出糍 chūt-tî/ (=糯米糍 nù-māi-tĩ/ or nò-māi-tĩ/ nuòmǐcí) rice cake dumpling; sticky rice cake; mochi cake.¹⁰
<又> tĩ.
(See 糍 tĩ).
ti5 14173
130 16 (=脐[臍] tî ) the navel; the umbilicus, the underside of a crab.⁸
(composition: ⿳亠⿲刀丫⿸⿱丿𠄌乀肉; U+4421).
(See 臍 tî).
ti5 14174
130 18 navel, umbilicus; the abdomen of a crab.⁵
尖脐[尖臍] dëm-tî jiānqí male crab.¹¹
蟹脐[蟹臍] hāi-tî
xièqí the belly flap in the under part of crab, elongated in male called 尖脐[尖臍] dëm-tî jiānqí and round in female, called 圆脐[圓臍] yõn-tî yuánqí.¹¹
团脐[團臍] hõn-tî
tuánqí roundish shell of female crab.¹¹
脐带[臍帶] tî-âi/
qídài umbilical cord.¹⁰
脐橙[臍橙] tî-chãng
qíchéng navel orange.⁶
肚脐[肚臍] ū-tî
dùqí navel; belly button.⁵
肚脐带[肚臍帶] ū-tî-âi/
dùqídài umbilical cord.⁵⁴
肚脐口[肚臍口] ū-tî-hēo
dùqíkǒu <topo.> belly button.⁵⁴
腽肭脐[膃肭臍]  vūt-nùt-tî
wànàqí <TCM> penis and testes of an ursine seal.⁶
<台> 肚脐浅装瓦片,肚脐深装银金. [肚臍淺裝瓦片,肚臍深裝銀金.] ū-tî-tēin-jöng-ngā-pēin, ū-tî-sïm-jöng-ngãn-gïm. An outie holds pieces of tile. An innie holds gold and silver.
ti5 14175
140 17 (composition: ⿱艹齊; U+85BA).
荸荠[荸薺] bòt-tî bíqí water chestnut (medicinal name); Eleocharis dulcis or E. congesta. See 凫茨[鳧茨] fũ-xũ fúcí (older name for water chestnut) and 马蹄[馬蹄] mâ-hãi mǎtí (common name for water chestnut).
荠苎[薺苧] tî-chuî
qízhù Mosla grosseserrata Maximowicz.³²
<台> 马荠[馬薺] mä-tî/
mǎqí water chestnut.
<又> tãi.
(See 薺 tãi.)
ti5 14176
157 16 <台> 马蹄[馬蹄] or 马荠[馬薺] mä-tî/ water chestnuts.
<又> hãi.
(See 蹄 hãi).
ti5 14177
40 12 tīm qǐn (=寢 tīm qǐn.) sleep; bedroom; coffin chamber; <wr.> stop; end.⁵
(See 寢 tīm.)
tim1 14178
40 14 tīm qǐn sleep; bedroom; coffin chamber; <wr.> stop; end.⁵ (variant: 寑 tīm qǐn.)
就寝[就寢] diù-tīm
jiùqǐn go to bed.⁵
废寝忘食[廢寢忘食] fī-tīm-mõng-sèik
fèiqǐnwàngshí (so absorbed or occupied as to) forget food and sleep.⁵
其事遂寝[其事遂寢] kĩ-xù-xuì-tīm
qíshìsuìqǐn The matter was then allowed to rest; No more was heard of the matter thereafter.⁵
陵寝[陵寢] lẽin-tīm
língqǐn imperial burial place; mausoleum.⁵
安寝[安寢] ön-tīm
ānqǐn sleep (peacefully).⁶
食不语寝不言[食不語寢不言] sèik-būt-nguî-tīm-būt-ngũn
shíbùyǔqǐnbùyán When eating, he did not converse. When in bed, he did not speak.⁹ (From Analects: Book X, Chapter VIII, Verse 9 James Legge translation.)
寿终正寝[壽終正寢] siù-jüng-jëin-tīm
shòuzhōngzhèngqǐn die in bed of old age; die a natural death.⁵
寝具[寢具] tīm-guì
qǐnjù bedding.⁵
寝食[寢食] tīm-sèik
qǐnshí sleeping and eating.⁵
寝食不安[寢食不安] tīm-sèik-būt-ön
qǐnshíbù'ān feel uneasy even when eating and sleeping; be worried waking or sleeping.⁵
寝室[寢室] tīm-sīt
qǐnshì bedroom; dormitory.⁵
tim1 14179
75 11 tīm qǐn (Chinese) cinnamon tree; cassia bark tree; (=梫木 tīm-mûk qǐnmù).⁶
梫木 tīm-mûk
qǐnmù Japanese andromeda Pieris japonica. (original name: 马醉木[馬醉木] mâ-duï-mûk mǎzuìmù; another name: 日本马醉木[日本马醉木] Ngìt-bōn-mâ-duï-mûk Rìběnmǎzuìmù).¹⁵ʼ²⁰ʼ²³
tim1 14180
104 12 tīm qǐn ugly; bad-looking.⁸
(composition: ⿸疒𠬶 or ⿸疒⿳⿻コ一冖又; U+3F9B).
tim1 14181
9 9 tïm qīn to invade; to encroach upon; to raid.
寒风侵肌[寒風侵肌] hõn-füng-tïm-gï hánfēngqīnjī a wind which chills to the bone.³⁹
侵犯 tïm-fàn
qīnfàn encroach on; infringe upon; violate.⁵
侵害 tïm-hòi
qīnhài to encroach on (other's rights).
侵吞 tïm-hün
qīntūn to annex; to swallow (up); to embezzle.¹⁰
侵略 tïm-lèk
qīnlüè invade and loot; aggression.⁸
侵牟 tïm-mẽo
qīnmóu to usurp; to prey upon.¹⁴
侵蚀[侵蝕] tïm-sèik
qīnshí to erode; to corrode.¹⁰
侵晨 tïm-sĩn
qīnchén toward dawn.
侵入 tïm-yìp
qīnrù to invade; to intrude into.
tim2 14182
9 13 tïm qiān <wr.>  together (of a large group of persons); all; unanimous.
众谋佥用[眾謀僉用] jüng-mẽo-tïm-yùng zhòngmóuqiānyòng to use advice from all sources.
佥同[僉同] tïm-hũng
qiāntóng <wr.> unanimously agree.
佥壬[僉壬] tïm-ngĩm
qiānrén <wr.> a despicable (mean) person (opposite 君子 gün-dū jūnzǐ gentleman; man of noble character; a man of culture).
tim2 14183
10 8 tïm qīn (=骎[駸] tïm qīn at a gallop, swiftly; gradually.⁹).⁸
(composition: ⿰兂兂 (TJK) or ⿰旡旡 (G); U+5153).
兓兓 tïm-tïm
qīnqīn firm; resolute; determined; <lit.> eager intention, tenacity.²
(See 駸 tïm).
tim2 14184
18 18 tïm qiān to cut.²⁴ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰⿳⺮一韭刂; U+3510).
tim2 14185
30 10 tïm qìn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 唚 xīm qìn with same meaning.)
<又> xīm.
(See 唚 xīm.)
tim2 14186
38 20 tïm
xiān slender; sharp-pointed; thus; — cunning and artful; interchangeable with 纤[纖] tïm xiān, q.v.¹⁴ sharp-pointed and fine, tapering to a point; also slender.²⁴ delicate, dainty, slender; alternative form of 纤[纖] (tïm xiān, “fine; minute; slight”).³⁶ slender and sharp pointed; delciate, slender, like a girl.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰女韱; U+5B45).
孅介之事 tïm-gäi-jï-xù
xiānjièzhīshì a trifling matter.¹⁴ a bagatelle, a trifling affair.¹⁰²
孅弱 tïm-ngèk
xiānruò slight and delicate.¹⁴ weak and delicate.²⁴ʼ¹⁰²
孅趋[孅趨] tïm-tuï
xiānqū artful; cunning.¹⁴ʼ²⁴ʼ¹⁰²
孅悉 tïm-xēik
xiānxī intelligent.¹⁴ to perceive fully; he knows it all.¹⁰²
<又> hëin.
(See 孅 hëin; 纖 tïm).
tim2 14187
64 14 tïm chān <台> 掺[摻] tïm to add water.
<台> 掺水[摻水] tïm-suī to add water. (See 掺水[摻水] täm-suī chānshuǐ.)
<又> täm, sām.
(See 摻 [täm, chān], [täm, càn], sām.)
tim2 14188
64 20 tïm
xiān (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 攕 xãm sān slender and gentle beauty.¹³).¹³ delicate hand of a woman.¹⁰ slender hands (of a woman).¹⁹ (of the hand) slender and delicate.³⁶
(composition: ⿰扌韱; U+6515).
攕攕 tïm-tïm
xiānxiān or xãm-xãm sānsān white appearance.² slender hands; refers to slender appearance.⁸ white and fair.¹⁰²
<又> xãm; dëm.
(See 攕 xãm; 攕 dëm).
tim2 14189
118 19 tïm qiān to sign one's name; to put down one's signature; to subscribe; to endorse.⁷
签字[簽字] tïm-dù qiānzì to sign (one's name); signature.¹⁰
签订[簽訂] tïm-èng qiāndìng conclude and sign (a treaty).⁵
签证[簽證] tïm-jëin qiānzhèng visa (passport); endorse (document).¹¹
签名[簽名] tïm-mẽng qiānmíng to sign (one's name with a pen); to autograph; signature.¹⁰
签署[簽署] tïm-sì or tïm-sï qiānshǔ sign; subscribe.⁸
签收[簽收] tïm-siü qiānshōu to sign after receiving something; to sign to acknowledge the receipt of something.⁹
签约人[簽約人] tïm-yēk-ngĩn
qiānyuērén parties to a contract.⁹
<又> tëm; têm.
(See 簽 tëm; 簽 têm; 籤 têm; 籖 têm.)
tim2 14190
120 13 tïm qīn thread.⁸ red silk crest of helmet.¹⁰  <old> tassels on armor.¹¹ thread, cord, twine; sling.⁵⁴ red fringe of silk worn on the helmet crest as a kind of uniform; it hung down on the neck.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰糹⿳彐冖又; U+7D85).
Güng-hũ-xäm-màn, böi-jào-jï-tïm.
Gōng tú sān wàn, bèi zhòu zhū qīn.
His footmen are thirty thousand,
With shells on vermillion-strings adorning their helmets.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·頌·魯頌·閟宮·5》, translated by James Legge).
朱綅 jï-tïm
zhūqīn red thread.²⁵ red baldric (helmet).⁵⁴
<又> tëm.
(See 綅 tëm).
tim2 14191
120 21 tïm
xiān demotic character for 纖 tïm xiān).² (<old>=纤[纖] tïm xiān fine, delicate; minute; graceful).⁸
(composition: ⿰糹韯; U+7E8E).
(See 纖 tïm).
tim2 14192
120 23 tïm
xiān fine; minute.⁵ small, fine; fine silk; closed woven silk.²⁵
(variant: 孅 tïm xiān). (See 孅 tïm).
纤长[纖長] tïm-chẽng
xiāncháng slender and long.⁶
纤尘[纖塵] tïm-chĩn
xiānchén fine dust.⁵
纤介[纖介] tïm-gäi
xiānjiè minute, very small.⁷
纤钜[纖鉅] tïm-guì
xiānjùbig and small; hefty and minute.⁷
纤毫[纖毫] tïm-hõ
xiānháo minutest detail.⁵⁵
纤巧[纖巧] tïm-kāo
xiānqiǎo dainty; delicate.⁵
纤离[纖離] tïm-lĩ
xiānlí a species of horse produced in an ancient state in North  China.⁷
纤毛[纖毛] tïm-mão
xiānmáo <bio.> cilium.⁵
纤秒[纖秒] tïm-mêl
xiānmiǎo nanosecond.⁵³
纤美[纖美] tïm-mî
xiānměi delicate and beautiful.⁸
纤密[纖密] tïm-mìt
xiānmì close; fine; intricate.¹⁰
纤弱[纖弱] tïm-ngèk
xiānruò slim and fragile; delicate.⁵
纤柔[纖柔] tïm-ngẽl
xiānróu soft and smooth (hand).¹¹
纤玉[纖玉] tïm-ngùk
xiānyù lady's hand or fingers.¹¹
纤纤[纖纖] tïm-tïm
xiānxiān delicate, fine, minute; sharp.⁷
纤维[纖維] tïm-vĩ
xiānwéi fiber; staple.⁵
纤细[纖細] tïm-xäi
xiānxì very thin; slender; fine; tenuous.⁵
纤悉无遗[纖悉無遺] tïm-xēik-mũ-vĩ
xiānxīwúyí no detail escapes notice.⁵⁵
纤小[纖小] tïm-xēl
xiānxiǎo fine; tenuous.⁵ small.²⁵
纤腰[纖腰] tïm-yël
xiānyāo slender waist.¹¹

<又> hëin.
(See 纖 hëin; 縴 hëin.)
tim2 14193
149 14 tïm qīn whisper; to violate verbally.²ʼ⁸ private discourse; a whisper; to offend a person by improper speech.²⁵
composition: ⿰訁⿳彐冖又; U+8A9B).
tim2 14194
149 20 tïm qiān alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 譣 hēm xiǎn with the same meaning: to enquire.
(composition: ⿰訁僉; U+8B63).
<又> hēm; ngèm; xëin.
(See 譣 hēm; 譣 ngèm; 譣 xëin).
tim2 14195
167 15 tïm qǐn <wr.> carve; engrave.⁶ to carve; especially to carve wood-block books.⁹ <lit.> to carve; to engrave.³⁶
(comp. t: ⿰釒⿳彐冖又; U+92DF).
s: ⿰钅⿳彐冖又; U+9513).
or 锓板[鋟板] tïm-bān qǐnbǎn to carve wood block for printing.¹¹
<又> dëm.
(See 鋟 dëm).
tim2 14196
179 15 tïm xiān (=韱 tïm xiān fine minute.⁸ fine, tiny, very small.⁹).² wild onions or leeks.⁸ʼ¹⁰ʼ³⁶
(composition: ⿹𢦏韭; U+97EF).
(See 韱 tïm).
tim2 14197
179 17 tïm
xiān (=纤[纖] tïm xiān fine minute.⁸ fine, tiny, very small.⁹
(composition: ⿹㦰韭; U+97F1).
韱察 tïm-chāt
xiānchá scrutinize perspicaciously.¹⁹
韱韱 tïm-tïm
xiānxiān small; few, little.¹⁹
<又> xëin.
(See 韱 xëin).
tim2 14198
187 17 tïm qīn at a gallop, swiftly; gradually.⁹ (variant: 兓 tïm qīn).
t: ⿰馬𠬶; U+99F8). (comp. s: ⿰马𠬶; U+9A8E).
骎骎[駸駸] tïm-tïm
qīnqīn at a gallop; swiftly.⁸
(See 兓 tïm).
tim2 14199
41 12 tĩm xún look for, search, seek; an ancient measure of length, equal to about eight 尺 chëk chǐ.
找寻[找尋] jāo-tĩm
zhǎoxún to look for; to seek; to find fault.¹⁰
寻根究底[尋根究底] tĩm-gïn-giü-āi
xúngēnjiūdǐ to investigate, to probe to the bottom.¹¹
寻衅[尋釁] tĩm-hïm
xúnxìn pick a quarrel (with somebody); provoke.⁶
寻找[尋找] tĩm-jāo
xúnzhǎo to seek, to look for.¹⁰
寻求[尋求] tĩm-kiũ
xúnqiú to seek (friends, lost relative, truth, origin).¹¹
寻觅[尋覓] tĩm-mìt
xúnmì to look for.¹¹
寻常[尋常] tĩm-sẽng
xúncháng usual; common; ordinary.¹⁰
寻死觅活[尋死覓活] tĩm-xī-mìt-vòt
xúnsǐmìhuó so agonizing as to threaten to die.⁸ repeatedly attempt suicide (in order to threaten).³⁹
寻思[尋思] tĩm-xü
xúnsi think something over.⁸
枉尺而直寻[枉尺而直尋] vōng-chëk-ngĩ-jèik-tĩm
wǎngchǐ érzhíxún By bending only one cubit you make eight cubits straight – to do something a little out of the straight course, in order to accomplish a great good.¹⁴
搜寻[搜尋] xēo-tĩm
sōuxún to search; to look for.¹⁰
<又> tîm.
(See 尋 tîm.)
tim3 14200
85 15 tĩm xún waterside.⁹ another name for 九江 Giū-göng Jiǔjiāng Jiujiang, a city in Jiangxi Province.⁹ same as 海寻[海尋] hōi-tĩm hǎixún nautical fathom.⁹ 1浔=1.852米 (1 tĩm xún = 1.852 meters).⁸
浔阳[潯陽] Tĩm-yẽng
Xúnyáng Xunyang district of Jiujiang city 九江市, Jiangxi.¹⁰
tim3 14201
86 16 tĩm xún reheat food.⁸ to singe (feathers); to drop meat into boiling water to cook it.¹¹ to warm up food; to scald, to boil.¹⁴ warm, hot; to boil meat in soup.²⁴
(composition: ⿰火尋; U+71D6).
燖寒 tĩm-hõn xúnhán hot and cold.²⁴
燖毛 tĩm-mão
xúnmáo to scald off the hair – as of pigs.¹⁴
燖剥[燖剝] tĩm-mök
xúnbāo ravaged and plundered.¹⁹
燖温[燖溫] tĩm-vün
xúnwēn to warm up.¹⁴
tim3 14202
86 16 tĩm xún (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 燂 hãm tán with the same meaning: to heat up; to roast; smoke, fumes; tobacco, opium; (Cant.) to singe.⁸ to dry at the fire; to scorch; to burn; to heat.¹⁴).
(composition: ⿰火覃; U+71C2).
<又> hãm, tẽm.
(See 燂 hãm, 燂 tẽm).
tim3 14203
140 15 tĩm qián 荨麻[蕁麻] tĩm-mã qiánmá nettle.
(See 蕁 [tĩm, xún].)
tim3 14204
140 15 tĩm xún 荨麻疹[蕁麻疹] tĩm-mã-chīn xúnmázhěn (old pronunciation qiánmázhěn) nettle rash.
(See 蕁 [tĩm, qián].)
tim3 14205
142 18 tĩm xún moving.² moving and crawling about.²⁵ wriggling.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰虫覃; U+87EB).
蟫蟫 tĩm-tĩm xúnxún moving and squirming.¹⁰²
<又> yĩm; hãm
. (See 蟫 yĩm; 蟫 hãm).
tim3 14206
146 12 tĩm qín Qin surname.⁸
(composition: ⿱覀早; U+8983).
<又> hãm. (See 覃 hãm.)
tim3 14207
167 20 tĩm xín <trad.> end of the handle of a sword; small sword.⁶ dagger; small sword.⁸ a sword-blade; knob on the guard of a sword.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿰釒覃; U+9414). (comp. s: ⿰钅覃; U+9561).
周宋为镡. [周宋為鐔.] Jiü-xüng-vì-tĩm.
Zhōu sòng wèi xín.
Zhou and Song for its hilt.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《莊子·雜篇·說劍·4》, translated by James Legge).
<又> hãm.
(See 鐔 hãm.)
tim3 14208
193 18 tĩm xín ding-type (鼎 ēin dǐng) cooking/steaming utensil/pot, shaped like a retort, may be large or small; later also refers to the pot itself.⁸ a large boiler, the top of which is large, and the bottom small.²⁵ <lit.> cauldron; large pot.³⁶ large cauldron (for cooking).⁵⁴ an iron boiler which supports a wooden tub like a barrel in shape, with short feet; the cover was one third of its size, and the shapes were probably different; some of them were all iron; quick, speedy.¹⁰²
(Note: Some say 鬵 is read
(composition: ⿱⿰旡旡鬲; U+9B35).
釜鬵 fū-tĩm
fǔxín boilers (small and large).⁵⁴
土鬵 hū-tĩm
tǔxín clay cauldron.⁵⁴
Suĩ-nãng-päng-nguî, köi-jï-fū-tĩm.
Shéi néng pēng yú, gài zhī fǔ qín.
Who can cook fish? I will wash his boilers for him.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·檜風·匪風·3》, translated by James Legge).
shuí néng pēng yú gài zhī fǔ xín
Who cooks the fish? I'll wash his caldrons and boilers for him.¹⁰²
<又> dâng.
(See 鬵 dâng).
tim3 14209
195 23 tĩm xún sturgeon.⁵
达氏鲟[達氏鱘] àt-sì-tĩm dáshìxún Dabry's sturgeon (Acipenser dabryanus), aka Yangtze sturgeon, Changjiang sturgeon, and river sturgeon; 沙腊子, 长江鲟, 鲟鱼, 小腊子.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
白鲟[白鱘] bàk-tĩm
báixún Chinese paddlefish.⁵
中华鲟[中華鱘] jüng-vã-tĩm
zhōnghuáxún Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis), aka 中國鱘, 鱘魚, 鰉魚, 苦臘子, 鱣.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
米氏鲟[米氏鱘] māi-sì-tĩm
mǐshìxún Sakhalin sturgeon (Acipenser mikadoi).¹⁵
施氏鲟[施氏鱘] sï-sì-tĩm
shīshìxún Amur sturgeon, Japanese sturgeon (Acipenser schrenckii); aka 史氏鱘 xū-sì-tĩm shǐshìxún, 七粒 tīt-līp qīlì.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鲟科[鱘科] tĩm-fö
xúnkē sturgeon, common name for the 27 species of fish belonging to the family Acipenseridae.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鲟骨[鱘骨] tĩm-gūt
xúngǔ edible cartilage from the head of a sturgeon.⁵⁴
鲟鱼[鱘魚] tĩm-nguĩ 
xúnyú Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) or Yangtze sturgeon (Acipenser dabryanus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鲟鳇[鱘鰉] tĩm-võng
xúnhuáng a giant fish.¹¹
tim3 14210
195 23 tĩm xún (=鲟[鱘] tĩm xún sturgeon.⁵).⁸ the name of a fish with a long nose, having its mouth under its chin, about 1000 pounds in weight. and seven or eight feet long.²⁵ a large fish, with a long nose, found in the Yangtze River.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰魚覃; U+9C4F).
鱏鳇鱼[鱏鰉魚] tĩm-võng-nguî
xúnhuángyú the sturgeon brought to Beijing from the Songari River (松花江 tũng-fä-göng sōnghuājiāng Songhua River).¹⁰²
<又> yĩm.
(See 鱏 yĩm).
tim3 14211
41 12 tîm xún <台> 黄寻[黃尋] võng-tîm a kind of fishing equipment.
<又> tĩm. (See 尋 tĩm.)
tim5 14212
38 12 tïn qīn (<old>=亲[親] tïn qīn intimate; parent; relative; marriage; bride; related by blood; <wr.> be in favor of; kiss; personally.⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿰女亲; U+5A87).
(See 媇[tïn, qìng]; 親][tïn, qīn]).
tin2 14213
38 12 tïn qìng (<old>=亲[親] tïn qìng relatives by marriage.⁷).⁸
(composition: ⿰女亲; U+5A87).
(See 媇[tïn, qīn]; 親][tïn, qìng]).
tin2 14214
40 19 tïn qīn (<old>=亲[親] tïn qīn intimate.⁶); to be on very intimate terms.⁸
(composition: ⿱宀親; U+5BF4).
<又> tìn.
(See 寴 tìn).
tin2 14215
66 13 𢾉
tïn qīn (<old>=親 tïn qīn intimate; parent; relative; marriage; bride; related by blood; <wr.> be in favor of; kiss; personally.⁶); (<old>=親 tïn qìng relatives by marriage.⁷).⁸
(composition: ⿰亲攵; U+22F89).
(See 親 [tïn, qīn]; 親 [tïn, qìng]).
tin2 14216
147 16 tïn qīn intimate; parent; relative; marriage; bride; related by blood; <wr.> be in favor of; kiss; personally.⁶ (variant: 𢾉❄{⿰亲攵} tïn).
亲姊妹[親姊妹] tïn-dī-môi
qīnzǐmèi sisters by blood/birth.⁶
亲自[親自] tïn-dù
qīnzì personally; in person; oneself.⁵
亲族[親族] tïn-dùk
qīnzú members of the same clan.⁵
亲贵[親貴] tïn-gï
qīnguì <wr.> emperor's close relatives or favorite courtiers.⁶
亲痛仇快[親痛仇快] tïn-hüng-siũ-fäi
qīntòngchóukuài sadden one's own people and gladden the enemy.⁵
亲密[親密] tïn-mìt
qīnmì close; intimate.⁵
亲密无间[親密無間] tïn-mìt-mũ-gän
qīnmìwújiàn be on very intimate terms with each other.⁵
亲昵[親昵] tïn-nèik
qīnnì very intimate.⁵
亲人[親人] tïn-ngĩn
qīnrén one's close relatives.¹⁰
亲爱[親愛] tïn-öi
qīn'ài dear; beloved.⁵
亲善[親善] tïn-sèn
qīnshàn good will (between countries).⁵
亲戚[親戚] tïn-tēik
qīnqi relative.⁵
亲切[親切] tïn-tēik
qīnqiè cordial; kind.⁵
亲王[親王] tïn-võng
qīnwáng prince.⁶
亲信[親信] tïn-xïn
qīnxìn trusted followers.⁵
亲事[親事] tïn-xù
qīnshì to attend to personally; marriage.⁷
亲友[親友] tïn-yiû
qīnyǒu relatives and friends.⁵
(See 親 [tïn, qìng]; 𢾉 [tïn, qīn]).
tin2 14217
147 16 tïn qìng relatives by marriage.⁷ (variant: 𢾉❄{⿰亲攵} tïn).
亲爹[親爹] tïn-ëh
qīndiē one's own father, as distinguished from stepfather.¹¹ biological father.⁵⁴
亲爹[親爹] tïn-ëh
qìngdiē a term of address by the junior members of one of the two families related by marriage for a senior male member of the other family.⁷
亲家[親家] tïn-gä/
qìngjia parents of one's daughter-in-law or son-in-law; relatives by marriage.⁵
亲家公[親家公] tïn-gä-güng
qìngjiagōng father of one's daughter-in-law or son-in-law.⁷
亲家母[親家母] tïn-gä-mû
qìngjiamǔ mother of one's daughter-in-law or son-in-law.⁷
亲家儿子[親家兒子] tïn-gä-ngĩ-dū
qìngjia érzi brothers of one's daughter-in-law or son-in-law.⁷
(See 親 [tïn, qìn]; 𢾉❄{⿰亲攵} tïn).
tin2 14218
40 19 tìn qìn empty room.⁸ʼ¹⁹
(composition: ⿱宀親; U+5BF4).
<又> tïn. (See 寴 tïn).
tin4 14219
85 19 tìn qìn name of a river.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵親; U+7019).
瀙水 tìn-suī qìnshuǐ old name for today's 沙河 sä-hõ shāhé Shahe Ruver in 河南省 Henan Province.⁸
tin4 14220
30 12 tīp many voices; hubbub, uproar.⁸ a multitude of voices.²⁴ (composition: ⿱吅吅 or ⿰吕吕; U+34CA).
<又> luĩ. (See 㗊 luĩ.)
tip1 14221
46 15 tīp (=㠍 tīp (of mountains) lofty; majestic.⁸).
(composition: ⿰山集; U+380E).
<又> dèp.
(See 㠎 [tīp, ]; 㠎 dèp).
tip1 14222
46 15 tīp (of mountains) lofty; majestic.⁸ another name for 太白山 (Taibai Mountain in the southwest of Shaanxi Province).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱山集; U+380D).
<又> dèp. (See 㠍 [tīp, ]; 㠍 dèp).
tip1 14223
46 15 tīp (=㠍 tīp (of mountains) lofty; majestic.⁸).
(composition: ⿰山集; U+380E).
<又> dèp.
(See 㠎 [tīp, ]; 㠎 dèp).
tip1 14224
46 15 tīp (of mountains) lofty; majestic.⁸ another name for 太白山 (Taibai Mountain in the southwest of Shaanxi Province).²⁴
(composition: ⿱山集; U+380D).
<又> dèp. (See 㠍 [tīp, ]; 㠍 dèp).
tip1 14225
62 12 tīp <wr.> hide, conceal; restrain.⁵ Ji surname.⁸
戢暴锄强[戢暴鋤強] tīp-bào-chũ-kẽng or tīp-bào-chõ-kẽng jíbàochúqiáng to run down the tyrants.⁷
戢兵 tīp-bëin
jíbīng to cease hostilities.⁷
戢兵罢战[戢兵罷戰] tīp-bëin-bà-jën
jíbīngbàzhàn freeze weapons and cease hostilities.¹⁹
戢鳞[戢鱗] tīp-lĩn
jílín to await opportunity in seclusion.⁷
戢怒 tīp-nù
jínù restrain one's anger; become placated.⁵
戢翼 tīp-yêik
jíyì (of birds) fold its wings – go into retirement.⁶
戢翼而栖[戢翼而棲] tīp-yêik-ngĩ-täi
jíyìérqī to fold its wings and roost.⁷
戢影 tīp-yēin
jíyǐng to retire (from active life).⁷
tip1 14226
64 12 tīp clasp one's hands and bow in salutation.
拜揖 bäi-tīp or bäi-yīp bàiyī to bow with hands folded in front.
长揖[長揖] chẽng-tīp
or chẽng-yīp chángyī to make a deep bow with hands clasped in front of one's chest.
长揖不拜[長揖不拜] chẽng-tīp-būt-bäi
or chẽng-yīp-būt-bäi chángyībùbài to make a deep bow but refuse to kneel down.
作揖 dōk-tīp
or dōk-yīp zuòyī to make a bow with hands folded in front.⁹
揖客 tīp-hāk
or tīp-häk or yīp-hāk or yīp-häk yīkè to greet a guest/visitor (by folding one's hands in front).
揖让[揖讓] tīp-ngèng
or yīp-ngèng yīràng courtesy between host and guests; to abdicate; to give up a position for a better man.
<又> yīp.
(See 揖 yīp.)
tip1 14227
75 13 tīp an oar; a boat.⁷ oar, paddle.⁸ an oar or paddle; to row.¹⁴ (variants: 檝 tīp jí; 艥 tīp jí.)
击楫[擊楫] gēik-tīp
jījí to vow to bring peace to the country (allusion to the story of 祖逖 Dū Èik Zǔ Tì).¹¹ <wr.> make an oath to recover lost land.⁵⁴
舟楫 jiü-tīp
zhōují <wr.> vessel.⁶
楫师[楫師] tīp-xü
jíshī a boatman; a ferryman.⁷
(See 檝 tīp.)
tip1 14228
75 16 tīp (=楫 tīp ) oar.⁸
(See 楫 tīp.)
tip1 14229
85 15 tīp many.⁸ʼ¹⁰
(composition: ⿰氵戢; U+6FC8).
投濈 hẽo-tīp tóují to fall into a stream.⁵⁴
Ngì-yẽng-lõi-xü, kĩ-gōk-tīp-tīp.
Ěr yáng lái sī, qí jiǎo jí jí.
Your sheep come,
Horned, but all agreeing.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·祈父之什·1》, translated by James Legge).
濈然 tīp-ngẽin
jírán sweating; rapid, speedy, prompt.⁵⁴
濈濈 tīp-tīp
jíjí gathering or assembling together.⁵⁴
<又> sèp.
(See 濈 sèp).
tip1 14230
120 15 tīp seize; arrest.⁵
踩缉[踩緝] chāi-tīp cǎijī pursue and capture; track/hunt down.⁶
通缉[通緝] hüng-tīp
tōngjī order the arrest of a criminal at large; list somebody as wanted.⁶
缉捕[緝捕] tīp-bù
jībǔ seize; arrest.⁵
缉查[緝查] tīp-chã
jīchá search; hunt.⁶ to raid; to search (for criminal).¹⁰
缉拿[緝拿] tīp-nã
jīná seize; arrest; apprehend.⁵
缉拿归案[緝拿歸案] tīp-nã-gï-ön
jīnáguī'àn bring (a criminal) to justice.⁵
缉毒[緝毒] tīp-ùk
jīdú seize drugs or drug dealers.⁶
缉毒犬[緝毒犬] tīp-ùk-hūn
jīdúquǎn sniffer dog (for drug detection); detection dog.³⁶
缉获[緝獲] tīp-vòk
jīhuò seize; capture; hunt down.⁶
缉私[緝私] tīp-xü
jīsī to seize smugglers or smuggled goods; suppress smuggling.⁵
(See 緝 [tīp, ].)
tip1 14231
120 15 tīp sew in close and joint stitches.⁶
缉边儿[緝邊兒] tīp-bëin-ngĩ qībiānr sew the hem with close stitches.⁶
缉鞋口[緝鞋口] tīp-hãi-hēo
qīxiékǒu sew the opening of a shoe with tight stitches.⁵⁴
纫缉[紉緝] yìn-tīp
rènqī to mend; to repair.⁷
(See 緝 [tīp, ].)
tip1 14232
137 18 tīp (=楫 tīp ) an oar or paddle. to row.⁸
(See 楫 tīp.)
tip1 14233
140 12 tīp to thatch; to fix, to repair; to pile up.⁸
补葺[補葺] bū-tīp bǔqì to repair.⁸
葺补[葺補] tīp-bū
qìbǔ to repair.³⁹
葺覆 tīp-fūk
qìfù to cover; to roof in.¹
葺墙[葺牆] tīp-tẽng
qìqiáng to repair a wall.¹¹
葺屋 tīp-ūk
qìwū grass-covered hut.¹¹
修葺 xiü-tīp
xiūqì to repair; to renovate.⁸
修葺一新 xiü-tīp-yīt-xïn
xiūqìyīxīn to be completely renovated; to take on a new look after renovation.¹
tip1 14234
140 15 tīp Houttuynia cordata.¹⁰
蕺菜 tīp-töi jícài heartleaf houttuynia.⁸ Houttuynia cordata.⁹ <bot.> a grass, Houttuynia cordata.¹¹
Houttuynia cordata (simplified Chinese: 鱼腥草; traditional Chinese: 魚腥草 nguî-xëng-tāo yúxīng cǎo; literally: "fishy-smell herb"; Japanese: dokudami 蕺草, literally "poison blocking plant"; Vietnamese: giấp cá; pak kao tong (ຜັກຄາວທອງ) in Lao; Korean: 약모밀. In Manipur, it is known as toningkok. In English, it is known as lizard tail, chameleon plant, heartleaf, fishwort, and bishop's weed. It is one of two species in the genus Houttuynia (the other being H. emeiensis), a flowering plant native to Japan, Korea, southern China, and Southeast Asia, where it grows in moist, shady places.)¹⁵
tip1 14235
149 16 諿 tīp friendly discussion; a man's name, 唐諿 Hõng-Tīp Táng Qī a prime minister during the Tang Dynasty.²ʼ²⁵
(composition: ⿰言咠; U+8AFF).
<又> xuï.
(See 諿 xuï).
tip1 14236
159 16 tīp collect, compile, edit; part, volume, division.⁵
裒辑[裒輯] bäo-tīp póují <wr.> collect and edit.¹¹
缀辑[綴輯] juì-tīp
zhuìjí compile; edit.⁶
逻辑[邏輯] lõ-tīp
luóji logic.⁷
编辑[編輯] pëin-tīp
biānjí edit; editor.⁶
辑集[輯集] tīp-dàp
jíjí to anthologize.¹⁰
辑录[輯錄] tīp-lùk
jílù compile; collect; edit.⁶
or 辑穆[輯穆] tīp-mùk jímù friendliness.⁷ tranquil, harmonious.¹¹
辑宁[輯寧] tīp-nẽin
jíníng peaceful; harmonious.¹¹
辑要[輯要] tīp-yël
jíyào summary; abstract.⁵
辑佚[輯佚] tīp-yìt
or tīp-èik jíyì compile scattered writings; collection of scattered writings.⁶
新闻简报第一辑[新聞簡報第一輯] xïn-mũn/-gān-bäo-ài-yīt-tīp
xīnwénjiǎnbàodìyījí Newsreel No. 1.⁵
tip1 14237
1 2 tīt seven. (variant: 桼 tīt ).
七大洲 tīt-ài-jiü
qīdàzhōu seven continents.⁸
七百 tīt-bäk
qībǎi seven hundred.
七夕 tīt-dèik
qīxī seventh evening of the seventh month of the lunar calendar (when the Herd boy (牛郎) and the Weaving girl (织女) are supposed to meet).⁶
七秩寿辰[七秩壽辰] tīt-èik-siù-sĩn
qīzhìshòuchén seventieth birthday.⁵
七沟八梁[七溝八梁] tīt-këo-bät-lẽng
qīgōubāliáng seven gullies and eight ridges; full of gullies and ridges.⁵
七里泷[七里瀧] Tīt-lî-lũng
Qīlǐlóng Qililong, a place in 浙江 Zhèjiāng Zhejiang Province.⁴
七月 tīt-ngùt
qīyuè July.
七上八下 tīt-sèng-bät-hà
qīshàngbāxià (of one's state of mine) be like a well in which seven buckets are coming up and eight going down – be in an unsettled state of mind; be agitated; be perturbed; be in a mental flurry of indecision; be in twenty minds.⁶
七星岩 Tīt-xëin-ngãm
Qīxīngyán Seven-Star Cliff (in Guangdong Province.)⁶
<台> 七七八八 tīt-tīt-bät-bät almost; about right; be not far out; be pretty close; be very near.
(See 桼 tīt).
tit1 14238
30 9 tīt <old> whisper by one's ear.³⁶
tit1 14239
75 9 tīt seven (used for 七 tīt on checks, financial records).
(variant: 桼 tīt
yīt ngì xäm xï m̄ lùk tīt bät giū sìp
yī'èrsānsìwǔlùqībājiǔshí numbers 1 to 10 (used on checks for security purposes) same as 一二三四五六七八九十.
柒圆[柒圓] tīt-yõn
qīyuán seven dollars.⁴
(See 桼 tīt).
tit1 14240
75 11 tīt ➀ <old>=漆 tīt lacquer, paint; coat with lacquer, paint.⁵ ➁ <old>=七 or 柒 tīt seven.⁸ʼ³⁶
(variant: 㯃 tīt
(composition: ⿳木𠆢氺; U+687C).
桼政 tīt-jëin
qīzhèng refers to the sun 日, moon 月, and the five visible plants 五星 (to the naked eye), which are 金 Venus, 木 Jupiter, 水 Mercury, 火 Mars, and 土 Saturn.⁸ʼ⁰
(See 漆 tīt; 七 tīt; 柒 tīt; 㯃 tī).

tit1 14241
75 15 tīt (same as 桼 sense and 漆 tīt ) the varnish tree, paint, lacquer, varinish, to paint or varinish, black, sticky.⁸
(composition: ⿰木桼; U+3BC3).
(See 桼 tīt sense, 漆 tīt).
tit1 14242
85 14 tīt lacquer, paint; coat with lacquer, paint; Qi surname.⁵
(variants: 桼 sense, 㯃 tīt ).
刷漆 chät-tīt
shuāqī mopping; painting; lacquering; paint.⁵⁴
螺钿漆盘[螺鈿漆盤] lũ-hẽin-tīt-põn
luódiànqīpán lacquer tray inlaid with mother-of-pearl.³⁹
喷漆[噴漆] pün-tīt
pēnqī to spray paint or lacquer; lacquer.¹⁰
漆布 tīt-bü
qībù varnished cloth; linoleum.¹⁰
漆黑 tīt-hāk
qīhēi  pitch-dark; pitch-black.⁵
漆黑一团[漆黑一團] tīt-hāk-yīt-hõn
qīhēiyītuán pitch-black; be entirely ignorant of; be in the dark.⁵
漆器 tīt-hï
qīqì lacquerware; lacquerwork.⁵
漆盘[漆盤] tīt-põn
qīpán lacquer tray.⁵
漆柿 tīt-sî
qīshì <bot.> Diospyros embryopteris.³⁹
油漆 yiũ-tīt
yóuqī paint; cover with paint.⁵
(See 桼 tīt sense; 㯃 tīt).
tit1 14243
135 18 tīt (<old>=咠 tīt ) whisper by one's ear.³⁶
<又> vâ.
(See 舙 vâ.)
tit1 14244
30 12 tiü jiū wailing of child; chirp.⁸
嘲啾 jäo-tiü cháojiū <ono.> indistinct murmuring of recitation/lecture; twittering/chirping/warbling of birds.¹ (cf 嘲啾 jäo-tiü zhāojiū.)
嘲啾 jäo-tiü
zhāojiū birds’ twitter or similar light, confusing noise, murmur.¹¹ (cf 嘲啾 jäo-tiü cháojiū.)
啁啾 jiü-tiü
zhōujiū <wr.> (of birds) twitter; chatter; chirp; warble; tweet; chitter.⁶
啾唧 tiü-dēik
jiūjī chirps, noisy.⁸ chatter.⁹
啾啾 tiü-tiü
jiūjiū an imitation of the sounds of birds and insects.⁹
tiu2 14245
64 12 tiü jiū grasp with hand, pinch.⁸  to seize; to clutch; to grab firmly and pull.¹⁰ to seize, to grasp, to collect, to gather, (as a sheaf,) to assemble; small, to make small by binding together.²⁴ (old variant: 揫 tiü jiū).
(composition: ⿰扌秋; U+63EA).
揪辫子[揪辮子] tiü-bîn-dū
jiū biànzi to seize somebody's pigtail – seize upon somebody's mistakes or shortcomings; hold somebody's mistakes/shortcomings against him.⁶
揪出 tiü-chūt
jiūchū to uncover; to ferret out.⁶
揪斗[揪鬥] tiü-ëo
jiūdòu to seize and struggle against; to seize and subject to public criticism (form of persecution during the Cultural Revolution).⁵⁴
揪住 tiü-jì
jiūzhù to seize or grasp (somebody) with force.⁷
揪揪 tiü-tiü
jiūjiu <topo.> creased; crumpled.⁶
揪心 tiü-xïm
jiūxīn be anxious or worried; be agonizing or gnawing.⁶ to be extremely worried; to be anxious.³⁶
(See 揫 tiü).
tiu2 14246
64 13 tiü jiū (<old>=揪 tiü jiū grasp with hand, pinch).⁸ to gather up; to gather together.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱秋手; U+63EB).
揫束 tiü-chūk
jiūshù to bind, as a sheaf.¹⁴
揫敛[揫斂] tiü-lêm
jiūliǎn to gather up, as stalks of grain.¹⁴
(See 揪 tiü).
tiu2 14247
75 13 tiü qiū Manchurian catalpa, Catalpa bungei.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ a forest tree, the Catalpa Bungei, with a rough bark; it resembles a chesnut in its foliage, but the timber is like the beech.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰木秋; U+6978).
鹅掌楸[鵝掌楸] ngõ-jēng-tiü
ézhǎngqiū Chinese tulip poplar or Chinese tulip tree, Liriodendron chinense.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
楸枰 tiü-pẽin
qiūpíng a chessboard of catalpa wood.¹¹ a chessboard.¹⁰²
楸树[楸樹] tiü-sì
qiūshù Catalpa bungei or Manchurian Catalpa, a tea plant.¹⁰ <bot.> Catalpa bungei C. A. Mey.²³
松楸 tũng-tiü
sōngqiū the pine and the catalpa – trees planted on graveyard; hence the graveyard.¹¹
刺楸树[刺楸樹] xü-tiü-sì
cìqiūshù a tall spinous tree with palmate leaves, found in Henan.¹⁰²
tiu2 14248
75 13 tiü qiū a type of tree mentioned in the Classic of Mountains and Seas (山海经[山海經] sän-hōi-gëin shānhǎijīng).²
(composition: ⿰木酋; U+6962).
<又> yiũ; yiû; chël.
(See 楢 yiũ; 楢 yiû; 楢 chël).
tiu2 14249
85 12 tiü
còu <台> 凑钱[湊錢] tiü-tẽin to save money. (See 凑钱[湊錢] tëo-tẽin).
<又> tëo.
(See 湊 tëo).
tiu2 14250
85 12  tiü qiū pond; pool.⁵ name of a river in 甘肃 [甘肅] Gäm-xūk Gānsù Gansu Province; a small pond.⁷ a pool, a pond; branch of the Yellow River; clear water.¹⁴
(old variant: 湬 tiü
大龙湫[大龍湫] Ài-lũng-tiü
Dàlóngqiū Da Long Qiu Waterfall, 192-meter high waterfall in 雁荡山[雁蕩山] Ngàn-òng Mountain Yàndàng Mountain, 浙江 Jēt-göng Zhèjiāng Zhejiang Province.²⁰
溜湫湫 liũ-tiü-tiü
liūqiuqiu in a low voice; with a rustling sound.⁵⁴
龙湫[龍湫] Lũng-Tiü L
óngqiū Longqiu Waterfall in Yandang mountain.⁵⁴
山湫 sän-tiü
shānqiū mountain pool.⁶
<又> dēl.
(See 湫 dēl; 湬 tiü).
tiu2 14251
85 13 tiü
qiū (<old>=湫 tiü qiū pond; pool.⁵ name of a river in 甘肃 [甘肅] Gäm-xūk Gānsù Gansu Province; a small pond.⁷ a pool, a pond; branch of the Yellow River; clear water.¹⁴).⁸
(composition: ⿱秋水; U+6E6C).
<又> dēl.
(See 湬 dēl; 湫 tiü).
tiu2 14252
115 9 tiü qiū autumn; fall; harvest time; a swing; Qiu surname.¹⁰
打秋风[打秋風] ā-tiü-füng dǎqiūfēng use pretexts to collect gifts.⁵⁴
中秋 jüng-tiü
zhōngqiū the Mid-autumn festival, the traditional moon-viewing festival on the 15th of the 8th lunar month.¹⁰
秋风[秋風] tiü-füng
qiūfēng autumn wind.¹¹
秋季 tiü-gï
qiūjì autumn; fall.¹⁰
秋天 tiü-hëin
qiūtiān autumn.¹⁰
秋毫 tiü-hõ
qiūháo autumn hair; newly-grown down; something so small as to be almost indiscernible.⁵
秋毫无犯[秋毫無犯] tiü-hõ-mũ-fàn
qiūháowúfàn <mil.> (of highly disciplined troops) not commit the slightest offense against the civilians; not encroach on the interests of the people to the slightest degree.⁵
秋葵 tiü-kĩ
qiūkuí okra (Hibiscus esculentus); lady's fingers.¹⁰ <bot.> the hibiscus, Abelmoschous esculentus.¹¹
秋试[秋試] tiü-sï
qiūshì <trad.> imperial examinations held in autumn at the provincial level in the Ming and Qing dynasties.⁶
秋收 tiü-siü
qiūshōu fall harvest; to reap.¹⁰
秋千 or 鞦韆 tiü-tëin
qiūqiān the swing (a children's or ladies’ pastime.¹⁰
秋汛 tiü-xïn
qiūxùn autumnal floods.¹¹
tiu2 14253
115 9 tiü qiū (<old>=秋 tiü qiū autumn, fall).¹⁰
(composition: ⿰火禾; U+79CC).
(See 秋 tiü).
tiu2 14254
115 21 tiü qiū (archaic=秋 tiü qiū) autumn, fall.
(See 秋 tiü, 龝 tiü.)
tiu2 14255
115 21 tiü qiū (old variant of 秋 tiü qiū) autumn, fall.
(See 秋 tiü, 䆋 tiü.)
tiu2 14256
116 17 tiü jiū noise of a mouse in the cave.⁸ the noise of a rat in a hole.²⁵
(composition: ⿱穴焦; U+41B6).
<又> dēik. (See 䆶 dēik).

tiu2 14257
118 15 tiü qiū bamboo flute; blowing tube, a whistle used in ancient times for vigilance or supervision.⁸
(composition: ⿱𥫗秋; U+7BCD).
tiu2 14258
128 15 tiü qiū (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciations of 䎿 yiũ qiú with the same meaning: buzzing in the ears; tinnitus aurium.⁸ a ring in the ears.²⁵).
(composition: ⿰耳秋; U+).
<又> yiũ.
(See 䎿 yiũ).
tiu2 14259
140 12 tiü qiū used for 楸 (tiü qiū Manchurian catalpa, Catalpa bungei.¹⁵ʼ²⁰).²⁵ scandent hop; tree; wormwood; Chinese catalpa.⁸  Lespedeza bicolor.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱艹秋; U+8429).
白萩 bàk-tiü
báiqiū trefoil.²⁵
(See 楸 tiü).
tiu2 14260
177 18 tiü qiū same as 鞧 tiü qiū, leather strap.⁸ (=秋 as in 秋千 tiü-tëin qiūqiān) swing.¹⁰ (variant: 鞧 tiü qiū)
or 秋千 tiü-tëin qiūqiān the swing (a children's or ladies’ pastime.¹⁰
(See 秋 tiü; 鞧 tiü).
tiu2 14261
177 18 tiü qiū (=后鞧[後鞧] hèo-tiü hòuqiū) harness; <topo.> con tract; shrink.⁶ a crupper.⁷ (=鞦 tiü qiū) leather strap,⁸ or swing.¹⁰ leather strap; shrink.⁹
鞧眉头[鞧眉頭] tiü-mĩ-hẽo
qiūméitóu contract the brows.⁶
(See 鞦 tiü).
tiu2 14262
190 19 tiü jiū (of hair) bun; knot; chignon.⁶ a coiffure on top of the head.⁸
鬏髻 tiü-gâi jiūjì bun.¹⁹
小鬏儿[小鬏兒] xēl-tiü-ngĩ
xiǎojiūr small chignon.⁵⁴
tiu2 14263
195 20 tiü qiū the loach.¹⁴ (variant: 鰌 tiü qiū).
过山鳅[過山鰍] gö-sän-tiü
guòshānqiū another name for 胡子鲇[鬍子鯰] vũ-dū-nẽm húzinián Hong Kong catfish (Clarias fuscus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鲯鳅[鯕鰍] kĩ-tiü/
qíqiū  mahi-mahi, common dolphinfish, dorado (Coryphaena hippurus), aka  三保公鱼, 飛虎, 鬼头刀.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
<台> 鳅鱼[鰍魚] tiü-nguĩ/ catfish (=<台> 塘虱 hõng-sēt mud fish, catfish) (=胡子鲇[鬍子鯰]⁴ vũ-dū-nẽm
húzinián Hong Kong catfish Clarias fuscus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
<又> tiû.
(See 鰍 tiû; 鰌 tiü).
tiu2 14264
195 20 tiü qiū (=鳅[鰍] tiü or tiû qiū) the loach.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰魚酋; U+9C0C).
Mĩn-sīp-tīm-dāk-yël-dìp-pëin-xī, tiü-ngẽin-fũ-döi?
Mín shī qǐn zé yāo jí piān sǐ, qiū rán hū zāi?
If a man sleep in a damp place, he will have a pain in his loins, and half his body will be as if it were dead; but will it be so with an eel?⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《莊子·內篇·齊物論·11》, translated by James Legge).
(See 鰍 tiü, 鰍 tiû).
tiu2 14265
196 20 tiü qiū bald crane.⁶ a marabou, a kind of water bird.⁷ long-legged bird like a crane.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿱秋鳥; U+9D96). (comp. s: ⿱秋鸟; U+9E59).
秃鹙[禿鶖] or 鵚鶖 tūk-tiü tūqiū a kind of water bird.⁷ a bald crane or adjutant bird.¹⁴
Yiû-tiü-dòi-lẽng, yiû-hôk-dòi-lĩm.
Yǒu qiū zài liáng, yǒu hè zài lín.
The marabou is on the dam;
The [common] crane is in the forest.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·都人士之什·白華·6》, translated by James Legge).
tiu2 14266
31 5 tiũ
qiú to imprison, incarcerate, confine, gaol, jail, hold somebody in captivity; prisoner, convict.⁶
(composition: ⿴囗人; U+56DA).
拘囚 guï-tiũ or kuï-tiũ jūqiú to imprison; prisoner.¹⁰
Sùk mùn nguĩ Gäo-yẽl, dòi pön hün tiũ.
Shū wèn rú Gāoyáo, zài pàn xiàn qiú.
His examiners, wise as Gao-yao,
Will here present their prisoners.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·頌·魯頌·泮水·5》, translated by James Legge).
囚犯 tiũ-fàn
qiúfàn prisoner, convict.⁵
囚徒 tiũ-hũ
qiútú prisoner; convict; inmate (of a prison).⁶
囚禁 tiũ-kïm
qiújìn to imprison.⁹
囚牢 tiũ-lão
qiúláo (old) prison, gaol, jail.⁶
囚笼[囚籠] tiũ-lũng
qiúlóng prisoner's cage.⁸
死囚 xī-tiũ
sǐqiú prisoner that awaits execution; convict sentenced to death; someone on death row.¹⁰
tiu3 14267
61 8 𢘄
qiú anxious; worried; to consider, to ponder, to think over.² to consider; anxious thoughts.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄囚; U+22604).
tiu3 14268
85 8 tiũ qiú swim, float, wade.⁸ to swim.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰氵囚; U+6CC5).
泅者 tiũ-jēh qiúzhě swimmer.⁵⁴
泅水 tiũ-suī
qiúshuǐ to swim.⁸ʼ⁹
泅渡 tiũ-ù qiúdù to swim across.⁸ʼ¹⁰
泅泳 tiũ-vèin qiúyǒng to swin.⁸
泅游 tiũ-yiũ
qiúyóu to swim.⁸ʼ¹⁰
tiu3 14269
195 20 tiû qiū the loach.¹⁴
泥鳅[泥鰍] nãi-tiû/ níqiu loach.⁶ pond loach, dojo loach, oriental or Japanese weather loach, weather loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus), a freshwater fish in the loach family Cobitidae.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
<又> tiü.
(See 鰍 tiü; 鰌 tiü).
tiu5 14270
18 9 cuò to cut; (=挫 tö cuò) to defeat, to frustrate; to subdue, to deflate; (=锉[銼] tö cuò) to make smooth with a file; to file.
or 挫折 tö-jēt cuòzhé to setback, to reverse; to frustrate; to encounter difficulties.
剉尸[剉屍] tö-sï
cuòshī to cut the corpse (of a criminal) into pieces.
(See 挫 tö; 銼 tö.)
to2 14271
30 10 zuò azole.
咔唑 kā-tö or kā-tü kǎzuò carbazole.
噻唑 xāk-tö
or xāk-tü or söi-tö or söi-tü sāizuò <chem.> thiazole.⁶
<又> tü.
(See 唑 tü.)
to2 14272
32 7 zuò (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 坐 tü zuò with same meaning.)
<台> 坐呀 tö-yã Please have a seat.
<又> tü, dò.
(See 坐 tü, dò.)
to2 14273
46 12 cuó high, towering; irregular, rugged.⁸
嵯峨 tö-ngõ or tü-ngũ cuó'é <wr.> (of mountains) precipitous; towering and steep.⁶
<又> tü.
(See 嵯 tü.)
to2 14274
46 12 cuó (=嵯 tö cuó high, towering; irregular, rugged.⁸).⁸
(composition: ⿱山差; U+5D73).
(See 嵯 tö).
to2 14275
61 10 𢚂
cuò to break off.²⁴ (=折挫 jēt-tö zhécuò frustrate, inhibit, make things difficult.⁸).²
(composition: ⿰忄坐; U+22682).
to2 14276
64 10 cuò suffer a defeat/setback; defeat, frustrate, subdue, deflate.⁶ push down; chop down; grind.⁸ to push down; to treat harshly; to grind; to oppose.¹⁴ (composition: ⿰扌坐; U+632B).
下挫 hà-tö
xiàcuò (of sales, prices) to fall, to drop, slump.⁸
挫败[挫敗] tö-bài
cuòbài frustrate; foil; defeat.⁵
挫净心思[挫凈心思] tö-dèin-xïm-xü
cuòjìngxīnsī to exhaust one's mental powers.¹⁴
挫敌[挫敵] tö-èik
cuòdí to defeat the enemy.⁷
挫后[挫後] tö-hëo
cuòhòu to be driven back – as a defeated army.¹⁴
or 剉折 tö-jēt cuòzhé setback; reverse.⁵ to damp one's ardor; to suffer a defeat; to counteract; obstacles.¹⁴
挫鍼治繲 tö-jïm-jì-hâi
cuòzhēnzhìxiè to work as a tailor and do washing – for a living.¹⁴ (See James Legge translation under 繲 hâi).
挫了锐气[挫了銳氣] tö-lēl-yuì-hï
cuòliǎoruìqì damp one's ardor; to take away their zeal; to demoralize.¹⁴
挫磨 tö-mũ
cuòmó to force; to coerce; to harass.¹⁴
挫衄 tö-nùk
cuònǜ to be damped; to suffer defeat.¹⁴
挫伤[挫傷] tö-sëng
cuòshāng <med.> contusion, bruise; dampen, blunt, discourage.⁵
挫于]挫於] tö-yï
cuòyú to be maltreated by...¹⁴
挫辱 tö-yùk
cuòrǔ to humiliate; to disgrace.¹⁴

to2 14277
64 12 cuō to rub or roll between the hands or fingers; to twist.
搓板 tö-bān or tü-bān cuōbǎn washboard.
搓火 tö-fō
or tü-fō cuōhuǒ <topo.> to get angry; to worry; to feel impatient; to be pissed off.
搓麻 tö-mã
or tü-mã cuōmá <slang> to mix mahjong tiles; to play mahjong.
搓麻雀 tö-mã-dêk
or tü-mã-dêk cuōmáquè to play mahjong.
搓麻绳[搓麻繩] tö-mã-sẽin
or tü-mã-sẽin cuōmáshéng to make cord by twisting hemp fibers between the palms.
搓揉 tö-ngẽl
or tü-ngẽl cuōróu to knead; to rub.
搓手 tö-siū
or tü-siū cuōshǒu <topo.> to rub the hands together.
搓洗 tö-xāi
or tü-xāi cuōxǐ to rub clean (garments); to scrub.
<又> tü.
(See 搓 tü.)
to2 14278
96 13 cuō pure white jade; (<old>=磋 tö cuō to polish); an artful smile; luster of gem; lustrous, bright.⁸ lustrous (jade);
fresh, bright, smiling.¹¹ the brilliant white luster of a gem; lustrous.¹⁴ the fresh white color of the corundum stone; any fresh color; an artful smile; to rub and polish.²⁴
(composition: ⿰𤣩差; U+7473).
Qiǎo xiào zhī cuō.
How shine the white teeth through the artful smiles!⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·衛風·竹竿》, translated by James Legge).
Tö-hãi-tö-hãi, kĩ-jï-jīn-yâ.
Cuō xī cuō xī, qí zhī zhǎn yě.
How rich and splendid
Is her robe of state! ⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·鄘風·君子偕老》, translated by James Legge).
to2 14279
104 12 cuó a swelling of the lymph nodes.⁸
痤疮[痤瘡] tö-chông or tô-chông cuóchuāng acne.⁸
痤疮炎[痤瘡炎] tö-chông-yèm
or tô-chông-yèm cuóchuāngyán acnitis.⁹
<又> tô.
(See 痤 tô.)
to2 14280
104 14 cuó disease.⁶ sick; ill; ailing; affliction.⁷
瘥疠[瘥癘] tö-lài cuólì (=瘟疫 vün-yèik wēnyì) epidemic; plague; pestilence; diseased.¹⁰
<又> châi.
(See 瘥 châi.)
to2 14281
111 12 cuó short (in height); to lower one's body.⁶
矮矬矬 āi-tö-tö ǎicuócuó descriptive of shortness (of person).¹¹
身子一矬就钻过去了[身子一矬就鑽過去了] sïn-dū-yīt-tö-diù-dön-gö-huï-lēl
shēnzǐyīcuójiùzuānguòqùle lower the body and get through.⁶
矬子 tö-dū
cuózi <topo.> short person; dwarf; shortie.⁶
矬个儿[矬個兒] tö-göi-ngĩ
cuógèr dwarf; short person.⁶
矬田鼠 tö-hẽin-sī
cuótiánshǔ insular vole, Microtus abbreviatus.⁹
矬汉[矬漢] tö-hön
cuóhàn dwarf (man).⁵⁴
矬汉子[矬漢子] tö-hön-dū
cuóhànzi dwarf (man).⁵⁴
<又> chõ.
(See 矬 chõ.)
to2 14282
112 14 cuō polish, buff; scrutinize.⁸
切磋 tëik-tö qiēcuō to study and learn by mutual discussion.¹¹
磋谈[磋談] tö-hãm
cuōtán discuss; negotiate.⁵⁴
磋磨 tö-mũ
or tö-mõ cuōmó to polish.⁹
磋商 tö-sëng
cuōshāng consult; advise with.⁸
磋商者 tö-sëng-jēh
cuōshāngzhě negotiant.⁹
to2 14283
120 15 cuò stagger, overlap, intersect, crisscross; disorder, confusion.⁸ confusion.²⁵
(composition: ⿰糹差; U+7E12).
縒综[縒綜] tö-düng cuòzōng (<old>=错综[錯綜] tö-düng cuòzōng intricate; complex.⁶).⁸
<又> chï; xū.
(See 縒 chï; 縒 xū).
to2 14284
130 11 cuǒ minced meat; trifles.¹⁴
丛脞[叢脞] tũng-tö cóngcuǒ be loaded down with trivial details.⁸
to2 14285
140 10 cuò to chop straw fine for animals.⁸ to cut up with a hay cutter.⁹ chopped fodder.⁹
to2 14286
141 11 cuó (=䖕 tö cuó a tiger.⁸ʼ¹⁰ a tiger neither pliant nor trustworthy; a live tiger.²⁵ a fierce and cunning tiger; tiger lines, patterns, stripes.¹⁰¹).² stripes, spots, blotches.¹⁰ a violent, tricky and crafty tiger.¹⁹ ferocious and cunning.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿸虍且; U+8658).
虘诈[虘詐] tö-jä
cuózhà cunning and deceitful.¹⁹
(See 䖕 tö).
to2 14287
141 13 cuó a tiger.⁸ʼ¹⁰ a tiger neither pliant nor trustworthy; a live tiger.²⁵ a fierce and cunning tiger; tiger lines, patterns, stripes.¹⁰¹ (variant: 虘 tö cuó).
(Note: Some say 䖕 tö
cuó is pronounced tö ).
(composition: ⿺虎且; U+4595).
(See 虘 tö).
to2 14288
157 16 cuō a failure; a miss.⁷
年已蹉跎 nẽin-yî-tö-hũ niányǐcuōtuó already at a very old age.¹⁹
日月蹉跎 ngìt-ngùt-tö-hũ
rìyuècuōtuó time slips by without having anything accomplished; one's life has been wasted.⁶
蹉跌 tö-ëik
cuōdiē <wr.> to slip and fall – make a mistake.⁶
蹉跎 tö-hũ
cuōtuó waste time; idle away.⁶
蹉跎岁月[蹉跎歲月] tö-hũ-xuï-ngùt
cuōtuó suìyuè idle away one's time; waste one's time.⁶
<又> tü.
(See 蹉 tü.)
to2 14289
167 15 cuò to make smooth with a file; to file.⁷
锉光[銼光] tö-göng cuòguāng to file something smooth.⁵⁴
锉磨[銼磨] tö-mũ
cuòmó filing.⁹
锉平[銼平] tö-pẽin
cuòpíng to file; to make smooth.⁵⁴
锉滑[銼滑] tö-vàt
cuòhuá to file something smooth.⁰
锉屑[銼屑] tö-xēik
cuòxiè filings.⁵
<又> tô.
(See 銼 tô.)
to2 14290
167 16 cuò mistake; wrong; bad; interlocking; complex; to grind; to polish; to alternate; to stagger; to miss; to let slip; to evade; to inlay with gold or silver; Cuo surname.¹⁰
错字[錯字] tö-dù cuòzì wrongly written/misprinted character.⁶
错综[錯綜] tö-düng
cuòzōng intricate; complex.⁶
错综复杂[錯綜複雜] tö-düng-fūk-dàp
cuòzōngfùzá intricate, complex, complicated.⁶
❄{⿱𥫗閒}[錯𥳑❄{⿱𥫗閒}] tö-gān cuòjiǎn a mix-up in the arrangement of bamboo strips in ancient books – a textual error.¹¹
错金[錯金] tö-gïm
cuòjīn inlaid with gold.⁶
错过[錯過] tö-gö
cuòguò to miss (train, opportunity).¹⁰
错觉[錯覺] tö-gōk
cuòjué illusion; misconception; wrong impression.⁶
错误[錯誤] tö-m̀
cuòwù error; blunder; mistake; wrong.⁸
错彩镂金[錯彩鏤金] tö-tōi-lèo-gïm
cuòcǎilòujīn be colorfully and dazzlingly embellished – flowery language.⁶
错位[錯位] tö-vì
cuòwèi dislocate; turn upside down.⁶
一错再错[一錯再錯] yīt-tö-döi-tö
yīcuòzàicuò to repeat errors; continue blundering; make continuous mistakes.¹⁰
有错必纠[有錯必糾] yiû-tö-bēik-gēl
yǒucuòbìjiū right every wrong; every wrong is righted.⁶
to2 14291
197 19 cuó <wr.> salt; briny, salty, salted.⁶
鹾鱼[鹺魚] tö-nguî/ cuóyú salted fish.⁶
鹾肉[鹺肉] tö-ngùk
cuóròu salted meat.⁶
鹾使[鹺使] tö-xū
cuóshǐ (Qing Dynasty) an official in charge of the salt industry in a given area; a salt commissioner.⁷
to2 14292
75 7 tuó the name of a carriage.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木也; U+675D).
<又> hõ; jï; lĩ; yĩ. (See 杝 hõ; 杝 jï; 杝 lĩ; 杝 yĩ).
to3 14293
104 12 cuó (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 痤 tö cuó with same meaning.)
<又> tö.
(See 痤 tö.)
to5 14294
167 15 cuò a kind of widemouthed cauldron used in ancient China; a file (a steel tool).⁷
扁锉[扁銼] bēin-tô/ biǎncuò flat file.¹⁹
木锉[木銼] mûk-tô/
mùcuò wood file; wood rasp.⁶
锉刀[銼刀] tô-äo
cuòdāo a file (a steel tool).⁷
锉镙[銼鏍] tô-lõ
cuòluó <wr.> an ancient small cauldron used to warm things.⁰
粗锉[粗銼] tü-tô/
cūcuò rasp.¹⁹
三角锉[三角銼] xäm-gôk-tô/
sānjiǎocuò triangular file.⁹
圆锉[圓銼] yõn-tô/
yuáncuò round file.⁵⁴
一把锉[一把銼] yīt-bā-tô
yībǎcuò a file.¹⁴
<又> tö.
(See 銼 tö.)
to5 14295
9 10 tōi cǎi (=睬 tōi cǎi pay attention to; take notice of.⁵).
(composition: ⿰亻采; U+5038).
(See 睬 tōi).
toi1 14296
30 11 tōi cǎi (Cant.) an interjection used to berate someone.⁸
(non-Cantonese meanings) good luck, lucky, fortunate; understand, comprehend; take notice of, pay attention to.⁸ʼ¹⁹
(composition: ⿰口采; U+554B).
<又> hël. (See 啋 hël).
toi1 14297
32 11 tōi cài (=采 tōi cài) allotment to a feudal noble.¹⁰
埰地 tōi-ì
càidì fief; feoff; benefice.⁵⁴
埰邑 tōi-yīp
càiyì fief; feoff; benefice.⁵⁴
(See 埰[tōi, cǎi], 寀[tōi, cǎi], 寀[tōi, cài]; 採 tōi; 采[tōi, cǎi], 采[tōi, cài].)
toi1 14298
32 11 tōi cǎi grave, tomb.⁸
(See 埰[tōi, cài]; 寀[tōi, cǎi], 寀[tōi, cài]; 採 tōi; 采[tōi, cǎi], 采[tōi, cài].)
toi1 14299
40 11 tōi cài (=采 tōi cài) allotment to a feudal noble.¹⁰  <wr.> feudal estate.¹¹
寀地 tōi-ì
càidì fief; benefice.¹
寀邑 tōi-yīp
càiyì fief; benefice.¹
(See 埰[tōi, cǎi], 埰[tōi, cài]; 寀[tōi, cǎi], 採 tōi; 采[tōi, cǎi], 采[tōi, cài].)
toi1 14300
40 11 tōi cǎi official.⁸
(See 埰[tōi, cǎi], 埰[tōi, cài]; 寀[tōi, cài]; 採 tōi; 采[tōi, cǎi], 采[tōi, cài].)
toi1 14301
59 11 tōi cǎi color; colored silk, variegated silk; applause, cheer; variety, splendor; prize; blood from a wound.⁵ (variant: 綵 tōi cǎi).
出彩 chūt-tōi
chūcǎi <trad.> apply red to somebody to indicate bleeding (on stage); make a show or fool or muff or spectacle of oneself.⁶
彩笔[彩筆] tōi-bīt
cǎibǐ crayon; color(ed) pencil.⁶
彩电[彩電] tōi-èin
cǎidiàn (abbr. for 彩色电视[彩色電視] tōi-sēik-èin-sì cǎisèdiànshì) color television.⁵
彩轿[彩轎] tōi-gèl
cǎijiào bridal sedan chair.⁶
彩霞 tōi-hã
cǎixiá (the many hues of) rosy clouds.⁵
彩号[彩號] tōi-hão
cǎihào wounded soldier.⁵
彩球 tōi-kiũ
cǎiqiú colored silk ball; colored balloon.⁶
彩扩[彩擴] tōi-köng
cǎikuò to make enlargements of color prints.⁶
彩票 tōi-pêl
cǎipiào lottery ticket.⁵
彩色 tōi-sēik
cǎisè multicolor; color.⁵
彩色电视[彩色電視] tōi-sēik-èin-sì cǎisèdiànshì color television.⁵
彩色玻璃 tōi-sēik-bū-lī
or tōi-sēik-bō-lī cǎisèbōlí stained glass.¹⁰
彩声[彩聲] tōi-sëin
cǎishēng acclamation.⁵
彩云[彩雲] tōi-vũn
cǎiyún rosy clouds.⁵
彩舆[彩輿] tōi-yĩ
cǎiyú decorated sedan chair.⁵
(See 綵 tōi).
toi1 14302
64 11 tōi cǎi to pluck; to choose; to gather; to pick, to collect.¹⁴
博采[博採] bōk-tōi bócǎi to collect widely.³⁹
博采众长[博採眾長] bōk-tōi-jüng-chẽng
bócǎizhòngcháng to learn widely from others' strong points.³⁹
采茶[採茶] tōi-chã cǎichá to pick tea leaves.³⁹
采花[採花] tōi-fä cǎihuā to pluck flowers; to deflower.¹⁴
采访[採訪] tōi-fōng cǎifǎng to make inquiries; to get informaton; to get news, as a reporter.¹⁴
采择[採擇] tōi-jàk cǎizé to make a selection; to adopt – as a policy.¹⁴
采摘[採摘] tōi-jàk cǎizhāi to pick; to pluck.¹⁴
采摭[採摭] tōi-jēik cǎizhí to pick up; to collect.¹ to gather from various sources, especially in patch-up work.¹¹
采购[採購] tōi-këo cǎigòu to purchase supplies, goods (for business).¹¹
采纳[採納] tōi-nàp cǎinà accept; adopt.⁵
采取[採取] tōi-tuī cǎiqǔ  to select; to adopt – as a system or policy.¹⁴
采用[採用] tōi-yùng cǎiyòng to select for use; selective; adoption.¹⁴
(See 埰[tōi, cǎi], 埰[tōi, cài]; 寀[tōi, cǎi], 寀[tōi, cài]; 采[tōi, cǎi], 采[tōi, cài].)
toi1 14303
109 13 tōi cǎi pay attention to; take notice of.⁵ (variant: 倸 tōi).
不瞅不睬 būt-chẽl-būt-tōi bùchǒubùcǎi neither look nor give attention; completely ignore; pay no attention.⁵⁴
不理不睬 būt-lî-būt-tōi
bùlǐbùcǎi to completely ignore (idiom); to pay no attention to; not to be in the least concerned about.¹⁰
不睬 būt-tōi
bùcǎi ignore person, leave him alone, (refuse to look at).¹¹
不要睬他 būt-yël-tōi-hä
bùyàocǎitā take no notice of him; ignore him.⁵
瞅睬 chẽl-tōi
chǒucǎi to pay attention to.¹⁰
理睬 lî-tōi
lǐcǎi pay attention.⁹
<台> 睬 tōi  to pay attention to.
<台> 唔好睬佢 m̃-hāo-tōi-küi don’t pay any attention to him/her; ignore him/her.
(See 倸 tōi).
toi1 14304
120 14 tōi cǎi (=彩 tōi cǎi) color; colored silk, variegated silk; applause, cheer; variety, splendor; prize; blood from a wound.⁵ colored, variegated.⁶²
(See 彩 tōi).
toi1 14305
140 10 tōi chǎi (=白芷 bàk-jī báizhǐ, q.v.) Dahurian angelica.⁸ an aromatic plant mentioned in ancient books.³⁹
蕲茝[蘄茝] kĩ-tōi
qíchǎi tender shoots of Cnidium officinale.¹ (=蘼芜[蘼蕪] mĩ-mũ míwú a fragrant herb Gracilaria confervoides.⁴³ Ligusticum wallichii Franch.²³) 
toi1 14306
165 8 tōi cài allotment to a feudal noble.¹⁰
食采 sèik-tōi shícài to enjoy the revenue of such a (采邑 tōi-yīp càiyì) district.¹⁴
采地 tōi-ì
càidì fief; feoff; benefice.³⁹
采邑 tōi-yīp
càiyì fief; benefice.¹⁰ fief town, feudal benefice.¹¹
(See 埰[tōi, cǎi], 埰[tōi, cài]; 寀[tōi, cǎi], 寀[tōi, cài]; 採 tōi; 采[tōi, cǎi].)
toi1 14307
165 8 tōi cǎi color; complexion; looks; variant of 彩 tōi cǎi; variant of 採 tōi cǎi.¹⁰
兴高采烈[興高采烈] hëin-gäo-tōi-lèik xìnggāocǎiliè in high spirits; in great delight; jubilant.⁵
无精打采[無精打采] mũ-dëin-ā-tōi wújīng-dǎcǎi dispirited.⁸
文采 mũn-tōi wéncǎi rich and bright colors; literary grace, literary talent.⁵
采芹 tōi-kĩn cǎiqín <wr.> to get first degree in civil examinations.¹¹
采芼 tōi-mào
cǎimào choose and pick; selectively pluck.¹⁹
采采 tōi-tōi cǎicǎi <wr.> flowery, abundant.¹¹
(See 埰[tōi, cǎi], 埰[tōi, cài]; 寀[tōi, cǎi], 寀[tōi, cài]; 採 tōi; 采[tōi, cài].)
toi1 14308
190 18 tōi cài a bun; a head covering; to have one's hair done, beautiful hair; a coiffure with a topknot; a turban, a kerchief.⁸
(composition: ⿱髟采; U+4C02).
toi1 14309
140 11 töi cài vegetable, dish.
白菜 bàk-töi báicài bok choy; Brassica pekinensis.
菜单[菜單] töi-än
càidān menu; bill of fare.
菜刀 töi-äo
càidāo kitchen knife; cook chopper.⁶
菜碟 töi-èp
càidié dish.¹⁹
菜饭[菜飯] töi-fàn
càifàn foods made by cooking rice or millet together with vegetables.⁹
菜重芥姜 töi-jùng-gäi-gëng
càizhòngjièjiāng Of vegetable products, mustard and ginger are highly va;ued.⁶²
菜畦 töi-kĩ
càiqí vegetable plot or patch.¹¹
菜篮[菜籃] töi-lâm
càilán food basket.¹⁹
菜鸟[菜鳥] töi-nêl/
càiniǎo (coll.) somebody new to a particular subject; rookie; beginner; newbie.¹⁰
菜圃 töi-pū
càipǔ vegetable field; vegetable bed.¹⁰
菜墩子 töi-ūn-dū
càidūnzi chopping block.¹⁹
菜瓮 töi-ûng
càiwèng a jar for pickling vegetables.⁵
菜园[菜園] töi-yõn
càiyuán vegetable garden/farm.⁵
油菜 yiũ-töi
yóucài oilseed rape (Brassica napus); flowering edible rape (Brassica chinensis var. oleifera).¹⁰
雪菜 xūt-töi xuěcài (=雪里蕻[雪裡蕻] or 雪里红[雪裡紅] xūt-lī-hũng
xuělǐhóng potherb mustard (Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. et Coss. var. multiceps Tsen et Lee).²³ʼ³⁵
<又> tôi.
(See 菜 tôi.)
toi2 14310
140 14 töi cài <wr.> big tortoise or turtle.⁶ Cai, a dukedom of the Zhou Dynasty (11th century B.C. - 256 B.C.), in the southwest of the present Shangcai County.⁶ Cai surname.
上蔡 Sèng-töi Shàngcài Shangcai, a county in Henan.
toi2 14311
64 3 tõi cái talent; ability; parts; power; force.
不才 būt-tõi bùcái stupid; dull; term of self-deprecation.
口才 hēo-tõi
kǒucái eloquence.
才德 tõi-āk
cáidé talent and virtue.
才分 tõi-fùn
cáifèn talent; natural gifts.
才具 tõi-guì
cáijù <wr.> capability; ability; talent.⁵⁴
才智 tõi-jï
cáizhì ability and wisdom.⁵
才力 tõi-lèik
cáilì power and ability to manage affairs.
or 材能 tõi-nãng cáinéng ability; capability.⁷
or 材人 tõi-ngĩn cáirén people of ability; <trad.> a female court official.⁷ a rank of ladies-in-waiting.³⁹
才疏学浅[才疏學淺] tõi-sü-hòk-dëin
cáishūxuéqiǎn (humble expr.) of humble talent and shallow learning (idiom); Pray forgive my ignorance,...¹⁰
才藻 tõi-täo
cáizǎo <wr.> literary talent/gift.⁶
才华[才華] tõi-vã
cáihuá literary or artistic talent.⁵
才华卓跞[才華卓躒] tõi-vã-chēk-lōk
cáihuázhuóluò outstanding talents.³⁹
才华横溢[才華橫溢] tõi-vã-vãng-yìt
cáihuáhéngyì brim with talent; be full of wit; have superb talent.⁶
才思 tõi-xü
cáisī imaginative power, creativeness.⁴³
(Note: 才 is now used as the simplified form of 纔 tõi
(See 纔 tõi.)

toi3 14312
75 7 tõi cái material; timber; ability; aptitude; a capable individual; coffin (old).¹⁰
木材 mùk-tõi mùcái timber; lumber.⁵
材积[材積] tõi-dēik
cáijī volume (of timber).⁵
材干[材幹] tõi-gön
cáigàn gifts, talent, ability; timber.⁷
or 才器 tõi-hï cáiqì ability; capability; caliber (of a person); timber good for building purposes.⁷
材质[材質] tõi-jīt
cáizhì  texture of timber; quality of material; material (that something is made of).¹⁰
材料 tõi-lèl
cáiliào material; data; makings; stuff.⁵
材料学[材料學] tõi-lèl-hòk
cáiliàoxué materials science.¹⁰
材吏 tõi-lì
cáilì an able or  capable official.⁷
材武 tõi-mû
cáiwǔ (with) both ability and courage; military ability.⁷
材木 tõi-mùk
cáimù timber.⁷
or 才能 tõi-nãng cáinéng ability; capability.⁷
材艺[材藝] tõi-ngài
cáiyì ability and art.⁷
or 才人 tõi-ngĩn cáirén people of ability; <trad.> a female court official.⁷ a rank of ladies-in-waiting.³⁹
材士 tõi-xù
cáishì men of ability.⁷
toi3 14313
120 23 tõi cái just now; then; in that case; before; after.¹⁴ just, just now; scarcely.²⁵ (Note: 才 is now used as the simplified form of 纔 tõi cái.)
方纔 föng-tõi
fāngcái a little while ago.²⁵
适纔[適纔] sēik-tõi
shìcái then, at that time.²⁵ (Compare 适才[適才] sēik-tõi shìcái <topo.> just now.⁵)
纔到 tõi-äo
cáidào just arrived.¹⁴
纔刚[纔剛] tõi-göng
cáigāng or 刚纔[剛纔] göng-tõi gāngcái just now; a moment ago.¹⁴
纔好 tõi-hāo
cáihǎo just fine.⁷
纔去了 tõi-huï-lēl
cáiqùle he has just gone (just left).¹⁴
纔至 tõi-jï
cáizhì just arrived.²⁵
纔来[纔來] tõi-lõi
cáilái just arrived.¹⁴
纔明白了 tõi-mẽin-bàk-lēl
cáimíngbaile I then understood it clearly.¹⁴
纔是 tõi-sì
cáishì that is it; very well; then and only then is it right.¹⁴
(See 才 tõi.)
toi3 14314
145 12 tõi cái cut (paper, cloth) into parts; reduce, cut down, dismiss; judge, decide; check, sanction.⁵ cut; split; crack; kill.²
自裁 dù-tõi zìcái to kill one's self.²⁵
裁兵 tõi-bëin
cáibīng to reduce the number of troops.⁷
裁并[裁併] tõi-bèin
cáibìng cut down and merge (organization).⁵
裁撤 tõi-chēik
cáichè dissolve (an organization).⁵
裁尺 tõi-chêk
cáichǐ a tailor's measure.⁷
裁剪 tõi-dēin
cáijiǎn cut out.⁵
裁定 tõi-èin
cáidìng <law> ruling.⁵
裁缝[裁縫] tõi-fũng
cáiféng to tailor; to make dress.⁷
裁缝[裁縫] tõi-fũng
cáifeng a tailor; a dressmaker.⁷
裁减[裁減] tõi-gām
cáijiǎn reduce; cut down.⁵
裁军[裁軍] tõi-gün
cáijūn disarm; disarmament.⁵
裁决[裁決] tõi-kūt
cáijué ruling; adjudication.⁵
裁断[裁斷] tõi-òn
cáiduàn consider and decide.⁵
裁判 tõi-pön
cáipàn judgment; act as referee, referee; referee, umpire, judge.⁵
裁成 tõi-sẽin
cáichéng to regulate and bring to completion; accomplishment.⁷
裁夺[裁奪] tõi-ùt
cáiduó consider and decide.⁵
裁员[裁員] tõi-yõn
cáiyuán <trad.> cut down the number of persons employed; reduce staff.⁵
toi3 14315
154 10 tõi cái wealth; money.⁵
财帛[財帛] tõi-bàk cáibó wealth; money.⁵
财宝[財寶] tõi-bāo
cáibǎo money and valuables.⁵
财产[財產] tõi-chān
cáichǎn property.⁵
财阀[財閥] tõi-fàt
cáifá financial magnate; plutocrat.⁵
财富[財富] tõi-fü
cáifù wealth; riches.⁵
财主[財主] tõi-jī
cáizhu rich man; moneybags.⁵
财经[財經] tõi-gëin
cái-jīng finance and economics.⁵
财政[財政] tõi-jëin
cáizhèng (public) finance.⁵
财力[財力] tõi-lèik
cáilì financial resources or capacity.⁵
财迷[財迷] tõi-mãi
cáimí moneygrubber; miser.⁵
财迷心窍[財迷心竅] tõi-mãi-xïm-hël
cáimíxīnqiào be obsessed with money.⁵⁵
财务[財務] tõi-mù
cáiwù financial affairs.⁵
财源[財源] tõi-ngũn
cáiyuán financial resources; source of revenue.⁵
财源辐辏[財源輻輳] tõi-ngũn-fūk-tëo
cáiyuánfúcòu The sources of wealth flow into one place as the spokes of a wheel do at the hub.⁵⁴
财源滚滚[財源滾滾] tõi-ngũn-gūn-gūn
cáiyuángǔngǔn Fortunes pour in from all sides.⁶
财东[財東] tõi-üng
cáidōng shopowner; moneybags.⁵
toi3 14316
199 14 tõi cái distiller's grains or yeast; ferment for brewing.⁸ (=麹[麴] kūk qū, q.v.)
toi3 14317
140 11 tôi cài 韭菜 giū-tôi jiǔcài garlic chives; Chinese chives; Chinese leek.
<又> töi.
(See 菜 töi.)
toi5 14318
167 28 tôk záo (comp. t: ⿱⿰⿻丵臼殳金; U+947F).
s: ⿱业⿶凵𢆉; U+51FF).
<台> 凿[鑿] tôk chisel.
<台> 凿仔[鑿仔] tôk-dōi a chisel.
<台> 一把凿[一把鑿] yīt-bā-tôk a chisel.
<又> dòk.
(See 鑿 [dòk, záo], [dòk, zuò].)
tok5 14319
173 13 tôk báo hail.⁵
<台> 落雹 lòk-tôk/ or lòk-dôk/ hailing.
<又> bòk, dôk.
(See 雹 bòk, dôk.)
tok5 14320
173 20 𩅟
tôk báo hail.
(composition: ⿱雨晶; U+2915F).
<台> 落𩅟❄{⿱雨晶} or 落雹 lòk-tôk/ or lòk-dôk/ hailing.
<又> bòk, dôk.
(See 雹 bòk, dôk, dôk; 𩅟❄{⿱雨晶} bòk, dôk).
tok5 14321
173 22 𩆗
tôk báo hail.
(composition: ⿳雨⿰田田日; U+29197).
<台> 落𩆗❄{⿳雨⿰田田日} or 落𩅟❄{⿱雨晶} or 落雹 lòk-tôk/ or lòk-dôk/ hailing.
<又> bòk, dôk.
(See 雹 bòk, dôk, dôk; 𩆗❄{⿳雨⿰田田日} bòk, dôk).
tok5 14322
173 29 𩇌
tôk báo hail.
(composition: ⿳雨⿰雨雨包; U+291CC).
<台> 落𩇌❄{⿳雨⿰雨雨包} or 落𩆗❄{⿳雨⿰田田日} or 落𩅟❄{⿱雨晶} or 落雹 lòk-tôk/ or lòk-dôk/ hailing.
<又> bòk, dôk.
(See 雹 bòk, dôk, dôk; 𩇌❄{⿳雨⿰雨雨包} bòk, dôk).
tok5 14323
86 27 tōn cuàn (=爨 tōn cuàn make a fire and cook a meal; earthen cooking stove.⁶ to cook; a cooking stove.⁷ an earthern kitchen stove; name of an aboriginal tribe in Yunnan.¹¹ Cuan surname.⁸); a cooking-stove; to cook, a mess, a kind of theatrical composition.⁸
(composition: ⿳⿴𦥑同冖焚; U+3E11).
㸑㸑 tōn-tōn
cuàncuàn a pot about to boil.²⁴
<又> tûn.
(See 㸑 tûn; 爨 tōn).
ton1 14324
86 29 tōn cuàn make a fire and cook a meal; earthen cooking stove.⁶ to cook; a cooking stove.⁷ an earthern kitchen stove; name of an aboriginal tribe in Yunnan.¹¹ Cuan surname.⁸
炊爨 chuï-tōn chuīcuàn make a fire and cook.⁶
分爨 fün-tōn
fēncuàn <wr.> (of brothers) divide up family property and live apart.⁶ have separate kitchens; divide up the household (between brothers).⁵⁴
执爨[執爨] jīp-tōn
zhícuàn to manage kitchen work.⁸ to build a hearth (stove).⁵⁴
爨炊 tōn-chuï
cuànchuī to cook.⁵⁴
爨火 tōn-fō
cuànhuǒ <wr.> cooking fire.⁵⁴
爨妇[爨婦] tōn-fû
cuànfù a female cook.⁷
爨文 tōn-mũn
cuànwén aboriginal script.¹¹
爨婢 tōn-pî
cuànbì a kitchenmaid.⁷
爨室 tōn-sīt
cuànshì a kitchen.⁷
爨星 tōn-xëin
cuànxīng (old name for 水星 suī-xëin shuǐxīng) <astr.> Mercury.⁵⁴
析爨 xēik-tōn
xīcuàn <wr.> (of family members) cook and eat separately.⁶ (said of brothers) to divide family property and live under different roofs.⁷
以釜甑爨 yî-fū-dâng-tōn
yǐfǔzèngcuàn cook in a saucepan (cauldron) and pot.⁵⁴
<又> tön.
(See 爨 tön.)
ton1 14325
116 17 tōn cuàn conceal, hide; go into hiding.⁸ concealed.²⁵ to conceal; to hide.¹⁰ʼ⁵⁴
(composition: ⿱穴款; U+7ABE).
<又> fōn. (See 窾 fōn).
ton1 14326
116 18 tōn cuàn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 窜[竄] chōn cuàn with same meaning: to escape, to run away, to flee; to change or alter (the wording); to banish, to execute.⁷)
<又> chōn.
(See 竄 chōn.)
ton1 14327
157 17 tōn qiàng (comp. t: ⿰⻊倉; U+8E4C). (comp. s: ⿰⻊仓; U+8DC4).
<台> 跄[蹌] tōn to stagger.
<台> 跄诶跄[蹌誒蹌] tōn-ë-tōn staggering; staggered.
<又> tëng, töng.
(See 蹌 tëng; 蹌 töng.)
ton1 14328
64 21 tön cuān <topo.> to throw; to do in a hurry; to fly into a rage.
撺高[攛高] tön-gäo cuāngāo to leap up high.
撺掇[攛掇] tön-jōt
cuānduo <topo.> to urge; to egg on.
撺掇害人[攛掇害人] tön-jōt-hòi-ngĩn
cuānduohàirén to stir up harm for everyone.
撺弄[攛弄] tön-lùng
cuānnong <topo.> to urge; to egg on.
ton2 14329
86 29 tön cuàn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 爨 tōn cuàn with same meaning: make a fire and cook a meal; earthen cooking stove.⁶ to cook; a cooking stove.⁷ an earthern kitchen stove; name of an aboriginal tribe in Yunnan.¹¹ Cuan surname.⁸)
<又> tōn.
(See 爨 tōn.)
ton2 14330
157 25 蹿 tön cuān leap, jump; <vern.> (of liquids) spurt/gush (out of something), spout/squirt (out of/from something).⁶ to leap, to jump; to get promoted; to spurt out.⁷
蹿蹦[躥蹦] tön-bäng cuānbèng leap up.⁸
蹿奔[躥奔] tön-bïn
cuānbēn to hop and run, to run in a hopping manner. ⁹
蹿货[躥貨] tön-fö
cuānhuò goods in great demand.⁸
蹿房越脊[躥房越脊] tön-fông-yòt-dëk
cuānfángyuèjǐ  (of thief) jump to, run on the roof and descend into rooms.¹¹
蹿腾[躥騰] tön-hãng
cuānténg <topo.> jump about; leap and bound.⁶ jump wildly.⁸
蹿跳[躥跳] tön-hẽl
cuāntiào jump.⁸
蹿稀[躥稀] tön-hï
cuānxī <topo.> have loose bowels; have the runs; suffer from/have diarrhea.⁶
蹿红[躥紅] tön-hũng
cuānhóng to become popular in a short time (someone in entertainment or sports). ⁹
蹿升[躥升] tön-sëin
cuānshēng to rise rapidly; to shoot up.¹⁰
蹿上跳下[躥上跳下] tön-sëng-hẽl-hà
cuānshàngtiàoxià bounce up and down.³⁹
蹿动[躥動] tön-ùng
cuāndòng to jump upward.⁹
蹿辕子[躥轅子] tön-yõn-dū
cuānyuánzi <topo.> become angry.¹⁹
ton2 14331
167 26 tön cuān ice pick; to cut or break (ice) with an ice pick.⁶
冰镩[冰鑹] bëin-tön bīngcuān pick for breaking ice.⁸
镩冰[鑹冰] tön-bëin
cuānbīng break ice with an ice pick.⁶
镩子[鑹子] tön-dū
cuānzi ice pick..⁶
ton2 14332
9 6 töng cāng (=仓[倉]) töng cāng storehouse; warehouse.⁶)
(composition: ⿱𠆢⿷匚一; U+4EFA).
tong2 14333
9 10 töng cāng storehouse; warehouse.⁶
(comp. t: ⿱亽⿸⿴尸一口(G) or ⿱亼⿸⿴尸一口(HTJKV); U+5009). (comp. s: ⿱人㔾; U+4ED3).
暗渡陈仓[暗渡陳倉] ām-ù-chĩn-töng 
àndùchéncāng secretly crossing the 渭河 Vì-hõ Wèi-hé Wei river at 陳倉 Chĩn-töng Chéncāng Chencang (idiom, refers to a stratagem used by 刘邦[劉邦] Liũ Böng Liú Bāng Liu Bang against 項羽 Hòng Yî Xiàng Yǔ Xiang Yu of 楚 Chō Chǔ Chu); fig. to fein one thing while doing another; to cheat under cover of a diversion.¹⁰
货仓[貨倉] fö-töng
huòcāng warehouse.¹⁰
谷仓[穀倉] gūk-töng
gǔcāng a granary.⁷
米仓[米倉] māi-töng
mǐcāng granary for rice.¹¹
仓房[倉房] töng-fông
cāngfáng a storehouse; a granary.¹⁴
仓库[倉庫] töng-fü
cāngkù warehouse, godown; granary; treasury vault.¹¹
仓庚[倉庚] töng-gäng
cānggēng oriole.¹⁴
仓廪[倉廩] töng-lîm
cānglǐn granary.⁵ public granaries.¹⁴
仓廒[倉廒] töng-ngão
cāng'áo granary; barn.⁶
仓鼠[倉鼠] töng-sī
cāngshǔ hamster.⁹ granary rats.¹⁴
<又> tòng.
(See 倉 tòng).
tong2 14334
9 12 töng cāng <wr.> rough; coarse; rude; rustic.
伧俗[傖俗] töng-dùk cāngsú vulgar.
伧荒[傖荒] töng-föng
cānghuāng rustic; rude; boorish.
伧夫[傖夫] töng-fü
cāngfū a vulgar person.
老伧[老傖] lāo-töng
lǎocāng (contemptuous) a worthless fellow.
(See 傖 [töng, chen].)
tong2 14335
9 12 töng chen 寒伧[寒傖] hõn-töng hánchen <topo.> shabby; wretched; squalid; miserable; ugly; homely; to humiliate; to insult.
寒伧样子[寒傖樣子] hõn-töng-yèng-dū
hánchenyàngzi <topo.> hang-dog appearance.
(See 傖 [töng, cāng].)
tong2 14336
31 7 töng chuāng (=窗 töng chuāng) window.⁸
<又> hüng.
(See 囱 hüng; 窗 töng).
tong2 14337
61 13 töng chuàng <wr.> sad; sorrowful; broken-hearted.⁶
(comp. t: ⿰忄倉; U+6134). (comp. s: ⿰忄仓; U+6006).
悲怆[悲愴] bï-töng
bēichuàng <wr.> sad; sorrowful.⁶
凄怆[凄愴] täi-töng
qīchuàng <wr.> wretched; miserable; sad.⁶
怆恻[愴惻] töng-chāk
chuàngcè <wr.> grieved, sad, sorrowful.⁶
怆痛[愴痛] töng-hüng
chuàngtòng grieved, distressed, sorrowful.⁶
怆然[愴然] töng-ngẽin
chuàngrán <wr.> sorrowful; sad; broken-hearted.⁶
怆然泪下[愴然淚下] töng-ngẽin-luì-hä
chuàngránlèixià  burst into sorrowful tears.⁶
怆怆[愴愴] töng-töng
chuàngchuàng in anguish of sorrow; broken-hearted; anguished.⁷
tong2 14338
85 13 töng cāng blue-green or azure (of water); vast (of water); cold.¹⁰
(comp. t: ⿰氵倉; U+6EC4). (comp. s: ⿰氵仓; U+6CA7).
沧波[滄波] töng-bö
cāngbō blue waves.⁵⁴
沧海 töng-hōi
cānghǎi deep blue sea; the sea.⁸
or 仓海桑田[倉海桑田] töng-hōi-xöng-hẽin cānghǎisāngtián the swift changes of the world; great changes are seen in the course of time; the evanescence of the worldly affairs is like the sea turned into a mulberry field (orchid).⁸
沧海一粟[滄海一粟] töng-hōi-yīt-xūk
cānghǎi-yīsù a drop in the ocean.⁸
沧溟[滄溟] töng-mẽin
cāngmíng the deep, blue sea.¹¹
沧沧[滄滄] töng-töng
cāngcāng cold.⁸
沧沧凉凉[滄滄涼涼] töng-töng-lẽng-lẽng
cāngcāng liángliáng descriptive of coldness (of atmosphere).¹¹
沧桑[滄桑] töng-xöng
cāngsāng what was the sea is now mulberry fields – fig. evanescence of worldly affairs, great changes in the course of time.¹¹ (abbr. for 沧海桑田 [滄海桑田].)¹⁰
tong2 14339
86 14 töng qiàng boil (meat or vegetables) in water for a while, then dress with soy, vinegar, etc.; fry something quickly in hot oil, then cook it with sauce and water.⁵
炝锅[熗鍋] töng-vö qiàngguō season a wok by quick-frying spices, garlic, etc.⁵⁴
tong2 14340
91 13 töng chuāng (=窗 töng chuāng) window.
(composition: ⿰片怱; U+724E)
(See 窗 töng).
tong2 14341
91 15 töng chuāng (=窗 töng chuāng) window.
(composition: ⿰片悤; U+7255).
(See 窗 töng).
tong2 14342
116 11 töng chuāng (=窗 töng chuāng) window.
(composition: ⿳穴厶心; U+7A93).
(See 窗 töng).
tong2 14343
116 12 töng chuāng window. (variants: 窓𥦗❄{⿳穴口心}窻牎牕囱, q.v.); (See 囱 töng). (composition: ⿱穴囱; U+7A97).
天窗 hëin-töng
tiānchuāng skylight.⁵
窗玻璃 töng-bū-lī
or töng-bō-lī chuāngbōli windowpane.⁵
窗子 töng-dū
chuāngzi window.⁶
窗课[窗課] töng-fö
chuāngkè school lessons.¹¹ study.¹⁴
窗幌 töng-fōng
chuānghuǎng curtain for window.⁶
窗户 töng-fù
chuānghu window; casement.⁶
窗下 töng-hà
chuāngxià to study (before the window).⁷
窗屉[窗屜] töng-hãi
chuāngtì props for window which opens from hinge above.¹¹
窗梃 töng-hêin
chuāngtǐng window frame.⁶
窗口 töng-hēo
chuāngkǒu window; by/near the window; (ticket) window;window, medium, channel, show window.⁶
窗台[窗臺] töng-hõi
chuāngtái windowsill; window ledge.⁶
窗框 töng-köng
chuāngkuàng window frame.⁵
窗棂[窗欞] tóng-lẽin
chuānglíng <topo.> window lattice.⁶
窗帘[窗簾] tóng-lẽm
chuānglián (window) curtain/drape.⁶
窗櫳 töng-lũng
chuānglóng window with bars.¹¹
窗幔 töng-màn
chuāngmàn window curtain.⁶
窗明几净[窗明几凈] töng-mẽin-gì-dèin
chuāngmíngjījìng with bright windows and clean tables; bright and clean.⁶
窗饰[窗飾] töng-sēik
chuāngshì window decorations.⁵
窗友 töng-yiû
chuāngyǒu fellow students; schoolmates.⁷
tong2 14344
116 12 𥦗
töng chuāng (=窗 töng chuāng) window.
(composition: ⿳穴口心; U+25997).
(See 窗 töng).
tong2 14345
116 16 töng chuāng (=窗 töng chuāng) window.
(composition: ⿱窗心; U+7ABB).
窻户棂子[窻戶欞子] töng-fù-lẽin-dū
chuānghulíngzi a window sill.¹⁴
(See 窗 töng).
tong2 14346
118 16 töng cāng color of bamboo.⁸
<又> tëng. (See 篬 tëng.)
tong2 14347
137 16 töng cāng the hold or cabin (of a ship).⁷
货舱[貨艙] fö-töng huòcāng hold; cargo bay of a plane; cargo hold of a steamer.⁸
船舱[船艙] sõn-töng
chuáncāng berth; ship's hold.¹¹
舱底[艙底] töng-āi
cāngdǐ the bottom of a ship's hold.⁷
舱房[艙房] töng-fông
cāngfáng cabins (of a ship).⁷
舱口[艙口] töng-hēo
cāngkǒu hatch; hatchway.⁸
舱面室[艙面室] töng-mèin-sīt
cāngmiànshì deck-house.¹⁰
舱门[艙門] töng-mõn
cāngmén hatchdoor.¹⁰
舱室[艙室] töng-sīt
cāngshì a cabin.⁷
舱位[艙位] töng-vì
cāngwèi space for passeners (in a liner); a berth.⁷
tong2 14348
140 13 töng cāng dark green or blue.
莽苍[莽蒼] mông-töng mǎngcāng blurred; misty (of scenery); open country.
上苍[上蒼] sèng-töng
shàngcāng Heaven; God.
苍白[蒼白] töng-bàk
cāngbái pale, pallid, wan; lifeless, flat; gray, graying (of hair).
苍劲[蒼勁] töng-gèin
cāngjìng old and strong; vigorous, bold (of calligraphy/painting).
苍昊[蒼昊] töng-hào
cānghào broad sky.⁶
苍天[蒼天] töng-hëin
cāngtiān the blue sky; heaven.
苍穹[蒼穹] töng-kũng
cāngqióng the blue dome of heaven.¹⁰
苍老[蒼老] töng-lāo
cānglǎo old, aged; vigorous, forceful (of calligraphy/painting).
苍茫[蒼茫] töng-mõng
cāngmáng vast, boundless; indistinct.⁵
苍莽[蒼莽] töng-mông
cāngmǎng <lit.> vast; boundless.³⁶
苍旻[蒼旻] töng-mûn
cāngmín blue sky.⁶
苍耳[蒼耳] töng-ngī
cāngěr rough cocklebur, woolgarie bur, clotbur,  common cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium), aka 葈耳實, 羊負來, 羊帶來, 道人頭, 胡寢子, 胡蒼子.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
苍松翠柏[蒼松翠柏] töng-tũng-tuï-pāk
cāngsōngcuìbǎi verdant pine/cypress.¹ Green pine trees and cypresses.⁹
苍蝇[蒼蠅] töng-yẽin
cāngying housefly.⁸
苍蝇拍[蒼蠅拍] töng-yẽin-päk
cāngyingpāi fly swatter.⁹
tong2 14349
157 17 töng qiàng walking unsteadily; limping.⁷
(comp. t: ⿰⻊倉; U+8E4C). (comp. s: ⿰⻊仓; U+8DC4).
踉跄[踉蹌] lèng-töng
liàngqiàng stagger; totter.⁶ limping; walking unsteadily.⁷
踉跄而行[踉蹌而行] lèng-töng-ngĩ-hãng
liàngqiàng'érxíng stagger along; walk unsteadily.⁵⁴
跄踉[蹌踉] töng-lèng
qiàngliàng to stagger.⁷
<又> tëng, tōn.
(See 蹌 tëng; 蹌 tōn.)
tong2 14350
196 21 töng cāng oriole.⁸ a kind of crane.¹⁴ a kind of bird also known as 鸧鸹[鶬鴰] töng-gāt cāngguā, q.v., identified as Grus vipio; a kind of bird also known as 鹢[鷁] yēik yì, q.v., or 鶂 yēik , q.v., identified as Ardea cinerea (see Note below); (Chinese mythology) a kind of mythological bird.³⁶ʼ⁰
Ardea cinerea is the grey heron, which in Chinese is 苍鹭[蒼鷺] töng-lù cānglù or 灰鹭[灰鷺] föi-lù huīlù).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
t: ⿰倉鳥; U+9DAC). (comp. s: ⿰仓鸟; U+9E27).
鸧鹒[鶬鶊] töng-gäng
cānggēng or 黑枕黄鹂[黑枕黃鸝] hāk-jīm-võng-lĩ hēizhěnhuánglí or 黄莺[黃鶯] võng-äng huángyīng or 金衣公子 gïm-yï-güng-dū jīnyīgōngzǐ black-naped oriole (Oriolus chinensis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰ʼ²³
鸧鸹[鶬鴰] töng-gāt
cāngguā or 白顶鹤[白頂鶴] bàk-ēin-hôk báidǐnghè white-naped crane, Daurian crane (Grus vipio).⁵⁴
<又> dëng.
(See 鶬 dëng).
22 9 tõng cáng (=藏 tõng cáng hide, conceal, keep out of sight; store, deposit, reserve, put in storage.⁶)
(composition: ⿷匚壯; U+5328).
<又> döng.
(See 匨 döng; 藏 tõng).
tong3 14352
140 17 tõng cáng hide, conceal, keep out of sight; store, deposit, reserve, put in storage.⁶
矿藏[礦藏] köng-tõng kuàngcáng mineral resources.¹⁰
埋藏 mãi-tõng
máicáng lie hidden in the earth; bury.⁵
鸟尽弓藏[鳥盡弓藏] nêl-dìn-güng-tõng
niǎojìn-gōngcáng cast somebody aside when be has served his purpose; kick somebody out after his services are no longer required, as the bow and arrow are stacked away when there are no more birds to shoot.⁸
收藏 siü-tõng
shōucáng collect; store up.⁵
秋收冬藏 tiü-siü-üng-tõng
qiūshōudōngcáng In autumn crops are harvested, in winter they are stored away.⁶²
藏酒窑[藏酒窯] tõng-diū-yẽl
cángjiǔyáo apotheca; wine cellar; storeroom for liquor.⁵⁴
藏龙卧虎[藏龍臥虎] tõng-lũng-ngò-fū
cánglóngwòhǔ hidden dragon, crouching tiger (idiom); fig. talented individuals in hiding; concealed talent.¹⁰
藏猫儿[藏貓兒] tõng-miū-ngĩ
cángmāor to play hide-and-seek.⁹
藏匿 tõng-nèik
cángnì to conceal; to hide; to squirrel something away; to go into hiding.
藏书[藏書] tõng-sï
cángshū to collect books; library collection.¹⁰
躲藏 ū-tõng
duǒcáng hide oneself; go into hiding.⁵
<又> dòng.
(See 藏 dòng.)
tong3 14353
9 10 tòng cāng (comp. t: ⿱亽⿸⿴尸一口(G) or ⿱亼⿸⿴尸一口(HTJKV); U+5009). (comp. s: ⿱人㔾; U+4ED3).
仓仓皇皇[倉倉皇皇] tòng-tòng-võng-võng cāngcānghuánghuáng in a great flurry.¹¹
or 仓卒[倉卒] tòng-tōt cāngcù abruptly, in flurried manner, suddenly, all of a sudden.¹¹ hastily; hurried.²⁴ (=仓促[倉促] tòng-tūk⁸, q.v.)
仓猝间[倉猝間] tòng-tōt-gän
cāngcùjiān in one's hurry and excitement.¹⁴
仓促[倉促] tòng-tūk
cāngcù in a hurry.¹ hastily; hurried.²⁴
仓皇[倉皇] tòng-võng
cānghuáng in a panic, flurried.⁸ panic-stricken.⁹ hurried; hurriedly.¹¹
仓皇分开[倉皇分開] tòng-võng-fün-höi
cānghuángfēnkāi  to take off.²⁹
仓皇失措[倉皇失措] tòng-võng-sīt-tü
cānghuángshīcuò startled and do not know what to do.¹¹
<又> töng.
(See 倉 töng).
tong4 14354
24 4 tōt (=卒 tōt unexpectedly; suddenly; urgent.¹⁴).
(composition: ⿱九十; U+5346).
<又> dūt.
(See 卆 dūt).
tot1 14355
24 8 tōt (=猝 tōt ) unexpectedly; suddenly; urgent.¹⁴
卒急 tōt-gīp
cùjí in a great hurry; urgent.¹⁴
卒乍 tōt-jä
cùzhà suddenly; unexpectedly.¹¹ suddenly; hastily.³⁶
卒至 tōt-jï
cùzhì to arrive suddenly.¹⁴
卒中 tōt-jüng
cùzhòng a sudden stroke or seizure.¹⁴
卒然 tōt-ngẽin
cùrán suddenly; unexpectedly.¹⁴
卒卒 tōt-tōt
cùcù abruptly, suddenly.¹¹ urgently; hurriedly.¹⁴
(See 卒 dūt; 猝 tōt).
tot1 14356
64 15 tōt cuō to gather; to take up with the fingers; unit of capacity equal to 1 milliliter; pinch (of salt).
公撮 güng-tōt gōngcuō milliliter.¹⁰
撮箕 tōt-gî
cuōjī  dustpan.
撮合 tōt-hàp
cuōhe to make a match.
撮合山 tōt-hàp-sän
cuōhéshān a matchmaker.
撮土 tōt-hū
cuōtǔ to take up earth with the fingers; a pinch of earth.
撮儿[撮兒] tōt-ngĩ
cuōr <m.> <topo.> a pinch of. (See also 撮儿[撮兒] tōt-ngĩ zuǒr.)
撮鸟[撮鳥] tōt-nêl
cuōniǎo a curse word, often used in The Water Margin (水浒传[水滸傳] suī-fū-jòn shuǐhǔzhuàn).¹¹ <derog.> a weakling (especially in coitus).⁵⁴
撮要 tōt-yël
cuōyào to make an abstract; synopsis.
(See 撮 [tōt, zuǒ].)
tot1 14357
64 15 tōt zuǒ tuft (of hair, grass).
撮子 tōt-dū zuǒzi <topo.> <m.> tuft (of hair).
撮儿[撮兒] tōt-ngĩ
zuǒr <topo.> <m.> tuft (of hair). (See also 撮儿[撮兒] tōt-ngĩ cuōr.)
(See 撮 [tōt, cuō].)
tot1 14358
94 11 tōt <wr.> sudden; abrupt; unexpected.⁵
猝倒 tōt-āo cùdǎo <med.> cataplexy.⁶
猝不及防 tōt-būt-gèp-fõng
cùbùjífáng to be taken by surprise.⁵
猝发[猝發] tōt-fāt
cùfā to break out; to burst.⁶
猝然 tōt-ngẽin
cùrán suddenly; abruptly; unexpectedly.⁵
猝死 tōt-xī
cùsǐ sudden death.⁶
tot1 14359
27 10 cuò cut or engrave; a grave or tombstone.⁸ to lay in place; to put; to place a coffin in a temporary location pending burial.¹⁰ a gravestone; to cut or engrave.¹⁴
(composition: ⿸厂昔; U+539D).
浮厝 fẽo-tü fúcuò transient burial ground.¹¹ temporary burial until the geomantic conditions are favorable for proper interment.¹⁴
合厝 hàp-tü
hécuò to place in a coffin and bury.¹⁴
安厝 ön-tü
āncuò to store up coffin (with corpse) in some temporary place before burial.¹¹
厝火积薪[厝火積薪] tü-fō-dēik-xïn
cuòhuǒjīxīn lit. to put a fire under a pile of firewood; fig. hidden/imminent danger.⁸
厝基 tü-gï
cuòjī a coffin that is placed on the foundation and temporarily sealed with bricks or soil.¹⁹
厝棺 tü-gön
cuòguān to put away coffin in some place, hut, temple, pending removal to homeland for burial.¹¹
厝注 tü-jî
cuòzhù to cut an epitaph.¹⁴
厝身 tü-sïn
cuòshēn to find a shelter for oneself.¹¹
tu2 14360
30 10 zuò (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 唑 tö zuò with same meaning.)
<又> tö.
(See 唑 tö.)
tu2 14361
32 7 zuò to sit; to take a seat; to take (a bus, train, boat, airplane).
请坐[請坐] tēin-tü or tēin-tö qǐngzuò please have a seat.
坐车[坐車] tü-chëh
or tö-chëh zuòchē to sit in or take a car.
坐井观天[坐井觀天] tü-dēng-gön-hëin
or tö-dēng-gön-hëin zuòjǐngguāntiān to have tunnel vision.
坐飞机[坐飛機] tü-fï-gï
or tö-fï-gï zuòfēijī to take a plane.
坐轿[坐轎] tü-gèl
or tö-gèl zuòjiào sit in a sedan chair.⁶
坐公共汽车[坐公共汽車] tü güng-gùng hï-chëh
or tö güng-gùng hï-chëh zuò gōnggòng qìchē to ride on a bus.
坐下 tü-hä
or tö-hä zuòxia to sit down.
坐禅 tü-sẽm
or tö-sẽm zuòchán sit in meditation.⁸
坐船 tü-sõn
or tö-sõn zuòchuán to take or go by a boat or a ship.
<又> tö, dò.
(See 坐 tö, dò.)
tu2 14362
46 12 cuó (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 嵯 tö cuó with same meaningL high, towering; irregular, rugged.⁸)
<又> tö.
(See 嵯 tö.)
tu2 14363
53 广 11 cuò (<old>=厝 tü cuò cut or engrave; a grave or tombstone.⁸ to lay in place; to put; to place a coffin in a temporary location pending burial.¹⁰ a gravestone; to cut or engrave.¹⁴).
(composition: ⿸广昔; U+5EB4).
<又> dēik.
(See 庴 dēik).
tu2 14364
64 11 cuò to arrange, to manage, to handle; to make plans.
不知所措 būt-jï-sō-tü bùzhīsuǒcuò to be at a loss.
筹措[籌措] chiũ-tü
chóucuò raise (money).⁵
惊慌失措[驚慌失措] gëin-föng-sīt-tü
jīnghuāngshīcuò frightened out of one's wits; panic-stricken.⁵
举措[舉措] guī-tü
jǔcuò to move, to act; deportment,  conduct, manner.
失措 sīt-tü
shīcuò to be disconcerted.
措置 tü-jï
cuòzhì to arrange, to manage, to handle.
措施 tü-sï
cuòshī measure; step.⁵
措手 tü-siū
cuòshǒu to deal with; to manage.
措手不及 tü-siū-būt-gèp
cuòshǒubùjí no time to deal with it (idiom); caught unprepared.
措辞[措辭] tü-xũ
cuòcí wording; diction.
tu2 14365
64 12 cuō (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 搓 tö cuō with same meaning: to rub or roll between the hands or fingers; to twist.)
<又> tö.
(See 搓 tö.)
tu2 14366
119 11 coarse; rough; rude; vulgar; bulky.¹⁴ (variants: 麄,麤,觕,麁, 𥼗❄{⿰米麁}). (See 麄,麤,觕,麁, 𥼗❄{⿰米麁} tü).
粗暴 tü-bào
cūbào rude; rough; crude; brutal.⁵
粗俗 tü-dùk
cūsú coarse; vulgar; unrefined.⁷
粗制滥造[粗製濫造] tü-jäi-làm-dào
cūzhìlànzào manufacture in a rough and slipshod way.⁵
粗枝大叶[粗枝大葉] tü-jï-ài-yèp
cūzhīdàyè thick stems and broad leaves (idiom); boorish; rough and ready; sloppy.¹⁰
粗壮[粗壯] tü-jöng
cūzhuàng sturdy, thickset, brawny; thick and strong.⁵
粗犷[粗獷] tü-köng
cūguǎng crude and uncivilized.¹¹
粗略 tü-lèk
cūlüè cursory; rough; sketchy.⁷
粗粮[粗糧] tü-lẽng
cūliáng coarse grain (e.g. corn, sorghum, millet as distinct from wheat and rice).⁷
粗鲁[粗魯] tü-lû
cūlǔ rude; impolite; rough.⁷
粗糙 tü-täo
cūcāo (of a surface) coarse; rough; unpolish.⁷
粗浅[粗淺] tü-tēin
cūqiǎn simple; shallow; superficial.⁸
粗细[粗細] tü-xäi
cū-xì thickness (of a thread, stick, rope, or anything which is long and round); roughness; thick and thin; crudeness or fineness, quality of work.⁷
粗心 tü-xïm
cūxīn careless (in work).⁷
粗心大意 tü-xïm-ài-yï
cūxīndàyì rash and careless; thoughtless; inadvertency.⁷
tu2 14367
119 19 𥼗
(=粗 tü ) coarse; rough; rude; vulgar; bulky.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰米麁; U+25F17).
❄{⿰米麁}米 tü-māi cūmǐ unrefined rice.⁰
(See 粗 tü)
tu2 14368
140 14 (=麤 tü coarse; rough).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱艹鹿; U+850D).
<又> lùk.
(See 蔍 lùk; 麤 tü).
tu2 14369
148 11 (=粗 tü ) coarse; rough; rude; vulgar; bulky.¹⁴
(See 粗 tü)
tu2 14370
157 16 cuō (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 蹉 tö cuō with same meaning: a failure; a miss.⁷)
<又> tö.
(See 蹉 tö.)
tu2 14371
164 12 (<old>= 醋 tü ) vinegar; (=酢浆草[酢漿草] tü-dëng-tāo cùjiāngcǎo) creeping oxalis.⁶
酢浆草[酢漿草] tü-dëng-tāo
cùjiāngcǎo <bot.> creeping oxalis (Oxalis corniculata).⁵
<又> dòk.
(See 酢 dòk; 醋 tü).
tu2 14372
164 15 vinegar; jealousy (as in love affairs).⁶
(composition: ⿰918B; U+酉昔).
白醋 bàk-tü báicù white vinegar.⁶
吃醋 hëk-tü
chīcù (of a rival in love) be jealous (of).⁶
老醋 lāo-tü
lǎocù old vinegar.⁷
醋精 tü-dëin
cùjīng vinegar concentrate.⁵
醋劲儿[醋勁兒] tü-gèin-ngĩ
cùjìnr jealousy.⁷
醋坛子[醋罈子] tü-hãn-dū
cùtánzi or 醋罐子 tü-gôn-dū cùguànzi vinegar jar; jealous person.⁶
醋海生波 tü-hōi-säng-bö
cùhǎishēngbō storm of jealousy; disturbance caused by jealousy.⁶
醋酮 tü-hũng
cùtóng or 木酮 mùk-hũng mùtóng (=丙酮 bēin-hũng bǐngtóng) <chem.> acetone.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
醋酯纤维[醋酯纖維] tü-jī-tïm-vĩ 
cùzhǐxiānwéi acetate fiber.⁵
醋熘白菜 tü-liũ-bàk-töi
cùliūbáicài fried Chinese cabbage in vinegar sauce.⁵⁴
醋栗 tü-lùt
cùlì gooseberry.⁵
醋氨酚 tü-ön-fün
cù'ānfēn acetaminophen.⁶
醋酸 tü-xön
cùsuān acetic acid.⁵
醋意 tü-yï
cùyì jealousy.⁷
<台> 呷醋 häp-tü/ jealous; to be jealous.
tu2 14373
187 15 a stallion.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿰馬且; U+99D4). (comp. s: ⿰马且; U+9A75).
<又> jòng; dū; chõ.
(See 駔 jòng; 駔 dū;; 駔 chõ).
tu2 14374
198 鹿 13 (=粗 tü ) coarse; rough; rude; vulgar; bulky.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱𠂊鹿; U+9E81).
(See 粗 tü)
tu2 14375
198 鹿 15 (<old>=粗 tü ) coarse; rough; rude; vulgar; bulky.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱分鹿; U+9E84).
(See 粗 tü)
tu2 14376
198 鹿 33 (=粗 tü ) coarse; rough; rude; vulgar; bulky.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱鹿⿰鹿鹿; U+9EA4).
粗而不可不陈者, 法也. [麤而不可不陳者, 法也.]
Tü-ngĩ-būt-hō-būt-chĩn-jēh, fāt-yâ.
Cū ér bù kě bù chén zhě, fǎ yě.
Coarse, and yet necessary to be set forth - such are Laws.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《莊子·外篇·在宥·6》, translated by James Legge).
(See 粗 tü)
tu2 14377
60 8 to go to, to go ahead, to advance; the preposition "to"; to die; past.⁷
自春徂夏 dù-chün-tũ-hà zìchūncúxià from spring to summer.⁶
徂谢[徂謝] tũ-dèh
cúxiè to wither, to fade; to die.⁷
徂落 tũ-lòk
cúluò to pass away; to die.⁷
徂年 tũ-nẽin
cúnián past years.⁶
徂暑 tũ-sī
cúshǔ the hottest days of summer.⁷
徂岁[徂歲] tũ-xuï
cúsuì the past year; last year.⁷
tu3 14378
78 9 <wr.> pass away; die.⁶
崩殂 bäng-tũ bēngcú to die; demise (archaic, of King or Emperor).¹⁰
殂谢[殂謝] tũ-dèh
cúxiè <wr.> pass away; die.⁶
殂落 tũ-lòk
cúluò to pass away; to demise.⁷
殂没[殂沒] tũ-mòt
cúmò to die; to perish; death.⁷
殂殒[殂殞] tũ-vùn
cúyǔn to die; death (of usually of an eminent figure).⁷
tu3 14379
30 6 <台> 吐口水 tû-hēo-suī to spit.
<台> 吐血 tû-hüt to throw up blood.
<又> hü. (See 吐 [hü, ], [hü, ].)
tu5 14380
30 11 tuò saliva; to spit.¹⁰
拾人涕唾 sìp-ngĩn-häi-tû shíréntìtuò to plagiarize (idiom).¹⁰
唾弃[唾棄] tû-hï
tuòqì to spurn; to disdain.¹⁰
唾骂[唾罵] tû-mà
tuòmà to spit on and curse; to revile.¹⁰
唾沫 tû-mòt
tuòmo spittle; saliva.¹⁰
唾手可得 tû-siū-hō-āk
tuòshǒukědé as easy as spit on one's own hand – to get something with extreme ease, to be extremely easy to obtain.⁶
唾液 tû-yèik
or tû-yìt tuòyè saliva.¹⁰
唾余[唾餘] tû-yĩ
tuòyú crumbs from the table of one's master; castoffs; bits of rubbish; idle talk; casual remarks.¹⁰
tu5 14381
29 8 tuī to take, to get, to fetch.
(composition: ⿰耳又; U+53D6).
吸取 kīp-tuī xīqǔ to absorb; to draw; to assimilate.
摄取[攝取] nēp-tuī
shèqǔ absorb (nutrition); take a photo.¹⁰
采取[採取] tōi-tuī
cǎiqǔ  to select; to adopt – as a system or policy.¹⁴
取缔[取締] tuī-äi
qǔdì prohibit, prosecute (person), suspend (rights).¹¹
取得 tuī-āk
qǔdé to get, to acquire, to obtain.
取保 tuī-bāo
qǔbǎo <law> ask somebody to be a guarantor; to receive a written guarantee.
取长补短[取長補短] tuī-chẽng-bū-ōn
qǔchángbǔduǎn learn from other’s strong points to offset one’s weaknesses.⁸
取之不尽[取之不盡] tuī-jï-būt-dìn
qǔzhībùjìn The supply is inexhaustible.⁷
取代 tuī-òi
qǔdài to replace; to supersede; to substitute.
取舍[取捨] tuī-sēh
qǔshě accept or reject; make one's choice.⁵
取消 tuī-xël
qǔxiāo to cancel; cancellation.
取笑 tuī-xël
qǔxiào to ridicule; make fun of.
取悦[取悅] tuī-yòt
qǔyuè try to please; ingratiate oneself with somebody.⁵
取悦于人[取悅于人] tuī-yòt-yï-ngĩn
qǔyuèyúrén try to please somebody.⁵
tui1 14382
38 11 tuī marry (a woman), take a wife.⁵
娶妻 tuī-häi qǔqī take a wife; marry a woman.⁶
娶亲[娶親] tuī-tïn
qǔqīn (of a man) get married.⁵
娶媳妇儿[娶媳婦兒] tuī-xēik-fû-ngĩ
qǔxífùr to take a wife; to get a daughter-in-law.⁷
嫁娶 gä-tuī
jiàqǔ marriage.⁵
明媒正娶 mẽin-mõi-jëin-tuī
míngméizhèngqǔ formal or legal marriage.⁶
(See <台> 讨老婆[討老婆] hū-lāo-pû to take a wife).
<又> tuï.
(See 娶 tuï.)
tui1 14383
156 15 tuī cǒu to move; the name of a place.²⁵
(composition: ⿺走隹; U+8DA1).
<又> vï. (See 趡 vï).
tui1 14384
9 6 tuï cuì (<old>=倅 tuï cuì)[ deputy, vice-.⁸
(composition: ⿰亻卆; U+4F1C).
烂伜[爛伜] làn-tuï
làncuì In the Northeast dialect, it means you can’t do it. It is mostly used to describe people or things that have not achieved the expected state or purpose, with derogatory meaning. Sometimes it's just joking.¹⁹
(See 倅 tuï).
tui2 14385
9 10 tuï cuì of a secondary nature, or ranking.⁹ auxiliary; spare; deputy; second; sub-.¹⁰ <wr.> deputy, assistant, act as assistant magistrate.¹¹ a deputy; added after the surname of a former sub-Prefect or Prefect.¹⁴ to assist; an assisstant.²⁴
(variant: 伜 tuï cuì).
(composition: ⿰亻卒; U+5005).
郡倅 gùn-tuï
jùncuì a former sub-Prefect or assistant sub-Prefect.¹⁴
倅车[倅車] tuï-chëh
cuìchē a second carriage.¹⁴
倅马[倅馬] tuï-mâ
cuìmǎ a spare horse.⁵⁴
倅贰[倅貳] tuï-ngì
cuì'èr assisstant magistrate.¹⁴
<又> dūt.
(See 倅 dūt; 伜 tuï).
tui2 14386
9 13 tuï cuī to urge; to hurry; to hasten.
催办[催辦] tuï-bàn cuībàn to press someone to do something.
催肥 tuï-fĩ
cuīféi to fatten.
催妆[催妝] tuï-jöng
cuīzhuāng formerly, bridegroom's gift of cosmetics, etc. sent to bride on day before wedding.¹¹
催泪弹[催淚彈] tuï-luì-àn
cuīlèidàn tear bomb; tear-gas grenade.⁵
催眠 tuï-mẽin
cuīmián hypnosis; to lull (to sleep); to hypnotize; to mesmerize.⁵⁴
催眠曲 tuï-mẽin-kūk
cuīmiánqǔ lullaby.³⁹
催人泪下[催人淚下] tuï-ngĩn-luì-hä
cuīrénlèixià to move somebody to tears.
催生 tuï-säng
cuīshēng to hasten parturition; a present from the parental home of an expectant mother.
催促 tuï-tūk
cuīcù to urge; to hasten; to press.
tui2 14387
30 11 tuï cuì to taste, to sip; to spit; the sound of sipping.¹⁴ to spit; to expectorate.³⁹
(composition: ⿰口卒; U+5550).
呸啐 pī-tuï pēicuì to spit at.¹⁴
啐醴 tuï-lâi
cuìlǐ to sip wine.¹⁴
啐了一口痰 tuï-lēl-yīt-hēo-hãm
cuìleyīkǒután spat a mouthful of phlegm.⁴
啐饮[啐飲] tuï-ngīm
cuìyìn to sip the wine at the close of a sacrifice in ancient times.¹⁴
啐尝[啐嘗] tuï-sẽng
cuìcháng to get the flavor of.¹⁴
啐唾沫 tuï-tû-mòt
cuìtuòmo to spit.¹⁴
一口啐脸[一口啐臉] yīt-hēo-tuï-lêm
yī kǒu cuìliǎn to spit in somebody's face.⁵⁴
tui2 14388
38 11 tuï <文读> to marry (a woman).
(See <台> 讨老婆[討老婆] hū-lāo-pû to take a wife).
<又> tuī.
(See 娶 tuī.)
tui2 14389
46 11 tuï cuī <wr.> lofty, towering.⁶ Cui surname.⁸
崔颢[崔顥] tuï-hâo cuīhào Cui Hao (704-754), Tang Dynasty poet and author of poem 黄鹤楼[黃鶴樓] võng-hôk-lẽo huánghèlóu Yellow Crane Tower.¹⁰ʼ²³
崔巍 tuï-nguĩ
or tuï-ngãi cuīwēi <wr.> (of mountains, buildings) lofty, towering, tall and imposing.⁶
崔嵬 tuï-nguĩ
cuīwéi <wr.> rocky mound; high, lofty, towering, tall and imposing.⁶
tui2 14390
64 11 tuï tuī to push; to reject; to decline; to shirk (responsibility); to delay; to push forward; to elect; massage.
推波助澜[推波助瀾] tuï-bö-jò-lãn tuībōzhùlán follow and hasten movement of waves – to aggravate dispute by third party, add to quarrel.¹¹
推迟[推遲] tuï-chĩ
tuīchí put off; postpone; defer.⁵
推阐[推闡] tuï-chīn
tuīchǎn study and explain.⁸
推荐[推薦] tuï-dëin
tuījiàn to recommend.⁸ recommend for employment.¹¹
推翻 tuï-fän
tuīfān overturn, topple; repudiate, reverse.⁵
推广[推廣] tuï-gōng
tuīguǎng popularize; spread; extend.⁵
推敲 tuï-këo
or tuï-hāo tuīqiāo weigh; deliberate.⁵
推敲词句[推敲詞句] tuï-këo-xũ-guî/
or tuï-hāo-xũ-guî/  tuīqiāo cíjù weigh one's words; seek the right word.⁵
推理 tuï-lî
tuīlǐ to reason logically; study the reason.¹¹
推拿 tuï-nã
tuīná massage therapy; chiropractic massage.⁸
推动[推動] tuï-ùng
tuīdòng to propel, give impetus to.¹¹
推回 tuï-või
tuīhuí reject, turn down; push-back.⁵⁴
推卸 tuï-xëh
tuīxiè shirk; evade; shove off.⁶
推心置腹 tuï-xïm-jï-fūk
tuīxīnzhìfù to treat others with utmost sincerity; to repose full confidence in somebody.⁸
推辞[推辭] tuï-xũ
tuīcí decline (offer).¹¹
推选[推選] tuï-xūn
tuīxuǎn elect; choose; nominate.⁸
(See <台> 㧬 ūng to push.)

tui2 14391
64 14 tuï cuī to destroy; to break down; to cause to cease; to repress.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰扌崔; U+6467)
摧败[摧敗] tuï-bài cuībà to beat the enemy; to grieve.⁷
摧拔 tuï-bàt
cuībá to uproot.¹⁴
摧毁[摧毀] tuï-fī
cuīhuǐ destroy; smash; wreck.⁵
摧坚[摧堅] tuï-gëin
cuījiān to break down the strong center of an opposing army.¹⁴
摧陷 tuï-hàm
cuīxiàn to destroy enemy resistance and take their position.⁷
摧颓[摧頹] tuï-huĩ
cuītuí dilapidated, in ruins; to idle about.⁷
摧折 tuï-jēt
cuīzhé break, snap; frustration, setback, reverse.⁶
摧枯拉朽 tuï-kü-lā-hiū
cuīkūlāxiǔ be like crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood – devastate, overcome easily and completely.⁶
摧眉折腰 tuï-mĩ-jēt-yël
cuīméizhéyāo bow and scrape; act servilely; stoop obsequiously.⁶
摧烧[摧燒] tuï-sël
cuīshāo to break down and burn.¹⁴
摧残[摧殘] tuï-tãn
cuīcán to destroy, to ruin; to humiliate.⁷
摧坏[摧壞] tuï-vài
cuīhuài to destroy; to thrown down.¹⁴
摧抑 tuï-yēik
cuīyì to restrain; to repress; to wrench.¹⁴
摧辱 tuï-yùk
cuīrǔ to humiliate; to bring to disgrace.¹⁴
tui2 14392
75 14 tuï cuī a rafter.⁷
栋折榱崩[棟折榱崩] ūng-jēt-tuï-bäng dòngzhécuībēng lit. The beams are broken and rafters destroyed – The state is falling apart.⁷
tui2 14393
82 12 tuï cuì <wr.> fine hair on animals; down.⁵ fine feathers or fur.⁷ the fine hair on animals; the down on birds; downy; soft.¹⁴
毳布 tuï-bü cuìbù cloth with a nap on it; plush.¹⁴
毳帐[毳帳] tuï-jëng
cuìzhàng nomadic people's felt curtain/tent.⁸
毳毛 tuï-mão
cuìmáo fine hair on the human body (other than the hair on the head and armput and the public hair).⁶ dwon on birds.¹⁴
毳冕 tuï-mêin cuìmiǎn imperial costume for worship of nature.⁷ the plush cap worn in ancient times.¹⁴
毳幕 tuï-mōk
cuìmù or 毳帐[毳帳] tuï-jëng cuìzhàng a felt curtain; a felt tent.⁷
毳衣 tuï-yï
cuìyī an elaborate garment woven of down/fur; <Budd.> monk's feather garment.
tui2 14394
85 11 tuï cuì temper by dipping into water or oil; quench.⁶
淬火 tuï-fō or xuì-fō cuìhuǒ quench; chill; harden.⁶
淬励[淬勵] tuï-lài
or xuì-lài cuìlì to arouse to action; to encourage.⁷
淬砺[淬礪] tuï-lài
or xuì-lài cuìlì to temper and grind; to train or discipline oneself (toward a goal).⁷
淬勉 tuï-mêin
or xuì-mêin cuìmiǎn to persuade; to urge and advise; to arouse to action.⁷
淬勉自强[淬勉自強] tuï-mêin-dù-kẽng
or xuì-mêin-dù-kẽng cuìmiǎnzìqiáng temper oneself to be self-reliant.⁵⁴
淬硬 tuï-ngàng
or xuì-ngàng cuìyìng harden; temper.⁶
<又> xuì.
(See 淬 xuì.)
tui2 14395
85 14 tuï cuǐ (of water) deep; (of tears) streaming down.⁶ having the appearance of depth.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵崔; U+6F3C).
李漼 Lī-tuï Lǐcuǐ Li Cui, personal name of eighteenth Tang emperor 懿宗 Yì-düng Yìzōng Yizong (833-873), reigned 859-873.¹⁰
漼澯 tuï-tān
cuǐcàn the water is deep and clear.¹⁹
有漼者渊 yiû-tuï-jēh-yön
yǒucuǐzhěyuān a deep pool.³⁹
tui2 14396
86 11 tuï to extinguish a burning object; to singe something with a smoldering object (e.g. burn a hole in one's trousers with a cigarette); to stir-fry; to pour a mixture of hot oil and flavorings over food.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰火夋; U+710C).
焌油 tuï-yiũ qūyóu to pour heated oil and seasonings over food (e.g. a cooked fish).¹⁰
<又> dün.
(See 焌 dün.)
tui2 14397
86 12 tuï cuì temper; burn.⁸ to temper, as steel; to burn; interchangeable with 淬 (tuï or xuì cuì temper by dipping into water or oil; quench.⁶).¹⁴ a hard blade; to put hot iron into the water, in order to temper it; to harden steel; fire and water coming into contact; to burn.²⁴ quench; be contaminated; scorch.³⁶
(composition: ⿰火卒; U+7120).

焠钢[焠鋼] tuï-gông cuìgāng to harden steel.¹⁴
焠铁[焠鐵] tuï-hëik
cuìtiě to harden iron.¹⁴
焠其锋[焠其鋒] tuï-kĩ-füng
cuìqífēng temper the point - of the spear.¹⁴
(See 淬 tuï; 淬 xuì).
tui2 14398
86 12 tuï tuī the ancient torch used to burn tortoise shells.⁸ a fire for scorching a tortoise.²⁴ fire, flame (for example, for burning turtle shields during fortune telling).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰火享; U+711E).
楚焞 chō-tuï chǔtuī flame (fire) from the blackthorn.⁵⁴
焞焞 tuï-tuï tuītuī full, abundant.²⁴ (See 焞焞 hün-hün).
<又> hün, sũn. (See 焞 hün, 焞 sũn).
tui2 14399
96 15 tuï cuǐ the luster or glitter of jade and gems.⁷
璀璨 tuï-tān cuǐcàn <wr.> bright, resplendent.⁵
璀璨明珠 tuï-tān-mẽin-jî
cuǐcànmíngzhū lustrous or bright pearl.⁶
璀璨夺目[璀璨奪目] tuï-tān-ùt-mùk
cuǐcànduómù dazzling.⁵
璀错[璀錯] tuï-tö
cuǐcuò many and varied.⁷
璀璀 tuï-tuï
cuǐcuǐ bright and clear.⁷
tui2 14400
120 16 tuï cuī coarse hempen mourning garment.⁶ a piece of sackcloth worn on the breast in mourning.⁷ hemp covering over gown in severe mourning for parents.¹¹
粗缞斩[粗縗斬] tü-tuï-jām cūcuīzhǎn unhemmed mourning garments of coarse sackcloth.¹⁴
缞绖[縗絰] tuï-èik
cuīdié coarse hempen mourning garments.¹⁴
缞墨[縗墨] tuï-màk
cuīmò hempen mourning garments dyed black using ink.⁵⁴ʼ⁰
tui2 14401
124 14 tuï cuì bluish-green; green jade; kingfisher.⁷
翠波 tuï-bö cuìbō green waves.⁷
翠菊 tuï-gūk
cuìjú <bot.> a China aster.⁷
翠竹 tuï-jūk
cuìzhú green bamboo.⁷
翠竹摇曳[翠竹搖曳] tuï-jūk-yẽl-yài
cuìzhúyáoyè Green bamboos sway in the (spring) breeze.⁵⁴
翠绿[翠綠] tuï-lùk
cuìlǜ emerald; bluish-green.⁷
翠微 tuï-mĩ
cuìwēi the bluish green mountainside; blue green mountain vapor.⁷
翠鸟[翠鳥] tuï-něl
cuìniǎo a kingfisher; a halcyon.⁷
翠绕珠围[翠繞珠圍] tuï-ngêl-jî-vĩ
cuìràozhūwéi or 珠围翠绕[珠圍翠繞] jî-vĩ-tuï-ngêl zhūwéicuìrào (of a woman) be gorgeously dressed and richly bedecked; be surrounded by attending maids.⁶
翠玉 tuï-ngùk
cuìyù emerald; blue jade.⁷
翠柏 tuï-pāk
cuìbǎi incense cedar; bluish green cypress.⁶
翠华[翠華] tuï-vã
cuìhuá an imperial banner adorned with feathers of kingfisher or halcyon.⁷
翠鬟 tuï-vãn
cuìhuán beautiful dark hair (of a woman).⁷
翠帷 tuï-vĩ
cuìwéi a curtain adorned with kingfisher feathers.⁷
翠蕤 tuï-xuï
cuìruí <wr.> a flowery colored flag.¹¹
翠羽 tuï-yî
cuìyǔ feathers of kingfishers/halcyons.⁷
tui2 14402
130 10 tuï cuì crisp; fragile, frail; brittle.⁸
干脆[乾脆] gön-tuï gāncuì clear-cut, straightforward, crisp, frank, candid; bluntly, directly, just, simply, unreservedly.⁶
轻脆[輕脆] hëin-tuï
qīngcuì sharp and clear; crisp; melodious; ringing; tinkling; silvery (of sound); fragile; frail; also written 清脆 tëin-tuï qīngcuì, q.v.¹⁰ brittle (biscuit).¹¹
清脆 tëin-tuï
qīngcuì (of sound, voice) clear and mellow;  ringing, silvery; (of food) crisp.⁶
脆绷[脆綳] tuï-bäng
cuìbēng crisp; clear and melodious.⁸
脆变[脆變] tuï-bëin
cuìbiàn embrittlement.⁸
脆化 tuï-fä
cuìhuà embrittle.⁸
脆骨 tuï-gūt
cuìgǔ gristle (as food); cartilege.⁶
脆响[脆響] tuï-hēng
cuìxiǎng loud and clear.⁶
脆亮 tuï-lèng
cuìliàng (of sound or voice) sharp and clear; ringing.⁶
脆弱 tuï-ngèk
cuìruò fragile; delicate.⁸
脆嫩 tuï-nùn
cuìnèn crisp and tender.⁸
脆爽 tuï-sōng
cuìshuǎng (of food) crisp and refreshing; (of sound or voice) clear and sharp.⁶
脆性 tuï-xëin
cuìxìng brittleness; fragility.⁶
<台> 快脆 or 快趣 fäi-tuï fast; quick.
tui2 14403
130 10 tuï cuì (<old>=脆 tuï cuì crisp; fragile, frail; brittle.⁸); gland.⁸
(composition: ⿰月色; U+8103).
浮脃 fẽo-tuï
fúcuì frivolousness.¹⁹
甘脃 gäm-tuï
gāncuì sweet and crisp.¹⁹
or 轻脆[輕脆] hëin-tuï qīngcuì sharp and clear; crisp; melodious; ringing; tinkling; silvery (of sound); fragile; frail; also written 清脆 tëin-tuï qīngcuì, q.v.¹⁰ brittle (biscuit).¹¹
柔脃 ngẽl-tuï
róucuì soft and gentle.¹⁹
(See 脆 tuï).
tui2 14404
130 15 tuï chuái <topo.> obese and flabby.⁶ ugly and fat; too fat to move; <topo.> fat and flaccid muscles.⁸
老膗 lāo-tuï lǎochuái fat as opposed to muscles; a fatty.¹¹
膗肉 tuï-ngùk
chuáiròu very fat pork.¹¹
tui2 14405
140 14 tuï tuī motherwort, various plants of the genus Leonurus, such as Leonurus sibiricus and Leonurus artemesia.⁸ motherwort.⁹ Leonurus macranthus.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱艹推; U+84F7).
萑蓷 fũn-tuï
huántuī (=茺蔚 chüng-vï chōngwèi (=益母草 yēik-mû-tāo yìmǔcǎo <bot.> a grass, Leonurus sibiricus, said to help in maternity cases).¹¹ motherwort.⁸).
Jüng-gūk-yiû-tuï, hòn-kĩ-gön-yì.
Zhōnggǔ yǒu tuī, hàn qí gān yǐ.
In the valleys grows the mother-wort,
But scorched is it in the drier places.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·王風·中谷有蓷》, translated by James Legge).
tui2 14406
142 11 tuï maggots.⁸
粪蛆[糞蛆] fûn-tuï fènqū muckworm.¹⁰
如蛆附骨 nguĩ-tuï-fù-gūt
rúqūfùgǔ lit. like maggots feeding on a corpse (idiom); fig. fixed on something; to cling on without letting go; to pester obstinately.¹⁰
船蛆 sõn-tuï
chuánqū shipworm.¹⁰
蛆虫[蛆蟲] tuï-chũng
qūchóng maggot; evildoers.⁹
蛆虫病[蛆蟲病] tuï-chũng-bèng
qūchóngbìng myiasis.¹⁰
<又> juï.
(See 蛆 juï.)
tui2 14407
145 10 tuï cuī order or series (from the top downward); mourning garments (of hemp).
(composition: ⿳亠⏛𧘇; U+8870). (Note:⏛ fuse U+23DB, not a Chinese character).
等衰 āng-tuï děngcuī <wr.> rank; grade.⁶
齐衰[齊衰] dü-tuï
zīcuī mourning with cut and hemmed hempen cloth, worn for grandparents for one year.¹¹
斩衰[斬衰] jām-tuï
zhǎncuī mourning with cut and unhemmed hempen cloth, worn for one's parents or husband for 27 months.¹¹
衰绖[衰絰] tuï-èik
cuīdié hemp cloth of mourning.¹¹
<又> suï.
(See 衰 suï.)
tui2 14408
156 13 tuï (demotic form of 趋[趨] tuï hasten, hurry along; tend towards; tend to become.⁵).¹¹
(composition: ⿰走多; U+8D8D).
<又> chĩ.
(See 趍 chĩ; 趨 tuï).
tui2 14409
156 15 tuï interest, delight; interesting; bent, purport.⁵
兴趣[興趣] hëin-tuï xìngqù interest.⁵
志趣 jï-tuï
zhìqù aspirations and interests; bent.⁵
迎合低级趣味[迎合低級趣味] ngẽin-hàp-äi-kīp-tuï-mì
yínghédījíqùwèi cater to vulgar tastes.⁵
趣谈[趣談] tuï-hãm
qùtán amusing/funny remarks.⁶
趣向 tuï-hëng
qùxiàng a personal inclination; aptitude.⁷
趣剧[趣劇] tuï-kēk
qùjù farce.⁵
趣味 tuï-mì
qùwèi interest, delight; taste, liking, preference.⁵
趣味无穷[趣味無窮] tuï-mì-mũ-kũng
qùwèiwúqióng be of infinite interest; afford the greatest delight;  be fascinating.⁵
趣味相投 tuï-mì-xëng-hẽo
qùwèixiāngtóu be congenial to one's taste; share the same interests in life.⁷
趣闻[趣聞] tuï-mũn
qùwén an amusing report; interesting news.⁷
趣话[趣話] tuï-và/
qùhuà an amusing story; a funny story; a joke.⁷
趣事 tuï-xù
qùshì an interesting episode.⁵
有趣 yiû-tuï
yǒuqù interesting; delightful; amusing.⁵
<台> 快趣 or 快脆 fäi-tuï fast; quick.
tui2 14410
156 17 tuï hasten, hurry along; tend towards; tend to become.⁵
大势所趋[大勢所趨] ài-säi-sō-tuï dàshìsuǒqū the trend of the times.⁵
趋拜[趨拜] tuï-bäi
qūbài to hurry on to pay respects to.⁷
趋附[趨附] tuï-fù
qūfù curry favor with.⁵
趋奉[趨奉] tuï-fùng
qūfèng toady to; fawn on.⁵
趋光性[趨光性] tuï-göng-xëin
qūguāngxìng phototaxis.⁵
趋向[趨向] tuï-hëng qūxiàng tend to, incline to; trend.⁵
趋候[趨候] tuï-hèo
qūhòu to go to a place to pay respects to someone.⁷
趋之若鹜[趨之若鶩] tuï-jï-ngèk-mù
qūzhī ruòwù go after something like a flock of ducks – scramble for something.⁶
趋利[趨利] tuï-lì
qūlì to go after material gain.⁷
趋热性[趨熱性] tuï-ngèik-xëin
qūrèxìng thermotaxis.⁵
趋势[趨勢] tuï-säi
qūshì trend; tendency.⁵
趋承[趨承] tuï-sẽin
qūchéng to cater to someone.⁷
趋时[趨時] tuï-sĩ
qūshí <wr.> follow the fashion.⁵
趋前[趨前] tuï-tẽin
qūqián hasten forward.⁵
趋性[趨性] tuï-xëin
qūxìng <bio.> taxis.⁵
趋谒[趨謁] tuï-yēik
qūyè to go and see (a senior).⁷
趋药性[趨藥性] tuï-yêk-xëin
qūyàoxìng chemotaxis.⁵
趋炎附势[趨炎附勢] tuï-yèm-fù-säi
qūyánfùshì curry favor with the powerful; play up to those in power.⁵
tui2 14411
9 9 tuĩ <old>=徐 tuĩ slowly, gently; Xu surname.⁸ leisurely; easy.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻余; U+4FC6).
<又> sï.
(See 俆 sï; 徐 tuĩ).
tui3 14412
60 10 tuĩ slowly, gently; Xu surname. (variant: 俆 tuĩ ).
林则徐[林則徐] Lĩm Dāk Tuĩ
Lín Zéxú Lin Zexu (1785-1850) Canton (Guangzhou) official whose anti-opium activities led to the first Opium war with Britain 1840-1842.
舒徐 sï-tuĩ
shūxú leisurely.
清风徐来[清風徐來] tëin-füng-tuĩ-lõi
qīngfēngxúlái The soothing breezes slowly blow this way.
徐步 tuĩ-bù
xúbù to take a stroll.
徐步而行 tuĩ-bù-ngĩ-hãng
xúbù'érxíng to walk with slow steps.
徐行 tuĩ-hãng
xúxíng <wr.> to walk slowly.
徐徐 tuĩ-tuĩ
xúxú <wr.> slowly; gently; steady; calm; relaxed and dignified.
<台> 闻徐[聞徐] mũn-tuĩ to smell an odor.
(See 俆 tuĩ).
tui3 14413
140 13 tuĩ a type of grass in ancient books.
(composition: ⿱艹徐; U+84A3).
<又> chuĩ. (See 蒣 chuĩ).
tui3 14414
162 12 tuĩ suí <old>=随[隨] tuĩ suí to follow; to comply with; to let (somebody do as he likes); to (go) along with (some action).
(composition: ⿺辶⿱左月(G) or ⿺辶⿱左⺼(HT); U+9040).
(See 隨 tuĩ).
tui3 14415
170 11 tuĩ suí Sui Dynasty; Sui surname.
隋朝 Tuĩ-chẽl Suícháo Sui Dynasty (581-618).
隋代 Tuĩ-òi
Suídài  Sui dynasty (581-618).
隋炀帝[隋煬帝] Tuĩ-Yẽng-Äi
Suí Yáng Dì Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, who ordered the digging of the Grand Canal in the early seventh century.⁷
和璧隋珠 Võ-bēik-Tuĩ-jî
Hébì Suízhū something rare and very valuable¹.
tui3 14416
170 14 tuĩ suí to follow; to comply with; to let (somebody do as he likes); to (go) along with (some action).
随大溜[隨大溜] tuĩ-ài-liü suí dàliù follow the crowd.⁹
随便[隨便] tuĩ-bèin
suíbiàn as one likes; casual; random; careless; wonton; willful.
随波逐流[隨波逐流] tuĩ-bö-jùk-liũ
suíbōzhúliú drift with the tide or current.⁵
随即[隨即] tuĩ-dēik
suíjí immediately; soon after that.
随后[隨後] tuĩ-hèo
suíhòu soon afterward.
随声附和[隨聲附和] tuĩ-sëin-fù-vò
suíshēngfùhè chime in with others; echo what others say; follow in the cry.⁶
随时[隨時] tuĩ-sĩ
suíshí at any time; at all times.
随手[隨手] tuĩ-siū
suíshǒu conveniently; without extra trouble.
随心所欲[隨心所欲] tuĩ-xïm-sō-yùk
suíxīnsuǒyù have one's own way; do as one likes.⁸
<台> 知随[知隨] ï-tuĩ to know.
tui3 14417
9 9 tūk to urge; ro promote; urgent; close; intimate.
促进[促進] tūk-dïn cùjìn to promote.
促忙 tūk-mõng
cùmáng in a hurry.¹¹
促成 tūk-sẽin
cùchéng to facilitate; to effect.
促促 tūk-tūk
cùcù fast closing (of dusk).
促销[促銷] tūk-xël
cùxiāo sales promotion.
促膝 tūk-xīp
cùxī lit. knees pressed close; intimate; seated side by side; in close contact.¹⁰
促膝谈心[促膝談心] tūk-xīp-hãm-xïm
cùxītánxīn have a heart-to-heart talk; sit side by side and talk intimately.⁸
促使 tūk-xū
cùshǐ  to impel; to urge.
<台> 禾促 võ-tūk (farm implement) fork.
tuk1 14418
9 9 tūk to shake one's head.⁸ʼ²⁴ʼ³⁶ inferior, mean, bad, of low quality; to shake the head, as when doubting or hesitating.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰亻束; U+345B).
㒔㑛 sùk-tūk shǔsù (=摇头晃脑[搖頭晃腦] yẽl-hẽo-fōng-nāo yáotóuhuàngnǎo wag one's head – look pleased with oneself.⁶; assume an air of self-conceit by wagging one's head; look pleased with oneself).⁸
tuk1 14419
64 9 tūk chuò (=擉 tūk chuò to pierce; to break through.⁸); thorn; to poke, to jab.¹⁹
(composition: ⿰扌朿; U+62FA).
<又> chāk, sēik.
(See 拺 chāk, 拺 sēik; 擉 tūk).
tuk1 14420
64 16 tūk chuò to pierce; to break through.⁸ to pierce; to break through; to take a pinch, to pinch; to strike, used for 触[觸] (chūk chù touch, contact; move, stir up somebody's feelings.⁶).¹⁴ to catch fish by spearing, to harpoon.²⁴ (=拺 tūk chuò, q.v.).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰扌蜀; U+64cC9).
擉龞于江[擉龞於江] tūk-bèik-yï-göng
chuòbiēyújiāng to beat the sharp-edged turtles in the Yangtze River.⁵⁴
擉刅 tūk-chōng
chuòchuāng a fishing prong.¹⁴
擉火 tūk-fō
chuòhuǒ to apply a light – as to a touchhole.¹⁴
擉破 tūk-pö
chuòpò to poke a hole through; to burst.¹⁴
擉碰 tūk-püng
chuòpèng to collide.¹⁴
擉纱[擉紗] tūk-sä
chuòshā to embroider.¹⁴
擉手 tūk-siū
chuòshǒu to jar the hand.¹⁴
擉刺 tūk-xü
chuòcì to spear; to stab.¹⁴
擉一擉 tūk-yīt-tūk
chuòyīchuò take a pinch.¹⁴
(See 拺 tūk; 觸 chūk).
tuk1 14421
75 15 𣙙
tūk (=樕 tūk shrub.⁸ shrub; <fig.> superficial, shallow.³⁶ a low tree, a sapling, a stock.¹⁰²).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰木敇; U+23659).
(See 樕 tūk).
tuk1 14422
75 15 tūk shrub.⁸ shrub; <fig.> superficial, shallow.³⁶ a low tree, a sapling, a stock.¹⁰² (variant: 𣙙❄{⿰木敇} tūk ).
(composition: ⿰木欶; U+6A15).
槲樕 hùk-tūk
húsù probably a species of oak with smooth acorns like the quercus serrata.¹⁰²
林有朴樕.[林有樸樕.] Lĩm-yiû-pōk-tūk.
Lín yǒu pǔ sù.
In the forest there are the scrubby oaks.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·召南·野有死麕·2》, translated by James Legge).
朴樕[樸樕] pōk-tūk
pǔsù a small tree; a shrub.²⁵ scrubby oaks, trees suitable for posts in wet grounds.¹⁰
樕朴[樕樸] tūk-pōk
sùpǔ same as 朴樕[樸樕] pōk-tūk pǔsù a small tree; a shrub.²⁵ scrubby oaks, trees suitable for posts in wet grounds.¹⁰²
(See 𣙙❄{⿰木敇} tūk).
tuk1 14423
79 17 𣫎
tūk    (composition: ⿰⿳士冖⿱一束殳; U+23ACE).
𣫎❄{⿰⿳士冖⿱一束殳}𣫎❄{⿰⿳士冖⿱一束殳} tūk-tūk sùsù anything that moves about; an animal.¹⁰¹
tuk1 14424
85 10 tūk a river in Shanxi Province that enters the Yellow River.⁹
(composition: ⿰氵束; U+6D91).
涑水 Tūk-suī Sùshuǐ Sushui River (in Shanxi Province).⁵⁴
tuk1 14425
104 16 tūk a kind of skin diseases such as scabies and tinea; itch.⁸
(composition: ⿸疒族; U+762F).
瘯蠡 tūk-lãi cùlí an induration of the skin, leading to inflammation and rash.²⁴
tuk1 14426
108 12 𥁯
tūk chuò a cup.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱足皿; U+2506F)
<又> chūk. (See 𥁯❄{⿱足皿} chūk).
tuk1 14427
115 7 禿 tūk bald, hairless; bare, naked, barren; blunt, dull, not sharp; (of writing) incomplete, unsatisfactory.⁶
贼秃[賊禿] tàk-tūk zéitū (abusive of monk) shining pate.¹¹
秃笔[禿筆] tūk-bīt
tūbǐ bald writing brush – poor writing ability; low skill in composition.⁶
秃疮[禿瘡] tūk-chông
tūchuāng <topo.> (=黄癣[黃癬] võng-xēin huángxuǎn) <med.> favus; tinea favosa.⁶
秃鹫[禿鷲] tūk-diù
tūjiù cinereous vulture.⁶
秃子[禿子] tūk-dū
tūzi bald-headed person, baldhead, baldy; <topo.> favus of the scalp.⁶
秃顶[禿頂] tūk-ēng
tūdǐng bald; bald on the head.⁶
秃发病[禿髮病] tūk-fāt-bèng
tūfàbìng <med.> alopecia.⁶
秃头[禿頭] tūk-hẽo
tūtóu not have a hat on; bald/shaven head; bald-headed person, baldhead, baldy.⁶
or 秃噜[禿嚕] tūk-lû tūlu <topo.> come loose/undone; (of feather, hair) come off, moult; droop, drag, hang down; make a slip of the tongue, make an indiscreet remark; go beyond the limit.⁶
秃瓢[禿瓢] tūk-pël
tūpiáo <topo.> bald/shaven head.⁶
秃山[禿山] tūk-sän
tūshān bare/barren hill/mountain.⁶
秃树[禿樹] tūk-sì
tūshù leafless tree.⁵⁴
秃鹫[禿鷲] tūk-diù
tūjiù cinereous vulture.⁶
tuk1 14428
118 17 tūk swarm, crowd together, cluster.⁸ crowded; framework for silkworms; gather foliage; bunch; <m.> bunched objects.¹⁰ small bamboo; a framework on which silkworms spin; a crowd; crowded.¹⁴ a mold for making cakes.²ʼ²⁵
<又> tëo. (See 簇 tëo; 蔟 tūk).
(composition: ⿱𥫗族; U+7C07).
花团锦簇[花團錦簇] fä-hõn-gīm-tūk
huātuánjǐncù bouquets of flowers and silks; company of gorgeously dressed ladies.¹¹ said of a well-written essay.¹⁰²
花簇 fä-tūk
huācù bunch of flowers; bouquet.¹⁰
簇聚 tūk-duì
cùjù to crowd together, to huddle together.¹¹
簇捧 tūk-pūng
cùpěng to surround (person).¹¹
簇生 tūk-säng
cùshēng (of plants) to grow in clusters.⁹
簇簇 tūk-tūk
cùcù in series, clumped together.¹¹ piled up; gathered up; crowded.¹⁴
簇簇新 tūk-tūk-xïn
cùcùxīn brand new; fine; clean.¹⁴
簇新 tūk-xïn
cùxīn bright and new (atmosphere), mint new, (as if freshly minted), brand new.¹¹ brand new.⁹
簇叶[簇葉] tūk-yêp
cùyè rosette.⁹
簇拥前来[簇擁前來] tūk-yūng-tẽin-lõi
cùyōngqiánlái to press on in a crowd.¹⁴
一簇鲜花[一簇鮮花] yīt-tūk-xēin-fä
yīcùxiānhuā a bouquet of fresh flowers.⁴
tuk1 14429
118 17 tūk (said of flower petals) falling in great quantities.⁷
簏簌 lùk-tūk lùsù <wr.> hanging down; drooping.⁶
扑簌簌[撲簌簌] pōk-tūk-tūk
pūsùsù gushing forth (tears).¹⁴
簌地 tūk-ì
sùdì (said of tears) flowing.⁷
簌簌 tūk-tūk
sùsù rustle; (of tears) streaming down profusely; trembling, shivery.⁶ luxuriant growth (of vegetation); <ono.> a very slight sound; to shower down.⁷
簌簌发抖[簌簌发抖] tūk-tūk-fāt-ēo
lùsùfādǒu shivering; trembling (idiom).¹⁰
簌簌地 tūk-tūk-ì
sùsùdì a very slight sound of something moving stealthily, flowing, or dropping – as droplets of water, tears.⁷ profusely.¹⁰
簌簌泪下[簌簌淚下] tūk-tūk-luì-hä
sùsùlèixià start weeping.⁶
tuk1 14430
130 11 tūk cabobs (or kebabs); pieces of meat stuck on a skewer, and broiled.²⁵ (variant: 𦠁❄{⿰炙束} tūk ).
(composition: ⿰⺼束; U+8128).
or 丳𦠁❄{⿰炙束} chān-tūk chǎncù a broiler or roaster oven.⁸ʼ¹⁰¹
<又> dëk.
(See 脨 dëk; 𦠁❄{⿰炙束} tūk).
tuk1 14431
130 15 𦠁
tūk (=脨 tūk cabobs (or kebabs); pieces of meat stuck on a skewer, and broiled.²⁵).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰炙束; U+26801).
❄{⿰炙束} or 丳脨 chān-tūk chǎncù a broiler or roaster oven.⁸ʼ¹⁰¹
(See 脨 tūk).
tuk1 14432
140 13 tūk name of a variety of grass.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹速; U+450E).
𦽎❄{⿱艹祿}䔎 lùk-tūk lùsù a medicinal herb.²
tuk1 14433
140 14 tūk (<old>=簇 tūk ); the material (usually straw) on which silkworms make cocoons; frame on which silkworms spin.⁸ a device made of straw for silkworms to cocoon themselves in.⁹ a frame on which silkworms spin; a nest; to collect.¹⁴ a frame used in rearing silkworms, for them to make their coocoons in; a nest; to collect.²⁵ a nest; to collect, to call together; a crowd; a silkworm whisk.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱艹族; U+851F).
风如蔟[風如蔟] füng-nguĩ-tūk
fēngrúcù a strong gust of wind.¹⁰²
蚕蔟[蠶蔟] tâm-tūk
cáncù silkworm nest (bundle of straw  provided for silkworm to spin their cocoons).¹⁰
<又> tëo.
(See 簇 tūk; 蔟 tëo).
tuk1 14434
140 14 tūk an edible wild herb; vegetable.⁹ vegetables; Su surname.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱艹欶; U+850C).
  (Note: Distinguish
    ➀ 蔌 (U+850C) tūk
    ➁ 蓛 (U+84DB) chāk
cè; 蓛 tēik qī;
    ➂ 䔩 (U+4529) tūk
sù; 䔩 chāk cè; 䔩 tēik qī.)
肴蔌俱有[餚蔌俱有] ngão-tūk-kuï-yiû
yáosùjùyǒu There are both meat and vegetables.¹⁹
山肴野蔌[山餚野蔌] sän-ngão
shānyáoyěsù mountain game and wild vegetables.³⁹
蔌蔌 tūk-tūk
sùsù <ono.> soughing (wind).¹¹
tuk1 14435
140 14 tūk (=蔌 tūk an edible wild herb; vegetable.⁹).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱艹敕; U+4529).
(Note: Distinguish
    ➀ 蔌 (U+850C) tūk
    ➁ 蓛 (U+84DB) chāk
cè; 蓛 tēik qī;
    ➂ 䔩 (U+4529) tūk
sù; 䔩 chāk cè; 䔩 tēik qī.)
<又> chāk; tēik.
(See 蔌 tūk; 䔩 chāk; 䔩 tēik).
tuk1 14436
148 14 tūk to start; to tremble with fear.¹⁴ to start; to tremble, as an ox at the sight of a lion.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰角束; U+89EB).
觳觫 hùk-tūk húsù trembling from fear.¹¹ frightened beyond measure, as a beast at the look of a lion.¹⁰²
觳觫屏营[觳觫屏營] hùk-tūk-bēin-yẽin
húsùbīngyíng <wr.> in fear and trembling.¹¹
辣觫觫儿的[辣觫觫兒的] làt-tūk-tūk-ngĩ-ēik
làsùsùrde somewhat but not too pungent in taste.¹¹
吾不忍其觳觫 M̃-būt-ngîn-kĩ-hùk-tūk
Wú bùrěn qí húsù I cannot bear its frightened appearance. (Excerpt from 《孟子·梁惠王上·7》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ I can't bear to see him so frightened.¹⁰²
tuk1 14437
149 17 tūk (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 谡[謖] xūk with same meaning.)
<又> xūk.
(See 謖 xūk.)
tuk1 14438
157 15 tūk to walk along smooth ground.²⁵
(composition: ⿰⻊叔; U+8E27).
Gün-dòi, tūk-xēik-nguĩ-yâ. Jūn zài, cù jí rú yě.
When the ruler was present, his manner displayed respectful uneasiness.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《論語·鄉黨·2》, translated by James Legge).
踧尔[踧爾] tūk-ngì
cù'ěr surprised.⁷
踧踖 tūk-xēik
cùjí reverent and nervous.⁷ <wr.> in mincing steps or manner as show of respect.¹¹ to walk with circumspection.²⁵
Vàk-ngĩn-tūk-ngì-yòt: "Jī-döi! Mùn-jï-gïm, äk-jï-ngĩn."
Huòrén cù ěr yuē: “Zhǐzāi! Wèn zhù jīn, dé zhù rén.”
The other, surprised, said: Excellent! I asked about forging gold and I learn about "forging" men.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《揚子法言·學行卷第一·8》, translated by Jeffrey S. Bullock).
<又> èik.
(See 踧 èik.)
tuk1 14439
157 18 tūk <wr.> knit (one's brows), draw together; pressed, urgent.⁶
(variants: 䠞, 顣 tūk ). (See 䠞 tūk, 顣 tūk).
疾首蹙额[疾首蹙額] dìp-siū-tūk-ngäk
jíshǒucù'é with aching head and knitted brows – frowning in disgust.⁶
穷蹙[窮蹙] kũng-tūk
qióngcù <wr.> in dire straits; poverty-stricken.⁵⁴
颦蹙[顰蹙] pĩn-tūk
píncù knit the brows – be gloomy.⁶
愁眉蹙额[愁眉蹙額] sẽo-mĩ-tūk-ngäk
chóuméicù'é gloomy eyebrows and wrinkled forehead –  knit the brows.³⁹
蹙頞 tūk-āt
cù'è with knitted brow (in worry).¹¹ to knit the brow – with pain.¹⁴
蹙蹐 tūk-dēik
cùjí to hesitate to advance.⁷
蹙剩 tūk-jèin
cùshèng a term used under the Song Dynasty for illegal extortion by tax collectors.¹⁴
蹙皱[蹙皺] tūk-jëo
cùzhòu to crease; to wrinkle.⁶
蹙眉[蹙眉] tūk-mĩ
cùméi frown; knit one's brows.⁶
蹙额[蹙額] tūk-ngäk
cù'é knit one's brows; frown.⁵
蹙然 tūk-ngẽin
cùrán urgent; suddenly; imminently.¹⁴
蹙蹜 tūk-sūk
cùsù to hold back.¹⁹
蹙蹙 tūk-tūk
cùcù drawn together, wrinkled; descriptive of  general distress.⁷
蹙竦 tūk-xūng
cùsǒng frightened; horrified; scared.⁷
tuk1 14440
157 18 tūk (=蹙 tūk <wr.> knit (one's brows), draw together; pressed, urgent.⁶).²ʼ¹⁹ wrinkled, contracted, to draw together; urgent, imminent, sad, sorrowful.³⁶
(composition: ⿰⻊戚; U+481E).
(See 蹙 tūk).
tuk1 14441
157 19 tūk tread/step (on/upon something); <wr.> kick.⁸ (variant: 蹵 tūk ).
蹴踏 tūk-àp
cùtà <wr.> tread; stamp.⁶ to tread underfoot.⁷
蹴踘 tūk-gūk
cùjú (=蹴鞠 tūk-gūk cùjū) ancient Chinese football (soccer).¹⁰ to kick a football – an ancient game played with a leather ball stuffed wth hair.¹⁴
蹴鞠 tūk-gūk
cùjū ancient Chinese football (soccer).¹⁰
蹴去 tūk-huï
cùqù to kick away.⁷
蹴然 tūk-ngẽin
cùrán uneasy in manner.¹⁴
蹴尔而与之[蹴爾而與之] tūk-ngì-ngĩ-yî-jï
cùěréryǔzhī to trample upon (food) and then offer it.¹⁴
蹴踢 tūk-pëk
cùtī to trample on.⁷
蹴损[蹴損] tūk-xūn
cùsǔn to trample underfoot.¹⁴
一蹴即至 yīt-tūk-dēik-jï
yīcùjízhì reach goal in a shot – very quickly.¹¹
一蹴而就 yīt-tūk-ngĩ-diù
yīcù'érjiù succeed at the first try; accomplish one's aim in one move; reach the goal in one step.⁶
(See 蹵 tūk).
tuk1 14442
157 19 tūk (=蹴 tūk ) tread/step (on/upon something); <wr.> kick.⁸
(See 蹴 tūk).
tuk1 14443
157 22 𪘏
tūk chuò (=龊[齪] tūk chuò narrow, small; dirty.⁸)²
(composition: ⿰⻊齒; U+2A60F).
❄{⿰⻊齒} ūk-tūk wòchuò to urge, to impel;  embarrassed; also small.²⁵
tuk1 14444
162 10 tūk fast, rapid, quick, speedy; speed, velocity; <wr.> invite.⁵
(composition: ⿺辶束; U+901F).
(Note: Distinguish 𨒪❄{⿺辶朿} (U+284AA) dēik ("large seal" calligraphy equivalent of 迹[跡] dēik footprint).²
快速 fäi-tūk
kuàisù fast; quick, rapid.⁶
速记[速記] tūk-gï
sùjì shorthand; stenography.⁵
速效 tūk-hào
sùxiào quick results.⁵
速战速决[速戰速決] tūk-jën-tūk-kūt
sùzhànsùjué fight a battle of quick decision; do something very quickly.⁶
速决[速決] tūk-kūt
sùjué quick decision.⁵
速率 tūk-lùt
sùlǜ speed; rate.⁵
速射 tūk-sèh
sùshè <mil.> rapid fire.⁵
速食 tūk-sèik
sùshí fast food.⁷
速成 tūk-sẽin
sùchéng speeded-up educational program.⁵
速度 tūk-ù
sùdù speed, rate, pace, tempo; <mus.> tempo; <phy.> speed; velocity.⁵
速冻[速凍] tūk-üng
sùdòng quick-freeze.⁵
速动[速動] tūk-ùng
sùdòng quick-action; quick-acting.⁵⁴
速写[速寫] tūk-xēh
sùxiě sketch; literary sketch.⁵
速溶 tūk-yũng
sùróng be promply soluble; instant.⁸
速溶食品 tūk-yũng-sèik-bīn
sùróngshípǐn instant food.⁵⁴
音速 yïm-tūk
yīnsù velocity of sound.⁵
tuk1 14445
162 14 tūk dense; embarrassed look; (<old>=速 tūk fast, rapid, quick, speedy; speed, velocity; <wr.> invite.⁵).⁸ to spread; to open out.²⁵
(composition: ⿺辶欶; U+906C).
僄遬 pèl-tūk
piàosù alert, prompt in action.¹⁴
疏遬 sü-tūk
shūsù rare and frequent.⁵⁴
(See 速 tūk).
tuk1 14446
181 20 tūk (<old>=蹙 tūk <wr.> knit (one's brows), draw together; pressed, urgent.⁶); frown. ⁸ to frown.¹⁴ to frown, to wrinkle the forehead.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰戚頁; U+9863).
己频顣曰[己頻顣曰…] Gī-pĩn-tūk-yòt...
Jǐ pín cù yuē…
He, knitting his eyebrows, said,…⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《孟子·滕文公下·15》, translated by James Legge).
愁顣 sẽo-tūk
chóucù careworn; a furrowed brow.¹⁰²
顣頞 tūk-āt
cù'è to knit the brows.¹⁴ the nose and chin contracted; to knit the brows; to frown.²⁵ to knit the eyebrows.¹⁰²
(See 蹙 tūk).
tuk1 14447
184 15 tūk food in tripod; rice porridge.⁸ pot of cooked rice.¹⁰ in ancient times, it refers to the food in the tripod, and later refers to the delicious food.¹⁹ the contents of a boiler or kettle; boiled rice; pot-luck.¹⁰² (comp. : ⿰飠束; U+9917).
鼎折足覆公餗 ēin-jēt-dūk-fūk-güng-tūk
dǐng zhé zú fù gōng sù if the kettle's feet be broken, my lord's food will be poured out.¹⁰²
鼎餗 ēin-tūk
dǐngsù originally referred to food in a cauldron, later often refers to political affairs.¹⁹
覆餗 fūk-tūk
fùsù to spoil/bungle a matter.¹³
Giū-xï: Ēin-jēt-dūk, fūk-güng-tūk, kĩ-yẽin-āk, hüng.
Jiǔsì: Dǐng zhé zú, fù gōng sù, qí xíng wò, xiōng.
The fourth NINE, undivided, shows the caldron with its feet broken; and its contents, designed for the ruler's use, overturned and spilt. Its Subject will be made to blush for shame. There will be evil.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《周易·易經·䷱鼎·5》, translated by James Legge).
公餗 güng-tūk
gōngsù the food in the tripod, the delicacies enjoyed by the monarch and nobles.¹⁹
殽餗 ngão-tūk
yáosù good food; delicacies.¹⁹
饪餗[飪餗] ngìm-tūk
rènsù delicious dishes cooked in a cauldron.¹⁹

tuk1 14448
196 18 tūk (=秃[禿] tūk ) bald.¹ a kind of water bird.⁷
or 秃鹙[禿鶖] tūk-tiü tūqiū a kind of water bird.⁷ a bald crane or adjutant bird.¹⁴
tuk1 14449
211 22 tūk chuò narrow, small; dirty.⁸
卑陋龌龊[卑陋齷齪] bï-lèo-ūk-tūk bēilòuwòchuò sordid and contemptible (idiom); vile and repulsive (esp. character or action).¹⁰
卑鄙龌龊[卑鄙齷齪] bï-pī-ūk-tūk
bēibǐwòchuò sordid; foul; mean.⁶ sordid and contemptible (idiom); vile and repulsive (esp. character or action).¹⁰
平龊[平齪] pẽin-tūk
píngchuò ancient government system for stabilizing grain prices.¹¹
龌龊[齷齪] ūk-tūk
wòchuò dirty, filthy; base, mean, despicable; <wr.> narrow-minded.⁶
龌龊钱[齷齪錢] ūk-tūk-tẽin
wòchuòqián dirty money.³⁹
tuk1 14450
149 15 𧨸
tūn tǔn (composition: ⿰言典; U+27A38).
𧨸❄{⿰言典}詪 tūn-fōn tǔnkuǎn rebellious; refractory.²⁵
<又> hūn.
(See 𧨸❄{⿰言典} hūn.)

tun1 14451
30 6 tün cùn inch, a unit of length in the British an U.S. system, one twelfth of one foot; now written as 英寸 yëin-tün yīngcùn.
十吋口炮 sìp-tün-hēo-päo
shícùnkǒupào ten inch caliber canon.¹⁰
tun2 14452
41 3 tün cùn Kangxi radical 41. inch; small, tiny.⁸
寸步 tün-bù cùnbù a tiny step.⁸
寸步难行 tün-bù-nãn-hãng
cùnbùnánxíng to walk with difficulty.⁸
寸晷 tün-gī
cùnguǐ or 寸阴[寸陰] tün-yïm cùnyīn a very short time.⁸ a very brief period of time (lit. the time it takes for a shadow to move an inch).¹⁰
寸口 tün-hēo
cùnkǒu <TCM> location on wrist over the radial artery where pulse is taken.¹⁰
寸土 tün-hū
cùntǔ extremely small piece of land.⁸
寸土必争[寸土必爭] tün-hū-bēik-jäng
cùntǔbìzhēng to fight for every inch of land.
寸草不留 tün-tāo-būt-liũ
cùncǎobùliú not leave anything.⁸
寸草春晖[寸草春暉] tün-tāo-chün-fï
cùncǎochūnhuī parents' love can hardly be reciprocated by their children.⁸ from a Tang poem that contains the lines "What does the tiny grass have to offer/To return the grace of spring?": the eternal gratitude that a child has for his/her parents.⁹  to repay maternal love with one's gratitude.³⁹
寸心 tün-xïm
cùnxīn feelings; in mind.⁸
寸阴[寸陰] tün-yïm
cùnyīn a very short time.⁸
tun2 14453
75 7 tün cūn <台> 去村 huï-tün or huï-tûn married daughter (and husband) visiting her parents or married daughter's parents visiting her husband's parents.
<又> tûn.
(See 村 tûn; 邨 tûn.)
tun2 14454
9 8 tũn quán fairy.⁸
偓佺 ngāk-tũn wòquán legendary immortal.
tun3 14455
11 6 tũn quán whole; entire.
健全 gèin-tũn jiànquán to strengthen; to amplify; to perfect; sound; perfect.
安全 ön-tũn
ānquán safe.⁵⁵
全豹 tũn-bäo
quánbào whole leopard – whole picture; full view; overall situation.⁶
全部 tũn-bù
quánbù entire; complete; total; all.
全局 tũn-gùk
quánjú overall situation.
全体[全體] tũn-hāi
quántǐ whole body; unanimously.
全貌 tũn-mào
quánmào complete picture; full view.⁶
全面 tũn-mèin
quánmiàn overall; all-round.
全神贯注[全神貫注] tũn-sĩn-gön-jî
quánshén guànzhù be absorbed in.⁸
全息 tũn-xēik
quánxī hologram.⁸
全心全意 tũn-xïm-tũn-yï
quánxīnquányì wholeheartedly; heart and soul.
完全 yõn-tũn
wánquán complete, whole; completely, fully, wholly, entirely, absolutely.⁵
tun3 14456
30 13 tũn qín 吖嗪 ä-tũn āqín -azine; heterocyclic compound containing nitrogen in their ring such as pyridine 吡啶 C₅H₅N, pyrazine 哒嗪[噠嗪] C₄H₄N₂ or pyrimidine 嘧啶 C₄H₄N₂.¹⁰
哒嗪[噠嗪] àt-tũn
dāqín pyrazine C₄H₄N₂.¹⁰
哌嗪 pāi-tũn
pàiqín piperazine (medicine).¹⁰
tun3 14457
31 7 tũn tún to store/hoard up.⁶ (variant: 𥫱❄{⿱𥫗屯 } tũn tún).
(composition: ⿴囗屯; U+56E4).

囤积[囤積] tũn-dēik túnjī to hoard for speculation; to corner (the market).⁶
囤积居奇[囤積居奇] tũn-dēik-guï-kĩ
túnjījūqí hoarding and cornering/profiteering.⁶ to store up commodities in the hope of selling them at higher prices later; hoarding and speculation.⁷
囤聚 tũn-duì
túnjù to store up (goods).⁶
囤货[囤貨] tũn-fö
or 屯货[屯貨] ūn-fö túnhuò to store up goods.⁶ to store up commodities.⁷
囤粮[囤糧] tũn-lẽng túnliáng to store/hoard up grain.⁶ to store up food for the army.⁷
<又> ūn.
(See 囤 ūn; 𥫱❄{⿱𥫗屯 } tũn)
tun3 14458
32 15 tũn cún (=蹲 tũn cún) dance.⁸
(composition: ⿰土尊; U+58AB).
墫墫 tũn-tũn
cúncún dancing.¹⁹ʼ⁵⁴ (See 蹲蹲 tũn-tũn).
<又> dûn, dün.
(See 墫 dûn, 墫 dün, 蹲 tũn).
tun3 14459
39 6 tũn cún exist, live; store; accumulate; deposit; leave with, check; reserve; remain on balance, be in stock; cherish, harbor.⁵
存底儿[存底兒] tũn-āi-ngĩ cúndǐr keep the original draft; keep a file copy.⁵
存单[存單] tũn-än
cúndān deposit receipt.⁵
存查 tũn-chã
cúnchá file for reference.⁵
存储[存儲] tũn-chuî
cúnchǔ to store up; to stockpile; (computer) to save; to store; memory; storage.¹⁰
存储元件[存儲元件] tũn-chuî-ngũn-gèin
cúnchǔyuánjiàn memory element.⁵
存在 tũn-dòi
cúnzài exist; be.⁵
存货[存貨] tũn-fö
cúnhuò goods in stock; existing stock.⁵
存款 tũn-fōn
cúnkuǎn deposit; bank savings.⁵
存放 tũn-föng
cúnfàng leave with, leave in somebody's care; deposit (money).⁵
存亡 tũn-mõng
cúnwáng live or die; survive or perish.⁵
存而不论[存而不論] tũn-ngĩ-būt-lùn
cún'érbùlùn leave the question open.⁵
存案 tũn-ön
cún'àn register with the proper authorities.⁵
存档[存檔] tũn-öng
cúndàng keep in the archives; file.⁵
存心 tũn-xïm
cúnxīn cherish certain intentions; intentionally, deliberately, on purpose.⁵
tun3 14460
47 6 tũn xún patrol; make one's rounds; <m.> round of drinks.⁵  (variant: 廵 tũn xún.)
(composition: ⿺辶巛; U+5DE1)
出巡 chūt-tũn
chūxún to go on an inspection tour.¹⁰
酒过三巡[酒過三巡] diū-gö-xäm-tũn
jiǔguòsānxún the wine has gone round three times.⁵
徼巡 gël-tũn
jiàoxún to make the rounds of inspection.⁷
梭巡 sö-tũn
suōxún <wr.> move around to watch and guard; patrol.⁵
巡捕 tũn-bù
xúnbǔ police (in former foreign concessions).⁵
巡诊[巡診] tũn-chīn
xúnzhěn (of doctors) make a round of visits.⁸
巡风[巡風] tũn-füng
xúnfēng formerly, the look-out man of thieves during theft.¹¹
巡警 tũn-gēin
xúnjǐng police officer.¹⁰
巡航 tũn-hõng
xúnháng to cruise.¹⁰
巡逻[巡邏] tũn-lõ
xúnluó to patrol (police, army, navy).¹⁰
巡视[巡視] tũn-sì
xúnshì make an inspection tour; tour.⁵
巡狩 tũn-siü
or tũn-siū xúnshòu go on an inspection tour.⁶
巡回[巡迴] tũn-või
xúnhuí to go around; to roam.¹⁰
巡弋 tũn-yèik
xúnyì cruise; patrol by a ship.¹⁰
巡洋舰[巡洋艦] tũn-yẽng-lâm
xúnyángjiàn cruiser.⁵
(See 廵 tũn.)
tun3 14461
54 5 tũn xún (=巡 tũn xún) patrol; make one's rounds; <m.> round of drinks.⁵
(See 巡 tũn.)
tun3 14462
60 12 tũn xún follow, abide by.⁵
遵循 dün-tũn zūnxún to follow, to accord with, to obey, to go by; to hesitate.⁷
循序[循序] tũn-duì
xúnxù in proper order or sequence..⁵
循序渐进[循序漸進] tũn-duì-dèm-dïn
xúnxù jiànjìn follow in order and advance step by step; proceed in an orderly way and step by step.⁵
循规蹈矩[循規蹈矩] tũn-kï-ào-guī
xúnguīdǎojǔ not step out of bounds; toe the line; conform to convention.⁵
循例 tũn-lài
xúnlì follow the usual practice; follow a precedent.⁵
循名责实[循名責實] tũn-mẽin-jāk-sìt
xúnmíngzéshí expect the reality to correspond to the name.⁵
循循善诱[循循善誘] tũn-tũn-sèn-yiù
xúnxúnshànyòu be good at giving systematic guidance; teach with skill and patience.⁵
循环[循環] tũn-vãn
xúnhuán circulate, cycle.⁵
tun3 14463
72 6 tũn xún a period of ten days; ten years (in age); full period.
初旬 chö-tũn chūxún first ten days of a month.⁶
下旬 hà-tũn
xiàxún last ten days of a month.
中旬 jüng-tũn
zhōngxún middle ten days of a month.
上旬 sèng-tũn
shàngxún first ten days of a month.
七旬大寿[七旬大壽] tīt-tũn-ài-siù
qīxúndàshòu celebration of seventieth birthday.
旬年 tũn-nẽin
xúnnián full year; ten years.
旬月 tũn-ngùt
xúnyuè whole month; ten months.
tun3 14464
75 10 tũn shuān 脑血栓[腦血栓] nāo-hüt-tũn nǎoxuèshuān cerebral thrombus.⁶
<又> sân.
(See 栓 sân.)
tun3 14465
75 10 tũn xún any of the various erect or creeping shrubs in the rose family, native to Eurasia, having white to pinkish flowers and tiny, red or black applelike fruits (Cotoneaster).⁹ a genus of flowering plants in the rose family (Cotoneaster).³⁶ a tree mentioned in ancient literary monuments; its fruits were allegedly used as a medicine.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰木旬; U+6812).
栒子属[栒子屬] tũn-dū-sùk xúnzǐshǔ (cotoneaster).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
栒邑 Tũn-yīp
Xúnyì Xun town, an ancient town in present- day 旬邑县[旬邑縣] (Tũn-yīp yòn Xúnyīp county) in  Shaanxi Province (陕西省[陝西省] Sēm-xäi sāng Shǎnxī shěng).⁸
黄杨叶栒子[黃楊葉栒子] võng-yẽng-yêp-tũn-dū
huángyángyèxúnzi (Cotoneaster buxifolius.)²⁰ Also known as 车轮棠[車輪棠] chëh-lũn-hõng chēlúntáng cotoneaster.¹⁰
<又> xūn.
(See 栒 xūn).
tun3 14466
85 9 tũn quán a spring, a fountain; money (archaic); Quan surname.⁷
矿泉[礦泉] köng-tũn kuàngquán mineral spring.⁵
矿泉水[礦泉水] köng-tũn-suī
kuàngquánshuǐ mineral  water.⁵
泪如泉涌[淚如泉湧] luì-nguĩ-tũn-yūng
lèirúquányǒng tears welling up like a fountian.⁷
源泉 ngũn-tũn
yuánquán fountainhead; well-spring; water source; fig. origin.¹⁰
喷泉[噴泉] pün-tũn
pēnquán fountain.⁵
泉币[泉幣] tũn-bài
quánbì an ancient coin.⁵
泉眼 tũn-ngān
quányǎn the mouth of a spring; spring.⁵
泉源 tũn-ngũn
quányuán springhead; fountainhead; (fig.) source.¹⁰
泉石膏肓 tũn-sêk-gäo-föng
quán shígāo huāng lit. mountain springs and rocks in one's heart (idiom); a deep love of mountain scenery.¹⁰
泉水 tũn-suī
quánshuǐ spring water.⁷
泉水噗噗地往上冒 tũn-suī-pōk-pōk-ì-vông-sëng-mào
quánshuǐ pūpūde wǎngshàngmào Water kept gushing from the fountain.⁶
温泉[溫泉] vün-tũn
wēnquán hot spring.⁵
一泓清泉 yīt-fãng-tëin-tũn
yīhóngqīnquán a clear spring.⁶
渊泉[淵泉] yön-tũn
yuānquán a deep spring.⁵
tun3 14467
85 13 tũn qín 溱潼 Tũn-hũng Qíntóng, a town in 江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū Jiangsu Province.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵秦; U+6EB1).
<又> Jün.
(See 溱 jün.)
tun3 14468
85 27 tũn quán (<old>=泉 tũn quán a spring, a fountain; money (archaic); Quan surname.⁷).⁸
(composition: ⿱泉⿰泉泉; U+7065).
(See 灥 [tũn, xún]; 灥 [tũn, quàn]).
tun3 14469
85 27 tũn quàn when it rains spring water comes out.⁸ spring water comes out on rainy days.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿱泉⿰泉泉; U+7065).
(See 灥 [tũn, xún]; 灥 [tũn, quán]).
tun3 14470
85 27 tũn xún three springs.⁸ a group of springs.¹⁰ʼ³⁶ three fountains combined together; all flowing together.²⁴
(composition: ⿱泉⿰泉泉; U+7065).
(See 灥 [tũn, quán]; 灥 [tũn, quàn]).
tun3 14471
104 11 tũn quán healed; cured; recovery.⁷ convalescent; healed.²⁴
病痊 bèng-tũn bìngquán restored.²⁴
痊病 tũn-bèng
quánbìng to cure a disease.²⁴
痊可 tũn-hō
quánkě (=痊愈 tũn-yĩ quányù) to have been cured; to have recovered from illness.⁷
or 痊瘉 tũn-yì quányù cured; quite well again.¹⁴
tun3 14472
115 10 tũn qín Qin dynasty; short for 陕西[陝西] Sēm-xäi Shǎnxī Shaanxi; Qin surname.
秦朝 Tũn-chẽl
Qíncháo Qin dynasty (221-207 BC).
秦始皇 Tũn-Chī-Võng 
Qín Shǐ Huáng First Emperor of Qin (259-210 B.C.)
秦椒 Tũn-dël
Qínjiāo Shaanxi chili pepper.
秦火 Tũn-fō
Qín huǒ burning of books in 213 B.C.
秦腔 Tũn-höng
Qínqiāng Shaanxi opera.
tun3 14473
118 10 𥫱
tũn tún (=囤 tũn tún to store/hoard up.⁶); to hoard.⁸
(composition: ⿱𥫗屯; U+25AF1).
<又> ūn.
(See 𥫱 ūn; 囤 tũn).
tun3 14474
118 12 tũn quán <wr.> bamboo fish trap.⁶
得鱼忘筌[得魚忘筌] āk-nguî-mõng-tũn déyúwàngquán forget the bamboo trap as soon as the fish is caught – discard the means by which one's end is achieved.⁶ forget the trap when you have caught the fish – ingratitude.¹⁴
不落言筌 būt-lòk-ngũn-tũn
bùluòyánquán to grasp a passage without clinging to a too literal interpretation.¹¹
筌蹄 tũn-hãi
quántí means to achieve one's goal.⁵⁴
tun3 14475
120 16 tũn quàn light red color; pink; orange or reddish-yellow silk.⁸ orange or reddish-yellow silk.¹⁴ cloth or silk of a reddish yellow color; a light red.²⁵
(composition: ⿰糸原; U+7E13).
縓冠 tũn-gön quánguàn pink bonnet/hat.¹⁹
縓缘[縓緣] tũn-yõn
quànyuán a red collar.¹⁴ʼ²⁵ light red (pink) edges.¹⁹
tun3 14476
140 9 tũn quán aromatic plants mentioned in ancient books.⁶ aromatic herb; fine cloth.⁸
荃察 tũn-chāt quánchá <wr.> (in correspondence) your esteemed consideration.¹¹
荃鉴[荃鑒] tũn-gäm
quánjiàn <wr.> (in correspondence) your esteemed consideration.¹¹
荃谅[荃諒] tũn-lèng
quánliàng <wr.> (in correspondence) your esteemed consideration.¹¹
tun3 14477
142 16 tũn qín a small cicada with a square head.⁸
螓首 tũn-siū qínshǒu lit. a cicada's head – square forehead of a woman, considered to be beautiful in ancient times.⁰
螓首蛾眉 tũn-siū-ngõ-mĩ
qínshǒu'éméi lit. a cicada's head and a moth's eyebrows – a beautiful woman.⁵⁴
tun3 14478
149 13 tũn quán to explain; to expound; reason; truth.
真诠[真詮] jïn-tũn zhēnquán truth.
诠证[詮證] tũn-jëin
quánzhèng to explain correct meaning of text point by point.
诠注[詮註] tũn-jî
quánzhù notes and commentary; exegesis.¹⁰
诠释[詮釋] tũn-sēik
quánshì <wr.> explain; expound; interpret; elucidate.⁶
诠次[詮次] tũn-xü
quáncì arranged order.
tun3 14479
157 14 tũn cún to wrench or strain.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰⻊夋; U+8E06).
踆了腿 tũn-lēl-huī cúnliǎotuǐ to wrench the leg.¹⁴
(See 蹲了腿 tũn-lēl-huī).
<又> tûn, dün.
(See 踆 tûn, 踆 [dün, qūn], 踆 [dün, dūn]).
tun3 14480
157 19 tũn cún <topo.> injure one's foot/leg as a result of a heavy fall.⁶
把腿蹲了 bā-huī-tũn-lēl bǎtuǐcúnliǎo to tuck the leg.⁵⁴
他从墙上跳下时蹲了腿[他從牆上跳下時蹲了腿] hä-tũng-tẽng-sèng-hẽl-hà-sĩ-tũn-lēl-huī
tā cóngqiángshang tiàoxiàshí cúnliǎotuǐ He injured his leg when he jumped down from a wall.⁶
蹲了腿 tũn-lēl-huī
cúnliǎotuǐ injured his leg.⁰
蹲蹲 tũn-tũn
cúncún steady; dense.⁸ gamboling and posture-making; to walk with measured steps.²⁵ (See 墫墫 tũn-tũn).
<又> dün.
(See 蹲 dün.)
tun3 14481
159 13 tũn quán cart wheel with no spokes.⁸ limited (of talent or ability); <old> solid wheel (without spokes).¹⁰ a close carriage with low wheels; wheels without spokes.²⁵
辁才[輇才] tũn-tõi quáncái inferior talents.²⁵
tun3 14482
164 16 tũn quán <chem.> aldehyde.⁵
酚醛 fün-tũn fēnquán <chem.> phenolic aldehyde.⁶
甲醛 gāp-tũn
jiǎquán formaldehyde.⁵
糠醛 höng-tũn
kāngquán <chem.> furfural.⁵
酮醛 hũng-tũn
tóngquán keto-aldehyde.⁶
醇醛 sũn-tũn
chúnquán alcohol aldehyde.⁵
醛固酮 tũn-gü-hũng
quángùtóng aldosterone.⁶
醛糖 tũn-hõng
quántáng aldose.⁵
醛酯 tũn-jī
quánzhǐ aldehydo-ester.⁵
醛酸 tũn-xön
quánsuān aldehydic acid.⁵
乙醛 yōt-tũn
yǐquán acetic aldehyde; acetaldehyde.⁵
tun3 14483
195 20 tũn quán fat minnow (a kind of small edible freshwater fish, indigenous to eastern China).⁶
tun3 14484
45 4 tûn tún village; (used in village names).
(composition: ⿻一⿻凵乚(GHTV) or ⿻七凵(GHTV) or ⿻丿⿻凵乚(JK); U+5C6F).
屯子 (=村子 tûn-dū cūnzi) tûn-dū túnzi <topo.> village.
皇姑屯 Võng-gü-tûn
Huánggūtún a place in 辽宁[遼寧] Lẽl-nẽin Liáoníng Liaoning Province.
<又> hũn, jün, ūn, hûn.
(See 屯 hũn, jün, ūn, hûn.)
tun5 14485
75 7 tûn cūn village, hamlet; rustic, boorish.⁵ (variant: 邨 tûn cūn.)
村子 tûn-dū
cūnzi village; hamlet.⁵
村俗 tûn-dùk
cūnsú village traditions; rustic, unrefined.⁶
村夫 tûn-fü
cūnfū villager; vulgar and coarse person.⁶
村夫子 tûn-fü-dū
cūnfūzǐ a village scholar; a pedant.⁷
村妇[村婦] tûn-fû
cūnfù a village/country/vulgar woman.⁷
村姑 tûn-gü
cūngū village girls; farmers' daughters.⁷
村居 tûn-guï
cūnjū to live in the country; to rusticate.⁷
村圩[村墟] tûn-huî
cūnxū a village market/marketplace.⁷
村寨 tûn-jài
cūnzhài village; stockaded village.⁶
村长[村長] tûn-jēng
cūnzhǎng village head.⁵
村镇[村鎮] tûn-jïn
cūnzhèn villages and small towns.⁵
村庄[村莊] tûn-jöng
cūnzhuāng village; hamlet.⁵
村落 tûn-lòk
cūnluò village; hamlet.⁵
村民 tûn-mĩn
cūnmín villager.⁹
村人 tûn-ngĩn
cūnrén villagers.⁷
村女 tûn-nuī
cūnnǚ a country girl; farmers' daughters.⁷
村塾 tûn-sùk
cūnshú <trad.> village private school.⁶
村委会[村委會] tûn-vī-vòi
cūnwěihuì village committee.¹⁰
村坞[村塢] tûn-vü
or tûn-äo cūnwù a village settlement.⁷
村史 tûn-xū
cūnshǐ village history.⁵
村野 tûn-yêh
cūnyě villages and fields; rustic, boorish.⁶
<又> tün.
(See 村 tün; 邨 tûn.)
tun5 14486
86 27 tûn cūn (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 㸑 tōn cuàn with the same meaning: ((=爨 tōn cuàn make a fire and cook a meal; earthen cooking stove.⁶ to cook; a cooking stove.⁷ an earthern kitchen stove; name of an aboriginal tribe in Yunnan.¹¹ Cuan surname.⁸); a cooking-stove; to cook, a mess, a kind of theatrical composition.⁸).²
(composition: ⿳⿴𦥑同冖焚; U+3E11).
<又> tōn.
(See 㸑 tōn; 爨 tōn).
tun5 14487
157 14 tûn cūn to kick; to retire, to retreat.⁶ to stop, to lie down, to retire.²⁵
(composition: ⿰⻊夋; U+8E06).
日中踆乌[日中踆烏] ngìt-jüng-tûn-vü rìzhōngcūnwū the three-legged crow in the sun.¹⁴
踆乌[踆烏] tûn-vü
cūnwū <old> sun.⁶ the legendary three-legged bird that lives in the sun; the sun.⁹
<又> tũn, dün.
(See 踆 tũn, 踆 [dün, qūn], 踆 [dün, dūn]).

tun5 14488
163 5 𨙯
tûn cūn name of a village.²⁵
(composition: ⿰寸阝; U+2866F).
tun5 14489
163 6 tûn cūn (=村 tûn cūn) village.¹⁰
(See 村 tün; 村 tûn.)
tun5 14490
61 15 tūng sǒng <台> 横怂[橫慫] vãng-tūng instigated by others.
<又> xūng. (See 慫 xūng.)
tung1 14491
20 5 tüng cōng hasty; hastily; hurriedly.
行色匆匆 hãng-sēik-tüng-tüng xíngsècōngcōng to be in a hurry to set out (to depart).
匆卒 tüng-dūt
cōngzú <wr.> to rush to finish.
匆遽 tüng-guì
cōngjù hurried; impetuous; rash.¹⁰
匆忙 tüng-mõng
cōngmáng hasty; hurried.¹⁰
匆促 tüng-tūk
cōngcù hastily; in a hurry.
匆匆 tüng-tüng
cōngcōng hurriedly; obviously.
匆匆而去 tüng-tüng-ngĩ-huï
cōngcōng'érqù to hurry away; to leave in a hurry.
匆匆而来[匆匆而來] tüng-tüng-ngĩ-lõi
cōngcōng'érlái to come in great haste.
(See 怱 tüng; 悤 tüng.)
tung2 14492
61 9 tüng cōng (=匆 tüng cōng) hasty; hastily; hurriedly.
(See 匆 tüng; 悤 tüng.)
tung2 14493
61 11 tüng cōng ( =匆 tüng cōng) hasty; hastily; hurriedly.
(composition: ⿱囱心; U+60A4).
(See 匆 tüng; 怱 tüng.)
tung2 14494
75 15 tüng cōng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 枞[樅] xüng cōng a fir, a fir tree (Abies firma).⁷
t: ⿰木從; U+6A05).
s: ⿰木从; U+679E).
<又> düng, xüng.
(See 樅 düng, xüng.)
tung2 14495
96 15 tüng cōng a jade-like stone.⁷
珑璁[瓏璁] lũng-tüng lóngcōng jangling sound of jade or metal; (of hair) fluffy; also written 茏葱[蘢蔥] lũng-tûng lóngcōng (of wood) luxuriant and green); hazy (light of dawn).¹¹
] tüng-jäng cōngchēng the sound of music instruments; the tinkling of jade.³⁹
tung2 14496
96 15 https://img.zdic.net/kai/cn/20018.svg

tüng cōng the tinkling of metal ornaments and jade pendants.⁷
(comp. t: ⿰𤣩從; U+747D). (comp. s: ⿰𤣩从; U+2AED0).
❄{⿰𤣩从}[瑽] jäng-tüng chēngcōng the tinkling of jade pendants.⁷
❄{⿰𤣩从}瑢[瑽瑢] tüng-yũng cōngróng <wr.> (of jade pendants) jingle, tinkle, clink.⁶
tung2 14497
128 17 tüng cōng clever, astute, bright; with a good faculty of hearing.⁷
耳聪目明[耳聰目明] ngī-tüng-mùk-mẽin ěrcōngmùmíng  have good ears and eyes; have a thorough grasp of the situation.⁹
聪慧[聰慧] tüng-fì
cōnghuì bright; clever; intelligent.⁶
聪了[聰了] tüng-lēl
cōngliǎo bright and quick of comprehension; astute; intelligent; clever.⁷
聪明[聰明] tüng-mẽin
cōngming clever, bright, intelligent.⁷
聪明自误[聰明自誤] tüng-mẽin-dù-m̀
cōngmingzìwù lit. ruined be one's own cleverness – too smart.⁷
聪明绝顶[聰明絕頂] tüng-mẽin-dùt-ēin
cōngming juédǐng extremely clever or intelligent.⁷
聪明起来[聰明起來] tüng-mẽin-hī-lõi
cōngmíng qǐlai become wise/smart.⁵⁴
聪明一世,糊涂一时[聰明一世,糊塗一時] tüng-mẽin-yīt-säi  vũ-hũ-yīt-sĩ
cōngmingyīshì hútuyīshí clever all one’s life but stupid this once; smart as a rule, but this time a fool.⁵
聪明睿智[聰明睿智] tüng-mẽin-yuì-jï
cōngmingruìzhì intellectual virtues; intelligent and wise.⁵⁴
聪敏[聰敏] tüng-mêin
cōngmǐn clever and intelligent.⁷
聪颖[聰穎] tüng-vêin
cōngyǐng clever and bright.⁷
聪睿[聰睿] tüng-yuì
cōngruì <wr.> bright and farsighted.³⁹
tung2 14498
140 14 tüng cōng yellowish green; pale green.⁶
青葱 tëin-tüng qīngcōng verdant.⁸
葱绿[蔥綠] tüng-lùk
cōnglǜ light green, pale green, yellowish green; verdant. lush, fresh and green.⁶
葱茏[蔥蘢] tüng-lũng
cōnglóng luxuriantly green; verdant and luxuriant.⁶
葱翠[蔥翠] tüng-tuï
cōngcuì fresh green.¹⁰
葱葱[蔥蔥] tüng-tüng
cōngcōng verdant and luxuriant.⁶
郁郁葱葱[鬱鬱蔥蔥] vūt-vūt-tüng-tüng
yùyùcōngcōng (of grass and trees) to be lush and green.⁶
<又> tûng.
(See 蔥 tûng.)
tung2 14499
140 14 tüng cōng 肉苁蓉[肉蓯蓉] ngùk-tüng-yũng ròucōngróng <TCM> saline cistanche.¹ Desert-living cistanche, Cistanche deserticola Ma.²³
草苁蓉 tāo-tüng-yũng
cǎocōngróng An annual grass with purple brown, fleshy, swollen stems, lip-shaped corollas, and quasi-globe capsular fruit, collected in entirety for pharmaceutical purposes, substitute for 肉苁蓉.⁹ Boschniakia rossica.²⁰ Orobanche coerulescens.²³
苁蓉[蓯蓉] tüng-yũng
cōngróng <bot.> desert cistanche. Cistanche deserticola.¹ Cistanche salsa (C. A. Mey.) G. Beck.²³
tung2 14500
167 19 𫓩
tüng cōng short spear (an ancient weapon).⁶ spear; to plunge (with spear).¹⁰
(comp. t: ⿰金從; U+93E6). (comp. s: ⿰钅 从; U+2B4E9).
❄{⿰钅 从}[錚鏦] jäng-tüng zhēngcōng <wr.> clank; clang.⁶
❄{⿰钅 从}[短鏦] ōn-tüng duǎncōng short ax.⁵⁴
❄{⿰钅 从}𫓩❄{⿰钅 从}[鏦鏦] tüng-tüng cōngcōng <ono.> tinkling of metal.⁸
tung2 14501
187 19 tüng cōng (=骢[驄] tüng cōng).¹⁴ A dapple horse; same as 驄.²⁵
(composition: ⿰馬怱; U+9A18).
(See 驄 tüng.)
tung2 14502
187 21 tüng cōng <wr.> piebald (horse).⁶ a horse with bluish white color.⁷ a dapple-grey horse; an iron-grey.²⁵ (variant: 騘 tüng cōng).
t: ⿰馬悤; U+9A44). (comp. s: ⿰马悤; U+9AA2).
(See 騘 tüng.)
tung2 14503
18 4 𠚪
tũng cóng (<old>=从[從] tũng cóng to follow; to come after; to comply with; to submit to.)³⁶
(composition: ⿰刀刀; U+206AA).
<又> mök.
(See 𠚪❄{⿰刀刀} mök).
tung3 14504
29 18 tũng cóng crowd; collection; clump; thicket; grove; Cong surname.
(comp. t: ⿰丵取从一; U+53E2). (comp. s: ⿱从一; U+4E1b).
百弊丛生[百弊叢生] bāk-bài-tũng-säng
bǎibìcóngshēng all sorts of corruption creep in; all the ill effects appear.
花丛[花叢] fä-tũng
huācóng flowering shrubs; the world of debauchery; the world of prostitutes.
人丛[人叢] ngĩn-tũng
réncóng retinue; crowd (of people).
树丛[樹叢] sì-tũng
shùcóng grove; thicket.
草丛[草叢] tāo-tũng
cǎocóng thick growth of grass.
丛林[叢林] tũng-lĩm
cónglín jungle; forest; monastery.
丛书[叢書] tũng-sï
cóngshū collection of books.
丛脞[叢脞] tũng-tö
cóngcuǒ be loaded down with trivial details.⁸
tung3 14505
60 10 tũng cóng (=從 tũng cóng  ➀ from, by, whence, through  ➁ to undertake, to manage, to dedicate oneself to, to attend to, to engage in  ➂ to follow, to yield to, to listen to, to comply with, to obey ➃ entourage, an attendant, a servant, a follower ➄ secondary, the relation other than one's direct blood relatives ➅ an accessory ➆ vice or deputy.⁷
(composition: ⿰彳⿱䒑龰; U+5F93).
(See 從 tũng).
tung3 14506
60 11 tũng cóng from, by, whence, through.⁷ (See 従 tũng for more definitions). Cong surname. (variants: 従, 𠚪❄{⿰刀刀} tũng).
从弟[從弟] tũng-ài
cóngdì sons of one's paternal uncles who are younger than oneself; male cousins.⁷
从伯[從伯] tũng-bāk
cóngbó one's father's paternal male cousins who are older than him.⁷
从便[從便] tũng-bèin
cóngbiàn whenever convenient.⁷
从不[從不] tũng-būt
cóngbù to have never (done a thing).⁷
从父[從父] tũng-fù
cóngfù paternal uncles.⁷
从古[從古] tũng-gū
cónggǔ from ancient times.
从公[從公] tũng-güng
cónggōng to manage official affairs.⁷
从中[從中] tũng-jüng
cóngzhōng in the process (of doing something); from the inside (of something); in the middle.⁷
从来[從來] tũng-lõi
cónglái always; all along; never (used only in the negative) such as 从来没去过[從來沒去過] tũng-lõi-mòt-huï-gö have never been to (a place).⁶
从而[從而] tũng-ngĩ
cóng'ér thus; thereby; in this manner.⁶
从属[從屬] tũng-sùk
cóngshǔ subordinate.¹⁰
从前[從前] tũng-tẽin
cóngqián once upon a time; formerly.⁷
从小[從小] tũng-xēl
cóngxiǎo from one's childhood.⁷
从此[從此] tũng-xū
cóngcǐ from now on; henceforth.⁷
从事[從事] tũng-xù
cóngshì to undertake; to deal with.⁶
<又> xüng.
(See 從 xüng; 従 tũng; 𠚪❄{⿰刀刀}  tũng.)

tung3 14507
61 11 tũng cóng enjoy, amuse, please; joy.⁸ joy, delight.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄宗 U+60B0).
欢悰[歡悰] fön-tũng huāncóng happy, joyous, gay;
happy mood.⁰ʼ¹³
离悰[離悰] lĩ-tũng
lícóng state of being reluctant to part (with someone); state of hating to see somebody leave.⁰ʼ¹³
tung3 14508
75 8 tũng sōng pine; Song surname. (variants: 枀, 枩, 柗. 梥 tũng).
松风水月[松風水月] tũng-füng-suī-ngùt sōngfēngshuǐyuè the soughing of pines and the reflection of moonlight on the water.
松桷 tũng-gôk
sōngjué fir rafters.²⁴
松涛[松濤] tũng-hão
sōngtāo soughing/whistling of wind in the pines.⁶
松炱 tũng-hõi
sōngtái pine soot.¹⁹
松鹤长春[松鶴長春] tũng-hôk-chẽng-chün
sōnghè chángchūn May your life be as long as that of the pines and the cranes!
松脂 tũng-jï
sōngzhī rosin; pine resin.⁵
松林 tũng-lĩm
sōnglín pine forest.⁵
松茸 tũng-ngũng
sōngróng pine mushrooms.¹  matsutake Tricholoma matsutake (lto et lmai) Singer.²³ (It is a highly sought-after mycorrhizal mushroom, mostly in Japan.)
松柏 tũng-pāk
sōng-bǎi pine and cypress.
松鼠 tũng-sī
sōngshǔ squirrel.¹⁰
松树[松樹] tũng-sì
sōngshù pine tree; pine.
松楸 tũng-tiü
sōngqiū the pine and the catalpa – trees planted on graveyard; hence the graveyard.¹¹
松蕈 tũng-xïn
sōngxùn pine mushroom.⁸
(See 鬆 xüng; 枀 tũng; 枩 tũng; 柗 tũng; 梥 tũng).
tung3 14509
75 8 tũng sōng (<old>=松 tũng sōng) pine tree; fir tree.³⁶
(composition: ⿱公木; U+6780).
(See 松 tũng).
tung3 14510
75 8 tũng sōng (<old>=松 tũng sōng) pine tree; fir tree.³⁶
(composition: ⿱木公; U+67A9).
(See 松 tũng).
tung3 14511
75 9 tũng sōng (<old>=松 tũng sōng) pine tree; fir tree.¹⁹
(composition: ⿰木㕣; U+67d7).
(See 松 tũng).
tung3 14512
75 11 tũng sōng (<old>=松 tũng sōng) pine tree; fir tree.⁸
(composition: ⿳穴厶木 or ⿱㝐木 or ⿱宀枀; U+68A5).
(See 松 tũng).
tung3 14513
85 11 tũng sōng 吴淞江[吳淞江] M̃-tũng Göng Wúsōng Jiāng Wusong River, in Jiangsu (江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū) and connects with the 黄浦江[黃浦江] Võng-pū-göng Huángpǔ Jiāng Huangpu River in Shanghai.⁴
tung3 14514
85 14 tũng cóng (=潨, 漎 tũng cóng)  <old> gather; <old> flow into (water); <old> sound of waters flowing together.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵眾; U+6F40).
<又> düng.
(See 潀 düng; 潨 tũng; 漎 tũng).
tung3 14515
85 14 tũng cóng water collected together.²⁴  a place where small streams flow into a large one; <ono.> sound of a river or stream.³⁶ (variant: 潀 tũng cóng).
(composition: ⿰氵從; U+6F0E).
<又> xūng.
(See 漎 xūng; 潀 tũng).
tung3 14516
85 15 tũng cóng a smaller stream entering a larger one.²⁴ <old> (of a small river) to flow into a larger river; <old> confluence (place where flowing bodies of water meet); <old> rapid; torrent.³⁶ (variant: 潀, 灇 tũng).
(composition: ⿰氵衆; U+6F68).
凫鹥在潨[鳧鷖在潨] fũ-yï-dòi-tũng fúyīzàicóng the wild duck and the widgeon are where the waters meet.¹⁴
<又> düng.
(See 潨 düng; 潀 tũng; 灇 tũng).
tung3 14517
85 21 tũng cóng <old>=潨 tũng cóng) a smaller stream entering a larger one; sound of running water.²
(composition: ⿰氵叢; U+7047).
灇灇 tũng-tũng
cóngcóng sound of streams/water gathering together.¹⁹
(See 潨 tũng).
tung3 14518
118 20 𥵫
tũng cóng (composition: ⿱⺮聚; U+25D6B).
笼𥵫❄{⿱⺮聚}[籠𥵫❄{⿱⺮聚}] lûng-tũng lóngcóng a bamboo basket for catching fish.²⁵
tung3 14519
140 9 tũng tóng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 茼 hũng tóng a plant name.)
(composition: ⿱艹同; U+833C).
茼蒿 hũng-häo
or tũng-häo tónghāo garland chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum greens, edible chrysanthemum, crowndaisy chrysanthemum, chop suey green, crown daisy, Japanese-green; aka 春菊, 打某菜, 茼蒿菜, 艾菜, 皇帝菜 (Glebionis coronaria, formerly called Chrysanthemum coronarium).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
<又> hũng.
(See 茼 hũng.)
tung3 14520
140 17 tũng cóng (=䕺 tũng cóng) thick growth of grass; tree stump.² gather.⁸ plant growing bushy; a bush.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹聚; U+85C2).
(See 䕺 tũng).
tung3 14521
140 21 tũng cóng thick growth of grass; tree stump.² dense growth; lush growth of grass; a tree; a classifier for trees and similar items; roots that grow above ground.⁰ plant growing bushy; a bush.²⁵ (variant: 藂 tũng cóng).
(composition: ⿱艹叢; U+457A).
(See 藂 tũng).
tung3 14522
154 15 tũng cóng tribute paid in cloth by the tribes in Sichuan and Yunnan under the Han dynasty.¹⁴
tung3 14523
140 14 tûng cōng onions, leeks, scallions.¹⁴
大葱[大蔥] ài-tûng dàcōng leek, Chinese onion.⁴³
葱头[蔥頭] tûng-hẽo
cōngtóu onion.¹⁴
葱油饼[蔥油餅] tûng-yiũ-bēng
cōngyóubǐng shallot pancake.²³
洋葱[洋蔥] yẽng-tûng
yángcōng foreign onions; the common round  onion.¹⁴
洋葱圈[洋蔥圈] yẽng-tûng-hūn
yángcōng quān onion rings.³⁹
一根葱[一根蔥] yīt-gïn-tûng
yīgēncōng a stalk of scallion.
<又> tüng.
(See 蔥 tüng.)
tung5 14524
64 11 𢯽
tüt cuò to wipe; to rub.² to wipe.²⁴
(cf 擦 tüt to erase; to polish).
(composition: ⿰扌苴; U+22BFD).
tut2 14525
64 17 tüt to erase; to polish. (cf 𢯽❄{⿰扌苴} tüt cuò).
<台> 擦 tüt to erase; to polish.
<台> 擦去该个字[擦去該個字] tüt-huï-kôi-göi-dù erase this character.
<台> 擦死 tüt-xī to kill; to wipe out.
(Note: 擦 tüt is usually by using hands whereas 擦 chät is usally by means of a brush.)
<又> chāk, chät.
(See 擦 chāk, chät.)
tut2 14526
30 9 ū duǒ 吲哚 yîn-ū yǐnduǒ <chem.> indole C₈H₇N (heterocyclic organic compound).¹⁰
u1 14527
30 20 ū duǒ to droop, to hang down; extensive; generous, thick.¹⁰²
(variant: 軃 ū duǒ).
(Note: may also be pronounced ō in Hoisanva).
t: ⿰享單; U+56B2). (comp. s: ⿰享单; U+4EB8).
柳亸莺娇花复殷[柳嚲鶯嬌花復殷] liû-ū-äng-gël-fä-fùk-yïn
liǔ duǒ yīng jiāo huā fù yīn the oriole's sweet note is heard amid the drooping willows, and the flowers come out in their beauty.¹⁰²
(See 軃 ū).
u1 14528
32 9 ū duò to pile up neatly; to stack; a stack; a pile.
打垛 ā-ū dǎduò to pile up; to stack (crop stalks).
干草垛[乾草垛] gön-tāo-ū
gāncǎoduò haystack.
码垛[碼垛] mâ-ū
mǎduò stack neatly.⁵⁴
草垛 tāo-ū
cǎoduò haystack; hayrick.
堆垛 uì-ū
duīduò stack.
堆垛机[堆垛機] uì-ū-gï
duīduòjī (hay) stacker.
(See 垛 [ū, duǒ].)
u1 14529
32 9 ū duǒ buttress; battlements.
门垛[門垛] mõn-ū ménduǒ ornamental stones at an entrance gate.
城垛 sẽin-ū
chéngduǒ battlements.
城垛口 sẽin-ū-hēo
chéngduǒkǒu crenel (of battlements).
墙垛[牆垛] tẽng-ū
qiángduǒ battlements on a wall.
垛子 ū-dū
duǒzi buttress; battlements.
垛口 ū-hēo
duǒkǒu crenel.
(See 垛 [ū, duò].)
u1 14530
32 11 ū wall; stop, prevent; stop up.⁸ block; suffocate.⁹ to block up (a road, pipe); to stop up (a hole); (fig.) (of a person) choked up with anxiety or stress; <lit.> wall; <m.> for walls.¹⁰ wall, a section of wall; Du surname.¹¹
百堵皆兴.[百堵皆興.] Bāk-ū-gäi-hëin. Bǎi dǔ jiē xīng.
Five thousand cubits of them arose together.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·文王之什·緜·6》, translated by James Legge).
(Note: According to James Legge 1 堵 = 50 cubits or approximately 83 feet; 1 cubit varies from 17" to 22").
别堵着门[別堵著門] bèik-ū-jèk-mõn
biédǔzhemén Don't stand in the doorway!⁵
堵车[堵車] ū-chëh
dǔchē traffic jam.⁹
堵嘴 ū-duī
dǔzuǐ to shut up, silence (argument); to silence witness, etc. by money or other inducement.¹¹
堵击[堵擊] ū-gēik
dǔjī to intercept and attack (military).¹⁰
堵着[堵著] ū-jèk
dǔzhe blocked up.¹¹
堵墙[堵牆] ū-tẽng
dǔqiáng low wall.¹¹
堵塞 ū-xāk
dǔsè to stop (leaks, holes).¹¹
堵死 ū-xī
dǔsǐ to stop up completely (a doorway).¹¹
堵心 ū-xïm
dǔxīn feel badly, frustrated.¹¹
堵丧[堵喪] ū-xöng
dǔsāng to offend (a person) by making rude remarks.¹¹
环堵[環堵] vãn-ū
huándǔ surrounding walls.¹¹
一堵墙[一堵牆] yīt-ū-tẽng
yīdǔqiáng a wall.
u1 14531
32 11 ū duǒ hard clay; cluster (of grapes); to stack.¹ hardened dirt or clay; cluster.⁸ solid earth.⁹ <wr.> hard clay; cluster (of grapes); <wr.> stack up (bricks).¹¹ hard ground, firm ground.²⁴
边埵[邊埵] bëin-ū biānduǒ border area; frontier.⁸
鹿埵 lùk-ū
lùduǒ <ancient topolect> defeated and dispersed in retreat.⁸
埵块[埵塊] ū-fäi
duǒkuài a mound; a clod.⁸
埵堁 ū-fö
duǒkè (=埵块[埵塊] ū-fäi duǒkuài) a mound; a clod.⁸
埵防 ū-fõng
duǒfáng dike; embankment.⁸
萨埵[薩埵] xät-ū
sàduǒ (abbr. of 金刚萨埵[金剛薩埵] gïm-göng-xät-ū jīngāng sàduǒ) Vajrasattva.⁵⁴
u1 14532
72 12 ū bright; to appear, to become visible.⁸ the morning.²⁴ dawn, the first glimpse of dawn; at dawn.⁵⁴ the morning, the dawn, when the day begins to grow bright.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰日者; U+668F).
暏色 ū-sēik dǔsè the blush of day.¹⁰²
暏是 ū-sì
dǔshì to be sensible; to pay attention to one's conscience and be responsible.¹⁹
<又> sï.
(See 暏 sï).
u1 14533
75 6 ū duo 耳朵 ngī-ū or ngī-ō ěrduo ears.⁷
耳朵长[耳朵長] ngī-ū-chẽng
or ngī-ō-chẽng ěrduo cháng capable of hearing much.⁷
耳朵软[耳朵軟] ngī-ū-ngün
or ngī-ō-ngün ěrduo ruǎn  credulous; easily influenced; susceptible to flattery.⁵
<又> ō.
(See 朵 ō; 朵 [ū, duǒ].)
u1 14534
75 6 ū duǒ <m.> (of flowers, clouds).⁶ a flower, a cluster of flowers, a bud; a lobe of the ear.⁷
大快朵颐[大快朵頤] ài-fäi-ū-yĩ or ài-fäi-ō-yĩ dàkuàiduǒyí relish one's food; eat with great relish; eat plentifully and enjoy the food.⁷
花朵 fä-ū
or fä-ō huāduǒ flower; blossom.⁶
朵翰 ū-hòn
or ō-hòn duǒhàn your esteemed letter.⁷
朵儿[朵兒] ū-ngĩ
or ō-ngĩ duǒr flower.⁶
朵朵 ū-ū
or ō-ō duǒduǒ every flower.⁷
朵云[朵雲] ū-vũn
or ō-vũn duǒyún your esteemed letter.⁷
朵颐[朵頤] ū-yĩ
or ō-yĩ duǒyí <wr.> munch; chew.⁶
一朵花 yīt-ū-fä
or yīt-ō-fä yīduǒ huā a flower.⁵
一朵玫瑰花 yīt-ū-mõi-gï-fä
or yīt-ō-mõi-gï-fä yīduǒ méiguihuā a rose.⁶
一朵云 yīt-ū-vũn
or yīt-ō-vũn yīduǒ yún a cloud.⁵
<又> ō.
(See 朵 ō; 朵 [ū, duo].)
u1 14535
75 6 ū duǒ (=朵 ū or ō duǒ <m.> (of flowers, clouds).⁶ a flower, a cluster of flowers, a bud; a lobe of the ear.⁷); cluster of flowers; earlobe.⁸
(composition: ⿱乃木; U+6736).
(See 朵 ū; 朵 ō).
u1 14536
75 15 ū tuǒ (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 椭[橢] hô tuǒ with same meaning.)
<又> hô, ō.
(See 橢 hô, ō.)
u1 14537
96 12 ū the name of a gem.²⁴ a kind of jade.³⁶
(composition: ⿰𤣩者; U+743D).
u1 14538
109 13 ū to witness; to see; to look at; to observe; to gaze at.⁷ (variant: 覩 ū ).
目睹 mùk-ū
mùdǔ see with one's own eyes; witness.⁵
视若无睹[視若無睹] sì-ngèk-mũ-ū
shìruòwúdǔ take no notice of what one sees; shut one's eyes to; turn a blind eye to; ignore.⁵
熟视无睹[熟視無睹] sùk-sì-mũ-ū
shúshìwúdǔ turn a blind eye to (what one sees everyday); pay no attention/heed to a familiar sight; ignore.⁶
惨不忍睹[慘不忍睹] tām-būt-ngîn-ū
cǎnbùrěndǔ too horrible to look at.⁵
睹物伤情[睹物傷情] ū-mùt-sëng-tẽin
or ū-mòt-sëng-tẽin dǔwùshāngqíng feel sad on seeing the thing; seeing the thing makes one feel sad.⁶
睹物思人 ū-mùt-xü-ngĩn
or ū-mòt-xü-ngĩn dǔwùsīrén to think of a person as one sees the thing(s) he has left behind.⁷
睹而不见[睹而不見] ū-ngĩ-būt-gëin
dǔ'érbùjiàn to gaze at without seeing.¹⁴
有目共睹 yiû-mùk-gùng-ū
yǒumùgòngdǔ be there for all to see; be obvious to all.⁵
(See 覩 ū).
u1 14539
120 14 ū duǒ a species of silk.²⁵
缍子[綞子] ū-dū duǒzi a kind of thin silk.¹³
缍子绫[綞子綾] ū-dū-lẽin
duǒzilíng a kind of thin silk.²⁵
u1 14540
130 7 ū belly; abdomen; stomach.⁵
肚带[肚帶] ū-âi/ dùdài bellyband; girth.⁵
肚肠[肚腸] ū-chẽng
dùcháng the bowels.⁷
肚子 ū-dū
dùzi belly; abdomen.⁵
肚兜 ū-ëo
dùdōu an undergarment covering the chest and abdomen; loose covering for the breast.⁵⁴
肚量 ū-lèng
dùliàng tolerance, magnanimity; appetite; intake or capacity for food.⁶
肚里明白[肚裡明白] ū-lī-mẽin-bàk
dù lǐ míngbai to know in one's heart; clear to oneself; a tacit understanding.⁷
肚腩 ū-nâm
dùnǎn belly.¹⁰
肚皮 ū-pĩ
dùpí <topo.> belly.⁵
肚脐[肚臍] ū-tî
dùqí navel; belly button.⁵
<台> 肚饱眼唔饱[肚飽眼唔飽] ū-bāo-ngān-m̃-bāo have eyes bigger than the stomach; order more food than one can eat.
<台> 肚饥[肚飢] ū-gï hungry.
<台> 肚饥得济[肚飢得濟] ū-gï-äk-dài extremely hungry.
<台> 肚饥婆拉你去[肚飢婆拉你去] ū-gï-pû/-läi-nï-huï the hungry woman will kidnap you (and eat you) [an expression used to scare children].
<台> 肚疼
or 肚赤 ū-tëk stomachache.
(See 肚 [ū, ].)
u1 14541
130 7 ū tripe.⁵
爆肚 bäo-ū bàodǔ quick-scalded tripe; quick-fried tripe.⁸
猪肚[豬肚] jï-ū
zhūdǔ pork tripe.⁶
猪肚子[豬肚子] jï-ū-dū
zhūdǔzi pork tripe.¹⁹
毛肚 mão-ū
máodǔ tripe (gastronomy); bovine third stomach.⁵⁴
鱼肚[魚肚] nguî-ū
yúdǔ fish maw (as food).⁶
肚子 ū-dū
dǔzi tripe.⁵ (See 肚子 ū-dū dùzi).
小肚 xēl-ū
xiǎodǔ belly; stomach.⁵⁴
羊肚子 yẽng-ū-dū
yángdǔzi <topo.> sheep or goat stomach (as food).⁵⁴
羊肚儿手巾[羊肚兒手巾] yẽng-ū-ngĩ-siū-gïn
yángdǔr shǒujin <topo.> towel.⁶
羊肚菌 yẽng-ū-kûn/
yángdǔjùn morel, Morchella.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
羊肚蕈 yẽng-ū-xïn
yángdǔxùn <bot.> morel.⁶
(See 肚 [ū, ].)
u1 14542
130 12 ū (same as 肚 ū ) the belly; the abdomen.⁸ the belly.²⁴
(composition: ⿰月者; U+4417).
<又> jï.
(See 䐗 jï).
u1 14543
145 11 ū duǒ shabby clothes; quilt.⁸ weak clothes, easily torn.²⁵
(composition: ⿰衤多; U+88B3).
<又> chï; kāi. (See 袳 chï; 袳 kāi).
u1 14544
147 15 ū (=睹 ū ) to witness; to see; to look at; to observe; to gaze at.⁷
(composition: ⿰者見; U+89A9).
圣人作而万物覩.[聖人作而萬物覩.] Sëin-ngĩn-dōk-ngĩ-màn-mùt-ū.
Shèngrén zuò ér wànwù dǔ. (so) the sage makes his appearance, and all men look to him.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《易經·䷀乾·14》, translated by James Legge).
(See 睹 ū).
u1 14545
154 15 ū gamble; bet.⁵ (variant: 𧶴❄{⿰貝度} ū ).
打赌[打賭] ā-ū
dǎdǔ make a bet; bet.⁵
赌博[賭博] ū-bōk
dǔbó gambling.⁵
赌场[賭場] ū-chẽng
dǔchǎng (gambling) casino.⁶
or 赌堀[賭堀] ū-fūt dǔkū gambling den.⁵
赌鬼[賭鬼] ū-gī
dǔguǐ a congenital gambler.⁷
赌具[賭具] ū-guì
dǔjù things used in gambling (dice).¹¹
赌局[賭局] ū-gùk
dǔjú a gambling game/gathering.⁷
赌棍[賭棍] ū-gûn
dǔgùn hardened/professional gambler.⁶
赌气[賭氣] ū-hï
dǔqì fell wronged and act rashly.⁵
赌徒[賭徒] ū-hũ
dǔtú gambler.⁵
赌债[賭債] ū-jäi
dǔzhài a gambling debt.⁷
赌注[賭注] ū-jî
dǔzhù stake.⁵
赌咒[賭咒] ū-jiü
dǔzhòu take an oath; swear.⁵
赌马[賭馬] ū-mâ
dǔmǎ bet on horses.⁶
赌命[賭命] ū-mèng
dǔmìng to gamble one's life – to do something extremely dangerous.⁷
赌赛[賭賽] ū-söi
dǔsài contest.¹¹
赌钱[賭錢] ū-tẽin
dǔqián gamble.⁵
赌赢[賭贏] ū-yẽng
dǔyíng win a bet; win in gambling.⁵⁴
赌友[賭友] ū-yiû
dǔyǒu gambling companions.⁷
(See 𧶴❄{⿰貝度} ū ).
u1 14546
154 16 𧶴
ū (=赌[賭] ū gamble; bet.⁵).⁸
(composition: ⿰貝度; U+27DB4).
(See 賭 ū).
u1 14547
157 13 ū duò stamp (one's foot).⁵ (variant: 跥 ū duò).
跺跶[跺躂] ū-àt
duòda stamp.⁸
跺脚[跺腳] ū-gëk
duòjiǎo stamp one's feet (as in anger, regret).¹¹
跺脚声[跺腳聲] ū-gëk-sëin
duòjiǎoshēng footstep.¹⁰
跺地板 ū-ì-bān
duòdìbǎn stamp the floor.⁶
气得直跺脚[氣得直跺腳] hï-āk-jèik-ū-gëk
qìdezhíduòjiǎo stamp one's foot with fury.⁵
气得跺脚[氣得跺腳] hï-āk-ū-gëk
qìdeduòjiǎo stamp one's feet with anger.⁵⁴
(See 跥 ū).
u1 14548
157 13 ū duò (=跺 ū duò) stamp (one's foot).⁵
(See 跺 ū).
u1 14549
158 13 ū duǒ hide (oneself); avoid, dodge.⁵ (variants: 躱,軃 ū duǒ).
躲得过初一, 躲不过十五[躲得過初一, 躲不過十五] ū-āk-gö-chö-yīt, ū-būt-gö-sìp-m̄
duǒdeguò chūyī, duǒbuguò shíwǔ you can run, but you cannot hide forever – you will have to face the music sooner or later.⁶
躲避 ū-bì
duǒbì hide (oneself); avoid, elude, dodge.⁵
躲不开[躲不開] ū-būt-höi
duǒbukāi unable to dodge; unable to shun.⁷
躲不了 ū-būt-lēl
duǒbuliǎo unavoidable; inescapable.⁷
躲风头[躲風頭] ū-füng-hẽo
duǒfēngtou lie low until something blows over.⁶
躲债[躲債]⁶ ū-jäi
duǒzhài avoid creditors.⁵
躲懒[躲懶] ū-län
duǒlǎn shy away from work; shirk.⁵
躲难[躲難] ū-nàn
duǒnàn seek/take refuge; seek asylum.⁶
躲让[躲讓] ū-ngèng
duǒràng dodge; get out of the way.⁶
躲闪[躲閃] ū-sēm
duǒshǎn dodge; evade.⁵
躲藏 ū-tõng
duǒcáng hide oneself; go into hiding.⁵
躲躲闪闪[躲躲閃閃] ū-ū-sēm-sēm
duǒduǒshǎnshǎn be evasive; dodge; evade; hedge.⁶
躲躲藏藏 ū-ū-tõng-tõng
duǒduǒcángcáng dare not show up publicly.⁷
(See 躱 ū; 軃 ū).
u1 14550
158 13 ū duǒ (=躲 ū duǒ) hide (oneself); avoid, dodge.⁵
(See 躲 ū).
u1 14551
158 19 ū duǒ (=躲 ū duǒ hide (oneself); avoid, dodge.⁵); (=亸[亸] ū duǒ to droop, to hang down; extensive; generous, thick.¹⁰²).⁸ʼ¹⁰¹ broad and thick; the flesh hanging down.²⁵ full and ample, as a dress where the skirts spread out.¹⁰²
(Note: may also be pronounced ō in Hoisanva).
(composition: ⿰身單; U+8EC3)
垂肩軃袖 suĩ-gän-ū-diù
chuíjiānduǒxiù drooping shoulders and ample sleeves, said of a beauty.¹⁰²
(See 躲 ū; 亸 ū).
u1 14552
30 9 ü duō to tremble, to shiver, to shudder, to quiver.⁸
哆嗦 ü-sō duōsuo to tremble, to shiver.⁸ to tremble; to shiver; uncontrolled shaking of the body.¹⁰ to cringe, to tremble.¹¹
u2 14553
30 13 ü toot; honk; <topo.> to pout.⁵
打嘟噜儿[打嘟嚕兒] ā-ü-lû-ngĩ dǎdūlur to pronounce with a trill; trill.⁵
嘟起了嘴 ü-hī-lēl-duī
dūqǐlezuǐ to pout.⁵
嘟噜[嘟嚕] ü-lû
dūlu bunch; cluster; to hang down in a bunch; to trill.⁶
嘟囔 ü-nõng
dūnang to mutter/mumble to oneself.⁶
嘟哝[嘟噥] ü-nũng
dūnong (=嘟囔 ü-nõng dūnang) to mutter/mumble to oneself.⁶
嘟嘟囔囔 ü-ü-nõng-nõng
dūdunāngnang to mumble in whispers, mutter to oneself.¹¹
一嘟噜葡萄[一嘟嚕葡萄] yī-ü-lû-pũ-hão
yīdūlupútao a bunch of grapes.⁵
<又> dūt.
(See 嘟 dūt.)
u2 14554
36 6 ü duō a lot of; more; too many; excessive; be more than; how.⁹
多边形[多邊形] ü-bëin-yẽin duōbiānxíng polygon.¹⁰
多半 ü-bôn
duōbàn very likely.⁹
多嘴 ü-duī
duōzuǐ talkative; to speak out of turn; to blab; to shoot one's mouth off; rumors fly.¹⁰ talkative, gossipy.¹¹
多亏[多虧] ü-kï
duōkuī by grace of; thanks to; luckily.⁸
多瑙 Ũ-não
or Ũ-nâo Duōnǎo the Danube.¹⁰
多么[多麼] ü-mō
duōme how; no matter how.⁹
多元化 ü-ngũn-fä
duōyuánhuà diversification; pluralism; to diversify.¹⁰
多少 ü-sēl
duōshǎo somewhat; slightly.⁹
多少 ü-sēl
duōshao how much; how many; which (number); as much as.¹⁰
多数[多數] ü-sü
duōshù the majority.⁹
多多 ü-ü
duōduō a great deal.¹¹
多多益善 ü-ü-yēik-sèn
duōduōyìshàn the more the better.¹¹
多余[多餘] ü-yĩ
duōyú surplus; redundant.⁹
多育星宿菜 ü-yùk-xëin-xūk-töi
duōyùxīngxiùcài, Lysimachia prolifera.Lysimachia prolifera Klatt.³²
<台> 多细有限[多細有限] ü-xäi-yiû-hàn limited (in anything you try to accomplish, such as getting rich).
u2 14555
44 10 ü ē <topo.> discharge (excrement or urine).⁵
<台> 屙痢 ü-lì to have dysentery; dysentery.
<台> 屙尿 ü-nèl to urinate. (The polite form is 小便 xēl-bèin to urinate.)
<台> 屙屁 ü-pï to fart.
<台> 屙屎 ü-sī to defecate. (The polite form is 大便 ài-bèin to defecate.)
u2 14556
75 9 ü Pasania cuspidata, a tall evergreen tree; the handle of an ax; the stalk or the trunk of a plant; Ke surname.⁷
斧柯 fū-ü
or fū-ö fǔkē <wr.> ax handle; authority, state power.⁶
枝柯 jï-ü
or jï-ö zhīkē <wr.> branch; twig.⁶
执柯[執柯] jīp-ü
or jīp-ö zhíkē <wr.> to be matchmaker.¹¹
南柯一梦[南柯一夢] nãm-ü-yīt-mùng
or nãm-ö-yīt-mùng nánkēyīmèng (allu.) an imaginary or empty dream, symbolic of man's life.¹¹
柯达[柯達] Ü-àt
or Ö-àt Kēdá Kodak, a brand name.⁷
柯驾[柯駕] ü-gä
or ö-gä kējià a respectful reference to the marriage go-between.⁷
柯尔克孜族[柯爾克孜族] Ü-ngì-hāk-dü-dùk
or Ö-ngì-hāk-dü-dùk Kē'ěrkèzīzú Kirgiz (Khalkha) ethnic group; the Khalkhas (inhabiting China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region).⁶
<又> ö.
(See 柯 ö.)
u2 14557
96 9 ü <wr.> a jade-like stone; an ornament on a bridle.⁵ a white semi-precious stone; a decoration on harness.¹¹ the name of a precious stone; an inferior pebble; a white cornelian; milk-white quartz; a species of slug found in the sea; a large sea turtle, the shell of which is yellowish black, and the bones white; they are used as ornaments for a horse's bridle.²⁴ (old variant: 砢 ü).
谏珂[諫珂] gän-ü jiànkē the name of a bird, with a speckled body, and pearly legs, it avoids other birds, and is fond of foxes.²⁴
珂金 ü-gïm
kējīn a sort of metal.²⁴
珂里 ü-lî
kēlǐ (a polite expression) your hometown.⁷
珂罗版[珂羅版] ü-lõ-bān
kēluóbǎn collotype.⁵
珂罗版印刷[珂羅版印刷] ü-lõ-bān-yïn-chät
kēluóbǎn yìnshuā collotype printing.⁶
珂雪 ü-xūt
kēxuě <wr.> snow-white.¹¹
(See 砢 ü.)
u2 14558
104 12 ü ē (<old>= 屙 ü ē) discharge (excrement or urine).⁸
<又> ö.
(See 痾 [ü, ], [ö, ], [ö, ē].)
u2 14559
104 12 ü <wr.> illness.⁶
沉疴[沉痾] chĩm-ü or chĩm-ö chénkē severe and lingering illness; chronic disease; incurable and debilitating illness.⁶
愆痾 hëin-ü
or hëin-ö qiānkē a disaster or epidemic, ascribed to imbalance of yin and yang.¹¹
微疴[微痾] mĩ-ü
or mĩ-ö wēikē slight illness.⁶
染疴[染痾] ngêm-ü
or ngêm-ö rǎnkē contact an illness.⁶
养疴[養痾] yêng-ü
or yêng-ö yǎngkē rest and recuperate.⁶
<又> ö.
(See 痾 [ö, ], [ü, ē], [ö, ē].)
u2 14560
112 10 ü pile of stones.⁸ (old =珂 ü ) a jade-like stone; an ornament on a bridle.⁵
砢碜[砢磣] ü-chīm
kēchen disgraceful; crack something between the teeth.⁸ disgraceful, ridicule.⁹
(See 珂 ü.)
u2 14561
137 11 ü (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 舸 ö with same meaning.)
<又> ö.
(See 舸 ö.)
u2 14562
149 12 ü (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 诃[訶] ö with same meaning: (=呵 hö ) to scold.)
<又> ö.
(See 訶 ö.)
u2 14563
159 12 ü (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 轲[軻] ö with same meaning.)
<又> ö.
(See 軻 [ü, ], [ö, ], [ö, ].)
u2 14564
159 12 ü (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 轲[軻] ö with same meaning.)
<又> ö.
(See 軻 [ö, ], [ü, ], [ö, ].)
u2 14565
163 10 ü dōu all; both; entirely; (used for emphasis) even; already; (not) at all.
大都 ài-ü dàdōu for the most part, mostly.
不都 būt-ü
bùdōu not all (of).
各都 gōk-ü
gèdōu each and every one; all.
全都 tũn-ü
quándōu all; without exception.
都不对[都不對] ü-būt-uï
dōubùduì everyone or everything is wrong.
都好 ü-hāo
dōuhǎo all good.
都是 ü-sì
dōushì all.
<又> dū.
(See 都 [ü, ], dū.)
u2 14566
163 10 ü capital city; metropolis; Du surname.
帝都 äi-ü dìdū imperial capital.
大都 ài-ü
dàdū for the most part; mostly; metropolitan.
奠都 èin-ü
diàndū to establish as a capital.
定都 èin-ü
dìngdū to choose a site for a capital; to establish a capital.
京都 gëin-ü
jīngdū capital of a country; Kyoto.
成都 Sẽin-ü
Chéngdū Chengdu subprovincial city and capital of  四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan Province.
首都 siū-ü
shǒudū capital (of a country).
迁都[遷都] tëin-ü
qiāndū to move the capital (city).¹⁰
都城 ü-sẽng
dūchéng capital city.
都市 ü-sî
dūshì city; metropolis.
都冶 ü-yêh
dūyě pretty; seductive.⁵⁴
<又> dū.
(See 都 [ü, dōu], dū.)
u2 14567
169 16 ü <wr.> platform over a city gate; raised platforms in general.⁶ tower over city gate.⁸
Chūt-kĩ-yën-ü, yiû-nuī-nguĩ-hũ.
Chū qí yīn dū, yǒu nǚ rú tú.
I went out by the tower on the covering wall,
Where the girls were like flowering rushes.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·鄭風·出其東門·2》, translated by James Legge).
闉阇[闉闍] yën-ü
yīndū heavy gate of barbican wall.⁰ city gates.⁵⁴
<又> sẽh.
(See 闍 sẽh.)
u2 14568
38 7 ù to envy (success, talent); jealous.¹⁰ (variants: 妬, 姤 ù )
不嫉妒 būt-dìp-ù
bùjídù unenvious.¹⁰
妒嫉 ù-dìp
dùjí to be jealous.¹⁰
妒火 ù-fō
dùhuǒ agony of jealousy.⁶
妒火中烧[妒火中燒] ù-fō-jüng-sël
dùhuǒzhōngshāo be burning with jealousy.⁶
妒妇[妒婦] ù-fû
dùfù jealous woman.¹⁹
妒忌 ù-gì
dùjì be jealous/envious of; envy.⁶
妒恨 ù-hàn
dùhèn be jealous.⁸
妒能害贤[妒能害賢] ù-nãng-hòi-yẽn
dùnénghàixián jealous of the able, envious of the clever.¹⁰
妒杀[妒殺] ù-sät
dùshā homicide caused by jealousy.⁵⁴
妒心 ù-xïm
dùxīn a jealous mind.⁷
妒贤嫉能[妒賢嫉能] ù-yẽn-dìp-nãng
dùxiánjínéng envy someone more virtuous or abler than oneself; be jealous and envious of honest and capable men; be jealous of the talented and able.⁶
妒意 ù-yï
dùyì jealousy.¹⁰
(See 妬 ù; 姤 ù.)
u4 14569
38 8 ù (=妒 ù ) jealous.
or 妒羡 ù-xùn dùxiàn envious.⁸
(See 妒 ù.)
u4 14570
38 9 ù (<old>=妒 ù to envy (success, talent); jealous.¹⁰)
(composition: ⿰女后; U+59E4).
<又> këo.
(See 姤 këo; 妒 ù).
u4 14571
40 9 𡧪

(<old>=度 ù degree; to pass; to spend (time); measure; limit.); legal system, laws and institutions; to think, to consider, to ponder, to contemplate.⁸).²
(composition: ⿰宀圫; U+219EA).
<又> jàk.
(See 𡧪❄{⿰宀圫} jàk; 度 ù).
u4 14572
53 广 6 ù

(<old>=度 ù degree; to pass; to spend (time); measure; limit.); legal system, laws and institutions; to think, to consider, to ponder, to contemplate.⁸
(composition: ⿸广乇; U+386F).
<又> jàk.
(See 㡯 jàk; 度 ù).
u4 14573
53 广 9 ù degree; to pass; to spend (time); measure; limit.
(variants: 㡯 ù ; 𡧪❄{⿰宀圫} ù ).
程度 chẽin-ù
chéngdu level, degree; extent, degree.⁵
度牒 ù-èp
dùdié <old> government-issued certificate for monks/nuns who have taken the ceremony of ordination.⁶
度过[度過] ù-gö
dùguò pass, spend.⁶
度量衡 ù-lèng-hãng
dùliànghéng length, capacity and weight; weights and measures.⁵
度日如年 ù-ngìt-nguĩ-nẽin
dùrìrúnián one day seems like a year; days wear on like years.⁵
温度 vün-ù
wēndù temperature.⁵
<台> 一度桥[一度橋] yīt-ù-kẽl a bridge.
<台> 一度门[一度門] yīt-ù-mõn a door.
<又> òk.
(See 度 òk; 㡯 ù; 𡧪❄{⿰宀圫} ù).
u4 14574
66 17 ù to corrupt; to spoil.⁷ to ruin; to destroy.¹⁴
(variant: 𤢕❄{⿰睪犬} ù ).
(composition: ⿰睪攵; U+6581).
耗斁 häo-ù
hàodù to spoil; waste.¹¹ ravage and destroy, to bring ruin and destitution.⁵⁴
耗斁下土 häo-ù-hä-hū
hàodùxiàtǔ wasting and destroying our land.¹⁴
斁坏[斁壞] ù-vài
dùhuài to ruin.²⁴
<又> yèik.
(See 斁 yèik; 𤢕❄{⿰睪犬} ù; 𤢕❄{⿰睪犬} yèik.)
u4 14575
75 7 ù birch-leaf pear; shut out, stop, prevent; Du surname.⁶
杜渐防萌[杜漸防萌] ù-dèm-fõng-mãng dùjiànfángméng to to nip (crush,check) the matter in the bud; to desteroy evils before they become apparent.⁸
杜绝[杜絕] ù-dùt
dùjué stop; put an end to.⁶
杜甫 Ù-Fū
Dù Fǔ Du Fu (712-770), great Tang dynasty poet.¹⁰
杜鹃[杜鵑] ù-gün
dùjuān cuckoo; azalea.⁶
杜鹃花属[杜鵑花屬] ù-gün-fä-sùk
dùjuānhuāshǔ (genus) Rhododendron; vernacular names include 杜鹃花 or 杜鵑, 映山红, 满山红, 山踯躅, 红踯躅, 山石榴.²⁰
杜鹃鸟[杜鵑鳥] ù-gün-nêl
dùjuānniǎo gowk.⁹ cuckoo (Cercococcyx species).¹⁰
杜蘅 ù-hãng
dùhéng <bot.> Asarum forbesii (wild ginger plant).¹⁰
杜口 ù-hēo
dùkǒu to shut one's mouth and say nothing.⁷
杜康 ù-höng
dùkāng <wr.> wine; alcoholic drink.⁶
杜康 Ù-höng
Dùkāng legendary inventor of wine.¹⁰
杜撰 ù-jàn
dùzhuàn fabricate; make up.⁶
杜梨 ù-lĩ
dùlí birch-leaf pear Pyrus betulifolia Bunge.³²
杜门[杜門] ù-mõn
dùmén <wr.> close the door.⁶
杜塞 ù-xāk dùsè to stop; to block.¹⁰
杜心 ù-xïm
dùxīn to give up all hope; to despair.⁷
u4 14576
85 9 𣳥
ù (=渡 ù cross (river, the sea); tide over, pull through; ferry (people, goods) across; (mostly names of places) ferry crossing.⁵).²ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰氵㡯; U+23CE5).
(See 渡 ù).
u4 14577
85 12 ù cross (river, the sea); tide over, pull through; ferry (people, goods) across; (mostly names of places) ferry crossing.⁵
(variant: 𣳥❄{⿰氵㡯} ù ). (See 𣳥❄{⿰氵㡯} ù).
过渡[過渡] gö-ù
guòdù transition; interim.⁵
过渡期[過渡期] gö-ù-kĩ
guòdùqī transition period or duration.⁶
古渡 gū-ù
gǔdù ancient ferry crossing.⁶
偷渡 hëo-ù
tōudù illegal immigration; to stowaway (on a ship); to steal across the international border; to run a blockade.¹⁰
轮渡[輪渡] lũn-ù
lúndù (steam) ferry.⁵
渡场[渡場] ù-chẽng
dùchǎng <mil.> crossing site.⁵
渡过[渡過] ù-gö
dùguò get/pass/pull through; tide (somebody) over.⁶
渡过难关[渡過難關] ù-gö-nãn-gän
dùguò nánguān tide over a difficulty; pull through.⁵
渡口 ù-hēo
dùkǒu ferry; ferry crossing; pier.⁶
渡头[渡頭] ù-hẽo
dùtóu ferry station/wharf/crossing.⁶
渡河 ù-hõ
dùhé cross a river.⁵
渡轮[渡輪] ù-lũn
dùlún ferry boat/steamer; steam ferry.⁶
渡船 ù-sõn
dùchuán ferryboat; ferry.⁵
渡槽 ù-tão
dùcáo aqueduct.⁵
引渡 yîn-ù
yǐndù <law> extradite.⁵
u4 14578
94 17 𤢕
ù (=斁 ù ) to corrupt; to spoil.⁷ to ruin; to destroy.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰睪犬; U+24895).
<又> yèik.
(See 𤢕❄{⿰睪犬} yèik; 斁 yèik; 斁 ù.)
u4 14579
104 8 𤴱
ù breast carbuncle; breast disease.²
(composition: ⿸疒乇; U+24D31).
u4 14580
137 15 ù dào <topo.> a tugboat pulling a passenger boat/ship; name of ferry crossing (where the name of the city/town is placed in front of 艔, such as 江门艔[江門艔] göng-mõn-ù jiāngméndào Jiangmen Ferry Crossing; ferry; (Cant.) boat.⁸ (=渡 ù cross (river, the sea); tide over, pull through; ferry (people, goods) across; (mostly names of places) ferry crossing.⁵).⁹⁸
(composition: ⿰舟度; U+8254).
拖艔 hü-ù
tuōdào  (=拖船 hü-sõn tuōchuán tugboat.).⁸
u4 14581
140 6 ù 茳芏 göng-ù jiāngdù (a kind of rush) Cyperus legetiformis.¹ Cyperus malaccensis var. brevifolius.⁹
u4 14582
140 12 𦳔
ù a fragrant plant.²ʼ²⁵
(composition: ⿰艹度; U+26CD4).

u4 14583
142 16 ù (=蠹 ù ) moth; insects which eat into cloth.⁸ grubs in wood; worms in books, clothes; used figuratively of corrupt officials.¹⁴
(See 蠹 ù).
u4 14584
142 22 ù (=蠹 ù ) moth; insects which eat into cloth.⁸
(composition: ⿱⿳士冖石䖵; U+8827).
蝎蠧 hòt-ù
hédù grubs and larvae of all kinds.¹⁴
(See 蠹 ù).
u4 14585
142 24 ù moth; insects which eat into cloth.⁸ moth; bookworm.⁹ grubs in wood; worms in books, clothes; used figuratively of corrupt officials.¹⁴ Du surname.²⁹ (variants: 蠧, 螙 ù ).
(composition: ⿳⿻一中冖⿱石䖵; U+8839).
齿蠹[齒蠹] chī-ù
chǐdù tooth decay.¹¹
户枢不蠹[戶樞不蠹] fù-sï-būt-ù
or fù-kuï-būt-ù hùshūbùdù lit. The door pivot will not become worm-eaten. – Human faculties should be constantly used to prevent them from getting rusty.⁷
禄蠹[祿蠹] lùk-ù
lùdù <wr.> fame and wealth seeker.⁶ a sinecurist.⁷
霉蠹 mõi-ù
méidù to become mildewed and worm-eaten (of books); to mildew and rot.¹⁰
蠹弊 ù-bài
dùbì malpractice; abuse; corrupt practice.¹⁰
蠹虫[蠹蟲] ù-chũng
dùchóng moth; harmful person; vermin.¹⁰
蠹吏 ù-lì
dùlì corrupt officials.¹⁰ underlings.¹⁴
蠹鱼[蠹魚] ù-nguĩ/
dùyú silverfish.⁸ worms in books; silverfish; a bookworm.¹⁴
蠹蟫 ù-yĩm
dùyín (=蠹鱼[蠹魚] ù-nguĩ/ dùyú) silverfish.⁸
(See 蠧 ù; 螙 ù).
u4 14586
167 17 ù plate, coat, gild.⁸
镀金[鍍金] ù-gïm dùjīn to gold-plate; to gild; (fig.) to make something quite ordinary seem special.¹⁰
镀铜[鍍銅] ù-hũng
dùtóng copperplating.⁹
镀铬[鍍鉻] ù-lōk
dùgè chroming.¹⁰
镀银[鍍銀] ù-ngãn
dùyín silver-plated.¹⁰
镀镍[鍍鎳] ù-nēik
dùniè nickelage.¹⁰
镀锡[鍍錫] ù-xëk
dùxī to tin-plate; to tin.⁶
镀锡铁[鍍錫鐵] ù-xëk-hëik
dùxītiě tinplate.⁶
镀锌[鍍鋅] ù-xïn
dùxīn galvanized; zinc-coated.¹⁰
u4 14587
4 丿 6 𠂤 duī (old form of 堆 uï duī mound, pile).¹ to store up, to pile up.³⁶
(composition: ⿱丿㠯; U+200A4). This character, 𠂤 uï
duī, is rendered properly in iOS.
(See 堆 uï).
ui2 14588 200A4.jpg
10 6 duì (<old>=兑[兌] uï duì one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦 Bāt-gä Bāguà, symbolizing Lake, The Joyous; ☱.⁸⁰ to exchange; to barter; to weigh.¹⁴ to open up, as roads; straight; the 58th Diagram: to permeate.¹⁴).⁸
(composition: ⿱公儿; U+514A).
(See 兌 uï).
ui2 14589
10 7 duì one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦 Bāt-gä Bāguà, symbolizing Lake, The Joyous; ☱.⁸⁰ to exchange; to barter; to weigh.¹⁴ to open up, as roads; straight; the 58th Diagram: to permeate.¹⁴ (variant: 兊 uï duì).
t: ⿱八兄; U+514C). (comp. s: ⿱丷兄; U+5151).
出兑[出兌] chūt-uï
chūduì to remit money.⁵⁴
发兑[發兌] fāt-uï
fāduì to sell wholesale.¹⁴
行道兑矣[行道兌矣] hãng-ào-uï-yì
xíngdàoduìyǐ and roads for travelling were opened.¹⁴
松柏斯兑[松柏斯兌] tũng-pāk-xü-uï
sōngbǎisīduì paths were made through the firs and cypresses.¹⁴
兑交[兌交] uï-gäo
duìjiāo to pay to.¹⁴
兑支[兌支] uï-jï
duìzhī to advance money.¹⁴
兑给[兌給] uï-kīp
duìgěi to pay to; to weigh out.¹⁴
兑银子[兌銀子] uï-ngãn-dū
duìyínzi to weigh silver.¹⁴
兑收[兌收] uï-siü
duìshōu to weigh in - as a bank receving bullion.¹⁴
兑税[兌稅] uï-suï
duìshuì to pay duty.¹⁴
兑钱粮[兌錢糧] uï-tẽin-lẽng
duìqiánliáng to pay the land tax.¹⁴
兑换[兌換] uï-vòn
duìhuàn to exchange coin or jewelry.¹⁴
兑现[兌現] uï-yèn
duìxiàn to exchange for ready money.¹⁴
<又> yòt.
(See 兌 yòt; 兊 uï).
ui2 14590
32 9 duī (<old>=堆 uï duī to pile up; to pile; to stack; heap; pile; mass; crowd.).⁸ heap; pile; hillock, mound.³⁶
(composition: ⿰土𠂤; U+5796).
(See 堆 uï).
ui2 14591
32 11 duī to pile up; to pile; to stack; heap; pile; mass; crowd.
(old variants: 垖 uï duī; 塠 uï duī).
堆积[堆積] uï-dēik
duījī to store up; piled up.
堆积如山[堆積如山] uï-dēik-nguĩ-sän
duījīrúshān piled up like a mountain.
堆聚 uï-duì
duījù pile up; heap up
堆字砌句 uï-dù-täi-guï
duīzìqìjù pile up words and phrases in writing.⁵⁴
堆砌 uï-täi
duīqì piling up of phrases and allusions in composition, like piling up bricks (as against simple style).¹¹
堆放 uï-föng
duīfàng to pile up; to stack.
堆金积玉[堆金積玉] uï-gïm-dēik-ngùk
duījīnjīyù to amass a fortune; a vast fortune.
堆芯 uï-xïm
duīxīn reactor core.¹⁰
or 滟滪堆[灩澦堆] Yèm-yì Uï Yànyù Duī a steep cliff in the middle of the Yangtze River in 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan Province; a navigator's nightmare.⁷
<又> luî, uì, uî.
(See 堆 luî, uì, uî; 垖 uï; 塠 uï).
ui2 14592
32 12 duī (<old>=堆 uï duī to pile up; to pile; to stack; heap; pile; mass; crowd.).⁸ heap; pile; hillock, mound.³⁶
(composition: ⿰土追; U+5860).
(See 堆 uï).
ui2 14593
41 14 duì correct; parallel; a pair; to check; as to; to be direct at.⁷
对比[對比] uï-bī duìbǐ contrast; correlation.⁷
对不起[對不起] uï-būt-hī
duìbuqǐ I'm sorry.⁹
对称[對稱] uï-chëin
duìchèn symmetry; symmetrical.⁸
对象[對象] uï-dèng
duìxiàng target, object; boy/girl friend.⁵
对方[對方] uï-föng
duìfāng the other side; the other party.⁷
对付[對付] uï-fù
duìfu to deal with; to cope with.⁷
对客人彬彬[對客人彬彬] uï-hāk-ngĩn-bïn-bïn
duì kèren bīnbīn behave courteously to guests.⁶
对口相声[對口相聲] uï-hēo-xëng-sëin
duìkǒuxiàngshēng  cross talk; comic dialogue.⁵ formalized comic dialog between two stand-up comics: leading role 逗哏 èo-gïn dòugén and fall-guy 捧哏 pūng-gïn pěnggén.⁵⁴
对了[對了] uï-lēl
duìle correct; right.⁵⁴
对立[對立] uï-lìp
duìlì to be opposed to each other.⁷
对联[對聯] uï-lũn
duìlián antithetical couplet (on scrolls).
对面[對面] uï-mèin
duìmiàn right in front; face to face.
对岸[對岸] uï-ngòn
duì'àn the opposite shore.⁷
对待[對待] uï-òi
duìdài to treat; treatment.¹⁰
对峙[對峙] uï-sì
or uï-chî duìzhì to face each other; to confront each other.⁷
对话[對話] uï-và
duìhuà a dialogue; a conversation.⁷
对于[對於] uï-yï
duìyú regarding; with regards to.¹⁰
<又> uî.
(See 對 uî.)
ui2 14594
66 12 duì <archeo.> round or oval vessel with a lid for holding cereals.⁵⁴ utensil for for holding millet.⁸ to lodge alone; to regulate; to break in two.²⁴ a recepticle for grain.²⁴
玉敦 ngùk-uï yùduì jade vessel used to hold blood during the oath-taking ceremony.³⁹
<又> èl, ün, ùn.
(See 敦 èl, ün, ùn.)
ui2 14595
112 14 duī to throw (a stone); ram, dash against, strike, bump; (<old>=堆 uï duī) pile up, heap up; to fall, to drop.⁸
磓琢 uï-dēk
duīzhuó hammer into shape; polish, refine.¹⁹
ui2 14596
113 8 duì a sort of spear.²⁵ <lit.> synonym of 殳 sĩ shū bamboo spear; <lit.> pole used to hang sheepskin; a surname​.³⁶
(composition: ⿰礻殳; U+794B).
祋殳 uï-sĩ
duìshū an old rod-like weapon.¹⁹
祋祤 uï-yî
duìyǔ <old> name of a county during the Han Dynasty, in present day Shaanxi Province.⁸ʼ¹³ the name of a district.²⁵
ui2 14597
130 13 zhuì <wr.> (of the foot) swell; become swollen.⁶
(composition: ⿰⺼追; U+8187).
ui2 14598
167 16 𬭚
duì <wr.> flat-bottom metal hood at the end of a spear or halberd.⁶ metal sheath of spear handle.⁸ metal sheath of spear handle; head of a pin.³⁶
(comp. t: ⿰金享; U+931E). (comp. s: ⿰钅享; U+2CB5A)
<又> sũn.
(See 錞 sũn).
ui2 14599
167 20 duì (=錞 uï duì) <wr.> flat-bottom metal hood at the end of a spear or halberd.⁶ metal sheath of spear handle.⁸ an archaic term for a flat-bottomed metal cap fastened to the end of the shaft of a spear.⁹
<又> ün.
(See 錞 uï; 鐓[uï, duī]; 鐓[ün, dūn].)
ui2 14600
167 20 duī rammer; tamper.⁵⁴
<又> ün. (See 鐓[uï, duì]; 鐓[ün, dūn].)
ui2 14601
32 11 duī 一堆 yīt-uì yīduī a pile.
<又> luî, uï, uî.
(See 堆 luî, uï, uî.)
ui4 14602
32 11 duī 土堆 hū-uî tǔduī a mound of earth.
<又> luî, uï, uì.
(See 堆 luî, uï, uì.)
ui5 14603
41 14 duì <台> 一副对[一副對] yīt-fü-uî/ a couplet.
<又> uï. (See 對 uï.)
ui5 14604
112 13 duì a treadle-operated tilt hammer for hulling rice.⁵ (simple) husking device.⁶ a tool for processing rice that consists of a mortar in which rice are pounded, and rubbed with a pestle to remove their tough covering.⁹ pestle for hulling rice.¹¹ a pestle, worked with the foot, used to hull rice; to pound in a mortar.¹⁴
踏碓 àp-uî tàduì pestle for husking rice worked by foot.¹¹
舂碓 jüng-uî
chōngduì a pestle (for husking grain).⁷
水碓 suī-uî
shuǐduì water mill for hulling rice.¹¹
槽碓 tão-uî
cáoduì a mortar for husking rice by waterpower.¹¹
碓捣[碓搗] uî-āo
duìdǎo to pound.¹⁴
碓房 uî-fông
duìfáng (rice) mill (using simple husking device).⁶
碓架 uî-gä
duìjià or 碓牀 uî-chõng duìchuáng the frame by which the pestle is supported.¹⁴
碓臼 uî-giü
duìjiù pestles and mortars.⁷
碓头[碓頭] uî-hẽo
duìtou pestle.¹¹
ui5 14605
28 6 ūk to tap lightly.
点厾[點厾] ēm-ūk diǎndū to touch up a painting.¹⁰
uk1 14606
30 12 ūk descriptive of crying or of crowing.⁸ an exlamation.⁷
雄鸡喔喔啼[雄雞喔喔啼] hũng-gäi-ūk-ūk-hãi xióngjīwōwōtí cock crows.¹⁹
喔喔喔 ūk-ūk-ūk
wōwōwō Cock-a-doodle-doo!⁵⁴
(In spoken Hoisanva cock-a-doodle-doo is 各各鸡啼朵 [各各雞啼朵] gõk-gōk-gäi-hãi-ū.)
<又> ā.
(See 喔 ā.)
uk1 14607
44 6 𡰪
ūk Note: according to Kangxi (c. 1716) people erroneously read this character 𡰪❄{⿸尸口} as ūk , but it should have been read as 𡰪❄{⿸尸口} hũn tún.
(composition: ⿸尸口; U+21C2A).
(See 𡰪❄{⿸尸口} hũn).
uk1 14608
44 9 ūk house; room.⁵
屋脊 ūk-dëk wūjǐ ridge of roof.¹¹
屋子 ūk-dū
wūzi house; room.¹⁰
屋顶[屋頂] ūk-ēng
wūdǐng roof; housetop.⁵
屋架  ūk-gâ
wūjià roof truss.⁵
屋主 ūk-jī
wūzhǔ house owner.¹¹
屋漏 ūk-lèo
wūlòu northwest corner of a house; leak in the roof.⁸ <wr.> dark corners of house.¹¹
屋漏偏遭连夜雨[屋漏偏遭連夜雨] ūk-lèo-pëin-däo-lẽin-yèh-yî
wūlòu piān zāo liányèyǔ a leaky house is hit by a night-long rain – misfortune never come single; it never rains but it pours.⁶
屋里人[屋裡人] ūk-lī-ngĩn
wūlirén wife.⁶
屋面 ūk-mèin
wūmiàn roofing.⁵
屋庑[屋廡] ūk-mû
wūwǔ <wr.> buildings and covered walks.¹¹
屋外厕所[屋外廁所] ūk-ngòi-xü-sō
wūwàicèsuǒ outhouse.⁹
屋檐 ūk-sẽm
wūyán eaves.⁵
屋上架屋 ūk-sèng-gä-ūk
wūshàngjiàwū build one house on the top of another – needless duplication.⁶
屋宇 ūk-yî
wūyǔ <wr.> house; building.¹⁰
<台> 屋盖[屋蓋] ūk-gôi rooftop.
<台> 屋主 ūk-jī landlord.
uk1 14609
109 13 ūk supervise, oversee, direct.⁸
督导[督導] ūk-ào dūdǎo supervise and direct; supervisor.⁶
督办[督辦] ūk-bàn
dūbàn supervise and handle; supervisor, superintendent.⁶
督察 ūk-chāt
dūchá supervise, superintend; inspector.⁶
督饬[督飭] ūk-chēik
or ūk-sēik dūchì supervise and direct.¹¹
督课[督課] ūk-fö
dūkè to inspect work done.¹¹
督抚[督撫] ūk-fū
dūfǔ governor-general and inspector-governor (in the Ming and Qing dynasties).⁶
督军[督軍] ūk-gün
dūjūn provincial military governor in the early Republican period of China.⁶
督学[督學] ūk-hòk
dūxué school inspector.⁶
督责[督責] ūk-jāk
dūzé closely supervise (work, worker).⁶
督战[督戰] ūk-jën
dūzhàn to direct campaign.⁶
督理 ūk-lî
dūlǐ supervise.⁶
督促 ūk-tūk
dūcù to hurry, speed up (work, construction).⁶
督師 ūk-xü
dūshī commander appointed by court to take overall charge of campaign.¹¹
督率 ūk-xūt
or 督帅[督帥] ūk-suï dūshuài lead; command.⁶
<台> 一督尿 yīt-ūk-nèl <m.> urine.
<台> 一督屎 yīt-ūk-sī <m.> feces.
<又> ük.
(See 督 ük.)
uk1 14610
118 8 ūk (<archaic=笃[篤] ūk ) sincere, earnest; (of an illness) serious, critical.⁶
<又> jūk.
(See 篤 ūk; 竺 jūk).
uk1 14611
118 16 ūk sincere, earnest; (of an illness) serious, critical.⁶
病笃[病篤] bèng-ūk bìngdǔ be dangerously ill; be in critical condition; be terminally ill.⁵
笃疾[篤疾] ūk-dìp
dǔjí a fatal illness; a serious disease.⁷
笃定[篤定] ūk-èin
dǔdìng (informal) very confident; assured.⁷
笃敬[篤敬] ūk-gëin
dǔjìng sincerely respectful.⁷
笃行[篤行] ūk-hãng
dǔxíng honest in behavior.⁷
笃厚[篤厚] ūk-hêo
dǔhòu very sincere.⁷
笃学[篤學] ūk-hòk
dǔxué to study diligently.⁷
笃志[篤志] ūk-jï
dǔzhì firm determination.⁷
笃挚[篤摯] ūk-jï
dǔzhì intimate and sincere.⁸
笃剧[篤劇] ūk-kēk
dǔjù seriously ill.⁷
笃老[篤老] ūk-lāo
dǔlǎo very old; of a venerable age.⁷
笃癃[篤癃] ūk-lũng
dǔlóng invalid, disabled person.⁵⁴
笃爱[篤愛] ūk-öi
dǔ'ài deep affection.⁷
笃生[篤生] ūk-säng
dǔshēng to be much blessed by Heaven – much gifted.⁷
笃实[篤實] ūk-sìt
dǔshí sincere, honest; solid, sound.⁷
笃守[篤守] ūk-siū
dǔshǒu to give careful attention to; to observe with great care.⁷
笃信[篤信] ūk-xïn
dǔxìn to have sincere faith in; honest, trustworthy.⁷
uk1 14612
133 11 𦤼
ūk (=𦤿 ūk <old> for 屋 ūk house; room.⁵).⁸
(=屋 ūk
house; room.⁵).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿳士冖至 U+2693C).
<又> hõi.
(See 𦤼❄{⿳士冖至} hõi; 屋 ūk; 𦤿❄{⿳丰冖至} ūk).
uk1 14613
133 12 𦤿
ūk (<old>=屋 ūk house; room.⁵).²ʼc
(variant: 𦤼
❄{⿳士冖至} ūk).
(composition: ⿳丰冖至 U+2693F).
(See 屋 ūk; 𦤼❄{⿳士冖至} ūk).
uk1 14614
157 16 ūk (=龌[齷] ūk ) narrow, small; dirty.⁸
(composition: ⿰⻊屋; U+480E).
❄{⿰⻊齒} ūk-tūk wòchuò to urge, to impel;  embarrassed; also small.²⁵
(See 齷 ūk).
uk1 14615
163 11 𨜘
ūk the name of a place in 南阳[南陽] Nãm-yẽng Nányáng county, 河南省 Henan Province, Lat. 33° N. Long. 4° W.²ʼ²⁵
(composition: ⿰屋阝; U+28718).
uk1 14616
211 24 ūk narrow, small; dirty.⁸ (variant: 䠎
卑陋龌龊[卑陋齷齪] bï-lèo-ūk-tūk bēilòuwòchuò sordid and contemptible (idiom); vile and repulsive (esp. character or action).¹⁰
卑鄙龌龊[卑鄙齷齪] bï-pī-ūk-tūk
bēibǐwòchuò sordid; foul; mean.⁶ sordid and contemptible (idiom); vile and repulsive (esp. character or action).¹⁰
龌浊[齷濁] ūk-dùk
wòzhuó filthy; nasty; sordid; impure (motives).¹⁰
龌龊[齷齪] ūk-tūk
wòchuò dirty, filthy; base, mean, despicable; <wr.> narrow-minded.⁶
龌龊钱[齷齪錢] ūk-tūk-tẽin
wòchuòqián dirty money.³⁹
uk1 14617
109 13 ük <台> 督 ük to prick; to pierce.
<台> 督住 ük-jì to string together.
<台> 督一下 ük-yīt-hâ to give a poke.
<又> ūk. (See 督 ūk.)
uk2 14618
9 11 𠉩
ùk to move.²
(composition: ⿰亻毒; U+20269).
uk4 14619
9 15 ùk short and ugly.²
(composition: ⿰亻蜀; U+3494).
<又> sùk.
(See 㒔 sùk).
uk4 14620
80 9 ùk poison; narcotics; evil.
病毒 bèng-ùk bìngdú virus.
毒品 ùk-bīn
dúpǐn drugs; narcotics; poison.
毒疮[毒瘡] ùk-chông
dúchuāng poisoned sore.⁸
毒枭[毒梟] ùk-hël
dúxiāo drug lord; top drug trafficker.⁶
毒害 ùk-hòi
dúhài  poisoning; to poison (people's minds).
毒瘴 ùk-jëng
dúzhàng miasma.⁸
毒芹 ùk-kĩn
dúqín hemlock, Cicuta virosa L.²³
毒疠[毒癘] ùk-lài
dúlì ulcer; epidemic.⁵⁴
毒瘤 ùk-liũ
dúliú malignant tumor.⁵
毒蛇 ùk-sẽh
dúshé poisonous/venomous snake; viper.⁶
毒蛇猛兽[毒蛇猛獸] ùk-sẽh-mâng-chiü
dúshéměngshòu venomous serpents and wild beasts.¹⁹
毒蕈 ùk-xïn
dúxùn poisonous fungus; toadstool.⁸
毒素 ùk-xü
dúsù toxin; poison.
毒瘾[毒癮] ùk-yîn
dúyǐn drug addiction.¹⁰
以毒攻毒 yî-ùk-güng-ùk
yǐdúgōngdú to fight evil with evil; use poison as an antidore for poison; fight fire with fire.⁷
uk4 14621
94 16 ùk only, single; alone, by oneself, in solitude.⁵
独白[獨白] ùk-bàk dúbái soliloquy; monologue.⁵
独创[獨創] ùk-chōng
dúchuàng original creation.⁵
独自[獨自] ùk-dù
dúzì alone; by oneself.⁵
独居[獨居] ùk-guï
dújū live a solitary existence.⁵
独行[獨行] ùk-hãng
dúxíng to walk alone; to go one's own way, to stick to one's own way of doing things.³⁶
独揽大权[獨攬大權] ùk-lām-ài-kũn
dúlǎn dàquán to arrogate all powers to oneself.
独立[獨立] ùk-lìp
dúlì stand alone; independence; independent, one one's own.⁵
独龙族[獨龍族] Ùk-lũng-dùk
Dúlóngzú the Drung (Tulung) nationality, living  in 云南[雲南] Vũn-nãm Yúnnán Yunnan.⁵
独辟蹊径[獨闢蹊徑] ùk-pēik-hãi-gèin
dúpìxījìng open a new road for oneself; develop a new style or a new method of one's own.⁵
独树一帜[獨樹一幟] ùk-sì-yīt-chï
dúshùyīzhì lit. to fly one's banner on a solitary tree (idiom); fig. to act as a loner; to stand out; to develop one's own school; to have attitude of one's own.¹⁰
独一无二[獨一無二] ùk-yīt-mũ-ngì
dúyīwú'èr unique; unparalleled; unmatched.⁵
<台> 独食[獨食] ùk-sèik selfish.
uk4 14622
112 14 ùk zhóu stone roller (for threshing grain, leveling ground).¹⁰
磟碡 lūk-ùk liùzhou stone roller (for threshing grain, leveling ground).¹⁰
碌碡 lūk-ùk
or 遛轴[遛軸] liü-jùk liùzhou stone roller (for threshing grain, leveling ground).¹⁰
碌碡磙 lūk-ùk-gūn
liùzhougǔn <agr.> stone roller.⁵⁴
uk4 14623
120 24 ùk alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 纛 ào dào with same meaning: <trad.> big army banner.⁶  a banner; a streamer.⁷ big square army banner.¹¹ a banner or streamer carrying a feather, used to show the way at a funeral; a large triangular standard, carried before the general-in-chief to mark his presence; it was adorned with red silk tassels, or a tail or feathers.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱毒縣; U+7E9B).
大纛旂 ài-ùk-kĩ
dàdúqí the general's standard.¹⁰²
翿纛 ào-ùk
dàodú a standard/banner.²⁵
杀人祭纛[殺人祭纛] sät-ngĩn-däi-ùk
shārénjìdú the blood of the slain was offered to pay honor to the standard.¹⁰²ʼ⁰
纛旗 ùk-kĩ
dúqí or ào-kĩ dàoqí banner (standard) of the commander of the army.⁵⁴
<又> ào.
(See 纛 ào.)
uk4 14624
140 19 𧁿
ùk (composition: ⿱艹獨; U+2707F).
𧁿活 ùk-vòt dúhuó name of a medicine.² panacea or all-heal master-wort.²⁵ a medicinal herb.¹⁰¹
<又> sùk.
(See 𧁿❄{⿱艹獨} sùk).
uk4 14625
145 18 ùk wrap; cover; put in a case.⁵⁴ to put up a bow in its case.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰衤蜀; U+8961).
Lêm-èin-ngĩ-ùk-jï. Liǎn diàn ér dú zhī.
and roll up the fine mat and put it in its cover.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·內則·9》, translated by James Legge).
<又> sùk; ēo; èo.
(See 襡 sùk; 襡 ēo; 襡 èo).
uk4 14626
149 22 ùk to read; to study.
(comp. t: ⿰言賣(GHTV) or ⿰言𧶠(KJ); U+8B80).
s: ⿰讠卖; U+8BFB).
笔筒装米, 也要教子读书[筆筒裝米, 也要教子讀書] bīt-hûng-jöng-māi, yâ-yël-gäo-dū-ùk-sï
bǐtǒngzhuāngmǐ, yěyàojiāozǐdúshū “Even if the only rice we have can fit in a brush container, we will still make sure our children will be educated.”) In other words, we encourage education and persuade people to never give up on it no matter the situation and circumstances.
泛读[泛讀] fàn-ùk
fàndú extensive reading.¹⁰
攻读[攻讀] güng-ùk
gōngdú to major (in a field); to study a specialty to obtain a higher degree.
寒窗苦读[寒窗苦讀] hõn-töng-fū-ùk
hánchuāngkǔdú persevere in one's studies in spite of hardships.¹⁴
读报[讀報] ùk-bäo
dúbào to read newspapers.
读者[讀者] ùk-jēh
dúzhě reader.
读书[讀書] ùk-sï
dúshū read; study; attend school.
读写[讀寫] ùk-xēh
dúxiě reading and writing.
阅读[閱讀] yòt-ùk
yuèdú read.⁵
<又> èo.
(See 讀 èo.)
uk4 14627
149 29 ùk slander, utter evil words.⁸ to slander; to murmur.¹⁴ to be grieved, and dissatisfied; general complaint; evil surmisings; revilings.²⁵ <lit.> resentment; slander; complaint.³⁶ discontented, seditious; people slandering one; murmurs against rulers; deep hatred expressed in bitter words.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰讀言; U+8B9F).
谤讟[謗讟] bōng-ùk bàngdú to defame; to slander.¹⁴ slanders.²⁵ʼ¹⁰²
诽讟[誹讟] fī-ùk
fěidú calumnies.¹⁰²
讟诽[讟誹] ùk-fī
dúfěi calumnies.²⁵
or 怨黷 yön-ùk yuàndú have a grudge against somebody, hate; resentment, grudge, enmity.¹³ to hate and rail at.¹⁰²
uk4 14628
154 22 ùk fetus of an animal that died before it is born.² fetus or embryo of a bird or animal that died before it is born.¹³
(composition: ⿰卵賣; U+8D15).
不贕 būt-ùk bùdú not stillborn, i.e., liveborn.¹³
Chiü-höi-būt-ùk, nêl-lôn-būt-òn,...
Shòu tāi bù dú, niǎo luǎn bù duàn,...
The fetus of the beast is not stillborn, and the egg of the bird is not infertile,...⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《淮南子·原道訓·2》).
贕胎 ùk-höi
dútāi an abortion among animals.²⁵
(See 殰 dùk).
uk4 14629
188 22 ùk skull.⁹ the skull; the bones on the top of the head.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰骨蜀; U+9AD1).
庄子之楚, 见空髑髅. [莊子之楚, 見空髑髏.]
Jöng-dū-jï-chō, gëin-hüng-ùk-lẽo.
Zhuāngzǐ zhī chǔ, jiàn kōng dúlóu.
When Zhuangzi went to Chu, he saw an empty skull. (Excerpt from 《莊子·外篇·至樂·4》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ When Zhuangzi went to Chu, he saw a hollow skull.¹⁰²
圣髑[聖髑] sëin-ùk
shèngdú (Roman Catholics) relics of every kind.¹⁰²ʼ⁰
髑髅[髑髏] ùk-lẽo
dúlóu <wr.> skull/head (of a dead person).⁶ the calvaria, or top of the head.²⁵
uk4 14630
203 27 ùk (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 黩[黷] dùk with same meaning: dirty, to insult; black, soiled.¹⁴)
t: ⿰黑賣); U+9EF7). (comp. s: ⿰黑卖; U+9EE9).
<又> dùk.
(See 黷 dùk.)
uk4 14631
30 13 ûk <台> 嗝 ûk to burp.
<台> 打个嗝[打個嗝] ā-göi-ûk a belch, a burp.
<台> 嗝猪仔[嗝豬仔] ûk-jï-dōi a belch, a burp.
<又> gäk.
(See 嗝 gäk.)
uk5 14632
30 16 ūn dūn <loan> ton.¹⁰
公吨[公噸] güng-ūn gōngdūn ton; metric ton.¹⁰
千吨[千噸] tëin-ūn
qiāndūn kiloton.¹⁰
吨级[噸級] ūn-kīp
dūnjí tonnage; class in tons (of a passenger ship).¹⁰
吨数[噸數] ūn-sū
dūnshù tonnage.¹⁰
吨位[噸位] ūn-vì
dūnwèi tonnage.¹⁰
un1 14633
31 7 ūn dùn grain bin. (variant: 𥫱❄{⿱𥫗屯 } ūn dùn),
(composition: ⿴囗屯; U+56E4).
粮食囤[糧食囤] lẽng-sèik-ūn
liángshidùn grain bin.⁶
粮囤[糧囤] lẽng-ūn
liángdùn grain bin.⁶
米囤 māi-ūn mǐdùn a vessel for storing rice, woven out of bamboo strips, vitex, etc. or made from foil.⁹
<又> tũn.
(See 囤 tũn.; 𥫱❄{⿱𥫗屯 } ūn).
un1 14634
32 15 ūn dūn (<old>=墩 ūn dūn) heap, mound, block of stone.⁸
(composition: ⿱敦土; U+58AA).
(See 墩 ūn.)
un1 14635
32 15 ūn dūn heap, mound, block of stone; <m.> for clusters of plant.⁸ (old variant: 墪 ūn dūn.)
(composition: ⿰土敦; U+58A9).
白墩子 bàk-ūn-dū
báidūnzi petuntse – white earth used for making porcelain.¹⁴
柁墩 hõ-ūn
tuódūn wooden pier.⁹
土墩 hū-ūn
tǔdūn a mound; a small rideau.⁹
桥墩[橋墩] kẽl-ūn
qiáodūn bridge pier.⁸
门墩[門墩] mõn-ūn
méndūn a wooden or stone block that supports the hinge of a door.⁹
菜墩子 töi-ūn-dū
càidūnzi chopping block.¹⁹
墩堡 ūn-bāo
dūnbǎo beacon mound.¹⁴
墩布 ūn-bü
dūnbù swab; mop.¹⁰
墩座 ūn-dò
dūnzuò pier base; pier of bridge.⁸
墩子 ūn-dū
dūnzi a block of wood or stone.¹⁰
墩台[墩臺] ūn-hõi
dūntái a beacon mound.¹⁴
墩木 ūn-mûk
dūnmù block.⁸
绣墩[繡墩] xiü-ūn
xiùdūn garden stool.⁵
(See 墪 ūn.)
un1 14636
45 4 ūn tún to store/hoard up; collect, gather; to station/quarter troops.⁶
(composition: ⿻一⿻凵乚(GHTV) or ⿻七凵(GHTV) or ⿻丿⿻凵乚(JK); U+5C6F).
屯兵 ūn-bëin or hûn-bëin túnbīng to station/quarter troops.⁶
屯积[屯積] ūn-dēik
or hûn-dēik túnjī (=囤积[囤積] tũn-dēik túnjī) to hoard for speculation; to corner (the market).⁶
屯货[屯貨] ūn-fö
or hûn-fö or 囤货[囤貨] tũn-fö túnhuò to store up goods.⁶
屯垦[屯墾] ūn-hān
túnkěn to station troops to open up wasteland.¹  open up frontier land.¹¹
屯垦区[屯墾區] ūn-hān-kuï 
túnkěnqū settlement areas.⁵⁴
屯粮[屯糧] ūn-lẽng
or hûn-lẽng túnliáng (=囤粮[囤糧] tũn-lẽng túnliáng) to store/hoard up grain.⁶
<又> hũn, jün, tûn, hûn.
(See 屯 hũn, jün, tûn, hûn.)
un1 14637
64 9 ūn shuān to tie, to fasten.
拴不住心 ūn-būt-jì-xïm shuānbuzhù xīn unable to hold a man's heart (of a woman); unable to keep one's mind fixed.
拴插 ūn-chäp
shuānchā to look after the food and clothing of a child.
拴车[拴車] ūn-chëh
shuānchē to provide carts and carriages¹¹ (for rental).
拴住 ūn-jì
shuānzhù to tether; to tie up; (fig.) to restrict; to keep a hold on.
拴马桩[拴馬樁] ūn-mâ-jöng
shuānmǎzhuāng hitching post.¹ a wooden or stone stake used to tie horse.⁹
拴绳[拴繩] ūn-sẽin
shuānshéng to tie/fasten with a rope.
<又> sän, xùn.
(See 拴 sän, xùn.)
un1 14638
75 4 𣎴
ūn dǔn stump of a tree.⁸ block of wood; (dialectal) brick-shaped clay.³⁶ <old> stump; mound, hill.⁵⁴ (Distinguish 不 būt not, no and 𤓯 jēng zhǎng palm of hand).
(composition: ⿻丅𠆢; U+233B4).
❄{⿻丅𠆢}子 ūn-dū dǔnzi (=墩子 ūn-dū dūnzi a block of wood or stone.¹⁰).⁵⁴
<又> ngòi.
(See 𣎴❄{⿻丅𠆢} ngòi).
un1 14639
109 11 ūn dǔn nearly asleep.²⁴
(composition: ⿰目合; U+402B).
<又> gäp. (See 䀫 gäp).
un1 14640
112 17 ūn dūn big and heavy stone.⁶
桥礅[橋礅] kẽl-ūn qiáodūn abutment.¹⁹
石礅 sêk-ūn
shídūn stone block.⁶
un1 14641
118 10 𥫱
ūn dùn (=囤 ūn dùn grain bin).⁸ a receptable for rice and grain; a small granary; an immensely long bamboo.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗屯; U+25AF1).
<又> tũn.
(See 𥫱 tũn; 囤 ūn).
un1 14642
157 19 ūn dǔn wholesale; buy wholesale.⁶ to store; to warehouse.¹⁴
趸货[躉貨] ūn-fö dǔnhuò buy goods wholesale.⁶
趸家[躉家] ūn-gä
dǔnjiā one who corners the market.¹⁴
趸买[躉買] ūn-mäi
dǔnmǎi buy wholesale.⁶
趸卖[躉賣] ūn-mài
dǔnmài sell wholesale.⁶
趸批[躉批] ūn-päi
dǔnpī wholesale.⁶
趸售[躉售] ūn-siù
dǔnshòu sell wholesale.⁶
趸售价値[躉售價値] ūn-siù-gä-jèik
dǔnshòu jiàzhí  wholesale price.¹⁴
趸售物价指数[躉售物價指數] ūn-siù-mùt-gä-jī-sü d
ǔnshòu wùjià zhǐshù wholesale price index (WPI).¹⁹
趸售市场[躉售市場] ūn-siù-sî-chẽng
dǔnshòu shìchǎng a wholesale market.⁷
趸船[躉船] ūn-sõn
dǔnchuán boat used as a landing/storage stage; pontoon.⁶
现趸现卖[現躉現賣] yèn-ūn-yèn-mài
xiàndǔnxiànmài buy wholesale and sell immediately.⁶
<台> 趸玫[躉玫] ūn-mõi to store in a safe place.
un1 14643
66 12 ün dūn <台> 敦驻[敦駐] ün-jî to hesitate.
<台> 敦缩[敦縮] ün-sûk walk backwards.
<又> èl, uï, ùn. (See 敦 èl, uï, ùn.)
un2 14644
72 16 ün tūn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 暾 hün tūn with same meaning: <wr.> newly-risen sun.⁵ sunrise.⁷ the sun appearing above the horizon; the full glare of the sun.¹⁴)
(composition: ⿰日敦; U+66BE).
<又> hün.
(See 暾 hün.)
un2 14645
167 20 ün dūn (of a metal bolt) upset; (=驐 ün dūn) <topo.> castrate; geld.⁶ stamp (a metal plate); castrate.⁸ upsetting (forged pieces).¹⁰
冷镦[冷鐓] lâng-ün
lěngdūn upset.⁶ to stamp a metal plate without applying heat.⁸
热镦[熱鐓] ngèik-ün
rèdūn hot upsetting.⁶ to stamp a metal plate by applying heat.⁸
镦宽[鐓寬] ün-fön
dūnkuān swage-set (to broaden the tips of a saw tooth to a width greater than the thickness of the saw).⁸
镦鸡[鐓雞] ün-gäi
dūnjī to castrate a rooster.⁸
镦头[鐓頭] ün-hẽo
dūntou set head.⁹
镦焊[鐓銲] ün-hòn
dūnhàn upset.⁹
镦短[鐓短] ün-ōn
dūnduǎn (of a metal bolt) upset (to make it shorter.⁸
镦锻[鐓鍛] ün-òn
dūnduàn upsetting.⁹
镦粗[鐓粗] ün-tü
dūncū (of a metal bolt) upset (to make it thicker).⁸
镦粗试验[鐓粗試驗] ün-tü-sï-ngèm
dūncūshìyàn upsetting test.⁹
<又> uï.
(See 驐 ün; 鐓[uï, duī]; 鐓[uï, duì].)
un2 14646
187 22 ün dūn <topo.> castrate; geld.⁶
(composition : ⿰馬敦; U+9A50).
驐鸡[驐雞] ün-gäi dūnjī to castrate a rooster.⁶
驐牛 ün-ngẽo
dūnniú to castrate a bull.⁸
un2 14647
61 11 ùn dūn (=敦 ùn dūn) honest; sincere; candid.⁶ sincere, kind, generous.⁷ liberal; to consider important; to strive after; real feelings.²⁴ <lit.> sincere, honest; <lit.> to advise, to encourage; <lit.> to value, to emphasize.³⁶
(composition: ⿰忄享; U+60C7).
惇德 ùn-āk
dūndé honor the worthy.⁵⁴
惇惠 ùn-fì
dūnhuì benign, benignant.⁷
惇惠者 ùn-fì-jēh
dūnhuìzhě loyal (benevolent) benefactor.⁵⁴
惇诲[惇誨] ùn-fōi
dūnhuì to teach kindly.⁷
惇风[惇風] ùn-füng
dūnfēng strengthen morality, ennoble morals.⁵⁴
惇厚 ùn-hêo
dūnhòu liberal; kind.²⁴
惇学不仕[惇學不仕] ùn-hòk-būt-xù
dūnxuébùshì to surrender to science and not enter the service.⁵⁴
惇恪 ùn-kōk
dūnkè sincerity.²⁴
惇任人 ùn-ngìm-ngĩn
dūnrènrén to appoint people of high dignity to the service with good passion.⁵⁴
惇爱[惇愛] ùn-öi
dūn'ài love with all your soul; surrender to (something) completely.⁵⁴
惇朴[惇樸] ùn-pōk
dūnpǔ sincere and simple (ingenuous).⁵⁴
惇惇 ùn-ùn
dūndūn kind; generous; sincere.⁷
(See 敦 ùn.)
un4 14648
64 7 ùn dèn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 扽 dùn dèn with same meaning.)
<又> dùn.
(See 扽 dùn.)
un4 14649
64 15 ùn dūn to jolt; to thump.¹ to seize; <topo.> to hold tight.⁴⁰
撴的慌 ùn-ēik-föng dūndehuāng jolting unpleasantly as when riding on a rough road.¹⁴
un4 14650
66 12 ùn dūn honest; sincere; candid.⁶ (variants: 㪟, 惇 ùn dūn).
敦品力学[敦品力學] ùn-bīn-lèik-hòk
dūnpǐnlìxué upright in character and diligent in the pursuit of knowledge.⁷
敦厚 ùn-hèo
dūnhòu honest and sincere.⁶
敦劝[敦勸] ùn-hün
dūnquàn urge earnestly; plead with; beseech.⁶
敦伦[敦倫] ùn-lũn
dūnlún sexual act between husband and wife; to strengthen moral ties between humans.⁷
敦厖 ùn-mõng
dūnmáng abundant and affluent.²⁴
敦勉 ùn-mêin
dūnmiǎn honest and diligent.⁷
敦睦 ùn-mùk
dūnmù to promote friendly relations.¹⁰
敦聘 ùn-pëin
dūnpìn <wr.> cordially invite somebody (to take a post).⁶
敦朴[敦樸] ùn-pōk
dūnpǔ honest; sincere; upright.⁷
敦实[敦實] ùn-sìt
dūnshi stocky; short and solid.⁶
敦请[敦請] ùn-tēin
dūnqǐng invite somebody cordially; invite with all sincerity.⁶
敦亲睦邻[敦親睦鄰] ùn-tïn-mùk-lĩn
dūnqīnmùlín to strengthen the relations among kinsfolk and among different clans.⁷
敦促 ùn-tūk
dūncù urge; press; prompt.⁶
敦煌 Ùn-võng
Dūnhuáng Dunhuang city in Gansu Province.¹⁰
<又> èl, uï, ün.
(See 敦 èl, uï, ün; 㪟 ùn; 惇 ùn.)
un4 14651
66 13 ùn dūn (=敦 ùn dūn) honest; sincere; candid.⁶
(See 敦 ùn.)
un4 14652
75 13 ùn
dùn (=盾 ùn dùn) shield.⁸
<又> sôn.
(See 楯 sôn; 盾 ùn.)
un4 14653
85 7 ùn dùn turbid; unclear; chaotic.⁷
(composition: ⿰氵屯; U+6C8C).
浑沌[渾沌] vùn-ùn húndùn chaotic; messy.⁶
混沌 vùn-ùn
hùndùn chaos (the primeval state of the universe according to Chinese legend); innocent, simple-minded and ignorant.⁶
un4 14654
86 8 ùn dùn fire burning intensely.⁷
(See 炖[燉] ùn; 燉 ùn).
un4 14655
86 16 ùn dùn to stew, to simmer; to warm.⁷
(comp. t: ⿰火敦; U+71C9). (comp. s: ⿰火屯; U+7096).
清炖[清燉] tëin-ùn
qīngdùn to stew or steam meat without seasoning.⁷
清炖鸡[清燉雞] tëin-ùn-gäi
qīngdùnjī stewed chicken without soy sauce.⁵
炖酒[燉酒] ùn-diū
dùnjiǔ to warm up wine.⁷
炖鸡[燉雞] ùn-gäi
dùnjī to stew chicken; stewed chicken.⁷
炖烂[燉爛] ùn-làn
dùnlàn to stew until it is soft.⁷
炖鱼[燉魚] ùn-nguî/
dùnyú stew fish.⁶
炖肉[燉肉] ùn-ngùk dùnròu stewed meat; to stew meat.⁷
炖熟[燉熟] ùn-sùk
dùnshú to stew until it is done.⁷
炖菜[燉菜] ùn-töi
dùncài stew.¹⁰
炖锅[炖鍋] ùn-vö
dùnguō stewpot.⁶
炖药[燉藥] ùn-yêk
dùnyào simmer herbal medicine.⁶
<台> 炖盅[燉盅] ùn-jûng a container (with chicken or pork) which is put into a pot with hot water to be cooked.
(See 燉 ùn; 炖 ùn).
un4 14656
86 16 ùn dùn 燉煌 or 敦煌 Ùn-võng Dūnhuáng Dunhuang (city in Gansu).¹⁰
(See 炖[燉] ùn; 炖 ùn).
un4 14657
109 9 ùn dùn shield; currency: Vietnamese dong; Indonesian rupiah; Dutch guilder, before euro.¹⁰ (=楯 ùn dùn.)
自相矛盾 dù-xëng-mão-ùn
or dù-xëng-mão-hûn zìxiāngmáodùn self-contradictory.¹¹
金盾 gïm-ùn
or gïm-hûn jīndùn golden shield symbolizing the power of police.⁵⁴
金盾工程 gïm-ùn-güng-chẽin
or gïm-hûn-güng-chẽin jīndùn gōngchéng Golden Shield Project, a censorship and surveillance project that began operations in November 2003.¹⁵
后盾[後盾] hèo-ùn
or hèo-hûn hòudùn backing, support.¹¹
矛盾 mão-ùn
or mão-hûn máodùn spear and shield; contradiction; conflict, inconsistency, problem; opposing.⁶
银盾[銀盾] ngãn-ùn
or ngãn-hûn yíndùn silver shield.⁹
盾徽 ùn-fï
or hûn-fï dùnhuī shield emblem.¹⁹ coat of arms.³⁹
盾状腺[盾狀腺] ùn-jòng-xëin
or hûn-jòng-xëin dùnzhuàngxiàn <bio.> thyroid gland.⁵⁴
盾构[盾構] ùn-këo
or hûn-këo dùn'gòu tunnel shield. ¹⁰
盾牌 ùn-pãi
or hûn-pãi dùnpái shield; pretext.⁹
盾心 ùn-xîm
or hûn-xîm dùnxīn umbo.¹⁰
<又> hûn.
(See 盾 hûn; 楯 ùn.)
un4 14658
112 9 ùn dùn roll field/soil with a stone roller after sowing.⁶
砘子 ùn-dū dùnzi  roller.⁶ stone implement for packing down loose soil after sowing.⁵⁴
un4 14659
157 19 ùn dūn <topo.> to put down with great force.⁶ to squat; to crouch.⁸ to forcibly drive downward, and pound into the ground.⁹
玻璃杯易碎, 请别用力蹾[玻璃杯易碎, 請別用力蹾. bū-lī-böi yì-xuï tēin bèik yùng-lèik ùn. bōli bēi yìsuì, qǐng bié yònglì dūn. The glasses are fragile, please handle with care.⁶
有几个小丫头蹾在地下找东西。——《红楼梦》[有幾個小丫頭蹾在地下找东西。——《紅樓夢》] yiû-gī-göi-xēl-ä-hẽo-ùn-dòi-ì-hà-jāo-üng-xäi. —— Hũng-Lẽo-Mùng
yǒujǐge xiǎoyātou dūn zài dìxià zhǎo dōngxi. —— Hóng Lóu Mèng. "There were a few little maidservants crouching on the ground searching for something." from Dream of the Red Chamber.⁸
un4 14660
162 12 ùn dùn escape, flee, run away; hide, conceal,  withdraw from sight.⁶ (variant: 遯 ùn dùn).
逃遁 hão-ùn
táodùn flee; escape; evade.⁵
抱首而遁 päo-siū-ngĩ-ùn
bàoshǒu'érdùn hide one’s face and beat a retreat.⁵⁴
遁北 ùn-bāk
dùnběi to be defeated and escape.⁷
遁迹[遁跡] ùn-dēik
dùnjì <wr.> withdraw from society; live in seclusion.⁶
遁迹空门[遁跡空門] ùn-dēik-hüng-mõn
dùnjìkōngmén become a monk/nun.⁶
遁迹深山[遁跡深山] ùn-dēik-sïm-sän
dùnjìshēnshān live seclusively in remote mountains.⁶
遁逃 ùn-hão
dùntáo escape; flee; run away.⁶
遁之夭夭 ùn-jï-yēl-yēl
dùnzhīyāoyāo sneak abroad.⁵⁴
遁世 ùn-säi
dùnshì live in seclusion from society.¹¹
遁藏 ùn-tõng
dùncáng to conceal oneself.⁷
or 遁辞[遁辭] ùn-xũ dùncí subterfuge; quibble.⁵
遁入夜色 ùn-yìp-yèh-sēik
dùnrùyèsè escape into the night.⁶
逊遁[遜遁] xün-ùn
xùndùn humble and resigning; to shirk, to shun, to be cowardly.⁷
(See 遯 ùn).
un4 14661
162 14 ùn dùn (original form of 遁 ùn dùn escape, flee, run away; hide, conceal, withdraw from sight.⁶).² to hide; to go into obscurity; to conceal oneself; to deceive; to impose upon.¹⁴
(composition: ⿺辶豚; U+906F).
肥遯 fĩ-ùn
féidùn <lit.> retire in comfort.¹¹
遯窜[遯竄] ùn-chōn
or ùn-tōn dùncuàn to abscond; to go into hiding.¹⁴
遯迹[遯跡] ùn-dēik
or ùn-dêk dùnjì to conceal one's whereabouts.¹⁴ (See 遁迹[遁跡] ùn-dēik).
遯世而不见[遯世而不見] ùn-säi ngĩ būt gëin
dùnshì ér būt bù jiàn to withdraw from the world and be unknown.¹⁴
遯心 ùn-xïm
dùnxīn in rebellious disposition.¹⁴
(See 遁 ùn).
un4 14662
167 12 ùn dùn blunt, dull; stupid, dull, slow-witted.⁶
愚钝[愚鈍] nguĩ-ùn yúdùn slow-witted, dull, unrefined.¹¹
成败利钝[成敗利鈍] sẽin-bài-lì-ùn
chéngbàilìdùn successes and failures; advantage and disadvantage.⁸
钝兵[鈍兵] ùn-bëin
dùnbīng blunt weapons; soldiers low in morale.⁷
钝化[鈍化] ùn-fä
dùnhuà <chem.> passivate; inactivate.⁶
钝根[鈍根] ùn-gïn
dùngēn <Budd.> of dull capacity, unable to receive Buddha's truth.⁷
钝角[鈍角] ùn-gôk
dùnjiǎo an obtuse angle.⁷
钝器[鈍器] ùn-hï
dùnqì blunt instrument/utensil/tool.⁶
钝汉[鈍漢] ùn-hön
dùnhàn a stupid fellow; a dullard.⁷
钝痛[鈍痛] ùn-hüng
dùntòng dull/obtuse pain.⁶
钝滞[鈍滯] ùn-jài
dùnzhì blunt; dull; obtuse; slow.⁶
钝舌[鈍舌] ùn-sêt
dùnshé ineloquence⁷
钝性物质[鈍性物質] ùn-xëin-mùt-jīt
or ùn-xëin-mòt-jīt dùnxìng wùzhì <chem.> inactive substance.⁶
<又> hün.
(See 鈍 hün.)
un4 14663
181 13 ùn dùn to stop or halt, pause; kowtow; stamp (the foot); arrange, to put in order; a time, a turn; immediately, prompty; to be tired, fall apart; to be broken; Dun surname.⁷
(variant: 䪺 ùn).
顿笔[頓筆] ùn-bīt dùnbǐ stop writing; pause in writing.⁷
or 顿迟[頓遲] ùn-chĩ dùnchí exhausted and sluggish in appearance.⁰
顿足[頓足] ùn-dūk
dùnzú stamp one's feet.⁹
顿号[頓號] ùn-hão
dùnhào the Chinese enumeration comma “、”, used to separate items in a list.⁰
顿开茅塞[頓開茅塞] ùn-höi-mão-xāk
dùnkāimáosè to become suddenly enlightened.⁹
顿踬[頓躓] ùn-jï
dùnzhì to trip over something and fall; in dire straits.⁷
顿悟[頓悟] ùn-m̀
dùnwù a flash of realization; the truth in a flash; a moment of enlightenment (usually Buddhist).¹⁰
顿然[頓然] ùn-ngẽin
dùnrán suddenly; abruptly.⁸
顿时[頓時] ùn-sĩ
dùnshí immediately; at once; forthwith.⁸
顿首[頓首] ùn-siū
dùnshǒu kowtow.⁸
顿挫[頓挫] ùn-tö
dùncuò abortion; cadence; pause and transition in rhythm or melody; setback.⁸
<又> ûn, ùt.
(See 頓 ûn, 頓 ùt; 䪺 ùn).
un4 14664
181 14 ùn dùn (=顿[頓] ùn dùn to stop or halt, pause; kowtow; stamp (the foot); arrange, to put in order; a time, a turn; immediately, prompty; to be tired, fall apart; to be broken.⁷).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰去頁; U+4ABA).
<又> gōk.
(See 䪺 gōk; 頓 ùn).
un4 14665
109 9 ûn dǔn to doze; to nap; to nod.⁸
打盹 ā-ûn dǎdǔn to doze off.¹⁰
打盹儿[打盹兒] ā-ûn-ngĩ
dǎdǔnr to take a nap, to doze off.¹¹
冲盹儿[衝盹兒] chüng-ûn-ngĩ
chōngdǔnr fall asleep.¹¹
困盹 kün-ûn
kùndǔn weary and sleepy.¹⁴
眯盹儿[眯盹兒] mï-ûn-ngĩ
mīdǔnr have short winks;have a nap.⁸ <topo.> doze off; take a nap.⁵⁴
盹睡 ûn-suì
dǔnshuì take a nap.¹¹
un5 14666
181 13 ûn dùn <台> 吃小顿[吃小頓] hëk-xēl-ûn a small snack for lunch.
<又> ùn, ùt. (See 頓 ùn, 頓 ùt.)
un5 14667
61 15 ūng dǒng understand; know.⁵
懂得 ūng-āk dǒngde understand; know; grasp.⁵
懂道理 ūng-ào-lî
dǒngdàoli to be reasonable; to be considerate.⁷
懂行 ūng-hõng
dǒngháng know the business; know the ropes.⁵
懂礼貌[懂禮貌] ūng-lâi-mào
dǒnglǐmào have good manners.⁵
懂人情 ūng-ngĩn-tẽin
dǒngrénqíng to have a heart; to be sympathetic, generous; to understand human nature; to understand how to behave.⁷
懂人意 ūng-ngĩn-yï
dǒngrényì to understand the ideas of man.⁷
懂情理 ūng-tẽin-lî
dǒngqínglǐ reasonable and understanding.⁷
懂事 ūng-xù
dǒngshì sensible; intelligent.⁵
<又> dūng.
(See 懂 dūng.)
ung1 14668
64 9 𢫨
ūng yōng (=拥[擁] ūng yōng) (Cant.) to push.³⁶
(composition: ⿰扌戎; U+22AE8).
<又> yũng, vèin.
(See 𢫨❄{⿰扌戎} yũng, 𢫨❄{⿰扌戎} vèin; 擁 ūng).
ung1 14669
64 10 ūng gǒng to raise; to fold the hands on the breast, to bow, to salute, a method (to pile or to raise up) of painting; (Cant. =拥[擁] ūng yōng) to push from behind.⁸ to fold in the arms; to embrace.²⁴
(composition: ⿱巩手; 39EC).
<台> 㧬 ūng to push.
(See 擁 ūng).
ung1 14670
64 12 ūng dǒng to push in or poke out; a punch; (Cant.) to collide.⁸ to reject.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌重; U+63F0).
<又> chüng. (See 揰 chüng).
ung1 14671
64 16 ūng yōng (Cantonese) to push.³⁶ (variant: 㧬 ūng; 𢫨❄{⿰扌戎} ūng).
t: ⿰扌雍; U+64C1).
s: ⿰扌用; U+62E5).
<台> 拥[擁] ūng to push.
<台> 拥车仔[擁車仔] ūng-chëh-dōi to push a cart.³⁶
<又> yūng.
(See 擁 yūng; 㧬 ūng; 𢫨❄{⿰扌戎} ūng).
ung1 14672
75 12 ūng dòng <wr.> ridgepole; <wr.> house.⁶
雕梁画栋[雕梁畫棟] ël-lẽng-vàk-ūng diāoliánghuàdòng carved beams and painted rafters – richly ornamented building.⁶
国家的栋梁[國家的棟梁] gōk-gä-ēik-ūng-lẽng
guójiā de dòngliáng pillar of state; backbone of the country.⁶
汗牛充栋[汗牛充棟] hòn-ngẽo-chüng-ūng
hàn niú chōng dòng lit. enough books to make a pack-ox sweat or to fill a house to the rafters (idiom); fig. many books.¹⁰
甍栋[甍棟] mãng-ūng
méngdòng <wr.> rafters and beams.¹¹
栋折榱崩[棟折榱崩] ūng-jēt-tuï-bäng
dòngzhécuībēng lit. The beams are broken and rafters destroyed – The state is falling apart.⁷
栋梁[棟梁] ūng-lẽng
dòngliáng ridgepole and beams; a person of great ability.⁶
栋梁之才[棟梁之才] ūng-lẽng-jï-tõi
dòngliángzhīcái pillar of society/state; person of tremendous promise.⁶
栋挠[棟撓] ūng-nào
dòngnáo the beam has become bent.¹¹
栋宇[棟宇] ūng-yî
dòngyǔ a house.⁷ building, mansion.¹¹
<又> ùng.
(See 棟 ùng.)
ung1 14673
140 12 ūng dǒng to direct, to supervise.⁸ director.¹⁰ to lead people in the right way; to correct.¹⁴ Dong surname.⁸
古董 gū-ūng gǔdǒng antiques; curios.¹⁴
校董 hào-ūng
xiàodǒng board of directors of school.¹¹
商董 sëng-ūng
shāngdǒng board of directors of chamber of commerce.¹¹
董鸡[董雞] ūng-gäi
dǒngjī watercock (Gallicrex cinerea).¹⁰
董事 ūng-xù
dǒngshì managers; directors; trustees.¹⁴
董事长[董事長] ūng-xù-jēng
dǒngshìzhǎng Chairman of the Board.¹⁰
董事会[董事會] ūng-xù-vòi
dǒngshìhuì committee meeting; board of directors.¹⁴
<台> 董门[董門] ūng-mõn to push a door.
ung1 14674
140 15 ūng dǒng  <old>=董 ūng dǒng Dong surname.¹⁹
(composition: ⿱艹童; U+856B).
不知薡蕫 būt-jï-ēin-ūng
bùzhīdǐngdǒng a grass name, soft texture can be used to make rope; metaphorically ignorant, lack of knowledge.¹⁹
薡蕫 ēin-ūng
dǐngdǒng a sort of rush that may be made into shoes or ropes; some say the roots of water lily.¹³ʼ²⁵ long bud cattails.¹⁹
蕫蓈 ūng-lõng
dǒngláng a grain of rice/millet with the hull/husk only, without the endosperm (white rice) or bran.⁰ an alias for Pennisetum.¹⁹
ung1 14675
9 10 üng dōng (composition: ⿰亻東; U+5032).
僋倲 hän-üng tàndōng silly, acting nonsensically; having a foolish, fuddled look and manner.¹⁰²
儱倲 lũng-üng
lóngdōng in a cowardly manner.⁰
ung2 14676
15 5 üng dōng winter.⁷ (composition: ⿱夂⺀ or ⿱夂冫; U+2E80).
春夏秋冬 chün-hà-tiü-üng
chūnxiàqiūdōng the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.¹⁰
天门冬[天門冬] hëin-mõn-üng
tiānméndōng lucid asparagus; asparagus root.⁸ asparagus.²⁵
冬瓜 üng-gä
dōngguā wax gourd, winter melon.¹¹
冬瓜盅 üng-gä-jüng
dōngguāzhōng soup simmered inside a whole winter melon (Guangdong).⁵⁴
冬季 üng-gï
dōngjì the winter season.⁷
冬菇 üng-gü
dōnggū a mushroom.⁷
冬天 üng-hëin
dōngtiān winter.⁷
冬蛰[冬蟄] üng-jèik
dōngzhé hibernation.¹⁰
冬至 üng-jï
dōngzhì Winter Solstice (22nd solar term, Dec 21, 22, or 23).⁶
冬眠 üng-mẽin
dōngmián to hibernate; hibernation.⁷
冬月 üng-ngùt
dōngyuè the eleventh lunar month.
冬青 üng-tëin
dōngqīng holly.⁷ Ilex chinensis.
冬青白珠树[冬青白珠樹] üng-tëin-bàk-jî-sì
dōngqīngbáizhūshù wintergreen; Gaultheria procumbens.
冬笋[冬筍] üng-xūn
dōngsǔn winter bamboo shoots (smaller and tenderer as a result of being dug out before they come out of the soil).¹⁰
(See 鼕 üng.)
ung2 14677
15 10 üng dòng to freeze; to feel very cold; to be frostbitten.
化冻[化凍] fä-üng huàdòng to defrost; to thaw.
解冻[解凍] gāi-üng
jiědòng to thaw; to unfreeze (funds); to relax (repression, enmity).
果冻[果凍] gō-üng
guǒdòng jelly.
冷冻[冷凍] lâng-üng
lěngdòng to freeze.
肉冻[肉凍] ngùk-üng
ròudòng meat jelly; aspic.
霜冻[霜凍] söng-üng
shuāngdòng frost.⁵
美丽冻人[美麗凍人] mî-lài-üng-ngĩn
měilìdòngrén <slang> to dress up without regard for the weather in order to look good.
冻疮[凍瘡] üng-chông
dòngchuāng frostbite; chilblain.⁸
冻结[凍結] üng-gēik
dòngjié to freeze.
冻原[凍原] üng-ngũn
dòngyuán (=苔原 hõi-ngũn táiyuán) tundra.⁶
冻馁[凍餒] üng-nuî
dòngněi suffer from cold and hunger.¹¹
ung2 14678
30 8 üng dōng onomatopoetic, a thumping sound.⁸ the sound of something heavy hitting the ground, the beating of a drum, or the knock on a door.⁹
咕咚 gū-üng gūdōng splash; <ono.> for heavy things falling down.¹⁰
咚咚 üng-üng
dōngdong Dongdong, cheerleading mascot of 2008 Beijing Olympics.¹⁰
咚咚 üng-üng
dōngdōng <ono.> thud; thumping; thudding; pounding.¹⁰
黑咕隆咚 hāk-gū-lũng-üng
hēigulōngdōng very dark; pitch-black; pitch-dark.⁶
ung2 14679
46 8 üng tóng (used in place names).¹⁰
峂峪 Üng-yùk Tóngyù a place in the 海淀区[海澱區] Hōi-èin-kuï Hǎidiànqū of 北京市 Bāk-gëin-sî Běijīngshì.
ung2 14680
46 11 üng dōng (name of a mountain).⁸
<又> ùng. (See 崠 ùng.)
ung2 14681
46 11 üng dōng 岽罗镇[崬羅鎮] Üng Lõ Jïn Dōng Luó Zhèn Dong Luo Township in 扶绥县[扶綏縣] Fúsuí County in 广西[廣西] Gōng-xäi Guǎngxī Guangxi Province, now written as 东罗镇[東羅鎮].⁴
ung2 14682
75 8 üng dōng east, eastern, eastward, Dong surname.
东北[東北] üng-bāk dōngběi northeast; Northeast China.⁹
东边[東邊] üng-bëin
dōngbian the east.
东奔西跑[東奔西跑] üng-bïn-xäi-pāo
dōngbēnxīpǎo run around here and there; bustle about; rush around.⁷
东方[東方] üng-föng
dōngfāng east; the Orient; Dongfang compound surname.
东方红[東方紅] üng-föng-hũng
dōngfānghóng The East is Red, north Shaanxi folk song.¹⁰
东郭[東郭] Üng-kök
Dōngguō Dongguo compound surname.⁸ (See 东郭先生[東郭先生] under kök.)
东吴[東吳] Üng-m̃
Dōngwú Eastern Wu (222-280); the southern state of Wu during the Three Kingdoms period, founded by 孙权[孫權] Xün Kũn Sūn Quán Sun Quan.¹⁰
东南[東南] üng-nãm
dōngnán southeast; Southeast China.
东嶽[東嶽] or 东岳[東岳] Üng Ngòk
Dōng Yuè Eastern Sacred Mountian (another name for 泰山 Häi Sän Tài Shān Moun Tai).⁶
东跑西蹓[東跑西蹓] üng-pāo-xäi-liü
dōngpǎo-xīliù gad about.¹⁹
东山再起[東山再起] üng-sän-döi-hī
dōngshānzàiqǐ to stage a comeback.
东西[東西] üng-xäi
dōngxi thing.
ung2 14683
79 16 üng dōng (non-classical form of 冬[鼕] üng dōng) the rattle of drums.⁸
(composition: ⿱殸冬; U+3C87).
ung2 14684
84 9 üng dōng radon (Rn).⁶
ung2 14685
85 12 üng dòng muddy, turbid; milk; drumbeats.⁸
湩然 üng-ngẽin dòngrán drumbeat.⁸
湩乳 üng-nguî
dòngrǔ milk.⁸
ung2 14686
130 12 üng dòng peptone.⁸
蛋白胨[蛋白腖] àn-bàk-üng dànbái dòng peptone.¹⁰
ung2 14687
140 8 üng dōng Petasites japonicus.¹⁰ grass; herbs.²⁵ a kind of grass.³⁶ (second round simplified form of 董 ūng dǒng to direct; director; to lead people in the right way; to correct).³⁶ 
(composition: ⿱艹冬; U+82F3).
苣苳 guì-üng
jùdōng a winter plant.²⁵
ung2 14688
140 11 üng dōng 菄风菜[菄風菜] or 东风菜[東風菜] üng-füng-töi dōngfēngcài the name of a plant and a vegetable.²⁵ Doellingeria scaber (Thunb.) Nees; aka 山蛤芦, 钻山狗, 白云草, 疙瘩药, 草三七.²⁰
ung2 14689
142 14 𬟽
üng dōng the rainbow.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿰虫東; U+8740). (comp. s: ⿰虫东; U+2C7FD).
❄{⿰虫东}[螮蝀 or 蝃𬟽❄{⿰虫东}[蝃蝀] äi-üng dìdōng <lit.> rainbow; lit., fig. bridge.³⁶
❄{⿰虫东}桥[金鰲玉蝀橋] gïm-ngão-ngùk-üng-kẽl jīn'áoyùdōngqiáo or 金鳌玉栋❄{⿰虫东}桥[金鳌玉棟橋] gïm-ngão-ngùk-ūng-kẽl jīn'áoyùdòngqiáo a bridge in Beijing, built in 1264, now known as 北海大桥, was originally called 金海桥 and also 御河桥 nguì-hõ-kẽl yùhé qiáo.
ung2 14690
173 13 𩂓
üng dōng the appearance of rain.²
(composition: ⿱雨冬; U+29093).
ung2 14691
196 19 üng dōng thrush; veery.⁶ thrush; Tardus fuscatus.¹⁰
岛鸫[島鶇] āo-üng
dǎodōng island thrush (Turdus poliocephalus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
朝鸫[朝鶇] chẽl-üng
cháodōng mockingbird, mocking thrush.⁵⁴
棕腹鸫[棕腹鶇] düng-fūk-üng
zōngfùdōng rufous-bellied thrush (Turdus rufiventris).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
田鸫[田鶇] hẽin-üng
tiándōng fieldfare (Turdus pilaris).¹⁰
槲鸫[槲鶇] hùk-üng
húdōng mistle thrush (Turdus viscivorus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
中美鸫[中美鶇] jüng-mî-üng
zhōngměidōng rufous-collared thrush (Turdus rufitorques).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
旅鸫[旅鶇] luî-üng
lǚdōng American robin (Turdus migratorius).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
水鸫[水鶇] suī-üng
shuǐdōng <zoo.> thrush.⁵⁴
鸫类[鶇類] üng-luì
dōnglèi merle.¹⁰
鸫鸟之类[鶇鳥之類] üng-nêl-jï-luì
dōng niǎo zhīlèi thrasher.¹⁰
乌鸫[烏鶇] vü-üng
wūdōng common blackbird (Turdus merula).¹⁰
ung2 14692
207 18 üng dōng (=冬[𪔜❄{⿱鼓甬}] üng dōng) the rattle of drums.¹⁴ the sound of a drum.²⁵ <ono.> beating a drum; rat-a-tat; Dong surname.¹⁰
t: ⿱鼓冬; U+9F15).
s: ⿱夂⺀; U+51AC or ⿱夂冫; 2F81A).
鼕鼕鼓 üng-üng-gū
dōngdōnggū a rattling drum.²⁵
(See 𪔜❄{⿱鼓甬} üng; 冬 üng.)
ung2 14693
207 20 𪔜
üng dōng (=冬[鼕] üng dōng) the rattle of drums.¹⁴ the sound of a drum.²⁵
t: ⿱鼓甬; U+2A51C). (comp. s: ⿱夂⺀; U+51AC or ⿱夂冫; 2F81A).
(See 鼕 üng; 冬 üng.)
ung2 14694
9 8 ùng dòng 侗族 or 峒族 Ùng-dùk Dòngzú Dong ethnic group.¹⁰
or 峒剧[峒劇] Ùng-kēk Dòngjù Dong opera.¹⁰
or 峒人 Ùng-ngĩn Dòngrén people of the Dong ethnic minority.¹⁰
<又> hũng.
(See 侗 hũng.)
ung4 14695
19 11 ùng dòng to move; to use; to arouse; to act; to get moving; to change; abbreviation for 动词[動詞] ùng-xũ dòngcí verb.
动不动[動不動] ùng-būt-ùng
dòngbudòng easily; at the slightest provocation; frequently; at every turn.
动作[動作] ùng-dōk
dòngzuò movement; motion.
动弹[動彈] ùng-hãn
dòngtan move; stir.⁵
动弹不得[動彈不得] ùng-hãn-būt-āk
dòngtan budé to be unable to move a single step.¹⁰
动凶[動凶] ùng-hüng
dòngxiōng to resort to violence.¹⁹
动辄[動輒] ùng-jīp
dòngzhé <wr.> easily; frequently; at every turn.⁵
动量矩[動量矩] ùng-lèng-guī
dòngliàngjǔ moment of momentum.⁵
动物[動物] ùng-mùt
or ùng-mòt dòngwù animal.⁵
动物园[動物園] ùng-mùt-yõn
dòngwùyuán zoological garden, zoo.⁵
动人心弦[動人心弦] ùng-ngĩn-xïm-yẽn
dòngrénxīnxián to tug at one's heartstrings.
动身[動身] ùng-sïn
dòngshēn to go on a journey.
动手[動手] ùng-siū
dòngshǒu to start action; to touch; to handle; to strike; to hit.
动词[動詞] ùng-xũ
dòngcí verb.
动员[動員] ùng-yõn
dòngyuán to mobilize; to arouse.¹⁰
ung4 14696
30 14 ùng dòng the sound of singing, to sing in a loud voice, loud.⁸
(composition: ⿰口動; U+35E2).
<又> hũng. (See 㗢 hũng).
ung4 14697
32 9 ùng dòng (usually used in the name of places); field.⁶
金垌 gïm-ùng jīndòng Jindong (in Guangdong Province).²³
伞垌[傘垌] xän-ùng
sǎndòng Sandong (in Guizhou Province).⁶
儒垌 yĩ-ùng
rúdòng Rudong (in Guangdong Province).⁴
<又> hũng.
(See 垌 hũng.)
ung4 14698
46 9 ùng dòng cave; cavern; (usu. used in names of places).⁶
平峒 pẽin-ùng píngdòng <min.> tunnel.⁵⁴
or 侗族 Ùng-dùk Dòngzú Dong ethnic group.¹⁰
峒丁 ùng-ëin
dòngdīng men from the Dong ethnic group who carved stones; soldiers from the Dong ethnic group.⁸
峒中 Ùng-jüng
Dòngzhōng a town in 广西[廣西] Gōng-xäi Guǎngxī Guangxi Province.²³
or 侗剧[侗劇] Ùng-kēk Dòngjù Dong opera.¹⁰
or 侗人 Ùng-ngĩn Dòngrén people of the Dong ethnic minority.¹⁰
峒室 ùng-sīt
dòngshì underground mine storage room; mine passage.¹⁰
<又> hũng.
(See 峒 hũng; 洞 ùng; 硐 ùng.)
ung4 14699
46 11 ùng dòng ridge of a mountain or hill.⁸
<又> üng. (See 崠 üng.)
ung4 14700
50 15 ùng zhuàng <台> 第一幢 ài-yīt-ùng the first building.⁴
<又> jòng, chõng. (See 幢 jòng, chõng.)
ung4 14701
61 9 ùng dòng <wr.> scare, intimidate, menace, frighten, threaten; fear, terror, fright.⁶
虚声恫吓[虛聲恫嚇] huï-sëin-ùng-häk xūshēngdònghè bluff; bluster.⁵
恫吓[恫嚇] ùng-häk
dònghè threaten; intimidate.⁵
恫喝 ùng-höt
dònghè to threaten, intimidate, or scare loudly; to browbeat; to bully.⁷
恫疑虚喝[恫疑虛喝] ùng-ngĩ-huï-höt
dòngyíxūhè to threaten loudly; to bully; to browbeat.⁷
<又> hüng.
(See 恫 hüng.)
ung4 14702
61 14 ùng tòng <wr.> feel deep sorrow/grief; weep/cry bitterly, wail.⁶ extreme grief.⁷
大恸[大慟] ài-ùng dàtòng weep/cry bitterly; wail; bawl.⁶
悲恸[悲慟] bï-ùng
bēitòng weep loudly from sorrow.⁵⁴
哀恸[哀慟] öi-ùng
āitòng to be deeply grieved.¹⁰
恸哭[慟哭] ùng-hūk
tòngkū to weep bitterly.⁷
ung4 14703
62 10 ùng dòng (Cant.) to trap; upright; a pile.⁸ the boards of a boat.²⁴ <old> pole of a punt; <old> mooring post; <Cant.> to erect; to make upright; <Cant.> to stand like a pillar; <Cant.> classifier for objects organized in vertical columns.³⁶ (See and compare with 棟 ùng dòng <m.> used for housing.⁶).
(composition: ⿰同戈; U+6219).
戙篙 ùng-gâo
dònggāo a punting pole.¹³
<台> 戙 ùng to set upright; vertical stroke of Chinese characters.
<台> 戙足企 ùng-dūk-kî (to stand) vertically upright.
<台> 戙企 ùng-kî (to stand) vertically upright.
<台> 一戙砖[一戙磚] yīt-ùng-jön a column of bricks.³⁶
ung4 14704
64 9 ùng dòng to rock; to use mare's milk to make cheese; to throw; (Cant.) to dredge or poke with a pole or stick.⁸ to lead, to draw, to excite.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌同; U+630F).
揰挏 chüng-ùng chòngdòng push forward and attack.⁰
挏酒 ùng-diū
dòngjiǔ same as 挏馬酒 ùng-mâ-di, q.v.
挏马[挏馬] ùng-mâ
dòngmǎ title of Han Dynasty official.⁸
挏马酒[挏馬酒] ùng-mâ-diū
dòngmǎjiǔ 馬酪, cheese made from mare's milk. (This cheese was called 挏馬 and because it smells like 酒 it is called 挏馬酒).¹⁹
挏乳 ùng-nguî
dòngrǔ to use mare's milk to make cheese.⁸
ung4 14705
75 12 ùng dòng <m.> used for housing.⁶
第一栋[第一棟] ài-yīt-ùng dìyīdòng the first house.
一栋房子[一棟房子] yīt-ùng-fông-dū
yīdòngfángzi a house.⁶
一栋房屋[一棟房屋] yīt-ùng-fông-ūk
yīdòngfángwū a house.¹¹
一栋楼[一棟樓] yīt-ùng-lẽo
yīdònglóu a building.⁶
<台> 栋足企[棟足企] ùng-dūk-kî standing up straight.
<台> 栋企[棟企] ùng-kî vertical.
<又> ūng.
(See 棟 ūng.)
ung4 14706
85 9 ùng dòng hole, cavity; penetrating, clear; (used as a code word for "zero" when speaking of figures); <wr.> penetrate, pierce.⁶
山洞 sän-ùng shāndòng mountain cave.⁵
洞察 ùng-chāt
dòngchá see clearly; have an insight into.⁵
洞察下情 ùng-chāt-hà-tẽin
dòngchá xiàqíng fully perceive the feelings of the masses.⁶
洞察是非 ùng-chāt-sì-fï
dòngcháshìfēi see clearly the rights and wrongs of the case.⁵
洞察一切 ùng-chāt-yīt-täi
dòngcháyīqiè have a keen insight into matters; see through with great insight.⁶
洞子 ùng-dū
dòngzi <topo.> greenhouse, hothouse; <vern.> cave, cavern.⁶
洞房花烛[洞房花燭] ùng-fông-fä-jūk
dòngfánghuāzhú wedding; celebration.⁸
洞天 ùng-hëin
dòngtiān paradise; heavenly or beautiful place; fairyland.¹⁰
洞烛其奸[洞燭其奸] ùng-jūk-kĩ-gän
dòngzhúqíjiān see through a trick.⁸
洞孔 ùng-kūng
dòngkǒng hole.¹⁰
洞箫[洞簫] ùng-xël
dòngxiāo a vertical bamboo flute.⁸
洞穴 ùng-yòt
dòngxué cave; cavern.⁵
洞穴墓 ùng-yò-mù
dòngxuémù catacomb.⁵⁴
(See 硐 ùng; 峒 ùng).
ung4 14707
112 11 ùng dòng a cave or mining tunnel.⁹
硐子 ùng-dū dòngzi cave.⁸
硐室 ùng-sīt
dòngshì chamber (mining).¹⁰
(See 洞 ùng; 峒 ùng).
ung4 14708
120 12 ùng dòng connected look; straight and relaxed; profound and far-reaching.¹⁹
(composition: ⿰糹同; U+7D67).
鸿絧[鴻絧] hũng-ùng hóngdòng straight and relaxed; connected look; profound and far-reaching.² to go forth in a straight direction; connected.²⁵
<又> hũng, hüng. (See 絧 hũng, 絧 hüng).
ung4 14709
130 10 ùng dòng trunk, torso, body; <wr.> large intestine.⁶
胴体[胴體] ùng-hāi dòngtǐ (especially of a slaughtered animal) trunk.⁶
身胴 sïn-ùng
shēndòng one's body.¹⁹
ung4 14710
149 13 ùng dòng same as 恫 ùng dòng <wr.> scare, intimidate, menace, frighten, threaten; fear, terror, fright.⁶ same as 恐吓[恐嚇] hūng-häk kǒnghè to threaten; to menace.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰訁同; U+8A77).
or 恫喝 ùng-höt dònghè to threaten, intimidate, or scare loudly; to browbeat; to bully.⁷
<又> hũng.
(See 詷 hũng).
ung4 14711
162 12 𨔝
ùng dòng <old>=動 ùng dòng to move, to happen; movement, action.⁸
(composition: ⿺辶重; U+2851D).
(See 動 ùng).
ung4 14712
98 8 ûng wèng urn; earthen jar.⁵ (variants: 甕 ûng wèng; 罋 ûng wèng.)
(composition: ⿱公瓦; U+74EE).
水瓮 suī-ûng
shuǐwèng water jar.⁵
瓮计[瓮計] ûng-gài
wèngjì counting chickens before they are hatched.⁷
瓮棺 ûng-gön
wèngguān funeral urn.⁶
瓮天 ûng-hëin
wèngtiān lit. to see the sky from inside a jar – to know very little of the world.⁷
or 瓮中之鳖[瓮中之鱉] ûng-jüng-jï-bèik wèngzhōngzhībiē a turtle in a jar – bottled up; trapped.⁵
or 瓮中捉鳖[瓮中捉鱉] ûng-jüng-jök-bèik wèngzhōngzhuōbiē catch a turtle in a jar – go after an easy prey.⁵
瓮门[瓮門] ûng-mõn
wèngmén the gate of the enclosure outside a city gate.⁷
瓮声[瓮聲] ûng-sëin
wèngshēng hum note.⁸
瓮声瓮气[瓮聲瓮氣] ûng-sëin-ûng-hï
wèngshēngwèngqì in a low muffled voice.⁶ hoarse and resounding.⁷
瓮城 ûng-sẽin
wèngchéng enclosure (for defense) outside the city gate; enceinte of a city gate.⁶
瓮牖 ûng-yiù
wèngyǒu lit. a small round window like the mouth of a jar; a window made of the mouth of a broken jar – the mark of a needy family.⁷
(See 甕 ûng; 罋 ûng.)
ung5 14713
98 17 ûng wèng (=瓮 ûng wèng) urn; earthen jar.⁵ a jar; a round window, like the mouth of a jar.²⁴
(composition: ⿱雍瓦; U+7515).
甕㼜 ûng-ōng
wèng'àng a large swelling.²⁴
(See 瓮 ûng.)
ung5 14714
121 19 ûng wèng (=瓮 ûng wèng) urn; earthen jar.⁵
(See 瓮 ûng.)
ung5 14715
9 11 𠊲
ùt rude.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻突; U+202B2).
傏𠊲❄{⿰亻突} hõng-ùt tángtū  rude; insolent; impertinent.² unhumbled; abrupt; insolent.²⁴ (=唐突 or 搪突 hõng-ùt tángtū ➀ <wr.> brusque; rude; ➁  profane ➂ to pass oneself/something off as  ➃ to offend person by rudeness.)¹ʼ¹¹
ut4 14716
17 5 ùt anything protuberant, or jutting out; convex; a hillock, a wen, a tenon (in carpentry).³⁶
挺胸凸肚 hêin-hüng-ùt-ū tǐngxiōngtūdù throw out one's chest and belly – be arrogant and corpulent.⁶
凸版 ùt-bān
tūbǎn relief printing plate.⁵
凸出 ùt-chūt
tūchū bulging out; to protrude.⁷
凸字 ùt-dù
tūzì characters cut in relief.¹⁴
凸嘴凹鼻 ùt-duī-nïp-bì
tūzuǐ'āobí projecting lips and a sunken nose.¹⁴
凸镜[凸鏡] ùt-gëng
tūjìng a convex mirror.⁷
凸透镜[凸透鏡] ùt-hëo-gëng
tūtòujìng a convex lens.⁷
凸起的 ùt-hī-ēik
tūqǐde projecting; convex.¹⁴
凸面 ùt-mèin
tūmiàn convex.⁷
凸面镜[凸面鏡] ùt-mèin-gëng
tūmiànjìng a convex mirror.⁷
凸纹[凸紋] ùt-mũn
tūwén in relief.¹⁴
凸凹不平 ùt-nïp-būt-pẽin
tū'āobùpíng (of a surface) uneven, bumpy.³⁶
凸凹的 ùt-nïp-ēik
tū'āode convexo-concave.¹⁴
凸窗 ùt-töng
tūchuāng oriel, bay window.²⁹
ut4 14717
37 14 ùt duó to take by force, to rob, to snatch.⁸
光彩夺目[光彩奪目] göng-tōi-ùt-mùk guāngcǎiduómù  dazzlingly brilliant.¹⁰
争夺[爭奪] jäng-ùt
zhēngduó to fight over; to contest; to vie over.¹⁰
掠夺[掠奪] or 略夺[略奪] lèk-ùt
lüèduó to plunder; to rob.¹⁰
剥夺[剝奪] mōk-ùt
bōduó to deprive; to expropriate; to strip (somebody of his property).¹⁰
夺得[奪得] ùt-āk
duódé to force one's way; to achieve by force; to seize (power).¹⁰
夺魁[奪魁] ùt-föi
duókuí land/win the title; win the championship; carry off the first prize.⁶
夺眶而出[奪眶而出] ùt-köng-ngĩ-chūt
duókuàng'érchū (tears) break out (cannot be kept back); brim over (with tears).¹¹
夺取[奪取] ùt-tuī
duóqǔ to seize; to capture; to wrest control of.¹⁰
ut4 14718
64 12 ùt to wipe; <Cant.> lay up; sit.⁸
(composition: ⿰扌突; U+63EC).
搪揬 hõng-ùt tángtú to strike against; to rush suddenly against.²⁴ conflict, clash; offend, affront (a superior).¹⁰¹ (<old>=唐突 hõng-ùt tángtū ➀ <wr.> brusque; rude; ➁  profane ➂ to pass oneself/something off as  ➃ to offend person by rudeness.).⁸
ut4 14719
116 9 ùt abrupt, sudden; to offend; to break through; jut out.⁷
突变[突變] ùt-bëin tūbiàn unexpected change; mutation.⁷
突出 ùt-chūt
tūchū outstanding; to jut out.⁷
突袭[突襲] ùt-dàp
tūxí a surprise attack.⁷
突发[突發] ùt-fät
tūfā to burst out suddenly.¹⁰
突飞猛进[突飛猛進] ùt-fï-mâng-dïn
tūfēiměngjìn advance by leaps and bounds; to progress rapidly.⁷
突感 ùt-gām
tūgǎn to feel suddenly.⁷
突击[突擊] ùt-gēik
tūjī to attack suddenly; to raid.⁷
突起 ùt-hī
tūqǐ to rise high; break out; suddenly appear.⁷
突骑[突騎] ùt-kĩ
tūqí the sallying cavalry.⁷
突厥 Ùt-kūt
Tūjué an ancient name for the Turks.⁷
突然 ùt-ngẽin
tūrán suddenly; abruptly; unexpectedly.⁵
突然身价百倍[突然身價百倍] ùt-ngẽin-sïn-gä-bäk-pôi
tūránshēnjiàbǎibèi have a sudden rise in social status.⁵
突如其来[突如其來] ùt-nguĩ-kĩ-lõi
tūrúqílái unexpectedly.⁷
突兀 ùt-ngūt
tūwù lofty and steep; suddenly, abruptly.⁷
突破 ùt-pö
tūpò to break (old record); to break through.⁷
突突 ùt-ùt
tūtū the throbs of heartbeats.⁷
突围[突圍] ùt-vĩ
tūwéi to break through enemy siege.⁷
<又> ût.
(See 突 ût.)
ut4 14720
130 13 ùt <wr.> (of a pig) fat; (of a person) obese; fat.⁶
(composition: ⿰月盾; U+816F).
肥腯 fĩ-ùt féitú (of cattle) fat; well-fed.⁵⁴
ut4 14721
140 12 ùt follicle.¹⁰
蓇葖 gūt-ùt gūtū follicle; flower bud.⁸
ut4 14722
181 13 ùt 冒顿[冒頓] Màk-ùt Mòdú Modun, name of a chieftain of Xiongnu in the early Han Dynasty.⁶
<又> ùn, ûn.
(See 頓 ùn, 頓 ûn.)
ut4 14723
184 13 ùt duò 馉饳[餶飿] gūt-ùt gǔduò a kind of wheaten food in ancient times.⁶ an ancient Chinese snack made from flour.⁹
ut4 14724
208 22 ùt (Note: 鼵 is also read as in Mandarin).
an animal resembling the common mouse, with a shorter tail, which is said to burrow in the same hole with a kind of hawk; their hole is about three or four feet underground, the inner part of which is occupied by the mouse, and the outer by the hawk.²⁵
a yellowish(/black²) mouse-like animal which shares its burrow with birds. This was likely the pika.³⁶ (Note: A pika, 鼠兔 sī-hü
shǔtù, is a small, mountain-dwelling mammal found in Asia and North America. With short limbs, very round body, an even coat of fur, and no external tail, they resemble their close relative, the rabbit, but with short, rounded ears.¹⁵ʼ²⁰)
a burowing animal, probably a kind of marmot, whose habits resemble the prarie dog of America, and lives in its holes with the bird , which is regarded as the female; it occurs in Kansuh, and is perhaps the
Arctomys robustus.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰鼠突; U+9F35).
ut4 14725
116 9 ût <台> 山仔突 sän-dōi-ût a small hill.
<又> ùt. (See 突 ùt.)
ut5 14726
30 11 (composition: ⿰口兒; U+5532).
唲呕[唲嘔] vā-ēo wā'ǒu prattling of infants.¹⁴
<又> ngĩ, ngï.
(See 唲 ngĩ; 唲 ngï).
va1 14727
38 9 baby, child; <topo.> newborn animal.⁵
娃子 vā-dū wázi <topo.> baby; child; newborn animal; <trad.> slave (among the minority nationalities in the Liangshan Mountains 凉山[涼山] Lẽng-sän Liángshān).⁵
娃娃 vā-vā
wáwa baby; small child; doll.¹⁰
娃娃兵 vā-vā-bëin
wáwabīng child soldier.¹⁰
娃娃车[娃娃車] vā-vā-chëh
wáwachē a baby car; a baby carriage; a baby buggy.⁷
娃娃床 vā-vā-chõng
wáwachuáng crib; cot.⁵
娃娃脸[娃娃臉] vā-vā-lêm
wáwaliǎn smooth round childish face; baby face.⁶
娃娃鱼[娃娃魚] vā-vā-nguĩ/
wáwáyú or 海狗鱼[海狗魚] hōi-gēo-nguĩ hǎigǒuyú or 大鲵[大鯢] ài-ngãi dàní Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus).²³
娃娃生 vā-vā-säng
wáwashēng infant's part in opera, usually played by child actor.¹⁰
娃娃亲[娃娃親] vā-vā-tïn
wáwaqīn arranged betrothal of minors.¹⁰
va1 14728
64 13 to pull; to drag; to earn (money).¹⁰
(See 搲[vā ]; 搲[vā ]; 攨 vā).
va1 14729
64 13 to crawl; to climb; scoop up.¹⁰
(See 搲[vā ]; 搲[vā ]; 攨 vā).
va1 14730
64 13 to seize; to grasp.⁸ to clutch; to grab; to capture; to scratch.¹⁰ to take hold of anything with the hand, to handle, to grasp; to pull or haul.²⁴ (Cant.) to clutch, to grab; to scratch.³⁶ (Mandarin, slang) (of females) to masturbate (i.e. cucumber (瓜) in hole (穴), with hand (扌) nearby).³⁶ cf. 搔 xäo sāo to scratch. (variant: 攨 vā ).
<台> 冇爬冇搲 mäo-pã-mäo-vā at a loss as to what to do.
<台> 草搲 tāo-vā a rake.
<台> 搲㾂 vā-hõi to scratch an itch.
(See 搲[vā ]; 搲[vā ]; 攨 vā).
va1 14731
64 23 (=搲 vā ) to seize; to grasp.⁸ to clutch; to grab; to capture; to scratch.¹⁰ (Cant.) to clutch, to grab; to scratch.³⁶ cf. 搔 xäo sāo to scratch.
(See 搲[vā ]; 搲[vā ]; 搲[vā ]).
va1 14732
167 18 huá <台> 铧仔[鏵仔] vā-dōi a rake.
<又> vã. (See 鏵 vã).
va1 14733
30 9 wa (sentence final, like 啊; replaces 啊 when following the vowel "u" or "ao").
别哭哇[別哭哇] bèik-hük-vä biékū wa Don't cry! (别哭哇[別哭哇]  changed from 别哭啊[別哭啊] biékū ā to biékū wa. The comparable spoken Hoisanva is 唔好哭咯 M̃-hāo-hük-lö.)
好哇 hāo-vä
hǎo wa Bravo! Well done! Excellent! Fine! (好哇 hǎo wa changed from 好啊 hǎo ā.)
(See 哇 [vä, ].)
va2 14734
30 9 to vomit; the sound of crying by a child.⁷  to vomit; lascivious music; the crying of infants, the attempts of a child to speak.¹⁴ (interchangeable with 䵷 vä ).
(composition: ⿰; U+).
出而哇之 chūt-ngĩ-vä-jï
chū'érwāzhī he went out and vomited it.¹⁴
多哇则郑[ 多哇則鄭] ü-vä-dāk-jèng
duōwāzézhèng the most lascivious (songs) were those of Zheng.¹⁴
哇吐 vä-hü
wātù to vomit; to spit out.¹⁴
哇啦 vä-lā
wālā hullabalboo; uproar; din.⁶
哇啦大哭 vä-lā-ài-hük
wālādàkū to cry very loudly.⁷
哇俚 vä-lî
wālǐ lewd or vulgar expressions.¹⁴
哇咬 vä-ngāo
wāyǎo lewd songs.¹⁴
哇哇叫 vä-vä-gël
wāwā jiào waul.¹⁰ to shout like the sound of crying or cawing.¹
哇一声[哇一聲] vä-yīt-sëin
wāyīshēng to make the noise of vomiting.¹⁴
有童哇哇 yiû-hũng-vä-vä
yǒutóngwāwā there is a child learning to talk.¹⁴
(See 哇 [vä, wa]; 䵷 vä).
va2 14735
30 13 huā clang; gurgle.⁶ crashing sound.¹⁰
(comp. t: ⿰口華; U+5629). (comp. s: ⿰口华; U+54D7).
or 哗喇[嘩喇] vä-lā huālā <ono.> crash; rustle.⁶ (cf. 哗啦[嘩啦] vã-lā huála.)
哗啦一声[嘩啦一聲] vä-lā-yīt-sëin huālāyīshēng with a crash; with a thunderous noise.¹⁰
哗哗[嘩嘩] vä-vä
huāhuā sound of gurling water.³⁹
<又> vã, và.
(See 嘩 vã, và.)
va2 14736
46 4 ➀ mountain slope, hillside; slope.⁸ ➁ <old>=洼[窪] vä low-lying area, used in place names.⁸ low-lying area, waterlogged depression (used in place names).¹⁹
何家屲 Hõ-gä-vä
Héjiāwā in 宁夏[寧夏] Nẽin-hà Níngxià Ningxia.¹⁹
漫屲 Màn-vä
Mànwā in 宁夏[寧夏] Nẽin-hà Níngxià Ningxia.¹⁹
耙子屲 Pã-dū-vä
Páziwā in 海原县[海原縣] Hōi-ngũn-yòn Hǎiyuánxiàn Haiyuan County in 宁夏 [寧夏] Nẽin-hà Níngxià Ningxia.⁸
山屲 sän-vä
shānwā mountain slope, hillside; slope.⁸
水沟屲[水溝屲] Suī-këo-vä
Shuǐgōuwā in 海原县 [海原縣] Hōi-ngũn-yòn Hǎiyuánxiàn Haiyuan County in 宁夏 [寧夏]Nẽin-hà Níngxià Ningxia.⁸
va2 14737
85 9 name of a river; a winding ditch. (interchangeable with 窪 vä ).¹⁴
爪洼 Jāo-vä
Zhuǎwā Java.¹⁰
(See 窪 vä.)
va2 14738
85 13 (<old>=窊 vä pit, vault; store in pit; (Cant.) 手窊, the arm.⁸ low-lying (often used in geographic names).⁹ a cavity; a depression; a puddle; a hoof-print.¹⁴ indented; sinking down; a cavity; a puddle.²⁴ pit, vault; to store in a pit; lowland swamp; <Cant.> arm (body); (slang, of females) to masturbate (i.e. cucumber (瓜) in a hole (穴)).³⁶); (of water) uneven, not level.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵窊; U+6E9B).
溛瀤 vä-vï
wāwāi (of water) not level.⁸ the ruffled surface of water; uneven.²⁴
(See 窊 vä).
va2 14739
116 10 pit, vault; store in pit; (Cant.) 手窊 sau2 waa1, the arm.⁸ low-lying (often used in geographic names).⁹ a cavity; a depression; a puddle; a hoof-print.¹⁴ indented; sinking down; a cavity; a puddle.²⁵ pit, vault; to store in a pit; lowland swamp; <Cant.> arm (body); (slang, of females) to masturbate (i.e. cucumber (瓜) in a hole (穴)).³⁶
(variant: 溛 vä
(composition: ⿱穴瓜; U+7A8A).
坑坑窊窊的 häng-häng-vä-vä-ēik
kēngkēngwāwāde ups and downs, as in a rough road; not plane.¹⁰²
地卑窊 ì-bï-vä
dìbēiwā the spot is very low.¹⁰²
隆窊 lũng-vä
lóngwā high and low.⁵⁴
草窊 tāo-vä
cǎowā a grassy plain – the grass lands of Mongolia.¹⁴ grassy plateau, applied to Mongolia.¹⁰²
窊地垫高[窊地墊高] vä-ì-dëin-gäo
wādìdiàngāo to fill up a hollow; to raise land by filling in.¹⁴ fill in the hollow.¹⁰²
窊隆 vä-lũng
wālóng low and high (exalted).⁵⁴
窊隆是若 vä-lũng-sì-ngèk
wālóngshìruò like low shrill notes, as the tones of a fife.¹⁰²
菀窊 vōn-vä
wǎnwā the god of silkworms.¹⁰²
窅窊 yēl-vä
yǎowā bent; contracted; not full in flower.²⁵
(See 溛 vä).
va2 14740
116 14 low-lying area, depression; hollow, low lying; sink, slope downward.⁶
低洼[低窪] äi-vä dīwā low-lying.¹⁰
凹洼[凹窪] nïp-vä
āowā concavity; calix.²⁹
白洼子[白窪子] bàk-vä-dū
báiwāzi the egret.¹⁴
山洼[山窪] sän-vä
shānwā mountain valley.⁶
水洼子[水窪子] suī-vä-dū
shuǐwāzi waterlogged depression.⁶
洼凹[窪凹] vä-nïp
wā'āo a hollow where rain collects.¹⁴
洼子[窪子] vä-dū
wāzi depression.⁶ the lapwing; the heron.¹⁴
洼陷[窪陷] vä-hàm
wāxiàn (of ground) be sunken; be low-lying.⁵ sink, dent, depress.⁶
洼田 vä-hẽin
wātián a low-lying field or plantation; marsh land.⁷
洼地[窪地] vä-ì
wādì depression; low-lying land.⁵
(See 洼 vä.)
va2 14741
142 12 frog.¹⁰ (variants: 鼃, 䵷 vä ).
井底之蛙 dēng-āi-jï-vä
jǐngdǐzhīwā the frog at the bottom of the well (idiom); fig. a person of limited outlook and experience.¹⁰
牛蛙 ngẽo-vä
niúwā bullfrog.¹⁰
袋蛙 òi-vä
dàiwā marsupial frog.⁶
树蛙[樹蛙] sì-vä
shùwā tree frog.¹⁰
青蛙 tëin-vä
qīngwā frog; (slang) ugly guy.¹⁰
蛙鞋 vä-hãi
wāxié fins (diving); flippers.¹⁰
蛙人 vä-ngĩn
wārén frogman.¹⁰
蛙式 vä-sēik
wāshì breaststroke (swimming).¹⁰
蛙泳 vä-vèin
wāyǒng breaststroke (swimming).¹⁰
(See 鼃 vä; 䵷 vä).
va2 14742
205 19 (=蛙 vä ).¹⁰ the edible water-frog.¹⁴ (variant: 䵷 vä ).
(composition: ⿱圭黽; U+9F03).
(See 蛙 vä; 䵷 vä).
va2 14743
205 19 (same as 鼃 vä wā, 蛙 vä ) frog, (interchangeable 哇 vä ) retch, noise of vomiting).⁸ a frog, with long slender legs, and a loud cry, resemblung the sound of the character; the beginning.²⁵ =蛙 vä edible frog; obscene, vulgar sounds.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰圭黽; U+4D77).
䵷黾[䵷黽] vä-māng
wāměng frogs and toads.²⁵
䵷声[䵷聲] vä-sëin
wāshēng a wanton voice.¹⁴ wanton sounds.²⁵
(See 鼃 vä; 蛙 vä; 哇 vä).
va2 14744
17 5 low-lying ground, pot hole; (=洼[窪] vä used in place names): 核桃凹 Hàt-hô Vä Hétao Wā Walnut Hollow.
<又> âo, nïp, nîp.
(See 凹 âo, nïp, nîp.)
30 13 huá create a lot of noise.¹¹ clamor; noise; hubbub.¹⁴
(variant: 哗[譁] vã huá).
t: ⿰口華; U+5629). (comp. s: ⿰口华; U+54D7).
哗变[嘩變] vã-bëin
huábiàn mutiny, rebellion.¹⁰
哗众取宠[嘩眾取寵] vã-jüng-tuī-chüng
huázhòngqǔchǒng to try to please the public with claptrap.⁸  sensationalism; vulgar claptrap to please the crowds; playing to the gallery; demagogy.¹⁰
哗釦[嘩釦] vã-këo
huákòu to shout.¹⁴
哗拳[嘩拳] vã-kũn
or 搳拳 hàt-kũn or 划拳/豁拳 vàk-kũn huáquán to play a finger-guessing game.¹⁴ʼ⁵⁴ʼ⁰
哗啦[嘩啦] vã-lā
huála to collapse.¹⁰ (cf. 哗啦[嘩啦] vä-lā huālā.)
or 哗然[譁然] vã-ngẽin huárán in uproar; commotion; causing a storm of protest; tumultuous.¹⁰ rising up in an uproar of protest.¹¹ a general hurrah.¹⁴
哗儿哗儿[嘩兒嘩兒] vã-ngĩ-vã-ngĩ 
huárhuár (dialect) sound used to call cats.¹⁰
哗譟[嘩譟] vã-täo
huázào wrangling.¹⁴
哗笑[嘩笑] vã-xël
huáxiào noisy laughter.¹⁴
喧哗[喧嘩] xün-vã
xuānhuá hubbub; clamor; to make a racket.¹⁰
<又> vä, và.
(See 嘩 vä, 嘩 và; 譁 vã).
va3 14746
75 8 huá farm tools, a spade or shovel.⁸ʼ³⁶ <old>=釫 or 鋘 vã huá plowshare; now=鏵 vã huá plowshare.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰卝木¹⁰¹ or ⿱艹木(G); U+3B49).
(See 釫 vã; 鋘 vã; 鏵 vã).
va3 14747
75 14 huà birch.⁵ a kind of birch found in Manchuria.¹⁴
白桦[白樺] bàk-vã báihuà white birch.¹⁰ <bot.> Betula platyphylla Suk, also known as 粉桦, 桦树, 桦木, 桦皮树.²³
白桦茸[白樺茸] bàk-vã-ngũng
báihuàróng chaga mushroom (Inonotus obliquus), or chaga (from Russian чага) which is used as a tea in boreal cultures; aka clinker polypore, cinder conk, black mass, birch canker polypore, the sterile conk trunk rot of birch, 白桦蕈[白樺蕈], 桦褐孔菌[樺褐孔菌] vã-hòt-kūng-kûn huà hè kǒng jùn, 西伯利亚灵芝[西伯利亞靈芝], 桦树菇[樺樹菇], 桦孔茸[樺孔茸] and 树蘑菇[樹蘑菇].¹⁵ʼ²⁰ʼ⁰
黑桦[黑樺] hāk-vã
hēihuà black birch.⁵⁴ <bot.> Betula davurica Pall, aka 臭桦, 棘皮桦.²³
桦烛[樺燭] vã-jūk
huàzhú a torch made by rolling birch bark around beeswax.¹⁴
桦木[樺木] vã-mûk
huàmù birch.⁹
桦树[樺樹] vã-sì
huàshù birch.⁹
小叶桦[小葉桦] xēl-yêp-vã
xiǎoyèhuà <bot.> Betula microphylla (found in Mongolia, Russia, Xinjiang).²⁰
va3 14748
140 10 huá flowery; illustrious; Chinese.⁸
中华[中華] Jüng-vã
Zhōnghuá China.⁸
华发[華髮] vã-fāt
huáfà gray hair.
华夫饼[華夫餅] vã-fü-bēng
huáfūbǐng <loan> waffle.¹⁹
华夏[華夏] Vã-hà Huáxià <wr.> China.
华翰[華翰] vã-hòn
huáhàn <wr.> your esteemed letter.⁶
华胄[華胄] Vã-jào
Huázhòu <wr.> descendants of a noble family; Chinese people, people of Chinese ancestry.⁶
华丽[華麗] vã-lài
huálì magnificent; gorgeous.
华骝[華騮] Vã-liũ
Huáliú name of one of the eight legendary horses of 周穆王 Jiü Mùk Võng Zhōu Mù Wáng King Mu of Zhou.²³
华人[華人] Vã-ngĩn
Huárén Chinese people.
华椴[华椴] vã-òn
huáduàn Chinese linden Tilia chinensis.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
华山[華山] Vã Sän
Huá Shān Mount Hua in Shaanxi, western of the Five Sacred Mountains.¹⁰
华山北麓[華山北麓] Vã Sän bāk-lùk
Huà Shān běilù at the northern foot of Huashan Mountain.⁵
华腴[華腴] vã-yĩ
huáyú soft living.¹¹ luxurious life; nobility, peerage.⁵⁴
华裔[華裔] Vã-yuì
Huáyì foreign citizen of Chinese origin.⁵
<台> 华盛顿[華盛頓] vã-sèin-ùn Washington, D.C.
<又> và.
(See 華 và.)
va3 14749
149 17 huá (=哗[嘩] vã huá) create a lot of noise.¹¹ clamor; noise; hubbub.¹⁴
t: ⿰言華; U+8B41). (comp. s: ⿰口华; U+54D7).
or 军士哗变[軍士嘩變] gün-xù-vã-bëin jūnshì huábiàn army mutiny.¹¹
or 哗变[嘩變] vã-bëin huábiàn refuse to obey orders; mutiny; revolt.¹¹
or 哗众取宠[嘩眾取寵] vã-jüng-tuī-chüng huázhòngqǔchǒng seek popularity by shocking statement; gain notoriety by shocking statement.¹¹
or 哗然[嘩然] vã-ngẽin huárán rising up in an uproar of protest.¹¹
or 喧哗[喧嘩] xün-vã xuānhuá (of crowd) vociferous, tumultuous.¹¹
(See 嘩 vã).
va3 14750
167 11 huá (<old>=铧[鏵] vã huá plowshare.⁶).¹⁹ (variant: 㭉 vã).
(composition: ⿰釒亏; U+91EB).
<又> vü.
(See 釫 vü; 㭉 vã).
va3 14751
167 11 huá (<old>=铧[鏵] vã huá plowshare.⁶).¹³ʼ¹⁹
(composition: ⿰釒于; U+91EA).
<又> yï.
(See 釪 yï).
va3 14752
167 15 huá (<old>=铧[鏵] vã huá plowshare.⁶ spade, shovel, plowshare.⁸).⁸ʼ¹³ a double-edged spade.²⁵ (variant: 㭉 vã).
(composition: ⿰釒吴(G) or ⿰釒吳(THJK); U+92D8).
<又> m̃; vũ. (See 鋘 m̃; 鋘 vũ; 㭉 vã).
va3 14753
167 18 huá plowshare.⁶ spade, shovel, plowshare.⁸ (variant: 㭉 vã).
犁铧[犁鏵] lãi-vã líhuá plowshare; share.⁵
双铧犁[雙鏵犁] söng-vã-lãi
shuānghuálí double-shared plow.⁶
<又> vā.
(See 鏵 vā; 㭉 vã).
va3 14754
187 20 huá a chestnut horse.¹⁴
骅骝[驊騮] Vã-liũ Huáliú <wr.> name of a famous horse; characters now used chiefly in personal names.¹¹ a famous steed, one of the eight belonging to 周穆王 Jiü Mùk Võng Zhōu Mù Wáng King Mu of Zhou.¹⁴
va3 14755
30 6 huà loud; clamour; hubbub, big mouth, to brag.⁸ a loud voice, a large mouth.²⁴
(composition: ⿱口大; U+3566).
va4 14756
30 13 huā (comp. t: ⿰口華; U+5629). (comp. s: ⿰口华; U+54D7).
<台> 哗,好靓啊![嘩,好靚啊!] Và, häo-lëng/ ä! Oh, how beautiful!
<又> vã, vä.
(See 嘩 vã, vä.)
va4 14757
64 14 huà <old> wide.⁸ large and wide, extensive, liberal.²⁴
(variant: 槬 và huà).
(composition: ⿰扌瓠; U+6466).
摦广[摦廣] và-gōng
huàguǎng broad.²⁴
(See 槬 và).
va4 14758
75 15 huà (=摦 và huà <old> wide.⁸ large and wide, extensive, liberal.²⁴).³⁶
(composition: ⿰木瓠; U+69EC).
(See 摦 và).
va4 14759
102 12 huà picture, painting, drawing.
中国画[中國畫] Jüng-gōk-và Zhōngguóhuà traditional Chinese painting
画报[畫報] và-bäo
huàbào pictorial (magazine).
画舫[畫舫] và-fōng
huàfǎng a gayly-painted pleasure-boat.⁵
画家[畫家] và-gä
huàjiā painter, artist.
画稿[畫稿] và-gāo
huàgǎo rough sketch (for a painting); approve a document by signing.⁸
画帖[畫帖] và-hēp
huàtiè a book of model paintings.⁸
画廊[畫廊] và-lõng
huàláng picture gallery.⁵
画儿[畫兒] và-ngĩ
huàr picture, drawing.
画舸[畫舸] và-ö
or và-ü huàgě gaily-painted pleasure-boat.⁵⁴
画片[畫片] và-pëin
huàpiàn a miniature reproduction of a painting.⁵
西洋画[西洋畫] Xäi-yẽng-và
Xīyánghuà Western painting.
<又> pã, vàk, vâk.

(See 划 pã, vàk; 劃 [vàk,
huá]; [vàk, huà]; vâk; 畫 vàk; vâk.)
va4 14760
112 9 huā <ono.> swish.⁶ noise descriptive of something done with splash.⁸ the sound of a swift movement.⁹
窗帘砉地拉开了[窗簾砉地拉開了] tóng-lẽm-và-ì-läi-höi-lēl chuāngliánhuādelākāile The curtain swished open.⁶
<又> vàk.
(See 砉 vàk.)
va4 14761
122 13 huà obstruct, hinder.²
hinder.⁸ from 《漢典•國語詞典》.
an impediment, an obstruction.²⁵
the squares on a chessboard.¹⁰¹
(Note: Diferences in definitions and sounds exist among 《漢典•基本解释》, 《漢典•國語詞典》 and other sources)..
(composition: ⿱罒卦; U+7F6B).
<又> kä; gāi.
(See 罫 kä; 罫 gāi).
va4 14762
140 10 huà name of mountain in Shaanxi; Hua surname.
华山[華山] Và-sän Huà Shān Huashan, mountain in Shaanxi Province (陕西省[陝西省] Sēm-xäi sāng Shǎnxī shěng).
<又> vã.
(See 華 vã.)
va4 14763
149 13 huà speech; talk; conversation; words; sayings; story; language; dialect; <wr.> to talk; to narrate.
白话[白話] bak-và báihuà vernacular; groundless talk; empty promise; small talk; chit-chat.
白话小说[白話小說] bak-và-xēl-sōt
báihuàxiǎoshuō novels in the vernacular.
听话[聽話] hëng-và
tīnghuà to await a reply; to heed advice; to obey; obedient.
无话不谈[無話不談] mũ-và-būt-hãm
wúhuàbùtán to keep no secrets from each other.
说话[說話] sōt-và
shuōhuà to speak; to talk; to say; to chat; to gossip; to scold; to censure; to blame; <trad.> storytelling (a form of folk art popular in Tang and Song dynasties); <topo.> in a minute; right away; words.
话柄[話柄] và-bêng
huàbǐng a pretext for gossip; a matter for derision.¹⁰
话筒[話筒] và-hûng/
huàtǒng microphone; telephone transmitter, speaker.⁶
话剧[話劇] và-kēk
huàjù modern drama; stage play.
话痨[話癆] và-lão
huàláo <sarcastic> chatterbox.¹¹
话梅[話梅] và-mõi/
huàméi preserved plum.⁶
<台> 大话[大話] ài-và/ lies.
<台> 佢话[佢話] kuï-và he said; she said.
<台> 散口话[散口話] xān hēo và/ a few common words.⁰
va4 14764
135 18 huà (<old>=话[話] và huà) speech; talk; language; what somebody said; words; etc.³⁶
<又> tīt.
(See 舙 tīt.)
va5 14765
30 8 vāi wāi lopsided.¹⁰ a wry mouth.¹³ slanting.³⁶
(comp. t: ⿵冎口; U+54BC). (comp. s: ⿱口内; U+5459).
咼斜[咼斜] vāi-tẽh
wāixié skewed.¹⁹
<又> gā; gö; võ; vô.
(See 咼 gā; 咼 gö; 咼 võ; 咼 vô).
vai1 14766
77 9 vāi wāi crooked, askew, inclined; awry; devious, noxious.
鼻塌嘴歪 bì-hāp-duī-vāi bítāzuǐwāi with a snub nose and a wry mouth – a very ugly face.⁵⁴
歪打正着[歪打正著] vāi-ā-jëin-jèk
wāidǎzhèngzháo to hit the mark by a fluke.
歪嘴 vāi-duī
wāizuǐ wry mouth.
歪盔子 vāi-föi-dū
or vāi-kï-dū wāikuīzi <slang> false pretext for starting trouble.¹¹
歪风[歪風] vāi-füng
wāifēng an evil wind; unhealthy trend.
歪曲 vāi-kūk
wāiqū  to distort; to misrepresent.
歪理 vāi-lî
wāilǐ false reasoning.
<又> chāi.
(See 歪 chāi.)
vai1 14767
193 13 𩰬
vāi wāi a wry mouth, a crooked mouth.⁸
(composition: ⿳一⿰口㐄⿵冂⿱丷丅; U+29C2C).
<又> vö. (See 𩰬❄{⿳一⿰口㐄⿵冂⿱丷丅} vö).
vai1 14768
38 19 vãi huái peaceful; joyful.⁸ harmonious and agreeable.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女褱; U+3733).
vai3 14769
61 19 怀 vãi huái bosom; mind; keep in mind, cherish; think of, yearn for; to conceive (a child).⁵ Huai surname.¹⁰
怀璧其罪[懷璧其罪] vãi-bēik-kĩ-duì huáibìqízuì lit. treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime (idiom); to get into trouble on account of a cherished item; fig. A person's talent will arouse the envy of others.⁵⁴
怀表[懷錶] vãi-bël
huáibiǎo pocket watch.⁵
怀瑾握瑜[懷瑾握瑜] vãi-gīn-äk-yĩ
huáijǐnwòyú hold gems in one’s bosom and grasp jades in one’s hand – be in possession of learning and virtue.⁸
怀旧[懷舊] vãi-giù
huáijiù cherish the past.¹¹
怀恨[懷恨] vãi-hàn
huáihèn nurse hatred; harbor resentment.⁵
怀恨在心[懷恨在心] vãi-hàn-dòi-xïm
huáihènzàixīn nurse hatred in one's heart.⁵
怀念[懷念] vãi-nèm
huáiniàn cherish the memory of;  think of.⁵
怀疑[懷疑] vãi-ngĩ
huáiyí doubt; suspect.⁵
怀妊[懷妊] vãi-ngìm
or vãi-ngĩm huáirèn gestation; pregnancy.¹⁰
怀抱[懷抱] vãi-päo
huáibào bosom; cherish.⁵
怀孕[懷孕] vãi-yìn
huáiyùn be pregnant; be conceived.⁵
vai3 14770
75 13 vãi huái Chinese scholar tree (Sophora japonica); Japanese pagoda tree.¹⁰
槐序 vãi-duì
huáixù summer.⁷
槐鼎 vãi-ēin
huáidǐng the three top officials of the state in ancient times.⁷
槐豆 vãi-èo
huáidòu the seed of the Japanese pagoda tree, which can be used as medicine or to make soy sauce, wine.⁹
槐花 vãi-fä
huáihuā (=槐米 vãi-māi huáimǐ) <TCM> bud of Chinese scholar tree.⁶
槐火 vãi-fō
huáihuǒ a fire made by drilling a piece of locust wood.⁷
槐角 vãi-gök
huáijiǎo <TCM> the pod of Chinese scholar tree.⁵
槐米 vãi-māi
huáimǐ <TCM.> bud of Chinese scholar tree.⁶
槐月 vãi-ngùt
huáiyuè the fourth moon of the lunar year.⁷
槐树[槐樹] vãi-sì
huáishù Japanese pagoda tree; Chinese scholar tree, pagoda tree Styphnolobium japonicum (L.) Schott (syn. Sophora japonica L.)¹⁵ʼ²⁰
槐树荚[槐樹莢] vãi-sì-gâp
huáishùjiá sophora fruit.⁵⁴
洋槐 yẽng-vãi
yánghuái (=刺槐 xü-vãi cìhuái) black locust, false acacia Robinia pseudoacacia.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
vai3 14771
85 11 vãi huái a river in 河南 Hõ-nãm Hénán Henan Province and 安徽 Ön-fï Ānhuī Anhui Province.
淮北 Vãi-bāk
Huáiběi region north of the Huai River (淮河 Vãi Hõ Huáihé).
淮濆 Vãi-fũn
Huáifén bank of the 淮河 Vãi Hõ Huáihé Huai River.⁵⁴
淮河 Vãi Hõ
Huáihé Huai River, main river of east China, between the Yellow River (黃河 Võng Hõ Huáng Hé) and the Yangtze River, or Chang Jiang (长江[長江] Chẽng Göng Cháng Jiāng).¹⁰
淮枳 vãi-jī
huáizhǐ things appear differently under different situations.⁵⁴
淮山 vãi-sän
huáishān a common name for 薯蓣[薯蕷] sĩ-yì shǔyù Chinese yam; cinnamon-vine (Dioscorea polystachya), also known as nagaimo in Japan.¹⁵
vai3 14772
85 19 vãi huái name of a river in the northern regions.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵褱; U+7024).
<又> vï. (See 瀤 vï).
vai3 14773
127 22 vãi huái a kind of harrow popular in Northeast China.¹⁹
耲耙 vãi-pã huáiba a kind of harrow popular in Northeast China.⁸
vai3 14774
32 13 𡎯
vài huài (<old>=坏[壞] vài huài)² bad; go bad, spoil, ruin; badly, awfully, very; evil idea, dirty trick.⁵
(composition: ⿰眔土; U+213AF).
(See 壞 vài).
vai4 14775
32 19 vài huài bad; go bad, spoil, ruin; badly, awfully, very; evil idea, dirty trick.⁵ (variants: 𣩹❄{⿰歹褱}, 𡎯❄{⿰眔土} vài).
坏蛋[壞蛋] vài-àn/
huàidàn <coll.> bad egg; scoundrel; bastard.⁵
坏包儿[壞包兒] vài-bäo-ngĩ
huàibāor <coll.> rascal; rogue.⁵
坏处[壞處] vài-chuî
huàichu harm; disadvantage.⁵
坏疽[壞疽] vài-duï
huàijū gangrene.⁵
坏分子[壞分子] vài-fùn-dū
huàifènzǐ <law> bad element; evildoer.⁵
坏血病[壞血病] vài-hūt-bèng
huàixuèbìng scurvy.⁵
坏人[壞人] vài-ngĩn
huàirén evildoer; scoundrel.⁵
坏人坏事[壞人壞事] vài-ngĩn-vài-xù
huàirén huàishì evildoers and wrongdoings.
坏东西[壞東西] vài-üng-xäi
huàidōngxi bastard; scoundrel; rogue.⁵
坏话[壞話] vài-và/
huàihuà malicious remarks, vicious talk; unpleasant words.⁵
坏死[壞死] vài-xī
huàisǐ <med.> necrosis.⁵
坏心眼儿[壞心眼兒] vài-xïm-ngān-ngĩ
huàixīnyǎnr <topo.> evil intention; ill will.⁵
坏事[壞事] vài-xù
huàishì bad thing; evil deed; to ruin something; to make things worse.⁵
(See 𣩹❄{⿰歹褱} vài; 𡎯❄{⿰眔土} vài).
vai4 14776
78 20 𣩹
vài huài (=坏[壞] vài huài)² bad; go bad, spoil, ruin; badly, awfully, very; evil idea, dirty trick.⁵
(composition: ⿰歹褱; U+23A79).
(See 壞 vài).
vai4 14777
32 11 vāk (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 域 vèik with same meaning: fief; territory, district, region, land; scope, range; cemetery; residence; <math.> field; <comp.> domain; <tax.> domain.³⁶
<又> vèik.
(See 域 vèik.)
vak1 14778
75 12 vāk a thorny shrub with yellow flowers and dark fruit.⁷ thorny shrub with yellow flowers; a kind of oak.⁸ thorny shrub bearing a red fruit; a kind of oak.¹⁴ (=白桵 bàk-xuï báiruǐ; =白蕤 bàk-xuï báiruí) a small tree or thorny bush having fruit like an earring, red and edible.²⁴
棫朴[棫樸] vāk-pōk
or vèik-pōk yùpǔ the title of a poem in the Book of Poetry; a multitude of talented persons; names of two kinds of trees – yü and pu.⁷
<又> vèik.
(See 棫 vèik.)
vak1 14779
18 6 vàk huá 划拳 or 豁拳 vàk-kũn huáquán play finger-guessing game (a kind of drinking game played at feasts).⁶
(划 in simplified form can be used for traditional forms 畫 or 劃.)
<又> vàk, vâk, và.

(See 划 pã; 劃 [vàk,
huá]; [vàk, huà]; vâk; 畫 và; vàk; vâk.)
vak4 14780
18 14 vàk huá 划火柴[劃火柴] vàk-fō-châi/ huáhuǒchái strike a match.¹⁹
(<白读> chāk-fō-châi 擦火柴 strike a match.)
(划 in simplified form can be used for traditional forms 畫 or 劃.)
<又> pã, vâk, và.

(See 划 pã, vàk; 劃 [vàk,
huà]; vâk; 畫 và; vàk; vâk.)
vak4 14781
18 14 vàk huà 策划[策劃] or 策画[策畫] chāk-vàk cèhuà plan; plot; scheme; machinate; mastermind; engineer.⁶
出谋划策[出謀劃策] chūt-mẽo-vàk-chāk
chūmóuhuàcè give counsel; mastermind a scheme; give advice and suggestions from behind the scenes; offer advice.⁶
计划[計劃] gäi-vàk
jìhuà plan, program, scheme, project, design; to plan, map out, scheme, design.⁶
or 画策[畫策] vàk-chāk huàcè to plan, to scheme.⁷
(划 in simplified form can be used for traditional forms 畫 or 劃.)

<又> pã, vâk, và.
(See 划 pã, vàk; 劃 [vàk,
huá]; vâk; 畫 và; vàk; vâk.)
vak4 14782
47 11 𡿿
vàk huò water flowing.²⁴
(composition: ⿹或巛; U+21FFF).
vak4 14783
61 11 vàk Original meaning: feudal monarch is concerned about state affairs. Derived meaning: to worry about, to have a headache; to vacillate; perplexed; puzzled.²³ a grieved mind.²⁴
恻惐[惻惐] chāk-vàk cèyù (=恻淢[惻淢] chāk-vèik cèyù) mourn; pain.²³ wounded.²⁴
(See 淢 vèik.)
vak4 14784
61 12 vàk huò be puzzled, be bewildered; delude, mislead.⁵
大惑不解 ài-vàk-būt-gāi dàhuòbùjiě greatly puzzled.⁵
惑志 vàk-jï huòzhì suspicion; doubt.⁷
惑众[惑眾] vàk-jüng
huòzhòng confuse/delude people.⁶
惑乱[惑亂] vàk-lòn
huòluàn confuse; befuddle.⁶
惑弄 vàk-lùng
huònòng to delude; to befool; to beguile.⁷
惑溺 vàk-nèik
huònì to indulge in.⁷
惑然 vàk-ngẽin
huòrán puzzled; bewildered.⁶
惑然不解 vàk-ngẽin-būt-gāi
huòránbùjiě feel puzzled or confused.⁶
惑人耳目 vàk-ngĩn-ngī-mùk
huòrén'ěrmù to deceive people's feeling; to cheat and bewitch people with false appearance.⁹
惑术[惑術] vàk-sùt
huòshù deceitful tricks; guile; ruses.⁷
vak4 14785
61 14 𢟸
vàk huà (=㦎 vàk huà cantankerous; perverse; stupid, dull, ignorant; to divide clearly, without ambiguity; gracefully quiet.⁸ unintelligent; perverse; obstinate.²⁴).
(composition: ⿰忄⿳⿱𦘒一⿵ㄇ人一; U+227F8).
(See 㦎 vàk).
vak4 14786
61 15 vàk huà cantankerous; perverse; stupid, dull, ignorant; to divide clearly, without ambiguity; gracefully quiet.⁸ unintelligent; perverse; obstinate.²⁴ (variant: 𢟸 vàk huà).
(composition: ⿰忄畫; U+398E).
(See 𢟸❄{⿰忄⿳⿱𦘒一⿵ㄇ人一} vàk).
vak4 14787
62 8 vàk huò perhaps, maybe, probably; or, either... or...; <wr.> someone, some people.⁵
不可或缺 būt-hō-vàk-kūt or būt-hō-vàk-hūt bùkěhuòquē indispensable; essential; necessary; requisite; imperative.⁶
或体[或體] vàk-hāi
huòtǐ an alternative style of Chinese characters.⁷
或可 vàk-hō
huòkě may be possible; probably can.⁷
或许[或許] vàk-huī
huòxǔ perhaps; maybe⁵
或者 vàk-jēh
huòzhě perhaps, maybe; either.... or...; or.⁵
或明或暗 vàk-mẽin-vàk-ām
huòmínghuò'àn either overt or covert.⁷
或然 vàk-ngẽin
huòrán probable.⁵
或然率 vàk-ngẽin-lùt
huòránlǜ <math.> probability.⁷
或人 vàk-ngĩn
huòrén someone.⁷
或是 vàk-sì
huòshì perhaps; or.⁷
或多或少 vàk-ü-vàk-sēl
huòduōhuòshǎo more or less; to a greater or lesser extent; in varying degrees.⁵
或谓[或謂] vàk-vì
huòwèi or 或曰 vàk-yòt huòyuē or 或云 vàk-vũn huòyún some people say that...⁶
vàk-xëng-pôi-xāi huòxiàngbèixǐ some twice, some five-fold.¹⁴
或此或彼 vàk-xū-vàk-bī
huòcǐhuòbǐ either this or that; here and there; hither and thither.⁷
或问“治己”.[或問「治己」.] Vàk-mùn "jì-gī".
Huò wèn `zhìjǐ'.
Someone asked about governing oneself.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《揚子法言·修身卷第三·14》, translated by James Legge).
vak4 14788
64 11 vàk huò to split; to crack.² confused, bewildered; to split; the noise of anything splitting.²⁴ deluded.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰扌或; U+639D).
掝掝 vàk-vàk huòhuò confused appearance.⁵⁴ a deception; guiles, tricks; the noise or act of splitting.¹⁰²
<又> kēik.
(See 掝 kēik).
vak4 14789
64 15 vàk huà to break; to crack.² the thumb; to split, to tear apart; to cut open with something sharp.⁸
(composition: ⿰扌畫; U+3A47).
<又> dōk. (See 㩇 dōk).
vak4 14790
85 12 vàk huò sound of water; sound of crashing waves.⁸ sound of crashing.¹¹ the dashing of waves.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰氵砉; U+6E71).
渹湱 gäng-vàk hōnghuò sound of waves crashing.¹⁹
漍湱 gōk-vàk
guóhuò a stream issuing from a western valley.²⁴ name of a stream issuing from a western valley.¹⁰² 水出西豁 river issuing from western valley.¹⁰¹ (Note: 豁 köt huò, as used here, is interchangeable with 谷 gūk valley).²
漰湱 päng-vàk
pēnghuò sound of waves crashing; referring to heavy rain.¹⁹ waves dashing against each other.²⁴
湱湱 vàk-vàk
huòhuò the sound of water waves.¹⁹
vak4 14791
102 11 𤱪
vàk huà (=画[畫] vàk huà to draw, to paint.)
(Note: This character is in Kangxi).
(composition: ⿳𦘒一田; U+24C6A).
(See 畫 vàk).
vak4 14792
102 12 vàk huà to draw, to paint. (variants: 畵,𦘕❄{⿳⿱𦘒一⿵ㄇ人一}. 𤱪❄{⿳𦘒一田}, 𤲯❄{⿳⿻肀二二田一}, 𨽶❄{⿱隶田}, 𤲿❄{⿳𦘒一⿲丨⿳一田一丨}, 𦘚❄{⿳𦘒一⿶凵⿵ㄇ人} vàk). q.v.
t: ⿳⿱𦘒一田一; U+756B).
s: ⿱一⿶凵田(GT) or ⿱一⿶凵由(JK); U+753B).
画押[畫押] vàk-ät
huàyā to make one's cross; to sign.
画饼[畫餅] vàk-bēng
huàbǐng pie in the sky; illusion.⁷
画饼充饥[畫餅充饑] vàk-bēng-chüng-gï
huàbǐngchōngjī lit. to try to satisfy hunger by drawing cakes – to value empty names; empty solace.⁷
画符[畫符] vàk-fũ
huàfú to draw Taoist magic characters.¹¹
画缋[畫繢] vàk-köi
huàhuì to embroider with various colors.²⁵
画龙点睛[畫龍點睛] vàk-lũng-ēm-dëin
huàlóngdiǎnjīng bring the painted dragon to life by putting in the pupils of its eyes – add the touch that brings a work of art to life.⁶
画蛇添足[畫蛇添足] vàk-sẽh-hëm-dūk
huàshétiānzú lit. draw legs on a snake (idiom); fig. to ruin the effect by adding something superfluous; to overdo it.¹⁰
画线[畫線] vàk-xëin
huàxiàn to draw a line.
<又> pã, vâk, và.

(See 划 pã, vàk; 劃 [vàk
huá], [vàk huà]; vâk; 畫 và, vâk.
vak4 14793
102 13 vàk huà (=画[畫] vàk huà to draw, to paint.)
(composition: ⿳𦘒一⿶凵田; U+7575).
(See 畫 vàk).
vak4 14794
102 15 𤲿
vàk huà (=画[畫] vàk huà to draw, to paint.)
(composition: ⿳𦘒一⿲丨⿳一田一丨; U+24CBF).
(See 畫 vàk).
vak4 14795
112 9 vàk <wr.> sound of the skin torn from the bone.⁶
砉然 vàk-ngẽin xūrán "popping" sound of tendon tear.⁷⁷
<又> và.
(See 砉 và.)
vak4 14796
129 11 𦘕
vàk huà (=画[畫] vàk huà to draw, to paint.)
(composition: ⿳⿱𦘒一⿵ㄇ人一; U+26615).
(See 畫 vàk).
vak4 14797
129 12 𦘚
vàk huà (=画[畫] vàk huà to draw, to paint.)
(composition: ⿳𦘒一⿶凵⿵ㄇ人; U+2661A).
(See 畫 vàk).
vak4 14798
129 14 𤲯
vàk huà (=画[畫] vàk huà to draw, to paint.)
(Note: This character is in Kangxi).
(composition: ⿳⿻肀二二田一; U+24CAF).
(See 畫 vàk).
vak4 14799
150 17 vàk huá (=划 in 划拳 vàk-kũn huáquán) play finger-guessing game (a kind of drinking game played at feasts).⁶
豁拳 vàk-kũn
huáquán (=划拳 vàk-kũn huáquán) play finger-guessing game (a kind of drinking game played at feasts).⁶
<又> hôt, köt.
(See 豁 hôt; 豁 [köt, huò]; 豁 [köt, huō].)
vak4 14800
171 13 𨽶
vàk huà (=画[畫] vàk huà to draw, to paint.)
(Note: This character is in Kangxi).
(composition: ⿱隶田; U+28F76).
(See 畫 vàk).
vak4 14801
187 19 vàk huō the sound of a knife cutting something.⁷ <wr.> crashing sound.⁶ to go on without stopping; the noise of splitting open an ox.²⁵
奏刀騞然 dëo-äo-vàk-ngẽin zòudāohuòrán the sounding knife came cracking down.²⁵
vak4 14802
195 19 vàk huò a kind of fish, small fish, fry; a large amphibious creature, something like the newt but very much larger.⁸ this is described like a species of lizard, which frequents the bamboo.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰魚或; U+4C5B).
䱛鱼[䱛魚] vàk-nguî/ huòyú or 䱛头[䱛頭] vàk-hẽo huòtóu a common sort of perch at Canton (Corvina grypota), which is dried like stockfish.¹⁰²
<又> kēik; vèik.
(See 䱛 kēik; 䱛 vèik).
vak4 14803
18 14 vâk huà 笔划[筆劃] or 笔画[筆畫] bīt-vâk bǐhuà strokes (of Chinese characters); number of strokes (of Chinese characters).⁶
(划 in simplified form can be used for traditional forms 畫 or 劃.)
<又> pã, vàk, và.

(See 划 pã, vàk; 劃 [vàk,
huá]; [vàk, huà]; 畫 và; vàk; vâk.)
vak5 14804
102 12 vâk huà stroke.
笔画[筆畫] or 笔划[筆劃] bīt-vâk bǐhuà strokes of a Chinese character.¹⁰
<又> pã, vàk, và.

(See 划 pã, vàk; 劃 [vàk,
huá]; [vàk, huà]; vâk; 畫 và; vàk.)
vak5 14805
94 9 vān huán a dog running.²⁴ a big dog; (=貆 vān huán porcupine);  brave, warlike.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰犭亘; U+72DF).
狟狢 vān-lōk
or vān-hòk huánhé or huánháo a sort of fox.²⁴
狟猪[狟豬] vān-jï
huánzhū or 豪猪[豪豬] hõ-jï háozhū porcupine.¹⁹
狟狟 vān-vān
huánhuán fierce and mighty appearance.¹⁹
<又> fön.
(See 狟 fön; 貆 vān).
van1 14806
153 13 vān huán small badger; porcupine.⁸ a  badger.¹⁴ a young raccoon and a porcupine.¹⁹ a species of fox, the dung of which makes good manure.²⁵
(composition: ⿰豸亘; U+8C86).
貆猪[貆豬] vān-jï huánzhū or 豪猪[豪豬] hõ-jï háozhū porcupine.¹⁴
<又> fön, xün.
(See 貆 fön, 貆 xün).
van1 14807
167 21 vān huán metal ring; measure of currency; link of a chain; copper coin.⁸ a metal ring; an ancient weight of over siz taels.¹⁴
门镮[門鐶] mõn-vān ménhuán a ring on a door.¹⁴
镮子[鐶子] vān-dū
huánzǐ a ring.¹⁴
van1 14808
57 22 vän wān to bend; to flex; to draw (a bow); turn; curve.
打弯[打彎] ā-vän dǎwān hit to make something bend.
拐弯[拐彎] gāi-vän
guǎiwān to turn a corner; to go round a curve; fig. a new direction.
拐弯抹角[拐彎抹角] gāi-vän-möt-gôk
guǎiwānmòjiǎo to proceed along a zigzag road; to beat about the bush; to equivocate.
急弯[急彎] gīp-vän
jíwān abrupt or sharp turn.
弯曲[彎曲] vän-kūk wānqū winding; curved; to distort.
弯路[彎路] vän-lù
wānlù crooked road; tortuous path.
弯腰[彎腰] vän-yël
wānyāo to stoop.
van2 14809
75 26 𣡩
vän wān bent wood.² crooked wood²⁴.
(composition: ⿰木彎; U+23869).
van2 14810
85 15 vän wān water deep and wide; an eddy.²⁴ (of water) deep and vast.²⁹
(composition: ⿰氵絭; U+6F6B).
奫潫 vũn-vän yūnwān (appearance of water) cycling or swirling around.³⁶

van2 14811
85 25 vän wān bend in a stream; gulf, bay, cove, inlet; cast anchor, moor.⁶
渤海湾[渤海灣] Bòt-hōi-vän Bóhǎiwān Bohai Bay.⁶
浒湾乡[滸灣鄉] Fū-vän-hëng
Hǔwānxiāng a place in 河南 Hõ-nãm Hénán Henan Province.²³
峡湾[峽灣] hèp-vän
xiáwān fjord.⁶
河湾[河灣] hõ-vän
héwān river bend.⁶
海湾[海灣] hōi-vän
hǎiwān gulf; bay; loch.⁹
海湾战争[海灣戰爭] Hōi-vän Jën-jäng
Hǎiwān Zhànzhēng (Persian) Gulf War (1991).¹⁰
台湾[臺灣] Hõi-vän
Táiwān Taiwan (Republic of China).⁶
港湾[港灣] kōng-vän
gǎngwān harbor; a bay, a gulf.⁷
南湾[南灣] Nãm-vän
Nánwān Nanwan (Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China).⁹
澎湖湾[澎湖灣] Pãng-vũ-vän
Pénghúwān Penghu Bay, located in the middle of the Taiwan Straits.³⁹
湾泊[灣泊] vän-bòk
wānbó anchor; berth; moor.⁶
湾流[灣流] vän-liũ
wānliú gulf stream.⁶
<又> vãn.
(See 灣 vãn.)
van2 14812
31 16 vãn huán <wr.> to surround, to encircle.⁶
转圜[轉圜] jōn-vãn zhuǎnhuán save/retrieve (a situation); mediate; reconcile.⁶
<又> yõn.
(See 圜 yõn.)
van3 14813
38 16 vãn huán (composition: ⿰女睘; U+5B1B).
琅嬛[瑯嬛] lõng-vãn lánghuán <lit.> library of 天帝 Hëin-äi Tiāndì Lord of Heaven in legend.⁶
琅嬛福地[瑯嬛福地] lõng-vãn-fūk-ì
lánghuánfúdì library of a fairyland, where rare ancient books were stored.⁷ a scenically beautiful place.³⁹
(See 嬛 [vãn, xuān].)
van3 14814
38 16 vãn xuān 嬛佞 vãn-nèin xuānnìng <lit.> sycophant, given to flattery.¹¹
(composition: ⿰女睘; U+5B1B).
(See 嬛 [vãn, huán].)
van3 14815
39 9 vãn xuān
(=嬛 vãn xuān) lonely; solitary, exquisite; fine, to worship with reverence.⁸ lonely; to worship with reverence; be lustful, be a womanizer.¹⁰⁰
(composition: ⿱旬子; U+3741).
<又> kẽin.
(See 㝁 kẽin.)
van3 14816
40 16 vãn huán a large domain; a vast space.⁷
尘寰[塵寰] chĩn-vãn chénhuán <rel.> this mortal life; this world; this secular/mundane/mortal world.⁶
人寰 ngĩn-vãn
rénhuán <wr.> human realm; human world; world.⁶
惨绝人寰[慘絕人寰] tām-dùt-ngĩn-vãn
cǎnjuérénhuán be extremely tragic; be exceedingly brutal/horrible; be a rare tragedy (on earth).⁶
寰球 vãn-kiũ
huánqiú earth; globe; whole world.⁶
寰区[寰區] vãn-kuï
huánqū all within the country.⁷
寰内[寰內] vãn-nuì
huánnèi the domain of the empire.⁷
or 环宇[環宇] vãn-yî huányǔ <wr.> entire or whole world.⁶
撒手尘寰[撒手塵寰] xät-siū-chĩn-vãn
sāshǒuchénhuán pass away; leave this mortal world; depart this life.⁶
van3 14817
64 16 vãn huàn to tuck up.¹ to pass through; to get into (armor).¹⁰
擐甲执兵[擐甲執兵] vãn-gâp-jīp-bëin huànjiǎzhíbīng to put on one's armor and take up arms.
van3 14818
85 6 vãn huán (=洹 vãn huán river in Henan province.⁸).
(composition: ⿰氵丸; U+6C4D).
汍澜[汍瀾] vãn-lãn
huánlán shedding tears.²⁴ (See 汍瀾 yõn-lãn wánlán).
<又> yõn.
(See 汍 yõn).
van3 14819
85 9 vãn huán river in Henan province.⁸ Huan surname.¹⁹
(composition: ⿰氵亘; U+6D39).
泥洹 nãi-vãn níhuán (=涅槃 nëp-põn nièpán <Budd.> Nirvana.¹¹).¹⁹ a certain state of existence according to the Buddhists.²⁴
洹山 vãn-sän
huánshān a legendary mountain.¹⁹
洹水 Vãn-suī
Huánshuǐ River (Read as Yõn-suī Yuánshuǐ in the early 1700s) in 河南省 Hõ-nãm Sāng Hénán Shěng Henan Province. Also called 安阳河[安陽河] Ön-yẽng-hõ  Ānyánghé Anyang River.⁴
洹洹 vãn-vãn
huánhuán flowing along.²⁴
<又> yõn.
(See 洹 yõn).
van3 14820
85 16 vãn huán surging; river in Hubei Province.⁸ to return (of waves).¹⁰
澴水 Vãn-suī  Huánshuǐ Huanshui River, a river in 湖北 Vũ-bāk Húběi Hubei Province.⁸
van3 14821
85 25 vãn wān <台> 南湾[南灣] Nãm-vãn an old town name.⁴
<台> 猪肚湾[豬肚灣] Jï-ū-vãn a place name.⁴
<又> vän. (See 灣 vän.)
van3 14822
96 17 vãn huán ring, hoop; link; surround; encircle; hem in; <sports> ring.⁵ Huan surname.⁸ <又> vân. (See 環 vân.)
金耳环[金耳環] gïm-ngī-vãn
jīněrhuán (Asarum insigne).³²
红金耳环[紅金耳環] hũng-gïm-ngī-vãn
hóngjīněrhuán (Asarum petelotii).³²
环靶[環靶] vãn-bä
huánbǎ <sports> round target.⁵
环节[環節] vãn-dēik
huánjié link; <zoo.> segment.⁵
环礁[環礁] vãn-dël
huánjiāo atoll.¹⁰
环子[環子] vãn-dū
huánzi ring; link.⁵
环境[環境] vãn-gēin
huánjìng environment; surroundings; circumstances.⁵
环境保护[環境保護] vãn-gēin-bāo-vù
huánjìngbǎohù environmental protection.⁵ (abbr. 环保[環保] vãn-bāo).
环顾[環顧] vãn-gü
huángù <wr.> look about or round.⁵
环行[環行] vãn-hãng
huánxíng going in a ring.⁷
环流[環流] vãn-liũ
huánliú circulation.⁵
环绕[環繞] vãn-ngêl
huánrào enclose, encircle.¹¹
环抱[環抱] vãn-päo
huánbào surround; encircle; hem in.⁵
环蛇[環蛇] vãn-sẽh
huánshé krait.⁵
or 环蚀[環蝕] vãn-sèik huánshí <astr.> annular eclipse (of sun).⁵
环视[環視] vãn-sì
huánshì look around.⁵
环形[環形] vãn-yẽin
huánxíng annular; ringlike.⁵
or 寰宇 vãn-yî huányǔ <lit.> entire or whole world.⁶
van3 14823
109 13 vãn huán (=还[還] vãn huán ➀ to return to a place; to go back to a place; ➁ to return an object; to give back; ➂ to do or give something in return; ➃ A surname​.³⁶ (variant: 瞏 vãn).
(composition: ⿱⿱⺫一⿱口𧘇
or ⿱⿱⺫一⿱口⿰⿱丿𠄌⿺乀丿); U+7758).
<又> kẽin.
(See 睘 kẽin; 瞏 vãn.)
van3 14824
109 15 vãn huán <old>=睘 or 还[還] vãn huán to return.¹⁹
(composition: ⿱⺫袁); U+778F).
<又> kẽin.
(See 睘 vãn; 瞏 kẽin).
van3 14825
120 19 vãn huán <wr.> noose; hang.⁶ a girdle; a cord; the streaks or lines in silk.²⁵
作缳[作繯] dōk-vãn zuòhuán to make rope.²⁵
or 投环[投環] hẽo-vãn tóuhuán <wr.> hang oneself.⁶
投缳自缢[投繯自縊] hẽo-vãn-dù-äi
tóuhuánzìyì hang oneself (by the neck).⁶
虹蜺为缳[虹蜺為繯] hũng-ngãi-vĩ-vãn
hóngníwéihuán the rainbow encircles the heavens.²⁵
缳系[繯系] vãn-hài
huánxì the fringes attached to a standard.²⁵
缳首[繯首] vãn-siū
huánshǒu <wr.> be hanged (as punishment.⁶
缳首之罪[繯首之罪] vãn-siū-jï-duì
huánshǒuzhīzuì crime punishable by hanging.⁶
缳络[繯絡] vãn-lōk
huánluò to encompass, to environ, to bind round; to tie.²⁵
van3 14826
162 16 vãn hái still, yet; even more, still more; also, too, as well, in addition; passably, fairly; even.⁵
还不如[還不如] vãn-būt-nguĩ háibùrú to be better off ...
might as well ...; not as good as.⁵⁴
还好[還好] vãn-hāo
háihǎo not bad; tolerable; fortunately.¹⁰
还是[還是] vãn-sì
háishi or; still; nevertheless; had better.¹⁰
还要[還要] vãn-yël háiyào even/still more; still want to.⁵⁴
还有[還有] vãn-yiû
háiyǒu furthermore; in addition; still; also.¹⁰
(See 還 [vãn, huán].)
van3 14827
162 16 vãn huán go or come back; give back, return, repay; give or do something in return.⁵ Huan surname.⁸ (variant: 睘 vãn).
璧还[璧還] bēik-vãn bìhuán return (a borrowed object) with thanks; decline (a gift) with thanks.⁵
归还[歸還] gï-vãn
guīhuán return; revert.⁵
还本[還本] vãn-bōn
huánběn repayment of principal or capital.⁵
还俗[還俗] vãn-dùk
huánsú to return to normal life (leaving a monastic order).¹⁰
还家[還家] vãn-gä
huánjiā return home.⁵
还价[還價] vãn-gä
huánjià counter-offer; counter-bid.⁵
还击[還擊] vãn-gēik
huánjī fight back, return fire, counterattack; <sport> riposte.⁵
还口[還口] vãn-hēo
huánkǒu to retort; to answer back.¹⁰
还债[還債] vãn-jäi
huánzhài repay a debt.¹¹
还原[還原] vãn-ngũn
huányuán return to the original condition or shape; restore; <chem.> reduction.⁵
还书[還書] vãn-sï
huánshū return books.¹⁰
(See 還 [vãn, hái]; 睘 vãn).
van3 14828
167 17 vãn huán measure; money, coins.⁸ a unit of measurement for weight that was used in ancient China; 1 锾[鍰]=6 liang.⁹
罚锾[罰鍰] fàt-vãn fáhuán fine or be fined silver or cash.¹¹
van3 14829
169 21 vãn huán wall around market place.⁸
(comp. t: ⿵門睘; U+95E4). (comp. s: ⿵门睘; U+961B).
圜阓[圜闠] vãn-gì
huánhuì <wr.> the market, business district.¹¹ the wall of a market place; the outer gate of a market; a market; a road, a way.²⁵ street; shop;
圜阓中人[闤闠中人] vãn-gì-jüng-ngĩn
huánhuìzhōngrén  (derog.) <wr.> shopkeepers.¹¹
阛闬[闤閈] vãn-hön
huánhàn downtown streets; shopping center.¹⁹
阛里[闤里] vãn-lî
huánlǐ streets and lanes.¹⁹
阛肆[闤肆] vãn-xü
huánsì store; shop.¹⁹
van3 14830
190 23 vãn huán <wr.> bun of hair; rings/coils of hair.⁶ to dress the hair in a coiled knot; a female serant, a maid.⁷
丫鬟 or 丫环[丫環] ä-vãn yāhuan <old> servant girl, maid; maidservant.⁶
髻鬟 gâi-vãn
jìhuán coiled bun.⁸
雾鬓风鬟[霧鬢風鬟] mù-bïn-füng-vãn
wùbìnfēnghuán beautiful tresses of a woman.⁷
黛鬟 òi-vãn
dàihuán glossy dark hair of women.⁷
上鬟 sëng-vãn
shànghuán to do up the hair.¹⁴
翠鬟 tuï-vãn
cuìhuán beautiful dark hair (of a woman).⁷
鬟髻 vãn-gâi
huánjì a woman's coiffure with a topknot.⁷
云鬟[雲鬟] vũn-vãn
yúnhuán the beautiful hairdo of an attractive woman.⁷
小鬟 xēl-vãn
xiǎohuán a young maidservant.⁷
van3 14831
9 8 𠈄 vàn huàn (=宦 vàn huàn imperial official; court eunuch.¹⁰).³⁶ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰亻臣; U+20204).
(See 宦 vàn).
van4 14832
31 10 vàn huàn (=豢 vàn huàn) to feed pigs and dogs with grain; to rear, to support.¹⁴
<又> vùn.
(See 圂 vùn; 豢 vàn).
van4 14833
40 9 vàn huàn imperial official; court eunuch; Huan surname.¹⁰
(variant: 𠈄 vàn huàn). (See 𠈄 vàn).
(Note: Distinguish 宧 yĩ
达官显宦[達官顯宦] àt-gön-hēin-vàn
dáguānxiǎnhuàn ranking/high official.⁶
薄宦 bòk-vàn
bóhuàn a low-ranking official position.⁷
官宦 gön-vàn
guānhuàn <wr.> government official.⁶
宦场[宦場] vàn-chẽng
huànchǎng officialdom; official circles.⁶
宦官 vàn-gön
huànguān eunuch.⁵
宦海 vàn-hōi
huànhǎi <trad.> officialdom; official circles.⁵
宦海沉浮 (=宦海浮沉 vàn-hōi-fẽo-chĩm
huànhǎifúchén) vàn-hōi-chĩm-fẽo huànhǎichénfú the ups and downs in officialdom.⁷
宦途 vàn-hũ
huàntú <trad.> official career.⁵
宦门[宦門] vàn-mõn
huànmén family of high officials.⁶
宦囊 vàn-nõng
huànnáng savings from an official career.⁶
宦游 vàn-yiũ
huànyóu go office-hunting; travel to seek an official position.⁶
van4 14834
61 11 vàn huàn to suffer (from illness); to contract (a disease); misfortune; trouble; danger; worry.¹⁰
后患[後患] hèo-vàn hòuhuàn future trouble.⁸
后患无穷[後患無窮] hèo-vàn-mũ-kũng
hòuhuànwúqióng source of endless trouble.¹¹
无患子[無患子] mũ-vàn-dū
wúhuànzi wingleaf soapberry, western soapberry, jaboncillo, sulluku and manele and a'e (Sapindus saponaria) aka 桓, 噤婁, 肥珠子, 油珠子, 鬼見愁, 木患子, 木眼仔, 油患子, 苦患樹, 黃目子, 油羅樹, 洗手果, 肥皂果樹.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ Sapindus mukorossi Gaertn.³²
无患木[無患木] mũ-vàn-mûk
wúhuànmù (=无患子树 [無患子樹] mũ-vàn-dū-sì wúhuànzishù) Sapindus.²³
患得患失 vàn-āk-vàn-sīt
huàndéhuànshī worry about personal gains and losess; be swayed by considerations of gain and lose.⁵
患病 vàn-bèng
huànbìng suffer from an illness; fall/be ill.⁵
患处[患處] vàn-chuî
huànchù affected part (of a patient's body).⁵
患者 vàn-jēh
huànzhě sufferer; patient.⁵
患难[患難] vàn-nãn
huànnàn trials and tribulations.¹⁰
<台> 木患 mùk-vàn/ the soapberry fruit (used as a soap).
van4 14835
75 11 vàn huàn (<old>=槵 vàn huàn a species of deciduous tree (Sapindus saponaria) whose bark can be used in place of soap, and whose wood can be used to make rosary beads.³⁶ soapberry (order Sapindales).⁵⁴).⁸
(composition: ⿰木串; U+6899).
(See 槵 vàn).

van4 14836
75 15 vàn huàn Sapindus saponaria, a species of deciduous tree whose bark can be used in place of soap, and whose wood can be used to make rosary beads.³⁶ soapberry (order Sapindales).⁵⁴
(old variant: 梙 vàn
huàn). (See 梙 vàn).
(composition: ⿰木患; U+69F5).
无槵[無槵] mũ-vàn
wúhuàn (Sapindus ? ) which when burnt emits a fragrant odor, and drives away bad smells; it is said to be dreaded by devils, and the Buddhists make beads of the wood to carry about with them as a charm.²⁴ (See 無患子 mũ-vàn-dū).
木槵 mùk-vàn
mùhuàn (See 木槵子 mùk-vàn-dū).¹⁹
木槵子 mùk-vàn-dū 
mùhuànzǐ    =木患子 mùk-vàn-dū  mùhuànzǐ another name for 无患子[無患子] mũ-vàn-dū wúhuànzi wingleaf soapberry, western soapberry, jaboncillo, sulluku and manele and a'e (Sapindus saponaria) ➁ pertaining to this tree's fruit ➂  derived name for rosary beads.¹⁹
槵子 vàn-dū
huànzǐ  fruit of the soapberry which can be made into rosary beads.¹⁹
van4 14837
85 14 vàn huàn 漫漶 màn-vàn mànhuàn (of script, painting) worn and torn or dampened and therefore illegible, blurred, indistinct.⁶ indecipherable; dim; indistinct.⁸ flooded, illegible (of bad print); widespread (of diease).¹¹
漫漶不可收拾 màn-vàn-būt-hō-siü-sìp
mànhuàn bùkě shōushi situation is so far gone beyond control.¹¹
van4 14838
152 13 vàn huàn to feed animals with grains; to tempt or entice people with profit or gains; domesticated animals.⁷
(composition: ⿱龹豕; U+8C62).
豢圉 vàn-nguî huànyǔ a pen for animals; an animal barn or stable.⁷
豢养[豢養] yêng-yêng
huànyǎng feed; groom; keep.⁵ to rear, to support, to nourish.¹⁴
豢养家禽[豢養家禽] yêng-yêng-gä-kĩm
huànyǎngjiāqín feed/raise poultry.⁶
van4 14839
159 20 vàn  huàn tear asunder between chariots.⁸ʼ¹⁴ ancient execution by tearing body apart with several carts.¹¹
to tear a person to pieces by means of chariots driven different ways.²⁵
(composition: ⿰車睘; U+8F58).
轘磔 vàn-jàk huànzhé to tear the human body with a cart.¹⁹
轘曲 vàn-kūk
huànqǔ twists and turns.¹⁹
轘裂 vàn-lēik
huànliè or 车裂[車裂] chëh-lēik chēliè to tear off a person's four limbs and head using five horse drawn carts (as capital punishment); to tear limb from limb.¹⁰
轘脔[轘臠] vàn-lūn
huánluán to tear apart the body with a cart.¹⁹
轘刑 vàn-yẽin
huánxíng chariot tearing (execution).⁵⁴
轘药[轘藥] vàn-yêk
huànyào to die by having the body torn apart by carts or by poison.¹⁹
轘辕[轘轅] vàn-yõn
huányuán topographically inaccessible place; name of a mountain in Henan.¹ Huanyuan Mountain; Huanyuan Pass (the site of an ancient strategic mountain pass, located approximately 3 kilometers northwest of the Shaolin Monastery in Henan).³⁶

van4 14840
52 4 vân huàn unreal, imaginary; illusory; magical, changeable.⁵
幻灯[幻燈] vân-äng huàndēng slide show; slide projector.⁵
幻灯机[幻燈機] vân-äng-gï
huàndēngjī slide projector.⁵
幻灯片[幻燈片] vân-äng-pëin
huàndēngpiàn a slide.⁷
幻象 vân-dèng
huànxiàng mirage; phantom; phantasm.⁵
幻化 vân-fä
huànhuà magically change; <trad.> die.⁶
幻方 vân-föng
huànfāng <math.> magic square.⁶
幻景 vân-gēin
huànjǐng illusion; mirage.⁵
幻境 vân-gēin
huànjìng dreamland; fairyland.⁵
幻觉[幻覺] vân-gōk
huànjué hallucination.⁵
幻听[幻聽] vân-hëin
huàntīng <med.> phonism.⁵
幻灭[幻滅] vân-mèik
huànmiè vanish into thin air.⁵
幻梦[幻夢] vân-mùng
huànmèng illusion; dream.⁵
幻世 vân-säi
huànshì <Budd.> the illusory world of the mortals.⁷
幻视[幻視] vân-sì
huànshì <med.> photism.⁵
幻术[幻術] vân-sùt
huànshù magic; conjuring.⁵
幻想 vân-xēng
huànxiǎng illusion; fancy; fantasy.⁵
幻想曲 vân-xēng-kūk
huànxiǎngqǔ <mus.> a fantasia.⁷
幻影 vân-yēin
huànyǐng unreal image.⁵
van5 14841
64 10 vân wǎn to draw (a bow), to pull; to restore; to seize; to roll up (sleeves).⁷ (Simplified and variant of 輓 vân).
(composition : ⿰扌免; U+633D).
推挽 tuï-vân tuīwǎn recommend (somebody for a post); push-pull.⁶
挽车[挽車] vân-chëh
wǎnchē to pull a cart.⁷
挽袖 vân-diù
wǎnxiù to roll up sleeves.⁷
挽髻 vân-gâi
wǎnjì to tie the hair into a knot.⁷
挽救 vân-giü
wǎnjiù to save (a situation, a failing concern); a remedy.⁷
挽住 vân-jì
wǎnzhù to hold back; to hold another (from going away).⁷
挽留 vân-liũ
wǎnliú to request to stay; to urge to stay.⁷
挽面 vân-mèin
wǎnmiàn to remove a woman's facial hair by threading.³⁶
挽手 vân-siū
wǎnshǒu to hold hands; arm-in-arm.⁷
挽回 vân-või
wǎnhuí to try with effort to turn back an adverse tide; to retrieve; to redeem.⁷
挽回大局 vân-või ài-gùk
wǎnhuí dàjú to save the general situation from worsening; to restore the general situation.⁷
挽引 vân-yîn
wǎnyǐn to pull with force.⁷
(See 輓 vân.)
van5 14842
96 17 vân huán 铁环[鐵環] hëik-vân/ tiěhuán iron hoop; iron ring.⁹
耳环[耳環] ngī-vân/
ěrhuán earring.⁵
<又> vãn.
(See 環 vãn.)
van5 14843
120 14 vân wǎn coil up.⁵ to tie up, to bind; to wind coils of hair.¹¹ to string together; to bind up (as the hair); to seize.¹⁴
她把头发绾起来[她把頭髮綰起來] hä-bā-hẽo-fāt-vân-hī-lõi tābǎtóufàwǎnqǐlái She coiled her hair.⁷
绾髻[綰髻] vân-gâi
wǎnjì coil one's hair.⁵⁴
绾结印绶[綰結印綬] vân-gēik-yïn-siù
wǎnjiéyìnshòu to attach the cord to the official seal – to take office.¹⁴
绾个扣儿[綰個扣兒] vân-göi-këo-ngĩ
wǎngekòur tie a knot.⁵
绾毂[綰轂] vân-gūk
wǎngǔ control the hub of communication.⁸
绾头发[綰頭髮] vân-hẽo-fāt
wǎntóufà coil one's hair.⁶
绾去舟[綰去舟] vân-huï-jiü
wǎnqùzhōu seized his departing boat.¹⁴
绾摄[綰攝] vân-nēp
wǎnshè to unite and assist.¹⁴
van5 14844
140 7 vân huàn name of a variety of grass.⁸ the name of a plant.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹幻; U+449B).
van5 14845
159 14 vân wǎn to draw or pull (a cart); to mourn; late (=晚 mân wǎn).⁷ to draw a hearse; to pull a wheel chair.¹⁴
t: ⿰車免; U+8F13).
s: ⿰扌免³⁶; U+633D or ⿰车免⁷; U+?).
推挽其舟而过[推輓其舟而過] tuï-vân-kĩ-jiü-ngĩ-gö
tuīwǎnqízhōuérguò pushed and pulled his boat across.¹⁴
挽近[輓近] vân-gìn
wǎnjìn or 晚近 mân-gìn wǎnjìn of late; lately; recently.⁷
挽歌[輓歌] vân-gô
wǎngē funeral hymn; dirge; elegy.⁷
挽幛[輓幛] vân-jëng
wǎnzhàng large elegiac scroll; a large, oblong sheet of silk, usually blue, with inscriptions, presented at a funeral.⁵⁴
挽联[輓聯] vân-lũn
wǎnlián or 挽祝[輓祝] vân-jūk wǎnzhù funeral scrolls.⁷ an elegiac couplet.¹¹ scrolls sent on the occasion of the funeral of a friend or relative.¹⁴
挽诗[輓詩] vân-sï
wǎnshī a funeral ode; an elegy.⁷ elegiac poem.¹¹ a funeral ode; an elegy.¹⁴
挽词[輓詞] vân-xũ
wǎncí elegiac an elegiac prose-poem.⁷
(See 挽 vân; 晚 mân.)
van5 14846
195 18 vân huàn grass carp.⁶
鲩鱼[鯇魚] vân-nguĩ huànyú grass carp.³⁹ herb carp.⁵⁴
黑鲩 hāk-vân
hēihuàn black carp.⁶ black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus).¹⁰ in Chinese aka 青鱼[青魚], 青鲩[青鯇], 乌青[烏青], 螺蛳青[螺螄青], 乌鲩[烏鯇], 黑鲭[黑鯖], 乌鲭[烏鯖], 铜青[銅青], 青棒[青棒].²⁰
van5 14847
64 12 vãng héng to strike; to stab.¹⁰ to strike, to hit; to combat, to fight; to come in contact with.¹¹
(composition: ⿰扌皇; U+63D8).
揘觱 vãng-bēik héngbì (=揘毕[揘畢] vãng-bīt héngbì) stab/fight with swords.¹⁹
揘毕[揘畢] vãng-bīt
héngbì stab/fight with swords.¹³
㧒揘 yòt-vãng
xuéhéng to strike; to cast.²⁴
<又> vẽin.
(See 揘 vẽin).
vang3 14848
75 16 vãng héng horizontal; transverse; across; sideways; move crosswise; traverse; unrestrainedly; turbulently; violently; fiercely; flagrantly; horizontal stroke (in characters).⁵
横刀跃马[橫刀躍馬] vãng-äo-yèk-mâ héngdāoyuèmǎ to gallop ahead with sword drawn.⁶
横冲直撞[橫衝直撞] vãng-chüng-jèik-jòng
héngchōng zhízhuàng jostle and elbow one's way; barge about.⁵
横膈膜[橫膈膜] vãng-gäk-môk
hénggémó diaphragm.⁶
横贯[橫貫] vãng-gön
héngguàn traverse; pass through from east to west or from west to east.⁶
横贯大陆[橫貫大陸] vãng-gön-ài-lùk
héngguàn dàlù to traverse a continent; transcontinental.⁵⁴
横跨[橫跨] vãng-kä
héngkuà stretch over or across.⁵
挡[橫攔豎擋] vãng-lãn-sì-ōng hénglánshùdǎng to place obstructions at every possible point.⁷
横樑[橫樑] (=横梁[橫梁]) vãng-lẽng
héngliáng beam.¹⁰
[橫豎] vãng-sì héngshu “horizontal or vertical” – either way, in either case.¹¹
横槊赋诗[橫槊賦詩] vãng-sōk-fü-sï
héngshuòfùshī indulge in literary pursuits while in war.⁵⁴
<台> 横掂[橫掂] vãng-èm in any case, anyway, anyhow.
<台> 横横[橫橫] vãng-vãng every time.
<台> 一横[一橫] yīt-vãng once.
<又> vàng.
(See 橫 vàng).
vang3 14849
201 24 vãng hóng <wr.> school; college.
黉教[黌教] vãng-gäo hóngjiào <trad.> schooling.
黉宫[黌宮] vãng-güng
hónggōng <wr.>  school.
黉门[黌門] vãng-mõn
hóngmén <architecture> college gate.
黉舍[黌舍] vãng-sëh
hóngshè school building.
黉宇[黌宇] vãng-yî
hóngyǔ <architecture> college building.
(Note: The bottom half of the traditional character in Kangxi is 黃, not 黄 with a total stroke count of 25 instead of 24. However, this character was supported only in the first version of Unicode and is not in the newer versions. You can see it in Mathews 2392 or the Kangxi Dictionary.)
<又> hũng.
(See 黌 hũng.)
vang3 14850
75 16 vàng hèng harsh and unreasonable; perverse; unexpected.⁵
(composition t: ⿰木黃; U+6A6B); (composition s: ⿰木黄). U+6A2A) (Note: A unique example of a character where one component is 黃 has two codepoints, one for the traditional form 橫 and a different one for the simplified form 横).
刁横[刁橫] ël-vãng
diāohèng arbitrary; atrocious.⁸
蛮横[蠻橫] mãn-vàng
mánhèng rude and unreasonable; arbitrary; peremptory.⁵
惨遭横祸[慘遭橫禍] tām-däo-vàng-vò
cǎnzāohènghuò to meet a tragic accident.⁷
横暴[橫暴] vàng-bào
hèngbào perverse and violent.⁵
横财[橫財] vàng-tõi
hèngcái ill-gotten wealth (or gains).⁵
横祸[橫禍] vàng-vò
hènghuò unexpected calamity; sudden misfortune.⁵
横死[橫死] vàng-xī
hèngsǐ die a violent death; meet with a sudden death.⁵
<又> vãng.
(See 橫 vãng).
vang4 14851
85 15 vàng hèng The name of a river.²ʼ²⁴ (of water) to swirl around; to move in a circle.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵景; U+6F8B).
浻澋 gēin-vàng jiǒnghèng water eddying round; an eddy; a whirlpool.¹³ʼ²⁴
<又> pãng, yēin.
(See 澋 pãng, 澋 yēin).
vang4 14852
30 7 vāo hǒu roar or howl of an animal; bellow of rage.¹⁰
河东狮吼[河東獅吼] hõ-üng-xü-vāo or hõ-üng-xü-hāo hédōngshīhǒu lioness's roar, describing fear of henpecked husband.¹¹
怒吼 nù-vāo
or nù-hāo nùhǒu to bellow; to rave; to snarl.¹⁰
吼叫 vāo-gël
or hāo-gël hǒujiào to howl.¹⁰
吼声[吼聲] vāo-sëin
or hāo-sëin hǒushēng roar.¹⁰
狮吼[獅吼] xü-vāo
or xü-hāo shīhǒu the roar of a lion.⁵¹
<又> hāo.
(See 吼 hāo.)
vao1 14853
130 10 vão háo the shinbone, or tibia.⁸
(composition: ⿰⺼交; U+80F6; KangXi: page 981, character 3.)
See Notes under 㬵 gäo.
vao3 14854
30 12 vät sound of swallowing.⁸ʼ⁰ <ono.> gulp; <ono.> sound of crying.³⁶
(composition: ⿰口骨; U+55D7).
<又> gūt. (See 嗗 gūt).
vat2 14855
64 9 vät dig, dig out, gouge out, scoop.⁸
耳挖勺儿[耳挖勺兒] ngī-vät-sēk-ngĩ ěrwāsháor earpick; curette.⁵⁴
挖苦 vät-fū
wāku speak sarcastically/ironically; make/have/take a dig at; dig at; deride; gibe.⁶
挖掘 vät-gùt
wājué excavate, unearth; probe, make thorough investigation.⁶
挖空心思 vät-hüng-xïm-xü
wākōng xīnsi rack/cudgel one's brain; think hard.⁶
挖泥机[挖泥機] vät-nãi-gï
wāníjī dredger.¹⁹
挖潜[挖潛] vät-tẽm
wāqián tap the latent power.⁸
挖洞 vät-ùng
wādòng dig a hole.⁹
(See 穵 vät.)
vat2 14856
68 14 vät to turn.
经其斡旋[經其斡旋] gëin-kĩ-vät-xũn jīngqíwòxuán through one's good offices.³⁹
掀天斡地 hëin-hëin-vät-ì
xiāntiānwòdì earth-shaking.
斡转[斡轉] vät-jōn
wòzhuàn to revolve; to rotate.
斡运[斡運] vät-vùn
wòyùn to transport over; to move in a circle.
斡旋 vät-xũn
wòxuán to bring around (disputing parties); to mediate; good offices; mediation.
vat2 14857
78 12 vät stinking smell.⁸ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰歹宛; U+3C67).
<又> vōn. (See 㱧 vōn).
vat2 14858
116 6 vät (<old>=挖 vät ) to dig; to excavate.
(See 挖 vät.)
vat2 14859
85 12 vàt huá slippery, smooth; slip, slide; cunning, crafty, slippery.⁵
滑倒 vàt-āo huádǎo to slip (lose one's footing).¹⁰
滑道 vàt-ào
huádào chute; slide.⁵
vàt-bān huábǎn <mach.> slide; <table tennis> feint play.⁵
滑冰 vàt-bëin
huábīng ice-skating, skating; glide or skate on ice.⁶
vàt-bëin-chẽng huábīngchǎng skating rink.¹⁰
滑坡 vàt-bö
huápō landslide; landslip.⁵
滑出 vàt-chūt
huáchū to slip out.¹⁰
滑行 vàt-hãng
huáxíng slide; coast.⁵
滑头滑脑[滑頭滑腦] vàt-hẽo-vàt-nāo
huátóuhuánǎo crafty; artful; slick.⁵
vàt-käi huáji funny, amusing, comical; <thea.> comic talk.⁵
滑溜 vàt-liũ
huáliu <vern.> slick; smooth; slippery.⁶
滑轮[滑輪] vàt-lũn
huálún pulley; block.⁵
滑石 vàt-sêk
huáshí talc.¹⁰
滑翔 vàt-tẽng
huáxiáng glide.⁵
滑动[滑動] vàt-ùng
huádòng slide.⁵
滑雪 vàt-xūt
huáxuě skiing.⁵
油头滑脑[油頭滑腦] yiũ-hẽo-vàt-nāo
yóutóuhuánǎo slick; flippant.⁵
vat4 14860
94 12 vàt huá cunning, crafty, sly.⁵
奸猾 or 奸滑 gän-vàt jiānhuá crafty and cunning.⁷
or 狡滑 gāo-vàt jiǎohuá crafty; cunning; sly.¹⁰
巨猾 guì-vàt
jùhuá a very evil person.⁸
狯猾[獪猾] köi-vàt
kuàihuá cunning.⁷
老奸巨猾 lāo-gän-guì-vàt
lǎojiānjùhuá shrewd and crafty.¹⁶
猾黠 vàt-gēik
or vàt-hàt huáxiá crafty; deceitful; sly; tricky; cunning.⁸
猾吏 vàt-lì
huálì a cunning and wicked official.³⁹
vat4 14861
112 14 vàt huá (composition: ⿰石骨; U+78C6).
磆石 vàt-sêk huáshí TCM name of a medicine.²
<又> gūt.
(See 磆 gūt).
vat4 14862
142 15 vàt huá 蟛螖 pãng-vàt pénghuá a small crab.⁵⁴
螖蠌 vàt-jàk
huázé a kind of small crab which lives in an empty shell.⁸
vat4 14863
32 11 vèik fief; territory, district, region, land; scope, range; cemetery; residence; <math.> field; <comp.> domain; <tax.> domain.³⁶
邦域 böng-vèik or böng-vāk bāngyù <wr.> national territory.
海域 hōi-vèik
or hōi-vāk hǎiyù sea area; maritime space.
地域 ì-vèik
or ì-vāk dìyù region; district; area; land boundaries.
区域[區域] kuï-vèik
or kuï-vāk qūyù region; district; area.
领域[領域] lêin-vèik
or lêin-vāk lǐngyù territory; domain.
流域 liũ-vèik
or liũ-vāk liúyù valley; river basin; drainage area.
域名 vèik-mẽin
or vāk-mẽin yùmíng <comp.> domain name.
域外 vèik-ngòi
or vāk-ngòi yùwài foreign lands; abroad.
域内[域內] vèik-nuì
or vāk-nuì yùnèi <wr.> intra-area; intra-domain.
西域 Xäi-vèik
or Xäi-vāk Xīyù Western Regions (Han Dynasty term for regions beyond Yumen Pass 玉门关 [玉門關] Ngùk-mõn gän Yùmén guān).¹⁰
音域 yïm-vèik
or yïm-vāk yīnyù <mus.> range; compass; gamut; register.⁶
<又> vāk.
(See 域 vāk.)
veik4 14864
47 7 𡿯
vèik flow of water.² water flowing down.²⁴
(composition: ⿱曰巛; U+21FEF).
(See 汩 vèik, sense 1).
veik4 14865
59 16 𢒰
vèik (=戫 vèik ill appearance.² rapid declining health; rich and bright colors, elegant writing style.⁸ʼ⁰).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰有彧; U+224B0).
<又> yūk.
(See 𢒰❄{⿰有彧} yūk; 戫 vèik).
veik4 14866
60 7 vèik forced labor; corvée; obligatory task; military service; to use as servant; to enserf; servant (old); war; campaign; battle.¹⁰
兵役 bëin-vèik or bëin-yèik bīngyì military service.¹¹
劳役[勞役] lão-vèik
or lão-yèik láoyì penal servitude; forced labor; corvée.⁶
奴役 nũ-vèik
or nũ-yèik núyì enslave; keep in bondage.⁵
役畜 vèik-chūk
or yèik-chūk yìchù draft animal; beast of burden.⁶
役夫 vèik-fü
or  yèik-fü yìfū servant, laborer.¹¹
役龄[役齡] vèik-lẽin
or yèik-lẽin yìlíng enlistment age; years on active service.⁶
役马[役馬] vèik-mâ
or yèik-mâ yìmǎ workhorse.¹
役男 vèik-nãm
or yèik-nãm yìnán males eligible for military service; draftee; abbr. for 役龄男子[役齡男子] vèik-lẽin-nãm-dū or yèik-lẽin-nãm-dū yìlíngnánzi.¹⁰
役使 vèik-xū
or yèik-xū yìshǐ to work (an animal/a laborer), to use.⁶
<又> yèik.
(See 役 yèik.)
veik4 14867
62 14 vèik ill appearance.² rapid declining health; rich and bright colors, elegant writing style.⁸ʼ⁰ (variant: 𢒰❄{⿰有彧} vèik).
(composition: ⿰; U+622B).
(See 𢒰❄{⿰有彧} vèik).
veik4 14868
75 12 vèik (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 棫 vāk with same meaning.)
<又> vāk.
(See 棫 vāk.)
veik4 14869
85 7 vèik ➀ alternative form of 𡿯❄{⿱曰巛} (“flow of water”).
➁ appearance of rapid movement
➂ clean appearance.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵曰; U+6C69).
拂汩 fūt-vèik
fúyù drumming and moving about.²⁴
流汩 liũ-vèik
liúyù to flow down.²⁴
汩流 vèik-liũ
yùliú rapids.⁷
汩遥[汩遙] vèik-yẽl
yùyáo to move quickly.²⁴
汩越 vèik-yòt
yùyuè bright and clear.²⁴
<又> gūt.
(See 汩 gūt; 𡿯❄{⿱曰巛} vèik).
veik4 14870
85 11 vèik swift currents; (<old>=惐 vàk ) grieved; sorrowful.⁸
恻淢[惻淢] (=恻惐[惻惐] chāk-vàk
cèyù) chāk-vèik cèyù mourn; pain.²³ grieved; sorrowful.²⁴
溭淢 jāk-vèik
zéyù waves in ripples, like scales.²⁴⁽ᵖ⁴⁶⁷⁾
<又> kēik.
(See 淢 kēik; 惐 vàk.)
veik4 14871
104 9 vèik (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 疫 yèik with same meaning: an epidemic; a plague; a pestilence.⁷)
<又> yèik.
(See 疫 yèik).
veik4 14872
120 14 vèik seam; the seam of lambskin; twenty silk threads or four strands (each strand contains five silk threads).⁸ to sew, to stitch.²⁵ (Note: assuming a silk thread is 0.203mm thick, then 緎 vèik is about 4.060mm thick which may be a 'cord' ).
(composition: ⿰糹或; U+7DCE).
Gäo-yẽng-jï-gāk, xü-xû-m̄-vèik.
Gāo yáng zhī gé, sù sī wǔ yù.
[Those] lamb-skins and sheep-skins,
With their five seams wrought with white silk!⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·召南·羔羊》, translated by James Legge).
九緎 giū-vèik
jiǔyù a net with pouches to catch small fish.¹⁹
裘緎 kiũ-vèik
qiúyù the seam of a fur garment.²⁵
素丝五緎[素絲五緎] xü-xû-m̄-vèik
sù sī wǔ yù five seams of white thread.²⁵ five stitches in white silk (on the fur coat).⁵⁴
veik4 14873
122 13 vèik drag-net made of fine mesh.⁸
(composition: ⿱罒或; U+).
九罭 giū-vèik jiǔyù fine net for catching small fish.⁸ a fishing net, for taking small fish.²⁵
Giū-vèik-jï-nguî/, dün-fõng.
Jiǔ yù zhī yú, zūn fáng.
In the net with its nine bags,
Are rud and bream.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·豳風·九罭》, translated by James Legge). (Note: 鱒 is a trout, not rudd which Legge spells 'rud'. The common rudd is a European and middle Asia, not East Asian, freshwater fish with yellow eyes, some people say red eyes; it is called 紅眼魚 in Chinese).
veik4 14874
142 14 vèik <wr.> legendary water monster.⁶ a fabulous tortoise-like creature, the sand cast out of whose mouth is believed deadly to humans.⁷
虺蜮 fī-vèik huǐyù mean and vicious people.⁷
鬼蜮 gī-vèik
guǐyù mischievous, devilish, evil; ghosts and monsters/goblins/demons.⁶
鬼蜮伎俩[鬼蜮伎倆] gī-vèik-gì-lēng
guǐyùjìliǎng malicious intrigues; underhand trick; evil tactics.⁸
蝼蜮[螻蜮] lẽo-vèik
lóuyù mole cricket.⁷
veik4 14875
169 16 vèik <wr.> threshold, doorsill, limen; <wr.> boundary, limits; <phy.> threshold.⁶
感觉阈限[感覺閾限] gām-gōk-vèik-hàn gǎnjué yùxiàn <psy.> sensory limen; sensory threshold.⁶
听阈[聽閾] hëin-vèik
tīngyù auditory threshold.⁶
痛阈[痛閾] hüng-vèik
tòngyù pain threshold.⁵
门阈[門閾] mõn-vèik ményù threshold.⁶
识阈[識閾] sēik-vèik
shíyù <psy.> field of awareness.⁵⁴
视阈[視閾] sì-vèik
shìyù visual threshold.⁵ visual range.⁶
阈电流[閾電流] vèik-èin-liũ
yùdiànliú threhold current.⁶
veik4 14876
170 10 vèik (same as 域 vèik ) boundary; a frontier, a region; a country.⁸
(composition: ⿰阝或; U+49D5).
<又> sẽin.
(See 䧕 sẽin).
veik4 14877
195 15 𩵤
vèik a variant of 𩷍❄{⿰魚役} vèik a four legged amphibian, like a tortoise, but walks very fast.²
(composition: ⿰魚殳; U+29D64).
(See 𩷍❄{⿰魚役} vèik).
veik4 14878
195 18 𩷍
vèik a four legged amphibian, like a tortoise, but walks very fast and 𩵤❄{⿰魚殳} vèik can be used in its place.² According to 【正字通】the shape of this creature is like a catfish, with four legs and a long tail, and makes a sound like that of a child; can be used as 䱛 vèikand perhaps 䱛 kēik xù becuase there is confusion as to which character and pronunciation makes the "baby/child sound".).²
(composition: ⿰魚役; U+29DCD).
(See 𩵤❄{⿰魚殳} vèik; 䱛 vèik; 䱛 kēik).
veik4 14879
195 19 vèik a kind of fish, small fish, fry; a large amphibious creature, something like the newt but very much larger.⁸ a kind of seal; same as 𩷍❄{⿰魚役} vèik .²⁵
(composition: ⿰魚或; U+4C5B).
<又> vàk; kēik.
(See 䱛 vàk; 䱛 kēik).
veik4 14880
196 18 𪁛 vèik (composition: ⿰役鳥; U+2A05B).
𪁛鳩 vèik-gëo yìjiū a young pigeon.²⁵
veik4 14881
196 19 𪂉
vèik (composition: ⿰或鳥; U+2A089).
鶝𪂉 bēik-vèik bìyù another name for 戴胜[戴勝] äi-sëin dàishèng Eurasian hoopoe (Upupa epops).¹⁹ (Note: When 鶝 is read fūk and used in 𪃃❄{⿰复鳥}鶝 fùk-fūk fúfú it also refers to 戴胜[戴勝] äi-sëin dàishèng Eurasian hoopoe).
❄{⿰昌鳥}𪂉❄{⿰或鳥} chëng-vèik chāngyù a created kind of bird, perhaps the jacana.²⁵
veik4 14882
72 16 𣊫
vēin liù (=𣊭❄{⿰⿱日日⿱日日} vēin liù).⁸ extremely bright.
(composition: ⿰昌昌; U+232AB).
(See 𣊭❄{⿰⿱日日⿱日日} vēin).

vein1 14883
72 16 𣊭
vēin liù extremely bright, incredibly bright.
(composition: ⿰⿱日日⿱日日; U+232AD).
(See 𣊫❄{⿰昌昌} vēin).

vein1 14884 232AD.gif
46 17 vẽin róng high, steep; lofty, towering.⁸
殿宇峥嵘[殿宇崢嶸] èin-yî-jäng-vẽin diànyǔzhēngróng towering palaces.⁶
怪石峥嵘[怪石崢嶸] gäi-sêk-jäng-vẽin
guàishízhēngróng rocks of queer shapes shooting high.⁶
头角峥嵘[頭角崢嶸] hẽo-gôk-jäng-vẽin
tóujiǎozhēngróng brilliant and  promising.⁶ (of a young man) showing extraordinary gifts.¹¹
峥嵘[崢嶸] jäng-vẽin
zhēngróng lofty and steep, towering; outstanding, extraordinary.⁶
峥嵘轩峻[崢嶸軒峻] jäng-vẽin-hëin-dün
zhēngróng xuānjùn be in perfect condition and undiminished splendor.⁵⁴
峥嵘岁月[崢嶸歲月] jäng-vẽin-xuï-ngùt
zhēngróngsuìyuè memorable years, eventful times.⁶
vein3 14885
64 12 vẽin yóng (=拔 bàt ) ➀ to pull out, to uproot ➁ to promote (another to a higher position)  ➂ to stand out, outstanding, remarkable ➃ to attack and take (a city), to capture ➄ as in 海拔 hōi-bàt hǎibá elevation; above sea level.⁷ to pluck out.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌皇; U+63D8).
<又> vãng.
(See 揘 vãng; 拔 bà).
vein3 14886
75 14 vẽin róng glory; honor; thriving; Rong surname.
繁荣[繁榮] fãn-vẽin fánróng flourishing; prosper.⁵⁵
光荣[光榮] göng-vẽin
guāngróng honor and glory.
荣幸[榮幸] vẽin-hàng
róngxìng honored.
荣枯[榮枯] vẽin-kü
róngkū (of plants) growth and decay; prosperity and adversity.¹¹
荣获[榮獲] vẽin-vòk
rónghuò to have the honor to win.
荣膺[榮膺] vẽin-yëin
róngyīng <wr.> be honored with.⁶
荣耀[榮耀] vẽin-yèl
róngyào glory; honor; bright.⁸
荣誉[榮譽] vẽin-yì
róngyù honor; credit; glory.⁶
虽死犹荣[雖死猶榮] xuï-xī-yiũ-vẽin
suīsǐyóuróng lit. although dead, also honored; died a glorious death.¹⁰
衣锦荣归[衣錦榮歸] yï-gīm-vẽin-gï
yìjǐnróngguī (of government officials) return home with high honors.¹¹
vein3 14887
85 17 vẽin róng a stream; to eddy; an eddy.¹⁴ used in place names.³⁶
(composition traditional: ⿰氵榮; U+6FDA).
(composition simplified: ⿰氵荣; U+6E81).
vein3 14888
142 20 vẽin róng salamander.¹⁰
大蝾螈[大蠑螈] ài-vẽin-ngũn dàróngyuán Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus).¹⁰
蝾螺[蠑螺] vẽin-lũ
róngluó a kind of mollusk; Turbo cornulus; top shells.⁵⁴
蝾螈[蠑螈] vẽin-ngũn
róngyuán salamander, newt.⁹ fire-bellied salamander (Cynops orientalis David).¹⁰ a mountain lizard.²⁵
vein3 14889
167 18 vẽin yíng 华蓥[華鎣] Vã-vẽin Huáyíng (name of a mountain in 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan Province).
华蓥市[華鎣市] Vã-vẽin-sî
Huáyíngshì Huaying county level city in 广安[廣安] Gōng-ön Guǎngān Guang'an, 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan Province.
vein3 14890
30 8 vèin yǒng to sing, to chant, to recite.²⁴ (Note: 咏 vèin yǒng is the simplified as well as a variant form of 詠 vèin yǒng).
(composition: ⿰口永; U+548F).
(See 詠 vèin).
vein4 14891
64 5 vèin rēng to throw, to toss. (variant: 𢫨❄{⿰扌戎} vèin rēng).
白扔 bàk-vèin
báirēng to waste.
扔掉 vèin-èl
rēngdiào to throw away.
扔过去[扔過去] vèin-gö-huï
rēng guòqu to throw/hurl over (to the other side).
扔下 vèin-hä
rēngxia to abandon; to leave behind; to throw down.
扔弃[扔棄] vèin-hï
rēngqì to cast aside.
扔开[扔開] vèin-höi
rēngkāi to throw away or aside; to dismiss from consideration.
扔球 vèin-kiũ
rēngqiú to throw a ball.
用完即扔 yùng-yõn-dēik-vèin
yòngwán jí rēng to discard after using.
<又> sào.
(See 扔 sào; 𢫨❄{⿰扌戎} vèin.)
vein4 14892
64 9 𢫨
vèin rēng (=扔 vèin rēng to throw; to throw away.³⁶)
(composition: ⿰扌戎; U+22AE8).
<又> yũng, ūng.
(See 𢫨❄{⿰扌戎} yũng, 𢫨❄{⿰扌戎} ūng).
vein4 14893
75 15 vèin yǐng a chest, a box; footstool, footrest; a tree; handle of an awl; ring of a knife or a sword; a round pillow that roused the sleeper when he moved.⁸ (also pronounced jiǒng in Mandarin).⁸ (Note: distinguish similar-looking characters 潁穎頴㯋 vèin; 熲顈 gēin; 𩒵❄{⿰⿱匕田頁} kēin).
(composition: ⿰⿱匕木頁; U+3BCB).
vein4 14894
85 8 vèin yǐng (=颍[潁] vèin yǐng) an ancient river.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵冋; U+6CC2).
<又> gēin
(See 泂 gēin; 潁 vèin.)
vein4 14895
85 8 vèin yǒng swimming; to swim.¹⁰
蝶泳 èp-vèin diéyǒng butterfly stroke (swimming).¹⁰
仰泳 ngêng-vèin
yǎngyǒng backstroke.¹⁰
爬泳 pã-vèin
páyǒng crawl (swimming stroke).¹⁰
潜泳[潛泳] tẽm-vèin
qiányǒng underwater swimming.⁵ diving; esp. skin diving.¹⁰
蛙泳 vä-vèin
wāyǒng breaststroke (swimming).¹⁰
泳池 vèin-chĩ
yǒngchí swimming pool.¹⁰
泳装[泳裝] vèin-jöng
yǒngzhuāng swimming suit.¹⁰
泳衣 vèin-yï
yǒngyī swimsuit; bathing suit.¹⁰
游泳 yiũ-vèin
yóuyǒng swimming.⁷
游泳池 yiũ-vèin-chĩ
yóuyǒngchí a swimming pool.⁷
vein4 14896
85 15 vèin yǐng name of a river and place in Anhui.⁷ Ying surname.⁸ (Note: distinguish similar-looking characters 潁穎頴㯋 vèin; 熲顈 gēin; 𩒵❄{⿰⿱匕田頁} kēin). (variant: 泂 vèin yǐng).
箕颍[箕潁] gî-vèin
jīyǐng recluse's secluded abode (literally, near Jī Mountain and Yǐng River).⁵⁴
临颍[臨潁] lĩm-vèin
línyǐng Linying District in Yingchuan Prefecture or Commandery (during Western Han times).²
颍川[潁川] vèin-chün
yǐngchuān former name of Ying River (颍河[潁河] vèin-hõ yǐnghé), a river in Anhui.⁰
颍川郡[潁川郡] vèin-chün-gùn
yǐngchuānjùn Yingchuan Prefecture or Commandery (during Western Han times).²
颍河[潁河] vèin-hõ
yǐnghé Ying River, a river in Anhui.⁷
颍上[潁上] vèin-sèng
yǐngshàng Yingshan county in fèo-yẽng fùyáng (阜陽[阜阳]) Fuyang , Anhui.¹⁰
颍阳[潁陽] vèin-yẽng
yǐngyáng Yingyang District in Yingchuan Prefecture or Commandery (during Western Han times).²
颍阴[潁隂] vèin-yïm
yǐngyīn Yingyin District in Yingchuan Prefecture or Commandery (during Western Han times).²
(See 泂 vèin).
vein4 14897
113 15 vèin yǒng alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciations for 禜 yẽin yíng an ancient ritual that prayed for eliminating disasters; sacrifice.⁸ the name of a sacrifice, offered to the spirits of the hills and rivers, with the sun, moon, and stars to avert calamity.²⁵
(composition: ; U+799C).
<又> yẽin.
(See 禜 yẽin.)
vein4 14898
115 16 vèin yǐng a full head of grain, bent over by its own weight; a sharp point; a writing brush.¹⁴ intelligent.⁹ (variant: 頴 vèin yǐng).
(Note: distinguish similar-looking characters 潁穎頴㯋 vèin; 熲顈 gēin; 𩒵
❄{⿰⿱匕田頁} kēin).
脱颖[脫穎] höt-vèin
tuōyǐng (allusion) you cannot keep a good man down (as the “awl-point finds its way out of pocket”).¹¹
脱颖而出[脫穎而出] höt-vèin-ngĩ-chūt
tuōyǐngérchū the point of an awl sticking out through a bag – talent showing itself.⁸
毛颖[毛穎] mão-vèin
máoyǐng a writing brush.¹⁴
囊中颖[囊中穎] nõng-jüng-vèin
nángzhòngyǐng talent is bound to make its mark (as point of awl in pocket).¹¹
神颖[神穎] sĩn-vèin
shényǐng remarkably intelligent.¹¹
聪颖[聰穎] tüng-vèin
cōngyǐng clever and bright.⁷
颖慧[穎慧] vèin-fì
yǐnghuì intelligent; bright; clever.⁸
颖果[穎果] vèin-gō
yǐngguǒ caryopsis.⁵
颖脱[穎脫] vèin-höt
yǐngtuō to distinguish oneself.¹¹
颍悟[潁悟] vèin-m̀
yǐngwù (of a teenager) clever; bright.⁵
颖秀[穎秀] vèin-xiü
yǐngxiù brilliant (student).¹¹
颖异[穎異] vèin-yì
yǐngyì cleverer; new and strange.⁸
新颖[新穎] xïn-vêin
xīnyǐng new and original, novel.⁶ novel, refreshingly different.¹¹
(See 頴 vèin).
vein4 14899
149 12 vèin yǒng chant, intone; express or narrate in poetic form.⁵
歌咏[歌詠] gô-vèin gēyǒng song; <wr.> sing.⁶
吟咏[吟詠] ngĩm-vèin
yínyǒng recite (a poem).⁵
咏唱[詠唱] vèin-chëng
yǒngchàng to chant.⁸
咏春[詠春] vèin-chün
yǒngchūn Wing Chun, a form of Chinese martial arts.⁹
咏赞[詠贊] vèin-dän
yǒngzàn sing the praise of; praise.⁵
咏叹[詠嘆] vèin-hän
yǒngtàn intone; chant; sing.⁵ to sigh (usually in admiration).⁷
咏叹调[詠嘆調] vèin-hän-èl
yǒngtàndiào aria.⁵
咏物[詠物] vèin-mùt
or vèin-mòt yǒngwù chant poems about tangible objects.⁵⁴
咏物诗[詠物詩] vèin-mùt-sï/
or vèin-mòt-sï/ yǒngwùshī poems describing objects.⁶
咏怀[詠懷] vèin-vãi
yǒnghuái express one's feelings in poetic form.⁶
咏怀诗[詠懷詩] vèin-vãi-sï/
yǒnghuáishī poems of one's heart.⁶
咏史[詠史] vèin-xū
yǒngshǐ compose poems on history.⁶
(See 咏 vèin).
vein4 14900
181 16 vèin yǐng (=穎 vèin yǐng) a full head of grain, bent over by its own weight; a sharp point; a writing brush.¹⁴
(Note: distinguish similar-looking characters 潁穎頴㯋 vèin; 熲顈 gēin; 𩒵
❄{⿰⿱匕田頁} kēin).
(See 穎 vèin).
vein4 14901
85 5 vêin yǒng forever, always, perpetual.
永葆青春 vêin-bāo-tëin-chün yǒngbǎoqīngchūn forever retain one's youth; always retain one's youthful vitality/vigour; stay young forever.⁶
永别[永別] vêin-bèik
yǒngbié to be parted by death; to part forever.
永久 vêin-giū
yǒngjiǔ permanent; perpetual; everlasting, forever.
永恒[永恆] vêin-hãng
yǒnghéng eternal, everlasting.⁵
永无止境[永無止境] vêin-mũ-jī-gēin
yǒngwúzhǐjìng without end; endless; boundless.
永垂不朽 vêin-suĩ-būt-hiū yǒngchuíbùxiǔ be immortal; will endure forever.⁶
永远[永遠] vêin-yōn
yǒngyuǎn always, forever, ever.⁵
vein5 14902
9 10 wēi 倭迟[倭遲] vī-chĩ wēichí <wr.> winding, circuitous (road).
<又> vö.
(See 倭 vö.)
vi1 14903
9 11 wěi extraordinary; great; big; gigantic; Wei surname.
宏伟[宏偉] fãng-vī hóngwěi magnificent; grand.⁵
丰功伟绩[豐功偉績] füng-güng-vī-dēik
fēnggōngwěijì great achievements or contributions.
雄伟[雄偉] hũng-vī
xióngwěi imposing, magnificent, grand; (of a person) tall and sturdy.⁶
伟大[偉大] vī-ài
wěidà great; mighty.
伟绩[偉績] vī-dēik
wěijì great achievements.
伟业[偉業] vī-ngèp
wěiyè <wr.> great carrer; monumental accomplishments.
伟人[偉人] vī-ngĩn
wěirén great man.
伟岸[偉岸] vī-ngòn wěi'àn tall and sturdy, strapping.⁶
vi1 14904
30 12 kuì to sigh.¹⁰
感喟 gām-vī gǎnkuì sighing with emotion.¹⁰
喟叹[喟嘆] vī-hän
kuìtàn to sigh or lament.⁹
喟然长叹[喟然長嘆] vī-ngẽin-chẽng-hän
kuìránchángtàn  to draw a long breath and sigh; to give or show a sigh of disappointment; to heave a deep sigh; to heave a sigh of regret.³⁹
vi1 14905
30 12 wéi to lose one's voice; the sound of calling.²ʼ²⁴
(composition: ⿰口韋; U+55A1).
<又> vì. (See 喡 vì).
vi1 14906
32 18 wěi a mound, an embankment.¹⁴ a mud wall; a bank.²⁴
(composition: ⿰土遺; U+58DD).
<又> yî. (See 壝 yî).
vi1 14907
38 8 wěi entrust, appoint; <wr.> cast aside; shift; committee member; committee; roundabout; build up; lower reaches of a river; dejected; <wr.> indeed, actually, certainly.⁶
委积[委積] vī-dēik wěijī <wr.> gather, pile up, buide up.⁶
or 诿过[諉過] vī-gö wěiguò to shift blame.¹¹
委弃[委棄] vī-hï
wěiqì abandon; forsake; cast aside.⁶
委讬[委託] vī-hōk
wěituō to commission; to entrust to.¹⁴
or 委贽[委贄] or 委挚[委摯] vī-jï wěizhì <wr.> to send or deliver a present on first meeting.¹¹
委曲 vī-kūk
wěiqū (of roads, rivers) winding; tortuous.⁵
委曲求全 vī-kūk-kiũ-tũn
wěiqūqiúquán make concessions for the sake of overall interest.⁵⁵
委任 vī-ngìm
wěirèn appoint; lowest major civil service rank.⁵⁴
委派 vī-päi
wěipài appoint; delegate; designate.⁵
委顿[委頓] vī-ùn
wěidùn tired; exhausted; weary.⁵
委婉 vī-vōn
wěiwǎn mild and roundabout; tactful.⁵
委屈 vī-vūt or vī-kūt
wěiqu obstructed (in career), held back; suffer from injustice, wrongly accused.¹¹
委琐[委瑣] vī-xū
wěisuǒ <lit.> petty, trifling; of wretched appearance.⁵
委员[委員] vī-yõn
wěiyuán committee member.⁵
委员会[委員會] vī-yõn-vòi
wěiyuánhuì committee.¹⁰
(See 委 [vī, wēi].)
vi1 14908
38 8 wēi 虚与委蛇[虛與委蛇] huï-yî-vī-yĩ xūyǔwēiyí pretend/feign politeness and compliance; deal with somebody courteously but insincerely.⁶
委蛇 vī-yĩ
wēiyí <wr.> ➀ (=逶迤 vī-yĩ wēiyí) winding, meandering  ➁ accede to; submit to; comply with.⁶
(See 委 [vī, wěi].)
vi1 14909
46 11 wěi (composition: ⿱山委; U+5D23).
嶊崣 duī-vī zuǐwěi a high hill; abrupt.²⁴
vi1 14910
64 11 wěi to touch; to stroke.⁸
(composition: ⿰扌委; U+637C).
<又> nõ; nũ; yẽh. (See 捼 nõ; 捼 nũ; 捼 yẽh).
vi1 14911
72 13 𬀩
wěi the bright shining of the sun.¹⁴ full brightness; the light of the sun.²⁴ <lit.> abundant appearance of light.³⁶
(comp. t: ⿰日韋; U+6690). (comp. s: ⿰日韦; U+2C029).
❄{⿰日韦}晔[暐曄] or 𬀩❄{⿰日韦}烨[暐燁] vī-yêp wěiyè brilliant, remarkable; magnificent words.¹⁹
vi1 14912
78 12 𣨙
wěi sick, diseased; to rot to death; mortification.²⁴
(composition: ⿰歹委; U+23A19).
㱱𣨙❄{⿰歹委} fì-vī huìwěi uneven; ignorant.²⁴
❄{⿰歹委} lùk-vī lùwěi strong smelling venison.²⁴
vi1 14913
85 9 wěi 洧川 Vī-chün Wěichuān Wei River, a river in 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng Henan Province.⁴
vi1 14914
86 13 wěi bright.⁵ dark red; glowing, bright.⁷ a raging fire; glowing.¹⁴
(composition: t ⿰火韋; U+7152).
s⿰火韦; U+709C).
光炜[光煒] göng-vī
guāngwěi a bright light.¹⁴
炜盛[煒盛] vī-sèin
wěichéng blazing; scorching.¹⁴
vi1 14915
96 13 wěi <wr.> a kind of jade; valuable, precious.⁶
瑰玮[瑰瑋] or 瑰伟[瑰偉] gï-vī guīwěi (of one's character) remarkable; unusual; (of language) ornate.⁶
琦玮[琦瑋] kĩ-vī
qíwěi admirable, distinguished.¹¹
玮宝[瑋寶] vī-bāo
wěibǎo rare treasure.⁵
玮奇[瑋奇] vī-kĩ
wěiqí peculiar.⁵⁴
vi1 14916
104 11 wěi a bruise or contusion.⁸
疮痏[瘡痏] chông-vī chuāngwěi an ulcer; a sore.⁷
vi1 14917
104 13 wěi be paralyzed.⁶ paralysis; impotence.⁸
下痿 hà-vī xiàwěi be paralyzed in the legs.⁶
肉痿 ngùk-vī
ròuwěi <TCM> muscular insensitivity.¹¹
痿躄 vī-bēik
wěibì atrophy and flaccidity.⁵⁴
痿痹 vī-bï
wěibì suffer paralysis.⁶
痿症[痿癥] vī-jëin
wěizhèng <TCM> flaccid paralysis.⁶
痿靡不振 vī-mĩ-būt-jīn
wěimíbúzhèn dejected, downcast in spirit.¹¹
or 阳萎[陽萎] yẽng-vī yángwěi <med.> (sexual) impotence; erectile dysfunction.⁶
vi1 14918
120 12 𥿫
wèi to hang down, to droop.² to hang down.²⁵
(composition: ⿰糹多; U+25FEB).
<又> mĩ; yì; yuì. (See 𥿫❄{⿰糹多} mĩ; 𥿫❄{⿰糹多} yì; 𥿫❄{⿰糹多} yuì).
vi1 14919
120 15 wěi weft, woof; latitude.⁵
经纬[經緯] gëin-vī jīngwěi warp and woof; longitude and latitude; main points.¹⁰
纬密[緯密] vī-mìt
wěimì <txtl.> weft density.⁶
纬编[緯編] vī-pëin wěibiān <txtl.> weft knitting.⁵
纬编针织物[緯編針織物] vī-pëin-jïm-jēik-mùt
or vī-pëin-jïm-jēik-mòt wěibiān zhēnzhīwù weft-knitted fabric.⁵
纬纱[緯紗] vī-sä
wěishā <txtl.> weft, woof, filling; pick.⁵
纬世[緯世] vī-säi
wěishì to govern a country.⁷
纬世之才[緯世之才] vī-säi-jï-tõi
wěishìzhīcái the ability to rule the state.⁷
纬书[緯書] vī-sï
wěishū books about charms and omens circulated as appendices to the classics in the latter years of the Earlier Han Dynasty.⁷
纬度[緯度] vī-ù
wěidù latitude.⁵
纬线[緯線] vī-xëin
wěixiàn <geog.> parallel; <txtl.> weft.⁵
vi1 14920
130 12 kuì tendons and joints contract and extend.⁸ the tendons and joints contracted.²⁵
(composition: ⿰月卷; U+8143).
腃急 vī-gīp kuìjí tendons contract.¹⁰¹ (See 腃急 gün-gīp).
<又> gün, kūn, kũn.
(See 腃 gün, 腃 kūn, 腃 kũn).
vi1 14921
140 11 wěi to wither; to wilt; to fade; to decline.⁹
百花萎谢[百花萎謝] bāk-fä-vī-dèh bǎiwěixiè flowers fade.¹⁹
哲人其萎 jēt-ngĩn-kĩ-vī
zhérénqíwěi a wise man has passed away (idiom).¹⁹  the philosopher is aging, passing away.¹¹
枯萎 kü-vī
kūwěi withered and dried up.¹⁴
萎谢[萎謝] vī-dèh
wěixiè to wither; to fade.⁹
萎落 vī-lòk
wěiluò (of grass or tree) to wither and fall.⁹
萎靡 vī-mî
wěimǐ listless.⁸ dejected, dispirited; sag.⁹ dispirited, depressed.¹⁰
萎缩[萎縮] vī-sük
wěisuō to wither; to dry up (of a plant); to atrophy (of muscle, social custom).¹⁰
萎蔫 vī-yën
wěiniān wilt.⁸
萎䔟 vī-yĩ
wěiyí drooping and withering, as plants.²⁵
or 阳痿[陽痿] yẽng-vī yángwěi <med.> (sexual) impotence; erectile dysfunction.⁶
vi1 14922
140 12 wěi reed; rush; Phragmites communis.¹⁰
芦苇[蘆葦] lũ-vī
lúwěi reed.
芦苇荡[蘆葦蕩] lũ-vī-òng
lúwěidàng reed marshes.
蒲苇[蒲葦] pũ-vī
púwěi pampas grass.
苇箔[葦箔] vī-bòk
wěibó screen/matting of reeds.⁶
苇子[葦子 vī-dū
wěizi reed.
苇塘[葦塘] vī-hõng
wěitáng reed pond; pond covered with reeds.
苇羚[葦羚] vī-lẽin
wěilíng nagor, a West African gazelle.
苇荡[葦蕩] vī-òng
wěidàng reed marsh.
vi1 14923
140 12 wēi luxuriant, flourishing; used for various plants.⁸
紫葳类[紫葳類] dū-vī-luì zǐwēilèi <bot.> Bignoniad class.¹⁹
葳蕤 vī-xuì
wēiruí hanging down in clusters.⁸ weary.⁸ abundant; blooming.⁹ lush (vegetation); lethargic.¹⁰  <wr.> (plants) hanging down in clusters; <bot.> Solomon's seal, Polygonatum officinale.¹¹
vi1 14924
149 15 诿 wěi (=委 vī wěi) to shift (blame to others).
or 推委 tuï-vī tuīwěi shirk (responsibility).¹¹
推诿搪塞[推諉搪塞] tuï-vī-hõng-xāk
tuīwěitángsè to shift responsibility onto others and answer evasively.
推诿责任[推諉責任] tuï-vī-jāk-ngìm
tuīwěi zérèn to pass the buck.
or 委过[委過] vī-gö wěiguò shift blame.¹¹
or 委过于人[委過於人] vī-gö-yï-ngĩn wěiguòyúrén put or shift the blame on somebody else.⁵⁴
诿言[諉言] vī-ngũn
wěiyán prevarication.
诿卸[諉卸] vī-xëh
wěixiè to shirk (responsibility).
vi1 14925
149 16 huì (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 讳[諱] fï huì with same meaning: to conceal; to shun; to regard as taboo; name of deceased person.)
<又> fï.
(See 諱 fï.)
vi1 14926
162 11 wēi winding, curving; swagger.¹⁰
逶遟 or 逶遅 or 逶迟[逶遲] vī-jï wēizhì ➀ curved and sagging appearance; ➁ remote appearance; ➂ walking slowing and wandering appearance ➃ decline and weak appearance.¹⁹
逶随[逶隨] vī-tuĩ 
wēisuí winding (road); leisurely (walking).¹¹
or 逶迆 vī-yĩ wēiyí ➀ <lit.> calm and contented; leisurely; graceful  ➁ <lit.> winding and continuous; wriggling; zigzagging; meandering  ➂ <lit.> winding one's way through; moving in a zigzag manner  ➃ <lit.> acceding; complying; complaisant.³⁶ (variants: 蜲蛇, 逶夷, 逶迤, 逶迆, 逶蛇, 逶移, 委佗, 委它, 委移, 委他, 威夷).
or 逶迆的山路 vī-yĩ-ēik-sän-lù wēiyídeshānlù winding mountain path.⁶
vi1 14927
170 11 wěi high; lofty; Wei surname.
请自隗始[請自隗始] tēin-dù-vī-chī qǐngzìwěishǐ  to volunteer to take the lead¹; recommend oneself to a post "volunteer to take the lead"¹⁶; (Quotation from 郭隗 Kök Vī Guō Wěi (351-279 B.C.E.), guest minister to 燕昭襄王 Yên-Jël-Xëng-Võng Yàn Zhāo Xiāng Wáng (335-279 B.C.E.).)²³
<又> kĩ.
(See 隗 kĩ.)
vi1 14928
178 9 wéi Kangxi radical 178; tanned leather; surname.⁸ tan leather; leather; Wei surname.⁷
佩韦[佩韋] pöi-vī pèiwéi wear a girdle of leather – restrain his ardor – used to illustrate friendly admonitions.¹⁴
韦带[韋帶] vī-ǎi
wéidài a leather girdle worn by a commoner.⁷
韦伯[韋伯] vī-bāk
wéibó <phy.> weber (Wb).⁵
or 韦驼天[韋駝天] Vī-hõ-hëin or Vī-hũ-hëin Wéituótiān the Vedas; the name of an idol who stands at the door of every Buddhist temple, with a drawn sword in his hand.¹⁴
韦编[韋編] vī-pëin
wéibiān <wr.> leather strap for binding bamboo strips, the ancient form of books.¹¹
韦编三绝[韋編三絕] vī-pëin-xäm-dùt
wéibiānsānjué to study diligently.⁷
韦衣[韋衣] vī-yï
wéiyī hunting clothes; simple clothes.⁷
vi1 14929
178 18 wěi right; proper; propriety.⁸ right; correct (often used together with negative word "不" that means no or not).⁹
大不韪 ài-būt-vī dàbùwěi a great error, a heinous crime.¹¹
不韪[不韙] būt-vī
bùwěi serious fault; big mistake.⁶
犯五不韪[犯五不韙] fàn-m̄-būt-vī
fànwǔbùwěi he committed five improprieties.²⁵
冒大不韪[冒大不韙] mào-ài-būt-vī
màodàbùwěi to disregard universal condemnation (idiom).¹⁰
冒天下之大不韪[冒天下之大不韙] mào-hëin-hà-jï-ài-būt-vī
màotiānxiàzhīdàbùwěi fly in the face of the will of the people; defy world opinion; risk universal condemnation.⁶
vi1 14930
178 19 wěi (of light) bright and rich.⁶ gorgeous.⁸ full, abundant, flourishing; bright, splendid.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿰韋華; U+97E1).
}. 凡今之人,莫如兄弟.
[常棣之華,鄂不韡韡. 凡今之人,莫如兄弟.]
Sẽng-ài-jï-vã, ngōk-būt-vī-vī. Fãn-gïm-jï-ngĩn, mòk-nguĩ-hëin-ài.
Cháng dì zhī huá, è bù wěi wěi. Fán jīn zhī rén, mò rú xiōng dì.
The flowers of the cherry tree -
Are they not gorgeously displayed?
Of all the men in the world,
There are none equal to brothers.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·鹿鳴之什·常棣》, translated by James Legge).
韡晔[韡曄] vī-yêp
wěiyè magnificent; gorgeous.⁰
vi1 14931
195 17 wěi <old> sturgeon; yaito tuna.⁶ common name for 巴鲣 [巴鰹] bä-gëin bājiān kawakawa or mackerel tuna (Euthynnus affinis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鲔鱼[鮪魚] vī-nguĩ
wěiyú tuna.¹⁰
黄鳍鲔[黃鰭鮪] võng-kĩ-vī
huángqíwěi (=黄鳍金枪鱼 [黄鰭金鎗魚] võng-kĩ-gïm-tëng-nguĩ huángqíjīnqiāngyú) yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares).²⁰
vi1 14932
9 11 wēi to cuddle; to cling to; to embrace; to fondle.
偎爱[偎愛] vï-öi wēi'ài to be intimate in love.
偎抱 vï-päo
wēibào to hug; to cuddle.
偎傍 vï-põng
wēibàng to snuggle up to.
偎依 vï-yï
wēiyī to snuggle up to; to lean close to.
依偎 yï-vï
yīwēi to snuggle up to.
vi2 14933
30 16 huì to chirp; to twitter.⁹
哕哕[噦噦] vï-vï huìhuì rythmical sound of a bell.¹⁰
<又> yòt.
(See 噦 yòt.)
vi2 14934
38 9 wēi impressive strength, might, power; by force.⁵
示威 sì-vï shìwēi demonstrate; put on a show of force.⁵
威风[威風] vï-füng
wēifēng power and prestige; imposing; impressive; awe-inspiring.⁵
威吓[威嚇] vï-häk
wēihè intimidate; threaten; bully.⁵
威胁 vï-hèp
wēixié threaten; menace; imperil.⁵
威力 vï-lèik
wēilì power; might.⁵
威武不屈 vï-mû-būt-vūt
wēiwǔbùqū not submit to force; unyielding in the face of force.⁵
威慑[威懾] vï-nēp
wēishè terrorize with military force; deter.⁵
威严[威嚴] vï-ngẽm
wēiyán dignified, stately, august, majestic, awe-inspiring; prestige, dignity.⁵
威尔斯干酪[威爾斯乾酪²⁰] Vï-ngì-xü-gön-lōk
Wēiěrsīgānlào or 威尔士干酪[威爾士乾酪⁴⁸] Vï-ngì-xù-gön-lōk Wēiěrshìgānlào Welsh rarebit or Welsh rabbit, a dish of melted cheese served over toast.⁽²⁰ʼ⁴⁸⁾
威尔士[威爾士] Vï-Ngì-Xù
Wēiěrshì Wales.⁵
威尔士亲王[威爾士親王] Vï-Ngì-Xù Tïn-Võng 
Wēiěrshì Qīnwáng Prince of Wales.⁵
威信 vï-xïn
wēixìn prestige; public trust.⁵
vi2 14935
41 11 wèi officer, military rank; Wei surname.⁸
大尉 ài-vï dàwèi captain (army rank); senior captain.¹⁰
驸马都尉[駙馬都尉] fù-mâ-ü-vï
fùmǎdūwèi <wr.> ancient title for chief of palace guards.¹¹
太尉 häi-vï
tàiwèi a supreme official in charge of military affairs, which existed at the beginning of the Qin Dynasty and then was popular early in the Han Dynasty; later, it was abolished at period of Hanwu Emperor, hence it was a rank rather than a post; also a respectful address for average military officer.⁹
校尉 gäo-vï
xiàowèi military officer.¹⁰
准尉[準尉] jūn-vï
zhǔnwèi warrant officer.¹¹
中尉 jüng-vï
zhōngwèi lieutenant (navy); first lieutenant (army); subaltern.¹⁰
少尉 sēl-vï
shàowèi second lieutenant.¹¹
上尉 sèng-vï
shàngwèi captain (military rank).¹⁰
尉官 vï-gön
wèiguān a military officer above the rank of warrant officer and below that of major; a junior officer.⁹
<又> vūt.
(See 尉 vūt.)
vi2 14936
46 12 wǎi (of a mountain path) rugged; sprain, twist.⁶
海参崴[海參崴] Hōi-täm-vï Hǎishēnwǎi Vladivostok; Ming and Qing name for Vladivostok 符拉迪沃斯託克 Fũ-lā-èik-yūk-xü-hōk-hāk Fúlādíwòsītuōkè and the province around it.¹⁰
崴子 vï-dū
wǎizi <topo.>  (usually used in place names) bend in a river or mountain range.⁶
崴脚[崴腳] vï-gëk
wǎijiǎo to sprain one's ankle.⁶
崴泥 vï-nãi
wǎiní to fail; to fall through.⁶ To be bogged down in mire; (fig.) Land in trouble; to get into a fix.⁹
(See 崴 [vï, wēi].)
vi2 14937
46 12 wēi 崴嵬 vï-nguĩ wēiwéi lofty; towering.³⁹
(See 崴 [vï, wǎi].)
vi2 14938
46 12 wēi (composition: ⿱山畏; U+5D54). (variant: 㟪 vï i).
嵔嶉 vï-duī
wēizuī windings among hills.²⁴
or 㟪垒[㟪壘] vï-luî wēilěi name of a mountain.⁸ʼ¹⁰¹
(See 㟪 vï).
vi2 14939
46 12 wēi name of a mountain; lofty and steep; high.⁸ (=嵔 vï wēi).²
(composition: ⿰山畏; U+37EA).
or 嵔垒[嵔壘] vï-luî wēilěi name of a mountain.⁸ʼ¹⁰¹
(See 嵔 vï).
vi2 14940
61 15 wèi console, comfort; be relieved.⁵
安慰 ön-vï ānwèi to comfort; comforting; comfort.⁵⁵
慰藉 vï-dèik
wèijiè <wr.> comfort; console; solace.⁶
慰抚[慰撫] vï-fū
wèifǔ comfort; console; soothe.⁶
慰劳[慰勞] vï-lão
wèiláo bring gifts to, or send one's best wishes to, in recognition of services rendered.⁵
慰留 vï-liũ
wèiliú urge somebody to stay on.⁶
慰勉 vï-mêin
wèimiǎn comfort and encourage.⁵
慰问[慰問] vï-mùn
wèiwèn express sympathy and solicitude for; extend one's regards to; convey greetings to; salute.⁵
慰唁 vï-ngèin
wèiyàn to console (the bereaved).¹¹
慰安妇[慰安婦] vï-ön-fû
wèi'ānfù comfort women (in World War II); sex slave.⁶
vi2 14941
75 13 wēi the pivots, at the top and bottom of a Chinese door, on which the door turns.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰木畏; U+6933).
椳际[椳際] vï-däi wēijì refers to a remote, secluded place.¹⁹
vi2 14942
85 16 huì (<old>=秽[穢] vï huì dirty; ugly, adominable.⁵ dirty, unclean; immoral, obscene.⁸); vast, expansive, deep; dirty.⁸ vast, expansive.¹⁴ vast expanse of water; profound thinking; ugly and dirty.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰氵歲; U+6FCA).
湛恩汪濊 jäm-yïn-vōng-vï
or jäm-yïn-vōng-vòi zhàn'ēnwānghuì Grace is deep and vast.¹ Favor bestowed upon by an Emperor is deep-seated and profound.¹⁹ʼ⁰
汪濊 vōng-vï
or vōng-vòi deep and wide; rich and numerous.²⁴
<又> vòi; vì; köt.
(See 濊 vòi; 濊 vì; 濊 köt; 穢 vï).
vi2 14943
85 19 wāi (composition: ⿰氵褱; U+7024).
溛瀤 vä-vï wāwāi (of water) not level.⁸ the ruffled surface of water; uneven.²⁴
<又> vãi.
(See 瀤 vãi).
vi2 14944
86 11 𤈫
wèi (=尉 vï wèi) officer, military rank; Wei surname or vūt as in 尉迟[尉遲] Vūt-chĩ Yùchí Yuchi compound surname.
(=熨 höng
yùn) to iron, to press or vūt to settle (matters).
(composition: ⿰⿸尸⿱二火又; U+2422B).
❄{⿰⿸尸⿱二火又}㶿 vï-bòt wèibó (of food) to warm up by steaming.⁰
(See 尉 vï, 尉 vūt; 熨 höng, 熨 vūt).
vi2 14945 2422B.gif
86 13 wēi (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 煨 vöi wēi with same meaning.)
<又> vöi.
(See 煨 vöi.)
vi2 14946
94 12 wěi numerous, multifarious; base, obscene, salacious, indecent.⁵
猥杂[猥雜] vï-dàp wěizá miscellaneous.⁵
猥贱[猥賤] vï-dèin
wěijiàn lowly; humble.⁶
猥陋 vï-lèo
wěilòu base; mean; despicable.⁶
猥劣 vï-lūt
wěiliè <wr.> abject, base, mean.⁶
猥鄙 vï-pī
wěibǐ base; mean; despicable.⁶
猥亵[猥褻] vï-xēik
wěixiè obscene, salacious; to act indecently towards (a woman).⁵
猥琐[猥瑣] vï-xū
wěisuǒ (of appearanceor behavior) wretched; boorish.⁶
or 猥辞[猥辭] vï-xũ wěicí obscene, dirty or foul language; obscenities.⁶
vi2 14947
102 9 wèi fear, dread; admire, respect.⁶
后生可畏[後生可畏] hèo-säng-hō-vï
hòushēngkěwèi Youth are to be regarded with respect.⁵
畏罪 vï-duì
wèizuì dread punishment for one's crime.⁵
畏罪潜逃[畏罪潛逃] vï-duì-tẽm-hão
wèizuìqiántáo abscond to avoid punishment.⁵
畏光 vï-göng
wèiguāng <med.> photophobia.⁵
畏惧[畏懼] vï-guì
wèijù fear; dread.⁵
畏怯 vï-hèp or vï-hēp
wèiqiè cowardly; timid.⁵
畏途 vï-hũ
wèitú <wr.> dangerous road – a perilous undertaking.⁵
畏首畏尾 vï-siū-vï-mī
wèishǒuwèiwěi be full of misgivings; be overcautious.⁵
畏缩[畏縮] vï-sük
wèisuō recoil; shrink; flinch; cringe.⁶
畏死 vï-xī
wèisǐ be afraid of death.¹⁹
畏友 vï-yiû
wèiyǒu esteemed friend.⁵
vi2 14948
115 18
huì dirty; ugly, adominable.⁵ dirty, unclean; immoral, obscene.⁸ (variants: 薉, 濊 vï huì).
秽德[穢德] vï-āk
or vöi-āk huìdé immoral conduct.¹¹
秽臭[穢臭] vï-chiü
or vöi-chiü huìchòu smelly.¹¹
秽迹[穢跡] vï-dēik
or vöi-dēik huìjì hideous conduct; salacious story.⁸
秽浊[穢濁] vï-dùk
or vöi-dùk huìzhuó unsanitary, polluted: (court. of self) base, unpresentable.¹¹
秽行[穢行] vï-hàng
or vöi-hàng huìxíng <wr.> adominable behavior; immoral conduct.⁵
秽气[穢氣] vï-hï
or vï-vöi huìqì foul air.¹¹
秽土[穢土] vï-hū
or vöi-hū huìtǔ rubbish; refuse; dirt.⁵
秽乱[穢亂] vï-lòn
or vöi-lòn huìluàn dechauchery.⁸
秽闻[穢聞] vï-mũn
or vöi-mũn huìwén <wr.> repute (referring to sexual behavior); reputation for immorality.⁵
秽物[穢物] vï-mùt
or vöi-mòt huìwù dirt, refuse.¹¹
秽语[穢語] vï-nguî
or vöi-nguî huìyǔ obscene language.¹⁰
秽亵[穢褻] vï-xēik
or vöi-xēik huìxiè dirt; bawdy.⁸
秽史[穢史] vï-xū
or vöi-xū huìshǐ salacious stories of a period.¹¹
<又> vöi.
(See 穢 vöi; 薉 vï; 濊 vï).
vi2 14949
120 15 wēi a decorative knot made of colorful silk (blue, yellow, red, white and black).⁸ stuff adorned with party colored silk.²⁵
(composition: ⿰; U+42FF).
vi2 14950
122 16 wèi net.⁸ a small net; a fish net.⁹ bird net.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱罒尉; U+7F7B).
罿罻 hũng-vï tóngwèi or chüng-vï chōngwèi a net for catching birds and beasts.¹³
罻罗[罻羅] vï-lõ
wèiluó a net for catching birds; metaphor for catching/trapping criminals.⁰ a small net for catching birds.²⁵
vi2 14951
140 14 wèi Japanese wormwood; Artemisia japonica; illness; flourishing; of unusual literary talent; heavy with thin, floating clouds; great.⁸
炳蔚 bēin-vï
bǐngwèi splendid (of writing style).¹⁰
彬蔚 bïn-vï
bīnwèi <wr.> extremely erudite and refined.⁷
茺蔚 chüng-vï
chōngwèi (=益母草 yēik-mû-tāo yìmǔcǎo <bot.> a grass, Leonurus sibiricus, said to help in maternity cases).¹¹ motherwort.⁸
蔚起 vï-hī
wèiqǐ to develop prosperously.⁸
蔚蓝[蔚藍] vï-lãm
wèilán azure; sky blue.⁸
蔚蓝色[蔚藍色] vï-lãm-sēik
wèilánsè azure.⁹
蔚然 vï-ngẽin
wèirán flourishing; grand.⁸
蔚然成风[蔚然成風] vï-ngẽin-sẽin-füng
wèiránchéngfēng to become common practice which prevails throughout; to grow into a general trend.⁸
蔚为大观[蔚為大觀] vï-vĩ-ài-gön
wèiwéidàguān to present a splendid sight; to afford a magnificent view sight.⁸
(See 蔚 [Vï, ].)
vi2 14952
140 14 蔚县[蔚縣] Vï-yòn Yù Xiàn Yu county in 河北省 Hõ-bāk sāng  Héběi shěng Hebei Province.
(See 蔚 [vï, wèi].)
vi2 14953
140 16
huì (=秽[穢] vï huì) dirty; ugly, adominable.⁵ dirty, unclean; immoral, obscene.⁸
(See 穢 vï; 穢vöi.)
vi2 14954
142 14 wēi (composition: ⿰虫委; U+8732).
蜲蛇 vī-yĩ wēiyí sauntering about.²⁵
vi2 14955
142 17 wèi flying ants.²⁵
(composition: ⿱尉虫; U+87B1).
螱飞[螱飛] vï-fï wèifēi another name for termites.
vi2 14956
156 15 wèi to run and jump; running along.²⁵
(composition: ⿺走隹; U+8DA1).
<又> tuī. (See 趡 cǒu).
vi2 14957
170 11 wēi river bend; mountain recess; a nook; a bay; a cove; an inlet.
山隈 sän-vï shānwēi mountain recess.

vi2 14958
170 11 wēi (composition: ⿰阝威; U+9687).
隇䧅 vï-yĩ wēiyí (of roads) dangerous and difficult.² dangerous defiles.²⁵
vi2 14959
184 16 wèi (=喂[餵] vï wèi to feed; to raise.⁷); to feed animals or children.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰飠委; U+9927).
餧饱他[餧飽他] vï-bāo-hä
wèibǎotā feed him to the full.¹⁴
餧足 vï-dūk
wèizú give a full feed.⁹³
餧孩子 vï-hãi-dū
wèiháizi to feed a child.¹⁴
餧马[餧馬] vï-mâ
wèimǎ a feed a horse.¹⁴
餧眼 vï-ngān
wèiyǎn to delight the eye.¹⁴
餧牲口 vï-säng-hēo
wèishēngkǒu to feed domestic animals.¹⁴
<又> nuî.
(See 餧 nuî; 餵 vï).
vi2 14960
184 17 wèi to feed; to raise.⁷
喂饱[餵飽] vï-bāo wèibǎo to be fed full.¹¹
喂奶[餵奶] vï-nâi
wèinǎi to feed a baby with milk; to breast feed.⁷
喂牲口[餵牲口] vï-säng-hēo
wèishēngkǒu to raise or feed domestic animals.⁷
喂食[餵食] vï-sèik
wèishí to feed.¹⁰
喂养[餵養] vï-yëng
wèiyǎng to raise; to rear; to keep.⁷
药喂的[藥餵的] yêk-vï-ēik
yàowèide (weapons) soaked in poison.¹¹
<又> vì as the traditional for of 喂 vì.
(See 喂 vì.)
vi2 14961
30 11 wéi only; alone; -ism.¹⁰
唯恐 or 惟恐 vĩ-hūng wéikǒng for fear that; lest.⁵
唯灵论[唯靈論] vĩ-lẽin-lùn
wéilínglùn spiritualism.³⁹
or 惟利是图[惟利是圖] vĩ-lì-sì-hũ wéilìshìtú be bent solely on profit; be intent on nothing but profit; put profit-making first.⁵
or 惟命是听[惟命是聽] vĩ-mèin-sì-hëin wéimìngshìtīng always do as one is told; be alsolutely obedient.⁵
or 惟命是从[惟命是從] vĩ-mèin-sì-tũng wéimìngshìcóng always do as one is told; be absolutely obedient.⁵
唯物论[唯物論] vĩ-mòt-lùn
wéiwùlùn the philosophy of materialism, doctrine that physical matter is the whole of reality.¹⁰
or 惟独[惟獨] vĩ-ùk wéidú only; alone.⁵
唯唯 vĩ-vĩ
wéiwéi Yes! Yes!¹¹
唯心论[唯心論] vĩ-xïm-lùn
wéixīnlùn philosophy of idealism, the doctrine that external reality is a product of consciousness.¹⁰
or 惟一 vĩ-yīt wéiyī only; sole.¹⁰
or 惟有 vĩ-yiû wéiyǒu only; alone.⁵
(See 唯 [vĩ, wěi].)
vi3 14962
30 11 wěi <wr.> (old) yes.
唯唯听命[唯唯聽命] vĩ-vĩ-hëng-mèng wěiwěitīngmìng to murmur one's assent.³⁹
唯唯诺诺[唯唯諾諾] vĩ-vĩ-nòk-nòk
wěiwěinuònuò to be a yes-man.⁸ to say “yes, yes” repeatedly.¹¹ to be a yes-man; aye! aye! to be sure; to be obsequious; to mumble “yes, yes”; obsequious.³⁹
唯唯否否 vĩ-vĩ-pī-pī
wěiwěipǐpǐ to be obsequious.⁸ to say “yes” or “no” – to change answer unpredictably.¹¹
(See 唯 [vĩ, wéi].)
vi3 14963
31 3 wéi Kangxi radical 31; an enclosure; used to indicate lacunae in ancient texts.¹⁴ to encircle, to enclose, an enclosure.²⁴ (<old>=围[圍] vĩ wéi) to enclose, surround, beseige, encircle; all sides, periphery; girth, circumference, perimeter; arm span, hand span.⁶ (<old>=国[國] gōk guó) nation, country, nation-state.⁸
<又> gōk.
(See 國 gōk; 圍 vĩ.)
vi3 14964
31 12 wéi to enclose, surround, beseige, encircle; all sides, periphery; girth, circumference, perimeter; arm span, hand span.⁶
围剿[圍剿] vĩ-dēl wéijiǎo to encircle and suppress.⁶
围巾[圍巾] vĩ-gïn
wéijīn muffler; scarf.⁶
围垦[圍墾] vĩ-hān
wéikěn (build dikes to) reclaim land from marshes; enclose tideland for cultivation.⁶
围棋[圍棋] vĩ-kĩ/
wéiqí weiqi, go.⁶
围困[圍困] vĩ-kün
wéikùn to besiege, hem in, pin down.⁶
围裙[圍裙] vĩ-kũn
wéiqún apron.⁵
围拢[圍攏] vĩ-lūng
wéilǒng to crowd around, to gather around.⁶
围魏救赵[圍魏救趙] vĩ-Ngài-giü-Jèl
wéi Wèi jiù Zhào fig. to relieve a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besieger; lit. to besiege 魏 and rescue 赵[趙] (idiom).¹⁹
围绕[圍繞] vĩ-ngêl
wéirào to encircle, go round, revolve around; to center on, focus on.⁶
围歼[圍殲] vĩ-tëm
wéijiān surround and annihilate.⁶
围护[圍護] vĩ-vù
wéihù to protect from all sides.¹⁰
<台> 一围酒[一圍酒] yīt-vĩ-diū one banquet table.
vi3 14965
31 12 wéi (Japanese variant of 围[圍] vĩ wéi) to surround.
(See 圍 vĩ.)
vi3 14966
32 6 wéi dike, embankment.⁸  A dike; an embankment.¹⁴ Used in Shanghai for a lot of land.¹⁴  (Matthews' pronunciation ).
圩子 vĩ-dū
wéizi protective dikes or embankments surrounding low-lying fields (polders).
or 围田[圍田] vĩ-hẽin wéitián polder.¹
圩田 vĩ-hẽin
wéitián or yútián fields protected by dikes.¹⁴
圩长[圩長] vĩ-jēng
wéizhǎng or yúzhǎng an overseer of dikes.¹⁴
圩岸 vĩ-ngòn
wéiàn or yú'àn a dike; an enbankment.¹⁴
圩垸 vĩ-yòn
wéiyuàn lakeside dikes.
(See 墟 huï, huî.)
vi3 14967
50 11 wéi tent; curtain, screen.⁸
车帷[車帷] chëh-vĩ chēwéi the curtain of a carriage.¹¹
or 罗帏[羅幃] lõ-vĩ luówéi gauze curtain.⁶
书帷[書帷] sï-vĩ
shūwéi “a curtain of books” surrounding a teacher; heaps of books in which a scholar buries himself.¹¹
or 帏幄[幃幄] vĩ-āk wéiwò tent.¹¹
帷房 vĩ-fông wéifáng lit. a curtained room – a woman's bedchamber.⁷
帷幔 vĩ-màn
wéimàn (=帷幕 vĩ-mōk wéimù) heavy curtain.⁶
帷幕 vĩ-mōk
wéimù heavy curtain.⁶
运筹帷幄[運籌帷幄] vùn-chiũ-vĩ-āk
yùnchóuwéiwò to map out or devise strategy in the command tent.⁷
vi3 14968
50 12 wéi perfume pouch/bag; (=帷 vĩ wéi).⁷ curtain; women's apartment; tent.¹⁰
or 罗帷[羅帷] lõ-vĩ luówéi gauze curtain.⁶
or 帷幄 vĩ-āk wéiwò tent.¹¹
帏帐[幃帳] vĩ-jëng
wéizhàng screen curtains.¹⁴
or 慈闱[慈闈] xũ-vĩ cíwéi <wr.> (polite address of) mother).¹¹ a mother – the loving screen.¹⁴
vi3 14969
61 11 wéi only, alone; thinking, thought; <wr.> but; <wr.> (auxiliary character - used in front of year, month, or day).⁵
惟君是问[惟君是問] vĩ-gün-sì-mùn wéijūnshìwèn I hold you responsible for it.³⁹
or 唯恐 vĩ-hūng wéikǒng for fear that; lest.⁵
or 唯利是图[唯利是圖] vĩ-lì-sì-hũ wéilìshìtú be bent solely on profit; be intent on nothing but profit; put profit-making first.⁵
or 唯命是听[唯命是聽] vĩ-mèin-sì-hëin wéimìngshìtīng always do as one is told; be alsolutely obedient.⁵
or 唯命是从[唯命是從] vĩ-mèin-sì-tũng wéimìngshìcóng always do as one is told; be alsolutely obedient.⁵
or 维妙维肖[維妙維肖] vĩ-mèl-vĩ-xël wéimiào wéixiào remarkably true to life; absolutely lifelike.⁵
惟二月既望 vĩ-ngì-ngùt-gï-mòng
wéièryuèjìwàng on the 16th of the second moon.⁵
or 唯我独尊[唯我獨尊] vĩ-ngô-ùk-dün wéiwǒdúzūn overweening; extremely conceited.⁵
or 唯独[唯獨] vĩ-ùk wéidú only; alone.⁵
or 唯一 vĩ-yīt wéiyī only; sole.¹⁰
or 唯有 vĩ-yiû wéiyǒu only; alone.⁵

vi3 14970
75 10 wéi mast.⁹
后桅[後桅] hèo-vĩ hòuwéi mizzenmast.¹¹
主桅 jī-vĩ
zhǔwéi mainmast.¹¹
尾桅 mī-vĩ
wěiwéi mizzenmast.¹¹
船桅 sõn-vĩ
chuánwéi mast.¹¹
前桅 tẽin-vĩ
qiánwéi foremast.¹¹
桅灯[桅燈] vĩ-äng
wéidēng masthead light, range light; barn lantern.⁶
桅顶[桅頂] vĩ-ēin
wéidǐng masthead.¹⁰
桅搁架[桅擱架] vĩ-gök-gâ
wéigējià mitchboard.¹⁰ (Merriam Webster definition of mitchboard: an upright timber on the deck of a ship forming a crutch for the mast to rest on when lowered).
or 桅竿 vĩ-gön wéigān ship mast; mast.¹⁰
桅梯 vĩ-häi
wéitī (ship's) shrouds.¹¹
桅牵索[桅牽索] vĩ-hëin-xôk
wéiqiānsuǒ shrouds.⁶¹
桅绳[桅繩] vĩ-sẽin
wéishéng stays.¹¹
桅樯[桅檣] vĩ-tẽng
wéiqiáng a boom.¹⁴
vi3 14971
85 12 wéi (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 沩[溈] gï wéi with same meaning.)
<又> gï.
(See 溈 gï; 潙 gï.)
vi3 14972
85 15 潿 wéi still water.⁸
涠洲 Vĩ-jiü Wéizhōu an island in 广西[廣西] Gōng-xäi Guǎngxī Guangxi Province.⁴
vi3 14973
85 17 wéi Wei River; Wei Prefecture; Wei County in Shandong.⁸
潍坊[濰坊] Vĩ-fōng Wéifāng Weifang prefecture level city in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province.¹⁰
潍河[濰河] Vĩ-hõ
Wéihé Weiho, a river in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province.⁸
潍州[濰州] Vĩ-jiü
Wéizhōu Weizhou, old prefecture name for present-day 潍县[濰縣] Vĩ-yòn Wéixiàn Weixian in Shandong (山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng) Province.¹⁰
潍县[濰縣] Vĩ-yòn
Wéixiàn Weixian, a county in Shandong Province (山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng).¹⁰
vi3 14974
86 9 wéi as; to take something as; to act as; to serve as; to behave as; to become; to be; to do; by.
不为已甚[不為已甚] būt-vĩ-yî-sìm bùwéiyǐshèn refrain from going to extremes in meting out punishment.⁵
作为[作為] dōk-vĩ
zuòwéi conduct, deed, action; achievement; scope for one's abilities or talents; to accomplish; to regard as; to take for; (to treat) as.
行为[行為] hãng-vĩ
xíngwéi action; behavior; conduct.⁵
认为[認為] ngìn-vĩ
rènwéi to consider; to think.
成为[成為] sẽin-vĩ
chéngwéi to become; to turn into.
为非作歹[為非作歹] vĩ-fï-dōk-āi
wéifēizuòdǎi do evil.⁵
为人[為人] vĩ-ngĩn
wéirén to behave; to conduct oneself; <topo.> personal character or make-up; endearing; having a way with people.
为恶不悛[為惡不悛] vĩ-ōk-būt-dün
or vĩ-ōk-būt-xũn wéi'èbùquān insist on doing evil without repentance; stop at nothing in doing evil.⁶
为时过早[為時過早] vĩ-sĩ-gö-dāo
wéishíguòzǎo too early; be too soon.⁸
事在人为[事在人為] xù-dòi-ngĩn-vĩ
shìzàirénwéi  people make things happen.
<又> vì.
(See 為 vì; 爲 vì.)
vi3 14975
87 12 wéi variant of 為, same meaning as 为[為] vĩ wéi.
<又> vì.
(See 為 vì; 爲 vì.)
vi3 14976
120 14 wéi tie up, hold together; maintain, safeguard, preserve; thought; <math.> dimension.⁵ Wei surname.⁸
维持[維持] vĩ-chĩ wéichí keep; maintain; preserve.⁵
维管束[維管束] vĩ-gōn-chūk
wéiguǎnshù vascular bundle.⁵
维他命[維他命] vĩ-hä-mèin
wéitāmìng <loan> vitamin.⁵
维系[維係] vĩ-hài
wéixì hold together; maintain.⁵
维絷[維縶] vĩ-jīp
wéizhí to bind, hold together (people's loyalty); to restrain.¹¹
维纶[維綸] vĩ-lũn
wéilún <txt.> polyvinyl alcohol fiber.⁵
维吾尔族[維吾爾族] Vĩ-m̃-ngì-dùk
Wéiwú'ěrzú Uygur (Uighur) nationality, living in Xinjiang.⁵
or 惟妙惟肖 vĩ-mèl-vĩ-xël wéimiào wéixiào remarkably true to life; absolutely lifelike.⁵
维生素[維生素] vĩ-säng-xü
wéishēngsù vitamin.⁵
维护[維護] vĩ-vù
wéihù to defend; to safeguard; to protect; to uphold; to maintain.¹⁰
维新[維新] vĩ-xïn
wéixīn reform; modernization.⁵
维修[維修] vĩ-xiü
wéixiū keep in (good) repair; maintain.⁵
三维[三維] xäm-vĩ
sānwéi three dimensional; 3D.¹⁰
四维[四維] xï-vĩ
sìwéi the four social bonds: propriety, morality, modesty, sense of shame; the four directions;  <TCM>  the four limbs; <phy.> four-dimensional.⁵⁴
or 思惟 xü-vĩ sīwéi <phil.> thought; thinking.⁵

vi3 14977
162 12 wéi to disobey; to violate; to separate; to go against.¹⁰
久违[久違] giū-vĩ jiǔwéi have not seen for a long time.⁶
久违声欬[久違聲欬] giū-vĩ-sëin-köi
jiǔwéishēngkài <wr.> have not heard from you for a long time.¹¹
违拗[違拗] vĩ-äo
wéi'ào disobey; defy.⁵
违背[違背] vĩ-böi
wéibèi to violate; to be contrary to.¹⁰
违反[違反] vĩ-fān
wéifǎn to violate (a law).¹⁰
违犯[違犯] vĩ-fàn
wéifàn to violate; to infringe.¹⁰
违法[違法] vĩ-fāt
wéifǎ illegal; to break the law.¹⁰
违法乱纪[違法亂紀] vĩ-fāt-lòn-gī
wéifǎluànjì violate the law and discipline.⁵
违禁[違禁] vĩ-gîm
wéijìn violate a ban.⁵
违宪[違憲] vĩ-hëin
wéixiàn unconstitutional.¹⁰
违章[違章] vĩ-jëng
wéizhāng break rules and regulations.⁵
违抗[違抗] vĩ-köng
wéikàng disobey; defy.⁵
违例[違例] vĩ-lài
wéilì <sport> breach of rules.⁵
违误[違誤] vĩ-m̀
wéiwù disobey orders and cause delay.⁵
违迕[違迕] vĩ-m̂
wéiwǔ disobey.⁷
违贰[違貳] vĩ-ngì
wéi'èr to harbor disloyalty.⁷
违碍[違礙] vĩ-ngòi
wéi'ài taboo; prohibition.⁵
违心[違心] vĩ-xïm
wéixīn against one's will or convictons.⁵
违约[違約] vĩ-yēk
wéiyuē break a contract; violate a treaty; break one's promise; break off an engagement.⁶
vi3 14978
162 15 lose; omit; leave behind; behest; emit; something lost.⁰
遗产[遺產] vĩ-chān yíchǎn legacy.⁵⁵
遗臭万年[遺臭萬年] vĩ-chiü-màn-nẽin
yíchòuwànnián go down in history as a byword for infamy.⁵⁵
遗传[遺傳] vĩ-chũn
yíchuán heredity; inheritance.⁵
遗精[遺精] vĩ-dëin
yíjīng <med.> (seminal) emission.⁵
遗赠[遺贈] vĩ-dàng
yízèng bequeath; will.⁶
遗孤[遺孤] vĩ-gü
yígū orphan.⁵
遗憾[遺憾] vĩ-hàm
yíhàn regret; pity.⁵
遗恨[遺恨] vĩ-hàn
yíhèn eternal regret.⁵
遗弃[遺棄] vĩ-hï
yíqì abandon; forsake; cast off.⁵
遗址[遺址] vĩ-jī
yízhǐ ruins; relics.⁵
遗志[遺志] vĩ-jï
yízhì unfulfilled wish; behest.⁵⁶
遗嘱[遺囑] vĩ-jūk
yízhǔ testament; will; dying words.⁵
遗漏[遺漏] vĩ-lèo
yílòu omit; leave out.⁵
遗留[遺留] vĩ-liũ
yíliú leave over; hand down.⁵
遗忘[遺忘] vĩ-mõng
yíwàng forget.⁵
遗尿[遺尿] vĩ-nèl
yíniào enuresis; bed-wetting.⁵
遗书[遺書] vĩ-sï
yíshū note left by one immediately before death; (usually used in book titles) posthumous writings.⁵⁵
遗失[遺失] vĩ-sīt
yíshī lose.⁵
遗孀[遺孀] vĩ-söng
yíshuāng widow; relict.⁵
<又> vì.
(See 遺 vì.)
vi3 14979
169 17 wéi a side gate of an imperial palace; imperial examination hall (in feudal China).⁵ doors leading to the women's rooms.¹⁴
春闱[春闈] chün-vĩ chūnwéi or 春试[春試] chün-sï chūnshì <trad.> imperial examinations held in spring (in the Ming and Qing dynasties).⁶
宫闱[宮闈] güng-vĩ
gōngwéi <wr.> palace (chambers).⁶
庭闱[庭闈] hẽin-vĩ
tíngwéi <wr.> parents' living quarters; parents.¹¹
阃闱[閫闈] kūn-vĩ
kǔnwéi women's apartments.¹¹
秋闱[秋闈] tiü-vĩ
qiūwéi (=秋试[秋試] tiü-sï qiūshì) <trad.> imperial examinations held in autumn at the provincial level in the Ming and Qing dynasties.⁶
闱墨[闈墨] vĩ-màk
wéimò selections from papers of successful candidates at imperial examinations.⁵
or 慈帏[慈幃] xũ-vĩ cíwéi <wr.> (polite address of) mother).¹¹ a mother – the loving screen.¹⁴
入闱[入闈] yìp-vĩ
rùwéi (of examinees and invigilators) enter the imperial examination place; be selected.⁶
vi3 14980
9 7 wèi position; rank; location; (polite <m.> for people).
单位[單位] än-vì dānwèi unit (of measurement or organization).
岗位[崗位] gông-vì
gǎngwèi post, station, position.⁶
职位[職位] jēik-vì
zhíwèi position; post.⁸
名位 mẽin-vì
míngwèi fame and position; official rank.
位子 vì-dū
wèizi seat; place.
位分 vì-fùn
wèifèn one's social status.
位极人臣[位極人臣] vì-gèik-ngĩn-sĩn
wèijírénchén <trad.> to become prime minister.
位居津要 vì-guï-jün-yël
wèijūjīnyào to occupy a key position.
位置 vì-jï
wèizhi seat, place; place, location.⁵
位元 vì-ngũn
wèiyuán <computer> bit.
位次 vì-xü
wèicì precedence; seating order; rank; position; place.
vi4 14981
30 12 wèi (an interjection for calling another's attention) hallo; please; if you please; I say; hey; hullo.⁷
Usage note: 喂 vì wèi, (as an interjection) used in Mandarin meaning hey, hello. Although there is a Hoisanva reading, vì, this term is considered impolite and seldom used as an interjection. Read as vï 喂[餵], it means to feed (See 餵 vï). In Cantonese, the reading is wai3 with 3 meanings:
(1) hello (especially on telephone)
(2) hey
(3) to feed (somebody or an animal).

喂! 止步! Vì! Jī-bù! 
Wèi! Zhǐbù! Hey! stop!⁷
<又> vï (as simplified form of 餵 vï.
(See 餵 vï).
vi4 14982
30 12 wèi the cry of an infant.²ʼ²⁴
(composition: ⿰口韋; U+55A1).
<又> vī. (See 喡 vī).
vi4 14983
38 12 wèi appellation of "younger sister" in the ancient state of Chu (楚 chō chǔ).¹³ younger sister; legendary animal name.¹⁹ a local term for younger sister.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女胃; U+5AA6).
昆媦 kün-vì
kūnwèi younger brothers and sisters.¹⁹
媦壻 vì-xâi
wèixù younger sister's husband.¹⁹
vi4 14984
85 12 wèi name of a river in 陕西[陝西] Sēm-xäi Shǎnxī Shaanxi.⁷
泾清渭浊[涇清渭濁] Gëin-tëin Vì-dùk
Jīng qīng Wèi zhuó clear distinction between good and bad.⁵⁴
泾渭不分[涇渭不分] Gëin-Vì-būt-fün
Jīng-Wèi bùfēn fail to distinguish the clear water in the Jinghe River and the turbid water in the Weihe River – fail to distinguish between good and evil or black and white.⁶
泾渭分明[涇渭分明] Gëin-Vì-fün-mẽin
Jīng-Wèi fēnmíng be as different as the clear water from the Jinghe River and the turbid water from the Weihe River – be entirely or utterly or strikingly different.⁶
or 渭水 Vì-hõ Wèihé or Vì-suī Wèishuǐ Wei River in 陕西[陝西] Sēm-xäi Shǎnxī Shaanxi through the Guanzhong 关中[關中] Gän-jüng Guānzhōng plain.¹⁰
vi4 14985
85 16 wèi (composition: ⿰氵歲; U+6FCA). (variant: 𤞃[獩] vì wèi).
濊貊 vì-màk
wèimò Yemaek, ancient ethnic group of Manchuria and Korea, precursors of Korean Goguryeo kingdom.⁸ one of the Chinese ethnic minorities; in ancient times; it was a part of the 北貊 bāk-màk běimò, in the north of North Korea; also called 𤞃❄{⿰犭岁}貊[獩貊] vì-màk wèimò and 秽貊[穢貊] vï-màk huìmò.¹⁰¹
<又> vï; vòi; köt.
(See 濊 vï; 濊 vòi; 濊 köt; 獩 vì).
vi4 14986
86 9 wèi because of; for; to.
为虎作伥[為虎作倀] vì-fū-dōk-chëng wèihǔzuòchāng to help a villain do evil.
为何[為何] vì-hõ
wèihé why; for what reason.
为了[為了] vì-lēl
wèile in order to; for the purpose of; so as to.¹⁰
为人[為人] vì-ngĩn
wèirén for others' interest.
为时尚早[為時尚早] vĩ-sĩ-sèng-dāo
wèishíshàngzǎo too early.³⁹
因为[因為] yïn-vĩ
yīnwéi because, for, as, on account of, because of.⁶
<又> vĩ.
(See 為 vĩ; 爲 vĩ.)
vi4 14987
87 12 wèi variant of 為, same meaning as 为[為] vì wèi.
<又> vĩ.
(See 為 vĩ; 爲 vĩ.)
vi4 14988
94 16 𤞃
wèi the name of an ancient state.²⁴ (=濊 vì wèi).
t: ⿰犭歲; U+7369). (comp. s: ⿰犭岁; U+24783).
❄{⿰犭岁}貊[獩貊] vì-màk wèimò an ancient state in present day north of North Korea.⁸
(See 濊 vì).
vi4 14989
112 14 wèi <wr.> millstone.⁶
碾碨 jīn-vì niǎnwèi rolling stone mill.¹⁹
(See 碨 [vì, wěi]).
vi4 14990
112 14 wěi uneven rock.⁸
碨䃁 vì-ä wěiyā rugged.²⁵
碨磊 vì-luî
wěilěi stony.²⁵ rocky; uneven.⁵⁴
碨碨山垄[碨碨山壟] vì-vì-sän-lûng
wěiwěishānlǒng craggy mountain ridge.⁰
碨柍 vì-yëng
wěiyāng rising abruptly.²⁵
(See 碨 [vì, wèi]).
vi4 14991
130 9 wèi stomach; (seventeenth of the twenty-eight constellations into which the celestial sphere was divided in ancient Chinese astronomy).⁶
(composition: ⿱田月; U+80C3).
胃襞 vì-bēik wèibì stomach fold.⁶
胃病 vì-bèng
wèibìng gastrosis; gastropathy.⁶
胃脏[胃臟] vì-dòng
wèizàng stomach.¹⁹
胃镜[胃鏡] vì-gëng
wèijìng gastroscope.⁶
胃脘 vì-gōn
wèiwǎn <Ch. med.> gastral cavity.⁵
胃口 vì-hēo
wèikǒu appetite; liking; ambition, appetite.⁶
胃寒 vì-hõn
wèihán <Ch. med.> stomach cold.⁶
胃溃疡[胃潰瘍] vì-kï-yẽng
wèikuìyáng gastric ulcers.¹⁰
胃癌 vì-ngãm
wèi'ái stomach cancer.¹¹
胃酸 vì-xön
wèisuān gastric acid.⁶
胃液 vì-yèik
or vì-yìt wèiyè gastric juice.⁶
胃炎 vì-yèm
wèiyán gastritis.⁶
(Distinguish 冑 jào zhòu helmet U+5191; 胄 jào zhòu descendants U+80C4; 胃 vì wèi stomach U+80C3).
vi4 14992
142 14 wèi a kind of monkey, having long tail.⁹
(composition: ⿰虫隹; U+873C).
猿蜼 yõn-vì yuánwèi a kind of monkey, with a turn-up nose, a long tail, a slanting head, and of a yellowish color; when it rains they suspend themselves from the trees, and stop their noses with their tails, or fingers.²⁵
<又> luî.
(See 蜼 luî).
vi4 14993
142 15 wèi hedgehog.⁵
诸事猬集[諸事蝟集] jï-xù-vì-dàp zhūshìwèijí have too many things to attend to; have too many irons in the fire.⁶
猬集[蝟集] vì-dàp
wèijí <wr.> (of matters) as numerous as the spines of a hedgehog.⁶
猬缩[蝟縮] vì-sük
wèisuō recoil in fear like a hedgehog;  huddle up like a hedgehog.⁶
刺猬[刺蝟] xü-vì
cìwei hedgehog.⁶
vi4 14994
144 15 wèi to defend; to protect; guard; hygiene; toilet; Wei surname.
保家卫国[保家衛國] bāo-gä-vì-gōk bǎojiāwèiguó to protect home and defend the country.
保卫[保衛] bāo-vì
bǎowèi to defend, to safeguard; guard.
自卫[自衛] dù-vì
zìwèi to defend oneself; self-defense.
警卫[警衛] gēin-vì
jǐngwèi (security) guard; guard with armed forces.⁶
卫兵[衛兵] vì-bëin
wèibīng guard; bodyguard.
卫冕[衛冕] vì-mêin
wèimiǎn defend one's championship; defend one's title.⁶
卫生[衛生] vì-säng
wèishēng hygiene; health; sanitation; hygienic.
卫生间[衛生間] vì-säng-gän
wèishēngjiān toilet.
卫生纸[衛生紙] vì-säng-jī
wèishēngzhǐ toilet paper.
卫星[衛星] vì-xëin
wèixīng moon; artificial satellite.⁶
vi4 14995
149 16 wèi say, tell; call, name; be called.⁵⁴
不谓[不謂] būt-vì bùwèi <wr.> unexpectedly; to one's surprise.
称谓[稱謂] chëin-vì
chēngwèi way of addressing person.¹¹
可谓[可謂] hō-vì
kěwèi <wr.> one may well say; it may be called.
何谓[何謂] hõ-vì
héwèi <wr.> what is meant by; what is the meaning of.
无所谓[無所謂] mũ-sō-vì
wúsuǒwèi to be indifferent; not to matter; can't be considered as; can't be called.
所谓[所謂] sō-vì
suǒwèi what is called; so-called.⁵
意谓[意謂] yï-vì
yìwèi <wr.> It seems to say ...; to mean; meaning.
vi4 14996
159 10 wèi the brass parts for a cart in ancient China.⁸ the end of an axle tree.²⁵
vi4 14997
162 15 wèi <wr.> offer as a gift; make a present of something.⁵
饷遗[餉遺] hēng-vì xiǎngwèi present as a gift; donate.⁵⁴
赂遗[賂遺] lù-vì
lùwèi send gifts; bribe.⁸
遗之千金[遺之千金] vì-jï-tëin-gïm
wèizhīqiānjīn present somebody with a generous gift of money.⁵
<又> vĩ.
(See 遺 vĩ.)
vi4 14998
9 10 a dwarf; (old name for Japan).
倭刀 vö-äo wōdāo Japanese dagger; short sword.
倭瓜 vö-gä
wōguā <topo.> pumpkin; cushaw.
倭猪[倭豬] vö-jï
wōzhū pygmy hog.
倭寇 Vö-këo
Wōkòu Japanese pirates.
倭人 Vö-ngĩn
Wōrén Japanese.
倭奴 Vö-nũ
Wōnú <derog.> Japs.
倭小症 vö-xēl-jëin
wōxiǎozhèng dwarfism.¹⁹
<又> vī.
(See 倭 vī.)
vo2 14999
30 8 huó mix (powder) with water.⁵
趁水和泥 chïn-suī-vö-nãi chènshuǐhuóní seize the opportunity.⁵⁴
软和[軟和] ngün-vö
ruǎnhuó soft; gentle, kind, soft.⁶
和面[和麵] vö-mèin
huómiàn knead dough.⁵
和泥 vö-nãi
huóní mix mortar; intervene in a quarrel.⁵⁴ (See also 和泥 gô-nãi huòní.)
(See 和 võ, vò, gô, vũ.)
vo2 15000
30 11 wāi (of the mouth) awry.⁵
㖞僻不遂[喎僻不遂] vö-pēik-būt-xuì wāipìbùsuí <TCM> facial paralysis and hemiplegia after apoplexy.⁵
vo2 15001
30 12 (composition: ⿰口爰; U+559B).
啴喛[嘽喛] hõ-vö tuōhé weeping or crying appearance.⁸
<又> fön; yõn; fōn.
(See 喛 fön; 喛 yõn; 喛 fōn).
vo2 15002
32 11 guō crucible.
坩埚[坩堝] häm-vö or gäm-vö gānguō crucible.
坩埚钢[坩堝鋼] häm-vö-gông
or gäm-vö-gông gānguōgāng crucible steel.
无底坩埚[無底坩堝] mũ-āi-häm-vö
or mũ-āi-gäm-vö wúdǐgānguō bottomless crucible; potette.
试金坩埚[試金坩堝] sï-gïm-häm-vö
or sï-gïm-gäm-vö shìjīn gān'guō scorifier.
vo2 15003
38 11 女娲[女媧] Nuī-vö Nǚwā goddess who patched the holes in the sky with stone blocks (in Chinese mythology).⁶
vo2 15004
64 14 老挝[老撾] Lāo-vö Lǎowō Laos.
老挝语[老撾語] Lāo-vö-nguî/ 
Lǎowōyǔ Laotian language.
<又> jä.
(See 撾 jä.)
vo2 15005
85 11 whirlpool; eddy.⁵
酒涡[酒渦] or 酒窝[酒窩] diū-vö jiǔwō dimple.¹⁰
水涡[水渦] suī-vö
shuǐwō eddies of water.⁵
涡虫[渦蟲] vö-chũng
wōchóng turbellarian worm.⁸
涡流[渦流] vö-liũ
wōliú whirling fluid; eddy.¹
涡轮[渦輪] vö-lũn
wōlún turbine.⁵
涡轮机[渦輪機] vö-lũn-gï
wōlúnjī turbine.⁵
<又> gö. (See 渦 gö.)
vo2 15006
116 13 nest; hole, indention; den.⁸ (variant: 窼 vö ).
不落窠臼 būt-lòk-vö-giù
bùluòkējiù not follow the beaten track; have an original style.¹⁰ show originality; be unconventional.⁵⁴
擘窠 mäk-vö
bòkē <wr.> technique of writing huge characters.⁵⁴
窠巢 vö-chão
kēcháo nest.⁸
窠臼 vö-giü
kējiù old rut; set pattern.⁸
燕子衔泥筑窠[燕子銜泥築窠] yên-dū-hẽim-nãi-jūk-vö
or yên-dū-hãm-nãi-jūk-vö yànzixiánnízhùkē Swallows carry bits of earth in their bills to build nests.⁵
(See 窼 vö).
vo2 15007
116 13 nest; cave, den; hiding place.⁸ (variant: 䆧 vö). (See 䆧 vö).
鸟窝[鳥窩] nêl-vö
niǎowō bird's nest.⁶
窝集[窩集] vö-dàp
wōjí a jungle swampy area in Heilongjiang, Jilin, etc.⁷
窝子[窩子] vö-dū
wōzi lair; den; stronghold.¹⁰
窝眍眼[窩瞘眼] vö-ëo-ngān
or vö-këo-ngān wōkōuyǎn <topo.> sunken/hollow eyes.⁶
窝家[窩家] vö-gä
wōjiā a house where stolen goods are hidden.⁷
窝工[窩工] vö-güng
wōgōng enforced idleness due to poor organization of work.⁵
窝逃[窩逃] vö-hão
wōtáo to harbor a wanted criminal.⁷
窝头[窩頭] vö-hẽo
wōtóu steamed corn bread.¹⁹
窝主[窩主] vö-jī
wōzhǔ a person who harbors criminals, loot or contraband goods.⁵
窝儿[窩兒] vö-ngĩ
wōr a place one occupies; cave; pit.⁷
窝囊[窩囊] vö-nõng
wōnang feel vexed, be annoyed; good-for-nothing; hopelessly stupid.⁵
窝囊废[窩囊廢] vö-nõng-fī
wōnangfèi a worthless wretch.⁷
窝脓[窩膿] vö-nũng
wōnóng to suppurate.⁷
窝棚[窩棚] vö-pãng
wōpeng shack; shed; shanty.⁵
窝藏[窩藏] vö-tõng
wōcáng harbor; shelter.⁵
窝心[窩心] vö-xïm
wōxīn <topo.> depressed/dejected after being wronged/offended; vexed as forced to bottle up one's grievances.⁶
vo2 15008
116 13 (=窝[窩] vö nest; cave, den; hiding place.⁸); a cave, a den; living quarters, a house; to hide, to harbor.⁸
(composition: ⿱穴委; U+41A7).
(See 窩 vö).
vo2 15009
116 16 (<old>=窠 vö ) nest; hole, indention; den.⁸
(See 窠 vö; 窼 chão).
vo2 15010
140 11 lettuce.¹⁰
莴苣[萵苣] vö-guì wōju lettuce (Lactuca sativa).¹⁰
莴笋[萵筍] vö-xūn
wōsǔn Chinese lettuce; celtuce; asparagus lettuce; celery lettuce; stem lettuce.¹⁰
莴笋花[萵筍花] vö-xūn-fä
wōsǔnhuā Costus lacerus.²⁰
Note: Celtuce
(Lactuca sativa var. asparagina, augustana, or angustata), also called stem lettuce, celery lettuce, asparagus lettuce, or Chinese lettuce is a cultivar of lettuce grown primarily for its thick stem, used as a vegetable. It is especially popular in China, and is called wosun 莴笋[萵筍] vö-xūn wōsǔn or woju 莴苣[萵苣] vö-guì wōjù (although the latter name may also be used to mean lettuce in general).¹⁵
vo2 15011
142 14 a snail.⁷
蜗角[蝸角] vö-gök wōjiǎo antenna of a snail – very small.⁶
蜗角虚名[蝸角虛名] vö-gök-huï-mẽin
wōjiǎoxūmíng have a small but undeserved fame.⁶ strive for an empty reputation.⁷
蜗杆[蝸桿] vö-gön
wōgǎn <mach.> worm.⁵
蜗杆轴[蝸桿軸] vö-gön-jùk
wōgǎnzhóu worm shaft.⁵
蜗居[蝸居] vö-guï
wōjū (my) humble abode.⁷
蜗行牛步[蝸行牛步] vö-hãng-ngẽo-bù
wōxíngniúbù move at a snail's pace – move very slowly.⁶
蜗髫[蝸髫] vö-hẽl
wōtiáo snaillike hair style of a child (in former times).⁷
蜗庐[蝸廬] vö-lũ
wōlú a cottage; a simple dwelling.⁷
蜗轮[蝸輪] vö-lũn
wōlún <mach.> a worm gear/wheel.⁷
蜗牛[蝸牛] vö-ngẽo
wōniú a snail.⁷
蜗舍[蝸舍] vö-sëh
wōshè a cottage; a simple dwelling.⁷
蜗旋[蝸旋] vö-xũn
wōxuán to spiral.⁶
蜗篆[蝸篆] vö-xùn
wōzhuàn the track of a snail.⁷
vo2 15012
157 15 sprain (one's ankle or wrist); strain.⁵ to slip and sprain a limb.¹⁴ fracture; stamp; wandering arthritis.²³
踒脚[踒腳] vö-gëk wōjiǎo to sprain the ankle.¹⁴
踒腿 vö-huī
wōtuǐ to wrench the leg.¹⁴
踒折了 vö-jēt-lēl
wōshéle bent and broken.¹⁴
vo2 15013
167 16 guō pot; frying pan; wok.
(variants: 𩰬❄{⿳一⿰口㐄⿵冂⿱丷丅} vö; 𩰫❄{⿰鬲㐄} vö).
电饭锅[電飯鍋] èin-fàn-vö
diànfànguō electric rice cooker.
快锅[快鍋] fäi-vö
kuàiguō a digester; a pressure cooker.⁷
日本式火锅[日本式火鍋] Ngìt-bōn-sēik-fō-vö
Rìběnshì huǒguō sukiyaki.
锅巴[鍋巴] vö-bä
guōbā (=<台> 㶶[燶] nûng/ nóng q.v.) (burnt) rice crust (on the pot); crispy rice crust.⁶
锅铲[鍋鏟] vö-chān
guōchǎn spatula.
锅盔[鍋盔] vö-föi
or vö-kï guōkuī a small wheat cake.¹¹
锅盖[鍋蓋] vö-gôi
guōgài pot cover.
锅贴[鍋貼] vö-hëp
guōtiē lightly fried dumpling; pot-stickers.
锅耳[鍋耳] vö-ngī
guō'ěr ears/handles of a wok.
回锅[回鍋] või-vö
huíguō to cook again; to rewarm food.¹⁰
<又> vôk.
(See 鍋 vôk; 鑊 vôk; 𩰬❄{⿳一⿰口㐄⿵冂⿱丷丅} vö; 𩰫❄{⿰鬲㐄} vö).
vo2 15014
193 13 𩰬
guō (=锅[鍋] vö guō pot; frying pan; wok.).⁸
(composition: ⿳一⿰口㐄⿵冂⿱丷丅; U+29C2C).
<又> vāi.
(See 鍋 vö; 𩰬❄{⿳一⿰口㐄⿵冂⿱丷丅} vāi; 𩰫❄{⿰鬲㐄} vö).
vo2 15015
193 13 𩰫
guō (=锅[鍋] vö guō pot; frying pan; wok.); famous earthen pot or cauldron during the Qin Dynasty.⁸ an earthen pot.²⁵
(composition: ⿰鬲㐄; U+29C2B).
(See 鍋 vö; 𩰬❄{⿳一⿰口㐄⿵冂⿱丷丅} vö).
vo2 15016
9 10 (=和 võ hè) harmony, peace; peaceful, calm.³⁶
vo3 15017
30 8 gentle, mild, kind; harmonious, on good terms; peace; draw, tie; together with; and; <math> sum; He surname.⁵ (variants: 龢咊惒訸 võ). (See 和 vò, vö, gô, vũ; 龢咊惒訸 võ).
和风细雨[和風細雨] võ-füng-xäi-yî
héfēngxìyǔ like a gentle breeze and a mild rain – in a gentle and mild way.⁵
和解 võ-gāi
héjiě become reconciled.⁵
和局 võ-gùk
héjú drawn game, draw, tie.⁵
和谐[和諧] võ-hãi
héxié harmonious.⁵
和气[和氣] võ-hï
héqi gentle; kind; polite; amiable.⁵
和睦 võ-mùk
hémù harmony; concord; amity.⁵
和颜悦色[和顏悅色] võ-ngãn-yòt-sēik
héyányuèsè act or speak with a genial smile; cheerful, amiable manners.¹¹
和蔼[和藹] võ-ōi
hé'ǎi kindly; affable; amiable.⁵
和平 võ-pẽin
hépíng peace; mild.⁵
和平鸽[和平鴿] võ-pẽin-âp
hépínggē peace dove.⁸
和平主义者[和平主義者] võ-pẽin-jī-ngì-jēh
hépíng-zhǔyìzhě pacifist.⁹
和声[和聲] võ-sëin
héshēng <mus.> harmony.⁵
和尚 võ-sěng/
héshang Buddhist monk.⁵
和数[和數] võ-sü
héshù <math.> sum; summation.⁶
和会[和會] võ-vòi
héhuì peace conference.⁵
和约[和約] võ-yēk
héyuē peace treaty.⁵
和悦[和悅] võ-yòt
héyuè kindly; affable; amiable.⁶
vo3 15018
30 8 (<old>=和 võ gentle, mild, kind; harmonious, on good terms; peace; draw, tie; together with; and.⁵).⁸
(composition: ⿰口禾; U+548A).
(See 和 võ).
vo3 15019
30 8 (<old>=禾 võ standing grain; cereal seedlings.⁶ grain still on stalk; rice plant.⁸ (in general) grain.¹¹).⁸
t: ⿵冎口; U+54BC). (comp. s: ⿱口内; U+5459).
<又> gā; gö; vāi; vô.
(See 咼 gā; 咼 gö; 咼 vāi; 咼 vô).
vo3 15020
30 11 obedient; compliant; the crying of a child.²ʼ²⁴ (Cant.) final particle expressing surprise.⁸
(composition: ⿰口和; U+555D).
vo3 15021
61 12 (demotic form for the character 和 võ gentle, mild, kind; harmonious, on good terms; peace; draw, tie; together with; and.⁵).²
(composition: ⿱和心; U+60D2).
(See 和 võ).
vo3 15022
115 5 Kangxi radical 115; grain still on stalk; rice plant.⁸ standing grain; cereal seedlings.⁶ grain (in general).¹¹
禾本科 võ-bōn-fö  héběnkē <bot.> grass family.⁶
禾场[禾場] võ-chẽng
hécháng <topo.> threshing ground.⁶
禾虫[禾蟲] võ-chũng
héchóng (<学名>: 疣吻沙蚕[疣吻沙蠶] yiũ-mêin-sâ-tâm yóuwěnshācán ragworm Tylorrhynchus heterochaetus).¹⁹ʼ²³
禾秆[禾稈] võ-gōn
hégǎn straw.⁸
禾苗 võ-mẽl
hémiáo seedling (of rice or other grain).¹⁰
禾黍 võ-sī
héshǔ millet, corn.⁵⁴
禾菽 võ-sùk
héshū rice and beans.¹¹
禾草 võ-tāo
hécǎo grass.⁸
<台> 禾 võ grown rice plants.
<台> 禾雀仔 võ-dēk-dōi sparrow.
<台> 禾秆草[禾稈草] võ-gōn-tāo straw (of the rice plant).
<台> 禾苔 võ-hõi/ a rice pastry rolled by hand into needle-shape and pointed at both ends. In Cantonese it is called 银针粉[銀針粉] ngãn-jïm-fūn silver needle noodle.
<台> 禾镰[禾鐮] võ-lẽm sickle.
<台> 禾促 võ-tūk (farm implement) fork.
<台> 禾蝇[禾蠅] võ-yẽin/ fly.
vo3 15023
149 12 (<old>=和 võ harmonious).⁸
(composition: ⿰訁禾; U+8A38).
(See 和 võ).
vo3 15024
214 21 (<old>=和 võ ) harmonious; peaceful.⁷
(composition: ⿰龠禾; U+9FA2).
(See 和 võ).
vo3 15025
30 8 join in the singing; echo what others say, chime in with others; compose a poem in reply (to somebody's poem).⁶
(variant: 咊 vò ).
奉和一首 fùng-vò-yīt-siū
fènghèyīshǒu write a poem in reply (to one sent by a friend, using the same rhyme sequence).⁵
曲高和寡 kūk-gäo-vò-gā
qǔgāohèguǎ highbrow songs find few singers – be so highbrow that few people can enjoy or understand.⁶
随声附和[隨聲附和] tuĩ-sëin-fù-vò
suíshēngfùhè chime in with others; echo what others say; follow in the cry.⁶
和诗[和詩] vò-sï
hèshī compose a poem in reply (one person writing a poem and another writing one in reply, both using the same rhyme scheme); poems exchanged in this way.⁶
和诗一首[和詩一首] vò-sï-yīt-siū
hèshīyīshǒu write a poem using the same rhyme-words (as the one written by another poet).³⁹
一唱百和 yī-chëng-bāk-vò
yīchàngbǎihè when one starts singing, all the others join in – meet with general approval.⁶
(See 和 võ, vö, gô, vũ; 咊 vò).
vo4 15026
30 8 (<old>=和 vò join in the singing; echo what others say, chime in with others; compose a poem in reply (to somebody's poem).⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿰口禾; U+548A).
(See 和 vò).
vo4 15027
30 15 bo (Cant.) emphatic final particle.⁸ (Cant.) final particle used to assert something; (Cant.) final particle used to express strong appreciation and/or praise.³⁶
(composition: ⿰口番; U+5643).
<又> fän. (See 噃 fän).
vo4 15028
85 11 dirty; soil; foul; to dye.⁸ to pollute; make dirty.⁹ to soil.¹⁰ bespattered with dew.²⁴ defile; smear; stain.²⁹ to soil; to dye.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵宛; U+6DB4).
激涴 gēik-vò jīwò bespatter.¹⁹
霑涴 jëm-vò
zhānwò stained; dirty.¹⁹
涴漫 vò-màn
wòmàn dirt scattered all over the place..¹⁹
涴染 vò-wǎn
wòrǎn pollute; contaminate.¹⁹
<又> vōn; yön.
(See 涴 vōn; 涴 yön).
vo4 15029
113 8 huò (=祸[禍] vò huò misfortune, disaster, calamity; bring disaster upon, ruin.⁵); calamity; disaster; evil; misfortune.⁸
(composition: ⿰礻戈; U+4100).
(See 禍 vò).
vo4 15030
113 12 huò misfortune, disaster, calamity; bring disaster upon, ruin.⁵
(variant: 䄀 vò huò). (See 䄀 vò).
包藏祸心[包藏禍心] bäo-tõng-vò-xïm
bāocánghuòxīn harbor evil intentions (or malicious intent).⁵
祸不单行[禍不單行] vò-būt-än-hãng
huòbùdānxíng misfortunes never come singly.⁸
祸根[禍根] vò-gïn
huògēn the root of the trouble; the cause of ruin; bane.⁵
祸国殃民[禍國殃民] vò-gōk-yëng-mĩn
huòguóyāngmín bring calamity to the country and the people.⁵
祸起萧墙[禍起蕭牆] vò-hī-xël-tẽng
huòqǐxiāoqiáng trouble arises within the family; there is internal strife afoot.⁵
祸胎[禍胎] vò-höi
huòtāi the cause of the disaster.⁵
祸害[禍害] vò-hòi
huòhai to injure (people, country).¹¹
祸害[禍害] vò-hòi
huòhài disaster, evil.¹¹
祸乱[禍亂] vò-lòn
huòluàn calamity; disaster; scourge.⁸
祸端[禍端] vò-ön
huòduān <wr.> the source of the disaster; the cause of ruin.⁵
祸首[禍首] vò-siū
huòshǒu chief culprit (or offender).⁵
祸患[禍患] vò-vàn
huòhuàn disaster; calamity.⁵
祸心[禍心] vò-xïm
huòxīn evil intent.⁵
祸事[禍事] vò-xù
huòshì disaster; calamity; mishap.⁵
祸殃[禍殃] vò-yëng
huòyāng disaster; calamity; scourge.⁶
vo4 15031
30 8 (comp. t: ⿵冎口; U+54BC). (comp. s: ⿱口内; U+5459).
呙堕髻[咼墮髻] vô-ò-gâi
wāiduòjì An ancient hairstyle for women, the bun is bent to the front of the forehead, which seems to be falling but not falling; it is a fashionable hairstyle popular in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. (from https://www.baike.com/)
呙堕[咼墮] vô-ò
wǒduò oblique hanging, such as "呙呙髻[咼咼髻 vô-vô-gâi wǒwǒjì" (an ancient women's slanting hairstyle).⁸
<又> gā; gö; vāi; võ.
(See 咼 gā; 咼 gö; 咼 vāi; 咼 võ).
vo5 15032
118 14 a large ( about 7 ft)  shallow (about 1 inch) bamboo container to dry rice (with husk) in the sun, mainly used in the South where rain is more prevalent and these containers can be carried inside quickly before they get wet from the rain.⁰ʼ⁹⁸
(composition: ⿱𥫗咼; U+4211).
<又> gā. (See 䈑 gā).
vo5 15033
86 13 vöi wēi cook over a slow fire, stew, simmer; roast (sweet potatoes) in fresh cinders.⁵
煨白薯 vöi-bàk-sĩ or vï-bàk-sĩ wēibáishǔ roast sweet potatoes in fresh cinders.⁶
煨板栗 vöi-bān-lùt
or vï-bān-lùt wēibǎnlì roast chestnuts in fresh cinders.⁶
煨烬[煨燼] vöi-dìn
or vï-dìn wēijìn ashes.¹¹
煨鸡[煨雞] vöi-gäi
or vï-gäi wēijī to cook chicken by slow fire.¹¹
煨干避湿[煨乾避濕] vöi-gön-bì-sīp
or vï-gön-bì-sīp wēigānbìshī lit. to sleep on a bed sheet wet by a child and let the child sleep where the sheet is dry – the loving care a mother gives to her child.⁷
煨烤 vï-häo
or vöi-häo wēikǎo roast.⁸
煨热[煨熱] vöi-ngèik
or vï-ngèik wēirè very intimate.⁸
煨牛肉 vöi-ngẽo-ngùk
or vï-ngẽo-ngùk wēiniúròu stewed beef.⁵
煨肉 vöi-ngùk
or vï-ngùk wēiròu to stew meat.⁷
<又> vï.
(See 煨 vï.)
voi2 15034
115 18 vöi huì (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 秽[穢] vï huì with same meaning: dirty; ugly, adominable.⁵ dirty, unclean; immoral, obscene.⁸)
<又> vï.
(See 穢 vï.)
voi2 15035
9 8 või huái hesitate.⁸ irresolute; to move back and forth.¹⁰ irresolute.²⁴
徘佪 pãi-või páihuái undetermined.²⁴
儃佪 sẽm-või
chánhuái (=徘徊 pãi-või páihuái) hang about, pace up and down; hesitate; teeter on.⁸
(See 佪[või, huí].)
voi3 15036
9 8 või huí (<old>=回 või huí) return, turn around; a time.⁸
(See 回 või; 佪[või, huái].)
voi3 15037
31 5 või huí (=回 või huí to circle; to go back; to turn around; to answer; to return; to revolve; Hui ethnic group; time; measure word for acts of a play; section or chapter (of a classic book).¹⁰).
(composition: ⿵冂巳; U+56D8).
(See 回 või).
voi3 15038
31 6 või huí to circle; to go back; to turn around; to answer; to return; to revolve; Hui ethnic group; time; measure word for acts of a play; section or chapter (of a classic book).¹⁰
(composition: ⿴囗口; U+56DE). (variants: 囘,囬 või).
回答 või-āp huídá to reply; to answer; the answer.¹⁰
回族 või-dùk
huízú the Hui nationality.⁸
回家 või-gä
huíjiā to return home.¹⁰
回击[回擊] või-gēik
huíjī to counterattack.⁹
回头[回頭] või-hẽo
huítóu to turn round; to turn one's head; later; by and by.¹⁰
回去 või-huï
huíqu to return; to go back.¹⁰
回礼[回禮] või-lâi
huílǐ give a gift in return; return a salute.⁹
回来[回來] või-lõi
huílai to return; to come back.¹⁰
回文 või-mũn
huíwén Moslem language.¹¹
回锅[回鍋] või-vö
huíguō to cook again; to rewarm food.¹⁰
回心 või-xïm
huíxīn to soften determination.¹¹
回心转意[回心轉意] või-xïm-jōn-yï
huíxīnzhuǎnyì to change one's mind and come back (to former relation).¹¹
回信 või-xïn
huíxìn to reply; to write back; letter written in reply.¹⁰
回溯 või-xü
huísù recall, look back upon.⁵
回忆[回憶] või-yēik
huíyì to recall; memories.¹⁰
(See 迴 või; 徊 [või, huí]; 囘 või; 囬 囘).
voi3 15039
31 7 või huí (=回 või huí to circle; to go back; to turn around; to answer; to return; to revolve; Hui ethnic group; time; measure word for acts of a play; section or chapter (of a classic book).¹⁰).
(composition: ⿴囗ㅒ; U+56EC). (Note: ㅒ(yae, U+3152), a vowel of the alphabet of the Korean writing system, hangeul.)
(See 回 või).
voi3 15040
54 8 või huí (=迴 või huí) to turn, to rotate, to revolve; to zigzag, to wind; to return.⁷ to bend around and return; to revolve; interchangeable with 回 või huí).¹⁴
(composition: ⿺廴回; U+5EFB).
(See 迴 või.)
voi3 15041
54 9 või huí (=迴 või huí) return, turn around; a time.⁸
(composition: ⿺廴囬; U+5EFD).
(See 迴 või.)
voi3 15042
60 9 või huái hesitating, irresolute, indecisive; to move to and fro, to walk around.⁷
不要徘徊 būt-yël-pãi-või bùyào páihuái do not loiter.¹⁰
徘徊 pãi-või
páihuái to linger, to walk to and fro, to move around without purpose; hesitating, irresolute; to fluctuate.⁷
徘徊街头[徘徊街頭] pãi-või-gâi-hẽo
páihuáijiētóu to roam the streets; to wander about/up and down the streets.⁶
徘徊观望[徘徊觀望] pãi-või-gön-mòng
páihuáiguānwàng to take an observer's seat; to see but cannot make up one's mind; to wait and see; to wait for the dust to settle.⁷
徘徊歧路 pãi-või-kĩ-lù
páihuáiqílù to linger around the wrong (or evil) path; to hesitate at the crossroads.⁷
徘徊流连[徘徊流連] pãi-või-liũ-lẽin
páihuái liúlián to walk to and fro hesitatingly with reluctance to leave.⁷
(See 徊 [või, huí].)
voi3 15043
60 9 või huí (=回 või huí) to linger.⁹
or 低回 äi-või dīhuí <wr.> to pace up and down; to linger, to be reluctant/unwilling to leave/part; to undulate.⁶
徊徊徨徨 või-või-võng-võng
huíhuíhuánghuáng irresolute; hesitating; going backwards and forwards.¹⁴
(See 回 või; 徊[või, huái].)
voi3 15044
61 9 või huí disordered; indistinct; doubtful; blurred.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰忄回; U+605B).
恛恛 või-või huíhuí dazed and confused; befuddled; decrepit and muddleheaded.¹⁹
恛惶 või-võng
huíhuáng terrified with fear and not at peace with an unsteady state of mind.¹⁹
voi3 15045
85 9 või huí (of water:) to whirl, churn about.¹¹
洄洑 või-fùk huífú eddy, whirlpool; to churn about.¹¹
洄澜[洄瀾] või-lãn
huílán eddy.¹¹
洄游 või-yiũ
huíyóu (of fish) to migrate.¹⁰
潆洄[瀠洄] yẽin-või
yínghuí (of current) swirl.⁶
沿洄 yõn-või
yánhuí to go with the stream.¹⁰
voi3 15046
104 11 või huí (<old>=蛔 või huí) an ascarid; a roundworm.⁷
(See 蛔 või).
voi3 15047
140 9 või huí fennel; aniseed or anise seed.
大茴香 ài-või-hëng dàhuíxiāng <bot.> anise; star anise; Chinese anise.⁹
八角茴香 bāt-gōk-või-hëng
bājiǎohuíxiāng An evergreen small tree that has red flowers in early summer; the fruit of this tree, which is brown, has eight radiating segments, and emits a strong spicy smell; also called 大茴香 ài-või-hëng and 八角 bāt-gōk.⁹  In a general sense, it means "spice."
茴香 või-hëng
huíxiāng fennel (Foeniculum vulgare).¹⁰
小茴香 xēl-või-hëng
xiǎohuíxiāng cumin.⁹ sweet fennel.¹¹
voi3 15048
142 10 või huí (=蛔 või huí) an ascarid; a roundworm.⁷
(See 蛔 või).
voi3 15049
142 12 või huí an ascarid; a roundworm.⁷ (variants: 蚘, 蜖,  蛕, 痐 või huí).
蛔虫[蛔蟲] või-chũng
huíchóng roundworm; ascarid.⁵
蛔虫病[蛔蟲病] või-chũng-bèng
huíchóngbìng roundworm disease; ascariasis.⁶
蛔虫感染[蛔蟲感染] või-chũng-gām-ngêm
huíchóng gǎnrǎn roundworm infection.⁶
(See 蚘 või; 蜖 või;  蛕 või; 痐 või).
voi3 15050
142 12 või huí (<old>=蛔 või huí) an ascarid; a roundworm.⁷
(See 蛔 või).
voi3 15051
142 13 või huí (=蛔 või huí) an ascarid; a roundworm.⁷
(See 蛔 või).
voi3 15052
162 9 või huí to turn, to rotate, to revolve; to zigzag, to wind; to return.⁷ to bend around and return; to revolve; interchangeable with 回 või huí).¹⁴
(variants: 逥, 廻, 廽 või
t: ⿺辶回; U+8FF4). (comp. s: ⿴囗口; U+56DE).
轮回[輪迴] lũn-või
lúnhuí to recur successfully, to move in a cycle; transmigration (of the soul); metempsychosis; <Budd.> samsara – the process of coming into existence as a differentiated, mortal creature.⁷
巡回[巡迴] tũn-või
xúnhuí to go around; to roam.¹⁰
回避[迴避] või-bì
huíbì to shun; to avoid (somebody); to skirt; to evade (an issue); to step back; to withdraw; to recuse (a judge).¹⁰
回廊[迴廊] või-lõng
huíláng winding corridor.⁷
回文[迴文] või-mũn
huíwén a palindrome.⁷
回文诗[迴文詩] või-mũn-sï
huíwénshī palindromic verses.⁷
回旋[迴旋] või-xũn
huíxuán to turn round and round, to circle.⁷
迂回[迂迴] yï-või
or huï-või yūhuí twisty, circuitous (road); <mil.> detouring tactics; flanking tactics.⁷
(See 回 või; 逥, 廻, 廽 või).
voi3 15053
162 10 või huí (=迴 või huí to turn, to rotate, to revolve; to zigzag, to wind; to return.⁷); return, turn around; a time.⁸
(composition: ⿺辶囬; U+9025).
(See 迴 või.)
voi3 15054
22 13 vòi huì waters converging to one spot; whirling waters.¹⁴ to advance money; to remit; a bank draft; a letter of credit.¹⁴
汇单[匯單] vòi-än huìdān or 汇票[匯票] vòi-pêl huìpiào money-order; a draft; letter of credit; bill of exchange.
汇集[匯集] vòi-dàp
huìjí to gather in one place; to converge; to collect.⁷
汇集[彙集] vòi-dàp
huìjí to collect (materials, data).⁷
汇费[匯費] vòi-fï
huìfèi remittance fee.
汇付[匯付] vòi-fù
huìfù to pay to....
汇款[匯款] vòi-fōn
huìkuǎn to remit money; remittance.
汇成[匯成] vòi-sẽin
huìchéng to join together to form something.
汇兑[匯兌] vòi-uï
huìduì (commerce) exchange; the transfer of funds; remittance.⁷
(汇 is the simplified form for 匯
or 彙 vòi huì.)
voi4 15055
58 12 𢑥 vòi huì (=汇[彙] vòi huì) to gather, to assemble; collection, class, category; <old> hedgehog 猬[蝟] vì wèi.³⁶
(composition: ⿳彑{without bottom stroke}冖果; U+22465).
Four variants of 汇[彙] vòi: ➀彚, ➁𢑥, ➂⿳彐冖束(U+22464, ➃⿳日冖果(U+23270).
(See 彙 vòi; 彚 vòi).
voi4 15056
58 13 vòi huì to gather, to assemble; collection, class, category; <old> hedgehog.³⁶
(composition t: ⿳彑冖果; U+5F59). (composition s: ⿰氵匚; U+6C47). (汇 is the simplified form for 彙 or 匯 vòi huì.) Four variants of 汇[彙] vòi: ➀彚 ➁𢑥 ➂⿳彐冖束(U+22464 ➃⿳日冖果(U+23270).
字彙 dù-vòi
zìhuì Zìhuì, the 1615 Chinese dictionary that introduced the 214-radical system and the radical-and-stroke sorting method, containing 33179 characters.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
字汇[字彙] dù-vòi
zìhuì (=语汇[語彙] nguî-vòi; =词汇[詞彙] xũ-vòi) glossary; wordbook; lexicon.⁵ <linguistics, semantics> vocabulary; lexicon.³⁶
or 会报[會報] vòi-bäo huìbào report; to give an account of; to collect information and report.
汇集[彙集] vòi-dàp
huìjí to gather.³⁶
汇解[彙解] vòi-gāi
huìjiě a collection of opinions, for expounding a book.
汇整[彙整] vòi-jēin
huìzhěng archive; to archive.³⁶
汇编[彙編] vòi-pëin
huìbiān compile, collect and edit; compilation, collection, corpus; assembly.⁶
or 辞汇[辭彙] xũ-vòi cíhuì (=字汇[字彙] dù-vòi; =语汇[語彙] nguî-vòi) vocabulary; words and phrases.⁸ <linguistics, semantics> vocabulary; lexicon.³⁶
词汇学[詞彙學] xũ-vòi-hòk
cíhuìxué <ling.> lexicology.³⁶
(See 彚 vòi; 𢑥 vòi).
voi4 15057
58 13 vòi huì (=汇[彙] vòi huì) to gather, to assemble; collection, class, category; <old> hedgehog 猬[蝟] vì wèi.³⁶
(composition: ⿳彐冖果; U+5F5A).
Four variants of 汇[彙] vòi: ➀彚, ➁𢑥, ➂
❄⿳彐冖束(U+22464,  ❄⿳日冖果(U+23270).
(See 彙 vòi; 𢑥 vòi).
voi4 15058
64 8 vòi kuǎi <topo.> to rub; to scratch.
㧟破[擓破] vòi-pö kuǎipò to break by scratching.
㧟痒痒儿[擓癢癢兒] vòi-yêng-yêng-ngĩ
kuǎiyǎngyangr to scratch an itchy spot.
voi4 15059
73 13 vòi huì to assemble, to meet together; a meeting; an organization; a moment.
会场[會場] vòi-chẽng huìchǎng meeting-place.¹⁰
会集[會集] vòi-dàp
huìjí to assemble; to gather together.⁷
会见[會見] vòi-gëin
huìjiàn to meet with (somebody who is paying a visit).
会晤[會晤] vòi-m̀
huìwù meet.⁵
会议[會議] vòi-ngì
huìyì conference.
会话[會話] vòi-và
huìhuà conversation.⁸
会意[會意] vòi-yï
huìyì to understand; to comprehend; to know; understanding; knowing; combined ideas; associative compounds (see 六书[六書] lùk-sï liùshū).
会员[會員] vòi-yõn
huìyuán member.⁸
韵会[韻會] vùn-vòi
yùnhuì or 古今韵会[古今韵会] vùn-vòi gū-gïm yùnhuì gǔ-jīn an exegesis of Chinese characters based on 說文解字, was written by 黃公紹 in 1292.
以文会友[以文會友] yî-mũn-vòi-yiû
yǐwénhuìyǒu to make friends through literary activities.
一会[一會] yīt-vòi
yīhuì a little while (for example: 一会哭一会笑[一會哭一會笑] yīt-vòi-hük-yīt-vòi-xël yīhuìkūyīhuìxiào cry one moment and laugh the next.)
<台> 会错意[會錯意] vòi-tö-yï to misunderstand.
<又> vôi.
(See 會 vôi, [vòi, huǐ], [vòi, kuài].)
voi4 15060
73 13 vòi huǐ 等会儿[等會兒] āng-vòi-ngĩ děnghuǐr to wait a while; to wait a minute.
会儿[會兒] vòi-ngĩ
huǐr <topo.> moment.
<又> vôi.
(See 會 vôi, [vòi, huì], [vòi, kuài].)
voi4 15061
73 13 vòi kuài to balance an account; accountancy; accounting.
财会[財會] tõi-vòi cáikuài finance and accounting.
会计[會計] vòi-gäi
kuàijì accounting.
<又> vôi.
(See 會 [vòi, huì], [vòi, huǐ], vôi.)
voi4 15062
85 16 vòi huì (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation of 濊 vï huì). <old>=秽[穢] vòi huì dirty; ugly, adominable.⁵ dirty, unclean; immoral, obscene.⁸); vast, expansive, deep; dirty.⁸ vast, expansive.¹⁴ vast expanse of water; profound thinking; ugly and dirty.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰氵歲; U+6FCA).
湛恩汪濊 jäm-yïn-vōng-vòi
or jäm-yïn-vōng-vï zhàn'ēnwānghuì Grace is deep and vast.¹ Favor bestowed upon by an Emperor is deep-seated and profound.¹⁹ʼ⁰
汪濊 vōng-vòi
or vōng-vï deep and wide; rich and numerous.²⁴
<又> vï; vì; köt.
(See 濊 vï; 濊 vì; 濊 köt; 穢 vï).
voi4 15063
86 17 vòi huì ragout, cook, braise.⁸
大杂烩[大雜燴] ài-dàp-vòi or ài-dàp-köi dàzáhuì hodgepodge; big mishmash.⁸
杂烩[雜燴] dàp-vòi
or dàp-köi záhuì a stew; fig. a disparate collection.¹⁰
烩饼[燴餅] vòi-bēng
or köi-bēng huìbǐng chopped flat bread that is stir-fried with vegetables.⁹
烩饭[燴飯] vòi-fàn
or köi-fàn huìfàn rice in gravy, typically with meat and vegetables.¹⁰
烩面[燴麵] vòi-mèin
or köi-mèin huìmiàn Henan braised noodles.⁹
<又> köi.
(See 燴 köi.)
voi4 15064
140 16 vòi huì luxuriant growth (of plants).
芦荟[蘆薈] lũ-vòi lúhuì <bot.> aloe.
人才荟萃[人才薈萃] ngĩn-tõi-vòi-xuì
réncáihuìcuì a galaxy of talent.
荟蔚[薈蔚] vòi-vï
huìwèi abundant (vegetation); massive (clouds).
荟萃[薈萃] vòi-xuì
huìcuì (of distinguished people or exquisite objects) to gather together; to assemble.⁹
荟萃一堂[薈萃一堂] vòi-xuì-yīt-hõng
huìcuìyītáng distinguished gathering in one place.
voi4 15065
73 13 vôi huì can; be possible; be able to; will; be likely to; be sure to; union; group; association.
能说会道[能說會道] nãng-sōt-vôi-ào néngshuōhuìdào can talk really well (idiom); to be a good talker.
会道门[會道門] vôi-ào-mõn
huì-dàomén superstitious sects and secret societies.
會做 vôi-dü
huìzuò can work.
<台> 识会[識會] sēik-vôi know (how to do something).
<又> vòi.
(See 會 [vòi, huì], [vòi, huǐ], [vòi, kuài].)
voi5 15066
18 15 vòk huō ➀ to slit or cut with a knife; ➁ (=耠 vòk or hàp huō) hoe.
劐开[劐開] vòk-höi
huōkāi to slit open.
vok4 15067
58 25 vòk huò (<old>=蒦 vòk huò) a scale; to weigh with a scale.⁹ a measure; to measure.²⁴
武士彟[武士彠] Mû Xù-vòk
Wǔ Shìhuò Wu Shihuo (559-635 CE), father of Tang empress Wu Zetian (武则天[武則天] Mû Dāk-hëin Wǔ Zétiān).¹⁰
(See 蒦 èik.)
vok4 15068
64 16 vòk huò ➀ wooden cage for trapping animals ➁ (=获[獲] vòk huò to capture, to catch.).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰扌蒦; U+64ED).
(See 獲 vòk).
vok4 15069
85 16 vòk huò <old> to cook; to boil; to pour in torrents; name of a river, and of a bird; <old> rainwater flowing down eaves; to rain profusely; water pouring down after a rain.¹¹ʼ¹⁴ʼ²⁴ʼ³⁶ʼ¹⁰²ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰氵蒦; U+6FE9).
溃濩[潰濩] gì-vòk kuìhuò waves dashing against each other.²⁵ dashing and rolling, as a torrent.¹⁰²
是刈是濩 sì-ngài-sì-vòk
shìyìshìhuò I will cut them and boil them (leaves).⁵⁴
Vĩ-yêp-mòk-mòk, sì-ngài-sì-vòk.
Wéi yè mò mò, shì yì shì huò.
Its leaves were luxuriant and dense.
I cut it and I boiled it.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·周南·葛覃·2》, translated by James Legge).
濩落 vòk-lòk
huòluò <lit.> vast and empty; <lit.> entirely useless; <lit.> destitute; frustrated.³⁶
蠖濩 vòk-vòk
huòhuò a house with deep recesses.²⁵
<又> vù.
(See 濩 vù).
vok4 15070
94 16 vòk huò capture, catch.
捕获[捕獲] bù-vòk bǔhuò to succeed in catching (thieves, booty).¹¹
不劳而获[不勞而獲] būt-lão-ngĩ-vòk
bùláo'érhuò to reap without sowing; to profit by other people's toil.⁹ to gain results without working for them.¹¹
諸葛亮七擒孟獲 Jï-gōt Lèng tīt kĩm Màng Vòk
Zhūgě Liàng qī qín Mèng Huò (short form: 七擒七放 tīt-kĩm-tīt-föng qīqínqīfàng) Zhuge Liang subjugated Meng Huo, a native chief by capturing him and releasing him seven times.¹¹
获得[獲得] vòk-āk
huòdé to gain; to obtain; to acquire; to attain; to achieve.
获胜[獲勝] vòk-sëin
huòshèng to win victory; to be victorious; to triumph.⁸
(The simplified form 获 vòk is used for both 獲 and 穫, q.v.)
vok4 15071
111 18 vòk yuē <wr.> yardstick; measure; scale.⁶ measure, standard, criterion.⁸
矩矱 guī-vòk jǔyuē <wr.> rules; regulations.⁶
准矱[準矱] jūn-vòk zhǔnyuē <wr.> standard of conduct.⁵⁴
vok4 15072
115 18 vòk huò to reap or harvest; to cut grain.⁷
耕获[耕穫] gäng-vòk gēnghuò farm products.¹
刈获[刈穫] ngài-vòk
yìhuò to reap.¹⁴
收获[收穫] siü-vòk
shōuhuò to harvest; to reap; to gain; crop; harvest; profit; gain; bonus; reward.¹⁰
永续收获[永續收穫] vêin-dùk-siü-vòk
yǒngxù shōuhuò sustained yield.¹
获月[穫月] vòk-ngùt
huòyuè harvest moon.¹⁹
意外收获[意外收穫] yï-ngòi-siü-vòk
yìwài shōuhuò godsend; windfall; unexpected gain.⁶
一分耕耘,一分收获[一分耕耘,一分收穫] yīt-fün-gäng-vũn, yīt-fün-siü-vòk
yīfēngēngyún, yīfēnshōuhuò better plowing and weeding results in better crops – no pains, no gains; no gains without pains; as a man sows, so he shall reap.⁶
(The simplified form 获 vòk is used for both 穫 and 獲, q.v.)
vok4 15073
127 12 vòk huō (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 耠 hàp huō with same meaning.)
<又> hàp.
(See 耠 hàp.)
vok4 15074
140 13 vòk huò standard; law.⁸ phonetic component in certain characters with sound huò, as in 护[護], 获[獲], 获[穫], 劐, 蠖, 镬[鑊].¹⁰ to measure; to calculate.¹⁴ the name of a plant; a foot measure.²⁵ (variant: 彟[彠] vòk huò.)
蒦矩 vòk-guī
huòjǔ yardstick, measure, scale; law, moral standard.⁸
(See 彠 èik.)
vok4 15075
142 19 vòk huò inch-worm; looper caterpiller.⁸
尺蠖 chêk-vòk chǐhuò looper; inchworm; geometer; larva of moth in family Geometridae.  looper caterpillar; symbolic of yielding before advance.¹¹
蠖屈 vòk-vūt
or vòk-kūt huòqū humble oneself temporarily.⁵⁴
温蠖[溫蠖] vün-vòk
wēnhuò dirt.²⁹
vok4 15076
167 16 vôk guō <台> 锅[鍋] vôk wok; pot; frying pan.
<台> 锅铲[鍋鏟] vôk-chān the same as <台> 锅脷[鍋脷] vôk-lì/ spatula.
<台> 锅脷[鍋脷] vôk-lì/ spatula. (See <台> 镬脷[鑊脷] vôk-lì/ spatula.)
<又> vö.
(See 鍋 vö; 鑊 vôk.)
vok5 15077
167 21 vôk huò <topo.> pot, pan, boiler; <trad.> huge pot, cauldron.⁶ a cauldron for cooking (used mostly in ancient times).⁷  caldron, the common wok; (=northern 锅[鍋] vö guō).⁰
鼎镬[鼎鑊] ēin-vôk
dǐnghuò cauldron (without legs); <wr.> punishment by boiling alive..¹¹
斧锯鼎镬[斧鋸鼎鑊] fū-guï-ēin-vôk
fǔjùdǐnghuò hatchet, saw, tripod and cauldron (ancient instruments of torture).⁶
斧镬[斧鑊] fū-vôk
fǔhuò punishment by ax and boiling cauldron.¹¹
镬烹[鑊烹] vôk-päng
huòpēng (an ancient instrument) to cook a criminal in a cauldron.⁷
<台> 揭镬盖[揭鑊蓋] këik-vôk-gôi to lift the wok cover.
<台> 镬[鑊] vôk wok.
<台> 镬铲[鑊鏟] vôk-chān spatula (usually made of steel or stainless steel).
<台> 镬盖[鑊蓋] vôk-gôi a cover for a wok.
<台> 镬头[鑊頭] vôk-hẽo wok.
<台> 镬气[鑊氣] vôk-hï wok essence, state of food after being tossed quickly in a wok over a high flame.
<台> 镬脷[鑊脷] vôk-lì/ spatula.
<台> 镬镬罉罉[鑊鑊罉罉] vôk-vôk-chäng-chäng lit. woks and pots; fig. pots and pans.
(See 鍋 vôk.)
vok5 15078
18 10 vōn wān to cut out; to gouge out; to scoop out.
剜刀 vōn-äo wāndāo reamer.
剜根 vōn-gïn
wāngēn to dig up the root of; to find out the root reason.
剜空 vōn-hüng
wānkōng to gouge hollow.
剜肉补疮[剜肉補瘡] vōn-ngùk-bū-chông
wānròubǔchuāng lit. to cut out a piece of flesh to cure a boil; fig. to resort to a remedy worse than the ailment.
von1 15079
32 11 vōn wǎn (<old>=碗 vōn wǎn bowl.⁹); a bowl.⁸
(composition: ⿰土宛; U+57E6).
(See 碗 vōn; 埦[vōn, wān]).
von1 15080
32 11 vōn wān (=穴 yòt xué cave, den, hole; grave; <TCM> acupuncture point; acupoint.⁵).⁸
(composition: ⿰土宛; U+57E6).
(See 穴 yòt; 埦[vōn, wǎn]).
von1 15081
36 5 vōn wǎn an old type of gambling game using chess pieces.² delay; (=蜿蜒 vōn-yẽn wānyán (of snakes) wriggling; winding, zigzag, meandering.⁶ to stretch for miles; creeping, snaky; wriggly; to wriggle, to snake, to meander.⁷).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰夕㔾; U+5917).
夗专[夗專] vōn-jön
wǎnzhuān an ancient gambling game similar to playing chess.⁸ (See 簙 bōk).
<又> yön.
(See 夗 [vōn, yuàn]; 夗 [vōn, wān]; 夗 yön).
von1 15082
36 5 vōn wān (<old>=蜿 vōn wān to creep, to wriggle, to wind up.⁷ creep, crawl.⁸).⁸
(composition: ⿰夕㔾; U+5917).
<又> yön.
(See 夗 [vōn, yuàn]; 夗 [vōn, wǎn]; 夗 yön; 蜿 vōn).
von1 15083
36 5 vōn yuàn lying on one's side and bent; to turn over when asleep.⁸ to turn round, when sitting on a couch.²⁴ to turn over when asleep.¹⁴ʼ⁵⁴ to turn when lying down.¹⁰¹ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰夕㔾; U+5917).
<又> yön. (See 夗 [vōn, wǎn]; 夗 [vōn, wān]; 夗 yön).
von1 15084
38 11 vōn wǎn gentle, gracious, tactful; beautiful, graceful, elegant.⁵
婉谢[婉謝] vōn-dèh wǎnxiè to refuse politely.⁹
婉劝[婉勸] vōn-hün
wǎnquàn explain tactfully.¹¹
婉转[婉轉] vōn-jōn
wǎnzhuǎn mild and indirect, tactful; sweet and agreeable.⁵(See 宛转[宛轉] vōn-jōn wǎnzhuǎn.)
婉拒 vōn-kuî
wǎnjù excuse oneself from; decline politely.⁶
婉丽[婉麗] vōn-lài
wǎnlì beautiful; lovely.⁵
婉娈[婉孌] vōn-lũn
wǎnluán <wr.> young and handsome; blithe.¹¹
婉娈多姿[婉孌多姿] vōn-lũn-ü-dü
wǎnluánduōzī beauty with many countenances – young and beautiful.⁶
婉妙 vōn-mèl
wǎnmiào (of voice) sweet; soft.⁶
婉言 vōn-ngũn
wǎnyán gentle words; tactful expressions.⁵
婉商 vōn-sëng
wǎnshāng consult with somebody tactfully (or politely).⁵
婉顺[婉順] vōn-sùn (
or 娩顺[娩順] mân-sùn) wǎnshùn gentle; obliging; complaisant.⁸
婉辞[婉辭] vōn-xũ
wǎncí gentle words, euphemism; graciously decline; politely refuse.⁵
婉约[婉約] vōn-yēk
wǎnyuē <wr.> graceful and restrained.⁵
von1 15085
40 8 vōn wǎn winding, tortuous; <wr.> as if.⁵
(composition: ⿱宀夗; U+5B9B).
宛丘 Vōn-hiü Wǎnqiū Wanqiu was an ancient place name, also called 陈州[陳州] Chĩn-jiü Chénzhōu Chenzhou; it is located in 淮阳区[淮陽區] Vãi-yẽng-kuï Huáiyángqū Huaiyang District, 周口市 Jiü-hēo-sî Zhōukǒushì Zhoukou City, 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng Henan Province.²³
宛转[宛轉] vōn-jōn
wǎnzhuǎn (=辗转[輾轉] or 展转[展輾] jīn-jōn zhǎnzhuǎn) pass through many hands or places; toss about (in bed).⁵ (=婉转[婉轉] vōn-jōn wǎnzhuǎn) mild and indirect, tactful; sweet and agreeable.⁵
宛然 vōn-ngẽin
wǎnrán as if.⁵
宛若 vōn-ngèk
wǎnruò just like.¹¹
宛若天仙 vōn-ngèk-hëin-xëin 
wǎnruòtiānxiān divinely beautiful (“looks like a heavenly fairy”).¹¹
宛如 vōn-nguĩ
wǎnrú just like.⁵
宛延 vōn-yẽn
wǎnyán meander.⁵
<又> yön.
(See 宛 yön.)
von1 15086
50 11 vōn wān remnants, tailor's cutting.⁸
帵子 vōn-dū wānzi <topo.> leftover of the cloth after a garment is cut out.⁶
von1 15087
61 11 vōn wǎn <wr.> sigh.⁶ to sigh in regret or pity.¹⁰ to feel sorry.¹¹
怅惋[悵惋] chēng-vōn chàngwǎn sigh with regret; regret sorrowfullly.⁶
惆惋 chiũ-vōn
chóuwǎn regretful; wistful.⁵
叹惋[嘆惋] hän-vōn
tànwǎn sigh with repent.⁶
惋叹[惋嘆] vōn-hän
wǎntàn sigh mournfully; lament.⁶
惋恨 vōn-hàn
wǎnhèn animus; enmity.⁷
惋愕 vōn-ngōk
wǎn'è to be alarmed; to be astonished.⁷
惋伤[惋傷] vōn-sëng
wǎnshāng heave a sigh of grief; sigh with sorrow.⁶ to regret sorrowfully.⁷
惋恸[惋慟] vōn-ùng
wǎntòng to deplore; to lament.⁷
惋惜 vōn-xēik
wǎnxī feel sorry for somebody or something; sympathize with.⁵
von1 15088
64 11 vōn wǎn to get; to obtain.⁸
(composition: ⿰扌宛; U+6365).
<又> võn; vön; vūt. (See 捥 võn; 捥 vön; 捥 vūt).
von1 15089
64 12 vōn wàn (<old>=腕 vōn wàn wrist.⁸).³⁶
(composition: ⿱臤手; U+6394).
<又> hëin.
(See 掔 hëin).
von1 15090
75 12 vōn wǎn (=碗 vōn wǎn) bowl.⁹
(See 碗 vōn).
von1 15091
78 12 vōn yuǎn expression of a dead person.⁸ to look as one dead (read as wǎn²).²⁴ to look as if dead (read as yuǎn).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰歹宛; U+3C67).
<又> vät.
(See 㱧 vät).
von1 15092
85 11 vōn wǎn (composition: ⿰氵宛; U+6DB4).
涴潬 vōn-sèn wǎnshàn or 宛潬 vōn-sèn wǎnshàn or 宛亶 vōn-hān wǎndǎn circling around, spiraling.¹⁹ water winding about.²⁴ wriggle; circling.⁵⁴
涴演 vōn-yēn
wǎnyǎn (water current) twists and turns.⁸
<又> vò; yön.
(See 涴 vò; 涴 yön).
von1 15093
96 12 vōn wǎn a kind of jade tablet slightly tapering at the top; the virtue of a gentleman.⁷
琬圭 vōn-gï wǎnguī a kind of jade tablet held by feudal princes during the audience with the emperor.⁷
琬琰 vōn-yèm
wǎnyǎn abbreviated from 琬圭 vōn-gï wǎnguī and 琰圭 yèm-gï yǎnguī; refers to beautiful jade in general; a metaphor for the virtue of a gentleman.⁸ a scepter with rounded edges and topped with a pointed niine-inch jasper (given to persons who went to pacify vassals); beautiful (about human qualities, literary work); clean (like jasper); Wan 琬 and Yan 琰 (two beautiful unmarried daughters of the King of Minshan 岷山 who King Jie 桀 of Xia took as wives); mature character of a gentleman.⁵⁴
琬琰之章 vōn-yèm-jï-jëng
wǎnyǎnzhīzhāng an esteemed letter.⁷
von1 15094
98 9 vōn wǎn (=碗 vōn wǎn) bowl.⁹
(composition: ⿱夗瓦; U+3F1D).
(See 碗 vōn).
von1 15095
102 13 vōn wǎn <trad.> land measure of 30 亩[畝] mêo (=2 hectares).⁶
畹町 vōn-ëin
wǎntǐng Wanding town Dehong Dai and Jingpo autonomous prefecture 德宏傣族景颇族自治州, Yunnan, on border with Myanmar (Burma).¹⁰
von1 15096
108 10 vōn wǎn (=碗 vōn wǎn) bowl.⁹
(composition: ⿱夗皿; U+76CC)
(See 碗 vōn).
von1 15097
112 13 vōn wǎn bowl.⁹ (variants: 椀, 㼝, 盌, 埦 vōn wǎn).
茶碗 chã-vōn
cháwǎn tea bowl; large teacup.⁸
饭碗[飯碗] fàn-vōn
fànwǎn a rice bowl; <old> job, means of livelihood.⁵
铁饭碗[鐵飯碗] hëik-fàn-vōn
tiěfànwǎn secure employment (lit. iron rice bowl).¹⁰
碗橱[碗櫥] vōn-chuĩ
wǎnchú kitchen cupboard; dish cabinet.⁶
碗碟 vōn-èp
wǎndié bowls and plates.¹⁰
碗筷 vōn-fäi
wǎn-kuài bowls and chopsticks.⁶
碗柜[碗櫃] vōn-gì
wǎnguì kitchen cupboard.⁵
碗盘[碗盤] vōn-põn
wǎnpán bowls and plates.¹⁹
洗碗 xāi-vōn
xǐwǎn to wash the dishes.¹⁰
<台> 碗头[碗頭] vōn-hẽo shallow earthenware bowl.
<台> 洗盘碗[洗盤碗] xāi-põn-vōn (in a restaurant) to wish dishes.
(See 椀 vōn, 㼝 vōn, 盌 vōn, 埦 vōn).
von1 15098
130 12 vōn wàn wrist.⁸
(composition: ⿰月宛; U+8155).
手腕 siū-vōn shǒuwàn wrist; trickery; finesse; ability; skill.¹⁰
腕尺 vōn-chëk
wànchǐ <trad.> cubit.
腕钏[腕釧] vōn-chün
wànchuàn <wr.> bracelet.¹¹
腕子 vōn-dū
wànzi wrist.⁸
腕足 vōn-dūk
wànzú peduncle; tentacle.⁶
腕骨 vōn-gūt
wàngǔ carpus; carpale; carpal bone.⁶
腕力 vōn-lèik
wànlì wrist strength; ability, competence.⁶
von1 15099
140 8 vōn yuàn enclosed garden; zoo; park; center; Yuan surname.
芳苑 föng-vōn fāngyuàn a nice garden.
宫苑[宮苑] güng-vōn
gōngyuàn imperial garden.⁸
翰苑 hòn-vōn
hànyuàn <trad.> literary circles.
林苑 lĩm-vōn
línyuàn imperial hunting ground.⁸
阆苑[閬苑] lông-vōn
làngyuàn <wr.> legendary place where immortals live; imperial garden (in classic poetry).⁶ land where immortals dwell; a paradise.⁷
鹿苑 lùk-vōn
lùyuàn deer park.⁶
文苑 mũn-vōn
wényuàn <wr.> literary world.⁸
艺苑[藝苑] ngài-vōn
yìyuàn artistic and literary circles; artistic or literary salon; art gallery.
苑囿 vōn-yiù
yuànyòu animal farm; animal park.
von1 15100
140 10 vōn wān (=豌 vōn wān peas; garden peas.⁷).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱艹完; U+839E).
<又> gän; fōn; gōn.
(See 莞 gän; 莞 fōn; 莞 gōn).
von1 15101
140 11 vōn wǎn luxuriance of growth.⁸ lush.⁹
紫菀 dū-vōn zǐwǎn aster (Aster tataricus).⁹
von1 15102
142 14 vōn wān to creep, to wriggle, to wind up.⁷ creep, crawl.⁸
蜿蝉[蜿蟬] vōn-chên/ wānchán coiling around.¹⁴
蜿曲 vōn-kūk
wānqū meander.³⁹
蜿蟺 vōn-sên
wānshàn a name for the earthworm.¹⁴
蜿蜿 vōn-vōn
wānwān the undulatory motion of a dragon.¹⁴
蜿蜒 vōn-yẽn
wānyán (of snakes) wriggling; winding, zigzag, meandering.⁶ to stretch for miles; creeping, snaky; wriggly; to wriggle, to snake, to meander.⁷
蜿蜒曲折 vōn-yẽn-kūk-jēt
wānyánqūzhé meander; switchback.⁸ (by) twists and turns; meander; zigzag.⁵⁴
蜿蜒而上 vōn-yẽn-ngĩ-sëng
wānyán'érshàng meandering up.¹⁹ wriggle up (to...)³⁹
von1 15103
151 15 vōn wān peas; garden peas.⁷
豌豆 vōn-èo wāndòu garden peas (Pisum sativum).⁷
豌豆象 vōn-èo-dèng
wāndòuxiàng pea weevil.⁵
豌豆粉 vōn-èo-fūn
wāndòufěn peameal; pea flour.⁶
豌豆糕 vōn-èo-gäo
wāndòugāo a small sweetened cake made of mashed peas.⁷
豌豆汤[豌豆湯] vōn-èo-höng
wāndòutāng pea soup.⁶
豌豆粥 vōn-èo-jūk
wāndòuzhōu pea gruel.¹⁰
豌豆苗 vōn-èo-mẽl
wāndòumiáo pea sprouts.¹⁹
豌豆泥 vōn-èo-nãi
wāndòuní mashed peas (served as a dessert).⁷
豌豆黄[豌豆黃] vōn-èo-võng
wāndòuhuáng pea flour cake.⁵
野豌豆 yêh-vōn-èo
yěwāndòu vetch (Vicia sativa).⁵
von1 15104
64 11 vön wàn (<old>=腕 vōn wàn wrist.⁸).⁸
(composition: ⿰扌宛; U+6365).
<又> võn; vōn; vūt.
(See 捥 võn; 捥 vōn; 捥 vūt).
von2 15105
64 11 võn wān turn around; turn back; reverse.⁸
(composition: ⿰扌宛; U+6365).
<又> vōn; vön; vūt. (See 捥 捥 vōn; 捥 vön; 捥 vūt).
von3 15106
61 12 vòn huàn (composition: ⿰忄奐; U+610C).
怑愌 bòn-vòn or bòn-fòn bànhuàn disobedient.²⁴ (things not going smoothly; also =跋扈 bàt-fù báhù to be rampant in defiance of authority.⁷ (of local rulers, commanders) recalcitrant.¹¹ <lit.> bossy; domineering; overbearing.³⁶).¹⁰¹
<又> fòn.
(See 愌 fòn).
von4 15107
64 12 vòn huàn to exchange, to trade; to change.
包换[包換] bäo-vòn bāohuàn to guarantee replacement of unsatisfactory goods.
变换[變換] bëin-vòn
biànhuàn vary; alternate.⁵
更换[更換] gäng-vòn
gēnghuàn to replace (a tire), to substitute, to change (address, dress, regulations).
交换[交換] gäo-vòn
jiāohuàn to exchange.⁷
兑换[兌換] uï-vòn
duìhuàn to convert; to exchange (currency).
换班[換班] vòn-bän
huànbān; to change shifts; <mil.> changing of the guard.
换茬[換茬] vòn-chã
huànchá rotation of crops.
换季[換季] vòn-gï
huànjì to change seasons; change garments according to the season.
换取[換取] vòn-tuī
huànqǔ to give something and get something in return.
换喻[換喻] vòn-yì
huànyù metonymy.¹⁰
互换[互換] vù-vòn
hùhuàn to exchange.
von4 15108
162 11 vòn huàn <wr.> escape; flee.⁶
逭逃 vòn-hão huàntáo to flee.⁷ to run away.¹⁴
逭暑 vòn-sī
huànshǔ to escape the heat – name of palaces used for this purpose in the Tang Dynasty.¹⁴
罪不可逭 duì-būt-hō-vòn
zuìbùkěhuàn one cannot avoid the responsibility for an offense.⁸
罪无可逭[罪無可逭] duì-mũ-hō-vòn
zuìwúkěhuàn one cannot evade responsibility for guilt.¹¹
von4 15109
43 3 vōng wāng Kangxi radical 43; lame; also used as the National Phonetic final for "-ang".¹⁴ lame, crooked legs; short and contracted; hunchbacked.²⁴ (variant: 尣 vōng wāng).
<又> yiũ.
(See 尢 yiũ; 尣 vōng).
vong1 15110
43 4 vōng wāng (=尢 vōng wāng) lame; (=尪 vōng wāng) lame.⁸
(See 尢 vōng; 尪 vōng).
vong1 15111
43 7 vōng wāng (=尣 vōng wāng) lame.⁸
(See 尣 vōng).
vong1 15112
43 7 vōng wāng (<old>=尪 vōng wāng) lame.⁸
(See 尪 vōng).
vong1 15113
43 8 vōng wāng (=尪 vōng wāng); weak; a rickety person; emaciated.⁸ lame and crooked legs; a sick and deformed person; weak, feeble.²⁴
(See 尪 vōng).
vong1 15114
75 8 vōng wǎng crooked; distort, twist, pervert; unjust, wrong; in vain, to no avail or effect.⁶ useless, in vain; bent, crooked.⁶⁰
枉道事人 vōng-ào-xù-ngĩn wǎngdàoshìrén to distort the truth in order to please others.⁷
枉尺而直寻[枉尺而直尋] vōng-chëk-ngĩ-jèik-tĩm
wǎngchǐ érzhíxún By bending only one cubit you make eight cubits straight – to do something a little out of the straight course, in order to accomplish a great good.¹⁴
枉法 vōng-fāt
wǎngfǎ pervert the law; strain/stretch the law; take the law into one's hands.⁶
枉费[枉費] vōng-fï
wǎngfèi waste; try in vain; be of no avail.⁵
枉费唇舌[枉費唇舌] vōng-fï-sũn-sêt
wǎngfèichúnshé waste one's breath.⁶
枉费心机[枉費心機] vōng-fï-xïm-gï
wǎngfèixīnjī rack one's brains in vain; scheme without avail.⁵
枉费工夫[枉費工夫] vōng-fï-güng-fü
wǎngfèigōngfū to waste time and energy; to spend time and work in vain.⁷
枉驾[枉駕] vōng-gä
wǎngjià <court.> I am honored by your visit.⁵
枉然 vōng-ngẽin
wǎngrán futile; in vain; to no purpose.⁵
枉断[枉斷] vōng-òn
wǎngduàn to abuse law by distorting it; to decide unfairly.⁷

vong1 15115
85 7 vōng wāng expanse of water; ooze; <ono.> bark; measure word for liquids: pool, puddle; Wang surname.¹⁰
泪汪汪[淚汪汪] luì-vōng-vōng lèiwāngwāng (eyes) brimming with tears.⁵
眼泪汪汪[眼淚汪汪] ngān-luì-vōng-vōng
yǎnlèiwāngwāng be in tears; tears well up in somebody's eyes.⁶
汪子 vōng-dū
wāngzi <topo.> pond; pool.⁶
汪汪 vōng-vōng
wāngwāng gleaming with tears; woof woof (sound of a dog barking); <wr.> (of a body of water) broad and deep.¹⁰
汪洋 vōng-yẽng
wāngyáng vast body of water.¹⁰
汪洋大海 vōng-yẽng-ài-hōi
wāngyángdàhǎi vast or boundless ocean.⁶
vong1 15116
85 17 vōng wǎng extensive body of water; (of water) broad and deep; momentum of moving water; deep and wide.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵廣; U+7007).
瀇瀁 vōng-yëng wǎngyǎng water deep and wide; stagnant stinking water; vast; like a sheet of water.²⁴
vong1 15117
9 11 võng huáng (=惶 võng huáng fear; anxiety; trepidation).⁵ (<old>=遑 võng huáng leisure; to waste time in trifling; careless).¹⁴  agitated; alarmed.¹⁴  agitated.²⁴   <old> leisure; <old> indulge; <old> hurried.³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻皇; U+505F).
or 傍徨 or 傍皇 bòng-võng bànghuáng moving around, uneasy; roundabout appearance.¹⁹
仿偟 fōng-võng
fǎnghuáng vacillating; irresolute.¹⁴ disturbed.²⁴
偟乎不偟 võng-fũ-būt-võng
huánghūbùhuáng have they leisure or not?¹⁴
偟遽 võng-guì
huángjù panic and uneasy appearance.¹⁹
偟暇 võng-hà
huángxiá free/spare time; leisure.¹⁹
偟偟 võng-võng
huánghuáng fear and uneasy appearance.¹⁹
(See 遑 võng; 惶 võng).
vong3 15118
16 11 võng huáng female phoenix.⁸ phoenix.¹⁰
凤凰[鳳凰] fùng-võng fènghuáng phoenixes (凤[鳳] fùng fèng being male and 凰 võng huáng being female).⁷
凤凰来仪[鳳凰來儀] fùng-võng-lõi-ngĩ
fènghuángláiyí the phoenix coming and showing a gentle air – good omen.⁷
凤凰木[鳳凰木] fùng-võng-mûk
fènghuángmù royal poinciana; flamboyant (tree).⁶ Delonix regia.²³
凤凰树[鳳凰樹] fùng-võng-sì
fènghuángshù <bot.> Delonix regia.⁵⁴
凤凰于飞[鳳凰於飛] fùng-võng-yï-fï
fènghuángyúfēi  a couple of phoenixes on the wing – happy marriage.⁷
求凰 kiũ-võng
qiúhuáng to seek a wife.⁷
老鸹窝里出凤凰[老鴰窩裡出鳳凰] lāo-gāt-vö-lī-chūt-fùng-võng
lǎoguawōlǐchūfènghuáng a phoenix grows out from a crow's nest; mediocre parents give birth to extraordinary offsprings.⁵⁴
vong3 15119
30 12 võng huáng sound of jingling bells, or of sobbing.¹⁴
钟鼓喤喤[鐘鼓喤喤] jüng-gū-võng-võng zhōnggǔ huánghuáng sound of bells and drums.¹⁴
喤喤 võng-võng
huánghuáng <wr.> sonorous and harmonious sound of bells and drums; cry (of a child).⁶
vong3 15120
32 12 võng huáng (=隍 võng huáng) a dry moat outside a city wall; a dry ditch.⁸ a united palace; a fosse; a moat.²⁴
(syn. 隍,
❄{⿰土黃} võng huáng).
(composition: ⿰土皇; U+582D).
堂堭 hõng-võng
tánghuáng palace; temple.⁸
城隍 sẽin-võng
chénghuáng  dry city moat; god of the city; the justices in Hades presiding over fate of the souls.¹¹ the wall and the moat – the guardian deity of every city; the Pluto of the Chinese.¹⁴ an empty city.²⁵ <lit., hist.> city wall and moat; protected city.³⁶
(See 隍, 墴❄{⿰土黃} võng).
vong3 15121
32 15 võng huáng (=堭 võng huáng a dry moat outside a city wall; a dry ditch.⁸)
(syn. 隍, 堭 võng
t: ⿰土黃; U+58B4). (comp. s: ⿰土黄; U+58B4). (Note: same codepoint for both traditional and simplified).
(See 隍, 堭 võng).
vong3 15122
38 12 võng huáng name of Emperor Shun's older wife, also called 娥皇 ngõ-võng éhuáng (Note: his younger wife 女英 nuī-yëin nǚyīng was the younger sister of 娥皇; the sisters were the daughters of Emperor Yao (尧[堯] ngẽl yáo)).¹³ʼ²⁰ mother (used by people of 南楚 South Chu Kingdom).⁸ the name of the queen of Yao (尧[堯] ngẽl yáo).²ʼ²⁴
(composition: ⿰女皇; U+5A93).
vong3 15123
46 12 võng huáng the name of a place in Sichuan.²⁴
(composition: ⿰山皇; U+5D32).
岯崲湖 pī-võng-vũ pīhuánghú or péihuánghú or 休崲湖 hiü-võng-vũ xiūhuánghú name of a place in present day southwest of Shang Yu City (上虞市 sèng-nguĩ-sî shàngyúshì) in Zhejiang Province (浙江 Jēt-göng Zhèjiāng).¹³
vong3 15124
60 12 võng huáng doubtful; irresolute.¹⁴
踌躇彷徨[躊躇彷徨] chiũ-chuĩ-põng-võng chóuchú pánghuáng dawdle and hesitate.³⁹
or 旁皇 põng-võng pánghuáng to pace back and forth; to hesitate; to be indecisive.¹⁰
彷徨歧途 põng-võng-kĩ-hũ
pánghuángqítú hesitate at the crossroads.⁶
or 彷徨无家[彷徨無家] põng-võng-mũ-gä pánghuángwújiā in doubt, not knowing where to go, not having a home.¹⁴
徊徊徨徨 või-või-võng-võng
huíhuíhuánghuáng irresolute; hesitating; going backwards and forwards.¹⁴
vong3 15125
61 12 võng huáng fear; anxiety; trepidation.⁵
惶遽 or 惶惧[惶懼] võng-guì huángjù <wr.> frightened; scared.⁵
惶恐 võng-hūng
huángkǒng terrified.⁵
惶扰[惶擾] võng-ngêl
huángrǎo to agitate; to perturb.⁷
惶惑 võng-vàk
huánghuò perplexed and alarmed; apprehensive.⁵
惶惶 võng-võng
huánghuáng in a state of anxiety; on tenterhooks; alarmed.⁵
惶悚 võng-xūng
huángsǒng sudden fear; fright.⁵
惊惶[驚惶] gëin-võng
jīnghuáng alarmed; scared; panic-stricken.⁶
vong3 15126
75 13 võng huáng (<old>=艎 võng huáng)⁸ʼ³⁶ fast boat.⁸ʼ³⁶ wooden boat.⁹ fast ship.¹⁰ a fast sailing boat.¹⁴ a ferry boat.²⁵
(composition: ⿰木皇; U+697B).
<又> hãng.
(See 艎 võng; 楻 hãng).
vong3 15127
85 12 võng huáng a mean, dirty place; name of a river.⁷ name of rivers in Guangdong and Gansu.¹⁴
湟水 Võng-suī Huángshuǐ name of a river in 青海 Tëin-hōi Qīnghǎ Qinghai Province.⁴
vong3 15128
85 15 võng huáng pool, pond; to dye or color paper.⁶ (comp. t: ⿰氵黃; comp. s: ⿰氵黄; U+6F62). Note: Same codepoint for both forms. The traditional character is displayed in Yu Gothic font to render 黃 instead of 黄, displayed in Segoe UI font.
] hëin-võng tiānhuáng a cluster of stars near Auriga; an imperial generation.¹⁴
] jöng-võng zhuānghuáng mount (a picture); decorate, dress, adorn; decoration; mounting, packaging.⁶
門面] jöng-võng-mõn-mèin zhuānghuáng ménmiàn decorate a shop front; do window dressing; put up a facade.⁶
池] võng-chĩ huángchí pond.⁷
池弄兵] võng-chĩ-lùng-bëin huángchínòngbīng to revolt by the pool in the palace – to disregard a disaster.⁷
võng-dēng, gëm-gä, lĩm-mùk,
huáng jǐng, jiānjiā, línmù,
 ...ponds surrounded by aquatic grass, hollow basins filled with reeds, or woods with thick undergrowth,...⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《孫子兵法·行軍·行軍·2》, translated by James Legge).
紙] võng-jī huángzhǐ paper for calligraphy.⁸
洋] võng-yẽng huángyáng deep and expansive.⁷
漾] võng-yèng huángyàng (said of a body of water) boundless.⁷

vong3 15129
86 13 võng huáng brilliant; bright, shining, luminous.⁸
辉煌[輝煌] fï-võng huīhuáng brilliant, bright; splendid; magnificient.⁸ (See 煇煌 fï-võng huīhuáng.)
煇煌 fï-võng huīhuáng brilliant; luminous; splendid.¹⁴ (See also 辉煌[輝煌] fï-võng huīhuáng.)
金碧辉煌[金碧輝煌] gïm-bēik-fï-võng
jīnbìhuīhuáng (of buildings) magnificent and glittering.⁶
明星辉煌[明星輝煌] mẽin-xëin-fï-võng
míngxīnghuīhuáng the stars are sparkling.⁵
敦煌石窟 Ùn-võng-sêk-fūt
Dūnhuáng Shíkū Dunhuang Caves, Gansu Province, dating from 366 AD, containing Buddhist statues, frescoes, and valuable manuscripts.⁵
煌斑岩 võng-bän-ngãm
huángbānyán lamprophyre.⁵
煌煌 võng-võng
huánghuáng (said of stars) bright and scintillating.⁷
煌熠 võng-yìp
huángyì bright.¹⁰
vong3 15130
94 12 võng huáng spaniel.¹⁰ one of the outstanding hound breeds.¹³ a dog; a species of dog.²⁴  spaniel; <old> to flatter.³⁶
(composition: ⿰犭黄; U+735A).
藏獚 dòng-võng zànghuáng Tibetan spaniel.²⁹
vong3 15131
96 4 võng wáng king, monarch; <wr.> grand, great; Wang surname.⁵
国王[國王] gōk-võng guówáng king.⁵
女王 nuī-võng
nǚwáng queen.⁵
王道 võng-ào
wángdào benevolent government.⁵⁵
王八 võng-bät
wángba or 忘八 mõng-bät wángba tortoise; cuckold; man who owns a brothel.⁶
王不留行 võng-būt-liũ-hãng
wángbùliúxíng <TCM> the seed of cowherb (Vaccaria segetalis).⁵
王朝 võng-chẽl
wángcháo royal court; dynasty.⁵
王储[王儲] võng-chuî
wángchǔ crown prince.⁵
王浆[王漿] võng-dëng
wángjiāng royal jelly.⁶
王子 võng-dū
wángzǐ prince; compound surname.⁰
王法 võng-fāt
wángfǎ the law of the land; the law.⁵
王妃 võng-fï
wángfēi princess; concubine of a king.⁵⁵
王父 võng-fù
wángfù <wr.> grandfather.¹¹
王畿 võng-gï
wángjī suburbs of the capital.¹¹
王国[王國] võng-gōk
wángguó kingdom; realm, domain.⁵
王公 võng-güng
wánggōng the princes and dukes.¹¹
王后 võng-hèo
wánghòu queen consort; queen.⁵
王牌 võng-pãi
wángpái trump card.⁵
王水 võng-suī
wángshuǐ <chem.> aqua regia.
王爷[王爺] võng-yẽh
wángye His/Your Highness.⁶
(See 王 vòng.)
vong3 15132
96 13 võng huáng the sound produced when pieces of jade collide with each other.¹⁹
瑝鱼[瑝魚] võng-nguĩ huángyú an old name for 海蜇 hōi-jēt hǎizhé flame jellyfish (Rhopilema esculentum), a species of jellyfish native to the warm temperate waters of the Pacific Ocean.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
vong3 15133
96 16 võng huáng an ancient jade ornament, semicircular in shape, hung up as a tinkling pendant.⁷ a jade pendant of semi-circular shape.¹¹ a half gem, used at the girdle.²⁴
U+749C for both t and s. (composition t: ⿰𤣩黃). (composition s: ⿰𤣩黄). Note: Same codepoint for both forms. The traditional character is displayed in Yu Gothic font to get 黃 on the right side instead of 黄 which is displayed in Segoe UI font.
] or 装潢[裝] jöng-võng zhuānghuáng to mount (a picture); to dress; to adorn; decoration; packaging.¹⁰
] sīt-nuì-jöng-võng shìnèizhuānghuáng upholstering.¹⁰
璜璜] võng-võng huánghuáng bright and scintillating.⁷
vong3 15134
104 14 võng huáng (=癀[❄{⿸疒黃}] võng huáng jaundice).⁸
(composition: ⿸疒皇; U+3FAE).
(See t:❄{⿸疒黃} or s:癀 võng)
vong3 15135
104 16 võng huáng jaundice.⁸ anthrax of livestock.³⁶
(U+7640; comp. t: ⿸疒黃; comp. s: ⿸疒黄). Note: Same codepoint for both forms. The traditional character is displayed in Yu Gothic font to render 黃 on the bottom right side instead of 黄 (on my PC. It does not work on iOS since it disregards fonts.) The simplified character is displayed in Segoe UI font.
病] võng-bèng huángbìng anthrax.⁶ anthracnose; anthrax.⁸
vong3 15136
106 9 võng huáng royal, imperial; ruler, superior.⁸
天皇 hëin-võng tiānhuáng the Heavenly Ruler, the Supreme; emperor of Japan; Mikado.⁸
皇帝 võng-äi
huángdì emperor.⁸
皇储[皇儲] võng-chuî
huángchǔ crown prince.⁸
皇族 võng-dùk
huángzú royal family; imperial kinsmen; people of the imperial lineage.⁸
皇甫 võng-fū
huángfǔ Huangfu compound surname.⁸
皇冠 võng-gön
huángguān imperial crown.⁸
皇宫[皇宮] võng-güng
huánggōng (imperial) palace.⁸
皇太子 võng-häi-dū
huángtàizǐ crown prince.⁸
皇天 võng-hëin
huángtiān Heaven (personified); High Heaven.⁵⁴
皇后 võng-hèo
huánghòu empress; imperial consort.¹⁰
皇后区[皇后區] Võng-hèo-kuï
Huánghòuqū Queens, one of the five boroughs of New York City.¹⁰
皇上 võng-sèng
huángshang the emperor; Your His Majesty; His Imperial Majesty; His Majesty.⁸
皇室 võng-sīt
huángshì imperial family.⁸
皇亲国戚[皇親國戚] võng-tïn-gōk-tēik
huángqīnguóqī relatives of an emperor.⁷
皇位 võng-vì
huángwèi imperial throne.⁸
<台> 皇帝女 võng-äi-nuī princess, (female) spoiled brat.
vong3 15137
112 17 võng huáng sulfur; brimstone.⁷ (U+78FA; comp. t: ⿰石黃; comp. s. ⿰石黄). Note: Same codepoint for both forms. The traditional character is displayed in Yu Gothic font to render 黃 instead of 黄 on the right side. The simplified character is displayed in Segoe UI font.
] or 硫黄[硫黃] liũ-võng liúhuáng sulfur.¹⁰
酸] liũ-võng-xön liúhuángsuān thionic acids.¹¹
化] võng-fä huánghuà sulphonation.⁷
化劑] võng-fä-jäi huánghuàjì a sulphonating agent.⁷
胺] võng-ön huáng'àn sulfanilamide.⁵
胺劑] võng-ön-jäi huáng'ànjì sulfa drug.¹⁹
胺藥類] võng-ön-yêk-luì huáng'ànyàolèi sulfa drugs.⁹
酸] võng-xön huángsuān sulfonic acid.⁷
酸鹽] võng-xön-yẽm huángsuānyán <chem.> sulfonate.⁷
] xël-võng xiāohuáng (=硝石 xël-sêk xiāoshí + 硫磺[硫] liũ-võng liúhuáng) saltpeter plus sulfur.⁴
vong3 15138
115 14 võng huáng (=䊗 võng huáng a kind of grain; yellow color; not sticky, (=餭 võng huáng) fried puffy shredded, sugar-plums; sweetmeats).⁸ a variety of panicled millet, a small coarse grain resembling sorghum.⁸
(composition: ⿰禾皇; U+4163).
䅭䅣 põng-võng
pánghuáng another name for 穄 däi panicled millet.⁷
(See 䊗, 餭 võng)
vong3 15139
118 15 võng huáng <wr.> bamboo grove; bamboo.⁶ a clump of bamboos; a hard kind of bamboo with a white skin, the slender shoots are used for flutes.¹⁴ a species of bamboo, very hard, with the joints close together, the skin is as white as snow: the larger kind can be made into boats and the smaller used for pipes; the shoots, coming out in the 8th moon, are of a dark red color and solid within; a field of bamboo.²⁵
松篁交翠 tũng-võng-gäo-tuï sōnghuángjiāocuì The pines and the bamboos vie with each other in verdure.¹⁹
篁竹 võng-jūk
huángzhú bamboo grove; a hard bamboo.⁵⁴
篁盲蝽 võng-mãng-chün
huángmángchūn a species of plant bugs (Mystilus priamus).⁹
篁笋[篁筍] võng-xūn
huángsǔn bamboo shoots that are too old for eating.¹⁴
丝篁[絲篁] xû-võng
sīhuáng lit. zither-like instruments and panpipe/double flute instruments; fig. music.⁸
幽篁 yiü-võng
yōuhuáng a secluded and restful bamboo grove.⁶ a dense grove of bamboo.¹⁴ a dark bamboo grove; a cluster of bamboo.²⁵
vong3 15140
118 18 võng huáng <mus.> reed; (metal) spring.⁶ (U+7C27; comp. t: ⿱⺮黃; comp. s: ⿱⺮黄). Note: Same codepoint for both forms. The traditional character is displayed in Yu Gothic font to render 黃 on the bottom instead of 黄. The simplified character is displayed in Segoe UI font. (variant: võng, q.v.)
] kāo-ngũn-nguĩ-võng qiǎoyánrúhuáng  have a smooth tongue like the reed of a wind instrument – have a glib/silver/honeyed tongue; be smooth-tongued.⁶
] söng-võng shuānghuáng two-man act; two-man comic show (with one acting in pantomime and another hiding behind him doing all the speaking or singing).⁶
風琴] võng-füng-kĩm huángfēngqín reed organ; harmonium.⁶
管] võng-gōn huángguǎn reed pipe.⁸
鼓] võng-gū huánggǔ to dazzle people with sweet talks.⁷
樂器] võng-ngòk-hï huángyuèqì reed instrument.⁶
片] võng-pëin huángpiàn reed (in a musical instrument).⁶
舌] võng-sêt huángshé the lip or vibrating end of a reed in a wind instrument.¹⁰
環] võng-vãn  huánghuán circlip.¹⁰
vong3 15141
119 15 võng huáng a kind of grain; yellow color; not sticky, (=餭 võng huáng) fried puffy shredded, sugar-plums; sweetmeats.⁸
(variants: 餭, 䅣 võng).
(composition: ⿰米皇; U+4297).
❄{⿰米旁}䊗 põng-võng pánghuáng sacrificial rice.²⁵
(See 餭, 䅣 võng).
vong3 15142
137 15 võng huáng fast boat.⁸ʼ³⁶ wooden boat.⁹ fast ship.¹⁰ a fast sailing boat.¹⁴ a ferry boat.²⁵ a large-sized ferry boat (original meaning).²⁹
(old variants: 𦪄❄{⿰舟⿱自王}, 楻 võng huáng).
(composition: ⿰舟皇; U+824E).
艅艎 yĩ-võng
yúhuáng <wr.> large warship.¹⁰ a fast sailing boat; a ferry boat.¹⁴ a fast sailing boat.²⁵
(synonyms for 艅艎:  艅皇, 余皇, 餘皇).⁵⁴ʼ¹⁰¹
艎板 võng-bān
huángbǎn boards used on the deck of a ship.¹³ʼ⁵⁴
❄{⿰舟歇}艎 hēik-võng xiēhuáng a large vessel.²⁵
(See 𦪄❄{⿰舟⿱自王}, 楻 võng).
vong3 15143
137 16 𦪄
võng huáng (<old>=艎 võng huáng²) fast boat.⁸ʼ³⁶ wooden boat.⁹ fast ship.¹⁰ a fast sailing boat.¹⁴ a ferry boat.²⁵
(composition: ⿰舟⿱自王; U+26A84).
(See 艎 võng).

vong3 15144 26A84.gif
140 12 võng huáng blooming; lush; beautiful like blooming flowers.⁸
葟菜 võng-töi huángcài a plant, resembling garlic; growing near the water’s edge.²⁵
葟葟 võng-võng
huánghuáng luxuriant.²⁵
葟荣[葟榮] võng-vẽin
huángróng flowers blooming.²⁵
vong3 15145
142 15 võng huáng locust.⁶
飞蝗[飛蝗] fï-võng fēihuáng migratory locust.⁶
灭蝗[滅蝗] mèik-võng
mièhuáng wipe out locusts.⁶
蝗虫 võng-chũng
huángchóng locust.⁶
蝗灾[蝗災] võng-döi
huángzāi plague of locusts.⁶
蝗害 võng-hòi
huánghài locust plague.⁶
蝗蝻 võng-nãm
huángnǎn nymph of a locust.⁶
vong3 15146
142 18 võng huáng horseleech.¹⁰
(U+87E5; comp. t: ⿰虫黃; comp. s: ⿰虫黄). Note: Same codepoint for both forms. The traditional character is displayed in Yu Gothic font to render 黃 on the right side instead of 黄. The simplified character is displayed in Segoe UI font.
] mâ-võng mǎhuáng leech.⁵
] xông-võng sānghuáng mulberry white capterpillar Rondotia menciana Moore.²⁹
<台> 蟥蜞[
蜞] võng-kĩ leech.
vong3 15147
162 12 võng huáng hurry, to hurry; anxious, disturbed; leisurely; not to.⁷ leisure; to waste time in trifling; careless.¹⁴
不遑 būt-võng bùhuáng <wr.> have no time for.⁶
不遑暇食 būt-võng-hà-sèik
bùhuángxiáshí so busy as to have no time for eating.⁵⁴
不遑宁处[不遑寧處] būt-võng-nẽin-chuî
bùhuángníngchù have no leisure time; be busy.⁵⁴
遑急 võng-gīp
huángjí scared and in a hurry.⁷
遑论[遑論] võng-lùn
huánglùn <wr.> let alone; be out of the question.⁶
遑论其他[遑論其他] võng
-lùn-kĩ-hä huánglùnqítā not to mention the others; let alone the other points.⁷
遑遑 võng-võng
huánghuáng hasty; hurried.⁶
栖遑[棲遑] xäi-võng
xīhuáng <wr.> uneasy; anxious; in a hurry; hastily.⁵⁴
vong3 15148
167 17 võng huáng weapon.⁸ an axe-like weapon in ancient China.⁹ sound of drums and bells; trident.¹⁰ the sound of bells with drums; used for 喤 (võng huáng sound of jingling bells, or of sobbing.¹⁴), the sound of music; also, a military weapon, like a sword with three edges, about 3 feet and a half long, having a tiger-skin scabbard; also a kind of wooden axe, borne before a chariot.²⁵
t: ⿰釒皇; U+9360). (comp. s: ⿰钅皇; U+953D).
鑅鍠 hãng-võng
hénghuáng the sound of bells.²⁹ʼ¹⁰¹
锽锽[鍠鍠] võng-võng
huánghuáng <wr.> <ono.> clatter; clash; crash (sound of bells and drums).⁶
锽锽仓仓[鍠鍠倉倉] võng-võng-töng-töng
huánghuángcāngcāng <wr.> sound of drums and bells.¹¹
vong3 15149
167 20 võng huáng (= võng huáng) <mus.> reed; (metal) spring.⁶ bell.⁸
(U+9404; comp.
t: ⿰釒黃; comp. s: ⿰釒黄). Note: Same codepoint for both forms. The traditional character is displayed in Yu Gothic font to render 黃 on the right side instead of 黄. The simplified character is displayed in Segoe UI font.
] or 双簧[雙] söng-võng shuānghuáng two-man act; two-man comic show (with one acting in pantomime and another hiding behind him doing all the speaking or singing).⁶
] or 锁簧[鎖] xū-võng suǒhuáng <mach.> lock spring.⁸
(See võng).
vong3 15150
170 11 võng huáng dry ditch; dry moat; dry moat outside a city wall.⁸ dry moat; god of city.¹⁰ dry ditch, dry moat; the tutelary deity of a Chinese village, town, or city.³⁶
(syn. 堭, 墴❄{⿰土黃} võng huáng).
(composition: ⿰⻖皇; U+968D).
池隍 chĩ-võng
chíhuáng in ancient times, land was excavated to build a city; land with water in it was called a pond 池 chĩ chí; land without water was called a moat 隍 võng huáng.¹⁹
城隍 sẽin-võng
chénghuáng  dry city moat; god of the city; the justices in Hades presiding over fate of the souls.¹¹ the wall and the moat – the guardian deity of every city; the Pluto of the Chinese.¹⁴ an empty city.²⁵ <lit., hist.> city wall and moat; protected city.³⁶
城隍庙[城隍廟] sẽin-võng-mèl
chénghuángmiào city god temple.³⁶
城隍爷[城隍爺] sẽin-võng-yẽh
chénghuángyé <rel.> synonym of 城隍 (sẽin-võng chénghuáng “city god”).³⁶
隍壑 võng-kōk
huánghè a dry ditch; a hollow place under a city wall.²⁵
(See 堭, 墴❄{⿰土黃} võng).
vong3 15151
184 17 𫗮
võng huáng (=䊗 võng huáng) a kind of grain; yellow color; not sticky, fried puffy shredded, sugar-plums; sweetmeats.⁸
t: ⿰飠皇; U+992D). (comp. s: ⿰饣皇; U+2B5EE).
❄{⿰饣长}𫗮❄{⿰饣皇}[餦餭] jëng-võng zhānghuáng dried sweetmeat.⁵⁴
(See 䊗 võng)
vong3 15152
187 19 𫘩
võng huáng a yellow-white horse; a cream-colored horse.²⁵
(variant: 䮲 võng huáng).
t: ⿰馬皇; U+9A1C). (comp. s: ⿰马皇; U+2B629).
(See 䮲 võng).
vong3 15153
187 19 võng huáng (=騜 võng huáng) horse with mixed colors of yellow and white, chestnut color mixed with white.⁸ a yellowish white horse.²⁵ yellow-white horse.³⁶
(composition: ⿰馬黄; U+4BB2).
(See 騜 võng).
vong3 15154
195 20 võng huáng kaluga (Huso dauricus) or river beluga, a large sturgeon found in the Amur River basin, aka 达氏鳇, 鳇鱼.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ (variant: 鱑 võng huáng).
鲟鳇[鱘鰉] tĩm-võng
xúnhuáng a giant fish.¹¹
鳇鱼[鰉魚] võng-nguĩ
huángyú kaluga (Huso dauricus) or river beluga, a large sturgeon found in the Amur River basin.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(See 鱑❄{⿰魚黃} võng).
vong3 15155
195 22
võng huáng (<old>=鳇[鰉]⁸ võng huáng kaluga (Huso dauricus) or river beluga, a large sturgeon found in the Amur River basin, aka 达氏鳇, 鳇鱼.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
t: ⿰魚黃; U+9C51). (comp. s: ⿰魚黄; U+9C51).
(Note: Same codepoint for both traditional and simplified forms. None of the fonts that I have could render a 黃 on the right side instead of 黄. The traditional character in Kangxi has a composition of ⿰魚黃 with a total of 23 strokes.
(See 鰉 võng).
vong3 15156 9C51.gif
201 12 võng huáng Kangxi radical 201; yellow; Huang surname.⁸
黄斑[黃斑] võng-bän huángbān (anatomy) macula lutea.³⁶
黄豆[黃豆] võng-èo
huángdòu soybean.¹¹
黄花梨[黃花梨] võng-fä-lĩ
huánghuālí yellow rosewood (Dalbergia hainanensis, high-quality wood for making furniture). In 1980 the name was changed to 降香黄檀[降香黃檀] göng-hëng-võng-hãn jiàngxiāng huángtán fragrant rosewood (Dalbergia odorifera).³⁷
黄昏[黃昏] võng-fün
huánghūn dusk; twilight; gleaming.⁶
黄蜂[黃蜂] võng-füng
huángfēng wasp.⁸
黄金[黃金] võng-gïm
huángjīn gold.
黄河[黃河] Võng Hõ
Huáng Hé Yellow River.⁹
黄土[黃土] võng-hū
huángtǔ loess.
黄铜[黃銅] võng-hũng
huángtóng brass.
黄牛[黃牛] võng-ngẽo/
huángniú ox; scalper (of tickets); <topo.> to fail to show up.
黄皮[黃皮] võng-pĩ/
huángpí <bot> wampi or wampee Clausena lansium or Clausena wampi.²⁰
黄山[黃山] Võng Sän
Huáng Shān Huangshan (mountain in 安徽 Ön-fï Ānhuī Anhui).
黄色[黃色] võng-sēik
huángsè yellow; decadent; obscene; pornographic.⁵
黄油[黃油] võng-yiũ
huángyóu butter; grease; tallow.
<台> 黄瓜[黃瓜] võng-gâ/ cucumber.

vong3 15157
72 8 vòng wàng prosperous; flourishing; vigorous.⁵
兴旺[興旺] hëin-vòng xīngwàng prosperous; flourishing; thriving.⁶
人丁兴旺[人丁興旺] ngĩn-ëin-hëin-vòng
réndīngxīngwàng have a growing family; have a flourishing population.⁵
旺炽[旺熾] vòng-chï
wàngchì flaming; blazing.⁶
旺健 vòng-gèin
wàngjiàn strong and healthy; vigorous; energetic; exuberant.⁶
旺季 vòng-gï
wàngjì peak period; busy season.⁵
旺地 vòng-ì
wàngdì a good land; a prosperous place.⁷
旺年 vòng-nẽin
wàngnián <topo.> (for fruit trees) on-year; bumper year.⁶
旺月 vòng-ngùt
wàngyuè busy month (in business).⁵
旺势[旺勢] vòng-säi
wàngshì good/hot sale; prosperity.⁶
旺盛 vòng-sèin
wàngshèng vigorous; exuberant.⁵
旺市 vòng-sî
wàngshì brisk market; brisk market business.⁶
旺运[旺運] vòng-vùn
wàngyùn spell of good luck.⁶
旺销[旺銷] vòng-xël
wàngxiāo sell well; have a ready market.⁶
旺相 vòng-xëng
wàngxiàng to have a stroke of good fortune.¹⁴
旺汛 vòng-xïn
wàngxùn best fishing period.⁶
vong4 15158
96 4 vòng wàng <trad.> govern; rule.⁶
王天下 vòng-hëin-hà wàngtiānxià to rule over the empire.⁵
王此大邦 vòng-xū-ài-böng
wàngcǐdàbāng to rule over the great country.¹⁴
(See 王 võng.)
vong4 15159
60 8 vông wǎng go; in the direction of; toward.⁵ go, head/leave for; in the direction of, toward, to; past, previous; the past.⁶ to go, to depart; past, formerly.⁸
来往[來往] lõi-vông láiwǎng to come and go; to have dealings with; to be in relation with.¹⁰
前往 tẽin-vông
qiánwǎng to leave for; to proceed towards; to go.¹⁰
往返 vông-fän
wǎngfǎn to go there and back; journey to and fro; to move back and forth.⁸
往后[往後] vông-hèo
wǎnghòu from now on; in the future; time to come.¹⁰
往来[往來] vông-lõi
wǎnglái dealings; contacts; to go back and forth.¹⁰
往日 vông-ngìt
wǎngrì in former days.¹¹
往常 vông-sẽng
wǎngcháng usually, in the past, used to.¹¹
往往 vông-vông
wǎngwǎng often; frequently.¹⁰
往昔 vông-xēik
wǎngxī past; former times.⁶
往事 vông-xù
wǎngshì past events; former happenings.¹⁰
or 已往 yî-vông yǐwǎng before; formerly; in the past.⁶
一往无前[一往無前] yīt-vông-mũ-tẽin
yìwǎngwúqián to advance courageously (idiom); to press forward.¹⁰
(See 徃 vông.)
vong5 15160
60 8 vông wǎng (<old>=往 vông wǎng) go; in the direction of; toward.⁵ go, head/leave for; in the direction of, toward, to; past, previous; the past.⁶ to go, to depart; past, formerly.⁸
(See 往 vông.)
vong5 15161
162 7 vông wàng (=往 vông wǎng) go; in the direction of; toward.⁵  travel, go to.⁸
(composition: ⿺辶王; U+8FCB).
<又> kõng.
(See 迋 kõng).
vong5 15162
162 8 vông wǎng (<old>=往 vông wǎng) go; in the direction of; toward.⁵ go, head/leave for; in the direction of, toward, to; past, previous; the past.⁶ to go, to depart; past, formerly.⁸
(composition: ⿺辶主; U+8FEC).
vong5 15163
9 8 vòt huó meet; meeting.⁸ to unite all the parts, to include the whole; to reckon; to arrive at.²⁴ to unite; to act with united strength; to tug at; to assemble, to collect; to include the whole; to reach.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰亻舌; U+4F78).
būt-ngït-būt-ngùt hòt-kĩ-yiû-vòt
bù rì bù yuè hé qí yǒu huó
some day or month perhaps, but when then will it be done?
i.e. it must be attended to now.¹⁰²
佸佸 vòt-vòt
huóhuó tugging at altogether, as sailors at a hawser.¹⁰²
Gün-dū yï-vèik, būt-ngït-būt-ngùt, hòt-kĩ-yiû-vòt.
Jūnzǐ yú yì, bù rì bù yuè, hé qí yǒu huó.
My husband is away on service,
Not for days [merely] or for months.
When will he come back to me?⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·王風·君子于役·2》, translated by James Legge).
vot4 15164
85 9 vòt huó to live; alive; living; work; workmanship.¹⁰
生龙活虎[生龍活虎] säng-lũng-vòt-fū shēnglónghuóhǔ full of energy.⁹
生活 säng-vòt
shēnghuó life; activity; to live; livelihood.¹⁰
生活用品 säng-vòt-yùng-bīn
shēnghuó yòngpǐn daily necessities; articles for daily use.⁵⁴
活瓣 vòt-bàn
or vòt-fân huóbàn valve.⁸
活泼[活潑] vòt-bōt
huópo lively, active, energetic.¹⁰
活捉 vòt-jök
huózhuō to seize (as bird of prey), to capture (culprit, enemy).¹¹
活期 vòt-kĩ
huóqī current (esp. in finance).¹⁰
活灵活现[活靈活現] vòt-lẽin-vòt-yèn
huólínghuóxiàn living spirit, living image (idiom); true to life; vivid and realistic¹⁰
活动[活動] vòt-ùng
huódòng to exercise; to move about; to operate; to use connections (personal influence); loose; shaky; active; movable; activity; campaign; maneuver; behavior.¹⁰
活埋 vòt-mãi
huómái bury alive.⁵
活跃[活躍] vòt-yèk
huóyuè active; lively; excited; to enliven; to brighten up.¹⁰
<台> 活泼[活潑] vòt-bōt (of young people) nimble; active.
vot4 15165
140 12 vòt huó (composition: ⿱艹活; U+843F).
独萿[獨萿] =独活[獨活] ùk-vòt dúhuó Angelica gmelinii M. Pimen; angelica polyclada Franch; Radix Angelicae Pubescentis - the dried root is used as a medicine to eliminate wind and dampness and relieve pain.⁵⁴
<又> gāt.
(See 萿 gāt).
vot4 15166
167 18 tungsten; wolfram (W).⁶
钨灯[鎢燈] vū-äng wūdēng tungsten lamp.⁶
钨钢[鎢鋼] vū-gông
wūgāng wolfram/tungsten steel.⁶
钨铁[鎢鐵] vū-hëik
wūtiě ferrotungsten.⁶
钨砂[鎢砂] vū-sâ
wūshā tungsten ore.⁶
钨华[鎢華] vū-vã
wūhuá tungstite; tungstic ochre.⁶
钨酸[鎢酸] vū-xön
wūsuān wolframic acid.⁹
钨丝[鎢絲] vū-xû
wūsī tungsten filament.⁸
钨丝灯[鎢絲燈] vū-xû-äng
wūsīdēng tungsten lamp.⁸
<又> vü.
(See 鎢 vü.)
vu1 15167
9 14 (<old>=恶[惡] vü <wr.> (used in rhetorical questions) what, how; (used to express surprise) oh.⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿰亻惡; U+50EB).
<又> ōk.
(See 僫 ōk).
vu2 15168
30 13 sound of crying, sobbing.⁸ <ono.> for humming or whimpering.¹⁰
呜呼[嗚呼] vü-fü
wūhū interjection in classical Chinese; early used to express sigh, later indicating death.²²
呜呼哀哉[嗚呼哀哉] vü-fü-öi-döi
wūhū'āizāi (formerly used in funeral orations) Alas!²²
呜呜[嗚嗚] vü-vü
wūwū boo hoo.¹⁰
呜咽[嗚咽] vü-yēik
wūyè to sob; to whimper.¹⁰
呜唈[嗚唈] (=呜咽[嗚咽] vü-yēik
wūyè) vü-yīp wūyì to sob; to whimper.¹⁰
咽咽呜呜[咽咽嗚嗚] yēik-yēik-vü-vü
yèyèwūwū to break into sobs.³⁹
vu2 15169
32 6 a trowel used for plastering; to plaster.⁷ to plaster; to whitewash.¹⁴ (variant: 杇 vü ).
(composition: ⿰土亏; U+572C).
圬工 vü-güng
wūgōng <trad.> bricklaying, tiling, plastering; bricklayer, tiler, plasterer, mason.⁶
圬镘[圬鏝] vü-màn
wūmàn a trowel used for plastering.¹¹ a trowel used plasterers.¹⁴
圬人 vü-ngĩn
wūrén a plasterer.¹⁴
圬墙[圬牆] vü-tẽng
wūqiáng to plaster or whitewash a wall.¹⁴
(See 杇 vü).
vu2 15170
32 11 anything collected in the desert.²⁴
<又> ä. (See 埡 [ä. ], [ä.].)
vu2 15171
32 13 entrenchment, bank, low wall.⁸ (variant: 隖 vü ).
进坞[進塢] dïn-vü
or dïn-äo jìnwù to enter a dockyard.⁵⁴
花坞[花塢] fä-vü
or fä-äo huāwù sunken flower-bed.⁵⁴
浮坞[浮塢] fẽo-vü
or fẽo-äo fúwù floating dock.⁵⁴
干坞[乾塢] gön-vü
or gön-äo gānwù dry dock.⁵⁴
好莱坞[好萊塢] Hāo-lõi-vü
Hǎoláiwù Hollywood.⁵⁴
山坞[山塢] sän-vü
or sän-äo shānwù a valley.¹⁴
船坞[船塢] sõn-vü
or sõn-äo chuánwù dock; shipyard.⁵⁴
村坞[村塢] tûn-vü
or tûn-äo cūnwù a village settlement.⁷
营坞[營塢] yẽin-vü
or yẽin-äo yíngwù an entrenchment.¹⁴
坞边范围[塢邊範圍] vü-bëin-fàn-vĩ
or äo-bëin-fàn-vĩ wùbiān fànwéi dockside.⁵⁴
坞区[塢區] vü-kuï
or äo-kuï wùqū dock area.⁵⁴
<又> äo.
(See 塢 äo; 隖 vü).
vu2 15172
61 12 loathe; dislike; hate.⁶
可恶[可惡] hō-vü kěwù abhorrent, abominable, detestable, loathsome, odious; abhor, abominate, loathe, be disgusted at.⁸
恶寒[惡寒] vü-hõn
wùhán <TCM> aversion to cold.⁶
恶热[惡熱] vü-ngèik
wùrè <TCM> aversion to heat.⁶
厌恶[厭惡] yëm-vü
yànwù detest; abhor; abominate; be disgusted.⁸
<又> ōk, ök.
(See 惡 [ōk, è], [ōk, ě], ök, [vü, ].)
vu2 15173
61 12 <wr.> (used in rhetorical questions) what, how; (used to express surprise) oh.⁶
路恶在[路惡在] Lù-vü-dòi Lùwūzài Which way shall I go?⁶
恶,是何言也![惡,是何言也!] Vü, sì-hõ-ngũn-yâ!
Wū, shìhéyányě! Oh! What a thing to say!⁶
<又> ōk, ök.
(See 惡 [ōk, è], [ōk, ě], ök, [vü, ].)
vu2 15174
70 6
(old interjection.)²²
於乎 vü-fũ wūhū (=呜呼[嗚呼] vü-fü wūhū) interjection in classical Chinese; early used to express sigh, later indicating death.²²
於戏[於戲] vü-fü
wūhū (=呜呼[嗚呼] vü-fü wūhū) interjection in classical Chinese; early used to express sigh, later indicating death.²²
於菟 vü-hũ
wūtú <old> another name for tiger.²²
於穆 vü-mùk
wūmù oh !, ah! (Interjection expressing delight, admiration).⁵⁴
於铄[於鑠] vü-sēk
wūshuò how wonderful, oh! how great.⁵⁴
於皇 vü-võng
wūhuáng Oh, how delightful.⁵⁴
<又> yï, Yī.
(See 于 yï; 於 yï; 於 Yī.)
vu2 15175
75 7 a plastering trowel; a bricklayer's cleaver; to plaster.⁸ to plaster; whitewash.¹⁰ a trowel, for plastering with.²⁴ (Note: 杇 later changed to 圬 vü and 釫 vü , a trowel used for plastering; to plaster.)
(composition: ⿰木亏; U+6747).
杇镘[杇鏝] vü-màn
wūmàn a brick trowel.²⁴
hiū-mûk-būt-hō-ël-yâ, fûn-hū-jï-tẽng-būt-hō-vü-yâ.
xiǔ mù bù kě diāo yě, fèn tǔ zhī qiáng bù kě wū yě.
"Rotten wood cannot be carved; a wall of dirty earth will not receive the trowel." from 《論語•公冶長》.
(See 圬 vü; 釫 vü).
vu2 15176
75 7 <old>=杇 vü a plastering trowel; a bricklayer's cleaver; to plaster.⁸
(composition: ⿰木于; U+6745).
焚杅 fũn-vü
fénwū exterminate with fire, burn out.⁵⁴
<又> yï.
(See 杅 yï; 杇 vü).
vu2 15177
85 6 (=污 vü filthy, dirty, impure, polluted.⁸); stagnant water; impure; filthy; vile; mean; to defile.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰氵于; U+6C59).
(See 污 vü.)
vu2 15178
85 6 (=污 vü filthy, dirty, impure, polluted.⁸); stagnant water; impure; filthy; vile; mean; to defile.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰氵亐; U+6C5A).
(See 污 vü.)
vu2 15179
85 6 filthy, dirty, impure, polluted.⁸ dirty; filthy; foul; corrupt; to smear; to defile; dirt; filth.¹⁰
(variants: 汚, 汙, 洿, 𣽏❄{⿰氵惡} vü ).
(composition: ⿰氵亏; U+6C61).
卑污 bï-vü
bēiwū despicable and filthy; foul.¹⁰
贪污[貪污] häm-vü
tānwū to be corrupt; corruption; to embezzle.¹⁰
同流合污 hũng-liũ-hàp-vü
tóngliúhéwū to wallow in the mire with somebody (idiom); to follow the bad example of others.¹⁰
污渍[污漬] vü-dēik
wūzì blot; greasy filth.⁸ stains.⁹
污浊[污濁] vü-dùk
wūzhuó dirty; muddy; foul (sewer).¹⁰
污垢 vü-gēo
wūgòu filth.¹⁰
污吏 vü-lì
wūlì a corrupt official.¹⁰
污蔑[污衊] vü-mèik
wūmiè to smear (person's good name).¹¹
污泥 vü-nãi
wūní mud; sludge.¹⁰
污泥浊水[污泥濁水] vü-nãi-dùk-suī
wūnízhuóshuǐ filth and mire.⁵⁴
污染 vü-ngêm
wūrǎn pollution; contamination.¹⁰
污水 vü-suī
wūshuǐ sewage.¹⁰
污秽[污穢] vü-vï
or vü-vöi wūhuì filthy.⁵
(See 汚 vü, 汙 vü, 洿 vü; 𣽏❄{⿰氵惡} vü).
vu2 15180
85 9 洿 (=污 vü filthy, dirty, impure, polluted.⁸); stagnant water; impure; filthy; vile; mean; to defile.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰氵夸; U+6D3F).
洿池 vü-chĩ
wūchí pool; pond.⁵⁴ pools and ponds.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《孟子·梁惠王上·3》, translated by James Legge).
洿沬 vü-môi
wūmèi tear drops streaming down the face.¹⁹
(See 污 vü.)
vu2 15181
85 15 𣽏
(=污 vü filthy, dirty, impure, polluted.⁸ dirty; filthy; foul; corrupt; to smear; to defile; dirt; filth.¹⁰).⁸
(composition: ⿰氵惡; U+23F4F).
(See 污 vü).
vu2 15182
86 10 乌拉[烏拉] vü-lā wùla leather boots lined with wula sedge.⁶ (See 乌拉[烏拉] vü-lā wūlā).
乌拉草[烏拉草] vü-lā-tāo
wùlacǎo wula sedge.⁶ Carex meyeriana.²⁰
(See 烏 [vü, ].)
vu2 15183
86 10 crow, rook, raven; black, dark. (See 烏 [vü, ].)
乌鸦[烏鴉] vü-ä
wūyā the crow.¹¹
乌哺[烏哺] vü-bù
wūbǔ the young crow reputed to feed its mother – filial piety.¹¹
乌龟[烏龜] vü-gï
wūguī tortoise; cuckold.¹⁰
乌龟王八[烏龜王八] vü-gï-võng-bät
wūguīwángba all kinds of scoundrels.
乌黑[烏黑] vü-hāk
wūhēi jet-black; dark.
乌芹藤[烏芹藤] vü-kĩn-hãng
wūqínténg skunkvine, Chinese fever vine (Paederia foetida). (See 雞矢藤 gäi-sī-hãng).
乌拉[烏拉] vü-lā
wūlā wula (corvée labor formerly imposed on Tibetan serfs); wula laborer.⁶
乌菱[烏菱] vü-lẽin
wūlíng (=菱角 lẽin-gôk língjiao) water caltrop, Trapa bicornis.
乌蔹莓[烏蘞莓] vü-lêm-mõi wūliǎnméi <bot.> bushkiller; Cayratia japonica (Thunb.) Gagnep.¹⁷ (See entry under 蘞).
乌龙茶[烏龍茶] vü-lũng-chã wūlóngchá oolong tea.
乌木[烏木] vü-mûk
wūmù ebony.
乌芋[烏芋] vü-vû
wūyù water chestnut. (=荸荠[荸薺] bòt-tî bíqí water chestnut (medicinal name); Eleocharis dulcis or E. congesta.)¹⁰
乌云[烏雲] vü-vũn
wūyún black/dark/thick cloud; women's dark hair; perilous/sinister situation.⁶
乌油油[烏油油] vü-yiũ-yiũ
wūyōuyōu shiny/lustrous black.⁶
vu2 15184
113 9 <wr.> blessing; bliss.⁵
拉祜族 Lā-vü-dùk Lāhùzú Lahu nationality, living in Yunnan (云南[雲南] Vũn-nãm Yúnnán).⁵
受天之祜 siù-hëin-jï-vü
shòutiānzhīhù receive the blessings of heaven.¹¹
<又> fù.
(See 祜 fù.)
vu2 15185
130 7 <chem.> oxime.⁵
vu2 15186
163 12 used in place names; transliteration of Sanskrit 'u'; Wu surname.
(comp. t: ⿰烏阝; U+9114). (comp. s: ⿰乌阝; U+90AC).
邬阳[鄔陽] vü-yẽng
wūyáng Wuyang Township in Hefeng County 鹤峰县[鶴峰縣] hôk-füng-yòn hèfēngxiàn, Enshi City 恩施土家族苗族自治州 yïn-sï ēnshī Hubei  Province 湖北省  Vũ-bāk Húběi Hubei (Province).⁵).³⁶
vu2 15187
167 11 (<old>=圬 vü a trowel used for plastering; to plaster.⁷).¹⁹
(composition: ⿰釒亏; U+91EB).
<又> vã.
(See 釫 vã).
vu2 15188
167 18 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 钨[鎢] vū with same meaning.)
<又> vū.
(See 鎢 vū.)
vu2 15189
170 12 (=坞[塢] vü entrenchment, bank, low wall.⁸).⁸ a bank; a low wall; an entrenchment.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰阝烏; U+9696).
(See 塢 vü).
vu2 15190
177 12 leg warmer.⁸
臲靰 ngēik-vü nièwù unstable.¹⁹
or 乌拉[烏拉] vü-lā wùla leather boots lined with wula sedge.⁶ (See 乌拉[烏拉] vü-lā wūlā).
靰鞡草 vü-lā-tāo
wùlacǎo (=乌拉草[烏拉草] vü-lā-tāo wùlacǎo) wula sedge.⁶ Carex meyeriana.²⁰
vu2 15191
30 8 win (a mahjong or card game).⁶
<台> 吃和 Hëk-vũ! I won! (especially in mahjong).
(See 和 võ, vò, vö, gô.)
vu3 15192
30 12 the throat.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口枯; U+5596).
㗇喖 hã-vũ xiáhú the gullet.²⁴
vu3 15193
30 12 (same as 胡 vũ reckless; outrageous; what?; why?); angry, the throat, what? how? why? which?.⁸ a sound.²⁴ throat; a sound; angry appearance.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰口胡; U+35C5).
㖤㗅 hẽim-vũ
hánhú an angry noise; an expression of anger.²⁴
vu3 15194
30 15 perplexed, astonished.⁴³
呒虾米[嘸蝦米] vũ-hâ-māi fǔxiāmǐ Boshiamy input method for Chinese.¹⁰
呒虾米输入法[嘸蝦米輸入法] vũ-hâ-māi sï-yìp-fāt
fǔxiāmǐ shūrùfǎ Boshiamy (Hoklo: 無甚物 it's nothing) input method for Chinese.¹⁰
<又> mũ.
(See 嘸 [mũ, ], [mũ, ], [vũ, ].)
vu3 15195
30 15 <台> 喃呒佬[喃嘸佬] nãm-vũ-lāo or nãm-mũ-lāo Daoist priest.
<又> mũ.
(See 嘸 [mũ, ], [mũ, ], [vũ, ].)
vu3 15196
33 12 kettle, pot; bottle.
(Note: Distinguish 壸[壼] kūn kǔn).
t: ⿳士冖❄; U+58FA). (❄ same as 亞 without the first stroke). (comp. s: ⿳士冖业; U+58F6).
扁壶[扁壺] bēin-vũ
biǎnhú (pottery) flask.⁵⁴
便壶[便壺] bèin-vũ
biànhú (bed) urinal; chamber pot.
茶壶[茶壺] chã-vũ
cháhú teapot.
茶壶嘴[茶壺嘴] chã-vũ-duī
cháhúzuǐ spout of a teapot.⁹
箭壶[箭壺] dëin-vũ
jiànhú quiver.⁵⁴ belt quiver.³⁹
酒壶[酒壺] diū-vũ
jiǔhú wine pot; flagon.⁶
咖啡壶[咖啡壺] gä-fēh-vũ
kāfēihú coffee pot.¹¹
金壶[金壺] gïm-vũ
jīnhú clepsydra; wine jug.
暖水壶[暖水壺] nön-suī-vũ
nuǎnshuǐhú thermos bottle.
喷壶[噴壺] pün-vũ
pēnhú watering can.²²
水壶[水壺] suī-vũ
shuǐhú kettle; canteen; watering can.
壶范[壺範] vũ-fàn
húfàn paragon of feminine virtues.
壶盖[壺蓋] vũ-gôi
húgài pot cover; kettle cover.
壶鋬[壺鋬] vũ-pän
húpàn handle of a kettle.⁶
悬壶济世[懸壺濟世] yõn-vũ-däi-säi
xuánhújìshì practice medicine or pharmacy to help the people or public.¹⁰
vu3 15197
57 8 bow (in ancient times); <math.> arc.⁶
岛弧[島弧] āo-vũ dǎohú island arc (geology); forearc.¹⁰
括弧 gāt-vũ
kuòhú parentheses.⁵
弧长[弧長] vũ-chẽng
húcháng radian length.⁶ arc length (the length of a curve segment).¹⁰
弧光[弧光] vũ-göng
húguāng arc light; arc.⁵
弧光灯[弧光燈] vũ-göng-äng/
húguāngdēng arc lamp; arc light.⁵
弧菌 vũ-kūn
hújūn <bio.> vibrio.⁵
弧圈球 vũ-hūn-kiũ
húquānqiú (in table tennis) loop drive.⁵
弧度 vũ-ù
húdù <math.> radian.⁵
弧线[弧線] vũ-xëin
húxiàn arc; curve; curved line.⁶
弧形 vũ-yẽin
húxíng arc, curve.⁵
vu3 15198
75 13 (composition: ⿰木胡; U+695C).
楜椒 vũ-dël hújiāo same as 胡椒 (vũ-dël hújiāo black pepper.¹¹).⁸ pepper.²⁴
vu3 15199
85 12 lake; () a name referring to Hunan and Hubei.⁵
江湖 göng-vũ
jiānghú rivers and lakes; all corners of the country.⁵ (See 江湖 göng-vũ jiānghu.)
江湖 göng-vũ
jiānghu itinerant entertainers/quacks; trade of such people.⁵ (See 江湖 göng-vũ jiānghú.)
两湖[兩湖] Lēng-vũ
Liǎng-Hú Hubei and Hunan.⁶
五湖四海 m̄-vũ-xü-hōi
wǔhúsìhǎi five lakes and four seas – all corners of the land.⁶
湖北 Vũ-bāk
Húběi Hubei (Province).⁵
湖滨[湖濱] vũ-bïn
húbīn lakeside.⁵
湖笔[湖筆] vũ-bīt
húbǐ writing brush produced in 湖州 Vũ-jiü Húzhōu Huzhou, Zhejiang Province.⁶
湖泊 vũ-bòk
húpō lakes.⁵
湖光潋[湖光瀲] vũ-göng-lêm
húguāngliàn rippling lake; shining lake with gentle wavelets.⁶
湖滩[湖灘] vũ-hān
hútān beach.¹⁰
湖田 vũ-hẽin
hútián shoaly land.⁶
湖沼学[湖沼學] vũ-jēl-hòk
húzhǎoxué limnology.⁵
湖绉[湖縐] Vũ-jëo
Húzhòu crêpe silk produced in 湖州 Vũ-jiü Húzhōu Huzhou, Zhejiang Province.⁶
湖南 Vũ-nãm
Húnán Hunan (Province).⁵
湖色 vũ-sēik
húsè light green.⁵
湖心亭 vũ-xïm-hẽin
húxīntíng mid-lake pavilion.⁵
vu3 15200
86 13 be burned, to char (in cooking).⁸
饭煳了[飯煳了] fàn-vũ-lēl fànhúle the rice is burnt.⁵
考煳 hāo-vũ
kǎohú to flunk a test.¹⁰
煳底 vũ-āi
húdǐ burnt to the bottom of the pot.¹⁴
煳焦 vũ-dël
hújiāo singed; burnt; smoked.¹⁴
煳锅[煳鍋] vũ-vö
húguō burn in a pot.⁵⁴
vu3 15201
94 8 fox.⁵ (variant: 𧲲❄{⿰豸瓜}).
白狐 bàk-vũ
báihú arctic/white fox.⁶
银狐[銀狐] ngãn-vũ
yínhú silver fox.⁶
or 胡臭 vũ-chiü húchòu body odor; bromhidrosis.⁵
狐假虎威 vũ-gā-fū-vï
hújiǎhǔwēi the fox borrows the tiger's terror (by walking in the latter's company) – bully people by flaunting one's powerful connections.⁵
狐裘 vũ-kiũ
húqiú a robe of fox skin.¹¹
狐狸 vũ-lî/
húli fox.⁵
狐狸精 vũ-lî-dëin
húlijīng fox-spirit – seductive woman.⁵
狐狸狗 vũ-lî-gēo
húligǒu a spitz or Pomeranian.⁷
狐狸尾巴 vũ-lî-mī-bä
húli wěiba fox's tail – something that gives away a person's real character or evil intentions; cloven hoof.⁵
狐媚 vũ-mì
húmèi bewitch by cajolery; entice by flattery.⁵
狐朋狗友 vũ-pãng-gēo-yiû
húpénggǒuyǒu evil associates; disreputable gang; depraved company.⁶
(See 𧲲❄{⿰豸瓜} vũ)
vu3 15202
94 12   monkey.¹⁰
树倒猢狲散[樹倒猢猻散] sì-āo-vũ-xün-xän shùdǎo húsūnsàn monkeys disperse when tree falls – members run away when family or institution falls.¹¹
猢狲[猢猻] vũ-xün
húsūn macaque.¹⁰
猢狲王[猢猻王] vũ-xün-võng
húsūnwáng king of monkeys; schoolteacher.¹¹
猢狲入布袋[猢猻入布袋] vũ-xün-yìp-bü-òi/
húsūn rù bùdài submit to discipline reluctantly – like monkeys being confined in a bag.³⁹
vu3 15203
96 13 coral; person of virtue.⁸ a vessel to hold grain in imperial sacrifices.¹⁰² (variant: 鍸 vũ ).
(composition: ⿰𤣩胡; U+745A).
珊瑚 sän-vũ
shānhú coral.⁷ fine pink coral, the precious kind, used for official buttons of the highest rank; a poetical name for summer.¹⁰²
假珊瑚 gā-sän-vũ
jiǎshānhú false or imitation coral, used for beads.¹⁰²
七尺珊瑚 tīt-chëk-sän-vũ
qīchǐshānhú a seven-foot piece of coral; i.e. a man's body; your worthy self.¹⁰²
瑚琏[瑚璉] vũ-lèin
or vũ-lẽin húliǎn a sacrificial vessel for grains in the imperial ancestral shrine – a person of virtue and quality.⁷ a sacrificial vessel studded with gems.¹⁴
瑚琏之器[瑚璉之器] vũ-lèin-jï-hï
or vũ-lẽin-jï-hï húliǎn zhīqì <wr.> a person of high caliber.¹¹
(See 鍸 vũ).
vu3 15204
97 11
(alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 瓠 vù a gourd, a calabash.⁷)
(composition: ⿰夸瓜; U+74E0).
<又> vù.
(See 瓠 vù.)
vu3 15205
118 15 a case for holding arrows; a type of bamboo mentioned in ancient books.⁸ a species of bamboo.²⁵ (Note: 箶 and 䩴 are synonymous).
(composition: ⿱𥫗胡; U+7BB6).
箶簏 or 䩴簏 vũ-lùk húlù a quiver.²⁵ a quiver made of hide, archers usually carry it under their left arm.¹⁰²
(See 䩴 vũ).
vu3 15206
119 15 paste; to paste; scorched; not clear, blurred, confused.⁷
糊精 vũ-dëin hújīng <chem.> dextrin.⁷
糊口 vũ-hēo
húkǒu (=餬口 vũ-hēo húkǒu) to make a living.¹⁴
糊涂[糊塗] vũ-hũ
hútu mixed-up, confused; stupid, foolish.⁷
or 胡涂虫[胡塗蟲] vũ-hũ-chũng hútu chóng a blunderer; a bungler.⁷
糊涂帐[糊塗帳] vũ-hũ-jëng
hútuzhàng chaotic accounts.⁷
糊纸[糊紙] vũ-jī
húzhǐ <med.> a kind of edible film for wrapping medicine of bitter taste.⁷ cachet.⁵⁴
糊料 vũ-lèl
húliào thickener.⁶
糊里糊涂[糊裡糊塗] vũ-lī-vũ-hũ
húlihútu (to do something) without thinking; confused or mixed.⁷
糊墙[糊牆] vũ-tẽng
húqiáng to wallpaper; to paper a wall; paperhanging.⁷
糊墙纸[糊牆紙] vũ-tẽng-jī
húqiángzhǐ wallpaper.⁶
糊窗 vũ-töng
húchuāng to paper a window.⁷
糊糊 vũ-vũ
húhu gruel; mush.⁶
(See 糊 [vũ, ], 糊 [vũ, ].)
vu3 15207
119 15 paste.⁶
芝麻糊 jï-mã-vũ zhīmahù sesame paste.⁶
辣椒糊 làt-dël-vũ
làjiāohù chili paste.⁶
玉米糊 ngùk-māi-vũ
yǔmǐhù cornmeal mush.⁶
糊弄 vũ-lùng
hùnong <topo.> fool, deceive, palm off; go through the motions; be slipshod in work.⁶
(See 糊 [vũ, ], 糊 [vũ, ].)
vu3 15208
119 15 to plaster.⁶
眵迷糊儿[眵迷糊兒] chï-mãi-vũ-ngĩ chīmihūr eye wax or gum.⁵⁴
眵目糊 chï-mùk-vũ
chīmuhū <topo.> gum (in one's eyes).¹⁰
稠糊糊 chiũ-vũ-vũ
chóuhūhū thick; viscous.⁵⁴
黑糊糊 hāk-vũ-vũ
hēihūhū black; indistinct, unclear.⁸
血糊糊 hüt-vũ-vũ
xiěhūhū bloody.⁸ <topo.> bloody.⁵⁴
迷迷糊糊 mãi-mãi-vũ-vũ
mímíhūhū be in a daze; muddle; fuzz.⁸
模糊 mũ-vũ
or mõ-vũ mohū or 模模糊糊 mũ-mũ-vũ-vũ or mõ-mõ-vũ-vũ mómohūhū blurred, unclear, hazy.¹¹
<台> 黏糊糊 nāk-vũ-vũ sticky; glutinous; pasty.
(See 糊 [vũ, ], 糊 [vũ, ].)
vu3 15209
130 9 non-Han people; reckless; outrageous; what?; why?; to complete a winning hand in mahjong; Hu surname.¹⁰
胡不归[胡不歸] vũ-būt-gï húbùguī why not go/come home?¹¹
or 狐臭 vũ-chiü húchòu body odor; bromhidrosis.⁵
胡椒 vũ-dël
hújiāo black pepper.¹¹
胡搞 vũ-gāo
húgǎo mess things up; meddle with something; carry on an affair; be promiscuous.⁵
胡搅蛮缠[胡攪蠻纏] vũ-gāo-mãn-chẽn
hújiǎománchán pester somebody endlessly.⁵
胡锦涛[胡錦濤] Vũ Gīm-hão
Hú Jǐntāo Hu Jintao (1942-), President of the PRC 2003-2013.¹⁰
胡琴 vũ-kĩm
húqin a general term for certain two-stringed bowed instruments, such as 二胡 ngì-vũ èrhú, 京胡 gëin-vũ jīnghú.
胡咧 vũ-lëik
húliě to talk nonsense.⁶
or 胡萝卜[胡蘿蔔] vũ-lõ-bàk or vũ-liũ-bàk húluóbo carrot.⁵
胡来[胡來] vũ-lõi
húlái mess things up; fool with somebody; run wild; make trouble.⁵
胡闹[胡鬧] vũ-nào
húnào run wild; be mischievous.⁵
胡说[胡說] vũ-sōt
húshuō talk nonsense; drivel; nonsense.⁵
胡荽 vũ-xuï
húsuī coriander.¹⁰
<台> 吃胡
or 吃和 Hëk-vũ! I won! (in mahjong).
(See 鬍 vũ, 衚 vũ.)
vu3 15210
140 12 bottle-gourd.⁸ Allium scorodoprasum bottle gourd.⁹
糖葫芦[糖葫蘆] hõng-vũ-lũ
tánghúlu sugar-coated haws on a stick.⁵
葫芦[葫蘆] vũ-lũ
húlu calabash or bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria); hoist; generic term for block and tackle (or parts thereof); muddled; (poker) full house.¹⁰
葫芦茶[葫蘆茶] vũ-lũ-chã
húluchá Triquetrous Tadehagi Herb.⁹ tickclover.¹⁰
vu3 15211
142 15 a butterfly.⁷
蝴蝶 or 胡蝶 vũ-èp húdié butterfly.¹⁰
蝴蝶花 vũ-èp-fä
húdiéhuā fringed iris; iris.⁹
蝴蝶阀[蝴蝶閥] vũ-èp-fàt
húdiéfá butterfly valve.⁶
蝴蝶结[蝴蝶結] vũ-èp-gēik
húdiéjié a rosette; a bow tie.⁷
蝴蝶骨 vũ-èp-gūt
húdiégǔ sphenoid.¹⁰
蝴蝶虾[蝴蝶蝦] vũ-èp-hâ/
húdiéxiā butterfly shrimp.³⁹
蝴蝶犬 vũ-èp-hūn
húdiéquǎn papillon (lapdog with butterfly-like ears).¹⁰
蝴蝶扣儿[蝴蝶扣兒] vũ-èp-këo-ngĩ
húdiékòur decorative butterfly knot.¹⁹
蝴蝶琴 vũ-èp-kĩm
húdiéqín (=扬琴[扬琴] yẽng-kĩm yangqin) dulcimer.¹⁰
蝴蝶蓝[蝴蝶藍] vũ-èp-lãm
húdiélán iris.⁵⁴
蝴蝶兰[蝴蝶蘭] vũ-èp-lãn
húdiélán butterfly orchid; iris.⁶
蝴蝶鱼[蝴蝶魚] vũ-èp-nguî
húdiéyú butterfly fish.⁶
vu3 15212
144 15 a lane; a sub-lane; a side street.⁷
胡同[衚衕] vũ-hũng hútòng a lane; an alley.⁷
(See 胡 vũ, 鬍 vũ.)
vu3 15213
153 12 𧲲
(=狐 vũ fox).⁸
(composition: ⿰豸瓜; U+27CB2).
(See 狐 vũ).
vu3 15214
164 16 the oily scum which floats on boiling butter.¹⁴
醍醐 hãi-vũ tíhú finest cream.⁵ clarified butter (regarded as a symbol of Buddhist wisom or truth); purity of a man's character.⁷ oil of butter.¹⁴
醍醐灌顶[醍醐灌頂]  hãi-vũ-gön-ēin 
tíhúguàndǐng be filled with wisdom, be enlightened; suddenly feel refreshed.⁵ (Buddhism) to impart wisdom to one's mind; to make one comfortable.⁷
vu3 15215
167 15 a trowel for plastering (mud); plasterer's tools.² a trowel for plastering.²⁵
(composition: ⿰釒吴(G) or ⿰釒吳(THJK); U+92D8).
<又> m̃; vã. (See 鋘 m̃; 鋘 vã).
vu3 15216
167 17 a vessel for holding millet; during the Xia Dynasty it was called 鍸 vũ ; in the Shang Dynasty it was called 琏[璉] lèin or lẽin liǎn; in the Zhou Dynasty it was called 簠簋 fū-gī fǔguǐ.² (<old>=瑚 vũ coral; person of virtue.⁸ a vessel to hold grain in imperial sacrifices.¹⁰²); a ritual vessel for holding millet in ancient ancestral temples.⁸
(composition: ⿰釒胡; U+9378).
(See 瑚 vũ).
vu3 15217
177 18 a quiver.⁵⁴ (Note: 箶 and 䩴 are synonymous).
(composition: ⿰革胡; U+).
䩴簏 or 箶簏 vũ-lùk húlù a quiver.²⁵ a quiver made of hide, archers usually carry it under their left arm.¹⁰²
(See 箶 vũ).
vu3 15218
184 17 congee, porridge, gruel; paste.⁷ congee, thick gruel; to seek or make a living.¹⁴
餬口 vũ-hēo húkǒu (=糊口 vũ-hēo húkǒu) just to make ends meet; to make a bare living; to eke out one's livelihood.⁷ to make a living.¹⁴
餬口四方 vũ-hēo-xü-föng
húkǒusìfāng to go in search of a livelihood.¹⁴
餬饘 vũ-jën
húzhān thick gruel.¹⁴
餬纸[餬紙] vũ-jī
húzhǐ to paste paper; paper for pasting.⁷ (See 糊紙 vũ-jī húzhǐ).
餬一家的口 vũ-yīt-gä-ēik-hēo
húyījiādekǒu to support the whole family.¹⁴
vu3 15219
190 19 beard.⁷
胡子[鬍子] vũ-dū húzi the beard or moustache.¹⁴
胡子碴儿[鬍子碴兒] vũ-dū-châ-ngĩ
or 胡子楂儿[鬍子楂兒] vũ-dū-jä-ngĩ húzichár bits of beard which show after shaving.¹¹
胡子鲇[鬍子鯰] vũ-dū-nẽm
húzinián Hong Kong catfish  aka 鬍鯰, 塘虱, 土虱, 土杀鱼, 塘角鱼, 过山鳅 (Clarias fuscus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
胡子鲇科[鬍子鯰科] vũ-dū-nẽm-fö
húziniánkē (=塘虱鱼科[塘虱魚科] hõng-sēt-nguî-fö tángshīyúkē) the family Clariidae of airbreathing catfishes.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
胡匪[鬍匪] vũ-fī
húfěi  (Manchurian) bandits.¹¹
胡鲇属[鬍鯰屬] vũ-nẽm-sùk
húniánshǔ the genus Clarias of the family Clariidae.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
胡须[鬍鬚] vũ-xû
húxū beard, moustache or whiskers.⁵
(See 胡 vũ, 衚 vũ.)
vu3 15220
196 20 白鹈鹕[白鵜鶘] bàk-hãi-vũ báitíhú great white pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus).¹⁰
鹈鹕[鵜鶘] hãi-vũ
tíhú a pelican.⁷
vu3 15221
7 4 mutual. (variant: 㸦 vù ).
舛互 chūn-vù
chuǎnhù to interlace; to intermingle; to interlock.⁷
互殴[互毆] vù-ëo
hù'ōu fistfight.¹⁰
互通有无[互通有無] vù-hüng-yiû-mũ
hùtōngyǒuwú to help supply each other's needs; to scratch each other's back.
互助 vù-jò
hùzhù to help each other.
互换[互換] vù-vòn
hùhuàn to exchange.
互相 vù-xëng
hùxiāng each other; mutually; mutual.
相互 xëng-vù
xiānghù mutually; reciprocality.
(See 㸦 vù).
vu4 15222
15 6 freeze; stopped up, closed off.⁸ frozen; congealed.¹⁴ cold.²⁴ frozen,congealed, ice-bound; chilly, cloudy, concealing the sun; a glassy, icy appearance.¹⁰² (variant: 沍 vù ).
(composition: ⿰冫互; U+51B1).
or 暴沍 bào-vù bàohù frozen hard.¹⁴
or 川池暴沍 chün-chĩ-bào-vù chuānchíbàohù the rivers and pools suddenly froze.¹⁰²
or 固阴沍塞[固陰沍塞] gü-yïm-vù-xāk gùyīnhùsāi cloudy, freezing weather.¹⁰²
or 凝沍 ngẽin-vù nínghù to freeze; to turn to ice.⁵⁴
or 沍闭[沍閉] vù-bäi hùbì obstructed by frost.²⁴
冱寒 or 沍寒 vù-hõn
hùhán freezing cold.¹⁴
(See 沍 vù).
vu4 15223
61 9 protect; leak; solid, firm; often; safe.² solid, firm; often,¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱古心; U+6018).
<又> gü. (See 怘 gü).
vu4 15224
75 12 <trad.> plants of the chaste tree type (the stems of which can be used to make arrow shafts).⁶
楛矢 vù-sī hùshǐ the arrow made of thorn.⁸
<又> fū.
(See 楛 fū.)
vu4 15225
85 7 (=冱 vù freeze; stopped up, closed off.⁸ frozen; congealed.¹⁴ cold.²⁴ frozen, congealed, ice-bound; chilly, cloudy, concealing the sun; a glassy, icy appearance.¹⁰²).⁸
(composition: ⿰氵互; U+6C8D).
Hõ, hön-vù-ngĩ-būt-nãng-hõn.
Hé, hàn hù ér bùnéng hán.
The He and the Han might be frozen up, and he would not feel the cold.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《莊子·內篇·齊物論·11》, translated by James Legge).
(See 冱 vù).
vu4 15226
85 16 to diffuse.¹⁴ spreading out respectfully.²⁴ to diffuse, as rain spreads itself over the land.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰氵蒦; U+6FE9).
大濩 ài-vù dàhù the name of a decoction.²⁴ a great joy to the empire, said a sort of general festival of Tang the Successful.¹⁰² a type of music and dance from the Zhou Dynasty, believed to have been started during the reign of Cheng Tang or King Tang of Shang (reign c. 1675 BCE - 1046 BCE).¹²⁰
(Note: "Tang the Successful" refers to 成汤[成湯] sẽin-höng chéngtāng Cheng Tang or King Tang of Shang, reign c. 1675 - 1646 BCE, first king of the Shang Dynasty, c. 1675 BCE - 1046 BCE; his surname was 子 dū Zi and given name was 履 lî Lǚ, aka 太乙 häi-yōt tài yǐ Tai Yi).
布濩 bü-vù
bùhù <lit.> to spread; to scatter; to disperse.³⁶
声敎布濩[聲敎布濩] sëin-gäo-bü-vù
shēngjiàobùhù reputation and influence diffused in every direction.¹⁴ his instructions were universally diffused.¹⁰²
禹有《大夏》, 汤有《大濩》.[禹有《大夏》, 湯有《大濩》.]
Yî yiû "ài-hà", höng yiû "ài-vù".
Yǔ yǒu “dàxià”, tāng yǒu “dàhù”.
Yu has his Da Xia; Tan has his Da Hu.⁶⁰ʼ⁰ (Excerpt from 《莊子·雜篇·天下·2》, translated by James Legge).
<又> vòk.
(See 濩 vòk).
vu4 15227
92 4 (non-classical form same as 互 vù mutual) mutually; together; each other (dialect) scratching or clawing to and fro.⁸ (Note: often mistaken for 牙 ngã because it looks like the character 牙).²
(composition: ⿻㇏⿻𠃋丁; U+3E26).
(See 互 vù).
vu4 15228
97 11
a gourd, a calabash.⁷
(composition: ⿰夸瓜; U+74E0).
齿如瓠犀[齒如瓠犀] chī-nguĩ-vù-xäi or chī-nguĩ-vũ-xäi chǐrúhùxī beautiful and even teeth like a row of melon seeds; teeth looking like melon seeds; very white and neat teeth.²⁹
瓠子 vù-dū
or vũ-dū hùzi a kind of edible gourd.⁷
瓠肥 vù-fĩ
or vũ-fĩ hùféi obese; fat.⁷
瓠果 vù-gō
or vũ-gō hùguǒ pepo.⁶
瓠落 vù-lòk
or vũ-lòk hùluò (said of a vessel) flat and shallow – large but useless.⁷
瓠犀 vù-xäi
or vũ-xäi hùxī calabash gourd; fruit of calabash gourd.⁶
<又> vũ.
(See 瓠 vũ.)
vu4 15229
118 10 tool to collect rope; a second name for spinning machine, spinning wheel; the tender shoots of the bamboo with a bitter flavor.⁸ a reel on which to wind ropes; a bamboo frame for hanging up meat.²⁵ a windle or reel on which to wind silk; a bamboo hook or skewer on which to hang meat.¹⁰² (variant: 𥫻❄{⿱𥫗㸦}).
(composition: ⿱𥫗互; U+41D8).
䇘笋[䇘筍] vù-xūn
hùsǔn a species of bamboo of a bitter taste, with the joints far apart, a little larger than the bamboo used for arrows; people gathe the shoots and boil them in lime-water, when they become of a golden color, and are sweet and edible.²⁵
(See 𥫻❄{⿱𥫗㸦} vù).
vu4 15230
118 10 𥫻
(=䇘 vù tool to collect rope; a second name for spinning machine, spinning wheel; the tender shoots of the bamboo with a bitter flavor.⁸ a reel on which to wind ropes; a bamboo frame for hanging up meat.²⁵ a windle or reel on which to wind silk; a bamboo hook or skewer on which to hang meat.¹⁰²).²
(composition: ⿱𥫗㸦; U+25AFB).
(See 䇘 vù).
vu4 15231
140 20 name of a variety of grass.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹謢; U+4576).
vu4 15232
149 17 (=护[護] vù to protect.).³⁶
(composition: ⿰言隻; U+8B22).
or 护短[護短] vù-ōn hùduǎn shield a fault.⁸ cover up shortcomings.¹¹ (antonym: 揭短 expose shortcomings.¹¹)
<又> lū.
(See 謢 lū; 護]vù).
vu4 15233
149 20 to protect.
保护[保護] bāo-vù bǎohù to protect; to safeguard.
辩护[辯護] bèin-vù
biànhù to speak in defense of, to defend verbally; <law> to plead; to defend; defense.⁷
看护[看護] hön-vù
kānhù to nurse, to take care; a nurse (in hospital).⁷
守护[守護] siū-vù
shǒuhù guard; defend.⁵
围护[圍護] vĩ-vù
wéihù to protect from all sides.¹⁰
维护[維護] vĩ-vù
wéihù to defend; to safeguard; to protect; to uphold; to maintain.¹⁰
护胫[護脛] vù-gèin
hùjìng shin guard.¹¹
护照[護照] vù-jël
hùzhào passport.
护理[護理] vù-lî
hùlǐ to nurse; to tend and protect.
护士[護士] vù-xù
hùshi (hospital) nurse.
拥护[擁護] yūng-vù
yōnghù to support; to endorse.
<又> vû.
(See 護 vû).
vu4 15234
180 22 music.³⁶ Shang Dynasty music, see 大頀 ài-vù; give first aid; rescue; relieve.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰音蒦; U+9800).
大頀 ài-vù
dàhù the music of an ancient emperor.²⁵ (=大濩 ài-vù dàhù a type of music and dance from the Zhou Dynasty, believed to have been started during the reign of Cheng Tang or King Tang of Shang (reign c. 1675 BCE - 1046 BCE).¹²⁰).⁸
頀夏 vù-hà
hùxià Yu the Great's music from the Xia Dynasty; later refers to all ancient music.¹⁹
vu4 15235
196 24 any large bird (family Procellariidae) with a bill hooked at the end, and long pointed wings. They are both good swimmers and flyers who live by the sea, and feed on fish and mollusks. The 大水薙鸟 [大水薙鳥] ài-suī-häi-nêl dàshuǐtìniǎo streaked shearwater (Calonectris leucomelas) is the most common variety of the family found.⁹ seabirds in the order Procellariiformes (albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters).³⁶ a kind of water bird; when it cries, the rain is said to fall; perhaps the petrel.¹⁰²
t: ⿰鳥蒦; U+9E0C). (comp. s: ⿰鸟蒦; U+9E71).
白額鹱[白額鸌] bàk-ngäk-vù
bái'éhù streaked shearwater (Calonectris leucomelas), a.k.a. 大水薙鸟 [大水薙鳥] ài-suī-häi-nêl dàshuǐtìniǎo, 大水剃鸟[大水剃鸟] ài-suī-häi-nêl dàshuǐtìniǎo, 大灰鹱[大灰鸌] ài-föi-vù dàhuīhù.²³
鹱𪃒[鸌𪃒] vù-dòk
hùduó name of a bird.⁸ʼ²⁵ a water bird which resembles the rail; it is mostly found in the southern provinces.¹⁰²
鹱科[鸌科] vù-fö
hùkē Procellariidae (family).⁹
鹱属[鸌屬] vù-sùk
hùshǔ Puffinus (genus).⁹
鹱形目[鸌形目] vù-yẽin-mùk
hùxíngmù Procellariiformes (order).⁹
燕鹱[燕鸌] yên-vù
yànhù petrel.¹⁹
vu4 15236
140 6 taro.¹  taro; Colocasia antiquorum; Colocasia esculenta.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱艹于; U+828B).
白芋 bàk-vû
báiyù small, white taro.¹¹
蕃芋 fän-vû
fānyù sweet potato.
菊芋 gūk-vû
júyù <bot.> Jerusalem artichoke.
海芋 hōi-vû
hǎiyù common calla; lily-of-the-Nile.¹ giant taro (Alocasia macrorrhizos); common calla.¹⁰
竹芋 jūk-vû
zhúyù arrowroot.¹ Indian arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea).¹⁰
山芋 sän-vû
shānyù sweet potato.⁸
水芋 suī-vû
shuǐyù water arum; wild calla; Calla palustris.³⁹
乌芋[烏芋] vü-vû
wūyù water chestnut. (=荸荠[荸薺] bòt-tî bíqí water chestnut (medicinal name); Eleocharis dulcis or E. congesta.)¹⁰
芋子 vû-dū
yùzǐ the small tubers of the taro.¹⁴
芋角 vû-gôk
yùjiǎo taro croquette (Guangdong).
芋头[芋頭] vû-hẽo
yùtou the taro.¹⁴
芋艿 vû-nâi
yùnǎi taro.
芋叶[芋葉] vû-yêp
yùyè the leaves of the taro.¹⁴
洋芋 yẽng-vû
yángyù <topo.> potato.⁵
<台> 鸡爪芋[雞爪芋] gäi-jāo-vû/ a taro grown in Taishan.
<又> huï; yï.
(See 芋 huï; 芋 yï).
vu5 15237
149 20 <台> 护冲[護沖] Vû-chüng Hùchōng common name for 护龙乡[護龍鄉] Vù-lũng-hëng Hùlóngxiāng located in 开平[開平] Höi-pẽin Kāipíng Kaiping, 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Guangdong Province.
<又> vù.
(See 護 vù).
vu5 15238
173 11 (<old>=虹 hũng hóng a rainbow.⁷).²
(composition: ⿱⻗亏; U+96E9).
<又> yĩ.
(See 雩 yĩ).
vu5 15239
64 13 vūn wèn to wipe.
揾泪[搵淚] vūn-luì wènlèi wipe one's tears.⁵⁴
<台> 揾 vūn to search; to look for.
<台> 揾佢笨 vūn-kuï-bùn to take advantage of him.
<台> 揾人 vūn-ngĩn to look for a person.
<台> 揾钱[搵錢] vūn-tẽin to make money.
(See <台> 揾[搵] bōi).
vun1 15240
86 14 vūn wěn hot.⁸
(comp. t: ⿰火𥁕; U+7185). (comp. s: ⿰火昷; U+7174).
煴㶧[熅㶧] vūn-nùn
wěnnèn hot.⁸
<又> vün; vùn.
(See 熅 vün; 熅 vùn).
vun1 15241
115 19 vūn wěn steady, firm; sure, certain.⁵
(comp. t: ⿰禾㥯; U+7A69). (comp. s: ⿰禾急; U+7A33).
安稳[安穩] ön-vūn
ānwěn smooth and steady.⁵
稳步[穩步] vūn-bù
wěnbù with steady steps; steadily.⁵
稳步前进[穩步前進] vūn-bù-tẽin-dïn
wěnbù qiánjìn advance steadily; make steady progress.⁵
稳定[穩定] vūn-èin
wěndìng stable, steady; to stabilize.⁵
稳健[穩健] vūn-gèin
wěnjiàn firm; steady.⁵
稳固[穩固] vūn-gü
wěngù firm, stable.⁵
稳妥[穩妥] vūn-hô
wěntuǒ safe; reliable.⁵
稳扎稳打[穩扎穩打] vūn-jät-vūn-ā
wěnzhā-wěndǎ go ahead steadily and strike sure blows; go about things steadily and surely.⁵
稳重[穩重] vūn-jùng
wěnzhòng steady; staid; sedate.⁵
稳如泰山[穩如泰山] vūn-nguĩ-häi-sän
wěnrútàishān as stable as Mount Taishan.⁵
稳当[穩當] vūn-öng
wěndang reliable; secure; safe.⁵
稳操胜券[穩操勝券] vūn-täo-sëin-hûn
wěncāoshèngquàn have full assurance of success.⁸
四平八稳[四平八穩] xï-pẽin-bät-vūn
sìpíngbāwěn very steady; well-organized; lacking in initiative and overcautious.⁸
<台> 稳阵[穩陣] vūn-jìn safe; to be safe.
vun1 15242
140 18 vūn
yùn (=蕴[蘊] vūn yùn to collect, gather, store; profound.⁸).
(composition: ⿱艹緼; U+85F4).
(See 蘊 vūn).
vun1 15243
140 19 vūn
yùn to collect, gather, store; profound.⁸ (variant: 藴 vūn).
底蕴[底蘊] āi-vūn dǐyùn inside information; concrete details.¹⁰
包蕴[包蘊] bäo-vūn
bāoyùn contain; embody; include.⁶
Hön-gï-ài-sìm, vūn-lũng-chũng-chũng.
Hàn jì dà shén, yùn lóng chóng chóng.
The drought is excessive;
Its fervours become more and more tormenting.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·蕩之什·雲漢》, translated by James Legge).
蕴蓄[蘊蓄] vūn-chūk
yùnxù latent; hidden and not developed.¹⁰
蕴含[蘊含] vūn-hẽim
yùnhán to contain; to accumulate.¹⁰
蕴隆虫虫[蘊隆蟲蟲] vūn-lũng-chũng-chũng
yùn lóng chóng chóng the weather is extremely hot and muggy.¹⁴
蕴藏[蘊藏] vūn-tõng
yùncáng to hold in store; to contain (untapped reserves).¹⁰
(See 藴 vūn).
vun1 15244
159 15 vūn wèn name of a carriage.²
(composition: ⿰車宛; U+485D)
轒䡝 fũn-vūn fénwèn a war chariot, employed in atacking cities.²⁵
<又> vün; yön.
(See 䡝 vün; 䡝 yön).
vun1 15245
164 16 vūn yùn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation of 醖 vün yùn with the same meaning: ferment/make (wine), brew (beer); wine.⁶; make wine, brew beer; pertaining to liquor; liquor).⁸
(composition: ⿰酉昷; U+9196).
<又> vün.
(See 醖 vün.)
vun1 15246
164 17 vūn yùn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 酝[醞] vün yùn with same meaning: ferment/make (wine), brew (beer); wine.⁶ to brew, to ferment; preliminary informal discussion, to deliberate on, deliberation; wine.⁷)
(variant: 醖 vūn
<又> vün.
(See 醞 vün; 醖 vūn).
vun1 15247
178 18 vūn yùn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 韫[韞] vün yùn with same meaning: to conceal; to hide (one's talents).⁷ an orange color; to contain.¹⁴ a color between red and yellow; the inside or lining of anything; a case for a bow.²⁵)
t: ⿰韋昷(GV) or ⿰韋𥁕(HTJK); U+97DE).
s: ⿰韦昷; U+97EB).
<又> vün.
(See 韞 vün.)
vun1 15248
30 10 vün yún to increase; formerly used as a person's given name.⁸
伍员[伍員] M̄ Vün Wǔ Yún Wu Yun (died 484 BCE), better known by his courtesy name 伍子胥 M̄ Dū-xuï Wǔ Zǐxū Wu Zixu. All branches of the Wu clan claim that he was their "first ancestor".¹⁵
<又> yõn.
(See 員 yõn, [vün, yùn].)
vun2 15249
30 10 vün yùn Yun surname.⁸
<又> yõn. (See 員 yõn, [vün, yún].)
vun2 15250
61 13 vün yùn <wr.> angry; irritated.⁵
解愠[解慍] gāi-vün jiěyùn <wr.> dispel one's troubles.⁵⁴
面有愠色[面有慍色] mèin-yiû-vün-sēik
miànyǒuyùnsè look irritated.⁵ wear an angry look.⁶
愠恼[慍惱] vün-nâo
yùnnǎo angry; indignant; furious.⁶
愠怒[慍怒] vün-nù
yùnnù be inwardly angry.⁵ chagrin.¹¹
愠色[慍色] vün-sēik
yùnsè <wr.> gloomy countenance; angry look; irritated look.⁶
愠容[慍容] vün-yũng
yùnróng <wr.> angry look; irritated look.⁶
vun2 15251
72 10 𥁕
vün wēn ➀ kind. benevolent, humane; to show compassion; to feed a prisoner ➁ (=温[溫] vün wēn lukewarm; warm; tepid; mild; soft; tender; gentle).³⁶
t: ⿱囚皿; U+25055). (comp. s: ⿱日皿; U+6637).
(See 溫 vün).
vun2 15252
72 13 vün wēn the sun is shining and it's warm.⁸ the sun coming out warm.²⁴ warm because of the sun.³⁶
(composition: ⿰日昷 or ⿰日𥁕; U+3B08).
vun2 15253
75 14 vün wēn 榅桲[榲桲] vün-bòt wēnpo quince (Cydonia oblonga).⁵
vun2 15254
78 13 vün wēn suddenly lose consciousness.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰歹昷(G) or ⿰歹𥁕(HTJK); U+6B9F).
殙殟 fün-vün hūnwēn sick, ill.²
殟殁[殟歿] vün-mòt
wēnmò slow, dilatory.²⁴ calm, leisurely.⁵⁴
<又> vūt.
(See 殟vūt).
vun2 15255
84 14 vün yūn life giving influences of nature; spirit of harmony; prosperity.⁸ heavy atmosphere.¹⁰
氛氲[氛氳] fün-vün fēnyūn the spirit, or atmosphere, of prosperity or propitiousness; a vigoous spirit; a vigorous atmosphere.⁷ denseness of the atmosphere – as when laden with snow; heavy, as with perfume.¹⁴
or 絪缊[絪縕] yïn-vün yīnyūn <wr.> (of smoke, mist) dense; thick; enshrouding.⁶ the generative influences of heaven and earth, by which all things are constantly reproduced.¹⁴
vun2 15256
85 13 vün wēn warm, lukewarm; temperature; warm up; review, revise; Wen surname.⁵
体温[體溫] hāi-vün tǐwēn temperature (of the body).⁵
室温[室溫] sīt-vün
shìwēn room temperature.¹⁰
温带[溫帶] vün-äi
wēndài temperate zone.¹⁰
温习[溫習] vün-dìp
wēnxí review; revise.⁵
温习功课[溫習功課] vün-dìp-güng-fö
wēnxígōngkè review one's lessons.⁵
温故[溫故] vün-gü
wēngù restudy old materials.³⁹
温煦[溫煦] vün-huī
wēnxù warm, gentle, mild.¹¹
温文尔雅[溫文爾雅] vün-mũn-ngì-ngâ
wēnwén'ěryǎ cultured and refined (idiom); gentle and cultivated.¹⁰
温暖[溫暖] vün-nôn
wēnnuǎn warm.⁵
温泉[溫泉] vün-tũn
wēnquán hot spring.⁵
温度 vün-ù
wēndù temperature.⁵
温和[溫和] vün-võ
wēnhé temperate, mild, moderate; gentle, mild.⁵
温蠖[溫蠖] vün-vòk
wēnhuò dirt.²⁹
vun2 15257
86 14 vün yūn dense smoke, smoky; a little fire without flames; warm; tolerant, lenient.⁸ weak fire; low fire.⁹ sultriness, stuffiness.¹⁰ heavy smoke with no visible flame; sultriness, stuffiness.³⁶
(comp. t: ⿰火𥁕; U+7185). (comp. s: ⿰火昷; U+7174).
<又> vùn; vūn.
(See 熅 vùn; 熅 vūn).
vun2 15258
104 14 vün wēn <TCM> acute epidemic disease; (of the performance of traditional Chinese operas) dull and insipid; tame; vapid.⁶ an epidemic; a plague; a pestilence.⁷
瘟病 vün-bèng wēnbìng <TCM> seasonal febrile diseases.⁷
瘟疹 vün-chīn
wēnzhěn infectious diseases characterized by rashes (such as scarlet fever, typhus).⁶
瘟头瘟脑[瘟頭瘟腦] vün-hẽo-vün-nāo
wēntóuwēnnǎo go about in a daze; be muddle-headed.⁶
瘟气[瘟氣] vün-hï
wēnqì pestilential vapor.⁷
瘟生 vün-säng
wēnshēng <Shanghai topolect> a sucker.⁷
瘟神 vün-sĩn
wēnshén the god of plague.⁵
瘟疫 vün-yèik
wēnyì epidemic; plague; pestilence; diseased.¹⁰
vun2 15259
120 15 vün yùn (=缊[縕] vün yùn ravelled silk; quilted with hemp.¹⁴ old silk floss.²² tangled hemp, raveled silk.³⁶)
(composition: ⿰糹昷; U+7DFC).
(See 縕[vün, yùn]; 緼[vün, yūn]).
vun2 15260
120 15 vün yūn (=缊[縕] vün yūn vague; confused; misty.¹⁴ vague, confused.³⁶)
(composition: ⿰糹昷; U+7DFC).
(See 縕[vün, yūn]; 緼[vün, yùn]).
vun2 15261
120 16 vün yùn ravelled silk; quilted with hemp.¹⁴ old silk floss.²² tangled hemp, raveled silk.³⁶
(variant: 緼[vün, yùn]).
(comp. t: ⿰糹𥁕; U+7E15). (comp. s: ⿰纟昷; U+7F0A).
缊韠[縕韠] vün-bīt
yùnbì a warm apron.²⁵
缊袍[縕袍] vün-pão
yùnpáo coarse clothing.⁷ a garment quilted with hemp.¹⁴ a gown padded with old silk floss.²²
(See 縕 [vün, yūn]; 緼[vün, yùn]).
vun2 15262
120 16 vün yūn vague; confused; misty.¹⁴ vague, confused.³⁶
(variant: 緼[vün, yūn]).
t: ⿰糹𥁕; U+7E15). (comp. s: ⿰纟昷; U+7F0A).
纷缊[紛縕] fün-vün
fēnyūn confused; misty; numerous.¹⁴
or 氤氲[氤氳] yïn-vün yīnyūn <wr.> (of smoke, mist) dense; thick; enshrouding.⁶ the generative influences of heaven and earth, by which all things are constantly reproduced.¹⁴
(See 縕 [vün, yùn]; 緼[vün, yūn]).
vun2 15263
140 16 vün wēn a water plant used for feeding goldfish.¹⁴  an aquatic plant.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿱艹溫; U+8580). (comp. s: ⿱艹温; U+8570).
蕰草[薀草] vün-tāo
wēncǎo <bot.> aquatic weeds; water grass.⁵⁴
蕰藻[薀藻] vün-täo
wēnzǎo <bot.> hornwort.⁵⁴
<又> vùn.
(See 薀 vùn).
vun2 15264
145 14 vün wēn coarse clothing (made with hemp).²
(composition: ⿰衤昷(G) or ⿰衤𥁕(HTJK); U+891E).
<又> vûn. (See 褞 vûn; 褞[vün, yùn]).
vun2 15265
145 14 vün yùn a robe.⁸ (=缊[緼] vün yùn ravelled silk; quilted with hemp.¹⁴ old silk floss.²² tangled hemp, raveled silk.³⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿰衤昷(G) or ⿰衤𥁕(HTJK); U+891E).
褞褐 vün-hòt yùnhè a dilapidated robe filled with a hodgepodge of old cotton waddling. ¹⁹
褞袍 vün-pão
yùnpáo a robe lined with a hodgepodge of fillings.¹⁹
褞袍超人 vün-pão-chël-ngĩn
yùnpáochāorén Taiwan name for Doteraman (Japanese TV science fictional hero dressed as a goblin); the Hong Kong name is 精靈小鬼頭.
<又> vûn.
(See 褞 vûn; 褞[vün, wēn]).
vun2 15266
159 15 vün yǔn a rear covering of a big carriage; an armed carriage, a military cart, cart used by the soldiers; name of a carriage.⁸
(composition: ⿰車宛; U+485D).
<又> yön; vūn. (See 䡝 yön; 䡝 vūn).
vun2 15267
159 16 vün wēn (=辒[轀] vün wēn hearse).
(composition: ⿰車昷; U+8F3C).
(See 轀 vün).
vun2 15268
159 17 vün wēn a hearse.¹⁴ (variant: 輼 vün wēn).
t: ⿰車𥁕; U+8F40). (comp. s: ⿰车昷; U+8F92).
辒车[轀車] vün-chëh
wēnchē hearse.¹⁰
辒辌[轀輬] vün-lẽng
wēnliáng (sleeping) carriage; hearse.¹⁰ a carriage formerly used for sleeping in, but now employed as funeral carriages, the former closed and the latter opened at the sides.²⁵
(See 輼 vün; 轀[vün,yūn]).
vun2 15269
159 17 vün yūn (alternate Mandarin pronunciation for 辒[轀] vün wēn with the same meaning: a hearse.¹⁴)
t: ⿰車𥁕; U+8F40). (comp. s: ⿰车昷; U+8F92).
轒辒[轒轀] fũn-vün
fényūn a Xiongnu military chariot.² a military vehicle used in ancient siege.⁸ a carriage in use among the Tartars.²⁵ (historical) a kind of war chariot with no bottom and covered with leather on the roof.³⁶
(See 輼 vün; 轀[vün,wēn]).
vun2 15270
164 16 vün yùn (=酝[醞] vün yùn ferment/make (wine), brew (beer); wine.⁶); make wine, brew beer; pertaining to liquor; liquor.⁸
(composition: ⿰酉昷; U+9196).
<又> vūn.
(See 醖 vūn; 醞 vün).
vun2 15271
164 17 vün yùn ferment/make (wine), brew (beer); wine.⁶ to brew, to ferment; preliminary informal discussion, to deliberate on, deliberation; wine.⁷ (variant: 醖 vün yùn).
佳酝[佳醞] gäi-vün
or gäi-vūn jiāyùn good wine or good alcohol or good beer.⁶
酝造[醞造] vün-dào
or vūn-dào yùnzào make/ferment (wine, vinegar); brew (beer or wine).⁶
酝藉[醞藉] vün-dèik
or vūn-dèik yùnjiè cultivated and refined.⁷
酝酒[醞酒] vün-diū
or vūn-diū yùnjiǔ make/ferment wine; brew beer.⁶
酝酿[醞釀] vün-ngèng
or vūn-ngèng yùnniàng brew, fermentation, making of (beer, wine); be in the making, make preparations.⁶ to brew (wine or liquor); (of a storm, disturbance) to begin to form, to brew.⁷
酝酿期[醞釀期] vün-ngèng-kĩ
or vūn-ngèng-kĩ yùnniàngqī incubation period.⁶
<又> vūn.
(See 醞 vūn; 醖 vün).
vun2 15272
178 18 vün yùn to conceal; to hide (one's talents).⁷ an orange color; to contain.¹⁴ a color between red and yellow; the inside or lining of anything; a case for a bow.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿰韋昷(GV) or ⿰韋𥁕(HTJK); U+97DE).
s: ⿰韦昷; U+97EB).
石韫玉而山辉[石韞玉而山輝] sêk-vün-ngùk-ngĩ-sän-fï
or sêk-vūn-ngùk-ngĩ-sän-fï shíyùnyùérshānhuī when the rocks contain gems, the hill is resplendent.²⁵
韫祕[韞祕] vün-bï
or vūn-bï yùnmì to keep close; to secrete.¹⁴
韫椟[韞櫝] vün-dùk
or vūn-dùk yùndú (said of a talented person) to live like a recluse; to prefer to be a commoner.⁷ a secret drawer; to store up.²⁵
韫匵而藏[韞匵而藏] vün-dùk-ngĩ-tõng
or vūn-dùk-ngĩ-tõng yùndúércáng to enclose in a case.¹⁴
韫椟藏诸[韞櫝藏諸] vün-dùk-tõng-jï
or vūn-dùk-tõng-jï yùndúcángzhū be enclosed in a case; waste a talent in retirement.⁵⁴
<又> vūn.
(See 韞 vūn.)
vun2 15273
195 21 vün wēn sardine.⁵
鳁鲸 vün-kẽin wēnjīng a sei whale; a rorqual.⁵
vun2 15274
7 4 vũn yún to speak; to say; an expletive.¹⁴
不知所云 būt-jï-sō-vũn bùzhīsuǒyún do not know what somebody is talking about...⁹
不要人云亦云 būt-yël-ngĩn-vũn-yèik-vũn
bùyàorényúnyìyún Don't say what everybody says.⁷
据云[據云] guï-vũn
jùyún it is said that.¹¹
人云亦云 ngĩn-vũn-yèik-vũn
rényúnyìyún to say what everyone says (idiom); to conform to what one perceives to be the majority view; to follow the herd.¹⁰
语云[語云] nguî-vũn
yǔyún  as the saying goes...¹⁰
诗云[詩云] sï-vũn
shīyún <wr.> the Book of Poetry says.¹¹
云亭 vũn-hẽin
yúntíng names of two hills at the foot of 泰山 Häi Sän Tài Shān Mount Tai.
云何吁矣 vũn-hõ-huï-yì
yúnhéxūyǐ How great is my sorrow!¹⁴
云然 vũn-ngẽin
yúnrán as they say; as it is said.¹⁴
云尔[云爾] vũn-ngì
yún'ěr in this way; thus; simply; only; if you please.¹⁴
云为[云為] vũn-vĩ
yúnwèi words and actions.¹⁴
云云 vũn-vũn
yúnyún so and so; and so forth; and so on.⁷
(See 雲 vũn.)
vun3 15275
9 11 vũn hún girl's name; Hun surname.⁸
(composition: ⿰亻軍; U+346E).
vun3 15276
20 4 vũn yún all, thoroughly, every.¹²
(comp. t: ⿹勹二(GHTJ) or ⿹勹𠄠(K); U+52FB).
s: ⿹勹冫; U+5300).
<台> 一次过试匀嗮[一次過試勻嗮] yīt-xü-gö-sï-vũn-xäi  tried everything at once.¹²
<又> yũn.
(See 勻 yũn.)
vun3 15277
37 15 vũn yūn deep and wide (body of water); abyss; spring water.⁸ a deep gulf; wide deep water.²⁴
(composition: ⿱大淵; U+596B).
沉奫 or 沈奫 chĩm-vũn chényūn deep and wide (body of water).¹⁹
奫沦[奫淪] vũn-lũn
yūnlún deep and wide (expanse of water).⁸
奫潫 vũn-vän
yūnwān (appearance of water) cycling or swirling around.³⁶
奫奫 vũn-vũn
yūnyūn deep (body of water).¹⁹
奫沄 vũn-vũn
yūnyún whirling waves.¹⁹
vun3 15278
38 7 vũn yún a female name used in ancient times; Yun surname.⁸
(composition: ⿰女云; U+5998).
楚妘 chō-vũn chǔyún refers to women in the State of Chu.¹⁹
vun3 15279
61 7 vũn hún depressed; dazed.⁹ sorrow of mind.²⁴
(variant: 𢣒❄{⿰忄䰟} vũn hún).
(composition: ⿰忄云; U+5FF6).
(See 𢣒❄{⿰忄䰟} vũn).
vun3 15280
61 16 𢣒
vũn hún (=忶 vũn hún depressed; dazed.⁹ sorrow of mind.²⁴).⁸ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰忄䰟; U+228D2).
(See 忶 vũn).
vun3 15281
72 13 vũn yùn <astr.> halo; halo around some color or light; be dizzy, be giddy. be faint; areola.⁶
(comp. t: ⿱日軍; U+6688). (comp. s: ⿱日军; U+6655).
红晕[紅暈] hũng-vũn
hóngyùn blush; flush.⁵
日晕[日暈] ngìt-vũn
rìyùn solar halo.⁵
月晕[月暈] ngùt-vũn
yuèyùn lunar halo.⁵
晕车[暈車] vũn-chëh
yùnchē have car sickness.⁶
晕场[暈場] vũn-chẽng
yùnchǎng have stage fright; have a phobia about examinations.⁶
晕飞机[暈飛機] vũn-fï-gï
yùnfēijī airsick.⁷
晕高儿[暈高兒] vũn-gäo-ngĩ
yùngāor <topo.> feel giddy when at a great height; suffer from aerophobia.⁶
晕气[暈氣] vũn-hï
yùnqì fog, mist or vapor that reflects the colors of the sun.⁷
晕针[暈針] vũn-jîm
yùnzhēn <TCM> a fainting spell during acupuncture treatment.⁵
晕船[暈船] vũn-sõn
yùnchuán become seasick.⁶
晕滃图[暈滃圖] vũn-yüng-hũ
yùnwěngtú hachure map.⁵⁴
(See 暈 [vũn, yūn].)
vun3 15282
72 13 vũn yūn confused; dizzy; giddy; to faint; to swoon; to lose consciousness; to pass out.¹⁰
(comp. t: ⿱日軍; U+6688). (comp. s: ⿱日军; U+6655).
头晕[頭暈] hẽo-vũn
tóuyūn dizzy.¹⁰
晕倒[暈倒] vũn-āo
yūndǎo fall in a faint; pass out.⁵
晕过去[暈過去] vũn-gö-huï
yūnguòqù to pass out; to faint.⁷
晕头[暈頭] vũn-hẽo
yūntóu (sarcastically) a bloody fool, a blockhead, an imbecile; to feel dizzy.⁷
晕头巴脑[暈頭巴腦] vũn-hẽo-bä-nāo
yūntóubānǎo to feel dizzy and giddy.⁷
晕头转向[暈頭轉向] vũn-hẽo-jōn-hëng
yūntóuzhuànxiàng to feel dizzy and giddy; so confused that one doesn't know what to do or say.⁷
晕厥[暈厥] vũn-kūt
yūnjué <med.> syncope; a faint; to faint.⁷
晕晕忽忽[暈暈忽忽] vũn-vũn-fūt-fūt
yūnyunhūhū dizzy, giddy; muddleheaded.⁵
(See 暈 [vũn, yùn].)
vun3 15283
85 7 vũn yún billows; turbulent; (<old>=纭[紜] vũn yún confusing; disorderly.⁷).⁸ a big wave in a river.⁹ the rushing of a torrent; interchageable with 纭[紜] vũn yún.¹⁴  a turn in the stream, an eddy.²⁴ Also the simplified form of 澐 vũn yún.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵云; U+6C84).
汾沄 fũn-vũn
fényún great multitude (of people).⁵⁴
潺沄 sãn-vũn
chányún refers to sluggish flow of water.¹⁹
沄沆 vũn-köng
yúnhàng water flowing boisterously along.²⁴
沄沄 vũn-vũn
yúnyún describes the flow of water.⁸ tempestuous billows.¹⁹
奫沄 vũn-vũn
yūnyún whirling waves.¹⁹
混沄 vùn-vũn
hùnyún dirty in appearance.¹⁹
混混沄沄 vùn-vùn-vũn-vũn
hùnhùnyúnyún the current is continuously turbulent and tempestuous.¹⁹
玄沄 yõn-vũn
xuányún bubbling and in confusion, plentiful and full.²⁴
泫沄 yõn-vũn
xuànyún water churning, billowing.¹⁹
炫沄 yõn-vũn
xuànyún water boiling.¹⁹
(See 紜 vũn; 澐 vũn).
vun3 15284
85 15 vũn yún billows.⁸ river waves.¹⁰ the waves of the Yangtze River.²⁴ billows of a river (possibly specifically the Yangtze River).³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵雲; U+6F90).
澐澐 vũn-vũn yúnyún turbulent water flow.¹⁹
(See also 沄 vũn).
vun3 15285
86 13 vũn yùn (archaic =晕[暈] vũn yùn) a halo.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰火軍; U+7147).
<又> fï, fün.
(See 煇 fï, fün.)
vun3 15286
102 9 vũn yún reclaimed land.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰田匀 or ⿰田勻; U+7547).
畇畇 vũn-vũn or gün-vũn yúnyún <wr.> (of fields) neatly arranged; neat; tidy.⁶ well-cultivated (farms).¹¹
<又> gün.
(See 畇 gün.)
vun3 15287
118 16 vũn yún tall bamboo.⁸
(comp. t: ⿱𥫗員; U+7BD4). (comp. s: ⿱𥫗员; U+7B7C).
筼簦[篔簦] vũn-äng
yúndēng a bamboo hat with long handle.¹⁹
筼房[篔房] vũn-fông
yúnfáng a bamboo house.²³
筼筜[篔簹] vũn-öng
yúndāng a species of thin-skinned tall bamboo poles grown along the river in Xiamen; it can grow to 23 feet high with a diameter of 4.33 inches and internode length of 4.5 feet.²³
筼筜街道[篔簹街道] vũn-öng gâi-ào
yúndāng jiēdào Yundang Subdistrict, part of Siming District (思明區) in present-day Xiamen.³⁶
筼筜谷[篔簹谷] vũn-öng-gūk
yúndānggǔ Yundanggu, name of this valley; because of the large amount of bamboo comes from this valley, it is thus named.¹⁹
筼筜亭[篔簹亭] vũn-öng-hẽin
yúndāngtíng Yundang Pavilion, a place famous for its scenery or historic interest; scenic spot, in Yangzhou (洋洲) in Yundanggu (篔簹谷).¹⁹
筼筼笋[篔簹筍] vũn-öng-xūn
yúndāngsǔn big bamboo shoot.²³
vun3 15288
120 10 vũn yún confusing; disorderly.⁷
(comp. t: ⿰糹云; U+7D1C). (comp. s: ⿰纟云; U+7EAD).
聚讼纷纭[聚訟紛紜] duì-dùng-fün-vũn
jùsòngfēnyún (of a body of people) to offer all kinds of different opinions (idiom); to argue endlessly.¹⁰ in a great controversy.¹¹
纷纭[紛紜] fün-vũn
fēnyún diverse and confused.⁵
众说纷纭[眾說紛紜] jüng-sōt-fün-vũn
zhòngshuōfēnyún opinions vary.⁵
or 芸芸 vũn-vũn yúnyún numerous and disorderly; diverse and confused.⁵
vun3 15289
127 10 vũn yún to weed.⁷ (variant: 𦶮❄{⿱艹耘} vũn yún).
(composition: ⿰耒云; U+8018).
耕耘 gäng-vũn
gēngyún to till and weed; plowing and weeding; to cultivate.⁷
耘锄[耘鋤] vũn-chũ
or vũn-chõ yúnchú a hoe; to hoe.⁷
耘田 vũn-hẽin
yúntián to weed rice fields.⁷
耘耥 vũn-hōng
yúntāng furrow and weed paddy fields.⁶
耘艺[耘藝] vũn-ngài
yúnyì farming/cultivation skill.⁵⁴
耘人之田 vũn-ngĩn-jï-hẽin
yúnrénzhītián lit. to weed the rice fields of others – to manage a business on behalf of others.⁷
耘耙 vũn-pã
yúnbà a rake for weeding.¹⁴
耘草 vũn-tāo
yúncǎo to remove weeds; to weed.⁷
辛勤耕耘 xïn-kĩn-gäng-vũn
xīnqín gēngyún to make industrious and diligent efforts (idiom).¹⁰
(See 𦶮❄{⿱艹耘} vũn).
vun3 15290
140 7 vũn yún rue; strong-scented herb; books and libraries.
(composition: ⿱艹云; U+82B8).
芸帙 vũn-èik yúnzhì casing for books.
or 云豆[雲豆] vũn-èo yúndòu kidney bean.
芸阁[芸閣] vũn-gōk
yúngé imperial library.
芸香 vũn-hëng
yúnxiāng <bot.> rue, Ruta graveolens.
芸香苷 vũn-hëng-gäm
yúnxiānggān rutin.
芸台[芸臺] vũn-hõi
yúntái imperial library.
芸编[芸編] vũn-pëin
yúnbiān <old> books.⁶
芸草 vũn-tāo
yúncǎo strong-scented herb; rue.
芸签[芸籤] vũn-têm
yúnqiān bookmark.¹¹
芸签缥带[芸簽縹帶] vũn-têm-pël-âi
yúnqiānpiǎodài <wr.> books.
芸窗 vũn-töng
yúnchuāng id. study.
or 纭纭[紜紜] vũn-vũn yúnyún numerous and disorderly; diverse and confused.⁵
芸芸众生[芸芸眾生] vũn-vũn-jüng-säng
yúnyúnzhòngshēng the multitudes; people of the world; all living things.
(See 蕓 vũn.)
vun3 15291
140 12 vũn hūn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 荤[葷] vùn hūn with same meaning: meat or fish.)
t: ⿱艹軍; U+8477). (comp. s: ⿱艹军; U+8364).
<又> vùn, fün.
(See 葷 vùn, fün; 獯 fün.)
vun3 15292
140 13 𦶮
vũn yún (demotic =耘 vũn yún to weed).⁹⁸
(composition: ⿱艹耘; U+26DAE).
(See 耘 vũn).
vun3 15293
140 15 vũn yún 芸薹[蕓薹] vũn-hõi yúntái rape (plant).⁶ coriander, Coriandrum sativum Linn.²³
t: ⿱艹雲; U+8553). (comp. s: ⿱艹云; U+82B8)..
(See 芸 vũn.)

vun3 15294
149 11 𧥼
vũn yún (composition: ⿰言云; U+2797C).
(variant: 𧬞❄{⿰言雲} vũn).¹⁰¹
❄{⿰言云} fün-vũn fēnyún unsettled expressions; vague speech.²⁴
(See 𧬞❄{⿰言雲} vũn).
vun3 15295
149 19 𧬞
vũn yún (=𧥼❄{⿰言云} vũn yún).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰言雲; U+27B1E).
❄{⿰言雲} or 訜𧥼❄{⿰言云} fün-vũn fēnyún unsettled expressions; vague speech.²⁴
(See 𧥼❄{⿰言云} vũn).
vun3 15296
154 19 vũn yūn <wr.> fine, nice, beautiful.⁶ fine, pleasant, agreeable.⁷ affable, agreeable, pleasant; fine, splendid; great, big; be well versed in both polite letters and martial arts.⁸ fair and beautiful.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿱斌貝; U+8D07). (comp. s: ⿱斌贝; U+8D5F).
vun3 15297
163 6 vũn yún (=郧[鄖] vũn yún (a feudal state in modern 湖北 Vũ-bāk Húběi Hubei Province); (a place name in 江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū Jiangsu Province); Yun surname.) name of an old country in today's Hubei province, name of a place in today's Jiangsu province.⁸
(composition: ⿰云阝; U+48B5).
(See 鄖 vũn).
vun3 15298
163 12 vũn yún (a feudal state in modern 湖北 Vũ-bāk Húběi Hubei Province); (a place name in 江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū Jiangsu Province); Yun surname. (variant: 䢵 vũn yún).
郧县[鄖縣] Vũn-yòn
Yúnxiàn Yun county in 十堰 Sìp-yēn Shíyàn Shiyan city, 湖北 Vũ-bāk Húběi Hubei Province.
(See 䢵 vũn).
vun3 15299
173 12 vũn yún clouds; short name for Yunnan; Yun surname.
白背云耳[白背雲耳] bàk-böi vũn-ngī báibèi yún'ěr black fungus: black front, white back.⁹² cf. 黑木耳.hāk-mùk-ngī.
云翳[雲翳] vũn-äi
or vũn-yï yúnyì dark clouds; lowering clouds; <TCM> corneal opacity.⁶
云鬓[雲鬢] vũn-bïn
yúnbìn hair puffed out at the sides.¹⁴
云杉[雲杉] vũn-chëim
yúnshān (dragon) spruce.⁶
云霞[雲霞] vũn-hã
yúnxiá rosy/beautiful clouds.⁶
云衢[雲衢] vũn-kuĩ
yúnqú or 云路[雲路] vũn-lù yúnlù high official ranks.⁷ the cloudy way – scholarly eminence.¹⁴
云罅[雲罅] vũn-lâ
yúnxià a rift in the clouds.⁵
云玛瑙[雲瑪瑙] vũn-mâ-não
or vũn-mâ-nâo yúnmǎnǎo clouded agate.⁶
云雾[雲霧] vũn-mù
yúnwù clouds and mist, mist.⁵
云南[雲南] Vũn-nãm
Yúnnán Yunnan Province.
云霓[雲霓] vũn-ngãi
yúnní rain clouds; clouds and secondary rainbow.⁶
云彩[雲彩] vũn-tōi
yúncai <topo.> clouds.⁵
云霄[雲霄] vũn-xël
yúnxiāo skies; sky.⁶
云孙[雲孫] vũn-xün yúnsūn 8th generation descendant.¹⁴
云烟[雲煙] vũn-yën
yúnyān cloud and mist; something which vanishes quickly.
<台> 云吞[雲吞] vũn-hün wonton.
(See 云 vũn.)
vun3 15300
184 16 vũn hún stuffed dumplings with delicate flour wrappings; ravioli.⁷ (variant: 餫 vũn hún).
馄饨[餛飩] vũn-hün
húntun wonton; dumpling soup.⁵ (=<台> 云吞[雲吞] vũn-hün wonton).
馄饨面[餛飩麵] vũn-hün-mèin
húntunmiàn wonton noodle soup.¹
馄饨皮[餛飩皮] vũn-hün-pĩ
húntunpí wonton wrappings.⁶
vun3 15301
184 17 vũn hún (=馄[餛] vũn hún) stuffed dumplings with delicate flour wrappings; ravioli.⁷
(See 餛 vũn.)
vun3 15302
194 13 vũn hún soul; mood, spirit; lofty spirit; the best part, prime.⁶
(composition: ⿰云鬼; U+9B42).
灵魂[靈魂] lẽin-vũn línghún the soul; the spirit.⁷
神魂不定 sĩn-vũn-būt-èin
shénhúnbùdìng be distracted; have the jitters.⁵
神魂颠倒[神魂顛倒] sĩn-vũn-ëin-āo
shénhúndiāndǎo be infatuated.⁵
魂不附体[魂不附體] vũn-būt-fù-hāi
húnbùfùtǐ as if the soul had left the body.⁵ frightened out of one's wits.⁷
魂不守舍 vũn-būt-siū-sëh
húnbùshǒushè be absent-minded; be panic-stricken; have lost one's mind.⁶
魂飞胆丧[魂飛膽喪] vũn-fï-ām-xöng
húnfēidǎnsàng be panic-stricken; be terrified.⁶
魂飞九霄[魂飛九霄] vũn-fï-giū-xël
húnfēijiǔxiāo be frightened to death; be struck dumb.⁶
魂飞魄散[魂飛魄散] vũn-fï-pāk-xān
húnfēipòsàn be half dead with fright; be frightened out of one's wits/senses.⁶
魂归太虚[魂歸太虛] vũn-gï-häi-huï
húnguītàixū go to one's account; die; be removed by death.⁶
魂灵[魂靈] vũn-lẽin
húnlíng <vern.> soul.⁵
魂魄 vũn-pāk
húnpò soul.⁵
魂销[魂銷] vũn-xël
húnxiāo spellbound; infatuated; bewitched.⁷
vun3 15303
194 13 vũn hún (=魂 vũn hún soul; mood, spirit; lofty spirit; the best part, prime.⁶).⁹⁸
(composition: ⿱云鬼; U+4C1F).
(See 魂 vũn).
vun3 15304
9 10 𠉣
vùn hùn old and forgetful.³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻昏; U+20263).
<又> fün. (See 𠉣❄{⿰亻昏} fün).
vun4 15305
31 10 vùn hùn <wr.> pigsty; lavatory, privy, toilet.⁶ a pig-sty; a privy; (interchangeable with 溷 vùn hùn); grain-fed animals.¹⁴
君子不食圂腴 gün-dū-būt-sèik-vùn-
yĩ jūnzǐ bù shí hùnyú A superior man does not eat the flesh of pigs and dogs.¹⁴ A gentleman did not eat the entrails of grain-fed animals. (From 禮記 Liji 少儀 Shaoyi verse 29).
圂腴 vùn-yĩ
hùnyú iinternal organs/viscera of pigs and dogs.⁰
<又> vàn.
(See 圂 vàn).
vun4 15306
61 12 vùn yùn devise, plan, deliberate; consult; Yun surname.⁸
恽谋[惲謀] vùn-mẽo yùnmóu scheme; plan.⁵⁴
恽议[惲議] vùn-ngì
yùnyì discuss; deliberate.⁵⁴
vun4 15307
61 14 vùn hùn to disturb, to distress, to upset; to disgrace; to worry.⁷ dishonor, disobey; insult.⁸ grieved; to distress, to disgrace, to disturb.²⁴
慁賔 vùn-bïn hùnbīn to distress a guest.²⁴
慁君 vùn-gün
hùnjūn to dishonor a prince.²⁴
vun4 15308
75 12 vùn hún a kind of tree.² a kind of tree found in ancient books.⁸
(composition: ⿰木囷; U+68DE).
<又> kūn; kûn. (See 棞 kūn; 棞 kûn).
vun4 15309
78 14 vùn yǔn perish; die.⁶
玉殒香消[玉殞香消] ngùk-vùn-hëng-xël yùyǔnxiāngxiāo a beautiful young lady dies.⁶
殒阵[殞陣] vùn-jìn
yǔnzhèn <wr.> be killed in action; fall in battle.⁶
or 陨落[隕落] vùn-lòk yǔnluò (of a meteorite) fall from the sky or outer space; decease, pass away.⁶
or 陨灭[隕滅] vùn-mèik yǔnmiè fall from outer space and burn up; <wr.> meet one's death.⁶
or 陨命[隕命] vùn-mèin yǔnmìng <wr.> meet one's death; perish.⁶
殒没[殞沒] vùn-mòt
yǔnmò pass away; die.⁶
殒殁[殞歿] vùn-mòt
yǔnmò pass away; die.⁶
殒身[殞身] vùn-sïn
yǔnshēn <wr.> meet one's death; be killed.⁶
殒身不恤[殞身不恤] vùn-sïn-būt-xūt
yǔnshēnbùxù to die without regrets (idiom); to sacrifice oneself without hesitation.¹⁰
vun4 15310
85 11 vùn hún (=浑[渾] vùn hún) muddy, turbid; foolish, stupid.⁶
(composition: ⿰氵昆; U+6DF7).
or 浑蛋[渾蛋] vùn-àn/ húndàn scoundrel, bastard.⁶
or 浑浊[渾濁] vùn-dùk húnzhuó turbid; not clean or pure.⁷
or 浑球[渾球] vùn-kiũ húnqiú blackguard, rascal.⁶
or 浑人[渾人] vùn-ngĩn húnrén foolish/stupid person; unreasonable fellow.⁶
or 浑水[渾水] vùn-suī húnshuǐ muddy water.⁶
or 浑水摸鱼[渾水摸魚] vùn-suī-mū-nguî/  húnshuǐmōyú fish in troubled waters; gain advantage in a confused situation.⁶
(See 混 [vùn, hùn].)
vun4 15311
85 11 vùn hùn mix, confuse, mingle; pass off as; muddle/drift along; get along with somebody; foolishly, groundlessly, to no purpose.⁶
(composition: ⿰氵昆; U+6DF7).
混杂[混雜] vùn-dàp hùnzá mix; mingle.⁶
混在一起 vùn-dòi-yīt-hī
hùnzàiyīqǐ mix things up.⁶
混巩法[混鞏法] vùn-gūng-fāt
hùngǒngfǎ <chem.> amalgamation.⁵⁴
混合 vùn-hàp
hùnhé mix; blend; mingle.⁶
混乱[混亂] vùn-lòn
hùnluàn confused; chaotic; disorderly.⁶
混淆 vùn-ngão
hùnxiáo mix up; confuse; obscure.⁵
混淆是非 vùn-ngão-sì-fï
hùnxiáoshìfēi confuse right and wrong.⁶
混凝土 vùn-ngẽin-hū
hùnníngtǔ cement, concrete.¹¹
混日子 vùn-ngït-dū
hùnrìzi muddle on/along; scrape by; drift along.⁶
混沌 vùn-ùn
hùndùn chaos (the primeval state of the universe according to Chinese legend); innocent, simple-minded and ignorant.⁶
混为一谈[混為一談] vùn-vĩ-yīt-hãm
hùnwéiyītán lump together, jumble together; confuse something with something else.⁶
(See 混 [vùn, hún].)
vun4 15312
85 12 vùn hún muddy, turbid; combine into one unity; simple and natural; foolish, stupid; whole, all-over, complete.⁶
犯浑[犯渾] fàn-vùn fànhún be unreasonable/difficult.⁶
or 混蛋 vùn-àn/ húndàn scoundrel, bastard.⁶
or 混浊[混濁] vùn-dùk húnzhuó turbid; not clean or pure.⁷
浑家[渾家] vùn-gä
húnjiā (early vernacular) wife.⁶
浑厚[渾厚] vùn-hêo
húnhòu simple and honest; (of calligraphy, painting) simple but vigorous.⁶
or 混球 vùn-kiũ húnqiú blackguard, rascal.⁶
浑然一体[渾然一體] vùn-ngẽin-yīt-hāi
húnrányītǐ integrated mass; integral whole; unified entity.⁶
or 混人 vùn-ngĩn húnrén foolish/stupid person; unreasonable fellow.⁶
浑朴[渾樸] vùn-pōk
húnpǔ simple and honest.⁶
浑身[渾身] vùn-sïn
húnshēn all over the body.⁶
or 混水 vùn-suī húnshuǐ muddy water.⁶
or 混水摸鱼[混水摸魚] vùn-suī-mū-nguî/ húnshuǐmōyú fish in troubled waters; gain advantage in a confused situation.⁶
浑沌[渾沌] vùn-ùn
húndùn chaotic; messy.⁶
浑圆[渾圓] vùn-yõn
húnyuán perfectly round; tactful; sophisticated.¹⁰
vun4 15313
85 12 vùn hún (<old>=浑[渾] vùn hún muddy, turbid; combine into one unity; simple and natural; foolish, stupid; whole, all-over, complete.⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿰氵春; U+6E77).
<又> chuî; jöng.
(See 湷 chuî; 湷 jöng).
vun4 15314
85 13 vùn hùn dirty; messy.⁷
溷迹[溷跡] vùn-dēik hùnjì to conceal.⁷
溷浊[溷濁] vùn-dùk
hùnzhuó dirty; muddy.⁷ turbid, disordered.¹⁴
溷坑 vùn-häng
hùnkēng cesspool.¹⁴
溷汁 vùn-jīp
hùnzhī dirty water; sewage.⁷
溷肴[溷餚] vùn-ngão
hùnyáo messy; confused; chaotic.⁷
溷说[溷說] vùn-sōt
hùnshuō to use bad language.¹⁴
溷厕[溷廁] vùn-xü
hùncè a water closet; lavatory.⁷
vun4 15315
86 14 vùn yùn (<old>=熨 vùn yùn to iron, to press.⁵).⁸ to iron; to smooth out.¹⁴ to smooth out, to iron (rriginal form of 熨 vùn yùn or höng yùn which means ironing).³⁶
t: ⿰火𥁕; U+7185). (comp. s: ⿰火昷; U+7174).
煴斗[熅斗] vùn-ēo
yùndǒu a smoothing iron.¹⁴
煴黄了[熅黃了] vùn-võng-lēl
yùnhuángle you have scorched – the clothes – in ironing.¹⁴
煴衣服[熅衣服] vùn-yï-fùk
yùnyīfú to iron clothes.¹⁴
<又> vün; vūn.
(See 熅 vün; 熅 vūn; 熨 vùn; 熨 höng).
vun4 15316
86 15 vùn yùn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 熨 höng yùn to iron, to press.⁵)
<又> höng.
(See 熨 höng; vūt.)
vun4 15317
96 13 vùn hún a kind of precious jade.⁷
珲春[琿春] Vùn-chün Húnchūn Hunchun county level city in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture,  (延边朝鲜族自治州[延邊朝鮮族自治州] Yẽn-bêin-Chẽl-xēin-dùk-dù-jì-jiü Yánbian Cháoxiǎn zú zìzhìzhōu), Jilin (吉林 Gīt-lĩm Jílín)¹⁰
<又> fï.
(See 琿 fï.)
vun4 15318
104 15 𤸫
vùn yùn sick; disease.² disease.²⁴
(composition: ⿸疒員; U+24E2B).
vun4 15319
140 12 vùn hūn meat or fish.
(comp. t: ⿱艹軍; U+8477). (comp. s: ⿱艹军; U+8364).
吃荤[吃葷] hëk-vùn
or hëk-vũn chīhūn to eat meat.
开荤[開葷] höi-vùn/
or höi-vũn kāihūn to give up meatless diet; to start eating meat.
荤菜[葷菜] vùn-töi
or vũn-töi hūncài meat dishes.
荤腥[葷腥] vùn-xëng or vũn-xëng
hūnxīng dishes of meat or fish.⁵
荤辛[葷辛] vùn-xïn
or vũn-xïn hūnxīn sharp-smelling (like garlic).¹¹
荤素[葷素] vùn-xü
or vũn-xü hūnsù meat and vegetable.
荤油[葷油] vùn-yiũ
or vũn-yiũ hūnyóu lard.
荤油蒙了心[葷油蒙了心] vùn-yiũ-mũng-lēl-xïm
or vũn-yiũ-mũng-lēl-xïm hūnyóu mēngle xīn be befuddled; be in a haze.⁵⁴
<又> vũn, fün.
(See 葷 vũn, fün; 獯 fün.)
vun4 15320
140 16 vùn yùn accumulate; luxuriant.¹ the hippuris or mare's tail plant.⁸
hippuris or mare's tail.¹⁴ to collect; to accumulate; accustomed to, familiar.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿱艹溫; U+8580). (comp. s: ⿱艹温; U+8570).
纷薀[紛薀] fün-vùn
fēnyùn luxuriant; magnificent.¹⁹
<又> vün.
(See 薀 vün).
vun4 15321
149 16 vùn hùn to joke; to jest; nickname.
打诨[打諢] ā-vùn dǎhùn to jest; to crack jokes.
插科打诨[插科打諢] chäp-fö-ā-vùn
chākēdǎhùn to include impromptu comic material in opera performance (idiom); to jest; buffoonery.
诨名[諢名] vùn-mẽin
hùnmíng nickname.
撒科打诨[撒科打諢] xät-fö-ā-vùn
sākēdǎhùn to intersperse comic dialog (as they do in operas).⁸
vun4 15322
162 12 vùn yùn motion, movement; carry, transport; use, wield, utilize; fortune, luck, fate.⁵
大运河[大運河] Ài-vùn-hõ Dàyùnhé the Grand Canal.⁵
时来运转[時來運轉] sĩ-lõi-vùn-jōn
shíláiyùnzhuǎn to get a break (after a long period of bad luck).⁷
运笔[運筆] vùn-bīt
yùnbǐ wield the pen.⁵
运筹帷幄[運籌帷幄] vùn-chiũ-vĩ-āk
yùnchóuwéiwò to map out or devise strategy in the command tent.⁷
运行[運行] vùn-hãng
yùnxíng to be in motion; to move; (of a computer) to run.¹⁰
运气[運氣] vùn-hï
yùnqi (the art of) directing one's strength, through concentration, to a part of the body; fortune, luck.⁵
运河[運河] vùn-hõ
yùnhé canal.⁵
运转[運轉] vùn-jōn
yùnzhuàn revolve, turn round; work,  operate.⁵
运输[運輸] vùn-sï
yùnshū transport; carriage; conveyance.⁵
运动[運動] vùn-ùng
yùndòng motion, movement; sports, athletics, exercise.⁵
运用[運用] vùn-yùng
yùnyòng to use; to put to use.¹⁰
运用自如[運用自如] vùn-yùng-dù-nguĩ
yùnyòngzìrú handle very skillfully; have a perfect command of.⁵
vun4 15323
163 11 vùn yùn name of an ancient city in the State of 鲁[魯] Lû , now 郓城县[鄆城縣] Vùn-sẽng-yòn Yùnchéngxiàn, a county in Shandong Province.¹⁴ an ancient town's name; Yun surname.⁸
t: ⿰軍阝; U+9106). (comp. s: ⿰军阝; U+90D3).
郓城县[鄆城縣] Vùn-sẽng-yòn
Yùnchéngxiàn, a county under the administration of 菏泽[菏澤] Hõ-jàk Hézé Heze City in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province.
vun4 15324
170 12 vùn yǔn fall from the sky or outer space.⁶ to fall; to die.⁷ fall, slip; let fall; die.⁸
铁陨石[鐵隕石] hëik-vùn-sêk tiěyǔnshí iron meteorite.⁶
陨涕[隕涕] vùn-häi
yǔntì tears falling.⁷
陨铁[隕鐵] vùn-hëik
yǔntiě meteoric iron.⁷
陨坠[隕墜] vùn-juì
yǔnzhuì (said of tradition, a ruling power) to decline and fall; (figuratively) to die.⁷
or 殒落[殞落] vùn-lòk yǔnluò (of a meteorite) fall from the sky or outer space; decease, pass away.⁶ to fall down, to decay, to fall from the sky, to die.⁸
or 殒灭[殞滅] vùn-mèik yǔnmiè fall from outer space and burn up; <wr.> meet one's death.⁶
or 殒命[殞命] vùn-mèin yǔnmìng <wr.> meet one's death; perish.⁶
陨石[隕石] vùn-sêk
yǔnshí aerolite; (stony) meteorite; meteorolite.⁶
陨石雨[隕石雨] vùn-sêk-yî
yǔnshíyǔ meteorite shower.⁶
陨首[隕首] vùn-siū
yǔnshǒu to offer one's life in sacrifice; lower one's head.⁵⁴
陨星[隕星] vùn-xëin
yǔnxīng <astr.> meteorite (esp. one that has not fallen to the ground); meteor.³⁶
陨越[隕越] vùn-yòt
yǔnyuè to topple and fall down; to fulfill one's duties improperly or erroneously.⁷
vun4 15325
180 19 vùn yùn musical/agreeable sound; rhyme; charm.⁵
韵白[韻白] vùn-bàk yùnbái spoken parts in Beijing opera where the traditional pronunciation of certain words is slightly different from that in current Beijing dialect.⁶
韵调[韻調] vùn-èl
yùndiào (musical) tone.⁶
韵腹[韻腹] vùn-fūk
yùnfù the essential vowel in a compound vowel, as a in iang.⁵
韵脚[韻腳] vùn-gëk
yùnjiǎo the rhyming word that ends a line of verse.⁵
韵头[韻頭] vùn-hẽo
yùntóu head vowel, any of the three vowels i, u, and ü in certain compound vowels, as i in iang.⁵
韵律[韻律] vùn-lùt
yùnlǜ meter (in verse); rules of rhyming, rhyme scheme.⁵
韵尾[韻尾] vùn-mī
yùnwěi tail vowel, the terminal sound (vowel or nasal consonant) of certain compound vowels, as o in ao, ng in lang.⁵
韵味[韻味] vùn-mì
yùnwèi lingering charm; lasting appeal.⁵
韵母[韻母] vùn-mû
yùnmǔ medial and final of a syllable, exluding tone; rhyme.⁰
韵文[韻文] vùn-mũn
yùnwén literary composition in rhyme; verse.⁵
韵事[韻事] vùn-xù
yùnshì literary or artistic pursuits, often with pretense to good taste and refinement; romantic affair.⁵
vun4 15326
181 19 vùn hùn facial complexion (yellowish because of worrying), a round skull and face.⁸ the muscles of the face suddenly contracted; also a round head and face.²⁵
(composition: ⿰員頁; U+4ADF).
vun4 15327
196 20 vùn yùn a domestic fowl three feet high, of a light yellow color, with a long comb under its chin and a red beck.²⁵
(composition: ⿰軍鳥; U+9DA4).
<又> kün. (See 鶤 kün).
vun4 15328
10 4 vûn yǔn to permit; to allow; to consent; fair; just right.
不允 būt-vûn bùyǔn not consent to.
持论公允[持論公允] chĩ-lùn-güng-vûn
chílùngōngyǔn to make impartial comments.
公允 güng-vûn
gōngyǔn fair and equitable; even-handed; just and sound.
承允 sẽin-vûn
chéngyǔn to agree; to promise.
允许[允許] vûn-huī
yǔnxǔ to permit; to allow.
允执厥中[允執厥中] vûn-jīp-kūt-jüng
yǔnzhíjuézhōng <wr.> to keep to the center or golden mean; unbiased.
应允[應允] yëin-vūn
yīngyǔn to assent; to consent.
vun5 15329
44 4 vûn yǐn ancient title for government official; to administer, to oversee, to run; Yin surname.
府尹 fū-vûn fǔyǐn governor of a prefecture; magistrate; prefect.
令尹 lèin-vûn
lìngyǐn <trad.> district magistrate.
vun5 15330
94 7 vûn yǔn a tribe of Scythian nomads.⁸
猃狁[獫狁] or 玁狁 Hēm-vûn Xiǎnyǔn Xianyun, Zhou Dynasty term for a northern nomadic tribe later called the 匈奴 Hüng-nũ Xiōngnú Xiongnu in the Qin and Han Dynasties.¹⁰
vun5 15331
145 14 vûn yǔn a robe made from hemp.³⁶
(composition: ⿰衤昷(G) or ⿰衤𥁕(HTJK); U+891E).
<又> vün. (See 褞[vün, yùn]; 褞[vün, wēn]).
vun5 15332
30 12 vūt the sound of water.² swallow, gulp down; laugh loudly.³⁶
(composition: ⿰口昷; U+55E2).
嗢噱 vūt-kêk wàxué to chuckle.¹¹
嗢咽[嗢嚥] vūt-yën
wàyàn to swallow.¹¹
嗢哕[嗢噦] vūt-yòt
wàyuě <wr.> to clear the throat.¹¹
vut1 15333
41 11 vūt 尉迟[尉遲] Vūt-chĩ Yùchí Yuchi compound surname.⁸
尉犁 Vūt-lãi
Yùlí Yuli, a county in 新疆 Xïn-gëng Xīnjiāng Xinjiang.⁸
<又> vï.
(See 尉 vï.)
vut1 15334
44 8 vūt to bend; to submit; injustice; Qu surname.
不屈不挠[不屈不撓] būt-vūt-būt-nẽo or būt-kūt-būt-nẽo bùqūbùnáo to keep on fighting in spite of all setbacks.
委屈 vī-vūt
or vī-kūt wěiqu obstructed (in career), held back; suffer from injustice, wrongly accused.¹¹
屈臂 vūt-bî
or kūt-bî qūbì to bend the arms.
屈服 vūt-fùk
or kūt-fùk qūfú to accept defeat.
屈指 vūt-jī
or kūt-jī qūzhǐ to count on one's fingers.
屈原 Vūt Ngũn
Qū Yuán (c. 340 - c. 278 BCE) eminent poet; whose suicide on the fifth day of the fifth month is commemorated annually during the Dragon Boat Festival (端午节[端午節] Ön-m̂-dëik Duānwǔjié).
屈从[屈從] vūt-tũng
or kūt-tũng qūcóng to capitulate.
屈戌 vūt-xūt
or kūt-xūt qūxū <wr.> staple; door latch.⁵⁴
屈戌儿[屈戌兒] vūt-xūt-ngĩ
or kūt-xūt-ngĩ qūqur metal fastening for a window, door, or case; hasp.⁶
屈辱 vūt-yùk
or kūt-yùk qūrǔ humiliation; mortification.⁵
冤屈 yön-vūt
or yön-kūt yuānqū to treat unjustly; injustice; grievance; a wrong.
<又> kūt.
(See 屈 kūt.)
vut1 15335
64 11 vūt    twisted; perverse.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌宛; U+6365).
<又> võn; vōn; vön. (See 捥 võn; 捥 vōn; 捥 vön).
vut1 15336
64 32 𢺴
vūt twisted; perverse.²⁴ used for 捥 vön wàn to bend the wrist.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰扌鬱; U+22EB4).
vut1 15337
75 22 vūt (<old>=郁[鬱] vūt a tulip; plum (Prunus japonica); pent-up, stagnant; luxuriant, lush.⁷ anxious; grieved; depressed.¹⁴).⁸
(composition: ⿳棥冖⿲⿰𠄌彐丶寸; U+6B0E).
(See 鬱 vūt).
vut1 15338
75 25 vūt (=鬱 vūt ) a tulip; plum (Prunus japonica); pent-up, stagnant; luxuriant, lush.⁷ anxious; grieved; depressed.¹⁴
(See 鬱 vūt).
vut1 15339
78 13 vūt miscarriage; depressed.² an abortion; distressed mind.²⁴
(composition: ⿰歹昷(G) or ⿰歹𥁕(HTJK); U+6B9F).
<又> vün.
(See 殟 vün).
vut1 15340
86 15 vūt to settle (matters).⁷
熨贴[熨貼] vūt-hëp yùtiē (said of matters) settled or taken care of.⁷
<又> höng.
(See 熨 höng; vùn.)
vut1 15341
86 33 vūt smoke coming out; smokey; smell of smoke.² smoke coming out; smell of smoke; <Canto.> to smoke, fumigate; to bleach with burning sulfur.⁸
(composition: ⿰火鬱; U+7229).
炪爩 jōt-vūt zhuōyù smokey.²⁴
vut1 15342
130 14 vūt fat.⁸  blubber (animal fat).¹⁰
腽肭[膃肭] vūt-nùt wànà <wr.> obese; fat; corpulent.⁶ fur seal or its blubber.¹⁰
腽肭兽[膃肭獸] vūt-nùt-chiü
wànàshòu fur/ursine seal.⁶
腽肭脐[膃肭臍]  vūt-nùt-tî
wànàqí <TCM> penis and testes of an ursine seal.⁶ [<vern.> =海狗肾[海狗腎] hōi-gēo-sûn hǎigǒushèn ursine seal's penis and testes.]⁵⁴
vut1 15343
142 11 vūt scorpion; a grub which bores into trees and destroys them.⁸ a grub in timber.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰虫出; U+45A6).
蛣䖦 or 蛣𧌑❄{⿰虫屈} kēik-vūt jiéqū a tree grub.¹⁰²
<又> jōt.
(See 䖦 jōt).
vut1 15344
142 14 𧌑
vūt (composition: ⿰虫屈; U+27311).
蛣𧌑❄{⿰虫屈} or 蛣䖦 kēik-vūt jiéqū a tree grub.¹⁰²
vut1 15345
149 12 vūt to contract; to wrinkle; to crouch; to stammer.¹⁴ forced to act against one's will; to conceal; to stammer; to rumple; a fold, a wrinkle; stuttering, any impediment in the speech; to stop, as music; to exhaust; to remove from office.¹⁰²
道不可诎[道不可詘] ào-būt-hō-vūt dàobùkěqū do not bend the truth.¹⁴
不充诎富贵[不充詘富貴] būt-chüng-vūt-fü-gï
bùchōngqūfùguì not elated with riches or success.¹¹
充诎[充詘] chüng-vūt
chōngqū to be elated.¹¹
身诎何伤[身詘何傷] sïn-vūt-hõ-sëng
shēnqūhéshāng what harm is done by bendng the body?¹⁴
诎折[詘折] vūt-jēt
qūzhé wrongs; complications.¹⁴
or 屈伸 vūt-sïn qūshēn contracting or expanding according to circumstances.¹⁴
诎身以信道[詘身以信道] vūt-sïn-yî-xïn-ào
qūshēnyǐxìndào bent himself in order to widen the sway of truth.¹⁴
诎词[詘詞] vūt-xũ
qūcí to hesitate in speech.¹⁴
诎意於人[詘意于人] vūt-yï-yï-ngĩn
qūyìyúrén to yield to the ideas of others.¹⁴
<又> kūt.
(See 詘 kūt.)
vut1 15346
149 15 vūt (<old>=诎[詘] vūt or kūt to contract; to wrinkle; to crouch; to stammer.¹⁴ forced to act against one's will; to conceal; to stammer; to rumple; a fold, a wrinkle; stuttering, any impediment in the speech; to stop, as music; to exhaust; to remove from office.¹⁰²); <wr.> to shorten; to curtail; to be slow of speech).⁸
(composition: ⿰言屈; U+8AB3).
<又> gùt.
(See 誳 gùt; 詘 [vūt, ]; 詘 [kūt, ]).
vut1 15347
192 27 vūt (=鬱 vūt ) a tulip; plum (Prunus japonica); pent-up, stagnant; luxuriant, lush.⁷ anxious; grieved; depressed.¹⁴
(See 鬱 vūt).
vut1 15348
192 28 𩰪
vūt (=郁[鬱] vūt a tulip; plum (Prunus japonica); pent-up, stagnant; luxuriant, lush.⁷ anxious; grieved; depressed.¹⁴); fragrant herb or plant.²
(composition: ⿳⿲𠀉缶彐冖⿰鬯彡 or ⿳⿲⿷⿱丿丄一缶彐冖⿰鬯彡; U+29C2A).
𩰪鬯 vūt-chēng
yùchàng fragrant herbs employed in scenting wine at sacrifices.²⁵
(See 鬱 vūt).
vut1 15349
192 29 vūt a tulip; plum (Prunus japonica); pent-up, stagnant; luxuriant, lush.⁷ anxious; grieved; depressed.¹⁴
(variants: 鬰,欝,欎,𩰪
❄{⿳⿲⿷⿱丿丄一缶彐冖⿰鬯彡} vūt ).
(See 鬰,欝,欎,𩰪❄{⿳⿲⿷⿱丿丄一缶彐冖⿰鬯彡} vūt; 郁 yūk).
郁沈沈[鬱沈沈] vūt-chĩm-chĩm yùchénchén depressed; despondent; dejected; low-spirited.⁷
郁积[鬱積] vūt-dēik
yùjī pent-up (feelings); to smolder.⁷
郁结[鬱結] vūt-gēik
yùjié to suffer from pent-up feelings.⁷
郁金香[鬱金香] vūt-gïm-hëng
yùjīnxiāng a tulip.⁷
郁陶[鬱陶] vūt-hõ
or vūt-hão yùtáo harassed; anxiously.¹⁴
郁李[鬱李] vūt-lī
yùlǐ Japanese bush cherry, Oriental bush cherry, Korean bush cherry Prunus/Cerasus japonica.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
郁闷[鬱悶] vūt-mòn
yùmèn depressed; melancholy.¹⁴
郁郁[鬱鬱] vūt-vūt
yùyù fragrant; sweet-smelling.⁷
郁郁不乐[鬱鬱不樂] vūt-vūt-būt-lòk
yùyùbùlè despondent, dejected, depressed, low-spirited.⁷
郁郁寡欢[鬱鬱寡歡] vūt-vūt-gā-fön
yùyùguǎhuān feel depressed; be low in spirits.⁶
郁郁葱葱[鬱鬱蔥蔥] vūt-vūt-tüng-tüng
yùyùcōngcōng (of grass and trees) to be lush and green.⁶
郁塞[鬱塞] vūt-xāk
yùsāi to suffer from pent-up feelings.⁷
or 郁邑[鬱邑] vūt-yīp yùyì melancholy.⁷
郁郁[鬱郁] vūt-yūk
yùyù fragrant.¹⁴
郁蓊[鬱蓊] vūt-yüng
yùwěng luxuriant; lush.⁷

vut1 15350
86 12 vüt (Cant.) to smoke; to fumigate.⁸
(composition: ⿰火屈; U+7140).
<台> 煀 vüt to smoke, to fumigate; to bend.
<台> 煀蚊 vüt-mûn/ mosquito fogging.
vut2 15351
75 10 vût pit; stone (spoken only).
冰核儿[冰核兒] bëin-vût bīnghúr ice cube (for drinks).⁵⁴
果核儿 gō-vût
guǒhúr pit; stone; core.⁹
杏核儿[杏核兒] hàng-vût
xìnghúr apricot stone.⁵⁴
去核儿[去核兒] huï-vût
qùhúr remove the stones of fruits; pit.⁵⁴
梨核儿[梨核兒] lĩ-vût
líhúr <topo.> pear seeds.⁵⁴
煤核 mõi-vût
méihú coal cinder; partly-burned coal.⁸
煤核儿[煤核兒] mõi-vût-ngĩ
méihúr partly-burnt briquet; coal cinder.⁵
核儿[核兒] vût
húr stone; pit; core; something resembling a fruit stone.⁵⁴
<又> hàt.
(See 核 hàt; 覈 hàt.)
vut5 15352
30 14 xāi sāi <Cant.> to waste; all, entirely.⁸ (=浪费[浪費] lòng-fï làngfèi) to waste; to squander.¹⁰
<台> 嘥气[嘥氣]
or 洗气[洗氣] xāi-hï to waste time; to waste one's breath.
<台> 又嘥好多钱[又嘥好多錢] yiù-xāi-hāo-ü-tẽin to waste a lot of money.
xai1 15353
32 17 xāi (<old>=玺[璽] xāi the imperial signet; the great seal.¹⁴
(See 璽 xāi.)
xai1 15354
44 14 xāi <wr.> shoes; footwear.⁶ (variants: 蹝, 躧 xāi ).
敝屣 bài-xāi
bìxǐ worn-out shoes – worthless thing.⁶
视如敝屣[視如敝屣] sì-nguĩ-bài-xāi
shìrúbìxǐ regard as worn-out shoes; cast aside as worthless.⁵
or 蹝履 xāi-lî xǐlǚ to walk with the shoes trodden down at the heels.¹⁴
or 犹弃敝蹝也[猶棄敝蹝也] yiũ-hï-bài-xāi-yâ yóuqìbìxǐyě like casting off an old sandal.¹⁴
(See 蹝 xāi, 躧 xāi).
xai1 15355
60 11 xāi to move one's abode, to migrate, to shift; to be exiled.⁷ to move one's abode; to shift; to migrate.³⁶
(variant: 𨑭❄{⿺辶止} xāi ).
(composition: ⿰彳歨; U+5F99).
迁徙[遷徙] tëin-xāi
qiānxǐ to migrate; to move.¹⁰
徙边[徙邊] xāi-bëin
xǐbiān to move or banish prisoners to the border areas.⁷
徙贯[徙貫] xāi-gön
xǐguàn to move one's residence to another place.⁷
徙居 xāi-guï
xǐjū to move house.⁵
徙居内地[徙居內地] xāi-guï-nuì-ì
xǐjū nèidì to move up-country.⁵
徙任 xāi-ngìm
xǐrèn to be transferred to another post.⁷
(See 𨑭❄{⿺辶止} xāi).
xai1 15356
75 9 xāi a male plant of hemp that blooms flowers but does not bear fruit.⁹ male nettle-hemp.¹⁰ hemp (a male); fimble.⁵⁴
枲布 xāi-bü xǐbù linen.¹⁴
枲箸 xāi-jì
xǐzhù quilted with hemp.¹⁴
枲麻 xāi-mã
xǐmá <bot.> the male hemp, Cannabis sativa, as 苎麻[苧麻] chuî-mã zhùmá is the female hemp – species which produce marijuana.¹¹ fimble.⁵⁴
枲耳 xāi-ngī
xǐ'ěr the burr-weed.¹⁴
枲绳[枲繩] xāi-sẽin
xǐshéng hemp rope.⁵⁴
xai1 15357
85 9 xāi wash, bathe; baptize; redress, right; kill and loot, sack; develop (a film); shuffle (cards).⁵ (comp: ⿰氵先; U+6D17).
洗尘[洗塵] xāi-chĩn xǐchén give a dinner of welcome (to a visitor from afar).⁵
洗涤[洗滌] xāi-èik
xǐdí wash; cleanse; purify.⁶
洗脚[洗腳] xāi-gëk
xǐjiǎo to wash the feet.¹⁰
洗脸[洗臉] xāi-lêm
xǐliǎn wash one's face.⁶
洗耳恭听[洗耳恭聽] xāi-ngī-güng-hëng
xǐ'ěrgōngtīng listen with respectful attention.⁵
洗牌 xāi-pãi/
xǐpái to shuffle cards.¹¹
洗手 xāi-siū
xǐshǒu wash one's hands; go to the lavatory; reform (of criminals).⁵⁴
洗手间[洗手間] xāi-siū-gän
xǐshǒujiān toilet; lavatory; washroom.¹⁰
洗澡 xāi-täo
xǐzǎo take a bath; bathe.⁵
洗衣粉 xāi-yï-fūn
xǐyīfěn laundry detergent.⁰
洗衣机[洗衣機] xāi-yï-gï
xǐyījī washer; washing machine.¹⁰
<台> 洗气[洗氣]
or 嘥气[嘥氣] xāi-hï to waste time; to waste one's breath.
<台> 洗面 xāi-mèin to wash the face.
<台> 洗衫 xāi-sâm to wash clothes.
<台> 洗衫板 xāi-sâm-bān washing board, laundry board.
<又> xēin.
(See 洗 xēin.)
xai1 15358
85 14 xāi to moisten; to flow; (Cantonese) to waste.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵徙; U+6F07).
漇漇 xāi-xāi xǐxǐ (=润泽[潤澤] ngùn-jàk rùnzé  moist.¹⁰ to polish (style); polished, lustrous, supple; smooth and soft.¹¹)
xai1 15359
96 19 xāi imperial or royal seal.⁵ (variant: 壐 xāi ).
宝玺[寶璽] bāo-xāi
bǎoxǐ imperial seal.⁵⁴
国玺[國璽] gōk-xāi
guóxǐ the state seal.¹⁰ the country's seal.²⁴
玉玺[玉璽] ngùk-xāi
yùxǐ imperial jade seal.⁵ the state seal.¹⁰
玺韨[璽韍] xāi-fūt
xǐfú the strap to secure a signet or seal.¹⁰²
玺书[璽書] xāi-sï
xǐshū documents sealed with personal or official seals.⁷ an imperial letter.¹⁴
玺绶[璽綬] xāi-siù
xǐshòu the imperial seal and the attached cordon.¹⁹
(See 壐 xāi.)
xai1 15360
96 22 xāi a bow unstrung.²⁴
(composition: ⿱彌玉; U+74D5).
<又> mĩ. (See 瓕 mĩ).
xai1 15361
120 17 xāi (<old>=纚 xāi band for the hair).⁸ a band or fillet for the hair.¹⁴ a small cap for confining the hair.²⁵ <old> silk cloth used to fasten hair.³⁶
(composition: ⿰糹徙; U+7E30).
縰縰 xāi-xāi
xǐxǐ or xū-xū shǐshǐ in a multitude, in droves; crowd.⁵⁴
縰莘 xāi-xïn
xǐshēn numerous.²⁵
<又> xū.
(See 縰 xū; 纚 xāi).
xai1 15362
120 25 xāi to bind, a rope.¹⁴ the strings of a cap; something for typing up the hair; a sort of silk cap; a kind of gauze with square checks; the lining of a headkerchief.²⁵ (variant: 縰 xāi ).
(composition: ⿰糹麗; U+7E9A).
冠纚 gön-xāi
guānxǐ or gön-lĩ guānlí cap strings.¹⁴
纚行 xāi-hãng
xǐxíng people traveling in company.²⁵
纚属[纚屬] xāi-sùk
xǐshǔ connected.²⁵
<又> lĩ; xū.
(See 纚 lĩ; 纚 xū; 縰 xāi).
xai1 15363
140 12 xāi <wr.> to be scared; to fear; to dread.⁶  afraid, bashful.⁸  afraid; timid.⁹  overcautious, timid, worried about small things.¹¹
畏葸 vï-xāi wèixǐ <wr.> to fear, to scare.⁹ timid, timorous.¹¹
畏葸不前 vï-xāi-būt-tẽin
wèixǐbùqián to be too frightened to go/come forward.⁶ to recoil, to shrink away.¹⁰
xai1 15364
140 14 xāi to increase five-fold.¹⁴
倍蓰 pôi-xāi bèixǐ <wr.> many times; multiple.⁶
或相倍蓰 vàk-xëng-pôi-xāi
huòxiàngbèixǐ some twice, some five-fold.¹⁴
xai1 15365
157 18 xāi sandal.⁸ slippers.¹⁰ (=屣 xāi <wr.> shoes; footwear.⁶).¹¹ straw sandals or slippers that have no heel backs.¹⁴ straw shoes, worn by posture-makers.²⁵
(composition: ⿰𧾷徙; U+8E5D).
or 屣履 xāi-lî xǐlǚ to walk with the shoes trodden down at the heels.¹⁴
or 犹弃敝屣也[猶棄敝屣也] yiũ-hï-bài-xāi-yâ yóuqìbìxǐyě like casting off an old sandal.¹⁴
(See 屣 xāi).
xai1 15366
157 26 xāi (=屣 xāi <wr.> shoes; footwear.⁶)
(composition: ⿰⻊麗; U+8EA7).
(See 屣 xāi).
xai1 15367
162 7 𨑭
xāi (=徙 xāi ) to move one's abode, to migrate, to shift; to be exiled.⁷ to move one's abode; to shift; to migrate.³⁶
(composition: ⿺辶止; U+2846D).
(See 徙 xāi).
xai1 15368
177 20 𩌦
xāi pertaining to leather shoes.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰革徙; U+29326).
xai1 15369
1 6 xäi (=西 xäi west).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿻⿱一人囗; U+3401).
<又> hèm.
(See 㐁 hèm; 西 xäi).
xai2 15370
25 8 𠧧 xäi <old>=西 xäi west.⁹⁸
(composition: ⿰; U+209E7).
(See 西 xäi).
xai2 15371
30 13 xäi sài (Cantonese) Verbal aspect marker for full extent.³⁶
<台> 做嗮功课未呀?[做嗮功課未呀?] Dü-xäi-güng-fö-mì-à? Did you finished all your homework?³⁶
<台> 起嗮尼骨 or 起细尼骨[起細尼骨] hī-xäi-nāi-gūt debone all (such as an entire chicken).
<台> 多谢嗮![多謝嗮!]
or 多谢细![多謝細!] Ü-dèh-xäi! Thank you very much!
<台> 话嗮[話嗮] và-xäi after all; at the least; in any case.
xai2 15372
44 9 𡱝
xäi (=犀 xäi ➀ (said of armor, weapons) sharp-edged and hard  ➁ a rhinoceros.⁷).⁸ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿸尸羊; U+21C5D).
(See 犀 xäi).
xai2 15373
44 10 xäi (=犀 xäi ➀ (said of armor, weapons) sharp-edged and hard  ➁ a rhinoceros.⁷).⁸ʼ¹⁰¹ late, behindhand, not to advance; hard, firm, strong.²⁴ hard, solid; sojourn; travel and rest.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿸尸辛; U+5C56).
or 屖遟 xäi-chĩ xīchí be detained; be held up; remain at a standstill.¹³ play, rest and relax.¹⁹ sojourn; travel and rest.¹⁰¹
(See 犀 xäi).
xai2 15374
46 15 xäi suǐ a name of an old town in Sichuan (四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān; cuckoo; revolution of a wheel.⁸ (=巂 [kï guī]; 巂[xäi ] a geographic name in Sichuan Province that have been changed to 越西 Yòt-xäi Yuèxī.
(See 巂 kï, xäi.)
xai2 15375
46 18 xäi Xi surname.⁸
越巂 Yòt-xäi Yuèxī (name of an ancient prefecture). It is now 越西 Yòt-xäi Yuèxī.⁸
<又> kï.
(See 嶲 xäi; 巂 kï.)
xai2 15376
61 9 xäi frightened and worried.⁷
恓惶 xäi-võng xīhuáng <wr.> alarmed and vexed, upset; <topo.> poor and miserable, impoverished.⁶
恓恓 xäi-xäi
xīxī <wr.> lone; lonely; lonesome; solitary.⁶
xai2 15377
75 12 xäi anxious; uneasy.⁷
(composition: ⿰木西; U+6816).
栖遑 xäi-võng xīhuáng uneasy and anxious.⁷
栖栖然 xäi-xäi-ngẽin
xīxīrán bustling and excited.⁷
栖栖皇皇 xäi-xäi-võng-võng
xīxīhuánghuáng vexed; rushing about.⁷
<又> täi.
(See 栖 täi.)
xai2 15378
75 12 xäi anxious; hasty.⁷
(comp. t: ⿰木妻; U+68F2). (comp. s: ⿰木西; U+6816).
栖遑[棲遑] xäi-võng
xīhuáng in a hurry; hasty.⁷
栖栖[棲棲] xäi-xäi
xīxī anxious; jittery; jumpy.⁷
栖栖遑遑[棲棲遑遑] xäi-xäi-võng-võng
xīxīhuánghuáng anxious; nervous jumpy.⁷
<又> täi.
(See 棲 täi.)
xai2 15379
75 16 xäi 木樨 or 木犀 mùk-xäi mùxi sweet-scented osmanthus;  eggs beaten and then cooked.⁶
or 木犀饭[木犀飯] mùk-xäi-fàn mùxifàn fried rice with scrambled eggs.⁶
or 木犀汤[木犀湯] mùk-xäi-höng mùxitāng eggdrop soup.⁵
or 木犀肉 mùk-xäi-ngùk mùxiròu pork fried with scrambled eggs.⁵
xai2 15380
75 16 xäi sticks or frames; a wooden device used to torture the fingers by squeezing; the branches growing downwards; small trees; saplings; cuttings of trees for planting.⁸
枥㯕[櫪㯕] lēik-xäi lìxī a wooden device used to torture a criminal by pressing his fingers.⁷
xai2 15381
84 10 xäi (=氙 sän xiān) xenon (Xe).⁶
(See 氙 sän.)
xai2 15382
93 12 xäi ➀ (said of armor, weapons) sharp-edged and hard  ➁ a rhinoceros.⁷ (var: 𡱝❄{⿸尸羊}, 屖 xäi). (See 𡱝❄{⿸尸羊} xäi, 屖 xäi).
灵犀[靈犀] lẽin-xäi
língxī rhinoceros horn, reputed to confer telepathic powers; fig. mutual sensitivity; tacit exchange of romantic feelings; a meeting of minds.¹⁰
栖犀[棲犀] täi-xäi
qīxī or 栖迟[棲遲] or 栖遟[棲遟] or 栖遅[棲遅] täi-chĩ qīchí rest at leisure; play and relax.⁵⁴ʼ⁶⁰
犀带[犀帶] xäi-âi/
xīdài belt with rhinoceros horn.¹¹
犀兵 xäi-bëin
xībīng well-trained, dashing army.¹¹ sharp weapons.¹⁴
犀甲 xäi-gâp
xījiǎ armor made of rhinoceros hide.⁷
犀角 xäi-gök
xījiǎo rhinoceros horn; bone of the forehead.⁷
犀函 xäi-hãm
xīhán (=犀甲 xäi-gâp xījiǎ) shield of rhinoceros hide.¹¹
犀照 xäi-jël
xīzhào (allusion) originally oil torch from rhinoceros horn which penetrated into a dark pool –  now complimentary of person's penetrating insight into right and wrong.¹¹
犀利 xäi-lì
xīlì (of weapons, speech) sharp; incisive; acute; trenchant.⁶
犀鸟[犀鳥] xäi-nêl/
xīniǎo hornbill; toucan.⁶
犀牛 xäi-ngẽo
xīniú rhinoceros.¹⁰
犀钱[犀錢] xäi-tẽin
xīqián coin made of rhinoceros horn.¹¹
xai2 15383
112 11 xäi selenium (Se).⁷
硒化物 xäi-fä-mùt or xäi-fä-mòt xīhuàwù selenide.⁶
硒化银[硒化銀] xäi-fä-ngãn
xīhuàyín silver selenide.⁶
硒化锌[硒化鋅] xäi-fä-xïn
xīhuàxīn zinc selenide.⁶
硒酸 xäi-xön
xīsuān selenic acid.⁶
棕碧硒 düng-bēik-xäi 
zōngbìxī <min.> brown tourmaline.⁵⁴
xai2 15384
119 12 xäi <wr.> smashed rice; <topo.> chaff; bran; husk.⁶
糠粞 höng-xäi kāngxī bran.⁶
xai2 15385
120 11 xäi tiny; small; little; thin; slender; tall but lean; slim; fine; precise; exquisite; delicate (workmanship).
细胞[細胞] xäi-bäo xìbāo <bio.> cells.¹¹
细节[細節] xäi-dēik
xìjié details.⁵⁶
细致[細緻] xäi-jï
xìzhì fine and delicate; exquisite; careful and thorough; meticulous; painstaking.⁷
细致周到[細緻周到] xäi-jï-jiü-äo
xìzhìzhōudào meticulous and attending to minute details in everything.⁵⁴
细菌[細菌] xäi-kûn
xìjūn bacterium; germ.⁸
细粮[細糧] xäi-lẽng
xìliáng flour and rice.⁵
细微[細微] xäi-mĩ
xìwēi minute, tiny.⁵
细腻[細膩] xäi-nì
xìnì exquisite; meticulous.¹⁰  dainty, beautiful (needlework, style, description).¹¹
细水长流[細水長流] xäi-suī-chẽng-liũ
xìshuǐchángliú to economize to avoid shortage; to go about something little by little without letup.
细小[細小] xäi-xēl
xìxiǎo very small; tiny; fine; trivial.
细瓷[細瓷] xäi-xũ
xìcí fine porcelain.⁵
<台> 吃细[吃細] hëk-xäi have eaten all.
<台> 细仔[細仔] xäo-dōi male cooks hired especially for festive occasions in a village.
<台> 细粉[細粉] xäi-fūn cellophane noodles (made from 绿豆[綠豆] lùk-èo
lǜdòu mung beans).
xai2 15386
137 12 xäi (Cant.) equipment on a ship.⁸
舾装[舾裝] xäi-jöng xīzhuāng equipment and installations on a ship; fit up (a ship).⁶
舾装码头[舾裝碼頭] xäi-jöng-mâ-hẽo
xīzhuāng mǎtou outfitting quay.⁹
xai2 15387
140 9 xäi (used in people's names, mostly in transliterations).
露茜 lù-xäi lùxī Lucy (from the Narnia chronicles).¹⁰
<台> 芫茜 yõn-xäi coriander, Chinese parsley.
<又> sèn.
(See 茜 sèn.)
xai2 15388
146 6 西 xäi west(ern); westward, occident.⁸ (variants: 𠧧, 㐁 xäi, q.v.)
西北 xäi-bāk
xīběi northwest; North West China (including Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, and Xinjiang).⁹
西服 xäi-fùk
xīfú Western-style clothes, Western suit; coat or jacket of a Western-style suit.⁶
西瓜 xäi-gä
xīguā watermelon.¹¹
西天 Xäi-hëin
Xītiān India; <Budd.> Western Paradise.⁸
西红柿[西紅柿] xäi-hũng-sǐ
xīhóngshì (=番茄 or 蕃茄 fän-kêh fānqié) tomato.¹⁰
西装[西裝] xäi-jöng
xīzhuāng (=西服 xäi-fùk xīfú) Western-style clothes; Western suit.⁶
西装革履[西裝革履] xäi-jöng-gāk-lî
xīzhuānggélǚ be formally dressed in western suit and leather shoes.⁶
西米 xäi-māi
xīmǐ or 西谷米 sago (powdered starch).³⁶
西庑[西廡] xäi-mû
xīwǔ west wing.⁶
西乃 Xäi-nâi
Xīnǎi Sinai.¹⁰
西元 xäi-ngũn
xīyuán Christian era; AD (Anno Domini).¹⁰
西餐 xäi-tän
xīcān Western-style food; Western food.⁶
西湖 Xäi-vũ
Xī Hú the West Lake.⁸
西药[西藥] xäi-yêk
xīyào Western medicine.⁸
西洋参[西洋參] xäi-yẽng-täm
xīyángshēn root of American ginseng.⁸
西洋菜 xäi-yẽng-töi
xīyángcài (=豆瓣菜 èo-bàn-töi or èo-fân-töi dòubàncài, q.v.) watercress.²³
xai2 15389
167 17 xäi
strontium (Sr).⁶
锶单位[鍶單位] xäi-än-vì sīdānwèi <phy.> strontium unit.⁶
锶沸石[鍶沸石] xäi-fï-sêk
sīfèishí brewsterite.¹⁰
锶龄[鍶齡] xäi-lẽin
sīlíng strontium age.⁶
锶磷灰石[鍶磷灰石] xäi-lĩn-föi-sêk
sīlínhuīshí fermorite.¹⁰
xai2 15390
33 12 xâi (=婿 xâi ) son-in-law; husband.⁵
(composition: ⿰土胥; U+58FB).
(See 婿 xâi.)
xai5 15391
38 12 婿 xâi son-in-law; husband.⁵ (variant: 壻 xâi ).
(composition: ⿰女胥; U+5A7F).
夫婿 fü-xâi
fūxù husband.⁵
金龟婿[金龜婿] gïm-gï-xâi
jīnguīxù a rich son-in-law.¹¹
邱婿 hiü-xâi
qiūxù <wr.> husband of deceased daughter (in the grave).¹¹
找女婿 jāo-nuī-xâi
zhǎonǚxu hunt for a husband.⁶
赘婿[贅婿] juì-xâi
zhuìxù son-in-law living at wife's parent's house.¹⁰
妹婿 môi-xâi
mèixù younger sister's husband.⁵
女婿 nuī-xâi
nǚxu son-in-law; <topo.> husband.⁶
乘龙快婿[乘龍快婿] sẽin-lũng-fäi-xâi
chénglóngkuàixù ideal son-in-law.⁸
婿甥 xâi-säng
xùshēng son-in-law.¹¹
小婿 xēl-xâi
xiǎoxù <humb.> my son-in-law; I (spoken to parents-in-law).¹⁰
孙女婿[孫女婿] xün-nuī-xâi
sūnnǚxù grandson-in-law.⁶
翁婿 yüng-xâi
wēngxù father-in-law (wife's father) and son-in-law.¹⁰
(See 壻 xâi.)
xai5 15392
120 11 xâi (composition t: ⿰糹田; U+7D30).
s: ⿰纟田; U+7EC6).
<台> 细佬[細佬] xâi-lāo younger (little) brother.
xai5 15393
30 16 xāk sāi (composition: ⿰口塞; U+567B).
噻吩 xāk-fün or söi-fün sāifēn <chem.> thiophene.⁶
噻唑 xāk-tö
or xāk-tü or söi-tö or söi-tü sāizuò <chem.> thiazole.⁶
<又> söi.
(See 噻 söi.)
xak1 15394
32 13 xāk sāi (=揌 xāk sāi) to stop up; to squeeze in; to stuff; cork; stopper. (variant: 𡨄❄{⿱宀⿳井一八} xāk sāi).
填塞 hẽin-xāk
tiánsāi to fill up completely.
瓶塞 pẽin-xāk
or pêng-ît píngsāi bottle stopper.¹¹
塞车[塞車] xāk-chëh
sāichē traffic jam.
塞住 xāk-jì
sāizhù blocking up; plugging.
塞垣 xāk-yõn
sàiyuán part of the Great Wall built during the Han Dynasty.¹¹
<又> söi, ït, ît.
(See 塞 [xāk, ], söi, ït, ît; 揌 xāk.)
(See 𡨄❄{⿱宀⿳井一八} xāk).
xak1 15395
32 13 xāk to stop up; to stuff; to cope with.
(variant: 𡩿❄{⿳宀叕土} xāk).
or 蔽塞 bäi-xāk bìsè stop/close up, block; hard to get to, out of the way, inaccessible; <elec.> blocking.⁶ stop up, close up; block; hard to get to, out-of-the-way; unenlightened.⁸
鼻塞 bì-xāk
bísè nasal congestion.⁶
哽塞 gāng-xāk
gěngsè to be choked and unable to speak.¹¹
阻塞 jū-xāk
zǔsè to block; to clog.
堵塞 ū-xāk
dǔsè to block; to stop; blockage.
塞音 xāk-yïm
sèyīn plosive; stop consonant.
<又> söi, ït, ît.
(See 塞 [xāk, sāi], söi, ït, ît; 𡩿❄{⿳宀叕土} xāk)
xak1 15396
40 10 𡨄
xāk sāi (=塞 xāk sāi) to stop up.⁸
(composition: ⿱宀⿳井一八; U+21A04).
(See 塞 xāk).

xak1 15397 21A04.gif
40 14 𡩿
xāk (same as 塞 xāk to stop up; to stuff; to cope with; synonymous with 窒 jìt zhì to block; to stop up; to obstruct; to stuff up.⁷).²
(composition: ⿳宀叕土; U+21A7F).
<又> söi.
(See 𡩿❄{⿳宀叕土} söi; 塞 xāk; 窒 jìt).
xak1 15398
40 14 xāk (same as 塞 xāk to stop up; to stuff; to cope with.) to fill up; full of; filled with, rich in contents, abundance.⁸
(composition: ⿳宀⿳井一八心; U+3976).
<又> hëin.
(See 㥶 hëin).
xak1 15399
64 12 xāk sāi (=塞 xāk sāi) to stop up; to squeeze in; to stuff. Generally written as 塞.
揌在耳朵里[揌在耳朵裡] xāk-dòi-ngī-ū-lī 
sāizàiěrduolǐ to stuff something into the ear.
(See 塞 [xāk, sāi], 揌 tï, söi.)
xak1 15400
64 16 xāk sāi (=塞 xāk sāi) to stop up; to squeeze in; to stuff; cork; stopper.
(See 塞 [xāk, sāi].)
xak1 15401
30 16 xâk sāi <台> 噻声[噻聲] xâk-sëng hurry up! move it!
<又> söi. (See 噻 söi.)
xak5 15402
18 14 xām zàn to cut, to hack, to reap, to trim or clip; to stab, to pierce; to brand.⁸ to stab or thrust through.²⁴
(composition: ⿰朁刂; U+3506).
㔆𠞊❄{⿰差刂} xām-chä zànchā or chãm-chä chánchā to shrivel up.²⁴
<又> chãm.
(See 㔆 chãm; 𠟆❄{⿰替刂} xām).
xam1 15403
18 14 𠟆
xām zàn (=㔆 xām zàn to cut, to hack, to reap, to trim or clip; to stab, to pierce; to brand.⁸ to stab or thrust through.²⁴).²
(composition: ⿰替刂; U+207C6).
<又> chãm.
(See 𠟆❄{⿰替刂} chãm; 㔆 xām).
xam1 15404
119 12 𥹠
xām sǎn (=䊏 xām sǎn mixing rice with broth; a grain of rice.⁸ put rice in soup.²⁵).⁸
(=糁[糝] xām
sǎn <vern.> grains of cooked rice.⁶); foods made from rice and soup or from other foods; rice grains; scattered.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰米多; U+25E60).
<又> hãm.
(See 𥹠❄{⿰米多} hãm; 䊏 xām; 糝 xām).
xam1 15405
119 14 xām sǎn mixing rice with broth; a grain of rice.⁸ put rice in soup.²⁵
(composition: ⿰米炎; U+428F).
xam1 15406
119 15 xām shēn (<old>=糁[糝] xām shēn) crushed grain.⁶
(See 糝 [xām, shēn]).
xam1 15407
119 17 xām sǎn <vern.> grains of cooked rice.⁶ (variant: 糣 xām sǎn).
藜羹不糁.[藜羹不糝.] Lãi-gäng-būt-xām.
Lígēngbùsǎn. Having only vegetable soup without even rice to eat.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《墨子·卷九·非儒下·11》, translated by W. P. Mei).
和糁不蓼.[ 和糝不蓼.] Võ-xām-būt-lèl.
Hé sǎn bù liǎo.
The rice-balls mixed with these soups had no smart-weed in them.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·內則·31》, translated by James Legge).
<台> 猪糁[豬糝] jï-xām pig feed.
<台> 煮糁[煮糝] sàp-xām to cook food for pigs.
<又> xēim.
(See 糝 [xām, shēn], xēim.)
xam1 15408
119 17 xām shēn crushed grain.⁶ (variants: 糂 xām shēn; 糣 xām shēn).
玉米糁儿[玉米糝兒] ngùk-māi-xām-ngĩ
yùmǐshēnr crushed corn.⁶
雪糁[雪糝] xūt-xām xuěshēn (=霰 xëin xiàn or sǎn) <topo.> graupel.⁶ graupel; snow pellet; soft hail.¹⁰
<又> xēim.
(See 糝 [xām, sǎn], xēim; 糂 xām; 糣 xām.)
xam1 15409
119 18 xām sǎn (=糁[糝] xām sǎn) <vern.> grains of cooked rice.⁶
(See 糝 [xām, sǎn]; 糣 [xām, shēn]).
xam1 15410
119 18 xām shēn (=糁[糝] xām shēn) crushed grain.⁶
(See 糝 [xām, shēn]; 糣 [xām, sǎn]).
xam1 15411
167 19 xām sǎn a type of gold ornamentation; appearance of iron.⁸
(composition: ⿰⿰釒參; U+93D2).
鏒金 xām-gïm sǎnjīn a type of gold ornamentation; a combination of gold powder and mercury called 'gold mud 金泥) used to decorate utensils or to seal envelopes.⁸
<又> tẽl; täm.
(See 鏒 tẽl; 鏒 täm).
xam1 15412
1 3 xäm sān three.⁸
三焦 or 三膲 xäm-dël sānjiāo (TCM) the three truncal cavities (thoracic, abdominal and pelvic).¹⁰
三更半夜 xäm-gäng-bön-yèh
sāngēngbànyè midnight.⁸
三个和尚没水吃[三個和尚沒水吃] xäm-göi-võ-sěng/ mòt-suī-hëk
sāngehéshangméishuǐchī  When one monk lives in the temple, he fetches water single-handedly; when two, they fetch it together; and when three, no one would do it, for everyone is waiting for the other two to do it.⁴⁹
三国演义[三國演義] Xäm-gōk Yēn-ngì Sānguó Yǎnyì The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.⁵
三角洲 xäm-gôk-jiü sānjiǎozhōu delta.⁸
三顾茅庐[三顧茅廬] xäm-gü-mão-lũ sāngùmáolú to make three calls at the thatched cottage – repeatedly request somebody to take up a responsible post.⁵
三角 xäm-gôk
sānjiǎo triangle; trigonometry.⁸
三峡[三峽] Xäm-hèp
Sān Xiá Three Gorges.⁶
三三两两[三三兩兩] xäm-xäm-lēng-lēng
sānsānliǎngliǎng in twos and threes.¹⁰
三星 xäm-xëin
sānxīn three stars of luck: 福祿壽.¹¹
三思而行 xäm-xü-ngĩ-hãng
sānsī'érxíng think thrice before you act.⁸
三弦 xäm-yẽn
sānxián three-stringed plucked instrument.⁵
<又> xâm.
(See  三 xâm; 仨 xäm; 叄 xäm; 弎 xäm.)
xam2 15413
9 5 xäm <topo.> three (cannot be followed by a measure word).
姐儿仨[姐兒仨] dēh-ngĩ-xäm jiěrsā <topo.> three sisters.⁵⁴
哥仨 gō-xäm
or gū-xäm gēsā <topo.> three brothers.
仨饱俩倒[仨飽倆倒] xäm-bāo-lēng-āo
sābǎoliǎdǎo life of leisure.
仨瓜俩枣[仨瓜倆棗] xäm-gä-lēng-dāo
sāguāliǎzǎo lit. three melons and two dates – fig. mere trifles.
仨馒头[仨饅頭] xäm-màn-hẽo
sāmántou three steamed buns.
仨一堆俩一伙[仨一堆倆一伙] xäm-yīt-uì-lēng-yīt-fō
sāyīduīliǎyīhuǒ in threes and twos.
(See 三 xäm, xâm; 叄 xäm; 弎 xäm.)
xam2 15414
9 9 xäm sàn (composition: ⿰亻宋; U+4FD5).
僋俕 hän-xäm tànsàn  ➀ old and unsuitable;  ➁ dull-witted, stupid; dementia.²
xam2 15415
28 11 xäm sān three (used for 三 xäm sān on checks, financial records).
yīt ngì xäm xï m̄ lùk tīt bät giū sìp
yī'èrsānsìwǔlùqībājiǔshí numbers 1 to 10 (used on checks for security purposes) same as 一二三四五六七八九十.
(See 三 xäm, xâm; 仨 xäm; 弎 xäm.)

xam2 15416
30 14 xäm shān to hold anything in the mouth.²⁴ (Note: In Mandarin 嘇 can also be pronounced sān).³⁶
(composition: ⿰口參; U+5607).
唅嘇 hàm-xäm
hànshān something in the mouth.⁸
噤嘇 kïm-xäm
jìnshān curled up and shivering (from cold).¹⁹
嘇可可 xäm-hō-hō
shānkěkě described as horrific and heartrending.¹⁹
<又> täm.
(See 嘇 täm).
xam2 15417
56 6 xäm sān three. (variant: 三 xäm sān.)
(See 三 xäm, xâm; 仨 xäm; 叄 xäm.)
xam2 15418
82 15 毿 xäm sān 毵蛛猴[毿蛛猴] xäm-jï-hẽo sānzhūhóu woolly spider monkey.⁹ The muriquis, also known as woolly spider monkeys, are the monkeys of the genus Brachyteles. They are closely related to both the spider monkeys and the woolly monkeys.¹⁵
毵毵[毿毿] xäm-xäm
sānsān (of hair/twigs) thin and long; hairy.⁵⁴
毿毿然[毿毿然] xäm-xäm-ngẽin 
sānsānrán long and beautiful.²⁴
xam2 15419
140 14 xäm sān 蔘绥[蔘綏] xäm-xuï sānsuí large and wide.²⁵
<又> täm.
(See 蔘 täm).
xam2 15420
145 8 xäm shān <台> 红衫[紅衫] hũng-xäm/  red mullet fish; golden thread.
<又> sâm. (See 衫 sām; 衫 sâm.)
xam2 15421
42 3 𭕄
三點小 xäm ēm xēl sāndiǎnxiǎo This character is only used as a component in certain simplified Chinese characters such as 学 佥 兴 应 畄 鼡.
(Note: This character does not render properly on my computer).
(composition: ⿲丶丶
丿; U+2D544).
15422 2D544.png
64 20 xãm sān slender and gentle beauty.¹³
(composition: ⿰扌韱; U+6515).
攕攕女手 xãm-xãm-nuī-siū sānsānnǚshǒu or tïm-tïm-nuī-siū xiānxiānnǚshǒu (of women's hands) slender.²
<又> tïm; dëm.
(See 攕 tïm; 攕 dëm).
xam3 15423
1 3 xâm sān <台> 阿三 ä-xâm wife of third brother.
<又> xäm. (See  三 xäm; 仨 xäm; 叄 xäm; 弎 xäm.)
xam5 15424
66 12 xān sǎn come loose, fall apart, not hold together; scattered; <Ch. med.> medicial powder.⁵
散兵 xān-bëin sǎnbīng <mil.> skirmisher.⁵
散兵游勇 xān-bëin-yiũ-yûng
sǎnbīngyóuyǒng stragglers and disbanded soldiers.⁵
散货[散貨] xān-fö
sǎnhuò bulk cargo.⁵
散架 xān-gä
sǎnjià fall apart, fall to pieces; (feel as if) all one's limbs are out of joint.⁵
散记[散記] xān-gï
sǎnjì random notes; sidelights.⁵
散光 xān-göng
sǎnguāng astigmatism.⁵
散居 xān-guï
sǎnjū live scattered.⁵
散体[散體] xān-hāi
sǎntǐ simple, direct prose style.⁵
散剂[散劑] xān-jäi
sǎnjì <med.> powder; pulvis.⁵
散装[散裝] xān-jöng
sǎnzhuāng bulk; in bulk.⁵
散曲 xān-kūk
sǎnqǔ a type of verse popular in the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, with tonal patterns modelled on tunes drawn from folk music.⁵
散漫 xān-màn
sǎnmàn undisciplined, careless and sloppy; unorganized, scattered.⁵
散文 xān-mũn
sǎnwén prose.⁵
散文诗[散文詩] xān-mũn-sï
sǎnwénshī prose poem.⁵
散射 xān-sèh
sǎnshè <phy.> scattering.⁵
<台> 散口话[散口話] xān hēo và/ a few common words.⁰
<又> xän.
(See 散 xän.)
xan1 15425
119 18 xān sǎn (<old>=馓[饊] xān sǎn) fried round cakes of wheat flour.⁸ roasted rice.²⁵
(composition: ⿰米散; U+7CE4).
(See 饊 xān).
xan1 15426
167 20 𫔌
xān sǎn the trigger of a crossbow; a crossbow.⁸ʼ¹⁴ the string attached to the tooth of a crossbow.²⁵ crossbow trigger.³⁶
(comp. t: ⿰釒散; U+93FE). (comp. s: ⿰钅散; U+2B50C)
<又> xëin; chëim.
(See 鏾 xëin; 鏾 chëim).
xan1 15427
184 20 xān sǎn fried round cakes of wheat flour.¹⁰¹
(old variant: 糤 xān sǎn).
t: ⿰飠散; U+994A). (comp. s: ⿰饣散; U+9993).
馓子[饊子] xān-dū
sǎnzi <topo.> deep-fried dough twist.⁶
(See 糤 xān).
xan1 15428
9 12 xän sǎn umbrella, parasol, parachute.⁸ (variant: 繖 xän sǎn).
打伞[打傘] ā-xän
dǎsǎn to use an umbrella.
撑伞[撐傘] chäng-xän
chēngsǎn to prop open an umbrella.
降落伞[降落傘] göng-lòk-xän
jiàngluòsǎn parachute.
跳伞[跳傘] hẽl-xän
tiàosǎn parachute; bail out.⁶
遮阳伞[遮陽傘] jëh-yẽng-xän
zhēyángsǎn parasol.
伞兵[傘兵] xän-bëin
sǎnbīng paratrooper; parachuter.
雨伞[雨傘] yî-xän
yǔsǎn umbrella.⁶
(See 繖 xän).
xan2 15429
66 12 xän sàn break up, disperse; distribute, disseminate, give out; dispel, let out.⁵ (variant: 㪚 xän sàn).
散播 xän-bö
sànbō disseminate; spread.⁵
散布 xän-bü
sànbù to disseminate.¹⁰
散步 xän-bù
sànbù to take a walk; to go for a walk.¹⁰
散场[散場] xän-chẽng
sànchǎng (said of a show, a meeting) to be over.⁷
散发[散發] xän-fāt
sànfā to distribute; to emit; to issue.¹⁰
散伙 xän-fō
sànhuǒ (of a group, body or organization) dissolve, disband.⁵
散开[散開] xän-höi
sànkai spread out or apart; disperse.⁵
散热器[散熱器] xän-ngèik-hï
sànrèqì radiator.⁵
散失 xän-sīt
sànshī scatter and disperse, be lost, be missing; (of moisture) be lost, vaporize, dissipate.⁵
散水 xän-suī
sànshuǐ <archi.> apron.⁵
散会[散會] xän-vòi
sànhuì to disperse a meeting; to adjourn; finished.¹⁰
散心 xän-xïm
sànxīn drive away one's cares; relieve boredom.⁵
散逸 xän-yìt
sànyì  <phy.> dissipation.⁵ carefree.¹¹
<又> xān.
(See 散 xān; 㪚 xän.)
xan2 15430
66 12 xän sàn (=散 xän sàn) break up, disperse; distribute, disseminate, give out; dispel, let out.⁵
(See 散 xän; 散 xān.)
xan2 15431
85 15 xän sàn to disperse water.⁵⁴
<又> xät. (See 潵 xät.)
xan2 15432
120 18 xän sǎn (=伞[傘] xän sǎn) umbrella, parasol, parachute.⁸
(composition: ⿰; U+7E56).
(See 傘 xän).
xan2 15433
9 14 xäng sēng monk; Sangha, the Buddhist monastic order.
唐僧 Hõng Xäng Tángsēng (whose Buddhist name was 玄奘 Yõn-jöng  Xuánzàng) Xuanzang (602-664) Tang dynasty Buddhist monk and translator, who traveled to India 629-645. (See 玄奘 Yõn-jöng under 奘 [jöng, zàng].)
僧徒 xäng-hũ
sēngtú Buddhist monks as a group.
僧寮 xäng-lẽl
sēngliáo a monk's cell (or hut).⁵
僧人 xäng-ngĩn
sēngrén Buddhist monk.
僧鲨[僧鯊] xäng-sä
sēngshā monkfish.¹⁹
僧多粥少 xäng-ü-jūk-sēl
sēngduōzhōushǎo little gruel and many monks – not enough to go round.
僧衣 xäng-yï
sēngyī clothing of Buddhist monks.
xang2 15434
190 22 xäng sēng (hair) messed up; (rockery, garden, etc) disorderly; messy.⁹ short hair; umkempt.¹⁴
鬅鬙 pãng-xäng péngsēng dishevelled hair.²⁵
xang2 15435
38 12 xāo sǎo elder brother's wife, sister-in-law; sister (a form of address for a married woman about one's own age).⁵
大嫂 ài-xāo dàsǎo elder brother's wife, sister-in-law; elder sister (a polite form of address for a woman about one's own age).⁵
家嫂 gä-xāo
jiāsǎo (polite) my sister-in-law.¹⁰
嫂子 xāo-dū 
sǎozi <vern.>  elder brother's wife; sister-in-law.⁵
嫂夫人 xāo-fü-ngĩn
sǎofūren (a polite expression to a friend) your wife.⁷
嫂嫂 xāo-xāo
sǎosao <topo.> elder brother's wife; sister-in-law.⁵
<台> 阿嫂 ä-xāo the wife of an elder brother, younger brother, son or nephew.
xao1 15436
32 11 xäo sào fascine.¹   A kind of material that was used to harness the Yellow River in old times. It's made of tree branches, sorghum stalks, and stones that were bundled up in columns to block riverbank gaps or protect dikes.⁹  A construction of many fascines that are used to block water.⁹  old variant of 掃 xäo sào.¹⁰
(original character: 𡎹
❄{⿰土⿱帚又} xäo sào).
坝埽[壩埽] bä-xäo
bàsào <hist.> dam built out of bundles of tree branches (on the Yellow River).
(See 掃 xäo; 𡎹❄{⿰土⿱帚又} xäo).
xao2 15437
32 13 𡎹
xäo sào (original character for 埐 xäo sào fascine.¹   A kind of material that was used to harness the Yellow River in old times. It's made of tree branches, sorghum stalks, and stones that were bundled up in columns to block riverbank gaps or protect dikes.⁹  A construction of many fascines that are used to block water.⁹  old variant of 掃 xäo sào.¹⁰).²
(composition: ⿰土⿱帚又; U+213B9).
(See 埐 xäo).
xao2 15438
61 12 xäo sāo mournful, melancholy, distressed, grieved, sad.⁸
(composition: ⿰忄叟; U+3970).
xao2 15439
61 12 xäo sāo (=骚[騷] xäo sāo disturb, upset); agitated.⁸ʼ¹⁴ to be moved, to be aroused, to be troubled.²⁴ to influence (someone), shake, incite riots.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰忄蚤; U+6145).
慅扰[慅擾] xäo-ngêl
sāorǎo resent.⁵⁴ (cf 骚扰[騷擾] xäo-ngêl sāorǎo disturb; cause a commotion; harass.¹⁰)
慅慅 xäo-xäo
sāosāo labor and fatigue.²⁴
<又> tāo.
(See 慅 tāo; 騷 xäo).
xao2 15440
64 11 xäo sào broom. (old variant: 埽 xäo sào). (See 埽 xäo).
扫把[掃把] xäo-bā
sàobǎ broom.
扫帚[掃帚] xäo-jāo
sàozhou (bamboo) broom.⁶
扫帚星[掃帚星] xäo-jāo-xêng
sàozhouxīng comet; <derog.> a person (especially a woman) who brings ill luck; jinx.
<又> xâo.
(See 掃 [xäo, sǎo], xâo.)
xao2 15441
64 11 xäo sǎo to sweep.
扫除[掃除] xäo-chuĩ sǎochú to sweep; to clean with a brush; to sweep away (often fig.)
扫坟[掃墳] xäo-fũn
sǎofén to sweep a tomb; to pay respects to one's ancestor at his grave.
扫兴[掃興] xäo-hëin
sǎoxìng have one's spirits dampened; feel disappointed.⁵
扫地[掃地] xäo-ì
sǎodì to sweep the floor; to reach rock bottom; to be at an all-time low.
扫雷[掃雷] xäo-luĩ
sǎoléi to sweep mines.
扫墓[掃墓] xäo-mù
sǎomù lit. to sweep a grave; fig. to pay respect to a deceased person at a gravesite.(=<粵> 行青 haang4 cing1 =<台> 行山 hãng-sän.)⁰
扫荡[掃蕩] xäo-òng
sǎodàng mop up.⁵
扫射[掃射] xäo-sèh
sǎoshè to rake with machine gunfire; to strafe; to machine-gun down.
一扫而空[一掃而空] yīt-xäo-ngĩ-hüng
yīsǎo'érkōng to clean out; to make a clean sweep.
<又> xâo.
(See 掃 [xäo, sào], xâo.)
xao2 15442
64 12 xäo sāo to scratch.⁸ (variant: 𤔢❄{⿰爪蚤} xäo sāo).
搔头[搔頭] xäo-hẽo
sāotóu to scratch one's head; perplexing;  <archeo.> hairpin; hair clasp.
搔头皮[搔頭皮] xäo-hẽo-pĩ
sāotóupí to scratch one's head.
搔手 xäo-siū
sāoshǒu to scratch one's hand.
搔首 xäo-siū
sāoshǒu to scratch one's head.
搔首弄姿 xäo-siū-lùng-dü
sāoshǒunòngzī to act coquettishly to attract men.
搔痒[搔癢] xäo-yêng
sāoyǎng to scratch an itch.
(See 𤔢❄{⿰爪蚤} xäo).
xao2 15443
82 17 xäo sào hair; restless, melancholy.⁸ restless.¹⁴ hair, stiff hair.²⁴ vexed; worried; restless; melancholy.²⁹
(composition: ⿰喿毛; U+6C09).
毷氉 mào-xäo màosào restless; melancholy.¹⁴ vexed, worried.⁵⁴
<又> täo.
(See 氉 täo).
xao2 15444
87 13 𤔢
xäo sāo (=搔 xäo sāo to scratch.⁸
(composition: ⿰爪蚤; U+24522).
(See 搔 xäo).
xao2 15445
104 14 xäo sào scabies.⁶
后背瘙痒[後背瘙癢] hèo-böi-xäo-yêng hòubèisàoyǎng The scabies on the back itch.⁶
老年瘙痒[老年瘙癢] lāo-nẽin-xäo-yêng
lǎoniánsàoyǎng senile pruritus.⁶
瘙疹 xäo-chīn
sàozhěn <med.> pruritus; itching rashes.⁵⁴
瘙痒[瘙癢] xäo-yêng
sàoyǎng itch.⁶
瘙痒感[瘙癢感] xäo-yêng-gām
sàoyǎnggǎn Itching sensation.¹⁹
瘙痒难熬[瘙癢難熬] xäo-yêng-nãn-ngão
sàoyǎngnánáo unbearable itch. ⁶
xao2 15446
118 16 xäo suō (=蓑 xäo suō) rain coat made of straw, coir.⁸
(See 蓑 xäo).
xao2 15447
120 15 𦃐
xäo sāo (=缫[繅] xäo sāo reel silk from cocoons; reel.⁵ rich and bright colors; to reel silk from cocoons.⁸ to unwind the silken thread off a cocoon; various colored silken threads attached to a gem.²⁵).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰糹蚤; U+260D0).
(See 繅 xäo).
xao2 15448
120 17 xäo sāo reel silk from cocoons; reel.⁵ (=藻 täo zǎo) rich and bright colors; (=繰 xäo sāo) to reel silk from cocoons.⁸ to unwind the silken thread off a cocoon; various colored silken threads attached to a gem.²⁵ (variant: 𦃐❄{⿰糹蚤} xäo sāo).
缫车[繅車] xäo-chëh
sāochē reel; drum.⁵⁴
缫茧[繅繭] xäo-gān
or xäo-gēin sāojiǎn to draw silk from cocoons.⁷
缫茧出丝[繅繭出絲] xäo-gān-chūt-xû
or xäo-gēin-chūt-xû sāojiǎnchūsī to draw silk from cocoons.⁷
缫盆[繅盆] xäo-pûn
sāopén soaking basin (for cocoons).⁸
缫丝[繅絲] xäo-xû
sāosī reel silk from cocoons; reel.⁶
缫丝厂[繅絲廠] xäo-xû-chōng
sāosīchǎng reeling mill.⁵
缫丝机[繅絲機] xäo-xû-gï
sāosījī reeling machine; filature.⁵
(See 藻 täo; 繰 xäo; 𦃐❄{⿰糹蚤} xäo).
xao2 15449
120 19 xäo sāo (=繅 xäo sāo).⁴ to draw silk from cocoons.⁷
缲丝[繰絲] xäo-xû
sāosī (now usually written 缫丝[繅絲] xäo-xû sāosī.⁴) reel the silk thread off cocoons.¹¹
<又> chël.
(See 繰 chël; 繅 xäo.)
xao2 15450
130 17 xäo sào feel shy/bashful/diffident; humiliate, embarrass.⁶
害臊 hòi-xäo hàisào to be bashful; to feel ashamed.¹⁰
怕臊 pä-xäo
pàsào bashful.¹¹
臊子 xäo-dū
sàozi <topo.> minced/diced meat (cooked) to be added to noodles or other food before serving.⁶
臊气[臊氣] xäo-hï
sàoqì <topo.> have bad luck; be out of luck; be down on one's luck.⁶ (See 臊气[臊氣] xäo-hï sāoqì).
臊脸[臊臉] xäo-lêm
sàoliǎn <topo.> lose face; be put to shame.⁶
羞臊 xiü-xäo
xiūsào ashamed; bashful.⁶
<又> ngät.
(See 臊 ngät, [xäo, sāo].)
xao2 15451
130 17 xäo sāo smelly; stinky.⁶
臊根 xäo-gïn sāogēn the penis.⁷
臊气[臊氣] xäo-hï
sāoqì foul smell; stink.⁶ (See 臊气[臊氣] xäo-hï sàoqì).
臊声[臊聲] xäo-sëin
sāoshēng notoriety; a scandalous reputation.⁷
臊腥 xäo-xëng
sāoxīng frowsy.⁷
腥臊 xëng-xäo
xīngsāo a bad smell of fish or meat, a stench; evil (administration).⁷
<又> ngät.
(See 臊 ngät, [xäo, sào].)
xao2 15452
140 13 xäo suō rain coat made of straw, coir.⁸ (variant: 簑 xäo suō).
(composition: ⿱艹衰; U+84D1).
蓑笠 xäo-lêip
suōlì rain cape coat and hat made of tree bark or leaves.¹⁰
蓑草 xäo-tāo
suōcǎo <bot.> Chinese alpine rush.¹⁰
蓑衣 xäo-yï 
suōyī straw rain cape coat.⁸
<又> sö.
(See 簑 xäo; 蓑 sö).
xao2 15453
167 21 xäo sào steel well-hardened.²⁵ metal well-hardened; dry, arid.⁵⁴ hardened iron or good steel.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰金喿; U+9430).
<又> tël; tão. (See 鐰 tël; 鐰 tão).
xao2 15454
182 18 xäo sāo the sound of the wind.²ʼ²⁵ blowing of the wind.⁸ʼ¹⁴
(composition: ⿰風蚤; U+98BE).
颾飋 xäo-sīt sāosè the wind.²⁵
颾颾 xäo-xäo
sāosāo <ono.> sound of wind; very cold wind; senile, decrepit.¹⁹
潇颾[瀟颾] xël-xäo
xiāosāo sound of wind and rain.¹⁹
飕颾[颼颾] xēo-xäo
sōusāo <ono.> sound of wind.¹⁹
<又> xēo.
(See 颾 xēo).
xao2 15455
187 19 xäo sāo disturb, upset; short for Li Sao; literary writing; coquettish.⁵
离骚[離騷] Lĩ Xäo Lí Sāo Sorrow at Parting, poem by 屈原 Vūt Ngũn Qū Yuán in 楚辞[楚辭] Chō-xũ Chǔcí Songs of Chu.¹⁰
风骚[風騷] füng-xäo
fēngsāo (of woman) men-crazy, amorous, lewd, lascivious; poetically sentimental.¹¹
骚包[騷包] xäo-bäo
sāobāo (slang) alluring; showy; flashy and enticing person; painted Jezebel.¹⁰
骚客[騷客] xäo-hāk
sāokè <wr.> poet.⁵
骚乱[騷亂] xäo-lòn
sāoluàn disturbance; riot; to create a disturbance.¹⁰
骚味[騷味] xäo-mì
sāowèi foul smell.¹⁰
骚扰[騷擾] xäo-ngêl
sāorǎo disturb; cause a commotion; harass.¹⁰
骚人墨客[騷人墨客] xäo-ngĩn-màk-hāk
sāorénmòkè <wr.> literati.⁵
骚动[騷動] xäo-ùng
sāodòng disturbance; uproar; to become restless.¹⁰
xao2 15456
195 20 xäo sāo a large fish found in the River Wéi, in Shensi.¹⁰²
中华鳋[中華鰠] Jüng-vã xäo Zhōnghuá sāo (Sinergsilus).²⁹
中华鳋属[中華鰠屬] Jüng-vã xäo-sùk
Zhōnghuá sāoshǔ (Sinergasilus).²³
鳋科[鰠科] xäo-fö
sāokē Ergasilidae, a widespread family of copepods.¹⁵ʼ²⁹
鳋属[鰠屬] xäo-sùk sāoshǔ gill lice, a genus (Ergasilus) of copepod crustaceans occurring in both the ocean and fresh water.¹⁵ʼ²⁹
xao2 15457
64 11 xâo sào <台>  鸡毛扫[雞毛掃] gäi-mão-xâo/ chicken feather duster.
<又> xäo. (See 掃 [xäo, sǎo], [xäo, sào].)
xao5 15458
24 4 xàp (=三十 xäm-sìp sānshí) thirty .
五卅运动[五卅運動] M̄-Xàp-Vùn-ùng
Wǔ-Sà Yùndòng May 30th (1925) Movement (anti-imperialist movement, involving general strikes especially in Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Hong Kong).
<台> 年卅晚 nẽin-xàp-mân New Year's Eve.
xap4 15459
64 15 xāt <台> 撒鞋 xāt-hãi/ slippers, flip-flops.
<台> 撒详[撒詳] xāt-têng absolutely silent; not a sound heard.
<又> xät. (See 撒 [xät, ]; 撒 [xät, ].)
xat1 15460
64 13 𢫬
xät <old> to kill with edge of hand.¹¹ to beat backhand (shoulder); slap; wash, rub (with hand).⁵⁴ to give a backhanded blow; to slap one; to disperse.¹⁰²
(comp. t: ⿰扌殺; U+644B). (comp. s: ⿰扌杀; U+22AEC).
❄{⿰扌杀}[臂摋] bî-xät bìsà to hit with the shoulder (backhand).⁵⁴
❄{⿰扌杀}[抹摋] möt-xät mǒsà to extirpate; to wipe out, as a sum or statement.¹⁰²
<又> sät.
(See 摋 sät).
xat2 15461
64 15 xät scatter, sprinkle, spread; spill, drop.⁵ Sa surname.⁸
撒播 xät-bö sǎbō broadcast sowing.⁵
撒播机[撒播機] xät-bö-gï
sǎbōjī broadcast seeder; broadcaster.⁵
撒豆成兵 xät-èo-sẽin-bëin
sǎdòuchéngbīng cast beans on ground which are transformed by magic into soldiers.¹¹
撒肥机[撒肥機] xät-fĩ-gï
sǎféijī fertilizer distributor; manure spreader.⁵
撒粉 xät-fūn
sǎfěn <agr.> dusting.⁵
撒粉器 xät-fūn-hï
sǎfěnqì duster.⁵
撒厩肥机[撒廄肥機] xät-gëo-fĩ-gï
or xät-giü-fĩ-gï sǎjiùféijī fertilizer distributor; manure spreader.⁵⁴
撒军[撒軍] xät-gün
sǎjūn withdraw troops.¹⁰
撒鞋 xät-hãi/
sǎxié slippers (also wr. 靸鞋 gīp-hãi or jàp-hãi sǎxié); a special kind of workman's slippers with cloth sole and leather top.¹¹
撒种[撒種] xät-jūng
sǎzhǒng to sow seeds.⁹
撒农药[撒農藥] xät-nũng-yêk
sǎ nóngyào dust crops with an insecticide.³⁹
撒施 xät-sï
sǎshī spread fertilizer over the fields.⁵
撒散 xät-xān
sǎsàn to distribute (handbills); to spend lavishly.¹¹
<又> xāt.
(See 撒 xāt; 撒 [xät, ].)
xat2 15462
64 15 xät cast, let go, let out; throw off all restraint, let oneself go.⁵
撒旦 Xät-än Sādàn <loan> Satan.⁵
撒泼[撒潑] xät-bōt
sāpō be unreasonable and make a scene⁵. vile-tempered (woman), given to scolding others.¹¹
撒科打诨[撒科打諢] xät-fö-ā-vùn
sākēdǎhùn <opera> introduce comic remarks in dialogue.⁸
撒欢[撒歡] xät-fön
sāhuān <topo.> gambol; frisk.⁵
撒谎[撒謊] xät-föng
sāhuǎng <vern.> tell a lie; lie.⁵
撒娇[撒嬌] xät-gël
sājiāo act like a spoiled child.⁵
撒气[撒氣] xät-hï
sāqì (of a ball, tire) leak, go soft, get a  flat; vent one's anger or ill temper.⁵
撒腿就跑 xät-huī-diù-pāo
sātuǐ jiù pǎo make off at once; scamper.⁵
撒赖[撒賴] xät-lài
sālài make a scene; raise hell.⁵
撒网[撒網] xät-mōng
sāwǎng cast net; (fig.) to give a party in the hope of collecting presents.¹¹
撒尿 xät-nèl
sāniào <topo.> piss; pee; wee.⁹
撒手 xät-siū
sāshǒu let go one's hold; let go.⁵
撒手不管 xät-siū-būt-gōn
sāshǒubùguǎn refuse to have anything more to do with the matter.⁵
撒手尘寰[撒手塵寰] xät-siū-chĩn-vãn
sāshǒuchénhuán pass away; leave this mortal world; depart this life.⁶
<又> xāt.
(See 撒 [xät, ]; 撒 xāt.)
xat2 15463
64 17 xät (=撒 xät ).¹⁴ scatter, sprinkle, spread; spill, drop.⁵ to scatter.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌蔡; U+6503).
<又> chät.
(See 攃 chät; 撒 xät).
xat2 15464
85 15 xät (<old>=撒 xät ) to scatter; to sprinkle; to spill.¹⁰
潵河 Xät-hõ
Sǎhé Sahe River, name of a river in 河北 Hõ-bāk Héběi Hebei Province.⁸
潵骨池 xät-gūt-chĩ
sǎgǔchí a pool specially used for scattering cremated (human) bone ashes.⁵⁴ (mentioned in Water Margin: Chapter 26 when the coroner 何九叔 doused two of 武大郎 Wu Da's bones in such a pool.)
<又> xän.
(See 潵 xän.)
xat2 15465
140 16 xät Buddhist gods or immortals.⁸ Sa surname.⁸
观音菩萨[觀音菩薩] Gön-yïm Pũ-xät Guānyīn púsà A Bodhisattva in Chinese Mahayana, also called 观音大士[觀音大士] Gön-yïm ài-xù Guānyīn dàshì.  Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion or Goddess of Mercy (Sanskrit Avalokiteśvara).¹⁰
拉萨[拉薩] Lā-xät
Lāsà Lhasa, capital of Tibet.¹⁰
菩萨[菩薩] Pũ-xät Púsà or 菩提薩埵 Pũ-hãi-xät-ū Pútísàduǒ bodhisattva.⁹ bodhisattva — "he whose essence is intelligence"; one who has become ready for Nirvana, but who refrains from the next step in order to remain and benefit mankind — commonly used for idols.¹⁴
萨克拉门托[薩克拉門托] xät-hāk-lā-mõn-hök
sàkèlāméntuō Sacramento, California.¹⁰
萨其马[薩其馬] xät-kĩ-mâ
or 萨齐玛[薩齊瑪] xät-tãi-mâ sàqímǎ a kind of candied fritter.⁸
萨埵[薩埵] xät-ū
sàduǒ (abbr. of 金刚萨埵[金剛薩埵] gïm-göng-xät-ū jīngāng sàduǒ) Vajrasattva.⁵⁴
xat2 15466
14 14 xēh xiě (=写[寫] xēh xiě to write); write; draw, sketch; compose.⁸
(composition: ⿱冖舄; U+51A9).
(See 寫 xēh).
xeh1 15467
40 15 xēh xiě to write.
钞写[鈔寫] or 抄写[抄寫] chäo-xēh chāoxiě to copy or transcribe by hand.⁷
复写[複寫] fūk-xēh
fùxiě to make copies; to duplicate.
刻写[刻寫] hāk-xēh
kèxiě to carve; to inscribe.
描写[描寫] mẽl-xēh
miáoxiě to describe; to depict.
编写[編寫] pëin-xēh
biānxiě compile; write. compose.⁶
书写[書寫] sï-xēh
shūxiě to write; writing.
写作[寫作] xēh-dōk
xiězuò writing; written works.
写字[寫字] xēh-dù
xiězì to write characters.
写生[寫生] xēh-säng
xiěshēng a branch of painting, portraying living things; still life.
写信[寫信] xēh-xïn
xiěxìn write a letter.¹¹
xeh1 15468
140 18 xēh xiě (composition: ⿱艹寫; U+85DB).
䕪藛 jàk-xēh zéxiě plantago.²⁵ (See 泽泻[澤瀉] jàk-xëh zéxiè oriental water plantain.⁸).
泽藛[澤藛] jàk-xēh
zéxiě a medicinall plant. (See 泽泻[澤瀉] jàk-xëh zéxiè oriental water plantain.⁸).
xeh1 15469
7 8 xëh xiē little, few; somewhat; some; several; (<m.> indicating a small amount or small number (greater than 1)).
(variant: 𡭟❄{⿱少大} xëh xiē).
快些 fäi-xëh
kuàixiē Hurry!⁷
好些 hāo-xëh
hǎoxiē quite a lot; a good deal of.⁵
这些[這些] jëh-xëh
zhèxiē these.
那些 nã-xëh
nàxiē those.
哪些 nã-xëh
nǎxiē which?; who?; what? (plural).
些许[些許] xëh-huī
xiēxǔ a few; a little; a bit.
些微 xëh-mĩ
xiēwēi a bit; slightly; a little.
些小 xëh-xēl
xiēxiǎo tiny; a little; just a little.
有些 yiü-xëh
yǒuxiē some; somewhat, rather.
<台> 些少 xëh-sël a liitle bit.
(See 𡭟❄{⿱少大} xëh).
xeh2 15470
26 9 xëh xiè unhitch; unload, discharge; strip, disassemble, dismantle; get rid of, shirk; put down, take off, remove.⁶ (variant: 缷 xëh xiè).
卸车[卸車] xëh-chëh
xièchē to unload (goods) from a vehicle; to unload.⁷
卸除 xëh-chuĩ
xièchú to remove; to get rid of.⁷
卸货[卸貨] xëh-fö
xièhuò to unload or discharge cargoes.⁷
卸肩 xëh-gän
xièjiān to lay down responsibilities.⁷
卸下责任[卸下責任] xëh-hà-jāk-ngìm
xièxiàzérèn lay down the responsibility or burden.¹¹
卸套 xëh-häo
xiètào to unharness.⁶
卸责[卸責] xëh-jāk
xièzé to lay down one's responsibilities; to shirk one's responsibilities.⁷
卸职[卸職] xëh-jēik
xièzhí leave office; be relieved of one's office.⁶
卸妆[卸妝] xëh-jöng
xièzhuāng (of a female) remove one's make-up; remove ornaments or formal dress or cosmetics.⁶
卸装[卸裝] xëh-jöng
xièzhuāng (of an actor/actress) remove one's stage make-up and costume.⁶
卸任 xëh-ngìm
xièrèn to quit a public office.⁷
(See 缷 xëh.)
xeh2 15471
42 7 𡭟
xëh xiē (=些 xëh xiē a few; little; somewhat; some).²
(composition: ⿱少大; U+21B5F).
(See 些 xëh).
xeh2 15472
42 8 𡭥
xëh xiē few.²⁴
(composition: ⿰勿少; U+21B65).
(See 𡭟❄{⿱少大} xëh; 些 xëh).
xeh2 15473
85 17 xëh xiè (=泻[瀉] xëh xiè to flow out swiftly; to flood; a torrent; diarrhea; laxative.¹⁰).⁸
(composition: ⿰氵冩; U+3D7C).
(See 瀉 xëh).
xeh2 15474
85 18 xëh xiè to flow out swiftly; to flood; a torrent; diarrhea; laxative.¹⁰
(variant: 㵼 xëh xiè).
t: ⿰氵寫; U+7009). (comp. s: ⿰氵写; U+6CFB).
腹泻[腹瀉] fūk-xëh
fùxiè diarrhea; to have the runs.¹⁰
倾泻[傾瀉] kēin-xëh
qīngxiè to pour down in torrents.¹⁰
流泻[流瀉] liũ-xëh
liúxiè (of light, heat) emit; (of a liquid) discharge in a jet.¹⁰
上吐下泻[上吐下瀉] sèng-tû-hà-xëh
shàngtùxiàxiè vomit and have diarrhea at the same time.⁵⁴
泻肚[瀉肚] xëh-ū
xièdù to have diarrhea.¹⁰
泻湖[瀉湖] xëh-vũ
xièhú lagoon.⁶
泻药[瀉藥] xëh-yêk
xièyào laxative.¹⁰
泻盐[瀉鹽] xëh-yẽm
xièyán Epsom salts.¹⁰
一泻千里[一瀉千里] yīt-xëh-tëin-lî
yīxièqiānlǐ (river) rush down a thousand miles – (of a writer's style) bold and flowing.⁹
悬河泻水[懸河瀉水] yõn-hõ-xëh-suī
xuánhéxièshuǐ a flood of eloquence.⁵⁴
(See 㵼 xëh).
xeh2 15475
121 8 xëh xiè (=卸 xëh xiè) unhitch; unload, discharge; strip, disassemble, dismantle; get rid of, shirk; put down, take off, remove.⁶
(See 卸 xëh.)
xeh2 15476
155 11 xëh shè absolve; pardon; remit (a punishment).⁶
大赦 ài-xëh dàshè amnesty; general pardon.¹⁰
特赦 àk-xëh
tèshè amnesty.¹⁰
十恶不赦[十惡不赦] sìp-ōk-būt-xëh
shí'èbùshè formerly, ten unpardonable crimes, including rebellion and other not well-defined items, as lack of filial piety, of harmony in family relationships, lack of righteousness, of humanity, etc.; beyond redemption.¹¹
赦罪 xëh-duì
shèzuì absolution; absolve someone from guilt; pardon.⁸ to forgive (an offender).¹⁰
赦令 xëh-lèin
shèlìng order of pardon/amnesty.⁶
赦免 xëh-mêin
shèmiǎn remit (a punishment); pardon; absolve.⁶
赦书[赦書] xëh-sï
shèshū written order of pardon  or amnesty.⁶
赦宥 xëh-yiù
shèyòu <wr.> remit (a punishment); pardon.⁶
xeh2 15477
30 15 xêh <台> 气嘘嘘[氣 hï-xêh-xêh out of breadth.
<又> huï, sï, (See 噓 huï; 噓 sï.)
xeh5 15478
9 11 xēik xiè (=契 xēik xiè Xie, an ancient nobleman, son of Emperor Ku, brother of Emperor Yao, first Shang ancestor.⁸).⁸ Xie surname.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰亻契; U+5070).
(See 契 [xēik, xiè]).
xeik1 15479
9 15 𠎸
xēik (=啬[嗇] xēik stingy, miserly); Se surname.²
(composition: ⿰亻嗇; U+203B8).
(See 嗇 xēik).
xeik1 15480
9 19 𠑄
xēik  xiè (composition: ⿰亻燮; U+20444).
㑙𠑄❄{⿰亻燮} èp-xēik diéxiè a frivolous look.¹⁰¹
xeik1 15481
30 13 xēik stingy, miserly. (variant: 𠎸❄{⿰亻嗇} xēik sè).
吝啬[吝嗇] lùn-xēik
lìnsè stingy; mean; miserly.¹⁰
吝啬鬼[吝嗇鬼] lùn-xēik-gī
lìnsèguǐ miser; penny-pincher.¹⁰
啬夫[嗇夫] xēik-fü
sèfū a miser.
See 𠎸❄{⿰亻嗇} xēik).
xeik1 15482
37 9 xēik (composition: ⿱㓞大; U+5951).
稷契 Dēik-Xēik Jì-Qì Ji and Qi were sagacious officials during the reigns of Yao and Shun. Deik Ji was the minister of agriculture and Xeik Qi was the minister of education.⁴⁷
契丹 Xēik-än
Qìdān Khitan was a nomadic people originally from Mongolia and Manchuria.¹⁵
<又> käi, kãi.
(See 契 käi; 契 kãi; 契 [xēik, qiè]; 契 [xēik, xiè]).
xeik1 15483
37 9 xēik qiè (=锲[鍥] xēik qiè <wr.> to cut; to carve; to engrave; to chisel; fig. to chisel away at.¹⁰ a sickle.¹¹).⁸ to be separated from; to cut.¹⁴ (=挈 gēik or kēik qiè to take; to carry.³⁶; diligent, hardworking, assiduous; work sedulously despite hardships.²).²ʼ³⁶
(composition: ⿱㓞大; U+5951).
契阔[契闊] gēik-föt
qièkuò state of mind after a long period of being apart.⁸ separated.¹¹ to be separated from one another.¹⁴
契闊之情 gēik-föt-jï-tẽin
qièkuòzhīqíng remembrance during absence.¹¹
<又> käi, kãi.
(See 契 käi; 契 kãi; 契 [xēik, ]; 契 [xēik, xiè]).
xeik1 15484
37 9 xēik xiè one of the ministers of Emperor Shun.¹⁴ Xie was an ancient Chinese nobleman, an ancestor of the kings of the Shang dynasty; the first known Shang ancestor; he was the father of 昭明 Jël Mẽin Zhāo Míng Zhao Ming and grandfather of 相土 Xëng Hū Xiàng Tǔ Xiang Tu; his father was Emperor Ku, and his brothers were Houji, Emperor Zhi and Emperor Yao, who enfeoffed 商 sëng shāng Shang to him; may be used for 偰 xēik xiè.⁸ʼ¹⁵ Xie (ancestor of the kings of the Shang dynasty).³⁶
(composition: ⿱㓞大; U+5951).
<又> käi, kãi.
(See 契 käi; 契 kãi; 契 [xēik, ]; 契 [xēik, qiè]).
xeik1 15485
38 12 xēik xiè <wr.> indecent.⁶ to commit an outrage on a woman; to lust after.¹⁴
媟狎 xēik-äp or xēik-hâp xièxiá philander.¹¹ indecent behavior.¹⁴
媟黩[媟黷] xēik-dùk
or xēik-ùk xièdú to flirt with, behave indecently.¹¹ to take indecent liberties with a woman.¹⁴
媟慢 xēik-màn
xièmàn treat cheaply or immodestly dally with.¹¹
媟污 xēik-vü
xièwū indecent.¹¹
xeik1 15486
38 13 xēik son's wife, daughter-in-law; wife of a relative of the younger generation.⁶
童养媳[童養媳] hũng-yëng-xēik tóngyǎngxí a girl taken into the family as a daughter-in-law-to-be; child daughter-in-law; child bride.⁵
娶媳妇儿[娶媳婦兒] tuī-xēik-fû-ngĩ
qǔxífùr to take a wife; to get a daughter-in-law.⁷
媳妇[媳婦] xēik-fû
xífù son's wife, daughter-in-law; wife of a relative of the younger generation.⁶
媳妇儿[媳婦兒] xēik-fû-ngĩ
xífur <topo.> wife; young married woman.⁶
孙媳[孫媳] xün-xēik
sūnxí or 孙媳妇[孫媳婦] xün-xēik-fû sūnxífu a granddaughter-in-law; a grandson's wife.⁷
xeik1 15487
40 11 xēik night.² night; dark; darkness; of death; to mourn; to lose; to be deprived of.⁸ʼ³⁶ night; evening.²⁴
(composition: ⿱宀昔; U+375C).
xeik1 15488
44 9 xēik xiè (=屑 xēik xiè) bits, scraps, crumbs; trifling.⁵
(See 屑 xēik.)
xeik1 15489
44 10 xēik xiè bits, scraps, crumbs; trifling.⁵ (variant: 㞕 xēik xiè.)
不屑 būt-xēik
bùxiè disdain; be scornful.⁵⁵
不屑一顾[不屑一顧] būt-xēik-yīt-gü
bùxièyīgù regard as beneath one.⁵⁵
霏金屑玉 fï-gïm-xēik-ngùk
fēijīnxièyù every word uttered is very precious.⁵⁴
金属屑[金屬屑] gïm-sùk-xēik
jīnshǔxiè metal filings.⁵
铁屑[鐵屑] hëik-xēik
tiěxiè iron filings.⁵
纸屑[紙屑] jī-xēik
zhǐxiè scraps of paper.⁵
面包屑[麵包屑] mèin-bäo-xēik
miànbāoxiè breadcrumb.⁵⁵
煤屑 mõi-xēik
méixiè coal dust; coal splinters.⁷
木屑 mûk-xēik
mùxiè wood shavings; sawdust.¹⁰
岩屑 ngãm-xēik
yánxiè <geol.> detritus; debris.⁶
屑子 xēik-dū
xièzi bits; crumb.⁵⁴
屑土 xēik-hū
xiètǔ fine soil.⁶
屑屑 xēik-xēik
xièxiè trivial.¹¹
屑屑小事 xēik-xēik-xēl-xù
xièxièxiǎoshì a trifling matter.⁵⁵
屑窣 xēik-xūt
xièsū descriptive of tiny squeak.¹¹ tiny squeaks; slight noise.⁵⁴
屑意 xēik-yï
xièyì care; mind.⁶
琐屑[瑣屑] xū-xēik
suǒxiè <wr.> trifling; trivial.⁵
(See 㞕 xēik.)
xeik1 15490
61 9 xēik (<old>=悉 xēik to know; all, whole, total, entire.⁷).²
(composition: ⿱术心; U+6038).
(See 悉 xēik; 𢚊❄{⿱囧心} xēik; 𢝕❄{⿳囧儿心} xēik; 怷 xēik).
xeik1 15491
61 9 xēik (<old>=悉 xēik to know; all, whole, total, entire.⁷).²
(composition: ⿱朮心; U+6037).
(See 悉 xēik; 𢚊❄{⿱囧心} xēik; 𢝕❄{⿳囧儿心} xēik; 怸 xēik).
xeik1 15492
61 10 xēik xi rest; news.⁵
休息 hiü-xēik xiūxi to have or take a rest; rest.⁵
消息 xël-xēik
xiāoxi news, information; tidings.⁵
(See 息 [xēik, ]; hēik.)
xeik1 15493
61 10 xēik breath; news; cease, stop; grow; interest; <wr.> one's children.⁵ (old variant: 𧪩❄{⿰言息} xēik xī).
安息 ön-xēik
ānxī go to sleep, rest and relax; rest in peace.⁸
子息 dū-xēik
zǐxī son, male offspring; interest.⁸
气息[氣息] hï-xēik
qìxī breath; smell; odor; flavor.¹⁰
生息 säng-xēik
shēngxī live, subsist; propagate; develop; gain interest.⁸
息兵 xēik-bëin
xībīng cease fire; stop fighting.⁶
息率 xēik-lùt
xīlǜ interest rate.⁶
息男 xēik-nãm
xīnán <wr.> male offspring/child; son.⁶
息肉 xēik-ngùk
xīròu <med.> polyp; polypus.⁵
息怒 xēik-nù
xīnù cease to be angry; calm one's anger.⁵
息女 xēik-nuī
xīnǚ female offspring/child; daughter.⁶
息票 xēik-pêl
xīpiào interest coupon.⁵
息息相关[息息相關] xēik-xēik-xëng-gän
xīxīxiāngguān be closely linked; be closely bound up.⁵
息事宁人[息事寧人] xēik-xù-nẽin-ngĩn
xīshìníngrén  patch up a quarrel and reconcile the parties concerned; make concessions to avoid trouble; gloss things over to stay on good terms.⁵
(See 息 [xēik, xi]; hēik; 𧪩❄{⿰言息} xēik).

xeik1 15494
61 11 xēik to cherish; to begrudge; to pity.¹⁰
不惜 būt-xēik bùxī not stint; not spare; not hesitate (to do something); not scruple (to do something).¹⁰
不惜工本 būt-xēik-güng-bōn
bùxīgōngběn to spare no expense.⁹
叹惜[嘆惜] hän-xēik
tànxī sigh of regret.¹⁰
可惜 hō-xēik
kěxī it is a pity; what a pity; unfortunately.¹⁰
珍惜 jïn-xēik
zhēnxī treasure; value; cherish.⁵
吝惜 lùn-xēik
lìnxī to stint; to be miserly.¹⁰
惜别[惜別] xēik-bèik
xībié reluctant to part.¹⁰
<又> xëk.
(See 惜 xëk.)
xeik1 15495
61 11 xēik to know; all, whole, total, entire.⁷
(composition: ⿱釆心; U+6089).
(old variants: 𢚊❄{⿱囧心} xēik; 𢝕❄{⿳囧儿心} xēik; 怸 xēik; 怷 xēik).
悉皆 xēik-gäi
xījiē altogether; entirely; without exception.⁷
悉听尊便[悉聽尊便] xēik-hëin-dün-bèin
xītīngzūnbiàn according to your preference; suit your own convenience; please yourself.⁵⁴
悉力 xēik-lèik
xīlì with all one's strength; with might and main.⁷
悉数[悉數] xēik-sū
xīshǔ enumerate in full detail.⁵
悉数[悉數] xēik-sü
xīshù <wr.> all; every single one.⁵
悉心 xēik-xïm
xīxīn devote all one's attention; take the utmost care.⁷
洞悉 ùng-xēik
dòngxī know clearly; understand thoroughly.⁵
(See 𢚊❄{⿱囧心} xēik; 𢝕❄{⿳囧儿心} xēik; 怸 xēik; 怷 xēik).
xeik1 15496
61 11 𢚊
xēik (<old>=悉 xēik to know; all, whole, total, entire.⁷).²
(composition: ⿱囧心; U+2268A).
(See 悉 xēik; 𢝕❄{⿳囧儿心} xēik; 怸 xēik; 怷 xēik).
xeik1 15497
61 12 xēik sad, worried, depressed; respectful.⁸
(composition: ⿱析心; U+60C1).
惁惁 xēik-xēik xīxī worried.² sorrowful; to respect.²⁴
xeik1 15498
61 13 𢝕
xēik (<old>=悉 xēik to know; all, whole, total, entire.⁷).²
(composition: ⿳囧儿心; U+22755).
(See 悉 xēik; 𢚊❄{⿱囧心} xēik; 怸 xēik; 怷 xēik).
xeik1 15499
72 8 xēik bygone, of old, formerly, ancient; a night, an evening; the end.⁷ former times; the past; Xi surname.¹⁰
今非昔比 gïm-fï-xēik-bī jīnfēixībǐ the past cannot be compared with the present; times change.⁶
往昔 vông-xēik
wǎngxī past; former times.⁶
昔酒 xēik-diū
xījiǔ old wine; vintage wine.⁷
昔者 xēik-jēh
xīzhě in former times; in ancient times; before; formerly.⁷
昔年 xēik-nẽin
xīnián <wr.> in former years.⁵
昔人 xēik-ngĩn
xīrén the ancient people.⁷
昔日 xēik-ngìt
xīrì in former days (or times).⁵
昔时[昔時] xēik-sĩ
xīshí <wr.> former times.⁶
昔昔 xēik-xēik
or 夕夕 dèik-dèik xīxī every night.⁷
昔岁[昔歲] xēik-xuï
xīsuì last year.⁷
昔贤[昔賢] xēik-yẽn
xīxián ancient sages.⁷
昔一粥而聚,今一粥而散 xēik-yīt-jūk-ngĩ-duì, gïm-yīt-jūk-ngĩ-xän
xīyīzhōuérjù, jīnyīzhōuérsàn We first met round a bowl of congee and now we are parting also round a bowl of congee.⁷
xeik1 15500
72 12 xēik clear; clearly; distinct.⁷ bright; clear, distinct; white, fair-skinned.⁸ clear.²⁴ (variant: 晳 xēik ).
(composition: ⿰日析; U+6670).
白晰 bàk-xēik
báixī <wr.> pure white (complexion).¹¹
白晰晰 bàk-xēik-xēik
báixīxī dazzlingly white.¹¹
发音清晰[發音清晰] fāt-yïm-tëin-xēik
fāyīnqīngxī articulate distinctly/clearly; pronounce distinctly.⁶
条理清晰[條理清晰] hẽl-lî-tëin-xēik
tiáolǐqīngxī be methodical; be well-arranged.⁶
口齿清晰[口齒清晰] hēo-chī-tëin-xēik
kǒuchǐqīngxī have a clear utterance/articulation.⁶
吐字清晰 hü-dù-tëin-xēik
tǔzìqīngxī enunciate one's words clearly.⁶
明晰 mẽin-xēik
míngxī clear; lucid.⁵ clear; distinct.⁶
清晰 tëin-xēik
qīngxī distinct; clear; explicit.⁶
清晰明了 tëin-xēik-mẽin-lēl
qīngxīmíngle be clear and distinct.⁶
清晰度 tëin-xēik-ù
qīngxīdù (of TV picture/image) clarity, resolution, definition; (of sound) articulation.⁶
晰疑 xēik-ngĩ
xīyí to elucidate one's doubts.¹⁴
(See 晳 xēik; 皙 xēik.)
xeik1 15501
72 12 xēik (=皙 xēik xī; =晰 xēik ) (said of one's skin) fair, white.⁷ to distinguish clearly.²⁴
(composition: ⿱析日; U+6673).
(See 皙 xēik; 晰 xēik.)
xeik1 15502
72 12 xēik (<old>=昔 xēik bygone, of old, formerly, ancient; a night, an evening; the end.⁷ former times; the past.¹⁰).⁸
(composition: ⿱𠈌日; U+3AFA).
(See 昔 xēik).
xeik1 15503
72 15 xēik xiè (<old>=亵[褻] xēik xiè disrespectful; irreverent.)⁸ʼ⁰ to treat with disrespect; also dark, obscure.²⁴  to treat disrespectfully; dark, obscure; attendants, chamberlains, familiars.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱埶日; U+66AC).
曾我暬御 tãng-ngô-xēik-nguì
céng wǒ xiè yù only a groom of the chamber as I am.¹⁰²
Tãng-ngô-xēik-nguì, tām-tām-ngìt-xuì
Céng wǒ xiè yù, cǎn cǎn rì cuì.
So that I, a [mere] groom of the chambers,
Am full of grief and in pain daily.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·祈父之什·雨無正·4》, translated by James Legge).
暬我之臣 xēik-ngô-jï-sĩn 
xièwǒzhīchén imperial eunuchs.¹⁰²
暬御 xēik-nguì
xièyù personal attendant.⁸ʼ⁰
xeik1 15504
75 8 xēik divide; separate; analyze; dissect; resolve.⁵ to split wood; to discriminate; to explain; to distinguish; to divide, to separate.¹⁴ (Note: Distinguish 柝 hōk tuò). (comp: ⿰木斤; U+6790).
析翳 xēik-äi
xīyì the rainbow.¹⁴
析产[析產] xēik-chān
xīchǎn to divide family property; to split the inheritance (among children of the deceased).⁷
析出 xēik-chūt
xīchū <chem.> separate out.⁵
析像管 xēik-dèng-gōn
xīxiàngguǎn <electronics> dissector; image dissector tube.⁶
析居 xēik-guï
xījū (of family members) live separately.⁶
析骨 xēik-gūt
xīgǔ to break apart a skeleton.⁷
析之 xēik-jï
xīzhī to separate them; to divide them up.¹⁴
析疑 xēik-ngĩ
xīyí <wr.> resolve a doubt; clear up a doubtful point.⁵ resolve doubts; remove suspicions.¹⁴
析义[析義] xēik-ngì
xīyì analyze the meaning (of a word).⁵ elucidate the meaning; explain.¹⁴
析爨 xēik-tōn
xīcuàn <wr.> (of family members) cook and eat separately.⁶ (said of brothers) to divide family property and live under different roofs.⁷
析薪 xēik-xïn
xīxīn to cut up firewood.¹⁴
析烟[析煙] xēik-yën
xīyān (said of brothers) to divide family property and live under different roofs.⁷
xeik1 15505
75 9 xēik xiè equipment for correcting a crossbow.⁸ an instrument for adjusting a bow.²⁴ (variant: 栧 xēik xiè).
(composition: ⿰木世; U+67BB).
檠枻 kẽin-xēik
qíngxiè <wr.> device for holding crossbow in position.¹¹
<又> yài.
(See 枻 yài; 栧 xēik).
xeik1 15506
75 10 xēik xiè (<old>=枻 xēik xiè equipment for correcting a crossbow.⁸ an instrument for adjusting a bow.²⁴).⁸
(composition: ⿰木曳; U+6827).
<又> yài.
(See 栧 yài; 枻 xēik).
xeik1 15507
75 13 xēik xiē foreword; prologue (in some modern novels); prologue or interlude in Yuan dynasty drama; wedge; peg; stopper.
楔子 xēik-dū xiēzi wedge; preface; forward; prologue.⁷
楔石 xēik-sêk
xiēshí keystone.¹⁹
楔形 xēik-yẽin
xiēxíng cuneiform (letters); wedge-shape.¹⁰
楔形文字 xēik-yẽin-mũn-dù
xiēxíng wénzì cuneiform; sphenogram.⁷
<又> xëp, xêp.
(See 楔 xëp, xêp; 揳 xëp.)
xeik1 15508
75 14 xēik xiè threshold.¹ limited.² a wooden wedge.² a lustrous brown or green ore, from which titanium is extracted.²²
榍石 xēik-sêk xièsêk titanite.⁶ silicate ⁸ <chem.> sphene.⁹ a lustrous brown or green ore, from which titanium is extracted.²²
钇榍石[釔榍石] yōt-xēik-sêk
yǐxièshí yttrotifanite.⁹
xeik1 15509
75 15 xēik xuē make a flank attack; make oblique remarks.²ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰木殺; U+6A27).
<又> sät. (See 樧 sät).
xeik1 15510
85 8 xēik xiè to leak out, to reveal; to vent; to scatter, to disperse; Xie surname.⁷ (composition: ⿰氵世; U+6CC4).
发泄[發泄] fāt-xēik fāxiè to give vent to; to let out.⁷
水泄不通 suī-xēik-būt-hüng
shuǐxièbùtōng lit. not one drop can trickle through (idiom); fig. impenetrable (crowd, traffic).¹⁰
or 泄忿 xēik-fûn xièfèn to vent one's anger.⁷
泄劲[泄勁] xēik-gèin
xièjìn to be discouraged; to be disheartened; to slacken one's efforts.⁷
泄涕 xēik-häi
xiètì to come to tears; to cry.⁷
泄恨 xēik-hàn
xièhèn to vent one's hatred or anger.⁷
泄气[泄氣] xēik-hï
xièqì to leak (gas); to be discouraged; to despair; (disparaging) pathetic; to vent one's anger; (of a tire) to be flat.¹⁰
泄漏 xēik-lèo
xièlòu leak, escape; (=泄露 xēik-lù xièlòu disclose, leak, divulge).⁶
泄露 xēik-lù
xièlòu disclose, leak, divulge.⁶ to leak out (information, secrets); to reveal or expose unintentionally.⁷
泄密 xēik-mìt
xièmì to leak secrets.¹⁰
泄水 xēik-suī
xièshuǐ (said of water) to seep out from cracks; sluicing.⁷
泄泻[泄瀉] xēik-xëh
xièxiè diarrhea; to have loose bowels.⁷
<又> yài.
(See 泄 yài; 洩 xēik.)
xeik1 15511
85 9 xēik xiè (=泄 xēik xiè) to leak out, to reveal; to vent; to scatter, to disperse; Xie surname.⁷
(composition: ⿰氵曳; U+6D29).
(See 泄 xēik.)
xeik1 15512
85 11 xēik <wr.> wash rice.⁵ water left after washing rice.¹¹ <ono.> sound of rain, sleet.¹⁰
淅沥[淅瀝] xēik-lèik xīlì rustle of falling leaves, snow and rain.⁸ pitter-patter.⁹ <ono.> patter of rain.¹⁰
淅米 xēik-māi
xīmǐ <wr.> wash rice.¹
淅飒[淅颯] xēik-xēip
xīsà rustling; crackling sound.⁸
xeik1 15513
85 12 xēik xiè <wr.> get rid of, remove; dredge, leak.⁶ to remove; to eliminate.⁷ rolling billows; intelligent; to get rid of; to scatter; turbid; muddy; unsettled; to ooze; to rest.¹⁴ Xie surname.⁸
㳌渫 ät-xēik yāxiè the appearance of water waves surging and undulating.¹⁰¹
井渫 dēng-xēik
jǐngxiè muddy well.²⁴
井渫不食 dēng-xēik-būt-sèik
jǐngxièbùshí do not drink from a tainted well.¹⁴
愦毦不渫[憒毦不渫] gì-ngì-būt-xēik
kuìèrbùxiè dull and stupid.¹⁴
为欢未渫[爲歡未渫] vì-fön-mì-xēik
wèihuānwèixiè he could not rest for joy.¹⁴
渫云[渫雲] xēik-vũn
xièyún scattered cloud.⁸
xeik1 15514
85 13 xēik of flowing water, a river.⁸  water; the appearance of water.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵息; U+3D27).
xeik1 15515
85 15 xēik saline land.⁶ land impregnated with salt from the tide.⁸ saline land; salt marsh.¹⁰
咸潟[鹹潟] hãm-xēik xiánxì salt land.⁷
潟卤[潟鹵] xēik-lū
xìlǔ <wr.> saline-alkali soil.⁶
潟湖 xēik-vũ
xìhú lagoon.⁶
xeik1 15516
86 12 xēik dry.²
(composition: ⿰火易; U+712C).
<又> yèik. (See 焬 yèik).
xeik1 15517
86 14 xēik extinguish; put out.⁵
熄灯[熄燈] xēik-äng xīdēng put out the light.⁵
熄灯号[熄燈號] xēik-äng-hào
xīdēnghào lights-out; taps.⁵
熄火 xēik-fō
xīhuǒ (of fuel, stove) stop burning, die/go out, extinguish; (of an engine) stop, go dead; stop fuel from burning, stop an engine.⁶ (See <台> 熄火 xēik-fō).
熄火器 xēik-fō-hï
xīhuǒqì fire extinguisher.¹¹
熄风[熄風] xēik-füng
xīfēng <Ch. med.> relieve dizziness, high fever, infantile convulsions, epilepsy, etc.⁵
熄灭[熄滅] xēik-mèik
xīmiè extinguish, put out; (of a fire, light) die out, go out.⁶
<台> 熄火 xēik-fō to turn off the light.
xeik1 15518
86 17 xēik xiè mediate; harmonize; regulate.⁶ (variants: 㸉,爕 xēik xiè).
调燮[調燮] hẽl-xēik
tiáoxiè to arrange equably; to harmonize.¹⁴
燮理 xēik-lî
xièlǐ to harmonize; to adapt; to adjust.¹⁰
燮理阴阳[燮理陰陽] xēik-lî-yïm-yẽng
xièlǐyīnyáng harmonize/regulate yin and yang.⁶ to adjust the dual powers.¹⁴
燮和 xēik-võ
xièhé to arrange equably; to harmonize.¹⁴
燮友 xēik-yiû
xièyǒu gentle; good-natured.¹⁰
阴阳燮理[陰陽燮理] yïm-yẽng-xēik-lî
yīnyángxièlǐ the Yin and the Yang are in balance.¹¹
(See 㸉 xēik; 爕 xēik).
xeik1 15519
86 19 xēik xiè (non-classcial form of 燮 xēik xiè mediate; harmonize; regulate.⁶); to adapt, to adjust, to blend, to harmonize.⁸
(composition: ⿱⿲火辛火火; U+3E09).
(See 燮 xēik).
xeik1 15520
86 19 xēik xiè demotic character for 燮 xēik xiè mediate; harmonize; regulate.⁶).²
(composition: ⿱⿲火言火火; U+7215).
(See 燮 xēik).
xeik1 15521
104 10 xēik xuē dysentery; sick.⁸ a dysentery.¹⁰²
(Note: In Mandarin 疶 xuē may also be read xiè).¹⁰ʼ²⁴ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿸疒世; U+75B6).
流疶 liũ-xēik
liúxuē a looseness.²⁴
疶痢 xēik-lì
xuēlì (=痢疾 lì-dìp lìji dysentery).¹⁰¹ a bloody flux.¹⁰²
<又> yài.
(See 疶 yài).
xeik1 15522
104 15 xēik a polypus.⁸
(composition: ⿸疒息; U+761C).
瘜肉 xēik-ngùk xíròu <old>=息肉 xēik-ngùk xíròu polyp.¹⁰
xeik1 15523
106 13 xēik <wr.> fair-skinned; light-complexioned.⁵ white skin; a kind of date.⁷ (of skin) clear; fair-skinned.⁹ (of human skin) white.¹¹ The whiteness of the human skin; a kind of date.²⁴ (variant: 晳 xēik ).
(composition: ⿱析白; U+7699).
白皙 bàk-xēik
báixī fair, white, blonde.¹⁰
白皙皙 bàk-xēik-xēik
báixīxī very white.¹¹
皙人 xēik-ngĩn
xīrén white person; Caucasian.¹⁹
(See 晳 xēik; 晰 xēik.)
xeik1 15524
112 13 xēik an impediment; a stumbling block.²⁵ a stumbling block.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰石昔; U+788F).
<又> xēk. (See 碏 xēk).
xeik1 15525
116 16 xēik faint sound, whisper.⁸ disturbing noises.¹⁰ to come out of a cave.²⁵
(composition: ⿱穴悉; U+7AB8).
窸窣 xēik-xūt xīsū rustle.⁶ onomatopoeia, which describes slight sounds such as a brush brushing something; also known as 窸窸窣窣 xēik-xēik-xūt-xūt xīxīsūsū "chirp, chirp".⁸ʼ⁰ a rustling noise.¹⁰ a sound (folklore says that when spirits approach, the gilt paper used in sacrifice makes a noise in the wind).²⁵
xeik1 15526
119 16 xēik xiè rice grits left after hulling; spread; release.⁸ broken grains of rice or wheat; the remains after pounding.²⁵ the grits of rice or corn which remain after hulling or pounding.¹⁰²
(variant: 𪍛❄{⿰麥屑} xēik xiè).
(composition: ⿰米屑; U+7CCF).
糏末 xēik-mòt
xièmò rice grits.¹⁰²
糏糏 xēik-xēik
xièxiè banished, exiled; extended to 'contempt'.⁸ʼ²⁵ʼ⁰
粉糏 fūn-xēik
fěnxiè flours and grits.¹⁰²
<又> xūt.
(See 糏 xūt; 𪍛❄{⿰麥屑} xēik).
xeik1 15527
120 11 xēik xiè to tie; to bind; to hold on a leash; rope; cord.¹⁰ (variant: 絏 xēik xiè)
or 羁絏[羈絏] kï-xēik jīxiè be fettered; fetters.¹¹
or 累绁[纍紲] or 缧絏[縲絏] lẽo-xēik léixiè <wr.> thick rope for binding prisoners; prison, gaol, jail.⁶ bonds; rope for binding a criminal – (fig.) prison.⁷
(See 絏 xēik.)
xeik1 15528
120 12 xēik xiè (=紲 xēik xiè) reins.¹¹
or 羁绁[羈紲] kï-xēik jīxiè be fettered; fetters.¹¹
or 缧绁[縲紲] or 累绁[纍紲] lẽo-xēik léixiè <wr.> thick rope for binding prisoners; prison, gaol, jail.⁶ bonds; rope for binding a criminal – (fig.) prison.⁷
(See 紲 xēik.)
xeik1 15529
130 12 xēik dried meat; very, extremely.⁷
腊毒 xēik-ùk xīdú potent poison.⁸ʼ⁵⁴
<又> läp.
(See 腊 läp; 臘 làp, läp.)
xeik1 15530
130 14 𦞚
xēik xiè fat in the chest.² fat; the fat about the breast.²⁵
(composition: ⿱⺼屑; U+2679A).
xeik1 15531
134 12 xēik an archaic term for a type of wooden-soled shoes; broadly shoes.⁹ (<old> variant: 潟 xēik ) saline land.⁶ Xi surname.⁸
凤舄[鳳舄] fùng-xēik
fèngxì shoes embroided with a phoenix head.⁵⁴
革舄 gāk-xēik
géxì shoes made of rawhide.⁵⁴
履舄 lî-xēik
lǚxì shoes; originally 履 refers to single-soled shoes and 舄 refers to double-soled shoes.⁵⁴
履舄交错[履舄交錯] lî-xēik-gäo-tö
lǚxìjiāocuò many many guests and lively atmosphere.⁸
舄履 xēik-lî
xìlǚ double-soled sandals (for women).⁵⁴
or 潟卤[潟鹵] xēik-lū xìlǔ <wr.> saline-alkali soil.⁸
xeik1 15532
140 11 xēik (composition: ⿱艹析; U+83E5).
菥蓂 xēik-mèik xīmì a kind of shepherd's purse (荠菜[薺菜] tãi-töi jìcài).⁹ Thlagpi arvense.  pennycress.¹⁰
xeik1 15533
140 13 𦵱
xēik xiè a species of grass.² the name of a plant.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹屑; U+26D71).
xeik1 15534
140 15 xēik (=泽泻[澤瀉] jàk-xëh zéxiě oriental water plantain.⁸ common water plantain; water plantain rhizome, used in TCM.¹⁰). plantago; buck's horn, or dog's teeth plant.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹舄; U+856E).
泽蕮[澤蕮] jàk-xēik
zéxì (=蕍 yĩ oriental water plantain.⁸ common water plantain; water plantain rhizome, used in TCM.¹⁰).
马蕮[馬蕮] mâ-xēik mǎxì (=车前[車前] chëh-tẽin
chēqián, q.v. under 車葥 chëh-tẽin.
xeik1 15535
140 16 xēik xuē wormwood like grass (classical).⁴³  kind of marsh grass; feudal state during the Zhou Dynasty in present day Shandong Province; Xue surname.⁸
薛仁贵[薛仁貴] Xēik Ngĩn-gï Xuē Rénguì famous Chinese general during the early Tang Dynasty.¹⁵
xeik1 15536
142 14 xēik lizard.⁸
变色蜥蜴[變色蜥蜴] bëin-sēik xēik-yèik biànsè xīyì chameleon.³⁹
鬣蜥 lèp-xēik
lièxī iguana.¹⁰
原尾蜥虎 ngũn-mī-xēik-fū
yuánwěixīhǔ Oriental leaf-toed gecko (Hemidactylus bowringii); (also known as 纵斑蜥虎 [縱斑蜥虎] düng-bän-xēik-fū zòngbānxīhǔ,檐蛇 sẽm-sẽh yánshé, 盐蛇[鹽蛇] yẽm-sẽh yánshé.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
蜥蜴 xēik-yèik
xīyì lizard.⁵
蜥蜴亚目[蜥蜴亞目] xēik-yèik-ä-mùk
xīyìyàmù suborder Lacertilia.²⁰
蚓蜥 yîn-xēik
yǐnxī amphisbaenians or worm lizards (Amphisbaenia).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
xeik1 15537
142 16 xēik intestinal worm.²⁹
水螅 suī-xēik shuǐxī hydra.¹¹
螅头[螅頭] xēik-hẽo
xītou (=脑水肿[腦水腫] nāo-suī-jūng nǎoshuǐzhǒng) hydrocephalus.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ʼ²⁹
xeik1 15538
142 17 xēik cricket.⁸
斗蟋蟀[鬥蟋蟀] ëo-xēik-xūt dòu xīshuài cricket fight.⁷
田蟋蟀 hẽin-xēik-xūt
tiánxīshuài field cricket.²⁹
蟋蟀 xēik-xūt
xīshuài cricket.⁸
蟋蟀草 xēik-xūt-tāo
xīshuàicǎo (=牛筋草 ngẽo-gïn-tāo niújīncǎo) Indian goosegrass, yard-grass, goosegrass, wiregrass, or crowfootgrass (Eleusine indica).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
xeik1 15539
145 17 xēik xiè dirty, ragged; undress; thus: – to treat with irreverence.¹⁴ licentious, intimate, light-hearted; disrespectful; <old> close-fitting underwear; <old> casual clothes worn at home.³⁶
t: ⿳亠埶𧘇; U+893B).  (comp. s: ⿳亠执𧘇; U+4EB5).
亵狎轻佻[褻狎輕佻] xēik-äp-hëin-hël xièxiáqīngtiāo be intimate with and act frivolously.¹ undue familiarity.¹⁴
or 亵黩[褻黷] xēik-dùk xièdú blaspheme; profane; pollute.⁵ʼ¹⁰
亵渎神明[褻瀆神明] xēik-dùk-sĩn-mẽin
xièdú shénmíng to blaspheme the gods.¹⁴
亵服[褻服] xēik-fùk xièfú in undress; mourning clothes.¹⁴
亵器[褻器] xēik-hï
xièqì chamber utensil.¹⁴
亵裘长[褻裘長] xēik-kiũ-chẽng xièqiúcháng The fur robe of his undress was long.⁶⁰ (From 《論語·鄉黨·6》, James Legge).
亵慢[褻慢] xēik-màn xièmàn to treat with comtempt.¹⁴
亵昵[褻昵] xēik-nèik
xiènì familiar (i.e. rude); irreverent.¹⁰
亵玩[褻玩] xēik-ngòn
xièwán to tease, dally with (woman).¹¹
亵臣[褻臣] xēik-sĩn xièchén a favorite of royalty who has improper intimacy.¹⁴
亵秽[褻穢] xēik-vï
xièhuì indecent; filthy.¹⁴
亵衣[褻衣] xēik-yï xièyī <old> underbodice worn by women in ancient times; <lit.> lingerie; everyday clothing; dirty clothing.³⁶
xeik1 15540
149 17 𧪩
xēik (<old>=息 xēik breath; news; cease, stop; grow; interest; <wr.> one's children.⁵).²
(composition: ⿰言息; U+27AA9).
(See 息 [xēik,
xeik1 15541
157 13 xēik xiè exhausted.¹⁴ weary; to exert extraordinary strength.²⁵
<又> kï. (See 跬 kï.)
xeik1 15542
157 15 xēik to trample, to tread upon.⁷
踧踖 tūk-xēik cùjí reverent and nervous.⁷ <wr.> in mincing steps or manner as show of respect.¹¹ to walk with circumspection.²⁵
xeik1 15543
157 23 xēik xiè to limp.¹⁴ (variant: 𨇨❄{⿰⻊薛} xēik xiè).
(composition: ⿱薛足; U+8EA0).
or 蹩𨇨❄{⿰⻊薛} pëik-xēik biéxiè to turn the foot in walking; to walk round.²⁵
蹩躠为仁[蹩躠為仁] pëik-xēik-vĩ-ngĩn
biéxièwéirén limping and wheeling about in (the exercise of) benevolence.⁸⁶
(See 𨇨❄{⿰⻊薛} xēik).
xeik1 15544
157 23 𨇨
xēik xiè (=躠 xēik xiè) to limp.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰⻊薛; U+281E8).
❄{⿰⻊薛} or 蹩躠 pëik-xēik biéxiè to turn the foot in walking; to walk round.²⁵
(See 躠 xēik).
xeik1 15545
157 24 xēik xiè walking, proceeding; a pin or rod for rolling a scroll, an axis.⁷
(composition: ⿰⻊燮; U+8E9E).
蹀躞 èp-xēik diéxiè <wr.> walk in small steps; pace about.⁶ walking along; to advance step by step; to be desirous of getting forward.²⁵
金题玉躞[金題玉躞] gïm-hãi-ngùk-xēik
jīntíyùxiè beautifully designed and bound book.³⁹
躞蹀 xēik-èp
xièdié (=蹀躞 èp-xēik diéxiè <wr.> walk in small steps; pace about.⁶ walking along; to advance step by step; to be desirous of getting forward.²⁵) walking, proceeding.⁷ to sidle along in mincing steps.¹¹
xeik1 15546
160 16 xēik xuē crime; death penalty; (<old>=薛 xēik xuē kind of marsh grass.⁸ wormwood like grass (classical).⁴³).⁸ crime; death penalty.²⁹ crime; sin; the name of a country; Xue surname.²⁵
(composition: ⿰⿱屮𠂤辛; U+8FA5).
xeik1 15547
167 16 xēik <wr.> bestow; grant.⁶
宠锡[寵錫] chüng-xēik chǒngxī your great (gift).¹¹
锡福[錫福] xēik-fūk
xīfú to bless.¹¹
锡赉[錫賚] xēik-lòi
or xēik-lõi xīlài to award (by God, emperor), to bless.¹¹
锡以荣誉[錫以榮譽] xēik-yî-vẽin-yì
xīyǐróngyù <wr.> confer honor on.⁵⁴
<又> xëk.
(See 錫 xëk.)
xeik1 15548
167 17 xēik qiè <wr.> to cut; to carve; to engrave; to chisel; fig. to chisel away at.¹⁰ a sickle.¹¹
锲薄[鍥薄] xēik-bòk qièbó (ancient variant of 刻薄 hāk-bòk kèbó) mean, vindictive.¹¹
锲其轴[鍥其軸] xēik-kĩ-jùk
qièqízhòu <wr.> hack away the cart axle.¹¹
锲而不舍[鍥而不捨] xēik-ngĩ-būt-sēh
qiè'érbùshě to chip away at a task and not abandon it (idiom); to chisel away at something; to persevere; unflagging efforts.¹⁰
xeik1 15549
178 18 xēik xiè (<old>=渫 xēik xiè <wr.> get rid of, remove; dredge, leak.⁶ to remove; to eliminate.⁷ rolling billows; intelligent; to get rid of; to scatter; turbid; muddy; unsettled; to ooze; to rest.¹⁴).⁸
(composition: ⿰韋枼; U+97D8).
韘韝 xēik-këo
xiègōu an implement used in archery.²⁵
<又> nēp.
(See 韘 nēp; 渫 xēik).
xeik1 15550
195 18 xēik xué a fish; something like a crab grown in the sea.⁸ a species of insect like a crab; it is edible.²⁵
(composition: ⿰魚折; U+4C51).
䰸䱑 güng-xēik gōngxué a sea creature, similar to a 鲎[鱟] hèo hòu king crab or maybe 魟.² a large kind of prawn; a kind of sea eel.²⁵
xeik1 15551
199 21 𪍛
xēik xiè (=糏 xēik xiè rice grits left after hulling; spread; release.⁸ broken grains of rice or wheat; the remains after pounding.²⁵ the grits of rice or corn which remain after hulling or pounding.¹⁰²).¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰麥屑; U+2A35B).
<又> xūt.
(See 𪍛❄{⿰麥屑} xūt; 糏 xēik).
xeik1 15552
119 17 xēim sǎn scatter, sprinkle.
<台> 糁水[糝水] xēim-suī drizzle.
<台> 糁糁水[糝糝水] xēim-xēim-suī drizzling.
<又> xām. (See 糝 [xām, shēn], [xām, sǎn].)
xeim1 15553
15 8 xēin xiǎn Xian surname.
冼星海 Xēin Xëin-hōi Xiǎn Xīnghǎi Xian Xinghai (1905-1945) French-trained composer of over 300 works, including Yellow River Cantata upon which the Yellow River Concerto for Piano and Orchestra was arranged by 殷承宗 Yïn Sẽin-düng Yīn Chéngzōng Yin Chengzong et al.¹⁵
xein1 15554
40 15 xēin xǐng (non-classical form) to awake (from errors, illusions, etc. to come to one's sense, (interchangeable 惺 xëin xīng) clever; wise, wavering; indecisive.⁸ to awake.²⁴
(composition: ⿱宀惺; U+376D).
xein1 15555
61 12 𢜫
xēin xǐng intelligent, tranquil.⁸ aroused, awakened.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄省; U+2272B).
xein1 15556
85 9 xēin xiǎn (now =冼 Xēin Xiǎn Xian surname) Xian surname.⁴
(composition: ⿰氵先; U+6D17).
洗马[洗馬] xēin-mâ
xiǎnmǎ (official title) herald to the crown prince (in imperial China).¹⁰
<又> xāi.
(See 洗 xāi.)
xein1 15557
85 12 xēin xǐng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 渻 sāng shěng deficient; a water gate; the name of a stream and of a hill.²⁴  to reduce, to simplify; water gate; a surname​.³⁶)
(composition: ⿰氵省; U+6E3B).
<又> sāng.
(See 渻 sāng.)
xein1 15558
85 20 xēin xiǎn name of a stream.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵鮮; U+3D8D).
xein1 15559
86 18 xēin xiǎn <wr.> wild fire; a fire accident caused by war.⁹
兵燹 bëin-xēin bīngxiǎn <wr.> fire, havoc, turmoil caused by war.¹¹ ravages and burning committed by soldiers.¹⁴
兵燹之祸[兵燹之禍] bëin-xēin-jï-vò
bīngxiǎnzhīhuò the ravages of war.¹¹
xein1 15560
94 17 xēin xiǎn to hunt, to kill; autumn hunting by ancient emperors.⁷ hunt; autumn hunting; to capture with a fine net.⁸ <old> autumn hunt; to kill.¹¹
秋狝[秋獮] tiü-xēin qiūxiǎn autumn hunting.⁷ (history) a hunting party.¹⁰
xein1 15561
104 22 xēin xuǎn tinea; ringworm.⁵ ringworm; tetter.⁷
疥癣[疥癬] gäi-xēin jièxuǎn scabies; the itch; mange; ringworm.⁷
脚癣[腳癬] gëk-xēin
jiǎoxuǎn <med.> ringworm of the foot;tinea pedis; athlete's foot.⁵
头癣[頭癬] hẽo-xēin
tóuxuǎn <med.> favus of the scalp.⁵
癞癣[癩癬] lài-xēin
làixuǎn favus; ringworm.⁷
顽癣[頑癬] ngãn-xēin
wánxuǎn <TCM> stubborn dermatitis (e.g. neurodermatitis).⁵
手癣[手癬] siū-xēin
shǒuxuǎn <med.> tinea manuum; fungal infection of the hand.⁵
黄癣[黃癬] võng-xēin
huángxuǎn <med.> favus; tinea favosa.⁶
癣疥[癬疥] xēin-gäi
xuǎnjiè tinea/ringworm and scabies; minor problem; slight ailment; small calamity.⁶
癣疥之疾[癬疥之疾] xēin-gäi-jï-dìp
xuǎnjiè zhī jí only a skin complaint – some slight ailment.⁵
xein1 15562
109 9 xēin xǐng introspection; to examine oneself critically; awareness; to visit (an elderly relative).¹⁰
不省人事 būt-xēin-ngĩn-xù bùxǐngrénshì to lose consciousness; unconscious; in a coma.¹⁰
反省 fān-xēin
fǎnxǐng to reflect upon oneself; to examine one's conscience; to question oneself; to search one's soul.¹⁰
归省[歸省] gï-xēin
guīxǐng to go home for a visit; to return to one's parents' home to pay respects.¹⁰
省察 xēin-chāt
xǐngchá to examine oneself.¹⁰
or 醒悟 xēin-m̀ xǐngwù come to realize.⁶
省视[省視] xēin-sì
xǐngshì to call upon; to inspect.¹⁰
省亲[省親] xēin-tïn
xǐngqīn to visit one's parents.¹⁰
省会[省會] xēin-vòi
xǐnghuì to instruct, to exhort; to understand, to know.⁷ (cf. 省会[省會] sāng-vòi shěnghuì.)
省事 xēin-xù xǐngshì clever and understanding; perceptive and alert; observant; conscious.⁷ (cf. 省事 sāng-xù. shěngshì.)
<又> sāng.
(See 省 sāng.)
xein1 15563
109 14 xēin xǐng to look at.²⁴
(composition: ⿰目星; U+7772).
睲睲 xēin-xēin xǐngxǐng reflecting.²⁴
xein1 15564
118 12 xēin xiǎn bamboo brush; a halberd.¹⁴
茶筅 chã-xēin cháxiǎn small brush for cleaning tea utensil.¹¹
狼筅 lõng-xēin
lángxiǎn a halberd with long bamboo handle.¹⁴
筤筅 lõng-xēin
lángxiǎn (=狼筅 lõng-xēin lángxiǎn)¹⁹ a halberd with long bamboo handle.¹⁴
筅帚 xēin-jāo
xiǎnzhǒu <topo.> pot-scouring brush; brush for cleaning pots.⁶
筅箒 xēin-jāo
xiǎnzhǒu (=筅帚 xēin-jāo xiǎnzhǒu) a scouring brush made from bamboo splints.¹⁹
xein1 15565
127 15 𦔄
xēin xǐng wheat.²⁵
(composition: ⿰耒省; U+26504).
xein1 15566
140 20 xēin xiǎn <bot.> moss; lichen.⁷
苔藓[苔蘚] hõi-xēin táixiǎn moss.¹⁰
水藓[水蘚] suī-xēin
shuǐxiǎn <bot.> sphagnum.¹⁰
藓径[蘚徑] xēin-gèin
xiǎnjìng a mossy path.⁷
藓痕[蘚痕] xēin-hân
xiǎnhén a moss scar; marks made by moss on rocks or steps.⁷
藓苔[蘚苔] xēin-hõi
xiǎntái moss, lichen.⁷
xein1 15567
157 13 xēin xiǎn <wr.> barefooted.⁵
科头跣足 fö-hẽo-xēin-dūk kētóuxiǎnzú bareheaded and barefooted.⁶
裸跣 gō-xēin
luǒxiǎn naked and barefooted.¹¹
徒跣 hũ-xēin
túxiǎn <wr.> barefoot; barefooted.¹¹
披头跣足[披頭跣足] pï-hẽo-xēin-dūk
pītóuxiǎnzú (Her) hair was down and (she) was barefooted.³⁹
跣子 xēin-dū
xiǎnzi slippers.⁷
跣足 xēin-dūk
xiǎnzú barefooted.⁵
跣跗 xēin-fü
xiǎnfū exposing the instep, thus barefooted.¹⁹
跣行 xēin-hãng
xiǎnxíng walking barefooted.¹⁹
跣脱[跣脫] xēin-höt
xiǎntuō without shoes or socks, thus barefooted.¹⁹
跣露 xēin-lù
xiǎnlù exposed.¹⁹
跣剥[跣剝] xēin-mök
xiǎnbāo strip naked.¹⁹
跣揖 xēin-tīp
xiǎnyī barefooted and bowing with hands folded in front.¹⁹
xein1 15568
164 16 xēin xǐng to sober up, come to; wake up; be clear or cool in mind.⁷
大梦初醒[大夢初醒] ài-mùng-chö-xēin dàmèngchūxǐng (as if one were) waking from a dream.³⁹
提醒 hãi-xēin
tíxǐng remind; warn; call attention to.⁵
清醒 tëin-xēin
qīngxǐng (of mind) clear-headed, sober; (of consciousness) regain consciousness, come to (oneself).⁶
醒酒 xēin-diū
xǐngjiǔ sober up; dry out.⁶
醒觉[醒覺] xēin-gōk
xǐngjué awake; wake.⁷
醒狂 xēin-kõng
xǐngkuáng wild or unrestrained person who romps without being drunk.⁷
醒豁 xēin-köt
xǐnghuò clear; explicit.⁵
醒来 xēin-lõi
xǐnglái to wake up.⁷
or 省悟 xēin-m̀ xǐngwù come to realize.⁶
醒目 xēin-mùk
xǐngmù eye-catching.⁶
醒木 xēin-mûk
xǐngmù story-teller's gavel.⁶
醒眼 xēin-ngān
xǐngyǎn <topo.> eye-catching, striking (to the eye); come to understand/realize.⁶
醒脾 xēin-pĩ
xǐngpí refresh one's mind, entertain, relax oneself; make fun of others, poke fun at others.⁶
醒世 xēin-säi
xǐngshì awaken the world; rouse the public.⁶
醒盹儿[醒盹兒] xēin-ûn-ngĩ
xǐngdǔnr <topo.> wake up from a nap.⁶
<又> xēng.
(See 醒 xēng.)
xein1 15569
167 14 xēin mill.⁶
铣刀[銑刀] xēin-äo xǐdāo milling cutter.⁶
铣床[銑床] xēin-chõng
xǐchuáng milling machine; miller.⁶
铣工[銑工] xēin-güng
xǐgōng milling work; miller, milling machine operator.⁶
铣鋧[銑鋧] xēin-hëin
or xēin-yèn xǐxiàn small spear; small chisel.⁸
铣切[銑切] xēin-tëik
xǐqiē <mach.> mill.⁵⁴
铣削[銑削] xēin-xëk
xǐxiāo <mach.> cut metals with miller; mill.⁶
(See 銑 [xēin, xiǎn].)
xein1 15570
167 14 xēin xiǎn bright metal; filet; cast iron.⁸
铣铁[銑鐵] xēin-hëik xiǎntiě cast iron; pig iron.⁶
See 銑 [xēin, ].)
xein1 15571
195 17 xēin xiǎn little; rare.⁵
鲜乏[鮮乏] xēin-fàt xiǎnfá impoverished; not sufficient.¹⁴
鲜见[鮮見] xēin-gëin
xiǎnjiàn rarely seen; seldom met with.⁵ be infrequently/rarely seen, be seldom met with.⁶
鲜探其奇[鮮探其奇] xēin-häm-kĩ-kĩ
xiǎntànqíqí rarely investigate its curiosities.¹⁴
鲜觏[鮮覯] xēin-këo
xiǎngòu seldom seen.¹⁴
鲜少[鮮少] xēin-sēl
xiǎnshǎo rare, few.⁷
鲜为人知[鮮為人知] xēin-vĩ-ngĩn-jï
xiǎnwéirénzhī rarely known to anyone (idiom); almost unknown; secret to all but a few.¹⁰
鲜矣仁[鮮矣仁] xēin-yì-ngĩn
xiǎnyǐrén seldom associated with true virtue.¹⁴
鲜有[鮮有] xēin-yiû
xiǎnyǒu rare; few and far between.⁶
<又> xëin.
(See 鮮 xëin.)
xein1 15572
9 5 xëin xiān celestial being, immortal, fairy; god or divinity, master.⁶ (variants: 仚, 佡, 僊 xëin xiān).
半仙 bön-xëin
bànxiān Taoist magician, “half an immortal,” fortuneteller.¹¹
水仙 suī-xëin
shuǐxiān <bot.> narcissus.⁵
仙丹 xëin-än
xiāndān elixir of life.⁶
仙风道骨[仙風道骨] xëin-füng-ào-gūt xiānfēngdàogǔ bearing of a transcendental being; ethereal bearing.⁶
仙界 xëin-gäi
xiānjiè world of immortals; fairyland.⁶
仙境 xëin-gēin
xiānjìng fairyland; wonderland; paradise.⁶
仙姑 xëin-gü
xiāngū female immortal, goddess; sorceress.⁶
仙客来[仙客來] xëin-hāk-lõi
xiānkèlái <bot.> cyclamen.⁶
仙后座 Xëin-hèo-dò
Xiānhòuzuò <astr.> Cassiopeia.⁶
仙鹤[仙鶴] xëin-hôk
xiānhè Siberian white crane; white crane (esp. those kept by immortals in Chinese mythology).⁶
仙人 xëin-ngĩn
xiānrén celestial being; immortal; divinity.⁶
仙人果 xëin-ngĩn-gō xiānrénguǒ <bot.> prickly pear.⁶
仙人掌 xëin-ngĩn-jēng
xiānrénzhǎng cactus.⁶
仙女 xëin-nuī
xiānnǚ young female divinity; female celestial; fairy/immortal maiden.⁶
仙山琼阁[仙山瓊閣] xëin-sän-kẽin-gōk
xiānshān-qiónggé jeweled palace of the immortals' mountain; fairyland.⁶
(See 仚 xëin; 佡 xëin; 僊 xëin.)
xein2 15573
9 5 xëin xiān (<old=仙 xëin xiān) celestial being, immortal, fairy; god or divinity, master.⁶
(See 仙 xëin; 佡 xëin; 僊 xëin.)
xein2 15574
9 7 xëin xiān (=仙 xëin xiān) celestial being, immortal, fairy; god or divinity, master.⁶
(See 仙 xëin; 仚 xëin; 僊 xëin.)
xein2 15575
9 13 xëin xiān (=仙 xëin xiān) celestial being, immortal, fairy; god or divinity, master.⁶
(See 仙 xëin; 仚 xëin; 佡 xëin.)
xein2 15576
10 6 xëin xiān first.
先妣 xëin-bī xiānbǐ <wr.> my late/deceased mother.⁶
先辈[先輩] xëin-böi
xiānbèi member of an older generation, ancestor, senior; late role model.⁶
先进[先進] xëin-dïn
xiānjìn to advance.
先发制人[先發制人] xëin-fāt-jäi-ngĩn
xiānfāzhìrén to anticipate or forestall the enemy; to take the initiative in order to subdue the enemy.
先锋[先鋒] xëin-füng
xiānfēng vanguard.⁹
先考 xëin-hāo
xiānkǎo <wr.> my late/deceased father.⁶
先遣 xëin-hēin
xiānqiǎn to be sent in advance; advanced troops.⁸
先哲 xëin-jēt
xiānzhé wise men of the past.¹¹
先知 xëin-jï
xiānzhī person of foresight; prophet; prescience; foresight.
先生 xëin-säng
xiānsheng teacher; mister; gentleman; sir; husband; bookkeeper.
先穑[先穡] xëin-sēik
xiānsè same as 神农[神農] Sĩn-nũng Shénnóng Shennong, who was deified, as the inventor of agriculture.²⁵
先前 xëin-tẽin
xiānqián before; previously.
xein2 15577
18 8 𠜎 xëin xiàn to castrate a fowl; a capon.⁸
(variant: 𫔌[鏾] xëin xiàn). (See 鏾 xëin).
(composition: ⿰先刂; U+2070E).
𠜎鸡[𠜎雞] xëin-gäi
xiànjī (=阉鸡[閹雞] yëm-gäi yānjī) a capon.²⁵ capon; to castrate a cockerel.³⁶
(See 鏾 xëin; 閹 yëm).
xein2 15578
38 8 xëin xìng surname; family (or clan) name.⁵
(composition: ⿰女生; U+59D3).
尊姓大名 dün-xëin-ài-mẽin zūnxìngdàmíng <court.> What is your honorable name?⁵⁴
贵姓[貴姓] gï-xëin
guìxìng <court.> what is your name?¹⁰
老百姓 lāo-bāk-xëin
lǎobǎixìng the common people.⁷
姓名 xëin-mẽin
xìngmíng surname and personal name.¹¹
姓氏 xëin-sì
xìngshì surname.⁸
xein2 15579
61 8 xëin xìng nature, natural property, disposition, temper; a quality or property; sex.⁷
性别[性別] xëin-bèik xìngbié sexual distinction; sex; gender.⁶
性病 xëin-bèng
xìngbìng venereal disease – VD.⁷
性格 xëin-gāk
xìnggé nature; disposition; character; temperament.⁶
性感 xëin-gām
xìnggǎn sex appeal.⁸
性关系[性關係] xëin-gän-hài
xìngguānxi sexual relations.⁶
性交 xëin-gäo
xìngjiāo sexual intercourse.⁸
性急 xëin-gīp
xìngjí impetuous; impulsive; impatient.⁷
性质[性質] xëin-jīt
xìngzhì quality; nature; character.⁶
性命 xëin-mèin
xìngmìng a person's life.⁷
性命交关[性命交關] xëin-mèin-gäo-gän
xìngmìngjiāoguān of vital/critical importance; concerning life and death.⁶
性命攸关[性命攸關] xëin-mèin-yiũ-gän
xìngmìngyōuguān of vital/critical importance; concerning life and death.⁶
性能 xëin-nãng
xìngnéng natural capacity; function (of a machine); performance; property.⁶
性爱[性愛] xëin-öi
xìng'ài sexual love.⁷ passion.⁸
性情 xëin-tẽin
xìngqíng disposition; temperament; temper.⁶
xein2 15580
61 9 𢘁
xëin xiān (=憸 xëin xiān to flatter; crafty, having a specious tongue.⁸ artful, crafty; flattering, having a specious tongue.¹⁴ litigious, specious, insidious, flattering.²⁴).⁸
(composition: ⿱𠕁心 or ⿱⿵冂卄心; U+22601).
(See 憸 xëin).
xein2 15581
61 12 xëin xīng clever, intelligent, wise; wavering, indecisive; to become aware of, to awake from ignorance.⁷
假惺惺 gā-xëin-xëin jiǎxīngxīng hypocritical; unctuous.⁶
惺悟 xëin-m̀
xīngwù awake to the truth; realize.⁶
惺惺 xëin-xëin
xīngxīng clearheaded, awake; wise, intelligent.⁵
惺惺作态[惺惺作態] xëin-xëin-dōk-häi
xīngxīngzuòtài be affected; simulate (friendship, innocence).⁵
惺惺惜惺惺 xëin-xëin-xēik-xëin-xëin
xīngxīng xī xīngxīng The wise appreciate one another.⁵
惺忪 xëin-xüng
xīngsōng (of eyes) not yet fully open on waking up; drowsy-eyed.⁶
xein2 15582
61 16 xëin xiān to flatter; crafty, having a specious tongue.⁸ artful, crafty; flattering, having a specious tongue.¹⁴ litigious, specious, insidious, flattering.²⁴
(variant: 𢘁❄{⿱⿵冂卄心} xëin xiān). (See 𢘁❄{⿱⿵冂卄心} xëin).
(composition: ⿰忄僉; U+61B8).
憸夫 xëin-fü
xiānfū a crafty, treacherous mean or base person.¹⁹
憸佞 xëin-nèin
xiānnìng wicked and corrupt person, a toady; refers to crafty and fawning people.¹⁹
憸人 xëin-ngĩn
xiānrén specious flatterers.¹⁴ a flatterer.²⁴
憸邪 xëin-tẽh
xiānxié wicked, treacherous, evil;  refers to wicked and treacherous people.¹⁹
憸士 xëin-xù
xiānshì a crafty, treacherous person.¹⁹
<又> têm.
(See 憸 têm).
xein2 15583
64 20 𢹚
xëin xiān (composition: ⿰扌䯹; U+22E5A).
拈𢹚❄{⿰扌䯹} nëm-xëin niānxiān hand-weighed.² to weigh anything with the hand.²⁴
xein2 15584
70 11 xëin jīng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 旌 dëin jīng a kind of flag, banner, standard ornamented with feathers; to cite (one's merits, virtues); to make manisfest.⁷)
<又> dëin.
(See 旌 dëin.)
xein2 15585
72 9 xëin xīng star; heavenly body; satellite; small amount.¹⁰
星座 xëin-dò xīngzuò constellation.⁸
星斗 xëin-ēo
xīngdǒu stars; heavenly bodies.⁷
星火燎原 xëin-fō-lẽl-ngũn
xīnghuǒliáoyuán a single spark can start a prairie fire.⁶
星光 xëin-göng
xīngguāng starlight.⁶
星空 xëin-hüng
xīngkōng starlit sky; starry sky.⁵
星期 xëin-kĩ
xīngqī week; day of the week; Sunday.⁶
星期天 xëin-kĩ-hëin
xīngqītiān Sunday.⁶
星期日 xëin-kĩ-ngìt
xīngqīrì Sunday.⁶
星期一 xëin-kĩ-yīt
xīngqīyī Monday.⁶
星球 xëin-kiũ
xīngqiú celestial body; heavenly body.⁶
星罗棋布[星羅棋布] xëin-lõ-kĩ-bü
xīngluóqíbù spread all over; be dotted with.⁶
星月交辉[星月交輝] xëin-ngùt-gäo-fï
xīngyuèjiāohuī lit. The moon and the stars vie for brilliance – any gathering or congregation of famous or august personalities.⁷
星鲨[星鯊] xëin-sä
xīngshā <zoo.> gummy shark.⁵
星辰 xëin-sĩn
xīngchén stars.⁶
星云[星雲] xëin-vũn
xīngyún <astr.> nebula.⁶
星星 xëin-xëin
xīngxing <vern.> star.⁶
星星 xëin-xëin
xīngxīng tiny spot; speck.⁶
<又> xêng.
(See 星 xêng.)
xein2 15586
72 17 xëin xīng (=星 xëin xīng) star; planet; heavenly body; star-shaped object.
(composition: ⿱晶生; U+66D0).
(See 星 xëin).
xein2 15587
82 10 xëin xiǎn used to describe beautiful feathers or fur of new-born birds or mammals.⁹ hair or feathers; sleek and glossy.²⁴
(composition: ⿺毛先; U+6BE8).
毨毨 xëin-xëin xiǎnxiǎn (of feathers) full and bright.¹⁹
❄{⿰甬毛}毨[氄毨] ngũng-xëin rǒngxiǎn birds and beasts molt, analogous to people changing clothes for the different seasons.¹⁹
xein2 15588
86 13 xëin xīng intense fire; light from fire radiating in all directions.⁸
(composition: ⿰火星; U+741B).
xein2 15589
93 11 𤙡
xëin xīng a red cow.²⁵
(composition: ⿰牜辛; U+24661).
𤙡❄{⿰牜辛}犅 xëin-göng xīnggāng a single ox of red color.²⁵
(See 騂 xëin for comparison).
xein2 15590
94 8 xëin xīng (<old>=猩 xëin xīng)⁸ orangutan.⁵
<又> säng.
(See 狌 säng.)
xein2 15591
94 12 xëin xīng orangutan.⁵ (variant: 狌 xëin xīng).
大猩猩 ài-xëin-xëin
dàxīngxing gorilla.⁵
白苞猩猩草 bàk-bäo-xëin-xëin-tāo
báibāoxīngxingcǎo (Mexican) fireplant, painted euphorbia, Japanese poinsettia, desert poinsettia, wild poinsettia, fire on the mountain, paintedleaf, painted spurge, milkweed, kaliko plant (Euphorbia heterophylla).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
黑猩猩 hāk-xëin-xëin
hēixīngxing chimpanzee.⁵
猩红[猩紅] xëin-hũng
xīnghóng scarlet; blood red.⁵
猩红热[猩紅熱] xëin-hũng-ngèik
xīnghóngrè <med.> scarlet fever.⁵
猩木 xëin-mûk
xīngmù poinsettia.
猩猩 xëin-xëin
xīngxing orangutan.⁵
猩猩草 xëin-xëin-tāo
xīngxingcǎo dwarf poinsettia, fire-on-the-mountain, paintedleaf (Euphorbia cyathophora).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(See 狌 xëin).
xein2 15592
96 13 xëin xīng the brightness or luster of a gem (jade).²⁴
(composition: ⿰𤣩星; U+7446).
xein2 15593
100 8 𤯕
xëin xìng (=姓 xëin xìng) surname; family (or clan) name.⁵
(composition: ⿰生女; U+24BD5).
(See 姓 xëin).
xein2 15594
102 20 xëin xīng (=星 xëin xīng) a point of light; stars, planets; a spark.⁸
(composition: ⿱畾生; U+3F6E).
(See 星 xëin).
xein2 15595
112 14 xëin xīng a kind of rock.⁸
(composition: ⿰石星; U+40CF).
xein2 15596
115 8 xëin xiān (=籼 xëin xiān) common rice, as distinguished from 糯米 nù-māi or nò-māi nuòmǐ, the glutinous variety.¹⁴
(See 籼 xëin; 粘 jëm.)
xein2 15597
115 14 𥠀
xëin xīng (composition: ⿰禾星; U+25800).
稀𥠀❄{⿰禾星} hï-xëin xīxīng few, scarce, thinly set.²⁵
xein2 15598
118 15 xëin xīng a carriage mat; implements for fishing.²⁵
笭箵 lẽin-xëin língxīng <wr.> bamboo fish hamper.⁶  a small basket.²⁵
xein2 15599
118 15 xëin xīng (=笭箵 lẽin-xëin língxīng)⁸ <wr.> bamboo fish hamper.⁶  a small basket.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗星; U+7BC2).
箳篂 pẽin-xëin
píngxīng a screen; the curtain of a carriage.²⁵ bamboo mat used to protect carriage passengers from dust.³⁶
xein2 15600
119 9 xëin xiān common rice, as distinguished from 糯米 nù-māi or nò-māi nuòmǐ, the glutinous variety.¹⁴ (variant: 秈 xëin xiān).
长籼[長籼] chẽng-xëin
chángxiān long-grained rice (Indian rice, as opposed to 粳米 gäng-māi jīngmǐ polished round-grained nonglutinous rice).¹⁰
秈稻 xëin-ào
xiāndào long-grained nonglutinous rice.⁶
秈米 xëin-māi
xiānmǐ polished long-grained nonglutinous rice.⁶
(See 秈 xëin; 粘 jëm.)
xein2 15601
120 12 xëin xiàn (<old>=线[線] xëin xiàn) line, thread, wire; clue.⁸
(composition: ⿰糹延; U+7D96).
or 针线[針线] jïm-xëin zhēnxiàn needlework.¹⁹
采綖 tōi-xëin
cǎixiàn thread or colored thread.¹⁹
綖环[綖環] xëin-vãn
xiànhuán or 綖环钱[綖環錢] xëin-vãn-tẽin xiànhuánqián ring money (a Song dynasty inferior cast metal coin whose thickness is very thin, as thin as a thread, hence its name).¹⁹ʼ⁰
<又> yẽn.
(See 綖 yẽn).
xein2 15602
120 14 线 xëin xiàn (=线[線] or 缐[線] xëin xiàn) a line, threads.⁷
线绨[綫綈] xëin-häi
xiàntì a textile for bedcover.¹⁰
线绨被面[綫綈被面] xëin-häi-pî-mèin
xiàntìbèimiàn cotton rayon union quilt cover.⁶ cotton rayon mixed bed blanket; rayon cotton union quilt cover.⁵⁴
(See 线[線] xëin xiàn.)
xein2 15603
120 15 xëin xiàn (=线[線] xëin xiàn) thread; string; wire; line.¹⁰
(See 线[線] xëin xiàn.)
xein2 15604
120 15 线 xëin xiàn thread; string; wire; line.¹⁰ (variants: 綫, 缐 xëin xiàn.)
线虫[線蟲] xëin-chũng
xiànchóng round worm.⁵⁵
线毯[線毯] xëin-dëin
xiàntǎn cotton blanket.⁶
线脚[線腳] xëin-gëk
xiànjiǎo <topo.> stitch; skintled brickwork.⁶ the visible stitches.¹¹ architrave.³⁹
线桄子[線桄子] xëin-gōng-dū
xiànguàngzi reel or spool for winding thread.⁶
线条[線條] xëin-hẽl
xiàntiáo the line in drawing.¹¹
线头[線頭] xëin-hẽo
xiàntóu the end of a thread; a piece of short thread.⁶
线图[線圖] xëin-hũ
xiàntú line drawing; diagram; line graph.¹⁰
线圈[線圈] xëin-hūn
xiànquān <elec.> coil.⁶
线装书[線裝書] xëin-jöng-sï
xiànzhuāngshū thread-bound Chinese book.⁶
线轴[線軸] xëin-jùk
xiànzhóu spool of thread.⁵⁵
线纥繨[線紇繨] xëin-kēik-àt
xiàngēda thread knot.⁶
线路[線路] xëin-lù
xiànlù line of communication; circuit.¹¹
线民[線民] xëin-mĩn
xiànmín stool pigeon.¹¹
线段[線段] xëin-òn
xiànduàn <math.> line segment.⁶
线上[線上] xëin-sèng
xiànshàng on-line.¹⁰
线索[線索] xëin-xôk
xiànsuǒ clue.⁵⁵
<台> 线辘[線轆] xëin-lūk spool (of thread).
(See 缐[線] xëin xiàn.)
xein2 15605
130 9 xëin xīng <old> Alternative form of 腥 (xëng xīng, “rank; fishy”).³⁶
<old> Synonym of 省 (sāng
shěng, “thin; skinny”).³⁶
(composition: ⿰⺼生; U+80DC).
Note: the simplified form of 勝 sëin
shèng looks the same as 胜. This character 胜 (⿰⺼生 with the "meat" radical) and 胜 (⿰月生 with the "moon" radical) are rendered exactly the same with the same Unicode codepoint.
<又> hëin, säng.
(See 胜 hëin; 胜 säng; 胜[勝] sëin).
xein2 15606
130 13 xëin xiàn gland.⁸
腺病 xëin-bèng xiànbìng adenopathy; adenosis.⁶
腺苷 xëin-gäm 
xiàn'gān adenosine.¹⁰
腺体[腺體] xëin-hāi
xiàntǐ gland.¹⁰
腺肿[腺腫] xëin-jūng
xiànzhǒng swelling of gland (adenoma).¹¹
腺瘤 xëin-liũ
xiànliú adenoma.⁵
腺毛 xëin-mão
xiànmáo glandular hair; trichome.¹⁰
腺癌 xëin-ngãm
xiàn'ái adenocarcinoma.⁸
腺细胞[腺細胞] xëin-xäi-bäo
xiànxìbāo gland cell.⁸
腺样[腺樣] xëin-yèng
xiànyàng adenoid gland; pharyngeal tonsil.¹⁰
xein2 15607
140 8 xëin xiān the name of a plant, like the sedge.²⁵ <old> a kind of grass which can be woven into mats.³⁶
(composition: ⿱艹仙; U+82EE).
两床苮席一素几[兩床苮席一素几] lēng-chõng xëin-dèk yīt xü gì liǎngchuáng xiānxí yī sù jī two mats with a plain small table in between.⁸ʼ⁰
苮席 xëin-dèk
xiānxí a sedge mat.²⁵
xein2 15608
142 15 xëin xīng dragonfly.⁸
(composition: ⿰虫星; U+45CC).
xein2 15609
148 14 xëin xīng a horn bow easily bent; a man's name.²⁵ (<old>=觲 xëin xīng).⁸
(composition: ⿰角辛; U+89EA).
(See 觲 xëin).
xein2 15610
148 17 xëin xīng to push the horns up or down according to convenience; a horn bow, a bow brought into a proper shape.²⁵ (<old> alternative form of 骍[騂] xëin xīng red, brown, bay; neat, harmonious.⁸).³⁶
(composition: ⿰角⿱⺷牛; U+89F2).
觲觲 xëin-xëin
xīngxīng (<old>=騂騂 xëin-xëin xīngxīng) harmonious.¹³ (the bow) looks very well adjusted.¹⁹
(<newer form> 骍骍角弓,翩其反矣.[騂騂角弓²⁵,翩其反矣.]).⁶⁰
Xëin-xëin-gök-güng, pëin-kĩ-fān-yì.
Xīngxīng jiǎogōng, piān qí fǎn yǐ.
Well fashioned is the bow adorned with horn,
And swift is its recoil.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·桑扈之什·角弓》, translated by James Legge).
(See 騂 xëin; 觪 xëin).
xein2 15611
149 13 xëin shēn inquire, question; numerous.⁸ to inform; to inquire.¹⁰ to address a person; to commence a conversation, to ask; also the opinion of the generality; numerous, multitudinous.²⁵  to make a speech first among many people; to inquire, to question.³⁶
(comp. t: ⿰訁先; U+8A75). (comp. s: ⿰讠先; U+8BDC).
Jüng-xü-yî, xëin-xëin-hãi
or Jüng-xü-yî, xïn-xïn-hãi
Zhōng sī yǔ, shēn shēn xī.
Ye locusts, winged tribes,
How harmoniously you collect together!⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·周南·螽斯》, translated by James Legge).
诜诜[詵詵] xëin-xëin
or xïn-xïn shēnshēn (<old>=莘莘 xïn-xïn shēnshēn numerous.⁹).⁸ assembled together.²⁵
<又> xïn.
(See 詵 xïn.)
xein2 15612
149 20 xëin xiān (=憸 xëin xiān crafty, artful, flattering, litigious, insidious, having a specious tongue).⁸ʼ¹⁴ʼ²⁴ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰訁僉; U+8B63).
<又> hēm; ngèm; tïm.
(See 譣 hēm; 譣 ngèm; 譣 tïm; 憸 xëin).
xein2 15613
164 13 xëin xiān <chem.> acyl.⁵
酰亚胺[酰亞胺] xëin-ä-ön xiānyà'àn <chem.> imide.⁶
酰肼 xëin-dēin
xiānjǐng <chem.> hydrazide.⁹
酰碘 xëin-ēin
xiāndiǎn acyl iodides.⁶
酰化 xëin-fä
xiānhuà <chem.> to acylate.⁵
酰化产物[酰化產物] xëin-fä-chān-mùt
or xëin-fä-chān-mòt xiānhuàchǎnwù an acylate.⁶
酰化合物 xëin-fä-hàp-mùt
or xëin-fä-hàp-mòt xiānhuàhéwù <chem.> acyl compound.⁶
酰基 xëin-gï
xiānjī <chem.> acyl.⁶
酰酶 xëin-mõi
xiānméi <chem.> amidase.⁶
酰胺 xëin-ön
xiānàn <chem.> amide.⁶
xein2 15614
167 14 xëin xiān <wr.> sharp.⁶ a kind of spade; also sharp.²⁵
铦利[銛利] xëin-lì xiānlì very sharp.⁶
铦䥈[銛䥈] xëin-mû
xiānmǔ a small wok; former name for 铌[鈮] nãi niobium (Nb).²³
铦于句㦸[銛于句㦸] xëin-yï-ngëo-gēik
xiānyúgōujǐ sharper than hooks and spear.²⁵
xein2 15615
167 17 xëin xiàn metal wire.⁶
(comp. t: ⿰釒泉; U+493C). (comp. s: ⿰钅泉; U+2CB63).

xein2 15616
167 20 𫔌
xëin xiàn (=𠜎❄{⿰先刂} xëin xiàn) to castrate a fowl.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿰釒散; U+93FE). (comp. s: ⿰钅散; U+2B50C)
❄{⿰钅散}鷄[鏾鷄] or 𫔌❄{⿰钅散}鸡[鏾雞] xëin-gäi xiànjī (=阉鸡[閹雞] yëm-gäi yānjī) a capon.²⁵ capon; to castrate a cockerel.³⁶
<又> xān; chëim.
(See 鏾 xān; 鏾 chëim; 𠜎❄{⿰先刂} xëin).
xein2 15617
173 20 xëin sǎn (alternate Mandarin pronunciation for 霰 xëin xiàn graupel.⁶ graupel; snow pellet; soft hail.¹⁰)
(See 霰[xëin, xiàn].)
xein2 15618
173 20 xëin xiàn graupel.⁶ graupel; snow pellet; soft hail.¹⁰
雹霰 bòk-xëin báoxiàn hail and sleet.⁵⁴
降霰 göng-xëin
jiàngxiàn sleet.¹⁹
榴霰弹[榴霰彈] liũ-xëin-àn
liúxiàndàn or liúsǎndàn shrapnel; canister (shot); case shot.⁶
霰弹[霰彈] xëin-àn
xiàndàn or sǎndàn shrapnel; canister (shot); case shot.⁶
霰弹枪[霰彈槍] xëin-àn-tëng
xiàndànqiāng shotgun.⁹
霰雹 xëin-bòk
xiànbáo hail and sleet.²⁵
霰粒肿[霰粒腫] xëin-līp-jūng
xiànlìzhǒng chalazion; tarsal cyst; meibomian cyst.⁵⁴
霰石 xëin-sêk xiànshí
or sǎnshí aragonite.⁷
(See 霰[xëin, sǎn].)
xein2 15619
179 17 xëin xiān wild onions or leeks.⁸ʼ¹⁴ʼ¹⁰²
(composition: ⿹㦰韭; U+97F1).
韱 xëin xiān or 山韭 sän-giū shānjiǔ aging chive, German garlic, or broadleaf chives (Allium senescens), a species of flowering plants.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
<又> tïm.
(See 韱 tïm).
xein2 15620
187 17 xëin xīng ➀ <wr.> red horse or cattle.⁶  red, brown, bay; neat, harmonious.⁸ʼ³⁶ ➂ red, bay.¹⁴ ➃ a horse of reddish yellow or bay color.²⁵
骍刚[騂剛] xëin-göng
xīnggāng hard red soil.¹⁴
骍犅[騂犅] xëin-göng
xīnggāng a red bull.¹⁴
骍牡[騂牡] xëin-mêo
xīngmǔ a red bull, for sacrifice.¹⁴
骍牛[騂牛] xëin-ngẽo
xīngniú a red cow; a bow rightly adjusted.²⁵
骍骍角弓[騂騂角弓] xëin-xëin-gök-güng
xīngxīng jiǎogōng how nicely adjusted was the horn bow.²⁵
骍骍角弓,翩其反矣.[騂騂角弓,翩其反矣.] (<older form> 觲觲角弓,翩其反矣.²)
Xëin-xëin-gök-güng, pëin-kĩ-fān-yì.
Xīngxīng jiǎogōng, piān qí fǎn yǐ.
Well fashioned is the bow adorned with horn,
And swift is its recoil.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·桑扈之什·角弓》, translated by James Legge).
有骍有骐[有騂有騏] yiû-xëin-yiû-kĩ
yǒuxīngyǒuqí there were bay and piebald horses.¹⁴ some were bay and some dapple-gray; a sacrificial animal of reddish color, or the color of the ground.²⁵
xein2 15621
190 17 xëin xiān hair.²ʼ⁸ the hair.²⁵
(composition: ⿱髟𠬶 or ⿱髟⿳⿻コ一冖又; U+4BF9).
<又> xël. (See 䯹 xël).
xein2 15622
195 16 xëin xīng stinking fish.²⁵ (variant: 鯹 xëin xīng).
(composition: ⿰魚生; U+9B8F).
(See 鯹 xëin).
xein2 15623
195 17 xëin xiān fresh; bright-colored, bright; delicious, tasty; delicacy; aquatic foods.⁵ (variant: 鱻 xëin xiān).
海鲜酱[海鮮醬] hōi-xëin-dëng
hǎixiānjiàng hoisin sauce.⁹
鲜卑[鮮卑] Xëin-bï
Xiānbēi Xianbei (Sienpi), an ancient nationality in China.⁵
鲜花[鮮花] xëin-fä
xiānhuā fresh flowers; flowers.⁵
鲜货[鮮貨] xëin-fö
xiānhuò fresh fruit/vegetable.⁷
鲜果[鮮果] xëin-gō
xiānguǒ fresh fruit.⁷
鲜红[鮮紅] xëin-hũng
xiānhóng bright red; scarlet.⁵
鲜血[鮮血] xëin-hüt
xiānxuè fresh blood; blood.⁷
鲜明[鮮明] xëin-mẽin
xiānmíng distinct; bright-colored.⁷
鲜美[鮮美] xëin-mî
xiānměi delicious; tasty.⁵
鲜奶[鮮奶] xëin-nâi
xiānnǎi fresh milk.⁶
鲜鱼[鮮魚] xëin-nguî
xiānyú fresh fish.⁶
鲜肉[鮮肉] xëin-ngùk
xiānròu fresh meat.⁶
鲜嫩[鮮嫩] xëin-nùn
xiānnèn fresh and tender.⁷
鲜食[鮮食] xëin-sèik
xiānshí fresh food.⁶
鲜活[鮮活] xëin-vòt
xiānhuó fresh and clean.⁶
鲜艳[鮮艷] xëin-yèm
xiānyàn bright/gaily-colored.⁶
鲜艳夺目[鮮艷奪目] xëin-yèm-ùt-mùk
xiānyànduómù dazzlingly beautiful; resplendent.⁵
<台> 生鲜[生鮮] säng-xëin  (food) fresh.
<又> xēin.
(See 鮮 xēin; 鱻 xëin.)
xein2 15624
195 20 xëin xīng fish smell.⁸ stinking fish.²⁵ (=鮏 xëin xīng).³⁶
(composition: ⿰魚星; U+9BF9).
(See 鮏 xëin).
xein2 15625
195 33 xëin xiān (=鲜[鮮] xëin xiān) fresh; tasty.⁷
(See 鮮 xëin; 鮮 xēin.)
xein2 15626
32 6 xēip 倒垃圾 āo-lèip-xēip dào lājī to dump garbage.
垃圾 lèip-xēip
lājī garbage.
垃圾车[垃圾車] lèip-xēip-chëh
lājīchē garbage truck.
垃圾桶 lèip-xēip-hūng
lājītǒng garbage can.
垃圾袋 lèip-xēip-òi/
lājīdài garbage bag.
垃圾邮件[垃圾郵件] lèip-xēip-yiũ-gèin
lājī yóujiàn junk mail.
xeip1 15627
182 14 xēip the sound of the wind; bleak; melancholy.⁸
秋风飒飒[秋風颯颯] tiü-füng-xēip-xēip qiūfēngsàsà the autumn wind is soughing (idiom).¹⁰
淅飒[淅颯] xēik-xēip
xīsà rustling; crackling sound.⁸
飒沓[颯沓] xēip-àp
sàtà descriptive of flying motion, soaring.¹¹
飒然[颯然] xēip-ngẽin
sàrán soughing; brisk and neat.⁸
飒爽[颯爽] xēip-sōng
sàshuǎng  valiant.⁸
飒飒[颯颯] xēip-xēip
sàsà soughing; whistling or rushing sound (of the wind in trees, the sea).¹⁰
飒纚[颯纚] xēip-xū
sàshǐ flapping and dangling.¹⁴ lengthened.²⁵
xeip1 15628
18 9 xēk xuē to pare, to scrape; to delete from tablets by scraping; to sharpen to a point; to seize territory.¹⁴ scrape off, pare, trim.⁵⁴
剥削[剝削] mök-xēk bōxuē to exploit; exploitation.
削足适履[削足適履] xēk-dūk-sēik-lî
xuēzúshìlǚ to cut the feet to fit the shoes (idiom); to force something to fit (as to a Procrustean bed); impractical or inelegant solution.¹⁰
削减[削減] xēk-gām
xuējiǎn to cut down; to reduce.
削弱 xēk-ngèk
xuēruò to weaken; to impair; to cripple.
削平 xēk-pẽin
xuēpíng to suppress (a rebellion).
<台> 凉削[涼削] lẽng-xēk medical condition characterized by frequent coughing and diarrhea after eating too much green beans, watermelon,  winter melon, or sea weed.
<又> xëk.
(See 削 xëk.)
xek1 15629
112 13 xēk què respect, respectfully, offer politely; variegated stone.⁸ to respect, to revere; a man's name; stones of variegated colors.²⁵ stones of many colors, a variegated stone; to respect.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰石昔; U+788F).
石碏 sêk xēk shí què Shi Que, a senior official in the State of Wei (卫[衛] vì wèi) during the Spring and Autumn Period.¹³ʼ⁵⁴ an officer of Wei.¹⁰²
石碏大义灭亲[石碏大義滅親] sêk-xēk-ài-ngì-mèik-tïn
shí què dàyì miè qīn In the name of justice, Shi Que executed his son.²³ʼ⁰ (For original text, explanatory notes, and translated simpler Chinese text, visit: https://baike.baidu.hk/item/石碏大義滅親/3002879 ).
碏碏 xēk-xēk
quèquè swift and respectful.⁵⁴
<又> xēik.
(See 碏 xēik).
xek1 15630
196 19 xēk què magpie.⁶
鹊报[鵲報] xēk-bäo
quèbào harbinger of joy.¹¹
鹊巢鸠占[鵲巢鳩佔] xēk-chão-gëo-jëm
quècháojiūzhàn    or 鸠占鹊巢[鳩佔鵲巢] gëo-jëm-xēk-chão jiūzhànquècháo  the turtledove occupies the magpie's nest – one person seizes another person's place, land.⁵
鵲豆 xēk-èo
quèdòu a flat bean, Dolichos cultratus.¹¹
鹊镜[鵲鏡] xēk-gëng
quèjìng ancient bronze mirror with magpie design on back.¹¹
鹊起[鵲起] xēk-hī
quèqǐ <wr.> seize an opportunity to act; take the chance to rise; (of somebody's fame) spread/rise quickly.⁶
鹊桥[鵲橋] Xēk-kẽl
Quèqiáo Magpie Bridge (bridge formed by magpies which the Weaving girl must cross in order to meet the Herd boy on the 7th evening of the 7th lunar month).⁶
鹊鸲[鵲鴝] xēk-kuĩ
quèqú magpie robin.⁶
鹊雁[鵲雁] xēk-ngàn
quèyàn magpie goose.⁹
鹊噪[鵲噪] xēk-täo
quèzào chattering of magpies.⁶
鹊笑鸠舞[鵲笑鳩舞] xēk-xël-gëo-mū
quèxiàojiūwǔ great joy among the people.¹¹
xek1 15631
18 9 xëk xiāo to scrape.
切削 tëik-xëk qiēxiāo cutting; chipping.
削苹果[削蘋果] xëk-pẽin-gō xiāo
píngguǒ to peel an apple.
削铅笔[削鉛筆] xëk-yõn-bīt xiāo
qiānbǐ to sharpen a pencil.
<又> xēk.
(See 削 xēk.)
xek2 15632
61 11 xëk <台> 惜尾仔 xëk-mī-dōi to love the youngest son dearly. (also 疼尾仔 or 赤尾仔 tëk-mī-dōi favor the youngest son).
<又> xēik.
(See 惜 xēik.)
xek2 15633
167 16 xëk stannum (Sn); tin.⁶
白锡[白錫] bàk-xëk báixī pewter.¹¹
焊锡[銲錫] hòn-xëk
hànxī solder.⁷
镀锡[鍍錫] ù-xëk
dùxī to tin-plate; to tin.⁶
锡箔[錫箔] xëk-bòk
xībó tinfoil paper (formerly used as funeral offerings).⁶
锡罐[錫罐] xëk-gôn
xīguàn tin can.⁶
锡杖[錫杖] xëk-jèng
xīzhàng Buddhist abbot's staff; monk's cane with a tin ring or rings at the head.⁶
锡剧[錫劇] Xëk-kēk
Xījù Wuxi opera (a local opera of Wuxi County and popular in southern Jiangsu and Shanghai).⁶
锡镴[錫鑞] xëk-làp
xīla <topo.> soldering tin; tin; pewter.⁶
锡壶[錫壺] xëk-vũ
xīhú pewter pot.¹¹
<又> xēik.
(See 錫 xēik.)
xek2 15634
42 3 xēl xiǎo Kangxi radical 42; small, tiny, insignificant.⁸
(old variant: 𡮐❄{⿱⿰小小⿰小小} xēl), (See 𡮐❄{⿱⿰小小⿰小小} xēl).
小瀑布 xēl-bùk-bü
xiǎopùbù cascade.⁶
小姐 xēl-dēh
xiǎojie young lady; miss; (slang) prostitute.¹⁰
小组[小組] xēl-dū
xiǎozǔ group.¹⁰
小价 xēl-gäi
xiǎojiè young attendant.⁶
小题大做[小題大做] xēl-hãi-ài-dü
xiǎotídàzuò to make a big fuss over a minor issue (idiom).¹⁰
小孩 xēl-hãi
xiǎohái child.¹⁰
小吃 xēl-hëk
xiǎochī snack, refreshment; cold dish.⁸
小学[小學] xēl-hòk
xiǎoxué elementary school.¹⁰
小猪[小豬] xēl-jï
xiǎozhū piglet.¹⁰
小米 xēl-māi
xiǎomǐ millet.¹⁰
小麦[小麥] xēl-màk
xiǎomài wheat (plant/grain).⁶
小人 xēl-ngĩn
xiǎorén (old) person of low social status; <humb.> I, me; nasty person; vile character.¹⁰
小朋友 xēl-pãng-yiû
xiǎopéngyou little boy/girl/child.⁸
小菩萨[小菩薩] xēl-pũ-xät
xiǎopúsà doll, term of endearment for baby.¹¹
小山包 xēl-sän-bäo
xiǎoshānbāo <topo.> cluster of hills.¹⁰
小时[小時] xēl-sĩ
xiǎoshí hour.¹⁰
小说[小說] xēl-sōt
xiǎoshuō a novel.¹¹
小心 xēl-xïm
xiǎoxīn to be careful; to take care.¹⁰
小恩小惠 xēl-yïn-xēl-fì
xiǎo'ēnxiǎohuì small favors.⁹
xel1 15635
42 12 𡮐
xēl xiǎo (=小 xēl xiǎo small, tiny, insignificant.⁸).² ancient form of 小 xēl xiǎo.³⁶
(composition: ⿱⿰小小⿰小小; U+21B90).
xel1 15636
106 15 xēl xiǎo well-lit, bright; white.¹² displayed, manifested; clear.²⁴
皛饭[皛飯] xēl-fàn xiǎofàn white rice, with white vegetables and gravy.²⁴
xel1 15637
118 13 xēl xiǎo <wr.> bamboo twig; little (substitute for 小, usually used in a person's name).⁶ dwarf bamboo; diminutive in person's name.⁸ a kind of arrow, made of small bamboo.²⁵ (variants: 篠, 筿 xēl xiǎo).
篲筱 fì-xēl
huìxiǎo thin bamboo (used for making brooms).¹⁹
or 小妻 xēl-häi xiǎoqī a concubine.⁷
(See 篠 xēl, 筿 xēl).
xel1 15638
118 13 筿 xēl xiǎo (=筱 xēl xiǎo) <wr.> bamboo twig; little (substitute for 小, usually used in a person's name).⁶ dwarf bamboo; diminutive in person's name.⁸ a kind of arrow, made of small bamboo.²⁵
(See 筱 xēl).
xel1 15639
118 16 xēl xiǎo (=筱 xēl xiǎo) <wr.> bamboo twig; little (substitute for 小, usually used in a person's name).⁶ dwarf bamboo; diminutive in person's name.⁸ a kind of arrow, made of small bamboo.²⁵
篠篱[篠籬] xēl-lĩ
xiǎolí (=竹篱[竹籬] jūk-lĩ zhúlí) bamboo fence.⁶
篠荡[篠蕩] xēl-òng
xiǎodàng (=小竹和大竹 xēl-jūk võ ài-jūk xiǎozhú hé dàzhú) small bamboo and large bamboo.⁸
篠骖[篠驂] xēl-täm
xiǎocān (=竹马[竹馬] jūk-mâ zhúmǎ) bamboo stick used as a toy horse.¹⁰
(See 筱 xēl).
xel1 15640
149 16 𫍲 xēl xiǎo (variant of 小 xēl xiǎo) little.¹ scold, censure; lead people toward virtuous ways; small, little.⁸ small.¹⁰ to scold, to censure; to induce people to virtuous ways; small.¹⁴
t: ⿰訁叟; U+8B0F). (comp. s: ⿰讠叟; U+2B372).
𫍲闻[謏聞] xēl-mũn
xiǎowén known only to a small circle.¹ small reputation.⁵⁴
𫍲说[謏說] xēl-sōt
xiǎoshuō novels.¹¹ (Note: now written 小说[小說] xēl-sōt).
𫍲才[謏才] xēl-tõi
xiǎocái limited talent.¹ insignificant ability.⁵⁴
<又> xēo.
(See 謏 xēo; 小 xēl).
xel1 15641
30 9 xël xiào (<old>=笑 xël xiào smile, laugh; ridicule, laugh at.⁵); smile, laugh, giggle; snicker.⁸
(composition: ⿰口关; U+54B2).
(See 笑 xël).
xel2 15642
30 14 xël xiāo to boast.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰口翏; U+5610).
其志嘐嘐然 kĩ-jï-xël-xël-ngẽin qízhìxiāoxiāorán his will was free and unhampered - vain and self-pleased.¹¹ their aim led them to talk extravagantly.¹⁴
嘐嘐然其志也 xël-xël-ngẽin-kĩ-jï-yâ
xiāoxiāoránqízhìyě he boasted of his determination.¹⁴
<又> gäo; lẽl.
(See 嘐 gäo; 嘐 lẽl).

xel2 15643
30 16 xël xiào (of humans) to whistle, to scream; (of some birds or animals) to cry, to howl, to roar; (of the wind, the sea) to howl, to roar; (of a bullet, plane) to whirr, to whiz, to whistle.⁶
长啸[長嘯] chẽng-xël or chẽng-säo chángxiào to let out or utter a long and loud cry.⁶
虎啸[虎嘯] fū-xël
or fū-säo hǔxiào tigers roaring or growling.⁶
呼啸 fü-xël
or fü-säo hūxiào to whistle; to scream; to whiz.¹⁰
风啸[風嘯] füng-xël
or füng-säo fēngxiào roaring or howling or whistling wind.⁶
海啸[海嘯] hōi-xël
or hōi-säo hǎixiào tsunami; seismic sea wave; tidal wave.⁶
仰天长啸[仰天長嘯] ngêng-hëin-chẽng-xël or ngêng-hëin-chẽng-säo
yǎngtiānchángxiào to look up to the sky and utter a long and mournful cry.⁶
啸鸣[嘯鳴] xël-mẽin
or säo-mẽin xiàomíng to whistle; to whiz, to howl, to screech; whistling, howling.⁶
<又> säo.
(See 嘯 säo.)
xel2 15644
38 19 𡣾
xël xiāo a woman's name.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女蕭; U+218FE).
xel2 15645
40 10 xël xiāo night; dark; evening.⁷
春宵 chün-xël chūnxiāo spring night and its pleasures.¹¹
宵禁 xël-gïm
xiāojìn night curfew.¹⁰
宵旰 xël-gön
or xël-hòn xiāogàn <wr.> (=宵衣旰食 xël-yï-gön-sèik or xël-yï-hòn-sèik xiāoyīgànshí) get up before dawn and eat after dusk – be diligent in discharging one's official duties.⁶
宵旰之劳[宵旰之勞] xël-gön-jï-lão
or xël-hòn-jï-lão xiāogànzhīláo labor incessantly on duties.¹¹
宵行 xël-hãng
xiāoxíng to travel by night.⁷
宵征 xël-jëin
xiāozhēng night journey; punitive expedition by night.¹⁰
宵中 xël-jüng
xiāozhōng midnight.⁷
宵人 xël-ngĩn
xiāorén a mean person.⁷ small men.⁸⁸
宵小 xël-xēl
xiāoxiǎo thieves; evildoers.⁷ ganef.¹⁰
宵衣旰食 xël-yï-gön-sèik
or xël-yï-hòn-sèik xiāoyīgànshí get up before dawn and eat after dusk – be diligent in discharging one's official duties.⁶
宵衣旰食,日理万机[宵衣旰食,日理萬機] xël-yï-gön-sèik, ngìt-lî-màn-gï
or xël-yï-hòn-sèik, ngìt-lî-màn-gï xiāoyī gànshí, rìlǐwànjī work conscientiously on a myriad of state affairs.⁶
<台> 宵夜 xël-yèh/ midnight snack.
xel2 15646
46 10 xël qiào (of a mountain) steep; precipitous; <wr.> stern, severe.⁶
逋峭 bù-xël or pũ-xël or 峬峭 bù-xël or 庯峭 bù-xël būqiào <wr.> (of one's demeanor, writing) beautiful and graceful, elegant and stylish.⁶
峻峭 dün-xël
jùnqiào high and steep.⁶
陡峭 ēo-xël
dǒuqiào precipitous.¹⁰
冷峭 lâng-xël
lěngqiào piercingly cold, icy; (of words) sharp, caustic, scathing, sarcastic.⁶
料峭 lèl-xël
or lèl-tël liàoqiào <wr.> chilly.⁵
峭拔 xël-bàt
qiàobá (of a mountain) high and steep,
precipitous; (of the style of writing) vigorous, forceful.⁶
峭壁 xël-bēik
qiàobì cliff; precipice; steep.⁶
峭峻 xël-dün
qiàojùn high and steep, precipitous; stern, severe.⁶  perpendicular.¹¹
峭直 xël-jèik
qiàozhí <wr.> upright and stern.⁶
峭厉[峭厲] xël-lài
qiàolì <wr.> (of wind, cold air) bitter, sharp; stern; severe; grim.⁶
峭立 xël-lìp
qiàolì steep, rising steeply.⁶
<又> tël.
(See 峭 tël.)
xel2 15647
57 16 xël xiāo the small end of a bow.²⁴ (=簫 xël xiāo ˢᵉˢᵉ ²).²
(composition: ⿰弓肅; U+5F47).
(See 簫 xël ˢᵉˢᵉ ²).
xel2 15648
64 13 xël xiāo (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 揱 sōk shuò with the same meaning:  a man with long handsome arms; delicate long fingers; to kill little ones; small tapering end of wood.⁵⁴ long and beautiful arms; small and tapering.¹⁰²).
(composition: ⿱削手; U+63F1).
辐揱而纤[輻揱而纖] fūk-xël-ngĩ-tïm
fúxiāo'érxiān or fūk-sōk-ngĩ-tïm fúshuò'érxiān the fellies are long and slender.¹⁰² (Note: 'fellies' should be 'spokes').
<又> sōk.
(See 揱 sōk).
xel2 15649
76 17 xël xiào (<old>=啸[嘯] xël xiào (of humans) to whistle, to scream; (of some birds or animals) to cry, to howl, to roar; (of the wind, the sea) to howl, to roar; (of a bullet, plane) to whirr, to whiz, to whistle.⁶); roar, howl, scream; whistle.⁸
(composition: ⿰肅欠; U+6B57).
Yiû-nuī-bï-lĩ, hẽl-kĩ-xël-yì.
Yǒu nǚ pǐ lí, tiáo qí xiào yǐ.
There is a woman forced to leave her husband;
Long-drawn are her groanings!⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·王風·中谷有蓷》, translated by James Legge).
(See 嘯 xël).
xel2 15650
85 10 xël xiāo disappear; eliminate; while away time; spend money; need.⁵⁵
不消说[不消說] būt-xël-sōt bùxiāoshuō needless to say.⁵⁵
消沉 xël-chĩm
xiāochén depressed; bad mood; low spirit.¹⁰
消除 xël-chuĩ
xiāochú eliminate.⁵⁵
消化 xël-fä
xiāohuà digest.⁵
消化酶 xël-fä-mõi
xiāohuàméi digestive enzyme.⁵
消费[消費] xël-fï
xiāofèi consume.⁵
消火栓 xël-fō-sân
xiāohuǒshuān fire hydrant.⁵
消防 xël-fõng
xiāofáng firefighting; fire control.¹⁰
消极[消極] xël-gèik
xiāojí negative; passive, inactive.⁵
消耗 xël-häo
xiāohào to consume; use up.⁸
消歇 xël-hēik
xiāoxiē <lit.> stop, cease, subside; dissolve, fade away; disappear.⁵⁴
消遣 xël-hēin
xiāoqiǎn diversion; pastime.⁵
消灭[消滅] xël-mèik 
xiāomiè to put an end to; to annihilate; to cause to perish; to perish; annihilation (in quantum field theory).¹⁰
消弭 xël-mî
xiāomǐ <lit.> put an end to; prevent; terminate.⁶
消泯 xël-mêin
xiāomǐn to eliminate; to obliterate.¹⁰
消逝 xël-sài
xiāoshì die or fade away; vanish; elapse.⁵
消毒 xël-ùk
xiāodú disinfect; decontaminate.⁵⁵
消息 xël-xēik
xiāoxi news, information; tidings.⁵

xel2 15651
85 16 xël xiāo (=潇[瀟] xël xiāo <wr.> (of water) deep and clear; (of wind, rain) beating.⁶ the sound of beating rain and whistling wind; the roar of a strong wind; name of a stream in Henan.⁷).² sound of rain and wind.¹⁰ (of water) deep and clear.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵肅; U+6F5A).
潚水 xël-suī
xiāo shuǐ Xiaoshui River, a river in Hunan.³⁶
潇湘 xël-xëng
xiāo xiāng 潚水 Xël-suī Xiāoshuǐ and 湘江 Xëng-göng Xiāngjiāng rivers in Hunan province.⁵⁴
<又> xūk; xēo.
(See 潚 xūk; 潚 xēo).
xel2 15652
85 19 xël xiāo <wr.> (of water) deep and clear; (of wind, rain) beating.⁶ the sound of beating rain and whistling wind; the roar of a strong wind; name of a stream in Henan.⁷
风姿潇洒[風姿瀟灑] füng-dü-xël-sā fēngzīxiāosǎ have natural and unrestrained bearing.⁶
风流潇洒[風流瀟灑] füng-liũ-xël-sā
fēngliúxiāosǎ graceful but not showy, gay and lighthearted; unconventional young dandy.⁵⁴
风雨潇潇[風雨瀟瀟] füng-yî-xël-xël
fēngyǔxiāoxiāo The wind whistles and the rain patters.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·鄭風·》, translated by James Legge).
潇洒[瀟灑] xël-sā
xiāosǎ free, emancipated, unhampered by conventions; (person, writing) spirited, wayward, forthright; (character) pure, noble.¹¹
潇洒自如[瀟灑自如] xël-sā-dù-nguĩ
xiāosǎzìrú casual and elegant; natural and unrestrained.⁷
潇潇[瀟瀟] xël-xël
xiāoxiāo whistling (of wind) and pattering (of rain).⁶
潇潇细雨[瀟瀟細雨] xël-xël-xäi-yî
xiāoxiāoxìyǔ It's drizzling.⁶
xel2 15653
104 12 xël xiāo headache; thirst; to decline.⁸
(composition: ⿸疒肖; U+75DF).
酸痟 xön-xël suānxiāo the headache; a noise in the head; excessive thirst.²⁴
儒书言: 齐王疾痟, 使人之宋迎文挚.
[儒書言: 齊王疾痟, 使人之宋迎文摯.]
Yĩ-sï-ngũn: Tãi-võng-dìp-xël, xū-ngĩn-jï-Xüng-ngẽin-Mũn-Jï.
Rú shū yán: Qí wáng jí xiāo, shǐ rén zhī sòng yíng Wén Zhì.
The books of the Literati contain the statement that the king of Qi being dangerously ill, a messenger was sent to Song to fetch Wen Zhi.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《論衡·道虛》, translated by Albert Forke).
xel2 15654
112 12 xël xiāo niter; saltpeter; to tan leather.⁷
硝化 xël-fä xiāohuà <chem.> nitrify.⁵
硝化甘油 xël-fä-gäm-yiũ
xiāohuà gānyóu nitroglycerin.⁷
硝化棉 xël-fä-mêin
xiāohuàmián nitrocotton.⁵
硝基 xël-gï
xiāojī <chem.> nitro group; nitro-.⁷
硝镪水[硝鏹水] xël-kêng-suī
xiāoqiāngshuǐ <chem.> nitric acid.⁵
硝皮子 xël-pĩ-dū
xiāopízi leather treated with niter.¹¹
硝石 xël-sêk
xiāoshí niter; saltpeter.⁵
] xël-võng xiāohuáng (=硝石 xël-sêk xiāoshí + 硫磺[硫] liũ-võng liúhuáng) saltpeter plus sulfur.⁴
硝酸 xël-xön
xiāosuān <chem.> nitric acid.⁵
硝盐[硝鹽] xël-yẽm
xiāoyán earth salt.⁶
硝烟[硝煙] xël-yën
xiāoyān smoke of gunpowder.⁵
硝烟弥漫[硝煙彌漫] xël-yën-mĩ-màn
xiāoyānmímàn be thick with fumes of gunpowder; be filled with gun smoke.⁶
xel2 15655
118 10 xël xiào smile, laugh; ridicule, laugh at.⁵ (variant: 𥬇, 咲 xël, q.v.).
大笑 ài-xël
dàxiào roar with laughter.⁹
笑柄 xël-bêng
xiàobǐng butt or target of laughter.¹¹
笑嗑亚热[笑嗑亞熱] xël-hēip-ä-ngèik
xiàokèyàrè a Mongolian national folk art form.³⁹
笑气[笑氣] xël-hï
xiàoqì laughing gas; nitrous oxide.⁵
笑谈[笑談] xël-hãm
xiàotán object of ridicule.⁵
笑逐颜开[笑逐顏開] xël-jùk-ngãn-höi
xiàozhúyánkāi beam with joy/smiles; (one's face) be wreathed in smiles.⁶
笑剧[笑劇] xël-kēk
xiàojù farce.⁵
笑料 xël-lèl
xiàoliào laughingstock; joke.⁵
笑脸[笑臉] xël-lêm
xiàoliǎn smiling face.⁵
笑里藏刀[笑裡藏刀] xël-lī-tõng-äo
xiàolǐcángdāo hide a dagger in a smile – with murderous intent behind one's smiles.⁵
笑骂[笑罵] xël-mà
xiàomà deride and taunt.⁵
笑面虎 xël-mèin-fū
xiàomiànhǔ smiling tiger – an outwardly kind but inwardly cruel person.⁵
笑纳[笑納] xël-nàp
xiàonà kindly accept (this small gift).⁵
笑颜[笑顏] xël-ngãn
xiàoyán smiling face.⁵
笑话[笑話] xël-và
xiàohua joke, jest; laugh at, ridicule.⁵
笑窝[笑窩] xël-vö
xiàowō dimple.⁵
笑容 xël-yũng
xiàoróng smiling expression; smile.⁵
xel2 15656
118 10 𥬇 xël xiào (=笑 xël xiào) to laugh, to smile; to laugh at, to ridicule; funny, amusing; (rare) A surname​.³⁹
xel2 15657
118 15 xël xiāo (=箫[簫] xël xiāo) a vertical bamboo flute.⁶
(See 簫 xël).
xel2 15658
118 19 xël xiāo ➀ a vertical bamboo flute.⁶  ➁ <old> the tip of a bow.¹⁴
(variant: 箾 xël xiāo). (See 箾 xël; 彇 xël).
吹箫[吹簫] chuï-xël
chuīxiāo to play the vertical flute; to beg while playing pipes; to busk; (slang) fellatio, blowjob.¹⁰
均琴瑟管箫[均琴瑟管簫] Gün-kĩm-sīt-gōn-xël
Jūn qínsè guǎn xiāo to adjust the lutes, large and small, the double flutes, and the pan-pipes.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·月令》, translated by James Legge).
排箫[排簫] pãi-xël
páixiāo a form of ancient panpipes.¹¹
笙箫[笙簫] säng-xël
shēngxiāo reed-pipe wind instrument and vertical bamboo flute.¹⁰
箫管[簫管] xël-gōn
xiāoguǎn a panpipe and a double flute.⁷ the flute.¹⁴
箫鼓[簫鼓] xël-gū
xiāo-gǔ the piping and the drumming.⁷
箫韶[簫韶] xël-sẽl
xiāosháo the name of the music created by Emperor Shun (舜 Sün Shùn) 2255 B.C.⁷
Yiù-siū jīp xël, dū-siū sẽin fū.
Yòushǒu zhí xiāo, zuǒshǒu chéng fǔ.
 (The giver) should with his right hand grasp the end of the bow, and keep his left under the middle of the back.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《禮記·曲禮上》, translated by James Legge).
xel2 15659
120 13 xël xiāo raw silk; raw silk fabric.⁶
绡钞[綃鈔] xël-chäo xiāochāo hair scarf.¹¹
绡头[綃頭] xël-hẽo
xiāotóu a silk hood for binding the hair.⁷
绡帕[綃帕] xël-päk
xiāopà raw silk handkerchief.⁶
xel2 15660
120 17 縿 xël xiāo plain silk.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰⿰糹參; U+7E3F).
Bü-mōk, vì-yâ; xël-mōk, lû-yâ.
Bù mù, wèi yě; shān mù, lǔ yě.
But the tent-like covering (for the coffin) is of (linen) cloth in Wei, and of silk in Lu.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·檀弓上·14》, translated by James Legge).
縿幕 xël-mōk
xiāomù cover (on the coffin) of plain silk.⁵⁴
<又> sâm.
(See 縿 sâm).
xel2 15661
124 12 xël xiāo look of rumpled feathers; bedraggled; hasty; rapid flight.⁵⁴
翛然 xël-ngẽin xiāorán <wr.> carefree; free and unrestrained.⁵⁴
翛翛 xël-xël
xiāoxiāo <wr.> (of feathers) incomplete; broken feathers.⁵⁴
Yĩ-yî-tẽl-tẽl, yĩ-mī-xël-xël.
Yú yǔ qiáo qiáo yú wěi xiāoxiāo.
My wings are all-injured;
My tail is all-broken.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·豳風·鴟鴞》, translated by James Legge).
xel2 15662
130 7 xël xiào to look like, to resemble, to be like.¹⁰ bones and flesh resembling each other.²⁵
不肖 būt-xël bùxiào unlike one's parents, degenerate, unworthy.⁸ not resembling; degenerate.²⁵
不肖之徒 būt-xël-jï-hũ
bùxiào zhītú worthless characters.¹⁴
生肖 säng-xël
shēngxiào any of the twelve animals – representing the twelve Earthly Branches, used to symbolize the year in which a person is born.⁸
肖像 xël-dèng
xiàoxiàng portrait.¹⁰
肖橡 xël-dèng
xiàoxiàng. effigies.⁹
肖像画[肖像畫] xël-dèng-và
xiàoxiàng huà iconography; portrait painting.⁸
肖类[肖類] xël-luì
xiàolèi a sort; a class.²⁵
肖小 xël-xēl
xiàoxiǎo small.²⁵
肖似 xël-xû
xiàosì to resemble; to look alike.⁸
(See 肖 [xël, xiāo].)
xel2 15663
130 7 xël xiāo Xiao surname.
肖子 xël-dū xiāozǐ a filial son, a good son.¹¹  a son that has his father's aspiration and interest.¹⁹
(See 肖 [xël, xiào].)
xel2 15664
140 16 xël xiāo common artemisia; sighing of wind; mournful; dejected.⁸ miserable; desolate; dreary; Chinese mugwort.¹⁰  Xiao surname. (Note: 肖 Xël Xiāo and 萧[蕭] Xël Xiāo are different surnames, although they are homophones.)
萧斧[蕭斧] xël-fū
xiāofǔ a billhook.¹⁴
萧条[蕭條] xël-hẽl
xiāotiáo bleak; desolate; <econ.> depression or slump.¹⁰
萧艾[蕭艾] xël-ngài
xiāo'ài artemisia, very common plants – used of a man of humble attainments.¹⁴
萧然[蕭然] xël-ngẽin
xiāorán lonely and desolate, deserted.⁹
萧晨[蕭晨] xël-sĩn
xiāochén an autumn morning.¹⁴
萧瑟[蕭瑟] xël-sīt
xiāosè to rustle in the air; desolate.⁸
disconsolate, gloomy; (business) dull.¹¹
萧墙[蕭牆] xël-tẽng
xiāoqiáng <wr.> screen wall facing the gate of a Chinese house; <wr.> interior.⁹
萧墙之内[蕭牆之內] xël-tẽng-jï-nuì
xiāoqiáng zhīnèi behind the screen wall; within one's home.¹ within his own screen, i.e., in his own court.¹⁴
萧墙之祸[蕭牆之禍] xël-tẽng-jï-vò
xiāoqiángzhīhuò internal strife; trouble arising at home.
萧萧[蕭蕭] xël-xël
xiāoxiāo <ono.><wr.> whistling (of wind); whinnying (of horses); rustling sound of falling leaves.⁵⁴
xel2 15665
142 13 xël xiāo special name for octopus.³⁹
(composition: ⿰虫肖; U+86F8).
白蛸 bàk-xël báixiāo insect which blights rice plants.¹¹
海螵蛸 hōi-pël-xël
hǎipiāoxiāo TCM cuttlebone.⁶ dried central part of cuttlefish.¹¹
螵蛸 pël-xël
piāoxiāo egg capsule of a mantis.⁶ egg case of a praying mantis (used in TCM); cuttlebone.¹⁰ bag of grasshopper's eggs.¹¹
蛸科 xël-fö
xiāokē special name for 章鱼科[章魚科] jëng-nguĩ-fö zhāngyúkē the Octopodidae family containing the majority of known octopus species.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
<又> säo.
(See 蛸 säo.)
xel2 15666
142 19 xël xiāo (<old>=蠨 xël xiāo a kind of spider with long legs.⁸); small spider with long legs.⁸
(composition: ⿰虫肅; U+87F0).
蟰蛸 xël-säo
xiāoshāo a small long-legged spider.²⁵
(See 蠨 xël).
xel2 15667
142 22 xël xiāo a kind of spider with long legs.⁸ (old variant: 蟰 xël xiāo).
(comp. t: ⿰; U+8828). (comp. s: ⿰; U+).
蟏蛸[蠨蛸] xël-säo
xiāoshāo a kind of spider.⁸
Xiāo shāo zài hù
The spiders' webs would be in our doors.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·豳風·東山》, translated by James Legge).
蟏蛸满室[蠨蛸滿室] xël-säo-mōn-sīt
xiāoshāomǎnshì The room is filled with cobwebs.¹⁰
(See 蟰 xël).
xel2 15668
162 10 xël xiāo leisurely; easy-going.¹⁰
彷徨乎无为其侧, 逍遙乎寝卧其下?
[彷徨乎無為其側, 逍遙乎寢臥其下?]
Põng-võng-fũ-mũ-vĩ-kĩ-jāk, xël-yẽl-fũ-tīm-ngò-kĩ-hà?
Pánghuáng hū wúwéi qí cè, xiāoyáo hū qǐn wò qí xià?
There you might saunter idly by its side, or in the enjoyment of untroubled ease sleep beneath it.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《莊子·內篇·逍遙遊》, translated by James Legge; Zhuangzi 莊子 replying to Huizi 惠子 about a tree; "it" refers to a seemingly useless tree).
逍遥[逍遙] xël-yẽl
xiāoyáo free and unfettered.⁵
逍遥自在[逍遙自在] xël-yẽl-dù-dòi
xiāoyáozìzài be leisurely and carefree.⁵
逍遥法外[逍遙法外] xël-yẽl-fāt-ngòi
xiāoyáofǎwài go scot-free; be (or remain) at large.⁵
xel2 15669
167 15 xël xiāo melt (metal); cancel, annul; spend; sell, market; bolt, pin.⁶ melt; sell; expend; cancel, write off; to bolt; a bolt.
吊销[吊銷] ël-xël diàoxiāo to suspend (an agreement); to revoke.¹⁰
脱销[脫銷] höt-xël
tuōxiāo out of stock.¹⁹
注销[註銷] jî-xël
zhùxiāo to cancel; to nullify; to annul; to revoke; to write off.⁷
销毁[銷毀] xël-fī
xiāohuǐ destroy (usually by melting or burning.⁶
销货[銷貨] xël-fö
xiāohuò sell goods; sales.⁶
销假[銷假] xël-gā
xiāojià report one's return from a leave.⁶
销金[銷金] xël-gïm
xiāojīn melt gold; gold-sprinkled; decorated with gold, gilt.⁶
销量[銷量] xël-lèng
xiāoliàng sales (volume).⁶
销路[銷路] xël-lù
xiāolù sale; market; outlet.⁶
销案[銷案] xël-ön
xiāo'àn close a case.⁶
销声匿迹[銷聲匿跡] xël-sëin-nèik-dēik
xiāoshēngnìjì keep silent and lie low; disappear from the scene.⁶
销售[銷售] xël-siù
xiāoshòu sell; market.⁶
or 消魂 xël-vũn xiāohún be in an ecstasy of delight or grief; thrill with joy or sorrow; feel transported.⁶
xel2 15670
170 9 xël qiào (=峭 xël qiào) (of a mountain) steep; precipitous.⁶
(See 峭 xël.)
xel2 15671
173 15 xël xiāo clouds; sky, heaven.⁵ the sky; night; to exhaust, to dissolve; clouds or mist.⁷
九霄 giū-xël jiǔxiāo highest heavens; sky of the skies.⁶
九霄云外[九霄雲外] giū-xël-vũn-ngòi
jiǔxiāoyúnwài beyond the highest heavens – far, far away.⁶
云霄[雲霄] vũn-xël
yúnxiāo skies; sky.⁶
霄房 xël-fông
xiāofáng heaven.¹⁴
霄汉[霄漢] xël-hön
xiāohàn <wr.> the sky; the firmament.⁵ the Milky Way.¹⁴
霄岭[霄嶺] xël-lêin
xiāolǐng lofty ranges.¹⁴
霄壤 xël-ngẽng
xiāorǎng heaven and earth.⁵
霄壤之别[霄壤之別] xël-ngẽng-jï-bèik
xiāorǎngzhībié or 霄壤之分 xël-ngẽng-jï-fün xiāorǎngzhīfēn as far apart as heaven and earth; poles apart.⁷
霄外 xël-ngòi
xiāowài beyond the sky or clouds.⁷
霄元 xël-ngũn
xiāoyuán heaven.¹⁴
霄峙 xël-sì
xiāozhì cloud-penetrating peak.¹⁴
xel2 15672
177 16 xël qiào sheath; scabbard.⁵
刀不出鞘 äo-būt-chūt-xël dāobùchūqiào No sword need be drawn.³⁹
刀鞘 äo-xël
dāoqiào sheath; scabbard.⁶
拔剑出鞘[拔劍出鞘] bàt-gëm-chūt-xël
bájiànchūqiào draw a sword from/out of its sheath.⁶
插剑入鞘[插劍入鞘] chäp-gëm-yìp-xël
chājiànrùqiào  sheathe a sword.⁶
翅鞘 chï-xël
chìqiào <insect> elytron; elytrum.⁶
剑鞘[劍鞘] gëm-xël
jiànqiào scabbard; sheath.⁶
银鞘[銀鞘] ngãn-xël
yínqiào a wooden box for silver ingots.¹¹
鞘翅 xël-chï
qiàochì <insect> elytron; elytrum.⁶
鞘子 xël-dū
qiàozi a scabbard.¹⁴
叶鞘[葉鞘] yêp-xël
yèqiào <bot.> leaf sheath.⁶
<又> säo.
(See 鞘 säo.)
xel2 15673
182 16 xël xiāo the sound of the wind.²⁵
(composition: ⿺風肖; U+98B5).
颵颵 xël-xël or säo-säo xiāoxiāo or shāoshāo sound of the wind.¹⁹
<又> säo.
(See 颵 säo).
xel2 15674
190 17 xël xiāo the hair hanging down.²⁵
(composition: ⿱髟𠬶 or ⿱髟⿳⿻コ一冖又; U+4BF9).
<又> xëin. (See 䯹 xëin).
xel2 15675
194 16 xël xiāo an elf; an evil spirit of the hills.¹⁴
山魈 sän-xël shānxiāo mandrill; legendary mountain elf or spirit.⁶ a mountain elf which does no end of mischief.¹⁴ mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
xel2 15676
197 17 xël xiāo to make decoction of salt.⁸ʼ³⁶ to boil down salt.²⁵
(composition: ⿰鹵肖; U+4D1B).
xel2 15677
61 13 xēng xiǎng think, speculate, plan, consider.⁸
想得到 xēng-āk-äo xiǎngdedào think; imagine; expect (usually in rhetorical questions).⁵
想得开[想得開] xēng-āk-höi
xiǎngdekāi try to look on the bright side of things; take philosophically.⁵
想到 xēng-äo
xiǎngdào think of; call to mind.⁵
想必 xēng-bēik
xiǎngbì presumably; most probably.⁵
想不开[想不開] xēng-būt-höi
xiǎngbukāi take things too hard; take a matter to heart.⁵
想象 xēng-dèng
xiǎngxiàng to imagine; to fancy.⁷
想法 xēng-fāt
xiǎngfa opinion.⁹
想见[想見] xēng-gëin
xiǎngjiàn infer; gather.⁵
想头[想頭] xēng-hẽo
xiǎngtou hope; <topo.> idea.⁵
想通 xēng-hüng
xiǎngtōng become convinced; come round.⁵
想来[想來] xēng-lõi
xiǎnglái it may be assumed that.⁵
想望 xēng-mòng
xiǎngwàng desire; long for.⁵
想念 xēng-nèm
xiǎngniàn remember with longing; miss.⁵
想当然[想當然] xēng-öng-ngẽin
xiǎngdāngrán assume something as a matter of course; take for granted.⁵
想入非非 xēng-yìp-fï-fï
xiǎngrùfēifēi indulge in fantasy.⁵
<台> 想着[想著] xēng-jèk to recollect; to remember.
<台> 想讨[討] xēng-hū or xēng-hō to want.
xeng1 15678
164 16 xēng xǐng to wake up; to jog somebody's memory.
<台> 瞓醒 fün-xēng to wake up.
<台> 提醒 hãi-xēng to remind; to call attention to. (See 提醒 hãi-xēin tíxǐng).
<又> xēin.
(See 醒 xēin.)
xeng1 15679
195 17 xēng xiǎng (=鲞[鯗] xēng xiǎng) dried and salted fish.⁷
(See 鯗 xēng).
xeng1 15680
195 18 xēng xiǎng dried fish.⁵ dried and salted fish.⁷ (variants: 鮝, 鱶 xēng xiǎng).
白鲞[白鯗] bàk-xēng
báixiǎng preserved yellow croaker.⁶
鳗鲞[鰻鯗] mãn-xēng
mánxiǎng dried eel.⁵
鲞鱼[鯗魚] xēng-nguî
xiǎngyú dried fish.⁹
(See  鮝 xēng; 鱶 xēng).
xeng1 15681
195 26 xēng xiǎng (<old>=鲞[鯗] xēng xiǎng) dried and salted fish.⁷
(See 鯗 xēng).
xeng1 15682
19 19 xëng xiāng (=襄 xëng xiāng) to help, assist.¹¹
(composition: ⿰襄力; U+52F7).
<又> ngẽng.
(See 勷 ngẽng).
xeng2 15683
53 广 12 xëng xiāng wing of a house; side; railway carriage.
包厢[包廂] bäo-xëng bāoxiāng box (in a theater).
车厢[車廂] chëh-xëng
chēxiāng railway carriage or car; compartments.
厢房[廂房] xëng-fông
xiāngfáng wing of a house; wing-room.
一厢情愿[一廂情願] yīt-xëng-tẽin-ngùn
yīxiāngqíngyuàn one's own wishful thinking.
xeng2 15684
85 12 xëng xiāng abbr. for Hunan (湖南 Vũ-nãm Húnán) Province in south central China; abbr. for Xiangjiang (湘江 Xëng-göng Xiāngjiāng) river in Hunan province.¹⁰
湘妃竹 xëng-fï-jūk
xiāngfēizhú spotted bamboo, said to grow from the tears of the queens of Emperor Shun 舜.¹¹
湘江 Xëng-göng
Xiāngjiāng, the Xiangjiang river in 湖南 Vũ-nãm Húnán Hunan Province.¹⁰
湘剧[湘劇] Xëng-kēk
Xiāngjù Hunan opera.⁸
湘菜 Xëng-töi
Xiāngcài Hunan cuisine.¹⁰
湘绣[湘繡] Xëng-xiü
Xiāngxiù Hunan embroidery.¹¹
xeng2 15685
96 21 xëng xiāng ornaments.¹⁴ the ornaments put upon a horse; a girth.²⁴
瓖嵌 xëng-hàm xiāngqiàn the ornamental pins and bracelets worn by women.²⁴
or 镶珠子的扁簪[鑲珠子的扁簪] xëng-jî-dū-ēik-bēin-däm xiāngzhūzide biǎnzān hair-pins embossed with pearls.¹⁴
xeng2 15686
104 14 𤷼
xëng xiāng sickness.²⁴
(composition: ⿸疒相; U+24DFC).
xeng2 15687
109 9 xëng xiàng appearance; portrait; picture; government minister; (physics) phase.¹⁰
三相 xäm-xëng sānxiàng triphase; three-phase.⁹
相册[相冊] xëng-chāk
xiàngcè photo album.¹⁰
相告 xëng-gäo
xiānggào inform you.¹⁹
相机[相機] xëng-gï
xiàngjī watch for an opportunity; camera.⁵
相机行事[相機行事] xëng-gï-hãng-xù
xiàngjīxíngshì act as the occasion demands; do as one sees fit.⁵
相公 xëng-güng
xiànggong <trad.> (form of address for one's husband) husband; (a term common in traditional operas and old novels) young gentleman; <topo.> male prostitute.⁶
相貌 xëng-mào
xiàngmào appearance.¹⁰
相貌堂堂 xëng-mào-hõng-hõng
xiàngmàotángtáng noble in appearance; having a fine bearing.⁶
相片 xëng-pëin
xiàngpiàn photograph; photo.⁵
相声[相聲] xëng-sëin
xiàngsheng comic dialogue; cross talk.⁵
相位 xëng-vì
xiàngwèi phase (waves).¹⁰
(See 相 [xëng, xiāng].)
xeng2 15688
109 9 xëng xiāng each other; one another; mutually; Xiang surname.¹⁰
相比 xëng-bī xiāngbǐ compare with each other.⁶
相处[相處] xëng-chuī
xiāngchǔ live or work together.¹¹
相反 xëng-fān
xiāngfǎn to be opposite, contrary.¹¹
相仿 xëng-fōng
xiāngfǎng similar.¹⁰
相逢 xëng-fũng
xiāngféng meet (by chance); come across.⁵
相关[相關] xëng-gän
xiāngguān  related; relevant; pertinent; to be interrelated; (statistics) correlation.¹⁰
相间[相間] xëng-gän
xiāngjiàn alternate with.⁸
相提并论[相提並論] xëng-hãi-bèin-lùn
xiāngtíbìnglùn to be mentioned in the same breath, regarded in same category.¹¹
相投 xëng-hẽo
xiāngtóu agreeing with one another; congenial.¹⁰
相望 xëng-mòng
xiāngwàng to look at one another; to face each other; to face each other from a distance.⁵⁴
相当[相當] xëng-öng
xiāngdāng to match, to balance, to correspond to, to be equivalent to; suitable, fit, appropriate; quite, fairly, considerably; enough.⁸
相对[相對] xëng-uï
xiāngduì to be opposite; to be face to face; relative; relatively, comparatively.⁵
相容 xëng-yũng
xiāngróng to be compatible with.⁸
(See 相 [xëng, xiàng].)
xeng2 15689
118 15 xëng xiāng a box, a chest, a trunk; the box or body of a carriage.⁷
箱底 xëng-āi xiāngdǐ bottom of a chest; valuables stowed away at the bottom of the chest; one's store of valuables; money kept concealed for a rainy day.⁶
箱底儿[箱底兒] xëng-āi-ngĩ
xiāngdǐr minor actors and actresses in a dramatic troupe.⁷
箱子 xëng-dū
xiāngzi a box, a chest, a trunk.⁷
箱箧[箱篋] xëng-gēp
xiāngqiè a trunk, a chest, anything narrow and long.²⁵
箱根 xëng-gïn
xiānggēn Hakone, city on the east coast of Japan southwest of Tokyo.¹⁰
箱梁 xëng-lẽng
xiāngliáng box girder (construction).¹⁰
箱笼[箱籠] xëng-lūng
xiānglǒng (traveller's) boxes and baskets; luggage.⁶
箱式 xëng-sēik
xiāngshì box-type.⁷
箱尸案[箱屍案] xëng-sï-ön
xiāngshī'àn a murder case with the victim's body found in a trunk.⁷
箱运[箱運] xëng-vùn
xiāngyùn containerization (container shipping).⁷
<又> xêng.
(See 箱 xêng.)
xeng2 15690
120 15 xëng xiāng <wr.> light yellow.⁶
缥缃[縹緗] pël-xëng piǎoxiāng valuable books.⁷
缃帙[緗帙] xëng-èik
xiāngzhì silk casing for old Chinese books; volumes filling shelves.¹¹
缃缥[緗縹] xëng-pël
xiāngpiǎo simple, light-yellow clothes.⁵⁴
缃色[緗色] xëng-sēik
xiāngsè pale yellow.¹¹
缃黄[緗黃] xëng-võng
xiānghuáng pale yellow.⁶
缃素[緗素] xëng-xü
xiāngsù light-yellow book silk; scroll made of light yellow silk.⁵⁴
缃烟[緗煙] xëng-yën
xiāngyān yellowish smog.⁶
xeng2 15691
120 23 xëng xiāng belt; to wear a belt/girdle; a horse belt/girdle.⁸
(composition: ⿰糹襄; U+7E95).
佩纕 pöi-xëng pèxiāng pendants at the waist.⁵⁴
<又> ngẽng; xông.
(See 纕 ngẽng; 纕 xông).
xeng2 15692
130 13 xëng xīng raw meat or fish; having the smell of fish, seafood.⁵
血腥 hüt-xëng xuèxīng reeking of blood; sanguinary.⁶
血雨腥风[血雨腥風] hüt-yî-xëng-füng
xuèyǔxīngfēng foul wind and a rain of blood – reactionary reign of terror.⁵
荤腥[葷腥] vùn-xëng
or vũn-xëng hūnxīng dishes of meat or fish.⁵
腥德 xëng-āk
xīngdé evil conduct; debauchery; dissipated ways.⁷
腥臭 xëng-chiü
xīngchòu stinking smell as of rotten fish, stench.⁵
腥风血雨[腥風血雨] xëng-füng-hüt-yî
xīngfēngxuèyǔ a foul wind and a rain of blood – reactionary reign of terror; carnage of war.⁶
腥黑穗病 xëng-hāk-xuì-bèng
xīnghēisuìbìng <agr.> bunt; stinking smut.⁵ bunt (a disease of wheat).⁶
腥气[腥氣] xëng-hï
xīngqì the smell of fish, seafood; stinking, fishy.⁵
腥味 xëng-mì
xīngwèi smelling of fish; fishy.⁵
腥闻[腥聞] xëng-mũn
xīngwén ill repute.¹¹ malodorous reputation; notoriety.⁵⁴
腥膻 xëng-sën
xīngshān smelling of fish or mutton.⁵
腥臊 xëng-xäo
xīngsāo a bad smell of fish or meat, a stench; evil (administration).⁷
xeng2 15693
140 12 xëng xiāng 青葙 tëin-xëng qīngxiāng <bot.> feather cockscomb (Celosia argentea).¹⁰
青葙子 tëin-xëng-dū
qīngxiāngzǐ <TCM> the seed of feather cockscomb.⁹
葙子 xëng-dū
xiāngzi suitcase.¹⁰
xeng2 15694
145 17 xëng xiāng to help; to assist; Xiang surname.
襄办[襄辦] xëng-bàn xiāngbàn to assist; deputy or assistant manager.
襄赞[襄贊] xëng-dän
xiāngzàn <wr.> to support and assist in.
襄助 xëng-jò
xiāngzhù <wr.> to assist.
襄礼[襄禮] xëng-lâi
xiānglǐ <trad.> to assist in a ceremony; assistant master of ceremonies
襄理 xëng-lî
xiānglǐ <wr.> to assist; assistant or deputy manager.
襄羊 xëng-yẽng
xiāngyáng to linger; to loiter; to walk to and from.
xeng2 15695
167 13 xëng shēng (<wr.> or Minnan, Mindong) rust.³⁶
铜生鉎,害自身.[銅生鉎,害自身.] hũng-säng-xëng, hòi-dù-sïn tóngshēngshēng hàizìshēn Harm oneself (just like copper rusting).³⁶
(See 鍟 xëng; 鏽 säo).
xeng2 15696
167 15 xëng xiù (=锈[鏽] säo xiù) rust; to rust; incrustation.⁶
锈斑[銹斑] xëng-bän
or säo-bän xiùbān rust stains.⁷
<又> säo.
(See 銹 säo; 鏥 säo; 鏥 xëng; 鏽 säo; 鏽 xëng).
xeng2 15697
167 17 xëng shēng 鍟 xëng shēng (Cant.) rust; <old>=鉎 xëng shēng.
<台> 生鍟 säng-xëng to rust. (cf. 生锈[生鏽] säng-säo
shēngxiù rust; become rusty; oxidize.⁹)
(See 鉎 xëng; 鏽 säo).
xeng2 15698
167 19 xëng xiù (=锈[鏽] säo xiù) rust; to rust; incrustation.⁶
<又> säo.
(See 銹 säo; 銹 xëng; 鏥 säo; 鏽 säo; 鏽 xëng).
xeng2 15699
167 21 xëng xiù 锈斑[鏽斑] xëng-bän or säo-bän xiùbān rust spot/patch.⁶
锈病[鏽病] xëng-bèng
or säo-bèng xiùbìng rust (disease).⁶
锈金[鏽金] xëng-gïm
or säo-gïm xiùjīn rusty gold.⁶
锈住[鏽住] xëng-jì
or säo-jì xiùzhù rusted in; rusted together.¹⁴
锈菌[鏽菌] xëng-kūn
or säo-kūn xiùjūn rust fungus.⁶
锈色[鏽色] xëng-sēik
or säo-sēik xiùsè rust (color).⁶
锈蚀[鏽蝕] xëng-sèik
or säo-sèik xiùshí corrode; rust.⁶
锈坏[鏽壞] xëng-vài
or säo-vài xiùhuài corroded; spoilt by rust.¹⁴
<台> 生锈[生鏽] säng-xëng to rust; rusty.
<又> säo.
(See 銹 säo; 銹 xëng; 鏥 säo; 鏥 xëng; 鏽 säo).
xeng2 15700
167 25 xëng xiāng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 镶[鑲] tëng xiāng with same meaning: inlay, set, mount; rim, edge, border, lace.⁶)
镶珠子的扁簪[鑲珠子的扁簪] or 瓖珠子的扁簪 xëng-jî-dū-ēik-bēin-däm
xiāngzhūzide biǎnzān hair-pins embossed with pearls.¹⁴
<又> tëng.
(See 鑲 tëng; 瓖 xëng.)
xeng2 15701
187 27 xëng xiāng a horse with the right hind leg white; to uplift; galloping with a raised head.⁷
高骧[高驤] gäo-xëng gāoxiāng raise high.⁶
腾骧[騰驤] hãng-xëng
téngxiāng prance.¹¹
骧腾[驤騰] xëng-hãng
xiāngténg to gallop forward; to advance with determination.⁷ to canter and prance.²⁵
骧首[驤首] xëng-siū
xiāngshǒu to raise the head proudly.⁷
xeng2 15702
72 9 xêng xīng star.
贼星[賊星] tàk-xêng zéixīng <topo.> meteor.⁵
<台> 今晚冇星 gïm-mân-mäo-xêng There are no stars tonight.
<台> 星嫁女 xêng-gä-nuī meteor.
<又> xëin.
(See 星 xëin.)
xeng5 15703
118 15 xêng xiāng box.
信箱 xïn-xêng/ xìnxiāng mailbox; post office box.¹⁰
<台> 箱仔 xêng-dōi a little box.
<又> xëng.
(See 箱 xëng.)
xeng5 15704
9 11 xēo sǒu (<old>=叟 xēo sǒu) old man; elder.⁸
(See 叟 xēo).
xeo1 15705
29 7 𠬲
xēo sǒu (original/authentic character for 叟 xēo sǒu) old man; elder.²
(composition: ⿱⿻大丷又; U+20B32).
(See 叟 xēo).
xeo1 15706 20B32.gif
29 9 xēo sǒu old man; elder.⁸
(variants: 傁, 叜, 𠬲❄{⿱⿻大丷又} xēo sǒu).
(composition: ⿱⿻臼丨又 or ⿱⿻𦥑丨又; U+53DF).
瞽叟 Gū Xēo
Gǔ Sǒu, the father of Emperor Shun.²³
童叟 hũng-xēo
tóng-sǒu children and aged people.⁷
童叟无欺[童叟無欺] hũng-xēo-mũ-hï
tóngsǒuwúqī We are equally honest with aged and child customers; honest with all customers (shop sign).⁵⁴
老叟 lāo-xēo
lǎosǒu Venerable Sir! an old man.¹⁴
髯叟 ngẽm-xēo
ránsǒu a bearded old man; an old man.⁷
黄童白叟[黃童白叟] võng-hũng-bàk-xēo
huángtóngbáisǒu young and old.³⁹
(See 傁 xēo; 叜 xēo; 𠬲❄{⿱⿻大丷又}).
xeo1 15707
29 9 xēo sǒu (<old>=叟 xēo sǒu) old man; elder.⁸
(composition: ⿱灾又; U+53DC).
(See 叟 xēo).
xeo1 15708
30 11 xēo sǒu (=嗾 xēo sǒu to urge, to incite; to instigate, originally to whistle to dog to attack.¹¹).¹⁰¹ to set a dog on.⁸
(composition: ⿰口取; U+35A9).
<又> juï; èp.
(See 㖩 juï; 㖩 èp).
xeo1 15709
30 12 xēo sōu <ono.> whiz; hiss; whistle; whooshing sound.
dū-àn-tũng-ngô-mõn-ngī-bëin-xēo-xēo-fï-gö zǐdàncóngwǒmeněrbiānsōusōufēiguò Bullets hissed or whistled past our ears.⁶
or 俐嗖] or 利飕[利颼] or 俐飕[俐颼] lì-xēo lìsou skillful, smooth and efficient; neat, tidy; unfettered, unencumbered; briskly, nimbly, smartly; with dispatch; completely, to the full.⁵⁴  orderly, tidy.¹¹
嗖嗖 xēo-xēo
sōusōu <ono.> whooshing; swishing; rustle of skirts; laughingly.¹⁰
xeo1 15710
30 14 xēo sǒu to give vocal signals to a dog; to instigate.⁷ to urge, to incite; to instigate, originally to whistle to dog to attack.¹¹ to urge; to incite; to set a dog on.¹⁴ the noise made in urging on a dog.²⁴
唧嗾 dēik-xēo jīsǒu <ono.> rasping; grating.⁵⁴
嗾狗 xēo-gēo
sǒugǒu to set a dog on.¹⁴
嗾使 xēo-xū
sǒushǐ to instigate; to abet.⁵ to instigate; to incite; to spur on; to urge on; to abet.⁷
xeo1 15711
53 广 12 xēo sōu to conceal, to hide; to search.⁷
(composition: ⿸广叟; U+5ECB).
人焉廋哉 ngĩn-yën-xēo-döi rényānsōuzāi How can a man conceal his character?¹⁴
廋求 xēo-kiũ
sōuqiú to search for; to investigate.¹⁴
廋人 xēo-ngĩn
sōurén a superintendent of education during the Zhou dynasty.¹⁴
廋语[廋語] xēo-nguî
sōuyǔ a riddle; a puzzle; an enigma.⁷
廋室 xēo-sīt
sōushì to search a home.²⁴
廋索 xēo-sōk
sōusuǒ ransack; look for something hidden.¹¹
廋疏 xēo-sü
sōushū to search.⁷
廋辞[廋辭] xēo-xũ
sōucí a riddle; a puzzle; an enigma.⁷ <wr.> evasive words.¹¹ a euphemism.¹⁴
xeo1 15712
53 广 12 xēo sōu (=廋 xēo sōu to conceal, to hide; to search.⁷)
(composition: ⿸广叜; U+5EC0).
(See 廋 xēo).
xeo1 15713
64 12 xēo sōu ➀ (=蒐 xēo sōu) to search, to seek; to investigate.⁸
➁ ⓐ seek, locate (on a search)  ⓑ examine, ransack, search  ⓒ research thoroughly  ⓓ pick, choose  ⓔ be on the spring hunt (=獀 xēo
sōu hunt); ⓕ numerous, lot.⁵⁴
comp: ⿰扌叟 or ⿰扌⿱⿻𦥑丨又(HT) or ⿰扌⿱⿻臼丨又(GJKV); U+641C).
赤身搜查 chēik-sïn-xēo-chã
chìshēn sōuchá strip-search.⁵⁴
按家搜索 ön-gä-xēo-sōk
ànjiāsōusuǒ a house-to-house search.⁵⁴
搜捕 xēo-bù
sōubǔ to hunt and arrest (fugitives); to track down and arrest; a manhunt.⁵⁴
搜查 xēo-chã
sōuchá search; ransack; rummage.⁵⁴
搜肠刮肚[搜腸刮肚] xēo-chẽng-gät-ū
sōu cháng guā dù to search one's guts and belly (idiom); to racks one's brains for a solution.¹⁰
搜集 xēo-dàp
sōují to collect; to gather.⁵⁴
搜逑 xēo-kiũ
sōuqiú match (partner).⁵⁴
搜罗[搜羅] xēo-lõ
sōuluó collect; gather; recruit.⁵
搜身 xēo-sïn
sōushēn to do a body search; to frisk.⁵⁴
搜索 xēo-sōk
sōusuǒ to search (hidden articles).¹¹
搜索引擎 xēo-sōk-yîn-kẽin
sōusuǒyǐnqíng Internet search engine.¹⁰
搜寻[搜尋] xēo-tĩm
sōuxún to search; to look for.¹⁰
(See 蒐 xēoˢᵉⁿˢᵉ ²; 獀 xēo).
xeo1 15714
64 13 xēo sōu (=搜 xēo sōu) to search, to seek; to investigate.⁸
(composition: ⿰扌⿳穴人夕; U+6449).
(See 搜 sëo).
xeo1 15715
64 18 xēo sǒu to shake.
精神抖擞[精神抖擻] dëin-sĩn-ēo-xēo jīngshéndǒusǒu spirit trembling with excitement (idiom); in high spirits; lively and full of enthusiasm; full of energy; con brio.
抖擞[抖擻] ēo-xēo
dǒusǒu to enliven; to rouse; to invigorate; to put somebody into high spirits; con brio.
抖擞精神[抖擻精神] ēo-xēo-dëin-sĩn
dǒusǒujīngshén to brace up; to pull oneself together.
擞抖抖[擻抖抖] xēo-ēo-ēo
sǒudǒudǒu trembling; shivering.
xeo1 15716
75 12 xēo sǒu (=薮[藪] xēo sǒu¹³ marsh; gathering place.¹⁰) a swamp, overgrown with grass.⁸ to collect grass.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木取; U+68F7).
<又> jëo; chēo.
(See 棷 jëo; 棷 chēo).
xeo1 15717
75 13 xēo sōu (same as 艘 xēo sōu <m.> for a boat or a ship; ship, boat.⁸)
(composition: ⿰木叟; U+3BB4).
(See 艘 xēo).
xeo1 15718
75 13 𣔱 xēo sōu general name for ships; original form of 㮴 (xēo sōu <m.> for a boat or a ship; ship, boat.⁸).²ʼ¹⁰¹
(comp. for 說文: ⿰木叜; comp. for 康熙:⿰木⿳穴人又; U+23531).
(See 㮴 xēo; 艘 xēo).
xeo1 15719
85 12 xēo sōu ➀ <lit.> to urinate  ➁ to immerse, to soak, to drench.⁷
(composition: ⿰氵叟; U+6EB2).
解溲 gāi-xēo jiěsōu <wr.> to urinate.⁵⁴
牛溲 ngẽo-xēo
niúsōu cow urine; <med.> Asiatic plantain (牛溲 is another name for 车前草[車前草] chëh-tẽin-tāo chēqiáncǎo <bot.> Plantago asiatica Asiatic plantain).⁵⁴
牛溲马勃[牛溲馬勃] ngẽo-xēo-mâ-bòt
niúsōumǎbó two lowly plants – worthless trifles;¹¹ (See 牛溲 ngẽo-xēo niúsōu and 馬勃 mâ-bòt mǎbó <bot.> Lasiosphaera seu Calvatia²³  puffball);  something cheap but useful.⁵⁴
失溲 sīt-xēo
shīsōu <TCM>  incontinence.⁵⁴
溲便 xēo-bèin
sōubiàn to urinate.⁷ excrements; urine and feces.¹¹
溲箕 xēo-gî
sōujī a basket for washing rice.⁷
溲器 xēo-hï
sōuqì a urinal.⁷
溲尿 xēo-nèl sōuniào to urinate.⁷
xeo1 15720
85 14 xēo shù rinse (the mouth); gargle.⁶ to risne the mouth; to scour.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰氵欶; U+6F31)
洗漱 xāi-xēo xǐshù wash one's face and rinse one's mouth.⁶
漱涤[漱滌] xēo-èik
shùdí to wash; to rinse.⁷
漱浣 xēo-fōn
shùhuàn to wash and purify oneself.¹⁴
漱口 xēo-hēo
shùkǒu to rinse the mouth; to gargle.³⁶
漱口杯 xēo-hēo-böi
shùkǒubēi glass or mug for mouth-rinsing or tooth-cleaning; tooth glass or mug.³⁶
漱口剂[漱口劑] xēo-hēo-jäi
shùkǒujì mouthwash; gargle.⁶
漱口水 xēo-hēo-suī
shùkǒushuǐ a gargle; mouthwash.⁷
漱口液 xēo-hēo-yèik
shùkǒuyè gargle.⁶
漱口药水[漱口藥水] xēo-hēo-yêk-suī
shùkǒuyàoshuǐ a mouthwash.⁷
漱口盂[漱口盂] xēo-hēo-yĩ
shùkǒuyú mug for mouth rinsing or teeth cleaning; small spittoon for spitting gargle into.⁶
漱石枕流 xēo-sêk-jīm-liũ
shùshízhěnliú "to rinse one's mouth (with the beauty of) rocks, and pillow one's head on (the murmur of) streams." Giles, – living in seclusion.¹⁴
漱洗 xēo-xāi
shùxǐ to rinse the mouth and wash the face.¹
xeo1 15721
85 16 xēo sōu (=溲ˢᵉˢᵉ² xēo sōu to immerse, to soak, to drench.⁷ to wash rice.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵肅; U+6F5A).
<又> xūk; xël.
(See 潚 xūk; 潚 xël).
xeo1 15722
94 12 𤟫
xēo sōu (=獀 xēo sōu to hunt in the spring; to choose; to gather; to hunt or search for.⁸).²
(composition: ⿰犭叜; U+247EB).
❄{⿰犭叜} or 獿獀 ngẽl-xēo náosōu a famous dog in south Vietnam.²
xeo1 15723
94 12 xēo sōu (<old>=蒐 xēo sōu ˢᵉˢᵉ ³ᵇ to hunt in the spring); to choose; to gather; to hunt or search for.⁸
 (variant: 𤟫
❄{⿰犭叜} xēo sōu).
(composition: ⿰犭叟; U+7340).
獿獀 nào-xēo
náosōu a famous dog in south Vietnam.²
(See 蒐 xēo sōu ˢᵉˢᵉ ³ᵇ; 𤟫❄{⿰犭叜} xēo).
xeo1 15724
109 14 xēo sǒu blind; no pupil in the eye.⁸
瞽瞍 gū-xēo gǔsǒu a blind person.⁵⁴
矇瞍 mũng-xēo
méngsǒu a blind person; blind musicians in ancient China.⁷
瞍蒙 xēo-mũng
sǒuméng <wr.> blind man.⁵⁴
xeo1 15725
137 15 xēo sōu <m.> for a boat or a ship; ship, boat.⁸
粮艘[糧艘] lẽng-xēo liángsōu a boat for transporting provisions.⁸
三艘巡洋舰[三艘巡洋艦] xäm-xēo-tũn-yẽng-lâm
sānsōu xúnyángjiàn three cruisers.¹¹
艘次 xēo-xü
sōucì a measure word for the number of ships dispatched multiplied by the number of times they are dispatched: e.g. 一艘军舰出动五次为五艘次,
五艘军舰出动一次也是五艘次.[一艘軍艦出動五次為五艘次,五艘軍艦出動一次也是五艘次.] one warship dispatched five times is called five 艘次 xēo-xü
sōucì, five warships dispathed once is also called five 艘次 xēo-xü sōucì.
一艘大船 yīt-xēo-ài-sõn
yīsōudàchuán a ship of great bulk.⁶
一艘小船 yīt-xēo-xēl-sõn
yīsōuxiǎochuán a boat.⁶
一艘油船 yīt-xēo-yiũ-sõn
yīsōuyóuchuán a tanker.⁶
xeo1 15726
140 12 xēo sǒu (<old>=薮[藪] xēo sǒu marsh; gathering place.¹⁰).¹⁹
(composition: ⿱艹叟; U+84C3).
(See 藪 xēo; 蓃[xēo, sōu]).
xeo1 15727
140 12 xēo sōu ➀ ⓐ to collect, to gather, to assemble  ⓑ to seek ⓒ spring hunt  ⓓ to assemble for war.⁸   ➁ (=搜 xēo sōu ⓐ to search, to seek  ⓑ to investigate).⁸   ➂ (=茜草 sèn-tāo qiàncǎo, q.v.).⁸ ➃ ⓐ madder ⓑ hunt in spring or autumn ⓒreview troops ⓓ conceal  ⓔ gather ⓕ seek  ⓖ (=搜 xēo sōu to search, to seek; to investigate).³⁶
(composition: ⿱艹鬼; U+8490).
蒐集 xēo-dàp
sōují to gather; to collect.³⁶
蒐证[蒐證] xēo-jëin
sōuzhèng to collect evidence.³⁶
蒐狩 xēo-siü
sōushòu <lit.> hunting.³⁶
(See 搜 xēo).
xeo1 15728
140 12 xēo sōu (composition: ⿱艹叟; U+84C3).
蓃莍 xēo-kiũ sōuqiú appearance of peppers gathered together to form a house.¹⁹
(See 蓃[xēo, sǒu]).
xeo1 15729
140 18 xēo sǒu marsh; gathering place.¹⁰ (old variant: 蓃 xēo).
倒薮[倒藪] āo-xēo dàosǒu bandits' den.¹⁰
逋逃薮[逋逃藪] bù-hão-xēo
or pũ-hão-xēo būtáosǒu <wr.> refuge for fugitives.⁵ asylum for refugees.¹¹
风流薮泽[風流藪澤] füng-liũ-xēo-jàk
fēngliúsǒuzé the mashy place of lewdness – brothels.³⁹
榛薮[榛藪] jün-xēo
zhēnsǒu dense wood.¹⁰
林薮[林藪] lĩm-xēo
línsǒu woods and jungle.¹¹
言谈林薮[言談林藪] ngũn-hãm-lĩm-xēo
yántánlínsǒu articulate in speech (idiom); eloquent.¹⁰
薮泽[藪澤] xēo-jàk
sǒuzé lakes and ponds.¹⁰
渊薮[淵藪] yön-xēo
yuānsǒu lit. abyss and marsh, meeting place of fish and beast; fig. breeding ground of crime; robbers' hide-out; den of thieves; hotbed of vice; sink of iniquity.¹⁰
(See 蓃 xēo).
xeo1 15730
142 15 xēo sōu 蠼螋 kōk-xēo or kuĩ-xēo qúsōu earwig.⁸ Labidura riparia.
xeo1 15731
149 16 𫍲 xēo sǒu to induce.¹⁰
(comp. t: ⿰訁叟; U+8B0F). (comp. s: ⿰讠叟; U+2B372).
<又> xēl.
(See 謏 xēl).
xeo1 15732
167 17 xēo sōu <topo.> engrave; carve.⁶
在钢笔上锼上名字[在鋼筆上鎪上名字] dòi-gông-bīt-sèng-xēo-sëng-mẽin-dù zàigāngbǐshàngsōushangmíngzi to carve or engrave one's name on a pen.⁶
锼弓子[鎪弓子] xēo-güng-dū
sōugōngzi <topo.> fretsaw; scroll saw.⁶
xeo1 15733
182 18 xēo sōu <wr.> (of wind) whiz, hiss, whistle; <topo.> air-dry; dry by airing.⁶ blown about by wind; the swishing sound of a fast flying object, as an arrow.⁷ (of wind) blow.¹¹ (variant: 䬒 xēo sōu).
被风颼干了[被風颼乾了] bì-füng-xēo-gön-lēl
bèifēng sōugānle has been dried in the wind.¹¹
冷飕飕[冷颼颼] lâng-xēo-xēo
lěngsōusōu (of wind) chilling; chilly.⁵
凉飕飕[涼颼颼] lẽng-xēo-xēo
liángsōusōu (of wind) chilling; chilly.⁵
利飕[利颼] lì-xēo
lìsou orderly, tidy.¹¹
洗的衣服飕干了[洗的衣服颼乾了] xāi-ēik-yï-fùk-xēo-gön-lēl
xǐdeyīfusōugānle the washing has dried in the wind.⁵
飕得慌[颼得慌] xēo-āk-föng
sōudehuāng the wind makes me shiver.¹⁴
飕干[颼乾] xēo-gön
sōugān dry in the wind.¹⁹ to shake something to dry.⁰
飕飗[颼飀] xēo-liũ
sōuliú soughing; rustling.⁵⁴
飕飕[颼颼] xēo-xēo
sōusōu whizzing of an arrow; soughing of wind.¹⁴
<台> 飕被[颼被] xēo-pî to shake a comforter (quilt) so that the wadding inside evens out.
<又> sāo.
(See 颼 sāo; 䬒 xēo.)
xeo1 15734
182 18 xēo sōu (=颼 xēo sōu) <wr.> (of wind) whiz, hiss, whistle; <topo.> air-dry; dry by airing.⁶ blown about by wind; the swishing sound of a fast flying object, as an arrow.⁷ (of wind) blow.¹¹
(composition: ⿺風叜; U+4B12).
<又> sāo.
(See 颼 xēo; 颼 sāo.)
xeo1 15735
182 18 xēo sōu (<old>=飕[颼] xēo sōu <wr.> (of wind) whiz, hiss, whistle; <topo.> air-dry; dry by airing.⁶ blown about by wind; the swishing sound of a fast flying object, as an arrow.⁷ (of wind) blow.¹¹).⁸
(composition: ⿺風蚤; U+98BE).
<又> xäo.
(See 颾 xäo; 颼 xēo).
xeo1 15736
30 14 xëo sòu to cough; to expectorate; a cough.¹⁴
(variant: 欶 xëo sòu).
(syn. 瘶 xëo
(composition: ⿰口欶; U+55FD).
干嗽[乾嗽] gön-xëo
gānsòu a dry cough.³⁹
or 咳瘶 kāt-xëo késou to cough.¹⁴
(See 欶 xëo; 瘶 xëo).
xeo2 15737
76 11 xëo sòu (<old>=嗽 xëo sòu)⁸ to cough; to expectorate; a cough.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰束欠; U+6B36).
<又> sōk.
(See 欶 sōk).
xeo2 15738
104 16 xëo sòu to cough; to expectorate; a cough.¹⁴ (syn. 嗽 xëo sòu).
(composition: ⿸疒欶); U+7636).
or 咳嗽 kāt-xëo késou to cough.¹⁴
(See 嗽 xëo).
xeo2 15739
64 12 xëp xiē to wedge in firmly; to drive a nail or wedge into the wall; (=楔 xëp to wedge; to shim).
<又> àk. (See 揳 àk; 楔 xēik, xëp, xêp.)
xep2 15740
75 13 xëp xiē to wedge; to shim.
楔刀 xëp-äo xiēdāo froe.¹⁰
楔紧[楔緊] xëp-gīn
xiējǐn to wedge it tight.⁷
楔起来[楔起來] xëp-hī-lõi
xiēqǐlai to stabilize by means of a wedge.⁷
楔台脚[楔檯腳] xëp-hôi-gëk
xiētáijiǎo wedge the leg of a table.⁵⁴
楔正 xëp-jëng
or xëp-jëin xiēzhèng to wedge up.⁷
楔住 xëp-jì
xiēzhù to put a wedge in to fasten.⁷
楔平 xëp-pẽin
xiēpíng to wedge evenly.³⁹
<又> xēik, xêp.
(See 楔 xēik, xêp; 揳 xëp.)
xep2 15741
75 13 xêp xiē <台> a  wedge, a shim.
<台> 楔个楔[楔個楔] xëp-göi-xêp use a shim to level something.
<又> xēik, xëp. (See 楔 xēik, xëp; 揳 xëp.)
xep5 15742
78 6 ➀ die  ➁ extremely ➂ implacable, deadly ➃ fixed, rigid, inflexible ➄ impassable, closed.⁵ (old var: 𣦹❄{⿰歹人} xī, q.v.)
起死回生 hī-xī-või-säng qǐsǐhuíshēng to rise from the dead (idiom); fig. an unexpected recovery.¹⁰
死不瞑目 xī-būt-mẽin-mùk
sǐbùmíngmù die discontent; die with everlasting regret.⁵
死敌[死敵] xī-èik
sǐdí deadly enemy; implacable foe.
死灰复燃[死灰復燃] xī-föi-fùk-ngẽin
sǐhuīfùrán resurgence; revival.
死啃书本[死啃書本] xī-hāng-sï-bōn
sǐkěnshūběn to try to memorize books without thinking.¹¹
死力 xī-lèik
sǐlì (with) all one's strength.
死亡 xī-mõng
sǐwáng death; doom.⁵
死而无悔[死而无悔] xī-ngĩ-mũ-fōi
sǐ'érwúhuǐ die without regret/remorse.⁶
死而无憾[死而無憾] xī-ngĩ-mũ-hàm
sǐ'érwúhàn die without regret.⁶
死牌子 xī-pãi-dū
sǐpáizi fixed, unchangeable rule.¹¹
死尸 xī-sï
sǐshī a corpse.¹⁴
死活 xī-vòt
sǐhuó life and death; fate; <topo.>  anyway, simply, at all cost, cost what it may.
死刑 xī-yẽin
sǐxíng death penalty; capital punishment.
<台> 死魚口死魚喙 xī-nguî-hēo-xī-nguî-jöi slow-witted.
xi1 15743
78 6 𣦹
(<old>=死 xī ➀ die  ➁ extremely ➂ implacable, deadly ➃ fixed, rigid, inflexible ➄ impassable, closed.⁵)
(composition: ⿰歹人; U+239B9).
(See 死 xī).
xi1 15744
7 4 <old>=四 xï four.⁸ (籀文四字 jào-mũn-xï-dù zhòuwén sì zì large seal script for the character "four").⁸ ancient surname originated from the 鲜卑族[鮮卑族] xēin-bï-dùk xiǎnbēizú Xianbei tribe.¹⁹
(composition: ⿱二二; U+4E96).
xi2 15745
31 5 four; <mus.> a note of the scale in 工尺谱[工尺譜] güng-chēh-pū gōngchěpǔ gongchepu, corresponding to 6 in numbered muscial notation.⁵
四季 xï-gï
sìjì four seasons (春夏秋冬 chün-hà-tiü-üng chūnxiàqiūdōng spring, summer, autumn, winter).⁶
四通八达[四通八達] xï-hüng-bät-àt
sìtōngbādá extend in all directions.⁵
四周 xï-jiü
sìzhōu all around.⁵
四面 xï-mèin
sìmiàn (on) four sides, (on) all sides.⁵
四面八方 xï-mèin-bät-föng
sìmiànbāfāng all directions; all quarters; all around; far and near.⁵
四月 xï-ngùt
Sìyuè  April; the fourth month of the lunar year; the fourth moon.⁵
四书[四書] xï-sï
sìshū The Four Books, namely, the Great Learning 大学[大學] ài-hòk dàxué, the Doctrine of the Mean 中庸 jüng-yũng zhōngyōng, the Analects of Confucius 论语[論語] lũn-nguî/ lúnyǔ, and Mencius 孟子 màng-dū mèngzǐ.
四十 xï-sìp
sìshí forty; 40.¹⁰
四维[四維] xï-vĩ
sìwéi the four social bonds: propriety, morality, modesty, sense of shame; the four directions;  <TCM>  the four limbs; <phy.> four-dimensional.⁵⁴
<又> xî, xü.
(See 四 xî, xü.)
xi2 15746
129 13 an elaborate form of 四 (xï four).⁷
yīt ngì xäm xï m̄ lùk tīt bät giū sìp
yī'èrsānsìwǔlùqībājiǔshí numbers 1 to 10 (used on checks for security purposes) same as 一二三四五六七八九十.
<又> xü.
(See 肆 xü.)
xi2 15747
31 5 <台> 阿四 ä-xî wife of fourth brother.
<又> xï, xü. (See 四 xï, xü.)
xi5 15748
30 10 xīm qìn to vomit (of dogs and cats); to rail against; to talk nonsense.¹⁰
胡吣[胡唚] vũ-xīm or vũ-tïm húqìn to talk provokingly or nonsensically.¹⁰
混吣[混唚] vùn-xīm
or vùn-tïm hùnqìn vulgar; foul-mouthed.¹⁰
吣不出好话[唚不出好話] xīm-būt-chūt-hāo-và
qìnbùchūhǎohuà <derog.> spit out only dirty language.¹¹
xim1 15749
61 3 xïm xīn component: same as 心 xïm xīn, radical 61; called 竖心边[豎心邊] sī-xïm-bëin/ shùxīnbiān in Mandarin.
(composition: ⿰; U+).
<台> 忄is called 树心边[樹心邊] sì-xïm-bëin/ in Hoisanva.
xim2 15750
61 4 xïm xīn Kangxi radical 61; heart; mind, intelligence; soul.⁸
(variant components: 㣺 xïm, ⺗ xïm).
心脏[心臟] xïm-döng xīnzàng the heart.⁵
心房 xïm-fông
xīnfáng auricle, atrium; heart, innermost being.⁶
心肝 xïm-gön
xīngān conscience; darling, deary.⁵
心头[心頭] xïm-hẽo xīntóu mind; heart.⁶
心疼 xïm-hüng xīnténg love dearly; feel sorry or distressed; grudge.⁶
心血 xïm-hüt
xīnxuè painstaking care/effort.⁶
心灵[心靈] xïm-lẽin xīnlíng clever, quick-witted, intelligent; heart, soul, spirit.⁶
心里[心裡] xïm-lī
xīnli in the heart, at heart; in (the) mind.⁵
心理 xïm-lî xīnlǐ psychology; mentality.⁵
心目 xïm-mùk
xīnmù mood, frame of mind; mind, view.⁶
心眼儿[心眼兒] xïm-ngān-ngĩ  xīnyǎnr heart, mind; intention; cleverness; unnecessary misgivings, tolerance.⁶
心爱[心愛] xïm-öi xīn'ài love; treasure.⁵
心室 xïm-sīt
xīnshì <phys.> ventricle.⁶
心情 xïm-tẽin xīnqíng frame (or state) of mind; mood.⁵
心思 xïm-xü xīnsi thought, idea; thinking; mood.⁸
心事 xïm-xù
xīnshi weight on one's mind; worry.⁶
心意 xïm-yï xīnyì regard; kindly feeling; intention.⁵
<又> xîm.
(See 心 xîm; 㣺 xïm,⺗ xïm).
xim2 15751
61 4 xïm xīn (=心 xïm xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul.⁸
(composition: ⿰忄丶; U+38FA).
(See 心 xïm).
xim2 15752
61 4 xïm xīn (=心 xïm xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul.⁸ (used as a component of other characters, such as 慕 mù, 恭 güng, 忝 hèm, 叅 täm).
(composition: ⿰小丶; U+2E97).
(See 心 xïm).
xim2 15753
140 7 xïm xīn pith of rushes.⁷
灯芯[燈芯] äng-xïm or 灯心[燈心] äng-xîm or äng-xïm dēngxīn lamp wick; wick.⁶
or 灯心草[燈心草] äng-xïm-tāo dēngxīncǎo <bot.> rush, Juncus effusus L.²³
or 笔心[筆心] bīt-xïm bǐxīn pencil lead; refill (for a ball-point pen).⁵
馅芯[餡芯] hàm-xïm
xiànxīn stuffing.¹⁹
蜡烛芯[蠟燭芯] làp-jūk-xïm
làzhúxīn candlewick.⁶
蜡芯儿[蠟芯兒] làp-xïm-ngĩ
làxīnr candlewick.¹¹
玉米芯 ngùk-māi-xïm
yùmǐxīn corncob; cob.⁵
堆芯 uï-xïm
duīxīn reactor core.¹⁰
芯板 xïm-bān
xīnbǎn core; veneer core.¹ crossband.⁶
芯片 xïm-pëin
xīnpiàn computer chip; microchip.¹⁰
or 铅笔心[鉛筆心] yõn-bīt-xïm qiānbǐxīn pencil graphite; black lead (in a pencil).⁵⁴
<又> xîm.
(See 芯 xîm.)
xim2 15754
159 11 𨊳
xïm xīn the crooked part under the yoke.²⁵ the axle of a wheel, as the composition of the character indicates.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰車心; U+282B3).
xim2 15755
61 4 xîm xīn lamp wick; wick; the central part of an object.
灯心[燈心] äng-xîm or äng-xïm or 灯芯[燈芯] äng-xïm dēngxīn lamp wick; wick.⁶
<台> 田心 Hẽin-xîm place name in 台山 Hõi-sän Táishān.
<又> xïm.
(See 心 xïm.)
xim5 15756
140 7 xîm xìn the central part of an object.⁷
蜡烛芯子[蠟燭芯子] làp-jūk-xîm-dū làzhúxìnzi candlewick.⁶
岩芯 ngãm-xîm
yánxìn core; drill core.⁶ core of rock.⁹
蛇芯子 sẽh-xîm-dū
shéxìnzi <topo.> snake's tongue.¹¹
芯子 xîm-dū
xìnzi a fuse, a wick; the forked tongue of a snake.⁷
<又> xïm.
(See 芯 xïm.)
xim5 15757
154 16 xîm jìn farewell gift.⁸  farewell presents.¹⁴ (<old>=赆[贐] xîm jìn <wr.> parting gift.⁶ presents on commencing a journey.²⁵).³⁶
(composition: ⿳⺻灬貝; U+8CEE).
or 餽赆[餽贐] gì-xîm kuìjìn delicacies as gifts to parting friends.¹¹ parting gift of delicacies.¹⁴
纳賮[納賮] nàp-xîm
nàjìn to take something in going a long journey.²⁵
or 琛赆[琛贐] sïm-xîm chēnjìn valuables; curiosties.²⁵ a valuable gift (e.g. jewelry).⁵⁴
or 赆行[贐行] xîm-hãng jìnxíng see somebody off with parting gifts.⁸
or 赆仪[贐儀] xîm-ngĩ jìnyí <wr.> farewell present.⁶ parting gifts.¹⁴
or 辞赆[辭贐] xũ-xîm cíjìn refuse a parting gift.²⁵
(See 贐 xîm).
xim5 15758
154 21 xîm jìn <wr.> parting gift.⁶ presents on commencing a journey.²⁵
(old variant: 賮 xîm jìn).
t: ⿰貝盡; U+8D10).
s: ⿰贝⿵尺⺀; U+8D46).
or 餽賮 gì-xîm kuìjìn delicacies as gifts to parting friends.¹¹ parting gift of delicacies.¹⁴
or 琛賮 sïm-xîm chēnjìn valuables; curiosties.²⁵ a valuable gift (e.g. jewelry).⁵⁴
or 賮行 xîm-hãng jìnxíng see somebody off with parting gifts.⁸
or 賮仪[賮儀] xîm-ngĩ jìnyí <wr.> farewell present.⁶ parting gifts.¹⁴
or 辞賮[辭賮] xũ-xîm cíjìn refuse a parting gift.²⁵
<台> 手赆[手贐] siū-xîm small present.
(See 賮 xîm).
xim5 15759
9 5 xïn xìn (<old>=信 xïn xìn) to believe in; to trust; truth, sincerity.¹ (ancient form of 信) to believe in; to trust, truth, sincerity, confidence, a pledge or token.⁸
(See 信 xïn).
xin2 15760
9 8 xïn shēn synonymous with 駪 xïn shēn crowd.⁸ a large crowd.¹⁰ʼ¹⁴ a multitude of horses together, a herd of horses.²⁵
(composition: ⿰亻先; U+4F81).
(See 駪 xïn).
xin2 15761
9 9 xïn xìn to believe; to trust; letter; at random; without a plan. (old variants: 㐰 xïn xìn; 訫 xïn xìn). (See 㐰 xïn; 訫 xïn).
通风报信[通風報信] hüng-füng-bäo-xïn
tōngfēngbàoxìn send/furnish/divulge secret information/message; let out/give away a secret; tip somebody off.⁶
相信 xëng-xïn
xiāngxìn to believe in; to be convinced (that something is true); to accept something as true.
信步 xïn-bù
xìnbù to stroll aimlessly.
信服 xïn-fùk
xìnfú completely accept; be convinced.⁵
信孚中外 xïn-fũ-jüng-ngòi
xìnfúzhōngwài to be trusted both at home and abroad (idiom); have the confidence both of foreigners and of one's own people.⁵⁴
信封 xïn-füng
xìnfēng envelope.¹¹
信号[信號] xïn-hào
xìnhào signal.¹⁰
信口开河[信口開河] xïn-hēo-höi-hõ
xìnkǒukāihé to say whatever comes to one's mind, without consideration.
信任 xïn-ngìm
xìnrèn to trust; to have confidence in.
信言不美,美言不信. xïn-ngũn-būt-mî, mî-ngũn-būt-xïn.
xìnyánbùměi, měiyánbùxìn. True words are not sweet; sweet words are not true.⁰
信息 xïn-xēik
xìnxī information; message.⁸
信箱 xïn-xêng/
xìnxiāng mailbox; post office box.¹⁰
信用 xïn-yùng
xìnyòng trustworthiness; credit.
<台> 信皮 xïn-pĩ/ envelope.
xin2 15762
24 3 xïn xìn alternate Hoisanva pronunciation of 卂 xün xùn with same meaning: (<old>= 迅 xün xùn rapid; fast.¹⁰); <old> to fly rapidly.⁹ to fly swiftly; rapid flight.²⁴
(composition: ⿹⺄十; U+5342).
<又> xün.
(See 卂 xün; 迅 xün).
xin2 15763
31 6 xïn xìn fontanel (boneless opening in baby's skull).
囟门[囟門] xïn-mõn xìnmén fontanel.
囟脑门[囟腦門] xïn-nāo-mõn
xìnnǎomén fontanel.
xin2 15764
38 9 xïn xīn Also read xïn shēn, name of an ancient state during the Shang 商 Dynasty; Shen surname.⁸
Also read xëin
xiān, as in 媥姺 pëin-xëin piānxiān
➀ (ideophonic, of clothes) to quickly swirl around 
➁ (ideophonic, of people) having a lithe body.³⁶
(composition: ⿰女先; U+59FA).
xin2 15765
38 13 xïn xīn a woman's name.²⁴
Also read xïn shēn:  <old>=姺 xïn shēn name of an ancient state during the Shang 商 Dynasty.⁸ Also read tũn qín.
(composition: ⿰女秦; U+5AC0).
(See 㜪 xïn; 姺 xïn).
xin2 15766
38 16 xïn xīn (=𡣎❄{⿱⿰⿱立未斤女} xïn xīn) name of an ancient state/country.²ʼ¹⁰¹ (=嫀 xïn xīn) name of a family or a clan, name of country (in ancient times).⁸ a woman's name.²⁴ (Also read xïn shēn, xēin xiǎn)
(composition: ⿱新女; U+372A).
(See 𡣎❄{⿱⿰⿱立未斤女} xïn; 嫀 xïn).
xin2 15767
38 17 𡣎
xïn xīn name of an ancient state/country.²ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱⿰⿱立未斤女; U+218CE).
(variant: 㜪 xïn xīn).
❄{⿱⿰⿱立未斤女} yiû-xïn yǒuxīn the name of an ancient state/country.²⁴
❄{⿱⿰⿱立未斤女}氏 yiû-xïn-sì yǒuxīnshì an ancient tribal name, now known as 有莘氏 yiû-xïn-sì yǒuxīnshì or 有辛 yiû-xïn yǒuxīn or 有侁 yiû-xïn yǒushēn, a notable member of this tribe was Yu (大禹) the Great's mother, whose name was 女志 nuī-jï nǚzhì, aka 修已 xiü-yî xiūyǐ. The wife of the founder of the Shang dynasty, 商湯 King Tang was from the 有莘氏 yiû-xïn-sì yǒuxīnshì Youxin tribe as was 太姒 Tài Sì, the wife of King Wen of Zhou 周文王 and mother of King Wu of Zhou  周武王, the founder of the Zhou Dynasty.²ʼ⁰
(See 㜪 xïn).
xin2 15768
46 6 xïn shēn two mountains.⁸ a double hill.²⁴
(composition: ⿰山山; U+5C7E).
xin2 15769
61 16 xïn xìn  a laughing manner.²⁴ be content; rejoice; laugh; happy laugh..⁵⁴
(comp. t: ⿱⿰來犬心; U+6196). (comp. s: ⿱⿰来犬心; U+616D).
<又> gīn.
(See 憖 gīn).
xin2 15770
64 17 xïn xǐng to blow one's nose.
擤鼻子 xïn-bì-dū xǐngbízi blow one's nose.⁶
擤鼻涕 xïn-bì-häi
xǐngbítì blow one's nose.⁶
<台> 擤鼻 xïn-bì to blow one's nose.
xin2 15771
69 13 xïn xīn new, fresh, up-to-date; recently; abbr. for Xinjiang.⁵
(old variant: 𣂺 xïn xīn). (See 𣂺 xïn).
新潮 xïn-chẽl
xīncháo new tide; fashion.
新陈代谢[新陳代謝] xïn-chĩn-òi-dèh
xīnchéndàixiè  <bio.> metabolism; the new superseding the old.⁵
新春 xïn-chün
xīnchūn the New Year season.¹¹
新字体[新字體] xïn-dù-hāi
xīnzìtǐ (Japanese) shinjitai, "new character form", simplified forms of kanji since 1946.¹⁵
新婚 xïn-fün
xīnhūn be newly married.⁵⁵
新疆 Xïn-gëng
Xīnjiāng Xinjiang.⁶
新近 xïn-gìn
xīnjìn recently; lately; in recent times.⁵
新旧[新舊] xïn-giù
xīnjiù new and old.¹⁰
新屉儿[新屜兒] xïn-hãi-ngī
xīntìr fresh from the oven.¹¹
新泽西州[新澤西州] Xïn-jàk-xäi-jiü
Xīnzéxīzhōu New Jersey.¹⁰
新知 xïn-jï
xīnzhī newly-made friend.⁸
新奇 xïn-kĩ
xīnqí strange; novel; new.⁵
新闻[新聞] xïn-mũn/
xīnwén news.¹⁰
新年 xïn-nẽin
xīnnián New Year.⁵
新娘 xïn-nẽng
xīnniáng bride.¹¹
新式 xïn-sēik
xīnshì new type; latest type; new style.⁵
新手 xïn-siū
xīnshǒu new hand; raw recruit.⁵
新鲜[新鮮] xïn-xëin
xīnxiān fresh; new, novel, strange.⁶
新秀 xïn-xiü
xīnxiù an up-and-coming youngster.⁸
xin2 15772
69 15 𣂺
xïn xīn (=新 xïn xīn new, fresh, up-to-date; recently.⁵)
(composition: ⿰⿱立未斤; U+230BA).
(See 新 xïn).
xin2 15773
75 16 xïn shēn <wr.> flaming ablaze; flourishing.⁶ luxuriant; flaming.⁸
xin2 15774
85 6 xïn xùn high water; flood; to sprinkle water.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰氵卂; U+6C5B).
春汛 chün-xïn chūnxùn spring flood.¹⁰
防汛 fõng-xïn
fángxùn flood control; anti-flood (precautions).¹⁰
伏汛 fùk-xïn
fúxùn summer flood.¹⁰
渔汛[漁汛] nguĩ-xïn
yúxùn fishing season.¹¹
秋汛 tiü-xïn
qiūxùn autumnal floods.¹¹
汛地 xïn-ì
xùndì a check point; also garrison area.¹¹
汛期 xïn-kĩ
xùnqī flood season.¹⁰
汛情 xïn-tẽin
xùnqíng flood situation.⁹
汛扫[汛掃] xïn-xäo
xùnsǎo <wr.> to sweep, wash away (former works).¹¹
xin2 15775
140 10 xïn shēn numerous; (a place name); Shen surname.
莘莘 xïn-xïn shēnshēn numerous.⁹ many, numerous; lush, luxuriant.³⁶
莘莘学子[莘莘學子] xïn-xïn-hòk-dū
shēnshēnxuézǐ  numerous students.²³
莘县[莘縣] Xïn-yòn
Shēnxiàn Shen county in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province.
(See 莘 [xïn, xīn].)
xin2 15776
140 10 xïn xīn (a place name); (=细辛属[細辛屬] xäi-xïn-sùk xìxīnshǔ, see under 辛 xïn.)¹⁰
莘庄[莘莊] Xïn-jöng
Xīnzhuāng Xinzhuang subway station, a subway station on the Shanghai Subway's Subway line 1 and line 5.⁹
(See 莘 [xïn, shēn].)
xin2 15777
140 15 xïn xùn mushrooms, fungus; mildew, mold.⁸ (Note 1: In Mandarin, 蕈 xùn may also be read as xìn.)¹⁴ʼ¹⁰¹ (Note 2: sometimes interchangeable with 菌 kûn jùn mushroom).¹⁴
(composition: ⿱艹覃; U+8548).
香蕈 hëng-xïn
xiāngxùn shiitake (Lentinus edodes), an edible mushroom.¹⁰
茅蕈 mão-xïn
máoxùn a kind of edible mushroom, Hydnum olidum.¹¹
鹅膏蕈[鵝膏蕈] ngõ-gäo-xïn
or ngũ-gäo-xïn égāoxùn Amanita (genus of deadly mushrooms).¹⁰
肉蕈 ngùk-xïn
ròuxùn white mushrooms.¹¹
松蕈 tũng-xïn
sōngxùn pine mushroom.⁸
毒蕈 ùk-xïn
dúxùn poisonous fungus; toadstool.⁸
蕈蚊 xïn-mûn/
xùnwén fungus gnat; mycetophilid.⁸
蕈珊瑚 xïn-sän-vũ
xùnshānhú mushroom coral.¹⁹ Fungia; Fungia spp; Fungiidae; Fungia sp.³⁹
蕈水母 xïn-suī-mû
xùnshuǐmǔ mushroom jellyfish.¹⁹
羊肚蕈 yẽng-ū-xïn
yángdǔxùn <bot.> morel.⁶
xin2 15778
140 16 xïn xīn fuel, firewood; salary.⁸
底薪 āi-xïn dǐxīn basic salary.¹¹
本薪 bōn-xïn
běnxīn base salary; base year; basic salary; base pay.³⁹
柴薪 châi-xïn
cháixīn firewood.¹¹
米珠薪桂 māi-jî-xïn-gï mǐzhūxīnguì high food prices (“rice like pearl, fuel like cinnamon”).¹¹
薪火 xïn-fō
xīnhuǒ torch; the torch of learning handed from teacher to pupil.¹¹
薪金 xïn-gïm
xīnjīn salary; wage.¹⁰
薪水 xïn-suī
xīnshui salary; wage.¹⁰
xin2 15779
149 10 xïn xùn to ask, to inquire, to question; information, news; to put on trial, to quesion in court, to interrogate; interrogation.⁷ to enquire, to investigate.²⁵
报讯人[報訊人] bäo-xïn-ngĩn bàoxùnrén messenger.⁵⁴
喜讯[喜訊] hī-xïn
xǐxùn happy/good news; glad tidings.⁶
通讯[通訊] hüng-xïn
tōngxùn communication; news report, news dispatch, news story.⁵
通讯社[通訊社] hüng-xïn-sêh
tōngxùnshè news agency.¹¹
审讯[審訊] sīm-xïn
shěnxùn inquest; trial; interrogation; to try; to interrogate.¹⁰
讯办[訊辦] xïn-bàn
xùnbàn to put on trial and convict; to prosecute.⁷
讯供[訊供] xïn-güng
xùngòng <law> interrogation and confession in a court of law.⁷
讯号[訊號] xïn-hão
xùnhào signal.⁶
讯听[訊聽] xïn-hëin
or xïn-hëng xùntīng to make inquiries.⁷
讯问[訊問] xïn-mùn
xùnwèn to cross examine, to interrogate; correspondence.⁷
讯断[訊斷] xïn-òn
xùnduàn to hand down a judgment or verdict.⁷
讯实[訊實] xïn-sìt
xùnshí be proved true by trial.⁶
讯息[訊息] xïn-xēik
xùnxī news; information; tidings; messages.⁷

xin2 15780
149 11 xïn xìn (<old>=信 xïn xìn to believe; to trust; letter; at random; without a plan.).⁸
(composition: ⿰言心; U+8A2B).
撒訫 xät-xïn
sāxìn (=撒沁 xät-sëim sāqìn or 撒吣[撒唚] xät-xīm sāqìn) make a scene; raise hell; be capricious.¹⁹
(See 信 xïn).
xin2 15781
149 13 xïn shēn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 詵 xëin shēn with same meaning: inquire, question; numerous.⁸ to inform; to inquire.¹⁰ to address a person; to commence a conversation, to ask; also the opinion of the generality; numerous, multitudinous.²⁵  to make a speech first among many people; to inquire, to question.³⁶)
t: ⿰訁先; U+8A75). (comp. s: ⿰讠先; U+8BDC).
<又> xëin.
(See 詵 xëin.)

(comp. t: ⿰訁先; U+8A75). (comp. s: ⿰讠先; U+8BDC).
xin2 15782
149 18 𧫓
xïn xùn (<old>=讯[訊] xïn xùn to ask, to inquire, to question; information, news; to put on trial, to quesion in court, to interrogate; interrogation.⁷ to enquire, to investigate.²⁵).²
(composition: ⿰言鹵; U+27AD3).
<又> lû.
(See 𧫓❄{⿰言鹵} lû).
xin2 15783
160 7 xïn xīn Kangxi radical 160.⁸ hot (in flavor), pungent; hard, laborious; sad, miserable; eighth of the ten Heavenly Stems.⁶
不辞辛苦[不辭辛苦] būt-xũ-xïn-fū bùcíxīnkǔ take the trouble to do something; spare no effort(s)/pains.⁶
辛臭 xïn-chiü
xīnchòu acrid and stinking.⁷
辛迪加 xïn-èik-gä
xīndíjiā <econ.> syndicate.⁶
辛苦 xïn-fū
xīnkǔ hard; strenuous; toilsome; laborious.⁶
辛亥革命 Xïn-hòi Gāk-mèin
Xīnhài Gémìng 1911 Revolution led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen.⁶
辛勤 xïn-kĩn
xīnqín industrious; hardworking; assiduous.⁶
辛勤耕耘 xïn-kĩn-gäng-vũn
xīnqín gēngyún to make industrious and diligent efforts (idiom).¹⁰
辛劳[辛勞] xïn-lão
xīnláo toilful; painstaking.⁶
辛辣 xïn-làt
xīnlà pungent; bitter; incisive.⁶
辛味 xïn-mì
xīnwèi an acrid taste.⁷
辛螫 xïn-sēik
xīnshì painfully sting; suffering from punishment.⁵⁴
辛辛苦苦 xïn-xïn-fū-fū
xīnxinkǔkǔ laboriously; with great effort; to take great pains.⁷
辛酸 xïn-xön
xīnsuān sad, bitter, miserable; octylic acid.⁶
辛夷 xïn-yĩ
xīnyí <TCM> flower bud of lily magnolia.⁶
细辛属[細辛屬] xäi-xïn-sùk
xìxīnshǔ wild ginger (genus Asarum in the birthwort family Aristolochiaceae).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
xin2 15784
167 15 xïn xīn zinc (Zn).⁶
锌白[鋅白] xïn-bàk xīnbái <chem.> zinc white, zinc oxide used as white pigment.¹¹
锌版[鋅版] xïn-bān
xīnbǎn zincograph; zinc plate.⁶
锌粉[鋅粉] xïn-fūn
xīnfěn zinc powder.⁵
锌华[鋅華] xïn-vã
xīnhuá <chem.> zinc white.⁷
xin2 15785
187 16 xïn shēn crowd.⁸ a large crowd.¹⁰ʼ¹⁴ a multitude of horses together, a herd of horses.²⁵ (syn. 侁 xïn shēn).
(composition: ⿰馬先; U+99EA).
駪駪 xïn-xïn
shēnshēn numerous.⁸ numerous; going and coming; the noise of going backwards and forwards.²⁵ (same as 莘莘 xïn-xïn shēnshēn numerous.⁹ many, numerous; lush, luxuriant.³⁶).³⁶
Xïn-xïn-jëin-fü, môi-vãi-mî-gèp.
Shēn shēn zhēngfū, měi huái mǐ jí.
Complete and alert is the messenger, with his suite,
Ever anxious lest he should not succeed.
駪駪往来[駪駪往來] xïn-xïn vông-lõi
shēnshēn wǎnglái many coming and going.¹⁴
(See 侁 xïn).
xin2 15786
26 13 xīp (<old>=膝 xīp ) knee.⁸
(See 膝 xīp).
xip1 15787
130 15 xīp knee.⁸ (variant: 厀 xīp ).
膝部 xīp-bù
xībù knee.⁸
膝步 xīp-bù
xībù walk on one's knees.¹⁹
膝关节[膝關節] xīp-gän-dēik
xīguānjié knee joint.⁸
膝下 xīp-hà
xīxià <wr.> children; (in letters) address to one's parents.⁸
膝行 xīp-hãng
xīxíng move forward on one's knees.⁸
膝头[膝頭] xīp-hẽo
xītou <topo.> knee.⁸
膝盖[膝蓋] xīp-köi
xīgài knee.⁹
膝盖骨[膝蓋骨] xīp-köi-gūt
xīgàigǔ kneecap.⁸
膝外翻 xīp-ngòi-fän
xīwàifān knock-knee.⁸
膝上 xīp-sèng
xīshàng laptop.⁹
膝痒搔背[膝癢搔背] xīp-yêng-xäo-böi
xīyǎngsāobèi scratch the back while the knee is itching – irrelevant.⁸
(See 厀 xīp).
xip1 15788
24 5 xìp (=四十 xï-sìp sìshí) forty.
xip4 15789
9 9 xiü xiū decorate; repair; write; study; construct; prune; compile; to edit; <wr.> long, tall and slender; <abbr.> revisionism.⁵
修长[修長] xiü-chẽng xiūcháng tall and thin; slender.
修建 xiü-gèin
xiūjiàn to build; to construct; to erect; to repair; to rebuild (of building).
修改 xiü-gōi
xiūgǎi to revise; to amend; to alter.
修函 xiü-hãm
xiūhán <wr.> to write a letter.
修撰 xiü-jàn
xiūzhuàn to edit; to compile; the title of an official in the Tang dynasty whose job was to revise historical records; a court historian.
修整 xiü-jēin
xiūzhěng to repair and maintain; to prune; to trim.
修理 xiü-lî
xiūlǐ to repair; to mend; to fix.
修饰[修飾] xiü-sēik
xiūshì decorate; adorn; embellish; make up and dress up; polish (a piece of writing); qualify, modify.⁶
修书[修書] xiü-sï
xiūshū <trad.> to compile a book; to write a letter.
修身 xiü-sïn
xiūshēn cultivate one's mind.⁵
修葺 xiü-tīp
xiūqì to repair; to renovate.⁸
修读[修讀] xiü-ùk
xiūdú to study.
修养[修養] xiü-yêng
xiūyǎng accomplishment; training; self-cultivation.¹⁰

xiu2 15790
40 11 宿 xiü xiù <old> constellation.⁶
斗宿 Ēo Xiü Dǒuxiù The Dipper Mansion, one of the Twenty-Eight Mansions of the Chinese constellations. It is one of the northern mansions of the Black Tortoise.¹⁵
二十八宿 Ngì-sìp-bät Xiü
Èrshíbā Xiù Twenty-Eight Mansions which are  East – Azure Dragon (青龍): Horn (角) Neck (亢) Root (氐) Room (房) Heart (心) Tail (尾) Winnowing Basket (箕); South – Vermilion Bird (朱雀): Well (井) Ghost (鬼) Willow (柳) Star (星) Extended Net (張) Wings (翼) Chariot (軫); West – White Tiger (白虎): Legs (奎) Bond (婁) Stomach (胃) Hairy Head (昴) Net (畢) Turtle Beak (觜) Three Stars (參); North – Black Tortoise (玄武): Dipper (斗) Ox (牛) Girl (女) Emptiness (虛) Rooftop (危) Encampment (室) Wall (壁); Center – Yellow Dragon (黃龍): Earth.¹⁵
辰宿列张[辰宿列張] sĩn-xiü-lèik-jëng
chénxiùlièzhāng There is an orderly arrangement of the stars, the lunar stations are spread out along the ecliptic.⁶²
星宿 Xëin Xiü
Xīng Xiù The Star Mansion, one of the Twenty-Eight Mansions of the Chinese constellations. It is one of the southern mansions of the Vermilion Bird.¹⁵
<又> xūk.
(See 宿 [xūk, ], [xūk, xiǔ].)
xiu2 15791
96 11 xiü xiù a coarse jade or jasper.¹⁴ a coarse jade or jasper called 琇陽石 xiü-yẽng-sêk, q.v., used un making pipe mouths.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰𤣩秀; U+7407).
Chōng ěr xiù shí...
With their ear-plugs of xiu-stones!...⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·都人士之什·都人士·3》, translated by James Legge).
Chōng ěr xiù yíng...
With his ear-stoppers of beautiful pebbles...⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·衛風·淇奧·2》, translated by James Legge).
琇莹[琇瑩] xiü-yẽin
xiùyíng a whitish variety of a coarse jade or jasper (琇阳石[琇陽石] xiü-yẽng-sêk xiùyángshí) used for ornaments.¹⁴ a variety of a whitish color coarse jade or jasper, used for ear drops or ear plugs.¹⁰²
琇阳石[琇陽石] xiü-yẽng-sêk
xiùyángshí a coarse jade or jasper.¹⁴
xiu2 15792
96 14 xiü xiù a gem ranked next below jade.⁸ʼ⁰ a gem of an inferior kind.¹⁰² sometimes abbreviated to 琇 xiü xiù
(composition: ⿰𤣩莠; U+7493).
(cf 琇 xiü).
xiu2 15793
115 7 xiü xiù (of grain crops) put forth flowers or ears; elegant, beautiful; excellent.⁵
秀俊 xiü-dün xiùjùn pretty; of delicate beauty.⁹
秀发[秀髮] xiü-fāt
xiùfà beautiful hair.⁶
秀峰 xiü-füng
xiùfēng beautiful mountain peaks; Xiufeng district of 桂林 Gï-lĩm Guìlín Guilin, Guangxi.⁵⁴
秀气[秀氣] xiü-hï
xiùqì delicate, elegant, fine; (of manners) refined, gentle; exquisite, delicate.⁶
秀颀[秀頎] xiü-kĩ
xiùqí beautiful and tall.¹⁹
秀丽[秀麗] xiü-lài
xiùlì beautiful; handsome; pretty.⁶
秀美 xiü-mî
xiùměi graceful; elegant.⁶
秀雅 xiü-ngâ
xiùyǎ elegant; graceful; beautiful and refined.⁶
秀外慧中 xiü-ngòi-fì-jüng
xiùwài-huìzhōng beautiful and intelligent; be attractive in appearance and intelligent.⁸
秀色可餐 xiü-sēik-hō-tän
xiùsèkěcān (of a beautiful woman) be a feast to the eye; be ravishingly beautiful.⁶
秀色孙鲽[秀色孫鰈] xiü-sēik-xün-èp
xiùsè sūndié yellowtail.¹⁰
秀才 xiü-tõi
xiùcai one who passed the imperial examination at the county level in the Ming and Qing dynasties; scholar; skillful writer.⁵
秀逸 xiü-yìt
xiùyì elegant and graceful.⁶
xiu2 15794
120 19 xiü xiù embroider; embroidery.⁵
绣带[繡帶] xiü-âi xiùdài embroidered belt.¹⁹
绣边儿[繡邊兒] xiü-bëin-ngĩ
xiùbiānr embroider the edge of a piece of silk.⁵⁴
绣补[繡補] xiü-bū
xiùbǔ  to darn.⁷ (Qing Dynasty) square piece in chest and back of mandarin over-jacket, embroidered with different birds and animals indicating different ranks.¹¹ embroidered patch.¹⁹
绣像[繡像] xiü-dèng
xiùxiàng tapestry (or embroidered) portrait; exquisitely drawn portrait.⁵
绣花[繡花] xiü-fä
xiùhuā embroider; do embroidery.⁵
绣花枕头[繡花枕頭] xiü-fä-jīm-hẽo
xiùhuāzhěntou a pillow with an embroidered case; an outwardly attractive but worthless person.⁵
绣虎[繡虎] xiü-fū
xiùhǔ a literary genius (a sobriquet originally bestowed on 曹植 Tão Jèik Cáo Zhí).⁷
绣球[繡球] xiü-kiũ
xiùqiú a ball made of strips of silk; <bot.> big-leaf hydrangea.⁵
绣眼鸟[繡眼鳥] xiü-ngān-nêl
xiùyǎnniǎo <zoo.> silver-eye; white-eye.⁵
绣被[繡被] xiü-pî
xiùbèi embroidered bedding.⁷
绣裳[繡裳] xiü-sẽng
xiùcháng an embroidered skirt.⁷
绣墩[繡墩] xiü-ūn
xiùdūn garden stool.⁵

xiu2 15795
123 10 xiü xiū ashamed; shy, bashful; to disgrace, to insult, to shame.⁷
(composition: ⿸⺶丑(G) or ⿱𦍌⿰丿丑(HTJK); U+7F9E).
羞答答 xiü-āp-āp
xiūdādā coy; shy; bashful.⁵
羞耻[羞恥] xiü-chī
xiūchǐ a sense of shame.⁷
羞愤[羞憤] xiü-fûn
xiū-fèn ashamed and angry.⁷
羞口 xiü-hēo
xiūkǒu be too bashful to say something.⁶
羞怯 xiü-hèp
or xiü-hēp xiūqiè shy and nervous.⁷
羞愧 xiü-kï/
xiūkuì mortified; disgraced; shamed.⁷
羞明 xiü-mẽin
xiūmíng <med.> photophobia.⁵
羞怩 xiü-nãi
xiūní embarrassed; bashful.⁶
羞赧 xiü-nân
xiūnǎn to blush; to redden; blush.⁷
羞人 xiü-ngĩn
xiūrén feel embarrassed or ashamed.⁵
羞涩[羞澀] xiü-sēip
xiūsè shy; bashful; embarrassed.⁵
羞惭[羞慚] xiü-tãm
xiūcán ashamed.⁶
羞恶[羞惡] xiü-vü
xiūwù <wr.> be ashamed of evil deeds.⁶
羞臊 xiü-xäo
xiūsào ashamed; bashful.⁶
羞于启齿[羞於啟齒] xiü-yï-kāi-chī
xiūyúqǐchǐ can't say something for shame; be too bashful to mention.⁶
羞与为伍[羞與為伍] xiü-yî-vĩ-m̂
xiūyǔwéiwǔ ashamed to be associated with somebody.⁷
羞辱 xiü-yùk
xiūrǔ to shame; to insult; to disgrace.⁷ insulted, disgraced; feeling guilty.¹⁰²
xiu2 15796
130 10 xiü xiū an archaic term for a jade article used in sacrificial offerings.⁹ to do, to act, to restore, to regulate; dried meat; tuition; salary for a teacher in ancient times; Xiu surname.⁷ (Note: 修 xiü xiū is not the simplified form of 脩 xiü xiū.)
束脩 chūk-xiü
shùxiū a teacher's salary – in Confucius’ time, a parcel of dried meat (脩).¹¹
前脩 tẽin-xiü
qiánxiū the wise men of the past.¹¹
脩脯 xiü-fū
xiūfǔ dried meat.⁷ teacher's salary, anciently consisting of preserved meat.¹¹
脩敬 xiü-gëin
xiūjìng salary presented to a tutor or teacher.⁷
脩金 xiü-gïm
xiūjīn salary presented to a tutor or teacher.⁷

xiu2 15797
130 14 𦟤
xiü xiū (=馐[饈] xiü xiū) delicacy; dainty.
(composition: ⿰月羞; U+267E4).
(See 馐[饈] xiü; 䐰 xiü; 羞 xiü.)
xiu2 15798
130 14 xiü xiū (=馐[饈] xiü xiū; 羞 xiü xiū) delicacy; dainty.
(See 馐[饈] xiü; 𦟤❄{⿰月羞} xiü; 羞 xiü.)
xiu2 15799
184 18 xiü xiū food, meal; eat; offer.⁸ <wr.> delicacy; dainty.⁵ <wr.> to offer.¹¹ to present savory food to another; to feed or nourish; delicacies.¹⁰²
(comp. t: ⿰飠羞; U+9948). (comp. s: ⿰饣羞; U+9990).
(variants: 𦟤
❄{⿰月羞} xiü xiū; 䐰 xiü xiū).¹⁴
bā xiū qǐ suǒ gǎn wàng
How can I look for these eight kinds of dainties?¹⁰²
进馐[進饈] dïn-xiü
jìnxiū to send a toothsome gift.¹⁰²
嘉馐[嘉饈] gä-xiü
jiāxiū nice meals.¹¹
珍馐[珍饈] jïn-xiü
zhēnxiū delicacies; dainties.⁵
or 膳羞 sên-xiü shànxiū <wr.> high-quality food; delicacies.⁵⁴
馐膳[饈膳] xiü-sên
xiūshàn dainties.¹⁴ a present of food.¹⁰²
异果珍馐[異果珍饈] yì-gō-jïn-xiü
yìguǒzhēnxiū rare fruits and delicacies.⁵⁴
(See 𦟤❄{⿰月羞} xiü; 䐰 xiü; 羞 xiü.)
xiu2 15800
130 16 xōi suǐ (=髓 xōi suǐ marrow; pith.⁵ marrow; essence; quintessence; pith (soft interior of plant stem).¹⁰).
(composition: ⿰月遀; U+81B8).
(See 髓 xōi).
xoi1 15801
188 18 xōi suǐ (<old>=髓 xōi suǐ) marrow; pith.⁵ marrow; essence; quintessence; pith (soft interior of plant stem).¹⁰
(See 髓 xōi).
xoi1 15802
188 21 xōi suǐ marrow; pith.⁵ marrow; essence; quintessence; pith (soft interior of plant stem).¹⁰ (variants: 髄, 髓 xōi suǐ).
齿髓[齒髓] chī-xōi
chǐsuǐ pulp of the tooth.⁷
精髓 dëin-xōi
jīngsuǐ marrow; pith; quintessence; essence.⁶
脊髓 dëk-xōi
jǐsuǐ spinal cord.⁵
伐毛洗髓 fàt-mão-xāi-xōi
fámáoxǐsuǐ cut the hair and wash the marrow of the bones – to cast off one's old self.³⁹
凤髓龙肝[鳳髓龍肝] fùng-xōi-lũng-gön
fèngsuǐlónggān rare delicacies.¹⁹
骨髓 gūt-xōi
gǔsuǐ bone marrow.⁶
地髓 ì-xōi
dìsuǐ (=地黄[地黃] ì-võng dìhuáng) TCM Rehmannia glutinosa.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ (not to be confused with 毛地黄 [毛地黃] mão-ì-võng máodìhuáng foxglove, purple foxglove, Digitalis purpurea, which is poisonous).²⁰
脑髓[腦髓] nāo-xōi
nǎosuǐ brains.⁵
髓腔 xōi-höng
suǐqiāng marrow cavity.⁶
髓质[髓質] xōi-jīt
suǐzhì medullary substance.⁶
髓细胞[髓細胞] xōi-xäi-bäo
suǐxìbāo <med.> myelocyte.⁶
(See 髄 xōi; 髓 xōi).
xoi1 15803
130 13 xöi sāi cheek.⁵ lower part of face; jaw; gills of a fish.⁸ (variant: 顋 xöi sāi).
腮帮[腮幫] xöi-böng
sāibāng cheek; upper (of a shoe).¹⁰
腮帮子[腮幫子] xöi-böng-dū
sāibāngzi <vern.> cheek.⁵
腮颊[腮頰] xöi-gäp
sāijiá cheek; jaw.¹⁰
腮托 xöi-hök
sāituō <mus.> chin rest (of a violin or viola).⁵
腮红[腮紅] xöi-hũng
sāihóng rouge (cosmetics).¹⁰
腮腺 xöi-xëin
sāixiàn <phys.> parotid gland.⁵
腮腺炎 xöi-xëin-yèm
sāixiànyán <phys.> parotitis; mumps.⁵
(See 顋 xöi).
xoi2 15804
148 16 xöi sāi bones in a horn of cattle and goat.⁸ a bone in the midst of a horn; the bony substance at the root of a horn; also the velvet skin which surrounds the young horn, which being dried up leaves the horn hard.²⁵
(composition: ⿰角思; U+46A1).
角䚡 gök-xöi jiǎosāi the inner part of a horn; the hard substance at the tip of the horn.²⁵
xoi2 15805
181 18 xöi sāi (=腮 xöi sāi) cheek.⁵ lower part of face; jaw; gills of a fish.⁸
(See 腮 xöi).
xoi2 15806
190 19 xöi sāi short hair; bearded (with lots of beard); whiskers.⁸ little hair.²⁵
(composition: ⿱髟思; U+4C04).
䯱䰄 põi-xöi or põi-xü pēisāi or pēisī a bushy beard.²⁵
<又> xü.
(See 䰄 xü).
xoi2 15807
195 20 xöi sāi gill; branchia.⁵ gills (of fish).⁷
海鳃 hōi-xöi hǎisāi sea pen; sea feather.⁵
鱼鳃[魚鰓] nguî-xöi
yúsāi gill of a fish.⁶
七鳃鳗 tīt-xöi-mãn
qīsāimán lamprey.⁵
or 四腮鲈鱼[四腮鱸魚] xï-xöi-lũ-nguî/ sìsāilúyú four-gilled perch, another name for 松江鲈 [松江鱸] tũng-göng-lũ sōngjiānglú a species of fish (Trachidermus fasciatus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鳃瓣[鰓瓣] xöi-bàn
or xöi-fân sāibàn gill lamella.⁵
鳃足类[鰓足類] xöi-dūk-luì
sāizúlèi branchiopod.⁶
鳃盖[鰓蓋] xöi-gôi
sāigài gill cover.⁵
鳃弓[鰓弓] xöi-güng
sāigōng gill arch.⁶
鳃裂[鰓裂] xöi-lëik
sāiliè gill cleft; gill slit.⁶
鳃囊[鰓囊] xöi-nõng
sāináng gill pouch.⁶
鳃小瓣[鰓小瓣] xöi-xēl-bàn
sāixiǎobàn  lamella.⁶
羽鳃鲐[羽鰓鮐] yî-xöi-hõi
yǔsāitái Indian mackerel.¹⁰ Rastrelliger kanagurta; aka 金帶花鯖; <topo.> 鐵甲.²⁰
隐鳃鲵科[隱鰓鯢科] yîn-xöi-ngãi-fö
yǐnsāiníkē Cryptobranchidae are a family of fully aquatic salamanders commonly known as the giant salamanders.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
xoi2 15808
120 10 xōk suǒ to lasso.
<台> 索紧[索緊] xōk-gīn lasso securely.
<又> sōk, sōt, xôk. (See 索 sōk, sōt, xôk.)
xok1 15809
120 10 xôk suǒ rope; large rope; cable.
铁索[鐵索] hëik-xôk
tiěsuǒ cable; iron chain.⁵
铁索吊车[鐵索吊車] hëik-xôk-ël-chëh t
iěsuǒ diàochē cable car.⁵
铁索桥[鐵索橋] hëik-xôk-kẽl
tiěsuǒqiáo chain bridge.⁵
铁索锒铛[鐵索鋃鐺] hëik-xôk-lõng-öng
tiěsuǒlángdāng iron chains clanking.⁶
绳索[繩索] sẽin-xôk
shéngsuǒ rope; cord.⁵
<台> 冇索 mäo-xôk no interest in doing anything; bored, boring.
<又> sōk, sōt, xōk.
(See 索 sōk, sōt, xōk).
xok5 15810
167 18 xôk suǒ chain; wire. ⁸ʼ¹⁴ iron rope; a chain; iron wire.²⁵ iron thread; iron wire; small chains.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰釒索; U+938D).
跪鎍子 gì-xôk-dū guìsuǒzi to kneel on chains.¹⁰²
铁鎍[鐵鎍] hëik-xôk
tiěsuǒ iron wire or thread.¹⁰²
鎍子 xôk-dū
suǒzi chains; mainspring of a watch.¹⁴
<又> säk.
(See 鎍 säk).
xok5 15811
94 10 xön suān a fabulous beast.⁸
玉狻猊 ngùk-xön-ngãi yùsuānní a jade incense burner made in the shape of a lion.⁸
or 狻猊 xön-ngãi suānní a kind of fierce animal in legend.⁶ lion.⁸ a lion; a wild horse which can do 500 li in a day.¹⁴ legendary beast of prey.⁵⁴
xon2 15812
104 12 xön suān (of muscles) aching and painful; sore.⁶ aching of the limbs; muscular pains.¹⁴
骨痠 gūt-xön gǔsuān rheumatic pains.¹⁴
腿痠 huī-xön
tuǐsuān aching or stiff leg or leg aches.¹¹
浑身痠痛[渾身痠痛] vùn-sïn-xön-hüng
húnshēnsuāntòng be aching all over.⁶
or 浑身酸懒[渾身酸懶] vùn-sïn-xön-län húnshēnsuānlǎn feel aching all over and overcome with fatigue.⁶
痠疼 xön-hüng
suānténg painful; aching – as from over-fatigue.¹⁴
痠痛 xön-hüng
suāntòng aching, smarting, (muscles) painful.¹¹
or 酸懒[酸懶] xön-län suānlǎn aching, limp.¹¹
or 酸软[酸軟] or 痠輭 xön-ngün suānruǎn aching, limp.¹¹
xon2 15813
113 10 xön suàn (=算 xön suàn) to regard as; to figure; to calculate; to compute.¹⁰
(See 算 xön).
xon2 15814
118 13 xön suàn an ancient device for working with numbers; a scheme.⁷ (<old>=算 xön suàn) calculate; an ancient device for working with numbers; count, calculate, figure; chip; plot, plan.⁸
筹筭[籌筭] chiũ-xön
chóusuàn (=筹算[籌算] chiũ-xön chóusuàn) ➀ calculate with chips ➁ calculate; reckon; scheme.⁶
计筭[計筭] gäi-xön
jìsuàn (=计算[計算] gäi-xön jìsuàn) to count; calculate; compute.¹⁰
筭盘[筭盤] xön-põn
suànpán (=算盘[算盤] xön-põn suànpán) abacus.⁵
(See 算 xön).
xon2 15815
118 14 xön suàn to regard as; to figure; to calculate; to compute.¹⁰ (variant: 祘 xön suàn).
算筹[算籌] xön-chiũ
suànchóu chips used for counting.¹¹
算法 xön-fāt
suànfǎ algorithm.⁵
算计[算計] xön-gäi
suànji ➀ calculate; reckon ➁ consider; plan ➂ expect; figure ➃ scheme; plot.⁵
算学[算學] xön-hòk
suànxué mathematics; arithmetic.⁵
算帐[算帳] xön-jëng
suànzhàng reckon accounts, (fig.) to square a grudge.¹¹
算了 xön-lēl
suànle let it be; let it pass; forget about it.¹⁰
算了吧 xön-lēl-bà
suànleba forget it.¹⁰
算命 xön-mèng
suànmìng to tell fortune.¹¹
算盘[算盤] xön-põn
suànpán abacus.⁵
算盘珠[算盤珠] xön-põn-jî
suànpánzhū abacus beads.¹⁹
算是 xön-sì
suànshì at last; finally.⁶
算数[算數] xön-sū
suànshù be of importance; count, hold, stand, mean what one says, valid.⁷ (See <台> 算數 xön-sū).
算术[算術] xön-sùt
suànshù arithmetic.⁶
算术级数[算術級數] xön-sùt-kīp-sü
suànshù jíshù arithmetic progression.¹¹
<台> 算系[算係] xön-hài to count as.
<台> 算数[算數] xön-sū that's settled.
(See 祘 xön).
xon2 15816
164 14 xön suān sour; grieved; impractical; ache; <chem.> acid.⁵
酸橙 xön-chãng suānchéng sour/bitter orange; lime.⁶
酸楚 xön-chō
suānchǔ grieved; distressed.⁵
酸酐 xön-gön
suān'gān acidic anhydride.⁵
酸悭[酸慳] xön-hän
suānqiān miserly.¹¹
酸甜苦辣 xön-hẽm-fū-làt
suāntiánkǔlà sour, sweet, bitter, hot – joys and sorrows of life.⁵
酸痛 xön-hüng
suāntòng ache.⁵
酸枝木 xön-jï-mùk
suānzhīmù Thailand/Siamese rosewood, tracwood (Dalbergia cochinchinensis).¹⁵
酸懒[酸懶] xön-län
suānlǎn (legs, body) limp and aching.¹¹
酸溜溜 xön-liū-liū
suānliūliū sour; tingle, ache.⁵
酸马奶[酸馬奶] xön-mâ-nâi
suānmǎnǎi koumiss.⁵
酸味 xön-mì
suānwèi tart flavor; acidity.⁵
酸梅 xön-mõi
suānméi smoked plum; dark plum.⁵
酸牛奶 xön-ngẽo-nâi
suānniúnǎi yogurt; sour milk.⁵
酸软[酸軟] xön-ngün
suānruǎn aching and limp.⁵
酸式盐[酸式鹽] xön-sēik-yẽm
suānshìyán acid salt.⁵
酸菜 xön-töi
suāncài pickled Chinese cabbage.⁵
酸醋 xön-tü
suāncù vinegar.³⁹
酸度 xön-ù
suāndù <chem.> acidity.⁵
酸洗 xön-xāi
suānxǐ <metal.> pickling; acid pickling.⁵
酸秀才 xön-xiü-tõi
suānxiùcai impractical old scholar.⁵
<台> 酸 xön ticklish.
xon2 15817
140 13 xôn suàn garlic.⁸
大蒜 ài-xôn dàsuàn garlic.⁹
鸡毛蒜皮[雞毛蒜皮] gäi-mão-xôn-pĩ
jīmáosuànpí a trivial matter.²³
装蒜 jöng-xôn
zhuāngsuàn to pretend not to know.⁸
蒜瓣 xôn-bàn
or xôn-fân suànbàn garlic clove.⁹
蒜头[蒜頭] xôn-hẽo
suàntóu bulb of garlic.⁹
蒜毫 xôn-hõ
suànháo young garlic bolt.⁸
蒜薹 xôn-hõi
suàntái young garlic shoot.⁹
蒜苗 xôn-mẽl
suànmiáo garlic shoot; garlic sprouts.¹⁰
xon5 15818
30 12 xöng sàng lose; die; be disappointed.⁶
(comp. t: ⿱⿻土吅⿰𠄌⿺乀丿(GJKV) or ⿸⿱⿻土吅𠄌⿺乀丿(HT); U+55AA).
s: ⿱⿻土丷⿰𠄌⿺乀丿; U+4E27).
丧家之犬[喪家之犬] xöng-gä-jï-hūn
sàngjiāzhīquǎn  homeless dog; stray cur.⁶
丧气[喪氣] xöng-hï
sàngqì be disheartened; get discouraged/crestfallen; lose heart.⁶
丧志[喪志] xöng-jï
sàngzhì lose one's ambition.⁶
丧权辱国[喪權辱國] xöng-kũn-yùk-gōk
sàngquánrǔguó  humiliate the nation and forfeit its sovereignty.⁶
丧失[喪失] xöng-sīt
sàngshī lose; forfeit.⁶
丧心[喪心] xöng-xïm
sàngxīn to lose one's head; to quail.⁵⁴
丧心病狂[喪心病狂] xöng-xïm-bèng-kõng
sàngxīn bìngkuáng frenzied; frantic; perverse; unscrupulous.⁶
(See 喪 [xöng, sāng].)
xong2 15819
30 12 xöng sāng funeral; mourning.⁶
(comp. t: ⿱⿻土吅⿰𠄌⿺乀丿(GJKV) or ⿸⿱⿻土吅𠄌⿺乀丿(HT); U+55AA).
s: ⿱⿻土丷⿰𠄌⿺乀丿; U+4E27).
报丧[報喪] bäo-xöng
bàosāng announce somebody's death; give obituary notice (to).⁶
奔丧[奔喪] bïn-xöng
bēnsāng hasten (home) for a funeral/death in the family.⁶
穀喪 gūk-xöng
gǔsāng notify friends of someone's death.¹¹
哭丧[哭喪] hūk-xöng
kūsāng wail in lamentation for the dead; lament somebody's death by loud wailing; wail at a funeral.⁶
丧绖[喪絰] xöng-èik
sāngdié mourning garments.¹⁴
丧家[喪家] xöng-gä
sāngjiā family of the deceased.⁶
丧容累累[喪容纍纍] xöng-yũng-luĩ-luĩ
sāngróngléiléi emaciated from mourning.¹⁴
丧事[喪事] xöng-xù
sāngshì funeral affairs.⁶
(See 喪 [xöng, sàng].)
xong2 15820
75 10 xöng sāng mulberry tree. Sang surname.
沧海桑田[滄海桑田] or 仓海桑田[倉海桑田] töng-hōi-xöng-hẽin cānghǎisāngtián the swift changes of the world; great changes are seen in the course of time; the evanescence of the worldly affairs is like the sea turned into a mulberry field (orchid).⁸
沧桑[滄桑] töng-xöng
cāngsāng what was the sea is now mulberry fields – fig. evanescence of worldly affairs, great changes in the course of time.¹¹ (abbr. for 沧海桑田 [滄海桑田].)¹⁰
<又> xông.
(See 桑 xông).
xong2 15821
30 13 xông sǎng the throat (as the source of one's voice); one's voice.⁷ throat; voice.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰口桑; U+55D3).
呛了嗓子[嗆了嗓子] tëng-lēl-xông-dū qiànglesǎngzi violent coughing from irritation in the throat.¹⁴
嗓子 xông-dū
sǎngzi throat; voice.¹⁰ condition of throat, quality of voice in singer.¹¹
嗓子哑了[嗓子啞了] xông-dū-ā-lēl
sǎngziyǎle hoarse, through much speaking.
嗓子眼 xông-dū-ngān
sǎngziyǎn the gullet.¹⁴
嗓门[嗓門] xông-mõn
sǎngmén voice; windpipe.¹⁰
嗓音 xông-yïm
sǎngyīn one's voice.⁷ voice.¹⁰
xong5 15822
64 13 xông sǎng to push over or push back.
填搡 hẽin-xông tiánsang <topo.> to stuff oneself; to stuff into; to cram into.
推推搡搡 tuï-tuï-xông-xông
tuītuisǎngsǎng <topo.> No, you take it. (polite yielding of something to somebody); to shove; to jostle.
推搡 tuï-xông
tuīsǎng to shove; to jostle.¹⁰
xong5 15823
75 10 xông sāng mulberry tree.
桑子 xông-dū sāngzi fruit of mulberry trees.
桑梓 xông-dū
sāngzǐ one's native place; homeland.⁹
桑户棬枢[桑戶棬樞] xông-fù-hūn-sï
or xông-fù-hūn-kuï sānghùquānshū <wr.> door posts of mulberry and door hinge of bent wood – extreme poverty.¹¹
桑间濮上[桑間濮上] xông-gän-bùk-sèng
sāngjiānpúshàng mulberry orchard on the River Pu – (allusion) place of illicit love-making.¹¹
桑树[桑樹] xông-sì
sāngshù mulberry tree.
桑葚 xông-sìm
sāngshèn (=桑子 xông-dū sāngzi) <TCM> mulberry, morus fruit, (pharmaceutical name: fructus mori); Morus alba L.⁶⁷
桑椹 xông-sìm
sāngshèn (now usually written as 桑葚 xông-sìm sāngshèn) mulberry; a dried mulberry which can be used as medicine.⁹
桑蚕[桑蠶] xông-tâm
sāngcán silkworm.⁸
桑叶[桑葉] xông-yêp
sāngyè leaves of the mulberry tree.⁹
桑榆 xông-yĩ
sāngyú mulberry and elm tree; waning day, evening; west; evening of one's life; old age.⁶
桑榆暮景 xông-yĩ-mù-gēin
sāngyúmùjǐng closing years of one's life.⁵
<又> xöng.
(See 桑 xöng).
xong5 15824
112 15 xông sǎng base of a pillar; pedestal.⁶ the stone base or plinth of a pillar.⁸
石磉 sêk-xông shísǎng stone pedestal.⁶
磉盘[磉盤] xông-põn
sǎngpán stone plinth.⁵⁴
磉石 xông-sêk
sǎngshí stone plinth.³⁹
磉石礅 xông-sêk-ūn
sǎngshídūn the stone plinth.³⁹
xong5 15825
120 23 xông sāng a light yellow.²⁵
(composition: ⿰糹襄; U+7E95).
<又> xëng; ngẽng. (See 纕 xëng; 纕 ngẽng).
xong5 15826
181 19 xông sǎng the forehead; to kowtow.⁸
广颡[廣顙] gōng-xông guǎngsǎng a broad forehead.¹⁴
泣血稽颡[泣血稽顙] hīp-hūt-kāi-xông
qìxuèqǐsǎng “shed tears of blood and kowtow on the ground”--formula used in obituary for loss of a parent.¹¹
稽颡[稽顙] kāi-xông
qǐsǎng to kowtow to those who attend the funeral service of one's parent with one's forehead touching the ground.⁷
黄颡鱼[黃顙魚] võng-xông-nguî/
huángsǎngyú yellowhead catfish; Korean bullhead (Tachysurus fulvidraco syn. Pelteobagrus fulvidraco), delicious taste with little bone among muscle, and high nutritional value; aka 瘋鱨, 黄辣丁, 䱀䲉魚, 黄牙头, 嘎牙子, 黃骨魚.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
xong5 15827
9 8 small.⁸ petty; wretched.¹⁰ small; petty.¹⁴ <old> small; petty.³⁶ small; diminutive; of little capacity or talents.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰亻此; U+4F4C).
佌佌 xū-xū cǐcǐ small.² a very small mind or thing.¹⁰²
佌佌彼有屋  xū-xū-bī-yiü-ūk
cǐcǐbǐyǒuwū these mean people have their dwellings.¹⁰²
佌佌之物 xū-xū-jï-mùt cǐcǐzhīwù a meer trifle.¹⁴
xu1 15828
9 8 使 shǐ to make; to cause; to enable; to use; to employ; to send; envoy; messenger.
大使 ài-xū dàshǐ ambassador.
迫使 bēik-xū
pòshǐ force; compel.⁵
指使 jī-xū
zhǐshǐ to instigate; to incite; to give orders to.
使节[使節] xū-dēik
shǐjié diplomatic envoy.
使劲[使勁] xū-gèin
shǐjìn to exert all one's strength.
使者 xū-jēh
shǐzhě emissary; envoy; messenger.
使命 xū-mèin
shǐmìng mission.
以其昏昏,使人昭昭 yî-kĩ-fün-fün, xū-ngĩn-jël-jël
yǐqíhūnhūn, shǐrénzhāozhāo <wr.> those in the dark light the way for others; to try to enlighten others while oneself is in darkness; with one's own darkness and confusion, expect to make others see the light.
<又>  sōi.
(See 使 sōi.)
xu1 15829
30 5 shǐ history, chronicle, annals; Shi surname.
历史[歷史] lèik-xū lìshǐ history; past records.
安史之乱[安史之亂] Ön-xū-jï-lòn
Ān Shǐ zhī luàn An Lushan Rebellion (16 December 755 – 17 February 763). This rebellion involved the death of some 13–36 million people.
青史 tëin-xū
qīngshǐ annals of history; Qingshi compound surname.
青史留名 tëin-xū-liũ-mẽin
qīngshǐliúmíng to have a place in history,
史丹顿岛[史丹頓島] Xū-än-ùn-āo
Shǐdāndùndǎo Staten Island, a borough of New York City.
史迹[史跡] xū-dēik
shǐjì historical site; historical relics.⁶
史记[史記] Xū-gï
Shǐjì Records of the Grand Historian, by 司马迁[司馬遷] Xü-mâ Tëin Sīmǎ Qiān Sima Qian.
史无前例[史無前例] xū-mũ-tẽin-lài
shǐwúqiánlì unprecedented in history.
史料 xū-lèl
shǐliào historical material or data.
刺史 xü-xū
cìshǐ <old> provincial governor.
xu1 15830
30 13 suǒ a flute-like instrument of Turkish origin.¹¹
(comp. t: ⿰口⿱⺌貝; U+55E9).
s: ⿰口⿱⺌贝; U+5522).
唢呐[嗩吶] xū-nàp
suǒnà suona, Chinese shawm (oboe), used in festivals and processions or for military purposes; also written 锁呐[鎖吶] xū-nàp suǒnà; also called 喇叭 lä-bā lǎba horn.¹⁰
xu1 15831
77 6 this; now, here; such, this way.⁶
此等 xū-āng cǐděng this kind; such as these.⁶
此辈[此輩] xū-böi
cǐbèi people of this type; such people.⁵
此处[此處] xū-chuî
cǐchù this place; here.⁵
此间[此間] xū-gän
cǐjiān here; this place.¹⁰
此刻 xū-hāk
cǐkè this moment; (right) now.⁶
此后[此後] xū-hèo
cǐhòu after this; afterwards; hereafter.¹⁰
此起彼伏 xū-hī-bī-fùk
cǐqǐbǐfú rise one after another; rise here and subside there; as one falls, another rises.⁶
此地 xū-ì
cǐdì this place; here.⁵
此地无银三百两[此地無銀三百兩] xū-ì-mũ-ngãn-xäm-bäk-lēng
cǐdì wú yín sānbǎi liǎng lit. 300 silver taels not hidden here (idiom); fig. to reveal what one intends to hide.¹⁰
此致敬礼[此致敬禮] xū-jï-gëin-lâi
cǐzhìjìnglǐ sincerely.¹⁹
此路不通 xū-lù-būt-hüng
cǐlùbùtōng dead end; blind alley.⁶
此岸 xū-ngòn
cǐ'àn <rel.> this shore – temporality.⁶
此外 xū-ngòi
cǐwài besides; in addition (to); moreover.⁶
此时[此時] xū-sĩ
cǐshí this moment/occasion; right now.⁶
此次 xū-xü
cǐcì this time.⁶
此一时彼一时[此一時彼一時] xū-yīt-sĩ-bī-yīt-sĩ
cǐyīshí-bǐyīshí this is one situation and that was another – times have changed.⁵
xu1 15832
85 9 clear, limpid, lucid; to sweat; to dip (the nib) in ink.⁶
(composition: ⿰氵此; U+6CDA).
泚笔[泚筆] xū-bīt cǐbǐ dip a pen in ink.⁶
<又> dū.
(See 泚 dū).
xu1 15833
96 14 suǒ trivial; petty.⁵ the sound of a gem, when struck; fragments of precious stones; small, minute.²⁴
(variants: 𤨏❄{⿰𤣩⿱巛貝} suǒ; 𥔭❄{⿰石⿱⺌貝}suǒ).
(comp. t: ⿰𤣩⿱⺌貝; U+7463).
(comp. s: ⿰𤣩⿱⺌贝; U+7410).
琐渎[瑣瀆] xū-dùk
suǒdú bother others with trifle matters.⁷
琐务[瑣務] xū-mù
suǒwù trifling matters.⁷
琐闻[瑣聞] xū-mũn
suǒwén bits of news; scraps of information.⁵
琐议[瑣議] xū-ngì
suǒyì trivial talk; a chat in detail.⁹
琐才[瑣才] xū-tõi
suǒcái of little capability or talent.⁷
琐窗[瑣窗] xū-töng
suǒchuāng a form of lattice window with interlocked design.¹¹
琐细[瑣細] xū-xäi
suǒxì trifling; trivial.⁵
琐屑[瑣屑] xū-xēik
suǒxiè <wr.> trifling; trivial.⁵
琐琐[瑣瑣] xū-xū
suǒsuǒ fidgety; petty; contemptible.¹⁴
琐琐树[瑣瑣樹] xū-xū-sì
suǒsuǒshù <bot.> saxaul.⁶
琐辞[瑣辭] xū-xũ
suǒcí trivial talk; superfluous wording.⁵⁴
琐事[瑣事] xū-xù
suǒshì trifle; trivial matter.⁵
琐碎[瑣碎] xū-xuï
suǒsuì trifling; trivial.⁵.
(See 𤨏❄{⿰𤣩⿱巛貝} xū; 𥔭❄{⿰石⿱⺌貝} xū ).
xu1 15834
96 14 𤨏
suǒ (=琐[瑣] xū suǒ trivial; petty.⁵ the sound of a gem, when struck; fragments of precious stones; small, minute.²⁴).⁸
(composition: ⿰𤣩⿱巛貝; U+24A0F).
(See 瑣 xū).
xu1 15835
112 15 𥔭
suǒ small rocks; (interchangeable with 琐[瑣] xū suǒ trivial; petty.⁵ the sound of a gem, when struck; fragments of precious stones; small, minute.²⁴).² (syn. 𥕘❄{⿰石巢}suǒ small rocks).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰石⿱⺌貝; U+2552D).
(See 瑣 xū; 𥕘❄{⿰石巢} xū).
xu1 15836
112 16 𥕘
suǒ (syn. 𥔭❄{⿰石⿱⺌貝}suǒ); small rocks.⁸ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰石巢; U+25558).
<又> chão.
(See 𥕘❄{⿰石巢} chão; 𥔭❄{⿰石⿱⺌貝} xū).
xu1 15837
120 15 suǒ (of silk fabrics) fresh and clean colors.⁸ white and clean.²⁵ fresh and clean in appearance.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰糹差; U+7E12).
<又> chï; tö. (See 縒 chï; 縒 tö).
xu1 15838
120 17 shǐ a band or fillet for the hair.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰糹徙; U+7E30).
縰縰 xū-xū shǐshǐ or xāi-xāi xǐxǐ in a multitude, in droves; crowd.⁵⁴
<又> xāi.
(See 縰 xāi).
xu1 15839
120 25 shǐ long, dangling.¹⁴
飒纚[颯纚] xēip-xū sàshǐ flapping and dangling.¹⁴ lengthened.²⁵
<又> xāi; lĩ.
(See 纚 xāi; 纚 lĩ).
xu1 15840
140 12 suǒ the name of a county.² the name of a village.²⁵ Suo surname.³⁶
(composition: ⿱艹俊; U+8470).
葰人 xū-ngĩn suǒrén Souren, an old county in 太原郡 häi-ngũn-gùn tàiyuán jùn Taiyuan Commandery during the Han Dynasty (汉代[漢代] hön-òi hàndài).²ʼ¹³ʼ⁵⁴
<又> xuï; dün.
(See 葰 xuï; 葰 dün).
xu1 15841
145 14 suǒ long robes.²⁵
(composition: ⿰衤差; U+8928).
<又> chã. (See 褨 chã).
xu1 15842
154 10 𧴪
suǒ fragments; the sound of shells colliding; small shells.⁸ the sound of tortoise shells; used also for broken pieces of anything.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿱⺌貝(GV) or ⿱𡭔貝(T); U+27D2A).
s: ⿱⺌贝; U+2D546). (Note: This character has a glyph but does not have a font yet; it displays in Unicode charts as a square with two rows of hex digits 02D and 54E.).
xu1 15843
154 10 𧴲
suǒ (demotic character for 𧴪 xū suǒ fragments; the sound of shells colliding; small shells.⁸ the sound of tortoise shells; used also for broken pieces of anything.²⁵).²
(composition: ⿱巛貝; U+27D32).
(See 𧴪❄{⿱⺌貝} xū).
xu1 15844
167 18 suǒ a lock; fetters, chains; to lock; to confine; to lockstitch.⁷
(comp. t: ⿰釒⿱⺌貝; U+9396). (comp. s: ⿰钅⿱⺌贝; U+9501).
(variants: 鎻, 鏁 xū
suǒ). (See 鎻 xū; 鏁 xū).
连锁反应[連鎖反應] lẽin-xū-fān-yëin
liánsuǒ fǎnyìng chain reaction.¹¹
锁边儿[鎖邊兒] xū-bëin-ngĩ
suǒbiānr lockstitch.⁶
锁不住[鎖不住] xū-būt-jì
suǒbuzhù (said of a captive) cannot be locked up or kept in confinement.⁷
锁不上[鎖不上] xū-būt-sèng
suǒbushàng (said of a door) incapable of locking; failing to lock.⁷
锁匠[鎖匠] xū-dèng
suǒjiang a locksmith.⁷
锁定[鎖定] xū-èin
suǒdìng <comp.> lockout.⁷
锁定时间[鎖定時間] xū-èin-sĩ-gän
suǒdìng shíjiān lockup time.⁷
锁骨[鎖骨] xū-gūt
suǒgǔ collarbone; clavicle.⁶
锁孔[鎖孔] xū-kūng
suǒkǒng keyhole; lockhole.⁶
锁链[鎖鏈] xū-lèin/
suǒliàn shackles; fetters; chains.⁶
锁镣[鎖鐐] xū-lẽl
suǒliào chain and shackles.¹¹
锁呐[鎖吶] xū-nàp
suǒnà suona, Chinese shawm.¹⁰
] xū-võng suǒhuáng <mach.> lock spring.⁶
锁钥[鎖鑰] xū-yèk
suǒyuè key, crux, hinge; strategic (military) place/point/thoroughfare.⁶
<台> 锁匙[鎖匙] xū-sĩ a key.
xu1 15845
167 18 suǒ (=锁[鎖] xū suǒ) a lock; fetters, chains; to lock; to confine; to lockstitch.⁷
(composition: ⿰釒⿱巛貝; U+93BB).
(See 鎖 xū).
xu1 15846
167 19 suǒ (=锁[鎖] xū suǒ) a lock; fetters, chains; to lock; to confine; to lockstitch.⁷
(See 鎖 xū).
xu1 15847
9 6 a surname.³⁶ (=佽 xü <wr.> help.⁶ to help; nimble; active.¹⁴ nimble; to help; Ci surname.¹⁰).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰亻欠; U+3438).
<又> hïm.
(See 㐸 hïm).
xu2 15848
9 8 <wr.> help.⁶ to help; nimble; active.¹⁴ nimble; to help; Ci surname.¹⁰
佽非 or 佽飞[佽飛] Xü Fï Cì Fēi according to legend, name of a brave warrior of the State of Chu 楚 during the Spring and Autumn period (771-476 BCE).¹⁹
佽助 xü-jò
cìzhù <wr.> help; aid.⁶
xu2 15849
9 11 meet and chat earnestly.⁹ to urge, to stir up, to admonish.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻思; U+5072).
朋友切切、偲偲,兄弟怡怡。pãng-yiû tëik-tëik, xü-xü; hëin-ài yĩ-yĩ. péngyǒu qièqiè, sīsī; xiōngdì yíyí.  "...among his friends, earnest and urgent; among his brethren, bland."⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《論語·子路》, translated by James Legge).
切切偲偲 tëik-tëik-xü-xü
qièqièsīsī (<wr.>, of friends) meet and chat earnestly.¹¹ respect and learn from each other.¹⁹
偲偲 xü-xü
sīsī encourage/urge each other.⁸ the appearance of discussing and urging each other.¹⁹ <lit.> to encourage each other; to urge on.³⁶
<又> chäi.
(See 偲 chäi).
xu2 15850
9 15 small, minute; lacking sincerity.¹⁴ small, trifling, petty.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻塞; U+50FF).
救僿莫若以忠 giü-xü-mòk-ngèk-yî-jüng jiù sì mò ruò yǐ zhōng "Against insincerity there is no better safeguard than loyalty."
<又> söi; sï.
(See 僿 söi; 僿 sï).
xu2 15851
18 8 stab, prick; assassinate; irritate, stimulate; criticize; thorn, splinter; <wr.> visiting card.⁵⁴ a pointed structure which is able to pierce something (spike, spine, thorn); (literary, or in compounds) visiting card.³⁶ (variants: 朿 xü; 莿 xü).
刺刀 xü-äo cìdāo bayonet.⁶
刺激 xü-gēik
cìjī to stimulate; to provoke; to irritate; to upset;  stimulation; stimulus.
刺客 xü-hāk
or xü-häk cìkè assassin.
刺口论事[刺口論事] xü-hēo-lùn-xù
cìkǒulùnshì to remark frankly and criticize openly.
刺竹 xü-jūk
cìzhú <vern.> spiny bamboo or thorny bamboo; Bambusa blumeana.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
刺杀[刺殺] xü-sät
cìshā to stab to death; to assassinate; to put out (a base runner); <mil.> bayonet fighting.
刺参[刺參] xü-täm
cìshēn beche-de-mer with spike.⁵⁴ Apostichopus japonicus (Japanese spiky sea cucumber or the Japanese sea cucumber); Stichopus japonicus; sea cucumber; A. japonicus Selenka.³⁹
刺槐 xü-vãi
cìhuái black locust, false acacia Robinia pseudoacacia.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
刺猬[刺蝟] xü-vì
cìwei hedgehog.⁶
刺绣[刺繡] xü-xiü
cìxiù embroider; embroidery.⁵
(See 刺[ xü,]; 朿 xü; 莿 xü)
xu2 15852
18 8 <ono.> wham! whoosh!
热刺忽拉[熱刺忽拉] ngèik-xü-fūt-lā rècīhūlā <topo.> frightfully hot.
刺啦刺啦 xü-lā-xü-lā
cīlacila <ono.> car honking.
刺棱 xü-lẽin
cīlēng <ono.> sound of a quick/swift movement.⁶
刺溜 xü-liũ
cīliū <ono.> sound of slipping or sliding.
(See 刺[ xü, ].)
xu2 15853
28 2 Kangxi radical 28; <old>=私 xü ) private, secret.⁸
(composition: ⿰𠃋丶; U+53B6).
<又> mêo.
(See 厶 mêo.)
xu2 15854
30 5 to take charge of; to manage; department (under a ministry); Si surname.
(composition: ⿹𠃌⿱一口; U+53F8).
公司 güng-xü gōngsī company.
上司 sèng-xü
shàngsi superior; boss.
司铎[司鐸] xü-dòk
sīduó (=神甫 sĩn-fū shénfu or 神父 sĩn-fù shénfù) father (a title of respect for a Roman Catholic or Orthodox Eastern Church priest).⁶
司阍[司閽] xü-fün
sīhūn gatekeeper; janitor.⁵
司机[司機] xü-gï
sījī driver; chauffeur.
司徒 xü-hũ
sītú (in ancient China) the minister of education and cultural affairs; Situ compound surname.⁷
司长[司長] xü-jēng
sīzhǎng department head.
司令 xü-lèin
sīlìng commander.
司马[司馬] xü-mâ
sīmǎ minister of war in the Zhou dynasty; Sima compound surname.
司马迁[司馬遷] Xü-mâ Tëin
Sīmǎ Qiān Sima Qian (c. 145- c. 87 B.C.) author of 史记[史記] Xū-gï Shǐjì Records of the Grand Historian.
司马懿[司馬懿] Xü-mâ Yì
Sīmǎ Yì Sima Yi (179-251), warlord under Cao Cao and subsequently founder of the Jin dynasty.
司仪[司儀] xü-ngĩ
sīyí master of ceremonies.
xu2 15855
30 13 bird's crop; wine pot.⁸ crop, a baglike part of a bird's throat where food is stored.²²
鸡嗉子[雞嗉子] gäi-xü-dū jīsùzi chicken crop.²²
嗉子 xü-dū
sùzi crop of a bird; wine pot.⁸
嗉囊 xü-nõng
sùnáng crop of a bird.⁸
xu2 15856
30 15 (of a horse) neigh; hoarse; husky.⁶
嘶哑[嘶啞] xü-ā sīyǎ hoarse; croaking; rusty.⁶
嘶喊 xü-häm
sīhǎn to yell, shout.⁶
嘶鸣[嘶鳴] xü-mẽin
sīmíng (of a horse) neigh; (of a donkey) bray.⁶
人喊马嘶[人喊馬嘶] ngĩn-häm-mâ-xü
rénhǎnmǎsī lit. people shouting and horses neighing (idiom); fig. tumultuous; hubbub.¹⁰
声嘶力竭[聲嘶力竭] sëin-xü-lèik-gèik
shēngsīlìjié to shout oneself hoarse, shout oneself blue in the face.⁶
xu2 15857
30 15 <ono.> to hiss; to whistle; to whiz; to fizz.¹⁰
咝咝声[噝噝聲] xü-xü-sêng sīsīshēng <ono.> hissing sound.⁹
xu2 15858
31 5 四处[四處] xü-chuî sìchù all around; in all directions; everywhere.⁵
四处蹓蹓[四處蹓蹓] xü-chuî-liü-liü
sìchùliùliù stroll about/around.⁶
四处漂流[四處漂流] xü-chuî-pël-liũ
sìchùpiāoliú drift aimlessly about the world.⁶
四处漂游[四處漂游] xü-chuî-pël-yiũ
sìchùpiāoyóu wander aimlessly from place to place; roam/drift aimlessly.⁶
四川 Xü-chün
Sìchuān Sichuan province (Szechuan) in southwest China, abbr. 川 Chün Chuān or 蜀 Sùk Shǔ, capital Chengdu 成都 Sẽin-ü Chéngdū.¹⁰
四方 xü-föng
sìfāng four-way; four-sided; in all directions; everywhere.¹⁰
<又> xï, xî.
(See 四 xï, xî.)
xu2 15859
32 13 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 塑 sōk with same meaning: model in clay, sculpt; plastics.)
(composition: ⿱朔土; U+5851).
<又> sōk.
(See 塑 sōk.)
xu2 15860
32 13 (<old>=塑 xü or sōk model in clay, sculpt; plastics.⁸).⁸ to mold earth into any form.²⁴ to model things in clay, to mold into shape; to make a statue; modeled.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰土素; U+5850).
or 装塑[裝塑] jöng-xü zhuāngsù (=装潢塑造[裝潢塑造] jöng-võng sōk-dào or jöng-võng xü-dào zhuānghuáng sùzào a molded decoration).¹⁹ʼ⁰
or 绘塑[繪塑] köi-xü huìsù to draw and color.¹⁰²
or 泥塑 nãi-xü nìsù a clay image; a dolt, a stupid fellow.¹⁰²
or 塑像 xü-dèng sùxiàng to make an idol.¹⁰²
or 塑偶 xü-ngêo sù'ǒu a clay image.²⁴
or 塑一尊佛 xü-yīt-dün-fùt sùyīzūnfó to make an image of Buddha.¹⁰²
(See 塑 xü; 塑 sōk).
xu2 15861
50 10 shī teacher, master; model, example; a skilled professional; of one's master or teacher; division; troops; Shi surname.⁵
出师[出師] chūt-xü chūshī to finish apprenticeship; to graduate; to send out troops (under a commander).¹⁰
师大[師大] xü-ài
shīdà abbr. for 师范大学[師範大學] xü-fàn-ài-hòk shīfàn dàxué normal/teacher's university.⁶
师表[師表] xü-bēl
shībiǎo a person of exemplary virtue.⁶
师部[師部] xü-bù
shībù <mil.> division headquarters.⁶
师长[師長] xü-chẽng shīzhǎng teacher; <mil.> division commander.⁵
师资[師資] xü-dü
shīzī person qualified to teach; teachers.⁵
师范[師範] xü-fàn
shīfàn pedagogical; normal school.⁵
师父[師父] xü-fù
shīfu master worker; a polite form of address to a monk or nun.⁵
师傅[師傅] xü-fù
shīfu master worker.⁵
师公[師公] xü-güng
shīgōng master's master; sorcerer.⁶
师妹[師妹] xü-môi
shīmèi junior female fellow apprentice or student; daughter of one's master/tutor (younger than oneself); father's female apprentice/student (younger than oneself).⁶
师生[師生] xü-säng
shīshēng teacher and student.⁶
师院[師院] xü-yòn
shīyuàn teacher's college.⁶
xu2 15862
53 广 12 toilet; lavatory; latrine.
公厕[公廁] güng-xü gōngcè public lavatory.
男厕[男廁] nãm-xü
náncè the men's restroom.³⁹
女厕[女廁] nuī-xü
nǚcè ladies' restroom.
厕身[廁身] xü-sïn
cèshēn <wr.> to occupy a humble place among others.
厕所[廁所] xü-sō
cèsuǒ lavatory; toilet; restroom.⁶
厕坑[廁坑] xü-häng
cèkēng latrine pit.
厕身其间[廁身其間] xü-sïn-kĩ-gän
cèshēnqíjiān to participate in.
<台> 厕纸[廁紙] xü-jī
or 草纸[草紙] tāo-jī toilet paper.
xu2 15863
53 广 12 si 茅厕[茅廁] mão-xü máosi <topo.> latrine; toilet; outhouse.
xu2 15864
53 广 15 male servant; fellow; together.
长相厮守[長相廝守] chẽng-xëng-xü-siū chángxiāngsīshǒu to stay married forever.
这厮[這廝] jëh-xü
zhèsī <trad.> <derog.>  this fellow or guy.
小厮[小廝] xēl-xü
xiǎosī <trad.> man-servant; page; boy.
厮打[廝打] xü-ā
sīdǎ to tussle; to fight each other with fists.
厮见[廝見] xü-gëin
sījiàn <wr.> to see each other
厮杀[廝殺] xü-sät
sīshā to fight at close quarters (with weapons); to kill or massacre each other.
厮混[廝混] xü-vùn
sīhùn to fool or play around together; to bring disorder (to a group).
xu2 15865
61 9 sāi 于思 yï-xü yúsāi a long and thick beard and mustache (after days without shaving).⁷
(See 思 [xü, sī], [xü, si].)
xu2 15866
61 9 si 低头寻思[低頭尋思] äi-hẽo-tĩm-xü dītóuxúnsi bow the head in deep thought.⁵⁴
不好意思 būt-hāo-yï-xü
bùhǎoyìsi to feel embarrassed; to to be sorry (for inconveniencing somebody).¹⁰
好意思 hāo-yï-xü hǎoyìsi to have the nerve; what a cheek!; to feel no shame; to overcome the shame; (is it) proper? (rhetorical question).¹⁰
可心思 hō-xïm-xü
kěxīnsi be satisfying.¹⁹
蛮有意思[蠻有意思] mãn-yiû-yï-xü
mányǒuyìsi It's quite interesting.⁵⁴
没好意思[沒好意思] mòt-hāo-yï-xü
méihǎoyìsi <humb.> hesitated to bother somebody.⁵⁴
安心思 ön-xïm-xü
ānxīnsi <topo.> intend to; be bent upon.⁵⁴
操心思 täo-xïm-xü
cāoxīnsi worry about, trouble about, take pains; rack one's brains.⁵⁴
寻思[尋思] tĩm-xü
xúnsi think something over.⁸
心思 xïm-xü
xīnsi thought, idea; thinking; mood.⁸
意思 yï-xü
yìsi meaning, idea; opinion, wish, desire; a token of affection, appreciation, gratitude; suggestion, hint, trace; interest, fun.⁵
(See 思 [xü, ], [xü, sāi].)
xu2 15867
61 9 think, consider, deliberate; think of, long for; thought.⁵
思潮 xü-chẽl sīcháo trend of thought, ideological trend; thoughts.⁵
思忖 xü-chūn
sīcǔn to ponder; consider; contemplate.⁹
思凡 xü-fãn
sīfán <rel.> think of worldly pleasures.⁵⁴
思旧[思舊] xü-giù
sījiù think fondly of past times or old acquaintances.⁵⁴
思过[思過] xü-gö
sīguò introspect one's fault.⁸
思考 xü-hāo
sīkǎo think deeply; ponder over; reflect on.⁵
思量 xü-lẽng
sīliang consider.⁹
思路 xü-lù
sīlù reason; train of thoughts.⁸
思慕 xü-mù
sīmù to think of somebody with respect.⁸
思念 xü-nèm
sīniàn to think of; to long for; to miss.¹⁰
思索 xü-sōk
sīsuǒ to think deeply; to ponder.¹⁰
思前想后[思前想後] xü-tẽin-xēng-hèo
sīqiánxiǎnghòu ponder over; think of the past and future.⁸
or 思维[思維] xü-vĩ sīwéi <phil.> thought; thinking.⁵
思想 xü-xēng
sīxiǎng thought; idea; consider; think of.⁸
思想疙瘩 xü-xēng-kēik-äp
sīxiǎng gēda knots in one's mind.⁶
思绪[思緒] xü-xuî
sīxù train of thought, thinking.⁵
<台> 思疑 xü-ngĩ to suspect.
(See 思 [xü, si], [xü, sāi].)
xu2 15868
61 10 indulge oneself, unrestrained.⁸
放恣 föng-xü fàngzì <wr.> conceited and self-indulgent; arrogant and imperious.⁶
放恣失仪[放恣失儀] föng-xü-sīt-ngĩ
fàngzìshīyí debauched and impolite.⁵⁴
恣纵[恣縱] xü-düng
zìzòng indulge in sensual pleasures.¹¹
恣行无忌[恣行無忌] xü-hãng-mũ-gì
zìxíngwújì act recklessly.¹¹
恣睢 xü-juï
or xü-xuï zìsuī  <wr.> reckless; unbridled.⁵ defying control, arrogant.⁹ to do what one likes.¹¹
恣情 xü-tẽin
zìqíng to indulge in something to one's heart's content; wanton or willful.¹⁰
恣肆 xü-xü
zìsì throw off restraint, act with a high hand, (of writings) forceful.¹¹
恣意 xü-yï
zìyì indulge one's wishes, do as one likes.¹¹
恣意妄为[恣意妄為] xü-yï-mông-vĩ
zìyìwàngwéi behave unscrupulously; act recklessly.⁸
xu2 15869
61 13 <wr.> sincere feeling; sincerity.⁵ <wr.> true/sincere feelings; innermost feelings; sincerity.⁶ sincerity; honesty.⁷
情愫 tẽin-xü qíngsù innermost feelings.⁷
xu2 15870
61 14 (=訴 xü ) tell, relate, inform; complain, accuse; appeal to, resort to.⁵
肤受之愬[膚受之愬] fü-siù-jï-xü
fūshòuzhīsù <wr.> rumor to smear which hurts intimately.¹¹
or 告诉[告訴] gäo-xü gàosu to tell.⁵
or 泣诉[泣訴] hīp-xü qìsù accuse while weeping.⁶
or 上诉[上訴] sèng-xü shàngsù appeal to a higher court.⁵
<又> sōk.
(See 訴 xü; 愬 sōk).
xu2 15871
61 15 𢠹
(composition: ⿰忄斯; U+22839).
惿𢠹❄{⿰忄斯} hãi-xü tísī timid, cowardly; be afraid, be scared.⁸ the mind alarmed; afraid.²⁴
xu2 15872
64 15 to rip, to tear.
撕扯 xü-chēh sīchě to tear apart.
撕掉 xü-èl
sīdiào to tear out (and throw away); to rip away.
撕毁 xü-fī
sīhuǐ to tear apart.
撕票 xü-pêl
sīpiào to kill a hostage; to tear a ticket.
撕破 xü-pö
sīpò to tear; to rip.
撕碎 xü-xuï
sīsuì to tear to shreds.
(See 撕 [xü, ].)
xu2 15873
64 15 to arouse to attention.
提撕 hãi-xü tíxī to manage; to arouse to attention; business matters.¹⁴  to wake up, put on one's guard; to help and guide (the young).¹¹
撕心裂肺 xü-xïm-lëik-fï
sīxīnlièfèi extreme grief.¹
(See 撕 [xü, ].)
xu2 15874
69 12 <wr.> this; <wr.> then, thus.⁵  (phonetic); this; Slovakia; Slovak; abbr. for 斯洛伐克.¹⁰ Si surname.⁵
法西斯 fāt-xäi-xü fǎxīsī <loan> fascist.⁶
如斯 nguĩ-xü
rúsī like this.¹¹
生于斯[生於斯] säng-yï-xü
shēngyúsī was born here.¹¹
斯巴达[斯巴達] Xü-bā-àt
Sībādá Sparta.⁷
斯芬克士 Xü-fün-hāk-xù
Sīfēnkèshì (Greek mythology) the Sphinx.⁷
斯堪的纳维亚半岛[斯堪的納維亞半島] Xü-häm-ēik-nàp-vĩ-ä Bön-āo
Sīkāndìnàwéiyà Bàndǎo Scandinavian Peninsula.⁸
斯土 xü-hū
sītǔ this land.¹¹
斯洛伐克 Xü-lōk-fàt-hāk 
Sīluòfákè Slovak; Slovak republic (from 1992); Slovakia.¹⁰
斯文 xü-mũn
sīwén refined; educate; cultured; intellectual; polite; gentle.¹⁰
斯文扫地[斯文掃地] xü-mũn-xäo-ì
sīwénsǎodì the decadence of the intellectuals.⁶
斯人 xü-ngĩn
sīrén this person.⁵
斯时[斯時] xü-sĩ
sīshí at this moment.⁵
于斯[於斯] yï-xü
yúsī in this place; here.⁷
xu2 15875
75 6 (=刺 xü stab, prick; assassinate; irritate, stimulate; criticize; thorn, splinter; <wr.> visiting card.⁵⁴ a pointed structure which is able to pierce something (spike, spine, thorn); (literary, or in compounds) visiting card.³⁶  a prickle, a thorn on plants; to be sarcastic.¹⁰²
(Note: This character 朿 xü
is the original form for 刺 xü and 莿 xü ).
(composition: ⿻木冂; U+673F).
or 荆棘之莿[荊棘之莿] gëin-gēik-jï-xü jīngjízhīcì the thorns on brambles.¹⁰²
or 桃莿为好肉[桃莿爲好肉] hâo-xü-vì-hāo-ngùk táocìwèihàoròu he took out the thorn and let the flesh heal; — said of a peacemaker.¹⁰²
or 芒刺 or 芒莿 mõng-xü mángcì awn; thorn; prickle.⁵⁴ the beard or awn of barley.¹⁰²
or 莿菓儿[莿菓兒] xü-gō-ngĩ cìguǒ'ér a prickly fruit — a disagreeable person.¹⁴ a hooked seed, like the bur-marygold (Bidens); — a captious man.¹⁰²
or 莿玫花 xü-mõi-fä cìméihuā a prickly rose.¹⁰²
or 莿儿松[莿兒松] xü-ngĩ-tũng cì'érsōng the juniper.¹⁰²
(See 刺[ xü, ], 莿 xü).
xu2 15876
75 13 (composition: ⿰木思; U+6952).
楒仔 xü-dū sīzǐ or 淋漓柯[淋灕柯] lĩm-lĩ-ü línlíkē Lithocarpus uraianus Hayata.²³ʼ³²
相楒木 xëng-xü-mûk
xiāngsīmù (=相思树[相思樹] xëng-xü-sì xiāngsīshù <bot.> Abrus precatorius acacia.¹).⁸ abrus.⁹ the name of a large tree, of hard-grained wood, useful for making utensils; the fruit is like coral beads, retaining their form for years; the Abrus Precatorius.²⁴
xu2 15877
75 14 Quercus dentata.¹⁰ʼ³⁵ See 槲树[槲樹] hùk-sì húshù Mongolian oak (Quercus dentata) or Daimyo oak.³⁵
榡柃 xü-lẽin
sùlíng a wood very prettily marked with veins.²⁴
xu2 15878
76 6 occurrence; time; second; inferior.
初次 chö-xü chūcì for the first time.
其次 kĩ-xü
qícì next; second; secondary.
如次 nguĩ-xü
rúcì as follows.
首次 siū-xü
shǒucì first (time).
层次[層次] tãng-xü
céngcì arrangement of ideas; administrative level; level.⁵⁵
三番五次 xäm-fän-m̄-xü
sānfānwǔcì again and again; time and again; over and over again; repeatedly.⁵
次第 xü-ài
cìdì order, sequence; one after another.⁶
次品 xü-bīn
cìpǐn substandard products; defective goods; seconds; upgraded products.
次序 xü-duì
cìxù sequence; order.¹⁰
次之 xü-jï
cìzhī second (in a competition); occupying second place.
次日 xü-ngìt
cìrì the next day.
次数[次數] xü-sü
cìshù number of times; frequency.
因次 yïn-xü
yīncì <phy.> dimension.⁶
xu2 15879
85 8 nasal mucus; river in Shandong.¹⁰
涕泗 häi-xü tìsì tears and snivel.⁶
涕泗交流 häi-xü-gäo-liũ
tìsìjiāoliú tears and mucus streaming/running down – crying piteously.⁶
涕泗滂沱 häi-xü-põng-hõ
or häi-xü-põng-hũ tìsìpāngtuó  be drenched with tears and snivel.⁶
洙泗 Jï-Xü
Zhū-Sì the two rivers (Zhu and Si), area where Confucius taught.¹¹
泗水 xü-suī
sìshuǐ the Sishui River (in Shandong Province); Sishui county in 济宁[濟寧] Dāi-nẽin Jìnìng Jining, Shandong.⁵⁴
xu2 15880
85 8 to go upstream; to trace up to the source.⁷
(variants: 㴑, 溯, 遡 xü sù).
(composition ⿰氵斥; U+6CDD).
泝流 xü-liũ sùliú to go against the current; to go upstream.⁷
泝源 xü-ngũn
sùyuán to trace up to the source.⁷
泝洄 xü-või
sùhuí to go against the stream.⁷
泝游 xü-yiũ
sùyóu to go down the stream.⁷
泝沿 xü-yõn
sùyán to follow the stream or current; to follow along a course.⁷
(See 㴑, 溯, 遡 xü).
xu2 15881
85 12 to trace up to a source; to go against the stream/water.¹⁴ (variants: 泝, 溯, 遡 xü ).
(composition ⿰氵㡿; U+3D11) .
(See 泝, 溯, 遡 xü).
xu2 15882
85 13 shī river in 河南 Hõ-nãm Hénán Henan Province.⁸
浉河[溮河] Xü-hõ
Shīhé Shihe River, name of river in  Xinyang (信阳[信陽] Xïn-yẽng Xìnyáng), 河南 Hõ-nãm Hénán Henan Province.⁹
xu2 15883
85 13 go against the stream; trace back, recall.⁵ to go upstream, to go against a stream; to trace, to recall.⁷ (variants: 泝, 㴑, 遡 xü ).
追本溯源 juï-bōn-xü-ngũn
zhuīběnsùyuán trace to its source; get at the root of the matter.⁵
追根溯源 juï-gïn-xü-ngũn
zhuīgēnsùyuán trace (back) to the source of something; get to the root of something.⁶
追溯 juï-xü
zhuīsù trace back to; date from.⁵
回溯 või-xü
huísù recall, look back upon.⁵
溯查 xü-chã
sùchá to inquire into the origin (of).⁷ to inquire into the origin of; I find that...¹⁴
溯自 xü-dù
sùzì ever since.⁷
溯江而上 xü-göng-ngĩ-sëng
sùjiāng'érshàng to go upstream in a boat.⁷
溯流而上 xü-liũ-ngĩ-sëng
sùliú'érshàng go upstream.⁵
溯源 xü-ngũn
sùyuán to trace back to the source.⁷
溯洄 xü-või
sùhuí to go upstream.⁷
溯游 xü-yiũ
sùyóu to go downstream.⁸
(See 泝, 㴑, 遡 xü).
xu2 15884
85 13 ➀ (<old>=溯 xü ) to go upstream, to go against a current ➁ an appliance used to fetch (scoop up) water while in a boat.⁸ʼ³⁶
(See 溯 xü).
xu2 15885
85 15 <wr.> empty; finish; be extinct.⁶ to exhaust; to drain dry.⁸
澌尽[澌盡] xü-dìn sījìn run dry; exhausted – of the death of a man who has come to a good end.¹⁴ exhaust, drain out.⁵⁴
澌灭[澌滅] xü-mèik
sīmiè extinguish; totally disappear.⁶ (of fire) be extinguished, (of life) come to an end.¹¹ to extinguish – a fire.¹⁴
澌澌 xü-xü
sīsī sound of pouring rain or rushing wind.⁵⁴
xu2 15886
94 13 shī lion.⁵
河东狮吼[河東獅吼] hõ-üng-xü-vāo or hõ-üng-xü-hāo hédōngshīhǒu lioness's roar, describing fear of henpecked husband.¹¹
海狮[海獅] hōi-xü
hǎishī sea lion.⁸
美洲狮[美洲獅] mî-jiü-xü
měizhōushī cougar; mountain lion; puma.¹⁰
狮子[獅子] xü-dū
shīzi lion.⁵
狮子大开口[獅子大開口] xü-dū-ài-höi-hēo
shīzi dàkāikǒu lit. the lion opens its mouth wide; fig. demand an exorbitant price.³⁹
狮子狗[獅子狗] xü-dū-gēo
shīzigǒu the Pekingese dog.¹¹
狮子头[獅子頭] xü-dū-hẽo
shīzitóu large meatball.⁹
狮子舞[獅子舞] xü-dū-mū
shīziwǔ lion dance.⁵
狮毛猴[獅毛猴] xü-mão-hẽo
shīmáohóu lion monkey; lion marmoset.⁵¹
狮城[獅城] xü-sẽin
shīchéng Lion City, nickname for Singapore (新加坡 xïn-gä-bö xīnjiāpō).¹⁰
狮身人面像[獅身人面像] xü-sïn-ngĩn-mèin-dèng
shīshēn rénmiàn xiàng sphinx.⁵
狮吼[獅吼] xü-vāo
or xü-hāo shīhǒu the roar of a lion.⁵¹
瑞狮[瑞獅] xuì-xü
ruìshī Rui Shi, Auspicious Lions of Chinese mythology.¹⁰
xu2 15887
100 12 (=苏[蘇] xü ) to be reborn; to resuscitate, to revive.⁸ to wake up, to revive.¹¹ (=稣[穌] xü revive, to rise again; collect.⁸).¹⁴ to revive, to come to life again, to rise again.²⁴
(composition: ⿺更生; U+7526).
(See 蘇 xü; 穌 xü).
半晌方苏[半晌方甦] bön-hēng-föng-xü
bànshǎng fāng sū in a short time he recovered consciousness.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《三國演義·小霸王怒斬于吉,碧眼兒坐領江東·15》.
or 复苏[復蘇] fùk-xü fùsū (<lit.>, <fig.>, <med.>, <econ.>) to come back to life; to resuscitate; to revive; to recover.³⁶
or 心肺复苏[心肺復蘇] xïm-fï-fùk-xü xīnfèifùsū <med.> cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).³⁶
甦转[甦轉] xü-jōn
sūzhuǎn (same as 甦醒 or 苏醒[蘇醒] xü-xēin sūxǐng to wake up from coma, stupor.¹¹ to revive; to arouse; to awaken.¹⁴).¹⁴
甦涸鲋[甦涸鮒] xü-kök-fù
sūhéfù to revive a dry fish — to relieve distress.¹⁴
or 苏软[蘇軟] xü-ngün sūruǎn (legs, arms) go soft.¹¹ out of sorts; tired; apathetic; limp.¹⁴
or 苏醒[蘇醒] xü-xēin sūxǐng to wake up from coma, stupor.¹¹ to revive; to arouse; to awaken.¹⁴
甦醒过来[甦醒過來] xü-xēin-gö-lõi
sūxǐngguòlái to recover consciousness.¹⁴
xu2 15888
109 10 𥄶
to spy, to peep, to steal a glance.²⁵
(composition: ⿰目司; U+25136).
xu2 15889
112 15 a lodging place, a hotel.²⁵
(composition: ⿰石虒; U+78C3).
磃氏 Xü-sì Sīshì name of a lodge in the hunting park for emperors during the Han Dynasty.¹⁰¹
<又> hãi.
(See 磃 hãi).
xu2 15890
115 7 personal; private; selfish.¹⁰
大公无私[大公無私] ài-güng-mũ-xü dàgōngwúsī selfless; fair-minded; impartical.⁸
公私分明 güng-xü-fün-mẽin
gōngsīfēnmíng clear separating of public and private matters.¹⁰
铁面无私[鐵面無私] hëik-mèin-mũ-xü
tiěmiànwúsī impartial and incorruptible; strictly impartial.⁶
私奔 xü-bïn
sībēn to elope.¹⁰
私衷 xü-chüng
sīzhōng real/innermost thoughts.⁶
私觌[私覿] xü-èik
sīdí <wr.> have a private audience with somebody; meet each other privately.⁵⁴
私家 xü-gä
sījiā of one's own; personal; private.⁶
私悃 xü-gūn
or xü-kūn sīkǔn (=私衷 xü-chüng sīzhōng real/innermost thoughts.⁶) <wr.> personal feeling; <court.> my feeling on the matter.¹¹
私枭[私梟] xü-hël
sīxiāo smuggler.¹¹
私昵 xü-nèik
sīnì intimate with.¹⁴
私人 xü-ngĩn
sīrén private, personal; person-to-person, interpersonnal; one's own man.⁶
私相授受 xü-xëng-siù-siù
sīxiāngshòushòu give and accept in private; have underhand dealings.⁶
私心 xü-xïm
sīxīn innermost being; selfishness.⁶
私有 xü-yiû
sīyǒu possess as private; privately own.⁶
xu2 15891
115 16 revive, to rise again; collect.⁸
耶稣[耶穌] Yẽh-xü Yēsū Jesus.¹¹
耶稣基督[耶穌基督] Yẽh-xü Gï-ūk
Yēsū Jīdū Jesus Christ.⁹
xu2 15892
118 11 a bamboo box or chest.⁷ square bamboo container for food or clothing.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱⺮司; U+7B25).
箪笥[簞笥] än-xü dānsì a bamboo box; vessels for holding food.⁷
箧笥[篋笥] gēp-xü
qièsì bamboo box for holding books, clothes, etc.¹⁰ a satchel; a portfolio.¹⁴ a scholar's satchel.²⁵
橐笥 hōk-xü
tuósì bag; satchel.⁷
笥匮囊空[笥匱囊空] xü-gì-nõng-hüng
sìkuìnángkōng lit. All the boxes and bags are empty – extremely destitute; dead broke.⁷
xu2 15893
120 10 raw silk; white; plain; vegetarian (food); essence; nature; element; constituent; usually; always; ever.¹⁰
素谙水性[素諳水性] xü-ām-suī-xëin sùānshuǐxìng to be a skillful swimmer.⁵⁴
素不相识[素不相識] xü-būt-xëng-sēik
sùbùxiāngshí have never met before; be stranger to each other.⁶
素帱[素幬] xü-chiũ
sùchóu a plain curtain for a carriage.¹⁴
素什锦[素什錦] xü-dàp-gīm
sùshíjǐn dish cooked with agaric, mushroom, dried soya cream and varied vegetables.⁹ assorted vegetarian platter.⁵⁴
素服 xü-fùk
sùfú white (mourning) clothes.⁶
素馨 xü-hëin
sùxīn <bot.> jasmine.⁶
素质[素質] xü-jīt
sùzhì quality; <psy.> diathesis.⁵
素来[素來] xü-lõi
sùlái always; usually.⁵
素缎[素緞] xü-òn
sùduàn a white damask.⁹ plain satin.³⁹
素餐 xü-tän
sùcān vegetarian meal.⁵
素菜 xü-töi
sùcài vegetable dish.⁵
素材 xü-tõi
sùcái source material (of literature and art).⁵
素性 xü-xëin
sùxìng one's nature, temperament.¹¹
素心 xü-xïm
sùxīn real intention, true will; pure in heart.⁶
素养[素養] xü-yêng
sùyǎng (personal) accomplishment; attainment in self-cultivation.¹⁰
素因子 xü-yïn-dū
sùyīnzǐ <math.> prime factor.⁵

xu2 15894
120 12 trace, tiny bit.
吐丝[吐絲] hü-xû tǔsī (silkworms) to spin silk.¹¹
竹丝鸡[竹絲雞] jūk-xü-gäi
zhúsījī or 乌骨鸡[烏骨雞] vü-gūt-gäi wūgǔjī black-boned chicken; silky fowl; silkie; silky; Gallus gallus domesticus Brisson; aka 絲羽烏骨雞, 武山雞, 烏雞.¹⁰ʼ¹⁵ʼ²⁰
丝瓜[絲瓜] xü-gä
sīguā towel gourd; dishcloth gourd.⁵
丝瓜络[絲瓜絡] xü-gä-lōk
sīguāluò loofah; vegetable sponge.⁵
丝毫[絲毫] xü-hõ
sīháo slightest amount/degree; a bit; a particle; least bit; a vestige.⁶
丝丝入扣[絲絲入扣] xü-xü-yìp-këo
sīsīrùkòu with meticulous care and flawless artistry; (story plot) intricately woven together.
一丝一毫[一絲一毫] yīt-xü-yīt-hõ
yīsī-yīháo a tiny bit; an iota; a trace.⁶
<台> 丝瓜丝[絲瓜絲] xü-gä-xü loofah; luffa.
<又> xû.
(See 絲 xû.)
xu2 15895
120 15 <wr.> fine flax (mainly used for sables).⁶ fine jute cloth; to spin jute thread or yarn.⁷  fine linen.¹¹ coarse, cotton cloth, used for mourning.¹⁴
缌麻[緦麻] xü-mǎ sīmá or 缌麻服[緦麻服] xü-mã-fùk sīmáfú a degree of mourning – worn for three months for distant relatives.¹⁴
缌麻服[緦麻服] xü-mã-fùk
sīmáfú or 缌服[緦服] xü-fùk sīfú mourning dress of the lowest degree, worn for three months for distant relatives.⁷
缌丝[緦絲] xü-xû
sīsī flaxen threads.²⁵
xu2 15896
122 14 wooden screen.⁸
(composition: ⿱罒思; U+7F73).
桴罳 fẽo-xü fóusī wooden screen before a door.¹⁴
罘罳 fẽo-xü
fúsī screen placed outside the door in ancient China; metal network under eaves to ward off birds.⁶
罣罳 kä-xü
guàsī a sieve.³⁹
xu2 15897
129 13 wanton, unbridled; <wr.> shop.⁵ to spread out exceedingly, to exert one's strength to the utmost.²⁵ set forth, display.⁶²
大肆 ài-xü dàsì without restraint; wantonly.⁵
肆笔直书[肆筆直書] xü-bīt-jèik-sï
sìbǐzhíshū let go the pen and write as one thinks.¹¹
肆廛 xü-chẽn
sìchán shops; stores.⁷
肆陈[肆陳] xü-chĩn
sìchén <wr.> exhibit.⁵⁴
肆劫 xü-gēp
or xü-gëp sìjié to loot, or rob freely and without any restraint; rapine.⁷
肆行 xü-hàng
sìxíng be wanton; be unbridled.⁶
肆口 xü-hēo
sìkǒu talk without restraint.⁶
肆力 xü-lèik
sìlì <wr.> devote all one's efforts (to); do one's best.⁶
肆掠 xü-lèk
sìlüè to indulge in looting, robbery, without restraint; rapine.⁷
肆无忌惮[肆無忌憚] xü-mũ-gì-àn
sìwújìdàn unbridled; brazen; unscrupulous.⁵
肆目 xü-mùk
sìmù to stretch one's eyes as far as one can see.⁷
肆虐 xü-ngèk
sìnüè indulge in wanton massacre or persecution; wreak havoc.⁵
肆扰[肆擾] xü-ngêl
sìrǎo wantonly harass; willfully disturb.⁶
肆意 xü-yï
sìyì wantonly; recklessly, wilfully.⁵
<又> xï.
(See 肆 xï.)
xu2 15898
140 11 (=朿 xü in the sense of 'thorn'); thorn.⁸ a thorn.¹⁴ a thorn, a prickle; to pierce, to stab; used also metaphorically.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹刺; U+83BF).
or 朿花 xü-fä cìhuā wild roses.¹⁴
or 朿菓儿[朿菓兒] xü-gō-ngĩ cìguǒ'ér a prickly fruit — a disagreeable person.¹⁴ a hooked seed, like the bur-marygold (Bidens); — a captious man.¹⁰²
or 朿艻子 xü-làk-dū cìlèzǐ thorns.¹⁴
or 朿梨 xü-lĩ cìlí or 缫丝花[繅絲花] xäo-xü-fä sāosīhuā wild roses.¹⁴ Rosa roxburghii Tratt.²³
or 朿玫 xü-mõi cìméi wild roses.¹⁴
or 朿挠[朿撓] xü-nẽo cìnáo itchy; irritating.¹⁴
or 朿儿[朿兒] xü-ngĩ cì'ér thorns.¹⁴
or 朿松 xü-tũng cìsōng the juniper.¹⁴
莿梨 or 朿梨 xü-lĩ cìlí
(See 朿 xü; 刺[ xü, ]).
xu2 15899
140 13 shī a plant with seeds like barley (edible); Shi surname.⁸ʼ¹⁹ a plant found on the surface of the ocean, the fruit of which is like barley, called spontaneous corn.²⁵ a plant found on the surface of the sea, the seed of which is like barley and is edible; its demotic name is "natural grain".²ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿱艹師; U+8492).
xu2 15900
140 15 name of a variety of grass; growing in the water with edible flowers.⁸ a plant growing in the water, the flowers of which may be eaten.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹斯; U+452E).
xu2 15901
140 19 short for Suzhou; short for Jiangsu Province; short for the former Soviet Union; Su surname.
苏州[蘇州] Xü-Jiü
Sūzhōu Suzhou, a city in 江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū Jiangsu Province.
苏州码子[蘇州碼子] Xü-Jiü-mâ-dū
Sūzhōu mǎzi Suzhou numerals, 〡, 〢, 〣, 〤, 〥, 〦, 〧, 〨, 〩, 十 nowadays mainly used in traditional trades such as Chinese medicine.⁵⁴
苏联[蘇聯] Xü-lũn
Sūlián Soviet Union 1922-1991.
苏木[蘇木] xü-mûk
sūmù sappanwood; Indian redwoods (Caesalpinia sappan or Biancaea sappan).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
苏轼[蘇軾] Xü Sēik
Sū Shì Su Shi (1037-1101), also known as Su Dongpo 苏东坡[苏东坡] Xü Üng-bö Sū Dōngpō, northern Song Dynasty writer and calligrapher; one of the Three Su father and sons 三苏[三蘇] Xäm Xü Sān Sū and one of the 唐宋八大家 Hõng-Xüng bāt-ài-gä Táng Sòng bādàjiā Eight Giants of Tang and Song Prose.¹⁰
苏维埃[蘇維埃] xü-vĩ-äi
sūwéi'āi Soviet.
苏醒[蘇醒] xü-xēin
sūxǐng to revive; to regain consciousness; to come to.
苏绣[蘇繡] Xü-xiü
Sūxiù Suzhou embroidery.⁵
<台> 苏杭舖[蘇杭舖] xü-hõng-pü/ <old> fabric store.
<又> sō.
(See 蘇 sō.)
xu2 15902
141 10 an amphibious beast resembling a tiger with one horn; place name.⁸
(composition: ⿸𠂆虎; U+8652).
下虒 hà-xü xiàsī the name of a terrace.²⁵
上虒 sèng-xü
shàngsī the name of a pavilion.²⁵
委虒 vī-xü
wěisī a tiger with horns.²⁵
虒祁 xü-kĩ
sīqí the name of a place.²⁵
xu2 15903
142 12 caterpillar; (Cant.) a nit, louse; itching.⁸
蛓毛虫[蛓毛蟲] xü-mão-chũng cìmáochóng caterpillar.⁸
xu2 15904
142 16 a kind of mollusk with a spiral shell.⁷
田螺蛳[田螺螄] hẽin-lũ-xü tiánluósī pond snail.¹⁹ field snail.³⁹
海蛳[海螄] hōi-xü hǎisī <zoo.> a sea shell,
Scala lamellosa.¹¹
螺蛳[螺螄] lũ-xü
luósi spiral shell; snail.⁵
xu2 15905
147 12 peek.⁸ to peep, to spy, to steal a glance, to peep privately; to wait (upon, to serve).²⁵ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰司見; U+8997).
窥覗[窺覗] kï-xü kuīsì (=窥伺[窺伺] kï-xù or kï-dù kuīsì to watch and wait (for a chance to attack).⁷).¹⁹
覗察 xü-chāt
sìchá secretly watch.¹⁹
覗敌[覗敵] xü-èik
sìdí to spy on the enemy.¹³ʼ⁰
覗机[覗機] xü-gï
sìjī to wait for an opportunity.¹⁹
xu2 15906
149 12 tell, relate, inform; complain, accuse; appeal to, resort to.⁵ (variant: 愬 xü ).
起诉[起訴] hī-xü
qǐsù <law> sue; prosecute.⁵
or 上愬 sèng-xü shàngsù appeal to a higher court.⁵
申诉[申訴] sïn-xü
shēnsù appeal.⁵
诉讼[訴訟] xü-dùng
sùsòng lawsuit; litigation.⁵
诉苦[訴苦] xü-fū
sùkǔ vent one's grievances.⁵
诉告[訴告] xü-gäo
sùgào air one's complaint.⁶
诉诸公论[訴諸公論] xü-jï-güng-lùn
sùzhū gōnglùn to appeal to public opinion.⁷
诉状[訴狀] xü-jòng
sùzhuàng <law> plaint; indictment.⁵
诉求[訴求] xü-kiũ
sùqiú recount and request, petition; oursue, demand.⁶
诉愿[訴願] xü-ngùn
sùyuàn lodge a disciplinary complaint.⁶
诉说[訴說] xü-sōt
sùshuō tell; relate; recount.⁵
诉述[訴述] xü-sùt
sùshù complain (of) tell; relate; recount.⁶
诉请[訴請] xü-tēin
sùqǐng appeal.⁵⁴
诉冤[訴冤] xü-yön
sùyuān air/express one's grievances.⁶
(See 愬 xü).
xu2 15907
154 15 grant; favor; gift.⁵
赐帛[賜帛] xü-bàk cìbó <trad.> be ordered by the emperor to hang oneself.⁶
赐爵[賜爵] xü-dēk
cìjué to confer titles of nobility upon the meritorious.⁷
赐奠[賜奠] xü-èin
cìdiàn (said of the emperor) to personally offer condolences to the deceased.⁷
赐福[賜福] xü-fūk
cìfú bless, give blessing; blessing.⁶
赐复[賜復] xü-fūk
cìfù <wr.> kindly favor me with a reply.⁶
赐教[賜教] xü-gäo
cìjiào condescend to teach; grant instruction.⁵
赐顾[賜顧] xü-gü
cìgù (a polite business expression) your patronage.⁷
赐给[賜給] xü-kīp
cìgěi to grant; to bestow.⁷
赐谥[賜謚] xü-sï
cìshì (said of a high minister) to have an honorary title conferred posthumously.⁷
赐示[賜示] xü-sì
cìshì (a polite expression) Please tell me...⁷
赐姓[賜姓] xü-xëin
cìxìng to be given the emperor's family name (in recognition of one's meritorious service).⁷
赐死[賜死] xü-xī
cìsǐ to be ordered by the emperor to commit suicide.⁷
or 赐与[賜與] xü-yî cìyǔ grant; bestow.⁵
xu2 15908
156 12 𧺷
running along.²⁵
(composition: ⿺走去; U+27EB7).
xu2 15909
162 13 to trace back to a source; to go against a stream.⁷ (variants: 泝, 㴑, 溯 xü ).
(composition: ⿺辶朔; U+9061).
遡自 xü-dù
sùzì since then; it appears that ever since…¹⁴
遡风[遡風] xü-füng
sùfēng to go against the wind.¹⁴
遡流而行 xü-liũ-ngĩ-hãng
sùliú'érxíng to go against the current.¹⁴
Xü-või-tũng-jï, ào-jū-chēh-chẽng.
Xü-yiũ-tũng-jï, vōn-dòi-suī-jüng-yëng.
Sù huí cóng zhī, dào zǔ qiě cháng.
Sù yóu cóng zhī, wǎn zài shuǐ zhōngyāng.

I go up the stream in quest of him,
But the way is difficult and long.
I go down the stream in quest of him,
And lo! he is right in the midst of the water.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·秦風·蒹葭·1》, translated by James Legge).
遡游 xü-yiũ
sùyóu to go downstream.⁸ʼ¹⁴
(See 泝, 㴑, 溯 xü).
xu2 15910
164 12 crisp, short; shortbread; (of limbs) limp, weak, soft.⁵
杏仁酥 hàng-ngĩn-xü xìngrénsū almond shortbread.⁵
桃酥 hão-xü
or hâo-xü táosū flaky and crisp sweetmeat whose main ingredients are wheat flour, cream and sugar.⁰
香酥鸡[香酥雞] hëng-xü-gäi
xiāngsūjī crisp fried chicken.⁵
酥饼[酥餅] xü-bēng
sūbǐng a kind of crisp biscuit; shortcake.⁷
酥发[酥髮] xü-fāt
sūfà soft, silky hair.¹¹
酥糖 xü-hõng/
sūtáng crunchy candy.⁵
酥胸 xü-hüng
sūxiōng soft and fair-skinned breast (of a woman).⁶
酥麻 xü-mã
sūmá limp and numb.⁵
酥软[酥軟] xü-ngün
sūruǎn limp; weak; soft.⁵
酥脆 xü-tuï
sūcuì crisp.⁵
酥松[酥鬆] xü-xüng
sūsōng (of soil) loose; soft.⁶
酥油 xü-yiũ
sūyóu butter.⁵
xu2 15911
164 26 shī <wr.> filter (wine), filtrate (wine); pour (wine); dredge (rivers and canals).⁶
(comp. t: ⿰酉麗; U+91C3). (comp. s: ⿰酉丽; U+917E).
酾酒[釃酒] xü-diū
or säi-diū shījiǔ or shāijiǔ (=斟酒 jïm-diū zhēnjiǔ) pour wine.⁵⁴
<又> säi; lĩ. (See 釃 säi; 釃 lĩ).

xu2 15912
181 19   good, fine, excellent; pleasing; a wry neck.⁸
(composition: ⿰虒頁; U+4AE2).
䫢𩓨❄{⿰青頁} xü-dëin sījīng the head awry; a wry head; good-looking.²⁵
xu2 15913
182 18 the cool breeze of autumn; the south-west wind.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿺風思; U+98B8). (comp. s: ⿺风思; U+98D4).
xu2 15914
187 15 <trad> team of four horses (for a carriage); <wr.> horse.⁶
君子一言,驷马难追[君子一言,駟馬難追] gün-dū-yīt-ngũn, xü-mâ-nãn-juï jūnzǐyīyán, sìmǎ'nánzhuī a word spoken can never be taken back.⁶
钧驷[鈞駟] gün-xü
jūnsì <wr.> a team of four horses of the same color.¹¹
驷不及舌[駟不及舌] xü-būt-gèp-sêt
sìbùjíshé a word spoken goes faster than a team of four horses – what has been said cannot be unsaid.⁶
驷马[駟馬] xü-mâ
sìmǎ <wr.> team of four horses (for a carriage).⁶
驷马高车[駟馬高車] xü-mâ-gäo-chëh
sìmǎgāochē <wr.> high carriage and four horses – symbol of wealth and nobility.¹¹
驷马难追[駟馬難追] xü-mâ-nãn-juï
sìmǎnánzhuī Even with a team of four horses, it is difficult to overtake carelessly uttered words.⁷
一言既出,驷马难追[一言既出,駟馬難追] yīt-ngũn-gï-chūt, xü-mâ-nãn-juï
yīyánjìchū, sìmǎ'nánzhuī words once uttered cannot be taken back even by a team of four horses – what is said cannot be unsaid.⁶
xu2 15915
190 19 (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 䰄 xöi sāi with same meaning: )
(composition: ⿱髟思; U+4C04).
<又> xöi.
(See 䰄 xöi).
xu2 15916
190 19 (same as 須[鬚] xü ) beard; whiskers.⁸ the beard.²⁵
(composition: ⿱髟頁; U+4C05).
(See 鬚 xü).
xu2 15917
190 22 beard, mustache; palpus, feeler; tassel.⁵
(variant: 䰅 xü ).
触须[觸鬚] chūk-xü
chùxū cirrus; vibrissa.⁶ a palpus; feelers; antennae; tentacles.⁷
留须[留鬚] liũ-xü
liúxū grow a beard.⁵
须发[鬚髮] xü-fāt
xūfà beard and hair.⁵
须根[鬚根] xü-gïn
xūgēn fine rootlets of plants; fibrous roots.⁷
须眉[鬚眉] xü-mĩ
xūméi <wr.> beard and eyebrows – a man.⁵
<又> xuï, xû.
(See 須 xuï; 鬚 xû; 䰅 xü).
xu2 15918
195 15 shī (=鰤 xü shī)²⁵ a yellowtail (fish).⁸
<又> jät.
(See 魳 jät.)
xu2 15919
195 21 shī a yellowtail (fish).⁸
舟鰤 jiü-xü zhōushī pilotfish Naucrates ductor.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鰤魚 xü-nguĩ
shīyú Japanese amberjack or yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
xu2 15920
195 23 a kind of fish; a second name for tuna.⁸
䱀䲉鱼[䱀䲉魚] yëng-xü-nguî/ yāngsīyú another name for 黄颡鱼[黃顙魚] võng-xông-nguî/ huángsǎngyú yellowhead catfish; Korean bullhead (Tachysurus fulvidraco syn. Pelteobagrus fulvidraco), delicious taste with little bone among muscle, and high nutritional value.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
xu2 15921
196 15 shī nuthatch (bird of genus Sitta).¹⁰
茶腹䴓[茶腹鳾] chã-fūk-xü cháfùshī 普通䴓[普通鳾] pū-hüng-xü pǔtōngshī Eurasian nuthatch, wood nuthatch (Sitta europaea).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
滇䴓[滇鳾] ëin-xü
diānshī or 雲南鳾[雲南鳾] Vũn-nãm-xü Yúnnánshī Yunnan nuthatch (Sitta yunnanensis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
巨䴓[巨鳾] guì-xü
jùshī giant nuthatch (Sitta magna).¹⁰
丽䴓[麗鳾] lài-xü
lìshī beautiful nuthatch (Sitta formosa).¹⁰
栗腹䴓[栗腹鳾] lùt-fūk-xü
lìfùshī chestnut-bellied nuthatch (Sitta cinnamoventris).¹⁰
栗臀䴓[栗臀鳾] lùt-hũn-xü
lìtúnshī chestnut-vented nuthatch (Sitta nagaensis).¹⁰
䴓科[鳾科] xü-fö
shīkē Sittidae (family).¹⁵
䴓鸟[鳾鳥] xü-nêl
shīniǎo nuthach.⁵⁴
䴓属[鳾屬] xü-sùk
shīshǔ Sitta (genus).¹⁵
xu2 15922
196 23 an egret.⁷
鹭鸶[鷺鷥] lù-xü or lù-xũ lùsī an egret.⁷
<又> xũ.
(See 鷥 xũ.)
xu2 15923
208 23 a weasel.²⁵
鼶鼠 xü-sī sīshǔ (=大田鼠 ài-hẽin-sī dàtiánshǔ) large vole.¹⁹
xu2 15924
30 16 ashamed; bashful.⁸ ashamed.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口慈; U+3602).
𠲻❄{⿱沂口}㘂 yĩ-xũ yící bashful; to feel disconcerted.²⁴
xu3 15925
61 13 kind, loving; <wr.> mother.⁵
家慈 gä-xũ jiācí <humb.> my mother.⁵
心慈面软[心慈面軟] xïm-xũ-mèin-ngün
xīncímiànruǎn tender-hearted and unable to turn down others' requests.⁷
心慈手软[心慈手軟] xïm-xũ-siū-ngün
xīncíshǒuruǎn be soft-hearted; merciful; lenient.⁶
慈悲 xũ-bï
cíbēi mercy; benevolence; pity.⁵
慈父 xũ-fù
cífù a kind father.⁹
or 茨菰 or 茨菇 <文读> xũ-gü; <白读> sĩ-gü/  cígu <bot.> arrowhead.⁵
慈禧太后 Xũ-hï häi-hèo
Cíxǐ tàihòu Empress Dowager Cixi (1835-1908) of China.⁹
慈母 xũ-mû
címǔ loving mother; mother.⁵
慈颜[慈顏] xũ-ngãn
cíyán the kind countenance of one's parents.⁸
慈爱[慈愛] xũ-öi
cí'ài loving; kind; affectionate.⁶
慈善 xũ-sèn
císhàn charitable; benevolent; philanthropic.⁵
慈善事业[慈善事業] xũ-sèn-xù-ngèp
císhànshìyè charitities; good works; philanthropy.⁵
慈祥 xũ-tẽng
cíxiáng kindly.⁵
or 慈闱[慈闈] xũ-vĩ cíwéi <wr.> (polite address of) mother).¹¹ a mother – the loving screen.¹⁴
慈和 xũ-võ
cíhé kindly and amiable.⁵
xu3 15926
85 16 (composition: ⿰氵資; U+6FAC).
澬水 xũ-suī císhuǐ <old> name of a river.¹³
<又> dü.
(See 澬 dü).
xu3 15927
98 10 porcelain; china.⁵ (variant: 甆 xũ .) (See 甆 xũ; 磁 xũ.)
陶瓷 hõ-xũ
or hão-xũ táocí pottery and porcelain; ceramics.⁵
细瓷[細瓷] xäi-xũ
xìcí fine porcelain.⁵
瓷雕 xũ-ël
cídiāo porcelain carving.⁵
瓷婚 or 磁婚 xũ-fün
cíhūn china wedding (20th wedding anniversary).⁶
瓷公鸡[瓷公雞] xũ-güng-gäi
cígōngjī porcelain cock – miser; stingy person.⁶
瓷器 xũ-hï
cíqì porcelain; chinaware.⁵
瓷胎 xũ-höi
cítāi porcelain not yet baked.⁶
瓷土 xũ-hū
cítǔ porcelain clay; china clay.⁵
or 磁砖[磁磚] xũ-jön cízhuān ceramic tile; glazed tile.⁵
瓷瓦儿[瓷瓦兒] xũ-ngā-ngĩ
cíwǎr fragments of porcelain.⁷
瓷瓶 xũ-pêng
cípíng china vase/bottle; <vern.> insulator.⁶
瓷石 xũ-sêk
císhí china stone.⁶
or 磁实[磁實] xũ-sìt císhi <topo.> solid, firm, substantial.⁵
瓷漆 xũ-tīt
cíqī enamel paint; enamel.⁵
瓷碗 xũ-vōn
cíwǎn rice bowl.⁵
瓷窑[瓷窯] xũ-yẽl
cíyáo porcelain/china kiln.⁶
瓷釉 xũ-yiù
cíyòu ceramic/porcelain glaze.⁶
xu3 15928
98 13 (=瓷 xũ ) porcelain; china.⁵
(See 瓷 xũ.)
xu3 15929
112 14 magnetic; magnetism; (=瓷 xũ ) porcelain.⁸
电磁炉[電磁爐] èin-xũ-lũ
diàncílú induction cooker; electromagnetic oven; hot plate.⁹
磁带[磁帶] xũ-âi/
cídài magnetic tape.¹⁰
磁场[磁場] xũ-chẽng
cíchǎng <phy.> magnetic field.⁸
磁碟 xũ-èp
cídié (magnetic) computer disk (hard disk or floppy).¹⁰
磁化 xũ-fä
cíhuà magnetization.⁸
磁极[磁極] xũ-gèik
cíjí magnetic pole.⁸
磁体[磁體] xũ-hāi
cítǐ magnetic body.⁸
磁铁[磁鐵] xũ-hëik
cítiě magnet.⁸
磁头[磁頭] xũ-hẽo
cítóu magnetic recording head.⁵⁴
磁针[磁針] xũ-jïm
cízhēn magnetic needle.⁸
or 瓷砖[瓷磚] xũ-jön cízhuān ceramic tile; glazed tile.⁵
磁力 xũ-lèik
cílì <phy.> magnetic force.¹¹
磁疗[磁療] xũ-lẽl
cíliáo magnetic therapy.⁸
磁棒 xũ-pâng
cíbàng magnetic bar.¹⁹
磁片 xũ-pëin
cípiàn <comp.> chip; diskette, floppy disk.⁵⁴
磁盘[磁盤] xũ-põn
cípán <comp.> disk.¹⁹
磁石 xũ-sêk
císhí  magnet; magnetite.⁸
磁性 xũ-xëin
cíxìng magnetism.⁸
(See 瓷 xũ).
xu3 15930
113 9 a temple, a shrine; the spring worship.⁷
宗祠 düng-xũ zōngcí ancestral hall/temple.⁶
生祠 säng-xũ
shēngcí a shrine erected while the person is still living.¹⁴
先贤祠[先賢祠] xëin-yẽn-xũ
xiānxiáncí pantheon.⁹ temple of an ancient sage.⁵⁴
祠竈 xũ-dâo
cízào to sacrifice to the kitchen god; to practice alchemy.¹⁴
祠祀 xũ-dù
císì to offer sacrifices.¹⁴
祠官 xũ-gön
cíguān an official in charge of the spring worship.⁷
祠堂 xũ-hõng
cítáng a shrine; an ancestral hall (or temple); a memorial temple.⁷
祠祝 xũ-jūk
cízhù a custodian of a temple or shrine.⁷
祠庙[祠廟] xũ-mèl
címiào ancestral/memorial temple.⁶
祠尾 xũ-mī
cíwěi owl's tail, decoration on roof ridge.¹¹
祠墓 xũ-mù
címù memorial hall and tomb.¹⁰
祠宇 xũ-yî
cíyǔ a shrine; a temple.⁷
xu3 15931
140 9 caltrops - tribulus terrestris; thatch for roofing; to accumulate.¹⁴
阿尔茨海默病[阿爾茨海默病] ä-ngì-xũ-hōi-màk-bèng
ā'ěrcíhǎimòbìng <loan> Alzheimer's disease.
博茨瓦纳[博茨瓦納] Bōk-xũ-ngā-nàp
Bócíwǎnà Botswana.⁵
凫茨[鳧茨] fũ-xũ
fúcí water chestnut. Note: 凫茨 is older name for 荸荠[荸薺] bòt-tî bíqí water chestnut (medicinal name). See 马蹄[馬蹄] mâ-hãi mǎtí water chestnut (common name).
福禄如茨 fūk-lùk-nguĩ-xũ
fúlùrúcí (in whom) all happiness and dignity are concentrated.¹⁴
土阶茅茨[土階茅茨] hū-gäi-mão-xũ
tǔjiēmáocí earthen steps and thatched roof.
茅茨土阶[茅茨土階] mão-xũ-hū-gäi
máocítǔjiē a simple building; a simple life.
or 茨菇 or 慈姑 <文读> xũ-gü; <白读> sĩ-gü/  cígu <bot.> arrowhead.⁵ a water-plant, the roots of which are used for food - Sagittaria sagittifolia.¹⁴
托洛茨基 Hōk-lōk-xũ-gï
Tuōluòcíjī (1877-1940) Leon Trotsky.
<台> 茨实[茨實] xũ-sìt, another name used for 芡实[芡實] hïm-sìt
qiànshí Gorgon fruit. q.v.⁶
<又> sĩ.
(See 茨 sĩ.)
xu3 15932
140 9 <old> water chestnut.
(composition: ⿱艹此; U+8308).
凫茈[鳧茈] fũ-xũ fúcí a water chestnut.
<又> dū.
(See 茈 dū.)
xu3 15933
140 9 龟兹[龜茲] Gëo-xũ (also pronounced Hiü-xũ) Qiūcí (Kucha in 新疆 Xïn-gëng Xīnjiāng Xinjiang).
<又> dü.
(See 茲 dü.)
xu3 15934
140 16 much grass; evil weeds; Tribulus terrestris (蒺藜 dìp-lãi jíli).²
(composition: ⿱艹資; U+858B).
<又> dü.
(See 薋 dü).
xu3 15935
149 12 an expression; words; phrases; a part of speech; tales; stories; a form of poetry.¹⁴
词不达意[詞不達意] or 辞不达意[辭不達意] xũ-būt-àt-yï cíbùdáyì the words fail to convey the meaning.⁶
or 辞典[辭典] xũ-ēin cídiǎn a book of phrases.¹⁴
词锋[詞鋒] xũ-füng
cífēng the sharpness of one's tongue; incisiveness of a piece of writing.⁷
词根[詞根] xũ-gïn
cígēn a word root; a stem.⁷
词句[詞句] xũ-guî/
cíjù (=辞句[辭句] xũ-guî/, q.v.)
词翰[詞翰] xũ-hòn
cíhàn book; written composition; (literary) penned words.¹⁰
词章[詞章] xũ-jëng
cízhāng literary works.⁷
or 辞令[辭令] xũ-lèin cílìng diction; appropriate to the occasion.⁷
词人[詞人] xũ-ngĩn
círén men of letters; one who is well-versed in 词[詞] cí.
词语[詞語] xũ-nguî
cíyǔ words and expressions; terms.⁷
词牌[詞牌] xũ-pãi
cípái the verse form of 词[詞] cí.
or 辞藻[辭藻] xũ-täo cízǎo flowery language; rhetoric; ornate diction.⁶
词汇[詞彙] xũ-vòi
cíhuì a dictionary; vocabulary.⁷
词意[詞意] xũ-yï
cíyì literary works.⁷
(See 辭 xũ).
xu3 15936
160 15 (<old>=辞[辭] xũ ) language, words, a phrase, an expression; to decline, to refuse; to leave, to depart.⁷
(composition: ⿰受辛; U+8FA4).
(See 辭 xũ).
xu3 15937
160 19 language, words, a phrase, an expression; to decline, to refuse; to leave, to depart.⁷ (variant: 辤 xũ ).
辞别[辭別] xũ-bèik
cíbié to bid farewell; to say good-bye.⁷
or 词不达意[詞不達意] xũ-būt-àt-yï cíbùdáyì the words fail to convey the meaning.⁶
辞呈[辭呈] xũ-chẽin
cíchéng formal notice of resignation.⁷
or 词典[詞典] xũ-ēin cídiǎn a book of phrases.¹⁴
or 词句[詞句] xũ-guî/ cíjù words and phrases; expression.⁵
辞工[辭工] xũ-güng
cígōng to resign from manual work.⁷
辞行[辭行] xũ-hãng
cíxíng take leave of; say good-bye to.⁷
辞退[辭退] xũ-huï
cítuì to remove from office, to dismiss, to resign from office.⁷
辞职[辭職] xũ-jēik
cízhí to resign from one's post; resignation.⁷
or 词令[詞令] xũ-lèin cílìng diction; appropriate to the occasion.⁷
辞无不腆[辭無不腆] xũ-mũ-būt-ēin
cíwúbùtiǎn all words were proper.¹¹
辞世[辭世] xũ-säi
císhì to die; to pass away.⁷
or 词藻[詞藻] xũ-täo cízǎo flowery language; rhetoric; ornate diction.⁶
(See 詞 xũ; 辤 xũ).
xu3 15938
167 13 handle; handle of a sickle.²
a handle, the handle of a reap hook.²⁵
the handle of a bill-hook or sickle.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰金台; U+9236).
鉊鈶 jël-xũ zhāocí a sickle and its handle.²⁵
<又> xû; yĩ; xũ.
(See 鈶 xû; 鈶 yĩ; 鈶 xũ).
xu3 15939
184 13 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 饲[飼] dù with same meaning: raise; rear.⁵ to feed; to raise (domesticed animals).⁷)
<又> dù.
(See 飼 dù.)
xu3 15940
196 20 鶿 the fishing cormorant.¹⁴ (variant: 鷀 xũ ).
鸬鹚[鸕鶿] lũ-xũ
lúcí cormorant.⁶
鸬鹚捕鱼[鸕鶿捕魚] lũ-xũ-bù-nguî/
lúcíbǔyú cormorant fishing.¹⁹
(See 鷀 xũ).
xu3 15941
196 20 (=鶿 xũ ) the fishing cormorant.¹⁴
(See 鶿 xũ).
xu3 15942
196 23 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 鸶[鷥] xü with same meaning.)
<又> xü.
(See 鷥 xü.)
xu3 15943
6 8 shì ➀ thing  ➁work ➂ trouble  ➃ responsibility  ➄ <lit.> to serve  ➅ <lit.> to engage in.⁵⁵ (old variant: 叓 xù, q.v.).
工事 güng-xù
gōngshì fortifications; defense works.
公事 güng-xù
gōngshì public affairs; official business; official duties; official papers; documents.
事变[事變] xù-bëin
shìbiàn incident; unforeseen event; events (in general).¹⁰
事不宜迟[事不宜遲] xù-būt-ngĩ-chĩ
shìbùyíchí one must lose no time in doing it.⁵
事在人为[事在人為]  xù-dòi-ngĩn-vĩ
shìzàirénwéi people make things happen.
事迹[事跡] xù-dēik
shìjì deed; achievement.⁵
事过境迁[事過境遷] xù-gö-gēin-tëin
shìguòjìngqiān events have passed and times have changed.¹¹
事故 xù-gü
shìgù accident.
事项[事項] xù-hòng
shìxiàng item; individual matter.
事务[事務] xù-mù shìwù routine, work, affairs; general affairs.⁸
事物 xù-mùt
or xù-mòt shìwù thing, object.¹⁰
事业[事業] xù-ngèp
shìyè undertaking; activity; facilities.⁹
事宜 xù-ngĩ
shìyí matters concerned; arrangement.⁵
事实[事實] xù-sìt
shìshí fact.⁵
事情 xù-tẽin
shìqing matter; thing; business.

xu4 15944
9 5 shì bodyguard (piece in 象棋 dèng-kĩ xiàngqí Chinese chess); to be an official; to fill an office.
出仕 chūt-xù
chūshì to become an official.
致仕 jï-xù
zhìshì <wr.> resign from one's official post.⁶
仕途 xù-hũ
shìtú <wr.> official career.
仕途偃蹇 xù-hũ-yēn-gēin
shìtúyǎnjiǎn have an unsuccessful official career.³⁹
xu4 15945
9 7 to serve.⁷ to wait upon.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰亻司; U+4F3A).
服伺 fùk-xù or fùk-dù fúcì to serve a person.¹⁴
难伺候[難伺候] nãn-xù-hèo
or nãn-dù-hèo náncìhou hard to please; fastidious.⁵ he is difficult to serve.¹⁴
伺候 xù-hèo
or dù-hèo cìhou wait upon; serve.⁵ wait on/upon somebody; attend (on/upon) somebody; minister to somebody; serve.⁶ to wait, or attend upon; to serve.⁷
伺候病人 xù-hèo-bèng-ngĩn
or dù-hèo-bèng-ngĩn cìhoubìngrén minister to/wait on/attend the sick.⁶
伺候不过来[伺候不過來] xù-hèo-būt-gö-lõ
or dù-hèo-būt-gö-lõ cìhoubùguòlái not to have time to wait upon.¹⁴
伺候进餐[伺候進餐] xù-hèo-dïn-tän
or dù-hèo-dïn-tän cìhoujìncān wait (on/at) table; serve at table.⁶
伺候主人 xù-hèo-jī-ngĩn
or dù-hèo-jī-ngĩn cìhouzhǔrén serve/attain one's master.⁶
伺应[伺應] xù-yëin
or dù-yëin cìyìng (of servants) to wait upon.¹⁴
<又> dù.
(See 伺 [dù,], [dù, ], [xù, ]).
xu4 15946
9 7 watch; await.⁵ spy (on/upon/into), keep watch; wait (for), await, expect, watch.⁶ to spy; to reconnoiter; to watch.⁷
(composition: ⿰亻司; U+4F3A).
环伺[環伺] vãn-xù or vãn-dù huánsì <wr.> to look around and wait for opportunities (to attack).⁵⁴
伺查 xù-chã
or dù-chã sìchá to examine into.¹⁴
伺察 xù-chāt
or dù-chāt sìchá to spy; to investigate; to trace secretly.⁷ to spy upon.¹⁴
伺服 xù-fùk
or dù-fùk sìfú <elec.> servo.⁵ʼ⁶
伺刦 xù-gēp
or dù-gëp sìjié to waylay and rob.¹⁴
伺机[伺機] xù-gï
or dù-gï sìjī watch for one's chance.⁵ watch for a chance/ an opportunity.⁶
伺机报复[伺機報復] xù-gï-bäo-fùk
or dù-gï-bäo-fùk  sìjībàofù to wait for an opportunity to retaliate.
伺机而动[伺機而動] xù-gï-ngĩ-ùng
or dù-gï-ngĩ-ùng sìjī érdòng to wait for a favorable moment to make a move.⁷
伺探 xù-häm
or dù-häm sìtàn or 伺谍[伺諜] xù-èp or dù-èp sìdié to investigate secretly; to spy.⁷ to spy.¹⁴
伺隙 xù-kēik
or dù-kēik sìxì to watch/wait for a chance/ an opportunity.⁶ to watch for a chance or opening (to do something evil).⁷ to wait in secret for an opportunity.¹⁴
<又> dù.
(See 伺 [dù, ], [dù, ], [xù, ].)
xu4 15947
9 8 shì <台> 服侍 or 伏侍 fùk-xù to wait upon; to attend on.
<台> 侍候 xù-hèo to wait upon; to attend to; to serve.
<又> sì.
(See 侍 sì.)
xu4 15948
29 7 shì (<old>=事 xù shì ➀ thing  ➁work ➂ trouble  ➃ responsibility  ➄ <lit.> to serve  ➅ <lit.> to engage in.⁵⁵
(composition: ⿱⿻一中又; U+53D3).
(See 事 xù).
xu4 15949
33 3 shì Kangxi radical 33; scholar; (Japanese) samurai.
大士 ài-xù dàshì great hero; <Budd.> disciple of Buddha.⁵⁴
名士 mẽng-xù
míngshì celebrated scholar; person with literary reputation; celebrity with no official post.⁵⁴
文学士[文學士] mũn-hòk-xù
wénxuéshì Bachelor of Arts (BA).⁶
人士 ngĩn-xù
rénshì person; figure; public figure.¹⁰
青士 tëin-xù
qīngshì  <lit.> bamboo.¹¹
才士 ngĩn-xù
rénshì  good scholars.¹¹
相士 xëng-xù
xiāngshì fortuneteller..¹¹
士兵 xù-bëin
shìbīng soldiers.¹⁰ʼ⁵⁴
士卒 xù-dūt
shìzú soldier; private (army).¹⁰
士官 xù-gön
shìguān warrant officer; petty officer; noncommissioned officer (NCO).¹⁰
士气[士氣] xù-hï
shìqì morale.¹⁰ʼ⁵⁴
士林 xù-lĩm
shìlín scholarly circles, the scholars’ world.¹¹
士人 xù-ngĩn
shìrén scholar.¹⁰
士女 xù-nuī
shìnǚ boys and girls.¹¹ palace maid; painting of beautiful women; young men and women.⁵⁴
士多 xù-ü 
si6 do1 shìduō store (loanword).¹⁰
以谷我士女[以穀我士女] yî-gūk-ngô-xù-nuī
yǐgǔwǒshìnǚ in order to provide food for our men and women.¹¹
(See 道士 ào-xù; 博士 bōk-xù; 的士 dēik-xù; 進士 dïn-xù; 戰士] jën-xù; 烈士 lèik-xù; 女士 nuī-xù; 碩士] sêk-xù/).

xu4 15950
9 6 shì 似的 xû-ēik shìde alike.
<又> tî.
(See 似 [xû, ], tî.)
xu5 15951
9 6 similar; to seem; to resemble.
(old variant: 佀 xû ).
近似 gìn-xû
jìnsì similar; about the same as; approximately; approximation.¹⁰
好似 hāo-xû
hǎosì seem; be like.
类似[類似] luì-xû
lèisì resemble; similar to; look like.¹¹
相似 xëng-xû
xiāngsì to resemble; to be similar; to be alike; resemblance.
似乎 xû-fũ
sìhu it seems.
似是而非 xû-sì-ngĩ-fï
sìshì'érfēi apparently right but actually wrong; specious.
似懂非懂 xû-ūng-fï-ūng
sìdǒngfēidǒng not fully understand.
<又> tî.
(See 似 [xû, shì], tî; 佀 xû).
xu5 15952
9 7 (<old>=似 xû ) to resemble).⁸  be similar; look like; seem; appear; exceed; it seems; as if.²⁹ Si suranme.²
(composition: ⿰亻㠯; U+4F40).
佀钟[佀鍾] xû jüng
zhōng Si Zhong (1440-1511) Ming Dynasty official.²⁰
xu5 15953
10 7 <old> female rhinoceros.⁶ (variant: 𤉡❄{⿱凹⿹勹灬}).
兕觥 xû-gäng
sìgōng wine cup made from rhinoceros horn.¹¹ a rhinoceros-shaped (old bronze) vessel.¹⁴
兕中 xû-jüng
sìzhōng a wooden vessel shape like a reclining buffalo used for receiving counters in ancient archery competitions.¹⁴
兕牛 xû-ngẽo
sìniú the female rhinoceros.¹⁴
(See 𤉡❄{⿱凹⿹勹灬} xû).
xu5 15954
38 7 <old> a sister; <old> an address to the elder brother's wife by the younger brother's wife.⁹ Si surname.¹⁰
褒姒 Bäo Xû Bāosì Baosi, concubine of 周幽王 [Jiü Yiü Võng Zhōu Yōu Wáng King You of Zhou (795-771 BC), last king of 西周 Xäi Jiü Xīzhōu Western Zhou (1027-771 BC)] and one of the famous Chinese beauties.¹⁰
娣姒 hâi-xû
dìsì <trad.> sisters-in-law (=妯娌 jùk-lì zhóuli); <trad.> various concubines of a husband.¹⁰
姒文命 Xû Mũn-mèin
Sì Wénmìng  Si Wenming, personal name of 大禹 Ài-Yî Dàyǔ Yu the Great.¹⁰
xu5 15955
86 11 𤉡
(=兕 xû ) <old> female rhinoceros.⁶
(composition: ⿱凹⿹勹灬 ; U+24261)
(See 兕 xû).

xu5 15956 24261.gif
104 11 flaw; defect; blemish; fault.⁶
吹毛求疵 chuï-mão-kiũ-xû chuīmáoqiúcī lit. to blow apart the hairs upon a fur to discover any defect (idiom); fig. to be fastidious; nitpick.¹⁰
无疵[無疵] mũ-xû
wúcī flawless; impeccable.⁵
小疵 xēl-xû
xiǎocī a trifling defect.¹⁴
疵病 xû-bèng
cībìng flaw; defect; blemish; fault.⁶
疵品 xû-bīn
cīpǐn defective products.⁸
疵布 xû-bü
cībù defective cloth.⁶
疵点 xû-ēm
cīdiǎn a flaw; a fault; a defect.⁷
疵瑕 xû-hã
cīxiá a fault; a mistake; an error.⁷
疵疠[疵癘] xû-lài
cīlì disease; disaster; calamity.⁷
疵毛 xû-mão
cīmáo defective wool.⁶
疵谬[疵謬] xû-mào
cīmiù falsehood; error; mistake.⁵⁴
疵议[疵議] xû-ngì
cīyì to criticize, object, find fault with.¹¹
xu5 15957
109 11 corners of the eye; canthus.⁵ eye sockets.⁷
睚眦[睚眥] ngãi-xû yázì angry stare; small grievance.⁸
睚眦必报[睚眥必報] ngãi-xû-bēik-bäo
yázìbìbào seek revenge for the smallest grievance.⁵ would seek revenge for even an angry look.¹¹
睚眦之怨[睚眥之怨] ngãi-xû-jï-yön
yázìzhīyuàn petty grievance; trifling injury.⁶
睚眦杀人[睚眥殺人] ngãi-xû-sät-ngĩn
yázìshārén kill for trifles.¹¹
外眦[外眥] ngòi-xû
wàizì outer canthus.⁶
内眦[內眥] nuì-xû
nèizì inner canthus.⁶
眦裂[眥裂] xû-lëik
zìliè to open the eyes wide, as in anger.⁷
眦目[眥目] xû-mùk
zìmùto to open eyes wide.⁷
眦睚[眥睚] xû-ngãi
zìyá stare in anger; a look of hatred.¹⁰
xu5 15958
120 6 Kangxi radical 120; silk.⁸
xu5 15959
120 12 silk; fine thread or fiber; string.
蚕丝[蠶絲] tâm-xû cánsī natural silk; silk.⁷
丝带[絲帶] xû-âi/
sīdài silk ribbon.
丝绸[絲綢] xû-chiũ
sīchóu silk cloth; silk.⁵
丝绸之路[絲綢之路] Xû-chiũ-jï-lù
Sīchóuzhīlù Silk Road.⁵
丝绦[絲絛] xû-häo
sītāo silk waistband.¹⁰
丝纩[絲纊] xû-köng
sīkuàng silks.¹⁴
丝绺[絲綹] xû-liû
sīliǔ tiny tuft of something.¹¹
丝萝[絲蘿] xû-lõ
sīluó <wr.> bond of marriage.
丝路[絲路] Xû-lù
Sīlù  Silk Road.
丝绵[絲綿] xü-mẽin
sīmián silk floss; down.¹⁰
丝绒[絲絨] xû-ngũng
sīróng velvet.⁵
丝篁[絲篁] xû-võng
sīhuáng lit. zither-like instruments and panpipe/double flute instruments; fig. music.⁸
丝弦[絲弦] xû-yẽn
sīxián silk string for a musical instrument.
<又> xü.
(See 絲 xü.)
xu5 15960
140 15 an aquatic plant found in ancient books.⁸ a medical plant.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱艹絲; U+856C).
菟蕬 hü-xû tùsī the dodder (Cuscuta), whose seeds are used as a mild tonic; that found on pines is deemed to be the best.¹⁰² (=菟絲 hü-xû tùsī.¹³ See 菟絲 hü-xû.)
蕬萝[蕬蘿] xû-lõ
sīluó (=丝萝[絲蘿] xû-lõ sīluó refers to dodder (菟丝[菟絲] hü-xû tùsī or 女萝[女蘿] nuī-lõ nǚluó); often compared to the love or marriage between men and women.).¹⁹
蕬草 xû-tāo
sīcǎo an aquatic plant found south of the Yangtze River; its stalks are like those of the Chinese onion or Chinese scallion (薤 hài xiè =藠头[藠頭] kêl-hẽo jiàotou shallots or scallions) and grows according to the depth of the water.²
xu5 15961
167 13 a kind of spear.²
a spear-like weapon.⁸
a sort of spear.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰金台; U+9236).
鋋鈶 sẽm-xû chánsì a small kind of spear.²⁵
<又> xû; yĩ; xũ.
(See 鈶 xû; 鈶 yĩ; 鈶 xũ).
xu5 15962
190 22 beard, mustache.⁵
胡须[鬍鬚] vũ-xû húxū beard, moustach or whiskers.⁵
<又> xuï, xü.
(See 須 xuï; 鬚 xü.)
xu5 15963
35 3 xuï suī Kangxi radical 35; go slowly.⁸ moving slowly; distinguish 夂 jī zhǐ Kangxi radical 34.
xui2 15964
37 11 xuï suí (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciations for 奞 xün xùn with the same meaning: birds spread their wings and fly.⁸ to spread the wings and fly away.²⁴ birds flutter their wings and want to fly.¹⁰¹).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱大隹; U+595E).
<又> xün, juì.
(See 奞 xün, 奞 juì).
xui2 15965
46 12 xuï suì (=岁[歲] xuï suì year; year (of age); <wr.> year (for crops); <wr.> time.⁶); year; age; harvest.⁸
(composition: ⿱山⿵戌𣥂
❄{like少without the right dot}; U+5D57).
(See 歲 xuï).
xui2 15966
72 12 xuï zuì <wr.> one full year after a child's birth; first birthday of a baby.⁶  the first birth anniversary of a child; anniversary.⁷ a whole year.²⁴
百晬 bäk-xuï or bäk-duï bǎizuì party given on the hundredth day after the birth of a child.⁵⁴
试晬[試晬] sï-xuï
or sï-duï shìzuì or 试周[試周] sï-jiü shìzhōu or 试儿[試兒] sï-ngĩ shì'ér test baby's future inclinations on its first anniversary by having different objects (pen, money, tool) displayed within its reach and see what it grabs.¹¹
晬盘[晬盤] xuï-põn
or duï-põn zuìpán a tray holding various articles taken before a child on the first anniversary of his birth to see which of the articles he grasps as a test to determine the career he is likely to follow in the future.⁷
晬盘之期[晬盤之期] xuï-põn-jï-kĩ
or duï-põn-jï-kĩ zuìpánzhīqī the test of a child made on the completion of the first year of his life.¹⁴
<又> duï.
(See 晬 duï.)
xui2 15967
75 11 xuï ruǐ 白桵 bàk-xuï báiruǐ (=棫 vāk or vèik ); (=白蕤 bàk-xuï báiruí) a small tree or thorny bush having fruit like an earring, red and edible.²⁴
xui2 15968
77 13 xuï suì year; year (of age); <wr.> year (for crops); <wr.> time.⁶
(variants: 歳. 嵗 xuï). (See 歳 xuï; 嵗 xuï).
百岁老人[百歲老人] bāk-xuï-lāo-ngĩn
bǎisuìlǎorén person who is 100 or more years old; centenarian.⁶
万岁[萬歲] màn-xuï
wànsuì long live; emperor; Your Majesty; His/Her Majesty.⁶
岁不我与[歲不我與] xuï-būt-ngô-yî
suìbùwǒyǔ Time and tide wait for no man.⁶
岁聿其暮[歲聿其暮 xuï-lùt-kĩ-mù
suìyùqímù <wr.> the year is drawing to its close.¹¹
岁杪[歲杪] xuï-mêl
suìmiǎo the end of the year; year-end.⁵
岁月[歲月] xuï-ngùt
suìyuè years; time.¹⁰ the years and months – the passing of time.¹¹
岁月不饶人[歲月不饒人] xuï-ngùt-būt-ngẽl-ngĩn
suìyuèbùráorén Time and tide wait for no man.³⁹
岁月消逝[歲月消逝] xuï-ngùt-xël-sài
suìyuèxiāoshì The months and years slip by.⁵⁴
岁数[歲數] xuï-sü
suìshu age (number of years old).¹⁰
岁星[歲星] Xuï-xëin
Suìxīng <trad.> planet Jupiter.⁶
岁修[歲修] xuï-xiü
suìxiū annual repairs.⁶
岁夜[歲夜] xuï-yèh
suìyè New Year's Eve; last day of year.⁶
岁入[歲入] xuï-yìp
suìrù annual income/revenue (of a country).⁶
xui2 15969
77 13 xuï suì (<old>=岁[歲] xuï suì year; year (of age); <wr.> year (for crops); <wr.> time.⁶); year; age; harvest.⁸
(composition: ⿱止⿵戌小; U+6B73).
(See 歲 xuï).
xui2 15970
85 10 xuï suī 浽溦 xuï-mĩ suīwēi drizzle; fine rain.¹⁰
xui2 15971
85 12 xuï ➀ (of wine) to filter out the dregs; a refined rice wine (=醑 xuï <med.> spirit.⁵ <wr.> fine wine; spirit.⁶ to strain spirits.¹⁴).⁸     luxuriant.⁸   ➂ dew.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵胥; U+6E51).
Lèl-bī-xël-xü, lẽin-lù-xuï-hãi.
Liǎo bǐ xiāo sī, líng lù xǔ xī.
How long grows the southernwood,
With the dew lying on it so bright! ⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·白華之什·蓼蕭》, translated by James Legge).
裳裳者华,其叶湑兮.[裳裳者華,其葉湑兮]. Sẽng-sẽng-jēh-vã, kĩ-yêp-xuï-hãi.
Cháng cháng zhě huá, qí yè xǔ xī.
Splendid are the flowers, And the leaves are luxuriant.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·北山之什·裳裳者華》, translated by James Legge).
有酒湑我,无酒酷我[有酒湑我,無酒酤我] Yiü-diū-xuï-ngô, mũ-diū-gü-ngô
Yǒu jiǔ xǔ wǒ, wú jiǔ gū wǒ. If I have spirits I strain them, do I; If I have no spirits, I buy them, do I.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·鹿鳴之什·伐木》, translated by James Legge).
(See 湑[xuï, ]; 醑 xuï).
xui2 15972
85 12 xuï (composition: ⿰氵胥; U+6E51).
湑水河 xuï-suī-hõ xūshuǐhé Xushui River, a tributary of the upper (汉水[漢水] hön-suī hànshuǐ) Han River in Shaanxi Province (陕西省[陝西省] Sēm-xäi sāng Shǎnxī shěng). ⁸
(See 湑[xuï, ]).
xui2 15973
85 16 xuï suī (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 濉 juï suī with same meaning.)
<又> juï.
(See 濉 juï.)
xui2 15974
109 11 xuï suī Sui surname.⁸
<又> kĩ. (See 眭 kĩ.)
xui2 15975
109 13 xuï suī (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 睢 juï suī with same meaning.)
<又> juï.
(See 睢 juï.)
xui2 15976
112 13 xuï suì break to pieces, smash; broken, fragmentary.⁵
碎冰船 xuï-bëin-sõn suìbīngchuán an icebreaker.⁷
碎玻璃 xuï-bō-lī
or xuï-bū-lī suìbōlí cullet.¹⁰
碎布 xuï-bü
suìbù cloth waste; rag.⁶
碎布条[碎布條] xuï-bü-hẽl
suìbùtiáo shred.⁹
碎步儿[碎步兒] xuï-bù-ngĩ
suìbùr quick short steps.⁵
碎嘴子 xuï-duī-dū
suìzuǐzi jabber, prate; a chatterbox.⁵
碎纸[碎紙] xuï-jī
suìzhǐ shredded paper.⁹
碎纸机[碎紙機] xuï-jī-gï
suìzhǐjī shredder.⁹
碎裂 xuï-lëik
suìliè break into pieces; crackle.⁶
碎肉 xuï-ngùk
suìròu meat cut into small pieces.¹¹
碎片 xuï-pëin
suìpiàn fragment; bit; scrap; piece.⁶
碎石 xuï-sêk
suìshí crushed stones; broken stone.⁵
碎石子 xuï-sêk-dū
suìshízi gravel; macadam.⁷
碎石机[碎石機] xuï-sêk-gï
suìshíjī stone crusher; knapper.⁶
碎尸万段[碎屍萬段] xuï-sï-màn-òn
suìshīwànduàn dismember somebody into pieces.⁶
碎屑 xuï-xēik
suìxiè scrap; piece.⁶
碎屑岩 xuï-xēik-ngãm
suìxièyán clastic rock.⁵
<台> 碎纸[碎紙] xuï-jī small bills.
<台> 碎银[碎銀] xuï-ngãn/ loose change.
<又> xuî.
(See 碎 xuî.)
xui2 15977
115 14 xuï ➀ late rice ➁ food ➂ (<old>=糈 xuï ) fine rice used in worship.
(See 糈[xuï, ]).
xui2 15978
115 14 xuï ➀ the appearance of a cereal plant's fruit dropping off ➁ (<old>=胥 xuï ) <wr.> petty official; all, each and every.⁵
(See 胥[xuï, ]).
xui2 15979
119 15 xuï <wr.> fine rice used in worship; rations.⁶ sacrificial rice; rations – official pay.¹⁴ (variant: 稰 xuï ➂).
or 饷糈[饟糈] hēng-xuï xiǎngxǔ army provisions.⁸
(See 稰 xuï).
xui2 15980
120 13 xuï suí <wr.> peaceful; pacify.⁵
宠绥[寵綏] chüng-xuï chǒngsuí love something and find peace in it.³⁹
抚绥[撫綏] fū-xuï
fǔsuí to appease; to pacify.¹⁰
交绥[交綏] gäo-xuï
jiāosuí (of armies) to fight, be locked in battle.¹¹
时绥[時綏] sĩ-xuï
shísuí  peace all year round (old letter closing).¹⁰
绥靖[綏靖] xuï-dèin
suíjìng pacify; appease.⁵
绥靖政策[綏靖政策] xuï-dèin-jëin-chāk
suíjìngzhèngcè policy of appeasement.⁵
绥定[綏定] xuï-èin
suídìng pacify; reestablish order.⁵⁴
绥抚[綏撫] xuï-fū
suífǔ to pacify (area, people).¹¹
绥服[綏服] xuï-fùk
suífú <trad.> one of the protective areas around the imperial capital.⁵⁴
绥远[綏遠] Xuï-yōn
Suíyuǎn a province in Northwest China.¹¹
xui2 15981
120 14 xuï  ruí ornamental strings on a hat.⁷ strings of a cap.¹⁴
缋緌[繢緌] köi-xuï huìruí to paint; to lay on colors.²⁵
xui2 15982
120 20 xuï color silk fabrics; fine thin silk; silk pass.⁸ fine silk.¹⁰ <wr.> fine, thin silk.¹¹ colored silk fabrics; in ancient times, split silks were used as proof of entry and exit.¹³ fine gauze; frayed edges of silk; silk torn into two pieces, one of which is given as a credential and the other retained.¹⁴ variegated silk; close wove silk; a close net; the edge or selvage of cloth, which after being torn asunder was brought togther as a proof of identity.²⁵
(composition: ⿰糹需; U+7E7B).
合繻 hàp-xuï héxū verify silk character (a silk certificate for entry and exit during the Han Dynasty).¹⁹
繻券 xuï-hûn
xūquàn symbol on a piece of silk used as a passport in ancient times.¹⁹
<又> yĩ.
(See 繻 yĩ).

xui2 15983
130 9 xuï <wr.> petty official; all, each and every; Xu surname.⁵ (variant: 稰 xuï ➁).
里胥 lî-xuï
lǐxū formerly, a village officer or a local constable.¹¹
胥吏 xuï-lì
xūlì <wr.> petty official.⁵
胥靡 xuï-mî
xūmǐ tied together – convicts.¹⁴
胥胥 xuï-xuï
xūxū separated.¹⁴
胥馀[胥餘] xuï-yĩ
xūyú prisoners.¹⁴
(See 稰[xuï,]).
xui2 15984
140 6 xuï suī ➀ (same as 荾 xuï suī) parsley  ➁ (same as 葰 xuï suī) ginger  ➂ pistil.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹夂; U+4498).
(See 荾 xuï; 葰 xuï).
xui2 15985
140 10 xuï suī coriander.⁸ (variant: 荾 xuï suī).
香荽 hëng-xuï
xiāngsuī coriander.¹⁰
胡荽 vũ-xuï
húsuī coriander.¹⁰
芫荽 yõn-xuï
yánsuī coriander, Coriandrum sativum.
(See 荾 xuï).
xui2 15986
140 10 xuï suī ➀ (=荽 xuï suī coriander.⁸).²   ➁ flower pistil or stamen; coriander.⁸  ➂ parsley.¹⁰  ➃ (=葰 xuï suī a kind of ginger, that produces sweetness of breath.²⁵  ➄ <old> Chinese galangal (Alpinia chinensis).³⁶).¹³  ➅ the inside of a flower; even and regular.²⁵  ➆ <old> stamen and gynoecium.³⁶
(variant: 䒘 xuï
sense ➀ and sense ➂).
(composition: ⿱艹夋; U+837E).
胡荾 vũ-xuï
húsuī (=胡荽 vũ-xuï  húsuī) =芫荽 yõn-xuï yánsuī coriander, Coriandrum sativum.⁹).¹⁹
荾荴 xuï-fù
suīfū the flower of the water lily.²⁵
(See 荽 xuï; 葰 xuï; 䒘 xuï sense ➀ and sense ➂).
xui2 15987
140 12 xuï suī (=荽 xuï suī coriander.⁸).¹³ a kind of ginger, that produces sweetness of breath.²⁵ <old> Chinese galangal (Alpinia chinensis).³⁶ (variants: 䒘 xuï sense ➁; 荾 xuï senses ➃ and ➄).
(composition: ⿱艹俊; U+8470).
<又> dün; xū.
(See 葰 dün; 葰 xū; 荾 xuï senses ➃ and ➄; 荽 xuï).
xui2 15988
140 15 xuï ruí fringe; overladen with flowers.¹⁰  a thick growth of bushes; a thicket; (of flowers) drooping.¹¹
白蕤 bàk-xuï báiruí (=白桵 bàk-xuï báiruǐ; =棫 vāk or vèik )  a small tree or thorny bush having fruit like an earring, red and edible.²⁴
翠蕤 tuï-xuï
cuìruí <wr.> a flowery colored flag.¹¹
葳蕤 vī-xuì
wēiruí hanging down in clusters.⁸ weary.⁸ abundant; blooming.⁹ lush (vegetation); lethargic.¹⁰  <wr.> (plants) hanging down in clusters; <bot.> Solomon's seal, Polygonatum officinale.¹¹
蕤宾[蕤賓] xuï-bïn
ruíbīn the seventh note (approximately equivalent to F#) of a 12 note chromatic scale on ancient instruments.²³
xui2 15989
140 16 xuï Xu surname.
(composition: ⿱艹與; U+85C7).
<又> duì; yĩ; yì; yî. (See 藇 duì; 藇 yĩ; 藇 yì; 藇 yî).
xui2 15990
149 16 xuï knowledge, discrimination, prudence; deceit, treachery.¹⁴ to know; intelligent.²⁵
诈谞[詐諝] jä-xuï zhàxǔ treacherous; unreliable.¹⁴ cunning; deceitful.²⁵
智谞[智諝] jï-xuï
zhìxǔ wisdom; prudence.¹⁴
谋无遗谞[謀無遺諝] mẽo-mũ-vĩ-xuï
móuwúyíxǔ if there is no lack of discernment in the plans.¹⁴
才谞[才諝] tõi-xuï
cáixǔ ability.¹⁴
谞智[諝智] xuï-jï
xǔzhì wise.²⁵
(See 諝 [xuï, ].)
xui2 15991
149 16 諿 xuï to plan, to scheme; an appellation for a wise man.²⁵
(composition: ⿰言咠; U+8AFF).
<又> tīp. (See 諿 tīp).
xui2 15992
149 16 xuï (alternate Mandarin pronunciation for 谞[諝] xuï xǔ with same meaning: knowledge, discrimination, prudence; deceit, treachery.¹⁴ to know; intelligent.²⁵)
(See 諝 [xuï, ].)
xui2 15993
164 16 xuï <med.> spirit.⁵ <wr.> fine wine; spirit.⁶ to strain spirits.¹⁴
樟脑醑[樟腦醑] jëng-nāo-xuï zhāngnǎoxǔ camphor spirit.⁵
祝醑 jūk-xuï
zhùxǔ prayers and offerings of wine.¹⁴
醑剂[醑劑] xuï-jäi
xǔjì <med.> spirit.⁵
xui2 15994
167 22 xuï   the bolt of a lock.²ʼ¹⁴
(composition: ⿰金需; U+9450).
<又> yĩ; ngẽl. (See 鑐 yĩ; 鑐 ngẽl).
xui2 15995
172 17 xuï suī although; even though.¹⁰
虽则[雖則] xuï-dāk suīzé nevertheless; although.¹⁰
虽然[雖然] xuï-ngẽin
suīrán though, although.¹¹
虽是[雖是] xuï-sì
suīshì though, although.¹¹
虽说[雖說] xuï-sōt
suīshuō although it is said.¹¹
虽死犹生[雖死猶生] xuï-xī-yiũ-säng
suīsǐyóushēng live on in spirit.⁵
虽死犹荣[雖死猶榮] xuï-xī-yiũ-vẽin
suīsǐyóuróng lit. although dead, also honored; died a glorious death.¹⁰
xui2 15996
173 14 xuï need, want, require; necessariesl needs.⁵
无需[無需] or 无须[無須] mũ-xuï wúxū need not; not have to.⁵
需款 xuï-fōn
xūkuǎn to need money; in need of money.⁷
需求 xuï-kiũ
xūqiú requirement; demand.⁵
需求量 xuï-kiũ-lèng
xūqiúliàng (volume of) demand.⁶
需索 xuï-sōk
xūsuǒ <wr.> demand; exact; extort.⁶
需索无厌[需索無厭] xuï-sōk-mũ-yëm
xūsuǒwúyàn make rapacious extortions.⁶
需才孔亟 xuï-tõi-kūng-gēik
xūcáikǒngjí to urgently need persons of ability or talent.⁷
需次 xuï-xü
xūcì to wait for an official appointment.⁷
需要 xuï-yël
xūyào need, want, require, demand; needs.⁵
需要品 xuï-yël-bīn
xūyàopǐn necessities; essentials.⁷
需要额[需要額] xuï-yël-ngäk
xūyào'é the amount needed.⁷
需用的 xuï-yùng-ēik
xūyòngde indispensible.¹⁴
需用经费[需用經費] xuï-yùng-gëin-fï
xūyòngjīngfèi necessary expenses.¹⁴
xui2 15997
177 27 xuï suī strings of a cap; decorations for saddle; a sash, a band, a cord; a flag.⁸ the flags of a saddle hanging down; a whip hanging down; the bandage on the side of a saddle.²⁵
(composition: ⿰革巂; U+4A8E).
䪎鞙 xuï-yõn suīxuàn knife sheath; sword sheath; sword scabbard.²
xui2 15998
181 12 xuï must, have to.⁵
必须 bēik-xuï bìxū must, have to.⁵
毋须[毋須] mũ-xuï
wúxū (auxiliary) need not.⁷
Ngì-ngĩn-jāo-jāo-ä-ä, xuï-yĩ-yiù-būt-gëin-lēl.
Èr rén zhuā zhuā yà yà, xūyú yòu bùjiànle.
The two of them soon disappeared, grabbing and tugging at each other. (Excerpt from 《西游记·第五十八回》, translated by W. J. F. Jenner).
须知[須知] xuï-jï
xūzhī one should know that, it must be understood (or borne in mind) that; points for attention, notice.⁵
须要[須要] xuï-yël
xūyào must; have to.⁵
须臾[須臾] xuï-yĩ
xūyú <wr.> moment; instant.⁵
<又> (for the simplified form) xü, xû.
(See 鬚 xü, 鬚 xû.)
xui2 15999
9 10 xuì ruì a craftsman during Huangdi's reign (2698–2598 BCE).²
(composition: ⿰; U亻垂+5015).
<又> suĩ. (See 倕 suĩ).
xui4 16000
12 9 xuì suì The ROC Ministry of Education has the following definitions: 
➀ with comp. ⿱丷豕, =听从[聽從] hëng-tũng tīngcóng obey; listen to; comply with. 
➁ with comp. ⿱丷豕, =岁[歲] xuï
suì year; year (of age); <wr.> year (for crops); <wr.> time.
➂ with comp. ⿱八豕, =遂 xuì
suì satisfy, fulfil; succeed; <wr.> then; thereupon. (the shape of the character is the same as the image on the right).
(composition: ⿱丷豕; U+34B8).
xui4 16001
46 11 xuì cuì (<old>=萃 xuì cuì to collect; collection; dense; grassy; thick; to assemble; to gather.¹⁰).⁸ gather; assemble; collect.¹⁹
(composition: ⿱山卒; U+5D12).
<又> dūt.
(See 崒 dūt; 萃 xuì).
xui4 16002
61 11 xuì cuì haggard, worn-out, tired out; worried, sad.⁷ (variant: 顇 xuì cuì.)
憔悴 tẽl-xuì
qiáocuì wan and sallow; thin and pallid; (of plants) withered.⁵
悴薄 xuì-bòk
cuìbáo weakened; enfeebled; impoverished.⁷
悴贱[悴賤] xuì-dèin
cuìjiàn needy and lowly.⁷
(See 顇 xuì.)
xui4 16003
75 18 xuì suì wild pear tree.⁸
(composition: ⿰木遂; U+6A96).
山有苞棣,隰有樹檖.[山有苞棣,隰有樹檖.] sän-yiü-bäo-ài, dìp-yiü-sì-xuì. shān yǒu bāo dì, xí yǒu shù suì. On the mountain are the bushy sparrow-plums; In the low wet grounds are the high, wild pear trees.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·秦風·晨風》, translated by James Legge).
树檖[樹檖] sì-xuì
shùsuì wild pear tree, now known as 楊檖 yẽng-xuì, aka 山梨 sän-lĩ; 鹿梨 lùk-lĩ; 鼠梨 sī-lĩ; 赤羅 chēik-lõ; its fruit is edible and a bit more sour than an ordinary pear.²
杨檖[楊檖] yẽng-xuì
yángsuì wild pear.¹⁹
xui4 16004
85 11 xuì cuì (alternate Hoisanva vernacular pronunciation for 淬 tuï cuì with same meaning: temper by dipping into water or oil; quench.⁶)
<又> tuï.
(See 淬 tuï.)
xui4 16005
85 15 xuì suì a ditch in the (rice) field.² a ditch, 2 feet wide, 2 feet deep.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰氵遂; U+6FBB).
xui4 16006
86 13 xuì suì (<old>=燧 xuì suì flintstone; beacon, signal fire; torch.⁸).⁸
(composition: ⿰火㒸; U+716B).
(See 燧 xuì).
xui4 16007
86 16 xuì suì flintstone; beacon, signal fire; torch.⁸ (old variant: 煫 xuì).
边燧[邊燧] bëin-xuì biānsuì <hist.> fire/smoke signals made by frontier guards to warn of invaders.⁵⁴
钻燧取火[鑽燧取火] dön-xuì-tuī-fō
zuānsuìqǔhuǒ to strike a flint to produce sparks.¹¹
or 熢燧 füng-xuì fēngsuì fire beacon tower (used in frontier regions in former times to relay information about the enemy, using smoke by day and fire at night).¹⁰
木燧 mùk-xuì
mùsuì to obtain fire by drilling wood.¹¹
燧发枪[燧發槍] xuì-fāt-tëng
suìfāqiāng flintlock.¹¹
燧人 Xuì-ngĩn
Suìrén Suiren, legendary inventor of fire.¹⁰
燧人氏 Xuì-ngĩn-sì
Suìrénshì Suirenshi, legendary inventor of fire.¹⁰
燧石 xuì-sêk
suìshí flint.¹¹
燧石化 xuì-sêk-fä
suìshíhuà <geol.> chertification.¹⁰
阳燧[陽燧] yẽng-xuì
yángsuì <wr.> a speculum, brass mirror placed in the sun and generating enough heat to ignite dry grass.¹¹
(See 煫 xuì).
xui4 16008
96 13 xuì ruì felicitous omen; auspicious; Rui surname.⁸
瑞典 Xuì-ēin Ruìdiǎn Sweden.⁵
瑞符 xuì-fũ
ruìfú credential tally issued to the commander authorizing him to launch military operations.⁷
瑞香 xuì-hëng
ruìxiāng winter daphne (Daphne odora).⁵
瑞脑[瑞腦] xuì-nāo
ruìnǎo camphor from Borneo.⁷
瑞玉 xuì-ngùk
ruìyù piece of jade serving as the credentials of a feudal lord.⁵⁴ beautiful jade.⁸
瑞草 xuì-tāo
ruìcǎo a grass which, owing to its rarity, is regarded as a lucky portent.¹¹
瑞狮[瑞獅] xuì-xü
ruìshī Rui Shi, Auspicious Lions of Chinese mythology.¹⁰
瑞士 Xuì-xù
Ruìshì Switzerland.⁵
瑞士军刀[瑞士軍刀] Xuì-xù-gün-äo
Ruìshìjūndāo Swiss Army knife.¹⁹
瑞雪 xuì-xūt
ruìxuě a timely snow in late winter or early spring; a seasonal snow that will kill pests and that portends a bumper crop in the coming year; a Chinese medicinal herb, also named 栝楼根[栝樓根] gāt-lẽo-gïn guālóugēn, q.v.⁷ winter snow; <TCM> roots of Trichosanthes japonica.¹¹
瑞雪兆丰年[瑞雪兆豐年] xuì-xūt-sêl-füng-nẽin
ruìxuě zhào fēngnián a timely snow promises a good harvest.⁵
xui4 16009
96 16 xuì suì pendant girdle-ornament.¹⁴ a piece of jade, which was worn by ancient nobles and served as the credentials of the feudal lord.⁸ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰𤣩遂; U+74B2).
系璲 hài-xuì xìsuì refers to the wearing of a 瑞玉 xuì-ngùk ruìyù a beautiful piece of jade serving as the credentials of a feudal lord.¹⁹
玉璲 ngùk-xuì
yùsuì gems attached to the girdle.²⁴
佩璲 pöi-xuì
pèisuì a kind of 瑞玉 xuì-ngùk ruìyù for wearing.¹⁹
璲瑞 xuì-xuì
suìruì felicitous gems.²⁴
Yõn-yõn-pöi-xuì, būt-yî-kĩ-chẽng.
Xuàn xuàn pèi suì, bù yǐ qí cháng.
If we give them long girdle-pendants with their stones,
They do not think them long enough.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·小旻之什·大東》, translated by James Legge).
xui4 16010
104 9 xuì cuì (<archaic=瘁 xuì cuì) <wr.> overworked; tired.⁵ disease, illness; overfatigued, toil.⁷
(See 瘁 xuì).
xui4 16011
104 13 xuì cuì <wr.> overworked; tired.⁵ disease, illness; overfatigued, toil.⁷ (variant: 疩 xuì cuì).
殄瘁 chīn-xuì
or hēin-xuì tiǎncuì misfortune and poverty; ruin.⁷
尽瘁[盡瘁] dìn-xuì
jìncuì <wr.> do one's utmost; exert oneself; spare no effort; do all one can.⁶
尽瘁而死[盡瘁而死] dìn-xuì-ngĩ-xī
jìncuì'érsǐ toil oneself to death.⁶
鞠躬尽瘁[鞠躬盡瘁] gūk-güng-dìn-xuì
jūgōngjìncuì bend oneself to a task and exert oneself to the utmost – spare no efforts in discharging one's duties.⁶
劳瘁[勞瘁] lão-xuì
láocuì <wr.> be exhausted from hard work.⁶
身心交瘁 sïn-xïm-gäo-xuì
shēnxīnjiāocuì worn out in body and soul (idiom).¹⁰
神劳形瘁[神勞形瘁] sĩn-lão-yẽin-xuì
shénláoxíngcuì to be completely drained both emotionally and physically (idiom).¹⁰
心力交瘁 xïm-lèik-gäo-xuì
xīnlìjiāocuì be physically and mentally tired.⁵
(See 疩 xuì).
xui4 16012
113 10 xuì suì evil spirit; evil influence.⁸
作祟 dōk-xuì zuòsuì (some evil spirit) cause trouble, make mischief; (of devil) possessing (a person).¹¹
鬼鬼祟祟 gī-gī-xuì-xuì
guǐguǐsuìsuì malicious, demonical, devilish; (act) secretively, afraid of being seen.¹¹
鬼祟 gī-xuì
guǐsuì (of house) (be) haunted; (of conduct) dishonorable, tricky, intriguing; ghost, evil spirit.¹¹
外祟 ngòi-xuì
wàisuì ghosts of strangers, not of one's own relatives; person who is a pest.¹¹
祟惑 xuì-vàk
suìhuò to confuse by evil influence.⁷
xui4 16013
115 17 xuì suì ear of grain, spike; tassel, fringe; another name for Guangzhou (广州[廣州] Gōng-jiü Guǎngzhōu).⁵
谷穗[穀穗] gūk-xuì gǔsuì ears of millet.⁸
麦穗[麥穗] màk-xuì màisuì ear of wheat; wheat head.⁵
拾穗 sìp-xuì
shísuì glean.¹⁹
穗䳭 xuì-dēik
suìjí northern wheatear or wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
穗子 xuì-dū
suìzi tassel, fringe; ear of grain, spike; tassel, fringe.⁶
穗花油 xuì-fä-yiũ
suìhuāyóu spike oil.⁶
穗鵖 xuì-gëp
suìbī (bird species of China) northern wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe).¹⁰ (See 穗䳭 xuì-dēik).
穗状花序[穗狀花序] xuì-jòng-fä-duì
suìzhuàng huāxù the spikes (of flowers).⁷
穗轴[穗軸] xuì-jùk
suìzhóu axle of the ear.⁸
穗饰[穗飾] xuì-sēik
suìshì tassel.¹⁰
穗选[穗選] xuì-xūn
suìxuǎn <agr.> ear selection.⁵
xui4 16014
115 17 xuì suì ear of grain; ripe grain.⁸ (=穗 xuì suì ear of grain, spike; tassel, fringe).¹³ ripe grain.¹⁴ ear of corn.²⁴
(composition: ⿰禾遂; U+7A5F).
禾役穟穟 võ-vèik-xuì-xuì
hé yì suì suì His rows of paddy shot up beautifully.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·生民之什·生民》, translated by James Legge).
穟穟 xuì-xuì
suìsuì corn looking well.²⁴
(See 穗 xuì).
xui4 16015
119 10 xuì cuì (=粹 xuì cuì) pure, unmixed, unadulterated; essence, quintessence.⁶ pure grain; single; complete; unadulterated.¹⁴
(See 粹 xuì).
xui4 16016
119 14 xuì cuì pure, unmixed, unadulterated; essence, quintessence.⁶ pure grain; single; complete; unadulterated.¹⁴ (variant: 粋 xuì cuì).
精粹 dëin-xuì
jīngcuì succinct; pithy; terse.⁵
国粹[國粹] gōk-xuì
guócuì the special excellencies of literature, art, etc., peculiar to a nation.¹⁴
纳粹[納粹] Nàp-xuì
Nàcuì <loan> Nazi.⁵
纯粹[純粹] sũn-xuì
chúncuì pure, unadulterated; genuine.⁶
粹白 xuì-bàk
cuìbái pure and unadulterated; pure white.⁶
粹器 xuì-hï
cuìqì perfect talent.
粹美 xuì-mî
cuìměi <wr.> perfect; flawless.⁶ pure and handsome.¹⁴
粹然 xuì-ngẽin
cuìrán unadulterated.¹⁴
粹而不杂[粹而不雜] xuì-ngĩ-būt-dàp
cuì'érbùzá pure and unadulterated.⁷
粹言 xuì-ngũn
cuìyán pure words.¹⁴
粹液 xuì-yèik
cuìyè clear liquid without sediment.¹⁴
(See 粋 xuì).
xui4 16017
120 18 xuì suì a ribbon attached to a piece of jade in ancient times; a silk belt; a covering for a corpse.⁸ the hem or border of a garment; a tassel.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿰糸遂; U+7E78). (comp. s: ⿰纟遂; U+4341).
缨䍁[纓繸] yëin-xuì
yīngsuì a tassel.¹⁹
xui4 16018
130 12 xuì cuì (=膵 xuì cuì) pancreas.
(See 膵 xuì; 胰 yĩ.)
xui4 16019
130 15 xuì cuì pancreas.¹¹ (variant: 脺 xuì cuì).¹
膵脏[膵臟] xuì-dòng
cuìzàng (<old>=胰 yĩ ) pancreas.⁶
(See 脺 xuì; 胰 yĩ.)
xui4 16020
140 11 xuì cuì to collect; collection; dense; grassy; thick; to assemble; to gather.¹⁰
拔萃 bàt-xuì bácuì <wr.> to stand out from one's fellows; outstanding among the select best.⁹  <trad.> high level examination for official candidacy.⁹
出类拔萃[出類拔萃] chūt-luì-bàt-xuì
chūlèibácuì be head and shoulders above others; stand out among others.¹¹
精萃 dëin-xuì
jīngcuì cream; pick; quintessence.¹⁹
人才荟萃[人才薈萃] ngĩn-tõi-vòi-xuì
réncáihuìcuì galaxy of talent; gathering of distinguished people.⁹
浓萃[濃萃] nũng-xuì
or ngũng-xuì nóng cuì <chem.> quintessence.⁹
荟萃[薈萃] vòi-xuì
huìcuì (of distinguished people or exquisite objects) to gather together; to assemble.⁹
萃集 xuì-dàp
cuìjí to gather together; to assemble.⁹
萃取 xuì-tuī
cuìqǔ to extract; to exhaust.⁸ extraction.⁹ <chem.> liquid-liquid extraction.¹⁰
盐萃取[鹽萃取] yẽm-xuì-tuī
yáncuìqǔ salt extraction.¹⁹
xui4 16021
145 17 xuì suì grave clothes.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰衤遂; U+895A).
xui4 16022
149 15 xuì suì to scold; to speak ill of; to vilify.
诟谇谣诼[詬誶謠諑] giū-xuì-yẽl-dēk gòusuìyáozhuó to be whispered about and secretly discussed everywhere.
谇骂[誶罵] xuì-mà
suìmà to scold; to reproach; to upbraid.
xui4 16023
162 12 xuì suí 半身不遂 bön-sïn-būt-xuì bànshēnbùsuí paralysis of one side of the body; hemiplegia.¹⁰
(composition: ⿺辶㒸; U+9042).
遂石 xuì-sêk
suíshí <geol.> chert.⁵⁴
(See 遂 [xuì, suì].)
xui4 16024
162 12 xuì suì satisfy, fulfil; succeed; <wr.> then; thereupon.⁵
(composition: ⿺辶㒸; U+9042).
不遂 būt-xuì bùsuì <wr.> fail (to fulfill one's wish).⁶
未遂 mì-xuì
wèisuì fail to accomplish.⁶
遂不起 xuì-būt-hī
suìbùqǐ then died of illness.¹¹
遂初 xuì-chö
suìchū to retire from official life as one originally wished.⁷
遂即 xuì-dēik
suìjí immediately (resign).¹¹
遂及 xuì-gèp
suìjí and then proceed to.¹¹
遂致 xuì-jï
suìzhì consequently; thereupon; subsequently.⁷
遂令 xuì-lèin
suìlìng to order thereupon; to result in.⁷
遂愿[遂願] xuì-ngùn
suìyuàn have one's wishes fulfilled.⁵
遂心 xuì-xïm
suìxīn after one's own heart; to one's liking.⁵
遂心如意 xuì-xïm-nguĩ-yï
suìxīnrúyì perfectly satisfied.⁵
遂事 xuì-xù
suìshì bygones; one thing that has had its course.⁷
遂事不谏[遂事不諫] xuì-xù-būt-gän
suìshìbùjiàn let bygones be bygones.¹¹
遂意 xuì-yï
suìyì to one's liking.⁵
(See 遂 [xuì, suí].)
xui4 16025
162 17 xuì suì <wr.> (of time/space) remote; (of theory/learning) profound, deep, penetrating.⁶
精邃 dëin-xuì jīngsuì deep, profound (scholarship).¹¹
窕邃 èl-xuì
tiǎosuì abstruse, deep and profound.¹⁰
邃户[邃戶] xuì-fù
suìhù an abysmal entrance to a large, quiet house.⁷
邃古 xuì-gū
suìgǔ remote antiquity.⁶
邃密 xuì-mìt
suìmì deep; profound, penetrating.⁶
邃宇 xuì-yî
suìyǔ a large house that is labyrinthic and dark.⁷
幽邃 yiü-xuì
yōusuì profound; unfathomable.⁷
xui4 16026
170 14 xuì suì a tunnel; a tunnel gate; underground pass; <wr.> bonfire as war signal.
倒流隧道 āo-liũ-xuì-ào dǎoliú suìdào diversion tunnel.
蹊隧 hãi-xuì
xīsuì <wr.> path; trail.
隧道 xuì-ào
suìdào tunnel.⁶
隧洞 xuì-ùng
suìdòng tunnel.⁶
xui4 16027
181 17 xuì cuì (=悴 xuì cuì) haggard, worn-out, tired out; worried, sad.⁷
(See 悴 xuì.)
xui4 16028
32 14 xuî shù villa.⁵
别墅 bèik-xuî biéshù villa.⁵⁴
避暑别墅[避暑別墅] bì-sī-bèik-xuî
bìshǔ biéshù summer house.⁵⁴
乡间别墅[鄉間別墅] hëng-gän-bèik-xuî
xiāngjiānbiéshù country villa.⁶
河边别墅[河邊別墅] hõ-bëin-bèik-xuî
hébiān biéshù riverside villa.⁵⁴
海滨别墅[海濱別墅] hōi-bïn-bèik-xuî
hǎibīn biéshù beach house.⁵⁴
联体别墅[聯體別墅] lũn-hāi-bèik-xuî
liántǐ biéshù townhouse.¹⁰
xui5 16029
112 13 xuî suì <台> 碎 xuî pieces, crumb, scrap.
<台> 布碎 bü-xuî cloth remnants.
<又> xuï. (See 碎 xuï.)
xui5 16030
120 12 xuî (cotton) wadding; something resembling cotton; wad with cotton; long-winded, garrulous.⁵
白絮 bàk-xuî báixù white cotton fiber; snowflake.⁸
花絮 fä-xuî
huāxù tidbits of news; interesting sidelights.⁸
柳絮 liû-xuî
liǔxù willow catkin.⁸
棉絮 mêin-xuî
miánxù cotton fiber; cotton wadding.⁸
絮叨 xuî-äo
xùdao long-winded; garrulous; wordy.⁵
絮嘴 xuî-duī
xùzuǐ chatter; nag.⁶
絮烦[絮煩] xuî-fãn
xùfán fed up; wordy.⁵⁵
絮聒 xuî-gāt
xùguō be long-winded; bother.⁵⁵
絮状[絮狀] xuî-jòng
xùzhuàng cotton-like; flocculent.⁶
絮棉 xuî-mêin
xùmián cotton for wadding.⁵
絮语[絮語] xuî-nguî
xùyǔ <wr.> prattle on; prattle.⁵⁵
絮窝[絮窩] xuî-vö
xùwō make a nest.⁵⁵
絮絮 xuî-xuî
xùxù endless prattle; to chatter incessantly.¹⁰
絮絮叨叨 xuî-xuî-äo-äo
xùxudāodāo jabbering.⁵⁵
絮絮不休 xuî-xuî-būt-hiü
xùxùbùxiū talk ceaselessly.⁵⁵
xui5 16031
120 14 xuî (a newer form of 绪[緖] xuî the end of a thread or string; a clue; a beginning; a task, a cause, an enterprise; a mental or emotional state; remnants, remains, leftovers.⁷).⁰
t: ⿰糹者(GHT) or ⿰糸者(J); U+7DD2). (comp. s: ⿰纟者; U+7EEA). (Note: 緒, without the dot, is new traditional standard form; 緖, with the dot, is Kangxi preference and older texts).
光绪[光緒] Göng-xuî
Guāngxù reign name of penultimate Qing emperor Guangxu (1875-1908).¹⁰
千头万绪[千頭萬緒] tëin-hẽo-màn-xuî
qiāntóuwànxù thousands of strands and loose ends; a multitude of things.⁵
情绪[情緒] tẽin-xuî
qíngxù mood; moodiness.⁵⁵
心绪[心緒] xïm-xuî
xīnxù state of mind.⁵ or 心绪[心緖] xïm-xuî xīnxù the thread of one's thoughts; thoughts, intentions.¹⁴
(See 緖 xuî, with the dot, all of which can use the newer form, 緒 xuî, without the dot).
xui5 16032
120 15 xuî ➀ the end of a thread or string  ➁ a clue  ➂ a beginning  ➃ a task; a cause; an enterprise  ➄ a mental or emotional state; mood ➅ remnants; remains; leftovers.⁷
(comp. t: ⿰糹⿱⿸耂丶日(GT) or ⿰糸⿱⿸耂丶日(JK); U+7DD6). (comp. s: ⿰纟者; U+7EEA).
就绪[就緖] diù-xuî
jiùxù to follow a clue; to proceed in due order.¹⁴
心绪[心緖] xïm-xuî
xīnxù the thread of one's thoughts; thoughts, intentions.¹⁴ or 心绪[心緒] xïm-xuî xīnxù state of mind.⁵
绪条[緖條] xuî-hẽl
xùtiáo a remnant; surplus.¹⁴
绪正律歴[緖正律歴] xuî-jëin-lùt-lèik
xùzhènglǜlì to adjust the standard pitch for music and regulate the rules of mathematics.¹⁴
绪战[緖戰] xuî-jën
xùzhàn the first battle between two forces.⁷
绪论[緖論] xuî-lùn
xùlùn an introduction or preface.¹⁴
绪业[緖業] xuî-ngèp
xùyè business or calling.¹⁴
绪言[緖言] xuî-ngũn
xùyán an introduction or preface.¹⁴
绪余[緖餘] xuî-yĩ
xùyú the remnants; a surplus.⁷
(See 緒 xuî, newer form of 緖 without the dot).
xui5 16033
9 10 𠉦
xūk (<old>=夙 xūk <wr.> morning; old, long-time, long-standing, long-running.⁶ the early morning; old or original (desires); <Budd.> inborn, inherited.⁷).²
(composition: ⿰亻⿴㐁人; U+20266).
(See 夙 xūk).
xuk1 16034
9 14 xūk 傈僳族 Lùt-xūk-dùk Lìsùzú Lisu nationality in 云南[雲南] Vũn-nãm Yúnnán Yunnan Province and 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan Province.
xuk1 16035
18 14 xūk thin, small cut.⁸ to slice small, to mince.²⁴ to mince, to cut into fine pieces.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰粟刂; U+3504).
xuk1 16036
36 6 xūk <wr.> morning; old, long-time, long-standing, long-running.⁶ the early morning; old or original (desires); <Budd.> inborn, inherited.⁷ (variant: 𠉦❄{⿰亻⿴㐁人} xūk). (See 𠉦❄{⿰亻⿴㐁人} xūk). (composition: ⿵几歹; U+5919).
夙敌[夙敵] xūk-èik
sùdí  old foe; long-standing enemy.¹⁰
or 宿慧 xūk-fì sùhuì <Budd.> inborn intelligence.¹¹
夙驾[夙駕] xūk-gä
sùjià to set out early.⁷ come early.¹¹
夙興夜寐 xūk-hëin-yèh-mì
sùxìngyèmèi rise early and retire late – be hardworking/industrious.⁶
or 宿望 xūk-mòng sùwàng old, solid reputation.¹¹
or 宿诺[宿諾] xūk-nòk sùnuò old promise.¹⁰
or 宿世 xūk-säi sùshì previous life.¹⁰
夙仇 xūk-siũ
sùchóu old enemy.¹¹
夙昔 xūk-xēik
sùxī past times, in the past; day and night.⁷
or 宿素 xūk-xü sùsù a long-cherished ambition.⁷ old, deep wish.¹¹
夙夜 xūk-yèh
sùyè morning and night.¹¹
夙夜匪懈 xūk-yèh-fī-hâi
sùyèfěixiè to work diligently day and night.⁷
夙儒 xūk-yĩ
sùrú a learned scholar.⁷
or 宿怨 xūk-yön sùyuàn old grudge.¹¹
or 宿缘[宿緣] xūk-yõn sùyuán <Budd.> fate inherited from previous incarnations.¹¹
xuk1 16037
40 11 宿 xūk lodge for the night, stay overnight; <wr.> long-standing, old; <wr.> veteran, old; Su surname.⁵ (variant: 㝛 xūk sù.)
矮星宿菜 āi-xëin-xūk-töi
ǎixīngxiùcài, Lysimachia pumila.
借宿 dëh-xūk
jièsù ask for a night's lodging.⁵
住宿 jì-xūk
zhùsù stay; put up; get accommodation.⁵
露宿 lù-xūk
lùsù sleep in the open.⁵
多育星宿菜 ü-yùk-xëin-xūk-töi
duōyùxīngxiùcài, Lysimachia prolifera.⁹ Lysimachia prolifera Klatt.³²
宿逋 xūk-bù
or xūk-pũ sùbū <wr.> long-standing debt.⁶
宿将[宿將] xūk-dëng
sùjiàng veteran general.⁵
宿疾 xūk-dìp
sùjí chronic complaint; old trouble.⁵
宿根 xūk-gïn
sùgēn <bot.> perennial root; biennial root.⁵
宿主 xūk-jī
sùzhǔ <bio.> host.⁵
宿志 xūk-jï
sùzhì a long-cherished ambition or desire.⁷
宿命论[宿命論] xūk-mèin-lùn
sùmìnglùn <phil.> fatalism.⁵
宿愿[宿願] xūk-ngùn
sùyuàn long-cherished wish.⁵
宿舍 xūk-sëh
sùshè hostel; living quarters; dormitory.⁵
宿营[宿營] xūk-yẽin sùyíng (of troops) take up quarters.⁵
宿怨 xūk-yön
sùyuàn old grudge; old scores.⁵
<台> 古老宿 gū-lāo-xūk old-fashioned.
<又> xiü.
(See 宿 [xūk, xiǔ], xiü.)
xuk1 16038
40 11 xūk (<old> = 宿 xūk .) lodge for the night, stay overnight; <wr.> long-standing, old; <wr.> veteran, old.⁵
(See 宿 xūk.)
xuk1 16039
40 11 宿 xūk xiǔ
(<m.> for nights.)⁵ <topo.> night.⁶
半宿 bön-xūk bànxiǔ half a night.⁶
家无隔宿之粮[家無隔宿之糧] gä-mũ-gäk-xūk-jï-lẽng
jiāwúgéxiǔzhīliáng not know where the next meal is to come from; live from hand to mouth.⁶
谈了半宿[談了半宿] hãm-lēl-bön-xūk
tánlebànxiǔ talk for half the night.⁶
整宿 jēin-xūk
zhěngxiǔ whole night.¹¹
住一宿 jì-yīt-xūk
zhùyīxiǔ stay for one night.⁵
聊了半宿 lẽl-lēl-bön-xūk
liáolebànxiǔ chat till midnight.⁶
呆一宿 ngõi-yīt-xūk
dāiyīxiǔ <topo.> stay for the night.⁵⁴
成宿 sẽin-xūk
chéngxiǔ all night.⁹
宿夕 xūk-dèik
xiǔxī a single night; a short period of time.⁷
一宿 yīt-xūk
yīxiǔ <topo.> one night.⁶
一宿没合眼 yīt-xūk-mòt-hàp-ngān
yīxiǔméihéyǎn not sleep a wink the whole night.⁶
<又> xiü.
(See 宿 [xūk, ] xiü.)
xuk1 16040
61 11 𢙻
xūk (<old>=肃[肅] xūk respectful; solemn.⁵).²
(composition: ⿱⺻⿰心力 (Kangxi) or ⿱⿻肀一⿰心力 or ⿱𦘒⿰心力; U+2267B).
(See 肅 xūk).
xuk1 16041
85 16 xūk deep and clear (water); swift, rapid; Su surname.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵肅; U+6F5A).
潚率 xūk-lùt sùlǜ appearance of breathing.¹⁹
潚潚 xūk-xūk
sùsù rapid; speedy; prompt.¹⁹
<又> xël; xēo.
(See 潚 xël; 潚 xēo).
xuk1 16042
119 11 xūk demotic character for 肃[肅] xūk .² (<old>=肃[肅] xūk respectful; solemn.⁵); pay respects; reverently.⁸
(composition: ⿰; U+7C9B).
(See 肅 xūk).
xuk1 16043
119 12 xūk grain, paddy; millet; goose flesh, goose pimples, goose bumps, goose skin; Su surname.⁷
沧海一粟[滄海一粟] töng-hōi-yīt-xūk cānghǎi-yīsù a drop in the ocean.⁸
粟特 Xūk-àk
Sùtè Sogdia or Sogdiana, also known as 窣利 Xūt-lì Sùlì, 索格特 Sōk-gāk-àk Suǒgétè.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
粟特语[粟特語] Xūk-àk-nguî
Sùtèyǔ or 窣利语[窣利語] Xūt-lì-nguî Sùlìyǔ Sogdian.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ʼ⁵⁴
粟帛 xūk-bàk
sùbó grain and cloth.⁷
粟子 xūk-dū
sùzi <topo.> millet.⁶
粟饭[粟飯] xūk-fàn
sùfàn coarse staple food.⁷
粟红贯朽[粟紅貫朽] xūk-hũng-gön-hiū
sùhóngguànxiǔ in time of great prosperity; in a land of plenty.⁷
粟草 xūk-tāo
sùcǎo milletgrass.¹⁰
粟仓[粟倉] xūk-töng
sùcāng a granary; a barn for grain.⁷
<台> 鸡皮米粟[雞皮米粟] gäi-pĩ-māi-xūk to have goose bumps
<台> 粟米 xūk-māi corn. This term is also used in Cantonese and other dialects.
xuk1 16044
129 13 xūk respectful; solemn.⁵ (variant: 𢙻❄{⿱⺻⿰心力} xūk, q.v.).
严肃[嚴肅] ngẽm-xūk
yánsù solemn; serious; grave.⁵
肃静[肅靜] xūk-dèin
sùjìng solemn silence.⁵
肃反[肅反] xūk-fān
sùfǎn (short for 肃清反革命分子
[肅清反革命份子]) elimination of counterrevolutionaries.⁵
肃敬[肅敬] xūk-gëin
sùjìng respectful.⁷
肃客[肅客] xūk-hāk
sùkè to receive a guest.⁷
肃贪[肅貪] xūk-häm
sùtān eliminate corruption.⁵⁴
肃函[肅函] xūk-hãm
sùhán to write to you in great reverence.⁷
肃立[肅立] xūk-lìp
sùlì stand as a mark of respect.⁵
肃穆[肅穆] xūk-mùk
sùmù solemn and respectful.⁵
肃然[肅然] xūk-ngẽin
sùrán respectfully.¹¹
肃然起敬[肅然起敬] xūk-ngẽin-hī-gëin
sùránqǐjìng be filled with deep veneraion; feel deep reverence (for).⁶
肃杀[肅殺] xūk-sät
sùshā an awe-inspiring, stern, forbidding look; a lonesome scene of late autumn.⁷
肃清[肅清] xūk-tëin
sùqīng eliminate; clean/mop up.⁵
肃清流毒[肅清流毒] xūk-tëin-liũ-ùk
sùqīng liúdú eliminate poisonous influence (of).⁶
肃此[肅此] xūk-xū
sùcǐ This reply I write respectfully.⁷
肃肃[肅肅] xūk-xūk
sùsù respectful, solemn; <wr.> in a hurry; <wr.> descriptive of rustling noise.¹¹
xuk1 16045
140 14 xūk xu clover, lucerne.⁸
黄花苜蓿[黃花苜蓿] võng-fä-mùk-xūk huánghuā mùxu <bot.> sickle alfalfa; Medicago falcata; Medicago falcata L; Medicago aleata.³⁹
野苜蓿 yêh-mùk-xūk
yě mùxu sickle alfalfa herb; Medicago falcata; Medicago falcata Linn.; Medicago falcata L; Melilotus suaveolens Ledeb.³⁹
xuk1 16046
149 17 xūk <wr.> standing straight up; to rise.
谡谡[謖謖] xūk-xūk sùsù <wr.> tall and straight.
<又> tūk.
(See 謖 tūk.)
xuk1 16047
157 7 xūk (rare - alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 足 dūk with same meaning.)
<台> 百足 bàk-xūk centipede.
<又> duì, dūk, dük.
(See 足 duì; 足 dūk; 足 dük.)
xuk1 16048
184 17 餿 xūk sōu sour, turn sour/tart, smell, go rotten; <topo.> (of an idea) lousy, stupid.⁶
饭菜馊了[飯菜餿了] fàn-töi-xūk-lēl fàncàisōule The food has spoiled.⁵
馊臭[餿臭] xūk-chiü
sōuchòu rotten and smelly.⁷
馊饭[餿飯] xūk-fàn
sōufàn rancid food.¹⁹
馊主意[餿主意] xūk-jī-yï
sōuzhǔyì rotten idea, lousy idea.⁵
馊味[餿味] xūk-mì
sōuwèi sour smell.⁶
馊酸[餿酸] xūk-xön
sōusuān stale.⁷
xuk1 16049
187 23 xūk a famous horse belonging to 唐成公 Tang Chenggong (?-505 BC), the monarch of the Tang State during the late Spring and Autumn Period.
(comp. t: ⿰馬肅; U+9A4C). (comp. s: ⿰马肃; U+9A95).
or 骕骦[驌驦] xūk-söng sùshuāng or 肅爽 xūk-sōng sùshuǎng <wr.> name of famous horse.¹¹ a famous horse of antiquity.²⁵
xuk1 16050
196 24 xūk the turquoise kingfisher.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿰肅鳥; U+9DEB). (comp. s: ⿰肃鸟; U+9E54).
鹔鹴[鷫鸘] xūk-söng
sùshuāng a kind of bird mentioned in ancient books.⁶ green, long-necked mythical bird.¹⁰
鹔鷞[鷫鷞] xūk-söng
sùshuāng (=鹔鹴[鷫鸘] xūk-söng sùshuāng) a kind of bird mentioned in ancient books.⁶ variously described as a water bird, like the crane, also a mythic bird.¹¹ a matchless bird from the west, whose feathers are used to adorn or cover dresses; it is the turquoise kingfisher, whose skins are brought from Burma for plumagery.¹⁰²
xuk1 16051
64 13 xūn sǔn diminish; impair; injure.⁸
损兵折将[損兵折將] xūn-bëin-jēt-dëng sǔnbīngzhéjiàng suffer heavy casualties in battle; lose the army and its general.⁸
损耗[損耗] xūn-häo
sǔnhào loss, wear and tear; wastage, spoilage.⁵
损害[損害] xūn-hòi
sǔnhài harm; damage; injure.⁵
损人[損人] xūn-ngĩn
sǔnrén speak sarcastically; harm other.⁸ harm others; mock people; taunt; humiliating.¹⁰
损人利己[損人利己] xūn-ngĩn-lì-gī
sǔnrénlìjǐ harm others to benefit oneself.⁶
损伤[損傷] xūn-sëng
sǔnshāng harm, damage, injure; loss.⁵
损失[損失] xūn-sīt
sǔnshī lose; loss.⁵
损坏[損壞] xūn-vài
sǔnhuài to break, damage (reputation, furniture).¹¹
损益[損益] xūn-yēik
sǔnyì increase and decrease; profit and loss; gains and losses.⁵
损阴骘[損陰騭] xūn-yïm-jēt
or xūn-yïm-jīt sǔnyīnzhì <Budd.> to sin and thus have to pay for it later.¹¹ be given to evildoing.⁵⁴
<台> 损[損] xūn to be scratched, to get a cut, injured, hurt.
<台> 损口[損口] xūn-hēo  wound.
xun1 16052
75 10 xūn sǔn (syn. 簨 xūn sǔn).¹⁴ cross bar.⁸ a cross piece of wood, on which a bell, or musical stone is suspended; the upright is called 虡[:⿸虛八] guì .²⁴
(composition: ⿰木旬; U+6812).
<又> tũn.
(See 栒 tũn; 簨 xūn).
xun1 16053
75 14 xūn sǔn mortise and tenon; fit into.⁸
鬭榫 ëo-xūn dòusǔn fit mortise and tenon.¹¹
卯榫 mâo-xūn
mǎosǔn mortise and tenon (slot and tab forming a carpenter's joint).¹⁰
榫凿[榫鑿] xūn-dòk
sǔnzáo mortise chisel.⁸
榫子 xūn-dū
sǔnzi tenon.⁶
榫头[榫頭] xūn-hẽo
sǔntou a tenon; a plug, projection (for socket) in machinery.¹¹
榫眼 xūn-ngān sǔnyǎn a mortise.¹¹
榫销[榫銷] xūn-xël
sǔnxiāo dowel; carpenter's pin.¹⁰
xun1 16054
118 12 xūn sǔn the tender shoots of the bamboo, a sprout, a shoot; a tenon, conical, pointed.¹⁴
春笋[春筍] chün-xūn chūnsǔn springtime bamboo shoots; fig. (of woman's fingers) tender and delicate.¹⁰
石笋[石筍] sêk-xūn
shísǔn <geol.> stalagmite.¹⁰
笋鸭[筍鴨] xūn-äp
sǔnyā a young duck; a duckling.⁷
笋鞭[筍鞭] xūn-bëin
sǔnbiān the subterranean stem of bamboo.⁷
笋尖[筍尖] xūn-dêm
sǔnjiān the tip or upper part of tender bamboo shoots.⁷
笋峰[筍峰] xūn-füng
sǔnfēng a conical peak.¹⁴
笋瓜[筍瓜] xūn-gä
sǔnguā <bot.> winter squash.⁶
笋鸡[筍雞] xūn-gäi
sǔnjī a young chicken.⁷
笋干[筍乾] xūn-gôn
sǔngān bamboo shoots cooked and dried for preservation.⁷
笋头[筍頭] xūn-hẽo
sǔntou a tenon; a bamboo shoot.⁷ a tenon; a dovetail.¹⁴
笋芽[筍芽] xūn-ngã
sǔnyá sprouting bamboo shoots.⁷
笋眼[筍眼] xūn-ngān
sǔnyǎn mortise.¹⁴
笋皮[筍皮] xūn-pĩ
sǔnpí or 笋壳[筍殼] xūn-hôk sǔnké the scale-like outer skin of a bamboo shoot.⁷
笋舆[筍輿] xūn-yĩ
sǔnyú a simple bamboo sedan, without sedan cover.¹¹
xun1 16055
118 16 xūn suǎn   a bamboo bowl for food used in sacrificial ceremonies.
<又> jàn, dōn. (See 篹 jàn, dōn.)
xun1 16056
118 18 xūn sǔn a beam for hanging bells, stone chimes or drums.⁸ʼ¹⁹ the cross-beam of a bell or drum-frame; (=栒 xūn sǔn).¹⁴ a cross piece of wood, on which to suspend a drum.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗巽; U+7C28).
❄{⿸虛八}] xūn-guì sǔnjù a stand for hanging bells and stone chimes in ancient times; the horizontal bar is called 簨, and the straight column is called 虡[]❄{⿸虛八}.¹⁹ beam for hanging bells or chime stones.⁵⁴
❄{⿱𥫗⿸虛八}] xūn-guì sǔnjù (=簨虡[簨❄{⿸虛八}] xūn-guì, q.v.).¹⁹  the frame on which a bell or drum is suspended.²⁵ (Note: Traditional character for 簴 is not rendered properly. See IMAGE.)
簨轴[簨軸] xūn-jùk
sǔnzhóu the horizontal axle installed in the farm implement.¹⁹
簨业[簨業] xūn-ngèp
sǔnyè utensils for hanging bells and drum.¹⁹ (业[業] ngèp yè, the plate on the crossbar of the bell and drum stand.)¹⁹
<又> jàn.
(See 簨 jàn; 栒 xūn).
xun1 16057
162 15 xūn xuǎn choose, select; elect; election.⁸
大选[大選] ài-xūn dàxuǎn general election.⁵
初选[初選] chö-xūn
chūxuǎn primary election.⁵
挑选[挑選] hël-xūn
tiāoxuǎn choose the best.¹¹
文选[文選] mũn-xūn
wénxuǎn selected works.¹¹
人选[人選] ngĩn-xūn
rénxuǎn person selected.⁸
选答考试[選答考試] xūn-āp-hāo-sï
xuǎndá kǎoshì multiple-choice test.³⁹
选拔[選拔] xūn-bàt
xuǎnbá select; choose.⁸
选本[選本] xūn-bōn xuǎnběn anthology; selected works.⁵
选场[選場] xūn-chẽng
xuǎnchǎng selected scenes (from an opera).⁵
选集[選集] xūn-dàp xuǎnjí selected works; anthology.⁸
选举[選舉] xūn-guī
xuǎnjǔ elect.⁸
选择[選擇] xūn-jàk
xuǎnzé select.⁸
选种[選種] xūn-jūng
xuǎnzhǒng seed selection.⁵
选美[選美] xūn-mî
xuǎnměi beauty contest.¹¹
选民[選民] xūn-mĩn
xuǎnmín voter, elector; constituency, electorate.⁵
选手[選手] xūn-siū
xuǎnshǒu an athlete selected for a sports meet; (selected) contestant; player.⁵
选材[選材] xūn-tõi
xuǎncái select (suitable) material.⁵
选修[選修] xūn-xiü
xuǎnxiū take as an elective course.⁸
xun1 16058
167 18 xūn sǔn metal in its native state when it appears as if shooting forth.²⁴ 金之萌生.²
(composition: ⿰金隼; U+93A8).
xun1 16059
7 6 xün xuān to revolve.¹⁴ to revolve around.³⁶
(composition: ⿱一旦; U+4E98).
<又> gän; yõn. (See 亘 gän; 亘 yõn)
xun2 16060
9 15 xün xuán Xuan surname.
(See 儇 [xün, xuān].)
xun2 16061
9 15 xün xuān frivolous and clever in trivial matters.
轻佻儇薄[輕佻儇薄] hëng-hël-xün-bòk qīngtiāoxuānbó light and fragile.³⁹
儇薄 xün-bòk
xuānbó <wr.> frivolous.
儇子 xün-dū
xuānzi <wr.> frivolous person.
(See 儇 [Xün, Xuán].)
xun2 16062
24 3 xün xùn (<old>= 迅 xün xùn rapid; fast.¹⁰); <old> to fly rapidly.⁹ to fly swiftly; rapid flight.²⁴
(composition: ⿹⺄十; U+5342).
<又> xïn.
(See 卂 xïn; 迅 xün).
xun2 16063
30 6 xün xuān (<old>=喧 xün xuān) to call out loudly, to yell loudly.⁸ <old> to cry.¹ to call, to bawl out.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口口; U+5405).
<又> dùng.
(See 吅 dùng.)
xun2 16064
30 9 xün xuān (=煊 xün xuān <wr.> warmth (of the sun).⁵ eminent.⁶ warm; bright.⁸); majestic.⁸
or 赫煊 hāk-xün hèxuān <wr.> brilliant and distinguished.⁵⁴
(See 煊 xün).
xun2 16065
30 12 xün xuān lively, noisy; clamor, to talk loudly.⁸
锣鼓喧天[鑼鼓喧天] lũ-gū-xün-hëin luógǔxuāntiān a deafening sound of beating the gongs and drums.⁸
喧呼 xün-fü
xuānhū to shout loudly.⁸
喧腾[喧騰] xün-hãng
xuānténg to make a tumult; hubbub; uproar.¹⁰
喧阗[喧闐] xün-hẽin
xuāntián <wr.> full of confused noises; bustling and crowded.⁵⁴
喧嚣[喧囂] xün-hël
xuānxiāo to clamor; to make noise.¹⁰
喧闹[喧鬧] xün-nào
xuānnào to make a noise; noisy.¹⁰
喧扰[喧擾] xün-ngêl
xuānrǎo to disturb by noise.¹⁰
喧哗[喧嘩] xün-vã
xuānhuá hubbub; clamor; to make a racket.¹⁰
xun2 16066
30 15 xün xùn <wr.> to spray/spout/spurt (liquid) from the mouth.⁶
沙噀 sâ-xün shāxùn (another name for 刺参[刺參] xü-täm cìshēn) beche-de-mer with spike.⁵⁴ Apostichopus japonicus Japanese spiky sea cucumber or the Japanese sea cucumber; Stichopus japonicus; sea cucumber; A. japonicus Selenka.³⁹
噀酒 xün-diū
xùnjiǔ to spurt liquor from the mouth.⁶
噀水 xün-suī
xùnshuǐ to spout water from the mouth.⁶
xun2 16067
37 11 xün xùn (=卂 xün xùn <old> to fly rapidly.⁹ to fly swiftly; rapid flight.²⁴).² birds spread their wings and fly.⁸ to spread the wings and fly away.²⁴ birds flutter their wings and want to fly.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱大隹; U+595E).
<又> xuï, juì. (See 奞 xuï, 奞 juì; 卂 xün).
xun2 16068
39 10 xün sūn grandson; descendant; Sun surname.¹⁰
孙子[孫子] xün-dū sūnzi grandson.⁶
孙子[孫子] Xün Dū
Sūn Zi a pre-Qin strategist, noted for his book, 孫子兵法 Xün Dū bëin-fāt Sūnzǐ bīngfǎ The Art of War.⁷
孙竹[孫竹] xün-jūk
sūnzhú new shoots of bamboo from the old stump.⁵
孙中山[孫中山] Xün Jüng-sän Sūn Zhōngshān or 孙逸仙 [孫逸仙] Xün Yìt-xëin Sūn Yìxiān or 孙文[孫文] Xün Mũn Sūn Wén Dr. Sun Yat-sen, father of the Republic of China.⁷
孙权[孫權] Xün Kũn
Sūn Quán Sun Quan, ruler of the state of 吳 M̃ during the Three Kingdoms period.⁷
孙悟空[孫悟空] Xün M̀-hüng
Sūn Wùkōng The Monkey King, character with supernatural powers in the novel Journey to the West (西游记[西游記] Xäi-Yiũ-Gï Xīyóujì).¹⁰
孙女[孫女] xün-nuī
sūnnǚ granddaughter.⁵
孙女婿[孫女婿] xün-nuī-xâi
sūnnǚxù grandson-in-law.⁶
孙媳[孫媳] xün-xēik
sūnxí or 孙媳妇[孫媳婦] xün-xēik-fû sūnxífu a granddaughter-in-law; a grandson's wife.⁷
(Male descendants: 1-子; 2-孫; 3-曾孫; 4-玄孫,元孫; 5-來孫; 6-昆孫(晜孫); 7-仍孫; 8-雲孫; 9-耳孫).
xun2 16069
40 9 xün xuān declare, proclaim, announce, lead off (liquids); Xuan surname.⁵
宣布 xün-bü xuānbù declare; proclaim; announce.⁵
宣称[宣稱] xün-chëin
xuānchēng assert; declare; profess.⁵
宣传[宣傳] xün-chũn
xuānchuán to disseminate; to give publicity to; propaganda.¹⁰
宣传队[宣傳隊] xün-chũn-duì
xuānchuánduì propaganda team.⁵
宣告 xün-gäo
xuāngào declare; proclaim.⁵
宣召 xün-jël
xuānzhào have the imperial decree read publicly; to summon to imperial audience or to the capital.¹¹
宣战[宣戰] xün-jën
xuānzhàn declare (or proclaim) war.⁵
宣纸[宣紙] xün-jī
xuānzhǐ Xuan paper, a high quality paper made in 宣城 Xün-sẽin Xuānchéng, Anhui Province, especially good for traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy.⁵
宣言 xün-ngũn
xuānyán declaration; manifesto.⁵
宣判 xün-pön
xuānpàn pronounce judgment.⁵
宣誓 xün-sài
xuānshì take/swear an oath; make a vow.⁵
宣读[宣讀] xün-ùk
xuāndú read out (in public).⁵
宣泄 xün-xēik
xuānxiè lead off (liquids), drain; get something off one's chest, unbosom oneself.⁵
宣扬[宣揚] xün-yẽng
xuānyáng to proclaim; to make public or well known.¹⁰
宣猷 xün-yiũ
xuānyóu <wr.> show distinguished services.¹¹
xun2 16070
40 14 𡪏
xün xuān (=宣 xün xuān declare, proclaim, announce, lead off (liquids).⁵
(composition: ⿱宣旦; U+21A8F).
(See 宣 xün).
xun2 16071
41 12 𡬳
xün xuān <old> to repair; some say, to follow by hand.²
(composition: ⿳爫罒寸; U+21B33).
<又> siù. (See 𡬳 siù).
xun2 16072
46 9 xün xún ranges of hills.⁸
怪石嶙峋 gäi-sêk-lĩn-xün guàishílínxún jagged rocks of grotesque shapes.⁶
嶙峋 lĩn-xün
línxún <wr.> (of mountain rocks, cliffs) jagged, rugged, craggy; (of a person) bony; skinny; (of a person) upright, unyielding.⁶
嶙峋的峭壁 lĩn-xün-ēik-xël-bēik
línxúndeqiàobì jagged or craggy cliff.⁶
傲骨嶙峋 ngào-gūt-lĩn-xün
àogǔlínxún to be of unyielding character; to be of moral integrity.⁶
瘦骨嶙峋 sëo-gūt-lĩn-xün
shòugǔlínxún skinny; emaciated (idiom).¹⁰
xun2 16073
49 12 xün xùn one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦 Bāt-gä Bāguà, symbolizing Wind; The Gentle; ☴.⁸⁰ (variant: 㢲 xün xùn).
含容巽顺[含容巽順] hẽim-yũng-xün-sùn
hánróngxùnshùn forbearing and retiring.
巽言 xün-ngũn
xùnyán mild or humble speech.
巽与之言[巽與之言] xün-yî-jï-ngũn
xùnyǔzhīyán delicately given advice, gentle exhortation.⁵⁴
(See 㢲 xün).
xun2 16074
57 9 xün xùn (=巽 xün xùn one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦 Bāt-gä Bāguà, symbolizing Wind; The Gentle; ☴.⁸⁰); the fifth of the Eight Diagrams 八卦; southeast; mild, bland; insinuating, peaceful words.⁸
(composition: ⿱弜⿱一八; U+38B2).
(See 巽 xün).
xun2 16075
60 9 xün xùn <wr.> give in to, submit to, comply with; (=殉 xün xùn) to sacrifice one's live for.⁵
徇难[徇難] xün-nàn
xùnnàn to die for one's country.⁸ (See also 殉难[殉難] xün-nàn xùnnàn).
or 殉义[殉義] xün-ngì xùnyì to follow the cause of righteousness even at the expenses of one's life; to die a martyr's death.⁷ martyrdom.¹⁴
徇情 xün-tẽin
xùnqíng <wr.> to practice favoritism.⁶
徇情枉法 xün-tẽin-vōng-fāt
xùnqíngwǎngfǎ to bend the law for the benefit of one's relatives or friends.⁶
徇私 xün-xü
xùnsī <wr.> to practice favoritism.⁶
徇私舞弊 xün-xü-mū-bài
xùnsīwǔbì to practice favoritism and engage in malpractices; to resort to cheating for selfish purposes.⁶
(See 狥 xün; 殉 xün.)
xun2 16076
61 9 xün xún to trust, to have faith in; sincere; suddenly; afraid, scared.⁷
(variant: 𦳣{❄⿱荀大} xün xún).
恂达[恂達] xün-àt
xúndá intelligent.⁷
恂直 xün-jèik
xúnzhí frank and sincere.⁷
恂栗[恂慄] xün-lùt
xúnlì scared; severe-looking; awe-inspiring.⁷ tremblingly attentive.¹⁴
恂目 xün-mùk
xúnmù in a wink.¹¹ in the twinkling of an eye.⁵⁴
恂然 xün-ngẽin
xúnrán sincerely.⁷
恂实[恂實] xün-sìt
xúnshí sincerely honest.⁷
恂恂 xün-xün
xúnxún <wr.> modest and prudent; fearful.⁶
恂恂如也 xün-xün-nguĩ-yâ
xúnxúnrúyě simple and sincere.¹⁴
(See 𦳣{❄⿱荀大} xün).
xun2 16077
64 12 xün xuān to pull up the sleeves and stretch out the arms; to strike with bare fists.⁸
排揎 pãi-xün páixuan to berate; to chide; to scold.⁹  to make satirical remarks about (a person); to humiliate by scoffing.¹¹
揎臂 xün-bî
xuānbì roll up the sleeves and bare the arms.⁶
揎击[揎擊] xün-gēik
xuānjī to hit with bare fists.¹¹
揎拳捋袖 xün-kũn-lòt-diù xuānquánluōxiù stretch out one's hand and roll up one's sleeves.⁶
揎拳掳袖[揎拳擄袖] xün-kũn-lû-diù
xuānquánlǔxiù to pull up the sleeves to work or fight.⁷
xun2 16078
72 8 xün xuān (=明 mẽin míng) bright.
(composition: ⿰日日; U+660D).
xun2 16079
72 10 xün xuǎn bright; brilliant; dry.⁶ light of the sun; to dry in the sun; (=烜 xün xuǎn) solarize; halo.⁸ the light of the sun; brilliant; to dry; to parch; (=烜 xün xuǎn).¹⁴ the influence of the sun, to dry; also bright.²⁴
or 日以烜之 ngìt-yî-xün-jï rìyǐxuǎnzhī dry it in the sun.¹⁴
or 烜明 xün-mẽin xuǎnmíng splendor; brilliant.¹⁴
or 烜鱼[烜魚] xün-nguî/ xuǎnyú to cure fish.¹⁴
or 烜肉 xün-ngùk xuǎnròu to smoke meat.¹⁴
(See 烜 xün.)
xun2 16080
72 13 xün xuān <wr.> warmth (of the sun); <topo.> fluffy, soft.⁵ warm, genial, the spring season.²⁴ (variant: 煊 xün xuān).
风和日暄[風和日暄] füng-võ-ngìt-xün
fēnghérìxuān gentle wind and warm sunshine (idiom).¹⁰
寒暄 hõn-xün
hánxuān exchange of conventional greetings; exchange of amenities (or compliments).⁵ talk about the weather (“cold and warm”) or usual formalities on visits.¹¹
日暄 ngìt-xün
rìxuān the genial warmth of the sun.¹⁴
暄风[暄風] xün-füng
xuānfēng spring breeze.⁷
暄腾[暄騰] xün-hãng
xuānteng <topo.> fluffy; soft.⁵
暄寒 xün-hõn
xuānhán <wr.> talk, enjoy a chat (=寒暄).¹¹
暄凉[暄涼] xün-lẽng
xuānliáng greetings to one another.⁷
暄妍 xün-ngẽin
xuānyán warm weather and captivating scenery (in spring).⁷
暄暖 xün-nön
xuānnuǎn warm and comfortable.⁶
暄和 xün-vö
xuānhuo <topo.> fluffy; soft.⁶
(See 煊 xün).
xun2 16081
75 11 xün xuān   a kind of tree mentioned in ancient books  ➁ 圌 chūn chuán grain bin  ➂ bowl utensils  ➃ model.⁸
(composition: ⿰木肙; U+688B).
<又> gün; kĩ.
(See 梋 gün; 梋 kĩ).
xun2 16082
75 13 xün xuàn shoe last; hat block; shape with a last or block.⁵  to block (a hat); to stretch (a shoe).¹⁰ (variant: 楥 xün xuàn).
(composition: ⿰木宣; U+6966).
or 鞋楥 hãi-xün xiéxuàn last for shaping a shoe; shoe tree.⁵
or 楥子 xün-dū xuànzi shoe last, shoe tree; hat block.⁵
or 楥鞋 xün-hãi xuànxié last a shoe.⁵ to fit a shoe to the last.¹⁴
or 楥头[楥頭] xün-hẽo xuàntou (=楦子 or 楥子 xün-dū xuànzi) shoe last, shoe tree; hat block.⁶ a last; boot trees.¹⁴
or 楥桩[楥樁] xün-jöng xuànzhuāng a last; boot trees.¹⁴
or 楥圆[楥圓] xün-yõn xuànyuán to turn; to make round in a lathe.¹⁴
(See 楥 xün).
xun2 16083
75 13 xün xuàn (=楦 xün xuàn shoe last; hat block; shape with a last or block.⁵  to block (a hat); to stretch (a shoe).¹⁰).⁸ a last for making shoes; to turn in a lathe.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰木爰; U+6965).
or 鞋楦 hãi-xün xiéxuàn last for shaping a shoe; shoe tree.⁵
or 楦子 xün-dū xuànzi shoe last, shoe tree; hat block.⁵
or 楦鞋 xün-hãi xuànxié last a shoe.⁵ to fit a shoe to the last.¹⁴
or 楦头[楦頭] xün-hẽo xuàntou (=楥子 or 楦子 xün-dū xuànzi) shoe last, shoe tree; hat block.⁶ a last; boot trees.¹⁴
or 楦桩[楦樁] xün-jöng xuànzhuāng a last; boot trees.¹⁴
or 楦圆[楦圓] xün-yõn xuànyuán to turn; to make round in a lathe.¹⁴
<又> yõn.
(See 楥 yõn; 楦 xün).

xun2 16084
78 10 xün xùn to be buried alive with the dead; to die for, to sacrifice one's life for.⁶
殉葬 xün-döng xùnzàng to bury something along with the dead; sacrificial grave goods.¹⁰
殉教 xün-gäo
xùnjiào to die for one's religion.¹⁰
殉国[殉國] xün-gōk
xùnguó to die for one's country.¹⁰
殉职[殉職] xün-jēik
xùnzhí to die in the line of duty.¹⁰
殉难[殉難] xün-nàn
xùnnàn to die (for a just cause or for one’s country); to be killed during some disaster.⁸
or 徇义[徇義] xün-ngì xùnyì to follow the cause of righteousness even at the expenses of one's life; to die a martyr's death.⁷ martyrdom.¹⁴
殉情 xün-tẽin
xùnqíng to die together in the name of love; to sacrifice oneself for love.¹⁰
殉死 xün-xī
xùnsǐ to be buried alive as sacrifice (together with husband or superior).¹⁰
以身殉职[以身殉職] yî-sïn-xün-jēik
yǐshēnxùnzhí die a martyr on duty; die at one's post.⁶
(See 徇 xün; 狥 xün.)
xun2 16085
85 9 xün xún <wr.> truly, indeed.⁶
洵不誣也 xün-būt-mũ-yâ or xün-būt-mõ-yâ xúnbùwūyě <wr.> indeed it is true and not hearsay.¹¹
洵可宝贵[洵可寶貴] xün-hō-bāo-gï
xúnkěbǎoguì truly valuable.⁶
洵河 Xün-hõ
Xúnhé name of a river in 陕西省[陝西省] Sēm-xäi sāng Shǎnxī shěng Shaanxi Province.⁷
洵美且仁 xün-mî-chēh-ngĩn
xúnměiqiěrén <wr.> indeed handsome and kind.¹¹ truly admirable and humane.¹⁴
洵属[洵屬] xün-sùk
xúnshǔ truly; certainly.⁷
洵属可贵[洵屬可貴] xün-sùk-hō-gï
xúnshǔkěguì <wr.> truly valuable.⁵⁴
xun2 16086
85 10 xün xùn 浚县[浚縣] Xün Yòn Xùn Xiàn Xun County in 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng Henan Province.⁴
<又> dün.
(See 浚 dün; 濬 dün.)
xun2 16087
85 12 xün xuàn apply colors to a drawing; play up; exaggerate.⁶
大肆渲染 ài-xü-xün-ngëm dàsìxuànrǎn give a highly colored account (of); give a highly exaggerated account (of); play (something) up.⁶
大事渲染 ài-xù-xün-ngëm
dàshìxuànrǎn play up; exaggerate enormously.⁶
渲染 xün-ngëm
xuànrǎn apply colors to a drawing; play up; exaggerate.⁶
渲染故事 xün-ngëm-gü-xù
xuànrǎngùshi give/add/lend color to as story; puff out a story.⁶
xun2 16088
86 10 xün xuǎn ablaze; bright.⁵ <wr.> grand; magnificent.⁶ light of the sun; to dry in the sun; flaming; of great renown and influence; (=晅 xün xuǎn) solarize; light.⁸ to dry; fire prevailing; bright.²⁴
烜赫 xün-hāk
xuǎnhè great renown and influence.⁵ <wr.> eminent.⁶ famous; prestigious.¹⁰ (reputation) shining, impressive.¹¹
烜赫一时[烜赫一時] xün-hāk-yīt-sĩ
xuǎnhèyīshí have great renown and powerful influence for a time; be eminent for a time.⁶ to enjoy a short-lived fame or position of power.¹⁰
(See 晅 xün.)
xun2 16089
86 13 xün xuān (=暄 xün xuān) <wr.> warmth (of the sun).⁵ eminent.⁶ warm; bright.⁸ (variant: 咺 xün xuān).
or 赫咺 hāk-xün hèxuān <wr.> brilliant and distinguished.⁵⁴
声势煊赫[聲勢煊赫] sëin-säi-xün-hāk
shēngshìxuānhè One's influence is majestic and powerful.⁵⁴
煊赫 xün-hāk
xuānhè eminent.⁶ of great renown and influence.⁸ (See also 烜赫 xün-hāk xuǎnhè).
煊赫一时[一時] xün-hāk-yīt-sĩ
xuānhèyīshí have renown and influence for a time.⁶
(See 暄 xün; 咺 xün).
xun2 16090
94 9 xün xùn (=徇 xün xùn) <wr.> give in to, submit to, comply with.⁶
(See 徇 xün; 殉 xün.)
xun2 16091
94 13 xün sūn (monkey).¹⁰
猴狲[猴猻] hẽo-xün hóusūn monkey, ape.¹¹
树倒猢狲散[樹倒猢猻散] sì-āo-vũ-xün-xän
shùdǎo húsūnsàn monkeys disperse when tree falls – members run away when family or institution falls.¹¹
猢狲[猢猻] vũ-xün
húsūn macaque.¹⁰
猢狲王[猢猻王] vũ-xün-võng
húsūnwáng king of monkeys; schoolteacher.¹¹
xun2 16092
96 10 xün xún name of a kind of jade.⁸
珣玗琪 xün-yï-kĩ xúnyúqí (old) a kind of jade.⁶ a species of gem; the name of a vessel or utensil.²⁴
xun2 16093
96 11 xün xuān the appearance of gems, or the display of gems at one's girdle.²⁴
(composition: ⿰𤣩肙; U+7404).
琄琄 xün-xün xuànxuàn appearnace of jade ornaments.¹⁹
xun2 16094
96 13 xün xuān a ornamental piece of jade several inches across with a hole in the center; round flat piece of jade for worshiping Heaven.⁸
瑄玉 xün-ngùk xuānyù ornamental piece of jade, described as being six inches in diameter with a hole in the center.¹⁴
xun2 16095
112 14 xün xuàn arch; build arch by laying bricks or stones.⁸
xun2 16096
120 12 xün xuàn gorgeous.⁵ bright and brilliant; adorned and stylish.⁷ silken pouch hung at the girdle; stylish; adorned; variegated; ornamental.¹⁴
文章绚烂[文章絢爛] mũn-jëng-xün-làn wénzhāngxuànlàn writing sparkles.¹¹
文采绚丽[文采絢麗] mũn-tōi-xün-lài
wéncǎixuànlì one's writing sparkles.⁵⁴
绚丽[絢麗] xün-lài
xuànlì gorgeous; magnificent.⁵
绚丽多彩[絢麗多彩] xün-lài-ü-tōi
xuànlìduōcǎi bright and colorful; gorgeous.¹⁰
绚烂[絢爛] xün-làn
xuànlàn splendid; gorgeous.⁵
绚练[絢練] xün-lèin
xuànliàn flashing; brilliant with lighting and colors.⁷ to hasten; swift.¹⁴
xun2 16097
124 19 xün xuān <wr.> to fly.⁶ flirtatious; short flight.¹⁰
翩翾 pëin-xün piānxuān flying or dancing gracefully.¹¹
翾翾 xün-xün
xuānxuān flitting.⁵⁴
xun2 16098
140 9 xün xún a grass; Xun surname.
荀子 Xün-Dū Xúnzǐ Hsun Tzu, a philosopher (c. 313-238 B.C.)²³
荀草 xün-tāo
xúncǎo <old> a type of sweet grass.
荀彧 Xün Yūk
Xún Yù Xun Yu (163-212), brilliant strategist, advisor of 曹操 Tão Täo Cáo Cāo Cao Cao in Three Kingdoms.
xun2 16099
140 12 𦳪
xün sūn (=荪[蓀] xün sūn a kind of aromatic grass.⁷).²
(composition: ⿱艹㢲; U+26CEA).
(See 蓀 xün)
xun2 16100
140 12 xün xuān daylily, Hemerocallis fulva.
椿萱 chün-xün
chūnxuān one's parents.⁷
椿萱并茂[椿萱並茂] chün-xün-bèin-mào
chūnxuān bìngmào both father and mother are in good health.¹¹
堂萱 hõng-xün
tángxuān (=萱堂 xün-hõng xuāntáng) <wr.> mother.⁸
雄刈萱 hũng-ngài-xün
xióngyìxuān citronella (plant).¹⁹
or 谖草[諼草] xün-tāo xuāncǎo daylily, Hemerocallis fulva.¹⁰
萱草忘忧[萱草忘憂] xün-tāo-mõng-yiü
xuāncǎowàngyōu the daylily causes one to forget sorrow – so a son is a comfort to his mother.¹⁴
萱堂 xün-hõng
xuāntáng (=堂萱 hõng-xün tángxuān) your mother.¹⁴
xun2 16101
140 12 𦳣
xün xún (=恂 xün xún to trust, to have faith in; sincere; suddenly; afraid, scared.⁷).⁸ a man's name.²⁵
(composition: ⿱荀大; U+26CE3).
(See 恂 xün).
xun2 16102
140 13 xün sūn a kind of aromatic grass.⁷ (variant: 𦳪{❄⿱艹㢲} xün sūn).
竹荪[竹蓀] jūk-xün
zhúsūn edible fungus found in bamboo groves in 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan and 贵州[贵州] Gï-jiü Guìzhōu Guizhou Provinces.⁵⁴
(See 𦳪{❄⿱艹㢲} xün).
xun2 16103
142 15 xün xuān small insects found in wells.²⁵
(composition: ⿰虫彖; U+875D).
<又> yõn. (See 蝝 yõn).
xun2 16104
142 19 xün xuān mosquito larvae, wrigglers.⁸ wriggler; mosquito larva; to crawl; to worm along.¹⁰ crawling of insects; larvae of mosquitoes.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰虫睘; U+8809).
蜎蠉 gün-xün yuānxuān various larvae found in water.¹⁴
xun2 16105
149 13 xün xún to ask; to inquire.
咨询[咨詢] or 谘询[諮詢] dü-xün zīxún to seek advice from; to inquire and consult; counsel; counseling.
咨询[咨詢] or 谘询[諮詢] dü-xün
zīxún to seek advice from; to hold counsel with; to consult.⁶
垂询[垂詢] suĩ-xün
chuíxún to condescend to inquire.
询察[詢察] xün-chāt
xúnchá to investigate and inquire.
询问[詢問] xün-mùn
xúnwèn ask about, inquire.
询问处[詢問處] xün-mùn-chuî/
xúnwènchù information desk.
xun2 16106
149 16 xün xuān false, to deceive; to forget.
弗谖[弗諼] fūt-xün fúxuān not to forget.
诈谖[詐諼] jä-xün
zhàxuān dishonest.³⁹
永矢弗谖[永矢弗諼] vêin-sī-fūt-xün
yǒngshǐfúxuān <wr.> to keep the memory alive; I swear never to forget.
永矢勿谖[永矢勿諼] vêin-sī-mòt-xün
yǒngshǐwùxuān <wr.> to keep the memory alive; I swear never to forget.
xun2 16107
153 13 xün xuān a  badger.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰豸亘; U+8C86).
<又> fön, vān. (See vān, 貆 xün).
xun2 16108
162 6 xün xùn rapid; fast.¹⁰ (variant: 卂 xün xùn or xïn xìn).
(composition: ⿺辶卂; U+8FC5).
迅速 xün-chūk
xùnsù rapid; speedy; fast.¹⁰
迅即 xün-dēik
xùnjí immediately; promptly; quickly.¹⁰
迅捷 xün-dèp
xùnjié fast and nimble.¹⁰
迅疾 xün-dìp
xùnjí rapid; swift.¹⁰
迅流 xün-liũ
xùnliú a fast current.¹¹
迅雷 xün-luĩ
xùnléi thunderbolt.¹⁰
迅雷不及掩耳 xün-luĩ-būt-gèp-yēm-ngī
xùnléi bùjí yǎn'ěr lightning flash, blitz, before precautions can be taken (lit., “thunderclap gives no time for covering ears”.¹¹
迅猛 xün-mâng
xùnměng swift and violent.⁵
迅跑 xün-pāo
xùnpǎo run fast; to advance swiftly and violently.⁹ race.⁵⁴
(See 卂 xün; 卂 xïn).
xun2 16109
162 13 xün xùn abdicate; modest; <wr.> inferior.⁵
不逊[不遜] būt-xün bùxùn rude; insolent; impertinent.⁹
出言不逊[出言不遜] chūt-ngũn-būt-xün
chūyánbùxùn speak insolently.⁵
谦逊[謙遜] hïm-xün
qiānxùn modest.⁵
稍逊一筹[稍遜-籌] sāo-xün-yīt-chiũ
shāoxùnyīchóu be slightly inferior.⁵
逊谢[遜謝] xün-dèh
xùnxiè to decline humbly and modestly.⁷
逊国[遜國] xün-gōk
xùnguó abdicate the throne.¹¹
逊尼派[遜尼派]  Xün-nãi-päi
or Xün-nãi-pāi Xùnnípài Sunni sect (of Islam).⁵⁴
逊让[遜讓] xün-ngèng
xùnràng to surrender (a position) to another; to yield.⁷
逊色[遜色] xün-sēik
xùnsè inferior to; not as good as.⁷
逊顺[遜順] xün-sùn
xùnshùn respectfully obedient; humble and yielding.⁷
逊遁[遜遁] xün-ùn
xùndùn humble and resigning; to shirk, to shun, to be cowardly.⁷
逊位[遜位] xün-vì
xùnwèi to abdicate in favor of son or conqueror.¹¹
逊王[遜王] xün-võng
xùnwáng an abdicated king.⁷
xun2 16110
163 8 xün huán Huan surname.
(See 郇 [xün, xún].)
xun2 16111
163 8 xün xún a feudal state during the Zhou dynasty; Xun surname.
郇厨[郇廚] xün-chuĩ xúnchú a sumptuous feast.
(See 郇 [xün, huán].)
xun2 16112
167 15 xün xuān a small pot with a basin-shaped flat bottom and rings on both sides; knock on jade.⁸ a small basin; rings on a cart or carriage.¹⁴ a small tub, without legs; a brazen pan; a man's name.²⁵
(composition: ⿰金肙; U+92D7).
鋗鸣[鋗鳴] xün-mẽin xuānmíng the sound of gems.²⁵
<又> gün.
(See 鋗 [gün, juān]; 鋗 [gün, juàn]).
xun2 16113
177 16 xün xuān (same meaning as 鞙 gün juān but different in pronunciation: horsetail; the bit of a horse.²)
(composition: ⿰革肙; U+9799).
<又> yõn; gün.
(See 鞙 yõn; 鞙 [gün, yuān]; 鞙 [gün, juān]).
xun2 16114
184 12 xün sūn <wr.> supper.⁶ cooked food, supper, to mix cooked rice with water.⁷ (variant: 飱 xün sūn).
朝饔夕飧 jël-yüng-dèik-xün
zhāoyōngxīsūn lit. breakfast in the morning and supper in the evening (idiom); fig. to do nothing but eat and drink.¹⁰
盘飧[盤飧] põn-xün
pánsūn dishes; the food in a dish.⁷
饔飧 yüng-xün
yōngsūn breakfast and supper.⁷
饔飧不继[饔飧不繼] yüng-xün-būt-gäi
yōngsūnbùjì discontinuation of supper after breakfast – poverty-stricken.⁷ meals are scanty.⁸
xun2 16115
184 13 xün sūn (=飧 xün sūn) <wr.> supper.⁶ cooked food, supper, to mix cooked rice with water.⁷
(See 飧 xün.)
xun2 16116
187 17 xün xuān gray; gray horse.⁸ an iron-gray horse.²⁵ <old> bluish-black horse.³⁶
(composition: ⿰馬肙; U+99FD).
駜駽 bēik-xün  bìxuān a strong gray steed.¹⁹
乘駽 sẽin-xün
chéngxuān to mount a gray charger.²⁵
xun2 16117
61 10 xũn quān (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 悛 dün quān with same meaning.)
<又> dün.
(See 悛 dün.)
xun3 16118
70 11 xũn xuán revolve, circle, spin; return, come back; part of the scalp where the hair is whorled; <wr.> soon.⁵
不旋踵 būt-xũn-jūng bùxuánzhǒng in a short while, before you turn your back (it perishes).¹¹
天旋地转[天旋地轉] hëin-xũn-ì-jōn
tiānxuándìzhuàn (feel as if) the sky and earth were spinning round; very dizzy.⁵
气旋[氣旋] hï-xũn
qìxuán cyclone.⁶
旋即 xũn-dēik
xuánjí soon after; shortly.¹⁰
旋耕 xũn-gäng
xuángēng rotary tillage.⁵
旋管 xũn-gōn
xuánguǎn coil; coiled pipe; coiler.⁵
旋光 xũn-göng
xuánguāng rotation of plane of polarization of light.¹⁰
旋转[旋轉] xũn-jōn
xuánzhuǎn to rotate; to revolve; to spin; to whirl.¹⁰
旋桥[旋橋] xũn-kẽl
xuánqiáo swing bridge.⁵
旋律 xũn-lùt
xuánlǜ melody.⁷
旋毛虫[旋毛蟲] xũn-mão-mão
xuánmáochóng trichina.⁵
旋绕[旋繞] xũn-ngêl
xuánrào curl up; wind around.⁵
or 旋纽[旋紐] xũn-niū xuánniǔ <mach.> knob.⁵
or 漩涡 xũn-vö xuánwō whirlpool, vortex.⁵ (See 旋涡[旋渦] xũn-vö xuànwō).
旋回 xũn-või
xuánhuí to cycle.¹⁰
(See 旋 [xũn, xuàn].)
xun3 16119
70 11 xũn xuàn whirl; turn something on a lathe, lathe, pare; at the time, at the last moment.⁵
旋板机[旋板機] xũn-bān-gï xuànbǎnjī rotary lathe; peeler machine.⁵⁴
旋床 xũn-chõng
xuànchuáng <mach.> (turning) lathe.⁵
旋子 xũn-dū
xuànzi circle; spinor; copper plate (for making sheets of bean-starch jelly); hot water container for warming wine.⁸
旋风[旋風] xũn-füng
xuànfēng whirlwind; cyclone.⁸
旋涡[旋渦] xũn-vö
xuànwō vessel for warming wine in hot water.⁵⁴ (See 旋涡[旋渦] or 漩涡 xũn-vö xuánwō).
(See 旋 [xũn, xuán]; 旋[鏇] xũn; 镟[鏇] xũn.)
xun3 16120
72 15 xũn xuán clear; bright; beautiful.²⁴
(composition: ⿰日旋; U+66B6).
xun3 16121
85 10 xũn xuán an eddy; a whirlpool.⁸ an eddying spring.²⁴ (=漩 xũn xuán whirlpool; eddy.⁶).¹⁰¹
(See 漩 xũn).
xun3 16122
85 14 xũn xuán whirlpool; eddy.⁶ (variant: 㳬 xũn xuán).
(composition: ⿰氵旋; U+6F29).
泡漩 päo-xũn
pàoxuán eddy; whirlpool.¹⁰
or 旋涡[旋渦] xũn-vö xuánwō whirlpool, vortex.⁵ (See 旋涡[旋渦] xũn-vö xuànwō).
(See 㳬 xũn).
xun3 16123
96 15 xũn xuán fine jade; name of a constellation.⁷ (variant: 璿 xũn xuán.)
璇花 xũn-fä
xuánhuā blossoms as pure and white as jade.⁵⁴
璇闺[璇閨] xũn-gï
xuánguī an exquisite, cozy boudoir ornamented with fine jade.⁷
璇瑰 xũn-gï
xuánguī a fine kind of jasper.¹⁴
璇玑[璇璣] xũn-gï
xuánjī ancient astronomical instrument (a disc with serrated edge and central orifice); <old> the first four stars of the Big Dipper.⁶
璇玑图[璇璣圖] xũn-gï-hũ
xuánjītú a palindrome, worked on a piece of satin by a woman 苏蕙[蘇蕙] Xü Fì Sū Huì, for her husband 窦滔[竇滔] Èo Häo Dòu Tāo who was banished to Tartary at the close of the 4th century A.D. There were 840 (later 841) characters which could be read in either direction.¹⁴
璇玑玉衡[璇璣玉衡] xũn-gï-ngùk-hãng
xuánjīyùhéng ancient astronomical instrument.¹⁹
璇宫[璇宮] xũn-güng
xuángōng an exquisite room ornamented with fine gems; a swanky palace; a luxuriously furnished hall.⁷
璇图[璇圖] xũn-hũ
xuántú state; nation.⁵⁴
璇室 xũn-sīt
xuánshì a gem-studded room.⁷
(See 璿 xũn.)
xun3 16124
96 18 xũn xuán (=璇 xũn xuán) fine jade; name of a constellation.⁷
(See 璇 xũn.)
xun3 16125
167 19 xũn xuàn lathe.⁸ to shape on a lathe; to peel with a knife; to turn in (a screw).¹⁰ a pewter heater for keeping spirits warm; a lathe; to turn in a lather; a thread in a screw.¹⁴
镟床[鏇床] or 旋床[鏇床] or 旋床 xũn-chõng xuànchuáng a lathe.¹⁰
or 旋子[鏇子] or 旋子 xũn-dū xuànzi  large metal plate for making bean curd; metal pot for warming wine.¹⁰
镟粉[鏇粉] xũn-fūn
xuànfěn noodle like strips made of flour of green peas (菉豆 lùk-èo lǜdòu) by stirring mixture in boiling water and cooling it (also 粉皮 fūn-pĩ fěnpí).
镟锅儿[鏇鍋兒] xũn-vö-ngĩ
xuànguōr vessel for warming wine by immersing pot in hot water.¹¹
(See 旋[鏇] xũn; 旋 [xũn, xuàn].)
xun3 16126
167 19 xũn xuàn a kind of wine heater; a kind of metal tray; to pare with a knife.⁷
旋床[鏇床] or 镟床[鏇床] or 旋床 xũn-chõng xuànchuáng a lathe.⁷
or 镟子[鏇子] or 旋子 xũn-dū xuànzi  large metal plate for making bean curd; metal pot for warming wine.¹⁰
(See 镟[鏇] xũn; 旋 [xũn, xuàn].)
xun3 16127
64 9 xùn shuān (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 拴 ūn shuān to tie, to fasten.)
<又> ūn, sän.
(See 拴 ūn, sän.)
xun4 16128
118 15 xùn zhuàn seal script; seal, official stamp.⁸ Zhuan surname.⁷
(composition: ⿱⺮彖; U+7BC6).
大篆 ài-xùn dàzhuàn an ancient style of calligraphy, current in the Zhou Dynasty (c. 11th century-256 B.C.).⁵
虫篆[蟲篆] chûng-xùn
chóngzhuàn a wriggly form of written characters (found on ancient bronzes).⁷
雕虫篆[雕蟲篆] ël-chũng-xùn
diāochóngzhuàn a type of calligraphy featuring characters twisting and turning like worms.⁷
铭篆[銘篆] mẽin-xùn
míngzhuàn to remember with deep gratitude.⁷
小篆 xēl-xùn
xiǎozhuàn an ancient style of calligraphy, adopted in the Qin Dynasty (221-207 B.C.) for the purpose of standardizing the script.⁵
篆字 xùn-dù
zhuànzì or 篆文 xùn-mũn zhuànwén characters written in the seal type.⁷
篆刻 xùn-hāk
zhuànkè to cut a seal in the seal style.⁷
篆章 xùn-jëng
zhuànzhāng a seal; a chop.⁷
篆务[篆務] xùn-mù
zhuànwù official affairs.⁷
篆额[篆額] xùn-ngäk
zhuàn'é to inscribe characters on the top of a tablet in the seal style.⁷
篆书[篆書] xùn-sï
zhuànshū seal script.¹¹
xun4 16129
120 17 xùn zhuàn a unit of measurement for feathers: 10 feathers = 1 审[審] sīm shěn; 100 feathers = 1 搏 bōk bó; 10 搏 (or 1,000 feathers) = 1 䌸[縳] xùn zhuàn.² to wrap.⁸ a bright white color; to tie up.¹⁴ a new white color; to bind; a numeral for feathers, a thousand of which in one bundle, is called a . also a close woven silk; a hall.²⁵ a bright white color; to spin thrown silk or the floss silk sorted; a name given to a pack of 10 bundles of 100 feathers each.¹⁰²
(Note: Compare 缚[縛] bòk
to bind; to tie).
t: ⿰糹專; U+7E33). (comp. s: ⿰纟专; U+4338).
纺縳[紡縳] fōng-xùn
fǎngzhuàn spindles used for spinning in ancient times were usually made of pottery or stone chips.⁵⁴
䌸行囊[縳行囊] xùn-hãng-nõng
zhuànxíngnáng to tie up the baggage.¹⁴
䌸腿[縳腿] xùn-huī
zhuàntuǐ knee pads, won by women.¹⁰²
䌸一只猪[縳一隻豬] xùn-yīt-jëk-jï
zhuànyīzhīzhū to bind a pig, as by the feet.¹⁰²
<又> kūn.
(See 縳 kūn).
xun4 16130
123 12 xùn xiàn envy, admire; praise; covet; Xian surname.⁸ to covet, to long for, to admire; to praise; a surplus.¹⁴⁽ᶜʰᵃʳ²⁷¹⁵⁾
(variant: 羨 xùn xiàn). (See 羨 xùn).
称羡[稱羡] chëin-xùn
chēngxiàn to praise and admire.¹⁴
钦羡[欽羡] hïm-xùn
qīnxiàn respect and admire.⁶
欣羡 hïm-xùn
xīnxiàn <wr.> appreciate and admire.⁶
歆羡 hïm-xùn
xīnxiàn <wr.> adore; admire.⁶
or 妒羡 ù-xùn dùxiàn envious.⁸
羡叹[羡嘆] xùn-hän
xiàntàn praise; express admiration.⁶
羡门[羡門] xùn-mõn
xiànmén a genii, said to have lved in ancient times.¹⁴
羡慕 xùn-mù
xiànmù to envy; to admire; one's heart warms towards somebody.⁸
羡人 xùn-ngĩn
xiànrén to covet the things of others.¹⁴
羡人享福 xùn-ngĩn-hēng-fūk
xiànrénxiǎngfú to be in envy of the happiness of others.⁷
羡杀[羡殺] xùn-sät
xiànshā desperate longing for.¹⁴
羡财[羡財] xùn-tõi
xiàncái spare money; surplus money.⁷
羡余[羡餘] xùn-yĩ
xiànyú <trad.> additional taxes collected by local officials for self-emolument; <wr.> surplus.⁶
艳羡[艷羡] yèm-xùn
yànxiàn <wr.> admire greatly; envy.⁶
有羡 yiû-xùn
yǒuxiàn ample; more than enough.¹⁴
xun4 16131
123 13 xùn xiàn (=羡 xùn xiàn envy, admire; praise; covet.⁸ to covet, to long for, to admire; to praise; a surplus.¹⁴⁽ᶜʰᵃʳ²⁷¹⁵⁾).⁸
(composition: ⿱⺷㳄; U+7FA8).
(See 羡 xùn)
xun4 16132
167 14 xùn quán <wr.> weigh, measure; select, choose.⁶
(composition: ⿰釒全; U+9293).
铨叙[銓敘] or 铨序[銓序] xùn-duì quánxù <wr.> examine the records and qualifications of officials in making appointments.⁶
铨衡[銓衡] xùn-hãng
quánhéng to measure, compare and select talents for government.¹¹
铨择[銓擇] xùn-jàk
quánzé select (officials) by qualifications.¹¹
铨度[銓度] xùn-òk
quánduó estimate.⁵⁴
铨取[銓取] xùn-tuī
quánqǔ select (officials) by qualifications.¹¹
铨选[銓選] xùn-xūn
quánxuǎn <wr.> select officials according to their qualifications.⁶
xun4 16133
170 11 xùn zhuàn a low wall on the road side, a wall, the space enclosed by a constellation.⁸ the wall of a treasury on the road side; a courtyard.²⁵ Distinguish 隊 duì or juì duì.
(composition: ⿰阝彖; U+49D8).
xun4 16134
196 18 xùn xùn (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 鵔 dün jùn with the same meaning: pheasant; golden pheasant.)
(variant: 鵕 xùn xùn).
(composition: ⿰鳥夋; U+9D54).
<又> dün.
(See 鵕 xùn; 鵔 dün).
xun4 16135
196 18 xùn xùn (=鵔 xùn xùn) (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 鵕 dün jùn with the same meaning: pheasant; golden pheasant.)
(composition: ⿰夋鳥; U+9D55).
<又> dün.
(See 鵔 xùn; 鵕 dün).
xun4 16136
9 13 xūng sǒng quick, rapid.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻從 U+50B1).
傱风[傱風] xūng-füng sǒngfēng a gust of wind.²⁴
傱萃 xūng-xuì
sǒngcuì state of navigating in a big crowd of people.⁰
傱傱 xūng-xūng
sǒngsǒng speedy recovery; multitudinous, numerous.⁰
傱勇 xūng-yûng
sǒngyǒng instigate; incite.¹⁹ (=怂恿[慫恿] xūng-yūng sǒngyǒng instigate; incite; egg somebody on; abet.⁵)
xung1 16137
15 10 xūng sōng icicle.
轻雾凇[輕霧凇] hëng-mù-xūng qīngwùsōng <met.> soft rime.⁵⁴
雾凇[霧凇] mù-xūng
wùsōng <met.> rime.
雾凇雾[霧凇霧] mù-xūng-mù
wùsōngwù <met.> rime fog.
雨凇 yî-xūng
yǔsōng glaze; glaze ice; frost; a patina of ice from freezing rain or water vapor.
xung1 16138
46 11 xūng sōng (=嵩 xüng sōng) lofty (of mountains).
(See 嵩 xūng.)
xung1 16139
46 13 xūng sōng lofty (of mountains). (崧 xüng sōng is a variant of 嵩).
or 崧呼 xūng-fü sōnghū <trad.> to shout “Long live the Emperor!”
or 崧山 Xūng Sän Sōng Shān Mount Song, Songshan Mountain (the Central Sacred Mountain in 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng Henan Province).⁶
or 崧寿[崧壽] xūng-siù sōngshòu <wr.> longevity.
xung1 16140
46 14 xūng sǒng a mountain peak: high, lofty, eminent.²⁴
(composition: ⿰山從; U+5D77).
嵱嵷 yūng-xūng yǒngsǒng many appearances of high and low (mountains, objects).
<又> düng.
(See 嵷 düng).

xung1 16141
61 10 xūng sǒng fearful; terrified; frightened.⁷ (variant: 愯 xūng sǒng).
震悚 jīn-xūng
zhènsǒng <wr.> tremble with fear; shock.¹⁰
or 毛骨耸然[毛骨聳然] mão-gūt-xūng-ngẽin máogǔsǒngrán with one's hair standing on end – absolutely terrified.⁵
or 竦惧[竦懼] or 耸惧[聳懼] xūng-guì sǒngjù to tremble with fear; frightened; terrified.⁷
悚栗[悚慄] xūng-lùt
sǒnglì to tremble with fear; frightened; terrified.⁷
or 竦然 xūng-ngẽin sǒngrán terrified; horrified.⁵
悚然而立 xūng-ngẽin-ngĩ-lìp
sǒngrán'érlì stand up terrified.⁶
悚惕 xūng-tēik
sǒngtì fearful.⁷
悚惶 xūng-võng
sǒnghuáng to tremble with fear; frightened; terrified.⁷
(See 愯 xūng; 竦 xūng; 聳 xūng.)
xung1 16142
61 13 xūng sǒng (<old>=悚 xūng sǒng) fearful; terrified; frightened.
(See 悚 xūng.)
xung1 16143
61 15 xūng sǒng to instigate; to incite.⁷
怂动[慫動] xūng-ùng sǒngdòng to instigate; to incite.⁷
怂恿[慫恿] xūng-yūng
sǒngyǒng instigate; incite; egg somebody on; abet.⁵
怂恿支持[慫恿支持] xūng-yūng-jï-chĩ
sǒngyǒng zhīchí with somebody's support and connivance.⁵⁴
<又> tūng.
(See 慫 tūng.)
xung1 16144
85 14 xūng sǒng rapid, swift.²⁴ rapid, quick.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵從; U+6F0E).
<又> tũng. (See 漎 tũng).
xung1 16145
117 12 xūng sǒng respectful; awed.⁷ (<old>=悚 xūng sǒng and 耸[聳] xūng sǒng) fearful; terrified; frightened.
蹙竦 tūk-xūng
cùsǒng frightened; horrified; scared.⁷
or 悚惧[悚懼] or 耸惧[聳懼] xūng-guì sǒngjù to tremble with fear; frightened; terrified.⁷
竦慕 xūng-mù
sǒngmù respect and admire.⁶
or 悚然 xūng-ngẽin sǒngrán fearful; scared.⁷
竦然起敬 xūng-ngẽin-hī-gëin
sǒngránqǐjìng (=肃然起敬[肅然起敬] xūk-ngẽin-hī-gëin sùránqǐjìng) be filled with deep veneraion; feel deep reverence (for).⁶
竦然肃立[竦然肅立] xūng-ngẽin-xūk-lìp
sǒngránsùlì stand in respect.⁶
(See 悚 xūng; 愯 xūng; 聳 xūng.)
xung1 16146
128 17 xūng sǒng to alarm, alert, warn, be sensational; to rise up, stretch up erect or at full length; to be born deaf; to urge, to egg on.⁷
高耸[高聳] gäo-xūng gāosǒng stand tall and erect; tower.⁵
耸肩[聳肩] xūng-gän
sǒngjiān shrug one's shoulders.⁵
or 竦惧[竦懼] or 悚惧[悚懼] xūng-guì sǒngjù to tremble with fear; frightened; terrified.⁷
耸立[聳立] xūng-lìp
sǒnglì tower aloft.⁵
耸人听闻[聳人聽聞] xūng-ngĩn-hëng-mũn
sǒngréntīngwén deliberately exaggerate so as to create a sensation.⁵
耸人耳目[聳人耳目] xūng-ngĩn-ngī-mùk
sǒngrén'ěrmù arrest (attract) public attention; deliberately exaggerate so as to create a sensation.³⁹
耸峙[聳峙] xūng-sì
or xūng-chî sǒngzhì (said of mountains) to rise up high above; to soar skyward; to stab deep into the sky.⁷
耸动[聳動] xūng-ùng
sǒngdòng shrug (one's shoulders); create a sensation.⁵ to urge, to egg on; to be moved or alarmed.⁷
耸动视听[聳動視聽] xūng-ùng-sì-hëin
sǒngdòng shìtīng to create a sensation.⁷
耸入云霄[聳入雲霄] xūng-yìp-vũn-xël
sǒngrùyúnxiāo to tower to the skies.⁵
(See 悚 xūng; 愯 xūng; 竦 xūng.)
xung1 16147
196 17 𪀚
xūng sōng a small kind of falcon, or kite, able to catch sparrows.²⁵
(composition: ⿰鳥戎; U+2A01A).
雀𪀚❄{⿰鳥戎} dēk-xūng quèsōng the hungting falcon.²⁵
xung1 16148
38 9 xüng sōng name of a concubine of 帝喾[帝嚳] Äi Gūk Dì Kù Di Ku, father of 尧[堯] Ngẽl Yáo Emperor Yao.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰女戎; U+5A00).
有娀 Yiû-xüng
Yǒusōng name of an ancient State.¹⁴
xung2 16149
40 7 xüng sòng Song dynasty (960-1279); Song surname.
北宋 Bāk-Xüng Běi Sòng Northern Song dynasty (960-1127).
仿宋 fōng-Xüng
fǎngSòng imitation Song-dynasty-style typeface.
吕宋[呂宋] Luî-xüng
Lǚsòng Luzon.⁸  the Philippines, Manila.¹¹
南宋 Nãm-Xüng
Nán Sòng Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279).
宋朝 Xüng-chẽl
Sòngcháo Song dynasty (960-1279).
宋体字[宋體字] Xüng-hāi-dù
Sòngtǐzì Song typeface.
宋代 Xüng-òi
Sòngdài Song dynasty (960-1279).
xung2 16150
60 11 xüng cóng 从容[從容] xüng-yũng cóngróng to go easy; unhurried; calm; leisurely.
<又> tũng.
(See 從 tũng.)
xung2 16151
61 7 xüng sōng 睡眼惺忪 suì-ngān-xëin-xüng shuìyǎnxīngsōng have a drowsy look; be sleepy-eyed or bleary-eyed.⁶
惺忪 xëin-xüng
xīngsōng (of eyes) not yet fully open on waking up; drowsy-eyed.⁶
<又> jüng.
(See 忪 jüng.)
xung2 16152
64 12 𢱤
xüng sǒng to push away.²⁴ (Hakka) to push; <old> alternative form of 㧐[㩳] (xüng sǒng, “to push”).³⁶
(composition: ⿰扌送 U+22C64).
(See 㩳 xüng; <台> 擁 ūng).
xung2 16153
64 21 xüng sǒng to stand upright; to straighten; <topo.> to push.
㧐他出了门[㩳他出了門] xüng-hä-chūt-lēl-mõn sǒngtāchūlemén He was pushed out of the door.
xung2 16154
75 8 xüng sōng loose; to loosen; to relax. (variant: 䯳 xüng sōng).
轻松[輕鬆] hëin-xüng
qīngsōng light, relaxed.⁵
肉松[肉鬆] ngùk-xüng
ròusōng shredded dried pork.
松弛[鬆弛] xüng-chĩ
sōngchí limp, flabby, slack, drooping; lax.⁶
松懈[鬆懈] xüng-hâi
sōngxiè relax; slacken; slack.⁵
松软[鬆軟] xüng-ngün
sōngruǎn soft; spongy; loose.⁵
松动[鬆動] xüng-ùng
sōngdòng ample, not tight (in money), allowing some movement.
松散[鬆散] xüng-xān
sōngsǎn to relax; loose; not consolidated; not rigorous.
松松垮垮[鬆鬆垮垮] xüng-xüng-kä-kä
sōngsongkuǎkuǎ baggy; sluggish.
(See 松 tũng; 䯳 xüng.)
xung2 16155
75 15 xüng cōng a fir, a fir tree (Abies firma).⁷
t: ⿰木從; U+6A05).
s: ⿰木从; U+679E).
针枞[針樅] jïm-xüng
or jïm-tüng zhēncōng spruce.¹⁹
银枞[銀樅] ngãn-xüng
or ngãn-tüng yíncōng silver fir (Abies alba).¹⁰
枞树[樅樹] xüng-sì
or tüng-sì cōngshù (=冷杉 lâng-chëim lěngshān) fir.⁸
<又> düng, tüng.
(See 樅 düng, tüng.)
xung2 16156
140 11 xüng sōng <wr.> Chinese cabbage.⁹  (cabbage); Brassica chinensis.¹⁰  Celery cabbage, Brassica chinensis (=白菜 bàk-töi báicài).¹¹
臭菘 chiü-xüng
chòusōng Symplocarpus foetidus.  Dracontium foetidum; fetid hellebore; Symplocarpus foetidus Nutt.; skunk-cbbage.¹⁹
菘蓝[菘藍] xüng-lãm
sōnglán woad, Isatis tinctoria. Isatis tinctoria (woad, a brassica producing blue dye).¹⁰
菘菜 xüng-töi
sōngcài (also known as 大白菜 ài-bàk-töi dàbáicài) bok choy, Chinese cabbage, Brassica pekinensis.⁴³
xung2 16157
162 9 xüng sòng deliver, carry; give as a present; see someone off, escort.⁵
送到 xüng-äo
sòngdào to send to.¹⁰
送达[送達] xüng-àt
sòngdá to deliver; to serve notice (law).¹⁰
送别[送別] xüng-bèik
sòngbié (=送行 xüng-hãng sòngxíng) see somebody off, wish somebody bon voyage; give a send-off party.⁵
送殡[送殯] xüng-bïn
sòngbìn to attend a funeral; to take part in a funeral procession.⁹
送呈 xüng-chẽin
sòngchéng dispatch.⁸ to deliver; to send off.⁹
送行 xüng-hãng
sòngxíng see somebody off, wish somebody bon voyage; give a send-off party.⁵
送终[送終] xüng-jüng
sòngzhōng attend upon a dying senior member of one's family.⁶
送礼[送禮] xüng-lâi
sònglǐ give somebody a present.⁵
送命 xüng-mèin
sòngmìng lose one's life; get killed.⁵
送上 xüng-sëng
sòngshàng to deliver.¹⁰
送往迎来[送往迎來] xüng-vông-ngẽin-lõi
sòngwǎngyínglái see off those who depart and welcome those who arrive.⁵
送死 xüng-xī
sòngsǐ <topo.> court death.⁵
送信 xüng-xïn
sòngxìn to send word; to deliver a letter.¹⁰
xung2 16158
190 14 xüng sōng (=鬆 xüng sōng) (said of hair) loosely arranged, dishevelled hair.
(composition: ⿱髟公; U+4BF3).
or 髼松[髼鬆] pũng-xüng péngsōng dischevelled hair.²⁵
(See 鬆 xüng).
xung2 16159
184 17 𩠌 xûng sòng <台> 𩠌[餸] xûng a side dish of food prepared to accompany rice; groceries.
<台> 好𩠌[好餸] hāo-xûng delicious side dishes.
<台> 煮𩠌[煮餸] jī-xûng to cook food other than rice.
<台> 买餸[買餸] mäi-xûng to buy groceries.
xung5 16160
18 14 xūt xuē to drag, to pull.⁸
(Note: 㔃 dùt jué is synonymous with 㔢 dùt jué and 㔃 xūt xuē is synonymous with 㔢 xūt xuē).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱絕刀; U+3503).
<又> dùt.
(See 㔃 dùt).
xut1 16161
19 14 xūt xuē to pull, to haul, to drag.² to drag, to pull.⁸
(Note: 㔃 dùt jué is synonymous with 㔢 dùt jué and 㔃 xūt xuē is synonymous with 㔢 xūt xuē).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱絕力; U+3522).
<又> dùt.
(See 㔢 dùt).
xut1 16162
61 9 xūt pity, sympathize; give relief, compensate.⁵ (variants: 䘏 xūt xù; 賉 xūt xù.)
不恤 būt-xūt
bùxù not to worry; not to show concern.¹⁰
抚恤[撫恤] fū-xūt
fǔxù comfort and compensate a disabled person or a bereaved family.⁵
体恤[體恤] hāi-xūt
tǐxù understand and sympathize with.⁵
赒恤[賙恤] jiü-xūt
zhōuxù to give to the needy.¹⁰ charitable; generous.¹⁴
安民恤众[安民恤眾] ön-mĩn-xūt-jüng 
ānmínxùzhòng improve the conditions of the people and maintain order.³⁹
恤匮[恤匱] xūt-gì
xùkuì to relieve the distressed.¹⁰
恤金 xūt-gïm
xùjīn pension for a disabled person or the family of the deceased.⁵
恤孤 xūt-gü
xùgū care for orphaned children and the lonely elderly.⁵⁴
恤嫠 xūt-lĩ
xùlí to give relief to widows.¹⁰
<又> sōt.
(See 恤 sōt; 䘏 xūt; 賉 xūt.)
xut1 16163
62 6 xūt 屈戌儿[屈戌兒] vūt-xūt-ngĩ or kūt-xūt-ngĩ qūqur metal fastening for a window, door, or case; hasp.⁶
(See 戌 [xūt,
xut1 16164
62 6 xūt the eleventh of the twelve Earthly Branches.⁵
屈戌 vūt-xūt or kūt-xūt qūxū <wr.> staple; door latch.⁵⁴
戌月 xūt-ngùt
xūyuè the ninth month of the lunar year.⁷
戌时[戌時] xūt-sĩ/
xūshí the period of the day from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.⁵
(See 戌 [xūt, ].)
xut1 16165
64 14 xūt shuāi 破罐破摔 pö-gôn-pö-xūt pòguànpòshuāi smash a pot to pieces just because it's cracked – write oneself off as hopeless and act recklessly/irresponsibly.⁶ lit. to smash a cracked pot (idiom); crazy despair in the face of a blemish, defect, error or setback.¹⁰
摔打 xūt-ā
shuāida to beat or knock with the hand; to toughen oneself up.
摔倒 xūt-āo
shuāidǎo to fall down; to slip and fall; a throw (in wrestling).
摔跤 or 摔交 xūt-gäo shuāijiāo trip and fall; trip up, come a cropper, make a mistake; <sport> wrestling.⁶
摔下来[摔下來] xūt-hä-lõi
shuāi xiàlái to fall.
摔伤[摔傷] xūt-sëng
shuāishāng bump; bruise; child's injury from falling.
摔坏[摔壞] xūt-vài
shuāihuài to drop and break.
xut1 16166
95 11 xūt shuài to lead; to command; rash; hasty; frank; straightforward; generally; usually.
大率 ài-xūt dàshuài mostly. (compare 大率 ài-lùt dàlǜ generally; nearly; approximately.)
表率 bēl-xūt
biǎoshuài example; model.
坦率 hān-xūt
tǎnshuài candid; frank.
轻率[輕率] hëng-xūt
qīngshuài rash; hasty; indiscreet.⁵
草率 tāo-xūt
cǎoshuài rash; sloppy.
粗率 tü-xūt
cūshuài rough and careless; ill-considered.
率直 xūt-jèik
shuàizhí straightforward; blunt.
率领[率領] xūt-lêin
shuàilǐng lead; head; command.⁶
率常 xūt-sẽng
shuàicháng <wr.> usually; generally
率先 xūt-xëin
shuàixiān to take the initiative.
<又> lùt.
(See 率 lùt .)
xut1 16167
116 13 xūt 窣利 Xūt-lì Sùlì another name for 粟特 Xūk-àk Sùtè Sogdia or Sogdiana.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
窣利语[窣利語] Xūt-lì-nguî
Sùlìyǔ or 粟特语[粟特語] Xūk-àk-nguî Sùtèyǔ Sogdian.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ʼ⁵⁴
(See 窣 [xūt, ].)
xut1 16168
116 13 xūt rush out; sweep; hang; rustle.⁸
媻姗孛窣[媻姍孛窣] põn-sän-böi-xūt pánshānbèisū to crawl slowly forward on hands and knees.¹⁴
窸窣 xēik-xūt
xīsū rustle.⁶ a rustling noise.¹⁰ a sound (folklore says that when spirits approach, the gilt paper used in sacrifice makes a noise in the wind).²⁵
屑窣 xēik-xūt
xièsū descriptive of tiny squeak.¹¹ tiny squeaks; slight noise.⁵⁴
窣地 xūt-ì
sūdì abrupt, abruptly; with a rustling sound (of skirts).¹¹
窣窣 xūt-xūt
sūsū descriptive of minute rustle (sound).¹¹
(See 窣 [xūt, ].)
xut1 16169
119 16 xūt rice flour.²ʼ²⁵
(composition: ⿰米屑; U+7CCF).
<又> xēik. (See 糏 xēik).
xut1 16170
142 17 xūt shuài 斗蟋蟀[鬥蟋蟀] ëo-xēik-xūt dòu xīshuài cricket fight.⁷
田蟋蟀 hẽin-xēik-xūt
tiánxīshuài field cricket.²⁹
蟋蟀 xēik-xūt
xīshuài cricket.⁸
蟋蟀草 xēik-xūt-tāo
xīshuàicǎo (=牛筋草 ngẽo-gïn-tāo niújīncǎo) Indian goosegrass, yard-grass, goosegrass, wiregrass, or crowfootgrass (Eleusine indica).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
xut1 16171
143 8 xūt (=恤 xūt ) pity, sympathize; give relief, compensate.⁵
(See 恤 xūt.)
xut1 16172
154 13 xūt (=恤 xūt ) pity, sympathize; give relief, compensate.⁵
(See 恤 xūt.)
xut1 16173
167 13 𬬸

xūt to lead.²⁴
(comp. t: ⿰釒术 or ⿰釒朮; U+9265).
s: ⿰钅术; U+2CB38).
❄{⿰钅术}[子盍入乎吾請爲子鉥]²ʼ¹⁰¹ dū-hàp-yìp-fũ m̃-tēin-vĩ-dū-xūt zǐhérùhū wúqǐngwèizǐxù Please come in to provide guidance for my son.⁰
一女必有一刀、一錐、一箴、一鉥,然後成為女。 yīt-nuī-bēik-yiü-yīt-äo, yīt-juï, yīt-jïm, yīt-xūt ngẽin-hèo sẽin-vĩ nuī. 
Yī nǚ bì yǒu yīdāo, yī zhuī, yī zhēn, yī xù, ránhòu chéngwéi nǚ. A girl must have a cleaver (for cooking), an awl (for making clothes), a proverb (to show she is educated), and leadership (to take care of the house) before becoming a woman.
<又> sùt.
(See 鉥 sùt).
xut1 16174
173 11 xūt xuě snow; to wipe away; snow-white; to avenge.⁷
雪白 xūt-bàk xuěbái snow-white; snow.⁷
雪崩 xūt-bäng
xuěbēng avalanche; snowslide; snowslip.⁶
雪花 xūt-fä
xuěhuā snowflake.⁶
雪花膏 xūt-fä-gäo
xuěhuāgāo cream, facial cream.⁶
雪花莲[雪花蓮] xūt-fä-lẽin
xuěhuālián <bot.> snowdrop.⁶
雪撬 xūt-gèl
xuěqiào or 雪车[雪車] xūt-chëh xuěchē sled; sledge; sleigh.⁶
雪蛤膏 xūt-hā-gäo
xuěhágāo (=蛤士蟆油 hā-xù-mã-yiũ hàshìmǎyóu) Hasma, Harsmar, Hashima (pharmaceutical term: Oviductus Ranae).¹⁵ʼ²⁰ʼ²⁹
雪中高士 xūt-jüng-gäo-xù
xuězhōng gāoshì poetic name of plum blossoms (梅花 mõi-fä méihuā).⁷
雪中送炭 xūt-jüng-xüng-hän
xuězhōngsòngtàn to give timely assistance; to send thing which are in urgent need.⁷
雪球 xūt-kiũ
xuěqiú snowball.⁵
雪铃花[雪鈴花] xūt-lêng-fä
xuělínghuā (=雪片莲[雪片蓮] xūt-pëin-lẽin xuěpiànlián snowbell, dewdrop, St. Agnes' flower (Leucojum).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
雪鹭[雪鷺] xūt-lù
xuělù snowy egret (Egretta thula).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
雪盲 xūt-mãng
xuěmáng snow blindness.⁷
雪耳 xūt-ngī
xuě'ěr or 银耳[銀耳] ngãn-ngī yín'ěr snow ear, silver ear fungus (Tremella fuciformis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
xut1 16175
195 22 xūt xuě cod.⁵ aka 大頭魚 ài-hẽo-nguî/.⁴ common name: 鰵 mêin.⁸
大西洋小鳕[大西洋小鱈] Ài-xäi-yẽng-xēl-xūt Dàxīyáng xiǎoxuě Atlantic tomcod (Microgadus tomcod).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
太平洋鳕[太平洋鱈] Häi-pẽin-yẽng-xūt
Tàipíngyángxuě or 大头鳕[大頭鱈] ài-hẽo-xūt dàtóuxuě Pacific cod, gray cod, grayfish Gadus macrocephalus, family Gadidae.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
黑线鳕[黑線鱈] hāk-xëin-xūt
hēixiànxuě haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) in the family Gadidae.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
银鳕鱼[銀鱈魚] ngãn-xūt-nguî/
yínxuěyú another name for 裸盖鱼[裸蓋魚] gō-köi-nguî/ luǒgàiyú sablefish, sable, butterfish (Anoplopoma fimbria).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
青鳕[青鱈] tëin-xūt
qīngxuě Atlantic or European pollock (Pollachius pollachius), family Gadidae.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
黄线狭鳕[黃線狭鳕] võng-xëin-hèp-xūt
huángxiànxiáxuě Alaska pollock, walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) aka 阿拉斯加鱈,  阿拉斯加狹鱈, 明太鱼.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
细长臀鱈[細長臀鱈] xäi-chẽng-hũn-xūt
xìchángtúnxuě poor cod, Trisopterus minutus, a temperate marine fish belonging to the cod family (Gadidae).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鳕科[鱈科] xūt-fö
xuěkē the family Gadidae.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鳕鱼[鱈魚] xūt-nguî/
xuěyú cod.⁶
鳕鱼肝油[鱈魚肝油] xūt-nguî-gön-yiũ
xuěyúgānyóu cod liver oil.⁹
xut1 16176
199 21 𪍛
xūt (=糏 xūt rice flour.²ʼ²⁵).¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰麥屑; U+2A35B).
<又> xēik.
(See 𪍛❄{⿰麥屑} xēik; 糏 xūt).
xut1 16177
30 6 <台> 吔 yä (this character is added at the end of a sentence to emphasize this is a question.)
<台> 该个人好生暴. 阿谁吔? [該個人好生暴. 阿誰吔?]
Köi göi ngĩn hāo säng-bào. Ä suī yä? I'm not familiar with this person. Who is it?
(Note1: <台> 生暴 säng-bào strange (as unfamiliar with).
(Note 2: Use 吔 yä to ask the person directly). (See 㖿 yēh for a slight twist to this sentence).
<又> yâ.
(See 吔 yâ.)
ya2 16178
146 6 Kangxi radical 146; component for 'cover'; also 覀 yä yà.
(See 覀 yä).
ya2 16179
146 6 alternate Kangxi radical 146 for 襾; component for 'cover'; 要字头[要字頭] yël-dù-hẽo yàozìtóu.¹
(See 襾 yä).
ya2 16180
30 7 particle used to express mild emphasis.
<台> 打开该冷.你闩佢呀.[打開該冷.你閂佢呀.] ā-höi-kôi-läng/. nï-sän-kuï-yã. It's very cold with the door opened. (I suggest) you close it. (Note: Person A stated the first sentence. Person B mildly replied to Person A's comment.)
<台> 岩你个袋睇有钱呀[岩你個袋睇有錢呀] Ngãm-nï-göi-òi/-hāi-yiü-tẽin-yã. <slang> Dig into your pocket to see if you have any money there.
<台> 坐呀 tö-yã Please have a seat.
<又> à. (See 呀 呀 [à, ], [à, ya].)
ya3 16181
5 3 also; too; <wr.> final particle implying affirmation; Ye surname.
不提也罢[不提也罷] būt-hãi-yâ-bà bùtíyěbà best not to mention it; drop it; let's not talk about it.
之乎者也 jï-fũ-jēh-yâ
zhīhūzhěyě four words recognized as final particles of the literary language.
也罢[也罷] yâ-bà
yěbà all right; never mind; OK, if necessary; whether ... or ...
也许[也許] yâ-huī
yěxǔ perhaps; maybe.
也是 yâ-sì
yěshì to be also the same.
也欤[也歟] yâ-yĩ
yěyú It is so!¹⁴
ya5 16182
30 6 <台> 吔 yâ/ (this character is added at the end of a sentence to put emphasis on the entire statement.)
<又> ä. (See 吔 ä.)
ya5 16183
4 丿 2 𠂆 yäi to drag.³⁶
(composition: ⿱丿丿; U+20086).
<又> hōn. (See 𠂆 hōn).
yai2 16184
39 10 yãi nāo bad, cowardly.
这种电器最孬[這種電器最孬] jëh-jūng-èin-hï-duï-yãi zhèzhǒngdiànqìzuìnāo This electrical equipment is the worst.
孬种[孬種] yãi-jūng
nāozhǒng useless scoundrel; coward.
yai3 16185
116 15 yãi <台> 窳 yãi bad (not good); (=孬 yãi nāo).
<台> 窳 yãi/ of inferior quality, substandard; naughty, mischievous.
<又> yî.
(See 窳 yî.)
yai3 16186
64 9 yài (=曳 yài ) to drag; to haul.
or 拉曳 lā-yài lāyè to drag along, to trail (skirts).¹¹
(See 拽 [yài, zhuài], 拽 [yài, zhuāi].)
yai4 16187
64 9 yài zhuài (=曳 yài, ) to pull; to haul.
拖拽 hü-yài
tuōzhuài to drag out.¹⁰
猛拽 mâng-yài
měngzhuài to tug.⁹
生拉硬拽 säng-lā-ngàng-yài
shēnglāyìngzhuài to drag somebody along kicking and screaming.¹  to stretch the meaning.¹  to do arm-twisting, to force somebody to do something.¹¹
死拉活拽 xī-lā-vòt-yài
sǐlāhuózhuài to drag somebody along against his will; to drag somebody by force.⁹
拽步 yài-bù
zhuàibù to take long strides; to hurry (while walking).¹⁰
(See 拽 [yài, zhuāi], 拽 [yài, ], 曳[yài, ]).
yai4 16188
64 9 yài zhuāi to fling, to hurl, to throw.
把球拽过去[把球拽過去] bā-kiũ-yài-gö-huï bǎqiú zhuāiguòqù to knock the ball over to the opponent's side.¹¹
把球拽过来[把球拽過來] bā-kiũ-yài-gö-lõi
bǎqiú zhuāiguòlai the ball was flung over to our side.⁸
拽拳使脚[拽拳使腳] yài-kũn-sōi-gëk
zhuāiquánshǐjiǎo to shake one's fist at.⁵⁴
(See 拽 [yài, zhuài], 拽 [yài, ].)
yai4 16189
73 6 yài ➀ <old> to drag; to pull (=拽 yài zhuài, =拖 hü tuō, =拉 lā )  ➁ <old> to float in the wind; to sway  ➂ <old> tired; fatigued  ➃ <Cant.> naughty; ill-behaved; unruly  ➄ <Cant.> of poor quality.³⁶
(composition: ⿻曰*), * the second component is like 弋 yèik without the dot 丶; U+66F3).
is the reading pronunciation; the speaking pronunciation is .¹⁰¹)
曳白 yài-bàk
yèbái <wr.> hand in a blank paper in an imperial examination.⁵⁴
曳步 yài-bù
yèbù shuffle.⁸
曳光弹[曳光彈] yài-göng-àn
yèguāngdàn <mil.> tracer bullet or shell; tracer.⁵
曳裾王门[曳裾王門] yài-guï-võng-mõn
yèjūwángmén live as a protégé of a feudal lord.⁵⁴
曳力 yài-lèik
yèlì <phy.> drag force.⁵
曳绳钓[曳繩釣] yài-sẽin-ël
yèshéngdiào (fishing) trolling.⁵
曳影 yài-yēin
yèyǐng a shadow.³⁹ The name of a sword in Chinese mythology.²³
曳引机[曳引機] yài-yîn-gï
yèyǐnjī a tractor.¹¹
(See 曳[yài, ]; 曵 yài).
yai4 16190
73 6 yài (=曳 yài ) ➀ <old> to drag; to pull (=拽 yài zhuài, =拖 hü tuō, =拉 lā )  ➁ <old> to float in the wind; to sway  ➂ <old> tired; fatigued  ➃ <Cant.> naughty; ill-behaved; unruly  ➄ <Cant.> of poor quality.³⁶
(composition: ⿻曰*), * the second component is like 弋 yèik without the dot 丶; U+66F3).
(Note yài
is the speaking pronunciation; the reading pronunciation is yài yè.¹⁰¹)
(See 曳[yài, ]; 曵 yài).
yai4 16191
73 7 yài (=曳 yài or 曳 yài ➀ <old> to drag; to pull (=拽 yài zhuài, =拖 hü tuō, =拉 lā )  ➁ <old> to float in the wind; to sway  ➂ <old> tired; fatigued  ➃ <Cant.> naughty; ill-behaved; unruly  ➄ <Cant.> of poor quality.³⁶ (Note yài is the speaking pronunciation; the reading pronunciation is yài ).
(composition: ⿺曳丶; U+66F5).
(See 曳 yài yè; 曳 yài ).
yai4 16192
75 8 yài  the name of a palace; a kind of tree.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木兮; U+678D).
枍栺 yài-ngài yìyì the name of a tree, also called 檍树[檍樹] yēik-sì yìshù (See Note under 檍 yēik). It is also the name of a palace during the Han dynasty.¹³ the name of a palace; a kind of tree.²⁴
yai4 16193
75 9 yài side (of a ship or boat); oar; to paddle, to row.⁸ an oar.²⁴
(variant: 栧 yài).
(composition: ⿰木世; U+67BB).
枻女 yài-nuī yìnǚ boatwoman, female rower.⁵⁴
<又> xēik.
(See 枻 xēik; 栧 yài).
yai4 16194
75 10 yài (<old>=枻 yài side (of a ship or boat); oar; to paddle, to row.⁸ an oar.²⁴).⁸
(composition: ⿰木曳; U+6827).
<又> xēik.
(See 栧 xēik; 枻 yài).
yai4 16195
85 8 yài mild and easy; many, crowded.⁷
(composition: ⿰氵世; U+6CC4).
泄沓 yài-àp yìtà garrulous and disorderly; easygoing, lax in moral attitude.⁷
泄泄 yài-yài
yìyì <wr.> flap the wings; leisurely, at one's ease.⁵⁴
<又> xēik.
(See 泄 xēik; 洩 xēik.)
yai4 16196
85 16 yài moving, as in ripples; moving to and fro (said of water) (interchangeable 裔 yuì ) the hem of a robe, a border, a frontier, border bribes.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵裔; U+3D5D).
溶㵝 yũng-yài
róngyì broad and expansive water.²⁴ undulating waves.⁵⁴
yai4 16197
94 9 yài a young fox.²⁴
林㹭 lĩm-yài línyì lynx.⁵ (=猞猁 sëh-lì shēlì) lynx.⁶
yai4 16198
96 10 𤤺
yài a pebble resembling a gem.²⁴
(composition: ⿰𤣩曳; U+2493A).
yai4 16199
104 10 yài alternate pronunciation of 疶 xēik xuē or xiè with the same meaning: dysentery; sick.⁸ a dysentery.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿸疒世; U+75B6).
<又> xēik.
(See 疶 xēik).
yai4 16200
134 9 𦥙
yài (composition: ⿻𦥑*; U+26959).
(Note: the second component, indicated by the *, is like 戈 fö without the horizontal stroke 一 and the dot 丶).

yai4 16201 26959.gif
157 13 yài zhuǎi <topo.> waddle.⁶ to waddle, to limp.¹⁴ to step over, to surpass.²⁵
鸭子走起路来一跩一跩的[鴨子走起路來一跩一跩的] äp-dū-dēo-hī-lù-lõi-yīt-yài-yīt-yài-ēik yāzi zǒuqǐlùlái yīzhuǎi yīzhuǎi de Ducks waddle; ducks walk in a waddle.⁶
跩起来[跩起來] yài-hī-lõi
zhuǎiqǐlái to walk with a swagger.¹⁴
yai4 16202
157 19 yäng dēng to pedal; to treadle.⁶
(composition: ⿰𧾷登; U+8E6C).
蹬三轮车[蹬三輪車] yäng-xäm-lũn-chëh dēngsānlúnchē pedal a tricycle/pedicab.⁶
<又> àng.
(See 蹬 [àng, dēng], [àng, dèng].)
yang2 16203
30 11 yēh xié a sound; a voice; a tone, an interjection; to hesitate, to harbor doubts.⁸
(composition: ⿰口耶; U+35BF).
<台> 该个人好生暴. 阿谁㖿? [該個人好生暴. 阿誰㖿?]
Köi göi ngĩn hāo säng-bào. Ä suī yēh? I'm not familiar with this person. Who could it be?
(Note1: <台> 生暴 säng-bào strange (as unfamiliar with).
(Note2: Use 㖿 yēh to ask a person near you). (See 吔 yä for a slight twist to the above sentence).
yēh 16204
88 10 yēh diē dad.
<台> 阿爹 ä-yēh dad; pa. (now seldom used).
<又> ëh. (See 爹 ëh.)
yeh1 16205
88 12 yēh 阿爷[阿爺] ä-yēh āyé father.⁸ father; master, host, owner; grandfather.¹⁹ (cf. <台> 阿爷[阿爺] ä-yẽh paternal grandpa).
<又> yẽh, yêh.
(See 爺 yẽh, yêh.)
yeh1 16206
30 14 yëh <Cant.> thing.
<台> 买嘢[買嘢] mäi-yëh to buy (anything).
yeh2 16207
128 8 yëh <台> 等阵耶[等陣耶] āng-jìn-yëh! Wait a minute!⁴
<又> yẽh. (See 耶 [yẽh, ],  [Yẽh, ].)
yeh2 16208
166 11 yëh <台> 闲野[閑野] hãn-yëh a thing of little use/value.
<又> nëh, yêh. (See 野 nëh; 野 yêh.)
yeh2 16209
9 10 yẽh 伽倻琴 gä-yẽh-kĩm jiāyēqín gayageum; Korean 12-stringed zither.¹⁰
yeh3 16210
64 11 yẽh to rub; to knead.⁸
(composition: ⿰扌委; U+637C).
<又> nõ; nũ; vī. (See 捼 nõ; 捼 nũ; 捼 vī).
yeh3 16211
64 11 yẽh to gesticulate; to play antics; to posture.¹⁴
屡遭揶[屢遭揶] luî-däo-yẽh lǚzāoyé to be repeatedly ridiculed.⁶
受揶 siù-yẽh
shòuyé to be in derision.⁶
揶揄 yẽh-yĩ
yéyú <wr.> to ridicule, to deride.¹
yeh3 16212
75 10 yẽh (=椰 yẽh ) the coconut palm.⁸
(composition: ⿰木邪; U+3B68).
(See 椰 yẽh).
yeh3 16213
75 12 yẽh a coconut; a coconut palm; a coconut tree.⁷
椰枣[椰棗] yẽh-dāo yēzǎo date palm; date.⁵
椰子 yẽh-dū
yēzi coconut tree, coconut.⁹
椰子汁 yẽh-dū-jīp
yēzizhī coconut milk.⁵
椰子树[椰子樹] yẽh-dū-sì
yēzishù a coconut tree; a cocoa palm.⁷
椰棕 yẽh-düng
yēzōng coconut fiber.⁷
椰雕 yẽh-ël
yēdiāo coconut carving.⁵
椰干[椰乾] yẽh-gôn
yēgān copra.⁵
椰壳[椰殼] yẽh-hôk
yēké a coconut shell.⁷
椰奶 yẽh-nâi
yēnǎi coconut milk.¹⁰
椰肉 yẽh-ngùk
yēròu coconut meat.⁷
椰菜 yẽh-töi
yēcài a name used in Guangdong for cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) 卷心菜[捲心菜] kūn-xîm-töi juǎnxīncài.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
椰油 yẽh-yiũ
yēyóu coconut oil or butter.⁵
椰蓉 yẽh-yũng
yēróng shredded coconut stuffing.⁵
yeh3 16214
76 14 yẽh old equivalent of 揶 (yẽh to gesticulate; to play antics; to posture.¹⁴).¹⁰
(composition: ⿰虒欠; U+6B4B).
歋歈 yẽh-yĩ
yéyú to make fun of; to play tricks on; to tease.¹⁹ to clap the hands and laugh aloud; to tickle.²⁴
yeh3 16215
76 22 yẽh to take; to select; to get angry, to lose the temper.⁸ to take.²⁴
(composition: ⿰聶欠; U+3C4C).
<又> chēik. (See 㱌 chēik).
yeh3 16216
88 12 yẽh grandfather; <wr.> father; (a respectful form of address for an elderly man) grandpa; <trad.> (a form of address for an officialor rich man) sir; master; lord; god.⁶
爷们[爺們] yẽh-mõn yémen <topo.> man, menfolk; husband.⁶
爷娘[爺娘] yẽh-nẽng
yéniáng father and mother.¹¹
爷儿[爺兒] yẽh-ngĩ
yér <topo.> father and son; uncle and nephew; grandfather and grandson.⁶
爷爷[爺爺] yẽh-yẽh
yéye paternal grandfather; (respectful form of address for any old man) grandpa.⁶
<台> 阿爷[阿爺] ä-yẽh paternal grandpa.
<台> 老爷[老爺] lāo-yẽh husband's father.
<又> yēh, yêh.
(See 爺 yēh, yêh.)
yeh3 16217
96 8 yẽh a jade-like bone.⁸
琅玡 Lõng-yẽh Lángyá name of a mountain in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province.⁸
(Note: Archaically written as 琅邪 Lõng-yẽh
Lángyé referring to 琅邪邑, a district; later changed to 琅玡 Lõng-yẽh Lángyá; now is 琅琊 Lõng-ngã Lángyá, referring to a state 琅琊国, a prefecture 琅琊郡, and a road 琅琊道); all are names referring to an area in Shandong.²³
(See 琅琊[瑯琊] Lõng-ngã.)
yeh3 16218
128 8 yẽh <wr.> (used at the end of question).⁶
非耶 or 非邪 fï-yẽh fēiyé Isn't it true?⁷
or 是邪 sì-yẽh shìyé Is it true?⁷
or 是邪非邪 sì-yẽh-fï-yẽh shìyéfēiyé Is it or isn't it? Yes or no?⁶
<又> yëh.
(See 耶 [Yẽh, ], yëh.)
yeh3 16219
128 8 yẽh 耶路撒冷 Yẽh-lù-xät-lâng Yēlùsālěng Jerusalem.⁶
耶鲁大学[耶魯大學] Yẽh-lû-ài-hòk
Yēlǔdàxué Yale University.⁶
耶和华[耶和華] Yẽh-võ-vã
Yēhéhuá Jehovah.⁶
耶稣[耶穌] Yẽh-xü
Yēsū Jesus.¹¹
耶稣教[耶穌教] Yẽh-xü-gäo
Yēsūjiào Protestantism.⁶
耶稣基督[耶穌基督] Yẽh-xü Gï-ūk
Yēsū Jīdū Jesus Christ.⁹
<又> yëh.
(See 耶 [yẽh, ],  yëh.)
yeh3 16220
163 6 yẽh (<old>=耶 yẽh ) <wr.> (used at the end of sentence to form a question).⁶ (=铘[鋣] yẽh ) See 莫邪 Mòk-yẽh Mòyé.
非邪 or 非耶 fï-yẽh fēiyé Isn't it true?⁷
or 镆䥺[鏌釾] or 镆铘[鏌鋣] or 镆䥺[鏌鋣] Mòk-yẽh Mòyé name of a legendary sword.⁸
or 是耶 sì-yẽh shìyé Is it true?⁷
or 是耶非耶 sì-yẽh-fï-yẽh shìyéfēiyé Is it or isn't it? Yes or no?⁶
邪呼 yẽh-fü
yéhū answer in unison.⁵⁴
<又> tẽh.
(See 邪 tẽh.)
yeh3 16221
167 12 yẽh (<old>=铘[鋣] yẽh ) sword; name of a precious sword.⁸
or 镆铘[鏌鋣] or 莫邪 or 镆䥺[鏌鋣] Mòk-yẽh Mòyé name of a legendary sword.⁸ (Note: The simpilfied form 䥺 is used for 釾 which is equivalent to the old form 鋣 q.v.)
(See 䥺[鋣] yẽh and 铘[鋣] yẽh.)
yeh3 16222
167 14 yẽh 镆䥺[鏌鋣] or 莫邪 or 镆铘[鏌鋣] or 镆䥺[鏌釾] Mòk-yẽh Mòyé name of a legendary sword.⁸
(See 䥺[釾] yẽh; 铘[鋣] yẽh.)
yeh3 16223
167 14 yẽh sword; name of a precious sword.⁸
镆铘[鏌鋣] or 莫邪 or 镆䥺[鏌鋣] or 镆䥺[鏌釾] Mòk-yẽh Mòyé name of a legendary sword.⁸
(See 䥺[釾] yẽh; 䥺[鋣] yẽh.)
yeh3 16224
167 15 yẽh (=䥺[釾] yẽh sword; name of a precious sword.⁸).²
(<old>=铘[鋣] yẽh
sword; name of a precious sword.⁸).⁸
(composition: ⿰釒耶; U+9381).
(See 釾] yẽh; 鋣 yẽh).
yeh3 16225
8 9 yèh (=夜 yèh ); night; dark, in night, by night.⁸
(composition: ⿱亠但; U+4EB1).
(See 夜 yèh).
yeh4 16226
36 8 yèh night; evening. (variant: 亱 yèh ).
半夜 bön-yèh
bànyè midnight; (in) the middle of the night; half a night.
过夜[過夜] gö-yèh
guòyè to spend the night; overnight.¹⁰
黑夜 hāk-yèh
hēiyè night.⁶
珠稱夜光[珠称夜光] jî-chëin-yèh-göng
zhūchēngyèguāng There was the pearl called "Ye Guang".⁶²
午夜 m̂-yèh
wǔyè midnight.
日日夜夜 ngìt-ngìt-yèh-yèh
rìrì-yèyè day and night.
日夜 ngìt-yèh
rìyè day and night
深夜 sïm-yèh
shēnyè late at night.⁸
岁夜[歲夜] xuï-yèh
suìyè New Year's Eve; last day of year.⁶
夜莺鸣啭[夜鶯鳴囀] yèh-äng-mẽin-jōn
yèyīngmíngzhuàn A nightingale warbles.³⁹
夜间[夜間] yèh-gän
yèjiān at night.
夜阑人静[夜闌人靜] yèh-lãn-ngĩn-dèin
yèlánrénjìng in the stillness of the night.⁵
夜里[夜裡] yèh-lī
yèli at night; nighttime.
夜明珠 yèh-mẽin-jî
yèmíngzhū legendary luminous pearl.⁸
or 夜消 yèh-xël yèxiāo midnight snack.¹⁰
夜以继日[夜以繼日] yèh-yî-gäi-ngìt
yèyǐjìrì day and night; round the clock.
<台> 宵夜 xël-yèh/ midnight snack.
<又> yêh.
(See 夜 yêh; 亱 yèh).
yeh4 16227
15 7 yêh to fuse metals, to smelt; to seduce; to fascinate.¹⁴ smelt (metal); seductively dressed or made up; Ye surname.²⁹
冶坊 yêh-fōng yěfāng a foundry.¹⁴
冶金 yêh-gïm
yějīn to smelt.⁶
冶金家 yêh-gïm-gä
yějīnjiā assayers.⁹³
冶金学[冶金學] yêh-gïm-hòk
yějīnxué metallurgy.¹⁴
冶铸[冶鑄] yêh-jï
yězhù smelt and found.⁶
冶炼[冶煉] yêh-lèin
yěliàn to smelt.⁷
冶城 yêh-sẽin
yěchéng an old name Nanjing 南京.¹⁴
冶笑 yêh-xël
yěxiào a coquettish smile.⁶
冶冶 yêh-yêh
yěyě bewitching.¹⁴
冶艳[冶艷] yêh-yèm
yěyàn <wr.> seductive and bewitching; pretty and coquettish.⁶ beautiful; beauty; charms.⁷
冶游[冶遊] yêh-yiũ
yěyóu visit prostitutes; go whoring.⁶ to frequent brothels.⁷
冶游郎[冶遊郎] yêh-yiũ-lõng
yěyóuláng one who frequents brothels.¹⁴
冶容 yêh-yũng
yěróng seductively made up; seductive looks/appearance.⁶ a fascinating countenance.¹⁴
冶容诲淫[冶容誨淫] yêh-yũng-fōi-yĩm
yěrónghuìyín adornng a face (in a woman) induces men to wantonness.¹⁴
yeh5 16228
32 11 yêh (<old>=野 yêh ); open country, field; wilderness.⁸ Ye surname.³⁶ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱林土; U+57DC).
(See 野 yêh).
yeh5 16229
32 15 yêh (<old>=野 yêh ); open country, field; wilderness.⁰
(Note: 野 埜 壄 and a few others are listed as variants in the ROC Ministry of Education site).
(composition: ⿱⿲木予木土; U+58C4).
(See 野 yêh; 壄 yêh).
yeh5 16230
32 16 yêh erroneous character for the character that looks almost like 壄, except the 矛 component is 予, one less stroke.²ʼ⁰ (Note: Both characters have the same codepoint (U+58C4); the correct character (with the 予 component) shows up correctly in Notepad. In Excel, Word and iOS, it shows up with the 矛 component in some fonts, but shows up correctly in the Yu Gothic font).
(composition: ⿱楙土 or ⿱⿲木矛木土; U+58C4).
See yêh).
yeh5 16231
36 8 yêh 三更半夜 xäm-gäng-bön-yêh sāngēngbànyè midnight; one of the five watches on a night between 11:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. (the third watch).
<台> 夜晚 yêh-mân/ tonight.
<台> 夜晚黑 yêh-mân-hāk tonight.
<又> yèh.
(See 夜 yèh.)
yeh5 16232
88 12 yêh <台> 两仔爷[ 兩仔爺] lēng-dōi-yêh father and son.
<又> yēh, yẽh. (See 爺 yēh, yẽh.)
yeh5 16233
166 11 yêh open country; boundary; out of office; wild; rude; unruly.⁵
(old variants: 埜壄
yêh ).
野兽[野獸] yêh-chiü
yěshòu wild beast; wild animal.⁵
野火 yêh-fō
yěhuǒ will-o'-the-wisp; prairie fire, bushfire; farm fire (for clearing the field).⁷
野苋菜[野莧菜] yêh-hàn-tôi
yěxiàncài collectively known as amaranth genus (Amaranthus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
野猪[野豬] yêh-jï
yězhū wild boar (Sus scrofa).¹⁹ʼ¹⁰
野蛮[野蠻] yêh-mãn
yěmán savage; barbarous; cruel.⁵
野味 yêh-mì
yěwèi game as food.⁷
野人献曝[野人獻曝] yêh-ngĩn-hün-bùk
yěrénxiànpù lit. a rustic offering sunshine – <humb.> a trivial contribution.⁷
野外 yêh-ngòi
yěwài open country, field.⁶
野苹果[野蘋果] yêh-pẽin-gō
yěpíngguǒ crabapple.¹⁰
野生 yêh-sâng
yěshēng wild; undomesticated.⁷
野餐 yêh-tän
yěcān a picnic; a barbecue.⁷
野蔷薇[野薔薇] yêh-tẽng-mĩ
yěqiángwēi a wild rose.⁶
野豌豆 yêh-vōn-èo
yěwāndòu vetch (Vicia sativa).⁵
野狐禅[野狐禪] yêh-vũ-sẽm
yěhúchán heresy; heterodoxy.⁶
野性 yêh-xëin
yěxìng jungle instincts; wild nature.⁷
野心 yêh-xïm
yěxīn wild ambition; careerism.⁶
野心勃勃 yêh-xïm-bòt-bòt
yěxīnbóbó full of ambition.⁷
野史 yêh-xū
yěshǐ unofficial history.⁵
<又> nëh, yëh.
(See 野 nëh; 野 yëh; 埜,壄, yêh).
yeh5 16234
9 15 亿 yēik (=一万万[一萬萬] yīt-màn-màn yīwànwàn); 100 million (10^8).
十亿[十億] sìp-yēik
shíyì one billion.
万亿[萬億] màn-yēik
wànyì trillion (1,000,000,000,000).
亿万[億萬] yēik-màn
yìwàn hundreds of millions; millions upon millions.
亿万富翁[億萬富翁] yēik-màn-fü-yüng
yìwàn fùwēng trillionaire.
亿万斯年[億萬斯年] yēik-màn-xü-nẽin
yìwànsīnián billions of years; aeons; eternity.
亿度[億度] yēik-ù
yìdù to estimate.
yeik1 16235
30 9 yēik yàn to swallow.⁷
狼吞虎咽[狼吞虎嚥] lõng-hün-fū-yēik lángtūnhǔyàn  to gobble up; wolf down; devour ravenously.⁵
细嚼慢咽[細嚼慢嚥] xäi-dēk-màn-yēik
xìjiáomànyàn to take one's time in eating.¹¹
咽唾沫[嚥唾沫] yēik-tû-mòt
yàntuòmo lit. to swallow saliva; fig. to have an appetite for something to crave; to covet.⁷
<又> yën.
(See 嚥 yën; 咽 yēik, yën.)
yeik1 16236
30 9 yēik to be choked; to weep or speak in a choked voice; to sob.⁷
哽咽 gāng-yēik gěngyè to choke with emotion; to choke with sobs.¹⁰
呜咽[嗚咽] vü-yēik
wūyè to sob; to whimper.¹⁰
咽塞 yēik-xāk
yèsāi obstruction of the pharynx; difficulty in breathing.⁵⁴
咽咽呜呜[咽咽嗚嗚] yēik-yēik-vü-vü
yèyèwūwū to break into sobs.³⁹
<又> yën.
(See 嚥 yēik, yën; 咽 yën.)
yeik1 16237
30 13 yēik throat.
嗌喔 yēik-ūk yìwō or àiwō sound of flattering.⁸
<又> äi.
(See 嗌 äi.)
yeik1 16238
30 15 yēik to hiccup; to choke; hiccup.
打噎 ā-yēik dǎyē to choke; to belch; to hiccup.
哽噎 gāng-yēik
gěngyē to choke with sobs. (=哽咽 gāng-yēik gěngyè).⁸
吃饭防噎[吃飯防噎] hëk-fàn-fõng-yēik
chīfàn fángyē Be careful not to choke when eating.
噎住 yēik-jì
yēzhù to choke (on food).
噎死 yēik-xī
yēsǐ to choke to death (by food).
因噎废食[因噎廢食] yïn-yēik-fī-sèik
yīnyēfèishí to give up at the slightest obstacle; to stop eating altogether on account of a hiccup – unjustified giving up of a good cause.
<又> īt.
(See 噎 īt.)
yeik1 16239
57 13 yēik to bind; to pack up the bows and the cover of the bows.⁸ the case of a bow.²⁴
(composition: ⿰弓鬲; U+38C2).
yeik1 16240
61 16 yēik to recollect; to remember; memory.
or 腷臆 bēik-yēik bìyì <wr.> gloomy; depressed.⁶
记忆[記憶] gï-yēik
jìyì to remember; to recall; memory.
回忆[回憶] või-yēik
huíyì to recall; memories.¹⁰
忆苦饭[憶苦飯] yēik-fū-fàn
yìkǔfàn unsavory meal taken in remembrance of past hardships; fig. poor-tasting meal.
忆苦思甜[憶苦思甜] yēik-fū-xü-hẽm
yìkǔsītián to contrast past misery with present happiness; to speak of one's past sufferings and present happy life.
忆旧[憶舊] yēik-giù
yìjiù to recollect the past.
yeik1 16241
64 7 yēik to press down; to restrain; to curb; <wr.> or; <wr.> but.
压抑[壓抑] āt-yēik yāyì to constrain; to inhibit.
抑籴[抑糴] yēik-èk
yìdí compulsorily buy grain from the people at reduced prices.¹¹
抑制 yēik-jäi
yìzhì to restrain; to control; <psy.> inhibition; <psy.>depressing; <psy.> restraint.
抑强扶弱[抑強扶弱] yēik-kẽng-fũ-ngèk
yìqiángfúruò to curb the strong and help the weak.
抑是 yēik-sì
yìshì <wr.> or.
抑或 yēik-vàk
yìhuò <wr.> or else; could it be that...?
抑郁[抑鬱] yēik-vūt
yìyù depressed; despondent; gloomy.
抑扬[抑揚] yēik-yẽng
yìyáng to rise and fall; to modulate; to praise and censure.
抑扬顿挫[抑揚頓挫] yēik-yẽng-ùn-tö
yìyángdùncuò or 顿挫抑扬[頓挫抑揚] ùn-tö-yēik-yẽng  dùncuòyìyáng pause and transition in melody or rhythm.⁸ rising and falling in cadence; intonation; speaking in measured tones; (of speech) cadenced.³⁶
抑…歟 yēik...yĩ
yì...yú or is it ...?¹¹
yeik1 16242
72 13 yēik sunstroke.¹⁴ to be injured by the heat; a stoke of the sun.²⁴
暑暍 sī-yēik shǔyè sunstroke, heat prostration.¹¹
(See 暍 höt.)
yeik1 16243
75 17 yēik Ilex.⁸ʼ³⁶ the ancient book said that the wood is tough, strong/durable, firm and tenacious and can be used for bows and crossbows.⁸ Quercus glauca.¹⁰ a wood fit for making bow.²⁴ gray oak (Quercus glauca Thunb.).⁵⁴ a tree in the 梓属[梓屬] dū-sùk zǐshǔ Catalpa genus.¹⁰¹ (Note: Not only do these definitions vary but they are not even in the same family: ilex or holly is in the Aquifoliaceae Family, Quercus glauca is in the Fagaceae Family and Catalpa is in the Bignoniaceae Family. This term needs further study).
(composition: ⿰木意; U+6A8D).
yeik1 16244
104 18 yēik hysterical.⁸ the mind diseased.²⁴
(composition: ⿸疒意; U+7654).
癔病 yēik-bèng yìbìng hysteria.⁶
癔症 yēik-jëin
yìzhèng hysteria.¹⁰
yeik1 16245
108 10 yēik benefit; profit, advantage, beneficial, to increase, to add, even more, all the more; Yi surname.
老当益壮[老當益壯] lāo-öng-yēik-jöng lǎodāngyìzhuàng to gain vigor with age.
良师益友[良師益友] lẽng-xü-yēik-yiû
liángshīyìyǒu good teacher and helpful friend.
利益 lì-yēik
lìyì benefit, (in somebody's) interest.
日益 ngìt-yēik
rìyì day by day; increasingly.
收益 siü-yēik
shōuyì income; profit; earnings; proceeds.⁶
益母草 yēik-mû-tāo
yìmǔcǎo <bot.> a grass, Leonurus sibiricus, said to help in maternity cases (also called 茺蔚 chüng-vï chōngwèi).¹¹  motherwort.⁸
有益 yiü-yēik
yǒuyì useful; beneficial; profitable.
yeik1 16246
120 19 𫄷
yēik a ribbon woven with silk thread; tied; the seal script decoration between the mouth and bottom of an ancient wine vessel.⁸ a ribbon; red silk with a yellow border.²⁵ a ribbon made of silk; (used in personal names).³⁶
(comp. t: ⿰糹意; U+7E76). (comp. s: ⿰纟意; U+2B137).
Chēik-yēik, võng-yēik.
Chì yì, huáng yì.
Red ribbon, yellow ribbon.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《周禮·天官冢宰·屨人》.
yeik1 16247
130 17 yēik chest; subjective.⁶ one's breast, heart, thoughts; one's personal views or feelings.⁷
胸臆 hüng-yēik xiōngyì thoughts; feelings.⁶
臆测[臆測] yēik-chāk
yìcè conjecture; surmise; guess.⁶
臆造 yēik-dào
yìzào fabricate; concoct; invent.⁶
臆见[臆見] yēik-gëin
yìjiàn subjective view.⁶
臆羚 yēik-lẽin
yìlíng chamois.⁶
臆度 yēik-òk
yìduó <wr.> conjecture; surmise; guess.⁶
臆断[臆斷] yēik-òn
yìduàn assume; suppose.⁶
臆说[臆說] yēik-sōt
yìshuō assumption; supposition.⁶
yeik1 16248
140 21 𧄞
yēik (=虉 yēik ribbon grass.⁹ small plants of different colors.²⁵).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱艹鵙; U+2711E).
(See 虉 yēik).
yeik1 16249
140 22 𧄷
yēik (=虉 yēik ribbon grass.⁹ small plants of different colors.²⁵).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱艹鶂; U+27137).
(See 虉 yēik).
yeik1 16250
140 23 𧅖
yēik (=虉 yēik ribbon grass.⁹ small plants of different colors.²⁵).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱艹鶪; U+27156).
(See 虉 yēik).
yeik1 16251
140 24 yēik ribbon grass.⁹ small plants of different colors.²⁵
(variants: 𧄞❄{⿱艹鵙} yēik; 𧄷❄{⿱艹鶂} yēik; 𧅖❄{⿱艹鶪} yēik).
(composition: ⿱艹鷊; U+8649).
虉绶[虉綬] yēik-siù
yìshòu or 盘龙参[盤龍參] põn-lũng-täm pánlóngshēn Chinese spiranthes (Spiranthes sinensis) is a species of orchid occurring in eastern and southeastern Asia.¹⁵ʼ²⁰ (See 綬草 siù-tāo).
虉草 yēik-tāo
yìcǎo or 鹬草[鷸草] gūt-tāo yùcǎo ribbon grass.⁸ reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea).¹⁰ ribbon grass, gardener's garters, lady's laces, reed canary grass.⁷⁰
(See 𧄞❄{⿱艹鵙} yēik; 𧄷❄{⿱艹鶂} yēik; 𧅖❄{⿱艹鶪} yēik).
yeik1 16252
149 16 yēik to visit (a superior).
拜谒[拜謁] bäi-yēik bàiyè to pay a formal visit; to pay homage (at a monument or mausoleum).
恭谒[恭謁] güng-yēik
gōngyè  <wr.> to pay a call with respect.
谒见[謁見] yēik-gëin
yèjiàn to call on (a superior).
谒陵[謁陵] yēik-lẽin
yèlíng to pay homage at somebody's mausoleum.
yeik1 16253
196 19 yēik (<old>=鶂 yēik a waterfowl; (=鹢[鷁] yēik a fabulous seabird.⁷ an ancient literary term for a water bird that could fly to great heights.⁹ a fabulous seabird painted on the prow of junks; a fishhawk.¹⁴).⁸ a hawk.¹⁰ a fish-hawk.¹⁴ the stork; the male and female are said to conceive by interchange of glances.²⁵).
(composition: ⿰鳥兒; U+9D83).
È yòng shì yì yì zhě wéi zāi?
What are you going to use that cackling thing for?⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《孟子·滕文公下》, translated by James Legge).
or 鶂鹳[鶂鸛] yēik-gön yìguàn the tiger bittern or chestnut heron.¹⁴
<又> ngò.
(See 鶃 ngò; 鷁 yēik; 鶂 yēik).
yeik1 16254
196 19 yēik a waterfowl; (=鹢[鷁] yēik a fabulous seabird.⁷ an ancient literary term for a water bird that could fly to great heights.⁹ a fabulous seabird painted on the prow of junks; a fishhawk.¹⁴).⁸ a hawk.¹⁰ a fish-hawk.¹⁴ the stork; the male and female are said to conceive by interchange of glances.²⁵
(composition: ⿰兒鳥; U+9D82).
or 鶃鹳[鶃鸛] yēik-gön yìguàn the tiger bittern or chestnut heron.¹⁴
<又> ngò.
(See 鶂 ngò; 鷁 yēik; 鶃 yēik).
yeik1 16255
196 21 yēik a fabulous seabird.⁷ an ancient literary term for a water bird that could fly to great heights.⁹ a fabulous seabird painted on the prow of junks; a fishhawk.¹⁴
鹢舟[鷁舟] yēik-jiü yìzhōu a small boat with a painting of a 鷁 yeik on it.⁵⁴
鹢首[鷁首] yēik-siū
yìshǒu the bow of a boat.⁷
彩鹢[綵鷁] tōi-yēik
cǎiyì a kind of seabird; formerly a painting of a 鷁 yeik on the prow of a boat; subsequently the term is used for a boat.¹⁹
yeik1 16256
196 21 yēik pheasant; <old> turkey; <old> ribbon grass.⁸ (=鹢[鷁] yēik ); also the medallion pheasant; it is described as resembling a raven, with a head like a pheasant, and occasionally throwing out a sort of comb, several inches in length; hence it is also caled 吐绶鸟[吐綬鳥] hü-siù-nêl tùshòuniǎo (turkey), the bird that throws out the comb, and 锦囊[錦囊] gīm-nõng jǐnnáng, the variegated bag; in walking it avoids grass and trees, lest they should knock against its crop, in which it stores up its food, till it becomes as large as a peck.²⁵
t: ⿰鬲鳥; U+9DCA). (comp. s: ⿰鬲鸟; U+9E5D).
旨鷊 jī-yēik
zhǐyì the name of a plant.²⁵
Jüng-hõng-yiû-pēik, kũng-yiû-jī-yēik.
Zhōng táng yǒu pì, qióng yǒu zhǐ yì.
The middle path of the temple is covered with its tiles;
On the height is the beautiful medallion plant.
(a metaphor showing the impermanence of the world or symbolizing the upside-down and abnormal things).⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·陳風·防有鵲巢》, translated by James Legge).
yeik1 16257
203 21 𪑦
yēik to fade (as colors).²⁵
(composition: ⿰黑曷; U+2A466).
yeik1 16258
8 6 yèik <wr.> also; too.
不亦悦乎[不亦悅乎] būt-yèik-yòt-fũ bùyìyuèhū Great pleasure is derived (from...)
反之亦然 fān-jï-yèik-ngẽin
fǎnzhīyìrán vice versa.
亦即 yèik-dēik
yìjí that is; i.e.; namely.
亦发[亦發] yèik-fāt
yìfā simply.
亦工亦农[亦工亦農] yèik-güng-yèik-nũng
yìgōngyìnóng to be both worker and peasant.
亦名 yèik-mẽin
yìmíng to be also called...
亦然 yèik-ngẽin
yìrán also; similarly.
亦或 yèik-vàk
yìhuò or.
<又> yèk.
(See 亦 yèk.)
yeik4 16259
26 6 𠨔
yèik to press, to push down.⁸
(composition: ⿰㔿彐; U+20A14).

yeik4 16260 20A14.gif
32 11 yèik a border; a limit; a dike; a frontier; a boundary.⁸  <wr.> border region;¹¹  field boundary.¹¹
疆埸 gëng-yèik jiāngyì national borders; field borders.¹  border defense.⁸  Boundary of field; side of field.⁹  Border; frontier.⁹  <wr.> border/ridge of a field; border; frontier.⁶
yeik4 16261
32 16 yèik   a road, a beaten track.²⁴ <old> road.³⁶
(composition: ⿰土睪; U+58BF).
<又> hũ. (See 墿 hũ).
yeik4 16262
37 9 yèik <wr.> grand; great.⁶ great; abundant; grand; graceful.¹⁴
神采奕奕 sĩn-tōi-yèik-yèik shéncǎiyìyì brim with energy and vitality; glow with health and radiating vigor; be in buoyant or excellent/high spirits.⁶
奕䜣[奕訢] Yèik-hïm
Yìxīn Grand Prince Yixin (1833-1898), sixth son of Emperor Daoguang, prominent politician, diplomat and modernizer in late Qing.¹⁰
奕世 yèik-säi
yìshì (=奕葉 yèik-yêp) abundant leaves, or many generations – an old family.¹⁴
奕奕 yèik-yèik
yìyì grand, great. radiating power and vitality.⁶
奕奕梁山 yèik-yèik-lẽng-sän
yìyìliángshān How great is Mt. Liang!¹⁴
奕叶[奕葉] yèik-yêp
yìyè abundant leaves, or many generations – an old family.¹⁴
yeik4 16263
46 16 yèik a range of peaks in Shandong and Jiangsu; the name of a mountain.⁸
(comp. t: ⿰山睪; U+5DA7). (comp. s: ⿰山𠬤; U+5CC4).
峄山[嶧山] Yèik-sän
Yìshān a mountain in Shandong.⁸
yeik4 16264
55 9 yèik (=围棋[圍棋] vĩ-kĩ/ wéiqí) weiqi, go.⁶ (=囲碁 vĩ-kĩ/ wéiqí) Japanese go.
博弈 bōk-yèik
bóyì to play a game of weiqi.⁸
今夫弈之为数, 小数也[今夫弈之為數, 小數也] gïm-fũ-yèik-jï-vĩ-sü, xēl-sü-yâ
jīnfúyìzhīwéishù, xiǎoshùyě Now weiqi as an art, is but a small art. (Mencius).¹⁴
对弈[對弈] uï-yèik
duìyì to play weiqi (go).
弈具 yèik-guì
yìjù <wr.> black and white stones and the weiqi board for the weiqi (go) game.
弈棋 yèik-kĩ
yìqí weiqi (go) game.
弈林 yèik-lĩm
yìlín weiqi-playing circles.
弈林高手 yèik-lĩm-gäo-siū
yìlín gāoshǒu master weiqi player.
弈秋 Yèik Tiü
Yì Qiū a famous player of weiqi.¹⁴
(Note: In general 弈 yèik
could also refer to other forms of chess.)
yeik4 16265
56 3 yèik Kangxi radical 56; catch, arrest; shoot with bow.⁸ an archaic term for a type of arrow with a cord attached that was used to shoot birds.⁹
巡弋 tũn-yèik xúnyì cruise; patrol by a ship.¹⁰
弋绨[弋綈] yèik-hãi
yìtí thick, black robe.¹⁴
弋阳 Yèik-yẽng
Yìyáng Yiyang county in 上饶[上饒] Sèng-ngẽl Shàngráo Shangrao, 江西 Göng-xäi Jiāngxī Jiangxi Province.¹⁰
弋阳腔[弋陽腔] yèik-yẽng-höng
yìyángqiāng Yiyang tune.⁸
游弋 yiũ-yèik
yóuyì to prowl; to cruise.⁸
yeik4 16266
60 7 yèik (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 役 vèik with same meaning: forced labor; corvée; obligatory task; military service; to use as servant; to enserf; servant (old); war; campaign; battle.¹⁰)
<又> vèik.
(See 役 vèik.)
yeik4 16267
61 16 yèik <wr.> pleased; happy.⁶
闿怿[闓懌] hōi-yèik kǎiyì to be pleased.²⁵
怿悦[懌悅] yèik-yòt
yìyuè delighted, pleased.⁵⁴
yeik4 16268
66 17 yèik to dislike; to be tired of; to be weary of.⁷ to put away; to be weary of; to explain.¹⁴ to let go, to loathe, to be weary of; to terminate; to enlighten.²⁴
(variants: 𤢕❄{⿰睪犬} yèik ; 歝 yèik).
(composition: ⿰睪攵; U+6581).
无斁[無斁] mũ-yèik
wúyì <wr.> without tiring.¹¹ not to dislike.²⁴
服之無斁 fùk-jï-mũ-yèik
fúzhīwúyì I will wear it without getting tired of it.¹⁴
解斁 gāi-yèik
jiěyì to explain; to elucidate.¹⁴
<又> ù.
(See 斁 ù; 𤢕❄{⿰睪犬} yèik; 𤢕❄{⿰睪犬} ù; 歝 yèik).
yeik4 16269
72 8 yèik change; Yi surname.⁵
辄以易之[輒以易之] jīp-yî-yèik-jï zhéyǐyìzhī unceremoniously gave his place to another.¹⁴
周易 Jiü-yèik
Zhōuyì another name for 易经[易經] Yèik-gëin Yìjīng The Book of Changes.¹⁰
姬易 Kï-Yèik
Jīyì (=周易 Jiü-yèik Zhōuyì) another name for The Book of Changes (易经[易經] Yèik-géin Yìjīng).¹⁰
贸易[貿易] mào-yèik
màoyì trade; to trade.⁷
幕后交易[幕後交易] mōk-hèo-gäo-yèik
mùhòu jiāoyì backstage deal.³⁹
易经[易經] Yèik-gëin
Yìjīng The Book of Changes.¹⁰
易筋经[易筋經] Yèik-gïn-gëin
Yìjīnjīng <TCM> changing tendon exercise.³⁹ Muscle Tendon Changing Classic.⁵⁴
易手 yèik-siū
yìshǒu to change hands.⁷
以物易物 yî-mùt-yèik-mùt
or yî-mòt-yèik-mòt yǐwùyìwù  to barter; barter.¹⁰
<又> yì.
(See 易 yì.)
yeik4 16270
72 9 yèik bright.⁷
昳丽[昳麗] yèik-lài yìlì <wr.> beautiful, pretty.⁶ radiantly beautiful.⁷ dazzling.¹⁴
<又> dèik.
(See 昳 dèik.)
yeik4 16271
75 14 yèik (<old>=艗 yèik ) bow of junk.⁸
(See 艗 yèik).
yeik4 16272
76 17 yèik (<old>=斁 yèik to dislike; to be tired of; to be weary of.⁷ to put away; to be weary of; to explain.¹⁴ to let go, to loathe, to be weary of; to terminate; to enlighten.²⁴).⁸
(composition: ⿰睪欠; U+6B5D).
(See 斁 yèik).
yeik4 16273
85 11 yèik liquid; fluid; juice.⁵
汁液 jīp-yèik or jīp-yìt zhīyè juice.⁵
液压[液壓] yèik-āt
or yìt-āt yèyā hydraulic pressure.⁵
液晶 yèik-dëin
or yìt-dëin yèjīng liquid crystal.⁵
液化 yèik-fä
or yìt-fä yèhuà <chem.> liquefaction.⁵
液化器 yèik-fä-hï
or yìt-fä-hï yèhuàqì a liquefier.⁷
液化石油气[液化石油氣] yèik-fä-sêk-yiũ-hï
or yìt-fä-sêk-yiũ-hï yèhuàshíyóuqì liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).⁷
液果 yèik-gō
or yìt-gō yèguǒ juicy fruit.⁸
液体[液體] yèik-hāi
or yìt-hāi yètǐ liquid.⁵
液体燃料[液體燃料] yèik-hāi-ngẽin-lèl
or yìt-hāi-ngẽin-lèl yètǐ ránliào liquid fuel.⁷
液态[液態] yèik-häi
or yìt-häi yètài liquid state.⁵
液氦 yèik-hòi
or yìt-hòi yèhài liquid helium.¹⁰
液汁 yèik-jīp
or yìt-jīp yèzhī liquid; fluid; juices; sap.⁷
液冷 yèik-lâng
or yìt-lâng yèlěng liquid cooling or cooled.⁵
液力 yèik-lèik
or yìt-lèik yèlì <mach.> hydraulic.⁵
液泡 yèik-päo
or yìt-päo yèpào <bio.> vacuole.⁵
液氧 yèik-yêng
or yìt-yêng yèyǎng liquid oxygen.⁸
<又> yìt.
(See 液 yìt.)
yeik4 16274
86 12 yèik (<old>=焲 yèik the light of fire.² (also =焱 yèm yàn brilliance; splendor; flame; flame of fire.⁸).²
(composition: ⿰火易; U+712C).
<又> xēik.
(See 焬 xēik; 焲 yèik; 焱 yèm).
yeik4 16275
86 12 yèik the light of fire.² the light of fire; a blaze.²⁴
(variant: 焬 yèik ).
(composition: ⿰火夜; U+7132).
(See 焬 yèik).
yeik4 16276
86 16 yèik (of fire) burning fiercely.⁶ to blaze; (used in given names).¹⁰ fiery; blazing.²⁴
yeik4 16277
94 17 𤢕
yèik (=斁 yèik to dislike; to be tired of; to be weary of.⁷ to put away; to be weary of; to explain.¹⁴ to let go, to loathe, to be weary of; to terminate; to enlighten.²⁴).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰睪犬; U+24895).
<又> ù.
(See 𤢕❄{⿰睪犬} ù; 斁 ù; 斁 yèik.)
yeik4 16278
104 9 yèik an epidemic; a plague; a pestilence.⁷
防疫 fõng-yèik fángyì prevent epidemics.⁶
免疫 mêin-yèik
miǎnyì <med.> immunize.⁶
瘟疫 vün-yèik
wēnyì epidemic; plague; pestilence; diseased.¹⁰
疫病 yèik-bèng
yìbìng epidemic disease.⁷
疫病传染[疫病傳染] yèik-bèng-chũn-ngêm
yìbìng chuánrǎn contagion.⁷
疫症 yèik-jëin
yìzhèng an epidemic.⁷
疫区[疫區] yèik-kuï
yìqū epidemic-stricken area.⁶
疫疠[疫癘] yèik-lài
yìlì pestilence; plague; epidemic pestilence; infectious pathogen.¹⁹
疫苗 yèik-mẽl
yìmiáo vaccine.⁷
疫情 yèik-tẽin
yìqíng information about an epidemic; an epidemic situation.⁷
<又> vèik
(See 疫 vèik).
yeik4 16279
109 13 yèik to spy; to lead on.¹⁴ Yi surname.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱⺫幸; U+776A).
<又> jāk; gäo. (See 睪 jāk; 睪 gäo).
yeik4 16280
113 17 𥜃
yèik to pay respects or hold memorial services (祭 däi ) today and again tomorrow; this service was called 肜 yũng róng during the Shang Dynasty and 𥜃❄{⿰礻睪} yèik during the Zhou Dynasty.
(composition: ⿰礻睪; U+25703).
(cf 肜 yũng).
yeik4 16281
118 9 𥫝
yèik   ropes made of bamboo.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗弋; U+25ADD).
yeik4 16282
120 19 yèik <wr.> reel off raw silk from cocoons; unravel, sort out; continuous, unceasing.⁶
䌷绎[紬繹] or 抽绎[抽繹] chëo-yèik chōuyì expound; set forth.⁶ clarify meaning or line of thought; explain.⁵⁴
绎茧[繹繭] yèik-gān
or yèik-gēin yìjiǎn unwind a cocoon; explain.⁵⁴
绎味[繹味] yèik-mì
yìwèi to seek out the meaning.¹⁴
绎如[繹如] yèik-nguĩ
yìrú continuous.⁷
绎思[繹思] yèik-xü
yìsī think of continuously.⁷
绎绎[繹繹] yèik-yèik
yìyì to travel well.¹⁴ carriages travelling fast.²⁵ galloping (of horses); successive.⁵⁴
演绎[演繹] yēn-yèik
yǎnyì <log.> deduction.⁵
yeik4 16283
124 11 yèik <wr.> wing; to assist.⁶ flying; to assist, to help; respectful.⁷
翊戴 yèik-äi yìdài to assist and support (a ruler).⁷
翊赞[翊贊] yèik-dän
yìzàn to assist.⁷
翊赞中枢[翊贊中樞] yèik-dän-jüng-sï
yìzànzhōngshū to assist the central administration.¹⁹
翊翊 yèik-yèik
yìyì respectful.⁷
yeik4 16284
124 11 yèik <wr.> immediately following in time; next.⁵
翌朝 yèik-jël yìzhāo tomorrow morning.⁷
翌年 yèik-nẽin
yìnián next year.⁵
翌日 yèik-ngìt
yìrì next day.⁵ tomorrow.⁷
翌晨 yèik-sĩn
yìchén next morning.⁶
yeik4 16285
124 17 yèik 小心翼翼 xēl-xím-yèik-yèik xiǎoxīnyìyì with the greatest care; very cautiously; discreetly.⁶
<又> yêik.
(See 翼 yêik.)
yeik4 16286
137 16 yèik bow of junk.⁸ (variant: 榏 yèik ).
艗艏 yèik-siū
yìshǒu bow of junk.⁸
(See 榏 yèik).
yeik4 16287
140 6 yèik carambola, star fruit, five-corner (Averrhoa carambola) 楊桃 yẽng-hõ/ or yẽng-hão/ yẽngtáo.⁸ wild peaches; the leaves are like those of the peach, but the blossoms are white.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹弋; U+8285).
铫芅[銚芅] hël-yèik
diàoyì a plant mentioned in ancient books, namely 猕猴桃[獼猴桃] mĩ-hẽo-hõ míhóutáo kiwifruit (shortened to kiwi in North America), aka Chinese gooseberry.⁸ another name for 楊桃 yẽng-hõ/ or yẽng-hão/ yẽngtáo carambola, star fruit.¹³
yeik4 16288
142 14 yèik lizard.⁸
大形蜥蜴 ài-yẽin-xēik-yèik dàxíngxīyì chuckwalla.¹⁰
变色蜥蜴[變色蜥蜴] bëin-sēik-xēik-yèik
biànsèxīyì chameleon lizard.¹⁹
飞龙科蜥蜴[飛龍科蜥蜴] fï-lũng-fö-xēik-yèik
fēilóngkēxīyì agama.¹⁰
虺蜴 fī-yèik
huǐyì venomous snake and lizard; a vicious person.⁸
火蜥蜴 fō-xēik-yèik
huǒxīyì  fire lizard; fire-bellied salamander (Cynops orientalis David).¹⁰
无脚蜥蜴[無腳蜥蜴] mũ-gëk-xēik-yèik
wújiǎoxīyì blindworm.¹⁰
蜥蜴 xēik-yèik
xīyì lizard.⁵
蜥蜴亚目[蜥蜴亞目] xēik-yèik-ä-mùk
xīyìyàmù suborder Lacertilia.²⁰
小蜥蜴 xēl-xēik-yèik
xiǎoxīyì eft.¹⁰
yeik4 16289
149 20 yèik to translate; to interpret.
笔译[筆譯] bīt-yèik bǐyì written translation.⁵⁶
节译[節譯] dēik-yèik
jiéyì abridged translation.
or 繙译[繙譯] fän-yèik fānyì translate, interpret; translator, interpreter.⁵ translate; translation.¹¹
口译[口譯] hēo-yèik
kǒuyì oral interpretation.
口译员[口譯員] hēo-yèik-yõn
kǒuyìyuán interpreter.
译著[譯著] yèik-jï
yìzhù translation.
译文[譯文] yèik-mũn
yìwén translated text; translation.
译员[譯員] yèik-yõn
yìyuán interpreter; translator.
yeik4 16290
149 21 yèik deceive.¹³ not speaking fluently; lie, deceive; tease; mock, deride.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰言疑; U+8B7A).
<又> ngì. (See 譺 ngì).
yeik4 16291
187 14 yèik (=驿[驛] yèik yì <trad.> post station.⁶); post office.⁵⁴
(comp. t: ⿰馬日; U+99B9). (comp. s: ⿰马日; U+9A72).
<又> ngìt.
(See 驛 yèik; 馹 ngìt).
yeik4 16292
187 23 驿 yèik <trad.> post station.⁶
驿道[驛道] yèik-ào yìdào post road.⁶
驿车[驛車] yèik-chëh
yìchē stagecoach.⁶
驿传[驛傳] yèik-chũn
yìchuán end by ancient courier system.¹¹
驿卒[驛卒] yèik-dūt
yìzú posthouse runner.⁶
驿馆[驛館] yèik-gōn
yìguǎn posthouse.⁶
驿亭[驛亭] yèik-hẽin
yìtíng resting pavilion for couriers.¹¹
驿站[驛站] yèik-jàm
yìzhàn posthouse.⁶
驿吏[驛吏] yèik-lì
yìlì posthouse officer.⁶
驿马[驛馬] yèik-mâ
yìmǎ posthorse.⁶
驿舍[驛舍] yèik-sëh
yìshè posthouse.¹⁰
驿丞[驛丞] yèik-sẽin
yìchéng posthouse official.⁶
驿使[驛使] yèik-xū
yìshǐ courier.⁶
yeik4 16293
124 17 yêik wings; fins; to assist, help; to protect, patronize, harbor.⁷
比翼双飞[比翼雙飛] bī-yêik-söng-fï bǐyìshuāngfēi pair off wing to wing; fly side by side.⁶
左翼 dū-yêik
zuǒyì <mil.> left wing, left flank; (political) the left-wing; Left.⁸
翼戴 yêik-äi yìdài to assist and support.⁷
翼蔽 yêik-bäi
yìbì to cover.⁷
翼庇 yêik-bï
yìbì to protect; to patronize.⁷
翼赞[翼贊] yêik-dän
yìzàn to assist and support.⁷
翼侧[翼側] yêik-jāk
yìcè <mil.> flank.⁷
翼卵 yêik-lôn
yìluǎn to protect; to patronize.⁷
翼然 yêik-ngẽin
yìrán (of architectural features) like extended wings aloft.⁷
翼日 yêik-ngìt
yìrì next day.⁷
翼护[翼護] yêik-vù
yìhù to shelter and protect.⁷
翼翼 yêik-yêik
yìyì cautious, careful; robust; vigorous.⁷
右翼 yiù-yêik
yòuyì <mil.> right wing, right flank; (political) the right-wing, Right.⁸
<台> 鸡翼[雞翼] gäi-yêik chicken wings.
<又> yèik.
(See 翼 yèik.)
yeik5 16294
59 15 yēin yǐng ➀ shadow  ➁ image  ➂ trace (of human presence); presence (of people or things); occurrence (of events); ➃ picture; photograph; ➄ <Cant.> to take (a picture).³⁶
捕风捉影[捕風捉影] bù-füng-jök-yēin bǔfēngzhuōyǐng to make groundless accusations.
电影[電影] èin-yēin
diànyǐng film; movie.
合影 hàp-yēin
héyǐng group photo.
摄影[攝影] nēp-yēin
shèyǐng to take a photograph; photography; to shoot (a movie).¹⁰
影子 yēin-dū
yǐngzi shadow; trace; sign; vague impression; reflection.
影碟 yēin-èp
yǐngdié video disc; VCD.⁶
影响[影響] yēin-hēng
yǐngxiǎng influence; effect; to influence; to affect (usually adversely); to disturb.¹⁰
影片 yēin-pëin
yǐngpiàn film; movie; picture.
<又> yēng (spoken pronunciation).
(See 影 yēng.)
yein1 16295
72 7 yēin yǐng <old> big.⁸ great.²⁴
(composition: ⿱日大; U+65F2).
<又> hõi. (See 旲 hõi).
yein1 16296
72 9 yēin yìng reflect, mirror, shine.⁵ (variant: 暎 yēin yìng).
映带[映帶] yēin-äi
yìngdài <wr.> set off.⁶
映衬[映襯] yēin-chïn
yìngchèn to set off by contrast; antithesis; analogy parallelism (linguistics).¹⁰
映出 yēin-chūt
yìngchū reflect; mirror; shine forth.⁵⁴
映象 yēin-dèng
yìngxiàng <math.> mapping, map.⁶
映像 yēin-dèng
yìngxiàng image.⁶
映托 yēin-hōk
yìngtuō set off; contrast; serve as a foil to.⁶
映照 yēin-jël
yìngzhào shine upon; cast light upon.⁵
映眼 yēin-ngān
yìngyǎn dazzling; glaring.⁷
映日 yēin-ngìt
yìngrì bright sunlight.⁷
映月 yēin-ngùt
yìngyuè to study by moonlight.⁷
映山红[映山紅] yēin-sän-hũng
yìngshānhóng azalea.⁹
映射 yēin-sèh
yìngshè shine upon; cast light upon.⁵
映夺[映奪] yēin-ùt
yìngduó to dazzle or catch (the eyes).⁷
映雪读书[映雪讀書] yēin-xūt-ùk-sï
yìngxuědúshū study by snow; study in very poor conditions.⁶
映演 yēin-yēn
yìngyǎn to project (a film or slide on the screen).⁷
映现[映現] yēin-yèn
yìngxiàn be present (to).⁶
映入眼帘[映入眼簾] yēin-yìp-ngān-lẽm
yìngrùyǎnlián come/leap into view; strike/meet the eye.⁶
(See 暎 yēin yìng.)
yein1 16297
72 12 yēin yìng (=映 yēin yìng) reflect, mirror, shine.⁵ sunlightl shining, dazzling, glare, reflection.⁶²
暎山红[暎山紅] yēin-sän-hũng
yìngshānhóng azalea.⁵⁴
(See 映 yēin yìng.)
yein1 16298
72 12 yēin yǐng <old>=影 yēin yǐng as in 影子  yēin-dū yǐngzi  shadow.
<又> gēin.
(See 景 gēin.)
yein1 16299
76 21 𣤵
yēin yǐng anger; rage; wrath; fury.⁰ a gust of anger.²⁴
(composition: ⿰嬰欠; U+23935).
yein1 16300
85 10 yēin yǐng dirt; filth; the world.¹³ sediment; mud.²⁴ (composition: ⿰氵呈; U+6D67).
浧濡 yēin-yĩ yǐngrú feces; dregs.²⁴
<又> chẽin.
(See 浧 chẽin.)
yein1 16301
85 15 yēin jǐng (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 澋 vàng hèng with same meaning.)
(composition: ⿰氵景; U+6F8B).
<又> vàng, pãng.
(See 澋 vàng, 澋 pãng).
yein1 16302
85 15 𣻯
yēin yǐng the name of a river.²⁴
(composition: ⿱頃水; U+23EEF).
yein1 16303
154 14 yēin yìng pearls or shells strung together.⁸
(composition: ⿰貝貝; U+8CCF).
yein1 16304
163 9 yēin yǐng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 郢 chẽin yǐng capital of ancient kingdom of 楚 Chō Chǔ Chu in modern Hubei (湖北 Vũ-bāk Húběi) Province.)
<又> chẽin.
(See 郢 chẽin.)
yein1 16305
9 10 yëin yīng (<old>=英 yëin yīng flower, blossom; outstanding, excellent, prominent; outstanding person, hero; youthful).⁶ (composition: ⿰亻英; U+5040).
yein2 16306
9 11 𠊶
yëin yìng (=媵 yëin yìng a maid who accompanies bride to her new home; to escort; a concubine.⁸ a maid who accompanies a bride to her new home; to accompany; bridesmaid; concubine.³⁶)
(composition: ⿰亻⿱龹女; U+202B6).
(See 媵 yëin).
yein2 16307 202B6.gif
30 16 yëin yīng <old>=譍 yëin yīng to answer.⁸
(composition: ⿸䧹口; U+565F).
yein2 16308
30 20 yëin yīng calling of birds; seek friends; also used in onomatopoetic expressions.⁸ (of birds) to chirp.¹¹ the melody of birds; birds calling.¹⁴ the cry of a bird; the singing of birds.²⁴ the melody of many birds; birds calling.¹⁰²
(variant: 譻 yëin yīng). (See 譻 yëin).
鸟鸣嘤嘤[鳥鳴嚶嚶] nêl-mẽin-yëin-yëin
niǎomíngyīngyīng the birds are caroling melodiously.¹⁰²
嘤其鸣矣[嚶其鳴矣] yëin-kĩ-mẽin-yì
yīng qí míng yǐ she is singing her best.¹⁰²
Yëin-kĩ-mẽin-yì, kiũ-kĩ-yiû-sëin.
Yīng qí míng yǐ, qiú qí yǒu shēng.
While ying goes its cry,
Seeking with its voice its companion.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·鹿鳴之什·伐木·1》, translated by James Legge).
嘤鸣[嚶鳴] yëin-mẽin
yīngmíng chirp; call forth a friend's response.⁸ <lit.> to seek friendships.¹¹
嘤咛[嚶嚀] yëin-nẽin
yīngníng description of a voice that is crisp and delicate.¹⁹
嘤嘤[嚶嚶] yëin-yëin
yīngyīng the rivalries and emulations of friends.¹⁰² sound of chirping/whispering/sobbing.⁵⁴
嚘嘤[嚘嚶] yiü-yëin
yōuyīng low and muffled sound.¹⁹

yein2 16309
30 20 𡄖
yëin yīng <old>=噟 yëin yīng to answer.⁸
(composition: ⿰口應; U+21116).
yein2 16310
38 11 yëin yīng <wr.> woman.⁶ beauty; beautiful.⁸ a good or laudatory name for a woman.⁹ (complimentary name for a woman).¹⁰ a complimentray term for a beautiful woman.²⁴ (literary) woman.³⁶ (composition: ⿰女英; U+5A96).
yein2 16311
38 13 yëin yìng to escort a bride to her new home; a maid accompanying a bride to her new home; a concubine.⁶ a maid who accompanies bride to her new home; to escort; a concubine.⁸ a maid who accompanies a bride to her new home; to accompany; bridesmaid; concubine.³⁶
(variant: 𠊶❄{⿰亻⿱龹女} yëin).
(composition: ⿰月⿱龹女; U+5AB5).
姬媵 kï-yëin
jīyìng concubine.¹⁹
媵婢 yëin-pî
yìngbì a maid who accompanies a bride to her new home.⁷
媵侍 yëin-sì
yìngshì (dated) concubine.³⁶
媵妾 yëin-tēp
yìngqiè a concubine.¹¹
(See 𠊶❄{⿰亻⿱龹女} yëin).
yein2 16312
38 13 yëin yīng lady.³⁶ cautious, attentive; prudent, seasoned (about the behavior of a woman)⁵⁴
(composition: ⿱𤇾女; U+5AC8)
嫈嫇 yëin-mẽin yīngmíng a young woman.²⁵
yein2 16313
38 17 yëin yīng baby; infant.⁵
婴孩[嬰孩] yëin-hãi yīnghái baby; infant.⁵
婴蜺[嬰蜺] yëin-ngãi
yīngní an insect, that in the close of summer, infests the ears of deer.²⁵
婴儿[嬰兒] yëin-ngĩ
yīng'ér baby, infant.⁵
婴儿车[嬰兒車] yëin-ngĩ-chëh
yīng'érchē baby carriage; pram; stroller.¹⁰
婴儿奶粉[嬰兒奶粉] yëin-ngĩ-nâi-fūn
yīng'érnǎifěn infant formula milk.⁵⁴
婴儿坏血病[嬰兒壞血病] yëin-ngĩ-vài-hūt-bèng
yīng'ér huàixuèbìng infantile scurvy.⁷
婴儿死亡率[嬰兒死亡率] yëin-ngĩ-xī-mõng-lùt 
yīng'ér sǐwánglǜ the infant mortality rate.⁷
yein2 16314
38 20 yëin yīng <old>=婴[嬰] yëin yīng baby; infant.⁵
(composition: ⿰女嬰; U+5B46).
yein2 16315
39 20 yëin yīng <old>=婴[嬰] yëin yīng baby; infant.² a baby, especially a girl, an infant.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰子嬰; U+5B30).
yein2 16316
61 17 yëin yìng to answer; to respond; to comply with; to deal or cope with; Ying surname.
呼应[呼應] fü-yëin hūyìng to echo; to work in concert with.⁸ to act in cooperation, to respond as echo to sound.¹¹
响应[響應] hēng-yëin
xiǎngyìng answer; reply; respond.⁶
应酬[應酬] yëin-chiũ
yìngchou engage in social activities, treat with courtesy; social engagement (birthday party, dinner party).⁶
应接不暇[應接不暇] yëin-dëp-būt-hà
yìngjiēbùxiá too busy to make proper response to.⁷
应付[應付] yëin-fù
yìngfu to deal with; to cope.
应付裕如[應付裕如] yëin-fù-yì-nguĩ
yìngfuyùrú handle with ease.⁵
应验[應驗] yëin-ngèm
yìngyàn come true.⁵
应承[應承] yëin-sẽin
yìngchéng agree (to do something); promise; consent.⁶
应邀[應邀] yëin-yël
yìngyāo accept an invitation.⁶
应用[應用] yëin-yùng
yìngyòng to serve a purpose; to apply; applied (science, art).
有求必应[有求必應] yiû-kiũ-bēik-yëin
yǒuqiúbìyìng respond to every plea; grant whatever is requested.⁶
(See 應 [yëin, yīng].)
yein2 16317
61 17 yëin yīng to agree (to do something); should; ought to.
罪有应得[罪有應得] duì-yiû-yëin-āk zuìyǒuyīngdé deserve one’s punishment.⁸
应届毕业生[應屆畢業生] yëin-gäi-bīt-ngèp-säng
yīngjiè bìyèshēng this year's graduate; graduating student.⁶
应该[應該] yëin-köi/
yīnggāi should; ought to; must.
应当[應當] yëin-öng
yīngdāng ought to; should; must.⁸
应允[應允] yëin-vūn
yīngyǔn to assent; to consent.
应有尽有[應有盡有] yëin-yiû-dìn-yiû
yīngyǒujìnyǒu everything that should be here is here (idiom); all one can think of is on hand; to have all one needs.
(See 應 [yëin, yìng].)
yein2 16318
64 20 yëin yīng to contact; to disturb.¹ to approach, to offend.⁹
撄病[攖病] yëin-bèng yīngbìng attacked by disease.
撄其锋[攖其鋒] yëin-kĩ-füng
yīngqífēng to blunt the thrust (of an attacking force).
撄人心[攖人心] yëin-ngĩn-xïm
yīngrénxīn to disturb somebody's peace of mind.
撄怒[攖怒] yëin-nù
yīngnù to stir up anger.³⁹
yein2 16319
74 12 yëin yīng color of the moon.²
(composition: ⿰月英; U+6720).
yein2 16320
75 9 yëin yīng a plum, a sour plum.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木央; U+67CD).
<又> yëng. (See 柍[yëng, yāng]; 柍[yëng,yǎng]).
yein2 16321
75 10 yëin yīng (=櫻 yëin yīng) cherry, cherry blossom.⁸
(See 櫻 yëin).
yein2 16322
75 12 yëin yīng <old>=柍 yëin yīng a plum, a sour plum.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木英; U+6967).
<又> yëng.
(See 楧 yëng; 柍 yëin.)
yein2 16323
75 21 yëin yīng cherry, cherry blossom.⁸ (variant: 桜 yëin yīng).
大种樱草[大種樱草] ài-jūng-yëin-tāo
dàzhǒngyīngcǎo the Chinese primrose Primula sinensis Sabine ex Lindl.¹⁵ʼ²³
樱花[櫻花] yëin-fä
yīnghuā sakura; oriental cherry; cherry blossoms.⁶
樱花树[櫻花樹] yëin-fä-sì
yīnghuāshù flowering cherry.⁶
樱桃[櫻桃] yëin-hão
or yëin-hô yīngtáo cherry.⁵
樱桃酒[櫻桃酒] yëin-hão-diū
or yëin-hô-diū yīngtáojiǔ kirsch.⁶
樱桃树[櫻桃樹] yëin-hão-sì
or yëin-hô-sì yīngtáoshù cherry tree.³⁹
樱唇[櫻唇] yëin-sũn
yīngchún cherry lips (ruby lips of a beautiful woman).⁶
樱草[櫻草] yëin-tāo
yīngcǎo primrose.¹⁹ Japanese primrose Primula sieboldii.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(See 桜 yëin).
yein2 16324
85 11 yëin yīng <old> name of a river in present day Shandong Province.⁸
渶水 yëin-suī yīngshuǐ old name of a river in Shandong Province.¹³
(composition: ⿰氵英; U+6E36).
yein2 16325
85 17 yëin yíng (<old>=濴 yëin yíng) to revolve; to curl in eddies, as rushing water.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰氵熒; U+6FD9).
汫濙 dēng-yëin
or dèin-yëin jǐngyíng meandering.¹⁰
濎濙 ēin-yëin
dǐngyíng a rill; a small stream.²⁴
or 滢濴[瀅濴] or 滢荧[瀅熒] yëin-yẽin yíngyíng swirly (of a current).⁸ water eddying round.²⁴
yein2 16326
85 17 yëin yíng the appearance of a fountain; waves circling round.²⁴
濎濴 ēin-yëin dǐngyíng a tiny stream of water.³⁶
or 滢濙[瀅濙] or 滢荧[瀅熒] yëin-yẽin yíngyíng swirly (of a current).⁸ water eddying round.²⁴
yein2 16327
85 18 yëin yíng <wr.> crystal clear.⁵ (said of water) clear; bright and clear; glossy.⁷
滢濴[瀅濴] or 滢濙[瀅濙] or 滢荧[瀅熒] yëin-yẽin yíngyíng swirly (of a current).⁸ water eddying round.²⁴
汀滢[汀瀅] ëin-yëin
tīngyíng a small stream of current; clear; lucid.⁹ a small stream; clear water.²⁴
yein2 16328
85 19 yëin yíng (=濙 yëin yíng) creeks.⁸ʼ⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰氵螢; U+3D88).
yein2 16329
86 12 yëin yīng <old> used in person's name.⁸ (used in names); British thermal unit (BTU).¹⁰ a man's name.²⁴
(composition: ⿰火英; U+7150).
yein2 16330
96 12 yëin yīng <wr.> fine jade; luster/sheen of jade.⁶ the glitter or sheen of jade; a transparent piece of jade; a crystal.⁷
紫石瑛 dū-sêk-yëin zǐshíyīng rose quartz.¹⁴
紫瑛 dū-yëin
zǐyīng rose quartz.²⁴
玉瑛 ngùk-yëin
yùyīng crystal.²⁴
yein2 16331
96 21 yëin yīng a necklace made of precious stones.⁸ a jade-like stone.⁹
璎珢[瓔珢] yëin-ngãn yīngyín a pebble resembling a gem.²⁴
璎珞[瓔珞] yëin-lōk
yīngluò necklace of jade and pearls.⁶
璎珞枣儿[瓔珞棗兒] yëin-lōk-dāo-ngĩ
yīngluòzǎor a kind of oblong jujube.⁷
yein2 16332
98 14 yëin yīng (<old>=罂[罌] yëin yīng an earthenware jar with a small mouth and two or four ears; a pot; a pitcher.¹⁴).²ʼ⁸ earthen jar with long neck.¹⁰ a bottle with a long neck.²⁴
(composition: ⿳炏冖瓦; U+7507).
(See 罌 yëin).
yein2 16333
98 18 yëin yīng (=罌 yëin yīng) an earthenware jar with a small mouth and two or four ears; a pot; a pitcher.¹⁴ an earthenware vessel; a jar.²⁴
or 水罂[水罌] or 水䓨[水罃] suī-yëin shuǐyīng a water-jar.¹⁴
(See 罃 yëin; 罌 yëin).
yein2 16334
104 22 yëin yǐng <med.> goiter; <bot.> gall; cecidium.⁶
瘿病[癭病] yëin-bèng yǐngbìng <TCM> goiter.⁶
瘿虫[癭蟲] yëin-chũng
yǐngchóng gall insect.⁶
瘿花[癭花] yëin-fä
yǐnghuā gall flower.⁶
瘿蜂[瘿蜂] yëin-füng
yǐngfēng cynipid; gall wasp.⁶
瘿瘤[癭瘤] yëin-liũ
yǐngliú <TCM> goiter and tumor.⁶ a tumor on the neck.¹⁴
瘿蚊[癭蚊] yëin-mûn
yǐngwén gall midge; gallfly; gall gnat.⁶
瘿蚜[癭蚜] yëin-ngã
yǐngyá gall aphid.⁶
瘿生物学[癭生物學] yëin-säng-mùt-hòk
or yëin-säng-mòt-hòk yǐngshēngwùxué cecidiology.⁶
yein2 16335
112 13 yëin yīng river stones.² stones with variegated and bright colors.²ʼ²⁵ (composition: ⿰石英; U+78A4).
yein2 16336
120 23 yëin yīng <old> ribbon used to fasten the hat; <trad.> tassel; tassel-shaped thing.⁶
红缨枪[紅纓槍] hũng-yëin-tëng hóngyīngqiāng red-tasseled spear.⁵
or 萝蔔缨子[蘿蔔纓子] lõ-bàk-yëin-dū or liũ-bàk-yëin-dūluóboyīngzi raddish leaves.⁵
马缨[馬纓] mâ-yëin
mǎyīng the ornamental parts of a bridle, dangling under the horse's neck.²⁵
帽缨[帽纓] mào-yëin
màoyīng hat/cap tassel.⁶
玉米吐缨了[玉米吐纓了] ngùk-māi-tû-yëin-lẽl
yùmǐ tùyīngle the maize is putting forth tassels.⁶
缨子[纓子] yëin-dū
yīngzi hat tassel; tassel-shaped vegetable leaves.⁶
缨绂其心[纓紱其心] yëin-fūt-kĩ-xïm
yīngfúqíxīn to fasten or fix his mind.²⁵
缨冠[纓冠] yëin-gön
yīngguàn to put on a hat hastily (with the chin strap on the head).⁷ rush to save or help somebody;  <trad.> eunuch.⁵⁴
缨络[纓絡] yëin-lōk
yīngluò ornamental fringes on a garment.⁷
缨帽[纓帽] yëin-mào
yīngmào a ceremonial hat with red tassels worn during the Qing Dynasty.⁷
<台> 鸡毛缨[雞毛纓] gäi-mão-yëin shuttlecock.
yein2 16337
121 16 yëin yīng an earthenware jar with a small mouth and two or four ears; a pot; a pitcher.¹⁴ (The simplified character has 艹 on top, 冖 in the middle, and 缶 on the bottom.) (variants: 甖, 罂[罌] yëin yīng).
or 水甖 or 水罂[水罌] suī-yëin shuǐyīng a water-jar.¹⁴
(See 甖 yëin; 罌 yëin).
yein2 16338
121 20 yëin yīng poppy.⁶ an earthenware jar with a small mouth and two or four ears; a pot; a pitcher.¹⁴
(variants: 䓨[罃], 甖, 甇 yëin yīng).
(comp. t: ⿱賏缶; U+7F4C). (comp. s: ⿱⿰贝贝缶; U+7F42).
or 水甖 or 水䓨[水罃] suī-yëin shuǐyīng a water-jar.¹⁴
罂粟[罌粟] yëin-xūk
yīngsù poppy.⁶ (See 罂粟[罌粟] äng-xūk).
<又> äng, âng, läng.
(See 罌 äng, 罌 âng, 罌 läng; 罃 yëin, 甖 yëin; 甇 yëin).
yein2 16339
127 14 𦔃
yëin yīng grass growing thick.²⁵
(composition: ⿰耒英; U+26503).
yein2 16340
130 17 yëin yīng breast; bear, receive.⁵
悲愤填膺[悲憤填膺] bï-fûn-hẽin-yëin bēifèntiányīng be filled with grief and indignation.⁵
拊膺 fū-yëin
fǔyīng <wr.> beat one's chest (in great grief).⁶
义愤填膺[義憤填膺] ngì-fûn-hẽin-yëin
yìfèntiányīng be filled with righteous indignation.⁵
荣膺[榮膺] vẽin-yëin
róngyīng <wr.> be honored with.⁶
膺惩[膺懲] yëin-chẽin
yīngchéng <wr.> send a punitive expedition against.⁶
膺期 yëin-kĩ
yīngqī to receive or inherit (a title, the throne).⁷
膺任 yëin-ngìm
yīngrèn be appointed.⁶
膺赏[膺賞] yëin-sēng
yīngshǎng <wr.> receive an award.⁶
膺此重任 yëin-xū-jùng-ngìm
yīngcǐzhòngrèn hold a post of great responsibility.⁵
膺选[膺選] yëin-xūn
yīngxuǎn <wr.> be elected.⁵
yein2 16341
140 8 yëin yīng petal, flower; brave, hero; England, English.
英镑[英鎊] Yëin-bòng Yīngbàng pound sterling.¹⁰
英姿焕发[英姿煥發] yëin-dü-fòn-fāt
yīngzīhuànfā dashing and spirited; heroic bearing.
英俊 yëin-dün
yīngjùn outstanding, brilliant; talented person; handsome, smart.⁶
英国[英國] Yëin-gōk
Yīngguó Britain; England.
英挺 yëin-hêin
yīngtǐng tall and handsome.⁶
英雄 yëin-hũng
yīngxióng hero; heroic.⁶
英里 yëin-lî
yīnglǐ one mile.¹¹
英明 yëin-mẽin
yīngmíng wise; brilliant; sagacious.
英文 Yëin-mũn
Yīngwén English (language).
英语[英語] Yëin-nguî
Yīngyǔ English (language).
英式橄榄球[英式橄欖球] Yëin-sēik-gäm-lām-kiũ
Yīngshì gǎnlǎnqiú rugby.¹⁰
英寸 yëin-tün
yīngcùn inch (unit of length = 2.54 cm.)¹⁰
英勇 yëin-yûng
yīngyǒng heroic; valiant.
yein2 16342
140 20 yëin yīng astrictive grape; Thonberg grape.⁹
(composition: ⿱艹嬰; U+8621).
蘡薁 yëin-yūk yīngyù (Vitis bryoniifolia).¹⁰ A creeping plant, which in leaves and fruit resembles the grape vine, but smaller.²⁵
yein2 16343
142 23 𧕄
yëin yīng winter cicada; cicada.² a kind of cicada.²⁵
(composition: ⿰虫應; U+27544).
yein2 16344
149 20 yëin yīng <old> to answer.⁸
(composition: ⿸䧹言; U+8B4D).
yein2 16345
149 21 yëin yīng <old>=嘤[嚶] yëin yīng calling of birds; seek friends; also used in onomatopoetic expressions.⁸ (of birds) to chirp.¹¹ the melody of birds; birds calling.¹⁴ the cry of a bird; the singing of birds.²⁴ the melody of many birds; birds calling.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱賏言; U+8B7B).
鸣玉鸾之譻譻[鳴玉鸞之譻譻] mẽin-ngùk-lũn-jï-yëin-yëin
míngyùluánzhīyīngyīng Ying-Ying go the bells on the carriage.
❄{⿰言寧} yëin-nãng yīngnéng a small voice.²⁵
譻譻 yëin-yëin
yīngyīng <ono.> an onomatopoetic sound.¹⁹
(See 嚶 yëin).
yein2 16346
163 10 yëin yīng name of a place.²ʼ¹⁰ the name of an ancient terrotory.²⁵ (composition: ⿰英阝; U+48D0).
yein2 16347
167 16 yëin yāng noise of bell.⁸ <ono.> ring; tinkle.¹⁰ <wr.> ringing of a bell.³⁶ (composition: ⿰釒英; U+9348).
yein2 16348
167 22 yëin yīng a rectangular jar.¹⁹ a square bell; a spade.²⁵ (composition: ⿱賏金; U+944D).
yein2 16349
173 16 yëin yīng <wr.> <old> snowflake.⁶ sleet; snowflakes.¹¹ rain and snow coming down together; sleet.²⁵
(composition: ⿱雨英; U+9719).
<又> yëng. (See 霙 yëng.)
yein2 16350
180 17 yëin yīng music.⁸ the music of an ancient emperor.²⁵
(composition: ⿰音英; U+97FA).
六韺 lùk-yëin liùyīng musical compositions written by Emperor Ku² (帝喾[帝嚳] Äi Gūk Dì Kù 2275-2176 BCE).²³
or 五英 m̄-yëin wǔyīng musical compositions written by Emperor Gaoyang² (高阳[高陽] Gäoyẽng Gāoyáng aka 颛顼[顓頊] Jön-gūk Zhuānxū  2342-2245 BCE).²³
yein2 16351
182 17 𩘑
yëin yīng a high wind.²ʼ²⁵
(composition: ⿺風英; U+29611).

yein2 16352
196 19 yëin yīng <old> a kind of bird.⁸
(composition: ⿰英鳥; U+9DA7).
继鶧[繼鶧] gäi-yëin jìyīng the name of a bird.²ʼ²⁵
yein2 16353
196 24 yëin yīng a hawk; an eagle; a falcon.⁷
老鹰[老鷹] lāo-yëin lǎoyīng black-eared kite; hawk; eagle.⁸
鹰鼻鹞目[鷹鼻鷂目] yëin-bì-yêl-mùk
yīngbíyàomù the nose and eyes of a hawk – an avaricious look.⁷
鹰鼻鹞眼[鷹鼻鷂眼] yëin-bì-yêl-ngān
yīngbíyàoyǎn hawk-nosed and vulture-eyed; to be sinister and fierce-looking.⁸
鹰架[鷹架] yëin-gâ
yīngjià a scaffold.⁷
鹰钩鼻子[鷹鉤鼻子] yëin-gêo-bì-dū
yīnggōubízi an aquiline nose.⁷
鹰犬[鷹犬] yëin-hūn
yīngquǎn hawks and hounds; (fig.) running dogs; hired thugs.¹⁰
鹰爪[鷹爪] yëin-jāo
yīngzhǎo talons (or claws) of a falcon, hawk; a kind of young tea leaves.⁷
鹰隼[鷹隼] yëin-jūn
yīngsǔn <wr.> hawks and falcons; <metaphor> brutal/fierce people.⁶
鹰派[鷹派] yëin-pāi
yīngpài the hawks (people who support an aggressive or warlike policy).⁷
鹰视[鷹視] yëin-sì
yīngshì a fierce look.⁷
鹰师[鷹師] yëin-xü
yīngshī a falconer.⁷
鹰洋[鷹洋] yëin-yẽng
yīngyáng a Mexican silver dollar.⁷
鹰扬[鷹揚] yëin-yẽng
yīngyáng powerful or outstanding, like a soaring falcon.⁷
yein2 16354
196 28 yëin yīng a parrot.⁷
长尾鹦鹉[長尾鸚鵡] chẽng-mī-yëin-mû chángwěi yīngwǔ long-tailed parakeet (Psittacula longicauda).¹⁰
虎皮鹦鹉[虎皮鸚鵡] fū-pĩ-yëin-mû
hǔpíyīngwǔ budgerigar, common parakeet, shell parakeet, budgie (Melopsittacus undulatus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
珍珠鹦鹉螺[珍珠鸚鵡螺] jïn-jî-yëin-mû-lũ
zhēnzhū yīngwǔluó chambered nautilus (Nautilus pompilius).²³
鹦嘴鱼[鸚嘴魚] yëin-duī-nguî/
yīngzuǐyú parrot fish.⁶
鹦哥[鸚哥] yëin-gū
or yëin-gō yīnggē parrot.⁶
鹦哥鼻[鸚哥鼻] yëin-gū-bì
yīnggēbí a hooked nose.⁷
鹦哥绿[鸚哥綠] yëin-gū-lùk
yīnggēlǜ parrot green.⁶
鹦鹉[鸚鵡] yëin-mû
yīngwǔ parrot.⁶
鹦鹉学舌[鸚鵡學舌] yëin-mû-hòk-sêt
yīngwǔ xuéshé to parrot another's statement, theory.⁷
鹦鹉螺[鸚鵡螺] yëin-mû-lũ
yīngwǔluó nautilus, a pelagic marine mollusc of the cephalopod family Nautilidae (can also be called chambered nautilus.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鹦鹉热[鸚鵡熱] yëin-mû-ngèik
yīngwǔrè <med.> parrot fever; psittacosis.⁶
鹦形目[鸚形目] yëin-yẽin-mùk
yīngxíngmù Psittaciformes order.²⁰
yein2 16355
9 8 yẽin xíng form.⁸ body, figure; a rule, pattern.²⁴ form; shape; thing that has taken shape.³⁶ (composition: ⿰亻刑; U+4F80).
Yẽin jēh yẽin yâ, yẽin jēh sẽin yâ, yīt sẽin ngĩ būt hō bëin, gü gün-dū dìn-xïm yën.
Xíng zhě xíng yě, xíng zhě chéng yě, yī chéng ér bùkě biàn, gù jūnzǐ jìnxīn yān.
Punishment may be compared to the body. The body is a complete thing; when once completed, there cannot be any subsequent change in it. Hence the wise man will do his utmost (in deciding on all these inflictions)  ...from Book of Rite, translation based on James Legge's version.³⁶
yein3 16356
18 6 yẽin xíng punishment.
五刑 m̄-yẽin wǔ-xíng five ancient mutilating punishments: 墨 màk tattooing the face, 劓 ngài cutting off the nose, 剕 fï fèi cutting off the feet, 宮[宫] güng gōng castration, and 大辟 ài-pēik dàpì decapitation.
判刑 pön-yẽin
pànxíng to sentence.
死刑 xī-yẽin
sǐxíng death penalty; capital punishment.
刑法 yẽin-fāt
xíngfǎ penal code; criminal law.
刑罚[刑罰] yẽin-fàt
xíngfá corporal punishment; torture.⁵
刑舂 yẽin-jüng
xíngchōng  to be forced to grind grain as a punishment (old).¹⁰
刑期无刑[刑期無刑] yẽin-kĩ-mũ-yẽin
xíngqīwúxíng The enforcement of law is aimed at creating a society in which no penalty is needed.
刑戮 yẽin-lùk
xínglù to kill as punishment.¹¹
刑满释放[刑滿釋放] yẽin-mōn-sēik-föng
xíngmǎnshìfàng be released after serving one's sentence.⁶
刑事 yẽin-xù
xíngshì criminal; penal.
yein3 16357
32 9 yẽin xíng mold; type.
大型 ài-yẽin dàxíng large-size (machines, factories).
典型 ēin-yẽin
diǎnxíng typical case; model; type; institutions; typical; representative.
类型[類型] luì-yẽin
lèixíng type; category; genre; form.¹⁰
微型 mĩ-yẽin
wēixíng miniature; mini-.⁵
模型 mũ-yẽin
or mõ-yẽin móxíng model; mold; matrix; pattern.¹⁰
小型 xēl-yẽin
xiǎoxíng small-sized; small-scale; miniature.
新型 xïn-yẽin
xīnxíng new type; new pattern.
型钢[型鋼] yẽin-gông
xínggāng fashioned iron; structural steel; section steel.
型号[型號] yẽin-hào
xínghào model; type.
型男 yẽin-nãm
xíngnán hot guy; fashionable guy; metrosexual man.⁹
yein3 16358
32 13 yẽin yíng grave.
祖茔[祖塋] dū-yẽin zǔyíng ancestral grave.⁵⁴
坟茔[墳塋] fũn-vẽin
fényíng graveyard; cemetery.
墓茔[墓塋] mù-yẽin
mùyíng grave; tomb; cemetery.
先茔[先塋] xëin-yẽin
xiānyíng ancestral graveyard.¹¹
茔地[塋地] yẽin-ì
yíngdì graveyard; cemetery.
yein3 16359
34 4 yẽin yíng (=赢[贏] yẽin yíng) gain (profit), make profit, profit; achieve, win, gain, get.⁶
<又> gū.
(See 夃 gū.)
yein3 16360
38 16 yẽin yíng (=赢[贏] yẽin yíng) to win; to have a surplus; surname.⁸  old variant of 贏 yẽin yíng, to win, to profit; old variant of 盈 ngẽin yíng, full; (Chinese surname).¹⁰ to bud, to expand; a woman's name.²⁴ to have a surplus; <old> Ying surname.³⁶
(composition: ⿱吂⿲月女几; U+5B34).
嬴政 Yẽin Jëin
Yíng Zhèng Ying Zheng (260-210 BC), personal name of the first emperor 秦始皇 Tũn Chī Võng Qínshǐhuáng Qin Shihuang.¹⁰
嬴绌[嬴絀] yẽin-jōt
yíngchù profit and loss.¹¹ to bend and straighten out again.²⁵
嬴取 yẽin-tuī
yíngqǔ to win.⁹
嬴秦 Yẽin Tũn
Yíng Qín Ying Qin, the state of Qin during the 战国时代[戰國時代] Jën-gōk-sĩ-òi Zhànguó Shídài Warring States period (c. 475 BC - 221 BC).
(See 贏 yẽin).
yein3 16361
59 7 yẽin xíng form, shape; body, entity; appear, look;  compare, contrast.⁵
情形 tẽin-yẽin qíngxing situation; state of affairs.⁵
形迹[形跡] yẽin-dēik
xíngjì a person's movements and expression; formality.⁵
形迹可疑[形跡可疑] yẽin-dēik-hō-ngĩ
xíngjìkěyí suspicious appearance; suspicious-looking.⁵
形态[形態] yẽin-häi
xíngtài form; shape; pattern.⁵
形骸 yẽin-hãi
xínghái the human body.⁵
形状[形狀] yẽin-jòng
xíngzhuàng shape.¹¹
形势[形勢] yẽin-säi
xíngshì terrain; topographical features; situation; circumstances.⁵
形式 yẽin-sēik
xíngshì form, shape.⁵
形成 yẽin-sẽin
xíngchéng take shape; form.⁵
形影不离[形影不離] yẽin-yēng-būt-lĩ
xíngyǐngbùlí inseparable as body and shadow; always together.⁵
形容 yẽin-yũng
xíngróng <wr.> appearance; countenance; describe.⁵
形容枯槁 yẽin-yũng-kü-gāo
xíngróngkūgǎo an emaciated, dried-up appearance.¹¹
形容惨怛[形容慘怛] yẽin-yũng-tām-hān
xíngróngcǎndá look deeply grieved.⁶
圆形[圓形] yõn-yẽin
yuánxíng circular; round.⁵
yein3 16362
75 20 櫿 yẽin yíng the name of a tree.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木營; U+6AFF).
yein3 16363
85 14 yẽin xíng
rising and dashing of waves.⁸
荥阳[滎陽] Yẽin-yẽng Xíngyáng Xingyang city and county in 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng Henan Province.
(See 滎 [yẽin, yíng].)
yein3 16364
85 14 yẽin yíng rising and dashing of waves.⁸
荥经[滎經] Yẽin-gëin Yíngjīng Yingjing county in 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan Province.
(See 滎 [yẽin, xíng].)
yein3 16365
85 18 𤁽
yẽin yíng water clear and limpid.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵䁝; U+2407D).
yein3 16366
85 19 yẽin yíng <wr.> sea; ocean.⁵  the sea, the ocean; within the lake.⁷ Ying surname.⁸ (composition: ⿰氵嬴; U+701B).
登瀛洲 äng Yẽin-jiü dēng Yíngzhōu reach the paradise of immortals.⁷
东瀛[東瀛] Üng-yẽin
Dōngyíng Japan, the Donghai (sea), the East China Sea.⁵⁴
瀛眷 yẽin-gün
yíngjuàn your dependents; your family (a polite expression).⁷
瀛海 yẽin-hōi
yínghǎi <wr.> sea; ocean.⁶
瀛台 yẽin-hõi
yíngtái a spot within the Forbidden City in Beijing, which was surrounded on three sides by water, where the young Emperor Guang Xu (光绪[光緒] Göng-xuî Guāngxù) was imprisoned by Queen Dowager Zixi (慈禧太后 Xũ-hī häi-hèo Cíxǐ tàihòu) after the abortive political reform movement in the late 19th century.⁷
瀛洲 Yẽin-jiü
Yíngzhōu (in old Chinese legend) the Holy Mountain in the East Sea, where the immortals dwell.⁷
瀛寰 yẽin-vãn
yínghuán <wr.> whole world.⁶
yein3 16367
85 19 yẽin yíng (of moving water) circuitous.⁶ a small stream.²⁴
潆绕[瀠繞] yẽin-ngêl yíngrào (of current) hover; linger; go round and round; wind.⁶
潆洄[瀠洄] yẽin-või
yínghuí (of current) swirl.⁶
小溪潆绕[小溪瀠繞] xēl-käi-yẽin-ngêl
xiǎoxīyíngrào winding stream.⁶
yein3 16368
85 19 yẽin yíng (composition: ⿰氵營; U+702F).
渟瀯 hẽin-yẽin tíngyíng a tiny stream.² a small stream.²⁴
澴瀯 vãn-yẽin
huányíng water swirling around.² an eddy; a whirlpool.²⁴
瀯瀯 yẽin-yẽin
yíngyíng sound of river flowing.² the noise of water.²⁴
yein3 16369
85 23 yẽin yíng <old>=瀛 yẽin yíng sea, ocean.³⁶
Composition ⿰氵贏
yein3 16370
86 14 yẽin yíng shine, shimmer; shining, dazzling.⁸  the different shades of the moon that causes tides in the ocean; perplexed; dazzled.⁹
灯火荧煌[燈火熒煌] äng-fō-yẽin-võng dēnghuǒyínghuáng (In the hall) were many lanterns which gave a very brilliant light.³⁹
荧光[熒光] yẽin-göng
yíngguāng fluorescent.
荧光灯[熒光燈] yẽin-göng-äng
yíngguāngdēng fluorescent lamp.
荧幕[熒幕] yẽin-mōk
yíngmù TV screen.
荧屏[熒屏] yẽin-pẽin
yíngpíng fluorescent screen; TV screen.
荧惑[熒惑] yẽin-vàk
yínghuò <wr.> to dazzle; to confuse; god of war; <astr.> Mars.
滢荧[瀅熒] yëin-yẽin
yíngyíng (of a current) swirly.⁸
荧荧[熒熒] yẽin-yẽin
yíngyíng twinkling; glimmering.
yein3 16371
86 16 yẽin yíng encampment, barracks; to manage.⁸ battalion.⁹ barracks; camp; battalion; build; operate; manage; strive for.¹⁰
兵营 bëin-yẽin bīngyíng military camp; barracks.⁸
结党营私[結黨營私] gēik-ōng-yẽin-xü
jiédǎngyíngsī to form a clique to pursue selfish interests; to gang up for selfish purposes; to engage in factional activities in pursuit of personal gains.⁹
经之营之[經之營之] gëin-jï-yẽin-jï
jīngzhīyíngzhī <wr.> (of buildings) busily planning and designing.¹¹
经营[經營] gëin-yẽin
jīngyíng to build, construct (a house, residence, mansion); to draw up or carry out (a plan); to manage and operate (a business).¹¹
舍营[舍營] sëh-yẽin
shèyíng <mil.> billeting.⁵
营火[營火] yẽin-fō
yínghuǒ campfire.⁸
营房[營房] yẽin-fông
yíngfáng barracks.⁹
营寨 yẽin-jài
yíngzhài military camp.⁵
营长[營長] yẽin-jēng
yíngzhǎng battalion commander.⁹
营业[營業] yẽin-ngèp
yíngyè occupation, profession, job; to do business.⁸
营私舞弊[營私舞弊] yẽin-xü-mū-bài
yíngsīwǔbì fraudulent personal gain (idiom); to engage in corrupt practice.¹⁰
营养[營養] yẽin-yêng
yíngyǎng nutrition, nourishment; nourish.⁸
yein3 16372
96 15 yẽin yíng
jade-like stone; glittering; lustrous and transparent.
晶莹[晶瑩] dëin-yẽin jīngyíng radiant, resplendent.¹¹
莹白[瑩白] yẽin-bàk
yíngbái shining and white.⁹
莹洁[瑩潔] yẽin-gēik
yíngjié pure and lustrous.¹¹
莹彻[瑩徹] yẽin-chēik
yíngchè clear and transparent.⁷
(See 瑩 [yẽin, yīng].)
yein3 16373
96 15 yẽin yīng
绿莹莹[綠瑩瑩] lùk-yẽin-yẽin lǜyīngyīng sparkling and bluish green.⁸  glittering green.⁹ green and lush.⁴³
(See 瑩 [yẽin, yíng].)
yein3 16374
109 15 yẽin yíng deluding and causing disorder (interchangeable 熒[熒] yẽin yíng) lights shining; sparkling; twinkling; shimmering.⁸ eyes clear; pure and clean.²⁴
(composition: ⿱𤇾目; U+405D).
yein3 16375
112 11 yẽin xíng whetstone, grinding stone; grind, polish, whet.⁶
(variant: 铏[鉶] yẽin xíng) whetstone).⁸
砺刃于硎[礪刃于硎] lài-yìn-yï-yẽin
lìrènyúxíng sharpen/whet a knife on the whetstone.⁶
(See 鉶 yẽin).
yein3 16376
113 15 yẽin yíng an ancient ritual that prayed for eliminating disasters; sacrifice.⁸ the name of a sacrifice, offered to the spirits of the hills and rivers, with the sun, moon, and stars to avert calamity.²⁵
(composition: ; U+799C).
祀禜 dù-yẽin sìyíng sacrifices to eliminate disasters.¹⁹
攻禜 güng-yẽin
gōngyíng attack.¹⁹
禜祷[禜禱] yẽin-hāo
yíngdǎo prayer.¹⁹
<又> vèin.
(See 禜 vèin.)
yein3 16377
118 22 yẽin yíng (<old>=籯 yẽin yíng) a tube to hold chopsticks.¹⁴ (composition: ⿱𥫗嬴; U+7C5D).
(See 籯 yẽin).
yein3 16378
118 26 yẽin yíng bamboo chest; tubular bamboo case.⁸ <old> bamboo chest; case for holding chopsticks and spoons.³⁶ (composition: ⿱𥫗贏; U+7C6F). (variant: 籝 yẽin yíng).
(See 籝 yẽin).
yein3 16379
120 16 yẽin yíng to entangle, to entwine, to coil.⁸
萦绕[縈繞] yẽin-ngêl yíngrǎo hover; linger.⁸
萦绕在心头[縈繞在心頭] yẽin-ngêl-dòi-xïm-hẽo
yíngràozàixīntóu to haunt.⁹
萦怀[縈懷] yẽin-vãi
yínghuái to occupy one's mind.⁸
萦回[縈回] yẽin-või
yínghuí to hover; to linger.⁸
萦回脑际[縈回腦際] yẽin-või-nāo-däi
yínghuínǎojì to linger in one's mind.¹⁹
yein3 16380
140 17 yẽin yíng a medicinal herb.¹³ <old> a kind of grass.⁸ʼ³⁶
(composition: ⿱艹熒; U+85C0).
藀委 yẽin-vī yíngwěi a medicinal herb.²⁵
yein3 16381
140 17 𦾵
yẽin yíng plants curling up; polygonum or knotgrass.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹榮; U+26FB5).
(See 𦽓❄{⿱艹煢} kẽin).
yein3 16382
140 19 yẽin yíng flower of the chrysanthemum; chrysanthemum.⁸ the chrysanthemum.²⁵ (composition: ⿱艹嬴; U+4566).
yein3 16383
142 16 yẽin yíng glow-worm, luminous insect.⁸  firefly; glowworm; lightning bug.⁹ (variant: 𧓌❄{⿰虫熒} yẽin yíng).
流萤[流螢] liũ-yẽin
liúyíng firefly.¹¹
萤火虫[螢火蟲] yẽin-fō-chũng
yínghuǒchóng firebug; glowworm; lightning bug.⁹
<台> 萤火仔 yẽin-fō-dōi firefly.
(See 𧓌❄{⿰虫熒} yẽin).
yein3 16384
142 19 yẽin yíng a fly.¹¹
果蝇[果蠅] gō-yẽin guǒyíng fruit fly.¹⁰
如蝇逐臭[如蠅逐臭] nguĩ-yẽin-jùk-chiü
rúyíngzhúchòu like flies taking to rottenness.⁸
苍蝇[蒼蠅] töng-yẽin
cāngying housefly.⁸
苍蝇拍[蒼蠅拍] töng-yẽin-päk
cāngyingpāi fly swatter.⁹
蝇虎[蠅虎] yẽin-fū
yínghǔ a spider that feeds on flies.¹¹
蝇拂[蠅拂] yẽin-fūt
yíngfú a fly swatter.¹¹
蝇撢[蠅撢] yẽin-häm
yíngdǎn fly duster.¹⁹ fly whisk.⁵⁴
蝇头[蠅頭] yẽin-hẽo
yíngtóu petty, very small (profits).¹¹
蝇头小字[蠅頭小字] yẽin-hẽo-xēl-dù yíngtóuxiǎozì very small characters.¹¹
蝇头小利[蠅頭小利] yẽin-hẽo-xēl-lì
yíngtóuxiǎolì minuscule profit.⁹
蝇蛆病[蠅蛆病] yẽin-tuï-bèng
yíngqūbìng myiasis.¹⁰
蝇毒草[蠅毒草] yẽin-ùk-tāo
yíngdúcǎo <bot.> Phryma leptoslachya, whose root contains fluid poisonous to flies.¹¹
蝇营[蠅營] yẽin-yẽin
yíngyíng to hustle about trying to make some profits.¹¹
<又> yêin.
(See 蠅 yêin.)
yein3 16385
142 20 𧓌
yẽin yíng (=萤[螢] yẽin yíng)²ʼ⁹⁸ glow-worm, luminous insect.⁸  firefly; glowworm; lightning bug.⁹
(composition: ⿰虫熒; U+274CC).
(See 螢 yẽin).
yein3 16386
149 17 yẽin yíng little sound, soft sound.² humming sound.¹⁰ a small voice, a hum, a buzzing sound; going and coming; a man's name.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𤇾言; U+8B0D).
<又> gäng. (See 謍 gäng.)
yein3 16387
154 20 yẽin yíng gain (profit), make profit, profit; achieve, win, gain, get.⁶
(comp. t: ⿱吂⿲月貝几; U+8D0F).
s: ⿱吂⿲月贝几; U+8D62).
奇赢[奇贏] gï-yẽin
jīyíng small profit.
双赢[雙贏] söng-yẽin
shuāngyíng to benefit both sides; to be a non-zero-sum game.
赢得[贏得] yẽin-āk
yíngdé to wn (honor, a privilege).⁷
赢利[贏利] yẽin-lì
or 盈利 ngẽin-lì yínglì profit; gain.⁶
赢余[贏餘] yẽin-yĩ
or 盈余[盈餘] ngẽin-yĩ yíngyú surplus, superfluous; profit, surplus, gain.⁸
<又> yẽng.
(See 贏 yẽng.)
yein3 16388
163 6 yẽin xíng (a place name); Xing surname.⁸ a state given to the son of 周公 Zhōu Gōng in the province of Henan.²⁵
(variant: 郉 yẽin xíng).
(composition: ⿰开阝; U+90A2).
邢台[邢臺] Yẽin-hõi
Xíngtái the name of a district.²⁵ Xingtai county and Xingtai prefecture level city in 河北 Hõ-bāk Héběi Hebei Province.
邢窑[邢窯] Yẽin-yẽl
Xíngyáo Tang-dynasty ceramic kiln (in Hebei).⁵⁴
(See 郉 yẽin).
yein3 16389
163 8 yẽin xíng (<old>=邢 yẽin xíng) (a place name); Xing surname.⁸ a state given to the son of 周公 Zhōu Gōng in the province of Henan.²⁵
(composition: ⿰幵阝; U+90C9).
(See 邢 yẽin).
yein3 16390
164 17 yẽin yíng get drunk without measure; drunken revelry, drunken rampage.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿱𤇾酉; U+919F).
𨠘❄{⿰酉白}醟 pōk-yẽin pòyíng infuriated with wine; to err with wine, to imagine one's self great and glorious when in liguor.²⁵ drink heavily.⁵⁴
<又> yùng.
(See 醟 yùng.)
yein3 16391
167 12 yẽin xíng wine container in ancient times.⁶ bell-shaped drinking vessel; soup utensil; Xing mountain.⁸
<又> ngẽin. (See 鈃 ngẽin.)
yein3 16392
167 14   yẽin xíng tripod for holding vegetable custard in ancient China.⁶ sacrificial cauldron; soup utensil; soup; (=硎 gäng xíng) whetstone.⁸ <wr.> an ancient bronze tripod with two ears for holding soup.¹¹ a sort of jar resembling a skillet or tripod, in which to cook the 铏羹[鉶羹] yẽin-gäng xínggēng or fragrant broth offered in sacrifice.¹⁰²
t: ⿰金刑; U+9276). (comp. s: ⿰钅刑; U+94CF).
设铏[設鉶] sēt-yẽin
shèxíng set out the dishes.¹⁰²
Sìt-kĩ-fū-gī, bëin-èo, yẽin-gäng.
Shí qí fǔ guǐ, biān dòu, xíng gēng.
The shorter dishes (round and square), the taller ones of bamboo and wood, and the soup vessels are all filled.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·禮運·8》, translated by James Legge).
铏鼎[鉶鼎] yẽin-ēin
xíngdǐng a copper tripod used to cook fragrant broth.¹⁰²
铏羹[鉶羹] yẽin-gäng
xínggēng fragrant broth.¹⁰²
(See 硎 yẽin).
yein3 16393
167 15 yẽin xíng (=铏[鉶] yẽin xíng) container for thick soup, sacrificial utensil, thick soup of meat and vegetables, (interchangeable 硎 yẽin xíng) a whetstone; grindstone.⁸ a sacrificial vessel.²⁵ (composition: ⿰釒形; U+492F).
yein3 16394
170 9 yẽin xíng defile, mountain pass, gorge.⁸ a deep ravine among hills; a limit; an abrupt precipice, where the hills seem to be suddenly cut off.²⁵
小陉[小陘] xēl-yẽin xiǎoxíng mountain gap.
yein3 16395
142 19 yêin yíng <台> 禾蝇[禾蠅] võ-yẽin/ fly.
<又> yẽin. (See 蠅 yẽin.)
yein5 16396
113 7 礿 yēk yuè spring ceremony performed by the Emperor honoring his ancestors.⁰ the name of the festival which was held in the spring during the Xia and Shang dynasties and in the summer during the Zhou Dynasty.⁸
(composition: ⿰礻勺; U+793F).
春礿 chün-yēk chūnyuè spring ceremony performed by the Emperor and the princes in their ancestral temple during the Xia and Shang dynasties.¹⁹
天子, 诸侯宗庙之祭: 春曰礿, 夏曰禘, 秋曰尝, 冬曰烝.
[天子, 諸侯宗廟之祭: 春曰礿, 夏曰禘, 秋曰嘗, 冬曰烝.]
Hëin-dū, jï-hẽo-düng-mèl-jï-däi: chün-yòt-yēk, hà-yòt-äi, tiü-yòt-sẽng, üng-yòt-jëin.
Tiānzǐ, zhūhóu zōngmiào zhī jì: Chūn yuē yuè, xià yuē dì, qiū yuē cháng, dōng yuē zhēng.
The sacrifices in the ancestral temples of the son of Heaven and the feudal princes were that of spring, called Yue; that of summer, called Di; that of autumn, called Chang; and that of winter, called Zheng.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·王制·27》, translated by James Legge).
礿祭 yēk-däi
yuèjì or 礿祀 yēk-dù yuèsì ceremony/festival which was held in the spring during the Xia and Shang dynasties and in the summer duriing the Zhou dynasty.¹⁹
yek1 16397
113 21 yēk yuè (<old>=礿 yēk yuè spring ceremony performed by the Emperor honoring his ancestors.⁰ the name of the festival which was held in the spring during the Xia and Shang dynasties, and in the summer during the Zhou Dynasty.⁸).⁸
(composition: ⿰礻龠; U+79B4).
(See 礿 yēk).
yek1 16398
120 9 yēk yuē restrict; make an appointment; invite; reduced fractions; appointment; brief; economical; around.⁵⁵
大约[大約] ài-yēk dàyuē approximately; probably.¹⁰
约旦[約旦] Yēk-än
Yuēdàn Jordan.¹⁰
约束[約束] yēk-chūk
yuēshù to restrict; to limit to; to constrain; restriction; constraint.¹⁰
约定[約定] yēk-èin
yuēdìng to agree (on date, meeting).¹¹
约法[約法] yēk-fāt
yuēfǎ provisional constitution.⁵
约分[約分] yēk-fün
yuēfēn reduction of a fraction.⁵
约计[約計] yēk-gäi
yuējì count roughly; come roughly to.⁵
约指[約指] yēk-jī
yuēzhǐ ring finger.¹¹
约略[約略] yēk-lèk
yuēlüè rough; approximate.⁵
约莫[約莫] yēk-mòk
yuēmo about; roughly.⁵
约言[約言] yēk-ngũn
yuēyán promise; word; pledge.⁵
约数[約數] yēk-sū
yuēshù approximate number; divisor.⁵
约请[約請] yēk-tēin
yuēqǐng invite; ask.⁵
约会[約會] yēk-vòi
yuēhuì appointment; engagement; date; to arrange to meet.¹⁰
约束[約束] yēk-chūk
yuēshù to restrain, control (children).¹¹
<又> yëk, yël.
(See 約 yëk, yël.)
yek1 16399
120 9 yëk yuē 约集[約集] yëk-dàp yuējí meet by appointment; gather.⁵
约期[約期] yëk-kĩ
yuēqī fix a date; appoint a time.⁵
约人[約人] yëk-ngĩn
yuērén to make an appointment with somebody.⁴
<又> yēk, yël.
(See 約 yēk, yël.)
yek2 16400
8 6 yèk <台> 亦系 yèk-hài to be also the same.
<又> yèik. (See 亦 yèik.)
yek4 16401
30 6 yèk appeal; plead.⁵ (variants: 龥, 籲 yèk ).
呼吁 fü-yèk
hūyù appeal.⁵
吁求 yèk-kiũ
yùqiú implore; plead; petition.⁶
吁请[吁請] yèk-tēin
yùqǐng implore; plead; petition;  supplicate; beseech.⁶
(See 吁 huï; 龥 yèk; 籲 yèk).
yek4 16402
85 20 yèk yuè boil, cook; dredge (a river).⁶
瀹茗 yèk-mẽin yuèmíng make tea.⁶
疏瀹 (=疏导[疏導] sü-ào
shūdǎo) sü-yèk shūyuè dredge.⁵
yek4 16403
86 21 yèk yuè bright, fiery; flame, blaze; to shine, to illuminate; to boil; to cook.⁸ fire flying about; to burn; light; a flash of lightning.²⁴
(composition: ⿰火龠; U+721A).
彼曾, 史, 杨, 墨, 师旷, 工倕, 离朱, 皆外立其德, 而以爚乱天下者也, 法之所无用也. 
[彼曾, 史, 楊, 墨, 師曠, 工倕, 離朱, 皆外立其德, 而以爚亂天下者也, 法之所無用也.]
Bī däng, xū, yẽng, màk, xü-köng, güng-suĩ, lĩ-jï, gäi-ngòi-lìp-kĩ-āk, ngĩ-yî-yèk-lòn-hëin-hà-jēh-yâ, fāt-jï-sō-mũ-yùng-yâ.
Bǐ céng, shǐ, yáng, mò, shī kuàng, gōng chuí, lí zhū, jiē wài lì qí dé, ér yǐ yuè luàn tiānxià zhě yě, fǎ zhī suǒ wúyòng yě.
Men like Ceng (Shen), Shi (Qiu), Yang (Zhu), Mo (Di), Shi Kuang (the musician), the artist Chui, and Li Zhu, all display their qualities outwardly, and set the world in a blaze (of admiration) and confound it - a method which is of no use!⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《莊子·外篇·胠篋》, translated by James Legge).
炡爚 jëin-yèk
zhēngyuè the rapid motion of flames.²⁴

yek4 16404
118 23 yèk yuè an ancient kind of flute; there were two kinds, one with three holes and one with six, the latter was used by dancers; interchangeable with 钥[鑰] (yèk yuè lock; key).¹⁴
启籥见书[啟籥見書] kāi-yèk-gëin-sï
qǐyuèjiànshū he took a key, opened and looked at the oracular explanations.¹⁴
yek4 16405
118 32 yèk (=吁, 龥 yèk ) appeal; plead.⁵ to call for; to make an appeal for.⁷ to implore; to beseech; to invoke; to select.¹⁴
(See 吁 yèk; 龥 yèk).
yek4 16406
140 18 yèk yào 芍药[芍藥] sēk-yêk sháoyào a small variety of peony.¹ Chinese peony; Paeonia lactiflora.²¹  common herbacrous peony.²¹ Peony used in TCM.²¹
<又> yêk.
(See 藥 yêk; 葯 yêk.)
yek4 16407
140 20 yèk yuè oats.²⁵ʼ³⁶ʼ⁵⁴
(a plant mentioned in ancient books; can be used as forage and its grains as feed; also known as 雀麦[雀麥] dēk-màk quèmài bromegrass.⁶).⁸
(oats; name of a grass: 茏[蘢] lũng
lóng or 荭草[葒草] hũng-tāo hóngcǎo (Persicaria amphibia) the entire plant can be used for medicial purposes; name of a bird: 天蘥 or 天鸙 hëin-yèk tiānyuè skylark or 鹨[鷚] lẽl liù pipit).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱艹龠; U+8625).
(See 蘢 lũng).
yek4 16408
156 21 yèk yuè (<old>=跃[躍] yèk yuè) leap; jump.⁵
<又> tēik, ëk.
(See 趯 tēik; 趯 ëk.)
yek4 16409
157 21 yèk yuè leap; jump.⁵ (variant: 趯 yèk yuè).
大跃进[大躍進] Ài-yèk-dïn
Dàyuèjìn Great Leap Forward.⁶
飞跃[飛躍] fï-yèk
fēiyuè leap.⁵
跃增[躍增] yèk-däng
yuèzēng grow by leaps; grow by a big margin.⁶
跃进[躍進] yèk-dïn
yuèjìn leap forward, make a leap.⁵
跃居[躍居] yèk-guï
yuèjū vault into.⁶
跃起[躍起] yèk-hī
yuèqǐ to leap up; to jump up.⁷
跃马[躍馬] yèk-mâ
yuèmǎ leap on a horse.⁶
跃马横戈[躍馬橫戈] yèk-mâ-vãng-fö
yuèmǎhénggē to spur the horse and level the spear – to take a challenging position.⁷
跃然[躍然] yèk-ngẽin
yuèrán appear vividly.⁵
跃然纸上[躍然紙上] yèk-ngẽin-jī-sèng
yuèránzhǐshàng (said of things portrayed in literature or paintings) full of life; vivid.⁷
跃升[躍升] yèk-sëin
yuèshēng (of ranking, position, prices) jump, rise by leaps; <avi.> zoom.⁶
跃迁[躍遷] yèk-tëin
yuèqiān <phy.> transition.⁵
跃动[躍動] yèk-ùng
yuèdòng move up and down; quiver.⁶
跃跃欲试[躍躍欲試] yèk-yèk-yùk-sï
yuèyuèyùshì be eager to have a try; itch to have a go.⁵
(See  趯 yèk).
yek4 16410
167 25 yèk yào key.⁶
钥匙[鑰匙] yèk-sĩ yàoshi key.⁶
钥匙包[鑰匙包] yèk-sĩ-bäo
yàoshibāo key case.⁶
钥匙卡[鑰匙卡] yèk-sĩ-kāt
yàoshikǎ key card.⁶
钥匙孔[鑰匙孔] yèk-sĩ-kūng
yàoshikǒng keyhole.⁵
钥匙链[鑰匙鏈] yèk-sĩ-lèin
yàoshiliàn key chain.⁶
钥匙坯[鑰匙坯] yèk-sĩ-pôi
yàoshipī blank key.⁶
钥匙环[鑰匙環] yèk-sĩ-vãn
yàoshihuán key ring.⁶
金钥匙[金鑰匙] gïm-yèk-sĩ
jīnyàoshi golden key – best solution to a problem.⁶
配钥匙[配鑰匙] pöi-yèk-sĩ
pèiyàoshi duplicate/cut a key.⁶
(See 鑰 [yèk, yuè].)
yek4 16411
167 25 yèk yuè lock; key.⁶
密钥[密鑰] mìt-yèk mìyuè key secret code.⁶
锁钥[鎖鑰] xū-yèk
suǒyuè key, crux, hinge; strategic (military) place/point/thoroughfare.⁶
金钥服务[金鑰服務] gïm-yèk-fùk-mù
jīnyuè fúwù gold-key service (in a hotel/motel).⁵⁴
北门锁钥[北門鎖鑰] bāk-mõn-xū-yèk
běiménsuǒyuè strategic key to the north.¹¹
(See 鑰 [yèk, yào].)
yek4 16412
196 28 yèk yuè a bird resembling a quail; same as 鹨[鷚] lẽl liù, q.v.
(composition: ⿰龠鳥; U+9E19).
天鸙 hëin-yèk
tiānyuè or 云雀[雲雀] vũn-dēk yúnquè skylark.¹⁰¹
yek4 16413
214 17 yèk yuè Kangxi radical 214; flute; pipe, ancient measure.⁸ <old> an ancient short flute; <old> ancient unit of capacity (equal to 0.05 liter).⁶ ancient unit of volume equal to one-half 合 hàp (where a 合 is equal to one-tenth of a liter).⁸ a flute; a tube; ancient measure of 1200 grains of millet; Radical 214.¹⁴
管龠 gōn-yèk
guǎnyuè flute; pipe; key.⁸
橐龠 hōk-yèk
tuóyuè a tube for blowing up the fire in a furnace.⁷
yek4 16414
214 26 yèk (=吁 yèk ) appeal; plead.⁵ to call for; to make an appeal for.⁷ to implore; to beseech; to invoke; to select.¹⁴
呼龥 fü-yèk
hūyù to cry out to.¹⁴ (See 呼吁 fü-yèk).
龥恳[龥懇] yèk-hān
yùkěn to pray earnestly.¹⁴
龥祷[龥禱] yèk-hāo
yùdǎo to pray to.¹⁴
龥天 yèk-hëin
yùtiān to cry to God.¹⁴
龥天赐福[龥天賜福] yèk-hëin-xü-fūk
yùtiāncìfú to implore Heaven for a blessing.⁷
龥求 yèk-kiũ
yùqiú to implore.¹⁴ (See 吁求 yèk-kiũ).
(See 吁 yèk).
yek4 16415
38 18 yêk yuè exquisite; fine.⁸ handsome.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女樂; U+3730).
yek5 16416
140 12 yêk yào leaf of the iris; (variant of 藥 yêk yào) medicine.
(See 藥 yêk, yèk.)
yek5 16417
140 18 yêk yào medicine, drug, remedy; certain chemicals; kill with poison;  <wr.> cure with medicine.⁵ Yao surname.⁸
山药[山藥] sän-yêk shānyao a common name for Chinese yam; cinnamon-vine (Dioscorea polystachya).¹⁵
山药蛋[山藥蛋] sän-yêk-àn/
shānyaodàn or 山药豆[山藥豆] sän-yêk-èo shānyaodòu Chinese yam bulbils.¹⁵
药方[藥方] yêk-föng
yàofāng prescription.
药房[藥房] yêk-fông
yàofáng drugstore; pharmacy.
药膏[藥膏] yêk-gäo
yàogāo ointment; salve.⁵
药芹[藥芹] yêk-kĩn
yàoqín celery, Apium graveolens L.²³
药物[藥物] yêk-mùt
or yêk-mòt yàowù medicines; drugs.
药水[藥水] yêk-suī
yàoshuǐ liquid medicine.²²
药材[藥材] yêk-tõi
yàocái medicinal herbs.
药喂的[藥餵的] yêk-vï-ēik
yàowèide (weapons) soaked in poison.¹¹
药用鼠尾草[藥用鼠尾草] yêk-yùng-sī-mī-tāo
yàoyòng shǔwěicǎo sage Salvia officinalis.⁵⁴
<台> 药材舖[藥材舖] yêk-tõi-pü/ Chinese drug store.
<又> yèk.
(See 藥 yèk; 葯 yêk.)
yek5 16418
214 21 yêk yuè to lookup to, to adore, to rely upon.³⁶
yek5 16419
37 4 yēl yāo to die young; to suppress, to repress; young, fresh-looking; tender.⁷ (variant: 殀 yēl yāo).
早夭 dāo-yēl
zǎoyāo to die prematurely.
逃之夭夭 hão-jï-yēl-yēl
táozhīyāoyāo has escaped and is nowhere to be found.
桃之夭夭 hô-jï-yēl-yēl
táozhīyāoyāo the peach tree is in full blossom – used in wedding felicitations; <wr.> pleasant or friendly in appearance.
遁之夭夭 ùn-jï-yēl-yēl
dùnzhīyāoyāo sneak abroad.⁵⁴
横夭[橫夭] vàng-yēl
hèngyāo an unnatural death.
夭折 yēl-jēt
yāozhé die young, an early death; to come to a premature end.⁷
夭亡 yēl-mõng
yāowáng to die young.⁷
夭殇[夭殤] yēl-sëng
yāoshāng <wr.> die young.⁶
夭夭 yēl-yēl
yāoyāo luxuriant, blossoming.
(See 殀 yēl).
yel1 16420
38 7 yēl yāo goblin, demon, evil spirit; evil and fraudulent; bewitching; coquetish.⁵
妖精 yēl-dëin yāojing evil spirit, demon; alluring woman.⁵
妖祲 yēl-dïm
yāojìn evil influence of demons.¹⁴
妖风[妖風] yēl-füng
yāofēng evil wind; noxious trend.⁵
妖怪 yēl-gäi
yāoguài monster; bogy; goblin; demon.⁵
妖猴 yēl-hẽo
yāohóu evil monkey; Sun Wukong, a monkey in Journey to the West.⁵⁴
妖姬 yēl-kï
yāojī seductive woman.⁶
妖里妖气[妖裡妖氣] yēl-lī-yēl-hï
yāoliyāoqì <derog.> seductive and bewitching; sexy.⁵⁴
妖媚 yēl-mì
yāomèi seductively charming; bewitching.⁵
妖魔 yēl-mō
yāomó evil spirit; demon.⁵
妖物 yēl-mùt
or yēl-mòt yāowù evil spirit; monster.⁵
妖孽 yēl-ngēik
yāoniè evildoer.¹⁰
妖娆[妖嬈] yēl-ngẽl
yāoráo <wr.> enchanting; bewitching; fascinating.⁶
妖人 yēl-ngĩn
yāorén sorcerer; enchanter.⁵
妖言 yēl-ngũn
yāoyán heresy; fallacy.⁵
妖女 yēl-nuī
yāonǚ beautiful woman; fairy enchantress.⁵⁴
妖术[妖術] yēl-sùt
yāoshù sorcery; witchcraft; black art.⁵
妖冶 yēl-yêh
yāoyě bewitching.¹⁴ flashily seductive; meretricious.⁵⁴
妖艳[妖艷] yēl-yèm
yāoyàn pretty and coquettish.⁵
yel1 16421
61 18 yēl yǒu calm, leisurely; procrastinating.⁸ grievous; relaxed.¹⁰ relaxation, ease; sorrowful, grieved.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄憂; U+61EE).
懮受 yēl-siù yǒushòu slim and graceful; lithe; lissome.⁸
<又> yiü.
(See 懮 yiü).
yel1 16422
64 7 yēl yǎo (=舀 yēl yǎo) ladle out; spoon up; scoop up.⁶
(See 舀 yēl).
yel1 16423
78 8 yēl yāo (=夭 yēl yāo to die young; to suppress, to repress; young, fresh-looking; tender.⁷); die young, die prematurely.⁸ to die young; an untimely end.¹⁴ to die before entering office, to die young; short-lived, an untimely end; to cut off or kill the young.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰歹夭; U+6B80).
Būt-sät-höi, būt-yēl-yēl.
Bù shā tāi, bù yāo yāo.
They did not kill pregnant animals, nor those which had not attained to their full growth.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·王制·22》, translated by James Legge).
殀折 yēl-jēt
yāozhé to die prematurely, under thirty.¹⁴
殀命 yēl-mèin
yāomìng an untimely death.¹⁴
殀亡 yēl-mõng
yāowáng to die young, under thirty.¹⁴
Yāo shòu bù èr...
When neither a premature death nor long life causes a man any double-mindedness...⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《孟子·盡心上·1》, translated by James Legge).
(See 夭 yēl).
yel1 16424
116 10 yēl yǎo <wr.> profound; dim.⁶
(composition: ⿱穴幼; U+7A88).
窈窕 yēl-èl yǎotiǎo <wr.> (of a woman) gentle and graceful; (of a place) secluded.⁶
窈窕淑女 yēl-èl-sùk-nuī
yǎo tiǎo shū nǚ a graceful maiden.⁶ "My Fair Lady".²³ a quiet and modest maiden; a gentle and graceful young woman.⁵⁴
窈窕淑女, 君子好逑.
Yēl-èl-sùk-nuī, gün-dū-häo-kiũ.
Yǎo tiǎo shū nǚ, jūn zǐ hǎo qiú.
The modest, retiring, virtuous, young lady:
For our prince a good mate she. (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·周南·關雎·1》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ Graceful is the fair maiden, a fit match for a gentleman.⁰
窈兮冥兮. Yēl-hãi-mẽin-hãi.
Yǎo xī míng xī.
Profound it is, dark and obscure.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《道德經·21》, translated by James Legge).
窈冥昏默 yēl-mẽin-fün-màk
yǎo míng hūn mò to meditate in deep seclusion.¹⁴
窈窈 yēl-yēl
yǎoyǎo obscure, dusky; far and deep, profound.⁵⁴
yel1 16425
116 10 yēl yǎo sunken eyes; deep.¹⁴ deep sunken eyes.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿱穴目; U+7A85). <又> êl. (See 窅 êl.)
窎窅[窵窅] ël-yēl
diàoyǎo dark and deep; cave-like.¹⁴ deep and distant.²⁵
Fũn-suī-jï-yẽng, yēl-ngẽin-xöng-kĩ-hëin-hà-yẽn.
Fén shuǐ zhī yáng, yǎo rán sāng qí tiānxià yān.
When (he returned to his capital) on the south of the Fen water, his throne appeared no more to his deep-sunk oblivious eyes.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《莊子·內篇·逍遙遊》, translated by James Legge).
(Notes: ➀ "he" refers to Emperor Yao ➁ 汾水 should be Fen River, not Fen water ➂ according to Matthews and 漢典, 阳[陽] yẽng yáng refers to the north of a river, not the south). ➃ translation into modern Chinese: 汾水北面, 去拜見四位得道的高士, 不禁悵然若失, 忘記了自己居于治理天下的地位.
窅窱 yēl-hẽl
yǎotiǎo profound; secluded.¹⁴
窅眇 yēl-mêl
yǎomiǎo dark, fathomless.¹¹
yēl-mêl-dèik-lẽl yǎomiǎojìliáo secluded and solitary.¹⁴
窅然 yēl-ngẽin
yǎorán far and deep; remote and obscure.¹⁰ disappointed.¹¹
窅窊 yēl-vä
yǎowā bent; contracted; not full in flower.²⁵
窅窅 yēl-yēl
yǎoyǎo mysterious; sombre.¹⁴
窅一目 yēl-yī-mùk
yǎoyītmù blind of one eye.¹⁴

yel1 16426
134 10 yēl yǎo ladle out; spoon up; scoop up.⁶ (variant: 抌 yēl yǎo).
水舀子 suī-yēl-dū shuǐyǎozi dipper.¹¹
舀不干[舀不乾] yēl-būt-gön
yǎobùgān cannot bale it dry.¹⁴
舀出来[舀出來] yēl-chūt-lõi
yǎochūlai to bale out.¹⁴
舀酒 yēl-diū
yǎojiǔ to ladle out spirits.¹⁴
舀子 yēl-dū
yǎozi dipper; ladle; scoop.⁶
舀饭[舀飯] yēl-fàn
yǎofàn scoop rice.¹⁹
舀汤[舀湯] yēl-höng
yǎotāng ladle out soup.⁵
舀勺 yēl-sēk
yǎosháo scoop; dipper.¹⁰
舀水 yēl-suī
yǎoshuǐ scoop out water (from).⁶
舀水勺 yēl-suī-sēk
yǎoshuǐsháo bailer.¹⁹
舀取 yēl-tuī
yǎoqǔ scoop.¹⁹
舀一大碗 yēl-yīt-ài-vōn
yǎoyīdàwǎn ladle out a large bowlful.¹⁴
(See 抌 yēl).
yel1 16427
196 15 yēl yāo a legendary bird
(composition: ⿰夭鳥; U+9D01).
鴁𩿧❄{⿰付鳥} yēl-fü yāofū a legendary bird with three heads, six eyes, six wings and six legs.¹⁰¹
<又> äo.
(See 鴁 äo).
yel1 16428
203 17 yēl yǒu black; dark.⁵ bluish black.⁷ black; dark green.¹⁴ a dark green color; black with a mixture of green.²⁵
黝黯 yēl-ām yǒu'àn devoid of lights, dark.⁹
黝黑 yēl-hāk
yǒuhēi (said of a complexion) dark; swarthy.⁷ dark; suntanned; dark black color.¹⁰ dark, overcast mirky (sky).¹¹
黝帘石[黝簾石] yēl-lẽm-sêk
yǒuliánshí zoisite.⁹
黝恶[黝惡] yēl-ōk
yǒu'è black pillars and white walls; decorate with both white paint and black paint.⁵⁴
黝垩[黝堊] yēl-ōk
yōu'è to blacken a wall.¹⁴
黝牲 yēl-säng
yǒushēng black bullocks - fit for sacrifice.¹⁴
黝青 yēl-tëin
yǒuqīng a blue black color.¹⁴
黝黝 yēl-yēl
yōuyōu gloomy and dark.¹⁴ swarthy, dark-skinned.¹¹
<又> yiū.
(See 黝 yiū; 黝 [yēl, yōu].)
yel1 16429
203 17 yēl yōu 黑黝黝 hāk-yēl-yēl hēiyōuyōu shiny black; dim, dark.⁷
<又> yiū.
(See 黝 [yēl, yǒu].)
yel1 16430
4 丿 3 yël yāo (=幺 yël yāo) <topo.> youngest; numeral 一 yīt yī.²²
(=么[麼] mā
) same as 吗[嗎] mā má.²²
(=么[麼] mō
me) suffix.²²
(See 幺 yël; 麼 mā, [mō, me].)
yel2 16431
30 6 yël yāo to cry goods, as a hawker; to bawl.
吆唤[吆喚] yël-fòn yāohuan to cry out; to call.
吆喊 yël-häm
yāohǎn to shout; to yell.¹⁰
or 邀喝 yël-höt yāohe cry out, call; cry one's wares.⁵
吆五喝六 yël-m̄-höt-lùk
yāowǔhēliù to call out (in gambling); to be peremptory.
吆牲口 yël-säng-hēo yāo
shēngkou <topo.> to drive cattle.
吆三喝四 yël-xäm-höt-xï
yāosānhèsì to cause a ruckus.
(See 么 麼 mā, [mō, me], [mō, ], mô.)
yel2 16432
30 12 yël yao grasshopper chirp; mosquito buzz.¹⁰ the chirping of grasshoppers.¹⁴ the chirping of insects in the grass.²⁴ chirping; buzzing.³⁶
(composition: ⿰口要; U+5593).
喓喝 yël-höt yaohè the buzz of mosquitoes.¹⁴
喓五喝六 yël-m̄-höt-lùk
yaowǔhèliù to shout loudly.⁵⁴
喓喓 yël-yël
yaoyao chirping, buzzing.⁹
Yāo yāo cǎochóng
Yao-yao went the grass-insects.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·召南·草蟲》, translated by James Legge); the chirping of grasshoppers.¹⁴
yel2 16433
46 12 yël yǎo (name of a mountain from 集韵[集韻] Dàp-vùn Jíyùn, a book of rhymes published  in 1039 CE, but the location was not mentioned).
yel2 16434
52 3 yël yāo Kangxi radical 52.⁸ tiny, insignificant; the youngest son or daughter of a family; one on dice, one; lone; Yao surname.⁷
老幺 lāo-yël
lǎoyāo (of brothers, sisters or close friends) the youngest one.¹¹
幺并矢[幺並矢] yël-bèin-sī
yāobìngshǐ idem factor (expressing a vector as sum of its three orthogonal projections).¹⁰
幺点[幺點] yël-ēm
yāodiǎn ace.¹⁰
幺凤[幺鳳] yël-fùng
yāofèng the name of a small bird.²⁵
幺豚 yël-hũn
yāotún the smallest of a litter of pigs.²⁵
幺麽[幺麼] yël-mō
yāomó petty, insignificant, small; vile person.⁶ tiny, diminutive, minute.⁷
幺麽小丑[幺麼小醜] yël-mō-xēl-chiū
yāomóxiǎochǒu a petty skunk, a despicable wretch.⁷ a petty, low blackguard.¹⁴
幺妹 yël-môi
yāomèi youngest sister.²²
幺儿[幺兒] yël-ngĩ
yāo'ér youngest son.⁷
幺二 yël-ngì
yāo’èr one-two or ace-deuce (smallest throw at dice); a prostitute.¹⁰
幺二三 yël-ngì-xäm
yāo'èrsān one, two, three – in throwing dice.¹⁴
幺叔 yël-sūk
yāoshū youngest uncle.²²
幺小 yël-xēl
yāoxiǎo diminutive; puny; minute.⁷
(See 么 yël.)
yel2 16435
60 16 yël yāo to pray for; to shade, to hide.⁷ (=邀 yël yāo) invite, request; solicit, seek; intercept.⁵
徼福 yël-fūk
yāofú to pray for blessings.⁷
<又> gël, hēl.
(See 徼 gël, hēl; 邀 yël.)
yel2 16436
64 16 yël yāo (<old>=邀 yël yāo invite, request; solicit, intercept; seek.⁵); to cover, to block.⁸ to screen.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌敫; U+64BD).
<又> hël; gēik.
(See 撽 hël; 撽 gēik; 邀 yël).
yel2 16437
95 9 yël yāo impatient and violent temperament; mysterious, abstruse; small sound.⁸ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰玄少; U+7385).
<又> mèl. (See 玅 mèl).
yel2 16438
116 9 yël yào the noise of the hinge of a door' the southeast corner of a house; a deep hollow sound.²⁵
(See 穾[yël, yǎo].)
yel2 16439
116 9 yël yǎo deep; a dark secret place.²⁵
穾幽 yël-yiü yǎoyōu dark, dismal; a double house.²⁵
宧穾 yĩ-yël
yíyǎo an obscure, dark secret place.⁰
(See 穾[yël, yào].)
yel2 16440
120 9 yël yāo
to weigh in a balance or on a scale.¹⁰
约塔[約塔] yël-hāp yāotǎ  iota (Greek letter Ιι).¹⁰
约维克[約維克] yël-vĩ-hāk
yāowéikè Gjøvik (city in Oppland, Norway).¹⁰
风姿绰约[風姿綽約] füng-dü-chēk-yël
fēngzīchuòyāo graceful; charming; feminine.¹⁰
<又> yēk, yëk.
(See 約 yēk, yëk.)
yel2 16441
130 13 yël yāo waist, small of the back; <topo.> kidney; waist (of garments); pocket, purse, wallet; middle.⁶
腰带[腰帶] yël-âi/ yāodài waistband, belt, girdle.⁶
腰包 yël-bäo
yāobāo purse, pocket, wallet; belt-bag, belt-pouch.⁶
腰部 yël-bù
yāobù waist; small of the back; lumbar region.⁶
腰子 yël-dū
yāozi <topo.> kidney..⁶
腰果 yël-gō
yāoguǒ cashew nut.⁶
腰尻痛 yël-häo-hüng
or yël-käo-hüng yāokāotòng <TCM> lumbosacral pain.⁵⁴
腰斩[腰斬] yël-jām
yāozhǎn execute somebody by cutting him in two at the waist; cut something in half.⁶
腰胯 yël-kä
yāokuà hip; hip joint.¹¹
腰髂肋肌 yël-kä-làk-gï
yāoqiàlèijī iliocostalis lumborum, musculus iliocostalis lumborum.⁹
腰围[腰圍] yël-vĩ
yāowéi waistline, waist measurement; waistband, girdle.⁶
yel2 16442
140 12 yël yào the fresh and vigorous vegetation of summer.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱艹要; U+847D).
<又> yêl. (See 葽[yël, yāo]; 葽 yêl).
yel2 16443
140 12 yël yāo type of grain, Polygala japonica.⁸ Polygala japonica; lush (grass).¹⁰  (Note: Polygala japonica  瓜子金 aka 金牛草, and 紫背金牛 is a plant in the 远志属[遠志屬] Polygala genus; can be used in medicine.²⁰)
(composition: ⿱艹要; U+847D).
草葽 tāo-yël
cǎoyāo grass flourishing.²⁴
Sì yuè xiù yāo.
In the fourth month, the Small grass is in seed. (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·豳風·七月·4》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ In May the Polygala is in flower.¹⁰²
秀葽 xiü-yël
xiùyāo the flower of grass.²⁴
葽葽 yël-yël
yāoyāo grass, herbs.²⁴ luxuriant.¹⁰²
<又> yêl.
(See 葽 yêl; 葽[yël, yào]).
yel2 16444
146 9 yël yào important; vital; to want; to ask for; will; going to; may; must; (used in a comparison) must be; probably; if.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱覀女; U+8981).
无关紧要[無關緊要] mũ-gän-gīn-yël wúguānjǐnyào a matter of no importance; a matter of some indifference.¹⁰
要不 yël-būt
yàobù otherwise; or else; either... (or...).¹⁰
要冲[要衝] yël-chüng
yàochōng a strategic position; a key place; a communications hub.⁷
要点[要點] yël-ēm
yàodiǎn main point; essential; kernel.⁸
要紧[要緊] yël-gīn
yàojǐn important; urgent.¹⁰
要好 yël-hāo
yàohǎo be on good terms, be close friends.⁸
要害 yël-hòi
yàohài fatal points in a human body, a vital part, a crucial point; strategic locations or points.⁷
or 要指 yël-jī yàozhǐ main idea; gist.⁶
要津 yël-jün
yàojīn an important passage, a key road; a key position; <Budd.> an important turning point.⁷
要领[要領] yël-lêin
yàolǐng main points; essentials; gist.⁸
要命 yël-mèin
yàomìng deathly; confoundedly; awfully.⁸
要闻[要聞] yël-mũn/
yàowén important news.⁸
要人 yël-ngĩn
yàorén very important person (VIP).⁸
要塞 yël-söi
yàosài a fortress; a strategic point.⁷
要素 yël-xü
yàosù essentials; chief ingredients or elements or factors.⁷
(See 要[yël, yāo].)

yel2 16445
146 9 yël yāo to invite; to make an agreement; to ask for; to coerce, to blackmail; to stop; to censure; the waist; Yao surname.⁷
(composition: ⿱覀女; U+8981).
要击[要擊] or 邀击[邀擊] yël-gēik yāojī intercept the enemy; waylay.⁸
要功 yël-güng
yāogōng take credit for somebody's achievements.⁸
要挟[要挾] yël-hèp
yāoxié coerce; put pressure on; threaten; blackmail.⁶
要求 yël-kiũ
yāoqiú ask, demand; request, claim, petition.⁸
要盟 yël-mãng
yāoméng to impose an alliance or agreement on another (state) by threat of force.⁷
要约[要約] yël-yēk
yāoyuē to enter into an agreement or contract.⁷
(See 要[yël, yào].)
yel2 16446
162 16 yël yāo invite, request; solicit, seek; intercept.⁵
柬邀 gān-yël jiǎnyāo to invite by letter or by invitation card.⁷
应邀[應邀] yëin-yël
yìngyāo accept an invitation.⁶
邀集 yël-dàp
yāojí invite to meet together; call together.⁵
or 邀击[邀擊] yël-gēik yāojī intercept the enemy; waylay.⁸
邀功 yël-güng
yāogōng <wr.> take credit for someone else's achievements.⁵
邀功请赏[邀功請賞] yël-güng-tēin-sēng
yāogōngqǐngshǎng take credit and seek rewards for someone else's achievements.⁵
or 邀喝 yël-höt yāohe cry out, call; cry one's wares.⁵
邀请[邀請] yël-tēin
yāoqǐng invite.⁵
邀约[邀約] yël-yēk
yāoyuē invite.⁶
yel2 16447
177 14 yël yào leg of a boot.⁶
高靿靴 gäo-yël-hëh gāoyàoxuē high boots.¹¹
高靿靴子 gäo-yël-hëh-dū
gāoyàoxuēzi boots; wellington boots.⁶
靴靿 hëh-yël
xuēyào leg of a boot.⁶ stiff stem of boots; neck of boot where it bends near the ankle.¹¹
短靿袜子[短靿襪子] ōn-yël-màt-dū
duǎnyàowàzi socks.¹¹
yel2 16448
9 12 yẽl yáo ➀ a minority tribe.⁸ Yao tribe.¹⁰ name of an aboriginal tribe in Southwest China.¹¹  ➁ to serve; to engaged in anyone's employ.²⁴ <old> alternative form of 徭 (yáo, “corvee”); <old> alternative form of 瑶 (“Yao people”); <old> to extend (the deadline); <old> of different sizes; Yao surname​.
(Note: 傜 yẽl yáo has the same meaning as 徭 yẽl yáo.⁸ʼ¹⁴ʼ¹⁹ʼ¹⁰², except for the addition of the "minority tribe" definition).
(composition: ⿰亻䍃; U+509C).
(See 徭 yẽl).
yel3 16449
20 8 yẽl yáo a kiln.²⁴ <old> alternative form of 窑[窯] yẽl yáo a kiln, a brick furnace.³⁶ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿹勹缶; U+530B).
<又> hão; hõ.
(See 匋 hão; 匋 hõ).
yel3 16450
32 9 yẽl yáo (<old>=尧[堯] Ngẽl Yáo) a legendary emperor; Yao surname; mound, roundish mass.⁸  tall and steep (mountain).⁹variant of 堯, legendary emperor Yao, c. 2200 BC; embankment.¹⁰ earth collected together.²⁴
<又> ngẽl.
(See 堯 ngẽl.)
yel3 16451
32 9 yẽl yáo (<old>=尧[堯] Ngẽl Yáo) a legendary emperor; Yao surname; mound, roundish mass.⁸  tall and steep (mountain).⁹variant of 堯, legendary emperor Yao, c. 2200 BC; embankment.¹⁰ earth collected together.²⁴
<又> ngẽl.
(See 垚 ngẽl; 堯 ngẽl.)
yel3 16452
38 9 yẽl yáo handsome, elegant; Yao surname.⁸ the descendants of Shun; also handsome, beautiful.²⁴  handsome, elegant; a descendant of Shun.¹⁰² (=遥[遙] yẽl yáo distant; remote; far).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰女兆; U+59DA).
Qí gōng shèng yáo yuǎn yǐ!
The fame of his merits spread far; his merits are widely known.⁵⁴ (Excerpt from 《荀子·榮辱·11》)
. (Note: 姚 yẽl yáo is the same as 遥[遙] yẽl yáo).
票姚 pêl-yẽl
piàoyáo <wr.> vigorous and lively.⁵⁴
姚剧[姚劇] yẽl-kēk
yáojù local opera in Zhejiang Province.⁸
姚秦 Yẽl-Tũn
Yáo Qín late Qin dynasty (by the name of the reigning house, northwest China, 386―418 AD).⁵⁴
姚黄魏紫[姚黃魏紫] yẽl-võng-ngài-dū
yáohuángwèizǐ good varieties of peony.⁸
姚姒 Yẽl Xû
Yáo Sì surnames (姓) of Emperors Shun and Yu, respectively.⁵⁴
姚冶 yẽl-yêh
yáoyě fascintaing.¹⁴ beautiful, winsome.¹⁰²
<又> hël.
(See 姚 hël; 遙] yẽl).
yel3 16453
60 13 yẽl yáo forced labor; corvée.⁶ conscript labor, compulsory labor.⁸ compulsory service.¹⁰ compulsory service; vassalage' forced labor.¹⁴ to serve; to act as a vassal.²⁴ Yao surname.¹⁰¹
(variants: 繇 yẽl
yáo; 傜 yẽl yáo sense ➁).
(composition: ⿰彳䍃; U+5FAD).
差徭 chäi-yẽl
chāiyáo service of government officers or workers when sent aboard.¹⁰²
丁徭 ëin-yẽl
dīngyáo poll tax.¹¹
or 繇赋[繇賦] yẽl-fü yáofù compulsory labor and land tax.⁷
徭粮[徭糧] yẽl-lẽng
yáoliáng food supplied to those in forced labor.¹⁴ food given to government workmen on their way.¹⁰²
or 繇戍 yẽl-sï  yáoshù to send conscript soldiers to guard the frontiers.⁷
徭税[徭稅] yẽl-suï
yáoshuì corvée and taxes.⁸
or 繇役 yẽl-vèik or yẽl-yèik yáoyì corvée.⁵ government forced labor without pay (used in ancient China).⁹ forced labor on government service.¹⁴ scutage or escuage, a service or work done by retainers.¹⁰²
or 繇役百姓 yẽl-vèik-bāk-xëin or yẽl-yèik-bāk-xëin yáoyìbǎixìng to force the masses to labor for the government.⁷
(See 繇 yẽl; 傜 yẽl sense ➁).
yel3 16454
61 9 yẽl yáo worried.²ʼ¹⁰¹ reasonable.⁸
(composition: ⿰忄兆; U+604C).
<又> hël. (See 恌 hël).
yel3 16455
61 13 yẽl yáo distressed; agitated.⁸ʼ¹⁴ one says, confused; also depraved, deceived.²⁴ grieve; doubt, fear, palpitations; get lost, get confused; confusion; evil, wrong.⁵⁴ sad; tempted; deluded.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰忄䍃; U+612E).
欢欢愮愮, 忧无告也.[懽懽愮愮, 憂無告也.]
Fön-fön-yẽl-yẽl, yiü-mũ-gäo-yâ.
Huān huān yáo yáo, yōu wú gào yě.
Happy and sad, so perturbed having no one to confide in.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《說文解字·卷十一·心部·6765》).⁰
中心愮愮 jüng-xïm-yẽl-yẽl
zhōngxīnyáoyáo disheartened, and having no one to unburden to.¹⁰²
愮乱[愮亂] yẽl-lòn
yáoluàn flurried.¹⁴ greatly perturbed, out of one's wits, flurried.¹⁰²
愮愮 yẽl-yẽl
yáoyáo sad, without anyone to complain to.²⁴
<又> yèl.
(See 愮 yèl).
yel3 16456
64 13 yẽl yáo shake; wave; rock. turn.⁸
地动山摇[地動山搖] ì-ùng-sän-yẽl dìdòngshānyáo the earth trembled and the mountains swayed.⁸
动摇[動搖] ùng-yẽl
dòngyáo sway, vacillate, shake; waver; infirm.⁸
摇摆舞[搖擺舞] yẽl-bāi-mū
áobǎiwǔ rock 'n' roll.⁶
摇奖[搖獎] yẽl-dēng
yáojiǎng draw the lottery.⁶
摇晃[搖晃] yẽl-fōng
yáohuang rock; sway; shake.⁶
摇头[搖頭] yẽl-hẽo/
yáotóu shake one's head.⁶
摇头摆尾[搖頭擺尾] yẽl-hẽo-bāi-mī
yáotóubǎiwěi shake the head and wag the tail – assume an air of complacency.⁶
摇头晃脑[搖頭晃腦] yẽl-hẽo-fōng-nāo
yáotóuhuàngnǎo wag one's head – look pleased with oneself.⁶
摇篮[搖籃] yẽl-lâm
yáolán cradle.⁹
摇耧[搖耬] yẽl-lẽo
yáolóu shake the drill (to make the seeds slip down smoothly and evenly).⁶
摇动[搖動] yẽl-ùng
yáodòng shake; wave; sway.⁶
摇曳[搖曳] yẽl-yài
yáoyè flicker; sway.⁶
摇摇摆摆[搖搖擺擺] yẽl-yẽl-bāi-bāi
yáoyáobǎibǎi swaggering; staggering; waddling.¹¹
摇摇欲坠[搖搖欲墜] yẽl-yẽl-yùk-juì
yáoyáoyùzhuì tottering; crumbling; be on the verge of total collapse.⁸
yel3 16457
75 14 yẽl yáo tree waving in the wind; the name of a large tree.²⁴ a type of large tree; (of trees) to shake, to sway.³⁶
(composition: ⿰木䍃; U+69A3).
yel3 16458
96 10 yẽl yáo shell of clam.⁶
江珧 or 江瑶[江瑤] göng-yẽl jiāngyáo pen shell.⁶
or 江瑶柱[江瑤柱] göng-yẽl-chuî/ jiāngyáozhù dried adductor of a pen shell; dried scallop.⁶
<又> yiũ.
(See 珧 yiũ.)
yel3 16459
96 14 yẽl yáo beautiful jade; beautiful; precious; valuable.⁶
江瑶[江瑤] or 江珧 göng-yẽl jiāngyáo pen shell.⁶
or 江珧柱 göng-yẽl-chuî/ jiāngyáozhù dried adductor of a pen shell; dried scallop.⁶
瑶池[瑤池] Yẽl-chĩ
Yáochí Jasper Lake (a place mentioned in clanical Chinese mythologies as a lake in the Kunlun Mountains where the Queen Mother of the West lives.⁶
瑶池返驾[瑤池返駕] yẽl-chĩ-fän-gä
yáochífǎnjià a term of condolence for the death of a woman.⁷
瑶笺[瑤箋] yẽl-dëin
yáojiān or 瑶函[瑤函] yẽl-hãm yáohán (a polite expression) your letter.⁷
瑶浆[瑤漿] yẽl-dëng
yáojiāng good wine.⁶
瑶族[瑤族] Yẽl-dùk
Yáozú Yao ethnic group; the Yaos.⁶
瑶果[瑤果] yẽl-gō
yáoguǒ <topo.> <bot.> amesiodendron chinense.
瑶台[瑤臺] yẽl-hõi
yáotái a towerlike building ornamented with gems; a fairyland; a beautiful terrace.⁷
瑶琴[瑤琴] yẽl-kĩm
yáoqín fiddle inlaid with jade.⁶
瑶琨[瑤琨] yẽl-kün
yáokūn a beautiful stone.²⁴
瑶觞[瑤觴] yẽl-sëng
yáoshāng a jade wine cup.⁷
瑶华[瑤華] yẽl-vã
yáohuá blossoms as white and pure as jade.⁷
yel3 16460
116 15 yẽl yáo a kiln, a brick furnace; pottery; a pit in a coal mine, a coal shaft; a cave – for human dwelling; a brothel.⁷ a pit for burning bricks, a kiln; a furnace for porcelain or pottery; a brothel; a den of a place.¹⁰² a brick kiln; a hole for burning anything in.²⁵ (variant: 窰 yẽl yáo).
t: ⿱穴羔; U+7AAF). (comp. s: ⿱穴缶; U+7A91).
官窑[官窯] gön-yẽl
guānyáo government porcelain kilns; their ware has a 窑印[窯印] or furnace stamp on it.¹⁰²
瓦窑[瓦窯] ngā-yẽl
wǎyáo a kiln for tiles or pottery.¹⁰²
窑姐儿[窯姐兒] yẽl-dēh-ngĩ
yáojiěr <topo.> prostitute.⁶
窑匠[窯匠] yẽl-dèng
yáojiàng a potter; a worker in the kilns.¹⁴
窑子[窯子] yẽl-dū
yáozi a brothel; a prostitute.⁷
窑干[窯乾] yẽl-gön
yáogān kiln-dried.⁹
窑黑儿[窯黑兒] yẽl-hāk-ngĩ
yáohēir coal miners.⁷
窑坑[窯坑] yẽl-häng
yáokēng a pit formed by digging for clay in making pottery.⁷
窑孔[窯孔] yẽl-kūng
yáokǒng kilneye; entrance of a cave dwelling.⁵⁴
窑寥[窯寥] yẽl-lẽl
yáoliáo empty and still.¹⁰²
窑门[窯門] yẽl-mõn
yáomén the mouth of the furnace.¹⁰²
窑洞 yẽl-ùng
yáodòng a cave for human dwelling; the opening of a kiln.⁷
(See 窰 yẽl).
yel3 16461
116 15 yẽl yáo (=窯 yẽl yáo) a kiln, a brick furnace; pottery; a pit in a coal mine, a coal shaft; a cave – for human dwelling; a brothel.⁷
(See 窯 yẽl).
yel3 16462
120 17 yẽl yáo (<old>⁸=谣[謠] yẽl yáo) songs.¹⁴ (<old>⁴=徭 yẽl yáo) labor service.⁷
or 谣俗[謠俗] yẽl-dùk yáosú folk songs and rustic customs.¹⁴
or 徭赋[徭賦] yẽl-fü yáofù compulsory labor and land tax.⁷
or 徭戍 yẽl-sï  yáoshù to send conscript soldiers to guard the frontiers.⁷
or 徭役 yẽl-vèik or yẽl-yèik yáoyì corvée.⁵
or 徭役百姓 yẽl-vèik-bāk-xëin or yẽl-yèik-bāk-xëin yáoyìbǎixìng to force the masses to labor for the government.⁷
<又> jào, yiũ
(See 繇 jào; 繇 yiũ; 謠 yẽl; 徭 yẽl.)
yel3 16463
120 18 yẽl yáo (same as 繇, 徭, 陶, 謠 yẽl yáo; 由, 猶, 悠 yiũ yóu) entourage; aides; attendants, compulsory labor service, to make pottery or earthenware, happy, ballad; folk song, rumor, through; via; by way of, like; similar to, still; yet, far, sad, soft; slow, to deduce (interchangeable 搖, 遙, 傜 yẽl yáo).⁸
(composition: ⿰䚻系; U+431B).
(See 繇, 徭, 陶, 謠, 搖, 遙, 傜 yẽl; 由, 猶, 悠 yiũ).
yel3 16464
121 10 yẽl yáo a vase, a pitcher, earthenware.⁸ <old> vase; pitcher.¹⁰ an earthenware vessel; a jar.²⁵ <old> earthenware jar; pitcher.³⁶ a jar or vase; a crockery or earthenware vessel or pitcher.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱爫缶(G) or ⿱⿴𠂊冫缶(T) or ⿱⿴𠂊⺀缶(J); U+4343).
(See 䍃 yiũ).
yel3 16465
130 10 yẽl yáo good; pleased.²⁵
(composition: ⿰月兆; U+8101).
(Note: Distinguish 朓 hël with 月 radical from 脁 hël or 脁 yẽl with 肉 radical).
脁说[脁說] yẽl-yòt
yáoyuè like; love; be fond of.¹³
<又> hël.
(See 脁 hël, 朓 hël.)
yel3 16466
140 20 yẽl yáo (luxuriant vegetation; <old>=繇 songs; labor service).⁸
(variant: 𧄎❄{⿱艹䌛} yẽl yáo).
(composition: ⿱艹繇; U+8628).
<又> yiũ.
(See 蘨 yiũ; 𧄎❄{⿱艹䌛} yẽl).
yel3 16467
140 21 𧄎
yẽl  yáo (=蘨 yẽl yáo luxuriant vegetation; songs; labor service.⁸).
(composition: ⿱艹䌛; U+2710E).
(See 蘨 yẽl).
yel3 16468
145 14 yẽl yáo clothing trimmed with feathers; fine, beautiful.¹⁴ ritual dress of the empress with embroidered pheasants.⁵⁴ dresses with pheasants drawn on them.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰衤俞; U+8915).
褕狄 or 褕翟 yẽl-èik yáodí or 揄狄 yĩ-èik yúdí a feather-trimmed garment worn by the wives of the highest officials in ancient times.¹⁴
褕狄后衣 yẽl-èik-hèo-yï
yáodíhòuyī the queen's dress with painted (perhaps embroidered) pheasants on it.¹⁰²
褕衣 yẽl-yï
yáoyī fine clothes.¹⁴ (cf 褕衣甘食 yĩ-yï-gäm-sèik).
<又> yĩ; hẽo.
(See 褕 yĩ; 褕 hẽo).
yel3 16469
149 11 yẽl yáo (ancient form of 謠 yẽl yáo) to sing, a ballad, rumor; slander; a false report, to undertake; to attend to.⁸ songs not set to any particular tone, ballads; a man's name.²⁵ to hum or chant, unaccompanied by any instrument, and speaking no words.¹⁰² (variant: 𧦗❄{⿰⺼言} yẽl yáo).
(composition: ⿱⿴𠂊冫言; U+46BB).
歌䚻 gô-yẽl
gēyáo to hum a strain.¹⁰²
<又> yiũ.
(See 䚻 yiũ; 謠 yẽl; 𧦗❄{⿰⺼言} yẽl).
yel3 16470
149 11 𧦗
yẽl yáo (=䚻 yẽl yáo to sing, a ballad, rumor; slander; a false report, to undertake; to attend to.⁸ songs not set to any particular tone, ballads; a man's name.²⁵ to hum or chant, unaccompanied by any instrument, and speaking no words.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰⺼言; U+27997).
(See 䚻 yẽl).
yel3 16471
149 17 yẽl yáo to sing when unoccupied; a ballad or rustic ditty, called 谣歌[謠歌] yẽl-gô/ yáogē made impromptu by peasants; a rumor; a report circulated to stir up people.¹⁰² a fugitive song, not set to music; a ditty without any fixed measurel to vilify.²⁵ to sing; a ballad; rumor; slander; a false report.¹⁴
(variant: 謡 yẽl
yáo; 繇 yẽl yáo).
(comp. t: ⿰言⿱⿴𠂊⺀缶; U+8B20). (comp. s: ⿰讠䍃; U+8C23).
布散谣传[布散謠傳] bü-xān-yẽl-chũn
bùsànyáochuán or 布散谣言[布散謠言] bü-xān-yẽl-ngũn bùsànyáoyán to tell fish stories, to spread seditious or wild rumors.¹⁰²
造谣[造謠] dào-yẽl
zàoyáo a made-up tale.¹⁰²
怪谣[怪謠] gäi-yẽl
guàiyáo strange ballads.²⁵
童谣[童謠] hũng-yẽl
tóngyáo childish songs; ballads.¹⁰²
这话是老谣[這話是老謠] jëh-và-sì-lāo-yẽl
zhèhuàshìlǎoyáo that's the talk of the old liar.¹⁰²
我歌且谣[我歌且謠] ngô-gô-chēh-yẽl wǒgēqiěyáo I play and sing — to ease my sadness.¹⁰²
谣谎山[謠謊山] yẽl-föng-sän
yáohuǎngshān his lies are big as hills; he is a great liar.¹⁰²
谣歌[謠歌] yẽl-gô/
yáogē folk songs.¹⁴
谣传[謠傳] yẽl-jòn
yáozhuàn or 谣言[謠言] yẽl-ngũn yáoyán unfounded stories; false reports.¹⁴
(See 謡 yẽl; 繇 yẽl).
yel3 16472
149 17 yẽl yáo (=谣[謠] yẽl yáo to sing when unoccupied; a ballad or rustic ditty.¹⁰²). a fugitive song, not set to music; a ditty without any fixed measurel to vilify.²⁵ to sing; a ballad; rumor; slander; a false report.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰言䍃; U+8B21).
or 造谣[造謠] dào-yẽl zàoyáo to start a rumor; to fabricate.⁵⁴
or 风谣[風謠] füng-yẽl fēngyáo folk song; folklore.⁵⁴
or 歌谣[歌謠] gô-yẽl gēyáo ballad; nursery rhyme.⁶
or 童谣[童謠] hũng-yẽl tóngyáo nursery rhyme.⁵⁴
or 民谣[民謠] mĩn-yẽl mínyáo folk rhyme; folk music; folk songs; ballad.⁵⁴
or 谣诼[謠諑] yẽl-dēk yáozhuó smear; smearing campaign; many rumors.⁵⁴
or 谣俗[謠俗] or 繇俗 yẽl-dùk yáosú folk songs and rustic customs.¹⁴
or 谣言[謠言] yẽl-ngũn yáoyán words bandied from mouth to mouth; common town talk; hearsay; rumor.⁵⁴
or 谣言惑众[謠言惑眾] yẽl-ngũn-vàk-jüng yáoyánhuòzhòng to mislead the public with rumors.¹⁰
(See 謠 yẽl).
yel3 16473
159 12 yẽl yáo <trad.> light horse-drawn carriage.⁶
轺车[軺車] yẽl-chëh yáochē a one-horse chaise.²⁵
yel3 16474
162 13 yẽl yáo <wr.> distant; remote; far.⁵
(comp. t: ⿺辶⿱⿴𠂊⺀缶; U+9059).
s: ⿺辶䍃; U+9065).
Xiāoyáo hū qǐn wò qí xià?
...or in the enjoyment of untroubled ease sleep beneath it.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《莊子·內篇·逍遙遊·7》, translated by James Legge).
遥测[遙測] yẽl-chāk
yáocè telemetering.⁵
遥隔[遙隔] yẽl-gäk
yáogé to be far-off.⁷
遥感[遙感] yẽl-gām
yáogǎn remote sensing.⁵
遥控[遙控] yẽl-hüng
yáokòng remote control.¹⁰
遥望[遙望] yẽl-mòng
yáowàng look into the distance.⁵
遥相呼应[遙相呼應] yẽl-xëng-fü-yëin
yáoxiānghūyìng echo each other at a distance; coordinate with each other from afar.⁵
遥夜[遙夜] yẽl-yèh
yáoyè <wr.> a long night.¹¹
遥遥[遙遙] yẽl-yẽl
yáoyáo far away; a long way off.⁵
遥遥无期[遙遙無期] yẽl-yẽl-mũ-kĩ
yáoyáowúqī not (realizable) within the foreseeable future.⁵
遥远[遙遠] yẽl-yōn
yáoyuǎn far; distant; remote; faraway.⁸
yel3 16475
167 14 yẽl yáo <old> a large hoe.⁸ a weeding implement; Yao surname.¹⁴
铫耨[銚耨] yẽl-nào or yẽl-nèo yáonòu a big hoe and weeding implement.⁵⁴
<又> hël.
(See 銚 hël.)
yel3 16476
170 10 yẽl yáo 皋陶 or 臯陶 Gäo-yẽl Gāoyáo Gao Yao was the Minister for Law of Emperor Shun in prehistorical China according to tradition. Gao Yao became a political senior advisor of Yu the Great. His father was 少昊 Sēl Hào Shǎohào Shaohao.¹⁵
<又> hão, hõ.
(See 陶 hão, hõ.)
yel3 16477
182 19 yẽl yáo floating in air, drifting with wind.⁸ floating in the air, as down; waving in the wind, floated by the wind.¹⁰²
(comp. t: ⿰䍃風; U+98BB). (comp. s: ⿰䍃风; U+98D6).
纵步飘飖[縱步飄颻] düng-bù-pël-yẽl
zòngbùpiāoyáo wandering about at pleasure; roaming.¹⁰²
or 飘摇[飄搖] pël-yẽl piāoyáo sway; shake; totter.⁵ drift about.¹¹
飘飘飖飖[飄飄颻颻] pël-pël-yẽl-yẽl
piāopiāoyáoyáo blown about; floating about; hither and thither; wandering at random.¹⁴
Suí zhū fēng ér rèn yáo yáng zhī yì.
Blown along by favorable winds, I am going where my fancy calls me.¹⁰²
飖飏[颻颺] yẽl-yẽng
yáoyáng blown about by the wiind.¹⁴
yel3 16478
195 21 yẽl yáo ray; skate.⁵ the nautilus; the ray.⁸ skate (cartilaginous fish belonging to the family Rajidae); ray (fish).¹⁰ the flying fish.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿰魚䍃; U+9C29). (comp. s: ⿰鱼䍃; U+9CD0).
飞鳐[飛鰩] fï-yẽl
fēiyáo refers to the ray (fish).¹⁹ʼ⁰
文鳐[文鰩] mũn-yẽl
wényáo the flying fish, they describe it as having a body like a carp, of a bluish color, with spots; a white head, and red nose; it is provided wth wings reaching to the tail; frequents the seas south of China, is about a foot long, flying in flocks, over the surface of water; sailors consider them as indicative of wind. They are also called 飞鱼[飛魚] fï-nguî/ fēiyú, flying fish.¹⁰² (cf 文鰩魚 mũn-yẽl-nguî/ where 飛魚 fï-nguî/ is considered to be different. See also entry for 飛魚 fï-nguî/).
文鳐鱼[文鰩魚] mũn-yẽl-nguî/
wényáoyú the flying fish (a demon or spirit which looks like a fish and has wings, diferent from 飞鱼[飛魚] fï-nguî/ fēiyú flying fish.⁵).¹⁴ (Note: compare definition of 魰鰩魚 mũn-yẽl-nguî/. See also 飛魚 fï-nguî/).
or 鹞鱼[鷂魚] yêl-nguî/ yàoyú or 海鹞鱼[海鷂魚] hōi-yêl-nguî/ hǎiyàoyú the ray (a fish).¹⁴
yel3 16479
61 13 yèl yào cure.⁸ heal.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰忄䍃; U+612E).
<又> yẽl. (See 愮 yẽl).
yel4 16480
72 18 yèl yào sunshine; shine, illuminate; luminary (a collective term for the sun, moon and five major stars in traditional Chinese astronomy, used in the past to form names of the days of the week.)⁶ glorious, as the sun; to dazzle.¹⁴
黑曜石 hāk-yèl-sêk hēiyàoshí obsidian.⁹
照曜 jël-yèl
zhàoyào dazzling; brilliant.¹⁴
七曜 tīt-yèl
qīyào the seven sources of brightness – the sun, moon and the five planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn).¹⁴
曜灵[曜靈] yèl-lẽin
yàolíng the sun.⁷
曜眼 yèl-ngān
yàoyǎn to dazzle the eyes.¹⁴
The days of the week in ancient Chinese astronomy are:
   日曜日 ngìt-yèl-ngìt
rìyàorì Sunday
   月曜日 ngùt-yèl-ngìt
yuèyàorì Monday
   火曜日 fō-yèl-ngìt
huǒyàorì Tuesday
   水曜日 suī-yèl-ngìt
shuǐyàorì Wednesday
   木曜日 mùk-yèl-ngìt
mùyàorì Thursday
   金曜日 gïm-yèl-ngìt
jīnyàorì Friday
   土曜日 hū-yèl-ngìt
tǔyàorì Saturday.¹⁰
yel4 16481
85 13 yèl yǎo used in 浩溔 (“onrushing”); Yao surname.³⁶ boundless.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰氵羔; U+6E94).
皓溔 hào-yèl or hâo-yèl hàoyǎo immense water flow.¹⁹
or 浩溔 hâo-yèl hàoyǎo (of water) onrushing; vast and mighty; irresolute.⁸ boundless expanse of water.¹⁹ʼ²⁴ limitless, as when the ocean meets the horizon.¹⁰²
Hâo-yèl-üng-liũ, fü-hōi-vĩ-kĩ.
Hào yǎo dōng liú, fù hǎi wéi qī.
The onrushing water flows eastward, going to the sea for a period of time.¹⁰¹ʼ⁰
皛溔 xēl-yèl xiǎoyǎo (of the color of water) clear and pure white.²ʼ⁰ the color of water, deep and water.²⁴ milky white, snow-white; sparkling and deep (about water).⁵⁴ the lustrous brightness of water reflected in the sun.¹⁰²
溔颢[溔顥] yèl-hâo
yǎohào boundless expanse of water; also refers to a flood.¹⁹
溔溔 yèl-yèl
yǎoyǎo boundless expanse of water.¹⁹
yel4 16482
86 18 yèl yào (=耀 yèl yào to shine, to sparkle, to dazzle; glory.⁸); shine, dazzle; brilliant, radiant.⁸ bright, glorious, illuminated; to shine.²⁴
(composition: ⿰火翟; U+71FF).
光而不耀.[光而不燿.] Göng-ngĩ-būt-yèl.
Guāng ér bù yào.
He is bright, but does not dazzle.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《道德经·58》, translated by James Legge).
(Note: 'He' refers to a 'sage' 圣人[聖人] .)
焜燿 kün-yèl
kūnyào blazing.¹⁴
or 熠耀 yìp-yèl yìyào bright and luminous; a glowworm, a firefly.⁷
熠燿宵行 yìp-yèl-xël-hãng
yìyào xiāoxíng The fitful light of the glow-worms would be all about. (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·豳風·東山》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ the beautiful sparkles of the fireflies.¹⁰²
(See 耀 yèl).
yel4 16483
106 13 yèl yào (=耀 yèl yào) to shine, to sparkle, to dazzle; glory.⁸
(composition: ⿱明白; U+3FE2).
(See 耀 yèl.)
yel4 16484
124 20 耀 yèl yào to shine, to sparkle, to dazzle; glory.⁸ (variant: 㿢,燿 yèl).
(composition: ⿰光翟; U+8000).
光耀 göng-yèl guāngyào dazzling; brilliant.¹⁰
Sì-gü-vàt-ngĩ-jï-yèl, sëin-ngĩn-jï-sō-hũ-yâ.
Shì gù huá yí zhī yào, shèngrén zhī suǒ tú yě.
Therefore the scintillations of light from the midst of confusion and perplexity are indeed valued by the sagely man.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《莊子·內篇·齊物論·7》, translated by James Legge).
耀斑 yèl-bän
yàobān solar flare.⁸
耀光 yèl-göng
yàoguāng luster (especially of minerals); to sparkle; sparkling.⁷
耀武扬威[耀武揚威] yèl-mû-yẽng-vï
yàowǔyángwēi to make a show of one’s strength; to swagger around.⁸
耀目 yèl-mùk
yàomù to dazzle.⁷
耀眼 yèl-ngān
yàoyǎn dazzling; to dazzle.⁸
耀眼增光 yèl-ngān-däng-göng
yàoyǎnzēngguāng dazzling.⁷
耀耀 yèl-yèl
yàoyào bright.⁷
(See 㿢 yèl; 燿 yèl).
yel4 16485
149 12 yèl yào (Cant.) to argue, debate.⁸
(composition: ⿰訁幼; U+8A4F).
<又> äo. (See 詏 äo).
yel4 16486
196 22 yèl yǎo call.⁸ cry of a hen pheasant.¹⁰ʼ³⁶ the cry of the female pheasant.²⁵ the note of the hen of the Tartar pheasant.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱唯鳥; U+9DD5).
鷕气[鷕氣] yèl-hï yǎoqì singing or chanting and sadly sighing; sighing.¹⁹
鷕鷕 yèl-yèl
yǎoyǎo a pheasant chirping; a sigh.¹⁹
呦鷕 yiü-yèl
yōuyǎo sound of birds chirping.¹⁹
有鷕雉鸣[有鷕雉鳴] yiû-yèl-jï-mẽin
yǒuyǎozhìmíng the cry of the hen pheasant was there.¹⁰²
有瀰济盈,有鷕雉鸣. 济盈不濡轨, 雉鸣求起牡.
[有瀰濟盈,有鷕雉鳴. 濟盈不濡軌, 雉鳴求起牡.]
Yiû-mĩ-däi-ngẽin, yiû-yèl-jï-mẽin. Däi-ngẽin-būt-yĩ-gī, jï-mẽin-kiũ-hī-mêo.
Yǒu mí jì yíng, yǒu yǎo zhì míng. Jì yíng bù rú guǐ, zhì míng qiú qǐ mǔ.
The ford is full to overflowing;
There is the note of the female pheasant.
The full ford will not wet the axle of my carriage;
It is the pheasant calling for her mate.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·邶風·匏有苦葉》, translated by James Legge).
yel4 16487
38 12 yêl yǎo svelte; sylphlike.¹⁰ slender and beautiful.¹⁹ weak, delicate, slender, small.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女要; U+5A79).
婹袅[婹裊] yêl-nêl yǎoniǎo svelte.⁹
or 婹褭 or 婹嬝 yêl-nêl yǎoniǎo graceful, slender and adorable.¹⁹
yel5 16488
40 7 yêl yǎo the southeast corner of a house; the sound of wind blowing into a hole.⁸ the south-east corner; the wind whistling through an aperture.²⁴ <old> southeastern corner of a room.³⁶
(composition: ⿱宀夭; U+5B8E).
yel5 16489
75 8 yêl yǎo (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 杳 mêl miǎo with the same meaning: <wr.> distant and out of sight.⁵ distant, profound and dim.⁶).¹³
(composition: ⿱木日; U+6773).
<又> mêl.
(See 杳 mêl).
yel5 16490
140 12 yêl yǎo a medicinal plant (Polygala tenuifolia), now known as the 远志[遠志] yōn-jï yuǎnzhì; its roots are used in cough medicine.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱艹要; U+847D).
葽绕[葽繞] yêl-ngêl
yǎorào or 棘蒬 gēik-yön jíyuān, now known as 远志[遠志] yōn-jï yuǎnzhì a medicinal plant (Polygala tenuifolia).¹³ʼ¹⁵ʼ²⁰
<又> yël.
(See 葽[yël, yāo]; 葽[yël, yào]).
yel5 16491
196 21 yêl yào a hawk; a sparrow hawk.⁷
斑点鹞鲼[斑點鷂鱝] bän-ēm-yêl-fûn bāndiǎnyàofèn
or 雪花鸭嘴燕魟[雪花鴨嘴燕魟] xūt-fä-äp-duī-yên-hũng xuěhuāyāzuǐyànhóng spotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari), a cartilaginous fish of the eagle ray family, Myliobatidae; a.k.a. 鷹鯆, 納氏鷂鱝, 魴仔.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
纸鹞[紙鷂] jī-yêl/
zhǐyào (=风筝[風箏] füng-jäng fēngzheng) kite.¹⁰
鹰鼻鹞目[鷹鼻鷂目] yëin-bì-yêl-mùk
yīngbíyàomù the nose and eyes of a hawk – an avaricious look.⁷
鹰鼻鹞眼[鷹鼻鷂眼] yëin-bì-yêl-ngān
yīngbíyàoyǎn hawk-nosed and vulture-eyed; to be sinister and fierce-looking.⁸
鹞子[鷂子] yêl-dū
yàozi sparrow hawk; kite.⁹
鹞子翻身[鷂子翻身] yêl-dū-fän-sïn
yàozi fānshēn the sparrow hawk turns over.⁹ hawk's turn (a fast motion in Chinese boxing or martial arts); do a somersault.⁵⁴
鹞雕[鷂雕] yêl-ël
yàodiāo harrier eagle.¹⁹
鹞鲼[鷂鱝] yêl-fûn
yàofèn <zoo.> bonnet skate.¹⁰
鹞类[鷂類] yêl-luì
yàolèi willet.⁹
鹞鱼[鷂魚] yêl-nguĩ
yàoyú the ray (a fish).¹¹
鹞鹰[鷂鷹] yêl-yëin
yàoyīng sparrow hawk.⁸
<台> 纸鹞[紙鷂] jī-yêl/ kite.
<台> 放纸鹞[放紙鷂] föng-jī-yêl/ to fly kites.
yel5 16492
9 10 yēm ǎn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 俺 äm ǎn with same meaning.)
<又> äm.
(See 俺 äm.)
yem1 16493
27 19 yēm yǎn thin shell on the abdomen of a crab; the lid of a spiral shell; operculum (Latin: little lid); a covering flap (in various branches of anatomy).
厣子[厴子] yēm-dū yǎnzi mole on the cheek.
yem1 16494
32 9 yēm ǎn (=埯 yēm ǎn) a hole to dibble seeds; to dibble into the dug holes.²²
<又> äm.
(See 垵 äm; 埯 äm, yēm.)
yem1 16495
32 11 yēm ǎn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 埯 äm ǎn with same meaning.)
<又> äm.
(See 垵 äm; 埯 äm, yēm.)
yem1 16496
37 8 yēm yǎn to cover; to overspread; all of a sudden; suddenly.⁶
气息奄奄[氣息奄奄] hï-xēik-yēm-yēm qìxīyǎnyǎn to breathe feebly; to be sinking fast; to be dying.⁶
奄忽 yēm-fūt
yǎnhū <wr.> suddenly; quickly.⁶
奄然 yēm-ngẽin
yǎnrán (=奄忽).⁶
奄然而逝 yēm-ngẽin-ngĩ-sài
yǎnrán'érshì to die suddenly.⁶
奄四方 yēm-xü-föng
yǎnsìfāng to conquer the whole world.⁶
奄奄 yēm-yēm
yǎnyǎn feebly breathing.⁶
奄奄待毙[奄奄待斃] yēm-yēm-òi-bài
yǎnyǎndàibì (=奄奄一息).⁶
奄奄一息 yēm-yēm-yīt-xēik
yǎnyǎnyīxī to have only a faint breath of life left; one's breath is thin as a thread; to be on one's last leg; to be at one's last gasp; to be on the verge of death; to be at the gate of death.⁶
yem1 16497
46 11 yēm yān 崦嵫 Yēm-dü Yānzī Yanzi (name of a mountain in Gansu Province (甘肃[甘肅] Gäm-xūk Gānsù); the western region where the sun sets.¹¹
日薄崦嵫 ngìt-bòk Yēm-dü
rìbó Yānzī lit. the sun sets in Yanzi (idiom); fig. the last days (of a person, a dynasty).¹⁰
yem1 16498
55 9 yēm yǎn to cover over, to hide; narrow-necked.⁸ to cover; trap.¹⁰
弇中 yēm-jüng yǎnzhōng in a narrow profile.¹⁴
弇盖[弇蓋] yēm-köi
yǎngài to put a cover over.¹⁴
弇陋 yēm-lèo
yǎnlòu to have meager knowledge.⁸
弇日 yēm-ngìt
yǎnrì to obscure the sun.¹⁴
yem1 16499
64 11 yēm yǎn cover, hide; shut, close; attack by surprise; <topo.> get squeezed or pinched (while shutting a door or lid).⁵
掩蔽 yēm-bäi yǎnbì to cover, to provide shelter; screen, shelter; (audio) masking; aural masking.⁶
掩体[掩體] yēm-hāi
yǎntǐ <mil.> blindage; bunker.⁵
掩盖[掩蓋] yēm-köi
yǎngài cover; conceal.⁵
掩埋 yēm-mãi
yǎnmái bury.⁵
掩耳 yēm-ngī
yǎn'ěr plug one's ears.⁶
掩耳盗铃[掩耳盜鈴] yēm-ngī-ào-lêng
yǎn'ěrdàolíng plug to cover the ears and steal a bell – to befool oneself.¹⁴
掩人耳目 yēm-ngĩn-ngī-mùk
yǎnrén'ěrmù deceive the public; hoodwink people.⁵
掩杀[掩殺] yēm-sät
yǎnshā <lit.> make a surprise attack.⁶
掩饰[掩飾] yēm-sēik
yǎnshì cover up; gloss over, conceal.⁵
掩藏 yēm-tõng
yǎncáng hide; conceal.⁵
掩护[掩護] yēm-vù
yǎnhù screen; shield; cover.⁵
掩星 yēm-xëin
yǎnxīng <astr.> occultation.⁵
掩映 yēm-yēin
yǎnyìng set off (one another).⁵
<台> 掩 yēm to move/swing (a door, shutters) in either direction.
(See <台> 打开[打開] ā-höi).
<台> 掩仔 yēm-dōi left or right side of the upper body.
<台> 掩枚 yēm-mõi to close (a door, shutters).
<台> 掩枚门[掩枚門] yēm-mõi-mõn to close the door.
yem1 16500
64 12 yēm yǎn (=掩 yēm yǎn cover, hide; shut, close; attack by surprise; <topo.> get squeezed or pinched (while shutting a door or lid).⁵); cover up; take by force, shut.⁸ cover up; to surprise.¹⁰ to cover over, to conceal, to shut; to surprise, to seize.¹⁴ to take, to pick; to cover over; distressed, wearied, fatigued; to extinguish; to return home fast. to stroke anything with the hand; to soothe.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌弇; U+63DC).
笃以不揜[篤以不揜] ūk-yî-būt-yēm
dǔ yǐ bù yǎn behave in a proper manner and therefore not get into a difficult (awkward) position.⁵⁴
揜其不善 yēm-kĩ-būt-sèn
yǎn qí bùshàn cover up his (their) unseemly deeds.⁵⁴
揜禽旅 yēm-kĩm-luî
yǎn qín lǚ to catch a flock of birds.⁵⁴
揜妸 yēm-ö
yǎn'ē undecided, wavering, not having an opinion of one's own.⁰
(See 掩 yēm).
yem1 16501
85 11 yēm yān flood, submerge, inundate; be tingling from sweat; <wr.> wide.⁵
淹博 yēm-bōk yānbó <wr.> broad; wide.⁶
淹蹇 yēm-gēin
yānjiǎn be frustrated; delay, hold up.⁵⁴
淹灌 yēm-gön
yānguàn <agr.> basin irrigation.⁵
淹留 yēm-liũ
yānliú <wr.> stay for a long period.⁶
淹没[淹沒] yēm-mòt
yānmò submerge, flood, inundate, drown.⁵
淹死 yēm-xī
yānsǐ drown.⁵
yem1 16502
122 13 yēm yǎn net for catching birds/fish; cover.⁶
冷罨 lâng-yēm lěngyǎn cold compress.¹¹
冷罨法 lâng-yēm-fāt
lěngyǎnfǎ <med.> the application of a cold compress to an affected part of the patient's body.¹¹
热罨[熱罨] ngèik-yēm
rèyǎn hot compress.¹¹
热罨法[熱罨法] ngèik-yēm-fāt
rèyǎnfǎ  <med.> application of a hot moist pad to the area of pain.⁵⁴
活罨 vòt-yēm
huóyǎn valve on a pump/bellows.⁵⁴
yem1 16503
140 11 yēm yǎn 菴蔼[菴藹] yēm-ōi yǎn'ǎi luxuriant.¹
<又> äm.
(See 菴 äm.)
yem1 16504
170 12 yēm yǎn the appearance of a mountain, as if two pots were standing one upon the other; the steep bank of a stream;  a rough mountain path.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰阝兼; U+9692).
甗隒 yēn-yēm yǎnyǎn the appearance of a mountain, as if two pots had been place one above the other.¹⁴
yem1 16505
203 20 yēm yǎn bluish black color.⁸
(composition: ⿰黑奄; U+9EE4).
黤黮 yēm-häm yǎntàn dark; unlighted; unlit.³⁶
yem1 16506
203 21 yēm yǎn black, dark; suddenly.⁸
(composition: ⿰黑弇; U+9EED).
黭黯 yēm-ām yǎnàn fruit turned black.²⁵
黭黮 yēm-häm
yǎntàn black like the fruit of the mulberry; black, dark clouds.²⁵
黭然 yēm-ngẽin
yǎnrán to come suddenly upon one, as if struck by lightning.²⁵
云黭黮而将雨[雲黭黮而將雨] vũn-yēm-häm-ngĩ-dëng-yî 
yúnyǎntàn'érjiāngyǔ the lowering clouds will soon bring rain.¹⁰²
yem1 16507
203 26 yēm yǎn <wr.> black nevus/mole.⁶ black moles (on the skin).⁷ black spots on the body; scars; moles.¹⁴ black in the center; a black spot on the face; a man's name.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿸厭黑; U+9EF6). (comp. s: ⿸厂⿱犬黑; U+9EE1).
黡班[黶班] yēm-bän
yǎnbān dark spots.¹⁴
黡痕[黶痕] yēm-hân
yǎnhén a dark scar.¹⁴
黡口[黶口] yēm-hēo
yǎnkǒu black-mouthed – of animals.¹⁴
yem1 16508
212 20 yēm yǎn clever; wise; superior, a person's name ( in Earlier Five Dynasties, South Han, meaning flying dragon over the sky).⁸ high and bright.¹⁰
yem1 16509
18 10 yëm yān (=阉[閹] yëm yān to castrate).⁸
(composition: ⿰奄刂; U+5266).
(See 閹 yëm).
yem2 16510
27 14 yëm yàn dislike, detest, reject; satiate.⁸ to dislike.⁶²
贪得无厌[貪得無厭] häm-āk-mũ-yëm tāndéwúyàn be insatiably avaricious; be never satisfied with what one has.⁶
厌烦[厭煩] yëm-fãn
yànfán bored; wearied; to dislike; to be vexed; to be fed up with.⁷
厌故喜新[厭故喜新] yëm-gü-hī-xïn
yàngùxǐxīn to dislike the old and be fond of the new (often said of love affairs).⁷
厌倦[厭倦] yëm-gùn
yànjuàn to be tired of; to be weary of.⁷
厌恨[厭恨] yëm-hàn
yànhèn loathe; hate.⁶
厌弃[厭棄] yëm-hï
yànqì detest and reject.⁵
厌学[厭學] yëm-hòk
yànxué be tired/sick of one's studies; be fed up with schoolwork.⁶
厌战[厭戰] yëm-jën
yànzhàn to be tired of war; war-weariness; demoralized by war.⁷
厌腻[厭膩] yëm-nì
yànnì be fed up with; be tired of.⁶
厌世[厭世] yëm-säi
yànshì be world-weary; be pessimistic.⁵
厌食[厭食] yëm-sèik
yànshí lack of appetite.⁷
厌恶[厭惡] yëm-vü
yànwù to loathe; to dislike; to detest; to abhor; to abominate; to be disgusted with.⁷
厌氧[厭氧] yëm-yêng
yànyǎng anaerobic.⁶
(See 厭 [yëm,
yem2 16511
27 14 yëm yān (=懨 yëm yān) sickly, in poor health; peaceful, tranquil.⁷ to be satisfied; tranquil; serene.¹⁴ to be satisfied.⁶²
乐酒无厌[樂酒無厭] lòk-diū-mũ-yëm
lèjiǔwúyàn delighting in wine without satiety.¹⁴
从兽无厌[從獸無厭] tũng-chiü-mũ-yëm
cóngshòuwúyàn to follow the chase without satiety.¹⁴
or 恹恹[懨懨] yëm-yëm yānyān <wr.> weak and weary through illness.⁵ sickly, in poor health; peaceful, content.⁷
厌厌良人[厭厭良人] yëm-yëm-lẽng-ngĩn
yānyānliángrén tranquil and serene is the good man.¹⁴
厌厌夜饮不醉无归[厭厭夜飲不醉無歸] yëm-yëm-yèh-ngīm-būt-duï-mũ-gï
yānyānyèyǐn bùzuìwúguī Happily and long into the night we drink; / Till all are drunk, there is no retiring.¹⁴
(See 厭 [yëm, yàn]; 懨 yëm.)
yem2 16512
38 17 yëm yān good; harmonious, and still; handsome.²⁴ fine, good; calm, tranquil.³⁶
(composition: ⿸厭女; U+5B2E).
<又> yèm; yèp. (See 嬮 yèm; 嬮 yèp).
yem2 16513
61 11 㤿 yëm yān to love, to be fond of; love, affection, kindness; willingly, willing; joyous, happy; to fail to remember, to forget.⁸ to love; a willing mind.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄奄; U+393F).
㤿憸 yëm-têm yānqiàn numerous plans; the mind exercised about anything.²⁴
yem2 16514
61 17 yëm yān sickly, in poor health; peaceful, tranquil.⁷ (variant: 懕 yëm).
病恹恹[病懨懨] bèng-yëm-yëm bìngyānyān looking or feeling sickly; weak and dispirited through illness.¹⁰
or 厌厌[厭厭] yëm-yëm yānyān <wr.> weak and weary through illness.⁵ sickly, in poor health; peaceful, content.⁷
恹恹欲睡[懨懨欲睡] yëm-yëm-yùk-suì
yānyānyùshuì feel weak and sleepy.⁵⁴
(See 厭 [yëm, yān]; 懕 yëm).
yem2 16515
61 18 yëm yān (=恹[懨] yëm yān sickly, in poor health; peaceful, tranquil.⁷).⁸
(composition: ⿸厭心; U+61D5).
(See 懨 yëm).
yem2 16516
75 18 檿 yëm yǎn   mulberry.⁸ (variant: 𣝓❄{⿰木厭} yëm yǎn; 酓 yëm yǎn).
(composition: ⿸厭木(G) or ⿱厭朩(T) or ⿱厭木(JK); U+6ABF).
其檿其柘 Kĩ-yëm-kĩ-jëh
Qí yǎn qí zhè
The mountain-mulberry trees.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·文王之什·皇矣·2》, translated by James Legge). (Note: 柘 was left out of the translation).
檿桑 yëm-xông
yǎnsāng mulberry tree.⁸
(See 𣝓❄{⿰木厭} yëm; 酓[yëm, yǎn]).
yem2 16517
75 18 𣝓
yëm yǎn   (=檿 yëm yǎn mulberry.⁸).
(composition: ⿰木厭; U+23753).
(See 檿 yëm).
yem2 16518
164 11 yëm yàn (=𨡎❄{⿰酉念} yëm yàn bitter taste); capacity of a wine container.⁸
(composition: ⿱今酉; U+9153).
<又> ngīm.
(See 酓[yëm, yǎn]; 酓 ngīm; 𨡎❄{⿰酉念} yëm).
yem2 16519
164 11 yëm yǎn a bitter taste in wine; interchangeable with 檿 yëm yǎn mountain-mulberry.⁸
(composition: ⿱今酉; U+9153).
<又> ngīm.
(See 酓[yëm, yàn]; 酓 ngīm; 檿 yëm).
yem2 16520
164 15 𨡎

yëm yàn bitter (taste); (used like 酽[釅] ngèm yàn (of tea) thick; strong.⁵  strong, as a liquid; rich, as gravies.¹⁴); concentrated liquid.⁸ (variant: 酓[yëm, yàn]).
(composition: ⿰酉念; U+2884E).
(See 酓[yëm, yàn]; 釅] ngèm).
yem2 16521
169 16 yëm yān castrate or spay.⁵
(variant: 剦 yëm yān).
阉鸡[閹雞] yëm-gäi
yānjī capon.⁵
阉割[閹割] yëm-göt
yāngē castrate or spay; deprive a theory of its essence; emasculate.⁵
阉割猪[閹割豬] yëm-göt-jï
yāngēzhū to castrate or neuter a hog.⁶
阉猪[閹豬] yëm-jï
yānzhū barrow; hog.⁶ castrated hog.⁵⁴
阉牛[閹牛] yëm-ngẽo
yānniú bullock.⁵
阉宦[閹宦] yëm-vàn
yānhuàn eunuch.⁶
阉羊[閹羊] yëm-yẽng
yānyáng wether.⁵
(See 剦 yëm).
yem2 16522
170 7 yëm diàn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 阽 ëm diàn with same meaning.)
<又> ëm.
(See 阽 ëm.)
yem2 16523
184 23 yëm yàn have enough food, eat to the full, be satiated;  satiate, satisfy.⁶
其求无餍[其求無饜] kĩ-kiũ-mũ-yëm qíqiúwúyàn His greed is never satisfied.⁶
餍饱[饜飽] yëm-bāo
yànbǎo eaten to the full; satiated.¹⁴
餍酒肉[饜酒肉] yëm-diū-ngùk
yànjiǔròu filled himself with wine and meat.¹⁴
餍足[饜足] yëm-dūk
yànzú <wr.> satisfy (usually selfish desires).⁶
餍腹[饜腹] yëm-fūk
yànfù agreeable to the taste.¹⁴
餍口[饜口] yëm-hēo
yànkǒu palatable.¹⁴
餍食[饜食] yëm-sèik
yànshí to eat to repletion.⁷
餍事[饜事] yëm-xù
yànshì plenty to do; things that keep one busy.⁵⁴
餍饫[饜飫] yëm-yì
or yëm-yī yànyù to eat to repletion; to glut.⁷
yem2 16524
194 23 yëm yǎn have a nightmare; <topo.> talk in one's sleep.⁶
梦魇[夢魘] mùng-yëm mèngyǎn nightmare.⁶
男魇魔[男魘魔] nãm-yëm-mō
nányǎnmó <wr.> incubus.⁵⁴
女魇魔[女魘魔] nuī-yëm-mō
nǚyǎnmó succubus.¹⁹
魇足[魘足] yëm-dūk
yǎnzú satiation.⁹
魇寐[魘寐] yëm-mì
yǎnmèi to have a nightmare.¹⁹
魇魅[魘魅] yëm-mì
yǎnmèi phantoms, apparitions conjured up by sorcerer to unnerve victim.¹¹ kill by magic or witchcraft.⁵⁴
yem2 16525
32 13 yẽm yán (<old>=盐[鹽] yẽm yán (table) salt; <chem.> salt.⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿰; U+5869).
(See 鹽 yẽm).
yem3 16526
38 13 yẽm xián suspect; suspicion.⁶
嫌猜 yẽm-chäi xiáncāi dislike and suspicion.⁷
嫌犯 yẽm-fàn
xiánfàn criminal suspect.¹⁰
嫌忌 yẽm-gì
xiánjì to reject or suspect; to be dissatified with what others do.⁷
嫌他脏[嫌他髒] yẽm-hä-döng
xiántāzāng dislike him for being so dirty.¹¹
嫌恨 yẽm-hàn
xiánhèn to harbor grudge against (person), be set against.¹¹
嫌弃[嫌棄] yẽm-hï 
xiánqì dislike and avoid; cold-shoulder.¹¹
嫌隙 yẽm-kēik
xiánxì enmity; ill will; grudge.⁵
嫌麻烦[嫌麻煩] yẽm-mã-fãn
xiánmáfan too troublesome.¹⁹
嫌疑 yẽm-ngĩ
xiányí suspicion; to have suspicions.¹⁰
嫌疑犯 yẽm-ngĩ-fàn
xiányífàn (criminal) suspect.⁶
嫌恶[嫌惡] yẽm-vü
xiánwù detest; loathe.⁵
嫌厌[嫌厭] yẽm-yëm
xiányàn dislike, loathe.⁶
嫌怨 yẽm-yön
xiányuàn grudge, resentment, enmity.⁵
yem3 16527
104 21 yẽm yán ulcer; sore; boil, a wound,⁹⁴
yem3 16528
169 11 yẽm yán village gate.⁸ (=阎 yẽm yán).¹ Yan surname.⁴ (Note: 闫[閆] yẽm yán and 阎[閻] yẽm yán are two different surnames, which are homophonic.)⁴  Sometimes, 闫[閆] can be used as the abbreviated form of 阎[閻].⁵⁴
yem3 16529
169 16 yẽm yán <wr.> the gate of a lane; Yan surname.⁵ (Note: 闫[閆] yẽm yán and 阎[閻] yẽm yán are two different surnames, which are homophonic.)⁴
闾阎[閭閻] luĩ-yẽm
lǘyán <wr.> the gate of a village; the people, the rural community.⁷
阎罗[閻羅] Yẽm-lõ
Yánluó <rel.> Yama.⁵
阎罗王[閻羅王] Yẽm-lõ-võng
Yánluówáng Pluto, king of Hell.⁸ Yama, King of Hell; translation of Sanskrit: Yama Raja.¹⁰
阎王[閻王] Yẽm-võng
Yánwang Yama, King of Hell; an extremely cruel and violent person.⁵
yem3 16530
197 24 yẽm yán (table) salt; <chem.> salt.⁶ (old variant: 塩 yẽm yán).
海盐[海鹽] hōi-yẽm
hǎiyán sea salt.⁹
盐巴[鹽巴] yẽm-bä
yánbā  <topo.> salt; common or table salt.⁵
盐场[鹽場] yẽm-chẽng
yánchǎng saltern; saltworks.⁵
盐池[鹽池] yẽm-chĩ
yánchí salt pond.⁵
盐井[鹽井] yẽm-dēng
yánjǐng salt well; brine pit.⁵
盐花[鹽花] yẽm-fä
yánhuā a little salt; a pinch of salt.⁵
盐分[鹽分] yẽm-fün
yánfèn salt content; salinity.⁶
盐碱地[鹽鹼地] yẽm-gān-ì
yánjiǎndì saline soil; (fig.) infertile woman.¹⁰
盐焗鸡[鹽焗雞] yẽm-gùk-gäi
yánjújī chicken baked in salt.⁵⁴
盐田[鹽田] yẽm-hẽin
yántián salt pan; salt flat.⁶
盐矿[鹽礦] yẽm-köng
yánkuàng salt mine.⁵
盐瓶[鹽瓶] yẽm-pẽin
or yẽm-pêng yánpíng saltcellar; saltshaker.⁵
盐水[鹽水] yẽm-suī
yánshuǐ salt solution; brine.⁵
盐层[鹽層] yẽm-tãng
yáncéng salt deposit; salt bed.⁵
盐湖[鹽湖] yẽm-vũ
yánhú saline/salt lake.⁶
盐酸[鹽酸] yẽm-xön
yánsuān <chem.> hydrochloric acid.⁵
盐萃取[鹽萃取] yẽm-xuì-tuī
yáncuìqǔ salt extraction.¹⁹
(See 塩 yẽm).
yem3 16531
18 10 yèm yǎn <wr.> sharp; sharp-pointed; to sharpen; to slice.
剡尖 yèm-dëm yǎnjiān to sharpen.
剡木为矢[剡木為矢] yèm-mùk-vĩ-sī
yǎnmùwéishǐ to slice wood into arrows.
<又> sèm.
(See 剡 sèm.)
yem4 16532
38 17 yèm yàn placable, good-tempered, mild.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿸厭女; U+5B2E).
嬮嬱 yèm-têm yànqiàn beauty (girl).³⁶ handsome, beautiful, voluptuous, enticing.¹⁰²
<又> yëm; yèp.
(See 嬮 yëm; 嬮 yèp).
yem4 16533
61 11 yèm yǎn cheerful.⁸
(composition: ⿰忄炎; U+60D4).
<又> hãm; àm. (See 惔 hãm; 惔 àm).
yem4 16534
63 12 yèm yǎn upright bar for fastening door.⁸
(composition: ⿸戶炎 or ⿸户炎; U+624A).
炊扊扅 chuï-yèm-yĩ
chuīyǎnyí lit. she cooked/burned the bar of the door; fig. to live in extreme poverty, such that even the door bar is used for firewood.²⁴ʼ⁰
扊扅 yèm-yĩ
yǎnyí (door) bolt.⁸ the bar of a door.²⁴
扊扅豆 yèm-yĩ-èo
yǎnyídòu 扁豆的别名.¹⁹ (Note: 扁豆 bēin-èo biǎndòu could be 'hyacinth bean', Lablab purpureus or 'lima bean', Phaseolus lunatus.)
扊扅佳人 yèm-yĩ-gäi-ngĩn
yǎnyíjiārén metaphor for a woman from a poor family.¹⁹
扊扅歌 yèm-yĩ-gô
yǎnyígē Guqin song name.¹⁹
yem4 16535
85 27 yèm yàn overflowing; inundating.⁷ overflowing, billowing; wavy.⁸ (variant: 灩 yèm yàn.)
or 潋滟[瀲灩] lêm-yèm liànyàn <wr.> soverflowing, inundating; (of water) rippling and glistening.⁶
or 滟滪堆[灩澦堆] Yèm-yì Uï Yànyù Duī a steep cliff in the middle of the Yangtze River in 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan Province; a navigator's nightmare.⁷
(See 灩 yèm.)
yem4 16536
85 31 yèm yàn (=灧 yèm yàn) overflowing; inundating.⁷ overflowing, billowing; wavy.⁸
(See 灧 yèm.)
yem4 16537
86 8 yèm yán scorching, burning hot; inflammation.⁵
炎帝 Yèm-äi Yándì Flame Emperors (c. 2000 BC), legendary dynasty descended from 神农[神農] Sĩn-nũng Shénnóng (first Flame Emperor) Farmer God.¹⁰
炎方 yèm-föng
yánfāng <wr.> the southern region.¹¹
炎夏 yèm-hà
yánxià hot summer; scorching summer.¹⁰
炎症 yèm-jëin
yánzhèng inflammatory disease.¹⁴
炎热[炎熱] yèm-ngèik
yánrè blistering hot; sizzling hot (weather).¹⁰
炎暑 yèm-sī
yánshǔ hot summer; sweltering summer days; dog days.⁵
炎黄子孙[炎黃子孫] yèm-võng-dū-xün
Yán-Huáng zǐsūn Descendants of the Fiery Emperor and Yellow Emperor (Han Chinese people).¹⁰
炎性 yèm-xëin
yánxìng inflammatory (medicine).¹⁰
炎炎 yèm-yèm
yányán scorching, overpowering (influence).¹¹
炎炎夏日 yèm-yèm-hà-ngìt
yányánxiàrì scorching summer sun.¹⁹
yem4 16538
86 11 yèm yàn (=焰 yèm yàn) flame, blaze; glowing, blazing.⁸
(See 焰 yèm).
yem4 16539
86 12 yèm yàn blaze, flame; arrogance.⁶ flames, blazes; glowing, brilliant.⁷ (variants: 燄, 焱, 焔 yèm yàn).
火焰 fō-yèm
huǒyàn flame.⁵
光焰万丈[光焰萬丈] göng-yèm-màn-jèng
guāngyàn wànzhàng to cast its radiance far and wide; illuminating highly in a myriad feet.⁸
气焰[氣焰] hï-yèm
qìyàn arrogance; bluster.⁵
气焰嚣张[氣焰囂張] hï-yèm-hël-jëng
qìyànxiāozhāng swollen with arrogance.⁵
烈焰 lèik-yèm
lièyàn blazing or raging flames.⁵
焰火 yèm-fō
yànhuǒ or 烟火[煙火] yën-fō yānhuǒ <topo.> fireworks.⁷
焰口 yèm-hēo
yànkǒu <Budd.> hungry ghosts spitting fire.⁷
焰红色[焰紅色] yèm-hũng-sēik
yànhóngsè fiery red.⁶
焰色 yèm-sēik
yànsè flame color.⁶
焰弧 yèm-vũ
yànhú flame arc.⁶
焰弧灯[焰弧燈] yèm-vũ-äng
yànhúdēng flame arc lamp.⁶
焰心 yèm-xîm
yànxīn center of flame; flame core.⁶
(See 燄 yèm; 焱 yèm; 焔 yèm).
yem4 16540
86 12 yèm yàn (=焰 yèm yàn) brilliance; splendor; flame; flame of fire.⁸ usually used in people's names.⁴ flames; (=燄 yèm yàn) flame; blazing, brilliant.⁸
(See 焰 yèm; 燄 yèm).
yem4 16541
86 16 yèm yàn (=焰 yèm yàn) flame; blazing, brilliant.⁸
(See 焰 yèm).
yem4 16542
96 12 yèm yǎn jewel, gem; glitter of gems.⁸ a jade tablet with a sharp-edged end at the top.⁹ a precious stone of a sparkling brightness; a signet or scepter, 9 inches long, and pointed at the top, held by an imperial envoy, when commissioned to punish refactory princes; luminous, bright.²⁴
琰圭 yèm-gï
yǎnguī a jade tablet with a pointed top.⁷ a sharp-pointed scepter – expressing sharp severity against evil.¹⁴
琰琰 yèm-yèm
yǎnyǎn bright and glossy.⁰
yem4 16543
139 24 yèm yàn gorgeous, gaudy, bright-colored; romantic; amorous.⁶ (variant: 豔 yèm yàn).
哀艳[哀艷] öi-yèm
āiyàn <wr.> (of poetry) plaintively florid.⁶
鲜艳[鮮艷] xëin-yèm
xiānyàn bright/gaily-colored.⁶
艳福[艷福] yèm-fūk
yànfú (of males) luck in love; luck to be loved by a beautiful girl.⁶
艳服[艷服] yèm-fùk
yànfú gorgeous dress.⁶
艳丽[艷麗] yèm-lài
yànlì bright-colored and beautiful; gorgeous.⁶
艳羡[艷羡] yèm-xùn
yànxiàn <wr.> admire greatly; envy.⁶
艳阳[艷陽] yèm-yẽng
yànyáng radiant/bright sun; bright spring day; bright sunny skies; gorgeous day.⁶
(See 豔 yèm).
yem4 16544
151 28 yèm yàn (=艷 yèm yàn) gorgeous.
(See 艷 yèm).
yem4 16545
9 11 yēn yǎn to lie supine; to stop; to fall down; Yan surname.¹⁰ (<old> variant: 匽 yēn yǎn).
风行草偃[風行草偃] füng-hãng-tāo-yēn
fēngxíngcǎoyǎn the influence of moral teaching.
偃兵 yēn-bëin
yǎnbīng to stop a military action.
偃仆 yēn-fü
yǎnpū to fall down flat; to fall on one's back.
偃蹇 yēn-gēin
yǎnjiǎn be arrogant; sit idle on the pretext of being ill.⁵⁴
偃旗息鼓 yēn-kĩ-xēik-gū
yǎnqíxīgǔ lit. to lower the banners and muffle the drums – to cease all activities; to stop fighting.
偃麦草[偃麥草] yēn-màk-tāo
yǎnmàicǎo couch grass.
偃武修文 yēn-mû-xiü-mũn
yǎnwǔxiūwén to promote culture over military activities; to give up the sword for the pen.
偃卧[偃臥] yēn-ngò
yǎnwò to lie supine.
偃月 yēn-ngùt
yǎnyuè crescent moon.
偃息 yēn-xēik
yǎnxī to rest; <wr.> to cease.
(See 匽 yēn.)
yen1 16546
23 9 yēn yǎn (<old>=偃 yēn yǎn) to lie supine; to stop; to fall down; Yan surname.¹⁰
匽鼌[匽鼂] yēn-chẽl
yǎncháo the name of an insect.²⁵
(See 偃 yēn.)
yen1 16547
32 12 yēn yàn weir; earth embankment.
都江堰 Ü-göng-yēn Dūjiāngyàn the Dujiang Dam.¹  (Note: Dujiangyan in Sichuan is a famous water engineering project and World Heritage Site;¹⁰ Dujiangyan is a county-level city under the jurisdiction of 成都 Sẽin-ü Chéngdū Chengdu subprovincial city and capital of  四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan Province.)
围堰[圍堰] vĩ-yēn
wéiyàn cofferdam; coffer.
堰塞湖 yēn-xāk-vũ
yànsāihú barrier lake.¹ dammed lake; lake formed by landslip or lava flow.¹⁰
yen1 16548
38 19 嬿 yēn yǎn (composition: ⿰女燕; U+5B3F).
嬿婉 yēn-vōn yǎnwǎn  ➀ beautiful and calm; soft (about a woman)  ➁ beauty; beautiful, adorable.⁵⁴
<又> yën; yên.
(See 嬿 yën; 嬿 yên).
yen1 16549
46 23 yēn yǎn summit, peak.⁸ the top of a mountain.¹⁴ a hill shaped like a boiler; the peak of a hill.²⁴
(composition: ⿰山獻; U+5DD8).
丹巘 än-yēn dānyǎn red peaks.¹⁹
霞巘 hã-yēn
xiáyǎn red cliffs.¹⁹
Jēik-dāk-dòi-yēn, fūk-göng-dòi-ngũn.
Zhì zé zài yǎn, fù jiàng zàiyuán.
He ascended to the hill-tops;
He ascended again to the plains.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·生民之什·公劉》, translated by James Legge). (Note: "ascended again" should be "descended back").
琼巘[瓊巘] kẽin-yēn
qióngyǎn Jade Mountain, palace of the Queen Mother of the West (西王母 Xäi-võng-mû Xī wáng mǔ); also refers to the beautiful peak.¹⁹
青巘 tëin-yēn
qīngyǎn verdant overlapping peaks.¹⁹
巘崎 yēn-kĩ
yǎnqí dangerously steep mountains.¹⁹
巘崿 yēn-ngōk
yǎn'è mountain cliffs, ridges and peaks.¹⁹
巘巘 yēn-yēn
yǎnyǎn precarious appearance.¹⁹
yen1 16550
61 12 yēn yǎn (composition: ⿰忄匽; U+611D).
愝惼 yēn-bēin yǎnbiǎn narrow-minded; uncomfortable ²⁴
yen1 16551
85 14 yēn yǎn develop, evolve; drill, practice; perform, play, act.⁵
导演[導演] ào-yēn dǎoyǎn direct (a film, play); director.⁵
表演 bēl-yēn
biǎoyǎn perform, act, play; performance, exhibition; demonstrate.⁵
三国演义[三國演義] Xäm-gōk Yēn-ngì
Sānguó Yǎnyì The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.⁵
or 衍变[衍變] yēn-bëin yǎnbiàn develop; evolve.⁵
演出 yēn-chūt
yǎnchū perform, show, put on a show.⁵
演奏 yēn-dëo
yǎnzòu give an instrumental performance; play a musical instrument (in a performance).⁵
演习[演習] yēn-dìp
yǎnxí maneuver; exercise; drill; practice.⁵
演讲[演講] yēn-gōng
yǎnjiǎng give a lecture, make a speech; lecture.⁵
演戏[演戲] yēn-hï
yǎnxì put on a play, ac tin a play; playact, pretend.⁵
演艺[演藝] yēn-ngài yǎnyì performing arts; performance.⁶
演义[演義] yēn-ngì
yǎnyì historical novel/romance.⁵
演说[演說] yēn-sōt
yǎnshuō deliver a speech; make an address; speech.⁵
演绎[演繹] yēn-yèik
yǎnyì <log.> deduction.⁵
演员[演員] yēn-yõn
yǎnyuán actor or actress; performer.⁵
yen1 16552
98 20 yēn yǎn an earthenware vessel in two parts, - the bottom of the upper part is perforated for steaming, the bottom part is used for boiling.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰鬳瓦; U+7517).
甗隒 yēn-yēm yǎnyǎn the appearance of a mountain, as if two pots had been place one above the other.¹⁴
甗锜[甗錡] yēn-yî
yǎnyǐ a hollow place, or den.²⁵
yen1 16553
142 15 yēn yǎn an ancient literary term for any of the cicada family.⁹
蝘蜓 yēn-hẽin yǎntíng ➀ gecko; house lizard ➁ <old> cicada.⁶
yen1 16554
144 9 yēn yǎn <wr.> (of water) to overflow; to mulitply, to breed; (of words or phrases) to be redundant; to develop, to popularize, to spread; low-lying flatland; marsh, swamp.⁶
繁衍 or 蕃衍 fãn-yēn fányǎn <wr.> to multiply, increase gradually in quantity, procreate, proliferate.⁶
or 演变[演變] yēn-bëin yǎnbiàn develop; evolve.⁵
衍化 yēn-fä
yǎnhuà to evolve (of ideas, designs, constructions etc.); to develop and change.¹⁰
衍文 yēn-mũn
yǎnwén redundancy/tautology due to misprinting or miscopying.⁶
衍生 yēn-säng
yǎnshēng to derive from.⁵
衍生物 yēn-säng-mùt or yēn-säng-mòt
yǎnshēngwù <chem.> derivative.⁵
衍射 yēn-sèh
yǎnshè <phy.> diffraction.⁶
衍圣公[衍聖公] yēn-sëin-güng
yǎnshènggōng Duke of Yen, a hereditary title of the eldest male among the lineal descendants of Confucius (from 1055 A.D. until 1935), now known as 奉祀官 fùng-dù-gön fèngsìguān.
衍伸 yēn-sïn
yǎnshēn to give rise (to); to spawn; to spread (to).¹⁰
yen1 16555
158 16 yēn yǎn (Cant.) 躽胸凸肚 yēn-hüng-ùt-ū, to push out one's chest and belly.⁸ to throw the body forward; to bend the body; hunchbacked.²⁵ bending body forward, hump back; abdominal distension, glaring.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰身匽; U+8EBD).
躽体[躽體] yēn-hāi yǎntǐ an angry belly, or wrathful feeling.²⁵
躽气[躽氣] yēn-hï
yǎnqì TCM refers to the sinking of qi deficiency, causing pain in the lower abdomen and testes.¹⁹
躽軁 yēn-lẽo
yǎnlóu hunchbacked.¹⁹
yen1 16556
163 11 yēn yǎn 郾城区[郾城區] Yēn-sẽin-kuï Yǎnchéngqū Yencheng District is a district in 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng Henan Province.  It is under the administration of 漯河市 Lô-hõ-sî Luòhéshì Luohe city.
yen1 16557
195 20 yēn yǎn sheat.⁸ mudfish.¹⁰ mud-fish.¹⁴ catfish.¹⁹ a fish with a white forehead and a round body; it is fond of lying with its belly on the ground, hence its name.²⁵
(composition: ⿰魚匽; U+9C0B).
泥鰋 nãi-yēn níyǎn catfish.¹⁹
鱼丽于罶,鰋鲤. 君子有酒,旨且有.
[魚麗于罶,鰋鯉. 君子有酒,旨且有.]
Nguĩ-lài-yï-liû, yēn-lî. Gün-dū-yiû-diū, jī-chēh-yiû.
Yú lì yú liǔ, yǎn lǐ. Jūnzǐ yǒu jiǔ, zhǐ qiě yǒu.
The fish pass into the basket,
Mud-fish and carp.
Our host has spirits,
Good and in quantities.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·白華之什·魚麗·3》, translated by James Legge).
yen1 16558
208 22 yēn yǎn mole.⁵ the mole – this character was originally defined as the Malacca tapir, for which 貘 màk is now used in modern books.¹⁴
针鼹[針鼴] jïm-yēn
zhēnyǎn echidna; spiny anteater.⁵
日本缺齿鼹[日本缺齒鼴] Ngìt-bōn kūt-chī-yēn
or Ngìt-bōn hūt-chī-yēn Rìběn quēchǐyǎn Japanese mole, Temminck's mole (Mogera wogura).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
袋鼹[袋鼴] òi-yēn
dàiyǎn marsupial mole.⁶
袋鼹鼠[袋鼴鼠] òi-yēn-sī
dàiyǎnshǔ marsupial mole.⁶
麝鼹[麝鼴] sèh-yēn
shèyǎn desman.⁶
鼹科[鼴科] yēn-fö
yǎnkē or 鼹鼠科[鼴鼠科] yēn-sī-fö yǎnshǔkē the family Talpidae includes the moles, shrew moles, desmans, and other intermediate forms of small insectivorous mammals of the order Eulipotyphla.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
鼹鼠 yēn-sī
yǎnshǔ mole.⁵ mole shrew; economic spy.⁵⁴
鼹鼠丘[鼴鼠丘] yēn-sī-hiü
yǎnshǔqiū molehill.⁹
鼹鼠皮[鼴鼠皮] yēn-sī-pĩ
yǎnshǔpí moleskin.⁶
鼹鼠窝[鼴鼠窩] yēn-sī-vö
yǎnshǔwō molehill.⁹
yen1 16559
30 9 yën yàn to swallow.⁷
吞咽[吞嚥] hün-yën tūnyàn to swallow; to gulp.¹⁰
咽下去[嚥下去] yën-hä-huï
yànxiàqù to swallow.¹¹
咽气[嚥氣] yën-hï
yànqì to breathe one's last, to die.⁷ to draw last breath.¹¹
<又> yēik.
(See 嚥 yēik; 咽 yēik, yën.)
yen2 16560
30 9 yën yān narrow pass; throat; pharynx.¹⁰
鼻咽 bì-yën bíyān nose and throat.¹⁰
口咽 hēo-yën
kǒuyān oropharynx, oral part of pharynx.⁹
喉咽 hẽo-yën
hóuyān laryngopharynx; a key position.⁸
咽头[咽頭] yën-hẽo
yāntóu the pharynx; the throat.⁷
咽喉 yën-hẽo
yānhóu the larynx, the throat; a narrow throat-like passage of strategic importance.⁷
咽喉要地 yën-hẽo-yël-ì
yānhóuyàodì keypoint.⁸ strategic passage; key junction; keypoint.³⁹
咽峡炎[咽峽炎] yën-hèp-yèm
yānxiáyán angina; sore throat.¹⁰
<又> yēik.
(See 嚥 yēik, yën; 咽 yēik.)
yen2 16561
32 9 yën yīn (=堙 yën yīn ➀ block up ➁ die out; vanish ➂ earthen hill.⁶); to restrain; to dam a stream and change its direction; a mound.¹⁴ to stop, to dam up water, and make it flow backwards.²⁴ <old> to block up.³⁶
(composition: ⿱覀土(GV) or ⿱西土(HTJK); U+5794).
(See 堙 yën).
yen2 16562
32 12 yën yīn ➀ block up ➁ die out; vanish ➂ earthen hill.⁶
(variants: 垔, 陻 yën yīn).
(composition: ⿰土垔; U+5819).
堙灭[堙滅] yën-mèik
yīnmiè die out; disappear; vanish.⁶
堙没 yën-mòt
yīnmò die out; disappear; vanish.⁶
堙窒 yën-jìt
yīnzhì to dam, as a stream.¹⁴
以石头堙洪水[以石頭堙洪水] yî sêk-hẽo yën hũng-suī
yǐ shítou yīn hóngshuǐ check the flood with stones.⁶
(See 垔 yën, 陻 yën).
yen2 16563
37 15 𡙷
yën yàn great, a large first; valiant with the fist.²⁴ large in appearance.³⁶
(composition: ⿸⿱罒厂⿱罒大; U+21677).
yen2 16564
38 14 yën yān handsome, beautiful; (of colors) bright.⁶
蝉嫣[蟬嫣] chên-yën chányān <wr.> continuous; tied together.⁵⁴
姹紫嫣红[奼紫嫣紅] jä-dū-yën-hũng
or chä-dū-yën-hũng chàzǐyānhóng deep purples and bright reds – beautiful flowers.⁶ <wr.> gaily dressed maidens.¹¹
嫣红[嫣紅] yën-hũng
yānhóng <wr.> bright red.⁶
嫣红柔绿[嫣紅柔綠] yën-hũng-ngẽl-lùk
yānhóngróulǜ rich crimson and tender green.¹⁴
嫣然 yën-ngẽin
yānrán <wr.> beautiful; sweet.⁵
嫣然一笑 yën-ngẽin-yīt-xël
yānrányīxiào (of a woman) give a winsome/charming/sweet/bewitching smile.⁶
yen2 16565
38 19 嬿 yën yàn lovely.⁸ʼ¹⁰ wonderful.⁹  ➀ fine, happy, glorious; harmonious, gentle and graceful  ➁ peaceful and carefree, enjoying leisure; peace and happiness.¹⁹
(composition: ⿰女燕; U+5B3F).
嬿服 yën-fùk yànfú beautiful/elegant dress.⁵⁴
嬿嬿 yën-yën
yànyàn lovely, adorable (about a woman).⁵⁴
<又> yēn; yên.
(See 嬿 yēn; 嬿 yên).
yen2 16566
40 10 yën yàn entertain at a banquet, fête; feast, banquet; ease and comfort.⁷  (variants: 醼, 讌 yën yàn.)
欢宴[歡宴] fön-yën
huānyàn feast; celebration.¹⁰ dinner on some happy occasion.¹¹
盛宴 sèin-yën
shèngyàn grand banquet; luxurious feast.⁶
设宴[設宴] sēt-yën
shèyàn give a banquet; fête.⁵
宴席 yën-dèik
yànxí banquet; feast.⁵
宴客 yën-hāk
yànkè entertain guests at a banquet.⁵
宴娭 yën-hï
yànxī feast and be merry.⁵⁴
宴安鸩毒[宴安鴆毒] yën-ön-jìm-ùk
yàn'ānzhèndú seeking pleasure is like drinking poisoned wine; voluptuous comfort is poison.⁶ dissipation is like a deadly poison.¹⁰²
宴请[宴請] yën-tēin
yànqǐng entertain (to dinner); fête.⁵
宴会[宴會] yën-vòi
yànhuì banquet; feast; dinner party.⁵
(See 醼 yën; 讌 yën).
yen2 16567
40 12 𡨾
yën yān (<old>=烟[煙] yën yān smoke, soot; opium; tobacco, cigarettes.⁸).²
(composition: ⿱宀垔; U+21A3E).
(See 煙 yën).
yen2 16568
72 10 yën yàn <wr.> tranquil; comfortable.⁶ a clear sky; bright; quiet; peaceful.¹⁴ Yan surname.⁸
天清日晏 hëin-tëin-ngìt-yën tiānqīngrìyàn a cloudless sky.¹⁴
河清海晏 hõ-tëin-hōi-yën
héqīnghǎiyàn clear rivers and quiet seas – times of peace.¹⁴
海晏 hōi-yën
hǎiyàn (now written as 海宴镇[海宴鎮] hōi-yën-jïn hǎiyànzhèn), a town in 广东台山[廣東臺山] Taishan, Guangdong.⁴
晏寂 yën-dèik
yànjì very quiet and silent.⁷
晏驾[晏駕] yën-gä
yànjià the death of an emperor.¹⁴
晏閒 yën-hãn
yànxián leisure.¹⁴
晏然 yën-ngẽin
yànrán peaceful and easy; quiet and comfortable.⁷
晏然自得 yën-ngẽin-dù-āk
yànránzìdé be at ease and comfortable.⁶
晏如 yën-nguĩ
yànrú peaceful and easy.⁷
晏安 yën-ön
yànān quiet and peaceful.¹⁴
晏晏 yën-yën
yànyàn mild and tender.⁷ peaceful; quiet; harmoniously.¹⁴
<又> än.
(See 晏 än.)
yen2 16569
79 10 yën yān dark red.⁶
殷红[殷紅] yën-hũng yānhóng blackish red; dark red.⁵
朱殷 jï-yën
zhūyān <wr.> deep red.¹¹
<又> yïn.
(See 殷 yïn.)
yen2 16570
85 12 yën yān fall into oblivion, bury in oblivion; clog up silt up.⁶
湮沉 yën-chĩm yānchén to vanish and be forgotten; to stay unknown and unrecognized.¹¹
湮盖[湮蓋] yën-köi
yāngài inundate.¹¹
湮灭[湮滅] yën-mèik
yānmiè bury in oblivion.⁶
湮没[湮沒] yën-mòt
yānmò fall into oblivion, be neglected, be forgotten; <phy.> annihilation.⁶
湮没光子[湮沒光子] yën-mòt-göng-dū
yānmòguāngzǐ <phy.> annihilation photo.⁶
湮没无闻[湮沒無聞] yën-mòt-mũ-mũn
yānmòwúwén be buried/lost in oblivion; sink/plinge/disappear into oblivion; drift into obscurity; sink into the limbo of oblivion; yield to oblivion.⁶
<又> yïn.
(See 湮 yïn.)
yen2 16571
86 11 yën yān 割鸡焉用牛刀[割雞焉用牛刀] göt-gäi-yën-yùng-ngẽo-äo gējīyānyòngniúdāo Why kill a chicken with an ox cleaver? Why use a sledgehammer to kill a fly? overkill;
焉能不去 yën-nãng-būt-huï
yānnéngbùqù Why can't you go?
<又> yẽn.
(See 焉 yẽn.)
yen2 16572
86 13 yën yān smoke, soot; opium; tobacco, cigarettes.⁸ (variant: 菸 yën)
烟酒不沾[煙酒不沾] yën-diū-būt-jëm yānjiǔ bù zhān touch neither tobacco nor alcohol.⁵
烟斗[煙斗] yën-ēo
yāndǒu (tobacco) pipe.⁵
烟花[煙花] yën-fä
yānhuā the world of wine and women.¹¹
烟炱[煙炱] yën-hõi
yāntái soot.¹¹
烟土[煙土] yën-hū
yāntǔ crude opium.⁵
烟囱[煙囱] yën-hüng
yāncōng chimney; funnel; stovepipe.⁵
烟囱管[煙囱管] yën-hüng-gōn
yāncōngguǎn chimney pipe.
烟囱林立[煙囱林立] yën-hüng-lĩm-lìp
yāncōnglínlì factories with their forests of chimneys.⁵⁴
烟蒂[煙蒂] yën-î
yāndì cigarette end (butt).⁸
烟霾[煙霾] yën-mãi
yānmái smoke; pollution.¹⁰
烟幕[煙幕] yën-mōk yānmù smoke screen.⁵
烟雾[煙霧] yën-mù
yānwù smoke; mist; vapor; smog.⁵
烟袋杆儿[煙袋桿兒] yën-òi-gön-ngĩ
yāndàigǎnr stem of a pipe.⁶
烟草[煙草] yën-tāo
yāncǎo tobacco.⁵
烟消云散[煙消雲散] yën-xël-vũn-xän
yānxiāoyúnsàn vanish like mist and smoke; completely vanish.⁵
烟雨[煙雨] yën-yî
yānyǔ  misty rain; drizzle.¹⁰
<台> 吃烟[吃煙] hëk-yën/ to smoke tobacco.
(See 菸 yën).
yen2 16573
86 16 yën yàn (=宴,晏,讌,醼) bound forms as in 宴会[宴會] yën-vòi yànhuì banquet, dinner party; 宴客 yën-hāk yànkè entertain guests at a banquet; 宴乐[宴樂] yën-lòk yànlè peace and happiness, have a festival of wining and dining. (Note: 宴 yën yàn can be substituted by any of 燕,晏,讌 or 醼 in the above compounds such as 燕乐[燕樂] yën-lòk yànlè).
官燕 gön-yën
guānyàn (Chinese cuisine) swallow's nests of the best quality.¹¹
燕麦[燕麥] yën-màk
yànmài oats.⁵
燕麦粥[燕麥粥] yën-màk-jūk
yànmàizhōu oatmeal; porridge.¹⁰
燕麦片[燕麥片] yën-màk-pëin
yànmàipiàn oatmeal.⁶
燕窝[燕窩] yën-vö
yànwō edible bird's nest.⁵
燕鹱[燕鸌] yên-vù
yànhù petrel.¹⁹
<又> yên.
(See 燕 yên, [yën, yān].)
yen2 16574
86 16 yën yān (name of a ancient state); Yan surname.
燕京 Yën-gëin Yānjīng Yānjīng old name for Beijing.
燕国[燕國] Yën-gōk
Yānguó Yanguo a feudal state during the Zhou Dynasty.
<又> yên.
(See 燕 yên, [yën, yàn].)
yen2 16575
130 10 yën yān rouge.¹⁰ (variant: 臙 yën yān).
胭脂 yën-jï
yānzhī rouge.⁵
胭脂红[胭脂紅] yën-jï-hũng
yānzhihóng carmine.⁵
(See 臙 yën).
yen2 16576
130 20 yën yān (=胭 yën yān) rouge.¹⁰
(See 胭 yën).
yen2 16577
140 11 yën yān (=烟[煙] yën yān) smoke, soot; opium; tobacco, cigarettes.⁸
菸碱[菸鹼] or 烟硷[煙礆] yën-gān yānjiǎn nicotine.¹⁰
菸碱酸[菸鹼酸] yën-gān-xön
yānjiǎnsuān niacin (vitamin B₃); 3-Pyridinecarboxylic acid C₆H₅NO₂; nicotinic acid.¹⁰
<又> yï.
(See 菸 yï; 煙 yën.)
yen2 16578
140 14 yën niān withered, wilt, wither; hanging; depressed, droopy, listless.⁸
蔫巴 yën-bä niānbā to shrivel up; to droop; to wither.⁹
蔫呼呼 yën-fü-fü
niānhūhū delicate.⁸
蔫头耷脑[蔫頭耷腦] yën-hẽo-āp-nāo
niāntóudānǎo droopy; shrivelled up; listless; dejected.⁹
太阳把花都晒蔫了[太陽把花都曬蔫了] häi-yẽng-bā-fä-ü-säi-yën-lēl
tàiyángbǎhuādōushàiniānle the flowers have become withered under the scorching sun.¹¹
萎蔫 vī-yën
wěiniān wilt.⁸
yen2 16579
149 23 yën yàn (=宴 yën yàn) entertain at a banquet, fête; feast, banquet; ease and comfort.⁷
(See 宴 yën; 醼 yën).
yen2 16580
155 16 𧹬
yën yān facial cosmetics; rouge.²
(composition: ⿰赤垔; U+27E6C).
𧹬❄{⿰赤垔}𧹛❄{⿰赤支} or 胭脂 yën-jï yānzhī rouge.⁵
yen2 16581
164 23 yën yàn (=宴 yën yàn) entertain at a banquet, fête; feast, banquet; ease and comfort.⁷
(See 宴 yën.)
yen2 16582
169 16 yën yān the formal wife of the chieftain of the Huns (匈奴 Hüng-nũ Xiōngnú) in the Han Dynasty.⁷ Yan surname.¹⁴
阏氏[閼氏] yën-jï
yānzhī main wife of a xiongnu monarch.⁶
<又> āt.
(See 閼 āt.)
yen2 16583
169 17 yën yīn <old> barbican entrance to a gate city; to block up.⁶ curved, bent; a curved wall; (<old>=堙 yën yīn); Yin surname.⁸
闉支 yën-jï
yīnzhī (=胭脂 yën-jï yānzhī) rouge.⁵
闉阇[闉闍] yën-ü
yīndū heavy gate of barbican wall.⁰ city gates.⁵⁴
(See 堙 yën).
yen2 16584
170 11 yën yīn (=堙 yën yīn ➀ block up ➁ die out; vanish ➂ earthen hill.⁶); to restrain; to dam a stream and change its direction; a mound.¹⁴ to stop up.²⁴ small hill, mound; bury; dam.³⁶
(composition: ⿰阝垔); U+967B).
鲧陻洪水[鯀陻洪水] gūn yën hũng-suī
gǔn yīn hóngshuǐ Gun stopped the waters of the deluge. (Note: Gun was the father of Emperor Yu 禹).²⁵
(See 堙 yën).
yen2 16585
9 7 yẽn xián (=凶狠 hüng-hān or hüng-hàn xiōnghěn ferocious, cruel, fiendish; powerful, vigorous.⁶).⁸
(composition: ⿰亻玄; U+4F2D).
伭贶[伭貺] yẽn-fōng
xiánkuàng a gift from Heaven.¹⁹
伭默 yẽn-màk
xiánmò completely serene and still.¹⁹
伭冥 yẽn-mẽin
xiánmíng the shadowy nether world; the rain master; one says water spirits.¹⁹
幽伭 yiü-yẽn
yōuxián mysterious, incomprehensible, obscure; metaphysical.¹⁹
<又> yõn.
(See 伭 yõn).
yen3 16586
18 7 𠛑
yẽn xián to cut one's throat.²⁴
(composition: ⿰玄刂; U+206D1).
yen3 16587
32 9 yẽn yán <wr.> a walk leading to grave.¹¹
(composition: ⿰土延; U+57CF).
埏隧 yẽn-xuì yánsuì <trad.> subterranian passage leading to a tomb.
<又> sän.
(See 埏 sän.)
yen3 16588
54 2 yẽn yán (=延 yẽn yán) delay, postpone, defer.⁸
<又> yîn. (See 廴 yîn.)
yen3 16589
54 6 yẽn yán to prolong; to extend; to delay.
迟延[遲延] chĩ-yẽn chíyán to delay.
蔓延 màn-yẽn
mànyán to spread out; to sprawl.
绵延[綿延] mẽin-yẽn
miányán be continuous; stretch long and unbroken.⁵
延长[延長] yẽn-chẽng
yáncháng to prolong; to lengthen.
延迟[延遲] yẽn-chĩ
yánchí to delay; to postpone.
延缓[延緩] yẽn-fòn
yánhuǎn to delay; postpone.
延禧 yẽn-hī
yánxǐ a good-luck inscription on the wall facing the gate.¹⁹
延年 yẽn-nẽin
yánnián to prolong life.
延年益寿[延年益壽] yẽn-nẽin-yēik-siù
yánnián yì shòu to make life longer; to promise longevity; (this product will) extend your life.¹⁰
延宕 yẽn-òng
yándàng to procrastinate; to put off.⁷
延伸 yẽn-sïn
yánshēn to extend; to stretch.
(See 廴 yẽn.)
yen3 16590
57 8 yẽn xián bowstring, string; string or cord of a musical instrument; <math.> chord; <math.> hypotenuse; crescent; spring of a clock.⁶ (variant: 絃 yẽn xián).
弦子 yẽn-dū
xiánzi <mus.> a three-stringed plucked instrument.⁵
弦诵[弦誦] yẽn-dùng
xiánsòng to chant (music or passages from classics).⁷
弦歌 yẽn-gô
xián'gē to sing with stringed accompaniment; the means of education.⁷
弦琴 yẽn-kĩm
xiánqín stringed instrument.¹⁰
弦论[弦論] yẽn-lùn
xiánlùn string theory (in theoretical physics).¹⁰
弦脉[弦脈] yẽn-mäk
xiánmài <TCM> taut pulse.⁵
弦外之音 yẽn-ngòi-jï-yïm
xiánwàizhīyīn overtone; implication.⁵
弦乐队[弦樂隊] yẽn-ngòk-duì
xiányuèduì string orchestra.⁵
弦月 yẽn-ngùt
xiányuè a crescent moon.⁷
弦韦[弦韋] yẽn-vī
xiánwéi silk string and leather girdle, one to urge and the other to restrain.¹⁴
弦线[弦線] yẽn-xëin
xiánxiàn strings (of a musical instrument).⁷
弦索 yẽn-xôk
xiánsuǒ the strings of instrument.⁶
(See 絃 yẽn).
yen3 16591
64 9 yẽn yán everywhere; all over.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰扌延; U+633B).
<又> sën. (See 挻 sën).
yen3 16592
75 10 yẽn yán (<old>=筵 yẽn yán a bamboo mat; a feast, a banquet.⁷ a bamboo mat spread on the ground for sitting on; a feast; a banquet; a hall.¹⁴); a mat.⁸
(composition: ⿰木延; U+68B4).
or 几筵 gì-yẽn jīyán or 几席 gì-dèk jīxí a small table (for drinks) and a mat, (and a mat on the other side of the table) for two people to sit or lie down on to have a discussion on various and sundry matters.⁰
<又> chẽn.
(See 梴 chẽn).
yen3 16593
85 7 yẽn xián (=涎 yẽn xián saliva.⁹).
(composition: ⿰氵欠; U+3CC4).
(See 涎 yẽn).
yen3 16594
85 9 yẽn xián saliva.⁹ (variant: 㳄 yẽn xián). (See 㳄 yẽn).
(composition: ⿰氵延; U+6D8E).
垂涎 suĩ-yẽn
chuíxián to water at the mouth; to drool.¹⁰
垂涎三尺 suĩ-yẽn-xäm-chëk
chuíxiánsānchǐ to drool (over) (idiom); to yearn for; to covet; to crave.¹⁰
馋獠生涎[饞獠生涎] tãm-lẽl-säng-yẽn
chánliáoshēngxián be greedy.⁵⁴
涎沫 yẽn-mòt
xiánmò foaming at the mouth.¹⁰
涎皮赖脸[涎皮賴臉] yẽn-pĩ-lài-lêm
xiánpí-làiliǎn brazenfaced; cheek; be shameless and loathsome.⁸
涎水 yẽn-suī
xiánshuǐ saliva.¹⁰
yen3 16595
86 11 yẽn yān <wr.> how? where? it; here; there.
不入虎穴,焉得虎子 būt-yìp-fū-yòt, yẽn-āk-fū-dū bùrùhǔxué, yāndéhǔzǐ  lit. How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger's lair? fig. Nothing ventured, nothing gained; No pain, no gain.
天地位焉 hëin-ì-vì-yẽn
tiāndìwèiyān <wr.> Things in the universe take their proper places.
少焉 sēl-yẽn
shǎoyān <wr.> after a while.
书经三写,乌焉成马[書經三寫,烏焉成馬] sï-gëin-xäm-xēh vü-yẽn-sẽin-mâ
shūjīngsānxiě wūyānchéngmǎ (ancient proverb) when a book is copied thrice, the characters 烏 and 焉 become 馬; copying begets mistakes.
心不在焉 xïm-būt-dòi-yẽn
xīnbùzàiyān absent-minded; inattentive; preoccupied (with something else).⁵
焉知 yẽn-jï
yānzhī <wr.> How could one know...?
<又>  yēn.
(See 焉 yēn.)
yen3 16596
96 9 yẽn xián Xian surname.²
(composition: ⿰𤣩玄; U+73B9).
<又> yòn; yõn. (See 玹 yòn; 玹 yõn).
yen3 16597
104 10 yẽn xuán indigestion; buboes, lymphatic inflammation.⁸
横痃[橫痃] vãng-yẽn héngxuán <Ch. med.> bubo.⁶
痃癖 yẽn-pēik
xuánpǐ dyspepsia.¹⁴
yen3 16598
118 12 yẽn yán a bamboo mat; a feast, a banquet.⁷ a bamboo mat spread on the ground for sitting on; a feast; a banquet; a hall.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱𥫗延; U+7B75)
摆筵[擺筵] bāi-yẽn bǎiyán to spread a feast.¹⁴
酒筵 diū-yẽn
jiǔyán a feast; a banquet.¹⁴
婚筵 fün-yẽn
hūnyán wedding feast; wedding reception.⁶ʼ⁰
经筵[經筵] gëin-yẽn
jīngyán a hall or assembly where, formerly, the emperor listened to lectures on the Confucian classics.¹¹
喜筵 hī-yẽn
xǐyán a wedding feast.⁵
设筵[設筵] sēt-yẽn
shèyán to prepare a feast or banquet.¹⁴
寿筵[壽筵] siù-yẽn
shòuyán a birthday banquet.⁸
筵席 yẽn-dèik
yánxí seats arranged at a banquet; feast, banquet.⁵ a mat for sittting on; a feast, a banquet.⁷ a feast; a banquet.¹⁴
筵席捐 yẽn-dèik-gün
yánxíjuān tax on a banquet or feast.¹⁰
筵上 yẽn-sèng
yánshǎng feast.¹⁰
筵会[筵會] yẽn-vòi
yánhuì feast; banquet.⁵⁴
筵宴 yẽn-yën
yányàn a feast; a banquet.¹⁴
yen3 16599
120 11 yẽn xián (=弦 yẽn xián) bowstring, string; string or cord of a musical instrument; <math.> chord; <math.> hypotenuse; crescent; spring of a clock.⁶
(See 弦 yẽn).
yen3 16600
120 12 yẽn yán the hanging flap in the front of a hat.⁸ cap tassels.¹⁰ the strings or tassels hanging down before and behind a Chinese crown; a covering put over a cap, consisting of a flat piece of wood with a black cloth thrown over it.²⁵ tiara pendants (front and back); neglect, negligence; idleness.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰糹延; U+7D96).
百官慎职,而莫敢愉綖.[百官慎職,而莫敢愉綖.] bāk-gön-sìn-jēik, ngĩ-mòk-gām-yĩ-yẽn. bǎi guān shèn zhí, ér mò gǎn yú yán. all the officials were attentive at the service and no one dared to be negligent.⁵⁴
紘綖 fãng-yẽn
hóngyán pendants and threads (on the tiara).⁵⁴
愉綖 yĩ-yẽn
yúyán lazy and slow (in their work); idleness; negligence. (Note: Here 愉 yĩ  is used as 偷 hëo tōu to steal).¹⁹
<又> xëin.
(See 綖 xëin).
yen3 16601
137 11 yẽn xián side of a ship or aircraft.⁶ the sides of a boat, bulwarks; a gunwale.³⁶
左舷 dū-yẽn zuǒxián port.⁶
船舷 sõn-yẽn
chuánxián (ship's) side.⁶
舷灯[舷燈] yẽn-äng
xiándēng sidelight.⁶
舷边[舷邊] yẽn-bëin
xiánbiān gunwale; gunnel.⁶
舷梯 yẽn-häi
xiántī gangway (ladder), gangplank; ramp.⁶
舷侧[舷側] yẽn-jāk
xiáncè broadside.⁶
舷门[舷門] yẽn-mõn
xiánmén the gangway on a ship for passenger.⁷
舷外发动机[舷外發動機] yẽn-ngòi-fāt-ùng-gï
xiánwài fādòngjī outboard motor/engine.⁶
舷墙[舷牆] yẽn-tẽng
xiánqiáng bulwark.⁶
舷窗 yẽn-töng
xiánchuāng porthole; scuttle; sidescuttle.⁶
舷弧 yẽn-vũ
xiánhú sheer.⁶
舷弧线[舷弧線] yẽn-vũ-xëin
xiánhúxiàn sheer line.⁶
舷缘[舷緣] yẽn-yõn
xiányuán gunwale.⁶
右舷 yiù-yẽn
yòuxián starboard.⁶
yen3 16602
140 9 yẽn yán creeping or climbing plants.¹⁴ the name of a plant.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹延; U+839A).
连莚[連莚] or 连延[連延] lẽin-yẽn liányán stretch on, spread (as mountain range).¹¹ continuous; stretch; still making friends; still procrastinating.⁸
or 蔓延 or 曼延 màn-yẽn mànyán grow and spread (vine, disease, bad customs); widespread; spread about, ramify; railing (of voice, vine).¹¹ interminable, unbroken, spreading far, like creeping plants.²⁵
莚蔓 yẽn-màn
yánmàn the entanglement spreads continuously/endlessly.¹⁹ (also=蔓莚 màn-yẽn mànyán).
yen3 16603
142 11 yẽn xián millipede.⁸ a sort of millipede, which if divided in two, will go off separate ways; it is in shape like a worm, of a dark purple color, and is generally met with asleep on its side, and curled up into a ring, hence it is call 刀镮[刀鐶] äo-vān dāohuán, the sword ring.²⁵
(composition: ⿰虫玄; U+86BF).
紫蚿 dū-yẽn
zǐxián a sort of red cockle.²⁵
Kĩ-lĩn-yẽn, yẽn-lĩn-sẽh, sẽh-lĩn-füng, füng-lĩn-mùk, mùk-lĩn-xïm.
Kuí lián xián, xián lián shé, shé lián fēng, fēng lián mù, mù lián xīn.
The kui desires to be like the millipede; the millipede to be like the serpent; the serpent like the wind; the wind to be like the eye; and the eye to be like the mind.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《莊子·外篇·秋水》, translated by James Legge).
马蚿[馬蚿] mâ-yẽn
mǎxián same as 马陆[馬陸] mâ-lùk mǎlù 'millipede' in ancient books.⁸
鸣蚿[鳴蚿] mẽin-yẽn
míngxián name of an insect (similar to a cicada).¹⁹
蚿蝝 yẽn-yõn
xiányuán insect and locusts, a metaphor for something extremely humble.¹⁹
yen3 16604
142 12 yẽn yán (composition: ⿰虫延; U+8712).
海蜒 hōi-yẽn hǎiyán anchovy.⁶
蜿蜒 vōn-yẽn
wānyán (of snakes) wriggling; winding, zigzag, meandering.⁶ to stretch for miles; creeping, snaky; wriggly; to wriggle, to snake, to meander.⁷
蜒蚰 yẽn-yiũ
yányóu <topo.> slug.⁶
蚰蜒 yiũ-yẽn
yóuyán common house centipede.⁶
蚰蜒草 yiũ-yẽn-tāo
yóuyáncǎo <bot.> alpine yarrow.⁶
yen3 16605
154 15 yẽn xián virtuous and able, worthy; worthy person, able and virtuous person; person of intelligence and integrity; (a term of respectful address for a younger person).⁶
贤弟[賢弟] yẽn-ài/ xiándì my dear brother.⁷
贤德[賢德] yẽn-āk
xiándé good conduct; virtuous.⁷
贤达[賢達] yẽn-àt
xiándá prominent personage; worthy.⁵
or 贤慧[賢慧] yẽn-fì xiánhuì (of a woman) virtuous; genial and prudent; kind-hearted and understanding.⁶
贤妻[賢妻] yẽn-häi
xiánqī a good wife; my dear wife.⁷
贤妻良母[賢妻良母] yẽn-häi-lẽng-mû
xiánqīliángmǔ a dutiful wife and loving mother.⁷
贤良[賢良] yẽn-lẽng
xiánliáng virtuous; the virtuous.⁷
贤明[賢明] yẽn-mẽin
xiánmíng wise and able; sagacious.⁵
贤母[賢母] yẽn-mû
xiánmǔ a wise mother.⁷
贤能[賢能] yẽn-nãng
xiánnéng talented and virtuous.⁷
贤人[賢人] yẽn-ngĩn
xiánrén or 贤士[賢士] yẽn-xù xiánshì person of intelligenece and integrity; sage.⁶
贤内助[賢內助] yẽn-nuì-jò
xiánnèizhù (said of another person's wife) good wife; my better half, my good wife.⁶
贤淑[賢淑] yẽn-sùk
xiánshū (of a woman) virtuous; kind-hearted.⁶
贤才[賢才] yẽn-tõi
xiáncái a capable and virtuous person.⁷
yen3 16606
154 21 yẽn xián (<old>=贤[賢] yẽn xián) virtuous, worthy, good; able.⁸
(composition: ⿱⿰臣忠貝; U+8D12).
(See 賢 yẽn).
yen3 16607
163 8 yẽn yán ancient place names (a. in 郑[鄭] jèng zhèng Zheng state during the Spring and Autumn Period, presently in the south of 郑州市[鄭州市] jèng-jiü-sî/ zhèngzhōushì Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. b. in 楚 chō chǔ Chu state during the Spring and Autumn Period, presently in 项城县[項城縣] hòng-sẽin-yòn xiàngchéngxiàn Xiangcheng County, Henan Province); place name in Shandong province.⁸
a city of the ancient 郑[鄭] jèng
zhèng Zheng state during the Zhou Dynasty; also a place in the 楚 chō chǔ Chu state.²⁵
(composition: ⿰延阝; U+90D4).
yen3 16608
163 13 yẽn yān 鄢陵县[鄢陵縣] Yẽn-lẽin-yòn Yānlíngxiàn Yanling County in 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng Henan Province; Yan surname.
yen3 16609
167 13 yẽn xuàn hooks used in ancient times for carrying tripod cooking vessels.⁶ device for carrying a tripod; grand councillor; bowstring (=弦 yẽn xián); string (of a musical instrument).⁸ stick-like implement inserted into the handles of a tripod cauldron in ancient times in order to lift the cauldron; commonly used in Korean names, transcribed as "hyun".¹⁰
yen3 16610
9 9 yèn xiàn to appear rarely.¹¹
(comp. t: ⿰亻見; U+4FD4). (comp. s: ⿰亻见; U+4F23).
伈伈伣伣[伈伈俔俔] sīm-sīm-yèn-yèn
xǐnxǐnxiànxiàn timid, timorous, easily worried; timorous (manner).¹¹
yen4 16611
46 10 yèn xiàn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 岘[峴] hēin xiàn with same meaning: name of a mountain in 湖北 Vũ-bāk Húběi Hubei Province.).
<又> hēin.
(See 峴 hēin.)
yen4 16612
72 11 yèn xiàn sunlight; bright.⁸ (of sun) to appear.¹⁰ the sun appearing, the warmth of the sun, as it melts the snow; clear.²⁴
(composition: ⿰日見; U+665B).
Yî-xūt-bël-bël, gëin-yèn-yòt-xël.
Yǔ xuě biāo biāo, jiàn xiàn yuē xiāo.
The snow may have fallen abundantly,
But when it feels the sun's heat, it dissolves.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·桑扈之什·角弓》, translated by James Legge).
yen4 16613
96 11 yèn xiàn now, present, current; (of money) on hand; appear, reveal.⁵
现场[現場] yèn-chẽng xiànchǎng scene (of an incident); site, spot.⁵
现出[現出] yèn-chūt
xiànchū to show; to reveal.⁷
现象[現象] yèn-dèng
xiànxiàng phenomenon.⁵⁶
现在[現在] yèn-dòi
xiànzài now; at present; today.⁵
现货[現貨] yèn-fö
xiànhuò merchandise on hand; spots.⁵
现款[現款] yèn-fōn
xiànkuǎn ready money; cash.⁵
现金[現金] yèn-gïm
xiànjīn cash.⁵⁶
现行[現行] yèn-hãng
xiànxíng currently in effect.⁵⁶
现状[現狀] yèn-jòng
xiànzhuàng status quo.⁵⁶
现任[現任] yèn-ngìm
xiànrèn currently in office.⁶
现代[現代] yèn-òi
xiàndài modern times.⁵⁵
现代化[現代化] yèn-òi-fä
xiàndàihuà modernize.⁵
现世[現世] yèn-säi
xiànshì this life; be disgraced.⁵
现成[現成] yèn-sẽin
xiànchéng ready-made.⁵
现身说法[現身說法] yèn-sïn-sōt-fāt
xiànshēnshuōfǎ advise person by taking oneself as an example.⁵⁵
现实[現實] yèn-sìt
xiànshí reality, actuality; real, actual.⁵
现钱[現錢] yèn-tẽin
xiànqián ready money; cash.⁵
现存[現存] yèn-tũn
xiàncún extant; in stock.⁵
现役[現役] yèn-vèik
or yèn-yèik xiànyì active service/duty.⁵
现有[現有] yèn-yiû
xiànyǒu now available; existing.⁵
yen4 16614
109 12 𪾢
yèn xiàn to look at fearfully; overly cautious.⁸  goggle-eyed.¹⁰ <lit.> overcautious.¹¹ the eyes staring out.²⁴
(comp. t: ⿰目見; U+774D). (comp. s: ⿰目见; U+2AFA2).
❄{⿰目见}[伈伈睍睍] sīm-sīm-yèn-yèn xǐnxǐnxiànxiàn timorous (manner).¹¹ to look at with apprehension.²⁴
❄{⿰目见}睆[睍睆] yèn-fōn xiànhuǎn lovely.⁵⁴ good-looking.²⁴
❄{⿰目见}𪾢❄{⿰目见}[睍睍] yèn-yèn xiànxiàn overcautious.¹
yen4 16615
147 7 yèn xiàn <wr.> (=現 yèn xiàn) show, appear, become visible.⁶
or 不会发现[不會發現] būt-vòi-fät-yèn bùhuìfāxiàn will not find, appear.¹¹
or 发现[發現] fät-yèn fāxiàn discover, find out; discovery; discover (new facts, comet); to appear, arise.¹¹
or 图穷匕首现[圖窮匕首現] hũ-kũng-bï-siū-yèn túqióng bǐshǒu xiàn when the map was spread out, the dagger was revealed – hidden intentions are exposed in the end.⁶
or 图穷匕现[圖窮匕現] hũ-kũng-bï-yèn túqióngbǐxiàn the plot is revealed in the end.⁵⁴
情见乎辞[情見乎辭] tẽin-yèn-fũ-xũ
qíngxiànhūcí one's sincerity shines through the words; one's true feelings is found in one's expressions.⁶ the writer's sincerity shines through his words.¹¹ <wr.> The feeling/sincerity is shown in the words.⁵⁴
<又> gëin.
(See 見 gëin, 現 yèn.)
yen4 16616
167 15 yèn xiàn (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 鋧 hëin xiàn with same meaning.)
<又> hëin.
(See 鋧 hëin.)
yen4 16617
38 19 嬿 yên yàn ➀ a woman's name; referring to a woman.²ʼ¹⁰¹  ➁ can be used for 燕 yên yàn swallow.²
(composition: ⿰女燕; U+5B3F).
<又> yën; yēn.
(See 嬿 yën; 嬿 yēn).
yen5 16618
86 16 yên yàn swallow.⁶ (variant: 鷰 yên yàn).
家燕 gä-yên
jiāyàn (barn) swallow.⁶
劳燕分飞[勞燕分飛] lão-yên-fün-fï
láoyànfēnfēi be like birds flying  in different directions; part, separate.⁵
燕蝙蝠 yên-bēin-fūk
yànbiānfu <topo.> the bat.¹¹
燕子 yên-dū
yànzi swallow (bird).⁵
燕子躜天儿[燕子躦天兒] yên-dū-dön-hëin-ngĩ
yànzi zuān tiānr The swallow dashed/shot through the air.⁵
燕子衔泥筑窠[燕子銜泥築窠] yên-dū-hẽim-nãi-jūk-vö
or yên-dū-hãm-nãi-jūk-vö yànzixiánnízhùkē Swallows carry bits of earth in their bills to build nests.⁵
燕颌虎颈[燕頜虎頸] yên-hàp-fū-gēng
yànhéhǔjǐng majestic and awe-inspiring appearance.⁶
燕斋[燕齋] yên-jäi
yànzhāi a swallow's nest.²⁵
燕隼 yên-jūn
yànsǔn hobby.⁶ Eurasian hobby (Falco subbuteo), or just simply hobby.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
一燕不成夏 yīt-yên-būt-sẽin-hà
yī yàn bùchéng xià One swallow does not make a summer.⁶
<又> yën.
(See 燕 [yën, yàn], [yën, yān]; 鷰 yên)
yen5 16619
196 23 yên yàn (=燕 yên yàn) swallow.⁶
(See 燕 yên.
yen5 16620
59 15 yēng yǐng 黑影 hāk-yēng hēiyǐng a (dark) shadow.
对影成三人[對影成三人] uï-yēng-sẽng-xäm-ngĩn
duìyǐngchéngsānrén  (from the fourth line of Li Bai's 月下独酌[月下獨酌] ngùt-hà-ùk-jēk yuèxiàdúzhuó Drinking Alone Under the Moon (a poem by Li Bai).³⁹
<又> yēin (reading pronunciation).
(See 影 yēin.)
yeng1 16621
177 14 yēng yāng (in ancient times) halter strap; martingale.⁶ a martingale, a halter; a horse.⁷
鞅掌 yēng-jēng yāngzhǎng weariness; all bustled; to be ovrburdened.⁷ perplexed; harassed.¹⁴
鞅掌无宁[鞅掌無寧] yēng-jēng-mũ-nẽin
yāngzhǎngwúníng harassed without rest; so busy as to have no leisure to tidy oneself up.⁵⁴
鞅罔 yēng-mông
yāngwǎng entangled; hard-up.¹⁴
鞅断车停[鞅斷車停] yēng-òn-chëh-hẽin
yāngduànchētíng The halter broke and the carriage stopped.⁰
鞅鞅 yēng-yēng
yāngyāng discontentedly.⁷
逸尘断鞅[逸塵斷鞅] yìt-chĩn-òn-yēng
yìchénduànyāng lit. kicking up the dust and breaking the harness; fig. to ride like the wind (idiom).¹⁰
<又> yëng.
(See 鞅 yëng.)
yeng1 16622
9 15 yëng yāng unyield.⁸ unsubdued.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻雍; U+3495).
㒕佭 yëng-hõng yāngxiáng unsubmitting.²⁴
yeng2 16623
30 8 yëng yǎng to vomit, as an infant.⁸ grieved, sad, sorrowful.³⁶
(composition: ⿰口央; U+5489).
咉咉 yëng-yëng yǎngyǎng sorrow.¹⁰¹
咉咽 yëng-yën
yǎngyān (water flow) an obstruction; grieved, sad, sorrowful.⁸ an obstruction causing water to cease flowing.¹⁹ (cf 咉咽 yëng-yēik yāngyè the interrupted flowing of water.²⁴)
(See 咉[yëng, yāng]).
yeng2 16624
30 8 yëng yāng  an echo; a sound.¹⁴ reply, answer.¹⁹ an answer, a reply.²⁴ reply, answer.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰口央; U+5489).
咉咽 yëng-yēik yāngyè the interrupted flowing of water.²⁴ (cf 咉咽 yëng-yën yǎngyān (water flow) an obstruction; grieved, sad, sorrowful.⁸ an obstruction causing water to cease flowing.¹⁹)
(See 咉[yëng, yǎng]).
yeng2 16625
37 5 yëng yāng center; the finish; to finish; to request; to entreat.
长乐未央[長樂未央] chẽng-lòk-mì-yëng chánglèwèiyāng boundless joy.
中央 jüng-yëng
zhōngyāng center, middle; central authorities (of a state, party).
美国中央情报局[美國中央情報局] Mî-gōk-jüng-yëng-tẽin-bäo-gùk
Měiguó Zhōngyāng Qíngbàojú Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
未央 mì-yëng
wèiyāng <wr.> not ended; not yet over; close to the end.
夜未央 yèh-mì-yëng
yèwèiyāng <wr.> the night is not yet spent; before dawn.
央告 yëng-gäo
yānggao to beg; to plead.
央求 yëng-kiũ
yāngqiú to beg; to plead; to entreat.
央浼 yëng-môi
yāngměi go and ask somebody a favor.⁶
央戗[央戧] yëng-tëng
yāngqiàng to drag on (of business, illness).¹¹
央请[央請] yëng-tēin
yāngqǐng to make a request.
央央 yëng-yëng
yāngyāng <old> bright (flags); tinkling, jangling (bells).¹¹
yeng2 16626
61 8 yëng yàng discontented; disheartened; dispirited.⁷
怏自足 yëng-dù-dūk yàngzìzú be smug and self-satisfied.⁶
怏然 yëng-ngẽin
yàngrán unhappy; disconetent.⁷
怏郁[怏鬱] yëng-vūt
yàngyù the depression of feelings; pensiveness; gloom; melancholy.⁷
怏怏 yëng-yëng
yàngyàng disgruntled; sullen.⁵
怏怏不乐[怏怏不樂] yëng-yëng-būt-lòk
yàngyàngbùlè unhappy about something; morose.⁵
怏怏而归[怏怏而歸] yëng-yëng-ngĩ-gï
yàngyàng'érguī go home sadly.⁶
怏悒 yëng-yīp
yàngyì disconetent; melancholy; sad.⁷
悒怏 yīp-yëng
yìyàng sad; grieved; unhappy; dejected; depressed.⁷
yeng2 16627
61 18 yëng yǎng that which the mind desires.²⁴ I want to do something to show off my skills; I'm woried but don't know what to do.⁸
(composition: ⿰忄養; U+61E9).
技懩 gì-yëng jìyǎng to have a scheme which one wishes to succeed.²⁴
懩懩 yëng-yëng
yǎngyǎng I'm woried but don't know what to do; feeling uncertain.¹⁹ʼ⁵⁴ʼ⁰
yeng2 16628
64 18 yëng yǎng to put in motion; to launch; to activate.²ʼ²⁴ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿰扌養; U+6501).
yeng2 16629
66 10 𢼝
yëng yǎng (<old>=养[養] yëng yǎng to raise (animals); to keep (pets); to give birth to; to support, to help.).²
(composition: ⿰羊攴; U+22F1D).
(See 養 yëng).
yeng2 16630
75 9 yëng yǎng <old> the name of a tree.²³
(composition: ⿰木央; U+67CD).
<又> yëin. (See 柍 yëin; 柍[yëng, yāng]).
yeng2 16631
75 9 yëng yāng (<old>=央 yëng yāng center).⁸ the center, the zenith.²⁴ (composition: ⿰木央; U+67CD).
碨柍 vì-yëng
wěiyāng rising abruptly.²⁵
柍柘 yëng-jëh
yāngzhè a species of mulberry; a staff; a flail; heaped up.²⁴
<又> yëin.
(See 柍 yëin; 柍[yëng, yǎng]).
yeng2 16632
75 12 yëng yǎng <old> the name of a tree.
(composition: ⿰木英; U+ 6967).
<又> yëin. (See 楧 yëin.)
yeng2 16633
78 9 yëng yāng calamity, disaster, misfortune; bring disaster to.⁶ (variant: 䄃 yëng yāng).
殃榜 yëng-bōng
yāngbǎng an astrologer's certificate of horoscope of the deceased, serving as death certificate at court.¹¹ notice of death affixed to the front of a coffin; a license for carrying a coffin out of the gates of Beijing.¹⁴
殃及 yëng-gèp
yāngjí bring disaster to.⁶
殃及池鱼[殃及池魚] yëng-gèp-chĩ-nguî/
yāngjíchíyú bring disaster to the fish in the moat – get the innocent bystanders into trouble in a disturbance.⁶
殃及无辜[殃及無辜] yëng-gèp-mũ-gü
yāngjíwúgū trouble involves the innocent people.¹¹
殃民 yëng-mĩn
yāngmín to bring disaster to the people.⁷
殃祸[殃禍] yëng-vò
yānghuò disasters and calamities.⁷
(See 䄃 yëng.)
yeng2 16634
85 8 yëng yāng cloudy vapor arising.²⁴ great, expansive; agitated.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵央; U+6CF1).
泱风[泱風] yëng-füng yāngfēng a strong wind.²⁴
or 泱莽 yëng-mông yāngmǎng vast; dim and unclear; diffuse; strong and rich.¹⁹ large and wide.²⁴
泱瀼 yëng-nõng
yāngnǎng (of water) vast and flowing.³⁶
泱泱 yëng-yëng
yāngyāng <wr.> (of waters) vast; magnificent.⁵ deep and wide; vast and large.²⁴
泱泱大国[泱泱大國] yëng-yëng-ài-gōk
yāngyāngdàguó a great and proud country.⁵
yeng2 16635
113 9 yëng yāng (=殃 yëng yāng) calamity, disaster, misfortune; bring disaster to.⁶
(See 殃 yëng.)
yeng2 16636
115 10 yëng yāng rice seedlings; tree saplings; very young plants for transplanting; fry; (now rarely) to cultivate; to grow.⁷
长脚秧鸡[長腳秧雞] chẽng-gëk-yëng-gäi chángjiǎoyāngjī corn crake, corncrake or landrail (Crex crex).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
秧子 yëng-dū
yāngzi seedling, sprout; rice seedling; vine; young (of food animals); fry (of fish); naïve children of rich families.⁵⁴
秧鸡[秧雞] yëng-gäi
yāngjī water rail.⁶
秧脚[秧腳] yëng-gëk
yāngjiǎo bottom of rice seedling.⁸
秧歌 yëng-gô
yāngge songs sung by farmers when transplanting rice seedlings.⁷
秧歌剧[秧歌劇] yëng-gô-kēk
yānggejù Yangge opera, a rural form of theater.¹⁰
秧田 yëng-hẽin
yāngtián a water field for the cultivation of rice seedlings.⁷
秧针[秧針] yëng-jïm
yāngzhēn the first sprouts of rice seedlings.⁷
秧龄[秧齡] yëng-lẽin
yānglíng maturing time of rice seedling.⁶
秧苗 yëng-mẽl
yāngmiáo rice seedlings.⁷
秧鸟[秧鳥] yëng-nêl/
yāngniǎo wood rail.⁶
<台> 扯秧 chēh-yëng to pull out rice seedling.
yeng2 16637
123 10 yëng yǎng (<old>=养[養] yëng yǎng to raise (animals); to keep (pets); to give birth to; to support, to help.); to offer provision (especially to one's elders), to feed one's children.⁸
(composition: ⿰羊攵; U+4369).
yeng2 16638
173 13 yëng yāng white cloud appearance; snowflake.¹³ (Note: in Mandarin, 雵 yāng may also be read as ǎng).
(composition: ⿱雨央; U+96F5).
雵雵 yëng-yëng
yāngyāng white clouds rising; snowflake.¹⁹ white, fleecy clouds.²⁵
yeng2 16639
173 16 yëng yāng 霙霙 yëng-yëng yāngyāng white clouds.²
(composition: ⿱雨英; U+9719).
<又> yëin.
(See 霙 yëin.)
yeng2 16640
177 14 yëng yàng 牛鞅 ngẽo-yëng niúyàng a kind of wooden yoke for a draft ox.⁶
<又> yēng.
(See 鞅 yēng.)
yeng2 16641
184 15 yëng yǎng to raise (animals); to keep (pets); to give birth to; to support, to help. (old variant: 𢼝❄{⿰羊攴} yëng yǎng).
养兵[養兵] yëng-bëin
yǎngbīng to maintain and train soldiers (in preparation for war).⁷
养病[養病] yëng-bèng
yǎngbìng convalesce; recuperate.⁷
养花[養花] yëng-fä/
yǎnghuā growing flowers.¹⁰
养家[養家] yëng-gä
yǎngjiā to support one's family.⁷
养鸡[養雞] yëng-gäi
yǎngjī to raise chickens.⁷
养狗[養狗] yëng-gēo
yǎnggǒu to raise dogs.¹⁰
养汉[養漢] yëng-hön
yǎnghàn (of married woman) to commit adultery.¹⁰
养地[養地] yëng-ì
yǎngdì <agr.> enrich the soil.⁵⁴
养猪[養豬] yëng-jï
yǎngzhū to raise hogs or pigs.⁷
养老[養老] yëng-lāo
yǎnglǎo to provide for the aged.⁷
养鱼[養魚] yëng-nguî/
yǎngyú to breed fish.⁷
养成[養成] yëng-sẽin
yǎngchéng to discipline and train; to cultivate (good habits).⁷
养活[養活] yëng-vòt
yǎnghuo to support or keep (a family or somebody); to rear, to bring up.⁷
养痈成患[養癰成患] yëng-yüng-sẽin-vàn
yǎngyōng chénghuàn a carbuncle neglected becomes the bane of your life – leaving evil unchecked spells ruin.⁸
<又> yêng.
(See 養 yêng; 𢼝❄{⿰羊攴} yëng).
yeng2 16642
195 16 yëng yāng a kind of small fish.⁸
䱀䲉鱼[䱀䲉魚] yëng-xü-nguî/ yāngsīyú another name for 黄颡鱼[黃顙魚] võng-xông-nguî/ huángsǎngyú yellowhead catfish; Korean bullhead (Tachysurus fulvidraco syn. Pelteobagrus fulvidraco), delicious taste with little bone among muscle, and high nutritional value.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
yeng2 16643
196 16 yëng yāng the female mandarin duck.⁷
鸳鸯[鴛鴦] yön-yëng yuānyang mandarin ducks, which always live in pairs – a symbol of lovers.⁷
yeng2 16644
9 8 yẽng yáng to pretend; to fake.
倘佯 sẽng-yẽng chángyáng (=徜徉 sẽng-yẽng chángyáng) <wr.> to wander/walk about in a leisurely manner, to stroll.⁶
佯病 yẽng-bèng
yángbìng to malinger (feign illness to avoid work); to pretend to be sick.
佯攻 yẽng-güng
yánggōng <mil.> to feint; to feign an attack.
佯装[佯裝] yẽng-jöng
yángzhuāng to pretend.
佯装惊诧[佯裝驚詫] yẽng-jöng-gëin-jä
or yẽng-jöng-gëin-chä yángzhuāngjīngchà pretend to be surprised.¹⁹
or 阳狂[陽狂] yẽng-kõng yángkuáng <wr.> to feign madness.
佯言 yẽng-ngũn
yángyán <wr.> to tell lies; to lie.
佯笑 yẽng-xël
yángxiào to feign a smile.
佯死 yẽng-xī
yángsǐ to feign death.
yeng3 16645
32 9 yẽng yáng field.⁸ (used in place names).⁸ a farm field.⁹ clay sheep buried with the dead.¹⁰ the genius of the soil; a sprite, an elf attached to a certain spot.²⁴
上家垟 Sèng-gä-yẽng Shàngjiāyáng a place in Jēt-göng Zhèjiāng Zhejiang Province.⁸
翁垟 Yüng-yẽng
Wēngyáng a place in Jēt-göng Zhèjiāng Zhejiang Province.⁸
yeng3 16646
59 10 𢒑
yẽng yáng (=羏 yẽng yáng the beautiful and the good.²).¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰⿱从干彡; U+22491).
<又> tẽng.
(See 羏 yẽng; 𢒑❄{⿰⿱从干彡} tẽng).
yeng3 16647
60 9 yẽng yáng to walk back and forth.¹⁰
徜徉 sèng-yẽng chángyáng (=倘佯 sẽng-yẽng chángyáng) <wr.> to wander/walk about in a leisurely manner, to stroll.⁶
彷徉 põng-yẽng
pángyáng <wr.> to loiter, roam, wander, linger, hang around, loaf about.⁶ unsettled, doubtful; to roam about.⁷
yeng3 16648
61 12 yẽng yáng to play around; to disport oneself.¹⁹ to wander about.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄昜; U+6113).
<又> hõng; òng; sëng. (See 愓 hõng; 愓 òng; 愓 sëng).
yeng3 16649
62 13 yẽng yáng a spear, a lance, a javelin; a battle-axe, a halberd.⁸
a lance.²⁴
(composition: ⿰昜戈; U+39B9).
yeng3 16650
64 12 yẽng yáng raise; throw up and scatter, winnow; spread, make known; exalt, praise.⁶
不扬[不揚] būt-yẽng bùyáng simple-looking; homely.⁶
发扬[發揚] fät-yẽng
fāyáng develop, expand (truth).¹¹
扬波[揚波] yẽng-bö
yángbō raise waves.⁶
扬场[揚場] or 飏场[颺場] yẽng-chẽng
yángcháng winnow.⁶
扬长[揚長] yẽng-chẽng
yángcháng ostentatious, swashbuckling; develop one's strengths.⁶
扬长避短[揚長避短] yẽng-chẽng-bì-ōn
yángchángbìduǎn play up strenghts and avoid weaknesses.⁶
扬尘[揚塵] yẽng-chĩn
yángchén kick up dust.¹¹
扬帆[揚帆] yẽng-fãn
yángfān hoist the sails; set sail.⁵
扬榷[揚榷] yẽng-kōk
yángquè <wr.> expound briefly.⁶
扬榷古今[揚古今] yẽng-kōk-gū-gïm
yángquè gǔ-jīn make a cursory review the past and the present.⁶
扬名[揚名] yẽng-mẽin
yángmíng become famous.⁵
扬眉吐气[揚眉吐氣] yẽng-mĩ-hü-hï
yángméitǔqì stand up with one's head high; emerge suddenly from a humble situation into an honorable position.⁶
扬手[揚手] yẽng-siū
yángshǒu to raise one's hand; to raise one's hand high.⁹ wave hand.¹¹
扬水[揚水] yẽng-suī
yángshuǐ pump up water.⁵
(See 颺 yẽng.)
yeng3 16651
72 9 yẽng yáng (<old>=阳[陽] yẽng yáng clear; bright; the sun; heat; pertaining to this world; superior; upper; front; the north of a river; the south of a hill.¹⁴); to open out, to expand; bright, glorious.⁸
(composition: ⿱旦勿; U+661C).
(See 陽 yẽng).
yeng3 16652
72 13 yẽng yáng <wr.> (of the sun) rise; (of sky) clear; (of weather) fine.
旸谷[暘谷] yẽng-gūk yánggǔ <trad.> place where the sun rises.⁶
yeng3 16653
75 13 yẽng yáng poplar; Yang surname.⁵
百步穿杨[百步穿楊] bäk-bù-chün-yẽng bǎibùchuānyáng shoot an arrow through a willow (poplar) leaf a hundred paces away; shoot with great precision.⁵
杨花[楊花] yẽng-fä
yánghuā poplar blossoms/filaments.⁷
杨贵妃[楊貴妃] Yẽng Gï-fï
Yáng Guìfēi (719-756) beloved consort of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang.¹⁵
or 阳桃[陽桃] or 洋桃 or 羊桃 yẽng-hõ/ or yẽng-hão/ yẽngtáo or 五敛子[五斂子] m̄-lêm-dū wǔliǎnzi carambola, star fruit, five-corner (Averrhoa carambola).¹¹ʼ¹⁵ʼ²⁰
杨枝鱼[楊枝魚] yẽng-jï-nguĩ
yángzhīyú pipefish.⁵
杨柳[楊柳] yẽng-liû
yángliǔ poplar and willow; willow.⁵
杨柳婆娑[楊柳婆娑] yẽng-liû-põ-sö
or yẽng-liû-põ-sü yángliǔpósuō The willows dance in the breeze.⁵
杨梅[楊梅] yẽng-mõi
yángméi red bayberry (Myrica rubra).⁵
杨梅疮[楊梅瘡] yẽng-mõi-chông
yángméichuāng syphilitic sores.¹¹
杨树[楊樹] yẽng-sì
yángshù poplar.⁵
三角叶杨[三角葉楊] xäm-gôk-yêp-yẽng
sānjiǎoyèyáng cottonwood.¹⁰
yeng3 16654
84 8 yẽng yáng (<old>=阳[陽] yẽng yáng) clear; bright; the sun; heat; pertaining to this world; superior; upper; front; the north of a river; the south of a hill.¹⁴
<又> ngìt.
(See 氜 ngìt; 陽 yẽng).
yeng3 16655
85 9 yẽng yáng vast, multitudinous; ocean; foreign; modern; <trad.> silver coin.⁵
大西洋 Ài-xäi-yẽng Dàxī Yáng Atlantic Ocean.⁴³
大洋 ài-yẽng
dàyáng oceans; silver dollar. silver yuan.⁹
洋菝葜 yẽng-bàt-hät
yángbáqiā sarsaparilla; sarsa; Smilax lanceaefolia; Smilax medica.³⁹
洋灰 yẽng-föi
yánghuī <topo.> cement.¹⁰
洋泾浜[洋涇浜] yẽng-gëin-böng
yángjīngbāng pidgin (English).⁹
洋人 yẽng-ngĩn
yángrén foreigner.⁵
洋妞 yẽng-niū
yángniū young foreign girl.¹⁰
洋琵琶 yẽng-pĩ-pã
yángpípa mandolin.³⁹
洋葱[洋蔥] yẽng-tûng
yángcōng foreign onions; the common round  onion.¹⁴
洋葱圈[洋蔥圈] yẽng-tûng-hūn
yángcōng quān onion rings.³⁹
洋槐 yẽng-vãi
yánghuái (=刺槐 xü-vãi cìhuái) black locust, false acacia Robinia pseudoacacia.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
洋芋 yẽng-vû
yángyù <topo.> potato.⁵
洋苏[洋蘇] yẽng-xü
yángsū sage (herb).¹⁰
洋洋大观[洋洋大觀] yẽng-yẽng-ài-gön
yángyángdàguān spectacular; grandiose; imposing.⁵
洋溢 yẽng-yìt
yángyì be permeated with; brim with.⁵
yeng3 16656
86 10 yẽng yáng to smelt or melt (metals).⁷ to roast; to put towards the fire; to make hot.²⁴ (variant: 煬 yẽng yáng).
or 炀金[煬金] yẽng-gïm yángjīn to smelt metal.¹⁴
(See 烊 [yẽng, yàng]; 煬 yẽng.)
yeng3 16657
86 10 yẽng yàng  打烊 ā-yẽng dǎyàng close the store for the night; put up the shutters.⁸
(See 烊 [yẽng, yáng]; 煬 yẽng.)
yeng3 16658
86 13 yẽng yáng <wr.> smelt (metal); (of fire) roasting.⁶ (=烊 yẽng yáng) to smelt or melt (metals).⁷  to roast, to scorch, to warm at the fire; to fuse, to smelt.¹⁴
隋炀帝[隋煬帝] Tuĩ-Yẽng-Äi
Suí Yáng Dì Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, who ordered the digging of the Grand Canal in the early seventh century.⁷
or 烊暴 yẽng-bào yángbào impetuous; zealous..¹⁴
or 烊火 yẽng-fō yánghuǒ to put before the fire.¹⁴
or 烊金 yẽng-gïm yángjīn to smelt metal.¹⁴
or 烊炙 yẽng-jēik yángzhì to toast; to roast.¹⁴
or 烊和 yẽng-võ yánghé to blend together.¹⁴
(See 烊 [yẽng, yáng]; 烊 [yẽng, yàng])
yeng3 16659
96 13 yẽng yáng  <old> a kind of jade.
<又> chēng. (See 瑒 chēng.)
yeng3 16660
104 14 yẽng yáng skin diseases or infections; sores; an ulcer.⁷
骨疡[骨瘍] gūt-yẽng gǔyáng caries.⁹
溃疡[潰瘍] kï-yẽng
kuìyáng an ulcer.⁷
脓疡[膿瘍] nũng-yẽng
nóngyáng abscess.¹⁹
泡疡病[泡瘍病] päo-yẽng-bèng
pàoyángbìng blister canker.¹⁹
胃溃疡[胃潰瘍] vì-kï-yẽng
wèikuìyáng gastric ulcers.¹⁰
疡疫[瘍疫] yẽng-yèik
yángyì pest.⁹
痈疡[癰瘍] yüng-yẽng
yōngyáng a large carbuncle.¹¹
yeng3 16661
123 6 yẽng yáng Kangxi radical 123; sheep, goat.⁸ Yang surname.⁸
羊毫笔[羊毫筆] yẽng-hõ-bīt yángháobǐ writing brush made of goat's-hair.⁶
羊驼[羊駝] yẽng-hũ
or yẽng-hõ yángtuó alpaca.¹⁰
羊圈 yẽng-hûn
yángjuàn sheepfold, sheep pen.⁶
羊栈[羊棧] yẽng-jàn
yángzhàn sheep pen.⁵
羊毛出在羊身上 yẽng-mão-chūt-dòi-yẽng-sïn-sèng/
yáng máo chū zài yáng shēnshang lit. Without a sheep, there can be no wool – One has to pay for what one gets.⁷
羊毛疔 yẽng-mão-ëin
yángmáodīng disease with typhoid symptoms.⁸
羊毛衫 yẽng-mão-sâm
yángmáoshān woolen sweater.⁶
羊年 yẽng-nẽin
yángnián Year of the Ram/Sheep/Goat.
羊肉 yẽng-ngùk
yángròu mutton; lamb.⁹
羊皮袄[羊皮襖] yẽng-pĩ-äo
yángpí'ǎo sheepskin jacket.¹⁹
羊肚菌 yẽng-ū-kûn/
yángdǔjùn morel, Morchella.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
羊肚儿手巾[羊肚兒手巾] yẽng-ū-ngĩ-siū-gïn
yángdǔr shǒujin <topo.> towel.⁶
羊肚蕈 yẽng-ū-xïn
yángdǔxùn <bot.> morel.⁶
羊犄角 yẽng-yï-gôk
or yẽng-gï-gôk yángjījiao sheep horn.⁶
<台> 羊咩 yẽng-mēh sheep.
<台> 羊眉旱 yẽng mĩ hôn/ shin.
yeng3 16662
123 6 𦍌
yẽng yáng (radical form of 羊 yẽng yáng sheep, goat.⁸).³⁶
(composition: ⿱丷王; U+2634C).
(See ⺷ yẽng; U+2EB7).
yeng3 16663
123 6 yẽng yáng CJK RADICAL RAM; (radical form of 羊 yẽng yáng sheep, goat.⁸).³⁶
(composition: ⿱丷王; U+2EB7).
yeng3 16664
123 6 yẽng yáng Component form of 羊 yẽng yáng: Kangxi radical #123, 羊 (“sheep”).³⁶ 羊 with bottom curved as in 羚羢翔 (used on the left side) and 羞着 (sometimes on top).
(composition: ⿱丷⿻三丿; U+2EB6).
(See 羊 yẽng).
yeng3 16665
123 9 yẽng yáng the beautiful and the good.²
(variant: 𢒑❄{⿰⿱从干彡} yẽng yáng)
<又> tẽng.
(See 羏 tẽng; 𢒑❄{⿰⿱从干彡} yẽng)
yeng3 16666
142 12 yẽng yáng a weevil found in rice.⁸ a small black beetle that feeds on grains; also called 米象 māi-dèng mǐxiàng <zoo.> rice weevil.⁹ (variant: 蝆 yẽng yáng).
蛘子 yẽng-dū
yángzi <topo.> rice weevil.⁸
蛘螨[蛘蟎] yẽng-mōn
yángmǎn meal mite.⁹
(See 蝆 yẽng).
yeng3 16667
142 14 yẽng yáng (<old>=蛘 yẽng yáng) a weevil found in rice.⁸
(See 蝆 yẽng).
yeng3 16668
154 20 yẽng yíng (in gambling or in a match) win; gain; win a victory.⁶
(comp. t: ⿱吂⿲月貝几; U+8D0F).
s: ⿱吂⿲月贝几; U+8D62).
打赢[打贏] ā-yẽng
dǎyíng fought and won.
包赢[包贏] bäo-yẽng
bāoyíng to guarantee winning in gambling or sports.
输赢[輸贏] sï-yẽng
shūyíng victory or defeat; (of gambling) gains and losses.⁶
赌赢[賭贏] ū-yẽng
dǔyíng win a bet; win in gambling.⁵⁴
赢家[贏家] yẽng-gä
yíngjiā winner (in gambling, a match).⁶
赢钱[赢錢] yẽng-tẽin/ to win money by gambling.⁷
<又> yẽin.
(See 贏 yẽin.)
yeng3 16669
167 17 yẽng yáng frontlet.⁸ ornaments on headstall of horse.¹⁰ (variant: 鐊 yẽng yáng).
(See 鐊 yẽng).
yeng3 16670
167 19 yẽng yáng (<old>=鍚 yẽng yáng) frontlet.⁸ ornaments on headstall of horse.¹⁰
(See 鍚 yẽng).
yeng3 16671
170 6 yẽng yáng (<old>=阳[陽] yẽng yáng clear; bright; the sun; heat; pertaining to this world; superior; upper; front; the north of a river; the south of a hill.¹⁴).⁸ demotic character for 阳[陽] yẽng yáng sun.²
(composition: ⿰阝火; U+9626).
(See 陽 yẽng).
yeng3 16672
170 11 yẽng yáng clear; bright; the sun; heat; pertaining to this world; superior; upper; front; the north of a river; the south of a hill.¹⁴ (variants: 氜,阦,昜 yẽng). (See 氜,阦,昜 yẽng).
太阳把花都晒蔫了[太陽把花都曬蔫了] häi-yẽng-bā-fä-ü-säi-yën-lēl
tàiyángbǎhuādōushàiniānle the flowers have become withered under the scorching sun.¹¹
阳奉阴违[陽奉陰違] yẽng-fùng-yïm-vĩ
yángfèngyīnwéi outward devotion but inner opposition (idiom); to pay lip service; to agree overtly, but oppose in secret.¹⁰
阳光[陽光] yẽng-göng
yángguāng sunshine; transparent (open to public scrutiny).¹⁰
阳台[陽臺] yẽng-hõi
yángtái balcony; terrace; deck.
or 阳萎[陽萎] yẽng-vī yángwěi <med.> (sexual) impotence; erectile dysfunction.⁶
阳伞[陽傘] yẽng-xän
yángsǎn parasol.
阳性[陽性] yẽng-xëin
yángxìng <med.> positive energy; masculine gender.
阳燧[陽燧] yẽng-xuì
yángsuì <wr.> a speculum, brass mirror placed in the sun and generating enough heat to ignite dry grass.¹¹
阴阳[陰陽] yïm-yẽng
yīnyáng <phil.> Yin and Yang, the two opposing principles in nature, the former feminine and negative, the latter masculine and positive.
yeng3 16673
182 18 yẽng yáng (=扬[揚] yẽng yáng) to rise; to fly (like the wind).¹
饥附饱飏[飢附飽颺] gï-fù-bāo-yẽng
jīfùbǎoyáng <wr.> to cling to somebody when needed and abandon him when no longer needed.
or 飘扬[飄揚] pël-yẽng piāoyáng wave; flutter;  fly.⁶ flutter in the wind (of flag).¹¹
or 扬场[揚場] yẽng-chẽng yángcháng winnow.⁶
or 悠扬[悠揚] yiũ-yẽng yōuyáng (of music) rising and falling; melodious.⁵
远飏[遠颺] yōn-yẽng
yuǎnyáng to escape or flee far away.⁷
(See 揚 yẽng.)
yeng3 16674
196 17 yẽng yáng (composition: ⿰羊鳥; U+9D39).
𪄲鴹 -yẽng yáng a bird with one leg, which indicates rain by its gambolling; it is said to have a variegated body, and red mouth; it rests by day, and flies by night; its voice is a kind of whistle.²⁵ <old> a mythical bird which can create heavy rain.³⁶
<又> tẽng. (See 鴹 tẽng).
yeng3 16675
61 10 yèng yàng <wr.> ailment; illness.⁵
别来无恙[別來無恙] bèik-lõi-mũ-yèng biéláiwúyàng hope that you are well (since departure).¹¹
贱恙[賤恙] dèin-yèng
jiànyàng <court.> my illness.¹¹
贵恙[貴恙] gï-yèng
guìyàng your illness.¹¹
微恙 mĩ-yèng
wēiyàng slightly illness; indisposition.⁶
无恙[無恙] mũ-yèng
wúyàng in good health.⁵
偶染微恙 ngêo-ngêm-mĩ-yèng
ǒurǎnwēiyàng feel slightly indisposed.⁵
安然无恙[安然無恙] ön-ngẽin-mũ-yèng
ānránwúyàng be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed.⁶
恙虫[恙蟲] yèng-chũng
yàngchóng tsutsugamushi mite.⁵
恙虫病[恙蟲病] yèng-chũng-bèng
yàngchóngbìng tsutsugamushi disease; scrub typhus; inundation fever; Japanese river fever.⁶
恙虫热[恙蟲熱] yèng-chũng-ngèik
yàngchóngrè tsutsugamushi disease; scrub typhus.⁵
恙螨[恙蟎] yèng-mōn
yàngmǎn chigger.⁶
yeng4 16676
64 14 yèng yàng a type; a model; a mode; a style.⁸
(variant: 𢳌❄{⿰扌⿳卝土⿱丶⿲ᵃᵇ乚, where ᵃ is the same as stroke 3 of 永 and ᵇ is the same as stroke 2 of 永} yèng yàng).
(composition: ⿰扌羕; U+3A3E).
(See 𢳌❄{⿰扌⿳卝土⿱丶⿲ᵃᵇ乚, where ᵃ is the same as stroke 3 of 永 and ᵇ is the same as stroke 2 of 永} yèng).
yeng4 16677
64 14 𢳌
yèng yàng (=樣 yèng yàng a mode; a style.⁸).¹  a pattern, a rule.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌⿳卝土⿱丶⿲ᵃᵇ乚, where
is the same as stroke 3 of 永 and is the same as stroke 2 of 永; U+22CCC)
(See 樣 yèng).
yeng4 16678 22CCC.jpg
75 15 yèng yàng manner; pattern; way; appearance; shape; classifier: kind, type.¹⁰
榜样[榜樣] bōng-yèng bǎngyàng example; model.¹⁰
怎么样[怎麼樣] dīm-mō-yèng
zěnmeyàng how? how about? how was it? how are things?¹⁰
这样[這樣] jëh-yèng
zhèyàng in this way, this manner.¹¹
这样吧[這樣吧] jëh-yèng-bà
zhèyàngba Let's do it like this.¹⁰
样板[樣板] yèng-bān
yàngbǎn template; prototype; model; example.¹⁰
样板戏[樣板戲] yèng-bān-hï
yàngbǎnxì model theater (operas and ballets produced during the Cultural Revolution).¹⁰
样品[樣品] yèng-bīn
yàngpǐn sample goods.¹¹
样本[樣本] yèng-bōn
yàngběn sample; specimen.¹⁰
样子[樣子] yèng-dū
yàngzi appearance, shape; manner, air; sample, model, pattern; <topo.> tendency, likelihood.⁵⁶
样式[樣式] yèng-sēik
yàngshì pattern; type; style; form; manner.³⁹
样样[樣樣] yèng-yèng
yàngyàng every kind; all; each and every.⁸
yeng4 16679
85 14 yèng yàng ripple; brim over, overflow; <topo.> small lake, lakelet.⁶
(old variant: 羕 yèng yàng).
(composition: ⿰氵羕; U+6F3E).
眼里漾着泪[眼裡漾着淚] ngān-lī-yèng-jèk-luì
yǎnlǐyàngzhelèi The eyes suffused with tears.³⁹
荡漾[蕩漾/盪漾] òng-yèng
dàngyàng ripple; undulate.⁶
漾濞 Yèng-bì
Yàngbì Yangbi county in 云南[雲南] Vũn-nãm Yúnnán Yunnan Province.¹⁰
or 瀁波 yèng-bö yàngbō ripples and waves.¹⁴
漾舟 yèng-jiü
yàngzhōu enjoy boating.⁵⁴
漾奶 yèng-nâi
yàngnǎi (of babies) throw up milk.⁶
or 瀁瀁 yèng-yèng yàngyàng vast and boundless.⁸ agitated.¹¹
(See 羕 yèng).
yeng4 16680
85 18 yèng yàng (=漾 yèng yàng ripple; brim over, overflow; <topo.> small lake, lakelet.⁶) waves; ripples; rapids.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰氵養; U+7001).
or 滉漾 fōng-yèng huǎngyàng  describes the vast and boundless    ripples  ➂ refers to floating water ➃ flashing; shaking.¹⁹
轻瀁[輕瀁] hëin-yèng
qīngyàng ripples.¹⁴
沆瀁 köng-yèng
hàngyàng deep and vast – as a great lake.¹⁴ vast and extensive.²⁴
瀇瀁 vōng-yèng
wǎngyàng water deep and wide; stagnant stinking water; vast; like a sheet of water.²⁴
摇瀁[搖瀁] yẽl-yèng
yáoyàng to stir the ripples.¹⁴
or 漾波 yèng-bö yàngbō ripples and waves.¹⁴
瀁驰而已[瀁馳而已] yèng-chĩ-ngĩ-yî
yàngchí'éryǐ they simply flow faster – as they near the sea.¹⁴
瀁出来[瀁出來] yèng-chūt-lõi
yàngchūlai to overflow, as a stream.¹⁴
or 漾漾 yèng-yèng yàngyàng vast and boundless.⁸ agitated.¹¹
(See 漾 yèng).
yeng4 16681
123 11 yèng yàng (<old>=漾 yèng yàng overflow; ripple; brim over, <topo.> small lake, lakelet.⁶)
(composition: ⿱𦍌永; U+7F95).
(See 漾 yèng).
yeng4 16682
84 10 yêng yǎng oxygen (O).⁶
氧化 yêng-fä yǎnghuà <chem.> oxydize; oxidate.⁶
氧化铁[氧化鐵] yêng-fä-hëik
yǎngyǎngtiě ferric oxide.⁶
氧化汞 yêng-fä-hüng
yǎnghuàgǒng mercuric oxide.¹¹
氧化剂[氧化劑] yêng-fä-jäi
yǎnghuàjì oxidant; oxidizer.⁶
氧化镁[氧化鎂] yêng-fä-mî
yǎnghuàměi magnesium oxide.¹¹
氧化物 yêng-fä-mùt
or yêng-fä-mòt  yǎnghuàwù oxide; oxidizing material.⁶
氧化钕[氧化釹] yêng-fä-nuī
yǎnghuànǚ neodymia.¹⁰
氧化镱[氧化鐿] yêng-fä-yï
yǎnghuàyì ytterbia.¹⁰
氧割 yêng-göt
yǎnggē oxyacetylene metal-cutting.⁶
氧气[氧氣] yêng-hï
yǎngqì oxygen.⁶
氧气罩[氧氣罩] yêng-hï-jâo/
yǎngqìzhào oxygen mask.⁶
氧气面罩[氧氣面罩] yêng-hï-mèin-jâo/
yǎngqì miànzhào oxygen mask.⁹
氧气瓶[氧氣瓶] yêng-hï-pẽin
or yêng-hï-pêng yǎngqìpíng oxygen cylinder.⁶
yeng5 16683
104 20 yêng yǎng itch; tickle; itch for a try.⁶
暗暗技痒[暗暗技癢] ām-ām-gì-yêng àn'ànjìyǎng itch for a chance to show off.³⁹
不痛不痒[不痛不癢] būt-hüng-būt-yêng
bùtòngbùyǎng lit. doesn't hurt, doesn't tickle (idiom); something is wrong, but not quite sure what; fig. not getting to any matter of substance; scratching the surface; superficial; perfunctory.¹⁰
隔靴搔痒[隔靴搔癢] gäk-hẽh-xäo-yêng
géxuēsāoyǎng  scratch at an itch from outside the boot –  (of words or writing) fail to get to the root of a matter; fail to strike home; take superficial measures.⁶ to scratch an itchy place through the boots – not very effective.¹⁴
挠痒痒[撓癢癢] nào-yêng-yêng
or nẽo-yêng-yêng náoyǎngyang to tickle; <topo.> scratch an itchy spot.⁵⁴
痒疹 yêng-chīn
yǎngzhěn <med.> prurigo.⁶
痒痒[癢癢] yêng-yêng
yǎngyang <vern.> itch; tickle; be pruritic.⁶
痒痒挠儿[癢癢撓兒] yêng-yêng-nào-ngĩ
yǎngyangjīnr itch scratcher.⁶
痒痒肉[癢癢肉] yêng-yêng-ngùk
yǎngyangròu <vern.> ticklish spot.⁶
(See <台> 㾂 hõi itch; itchy).
yeng5 16684
184 15 yêng yǎng to bring up; foster, adoptive; to recuperate; to maintain; to form; to acquire; to nurse; Yang surname.
收养[收養] siü-yêng shōuyǎng adopt.⁵
慈幼养老[慈幼養老] xũ-yiü-yêng-lāo
cíyòuyǎnglǎo be kind to the young and care for the old.³⁹
养精蓄锐[養精蓄銳] yêng-dëin-chūk-yuì
yǎngjīngxùruì conserve one’s strength.⁹
养尊处优[養尊處優] yêng-dün-chuī-yiü
yǎngzūnchǔyōu to live in luxury or clover; to enjoy high rank and live at ease and in comfort.⁷
养父[養父] yêng-fù
yǎngfù foster father.⁸
养分[養分] yêng-fùn
yǎngfèn the amount of nutritious substance in a given food item; nutrition.⁷
养殖[養殖] yêng-jèik
yǎngzhí to breed (aquatics).⁷
养料[養料] yêng-lèl
yǎngliào nutrition; nutritious value.⁷
养路[養路] yêng-lù
yǎnglù highway maintenance.⁷
养女[養女] yêng-nuī
yǎngnǚ a foster daughter.⁷
养疴[養痾] yêng-ü
or yêng-ö yǎngkē rest and recuperate.⁶
养性[養性] yêng-xëin
yǎngxìng to discipline one's temperament.⁷
<又> yëng.
(See 養 yëng.)
yeng5 16685
130 12 yëp yān preserve in salt; salt; pickle; cure.⁵ (variant: 醃 yëp yān).
腌渍[腌漬] yëp-dēik yānzì salt; pickle; cure.⁶
腌鲱鱼[腌鯡魚] yëp-fï-nguî
yānfēiyú pickled herring.¹⁹
腌制[腌製] yëp-jäi
yānzhì pickle; preserve; salt; cure.⁶
腌鱼[腌魚] yëp-nguî/
yānyú salted fish.⁵
腌肉 yëp-ngùk
yānròu salted meat; bacon.⁵
腌泡 yëp-päo
yānpào marinade; marinate.⁶
腌菜 yëp-töi
yāncài pickled vegetables; pickles.⁵
腌菜瓮 yëp-töi-ûng
yāncàiwèng jar for pickling vegetables.⁶
腌黄瓜[腌黃瓜] yëp-võng-gâ/
yānhuánggua pickled cucumber.⁶
<台> 腌咸菜[腌鹹菜] yëp-hãm-töi pickled vegetables.
<又> lâ.
(See 腌 lâ; 醃 yëp).
yep2 16686
164 15 yëp yān (=腌 yëp yān) preserve in salt; salt; pickle; cure.⁵
(See 腌 yëp).
yep2 16687
38 17 yèp well-dressed, finely trimmed up.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿸厭女; U+5B2E).
<又> yëm; yèm. (See 嬮 yëm; 嬮 yèm).
yep4 16688
85 15 yèp ➀ abyss ➁ whirlpool; vortex; eddy ➂ turbulent and difficult situation.⁸
(composition: ⿰氵翕; U+6F5D).
<又> kīp. (See 潝 kīp).
yep4 16689
140 12 yèp Ye surname.
(comp. t: ⿱艹枼; U+8449). (comp. s: ⿰口十; U+53F6).
叶公好龙[葉公好龍] yèp-güng-häo-lũng
yègōnghàolóng like Lord Ye who claimed to be fond of dragons but was mortally afraid of them – professed love of what one really fears.
<又> yêp; nēp.
(See 葉 yêp; 叶 hèp; 葉 nēp).
yep4 16690
182 18 𩘏
yèp the wind putting things in motion.²⁵
(composition: ⿺風枼; U+2960F).
yep4 16691
64 15 yêp the handle of a sieve.²⁴
<又>gàt, kāt, làp. (See 擖 gàt, 擖 gōt, 擖 làp).
yep5 16692
72 14 yêp (=晔[曄] yêp prosperous; flourishing; bright; radiant; thriving; dynamic; bright light; to sparkle; the flash of lightning; the brilliancy of a flash.⁵ʼ⁶ʼ⁷ʼ⁸ʼ⁹ʼ¹⁰ʼ²⁴ʼ³⁶ʼ¹⁰²).
(composition: ⿱日華; U+66C5).
(See 曄 yêp).
yep5 16693
72 14 yêp prosperous; flourishing; thriving; dynamic; bright; bright light; radiant; to sparkle; the flash of lightning; the brilliancy of a flash.⁵ʼ⁶ʼ⁷ʼ⁸ʼ⁹ʼ¹⁰ʼ¹¹ʼ²⁴ʼ³⁶ʼ¹⁰²
(also written 燁 yêp ).¹¹
(variants: 曅 yêp
; 爗 yêp yè).
t: ⿰日華; U+66C4). (comp. s: ⿰日华; U+6654).
光晔[光曄] göng-yêp
guāngyè dazzling brightness, as of the sun.¹⁰²
韡晔[韡曄] vī-yêp
wěiyè magnificent; gorgeous.⁰
晔然[曄然] yêp-ngẽin
yèrán prosperous; thriving.⁷
晔晔[曄曄] yêp-yêp
yèyè prosperous; thriving.⁷ full, abundant.²⁴
晔晔震电[曄曄震電] yêp-yêp-jīn-èin
yèyèzhèndiàn the brilliant flash and rolling peal.¹⁰²
(See 曅 yêp; 燁 yêp; 爗 yêp).
yep5 16694
75 9 yêp a tablet; flat pieces of wood; a slip; (=叶[葉] yêp ) a leaf.¹⁴ (variant: 枽 yêp ).
(See 葉 yêp; 枽 yêp).
yep5 16695
75 10 yêp (=枼 yêp ) a tablet; flat pieces of wood; a slip; a leaf.¹⁴
(See 枼 yêp).
yep5 16696
75 13 yêp a place name during the Han Dynasty; a window.⁸
楪榆 Yêp Yĩ Yè Yú Yeyu located in present day  northeastern 大理县[大理县] Ài-lî Dàlǐ Dali District of 云南省[雲南省] Vũn-nãm Yúnnán Yunnan Province.⁸
<又> èp.
(See 楪 èp).
yep5 16697
86 13 yêp bright, fiery; flame, blaze; to shine, to illuminate.⁸ fire flying about; to burn; a flash of lightning; a flash of light; light, splendor.²⁴
(composition: ⿰火枼; U+7160).
<又> jä. (See 煠 jä; cf. 爚 yèk).
yep5 16698
86 13 𤍞
yêp Kangxi Dictionary entry for more modern term 烨[燁] yêp bright, glorious, splendid, flame.
(composition: ⿰火⿳艹一⿱龷一; U+2435E).
(See 燁 yêp).
yep5 16699
86 14 yêp sunlight, firelight; (of light) bright.⁶ bright, glorious, splendid, flame.⁸ʼ³⁶ blaze of fire; glorious.¹⁰ bright, flaming.¹¹
(variant: 爗, 𤍞❄{⿰火⿳艹一⿱龷一} , 𤑼❄{⿰火⿳日⿲仌丨仌亏} yêp ).
t: ⿰火華; U+71C1). (comp. s: ⿰火华; U+70E8).
烨赫[燁赫] yêp-hāk
yèhè brilliant (golden color).⁸
烨然[燁然] yêp-ngẽin
yèrán bright (color).⁸
烨烁[燁爍] yêp-sēk
yèshuò brilliant; glorious; honorable.⁸
烨烨[燁燁] yêp-yêp
yèyè bright, brilliant.⁸
Yêp-yêp-jīn-èin, būt-nẽin-būt-lèin.
Yè yè zhèn diàn, bù níng bù lìng.
(See 㷸㷸震電、不寧不令。
Yêp-yêp-jīn-èin, būt-nẽin-būt-lèin.).

烨熠[燁熠] yêp-yìp
yèyì brilliant; glorious; honorable.⁸
烨煜[燁煜] yêp-yūk
yèyù brilliance; flourishing music.⁸
(See 爗 yêp; 曄 yêp; 𤍞❄{⿰火⿳艹一⿱龷一} yêp; 𤑼❄{⿰火⿳日⿲仌丨仌亏} yêp).
yep5 16700
86 16 yêp (a variant of 烨[燁] yêp sunlight, firelight; (of light) bright.⁶ bright, glorious, splendid, flame.⁸ʼ³⁶ blaze of fire; glorious.¹⁰ bright, flaming.¹¹); blaze of fire, splendid, glorious.⁸
(composition: ⿰火⿱日⿻丅⿱艹二; U+3DF8).
Yêp-yêp-jīn-èin, būt-nẽin-būt-lèin.
Yè yè zhèn diàn, bù níng bù lìng.
Grandly flashes the lightning of the thunder; -
There is a want of rest, a want of good.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·祈父之什·十月之交·3》, translated by James Legge).
(See 燁 yêp).
yep5 16701
86 18 yêp (=烨[燁] yêp sunlight, firelight; (of light) bright.⁶
bright, glorious, splendid, flame.⁸ʼ³⁶ blaze of fire; glorious.¹⁰ bright, flaming.¹¹).
(=晔[曄] yêp
prosperous; flourishing; thriving; dynamic; bright; bright light; radiant; to sparkle; the flash of lightning; the brilliancy of a flash.⁵ʼ⁶ʼ⁷ʼ⁸ʼ⁹ʼ¹⁰ʼ¹¹ʼ²⁴ʼ³⁶ʼ¹⁰²).⁸
(composition: ⿰火曅; U+7217).
爗爗震电[爗爗震電]. Yêp-yêp-jīn-èin
Yè yè zhèn diàn.
(See 㷸㷸震電、不寧不令。Yêp-yêp-jīn-èin, būt-nẽin-būt-lèin.)
(See 燁 yêp; 曄 yêp).
yep5 16702
86 18 𤑻
yêp (=𤑼❄{⿰火⿳日⿲仌丨仌亏} yêp sunlight, firelight; (of light) bright.⁶ bright, glorious, splendid, flame.⁸ʼ³⁶ blaze of fire; glorious.¹⁰ bright, flaming.¹¹).⁸
(composition: ⿰火⿳日⿰十十⿳一龷一; U+2447B).
(See 𤑼❄{⿰火⿳日⿲仌丨仌亏} yêp).
yep5 16703
86 20 𤑼
yêp (=烨[燁] yêp sunlight, firelight; (of light) bright.⁶ bright, glorious, splendid, flame.⁸ʼ³⁶ blaze of fire; glorious.¹⁰ bright, flaming.¹¹).⁸
(composition: ⿰火⿳日⿲仌丨仌亏; U+2447C).
(See 燁 yêp).
yep5 16704
96 24 yêp (=马镳[馬鑣] mâ-bël mǎbiāo horse's bit.).⁵⁴ the trappings of a horse.²⁴
(composition: ⿰𤣩獻; U+74DB).
<又> yõn.
(See 瓛 yõn).
yep5 16705
140 12 yêp leaf; lobe; (historical) period; used for 页[頁] yêp a page in a book. (variant: 枼 yêp ).
t: ⿱艹枼; U+8449). (comp. s: ⿰口十; U+53F6).
稻白叶枯病[稻白葉枯病] ào-bàk-yêp-kü-bèng
dàobáiyèkūbìng bacterial blight of rice.⁵
荷叶[荷葉] hõ-yêp
héyè lotus leaf.¹¹
中叶[中葉] jüng-yêp
zhōngyè middle period (of dynasty, century, reign).¹¹
落叶归根[落葉歸根] lòk-yêp-gï-gïn
luòyèguīgēn lit. a falling leaf returns to the roots (idiom); fig. all things go back to their source eventually; in old age, an expatriate returns home.¹⁰
树叶[樹葉] sì-yêp
shùyè tree leaves.¹¹
桑叶[桑葉] xông-yêp
sāngyè leaves of the mulberry tree.⁹
叶子[葉子] yêp-dū
yèzi a leaf.¹¹
叶落归根[葉落歸根] yêp-lòk-gï-gïn
yèluòguīgēn what comes from the soil will return to the soil.¹¹
叶片[葉片] yêp-pëin
yèpiàn blade (of propellor); vane; leaf.¹⁰
叶栅[葉柵] yêp-sän
yèshān (vane) cascade; blade cascade; blade lattice; blade grid.³⁹ louver.⁵⁴
叶鞘[葉鞘] yêp-xël
yèqiào <bot.> leaf sheath.⁶
<又> yèp; nēp.
(See 葉 yèp; 叶 hèp; 枼 yêp; 葉 nēp).
yep5 16706
181 9 yêp   Kangxi radical 181; leaf, sheet; page.⁶
首页[首頁] siū-yêp shǒuyè main page; home page.⁹
页边[頁邊] yêp-bëin
yèbiān the page margin.⁷
页界[頁界] yêp-gäi
yèjiè page boundary.⁶
页码[頁碼] yêp-mâ
yèmǎ the page number.⁷
页面[頁面] yêp-mèin
yèmiàn ➀ a display picture within the screen boundary ➁ a home page of a website ➂ refers to the organization of information provided or writing on one page.⁹
页尾[頁尾] yêp-mī
yèwěi page footing.⁶
页岩[頁岩] yêp-ngãm
yèyán <geol.> shale.⁶
页岩油[頁岩油] yêp-ngãm-yiũ
yèyányóu shale oil.⁶
页首[頁首] yêp-siū
yèshǒu page heading.⁶
页数栏[頁數欄] yêp-sü-lãn
yèshùlán the folio column.⁷
页心[頁心] yêp-xïm
yèxīn <print.> type page.⁶
页次[頁次] yêp-xü
yècì the page number.⁷
yep5 16707
184 18 yêp carry meal to workers in field.⁸ to carry food to laborers in the field.¹⁴ food for a journey; food to be eaten when away from home; to supply with food.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿰飠盍; U+9941). (comp. s: ⿰饣; U+998C).
夫耕妻馌[夫耕妻饁] fü-gäng-häi-yêp
fūgēngqīyè the husband plows and his wife brings his food.¹⁴
yè bǐ nán mǔ
I carry food to them in those south-lying acres.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·豳風·七月》, translated by James Legge).
馌兽[饁獸] yêp-chiü
yèshòu to offer animals in sacrifice to the spirits of the four quarters, at the borders.²⁵
yep5 16708
9 8 to depend on; to rely on.
跛依 bāi-yï bìyī <wr.> slanting, unbalanced.¹¹
布依族 Bü-yī-dùk
Bùyīzú Bouyei (also called Puyi) minority (in 贵州[贵州] Gï-jiü Guìzhōu Guizhou Province).
能不依依 nãng-būt-yī-yī
néngbùyīyī <wr.> Can I not help thinking of you?
依稀 yī-hï
yīxī vaguely; dimly; probably; very likely.¹⁰
依靠 yī-këo
or yī-käo yīkào depend on, rely on; something to fall back on, support, backing.⁸
依赖[依賴] yī-lài
yīlài rely/depend on, be dependent on; can't be separated, be dependent on each other.⁶
依赖性[依賴性] yī-lài-xëin
yīlàixìng dependence.
<又> yï.
(See 依 yï.)
yi1 16709
9 10 to lean toward; to rest on; to rely on; biased; partial.
(composition: ⿰亻奇; U+501A).
不偏不倚 būt-pëin-būt-yī bùpiānbùyǐ impartial.
倚负[倚負] yī-fù
yǐfù rely, depend on for a living.¹¹
倚仗 yī-jèng
yǐzhàng to rely on; to count on.
倚重 yī-jùng
yǐzhòng to rely heavily upon.
倚靠 yī-këo
yǐkào lean on; rest against; rely on.
倚赖[倚賴] yī-lài
yǐlài to rely on; to be dependent on.
倚老卖老[倚老賣老] yī-lāo-mài-lāo
yǐlǎomàilǎo to capitalize on being advanced in age.
倚闾[倚閭] yǐlǘ
yǐlǘ parental love.¹ leaning against the gate – (used for) parental love.¹⁴
倚门[倚門] yī-mõn
yǐmén parental love; prostitute.¹
倚门望子[倚門望子] yī-mõn-mòng-dū
yǐyǐwàngzǐ leaning against the door looking for the return of her son.¹⁴
倚门倚闾[倚門倚閭] yī-mõn-yī-luĩ
yǐményǐlǘ eagerly await the return of one's son.⁵⁴
yi1 16710
9 13 hunchbacked.
年老伛偻[年老傴僂] nẽin-lāo-yī-luî niánlǎoyǔlǚ <wr.> to be bowed down with years.
伛偻[傴僂] yī-lẽo
yǔlóu a hunchback.
伛偻[傴僂] yī-luî
yǔlǚ hunchbacked; an attitude of reverence.
yi1 16711
30 7 used to represent sound; (=咿 yī ).⁸
(See 咿 yī.)
yi1 16712
30 9 咿呀 yī-à yīyā <ono.> to squeak, to creak; to prattle, to babble.
咿呀学语[咿呀學語] yī-à-hòk-nguî
yīyāxuéyǔ to make incoherent sounds as a baby does.⁶
咿唔 yï-m̃
yīwú sound of reading books.⁸ to recite or intone in reading.¹¹
咿呦 yī-yiü
yīyōu descriptive of inarticulate animal sounds (such as given by deer).¹¹
<又> yï.
(See 咿 yï.)
yi1 16713
38 14 old woman; to brood over; to protect.¹⁰
煦妪[煦嫗] or 昫妪[昫嫗] huī-yī or huī-ëo xùyù to caress – as sunshine.⁷ to comfort (baby) with gentleness and warmth.¹¹
老妪[老嫗] lāo-yī
or lāo-ëo lǎoyù old woman (formal writing).¹⁰
老妪能解[老嫗能解] lāo-yī-nãng-gāi
or lāo-ëo-nãng-gāi  lǎoyùnéngjiě intelligible even to an old woman.¹⁹
巫妪[巫嫗] mũ-yī
or mũ-ëo wūyù sorceress.⁵⁴
乳妪[乳嫗] nguî-yī
or nguî-ëo rǔyù wet nurse.¹¹
妪鳞鲀[嫗鱗魨] yī-lĩn-hõn
or ëo-lĩn-hõn yùlíntún queen triggerfish.⁹
翁妪[翁嫗] yüng-yī
or yüng-ëo wēngyù old man and old woman.⁵⁴
<又> ëo.
(See 嫗 ëo.)
yi1 16714
70 6
Yū surname.²²
<又>  yï, vü. (See 于 yï; 於 yï; 於 vü.)
yi1 16715
70 11 fluttering of the flag, the flags.⁸
(composition: ⿰方⿱𠂉可; U+3ACA).
㫊旎 yī-nãi or yī-nî yǐnǐ fluttering flag.¹⁰¹
yi1 16716
70 14 romantic; tender; charming.⁸ fluttering of flag.¹⁰
风光旖旎[風光旖旎] füng-göng-yī-nî or füng-göng-yī-nãi fēngguāngyǐnǐ an exquisite scenery; a charming sight; lovely scenes.⁵⁴
旖旎 yī-nî
or yī-nãi yǐnǐ charming and gentle.¹⁰ charming, graceful (female figure); charming, enticing, glorious (landscape).¹¹
旖旎风光[旖旎風光] yī-nî-füng-göng
or yī-nãi-füng-göng yǐnǐfēngguāng an exquisite scenery, lovely scenes.¹¹
旖旎从风[旖旎從風] yī-nî-tũng-füng
or yī-nãi-tũng-füng yǐnǐcóngfēng fluttering with the wind.¹¹
yi1 16717
75 12 chair.⁵
(composition: ⿰木奇; U+6905).
藤椅 hãng-yī téngyǐ cane or rattan chair.¹¹
躺椅 hōng-yī
tǎngyǐ a couch; a deck chair; a divan; a reclining chair.⁷
轮椅[輪椅] lũn-yī
lúnyǐ wheelchair.⁸
椅背 yī-böi
yǐbèi the back of a chair.⁷
椅垫子[椅墊子] yī-dëin-dū
yǐdiànzi a chair cushion.⁷
椅梓 yī-dū
yǐzǐ catalpa.¹⁹
椅子 yī-dū
yǐzi chair.⁵
椅子顶[椅子頂] yī-dū-ēin
yǐzidǐng balancing on a pyramid of chairs.⁵
椅套 yī-häo
yǐtào chair covers.⁷
椅披 yī-pï
yǐpī a colorful silk drapery at the back of a chair.⁷
<又> yï.
(See 椅 yï.)
yi1 16718
76 12
(=猗 yï ) <wr.> used at the end of a sentence to express exclamatory feelings; expressing praise.⁶ an interjection of pleasure – Bravo! or Good!⁷
(composition: ⿰奇欠; U+6B39).
河水清且直欹 hõ-suī-tëin-chēh-jèik-yī
héshuǐ qīngqiězhí yī the river waters flow clear and even.¹⁴
欹嗟 yī-dèh
yījiē Alas! Ah!¹⁴
欹欤[欹歟] yī-yĩ
yīyú a sigh of admiration.²⁴
欹與那與 yī-yĩ-nã-yĩ
yīyúnàyú How complete and elegant!¹⁴
<又> kĩ.
(See 欹 kĩ; 猗 yï.)
yi1 16719
85 11 become silted up; silt; stasis of blood (=瘀 yī yū).⁵
or 血瘀 hüt-yī xuèyū blood stasis.¹⁹
or 瘀斑 yī-bän yūbān <med.> ecchymoses.⁵
淤积[淤積] yī-dēik
yūjī silt up; deposit.⁵
or 瘀点[瘀點] yī-ēm yūdiǎn <med.> petechia.⁵
淤灌 yī-gön
yūguàn to warp (fertilize land by flooding).¹⁰
or 瘀血 yī-hūt yūxuè extravasated blood.⁵
淤地坝[淤地壩] yī-ì-bä
yūdìbà silt arrester.⁵
淤滞[淤滯] yī-jài
yūzhì (of the flow of a  river) be retarded by silt; silt up.⁵
淤泥 yī-nãi
yūní silt; sludge; ooze.⁵
淤塞 yī-xāk
yūsè silt up; be choked with silt.⁵
(See 瘀 yī.)
yi1 16720
85 14 <wr.> ripples.⁶
载漪[載漪] Döi Yī or Döi Yï Zàiyī Zai Yi (1856-1922), Manchu imperial prince and politician, disgraced after supporting the Boxers.¹⁰
涟漪[漣漪] lẽin-yī
or lẽin-yï liányī <wr.> ripple, ripplet, wavelet, riffle.⁶
清漪 tëin-yī
or tëin-yï qīngyī clear ripples.⁶
漪澜[漪瀾] yī-lãn
or yï-lãn yīlán ripples and billows.⁶
<又> yï.
(See 漪 yï.)
yi1 16721
104 13 (=淤 yī ) stasis of blood.⁵ stasis; (of blood) stagnating.⁶ a collection of blood; a chronic diisease.²⁴ extravasated blood, like that settled in a bruise or sore; a bruise, a contusion.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿸疒於; U+7600).
去瘀生新 huï-yī-säng-xïn
qùyūshēngxīn removed the old flesh to let the new grow.¹⁰²
or 血淤 hüt-yī xuèyū blood stasis.¹⁹
or 淤斑 yī-bän yūbān <med.> ecchymoses.⁵ <med.> bruise; ecchymosis.³⁶
or 淤点[淤點] yī-ēm yūdiǎn <med.> petechia.⁵
or 淤血 yī-hūt yūxuè extravasated blood.⁵ effused blood.¹⁰²
瘀泥 yī-nãi
yūní stagnant silt.⁵⁴
瘀热[瘀熱] yī-ngèik
yūrè <med.> stagnant heat.¹
瘀肉 yī-ngùk
yūròu proud or gangrenous flesh.¹⁰²
瘀脓[瘀膿] yī-nũng
yūnóng  pus.¹¹
瘀伤[瘀傷] yī-sëng
yūshāng sores or bruises, which do not heal; inert sores.¹⁰²
瘀青 yī-tëin
yūqīng <med.> bruise; contusion.³⁶
<台> 瘀 yī bruise.
(See 淤 yī.)
yi1 16722
120 14 figured woven silk material, damask; beautiful, gorgeous.⁵
清绮[清綺] tëin-yī qīngqǐ beautiful; elegant.¹⁰
绮井[綺井] yī-dēng
qǐjǐng the ceiling (of a house).⁷
绮丽[綺麗] yī-lài
qǐlì beautiful, gorgeous.⁵
绮罗[綺羅] yī-lõ
qǐluó <wr.> patterned silk fabrics.⁶
绮靡[綺靡] yī-mî
qǐmǐ extravagantly beautiful; (said of a literary style) ornate.⁷
绮梦[綺夢] yī-mùng
qǐmèng pleasant and romantic dream.
绮年[綺年] yī-nẽin
qǐnián youthful.⁷
绮年玉貌[綺年玉貌] yī-nẽin-ngùk-mào
qǐniányùmào (said of a girl) young and beautiful.⁷
绮语[綺語] yī-nguî
qǐyǔ <Budd.> profane expressions, sexual talk; literary pieces concerning love and sex.⁷
绮室[綺室] yī-sīt
qǐshì magnificent room.¹⁰
绮情[綺情] yī-tẽin
qǐqíng tender feeling.⁷
绮想[綺想] yī-xēng
qǐxiǎng beautiful thoughts.⁷
绮想曲[綺想曲] yī-xēng-kūk
qǐxiǎngqǔ a capriccio.⁷
绮思[綺思] yī-xü
qǐsī beautiful thoughts (in writing).¹⁰
绮岁[綺歲] yī-xuï
qǐsuì youthful.⁷
绮筵[綺筵] yī-yẽn
qǐyán a magnificent feast.⁷
绮襦纨袴[綺襦紈袴] yī-yĩ-yõn-fû
qǐrúwánkù young fops of good family – lit. embroidered jacket and white silk trousers.¹⁴
yi1 16723
157 15 used for 倚 yī to lean toward; to rest on; to rely on; biased; partial.¹⁴ prop knee against; stand against something.⁸ to prop one's knee against.⁹ to lean on.¹¹ to knock against.²⁵
(composition: ⿰⻊奇; U+8E26).
膝之所踦 xīp-jï-sō-yī
xīzhīsuǒyǐ knees knocking against anything; to pierce.²⁵
<又> gī; kĩ.
(See 踦 gī; 踦 [kĩ, qī]; 踦 [kĩ, qí]ī).
yi1 16724
184 12 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 饫[飫] yì with same meaning: <wr.> have eaten one's full; be full.⁶ surfeited, glutted; to grant, to confer; to feast; to eat or drink to repletion.⁷ to eat too much; surfeited; to confer.¹⁴)
t: ⿰; U飠食+98EB). (comp. s: ⿰饣夭; U+996B).
<又> yì.
(See 飫 yì.)
yi1 16725
184 19 (<old>=饫[飫] yì or <wr.> have eaten one's full; be full.⁶ surfeited, glutted; to grant, to confer; to feast; to eat or drink to repletion.⁷ to eat too much; surfeited; to confer.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰飠區; U+9947).
<又> yì.
(See 饇 yì; 飫 yì).
yi1 16726
7 3 (a particle in literary use) in, at, by, to; (a verb in literary use) to go or proceed, to take.⁷ Yú surname.²²
单于[單于] Sẽm-yï Chányú Chanyu was the title used by the nomadic supreme rulers of Middle and Central Asia for eight centuries and was superseded by the title "Khagan" in 402 CE.¹⁵
于飞[于飛] yï-fï
yúfēi <wr.> fly side by side; enjoy conjugal bliss.⁵⁴
于飞之乐[于飛之樂] yï-fï-jï-lòk
yúfēizhīlè the happiness of a married couple deeply in love.⁷
于归[于歸] yï-gï
yúguī (of a girl) to enter into matrimony.⁷
于思 yï-xü
yúsāi a long and thick beard and mustache (after days without shaving).⁷
(See 於 vü, [yï, ], [yï, ].)
yi2 16727
9 6 third person pronoun; he, she, this, that.⁸ ➀ <lit.> this; that; ➁ <lit.> or coastal Min: he, him; she, her; it  ➂ <lit.> you (singular) ➃ Short for 伊拉克 (Yï-lā-hāk Yīlākè, “Iraq”).  ➄ Short for 伊朗 (Yï-lông Yīlǎng, “Iran”).➅ A surname​.³⁶
下车伊始[下車伊始] hä-chëh-yï-chī
xiàchēyīshǐ the moment of assuming an official post.
两伊战争[兩伊戰爭] Lēng-Yï Jën-jäng
Liǎng-Yī Zhànzhēng Iran-Iraq War.
木乃伊 mùk-nâi-yï
mùnǎiyī <loan> mummy.
伊波拉 Yï-bö-lā
Yībōlā Ebola.
伊波拉病毒 Yï-bö-lā-bèng-ùk
Yībōlābìngdú Ebola virus. (=埃博拉病毒 Äi-bōk-lā-bèng-ùk Āibólābìngdú.)
伊始 yï-chī 
yīshǐ <wr.> beginning; from this time forth.
伊拉克 Yï-lā-hāk
Yīlākè Iraq.
伊兰羚羊[伊蘭羚羊] yï-lãn-lẽin-yẽng
yīlánlíngyáng (=巨羚 guì-lẽin jùlíng or 大羚羊 ài-lẽin-yẽng dàlíngyáng) common eland; southern eland or eland antelope (Taurotragus oryx).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
伊朗 Yï-lông
Yīlǎng Iran.
伊人 yï-ngĩn
yīrén ➀ (<lit.> often of a woman) that person
➁ (<lit.> one's beloved; one's sweetheart ➂ (Teochew, Malaysia and Singapore Hokkien) they; them.³⁶
伊斯兰[伊斯蘭] Yï-xü-lãn
Yīsīlán Islam.
yi2 16728
9 8 to follow; to comply with; to yield to; to attach oneself to; according to.
依附 yï-fù yīfù to depend on; to attach oneself to; to submit to; to adhere; to append.
依旧[依舊] yī-giù
yījiù as before; still.
依据[依據] yï-guï
yījù according to; on the basis of; judging by; basis; foundation.
依然 yï-ngẽin
yīrán still; as before.
依然如故 yï-ngẽin-nguĩ-gü
yīránrúgù back to where we were (idiom); absolutely no improvement.
依从[依從] yï-tũng
yīcóng to comply with; to yield to.
依偎 yï-vï
yīwēi to snuggle up to.
依依不舍[依依不捨] yï-yï-būt-sēh
yīyībùshě can't bear to part.
<又> yī.
(See 依 yī.)
yi2 16729
9 11 sob.⁸ to sob; wail.¹⁰ to weep to excess.²⁴ (of the sounds one makes after wailing) long and shaky; extended.³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻哀; U+506F).
不偯 būt-yï bùyǐ  not weep to excess.²⁴
Hũng-dū-hūk-būt-yï, būt-yūng, būt-jèng, būt-fī, būt-lũ.
Tóngzǐ kū bù yǐ, bù yǒng, bù zhàng, bù fěi, bù lú.
A lad, when wailing, did not sob or quaver; did not leap; did not carry a staff; did not wear the straw sandals; and did not occupy the mourning shed.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·雜記下》, translated by James Legge).
谯偯[譙偯] tẽl-yï
qiáoyǐ (=憔悴 tẽl-xuì qiáocuì wan and sallow; thin and pallid; (of plants) withered.⁵).
yi2 16730
30 9 <台> 系该咿[系該咿] hài-kâo-yï okay, fine, all right. Is it like that?
<又> yī. (See 咿 yī.)
yi2 16731
30 16 <wr.> (expressing grief or regret); alas.⁶ to belch; interjection.¹⁴ (variant: 譩 yï).
(composition: ⿰口意; U+566B).
噫嘻 yï-hï
yīxī <wr.> (expressing grief or regret); alas.⁶ alas! dear me!¹⁴
噫噎 yï-yēik
or yï-īt yīyē to belch.¹⁴
(See 譩 yï).
yi2 16732
32 14 dust; dirt; a smear, (same as 曀 äi or) the sun hidden by clouds, obscure.⁸ dust, dirt.²⁴ (Note: In Mandarin, 㙠 may also be read as ).
(composition: ⿱殹土; U+3660).
yi2 16733
32 15 (=曀 äi ) dark; the sun hidden by clouds, obscure.⁸ a murky atmosphere; the atmosphere filled with dust.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰土壹; U+366A).
(See 曀 äi).
yi2 16734
38 14 compliant, yielding; be gentle in temperament; easy-going.⁸ amiable; affable.⁹ obedient.²⁴ gentle and yielding; flexible.²⁹ good-natured.³⁶ (=瘱 yï gentle and quiet; profound, abstruse, recondite, deep and far.⁸ still, quiet; to examine, to judge.²⁴).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰女悘; U+5AD5).
or 婉瘱 vōn-yï wǎnyì complying.²⁴
yi2 16735
38 14 compliant, yielding; easy-going; a newborn child.¹⁴
(composition: ⿱殹女; U+5ADB).
嫛婗 yï-ngãi yì'ní a baby.¹⁴
yi2 16736
61 11 respectful, reverent; quiet, peaceful.⁸ respectful; still.²⁴
(composition: ⿱医心; U+6098).
(See 悘[yï, ]).
yi2 16737
61 11
examine; interrogate.⁸ to examine, to judge.²⁴
(composition: ⿱医心; U+6098).
(See 悘[yï, ]).
yi2 16738
61 13 meaning, idea; wish, desire, intention; anticipate, expect; suggestion, hint, trace.⁵
过意不去[過意不去] gö-yï-būt-huï guòyìbùqù feel sorry; feel apologetic.⁵
心烦意乱[心煩意亂] xïm-fãn-yï-lòn
xīnfányìluàn be terribly upset; be perturbed; be distracted; be distraught; ruffle.⁹
意表 yï-bēl
yìbiǎo what one does not expect.⁵
意见[意見] yï-gëin
yìjian views, opinions.¹¹
意向 yï-hëng
yìxiàng intention; purpose.⁵
意旨 yï-jī
yìzhǐ intention; wish; will.⁶
意志 yï-jï
yìzhì ambition, will (to succeed).¹¹
意中人 yï-jüng-ngĩn
yìzhōngrén person of one's heart.⁵
意义[意義] yï-ngì
yìyì meaning; sense; significance.⁵
意外 yï-ngòi
yìwài unexpected; unforeseen; accident.⁵
意愿[意願] yï-ngùn
yìyuàn wish; desire; aspiration.⁵
意想不到 yï-xēng-būt-äo
yìxiǎngbudào unimaginable; unexpected.
意思 yï-xü
yìsi meaning, idea; opinion, wish, desire; a token of affection, appreciation, gratitude; suggestion, hint, trace; interest, fun.⁵
一心一意 yīt-xïm-yīt-yï
yīxīnyīyì  heart and soul; wholeheartedly.⁶
<台> 生意佬 säng-yï-lāo businessman.
yi2 16739
63 10 <trad.> screen (between the window and the door of an old style Chinese residence).⁶ screen; Yi surname.⁸ a silken screen ornamented with a design in hatchets, used in the Imperial audience chamber.¹⁴
斧扆 fū-yï fǔyǐ the name of the silken screen ornamented with a design in hatchets (used in the Imperial audience chamber).¹⁴
负扆[負扆] fù-yï
fùyǐ with the back to the screen.¹⁴
yi2 16740
64 7 (demotic =於 yï in; at; on; with; on).³⁶
(composition: ⿰扌仒; U+6275).
(See 於 yï).
yi2 16741
70 6 in, at (indicating time or place); to, from, by, than, out of.²²
于左[於左] yï-dū yúzuǒ on the left; as follows.⁷
于己无损[於己無損] yï-gī-mũ-xūn
yújǐwúsǔn It doesn't hurt oneself (but may do a lot of good to others).⁷
于今[於今] yï-gïm
yújīn now, to the present; nowadays.¹¹
于下[於下] yï-hà
yúxià as follows; below.⁷
于后[於後] yï-hèo
yúhòu afterwards; as follows.⁷
于理甚当[於理甚當] yï-lî-sìm-öng
yúlǐshèndàng appropriate; proper; reasonable; justified.⁷
于是[於是] yï-sì
yúshì thereupon; hence; consequently.⁵
于是乎[於是乎] yï-sì-fũ
yúshìhū therefore.¹⁰
于是焉[於是焉] yï-sì-yẽn
yúshìyān thereupon.⁷
于心何忍[於心何忍] yï-xïm-hõ-ngîn
yúxīnhérěn Where's your conscience?⁷
于心有愧[於心有愧] yï-xïm-yiû-kï
yúxīnyǒukuì have a guilty conscience; feel ashamed.⁶
于此[於此] yï-xū
yúcǐ here; in this place.⁷
于斯[於斯] yï-xü
yúsī in this place; here.⁷
于事无补[於事無補] yï-xù-mũ-bū
yúshìwúbǔ It doesn't help the situation.⁷
于焉[於焉] yï-yẽn
yúyān then, thereupon; here.⁷
于右[於右] yï-yiù
yúyòu on the right; as above.⁷
<又>  vü, Yī.
(See 于 yï; 於 vü; 於 Yī.)
yi2 16742
75 7   bathtub; utensil for broth.⁸ bowl; tub.¹⁰  <wr.> a drinking vessel, a bathtub.¹¹ a water vessel, a bathtub; a vessel for containing warm water or soup.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木于; U+6745).
大杅 ài-yï dàyú name of a mountain.²
杅杅 yï-yï 
yúyú self-satisfied.²⁴ satisfied with his lot; be content with your lot.⁵⁴
因杅 yïn-yï
yīnyú name of a place in 匈奴 Hüng-nũ Xiōngnú² (c. 215 BC - c. 460 AD).
<又> vü.
(See 杅 vü).
yi2 16743
75 12 (=山桐子 sän-hũng-dū shāntóngzǐ) <bot.> Idesia polycarpa Maxim. Other names include: 椅树[椅树] yï-sì yǐshù, 椅桐 yï-hũng yǐtóng, 水冬瓜 suī-üng-gä shuǐdōngguā, 斗霜红[斗霜紅] ëo-söng-hũng dòushuānghóng, 水冬桐 suī-üng-hũng shuǐdōngtóng.²³
<又> yī.
(See 椅 yī.)
yi2 16744
76 10 reverse flow of air (out instead of in).⁸ hoarseness; indistinct utterance.²⁴ undecided.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰因欠; U+6B2D).
欭嚘 yï-yiü yìyōu to sigh.¹⁹
<又> yïn.
(See 欭 yïn).
yi2 16745
78 16 <wr.> die; kill.⁶ to kill; to exterminate; a file of ten soldiers.¹⁴
殪戎殷 yï-yũng-yïn yìróngyīn to exterminate the Yin dynasty.¹⁴
yi2 16746
79 11 (archaic: 'sound of hitting' – phonetic in 醫 yï , 翳 yï ).¹ an echo.⁸ moans; to cover; modal particle at the end of the sentence, equivalent to 也 yâ and 兮 hãi xī.¹⁹ (Note: In Mandarin, 殹 may also be read as ).
(composition: ⿰医殳; U+6BB9).
殹幕 yï-mōk
yìmù a curtain.²⁴
yi2 16747
85 14 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 漪 yī with same meaning.)
<又> yī.
(See 漪 yī.)
yi2 16748
93 12 a horn.⁷
钻牛犄角[鑽牛犄角] dön-ngẽo-yï-gôk or dön-ngẽo-gï-gôk zuān niújījiǎo get oneself into a dead end.¹¹
嘴犄角儿[嘴犄角兒] duī-yï-gôk-ngĩ
or duī-gï-gôk-ngĩ zuǐjijiǎor corners of the mouth.⁵⁴
桌子犄角 jēk-dū-yï-gôk
or jēk-dū-gï-gôk zhuōzijījiǎo the corner of a table.⁵
鹿犄角 lùk-yï-gôk
or lùk-gï-gôk lùjījiao antler.⁵
眼犄角儿[眼犄角兒] ngān-yï-gôk-ngĩ
or ngān-gï-gôk-ngĩ yǎnjijiǎor <topo.> canthus; corner of the eye.⁶
牛犄角 ngẽo-yï-gôk
or ngẽo-gï-gôk niújījiao oxen horn.⁵
牛犄角眼儿[牛犄角眼兒] ngẽo-yï-gôk-ngān-ngĩ
or ngẽo-gï-gôk-ngān-ngĩ niújījiǎoyǎnr <topo.> ox horn.⁵⁴
羊犄角 yẽng-yï-gôk
or yẽng-gï-gôk yángjījiao sheep horn.⁶
犄角 yï-gôk
or gï-gôk jījiao a horn.⁷
or 觭角 yï-gôk or gï-gôk jījiǎo a corner.⁷ irregular, uneven, triangular.¹⁴
犄角之势[犄角之勢] yï-gôk-jï-säi
or gï-gôk-jï-säi jījiǎozhīshì (of troops) so deployed as to be able to come readily to one another's assistance.¹¹ the wing of an army; horns; mutual help.¹⁴
<又> gï.
(See 犄 gï.)
yi2 16749
94 11 <wr.> used at the end of a sentence to express exclamatory feelings; expressing praise.⁶ an exclamation indicating admiration; an adverbial particle.⁷ a fierce dog; an interjection of pleasure; a final particle.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰犭奇; U+7317).
河水清且涟猗[河水清且漣猗] hõ-suī-tëin-chēh-lẽin-yï héshuǐqīngqiěliányī The clear river ripples on.⁶
陶猗 hõ-yï
or hão-yï táoyī <wr.> Refer to two rich merchants 陶朱公(范蠡) and 猗顿 during the Spring and Autumn Period. Later, it was widely used for "rich men".²³
猗靡 yï-mî
yīmǐ flowing and fluttering with the wind.⁷
猗猗 yï-yï
yīyī splendid and flourishing.⁷
猗欤[猗歟] yï-yĩ
yīyú How admirable!¹⁴
猗欤盛哉[猗歟盛哉] yï-yĩ-sèin-döi
yīyúshèngzāi  Magnificent! or Superb!⁵ <wr.> Magnificent!⁶ <wr.> How great it is! O, great!¹¹
<又> ö.
(See 猗 ö; 欹 yī.)
yi2 16750
96 7   珣玗琪 xün-yï-kĩ xúnyúqí (old) a kind of jade.⁶ a species of gem; the name of a vessel or utensil.²⁴
玗琪 yï-kĩ
yúqí a kind of tree.²⁴
yi2 16751
102 12 fields in the third year of cultivation.
菑畬 dü-yï zīyú farming; husbandry.⁷
(not to be confused with 畲 sẽh
shē She ethnic minority.)
<又> sẽh.
(See 畬 sẽh; 畲 sẽh.)
yi2 16752
104 15 <wr.> bury.⁶ a retired place; to bury; to sacrifice to.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿸疒⿱夾土; U+761E). (comp. s: ⿸疒⿱夹土; U+7617).
奠瘗[奠瘞] èin-yï
diànyì to sacrifice to the dead.¹⁴
敛瘗[斂瘞] lêm-yï
liǎnyì (=殓葬[殮葬] lêm-döng liànzàng) to shroud and bury.¹⁴
收瘗[收瘞] siü-yï
shōuyì to gather (dead bodies of horses) and bury them.¹⁴
瘗埋[瘞埋] yï-mãi
yìmái bury.⁶
瘗玉[瘞玉] yï-ngùk
yìyù a departed friend; the burial of a woman.¹⁴
瘗钱[瘞錢] yï-tẽin
yìqián money buried with the dead.¹³
yi2 16753
104 16 gentle and quiet; profound, abstruse, recondite, deep and far.⁸ still, quiet; to examine, to judge.²⁴ quiet, calm, still and peaceful, gracefully quiet; clear and evident, obvious; deep and far, profound and abstruse; to conceal, to hide.³⁶
(composition: ⿸疒㤲; U+7631).
婉瘱 or 婉嫕 vōn-yï wǎnyì complying.²⁴
yi2 16754
109 16 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 瞖 äi with same meaning: (=翳 äi ) <wr.> screen, conceal; <med.> slight corneal opacity, nebula; something used as a screen.⁶ a feather screen, a shade, to screen, to shade; a film over the eye; dead trees that have fallen.¹⁴).
<又> äi.
(See 瞖 äi.)
yi2 16755
113 13 excellent; precious; rare; fine; (used in given names).¹⁰
祎隋[禕隋] yï-tuĩ yīsuí easy-going.¹⁰
yi2 16756
118 9 a 36-reed ancient wind instrument.⁶
盗竽[盜竽] ào-yï dàoyú (=盗魁[盜魁] ào-föi dàokuí) bandit chief.¹¹ʼ⁵⁴
滥竽 làm-yï
lànyú to pretend to play the 竽 yï – of a pretender who joined the orchestra of 齐宣王[齊宣王] Tãi Xün Võng Qí Xuān Wáng King Xuan of Qi (350 BC- 301 BC); he was unnoticed in the crowd, but discovered when the son, who preferred solos, came to the throne.¹⁴
滥竽充数[濫竽充數] làm-yï-chüng-sü
lànyúchōngshù pass oneself off as one of the players in an ensemble – (of incompetent people, shoddy goods) be there just to make up the number; fill a post without real qualifications.⁶
山竽 sän-yï
shānyú <topo.> sweet potato.⁶
yi2 16757
118 15 (=饐 yï ) (of food) become spoiled/decomposed.⁶ spoiled, rotten, sour.⁸ cooked food which has become moldy; sour, as food.¹⁴
(See 饐 yï).
yi2 16758
120 9 to wind, to spiral, to bend, to twist, to distort, to meander; a knot in one's heart, melancholy.⁷
纡缓[紆緩] yï-fòn yūhuǎn slow; dilatory.⁷
纡金拖玉[紆金拖玉] yï-gïm-hü-ngùk
yūjīntuōyù dresses and ornaments of prominent officials.⁷
纡谲[紆譎] yï-gūt
yūjué (said of a story) with many twists and turns.⁷
纡行[紆行] yï-hãng
yūxíng to proceed through a winding and twisting path.⁷
纡曲[紆曲] yï-kūk
yūqū twists and turns; to wind; insinuating; to insinuate.⁷
纡青拖紫[紆青拖紫] yï-tëin-hü-dū
yūqīngtuōzǐ <wr.> “trailing in green and purple” – the high officials.¹¹
纡徐[紆徐] yï-tuĩ
yūxú to walk slowly.⁷ sluggish.¹¹
纡回[紆迴] yï-või
yūhuí winding (roads); circuitous; roundabout.⁷
纡郁[紆鬱] yï-vūt
yūyù twisted, depressed.¹¹ melancholy and fretting.¹⁴
yi2 16759
120 17 be; particle; sigh, alas.⁸ often used at the beginning of a sentence without actual meaning, equivalent to "only" sometimes.⁹  interj.; sighing sound.¹⁰ <wr.> used like 矣 yì ;  <wr.> to be.¹¹  an interjection; a sighing sound.¹⁴ The case for a spear; also a dark blue, or dark red color; used for 伊 yï he; also an expletive; a sigh; a child's bib.²⁵
繄我独无[繄我獨無] yï-ngô-ùk-mũ
yīwǒdúwú Alas! I alone have not!¹⁴  I alone am without.²⁵
yi2 16760
124 17 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 翳 äi <wr.> screen, conceal; <med.> slight corneal opacity, nebula; something used as a screen.⁶ a feather screen, a shade, to screen, to shade; a film over the eye; dead trees that have fallen.¹⁴)
<又> äi.
(See 翳 äi.)
yi2 16761
140 6 <old> (of grass) lush; luxuriant.²ʼ³⁶
(composition: ⿱艹于; U+828B).
<又> vû; huï . (See 芋 vû; 芋 huï).
yi2 16762
140 11 to wither; dried leaves; faded; withered.¹⁰
菸邑 yï-yīp yūyì <wr.> to wither.
<又> yën.
(See 菸 yën; 煙 yën.)
yi2 16763
140 16 Job's tear plant (Coix lacryma); erroneously called Chinese pearl barley.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱艹意; U+858F).
薏米 yï-māi
yìmǐ (=苡米 yî-māi yǐmǐ) seed of Job's tears.⁶
薏仁米 yï-ngĩn-māi
yìrénmǐ (=薏米 yï-māi yìmǐ seed of Job's tears.⁶)
薏苡 yï-yî
yìyǐ Job's tears.⁶
薏苡之谤[薏苡之謗] yï-yî-jï-bōng
yìyǐzhībàng to be accused of corruption.⁵⁴
薏苡明珠 yï-yî-mẽin-jî 
yìyǐmíngzhū to accuse someone falsely of taking a bribe; to suffer injustice and be vilified.⁵⁴
薏苡仁 yï-yî-ngĩn
yìyǐrén coix seed, semen coicis, Coix lacryma-jobi L. var. mayuen (Roman.) Stapf.⁴⁶
yi2 16764
140 20 a kind of grass mentioned in ancient books; (=翳 yï hide from view; conceal).⁸ lush vegetation; hide from view; obstruct, block.¹³
(composition: ⿱艹翳; U+8619).
藂蘙 tũng-yï
cóngyì lush vegetation.¹⁹
荟蘙[薈蘙] vòi-yï
huiyì the vegetation gathers in the shades; also refers to vegetation with lush foliage and shadows.¹⁹
蘙荟[蘙薈] yï-vòi
yìhuì dense vegetation; refers to dense weeds.¹⁹ plants growing luxuriantly; the name of a plant.²⁵
蓊蘙 yüng-yï
wěngyì describes dense vegetation.¹⁹
yi2 16765
145 4 𧘇 (bottom component of 衣 yï clothes, clothing; cover, skin.⁸). (Note: This character, 𧘇 yï renders properly in iOS as of 12/5/2021).
(composition: ⿰⿱丿𠄌⿺㇏丿; U+27607).
yi2 16766
145 6 Kangxi radical 145; clothes, clothing; cover, skin.⁸
白衣 bàk-yï báiyī <wr.> common people.¹¹
法衣 fāt-yï
fǎyī robe of a Buddhist/Daoist priest; cassock.⁵⁴
衣包 yï-bäo
yībāo clothing bag used for travel.⁸
衣胞 yï-bäo
yībāo placenta.⁸
衣橱[衣櫥] yï-chuĩ
yīchú wardrobe.¹⁰
衣服 yï-fùk
yīfu clothing; clothes.⁵
衣架 yï-gâ
yījià coat hanger; clothes rack.⁸
衣柜[衣櫃] yï-gì
yīguì wardrobe.⁵
衣锦荣归[衣錦榮歸] yï-gīm-vẽin-gï
yìjǐnróngguī (of government officials) return home with high honors.¹¹
衣冠楚楚 yï-gön-chō-chō
yīguānchǔchǔ immaculately dressed; well-groomed; dapper.¹⁰
衣褐 yï-hòt
yīhè <wr.> wear rough cloth.¹¹
衣襟 yï-kïm
or yï-kîm yījīn front of a garment.⁶
衣领[衣領] yï-lêng
yīlǐng collar.⁶
衣履 yï-lî
yīlǚ clothes and footwear.⁶
衣帽 yï-mào
yī-mào clothes and hat.⁵⁴
衣帽间[衣帽間] yï-mào-gän
yīmàojiān cloakroom.⁵
衣食 yï-sèik
yīshí food and clothing.⁸
衣裳 yï-sẽng
yīshang clothing, clothes, suit.⁶
衣箱 yï-xëng
yīxiāng trunk; suitcase.⁸
<台> 衣车[衣車] yï-chëh/ sewing machine.
<又> yî.
(See 衣 yî).
yi2 16767
148 15 (=犄 yï a horn.⁷).¹ (said of horns of an animal) one turning up and one turning down.⁷ cow's horns one up and the other down.²⁵ fig. talk to deceive and bully.²
(composition: ⿰角奇; U+89ED).
or 犄角 yï-gôk jījiao a horn.⁷
or 犄角 yï-gôk jījiǎo a corner.⁷ irregular, uneven, triangular.¹⁴
<又> gï; kĩ.
(See 觭 gï; 觭 kĩ; 犄 yï).
yi2 16768
149 20 (<old>=噫 yï <wr.> (expressing grief or regret); alas.⁶ to belch; interjection.¹⁴).² a tone of disquietude; an expression of indignation; to be enraged; to be wounded.²⁵
(composition: ⿰言意; U+8B69).
譩譆 yï-hï
yīxī to sigh; an acupuncture point that belongs to a regular channel; another name for 姑获鸟[姑獲鳥] gü-vòk-nêl/ gūhuòniǎo a legendary monster.¹⁹ the name of a bird; the cry of pain; to abhor; to reply.²⁵
(See 噫 yï).

yi2 16769
162 6 circuitous, winding, roundabout; clinging to outworn rules and ideas, pedantic.⁵
迂道 yï-ào or huï-ào yūdào to detour.⁷
迂缓[迂緩] yï-fòn
or huï-fòn yūhuǎn slow; slothful; sluggish.⁷
迂夫子 yï-fü-dū or huï-fü-dū yūfūzǐ pedant.⁵
迂腐 yï-fù or huï-fù yūfǔ stubborn adherence to outworn rules and ideas; pedantry.⁵
迂腐之谈[迂腐之談] yï-fù-jï-hãm or huï-fù-jï-hãm yūfǔzhītán pedantic remarks/views.⁶
迂腐之儒 yï-fù-jï-yĩ or huï-fù-jï-yĩ yūfǔzhīrú a scholar behind the times.³⁹
迂拘 yï-guï
or yï-kuï or huï-guï or huï-kuï yūjū dogmatic, impractical.¹¹
迂拙 yï-jōt or huï-jōt yūzhuō impractical and clumsy.⁷
迂曲 yï-kūk or huï-kūk yūqū zigzag; winding; twisted.⁷
迂回[迂迴] yï-või or huï-või yūhuí twisty, circuitous (road); <mil.> detouring tactics; flanking tactics.⁷
迂回曲折[迂迴曲折] yï-või-kūk-jēt or huï-või-kūk-jēt yūhuíqūzhé full of twists and turns; circuitous; tortuous.⁵
迂儒 yï-yĩ or huï-yĩ yūrú an impractical scholar; a pedant.⁷
<又> huï.
(See 迂 huï.)
yi2 16770
163 5 a state during the Western Zhou dynasty in present-day Henan province; Yu surname.⁸
(composition: ⿰于阝; U+9098).
邘城 yï-sẽin yúchéng Yucheng, a city given to the second son, 邘叔 (ancestor of the family 于),  of King Wu of Zhou 周武王.
yi2 16771
164 18 medical; medicine; doctor; to cure; to treat.
军医[軍醫] Gün-yï jūnyī medical officer; military surgeon.
中医[中醫] Jüng-yï
Zhōngyī traditional Chinese medicine; doctor of traditional Chinese medicine.
西医[西醫] Xäi-yï
xīyī Western medicine; doctor trained in Western medicine.
医学[醫學] yï-hòk
yīxué medical science; medicine.⁵
医治[醫治] yï-jì
yīzhì to cure; to treat; to heal.
医生[醫生] yï-säng
yīshēng doctor.
医术[醫術] yï-sùt
yīshù the art of healing.⁵
医师[醫師] yï-xü
yīshī physician.
医院[醫院] yï-yòn
yīyuàn hospital.
yi2 16772
167 11 an alms bowl; a small bell.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰釒于; U+91EA).
钵釪[缽釪] or 钵釪[鉢釪] bôt-yï bōyú a priest's dish, shaped like a flattened globe.¹³ʼ¹⁴ a rice dish in use among the Buddhist priests.²⁵
or 錞于 or 淳于 sũn-yï chúnyú ancient musical instrument, shaped like a bell, used together with a drum; a monk's alms bowl.²ʼ¹³ʼ¹⁹ a musical instrument like a bell, made to accord with the drum; the blunt end of a handle or spear.²⁵
<又> vã.
(See 釪 vã).
yi2 16773
167 14 iridium (Ir).⁶
铂铱[鉑銥] bòk-yï bóyī platiniridium.⁹
铱灯[銥燈] yï-äng
yīdēng iridium lamp.⁶
铱金笔[銥金筆] yï-gïm-bīt
yījīnbǐ iridium-point pen.⁶
铱锇矿[銥鋨礦] yï-ngõ-köng
yī’ékuàng iridosmine.⁶
yi2 16774
167 21 ytterbium (Yb).⁶
氧化镱[氧化鐿] yêng-fä-yï yǎnghuàyì ytterbia.¹⁰
yi2 16775
184 14 A unit that was once used to calculate salaries in the old liberated area. The sum of various articles' prices is one yï xi.
yi2 16776
184 20 (of food) become spoiled/decomposed.⁶ spoiled, rotten, sour.⁸ cooked food which has become moldy; sour, as food.¹⁴ <lit.> to rot due to moisture; <old> pickled food; <old> a type of pastry made from lotus seedpod juice, tangerine leaf juice, honey and rice flour.³⁶ (variant: 篒 yï ).
臭饐 chiü-yï
chòuyì rancid; foul.¹⁴
食饐而餲 dù-yï-ngĩ-äi
sìyìérài rice which has been injured by heat or damp and turned sour.¹⁴
饐餲 yï-äi
yìài food turned sour; a kind of cake.²⁵
(See 篒 yï).
yi2 16777
196 22 dark blue; a phoenix.⁷ a dark gray color.²⁵
(See 鷖 [yï, ]).
yi2 16778
196 22 <wr.> gull.⁶ a gull.⁷ seagull; another name for 鸥[鷗] ëo ōu gull.⁸ wigeon (Anas penelope, a Eurasian duck); <old> seagull.¹⁰ the wigeon; sometimes referred to the phoenix.¹⁴ used for 翳 yï a feather fan; a gull, a sort of wild duck.²⁵
凫鹥[鳧鷖] fũ-yï
fúyī maintain the achievements of one's predecessors; wild duck and gull.⁸
凫鷖在泾[鳧鷖在涇] fũ-yï-dòi-Gëin
fúyīzài Jīng The wild-ducks and widgeons are on the Jing (river).⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·生民之什·鳧鷖·1》, translated by James Legge).
鹥凤[鷖鳳] yï-fùng
yīfèng the phoenix.²⁵
鹥鸟[鷖鳥] yï-nêl
yīniǎo a bird of variegated plummage, which flies in such numbers as sometimes to obscure the sun.²⁵
鹥苍[鷖蒼] yï-töng
yīcāng a black kind of waterfowl but flies in flocks, and cries as the tide runs in and out; when it preceives a storm arising at sea, it flies suddenly towards shore, hence sailors are made aware of hurricanes.²⁵
(See 鷖 [yï, ]).

yi2 16779
196 24 a swallow.¹⁴
鷾鸸[鷾鴯] yï-ngĩ yì'ér a black kind of bird, said to be exceedingly wise.²⁵ special name for a swallow.⁵⁴
yi2 16780
203 18 black and shining; ebony.⁸ ebony; dark, black.⁷
(composition: ⿰黑多; U+9EDF).
黟黑 yï-hāk yīhēi it looks like black.⁸
黟然 yï-ngẽin
yīrán the color looks like black.⁸
黟黟 yï-yï
yīyī descriptive of the look of black hair.⁸
黟县[黟縣] Yï-yòn
Yīxiàn Yixian, one of six counties in the former 徽州府 Fï-jiü-fū Huīzhōufǔ Huizhoufu Prefecture of south Anhui (安徽 Ön-fï Ānhuī) Province.¹⁴
yi2 16781
5 5 a tribe of savages in South China.⁸ the ancient name for the 瑶族[瑤族] Yẽl-dùk Yáozú Yao people living in Guangdong; it is also used for names, such as 拓跋猗㐌 Hōk-bàt Yï-yĩ Tuòbá Yīyí Tuòbá Yītuō (notice the different Romanization of 㐌 tuō vs. yí), chieftain of the central Tuoba territory from 295 to 305.¹⁹ʼ⁰ <old> a tribe of indigenous people in south China; used in personal names.³⁶
(composition: ⿱𠂉也; U+340C).
<又> hä; sēik.
(See 㐌 hä; 㐌 sēik).
yi3 16782
6 4 <wr.> (=余 yĩ ) I, me.
(composition:  ⿳龴乛亅; U+4E88).
莲之爱, 同予者何人? [蓮之愛, 同予者何人? ]
Lẽin-jï-öi, hũng-yĩ-jēh-hõ-ngĩn?
Lián zhī ài, tóng yǔ zhě hé rén?
As for the love for the lotus, is there anyone like me? (Translated by Bin Song, Ph.D.)
Yĩ-fāt-kūk-gùk, bòk-ngũn-gï-mûk.
Yǔ fā qū jú, báo yán guī mù.
My hair is in a wisp; -
I will go home and wash it.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·都人士之什·采綠·1》, translated by James Legge).
予取予求 yĩ-tuī-yĩ-kiũ
yúqǔ yúqiú <wr.> to demand everything of me; to make unlimited demands.
<又> yî.
(See 予 yî.)
yi3 16783
9 7 (variant of 蛇 yĩ ) used only in 委佗 vī-yĩ wēiyí, q.v.
(composition: ⿰亻它; U+4F57).
委佗 vī-yĩ
wēiyí ➀ <lit.> calm and contented; leisurely; graceful  ➁ <lit.> winding and continuous; wriggling; zigzagging; meandering  ➂ <lit.> winding one's way through; moving in a zigzag manner  ➃ <lit.> acceding; complying; complaisant.³⁶ (variants: 蜲蛇, 逶夷, 逶迤, 逶迆, 逶蛇, 逶移, 委佗, 委它, 委移, 委他, 威夷).
<又> hõ.
(See 佗 hõ; 蛇 yĩ).
yi3 16784
9 7 (in formal speech) I; me; (Yú surname, written as 余, not as 餘 Yú, which is a different surname).⁷
其如余何 kĩ-nguĩ-yĩ-hõ qírúyúhé what harm can they do me?¹⁴
余一人 yĩ-yīt-ngĩn
yúyīrén I, the emperor.¹⁴
余月 yĩ-ngùt
yúyuè the fourth moon.²⁴
余小子 yĩ-xēl-dū
yúxiǎozi I, the emperor.¹⁴
余幼年丧母[余幼年喪母] yĩ-yiü-nẽin-xöng-mû
yúyòuniánsàngmǔ I lost my mother when I was a child.⁵⁴
(See 余[餘] yĩ; 馀[餘] yĩ.)
yi3 16785
9 9 yes (used by Emperor or ruler); OK; to accede; to assent; Yu surname. (variant: 兪 yĩ ).
俞允 yĩ-vûn
yúyǔn <wr.> to accede to (a request); consent; approve.
<又> sï.
(See 俞 sï; 腧 sï; 兪 yĩ).
yi3 16786
9 16 scholar; Confucianism.³⁶
焚书坑儒[焚書坑儒] fũn-sï-häng-yĩ fénshūkēngrú to burn the books and bury the scholars alive – said of 秦始皇 Tũn-Chī-Võng Qín Shǐ Huáng First Emperor of Qin in 213-212 B.C.⁷
风流儒雅[風流儒雅] füng-liũ-yĩ-ngâ
fēngliúrúyǎ cultured.
儒家 Yĩ-gä
Rújiā Confucian school, founded by 孔子 Kūng-dū Kǒngzǐ Confucius (551-479 BC) and 孟子 Màng-dū Mèngzi Mencius (372-289 BC).¹⁰
儒教 Yĩ-gäo
Rújiào Confucianism.⁶
儒林郎 yĩ-lĩm-lõng
rú lín láng Ru Linlang a scholar-official title established by 隋文帝 Emperor Wen of Sui (541 – 604), and abolished by his successor 隋炀帝[隋煬帝] Emperor Yang of Sui (569 – 618).²³
儒生 Yĩ-säng
Rúshēng <wr.> Confucian scholar.
儒术[儒術] Yĩ-sùt
Rúshù Confucian learning.
拘儒 guï-yĩ
or kuï-yĩ jūrú a narrow-minded scholar; a pedant.⁷
yi3 16787
11 9 (=俞 yĩ ) to approve.³⁶
(composition: ⿱亼⿰月巜; U+516A).
(See 俞 yĩ).
yi3 16788
22 5 washbasin with a tubular handle.¹⁰ <wr.> a wash basin; a wine vessel with a spout.¹¹ a washbasin with a tubular handle to let the water run off.¹⁴
(composition: ⿷匚也; U+531C).
槃匜 põn-yĩ pányí basin; washing bowl.
yi3 16789
30 5 ➀ <old> original form of 怡 yĩ pleased; delighted; joy; pleasure; harmony  ➁ <old> I, me  ➂ <old> what  ➃ 台 Yĩ surname, different from 臺 Hõi Tái surname (Note: simplified form of 臺 is 台).
(composition: ⿱厶口; U+53F0).
Fï-yĩ-xēl-dū, gām-hãng-chëin-lòn!
Fēi yí xiǎozi, gǎnxíng chēng luàn!
It is not I, the little child, who dare to undertake a rebellious enterprise!⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《尚書·商書·湯誓》, translated by James Legge).
<又> hôi.
(See 怡 yĩ; 台[hõi, tāi]; 台[hõi, tái]; 臺 hõi).
yi3 16790
30 7 (composition: ⿰口殳; U+543A).
嗫吺[囁吺] nēp-yĩ nièrú (<old>=嗫嚅[囁嚅] nēp-yĩ nièrú <wr.> to speak haltingly; to hesitate in speech.⁶).⁸
<又> ëo.
(See 吺 ëo).
yi3 16791
30 9 (=嚅 yĩ to talk indistinctly and falteringly.⁷ noise of chattering.¹⁴); a lot of chatter.²
(composition: ⿰口朱; U+54AE).
<又> jiü; jôi.
(See 咮 jiü; 咮 jôi).
yi3 16792
30 9 <interj.> (expressing surprise or disapproval) well; why.⁶
咦,这是怎么回事[咦,這是怎麼回事] Yĩ, jëh-sì-dīm-mō-või-xù Yí, zhèshìzěnmehuíshì Hey, what's all this about?⁶
yi3 16793
30 10 𠲻
the appearance of shame.²⁴
(composition: ⿱沂口; U+20CBB).
𠲻❄{⿱沂口}㘂 yĩ-xũ yící bashful; to feel disconcerted.²⁴
yi3 16794
30 17 to talk indistinctly and falteringly.⁷ noise of chattering.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰口需; U+5685).
嗫嚅[囁嚅] nēp-yĩ nièrú <wr.> to speak haltingly; to hesitate in speech.⁶ chattering, talking.¹⁴
嚅嗫[嚅囁] yĩ-nēp
rúniè <wr.> (=嗫嚅[囁嚅] nēp-yĩ nièrú).⁶
嚅唲 yĩ-ngĩ
rú'ér forced laughter.¹⁴
嚅动[嚅動] yĩ-ùng
rúdòng to move one's lips as if to say something.⁶
yi3 16795
32 6 a bridge; a bank.¹⁴ a bridge; a bank near a bridge.²⁴ Distinguish 圮 pī (U+572E) and 𡉏 (U+2124F, not in this dictionary).
(composition: ⿰土巳; U+572F).
圯桥三进履[圯橋三進履] yĩ-kẽl-xäm-dïn-lî
yíqiáosānjìnlǚ three times going down for the shoe at the bridge.¹⁴ (This phrase refers to 張良 and 黃石公, an illustration of which is at the Long Corridor of the Summer Palace, Beijing).
圯上 yĩ-sèng/
yíshàng on the bridge.
圯上老人 yĩ-sèng-lāo-ngĩn
yíshànglǎorén the "old man" referred to in the phrase 圯上书[圯上書] yĩ-sèng-sï yíshàngshū was 黄石公[黃石公] Võng Sêk Güng Huáng Shí Gōng (c. 292 BCE-195 BCE).¹⁹
圯上书[圯上書] yĩ-sèng-sï
yíshàngshū, also called 圯桥书[圯橋書] yĩ-kẽl-sï yíqiáoshū and 圯下兵法 yĩ-hä-bëin-fāt yíxià bīngfǎ refers to 张良[張良] Jëng Lẽng Zhāng Liáng Zhang Liang (?262 BCE - 189 BCE) receiving instructions from an "old man" about 《太公兵法》Häi-güng Bëin-fāt Tàigōng Bīngfǎ, "The Art of War by 姜太公 Gëng Häi-güng Jiāng Tàigōng Jiang Taigong" on a bank near a bridge.¹⁹
(See 圮 pī).
yi3 16796
32 12 a grave; a tomb.²⁴
(composition: ⿰土俞; U+582C).
yi3 16797
37 6 <wr.> smooth, safe; raze; exterminate; a name for ancient tribes in the east; <trad.> foreign country, foreigner.⁵
岛夷[島夷] āo-yĩ dǎoyí savage islanders.
化险为夷[化險為夷] fä-hēm-vĩ-yĩ
huàxiǎnwéiyí turn danger into safety; head off a disaster.⁵
荡夷[蕩夷] òng-yĩ
dàngyí to suppress (rebels).
鄙夷 pī-yĩ
bǐyí <wr.> to look down upon; despicable.
四夷 xï-yĩ
sìyí four barbarian tribes on the borders
夷瘳 yĩ-chëo
yíchōu cured or recovered completely.¹⁹
夷族 yĩ-dùk
yízú exterminate of an entire family (a punishment in ancient times).⁵
夷狄 yĩ-èik
yídí non-Han tribes in the east and north of ancient China; barbarians.¹⁰
❄{⿱𥫗閒} yĩ-gān yíjiǎn <wr.> simple (way of life).¹¹
夷戮 yĩ-lùk
yílù to slaughter, sentence to death.¹¹
夷灭[夷滅] yĩ-mèik
yímiè massacre, perish; bury.⁸
夷灭九族[夷滅九族] yĩ-mèik-giū-dùk
yímièjiǔzú exterminate the entire family of a criminal (including the families of one's mother, wife, relatives in ancient China).⁶
夷为平地[夷為平地] yĩ-vĩ-pẽin-ì
yíwéipíngdì level to the ground; raze.⁵
夷裔 yĩ-yuì
yíyì frontier tribes; barbarians.¹⁴
yi3 16798
38 7 an official title.⁷
婕妤 dèp-yĩ jiéyú an official title conferred upon an accomplished imperial concubine during the Han Dynasty.⁷
yi3 16799
38 9 one's wife's sister, sister-in-law; one's mother's sister; aunt (woman of one's mother's age).⁶
姨表 yĩ-bēl yíbiǎo maternal cousin.⁶
姨丈 yĩ-chêng
yízhàng uncle (husband of one's maternal aunt or mother's sister).⁶
姨姐 yĩ-dēh
yíjiě sister-in-law (elder sister of one's wife).⁶
姨夫 yĩ-fü
yífu or 姨父 yĩ-fù yífu uncle (husband of one's maternal aunt or mother's sister).⁶
姨姥姥 yĩ-lāo-lāo
yílǎolao great-aunt (sister of one's maternal grandmother).⁶
姨妈[姨媽] yĩ-mā
yímā aunt, (married) maternal aunt.⁶
姨妹 yĩ-môi
yímèi sister-in-law (younger sister of one's wife).⁶
姨母 yĩ-mû
yímǔ aunt, (married) maternal aunt.⁶
姨奶奶 yĩ-nâi-nâi
yínǎinai great-aunt (sister of one's paternal grandmother); concubine.⁶
姨娘 yĩ-nẽng
yíniáng <trad.> term of address for father's concubine; <topo.> aunt; (married) maternal aunt.⁶
姨婆 yĩ-pũ
yípó maternal aunt; (maternal) grandmother's sisters.⁸
<台> 大姨 ài-yĩ mother's eldest sister.
<台> 二大姨 ngì-ài-yĩ mother's second elder sister.
<又> yî.
(See 姨 yî.)
yi3 16800
38 12 (=愉 yĩ ) happy; contented; pleased.⁷ to slight; to enjoy.¹⁴
媮居幸生 yĩ-guï-hàng-säng
yújūxìngshēng fortunately getting off with one's life – when it would have been more honorable to die.¹⁴
媮生 yĩ-säng
yúshēng to escape with one's life.¹⁴
媮食 yĩ-sèik
yúshí caring only about their food.¹⁴
媮隋 yĩ-tuĩ
yúsuí to take one's ease; to shirk work.¹⁴
<又> hëo.
(See 媮 hëo.)
yi3 16801
38 12 (=媮 yĩ ) happy; contented; pleased.⁷
<又> hëo.
(See 婾 hëo.)
yi3 16802
39 17 child; Ru surname.¹⁰
妇孺 fû-yĩ fùrú women and children.⁶
妇孺皆知[婦孺皆知] fû-yĩ-gäi-jï
fùrújiēzhī it is known even to women and children.⁶
孺子 yĩ-dū
rúzǐ <wr.> child.⁶
孺子可教 yĩ-dū-hō-gäo
rúzǐkějiāo the boy is intelligent and teachable; the boy is worth teaching.⁶
孺子牛 yĩ-dū-ngēo
rúzǐniú herdboy's willing ox – servant of the people.⁶
孺慕 yĩ-mù
rúmù to adore someone as a child adores its parents; to love and respect very much.³⁹
孺人 yĩ-ngĩn
rúrén <wr.> wife or mother of an official of certain ranks in the Ming and Qing dynasties.⁶
黄口孺子[黃口孺子] võng-hēo-yĩ-dū
huángkǒurúzǐ mere little kid/child.⁶
yi3 16803
40 5 (variant of 蛇 yĩ ) used only in 委它 vī-yĩ wēiyí, q.v.
(composition: ⿱宀匕; U+5B83).
委它 vī-yĩ
wēiyí ➀ <lit.> calm and contented; leisurely; graceful  ➁ <lit.> winding and continuous; wriggling; zigzagging; meandering  ➂ <lit.> winding one's way through; moving in a zigzag manner  ➃ <lit.> acceding; complying; complaisant.³⁶ (variants: 蜲蛇, 逶夷, 逶迤, 逶迆, 逶蛇, 逶移, 委佗, 委它, 委移, 委他, 威夷).
<又> hä.
(See 它 hä; 蛇 yĩ).
yi3 16804
40 10 northeastern corner of a room.⁶ corner; northeast corner of a house.⁸ to nourish; the northeast corner of a house, where food is placed.²⁴ (Note: Distinguish 宦 vàn huàn).
宧穾 yĩ-yël
yíyǎo an obscure, dark secret place.⁰
宧奥[宧奧] yĩ-äo
yí'ào an unknown dark secret place.⁰
yi3 16805
46 9 place name.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰山夷; U+5CD3).
嵎峓 or 嵎夷 nguî-yĩ yúyí  name of a mountain.¹³ʼ¹⁹ a distinguished place in the east, a hill towards the rising sun.²⁴
(See also 嵎夷 Nguî-yĩ Yúyí).
yi3 16806
46 12 county in Shandong Province.⁸
昆嵛[崑嵛] Kün-yĩ Kūnyú Kunyu, a mountain in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province.⁸
山嵛菜 sän-yĩ-töi
shānyúcài (=山萮菜 sän-yĩ-töi shānyúcài) wasabi (Eutrema wasabi Maxim), a kind of fern used in Japanese cooking.⁸
嵛山 Yĩsän
Yúshān Yushan, a mountain in 湖南 Vũ-nãm Húnán Hunan Province.⁸
yi3 16807
46 16 屿 (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 屿[嶼] duì with same meaning: small island; islet.⁶)
t: ⿰山與; U+5DBC). (comp. s: ⿰山与; U+5C7F).
大屿山[大嶼山] ài-yĩ-sän
dàyǔshān Lantau Island (in Hong Kong).¹³
<又> duì.
(See 嶼 duì.)
yi3 16808
53 广 11 <wr.> open-air granary; jade-like stone.⁶ an enclosed place for storing grain; a unit of an ancient measure of capacity, equivalent to 16 decaliters.⁷ name of a mountain; Yu surname.⁸
大庾岭[大庾嶺] Ài-yĩ-lêng Dàyǔlǐng name of a mountain at the border of 江西 Göng-xäi Jiāngxī Jiangxi Province and Guangdong. Thus 岭南[嶺南] Lêng-nãm Lǐngnán means Guangdong – “south” of the mountain range (大庾嶺).⁸
yi3 16809
58 18 ancient wine vessel; ancient sacrificial vessel; Yi ethnic group; normal nature of man; laws and rules.¹⁰
(comp. t: ⿳彐⿰米糸廾; U+5F5E). (comp. s: ⿳彑⿰米糸廾; U+5F5D).
彝族[彞族] Yĩ-dùk
Yízú Yi ethnic group.⁴³
彝宪[彞憲] yĩ-hëin
yíxiàn laws; regulations; rules.¹⁰
彝器[彞器] yĩ-hï
yíqì bronze sacrificial utensils.⁶
彝剧[彞劇] Yĩ-kēk
Yíjù Yi opera.¹⁰
彝伦[彞倫] yĩ-lũn
yílún cardinal human relationships.¹⁰
yi3 16810
61 8 <wr.> happy; joyful; cheerful.⁵ harmony; pleased.¹⁰ pleased; delighted; harmonious.²⁴ harmony, on good terms; pleasure, joy, excitement; Yi surname.⁷
(old variant: 台 yĩ ).
(composition: ⿰忄台; U+6021).
兄弟怡怡 yĩ-yĩ
yíyí brotherly concord.²⁴
心旷神怡[心曠神怡] xïm-fōng-sĩn-yĩ
or xïm-fōng-sĩn-yĩ xīnkuàngshényí lit. heart untroubled, spirit pleased (idiom); carefree and relaxed.¹⁰
怡乐[怡樂] yĩ-lòk
yílè pleasures.⁷
怡然 yĩ-ngẽin
yírán happy; contented.⁵
怡然自得 yĩ-ngẽin-dù-āk
yíránzìdé happy and pleased with oneself.⁵
怡荡[怡蕩] yĩ-òng
yídàng dissolute, given to sensual pleasures.¹¹
怡色 yĩ-sēik
yísè a pleasant look; to look pleased or cheerful.⁷
怡和 yĩ-võ
yíhé delightful harmony; on very pleasant terms (with each other).⁵
怡怡 yĩ-yĩ
yíyí harmony; harmonious as brothers.⁷
怡悦[怡悅] yĩ-yòt
yíyuè to find joy in; to take delight in.⁷
(See 台 yĩ).
yi3 16811
61 9 happy; joyous.¹⁰ pleased, delighted.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄夷; U+605E).
yi3 16812
61 10 happy.² delighted.²⁴
(composition: ⿰忄余; U+6087).
<又> hũ. (See 悇 hũ).
yi3 16813
61 12 happy; contented; pleased.⁷
欢愉[歡愉] fön-yĩ huānyú happy; joyous; delighted.¹⁰
面有不愉之色 mèin-yiû-būt-yĩ-jï-sēik
miànyǒubùyúzhīsè wear an annoyed expression; looked displeased.⁵
愉快 yĩ-fäi
yúkuài happy; joyful; cheerful; delighted.⁶
愉乐[愉樂] yĩ-lòk
yúlè pleasant and joyful.⁷
愉色 yĩ-sēik
yúsè a pleased look; a cheerful expression.⁷
愉逸 yĩ-yìt
yúyì happy and leisurely.⁷
愉悦[愉悅] yĩ-yòt
yúyuè joyful; cheerful; delighted.⁵
yi3 16814
63 10 gate bar, bolt.⁸ʼ³⁶
(composition: ⿸戶多 or ⿸户多; U+6245).
(扅 is used together with 扊 as in 扊扅 yèm-yĩ
yǎnyí (door) bolt.⁸ the bar of a door.²⁴
See 扊 yèm for other examples).
yi3 16815
64 9 (=擩 yĩ ) put in; fill in; tuck; thrust.⁶ to take hold of.²⁴
(See 擩 yĩ .)
yi3 16816
64 12 to show the merits of, to praise; to draw out.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰扌俞; U+63C4).
扶揄 fũ-yĩ fúyú to raise high; to uphold.
揶揄 yẽh-yĩ
yéyú to deride, tease, taunt (person).¹¹
揄长袂[揄長袂] yĩ-chẽng-mài
yúchángmèi with long sleeves flapping.¹⁴
揄狄 yĩ-èik
yúdí or 褕狄 or 褕翟 yẽl-èik yáodí a feather-trimmed garment worn by the wives of the highest officials in ancient times.¹⁴
揄袂 yĩ-mài
yúmèi walk with the hands in one's sleeves.³⁹
揄然 yĩ-ngẽin
yúrán laughing and clapping.rán
揄扬[揄揚] yĩ-yẽng
yúyáng <wr.> praise; acclaim; laud.⁶ to extol.¹⁴
<又> yiũ.
(See 揄 yiũ).
yi3 16817
64 17 <topo.> put in; fill in; tuck; thrust.⁶ to stain, to dye; (=濡 yĩ ) to immerse, to moisten; damp, moist, glossy.¹⁴ (variant: 㧫 yĩ ).
耳擩目染 ngī-yĩ-mùk-ngêm
ěrǔmùrǎn ears and eyes imbued with learning.¹⁴ (cf. 耳濡目染 ngī-yĩ-mùk-ngêm ěrrúmùrǎn be unconsciously influenced by what one frequently hears and sees.⁸)
(See 濡 yĩ; 㧫 yĩ).
yi3 16818
70 19 banner with falcons; mussed up hair.¹⁰ a banner emblazoned with falcons, displayed by high officials in feudal times; naturally wavy hair.¹⁴ banners with birds painted on them, intended to animate the soldiery; to display.²⁴
(composition: ⿰方⿱𠂉與; U+65DF).
旌旟 dëin-yĩ jīngyú banners and flags, in general.¹⁹
霞旟 hã-yĩ
xiáyú colored flag.¹⁹
龙旟[龍旟] lũng-yĩ
lóngyú "dragon banner" in reference to the emperor.¹⁹
旟斾 yĩ-pöi
yúpèi flags and banners, in general.¹⁹
旟旐 yĩ-sèl
yúzhào flags and banners, in general.¹⁹
旟旟 yĩ-yĩ
yúyú elevated and exalted appearance.¹⁹
yi3 16819
75 7 the name of a tree (椵 gā jiǎ pomelo-like), the wood of which is used for coffins.²ʼ²⁴ (=椴树[椴樹] òn-sì duànshù Chinese linden Tilia chinensis.¹⁵); mountain peach (山桃 Prunus davidiana aka David's peach, Chinese wild peach, 山毛桃, 花桃.¹⁵ʼ²⁰).⁸
(composition: ⿰木也; U+675D).
<又> hõ; jï; lĩ; tõ.
(See 杝 hõ; 杝 jï; 杝 lĩ; 杝 tõ).
yi3 16820
75 9 (=椴树[椴樹] òn-sì duànshù Chinese linden Tilia chinensis.¹⁵), a deciduous tree.⁸ a tree looking like poplar described in ancient books.⁹ (=枻 yài an oar.)²⁴
(composition: ⿰木㐌; U+67C2).
柂椵 yĩ-gā
yíjiǎ an inner coffin.²⁴
<又> hõ; lĩ.
(See 柂 hõ; 柂 lĩ; 枻 yà).
yi3 16821
75 9 the handle of a pail.²⁴ a bailing bucket.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰木㠯; U+3B52).
<又> dù. (See 㭒 dù).
yi3 16822
75 10 fruit tree.⁸ shadbush or shadberry (genus Amelanchier); name for a stable during the Han Dynasty.¹⁰ a tree like the white willow.²⁴ shadbush or serviceberry (Amelanchier).³⁶ (composition: ⿰木多; U+6818).
枎栘 fü-yĩ
fūyí (=¹¹唐棣 hõng-ài tángdì a kind of white poplar mentioned in ancient books.⁶ <wr.> sparrow plum, or aspen plum, Amelanchier asiatica.¹¹ Chinese serviceberry, Chinese bush cherry; Amelanchier sinica.²³).
栘杨[栘楊] yĩ-yẽng
yíyáng (=⁸栘柳, 水杨) a tree like the white willow, which has round leaves and flexible branches, so that it is agitated by the slightest breeze.²⁴
yi3 16823
75 10 a tree with a a thick white bark and hard red wood, which is used for the naves of wheels.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木夷; U+684B).
赤桋 chēik-yĩ chìyí or 赤栜 chēik-sēik chìsè  (Note: 《詩·小雅·四月》“隰有杞桋” James Legge: 'In the marshes are the medlar and the yi.'  桋 yĩ yí, a tree whose leaves are like the oak; its bark is thin and white; if its wood is red it is called 赤栜 chēik-sēik chìsè or 桋 yĩ ; if its wood is white it is called 栜 sēik sè, q.v.; its wood is tough; it is used in making naves of wooden wheels.)
<又> hãi.
(See 桋 hãi).
yi3 16824
75 13 rack; coat hanger.⁸ clotheshorse.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰木施; U+6938).
椸架 yĩ-gâ yíjià clotheshorse.¹⁴
yi3 16825
75 13 elm.⁵
榆火 yĩ-fō yúhuǒ a fire produced by rubbing pieces of elmwood.⁷
榆科 yĩ-fö
yúkē Ulmaceae, the elm family.⁷
榆荚[榆莢] yĩ-gâp
yújiá elm seeds; elm fruit.⁶
榆景 yĩ-gēin
yújǐng old age.⁷
榆木 yĩ-mûk
yúmù elm;  elmwood.⁶
榆木疙瘩 yĩ-mûk-kēik-äp
yúmù gēda <topo.> stump of elm tree – stubborn/obstinate person.⁶
榆木脑袋[榆木腦袋] yĩ-mûk-nāo-òi
yúmùnǎodai <topo.> blockhead; brainless person; stubborn mind.⁶
榆皮 yĩ-pĩ
yúpí <Ch. med> elm bark.⁷
榆树[榆樹] yĩ-sì
yúshù elm.⁶
榆塞 yĩ-söi
yúsài a frontier stronghold.⁷
榆钱儿[榆錢兒] yĩ-tẽin-ngĩ
yúqiánr <topo.> elm seeds; elm fruit.⁶
榆叶[榆葉] yĩ-yêp
yúyè Siberian elm leaf.
榆叶梅[榆葉梅] yĩ-yêp-mõi
yúyèméi flowering plum.⁵
yi3 16826
76 13 songs.⁸ ballad.⁹ folk song.¹¹
(composition: ⿰俞欠; U+6B48).
巴歈 bä-yĩ bāyú the name of a song.²⁴
歋歈 yẽh-yĩ
yéyú to make fun of; to play tricks on; to tease.¹⁹ to clap the hands and laugh aloud; to tickle.²⁴
yi3 16827
76 17 a final particle used to express admiration, doubt, surprise, or to mark a question.⁸ <wr.> (final particle similar to 吗, 呢 or 啊).¹⁰
嗟欤[嗟歟] dèh-yĩ or dëh-yĩ jiēyú Alas!¹⁴
吁!是何言歟 Huï! sì-hõ-ngũn-yĩ 
Xū! shìhéyányú <wr.> My, what kind of talk is this?¹¹
人歟, 抑鬼耶 Ngĩn-yĩ, yēik-gī-yẽh
Rényú, yìguǐyé Is it a human being or is it a ghost?¹¹
谁欤知[誰歟知] suĩ-yĩ-jï
shuíyúzhī Who knows?¹⁴
也欤[也歟] yâ-yĩ
yěyú It is so!¹⁴
抑…歟 yēik...yĩ
yì...yú or is it ...?¹¹
猗欤[猗歟] yï-yĩ
yīyú How admirable!¹⁴
猗欤盛哉[猗歟盛哉] yï-yĩ-sèin-döi
yīyúshèngzāi  Magnificent! or Superb!⁵ <wr.> Magnificent!⁶ <wr.> How great it is! O, great!¹¹
yi3 16828
82 13 (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 毹 sï shū with same meaning.)
<又> sï.
(See 毹 sï.)
yi3 16829
85 7 names of four rivers originating in Shandong (大沂河, 小沂水, 小沂河 and 西沂河.⁷ʼ¹⁰¹ Yi surname.¹⁰¹
(Also pronounced ngï ).²
沂河 Yĩ-hõ
or Kĩ-hõ Yíhé the Yihe river, which originates in Shandong Province and flows to Jiangsu Province.⁴
沂水 Yĩ-suī
or Kĩ-suī Yíshuǐ name of a county in Shandong; names of the rivers originating in Shandong.⁷
<又> kĩ, ngï.
(See 沂 kĩ; 沂 ngï.)
yi3 16830
85 9 mucus from the nose.¹⁴   ➀ 鼻涕 bì-häi bíti nasal mucus, snivel. ➁ 擤鼻涕 xïn-bì-häi xǐngbítì blow one's nose, 流鼻涕 liũ-bì-häi liúbíti runny nose.¹⁰¹ (Note: Ministry of Education and Matthews do not agree on the meaning of this character.)
(composition: ⿰氵夷; U+6D1F).
洟涕 yĩ-häi
yítì to weep and snivel.¹⁴
<又> häi.
(See 洟 häi).
yi3 16831
85 12 (of one's attitude or feeling) change; another name for Chongqing (重庆[重慶] Chũng-hëin Chóngqìng).³⁹
不渝 būt-yĩ
bùyú constant; unchanging; abiding; faithful.¹⁰
始终不渝[始終不渝] chī-jüng-būt-yĩ
shǐzhōngbùyú unswerving; unflinching.¹⁰
坚持不渝[堅持不渝] gëin-chĩ-būt-yĩ
jiānchíbùyú to stick to something without change (idiom); to persevere.¹⁰
忠贞不渝[忠貞不渝] jüng-jëin-būt-yĩ
zhōngzhēnbùyú be unswervingly loyal/faithful.⁶
yi3 16832
85 15 𣽉
to moisten; damp.²⁴  <old>=儒 yĩ   scholar; Confucianism.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵⿱⿻一申⿹勹灬; U+23F49)
❄{⿰氵⿱𤰔⿹勹灬}以沫 xëng-yĩ-yî-mòt xiāngrúyǐmò to moisten with spittle.²⁴
(See 儒 yĩ).
yi3 16833 23F49.gif
85 17 immerse, moisten; wet, damp.⁸ dilatory; to moisten.¹⁰
涵濡 hãm-yĩ hánrú to set a good moral example to the younger generation.⁷
耳濡目染 ngī-yĩ-mùk-ngêm
ěrrúmùrǎn be unconsciously influenced by what one frequently hears and sees.⁸ influence of surroundings (what one hears and sees).¹¹
濡笔[濡筆] yĩ-bīt
rúbǐ dip a writing brush in ink.⁵⁴
濡毫 yĩ-hõ
rúháo wet the brush with tip of tongue.¹¹
濡滞[濡滯] yĩ-jài
rúzhì stay; delay.⁸
濡沫涸辙[濡沫涸轍] yĩ-mòt-kök-chēt
rúmòhézhé to help each other out in hard times (idiom).¹⁰
濡染 yĩ-ngëm
rúrǎn to infect; to influence; to dip (in ink).¹⁰
濡润[濡潤] yĩ-ngùn
rúrùn moist.⁸
濡湿[濡濕] yĩ-sīp
rúshī soak; make wet.⁸
濡濡 yĩ-yĩ
rúrú dripping with water.¹¹
yi3 16834
91 13 short boards used at both ends when building walls; wooden sink; (<old>=窬 yĩ small hole beside the door); privy hole.⁸
(composition: ⿰片俞; U+724F).
侯牏 hẽo-yĩ
hòuyú or 侯头[侯頭] hẽo-hẽo hóutóu an ancient small-sleeved undershirt.¹⁹
圊牏 tëin-yĩ
qīngyú lavatory; toilet; restroom.¹⁹
牏厕[牏廁] yĩ-xü
yúcè toilet bowl.¹⁹ (See 廁牏 xü-hẽo or xü-yĩ).
<又> hẽo; jî.
(See 牏 hẽo; 牏 jî).
yi3 16835
94 10 armadillo.⁹ (variant: 㺄 yĩ ).
九带犰狳[九帶犰狳] giū-äi-yiũ-yĩ
jiǔdàiqiúyú nine-banded armadillo or nine-banded, long-nosed armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
拉河三带犰狳[拉河三帶犰狳] lā-hõ-xäm-äi-yiũ-yĩ
lāhé sāndài qiúyú southern three-banded armadillo (Tolypeutes matacus), also called the La Plata three-banded armadillo.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
披毛犰狳 pï-mão-yiũ-yĩ
pīmáoqiúyú big hairy armadillo or large hairy armadillo (Chaetophractus villosus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
犰狳 yiũ-yĩ
qiúyú armadillo.⁶
犰狳属[犰狳屬] yiũ-yĩ-sùk
qiúyúshǔ the only extant genus Dasypus in the family Dasypodidae.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(See 㺄 yĩ).
yi3 16836
94 12  (=狳 yĩ ) armadillo.⁹ (=貐 yĩ ) a kind of beast.⁸
(See 狳 yĩ; 貐 yĩ).
yi3 16837
94 14 the badger; a wild bear.⁸
(composition: ⿰犭婁; U+3E8F).
<又> lẽo. (See 㺏 lẽo; cf. 貗 guì ).
yi3 16838
96 13 fine jade, gem; virtues, good points.⁶
瑾瑜 gīn-yĩ jǐnyú a fine piece of jade.⁷
瑕不掩瑜 hã-būt-yēm-yĩ
xiábùyǎnyú one flaw cannot obscure the splendor of the jade – the defects cannot obscure the virtues.⁵
or 瑜珈 or 瑜迦 yĩ-gä yújiā yoga.¹⁰
or 瑜伽术[瑜伽術] yĩ-gä-sùt yújiāshù the art of yoga.⁵⁴
yi3 16839
96 17 beautiful jade.⁸ fine jade.⁹ ornamental jade.³⁵
(comp. t: ⿰𤣩與; U+74B5). (comp. s: ⿰𤣩与; U+7399).
璠玙[璠璵] fãn-yĩ
fányú  ➀ name of a beautiful jade from the State of Lu 魯 ➁ refers to jewelry in general  ➂ a metaphor for virtue and talent.¹⁹
琳玙[琳璵] lĩm-yĩ
línyú beautiful jade.¹⁹
玙璠[璵璠] yĩ-fãn
yúfán a precious gem, brought from Lu (鲁[魯] Lû ) country.²⁴ (Note: Original text was 璠璵; later was changed to 璵璠.)
yi3 16840
104 11 a wound, a bruise, a sore.⁷
疮痍[瘡痍] chông-yĩ chuāngyí suffering; hardship; privation.⁷ wound; skin ulcer; (fig.) the desolation of trauma; desolation in the aftermath of a disaster.¹⁰
疮痍满目[瘡痍滿目] chông-yĩ-mōn-mùk
chuāngyímǎnmù one sees suffering everywhere.⁷
满目疮痍[滿目瘡痍] mōn-mùk-chông-yĩ
mǎnmùchuāngyí Misery and suffering greets the eye everywhere.⁷
伤痍[傷痍] sëng-yĩ
shāngyí knife wound.⁸ <wr.> the sufferings of the people from war.¹¹
伤痍者[傷痍者] sëng-yĩ-jēh
shāngyízhě the wounded.²⁴
yi3 16841
104 13 to die in prison from cold and hunger; to treat with cruelty.¹⁴
瘐毙[瘐斃] yĩ-bì yǔbì <wr.> (of a prisoner) die of hunger or disease.⁶
瘐死 yĩ-xī
yǔsǐ <wr.> (of a prisoner) die of hunger or disease.⁶
瘐死狱中[瘐死獄中] yĩ-xī-ngùk-jüng
yǔsǐyùzhōng starve to death in the prison.¹⁴
yi3 16842
108 8 broad-mouth receptable for holding liquid; jar.⁵
钵盂[缽盂] or 钵盂[鉢盂] bôt-yĩ bōyú a priest's dish, shaped like a flattened globe.¹⁴
痰盂 hãm-yĩ
tányú spittoon; cuspidor.⁶
肾盂[腎盂] sûn-yĩ
shènyú renal pelvis.⁵
漱口盂[漱口盂] xēo-hēo-yĩ
shùkǒuyú mug for mouth rinsing or teeth cleaning; small spittoon for spitting gargle into.⁶
盂方水方 yĩ-föng-suī-föng
yúfāngshuǐfāng If the basin is square, the water in it will also be square – denoting the great influence of the prince in moilding the people.¹⁴
盂兰节[盂蘭節] yĩ-lãn-dēik
yúlánjié The hungry ghost festival.¹⁹ (See 盂兰盆会[盂蘭盆會] Yĩ-lãn-pûn-vòi Yúlánpénhuì).
盂兰盆会[盂蘭盆會] Yĩ-lãn-pûn-vòi
Yúlánpénhuì <Budd.> the Feast of All Souls held on the 15th day of the 7th lunar month, with floating lanterns or candles on water, for the deliverance of hungry ghosts.¹¹
yi3 16843
109 10 盱眙 Huï-yĩ Xūyí Xuyi County, lying in Huai'an (淮安 Vãi-Ön Huái'ān) of Jiangsu Province.⁹
<又> chï.
(See 眙 chï.)
yi3 16844
109 14 (composition: ⿰目俞; U+776E).
䀤睮 mào-yĩ màoyú an envious person.²⁴
睮睮 yĩ-yĩ
yúyú flattery.¹⁰¹
yi3 16845
115 11 move, remove, shift; change, alter.⁵
(comp.: ⿰禾多; U+79FB). (variant: 迻 yĩ). (See 迻 yĩ.)
移走 yĩ-dēo
yízǒu move away.⁵
移调[移調] yĩ-èl
yídiào <mus.> transposition.⁵
移花接木 yĩ-fä-dēp-mùk
yíhuājiēmù graft one twig on another; stealthily substitute one thing for another.⁵
移防 yĩ-fõng
yífáng shifted elsewhere for garrison duty.⁵
移风易俗[移風易俗] yĩ-füng-yèik-dùk
yífēngyìsú change prevailing habits and customs; transform social traditions.⁵
移晷 yĩ-gī
yíguǐ The sun's shadow moves. – Time passes.³⁹
移交 yĩ-gäo
yíjiāo turn over, transfer, deliver into somebody's custody; hand over one's job to a successor.⁵
移居 yĩ-guï
yíjū move one's residence; migrate.⁵
移行 yĩ-hõng
yíháng hyphenate at the end of a line.⁵⁴
移植 yĩ-jèik
yízhí transplant.⁵
移苗 yĩ-mẽl
yímiáo transplant seedlings.⁵
移民 yĩ-mĩn
yímín migrate, emigrate, immigrate, relocate; migrant, emigrant, immigrant.⁶
移山倒海 yĩ-sän-āo-hōi
yíshāndǎohǎi remove mountains and drain seas – transform nature.⁵
移动[移動] yĩ-ùng
yídòng move; shift.⁵
移位 yĩ-vì
yíwèi shift; <med.> displacement; translocation; transposition.⁶
yi3 16846
116 14 <wr.> climb over a wall.⁵ a hole in the wall; a small door or window; to climb over a wall.⁷
穿窬 chün-yĩ chuānyú <wr.> cut through a wall or climb over it (in order to rob the house).⁵
窬墙窥视[窬牆窺視] yĩ-tẽng-kï-sì
yúqiángkuīshì to make a hole through a wall and peep through.⁷ to spy on somebody through a peephole (idiom).¹⁰
(See 逾 yĩ; 踰 yĩ.)
yi3 16847
118 17 <wr.> small hut beside a storied building.⁶ a small house attached to a pavilion.⁷ side room.⁸ a small room next to a pavilion.⁹ small house connected to large one.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱𥫗移; U+7C03).
笓簃 bì-yĩ bìyí a shrimp trap.¹¹
or 謻台[謻臺] Yĩ-Hõi Yítái a palace, also called Nangong (南宫[南宮] Nãm-Güng Nángōng Southern Palace) in 洛阳[洛陽] Lōk-yẽng Luòyáng Luoyang (in Henan); tradition has it that it was built by King Jing of Zhou (周景王 Jiü Gēin Võng Zhōu Jǐng Wáng, reign: 544–520 BC. When it was used by the last king of the Zhou Dynasty, King Nan of Zhou (周赧王 Jiü Nân Võng Zhōu Nǎn Wáng, reign: 314–256 BC, it received the name "Escape Debt Palace" (逃债台[逃債臺] Hão-Jäi-Hõi Táozhàitái).¹⁹
yi3 16848
119 11 𥹋
small rice balls boiled down; to moisten and soften.²⁵
(composition: ⿰米台; U+25E4B).
yi3 16849
120 20 fine silk guaze; torn piece of silk.⁸ <wr.> pyjama, jacket.¹¹ (=襦 yĩ a short coat, a short top garment; the neckwear for babies; very fine silk fabric.⁷).¹³ a leak¹⁴
(composition: ⿰糹需; U+7E7B).
絁繻 sï-yĩ
shīrú coarse color silk.¹⁹
繻袴 yĩ-fû
rúkù <wr.> silk pyjamas and trousers.¹¹
繻绁[繻紲] yĩ-xēik
rúxiè capture and bind.¹⁹
<又> xuï.
(See 繻 xuï).
yi3 16850
123 15 ewe; black sheep; beautiful; good.⁸ black ram.¹⁰ the name for a ram in the Han dynasty; a black ram; handsome; a mountain..²⁵  large black sheep; excellent qualities, better properties.⁵⁴ ewe; moral excellence, virtue.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰羊俞; U+7FAD).
攘羭 ngẽng-yĩ rǎngyú claim credit due to others.¹³ to deprive of excellent qualities, to take away the best properties.⁵⁴
yi3 16851
130 10 pancreas; soap.⁸
胰岛素[胰島素] yĩ-āo-xü yídǎosù insulin.⁸
胰脏[胰臟] yĩ-dòng
yízàng pancreas.¹¹
胰子 yĩ-dū
yízi <topo.> pancreas of pigs, sheep; <topo.> soap.⁸
胰腺 yĩ-xëin
yíxiàn pancreas.⁸
胰液 yĩ-yèik
or yĩ-yìt yíyè pancreatic juice.⁸
yi3 16852
130 12 fat, plump; fertile.⁶
滋腴 dü-yĩ zīyú greasy food.³⁹
肥腴 fĩ-yĩ
féiyú <wr.> fertile; fat, plump, corpulent.⁶
丰腴[豐腴] füng-yĩ
fēngyú full and round, plump, buxom and fair; luxuriant, lush, fertile; liberal, sumptuous.⁶
膏腴 gäo-yĩ
gāoyú <wr.> fertile; rich.⁶
膏腴之地 gäo-yĩ-jï-ì
gāoyúzhīdì rich soil; fertile land.¹¹
猪腴[豬腴] jï-yĩ
zhūyú pork fat.²⁵
华腴[華腴] vã-yĩ
huáyú soft living.¹¹ luxurious life; nobility, peerage.⁵⁴
圂腴 vùn-yĩ
hùnyú iinternal organs/viscera of pigs and dogs.⁰
腴润[腴潤] yĩ-ngùn
yúrùn well rounded out; fertile.⁵⁴
沃腴 yūk-yĩ
wòyú fertile.³⁹
yi3 16853
131 7 𦣞
(=颐[頤] yĩ <wr.> to keep fit; cheek.⁶ the cheeks; to nourish, to rear, to take care of oneself.⁷).⁸
(Note: Not related to 臣 sĩn
chén official under a feudal ruler; your servant; I).
(composition: ⿷匚⿳丨口丨; U+268DE).
(See 頤 yĩ).
yi3 16854
134 8 moment, instant, short while; Yu surname.³⁶
(composition: ⿻臼人; U+81FE).
不可须臾离也[不可須臾離也] būt-hō-xuï-yĩ-lĩ-yâ bùkěxūyúlíyě (the path) may not be left for an instant.¹⁴
颛臾[顓臾] jön-yĩ zhuānyú Zhuanyu (an ancient state in modern Shandong, China).³⁶
须臾[須臾] xuï-yĩ
xūyú <wr.> moment; instant.⁵
须臾不可离[須臾不可離] xuï-yĩ-būt-hō-lĩ 
xūyú bùkělí cannot do without even for a moment.⁵
臾曳 yĩ-yài
yúyè wandering.¹⁹
<又> gì, yūng.
(See 臾 gì, yūng).
yi3 16855
134 9 to carry on one's shoulder.⁸  to carry together, to uplift; o load.⁹ to lift; to raise.¹⁰
舁夫 yĩ-fü yúfū a porter; a coolie.¹⁴
yi3 16856
134 13 (<old>= 歟 yĩ ) a final particle used to express admiration, doubt, surprise, or to mark a question.⁸ <wr.> (final particle similar to 吗, 呢 or 啊).¹⁰
<又> yì, yî.
(See 與 yì, yî; 歟 yĩ .)
yi3 16857
137 13 a despatch boat.¹⁰ʼ¹⁴ a kind of vessel for navigating rivers; a man's name.²⁵
(composition: ⿰舟余; U+8245).
艅艎 yĩ-võng yúhuáng <wr.> large warship.¹⁰ a fast sailing boat; a ferry boat.¹⁴ a fast sailing boat.²⁵
(synonyms for 艅艎:  艅皇, 余皇, 餘皇).⁵⁴ʼ¹⁰¹
yi3 16858
140 9 <wr.> clear the field of weeds; to weed.⁶
芟荑 or 芟夷 sän-yĩ shānyí <wr.> to uproot wild grass. to weed; to eliminate, to exterminate.⁶
or 芟夷叛乱[芟夷叛亂] sän-yĩ-bòn-lòn shānyípànluàn to exterminate a rebellion.⁶
<又> hãi.
(See 荑 hãi.)
yi3 16859
140 11 dogwood.⁸  cornelian cherry.¹⁰
茱萸 jï-yĩ zhūyú dogwood, cornel (Cornus officinalis).⁹ Cornus officinalis (Japanese cornel dogwood, a kind of herb).¹⁰
茱萸囊 jï-yĩ-nõng 
zhūyúnáng <trad.> bag filled with dogwood in the Double-Nine Festival.¹
茱萸会[茱萸會] jï-yĩ-vòi 
zhūyúhuì <trad.> drinking party on the Double-Nine Festival.¹
麦萸子[麥萸子] màk-yĩ-dū
màiyúzi wheat bran.¹
山茱萸 sän-jï-yĩ
shānzhūyú <TCM> Cornus officinalis; sour mountain date; herb associated with longevity.¹⁰
食茱萸 sèik-jï-yĩ
shízhūyú ailanthus prickly ash; Zanthoxylum ailanthoides.
yi3 16860
140 12 山萮菜 sän-yĩ-töi shānyúcài wasabi (Eutrema wasabi Maxim), a kind of fern used in Japanese cooking.⁸
yi3 16861
140 14
shake and wave of the grass.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹移; U+451F).
萎䔟 vī-yĩ wěiyí drooping and withering, as plants.²⁵
yi3 16862
140 15 ➀ =泽泻[澤瀉] jàk-xëh zéxiè oriental water plantain.⁸ common water plantain (Alisma plantago-aquatica); water plantain rhizome (used in TCM).¹⁰ ➁ flowers blooming.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹渝; U+854D).
敷蕍 fù-yĩ
fūyú flowers blooming.¹⁹
蕍蕮 yĩ-xēik
yúxì plantapo; also flowery.²⁵
yi3 16863
140 16 (composition: ⿱艹與; U+85C7).
芞藇 hï-yĩ qìyú a fragrant herb.²
<又> duì; yì; yî; xuï.
(See 藇 duì; 藇 yì; 藇 yî; 藇 xuï).
yi3 16864
140 17 Elshotria paltrini.⁴³
香薷 hëng-yĩ
xiāngrú <bot.> Elshotria cilita.
青香薷 tëin-hëng-yĩ
qīngxiāngrú <TCM> Chinese mosla.⁶
yi3 16865
140 20   luxuriant.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹⿰甚育; U+861B).
敷蘛 or 蓲萮 or 蓲蘛 fù-yĩ fūyú (flowers) in full bloom.⁸ flowers blooming.²⁵
yi3 16866
142 11 虚与委蛇[虛與委蛇] huï-yî-vī-yĩ xūyǔwēiyí pretend/feign politeness and compliance; deal with somebody courteously but insincerely.⁶
委蛇 vī-yĩ
wēiyí <wr.> ➀ (=逶迤 vī-yĩ wēiyí) winding, meandering  ➁ accede to; submit to; comply with.⁶ (variants: 蜲蛇, 逶夷, 逶迤, 逶迆, 逶蛇, 逶移, 委佗, 委它, 委移, 委他, 威夷).
蛇蛇 yĩ-yĩ
yíyí facile (of words); calmly, leisurely.⁵⁴
<又> sẽh.
(See 蛇 sẽh.)
yi3 16867
142 12 name of a bird.¹³
(composition: ⿰虫夷; U+86E6).
𧒀❄{⿰虫敝}蛦 bēik-yĩ bìyí a wild fowl.⁸ʼ¹⁹ʼ²⁵ʼ¹⁰¹
蛦] dï-yĩ cìyí a kind of big turtle.¹⁹
螗蛦 hõng-yĩ
tángyí (=螗蜩 hõng-hẽl tángtiáo a kind of cicada.¹¹).¹⁹ a species of locust.²⁵
蟕蛦 juï-yĩ
zuīyí or 蟕蠵 juï-hï zuīxī a kind of big turtle.¹⁹
❄{⿰虫逐}蛦 jùk-yĩ zhúyí a kind of insect or worm.¹⁰¹
yi3 16868
142 15 蛞蝓 föt-yĩ kuòyú slug.⁸
海蛞蝓 hōi-föt-yĩ
hǎikuòyú sea slug.¹⁰
蝓螨器[蝓蟎器] yĩ-mōn-hï
yúmǎnqì ereynetal organ.⁹
螔蝓 yĩ-yĩ
yíyú (=蜗牛[蝸牛] vö-ngẽo wōniú) snail.⁷ʼ²⁵
yi3 16869
142 16 螔蝓 yĩ-yĩ yíyú (=蜗牛[蝸牛] vö-ngẽo wōniú) snail.⁷ʼ²⁵
yi3 16870
142 20 to wriggle; to squirm.⁷
蠕变[蠕變] yĩ-bëin rúbiàn change slowly; creep, creepage, creep deformation, after-flow.⁶
蠕虫[蠕蟲] yĩ-chũng
rúchóng worm; helminth.⁶
蠕虫学[蠕蟲學] yĩ-chũng-hòk
rúchóngxué helminthology.⁶
蠕螺 yĩ-lũ
rúluó worm shell.⁶
蠕蛇 yĩ-sẽh
rúshé worm snake.⁶
蠕动[蠕動] yĩ-ùng 
rúdòng wriggle, squirm; creep; peristalsis.⁶
蠕形动物[蠕形動物] yĩ-yẽin-ùng-mùt
or yĩ-yẽin-ùng-mòt rúxíng dòngwù a worm; a category of legless invertebrates, such as cestodes and bellyworm, softer and moving by shrinking and extending muscles on body wall.⁹
蠕蠕 yĩ-yĩ
rúrú ➀ wriggling; wriggly; vermicular. ➁ name of an ancient Chinese tribe to the north.⁷
yi3 16871
145 12 place names: ➀ In 697 BCE a coalition force consisting of the State of Song 宋, the State of Wei 衛 and the State of Chen 陳 attacked the State of Zheng 鄭 at 袲 and were defeated ➁ a Song area during the Han Dynasty 沛國 in present-day (1716) southwest of 相縣.²ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿳亠多𧘇 or ⿳亠多⿰⿱丿𠄌⿺㇏丿; U+88B2).
<又> chï; nõ.
(See 袲 chï; 袲 nõ).
yi3 16872
145 14 shirt.⁸ a loose garment or cloak.¹⁴ sleeves of a woman's robe adorned with feathers; elegant, as a costly dress.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰衤俞; U+8915).
襜褕 chẽn-yĩ chānyú short plain clothes in ancient times.⁸ a loose garment or cloak.¹⁴
短褕 ōn-yĩ
duǎnyú a short sleeve.¹⁰²
褕衣甘食 yĩ-yï-gäm-sèik
yúyīgānshí fine clothes and good food.¹⁰²ʼ⁰ to dress smartly and eat sweetly.⁵⁴ (cf 褕衣 yẽl-yï).
<又> yẽl; hẽo.
(See 褕 yẽl; 褕 hẽo).
yi3 16873
145 19 a short coat, a short top garment; the neckwear for babies; very fine silk fabric.⁷
裨襦 bï-yĩ bìrú a long garment.¹⁴
袾襦 jï-yĩ
zhūrú short garments.²⁵
短襦 ōn-yĩ
duǎnrú a short jacket.¹¹
襦袄[襦襖] yĩ-äo
rú'ǎo a short jacket or coat.⁷
襦裤[襦褲] yĩ-fù
rúkù jacket and trousers.¹¹
绮襦纨袴[綺襦紈袴] yī-yĩ-yõn-fû
qǐrúwánkù young fops of good family – lit. embroidered jacket and white silk trousers.¹⁴
yi3 16874
147 16 a strong desire for possession; to covet.⁷
觊觎[覬覦] kï-yĩ jìyú <wr.> covet; cast greedy eyes on.⁵ to covet; to desire something belonging to others.⁷
觎心炽起[覦心熾起] yĩ-xïm-chï-hī
yúxīnchìqǐ covetous desires blazing up.⁷
yi3 16875
149 10 𫍙
contended, self-satisfied, be pleased with oneself; arrogant.⁸ arrogant; mean.¹⁰
(comp. t: ⿰言也; U+8A11). (comp. s: ⿰讠也; U+2B359).
❄{⿰讠也}𫍙❄{⿰讠也}[訑訑] yĩ-yĩ yíyí describes people who think they are smart and do not listen to others.⁸ <lit.> arrogant.¹¹ self-possession; also a shallow idea; self-sufficiency, displayed in language and manners, drives people far away.²⁵
<又> än.
(See 訑 än).
yi3 16876
149 12 (=貽 yĩ  ) to bequeath; to send.¹⁴
诒孙子[詒孫子] yĩ-xün-dū
yísūnzi to transmit to descendants.¹⁴
(See 貽 yĩ.)
yi3 16877
149 15 to flatter.
谄谀[諂諛] chïm-yĩ chǎnyú to flatter; servility.
面谀[面諛] mèin-yĩ
miànyú to flatter before one's face.
阿谀[阿諛] ö-yĩ
ēyú to flatter; to fawn upon; toady.
阿谀奉承[阿諛奉承] ö-yĩ-fùng-sẽin
ēyúfèngcheng to fawn upon.
谀墓[諛墓] yĩ-mù
yúmù flattering epitaph.
or 谀辞[諛辭] yĩ-xũ yúcí flattery.
yi3 16878
149 18 a terrace or balcony, projecting out of a building; a small shed by the side of a court or gallery.²⁵
謻台[謻臺] or 簃台[簃臺] Yĩ-Hõi Yítái a palace, also called Nangong (南宫[南宮] Nãm-Güng Nángōng Southern Palace) in 洛阳[洛陽] Lōk-yẽng Luòyáng Luoyang (in Henan); tradition has it that it was built by King Jing of Zhou (周景王 Jiü Gēin Võng Zhōu Jǐng Wáng, reign: 544–520 BC. When it was used by the last king of the Zhou Dynasty, King Nan of Zhou (周赧王 Jiü Nân Võng Zhōu Nǎn Wáng, reign: 314–256 BC, it received the name "Escape Debt Palace" (逃债台[逃債臺] Hão-Jäi-Hõi Táozhàitái).¹⁹
謻门[謻門] yĩ-mõn
yímén icehouse door; side door of a palace.¹⁹ a distinct door; the door of an icehouse; the name of a barbarian district; a man's name.²⁵
yi3 16879
153 16 a kind of beast.⁸  (variant: 㺄 yĩ ).
䝟貐 ä-yĩ
yàyǔ an animal like a tiger, that devours people.²⁵ an ogre predator with a dragon's head and tiger's paws.⁵⁴
(See 㺄 yĩ.)
yi3 16880
154 12 <wr.> make a gift of something, present; bequeath, leave behind.⁵ (variant: 詒 yĩ.)
贻贝[貽貝] yĩ-böi yíbèi mussel.⁵
贻赠[貽贈] yĩ-dàng
yízèng to present (a gift); to leave something to posterity.⁷
贻害[貽害] yĩ-hòi
yíhài leave a legacy of trouble.⁵
贻害后世[貽害後世] yĩ-hòi-hèo-säi
yíhàihòushì bring calamity upon posterity.⁶
贻误[貽誤] yĩ-m̀
yíwù affect adversely; bungle.⁵
贻人口实[貽人口實] yĩ-ngĩn-hēo-sìt
yírénkǒushí give occasion for talk; be a source of ridicule.⁵
贻患[貽患] yĩ-vàn
yíhuàn sow seeds of disaster.⁶
贻笑大方[貽笑大方] yĩ-xël-ài-föng
yíxiàodàfāng make a laughingstock of oneself before experts.⁵
贻笑千古[貽笑千古] yĩ-xël-tëin-gū
yíxiàoqiāngǔ be the laughingstock of the ages.⁶
贻燕[貽燕] yĩ-yën
yíyàn to leave peace for the future generations.¹⁰
(See 詒 yĩ.)
yi3 16881
157 13 squat; crouch.¹³ to crouch down; to sit on one's heels.²⁵
(composition: ⿰𧾷夷; U+8DE0).
蹲跠 or 蹲夷 dün-yĩ dūnyí ➀ squat, crouch ➁ sit with one's knees bent upward and buttocks on the ground, considered uncivilized and without decorum in the old days.¹⁹
yi3 16882
157 16 (=逾 yĩ ) to pass over; to cross; to go beyond; to transgress; to exceed.⁷  excessive; overly.⁷ (=逾 yĩ ) exceed, transgress; cross over.⁸ (=窬 yĩ ) a small door or window; a hole in the wall; to cut through a wall.⁸
踰侈 yĩ-chï
yúchǐ too extravagant; too luxurious.⁷
踰分 yĩ-fùn
yúfèn to go beyond one's proper function or position.⁷
踰封 yĩ-füng
yúfēng to cross the national boundary.⁷
踰矩 yĩ-guī
yújǔ to transgress the bounds of correctness.⁷
踰闲[踰閑] yĩ-hãn
yúxián to break moral conventions; to break decorum.⁷
踰年 yĩ-nẽin
yúnián the following year.⁷
踰垣 yĩ-yõn
yúyuán to go over a wall – to run away; to escape.⁷ to climb over a wall.¹⁴ to jump over a wall.²⁴
踰越 yĩ-yòt
yúyuè to go beyond; to transgress.⁷
(See 逾 yĩ; 窬 yĩ.)
yi3 16883
159 17 輿 ➀ <wr.> carriage; chariot  ➁ <wr.> sedan chair  ➂ area; territory.⁵ (variant: 轝 yĩ). (See 轝 yĩ).
方舆[方輿] föng-yĩ
fāngyú <old> the Earth.³⁶
地舆图[地輿圖] ì-yĩ-hũ
dìyútú <trad.> atlas.⁵
编舆[編輿] pëin-yĩ
biānyú sedan chair made of bamboo.¹⁹
舆榇[輿櫬] yĩ-chïn
yúchèn to go with one's coffin in cart to voice protest and show willingness to die for an opinion (like hunger strike).¹¹
舆夫[輿夫] yĩ-fü
yúfū sedan-chair bearers.⁷
舆服[輿服] yĩ-fùk
yú-fú one's carriage and graments.⁷
舆图[輿圖] yĩ-hũ
yútú ➀ <wr.> map; territorial map; map of frontiers    frontiers.⁶
舆地[輿地] yĩ-ì
yúdì territory.⁵ the land; the earth.⁷
舆论[輿論] yĩ-lùn
yúlùn public opinion.⁵
舆论界[輿論界] yĩ-lùn-gäi
yúlùnjiè the media; press circles.⁷
舆马[輿馬] yĩ-mâ
yú-mǎ the carriage and the horse.⁷
舆人[輿人] yĩ-ngĩn
yúrén a wheelwright; a lowly official; the masses; people.⁷
舆情[輿情] yĩ-tẽin
yúqíng public sentiment/feelings.⁷
舆薪[輿薪] yĩ-xïn
yúxīn a cartload of firewood – something very obvious.⁷
舆师[輿師] yĩ-xü
yúshī a host; an army.⁷
yi3 16884
159 20 ➀ raise the carriage with both hands 
➁ (a) refers to carriages or vehicles in general;
     (b) =舆[輿] yĩ
            (i) <wr.> carriage; chariot 
            (ii) <wr.> sedan chair 
            (iii) area; territory.⁵
➂ carrying equipment for a hearse 
➃ to carry, to lift.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱與車; U+8F5D).
(See 輿 yĩ).
yi3 16885
162 6 (=迤 yĩ ) meandering; winding.⁷
or 逶迤 vī-yĩ wēiyí winding; meandering.⁵
or 逶迤的山路 vī-yĩ-ēik-sän-lù wēiyídeshānlù winding mountain path.⁶
(See 迆 [yĩ, ]; 迤 yĩ, ].)
yi3 16886
162 6 to extend obliquely or along a zigzag course; to proceed in a winding way; connected; joined.⁷
逦迆[邐迆] or 逦迤[邐迤] lĩ-yĩ lǐyǐ (said of mountains, sand dunes) sprawling out in all directions.⁷
or 迤逦[迤邐] yĩ-lĩ yǐlǐ <wr.> winding; tortuous; meandering.⁶
or 迤靡 yĩ-mî yǐmǐ joined; connected.⁷
(See 迆 [yĩ, ]; 迤 yĩ, ].)
yi3 16887
162 8 meandering.⁹ winding.¹⁰
逶迤 or 逶迆 vī-yĩ wēiyí winding; meandering.⁵
or 逶迆的山路 vī-yĩ-ēik-sän-lù wēiyídeshānlù winding mountain path.⁶
(See 迤 [yĩ, ]; 迆 [yĩ, ].)
yi3 16888
162 8 go/extend towards; towards, in the direction of.⁶
天安门迤西是中山公园[天安門迤西是中山公園] hëin-ön-mõn yĩxäi sì Jüng-sän güng-yõn tiānānmén yǐxī shì Zhōngshān gōngyuán To the west of Tian An Men is Zhongshan Park.⁵
or 逦迆[邐迆] lĩ-yĩ lǐyǐ (of mountains, sand dunes) sprawling out in all directions.¹¹
迤逦[迤邐] or 迆逦[迆邐] yĩ-lĩ yǐlǐ <wr.> winding; tortuous; meandering.⁶
迤靡 or 迆靡 yĩ-mî yǐmǐ joined; connected.⁷
(See 迤 [yĩ, ]; 迆 [yĩ, ].)
yi3 16889
162 9 to shift; to transfer; to transform.⁸ to shift; to transfer.¹⁰ (=移 yĩ ) move, remove, shift; change, alter.⁵
迻录[迻錄] yĩ-lùk
yílù <wr.> write down; transcribe.⁵
迻译[迻譯] yĩ-yèik
yíyì <wr.> translate.⁵
(See 移 yĩ.)
yi3 16890
162 12 exceed, go beyond; <wr.> even more.⁵ (variant: 踰 yĩ yú.)
不可逾越 būt-hō-yĩ-yòt
bùkěyúyuè impassable; insurmountable; insuperable.¹⁰
情逾骨肉 tẽin-yĩ-gūt-ngùk
qíngyúgǔròu dearer than one's own flesh and blood.⁵
逾出 yĩ-chūt
yúchū exceed; be more than.⁵⁴
逾分 yĩ-fùn
yúfèn excessive; undue; exorbitant.⁶
逾过[逾過] yĩ-gö
yúguò pass over; exceed.¹¹
逾限 yĩ-hàn
yúxiàn exceed the limit or quota.¹¹
逾恒[逾恆] yĩ-hãng
yúhéng more than usual (kindness).¹¹
逾期 yĩ-kĩ
yúqī exceed the time limit; be overdue.⁵
逾轮[逾輪] Yĩ-lũn
Yúlún name of one of the eight legendary horses of 周穆王 Jiü Mùk Võng Zhōu Mù Wáng King Mu of Zhou.²³
逾额[逾額] yĩ-ngäk
yú'é exceed the allowed amount.⁵
逾城 yĩ-sẽin
yúchéng pass over the city wall.⁵⁴
逾常 yĩ-sẽng
yúcháng out of the ordinary; unusual.⁵
逾甚 yĩ-sìm
yúshèn become even greater; increase.⁵⁴
逾墙[逾牆] yĩ-tẽng
yúqiáng to climb over a wall.⁷
逾越 yĩ-yòt
yúyuè exceed; go beyond.⁵
逾越常规[逾越常規] yĩ-yòt-sẽng-kï
yúyuèchángguī depart from the usual practice.⁵
(See 踰 yĩ; 窬 yĩ.)
yi3 16891
164 10 a liquor made from rice; sweet, clear wine; to drink.²⁵
粉酏 fūn-yĩ fěnyǐ rice cakes.²⁵
饘酏 jën-yĩ
zhānyǐ millet porridge with the grain strained off.²⁵
黍酏 sī-yĩ
shǔyǐ gruel made of millet.²⁵
酏剂[酏劑] yĩ-jäi
yǐjì <med.> elixir.⁵
yi3 16892
164 21 strong wine.⁸ strong (of wine).¹⁰ strong, generous wine.²⁵
(composition: ⿰酉需; U+91B9).
yi3 16893
167 13 the tip of a plow.²
a plowshare.²⁵
(composition: ⿰金台; U+9236).
<又> xû; yĩ; xũ. (See 鈶 xû; 鈶 yĩ; 鈶 xũ).
yi3 16894
167 14
(composition: ⿰釒多; U+9279).
<又> chī. (See 鉹 chǐ).
yi3 16895
167 22 the flow of molten metal; (=濡 yĩ immerse, moisten; wet, damp.⁸ dilatory; to moisten.¹⁰).²
(composition: ⿰金需; U+9450).
<又> xuï; ngẽl.
(See 鑐 xuï; 鑐 ngẽl; 濡 yĩ).
yi3 16896
170 5 a bank.²⁵
(composition: ⿰阝也; U+9624).
陂阤 bï-yĩ bēiyǐ (=陂陁 bö-hõ, q.v.).⁸  (cf 陂阤 bö-hõ).
阤废[阤廢] yĩ-fī
yǐfèi decayed and abandoned.⁸
阤靡 yĩ-mî
yǐmǐ describes the sloping and continuous mountain terrain.⁸ʼ⁰
<又> chï; sī; hõ; hũ.
(See 阤 chï; 阤 sī; 阤 hõ; 阤 hũ).
yi3 16897
170 8   dangerous, hazardous, difficult, trouble  ➁ disaster or distress  ➂ name of a place.⁸
(composition: ⿰阝夷; U+49C5).
隇䧅 vï-yĩ wēiyí (of roads) dangerous and difficult.² dangerous defiles.²⁵
yi3 16898
173 11 to pray for rain; the sacrifice for the rain god.⁷ to offer sacrifices and pray for rain.¹¹ the summer sacrifice for rain.¹⁴  sacrifice with prayer and dance for rain.³⁶
(variant: 𩁹 yĩ).
(composition: ⿱⻗亏; U+96E9).
舞雩 mū-yĩ wǔyú a place with an alter (in present day south of Qufu County in Shandong Province) where Lu State 魯國 worshipped heaven and prayed for rain; this ritual procession was  accompanied by music and dance.¹⁹
雩祭 yĩ-däi
yújì a sacrifice or ritual in praying for rain.⁷
雩祀 yĩ-dù
yúsì ancient sacrifice to pray for rain.¹⁹
雩坛[雩壇] yĩ-hãn
yútán a stand or platform where praying for rain is conducted.⁷
雩祈 yĩ-kĩ
yúqí to pray for rain.¹⁹
雩禜 yĩ-yẽin
yúyíng (=雩宗 yĩ-düng yúzōng) an altar dedicated to the spirit of water and drought.¹⁹
雩雨 yĩ-yî
yúyǔ to pray for rain.¹⁴
<又> vû.
(See 雩 vû).
yi3 16899
173 11 𩁹 (=雩 yĩ to pray for rain; the sacrifice for the rain god.⁷ to offer sacrifices and pray for rain.¹¹ the summer sacrifice for rain.¹⁴  sacrifice with prayer and dance for rain.³⁶)
(composition: ⿱雨于; U+29079).
(See 雩 yĩ)
yi3 16900
181 14 (=颐[頤] yĩ <wr.> to keep fit; cheek.⁶ the cheeks; to nourish, to rear, to take care of oneself.⁷).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰正頁; U+9819).
<又> chäk.
(See 頤 yĩ; 頙 chäk).
yi3 16901
181 16 <wr.> to keep fit; cheek.⁶ the cheeks; to nourish, to rear, to take care of oneself; Yi surname.⁷
(variants: 頥,頙, 𦣞❄{⿷匚⿳丨口丨}).
大快朵颐[大快朵頤] ài-fäi-ū-yĩ
or ài-fäi-ō-yĩ dàkuàiduǒyí relish one's food; eat with great relish; eat plentifully and enjoy the food.⁷
解颐[解頤] gāi-yĩ
jiěyí to smile; to laugh.¹⁰
颐辅[頤輔] yĩ-fù
yífǔ cheek.⁵⁴
颐指[頤指] yĩ-jī
yízhǐ to signify one's intentions to servants or subordinates by merely  twisting the cheeks.⁷
颐指气使[頤指氣使] yĩ-jī-hï-xū
yízhǐqìshǐ to order about; to be be extremely bossy.⁷
颐神[頤神] yĩ-sĩn
yíshén to rest one's mind; to have a mental relaxation.⁷
颐和园[頤和園] Yĩ-võ-yõn
Yíhéyuán the Summer Palace, built at the end of the Qing Dynasty.⁷
颐养[頤養] yĩ-yëng
yíyǎng to nourish; to keep fit; to take care of oneself; to recuperate.⁷
颐养天年[頤養天年] yĩ-yëng-hëin-nẽin
yíyǎngtiānnián maintenance on the body prolonging life (later years: natural life of human).⁹
(See 頥 yĩ; 頙 yĩ; 𦣞❄{⿷匚⿳丨口丨} yĩ).
yi3 16902
181 16 demotic character for 颐[頤] yĩ <wr.> to keep fit; cheek.⁶ the cheeks; to nourish, to rear, to take care of oneself.⁷
(composition: ⿲丨臣頁 or ⿰丨頣; U+9825).
(See 頤 yĩ).
yi3 16903
181 23 the temporal bone.¹⁴
掌颥儿的[掌顬兒的] jēng-yĩ-ngĩ-ēik zhǎngrúérde the cook specializing in frying.¹¹
颞颥[顳顬] nēp-yĩ
nièrú temple.⁶ a rumbling in the orifice of the ear; the bones on the side of the face; the front part of the ear moving.²ʼ²⁵
颞颥筋[顳顬筋] nēp-yĩ-gïn
nièrújīn the temporal muscles.¹⁴
颞颥骨[顳顬骨] nēp-yĩ-gūt
nièrúgǔ the temporal bones.¹⁴
yi3 16904
182 18 hurricane; gale; cyclone.⁸
(composition: ⿺風俞; U+4B14).
䬓䬔 ām-yĩ ànyú a tempest, a typhoon.²⁵
yi3 16905
184 13 maltose.⁵ sweet cakes; sweetmeats; sugar; to feed.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿰飠台; U+98F4). (comp. s: ⿰饣台; U+9974).
苦饴[苦飴] fū-yĩ
kǔyí bitter and sweet; joy and sorrow.¹⁴
甘之如饴[甘之如飴] gäm-jï-nguĩ-yĩ
gānzhīrúyí enjoy something bitter as if it were sweet as malt sugar – gladly endure hardships.⁵
甘饴[甘飴] gäm-yĩ
gānyí sugar-plums; sweetmeats.¹⁴
高粱饴[高粱飴] gäo-lẽng-yĩ
gāoliangyí sorghum candy.⁵
胶饴[膠飴] gäo-yĩ
jiāoyí a glutinous substance made of rice.²⁵
含饴弄孙[含飴弄孫] hẽim-yĩ-lùng-xün
hányínòngsūn (of old people) play with one's grandchildren while chewing maltose – spend one's remaining years happily in the company of one's grandchildren; enjoy happy old year; lead a carefree life in one's old age.⁶
❄{⿰飠易}[飴𩛿❄{⿰飠易}] yĩ-chẽin yíxíng rice dumplings.²⁵
饴训[飴訓] yĩ-fün
yíxùn pleasant counsels.¹⁴
饴糖[飴糖] yĩ-hõng
yítáng maltose; malt sugar.⁵ sugar-plums; sweetmeats.¹⁴
饴盐[飴鹽] yĩ-yẽm
yíyán rock salt.²⁵
yi3 16906
184 15 remaining, the remnant or remainder; the rest; a surplus, an overplus, an excess; (Yú surname, written as 餘 or 馀, but not as 余 Yú, which is a different surname).⁷ (Note: 余 below may substitute 馀 as the simplified form).
不遗余力[不遺餘力] or 不遗馀力[不遺餘力] būt-vĩ-yĩ-lèik bùyíyúlì spare no pains (or effort); do one's utmost.⁵
or 余辉[餘輝] or 余煇[餘煇] or 馀晖[餘暉]
or 馀辉[餘輝] or 馀煇[餘煇] yĩ-fï yúhuī twiligh at sunset.⁷
or 馀晷[餘晷] yĩ-gī yúguǐ <wr.> spare time.⁵
or 馀悸[餘悸] yĩ-gï yújì lingering fear.¹⁰
or 馀地[餘地] yĩ-ì yúdì a spare space; an alternative; elbowroom; leeway.⁷
or 馀粮[餘糧] yĩ-lẽng yúliáng surplus grain.⁷
or 馀量[餘量] yĩ-lẽng yúliàng remnant; leftover; tolerance (i.e. allowed error).¹⁰
or 馀孽[餘孽] yĩ-ngēik yúniè remnants of rebel groups; surviving supporters of an evil cause.⁷
or 馀热[餘熱] yĩ-ngèik yúrè afterheat, surplus energy, waste heat;  old people's contribution or accomplishment after retirement.⁶
or 馀数[餘數] yĩ-sü yúshù <math.> remainder.⁸
or 馀弦[餘弦] yĩ-yẽn yúxián cosine.⁶
(See 余 yĩ; 馀[餘] yĩ.)
yi3 16907
184 15 The simplified form 馀 yĩ is interchangeable with the simplified form 余 yĩ (See 余[餘] yĩ);  (Note: Yú surname, written as 餘 or 馀, but not as 余, which is a different surname).
(See 余 yĩ; 余[餘] yĩ.)
yi3 16908
195 15 silver carp.⁸
大鳞魣[大鱗魣] ài-lĩn-yĩ dàlínyú great barracuda or giant barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda); aka 大魣, 巴拉金梭魚; commonly called 針梭, 竹梭, 吹鱼.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
魣属[魣屬] yĩ-sùk
yúshǔ another name for 梭鱼属[梭魚屬] sö-nguĩ-sùk suōyúshǔ, barracuda of the genus Sphyraena.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
yi3 16909
196 24 eastern jackdaw; Corvus monedula.⁸ the eastern jackdaw.¹⁴⁽⁷⁶¹⁸ᵃ⁾  another name for a crow.¹³ jackdaw.¹⁹
(composition: ⿱與鳥; U+9E12).
鸒斯 yĩ-xü
yúsī a kind of small crow, with a white abdomen, aka 鸦乌[鴉烏] ä-vü yāwū and 鵯鶋 bï-guï bēijū jackdaw; in ancient poems, it is often used as a metaphor for the greedy villain.¹⁹
Bèin-bī-yĩ-xü, gï-fï-hãi-hãi.
Biàn bǐ yú sī, guī fēi tí tí.
With flapping wings the crows,
Come back, flying all in a flock.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 詩經·小雅·小弁 translation by James Legge).
yi3 16910
4 丿 12 𠃄
(=愈 yì (used reiteratively) same as 越... 越... yòt yuè the more... the more...; more and more; recover, heal; <wr.> surpass, exceed.⁶).² more and more; even more.³⁶
(composition: ⿰𠂢𠂢; U+200C4).
(See 愈 yì).
yi4 16911
9 10 disrespectful; irreverent, to make light of; to neglect; careless; rush; to exchange; (said of one's personality) easy to get along with.⁸ light; to make light of.²⁴
(composition: ⿰亻易; U+3465).
yi4 16912
19 14 <wr.> to work hard, belabored.¹¹ toil, afflication.¹⁴
莫知我勚[莫知我勩] mòk-jï-ngô-yì mòzhīwǒyì You do not know my suffering.¹⁴
勚扣[勩扣] yì-këo
yìkòu worn-out thread (of a screw).
yi4 16913
30 12 metaphor, analogy; example; like; Yu surname.⁸
比喻 bī-yì bǐyù metaphor, simile; compare to; liken to.⁷
不可理喻 būt-hō-lî-yì
bùkělǐyù to be impervious to reason (idiom); unreasonable.¹⁰
不言而喻 būt-ngũn-ngĩ-yì
bùyán'éryù it goes without saying; it is self-evident.¹⁰
借喻 dëh-yì
jièyù to use something as a metaphor.¹⁰
家喻户晓[家喻戶曉] gä-yì-fù-hēl
jiāyùhùxiǎo understood by everyone (idiom); well known; a household name.¹⁰
明喻 mẽin-yì
míngyù simile.⁵
换喻[換喻] vòn-yì
huànyù metonymy.¹⁰
隐喻[隱喻] yîn-yì
yǐnyù metaphor.¹⁰
yi4 16914
46 10 嘉峪关[嘉峪關] Gä-yì-gän Jiāyù Guān Jiayuguan, pass and city in 甘肃[甘肅] Gäm-xūk Gānsù Gansu Province, on the Silk Road, where the Great Wall terminates.
<又> yùk.
(See 峪 yùk.)
yi4 16915
61 13 (used reiteratively) same as 越... 越... yòt yuè the more... the more...; more and more; recover, heal; <wr.> surpass, exceed.⁶ (variant: 𠃄❄{⿰𠂢𠂢}).
病愈 bèng-yì
bìngyù recover from an illness.⁶
每况愈下[每況愈下] môi-fōng-yì-hà
měikuàngyùxià go from bad to worse; steadily deteriorate.⁶
愈早愈好 yì-dāo-yì-hāo
yùzǎoyùhǎo the earlier the better.¹⁹
愈快愈好 yì-fäi-yì-hāo
yùkuàiyùhǎo as soon as possible.¹⁹
愈加 yì-gä
yùjiā increasingly; even more; all the more.⁶
愈合 yì-hàp
yùhé (of a wound) grow together; heal up.⁶
愈老愈健 yì-lāo-yì-gèin
yùlǎoyùjiàn become firmer as one grows older.⁵⁴
愈来愈坏[愈來愈壞] yì-lõi-yì-vài
yùláiyùhuài worse and worse.¹⁹
愈多愈好 yì-ü-yì-hāo
yùduōyùhǎo the more the better.⁶
愈多愈要 yì-ü-yì-yël
yùduōyùyào The more one has, the more one wants.⁵⁴
愈益 yì-yēik
yùyì increasingly; all the more; even more.⁶
愈演愈烈 yì-yēn-yì-lèik
yùyǎnyùliè (of a matter, situation, or condition) become increasingly intense; intensify.⁶
(See 瘉 yì; 癒 yì; 𠃄❄{⿰𠂢𠂢} yì).
yi4 16916
61 22 beautiful; exemplary; admirable; Yi surname.
言懿行 ngũn-yì-hàng jiāyányìxíng wise words and noble deeds.
淑懿 sùk-yì
shūyì gentle and virtuous.
司马懿[司馬懿] Xü-mâ Yì
Sīmǎ Yì Sima Yi (179-251), warlord under 曹操 Tão Täo Cáo Cāo Cao Cao and subsequently founder of the Jin dynasty.
懿德 yì-āk
yìdé <wr.> perfect virtue.
懿范[懿範] yì-fàn
yìfàn a fine example of womanly virtue.
懿旨 yì-jī
yìzhǐ empress's order.
懿戚 yì-tēik
yìqī <trad.> emperor's relatives by marriage.
懿亲[懿親] yì-tïn
yìqīn <wr.> (formal) closest relative.
yi4 16917
72 8 easy; amiable.⁵
简易[簡易] gān-yì  jiǎnyì simple and easy; simply constructed, simply equipped, unsophisticated.⁵
轻易[輕易] hëin-yì
qīngyì easily; lightly, rashly.⁵
平易近人 pẽin-yì-gìn-ngĩn
píngyìjìnrén amiable and approachable (idiom); easy-going; modest and unassuming; (of writing) plain and simple; easy to understand.¹⁰
时光易逝[時光易逝] sĩ-göng-yì-sài
shíguāngyìshì time passes quickly.⁵
易感者 yì-gām-jēh
yìgǎnzhě <med.> susceptible person; susceptible.⁵
易燃物 yì-ngẽin-mùt
or yì-ngẽin-mòt yìránwù combustibles.⁵
易如反掌 yì-nguĩ-fān-jēng
yìrúfǎnzhǎng as easy as turning one's hand over; as easy as falling off a log.⁵
易熔合金 yì-yũng-hàp-gïm
yìróng héjīn <metal.> fusible alloy.⁵
容易 yũng-yì
róngyì easy; easily, likely, liable, apt.⁵
容易相处[容易相處] yũng-yì-xëng-chuī
róngyìxiāngchǔ easy to get along with.³⁹
<又> yèik.
(See 易 yèik.)
yi4 16918
76 13 (=矣 yì classical particle, similar in function to modern 了 lēl le).²
(composition: ⿰壴欠; U+3C3B).
<又> yî; hï.
(See 㰻 yî; 㰻 hï; 矣 yì).
yi4 16919
85 16 name of a tributary of the Yangtze River in Sichuan.¹⁴
滟滪堆[灧澦堆] or 滟滪堆[灩澦堆] Yèm-yì Uï Yànyù Duī a steep cliff in the middle of the Yangtze River in 四川 Xü-chün Sìchuān Sichuan Province; a navigator's nightmare.⁷
yi4 16920
102 11 different; other; hetero-; unusual; strange; surprising; to distinguish; to separate; to discriminate.¹⁰
差异[差異] chä-yì chāyì difference; divergence; discrepancy; diversity.⁵
歧异[歧異] kĩ-yì
qíyì difference; discrepancy.⁶
异哉[異哉] yì-döi
yìzāi <wr.> How strange it is!³⁹
异果珍馐[異果珍饈] yì-gō-jïn-xiü
yìguǒzhēnxiū rare fruits and delicacies.¹
异国[異國] yì-gōk
yìguó foreign country.¹¹
异国他乡[異國他鄉] yì-gōk-hä-hëng
yìguótāxiāng foreign lands and places (idiom); living as expatriate.¹⁰
异乡[異鄉] yì-hëng
yìxiāng foreign land; a place far from home.¹⁰
异议[異議] yì-ngì
yìyì objection; dissent.¹⁰
异常[異常] yì-sẽng
yìcháng exceptional; abnormal; an anomaly.¹⁰
异域[異域] yì-vèik
or yì-vāk yìyù foreign country; alien land, strange land, a place far away from one's home.⁹
异性[異性] yì-xëin
yìxìng the opposite sex; of the opposite sex; heterosexual; different in nature.¹⁰
优异[優異] yiü-yì
yōuyì exceptional; outstandingly good.¹⁰
yi4 16921
104 14 to be healed, convalescent; to be in trouble.¹⁴ (variant: 瘉 yì ). (interchangeable with 愈 yì heal).
or 痊愈 tũn-yì quányù cured; quite well again.¹⁴
(See 愈 yì; 癒 yì.)
yi4 16922
104 18 (=瘉 yì ) to be healed, convalescent; to be in trouble.¹⁴
(See 瘉 yì; 愈 yì.)
yi4 16923
110 16 weapons; arms (a lance; a spear).⁸
(composition: ⿱矛象; U+408A).
𥎎❄{⿰矛解}䂊 hāi-yì xièyù a sort of spear.²⁴
yi4 16924
111 7 (classical particle, similar in function to modern 了 lēl le).
瞠乎后矣[瞠乎後矣] chäng-fũ-hèo-yì
chēnghūhòuyǐ <wr.> to fall far behind.
悔之晚矣 fōi-jï-mân-yì
huǐzhīwǎnyǐ it's too late to repent.¹¹
休矣 hiü-yì
xiūyǐ That's the end! That's it!
殆矣哉 òi-yì-döi
dàiyǐzāi in grave danger; very dangerous indeed.
死不远矣[死不遠矣] xī-būt-yōn-yì
sǐbùyuǎnyǐ Death is imminent.
已矣 yî-yì
yǐyǐ (expression indicating total disappointment or desperation).
yi4 16925
120 12 𥿫
again, once more; repeat, duplicate.² to repeat, to reiterate in orderly succession.²⁵
(composition: ⿰糹多; U+25FEB).
<又> mĩ; vī; yuì. (See 𥿫❄{⿰糹多} mĩ; 𥿫❄{⿰糹多} vī; 𥿫❄{⿰糹多} yuì).
yi4 16926
124 11 the feathers on an arrow.²ʼ¹⁰² the feather of an arrow.²⁵
(composition: ⿰羽句; U+7FD1).
<又> kuĩ. (See 翑 kuĩ).
yi4 16927
129 13 to study, to learn, to practice; to toil, to work hard; remnants, leftovers; fresh twigs.⁷
肄习[肄習] yì-dìp yìxí to practice.⁷
肄业[肄業] yì-ngèp
yìyè to study; to study (at a certain school).⁷
肄业证书[肄業證書] yì-ngèp-jëin-sï
yìyè zhèngshū certificate of partial completion; certificate of attendance (for a student who did not graduate); transcript.⁵⁴
yi4 16928
140 16 yam.⁸
薯蓣[薯蕷] sĩ-yì shǔyù Chinese yam; cinnamon-vine (Dioscorea polystachya), better known as 山药[山藥] sän-yêk shānyao or 淮山 vãi-sän huáishān.²⁰  (Note: Dioscorea opposita is an obsolete synonym of two species of yams: (1) Chinese yam (Dioscorea polystachya), a widely cultivated yam native to China. (2) Dioscorea oppositifolia, a yam native to the Indian subcontinent).¹⁵
yi4 16929
140 16 (composition: ⿱艹與; U+85C7).
藷藇 sĩ-yì shǔyù yam.²
<又> duì; yĩ; yî; xuï.
(See 藇 duì; 藇 yĩ; 藇 yî; 藇 xuï).
yi4 16930
145 12 abundant, plentiful; <wr.> make (a country/people) rich.⁸
充裕 chüng-yì chōngyù abundant; ample; plentiful.⁵
宽裕[寬裕] fön-yì
kuānyù well-to-do; comfortably off.⁵
富裕 fü-yì
fùyù abundant; affluent; well-to-do; well-off.⁵
生活裕如 säng-vòt-yì-nguĩ
shēnghuóyùrú live an abundant life.⁶
应付裕如[應付裕如] yëin-fù-yì-nguĩ
yìngfuyùrú handle with ease.⁵
裕国[裕國] yì-gōk
yùguó the enrich the nation.⁷
裕国裕民[裕國裕民] yì-gōk-yì-mĩn
yùguóyùmín to enrich the state and the people.⁷
裕固族 Yì-gü-dùk
Yùgùzú the Yugur (Yuku) nationality living in Gansu.⁵
裕后光前[裕後光前] yì-hèo-göng-tẽin
yùhòuguāngqián to enrich one's posterity and honor one's ancestors.⁷
裕如 yì-nguĩ
yùrú affluent, rich, well-to-do, ample; to take it easy, without hurry, with ease.⁷
裕裕 yì-yì
yùyù to take it easy; be at peace with the world.⁷
yi4 16931
149 16 to inform (an inferior); to order; <wr.> to tell.
传谕[傳諭] chũn-yì chuányù to tell; to instruct.
风谕[風諭] füng-yì
fēngyù satire.
告谕[告諭] gäo-yì
gàoyù <wr.> to inform the public; public announcement (from higher authorities).
面谕[面諭] mèin-yì
miànyù <court.> instructions given in person.
圣谕[聖諭] sëin-yì
shèngyù imperial edict; Sacred Edict (of the Kangxi emperor).
上谕[上諭] sèng-yì
shàngyù imperial edict.
神谕[神諭] sĩn-yì
shényù oracle.
手谕[手諭] siū-yì
shǒuyù personally written letter; handwritten order.
谕旨[諭旨] yì-jī
yùzhǐ imperial edict.
yi4 16932
149 20 reputation, fame; to praise, to eulogize.⁵
称誉[稱譽] chëin-yì chēngyù praise; extol (somebody as something); acclaim (somebody as something).⁶
名誉[名譽] mẽin-yì
míngyù fame, reputation; honorary.⁶
名誉博士[名譽博士] mẽin-yì-bōk-xù
míngyù bóshì honorary doctorate; Doctor honoris causa.¹⁰
信誉[信譽] xïn-yì
xìnyù prestige; credit; reputation.⁶
誉不绝口[譽不絕口] yì-būt-dùt-kǒu
yùbùjuékǒu praise profusely; be full of praise.⁶
誉满杏林[譽滿杏林] yì-mōn-hàng-lĩm
yùmǎn xìnglín lit. very famous is the Apricot Forest; fig. a skilled, honorable, praiseworthy doctor. (Note: Comes from the story of a present-day-Fuzhou doctor Dong Feng (董奉 200 or 220-280 CE), whose special nickname was 董杏林).⁰
誉满天下[譽滿天下] yì-mōn-hëin-hà
yùmǎntiānxià  One's fame spreads throughout the world.⁷
誉满全球[譽滿全球] yì-mōn-tũn-kiũ
yùmǎnquánqiú of world renown; famed the world over.⁵
誉满寰中[譽滿寰中] yì-mōn-vãn-jüng
yùmǎnhuánzhōng famous all over the world.¹⁹
誉望[譽望] yì-mòng
yùwàng reputation; prestige; esteem; fame.⁶
誉望所归[譽望所歸] yì-mòng-sō-gï
yùwàngsuǒguī enjoy high praise; enjoy fame.⁶
yi4 16933
152 15 short name for 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng Henan Province; pleased, content, happy, comfortable; excursion; to hesitate.
豫章 yì-jëng
yùzhāng camphor laurel, camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora Nees).⁵⁴ the ancient and classic name for 江西 Jiangxi, because the camphor tree grew there.¹⁰² (Note: in Chinese, now commonly known as 樟树 (Cinnamomum camphora) 香樟, 本樟, 鸟樟, 栳樟, and 樟仔.²⁰).
豫剧[豫劇] Yì-kēk
Yùjù Henan opera.
逸豫 yìt-yì
yìyù <wr.> idleness and pleasure.
犹豫[猶豫] yiũ-yì
yóuyù hesitate; be irresolute.⁵
悦豫[悅豫] yòt-yì
yuèyù <wr.> pleased; delighted.⁶
yi4 16934
181 13 in advance; beforehand.⁵
出乎预料[出乎預料] chūt-fũ-yì-lèl chūhūyùliào unexpectedly.⁹
预报[預報] yì-bäo
yùbào forecast.⁵
预备[預備] yì-bì
yùbèi prepare; get ready.⁵
预卜[預卜] yì-būk
yùbǔ augur; foretell.⁵
预测[預測] yì-chāk
yùcè calculate; forecast.⁵
预产期[預產期] yì-chān-kĩ
yùchǎnqī expected date of childbirth.⁵
预处理[預處理] yì-chuî-lî/
yùchǔlǐ pretreatment.⁵
预定[預定] yì-èin
yùdìng fix in advance; predetermine; schedule.⁵
预订[預訂] yì-èng
yùdìng subscribe; book; place an order.⁵
预防[預防] yì-fõng
yùfáng prevent; guard against.⁵
预期[預期] yì-kĩ
yùqī expect; anticipate.⁵
预料[預料] yì-lèl
yùliào expect; predict; anticipate.⁵
预言[預言] yì-ngũn
yùyán prophesy, predict, foretell; prophecy, prediction.⁵
预断[預斷] yì-òn
yùduàn prejudge.⁵
预兆[預兆] yì-sêl
yùzhào omen; presage; sign; harbinger.⁵
预先[預先] yì-xëin 
yùxiān in advance; beforehand.⁵
预算[預算] yì-xön
yùsuàn budget.⁵
预算案[預算案] yì-xön-ön
yùsuàn'àn bill of budget.⁹
yi4 16935
184 12 <wr.> have eaten one's full; be full.⁶ surfeited, glutted; to grant, to confer; to feast; to eat or drink to repletion.⁷ to eat too much; surfeited; to confer.¹⁴
(old variant: 饇 yì or).
t: ⿰; U飠食+98EB). (comp. s: ⿰饣夭; U+996B).
酣饫[酣飫] hõn-yì
or hõn-yī hānyù <wr.> intoxicated and satiated.⁵⁴
饫饱[飫飽] yì-bāo
or yī-bāo yùbǎo be well-fed; be full.⁶
饫足[飫足] yì-dūk
or yī-dūk yùzú be well-fed; be full.⁶
饫目[飫目] yì-mùk
or yī-mùk yùmù to satisfy the eye.¹⁴
饫闻[飫聞] yì-mũn
or yī-mũn yùwén to have heard enough – not again.⁷ stale news.¹⁴
饫赐[飫賜] yì-xü
or yī-xü yùcì to confer on; to bestow.¹⁴
<又> yī.
(See 飫 yī; 饇 yì; 饇 yī).
yi4 16936
184 19 (<old>=饫[飫] yì or <wr.> have eaten one's full; be full.⁶ surfeited, glutted; to grant, to confer; to feast; to eat or drink to repletion.⁷ to eat too much; surfeited; to confer.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰飠區; U+9947).
nguĩ-sèik-ngĩ-yì nguĩ-jēk-kūng-tuī,
rú shí yí yù, rú zhuó kǒng qǔ.
It is like craving a superabundance of food,
And an excess of drink.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·桑扈之什·角弓》, translated by James Legge).
<又> yī. (See 饇 yī; 飫 yì).
yi4 16937
6 4 to give.
(composition:  ⿳龴乛亅; U+4E88).
赠予[贈予] or 赠与[贈與] dàng-yî zèngyǔ present or donate to.⁶
给予[給予] kīp-yî
jǐyǔ to accord; give; show (respect).¹⁰
给予同情[給予同情] kīp-yî-hũng-tẽin
jǐyǔtóngqíng to show sympathy for.
授予 siù-yî
shòuyǔ to confer, to award.
<又> yĩ.
(See 予 yĩ.)
yi5 16938
9 4 use, take; according to; because of; in order to, so as to; <wr.> at (a certain time), on (a fixed date).⁵
(old variant: 㠯 yî). (See 㠯 yî).
以暴易暴 yî-bào-yèik-bào
yǐbàoyìbào to displace violence with violence; to replace evil with evil.⁷
以后[以後] yî-hèo
yǐhòu after; afterwards; later; hereafter.⁵
以致 yî-jï
yǐzhì so that; with the result that.⁷
以乐慆忧[以樂慆憂] yî-lòk-häo-yiü
yǐlètāoyōu make merry to hide one's sorrows.¹¹ burying all grief in pleasure.¹⁴
以免 yî-mêin
yǐmiǎn in order to avoid; so as not to; lest.⁵
以外 yî-ngòi
yǐwài beyond; outside; other than; except.⁶
以内[以內] yî-nuì
yǐnèi within; less than; inside of.⁶
以偏概全 yî-pëin-köi-tũn
yǐpiāngàiquán lit. to take the part for the whole – to make sweeping comments.⁷
以身作则[以身作則] yî-sïn-dōk-dāk
yǐshēnzuòzé set an example.⁵
以前 yî-tẽin
yǐqián before; formerly; previous.⁵
以为[以為] yî-vĩ
yǐwéi regard as, take for (usually mistakenly).¹¹
or 已往 yî-vông yǐwǎng before; formerly; in the past.⁶
以此为戒[以此為戒] yî-xū-vĩ-gäi
yǐcǐwéijiè take this as a lesson; take warning from this.⁶
以逸待劳[以逸待勞] yî-yìt-òi-lão
yǐyìdàiláo wait for the enemy to exhaust himself.⁶
yi5 16939
13 22 𠕲
(=雨 yî rain).²
(composition: ⿵冂⿱⿰⿰亖亖⿰亖亖⿰⿰丨丨⿰丨丨(G) or ⿵冂⿰⿰⿱亖丨⿱亖丨⿰⿱亖丨⿱亖丨(G) or ⿵冂⿱⿰⿰三三⿰三三⿰⿰丅丅⿰丅丅(T) or ⿵冂⿰⿰⿱三丅⿱三丅⿰⿱三丅⿱三丅(T); U+20572).
(See 雨 yî).
yi5 16940 20572.jpg
32 18 the earthen altar to the god of the soil.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰土遺; U+58DD).
<又> vī. (See 壝 vī).
yi5 16941
38 9 <台> 阿姨 ä-yî mother's younger sister.
<台> 二姨 ngì-yî mother's second younger sister.
<又> yĩ. (See 姨 yĩ.)
yi5 16942
40 6 eaves; house; space, universe, world.⁵
(ancient variant: 㝢). (See 㝢 yî).
or 气宇[氣宇] hï-yî qìyǔ  bearing; manner.⁶
or 气宇不凡[氣宇不凡] hï-yî-būt-fãn qìyǔbùfán have extraordinary poise; be of striking appearance.⁶
庙宇[廟宇] mèl-yî
miàoyǔ temple.⁵
宇称[宇稱] yî-chëin
yǔchēng <phy.> parity.⁵
宇航 yî-hõng
yǔháng astronavigation; space navigation.⁵
宇宙 yî-jào
yǔzhòu universe; cosmos.⁵
宇宙尘[宇宙塵] yî-jào-chĩn
yǔzhòuchén <astr.> cosmic dust.⁵
宇宙飞行员[宇宙飛行員] yî-jào-fï-hãng-yõn
yǔzhòufēixíngyuán astronaut.⁵
宇宙飞船[宇宙飛船] yî-jào-fï-sõn
yǔzhòufēichuán spaceship; spacecraft.⁵
宇宙火箭 yî-jào-fō-dëin
yǔzhòuhuǒjiàn space rocket.⁵
宇宙学[宇宙學] yî-jào-hòk
yǔzhòuxué cosmology.⁵
宇宙航行 yî-jào-hõng-hãng
yǔzhòuhángxíng astronavigation; space navigation.⁵
宇宙人 yî-jào-ngĩn
yǔzhòurén extraterrestrial; E.T.⁵
宇宙线[宇宙線] yî-jào-xëin
yǔzhòuxiàn <phy.> cosmic ray.⁵
宇内[宇內] yî-nuì
yǔnèi in the world.⁵
yi5 16943
40 12 (<old, large seal>=宇 yî ) eaves; house; space, universe, world.⁵ (same as 宇 yî ) a house; a roof, look; appearance, space.⁸
(composition: ⿱宀禹; U+3762).
(See 宇 yî).
yi5 16944
49 3 stop, cease, end; already; <wr.> thereafter, afterwards; <wr.> too.
大势已去[大勢已去] ài-säi-yî-huï dàshìyǐqù the rice is cut; the game is as good as lost; the situation is beyond salvation.⁶
不能已已 būt-nãng-yî-yî
bùnéngyǐyǐ <wr.> could not refrain or stop (thinking).¹¹
已婚 yî-fün
yǐhūn married.⁶
已经[已經] yî-gëin
yǐjīng already.⁶
已久 yî-giū
yǐjiǔ already a long time.¹¹
已故 yî-gü
yǐgù deceased; late.⁶
已知数[已知數] yî-jï-sü
yǐzhīshù <math.> known number.⁵
已臻上乘 yî-jün-sèng-sẽin
yǐzhēnshàngchéng arrive at excellent or superior condition.¹¹
已决犯[已決犯] yî-kūt-fàn
yǐjuéfàn convicted prisoner.⁵
已然 yî-ngẽin
yǐrán already so; have already become a fact.⁶
已而 yî-ngĩ
yǐ'ér later on, shortly afterwards; let it pass, let it be.
已甚 yî-sìm
yǐshèn <wr.> too; excessively.⁶
已存数据[已存數據] yî-tũn-sü-guï
yǐcúnshùjù canned or stored data.⁶
or 以往 yî-vông yǐwǎng before; formerly; in the past.⁶
已已 yî-yî
yǐyǐ to cease; to stop.⁷
yi5 16945
49 5 (<old>=以 yî ) use, take; according to; because of; in order to, so as to; <wr.> at (a certain time), on (a fixed date).⁵
(composition: ⿰丨⿱ココ(GJK) or ⿱コ⿰丨コ(T); U+382F).
(See 以 yî).
yi5 16946
66 7 a kind of metal or jade ornament worn in ancient times to ward off evil spirits.¹⁰
(composition: ⿰巳攵; U+653A).
㱾攺 köi-yî gāiyǐ an ornament used in ancient times to drive away evil spirits.⁸ something wherewith to expel demons.²⁴
<又> gōi.
(See 攺 gōi).
yi5 16947
66 12
(<old>=攲 kĩ )⁸ <wr.> to incline; to lean; to slant.⁷ to pick up thing with chopsticks or pincers.¹⁰
<又> gï, kĩ.
(See 攲 kĩ; 敧 gï, 敧 kĩ.)
yi5 16948
75 13 <old> name of tree; Yu surname.⁸
(composition: ⿰木禹; U+6940).
<又> guī. (See 楀 guī).
yi5 16949
76 13 asses braying; cruel; malignant; coarse, rude.⁸
(variant: 歖 yî ).
(composition: ⿰壴欠; U+3C3B).
or 歖㰳 yî-ä yǐyà asses braying.² the braying of an ass.²⁴
<又> hï; yì.
(See 㰻 hï; 㰻 yì; 歖 yî).
yi5 16950
76 16 (=㰻 yî the sounds made by livestock or domesticated animals).⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰喜欠; U+6B56).
or 㰻㰳 yî-ä yǐyà asses braying.² the braying of an ass.²⁴
<又> hī.
(See 歖 hī; 㰻 yî).
yi5 16951
96 13 stone resembling jade; agate.⁸ a pebble, resembling a precious stone.²⁴
琚瑀 guï-yî jūyǔ an ornament of precious stones.²⁴
瑀瑀 yî-yî
yǔyǔ like walking alone.¹⁹
yi5 16952
113 10 name of a county.²
(composition: ⿰礻羽; U+7964).
祋祤 uï-yî duìyǔ <old> name of a county during the Han Dynasty, in present day Shaanxi Province.⁸ʼ¹³ the name of a district.²⁵
yi5 16953
114 9 founder of 夏 Hà Xià Xia Dynasty; Yu surname.
大禹 Ài-Yî
Dàyǔ Yu the Great of the Xia dynasty, reputed tamer of floods.
夏禹治水 Hà Yî jì-suī
Xià Yǔ zhìshuǐ Yu of the Xia dynasty, reputed tamer of floods.
yi5 16954
116 15 <wr.> corrupt; bad.⁵ <wr.> (of quality) inferior; corupt.⁶ coarse or crude, of inferior quality; lazy; weak, fragile; bad, mean.⁷ dirty, useless, weak, powerless; cracked, a flaw.⁸
苦窳 fū-yî kǔyǔ (of industrial products) coarse, crude, of poor quality.¹¹
行窳 hõng-yî
hángyǔ (of goods) flimsy, shabby quality.¹¹
良窳 lẽng-yî
liángyǔ good and bad.⁸
窳败[窳敗] yî-bài
yǔbài <wr.> corrupt; rotten; decayed.⁶
窳楛 yî-fū
yǔkǔ coarse and fragile.⁷
窳陋 yî-lèo
yǔlòu crude; coarse; inferior (quality).⁷
窳劣 yî-lūt
yǔliè <wr.> (of quality) inferior.⁶
窳民 yî-mĩn
yǔmín idle and lazy people.⁷
窳惰 yî-ò
yǔduò <wr.> lazy and dissipated.⁶
<又> yãi.
(See 窳 yãi.)
yi5 16955
124 6 Kangxi radical 124; feather, plume; wings.⁸ feather, plume; a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale, same as "6" in numbered musical notation.⁵
羽翅 yî-chï yǔchì wing.⁶
羽化 yî-fä
yǔhuà ascend to heaven and become an immortal;  (Dao) to die; <zoo.> emergence; eclosion.⁵
羽化登仙 yî-fä-äng-xëin
yǔhuàdēngxiān to take flight to the land of the immortal.⁷
羽盖[羽蓋] yî-gôi
yǔgài a feathered carriage top.⁷
羽冠 yî-gön
yǔguān crest of a bird.⁵
羽客 yî-hāk
yǔkè or 羽士 yî-xù yǔshì Daoist priest.⁶
羽翮 yî-hàt
yǔhé the shaft of a feather.⁷ quills, feathers.¹⁴
羽猎[羽獵] yî-lèp
yǔliè to hunt; a hunt.⁷
羽林 yî-lĩm
yǔlín imperial guards.⁷
羽毛 yî-mão
yǔmáo feather; plume.⁵
羽毛球 yî-mão-kiũ
yǔmáoqiú badminton; shuttlecock.⁵
羽毛未丰[羽毛未豐] yî-mão-mì-füng
yǔmáowèifēng unfledged; young and immature.⁵
羽毛扇 yî-mão-sën
yǔmáoshàn feather fan.⁵
羽人 yî-ngĩn
yǔrén a Daoist priest.⁷
羽缎[羽緞] yî-òn
yǔduàn sateen.⁶ camlet; lasting.¹⁴
羽旆 yî-pöi
yǔpèi flag decorated with feathers.¹¹
羽纱[羽紗] yî-sä
yǔshā camlet.⁵
羽翼 yî-yêik
yǔyì wing; assistant.⁵
yi5 16956
134 13 to share in; to be present at.
参与[參與] täm-yî or 参预[參預] täm-yì cānyù participate in; have a hand in.⁵
与会[與會] yî-vòi
yùhuì to participate in a conference.
<又> yĩ, yì.
(See 與 yĩ, yì.)
yi5 16957
134 13 with; by; in; or; and; to give to.
赠与[贈與] or 赠予[贈予] dàng-yî zèngyǔ present or donate to.⁶
与其[與其] yî-kĩ
yǔqí rather than.
与人无忤[與人無忤] yî-ngĩn-mũ-m̀
or yî-ngĩn-mũ-m̂ yǔrénwúwǔ bear no ill will against anybody.⁵
与世长存[與世長存] yî-säi-chẽng-tũn
yǔshìchángcún to remain forever.
与世无争[與世無爭] yî-säi-mũ-jäng
yǔshìwúzhēng bear no ill will against any body.⁸ stand aloof from worldly affairs.¹⁰
<又> yĩ, yî.
(See 與 yĩ, yî.)
yi5 16958
140 7 Job's tears.⁶ʼ⁹ (variant: 苢 yî ).
(composition: ⿱艹以; U+82E1).
芣苡 fẽo-yî
fúyǐ (=芣苢 fẽo-yî fúyǐ) Asiatic plantain.⁶ (<old>=车前草[車前草] chëh-tẽin-tāo chēqiáncǎo) the plantain,¹¹ Asia Plantain, Plantago asiatica Linn.²³
苡米 yî-māi
yǐmǐ (=薏米 yï-māi yìmǐ) seed of Job's tears.⁶
苡仁 yî-ngĩn
yǐrén (=薏米 yï-māi yìmǐ) seed of Job's tears.⁶
(See 苢 yî).
yi5 16959
140 8 (=苡 yî ) Job's tears.⁶ʼ⁹
(composition: ⿱艹㠯; U+82E2).
芣苢 fẽo-yî
fúyǐ (=芣苡 fẽo-yî fúyǐ) Asiatic plantain.⁶ plantain (name used for 车前[車前] chëh-tẽin chēqián in 诗经[詩經] Sï-gëin Shījīng Book of Songs). Asia Plantain, Plantago asiatica Linn.²³
(See 苡 yî).
yi5 16960
140 16 (=蕃芜[蕃蕪] or 繁芜[繁蕪]  fãn-mũ fánwú wordy; verbose; prolix; convoluted.⁶)
(composition: ⿱艹與; U+85C7).
<又> duì; yĩ; yì; xuï.
(See 藇 duì; 藇 yĩ; 藇 yì; 藇 xuï).
yi5 16961
145 6 <台> 衣 yî testa.
<台> 花生衣 fä-säng-yî testa/skin of a peanut.
(composition: ⿱亠⿰⿱丿𠄌⿺乀丿; U+8863).
<又> yï. (See 衣 yï).
yi5 16962
163 11 the name of the state in the Spring and Autumn Period, the former site is in the north of Linyi City (临沂[臨沂] lĩm-yĩ línyí), Shandong (山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng) Province; Yu surname.⁸
(composition: ⿰禹阝; U+9105).
yi5 16963
167 16 a stand for bows.¹⁴ A surname, and a man’s name; the name of a torrent.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿰金奇; U+9321). (comp. s: ⿰钅奇; U+951C).
兰锜[蘭錡] lãn-yî lányǐ a stand for weapons/spears in an armory, 錡 is applied especially to a stand for bows.¹⁴ʼ²⁵
甗锜[甗錡] yēn-yî
yǎnyǐ a hollow place, or den.²⁵
<又> kĩ.
(See 錡 kĩ).
yi5 16964
173 8 Kangxi radical 173; rain; rainy.⁸
(old variant: 𠕲❄{⿵冂⿱⿰⿰亖亖⿰亖亖⿰⿰丨丨⿰丨丨}).
风雨[風雨] füng-yî
fēngyǔ wind and rain; trials and hardships.⁶
雨季 yî-gï
yǔjì the rainy season; the monsoon.⁷
雨天 yî-hëin
yǔtiān a rainy day.⁷
雨后春笋[雨後春筍] yî-hèo-chün-xūn
yǔhòuchūnsǔn to mushroom like bamboo shoots after rain.⁷
雨珠 yî-jî
yǔzhū raindrops.⁷
雨量 yî-lèng
yǔliàng <met.> rainfall; precipitation.⁶
雨林 yî-lĩm
yǔlín rain trees; a rain forest.⁷
雨露 yî-lù
yǔlù rain and dew; favor, grace, gift, kindness.⁶
雨棚 yî-pãng
yǔpéng a rainshed.⁷
雨水 yî-suī
yǔshuǐ Rain Water (2nd solar term, Feb 18, 19, or 20).⁶
雨云[雨雲] yî-vũn
yǔyún <met.> nimbus; rain clouds.⁶
雨散云收[雨散雲收] yî-xān-vũn-siü
yǔsànyúnshōu ➀ lit. The rain stops and the sky clears up. ➁ to separate, as friends ➂ afterwards (after sexual intercourse).⁷
雨师[雨師] yî-xü
yǔshī the rain god.⁷
雨丝[雨絲] yî-xû
yǔsī very light rain; drizzle.⁶
雨衣 yî-yï
yǔyī a raincoat.⁷
雨意 yî-yï
yǔyì signs of approaching rain.⁶
(See 𠕲❄{⿵冂⿱⿰⿰亖亖⿰亖亖⿰⿰丨丨⿰丨丨}  yî).

yi5 16965
9 8 𤷜 yïm yīn (<old>=阴[陰] yïm yīn 'female' principle; dark; secret)
(composition: ⿸疒⿱今云; U+4F8C).
(See 陰 yïm).
yim2 16966
30 12 yïm yīn <wr.> silent; mute.⁵ to keep silent; dumb, mute.⁶ to be dumb; the sobbing of infants; (interchangeable with 瘖 yïm yīn).¹⁴
万马齐喑[萬馬齊喑] màn-mâ-tãi-yïm
wànmǎqíyīn ten thousand horses stand mute.⁵ ten thousand horses standing mute – lifeless atmosphere; all are mute.⁶ thousands of horses, all mute (idiom); no-one dares to speak out; an atmosphere of political oppression.¹⁰
喑哑[喑啞] yïm-ā
yīnyǎ mute; dumb.⁵ mute and dumb; (of voice) hoarse, husky.⁶ dumb.¹⁴
喑不能言 yïm-būt-nãng-ngũn
yīnbùnéngyán dumb, from paralysis.¹⁴
喑欭 yïm-yïn
yīnyīn to sigh.²⁴
(See 瘖 yïm.)
yim2 16967
53 广 13 yïm yìn (=荫[蔭] yïm yīn shady.⁰).² (Note: may also be read yīn in Mandarin).
(composition: ⿸广陰; U+5ED5.
<又> yîm.
(See 廕 yîm; 蔭 [yïm, yīn]; 蔭 [yïm, yìn]).
yim2 16968
61 12 yïm yīn peaceful; composed; serene.⁷
愔愔 yïm-yïm yīnyīn quiet; silent.⁶ peaceful; composed; serene.⁷
yim2 16969
84 8 𣱙
yïm yīn demotic character for 阴[陰] yïm yīn 'female' principle; dark; secret; original character for 侌 yïm yīn.
(composition: ⿹气月; U+23C59).
(See 陰 yïm; 侌 yïm).
yim2 16970
104 13 𤷜
yïm yìn (<old>=癊 yïm yìn a disease of the heart).²
(composition: ⿸疒侌; U+24DDC).
(See 癊 yïm).
yim2 16971
104 14 yïm yīn dumb; mute; unable to speak.⁸ dumb; (interchangeable with 喑 yïm yīn).¹⁴
or 喑哑[喑啞] yïm-ā yīnyǎ mute; dumb.⁵ mute and dumb; (of voice) hoarse, husky.⁶ dumb.¹⁴
瘖痖[瘖瘂] yïm-ā
yīnyǎ dumb.²⁴
瘖聋[瘖聾] yïm-lũng
yīnlóng dumb and deaf.¹⁴
(See 喑 yïm.)
yim2 16972
104 15 yïm yìn a disease of the heart.² heart disease, chest pain; bruising.⁵⁴ (old variant: 𤷜❄{⿸疒侌} yïm yìn).
(composition: ⿸疒陰; U+764A.
(See 𤷜❄{⿸疒侌} yïm).
yim2 16973
140 13 yïm yìn shady.⁰ without sunlight, cool and wet; to hide from view, to conceal, to cover; to protect, to shelter, alt. forms: 廕; favor from one's ancestors, alt. forms: 廕; (obsolete) cellar, darkroom.³⁶
荫室[蔭室] yïm-sīt
yìnshì a sheltered house.¹⁴
荫凉[蔭涼] yïm-lẽng
yìnliáng shady and cool.¹ shady.¹⁴
荫郁[蔭鬱] yïm-vūt
yìnyù heavily shaded by trees.¹¹ the dense foliage of trees.¹⁴ dense, lush (of vegetation).⁵⁴
(cf 蔭鬱 [yïm-vūt, yīnyù])
<又> yîm.
(See 蔭 [yïm, yīn]; 蔭 [yîm, yīn]; 蔭 [yîm, yìn]).
yim2 16974
140 13 yïm yīn shady.⁰ shade of a tree; shadow; Yin surname.³⁶ (=阴[陰] yïm yīn).
or 阴郁[陰鬱] yïm-vūt yīnyù (of weather or mood) gloomy; dismal.¹ʼ³⁶ (cf 蔭鬱 [yïm-vūt, yìnyù]).
<又> yîm.
(See 蔭 [yïm, yìn]; 蔭 [yîm, yīn]; 蔭 [yîm, yìn]; 陰 yïm).
yim2 16975
170 6 yïm yīn (demotic character for 隂 yïm yīn shady, secret, dark; mysterious; cold; the negative or female principle in nature.⁸).² (=阴[陰] yïm yīn 'female' principle; dark; secret.⁸
(composition: ⿰阝; U+9625).
(See 隂 yïm; 陰 yïm).
yim2 16976
170 10 yïm yīn female' principle; dark; secret; Yin surname.⁸
(variant: 荫[蔭] yïm yīn). (See 蔭 [yïm, yīn]).
阴暗[陰暗] yïm-ām
yīn'àn dusky; dark, gloomy.⁶
阴道[陰道] yïm-ào
yīndào vagina; vaginal orifice.⁸
阴沉[陰沉] yïm-chĩm
yīnchén overcast; gloomy; somber; quiet and designing (of a person).⁵⁴
阴间[陰間] yïm-gän
yīnjiān nether world.
阴茎[陰莖] yïm-gèin
yīnjīng penis.
阴茎套[陰莖套] yïm-gèin-häo
yīnjīngtào condom.
阴谴[陰譴] yïm-hēin
yīnqiǎn God's retribution (punishment for sin).¹¹
阴天[陰天] yïm-hëin
yīntiān overcast sky; cloudy day.
阴险[陰險] yïm-hēm
yīnxiǎn insidious; treacherous.
阴险毒辣[陰險毒辣] yïm-hēm-ùk-làt
yīnxiǎndúlà sinister and ruthless.
阴蒂[陰蒂] yïm-î
yīndì clitoris.⁸
阴骘[陰騭] yïm-jēt
or yïm-jīt yīnzhì charitable acts performed in secret; hidden good deeds.¹⁰
阴沟[陰溝] yïm-këo
yīngōu sewer; covered drain; gutter.⁹ cloaca.¹⁰
阴历[陰曆] yïm-lèik
yīnlì lunar calendar.
阴谋[陰謀] yïm-mẽo
yīnmóu to conspire, to plot, to scheme; a plot, a scheme, a conspiracy.⁶
阴性[陰性] yïm-xëin
yīnxìng female; <med.> negative.
yim2 16977
170 11 yïm yīn (=阴[陰] yïm yīn 'female' principle; dark; secret; Yin surname.⁸); shady, secret, dark; mysterious; cold; the negative or female principle in nature.⁸
(composition: ⿰阝⿱𠆢镸; U+9682).
(See 陰 yïm).
yim2 16978
180 9 yïm yīn Kangxi radical 180; sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation.⁸ (musical) sound, note; syllable, phonetic sound.⁶
音标[音標] yïm-bël yīnbiāo phonetic symbol/transcription.⁶
音节[音節] yïm-dêik
yīnjié syllable.⁶
音像 yïm-dèng
yīnxiàng audio and video.⁶
音调[音調] yïm-èl
yīndiào tone.⁵
音符 yïm-fũ
yīnfú (music) notes.⁵
音耗 yïm-häo
yīnhào news; information; message.⁶
音效 yïm-hào yīnxiào sound effect.⁸
音响[音響] yïm-hēng
yīnxiǎng ➀ sound, acoustics, audio ➁ abbr. for 组合音响[組合音響] dū-hàp-yïm-hēng zǔhé yīnxiǎng hi-fi stereo component system, hi-fi system.⁶
音缀[音綴] yïm-juì
yīnzhuì syllable.⁶
音量 yïm-lẽng
yīnliàng (sound) volume.⁶
音乐[音樂] yïm-ngòk
yīnyuè music.⁵
音乐队[音樂隊] yïm-ngòk-duì 
yīnyuèduì band; orchestra.¹⁴
音频[音頻] yïm-pĩn
yīnpín audio frequency.⁵
音速 yïm-tūk
yīnsù velocity of sound.⁵
音域 yïm-vèik
or yïm-vāk yīnyù <mus.> range; compass; gamut; register.⁶
音位 yïm-vì
yīnwèi phoneme.⁶
音信 yïm-xïn
yīnxìn news; information; tidings; messages.⁵
音容宛在 yïm-yũng-vōn-dòi
yīnróngwǎnzài as if the person were still alive.⁵
yim2 16979
4 丿 6 yĩm yín <old> appearance of crowd standing.³⁶ (variant: 㐺 yĩm).
(composition: ⿱丿⿲⿱丿丿丨⿺乀丿 ; U+4E51).
<又> jüng, pän.
(See 乑 jüng; 乑 pän; 㐺 yĩm).
yim3 16980
9 6 yĩm yín <old>=乑 yĩm yín appearance of crowd standing.³⁶
(composition: ⿲亻亻人; U+343A).
<又> jüng.
(See 㐺 jüng; 乑 yĩm).
yim3 16981
14 4 yĩm yín to move on.⁸ʼ¹⁴ walking.²⁴ to go; to be on the move; Yin surname.⁵⁴ walking on, as one traveling afoot.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿸⿻冖丿乚; U+5198).
冘阏[冘閼] yĩm-āt yín'è go and stop.⁵⁴
<又> yiũ.
(See 冘 yiũ).
yim3 16982
38 11 yĩm yín (=淫 yĩm yín excessive; loose, wanton; licentious, lewd, lascivious; obscene, pornographic.⁵); obscene, licentious, lewd.⁸ luxury, theatrical amusement; obscene.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女㸒; U+5A6C).
(See 淫 yĩm).
yim3 16983
85 11 yĩm yín excessive; loose, wanton; licentious, lewd, lascivious; obscene, pornographic.⁵
(variants: 婬,㸒 yĩm; 㸒 ngĩm). (See 婬,㸒 yĩm, 㸒 ngĩm).
卖淫[賣淫] mài-yĩm
màiyín prostitution; to prostitute oneself.¹⁰
淫佚 yĩm-èik
or yĩm-yìt or 淫逸 yĩm-yìt yínyì indulging in sensual pleasures.¹¹ lewd indulgence.¹⁴
淫妇[淫婦] yĩm-fû
yínfù loose woman; prostitute; Jezebel.¹⁰
淫棍 yĩm-gûn
yíngùn womanizer; lecher; libertine; rake.⁶
or 霪潦 yĩm-lâo yínlǎo floods caused by excessive rain or overflowing rivers.⁵⁴
淫乱[淫亂] yĩm-lòn
yínluàn (sexually) promiscuous; licentious.⁵
淫娃 yĩm-vā
yínwá dissolute girl; slut.¹⁰
淫秽[淫穢] yĩm-vï
or yĩm-vöi yínhuì obscene; salacious; bawdy.⁵
淫威 yĩm-vï
yínwēi abuse of power; despotic power.⁵
淫羊藿 yĩm-yẽng-kök
yínyánghuò <bot.> Epimedium, genus of herbaceous flowering plant, cultivated in the Far East as aphrodisiac; also called barrenwort or horny goatweed (said to resemble crushed goat's testicles).¹⁰  Epimedium macranthum var. violaceum.¹¹
or 霪雨 yĩm-yî yínyǔ excessive rain; incessant rain.⁷
yim3 16984
87 8 yĩm yín (=淫 yĩm yín excessive; loose, wanton; licentious, lewd, lascivious; obscene, pornographic.⁵); thirst after; covet.¹⁹ to approach and ask.²⁴ to wish, desire, long for (to an extreme degree).³⁶ presumptuously take or snatch.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿱爫壬; U+3E12).
<又> ngĩm; gëin.
(See 㸒 ngĩm; 㸒 gëin; 淫 yĩm).
yim3 16985
142 18 yĩm yín (=衣鱼[衣魚] yï-nguĩ/ yīyú or 蠹鱼[蠹魚] ù-nguĩ dùyú) silverfish.⁸ Cloth-destroying moth, silverfish.¹¹ the insect, commonly known as the silverfish, which destroys books and clothing.¹² the book worm, the moth found in clothes; when young this insect is yellow, but when old its body is covered with a sort of powder which looks like silver, hence it is called the white fish (白鱼[白魚] bàk-nguĩ/ báiyú).²⁵ the book moth (Lepisma saccharina), the 蠹鱼[蠹魚] ù-nguĩ/ dùyú or 白鱼[白魚] bàk-nguĩ/ báiyú from its shape and mealy color; two species are common, which injure books and clothing, by eating the paste and sizing.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰虫覃; U+87EB).
书蟫[書蟫] sï-yĩm
shūyín (=书鱼[書魚] sï-nguĩ/ shūyú) <trad.> bookworm.⁵⁴
蠹蟫 ù-yĩm
dùyín (=蠹鱼[蠹魚] ù-nguĩ dùyú) silverfish.⁸
<又> hãm; tĩm.
(See 蟫 hãm; 蟫 tĩm).
yim3 16986
173 19 yĩm yín to rain for a long time.⁷ a long-continued rain, lasting for more than 10 days.
霪潦 or 淫潦 yĩm-lâo yínlǎo floods caused by heavy rain or overflowing rivers.⁵⁴
霪霖 yĩm-lĩm
yínlín (=霪雨 yĩm-yî yínyǔ) incessant rain.⁷
or 淫雨 yĩm-yî yínyǔ excessive rain.⁶ incessant rain.⁷
霪雨连线[霪雨連線] yĩm-yî-lẽin-xëin
yínyínliánxiàn heavy rains falling in continuous streams like cords.¹⁴
霪雨绵绵[霪雨綿綿] yĩm-yî-mẽin-mẽin
yínyǔmiánmián heavy continuous rain; it keeps drizzling for days on end.⁵⁴
霪雨为灾[霪雨為災] yĩm-yî-vì-döi
yínyǔwèizāi an incessant rain becomes disastrous.⁷
yim3 16987
195 23 yĩm  yín the snouted sturgeon.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰魚覃; U+9C4F).
<又> tĩm. (See 鱏 tĩm).
yim3 16988
40 12 𡩘
yîm yìn basement.⁹⁸
(composition: ⿱宀音; U+21A58).
(cf 窨 yîm yìn a cellar; an inderground storeroom.⁷).
yim5 16989
53 广 13 yîm yìn (=荫[蔭] yîm yīn shade.⁰).² (Note: may also be read yīn in Mandarin).
(composition: ⿸广陰; U+5ED5.
<又> yïm.
(See 廕 yïm; 蔭 [yîm, yīn]; 蔭 [yîm, yìn]).
yim5 16990
116 14 yîm yìn a cellar; an inderground storeroom.⁷
冰窨 bëin-yîm bīngyìn ice cellar.¹⁹
井窨 dēng-yîm
jǐngyìn a dry well for storing vegetables.¹⁴
地窨子 ì-yîm-dū
dìyìnzi <topo.> basement; cellar.⁶
窨井 yîm-dēng
yìnjǐng inspection shaft; inspection well.⁵
窨室 yîm-sīt
yìnshì a cellar; a vault.⁷ a dark room where silkworms are kept.¹⁴
<又> fün.
(See 窨 fün; 𡩘❄{⿱宀音} yîm).
yim5 16991
140 13 yîm yìn shade; shadow.⁰ (variant: 䕃 yîm yìn).
庇荫[庇蔭] bï-yîm
bìyìn (of a tree) give shade; shield.⁵
林荫[林蔭] lĩm-yîm
línyìn shade of a tree; tree shade.¹⁰
荫翳[蔭翳] yîm-äi
or yîm-yï yìnyì be shaded by foliage; flourishing.⁸ to cover; to hide; secluded.¹⁴
荫蔽[蔭蔽] yîm-bäi
yìnbì (See 蔭蔽 [yîm-bäi, yīnbì]).
荫庇[蔭庇] yîm-bï
yìnbì to protect; protection.¹⁴
荫生[蔭生] yîm-säng
yìnshēng (old) a holder of hereditary rank conferred for suffering in the public service.¹⁴
荫生员外[蔭生員外] yîm-säng-yõn-ngòi
yìnshēngyuánwài <old> a second-class Secretary to a Board, an appointment formerly granted as a recognition of the services of a deceased relative.¹⁴
荫蔚[蔭蔚] yîm-vï
yìnwèi umbrageous.¹⁴
<又> yïm.
(See 蔭 [yïm, yīn]; 蔭 [yïm, yìn]; 蔭 [yîm, yīn]; 䕃 yîm).
yim5 16992
140 13 yîm yīn shade of a tree; shadow; Yin surname.³⁶
林荫大道[林蔭大道] or 林阴大道[林陰大道] lĩm-yîm-ài-ào  línyīndàdào boulevard; tree-lined avenue.¹⁰
or 绿叶成阴[綠葉成陰] lùk-yêp-sẽin-yîm lǜyèchéngyīn to become the mother of many children; a young mother of many children.⁵⁴
or 绿阴[綠陰] lùk-yîm lǜyīn green shade (of a tree); thick shadow from a tree.⁵⁴
树荫[樹蔭] sì-yîm
shùyīn shade of a tree.³⁶ shade of trees; canopy of branches.⁵⁴
荫蔽[蔭蔽] yîm-bäi
yīnbì or yìnbì (of a tree) to be shaded or concealed by foliage; to conceal; hidden; covert; shade.​⁸ shadow, shaded; shade, shelter, cover; hide; hidden, disguised; obscure, close; take cover, hide, lie low.⁵⁴
<又> yïm.
(See 蔭 [yïm, yīn]; 蔭 [yïm, yìn]; 蔭 [yîm, yìn]).

yim5 16993
140 14 yîm yìn (=荫[蔭] yîm yìn) the shade of a tree, to cover up; to cover or screen.⁸
(See 蔭 [yîm, yìn]).
yim5 16994
57 4 yīn yǐn <台> 鸡乸引鸡仔[雞乸引雞仔] gäi-nā-yīn-gäi-dōi the hen is leading the chicks along.
<又>  yîn. (See 引 yîn.)
yin1 16995
26 5 yïn yìn stamp, seal; trace, mark, sign; imprint; to tally; to engrave;
(computing) to print; Yin surname.³⁶ (variant: 币 yïn).
复印[複印] fūk-yïn fùyìn to duplicate; to photocopy.
心心相印 xïm-xïm-xëng-yïn
xīnxīnxiāngyìn to be a kindred spirit.
心印 xïm-yïn
xīnyìn <Budd.> the truth imprinted directly in one's heart by the spirit of a Buddha.
印刷 yïn-chät
yìnshuā to print; printing.
印象 yïn-dèng
yìnxiàng <psy.> impression.
印章 yïn-jëng
yìnzhāng stamp, seal; print.⁸
印尼 Yïn-nãi
Yìnní Indonesia.¹¹
印泥 yïn-nãi
yìnní red ink paste used for seal.¹⁰
印绶[印綬] yïn-siù
yìnshòu <trad.> official seal and the silk tassel attached to it.⁶
印度 Yïn-ù
Yìndù India.
(See 币 yïn).
yin2 16996
31 5 yïn yīn (<old>= 因 yïn yīn) on account of, because.
(composition: ⿴囗
; U+56D9).
(See 因 yïn.)
yin2 16997
31 6 yïn yīn <wr.> to depend/count on; to carry on, continue; in accordance with, on the basis of; cause, reason; on account of, because of, as a result of; becasue, for.⁶
(composition: ⿴囗大; U+56E0).
因袭[因襲] yïn-dàp yīnxí to follow old patterns; to imitate existing models; to continue along the same lines.¹⁰
因而 yïn-ngĩ
yīn'ér therefore; as a result; with the result that.⁶
因势利导[因勢利導] yïn-säi-lì-ào
yīnshìlìdǎo to take advantage of the new situation (idiom); to make the best of new opportunities.¹⁰
因材施教 yïn-tõi-sï-gäo
yīncáishījiào teach students in accordance with their aptitude.⁵
因为[因為] yïn-vĩ
yīnwéi because, for, as, on account of, because of.⁶
因祸得福[因禍得福] yïn-vò-āk-fūk
yīnhuòdéfú to benefit/profit from a misfortune.⁶
因小失大 yïn-xēl-sīt-ài
yīnxiǎoshīdà try to save a little only to lose a lot; penny wise and pound foolish.⁶
因此 yïn-xū
yīncǐ therefore, for this reason, as a result, consequently.⁶
因次 yïn-xü
yīncì <phy.> dimension.⁶
因素 yïn-xü
yīnsù element, component; factor.⁶
(See 囙 yïn.)
yin2 16998
38 9 yïn yīn one's husband's family; marriage; relations or connections through marriage.⁷ (variant: 婣 yïn yīn).
姻娅[姻婭] yïn-ä
yīnyà relatives by marriage, in-law.⁵
姻伯 yïn-bâk
yīnbó brother's/sister's father-in-law.⁶
姻家 yïn-gä
yīnjiā the families of the married couple; the elders of a married couple.⁵⁴
姻兄弟 yïn-hëin-ài
yīnxiōngdì brothers-in-law.⁵ a cousin-in-law.⁷
姻末 yïn-mòt
yīnmò (court. self-reference) nephew-in-law.¹¹
姻母 yïn-mû
yīnmǔ an aunt by marriage.¹¹
姻戚 yïn-tēik
yīnqī relatives by marriage.⁷
姻亲[姻親] yïn-tïn
yīnqīn relation by marriage.⁵
姻缘[姻緣] yïn-yõn
yīnyuán a marriage predestined by fate.¹⁰
(See 婣 yïn.)
yin2 16999
38 12 yïn yīn (=姻 yïn yīn) one's husband's family; marriage; relations or connections through marriage.⁷
(See 姻 yïn.)
yin2 17000
50 4 yïn yìn (=印 yïn yìn stamp, seal; trace, mark, sign; imprint; to tally; to engrave; (computing) to print.³⁶).⁸ʼ³⁶
(composition: ⿱丿巾; U+5E01).
(See 印 yïn; see also 币[幣] bài ).
yin2 17001
61 10 yïn ēn kindness; favor; grace.⁵
大恩 ài-yïn dà'ēn great favor.¹⁹
报恩[報恩] bäo-yïn
bào'ēn pay a debt of gratitude.⁹
周恩来 Jiü Yïn-lõi
Zhōu Ēnlái Zhou Enlai, the Premier of the State Council (1954-1978).⁹
恩德 yïn-āk
ēndé favor; kindness; grace.⁵
恩将仇报[恩將仇報] yïn-dëng-siũ-bäo
ēnjiāngchóubào requite kindness with enmity.⁵
恩典 yïn-ēin
ēndiǎn favor; grace.⁵
恩惠 yïn-fì
ēnhuì favor; kindness; grace; bounty.⁵
恩公 yïn-güng
ēngōng <wr.> one's reverend benefactor.⁶
or 恩幸 yïn-hàng ēnxìng pension granted as a favor.¹⁰
恩泽[恩澤] yïn-jàk
ēnzé favor from emperor/high official.¹⁰
恩人 yïn-ngĩn
ēnrén benefactor.⁹
恩爱[恩愛] yïn-öi
ēn'ài conjugal love.⁵
恩仇 yïn-siũ
ēn-chóu debt of gratitude and revenge.⁸
恩情 yïn-tẽin
ēnqíng loving-kindness.⁵
恩信相孚 yïn-xïn-xëng-fũ
ēnxìnxiāngfú bound by natural ties of kindness on one side and devotion on the other.¹⁹
恩赐[恩賜] yïn-xü
ēncì bestow (favors); favor, charity.⁵
恩怨 yïn-yön
ēnyuàn gratitude and grudges; resentment; grudges; grievances.¹⁰
yin2 17002
61 14 yïn yīn (=殷 yïn yīn <wr.> grand, magnificent; abundant, rich; eager, ardent; hospitable.⁶); careful, anxious, attentive.⁸ careful, anxious.¹⁴ sympathizing.²⁴
(composition: ⿱殷心; U+6147).
献慇懃[獻慇懃] hün-yïn-kĩn
xiànyīnqín to court a lady, to do everything to please; to pay attentions to (lady), do things to please (office chief). Also written 殷懃 or 殷勤.¹¹
Nèm-ngô-ùk-hãi, yiü-xïm-yïn-yïn.
Niàn wǒ dú xī, yōuxīn yīn yīn.
When I think of my solitariness,
My sorrowing heart is full of distress.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·祈父之什·正月》, translated by James Legge).
慇懃 yïn-kĩn
yīnqín attentive (to duty, lady, office chief).¹¹ attentive; diligent; particular about.¹⁴ anxious, diligent; zealous, fervent; to press forward in spite of difficulties.²⁴
慇心  yïn-xïm
yīnxīn anxious; to feel for.¹⁴
慇慇 yïn-yïn
yīnyīn sorrowful.²⁴
慇慇懃懃 yïn-yïn-kĩn-kĩn
yīnyīnqínqín very careful of; attentive.¹⁴
(See 殷 yïn).
yin2 17003
76 10 yïn yīn to sigh.¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰因欠; U+6B2D).
喑欭 yïm-yïn yīnyīn to sigh.²⁴
欭㰳 yïn-ä
yīnyà the braying of an ass; to belch.²
欭㱊 yïn-yiü
yīnyōu to moan; to cruciate.²⁴
<又> yï.
(See 欭 yï).
yin2 17004
79 10 yïn yīn <wr.> grand, magnificent; abundant, rich; eager, ardent; hospitable.⁶ Yin surname.⁸
殷朝 Yïn-chẽl Yīncháo Yin dynasty, a name given to the latter part of the 商朝 Sëng-chẽl Shāngcháo Shang dynasty from 1401 to 1137 B.C.E.¹⁴
殷轸[殷軫] yïn-chīn
yīnzhěn multitudinous; numerous.⁵⁴
殷富 yïn-fü
yīnfù well-off; rich; wealthy.⁶
殷鉴[殷鑒] yïn-gäm
yīnjiàn <wr.> negative example.⁶
殷圩[殷墟] Yïn-huï
Yīnxū Yin ruins (discovered near  Xiaotun Village (小屯村 xēl-tûn-tûn xiǎotúncūn), Anyang City (安阳[安陽] ön-yẽng ānyáng), Henan Province in 1989).⁶
殷勤 yïn-kĩn
yīnqín eagerly attentive; solicitous; hospitable.⁶
殷承宗 Yïn Sẽin-düng
Yīn Chéngzōng, the main arranger of the Yellow River Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, which was based on the Yellow River Cantata by 冼星海 Xēin Xëin-hōi Xiǎn Xīnghǎi Xian Xinghai.¹⁵
殷盛 yïn-sèin
yīnshèng thriving; flourishing; prosperous; abundant.⁷
殷实[殷實] yïn-sìt
yīnshí well-to-do; well-off; substantial.⁶
殷切 yïn-tēik
yīnqiè ardent; eager; earnest.⁶
<又> yën.
(See 殷 yën.)
yin2 17005
84 10 yïn yīn generative forces; magic emanation.¹⁰ (variant: 絪 yïn yīn).
or 絪缊[絪縕] yïn-vün yīnyūn <wr.> (of smoke, mist) dense; thick; enshrouding.⁶ the generative influences of heaven and earth, by which all things are constantly reproduced.¹⁴
(See 絪 yïn.)
yin2 17006
85 9 yïn yīn (of ink) spread and sink in.⁵ (name of a river).⁸ saturate.⁹ to soak; to blotch; to splotch.¹⁰
洇色 yïn-sēik yīnsè diffusion or running of coloring matter; bleeding.⁵
洇湿[洇濕] yïn-sīp
yīnshī to soak.¹⁰
(See 湮 yïn; 湮 yën.)
yin2 17007
85 12 yïn yīn (=洇 yïn yīn, now written as 洇.)⁴ to soak; to blotch; to splotch.¹⁰
<又> yën.
(See 洇 yïn; 湮 yën.)
yin2 17008
100 11 𤯠
yïn yīn (=姻 yïn yīn one's husband's family; marriage; relations or connections through marriage.⁷).²
(composition: ⿰因生; U+24BE0).
(See 姻 yïn).
yin2 17009
113 13 yïn yīn offer sacrifice; sacrifice.⁸ an archaic term for a kind of sacrifice to Heaven done by burning sacrificial objects and silk fabrics to make smoke that rises to Heaven; broadly, to offer a sacrifice.⁹ a sacrifice; to offer a sacrifice with purity and reverence.¹⁴ a pure offering; a pure intention in sacrificing.²⁵
(composition: ⿰礻垔; U+798B).
克禋克祀 hāk-yïn-hāk-dù kèyīnkèsì she had presented a pure offering and sacrificed.¹⁴
来方禋祀[來方禋祀] lõi-föng-yïn-dù
láifāngyīnsì they will come and offer pure sacrifices to the spirits of the four quarters.¹⁴
禋祀 yïn-dù
yīnsì a sacrifice of sweet smelling savor offered to the Supreme.²⁵
禋于六宗[禋於六宗] yïn-yï-lùk-düng
yīnyúliùzōng he sacrificed to the six honored ones – the seasons, cold and heat, the sun, the moon, the stars, and drought.¹⁴ to sacrifice sincerely to the six ancestors.²⁵ (See 六宗 lùk-düng).
yin2 17010
120 12 yïn yīn (=氤 yïn yīn) generative forces; magic emanation.¹⁰
or 氤氲[氤氳] yïn-vün yīnyūn <wr.> (of smoke, mist) dense; thick; enshrouding.⁶ the generative influences of heaven and earth, by which all things are constantly reproduced.¹⁴
(See 氤 yïn.)
yin2 17011
140 9 yïn yīn mattress.
绿草如茵[綠草如茵] lùk-tāo-nguĩ-yïn lǜcǎorúyīn the green grass looks like a velvet carpet.⁷
绿茵[綠茵] lùk-yïn
lǜyīn carpet of green lawn.¹¹
文茵 mũn-yïn
wényīn <wr.> tiger skins as cart mattress.¹¹
茵陈蒿[茵陳蒿] yïn-chĩn-häo
yīnchénhāo <TCM> artemisia capillaries.
茵芋 yïn-vû
yīnyù <bot.> Skimmia reevesiana Fort.
茵蓐 yïn-yùk
yīnrù a cushion of grass.¹⁴
yin2 17012
140 13 yïn ēn <chem> anthracene.⁸
(composition: ⿱艹恩; U+84BD).
yin2 17013
145 11 yïn yīn mat, coverlet; underwear.⁸ a mat; underclothing.¹⁴ to dress one's self; clothes with linings.²⁵
(composition: ⿰衤因; U+88C0).
yin2 17014
167 14 yïn yīn indium (In).⁶
(comp. t: ⿰釒因; U+92A6). (comp. s: ⿰钅因; U+94DF).
yin2 17015
187 16 yïn yīn grey horse; iron-gray horse.⁸ a horse with black and white hair.⁹ a dark gray horse; a brindled horse.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿰馬因; U+99F0). (comp. s: ⿰马因; U+9A83).
慧骃国[慧駰國] fì-yïn-gōk
huìyīnguó houyhnhnms; the Country of the Houyhnhnms.²⁹
Ngô-mâ-vĩ-yïn, lùk-bï-gï-gün.
Wǒ mǎ wéi yīn, liù pèi jì jūn.
My horses are grey;
The six reins are well in hand.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·鹿鳴之什·皇皇者華·6》, translated by James Legge).
yin2 17016
195 16 yïn yìn remora; shark sucker; suckerfish.⁶ a kind of fish, live in the ocean, dark brown color with two white vertical marks; flat shaped head.⁸
yin2 17017
36 14 yĩn yín <wr.> deep; attach oneself to somebody powerful.⁶ distant place; remote; deep.⁸
八夤 bāt-yĩn bāyín the regions beyond the 九州 Giū-Jiü Jiǔzhōu Jiuzhou, or bounds of ancient China.¹⁴
夤畏 yĩn-vï
yínwèi (=敬畏 gëin-vï jìngwèi) hold in awe and veneration; revere.⁵
夤夜 yĩn-yèh
yínyè (in) the depth of the night; (at) the dead of night.⁶
夤缘[夤緣] yĩn-yõn
yínyuán <wr.> attach oneself to somebody powerful; climb socially through somebody powerful.⁶ to climb up on the basis of certain connections.¹¹
夤缘际会[夤緣際會] yĩn-yõn-däi-vòi
yínyuánjìhuì to ride the crest of good luck.⁷
夤缘攀附[夤緣攀附] yĩn-yõn-pän-fù
yínyuán pānfù to cling to the rich and powerful (idiom); to advance one's career by currying favor; social climbing.¹⁰
yin3 17018
40 11 yĩn yín the third of the Twelve Terrestrial Branches; a fellow officer, a colleague; a horary sign (for the period 3 to 5 a.m.)⁷
同寅 hũng-yĩn tóngyín a common reverence for; a colleague in the same department or office.¹⁴
挤抑同寅[擠抑同寅] jäi-yēik-hũng-yĩn
jǐyìtóngyín keep down one's colleague.³⁹
寅刻 yĩn-hāk
yínkè the period of the day from 3 a.m. to 5 a.m.⁷
寅吃卯粮[寅吃卯糧] yĩn-hëk-mâo-lẽng
yínchīmǎoliáng eat next year's food; eat one's corn in the blade; anticipate one's income.⁵
寅支卯粮[寅支卯糧] yĩn-jï-mâo-lẽng
yínzhīmǎoliáng lit. to have consumed in the present year the supplies that belong to the next – unable to make both ends meet.⁷
寅月 yĩn-ngùt
yínyuè first month of the lunar calendar.⁷
寅时[寅時] yĩn-sĩ/
yínshí or 寅刻 yĩn-hāk yínkè the period of the day from 3 a.m. to 5 a.m.⁷
yin3 17019
9 5 yìn rèn ancient measure of length equal to seven or eight 尺 chëk chǐ.⁶ a measure of eight feet; to measure.¹⁴
壁立千仞 bēik-lìp-tëin-yìn
bìlìqiānrèn <wr.> (of mountain cliffs) towering sky-high.¹¹
仞沟洫[仞溝洫] yìn-këo-kēik
rèngōuxù <wr.> to measure the depth of canals, and ditches (to dredge).¹¹
yin4 17020
18 3 yìn rèn sharp edge of a knife or sword blade; to kill with a knife or sword. (variant: 刄 yìn rèn). (See 刄 yìn).
刀刃 äo-yìn
dāorèn knife edge; the most vital thing.⁹
白刃 bàk-yìn
báirèn naked sword.
白刃战[白刃戰] bàk-yìn-jën
báirènzhàn bayonet charge; hand-to-hand combat.
崩刃儿[崩刃兒] bäng-yìn-ngĩ
bēngrènr <topo.> to dull a blade.
兵不血刃 bëin-būt-hüt-yìn
bīngbùxuèrèn to win without firing a shot.
兵刃 bëin-yìn
bīngrèn military weapons.
笔如利刃[筆利刃] bīt-nguĩ-lì-yìn
bǐrúlìrèn One's pen (writing) is as keen and powerful as a sword.⁵⁴
利刃 lì-yìn
lìrèn sharp knife or dagger; cutlery.
迎刃而解 ngẽin-yìn-ngĩ-gāi
yíngrèn'érjiě (of a bamboo) split all the way down once it's been chopped open – (of a problem) be readily solved.⁵
舌如利刃 sêt-nguĩ-lì-yìn
shérúlìrèn to have a tongue like a razor.
yin4 17021
18 3 yìn rèn (=刃 yìn rèn sharp edge of a knife or sword blade; to kill with a knife or sword; edged tool, cutlery, knife edge).⁸
(composition: ⿻刀㇏; U+5204).
(See 刃 yìn).
yin4 17022
39 5 yìn yùn pregnant.⁵
包孕 bäo-yìn bāoyùn (=包蕴[包蘊] bäo-vūn bāoyùn) contain; embody; include.⁶
避孕 bì-yìn
bìyùn contraception.⁵
身孕 sïn-yìn
shēnyùn pregnancy; pregnant.¹⁰
受孕 siù-yìn
shòuyùn become pregnant.⁸
怀孕[懷孕] vãi-yìn
huáiyùn be pregnant; be conceived.⁵
孕畜 yìn-chūk
yùnchù pregnant domestic animal.⁵
孕妇[孕婦] yìn-fû
yùnfù pregnant woman.⁵
孕吐 yìn-hü
yùntù <med.> vomiting during pregnancy; morning sickness.⁵
孕期 yìn-kĩ
yùnqī <med.> pregnancy; gestation.⁵
孕穗 yìn-xuì
yùnsuì <agr.> booting.⁵
孕穗期 yìn-xuì-kĩ
yùnsuìqī <agr.> boot stage.⁵
孕育 yìn-yùk
yùnyù be pregnant with; breed.⁵
yin4 17023
93 7 yìn rèn fill, stuff; full. full,⁸ (used for 韧[韌] ngïn rèn) pliable but strong.¹¹ stuffed full, stopped up; to increase; the yellow appearance of a good sword.²⁴ full of, plentiful; pliable but strong.²⁹
於牣鱼跃[於牣魚躍] yï-yìn-nguĩ-yèk
yúrènyúyuè <wr.> schools of fish happily swimming in the pond.¹¹ oh, how full of jumping fishes.²⁴ How full was it of fishes leaping about! (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·文王之什·靈臺·2》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰
yin4 17024
120 9 yìn rèn thread a needle; sew, stitch; feel grateful.⁶
缝纫[縫紉] fũng-yìn féngrèn sew; tailor.⁶
纫谢[紉謝] yìn-dèh
rènxiè grateful thanks.¹⁴
纫荷[紉荷] yìn-hõ
rènhé to bear in remembrance.¹⁴
纫针[紉針] yìn-jïm
rènzhēn thread a needle.⁶
纫佩[紉佩] yìn-pöi
rènpèi <wr.> feel gratefulness and admiration (toward somebody).⁶
纫缉[紉緝] yìn-tīp
rènqī to mend; to repair.⁷
纫丝[紉絲] yìn-xü
rènsī to make floss-silk into thread.¹⁴
yin4 17025
130 9 yìn yìn <wr.> descendant, offspring; posterity.
子胤 dū-yìn zǐyìn sons and daughters.
赵匡胤[趙匡胤] Jèl Köng Yìn Zhào Kuāngyìn Zhao Kuangyin (927-976) founder of the Song dynasty (960-1279).⁷
胤嗣 yìn-dù
yìnsì descendants.³⁹
yin4 17026
140 8 yìn yìn <chem.> indene. yin4 17027
159 10 yìn rèn <wr.> log used to stop wheels.⁶ a skid (for checking the motion of a vehicle); to block, to obstruct; soft; idle; a measure of length equaling to 8 cubits. ⁷
发轫[發軔] fāt-yìn fārèn <wr.> set something afoot; commence an undertaking.⁵
发轫之作[發軔之作] fāt-yìn-jï-dōk
fārènzhīzuò maiden work.⁶
轫固[軔固] yìn-gü
rèngù firm and strong.⁵⁴
yin4 17028
5 1 yîn yǐn (component in 乱亂孔屯劜扎乢糺玌札轧軋礼钆釓虬齓 etc.)
component in Chinese characters; archaic variant of 毫 (hõ háo fine tapering animal hair; writing brush; 1/3 decimillimeter; milli-; 0.005 grams; 1/10 yuan; (used in the negative only) in the least, in/to the slightest degree.⁶ <old> 0.0001 tael.¹⁵); archaic variant of 乙 (yōt Kangxi radical 5. Second of the Ten Heavenly Stems; second in order. ).¹⁰ hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute.³⁵ (=乙 yōt the second of the ten heavenly stems); (=隐[隱] yîn yǐn secret; hidden).³⁶
(composition: ⿰; U+4E5A).
<又> yōt; hõ.
(See 乚 yōt; 乚 hõ).
yin5 17029
5 1 𠃊 yîn yǐn (an ancient form of 隐[隱] yîn yǐn hide, conceal; hidden, secret.⁸).²
(composition: ⿰; U+200CA).
<又> yōt.
(See 𠃊 yōt).
yin5 17030
30 7 yîn yǐn 吲哚 yîn-ū yǐnduǒ <chem.> indole C₈H₇N (heterocyclic organic compound).¹⁰
yin5 17031
54 2 yîn yǐn Kangxi radical 54; (<old>=引 yîn yǐn) to draw a bow; to be on a long journey.⁸ 建之旁 gèin-dù-põng jiànzhīpáng.¹
<又> yẽn.
(See 廴 yẽn.)
yin5 17032
57 4 yîn yǐn draw, stretch; lead, guide; leave; lure, attract; cause, make; quote, cite; a unit of length (=33⅓ meters).⁵
引导[引導] yîn-ào yǐndǎo guide; lead (around).⁵
引爆 yîn-bäo
yǐnbào ignite; detonate.⁵
引进[引進] yîn-dïn
yǐnjìn recommend; introduce.⁸
引逗 yîn-èo
yǐndòu tantalize, tease; lure, entice.⁵
引咎 yîn-giü
yǐnjiù <wr.> to take the blame; to accept responsibility (for a mistake).¹⁰
引起 yîn-hī
yǐnqǐ give rise to; lead to.⁵
引吭高歌 yîn-hõng-gäo-gô
yǐnháng gāogē to stretch one's neck and sing; to sing joyfully in a loud voice.⁸
引擎 yîn-kẽin
yǐnqíng <loan> engine.¹⁰
引擎盖[引擎蓋] yîn-kẽin-köi
yǐnqínggài bonnet; hood.⁶
引而不发[引而不發] yîn-ngĩ-būt-fāt
yǐn'érbùfā to draw the bow but not release the arrow – to show people what to do without doing it for them.⁹
引以为荣[引以為榮] yîn-yî-vĩ-vẽin
yǐnyǐwéiróng take/regard as a great honor.⁶
引入 yîn-yìp
yǐnrù lead into; draw into.⁵
引用 yîn-yùng
yǐnyòng quote, cite; recommend, appoint.⁵
引渡 yîn-ù
yǐndù <law> extradite.⁵
<台> 炮仗引 päo-jèng-yîn firecracker fuse.
<又> yīn.
(See 引 yīn; 廴 yîn).
yin5 17033
61 14 yîn yǐn careful; compassionate; to take an interest in; prudent; cautious; worried and grieved.⁸ careful, compassionate, kind.²⁴ (component in  隱, 穩).
(composition: ⿱⿳爫工彐心; U+396F).
yin5 17034
75 16 yîn yǐn tool used for shaping wood.¹⁰ to rectify.¹¹ an instrument for adjusting things.²⁴ (variant: 櫽 yîn yǐn).
(composition: ⿱⿰⻖⿳⺤工彐木; U+6A83).
檃栝 yîn-gāt
yǐnguā a mason's device for straightening surface or line.¹¹ <old> wooden vise (for straightening wood, e.g. when making bows); straighten, edit.⁵⁴
檃桰 yîn-gāt
yǐnguā a square.²⁴
(See 檼 yîn; 櫽 yîn).
yin5 17035
75 18 yîn yǐn (=櫽 yîn yǐn) ridge pole; shape wood by use of heat; tool for shaping bent wood.⁸ the ridge of a house; the wood work of a roof which is concealed from sight.²⁴
(composition: ⿰木㥯; U+6ABC).
or 櫽栝 yîn-gāt yǐnguā a tool for correcting the bending or shaping of bamboo and wood.⁸ straightening machine.²⁹
(See 櫽 yîn).
yin5 17036
75 20 yîn yǐn (<old>=檃 yîn yǐn) shape wood by use of heat; tool for shaping bent wood.⁸ tool used for shaping wood (old); old variant of 檃 yîn yǐn.¹⁰
(composition: ⿱隱木; U+6AFD).
or 檼栝 yîn-gāt yǐnguā a tool for correcting the bending or shaping of bamboo and wood.⁸ straightening machine.²⁹
(See 檃 yîn).
yin5 17037
104 21 yîn yǐn addiction; strong interest.⁹ a rash.¹⁴
酒瘾[酒癮] diū-yîn jiǔyǐn alcohol addiction.¹⁰
戒瘾[戒癮] gäi-yîn
jièyǐn to break off the habit.¹⁴
过瘾[過癮] gö-yîn
guòyǐn do something to one's heart's content; enjoy oneself to the full.⁸
成瘾[成癮] sẽin-yîn
chéngyǐn to be addicted.⁹
上了瘾[上了癮] sëng-lēl-yîn
shàngleyǐn to become addicted (to smoking, drinking).¹⁴
上瘾[上癮] sëng-yîn
shàngyǐn to form habit (in use of narcotics); addicted.¹¹
毒瘾[毒癮] ùk-yîn
dúyǐn drug addiction.¹⁰
癮大了[癮大了] yîn-ài-lēl
yǐndàle dose increases.¹¹
瘾疹[癮疹] yîn-chīn
yǐnzhěn <med.> urticaria.¹ an eruption on the body.¹⁴
瘾君子[癮君子] yîn-gün-dū
yǐnjūnzǐ an opium smoker (pun on 隱君子 yîn-gün-dū yǐnjūnzǐ a recluse scholar).¹¹
瘾头[癮頭] yîn-hẽo
yǐntóu addiction; strong interest; habitual craving.⁹
瘾症[癮症] yîn-jëin
yǐnzhēng addiction.¹⁰
yin5 17038
120 10 yîn zhèn tether (for tying domestic animals).⁶ a rope for leading cattle or horse.¹⁰ a cow rope; a rope through the nose of a cow.²⁵ (Note: 纼[紖] zhèn may also be read yǐn in Mandarin).
纼子[紖子] jìn-dū
zhènzǐ tether.⁶
执纼[執纼] jīp-yîn
zhízhèn hold the rein (sacrificial bull).⁵⁴
yin5 17039
120 20 yîn yǐn to sew clothes; to do needle-work.⁸ to join garments together, to seam, to sew.²⁵
yin5 17040
142 10 yîn yǐn the earthworm.¹⁴ (variant: 螾 yîn yǐn).
蚯蚓 hiü-yîn
qiūyǐn an earthworm.⁷ (It is called 黄犬[黃犬] võng-hūn in Hoisanva. See <台> 黄犬[黃犬] võng-hūn).
蚓体[蚓體] yîn-hāi 
yǐntǐ vermis.⁶
蚓而后可者也[蚓而後可者也] yîn-ngĩ-hèo-hō-jēh-yâ
yǐnérhòukězhěyě If one becomes an earthworm then he can do this.¹⁴
蚓螈 yîn-ngũn
yǐnyuán caecilian.⁶
蚓突 yîn-ùt
yǐntū (=阑尾[闌尾] lãn-mī lánwěi) vermiform appendix.³⁹
蚓蜥 yîn-xēik
yǐnxī amphisbaenians or worm lizards (Amphisbaenia).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
(See 螾 yîn ➀).
yin5 17041
142 17 yîn yǐn ➀ (=蚓 yîn yǐn) the earthworm.¹⁴  ➁ feces.⁸  ➂ wriggle; squirm.⁸
蚯螾出 hiü-yîn-chūt
qiū yǐn chū Earth-worms come forth.⁸⁸ (Excerpt from 《禮記·月令·32》).
螾场[螾場] yîn-chẽng
yǐnchǎng earthworm feces.⁸
螾螾 yîn-yîn
yǐnyǐn wiggling, squirming (like an earthworm).⁸
(See 蚓 yîn).
yin5 17042
170 16 yîn yǐn hide, conceal; hidden, secret.⁸
(comp. t: ⿰阝㥯; U+96B1). (comp. s: ⿰阝急; U+9690).
层峦隐现[層巒隱現] tãng-lũn-yîn-yèn
céngluányǐnxiàn Distant mountain ranges can be glimpsed through the clouds.³⁹
隐蔽[隱蔽] yîn-bäi
yǐnbì to take cover/shelter; hidden (from view), cryptic, concealed.⁶
隐晦[隱晦] yîn-fōi
yǐnhuì obscure, veiled; ambiguous.⁸
隱君子 yîn-gün-dū
yǐnjūnzǐ a recluse scholar.¹¹
隐瞒[隱瞞] yîn-mõn
yǐnmán hide secret (from person).¹¹
隐情[隱情] yîn-tẽin
yǐnqíng secrets.
隐藏[隱藏] yîn-tõng
yǐncáng to hide; to conceal.
隐患[隱患] yîn-vàn
yǐnhuàn hidden danger.
隐性[隱性] yîn-xëin
yǐnxìng <bio.> recessiveness.
隐姓埋名[隱姓埋名] yîn-xëin-mãi-mẽin
yǐnxìngmáimíng conceal one's identity; live incognito.⁵
隐私[隱私] yîn-xü
yǐnsī personal secrets.
隐士[隱士] yîn-xù
yǐnshì recluse; hermit; retired scholar.⁵⁴
隐约[隱約] yîn-yēk
yǐnyuē faint, indistinct.
隐喻[隱喻] yîn-yì
yǐnyù metaphor.¹⁰
隐隐[隱隱] yîn-yîn
yǐnyǐn indistinct; faint; melancholy; sad; abundant.
隐逸[隱逸] yîn-yìt
yǐnyì <wr.> live in seclusion; hermit; recluse.⁶
yin5 17043
177 13 yîn yǐn the leather belt that connects a horse with a cart; leather strap for pulling cart.⁸ traces (of a carriage).¹⁰
(composition: ⿰革引; U+9777).
绝靷而弛[絕靷而弛] dùt-yîn-ngĩ-chĩ juéyǐn'érchí have a brilliant career after getting a break.⁵⁴
我两靷将绝[我兩靷將絕] ngô-lēng-yîn-dëng-dùt
wǒ liǎng yǐn jiāng jué both my collars are nearly broken.²⁵
yin5 17044
9 9 yīp braving looking; the way a plowman walks.⁸ʼ⁰ strong; robust.²⁴  strong; robust; exerting one's strength.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰亻邑; U+4FCB).
俋俋 yīp-yīp yìyì the appearance of exertion; brave look.⁸ to walk about, like the gait of a plowman; push ahead vigorously.⁵⁴
Yì yì hū gēng ér bùgù.
With this he resumed his ploughing with his head bent down, and did not (again) look round. (Excerpt from 《莊子·外篇·天地·7》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ going on diligently, like the plowman who never looks back.¹⁰²
yip1 17045
30 10 yīp to sob.⁸ (=悒 yīp ).⁹ palpitation; short breathing.¹⁰
呜唈[嗚唈] vü-yīp
wūyì (=呜咽[嗚咽] vü-yēik wūyè) to sob; to whimper.¹⁰
(See 悒 yīp.)
yip1 17046
61 10 yīp <wr.> sad; worried.⁶ troubled in the mind; unhappy.⁷
愁悒 sẽo-yīp chóuyì anxious; sad.⁵⁴
or 郁邑[鬱邑] vūt-yīp yùyì <wr.> depressed; dejected; sad; unhappy; melancholy.⁶
悒愤[悒憤] yīp-fûn
yìfèn unhappy with anger; to resent.⁷
悒闷[悒悶] yīp-mòn
yìmèn <wr.> depressed; dejected.⁶
悒郁[悒鬱] yīp-vūt
yìyù <wr.> depressed; gloomy; despondent.⁶
悒郁寡欢[悒鬱寡歡] yīp-vūt-gā-fön
yìyùguǎhuān (=郁郁寡欢[鬱鬱寡歡] vūt-vūt-gā-fön yùyùguǎhuān) feel depressed; be low in spirits.⁶
悒怏 yīp-yëng
yìyàng sad; grieved; unhappy; dejected; depressed.⁷
悒悒 yīp-yīp
yìyì sad; grieved; worried; depressed; unhappy.⁷
悒悒不乐[悒悒不樂] yīp-yīp-būt-lòk
yìyìbùlè feel depressed; mope.⁵
忧悒[憂悒] yiü-yīp
yōuyì load of care.⁸ anxious; distressed; burdened with care.¹⁰ sad, disappointed.¹¹
yip1 17047
64 10 yīp <wr.> to ladle, to scoop up.
冲挹[沖挹] chüng-yīp chōngyì to defer to; to be submissive.
奖挹[獎挹] dēng-yīp
jiǎngyì to reward and promote.
㧑挹[撝挹] fï-yīp
huīyì <trad.> to be extremely modest or polite.
钦挹[欽挹] hïm-yīp
qīnyì to admire and respect; to look up to.¹⁰
挹彼注兹[挹彼注茲] yīp-bī-jî-dü
yìbǐzhùzī to draw from one to make good the deficits of another.
挹掬 yīp-gūk
yìjū to scoop up water with the hands.
挹酌 yīp-jēk
yìzhuó to pour out wine.¹⁴
挹注 yīp-jî
yìzhù to draw from one to make up the deficit in another.
挹取 yīp-tuī
yìqǔ <wr.> to ladle out; to scoop up.
yip1 17048
64 12 yīp (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 揖 tīp with same meaning.)
<又> tīp.
(See 揖 tīp.)
yip1 17049
85 10 yīp <wr.> moisten.⁶ wet, moist, to moisten.⁷
浥润[浥潤] yīp-ngùn yìrùn wet; moist.⁷
浥湿[浥濕] yīp-sīp
yìshī wet; moist.⁷
浥浥 yīp-yīp
yìyì moist.⁷
yip1 17050
145 13 yīp <old> to cover up, wrap up.¹¹ to wind round, to bind; the case of a book; a wrapper for several volumes.²⁵ wet, moisturize; impregnate with aroma; to be covered (dressed; something).⁵⁴ a bag or satchel to hold books; a wrapper in which to preserve them; perfumed; to wind around.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿳亠邑𧘇; U+88DB).
雨裛红蕖[雨裛紅蕖] yî-yīp-hũng-kuĩ yǔyìhóngqú rain moistened the red lilies.⁵⁴
裛香 yīp-hëng
yìxiāng a perfume bag attached to one's clothes.²⁵ a scent-bag hung on the dress.¹⁰²
裛露 yīp-lù
yìlù to be covered with dew.⁵⁴
裛衣 yīp-yï
yìyī perfume clothes; wrapped in clothing.⁵⁴ perfumed garments.¹⁰²
裛以藻绣[裛以藻繡] yīp-yî-täo-xiü
yìyǐzǎoxiù to be covered with patterned embroideries.⁵⁴ bind it on the embroidered dress.¹⁰²
yip1 17051
163 7 yīp Kangxi radical 163; area, district, city, state.⁸ city; <wr.> capital.³⁹
封邑 füng-yīp fēngyì grant of territory by an emperor or monarch (old).¹⁰ a manor estate granted by a monarch.¹¹
通都大邑 hüng-ü-ài-yīp
tōngdūdàyì metropolitan cities.¹¹
城邑 sẽin-yīp
chéngyì <wr.> towns; cities.¹⁰
采邑 tōi-yīp
càiyì fief; benefice.¹⁰ fief town, feudal benefice.¹¹
or 郁悒[鬱悒] vūt-yīp yùyì <wr.> depressed; dejected; sad; unhappy; melancholy.⁶
四邑 Xï-yīp
Sìyì Siyi The Four Districts, made up of 新会[新會] Xïn-vòi Xīnhuì Xinhui, 开平[開平] Höi-pẽin Kāipíng Kaiping, 台山[臺山] Hõi-sän Táishān Taishan, and 恩平 Yïn-pẽin Ēnpíng Enping in Guangdong povince.²³
yip1 17052
170 2 yīp   阝on the right side is from 邑 yīp city (as in 部 bù part, section); Kangxi radical 163.
(composition: ⿰丨㇌; U+961D).
(Note: both 阝fèo
and 阝yīp have the same codepoint).
yip1 17053
195 18 yīp salted fish; globefish, blowfish, puffer.⁸
(variant: 𩸆❄{⿰魚奄} yīp ).
(Note: some says this character is read
or but Kangxi says it is read as 邑 yīp ).
(composition: ⿰魚邑; U+4C52).
(See 𩸆❄{⿰魚奄} yīp).
yip1 17054
195 19 𩸆
yīp (=䱒 yīp salted fish; globefish, blowfish, puffer.⁸).²
(composition: ⿰魚奄; U+29E06).
(See 䱒 yīp).
yip1 17055
11 2 yìp Kangxi radical 11; enter, come in(to), join.⁸
入声[入聲] entering tone.⁵
入樽 yìp-dûn rùzūn slam dunk.¹⁰
入乡随俗[入鄉隨俗] yìp-hëng-tuĩ-dùk
rùxiāngsuísú when in Rome, do as the Romans do.⁹
入赘[入贅] yìp-juì
rùzhuì marry into the wife’s family, taking wife's surname.¹¹
入寇 yìp-këo
rùkòu invade (a country).⁵
入寐 yìp-mì
rùmèi fall asleep; go to sleep.⁶
入门[入門] yìp-mõn
rùmén enter door, introductory course.¹¹
入泮 yìp-pön
rùpàn <wr.> (formerly, of young boys) be admitted to study in a government school.¹¹
入声[入聲] yìp-sëin
rùshēng entering tone in classical Chinese pronunciation, still retained in certain dialects.⁵
入胜[入勝] yìp-sëin
rùshèng be fascinated with.⁶
入情入理 yìp-tẽin-yìp-lî
rùqíngrùlǐ be fair and reasonable.⁶
入侵 yìp-tïm
rùqīn to invade.¹⁰
入围[入圍] yìp-vĩ
rùwéi qualify for, make it to the finals, survive the preview, be on the shortlist; (of examinees and invigilators) enter the imperial examination place, be selected.⁶
入药[入藥] yìp-yêk
rùyào <Ch. med> to use in medicine.¹⁰
yip4 17056
86 15 yìp bright and brilliant; luminous.⁷ bright and sparkling.⁸ʼ¹⁴ full brightness; luster.²⁴
(composition: ⿰火習; U+71A0).
闪熠[閃熠] sēm-yìp shǎnyì glitter; shine; radiate.⁵⁴
煌熠 võng-yìp
huángyì bright.¹⁰
星光熠熠 xëin-göng-yìp-yìp
xīngguāngyìyì the stars are bright and luminous.⁷
熠烁[熠爍] yìp-sēk
yìshuò to twinkle; glimmer; glisten.¹⁰
熠耀 yìp-yèl
yìyào bright and luminous; a glowworm, a firefly.⁷
熠熠 yìp-yìp
yìyì bright and luminous.⁷
熠熠其羽 yìp-yìp-kĩ-yî
yìyìqíyǔ flapping its wings.¹⁴
熠煜 yìp-yūk
yìyù to shine; to glitter.¹⁰
煜熠 yūk-yìp
yùyì bright.¹⁰
yip4 17057
1 1 yīt Kangxi radical 1; one; single; same; whole; each, per; also; wholehearted.⁵
一旦 yīt-än yīdàn single day, very short time; once, in case.⁶
一等 yīt-āng
yīděng first-class; first-rate; top-grade.⁶
一边[一邊] yīt-bëin
yībiān one side; either side; while, as.⁶
一般 yīt-bön
yìbān same as, just like; general, common.⁵
一定 yīt-èin
yídìng fixed, specified, regular; certainly, surely.⁵
一点儿[一點兒] yīt-ēm-ngĩ
yīdiǎnr a bit; a little.⁵
一共 yīt-gùng
yīgòng altogether; in all; all told.⁶
一向 yīt-hëng
yīxiàng hitherto; always, consistently.⁷
一起 yīt-hī
yīqǐ in the same place; together, in company.⁶
一同 yīt-hũng
yītóng together; at the same time and place.⁶
一直 yīt-jèik
yīzhí straight; continuously, always; all the way.⁶
一致 yīt-jï
yízhì identical; unanimous; consistent.⁵
一律 yīt-lùt
yīlǜ same, alike, uniform; all, without exception.⁶
一面 yīt-mèin
yīmiàn one side/aspect; at the same time.⁶
一瞬 yīt-sûn
yīshùn an instant; a flash; twinkling of an eye.⁶
一切 yīt-täi
yíqiè all; every; everything.⁵
一些 yīt-xëh
yīxiē a number of; certain; some.⁵
一心 yīt-xïm
yīxīn heart and soul; of one mind, as one.⁶
一心为公[一心為公] yīt-xïm-vì-güng
yīxīnwèigōng serve the public heart and soul.⁶
一次 yīt-xü
yīcì once.⁶
一样[一樣] yīt-yèng
yīyàng the same; equally; alike.⁵

yit1 17058
33 12 yīt one (used for 一 yīt on checks, financial records).
诚壹[誠壹] sẽin-yīt
chéngyī single-minded; single-hearted.
壹败涂地[壹敗塗地] yīt-bài-hũ-ì
yībàitúdì suffer a crushng defeat.⁵
yīt ngì xäm xï m̄ lùk tīt bät giū sìp
yī'èrsānsìwǔlùqībājiǔshí numbers 1 to 10 (used on checks for security purposes) same as 一二三四五六七八九十.
壹圆[壹圓] yīt-yõn
yīyuán one dollar.
yit1 17059
33 16 yīt (<old>=壹 yīt one).⁸
(composition: ⿱士罒固; U+5901).
(See 壹 yīt ).

yit1 17060
56 4 yīt (variant of 一 yīt ) one.
yit1 17061
9 7 yìt live in seclusion; be lost.⁶ lost; missing; forsaken; dissolute; (of a woman) beautiful; fault; offense; hermit; Yi surname. (variant: 逸 yìt ).¹⁰
佚道 èik-ào
or yìt-ào yìdào the way of ease.¹⁴
佚罚[佚罰] èik-fàt
or yìt-fàt yìfá to err in the application of punishment.¹⁴
佚名 èik-mẽin
or yìt-mẽin yìmíng anonymous (author).¹⁰
佚闻[佚聞] èik-mũn
or yìt-mũn yìwén anecdote.⁶
佚女 èik-nuī
or yìt-nuī yìnǚ a beautiful girl.¹⁴
or 轶荡[軼蕩] èik-òng or yìt-òng yìdàng easygoing; slow; idle indulgnece.¹⁴ (See 佚荡[佚蕩] èik-òng diédàng).
佚失 èik-sīt
or yìt-sīt yìshī scatter and disappear; be lost.⁶
佚遊 èik-yiũ
or yìt-yiũ yìyóu <wr.> to fool around with women, spend one's time in sensual pleasures.¹¹ sauntering.¹⁴
<又> èik.
(See 佚[èik, dié]; 佚[èik, ].)
yit4 17062
9 8 yìt a row or file of dancers at sacrifices.
八佾舞 bät-yìt-mū bāyìwǔ <trad.> formation of eight rows of eight dancers in a dance before the emperor.
佾舞 yìt-mū
yìwǔ rows of ceremonial dancers; a dance performed especially on Confucius's birthday at the sage's shrine.
佾舞生 yìt-mū-säng
yìwǔshēng ceremonial dancers.
佾生 yìt-säng
yìshēng young boy dancers at the court or temple on ceremonial occasions.
yit4 17063
64 11 yìt to support another, to extend a helping hand, to promote; armpits; side, by the side; side apartments in the palace.⁷
奖掖[獎掖] dēng-yìt jiǎngyè <wr.> reward and promote.⁶
扶掖 fũ-yìt
fúyè <wr.> support; help; lend a hand (to).⁶
宫掖[宮掖] güng-yìt
gōngyè <wr.> palace chambers.⁶
提掖 hãi-yìt
tíyè <wr.> promote; guide and support.⁶
掖庭 yìt-hẽin
yètíng side apartments or quarters of a palace.⁷
掖门[掖門] yìt-mõn
yèmén a small side door of the palace.⁷
掖垣 yìt-yõn
yèyuán sidewalls of a palace.⁷ side wall.¹¹ a wall breast high.²⁴
诱掖[誘掖] yiù-yìt
yòuyè <wr.> guide and encourage; lead and help.⁶
<又> ngäp.
(See 掖 [yìt, ]; 掖 ngäp).
yit4 17064
64 11 yìt to conceal, to tuck away, to hide; to fold, to roll up (part of one's clothing).⁷
掖在腰里[掖在腰裡] yìt-dòi-yël-lī yēzài yāoli <topo.> tuck into the belt.⁵⁴
掖咕 yìt-gū
yēgu to toss aside; to misplace.¹⁰
掖掖盖盖[掖掖蓋蓋] yìt-yìt-köi-köi
yēyēgàigai stealthily; clandestinely.⁷
掖掖藏藏 yìt-yìt-tõng-tõng
yēyēcángcáng try to cover up.⁶
<又> ngäp.
(See 掖 [yìt, ]; 掖 ngäp).
yit4 17065
85 8 yìt licentious, libertine, dissipated; flooding; overflowing.³⁹
流泆 liũ-yìt liúyì to indulge; licentious.¹⁰
yit4 17066
85 11 yìt (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 液 yèik with same meaning.)
<又> yèik.
(See 液 yèik.)
yit4 17067
85 13 yìt overflow, spill; excessive.⁵
丑声四溢[醜聲四溢] chiū-sëin-xü-yìt chǒushēngsìyì notorious.¹¹
阗溢[闐溢] hẽin-yìt
tiányì fill to the brim.⁷
河水四溢 hõ-suī-xü-yìt
héshuǐsìyì The river overflowed.⁵
湓溢 pûn-yìt
pényì <wr.> overflow.⁶
才华横溢[才華橫溢] tõi-vã-vãng-yìt
cáihuáhéngyì brim with talent; be full of wit; have superb talent.⁶
洋溢 yẽng-yìt
yángyì be permeated with; brim with.⁵
溢出 yìt-chūt
yìchū spill over; overflow.⁵
溢洪道 yìt-hũng-ào
yìhóngdào spillway.⁵
溢血 yìt-hüt
yìxuè hemorrhage.¹⁰
溢流 yìt-liũ
yìliú overflowing.¹⁰
溢流坝[溢流壩] yìt-liũ-bä
yìliúbà overfall dam; spillway dam.⁵
溢美 yìt-mî
yìměi praise excessively; overpraise.⁶
溢满[溢滿] yìt-mōn
yìmǎn overflowing.¹⁰
yit4 17068
130 12 yìt axilla, armpit; axil.⁵
腋臭 yìt-chiü
yèchòu underarm odor.⁵
腋下 yìt-hà
yèxià under the armpit.¹¹
腋气[腋氣] yìt-hï
yèqì armpit odor.¹¹
腋汗 yìt-hòn
yèhàn profuse sweating in the armpit.⁵⁴
腋毛 yìt-mão
yèmáo armpit hair.⁵
腋芽 yìt-ngã 
yèyá axillary bud.⁵
腋窝 yìt-vö
yèwō armpit.⁵
yit4 17069
159 12 yìt to excel, to surpass; to be scattered, to go loose.⁷ (=逸 yìt ) leisurely; (=佚 yìt ) idle.
or 超逸 chël-yìt chāoyì free, disentangled.¹¹
or 逸群 yìt-kũn yìqún excel all others.⁵
轶伦[軼倫] yìt-lũn
yìlún to surpass one's contemporaries; to be outstanding.⁷
or 逸闻[逸聞] yìt-mũn yìwén anecdote; apocryphal story.¹⁰
or 佚荡[佚蕩] èik-òng or yìt-òng yìdàng easygoing; slow; idle indulgnece.¹⁴ (See 佚荡[佚蕩] èik-òng diédàng).
or 逸材 or 逸才 yìt-tõi yìcái outstanding talent.⁷
or 逸事 yìt-xù yìshì anecdote (especially about a famous person).⁵
<又> èik.
(See 軼 èik; 逸 yìt; 佚 yìt.)
yit4 17070
162 11 yìt ease, leisure; escape, flee; be lost; excel.⁵
超逸 or 超轶[超軼] chël-yìt chāoyì free, disentangled.¹¹
安逸 ön-yìt 
ānyì easy and comfortable.⁶
一劳永逸[一勞永逸] yīt-lão-vêin-yìt
yīláoyǒngyì get something done once and for all.⁶
逸品 yìt-bīn
yìpǐn a superior piece of artistic work.⁷
逸尘[逸塵] yìt-chĩn
yìchén outstanding; above the common; out of the ordinary.¹⁰
逸出常轨[逸出常軌] yìt-chūt-sẽng-gī
yìchūchángguǐ to run off the track; not regular or common.⁷
逸口 yìt-hēo
yìkǒu to make an indiscreet remark.⁷
or 轶群[軼群] yìt-kũn yìqún excel all others.⁵
逸乐[逸樂] yìt-lòk
yìlè comfort and pleasure.⁵
逸民 yìt-mĩn
yìmín hermit (in ancient times); recluse.⁵
or 轶闻[軼聞] yìt-mũn yìwén anecdote; apocryphal story.¹⁰
逸書 yìt-sï
yìshū ancient books no longer extant.⁵
or 逸才 or 轶材[軼材] yìt-tõi yìcái outstanding talent.⁷
逸度 yìt-ù
yìdù an elegant air; a refined manner.⁷
逸散 yìt-xän
yìsàn to vaporize; to dispel.¹⁰
or 轶事[軼事] yìt-xù yìshì anecdote (especially about a famous person).⁵
(See 軼 yèik and 佚 yèik.)
yit4 17071
167 18 yìt a piece of gold of twenty taels weight¹⁴; wealth¹⁴.
yit4 17072
203 17 yiū yǒu (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 黝 yēl yǒu with same meaning.)
<又> yēl.
(See 黝 [yēl, yǒu].)
yiu1 17073
9 17 yiü yōu excellent; <old> actor/actress.⁵ You surname.⁸
优渥[優渥] yiü-āk yōuwò <lit.>liberal; munificent.⁸
优点[優點] yiü-ēm
yōudiǎn merit; good point; advantage.⁵
优礼[優禮] yiü-lâi
yōulǐ treat with courtesy.⁶
优伶[優伶] yiü-lẽin
yōulíng <trad.> actor or actress.⁵
优良[優良] yiü-lẽng
yōuliáng fine; good.⁵
优美[優美] yiü-mî
yōuměi graceful; fine; exquisite.⁵
优雅[優雅] yiü-ngâ
yōuyǎ (of dress and personal adornments, implements) graceful, elegant, in good taste; (of manner and quality) graceful and tasteful.⁶
优待[優待] yiü-òi
yōudài give preferential treatment.⁵
优势[優勢] yiü-säi
yōushì superiority; preponderance.⁵
优胜[優勝] yiü-sëin
yōushèng winning; superior.⁵
优胜劣败[優勝劣敗] yiü-sëin-lūt-bài
yōushènglièbài survival of the fittest.⁹³
优胜劣汰[優勝劣汰] yiü-sëin-lūt-häi
yōushèngliètài survival of the fittest; pick out the good and leave the bad.⁶
优先[優先] yiü-xëin
yōuxiān precedence; predominant.⁹³
优秀[優秀] yiü-xiü
yōuxiù outstanding; excellent; splendid.⁵
优异[優異] yiü-yì
yōuyì outstanding; exceedingly good.⁵
优裕[優裕] yiü-yì
yōuyù affluent; abandant.⁵
优游[優游] yiü-yiũ
yōuyóu <wr.> leisurely and carefree.⁵
优越[優越] yiü-yòt
yōuyuè superior; advantageous.⁶
yiu2 17074
30 8 yiü yōu the bleating of the deer.⁸ ooh!⁹ exclamation of surprise.¹¹
(composition: ⿰口幼; U+5466).
哎呦 āi-yiü āiyōu exclamation indicating disappointment.¹⁰
呦, 是你呀! Yiü, sì-nï-à
Yōu, shìnǐyā! Why, it's you!⁹
呦呦 yiü-yiü
yōuyōu <wr.> sound of flowing water; deer crying.¹¹
yiu2 17075
30 18 yiü yōu undecided; reverse flow of air (out instead of in); sigh.⁸ unsettled words; an expression of doubt; to sigh.²⁴
(composition: ⿰口憂; U+5698).
终日号而嗌不嚘嚘[終日號而嗌不嚘嚘] jüng-ngìt-hão-ngĩ-äi-būt-yiü-yiü zhōng rì hào ér ài bù yōu yōu screamed all day, but throat didn't get hoarse.⁵⁴
欭嚘 yï-yiü
yìyōu to sigh.¹⁹
yiu2 17076
52 5 yiü yòu young; under age; children; the young.⁵
(composition: ⿰幺力; U+5E7C).
幼畜 yiü-chūk yòuchù young animal; young stock.⁵
幼虫[幼蟲] yiü-chũng
yòuchóng larva.⁵
幼子 yiü-dū
yòuzǐ youngest son.⁶
幼功 yiü-güng
yòugōng (of actors/acrobats) skills acquired during childhood.⁶
幼体[幼體] yiü-hāi
yòutǐ <bio.> the young; larva.⁵
幼稚 yiü-jï
yòuzhì young; childish, puerile, naive.⁵
幼稚病 yiü-jï-bèng
yòuzhìbìng <psy.> infantile disorder.⁵
幼稚园[幼稚園] yiü-jï-yõn
yòuzhìyuán (=幼儿园[幼兒園] yiü-ngĩ-yõn yòu'éryuán) <trad.> kindergarten.⁶
幼龄林[幼齡林] yiü-lẽin-lĩm
yòulínglín <forest.> young growth.⁵
幼苗 yiü-mẽl
yòumiáo seedling.⁵
幼年 yiü-nẽin
yòunián childhood; infancy.⁵
幼芽 yiü-ngã
yòuyá young shoot; bud.⁵
幼儿[幼兒] yiü-ngĩ
yòu'ér child; infant⁵
幼儿教育[幼兒教育] yiü-ngĩ-gäo-yùk
yòu'érjiàoyù preschool education.⁵
幼儿园[幼兒園] yiü-ngĩ-yõn
yòu'éryuán kindergarten; nursery school; infant school.⁵
幼小 yiü-xēl
yòuxiǎo immature.⁵
yiu2 17077
52 9 yiü yōu dark, gloomy, obscure; lonely, solitary, secluded; tranquil; deep, profound; hidden, secret; to imprison; to confine.⁷
幽暗 yiü-ām yōu'àn dim; gloomy.⁷
幽静[幽靜] yiü-dèin
yōujìng tranquil; placid; serene.⁷
幽浮 yiü-fẽo
yōufú UFO (unidentified flying object).⁷
幽禁 yiü-gîm
yōujìn to confine; to imprison.⁷
幽谷 yiü-gūk
yōugǔ a deep and secluded valley.⁵
幽香 yiü-hëng
yōuxiāng a delicate, faint fragrance.⁷
幽兰[幽蘭] yiü-lãn
yōulán the orchid (which grows in out-of-the-way places) – symbol of content with accomplishment without seeking notoriety.¹¹
幽囹 yiü-lẽin
yōulíng to keep in confinement; to confine.¹⁰
幽灵[幽靈] yiü-lẽin
yōulíng ghost; spirit.⁶
幽默 yiü-màk
yōumò humorous.⁵
幽明 yiü-mẽin
yōumíng this world and the netherworld.⁶
幽冥 yiü-mẽin
yōumíng dark, shadowy; <Budd.> Hades.¹¹
幽美 yiü-mî
yōuměi  quietly beautiful, serene.¹¹
幽雅 yiü-ngâ
yōuyǎ chaste and elegant.⁷
幽僻 yiü-pēik
yōupì secluded; quiet and remote.¹⁰
幽深 yiü-sïm
yōushēn deep and dark.⁷
幽会[幽會] yiü-vòi
yōuhuì a lovers' rendezvous.⁵⁶
幽邃 yiü-xuì
yōusuì profound; unfathomable.⁷
幽怨 yiü-yön
yōuyuàn hidden bitterness; secret grudge.¹⁰

yiu2 17078
61 13 𢝊
yiü yōu (=忧[憂] yiü yōu worry, be worried; sorrow, anxiety, concern, care.⁵).⁸ sorrowful.²⁴
(composition: ⿱頁心; U+2274A).
(See 憂 yiü).
yiu2 17079
61 15 yiü yōu worry, be worried; sorrow, anxiety, concern, care.⁵
(variant: 𢝊❄{⿱頁心} yiü yōu). (See 𢝊❄{⿱頁心} yiü).
or 耽忧[耽憂] äm-yiü dānyōu worry; be anxious/concerned about; concern.⁶
后顾之忧[後顧之憂] hèo-gü-jï-yiü
hòugùzhīyōu fear of disturbance in the rear; trouble back at home.⁵
无忧无虑[無憂無慮] mũ-yiü-mũ-luì
wúyōuwúlǜ carefree; free from all anxieties.⁵
忧虑[憂慮] yiü-luì
yōulǜ worried; anxious; concerned.⁵
忧伤[憂傷] yiü-sëng
yōushāng distressed; weighed down with sorrow; laden with grief.⁵
忧愁[憂愁] yiü-sẽo
yōuchóu sad, worried, depressed.⁵
忧患[憂患] yiü-vàn
yōuhuàn suffering, misery, hardship.⁵
忧郁[憂鬱] yiü-vūt
yōuyù melancholy; heavyhearted; dejected.⁵
忧心[憂心] yiü-xïm
yōuxīn <wr.> worry; anxiety.⁵
忧心忡忡[憂心忡忡] yiü-xïm-chüng-chüng 
yōuxīn chōngchōng heavyhearted; deeply worried.⁵
忧心惙惙[憂心惙惙] yiü-xïm-jōt-jōt
yōuxīnchuòchuò have a troubled heart; be heavy-hearted.⁶
忧思[憂思] yiü-xü
yōusī pensive.⁷
忧悒[憂悒] yiü-yīp
yōuyì load of care.⁸ anxious; distressed; burdened with care.¹⁰ sad, disappointed.¹¹
yiu2 17080
61 18 yiü yōu (composition: ⿰忄憂; U+61EE).
懮懮 yiü-yiü yōuyōu anxious and distressed look; a sad look.⁸
<又> yēl.
(See 懮 yēl).
yiu2 17081
74 6 yiü yǒu 有心 yiü-xïm yǒuxīn to have a mind to; to intend to; deliberately; considerate.³⁵
有心人 yiü-xïm-ngĩn yǒuxīnrén a person who sets his mind on doing something useful; a person with high aspirations and determination.⁵
<台> 有 yiü to have.
<台> 有料 yiü-lèl/ capable, competent.
<台> 有冇 yiü-mäo Do you have?
<台> 有纹有路[有纹有路] yiü-mũn-yiü-lù/ methodical, orderly.
<台> 有心水 yiü-xïm-suī considerate.
<台> 你有我有 nï-yiü-ngöi-yiü You and I both have it.
<又> yiû, yiù. (
See 有 yiû, yiù.)
yiu2 17082
76 19 yiü yōu asthmatic breathing; shortwindedness; hiccough; husky voice; (same as 嗄 hà shà) hoarse.⁸
(composition: ⿰憂欠; U+3C4A).
欭㱊 yïn-yiü
yīnyōu to moan; to cruciate.²⁴
(See 嗄 hà).
yiu2 17083
94 18 yiü yōu a kind of dog.⁸ a species of dog.²⁴
(composition: ⿰犭憂; U+7376).
<又> ngẽl; nào; nẽo. (See 獶 ngẽl; 獶 nào; 獶 nẽo).
yiu2 17084
127 21 yiü yōu to draw earth over newly sown grain, to cover the seed; a kind of hoe.⁷ to cover over the seed; an instrument for smoothing the clods of a field, after the seed is sown, in order to cover the seed.²⁵
熟耰 sùk-yiü shúyōu to cover the seed over carefully.²⁵
耡耰 chũ-yiü
or chõ-yiü chúyōu to hoe the ground in order to cover the seed.²⁵
yiu2 17085
142 11 yiü yòu larva of a tapeworm or cercaria of a schistosome.⁶
毛蚴 mão-yiü máoyòu miracidium.⁶
尾蚴 mī-yiü
wěiyòu <zoo.> cercaria.⁶
囊尾蚴 nõng-mī-yiü
nángwěiyòu cysticercus.¹⁹
囊蚴 nõng-yiü
nángyòu <bio.> bladder worm.³⁹
蚴疹 yiü-chīn
yòuzhěn kabure.¹⁰
yiu2 17086
182 14 yiü yǒu sound of the wind.⁸
(composition: ⿺風幼; U+4B00).
䬀𩖴❄{⿺風卯} yiü-liû yǒuliǔ late-season wind; lasting influence.²ʼ¹⁰¹ windy; the sound of the wind; a connected wind.²⁵
yiu2 17087
198 鹿 13 yiü yōu a female deer; a doe.⁷ (variant: 𪊛❄{⿸鹿幼} yiü yōu).
聚麀 duì-yiü
jùyōu commit incest.¹¹
麀鹿 yiü-lùk
yōulù a female deer; a doe.⁷
(See 𪊛❄{⿸鹿幼} yiü).
yiu2 17088
198 鹿 16 𪊛
yiü yōu (=麀 yiü yōu a female deer; a doe.⁷).²
(composition: ⿸鹿幼; U+2A29B).
(See 麀 yiü).
yiu2 17089
9 6 𠆸
yiũ yōu (=攸 yiũ yōu in the sense of 攸然 yiũ-ngẽin yōurán joyfully; leisurely.⁷ cheerfully.¹⁴).¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰亻攴; U+201B8).
<又> mû, gì.
(See 攸 yiũ; 𠆸❄{⿰亻攴} mû, 𠆸❄{⿰亻攴} gì).
yiu3 17090
14 4 yiũ yóu doubtful.⁸ʼ¹⁴ʼ²⁴ doubtful; not quite certain.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿸⿻冖丿乚; U+5198).
冘豫 yiũ-yì yóuyù, old form equivalent to 犹豫[猶豫] yiũ-yì yóuyù hesitate; be irresolute.⁸
冘豫不决[冘豫不決] yiũ-yì-būt-kūt
yóuyùbùjué this is not at all sure.¹⁰²
<又> yĩm.
(See 冘 yĩm).
yiu3 17091
31 20 yiũ yóu (=囮 ngõ é).⁶
(See 囮 ngõ, ngũ; 𡈙❄{⿴囗鳥} ngõ.)
yiu3 17092
43 3 yiũ yóu (=尤 yiũ yóu) especially, particularly.⁸ (=尢 vōng wāng); used as the National Phonetic final for "-ang".¹⁴
<又> vōng.
(See 尤 yiũ; 尢 vōng).
yiu3 17093
43 4 yiũ yóu outstanding; particularly, especially; a fault; to express discontentment against; You surname.¹⁰ (variant: 尢 yiũ yóu).
效尤 hào-yiũ
xiàoyóu to follow a bad example.¹⁰
无耻之尤[無恥之尤] mũ-chī-jï-yiũ
wúchǐzhīyóu most shameless of all.¹¹
言寡尤 ngũn-gā-yiũ
yánguǎyóu <wr.> few mistakes in speech.¹¹
尤佳 yiũ-gäi
yóujiā especially good.¹¹
尤其 yiũ-kĩ
yóuqí especially; particularly.⁵
尤物 yiũ-mùt
or yiũ-mòt yóuwù rare thing; bewitching female beauty.⁸
尤甚 yiũ-sìm
yóushèn especially bad.¹¹
尤为[尤為] yiũ-vĩ
yóuwéi especially.¹⁰
(See 尢 yiũ).
yiu3 17094
61 11 yiũ yōu far, long, vast, extensive; sad, pensive, meditative; gentle, slow, soft; to swing.⁷ long, far, remote, distant; liesurely.⁸
(composition: ⿱攸心; U+60A0).
驱马悠悠[驅馬悠悠] kuï-mâ-yiũ-yiũ qūmǎyōuyōu I would have urged them all the long way.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·鄘風·載馳·1》, translated by James Legge).
悠长[悠長] yiũ-chẽng
yōucháng long; long-drawn-out.⁵
悠哉悠哉 Yiũ-döi-yiũ-döi
Yōuzāiyōuzāi Long he thought; oh! long and anxiously.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·周南·關雎·2》, translated by James Legge).
悠忽 yiũ-fūt
yōuhū <wr.> lazy and idle.⁵
悠久 yiũ-giū
yōujiǔ long; long-standing; age-old.⁵
悠闲[悠閑] yiũ-hãn
yōuxián leisurely and carefree.⁵
悠然自得 yiũ-ngẽin-dù-āk
yōuránzìdé be carefree and content.⁵
悠荡[悠蕩] yiũ-òng
yōudàng swing (to and fro); sway (back and forth).⁵
or 悠飏[悠颺] yiũ-yẽng yōuyáng (of music) rising and falling; melodious.⁵
悠悠 yiũ-yiũ
yōuyōu long; long-drawn-out; remote.⁵
悠远[悠遠] yiũ-yōn
yōuyuǎn a long time ago, long ago, distant; far off, far away, remote.⁵
yiu3 17095
64 12 yiũ yóu to scoop out — grain from a mortar.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰扌俞; U+63C4).
或舂或揄 vàk-jüng-vàk-yiũ huò chōng huò yú some pound the rice in mortar and some winnow it.¹¹
Vàk-jüng-vàk-yiũ, vàk-bö-vàk-niū.
Huò chōng huò yú, huò bǒ huò róu.
Some hull [the grain]; some take it from the mortar;
Some sift it; some tread it.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·生民之什·生民·7》, translated by James Legge).
<又> yĩ.
(See 揄 yĩ).
yiu3 17096
66 7 yiũ yōu far, distant; fast, fleeting; same as 所 sō suǒ – the place where; to concern; You surname.⁷
责有攸归[責有攸歸] jāk-yiû-yiũ-gï zéyǒuyōuguī responsibility rests where it belongs.⁵
郁攸[鬱攸] vūt-yiũ
yùyōu the violence of fire.²⁴
性命攸关[性命攸關] xëin-mèin-yiũ-gän
xìngmìngyōuguān of vital/critical importance; concerning life and death.⁶
相攸 xëng-yiũ
xiàngyōu select a home for.¹⁴ to choose a good match for one's daughter.⁵⁴
攸关[攸關] yiũ-gän
yōuguān to concern (reputation, life); a matter of (reputation, life and death).⁷
攸归[攸歸] yiũ-gï
yōuguī a place in which they feel at home.¹⁴
攸久 yiũ-giū
yōujiǔ a long time.²⁴
攸然 yiũ-ngẽin
yōurán joyfully; leisurely.⁷ cheerfully.¹⁴
攸然而逝 yiũ-ngẽin-ngĩ-sài
yōuránérshì (of a fish) it swam away joyfully.¹⁴ darting through the water, it disappeared.²⁴
攸攸 yiũ-yiũ
yōuyōu far, distant; deep.⁷
yiu3 17097
70 9 yiũ yóu (<old>=游 yiũ yóu⁸ to swim, to float, to waft, to drift; to wander about.⁷) to swim; to move or rove freely.⁸
(composition: ⿰方⿱𠂉子; U+65BF).
or 飚斿[飈斿] bël-yiũ biāoyóu or 飘游[飄游] pël-yiũ piāoyóu to wander aimlessly.¹⁹
or 浮游 fẽo-yiũ fúyóu float, swim; <lit.> go on a pleasure trip; travel about for pleasure; wander around.⁶
<又> liũ.
(See 斿 liũ).
yiu3 17098
75 9 yiũ yóu a teak; a teak tree.⁷
柚木 yiũ-mûk yóumù teak; teakwood.⁶
柚木木材 yiũ-mûk-mûk-tõi
yóumùmùcái teak; teakwood.⁶
<又> yiû, dùk.
(See 柚 yiû, dùk.)
yiu3 17099
75 13 yiũ yóu a tree mentioned in ancient books.; the wood is tough and can be used as wheels and for making a fire.⁸ a soft wood.⁹ soft pliable wood; some say, a hard wood; to collect.²⁴ Quercus serrata, a species of oak; tinder.³⁶
(composition: ⿰木酋; U+6962).
楢溪 yiũ-käi
yóuxī name of a mountain/hill located to the east of 天台县[天台縣] hëin-hõi-yòn tiāntáixiàn Tiantai County in 浙江省 jēt-göng-sāng zhèjiāng shěng Zhejiang Province; aka 欢溪[歡溪] fön-käi huānxī.¹⁹ Compare Kangxi definition of 楢溪 yiû-käi.
<又> yiû; tiü; chël.
(See 楢 yiû; 楢 tiü; 楢 chël).
yiu3 17100
85 8 yiũ yóu oil, grease; apply paint; be stained with grease; oily; glib.⁵
油灯[油燈] yiũ-äng yóudēng oil lamp.⁵
油布 yiũ-bü
yóubù oilcloth; oilskin; tarpaulin.⁵
油渍[油漬] yiũ-dēik
yóuzì oil/grease stain.⁶
油煎火燎 yiũ-dëin-fō-lẽl
yóujiānhuǒliǎo rather anxious.⁸
油嘴滑舌 yiũ-duī-vàt-sêt
yóuzuǐhuáshé glib-tongued.⁵
油膏 yiũ-gäo
yóugāo ointment.⁵
油桃 yiũ-hão
or yiũ-hô yóutáo nectarine.¹⁹
油田 yiũ-hẽin
yóutián oil field.¹⁰
油条[油條] yiũ-hẽl/
yóutiáo deep-fried twisted dough sticks; sly person, foxy person.⁶
油炸 yiũ-jä
yóuzhá deep-fried; fry in deep oil.⁶
油炸鬼 yiũ-jä-gī
yóuzháguǐ deep-fried dough fritters.⁶
油然 yiũ-ngẽin
yóurán spontaneously; involuntarily.⁵
油漆 yiũ-tīt
yóuqī paint; cover with paint.⁵
油松 yiũ-tũng
yóusōng Chinese red pine.¹⁰
油画[油畫] yiũ-và
yóuhuà oil painting.¹¹
油滑 yiũ-vàt
yóuhuá slippery; foxy.⁵
<台> 油纸[油紙] yiũ-jī umbrella (made with bamboo slats and paper coated with tung oil to made it waterproof).
<台> 油耳 yiũ-ngī ears of the oily type.
(See 油 [yiũ, yōu].)
yiu3 17101
85 8 yiũ yōu 绿油油[綠油油] lùk-yiũ-yiũ lǜyōuyōu bright green.⁷
碧油油 bēik-yiũ-yiũ
bìyōuyōu green; bluish green.⁵⁴
黑油油 hāk-yiũ-yiũ
hēiyōuyōu jet-black; shiny black.⁶
乌油油[烏油油] vü-yiũ-yiũ
wūyōuyōu jet-black.⁵⁴
(See 油 [yiũ, yóu].)
yiu3 17102
85 10 yiũ yóu water flowing along.²⁴ (old variant: 滺 yiũ yóu).
(composition: ⿰氵攸; U+6D5F).
浟浟 yiũ-yiũ
yóuyóu water flowing slowly.³⁶
<又> èik.
(See 浟 èik; 滺 yiũ).
yiu3 17103
85 11 yiũ yóu (non-classical or demotic form of 游 yiũ yóu) to swim, to float; to roam, to travel.⁸ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿲氵扌⿱𠂉子; U+3CFA).
(See 游 yiũ).
yiu3 17104
85 12 yiũ yóu to swim, to float, to waft, to drift; (=遊 yiũ yóu) to wander about; part of a river; You surname.⁷ (variant: 㳺 yiũ yóu).
游尘[游塵] yiũ-chĩn
yóuchén floating particles of dust; trivial things.⁷ (See 游尘[遊塵] yiũ-chĩn yóuchén.)
游舫 yiũ-fōng
yóufǎng pleasure boat.⁶
游击队 yiũ-gēik-juì
yóujīduì a guerrilla band; guerrillas.⁷
游览[遊覽] yiũ-lâm
yóulǎn go sightseeing; tour.⁵
游离[游離] yiũ-lĩ
yóulí (of a radical, valence, nucleus in chemistry) free; ionization, liberation.⁷
游龙[游龍] yiũ-lũng
yóulóng a playing, dancing dragon.⁷
游民 yiũ-mĩn
yóumín idle people; idlers.⁷
游目骋怀[游目騁懷] yiũ-mùk-chēin-vãi
yóumùchěnghuái to feel spiritual uplift before a thrilling view of nature.⁷
游手好闲[游手好閑] yiũ-siū-hāo-hãn
yóushǒuhàoxián loitering about and doing nothing; loafing.⁷
游水 yiũ-suī
yóushuǐ to swim.⁷
游宦 yiũ-vàn
yóuhuàn to serve as an official away from home.⁷
游泳 yiũ-vèin
yóuyǒng swimming.⁷
游泳池 yiũ-vèin-chĩ
yóuyǒngchí a swimming pool.⁷
游辞[游辭] yiũ-xũ
yóucí unfounded remarks; a groundless statement.⁷
(See 遊 yiũ; 㳺 yiũ).
yiu3 17105
85 14 yiũ yóu <old>=浟 yiũ yóu water flowing along.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵悠; U+6EFA).
Kĩ-suī-yiũ-yiũ. Qí shuǐ yóu yóu.
The waters of the Qi flow smoothly.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·衛風·竹竿》, translated by James Legge).
滺滺 yiũ-yiũ
yóuyóu water flowing along.⁰
<又> èik.
(See 滺 èik; 浟 yiũ).
yiu3 17106
94 5 yiũ qiú armadillo.⁹
九带犰狳[九帶犰狳] giū-äi-yiũ-yĩ jiǔdàiqiúyú nine-banded armadillo or nine-banded, long-nosed armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
拉河三带犰狳[拉河三帶犰狳] lā-hõ-xäm-äi-yiũ-yĩ
lāhé sāndài qiúyú southern three-banded armadillo (Tolypeutes matacus), also called the La Plata three-banded armadillo.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
披毛犰狳 pï-mão-yiũ-yĩ
pīmáoqiúyú big hairy armadillo or large hairy armadillo (Chaetophractus villosus).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
犰狳 yiũ-yĩ
qiúyú armadillo.⁶
犰狳属[犰狳屬] yiũ-yĩ-sùk
qiúyúshǔ the only extant genus Dasypus in the family Dasypodidae.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
yiu3 17107
94 8 yiũ yòu a gibbon with a long tail and prominent nose.⁸ a kind of monkey described in ancient books.⁹ a black monkey.²⁴
yiu3 17108
94 12 yiũ yóu <wr.> just as, like; still.⁵ <old> a type of monkey; son of dog.⁸
过犹不及[過猶不及] gö-yiũ-būt-gèp guòyóubùjí Going too far is as bad as not going far enough.⁵
虽死犹生[雖死猶生] xuï-xī-yiũ-säng
suīsǐyóushēng live on in spirit.⁵
犹大[猶大] Yiũ-ài
Yóudà Judas.⁵
犹太[猶太] Yiũ-häi
Yóutài Jew; Jewish; Judea (in Biblical Palestine).¹⁰
犹太复国主义[猶太復國主義] Yiũ-häi-fùk-gōk-jī-ngì
Yóutài Fùguózhǔyì Zionism.⁵
犹太教[猶太教] Yiũ-häi-gäo
Yóutàijiào Judaism.⁵
犹太人[猶太人] Yiũ-häi-ngĩn
Yóutàirén Jew; Jewess.⁵
犹疑[猶疑] yiũ-ngĩ
yóuyi hesitate.⁵
犹如[猶如] yiũ-nguĩ
yóurú just as; like; as if.⁵
犹豫[猶豫] yiũ-yì
yóuyù hesitate; be irresolute.⁵
yiu3 17109
94 13 yiũ yóu <wr.> scheme; plan.⁶
嘉猷 gä-yiũ jiāyóu a good plan.¹¹
鸿猷[鴻猷] hũng-yiũ
hóngyóu great plan.⁶
壮猷[壯猷] jöng-yiũ
zhuàngyóu (=壮图[壯圖] jöng-hũ zhuàngtú) a great plan or undertaking.¹¹
or 谋犹[謀猶] mẽo-yiũ móuyóu strategy; scheme; plot.⁵⁴
宣猷 xün-yiũ
xuānyóu <wr.> show distinguished services.¹¹
猷道 yiũ-ào
yóudào according to the right way.²⁴
猷训[猷訓] yiũ-fün
yóuxùn wise counsels.¹⁴
猷来无止[猷來無止] yiũ-lõi-mũ-
yóuláiwúzhǐ still coming without cessation.²⁴
猷若 yiũ-ngèk
yóuruò as if.²⁴
猷言 yiũ-ngũn
yóuyán words.²⁴
yiu3 17110
96 10 yiũ yáo <台> 江珧柱 göng-yiũ-chuî/ dried scallop.
<又> yẽl. (See 珧 yẽl.)
yiu3 17111
102 5 yiũ yóu from; to follow. (old variant: 甴 yiũ yóu).
不由 būt-yiũ
bùyóu can't help; cannot but.
自由 dù-yiũ
zìyóu freedom, liberty; free; unrestrained.⁵
理由 lî-yiũ
lǐyóu reason; ground; argument.⁵
事由 xù-yiũ
shìyóu origin of a matter; subject (of a business letter); job, work.
由来[由來] yiũ-lõi
yóulái origin; cause; for a long time; up to now; so far.
由浅入深[由淺入深] yiũ-tēin-yìp-sïm
yóuqiǎnrùshēn from the easy to the difficult.
由小到大 yiũ-xēl-äo-ài
yóuxiǎodàodà to grow from small to big.
由于[由於] yiũ-yï
yóuyú due to; as a result of; thanks to; owing to; since; because.¹⁰
<台> 自由自由
or 自繇自繇 dū-yiũ-dū-yiũ/ leisurely, carefree, composedly.
(See 甴 yiũ).
yiu3 17112
102 5 yiũ yóu (<old>=由 yiũ yóu from; to follow.).⁸
(composition: ⿻囗丄 or ⿻日丨; U+7534).
<又> tât.
(See 由 yiũ; 甴 tât).
yiu3 17113
104 9 yiũ yóu wart; verruca.⁶ (variant: 肬 yiũ yóu).
臀疣 hũn-yiũ
túnyóu monkey's ischial callosities.⁸
赘疣[贅疣] juì-yiũ
zhuìyóu or 赘瘤[贅瘤] juì-liũ zhuìliú wart; anything superfluous or useless.⁶
疣病 yiũ-bèng
yóubìng verrucosis.⁶
疣猴 yiũ-hẽo
yóuhóu guereza.¹⁰
疣猪[疣豬] yiũ-jï
yóuzhū warthog.⁶
疣状[疣狀] yiũ-jòng
yóuzhuàng <med.> verruvous; warty; verruciform.⁶
疣赘[疣贅] yiũ-juì
yóuzhuì wart; anything superfluous or useless.⁶
疣肿[疣腫] yiũ-jūng
yóuzhǒng verruca.¹⁰
(See 肬 yiũ).
yiu3 17114
104 14 𤸈
yiũ yóu to eat away proud flesh.²⁴ malignant polyp.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿸疒酋; U+24E08).
=瘜肉 xēik-ngùk xíròu polyp.¹⁰¹
yiu3 17115
120 17 yiũ yóu (<old>⁸=由 yiũ yóu) through, via, by way of.⁷ (=悠 yiũ yóu) to be in a leisurely manner and satisfied with oneself.⁷
繇子 yiũ-dū
yóuzi a bird used to lure other birds into a trap.⁵⁰
or 由由 yiũ-yiũ yóuyóu to be in a leisurely manner and satisfied with oneself.⁷
<台> 自由自由
or 自繇自繇 dū-yiũ-dū-yiũ/ leisurely, carefree, composedly.
<又> jào, yẽl.
(See 繇 jào; 繇 yẽl; 由 yiũ; 悠 yiũ).
yiu3 17116
121 10 yiũ yóu (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation for 䍃 yẽl yáo with the same meaning: a vase, a pitcher, earthenware.⁸ <old> vase; pitcher.¹⁰ an earthenware vessel; a jar.²⁵ <old> earthenware jar; pitcher.³⁶ a jar or vase; a crockery or earthenware vessel or pitcher.¹⁰²).
(composition: ⿱爫缶(G) or ⿱⿴𠂊冫缶(T) or ⿱⿴𠂊⺀缶(J); U+4343).
(See 䍃 yẽl).
yiu3 17117
123 9 yiũ yǒu to guide to goodness.⁷ to lead; (used for 诱[誘] yiù yòu to induce; to entice; to mislead; to lead on).¹⁴
羑里 Yiũ-lî
Yǒulǐ Youli was a prison (located in present-day 汤阴县[湯陰縣] Höng-yïm-yòn Tāngyīnxiàn Tangyin county in Henan) where King Zhou of Shang (商纣王 [商紂王] Sëng-Jào-Võng Shāngzhòuwáng) imprisoned King Wen of Zhou (周文王 Jiü-mũn-võng Zhōu Wén Wáng).¹⁵
yiu3 17118
128 15 yiũ qiú buzzing in the ears; tinnitus aurium.⁸ a ring in the ears.²⁵
(composition: ⿰耳秋; U+).
<又> tiü. (See 䎿 tiü).
yiu3 17119
130 8 yiũ yóu (=疣 yiũ yóu wart; verruca.⁶); wart; tumor; goiter; papule.⁸ a swelling; a tumor.¹⁴ a useless appendage, as a protuberance or swelling;  a wart.²⁵
(composition: ⿰⺼尤; U+80AC).
or 龁疣[齕疣] hāt-yiũ or ngàt-yiũ héyóu or 齿肬[齒肬] chī-yiũ chǐyóu another name for mantis (螳螂 hõng-lõng tángláng).⁸
赘肬[贅肬] juì-yiũ
zhuìyóu a fault.²⁵
or 疣子 yiũ-dū yóuzǐ a tumor.¹⁴
肬赘[肬贅] yiũ-juì
yóuzhuì a wen, a tumor.²⁵
(See 疣 yiũ).
yiu3 17120
140 10 yiũ yóu 莜麦[莜麥] yiũ-màk yóumài naked oat (Avena nuda).¹⁰
(composition: ⿱艹攸; U+839C).
yiu3 17121
140 15 yiũ yóu Caryopteris divaricata.⁸ an ancient literary term for a type of odorous herb. Often used as a metaphor to refer to an evil person; a deciduous shrub that has a quadrate stem, egg-shaped or needle-shaped leaves, light purple flowers and haired fruits. Its stems and leaves can be used as medicine.⁹  <wr.> a stinking grass; fig. stinking personality.¹¹  one flowered bluebeard herb.¹⁹
薰莸[薰蕕] fün-yiũ
xūnyóu the good and the bad.¹¹
兰莸[蘭蕕] lãn-yiũ
lányóu orchids and Caryopteris divaricata, a foul-smelling water plant; (fig.) a man of noble versus one of ignoble character.¹¹
yiu3 17122
140 16 𦽈
yiũ yóu (=莸[蕕] yiũ yóu <wr.> a stinking grass; fig. stinking personality.¹¹… (See 蕕 yiũ).
(composition: ⿱艹猷; U+26F48).
yiu3 17123
140 20 yiũ yóu (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 蘨 yẽl yáo with the same meaning: luxuriant vegetation; <old> =繇 songs; labor service).²
(composition: ⿱艹繇; U+8628).
<又> yẽl.
(See 蘨 yẽl).
yiu3 17124
142 11 yiũ yóu 蜒蚰 yẽn-yiũ yányóu <topo.> slug.⁶
蚰蜒 yiũ-yẽn
yóuyán common house centipede.⁶
蚰蜒草 yiũ-yẽn-tāo
yóuyáncǎo <bot.> alpine yarrow.⁶
yiu3 17125
142 14 𧌕
yiũ yóu (demotic character for 蝣 yiũ yóu ephemera.¹⁴).⁸
(composition: ⿲虫扌⿱𠂉子; U+27315).
(See 蝣 yiũ).
yiu3 17126
142 15 yiũ qiú 蝤蛴[蝤蠐] yiũ-tãi qiúqí longicorn's larva 天牛的幼虫 [天牛的幼蟲]; used to describe skin of women's neck appears bright and white.⁹ (天牛 hëin-ngẽo tiānniú longicorn beetles, family Cerambycidae; also known as long-horned beetle).⁸¹
(See 蝤 [yiũ, yóu].)
yiu3 17127
142 15 yiũ yóu ephemera.¹⁴ (variant: 𧌕❄{⿲虫扌⿱𠂉子} yiũ yóu).
蜉蝣 fẽo-yiũ
fúyóu mayfly.⁶
蜉蝣撼树[蜉蝣撼樹] fẽo-yiũ-hàm-sì
fúyóuhànshù a very rash, ridiculous attempt.⁵⁴
(See 𧌕❄{⿲虫扌⿱𠂉子} yiũ).
yiu3 17128
142 15 yiũ yóu 蝤蛑 yiũ-mẽo yóumóu swimming crab.⁶
蝤蛑科 yiũ-mẽo-fö
yóumóukē or 梭子蟹科 sö-dū-hāi-fö suōzixièkē Portunidae, a family of crabs which contains the swimming crabs.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
嘉蝤 gä-yiũ
jiāyóu <trad.> wise scheme⁵⁴
(See 蝤 [yiũ, qiú].)
yiu3 17129
145 15 yiũ yòu ➀ (of dress and apparel) magnificent, resplendent ➁  (of seedlings) growing  ➂ outstanding.⁸ (variant: 褏 yiũ yòu)
(composition: ⿳亠⿰⿷⿱丿丄一禾𧘇; U+890E).
Shí zhǒng shí yòu.
Then he used it as seed, and it sprang up.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·生民之什·生民》, translated by James Legge).
Sūk-hãi-bâk-hãi, yiũ-nguĩ-chüng-ngī.
Shū xī bó xī, yòu rú chōng ěr.
O ye uncles,
Notwithstanding your full robes, your ears are stopped.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·邶風·旄丘》, translated by James Legge).
褎然 yiũ-ngẽin
yòurán one by one the branches and leaves are growing; gradually growing.⁸
褎褎 yiũ-yiũ
yòuyòu the dress is beautiful.⁸
<又> diù.
(See 褎 diù; 褏 yiũ).
yiu3 17130
145 15 yiũ yòu (=褎 yiũ yòu ➀ (of dress and apparel) magnificent, resplendent ➁  (of seedlings) growing  ➂ outstanding.⁸).² well-dressed.²⁵
(composition: ⿳亠⿰⿷⿱丿丄一由𧘇; U+890F).
褏褏 yiũ-yiũ
yòuyòu full/abundant/grand/magnificent appearance.²ʼ²⁵ʼ⁰
<又> diù.
(See 褎 yiũ; 褏 diù).
yiu3 17131
147 14 yiũ yóu (=𧡹❄{⿰⿺𠃊𠧪見} yiũ yóu to look down into a deep place.²⁵).¹⁰¹ to realize fully, to make a thorough examination.⁸
(composition: ⿰卣見; U+4683).
(See 𧡹❄{⿰⿺𠃊𠧪見} yiũ).
yiu3 17132
147 17 𧡹
yiũ yóu to look down into a deep place.²⁵
(variant: 䚃 yiũ yóu).
(composition: ⿰⿺𠃊𠧪見; U+27879).
(See 䚃 yiũ).
yiu3 17133
149 11 yiũ yóu (<old>=尤 yiũ yóu outstanding; particularly, especially; a fault; to express discontentment against.¹⁰); complain,  blame; negligence, fault.⁸ fault; mistake.¹⁰ a crime, a fault; an error, a transgression; a man's name.²⁵ fault.³⁶
(composition: ⿰言尤; U+8A27).
or 寡尤 gā-yiũ guǎyóu =怨天尤人[怨天訧人] yön-hëin-yiũ-ngĩn yuàntiānyóurén blame everyone but oneself; blaming other.¹³ʼ⁰
口訧 hēo-yiũ
kǒuyóu guilt (evil) from the tongue.⁵⁴
Ngô-xü-gū-ngĩn, bī-mũ-yiũ-hãi.
Wǒ sī gǔrén, bǐ wú yóu xī.
[But] I think of the ancients,
That I may be kept from doing wrong.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·邶風·綠衣》, translated by James Legge).
or 庶尤 sï-yiũ shùyóu everyone's resentment. grudge, hatred.¹⁹
Ü-mũn-kūt-ngĩ, sìn-ngũn-kĩ-yĩ, dāk-gā-yiũ.
Duōwén quē yí, shèn yán qíyú, zé guǎ yóu.
Hear much and put aside the points of which you stand in doubt, while you speak cautiously at the same time of the others - then you will afford few occasions for blame. ⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《論語·為政》, translated by James Legge).
yiu3 17134
149 11 yiũ yóu from, by, whence, through.² to follow.²⁵ (=由 yiũ yóu from; to follow).³⁶
(composition: ⿱⿴𠂊冫言; U+46BB).
<又> yẽl.
(See 䚻 yẽl; 由 yiũ).
yiu3 17135
159 16 𬨎
yiũ yóu light; a light carriage.⁷ a light carriage; light, trifling.¹⁴  
t: ⿰車酋; U+8F36). (comp. s: ⿰车酋; U+2CA0E).
❄{⿰车酋}如毛[德輶如毛] āk-yiũ-nguĩ-mão déyóurúmáo virtue as light as a feather.²⁵
❄{⿰车酋}车[輶車] yiũ-chëh yóuchē a light carriage.⁷
❄{⿰车酋}轩[輶軒] yiũ-hëin yóuxuān a light carriage for an imperial emissary.⁷
❄{⿰车酋}仪[輶儀] yiũ-ngĩ yóuyí a trifling present.¹⁴
yiu3 17136
162 11 yiũ yóu (<old>=游[遊] yiũ yóu to travel; to roam; to befriend; freely wield a sword.⁷); wander, roam, travel.⁸
(composition: ⿺辶⿰扌⿱𠂉子; U+9030).
(See 遊 yiũ).
yiu3 17137
162 12 yiũ qiú <wr.> strong; powerful; forceful; vigorous.⁶
笔法浑遒[筆法渾遒] bīt-fāt-vùn-yiũ bǐfǎhúnqiú The strokes are bold and fluid.⁵⁴
笔力遒劲 bīt-lèik-yiũ-gèin
bǐlìqiújìn vigorous strokes in calligraphy.⁵
Jiü-güng-üng-jëin, xï-gōk-sì-yiũ.
Zhōugōng dōngzhēng, sì guó shì qiú.
But the object of the duke of Zhou, in marching to the east,
Was to save the alliance of the four States.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·豳風·破斧·3》, translated by James Legge).
Môi-xuï-màng-chün, yiũ-ngĩn-yî-mûk-dòk-xün-yï-lù...
Měi suì mèngchūn, qiú rén yǐ mùduó xùn yú lù...
Every year, in the first month of spring, the herald, with his wooden-tongued bell, goes along the roads...⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《尚書·夏書·胤征·1》, translated by James Legge).
遒健 yiũ-gèin
qiújiàn <wr.> powerful; vigorous.⁶
遒劲[遒勁] yiũ-gèin
qiújìng <wr.> powerful; vigorous.⁵
遒紧[遒緊] yiũ-gīn
qiújǐn (literary or artistic composition) tightly composed, compact.¹¹
遒媚 yiũ-mì
qiúmèi <lit.> forceful and graceful (of calligraphy).⁵⁴
遒美 yiũ-mî
qiúměi (of calligraphy) forceful and graceful.⁷
遒逸 yiũ-yìt
qiúyì (calligraphy) forceful and free in movement.¹¹
yiu3 17138
162 12 yiũ yóu to travel; to roam; to befriend; freely wield a sword.⁷
(old variant: 逰 yiũ yóu). (See 逰 yiũ; 游 yiũ).
游兵[遊兵] yiũ-bëin
yóubīng militiamen; soldiers who are not listed as regulars.⁷
游伴[遊伴] yiũ-bòn
yóubàn a traveling companion.⁷
游尘[遊塵] yiũ-chĩn
yóuchén fine dust floating in the air.⁷
游春[遊春] yiũ-chün
yóuchūn  a spring outing; to roam about and enjoy the sights of spring.⁷
游观[遊觀] yiũ-gön
yóuguān to travel and see the sights.⁷
游客[遊客] yiũ-hāk
yóukè a traveler; a tourist.⁷
游行[遊行] yiũ-hãng
yóuxíng to parade; a parade; to demonstrate (in protest); demonstration.⁷
游眺[遊眺] yiũ-hël
yóutiào to givea glance around.¹⁴
游戏[遊戲] yiũ-hï
yóuxì to play; play.⁷
游览[遊覽] yiũ-lâm
yóulǎn go sightseeing; tour.⁵
游牧[遊牧] yiũ-mùk
yóumù to move about to search for pasture; to rove about as a nomad.⁷
游人[遊人] yiũ-ngĩn
yóurén a sightseer; a tourist; a visitor.⁷
游荡[遊蕩] yiũ-òng
yóudàng to fool around; to act like a bum or vagrant.⁷
游船[遊船] yiũ-sõn
yóuchuán a pleasure boat; a yacht.⁷
游动[遊動] yiũ-ùng
yóudòng to go from place to place; to move about.⁷
yiu3 17139
163 10 yiũ yóu to post; to mail.
集邮[集郵] dàp-yiũ jíyóu to collect stamps; philately.
电子邮件[電子郵件] èin-dū-yiũ-gèin
diànzǐ yóujiàn email; e-mail.
邮差[郵差] yiũ-chäi
yóuchāi <trad.> postman.⁵
邮件[郵件] yiũ-gèin
yóujiàn mail.
邮局[郵局] yiũ-gùk
yóujú post office.¹⁰
邮筒[郵筒] yiũ-hûng/
yóutǒng mailbox.¹¹
邮票[郵票] yiũ-pêl/
yóupiào postage stamp.⁸
邮箱[郵箱] yiũ-xêng
yóuxiāng mailbox; postbox.
<台> 邮差佬[郵差佬] yiũ-chäi-lāo postman.
yiu3 17140
164 9 yiũ qiú chief of a tribe; chieftan.⁵
(composition: ⿱丷酉; U+914B).
阿拉伯联合酋长国[阿拉伯聯合酋長國] Ä-lā-bâk Lũn-hàp Yiũ-jēng-gōk Ālābó Liánhé Qiúzhǎngguó United Arab Emirates.⁶
Ài-yiũ-gäm-jï, mũ-yiû-chä-häi.
Dà qiú jiān zhī, wú yǒu chādài.
and the Grand superintendent has the inspection of them, to secure that there be no error or mistake.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《禮記·月令·99》, translated by James Legge).
敌酋[敵酋] èik-yiũ
díqiú enemy chieftain.⁵
匪酋 fī-yiũ
fěiqiú bandit chief.⁵
酋长[酋長] yiũ-jēng
qiúzhǎng chief of a tribe; sheik(h), emir.⁵
酋长国[酋長國] yiũ-jēng-gōk
qiúzhǎngguó sheikhdom; emirate.⁵
酋茅 yiũ-mão
qiúmáo a kind of long spear.⁷
yiu3 17141
165 12 yiũ yòu (alternate Hoisanva vernacular pronunciation for 釉 yiù yòu with same meaning.)
<又> yiù.
(See 釉 yiù.)
yiu3 17142
167 13 yiũ yóu uranium (U).⁶
铀反应堆[鈾反應堆] yiũ-fān-yëin-uï yóufǎnyìngduī uranium reactor.⁶
铀弹[鈾彈] yiũ-àn
yóudàn uranium bomb; U-bomb.⁶
铀铜矾[鈾銅礬] yiũ-hũng-fãn
yóutóngfán johannite.⁶
铀矿[鈾礦] yiũ-köng
yóukuàng uranium ore.⁶
铀钙石[鈾鈣石] yiũ-köi-sêk
yóugàishí liebigite.⁶
yiu3 17143
195 15 鱿 yiũ yóu a cuttlefish.⁷
炒鱿鱼[炒魷魚] chāo-yiũ-nguĩ/ chǎoyóuyú stir-fried squid; fire someone from one's job.¹⁰
鱿鱼[魷魚] yiũ-nguĩ/
yóuyú squid.⁶
yiu3 17144
9 7 yiù yòu to help; to protect; to aid; to bless.
保佑 or 保祐 bāo-yiù bǎoyòu to bless and protect; blessing.¹⁰
or 庇佑 bï-yiù bìyòu to bless; to protect; protection (esp. divine).¹⁰
神明保佑 sĩn-mẽin-bāo-yiù
shénmíngbǎoyòu have divine help.¹¹
苍天保佑[蒼天保佑] töng-hëin-bāo-yiù
cāngtiānbǎoyòu May heaven preserve us!
or 祐助 yiù-jò yòuzhù (said of a deity) to help (a mortal).⁷
佑护[佑護] yiù-vù
yòuhù to protect; to bless.
yiu4 17145
9 8 yiù yòu <wr.> press somebody to eat or drink; urge.⁶
侑酒 yiù-diū yòujiǔ press somebody to drink.⁶
侑食 yiù-sèik
yòushí press somebody to eat.⁶
侑觞[侑觴] yiù-sëng
yòushāng <wr.> to urge/press a guest to drink.⁶
yiu4 17146
29 2 yiù yòu Kangxi radical 29; and, also, again, in addition.⁸  (once) again; also; both... and...; and yet; (used for emphasis) anyway.¹⁰
重又 chũng-yiù chóngyòu again.
复又[復又] fùk-yiù
fùyòu again; repeatedly.
却又[卻又] kēk-yiù
quèyòu (but) again (emphatic); then later.
又快又好 yiù-fäi-yiù-hāo
yòukuàiyòuhǎo very fast with excellent results; efficient.
又惊又喜[又驚又喜] yiù-gëin-yiù-hī
yòujīngyòuxǐ be pleasantly surprised.¹¹
又及 yiù-gèp
yòují postscript; P.S.
又喜又惧[又喜又懼] yiù-hī-yiù-guì
yòuxǐyòujù feel both joy and fear; feel pleased yet fearful.³⁹
又懒又馋[又懶又饞] yiù-län-yiù-tãm
yòulǎnyòuchán be both lazy and greedy.³⁹
又聋又哑[又聾又啞] yiù-lũng-yiù-ā
yòulóngyòuyǎ deaf-and-dumb; deaf-mute.
又名 yiù-mẽin
yòumíng also be called; to be known also as.
yiu4 17147
30 5 yiù yòu right; the right hand side; the Right; politically on the right; conservative; <wr.> to honor; to esteem; to favor.
左右 dū-yiù zuǒyòu left and right; approximately; attendant; to control; to influence.
无出其右[無出其右] mũ-chūt-kĩ-yiù
wúchūqíyòu peerless; second to none; matchless; without equal.
右边[右邊] yiù-bêin
yòubian right side; right, to the right.¹⁰
右方 yiù-föng
yòufāng the right (hand/side).
右倾[右傾] yiù-kēin
yòuqīng right-leaning; conservative.
右肋 yiù-làk
yòulèi right costa; right side of the chest.⁶
右文 yiù-mũn
yòuwén <wr.> to esteem polite learning; the phonetic in a character.
右岸 yiù-ngòn
yòu'àn right bank.⁶
右派 yiù-päi
or yiù-pāi yòupài the Right; right wing; Rightist.⁶
右手 yiù-siū
yòushǒu right hand; right-hand side.
右舷 yiù-yẽn
yòuxián starboard.⁶
yiu4 17148
31 9 yiù yòu <wr.> animal farm, enclosure, park; to be limited, to be hampered, to be fenced in, to be hedged in.⁶
拘囿 guï-yiù or kuï-yiù jūyòu <wr.> to rigidly adhere to; to be confined to.⁶
囿于[囿於] yiù-yï
yòuyú to be constrained/limited by.⁶
囿于习俗[囿於習俗] yiù-yï-dìp-dùk
yòuyúxísú to be constrained by custom.⁶
囿于成见[囿於成見] yiù-yï-sẽin-gëin
yòuyúchéngjiàn to be blinded by prejudice.⁶
园囿[園囿] yõn-yiù
yuányòu <wr.> public garden/zoo; zoological garden; gardens and parks.⁶
yiu4 17149
40 9 yiù yòu <wr.> excuse; forgive.⁵
宽宥[寬宥] fön-yiù kuānyòu <wr.> excuse; forgive; pardon.⁶
原宥 ngũn-yiù
yuányòu pardon; forgive.⁵
尚希见宥[尚希見宥] sèng-hï-gëin-yiù
shàngxījiànyòu Please accept my apologies.⁵
宥弼 yiù-bìt
yòubì <wr.> to assist (ruler).¹¹
宥罪 yiù-duì
yòuzuì to forgive an offense; to pardon a crime.⁷
宥减[宥減] yiù-gām
yòujiǎn <law> mitigate a punishment.⁵⁴
宥过[宥過] yiù-gö
yòuguò to excuse a mistake.⁷
宥贷[宥貸] yiù-häi
yòudài to pardon a crime or offense.¹¹
宥谅[宥諒] yiù-lèng
yòuliàng please understand and forgive.¹¹
宥免 yiù-mêin
yòumiǎn to remit an offense.⁷
宥密 yiù-mìt yòumì <wr.> profound.¹¹
宥恕 yiù-sï
yòushù to forgive; to pardon; to excuse.⁷
yiu4 17150
74 6 yiù yòu <wr.> (=又 yiù yòu) and.
三十有八年 xäm-sìp-yiù-bät-nẽin 
sānshí yòu bā nián thirty and eight years.
<又> yiû, yiü.
(See 有 yiû, yiü.)
yiu4 17151
91 15 yiù yǒu a window; to guide, to educate, to enlighten.⁷ to bore a hole in a wall, and fix railings in for a window; a window in a wall, for the admission of light; towards.²⁴
身牖 sïn-yiù shēnyǒu <wr.> ears.⁵⁴
窗牖 töng-yiù
chuāngyǒu windows.³⁹
瓮牖 ûng-yiù
wèngyǒu lit. a small round window like the mouth of a jar; a window made of the mouth of a broken jar – the mark of a needy family.⁷
瓮牖绳床[瓮牖繩床] ûng-yiù-sẽin-chõng
wèng yǒu shéng chuáng using broken jars for windows and ropes for a bed – living in extreme poverty.⁵⁴
瓮牖绳枢[瓮牖繩樞] ûng-yiù-sẽin-sï
or ûng-yiù-sẽin-kuï wèngyǒushéngshū using broken jars for windows and rope for fastening doors – living in extreme poverty.¹¹
牖户[牖戶] yiù-fù
yǒuhù windows and doors.¹⁴
牖下 yiù-hà
yǒuxià beneath the window.¹⁴
牖中窥日[牖中窺日] yiù-jüng-kï-ngìt
yǒuzhōngkuīrì limited outlook and experience.¹⁹
牖里 Yiù-lî
Yǒulǐ the place where King Wen of the Zhou Dynasty (周文王) was held prisoner by King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty (商纣王[商紂王]).⁷
牖民 yiù-mĩn
yǒumín to guide the people; to educate the people.⁷
yiu4 17152
113 9 yiù yòu divine intervention, protection.⁸ (of divinity) to bless; to protect.¹⁰ to protect; to shield; to defend; (interchangeable with 佑 yiù yòu).¹⁴
or 保佑 bāo-yiù bǎoyòu to bless and protect; blessing.¹⁰
or 庇佑 bï-yiù bìyòu to bless; to protect; protection (esp. divine).¹⁰
天祐 hëin-yiù
tiānyòu the protection of Heaven.¹⁴
主祐 jī-yiù
zhǔyòu May God bless you!¹⁹
神灵保祐[神靈保祐] sĩn-lẽin-bāo-yiù
shénlíngbǎoyòu May God protect us!¹¹
神恩默祐 sĩn-yïn-màk-yiù
shén'ēnmòyòu May the grace of the gods secretly protect you!¹⁴
or 佑助 yiù-jò yòuzhù (said of a deity) to help (a mortal).⁷
yiu4 17153
140 10 yiù yǒu green bristlegrass; bad people; bad; vicious.⁹ Setaria viridis, vicious.⁴³
不稂不莠 būt-lõng-būt-yiù
bùlángbùyǒu useless; worthless; good-for-nothing.¹⁰
良莠杂糅[良莠雜糅] lẽng-yiù-dàp-ngẽl
liángyǒuzáróu intermingling of the good and the bad.⁶
稂莠 lõng-yiù
lángyǒu pennisetum and green bristlegrass; weeds – bad people; evildoers.⁶ harmful weeds and tares that are growing in paddy field; they look like seedlings of cereal crops; referring to evil man.⁹ weeds, tares – worthless injurious things.¹⁴
yiu4 17154
149 14 yiù yòu to induce; to entice; to mislead; to lead on.¹⁴ (variant: 䛻 yiù yòu).
循循善诱[循循善誘] tũn-tũn-sèn-yiù
xúnxúnshànyòu be good at giving systematic guidance; teach with skill and patience.⁵
引诱[引誘] yîn-yiù
yǐnyòu lure, seduce, entice; tempt.⁶
诱导[誘導] yiù-ào
yòudǎo to lead; to guide.¹⁴
诱敌深入[誘敵深入] yiù-èik-sïm-yìp
yòudíshēnrù to lure the enemy in deep.
诱奸[誘姦] yiù-gän
yòujiān seduce and rape.¹¹
诱饵[誘餌] yiù-nì
yòu'ěr bait.¹⁰
诱惑[誘惑] yiù-vàk
yòuhuò to tempt; to lead (youth) astray; to seduce.
诱掖[誘掖] yiù-yìt
yòuyè <wr.> guide and encourage; lead and help.⁶
(See 䛻 yiù).
yiu4 17155
149 16 yiù yòu (=誘 yiù yòu) to induce; to entice; to mislead; to lead on.¹⁴
(See 誘 yiù).
yiu4 17156
165 12 yiù yòu glaze (on pottery).⁷
上釉(子) sëng-yiù(dū) shàngyòuzi  to glaze.¹⁴
彩釉陶 tōi-yiù-hõ
or tōi-yiù-hão cǎiyòutáo glazed colored pottery.⁵
瓷釉 xũ-yiù
cíyòu ceramic/porcelain glaze.⁶
釉子 yiù-dū
yòuzi glaze (on pottery).⁷
釉工 yiù-güng
yòugōng glazer.⁵
釉陶 yiù-hõ
or yiù-hão yòutáo glazed pottery.⁵
釉质[釉質] yiù-jīt
yòuzhì enamel.⁵
釉面砖[釉面磚] yiù-mèin-jön
yòumiànzhuān glazed tile.⁵
釉药[釉藥] yiù-yêk
yòuyào or 釉灰 yiù-föi yòuhuī substance used to produce glaze for pottery; glaze.⁷
yiu4 17157
1 7 yiû yǒu (<old>=酉 yiû yǒu) the tenth of the twelve Earthly Branches.⁵
(See 酉 yiû).
yiu5 17158
25 7 yiû yǒu ancient small-mouthed wine vessel.
鸮卣[鴞卣] hël-yiû xiāoyǒu owl-shaped bronze wine jar.¹⁹
yiu5 17159
29 4 yiû yǒu friend. (old variant: 㕛 yiû yǒu). (See 㕛 yiû).
酒肉朋友 diū-ngùk-pãng-yiû
jiǔròupéngyou wine-and-meat friend; fair-weather friends.⁶
工友 güng-yiû
gōngyǒu <old> fellow worker; manual worker such as janitor, cleaner (in school or government office).
战友[戰友] jën-yiû
zhànyǒu comrade-in-arms.
朋友 pãng-yiû
péngyǒu friend; boy friend or girl friend.⁵
小朋友 xēl-pãng-yiû
xiǎopéngyou children; little boy; little girl; little child.⁸
友好 yiû-hāo
yǒuhǎo close friend; friendly; amicable.
友谊[友誼] yiû-ngĩ
yǒuyì friendship.
友人 yiû-ngĩn
yǒurén friend.⁵
友爱[友愛] yiû-öi
yǒu'ài friendly affection; fraternal love.
友情 yiû-tẽin
yǒuqíng friendship.
yiu5 17160
29 4 yiû yǒu (ancient form of 友 yiû yǒu) a friend, a companion, an associate; friendly, to make friends with, brotherly regard.²ʼ⁸ʼ⁰
(composition: ⿱又又; U+355B).
(See 友 yiû).
yiu5 17161
74 6 yiû yǒu have, possess; there is, exist.⁵
有滋有味 yiû-dü-yiû-mì yǒuzīyǒuwèi tasty, delicious; with relish/enjoyment.⁶
有机化合物[有機化合物] yiû-gï-fä-hàp-mòt
yǒujī huàhéwù <chem.> organic compound.⁶
有条不紊[有條不紊] yiû-hẽl-būt-mùn
yǒutiáobùwěn in an orderly way; methodically; systematically.⁵
有口难言[有口難言] yiû-hēo-nãn-ngũn
yǒukǒunányán find it hard/embarrassing to bring up a matter.⁶
有何难哉[有何難哉] yiû-hõ-nãn-döi
yǒuhénánzāi What's so difficult about it?²²
有求必应[有求必應] yiû-kiũ-bēik-yëin
yǒuqiúbìyìng respond to every plea; grant whatever is requested.⁶
有劳有逸[有勞有逸] yiû-lão-yiû-yìt
yǒuláoyǒuyì alternate work with leisure.⁵
有利有弊 yiû-lì-yiû-bài
yǒulìyǒubì have both pros and cons; it cuts both/two ways.⁶
有无[有無] yiû-mũ
yǒuwú have or have not.⁵⁴
有目共睹 yiû-mùk-gùng-ū
yǒumùgòngdǔ be there for all to see; be obvious to all.⁵
有恃无恐[有恃無恐] yiû-sî-mũ-hūng
yǒushìwúkǒng be secure in the knowledge that one has strong backing.⁸
<又> yiù, yiü.
(See 有 yiù, yiü.)
yiu5 17162
75 9 yiû yòu shaddock; pomelo (the plant); shaddock; pomelo (the fruit).⁶ (archaic variant: 櫾 yiû yòu.)
葡萄柚 pũ-hão-yiû
pútáoyòu grapefruit.¹⁹
沙田柚 Sâ-hẽin-yiû
Shātiányòu pomelos produced in Guangxi province.⁵⁴
西柚 xäi-yiû
xīyòu grapefruit.¹⁰
柚子 yiû-dū
yòuzi shaddock; pomelo.⁵
柚皮 yiû-pĩ
yòupí pomelo peel.⁵⁴
圆柚[圓柚] yõn-yiû
yuányòu grapefruit.¹⁹
<又> yiũ, dùk.
(See 柚 yiũ, dùk; 櫾 yiû.)
yiu5 17163
75 13 yiû yǒu to gather (firewood for burning).⁸ also name of a brook.²
(composition: ⿰木酋; U+6962).
楢溪 yiû-käi yǒuxī Youxi Brook, name of a brook.² Compare BaiduHanyu (百度汉语) definition of 楢溪 yiũ-käi.
<又> yiũ; tiü; chël.
(See 楢 yiũ; 楢 tiü; 楢 chël).
yiu5 17164
75 15 yiû yǒu heap/pile up; firewood, firewood for sacrifice; burning, smoking.⁸ (variant: 𥙫❄{⿰礻酉} yiû yǒu).
(composition: ⿰木⿱酉灬; U+69F1).
Pũng-pũng-vāk-pōk. Xïn-jï-yiû-jï.
Péng péng yù pǔ. Xīn zhī yǒu zhī.
Abundant is the growth of the yu and the pu,
Supplying firewood; yea, stores of it.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·文王之什·棫樸》, translated by James Legge).
<又> chāo.
(See 𥙫❄{⿰礻酉} yiû; 槱 chāo).
yiu5 17165
75 21 yiû yòu (<old>=柚 yiû yòu) the pomelo.¹⁴
(See 柚 yiû.)
yiu5 17166
113 11 𥙫
yiû yǒu (=槱 yiû yǒu heap/pile up; firewood, firewood for sacrifice; burning, smoking.⁸).⁸
(composition: ⿰礻酉; U+2566B).
❄{⿰礻尞} yiû-lèl yǒuliào a pile fired in order to sacrifice to heaven.²⁵
(See 槱 yiû).
yiu5 17167
164 7 yiû yǒu Kangxi radical 164; 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel.⁸ the tenth of the twelve Earthly Branches.⁵ (variant: 丣 yiû yǒu).
子午卯酉 dū-m̂-mâo-yiû
zǐwǔmǎoyǒu from midnight to noon and from sunrise to sunset –  ➀ from beginning to end; whole story ➁ reason; argument ➂ result, achievement.⁶
酉时[酉時] yiû-sĩ/
yǒushí the period of the day from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.⁵
(See 丣 yiû).
yiu5 17168
167 14 yiû yǒu europium (Eu).⁵
yiu5 17169
208 18 yiû yòu weasel.⁶
白鼬 bàk-yiû báiyòu stoat.⁶
臭鼬 chiü-yiû
chòuyòu skunk.⁵
香鼬 hëng-yiû
xiāngyòu mountain weasel (Mustela altaica), aka the pale weasel, Altai weasel or solongoi.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
喜马拉雅鼬[喜馬拉雅鼬] hī-mâ-lā-ngâ-yiû
xǐmǎlāyǎyòu lit. Himalayan weasel – Siberian weasel (Mustela sibirica).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
袋鼬 òi-yiû
dàiyòu marsupial mouse.⁶
水鼬 suī-yiû
shuǐyòu mink.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
黄鼬[黃鼬] võng-yiû
huángyòu Siberian weasel (Mustela sibirica) (old names are 鼪 säng shēng, 鼶 xü sī, 鼠狼 sī-lõng shǔláng; common names are: 黄鼠狼[黃鼠狼] võng-sī-lõng huángshǔláng, 黄狼[黃狼] võng-lõng huángláng; also known as 喜馬拉雅鼬 hī-mâ-lā-ngâ-yiû or 西伯利亞鼬 xäi-bāk-lì-ä-yiû).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
西伯利亚鼬[西伯利亞鼬] xäi-bāk-lì-ä-yiû
xībólìyàyòu lit./fig. Siberian weasel (Mustela sibirica).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
野鼬瓣花 yêh-yiû-bàn-fä
yěyòubànhuā wild hemp.¹⁰
鼬獾 yiû-fön
yòuhuān ferret badger.⁶
鼬鲨[鼬鯊] yiû-sä
yòushā tiger shark.¹⁰ Galeocerdo.
鼬鼠 yiû-sī
yòushǔ (=黄鼠狼[黃鼠狼] võng-sī-lõng huángshǔláng) yellow weasel.⁶ a weasel.⁷
鼬属[鼬属] yiû-sùk
yòushǔ genus Mustela (Am. Eng.) weasel for entire genus or any member of the genus.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
yiu5 17170
30 11 (interjection expressing surprise) Oh!; My!¹⁰
哎唷 āi-yō āiyō (=哎哟[哎喲] āi-yö āiyō) hey; ow; ouch; interjection of pain or surprise.¹⁰
哼唷 häng-yō
hēngyō heave-ho; yo-ho.⁸
yo1 17171
30 12 yo (sentence-final particle expressing exhortation); (syllable filler in a song).¹⁰
啊哟[啊喲] ä-yō āyo interjection of surprise or pain; Oh; Ow; My goodness!¹⁰
嗳哟[噯喲] āi-yō
āiyo ouch!.¹⁰
哦哟[哦喲] ò-yō
òyo oh.¹⁰
(See 喲 [yō, ].)
yo1 17172
30 12 Oh! (interjection indicating slight surprise).¹⁰
哎哟[哎喲] āi-yō āiyō hey; ow; ouch; interjection of pain or surprise.¹⁰
嗨哟[嗨喲] hāi-yö
hāiyō heave ho; yo-heave-ho; yo-ho.³⁹
(See 喲 [yō, yo].)
yo1 17173
10 9 yōn yǎn 兖州[兗州] Yōn-jiü Yǎnzhōu (name of a place in 山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng Shandong Province.)
yon1 17174
162 11 yōn yuǎn  (<old>=远[遠] yōn yuǎn far, distant, remote.⁵); distant, remote, far; profound.⁸
(composition: ⿺辶𡊮❄{U+212AE}; U+903A).
(See 遠 yōn).
yon1 17175
162 13 yōn yuǎn  far, distant, remote.⁵
永远[永遠] vêin-yōn yǒngyuǎn always, forever, ever.⁵
远大[遠大] yōn-ài
yuǎndà long-range; broad; ambitious.⁵
远走高飞[遠走高飛] yōn-dēo-gäo-fï
yuǎnzǒugāofēi fly far and high; be off to distant parts.⁵
远岫[遠岫] yōn-diù
yuǎnxiù a distant hill or mountain.³⁹
远方[遠方] yōn-föng
yuǎnfāng distant place.⁵
远房亲戚[遠房親戚] yōn-fông-tïn-tēik
yuǎnfángqīnqi distantly related relative.¹⁰
远景[遠景] yōn-gēin
yuǎnjǐng distant view, long-range perspective, prospect; <photo.> long shot.⁵
远见[遠見] yōn-gëin
yuǎnjiàn foresight; vision.⁵
远近[遠近] yōn-gìn
yuǎnjìn far and near; distance.⁵
远古[遠古] yōn-gū
yuǎngǔ time immemorial.¹¹
远东[遠東] Yōn-üng
Yuǎndōng the Far East.¹¹
远销[遠銷] yōn-xël
yuǎnxiāo to sell to faraway lands.¹⁰
远洋[遠洋] yōn-yẽng
yuǎnyáng ocean; of the open sea beyond the littoral zone; oceanic.⁵
远扬[遠揚] yōn-yẽng
yuǎnyáng (said of fame) to be known far and wide.⁷
远飏[遠颺] yōn-yẽng
yuǎnyáng to escape or flee far away.⁷
远远[遠遠] yōn-yōn
yuǎnyuǎn <topo.> from a distance.¹¹
<又> yòn.
(See 遠 yòn.)
yon1 17176
2 9 𣶒
yön yuān (<old>=渊[淵] yön yuān deep pool; deep; profound.¹⁰).
(variant: 𫂱 yön
(composition: right side of 淵; U+23D92).
(See 淵 yön; 𫂱 yön).
yon2 17177
14 10 yön yuān oppression, injustice; a grievance, a wrong; to oppress; to spend recklessly.¹⁴ (variant: 寃 yön). (See 寃 yön).
(composition: ⿱冖兔; U+51A4).
冤大头[冤大頭] yön-ài-hẽo
yuāndàtóu (used ironically) blockhead in money matters; foolish spender; sucker.⁶
冤家 yön-gä
yuānjia <drama/folk songs> lover.⁶ʼ⁰
冤家 yön-gä
yuānjiā enemy; foe; a clan in a feud.⁶
冤家路窄 yön-gä-lù-jäk
yuānjiālùzhǎi lit. road of enemies is narrow; fig. they will be sure to meet.¹⁴
冤鬼 yön-gī
yuānguǐ one who was wrongly put to death.⁶
冤孽 yön-ngēik
yuānniè a foreordained enemy; a person's stumbling block.⁷
冤狱[冤獄] yön-ngùk
yuānyù unjust imprisonment.⁶
冤案 yön-ön
yuān'àn unjust case; case of injustice.⁶
冤仇 yön-siũ
yuānchóu rancor; enmity.⁶
冤情 yön-tẽin
yuānqíng the details of a grievance/wrong.⁷
冤枉 yön-vōng
yuānwang unjust, unfair, wrong; treat unjustly; suffering loss, coming to a grief.⁶
冤魂 yön-vũn
yuānhún the ghost of a person who was wrongly put to death.⁷
冤屈 yön-vūt
yuānqū wrong, treat unjustly; injustice.⁶
冤冤相报[冤冤相報] yön-yön-xëng-bäo
yuānyuānxiāngbào injustice begets injustice; reprisal breeds reprisal.⁶

yon2 17178
31 7 yön yuān (<old>=渊[淵] yön yuān deep pool; deep; profound.¹⁰ abyss, deep water; deep; profound; Yuan surname​.³⁶).⁸ deep and distant.²⁴ (archaic form of 渊[淵] yön yuān) gulf, abyss, deep; surge up, bubble up, gush forth.³⁶
(composition: ⿴囗水; U+56E6).
囦泫 yön-yõn
yuānxuàn (of water) deep and wide.¹⁹
(See 淵 yön).
yon2 17179
36 5 yön yuān (<old>=鸳[鴛] yön yuān the male mandarin duck.⁷).⁸ʼ¹⁰¹
(composition: ⿰夕㔾; U+5917).
<又> vōn.
(See 鴛 yön; 夗 [vōn, yuàn]; 夗 [vōn, wǎn]; 夗[vōn, wān]).
yon2 17180
40 8 yön yuān 大宛 Ài-yön Dàyuān "Great Yuan", literally "Great Ionians".¹⁵ Ferghana (in central Asia).⁵⁴
大宛馬 Ài-yön-mâ 
Dàyuānmǎ Ferghana horses.¹⁵
宛馬 (=大宛馬) yön-mâ
yuānmǎ Ferghana horses.¹⁵ [These horses were renamed 天马[天馬] hëin-mâ tiānmǎ by Emperor Wu of Han (reign 9 March 141 BC – 29 March 87 BC).¹⁵ Pegasus.²⁹ <hist.> heavenly horse; <comp.> trademark of an alphabetically based word-processing program for Chinese.⁵⁴]
<又> vōn.
(See 宛 vōn.)
yon2 17181
40 11 yön yuān (<old>=冤 yön yuān oppression, injustice; a grievance, a wrong; to oppress; to spend recklessly.¹⁴); grievance, injustice, wrong.⁸
(composition: ⿱宀兔; U+5BC3).
(See 冤 yön).
yon2 17182
57 12 𢏮
yön yuān a bow bent above and below, and straight in the middle.²⁴
(composition: ⿰弓𣶒❄{right side of 淵}; U+223EE).
yon2 17183
61 9 yön yuàn resentment, enmity; blame, complain.⁵
怨不得 yön-būt-āk yuànbude cannot blame; no wonder.⁵
怨咨 yön-dü
yuànzī <wr.> to repine, curse.¹¹
怨怼[怨懟] yön-juì
yuànduì <wr.> resentment; enmity.⁵
怨府 yön-fū
yuànfǔ <wr.> object of general indignation.⁵
怨愤[怨憤] yön-fûn
yuànfèn discontent and indignation.⁵
怨恨 yön-hàn
yuànhèn have a grudge against somebody, hate; resentment, grudge, enmity.⁵
怨天尤人 yön-hëin-yiũ-ngĩn
yuàntiānyóurén blame everyone but oneself.⁵
怨气[怨氣] yön-hï
yuànqì grievance; resentment.⁵
怨詈 yön-lì
yuànlì <wr.> rail fretfully (against/at).⁶
怨命 yön-mèin
yuànmìng blame fate.¹⁹
怨艾 yön-ngài
yuànyì <wr.> resentment; grudge.⁵
or 怨耦 yön-ngêo yuàn'ǒu <wr.> an unhappy couple.⁵
怨言 yön-ngũn
yuànyán complaint; grumble.⁵
怨怒 yön-nù
yuànnù resentful.⁶
怨女 yön-nuī
yuànnǚ <wr.> old maid, spinster.¹¹
怨声载道[怨聲載道] yön-sëin-döi-ào
yuànshēngzàidào cries of discontent rise all round; complaints are heard everywhere.⁵
怨毒 yön-ùk
yuàndú <wr.> enmity; hatred.⁵
yon2 17184
85 11 yön yuān name of a stream.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵宛; U+6DB4).
涴市镇[涴市鎮] yön-sî-jïn yuānshìzhèn Yuanshi (a town in Songzi (松滋市), Jingzhou (荆州市), Hubei (湖北省), China).³⁶
涴水 yön-suī
yuānshuǐ  Yuanshui, ancient river name.⁸
<又> vōn; vò.
(See 涴 vōn; 涴 vò).
yon2 17185
85 12 yön yuān deep pool; deep; profound.¹⁰ abyss, deep water; deep; profound; Yuan surname​.³⁶ (variant: 囦 yön). (See 囦 yön).
t: ⿰氵𣶒❄{right side of 淵}; U+6DF5).
s: ⿰氵𫂱❄{⿲丿米丨}; U+6E0A).
天渊[天淵] hëin-yön
tiānyuān <wr.> high heaven and deep sea; poles apart.⁵
天渊之别[天淵之別] hëin-yön-jï-bèik
tiānyuānzhībié a world of difference.⁵
深渊[深淵] sïm-yön
shēnyuān a deep pool; abyss.⁵
渊博[淵博] yön-bōk
yuānbó broad and profound; erudite.⁵
渊泓[淵泓] yön-fãng
yuānhóng vast and profound.¹⁰
Yön-hãi, xû-màn-mùt-jï-düng.
Yuān xī, shì wànwù zhī zōng.
How deep and unfathomable it is, as if it were the Honored Ancestor of all things!⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《道德經》, translated by James Legge).
渊源[淵源] yön-ngũn
yuānyuán origin, source.⁵
渊深[淵深] yön-sïm
yuānshēn profound; deep; erudite.⁵
渊泉[淵泉] yön-tũn
yuānquán a deep spring.⁵
渊薮[淵藪] yön-xēo
yuānsǒu lit. abyss and marsh, meeting place of fish and beast; fig. breeding ground of crime; robbers' hide-out; den of thieves; hotbed of vice; sink of iniquity.¹⁰
yon2 17186
109 10 yön yuān <wr.> (of eyes) wizened and blind, dry and sunken; dried up.⁶ <wr.> dried up (well); dull (eyes).¹¹ eyes without brightness; a dry well; empty.¹⁴
眢井 yön-dēng yuānjǐng dry well.⁶
眢窟 yön-fūt
yuānkū a dried cave or cavern.⁵⁴
眢谷 yön-gūk
yuāngǔ a dry gully or vale.⁵⁴
眢目 yön-mùk
yuānmù dull, lack-luster eyes.¹⁴
yon2 17187
118 14 yön yuān 箢子 yön-dū yuānzǐ (=箢箕 yön-gî yuānjī) <topo.> woven bamboo vessel.¹⁹
箢篼 yön-ëo
yuāndōu (=箢箕 yön-gî yuānjī) <topo.> woven bamboo vessel.⁶
箢箕 yön-gî
yuānjī <topo.> woven bamboo vessel.⁶
yon2 17188
119 8 𫂱
yön yuān (=𣶒❄{right side of 淵} yön yuān deep pool; deep; profound.¹⁰).³⁶
(composition: ⿲丿米丨; U+2B0B1).
(See 𣶒❄{right side of 淵} yön; 淵 yön).
yon2 17189
140 13 yön yuān bramble; having distant views.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹冤; U+84AC).
棘蒬 gēik-yön jíyuān, now known as 远志[遠志] yōn-jï yuǎnzhì a medicinal plant (Polygala tenuifolia).⁸ʼ¹⁵ʼ²⁰
yon2 17190
145 13 yön yuān scarf.⁸
襎裷 fãn-yön fányuān a piece of cloth for wrapping or covering.⁸ a wrapper, or bundle of clothes.²⁵
<又> gūn.
(See 裷 gūn.)
yon2 17191
159 15 yön yuān a large wagon pressed down behind.²⁵
(composition: ⿰車宛; U+485D)
<又> vün; vūn. (See 䡝 vün; 䡝 vūn).
yon2 17192
196 14 yön yuān a kite, a hawk; a kite (toy).⁷ kite; Milvus species (various).⁸ black kite; Milvus migrans.⁹ kite (small hawk).¹⁰
蝠鸢[蝠鳶] fūk-yön
fúyuān bat hawk (Macheiramphus alcinus).⁹
纸鸢[紙鳶] jī-yön
zhǐyuān paper kite.¹¹
鸢飞戾天[鳶飛戾天] yön-fï-luì-hëin
yuānfēilìtiān The hawk flies up to heaven.¹¹
鸢飞鱼跃[鳶飛魚躍] yön-fï-nguî-yèk
yuānfēiyúyuè kites flying and fishes jumping – natural freedom of things in the universe.⁷ the kites fly in the air and fish jump in the water – <phil.> natural freedom of things in the universe.¹¹
鸢尾[鳶尾] yön-mī
yuānwěi <bot.> Iricdaceae, the iris family.¹⁰ Iris tectorum Maxim.²³
yon2 17193
196 16 yön yuān the male mandarin duck.⁷
鸳钗[鴛釵] yön-chäi yuānchāi a kind of hairpin for woman.⁷
鸳机[鴛機] yön-gï
yuānjī an embroidery kit.⁷
鸳侣[鴛侶] yön-luî
yuānlǚ a spouse.⁷
鸳盟[鴛盟] yön-mãng
yuānméng the pledge between lovers.⁷
鸳梦重温[鴛夢重溫] yön-mùng-chũng-vün
yuānmèng chóngwēn reunion of the old lovers after a long separation; to rekindle old flame of love.⁷
鸳鸯[鴛鴦] yön-yëng
yuānyang mandarin ducks, which always live in pairs – a symbol of lovers.⁷
鸳鸯戏水[鴛鴦戲水] yön-yëng-hï-suī
yuānyāngxìshuǐ lit. mandarin ducks playing in the water – love-making.⁷
鸳鸯枕[鴛鴦枕] yön-yëng-jīm
yuānyāngzhěn a double pillow (for the newly married).⁷
鸳鸯被[鴛鴦被] yön-yëng-pî
yuānyāngbèi bedding for a couple; double bedding.⁷
鸳鸯蝴蝶派[鴛鴦蝴蝶派] yön-yëng-vũ-èp-päi
yuānyāng-húdiépài literature characterized by shallow love stories.⁷
鸳绮[鴛綺] yön-yī
yuānqǐ magnificent fabrics.⁷
yon2 17194
196 19 yön yuān co-worker; official row in court.⁸ legendary bird like the phoenix.⁹ firebird (mythology).¹⁰
鹓雏[鵷雛] yön-chö yuānchú a bird resembling the legendary phoenix.⁷
鹓行[鵷行] yön-hõng
yuānháng courtiers as a collective body.⁷
yon2 17195
207 22 yön yuān the sound of a drum.²⁵ sound made by the pellet drum.³⁶
(composition: ⿱鼓𣶒; U+9F18).
鼗鼓鼘鼘[鞀鼓鼘鼘] hão-gū-yön-yön táogǔyuānyuān the drumbeat of a pellet drum.⁰
鼘鼘 yön-yön
yuānyuān the sound of a drum.¹⁹
yon2 17196
3 3 yõn wán pill; pellet; ball.
弹丸[彈丸] àn-yõn dànwán a pellet.⁷
弹丸之地[彈丸之地] àn-yõn-jï-ì
dànwánzhīdì a very small piece of land.⁷
定心丸 èin-xïm-yõn
dìngxīnwán tranquilizer (lit./fig.)
减肥丸[減肥丸] gām-fĩ-yõn
jiǎnféiwán diet pill.
睾丸 gäo-yõn
gāowán testis; testicle.
肉丸 ngùk-yõn
ròuwán meatball.
药丸[藥丸] yêk-yõn
yàowán pill.
丸药[丸藥] yõn-yêk
wányào pill.
yon3 17197
7 6 yõn huán (=桓 yõn huán Chinese soapberry (Sapindus mukorossi); mighty, martial, large.³⁶
(composition: ⿱一旦; U+4E98).
<又> gän; xün.
(See 亘 gän; 亘 xün; 桓 yõn)
yon3 17198
9 7 yõn xuán ➀ used for 玄 yõn xuán dark, somber; deep, profound
➁ (=悬[懸]
yõn xuán hang, suspend; outstanding, unresolved; feel anxious, be solicitous; imagine; far apart; <topo.> dangerous.⁵)
➂ Xuan surname.⁸
(composition: ⿰亻玄; U+4F2D).
<又> yẽn.
(See 伭 yẽn; 玄 yõn; 懸 yõn).
yon3 17199
10 4 yõn yuán unit of money (in PRC: Chinese yuan, in USA: dollar).¹⁰ used for 圆[圓] yõn yuán a dollar and for 玄 yõn xuán black.¹⁰²
欧元[歐元] Ëo-yõn
Ōuyuán Euro.¹⁰
港元 Kōng-yõn Gǎngyuán Hong Kong currency.⁷
缅元[緬元] Mēin-yõn
Miǎnyuán Burmese kyat.⁹
美元 Mî-yõn
Měiyuán American or U.S. dollar.
or 日圆[日圓] Ngìt-yõn Rìyuán Japanese yen.
元驹[元駒] yõn-guï
yuánjū black colts, a term for ants, from their quickness and going in lines.¹⁰²
元孙[元孫] yõn-xün
yuánsūn or 玄孙[玄孫] yõn-xün xuánsūn 4th generation descendant.¹⁴
<又> ngũn.
(See 元 ngũn).
yon3 17200
30 10 yõn yuán person; employee; member.¹⁰
教员[教員] gäo-yõn jiàoyuán teacher; instructor.¹⁰
学员[學員] hòk-yõn
xuéyuán member of an institution of learning; (court.) student.¹¹
职员[職員] jēik-yõn
zhíyuán staff, staff member.¹¹
人员[人員] ngĩn-yõn
rényuán personnel, staff.⁸
党员[黨員] ōng-yõn
dǎngyuán political party member.¹⁰
动员[動員] ùng-yõn
dòngyuán to mobilize; to arouse.¹⁰
委员[委員] vī-yõn
wěiyuán member. ⁸
委员会[委員會] vī-yõn-vòi
wěiyuánhuì committee.¹⁰
会员[會員] vòi-yõn
huìyuán member.⁸
演员[演員] yēn-yõn
yǎnyuán actor or actress; performer.¹⁰
员警[員警] yõn-gēin
yuánjǐng police officer; policeman.¹⁰
<又> vün.
(See 員 [vün, yún], [vün, yùn].)
yon3 17201
30 12 yõn yuán grief.⁸
(composition: ⿰口爰; U+559B).
<又> fön; fōn; vö. (See 喛 fön; 喛 fōn; 喛 vö).
yon3 17202
31 13 yõn yuán (land for growing plants) garden, plot, plantation; (place for public recreation) park, garden.⁶
花园[花園] fä-yõn huāyuán flower garden; garden.⁵
公园[公園] güng-yõn
gōngyuán park.⁵
菜园[菜園] töi-yõn
càiyuán vegetable garden, vegetable farm.⁵
动物园[動物園] ùng-mùt-yõn
or ùng-mòt-yõn dòngwùyuán zoological garden, zoo.⁵
幼儿园[幼兒園] yiü-ngĩ-yõn yòu'éryuán kindergarten; nursery school; infant school.⁵
园丁[園丁] yõn-ëin
yuándīng gardener.⁵
园地[園地] yõn-ì
yuándì garden plot; field, scope.⁵
园区[園區] yõn-kuï
yuánqū industrial park/estate; business park.⁶
园林[園林] yõn-lĩm
yuánlín gardens; park.⁵
园艺[園藝] yõn-ngài
yuányì horticulture; gardening.⁵
园囿[園囿] yõn-yiù
yuányòu <wr.> public garden/zoo; zoological garden; gardens and parks.⁶
yon3 17203
31 13 yõn yuán circle; round; circular; spherical; (of the moon) full; unit of Chinese currency (Yuan); tactful; to justify.¹⁰
自圆其说[自圓其說] dù-yõn-kĩ-sōt zìyuánqíshuō to give a satisfactory explanation of what one has said or done;
圆凿方枘[圓鑿方枘] yõn-dòk-föng-yuì
or 方枘圆凿[方枘圓鑿] föng-yuì-yõn-dòk fāngruìyuánzáo to put a square peg in a round hole; incompatible.¹⁰
圆圈[圓圈] yõn-hūn
yuánquān circle.¹⁰
圆周[圓周] yõn-jiü
yuánzhōu circumference.¹⁰
圆锥[圓錐] yõn-juï
yuánzhuī (circular) cone; taper.⁶
圆锥体[圓錐體] yõn-juï-hāi
yuánzhuītǐ cone.⁸
圆锥台[圓錐臺] yõn-juï-hõi
yuánzhuītái <math.> frustum of a cone.⁶
圆柏[圓柏] yõn-pāk
yuánbǎi <bot.> Sabina chinensis (L.) Ant. Other common Chinese names: 刺柏 xü-pāk cìbǎi, 柏树[柏樹] pāk-sì bǎishù, 桧[檜] köi guì, 桧柏[檜柏] köi-pāk guìbǎi.²³
圆心[圓心] yõn-xïm
yuánxīn center of a circle.¹¹
圆形[圓形] yõn-yẽin
yuánxíng round; circular.¹⁰
<台> 圆圈[圓圈] yõn-hûn/ circle.
<台> 圆眼[圓眼] yõn-ngān <bot.> longan.
<又> yôn.
(See 圓 yôn.)
yon3 17204
31 16 yõn yuán (<old>=圆[圓] yõn yuán)⁹ circle; round.¹⁰ <wr.> circular body, heaven.¹¹
圜法 yõn-fāt
yuánfǎ ancient term for copper cash.¹⁴
圜丘 yõn-hiü
yuánqiū the altar to heaven.¹¹
<又> vãn.
(See 圜 vãn.)
yon3 17205
32 8 𡊮
yõn yuán (=袁 yõn yuán long robe (old); Yuan surname.).¹⁰¹
(composition: ; U+212AE).
(See 袁 yõn).
yon3 17206
32 9 yõn yuán low wall, wall; <wr.> city.⁶ low wall; seat of an administration; a city; Yuan surname.⁸ a wall; the space enclosed by a constellation.¹⁴ a low wall; to help, to defend.²⁴
(composition: ⿰土亘; U+57A3).
女垣 nuī-yõn nǚyuán battlements.¹⁴
省垣 sāng-yõn shěngyuán the provincial capital.¹⁴
城垣 sẽin-yõn
chéngyuán city wall.⁶
苏垣[蘇垣] Xü-yõn Sūyuán Suzhou a city in 江苏[江蘇] Göng-xü Jiāngsū Jiangsu Province.¹⁴
踰垣 yĩ-yõn
yúyuán to go over a wall – to run away; to escape.⁷ to climb over a wall.¹⁴ to jump over a wall.²⁴
掖垣 yìt-yõn
yèyuán sidewalls of a palace.⁷ side wall.¹¹ a wall breast high.²⁴
垣衣 yõn-yï
yuányī moss.¹⁴ moss under old walls.¹⁰
墉垣 yũng-yõn
yōngyuán the city wall.⁷
yon3 17207
38 12 yõn yuán beautiful (woman).¹⁰
令媛 lèin-yõn lìngyuán or lìngyuàn <court.> your daughter.⁵⁴
名媛 mẽin-yõn
míngyuán¹¹ or míngyuàn socially prominent young lady.¹¹
婵媛[嬋媛] sẽm-yõn
chányuán (=婵娟[嬋娟] sẽm-gün chánjuān) <wr.> (of a woman) fair, lovely; moon; <wr.> linked, joined.⁶
才媛 tõi-yõn
cáiyuán¹¹ or cáiyuàn⁷ a gifted maiden.¹¹
(See 媛 [yõn, yuàn].)
yon3 17208
38 12 yõn yuàn a beauty; a beautiful woman; (southern dialects) a young lady, a miss.⁷
令媛 lèin-yõn lìngyuàn or lìngyuán <court.> your daughter.⁵⁴
名媛 mẽin-yõn
míngyuànor míngyuán¹¹ a young lady of note.⁷
嫱媛 tẽng-yõn
qiángyuàn ladies-in-waiting.⁷
才媛 tõi-yõn
cáiyuànor cáiyuán¹¹ a talented woman; a gifted maiden.⁷
(See 媛 [yõn, yuán].)
yon3 17209
38 13 yõn yuán a female name.² a woman's name.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女袁; U+5AB4).
yon3 17210
40 7 yõn wán to finish; to be over; whole; complete; entire.¹⁰
完璧归赵[完璧歸趙] yõn-bēik-gï-Jèl wánbì guī Zhào return the jade intact to the State of Zhao – return something to its owner in good condition.⁵ (=原璧归赵[原璧歸趙] ngũn-bēik-gï-Jèl yuánbì guī Zhào, q.v.)
完备[完備] yõn-bì
wánbèi complete; perfect.⁵
完毕[完畢] yõn-bīt
wánbì finish; complete; end.⁵
完整 yõn-jēin
wánzhěng complete; integrated; intact.⁵
完美 yõn-mî
wánměi perfect; consummate.⁵
完成 yõn-sẽin
wánchéng accomplish; complete; fulfill; bring to success or fruition.⁵
完善 yõn-sèn
wánshàn perfect; consummate.⁵
完全 yõn-tũn
wánquán complete, whole; completely, fully, wholly, entirely, absolutely.⁵
yon3 17211
61 19 yõn xuán hang, suspend; outstanding, unresolved; feel anxious, be solicitous; imagine; far apart; <topo.> dangerous.⁵
悬瀑[懸瀑] yõn-bùk xuánpù a cataract, waterfalls.¹¹
悬浮[懸浮] yõn-fẽo
xuánfú <phy.> suspension.⁷
悬河[懸河] yõn-hõ
xuánhé hanging river (an embanked one with the riverbed higher than the surrounding countryside.⁶ <wr.> cataract; waterfall.⁶ torrent of words.⁶
悬河泻水[懸河瀉水] yõn-hõ-xëh-suī
xuánhéxièshuǐ a flood of eloquence.⁵⁴
悬挂[懸掛] yõn-kä
xuánguà hang (decorations); suspend.⁷
悬念[懸念] yõn-nèm
xuánniàn worry and concern for a friend or close family member far away.⁷
悬崖[懸崖] yõn-ngãi
xuányá precipice; overhanging cliff.¹⁰
悬崖勒马[懸崖勒馬] yõn-ngãi-làk-mâ
xuányálèmǎ lit. to rein in the horse at the edge of the precipice (idiom); fig. to act in the nick of time.¹⁰
悬崖峭壁[懸崖峭壁] yõn-ngãi-xël-bēik
xuányáqiàobì steep cliff; sheer precipice.⁶
悬案[懸案] yõn-ön
xuán'àn an unsettled law case; outstanding issue (between nations).⁷
悬赏[懸賞] yõn-sēng
xuánshǎng to offer a prize or reward (for the capture of a criminal).⁷
悬殊[懸殊] yõn-sĩ
xuánshū greatly disparate.⁶
yon3 17212
64 12 yõn yuán to help; to assist; to aid.
增援 däng-yõn zēngyuán <mil.> to reinforce.
孤立无援[孤立無援] gü-lìp-mũ-yõn
gūlìwúyuán isolated and cut off from help.⁵
支援 jï-yõn
zhīyuán to support; to help; to assist.
外援 ngòi-yõn
wàiyuán foreign aid; external assistance.⁵
声援[聲援] sëin-yõn
shēngyuán to support (a cause).
援兵 yõn-bëin
yuánbīng reinforcements.
援救 yõn-giü
yuánjiù rescue; save; deliver; relieve.⁶
援助 yõn-jò
yuánzhù to support; aid; assistance.
援手 yõn-siū
yuánshǒu <wr.> to aid; to rescue; helper.
援用 yõn-yùng
yuányòng to cite; to invoke.
yon3 17213
75 10 yõn huán (=无患木[無患木] mũ-vàn-mûk wúhuànmù, q.v.) Chinese soapberry; Huanshui River; Huanshan Mountain; big.⁸ Chinese soapberry (Sapindus mukurossi); big; pillar (old).¹⁰ a tree having leaves like the willow and a white bark; pillars or tablets before a grave; posts to steady a coffin when lowering it.¹⁴ the sign of a posthouse, consisting of a high pole, with a board passed through it; boards cut like stone tablets, and placed round a coffin.²⁴ Chinese soapberry (Sapindus mukorossi); (obsolete) pillar used as a signpost; mighty, martial, large.³⁶ Huan surname.⁵ʼ¹⁰ʼ³⁶
(composition: ⿰木亘; U+6853).
桓表 yõn-bēl
huánbiǎo pillars erected before a grave.¹⁴ wooden pillars erected at the halls of deceased ancestors, applied to deceased statesmen.²⁴
桓拨[桓撥] yõn-bòt
huánbō to wield power.¹⁴ exercise effective sway.⁵⁴
桓圭 yõn-gï
huán'gï a badge of office borne by a duke.²⁴
桓楹 yõn-ngẽin
huányíng supports for a coffin at a grave.⁷
桓桓 yõn-yõn
huánhuán mighty; powerful.⁸ martial.¹⁴ a martial appearance, sorrowful.²⁴
桓桓武夫 yõn-yõn-mû-fü
huánhuánwǔfū heroic knight; military man.⁵⁴
<又> fũn.
(See 桓 fũn).
yon3 17214
75 13 yõn chuán rafter.⁵ a house beam; a brush for writing big characters.¹¹
大笔如椽[大筆如椽] ài-bīt-nguĩ-yõn dàbǐrúchuán powerful strokes or forceful writing.⁵⁴
陈椽[陳椽] chĩn-yõn
chénchuán (=modern 夤缘[夤緣] yĩn-yõn yínyuán <wr.> attach oneself to somebody powerful; climb socially through somebody powerful.⁶ to climb up on the basis of certain connections.¹¹) <wr.> to go about with a group.¹¹
如椽之笔[如椽之筆] nguĩ-yõn-jï-bīt
rúchuánzhībǐ a powerful pen.¹¹
椽笔[椽筆] yõn-bīt
chuánbǐ <wr.> writing brush as big as a rafter (used to praise somebody's article or writing ability).⁶
椽柱 yõn-chuî
chuánzhù pillar.¹⁹
椽子 yõn-dū
chuánzi rafter.⁸
椽条[椽條] yõn-hẽl
chuántiáo rafter.⁸
yon3 17215
75 13 yõn yuán ➀ another name for 柜柳 guī-liũ jǔliǔ a tree of the willow family; a very large tree whose beautiful fine-grained wood is good for making furniture.⁷ ➁ a bamboo or twig fence.⁸
(composition: ⿰木爰; U+6965).
柴楥 châi-yõn
cháiyuán railings; a bamboo or twig fence.⁵
<又> xün.
(See 楥 xün).
yon3 17216
75 19 yõn yuán citrus.⁸
枸橼[枸櫞] gēo-yõn
jǔyuán citron (Citrus medica); grapefruit.¹⁰ <bot.> citron, Citrus medica sub-sp. limonum.¹¹ (=香橼[香櫞] hëng-yõn xiāngyuán <bot.> Citrus medica L.)²³
枸橼酸[枸櫞酸] gēo-yõn-xön
jǔyuánsuān, another name for 柠檬酸[檸檬酸] nẽin-mūng-xön níngméngsuān citric acid.²³
枸橼酸钠[枸櫞酸鈉] gēo-yõn-xön-nàp
jǔyuánsuānnà sodium citrate.⁶
香橼[香櫞] hëng-yõn
xiāngyuán <bot.> Citrus medica L.²³
yon3 17217
85 6 yõn wán weep.⁸ to shed tears.¹⁴
(composition: ⿰氵丸; U+6C4D).
澜汍[瀾汍] lãn-yõn lánwán (=汍澜[汍瀾] yõn-lãn wánlán copious weeping.¹⁴).¹⁹
汍澜[汍瀾] yõn-lãn
wánlán copious weeping.¹⁴ (literary, ideophonic) shedding tears; crying (one's eyes out); weeping.³⁶ (See 汍瀾 vãn-lãn huánlán).
汍汍 yõnyõn
wánwán tall and straight.¹⁹
<又> vãn.
(See 汍 vãn).
yon3 17218
85 8 yõn xuàn weep; cry; shine, glisten.⁸ drip; trickle.⁵⁴
泫然 yõn-ngẽin xuànrán (of tears) fall; trickle.⁸ tearfully.¹¹
泫然泪下[泫然淚下] yõn-ngẽin-luì-hä 
xuànránlèixià tears rolling down one's cheeks;  tears trickling from one's eyes.⁵⁴
泫沄 yõn-vũn
xuànyún water churning, billowing.¹⁹
泫泫 yõn-yõn
xuànxuàn gleaming (tears), glistening (dew).¹¹
yon3 17219
85 8 沿 yõn yán along; to follow (a line, tradition); to carry on; to trim (a border with braid, tape); border; edge.¹⁰
帽沿 mào-yõn màoyán (=帽檐 mào-sẽm màoyán) brim (of a hat).¹⁰
前沿 tẽin-yõn
qiányán front line.⁸
相沿成习[相沿成習] xëng-yõn-sẽin-dìp
xiāngyánchéngxí well established; accepted as a result of long usage.¹⁰
沿革 yõn-gāk
yángé evolution of something over time; course of development; history.¹⁰
沿海 yõn-hōi
yánhǎi coastal.¹⁰
沿途 yõn-hũ
yántú along the way (or road).⁵⁶
沿着[沿著] yõn-jèk
yánzhe to go along; to follow.¹⁰
沿儿[沿兒] yõn-ngĩ
yánr edge.¹⁰
沿岸 yõn-ngòn
yán'àn coastal area; littoral or riparian.¹⁰
沿洄 yõn-või
yánhuí to go with the stream.¹⁰
沿线[沿線] yõn-xëin
yánxiàn along the line.⁵⁴
沿用 yõn-yùng
yányòng to continue to use (old methods); to apply as before; according to usage.¹⁰
yon3 17220
85 9 yõn yuán the name of a river, and of a district.²⁴
(composition: ⿰氵亘; U+6D39).
洹水 Yõn-suī Yuánshuǐ River (now commonly know as Vãn-suī Huánshuǐ River) in 河南省 Hõ-nãm sāng Hénán shěng Henan Province. Also called 安阳河[安陽河] Ön-yẽng-hõ  Ānyánghé Anyang River.⁴
<又> vãn.
(See 洹 vãn).
yon3 17221
85 12 yõn yuán to flow.⁸  rushing (water).¹⁰  sound of gurgling water.¹¹
潺湲 sãn-yõn chányuán flow slowly.⁸  sound of gurgling or babbling (brook).¹¹
yon3 17222
85 13 yõn yuán the way water flows; Yuan surname.⁸ water flowing along.²⁴ a river flow; a surname.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵袁; U+6E92).
yon3 17223
85 13 yõn yún 浕涢[濜溳] dìn-yõn jìnyún rapidly flowing.¹⁴
涢水[溳水] Yõn-suī
Yúnshuǐ Yunshui River, a river in 湖北 Vũ-bāk Húběi Hubei Province.
yon3 17224
86 9 yõn xuàn dazzle; show off, display.⁵
(variants: 衒 yõn xuàn; 𧗳❄{⿲彳言亍} yõn).
炫俗 yõn-dùk
xuànsú to show off; to flaunt.⁷
炫怪 yõn-gäi
xuànguài to try to attract others' attention by sensationalism.⁷
炫弄 yõn-lùng
xuànnòng show off; display; parade.⁶
炫目 yõn-mùk
xuànmù dazzling, blinding.⁶
炫玉贾石[炫玉賈石] yõn-ngùk-gū-sêk
xuànyùgǔshí sell stones as jade; pass off fisheyes as pearls.⁶
炫示 yõn-sì
xuànshì show off; display.⁵
炫惑 yõn-vàk
xuànhuò to dazzle and confuse.⁷
炫沄 yõn-vũn
xuànyún water boiling.¹⁹
炫耀 yõn-yèl
xuànyào make a display of; show off, flaunt.⁵
炫鬻 yõn-yùk
xuànyù <wr.> show off; flaunt.⁶
(See 衒 yõn, 𧗳❄{⿲彳言亍} yõn).
yon3 17225
86 11 yõn wán alkane.⁸
丙烷 bēin-yõn bǐngwán propane.¹⁰
丙烷气[丙烷氣] bēin-yõn-hï
bǐngwánqì propane gas.⁹
丁烷 ëin-yõn
dīngwán butane.¹⁰
甲烷 gāp-yõn
jiǎwán methane CH₄.¹⁰
乙烷 yōt-yõn
yǐwán ethane (C₂H₆).¹⁰
烷烃[烷烴] yõn-hëin
wántīng alkane.⁹
yon3 17226
87 9 yõn yuán whence; hence, thereupon; Yuan surname.
(composition: ⿳爫一友; U+7230).
爰得我所 yõn-āk-ngô-sō yuándéwǒsuǒ <wr.> Thereupon I obtained my suitable lodging place.
爰笔记之[爰筆記之] yõn-bīt-gï-jï
yuánbǐjìzhī Thereupon, I held the pen and recorded thus.
爰至今日 yõn-jï-gïm-ngìt
yuánzhìjīnrì down to the present day.
爰书[爰書] yõn-sï
yuánshū record of the confession made by a criminal.
爰于[爰於] yõn-yï
yuányú accordingly, (I took such and such an action on a certain date).
爰爰 yõn-yõn
yuányuán <wr.> slow and cautious.
yon3 17227
94 12 yõn yuán (=猿 yõn yuán) ape.⁸
(See 猿 yõn; 蝯 yõn.)
yon3 17228
94 13 yõn huán (=豲 yõn huán a porcupine; a legendary animal name; the name of the northwest minority towns in ancient times.⁵⁴).⁸
(composition: ⿰犭原; U+7342).
<又> ngũn.
(See 獂 ngũn; 豲 yõn).
yon3 17229
94 13 yõn yuán ape.¹⁰ (variants: 猨 yõn yuán; 蝯 yõn yuán.)
类人猿[類人猿] luì-ngĩn-yõn
lèirényuán anthropoid.⁶
心猿意马[心猿意馬] xïm-yõn-yï-mâ
xīnyuányìmǎ a heart like a capering monkey and a mind like a galloping horse – restless; be prone to outside attractions; fanciful and fickle; harbor monkey-feelings and horse-thoughts; capricious.³⁹
猿臂 yõn-bî
yuánbì the ape's arms; long arms.⁷
猿啼 yõn-hãi
yuántí the gibbon's howling.⁷
猿号[猿號] yõn-hão
yuánháo an ape's call; a gibbon's howls.⁷
猿猴 yõn-hẽo
yuánhóu apes and monkeys.⁵
猿类[猿類] yõn-luì
yuánlèi anthropoid.⁷ ape species.¹⁰
猿猱 yõn-ngẽl
yuánnáo monkeys.¹
猿人 yõn-ngĩn
yuánrén ape-man.⁵ the ape; anthropoid apes; a gorilla.⁷
猿声[猿聲] yõn-sëin
yuánshēng the gibbon's howls or chatter.⁷
(See 猨 yõn; 蝯 yõn.)
yon3 17230
95 5 yõn xuán Kangxi radical 95; black, dark; profound, abstruse; <topo.> unreliable, incredible.⁵ Xuan surname.⁷
玄服 yõn-fùk xuánfú dark dress or clothing.
玄谈[玄談] yõn-hãm
xuántán profound and abstruse words of 老子 Lāo Dū Lǎo Zǐ Lao Zi; foreword to a Buddhist scripture.
玄奘 Yõn-jöng 
Xuánzàng Xuanzang Tang Buddhist monk. (See 玄奘 Yõn-jöng under 奘 [jöng, zàng].)
玄蚼 yõn-kuĩ
xuánqú a large ant.⁸
玄默 yõn-màk
xuánmò taciturn and meditative.
玄妙 yõn-mèl
xuánmiào mysterious; abstruse.
玄色 yõn-sēik
xuánsè dark black.
玄黄[玄黃] yõn-võng
xuánhuáng the color of the sky (玄 black) and the earth (黄[黃] yellow); also refers to heaven and earth.
玄狐 yõn-vũ
xuánhú black fox.
玄云密布[玄雲密布] yõn-vũn-mìt-bü
xuányúnmìbù Dark clouds closely spread over.
玄沄 yõn-vũn
xuányún bubbling and in confusion, plentiful and full.²⁴
玄孙[玄孫] yõn-xün
xuánsūn great-great-grandson.
玄远[玄遠] yõn-yōn
xuányuǎn profound and lasting.
yon3 17231
96 9 yõn xuán jade-colored; jadelike precious stone.² the color of a gem; an inferior pebble; a man's name.²⁴
(composition: ⿰𤣩玄; U+73B9).
<又> yòn; yẽn. (See 玹 yòn; 玹 yẽn).
yon3 17232
96 13 yõn yuàn round flat piece of jade with a big hole in the center.⁶ a huge ring of fine jade; name of a kind of jade.⁷
瑗珲[瑗琿] Yõn-fï Yuànhuī now written as 瑷珲[璦琿] or 爱珲[愛琿] Öi-fï Àihuī, a district in Heiheshi (黑河市 Hāk-hõ-sî Hēihéshì) in Heilongjiang Province (黑龙江省[黑龍江省] Hāk-lũng-göng sāng Hēilóng jiāng shěng). (Note: 瑗珲[瑗琿] is pronounced Öi-fï Àihuī when it refers to the district in Heiheshi in Heilongjiang Province).⁸
or 瑗珲条约[瑗琿條約] Öi-fï-hẽl-yēk  Àihuītiáoyuē Treaty of Aihui (unequal treaty imposed on the Qing government by tsarist Russia,1858).⁶
yon3 17233
96 24 yõn huán scepter.¹⁰ a stone (jade) scepter held by a duke; a man's name.²⁴ (Note: There are six kinds of scepters, one for each level of nobility. The kind held by a duke is called 桓圭 yõn-gï huánguī).⁸
(composition: ⿰𤣩獻; U+74DB).
<又> yêp.
(See 瓛 yêp).
yon3 17234
109 10 yõn xuàn <wr.> dizzy, giddy; dazzled, bewildered.⁵ confused vision, dizzy, giddy; mistaken, deceived, deluded.¹⁴
头晕目眩[頭暈目眩] hẽo-vũn-mùk-yõn tóuyūnmùxuàn feel dizzy.⁵
头眩[頭眩] hẽo-yõn
tóuxuàn giddy.¹¹
目眩 mùk-yõn
mùxuàn feel dizzy.⁵⁵
眩疾 yõn-dìp
xuànjí <wr.> fainting fits.¹¹
眩晃 yõn-fōng
xuànhuàng (eyes) dazzled.¹¹
眩丽[眩麗] yõn-lài
xuànlì charming.⁸
眩目 yõn-mùk
xuànmù (=炫目 yõn-mùk xuànmù) dazzling, blinding.⁶
眩人 yõn-ngĩn
xuànrén <wr.> magician.¹¹
眩仆 yõn-pük
xuànpū to fall down from vertigo.¹⁴
眩惑 yõn-vàk
xuànhuò confuse.⁸
眩晕[眩暈] yõn-vũn
xuànyùn dizziness; vertigo.⁵
眩晕一阵[眩暈一陣] yõn-vũn-yīt-jìn
xuànyùn yī zhèn a fit of dizziness.⁵⁴
眩死 yõn-xī
xuànsǐ to die from suffocation.¹⁴
眩耀 yõn-yèl
xuànyào dazzling; brilliant.¹⁰
眩于名实[眩于名實] yõn-yï-mẽin-sìt
xuànyúmíngshí to confuse the real and the unreal, the nominal and the actual.¹⁴
眩眩 yõn-yõn
xuànxuàn giddy, dizzy.¹¹
yon3 17235
120 9 yõn wán fine white silk fabrics.⁶
绮襦纨袴[綺襦紈袴] yī-yĩ-yõn-fû qǐrúwánkù young fops of good family – lit. embroidered jacket and white silk trousers.¹⁴
or 纨袴[紈袴] yõn-fû wánkù <wr.> silk clothes – sons of rich families.⁶
or 纨裤子弟[紈褲子弟] yõn-fû-dū-ài wánkùzǐdì profligate son of the rich; fop; dandy; playboy.⁵
纨袴子弟[紈袴子弟] yõn-fû-dū-ài
wánkùzǐdì profligate son of rich parents; beau; fop; dandy; playboy.⁶
纨牛[紈牛] yõn-ngẽo
wánniú calf.⁵⁴
纨扇[紈扇] yõn-sën
wánshàn round silk fan.⁵
纨素[紈素] yõn-xü
wánsù fine, white silk.⁷
yon3 17236
120 15 yõn yuán <wr.> along; <wr.> for (reason), because of; reason; predestined relationship; principal and secondary causes; karma; edge, fringe, brink; <bio.> limbus.⁶
不解之缘[不解之緣] būt-gāi-jï-yõn bùjiězhīyuán an indissoluble bond; an irrevocable commitment.⁹
人缘[人緣] ngĩn-yõn
rényuán relations with people; popularity.¹⁰
缘簿[緣簿] yõn-bù
yuánbù records of contributions kept at Buddhist or Daoist temples.⁶
缘分[緣分] yõn-fùn
yuánfèn lot or luck by which people are brought together.⁵
缘故[緣故] yõn-gü
yuángù cause; reason.⁵
缘起[緣起] yõn-hī
yuánqǐ cause, genesis; origin; account of initiation of a project or the founding of an institution.⁶
缘何[緣何] yõn-hõ
yuánhé <wr.> why?⁶
缘木求鱼[緣木求魚] yõn-mùk-kiũ-nguî/
yuánmùqiúyú climb a tree to catch fish – a fruitless approach.⁵
缘饰[緣飾] yõn-sēik
yuánshì border, edging; decorate; embellish, cover up; fringe; edge finishing.⁵⁴
缘由[緣由] yõn-yiũ
yuányóu reason; cause.⁵
yon3 17237
130 7 yõn yuàn a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty.⁸ʼ³⁶ a small insect; empty; to twist, to flinch.²⁵ a small worm; to twist or wrench; to surround; empty.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿱口月(GHJK) or ⿱口⺼(T); U+8099).
yon3 17238
140 6 yõn wán Metaplexis japonica.¹  Metaplexis stauntoni.²¹
芄兰[芄蘭] yõn-lãn
wánlán <bot.> name of plant, Metaplexis stauntoni.
yon3 17239
140 7 yõn yán 芫荽 yõn-xuï yánsuī coriander, Coriandrum sativum.
<台> 芫茜 yõn-xäi coriander, Chinese parsley.
(See 芫 [yõn, yuán].)
yon3 17240
140 7 yõn yuán 胡芫 vũ-yõn húyuán coriander.
芫花 yõn-fä
yuánhuā lilac daphne.
芫花素 yõn-fä-xü
yuánhuāsù genkwanin.
芫青 yõn-tëin
yuánqīng meloid; blister beetle (dried and used as a medicine).
(See 芫 [yõn, yán].)
yon3 17241
142 15 yõn yuán (<old> =猿 yõn yuán) ape.⁸
(See 猿 yõn; 猨 yõn.)
yon3 17242
142 15 yõn yuán the larva of locust.⁸ the young of locusts before the wings appear.¹⁴ the locust, before it obtains wings; one says, the young of a large species of ant.²⁵ the larva of locust.³⁶
(composition: ⿰虫彖; U+875D).
冬蝝生 üng-yõn-säng dōngyuánshēng the winter the larvae of the locusts were produced.¹⁴
蚿蝝 yẽn-yõn
xiányuán insect and locusts, a metaphor for something extremely humble.¹⁹
<又> xün.
(See 蝝 xün).
yon3 17243
144 11 yõn xuàn (=炫 yõn xuàn) dazzle; show off, display.⁵ (variant: 𧗳❄{⿲彳言亍} yõn).
or 衒賣 <wr.> yõn-yùk xuànyù show off one's wares for sale.¹¹
(See 炫 yõn; 𧗳❄{⿲彳言亍} yõn).
yon3 17244
144 13 𧗳
yõn xuàn (=衒 yõn xuàn or =炫 yõn xuàn dazzle; show off, display.⁵).⁸ to boast; to cry up; to offer for sale.²⁵
(composition: ⿲彳言亍; U+275F3).
(See 衒 yõn; 炫 yõn).
yon3 17245
145 10 yõn yuán long robe (old); Yuan surname.
(variant: 𡊮❄{U+212AE} yõn yuán). (See 𡊮𡊮❄{U+212AE} yõn).
袁大头[袁大頭] Yõn Ài-hẽo
Yuándàtóu coin with Yuan Shikai's portrait.
袁头[头頭] Yõn hẽo
Yuántóu silver coins with the head of Yuan Shikai on the obverse side.
袁世凯[袁世凱] Yõn Säi-hōi
Yuán Shìkǎi (1859-1916) high Qing official; Beiyang militarist; replaced Sun Yat-sen as president in 1912.
yon3 17246
152 17 yõn huán a porcupine; a legendary animal name; the name of the northwest minority towns in ancient times.⁵⁴
(variant: 獂 yõn huán).
(composition: ⿰豕原; U+8C72).
帚豲 jāo-yõn
zhǒuhuán (=豪猪[豪豬] hõ-jï or hão-jï háozhū a porcupine.¹¹).¹⁹
豲猪[豲豬] yõn-jï
huánzhū (=豪猪[豪豬] hõ-jï or hão-jï háozhū a porcupine.¹¹).¹⁹
豲戎 yõn-yũng
huánróng nationalities to the west and north of ancient China.¹⁹
(See 獂 yõn).
yon3 17247
159 17 yõn yuán shafts of a cart or carriage; <trad.> the outer gate of a government office; <trad.> a government office.⁵ axle; magistrate's office; Yuan surname.⁸
车辕[車轅] chëh-yõn chēyuán shaft (of a cart or carriage).⁶
车辕子[車轅子] chëh-yõn-dū
chēyuánzi shafts of a cart.⁶
驾辕[駕轅] gä-yõn
jiàyuán pull a cart/carriage from between the shafts; be hitched up.⁶
行辕[行轅] hãng-yõn
xíngyuán official residence of high officer or general during travel.¹¹
南辕北辙[南轅北轍] nãm-yõn-bāk-chēt
nányuánběizhé to head for the wrong direction, diametrically opposite.¹¹
辕子[轅子] yõn-dū
yuánzi <topo.> shaft, pole, thill.⁶
辕骡[轅騾] yõn-luĩ
or yõn-lõ yuánluó mule in the shafts; shaft-mule.⁶
辕马[轅馬] yõn-mâ
yuánmǎ horse in the shafts; shaft-horse.⁵
辕门[轅門] yõn-mõn
yuánmén <trad.> the outer gate of a government office. ⁵
yon3 17248
167 12 yõn yán (=鉛 yõn qiān) lead (Pb).⁶
(See 鉛[yõn, qiān]; 鉛[yõn, yán]).
yon3 17249
167 13 yõn qiān lead (Pb).⁶ (variant: 鈆 yõn qiān).
铅丹[鉛丹] yõn-än
qiāndān <chem.> red lead, minium.⁶
铅弹头[鉛彈頭] yõn-àn-hẽo
qiāndàntóu lead bullet.⁶
铅版[鉛版] yõn-bān
qiānbǎn <print.> stereotype.⁶
铅板[鉛板] yõn-bān
qiānbǎn lead plate/sheet.⁶
铅笔[鉛筆] yõn-bīt
qiānbǐ (lead) pencil.⁶
铅笔盒[鉛筆盒] yõn-bīt-hâp
qiānbǐhé pencil-case.¹⁰
or 铅笔心[鉛筆心] yõn-bīt-xïm qiānbǐxīn pencil graphite; black lead (in a pencil).⁵⁴
铅玻璃[鉛玻璃] yõn-bū-lī
or yõn-bō-lī qiānbōli lead glass.⁶
铅字[鉛字] yõn-dù
qiānzì <print.> type; letter.⁶
铅条[鉛條] yõn-hẽl
qiāntiáo lead for a propelling pencil; <print.> lead, slug.⁶
铅焊[鉛銲] yõn-hòn
qiānhàn ead welding/burning.⁶
铅球[鉛球] yõn-kiũ
qiānqiú  shot put (athletics event).⁶
铅黛[鉛黛] yõn-òi
qiāndài <wr.> white lead and black pigment (used as cosmetics in old times).⁶
铅垂线[鉛垂綫] yõn-suĩ-xëin
qiānchuíxiàn plumb line.⁶
铅华[鉛華] yõn-vã
qiānhuá lead powder (used in cosmetics).⁹
<台> 铅笔刨[鉛筆刨] yõn-bīt-pão pencil sharpener.
(See 鈆 yõn; 鉛[yõn, yán]).
yon3 17250
167 13 yõn yán 铅山[鉛山] Yõn-sän Yánshān a place name in Jiangxi Province 江西省.
(See 鈆 yõn; 鉛[yõn, qiān]).
yon3 17251
177 14 yõn xuàn a scabbard; reins or traces.⁸ the sheath of a sword.²⁴
(composition: ⿰革玄; U+4A59).
(See 鞙 yõn xuàn  sense ➀).
yon3 17252
177 16 yõn xuàn ➀ yoke of a cart; knife/sword sheath.² ➁ the appearance of gems, or the display of gems at one's girdle.²⁴ ➂ (=䩙 yõn xuàn a scabbard; reins or traces.⁸ the sheath of a sword.²⁴
(composition: ⿰革肙; U+9799).
䪎鞙 xuï-yõn
suīxuàn knife sheath; sword sheath; sword scabbard.²
Yõn-yõn-pöi-xuì, būt-yî-kĩ-chẽng.
Xuàn xuàn pèi suì, bù yǐ qí cháng.
If we give them long girdle-pendants with their stones,
They do not think them long enough.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·小旻之什·大東》, translated by James Legge).
<又> gün; xün.
(See 鞙 [gün, yuān]; 鞙 [gün, juān]; 鞙 xün; 䩙 yõn).
yon3 17253
184 15 yõn yuàn satiated; to dislike.⁸ to be satisfied; to eat to the full.²⁵
(composition: ⿰飠肙; U+4B3C).
yon3 17254
187 15 yõn xuán a one-year-old colt; a black horse.²⁵
(composition: ⿰馬玄; U+4B84).
yon3 17255
187 20 𫘪
yõn yuán bay.⁸ chestnut horse with white belly.¹⁰ a white horse, with a white belly.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿰馬原; U+9A35). (comp. s: ⿰马原; U+2B62A).
驷𫘪[駟騵] xü-yõn
sìyuán four chestnut horses with white bellies pulling a carriage.¹⁹
Sì yuán péng péng.
four bays galloping along.²⁵ The teams of bays, black-maned and white-bellied, galloped along.⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·大雅·文王之什·大明》, translated by James Legge).
yon3 17256
195 15 yõn yuán (<old>=鼋[黿] yõn yuán) soft-shelled turtle.⁵ Pelochelys cantorii.²⁰
(See 黿 yõn).
yon3 17257
196 20 yõn yuán a bird which frequents the sea-shore.⁸
鶢鶋 yõn-guï yuánjū a kind of seabird.⁸
yon3 17258
205 17 黿 yõn yuán soft-shelled turtle.⁵ Pelochelys cantorii.²⁰
variant: 魭 yõn
t: ⿱元黽; U+9EFF). (comp. s: ⿱元黾; U+9F0B).
癞头鼋[癩頭黿] lài-hẽo-yõn
làitóuyuán sea turtle.¹⁹
元鼋[元黿] ngũn-yõn
yuányuán the original tortoise, produced at the commencement of heaven and earth; it is considered the male of the species.²⁵
烧鼋致鼈[燒黿致鼈] sël-yõn-jï-bèik
shāoyuánzhìbiē burn the male tortoise, and you will induce the other kinds to come; the fat of this tortoise is said to burn so fiercely that it will melt iron.²⁵
鼋鼈[黿鼈] yõn-bèik
yuánbiē a large tortoise, more than ten feet in diameter.²⁵
or 鼋鸣鳖应[黿鳴鱉應] yõn-mẽin-bèik-yëin yuánmíngbiēyìng lit. The small turtle responds as the large turtle calls. – The lord and his vassals get along quite well.⁷
or 元鱼[圓魚] or 圆鱼[圓魚] yõn-nguĩ yuányú soft-shelled turtle.⁵
(See 魭 yõn).
yon3 17259
32 10 yòn yuàn dike; embankment.
圩垸 vĩ-yòn wéiyuàn lakeside dikes.
垸子 yòn-dū
yuànzi <topo.> dike.
yon4 17260
64 12 yòn yuàn <wr.> minor official or officer.
廷掾 hẽin-yòn tíngyuàn <trad.> a magistrate's assistant official or subordinate officer.
掾史 yòn-xū
yuànshǐ <trad.> secretary in a public office.
yon4 17261
96 9 yòn xiàn a kind of jade.² name of a precious stone, also read xuàn.²⁴
(composition: ⿰𤣩玄; U+73B9).
<又> yõn; yẽn.
(See 玹 yõn; 玹 yẽn).
yon4 17262
120 15 yòn xiàn county.
t: ⿰⿱⿴𠀃三小系(GTV) or ⿰県系(HJK); U+7E23). (comp. s: ⿱且厶; U+53BF).
赤县神州[赤縣神州] Chēik-yòn-sĩn-jiü
Chìxiàn-Shénzhōu Red Territory and Divine Land – China.⁶
县长[縣長] yòn-jēng
xiànzhǎng county magistrate.
县级[縣級] yòn-kīp
xiànjí county level.
县级市[縣級市] yòn-kīp-sî
xiànjí shì county-level city.
县市[縣市] yòn-sî
xiàn-shì county and city.
yon4 17263
162 13 yòn yuàn  to keep away from.¹¹
远庖厨[遠庖廚] yòn-pão-chuĩ yuànpáochú <wr.> keep away from the kitchen (to enjoy food).¹¹
远小人[遠小人] yòn-xēl-ngĩn
yuànxiǎorén keep away from the mean and selfish characters.¹¹
<又> yōn.
(See 遠 yōn.)
yon4 17264
170 9 yòn yuàn courtyard; institution.
出院 chūt-yòn chūyuàn to leave the hospital.
电影院[電影院] èin-yēin-yòn
diànyǐngyuàn cinema; movie theater.
法院 fāt-yòn
fǎyuàn <law> court.
国务院[國務院] Gōk-mù-yòn
Guówùyuàn State Council; State Department; Department of State (US).⁶
学院[學院] hòk-yòn
xuéyuàn college; educational institute; school; faculty.¹⁰
住院 jì-yòn
zhùyuàn to be hospitalized.
医院[醫院] yï-yòn
yīyuàn hospital.
院子 yòn-dū
yuànzi courtyard; compound.
院长[院長] yòn-jēng
yuànzhǎng director or president (of a museum or institute); dean of a college; head of a branch of government.
院士 yòn-xù
yuànshì scholar; academician; fellow (of an academy).
yon4 17265
31 13 yôn yuán <台> dry glutinous rice dumplings (spherical in shape).
<台> 吃汤圆[吃湯圓] hëk höng-yôn to eat glutinous rice dumplings served in soup (spherical in shape).
<又> yõn. (See 圓 yõn.)
yon5 17266
5 1 yōt Kangxi radical 5. Second of the Ten Heavenly Stems; second in order.  (variant: 𠃊 yōt ). (See 𠃊 yōt).
甲乙丙丁 gāp-yōt-bēin-ëin
jiǎ-yǐ-bǐng-dīng A,B,C,D.
某甲某乙 mêo-gāp-mêo-yōt
mǒujiǎmǒuyǐ Mr. X and Mr. Y.¹⁹
乙等 yōt-āng
yǐděng second grade.
乙炔 yōt-kūt
yǐquē acetylene; ethyne C₂H₂.¹⁰
乙炔焊[乙炔銲] yōt-kūt-hòn
yǐquēhàn acetylene welding.⁹
乙醇 yōt-sũn
yǐchún alcohol.⁸ ethanol C₂H₅OH; same as alcohol 酒精 diū-dëin jiǔjīng.¹⁰
乙醛 yōt-tũn
yǐquán acetic aldehyde; acetaldehyde.⁵
乙酸 yōt-xön
yǐsuān acetic acid.
乙烷 yōt-yõn
yǐwán ethane (C₂H₆).¹⁰
yot1 17267
5 1 yōt (component in 乱亂孔屯劜扎乢糺玌札轧軋礼钆釓虬齓 etc.)
component in Chinese characters; archaic variant of 毫 (hõ háo fine tapering animal hair; writing brush; 1/3 decimillimeter; milli-; 0.005 grams; 1/10 yuan; (used in the negative only) in the least, in/to the slightest degree.⁶ <old> 0.0001 tael.¹⁵); archaic variant of 乙 (yōt Kangxi radical 5. Second of the Ten Heavenly Stems; second in order. ).¹⁰ hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute.³⁵ (=乙 yōt the second of the ten heavenly stems); (=隐[隱] yîn yǐn secret; hidden).³⁶
(composition: ⿰; U+4E5A).
<又> hõ; yîn.
(See 乚 hõ; 乚 yîn).
yot1 17268
5 1 𠃊 yōt (=乙 yōt Second of the Ten Heavenly Stems; second in order.).
(composition: ⿰; U+200CA).
<又> yîn.
(See 𠃊 yîn).
yot1 17269
167 9 yōt yttrium (Y).
yot1 17270
196 12 yōt swallow.⁸
(composition: ⿰鳥乙; U+9CE6).
鷔鳦 ngào-yōt àoyǐ (aka 聱耴 ngào-jēt (ngào-ngàt) àozhé (àoyì) numerous sounds; state of birds and fish; earlobe.¹³ resembling birds and fishes; the noise of a multitude.²⁵); flocks of fish and birds sing together.⁸
yot1 17271
10 6 yòt yuè (<old>=说[說] yòt yuè or 悦[悅] yòt yuè to take pleasure in; pleased.¹⁴).⁸
(composition: ⿱公儿; U+514A).
(See 說 yòt; 說 yòt 悅 yòt).
yot4 17272
10 7 yòt yuè (=悦[悅] yòt yuè to take pleasure in; pleased.¹⁴); to gratify.¹⁴
(variant: 兊 yòt
(comp. t: ⿱八兄; U+514C). (comp. s: ⿱丷兄; U+5151).
<又> uï.
(See 兌 uï; 悅 yòt; 兊 yòt).
yot4 17273
30 16 yòt yuě to belch; to vomit.⁸ to puke; to hiccup.¹⁰
干哕[乾噦] gön-yòt gānyuě to retch.¹⁰
<又> vï.
(See 噦 vï.)
yot4 17274
46 8 yòt xuè (=穴 yòt xué) cave, den, hole; grave.⁵
(See 穴 yòt).
yot4 17275
61 10 yòt yuè happy, pleased, delighted; happy, please.⁵
不悦[不悅] būt-yòt bùyuè displeased.⁵
喜悦[喜悅] hī-yòt
xǐyuè happy; joyous.⁵
悦服[悅服] yòt-fùk yuèfú heartily admire.⁵
悦口[悅口] yòt-hēo
yuèkǒu tasty; savory; palatable.⁷
悦泽[悅澤] yòt-jàk
yuèzé pleasantly bright; gorgeous.⁷
悦目[悅目] yòt-mùk
yuèmù pleasing to the eye; good-looking.⁵
悦耳[悅耳] yòt-ngī
yuè'ěr pleaseing to the ear; sweet-sounding.⁵
悦耳的音乐[悅耳的音樂] yòt-ngī-ēik-yïm-ngòk
yuè'ěrdeyīnyuè sweet (or melodious) music.⁵
悦人[悅人] yòt-ngĩn
yuèrén pleasant; pleasing; delightful.⁷
悦色[悅色] yòt-sēik
yuèsè a happy look or expression.⁷
悦从[悅從] yòt-tũng
yuècóng to follow or submit willingly.⁷
悦心[悅心] yòt-xïm
yuèxīn to gladden; to cheer.⁷
悦意[悅意] yòt-yï
yuèyì pleasantness, agreeableness; an expression of happiness.⁷
悦豫[悅豫] yòt-yì
yuèyù <wr.> pleased; delighted.⁶
yot4 17276
62 5 yòt yuè (<old>=钺[鉞] yòt yuè battle-axe used in ancient times.⁶).¹¹³
(composition: ⿹𠄌戈; U+6209).
(See 鉞 yòt).
yot4 17277
64 8 yòt xué to beat; to strike, to throw; to pitch, to scoop out, to dig out.¹⁰ʼ⁹⁴ (Note: In Mandarin 㧒 xué may also be read and yuè.)⁹⁴
㧒揘 yòt-vãng
xuéhéng to strike; to cast.²⁴
yot4 17278
73 4 yòt yuē Kangxi radical 73; say.⁸<wr.> say; call, name.⁵
子曰 Dū yòt Zǐ yuē Confucius said.¹¹
子曰: 君子欲讷于言而敏于行[子曰: 君子欲訥於言而敏於行] Dū yòt, "Gün-dū yùk-nàp-yï-ngũn ngĩ-mêin-yï-hãng". 
Zǐ yuē: "Jūnzǐ yùnèyúyán érmǐnyúxíng". The Master said, "A gentle man covets the reputation of being slow in word but prompt in deed".⁶
子曰诗云[子曰詩云] Dū yòt Sï vũn
Zǐ yuē Shī yún fond of quoting the classics.¹¹
美其名曰 mî-kĩ-mẽin-yòt
měiqímíngyuē describe something euphemistically as; give something the fine-sounding name of.⁵
诗曰[詩曰] Sï yòt
Shī yuē It is said in the Odes...¹⁴
对曰[對曰] uï-yòt
duìyuē <wr.> answer(ed).¹¹ said in reply (to a superior).¹⁴
或曰 vàk-yòt
huòyuē or 或谓[或謂] vàk-vì huòwèi or 或云 vàk-vũn huòyún some people say that...⁶
孙子曰: "知彼知己,百战不殆" [孫子曰:"知彼知己,百戰不殆"] Xün Dū yòt "Jï-bī-jï-gī, bāk-jën-būt-òi".
Sūnzǐ yuē: "Zhī bǐ zhī jǐ, bǎizhànbùdài". Sun Zi said, "Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat."⁵
yot4 17279
75 16 yòt yuè <wr.> shade of a tree.⁶
樾荫[樾蔭] yòt-yìm yuèyīn the protection from the powerful.⁷
yot4 17280
94 8 yòt yuè (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciation of 狘 hüt xuè with the same meaning: jump; (beasts) running away frightened; a beast described in ancient books.⁸ an animal running away; to run away frightened.²⁴).
(composition: ⿰犭戉; U+72D8).
<又> hüt.
(See 狘 hüt).
yot4 17281
116 5 yòt xué Kangxi radical 116; cave, den, hole.⁸ cave, den, hole; grave; <TCM> acupuncture point; acupoint.⁵ (variant: 岤 yòt xuè).
匪穴 fī-yòt
fěixué bandits' den.⁵
虎穴 fū-yòt
hǔxué tiger's den.⁵
空穴来风[空穴來風] hüng-yòt-lõi-füng
kōngxuéláifēng lit. wind from an empty cave (idiom); fig. unfounded (story); baseless (claim).¹⁰
地穴 ì-yòt
dìxué a primitive dugout.⁰ pit; burrow; crypt.¹⁰
蚁穴[蟻穴] ngāi-yòt
yǐxué ant hole.⁵
洞穴 ùng-yòt
dòngxué cave; cavern.⁵
穴道 (=穴位 yòt-vì
xuéwèi) yòt-ào xuédào <TCM> acupuncture point; acupoint.⁶
穴播 yòt-bö
xuébō <agr.> bunch planting.⁵
穴居 yòt-guï
xuéjū live in caves.⁵
穴居人 yòt-guï-ngĩn
xuéjūrén cave dweller; troglodyte.⁵
穴居野处[穴居野處] yòt-guï-yêh-chuī
xuéjūyěchǔ dwell in caves in the wilds.⁶
穴位 yòt-vì
xuéwèi <TCM> acupuncture point; acupoint.⁶
(See 岤 yòt).

yot4 17282
118 14 yòt yuè (=籆 yòt yuè <topo.> reel; spool; device used to reel silk, yarn.⁶ a spinning utensil.³⁹); tools to unreel silk.⁸ a spindle for receiving silk; bamboos growing thick together.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗或; U+4205).
䈅䈑 yòt-gā
yuèguǎ a device for receiving/gathering or reeling or unreeling silk.⁰
(See 籰 yòt).
yot4 17283
118 16 yòt yuè (=籰 yòt yuè) <topo.> reel; spool; device used to reel silk, yarn.⁶ a spinning utensil.³⁹
(See 籰 yòt).
yot4 17284
118 19 yòt yuè (=籰 yòt yuè) <topo.> reel; spool; device used to reel silk, yarn.⁶ a spinning utensil.³⁹ (variant: 䈅 yòt yuè).
(composition: ⿱𥫗蒦; U+7C46).
(See 籰 yòt; 䈅 yòt).
yot4 17285
118 26 yòt yuè <topo.> reel; spool; device used to reel silk, yarn.⁶ a spinning utensil.³⁹ (variants 篗 yòt yuè; 籆 yòt yuè).
籰子 yòt-dū
yuèzǐ tool for holding silk, yarn, thread,etc.⁸
(See 篗 yòt; 籆 yòt).
yot4 17286
119 13 yòt yuè short name for Guangdong or Guangdong/Guangxi.
两粤[兩粵] Lēng-Yòt Liǎng-Yuè Guangdong and Guangxi.
粤江[粵江] Yòt-göng
Yuè Jiāng another name for the Pearl River.
粤犬吠雪[粵犬吠雪] Yòt-hūn-fì-xūt
Yuèquǎnfèixuě lit. Cantonese dog barks at the snow; fig. people are startled by an unusual phenomenon.
粤剧[粵劇] Yòt-kēk
Yuèjù Cantonese opera.
粤语[粵語] Yòt-nguî
Yuèyǔ Cantonese language.
粤菜[粵菜] Yòt-töi
Yuècài Cantonese cuisine.
yot4 17287
140 8 yòt xué coarse mat; to enclose grain with coarse mat; to store grain in a matting silo.⁶
盘茓[盤茓] põn-yòt pánxué reed container for storing grain.⁵⁴
茓子 yòt-dū
or 踅子 jët-dū xuézi coarse mat.⁶
yot4 17288
149 14 yòt yuè (=悦[悅] yòt yuè) to take pleasure in; pleased.¹⁴
t: ⿰言兌; U+F96F). (comp. s: ⿰讠兑; U+8BF4).
<又> sōt; suï; höt.
(See 說 sōt; 說 suï; 說 höt; 悅 yòt).
yot4 17289
153 27 yòt jué (=大猿 ài-yõn dàyuán or 大猩猩 ài-xëin-xëin dàxīngxing gorilla); ape.⁸
(composition: ⿰豸矍; U+8C9C).
豭貜 gä-yòt
jiājué or jiāyuè legendary apes.¹⁹
貑貜 gä-yòt
jiājué or jiāyuè a large kind of monkey.²⁵
貜狙 yòt-duï juéjū
or yuèjū ape.¹⁹
貜父 yòt-fù
juéfù (=貑貜 gä-yòt jiājué or jiāyuè a large kind of monkey.²⁵).¹⁹
貜猳 yòt-gä
juéjiā or yuèjiā a large kind of monkey.²⁵
貜貜 yòt-yòt
juéjué or yuèyuè a large kind of monkey.²⁵
yot4 17290
153 27 yòt yuè (alternate Mandarin pronunciation of 貜 yòt jué with the same meaning: (=大猿 ài-yõn dàyuán or 大猩猩 ài-xëin-xëin dàxīngxing gorilla); ape.⁸
(composition: ⿰豸矍; U+8C9C).
(See 貜[yòt, jué]).
yot4 17291
156 12 yòt yuè go beyond; transgress; skip, climb over, cross over; even more, the more; name of ancient state; Yue surname.⁷
(越…越…) yòt...yòt... yuè...yuè... the more...the more…¹⁰
越发[越發] yòt-fät
yuèfā even more; the more.⁷
越界 yòt-gäi
yuèjiè overstep a boundary; cross a border.⁵
越境 yòt-gēin
yuèjìng cross a border illegally.⁵
越轨[越軌] yòt-gī
yuèguǐ exceed the bounds; transgress.⁸
越过[越過] yòt-gö
yuèguò to exceed, overstep; go across.⁷
越橘 yòt-gūt
yuèjú lingonberry, partridgeberry, cowberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
越剧[越劇] Yòt-kēk
Yuèjù Shaoxing opera (绍兴戏[紹興戲] Sèl-hëin-hï Shàoxīngxì).⁵ (cf. 粤剧[粵劇] Yòt-kēk Yuèjù).
越级[越級] yòt-kīp
yuèjí to skip grades in promotion.⁷
越权[越權] yòt-kũn
yuèquán to act without authorization.⁷
越来越[越來越] yòt-lõi-yòt
yuè lái yuè more and more.⁷
越南 Yòt Nãm
Yuènán Vietnam.⁵
越狱[越獄] yòt-ngùk
yuèyù escape from prison.⁵
越冬 yòt-üng
yuèdōng live through or survive the winter.⁵
越位 yòt-vì
yuèwèi <sport> offside.⁵
越王勾践[越王勾踐] Yòt-võng Ngëo-dèin
Yuè wáng Gōujiàn King Gou Jian of Yue (c. 470 BC), sometimes considered one of the Five Hegemons 春秋五霸.¹⁰
越野 yòt-yêh
yuèyě cross-country.⁵

yot4 17292
159 10 𫐄
yòt yuè a crossbar in carriage hitched to two parallel bars for guiding direction.¹¹ the cross pieces of wood in front of a carriage, to which the horses are attached.²⁵
(comp. t: ⿰車兀; U+8ECF). (comp. s: ⿰车兀; U+2B404).
❄{⿰车兒}𫐄❄{ ⿰车兀}[輗軏] ngãi-yòt níyuè, essential parts of a carriage for alignment of wheels and changing direction without which it cannot move, hence, fig. a man's vital convictions.¹¹ lit. the crossbar used on a carriage, essential for the alignment of the wheels and changing direction, without which it cannot move; fig. a person's vital convictions; (fig., attributive) large and small, significant and trivial.³⁶
❄{ ⿰车兀}[小車無軏] xēl-chëh-mũ-yòt xiǎochēwúyuè a small carriage without a crossbar.²⁵
yot4 17293
167 13 yòt yuè battle-axe used in ancient times.⁶
秉钺[秉鉞] bēin-yòt bǐngyuè <wr.> hold axe, i.e., symbol of military power.¹¹
节钺[節鉞] dēik-yòt
jiéyuè a battle-axe; formerly, symbol of authority of military commander.¹¹
斧钺[斧鉞] fū-yòt
fǔyuè ax and hatchet, referring to execution of criminals.¹¹
yot4 17294
169 15 yòt yuè read, go over; review, inspect; experience, pass through.⁵
检阅[檢閱] gēm-yòt jiǎnyuè review (troops), inspect.⁵
圈阅[圈閱] hūn-yòt
quānyuè (of a leader) circle one's name on a document submitted for approval to show one has read it.⁶
阅报[閱報] yòt-bäo
yuèbào read newspapers.⁵
阅兵[閱兵] yòt-bëin
yuèbīng review troops.⁵
阅卷[閱卷] yòt-kūn
yuèjuàn go over examination papers.⁵
阅览[閱覽] yòt-lâm
yuèlǎn read.⁵
阅览室[閱覽室] yòt-lâm-sīt
yuèlǎnshì reading room.⁵
阅历[閱歷] yòt-lèik
yuèlì see, hear, or do for oneself; experience.⁵
阅世渐深[閱世漸深] yòt-säi-dëm-sïm
yuèshìjiànshēn gain more and more experience of life.⁵
阅读[閱讀] yòt-ùk
yuèdú read.⁵
阅读杂志[閱讀雜志] yòt-ùk-dàp-jï
yuèdúzázhì read magazines.⁵
yot4 17295
29 16 yuì ruì (=睿 yuì ruì) farsighted; having foresight; prescient; sagacious.⁶
(See 睿 yuì.)
yui4 17296
64 10 yuì ruì to prop up.²⁴
<又> nuì. (See 㨅 nuì.)
yui4 17297
75 8 yuì ruì tenon.⁵
凿枘[鑿枘] dòk-yuì záoruì to fit like mortise and tenon.¹⁰
方枘圆凿[方枘圓鑿] föng-yuì-yõn-dòk
or 圆凿方枘[圓鑿方枘] yõn-dòk-föng-yuì yuánzáofāngruì to put a square peg in a round hole; incompatible.¹⁰
枘凿[枘鑿] yuì-dòk
ruìzáo incompatible.¹⁰
枘凿不入[枘鑿不入] yuì-dòk-būt-yìp
ruìzáobùrù fit a square handle into a round socket; incompatible; mentally conflicting.³⁹
yui4 17298
85 7 yuì ruì confluence of two streams; bend.⁸ river in 甘肃 [甘肅] Gäm-xūk Gānsù Gansu Province.¹⁴
yui4 17299
109 14 yuì ruì farsighted; having foresight; prescient; sagacious.⁶ (variant: 叡, 𥈠 yuì ruì).
(composition: ⿱𣦵
❄{⿱⺊⿵冂一}⿳八𠆢目; U+777F).
明睿 mẽin-yuì
míngruì wise and farsighted.³⁹
聪明睿智[聰明睿智] tüng-mẽin-yuì-jï
cōngmingruìzhì intellectual virtues; intelligent and wise.⁵⁴
聪睿[聰睿] tüng-yuì
cōngruì <wr.> bright and farsighted.³⁹
睿图[睿圖] yuì-hũ
ruìtú plans designed by the emperor; a portrait of Confucius.⁷
睿哲 yuì-jēt
ruìzhé saintly wisdom, superior intelligence; His Majesty.⁷
睿智 yuì-jï
ruìzhì <wr.> wise and farsighted.⁵
睿览[睿覽] yuì-lâm
ruìlǎn for the emperor's perusal.⁷
睿藻 yuì-täo
ruìzǎo poems or articles written by the emperor, the empress or imperial concubines.⁷
(See 叡 yuì; 𥈠 yuì).
yui4 17300
109 14 𥈠 yuì ruì (=睿 yuì ruì) farsighted; having foresight; prescient; sagacious.⁶
(composition: ⿸虍
(first 3 strokes, without the 七)+⿱一⿳八𠆢目; U+25220).
(See 睿 yuì.)
yui4 17301
120 12 𥿫
yuì yuì (alternate Hoisanva and Mandarin pronunciations for 𥿫 vī wèi with the same meaning: to hang down, to droop.² to hang down.²⁵).²
(composition: ⿰糹多; U+25FEB).
<又> mĩ; yì; vī.
(See 𥿫❄{⿰糹多} mĩ; 𥿫❄{⿰糹多} yì; 𥿫❄{⿰糹多} vī).
yui4 17302
140 7 yuì ruì small, tiny; name of an ancient state in what is Shanxi today; Rui surname.⁷ tiny, small; water's edge; thongs of a shield; edge of a body of water; Rui state.⁸ small plants budding; thongs of a shield.¹⁴
蕞芮 duï-yuì zuìruì to collect; to assemble.¹⁴ to collect together.²⁵
石龙芮[石龍芮] sêk-lũng-yuì
shílóngruì celery-leaved buttercup or cursed buttercup Ranunculus sceleratus.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
水芮 suī-yuì
shuǐruì the water's edge.²⁵
芮稻 yuì-ào
ruìdào a rice variety which ripens in late autumn.¹¹
芮戈 yuì-fö
ruìgē a short spear.⁵⁴
芮鞫之卽 yuì-gūk-jï-dēik
ruìjūzhījí they went to the other side of the River Rui.¹⁴
芮生 yuì-säng
ruìshēng spring up.²⁵
芮氏 yuì-sì
ruìshì Richter (scale); Richter (name).¹⁰
芮芮 yuì-yuì
ruìruì <wr.> (of grass blades) slender.¹¹ flourishing vegetation.¹⁴ plants budding forth on rocks, short and small.²⁵
yui4 17303
142 10 yuì ruì blackfly (buffalo gnat, turkey gnat, or white socks).¹⁵ʼ²⁰ (variant: 蜹 yuì ruì).
蚊蚋 mûn-yuì
wénruì mosquitoes and gnats, small biting insects.¹¹
蚋鹪鹩[蚋鷦鷯] yuì-dël-lẽl
ruìjiāoliáo gnatcatcher.⁶
蚋翼 yuì-yêik
ruìyì wings of a gnat – very tiny things.⁷
(See 蜹 yuì ➀).
yui4 17304
142 13 yuì ruì ➀ (<old>=蚋 yuì ruì) blackfly (buffalo gnat, turkey gnat, or white socks).¹⁵ʼ²⁰ ➁ (=蠛蠓 mèik-mũng mièměng) <trad.> midge (recorded in the ancient books).⁶
(See 蚋 yuì).
yui4 17305
145 8 𧘉
yuì (=裔 yuì ) descendants, posterity; the hem of a garment; border regions; (now rare) a general name of northerm barbarians; Yi surname.⁷
(composition: ⿱衣冂; U+27609).
(See 裔 yuì).
yui4 17306
145 13 yuì descendants, posterity; the hem of a garment; border regions; (now rare) a general name of northerm barbarians; Yi surname.⁷ (variant: 𧘉❄{⿱衣冂} yuì ).
后裔[後裔] hèo-yuì
hòuyì descendants; offspring.⁵
华裔[華裔] Vã-yuì
Huáyì foreign citizen of Chinese origin.⁵
华裔美国人[華裔美國人] Vã-yuì Mî-gōk-ngĩn
Huágyì Měiguórén Chinese-American.
四裔 xï-yuì
sìyì <wr.> descendants of the four tribes; distant regions.¹¹
四裔之地 xï-yuì-jï-ì
sìyìzhīdì the bounds of the empire.¹⁴
夷裔 yĩ-yuì
yíyì frontier tribes; barbarians.¹⁴
裔胄 yuì-jào
yìzhòu remote descendants or posterity.⁷
裔夷 yuì-yĩ
yìyí frontier tribes.⁷
裔孙[裔孫] yuì-xün
yìsūn remote descendants or posterity.⁷
裔裔 yuì-yuì
yìyì walking; cascading down (as rain).⁷
(See 𧘉❄{⿱衣冂} yuì).
yui4 17307
167 15 yuì ruì (of objects) sharp, keen, pointed; (of senses) sharp, keen, acute, sensitive; (of persons) energetic, robust, potent, vivacious; vigor, vitality, keeness, fighting spirit, strength.⁶
精锐[精銳] dëin-yuì jīngruì (of troops) elite; crack; best quality personnel.¹⁰
尖锐[尖銳] dëm-yuì
jiānruì sharp; intense; penetrating; pointed; acute (illness).¹⁰
敏锐[敏銳] mêin-yuì
mǐnruì acute; keen; sharp.⁶
养精蓄锐[養精蓄銳] yêng-dëin-chūk-yuì
yǎngjīngxùruì conserve one’s strength.⁹
锐不可当[銳不可當] yuì-būt-hō-öng
ruìbùkědāng be irresistible.⁶
锐减[銳減] yuì-gām
ruìjiǎn decline/drop sharply; plummet.⁶
锐角[銳角] yuì-gôk
ruìjiǎo acute angle.⁶
锐气[銳氣] yuì-hï
ruìqì dash; drive; verve; elan.⁶
锐志[銳志] yuì-jï
ruìzhì firm determination.¹⁰
锐利[銳利] yuì-lì
ruìlì sharp; penetrating, incisive, keen.⁶
锐敏[銳敏] yuì-mêin
ruìmǐn acute; keen; sharp.⁶
锐意[銳意] yuì-yï
ruìyì firmly; resolutely; vigorously; with vigor and enthusiasm.⁶
yui4 17308
167 15 yuì ruì (=锐[銳] yuì ruì (of objects) sharp, keen, pointed; (of senses) sharp, keen, acute, sensitive; (of persons) energetic, robust, potent, vivacious; vigor, vitality, keeness, fighting spirit, strength.⁶).
(composition: ⿰金兑; U+92ED).
(See 銳 yuì).
yui4 17309
19 11 yūk (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 勗 nūk with same meaning: to encourage; to exhort; to stimulate; to excite.)
(variant: 朂 yūk
(composition: ⿱曰助; U+52D7).
<又> nūk.
(See 勗 nūk; 勖 nūk; 勖 yūk; 朂 yūk).
yuk1 17310
19 11 yūk (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 勖 nūk with same meaning: to encourage; to exhort; to stimulate; to excite.)
(variant: 朂 yūk
(composition: ⿰冒力; U+52D6).
<又> nūk.
(See 勖 nūk; 勗 nūk 勗 yūk; 朂 yūk).
yuk1 17311
30 11 yūk (=㖪 yūk sound of surprise; to laugh loudly; to flow off; loquacious; sound; voice; tone.⁸ a sound, a noise, loud laughter.²⁴). sound; gutteral sound.²
(composition: ⿰口郁; U+5590).
<又> ngük.
(See 㖪 yūk; 喐 ngük).
yuk1 17312
30 11 yūk sound of surprise; to laugh loudly; to flow off; loquacious; sound; voice; tone.⁸ a sound, a noise, loud laughter.²⁴
(variant: 喐 yūk ).
(composition: ⿰口或; U+35AA).
<又> gōk.
(See 㖪 gōk; 喐 yūk).
yuk1 17313
32 6 yūk river bank.² (=墺 yūk river bank.²); riverside.⁸
(composition: ⿰土乇; U+572B).
<又> äo; hōk; jün.
(See 圫 äo; 圫 hōk; 圫 jün).
yuk1 17314
32 15 yūk river bank.²
(composition: ⿰土奥 or ⿰土奧; U+58BA).
<又> äo. (See 墺 äo).
yuk1 17315
59 10 yūk refined, cultured, polished.⁸ accomplished, cultured, refined; elegant, gracious; luxuriant, exuberant, lush.³⁶
(composition: ⿻或⿱丿丿; U+5F67).
彣彣彧彧 mũn-mũn-yūk-yūk wénwényùyù filled with literary embellishments/talents.¹⁹ʼ⁰
黍稷彧彧 sī-dēik yūk-yūk
shǔjì yù yù
And the millets yield abundant crops.⁶⁰
(Excerpt from 《詩經·小雅·北山之什·信南山·3》, translated by James Legge).
荀彧 Xün Yūk
Xún Yù Xun Yu (163-212), brilliant strategist, advisor of 曹操 Tão Täo Cáo Cāo Cao Cao in Three Kingdoms.
彧彧 yūk-yūk
yùyù luxuriant; flourishing; exuberant.²
yuk1 17316
59 16 𢒰
yūk (=彧 yūk refined, cultured, polished.⁸ accomplished, cultured, refined; elegant, gracious; luxuriant, exuberant, lush.³⁶).²
(composition: ⿰有彧; U+224B0).
<又> vèik.
(See 𢒰❄{⿰有彧} vèik; 彧 yūk).
yuk1 17317
62 17 yūk with elegant appearance; with beautiful or gorgeous color; refined, learned and accomplished.⁸ an ornamented style.²⁴
(composition: ⿰有⿹或巛; U+39BD).

yuk1 17318
72 9 yūk <wr.> sunlight, sunshine; shine, illuminate.⁵ <wr.> bright; shine, illuminate.⁶ bright light, sunlight; dazzling; tomorrow.⁸
日昱月昱 ngìt-yūk-ngùt-yūk rìyùyuèyù the light of the sun and of the moon, respectively.¹⁴
昱耀 yūk-yèl
yùyào shine brightly.⁶
昱昱 yūk-yūk
yùyù dazzling.⁷ bright.¹¹
yuk1 17319
73 12 yūk (=勗 yūk or 勖 yūk xù) to encourage; to exhort; to stimulate; to excite.
(composition: ⿱曰⿸耳力; U+6702).
<又> duï; nūk.
(See 朂 duï; 朂 nūk).
yuk1 17320
76 12 yūk blowing air or breath; (=㖪 yūk sound of surprise; to laugh loudly; to flow off; loquacious; sound; voice; tone.⁸ a sound, a noise, loud laughter.²⁴).² the blowing of the breath.²⁴
(composition: ⿰或欠; U+3C32).
<又> kēik.
(See 㰲 kēik).
yuk1 17321
85 7 yūk fertile; rich; to irrigate; to wash (of river).¹⁰
肥沃 fĩ-yūk féiwò fertile.¹⁰
Xöng-jï-mì-lòk, kĩ-yêp-yūk-ngèk.
Sāng zhī wèi luò, qí yè wò ruò.
Before the mulberry tree has shed its leaves,
How rich and glossy are they!⁶⁰ (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·衛風·氓·3》, translated by James Legge).
沃灌 yūk-gön
wòguàn to irrigate; to wash with water.¹⁰
沃土 yūk-hū
wòtǔ fertile land.¹⁰
沃壤 yūk-ngẽng
wòrǎng fertile soil.¹⁰
沃野 yūk-yêh
wòyě fertile land.¹⁰
沃野千里 yūk-yêh-tëin-lî
wòyě qiānlǐ a thousand li of fertile plain – vast expanse of fertile land.⁶
沃腴 yūk-yĩ
wòyú fertile.³⁹
yuk1 17322
86 13 yūk <wr.> illuminate; shine.⁵ bright and brilliant; flames or blazes; to illuminate, to shine.⁷ the blaze of fire; glorious shining; abundant.¹⁴
熠煜 yìp-yūk yìyù to shine; to glitter.¹⁰
煜耀 yūk-yèl
yùyào glorious.¹⁴
煜熠 yūk-yìp
yùyì bright.¹⁰
煜煜 yūk-yūk
yùyù bright and shining.⁷ dazzling; bright.¹⁰
yuk1 17323
86 16 yūk <wr.> firelight; blaze.⁶ blaze.⁸ firelight.⁹ radiance of fire.¹⁰ bright; fiery.²⁴
yuk1 17324
86 16 yūk <wr.> warm; cosy; warmish.⁶ warm; very hot; sweltering.⁷
寒燠 hõn-yūk hányù cold and heat.¹⁴
燠热[燠熱] yūk-ngèik
yùrè sultry; steamy;  summery; sweltering.⁶ very hot.⁷ extremely hot.¹⁴
燠休 yūk-hiü
yùxiū to comfort, soothe (the distressed, afflicted).¹¹
郁燠[鬱燠] vūt-yūk
yùyù scorching; blazing, burning hot (of weather); melancholy.⁵⁴
yuk1 17325
115 13 yūk plentiful appearance in proso millet.³⁶ (variant: 稶 yūk ).
(composition: ⿰禾或; U+7A22).
(See 稶 yūk).
yuk1 17326
115 15 yūk the original character for 稢 yūk plentiful appearance in proso millet.³⁶).
(composition: ⿰禾彧; U+7A36).
(See 稢 yūk).
yuk1 17327
140 16 yūk Prunus japonica.¹⁰ vine.¹⁹
(composition: ⿱艹奧; U+8581).
蘡薁 yëin-yūk
yīngyù (Vitis bryoniifolia).¹⁰ A creeping plant, which in leaves and fruit resembles the grape vine, but smaller.²⁵
薁李 yūk-lī
yùlǐ another name for 郁李[鬱李] vūt-lī yùlǐ  Japanese bush cherry, Oriental bush cherry, Korean bush cherry (Prunus japonica or Cerasus japonica), aka 栘 yï yí, 唐棣 hõng-ài tángdì, 常棣 sẽng-ài chángdì, 棠棣 hõng-ài tángdì.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
yuk1 17328
163 8 yūk adorned; colorfully ornamented; refined, Yu surname.⁷
香芳浓郁[香芳濃郁] hëng-föng-nũng-yūk xiāngfāngnóngyù (The rose) has a heavy fragrance.³⁹
香郁 hëng-yūk
xiāngyù fragrance.⁵⁴
郁达夫[郁達夫] Yūk Àt-fü
Yù Dáfū Yu Dafu (1896-1945), poet and novelist.¹⁰
郁馥 yūk-fūk
yùfù fragrant; aromatic.⁷
郁烈 yūk-lèik
yùliè permeated with strong aroma.⁷
郁穆 yūk-mùk
yùmù harmonious and refined.⁷
郁夷 yūk-yĩ
yùyí a district near 扶风[扶風] Fũ-füng Fúfēng.²⁵
郁郁 yūk-yūk
yùyù beautifully adorned, oramented; diffusing of aroma; flourishing, luxurious; elegant, refined.⁷
郁郁菲菲 yūk-yūk-fï-fï
yùyùfēifēi very fragrant.³⁹
郁郁乎文哉 yūk-yūk-fũ-mũn-döi
yùyùhūwénzāi how courteous and elegant are the regulations – of the Zhou Dynasty.¹⁴
郁郁粉粉 yūk-yūk-fūn-fūn
yùyùfěnfěn brilliant and beautiful – as clouds.¹⁴
<又> ngük.
(See 郁 ngük; 鬱 vūt).
yuk1 17329
167 15 yūk white copper; copper-nickel alloy; plating; gilding.⁶ silver plating.⁸
Dèin-xü kūng-kũn, kiũ-mão yūk-uï.
Jiànsì kǒngqún, qiúmáo wùduì.
His mail-covered team moves in great harmony;
There are the trident spears with their gilt ends. (Excerpt from 《詩經·國風·秦風·小戎·小戎》, translated by James Legge).⁶⁰ The four horses are coordinated with light body and step, and the handle of the three-sided spear is inlaid with a copper sleeve.¹¹⁶
(Note 1: 俴驷[俴駟] dèin-xü jiànsì four horses not wearing chain mail.⁵⁴ Note 2: 孔羣 kūng-kũn kǒngqún perfectly matched, quite suitable (one to the other); one to one; cluster well.⁵⁴ Note 3: 鋈錞 yūk-uï  wùduì a flat metal sleeve decorated with white metal on the lower end of the spear handle.⁸ʼ⁰).
鋈器 yūk-hï
wùqì a utensil that is gold plated, silver plated or copper plated.⁴
yuk1 17330
196 18 𪁕
yūk an aquatic bird.²⁵ a kind of variegated feather resembling those of wild ducks and water birds.³⁶
(composition: ⿱沃鳥; U+2A055).
yuk1 17331
9 17 yùk to sell; to buy.¹⁹ sale, trade; buyer; to peddle, to sell; to purchase, to buy.⁵⁴
(composition: ⿰亻賣; U+5125).
行儥 hãng-yùk xíngyù make (produce) a sale, sell, trade.⁵⁴
征儥[徵儥] jëin-yùk
zhēngyù to attract buying; to solicit customers.¹⁹ to set forth goods for sale.²⁴ look for a buyer.⁵⁴
卖儥[賣儥] mài-yùk
màiyù buying and selling, trade.¹⁹
儥买[儥買] yùk-mäi
yùmǎi buy, sell, trade; offer for sale.¹⁹
儥卖[儥賣] yùk-mài
yùmài offer for sale; to sell.¹⁹

yuk4 17332
32 11 yùk fertile soil.⁸ rich soil.⁹ fat, fertile ground.²⁴
(composition: ⿰土育; U+5809).
yuk4 17333
38 13 yùk be slack/sluggish.² lazy; indolent.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女辱; U+5AB7).
yuk4 17334
46 10 yùk valley, ravine.⁶
峙峪文化 Sì-yùk Mũn-fä or Chî-yùk Mũn-fä Zhìyù Wénhuà <archeo.> Zhiyu Culture.¹ Small stone fragments (from 26,000 to 30,000 years ago) were found in Shanxi Province in 1963.²³
索溪峪 Sōk-käi-yùk
Suǒxīyù a town in 湖南 Vũ-nãm Húnán Hunan Province.⁴
峪口 yùk-hēo
yùkǒu entrance to a valley, ravine, gorge, or canyon.⁸
<又> yì.
(See 峪 yì.)
yuk4 17335
61 11 𢛚
yùk (=辱 yùk disgrace, dishonor; bring humiliation to, insult.⁵).²
(composition: ⿱辰心; U+226DA).
(See 辱 yùk).
yuk4 17336
61 13 𢟹
yùk (=𢟲 yùk rǔ, which in turn =辱 yùk disgrace, dishonor; bring humiliation to, insult.⁵).²
(composition: ⿰忄辱; U+227F9).
(See 辱 yùk).
yuk4 17337
61 14 𢟲
yùk (<old>=辱 yùk disgrace, dishonor; bring humiliation to, insult.⁵); Ru surname.²
(composition: ⿱辱心; U+227F2).
(See 辱 yùk).
yuk4 17338
61 15 yùk (=欲 yùk yù) desire, longing, wish; wish, want, desire; about to, just going to, on the point of.⁵
(See 欲 yùk).
yuk4 17339
76 11 yùk desire, longing, wish; wish, want, desire; about to, just going to, on the point of.⁵ (variant: 慾 yùk ).
欲罢不能[欲罷不能] yùk-bà-būt-nãng
yùbàbùnéng cannot help carrying on; be unable to stop though one wants to.⁵
欲擒故纵[欲擒故縱] yùk-kĩm-gü-düng
yùqíngùzòng allow somebody more latitude first to gain a tighter hold on him afterwards; give somebody rope enough to hang himself.⁶
欲求 yùk-kiũ
yùqiú lust; desire; wish.⁹ try to, hope to, in order to.¹¹
欲盖弥彰[欲蓋彌彰] yùk-köi-mĩ-jëng
yùgàimízhāng The more one tries to hide, the more one is exposed; try to hide a mistake, only to make it more conspicuous.⁵
欲壑难填[欲壑難填] yùk-kōk-nãn-hẽin
yùhènántián greed is like a valley that can never be filled; avaice knows no bounds.⁵
欲望 yùk-mòng
yùwàng desire; wish; longing; lust.⁶
欲语还休[欲語還休] yùk-nguî-vãn-hiü
yùyǔháixiū decide not to speak what one was about to say.⁵⁴
欲愿[欲願] yùk-ngùn
yùyuàn wish; desire.¹¹
欲心 yùk-xïm
yùxīn one's desires.⁷
欲要 yùk-yël
yùyào to desire; to want to.⁷
(See 慾 yùk).
yuk4 17340
80 14 yùk give birth to; bring up, educate.⁸ (archaic) to give birth to a child; to rear.¹⁰ to give birth to; to rear; Yu surname.¹⁹ to bring up a son virtuously; to nurture.²⁴ <wr.> to feed, to rear; to nurture; (used especially in personal names).⁵⁴ (<old>=育 yùk yù give birth to; rear, raise, bring up; educate.⁵); to nurture, to educate a child in good habits; to rear, to bring up; to bring forward plants.¹⁰²
(composition: ⿰每㐬; U+6BD3).
钟灵毓秀[鍾靈毓秀] jüng-lẽin-yùk-xiü zhōnglíngyùxiù a place endowed with the fine spirits of the universe; be endowed with supernatural talents.⁸
瑞征已卜毓麟[瑞徵已卜毓麟] xuì-jëin-yî-būk-yùk-lĩn
ruì zhēng yǐ bǔ yù lín the felicitous conjunctions have now alloted you to nourish a unicorn; — a congratulation on the birth of a son.¹⁰²
毓兽[毓獸] yùk-chiü
yùshòu to raise animals.⁵⁴
毓婷 yùk-hẽin
yùtíng levonorgestrel (birth control pill).³⁶
郁毓 yūk-yùk
yùyù abundant, luxuraint; growing, as one's garden.¹⁰²
yuk4 17341
85 10 yùk bath; bathe.⁵⁶
淋浴 lĩm-yùk línyù a shower; a shower bath.⁷
沐浴 mûk-yùk
mùyù have/take a bath; bathe, immerse.⁶
浴场[浴場] yùk-chẽng
yùchǎng outdoor bathing place.⁵⁶
浴池 yùk-chĩ
yùchí public bathhouse; public bath.⁵⁶
浴巾 yùk-gïn
yùjīn bath towel.¹⁰
浴缸 yùk-göng
yùgāng bathtub.¹⁰
浴血 yùk-hüt
yùxuè a blood bath.¹¹
浴血苦战[浴血苦戰] yùk-hüt-fū-jën
yùxuèkǔzhàn a blood soaked and hard-fought struggle (idiom).¹⁰
浴帘[浴簾] yùk-lẽm
yùlián shower curtain.¹⁰
浴盆 yùk-pûn
yùpén bathtub.⁵⁶
浴室 yùk-sīt
yùshì bathroom (room used for bathing).¹⁰
yuk4 17342
85 11 yùk name of river; old name of Baihe (白河 Bàk-hõ Báihé) in Henan; same as 育水 Yùk-suī Yùshuǐ.¹⁰
淯水 Yùk-suī
Yùshuǐ name of river; old name of Baihe (白河 Bàk-hõ Báihé) in Henan; same as 育水 Yùk-suī Yùshuǐ.¹⁰
yuk4 17343
85 13 yùk damp; muggy.¹⁰
蒸溽 jëin-yùk zhēngrù humid and hot (summer days).¹¹
暑溽 sī-yùk
shǔrù hot and steamy; hot and humid.⁵⁴
溽气[溽氣] yùk-hï
rùqì muggy vapor.⁵⁴
溽热[溽熱] yùk-ngèik
rùrè oppressively hot.¹¹
溽暑 yùk-sī
rùshǔ humid, sultry.¹¹
yuk4 17344
120 16 yùk elaborate; cumbersome.⁵ rich ornament; excessive formality or ceremony.⁷ decorative, adorned, elegant.⁸
繁文缛节[繁文縟節] fãn-mũn-yùk-dēik fánwénrùjié unnecessary and overelaborate formalities; red tape.⁵
繁缛[繁縟] fãn-yùk
fánrù <wr.> complicated; overelaborate.⁶ abundant; prolific.⁷
缛节[縟節] yùk-dēik
rùjié excessive formality or ceremony.⁷
缛礼[縟禮] yùk-lài
rùlǐ excessive formality or ceremony.⁷
缛绣[縟繡] yùk-xiü
rùxiù resplendent; gorgeous; magnificent.⁷
yuk4 17345
130 8 yùk 杭育 hõng-yùk hángyō <ono.> heave ho; yo-heave ho.⁹
(See 育 [yùk, yù].)
yuk4 17346
130 8 yùk give birth to; rear, raise, bring up; educate.⁵
初等教育 chö-āng-gäo-yùk chūděng jiàoyù primary education; elementary education.⁵⁴
覆育 fūk-yùk
fùyù protected by heaven and nourished by the earth.³⁹
育雏[育雛] yùk-chö
yùchú brood.⁵
育肥 yùk-fĩ
yùféi fatten.⁵
育种[育種] yùk-jūng
yùzhǒng <agr.> breeding.⁵
育龄[育齡] yùk-lẽin
yùlíng child-bearing age.⁶
育林 yùk-lĩm
yùlín afforest; plant trees.⁶
育苗 yùk-mẽl
yùmiáo grow/raise seedlings.⁵
育儿袋[育兒袋] yùk-ngĩ-òi/
yù'érdài brood pouch; marsupium.⁵
育成品种[育成品種] yùk-sẽng-bīn-jūng
yùchéng pǐnzhǒng <agr.> improved variety.⁵
育才 yùk-tõi
yùcái to cultivate talents; to educate men of ability.⁷
育性 yùk-xëin
yùxìng <agr.> fertility.⁵
育婴堂[育嬰堂] yùk-yëin-hõng
yùyīngtáng <trad.> foundling hospital.⁵
育秧 yùk-yëng
yùyāng raise rice seedlings.⁵
育幼 yùk-yiü
yùyòu nurture children.
(See 育 [yùk, ].)
yuk4 17347
140 11 𦱀
yùk grass; herbs.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹育; U+26C40).
yuk4 17348
140 13 yùk straw bed mat; rushes.⁸ suckers, shoots, sprouts, rushes.¹⁴
产蓐[產蓐] or 产褥[產褥] chān-ngùk or chān-yùk chǎnrù child delivery.¹¹
or 产褥热[產褥熱] chān-ngùk-ngèik or chān-yùk-ngèik chǎnrù'è puerperal fever.¹¹
坐蓐 dò-yùk
zuòrù confinement in childbirch; lying-in.⁸ (of a woman) to be in labor.¹¹
竹蓐 jūk-yùk
zhúrù edible mushroom, grown on old bamboo roots.¹¹
临蓐[臨蓐] lĩm-yùk
línrù about to give birth; parturient.⁸
蚕蓐[蠶蓐] tâm-yùk
cánrù grass mats for raising silkworms.¹¹
茵蓐 yïn-yùk
yīnrù a cushion of grass.¹⁴
蓐疮[蓐瘡] yùk-chông
rùchuāng bedsore.¹¹
蓐妇[蓐婦] yùk-fû
rùfù midwife.¹¹
蓐母 yùk-mû
rùmǔ midwife.¹¹
蓐食 yùk-sèik
rùshí <wr.> to have breakfast in bed.¹¹
(See 褥 yùk.)
yuk4 17349
145 15 yùk (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 褥 ngùk with same meaning: cotton-padded mattress.⁶)
<又> ngùk.
(See 褥 ngùk; 蓐 yùk.)
yuk4 17350
150 7 yùk Surname Yu.⁷
吐谷浑[吐谷渾] Tû-yùk-vùn Tǔyùhún Kokonor (ethnic minority group of ancient times that lived in present-day Gansu and Qinghai provinces,  and that established political power during the Sui and Tang dynasties).⁶
谷浑[谷渾] Yùk-vùn
Yùhún Yuhun compound surname.⁷
<又> gūk.
(See 谷 gūk; 穀 gūk.)
yuk4 17351
161 10 yùk disgrace, dishonor; bring humiliation to, insult.⁵
(composition: ⿱辰寸; U+8FB1).
(variants: 𢟹❄{⿰忄辱} yùk; 𢛚❄{⿱辰心} yùk; 𢟲❄{⿱辱心} yùk).
耻辱[恥辱] chī-yùk
chǐrǔ shame; disgrace; humiliation.⁵
侮辱 mû-yùk
wǔrǔ insult; humiliate; subject somebody  to indignities.⁵
辱教 yùk-gäo
rǔjiào thanks for your instructions.⁷
辱临[辱臨] yùk-lĩm
rǔlín <wr.> I am honored by your presence/coming.⁶
辱骂[辱罵] yùk-mà
rǔmà abuse; call somebody names; hurl insults.⁵
辱命 yùk-mèin
rǔmìng fail to accomplish a mission.⁵
辱没[辱沒] yùk-mòt
rǔmò bring disgrace to; be unworthy of.⁵
辱没门楣[辱沒門楣] yùk-mòt-mõn-mĩ
rǔmòménméi bring disgrace on/to a family; disgrace one's family.⁶
辱爱[辱愛] yùk-öi
rǔài (a self-depreciatory expression) to receive a favor undeservingly.⁷
辱身 yùk-sïn
rǔshēn to disgrace oneself; to submit to taint in one's person..⁷
辱赐[辱賜] yùk-xü
rǔcì thanks for your gifts.⁷
(See 𢟹❄{⿰忄辱} yùk; 𢛚❄{⿱辰心} yùk; 𢟲❄{⿱辱心} yùk).
yuk4 17352
193 22 yùk <wr.> sell; vend; be on sale.⁶ Yu surname.¹¹
(composition: ⿱粥鬲; U+9B3B).
卖官鬻爵[賣官鬻爵] mài-gön-yùk-dēk màiguānyùjué sell access to offices; sell ranks and titles.⁶
卖妻鬻子[賣妻鬻子] mài-häi-yùk-dū
màiqīyùzǐ to sell one's wife and sons (as in time of famine).⁷
卖妻鬻女[賣妻鬻女] mài-häi-yùk-nuī
màiqīyùnǚ sell one's wife and daughter.³⁹
卖儿鬻女[賣兒鬻女] mài-ngĩ-yùk-nuī
mài'éryùnǚ sell one's children.⁶
鬻爵 yùk-dēk
yùjué to sell ranks.⁷
鬻子 yùk-dū
yùzǐ a merchant, a trader; a young child; to sell one's own children.⁷
鬻歌 yùk-gô/
yùgē earn money by singing songs.⁶
鬻文 yùk-mũn
yùwén to write for pay.⁷
鬻文为生[鬻文為生] yùk-mũn-vĩ-säng
yùwénwéishēng make a living with one's pen.⁶
鬻儿卖女[鬻兒賣女] yùk-ngĩ-mài-nuī
yù'érmàinǚ sell one's sons and daughters; sell one's own children.⁶
鬻狱[鬻獄] yùk-ngùk 
yùyù receive bribe in handling a case.⁸
鬻画[鬻畫] yùk-và
yùhuà sell one's paintings.⁶
<又> jūk.
(See 鬻 jūk.)
yuk4 17353
196 18 yùk 鸲鹆[鴝鵒] kuĩ-yùk qúyù or 八哥 bät-gū or bät-gō bāgē crested myna (Acridotheres cristatellus), a species of starling native to southeastern China and Indochina.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
yuk4 17354
20 4 yũn yún even; even up, divide evenly.⁵ equal; in equal parts; even.¹⁴
(comp. t: ⿹勹二(GHTJ) or ⿹勹𠄠(K); U+52FB).
(comp. s: ⿹勹冫; U+5300).
拌匀[拌勻] bòn-yũn bànyún to mix evenly or properly.⁷
调匀[調勻] èl-yũn
tiáoyún to mix evenly; to blend well.⁹
服药前摇匀药[服前搖勻] fùk-yêk-tẽin-yẽl-yũn-yêk
fúyào qián yáoyún yào Shake up the medicine before taking it.⁹
均匀[均勻] gün-yũn
jūnyún even; well-distributed.⁶
匀称[勻稱] yũn-chëin
yúnchen well-proportioned; well-balanced; shapely; symmetrical.⁶
匀出[勻出] yũn-chūt
yúnchū to divide and share (a piece of land, cake).¹¹
匀净[勻凈] yũn-dèng
yúnjing uniform; even.⁷
匀调[勻調] yũn-èl
yúntiao even; balanced.⁷
匀分[勻分] yũn-fün
yúnfēn to divide equally.¹⁴
匀整[勻整] yũn-jēin
yúnzhěng neat; even and orderly.⁷
匀脸[勻臉] yũn-lêm
yúnliǎn apply makeup evenly on face.⁶
匀溜[勻溜] yũn-liü
yúnliu of the right consistency.⁷
匀染[勻染] yũn-ngëm
yúnrǎn level dyeing.⁵
匀实[勻實] yũn-sìt
yúnshi even; neat; uniform.⁵
匀度[勻度] yũn-ù
yúndù evenness.⁶
匀圆[勻圓] yũn-yõn
yúnyuán evenly round.⁷
<又> vũn.
(See 勻 vũn.)
yun3 17355
72 8 yũn yún (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 昀 gün yún with same meaning.)
<又> gün.
(See 昀 gün.)
yun3 17356
118 13 yũn yún the smooth hard skin of bamboo.¹¹
松筠 tũng-yũn sōngyún pine and bamboo as symbols of integrity.¹¹
筠篚 yũn-fī
yúnfěi a bamboo chest.¹⁹
筠篮[筠籃] yũn-lâm
yúnlán bamboo-splint basket.¹⁴
<又> gün.
(See 筠 gün.)
yun3 17357
64 7 yùn yún (meaning unclear).⁸
<台> 抣 yùn to stroke, to caress.
(composition: ⿰扌勻; U+62A3).
<台> 公仔吃饱挼挼肚, 拨下纸扇, 抣下须.[公仔吃飽挼挼肚, 撥下紙扇, 抣下鬚.] Güng-dōi-hëk-bāo-nũ-nũ-ū, pöt-hâ-jī-sên, yùn-hâ-xû. The old man having eaten his full rubs his tummy, fans himself and strokes his beard. (descriptive of a peaceful, tranquil life).
yun4 17358
9 9 yūng yǒng wooden or earthen figurines buried with the dead in ancient tombs.
作俑 dōk-yūng zuòyǒng <wr.> to originate an immoral (vicious, wicked) practice; to create a bad precedent.
木俑 mûk-yūng
mùyǒng wooden burial figurine.⁰
泥俑 nãi-yūng
níyǒng funerary clay figure.
秦陵兵马俑[秦陵兵馬俑] Tũn-lẽin-bëin-mâ-yūng
Qínlíng bīngmǎyǒng figurines of soldiers and horses from the Qin Mausoleum.
yung1 17359
9 12 yūng yǒng accustomed to; uneasy.²⁴ <old> unstable.³⁶
(composition: ⿰亻容; U+509B).
<又> yũng. (See 傛 yũng).
yung1 17360
14 4 yūng rǒng excessive; superfluous.⁸ superfluous, unnecessary, surplus, uncalled-for, spare, excessive, redundant; complicated and tedious, overloaded with details; busy routine.³⁶
(variant: 宂 yūng rǒng).
拨冗光临[撥冗光臨] bòt-yūng-göng-lĩm
bōrǒngguānglín <court.> Please spare a little time and come.⁵⁴
流冗 liũ-yūng
liúrǒng the unemployed workforce.⁵⁴
冗笔[冗筆] yūng-bīt
rǒngbǐ superfluous words or strokes.⁶
冗长[冗長] yūng-chẽng
rǒngcháng long and tedious; lengthy; long-winded; prolix; verbose.⁶`
冗杂[冗雜] yūng-dàp
rǒngzá (of affairs) miscellaneous; (of writing) lengthy and jumbled.⁵
冗繁 yūng-fãn
rǒngfán miscellaneous and tedious.⁶
冗官 yūng-gön
rǒngguān redundant/sinecure officials.⁵⁴
冗赘[冗贅] yūng-juì
rǒngzhuì verbose; diffuse.⁵
冗务[冗務] yūng-mù
rǒngwù miscellaneous affairs.⁶
冗言 yūng-ngũn
rǒngyán pleonasm.⁶
冗散 yūng-xān
rǒngsǎn leisurely; relaxed.⁶
or 冗辞[冗辭] yūng-xũ rǒngcí redundant or superfluous words; pleonasm; tautology.⁶
冗员[冗員] yūng-yõn
rǒngyuán excess personnel.⁵⁴
(See 宂 yūng).
yung1 17361
30 13 yūng wēng sound of flying bees, airplanes.⁸ <ono.> buzz; hum; drone.¹⁰
嗡嗡 yūng-yūng wēngwēng buzz; drone; hum.¹⁰ descriptive of humming (flies, distant geese).¹¹
嗡嗡叫 yūng-yūng-gël
wēngwēngjiào hum; drone; buzz (of insects).¹⁰
嗡嗡声[嗡嗡聲] yūng-yūng-sëng
wēngwēngshēng hum; drone; buzz.¹⁰
yung1 17362
30 16 yūng yǒng difficulty in breathing.⁰
(composition: ⿰口雍; U+5670).
<又> yüng. (See 噰 yüng).
yung1 17363
32 10 yūng yǒng name of bridge; add soil to the road; used in placenames.⁸ used in geographic names, such as Shiyong 石埇 in Guangxi Province, and Huangyong 黄埇 in Jiangxi Province.⁹
(composition: ⿰土甬; U+57C7).
埇桥区[埇橋區] yūng-kẽl-kuï yǒngqiáo qū Yongqiao District, a district of the city of Suzhou, Anhui Province, China.¹⁵ʼ²⁰
yung1 17364
32 16 yūng yǒng 同壅.² (same as 壅 yüng yōng in meaning, but different tone) to stop up; to obstract.⁸
(composition: ⿱土雍; U+3672).
(See 壅 yüng).
yung1 17365
40 5 yūng rǒng (=冗 yūng rǒng excessive; superfluous.⁸); scattered, mixed affairs; duties; occupation business.⁸ to scatter, to disperse followers; to mix up; a surplus; people without any settled abode.²⁴
(composition: ⿱宀几(G) or ⿱宀儿(HTK); U+5B82).
流宂 liũ-yūng
liúrǒng a confused state of society.²⁴ the unemployed workforce.⁵⁴
宂吏 yūng-lì
rǒnglì officials off duty.²⁴ position without work, sinecure.⁵⁴
宂食 yūng-sèik
rǒngshí sinecures.²⁴ eating without working.⁵⁴
(See 冗 yūng).
yung1 17366
46 13 yūng yǒng the name of a hill in 容州 yũng-jiü róngzhōu Rongzhou.²⁴
(composition: ⿰山容; U+5D71).
嵱嵷 yūng-xūng
yǒngsǒng many appearances of high and low (mountains, objects).
yung1 17367
61 10 yūng yǒng overfill, gush out; angry; happy.⁸ to be angry; to like; variant of 湧 (yūng yǒng to gush, to pour; to rise.⁷).¹⁰ angry; enraged; delighted; anything with which a vessel is filled.²⁴ overflowing, gushing; indignant, angry; joyful, happy, delighted.³⁶
(composition: ⿰忄甬; U+6080).
or 怂恿[慫恿] or 怂慂[慫慂] xūng-yūng sǒngyǒng instigate; incite; egg somebody on; abet.⁵ to instigate; to incite; to provoke.³⁶
yung1 17368
61 11 yūng yǒng to urge; to incite.¹⁴ (variants: 惥, 慂 yūng yǒng).
恿客 yūng-hāk
yǒngkè to urge a guest to eat.¹⁴
怂恿[慫恿] xūng-yūng
sǒngyǒng instigate; incite; egg somebody on; abet.⁵
怂恿支持[慫恿支持] xūng-yūng-jï-chĩ
sǒngyǒng zhīchí with somebody's support and connivance.⁵⁴
(See 惥 yūng; 慂 yūng).
yung1 17369
61 12 yūng yǒng (=恿 yūng yǒng) to urge; to incite.¹⁴
(See 恿 yūng).
yung1 17370
61 14 yūng yǒng (=恿 yūng yǒng) to urge; to incite.¹⁴
怂慂[慫慂] xūng-yūng
sǒngyǒng ancient form of 怂恿[慫恿] xūng-yūng sǒngyǒng to instigate; to incite; to provoke.³⁶
(See 恿 yūng).
yung1 17371
64 12 yūng rǒng to push, to pound or beat.²ʼ¹⁹ to push and beat; to pound.²⁴
(composition: ⿰扌茸; U+6411).
<又> ngũng; nũng; nōng. (See 搑 ngũng; 搑 nũng; 搑 nōng).

yung1 17372
64 16 yūng yōng to embrace, to hug someone; to wrap around, to squeeze; to gather around, to crowd; to provide support; to have something; crowd of people; (dialectal Mandarin) to push.³⁶
(composition t: ⿰扌雍; U+64C1).
s: ⿰扌用; U+62E5).
蜂拥[蜂擁] füng-yūng
fēngyōng press; swarm; flock.⁸
前呼后拥[前呼後擁] tẽin-fü-hèo-yūng
qiánhūhòuyōng with (of important personage) with escorts in front and behind.
簇拥[簇擁] tūk-yūng
cùyōng to cluster round.⁹ to escort (bride, high official).¹¹ to crowd around, to escort.⁴³
一拥[一擁] yīt-yūng
yīyōng in a thronging rush.
拥鼻[擁鼻] yūng-bì
yōngbí to hold one's nose.
拥挤[擁擠] yūng-jäi
yōngjǐ crowded; pushed and squeezed together.
拥抱[擁抱] yūng-päo
yōngbào to embrace; to hug.¹⁰
拥簇[擁簇] yūng-tūk
yōngcù to gather round.
拥护[擁護] yūng-vù
yōnghù to support; to endorse.
拥有[擁有] yūng-yiü
yōngyǒu possess; have; own.
<又> ūng.
(See 擁 ūng).
yung1 17373
85 12 yūng yǒng to gush, to pour; to rise.⁷
风起云涌[風起雲湧] füng-hī-vũn-yūng fēngqǐyúnyǒng lit. rising winds, scudding clouds (idiom); turbulent times; violent development.¹⁰
汹涌[洶湧] hüng-yūng
xiōngyǒng to surge up violently (of ocean, river, lake); turbulent.¹⁰
泪如泉涌[淚如泉湧] luì-nguĩ-tũn-yūng
lèirúquányǒng tears welling up like a fountian.⁷
涌湍[湧湍] yūng-chūn
yǒngtuān (said of flowing water) rapid and turbulent.⁷
涌出[湧出] yūng-chūt
yǒngchū to well out; to spring out.⁷
涌进[湧進] yūng-dïn
yǒngjìn to swarm into; to sweep into; to sweep into.⁷
涌至[湧至] yūng-jï
yǒngzhì to arrive like a flood.⁷
涌上来[湧上來] yūng-sëng-lõi
yǒng shànglai to well up; to come in a sweep.⁷
涌泉[湧泉] yūng-tũn
yǒngquán a fountain; a spring.⁷
涌现[湧現] yūng-yèn
yǒngxiàn to crop up (in one's mind); to emerge.⁷
<又> chûng.
(See 涌 chûng.)
yung1 17374
85 13 yūng wēng 滃江 Yūng-göng Wēngjiāng Wengjiang River (name of a river in 广东[廣東] Gōng-üng Guǎngdōng Guangdong Province).⁸
<又> yüng.
(See 滃 yüng.)
yung1 17375
85 16 yūng yǒng water flowing together.¹⁹
(composition: ⿰氵雍; U+6FAD).
<又> yüng. (See 澭 yüng).
yung1 17376
101 7 yūng yǒng corridor, path; short name for 宁波[寧波] Nẽin-bö Níngbō Ningbo, city in Zhejiang.
(composition: ⿱龴用; U+752C).
甬道 yūng-ào
yǒngdào corridor, vestibule (covered or within walls).
甬江 Yūng-göng
Yǒngjiāng, a river in Zhejiang.
甬剧 Yūng-kēk
Yǒngjù local opera popular in the Ningbo area of Zhejiang.
甬路 yūng-lù
yǒnglù a paved path leading to a main hall or tomb.
yung1 17377
134 8 yūng yǒng Used for 慂 yūng yǒng) to excite.¹⁴
(composition: ⿻臼人; U+81FE).
纵臾[縱臾] düng-yūng
zòngyǒng to urge; to egg on.¹⁴ to arouse, to urge on, excite.²⁵
<又> yĩ, gì.
(See 臾 yĩ, gì).
yung1 17378
144 13 𧗴
yūng yǒng a raised path.⁸ a lane.²⁵
(composition: ⿲彳甬亍; U+275F4).
𧗴❄{⿲彳甬亍}道 yūng-ào yǒngdào a street.²⁵
yung1 17379
157 16 yūng yǒng leap up; jump up.⁵
擗踊[擗踴] pēik-yūng pǐyǒng <wr.> to beat one's breast and stamp one's feet in sorrow; to be grief-stricken.⁶
踊贵[踴貴] yūng-gï
yǒngguì to rise in price.¹⁴
踊跃[踴躍] yūng-yèk
yǒngyuè leap, jump; vying with one another, eagerly, enthusiastically.⁵
踊跃欢呼[踴躍歡呼] yūng-yèk-fön-fü
yǒngyuèhuānhū leap and cheer.⁶
yung1 17380
161 14 yūng rǒng (=䢇 yūng rǒng, unworthy; inferior.²).
(composition: ⿰冗辱; U+4886).
(See 䢇 yūng).
yung1 17381
161 15 yūng rǒng unworthy; inferior.² a son who is not so good as his father, good-for-nothing, a rotten apple; inferior, mean; busy with many different matters, no leisure; mixed, confused, miscellaneous.⁸ (variant: 䢆 yūng rǒng).
(composition: ⿰⿱宀几辱; U+4887).
傝䢇 hāp-yūng
tàrǒng a man of inferior talents; bad, inferior, of low quality; same as 阘茸[闒茸] hāp-ngũng tàróng, (mean, worthless, contemptible; <wr.> trifles, insignificant details.¹¹ a mean, low condition; jaded, bowed down.²⁵).²
(See 䢆 yūng).
yung1 17382
181 19 𩔚
yūng wěng (composition: ⿰翁頁; U+2951A).
𩔚❄{⿰翁頁}劜 yūng-gōt wěngyā to bend, to subdue the violent.²⁵
<又> yüng.
(See 𩔚❄{⿰翁頁} yüng.)
yung1 17383
184 21 𩟀
yūng yōng 食饐也 dù-yï-yâ sìyìyě rice which has been injured by heat or damp and turned sour.²ʼ¹⁴  food which has turned moldy.⁰
(composition: ⿰飠雍; U+297C0).
yung1 17384
30 16 yüng yōng the singing of birds.⁹
(composition: ⿰口雍; U+5670).
噰噰 yüng-yüng yōngyōng harmonious sounds.⁸
<又> yūng.
(See 噰 yūng).
yung2 17385
32 16 yüng yōng to stop up; to obstruct; to heap soil or fertilizer over and around the roots of trees or plants.
壅蔽 yüng-bäi yōngbì <wr.> to hoodwink; to deceive; to cover; to conceal; to hide from view.
壅肥 yüng-fĩ
yōngféi to heap fertilizer around the roots.
壅土 yüng-hū
yōngtǔ <agr.> to hill up; to earth up.
壅塞 yüng-xāk
yōngsè to be clogged up; to be jammed; to be congested.
<台> 壅芋 yüng-vû/ to heap soil around the taro plant.
yung2 17386
38 19 yüng wěng (non-classical form of 嬴 yẽin yíng) to have surplus, full, overplus; to open out; to produce; Weng surname.³⁶ 美好也 fine, beautiful.⁹⁸ (composition ⿰女嬴; U+3732).
yung2 17387
72 14 yüng wěng 暡曚 yüng-mũng wěngméng twilight before dawn.¹⁰ the sun not yet risen; the weather not clear.²⁴
暡叆[暡靉] yüng-öi
wěngài dim; dusky.⁵⁴
yung2 17388
75 14 yüng wēng a fruit tree.⁸
(composition: ⿰木翁; U+3BAC).
水㮬子 suī-yüng-dū shuǐyüngzǐ the name of a wild red berry.²⁴
yung2 17389
85 13 yüng wěng (of water) flowing, gushing; (of clouds) dispersing, rising.⁶
晕滃图[暈滃圖] vũn-yüng-hũ yùnwěngtú hachure map.⁵⁴
滃渤 yüng-bòt
wěngbó rising mist.⁵⁴
滃郁[滃鬱] yüng-vūt
wěngyù filled with vapor.⁵⁴
<又> yūng.
(See 滃 yūng.)
yung2 17390
85 16 yüng yōng old name of a river in present day Henan Province.¹⁹
(composition: ⿰氵雍; U+6FAD).
澭水 yüng-suī yōngshuǐ (=灉水 yüng-suī yōngshuǐ) old name of a river in present day Shandong and Henan provinces.¹⁹
<又> yūng.
(See 澭 yūng).
yung2 17391
85 21 yüng yōng the flowing back of flooding waters; name of a stream in Shandong (山东[山東] Sän-üng Shāndōng) Province.⁷ sluice.¹⁴
yung2 17392
104 18 yüng yōng loss of the sense of smell.⁸ (=痈[癰] yüng yōng carbuncle, sore, ulcer, abscess.⁸)
(composition: ⿸疒雍; U+7655).
yung2 17393
104 23 yüng yōng carbuncle, sore, ulcer, abscess.⁸ (=臃 yüng yōng) swelling.⁶ to swell, a swelling; fat and clumsy.⁷
肠痈[腸癰] chẽng-yüng
chángyōng appendicitis.⁵
瘘痈[瘻癰] lèo-yüng
lǘyōng a malignant tumor.¹⁴
舌痈[舌癰] sêt-yüng
shéyōng glossanthrax.¹⁰
养痈成患[養癰成患] yëng-yüng-sẽin-vàn
yǎngyōng chénghuàn a carbuncle neglected becomes the bane of your life – leaving evil unchecked spells ruin.⁸
痈疮[癰瘡] yüng-chông
yōngchuāng an abscess.¹¹
痈疽[癰疽] yüng-duï
yōngjū an ulcer, carbuncle.¹¹
痈肿[癰腫] yüng-jūng
yōngzhǒng abscess with swelling.¹¹
痈疡[癰瘍] yüng-yẽng
yōngyáng a large carbuncle.¹¹
(See 臃 yüng; 𦡚❄{⿱雍月} yüng.)
yung2 17394
124 10 yüng wēng old man; father; father-in-law; Weng surname.⁵
白头翁[白頭翁] bàk-hẽo-yüng báitóuwēng old man with gray hair; starling, Chinese bulbul; Pulsatilla chinensis.⁸
不倒翁 būt-āo-yüng
bùdǎowēng tumbler; roly-poly.⁵
醉翁 duï-yüng
zuìwēng an old drunkard.⁷
尊翁 dün-yüng
zūnwēng <court.> your father.⁶
老翁 lāo-yüng
lǎowēng an old gentleman; venerable sir.¹⁴
乃翁 nâi-yüng
nǎiwēng <wr.> I, your father.¹¹
渔翁[漁翁] nguĩ-yüng
yúwēng an old fisherman.⁵
翁媪[翁媼] yüng-äo
or yüng-ëo wēng'ǎo old man and woman.⁶
翁姑 yüng-gǔ
wēnggū a woman's parents-in-law.⁵
翁仲 yüng-jùng
wēngzhòng stone statue placed in front of a tomb.⁶
翁婿 yüng-xâi
wēngxù father-in-law (wife's father) and son-in-law.¹⁰
翁垟 Yüng-yẽng
Wēngyáng a place in Jēt-göng Zhèjiāng Zhejiang Province.⁸
翁妪[翁嫗] yüng-yī
or yüng-ëo wēngyù old man and old woman.⁵⁴
yung2 17395
130 17 𦡚
yüng yōng (=臃 yüng yōng) swelling.⁶ to swell, a swelling; fat and clumsy.⁷
(components: ⿱雍月; U+2685A)
(See 臃 yüng; 癰 yüng.)

yung2 17396
130 17 yüng yōng swelling.⁶ to swell, a swelling; fat and clumsy.⁷
(variants: 癰 yüng yōng; 𦡚❄{⿱雍月} yüng yōng).
(composition: ⿰月雍; U+81C3).
臃肥 yüng-fĩ
yōngféi staunchy, stodgy.¹¹
臃肿[臃腫] yüng-jūng
yōngzhǒng too fat to move; overstaffed.⁵ fat and clumsy.⁷
(See 癰 yüng; 𦡚❄{⿱雍月} yüng.)
yung2 17397
140 13 yüng wěng <wr.> (of vegetation) lush; thick; fast-growing.⁶
山上是蓊郁的森林[山上是蓊鬱的森林] sän-sèng-sì-yüng-vūt-ēik-sẽim-lĩm shānshàng shì wěngyù de sēnlín luxuriant forests cover the hills.⁶
郁蓊[鬱蓊] vūt-yüng
yùwěng luxuriant; lush.⁷
蓊郁[蓊鬱] yüng-vūt
wěngyù <wr.> lush; luxuriant.⁶
yung2 17398
140 16 yüng wèng water spinach or ong choy (Ipomoea aquatica), used as a vegetable in south China and southeast Asia.¹⁰
蕹菜 yüng-töi
wèngcài water spinach; ong choy; swamp cabbage; water convolvulus; water morning-glory; <bot.> Ipomoea aquatica.¹⁰
yung2 17399
163 10 yüng yōng former or literary name for 南宁[南寧] Nãm-nẽin Nánníng Nanning  (in 广西[廣西] Gōng-xäi Guǎngxī Guangxi Province).⁸ A square city, with a ditch round it for its defense; also to stop up.²⁵
邕江 Yüng-göng
Yōngjiāng name of a river in  广西[廣西] Gōng-xäi Guǎngxī Guangxi Province.⁴
邕河水不流 yüng-hõ-suī-būt-liũ
yōnghéshuǐbùliú to stop up the river and prevent it from flowing.²⁵
邕剧[邕劇] Yüng-kēk
Yōngjù Guangxi drama.⁸
邕穆 yüng-mùk
yōngmù living in peace and harmony.²⁵
or 雍雍 yüng-yüng yōngyōng harmonious; peaceful.¹¹
yung2 17400
172 13 yüng yōng harmony; Yong surname.
辟雍 or 璧雍 or 辟雝 Bēik-yüng Bìyōng <wr.> central one of the five Zhou dynasty royal academies.
雍阏[雍閼] yüng-āt
yōng'è block; stop up; obstruct.⁵⁴
雍正 Yüng-jëin
Yōngzhēng Yongzheng, reign name of Qing emperor (1722-1735).
雍和 yüng-võ
yōnghé harmony.
or 邕邕 yüng-yüng yōngyōng harmonious; peaceful.¹¹
雍容 yüng-yũng
yōngróng dignified; graceful and poised.
雍容华贵[雍容華貴] yüng-yũng-vã-gï
yōngrónghuáguì poised and stately; elegant and poised.
yung2 17401
172 18 yüng yōng (old form of 雍 yüng yōng) harmony.
(See 雍 yüng.)
yung2 17402
177 19 yüng wēng <topo.> boot leg.⁶ boots; cotton boots.⁸
䩺靴 yüng-hëh wēngxuē cotton-padded high boots.⁶
yung2 17403
181 19 𩔚
yüng wēng the hair of the neck; the mane; the neck of a goose.²⁵
(composition: ⿰翁頁; U+2951A).
<又> yūng. (See 𩔚❄{⿰翁頁} yūng.)
yung2 17404
184 22 yüng yōng cooked food; breakfast; slaughtered animals.⁷
朝饔夕飧 jël-yüng-dèik-xün zhāoyōngxīsūn lit. breakfast in the morning and supper in the evening (idiom); fig. to do nothing but eat and drink.¹⁰
饔饩[饔餼] yüng-hï
yōngxì to present slaughtered or live animals.¹⁰
饔飧 yüng-xün
yōngsūn breakfast and supper.⁷
饔飧不继[饔飧不繼] yüng-xün-būt-gäi
yōngsūnbùjì discontinuation of supper after breakfast – poverty-stricken.⁷ meals are scanty.⁸
yung2 17405
196 21 yüng wēng flycatcher.⁶
大仙鹟[大仙鶲] ài-xëin-yüng dàxiānwēng large niltava (Niltava grandis).¹⁰
斑姬鹟[斑姬鶲] bän-kï-yüng
bānjīwēng European pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca).¹⁰
斑鹟[斑鶲] bän-yüng
bānwēng spotted flycatcher (Muscicapa striata).¹⁰
方尾鹟[方尾鶲] föng-mī-yüng
fāngwěiwēng grey-headed canary-flycatcher, grey-headed flycatcher (Culicicapa ceylonensis).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
乌鹟[烏鶲] vü-yüng
wūwēng dark-sided flycatcher (Muscicapa sibirica).¹⁰
小仙鹟[小仙鶲] xēl-xëin-yüng
xiǎoxiānwēng small niltava (Niltava macgrigoriae).¹⁰
鹟莺[鶲鶯] yüng-äng
wēngyīng fly-catching warbler.³⁹
鹟科[鶲科] yüng-fö
wēngkē Muscicapidae (family).⁹
鹟鵙[鶲鵙] yüng-kūt
wēngjú flycatcher shrike.⁹
鹟䴕[鶲鴷] yüng-lèik
wēngliè jacamar.¹⁹
鹟䴕科[鶲鴷科] yüng-lèik-fö
wēnglièkē jacamar family (Galbulidae).¹⁵ʼ²⁰
yung2 17406
209 24 yüng wèng the nose stopped up with a cold.¹⁴
齆鼻儿 yüng-bì-ngĩ wèngbír speak with a nasal twang due to a stuffy nose; a person who speaks with a nasal twang.⁵
齆哝[齆噥] yüng-nũng
wèngnóng the thick speech of a person suffering from a cold in the head.¹⁴
yung2 17407
9 8 𠈋 yũng róng (=戎 yũng róng) three horns on a body.²
(composition: ⿰亻戎; U+2020B).
𠈋人 yũng-ngĩn
róngrén according to legend people wth three horns on their heads.¹⁰¹
(See 戎 yũng).
yung3 17408
9 12 yũng róng (composition: ⿰亻容; U+509B).
傛华[傛華] yũng-vã rónghuá the name of an office.²⁴ name of female officials during the Han Dynasty.¹⁰¹
傛傛 yũng-yũng
róngróng get used to; sick and uneasy.¹⁰¹
<又> yūng.
(See 傛 yūng).
yung3 17409
9 13 yũng yōng to hire; servant.
雇佣[雇傭] gü-yũng gùyōng engage; hire; employ.⁶
女佣[女傭] nuī-yũng
nǚyōng female servant; maid.
佣工[傭工] yũng-güng
yōnggōng <trad.> hired laborer; servant.
<又> yùng.
(See 傭 yùng.)
yung3 17410
30 12 yũng yóng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 喁 ngũng yóng <wr.> fish sticking its mouth out of the water.⁶)
<又> ngũng, nguĩ.
(See 喁 ngũng, nguĩ.)
yung3 17411
32 14 yũng yōng city wall; high wall; fortified wall.
墉壑 yũng-kōk yōnghè the city wall and moat.¹⁴
墉垣 yũng-yõn
yōngyuán the city wall.⁷
yung3 17412
38 13 yũng róng a woman's name.²⁴
(composition: ⿰女容; U+5AC6).
yung3 17413
40 7 yũng róng ancient form of 容 yũng róng face; expression, to contain; to hold; to pardon.⁸
(composition: ⿱宀公; U+3750).
(See 容 yũng).
yung3 17414
40 10 yũng róng to hold, to contain; to tolerate; to permit, to allow; facial expression; appearance, looks; Rong surname.⁵
满面笑容[滿面笑容] mōn-mèin-xël-yũng mǎnmiànxiàoróng grinning from ear to ear; be all smiles.⁵
容器 yũng-hï
róngqì container; vessel.⁵
容许[容許] yũng-huī
róngxǔ tolerate, permit; allow; possibly, perhaps.⁵
容量 yũng-lẽng
róngliàng capacity.⁵
容貌 yũng-mào
róngmào appearance; looks.⁵
容貌妍丽[容貌妍麗] yũng-mào-ngẽin-lài
róngmàoyánlì beautiful looks.⁶
容纳[容納] yũng-nàp
róngnà to hold; to contain; to accommodate; to tolerate (different opinions).¹⁰
容颜[容顏] yũng-ngãn
róngyán facial appearance and expression.¹¹
容忍 yũng-ngîn
róngrěn tolerate; put up with; condone.⁵
容色 yũng-sēik 
róngsè facial expression; look; appearance.⁶
容色姝丽[容色姝麗] yũng-sēik-jï-lài
róngsèshūlì be extremely pretty.⁶
容易 yũng-yì
róngyì easy; easily, likely, liable, apt.⁵
容易相处[容易相處] yũng-yì-xëng-chuī
róngyìxiāngchǔ easy to get along with.³⁹
yung3 17415
53 广 11 yũng yōng mediocre, common; stupid; a hired laborer; to require, need; to reward; an interrogative (as how).⁷
附庸 fù-yũng
fùyōng vassal; dependent; subordinate; subservient; appendage.¹⁰
昏庸 fün-yũng
hūnyōng fatuous; muddleheaded; stupid.⁵
中庸 jüng-yũng
zhōngyōng golden mean (Confucianism); (literary) (of person) mediocre; ordinary; the Doctrine of the Mean, one of the Four Books 四书[四書] xï-sï sìshū.¹⁰
or 无庸[無庸] mũ-yũng wúyōng need not.¹¹
or 无庸讳言[無庸諱言] mũ-yũng-fï-ngũn or mũ-yũng-vī-ngũn wúyōnghuìyán no need for reticence.³⁹
平庸 pẽin-yũng
píngyōng mediocre; indifferent; commonplace.¹⁰
庸俗 yũng-dùk
yōngsú vulgar; philistine; low.⁵
庸人 yũng-ngĩn
yōngrén a mediocre person.⁷
yung3 17416
61 14 yũng yōng <wr.> weary; lethargic; languid.⁵ indolent; easy-going; careless.¹⁴
疏慵 sü-yũng
shūyōng careless and lazy.⁵⁴
慵倦 yũng-gùn
yōngjuàn <wr.> tired and sleepy.⁶
慵困 yũng-kün
yōngkùn tired and sleepy.⁵
慵懒[慵懶] yũng-län
yōnglǎn <wr.> sluggish; indolent; lethargic.⁶
慵惰 yũng-ò
yōngduò <wr.> lazy; indolent.⁶
yung3 17417
62 6 yũng róng <wr.> army, military affairs; an ancient name for peoples in the west; Rong surname.⁵ (variant: 𠈋❄{⿰亻戎} yũng, q.v.).
戎车[戎車] yũng-chëh
róngchē a war vehicle; a chariot.⁷
戎狄 yũng-èik
róngdí a derogatory term for nationalities to the west and north of ancient China.⁷
戎服 yũng-fùk
róngfú military dress.⁷
戎机[戎機] yũng-gï
róngjī <wr.> military affairs; good opportunity for winning a battle.⁶
戎器 yũng-hï
róngqì arms; weapons.⁷
戎行 yũng-hõng
róngháng <wr.> army.⁶
戎装[戎裝] yũng-jöng
róngzhuāng <wr.> martial attire.⁵
戎略 yũng-lèk
rónglüè war plan; strategy.⁷
戎旅 yũng-luî
rónglǚ the army.⁷
戎伍 yũng-m̄
róngwǔ ranks; army; armed forces.⁷
戎马[戎馬] yũng-mâ
róngmǎ <wr.> army horse.⁵
戎马生涯[戎馬生涯] yũng-mâ-säng-ngãi
róngmǎshēngyá army/military life.⁶
戎幕 yũng-mōk
róngmù a military camp.⁷
戎首 yũng-siū
róngshǒu <wr.> warmonger.⁶
戎菽 yũng-sùk
róngshū the garden pea.¹¹
戎士 yũng-xù
róngshì soldiers; enlisted men.⁷
戎事 yũng-xù
róngshì warfare, fighting.¹¹
戎衣 yũng-yï
róngyī armor.⁷
yung3 17418
64 9 𢫨
yũng róng <old> to push; <old> to resist, to refuse.³⁶
(composition: ⿰扌戎; U+22AE8).
<又> vèin, ūng. (See 𢫨❄{⿰扌戎} vèin, 𢫨❄{⿰扌戎} ūng).
yung3 17419
75 14 yũng róng a banyan tree.⁷ short name for 福州 Fūk-Jiü Fúzhōu Fuzhou city.⁸
细叶榕[細葉榕] xäi-yêp-yũng
xìyèróng Chinese banyan, small-fruited fig Ficus microcarpa (also known as 正榕 jëin-yũng zhèngróng; 山榕 sän-yũng shānróng; 千根树[千根樹] tëin-gïn-sì qiāngēnshù; 万年青[萬年青] màn-nẽin-tëin wànniánqīng; 雀屎榕 dêk-sī-yũng quèshǐróng.)²⁰
榕廈 yũng-hà
róngshà the shaded area covered by a banyan tree.¹¹
榕树[榕樹] yũng-sì
róngshù (=细叶榕[細葉榕] xäi-yêp-yũng xìyèróng; =万年青[萬年青] màn-nẽin-tëin wànniánqīng; =榕树须[榕樹鬚] yũng-sì-xü róngshùxū) Ficus microcarpa Linn. f.²³
yung3 17420
85 13 yũng róng to melt, dissolve; overflowing with.¹⁰
岩溶 ngãm-yũng yánróng <geol.> karst.¹⁰
溶化 yũng-fä
rónghuà to melt; to dissolve (of sugar).¹⁰
溶解 yũng-gāi
róngjiě to dissolve.¹⁰
溶剂[溶劑] yũng-jäi
róngjì solvent.¹⁰
溶液 yũng-yèik
or yũng-yìt róngyè <chem.> solution.⁵
溶㵝 yũng-yuì
róngyì broad and expansive water.²⁴
溶溶 yũng-yũng
róngróng <wr.> (of rivers) roaring, rushing; vast, spacious, broad.¹¹
心溶溶其不可量兮 xïm-yũng-yũng-kĩ-būt-hō-lẽng-hãi
xīnróngróngqíbùkěliángxī so immeasurably broad is his mind.¹¹
yung3 17421
85 19 yũng róng (body of water) (Only used in 浺瀜.) deep and wide.³⁶
(composition: ⿰氵融; U+701C).
浺瀜 or 冲瀜[沖瀜] chüng-yũng chōngróng water deep and wide.²
yung3 17422
86 14 yũng róng melt, smelt, fuse; mold.⁸ (variant: 鎔 yũng róng)
or 镕池[鎔池] yũng-chĩ róngchí <metal.> (molten) bath.⁵
or 镕点[鎔點] yũng-ēm róngdiǎn melting or fusion point.⁵
or 镕化[鎔化] yũng-fä rónghuà melt.⁵
or 镕解[鎔解] yũng-gāi róngjiě <phy.> fuse; fusion.⁵
or 镕焊[鎔銲] yũng-hòn rónghàn fusion welding, melting welding; fusion soldering.⁶
or 镕剂[鎔劑] yũng-jäi róngjì flux.⁵
or 镕铸[鎔鑄] yũng-jï róngzhù founding; casting.⁵
or 镕炼[鎔煉] yũng-lèin róngliàn smelt.⁵
or 镕炉[鎔爐] yũng-lũ rónglú smelting furnace; crucible.⁵ smelting furnace; forge.¹⁰
or 镕岩[鎔岩] yũng-ngãm róngyán <geo.> lava when solidified into rocks.¹¹
or 镕断[鎔斷] yũng-òn róngduàn fusing.⁵
or 镕度[鎔度] yũng-ù róngdù fusing point.¹⁴
or 镕融[鎔融] yũng-yũng róngróng <chem.> melt.⁵
(See 鎔 yõng).
yung3 17423
94 9 https://img.zdic.net/kai/cn/20018.svg
yũng róng marmoset.⁶ golden monkey; marmoset; marmoset saddle; <derog.> bad.⁸ The smallest species of ape that has a long tail, and a cluster of long hair on both sides of its head. It's active and tame, thus easily domesticated. It lives in central and south America. Also called 绢毛猴[絹毛猴] gün-mão-hẽo juànmáohóu.⁹ fierce; violent; a sort of monkey, the hair of which can be worked into cloth; it abounds in the southern provinces, and of its skin saddle pads are made. Used for 绒[絨] ngũng róng flannel, kerseymere.²⁴
(composition: ⿰犭戎; U+72E8).
yung3 17424
96 14 yũng róng gem ornaments for belts.¹⁰ gems attached to the girdle; the noise made by such in walking.²⁴
𪻐❄{⿰𤣩从}瑢[瑽瑢] tüng-yũng cōngróng <wr.> (of jade pendants) jingle, tinkle, clink.⁶
yung3 17425
118 12 𥬪
yũng róng a small kind of bamboo used for arrows.²⁵
(composition: ⿱𥫗戎; U+25B2A).
yung3 17426
130 7 yũng róng an ancient sacrificial ritual lasting two successive days.⁷ to sacrifice on two successive days.¹⁴ the name of a sacrifice; to seek for incessantly; to sacrifice day after day.²⁵
(composition: ⿰月彡(GJK) or ⿰⺼彡(HT); U+809C).
(cf 𥜃❄{⿰礻睪} yèik).
yung3 17427
140 13 yũng róng See 芙蓉, lotus; food that has been minced, shredded, or ground into a paste, suitable for stuffing or making a sauce; short name for 城都 Sẽin-ü Chéngdū Chengdu.¹⁰
豆蓉 èo-yũng
dòuróng sweetened bean paste.¹⁰
芙蓉 fũ-yũng
fúróng hibiscus; cotton rose (Hibiscus mutabilis); lotus; foo yung (type of omelet made of egg white); Furong district of Changsha city 長沙市, Hunan; Seremban, capital of Sembilan state 森美蘭, Malaysia.¹⁰
芙蓉蛋 fũ-yũng-àn/
fúróngdàn egg foo young.
芙蓉面 fũ-yũng-mèin
fúróngmiàn a pretty face.¹¹
苁蓉[蓯蓉] tüng-yũng
cōngróng <bot.> desert cistanche. Cistanche deserticola.¹ Cistanche salsa (C. A. Mey.) G. Beck.²³
椰蓉 yẽh-yũng
yēróng shredded coconut stuffing.⁵
椰蓉月饼[椰蓉月餅] yẽh-yũng-ngùt-bēng
yēróng yuèbǐng coconut mooncake.
蓉城 Yũng Sẽin
Róngchéng nickname for 城都 Sẽin-ü Chéngdū Chengdu.¹⁰
yung3 17428
142 16 yũng róng melt, fuse; blend, harmonize.⁸ (variant: 螎 yũng róng).
融洽 yũng-dèp
róngqià harmonious; friendly relations; on good terms with one another.¹⁰
融化 yũng-fä
rónghuà dissolve; thaw.⁸ (cf. 熔 yũng róng).
融风[融風] yũng-füng
róngfēng spring breeze.⁷
融解 yũng-gāi
róngjiě  to melt; to thaw.⁷
融解点[融解點] yũng-gāi-ēm
róngjiědiǎn the melting point; the point of fusion.⁷
融合 yũng-hàp
rónghé blend, mix together.¹¹
融合为一[融合為一] yũng-hàp-vĩ-yīt
rónghéwéiyī to permeate.²⁹
融然 yũng-ngẽin
róngrán harmonious and happy; harmony.⁸
融为一体[融為一體] yũng-vĩ-yīt-hāi
róngwéiyītǐ hypostatic union.⁸
融和 yũng-võ
rónghé pleasantly warm; blend, mix together.⁸
融会[融會] yũng-vòi
rónghuì to blend harmoniously.⁷
融会贯通[融會貫通] yũng-vòi-gön-hüng
rónghuìguàntōng achieve mastery through a comprehensive study of the subject.⁸
融雪天气[融雪天氣 ] yũng-xūt-hëin-hï
róngxuě tiānqì thaw.⁸
融融 yũng-yũng
róngróng happy and harmonious; warm; bright.⁸
(See 螎 yũng).
yung3 17429
142 16 yũng róng (<old> =融 yũng róng) melt, fuse; blend, harmonize.⁸
(composition: ⿰虫鬲; U+878E).
(See 融 yũng).
yung3 17430
142 17 yũng yōng a kind of worm produced in water.⁸
(composition: ⿰虫庸; U+45E4).
䖺䗤 hẽl-yũng  tiáoyōng a kind of yellow eel, with long fins; which emits a phosphorescent light, on coming out or in. Its appearance is supposed to indicate drought.²⁵
yung3 17431
163 13 yũng yōng The name of a feudal state in the Zhou Dynasty that was located in northwestern Xinxiang city in Henan Province.⁹ name of a feudal state; Yong surname.¹⁰
yung3 17432
167 18 yũng róng (=熔 yũng róng) melt, smelt, fuse; mold.⁸
or 熔冶 yũng-yêh róngyě to smelt; to fuse.¹⁴
(See 熔 yõng).
yung3 17433
167 19 yũng yōng large bell used as musical instrument.⁸ a large bell, a kind of ancient musical instrument.⁹ a large bell, a bell tolled in Confucian temples.¹⁴
笙镛[笙鏞] säng-yũng shēngyōng flute and large bell.⁵⁴
yung3 17434
187 16 yũng róng a horse 7 or 8 feet high; martial, strong; an exceedingly powerful horse; fine hair, down.²⁵ <old> horse which is 尺 eight (尺 chëk chǐ) chi tall.³⁶
(composition: ⿰馬戎; U+99E5).
駥骥[駥驥] yũng-kï
róngjì a fine, noble steed.⁰
yung3 17435
195 21 yũng róng bighead carp.¹⁰ʼ¹⁹ʼ³⁶ a greenish, yellowish dace, similar to the roach, but black.²⁵
(composition: ⿰魚容; U+9C2B).
yung3 17436
9 13 yùng yòng commission; servant; domestic help.
女佣人[女傭人] nuī-yùng-ngĩn nǚyòngrén housemaid.
佣金[傭金] yùng-gïm
yòngjīn commission; middleman's fee.
or 用人 yùng-ngĩn yòngren  (domestic) servant.
or 用钱[用錢] yùng-tẽin yòngqian commission; brokerage.
<又> yũng.
(See 傭 yũng.)
yung4 17437
38 14 yùng yòng (alternate Hoisanva pronunciation for 嫞 sũng yōng  lazy/indolent woman; a name used by woman.⁸)
(composition: ⿰女庸; U+5ADE).
<又> sũng.
(See 嫞 sũng).

yung4 17438
101 5 yùng yòng Kangxi radical 101; use, employ, apply, operate; use.⁸
不用 būt-yùng búyòng there's no need to.
作用 dōk-yùng
zuòyòng affect; effect; action.⁹ essential function; underlying purpose; motive, reason.¹¹
好用 hāo-yùng
hǎoyòng easy to use, useful.
利用 lì-yùng
lìyòng to use; to utilize; to take advantage of; to exploit.
使用 sōi-yùng
shǐyòng to use; to employ; to apply.
财用[財用] tõi-yùng
cáiyòng finances.
援用 yõn-yùng
yuányòng to cite; to invoke.
用品 yùng-bīn
yòngpǐn articles for use; appliances.
用茶 yùng-chã
yòngchá to drink tea.
用法 yùng-fāt
yòngfǎ use; usage; instructions (included in appliances); way to use.
用具 yùng-guì
yòngjù appliance; utensil; apparatus.⁸
用功 yùng-güng
yònggōng hardworking; studious.⁵
用途 yùng-hũ
yòngtú use; application.¹⁰
用力 yùng-lèik
yònglì to exert oneself (physically).
用绳子襻上[用繩子襻上] yùng-sẽin-dū-pän-sèng 
yòng shéngzipànshang fasten with a rope.⁵
用餐 yùng-tän
yòngcān to eat a meal.
<台> 用料 yùng-lèl/ material, ingredient.
yung4 17439
140 8 yùng yòng the name of a plant in ancient books.⁸ the name of a plant.²⁵
(composition: ⿱艹用; U+82DA).
yung4 17440
164 17 yùng yòng ➀ drink excessively ➁ to get drunk ➂ dissolute; licentious.⁸
(composition: ⿱𤇾酉; U+919F).
贪醟[貪醟] häm-yùng tānyòng greedy.¹⁹
酗醟 huī-yùng
xùyòng to be roaring drunk.²⁵
淫醟 yĩm-yùng
yínyòng obscene.¹⁹
醟贝[醟貝] yùng-böi
yòngbèi scallop.¹⁹ a kind of tortoise shell.²⁵
醟湎 yùng-mēin
yòngmiǎn to get drunk; to become intoxicated.⁸ to indulge in.¹⁹
醟肆 yùng-xü
yòngsì wantonly.¹⁹
<又> yẽin.
(See 醟 yẽin.)
yung4 17441
19 9 yûng yǒng brave; valiant; courageous.⁵
奋勇[奮勇] fûn-yûng fènyǒng  to strive, fight bravely.¹¹
奋勇前进[奮勇前進] fûn-yûng-tẽin-dïn
fènyǒngqiánjìn to advance courageously; to forge valiantly ahead.³⁹
忠勇 jüng-yûng
zhōngyǒng loyal and brave.⁶
英勇 yëin-yûng
yīngyǒng heroic; valiant; brave; gallant.⁵
勇敢 yûng-gām
yǒnggǎn brave, daring.¹¹
勇气[勇氣] yûng-hï
yǒngqì courage; nerve.⁵
勇力 yûng-lèik
yǒnglì brave and powerful.
勇猛 yûng-mâng
yǒngměng bold and powerful.⁵
勇武 yûng-mû
yǒngwǔ valiant.⁵
勇士 yûng-xù
yǒngshì a brave and strong man; warrior.⁵
勇于[勇於] yûng-yï
yǒngyú be brave in; have courage to.⁵
yung5 17442
19 9 yûng yǒng (<old>=勇 yûng yǒng)⁸ brave; valiant; courageous.⁵
(composition: ⿰甬力; U+52C8).
yung5 17443